LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation THE CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF VITAL PRODUCTS THE CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF YITAL PRODUCTS AND THE INTER-RELATIONS BETWEEN ORGANIC COMPOUNDS RAPHAEL MELDOLA, F.R.S., V.P.C.S., F.I.C. ETC, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON TECHNICAL COLLEGE, FINSBURY MEMBER OF THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, AND OF THE teachers' REGISTRATION COUNCIL VOL. I HYDROCARBONS, ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS, ALDEHYDES, KETONES, CARBOHYDRATES AND GLUCOSIDES, SULPHUR AND CYANOGEN COMPOUNDS, CAMPHOR AND TERRENES, COLOURING- MATTERS OF THE FLAVONE GROUP LONDON EDWARD ARNOLD 41 & 43 MADDOX STREET, BOND STREET, W. 1904 (All rights reserved) f^'^lERAL "V Ki f \ PREFACE The present work, the aim and objects of which are set forth in the introductory chapter, originated in the year 1895, when, in the course of preparing an address as President of the Chemical Section of the British Association at Ipswich, I had occasion to take stock of the present state of knowledge of synthetical chemistry \ I have been encouraged from time to time by various chemical and bio- logical friends, among whom I would especially mention Dr. Horace Brown, Mr. Francis Darwin, Professors J. E. Green, "W. D. Halliburton, Marshall Ward and "W. P. Wynne, to proceed with a compilation which, in the midst of many other occupations and with very little leisure time, has necessarily been a somewhat arduous task. As it stands, this contribution to chemical literature represents the result of fragmentary labour carried on at odd intervals during the last nine years. From the nature of the conditions under which I have been compelled to carry on the work, and in view of the wide domain which it covers, it will, I am afraid, be found imperfect in many respects, both with regard to omissions and inclusions. Encouraged, however, by the belief that no similar work has hitherto been under- taken, and that the time has arrived when a complete presentation of the synthetical achievements of modern Organic Chemistry would be of service to investigators here and abroad, I have decided to offer the book in its present form for whatever value may be attached to it as a work of reference. I am not without hope that it may be found of service as a step towards the foundation of a more exact science of Biochemistry. Commencing in 1 895 with simply a tabular list of synthetical products, it was soon found that the scope of the treatise would have to be con- siderably enlarged in order to give an adequate account of the distribu- tion in nature of the vital products and of the numerous synthetical processes. Concurrently with the progress of the work a constant super- vision over current literature had to be kept up in order that new discoveries might be interpolated as they were announced. The rapid * Rep. Brit. Assoc., Ipswich, 1895, p. 648. 145032 vi tREFACE progress of discovery in this field must be held responsible for what might be regarded as many anachronisms of treatment in the text of the work. It was my ambition at the outset to have kept pace with the extension of our knowledge up to the completion of the whole work, but the ever-increasing demands upon my time and energies have compelled me to abandon this project and to consider the literature as closed at the end of 1902. An Appendix comprises the more important syntheses which have been effected during the printing of this volume. In order to avoid unnecessary delay it has also been ♦decided to issue the work in two volumes. The second of these is in rough draft, and will be completed for publication as soon as practicable. If asked, as I frequently have been during the progress of the work, what position synthetical chemistry occupies with respect to the doctrines of Vitalism or Neovitalism, I think it advisable to place upon record the opinion that the present achievements in the domain of chemical synthesis famish no warrant for the belief that the chemical processes of the living organism are in any sense transcen- dental, or that they must be regarded as belonging to a class of special material transformations which human science will never be able to reproduce. Such an admission as the latter would be tantamount to a proclamation of Neovitalism ; but the whole history of organic synthesis, from the time when it was declared that organic com- pounds could be obtained only by living agency, is opposed to any such conclusion ^. But although the doctrine of a special ' vital force ' has received its deathblow at the hands of modern science, and although there is no warrant for the belief that the physics or chemistry of animals and plants is ultra-scientific, yet it must not be lost sight of that the S3nithetical possibilities of the living organism have brought us face to face with modes of chemical action of which we are as yet profoundly ignorant. Those who consider that the triumphs of chemical synthesis have finally disposed of Vitalism in any form will do well to bear in mind that, until the chemist has shown that his synthetical methods are identical with Nature's methods, there is just as much scope for endeavouring to penetrate the chemical vital mysteries as there was in the days when it was believed that every ' organic ' compound * See on the otlier hand Dr. Lionel Si Beale's Introductory Lecture on 'The Founda- tions of Medical Science,' delivered at King's College on Oct. 4, 1895. 'The Lancet,' Oct. 19, 1895. •Mt;' PREFACE vii required an animal or a plant for its production. If tliis is lost sight of amidst the overwhelming mass of material accumulated by the great army of workers in the field of Carbon Chemistry — if we have produced thousands of compounds which do not and probably never will be found to exist in living organisms ; if we have gone so far beyond Nature as to make it appear unimportant whether an organic compound is producible by vital chemistry or not, we are running the risk of blockading whole regions of undiscovered modes of chemical action by falling into the belief that known laboratory methods are the equivalents of unknown vital methods. The whole contents of this work will show how little warrant there is for assuming such an attitude as the above. Eather than interpose such a barrier to future investigation it would be better to return to the initial position and to ask critically how far chemical synthesis has as yet thrown light on the physiological processes of animals and plants. It is evident that no synthetical process of a pyrogenic character is of any particular biochemical interest. The fundamental synthesis par excellence — the photosynthesis which plants are enabled to accomplish, and in the course of which carbon dioxide is absorbed by an organic compound and the product or products decomposed with the liberation of oxygen — is as yet without a laboratory parallel. It has also long been recognised that many hydroljrtic decompositions in the living organism which result in the formation of definite products are due to enzyme action. Such actions can generally be imitated by laboratory methods, but the analogy between the natural and the laboratory process disappears when it is considered that as yet no organic nitrogenous hydrolysing agent of the nature of an enzyme has ever been synthesised. Still more recently has it been shown to be probable that certain up-grade syntheses in the living organism, i. e. the coalescence of simpler to more complex molecules, may also be the result of enzyme action ^ Here again it may be said that the process might be imitated by the use of chemical reagents, but the actual vital method has not been reproduced in the laboratory. In emphasising these differences between laboratory synthesis and synthesis in the living organism it has appeared to me that some further stimulus might be given to bio- chemical investigation, and this consideration has had much weight in ^ Croft Hill, Trans. Ch. Soc, 1898, 73, 634 ; Ber. Deutsch. ch. Gesell. 1901, 34, 1380 ; Kastle and Loevenhart, Am. Ch. Journ. 1901, 26, 533 ; Hanriot, Comp. Rend. 1901, 132, 212; Emmerling, Ber. Deutsch. ch. Qesell. 1901, 34, 3810; Fischer and E. F. Arm- strong, Sitzungsber. Pr. Akad. Berlin, 1901, 123 ; Ber. Deutsch. ch. Gesell. 1903, 35, 3144. viii PREFACE determining the completion of the task which was commenced nine years ago. The general survey of synthetical chemistry made possible by the present work will help to bring into prominence the extreme im- portance of the chemist and physiologist working hand in hand for the future advancement of knowledge in this domain. Had time and space permitted, I should have liked to discuss from the chemical point of view the different hypotheses which have from time to time been advanced by chemists and physiologists in explanation of the vital synthesis of various compounds or groups of compounds. Such dis- cussion, even had I possessed the necessary qualifications as a physiolo- gist, would however have further delayed publication. This part of the work may well be left over for future treatment, and will gain rather than suffer in importance by allowing the facts to accumulate and mature. I am not without hope that the present r4sum4 will materially assist any fiiture discussion of the problems of Biochemistry. As it stands, the work must be taken simply for what it professes to be — a bare record of the synthetical achievements of generations of workers arranged with a distinct biochemical bias. At the outset I had also contemplated the interpolation of chemical reactions and schemes, showing by the usual formulae the genetic relationships between each vital product and its generators. This likewise was abandoned when it was realised that such additions would have expanded the work to an inordinate size, and^ further, that the chemical mechanism of these transformations was often imperfectly understood or had been explained only in a tentative way. Here again, therefore, it has been thought better on the whole to limit the work to statements of fact only, because, while the pro- duction of one compound from another is an actual achievement, the chemical explanation of the process must necessarily, with the develop- ment of our theoretical notions, be subject to modification. As exer- cises in chemical theory the pages of this compilation will be found to furnish an overwhelming mass of material, and the original publica- tions from which the facts have been gleaned can always be consulted by those who wish to enter more ftilly into this aspect of the subject. In offering this book as a work of reference embodying only records of facts, it must of course be understood that my task has been simply that of a compiler, and that I do not hold myself responsible for any of the statements made by investigators. It is not in any sense to be regarded as a critical work, and my whole object has been simply to PREFACE ix bring practical workers, whether chemists, physiologists, or technolo- gists, into communication with the various authorities quoted. For this reason full references have been given for every record of the natural occurrence of the compounds and of the methods employed for their synthetical production. As it has been found impossible to read every paper in full in the original, it is also necessary to caution those who use this volume that many of the papers contained in diffi- cultly accessible publications have been seen only in the abstracts published in the ' Chemisches Central-Blatt,' the * Journal of the Chemical Society,' the ' Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry,' and in the ' Journal of the Federated Institutes of Brewing.' The page given in the references must not therefore be quoted in all cases without further verification as the actual page of the original paper in which the statement occurs, but simply as a reference to the page of the publication on which the original paper is to bo found. The vital products recognised in this volume are those compounds of definite chemical composition which are known to be produced as the result of the vital activities — for the most part normal — of animals and plants, including of course the heterogeneous assemblage of micro- organisms. As explained in the introductory chapter, considerable latitude has been allowed in the interpretation of the term ' vital product ' ; but it is to be understood that the syntheses of these compounds as recorded are in every case comjalete in the chemical sense. It is necessary to call attention to this point because in many instances it may appear that where one vital product (Z) has been re- corded as a generator of other vital products {A, B, &c.), the compound X having originally been sjoithesised from A or B, that we have got out of X nothing more than was originally put into it, and that there has accordingly been presented a case of ' circular reasoning,' or, in other wordsj an incomplete synthesis. In all such cases, however, it will be found that X can be obtained from generators other than A or B, and that the synthesis of X is therefore independently complete. The importance of recording the inter-relations of Z", -4, and B is fully explained in the subsequent pages. A compilation such as the present would have been for me an im- possible undertaking without the free use of the standard works of reference, and I must in the first place acknowledge my indebtedness to Beilstein's ' Handbuch der organischen Chemie ' and its Supple- ments ; to Watts's ' Dictionary of Chemistry,' Morley and Muir ; to Thorpe's ' Dictionary of Applied Chemistry ' ; and to Roscoe-Schor- X PREFACE lemmer's ' Lehrbuch der organisclien Chemie/ by Briihl and his collaborators. In addition to these general works, many treatises dealing with special branches of the subject have been found of extreme value: — For physiological chemistry, ' Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie,' by Hammarsten, and the American translation by Mandel ; also ' The Chemical Basis of the Animal Body,' by Sheridan Lea. For enzymes, ' The Soluble Ferments and Fermentation,' by J. Reynolds Green. For fermentation, ' Die Mikroorganismen der Garungsindustrie,' by Jorgensen ; also ' Technical Mycology/ by Franz Lafar, German and English editions ; ' Die Garungsorganismen,' by Klocker ; ' Die Fer- mente und ihre Wirkungen,' by Oppenheimer ; ' Die Zersetzung stick- stofiffreier organischer Substanzen durch Bakterien,' by Emmerling. For terpenes, ' The Chemistry of the Terpenes,'' by Heusler, trans- lation by Pond. For ethereal oils, ' Die aetherischen Oele,' by Gildemeister and Hoffmann ; also ' Les Huiles essentielles,' by Charabot, Dupont, and Pillet, and ' Odorographia,' by Sawer. For carbohydrates, ' Die Chemie der Zuckerarten,' by E. 0. v. Lipp- mann; * Kurzes Handbuch der Kohlenhydrate,' by Tollens ;. 'Les Sucres et leurs principaux derives,' by Maquenne. For glucosides, ' Die Glykoside,' by Van Rijn. For colouring-matters, ' Die Chemie der natiirlichen Farbstoffe,' by Hans Bupe. For alkaloids, ' Ueber die Erforschung der Konstitution und die Ver- suche zur Synthese wichtiger Pflanzenalkaloide,' by Julius Schmidt. For ptomaines, ' Ueber Ptomaine,' by Brieger. Some of the sections in the German edition of Roscoe and Schor- lemmer's treatise above referred to are in themselves special mono- graphs, and some of the lectures in the Stuttgart series, entitled ' Sammlung chemischer und chemisch-technischer Vortrage,' have also been found of much value, and are quoted under their respective titles. Mr. E. M. Holmes, F.L.S., has been good enough to revise the lists of plants referred to in the present volume, and I desire to express my thanks to this well-known authority for the valuable assistance thus given. R. M. Jillt/y 1904. CONTENTS PAGE List of Synthetical Products , . . . . xiii Abbreviated Titles of Publications quoted xv INTRODUCTORY 1 I. Historical 1 II. Nature of the Compounds eegisteked as Vital Products ... 8 III. Organic Chemistry from the Biocehtric Standpoint .... 6 IV. Chemical Synthesis from the Biocentric Standpoint .... 9 V. Advantages of the Biocentric Treatment of Synthetical Csimistry 14 HYDROCARBONS 21 ALCOHOLS AND TERPENE ALCOHOLS • .... 40 KETONE ALCOHOLS 93 GLYCOLS AND POLYHYDRIC ALCOHOLS 95 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS ' . . .107 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES : FATTY GROUP 169 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES 205 CARBOHYDRATES AND GLUC03IDES 242 SULPHUR COMPOUNDS 251 CYANOGEN COMPOUNDS 262 APPENDIX Camphor and Terpene Group 271 Flavonb Group 275 INDEX 295 ERRATA AND CORRIGENDA 339 LIST OF SYNTHETICAL PRODUCTS Hydrocarbons. 1. Methane. 2. Normal Heptane. 3. Normal Pentadecane. 4. Normal Heptacosane. 5. Normal Hentriacontane. 6. Cymene. 7. Styrene. 8. Metastyrene. 9. Dipentene and Limonene. 10. Terpinene. 11. Laevo-isoterpene. 12. Naphthalene. Alcohols and Terpene Alcohols. 13. Methyl Alcohol. 14. Ethyl Alcohol. 15. Normal Propyl Alcohol. 16. Isopropyl Alcohol. IT. Normal Butyl Alcohol. 18. Isobutyl Alcohol. 19. Tertiary Butyl Alcohol. 20. Normal Primary Amyl Alcohol. 21. Normal Secondary Amyl Alcohol. 22. Isoamyl Alcohol. 23. Normal Hexyl Alcohol. 24. Isohexyl Alcohol. 25. Active Hexyl Alcohol. 26. Normal Heptyl Alcohol. 27. Isoheptyl Alcohol. 28. Normal Primary Octyl Alcohol. 29. Nonyl Alcohol. 30. Secondary Hendecatyl Alcohol. 31. Normal Primary Dodecyl Alcohol. 32. Normal Primary Tetradecyl Alcohol. 33. 34. 35. 36. 38. 40. 42. Cetyl Alcohol. Octadecyl Alcohol. Dimethylheptenol. Geraniol. Citronellol. Cineole. Isopulegol. 37. Linalool. 39. Terpineol. 41. Menthol. Ketone Alcohols. 43. Acetol or Acetyl Carbinol. 44. Methylacetyl Carbinol. Glycols and Polyhydric Alcohols. 45. Ethylene Glycol. 49. 46. Trimethylene or Normal Propylene 50. Glycol. 51. 47. Isobutylone Glycol. 52. 48. Glycerol. 53. Glycerophosphoric Acid. Erythritol. Mannitol. Sorbitol. Mannoheptol or Perseitol. Aromatic Alcohols and Phenols. 54. Benzyl Alcohol. 56. Saligenin. 56. Parahydroxybenzyl Alcohol. 57. Phenylethyl Alcohol. 58. Methylphenyl Carbinol. 59. Phenylpropyl Alcohol. 60. Phenol. 61. Orthocresol. 62. Metacresol. 63. Paracresol. 64. Phlorol. 65. Meta-ethylphenol. 66. Carvacrol. 67. Thymol. 68. Anethole. 69. Catechol. 70. Resorcinol. 71. Quinol. 72. Toluquinol. 73. Quinol Methyl Ether. 74. Quinol Ethyl Ether. 75. Orcinol. 76. Cresorcinol. 77. /3-Orcinol. 78. Mesorcinol. 79. Isoeugenol. 80. Methylisoeugenol. 81. Methyleugenol. 82. Thymoquinol. 83. Dimethylthymoquinol. 84. Pyrogallol. 85. Hydroxyquinol. 86. Phloroglucinol. 87. Antiarol. 88. Iretol. 89. Asarone. 90. Hydrojuglone. XIV LIST OF SYNTHETICAL PRODUCTS Aldehydes and Ketones: Fatty Group. 91. Formic Aldehyde. 82. Acetic Aldehyde. 83. Acetal. 84. Butyric Aldehyde. 85. Valeric Aldehyde. 86. Hexoic Aldehyde. 87. Heptoic Aldehyde. 88. Octoic Aldehyde. 99. Ennoic or Nonoic Aldehyde. 100. Decoic Aldehyde, 101. Acrolein. 102. Crotonic Aldehyde. 103. Tiglic Aldehyde. 104. Citral. 105. Citronellal. 106. Acetone. 107. Methyl-n-amyl Ketone. 108. Methyl-n-heptyl Ketone. 109. Methyl-n-nonyl Ketone. 110. Methyl-n-decyl Ketone. 111. Methylheptenone. 112. Phorone. 113. Diacetyl. Aromatic Aldehydes and Ketones. 114. Benzoic Aldehyde. 115. Hydrocinnamic Aldehyde. 116. Cumic Aldehyde. 117. Salicylic Aldehyde. 118. Metahydroxybenzoic Aldehyde. 119. Parahydroxybenzoic Aldehyde. 120. Anisic Aldehyde. 121. Vanillin. 122. Piperonal. 123. Cinnamic Aldehyde. 124. Orthocoumaric Aldehyde Methyl Ether. 125. Asaryl Aldehyde. 126. Furfural. 127. Carvone. 128. Pulegone. 129. Menthone. 130. Orthohydroxyacetophenone. 131. Piceol or Parahydroxyacetophenone. 132. Ketocoumaran. 133. Poeonol. 134. Hydrocotoin. 135. Methylhydrocotoin. 136. Euxanthone. 137. Gentisin. 138. Chrysin. 139. Tectochrysin. 140. Apigenin. 141. Luteolin. 142. Quinone. 143. Thymoquinone. 144. Metahydroxyanthraquinone. 145. Alizarin. 146. Purpuroxanthin. 147. Hystazarin. 148. Anthragallol. 149. Purpurin. 150. Methylpurpuroxanthin. Carbohydrates and Glucosides. 151. Dihydroxyacetone. 156. d-Mannose. 152. d-Erythrulose. 157. Salicin. 153. d-Arabinose. 158. Populin. 154. Dextrose. 155. Lsevulose. 159. Methylarbutin, Sulphur Compounds. 160. Carbon Disulphide. 161. Methyl Mercaptan. 162. Normal Butyl Mercaptan. 163. Methyl Sulphide. 164. Ethyl Sulphide. 165. Secondary Butyl Isothiocyanate. 166. Allyl Isothiocyanate. 167. Crotonyl Isothiocyanate. 168. Angelyl Isothiocyanate. 169. Benzyl Isothiocyanate. 170. Phenylethyl Isothiocyanate. 171. Parahydroxybenzyl Isothiocyanate. 172. Hydrogen Cyanide. Cyanogen Compounds. 173. Isocyanacetic Acid. 174. Thiocyanic Acid. 176. Camphor. Camphor and Terpene Group. 176. Borneol. 177. Camphene. 178. Menthene. 179. FJsetin. Flavone Group. 180. Quercetin. 181. Kampherol. ABBREVIATED TITLES OF PUBLICATIONS QUOTED Bel American Chemical Journal American Journal of Pharmacy American Journal of Physiology American Journal of Science Annalen der Chemie (Liebig's) Annalen der Physik, &c,, Gilbert Annalen der Physik, &c., Poggendorff Annales Agronomiques Annales de Chimie et de Physique Annales de I'lnstitut Pasteur . Annales des Sciences Naturelles Annals of Botany Ai'chiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie Archiv fiir die gesamte Phyaiologie des Menschen und der Thiere Ai'chiv fiir Hygiene Archiv der Pharmazie Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei : Rendiconti Beitrage zur chemischen Physiol ogie und Pathologie Berichte der Deutschen botanischen Gesellschaft . Berichte der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft . Berichte der Deutschen pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft Biedermann's Centralblatt fiir Agrikulturchemie, &o. Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico Botanische Zeitung , Bulletin de I'Academie Royale des Sciences, &c, de gique Bulletin de I'Association Beige des Chimistes . Bulletin de la Soci6t6 Chimique de Paris Bulletin de la Soci6t6 Mycologique de France . Centralblatt der medizinischen Wissenschaften Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde, Centralblatt fiir Physiologie Chemical News . Chemiker-Zeitung Chemische Industrie, Die . Chemisches Central-Blatt Chemist and Druggist, The Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Stances de I'Academie des Sciences Dingler's polytechnisches Journal . Electrical Review Elektrochemische Zeitschrift .... Gazzetta chimica Italiana .... Geschaftsbericht von Schimmel & Co., Leipzig Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie, &c, zelius) . Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie, &c Journal of the American Chemical Society Journal of the Chemical Society of London Journal fiir Chemie und Physik, Gehlen . Journal of the Federated Institutes of Brewing Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie . &c. (Ber Am. Ch. Journ. ■■ Am. Journ. Pharm. = Am. Journ. Physiol. = Am. Journ. Sci. = Ann. = Gilb. Ann. ■ Pogg. Ann. : Ann. Agronom. : Ann. Chim. : Ann. Inst. Past. ■ Ann. Sci, Nat. : Ann. Bot. Arch. exp. Path. : Pfluger's Arch. : Arch. Hyg. Arch. Pharm. ■■ Atti Real. Accad. Beit. ch. Physiol, u. Path, ■■ Ber. Deutsch. bot, Gesell. = Ber. Ber. Deutsch. pharm. Gesell. ' Bied, Centr. = Boll. Ch. Farm. = Bot. Zeit. = Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. : Bull. Assoc. Belg. : Bull. Soc. = Bull, Soc, Mycol, : Centr. med. Wiss. = Centr. Bakter. = Centr, Physiol. = Ch. News. = Ch. Zeit. = Ch. Ind. : Ch. Centr. = Ch. Drug. = Comp. Rend. = Ding. poly. Journ. = Elect. Rev. = Elektro. Zeit. = Gazz. = Schimmel's Ber. = Berz. Jahresber. » Jahresber. : Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. = Journ. Ch. Soc. : Gehlen's Journ. : Journ. Fed. Inst. : Journ. Pharm. xvi ABBREVIATED TITLES OF PUBLICATIONS QUOTED Journal fiir praktische Chemie Journal of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society (in Russian) ...... Journal of Physiology Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen, Die Monatshefte fiir Chemie . Moniteur Scientifique Pharmaceutical Archives . Pharmaceutical Journal . Pharmaceutical Review Pharmaceutische Rundschau Pharmazeutische Zeitung . Philosophical Magazine Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London Proceedings of the Physiological Society . Proceedings of the Royal Society of London . Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas . Revue de Chimie Industrielle .... Revue g^n^rale de Chimie pure et appliqu^e . Sitzungsberichte d. k. Preussischen Akademie der Wis senschaften, Berlin Stazioni sperimentali agrarie Italiane, Le Transactions of the Chemical Society of London Transactions of the Pathological Society Wochenschrift fiir Brauerei Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Chemie Zeitschrift fiir anorganische Chemie Zeitschrift fiir Biologie Zeitschrift fur Chemie Zeitschrift fiir die chemische Industxde Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie . Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Brauwesen Zeitschrift fiir physikalische Chemie Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie (Hoppe-Seyler's and subsequently) .... Zeitschrift fiir Zucker-Industrie in Bohmen = Journ. pr. Ch. = Journ. Russ. Soc. = Journ. Physiol. = Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. :^ Landw. Versuchs-Sta. = Monats. = Mon, Sci. = Pharm. Arch. = Pharm. Journ. = Pharm. Rev. = Pharm. Rund. = Pharm. Zeit. = Phil. Mag. = Phil. Trans, = Proc. Ch. Soc. = Proc. Physiol. Soc. = Proc. Roy. Soc. = Rec. Tr. Ch. = Rev. Ch. Ind. = Rev. gdn. de Chim. = Sitz. Pr. Akad. = Staz. sper. agrar. = Trans. Ch. Soc. = Trans. Path. Soc. = Woch. Brau. = Zeit. anal. Ch. = Zeit. angew. Ch. = Zeit. an org. Ch. = Zeit. Biol. = Zeit. Ch. = Zeit. ch. Ind. = Zeit. Elektroch. = Zeit. ges. Brau. = Zeit. physik. Ch. = Zeit. physiol. Ch. = Zeit. Zucker-Ind. Bohm. Of THt '^ VNIVER«rTY INTRODUCTORY I. HISTORICAL The history of organic chemical synthesis has been so frequently dealt with by previous writers that it is unnecessary to discuss the subject in detail from this point of view. In so far as the existence of a special ' vital force ' was considered necessary to explain the forma- tion of organic compounds by the living organism, it is generally conceded that Wohler, by his synthesis of urea from ammonium cyanate in 1828, was the first to deliver a serious blow against the doctrine in question. As a pioneer in the same field our own country- man, Henry HenneU, must, as I ventured to plead in 1895 ^, be accorded a place not inferior to that of Wohler as being among the first to produce an organic compound independently of the living organism. The English chemist succeeded in synthesising alcohol from olefiant gas at practically the same time that his great German contemporary had excited the interest of the whole chemical world by his synthesis of urea. Important as was the latter discovery, it must not be forgotten that at the time of its announcement the synthesis was not what would now be termed ' complete,' because the cyanide from which the cyanate was prepared was then obtained by fusing nitrogenous organic matter with an alkaline carbonate, so that it might have been said that the carbon and nitrogen were both of vital origin. The synthesis of alcohol by Hennell was equally incomplete, because the olefiant gas had been obtained by the pyrogenic decomposition of organic material, viz. oil, so that in this respect the two syntheses were on precisely the same level. Since alcohol was not in 1828 recognised as a vital product in the same sense that urea was so regarded, it will be easily understood why the synthesis of the former failed to arouse any particular interest at the time ; the discovery did not clash with the current notions of Vitalism. As Hennell's contribution to chemical synthesis had of late years been allowed to fall into oblivion, I thought it desirable in 1 895 to remind chemists once again of his claim to take rank among the early pioneers in this field. The plea has not, however, been allowed to pass unchallenged, for no less an authority than M. Berthelot, one of the most active and distinguished among the later workers at the subject of chemical synthesis, has denied Hennell's claim to have been the first to synthesise alcohol \ Under these circumstances it will be ^ Brit. Assoc. Rep. Ipswich, 1895, p. 649. * Comp. Rend. 1899, 128, 862. B 2 ^ INTRODUCTORY perhaps desirable to state more fully the facts upon which the English chemist's claim is based : — In 1826 Faraday published a paper entitled, ' On new Compounds of Carbon and Hydrogen, and on the Products of the Decomposition of Oil by Heat ^,' in the course of which he states : ' I find also that sulphuric acid will condense and combine with defiant gas, no carbon being separated, or sulphurous or carbonic acid being formed, and this absorption has in the course of eighteen days amounted to 847 volumes of defiant gas to one volume of sulphuric acid. The acid produced combines with bases, &c., forming peculiar salts, which I have not yet had time, but which it is my intention, to examine.' The following year, on March 9, Brande communicated to the Royal Society a paper by Hennell bearing the title : ' On the Mutual Action of Sulphuric Acid and Alcohol, with Observations on the Com- position and Properties of the resulting Compound ^.' In this paper the author shows that he possessed very clear notions concerning the nature of the sulphovinates, and he gives analyses of ' oil of wine ' as well as of the potassium salt of sulphovinic acid. He refers to some sulphuric acid which had been given to him by Faraday as having absorbed eighty times its volume of defiant gas from oil gas, this being no doubt the specimen mentioned by Faraday in the previous paper. He identified sulphovinic acid in the foregoing preparation, and proved it by a comparison of the potassium salt with potassium sulphovinate obtained from 'oil of wine ^.' It is true that he gives no analysis of the potassium salt from Faraday's acid, but he had already shown evidence of his familiarity with this salt, and he declares the identity of the salts from the two sources in most distinct terms. It is impossible to arrive at any other conclusion than that Hennell was aware that he had obtained sulphovinic acid from olefiant gas. In 1828 a second paper was communicated to the Royal Society (read June 1 9) under the title : ' On the Mutual Action of Sulphuric Acid and Alcohol, and on the Nature of the Process hj which Ether is formed ^.' In this second paper, among other experiments, he distilled sulphovinic acid with water and a little sulphuric acid, and proved that it was decomposed into sulphuric acid and alcohol : and not only this, but he also showed that the whole of the alcohol and sulphuric acid which originally entered into the composition of the sulphovinic acid could be recovered by distillation with water. It is true that the sulphovinic acid used in his second series of researches was not obtained from olefiant gas, but this cumbersome mode of preparation was obviously unnecessary in view of the circumstance that he had already satisfied himself that the products were identical. There can be no reasonable doubt that the claim advanced on behalf of Hennell as the first to synthesise alcohol from olefiant gas must be admitted to * Phil. Trans. 1825, P- 44^- ' Loc. cit. p. 245. « Ibid. 1836, Part III, p. 240. * Ibid. 1828, p. 365. HISTORICAL 3> be fuUy borne out by the critical examination of the papers referred- to, and this conclusion has recently been upheld by Fritzsche, who also points out that these results were known to contemporary Con- tinental chemists \ 11. NATURE OF THE COMPOUNDS REGISTEEED AS VITAL PRODUCTS The term 'vital product' has been adopted in preference to the designation ' natural product,' which first suggested itself because the latter, strictly interpreted, includes also mineral or inorganic com- pounds. In working out the details presented in the following pages much consideration has had to be given to the question as to which compounds should be regarded as of vital origin. In works dealing with organic or physiological chemistry it is generally stated or implied that such compounds are formed by the living plant or animal, as the result of the physiological activities of its various organs or tissues. It is also understood, in accordance with modern views, that the seat of such physiological activity is the cell. Although this conception of the nature of a vital product at first sight appears to bring the term within easily definable limits, it soon became evident when the individual products came under consideration that from the chemical point of view, apart from the question of the physiological mechanism by which the compounds are formed, some more precise understanding would have to be arrived at. Thus in many cases it is necessary to register a vital product not under one heading as a simple molecule, but under two or more headings if the compound is obviously built up of, and is easily resolvable into, two or more compounds of less molecular com- plexity. By way of illustration, it is doubtful whether either methyl alcohol or salicylic acid occurs in nature in the free state ; but the ester, methyl salicylate, is the chief constituent of the oil of wintergreen (Gaultheria), and is contained in the ethereal oils of large numbers of other plants. It is further probable that methyl salicylate does not itself exist in the plants in the free state, but in the form of a glucoside, gaultherin. The glucoside is therefore, strictly speaking, alone entitled to registration. Similarly with respect to alizarin, which does not exist as such in the plant, but in the form of the glucoside ruberythric acid. In cases such as these, which are typical of a large class, the product has been regarded as having been synthesised, and compounds such as methyl alcohol, salicylic acid, and alizarin have been regarded 1 Journ. pr. Ch, [2] 65, 597. The references to * PoggendorfTs Annalen ' given are 9, 21 ; 14, 282. The latter, which relates to Hennell's second paper, is given also in Beilstein's ' Handbuch,' VoL I, p. 222, but, strangely enough, has been corrected in the Supplement (Vol. I, p. 72) so as to make it appear as though M. Berthelot's reclamation had been admitted. B 2 4 INTRODUCTORY as vital products, although the glucoside itself may not have been hitherto synthesised in all cases. The necessity for this treatment will be recognised when it is con- sidered that the constituent atomic complexes of easily resolvable mole- cules are very likely hereafter to be found in the free state in nature, and in many instances are actually known, as in the case of glucose, to exist as individual compounds. Thus, to mention another example, hydroquinone (quinol) [7l] was at iirst entered as occurring only in the form of the glucoside arbutin. "While this work was in course of preparation it was announced by Hesse (Ann. 290, 3 17), that this phenol occurs in the South African 'sugar bush,' Protea mellifera. As the products from animals and plants are more and more investi- gated it is certain that such instances will be multiplied. On considering the published records as to the occurrence of vital products it also became evident that in very large numbers of cases it was extremely doubtful in what form the compound was actually produced by the animal or plant. In other words, it is uncertain whether many compounds isolated, identified, and recorded as of natural occurrence may not have resulted from the resolution of more complex and unstable molecules by the action of enzymes or of the chemical reagents employed in their extraction — whether in fact they may not have resulted from secondary changes or decompositions taking place after removal from the organism. In view of this state of affairs it must be admitted that a vital product is not so easily definable as appears at first sight, and that in the present condition of knowledge it is not always possible to say whether a particular compound is of biochemical origin or whether it is a secondary product. Under these circumstances it has been deemed advisable, in order to make this work as comprehensive as possible, to assume that the complex of atoms present in the molecule of the vital product as isolated is of biochemical origin, even if the compound is not directly synthesised as such by the animal or plant. This view will no doubt commend itself to both chemists and physiologists. From the chemical standpoint it is certainly justifiable to believe that if a complex molecule is so unstable as to break down readily into simpler molecules, the atomic groupings present in the latter pre-exist in their generator. Moreover, molecular instability is a phenomenon of degree, and it has been found practically impossible to define the conception narrowly in terms of the agents necessary for causing the resolution of the compounds. It is not possible, for example, to draw a hard and fast line between, on the one hand, the action of enzymes and of acids or alkalies at ordinary temperatures, and, on the other hand, the action of acids or alkalies at high tempera- tures, or even, in the case of the more stable cyclic compounds, the action of fused alkali. For this reason the conception of a vital product has been enlarged so as to include every atomic complex NATURE OF THE COMPOUNDS 5 which, without unduly straining the facts, there is reason for believing to be present in the products resulting from vital synthesis, the other condition for ensuring inclusion in this work being of course that the complex has been synthesised in the laboratory. The question whether the agent which reveals the presence of the complex is a mild or a violent one is for the purposes of the present treatment con- sidered only as of subordinate importance. The liberal extension of the term ' vital product ' thus claimed has, it is hoped, been used judiciously, and not pushed to an unwarranted degree. All that can be said is that in the present state of knowledge, where so much doubt surrounds the chemical history of the antece- dents of vital products, full advantage has been taken of this doubt on behalf of this compilation. Should it be proved hereafter that any particular compound is the result of secondary synthesis, and that its atomic complex is not formed by the living organism, it can easily be removed from the list. The importance of including every possible complex, whether it is obviously present in the vital product or whether its presence is inferred only, will be more fully recognised if it is pointed out that the inferred existence of any particular group of atoms in the molecule becomes converted into a demonstrated fact, when, as in many of the cases recorded, the compound has been produced syn- thetically from a generator which is known to contain the group in question. A few examples will serve more fully to illustrate the nature of the difficulties which have had to be met, and will furnish further justification for the mode of treatment adopted : — Furfural [l26] has been found in the aqueous distillate from many ethereal oils from plants as well as in some of the oils. It has been detected also in certain fermented liquors, such as whisky, &c. It is doubtful whether this compound is really a biochemical product, since it may have been produced by the breaking down of more complex antecedents (pentoses, &c.) during the process of distillation. This question has been much discussed of late by technical chemists, and the balance of opinion is against its being a product of alcoholic fermentation. Nevertheless this aldehyde has been included because it may be fairly said that the complex of atoms which so easily closes up with the formation of this heterocyclic molecule pre-exists in the vital compound or compounds which are its generators. Should any of these generators be hereafter synthesised it is possible that furfural may be made use of in their synthesis. Again, orcinol [75] has not yet been found in the free state in any plant, but many complex acids found in lichens yield this phenol with varying degrees of facility, from simply boiling with water, alkaline carbonates, or baryta water, to fusion with caustic alkali. It is there- fore evident that the orcinol complex is contained in these lichen acids, and should any of these compounds ever be synthesised it is certain 6 INTRODUCTORY that orcinol or a derivative would have to be as it were built into the structure of the molecule. This phenol, which has of course been completely synthesised, has therefore been included among the vital products, and it is not at all improbable — in view of the facility with which some of the lichen acids furnish the compound by chemical treatment and even by bacterial action — that it may yet be found in the vegetable kingdom. Resorcinol [70] presents a similar case, only the evidence that the complex is contained in vital products such as pseonol [133], euxan- thone [136], &c., has been in the first place obtained by the more violent method of fusing with alkali. It is hardly likely that this phenol will be ever found in the free state in plants, but it must nevertheless be regarded as a vital product, since it has been proved by synthesis as well as by the action of heated alkali that resorcinol is one of the generators of both pseonol and euxanthone. For similar reasons the pyrogallol [84] complex is regarded as being present in gallic acid, &c., the phloroglucinol [86] complex in many colouring-matters of the pyrone group, and so forth. Another instructive example is furnished by hydrojuglone [90] from the walnut, Juglans regia. This compound is known to be a derivative of naphthalene, and as it contains the naphthalene complex the syntheses of this hydrocarbon are given in connexion with the phenol. While these pages were undergoing final revision it was announced by V. Soden and E-ojahn (Pharm. Zeit. 47, 779) that the hydrocarbon itself had been found in certain vegetable ethereal oils. III. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FROM THE BIOCENTRIC STANDPOINT The general tendency of the present work is to bring Carbon Chemistry back to the point from which it departed three-quarters of a century ago, when the leading discovery of the synthesis of urea by Wohler showed that organic compounds could be formed without vital intervention. Without desiring to reopen the question of the existence of a special ' vital force,' it may be well to call the attention of those physiologists who appeal to the achievements of synthetical chemistry as conclusive evidence against the existence of such a force to the fact — so distinctly brought out by the summary of experimental results herein recorded — that the testimony of pure chemistry cannot, as it at present stands, be legitimately interpreted into a direct nega- tion of Vitalism in any form. This negation may, and probably will, be made possible in the future when our chemical methods have been made to approximate more closely to the vital methods. In the meantime it must not be forgotten that there is at present but little reason for believing that our laboratory methods have much analogy with the processes which go on in the living organism. All ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 7 that can be said is that the chemist has realised that which vital chemistry had been realising long before his entry into the field — that such and such atomic groupings are stable and capable of free and definite existence, and to this knowledge he has added the fact that vast numbers of other atomic groupings are also capable of free and definite existence. An impartial survey of the facts will, however, serve to show how far we still are from realising vital chemical pro- cesses in the laboratory. The fact that alcohol can be synthesised from carbon and hydrogen through acetylene, &c., has no direct bearing on the formation of alcohol from sugar by the zymase of the yeast-plant. When we can transform sugar into alcohol in the laboratory at ordinary temperatures by the action of a synthesised nitrogenous organic compound ; when we can convert glucose into citric acid in the same way that Citi^omyces can effect this transforma- tion ; when we can build up heptane, or cymene, or styrene, or when we can produce the naphthalene or anthracene complex in the labora- tory by the interaction of organic compounds at ordinary temperatures, then may the chemist proclaim with confidence that there is no longer any mystery in vital chemistry. It is clear that if chemistry be regarded from what may be called the biocentric point of view, the complete synthesis of an organic compound by pyrogenic methods or by the action of violent reagents is of comparatively little importance. On the other hand, the trans- formation of one vital product into another by laboratory processes — even if these are at present not actually analogous to the physiological processes — may furnish information of the highest biochemical signifi- cance. The treatment of organic chemistry in this work has accord- ingly been entirely subordinated to the biocentric view of the subject. The book is not to be regarded simply as a catalogue of synthetical products and processes ; neither does it profess to be a practical laboratory guide to the preparation of organic compounds, although, by virtue of its contents, it necessarily comprises both kinds of information. Physiologists will find herein a record of the achieve- ments of synthetical chemistry, chemists will be enabled to ascertain the natural mode of occurrence of organic compounds, and technologists will no doubt find it useful to have the chemical generators of such products as are of industrial value brought conspicuously under notice. The importance of emphasising the relationships between the vital products themselves will be realised when it is pointed out that the future development of our knowledge of the chemistry of the living organism must depend largely upon the detection of the chemical antecedents of these products. The discussion of the results of chemical synthesis from this point of view does not come within the scope of the present work, but belongs — at any rate in the present state of knowledge — rather to the province of physiology. It is for this reason that the necessity for the chemist and physiologist working 8 INTRODUCTORY hand in hand has been insisted upon so frequently and so emphatically of late years by both classes of workers ^. The publication of this volume may possibly contribute towards this much-desired rajjprocTie- ment between the sciences. So far as modern science has been enabled to deal with the question of the mode of origin of these vital products in the living organism, it must be confessed that hitherto but little progress has been made. The chemist at the present time may be said to be far in advance of the physiologist in his contributions to biochemistry. "While large numbers of definite vital products have been isolated, identified, and synthesised in the laboratory, the course of development of these com- pounds in the organism can hardly yet be said to have been satis- factorily traced in any instance. The practical difficulties associated with this kind of investigation are confessedly very great, but it must be apparent to chemists that the study of the evolution of organic compounds in the animal or plant has the most pressing claims upon the attention of physiologists. With the solution of the problems furnished by such studies our knowledge of vital chemistry, and through this of vital processes generally, is certain to advance by great strides. Perhaps it is not going too far to say that the whole future development of physiological chemistry lies in this direction. The chemical evolution in the living organism of one definite compound of known constitution, if successfully traced, might lead to the discovery of fundamental principles. It certainly must strike chemists as being somewhat remarkable, in view of the importance of the investigation of such problems, that more systematic efforts have not been concentrated upon them by physiologists. The difficulties surrounding the determination of the origin of such a comparatively simple product as urea in the animal body or oxalic acid in plants, or, again, the study of the origin and fate of amino-acids in the growing plant, which has received so much attention of late years from Schulze and others, will only serve to emphasise the necessity for the vigorous prosecution of research in this field. The evolution of definite products in the growing plant would appear to offer special facilities for investigation, because the course of development of the • compounds might be followed by collecting and investigating such well-characterised substances as are contained in many ethereal oils at different stages in the life-history of the plant or of the part of the plant which yields the oil. Some progress in this direction has been made in France by Charabot, whose views concerning the development of the terpene alcohols and ketones, which are referred to under these respective groups, are worthy of special notice as examples of the results of a kind of pioneering work which is much required. Such research constitutes the common meeting ground of chemistry and ' See, for instance, Prof. W. D. Halliburton's address to the Section of Physiology at the Belfast meeting of the British Association in 1902. Brit. Assoc. Kep. 1902, p. 771. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 9 physiology, and if the publication of this work should give an impetus to further activity in this region one of its main objects will have been achieved. The development of physiology along chemical lines is bound to take place at an increasing rate with the progress of discovery, and in the future the two sciences must necessarily become more and more interdependent. If, some decades hence, a work on similar lines to the present should ever be compiled, it may be anticipated with confi- dence that the laboratory methods for synthesising vital products will have approximated more closely to the physiological processes. It may further be predicted with equal confidence that as greater chemical mastery is acquired over the biochemical processes the number of syntheses of vital products effected in the laboratory will go on increas- ing at a much greater rate. Molecules of greater and greater com- plexity will be built up independently of the animal or plant, and the final triumph of synthetical chemistry may be expected to culminate in the synthesis of those complex proteids which constitute such a large proportion of the materials composing the living organism. The complicated nitrogenous colloidal substances which play such an important part in vital chemistry will at that time be no longer subject to the reproach, now frequently aimed by organic chemists who recognise nothing that is not crystalline, of being ' messes,' but will take rank among the definite synthesised vital products. In the meantime the recasting of the data of organic chemistry in this biological mould may help to convince physiologists that considerable progress has been made by chemists towards placing their science on a more exact foundation, since all the vital products registered in this work are perfectly definite and well-characterised compounds of known chemical constitution. IV. CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS FROM THE BIOCENTRIC STANDPOINT The consideration of the achievements of synthetical chemistry from the present point of view has necessarily resulted in a mode of treatment differing essentially from that adopted in the current treatises. The term ' synthesis ' as used in organic chemistry is generally assumed, if not explicitly stated, to mean the building up of a carbon compound from compounds of lesser complexity. If the simpler molecule is capable of being produced directly from its elements the synthesis is said to be complete. It is evident, however, that in the living organism two kinds of chemical change are going on — an up-grade or building-up process from simpler to more complex molecules, and a down-grade or breaking-down process from complex to simpler molecules. From the chemical as well as from the physio- logical point of view it appears that a large proportion, if not a large ^ or TWi ( VNIVER8ITY 10 INTRODUCTORY majority, of the vital products hitherto synthesised are of the nature of down-grade materials, or, in other words, waste products resulting from the degradation of more complex antecedent compounds. It is probable that in many cases the waste material is a final product of the breaking down of several different antecedent compounds. For the foregoing reasons the term synthesis as used in this work has been given a wider meaning so as to comprise both up-grade and down-grade products. From the established point of view, for example, the formation of acetic acid from methane via methyl chloride and cyanide, &c., is regarded as a true synthesis, the simpler molecule having given rise to the more complex. But from the present point of view the formation of methane from acetic acid by heating acetates with alkali is just as much a true and complete synthesis of methane as is the formation of this hydrocarbon by the direct union of its elements. The methane of vital origin is a bacterial product resulting from the breaking down of an extremely complex molecule, cellulose. The latter has not yet been synthesised, but if this synthesis should ever be effected the synthesis of methane via cellulose would be as complete as the synthesis of the hydrocarbon via acetic acid. The enlarged view of chemical synthesis thus rendered necessary by a contemplation of the facts from the biological standpoint has resulted in a mode of treatment which may at first seem strange and unfamiliar, but it will be found that the method on closer acquaintance is one that cannot but be helpful to chemists as well as to technologists. Not only is prominence given thereby to the actual generators of the various synthesised products, but the inter-relations between the organic compounds themselves is also brought out as a special feature to which, in view of the importance of the subject, emphasis is given by means of the sub-title of the book. The interest of the present work will, it is anticipated, be found to centre not only in the records that particular compounds can be obtained from such or such generators, but, as already pointed out, more particularly in the information that such compounds are geneti- cally related among themselves. Thus, to take a simple illustration, the relationship of alcohol to aldehyde and acetic acid is of more .than purely chemical interest in this work ; it is a fact also of biochemical interest, because aldehyde and acetic acid are both vital products, and the relationship is further of technological interest because the acid is industrially producible from the alcohol by biochemical processes. In general terms the genetic relationship of an organic compound to a product sometimes of greater and sometimes of less complexity is a fact which the present mode of treatment is well adapted to reveal, and the essential feature of this treatment is to bring out all such inter-relations within the limits of a reasonably sized work. In many cases, such, for example, as the relationship of alcohol to certain sugars, the living organism may be said to have discovered methods of break- CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS 11 ing down complex into simpler molecules, which the chemist cannot imitate at present by laboratory methods. In other cases, again, the chemist has discovered relationships in the laboratory which the living organism has long been realising in the vital laboratory. It must be left to the judgement of physiological chemists to decide whether in the case of any particular relationship herein recorded the chemical mechanism of the transformation is similar in the organism and in the laboratory — whether there is any analogy between the processes or whether absolute ignorance must be declared. The consideration of such problems cannot but give an impetus to further inquiry into the chemical activities of animals and plants. Certain details of treatment which follow from the foregoing con- siderations may now be dealt with. "While following the main divi- sions, such as hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, &c., under which organic compounds are generally grouped, the information which from the present standpoint is considered of the greatest impor- tance is the particular generator which serves as a starting-point in each synthesis. Since the generators under the present scheme are for the most part themselves vital products, the relationships which from the biochemical point of view are of the greatest interest are thus brought into prominence. It was hoped at the outset of this under- taking that it would have been possible to keep to the systematic classification of the generators in the order of the above main divisions, but the rapid progress of discovery made interpolations and rearrange- ments so frequently necessary that this plan was found to be impracti- cable in the time available and it had to be abandoned. This departure from what may be considered the logical sequence will not, however, be found of any practical disadvantage in using the work. The systematic sequence has been observed as far as possible, and the synthetical processes have been arranged under lettered paragraphs with the name of the generator printed in italics so as to catch the eye at once in running down the page. Each synthetical product has also a registration number, so that cross-references are easily found when necessary, the registration numbers which serve for such refer- ences being printed in thick type in square brackets. The system of cross-references, although throwing some additional trouble on the reader, has been unavoidable in view of the fact that many synthetical products serve as generators for numbers of other products. The repetition of the sjnithetical processes every time a synthesised com- pound is mentioned would have added enormously to the labour of compilation, and would moreover have increased the size of the book to an inordinate extent. In order to facilitate reference the registra- tion number of the compound and the initial letters of the paragraphs containing the descriptions of the synthetical processes are also printed at the top of each page. Among other consequences which follow from this biochemical U INTRODUCTORY treatment of organic synthesis is a complete departure from the usual practice of classifying carbon compounds under types representing certain atomic configurations of molecules. According to this method, with which most students of organic chemistry are familiar, the parent-compound or type is naturally looked upon as the generator of all its derivatives, and is accordingly given the first rank in the order of treatment. According to the present scheme each vital product is in itself a biochemical type quite independently of the chemical type to which it may be referred, and the synthesis of each product, instead of being mentioned incidentally in connexion with the group to which it belongs as a point of minor interest, is here brought into the first rank of importance. In other words, the chemical type is in this work subordinated to the individual compound — a mode of treatment for which every justification will be conceded when it is pointed out that in vital syntheses there are unquestionable genetic relationships between compounds of quite different types. In fact, a general survey of the present state of synthetical chemistry makes it perfectly clear that the transformations in the living organism have little or no relations to the chemical type, and it is equally certain that the parent-compound or type, which is often the actual generator in the laboratory synthesis, is not the generator in the vital synthesis. Genetic relationships between vital products are thus to the student of biochemistry all-important, because they maybe indicative of the actual course of the vital chemical transition from one compound to another, while relationships due to the possession of a common type of molecular structure are of subsidiary importance. Whole groups of phenols, aldehydes, acids, &c., are, for example, derivatives of benzene, and this hydrocarbon is their actual laboratory generator. It may be confidently asserted that the synthesis of these phenols, aldehydes, acids, &c., is not effected by the animal or plant via benzene any more than that the formation of alizarin in the madder plant proceeds from anthracene, or that the production of hydrojuglone in the walnut-tree is preceded by the synthesis of naphthalene. On the other hand, the genetic relationships between compounds of such different types as acetoacetic ester and quinol [7l], as di- acetyl [113] and quinol, or as y-acetobutyric ester (from acetoacetic ester and glycerol) and resorcinol [70] are of special interest from our present standpoint, and may prove hereafter to be of real biochemical significance. The subordination of the type to the individual vital product has for the foregoing reasons been consistently carried out, so that benzene, for example, is treated of, as it were incidentally, in connexion with the first compound in the work in which the benzene nucleus occurs, viz. cymene [e], anthracene in connexion with meta- hydroxyanthraquinone [144], &c. Another result which may be said to be accidental to the present mode of treatment is the disproportionate amount of space allotted to CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS 13 some compounds as compared with others. As long, however, as it is borne in mind that the importance of a compound is not measurable by the number of pages occupied by records of its mode of occurrence or of its synthetical production but little harm is likely to arise from this circumstance. It will be evident that such discrepancy is due to the fact that some compounds have lent themselves more readily to chemical investigation than others — that some have been found only in a limited number of animal or vegetable products, while others are widely distributed, or again, that some compounds are synthesisable from a few generators only, while others can be synthesised from a multiplicity of generators. Thus cymene [6] and benzyl alcohol [54] occupy the large amount of space that has been devoted to them because they happen to offer the first opportunity for dealing with the syntheses of benzene and toluene respectively, these hydrocarbons being required in many subsequent syntheses. Chemists will, of course, regard such cases in true perspective, although the caution herein conveyed may perhaps be necessary for physiologists who have no special knowledge of organic chemistry. Had benzene and toluene occurred as such in the free state in nature they would of course have been given place among the vital products and had their syntheses recorded in the usual way. In view of the improbability of the derivatives of such hydrocarbons as benzene or toluene being synthesised from the hydrocarbon by the living organism it has not been even considered justifiable to include their atomic complexes among the vital products. In fact, in the present state of knowledge, it would be impossible to draw up a satis- factory scale showing the importance to the vital economy of the various synthetical products — the more especially since, as already stated, the majority of these are of the nature of down-grade materials. The compounds of fundamental importance in vital chemistry, such as enzymes and albuminoid substances, have not yet been produced in the laboratory, so that chemical synthesis from the biochemical point of view may be said to have been hitherto confined to the lower orders of combination. Even the classification into the main groups of hydrocarbons, alcohols, &c., although convenient for practical purposes, is from the biocentric standpoint purely artificial, and must be taken rather as an expression of imperfect knowledge than of biochemical reality. "When with the progress of discovery it becomes possible to construct schemes showing the genetic or evolutional inter-relations among vital products, then will the time be ripe for discussing on a scientific basis the order of importance of the various organic com- pounds in the cycle of vital operations. When our knowledge has reached this level it may be confidently asserted that the biochemical relationships will be found to be quite different from those at present indicated by the ordinary chemical classification. 14 INTRODUCTORY V. ADVANTAGES OF THE BIOCENTRIC TREATMENT OF SYNTHETICAL CHEMISTRY In one sense every definite organic compound known to science may be said to have relationsliips with every other organic compound. These inter-relations are necessarily extremely complex, being some- times hypothetical — as in relationships of chemical type — and in other cases real or genetic with few or many intermediate stages. The progress of discovery in this department of chemistry consists largely in substituting genetic for hypothetical relationships, and among the advantages incidental to the mode of treatment adopted in this work may be claimed the bringing into prominence, not only of the rela- tionships between the vital products themselves, but likewise the inter-relations among the intermediate compounds which are transition stages between one synthetical product and another. The relations between the vital products are, as frequently dwelt upon, of special biochemical interest ; the relations between the intermediate com- pounds are of more purely chemical interest. The intermediate stages may or may not turn out to be of biochemical significance ; in the present state of knowledge it is desirable that all inter-relationships should be borne in mind, and in view of the ever-increasing complexity of the connexions between organic compounds revealed by chemical discovery it has been felt that some such work as the present would furnish an opportunity of presenting this aspect of the subject in a manner that cannot but be helpful to students from whatever point of view they may be approaching the science. As already explained, the time is not yet ripe for discriminating precisely between biochemical and purely chemical relationships j the work could not therefore be cast either in a purely physiological mould or in a purely chemical mould, and its present arrangement appeals to both classes of students. In the future it may be possible, when our synthetical methods have come more into line with the biochemical methods, to prepare a treatise on synthetical chemistry in which every vital product shall be genetically connected with every compound to which it gives rise by intermediate compounds, each one of which is also a vital product. In other words, the ideal biochemical treatise of the future may be cast on similar lines to the present work, but for non-vital intermediate stages there will be substituted, by the dis- covery of new and perhaps quite unsuspected synthetical methods, series, more or less numerous, of vital intermediate compounds. The fact that the intermediate stages are now so largely represented by non-vital compounds is a measure of our ignorance of biochemical processes. In the other direction the ideal treatise on pure chemical sjmthesis — towards which considerably greater progress has already been made— will contain records of genetic relationships starting, let SYNTHETICAL CHEMISTRY 15 us say, from carbon and hydrogen or from calcium carbide and water, and every known organic compound. At present the two modes of treatment have perforce been combined, and it must be left to the judgement of chemists and physiologists respectively to attach the proper weight to such data as they may gather from these pages for the purposes of any particular inquiry. It may perhaps be considered presumptuous on the part of a writer who lays no claim to be considered a physiologist to caution students of this science that the work now offered does really contain in spirit, if not in the text, the two distinct lines of treatment above indicated, and that there is a danger in making too free use of laboratory rela- tionships between organic compounds as evidence of physiological relationship without direct physiological evidence in confirmation. The extreme difficulty of obtaining such confirmation has already been conceded ; nevertheless any chemist who considers some of the physio- logical speculations which have been advanced of late years cannot but come to the conclusion that genetic relationships established experimentally by chemists have been overstrained in the service of physiology. The ordinary chemical equation representing the genetic relationship of one vital compound to another is apt to delude those who are not experts in chemistry into the belief that it is all-sufficient and that it ' explains ' the biochemical process : as a matter of fact the sign connecting the two sides of the equation stands for the whole unexplored region of biochemical transmutation. It may perhaps be urged as a countercharge against chemists that many of the highest authorities have advanced purely chemical explanations of biochemical transformations without sufficient physio- logical evidence. This must be frankly admitted, but it may be pleaded in excuse that the physiological evidence has not been avail- able — partly owing to the practical difficulties of obtaining it, and partly owing to want of co-operation between the two departments of science. Such speculative advances, however, if taken at their true scientific value and not exalted to the rank of proved theories, can do no harm, and may do much good in advancing biochemical science by acting as suggestions stimulating further observation and experi- ment in this all-important field. Not the least difficult task in connexion with the present compila- tion has been the restriction of the series of intermediate compounds within reasonable limits. Although much judgement has been exer- cised, it may appear even now that many of the genetic relationships are extremely far-fetched — that the number of intermediate com- pounds has been multiplied to an unnecessary extent, and that stages have been interpolated which would certainly never be passed through in the course of any practical series of laboratory operations for the synthesis of one compound from another. Again, therefore, it may be necessary to insist that this work is not a practical laboratory guide, 16 INTRODUCTORY but that its object is to furnish material for evolutional schemes of genetic relationships which are chemically real, however far-fetched they may appear from a laboratory or technical point of view. Thus, to state the case in an abstract form, a vital product, X, is capable of being produced from a certain generator, A, by the action of heat or chemical reagents. But A by treatment with certain other reagents can be transformed into the compounds P, Q, R, &c., each one of which, or only the last one, say R, can by appropriate treatment be converted into X It may be urged against the system adopted in this work that since X can be directly obtained from A, the intermediate compounds P, Q, R, &c., have been interpolated unnecessarily. This objection is valid from a practical point of view, but if the fact that X is obtainable from P, Q, and R were for this reason omitted the genetic relationships between A, P, Q, R, and X would be lost sight of. More- over it is possible — and in fact during the preparation of this work numbers of actual cases have occurred — that one or all of the inter- mediate compounds P, Q, R may be at present, or may be found sub- sequently to be, synthesisable from some generator other than A, let us say B, so that B then becomes a generator of X— a fact that would have been ignored if P, Q, R had not been interpolated between A and X. It is further possible that some natural source of one of the inter- mediate compounds, say R, might be discovered hereafter, in which case the genetic relationship of the vital product i? to 4 at one end and X at the other would then be deducible from this work. Provision is accordingly made by this treatment not only for the possible development of further chemical relationships through the discovery of new modes of synthesising compounds which are now non-vital inter- mediate stages, but likewise for the possibility of some non-vital pro- ducts, at present only used as stepping-stones in the laboratory series of operations, being hereafter found in nature. In illustration of the advantages of this system — a system in which directness and simplicity of transformation cannot be allowed to deter- mine which synthetical processes shall be included and which excluded — the case of diacetyl [113] may be quoted. When the section dealing with quinol [7l] was first written the generators of diacetyl had to be included among the generators of this phenol. It was afterwards found in the laboratory of Sohimmel & Co. that diacetyl is a consti- tuent of certain ethereal oils, so that this compound, at first introduced only on account of its genetic relationship to quinol, thereupon had to be enrolled among the vital products and so, as it were, to have its importance enhanced by having biochemical interest added to its purely chemical interest as an indirect generator of quinol. Had diacetyl been excluded because its connexion with quinol is only of an indirect character an interesting relationship between two vital products would have been lost sight of. The cases in which new synthetical processes for the production of non-vital intermediate SYNTHETICAL CHEMISTRY 17 compounds have been discovered during the compilation of this work are too numerous to select special illustrations from ; constant interpo- lations have, as already stated, been necessary to keep pace with the progress of discovery. In pursuance of the scheme of recording the inter-relations between organic compounds on biochemical rather than on purely chemical lines it has also been found necessary, not only to interpolate whole series of intermediate stages irrespective of practical considerations, but also to record synthetical processes which in many cases yield only a small quantity, or even only a trace, of the final product. In other words, the question of yield, like the question of directness of method, cannot be allowed any weight in presenting the subject of chemical synthesis from the present point of view. It is clear that we are following the natural method in this, because it is tolerably certain that a large number, if not a large majority, of the vital products at present isolated and synthesised are of the nature of by-products, having no quantitative relationship to their generators that could be stated — even if we knew what these generators were — in the form of chemical equations which could be said to express the whole truth. No less is it certain that many of the vital compounds herein dealt with arise from the breaking down of many antecedent generators, and the final product results from the accumulation of traces of the compound derived from several sources. It may fairly be urged that the inclusion of processes which result only in a trace of the final product diminishes the value of this work from the technological point of view. Even here, however, it is claimed that the biochemical method, if properly used, may be of great service in chemical technology. In using this as a work of reference in which all the generators of any particular compound are recorded in a systematic manner, the chemist, the physiologist, and the techno- logist will no doubt each use his judgement in assigning due weight to any particular process. The mere statement of the fact that there is any genetic relationship between one compound and another of industrial importance may furnish a suggestive clue for future in- vestigation. As our knowledge of biochemical processes advances and as our chemical processes are brought more and more into line there- with, it is certain that the manufacture of vital products will derive just as much advantage as will the laboratory methods for synthesising organic compounds which are of no industrial use. To state the case another way, the fact that a particular generator gives rise to only a trace of some compound of industrial use is a hint given by Nature that the future technologist might work upon to increase the yield and, as it were, to improve upon Nature's own method. The history of the development of industrial organic chemistry furnishes many examples which justify this inclusion of all processes, irrespective of yield. In modern times the synthesis of c 18 INTRODUCTORY indigo, first from benzene and acetic acid via phenylglycin, then from naphthalene and acetic acid via anthranilic acid (a vital product) and phenylglycin-orthocarboxylic acid, may be quoted as a most instruc- tive illustration. The yield from the first of these generators was insufficient for technological success ; the yield from anthranilic acid is sufficient to enable the synthetical to compete successfully with the natural product. In fact, most laboratory syntheses are at first accom- plished without any consideration of the question of yield ; it is not till the process is taken over by the technologist that this question becomes of importance. The conversion of a laboratory compound into a technological product often reacts also upon the scientific investigation of the compound, leading not only to improvements in methods of production, but likewise to the discovery of new synthetical processes. The study of synthetical chemistry from the present point of view will furnish numerous examples illustrative of the interdependence of science and technology, and, in fact, many of the syntheses of vital products effected of late years are the direct outcome of the techno- logical value of such products. In view of the relationships between biochemistry and chemical technology, the revelation of which, it is claimed, is intimately associated with the present mode of treatment, it is obvious that patented processes have had to be included in the literature. It is of course beyond the scope of this work to discuss such processes critically, and they have all been included, when having any bearing upon any particular synthesis, for whatever they may be worth industrially. The inclusion of patented processes cannot, how- ever, but contribute towards the utility of the work from the point of view of the chemical technologist. In one direction a certain latitude has been allowed in dealing with synthesised vital products, to which special attention must be directed in conclusion. In the case of optically active compounds the synthesis is not logically complete till the optical isomeride has been isolated in the laboratory by one or another of the known methods. Nevertheless the synthesis of such optically active compounds has been recorded as an accomplished fact, although the laboratory product is, as is well known, always optically inactive through ' external compensation ' (racemism, &c.). In going beyond the facts to this extent it is claimed that the course adopted is, however, but a reasonable anticipation of future discovery. The optically active vital product is actually present in the racemic compound or mixture produced in the laboratory, and it may confidently be expected that some method will hereafter be devised for separating the optical isomerides in the case of synthesised compounds which, being neither acid nor basic nor attackable by biological methods, have thus far remained as unresolved. To illustrate this point by a hypothetical case, dextrotartaric and racemic acids are natural products, the latter alone being, strictly speaking, a synthetical SYNTHETICAL CHEMISTRY 19 product. Nevertheless, had racemic acid never been resolved, both dextro- and IsBVotartaric acids, according to the above principle, would have been claimed as synthetical products in anticipation of the dis- covery of methods of resolution. To take another actual example, dipentene and dextro- and IsBvolimonene [9] are all natural products. Dipentene is racemic limonene, and as this compound has been synthesised it is claimed that the limonenes are also synthetical products, although no method for resolving dipentene has yet been devised. c2 n HYDROCARBONS. 1. Methane; Marsh Gas. CH, Natural Sources. A PRODUCT of the bacterial fermenta- tion of calcium acetate and lactate, of milk-sugar, glycuronic acid, choline, cellulose, albumin, &c. Methane fermentation is produced by micro-organisms from the stomach of ruminants and by bacteria occurring in sewage mud. (For methane fermenta- tion of calcium acetate and lactate see Hoppe-Seyler, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 11, ^6 1 ; of milk-sugar, Baginsky, ibid. 12, 457 ; of albumin, Nencki and Sieber, Monats. 10, S"^^ j of choline, Hasebroek, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 12, 148 ; of cellulose, Mit- scherlich, Monats. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. Berlin, 1850, 104 ; Popoff, PflUger's Arch. 10, 113 ; Tappeiner, Ber. 16, 1734-) The methane fermenta- tion of cellulose has been erroneously attributed to TrecuPs Amylohacter (Van Tieghem, Comp. Rend. 88, 205 ; 89, 5 ; Hoppe-Seyler, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 10, 201 ; 401 ; 409 ; Ber. 16, 122). The gases of the intestinal canal, which are evolved especially after a pulse diet, contain methane, possibly re- sulting from the bacterial fermentation of cellulose (Tappeiner, Ber. 15, 999 ; 16, 1734; 1740 ; Zeit. Biol. 20, 52; 215; 24, 105), of albumin (Ruge, Wien. Sit- zungsber. 44, 739), and of lecithin (Hasebroek, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 12, 148). The intestinal gases of man and dogs fed on purely flesh diet also contain methane (Ruge and Planer, quoted by Lafar, ^ Technical Mycology,' I, p. 196). Methane is said to have been detected in the breath of calves and of sheep (Reiset, Jahresber. 1863, 638). According to Omeliansky (Comp. Rend. 125, 1131; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 918, from Arch. Sci. Biol. St. Pet. 7, 411) the cellulose ferment is Bacillus fermentationis celluloscB, but this does not give rise to methane. The latter is produced towards the end of the fermentation by another Bacillus, which is not Amylohacter. (See also Centr. Bakter. 8, 193 et seq.) Chalk is essential for the production of methane from cellulose (Omeliansky). The methane fermentation of milk- sugar is caused by Bacterium lactis a'ero- genes of Escherich = Bad. aceticum of Baginsky (Zeit. physiol. Ch. 12, 461 ; Emmerling, Ber. 33, 2477). The de- velopment of gases, including methane, by Bacillus coli communis cultivated in different media has been studied by Mary E. Pennington and Geo. Kiisel (Am. Ch. Journ. 22, 556). Methane is among the gases evolved during the 'sauerkraut' fermentation of vegetables and of nutrient saccharine solutions hj Bacterium brassier acidce. of Lehmann and Conrad (Ch. Centr. 1897, 1, 1098). Also among the gases evolved during the putrefaction of elastin (pre- pared from the ligamentnm nuchtB of the ox) by anaerobic microbes (Zoja, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 23, 236). Methane is evolved during the putrefaction of com- pressed manure (Deherain and Dupont, Ann. Agronom. 26, 273 ; also Deherain, Comp. Rend. 99, 45 ; and for evolution of methane by anaerobic fermentation of straw, Ibid. Ann. Agronom. 10, 385), and is among the gases given off during the fermentation which takes place in indigo vats and in sugar diffusers (for latter see Lafar's ' Technical Mycology,' I. p. 196). Methane is among the gases evolved during the putrefaction of barley (Lermer, Journ. Fed. Inst. 8, 509, from Zeit. ges. Brau. 25, 165). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Methane is produced by the direct union of carbon with hydrogen at iaoo° (Bone and Jordan, Trans. Ch. Soc. 71, 41 ; 79, 1042). The carbides of the metals aluminium, beryllium, cerium, 22 HYDROCARBONS [1 A-D. manganese, lanthanum, yttrium, ura- nium, and thorium, praseo- and neo- didymium produced in the electric fur- nace give methane (in most cases mixed with other gases) when acted upon by water (Moissan, Proc. Roy. Soc. 60, 156; Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 1012 ; 15, 1285 ; 17, 15 ; Comp. Rend. 122, 362 ; 423 ; 1462 ; Ann. Chim. [7] 9, 302 ; Moissan and Etard, Ann. Chim. [7] 12, 429; Lebeau, Comp. Rend. 121,498 ; Moissan, Comp. Rend. 131, 595; Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 182, 281). Carbon and hydrogen combine directly to form acetylene when the electric arc passes between carbon poles in an at- mosphere of hydrogen (Berthelot, Ann. Chim. [4] 13, 143; Comp. Rend. 54, 640 ; Bone and Jerdan, Trans. Ch. Soc. 71, 41 ; 79, 1042). Or certain metallic carbides, such as those of barium, cal- cium, strontium, and lithium prepared in the electric furnace, give acetylene when acted upon by water (Moissan, Bull. Soc. [3] 15, 1285 ; the production of acety- lene from calcium carbide and water was first observed by Wohler, Ann. 124, 220 : the technical production of calcium car- bide is due to Willson, 1894. Wohler prepared calcium carbide by strongly heating an alloy of zinc and calcium with charcoal : Maquenne prepares barium carbide by heating barium carbonate with magnesium powder and carbon ; Ann. Chim. [6] 28, 266). Acetylene gives methane when passed over finely divided nickel heated to 300° (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 124, 617) or when heated ^^r se to 1 150° (Bone and Jerdan, Proc. Ch. Soc. 17, 164). Or acetylene forms a compound with mer- curic chloride (see under acetaldehyde [92; A]), and this on treatment with iodine and alkali gives iodoform (Le Comte, Journ. Pharm. 16, 297). From iodoform as under D below. Carbon monoxide and hydrogen give methane under the influence of the silent electric discharge (Brodie, Proc. Roy. Soc. 21, 245 ; Ann. 169, 270). So also (probably) does a mixture of carbon di- oxide and hydrogen (Collie, Trans. Ch. Soc. 79, 1067). Methane is produced by the catalytic action of finely divided heated nickel or cobalt on a mixture of hydrogen with carbon dioxide or mon- oxide (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 134, 514; 689). [B.] Heptane [2] gives methane among the gases produced by heating the hydro- carbon to 900° (Worstall and Burwell, Am. Ch. Journ. 19, 815). [C] From methyl alcohol [13] through methyl iodide and the action of sodium on the moist ethereal solution or of the copper-zinc couple or aluminium amal- gam on the alcoholic solution of the iodide (Gladstone and Tribe, Trans. Ch. Soc. 45, 154; "W right, Ibid. 47, 200; Bone and Wheeler,7d?V/. 81,541). Magne- sium amalgam reduces the alkyl iodides more readily than the copper-zinc couple (Meunier, Comp. Rend. 134, 47 2). Me- thyl iodide (or chloride) gives methane by heating with potassium hydride (Moissan, Comp. Rend. 134, 389). Or from methyl iodide through zinc methyl (Frankland, Ann. 85, 346 ; 111, 62) and decomposition of the latter by water {Ibid. Phil. Trans. 1852, 2, 417 ; Laden- burg and Kriigel, Ber. 32, 1821), or by alcohol in an atmosphere of nitrogen or hydrogen (Tolkatscheff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 33, 469). Magnesium methiodide gives methane on decomposition by water (Grignard, Ann. Chim. [7] 24, 433 ; Tschugaeff, Ber. 35, 3912). From methyl alcohol by passing the vapour over heated magnesium (Keiser and Breed, Ch. News, 71, 118), or by passing the electric arc through the va- pour (Lob, Ber. 34, 917), or by pyro- genic contact decomposition (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1055; 1060). From methyl alcohol through methyl ether (Dumas and Peligot, Ann. 15, 12 ; Kane, Ann. 19, 166 ; Ebelmen, Ann. 57, 328 ; Erlenmeyer and Kriechbaumer, Ber. 7, 699 ; Tellier, Arch. Pharm. 10, 57). The latter gives methane on passing through a hot tube (Tischtschenko, Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 586, from Journ. Russ. Soc. 31, 784). [D.] From ethi/l alcohol [l4] through chloroform (Liebig, Ann. 1, 198 ; Sou- beiran, Ann. Chim. [2] 48, 131; Sou- beiran and Mialhe, Ann. 71, 225; Kessler, Journ. Pharm. 13, 162; Belo- houbek, Ann. 165, 349 ; Goldberg, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 24, 114 ; for electro- ID.] METHANE 23 lytic production of chloroform from potassium chloride and alcohol see Chem. Fab. auf Aktien, Germ. Pat. 29771 of 1884 ; Ber. 17, Ref. 624. See also Dony-Henault, Zeit. Elektroch. 7, 57). Chloroform gives methane on reduc- tion with zinc dust in alcoholic solution (Sabanejeff, Ber. 9, 1810; Perkin, Ch. News, 18, 106) or by potassium amal- gam (Regnault, Gerhardt's ' Traits/ 1, 603). Or by passing chloroform vapour and hydrogen through a hot tube, or by heating chloroform with copper or with potassium iodide and water in a sealed tube (Berthelot, Jahresber. 1857, 267). Or from ethyl alcohol through bromo- form (Lowig, Ann. 3, 295 ; Dumas, Ann. Chim. [2] 56, 120; Giinther, Arch. Pharm. [3] 25, 373), which is reduced to methane by heating with potassium iodide, water, and copper or zinc (Berthelot, Ann. Chim. [3] 51, 48), or by the copper-zinc couple (Gladstone and Tribe, Journ. Ch. Soc. 28, 510). Bromoform yields methane by passing the vapour over heated copper (in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide) or by heating with zinc dust in alcoholic solution (Nef, Ann. 308, 329). Or from ethyl alcohol through iodo- form (Serullas, Ann. Chim. [2] 22, 172 ; 25, 314; Giinther, Arch. Pharm. [3] 25, '^y^ ; Rother, Pharm. Journ. [3] 4, 593 ; for electrolytic preparation of iodo- form see Chem. Fab. auf Aktien, Germ. Pat. 29771 of 1884; Ber. 17, Ref. 624; Forster and Meves, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 56, 354; Elbs and Herz, Zeit. Elektroch. 4, 113; also Dony- Renault, /^ia'. 7, 57; Bull. Assoc. Belg. [6] 14, 247; for production from potassium iodide and alcohol by the action of ozone see Otto, Germ. Pat. IC9013 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 304). Iodoform gives methane by the action of the copper-zinc couple (Gladstone and Tribe, Journ. Ch. Soc. 28, 508), or by heating with finely divided silver in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide (Nef, Ann. 308, 329). Or from ethyl alcohol through ethyl chloride (Robiquet and Colin, Ann. Chim. [2] 1, 343 ; Regnault, Ibid. 71, 355; Kuhlmann, Ann. 33, 108; Lowig, Pogg. Ann. 45, 346; Groves, Journ. Ch. Soc. 27, 637; Kriiger, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 14, 195; Geuther, Zeit. [2] 7, 147). The latter gives methane (and acetic acid) when passed over red-hot lime (L. Meyer, Ann. 139, 282 ; see also Dumas and Stas, Ann. Chim. [2] 73, 154, and Nef, Ann. 318, 1). Or from alcohol through chloral by chlorination (Liebig, Ann. 1, 189); also under formic acid [Vol. II]). Chloral in aqueous solution gives methane on heating with zinc or iron dust (Cotton, Bull. Soc. [2] 42, 622). Methane is among the gases produced by passing the vapour of ethyl alcohol over heated magnesium (Keiser and Breed, Ch. News, 71, 118). Ethyl alcohol by the action of aluminium in presence of stannic chloride gives aluminium ethylate(Hillyer and Crocker, Am. Ch. Journ. 19, 41). The latter gives methane among the products of its decomposition by heat (Tischtschenko, Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 585, from Journ. Russ. Soc. 31, 784). From ethyl alcohol through ethyl ether (Valentin Rose, Scherer's, Journ. d. Ch. 4, 253 ; Saussure, Ann. Chim. 89, 273 ; Dumas and BoiiUay, Ibid. [2] 36, 294; Williamson, Journ. Ch. Soc. 4, 106; Boullay, Journ. Pharm. 1, 97; Soubeiran, Ibid. [3] 16, 321). The latter gives methane among the pro- ducts of photochemical oxidation in pre- sence of hydrogen peroxide (Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 129, 627). From ethyl alcohol through ethylene by heating with dehydrating agents (Mitscherlich, Ann. Chim. [3] 7, 12; Ebelmen, Ibid. 16, ^^6; Erlenmeyer and Bunte, Ann. 168, 64 ; 192, 244 ; Villard, Ann. Chim. [7] 10,389; Newth, Proc. Ch. Soc. 17, J 47). Methane is among the products formed by passing ethylene over finely divided nickel heated in a tube (Sabatier and Senderens,Comp. Rend. 124, 1358 ; 131, 267), by passing a mixture of ethylene and hydrogen over heated freshly reduced cobalt [Ibid. 130, 1 761), or by passing through a hot tube (Day, Am. Ch. Journ. 8, 153). Note : — Ethylene and acetylene are among the products formed when the vapours of primary alcohols such as methyl [13], ethyl [14], isobutyl [18], and amyl alcohol [22] are passed over calcium carbide heated to 500° (Lefebvre, 24 HYDROCARBONS [1 D-J. Comp. Rend. 132, 1221). Ethylene or methane or both gases are among the products formed by passing the vapour of ethyl alcohol through hot tubes of glass, platinum, or iron, or over heated metals such as zinc, brass, &c., or certain metallic oxides such as those of zinc, tin, &c. (Jahn, Ber. 13, 987 ; Ipatieff, Ber. 34, 3579 ; 35, 1047 ; also over heated plumbago crucible material, Ibid. 1058). Ethylene and acetylene are among the products of the pyrogenic de- composition of the vapour of amyl alcohol [22] (Wurtz, Ann. 104, 243). Ethylene is among the products formed by passing n-hexane [23 ; A, &c. J or isobutyl alcohol vapour [18] mixed with air over heated platinum (v. Stepski, Monats. 23, 773). [E.] Propyl alcohol [15] gives me- thane among the products formed by passing the vapour over heated mag- nesium (Keiser and Breed, Ch. News, 71, 118), or over heated plumbago crucible material (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1059). ^^" n-propyl alcohol gives iodoform by the action of iodine and alkali (Lieben, Ann. Suppl. 7, 318; 377), and this can be reduced to methane as above under D. Or from n-propyl alcohol through the aldehyde (propanal) by oxidation (Chancel, Ann. 151, 301 ; Przybytek, journ. Russ. Soc. 8, 335 ; Lieben and Zeisel, Monats. 4, 14). Propanal gives methane among the products of de- composition of its vapour at a high temperature (Tischtschenko, Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 586; Journ. Russ. Soc. 31, 7«4). Or from n-propyl alcohol through n-propyl chloride (see under isopropyl alcohol [16; B]). The latter gives carbon tetrachloride (with the hexa- chloride) when heated with iodine chloride to 200° (Krafft and Merz, Ber. 8, 1296). The tetrachloride gives me- thane as below under L. Or from inopropi/l alcohol [16], being among the products of pyrogenic contact decomposition (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1056). [P.] Normal butyl alcohol [17] gives iodoform by the action of iodine and alkali (Lieben ; see above under E). Subsequent treatment as under D. Or isobutyl alcohol [18] gives iso- butyl chloride or bromide, and these haloids passed over soda-lime heated to 600° give methane among other products (Nef, Ann. 318, 22, &c.). Methane is among the gases produced by the pyrogenic contact decomposition of the vapour of isobutyl alcohol by certain metals (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1052 ; also Noyes, Beilstein, I, 115) or by plumbago crucible material (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1060). [G.] From octyl alcohol [28] through iodoform (Lieben, loc. cif.) and then as above under D. [H.] Glycerol [48] gives a small quantity of methane among the products of the dry distillation of the barium compound (Destrem, Ann. Chim. [5] 27, 17; 44; Comp. Rend. 90, 1313). Or from glycerol through allyl alcohol (see under ethyl alcohol [14 ; G]), which gives methane among the products of pyrogenic contact decomposition bypass- ing the vapour over certain heated metals (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1054). Or from glycerol through acrolein [lOl] as under HH below. [I.] From aldehyde [92] throngli iodoform (Lieben, loc. cit.) and then as above under D. Or aldehyde gives chloral on chlorination (Pinner, Ber. 4, 256 ; Wurtz and Vogt, Zeit. [2] 7, 679), and this is decomposed by alkali with the formation of chloroform (Liebig, Ann. 1, 199). The latter, or chloral itself, can be reduced to methane as above under D. Aldehyde gives methane among the products of the decomposition of its vapour by heat (Tischtschenko, Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 586; see also Ipatieff, Ber. 34, 3579) or by pyrogenic contact decomposition by the action of certain metals (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1049). Me- thane is among the products of the action of strong aqueous hydriodic acid on aldehyde and many other compounds at a high temperature (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. [2] 7,60; 9,8; 91; 178; 265; Jahresber. 1867, 342). Or aldehyde-ammonia gives methane among the products of its decomposition when heated with a hypochlorite (De Coninck, Comp. Rend. 126, 1042). [J.] From acetone [IO6] through chloroform or iodoform (Liebig, Ann. 1, 198 ; Lieben, as above under E ; Rother, Jahresber. 1874, 317; Curtman, Beil- stein^s 'Handbueh,'' I, 189 ; Suilliot and Raynaud, Bull. Soc. [2] 51, 4 ; Orndorff and Jessel, Am. Ch. Journ. 10, "^d^, and 1 J-T.] METHANE 25 subsequent reduction as above under D. According to Berthelot (see above under I) methane is among the gases produced by the reduction of acetone by heating to a high temperature with strong aqueous hydriodic acid. Acetone also gives bromoform by electrolysis in presence of potassium bromide and carbonate (Coughlin, Am. Ch. Journ. 27, 63 : compare Elbs and Herz, Zeit. Elektroch. 4, 113). [K.] Butyric aldehyde [94] gives iodoform by the action of iodine and alkali (Lieben, as above under E). [L.] From carbon disidphide [160] by passing the vapour mixed with sulphuretted hydrogen over heated copper (Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 43, 236 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 63, 69). Or from carbon disulphide by heating with phos- phonium iodide to I20°-140° (Jahn, 13er. 13, 127). Or carbon disulphide on chlorination in the presence of iron and iodine and Bubsequent treatment of the product with bleaching powder gives carbon tetrachloride (Serra, Gazz. 29, ^S3)' ^^ carbon disulphide can be converted into the tetrachloride by chlorination (Kolbe, Ann. 45,41 ; 64, 146 ; Hofmann, Ann. 115, 264; Klason, Ber. 20, 2376; Mouneyrat, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 262 : for references to technical processes see Conroy, Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 21, 309 ; Urbain, Eng. Pat. 13733 ^^ 1901J Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 21, 926). Carbon tetrachloride can be reduced to methane in the same way as chloroform (Berthe- lot, Jahresber. 1857, 267). [M.] Phenol [6O] gives methane among the products of pyrogenic de- composition (Miiller, Journ. pr. Ch. 58, i). Orphenol by the action of potassium chlorate and hydrochloric acid gives tri- chlor-aa-glyceric acid, which is decom- posed by cold alkaline solutions into oxalic acid and chloroform (Schreder, Ann. 177, 282). [N.] From cresol [61; 62; 63] by pyrogenic decomposition (Miiller, as above under M). [O.j From/brwzc acid [Vol. II], being among the products of the dry distilla- tion of the barium salt (Berthelot, Jahresber. 1857, 426) and of the action of heated zinc dust on the vapour of the acid (Jahn, Ber. 13, 2109). Or methyl formate on extreme chlo- rination gives perchlormethyl formate (Hentschel, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 36, 100 ; 214; 305), which is decomposed by aluminium chloride with the formation of carbon tetrachloride {Ibid. 308). Sub- sequent steps as above under L. [P.] From acetic acid [Vol. II] by heating acetates with barium oxide, with potash-lime or soda-lime (Dumas, Ann. Chim. [2] 73, 92; Ann. 33, 181 ; Von Schlegel, Ann. 226, 140; Schorlemmer, Ch. News, 29, 7 : compare Ladenburg and Kriigel, Ber. 32, 1820). Also from acetic acid by photochemical decom- position in the presence of uranium salts (Fay, Am. Ch. Journ. 18, 287). Also by the electrolysis of fused potas- sium acetate (Lassar-Cohn, Ann. 251, Or indirectly from acetic acid through the trichloro-acid by chlorination (Du- mas, Ann. 32, loi). The trichloro-acid gives chloroform on heating with aqueous alkali [Ibid. 113; Ann. Chim. [2] 56, 115). [Q.j Glycollic acid [Vol. II] gives methane on distillation with lime (Han- riot, Bull. Soc. [2] 45, 80; Comp. Rend. 101, 1 156). [B.] Lactic acid [Vol. II] gives iodo- form by the action of iodine and alkali (Lieben, as above under E). Subsequent reduction as before. Or lactic acid gives chloroform on treatment with bleaching powder (Eberhard, Journ. Ch. Soc. 80, I, Abst. 357). Subsequent reduction as above under D. [S.] From malonic acid [Vol. II], ethylene being among the products of the electrolysis of the acid potassium salt (Petersen, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 519). Ethylene gives methane as above under D. [T.] From succinic acid [Vol. II], methane being among the products of electrolysis of an alcoholic solution in presence of sodium hydroxide (Clark and Smith, Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 21, 967). Or indirectly through ethylene by the electrolysis of a strong solution of the sodium salt (Kekule, Ann. 131, 79 ; Clark and Smith, loc. cit. ; also from 26 HYDROCARBONS [l T-HH. the acid potassium salt, Petersen, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 519; 1900, 2, 171), and then as above under D. Or succinic acid gives a dibromo-acid on bromination (Kekule, Ann. 117, 123 ; Ann. Suppl. 1, 352; Bourgoin, Bull. Soc. [2] 19, 148 ; Gorodetzky and Hell, Bar. 21, 1731), and this by treat- ment with alcoholic potash gives acetyl- enedicarboxylic acid (Bandrowsky, Ber. 10, 838 ; Baeyer, Ber. 18, 677 ; 2269), the sodium salt of which gives, on the addition of silver nitrate, silver acetylide (Lessen, Ann. 272, 140). Acetylene liberated from the latter gives methane as above under A. [U.] Fumaric acid [Vol. II] combines with bromine to form dibromsuccinic acid (Kekule, Ann. Suppl. 1, 131 ; Baeyer, loc. cit. ; Kirchhoff, Ann. 280, 209 J Michael, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 52, 395). Subsequent steps as above under T. Or fumaric (or maleic) acid gives acetylene on electrolysis of a strong solution of the sodium salt (Kekule, Ann. 131, 85). Or maleic acid (anhydride) on com- bination with bromine gives isodibrom- succinic acid (Kirchhoff, Ann. 280, 207), and this on heating with strong hydro- bromic acid gives dibromsuccinic acid (Michael, Journ. pr. Ch. [a] 52, 324). Subsequent steps as above under T. Isodibromsuccinic acid also on treatment with alcoholic potash gives acetyl ene- dicarboxylic acid (Bandrowsky, Ber. 10, 838), which gives acetylene and methane as above under T. [v.] Azeldic acid [Vol. II] gives a small quantity of ethylene among the products of its distillation with Boda-lime (Miller and Tschitschkin, Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 182). Ethylene gives methane as above under D. [W.] Salicylic acid [Vol. II] by the action of potassium chlorate and hydro- chloric acid gives trichlor-aa-glyceric acid, from which chloroform can be obtained (see under M above). [X.] From gallic acid [Vol. II] through trichlor-aa-glyceric acid by the action of potassium chlorate and hydro- chloric acid and chloroform, &c., as before (see under M above). [Y.] Metliylamine [Vol. II] gives methane among the products of its re- duction by strong aqueous hydriodic acid at a high temperature (Berthelot, as above under I). [Z.] Trimethylamine [Vol. II] on heating the hydrochloride to 326 de- composes with the formation of methyl chloride (Vincent, Journ. Pharm. [4] 30, 132; Jahresber. 1878, 1 1 35). Me- thyl chloride gives methane among the products of pyrogenic decomposition (Perrot, Ann. 101, 375), or a solution of the chloride "might be reduced as above under C. [AA.] Benzene (see under cymene [e ; I, &c.]) by the action of sulphuric acid and potassium chlorate gives tri- chlorphenomalic acid, CCI3 . CO . CH : CH.COOH (Carius, Ann. 142, 129; Kekule and Strecker, Ann. 223, 170; Anschiitz, Ann. 254, 152), and this decomposes into chloroform (and maleic acid) on heating with barium hydroxide solution. For reduction of chloroform to methane see above under D. [BB.] From malic acid [Vol. II], which gives bromoform by the action of bromine and alkali (Cahours, Ann. 64, 351). S ubsequent steps as above under D. [CO.] From citric acid [Vol. II], which gives bromoform as above. [DD.] Ethylamine [Vol. II] gives methane among the products of pyro- genic decomposition (Miiller, Bull. Soc. [2] 45, 43«)- [EE.] Glucose [154] gives an oxime which on reduction yields the base glucamine. The latter gives iodoform with iodine (Maquenne and .Roux, Com p. Rend. 132, 980). From iodoform to methane as above under D. [FF.] From isovaleric acid. [Vol. II], methane being among the products of the dry distillation of the calcium salt (Dilthey, Ber. 34, 21 15). [GO.] Isoamyl alcohol [22] gives methane among the products of pyro- genic decomposition by the contact action of certain heated metals on the vapour (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1053). [HH.] From acrolein [lOl] through propinal and acetylene (see under cymene [6 ; XVIII]), and then as under A above. 2-4.] NORMAL HEPTANE 27 2. Normal Heptane. CH3. [CHgJg.CHg Natural Soukcb. Occurs in the exudation of the Cali- fornian nut pine^ Finns sabiniana (Thorpe, Trans. Ch. Soc. 35, 296 ; 37, 313). Also in the resin of Finns jeff're^i (Blasdale, Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 23, 163). [Vol. II], a mixture of the potassium salts giving a heptane on electrolysis which is probably normal heptane (Wurtz, Ann. 96, 372). Note : — Many synthetical products belonging to the aromatic series are said by Berthelot to give heptane on heating to a high temperature with strong aqueous hydriodic acid, but the constitution of the heptanes thus obtained has not been determined. (See for references under methane [1 ; I] and under isoheptyl alcohol [27].) Synthetical Processes. [A.] From methyl and n-hexyl alcohols [13 J 23] by conversion into the corre- sponding alkyl iodides and combination of the alkyls by the action of sodium on the iodides in ethereal solution (general method of Wurtz, Ann. Chim. [3] 44, 2"]^ ; see also Frankland, Ann. 71, 171; 74,41). [B.] From ethyl and n-amyl alcohols [14 ; 20] as above. [C] From n-jpropyl and n-butyl alco- hols [15 ; 17] as above. [D,] (Enanthol [97] on reduction with sodium amalgam or zinc dust and acetic acid gives normal heptyl alcohol (Bouis and Carlet, Ann. 124, '>,^1', Schorlemmer, Ann. 177, 303 ; Cross, Ann. 189, 2; Jourdan, Ann. 200, 102 ; Krafft, Ber. 16, 1723). The alcohol gives n-heptyl iodide on heating with aqueous hydriodic acid (Jourdan, loc. cit. 104), and this might be reduced to n-heptane by the usual methods (see under methane [l ; C]). Or cenanthol by the action of phos- phorus pentachloride gives i : i-di- chlorheptane = oenanthylidene chloride (Limpricht, Ann. 103, 81), which by the action of alcoholic potash gives 6-(a)-heptine = cenanthylidene {Ibid. ; Rubien, Ann. 142, 294). The latter combines with hydrogen by the ' con- tact ' action of hot finely divided nickel to form heptane (Sabatier and Sen- derens, Comp. Rend. 135, 87). [E.] From azela'ic acid [Vol. II] through heptane by heating the barium salt with barium oxide (Dale, Journ. Ch. Soc. 17, 258). [F.] From acetic and n-hepioic acids 3. Normal Fentadecane. CH3 [CHJ13 . CH3 Natural Source. Possibly a constituent of the essential oil of Kaempferia galanga (P. van Rom- burgh, Proc. K. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam, 4, 618 ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 82, I, Abst. do,-^. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From palmitic acid [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [13] by distilling the barium salt of the acid in a vacuum with sodium meth oxide (Mai, Ber. 22, 2^34). Or palmitic and acetic acids on dis- tilling a mixture of the barium salts give 2-heptadecanone (Krafft, Ber. 12, 1671), and this on oxidation with chromic acid mixture gives pentadecylic acid {Ibid.). The latter on heating with hydriodic acid and phosphorus to 240° gives n-pentadecane {Ibid. 15, 1700). 4. Normal Eeptacosane. CH3[CH2]26.CH3 Natural Sources. Occurs in beeswax (Schwalb, Ann. 235, 117) and in tobacco leaf (Thorpe and Holmes, Trans. Ch. Soc. 79, 982 ; see also Kissling, Ber. 16, 2432). 28 HYDROCARBONS [4 A-6. Synthetical Process. [A.] From myrxstic acid [Vol. II] through myristone jby distilling the calcium or barium salt (Overbeck, Pogg. Ann. 86, 591; Ann. 84, 290 ; Krafft, Ber. 15, 17 13); the dichloride by distilling with phosphorus penta- chloride, and reduction of the dichloride by heating with aqueous hydriodic acid and phosphorus (Krafft, loc. cit.). Note : — A heptacosane may occur in n6roli oil (E. and H. Erdmann, Ber. 32, 12 14), but the constitution of this hydrocarbon is at present unknown. 5. XTormal Hentriacontane. CH3[CH2]29 . CHg Natural Sources. Occurs with the preceding in bees- wax (Schwalb, loc. cit.) and tobacco leaf (Thorpe and Holmes, loc. cit.). Synthetical Process. [A.] From palmitic acid [Vol. II] through palmitone by distilling the barium salt (Piria, Ann. 82, 249) ; the dichloride as above, and reduction of latter as before (Krafft, loc. cit. 17 14). 6. Cymeue; Faraisopropyltolnene ; Faramethylisopropylbenzene ; l-Methyl-4-Methoethylbenzene. CH, CHo . Cxi . CHj Natural Sources. In Roman cumin oil from the seeds of Cuminmn cyminum (Gerhardt and Cahours, Ann. 38, 70; loi ; 345); in oil from the seeds of water-hemlock, Cicuta virosa (Trapp, Journ. pr. Ch. 74, 428; Arch. Pharm. 231, 212; Ann. 108, 386) ; in oil of pepperwort, Satureia hortensis (Jahns, Ber. 15, 816), and of Satureia thymbra (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1889). Cymene occurs in oil of true bishop's weed, Ptychotis ajowdn (Haines, Journ. Ch. Soc. 8, 28; Miiller, Ber. 2, 130 ; Landolph, Ber. 6, 936) ; in oil of thyme from Thymus vulgaris and T. serpyllum (Lallemand, Journ. Pharm. 24, 274 ; Comp. Rend. 37, 498 ; Ann. 102, 119; Febve, Comp. Rend. 92, 1290); in oil of wild bergamot from Monarda jistulosa (Kremers, Pharm. Rund. 13, 207 ; Melzner and Kremers, Pharm. Rev. 14, 198); and in oil of American horsemint from Monarda piinctata (Kremers and Hendricks, Pharm. Arch. 2, 73 ; Schumann and Kremers, Pharm. Rev. 14, 223). According to Faust and Homeyer (Ber. 7, 1429) cymene occurs in the oil of Eucalyptus globulus, but according to Gildemeister and Hoffmann (p. 691) the oil investigated by these chemists could not have been from that species. Cymene occurs in oil of Eucalyptus heBmastoma (Gildemeister and Hoff- mann, p. 161), in oil of Thymus capitatus from S. Spain (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1889), in oil of Trieste and Smyrna origanum from Origanum hirtum and 0. smyrnaum (Jahns, Arch. Pharm. 215, I; Gildemeister, Ibid. 231, 182), and in Ceylon oil of cinnamon (Schim- meFs Ber. April, 1902; Walbaum and Hiithig, Journ. pr. Ch. [2I 66, 47). According to Tardy (pull. Soc. [3] 17, 580 ; 660) cymene is contained in the oil of French bitter-fennel, but it more probably resulted from the action of hydrogen chloride on some other constituent of the oil (Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 740). According to Klason the oil extracted from pine- wood during the sulphite cellulose pro- cess is cymene (Bied. Centr. 27, 137; Ber. 33, 2343)- Cymene is contained in the steam distillate from lemon-grass oil from the Indian Andropogon citratus (Dodge, Am. Ch. Journ. 12, ^^'i, ; Stiehl, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 58, 51). Cascarilla oil from the bark of Croton eluteria contains cymene e.] CYMENE 29 (Fendler, Arch. Pharm. 238, 671 : see also Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 574). Note : — The cymene said in the older works to be a constituent of so many plant oils is no doubt some other hydrocarbon and was re- corded before the discovery of dependable chemical methods for identifying cymene. It is probable also in many cases that the cymene was produced by the action of the reagents employed upon some constituent of the oil and was not pre-existent as such. Cymene is found in the urine of dogs after repeated doses of sabinol (Hildebrandt, Ch. Centr. 1901, 1, ^^). Synthetical Processes. One of the generators of cymene in some of the synthetical processes is benzencj and as this hydrocarbon is also the generator of large numbers of other synthetical products its syntheses are here introduced : — Sjintheses of Benzene. [I.] From acetylene (see under meth- ane [1; A]). The latter polymerises under the influence of heat with the formation of benzene (Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 63, 479 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 7, 303 ; Ann. Chim. [4] 9, 469). Note : — Generators of acetylene (see under methane [1 ; T ; U ; &c.]) thus become generators of benzene. Carbon monoxide combines with potassium at 80° to form a salt of hexahydroxybenzene, the latter being liberated on treatment of the salt with hydrochloric acid (Brodie, Journ. Ch. Soc. [a] 12, 369 ; Ann. 113, 358 ; Nietzki and Benckiser, Ber. 18, 1834). Hexahydroxybenzene gives benzene (and diphenyl) on distillation with zinc dust. Mellitic acid= benzenehexacarboxylic acid can be obtained by oxidising char- coal or other forms of carbon by alkaline permanganate (Schulze, Ber. 4, 80a ; 806), by fuming nitric acid (Dickson and Easterfield, Proc. Ch. Soc. 14, 163), by the electrolysis of dilute acid or alkali with carbon electrodes (Bartoli and Papasogli, Gazz. 11, 468; Ch. Centr. 1881, 327), by alkaline hypo- chlorite {Ibid. Gazz. 15, 446), or by heating with strong sulphuric acid (Verneuil, Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 121; Comp. Rend. 132, 1340). Mellitic acid gives benzene when distilled with soda-lime (Baeyer, Ann. Suppl. 7, 5). Certain metallic carbides, e. g. of barium, give benzene when heated to 600-800° with an equimolecular weight of the metallic hydroxide (Bradley and Jacobs, Germ. Pat. 125936 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1902, 1, 77). [II.] Methane [l] and heptane [2] give benzene among the products formed by passing through a hot tube (for heptane see Worstall and Burwell, Am. Ch. Journ. 19, 815). [III.] From ethyl alcohol [14] through ethylene (see under methane [l; Dl). The latter gives benzene among the products formed by passing through a hot tube (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. [a] 9, 456 ; Norton and Noyes, Am. Ch. Journ. 8, 362). Note : — Generators of ethylene thus become generators of benzene. (See under methane [1 ; S ; T ; V, &c.]). Or from ethyl alcohol through chloro- form, bromoform, or iodoform (see under methane [l ; D]). ChloBoform gives acetylene by passing the vapour over heated copper (Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 50, 805) or by the action of potassium or sodium amalgam (Kletzinsky, Zeit. [2] 2, 127 ; Fittig, Ibid.). Iodoform gives acetylene by the action of finely divided silver, zinc, or the copper-zinc couple (Cazeneuve, Comp. Rend. 97, 1371 ; Bull. Soc. [2] 41, 106). Bromo- form gives acetylene by similar treat- ment {Ibid. [3] 7, 70; see also Nef, Ann. 308, 329). Acetylene gives ben- zene by polymerisation as under I above. Note : — Generators of chloroform and iodo- form given under methane thus become through acetylene generators of benzene. Or from ethylene through ethylene bromide and acetylene by the action of alcoholic potash on the latter (Miasni- kofE, Ann. 118, 330 ; Sawitsch, Comp. Rend. 52, 157; Ann. 119, 184; Sa- banejeff, Ann. 178, iii), or by the action of potassium isobutylate on the bromide (Forcrand, Ann. Chim. [6] 11, 30 HYDROCARBONS [6. 477), or by passing ethylene chloride over hot soda-lime (Wilde, Ber. 1, ^$2). [IV.] From normal or isopropyl alco- hol [15 ; 16] through propylene and allylene (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; E]). The latter gives mesitylene when treated with sulphuric acid (Schrohe, Ber. 8, 17). Mesitylene oxidises to trimesic =1:3: 5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (Fittig, Ann. 141, 153), and this gives benzene on distillation with lime. Note : —Generators of allylene (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; F, G, &c.]) thus become generators of benzene. Generators of propylene are given under glycerol [48]. [V.] From hutyl alcohols normal or iso- [17; 18] through normal or iso- butylene or pseudobutylene (see under isobutyl alcohol [I8 ; A] ; tertiary butyl alcohol [19 ; B] ; and secondary butyl isothiocyanate [165 ; A and B]). Butyl- ene or pseudobutylene bromide gives crotonylene on treatment with alcoholic potash (Caventou, Ann. 127, 347 ; Al- medingen, Journ. Russ. Soc. 13, 392 ; J. Wislicenus and Schmidt, Ann. 313, ail), and this by the action of sulphuric acid gives hexamethylbenzene (Alme- dingen, loc. cit.). The latter on oxida- tion with permanganate gives mellitic acid (Friedel and Crafts, Ann. Chim. [6] 1, 470), which gives benzene as above under I. Benzene is a product of pyrogenic synthesis from isobutylene (Noyes ; Beilstein, I, 115). [VI.] Methyl alcohol [13] is said to give a small quantity of hexamethyl- benzene by the action of zinc chloride (Greene and LeBel, Jahresber. 1878, 388). A passage from methyl alcohol to benzene is also possible through methyl chloride and the further chlorination of the latter to chloroform (Damoiseau, Comp. Rend. 92,4a). From chloroform through acetylene as above under III. [VII.] From carhon dmdphide [I60] through carbon tetrachloride (see under methane [l ; L]). The latter is reduced by zinc and dilute sulphuric acid to chloroform (Geuther, Ann. 107, aia). [VIII.] From acetone [IO6] through mesitylene (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; D]), and then as above under IV. Or from acetone through phorone and pseudocumene (see under ortho- cresol [61 ; B]). The latter oxidises to a-xylic = methylterephthalic acid and finally to trimellitic = i : 2 : 4-benzene- triearboxylic acid (Fittig and Laubin- ger, Ann. 151, 276; Krinos, Ber. 10, 1494), which gives benzene on fusion with alkali (Barth and Schreder, Ber. 12, 1257)- Or acetone and formic acid [Vol. II] condense when the ethyl ester of the latter and the ketone are acted upon by sodium ethoxide. The product is hydroxymethylene-acetone, and this undergoes further condensation to tri- acetylbenzene, which is oxidised to trimesic acid by nitric acid (Claisen and Stylos, Ber. 21, 1144). [IX.] From formic and acetic acids [Vol. II]. A mixture of the esters when acted upon by sodium gives ^-hydroxyacrylic = hydroxymethylene- acetic = f ormylacetic acid, which readily condenses to trimesic ester (Piutti, Ber. 20, 537 ; Claisen and Stylos, Ber. 21, 1 146; see also Wislicenus and Binde- mann, Ann. 316, 18). Or a mixture of monochlor- or (better) monobromacetic acid and ethyl formate when acted upon by zinc condenses to trimesic ester, from which the acid can be obtained by hydrolysis (Reformatsky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 30, a8o). Or acetic acid on boiling potassium dichloracetate with potassium acetate solution gives the potassium salt of diacetyldihydroxyacetic = diacetylgly- oxylic acid (Doebner, Ann. 311, ia9). The latter (salt) condenses with pyro- racemic acid (see below under XIV) in presence of alkali to phthalidetricarb- oxylic acid, the aqueous solution of which gives phthalidedicarboxylic acid on boil- ing. The dicarboxylic acid gives toluene when the barium salt is heated with barium oxide (Doebner, loc. cit. 132). Toluene can be oxidised to benzoic acid [Vol. II], which gives benzene on dis- tillation with lime. Note : — Generators of toluene are given under benzyl alcohol [54] passim. [X.] From isohutyric dind. formic acid [ V ol. II]. Isobutyric acid is brominated e.] CYMENE 31 (Markownikoff, Ann. 153, 239; Hell and Waldbauer, Ber. 10, 448) and a mixture of bromisobutyric ester and formic ester acted upon by zinc. Tri- mesic (with tetramethyloxyglutaric) ester is formed (Blaise, Comp. Rend. 126, 1808). [XI.] From succcinic acid [Vol. II] through acetylenedicarboxylic acid (see under methane [1; T]). The acid potassium salt of the latter gives pro- piolic = propargylic acid on boiling with water (Bandrowski, Ber. 13, 2340), and this on long exposure to light out of contact with air partially condenses to trimesic acid (Baeyer, Ber. 19, 3185). Or from succinic acid through ethyl- ene by electrolysis (see under methane [l; T]), ethylene bromide and acetylene as above under III, and polymerisation as under I. [XII.] From fumaric or maleic acid [Vol. II] through acetylene by electro- lysis (see under methane [l ; IJ]). [XIII.] Isovaleric acid [Vol. II] gives mesitylenic acid among other products when the dry sodium salt is mixed with sodium ethoxide and heated to 160° in an atmosphere of carbon monoxide (Loos, Ann. 202, 321). Mesitylenic acid oxidises to trimesic acid (Fittig, Ann. 141, 153). [XIV.] From tartaric acid [Vol. II] through pyroracemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; N]). The latter gives uvitic acid (54 ; I), and this oxi- dises to trimesic acid (Baeyer, Zeit. [2] 4, 119; Fittig and Furtenbach, Ann. 147, 301). Pyroracemic acid condenses also with acetaldehyde [92] or homologues (by heating the mixture with baryta water) to form uvitic = methylisophthalic acid and homologues (Doebner, Ber. 23, 2377; 24, 1746). These alkyliso- phthalic acids all oxidise to trimesic acid. Note : — Generators of pyroracemic acid are given under benzyl alcohol [54]. [XV.] From malonic acid [Vol. II] and acetal [93]. The latter is con- verted into monobromacetal (Pinner, Ber. 5, 149; Fischer and Landsteiner, Ber. 25, 2551), and this by interaction with sodio-malonic ester gives acetal- malonic ester (W. H. Perkin, junr., and Sprankling, Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 13), which by hydrolysis to acetalmalonic acid and the action of water at 180- 190° gives ^-aldehydopropionic acid [Tbid. 16). The latter on heating with sodium hydroxide solution gives tere- phthalic acid {Ibid. 18), and this gives benzene on distillation with lime. Or from malonic acid and ethyl alcohol [14] and chloroform through dicarboxy- glutaconic ester by the interaction of chloroform and sodio-malonic ester in alcoholic solution (Conrad and Guthzeit, Ann. 222, 250 ; Guthzeit and Dressel, Ber. 22, 1414). The sodium deriva- tive of dicarboxyglutaconic tetraethyl ester on heating with alcohol at 150° gives the triethyl ester of trimesic acid (Lawrence and W. H. Perkin, junr., Proc. Ch. Soc. 17, 47). Note : — Dicarboxyglutaconic ester can also be obtained from sodio-malonic ester and etboxy- methylenemalonic ester (Claisen and Haase, Ann. 207, 86), or from sodio-malonic ester and trichloracetic ester (Ruhemann, Ber. 29, 1017), or from sodio-malonic ester and carbon tetra- chloride (Dimroth, Ber. 35, 2881). [XVL] Malic acid [Vol. II] by the action of fuming sulphuric acid gives coumalic acid = formylglutaconic anhy- dride (v. Pechmann, Ber. 17, 936 j Ann. 264, 272). The methyl ester of the latter is converted into trimesic mono- methyl ester by dilute alkali [Ibid, Ann. 264, 294), and this can be hydrolysed and converted into benzene as before. Note: — Formylglutaconic = hydroxymetbyl- eneglutaconic ester can also be obtained by the action of dilute sulphuric acid on sodium-ethylformylacetate (see above under IX). The ester condenses to trimesic ester on standing (oily form) or on distillation under reduced pressure (Wislicenus and Bindemann, Ann. 316, 18). [XVII.] Tiglic acid [Vol. II] com- bines with bromine to form a dibromide which by the action of alcoholic potash is converted into j8-bromangelic acid. By the extreme action of alkali the latter gives crotonylene (Wislicenus and Henze, Ann. 313, 243). Subsequent steps through hexamethylbenzene and mellitic acid as above under V. [XVIIL] From glycerol [48] through acrolein [lOl] by dehydration (Redten- 32 HYDROCARBONS [e A-P. bacher, Ann. 47, I30 ; Van Romburg-h, Bull. Soc. 36, 550 ; Griner, Ann. Chim. [6] 26, 367 ; Aronstein, Ann. Suppl. 3, 180; Wag-ner, Journ. Russ. Soc. 16, 31 7 ; Wohl and Neuberg", Ber. 32, 1352), dibromacrolein = dibrompropionic alde- hyde by combination with bromine (Aronstein, loe. cit. 185 ; Henry, Ber. 7, 1 1 12; Linnemann and Penl, Ber. 8, 1097), and the ethyl diacetal by con- densing" the aldehyde with formimino- ether (Claisen, Ber. 31, 1015). The diacetal on treatment with alcoholic potash gives the diacetal of propargyl- aldehyde = propinal, the latter being obtained by the action of dilute sul- phuric acid on the diacetal (Claisen, loc. cit. 1022). Propinal is decomposed by aqueous alkali into acetylene and formic acid (Claisen, loc. cit.). From acetylene to benzene as above. The synthetical processes for the pro- duction of cymene are the following : — [A.] From benzene, methyl [13], and normal or isopropyl alcohol [15 ; 16]. Benzene and normal or isopropyl bromide or the corresponding chloi-ides condense in the presence of aluminium bromide or chloride respectively to form isopropyl- benzene = cumene (Gustavson, Ber. 11, 1 251 ; R. Meyer, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 34, 98; Silva, Bull. Soc. [2] 43, 317; Claus and Schulte im Hof, Ber. 19, 3012 : see also Kekule and Schrotter, Ber. 12, 2280; Konowaloff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 27, 457 ; Radziewanowski, Ber. 28, 1137). Or monobrombenzene and isopropyl iodide condense to isopropylbenzene on treatment with sodium (Jacobsen, Ber. 8, 1260). Isopropylbenzene on bromination in presence of iodine gives parabromiso- propylbenzene (R, Meyer, loc. cit. 101), and this condenses with methyl iodide under the influence of sodium to form cymene (Widman, Ber. 24, 439 j 1362 ; see also Jacobsen, Ber. 12, 430). Or toluene (see above under IX) and isopropyl chloride condense to cymene in contact with aluminium chloride (Silva, loc. cit. 321). Note : — Isopropylbenzene may also be syn- thesised from toluene through benzal chloride bychlorination (Beilstein, Ann. 116, 3.^6 ; Beil- stein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 146, 322) and interac- tion of the latter with zinc methyl (Liebmann, Ber. 13, 46). Or from aimic acid [Vol. II] by distillation with lime or baryta (Gerhardt and Cahoura, Ann. Chim. [3] 1, 87 ; 372 ; 14, 107; Ann. 38, 88). Or from isobuiyric aldehyde [84] and pyroracemic acid (see above under XIV) through isopropylisophthalic acid, which gives isopro- pylbenzene on distillation with lime (Doebner, Ber. 24, 1748). Orfromphenyldimethylcarbinol through /3-allylbenzene = methovinylbenzene by dehydration ; the hydrocarbon gives isopro- pylbenzene by reduction (Tififeneau, Comp. Rend. 134, 845). Also from acetophenone and magnesium methiodide through methovinyl- benzene and reduction (Klages, Ber. 35, 2640 ; 3507 ; 36, 620). See also under benzoic alde- hyde (114 ; A). [B.] From dipe?ite?ie [9] which gives cymene on heating with phosphorus pentoxide or cymenesulphonic acid by the action of sulphuric acid. Or dipen- tene (limonene) is combined with hydro- gen bromide, the dihydrobromide further brominated and the product debromi- nated by reduction with zinc dust and hydrochloric acid followed by sodium in alcoholic solution (Baeyer and Villiger, Ber. 31, 1401). [C] From amyl alcohol [22] (crude fusel oil) through the pentine or va- lerylene obtained by the action of alcoholic potash on the amylene bromide (Reboul, Ann. 131, 238). This pentine on heating to 250-260° gives a diva- lerylene which is said to yield cymene by the action of bromine (Bouchardat, Comp. Rend. 90, 1560). [D.] Geraniol [36] gives terpin hy- drate [CjoHi8(OH)2 . H2O] by the action of dilute mineral acids (Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 28, 2137), and this on dehydration over sulphuric acid gives terpin [C,oHi8(OH)2]. The latter gives a dibromide on heating with bromine (Cj^HjgBrg), and this gives cymene on heating with aniline (Barbier, Bull. Soc. [2] 17, 17; Comp. Rend. 74, 194). [E.] Linalool [37] gives terpin hy- drate under the same conditions as geraniol (Tiemann and Schmidt, loc. cit.). [F.] Terpineol [39] combines with bromine to form a dibromide which gives cymene on heating with zinc dust. Or terpineol on standing in con- tact with dilute sulphuric acid gives 6 P-7 A.] CYMENE terpin hydrate (Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 28, 1781), which can be converted into cymene as above under D. [G.] Cineole [40] (eucalyptol) gives cymene on distillation with phosphorus pentasulphide (Faust and Homeyer, Ber. 7, 438). [H.] Menthol [4l] gives cymene on heating with copper sulphate solution at 260° (Briihl, Ber. 24, '>,'>,']S). Also (with hexahydrocymene and other pro- ducts) on treatment with strong sul- phuric acid (Wagner, Ber. 27, 1638). [I.] From thymol [67] by distilling with phosphorus pentasulphide (Pott, Ber. 2, 121). Or by the action of phosphorus pentachloride on thymol and reduction of the chloride (CjoHjoCl) with sodium amalgam (Carstanjen, Jahresber. 1871, 456). [J.] Citral [104] gives cymene on heating with aqueous hydrochloric acid (Dodge, Am. Ch. Journ. 12, 561 ; see also Tiemann, Ber. 32, 108), with acid potassium sulphate at 170° (Semm- ler, Ber. 24, 204), with acetic acid (Barbier and Bouveault, Comp. Rend. 118, 1 051), or on treatment with zinc chloride solution, with hydriodic or sulphuric acid (Verley, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 408). [K.] Citronellal [105] combines with bromine to form a dibromide which gives cymene on heating (Beilstein's ' Handbuch,' III, 475). [L.] From cumic aldehyde [II6] through cumic alcohol (Kraut, Ann. 82, 66 ; 192, 324 ; Fileti, Gazz. 14, 498). The latter gives cymene on boiling with zinc dust (Kraut, loc. cit, ; Jacobsen, Ber. 12, 434)- [M.] Carvone [127] gives cymene by the action of the sulphides of phos- phorus (Kekul6 and Fleischer, Ber. 6, 1088) and among the products formed by passing the vapour over heated zinc dust (Arndt, Ber. 1, 204). [N.] From terpinene [lO], which forms a nitrite which on reduction with sodium in alcohol gives cymene among other products (Wallach, Ann. 313, 361 j Semmler, Ber. 34, 715). 33 7. Styrene; Styrolene; Fhenyl- ethylene ; Cinnamene. CH : CH, Natural Sources. Occurs in liquid storax, a balsam from the Liquidambar orientalis of Asia Minor and N. Syria (Bonastre, Journ. Pharm. 17, 338 ; Simon, Ann. 31, 265 ; Blyth and Hofmann, Ann. 53, 293 ; 325). Also in American storax from Liquidambar styraciflua (W. v. Miller, Arch. Pharm. 220, 648) and in the oil from the yellow resin of Xanthorrhcea hastilis of Australia (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1897 ; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 258). Styrene exists as such in storax and is not a product of distillation (Van Itallie, Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 856 : see also Tschirch and Van Itallie, Arch. Pharm. 239, 506 ; 532). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Among the products formed by the action of Tieat on acetylene [l; A, &c.] (Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 62, 905; 947 ; Ann. 141, 181). Also among the products formed by passing acetylene over finely divided nickel at 200° (Saba- tier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 134, 1 1 85). Also by passing ethylene [l ; D, &c.] or ethylene and benzene vapour [6 ; I, &c.] through a hot tube (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. [2] 9, 456 ; Zeit. [2] 4, 384 ; Ann. 142, 257 ; Ferko, Ber. 20, 660). Toluene vapour, alone or mixed with ethylene, gives styrene by pyrogenic synthesis (Ferko, loc. cit.). Acetylene passed through benzene in presence of aluminium chloride gives styrene (Varet and Vienne, Bull. Soc. [2] 47, 918; Comp. Rend. 104, 1375)- Or from ethylene through the brom- ide and monobromethylene (vinyl brom- ide) by the action of alcoholic potash (Regnault, Ann. Chim. [2] 59, 358; Beilstein, Jahresber. 1861, 609 ; Glock- 34 HYDROCARBONS [7 A-C. ner, Ann. Suppl. 1, 109 ; Semenoff, Jaliresber. 1864, 480). Vinyl bromide and benzene condense in the presence of aluminium chloride to form styrene (Hanriot and Gilbert^ Jahresber. 1884, 561 : see also Anschiitz, Ann. 235^ Note : — Vinyl bromide is formed also by the combination of acetylene with hydrogen brom- ide (.Reboul, Comp. Rend. 74, 947). Or from ethyl alcohol [14] and benzene through ethylbenzene by the condensa- tion of ethyl bromide or iodide with ben- zene in presence of aluminiiim chloride (Friedel and Crafts, Ann. Chim. [6] 1, 457). Ethylbenzene g-ives styrene when the vapour is passed through a hot tube (Berthelot, Zeit. [2] 4, 589; Ferko, Ber. 20, 663). Or ethylbenzene on bromination at its boiling-point or in presence of light gives i^ - bromethylbenzene, CgHg . CHBr . CH3 (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. 10, 343; Comp. Rend. 67, 338; Radzis- zewski, Ber. 6, 492 ; 7, 141 ; Anschiitz, Ann.235,328 ; Schramm, Ber. 18, 351), and this gives styrene by the action of heat or of alcoholic potash (Thorpe, Proc. Roy. Soc. 18, 123 ; Radziszewski, Ber. 7, 140). Or ethylbenzene on bromination with two molecules of bromine gives i^ : i^-dibromethylben- zene = styrene bromide (Radziszewski, Ber. 6, 493 ; also Friedel and Balsohn, Bull. Soc. [2] 35, SS)} and this on heating with strong alcoholic potash at 1 ao° gives phenylacetylene (Glaser, Ann. 154, 155 ; Zeit. [2] 5, 97 ; Friedel and Balsohn, loc. cit.; Holleman, Ber. 20, 3080 ; see also Moureu and Delange, Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 302). The latter can be reduced to styrene by zinc and acetic acid (Aronstein and Holleman, Ber. 22, 11 84). Or ethylbenzene can be converted into phenylacetaldehyde = a-toluic alde- hyde and co-phenylethylamine (see under phenylethyl mustard oil [l70 ; A]). The hydrochloride of the latter gives styrene on distillation (Fileti and Piccini, Ber. 12, 1308). Note :— Generators of ethylbenzene are given under phlorol as follows : — Tartaric or racemic acid [Vol. II] and n-propyl alcohol [15] through ethyBsophthalic acid (see under phlorol [64 ; J]). Benzoic and acetic acids [Vol. II] through acetophenone (see belowunder D) and dypnone (see under phlorol [64 ; K]). Full references to syntheses of ethylbenzene from benzene are given under phlorol [64 ; A]. Benzene can be converted into aceto- phenone by various processes (see under benzoic aldehyde [114; A]). The ketone reduces to methylphenyl carhinol [58] (Emmerling and Engler, Ber. 6, 1006 ; Klages and Allendorff, Ber. 31, 1003), and this gives styrene on heating with zinc chloride or by distilling the acetate (E. and E. Ber. 4, 147 ; Radziszewski, Ber. 7, 140), or by heating with syrupy phosphoric acid (Klages and Allendorff, Ber. 31, 1298). Or methylethyl carbinol by the action of hydrobromic acid gives i ^-brom- ethylbenzene (Engler and Bethge, Ber. 7, 1 1 26), which gives styrene as above. Or acetophenone and hydrogen sul- phide combine in presence of hydrogen chloride to form a trithio-derivative (C24H24S3) which gives styrene on heating (Baumann and Fromm, Ber. 28, 901). By the action of phosphorus penta- chloride acetophenone is converted into the dichloride = i^ : i^-dichlorethyl- benzene, and this gives phenylacetylene by the action of alcoholic potash or hot lime (Friedel, Comp. Rend. 67, 1192; Morgan, Journ. Ch. Soc. 29, 164; Peratoner, Gazz. 22, 67 ; Nef, Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 933). Phenylacetylene can be reduced to styrene as above. Toluene gives benzyl chloride on chlorination at its boiling-point (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; A]), and this by interaction with potassium cyanide [172] and reduction of the product gives phenylethylamine (see under phenyl- ethyl mustard oil [l70; A]), which gives styrene as above under A. [B.] Cymene [6] gives cumic aldehyde and acid, and isopropylbenzene (see under benzoic aldehyde [ll4 j K]). The latter gives acetophenone among the products of the action of chromium oxychloride (Miller and Rohde, Ber. 24, 1358). Acetophenone gives styrene as above under A. [C] From benzoic aldehyde [ll4] and acetic acid [Vol. II] and alcohol [14] through phenylglycidic acid, a-toluic 7 C-I.] STYRENE 35 aldehyde, and oo-phenylethylamine (see under phenylethyl mustard oil [l70; D]). Or from benzoic aldehyde ^Miihyclrogen cyanide [172] through mandelonitrile and phenylethylamine (references as before). Or from benzoic aldehyde and chloro- form [l ; D, &c.], which condense in the presence of alkali to form trichlor- methylphenyl carbinol (Jocitsch, Journ. Russ. Soc. 29, 97). The latter by the action of zinc dust on the alcoholic solution gives styrene (Jocitsch and Faworsky, Ibid. 30, 920). [D.] From benzoic and acetic acids [Vol.11] through acetophenone (Friedel, Ann. 108, 122). Or from benzoic acid and methyl alcohol [13] through benzoyl chloride and zinc methyl, which yield acetophenone by interaction (Popoff, Ber. 4, 720; Ann. 161, 296) ; or benzoyl chloride and sodio-acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] give benzoylacetoacetic ester, which yields acetophenone among other pro- ducts on hydrolysis (Bonne, Ann. 187, I ; Nef, Ann. 266, 99). Acetophenone gives styrene as above under A. Note : — Since ethylbenzene gives a-toluic aldehyde and the latter phenylethylamine, which is a generator of styrene (see above under A), generators of a-toluic aldehyde be- come generators of styrene (see below and under phenylethyl mustard oil [170]). [E.] From phenylacetic and formic acids [Vol. II] through a-toluic aldehyde [170; H]. [F.J From ^-})henylpropionic acid [Vol. II] through co-phenylethylamine [170; I]. [G.] From phenylalanine [Vol. II] through co-phenylethylamine [170 ; J]. [H.] From cinnamic acid [Vol. 11], which gives styrene by heating per se or with lime or baryta or by heating the copper salt (Gerhardt and Cahours, Ann. Chim. [3] 1, 96 ; Ann. 38, 96 ; Kopp, Comp. Rend. ^^, 634 ; Simon, Ann. 31, 265 ; Howard, Journ. Ch. Soc. 13, 135; Hempel, Ann. 59, 318 ; Miller, Ann. 189, 338 ; Kramer, Spilker, and Eberhardt, Ber. 23, 3269). Or cinnamic acid on combination with hydrogen iodide gives iodhydro- cinnamic = phenyliodopropionic acid. d2 and this gives styrene on boiling with sodium carbonate solution (Fittig and Binder, Ann. 195, 137). Cinnamic acid (or ester) combines with bromine to form phenyldibrom- propionic acid, which by the action of alcoholic potash is converted into a- brom- = i^-bromcinnamic acid and finally into phenylpropiolic acid (Glaser, Ann. 143, 32,5; 330; Barisch, Journ. pr. Ch. [a] 20, 182; Kinnicutt, Am. Ch. Journ. 4, 26; Stockmeier, Inaug. Diss. 1 883, 52 j Glaser, Zeit [2] 4, 328 ; Ann. 154, 140; W. H. Perkin, junr.. Trans. Ch. Soc. 45, 173; Weger, Ann. 221,70; Roser,Ann.247, 138; Michael, Ber. 34, 3648 : see also Liebermann and Sachse, Ber. 24, 41 13, note). Phenylpropiolic acid on heating with water at 120° or by distilling the barium salt gives phenylacetylene (Glaser, Ann. 154, 155; Weger, loc. cit.: see also Holleman, Ber. 20, 3081). Or phenylbrompropionic acid on boil- ing with sodium carbonate solution gives co-bromstyrene, which, on heating with alcoholic potash, gives phenylacetylene (Nef, Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 933, from Ann. 308, 264, &c. : for conversion of jQ-bromcinnamic acid into phenylacety- lene see Michael, Ber. 34, 4226). Cinnamic acid by the action of iodine in presence of pyridine gives pyridine /3-iodocinnamate, which, by the action of sulphurous acid on the sodium hydroxide solution, gives /3-iodocinnamic acid. The silver salt of the latter gives phenyl- acetylene on heating (Ortoleva, Gazz. 29, 503). Phenylacetylene can be re- duced to styrene as above under A. From cinnamic acid through phenyl- a-chlorlactic acid, a-toluic aldehyde, and a)-phenylethylamine (phenylethyl mustard oil [170 ; A and E] and above under A) ; or through a-oxyphenyl- propionic lactone and a-toluic alde- hyde [170 ; E] ; or through phenyl- glyceric acid (benzaldehyde [114 ; E]), phenyl-^-chlor- or bromlactic acid, and a-toluic aldehyde (phenylethyl mustard oil [170 ; E]). [I.] Benzoylacetic eder [Vol. II] gives phenyl-;3-lactic acid on reduction with sodium amalgam (W. H. Perkin, junr., Trans. Ch. Soc. 47, 254). This acid 36 HYDROCARBONS [7 19. on heating with dilute sulphuric acid gives, among other products, a small quantity of styrene (Erlenmeyer, Ber. 13, 304). [J.] From meihylphenyl carlinol [58] by conversion into the chloride and heating the latter with pyridine at 130° (Klages and Keil, Ber. 36, 1632). 8. Metastyrene. (C6H5.CH:CH2)x Natural Sources. Occurs in liquid storax (Kowalewsky, Ann. 120, 66), and in Siegburgite, a fossil resin found in sandy concretions over deposits of brown coal at Troisdorf and Siegburg (Klinger and Pitschki, Ber. 17, 2742). Synthetical Process. [A.] From styrene [7] by polymerisa- tion through heat (Blyth and Hofmann, Ann. 53, 311 ; Lemoine, Comp. Rend. 125,530; Kronstein, Ber. 35, 4153) or light (Lemoine, Ibid. 129, 719), by the action of a hot solution of acid sodium sulphite (Miller, Ann. 189, 341) or of strong sulphuric acid (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. 6, 296). 9. Dipentene; Inactive Limoueue; Cajeputene ; Terpilene ; Oiuene ; Di- isoprene ; Isoterebeuthene ; Caout- chene. CH3 HC CH„ H,C CH, CH H3C • C : CHj Natural Sources. Occurs in Russian and Swedish tur- pentine oil (Bertram and Walbaum, Arch. Pharm. 231, 290 ; Wallach, Ann. 230, 244 ; 346) ; in camphor oil from Cinna- momum camphor a (Lallemand, Ann. 114, 196; Wallach, Ann. 227, 296); prob- ably in oil of cascarilla from the bark of Crotoneluteria, Bahamas (Briihl, Ber. 21, 152; compare Thoms,Ch.Centr. 1900, 2, 574) ; in kuromoji oil from the leaves of Lindera fericia, Japan (Kwas- nick, Ber. 24, 81) ; in oil of elemi resin from Cnnarium sp. ? (Wallach, Ann. 246, 233; 252, 102), and in oil of Canadian golden-rod from Solidago caraar/(?wM5(SchimmeFsBer. April, 1897). Dipentene is contained also in the oil of lemon-grass from the Indian Andro- pogoti citratus (Stiehl, Journ. pr. Ch. 58, 51 ; Tiemann, Ber. 32, 834, on authority of Bertram) ; in oil of berga- mot (Charabot, Comp. Rend. 129, 728) ; in oil of pine-needle (Bertram and Walbaum, Arch. Pharm. 231, 296 ; Wallach, Ann. 227, 287); in Ceylon citronella oil from Andropogon, nardus and vars. (Bertram and Walbaum, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 49, 16; SchimmePs Ber. Oct. 1899); in small quantity in East Indian geranium or palmarosa oil from Andropogon schcetianthus (Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 364) ; possibly in oil of bay from Pimenta acris (Mittmann, Arch. Pharm. 227, 529 ; compare Power and Kleber, Pharm. Ruud. 13, 60) ; as ^terpinol' (a mixture) in oil from the Californian bay, Vmbellularia calif ornica (Stillmann, Ber. 13, 630 ; Wallach, Ann. 230, 251); in oil of cubebs from Piper cubeba (Wallach, Ann. 238, 78) ; possibly in oil of black pepper from Piper nigrum (Wallach, Ann. 287, 372) ; possibly in oil of Ceylon cardamom from Eleltaria cardamomum^vax. (Weber, Ann. 238, 98) ; and in oil of mace or nutmeg from Myristica fragrans (Semmler, Ber. 23, 1803; 24, 3818). Dipentene is contained in oil of Massoia bark (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1888; Wallach, Ann. 268,340; Arch. Pharm. 229, 116); possibly in oil of lime leaves from Citrus limetta (Watts, Trans. Ch. Soc. 49, 316); in oil of fennel from Fceniculuni vnlgare (Schim- meFs Ber. April, 1890) ; in oil of myrtle from MyrUis communis {Ibid. April, 1889) ; in kesso oil from the root of Japanese valerian, Valeriana officinalis var. angustifolia ; possibly derived from pinene or terpineol by the action of acid 8.] DIPENTENE 87 (Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 869) ; in oils from the Spanish Satureia thymbra (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1889) and Thymus capitatus {Ibid.) ; in oil of frankincense from Boswellia carteri, &c. (Wallach, Ann. 252, 1 00) ; in wartara oil, probably from the seeds of Xanthoxyhim alatum and X. acanthopodium (SchimmePs Ber. April, 1900). Dipentene and d-liraonene are con- tained in the ethereal oil from the bucco-leaf, Barosma betulina and B. serratifolia (Kondakoff and Bachtschieff, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 63, 49). Dipentene is contained (with d-limonene) in man- darin oil (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1901 j Ch.Centr. 1901,2, 1007), and (probably) in oil of pennyroyal from Mentha puleginm (Tetry, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 186). White camphor oil, n^roli oil (Cannes), and oil of petit-grain contain dipentene (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1902 ; Ch. Centr. 190a, 2, 1207). Note : — The question of the existence of di- pentene as such in plant oils is complicated by the fact that many compounds of the terpene group give this hydrocarbon when acted upon by heat or chemical reagents. Dipentene is racemic limonene or (possibly) a pseudo-form of limonene (Semmler, Ber. 83, 1455). d-Limonene = hesperidene, carvene or citrene. The synthetical product is inactive (= di- pentene), but the occurrence of the active limonenes is here included in anticipation of some method of resolution of the racemic form being discovered. The dipentene found in some ethereal oils may arise from limonene by the action of the heat applied for distillation. d-Limonene occurs in oil of sweet orange, Portugal (Wright, Ch. News, 27, 260; Wallach, Ann. 227, 287 : see also Wright and Piesse, Ch. News, 24, 147 ; Flatau and Labbe, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 361 ; Fabris, Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 771), and in the n^roli oil from the flowers (Theulier, Ch. Zeit. 26, 1 26) ; in oil of mandarin orange from Citrus madurensis (Gildemeister and Stephan, Arch. Pharm. 235, 583 ; Flatau and Labbe, loc. cit. 364 ; Fabris, loc. cit. : for references to botanical source of man- darin oil see Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 626, note) ; in Italian limetto oil from Citrus limetta (Gildemeister, Arch. Pharm. 233, 1 74) ; in oil from the peel of Citrus medica (possibly with dipen- tene : Burgess, 'Analyst,"* 26, 260) ; in Chinese neroli oil from Citrus triptera (Umney and Bennett, Pharm. Journ. [4] 15, 146) ; in oil of lemon (Wallach, Ann. 227, 290) ; in oil of bergamot {Ibid.; also Charabot, Comp. Rend. 129, 728; Fabris, loc. cit. 772); in oil of caraway from Cartim carui (Schweizer, Ann. 40, 333 ; Journ. pr. Ch. 24, 257 ; Sauer and Griinling, Ann. 208, T^; Wallach, loc. cit. 291) ; and in oil of dill from Beucedanum graveolens (Nietzki, Arch. Pharm. 204, 317; Wallach, loc. cit. 292). d-Limonene occurs also in oil of fleabane from Erigeron canadensis (Beilstein and Wiegand, Ber. 15, 2854); in kuromoji oil (see above under dipentene) ; in neroli oil from orange flowers, CzVrw* bigaradia (Tie- mann and Semmler, Ber. 26, 371 1 ; E. and H. Erdmann, Ber. 32, 1214) ; in oil of petit-grain from the young fruit of the same plant (Paraguay oil : Semmler and Tiemann, Ber. 25, 1186 ; Charabot and Pillet, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 74) ; in oil of Massoia bark (see above under dipen- tene) ; possibly in small quantity in oil of spoonwort from Cochlearia officinalis (Gadamer, Arch, Pharm. 237, 92). d-Limonene occurs also in oils of American horse-mint from Monarda punctata and wild bergamot from M. Jistulosa (Kremers and Hendricks,Pharm. Arch. 2, 73 ; 76 ; Brandel and Kremers, Pharm. Rev. 19, 200 : the hydrocarbon from the latter plant is entered simply as limonene) ; in oil of Malabar carda- mom from Elettaria cardamomum (Parry, Pharm. Journ. [4] 9, 105); in oil of Macedonian fennel (Schimmel & Co. ; Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 741); in oil of celery from herb and seeds of Apium graveolens (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 3892); in Ceylon citronella oil (Lana Batu) from Andropogon nardus and vars. (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1 899). Limonene probably exists in the oleo-resin of I) aery odes hexandra, Montserrat, W. Indies (More, Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 718). 1- Limonene occurs in oil from the needles and cones of Pinus picea =■ Abies alba (Wallach, Ann. 227, 287; 246, 38 HYDROCARBONS [9-G. 221 ; Bertram and Walbaum, Arch. Pharni. 231, 290 ; Schimmers Ber. Oct. ] 892 ; April, 1893) ; in American oil of spearmint from Mentha viridis (Power, quoted by Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 852 ; in Russian oil, SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1898; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 991); in Russian peppermint oil (Andres and Andreef, Ber. 25,609); in American peppermint oil (Power and Kleber, Pharm. Rund. 12, 157 ; Arch. Pharm. 232, 639) ; in oil of cascarilla (see above under dipentene ; also Fendler, Arch. Pharm. 238, 671); in oil of rue, probably Algerian (Power and Lees, Trans. Ch. Soe. 81, 1590); in the oil of Bystropogon onganifolins, Teneriffe (SchimmeFs Ber, Oct. 1902; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1208). The oil from the leaves of Verbena tripTiyUa (Grasse) probably contains 1-limonene (Theulier, Rev. gen. de Chim. 5, 324). A limonene is present in the American oil of cedar leaves from Juni- perus virginiana (Schimmel's Ber. April, 1898; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 990). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From terpineol [39] by heating- the latter with acid potassium sulphate to 190° (Wallach, Ann. 230, 258; 275, 104; 291, 362). [B.] Cineole [40] gives a hydro- chloride which yields dipentene on dry distillation (Hell and Stiircke, Ber. 17, 197 1; Hell and Ritter, Ibid. 1979; "Wallach and Brass, Ann. 225, 298). Also from cineole by heating with benzoyl chloride or by combining with hydrogen iodide and then eliminating hydrogen iodide from the dipentene dihydriodide thus formed (Wallach and Brass, loc. cit. ; Wallach, Ann. 230, ^55)- [C] Geraniol [36] by the action of dilute mineral acids gives terpin hydrate (Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 28, 2137). The latter on heating with acid potassium sulphate at 200° gives dipentene (Wal- lach, as under A above). [D.] Linalool [37] also gives terpin hydrate by the action of mineral acids (Tiemann and Schmidt, /oc. cit.). Formic acid acts on 1-linalool with the forma- tion of dipentene and terpinene (Ber- tram and Walbaum, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 45, 601; Stephan, Ibvl. [2] 58, 109: see also Charabot, Bull, Soc, [3] 23, 189), [E.] From carvone [127] through its oxime and dihydrocarvylamine by re- duction. The hydrochloride of the latter gives dipentene among other pro- ducts on treatment with sodium nitrite (Wallach, Kruse, and Kerkhoff, Ann, 275, 110), Dihydrocarvylamine can also be obtained from carvone by heating with ammonium formate (Leuckart and Bach, Ber. 20, 105; Wallach, /oc. cit. 120; Ber. 24, 3984). d-Carvone can be reduced by sodium to dihydrocarveol and the latter con- verted into the xanthic acid dihydro- carvyl methyl ester by means of carbon disulphide and subsequent methylation of the sodium salt. The methyl dihydro- carvyl xanthate on dry distillation gives 1-limonene (Tschugaeff, Ber, 32, 3332 ; 33, 735)- [F.] From normal or isopropyl alcohol [15 ; 16] and potassium cyanide [172] through the nitrile of pyrotartaric acid by the interaction of propylene bromide and the cyanide (Simpson, Ann, 121, 160) and p - methyltetramethylenediamine by reduction (Oldach, Ber, 20, 1654), The diamine is converted into 3-/:?- methylpyrrolidine by the dry distillation of the hydrochloride {Ibid. 1657), the latter base into /3-methyl-N-dimethyl- pyrrolidylammonium iodide; the latter distilled with solid potash gives a base which combines with methyl iodide to form/3-methyl-N-trimethylpyrrolidylam- monium iodide, and the latter on distilla- tion with solid potash gives trimethyl- amineand isoprene [CHg : C(CH3) , CH : CHg] (Euler, Ber, 30, 1989). Isoprene polymerises on heating to 250° or by the action of dilute or alcoholic sulphuric acid with the formation of dipentene (Wallach, Ann, 227, 295 ; Bouchardat, Comp. Rend. 89, 1217). Note :— All generators of propylene thus be- come, with potassium cyanide, generators of dipentene. [G.] From glycerol [48] through allyl chloride (see under benzyl alcohol G-12.] DIPENTENE 39 [54 ; F]) and potassium cyayiide [172] through pyrotartaric nitrile (Pinner, Ber. 12^ 3053) and then as above. 10. Terpinene ; A^-^-Menthadiene. CH3 /\ HC CH, [p.] From carvone [127] through dihydrocarveol by reduction. The latter gives terpinene on boiling with dilute sulphuric acid (Wallach, Kruse, and Kerkhoff, Ann. 275, 113). Dihydro- earvylamine also gives terpinene when acted upon by acid (Wallach, Ber. 24, 3991) or by distilling the dry hydro- chloride (Wallach, &c. Ann. 275, 120). H,C CH ./• 11. LsBVO-Isoterpene (?), CHj . CH . CH3 For constitutional formula see Harries, Ber. 35, 11 69. Natural Sources. In oil of Ceylon cardamom from Elettaria cardamomum, var. major (Weber, Ann. 238, 107), and in oil of sweet marjoram from Origanum tnajo- rana (Biltz, Ber. 32, 995). Note : — It is possible that the terpinene does not pre-exist in the oils from these plants, but is formed from some compound in the oils by the heat of distillation (Gildemeister and Hoff- mann, p. 178 : see also Semmler, Ber. 34, 718). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Bipentene [9] gives terpinene on treatment with hydrochloric or sul- phuric acid in alcoholic solution (Wal- lach, Ann. 239, 15; 35). Limonene gives terpinene when distilled with solid arsenic acid (Genvresse, Comp. Rend. 134, 360). [B.] Cineole [40] gives terpinene by the same treatment (Wallach, Ann. 239, 2a). [C] Terpineol [39] gives terpinene among other products on heating with dilute sulphuric acid (Wallach and Kerkhoff, Ann. 275, 106) : also on boil- ing for some time with oxalic acid solution or with anhydrous formic acid {Ibid. 291, 342). [D.] From geraniol [36] through terpin hydrate (see under dipentene [9 ; C]) and the action of boiling dilute sulphuric acid on the latter. [E.] From linalool [37] through ter- pin hydrate, &c. (see under dipentene [9 ; D] ; also Bertram, Journ, pr. Ch. 45, 601). ^10^16 Natural Sources. A hydrocarbon corresponding with the above possibly exists in elemi resin from species of Canarium and in the resins from Pifius and Abies (Kuriloff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 21, 362). Synthetical Process. [A.] IWpineol [39] gives isoterpene on heating with acetic anhydride to 135-150° (Flawitzky, Ber. 12, 2356). Note : — The synthetical product was obtained from 1-terpineol acetate prepared by the action of zinc chloride and acetic acid on pinene (Ertschikowsky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 28, 132). The synthesis is thus complete only in so far as the synthesis of 1-terpineol is complete. d-Isoterpene is also said to have been syn- thesised from d-terpineol (Flawitzky, Ber. 20, 1961) 12, Naphthalene. H H HC C CH I II I HC C CH \/ \/ H H Natural Sources. According to v. Soden and Rojahn (Pharm. Zeit. 47, 779) this hydrocarbon is contained in certain ethereal oils from clove stems and storax bark. Syntheses of naphthalene are given under hydrojuglone (90). 40 [13. ALCOHOLS MONOHYDRIC OF FATTY SERIES 13. Methyl Alcohol; Carbinol; Methanol ; Wood Spirit, CH3.OH Natural Sources. Methyl alcohol is contained in the steam distillate from meadow grass (Lieben, Monats. 19, 333) ; in the dis- tillation water from oil of cloves (Schim- meFs Ber. Oct. 1H96), from oil of caraway {Ibid. Oct. 1899), from vetiver oil from the roots of Andropogon muri- catus {Ibid. April, 1900), from the oil of the fruit of Heradeiim giganieum (Zincke and Franchimont, Ber. 4, 832 ; Moslinger, Ber. 9, 999 ; Gutzeit, Ann. 177, 344) and H. sphondyliu7n (Moslin- ger, Ber. 9, 998; Ann. 185, 26), and fi-om oil of tea from leaves of Thea chinensis (Van Romburgh, SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1897, and April, 1898 ; Ger- ber, Mon. Sci. [4] 11, 880; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 122). Methyl alcohol occurs also in the aqueous distillate from the unripe fruit of Anthriscus cerefoUum (Gutzeit, Ann. 177, 382), from the oil obtained by dis- tilling the leaves of Indigofera galego'ides (Van Romburgh, Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1894; April, 1896), from oil of bay (SchimmePs Ber. April, 1901), and in the steam distillate from the root of Acorus calamus (Schnedermann, Ann. 41, 374; Kurbatoff, Ber. 6, 1210; Gladstone, Journ. Ch. Soe. 17, i ; Geuther, Ann. 240, 109). It is doubtful in these cases whether the alcohol exists in the free state in the plant or whether it is produced by the hydrolysis of esters. (For refer- ences to the occurrence of free methyl alcohol in juices of plants see Gutzeit, Jahresber. 1879, 905 ; Maquenne, Comp. Rend. 101, 1067 ; also Lieben as above.) Methyl alcohol is found in the fer- mented juice of fruit, such as currants, plums, apples, cherries, grapes, &c. (Wolff, Comp. Rend. 131, 1323). Esters of methyl alcohol occur very frequently in volatile plant oils. Me- thyl esters of fatty acids occur in the fruit of Heradeiim giganieum and H. sphondylium ; methyl butyrate probably occurs in the oils from the fruit of Anthriscus cerefoUum and Pastinaca sativa (Gutzeit, Ann. 177, 344) ; methyl esters of myristic and (possibly) oleic acids occur in the oil of orris-root from (?) Iris germanica (Tiemann and Kriiger, Ber. 26, 2675 : Iris pallida and /. jiorentina also furnish orris-root oil : the botanical source of the oil examined by Tiemann and Kriiger is not stated). Methyl salicylate occurs in many plants, notably in oil of wintergreen (as the glucoside gaultherin) from Gaultheria procumbe?is (Cahours, Ann. Chim. [3] 10, 327; Ann. 48, 60; 52, 327 ; Procter, Am. Journ. Pharm. 14, 211; Ann. 48, 66; Kremers, Pharm. Rev. 20, 350), from the leaves of G. punctata (De Vrij, Pharm. Journ. [3] 2, 503 ; Kohler, Ber. 12, 246 ; Brough- ton, Pharm. Journ. [3] 2, 281 : the latter refers to the oil from Andromeda leschenaultii, probably = G. punctata), and from the leaves of G. leucocarpa, Java (De Vrij, loc. cit. ; Kohler, loc. cit.). Methyl salicylate occurs (also as the glucoside gaultherin) in the bai*k of the sweet birch, Betula lenta (Procter, Am. Journ. Pharm. 15, 241 ; Schneegans and Gerock, Arch. Pharm. 232, 437 ; Power and Kleber, Pharm. Rund. 13, 228 ; Kremers, Pharm. Rev. 20, 350). The oil from the flowers of the meadow- sweet. Spiraea ulmaria, contains me- thyl salicylate (Schneegans and Gerock, Jahresber. Pharm. 1892, 164) and also the oil from the roots (Nietzki, Arch. Pharm. 204, 429). According to Bey- erinck (Centr. Bakter. 5, 425) the roots, rhizomes, and lower parts of SpircBa ulmaria, S. jilipendula, and 8. palmata contain the glucoside gaultherin. Methyl salicylate is present in oil of 13.] METHYL ALCOHOL 41 rue, probably from Algeria (Power and Lees, Trans. Ch. See. 81, 1587). The oils from the following plants also contain methyl salicylate : — Spicewood or spicebush oil from the N. American Laurus benzoin (Schim- meFs Ber. Oct. 1885 and Oct. 1890); oil from the leaves of Erythroxylon coca (Van Romburgh, Rec. Tr. Ch. 13, 435; SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1895 ; April, 1896) ; oils from roots of Puli/gala senega, var. latifolia (Renter, Arch. Pharm. 227, 313); -?• variabilis = ^- albiflora, P. oleifera, and P. javana (Van Romburgh, Rec. Tr. Ch. 13, 421), P. vulgaris, P. calcarea, and P. serpyl- lacea = depressa (Bourquelot, Comp. Rend. 119, 80a; Journ. Pharm. [5] 30, 96; 188; 433; [6] 3, SIT' ac- cording to Bourquelot the roots contain gaultherin) ; roots of Monotropa hypo- joitys as gaultherin (Bourquelot, Journ. Pharm. [5] 30, 435 ; [6] 3, 577 ; Comp. Rend. 119, 8oii ; 122, 1002) ; oils from Viola tricolor^ Acacia intsia, A. phiri- cajoitata, A. sarmentosa, A. tenerrima, and A. farnesiana (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1899; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 18, 1 153); oil of tea (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1898; see also above) ; ylang- ylang oil (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1901 ; Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 1007). Methyl benzoate may also be present in this last oil {Ibid.). The following list of plants contain- ing methyl salicylate is given by Schimmel & Co. (Ber. April, 1900) as having been investigated in the Government Laboratory of the Botani- cal Gardens at Buitenzorg : — Anacardiaceae. Mangifera sp. ; Seme- carpus sp. Anonaceae. Cananga odorata. Apocynacese. Allamanda hendersoni ; Ch'ilocarpus densijiorns ; C. denu- datus ; Melodinus leevigatus ; M. orientalis ; Landolphia watsonii. Artocarpacese. Cecropia schiedeana ; Ficus elastica ; F. benjamina and var. crassinervis ; F. annulata ; F. geniculata ; F. pilosa and var. chrysocoma ; F. retusa, var. nitida ; F.xylophylla ; Streblus mauriiianus ; Sloetia sideroxylon. Boraginaceae. Cordia asperrima. Burseraceae. Canariunt sp. Cupuliferae. Castanopsis javanica ; and var. tungurrut ; Quercus sp. ; Q. bancana; Q. glandulifera ; Q.jung- hulinii ; Q. teysmannii. Euphorbiaceae. Antklesma diandrum ; Adenocrepis javanica ; Agyneia multi- jiora ; Baccaurea sp. ; Cyclostemon sp. ; Flateriosjjermum tokbrai; Cluy- tia oblongifolia ; Euphorbia sp. ; Leiocarpus sp. ; L. arboreus ; Pie- rardia dulcis and other sp. ; Phyl- lanthus zeylanicus ; Rottlera dis- par ; Spihenodesme pentandra ; Tre- wia sp. Gnetaceae. Gnetum gnemon = j3-ovali- folium, Myrtaceae. Memecylon sp. Podocarpaceae. Podocarpus chinensis; P. nageia. Rhizophoraceae. Carallia integerrima. Rosaceae. Rubus sundaicus. Rubiaceae. Cantkium sp. ; Gardenia schoemannii ; Nauclea sp. ; Pavetta angustifolia ; P. arborea ; P. bar- bata ; P. grandijiora, vars. lutea and aurantiaca ; P. littorea ; P. longijiora ; P. rosea ; P. paludosa ; P. longipes and other sp. ; Pe- tunga roxburghii ; Psychotria cela- stroides ; Wendlandia sp. Styraceae. Symplocos sp. Ternstrcemiaceae. Camellia lanceolafa ; Thea cockincAi?ie7isis. Tiliaceae. ElcBocarpus resinosiis. Urticaceae. Gironniera subaqualis and another sp. (For localities of species the original must be consulted ; see also Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, SS^.) The methyl ester of anthranilic acid occurs in neroli oil from the flowers of the bitter orange. Citrus bigaradia (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1899 ; Wal- baum, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 59, ^S^'i Ber. 32, 1512; E. and H. Erdmann, Ber. 32, 1213; 33, 2061; also Germ. Pat. 5958 of 1898 ; Hesse and Zeit- schel, Ber. 34, 299 ; Journ. pr. Ch. 64, 245 ; Theulier, Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 762) ; also in oil from the peel of the sweet or Portugal orange (Parry, Ch. Drug. 56, 462; 722; SchimmeFs Ber. April, 3 900 and Oct. 1900; compare Theulier, Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 762), in oil of limette 42 ALCOHOLS [13. (Parry, loc. cit. 993), in oil of Gar- denia (Parone, Boll. Ch. Farm. 41, 489 ; Ch. Centr. 190a, 2, 703), in Chinese neroli oil from Ciinis triptera (Umney and Bennett, Pharm. Jom-n. 69, 146), and in oil of berg-amot leaves (Schim- meFs Ber. Oct. 1902; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1207 ; Gulli, Ch. Drug. 60, 995)- The methyl ester of methylanthra- nilic acid occurs in mandarin oil from the rind of Citrus wadurensis ( Walbaum, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 62, 135) and from the leaves (Charabot, Comp, Rend. 135, 580), and possibly in oil of rue from Ruta graveolens (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1901 ; Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 1007; see also Houben, Ber. 35, 3587). Oil of jasmine from the flowers of Jasminum grandijiorum contains methyl anthranilate (Hesse, Ber. 32, 2616 ; 33, 1585; 34, 291; 2916; Zeit. an- gew. Ch. 1900, p. 270; see also E. Erd- mann, Ihid., and Ber. 34, 2281, and Germ. Pat. 122290 of 1898 : accord- ing to Hesse the methyl anthranilate does not pre-exist in the flowers in the free state, Ch. Ind. 25, i : compare Erdmann, Ber. 35, 27). Methyl cinnamate occurs in the oil from the root, stems, and leaves of Aljmiia malaccensis (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1899) and in wartara oil, pro- bably from the seeds of Xanthoxylum alatum zn^X.acanthopodiiim (Schimmers Ber. April, 1900, and May, 1901). Methyl benzoate occurs in oil of cloves (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1902) and in ylang-ylang oil [Ibid. Oct. 1901 ; see also Darzens, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 83). The vegetable alkaloids cocaine, y, 8, and €-isatropylcocaine from the leaves of Err/throoBi/lon coca; colchicine from the seeds of meadow saffron, Colchicum autumnale ; ricinine from the seeds of Ricinus communis, and arecoline from the nuts of Areca catechu are the methyl esters of complex acid radicles. Me- thysticin or kawain from kawa-root [Piper methysticmri) is the methyl ester of methysticinie = 3 : 4-phenediol-i^- heptylonic acid. Gummigutt resin, the dried sap of Garcinia morella, yields a gum which may contain a methyl ester (Tassinari, Gazz. 26, 249). Many products obtained from lichens appear to be methyl esters : — Atranorin or atranoric acid = par- melin from Lecanora atra, L. subfusca, L. sordida and vars. glaucoma and swartzii, L. campestris, L. thiodes, Cla- donia rangiferina, C. rangiformis, Evernia prunastri, E.farfuracea, E. vxdpina, Par- melia perlata, P. ceratophylla or physodes, P. tiliacea, P. ciliaris (probably), P. fuliginosa, P. aleurites, P. oliveforum, P. saxatilis, var. phaotropa, var. sulcata, and var. panniformis, P. stellaris, var., P. speciosa, P. acetabulum, P. oynpha- lodes, P. perforata, P. nilgherrensis, P. encausta, P. pertusa, Parmeliopsis hyperopia, Ramalina pollinaria, Placo- dium saxicolum, var. compactmm, P. me- lanaspis, Terecaulon sp., Physcia parie- tina, P. ceesia, P. pulverulenta var. ^- pityrea, P. endococcina, P. tenella, P. aipolia, Anaptychia ciliaris, Sphyridium placophylliim, Cetraria fahlunensis, C. chlorophylla, C. complicata, Platysma glaticiim, Mycoblastus sanguinarius, Ever- niopsis trulla, Stereocaulon vesuvianum^ S. alpinum, S, corallo'ides, S. salazinum, S. incrustatum, S. denudatum, var. gemii- num, S. tomenfosum, S. pileatum, S. con- densatum, S. paschale, S. virgatum^ forma primaria, S. ramulosum, HiBmatomma coccineum, and vars. leiphcBmum and abortivum, Urceolaria scrvposa, var. vul- garis {^), U. cretacea (?), Pnlveraria [Jjc- praria) latebrarum, Blasfenia arenaria^ var. teicholytum = Callopisma teicholy- tum, Pachnolepia decussata. (For dis- tribution, synonymy, and nomenclature of these and other lichens see Paternb and Oglialoro, Jahresber. 187V, 811 ; Paternb, Gazz. 10, 157 ; 12, 256 ; Zopf, Ann. 284, 174; 288, 38; 295, 222; 292; 297, 271 ; 300, 322; 306, 282; 313, 317; 317, 120; 139; 321, 37; 324, 39 ; Hesse, Ann. 284, 157; Ber. 30, 357 ; 1983 ; 31, 663 ; Journ. pr. Ch. [a] 57, 232 ; 409 ; 58, 465 ; ^^^ ; 62, 321 ; 430; 63, 522 ; 65, 537 : the view that atranorin is a methyl ester is due to Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 232-) . . . .^ Physcianin = atraric acid = cerato- phyllin, a product of decomposition of atranorin, is ^-orcinolcarboxylic methyl ester (Hesse, Ber. 30, 359 ; 1988 ; 13-B.] METHYL ALCOHOL 43 Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 287 ; 422 ; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 1303: see also under ^-oreinol [77]). Bangiformic acid from Cladonia ran- giformis (Paterno, Gazz. 12, 259 ; Zopf, Ann. 288, 6'^ ; Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 275), and chrysocetraric = pinastric acid from Cetraria juniperina, G.pinastri, Calycium jlavum^zxA Lepraria fiava are methyl esters, the latter of oxypulvic acid (Zopf, Ann. 284, 107 ; Hesse, Ibid. 176; Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 307 ; 62, 34a ; 65, 537 ; 552, &c.). Lecidic acid from Lecidea cinereo-afra is a methyl ester (Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 58, 508). Caperatic acid from Farmelia caperata, Mycohlastus sangui- nariiis, var. endorhodea, and Tlatysma glaucum may be a methyl ester (Hesse, Ber. 30, 365 ; Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 427 ; Zopf, Ann. 306, 306 ; 312). Parellic acid = psoromic = squamaric and (?) zeoric acid is a methyl ester found in the following lichens: — Le- canora parella {OchroJechia pallescens, y-parella), L. varia, L. sordida, var. glaucoma, Placodium crassum, var. ccespi- tosmn^ P. lagaftccB, P. gypsaceiim, P. cir- cinatum, Rhizocarpon geographicum, var. lecanorina, and vars. contiguum and geronticum, Stereocaulon corallo'ides (?), S. incrustatum^ S. vesuvianum, S. demi- datum, var. genuinum or pulvinatum, Catocarpus alpicoltts, Roccella intricata, R. tinctoria, Darhishirella gracillima, Cladonia pyxidata^ Vsnea ceratina, U. harbata and jiorida (Schunck, Ann. 54, 274 ; Spica, Gazz. 12, 431 ; Zopf, Ann. 284, 129; 288, 59; 295, 2-33; 236; 248; 251; 273; 295; 297,285; 317, no; 321, 37; Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 272; 274; 58, 518; 62,430; 462 ; 465 ; 65, 537 ; Ber. 30, 363 ; 31, 663. Hesse was unable to find this acid in Lecanora parella, from which it was first said to be obtained by Schunck, and concludes that this last author had some other species in hand ; see Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 38a). Thamnolic acid from Thamnolia ver- micularis, Cladonia jioerkeana, and Cla- dina nncialis may be a methyl ester (Zopf, Ch. Centr. 1 893, 2, 54 ; Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 58, 465 ; 62, 441 ; 446 ; Ann. 324, 39). Vulpic acid is the methyl ester of pulvic acid = diphenylketipic anhy- dride, and is found in the following lichens: — Cetraria (= Evernia) vtdpina, C. pinastri, C. tubulosa, C. juniperina, Cyphelium ckrysocephalum, Calycium chlorinum, C. chlorellum, C. stenhamari, Parmelia perlata, American, (Moller and Strecker, Ann. 113, ^6 ; Bolley, Jahresber. 1864, 554 ; Zopf, Ann. 284, 120; 324, 39 ; Hesse, Ann. 284, 173; Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 316; 62, 340; 65, 537 : the later papers of Zopf and Hesse referred to above under atranorin may also be consulted for references to vulpic acid : for references to con- stitution see also Spiegel, Ann. 219, I, &c.). The. methoxy group, CH3.O, is con- tained in large numbers of natural pro- ducts belonging to nearly every family of organic compounds. Such com- pounds are in a sense ethers of methyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol is among the products of fermentation of glycerol by Bacillus boocopricus (Emmerling, Ber. 29, 2727), of the bacterial fermentation of calcium glycerate (Fitz, Ber. 13, 131 2), and of the fermentation of the juice of the sugar-cane by a special (wild) yeast (Marcano, Comp. Rend. 108, 955). Synthetical Pkocesses. [A.] From carbon, oxygen, and hy- drogen, a mixture of carbon monoxide, and the latter giving methyl alcohol among other products under the influence of the electric discharge in an ' ozoniser' (Slosse and Solvay, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. 35, 547; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 421). [B.] From methane [l] by chlorination and the action of aqueous potash on the methyl chloride (Berthelot, Ann. 105, 241 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 52, loi). Methane and air (the mixture contain- ing insufiicient oxygen for complete combustion) give methyl alcohol among other products when passed over finely divided copper, asbestos, or coppered pumice (Glock, Germ. Pat. 1090 14 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 304; see also Coquillon in Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 44 ALCOHOLS [13 B-14. 19, 684, abst. from Zeit. Spiritusind. 23, 18a). [C] From glycerol [48], methyl alcohol being among the products formed by the dry distillation of the calcium compound (Destrem, Ann. Chim, [5] 27, 20; Comp. Rend. 90, 1213) or by heating the sodium compound above 245" (Fernbach, Bull. Soc. [2] 34, 146). [D.] From formic aldehyde [9l] by heating with strong sodium hydroxide solution (Low, Ber. 20, 144) or lime water {Ihid. 21, 271), or by the pro- longed action of potassium hydroxide solution at ordinary temperatures (Del^- pine. Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 938 : see also Comp. Rend. 123, J 20 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 15, 997, and Lieben, Monats. 22, 289). [E.] From formic acid [Vol. II], methyl alcohol being among the pro- ducts formed by the dry distillation of the calcium salt (Friedel and Silva, Bull. Soc. [2] 19, 481; Comp. Rend. 76, 1545; Lieben and Paternb, Ann. 167, 293 ; Gazz. 3, 290). [P.] From acetic acid [Vol. II] by acting with iodine on the silver salt and hydrolysing the methyl acetate formed (Simonini, Monats. 13, 320 ; see also Birnbaum, Ann. 152, iii). Methyl acetate is among the products of electrolysis of potassium acetate in aqueous solution (Kolbe, Ann. 69, 279), especially in presence of acid (Petersen, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 518). The alcohol is produced by electrolysis from sodium or potassium acetate in presence of sodium perchlorate (Hofer and Moest, Ann. 323, 284). [G.] From methylamine [Vol. II] by the action of nitrous acid (Linnemann, Zeit. [2] 4, 284). [H.] From trimethylamine [Vol. II] through methyl chloride by heating the dry hydrochloride (Vincent, Journ. Pharm. [4] 30, 132). From methyl chloride as above under B. [I.] From ethyl alcohol [14] through chloral by chlorination. Methyl chloride is among the products of reduction of chloral by zinc or iron dust in aqueous solution(Cotton, Bull. Soc. [2] 42,622). [J.] From aldehyde [92] through chloral (see under methane [l ; l]), and then as above under I. [K.] From malonic acid [Vol. II] by electrolysis of a solution of the potas- sium salt (Petersen, Zeit. physik. Ch. 33, 714). 14. Ethyl Alcohol; Methyl Carbinol ; Ethauol. CH3 . CH2 . OH Natdeal Soueces. Ethyl alcohol is contained in the steam distillate from grass and leaves previously macerated in very dilute sulphuric acid (Lieben, Monats. 19, $'^'^). According to Berthelot (Comp. Rend. 128, 1366 ; see also Devaux, Ibid. 1346) alcohol is formed in the tissues of growing plants (wheat and hazel). Alcohol is formed by the cells of plants from carbohydrates by ^intra- cellular respiration' when they are insufficiently supplied with oxygen (J. R. Green's 'Soluble Ferments and Fermentation,' p. 327 et seq. ; Lafar's 'Technical Mycology,' Vol. II, p. 78; Pasteur, Comp. Rend. 76, 1054 ; Le- chartier and Bellamy, Comp. Rend. 79, 949; 1006; 81, 1 1 29; Brefeld, Land- wirth. Jahrbuch, 5 ; De Luea, Ann. Sei. Nat. [6], 6 ; Miintz, Comp. Rend. 86, 49; Ann. Chim. [5] 13, 543; Gerber, Ann. Sci. Nat. [8] 4 : for production of alcohol by intracellular respiration in beet see Strohmer, Zeit. Zucker. 24, 685; v. Lippmann, Ber. 31, 677 ; by peas, Godlewski and Pol- zeniusz, Bied. Centr. 27, 135 ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 74, II, Abst. 400; 80, II, Abst. 618; Ch. Centr. 1901,2,595; Maze, Comp. Rend. 128, 1608; Ann. Inst. Past. 16, 195 ; Takahashi, Bull. Coll. Agric. Tokio, 5, 243 ; by deep tissues of woody stems, Devaux, Comp. Rend. 128, 1346 : for general sum- mary see also J. R. Green's address to the Brit. Assoc. Belfast, 1902 : for isolation of the enzyme causing anaero- bic cellular respiration in higher animals and plants see Stoklasa and Czerny, Ber. 36, 622). Ethyl alcohol is formed by yeast as a product of auto-fermentation (Har- 14.] ETHYL ALCOHOL 45 den and Rowland^ Trans. Ch. Soc. 79^ 1237). Ethyl alcohol is contained in the dis- tillate from rose leaves, but this may arise from carbohydrates by fermenta- tion (Eckart;, Arch. Pharm. 229, ^!^^; Ber. 24, 4305 ; SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1892). Ethyl alcohol is found in the distilla- tion water from the unripe fruit of Heradeum giganteum (Gutzeit, Ann. 177, 344)^ from the fruit of H. sphon- dylium (Moslinger, Ber. 9, 998 ; Ann. 185, 26) and of Pastinaca sativa and Anthriscus cerefolium (Gutzeit, loc. cit. 372 ; 382), from the oil of the leaves of Indigqfera galego'ides (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1896), and from the oil of storax from Liquidamhar orientalis (v. Miller, Ann. 188, 1 84). The forerunnings from iheoi\oiEiicali/ptus globulus C0TitQ,met}iy\ alcohol (Bouchardat and Oliviero, Bull. Soc. [3] 9, 429). The alcohol in these cases probably arises partly or wholly from esters by hydrolysis (Gutzeit con- sidered the alcohol to exist in the free state in the fruit of Heradeum, Ann. 240, 243). The ethyl ester of butyric acid is contained in the oil from the unripe fruit of Heradeum giganteum (Gutzeit, Ann. 177, 344). Ethyl butyrate is contained also in the oil from the fruit of Heradeum sphondylium (Moslinger, loc, cit.). Ethyl acetate is contained in the flowers of Magnolia fuscata (Goppert, Ann. Ill, 127) ; ethyl valerate probably occurs in Algerian oil of rue (Power and Lees, Trans. Ch. Soc. 81, 1589) ; ethyl cinnamate in liquid storax from Liquidamhar orientalis (v. Miller, loc. cit. ; Tschirch and Van Itallie, Arch. Pharm. 239, 506) and in the oil from Kaempferia galanga (Van Romburg-h, Proc. K. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam, 4, 618; Journ. Ch. Soc. 82, I, Abst. Ethyl esters of hexoic, octoic, decoic, lauric, palmitic, and oleic acids are present in the juice from the fruit of the saw palmetto, Sahal serrulata (Sher- man and Brig-gs, Pharm. Arch. 2, loi). The oil from the root of Kaempferia galanga contains the ethyl ester of p-methoxycinnamic acid (Van Rom- burgh, SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1900; Journ. Ch. Soc. 78, I, Abst. 677). Rhizocarpic acid, a product from certain lichens, is an ethyl ester of a complex acid (Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 58, 510). This acid has been obtained from the following species : — Rhizocarpon geographicum and vars. con- tiguum, lecanorinum, and geronticuMy R. viridi-atrum, Pleopsidium chloro- johanum, Acarospora chlorophana, Haphio- spora jiavovirescens, Biatora lucida, Catocarpus alpicolus = Catocarpon chino- philum, Acolium tigillarey Gasparinia elegans, G. medians (Zopf, Ann. 284, 114; 295, 275; 313, 334; 321, 37; Hesse, Ber. 30, 362; 31, 66^; Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 446; 58, 511 ; 62, 343 ; see also Salkowski, Ann. 319, 391)- An ethyl ester of vulpic acid (see under methyl alcohol [l3]) = callopismic acid occurs in the lichens Physcia medians, Callopisma vitellinum^ Cande- laria concolor, and Gyalolechia aurella (Zopf, Ann. 284, 123; 295,239; 297, 290). Hsematommic acid obtained from the lichens Hcematomma coccineum, Physcia ccBsia, Stereocaulon ramulosum, and Par- melia perlata, is an ethyl ester of atra- norin (Zopf, Ann. 288, 39; 44; 295, 280 ; 297 ; Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 57, 292). Ethyl alcohol is a product of fer- mentation of various sugars by species of yeasts, Saccharomyces. The follow- ing species or forms are now recognized as alcoholic ferments : — Saccharomyces cerevisiee I, Hansen ; S. pastorianus I, II, and III, Hansen; S. logos, Van Laer; S. ellipsoideus I and II, Hansen ; S. ilicis, Gronlund ; S. aquifolii, Gronlund ; S. pyriformis, Marshall Ward; S. vordermanni, Went and Geerligs; S. marxianns, Hansen; S. exiguus, Reess and Hansen ; S. jor- gense?m, Lasch^ ; S. ludwigii, Hansen ; S. octosporus, Beyerinck; S. pombe, Saare and Zeidler ; -5^. mellacei, Holn and Jorgensen ; S. acidi lactici, Groten- f elt ; S. fragilis, Jorgensen ; S. ano- malus, Hansen ; S. conglomeratus, Reess (doubtful ferment) ; 8. apiculatus, 46 ALCOHOLS [14. Reess. (See for further particulars Jorgensen^s ' Mikroorg-anismen der Garungsindustrie/ chap, vj Klocker's ' Garungsorganismen^ &c.' ; and Lafar^s 'Technical Mycology/ Vol. 11.) Sac- charomyces saturnus, Klocker, from soil in the Himalayas, can ferment wort (Klocker, Abst. in Journ. Fed. Inst. 8, 523). S. awamori, Inui, a yeast which is concerned in the production of the Japanese drink ' awamori,' is an alcoholic ferment (Inui, Journ. Imp. Coll. Sci. Tokio, 1901, 15; Abst. in Journ. Fed. Inst. 8, 529). Certain ethyl esters, such as ethyl acetate, propionate, butyrate, valerate, hexoate, heptoate, octoate, ennoate, palmitate, and oleate, are found in fusel oils and in whisky, and may be secon- dary products of alcoholic fermenta- tions by yeasts and therefore of bio- chemical origin (Perrot, Comp. Rend. 45, 309 ; Ann. 105, 64 ; Rabuteau, Comp. Rend. 87, 501 ; Ordonneau, Ibid. 102, 217 ; Bell as quoted by Allen, Journ. Fed. Inst. 3, 36 ; Barker, Ann. Bot. 1900, 215). Synthetical carbohydrates, such as 'glycerose,' obtained by the oxidation of glycerol and now known to be a mixture of glyceraldehyde and di- hydroxyacetone [l5l] (Van Deen, Jahresber. 1863, 501 ; Stone, Am. Ch. Journ. 15, 6^6 ; Fischer, Ber. 20, 1088; Fischer and Tafel, Hid. 3384; 21, 3634; Grimaux, Comp. Rend. 104, 1276; Bull. Soc. [2] 46, 481; 49, 251), dextrose [l54], Isevulose [l55], d-mannose [l56], and mannononose (Fischer and Passmore, Ber. 23, 2237) give alcohol on fermentation by yeasts. According to Piloty (Ber. 30, 3166) and Bertrand (Comp. Rend. 126, 842 ; 984 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 502) dihydroxy- acetone is not fermentable. According to Emmerling (Ber. 32, 542) neither dihydroxyacetone nor glyceraldehyde are fermentable when pure. The f ermentability of sugars, natural and synthetical, by yeasts is associated with the number of the carbon atoms in the sugar, the configuration of the atoms in the molecule, and the nature of the yeast. According to Fischer (Ber. 23, 2114) the fermentable sugars contain multiples of three carbon atoms. As regards configuration, while the three hexoses and the nonnose men- tioned above are with d-galactose fer- mentable, the following sugars are unfermentable :— d-gulose and 1-gulose (Fischer, Ber. 24, 521 ; Fischer and Stahel, I6id. 528; 2144); d-talose (Fischer, ioc. cit. 3622) ; sorbose (Pe- louze, Comp. Rend. 34, 377 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 35, 222); tagatose =l-sor- bose (Lobry de Bruyn and Van Eken- stein, Rec. Tr. Ch. 16, 257 ; 262 ; 19, i) ; glutose {Ibid. 16, 257 and 274); the hexoses of the 1-series, such as 1-fructose (Fischer, Ber. 23, 370), 1-mannose (Fischer and Thierf elder, Ber. 27, 2031), 1-xylose (Koch, Ber. 20, ref. 145 ; Thomsen, Journ. pr. Ch. 19, 146 ; Stone, Ber. 23, 3791), the pentoses, rhamnose, the synthetical heptoses and octoses (Fischer, Ber. 23, 930 ; Fischer and Piloty, 7^/fi?. 3102; 3827; Fischer and Morrell, Ber. 27, 382 ; Fischer and Passmore, Ber. 23, 2226 ; Fischer, Ann. 270, 64; 288, 139 ; Smith, Ann. 272, 182); glucononose (Fischer, Ann. 270, 104). [For general summary see Fischer and Thierf elder, Ber. 27, 2031 ; Fischer, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 26, 60 : for resolu- tion of i-glucose, i-mannose, i-fructose, and i-galactose by partial fermentation with brewer''s yeast see Fischer, Ber. 23, 382; 2620; 25, 1259. The fermentability of twenty-one sugars and carbohydrates by various yeasts and yeast-like fungi, without reference to products, has been investi- gated on a microscopic scale by Lindner, Woch. Brau. 17, 713 ; 733; 746; 762; Ch. Centr. 1901, 1,57; 4^4 ^ Journ. Fed. Inst. 7, 224 : for experiments on the relative fermentability of dextrose and laevulose by Niirnberg, &c., sedi- mentary and other yeasts see Knecht, Centr. Bakter, II, 7, 161 ; 215.] Manneotetrose, Cg^H^gOg,, a sugar contained in ' manna, ■* is fermentable by yeast (Tanret. Comp. Rend, 134, 1586 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 947). Three synthetical disaccharides, glucosido- galactose, galaetosidoglucose (? meli- biose), and galactosidogalactose, are unattacked by surface yeast, and only 14.] ETHYL ALCOHOL 47 the two first are fermented by sedi- mentary yeast (Fischer and E. F. Arm- strong, Ber. 35j 3144). The various species of Saccharomyces behave differently towards different sugars, their behaviour having relation- ship to the enzymes contained in the yeast cell : — S. cerevisice, S. pastoriannSy and S. el- lipsoicleus ferment saccharose, maltose, and the products of their inversion, i. e. dextrose and Isevulose, but not lac- tose; S. ilicis and S. aquifolii ferment saccharose, maltose, and dextrose ; S. pyriformis and S. vordennanni ferment saccharose; S. exiguus, S. marxianus, and S. jorgensenii ferment saccharose and dextrose, but not maltose; S. lud- wigii ferments dextrose and saccharose, but neither maltose nor lactose ; S.pombe ferments dextrose and saccharose ; S. acidi laclici and S. fragilis ferment lactose (summarised from Jorgensen's ' Mikroorganismen, &c/ chap. v). S. membranafaciens is inactive towards most sugars (Fischer and Thierf elder, Ber. 27, 203 1 ). So also is S. kansenii. S. kyalosporus , S.farinosus, and S. ano~ malus, var. belgicus (all Lindner''s), can- not ferment maltose, dextrose, or sac- charose (^DieGarungsorganismen, &c.,' Klocker, p. 203). S. bidwigii is inca- pable of fermenting galactose, and may therefore be used for separating this sugar from dextrose (Thomas, Comp. Rend. 134, 610). S. apiculatus fer- ments dextrose and mannose (Cremer, Zeit. Biol. 29, 525), but not saccharose, lactose, maltose, or galactose (Voit, Zeit. Biol. 29, 149 ; Hansen and Amthor, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 12, ^6^). S. (= Schizomccharomyces) octosporus ferments dextrose and maltose, but not saccharose (Beyerinck, Centr. Bakter. 12, 49 ; Fischer and Lindner, Ber. 28, 984 ; 3034). S. productivus, S. mem- branafaciens, and S. pombe are incapable of fermenting d-galactose under ordinary conditions, but this sugar is ferment- able under suitable conditions by S. cerevisieB, by S. pastorianus I, II, III, by S. ellipsoideus I, II, by S. marxianus, and (slowly) by the mould Monilia Can- dida (Bau, Bied. Centr. 26, 213). The yeasts appear to be capable of gradual adaptation or ' acclimatisation * towards this sugar (Dubourg, Comp. Rend. 128, 440 ; Dienert, Ibid. 569 ; 617; Ann. Inst. Past. 14, 139 : S. ludwigii does not seem to be amenable to this treat- ment : for adaptation of yeasts to saccharose see also Dubourg, loc. cit. : for variation in chemical activity of yeasts produced by cultivation see Han- sen, Zeit. ges. Brau. 25, 41 ; 57 ; 70 ; 82 ; Journ. Fed. Inst. 7, 299). S. anomalus, vars. I, II, III, and IV, has been investigated by Steuber (Zeit. ges. Brau. 23, 3; 17; 33; Journ. Fed. Inst. 6, 123). I ferments saccharose, glucose, and fructose, but not maltose, lactose, or galactose ; II ferments sac- charose slowly, but not fructose, glucose, maltose, lactose, or galactose ; III and IV produce a trace of alcohol from fructose, but do not ferment any of the other sugars. According to Barker (Ann. Bot. 1900, 215) S. anomalus of Hansen can ferment glucose, fructose, and saccharose, but not maltose. This yeast also produces ethyl and amyl acetates. S. bailii of Lindner can fer- ment dextrose and ' invert ' sugar ; S. mali duclauxi of Kayser (found in cider) can ferment invert sugar, but neither maltose nor saccharose (' Die Garungs- organismen, &c.,^ Klocker, p. 215). Sac- char omyces opunticB, which ferments the must of Indian figs, can ferment dex- trose and Isevulose, but not lactose, rafl[inose, galactose, mannitol, or dulcitol (Ulpiani and Sarcoli, Gazz. 31, 395). From a mixture of S, pastorianus II and S. opuyitice sodium fluoride elimi- nates the latter [Ibid. Atti Real. Accad. [5] 11, 173). Milk sugar is fermentable by three yeasts from Armenian ^mazun,' by Weigmann^s yeast, Sachsia suaveolens, and, possibly, by Monilia variabilis (Lindner, Ch. Centr. 1901, 1, 56 ; Woch. Brau. 17, 713). The top fermen- tation yeast, S. pastorianus arborescens, can ferment dextrose and laevulose, but not galactose nor di- and trisac- charides (Van Laer, Bull. Assoc. Belg. 16, 177 ; Journ. Fed. Inst. 8, 763). S. [Schizosaccharomyces) pombe and octosporus and S. logos are said to be 48 ALCOHOLS [14. dextrin-ferments (Jorgensen, loc. cit. p. 216, note ; see also Marshall Ward, Journ. Fed. Inst. 4, ^SS). S. pomhe, S. octosporus, and S. mellacei are included by Lindner {loc. cit.) among dextrin ferments. The pentoses from the straw of cereals which give furfural on distil- lation with dilute acid are said to yield alcohol on fermentation by yeast (Cross, Bevan, and Smith, Trans. Ch. Soc. 71, 1003 ; Bailey and Ford, Germ. Pat. 97238 of 1896; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 590). Pentoses generally, such as xylose and arabinose, are not fermentable by yeast (Stone, Ber. 23, 3796 ; Stone and Tollens, Ann. 249, 267 ; Tollens, Journ. Fed. Inst. 4, 447 ; Schone and Tollens, Journ. Ch. Soc. 80, I, 367). The pentosans from jute and brewer's grains give alcohol on fermentation by pure-culture yeast from lager beer yeast {Ibid : also Journ. Fed. Inst. 7, 472). The transformation of sugar into alcohol by yeast has been found by Buchner to be brought about by the action of an enzyme-like nitrogenous compound (zymase) formed by the living cell, but capable of acting on BUgar when removed from the cell. The literature relating to this discovery is given below : Buchner, Ber. 30, 117; 1110; Buchner and Rapp, Ibid. 266S ; Stavenhagen, Ibid. 2422 ; 2963 ; Neumeister, Ibid. ; v. Manassein, 3id. 3061 ; Green, Ann. Bot. 11, ^55; 12, 491; Will, Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 69; Delbriick, Ibid. 70 ; Hahn, Ber. 31, 300 ; Geret and Hahn, Ibid. 202 ; Buchner and Rapp, Ibid. 209 ; Schunck, Ibid. 309 ; Buchner and Rapp, Ibid. 1531 ; Will, Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 439 ; Lange, Ibid. 548 ; Abeles, Ber. 31, 2261; Geret and Hahn, Ibid. 2335; Wroblewski, Ibid. 3218 ; Centr. Physiol. 12, 697 ; Martin and Chapman, Proc. Physiol. Soc. June, 1898; Buchner and Rapp, Ber. 32, 127; 2086; Wroblewski, Centr. Physiol. 13, 284 ; Cremer, Ber. 32, 2062; Albert, Ibid. 2372; Albert and Buchner, Ber. 33, 266; 971; Ahrens, Zeit. angew. Ch. 1900, 483; Macfayden, Morris, and Rowland, Ber. 33, 2764; Hahn and Geret, Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 641 ; Buch- ner, Ber. 33, 3307; 331 1 ; Albert, Ibid. 3775 ; Prior and Schulze, Zeit. angew. Ch. 14, 208 ; Buchner and Rapp, Ber. 34, 1523 ; Wroblewski, Bull. Acad. Sci. Cracow, 1901, 94; Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 64, i ; R. and W. Albert, Centr. Bakter. II, 7, 737 ; Buchner and Spitta, Ber. 35, 1703; Buchner and Rapp, Ibid. 2376 : for gene- ral summary see ' Die Zymasegarung,' by E. and H. Buchner and Martin Hahn, Munich and Berlin, 1903. Not only the true yeasts but other related micro-fungi, and certain moulds and bacteria, are capable of producing alcohol from sugars as well as from more complex carbohydrates : — Hansen has investigated certain species of Torula. Sp. Ill can ferment hexose, but not saccharose ; Sp, IV and VI can transform saccharose, but not maltose; Sp. VII ferments dextrose, but not saccharose or maltose. Sp. I, II, and V appear to be incapable of producing alcoholic fermentation. T. nova carlsbergifB of Gronlund can in- vert and ferment saccharose, maltose, and dextrose. The red pigment-form- ing Torula of Kramer inverts and fer- ments saccharose and ferments maltose and dextrose, but not lactose (summar- ised from Jorgensen's ' Mikroorganis- men,'' &c. ch. v). A Torula-\\kQ species discovered in milk by Duclaux (Ann. Inst. Past. 1, 573) ferments lactose, which is not attacked by ordinary yeasts. * Sac- charomycea ' lactia of Adametz (Centr. Bakter. 5, l^?)C)),\\ie non-Saccharomyces of Kayser (Ann. Inst. Past. 8, 737), and Beyerinck's ' Saccharomyces ' kephir and tyrocola (Centr. Bakter. II, 6, 44) are said to produce alcohol from lactose. Lactomyces i?ijlans caseigrana from cheese (Bochiccio, Centr. Bakter. &c. 16, 546) can ferment lactose in bouillon. Certain species of Mycoderma formerly confused with M. cerevisice of Hansen produce alcohol in wort (Lasche, as quoted by Jorgensen, loc. cit. 4th ed. p. 263). Species of Mycoderma can produce small quantities of alcohol from dextrose under appropriate conditions (Beyerinck : see paper by Van Laer, Journ. Fed. Inst. 7, 352). 14.] ETHYL ALCOHOL 49 The moulds Mncor racemosns, M. sto- lonifer, M. circineUo'ides, M. spi?iosj(s) 31. erechis, Mxoasciis alnitorquus (Sade- beck), Penicillium glaucum, and Rhizopus nigricans are generally included among' alcohol-producing fungi (Reess^ ' Botan. Untersuch. iiber die Alkoholgarungs- pilze/ 1870; also J. R. Green's ^Fer- mentation/ p. 325 et seq.). Mucor spinosus and M. circinelloules ferment glucose (Gayon, Ann. Chim. [5] 14, 258 ; Comp. Rend. 86, 52 ; Bull. Soc. [2] 31, 139; for earlier work on alco- holic fermentation by Mucor racemosus see Fitz, Ber. 6, 48 ; 8, 1540; 9, 1352 ; 1354; Brefeld, Ber. 7, 282). Mncor mucedo, M. erectus, M. sj)i?io,ms, M. alternans, M. circinelldides, and Rhizopus nigricans cannot invert and ferment saccharose; with the exception of the latter they can all produce alcohol from maltose and they all ferment dextrose and laevulose, Mucor alternans fer- ments trehalose, but not raffinose. These moulds cannotfermentgalactose directly, but only after inversion (Lafar's ' Tech- nical Mycology,' II, 81). M. racemosus is the only one of these species of Mucor that can invert and ferment saccharose (for quantitative results see Emmerling, IBer. 30, 454) ; the others ferment not only glucose, but ' invert ' sugar and maltose. M. erectus can produce alcohol from dextrin (Hansen as quoted by Jcirgensen, ' Mikroorganismen,' &c. 126). Chinese yeast contains Mucor {Am)jlomyces\rouxii (Calmette, Ann. Inst. Past. 6,604), and this produces alcohol in culture solutions of dextrose, d-f ructose, galactose, trehalose, d-mannose, maltose, dextrin, and a-methylglucoside, but not from saccharose, lactose, xylose, arabinose, rhamnose, tagatose, raffinose, melibiose, ^-methylglucoside, or inulin (Sitnikoff and Rommel,quoted by Lafar, 'Technical Mycology,' II, 89 : see also ref. given below and Wehmer, Centr. Bakter. II, 6, 353 ; for industrial use see Boidin and Rolants, Abst. in Journ. Fed. Inst. 3, 445 ; Collette and Boidin, Ibid. 4, 4325 ^lS'-> 5, 128: for behaviour of two other species of Amylomyces towards various carbohydrates see Sitnikoff and Rommel, Journ. Fed. Inst. 7, 1 12, from Woch. Brau. 17, 621 : for technical pro- duction of alcohol by joint action of Mucedina and yeast see Lafar's ' Tech- nical Mycology,' II, 94 ; also Barbet, Germ. Pat. 128173 of 1899 ; Ch. Centr. 1902,1,444). Chinese yeast from Cambodia eon- tains Mucor Cambodia, which produces alcohol in saccharine solutions (Chrzascz, Centr. Bakter. II, 7, 326). The ' koji ' ferment used for prepar- ing rice wine {' sake ') in China and Japan (see also under dextrose [154]) can produce alcohols from sugars (not lactose). The ferment is said to con.- i^axx Eurotium {Aspergillus) oryzcs (Lieb- scher, Bied. Centr. 1881, 707) yeasts, a red yeast, Penicillium glaucum, Mucor stolonifer, a Torula, and a white mould- fungus : the latter ferments saccharose, raffinose, dextrose, maltose, and d-f ruc- tose (all slightly), but not trehalose, rhamnose, lactose, or melezitose. The yeast (sake -yeast) ferments saccharose, maltose, d-mannose, dextrose, d-f ructose, and methylglucoside (all readily) ; tre- halose and d-galactose (less readily) ; and not lactose or rhamnose (Kozai, Centr. Bakter. II, 6, 385 et seq. : see also Kellner, Mori, and Nagaoka, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 14, 297). The ferment used in Java for pro- ducing ' raggi ' saccharifies starch by the mycelium of Chlamydomucor oryzee, and alcohol is produced by the fermen- tation of the sugars by Moniliajavaniea and Saccharomyces vordermanni, the other constituents of the ferment (Went and Prinsen Geerligs, Bot. Zeit. 1895, 143 ; Sorel, Rev. Ch. Ind. 8, 13; Journ. Fed. Inst. 3, 443). The Monilia can ferment dextrose, Isevulose, maltose, saccharose, and raffinose, but not lactose. The Javan product contains also Mucor javanicus, which produces alcohol from cane sugar, glucose, and lactose (Weh- mer, Centr. Bakter. II, 6, 610; Journ. Fed. Inst. 7, 113)- The Chlamydomucor is accompanied by a mould, Mucor dubius (? n. sp. ; Ibid. Centr. Bakter. II, 7, 313 ; Journ. Fed. Inst. 7, 493)- A Monilia resembling M. variabilis, Lindner, contained among the organ- isms concerned in the production of the Japanese ' awamori ' can produce slight fermentation in wort (Inui, Journ. Imp, 50 ALCOHOLS [14 Coll. Sci. TokiOj 1901, 15 ; Abst. in Journ. Fed. Inst. 8, 529). 3Io7nUa Candida ferments dextrose, saccharose, and maltose (Hansen, Ber. Deut-seh, hot. Gesell. 1884; Fischer and Lindner, Ber. 28, 3037 ; Fischer, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 26, 60 et seq.). The milk- sugar ferment O'idium lactis of Freseuius can produce alcohol from lactose, glu- cose, and (less readily) from saccharose and maltose (Lang and Freudenreich, quoted by Jorgensen, loc. cit. 131 ; see also Jensen, Centr. Bakter. II, 8, 248 et seq.). O'idium (Afonilia) albicans pro- duces alcoholic fermentation in Isevulose, glucose, and maltose, but not in lactose (Linossier and Roux, Comp. Rend. 11,0, 868). The mould Ettrofiopsis gai/oni can produce alcohol from hexoses when the mycelium is completely immersed in the solution (Laborde, Ann, Inst. Past. 11, I ; Duclaux, Abst. in Journ. Fed. Inst. 6, 412). According to Maze (Comp. Rend. 128, 1608; 134, J 91) alcohol is the first product of the assimi- lation of the sugar by the mould. This mould also appears to be capable of pro- ducing alcohol from lactic acid and glycerol {Ibid. 134, 240 ; see also Ann. Inst. Past. 16, 433). The mould J/o- nilia sitophila, used in W. Java for de- composing aracliis seed-cake, and found on putrefying bread, flour, &c., hydro- lyses and finally ferments many carbo- hydrates with the production of alcohol and ethyl esters (Went, Journ. Ch, Soc. 80, II, Abst. 412 ; Centr. Bakter. 11,7,544; 591). Starch, dextrin, and saccharose give rise to the formation of more or less alcohol by the action of Aspergillus oryzfP, Mucor alternatis of Gayon, and Mucor {Amylomyces) rouxii in appropriate nutrient solutions (Sanguinetti, Ann. Inst. Past. 11, 264). Raffinose or melitriose and melibiose can yield alcohol under the influence of appropriate ferments. The first of these sugars is only completely ferment- able by energetic sedimentary beer yeasts, and is only incompletely fer- mented by surface yeasts (Berthelot, Comp, Rend, 109, 548 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 46, 66; [6] 19, 500; Bull. Soc. [3] 2, 6^^ ; Scheibler and Mittelmeier, Ber. 22, 3 r i 8 ; Loiseau, Comp. Rend. 109, 614; Ban, Ch, Zeit. 18, 1794; Woch. Brau. 15, 389 ; Andrlik, Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 1273: for references to species which can resolve raffinose see under Isevulose [l55]). All the races of wine yeast examined by Schukoffi (Woch. Brau. 16, 195) can only par- tially ferment raffinose. Pure melibiose is neither hydrolysed nor fermented by surface yeast, but is resolved by sedimentary yeast into d-glucose and d-galactose and finally completely fermented (Bau, Woch. Brau. 16, 397; Ch. Zeit. 21, 186; 26, 69 ; see also Gillot, Bull. Assoc. Belg. 16, 240; Ch, Centr. 1902, 2, 811). Yeasts that have been 'acclimatised' by cultivation in a nitrogenous medium containing glucose and saccharose can, according to Dubourg (Comp. Rend. 128, 440), ferment all sugars excepting lactose. The sugars experimented with comprised galactose, raffinose, and tre- halose. Mucor alternans submitted to this treatment can ferment trehalose, d-glucose, d-maltose, d-fructose, and d-galactose, but not lactose, saccharose, or raffinose (Dubourg). These results are contested by Kloeker (Centr. Bakter. II, 6, 241), who was unable to ' adapt ^ S, warxiamis or S. apiculatus by the method of Dubourg. S. apiculatus could not be brought to invert sac- charose nor 8. marxianus to ferment maltose (see also Hansen, in Zeit. ges. Brau. 25, as quoted above). Trehalose is slowly fermented by sur- face and sedimentary yeasts of the Frohberg and Saaz types, by 8. ellipsoi- deus II, 8. pastor ianus I, II, and III, by 8. logos, and by Monilia Candida ; a milk-sugar yeast had a slight effect, and 8. pombe and 8. apiculatus were without action (Bau, Woch, Brau. 16, 305 ; see also Kalanthar, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 26, 88). The alcohol produced from arti- choke tuber with yeast (Levy, Comp. Rend. 116, 1381) is probably due to the fermentation of laevulose resulting from the resolution of inulin (see under laevulose [155]). Fermentation with the production of 14.] ETHYL ALCOHOL 51 alcohol from sugars is brought about in some cases by symbiotic associations of yeasts and bacteria. The ' kephir ' ferment used for preparing- an effer- vescent beverage from milk is some- times considered to be of this nature. The bacterium of kephir grains is l)isj)ora [Bacillus) caucasica of Kern. There are also present two species of Streptococcus and a yeast. The latter can produce feeble fermentation in wort, but cannot attack lactose (Kern, Bot. Zeit. i8«2; Biol. Centr. 1882; Freu- denreich, Centr. Bakter. II, 3, 47 ; 87 ; 135). According to Jorgensen (' Mi- kroorganismen,^ p. 92) a ti'ue Saccharn- wyce^ is present in Russian kephir grains which is capable of fermenting lactose independently of other organisms. Among the yeasts recently identified in kephir grains are S. cartUaginosus of Lindner and S.fragilis of Jorgensen. Among the organisms which ferment milk and convert it into the alcoholic beverage * koumiss ' is a Bacillus which produces alcohol from milk-sugar (Schipin, Centr. Bakter. II, 6, 775). Ethyl alcohol is among the products of fermentation of milk-sugar by lactic acid bacteria (Barthel, Centr. Bakter. II, Q, 417). The species experimented with was possibly Bacteritmi lactis acidi of Leichmann [Ibid. II, 5, 344). The ' ginger-beer plant ' consists of a symbiotic association of Saccharomyces pyriformis and Bacterium vermiforme (Marshall Ward, Phil. Trans. 1892, 183. B, 125). A similar ferment found as a parasitic growth on the sugar-cane (Madagascar) consists of a yeast and Bacterium, and can ferment saccharose, maltose, d-glucose, and d-fructose (Mar- shall Ward and Green, Proc. Roy. Soc. 65, 6^). The industrial production of alcohol from starch by Amylomyces rouxii of Calmette (see above for refer- ences to process of Boidin and Collette) is regarded as a case of symbiotic association between the Amylomyces and the yeast (' gentil ') which is subse- quently added (Marbach, Abst. in Journ. Fed. Inst. 5, 479). Glycerol gives alcohol among the products of its fermentation by various bacteria in appropriate nutrient solu- E tions in presence of chalk (Fitz, Ber. 9,1348; 10,266: 11,42; 1892; 12, 481 ; 13, 1311 ; 15, 873; Morin, Bull. Soc. [9] 48, 803). The glycerol fer- menting organism obtained from hay infusion by Fitz is Bacilhis jitzianus of Zopf, and the butyl alcohol producing organism obtained from cow-dung by this author is B. butylicns (see Emraer- ling, Ber. 30, 451). These organisms, or bacteria associated with them, are said to give small quantities or traces of alcohol among the products of their fermentation of erythritol, mannitol, starch, dextrin, inulin, lactose, dulcitol, calcium citrate and malate (during propionic fermentation), calcium lactate (propionic fermentation), calcium gly- cerate, calcium tartrate, gelatine, and albumin (Fitz ; erythritol, Ber. 11, 45 ; 1890 ; 12, 475 ; mannitol, 10, 280 ; 11, 1895; 15, 875; 16, 845; starch, 10, 282 ; 11, 44; dextrin, 10, 382 ; inulin, 11, 45 ; lactose. Ibid. ; dulcitol, Ibid. ; Ca-citrate, 11, 1895; Ca-malate, 11, 1896; 12, 481 ; Ca-lactate, 11, 1898 ; 12, 47,5; 13, 1309; Ca-glycerate, 12, 474; 13, 1 31 2; 16, 844; Ca- tartrate, 12, 475 ; gelatine and albumin, 12, 480). Bacteria from blue pus produce alcohol among other products from glycerol (Fitz, Ber. 11, 1 893). Glycerol gives alcohol among the products of its fermentation by Fiieumococcus (Grim- bert) and by Bacillus acidi Icevolactici (Schardinger : see Emmerling's ' Die Zersetzung, &c.' p. 61). The Granulobacter saccJiarobutyricutn obtained by Beyerinck from graiti (Centr. Bakter. 15, 171) produces alco- hol from glycerol (Emmerling, loc. cit. 453). Glycerol gives alcohol when fer- mented by the Bacillus ethaceticus of Frankland and Fox (Proc. Roy. Soc. 46, 345). The latter produces alcohol also from mannitol, arabinose, glucose, lactose, saccharose, and calcium gly- cerate (Frankland and Fox, loc. cit. ; Frankland and Lumsden, Trans. Ch. Soc. 61, 432; F. and MacGregor, Ibid. 737 ; F. and Frew, Ibid. 59, 81). The Bacilhis butylicus of Fitz pro- duces alcohol (trace) also from saccha- rose (Ber. 15, 876) and from glucose (Emmerling, Ber. 30, 451). Bacillus 52 ALCOHOLS [14. ethacetosuccinicus produces alcohol from manni'tol and dulcitol (Frankland and Frew, Trans. Ch. Soc. 61, 254). The Pneumocoectis of Friedlander pro- duces small quantities of alcohol from arabinose, glucose, galactose, lactose, saccharose, maltose, and raffinose (traces), mannitol, dextrin, and creatinine (Brie- ger, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 8, 306 ; 9, i ; Grimbert, Comp. Rend. 121, 698 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 15, 52 ; 87 ; Ann. Inst. Past. 9, 840 ; Frankland, Stanley, and Frew, Trans. Ch. Soc. 59, 253), and from xylose (Grimbert; Bull. Soc. [3] 15, 340). The Bacillus of malignant oedema produces alcohol from lactose, saccha- rose, and calcium lactate in an atmo- sphere of hydrogen (Kerry and Friinkel, Monats. 12, 350). Pasteur's ' butyric ferment' produces a trace of alcohol from calcium lactate (Fitz, Ber. 13, 1 3 10). Bacillus boocopricns from cow- dung produces alcohol from glucose and lactose (Emmerling, Ber. 29, 2726). Alcohol is among the final products of (lactic) fermentation of lactose by Bacillus acidi lactici (Haacke, Arch. Hyg. 42, 16; Ch. Centr. 1902, 1, 1 1 22 ; by Bac. ac. l-lactici, Schardinger, as quoted by Emmerling in the work referred to below) and by Slaphylococcus pyogenes aureus (Liibbert : Emmerling, ^ Die Zersetzung stickstofffreier or- ganischer Substanzen durch Bakterien/ p. no). TyrothrioD claviformis and Actinobakter polymorphtis can produce alcohol from lactose (Duclaux, Ann. Inst. Agron. 4"^" Annee, 1879-80, p. 103 ; also Gayon and Dubourg, Ann. Inst. Past. 15, 567). The 'man- nitol ferment ' of Gayon and Dubourg {loc. cit. 527) can produce alcohol from most sugars excepting laevulose (which it converts into mannitol [5l]). Alco- hol is among the products of fermenta- tion of glucose by Dunbar's and other Vibrios (Gosio ; quoted by Emmerling, loc. cit. pp. 47 and 56), and of maltose hj Bacillus fervitosus (Adametz; quoted by Emmerling, loc. cit. p. 59). The Bacillus amylozymicus of Per- drix (Ann. Inst. Past. 5, 287) hydro- lyses and finally ferments starch with the formation of alcohol among other products. Saccharomyces associate them- selves symbiotically with the Bacillus and increase the production of alcohol to 90 per cent. Alcohol is among the products of fermentation of starch by Bacillus suaveolens (Sclavo and Gosio, Bied. Centr. 20, 419 ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 60, Abst. 1284). Some of the organ- isms of putrefying cheese produce traces of alcohol from glycerol, mannitol, and sorbose in presence of chalk (Berthelot, Jahresber. 1857, 509 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 50, 350). A 1-lactic organism obtained from ripe pears can produce alcohol from mannitol and dextrose (Tate, Trans. Ch. Soc. 63, 1263). Alcohol is formed in traces during the fermentation of dextrose and lactose, and in considerable quantity during the fermentation of mannitol by Bacillus lactls aerogenes (Emmerling, Ber. 33, 2477). Accord- ing to Grimbert and Legros (Comp, Rend. 130, 1425) this Bacillus is identical with the Pneumobacillus of Friedlander, and can ferment glucose, saccharose, glycerol, mannitol, and dex- trin, but not dulcitol. Alcohol is among the products of fermentation of mucic acid (Bechamp, Bull. Soc. [3] 3, 770). Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus and Bacillus coli com- munis produce alcohol (traces) from dextrose in nutrient solution in presence of calcium carbonate (Hugounenq and Doyon, Ann. Chim. [7] 15, 145; also Liibbert as quoted by Emmerling, ' Die Zersetzung,' &c. p. 49). Bacillus coli communis, B. typhosus, and allied species produce alcohol among the products of fermentation in nutrient solutions of d-glucose, laevulose, gly- cerol, mannitol, d-galactose, and 1-ara- binose in an atmosphere of nitrogen (Harden, Trans. Ch. Soc. 79, 610). Bacterium, icferoides ferments dextrose in a similar manner {Ibid. Trans. Path. Soc. 52, 115). An organism from sour milk produces alcohol from pure arabi- nose (Schone and Tollens, Journ. Ch. Soc. 80, I, 368). Saccharobacilluspastorianus (Van Laer) produces alcohol among other products from dextrose, maltose, and saccharose 14-A.] ETHYL ALCOHOL 53 (Klocker, 'Die Garungsorganismen^ &c/ p. 277). Alcohol is among the products of the butyric fermentation of dextrose, saccharose, and starch by the anaerobic Amylohacter hutylicum and A. cBthylicum (Duclaux, Ann. Inst. Past. 9, 811), and of the fermentation of sugar in nutrient solution by a slime-forming Bacillus isolated from impure water (Schar- dinger, Centr. Bakter. II, 8, 144; 175). Soil bacteria produce alcohol among the products of fermentation of saccharose (Deherain and Maquenne, Comp. Rend. 97, 803). The sugar gelatinising Clostridium gelatinosum produces alcohol in nutrient solutions containing saccharose (Laxa, Zeit. Zuckerind. 26, 123; Journ. Fed. Inst. 8, 639). Alcohol is formed in small quantity as a product of putrefaction of fish (Morner, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 22, 514). The bacteria which cause putrefaction of proteids are capable of producing alcoholic fermentation (Vital i, Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 141). Arabinose gives alcohol on putrefaction (Salkowski, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 30, 478). Alcohol and ethyl acetate are formed when blood saturated with saccharose is kept for fifteen months {Ibid. 27, 297). Fibrin kept for several years under chloroform water gives a cupric reducing substance which is fermentable by yeast with the production of alcohol {Ibid.). Rancid butter contains alcohol and ethyl esters, especially butyrate, which are probably bacterial products (Amthor, Zeit. anal. Ch. 38, 10). Alcohol is among the products of anaerobic putrefaction of milk by Bacillus putrificus and by the Bacilli of malignant oedema and of symptomatic anthrax (Bienstock, Ch. Centr. 1901, 1, 1209). Alcohol is said to occur in animal tissues such as muscle, brain, and liver, and in diabetic urine (Rajewski, Pflii- ger's Arch. 11, 122; Bechamp, Comp. Rend. 89, 573 ; Zeit. anal. Ch. 20, 603 ; Markownikoff, Ber. 9, 1441 ; 1603). Ethylsulphuric acid (a salt) occurs under certain conditions in horse urine (Pfeiffer and Eber, Landw. Ver- suchs-Sta. 49, 97), and in human fistula bile (Brand, Pfliiger^s Arch. 90, 491)- Synthetical Peocesses. [A.] From acetijlene (see under me- thane [1 ; a]) through ethylene by reduction (Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 50, 806 j 54, 515; 132, 281 J Wilde, Ber. 7, "^S"^) ethylsulphuric acid by com- bination of latter with sulphuric acid (Faraday, Phil. Trans. 1825, 448; Hennell, Ibid. 1826, 240 ; 1828, 365 ; Berthelot, Ann. Chim. [3] 43, 385), and decomposition of ethylsulphuric acid by hydrolysis (Hennell; Berthe- lot ; see also Butleroff and Gorjainoff, Ann. 169, 147). There is said to be some practical difiiculty in reducing acetylene to ethylene (Kriiger, Elektro. Zeit. 1895, 32; Wood, Ch. News, 78, 308). Acetylene can be partially reduced to ethylene bypassing it mixed with hydro- gen over finely divided nickel heated to 300° (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 128, 1 1 73), or over finely divided copper at 130-180° {Ibid. 130, 1559) or iron at 180° {Ibid. 1628) or platinum black at ordinary temperature {Ibid. 131, 40), or by the action of heated finely divided nickel on acetylene jper se {Ibid. 187). Ammoniacal chroraous sulphate solution is said to reduce acetylene to ethylene (Coudert, Eng. Pat. 17159 of 1898; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 17, 1 178; also Villon process. Elect. Rev. 35, 375; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, ^^^ ; Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 132, 281). Acetylene is reduced to ethylene by the action of sodammonium (Moissan, Comp. Rend. 127, 914). Acetylene can be reduced to ethylene and ethane electrolytically, and in sulphuric acid solution (with mercury cathode) gives rise to small quantities of alcohol (Bil- litzer, Sitzungsber. Wien. Akad. 110 ; ' Nature,' 67, 425). Acetylene combines with mercuric chloride to form a compound which is decomposed on heating with aqueous hydrochloric acid with the formation of aldehyde [92]. The latter can be re- duced to alcohol as below under H (Kriiger and Piickert, Ch. Ind. 1895, 454 ; see also Caro, Ibid. 226 and 454 ; Kutscheroff, Ber. 17, 13). Acetylene 54 ALCOHOLS [14 A-B. gives a trace of alcohol when oxidised by hydrogen peroxide in presence of ferrous sulphate (Cross^ Bevan, and Heiberg, Ber. 33, 2015). Certain metallic carbides (especially uranium) give ethylene among the gases produced by interaction with water (Moissan, Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 15 ; for production of ethylene, acetylene, &c., by the action of water on carbides of cerium, lanthanum, yttrium, and uranium see also Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 132, 281; for production of ethylene by the action of water on mixed barium carbide and silicide see paper by Tucker and Moody, Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 20, 97 1)- Note : — For generators of ethylene see also under methane [1 ; D, note]. [B.] From methane [l] through chloroform by chlorination (Regnault, Ann. Chim. [2] 71, 380). Chloroform gives acetylene by passing over heated copper (Berthelot, Comp. Bend. 50, 805) or by the action of potassium amalgam (Kletzinsky, Zeit. [2] 2, 127; see also Fittig, loc. cif.). Or from methane through methyl chloride by chlorination (Berthelot, Ann. Chim. [3] 52, 97). Ethylene is among the products formed by passing methyl chloride through a hot tube (Perrot, Ann. 101, 375). Or from methyl chloride and hydrogen cyanide [l72] through methyl cyanide (acetonitrile) and ethylamine [Vol. II], and then as under FP below. [C] From heptane [2], ethylene being among the products formed on heating the vapour to 900° (Worstall and Bur- well, Am. Ch. Journ. 19, 815). [D.] From methyl alcohol [13] through ethane by the action of zinc or sodium on methyl iodide (Frankland, Journ. Ch. Soc. 2, 173; Ann. 71, 213; Wanklyn and Buckeisen, Ann. 116, 329 : methyl cyanide as a 'catalytic'reagentfacilitates this condensation, Michael, Am. Ch. Journ. 25, 419). Ethane gives ethyl chloride by chlorination (Schorlemmer, Comp. Rend. 58, 703; Ann. 132, 234; Darling, Ann. 150, 216). The chloride gives alcohol on heating with aqueous alkali (Balard, Ann. Chim. [3] 12, 302). According to Glock alcohol is formed by passing a mixture of ethane and air over heated copper, asbestos, &c. (Germ. Pat. 109015 of 1899; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 304; also Coquillon as quoted in Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 684). Or from methyl alcohol and potassium cyanide [172] thi-ough methyl iodide and cyanide and ethylamine [Vol. II] and then as under FP below. Note : — Many synthetical products give ethane on heating with strong aqueous hydr- iodic acid in sealed tubes : acetaldehyde [92] ; acetone [106] ; acetic acid ["Vol. II] ; ethylamine [Vol. II] ; styrene [7] ; tartronie acid from tar- taric or malonic acid [Vol. II] ; ethylbensene [7 ; A] ; naphthalene [12 ; 90] ; anthracene [144] ; alizarin [145] (Berthelot ; for I'eferences see under methane [1 ; I]). Ethylene also is reduced to ethane by passing in admixture with hydrogen over heated finely divided nickel (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 124, 1358), and acttt/lene also gives ethane among other products when passed mixed with hydrogen over heated finely divided nickel, copper, iron, cobalt, or platinum (Ibid. Comp. Rend. 128, 1173; 130, 1559; 1628; 131, 40; 187. Further particulars as to temperature, &c., are given above under A). Primary alcohols, such as methyl [13], isobutyl [18], and amyl cdcohol [22], when their vapours are passed over calcium carbide heated to 500° give acetylene, ethylene, and ethane among other products (Lefebvre, Comp. Rend. 132, 1221). Acetylene and ethane are produced directly by the combination of carbon and hydrogen when an electric arc passes between carbon poles in an atmosphere of hydrogen (Bone and Jordan, Trans. Ch. Soc. 79, 1042). Ethane and ethylene are among the products of pyrogenic contact decomposition of isopropyl [16] and isoamyl alcohol [22] (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1053 ; 1056). Propyl alcohol gives ethane among the products of pyrogenic contact de- composition by plumbago crucible material (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1059). [E.] From carbon disulphide [I60], ethylene being among the products formed by passing a mixture of the vapour with hydrogen sulphide and phosphine over heated copper or a mix- ture of the vapour with hydrogen sul- phide and carbon monoxide over heated iron (Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 43, 236). Or from cai-bon disulphide through the tetrabromide (Bolas and Groves, Journ. Ch. Soc. 23, 161 ; 24, 773 ; Ann. 156, 60 ; 160, 160 ; Holand, Ann. 240, 238; Mouneyrat, Bu ^ .. '"'^'^ 19, 262). The latter on treat 8-iij-)oo excess of alcoholic potash yields etuyiene (Nef, Ann. 308, 329). Or through the tetrachloride (see under methane 14 E-J.] ETHYL ALCOHOL 55 [l; L]), iodoform, and acetylene, &c., as under II below. Note : — Many compounds which can be syn- thesised give carbon tetrabromide on treatment with bromine in the presence of alkali (from acetone [106], Wallach, Ann. 275, 149 ; from loBVulic acid [50 ; D], acetoacetic acid [Vol. II], dehydracetic acid [75 ; D], &c. Farb. vorm. Meister, Lucius and Briining, Germ. Pat. 76362 of 1893 ; Ber. 27, Ref. 930) or with a strong solution of sodium hypobromite (acetone, glycol, glycerol, mannitol, sugars, malic and citric acids, all unsaturated acids, phenol, orcinol, the naphthols, anthracene derivatives, &c. Collie, Trans. Ch. Soc. 65, 262). [F.] Geraniol [36] on heating- with strong alcoholic potash to 150° gives (with methylheptenone) ethyl alcohol (Tiemann, Ber. 31, 2989). [G.] From glycerol [48], alcohol being among the products of the dry distillation of the calcium and sodium derivatives (Destrem, Ann. Chim. [5] 27, 20 ; Fernbach, Bull. Soc. [2] 34, 146). Or glycerol can be converted into allyl alcohol by distillation with oxalic acid (ToUens, Ann. 156, 129; Tollens and Henninger, Bull. Soc. [2] 0, 394; Briihl, Ann. 200, 174; Linnemann, Ber. 7, 854 ; see also Bigot, Ann. Chim. [6] 22, 464). Allyl alcohol gives ethyl alcohol among the products of decom- position by heating with solid potash (Tollens, Ann. 159, 92) or with phos- phorus pentoxide (Behal, Ann. Chim. [6] 16, 360). [H.] From aldehyde [92] by reduction with sodium amalgam (Wurtz, Ann. 123, 140). Or indirectly through iodo- form (see under methane [l ; l]) and acetylene as below under I. Or from aldehyde through ethylidene chloride by the action of phosphorus pentachloride (Wurtz and Frapolli, Comp. Rend. 47, 418; Ann. 108, 223; Beilstein, Ann. 113, no; Geuther, Ann. 105, 321). Acetylene, ethylene, and ethane are produced by the action of sodium at 200° on ethylidene chloride (Tollens, Ann. 137, 311). Or from aldehyde through the oxime whioh ^^ i nitroethane among the pro- ,i)xidation by permonosulphuric ,. ^^aro's reagent; Bamberger and Scheutz, Ber. 34, 2029). From nitro- ethane through eihijlamine [Vol. II] and then as under FF below. Or the phenylhydrazone of aldehyde gives ethylamine (with aniline) by electrolytic reduction in sulphuric acid (Tafel and Pfeffermann, Ber. 35, 1510). Note : — Ethane is among the products of de- composition of acetaldehyde and yroj)ionic alde- hyde [86 ; 2-methylpentanaI, A] at a high temperature (Tischtschenko, Ch. C( ntr. 1900, 1, 586, from Journ. Russ. Soc. 31, 784). [I.] From n-propyl alcohol [15] through iodoform (see under methane [l; E]). The latter gives acetylene by the action of certain finely divided metals, such as silver, &c. (see under cymene [6 ; HI]). Or iodoform can be converted into methylene iodide by heating with iodine (Hofmann, Ann. 115, 267), with sodium ethoxide in alcohol (Butleroff, Ann. 107, 1 10 ; 111, 242), by boiling- with strong aqueous hydriodic acid and phosphorus (Lieben, Zeit. 1868, 712; Baeyer, Ber. 5, 1095), or by heating with water and reduced iron (Caze- neuve, Comp. Rend. 98, 369). Methyl- ene iodide on heating with water and copper gives ethylene among other pro- ducts (Butleroff, Ann. 120, 356) ; also on heating with silver powder (Sud- borough, Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 16, 408). Or from n-propyl alcohol through n-hexane (see under n-hexyl alcohol [23]). Ethylene is among the products formed by passing a mixture of hexane and air over heated platinum (v. Stepski, Monats. 23, ']']'^. Subsequent steps as under A above. [J.] From n-lAiti/l alcohol [17] through iodoform (l ; F) and then as above. Or from isohufyl or tertiary hdyl alcohol [18; 19] through isobutyl- ene (see under isobutyl alcohol [18 ; A] and under tertiary butyl alcohol [l9 ; B]). Ethylene is among the products of pyrogenic decomposition of isobutyl- ene (Noyes ; Beilstein, 1, 115). Ethyl- ene is among the products formed by passing the vapour of isobutyl alcohol mixed with air over heated platinum (v. Stepski, Monats. 23, 773). Note :— Other generators of isobutylene given under isobutyl and tertiary butyl alcohols are : isoamyl alcohol [22] ; isovaleric acid [Vol. II] ; acetic acid [Vol. II] ; acetone and glycerol [106 ; 48]. 56 ALCOHOLS [14 K-T. [K.] From octijl alcohol [28] through iodoform (l ; Gr) and then as above. [L.] From butyric aldehyde [04] through iodoform (l ; K) and then as above. [M.] From acdone [106] through chloroform or iodoform (l ; J). Iodo- form gives acetylene or ethylene as above. Chloroform gives acetylene by passing the vapour over heated copper (see under cymene [6 ; III])- Or chloroform can be converted into methyl- ene iodide by heating with aqueous hydriodic acid at 130° (Bljuducho, Zeit. [2] 1, 91). From methylene iodide to ethylene as above under I. Or from acetone through bromof orm (Lowig, Ann. 3, 295 ; Dumas^ Ann. Chim. [2] 56, I20; Giinther, Arch. Pharm. [3] 25, 373)- The latter gives ethylene by the action of alcoholic potash (Hermann, Ann. 95, 211 ; Long, Ann. 194, 23). Or from acetone through acrolein [101] and allyl alcohol (see under glycerol [48 ; E]) and then as above under G. [N.] From phenol [6O], ethylene being among the products of pyrogenic decomposition (Miiller, Journ. pr. Ch. 58, i). Or from phenol through chlor- aa-glyceric acid and chloroform (see under methane [l; M]),and then through acetylene, &c., as above under M. [O.] Yxom cresol\Q\; 62; 63], ethyl- ene being among the products of pyro- genic decomposition (Miiller, loc. cit.). [P.] From dextrose [154], ethyl alcohol being produced in small quan- tity by the action of an alternating electric current on an aqueous solution (Berthelot, Ann. Chim. [5] 16, 450). Ethyl alcohol is among the products of reduction of dextrose by sodium amalgam (Bouchardat, Comp. Rend. 73, 1008; Ann. Chim. [4] 27, 68). * Sugar ' in alkaline solution is said to yield alcohol under the influence of light in the absence of all life (Duclaux, Ann. Inst. Past. 10, 168). [Q.] From hydrogen cyanide [l72] or metallic cyanides, these by interaction with red-hot magnesium giving mag- nesium carbide. The latter is decom- posed by water with the formation of acetylene (Eidmann, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 59, n). [R.] Yrom formic acid [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [l3] through methyl for- mate, perchlormethyl formate, and car- bon tetrachloride (see under methane [1; O]), The latter on heating with strong aqueous hydriodic acid at 130° gives iodoform (Walfisz, Bull. Soc. [3] 7, 256), from which acetylene, &c., can be obtained as above under I. Barium formate gives ethylene among the pro- ducts of dry distillation (Watts' Diet. II, 484 ; comp. Merz and Weith, Ber. 15, 151 1). [S.] From acetic acid [Vol. II] through acetyl chloride or acetic anhy- dride and reduction with sodium amal- gam (Linnemann, Ann. 148, 249 ; Saytzeff, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 3, 76). Or indirectly through ethane by electro- lysis (Kolbe, Ann. 69, zyg; Kuenen, Proc. Physical Soc. 15, 237) and then through ethyl chloride, &c., as above under D. Ethylene is among the products formed by dropping acetic acid on to heated zinc chloride (LeBel and Greene, Am. Ch, Journ. 2, 26), and among the products of electrolysis of an acid solu- tion of potassium acetate (Petersen, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 518). A solution of the potassium salts of acetic and gly collie acid [Vol. II], the acetate being at the anode, give alcohol on electrolysis (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 28, 2437). Or from acetic acid through ethyl- amine [Vol. II] and then as under PF below. [T.] From propionic acid [Vol. II], which gives ethane by photochemical decomposition in presence of uranium salts (Fay, Am. Ch. Journ. 18, 269). Ethyl propionate is formed by the elec- trolysis of an acid solution of potassium propionate (Petersen, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, .518). Ethyl iodide is formed by the elec- trolysis of sodium propionate with potassium iodide for the negative elec- trolyte (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 28, 2430). Ethylene is among the pro- ducts of electrolysis of a neutral solution of potassium propionate (Bunge, Journ. 14 T-KK] ETHYL ALCOHOL 57 Russ. Soc. 21, 551 ; Petersen^ loc. cU.). Ethyl alcohol is among the products of electrolysis of sodium propionate in presence of sodium perchlorate (Hofer and Moest, Ann. 323, 284). Or from propionic acid through nitro- ethane or propionamide and ethylamine [Vol. II] and then as under PF below. [U.] From butyric acid [Vol. II], which gives a small quantity of ethyl butyrate on oxidation with sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide (Veiel, Ann. 148, 164. [v.] From lactic acid [Vol. II], alcohol being among the products formed by heating the calcium salt with lime (Hanriot, Bull. Soc. [2] 43, 417; 45, 80), or by photochemical decomposition in aqueous solution (Duclaux, Ibid. 47, 385). Ethylene also is among the products of distil- lation of calcium lactate (Gossin, Ibid. 43,49)- Or from lactic acid through iodoform by the action of iodine in presence of alkali (Lieben, Ann. Suppl. 7, 2i8; 377) and then as above under A. Or from lactic acid through alanine [Vol. II] and ethylamine [Vol. II] as under GG below. [W.j From malonic acid [Vol, II], ethylene (small quantity) being among the products of electrolysis of the acid potassium salt (Petersen, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 519). [X.] From succinic acid [Vol. II], the acid potassium salt givmg some alcohol (by reduction of aldehyde) at the kathode (Petersen, Zeit. physik. Ch. 33, 698 ; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 172). Ethylene is formed also by the elec- trolysis of a strong solution of the sodium salt (Kekule, Ann. 131, 79 : see also Clark and Smith, Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 21, 967) and of the acid potassium salt (Petersen, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 519 and 1900, 2, 171). Also from succinic acid through the dibromo-acid, acetylenedicarboxy lie acid, and acetylene (see under methane [l ; T]). [Y,] From azelaJic acid [Vol. II] through ethylene (see under methane [1; V]). [Z.] From fumaric or male'ic acid [Vol. II] through acetylene by electro- lysis (see under methane [l ; U]), or through dibromsuccinic acid and acety- lene [I/Ad.). [AA.] From malic acid [Vol. II] through bromoform (see under methane [1 ; BB]) and then as above under M. [BB.] From citric acid [Vol. II] through bromoform (see under methane [1 ; CC]) and then as above under M. [CO.] From salicylic acid [Vol. II] through trichlor-aa-glyceric acid and chloroform (see under methane [l; W]) and then through acetylene, &c., as above under M. [DD.] From gallic acid [Vol. II] through trichlor-aa-glyceric acid and chloroform (see under methane [1; X]) and then as above. [EE.] From trimethylamine [Vol. II] through methyl chloride by heating the hydrochloride of the base to 326° (Vin- cent, Journ. Pharm. [4] 30, 132; .Tahresber. 1878, 1135). Subsequent steps as under B above. [FP.] From ethylamine [Vol. II] by the action of nitrous acid (Linnemann, Ann. 144, 129; Hofmann, Journ. Ch. Soc. 3, 231). [GG.] From alanine [Vol. II] through ethylamine [Vol. II] by dry distillation (Limpricht and Schwanert, Ann. 101, 297) and then as above. [HH.] Mannitol [5l] gives methyl- ene iodide among the products of the action of phosphorous iodide (Butleroff, Ann. Ill, 242). From methylene iodide through ethylene as above under I. Or from mannitol through n-hexane (see under n-hexyl alcohol [23 ; B]) and then as above under I. Note : — All generators of n-hexane referred to under n-hexyl alcohol [23] thus become, through ethylene, generators of ethyl alcohol. [II.] From isovaleric acid [Vol. II], ethylene and ethane being among the products of the dry distillation of the calcium salt (Dilthey, Ber. 34, 2115). [JJ.] From n-hexyl alcohol [23] through n-hexyl iodide and hexane by reduction and then as under I above. [KK.] From tartaric acid [Vol. II through pyroracemic acid (benzyl alcoho [54 ; N]), which gives ethyl acetate on 58 ALCOHOLS [14 KK-15 A. electrolysis in alcoholic solution in presence of acid or alkali (Rockwell, Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 24, 719)- [LL.] From acrolein [lOl] through propinal and acetylene (see under cy- mene [6 ; XVIII]) and then as above under A. 15. Normal Propyl Alcohol; Ethyl Carbiuol ; 1-Fropanol. CH3.CH2.CH2.OH Natural Sotjeces. A secondary product of alcoholic fer- mentation by Saccharomyces, being- found in most fusel oils (Chancel, Comp. Rend. 37, 410 j 68, 659; 726; Jahresber. 1853, 503; Ann. 151, 298; Kramer and Pinner, Ber. 3, 75 ; Fittig, Zeit. [3] 4, 44 j Pierre and Puehot, Ann. 163, 265 ; Comp. Rend. 66, 302 ; 70, 406; Linnemann, Ann. 160, 195; Ekman, Ch. Zeit. 12, 564 ; in old cognac fusel oil, Ordonneau, Comp. Rend. 102, 217; Claudon and Morin, Ibid. 104, 1187; 105, 1019; in fusel oil from potato spirit, Rabuteau, Comp. Rend. 87, 501 ; see also Bell as quoted by Allen in Journ. Fed. Inst. 3, 36). n-Propyl alcohol is among the pro- ducts of fermentation of glycerol in presence of calcium carbonate and nu- trient salts by Bacillus hutylicus (Fitz, Ber. 13, ofi; 1311 ; Morin, Bull. Soc. [2] 48, 803) and among the products of the lactic and butyric fermentation of sugar (Bouchardat, Comp. Rend. 78, 1 145 j Meyer and Forster, Ber. 9, ^'^^' The Bacillus of malignant oedema produces n-propyl alcohol among other products from lactic acid in an atmo- sphere of hydrogen (Kerry and Frank el, Monats. 12, 350). Granulohacter butylictim of Beyerinck (Ree. Tr. Ch. 12, 141) produces n-propyl and not, as formerly supposed, butyl alcohol during butyric fermentation (Emmerling, 'Die Zersetzung,' &c. p. J 15, note). n-Propyl alcohol is among the pro- ducts of fermentation of starch by the anaerobic Amylohacter hutylicuw and A. aihylicum of Duclaux (Ann. Inst. Past. 9, Bit). Synthetical Peocesses. [A.] From ethyl alcohol [14] through ethyl iodide, cyanide [172] (Williamson, Phil. Mag. [4] 6, 205; Buckton and Hofmann, Journ. Ch. Soc. 9, 250; Rossi, Ann. 159, 79), propylamine by reduction, and action of nitrous acid on the amine (Mendius, Ann. 121, 133 ; Siersch, Ann. 144, 137; Silva, Zeit. [2] 5, 638 ; Linnemann, Ann. 161, 44 ; Meyer and Forster, Ber. 9, 535 : iso- propyl alcohol is simultaneously formed in this process ; see under the latter [16; C]). Or ethyl iodide and methyl iodide (from viethyl alcohol [13]) can be con- densed to propane by the method of Wurtz (sodium in ethereal solution ; see under n-heptane [2; A]). Propane on chlorination gives n-propyl chloride (Schorlemmer, Ann. 150, 209 ; 152, 159), which can be converted into the alcohol by the usual methods. Or from ethyl alcohol through ethylene (see under methane [l; D]), ethylene chloride, vinyl chloride, chloracetalde- hyde, and (with hydrogen cyanide [l72]) iS-chlorlactic acid, glyceric acid, and pyrotartaric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; A]) ; n-propyl alcohol is among the products of electrolysis of potassium pyro tartrate (Petersen, Zeit. physik. Ch. 33, 698; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2; 173). Note : — Ethyl alcohol is also a generator of chloracetaldehyde through ethyl ether or chlor- acetal, or through chloral (see under beuzyl alcohol [54 ; I]). Or from ethyl alcohol through iodo- form, which by the action of sodium ethoxide gives acrylic acid (Butleroff, Ann. 114, 204). The latter can be converted into a-chlorlactic acid (benzyl alcohol [54 ; l]), glyceric acid {WuK), and pyrotartaric acid {Ibid. F). Or ethylene can be combined with phosgene (carbon oxychloride) to form ^-chlorpropionyl chloride, from which the acid can be obtained by the action of water (Lippmann, Ann. 129, 81 ; Henry, Comp. Rend. 100, 114). The chloro-acid on treatment with alcoholic potash or lead oxide or sodium hydroxide 15 A-E.] NORMAL PROPYL ALCOHOL 59 ^ives acrylic acid (Moureu^ Ann. Chim. [7] 2, 158 ; see also Schneider and Erlenmeyer, Ber. 3, 339; Wislicenus^ Ann. 166, 2). Or ethylene combines with hypo- chlorous acid to form glycolchlorhydrin (Carius, Ann. 126, 197 ; Butleroff, Ann. 144, 40 : practically fflj/col from ethyl- ene may be treated with hydrogen chloride). The chlorhydrin with, potas- ffium cyanide [172] and by hydrolysis of the nitrile gives hydracrylic acid (Wisli- cenus, Ann. 128, 4 ; 167, 346 ; Erlen- meyer, Ann. 191, 268}. The salts of the latter give acrylic acid on dry distillation (Beilstein, Ann. 122, 372). From acrylic acid via glyceric acid and pyrotartaric acid as above. Note : — By these processes all generators of ethylene become generators of n-propyl alcohol. Or from ethyl alcohol and trioxy- methylene \_ formic aldehyde : 9l] by the interaction of magnesium ethobromide and trioxymethylene in ethereal solution (Grignard and Tissier, Comp. Rend. 134. 107). [B.] From isopropyl alcohol [16] through isopropyl iodide, which gives propane by reduction with zinc and acid (Schorlemmer, Ann. 150, 209). Or from isopropyl alcohol through propylene and conversion of latter into pyrotartaric nitrile (by means of potassinni cyanide [172]) and pyrotartaric acid (see under aipentene [9 ; F]) and then as under A. [C] From normal butyl alcohol [17] through n-butyl iodide, n-butylene by the action of alcoholic potash on the latter (Saytzeff, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 3, 88; Lieben and Rossi, Ann. 158, 164; Grabowsky and Saytzeff, Ann. 179, 330), and secondary butyl iodide = 2-iodo- butane by combining the n-butylene with hydrogen iodide (Wurtz, Ann. 152, 23). 2-Iodobutane gives propane among other products on heating with aluminium chloride above 160° (Lothar Meyer, Ber. 27, 2766 ; Kluge, Ann. 282, 227). [D.] From tertiary butyl alcohol [19] through tertiary butyl iodide, which also gives propane when heated with aluminium chloride as above (Lothar Meyer, lac. cit. ; Kluge, loc. cit.). [E.] From glycerol [48], which gives propane on heating in a closed vessel with strong aqueous hydriodic acid (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. [2] 7, 60; 9, 13; 184). Or through allyl alcohol by distilling glycerol with oxalic acid (see under ethyl alcohol [14; G]). Allyl alcohol gives n-propyl alcohol on reduction with zinc and dilute sulphuric acid (Linne- mann, Ber. 7, 852), on heating with solid potash (Tollens, Ann. 159, 92 ; Zeit. [2] 7, 242), or by reduction with aluminium in alkaline solution (Spe- ranski, Journ. Russ. Soc. 31, 423). Glycerol gives n-propyl alcohol among the products of decomposition of the sodium compound above 245° (Fernbach, Bull. Soc. [2] 34, 146). Or from glycerol through allyl brom- ide (Henry, Zeit. [2] 6, 575; Tollens, Ann. 156, 152 ; Grosheintz, Bull. Soc. [2] 30, 98 ; Jacobi and Merling, Ann. 278, 11), trimethylene bromide by com- bination with hydrogen bromide (Gero- mont, Ann. 158, 370 ; Reboul, Ann. Chim. [5] 14, 472 ; Erlenmeyer, Ber, 12, 1354; Roth, Ber. 14, 1351 ; Bogo- molitz, Bull. Soc. [2] 30, 23), tri- methylene = cyclopropane by the action of sodium or of zinc dust on trimethylene bromide in alcohol (Freund, Monats. 3, 626; Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 26, 367; see also Reboul, Ann. Chim. [5] 14, 488; Gustavson, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 36, 300 ; 50, 381; 59, 302; Journ. Russ. Soc. 19, 495 ; Comp. Rend. 128, 437 ; Wagner, Ber. 21, 1 236 ; Tornoe, Ibid. 1282; Wolkoff and Menschutkin, Ber. 31, 3072; Journ. Russ. Soc. 32, 118; Tanatar, Ber. 32, 702 ; 1965). Tri- methylene combines with strong sul- phuric acid to form dipropyl sulphate (Freund), which gives n-propyl alcohol on decomposition by hot water (Gustav- son; Berthelot, Ann. Chim. [7] 4, 102). Or trimethylene combines with hydro- gen iodide to form n-propyl iodide, from which the alcohol can be obtained by the usual methods (Freund). Or from glycerol through acrolein [101] (see also undercymene [6 ; X VIII]) and oxidation of latter to acrylic acid (Claus, Ann. Suppl. 2, 123; also Red- tenbacher, Ann. 47, 125). From acrylic 60 ALCOHOLS [15 E-L. acid through a-chlorlaetic, glyceric, and pyro tartaric acids as above under A. Or from glycerol a.nd /)otassi?im cyanide [172] through allyl chloride and pyro- tartaric nitrile and acid (dipentene [9; G]) and then as under A above. [P.] Eryihritol [50] gives a-iodo- butane on heating with aqueous hydr- iodic acid (De Luynes, Bull. Soc. [a] 2, 3; Ann. 125, 252). Subsequent steps through propane as above under C. [G.] From mannitol [5l] through secondary hexyl iodide = 2-iodohexane by heating with aqueous hydriodic acid (Wanklyn and Erlenmeyer, Jahresber. 1861, 731 ; 1862, 480 ; Zeit. 1861, 606 ; 1862, 641 ; Ann. 135, 130 ; Domac, Monats. 2, 310 ; Hecht, Ann. 165, 146 ; 209, 311 j Uppenkamp, Ber. 8, ^^-j Schorlemmer, Ann. 199, 139 : accord- ing to Combes and LeBel, Bull. Soc. [3] 7, 551, the iodohexane thus formed is 3-iodohexane). Propane is among the products formed by heating a-iodo- hexane with aluminium chloride to 225° (Lothar Meyer, Ber. 27, 2766; Kluge, Ann. 282, 227). Or from mannitol through acrolt'in and acrylic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; AA and E]). From the latter through a-chlorlactic acid, glyceric acid, and pyro tartaric acid as above under A. [H.] From formic aldehyde [9l] through ' oxy methylene,^ which results from its polymerisation (see under formic aldehyde). Oxy methylene gives n-propyl alcohol by dissolving in strong sulphuric acid and distilling the product with water (Gustavson, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 36, 301). Or oxymethylene forms a compound with zinc ethyl which is decomposed by water with the formation of n-propyl alcohol (Tischtschenko, Journ. Russ. Soc. 19, 483). [I.] From crotonic aldehyde [102] through crotonic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; H]). The acid combines with hydrogen bromide to form a-brom- butyric acid (Naumann, Ann. 119, 115; Wislicenus and Urech, Ann. 165, 93 ; Ley, Journ. Russ. Soc. 9, 129; Tupoleff, Ann. 171, 249 ; Hemihan, Ann. 174, 325). The latter, on distillation of the potassium salt with a solution of sodium nitrite, gives nitropropane (Auger, Bull. ^^^- [3] 2^^ 333)> which can be reduced to propylamine and treated as above under A. Or from crotonic acid, the ester of which condenses under the influence of sodium ethoxide to form dicrotonic ester, from which the acid can be obtained by hydrolysis. Dicrotonic acid gives pyro- tartaric acid on oxidation by alkaline permanganate (v. Pechmann, Ber. 33, 3323). From pyrotartaric acid as above under A. [J.] From acetic aldehyde [92] through butyrochloral and allylene dichloride (see under benzyl alcohol [54; H]). The dichloride on heating with water at 1 80° gives acrylic acid (Pinner, Ber. 7, 66). Subsequent steps through a-chlor- lactic acid, glyceric, and pyrotartaric acids as above under A. Or from acetic aldehyde through crotonic aldehyde [l02] and crotonic acid and then as above under I. Aldehyde and hydrogen cyanide [172] give a cyanhydrin which, by the ac- tion of phosphorus pentachloride, gives a-chlorpropionitrile, from which a-chlor- propionic acid can be obtained by hydrolysis. The acid on heating with barium hydroxide solution gives acrylic acid (Michael and Garner, Ber. 34, 4049). [K.] Acetone [IO6] gives propane on heating in a sealed tube with strong aqueous hydriodic acid (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. [2] 7, 69). From propane as above under A. Or acetone on chlorina- tion gives i : i -dichloracetone (Fittig, Ann. 110, 40; Borsche and Fittig, Ann. 133, 1 1 2), which gives acrylic acid on boiling with potassium carbonate solution (Faworsky, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 51, ^S^- From acrylic acid through pyrotartaric acid as above under A. Or from acetone, acetic acid, and ethyl alcohol through acetylaeetone and methylpropyl ketone (as under n-pri- mary amyl alcohol [20 ; B ; C] and n- secondary amyl alcohol [21 ; D]). From the ketone through the oxime to propyl- amine as below under AA. [L.] Ptclegone [128] gives pyrotar- taric acid among the products of its oxi- dation by potassium permanganate (Mar- 15 L-P] NORMAL PROPYL ALCOHOL 61 kownikoff, Ber. 33, 1909). Subsequent steps as above under A. [M.] Menthone [129] gives pyrotar- taric acid as above [Ibid.). [N.] From propionic acid [Vol. II] through propionic anhydride, which gives n-propyl alcohol on reduction with sodium amalgam (Linnemann, Ann. 148, 251; 160, 231 ; 161, 18; see also Saytzeff, Zeit. [2] 6, 105). Or ammonium propionate on dry distilla- tion gives propionamide, which on heat- ing with phosphorus pentoxide gives propionitrile = ethyl cyanide (Dumas, Malaguti, and Leblanc, Ann. 64, 334; see also Aschan, Ber. 31, 2344). The latter can be reduced to propylamine and treated as above under A. Or from propionic acid through pro- pionyl chloride, /3-chlorpropionyl chlo- ride by chlorination and /3-chlorpropionic acid by hydrolysis (Michael and Garner, Ber. 34. 4046). From the ,i3-chloro- acid through acrylic acid to pyrotar- taric acid as above under A. Or from propionic acid through the aa-dibromo-acid and the a^-dibromo- acid by transformation of the latter (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; O]). From the a/3-dibromo-acid through glyceric to pyro tartaric acid {Ibid.) and then as above under A. Or from propionic and formic acid [Vol. II] through propionic aldehyde by distilling a mixture of the calcium salts (Williamson, Journ. Ch. Soc. 4, 138 ; Lieben and Rossi, Ann. 158, 137; 159, 58; 79; 165, 109; 167, 293 ; Lieben and Janecek, Ann. 187, 126). The aldehyde gives the alcohol on reduction (Rossi, Comp. Rend. 70, 129; Ann. 159, 80). Propaldoxime also gives nitropropane among the pro- ducts of oxidation by permonosulphuric acid (Carols reagent; Bamberger and Scheutz, Ber. 34, 2032). From nitro- propane through propylamine as above under I and A. Note : — Generators of propionic aldehyde are given under hexanal (2-methylpentanal [96 ; C, &c.]). [O.] From acetic acid [Vol. II] and hydrogen cyanide [172] through acetyl cyanide, pyroracemic (pyruvic), and pyrotartaric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; l]). Then as above under A. Or from acetic acid and potassium cyanide through cyanacetic acid by the interaction of chloracetic acid and the cyanide (Miiller, Ann. 131, 348; 350 ; Meves, Ann. 143, 201 ; Fiquet, Ann. Chim. [6] 29, 439). The sodium deri- vative of cyanacetic ester interacts with ethyl iodide to form a-cyanobutyric ester (Henry, Bull. Soc. [2] 48, 656 ; Comp. Rend. 104, 161 8), which gives ethylmalonic acid as below under P and n-propyl alcohol as under T. [P.] Normal butyric acid [Vol. II] gives n-propyl butyrate when the silver salt is acted upon by iodine (Simonini, Monats. 14, 81), when the acid is oxi- dised by manganese dioxide and dilute sulphuric acid (Veiel, Ann. 148, 164), or by the electrolysis of the solution of the acid potassium salt (with some iso- propyl butyrate in latter process ; Ha- monet, Comp. Rend. 123, 252 ; Peter- sen, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 519; 1900, 2, 172). The ester gives the alcohol by hydrolysis. The alcohol is among the products of electrolysis of sodium butyr- ate in presence of sodium perchlorate (Hofer and Moest, Ann. 323, 284). Or from butyric acid through butyr- amide by distilling the ammonium salt (Hofmann, Bei". 15, 982). The amide gives n-propylamine by the action of bromine in presence of caustic potash {Ibid. 769). From the amine to the alcohol as above under A. Butyric acid also gives propane by photochemical decomposition in the presence of uranium nitrate (Wisbar, Ann. 262, 235). Or butyric acid by bromination gives a-brombutyric acid (Gorup-Besanez and Klincksieck, Ann. 118, 248 ; Nauraann, Ann. 119, 115; Borodin, Ibid. 123; Friedel and Machuca, Ann. 120, 279; Suppl. 2, 70 ; Ley, Journ. Russ. Soc. 9, 129 j Wislicenus and Urech, Ann. 165, 93 ; TupolefP, Ann. 171, 249 ; Genvresse, Bull. Soc. [3] 7, '^66 ; Michael and Graves, Ber. 34, 4041). From a-brombutyric acid through nitro- propane and propylamine, &c., as above under I. 62 ALCOHOLS [15 P-U. Or from a-brombutyric acid (ester) through crotonic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 j K]), and then as above under I through dicrotonic and pyro- tartaric acid, &c. Or a-brombutyric acid (ester) by interaction with potassium-mercuric cyanide [172] gives a-cyanobutyric ester (Markownikoff, Ann. 182, 330), and this on hydrolysis gives ethylmalonic acid (Wislicenus and Urech, Ann. 165, 93 j Tupoleff, Ann. 171, 243 ; Markow- nikoff, he. cit. 329). The latter gives n-propyl alcohol as below under T. Or from butyric acid through butyr- one (see under n-nonyl alcohol [29 ; D]), which gives dinitropropane by the action of nitric acid (Chancel, Comp. Hend. 96, 1466; Bull Soc. [2] 31, 503; Ann. 52, 296; 64, 331 ; Kurtz, Ann. 161, 208 ; Fileti and Ponzio, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 55, 193). From dinitropropane through propylamine and propaldehyde as below under AA. Note : — Mothylpropyl ketone from acetic and butyric acids (see under n-secondary amyl alcohol [21 ; A]) and ethylpropyl ketone from propionic and butyric acids or from zinc ethyl and butyryl chloride (VOlker, Ber. 8, 10 19; Popoff, Ann. 161, 289) also give dinitropropane on nitration (Chancel, Jahresber. 1884, 1048; Fileti and Ponzio, loc. cit), Methylpropyl ketone is also convertible into propylamine through the oxime as below under AA. [Q.] Isohufyric acid [Vol. II] gives propane among the products of photo- chemical decomposition in presence of uranium salts (Fay, Am. Ch. Journ. 18, 286). From propane as above under A. [R.] From lactic acid [Vol. II], which gives acrylic acid among the products of the distillation of the calcium salt (Claus, Ann. 136, 288). From acrylic acid to pyro tartaric acid, &c., as above under A. Or lactic acid by the action of phos- phorus pentachloride gives a-chlorpro- pionic acid (Wurtz, Ann. Chim. [3] 49, 58 ; Briihl, Ber. 9, 35). From the latter through acrylic acid by heat- ing with barium hydroxide solution (Michael and Garner, Ber. 34, 4050). Or lactic acid gives pyroracemic (pyruvic) acid on oxidising the calcium salt with potassium permanganate (Beil- stein and Wiegand, Ber. 17, 840). Pyroracemic acid gives pyrotartaric acid on heating with hydrochloric acid to 100° or per se to 170° (Clermont, Ber. 6, 72; Bottinger, Ber. 9, 837; 1823 ; Ann. 188, 308 ; De Jong, Eec. Tr. Ch. 20, 81; 21, 191 ; see also Wolff, Ann. 317, 22). Or lactic acid gives citraconic acid on distillation (Engelhardt, Ann. 70, 243 ; 246). The latter can be con- verted into pyrotartaric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M]). [S.] Hydracrylic acid [Vol. II] gives aciylic acid on distillation of its salts (Beilstein, Ann. 122, 372). Subse- quent steps as above. [T.] From malo7iic acid [Vol. II] and ethyl alcohol [14] through ethyl- malonic acid (see under hexanal [2- methylpentanal ; 96 ; G]). The latter gives n- (with iso-) propyl alcohol on electrolysis of a solution of the potas- sium salt (Petersen, Zeit. physik. Ch. 33, 698; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 172). Or from malonic acid, aldehyde (par- aldehyde) [92], and acetic acid through crotonic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; G]). From crotonic acid through a-brombutyric acid and nitro-propane, &c., as above under I. Note : — Malonic acid (ester) on treatment with chloroform and sodium ethylate gives dicarboxyglutaconic ester (Conrad and Guth- zeit, Ann. 222. 250), and tliis on boiling with baryta water gives (with glutaeonic acid) /3-oxy- glutaric acid (Guthzeit and Bolam, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 54, 365), from which crotonic acid can be obtained as below under "W. Or from malonic ester, methyl iodide [13], and chloracetic acid through pro- pan etricarboxy lie acid = a-methyleth- enyltricarboxylic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; G]) and pyrotartaric acid {It)id.). Malonic diethyl ester and aldehyde [92] condense when heated with acetic anhydride to form ethylidenemalonic diethyl ester (Komnenos, Ann. 218, 157), and the latter on heating with potas- sitim, cyanide [172] in alcoholic solution gives /3-cyano butyric ester, which gives pyrotartaric acid on treatment with alkali (Bredt and Kallen, Ann. 293, 350). [IT.] From ^-hydroxyljutyric acid 15 U-AA.] NORMAL PROPYL ALCOHOl [Vol. II], which gives crotonic acid on distillation (benzyl alcohol [54 ; L]). [v.] From tartaric acid [Vol. II] through pyrotartaric acid by heating- per se or with hydrochloric or acetic acid (Fourcroy and Vauquelin, Ann. Chim. [i] 35; i6i ; 64, 42; Rose, Gehlen's Journ. 3, 598 ; Pelouze, Ann. Chim. [2] 56, 297 ; Weniselos, Ann. 15, 148 ; Arppe, Ann. 66, 73 ; 90, 138; Geuther and Riemann, Zeit. [2] 5, 318; Bechamp, Ibid. [2] 6, 371 ; Sace, Ibid. 432 ; Bourgoin, Ann. Chim. [5] 12, 419). From pyrotartaric acid as above under A. [W.] From citric acid [Vol. II] through citraconic,mesaconic,or itaconic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M]). From these acids through pyrotartaric acid {Ibid.). Note : — The following generators of citra- conic acid given under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M] thus become genei-ators of n-propyl alcohol through pyrotartaric acid : — Lactic acid (see above under R) ; acetoacetic ester and hydrogen cyanide through hydroxypyrotartaric acid ; iso- valeric acid through hydroxypyrotartaric acid ; propionic and malonic acids through propanetri- carboxylic = )3 - methylethenyltricarboxylic ester ; acetic and propionic acids, ethyl alcohol and potassium cyanide through a mothyl-;8-cyano- succinic ester ; oxalic and propionic acids and ethyl alcohol through methyloxalacetic ester and /S-methylmalic acid. Tlie propanetricarboxylic acid above referred to gives pyrotartaric acid directly '^see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; G]). Or from citric acid through acetone- dicarboxylic acid (see under orcinol [75 ; C]), which gives /3-oxyglutaric acid on reduction (v. Pechmann and Jenisch, Ber. 24, 3250). The latter on distilla- tion 7?i vacuo gives vinylacetic acid (Fichter and Krafft, Ber. 32, 2799; F. and Sonneborn, Ber. 35, 938), which is readily transformed into crotonic acid by the action of mineral acids. From crotonic acid as above under I. [X.] From aconitic acid [Vol. II] through itaconic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; X]) and then through pyrotartaric acid, &c., as above under W. [Y.] From succinic acid [Vol. II] and alcohot [14] through succinylsuccinic ester (see under quinol [71; N]). The latter forms a dinitroso-derivative (Ebert, Ann . 229, 55) , which on longcontact with water yields ethyl isonitrososuccinate = NiVERSfr 03 a (anti-) oximinosuccmate [^una. 65), the acid from which decomposes on heating with water with the formation of cyan- acetic acid (Cramer, Ber. 24, 1208). The latter gives a-cyanobutyric acid, ethylmalonic acid, &c., as above under O. Or from succinic acid through the di- bromo-acid by bromination (see under methane [l ; T]). The dibromo-acid gives ethoxyfumaric ester on treatment with sodium ethoxide (Michael and Bucher, Ber. 29, 1792). The ester gives oxalacetic acid by the action of hydrochloric acid {Ibid.) or alcoholic potash (Nef, Ann. 276, 230). The ester of oxalacetic acid gives pyrotartaric or ethylmalonic acid as below under Z. [Z.] From oxalic and acetic acids [Vol. II] and alcohol [l4]. Diethyl oxalate and ethyl acetate condense by the action of sodium or sodium ethoxide with the formation of diethyl oxalacetate (Wislicenus, Ann. 246, 315 ; Piutti, Gazz. 17, 520 ; Drude, Ber. 30, 952). The latter on heating with 10 per cent, sulphuric acid gives pyrora- cemic and through this pyrotartaric acid (Wislicenus, loc. cit,). Or ethyl oxalacetate combines with hydro xyliimine to form /3-{syn)-oximino- succinic ester (Cramer, Ber. 24, 1206), the acid from which decomposes on heating with the formation of cyanacetic acid {Ibid.). Subsequent steps through ethylmalonic acid as above. [AA.] From acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] through acetyl cyanide and pyrora- cemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; I]). From the latter through pyrotartaric acid, &c., as above under O, &e. Or from acetoacetic ester and a-hrom~ propionic ester through /3-methylaceto- succinic ester and pyrotartaric acid (benzyl alcohol [54; l]). Or from acetoacetic ester and chloracetic ester through acetosuccinic ester, a-methyl- acetosuccinic ester, and pyrotartaric acid (54; I). Or from acetoacetic ester and metht/l iodide through methylacetoacetic ester and mesaconic acid (54 ; I). From the latter through pyrotartaric acid, &c., as above under W. Or from acetoacetic ester and ethyl 64 ALCOHOLS [15 AA-16. iodide tli rough ethylacetoacetic ester and methyl-n-propyl ketone (see under n-secondary amyl alcohol [21 ; C]). The oxime of the ketone on heating- to i oo° with a solution of hydrogen chloride in acetic acid (with a little acetic anhydride) gives propylamine. Other acids, acetyl chloride, or phosphorus pentachloride bring about a similar decomposition (Beckmann, Ber. 20, 2580; Hantzsch, Ber. 24, 4018). From propylamine as above under A. Or from acetoacetic ester through crotonic acid (64 ; I). From the latter through a-brombutyric acid and nitro- propane, or through pyro tartaric acid as above under I. Or acetoacetic ester on bromination under appropriate conditions gives y- bromacetoacetic ester (Duisberg, Ber. 15, 1379; Ann. 213, 138; Conrad and Schmidt, Ber. 29, 1045 : see also Haller and Held, Comp. Bend. 114, 452), and this by the action of sodium ethoxide, of alcoholic ammonia, or of sodium in ethereal solution gives suceinylsuccinic ester (Wedel, Ann, 219, 94 ; Duisberg, Ann. 213, 149 ; Conrad and Schmidt, loc. cit. ; Mewes, Ann. 245, 74). From suceinylsuccinic ester through ethyl- malonic acid as above under Y and O. Or dibromacetoacetic ester (see under quinol [71; O]) gives dihydroxytere- phthalic diethyl ester [Ibid.). The latter on reduction with zinc and hydrochloric acid or with sodium amalgam gives suceinylsuccinic ester (Baeyer, Ber. 19, 432 ; Baeyer and Noyes, Ber. 22, 2 168). Ethylacetoacetic ester on treatment with nitric acid gives I : i -dinitropropane (Chancel, Jahresber. 1883, 1079), and this when reduced in ethereal solution with aluminium amalgam gives propyl- amine and propionic aldehyde (Ponzio, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 65, 197). [BB.] From thymol [67] through thymoquinone, thymoqidnol [82], and dihydroxyterephthalic acid (see under quinol [71; P]), and then through suc- dinylsuccinic acid, &c., as above. [CO.] From carvacrol [66] through thymoquinone, &c. (quinol [71 ; Q]). [DD.] From malic acid [Vol. II] through oxalacetic acid by oxidising with hydrogen peroxide and a ferrous salt at a low temperature (Fenton and Jones, Trans. Ch. Soc. 77, 77). From oxalacetic acid through pyrotartarie or through ethyl malonic acid as above under Z. [EE.] From fumaric or male'ic acid [Vol. II] through dibromsuccinic acid (methane [l ; U]) and then through oxalacetic acid, &c., via ethoxyfumaric ester as above under Y. From oxal- acetic acid through pyrotartarie or ethylmalonic acid as under Z. [FP.] From allyl imUiiocyanate [I66] through allyl cyanide and crotonic acid (benzyl alcohol [54 ; J]). From crotonic acid as above under I. [GG.] From glycocoll [Vol. II] and ethyl alcohol [14] through n-propyl- amine by distilling the hydrochloride of the ethyl ester with sodium carbonate (Schilling, Ann. 127, 97 ; Kraut, Ann. 177, 267 ; Hantzsch and Silberrad, Ber. 33, 70 ; Auger, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 5 ; see also Curtius and Jay, Ber. 27, 60; Hantzsch and Metcalf, Ber. 29, 1684 j for production of propylamine see Curtius and Goebel, Journ, pr. Ch. [2] 37, 163). From propylamine as above under A. [HH.] From alanine [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [13] through acrylic acid (benzyl alcohol [54; BB]). From acrylic acid through a-chlorlactic acid, glyceric acid, and pyrotartarie acid as above under A (see also under benzyl alcohol [54 ; I and F]). [II.] From lysine [Vol. II], pyro- tartarie acid being a product of the oxidation of the base by barium per- manganate (Zickgraf, Ber. 35, 3401). 16. Isopropyl Alcohol ; Dimethyl Carbinol ; 2-Fropanol. CH3.CH(OH).CH3 Natural Source. Said to have been found as a secon- dary product of fermentation in potato fusel oil (Rabuteau, Comp. Bend. 87, 50 1 ). According to Victor Meyer and Jaeobson (Lehrb. d. org. Ch. I, 161 ; see also Bouchardat, Ber. 7, Ref. 657) this statement is erroneous. 16 A-B.] ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 65 Synthetical Pkocesses. [A.] From acetone [106] by reduction with sodium amalgam (the acetone should contain water) (Friedel, Ann. 124j 327 ; Linnemann, Ann. 136, 38). Acetone also gives isopropyl alcohol (with pinacone) by electrolytic reduc- tion (Merck, Germ. Pat. 11 37 19 of 1899 ; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 794; Elbs and Brand, Zeit. Elektroch. 8, 783). Or from acetone through 2 : 2-di- chlorpropane (Friedel, Ann. 112, 'Z'^6), a-chlorpropylene (CH, : CCl. CH3) by the action of alcoholic potash or am- monia, a-chlorallyl chloride by chlori- nating the chlorpropylene in the dark (Friedel and Silva, Comp. Rend. 73, 957; 74, 806; 75, 81; Fittig, Ann. 135, 359), a-chlorallyl alcohol by boil- ing with aqueous potassium carbonate (Henry, Comp. Rend. 95, 849), and acetyl carbinol [43] by the action of sulphuric acid (Henry, Bull. Soc. [2] 39, 526). Acetyl carbinol reduces to propylene glycol (W. H. Perkin, junr.. Trans. Ch. Soc. 59, 786), the latter by the action of hydrogen chloride giving propylene chlorhydrin (Oser, Ann. Suppl. 1, 254; Morley, Ber. 13, 1805; also Morley and Green, Trans. Ch. Soc. 47, 133); which by the action of alcoholic potash gives propylene oxide (Oser, loc. cit.; Linnemann, Ann. 140, 178; Monats. 6, 369 ; Henry, Ann. Chim. [4] 27, 261). The latter yields iso- propyl alcohol on reduction by sodium amalgam (Linnemann, loc. cit.). Or from acetone through acrylic and pyrotartaric acids (see under n-propyl alcohol [15; KandA]). The latter gives isopropyl alcohol among the products of electrolysis of the potassium salt (Petersen, Zeit. physik. Ch. 33, 698 ; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 172). Or from acetoneoxime, which gives iso- propylamine by reduction with sodium amalgam in acetic acid solution (Meyer and Warrington, Ber. 20, 505 ; Gold- schmidt. Ibid. 728) or by electrolytic reduction (Tafel and Pfeffermann, Ber. 35, 1510). Or from acetonephenylhydrazone, which gives isopropylamine on reduc- tion with sodium amalgam and acetic acid (Tafel, Ber. 19, 1926) or by electrolytic reduction (Tafel and Pf effer- mann, Ber. 35, 1207). Isopropylamine is converted into isopropyl alcohol by the action of nitrous acid (Siersch, Ann. 148, 263 ; Meyer and Forster, Ber. 9, 535)- [B.] From normal propyl alcohol [15 through propylene by the action o dehydrating agents (LeBel and Greene, Am. Ch. Journ. 2, 23; Beilstein and Wiegand, Ber. 15, 1498 ; Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 129, 483 ; Newth, Proc. Ch. Soc. 17, 147). Propylene combines with strong sulphuric acid, and the product gives isopropyl alcohol on hydrolysis (Berthelot, Ann. Chim. [3] 43, 399 ; Ann. 94, 78 ; Comp. Rend. 57, 797; Ann. 129, 126). Note: — Propylene is produced from propyl alcohol to the extent of 933 per cent, by pass- ing the vapour over heated plumbago crucible material (Ipatieft", Ber. 35, 1059). Or n-propyl alcohol can be con- verted into n-propyl iodide and the latter into propylene by the action of alcoholic potash (Freund, Monats. 3, 633). Propylene combines with hydro- gen iodide to form isopropyl iodide (Berthelot, Ann. 104, 184; Erlen- meyer, Ann. 139, 228 ; Butleroff, Ann. 145, 275 ; Michael and Leighton, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 60, 447). The latter is converted into the alcohol by heating with water and lead hydroxide or with water only (Flavitzky, Ann. 175, 380; Niederist, Ann. 186, 391). Or propylene combines with bromine and the bromide can be converted into propylene glycol (Wurtz, Ann. Chim. [3] 55, 438; 63, 124; Henry, Rec. Tr. Ch. 18, 221). From propylene glycol through propylene oxide as above under A. Or propylene glycol by the action of hydrogen iodide gives isopropyl iodide (Wurtz, Ann. Suppl. 1, 381), which can be converted into the alcohol as above. Or propylene combines with chlorine to form propylene chloride, which by the action of alcoholic potash gives a- (with some /3-) chlorpropylene (Ca- hours, Jahresber. 1850, 496; Reboul, I \ -w> C«v \ CU c \-^^^ 66 ALCOHOLS [16 B-P. Ann. Chim. [5] 14, 462). From a- chlorpropylene through propylene oxide as above under A. n-Propyl alcohol can also be con- verted into n-propyl chloride (Pierre and Puchot, Ann. 163, 266; Ann. Chim. [4] 20, 234; Malbot, Bull. Soc. [3] 2, 136). The latter when chlorinated in the presence of aluminium chloride gives propylene chloride (Mou- neyrat, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 616). Sub- sequent steps as above. [C] From methyl and ethyl alcohols [13 ; 14] through propane and propyl chloride (see under n-propyl alcohol [15; a]). From propyl chloride through propylene chloride as above under B. Or fr-om ethyl alcohol through ethylene (see under methane [l; D]), ethylene bromide, and glycol [45] (Wurtz,Ann.Chim.[3] 55,400; Atkin- son, Phil. Mag. [4] 16, 433 ; Ann. 109, 232; Debus, Ann. 110, 316; Demole, Ann. 173, 117 ; 177, 4,5 ; Henry, Ann. Chim. [4] 27, 250; Jeltekoff, Ber. 6, 558; Bornstein, Ber. 9, 480 ; 917; Zeller and Hiifner, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 11, 229 ; Stempnewsky, Ann. 192, 240 ; Erlenmeyer, Ann. 192, 244 ; Gros- heintz, Bull. Soc. 31, 293 ; Pribram and Handl, Monats. 2, 673; Niederist, Ann. 196, 354 ; Beilstein and Wie- gand, Ber. 15, 1368 ; Bouchardat, Comp. Rend. 100, 452 ; Wagner, Ber. 21, 1234; Haworth and W. H. Perkin, junr.. Trans. Ch. Soc. 69, 175; Henry, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [3] 36, 9 ; Rec. Tr. Ch. 18, 221). Glycol is converted into the chlorhydrin by the action of hydrochloric acid (Wurtz, Ann. 110, 125; Ladenburg, Ber. 16, 1408) and into the iodhydrin by the action of potassium iodide on the chlorhydrin (Butleroff and Ossokin, Ann. 144, 42 ; Demuth and Meyer, Ann. 256, 28; Henry, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [3] 18, 182). The iodhydrin by the action of zinc methyl and decomposition of the product with water gives isopropyl alcohol (Butleroff and Ossokin, Ann. 145, 257 ; Charon and Paix-Seailles, Comp. Rend. 130, 1407). Glycol chlorhydrin = chlorethyl alco- hol can also be obtained directly from ethylene and hypochlorous acid (Carius, Ann. 126, 197; Butleroff, Ann. 144, 40). Note : — By the above process all generators of ethyleae become with methyl alcohol (for zinc methyl) generators of isopropyl alcohol. Or from ethyl alcohol through pyro- tartaric acid (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; a]). From the latter by electro- lysis as above under A. Or from ethyl alcohol through ethyl cyanide and propylamine and the action of nitrous acid as under n-propyl alco- hol [15 ; a] (Linnemann and Siersch, Ann. 144, 140 ; Linnemann, Ann. 150, 370; 161,44; Ber. 10, iiii; Meyer and Forster, Ber. 9, ^"^^ ; Erlenmeyer, Ber. 30, 2961). Also from ethyl alcohol and bromo- form (see under methane [l; D]) or carbon tetrachloride (see under methane [l; L]) through propylene (see under glycerol [48 ; D]). From propylene as above under B. [D.] Yvomn-butyl alcohol [17] through 2-iodobutane and propane (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; C]). From pro- pane through propyl chloride and pro- pylene chloride, &c., as above under B. Or isobvlyl alcohol [18] gives isobutyl chloride or bromide, which yields pro- pylene among other products when passed over soda-lime heated above 600° (Nef, Ann. 318, 22). Isobutylene from isobutyl alcohol also gives pro- pylene among the products of pyro- genic decomposition (Noyes; Beilstein, ' Handbuch,' I, 115). The vapour of isobutyl alcohol yields propylene among other products when mixed with air and passed over heated platinum (v. Stepski, Monats. 23, 773). [E.] From tertiary butyl alcohol [19] through the iodide and propane (15 ; D). Subsequent steps as above. Or through isobutylene (see under isobutyl alcohol [I8; a]) and from the latter through propylene as above under D. [F.] From amyl alcohols of fusel oil [22], propylene being among the pro- ducts formed by passing the vapour through a hot tube (Reynolds, Journ. Ch. Soc. 3, III; Ann. 77, 118; Wurtz, Ann. 104, 242). From propylene as above under B. 16 G-0.] ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 67 [G.] From (jli/cerol [48] tliroug-h propane (15 ; E) and then as above throug-h propyl and propylene chlorides, &e. Or from glycerol through allyl iodide (see under isobutyl alcohol [l8 ; D]) and propylene; or through allyl alcohol and propylene (see under ace- tone [106 ; F]). Or from glycerol through allyl bromide (15 ; E). The latter gives propylene on heating the alcoholic solution vrith zinc dust (Wol- koff and Menschutkin, Ber. 31, 307 a ; Journ. Russ. Soc. 30, 559). Or allyl bromide can be converted into tri- methylene (15 ; E), and this yields pro- pylene when heated to 600° (Tanatar, Zeit. physik. Ch. 41, 735 : see also Ber. 32, 702 ; 1965). Glycerol gives propylene among the products obtained by distilling it with iodine and phosphorus (Berthelot and De Luca, Ann. 92, 306 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 44, 350 ; Oppenheim, Ann. Suppl. 6, 354), or with zinc dust (Westphal, Ber. 18, 2931). From glycerol through isopropyl iodide by distilling with iodine and phosphorus in presence of water (Erlen- meyer, Ann. 126, 305 ; 139, 21 1 ; Markownikoff, Ann. 138, 364; Meyer, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 34, 98), and then as above under B. Or from glycerol through dichlor- hydrin by the action of hydrochloric acid (Berthelot, Ann. Chim. [3] 41, 297 ; Reboul, Ann. Suppl. 1, 222 ; Carius, Ann. 122, 73 ; Hiibner and Miiller, Zeit. [2] 6, 344; Watt, Ber. 5, 257 ; Claus, Kolver, and Nahm- macher, Ann. 168, 43 ; Markownikoff, Ann. 208, 358 ; Fauconnier and San- son, Bull. Soc. [2] 48, 236 ; Fauconnier, Ibid. 50, 212; Bigot, Ann. Chim. [6] 22, 437). Dichlorhydrin gives iso- propyl alcohol among the products of reduction by sodium amalgam (Buff, Ann. Suppl. 5, 250). Or (indirectly) dichlorhydrin can be converted into i : 2 : 3-trichlorpropane (Berthelot and De Luca, Ann. Chim. [3] 48, 304; 52, 433; Fittig and Pfeffer, Ann. 135, 359), a-chlorallyl chloride (CHgiCCl.CH.Cl) by the action of potash or triethylamine (Re- boul, Ann. Suppl. 1, 229 ; Comp. Rend. 95, 993), a-chlorallyl alcohol by heating with aqueous potassium carbonate, and then through aceti/l carbitiol,%cc.,Qs above under A. [H.] From erj/thritol [50] through 2-iodobutane and propane (15 ; P). [I.] From mannitol [5l] through 2-iodohexane and propane or through acrolein [lOl], acrylic acid, &c., to pyro- tartaric acid (15 ; G) and then as above under A. Or from mannitol through n-hexane (see under n-hexyl alcohol [23 ; B] and n-propyl alcohol [15 ; Gj). Propylene is formed among other products by passing u-hexane mixed with air over heated platinum (v. Stepski, Monats. 23, 7TS)- Note : — All generators of n-hexane given under n-hexyl alcohol [23], viz. n-propyl alcohol [15] ; glycerol [48] ; suberic acid [Vol. II] ; acetone [106], &c. ,thus become generators, through pro- pylene, of isopropyl alcohol. [J.] Thymol [67] gives propylene on heating with phosphorus pentoxide (Engelhardt and Latschinoff, Zeit. [2] 5, 616). Or from thymol through thymoquinone to succinylsuccinic acid (ester) and ethylmalonic acid as under n- propyl alcohol (15; O; Y; BB). Ethyl- malonic acid gives isopropyl alcohol among the products of electrolysis of the solution of the potassium salt (Petersen, Zeit. physik. Ch. 33, 698; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 172). [K.] From carvacrol [66] through thymoquinone, &c. (15 ; CC), and then as above. [L.] From aldehyde [92] through butyrochloral to acrylic and pyrotar- taric acids (15 ; J). From the latter as above under A. Or from aldehyde and methyl alcohol by the interaction of magnesium methiodide and the alde- hyde (Grignard, Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 622). [M.] From acrolein [lOl] through acrylic to pyrotartaric acid (15 ; E). [N.] From crotonic aldehyde [l02] through crotonic acid to pyrotartaric acid, or through a-brombutyric acid, nitropropane, and n-propylamine (15; I). From the latter as above under C. [O.] From acetyl carbinol [43] as above under A. f2 68 ALCOHOLS [16 P-AA. [P.] From dextrose [157], acetyl carbinol being among the products of fusion with alkali (Emmerling and Loges, Ber. 16, ^S7)- According to Bouchardat (Comp. Rend. 73, looSj Ann. Chim. [4] 27, 68) isopropyl alco- hol is among the products of reduction of dextrose by sodium amalgam. [fi'^, and allow- ing zinc to act upon a mixture of acetone and allyl iodide so as to form dimethylallyl carbinol [CH2:CH.CH2. C(CH3),.0H] (Saytzeff, Ann. 185, 151 and 175); oxidation of the latter to /3-hydroxyisovaleric acid (Saytzeff, Ann. 185, 163 ; Schirokoff, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 23, 206); then to ^-di- methylacrylic acid and isobutylene as under C. A mixture of acetxDne, malonic acid, and acetic anhydride gives dimethyl- acrylic acid on heating (Massot, Ber. 27, 1225). Acetone and ace/^oaee^zc ester condense under the influence of hydro- gen chloride to form isopropylidene- acetoacetic ester, and this on boiling with barium hydroxide solution yields dimethylacrylic acid (Pauly, Ber. 30, 481). Also from acetone and acetic acid by converting the latter into chloracetic ethyl ester (Willm, Ann. 102, 109 ; Conrad, Ann. 188, 218) and allowing zinc to act upon a mixture of acetone and the ester so as to form ethyl ^- hydroxyisovalerate (Ref ormatsky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 22, 47), which can be hydro- lysed and treated as above. The * acetone-chloroform ^ referred to under tertiary butyl alcohol [19 j D] gives isobutylene on boiling with alco- hol and zinc dust (Jocitsch, Journ. Russ. Soc. 30, 920; Ch. Centr. 1899, 1, 606). [E.] Isohityric aldehyde [94] gives isobutyl alcohol (with isobutyric acid) on heating with barium hydroxide solution (Lederer, Monats. 22, ^^^). 19. Tertiary Butyl Alcohol ; Trimethyl Carbinol ; 2 - Methyl-2-Fr opanol. CH3.C(CH3)(OH).CH3 Natural Source. Has been said to occur in small quantity in certain fusel oils (Rabuteau, Comp. Rend. 87, 501 ; Butleroff, Ann. 144, 34; Trommsdorf, as quoted by Meyer and Jacobson, 'Lehrb. d. org. Ch.-* p. 161). It is probable, however, that the alcohol thus obtained was formed from isobutyl alcohol during the process of treatment (Meyer and Jacobson, loc. cit.). 74 ALCOHOLS [19 A-B. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From acetic acid [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [13] through the com- pound formed by the interaction of zinc methyl and acetyl chloride and decomposition of this compound by water (Butleroff, Jahresber. 1864, 496 ; Ann. 144^ i ; Wagner and Saytzeff, Ann. 175, 361 ; Pawloff, Ann. 188, 118). The same intermediate com- pound is formed from zinc methyl and carbonyl chloride (Butleroff, Zeit. 1863, 484). Magnesium methyl and acetyl chloride can be used also in this syn- thesis (Fleck, Ann. 276, 129). Or magnesium methiodide and methyl acetate (Grignard, Comp. Rend. 132, 336); or magnesium methiodide and acetyl chloride (Tissier and Grignard, Ibid. 683). Or from dichloracetic acid through dichloracetyl chloride (Otto and Bec- Ivurts, Ber. 14, j6i8), which, by inter- action with zinc methyl and decompo- sition of the product with water, gives dimethylisopropyl carbinol (Bogomo- letz, Ann. 209, 82). Subsequent steps through pinacone, pinacolin, trimethyl- acetic acid, &c., as below under D and E. Isobutylene is among the products formed by dropping acetic acid on to heated zinc chloride (LeBel and Greene, Am. Ch. Journ. 2, 26). [B.] From isohutyl alcohol [is] through isobutylene by heating with sulphuric acid (Lermentoff, Ann. 196, 117; Puchot, Ann. Chim. [5] 28, 508 ; Comp. Rend. 85, 757 : for use of zinc chloride as a dehydrating agent see Nevole, Bull. Soc. [2] 24, 122: see also Konowaloff, Ber, 13, 2395 ; Bull. Soc. [2] 34, 333, and Scheschukoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 16, 51° • with the ordinary dehydrating agents, Konowa- loff, loc. cit. ; LeBel and Greene, Bull. Soc. [2] 29, 306, or with heated plum- bago crucible material as pyrogenic contact substance, Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1061, pseudobutylene is also formed : see further Faworsky and Desbout, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 42, 152; Ipatieff, loc. cit. : for production of isobutylene by passing the vapour of the alcohol mixed with air over heated platinum see V. Stepski, Monats. 23, 773). Iso- butylene is formed also by the action of alcoholic potash on isobutyl iodide (Butleroff, Ann. 144, 19; Zeit. [2] 6, 278 : see also De Luynes, Comp. Rend. 56, 1175; Ann. Chim. [4] 2, 385) or chloride (Nef, Ann. 318, 28). Isobutylene on treatment with sulphuric acid and hydrolysis gives tertiary butyl alcohol (Butleroff, Ann. 144, 22 ; 180, 246) ; or by combina- tion with zinc chloride it forms a crys- talline compound which yields tertiary butyl alcohol on decomposition with water (Kondakoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 25, 345 and 456 ; also Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 54, 442). Isobutylene is converted into tertiary butyl alcohol by the action of aqueous oxalic acid (Miklaschewsky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 22, 495). On com- bination with hydrogen iodide iso- butylene gives tertiary butyl iodide (Butleroff, Ann. 144, 22 ; Markowni- koff, Zeit. [2] 6, 29), which can be converted into the alcohol by the action of water (Scheschukoff, Bull. Soc. [2] 45, 181 ; Dobbin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 37, 238). Isobutyl iodide on treatment with acetic acid and silver oxide gives also tertiary (with isobutyl) alcohol (Linne- mann, Ann. 162, 12; Butleroff, Ann. 168, 143). Isobutyl alcohol can also be con- verted into isobutyl chloride by the action of hydrogen chloride, and then into isobutylene by the action of aluminium chloride on isobutyl chloride (Mouneyrat, Ann. Chim. [7] 20, 485). Also from isobutyl alcohol through isobutylamine by the action of ammonia on the iodide or bromide (Reimer, Ber. 3, 756 j Hughes and Romer, Ber. 7, 511) or chloride (Malbot, Bull. Soc. [2] 47, 957 ; [3] 4, 693 ; Comp. Rend. 104, 6^; 228) and the action of nitrous acid on isobutylamine (Linnemann, Ann. 162, 24). Isobutylamine can also be obtained from the alcohol by heat- ing with ammonio-zinc chloride (Merz and Gasiorowski, Ber. 17, 623). Ter- tiary butyl alcohol is obtained also from isobutyl iodide through the cyanate (Brauner, Ber. 12, 1874) and the action 19 B-H.] TERTIARY BUTYL ALCOHOL 75 of potash on the latter (Linnemann, Ann. 162, 12). Also from isobutyl alcohol by heat- ing with hydrochloric acid and decom- posing" the tertiary chloride by heating with water, the isobutyl chloride simul- taneously formed remaining undecom- posed (Freund^ Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 12, 25)- Isobutyl alcohol, when converted into isobutylsulphuric acid and the barium salt of the latter heated to 130°, gives a mixture of isobutylene (|) and pseudo- butylene (^) (Biron, Joum. Russ. Soc. 29, 697). [C] From isovaleric acid [Vol. II] through isobutylamine by the action of bromine and potash on the amide (Hofmann, Ber. 15, 769) and then as under B. Also from isovaleric acid through isobutylene (see under isobutyl alcohol [18; C]). [D.] From acetone [IO6] and glycerol [48] through j3-dimethylacrylic acid (see under isobutyl alcohol [18; D] and isobutylene as above. Or from acetone and acetic acid through ^- hydroxyisovaleric ester and isobutylene as under isobutyl alcohol [l8 ; D]. Also from acetone and chloroform [1 ; D] through ' acetone chloroform,^ CCl3.C(CH3),.OH (Willgerodt and Genieser, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 37, 364 ; also Willgerodt, Ber. 14, 2451 ; 16, 1585 ; Cameron and Holly, Journ. Physical Ch. 2, 322), and reduction of the latter with zinc and hydrochloric acid at 100° (Willgerodt and Diirr, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 39, 387). Also in small quantity from acetone and methyl iodide by the action of sodium on the moist ethereal solution (Frey, Ber. 28, 2520). Or to the ex- tent of 70 per cent, from acetone by in- teraction with magnesium methiodide (Grignard, Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 623). Or from acetone through pinacone ( = tetramethylethylene glycol) by the action of sodium (Fittig, Ann. 110, 25 ; 114, 54; Stadeler, Ann. Ill, 277; Friedel, Ann. 124, 329 ; Bull. Soc. [2] 19, 289; Friedel and Silva, Ber. 6, ?,S '} 2*^7 } Jahresber. 1873, 340 ; Thiele, Ber. 27, 455), or by electro- lysis (Merck, Germ. Pat. 1 137 19 of 1899; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 794), pin- acolin (= dimethylbutanone) by dis- tilling pinacone with dilute sulphuric acid (Fittig, Ann. 114, ^6 : see also Vorlander, Ber. 30, 2266), trimethyl- acetic = pivalic acid by the oxidation of pinacolin (Friedel and Silva, Comp. Rend. 77, 48; Reformatzky, Ber. 23, 1596). The acid gives trimethyl car- binol when the potassium salt is electro- lysed in aqueous solution (Petersen, Zeit. physik. Ch. 33, 698). [E.] From isohutyric acid [Vol. II], the calcium salt of which gives pin- acolin on distillation (Barbaglia and Gucci, Ber. 13, 1572), and then as above. Or from isobutyric acid and methyl alcohol through dimethylisopropyl car- binol, which is formed by the inter- action of isobutyl chloride and zinc methyl and decomposition of the product with water (Prianischnikoff, Zeit. [2] 7, 275). The tertiary hexyl iodide corresponding to the alcohol on treat- ment with alcoholic potash gives tetra- methylethylene (Pawloff, Ann. 196, 124), and the bromide of the latter on treatment with silver acetate and hydrolysis yields pinacone {Ibid. 126). Or the dimethylisopropyl alcohol gives tetramethylethylene on distillation with sulphuric acid (Reformatsky and Ples- canossoff, Ber. 28, 2841). [P.] From amyl alcohol [22] and methyl alcohol [13] through trimethyl- ethylene (see under acetone [IO6 ; E]), which gives tetramethylethylene on heating with lead and methyl iodide at 220-230° (Eltekoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 14, 380). Subsequent steps through pinacone as above. Or from fusel oil amyl alcohol through iso- butylene by pyrogenic decomposition (see under isobutyl alcohol [18 ; B]) and then as under B above. [G.] From ethyl [14] and methyl alcohol [13] through chloral (Liebig, Ann. 1, 1 89), which by interaction with zinc methyl gives dimethylisopropyl carbinol (Rizza, Journ. Russ. Soc. 14, 99)- [H.] From propionic acid [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [l3]. a-Brompro- pionic acid (Friedel and Machuca, Ann. 76 ALCOHOLS [19 H-20 H. 120, 286 j Zelinsky, Ber. 20, 2026 ; Michael and Graves, Ber. 34, 4044) gives brompropionyl bromide (Kaschir- sky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 13, 81), which by interaction with zinc methyl yields dimethyl isopropyl carbinol (Ibid. 82). [I.] From lactic acid [Vol. II} and methyl alcohol [13]. Lactic acid re- acts with hydrogen bromide to form a-brompropionie acid (Kekul^, Ann. 130, 16). Subsequent steps as above under H, &c. [J.] From diacetyl [113] and methyl alcohol [13] through pinacone by the interaction of magnesium methiodide and the former (Zelinsky, Ber. 35, 2138). From pinacone through pivalic acid as above under D. 20. Normal Primary Amyl Alcohol ; Normal Butyl Carbinol ; l-Fentauol. CH, . CH, . CH, . CH, . CHo . OH Natural Sources. Said to occur in certain fusel oils (Wischnegradsky, Ann. 190, 350) and among the products of fermentation of glycerol by Bacillus hutylicus (Morin, Bull. Soc. [2] 48, 803). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From normal valeric (pentanoic) acid [Vol. II] through the aldehyde [95] by distillation with a formate (Lieben and Rossi, Ann. 159, 70) and reduction with-sodiimi amalgam (ibid.). Note : — The generators of valeric aldehyde given under this compound are : succinic acid ; fumaric acid ; adipic acid ; stearic acid (all through sebacic acid) ; and n-hexoic acid. [B.] From acetic acid [Vol. II] by combining acetyl chloride with alu- minium chloride, decomposing the pro- duct with water (Combes, Ann. Chim. [6], 12, 207), and reducing the acetyl- acetone (2 : 4-pentanedione) thus formed to n-pentane by heating with hydriodic acid (Combes, loc. cit. 233). Normal pentane gives i-chlorpentane (together with 2-chlorpentane) on chlorination (Schorlemmer, Ann. 161, 268 ; Lacho- wicz, Ann. 220, 191), and the corre- sponding alcohol is obtained by con- version into amyl acetate and hydrolysis {Ibid.). Note : — Normal pentane might also be syn- thesised from methyl [13] and n-hutyl [17] alcohols or from ethyl [14] and n-propyl [15] alcohols by acting upon mixtures of the alkyl iodides v?ith sodium (Wurtz, Ann. Chim. [3] 44, 275 : see also under heptane [2 ; A]). [C.} From acetone [IO6], acetic acid [Vol. II], and ethyl alcohol \1^ through acetylacetone by the action of sodium on a mixture of acetone and ethyl acetate (Claisen and Ehrhardt, Ber. 22, loii ; Claisen, Ann. 277, 168), reduc- tion to pentane, &c., as under B. [D.] From pyridine or piperidine [Vol. II] through n-pentane by heat- ing with hydriodic acid to over 300° (Hofmann, Ber. 16, 590 ; Spindler, Journ. Russ. Soc. 23, 39) and then as under B. [E.] From normal hexoic acid [Vol. II] by the action of iodine on the silver salt (Simonini, IMonats. 13, 316) and hydrolysis of the amyl hexoate formed. Or from n-hexoic acid through n- amylamine (i-aminopentane) by the action of bromine in presence of potash on the amide of the acid (Hofmann, Ber. 15, 770), followed by the action of nitrous acid on the amine (Gartenmeister, Ann. 233, 253). [F.] From adipic acid [Vol. II] through sebacic acid by electrolysis of potassium ethyl adipate and hydrolysis of the ester (Crum Brown and Walker, Ann. 261, 120). Sebacic acid when distilled with lime is said to give among other products valeric aldehyde (Calvi, Ann. 91, no; Petersen, Ann. 103, 184 ; Dale and Schorlemmer, Ann. 199, 149), which can be treated as under A. [G.] From mannitol [5l] through n-hexane (see under n-hexyl alcohol [23; B]). The latter gives pentane on heating with aluminium chloride (Friedel and Gorgeu, Comp. Rend. 127, 590). Subsequent steps as under B above. [H.] From glycerol [48] through diallyl and hexane (see under n-hexyl 20 H-21 D.] NORMAL PRIMARY AMYL ALCOHOL 11 alcohol [23 ; C]) and pentane, &c., as above. [I.] From glulario acid [Vol. II] through suberic acid and hexane (see under n-hexyl alcohol [23; D]) and then as above. Note : — The following generators of suberic acid referred to under n-hexyl alcohol [23] thus become generators of hexane and therefore of pentane and n-amyl alcohol : (xiyl alcohol [33] ; myristic acid [Vol. II] ; stearic acid [Vol. II] ; adipic acid [Vol. II] through sebacic acid ; azelaic acid [Vol. II] through ketocyclo-octane. For aromatic generators of hexane see under n-hd'xyl alcohol [23 ; A]. [J.] From n-hutync acid [Vol. II] through hexane (see under n-hexyl alcohol [23 ; K]), pentane, &c., as above under G. 21. Methylpropyl Carbinol ; Normal Secondary Amyl Alcohol ; 2-Fentanol. CH3 . CH, . CH^ . CH(OH) . CH3 Natural Source. Said to occur in fusel oil (especially Swedish) from potato starch spirit (Ra- buteau^ Comp. Rend. 87, 501). Synthetical Processes. [a.] From acetic and hutyric acids [Vol. II] through methylpropyl ketone (a-pentanone) by distillation of the mixed calcium salts (Semljanitzin, Journ. pr. Ch, [2] 23, '2,6'3, ; Friedel, Ann. 108, 124 ; Grimm, Ann. 157, 251) and reduction with sodium amalgam (Friedel, Jahresber. 1869, 513; Belo- houbek, Ber. 9, 924). [B.] From methyl alcohol [l3] and hutyric acid [Vol. II] by the action of zinc methyl on butyryl chloride and decomposition of the product with water (Butlerofe, Zeit. [2] 1, 614; Bull. Soc. [2] 5, 17) and reduction of the methyl- propyl ketone thus obtained as under A. [C] From ethyl alcohol [14] by the action of zinc ethyl on chloroform (Beilstein and Rieth, Ann. 124, 245). The amylene thus formed is probably the symmetrical methylethylethylene (3-pentene), which can be converted into 2-chlor- or 2-iodopentane, &c., as under F. Or from ethyl alcohol and acetic acid [Vol. II] through ethylacetoacetic ester by the action of sodium and ethyl iodide on acetoacetic ester (Geuther, Jahresber. 1863, 324; Frankland and Duppa, Journ. Ch. Soc. 4, 396 ; Wis- licenus, Ann, 186, 187; IMiller, Ann. 200, 281; Wedel, Ann. 219, 100), methylpropyl ketone by heating with potash or baryta (Frankland and Duppa, Ann. 138, 2 16), and reduction as under A. Or the ethylacetoacetic ester can be reduced by sodium amalgam to a-ethyl-/3-hydroxybutyric (2-pentanol- 3-methylic) acid (Waldschmidt, Ann. 188, 240), the latter decomposed by dry distillation into a-ethylcrotonic acid {Ihid. 245) j then through the hydro- bromide, 3-pentene, 2-chlorpentane, &c., as under G. Also from acetic acid and ethyl alco- hol through acetoacetic ester [Vol. II], the y-chloro-derivative which is formed (with the a-derivative) on chlorination (Haller and Held, Comp. Rend. 108, 516), the y-cyano-derivative by the action of potassium cyanide [lUd.), ace- tonedicarboxylic ester, by the action of hydrogen chloride on the y-cyano-deri- vative dissolved in alcohol (Haller and Held, Comp. Rend. Ill, 682), dimethyl- acetonedicarboxylic ester, and subse- quent steps as under H. Also from ethyleneacetoacetic ester (W. H. Per- kin, junr., Ber. 16, 2136 ; 17, 1440) through acetyltrimethylenecarboxylic acid, acety Itrimethylene (ethanoy 1-cy clo- propane), and reduction of latter with sodium amalgam (IMarshall and W. H. Perkin, junr., Trans. Ch. Soc. 59, 874). [D.] From acetone [106], acetic acid [Vol. II], and ethyl alcohol [14] through acetylacetone (see under n-primary amyl alcohol [20; B and C]), ethyl- acetylacetone by the action of ethyl iodide on the sodium salt (Combes, Ann. Chim. [6] 12, 247), methylpro- pyl ketone by the action of potash [Ibid. 248), and reduction as under A. Or the acetylacetone can be converted directly into 2-iodopentane by heating with hydriodic acid (Combes, Ann. 78 ALCOHOLS [21 D-I. Chim. [6] 12j 334) and the iodopentane into the alcohol by the usual methods. [E.] From propionic acid [Vol. II] through diethyl ketone (3-pentanone) by distillation of the barium salt (Morley, Ann. 78, 187), the dichloride by heat- ing* with phosphorus pentaehloride, methylethylacetylene (3-pentine) by the action of alcoholic potash on the di- chloride (Faworsky, Journ. pr. Ch. [a] 37, 387), methylpropyl ketone by heat- ing the acetylene derivative with water and mercuric bromide (Kutscheroff, Ber. 14, 1542), and reduction as under A. Also from propionic acid through diethyl ketone by the action of propionyl chloride on zinc ethyl (Freund and Pebal, Ann. 118, 9) and treatment as above. [P.] 'Evovci formic acid [Vol. II] and ethi/l alcohol [l4] through diethyl car- binol = 3-pentanol by the action of zinc and ethyl iodide on formic ester and decomposition of the product with water (Wagner and Saytzeff, Ann. 175, 351), diethyl ketone by oxidation of the alcohol {Ibid. Ann. 179, 322), and then as under E. Also by converting the diethyl ear-' binol into amylene = symmetrical methylethylethylene = 3-pentene by the action of alcoholic potash on the iodide (Wagner and Saytzeff, Ann. 175, 373 ; 179, 302), combining the amylene with hydrogen chloride to form 2-chlorpen- tane {Ibid. Ann. 179, 3 2 1 ), and conversion into the alcohol by the usual methods (Schorlemmer, Ann. 161, 268). Hydro- gen iodide combines with the amylene to form 2-iodopentane (Wurtz, Ann. 148, 132), which can be converted into the alcohol by the same methods. [G.] From oxalic acid [Vol. II] and ethi/l alcohol [14] through diethoxalic = hydroxydiethacetic = 3-pentanol-3- carboxylic acid by the action of zinc ethyl on oxalic ester and decomposition of the product with water (Frankland, Proc. Roy. Soc. 12, 396; Frankland and Duppa, Ibid. 13, 140 ; Ann. 135, 26 ; Geuther, Zeit. [2] 3, 705 ; Fittig, Ann. 200, 21), diethyl ketone by the oxidation of diethoxalic acid or by heating its ester with hydrochloric acid (Chapman and Smith, Journ. Ch. Soc. 20, 173; Geuther and Wackenroder, Zeit. [2] 3, 709), and then as under E. Or from diethoxalic ester through a-ethylcrotonic ester by the action of phosphorus trichloride (Frankland and Duppa, Journ. Ch. Soc. 18, 133 ; Ann. 136, 2 ; Fittig and Howe, Ann. 200, 22 : see also Geuther, Bull. Soc. [2] 10, 34), the hydrobromide of ethylero- tonic = 2-pentene-3-carboxylic acid by the direct addition of hydrogen bromide to the acid (Fittig and Howe, loc. cit. 23), 3-pentene by the decomposition of the hydrobromide by cold sodium carbonate solution (Fittig, Ibid. 30), 2-chlor- or 2-iodo-pentane, &c., as under P (see also under hexoic aldehyde [2-methyl- pentanol; 96 ; L]). [H.] From citric acid [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [l3] through acetone- dicarboxylic acid (3-pentanonediacid) by heating the former with sulphuric acid (v. Pechmann, Ber. 17, 2543 ; Ann. 261, 157; Peratoner and Straz- zeri, Gazz. 21, 295 : see also under orcinol [75 ; C]), the diethyl ester, dimethylacetonedicarboxylic (2 : 4-di- methylpentanonediacid) diethyl ester by the action of sodium methylate and methyl iodide on acetonedicarboxylic ester (Diinsehmann and v. Pechmann, Ann. 261, 182), diethyl ketone by the action of hot dilute sulphuric acid on the dimethylacetonedicarboxylic ester {Ibid.), and then as under B. Citric acid gives acetonedicarboxylic acid by oxidation with potassium permanganate (Denig^s, Comp. Rend. 130, 32). Note : — Other generators of diethyl ketone are : sodiuin ethyl and carbon monoxide (Wank- lyn, Ann. 140, 211) ; acetyl or propionyl cliloride acted upon by dry ferric chloride (Hamonet, Bull. Soc. [2] 50, 356 and 547) ; zinc ethyl and nitropropane (Bevad, Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 944). [I.] From crude (fusel oil) am,j/l alcohol [22] by conversion into amylene, amylene bromide, and ' valerylene ' by the action of alcoholic potash (Reboul, Ann. 131, 238 ; Eltekoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 9, 378). This Walerylene' pro- bably contains methylethylacetylene (3- pentine), and can be converted into methylpropyl ketone, &c., as under E. Normal primary am^l alcohol [20] 21 1-22.] METHYLPROPYL CARBINOL 79 can be converted into the n-amyl chloride (i-chlorpentane), and the latter on heating with acetic acid and potas- sium acetate to 30o° gives (with amyl acetate) normal amylene (propylethy- lene) (Schorlemmer^ Ann. 161, 269), which combines with hydrogen iodide to form 2-iodopentane (Wurtz, Ann. 148, 131 : see also Wagner and Sayt- zeff, Ann. 179, 313; Wischnegradsky, Ann. 190, 347), from which the alcohol can be obtained as under F. Normal amylene is also among the amylenes obtained from the amyl alcohols of fusel oil by the action of zinc chloride (Wischnegradsky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 9, 192). [J.] From 7iormal propyl alcohol [15] and acetic acid [Vol. II] by the action of zinc propyl (Gladstone and Tribe, Ber. 6, 1 136; Schtscherbakoff, Bull. Soc. [2] 37, 345) on acetyl chloride (Mar- kownikoff, Bull. Soc. [2] 41, 259 ; Wagner, Journ. Buss. Soc. 16, '>,'>>'^. Ethyl alcohol is formed at the same time. [K.] From normal pentane (see under n-amyl alcohol [20 ; B ; C ; D, &c.]) by chlorination (Schorlemmer, Ann. 161, 268) and conversion into the al- cohol by usual methods. The i-chlor- pentane formed also during chlorination can be converted into 2-pentanol through propylethylene as under I. Note : — All generators of n-hexane are gener- ators of pentane (see under n-amyl alcohol [20 ; G]) and therefore of 2-pentanol. The generators of hexane (see under n-hexyl alcohol [23] are : mannitol [51] ; glycerol [48] ; glutaric arid [Vol. II] ; cetyl alcohol [33] ; myristic acid [Vol. II] ; stearic acid [Vol. II] ; adipic acid [Vol. II] ; n-butyric acid [Vol. II], and aromatic compounds (see under n-hexyl alcohol [23 ; A]). [L.] From tartaric and butyric acids [Vol. II] through pyroracemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; N]), the potassium salt of which mixed with potassium butyrate gives methylpropyl ketone on electrolysis (Hofer and Ulil, Ber. 33, 654). Subsequent steps as above under A. Note : — The generators of pyroracemic acid referred to under benzyl alcohol [54] are thus, with butyric acid, generators of this amyl alcohol. These are : ethyl alcohol and hydrogen cyanide [14 ; 172] ; acetic acid or acetoacetic acid and hydrogen cyanide ; citric acid ; propionic acid ; lactic acid ; n- or isopropyl alcohol [15 ; 16]. [M.] From dextrose [154], Icevulose EI55] or mannose [156], and acetic acid Vol. II] through Isevulic acid (see under erythritol [50; H; l]), the potassium salt of which when electro- lysed in solution with potassium acetate gives methylpropyl ketone (Hofer and Uhl, Ber. 33, 656). Note ; — The following generators of laevulic acid referred to under erythritol [50] thus become with acetic acid generators of this amyl alcohol : isohexoic acid ; malonic acid and glycerol [48] ; acetic aldehyde [92] ; methylheptenone [111] ; dimelhylheptenol [35]. The synthetical methylpropyl carbinol is inactive, but is resolved into the 1-modification by Penicillium glaucum (LeBel, Comp. Rend. 89, 31a ; Ber. 12, 2163 ; Jahresber. 1879, 492), 22. Isoamyl Alcohol ; Isobutyl Car- binol; Inactive Amyl Alcohol of Fermentation ; 2-Methyl-4- Butanol. CH3 . CH(CH3) . CH, . CH2 . OH Natueal Sources. Occurs as ester of angelic and tiglic acids in Roman oil of chamomile from Anthemis nobilis (see under isobutyl alcohol [18]) ; occurs also in oil of JLucalyptus globulus (Bouchardat and Oliviero, Bull. Soc. [3] 9, 429). An amyl alcohol (? this one) has been found in American oil of peppermint (Schim- meFs Ber. April, 1894 ; Ch. Centr. 1896, 2, 977). Esters of amyl (probably isoamyl) alcohol occur in the oils of Eucalyptus macrorrhyncha, E. aggregata, E. patenti- nervis, &c. (Smith and Baker, Proc. Roy. Soc, N. S. Wales, July, 1898; Smith, Ibid. June, 1900; ^Nature,"* 62, 384 ; SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1901 ; Ch. Centr. 1901,1, 1007). A secondary product of alcoholic fer- mentation, this alcohol being the chief constituent of various fusel oils (Scheele, CrelFs Ann. 1785, 1, 61 ; Pelletan, Ann. Chim. 30, 221 ; Berz. Jahresber. 6, 264 ; Dumas, Ann. Chim. 56, 314 ; Ann. 13, 80 ; Cahours, Ann. Chim. 70, 81; 75, 193; Ann. 37, 164; Dumas and Stas, Ann. Chim. 73, 128 ; Balard, Ibid. [3] 12, 294 ; Ann. 52, 3 n ; Pas- teur, Comp. Rend. 41, 296 ; Ann. 96, 80 ALCOHOLS [22-23 A. 2^^ ; Erlenmeyer and Hell, Ann. 160, '2'75i Ley, Ber. 6, 1363; LeBel, Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 545 ; Just, Ann. 220, 148 ; Udranszky, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 13, 251 : for method of separa- tion of amyl alcohols of fusel oil see Marekwald, Ber. 34, 479; 485; 35, 1595)- Its production during fermentation has been attributed to bacteria asso- ciated with the yeast ; this alcohol is not obtained with pure cultures of ellip- tical yeast (Gentil, Mon. Sci. [4] 11, II, 568; Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 622). SaccJiaromyces anomalus of Hansen pro- duces amyl acetate during fermentation (Barker, Ann. Bot. 1900, 215). An ester (amyl or isoamyl) of valeric acid is among the products of decom- position of albumin (peptone) by Bacil- lus p-cepolletis from the intestine (Maas- sen, Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 1059). An amyl (? isoamyl) alcohol occurs as ester in rancid fat, probably as a bacterial product (Nagel, Am. Ch. Journ. 23, 173). An amyl (? isoamyl) alcohol is among the products of hydrolysis and fermentation of starch by the Bacillus amylozymicus of Perdrix (Ann. Inst. Past. 5, 287). A ' fusel oil ' (alcohols not identified) is said to occur in milk from cows fed with ^ slump ^ (Teichert, Bied. Centr. 31, 210; Journ. Ch. Soc. 82, II, Abst. 348). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From isovaleric aldehyde (2- methyl-4-butanal) [95] by reduction with sodium amalgam (Friedel, Ann. 124, 326 ; Balbiano, Ber. 9, 1437 and T692 ; Gazz. 6, 229 ; Erlenmeyer, Ann. Suppl. 5, 337 ; Wurtz, Ann. 134, 201). Also from isovaleric aldehyde (with other products) by heating with lime (Fittig, Ann. 117, 68). [B.] From isovaleric acid [Vol. II] by convei'sion into the chloride and reduction of the latter with sodium in moist ethereal solution (W. H. Perkin, junr., and Sudborough, Proc. Ch. Soc. 10, 216). 23. ITormal Hexyl Alcohol; 1-Hexauol. CH3.[CH2]4.CH2.0H Natueal Sources. As ester of acetic acid in oil from Heracleum sphondylium (Moslinger, Ber. 9, 998 ; Ann. 185, 26), and as ester of butyric acid in oil of Heracleum giganteum (Franchimont and Zincke, Ber. 4, 822 ; Ann. 163, 193). Hexyl alcohol (? normal) exists as ester in the ethereal oil from the root of Aspidium jilix mas (Ehrenberg, Arch. Pharm. 231, 345). A caproyl (? n-hexyl) al- cohol occurs as ester in rancid fat, probably a bacterial product (Nagel, Am. Ch. Journ. 23, 173). It is not certain that the alcohol from any of these sources is the normal alcohol. A hexyl alcohol occurs in fusel oil from brandy (Faget, Ann. 88, 325 ; Ordon- neau, Comp. Rend. 102, 217). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From normal propyl alcohol [15] through n-hexane by the action of sodium on n-propyl iodide (Schorlem- mer, Phil. Trans. 162, 118; Ann. 161, 277; Briihl, Ann. 200, 183; Stoh- mann, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 43, 7 '> ^i" chael, Ber. 34, 4036), n-hexyl chloride which is formed (with secondary hexyl chloride) by chlorination (Cahours, Comp. Rend. 10, 1241 ; Jahresber. 1863, 525), and then through the ace- tate and hydrolysis (Cahours and Pelouze, Comp. Rend. 54, 1245 ; Schor- lemmer, Ann. 161, 272). Normal hexane is capable of being directly nitrated, and the mononitro- derivative on reduction gives 7i-hexyl~ amine [Vol. II] (Worstall, Am.Ch. Journ. 20, 202; 21,210; 218), which can be converted into the alcohol as under Gr. Note : — Certain aromatic compounds such as henzme [6] ; styrene [7] ; phenol [60] ; benzoic acid [Vol. II] ; alizarin [1451, &c., are said to give hexane among the products of reduction by strong aqueous hydriodic acid at a high tem- perature (Berthelot, as under methane [1 ; I] : see also v. Baeyer, Ann. 155, 266 ; Wredin, 23 AG.] NORMAL HEXYL ALCOHOL 81 Ann. 187, X53 ; Kishner, Journ. Russ. Soc. 23, 30 ; 24, 451 ; Ann. 278, 88). The identity of this hexane has not been fully established (see under active hexyl alcohol [25 ; B ; C, &c.]). [B.] From mannitol [5l] through, the secondary hexyl iodide (CH3[CH2]3 . CHI . CH3 ; 2-iodohexane) by heating with hydriodic acid solution (Wanklyn and Erlenmeyer, Zeit. 1861^ 606 ; 1862^ 641 ; Ann. 135, 130 ; Domac, Monats. 2,310; Hecht, Ann. 165_, 146; 209, 311; Schorlemmer, Phil. Trans. 171, 45 a), n-hexane by reduction with zinc and hydrochloric acid (LeBel and Was- sermann, Comp. Rend. 100, 15H9; Jahresber. 1885, 121 1 : also Schor- lemmer, Phil. Trans. 162, 118; Erlen- meyer and Wanklyn, Journ. Ch. Soc, 16, 237; Ann. 135, 136), and then as under A. The secondary hexyl iodide is also converted into hexane by heating* to 80-90° with aluminium chloride (Lo- thar Meyer, Ber. 27, 3766). According to Combes and LeBel (Bull. Soc. [3] 7, 551) the hexyl iodide obtained from mannitol is 3-iodohexane. Mannitol gives hexane by heating with strong aqueous hydriodic acid to a8o° (Berthelot, as above under A). [C] From glycerol [48] through allyl iodide (see under isobutyl alcohol [I8 ; D]), diallyl (see under normal butyl alcohol [17 ; DJ), diallyldihydrio- dide (2 : 5-diiodohexane) by combination with hydrogen iodide (Wurtz, Ann. Chim. [4] 3, 129; Sorokin, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 23, 18), hexylene by the action of sodium on the diiodohexane (Wurtz, loc. cit.), recombination with hydrogen iodide to form secondary hexyl iodide (Wurtz, Ann. 132, 306), and then through n-hexane as under B and A. Also through diallyl by combining with sulphuric acid and distilling with water and heating the hexylene oxide thus formed with hydriodic acid so as to form secondary hexyl iodide (Jekyll, Ch. News, 22, 221). [D.] From glutaric acid [Vol. II] through suberic acid by the electrolysis of potassium ethyl glutarate (Crum Brown and Walker, Ann. 261, 120), and hydrolysis, and then distillation of the suberic acid with baryta (Riche, Ann. Chim. [3] 59, 432 ; Dale, Journ. Ch. Soc. 17, 258; Ann. 132, 243). Hexane is among the products (see under A). NoTK : — Myristic acid [Vol. II], stearic acid [Vol. II], and cetyl alcohol [33] give suberic acid among the products of their oxidation by nitric acid (Noerdlinger, Ber. 19, 1896 ; Laurent, Ann. Chim. [a] 66, 157 ; Bromeis, Ann. 35, 89). Azelatc acid [Vol. II] gives ketocyclo-octane among the products of distillation of the cal- cium salt (Mayer, Ann. 275, 364 ; Derlon, Ber, 31, i960; Miiller and Tschitschkin, Ann. 307, 375), and this gives suberic acid by oxidation (Derlon, loc. cit. 1962). [E.] From adipic acid [Vol. II] through sebacic acid by electrolysis or potassium ethyl adipate and hydrolysis of the ester (Crum Brown and Walker, Ch. News, 66, 91 ; Ann. 261, 120), bromsebacic and hydroxysebacic acid by bromination and decomposition of the sodium salt by boiling with water, oxidation of the hydroxy-acid to suberic acid by nitric acid (Weger, Ber. 27, 1216), and then as under D. Or sebacic acid is brominated in pre- sence of phosphorus (Auwers and Bern- hardi, Ber. 24, 2232), and the aa-di- bromo-acid converted into the dihy- droxy-acid by heating with barium hydroxide solution. The dihydroxy- acid on oxidation with lead peroxide gives octanediol, and this on oxidation with alkaline permanganate yields suberic acid (v. Baeyer, Ber. 30, 1962). [F.] From normal hexoic [caproic) acid [Vol. II] through the aldehyde by distillation of the calcium salt with calcium formate (Lieben and Janecek, Ann. 187, 130) and reduction of the aldehyde by sodium amalgam (Lieben and Rossi, Ann. 133, 178; Lieben and Janecek, Ann. 187, 135)- [G.] From normal heptoic {cenatithic) acid [Vol. II] through n-Jiexylamine by the action of bromine and potash on the amide (Hofmann, Ber. 15, 771 ; Frentzel, Ber. 16, 744) and distillation of the nitrite with water (Freutzel, loc. cit.). n-Hexylamine can also be obtained from n-heptoic acid and acetic acid through methyl-n-hexyl ketone (Stade- ler, Journ. pr. Ch. 72, 246 j Jahresber. 1857, 359), the ketoxime by the actioa 82 ALCOHOLS [23 G-24 B. of hydroxylamine, the action of phos- phorus pentachloride on the ethereal solution followed by that of water, and the action of potash on the n- hexylacetamide thus formed (Hantzsch, Ber. 24, 4021). Also from heptoyl chloride through methylhexyl ketone by the action of zi7ic methyl (Behal, Bull. Soc. [3] 6, 13a) and then as above. Or from heptoic acid through the a-bromo-acid by bromination (Cahours, Ann. Suppl. 2, 83 ; Hell and Schiile, Ber. 18, 625), nitrohexane by the inter- action of sodium nitrite and the sodium salt (Auger, Bull. Soc. [3] 23, 333), and then through hexylamine as above. [H.] From normal butyl alcohol [17] through n-octane by the action of sodium on the iodide (Schorlemmer, Ann. 161, 380). On chlorination n- octane yields (among other products) secondary octyl chloride (2-chloroetane), which is convertible into methylhexyl carbinol (2-octanol) by the usual method (Schorlemmer, Ann. 152, 152; Pelouze and Cahours, Jahresber. 1863, 528). The secondary alcohol gives methylhexyl ketone on oxidation (Behal, loc. cit.), and this can be converted into n-hexyl- amine, &c., as under G-. Note : — Among other generators of n-octane are : sebacic acid (see above under E) by dis- tillation with baryta (Riche, Ann. 117, 265) ; ethyl alcohol [14] through the product of the action of zinc ethyl on titanium chloride and decom- position with water (Paternd and Peratoner, Ber. 22, 467). [I.] From aldehyde [92] through a-methylpyridine (a-picoline) by the action of aldehyde on aldehyde ammonia (Diirkopf and Schlaugk, Ber. 21, 297), a-pipecoline by reduction (Ladenburg and Roth, Ber. 18, 47 ; Ann. 247, 62 j Comp. Rend. 103, 747 ; Bunzel, Ber. 22, 1053). The latter base can be con- verted into the methiodide and the ammonium hydroxide base in the usual way, the latter on heating to 140° giving ' pentallylcarbindimethylamine,' CH2 : CH(CH2), . N(CH3)2, which can again be converted into its methio- dide and ammonium hydroxide base; the latter on heating to 160° gives (among other products) diallyl (Merling, Ann. 264, 315 : see also Ladenburg, Mugdan, and Brzostovicz, Ann. 279, 344, &c.), which can be treated as under C. [J.] From pyridine [Vol. II] through a-picoline by heating the methiodide to 300° in a sealed tube (Ladenburg and Lange, Ann. 247, 7), and then through pipecoline, &c., as under J. [K.] Normal butyric acid [Vol. II] gives n-hexane among the products of electrolysis of the potassium salt (Peter- sen, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2^ 519)^ and this can be converted into n-hexyl alcohol as under A. [L.] From acetone [10 6] through pinacone (see under tertiary butyl alco- hol [19 ; D]). The latter gives hexane on heating with strong hydriodic acid at 270° (Bouchardat, Zeit. [2] 7, 699). Note : — The generators of pinacone referred to under tertiary butyl alcohol [19 ; E ; F ; &c.] thus become generators of hexane. These are : isobutyric acid and methyl alcohol ; amyl and methyl alcohols ; lactic acid and methyl alcohol ; acetic acid and methyl alcohol ; ethyl and methyl alcohols ; propionic acid and methyl alcohol ; diacetyl and methyl alcohol. 24. Isohexyl Alcohol ; 2-Methyl-5-Fentauol. CH3 . CH(CH3) . CH2 . CH2 . CH2 . OH Natural Source. A hexyl alcohol is said to have been found in fusel oil from brandy (Faget, Ann. 88, 325 ; Ordonneau, Comp. Rend. 102, 217). The constitution of this alcohol has not been determined, but it is probably as above. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From isoamyl alcohol [22] and trioxymethylene \_ formic aldehyde : 9l] by the interaction of isoamyl magnesium bromide and trioxymethylene in ethereal solution (Grignard and Tissier, Comp. Rend. 134, 107). [B.] From isobutylacetic {^\-methyl- pentanoic) acid [Vol. II] through the aldehyde (4-methylpentanal) by dis- tilling the calcium salt with calcium formate (Rossi, Ann. 133, 178) and reduction with sodium amalgam {Ibid. 180). 25-27 A.] ACTIVE HEXYL ALCOHOL 83 25. Active Hezyl Alcohol ; Methylethylpropyl Alcohol ; 3-Methyl-5-Fentauol. CH3 . CH, . CH(CH3) . CH2 . CH2 . OH Natueal Source. As ester of angelic and tig-lie acids in Roman oil of chamomile from Anthemis nohilis (Kobig^ Ann. 195, 79 ; 81 ; 9a : see also Van Romburgh, Rec. Tr. Ch. 5, 319; Q, 150). Synthetical Peocesses. [A.] From isopropyl alcohol [16] through diisopropyl (2 : 3-dimethyl- butane) by the action of sodium (Schor- lemmer, Ann. 144, 1H4), chlorination (Silva, Bull. Soc. [%] Q, ^6 ; 7, 953), and conversion of the chlorhexane into the alcohol by the usual methods {Ibid, Q> 147)- [B.] From acetone [IO6] through pinacone (2 : 3-dimethyl-2 : 3-butane- diol) by the action of sodium (see under tertiary butyl alcohol [l9 ; D]), diiso- propyl by heating with hydriodic acid (Bouchardat, Comp. Rend. 74, 809), and then as under A. Note : — Generators of pinacone are summa- rised under normal hexyl alcohol (23 ; L). [C] Normal hepioic (oenanthic) acid [Vol. II] when its barium salt is heated to redness gives a hexane which is said to be diisopropyl (Riche, Ann. Chim. [3] 59, 432). [D.] From glycerol [48] through diallyl (see under normal butyl alcohol [17; D]) and action of hydriodic acid in excess on the latter at a high tempera- ture (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. [2] 9, 268). The hexane thus obtained is said to be diisopropyl. [E.] From mannitol [5l] by heating with excess of hydriodic acid (Bou- chardat, Ann. Chim. [5], 6, 1 24 ; Le Bel and Wassermann, Jahresber. 1885, 1 211). This hexane is also said to be diisopropyl. Note : — The identity of Silva's alcohol with the natural product requires confirmation ; it is difficult to see how an alcohol having the constitution 3-methyl-5-pentanol could be derived from diisopropyl by chlorination and hydroxylation. 26. Normal Heptyl Alcohol ; l-Heptanol. CH3.[CH2]5.CH,.OH Natueal Souecb. The heptyl alcohol stated to have been found in fusel oil from brandy (see under isoheptyl alcohol [27]) may be the normal alcohol, as it is said to give n-heptoic (oenanthic) acid on oxidation. Synthetical Peocesses. [A.] From n-heptane [2] through i-chlorheptane by chlorination and the usual method (Schorlemmer, Ann. 127, 315; 161, 278). n-Heptane gives i-nitroheptane on nitration (Worstall, Am. Ch. Journ. 20, 2io; 21, 223). The heptylamine obtained from this by reduction might give n-heptyl alcohol by the usual (nitrous acid) method. [B.] From osnanthol [97] by reduc- tion (see under n-heptane [2 ; D]). 27. Isoheptyl Alcohol ; Isohexyl Carliinol ; 2-Methyl-6-Hexauol. CH3.CH(CH3). [CH2J3.CH2.OH Natueal Souece. Heptyl alcohol is said to have been obtained from fusel oil of brandy (Faget, Bull. Soc. 1862, 59 ; Ann. 124, '^^^ ; Ordonneau, Comp. Rend. 102, 217). The constitution of this fermentation heptyl alcohol has not yet been satisfactorily established, and' it is only placed here provisionally (see also above under n-heptyl alcohol [26]). Synthetical Peocesses. [A.] From eikyl [l4] and isoamyl [22] alcohols through isoheptane (5- methylhexane) by acting with sodium on the iodides or bromides (Wurtz, Ann. Chim. [3] 44, 275 ; Grimshavv, Journ. Ch. Soc. 26, 309; Ann. 166, g2 84 ALCOHOLS [27 A-29 B. 163), isobeptyl chloride by ehlorina- tion, conversion into the alcohol by the usual method, and separation of the primary from the secondary alcohol (Grrimshaw, loc. cit. 313). [B.] From isobutyl alcohol [isl, acetic acid [Vol. II], and ethyl alcohol [14] by combming isobutyl iodide with soclio- acetoaceti'i ester, decomposing the iso- butylacetoacetic ester with potash, reducing the ketone (2-methyl-6-hex- anone) to the secondary alcohol, con- verting the latter into the iodide, and reducing to isoheptane with zinc and hydrochloric acid (Purdie, Trans. Ch. Soc. 39, 464 : see also Rohn, Ann. 190, 305). The isoheptane can then be treated as under A. Note : — A heptane (possibly identical with the above) is said to be obtained from certain cyclic compounds by heating to a high tem- perature with strong aqueous hydriodic acid (Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 68, 606 ; Bull. Soc. [2] 9, 455). The compounds are : tolmne [54] and the toluidines ; phthalic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; B]) and terephthalic acid. The latter can be obtained by the oxidation of cymene [6] and cumic aldehyde [116] (Hofmann, Ann. 97, 197; De la Rue and Miiller, Ann. 121, 87; Schwanert, Ann. 132, 257 ; Homeyer, Arch. Pharm. [3] 5, 326). 28. Normal Primary Octyl Alcohol ; 1-Octanol. CH3.[CH:,]e.CH2.0H Natueal Sources. As ester of acetic acid in oil of Heracleum giganteum (Franchimont and Zincke, Ann. 163, 193) ; as ester of acetic, hexoic, decoic, and lauric acids in oil of Heracleum sphonclyUum (Zincke, Ann. 152, i ; IVIoslinger, Ber. 9, 998 ; Ann. 185, a6). As ester of n-butyric acid in fruit of Pastinaca saliva, com- mon parsnip (Renesse, Ann. 166, 84). An octyl alcohol occurs as ester in the ethereal oil from the root of Aspirlium filix mas (Ehrenberg, Arch. Pharm. 231, 345)- A capryl (? n-octyl) alcohol occurs in rancid fat, probably a bacterial product (Nagel, Am. Ch. Journ. 23, 173). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Normal octane (see under n-hexyl alcohol [23 ; H]) by chlorination and conversion into the primary and secon- dary alcohols by the usual methods gives a product which may contain an alcohol identical with the natural pro- duct, but this requires confirmation (Schorlemmer, Ann. 152, 155). [B.] Sebacic acid [Vol. II] gives octane on distillation with baryta (Riche, Ann. 117, 26$). Notes: — Certain aromatic compounds (which can all be synthesised), such as xylene [62 ; A], ethylbenzene [64 ; A], styrene [7], naphthalene [12], phthalic acid [54 ; R], &c., according to Berthe- lot give octane among other products when heated with strong aqueous hydriodic acid (for references see under isoheptyl alcohol [27 ; B]). The constitution of the octanes thus obtained is unknown. A secondary octyl alcohol (methylhexyl carbinol= 2-octanol) has been obtained by dis- tilling the soap from the oil of Curcas purgans (Silva, Zeit. [2], 5, 185). The alcohol has been synthesised (seeundern-hexylalcohol [23 ; H]), but it is doubtful whether it is at present to be regarded as a biochemical product. 29. Nonyl Alcohol ; Ennyl Alcohol ; Nonauol. CgHjg . OH Natural Source. Anonyl alcohol (39«4per cent.)has been found in the oil of sweet orange (Schim- mel's Ber. Oct. 1900; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 969 ; Stephan, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 62, 5^3)- Synthetical Processes. The constitution of the natural pro- duct is not known with certainty ; it is probably the normal alcohol. The fol- lowing nonyl alcohols are synthetical products : — [A.] Pelargonic and formic [Vol. II] acids give the aldehyde (nonanal) on distillation of the barium salts. The aldehyde is reduced to normal nonyl alcohol by zinc dust and acetic acid (Krafft, Ber. 19, 2221). [B.] From isovaleric acid [Vol. II] and isoamyl alcohol [22]. Isoamyl isova- lerate on treatment with sodium gives 28 B-31 A] NONYL ALCOHOL 85 a nonyl alcohol (Louren90 and Aguiar, Zeit. [2] 6, 404). [C] From ei/ii/l alcohol [l4] and oenanthol [97] by the action of zinc ethyl on the aldehyde and decomposition of the product by water. The alcohol is ethylhexyl carbinol = 3 - nonanol (Wagner, Journ. Russ. Soc. 16, 306; Bull. Soc. [2] 42, 330). Or from ethyl alcohol and oenanthol by converting the latter into n-heptyl alcohol [26]. A mixture of n-heptyl and ethyl alcohols gives (among other products) n-nonyl alcohol when heated with sodium to 330° (Guerbet, Comp. ■Rend. 135, 17a; Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 1036). [D.] From ethyl alcohol [14] and hulyric acid [Vol. III. The latter on distillation of the calcium salt (Chancel, Ann. 62, 295; Kurtz, Ann. 161, 305; Schmidt, Ber. 5, 597), or by the action of ferric chloride on butyryl chloride and decomposition of the product with water (Hamonet, Bull. Soc. [2] 50, 358), gives dipropyl ketone = butyrone = 4-heptanone. The latter on treat- ment with zinc and ethyl iodide yields ethyldipropyl carbinol = 4-ethyl-4-hep- tanol (Tschebotareff and Saytzeff, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 83, 198). Note : — Dipropyl ketone can also be prepared from r\-ipropyl alcohol [15] and butyric acid by the interaction of zinc propyl and butyryl chloride (Schtscherbakoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 18, 346). Or from butyric acid by heating butyric anhydride with sodium butyrate (Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 49, 325) or (among other products) by the action of sodium on ethyl butyrate (Briiggemann, Ann. 246, 140). This ketone is also among the products of the action of zinc on a mixtiire of butyryl chloride and ethyl ether (Freund, Ann. 118, 33). Secondary Nonyl Alcohol. A secondary nonyl alcohol (methyl-n- heptyl carbinol) occurs partly free and partly as ester of acetic acid in Algerian oil of rue (v. Soden and Henle, Pharm. Zeit. 46, 1026; Ch. Centr. 1902, 1, 1^6', Ch. Drug., 60, 304; Power and Lees, Trans. Ch. Soc. 81, 1592). This alcohol has been obtained by re- ducing the corresponding ketone [IO8] (Mannich, Ber. 35, 2144; Houben, Ibid. 3589). 30. Secondary Eendecatyl or Heudecyl Alcohol ; Methyl-n-nonyl Carbinol. CHsX /H C„H,/ ^GH Natural Source. Occurs partly free and partly as ester of acetic acid in Algerian oil of rue (v. Soden and Henle, Pharm. Zeit. 46, 1026; Ch. Centr. 1902, 1, 256; Ch. Drug., 60, 304; Power and Lees, Trans. Ch. Soc. 81, 1593). Synthetical Process. [A.] From methylnonyl ketone [109] by reduction with sodium amalgam (Giesecke, Zeit. [2] 6, 428 ; Mannich, Ber. 35, 2144; Houben, Ibid, 3590). 31. Normal Primary Dodecyl Alcohol; l-Sodecanol. CH3.[CH,],o.CH2.0H Natural Sources. Esters of this alcohol (probably stea- rate and palmitate of the normal alcohol) exist in Cascara sagrada (Dohme and Engelhardt, Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 20, 539). Occurs also as ester (of oleic and doeglic acids) in sperm oil and in oil from the bottle-nose whale, and to a small extent in spermaceti [33] (Heintz, Ann. 84, 306; 92, 299; Allen, in Thorpe's ' Diet, of Applied Chem.' Ill, 20 j Hammarsten's 'Lehrb. d. physiol. Chem.' 1895, p. 76). Synthetical Process. [A.] From lauric acid [Vol. II] through the aldehyde by distilling the barium salt with barium formate (Krafft, Ber. 13, 1 4 14), reduction with zinc dust and acetic acid, and hydrolysis of the acetate thus formed {Ibid. 16, 1718). Note : — The identity of the natural and syn- thetical products requires confirmation. 86 ALCOHOLS [32-35 B. 32. normal Primary Tetradecyl Alcohol ; 1-Tetradecanol. CH3.[CH,]i,.CH2.0H Natural Source. Occurs in small quantity as ester in spermaceti [33] (Heintz^ Ann. 84^ 306 ; 92^ 299 ; Hammarsten's ' Lehrb. d. physiol. Chem.'' 1895, p. 76). Synthetical Process. [A.] From wyrisiic acid [Vol. II] through the aldehyde by distilling the barium salt with harium formate (Krafft, Ber. 13; 14 15), and reduction of the alde- hyde with sodium in alcoholic solution {Ibid. 16, 1720; 23, 2360). Note : — The identity of the natural and syn- thetical products requires confirmation. 33. Cetyl Alcohol ; JEthal ; 1-Heza- decanol. CH3.[CHJi4.CH2.0H Natural Sources. As ester of palmitic acid in spermaceti from the cranial cavity and blubber of the sperm vf\ia[e{Phf/setermacrocephahs), from Delp/iinus tursio and D. edentuhis. Occurs also in oil from the dolphin (Delp/iinns fflobiceps)aindin blubber of the bottle-nose whale [Ili/peroddon rostratus and H. bid ens). Cetyl acetate, laurate, myristate, and stearate are present to a small extent in some kinds of sperma- ceti (Chevreul, * Recherches sur les Corps Gras/ p. 171; Ann. Chim. 7, 157 ; Dumas and Pehgot, Ibid. [2] 62, 4; Dumas and Stas, Ibid. 73, 124; Smith, Ibid. [3] 6, 40 ; Ann. 42, 247 ; Berthelot and P^an, Ann. Chim. [3] 58, 413; Heintz, Ann. 84, 306; 92, 299; Pogg. Ann. 87, 2i ; 267; 92, 429; 588; Krafft, Ber. 17, 1627). The alcohol is said to occur (as ester) in the caudal glands of certain birds (ducks and geese) (De Jonge, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 3, 225) ; also in the fat of ovarian cysts (Ludwig, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 23, 38 ; V. Zeynek, Ibid. 48). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From adijnc acid [Vol. II] through sebacic acid (see under n- hexyl alcohol [23 ; E]) by distilling the barium salt of the latter (Schorlemmer, Proc. Roy. Soc. 19, 22; Ber. 3, 616). [B.] From palmitic acid [Vol. II] through the aldehyde by distilling the barium salt with barium formate (Krafft, Ber. 13, 1416), reduction of the alde- hyde with zinc dust and acetic acid, and hydrolysis of the acetate thus formed {Ibid. 16, 172IJ 17, 1627). 34. Octadecyl Alcohol ; 1-Octadecanol, CH3.[CHJieCH2.0H Natural Source. An ester of this alcohol occurs in spermaceti (Heintz, Ann. 84, 306 ; 92, 299; Krafft, Ber. 17, 1628). Synthetical Process. [A.] From stearic and formic acids [Vol. II] through stearic aldehyde (Krafft, Ber. 13, 141 7) and reduction of the aldehyde in the usual way {Ibid. 16, 1722; 17, 1627). 35. 2-6-Diinethyl-2>Heptenol-6. (CH3),:C:CH.CH2.CH2. C(CH3)(OH).CH3 Natural Source. Said to occur in small quantity in oil of linaloe (Barbier, Comp. Rend. 126, 1423)- Synthetical Processes. [A.] From geraniol [36] by the action of strong alcoholic potash at 150° (Barbier, loc. cit.). Note : — According to Tiemann (Ber. 31, 2991) this product is methylheptenol corresponding to methylheptenone. [B.] From methylheptenone [ill] and methyl alcohol [13] by the action of 35 B-3e A.] 2-6-DIMETHYL-2-HEPTENOL-6 87 magnesium methiodide on the ketone (in ethereal solution) and decomposition of the magnesium compound by acid (Barbier, Comp. Rend. 128j iio; Sand and Singer, Ber. 35, 3183). Note : — The dimethylheptenol obtained by th is method is (CH3), : C : CH . [CHjlj . CCCHa), . OH. 36. Gerauiol ; Lemonol ; 2 : 6-Dimetliyl-2 : 6-Octadienol-8. (CH3)2:C:CH.CH2.CH2. C(CH3):CH.CH2.0H Natural Sources. In East Indian geranium or palma- rosa oil from Andropogon schoenanthus (Jaeobsen, Ann. 157, ^132); in oil of citronella from Andropogo^i nardus, Pun- jaub, Ceylon, Singapore, &e. (Sehim- mel's Ber. Oct. 1893) ; in African, Spanish, French, and Reunion geranium oils from Pelargonium odoratissimnm, P. capitatum, P. radula, &c. (Gintl, Jahresber, 1879, 942 ; Bertram and Gildemeister, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 49, 191 ; Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 29, 924) ; and in German and Turkish oils of rose from Rosa damascena, R. alba, &c. (Bertram and Gildemeister, lac. cit. : see also Eckart, Ber. 24, 4205 ; Arch. Pharm. 229, 355; Barbier, Comp. Rend. 117, 177 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 9, 999). Geraniol occurs in ylang-ylang oil from Cananga odorata (Reychler, Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 407; 576; 1045; 13, 140) j in French oil of lavender from Lavandula sp. (Schimmel's Ber. April, 1898) ; in oil of neroli from the flowers of the bitter orange. Citrus higaradia, and in the ' orange-flower water ' (Tie- mann and Semmler, Ber. 26, 271 1 ; Hesse and Zeitschel, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 64, 245) ; in petit-grain oil from the leaves, shoots, and fruit of the same plant (Passy, Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 519; Charabot and Pillet, Ibid. 21, 74) ; in petit-grain oil from Paraguay (Schim- mel's Ber. Oct. 1902; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1 208) ; in lemon-grass oil from the Indian Andropogon citratus (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1894; also Oct. 1898; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 985: compare Stiehl, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 58, 51 ; Tiemann, Ber. 32, 835; Labbe, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 77); and in oil of linaloe from the wood of the Mexican Bnrsera delpe- chiana or B. aloexylmi (SchimmeVs Ber. April, 1892; Oct. 1894; Oct. 1900). Occurs also in oil of sassafras leaves (Power and Kleber, Pharm. Rev. 14, 103; Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 42); in oil of balm mint from Melissa officinalis (Flatau and Labbe, Comp. Rend. 126, 1725; Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 636); in lemon oil from Citrus limomm, Messina and Palermo (Umney and Swinton, Pharm. Journ. 61, 196; 370), and in the oil from the leaves of Verbena tri- pki/lla, Grasse (Theulier, Rev. gen. de Chim. 6, 324; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1208). The oil from Barwinia fascicularis of Port Jackson contains geraniol and 60-65 per cent, of geranyl acetate (Baker and Smith, Journ. and Proc.Roy. Soc. of N. S. Wales, 33, 163; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 848). Certain citron- ella oils (Javan and Cingalese ' Lana- Batu ') contain 32-38 per cent, geraniol (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1899; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, j^S). The oil from the leaves and twigs of Bucalyptus macarthiri contains 60 per cent, of geranyl acetate (Smith, Ch. News, 83, 5). Geraniol is probably contained in the oil of Bucalyptus patentinervis (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1901 ; Ch. Centr. 1901, 1, 1007). The oil from the rhizome of Asartim cana- defise contains geraniol (Power, Pharm. Rund. 6, loi j Power and Lees, Proc. Ch. Soc. 17, 210 ; Trans. 81, 66). Note : — ^The geraniol is contained in the above oils sometimes free, sometimes combined as an ester, and in some cases both free and com- bined. The acid most frequently combined with geranyl is acetic, but other acids, such as tiglic, valeric, &c., are sometimes present. Suggestions concerning the origin of geraniol andalliedalcohols in plants have beenadvanced by Charabot (Ann. Chim. [7] 21, 207, &c.). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From citral [104] by reduction in alcoholic solution with sodium amalgam and acetic acid (Tiemann, Ber. 31, 828). 88 ALCOHOLS [36 B-37. [B.] lAnalobl [37] gives geraniol on heating with acetic anhydride or with sulphuric and acetic acids and hydro- lysis of the acetate (Barbier^ Comp. Rend. 116, I200j 117, ill; Bouchar- dat, Comp. Rend. 116, 1253; Bertram and Gildemeister, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 49, 192 ; Tiemann and Semmler, Ber. 26, 2714; Bertram, Germ. Pat. 807 ii of 1893, Ber. 28, Ref. 58a). NoTK : — The product ' licarhodol ' obtained by Barbier (Comp. Rend. 116, 1200) by heating l-linalo8l with acetic anhydride and hydro- lysis is said to be a mixture of geraniol and d-terpineol (Stephan, JouVn. pr. Ch. [2], 58, 109 : see also Barbier and L6ser, Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 590)- 37. Liualo51; Licareol. (CH,)2:C:CH.CH2.CH2. C(CH3)(0H) . CH : CH2 or CH„ : C(CH3) . CH2 . CH2 . CH2 . C(CH3)(OH).CH:CH2 Note : — For references to constitution see paper by Harries and Schauwecker, Ber. 34, 2981 ; also Barbier, Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 687 ; 828. According to Barbier the first of these formulae represents myrcenol. Natural Sources. 1-Linalool is contained in oil of linaloe from Guiana, probably from the wood of Ocotea caudata (Morin, Comp. Rend. 02, 998 J 94, 733 ; Ann.^ Chim. [5] 25, 427 ; Theulier, Rev. Gen. de Chim. 3, a62; Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 468; SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1901), and in Mexican oil of linaloe (see above under geraniol [36] : Semmler, Ber. 24, 207 ; Barbier, Comp. Rend. 114, 674; 116, 883; 121, 168). Oil of neroli (see under geraniol) contains 1-linalool (Tiemann and Semm- ler, Ber. 26, 271 1 ; Hesse and Zeitschel, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 64, 245) ; so also does oil of bergamot from Citrus ber- gamia (Semmler and Tiemann, Ber. 25, 1 1 82; Bertram and Walbaum, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 45, 602; Charabot, Comp. Rend. 129, 728 ; Fabris, Abst. in Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 772), man- darin oil from Citrus madurensis (Schim- meFs Ber. Oct. 1901), oil of limette from the fruit of the Italian Citrus limetta (Gildemeister, Arch. Pharm. 233, 174), and oil of lemon from Citrus livionum from Palermo (Umney and Swinton, Pharm. Journ. 61, 196 ; 370). Oil of petit-grain (see under geraniol) contains d- and 1-linalool (Semmler and Tiemann, Ber. 25, 11 86 ; Chara- bot and Piliet, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 74 : 1-linalool in Paraguay petit-grain oil, SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1902 ; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1208). l-Linalo6l is contained also in oil of spike lavender from Lavandula spica (Bouchardat and Voiry, Comp. Rend. 106, 551; Bouchardat, Ibid. 117, ^"^f', 1094), in French lavender oil (Bertram and Walbaum, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 45, 590) ; in ylang-ylang oil (see under geraniol; Reychler, Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 407 ; 576 ; 1045 ; 13, 140) j in oil of Origanum smyrnce-vm from Smyrna (Gildemeister, Arch. Pharm. 231, 182) ; in oil of balm mint from Melissa officinalis (see under geraniol) ; in Russian oil of spearmint from Mentha viiidis (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1898; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 991); and in oil of thyme from Thymus vulgaris (Labb^, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 1009). Also in lemon-grass oil (see under geraniol : Tiemann, Ber. 32, 835) ; in oil of jasmine from the flowers of Jasminum grandijiorum with linalyl acetate (Hesse and Miiller, Ber. 32, 574; 765 ; Hesse, Ibid. 2619 : see also Erdmann, Ber. 34, 2281, note) ; in German oil of rose (Walbaum and Stephan, Ber. 33, 2304) ; (trace) in citronella oil (see under geraniol : SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1899; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 880) ; in oil of sassafras leaves (Power and Kleber, Pharm. Rev. 14, 403; Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 42); in French oil of sweet basil from Ocymum, basilicum (Dupont and Guerlain, Comp. Rend. 124, 300 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 151) ; and probably in oil from Eaca- lyptus patentinervis (see under geraniol), and in oil from the leaves of Dartvinia taxifolia (Baker and Smith : see under geraniol and SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1900 j Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 969). Linalyl acetate is possibly contained in the oil from Salvia sclarea (Schim- 37-38 B.] linaloOl 89 mel's Ber. April, 1889; Oct. 1894). l-Linalo6l is contained in Ceylon oil of cinnamon {Ibid. April^ 1902; Wal- baum and Hiithig-, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66^ 47), and in oil of cinnamon leaf (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1902 ; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1208). Linalool and linalyl acetate are present in oil of Gardenia (Parone, Boll. Ch. Farm. 41, 489 ; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 703). d-Linalool = coriandrol occurs in oil of coriander from the fruit of Corian- drum sativum (Kawalier, Ann. 84, 351 ; Journ. pr. Ch. 58, 226; Grosser, Ber. 14, 2485; Semmler, Ber. 24, 206; Barbier, Comp. Rend. 116, 1460) ; in ' wartara ' oil from the fruit of Xantho- xylon alahim and X. acanthopodium (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1900; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 908); in oil of sweet (Portugal) orange from the rind of the fruit of Citms aurantium (Parry, Ch. Drug-. 1900, pp. 462 and 722 ; Stephan, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 62, 523) ; in the n^roli oil from the flowers of the same plant (Theulier, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 278 : a French neroli oil examined by Schim- mel & Co. probably contained 1-lina- lool ; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1208), in Chinese neroli oil from Citrus triptera (Umney and Bennett, Pharm. Journ. [4] 15, 146), and in oil of Asarum canadense (Power and Lees, Proc. Ch. Soc. 17, 210 ; Trans. 81, d'^. Inactive linalool and linalyl isono- noate are present in oil of hops (Chap- man, Proc. Ch. Soc. 19, 72). Note : — For remarks on general transforma- tion and miigration of linalool and other terpene alcoholic compounds in plants, see papers by Charabot, Bull. Soc. [3] 23, 189 ; Ann. Chim. [7] 21, 307, &c. ; Charabot and Hebert, Comp. Rend. 133, 390 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 884 ; 955). Linalool occurs in the above oils in some cases in the free state and in other cases combined as linalyl acetate, &c. Synthetical Peocess. [A.] Geraniol [36] by the action of hydrochloric acid gives geranyl chloride (Jacobsen, Ann. 157, 236), and this by the action of alcoholic potash is con- verted partially into inactive linalool (Semmler and Tiemann, Ber. 31, 832). A similar transformation is broug-ht about by heating- geraniol with water to 200° (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1898). Or sodium geranyl phthalate (from geranyl chloride and phthalic acid [54 j B]) gives i-linalo6l on steam distillation of the neutral solution (Stephan, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 60, 244). Note: — No method for resolving i-linaloOl into its optical iBomerides has yet been dis- covered. 38. Citronellol; Bhodluol (?) ; 2 : 6-Duixeth7l-2-Octenol-8. (CH3)2:C:CH.CH2.CH2. CH(CH3).CH2.CH2.0H Natural Sources. 1-Citronellol occurs in Bulgarian and German oil of rose and d- and 1-citron- ellol in Spanish, African, and Reunion oils of geranium from Pelargonium odoratissimum, &c. (see under geraniol : Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [a] 50, 478 ; 53, 238; Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 29, 922 ; Barbier and Bouveault, Comp. Rend. 122, 737 ; Walbaum and Stephan, Ber. 33, 2306 ; Schimmel's Ber. May, 1901 ; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 20, p. 744). Citronellol is also said to be contained in Indian geranium (palmarosa) oil (Flatau and Labbe, Comp. Rend. 126, 1725; Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 6'3^'^ : compare SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1898, p. 67). Javan (but not Ceylon) oil of citronella contains d-citronellol (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1902). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From citronellal [l05] by re- duction with sodium amalgam and acetic acid (Dodge, Am. Ch. Journ. 11, 463 ; Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 29, 906). Note : — The aldehyde corresponding to the above formula of citronellol is probably not identical vy^ith 1-citronellal but with the iso- meric ' rhodinal ' of Bouveault (Bull. Soc. [3] 23,458 ; 463 : see also under citronellal [105]). The above synthetical process may therefore lead to the production of an alcohol isomeric vrith the natural 1-citronellol (see also Harries and Schauwecker, Ber. 34, 2981). [B.] From mentkone [129] through the oxime, nitrile, and aldehyde = men- thocitronellal (Wallach, Ann. 277, 154; 278, 316; 296, 129). The latter should be Bouveault's 'rhodinal,' and 90 ALCOHOLS [38 B-39 A. would therefore give citronellol on re- duction (Harries and Schauwecker^ loc, cit.). Note : — According to Bouveault citronellol and rhodinol are isomerides (see for summary Bull. Soc. [3] 23, 458 J also under menthone [129]). 39. Terpineol; Terpilenol; Terpene Hydrate ; Menthenol ; A^-8-Hydroxytetrahydrocymene ; A^-Terpen-8-ol. CH3 /\ HaC CH I I \/ CH CH3.C(0H).CHs Note : — For constitutional formula see Wag- ner, Ber. 27, 1652. Natural Soueces. i-Terpineol (and acetate) occurs in oil o£ cajeput from Melaleuca leucaden- dron and var. minor (Voiry, Comp. Rend. 106, 1538; Bull. Soc. [a] 50, 108), and in niauli oil from Melaleuca viridifolia, New Caledonia (Bertrand, Bull. Soc. [3] 0, 433 ; Comp. Rend. 116, 1070); in oil of Ceylon cardamom from Elettaria cardamomum, var. major, Smith (Weber, Ann. 238, 98) ; and in oil of Malabar cardamom (d-terpineol) from E. cardamomum (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1897; Parry, Pharm. Journ. 9, Oil of sweet marjoram from Origanum majorana contains d-terpineol (Biltz, Ber. 32, 995). Terpineol is contained in the oil of Lindera sericea, the ' kuro- moji' oil of Japan (Kwasnik, Arch. Pharm. 230, 265); in the Japanese ' kesso ' oil from the root of Valeriana officinalis, var. angndifolia (Bertram and Gildemeister, Arch. Pharm. 228, 483) ; and in oil of fleabane from the N. American Erigeron canadensis (Kremers and Hunkel, Pharm. Bund. 13, 137). 1-Terpineol is probably present in lemon-grass oil (Tiemann, Ber. 32, 835). d-Terpineol is contained in oil of lovage from the root of Levisticum officinale (Schimmel's Ber. April, 1897, p. 37, and Oct. 1897, p. 9, note). The oil from Calif ornian bay ( lJr)ihellularia cali- forniea) contains a mixture, 'terpinol,' of which terpineol is one of the con- stituents (Stillmann, Ber. 13, 630; Wallach, Ann. 230, 251). Oil of Gar- denia contains terpineol (Parone, Boll. Ch. Farm. 41, 489; Ch. Centr. 1902, The oil of the rind of the sweet orange (see under linalool [37] : Stephan, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 62, 523 and Schim- mel's Ber. Oct. 1900) contains 39-4 per cent, of d-terpineol. Oil of Mexican lina- loe (see under geraniol [36] : SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1900; Ch. Centr. 19CO, 2, 970) contains terpineol. So also does man- darin oil from Citrus madurensis (Schim- meFs Ber. Oct. 1901 ; Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 1007). Oil of spike from Lavandula spica may contain terpineol (Bouchardat, Comp. Rend. 117, 53; 1094). 1-Terpineol is contained in the oil of Asarum canadense (Power and Lees, Proc. Ch. Soc. 17, 210 ; Trans. 81, 6^). Camphor oil from Lanrus camphora pro- bably contains terpineol (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1888). d-Terpineol is pre- sent in oil of lemon (SchimmePs Ber. Oct. 1902; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1207), in French neroli oil {Ibid.), and in petit- grain oil from Paraguay [Ibid.). Note : — No method for resolving inactive terpineol into its optical isomerides ia at present known. Synthetical Processes. [A.] \-Linalodl [37] gives d-terpineol and its acetate with geraniol on heating with acetic anhydride to 150-160°' (Schimmel's Ber. April, 1898 ; Stephan, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 58, 109). The crude product thus obtained is the ' licarhodol ' of Barbier (see under geraniol [36 ; B]). Or linalool on treatment (below 20°) with acetic acid containing \ per cent, of sulphuric acid gives 45 per cent, of its weight of d-terpineol and 10 percent, of geraniol (Stephan, loc. cit.). d-Linaloolon treatment with strong formic acid below 20° is largely converted into 1-terpineol, 39 A-40.] TERPINEOL 91 and 1-linalool by the same reagent into d-terpineol (Stephan, loc. cit.). Or from linalool through terpin hydrate (see under dipentene [9; D]), which on boiling with dilute mineral acid or with acetic acid gives terpineol among other products (Wallach, Ann. 230^ ^64). [B.] From geraniol [36] through terpin hydrate (see under dipentene [9; C]) and then as above (Stephan, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 60;, 244). Geraniol is also converted by strong formic acid at ordinary temperatures into terpinyl formate in lo-ia days. Terpinyl ace- tate is produced in small quantity from geraniol by heating the latter to 60- 70° with acetic acid containing a little sulphuric acid (Stephan, loc. cit.). Note : — The liquid terpineol prepared on the large scale by boiling terpin hydrate with dilute acids contains a mixture of isomerides among which, together with the natural i-ter- pineol, is a terpineol (A^-'-terpen-i-ol) isomeric with the foregoing natural and synthetical pro- ducts (Schimmel's Ber. April, 1901 ; Stephan and Helle, Ber. 35, 2147). [C] From limonene [9] by the action of silver or lead oxide on the hydro- bromide, or by the action of acetic acid containing sulphuric acid on the hydro- carbon (Semmler, Ber. 28, 3189). Both d- and 1-limonene give terpineol by this method. Dipentene gives terpinyl acetate on heating with glacial acetic acid to 100° (Bouchardat and Lafont, Comp. Rend. 102, 1555). Note: — It is not certain that the constitutional formula given above expresses the structure of all the synthetical terpineols obtained by the foregoing processes. 40, Cineole ; Cajepntole ; Eucalyp- tole. CH, H,C O CHa I ' I I CHj.C.CHj I H Note :— For constitutional formula see Wal- lach, Ann. 201, 350. Natueal Sources. The chief constituent of oil of worm- seed from the flower heads and stalks of Artemisia maritima and vars. (Kraut, Jahresber. 1862, 460 ; Kraut and Wahlforss, Ann. 128, 293 ; Hell and Stiircke, Ber. 17, 1970; Wallach and Brass, Ann. 225, 291). Occurs also in oil of Artemisia vulgaris (Schimmelj Gildemeister and Hoff- mann, p. 891); in oil of cajeput (Wallach, loc. cit. 315) ; in niauli oil {66 per cent., Bertrand, Bull. Soc. [3] 9, 435 ; Comp. Rend. 116, 1070) ; in oil of Melaleuca acuminata (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1892); and in oil oiM. leuca- dendron, var. lancifolia {Ibid.). Cineole has been found also in oil from the leaves of Laurus nohilis {Ibid. April, 1899); in American oil of peppermint (Power and Kleber, Pharm. Rund. 12, 157; Arch. Pharm. 232, 639) j in camphor oil from Laurus {Cinnamomtim) camphora (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1888; Oct. 1902); in oil of sage from Salvia officitialis (Wallach, Ann. 252, 103) ; in oil of spike laven- der (Bouchardat and Voiry ; see under linalool [37]) ; in oil of lavender (traces) (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1893), and in Portuguese oil of lavender from Lavan- dula pedunculata {Ibid. Oct. 1898). Occurs also in German oil of sweet basil from Ocymum basilicum (Bertram and Walbaum, Arch. Pharm. 235, 176 ; SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1897 : see also Hirschsohn as quoted by Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 860, note) ; in oil of rosemary from Rosmarinus o^cinalis (Weber, Ann. 238, 89) j in oil from the root of the ^Chinese galangal/ Alpinia officinarum (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1890 ; Schindelmeiser, Ch. Zeit. 26, 335)j and from the root of Kaemp- feria rotunda (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1894) ; in oil of Bengal cardamom from Amomum {Elettaria) aromaticum (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1897); in a Camaroon cardamom oil from (?) Amo- mum danielli {Ibid. Oct. 1897), and in Malabar cardamom oil from Elettaria cardamomiim {Ibid. Oct. 1897; Parry, Pharm. Rev. 9, 105). Cineole is contained also in oil of 92 ALCOHOLS [40-41. saffron (Hilger, Ch. Centr. 19C0, 2, 576) ; in the Brazilian ' carqueia ' oil from Geimta tiideiitata (Schimmel^s Ber. April, 1896); in oil from the leaves of the Indian Yxiex trifolia {Ibid. Oct. 1894) ; possibly in oil of penny- royal from Mentha jmlegiurn (T^try, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 186); in oil of rue, probably Algerian (Power and Lees, Trans. Ch. Soc. 81, 1590) ; and in oil of Russian spearmint (see under linalool [37]; SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1898). Occurs also in oil from the leaves of the Chiliaji M^rti/g cheken (Weiss, Arch. Pharm. 226, 666) ; in oil of myrtle from Myrlus communig (Jahns, Arch. Pharm. 227, 174; Schimmel's Ber. April, 1889) j in oil from Curcuma zedoaria (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1 890) ; in oil of the W. Indian white cinnamon from the bark of Canella alba (Schim- mel's Ber. Oct. 1890); in Japanese * badiana ' or star-anise oil from Illicium religiotum (Tardy, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 987), and also (as ' eucalyptol ') in the oil from many species of Eucalyptus : — E. globulus (Jahns, Ber. 17, 2941 ; Archir. Pharm. 223, 52) ; i. oleosa (Maiden's ' Useful Native Plants of Australia,' p. 372) ; E. dumosa (Schim- mel's Ber. Oct. 1889); E. amygdalina (Wallach and Gildemeister, Ann. 246, 278; Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1889); E. rostrata {Ibid. Oct. 1891) ; E.populi- folia {Ibid. April, 1893) ; E. corymbosa {Ibid.); E. resinifera {Ibid. Oct. 1898); E. baileyana {Ibid. April, 1888); E. mi- crocorys {Ibid.) ; E. risdonia {Ibid. April, 1894); E. hemiphloia {Ibid. April, 1892); E. crebra {Ibid. April, 1893); E. macrorrhyncha (Baker and Smith, Joum.and Proc. Roy. Soc. of N. S.Wales, 32, 104, &c.); E. capilellata {Ibid.); E. eugenioides (ibid.); E. obliqua (Schim- mel's Ber. Oct. 1898); E. punctata (Baker and Smith, loc. cit. 31, 259, &c. ; Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1898); E. loxopkleba (Parry, Pharm. Joum. 61, 198) ; E. dexiropinea and E. lavo- jjinea (Baker, loc. cit. 27, 414 ; Baker and Smith, Ibid. 32, 195) ; E. hama- itoma (Schimmel's Ber. April, 1888); E. piperita (Baker and Smith, loc. cit. 31, 195) ; E. maculosa (Baker, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1899, p. 596; Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 19CO ; Ch. Centr. 19CO, 2, 970) ; E. bicolor = E. largi' jxorens (Schimmel's Ber. loc. cit. ; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 1140); oil of 'red gum ' of Tenterfield (? sp. ; Ibid.) ; E. smithii and E. camphora (Baker, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1899, p. 292, &c.) ; E. goniocalyx (Smith, Journ. and Proc. Roy. Soc. of N. S. Wales, 38, 86, &c. ; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 68) ; E. intertexta (spotted gum) ; E. nioriisii (grey mallee) ; E. viridis (green, red, or brown mallee) ; and E. vitreea (white-top messmate) (Baker, loc. cit. 1900, p. 303, &c. ; Ch. Centr. 1 901, 2, IC06) ; E. melliodora (Parry, Ch. Drug. 68, 588) ; E. pulverulenta (Schimmel's Ber. April, 1902) ; E. poly- bractea (blue mallee) ; a little in oils from E. angophorcides (apple-top box), E. intermedia (bastard bloodwood), E. lactea (spotted gum), E. ovalifolia (red box), E. umbra (stringy bark or bastard white mahogany), E. icilkin- sonia = E. hcBmastoma var. = E. lavo- pinea var. minor, E. jietcheri (lignum vitae or black box), and from E. wooll- siana (mallee box) (Baker, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1 900, part IV). Synthetical Process. [A.] Terpineol [39] gives cineole among other products when boiled with dilute sulphuric or phosphoric acid (Wallach, Ann. 239, 21 ; 275, 105)- Note : — No method for resolving terpineol into its optical isomerides is at present known. 41. Menthol; Terpanol; Peppermint Camphor ; Methylisopropyl-hezahydrophenol. CH, CH H,C CH» H,C CH(OH) \/ CH CH(CH,), Natural Sources. In oil of peppermint from Mentha piperita (Et ^^and, Germany, and 41-43 A.] MENTHOL 93 America), M. arvensU var. piperascens (Japan), and var. glabrata (China) (Dumas, Ann. Chim. 50, 333; Ann. e, 252 ; Blanchet and Sell, Ann. 6, 293 ; Walter, Ann. 28, 312 ; 32, 288 ; Kane, Phil. Mag. 16,418 ; Ann. 32, 285 ; Lau- rent, Rev. Sei. 14, 341 ; Oppenheim, Ann. 120, 350 ; 130, 176 ; Journ. Ch. Soe. 15, 24). In oil of pennyroyal from Mentha pulegium (Tetry, Bull. Soe. [3] 27, 186). Note : — The natural product is 1-menthol. For observations on the genesis of menthol compounds in llentha piperita during the growth of the plant see papers by Charabot, Gomp. Rend. 130, 518 ; 131, 806. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From puleffOTie [128] by reduc- tion with sodium in ethereal solution (Beckmann and Pleissner, Ann. 262, 32)- [B.] From menthone [129J as above {Ibid.). 42. IsopulegoL HjG CH . G Hj CH, CH /\ HaC CH, I I or(?)HO.HC CH, HaC CH(OH) \y \/ «.= C CH C(CH,), C(CH,), Natural Source. Said to occur in citronella oil (Tie- mann, Ber. 32, 825; compare Labbe, Bull. Soe. [3] 21, 1023). Synthetical Process. [A.] From citronellal [105] by the action of acids or of acetic anhydride (Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 29, 913; 30, 27). The transformation of pure citronellal into isopulegol takes place spontaneously (Labb6, loc. cit.). Note : — The foregoing cyclic alcohols are included here on account of their relationship to geraniol, linalodl, citronellol, &:c. KETONE ALCOHOLS. 43. Acetol ; Acetyl Carbinol ; Fyroracemic Alcohol ; Methylketol ; Hydroicyacetone ; Fropanonol ; Fropanolone. CH, . CO . CH, . OH or CH, . C(OH) . CH, Natural Sources. From propylene glycol by the action of the sorbose Bacterium in presence of beer yeast infusion (Kling, Comp. Rend. 128, 244; 129, 1252). Certain varieties of Mycoderma aceti produce the same compound from propylene glycol [Ibid. 133, 231). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From normal or isopropyl alcohol [15 ; 16] through propylene and pro- pylene chloride and a-chlorpropylene by the action of alcoholic potash on the latter. a-Chlorpropylene by chlorina- tion gives aS (with o)/3) dichlorpropylene = a-chlorallyl chloride (Friedel and Silva, Comp. Rend. 73, 957 ; 74, 8o5 ; 75, 81 j Fittig, Ann. 135, 359). The latter on boiling with potassium car- bonate solution yields a-chlorallyl al- cohol (Henry, Comp. Rend. 95, 849), which, on being dissolved in sulphuric acid and on distilling the product with water, gives acetol (Henry, Bull. Soe. [2] 39, 526). Or from propylene through propylene chloride and 1:2: 3-trichlorpropane (see under glycerol [48 ; A]). The latter by the action of potassium hydroxide or tri- ethylamine gives a^-dichlorpropylene (Reboul, Comp. Rend. 95, 993; Ann. Suppl. 1, 229), which can be converted into a-chlorallyl alcohol and acetol as above. Or from propylene through the glycol and the action of bromine in presence of 94 KETONE ALCOHOLS [43 A- 44. sunlig-lit on the latter (Kling, Comp. Rend. 129, 319). Note : — Generators of propylene (see under glycerol [48]) thus become generators of acetoL [B.] From acetone [106] through chloracetone (Riche, Ann. 112, 321 ; Mulder, Ber. b, 1010). The latter on heating with potassium acetate in al- coholic solution gives acetol acetate (Henry, Ber. 5, 966), which can be hydro] ysed by boiling with water and barium carbonate (W. H. Perkin, junr.. Trans. Ch. Soc. 59, 791). Bromacetone (Sokolowsky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 8, 330; Emmerling and Wagner, Ann. 204, 29) on boiling with potassium carbonate solution gives acetol (E. and W. loc. c'd. 40 : compare Simon- cini, Gazz. 31, 496). Or acetone can be converted into % : %~ dichlorpropane by phosphorus penta- chloride (Friedel, Ann. 112, 236), and this by alcoholic potash gives a-chlor- propylene, which can be converted into a/3-dichlorpropylene, &c., as above under A. Or acetone by the action of sodium and ethyl acetate gives acetylacetone (Claisen and Ehrhardt, Ber. 22, loii), which by the action of sulphuryl dichlor- ide yields chloracetylacetone (Combes, Comp. Rend. Ill, 292). The latter on heating with potassium acetate in alco- holic solution gives acetol acetate {Ibid.). Or from acetone through mesityl oxide (see under aldehyde [92 ; S]) and trimethyltriose by oxidation of the latter with potassium permanganate. The triose decomposes readily into acetol and acetone (Harries and Pappos, Ber. 34, 2979). Or from acetone dmdi formic acid [Vol. II] through formopyroracemic ester (H . CO2 . CH^ . CO . CHg) from chloracetone and potassium formate. The ester on heating with methyl alcohol gives me- thyl formate and acetol (Henry, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. 1902, p. 445; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 928). Note: — Allylene by the action of fuming hydrochloric acid gives 2 : 2-dichlorpropane (Keboul, Ann. Chim. [5] 14, 453), which can be treated as above. The generators of allylene referred to under benzyl alcohol [54] thus become generators of acetol. [C] Glycerol [48] by the action of dry hydrogen chloride gives dichlor- hydrin = dichlorisopropyl alcohol (see under isopropyl alcohol [16 ; G]), and this by the action of phosphorus penta- chloride yields i : 2 : 3-trichlorpropane (Berthelot and De Luca, Ann. Chim. [3] 48, 304; 52, 433; Fittig and Pfeffer, Ann. 135, 359), which can be treated as above under A. Or from glycerol through allyl iodide, which gives l : 2 : 3-trichlorpropane by chlorination (Oppenheim, Bull. Soc. [2] 2. 97). Note : — Propane gives 1:2: 3-trichlorpropane by direct chlorination, so that generators of propane thus become generators of acetol (see under glycerol [48 ; A]). [D.] From acetic acid [Vol. II] through the compound formed from acetyl chloride and aluminium chloride, which compound on decomposition with water gives acetylacetone (Combes, Ann. Chim. [6] 12, 207). The latter can be treated as above under B. Or from acetic acid and isohutyl or tertiary hutyl alcohol [18; 19] through mesityl oxide by the condensation of isobutylene with acetyl chloride or acetic anhydride (see under acetic aldehyde [92 ; FF]), and then as above under B. [B.] From dextrose [l54], acetol being among the products formed by fusion with caustic potash (Emmerling and Loges, Ber. 16, 837). [F.] From acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] through mesityl oxide (see under alde- hyde [92; L]), and then as above under B. 44. Methylacetyl Carbinol ; Dimethylketol ; 3-Btitanol-2-one. CH3.CH(OH).CO.CH3 Natural Souecb. A product of the action of Bacillus tartricits (Grimbert and Ficquet, Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. 1897, p. 962) on the ammonium or calcium salt of tartaric acid (Grimbertj Comp. Rend. 132, 706). 44 A-46 A.] METHYLACETYL CARBINOL 95 Synthetical Processes. [A.] From diacetyl [113] by reduc- tion with zinc and dilute sulphuric acid (v. Pechmann and Dahl, Ber. 23^ 2421)- [B.] From acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [13] through methyl- acetoacetic ester by the interaction of methyl iodide and sodio-acetoacetic ester. The methylacetoacetic ester on hydroly- sis gives methylethyl ketone (Frankland and Duppa^ Ann. 138, '>^'^6', Booking, Ann. 204, 17), and this on chlorination yields methyl-a-chlorethyl ketone (Vla- desco, Bull. Soc. [3] 6, 408; 807). The latter gives methylacetyl carbinol on treatment with alcoholic sodium hydroxide {Ibid. 810). [C] From acetic 2.xA propionic acids [Vol. II] through methylethyl ketone by distilling a mixture of the calcium salts (Schramm, Ber. 16, 1581). Sub- sequent steps as under B. [D.] From acetic and butyric acids [Vol. II] through methylethyl ketone by distilling a mixture of the calcium salts (Grimm, Ann. 157, 258). Note : — Other generators of methylethyl ke- tone are : sine methyl and propionyl chloride (Popoff, Ann. 145, 289) ; sine ethyl and acetyl chloride (Freund, Ann. 118, 3) or acetic anhy- dride (Granichstadten and Werner, Monats. 32, 315) ; ethyl iodide and acetic anhydride in presence of zinc-sodium alloy (Saytzefif, Zeit. [2] 6, 104") ; 2 : 2-dibrombutane by heating with water or 2 : 3- dibrombutane by heating with lead oxide and water (H<5lz, Ann. 250, 234 ; Eltekoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 10, 219 ; Meyer and Petrenko, Ber. 25, 3309) ; crotonylene by the action of sulphuric acid (Lwoflf and Alm^dingen, Bull. Soc. [2] 37, 493); secondarybuft/iaZco/ioZ (methylethyl carbinol) by passing the vapour over a heated platinum spiral (Trillat, Comp. Rend. 132, 1495), or by oxidation (Kanonnikoff and Saytzeff, Ann. 175, 377). Methylethyl ketone is also obtained from the generators of pseudobutylene, the latter giving with hypochlorous acid a chlorhydrin which yields the ketone on heating with water (Kras- suski, Journ. Russ. Soc. 34, 287). Generators of pseudobutylene are : n-propyl alcohol [15] through hexane ; n-butyl alcohol [17] ; secondary butyl alcohol,{rom the n-alcohol through n-butyl- ene and the secondary iodide ; isobuiyl alcohol [18] ; methyl alcohol [13] and glycerol [48] ; alde- hyde [92] ; angelic and tiglic acids [Vol. II] ; isovaleric acid [Vol. II] ; isoamyl alcohol [22]. For references see under secondary butyl isothio- cyanate [165 ; A ; B ; C ; D, &c.]. POLYHYDEIC ALCOHOLS. 45. Ethylene Glycol ; Ethanediol. CH2(OH).CH2(OH) Natural Source. Said to be a product of oxidation of glycerol by a micro-organism found in wine (Rensch, Pharm. Zeit. 39, 864). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From et/iyl alcohol [l4] through ethylene (see under isopropyl alcohol [16 ; C]). Note : — All generators of ethylene are thus generators of glycol (see under methane [1 ; D], and under ethyl alcohol [14 ; A ; C ; E ; J;N;0;T;V5r;X;Y, &c.]). [B.] From choline [Vol. II] by boil- ing the aqueous solution (Wurtz, Ann. Suppl. 6, 200). 46. Trimethylene Glycol ; Normal Propylene Glycol ; 1 : 3-Propanediol. CH2(OH).CH2.CH2(OH) Natural Sources. A product of the bacterial fermenta- tion of glycerol in presence of chalk (Freund, Monats. 2, 638 ; Fitz, Ber. 15, 876). Fitz's organism was probably Bacilhcs hutylicus (see under n-butyl alcohol [17]). Propylene glycol occurs as a product of hydrolysis of the fats used for soap manufacture (Noyes and Watkins, Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 17, 890). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Vvom glycerol [48] through allyl bromide (n-propyl alcohol [15; E]), trimethylene bromide by combination 96 POLYHYDRIC ALCOHOLS [46 A-48. with hydrogen bromide (G^romont^ Ann. 158, 37^ j Reboul, Ann. Chim. [5] 14, 47 a; Lermontoff, Ann. 182, 358 ; Erlenmeyer, Ber. 12, 1354 ; Ann. 197, 184; Roth, Ber. 14, 1351; Bogo- molitz. Bull. Soc. [2] 30, 23) and con- version into the glycol by the action of moist silver oxide, or by forming the diacetate and hydrolysing (Reboul, loc. cit. 491 j Beilstein and Wiegand, Ber. 16, 1497; Zander, Ann. 214, 178; Niederist, Monats. 3, 839). The hydro- lysis is best effected by barium or calcium hydroxide (Henry, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [3] 36, 9). Or from glycerol through allyl alcohol (ethyl alcohol [14; G]), the monochlorhydrin by combination with hypochlorous acid, and reduction with sodium amalgam (Henry, Rec. Tr. Ch. 16, 308). 47. Isobutylene Glycol ; 2-Meth7l-2 : 3-Fropanediol. CH3 . C(CH3)(0H) . CH2 . OH Natural Source. Among the products of fermentation of saccharose by Saccharoynyces ellip- soideus (Claudon and Morin, Comp. Rend. 104, 1109; Bull. Soc. [a] 49, 178 ; Henninger and Sanson, Comp. Rend. 106, 208). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From isobutyl alcohol [I8] through isobutylene (tertiary butyl alco- hol [19 ; B]), the bromide (2-methyl-2 : 3-dibrompropane) by combination with bromine (Linnemann, Ann. 162, 36), and decomposition of the bromide by heating with potassium carbonate solu- tion (Nevol6, Bull. Soc. [2] 27, 6^; Comp. Rend. 83, 65; 146). Isobutylene bromide can also be obtained from isobutyl alcohol by heat- ing isobutyl chloride or bromide with bromine in the presence of iron (Meyer and Miiller, Journ. pr. Ch. 46, 161 ; Herzfelder, Ber. 27, 1 260). The glycol can be prepared also direct^ iso- butyl alcohol by the action 0^ ^ ""s) hydrochloric acid (Lwoff, Bull. Soc. [2] 43, 112). Isobutylene gives this glycol by oxidation with potassium permanganate (Wagner, Ber. 21, 1232). Isobutylene bromide is also converted into the glycol by heating with water and lead oxide to 50° (Krassusky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 33, 791). [B.] From tertiary butyl alcohol [19] through isobutylene (see under isobutyl alcohol [I8 ; A]), and then as under A above. Or by conversion into tertiary butyl chloride or bromide and then into isobutylene bromide by heating with bromine and iron (Herzfelder, loc. cit. 1261 : see also Meyer and Miiller, Journ. pr. Ch. 46, 161). Also from tertiary butyl alcohol through isobutylene bromide by the action of bromine (fitard, Comp. Rend. 114, 753), and then as under A. Note : — All generators of isobutylene given under isobutyl [18] and tertiary butyl alcohol [19] are generators of this glycol. These are: isoamyl alcohol [18 ; B] ; isovaleric acid [18 ; C] ; acetone and glycerol or acetic acid via /S-dimethyl- acrylic acid [18 ; 0], &c. 48. Glycerol ; 1 : 2 : 3-Propauetriol, CH2(0H) . CH(OH) . CH2(0H) Natural Sources. Widely distributed in vegetable and animal kingdoms, glyceryl esters of acids of the fatty and other series being found in most saponifiable fats and fixed oils (Scheele, 1779, Crell's Ch. Journ. 4, 190 ; CrelFs Ch. Ann. 1, 99 ; Chevreul, ' Recherches sur les Corps, Gras'; Pelouze, Ann. 19, 210; 20, 46; Comp. Rend. 21, 718: for list of oils and fats see A. H. Allen^s tables in Thorpe^s 'Dictionary of Applied Chemistry/ III, 28-34). Glyceryl esters occur also in certain waxes, such as Japan wax from Rhus succeclanea and other species, the wax from species of Balanophora (Java), myrtle-berry wax from Myric.a cerifera (N. America), and other species of ■-a found in N. and S. America, ^^~j -.-.uia, and the Cape of Good Hope. 48-C.l GLYCEROL 97 Note :— For further informaHon on distribu- tion of esters of glycerol see under the respective fatty acids in Vol. II of this work. For synthesis of esters see paper by Scheij, Eec. Tr. Ch. 18, 169 ; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 20. Glycerol is formed as a secondary product of the alcoholic fermentation of sugars by Saccharomycetes (Pasteur, Comp. Rend. 46, 857 ; 47, 224), and also of dextrose, Isevulose, and maltose by Ouliu7n albicans (Linossier and Roux, Comp. Rend. 110, '^S5 and 868). According to Udranszky (Zeit. physiol. Ch. 13, 549) glycerol can be formed by yeast independently of alcoholic fer- mentation. Glycerol is formed from cane-sugar by fermentation with the mould Mucor racemosus (Emmerling, Ber. 30, 454). The quantity of glycerol produced from various sugars during alcoholic fermentation appears to be inversely proportional to the activity of the yeast (Laborde, Comp. Rend. 129, 344 : this paper discusses the various conditions determining the fluctuation in the quantity of glycerol). The glycerol found in fermented liquids may in part arise from the action of an oleolytic enzyme present in yeast on the fats of the yeast itself (Delbriick, Abst. in Journ. Fed. Inst. 8, 343)- Glycerol is among the products of fermentation by the mould-fungus Eiirotiopis gayoni (Duclaux, Journ. Fed. Inst. 6, 412). Mycodenrm vini 1 can produce gly- cerol (1-5 per cent, in fourteen weeks) in a nutrient solution containing alcohol and malic acid (Seifert, as quoted by Klocker, ' Die Garungsorganismen, &c.^ p. 242). According to Schultz Mycoderma vini can transform 7 per cent, of alcohol into glycerol in appropriate solution (Van Laer, Journ. Fed. Inst. 7, 351). Species of Mycoderma grown in nutrient solutions containing saccharose and maltose produce traces of glycerol {Ibid.). The mannitol ferment of Gayon and Dubourg can produce glycerol from most sugars (Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 15, 527). Glycerol is found in the gastric juice (? hydrolysis of fats ; Nencki and Sieber, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 32, 291). Synthetical Pkocesses. [A.] From normal [15] or isopropyl alcohol [16] through propylene (see under isopropyl alcohol [16 ; B] : also LeBel and Greene, Am. Ch, Journ. 2, 23; Beilstein and Wiegand, Ber. 15, 1498 j Friedel and Silva, Jahresber. 1873, 322; Mouneyrat, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 616: for pyrogenic contact pro- duction of propylene from isopropyl alcohol see Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1056), propylene chloride by combination with chlorine, 1:2: 3-trichlorpropane (tri- chlorhydrin) by heating with iodine chloride (Friedel and Silva, Zeit. [2] 7, 683), and the action of water at 180 on the trichlorpropane {Tbid. Comp. Rend. 74, 805; 76, 1594; Bull. Soc. [2] 20, 98). Also from propylene through propylene bromide, 1:2:3- tribrompropane (tribromhydrin) by heating the latter with bromine in the presence of iron (Kronstein, Ber. 24, 4246), triacetin by the action of silver acetate, and hydrolysis (Wurtz, Ann. 102, 340). According to Schorlemmer propylene chloride and i : 2 : 3-trichlorpropane can be obtained by the direct chlorination of propane (Proc. Roy. Soc, 17, 372; Ann. 150, 214; 152, 159), so that generators of the latter (see under n-propyl alcohol [15; A; B; C; D, &c.]) become generators of glycerol. According to Mouneyrat tribrom- hydrin is among the products of the action of bromine on propylene bromide in presence of aluminium bromide (Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 805). The following synthetical products are generators of propylene, and there- fore of glycerol by the above methods : — [B,] Amyl alcohols of fusel oil [22] by passing the vapour through a hot tube (Reynolds, Journ. Ch. Soc, 3, i ii ; Ann, 77, 118; Wurtz, Ann. 104,242), or by pyrogenic contact decomposition (Ipatieff. "Rer. 35, 1053). [C '- and oxalic acids [Vol. II] by ' .^ ci mixture of calcium oxalate H 98 POLYHYDRIC ALCOHOLS [48 C-L. and potassium acetate (Dusart, Ann. 97, 127). Also among the products obtained by passing the vapour of acetic acid over heated zinc dust (Jahn, Ber. 13, 2111). [D.] Ethyl alcohol [14] by the inter- action of zinc ethyl and carhov, tetra- chloride [methane; 1; L; O, &c.] (Beil- stein and Rieth, Ann. 124, 242), or of bromoform and zinc ethyl (Beilstein and Alexejeff, Jahresber. 1864, 470). Also from dichloracetal (Lieben, Ann. 104, 114; Jacobsen, Ber. 4, 217; Pinner, Ber. 5, 148; Krey, Jahresber. 1876, 474) by the action of zinc ethyl (Paternb, Comp. Rend. 77, 458). [E.] Acetone [IO6] through 2 : 2- dichlorpropane by the action of phos- phorus pentachloride (Friedel, Ann. 112, 236) and the action of sodium at 130- 150° (Friedel and Ladenburg, Zeit. [2] 4, 48). Also from 2 : 2-dibrompropane by the same process (Reboul, Ann. Chim. [5] 14, 488). Acetone combines with bromine to form an unstable dibromide (Linnemann, Ann. 125, 307) which gives acrolein [101] on distillation {Ibid. 310) ; or, by the action of iodine trichloride on acetone, diiodacetone is formed (Simpson, Journ. pr. Ch. 102, 380), and this yields acrolein on treatment with silver cyanide {Ibid.). Acrolein when reduced with zinc and hydrochloric acid gives allyl alcohol (Linnemann, Ann. Suppl. 3, 260), and the latter yields glycerol by oxidation with potassium permanganate (Wagner, Ber. 21, 1237). Or allyl alcohol can be converted into allyl iodide (Tollens, Bull. Soc. [2] 9, 3q6), or allyl carbonimide (Cahours and Hofmann, Phil. Trans. 1857, p. ^^^) and allylamine {Ibid. Ann. 102, 301). The latter on acetylation and bromination gives acetyl-^y-dibrompropylamine and the dibrompropylamine by hydrolysis, y-amino-a/3-propyleneglycol by heating the latter with water, and glycerol by the action of nitrous acid (Chiari, Monats. 19,571)- [p.] Butyric and isobutyric [Vol. II] acids ; propylene is among the products of electrolysis of the potassium salts (Bunge, Journ. Russ. Soc. 21, 552; liamonet, Comp. Rend. 123, 252 ; Petersen, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 519). Propylene is also among the products formed by passing butyric acid vapour over heated zinc dust (Jahn, Ber. 13, 2115). [G.] Isovaleric acid [Vol. II] ; pro- pylene is among the products (ethylene, butylene, &c.) formed by passing the vapour through a hot tube (Hofmann, Journ, Ch. Soc. 3, 121) ; also among the products of dry distillation of calcium isovalerate (Dilthey, Ber. 34, 21 15). [H.] Lactic acid [Vol. II] ; propylene is among the products (ethylene, &c.) formed by distilling calcium lactate (Gossin, Bull, Soc. [2] 43, 49). [I.] Azela'ic acid [Vol. II] ; propylene is among the products of distillation with soda-lime (Miller andTschitschkin, Journ. Russ. Soc. 31, 414; Ann. 307, 375)' [J.] Thymol [67] gives propylene on heating with phosphorus pentoxide (Engelhardt and Latschinoff, Zeit. [2] 5, 616). [K.] From acetic acid [Vol. II] and ethyl alcohol [14] through ethoxychlor- acetoacetic ester by the action of sodium on ethylchloracetate in ethereal solution and decomposition of the product by dilute hydrochloric acid (Fittig and Erlenbach, Ann. 269, 15). The ester on heating with dilute hydrochloric acid gives sym- metrical dichloracetone = i : 3-dichlor- propanone (^Ibid. 18), and this yields diiodacetone on heating with potassium iodide solution (Volker, Ann. 192, 89). Diiodacetone can be converted into acro- lein, &c., as under E. Or acetic acid can be converted into chloracetic acid and nitromethane by distilling potassium chloracetate with potassium nitrite (Preibisch, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 8, 316). Nitromethane gives glycerol as below under L. [L.] From methyl alcohol [l3] and formic aldehyde [9l] by converting the alcohol into methyl iodide and nitro- methane by the action of silver nitrite (Bewad, Journ. Russ. Soc. 24, 1 26; Meyer, Ann. 171, 32) ; the sodium or barium compound of nitromethane gives brom- nitromethane by the action of bromine (Tscherniak, Ber. 7, 916; Ann. 180, 128 ; Ber. 30, 2588), and this condenses 48 L-49 A.] GLYCEROL 99 with formic aldehyde (2 mols.) to give trimethylenebromnitrog-lycolj which by reduction yields trimethyleneaminogly- colj and the latter by the action of nitrous acid is converted into glycerol (Henry, Rec. Tr. Ch. 16, 250; Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. 30, 25). Or nitromethane and formic aldehyde may be combined so as to form ' nitro- isobutylglycerol/ (CHg . OH)^ C . NO^ (Henry, loc. cit. ; Piloty and Ruff, Ber. SO, 1656), from which the correspond- ing hydroxylamine derivative can be obtained and converted by oxidation with mercuric oxide into the oxime of dihydroxy acetone. Bromine converts the latter into dihydroxyacetone [l5l], and this by reduction with sodium amalgam in presence of aluminium sulphate gives glycerol (Piloty, Ber. 30, 3161). Note : — Methyl alcohol gives nitromethane also by the interaction of dimethyl sulphate and a nitrite (Kaufler and Pomeranz, Monats. 22, 492). [M.] Citric acid [Vol. II] by the action of sulphuric acid gives acetone- dicarboxylic acid (v. Pechmann, Ber. 17, 2543; Ann. 261, 157: see also Peratoner and Strazzeri, Gazz. 21, 295, and under, orcinol [75 ; C]), which by the action of sodium nitrite yields diisonitro- soacetone (v. Pechmann and Wehsarg, Ber. 19, 2465). The latter on reduction gives diaminoacetone (Gabriel, Ber. 27, 1043; Kalischer, Ber. 28, 1519), which by the action of nitrous acid is con- verted into dihydroxyacetone {Ibid. 152 1 ), and this can be reduced to glycerol as under L above. [N.] llippuric acid [Vol. II] when its ethyl ester is heated with dry sodium ethoxide gives with another product ' dibeuzaminodioxytetrol ■" (Riigheimer, Ber. 21, 3325), which on heating with sulphuric and acetic acids and water yields diaminoacetone {Ibid. 3328). The latter can be converted into dihydroxy- acetone and glycerol as above. The other product, ' a-oxy-/3-benzamino-/3- oxypyrroline,^ also gives diaminoacetone by the same method {Ibid. 22, 1955). [O.] From mannitol [51], which gives acrolein [lOl] among the products of oxidation by sulphuric acid and man- H ganese dioxide (Backhaus, Jahresber. 1860, 522). Subsequent steps through allyl alcohol, &c., as above under E. Or through n-hexane and propylene (as under isopropyl alcohol [I6 ; I]). Note :— All generators of n-hexane (see iinder n-hexyl alcohol [23 ; A, &c.]) thus become generators of glycerol. [P.] Uric acid [Vol. II] gives glycerol among the products of reduction by heating with aqueous hydriodic acid (Strecker, Zeit. [2] 4, 215). [Q.] From isobufyl alcoliol [I8] through isobutyl chloride or bromide. The haloids give propylene among other products when passed over lime heated above 600° (Nef, Ann. 318, 22). Or from isobutyl or tertiary butyl alcohol [19] through isobutylene and propylene (see under isopropyl alcohol [16 ; D ; E]). Isobutyl alcohol gives propylene and isobutylene among the products of partial combustion by air in contact with heated platinum (v. Stepski, Monats. 23, ']'J^). 49. Glycerophosphoric Acid. CH^COH) . CH(OH) . CH2 . . P . 0(0H)2 Natural Sources. Has been found in small quantity in human urine, in certain (animal) gall- stones, in the juices of the spleen and other organs and tissues. In all cases it is probably a product of decomposi- tion of lecithin (Sotnitschewsky, Zeit. physiol. Ch.4,214; Robin, Arch. Pharm. 2,532; Ch. Centr. 1888, 186; Lepine, Eymonnet, and Aubert, Comp. Rend. 98, 238; in leucaemic blood, Salamon and Kossel as quoted by Hammarsten, 'Lehrb. d. physiol. Ch.'' 1895, p. 152). Lecithin, a complex substance related to natural fats and obtained from many animal and vegetable sources, is a choline ester of palmito-stearo-glycerophos- phoric acid. Synthetical Process. [A.] From glycerol [48] by heating with metaphosphoric acid or phosphoric anhydride (Pelouze, Journ. pr. Chem. 100 POLYHYDRIC ALCOHOLS [49 A-50 C. 36, 257 ; Comp. Rend. 21, 720; Fortes and Brunier, Bull. Soc. [3] 13, 96 ; Imber and Belugou, Ibid. 21, 935 : for technical production, Guedras, Monit. Sci. 13,577; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 60.6). 50. Erythritol; Er3rfcIiroglacin ; Erythromannite ; Fhycite ; 1:2:3: 4-Butanetetrol. H H I I HO . HjC— C— C— CHa . OH I I HO HO (Inactive modification). Natural Sources. Occurs in the free state in Proto- coccus vulgaris (Lamy, Ann. Chim. [3] 35, 138 ; 51, 232 ; Comp. Rend. 36, 6^^) and as an ester of a complex acid (orcellic acid) in erytlirin and /3-erythrin, which are found in the lichens UoccelLa iinctoria^ R. montagnei, and R. fiici- formis. (For distribution of erythrin = erythric acid in lichens see also under orcinol [75] : for /3-erythrin see j8-orcinol [77].) Hesse (Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 258) regards erythrin as a con- densation product of erythritol and lecanoric acid. Erythritol has been found in the alga Trentepohlia joUthus (Bamberger and Landsiedl, Monats. 21, 571). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From acetylene and ethylene (see under methane [l ; A ; D, &c.]). When these gases are passed through a hot tube a hydrocarbon is formed which is apparently identical with erythrene or pyrrolylene (divinyl ; 1 : 3-butadiene ; CH2 : CH . CH : CH2) (Berthelot, Ann. Chim. [4] 9, 466), and this can be converted into an unstable dibromide by bromination in chloroform solution at —21°, then into a stable isomeric dibromide which, with silver acetate, forms a diacetin. The latter is again brominated, the dibromdiacetin con- verted into a tetracetin by further treatment with silver acetate, and the product hydrolysed (Griner, Comp. Rend. 116, 723 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 9, 218). When the unstable dibromide is heated to 100° there is formed, with the stable dibromide above referred to, another dibromide which, on oxidation with permanganate, gives the dibrom- hydrin of natural erythritol from which the latter can be obtained through the diacetin and hydrolysis, or by heating the dibromhydrin with potassium hy- droxide and then hydrating the di- hydroxybutane thus obtained by heating with water (Griner, Comp. Rend. 117, ^^T, ; Bull. Soc. [3] 9, 218 ; also Thiele, Ann. 308, ^^^ ; Maquenne and Ber- trand, Comp. Rend. 132, 1565). Or the acetylene and ethylene could be indirectly converted into erythrene through pyrrole as under C, this last compound being formed among other products when a mixture of acetylene, ethylene, and ammonia are passed through a hot tube (Dewar, Proc. Roy. Soc. 26, 6^). [B.j From a7ni/l alcohol [22]. Ery- threne is said to be among the products formed by passing the vapour through a hot tube (Caventou, Ann. 127, 93), or by pyrogenic decomposition by pass- ing the vapour over heated iron (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1053). [C] From succinic acid [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [13] through succinimide (D^Arcet, Ann. Chim. [2] 58, 294; Fehling, Ann. 49, 198; Laurent and Gerhardt, Comp. Rend. d. Travaux de Chim. 1849, 108; Menschutkin, Ann. 162, 165; 187; 182,93; Bogert and Eccles, Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 24, 20), pyrrole [Vol. II] by distilling succinim- ide with zinc dust (Bell, Ber. 13, 877). N-methylpyrrole (C4H4 . N . CH3) by the action of methyl iodide on potassium pyrtole (Ciamician and Dennstedt, Ber. 17, 2951), dihydromethylpyrrole (me- thylpyrroline) by reduction with zinc dust and acetic acid (Ciamician and Magnaghi, Ber. 18, 725 : see also Knorr and Rabe, Ber. 34, 3491 ; Cia- mician, Ibid. 3952), tetrahydromethyl- pyrrole (N-methylpyrrolidine) by further reduction with hydriodic acid and phosphorus (C. and M. Ibid. 2080), the methiodide by addition of methyl iodide, dimethylpyrrolidine (C^H^ . 60 C-E] ERYTHRITOL 101 N[CH3]2) by distilling the methiodide with potassium hydroxide, and dimethyl- pyrrolidine-methiodide (trimethylpyrro- lidine iodide; C^H^. N[CH3]3l) by addition of methyl iodide. The latter compound on distillation with caustic alkali gives (among other products) pyrrolylene or erythrene, which can be treated as under A (Ciamician and Magnaghi, Ber. 18, 2o8i ; 19, 569; Gazz. 15, 504). Or the siaccinimide can be converted into dichlormaleinimide by the action of chlorine at 160° (Ciamician and Silber, Ber. 16, 2393), perch lorpyrrole chloride by the action of phosphorus pentachloride, reduction to tetrachlor- pyrrole with zinc dust and acetic acid, conversion into tetraiodopyrrole by heat- ing with potassium iodide solution, and reduction to pyrrole with zinc dust in alkaline solution [Ibid. 17, 554 ; 19, 3027), and then through N-methyl- pyrrole, &c., as above. Also from succinic acid through methylsuccinimide by distilling the wethylamine [Vol. II] salt (Menschut- kin, Ann. 182, 92), conversion into N-methylpyrrole by distilling with zinc dust, and then as above. Or indirectly from succinic acid through Isevulic acid by heating with acetic anhydride (Fittig, Ber. 30, 3148). From Isevulic acid through N-methylpyrrole, &c., as below under D. Or succinic acid is converted into the anhydride by heating with acetyl chloride, the anhydride into mono- p( dium ethyl ester by treatment with soflimn ethoxide in alcoholic solution, and the ester into succinoyl-ester chloride (carbethoxypropionyl chloride) by the action of phosphorus trichloride. The chloride on treatment with zinc methyl in benzene solution and decom- position of the product with water gives ethyl Isevulate, from which the acid can be obtained by hydrolysis (Blaise, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 641 ; 647). From Isevulic acid as below under D. Succinic ester and methylethyl ketone (from acetic and propionic acids) con- dense under the influence of sodium ethoxide to form y-ethylidene-y-methyl- pyrotartaric acid (CH3 . CH : C[CH3] . CH[COOH] . CH2 . COOH), which gives Isevulic acid on oxidation with potassium permanganate (Stobbe, Stri- gel, and Meyer, Ann. 321, 105). [D.] PVom ethyl alcohol [l4] and acetic acid [Vol. II] by converting the latter into chloracetic ethyl ester (Willm, Ann. Chim. [3] 49, 97 ; Ann. 102, IC9; Conrad, Ann. 188, 3i8), and then into acetylsuccinic ester by the interaction of chloracetic ester and sodio-acetoacetic ester (Conrad, loc. cit.; Rach, Ann. 234, 0^6). Acetylsuccinic ester on boiling with dilute hydro- chloric acid is converted into /3-acetyl- propionic or Isevulic (4-pentanonic) acid (Conrad, Ann. 188, 222; Ber. 11, 2177), the oxime of which (y-isonitrosovaleric acid) is formed by the action of hydr- oxylamine on the ketonic acid (Miiller, Ber. 16, 161 8; Rischbieth, Ber. 20, 2670). The oxime on heating with sulphuric acid forms methylsuccinamie acid (Bredt and Boddinghaus, Ann. 251, 319), and the latter on heating gives methylsuccinimide {Ibid. 320), from which N-methylpyrrole can be obtained by heating with zinc dust as under C. Or sodio-acetoacetic ester and ethyl- ene bromide interact to form brom- ethylacetoacetic ester, which on heating with dilute hydrochloric acid gives acetylpropyl alcohol. The latter gives Isevulic acid on oxidation with chromic acid mixture (Lipp, Ber. 22, 1197). Divinyl is among the products formed by passing the vapour of ethyl alcohol over aluminium powder heated to 580-680° (Ipatieff, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 67, 420). [E.] From isohexoic acid [Vol. II] by long boiling with dilute nitric acid, which gives the anhydride. of a-methyl- hydroxyglutaric acid = 2 : 2-methylpen- tanoldiacid (Bredt, Ber. 14, J 781). This anhydride on heating with sul- phuric acid gives Isevulic acid (Tollens and Block, Ber. 19, 707), which can be treated as under D. The anhydride can also be obtained from isohexoic [isobutylacetic) acid through the anhydride of y-hydroxyiso- hexoic acid by oxidising the former acid with potassium permanganate (Bredt, 102 POLYHYDRIC ALCOHOLS [50 E-G. Ann. 208,59) and boilingtlie y-hydroxy- isohexoic anhydride with dilute nitric acid {Ibid. 62). [P.] From walonic acid [Vol. II] and glycerol [48] through allylmalonic acid by the action of allyl iodide on sodio- malonic ester and hydrolysis (Conrad and Bischoff, Ann. 204, 168), allylacetic acid by heating allylmalonic acid (Ihid. 1 70), and yS-dibromvaleric acid by the addition of broinine (Messerschmidt, Ann. 208, loo). The dibromo-acid on boiling with water gives (with much dihydroxyvaleric acid) Isevulic acid (Fittig and Urban, Ann. 268, 64), which can be treated as under D. Or from malonic acid, glycerol, and methylamine [Vol. II] (with ethyl al- cohol as accessory) through ethyl brom- propyl malonate by the action of trime- thylene bromide (see under propylene glycol [46 ; A]) on sodio-malonic ester. Ethylbrompropyl malonate on bromina- tion gives ethyl- aS-dibrompropyl ma- lonate, and this on treatment with methylamine yields-amethylamide which on hydrolysis gives among other pro- ducts N-methylpyrollidine-2-carboxylic = hygric acid (Willstatter, Ber. 33, 1 1 60; W. and Ettlinger, Ber. 35, 620). The latter on dry distillation yields N- methylpyrollidine (Liebermann and Cy- bulski, Ber. 28, 582), which can be treated as above under C. Malonic acid and acrolein [lOl] from glycerol condense in presence of pyridine to form /3-vinylacrylic acid, and this is reduced by sodium amalgam to allyl- acetic acid (Doebner, Ber. 35, 1136: according to Thiele and Jehl, Ber. 35, 2320, the acid thus formed is /3y-pen- tenoic acid). [G.] From acetic acid [Vol. II], gly- cerol [48], and ethyl alcohol [14] through allylacetoacetic ester by tne action of allyl iodide on sodio-acetoacetic ester (Zeidler, Ann. 187, 33), allylacetic ester by the action of sodium ethoxide [Ibid. 39), allylacetic acid by hydrolysis, and then as under P. Or allylacetoacetic ester can be hydro- lysed to allylacetone (Zeidler, Ann. 187,35; Conrad, Ann. 192, 153; Mer- ling, Ann. 264, 323), which gives lae- vulic acid on oxidation with potassium permanganate (v. Braun and Stechele, Ber. 33, 1472). Or glycerol can be converted into trimethylene bromide (see under propyl- ene glycol [46 ; A]) and the latter con- densed with sodio-acetoacetic ester to form brombutyl methyl ketone (Lipp, Ber. 18, 3278). The latter on decom- position by alkali gives allylacetone (v. Braun and Stechele, /oc. cit. 1473), which can be oxidised to Isevulic acid as above. Or from acetic acid or ethyl acetate and acetone [IO6] through acetylacetone (see under n-primary amyl alcohol [20 ; B ; C]). The latter by the action of ethyl chloracetate on the sodium deri- vative gives ^y3-diacetylpropionic ethyl ester (March, Comp. Rend. 130, 1192), and this on treatment with strong caus- tic soda solution yields Isevulic acid {Ibid. 132, 697).^ Or sodio-acetylacetone and ethyl-a- brompropionate (see under aldehyde [92; E]) interact to form /3/3-diacetyl-a-me- thylpropionic ethyl ester, which is de- composed by alkali as above into Ise- vulic acid and ester (March, loc. cit. 134, 179 : see also Ann. Chim. [7] 26, 395). Also from glycerol through allylamine by the interaction of allyl iodide and silver cyanate, and decomposition of the allyl cyanate with alkali (Cahours and Hofmann, Phil. Trans. 1857, $^^ ; Ann. 102, 301). Allylamine by the action of ethyl iodide gives ethylallylamine (Rinne, Ann. 168, 261), and the vapour of the latter yields (among other pro- ducts), when passed over heated lead oxide, pyrrole (Konigs, Ber. 12, 2344), which can be treated as under C. Or from glycerol through allyl al- cohol, allyl chloride (Tollens, Ann. 156, 154; Eltekoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 14, 394), and trimethylene-chlorobromide= I : 3-chlorbrompropane (Reboul, Ann. Chim. [5] 14, 487). The latter by the action of potassium cyanide gives y-chlorbutyronitrile (Henry, Bull. Soc. [2] 45, 341; Gabriel, Ber. 23, 1771), and the chlornitrile by interaction with sodium phenolate yields y-phenoxy- butyronitrile (Gabriel, Ber. 24, 3231), which by reduction with sodium in 50 G-V.] ERYTHRITOL 103 alcohol gives 8-phenoxybutylamine, and the latter on heating" with strong hydro- chloric acid at 180-185° 8-chlorbutyl- amine {Ibid. 3232). On distilling the amine with potash solution pyrrolidine is formed {Ibid. 3234 ; Schlinck, Ber. 32, 1025) and the latter might be methy- lated and treated as above under C. Or from glycerol through allyl alcohol (see under ethyl alcohol [l4 ; G-]), which probably gives divinyl among the pro- ducts of pyrogenic contact decomposition (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1054). [H.] From lavtdose [155] through Isevulic acid by boiling with dilute sulphuric acid (Grote and Tollens, Ann. 175, 181) and subsequent treatment as under D, [I.] Mannose [l56] gives Isevulic acid when its phenylhydrazone is heated with hydrochloric acid (Fischer and Hirschberger, Ber. 22, 370). [J.] From dextrose [154] through saccharic acid by oxidation with nitric acid or bromine (Trommsdorff, Ann, 8, "^6 ; Guerin-Varry, Ann. Chim. [3] 49,280; 52,318; 65,332; Herzfeld, Ann. 220, 352 ; Tollens, Ann. 249, 218). Ammonium saccharate gives pyrrole on distillation (Bell and Lapper, Ber. 10, 1962), and this can be con- verted into dimethylpyrrolidine, &c., as under C. Or from dextrose through gluconic acid [Vol. II], d-arabinose, and d- erythrose (see under latter [152 ; D]). The latter gives i-erythritol on reduc- tion with sodium amalgam (RufP, Ber. 32, 3677). [K.] From diethylamine [Vol. II]. Pyrrole is formed when the vapour is passed through a hot tube (Bell, Ber. 10, 1868), and can be treated as under C. [L.] From glutamic acid [Vol. II] by converting the acid into pyroglu- tamic acid by heating to 190°, the latter on further heating giving pyrrole (Haitinger, Monats. 3, 228). [M.] From piperidine [Vol. II] through dimethylpiperidine by heating the hydrochloride with methyl alcohol at 250° and decomposition of the ammonium chloride derivative by silver oxide, &c. (Ladenburg, Ber. 16, 2057; Ladenburg, Mugdan, and Brzostovicz, Ann. 279, 344). Di- methylpiperidine hydrochloride when treated with hydrogen chloride at 220° is converted into dimethylpyrrolidine (Ladenburg, Mugdan, and Brzostovicz, loc. cit. : also Merling, Ann. 264, 310), which can be converted into erythrene as under C, &c. [N.] Bimetliynieptenol [35] gives Ise- vulic acid among the products of its oxidation by chromic acid mixture (Bar- bier, Comp. Rend. 126, 1424). [O.] From crotonic aldehyde [102] and hydrogen cyanide [l72]. The cyanhydrin of crotonic aldehyde hydrolyses to a- hydroxypentenoic acid [CHg . CH : CH . CH(OH) . COOH], and this on heating with dilute hydrocnloric acid undergoes (isomeric) transformation into Isevulic acid (Fittig, Ber. 29, 2582 : see also Lobry de Bruyn, Bull. Soc. [2] 42, 159; Fittig, Ann. 299, i). [P.] From furfural [126] through pyromucic acid by oxidation (Schwanert, Ann. 114, 6^ ; 116, 257 ; Volhard, Ann. 261, 379). The acid on heating with lime and ammonio-zinc chloride gives pyrrole (Canzoneri and Oliveri, Gazz. 16, 487). From pyrrole to erythrene as above under C. [Q.] Methylheptenone [ill] on oxida- tion with potassium permanganate gives a ketone glycol which, on further oxida- tion with chromic and sulphuric acid, yields (with acetone) Isevulic acid (Tie- mann and Semmler, Ber. 28, 2128). [R.] From d-erythrose [l52] by re- duction as above under J. [S.] Azela'ic acid [Vol. II] gives ery- threne among the products of its dis- tillation with soda-lime (Miller and Tschitschkin, Journ. Russ. Soc. 31, 414 ; Ann. 307, 375). [T.] From gluconic acid [Vol. II] through d-arabinose and d-erythrose as above under J. [U.] From pyrrole [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [l3] as above under C. [v.] Isopropyl alcohol [16] gives divinyl (erythrene) among the products of pyrogenic contact decomposition (Ipa- tieff, Ber. 35, 1056). Note : — The biochemical product, d-erythru- lose [152], obtained from i-erythritol by the action of the sorbose Bacterium, gives with the 104. POLYHYDRIC ALCOHOLS [50-51. above i-erythritol, another modification, d-ery- thritol :— H OH I I HO . H,C . C . C . CH2 . OH I I H HO on reduction (Bertrand, Comp. Rend. 130, 1472). A partial synthesis of l-erythritol start- ing from 1-xylose has been effected by Maquenne (Comp. Kend. 130, 1402). 51. Manuitol ; 1 :2:3:4:5:6- Eexauehexol. H H HO HO I I I I HO. H^C-C— C— C-C— CHa. OH I I I I HOHO H H (Dextro-modification). Natural Soueces. Mannitol is widely distributed through- out the vegetable kingdom. Occurs in ' manna/ the thickened sap of the manna ash, Fraxinus ornus = Ornus europcea and 0. rotundifolia (Proust, Ann. Chim. 57, 143 ; Tanret, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 947); in Australian manna from iVlyoporum platycarpum (Fliickiger, Ch. Zeit. 18, 185) ; in root of monkshood, Aconitum napellus (Smith, Jahresber. 1850, ^'^^) ; in celery, Apium graveolens (Payen, Ann. 12, 60 ; Monteverde, Ann. Agronom. 19, 444), parsley (Monte- verde, loc. cit.), and pomegranate root (Boutron-Charlard and Guillemette, Joum. Pharm. 21, 169) ; in leaves and twigs of lilac, Syringa v^^lgaris (Roussin, Jahresber. 1851, 550 ; Ludwig, Ibid. 1857, 503 : see also Monteverde, loc. cit.) ; in bark of Canella alba (Meyer and Reiche, Ann. 47, 234 ; Petroz and Robiquet, Joum. Pharm. 8, 198), and of ash, Fraxinus excelsior (Rochleder and Schwarz, Ann. 87, 186). Mannitol exists also in the sap of Coniferse such as Pinus and Abies, &c. (Kachler, Monats. 7, 410) ; in coffee berries (Boussingault, Comp. Rend. 91, 639) and berries of Ephedra distachya (Meunier, Ann. Chim. [6] 22, 412) ; in fruit of cherry laurel,Prz/«?^* laurocerasus (Vincent and Delachanal, Comp. Rend. 114, 486) ; in olives (De Luca, Jahres- ber. 1861, 740 ; 1862, 505 ; Bull. Soc. 1863, 372) ; in pine-apple (Lindet, Ibid. [2] 40, 6^), and in the fruit of Cactus opuntia (Berthelot, Ann. Chim. [3] 46, 66). The 'manna'' of olives is an exudation resulting from a bacterial disease of the cambium layer and con- tains 52 per cent, of mannitol (Trabut and Schweinfurth, Comp. Rend. 132, 225 : see also Battandier, Journ. Pharm. [6] 13, 177). Mannitol occurs in the cambium layer of larch, Larix europcea, and other Coni- ferse ; in the water dropwort, (Enanthe crocata ; in Meum athamaiiticum ; Foly- podium vulgare ; Scorzonera hispjanica ; Triticum, repens ; root-bark of Punica granatum ; in leaves of privet, Ligustrum vulgare ; in fruit of Laurus persea^ and in leaves of the cocoanut palm, Cocos nucifera (Watts^s Diet. Morley and Muir, III, 189). Mannitol occurs also in the tubercles of Cyclamen europmim (De Luca, Comp. Rend. 47, 295 ; 87, 297 ; Bull. Soc. [2] 32, 417). The mannitol complex ap- pears to be contained in cyclamin, the glucoside occurring in this and other species of Cyclamen and in Primulacese. Mannitol has been found in certain Scrophulariacese (272 species) of the genera Rhinanthus and Euphrasia and in some Orobancheaceae, Oleacese, and Um- belliferse (Monteverde, Ann. Agronom. 19, 444 ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 66, II, abst. 25) ; in leaves and bark of Genipa bra si- nensis (Kwasnik, Ch. Zeit. 16, 109) ; in leaves and bark of Basanacaritha spinosa,y2kr.ferox (Griitzner and Pecholt, Arch. Pharm. 233, i) ; in leaves of Catha edulis (Beitler, Ibid. 239, 17); in sap of the sea buckthorn, Hippophae rhamnoides (Erdmann, Ber. 32, ^^S"^- A true manna found on Andropogon annulatus contains 58 per cent, manni- tol (Baker and Smith, Journ. and Proe. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, 30, 291). The lichens Physcia [Xanthoria) parietina and Callopisma vitellinum contain mannitol (Zopf, Ann. 300, 354 ; for the former Zopf quotes Lilienthal). Mannitol occurs in algae and fungi: — Lami7iaria saccharina (Stenhouse, Ann. 51, 349 ; Pussula Integra ( = Agaricus integer) to the extent of 20 per cent. (Thorner, Ber. 12, 1635) ; Lactariiis 61-A.] MANNITOL 105 pallidus, L. pyrogallus, L. vellevreus, L. iurjjis, L. piperatus, L. controversus, &e. (Bourquelot, Comp. Rend. 108, 568) ; Boletus and Amanita sp., Pholiota radi- cosa, Hj/pholoma fascicular e [Ibid. Ill, ^"jS); Blaphomi/ces granulatus (Bissinger, Arch. Pharm. [3] 21, 321); also in erg-otised rye (Pelouze and Liebig", Comp. Rend. 3, 418; Ann. Chim. [3] 63, 113: for occurrence of mannitol in algEB, fungij &c., see also Braconnot, Ann. Chim. [i] 79,265; 80,272; 87, 237 ; Vauquelin, Ibid. 85, 5 ; Knop and Schnedermann, Ann. 49, 293 ; Journ. pr. Ch. 32, 411 ; Dopping and Schloss- berger, Ann. 52, 117; Miintz, Comp. Rend. 76, 649; 79, 11 82; 82, 210; Ann. Chim. [5] 8, ^6 ; Ferry, Ch. Centr. 1889, 1, 541 ; 1891, 1, 220). The alcoholic extract of Agaricus campestris contains mannitol (Zega, Ch. Zeit. 24, 285). The mould Penicillium glaucum can under certain conditions produce man- nitol as a product of metabolism (Miintz ; see Klocker's ' Garungsorganismen, &c.'' p. 229). _ ^ Mannitol is formed during the lactic fermentation of sugar (Liebig, Jahres- ber. 1847-48, 466 ; Strecker, Ann. 92, 80 ; Pasteur, Jahresber. 1857, 5 1 1 ; DragendorfF, Ibid. 1879, 854 ; Arch. Pharm. [3] 15, 47), and also during the viscous or mucous fermentation of sugar (Pasteur, Jahresber. 1861, 728; Bull. Soc. 1861, 30; Journ. Pharm. [3] 39, 433). The sugar in wine is con- verted into mannitol during the de- generation known as ' bittering ' (Basile, Staz. Sper. Agrar. 26, 451 ; Gayon and Dubourg, Ann. Inst. Past. 8, 1894; Laborde, Comp. Rend. 126, 1223). This mannitol fermentation is an anaerobic process (Peglion, Centr. Bakter. II, 4, 73) and the ferment can produce mannitol from Isevulose only (Gayon and Dubourg, loc. cit. 15, 527)- Reducing micro-organisms generally may give rise to mannitol during the fermentation of sugars, especially under anaerobic conditions. Thus, many fer- mented liquors from various fruits, &c., may contain mannitol (Vauquelin and Fourcroy, Ann. Chim. [i] 65, 161 ; Pelouze, Ibid. [%] 47, 409 ; Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 41, 392 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 46, 66; Scheibler, Ber. 6, 612; Gui- bourt, Ann. Chim. [2] 16, 371 ; Mar- cano, Comp. Rend. 108, 955 ; Carles, Ibid. 112, 811 ; Blarez, Journ. Pharm. [5] 27, 260; Roos, Ch. Centr. 1893, 1, 1098 ; Malbot, Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 87 ; 176; 413; Jandrier, Comp. Rend. 117, 498). Mannitol has been found in beet- sugar molasses (Margueritte ; quoted by Maquenne, ^Les Sucres, &c.' p. 131 : also Scheibler, Ibid.; and v. Lippmann, Ber. 25, 3216). The mannitol is produced in this case from sugar by Leticonostoc wesenterioides (Greig-Smith and Steel, Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 21, 1386). JBa~ ci llus gummosKs Tproduces mannitol from sugar (Happ ; quoted by Emmerling, 'Die Zersetzung, &e.^ p. 91). Mannitol has been found in the urine of dogs after giving morphia or after feeding with rye bread (JafPe, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 7, 297). The mannitol in the last case may have been derived directly from the bread. Synthetical Pkocesses. [A.] Formic aldehyde [9l] in contact with lime water or a mixture of mag- nesia, magnesium sulphate, and lead gives a syrupy mixture containing a- acrose = i-fructose (Loew, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 33, 321, 34, 51; Fischer, Ber. 21, 989; Fischer and Passmore, Ber. 22, 359 ; Loew, ibid. 475 : see also ButlerofP, Ann. 120, 295 ; Tollens, Ber. 15, 1629; 16, 1917; Wehmer and Tollens, Ber. 19, 707 and 2135). On treatment with phenylhydrazine the a-acrosazone is obtained (Fischer), and this by the action of strong hydrochloric acid furnishes the corresponding a-acros- one (Fischer and Tafel, Ber. 22, 98). The latter by reduction with zinc dust and acetic acid gives i-fructose which, by reduction with sodium amalgam, is converted into i-mannitol = a-acritol (Fischer and Tafel, Ber. 22, 100) ; the i-mannitol by oxidation with dilute nitric acid gives i-mannose (Fischer, Ber. 23, 390), and by further oxidation with bromine i-mannonic acid. The 106 POLYHYDRIC ALCOHOLS [51 A-52. latter by fractional crystallisation of the morphine or strychnine salt is re- solved into d- and 1-mannonic acids. The d-acid on reduction with sodium amalgam in acid solution gives (l-ma7i- nose [156], and by further reduction of the latter with sodium amalgam in alkaline solution d-mannitol (Fischer and Hirschberger, Ber. 21, 1 8o8 : see also Ber. 23, 2133). [B.] Glycerol [48] when heated with dehydrating agents, such as acid potas- sium sulphate, yields acrolein [lOl] (Redtenbacher, Ann.47, I20j Aronstein, Ann. Supp. 3, 1 80 ; Van Romburgh, Bull. Soc. [a] 36, 550 ; Griner, Ann. Chim. [6] 26, 367 ; Wohl and Neuberg, Ber. 32, 1352), which combines with bromine to form acrolein bromide = 2 : 3-di- brompropionic aldehyde (Aronstein, loc. cit. 185; Henry, Ber. 7, iii2; Linne- mann and Penl, Ber. 8, 1097). The latter on treatment with baryta water gives a product from which the osazone of a-acrose can be isolated (Fischer and Tafel, Ber. 20, 109a; 3566) and con- verted into mannitol as under A. Glycerol can also be directly oxidised by means of bromine in presence of sodium carbonate solution (Fischer and Tafel, Ber. 20, 3385), the 'glycerose' thus obtained giving rise by the action of alkali to a mixture of sugars from which a-acrose can be isolated and treated as above. Note : — According to Neuberg (Ber. 35, 2632) acrose partly consists of d-fructose. Glycerose is a mixture of dihydroxyacetone and glyceric aldehyde, the former predominating (see under dihydroxyacetone [151 ; D]). [C] Acetone [IO6] gives a dibromide (CgHgO . Brg) by the action of bromine, this compound on distillation giving acrolein (Linnemann, Ann. 125, 310), which can be converted into a-acrose, &c., as under B. [D.] From dextrose [l54] by reduc- tion with sodium amalgam (Dewar, Phil. Mag. 4, 39 ; Adrian Brown, Trans. Ch. Soc. 51, 642; Bouchardat, Bull. Soc. [2] 16, 38). The yield is small. [E.] From IfBvulose [155] by reduc- tion with sodium amalgam (Krusemann, Ber. 9, 1465 ; Fischer, Ber. 23, 3684). The yield is 30-40 per cent, of the Isevulose, about 50 per cent, of sorbitol being formed simultaneously. [F.] From mannose [l56] through Isevulose (see under sorbitol [52; C]), and then as above under E. [G.] From tartaric acid [Vol. II] through dihydroxymaleic acid by oxida- tion with hydrogen peroxide in presence of ferrous salts. The acid referred to decomposes in aqueous solution with the formation of glycollic aldehyde, and the latter, on heating in vacuo at 100°, polymerises to a mixture of a- and j8- acrose (Fenton, Trans. Ch. Soc. 65, 899; 67,48; 774; 69,546; 71,375; Jackson, Knd. 77, 129). The polymeri- sation of the aldehyde takes place in presence of dilute caustic soda at 0° (Jackson, loc. cit.). [H.] From acefal [93] through gly- collic aldehyde (see under furfural [126 ; P]), and then as above. [I.] From etki/l alcohol [14] through glycollic aldehyde . (see under furfural [126 ; G]), and then as above. [J.] From choline [Vol. II] through glycollic aldehyde (see under furfural [126 ; H]), and then as above. [K.] Gluconic acid [Vol. II] has been said to give mannitol on reduction with sodium amalgam in acid solution (v. Wachtel ; Tollens, ' Kohlenhydrate,' II, 282; Fischer, Ber. 23, 930 : see also Herzfeld, Ann. 220, '^'^S). 52. Sorbitol ; Hexauehexol. HOH HO HO I I I I HO . H.C-C-C-C-C-CH^ . OH I I I I H HOH H (Dextro-modifieation). Natural Sources. In berries of mountain-ash (Boussin- gault, Ann. Chim. [4] 26, 376 ; Hitze- mann and Tollens, Ber. 22, 1048) ; in apples, pears, medlars, plums, and cherries (Vincent and Delachanal, Comp. Rend. 108, 354; 109, 676; 114, 486 ; Bull. Soc. [2] 34, 218), and in beet-sugar molasses (v. Lippmann, Ber. 25, 3216). 52-54.] SORBITOL Sorbitol is converted into sorbose, the hexose (ketose) from mountain- ash berries, by the action of a Bacferinm (Bertrand, Comp. Rend. 122, 900; 126, 653). The sorbose Bacterium of Bertrand is, as suspected by this author, J3. xylinum of A. J. Brown (Emmerling, Ber. 32, 541). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From dextrose [154] by reduction with sodium amalgam (Meunier, Comp. Rend. Ill, 49). Mannitol is formed to some extent [51 ; D]. [B.] From lavulose [155] by reduc- tion with sodium amalgam (Fischer, Ber. 23, 3684 : see also under manni- tol [51; E]). [C] Mannose [l56] with phenyl- hydrazine in excess gives glucosazone (Fischer, Ber, 20, 831; Fischer and Hirschberger, Ber. 21, 1805; 22, 365; 1 155; Reiss, Uid. 609), and this on heating with fuming hydrochloric acid yields the osone (Fischer, Ber, 21, 3631 ; 22, 88 j 23, 2120). The latter on reduction with zinc and acetic acid gives IfBvnIose [l55] (Fischer, Ber. 23, 2121), which can be reduced to sorbitol as above under B. lor 53. Mannoheptol ; Ferse'itol ; Heptaneheptol. H H HO HO I I I I HO . H,C . CH(OH)-C— C-C-C— CHa . OH I I I I HOHOH H or H H HO HO I I I I HO . HjC . C-C— C-C— CH(OH) . CH, . OH I I I I HOHOH H (Dextro-modification). Natural Source. In fruit, seeds, and leaves of Laurus persea (Avequin, 1831 ; Melsens, Ann. Chim. [2] 72, 109 ; Miintz and Mar- cano, Comp. Rend. 99, 38 ; Ann. Chim. [6] 3, 279; Maquenne, Comp. Rend. 107, 583 ; Ann. Chim. [6] 19, 5). Synthetical Process. [A.] From formic aldehyde [9l] or glycerol [48] through d-mannose as under mannitol [51 ; A]. The d-man- nose forms a cyanhydrin by the action of hydrogen cyanide [172], which hydro- lyses to d-mannoheptonic acid (Fischer and Hirschberger, Ber. 22, 370; Fischer and Passmore, I3er. 23, 2226). The anhydride (lactone) of this acid reduces to d -mannoheptol by the action of sodium amalgam (Fischer, Ber. 23, 936 J Fischer and Passmore, ibid. 2231). AROJMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS. 54. Benzyl Alcohol ; Fhenylcarbinol ; Fhenemethylol. CH2 . OH Natural Sources. Occurs as benzoate in Peru balsam from ]\1yroxylo7i {Tohifera) pereiree, San Salvador ; as cinnamic ester in this balsam and in liquid storax from Liquidambar orientalis. As benzoate and cinnamate in tolu balsam from Myroxylon toluiferxim, New Granada, Venezuela, Brazil, and Ecuador (Schar- ling, Ann. 97, 168 ; Kraut, Ann. 107, 208; 109, 255; 152, 129; Strecker, Jahresber. 1868, 566 ; Laubenheimer, Ann. 164, 289 ; Busse, Ber. 9, 830 ; Erdmann, Pharm. Journ. 65, 387 ; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 1140). The alcohol is said to occur in small quantity in the free state in Peru bal- sam (Kraut, Ann. 152, 129: compare Thorns, Arch. Pharm. 237, 271). Ben- zyl alcohol has been found in the volatile oil of the cherry laurel, Prunvs 103 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [54 B. laurocerasus (Tilden, Pharm. Journ. [3] 5, 761). Benzyl acetate is the chief constituent of the ethereal oil of jasmine from Jasminnm grandijiorum (Hesse and Miiller, Ber. 32, 565 ; 765 ; Hesse, Ibid. 1611; 33,1585; 34,291; 2916: see also E. Erdmann, Ber. 34, 2281). The free alcohol occurs also in this oil (Hesse and Miiller, loc. cit., ']6$ ; Hesse, Ibid. 2619; Ch. Ind. 25, i). The lower boiling fraction of the oil of cassia flowers from Acacia farnesiana probably contains benzyl alcohol (Schim- meFs Ber. April, 1901). The alcohol lias been found in considerable quantity in the distillation water from ylang- essence (v. Soden and Rojahn, Ber. 34, 2809). It is contained in this last oil probably as benzyl salicylate and benzoate (Schimmel^s Ber. Oct. 1901). The chief constituent of the oil of Gardenia is benzyl acetate (Parone, Boll. Chim. Farm. 41, 489; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 703). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From acetylene through benzene (see under cymene [6; A]). Benzene can be converted into toluene by treat- ing brombenzene and methyl iodide with sodium (Fittig and Tollens, Ann. 131, 303), or by passing methyl chloride into benzene containing aluminium chloride (Friedel and Crafts, Ann. Chim. [6] 1, 460 ; 11, 264). Toluene gives benzyl alcohol among the pro- ducts of its oxidation by manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid (Weiler, Ber. 33, 464), and benzyl acetate by oxida- tion with chromic acid or potassium permanganate in acetic acid solution (Boedtker, Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 843). Toluene is converted into benzyl chloride by passing chlorine into the boiling liquid (Cannizzaro, Ann. Chim. [3] 45, 468 ; Beilstein and Geitner, Ann. 139, 337 : see also Lauth and Grimaux, Bull. Soc. [2] 7, 105), or at ordinary temperatures by chlorinating in sunlight (Schramm, Ber. 18, 608). Benzyl chloride can be converted into benzyl alcohol by treatment with potassium acetate and subsequent hydro- lysis (Cannizzaro, Ann. 96, 246 ; Seelig, tfourn. pr. Ch. [2] 39, 167), by heating with a solution of potassium carbonate (Meunier, Bull. Soc. [2] 38, 159), with water and lead hydroxide (Lauth and Grimaux, Ann. 143, 81), or with water only (Niederist, Ann. 196, '^f^'^- Ben- zyl acetate is formed by the interaction of benzyl chloride and lead acetate (Bodroux, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 288). Also from acetylene through ethylene (see under ethyl alcohol [14; A]), ethy- lene chloride, vinyl chloride by alcoholic potash (Regnault, Ann. 14, 28), and chloracetaldehyde by the action of mercuric oxide on vinyl chloride (Glin- sky, Zeit. [2] 3, 678 ; 4, 617 ; 6, 647). The aldehyde by treatment with hydro- gen cyanide [l72] and hydrochloric acid gives ^-chlorlactic acid {Ibid. [2] 6, 515; Frank, Ann. 206, 344), which is converted by silver oxide into glyceric acid (Frank, loc. cit. 348). The latter gives pyrotartaric acid as under F, citrabrompyrotartaric acid and allylene as under W, mesitylene, uvitic acid, and toluene as under D. Note : — All generators of ethylene thus be- come generators of toluene and of benzyl alcohol. [B.] Benzoic aldehyde [114] on treat- ment with caustic alkali gives benzyl alcohol and benzoic acid (Cannizzaro, Ann. 88, 129; Meyer, Ber. 14, 2394; Kohn and Trantom, Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 1155; Raikoff and Raschtanoff, Ch. Centr. 1902, 1, 1212), or benzyl alcohol by reduction with sodium amal- gam (Friedel, Jahresber. 1862, 263; Bull. Soc. 1862, 18). Also from benzoic aldehyde through toluene by heating with hydriodic acid (Berthelot, Jahres- ber. 1867, 346), and then as under A. Or benzaldoxime or hydrazone gives benzylamine on reduction with sodium amalgam and acetic acid, or by electro- lysis (Goldschmidt, Ber. 19, 3232; Tafel, Ibid. 1928; Tafel and Pfeffer- mann, Ber. 35, 15 10). Benzylamine may be converted into benzyl alcohol by the action of nitrous acid (see Curtius, Ber. 17, 958). Note: — For generators of benzylamine see also under benzyl mustard oil [169]. 54 C-F.J BENZYL ALCOHOL 109 [C] Benzoic acid [Vol. II] g-ives benzyl alcohol on reduction with sodium amalgam (Herrmann^ Ann. 132^ 76 ; 133,335). Benzoyl chloride by reduction with sodium amalg-am in presence of hydro- gen chloride, or by reduction with sodium amalgam alone in moist ethereal solution, gives benzyl alcohol (Lipp- mann, Zeit. [2] 1, 700; Bull. Soc. [2] 4, 249 ; W. H. Perkin, junr., and Sud- borough, Proc. Ch. Soc. 10, 216). The following synthetical products are generators of toluene, and therefore of benzyl alcohol under A : — Generators of Toluene through Mesitylene and Uvitic Acid. [D.] Acetone [l03] on treatment with sulphuric acid condenses to mesitylene (Kane, Phil. Trans. 44, 474 ; Hofmann, Journ. Ch. Soc. 2, 104; Cahours, Comp. Eend. 24, 255 ; Varenne, Bull. Soc. [2] 40, 266 ; Fittig and Briickner, Ann. 147, 42 ; Orndorff and Young, Am. Ch, Journ. 15, 249 ; Meyer and Molz, Be?. 29, 2831 ; Lucas, ibid. 2884; Kiister and Stallberg, Ann. 278, 210 ; Noyes, Am. Ch. Journ. 20, 807). Mesitylene on oxidation with nitric acid gives uvitic acid (Fittig and V. Furtenbach, Zeit. [2] 4, I ; Ann. 147, 295), and the latter on distillation with soda-lime yields toluene (Baeyer, Zeit. [2] 4, 119). [E.] Normal and isopropyl alcohols [15 ; 16] through propylene (see under glycerol [48 ; A]), propylene bromide, allylene by the action of alcoholic potash on the latter (Markownikoff, Ann. 118, 332 : see also Valentin, Ber. 28, 2664), mesitylene by the action of sulphuric acid on allylene (Schrohe, Ber. 8, 1 7 ; Michael, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 60, 441), and then as under D. Or indirectly through propylene brom- ide and cyanide, pyro tartaric acid by hydrolysis of the latter (Simpson, Ann. 121, 161), and then through citrabrom- pyrotartaric acid as under N and ally- lene as under M. Propylene also forms a compound with mercuric sulphate in acid solution which readily decomposes with the for- mation oi acrolein [lOl] (Deniges,Comp. Kend. 126, 1145). The latter oxidises readily to acrylic acid, which can be converted into a-chlorlactic acid, glyceric acid, pyrotartaric or pyroraeemic acid, allylene, &c. (see under P, I, M). Note : — All the generators of propylene re- ferred to under glycerol [48 ; B ; C ; D ; E ; F ; G, &c.] can be regarded as sources of allyl- ene as above. [P.] Glycerol [48] gives rise to allyl alcohol or iodide (see under ethyl alco- hol [14 ; G] and under isobutyl alcohol [18 ; Dl), either of which can be con- verted mto allyl chloride (Oppenheira, Ann. 140, 205 ; Tollens, Ann. 156, 154; EltekofP, Journ. Buss. Soc. 14, 394). The latter on heating with strong aqueous hydrochloric acid at 100° gives propylene chloride (Reboul, Ann. Chim. [5] 14, A^"^} which by the action of alcoholic potash yields a mixture of a- and ^chlorpropylene {Iljid., loc. cit. 460^ the latter on further treatment >mh alcoholic potash giving allylene / (Friedel, Ann. 134, 262), which can be converted into mesitylene and toluene as under E and D. Or the allyl iodide can be converted into allyl cyanide by the action of potassium, cyanide [l72] (Claus, Ann. 131, 58 ; Rinne and Tollens, Ann. 159, 106), and then into a-crotonic acid by heating with potash solution (Will and Korner, Ann. 125, 273). The crotonic acid can be converted into allylene as under G. Or the allyl iodide can be converted into pyrotartaric (methylsuccinic) acid by heating with alcoholic potassium cyanide and decomposition of the product with potash (Claus, Ann. 191, "i^"] ; Ber. 5, 612; Euler, Ber. 28, 2952). The pyrotartaric acid can be converted into citrabrompyrotartaric acid and then into allylene as under N. Glycerol on oxidation with nitric acid (Debus, Phil. Mag. [4] 15, 195 ; Ann. 106, 79 ; Sokoloff, Ibid. 95 ; Mulder, Ber. 9, 1902; Beilstein, Ann. 120, 226), with bromine and water (Barth, Ann. 124, 341) or mercuric oxide in presence of barium hydroxide (Born- stein, Ber. 18, 3357) gives glyceric acid which on dry distillation yields, among other products, pyrotartaric acid (Mol- 110 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [54 F-H. denhauer, Ann. 131, 337 ; 339 ; Bot- tinger, Ann. 196, 92), which can be treated as above. Glyceric acid also gives among the products of its dis- tillation (with acid potassium sul- phate) pyroracemic acid (Moldenhauer, Ann. 131, ^^^y; Bottinger, Ann.196, 93), which can be converted into uvitic acid, &c., as under I. (For preparation of glyceric acid from glycerol by oxidising with nitric acid in presence of red lead see Zinno, Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 26 ; also Wohlk, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 61, 200 : by alkaline silver chloride, Cazeneuve, Bull. Soc. [3] 15, 763.) Or from glycerol through epichlor- hydrin by the action of hydrochloric acid (Berthelot, Ann. 92, 302 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 41, 299 ; Hiibner and Miiller, Zeit. [2] 6, 344 ; Watt, Ber. 5, 257 ; Beboul, Ann. SuppL 1, 221 j Tollens and Miinder, Zeit. [2] 7, 252 ; Prevost, Journ. pr. Ch, [2] 12, 160 ; Claus, Ber. 10, 557 ; Cloez, Ann. Chim. [6] 9, T45). Epichlorhydrin condenses with hydrogen cyanide [172] to form a nitrile which gives crotonic acid on reduction with hydriodic acid (Lespieau, Comp. Bend. 127, 965 ; 129, 224). Or from glycerol through acrolein [101] (see under mannitol [51 ; B]), acrylic acid (Wohlk, Journ, pr. Ch. [2] 61, 200), a-chlorlactic, glyceric, pyro- tartaric acids, and allylene as above under ^ E. Or from acrolein through ^-chlor- propionic aldehyde and acid and acrylic acid (Geuther and Cartmell, Ann. 112, 3; Krestownikoff, Jahresber. 1880,696; Wohlk, loc. cit.). Or from glycerol through allyl alco- hol (see under ethyl alcohol [l4 ; G]), o/3-dibrompropyl alcohol, a^-dibrom- propionic acid and acrylic acid (Biil- mann and Wohlk, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 61, 199 ; 215), and then as above. Or from fi/3-dibrompropionic acid to gly- ceric acid as under O below. Or from allyl alcohol through glyoxal (172 ; BB), and, by means of hydrogen cyanide [172], the nitrile of pyroracemic acid as below under H. [G-.] Malonic acid [Vol. II], paralde- hyde (by polymerisation of acetaldehyde [92]), and glacial acetic acid [Vol. II] when heated to 100° give a-crotonic (2-butenoic) acid (Komnenos, Ann, 218, 149). The latter combines with hypo- chlorous acid to form a-chlor-/3-hydroxy- butyric acid (Erlenmeyer and Miiller, Ber. 15, 49; Melikoff, Ann. 234, 198). This acid on heating with strong aqueous hydrochloric acid at 100° gives a/3-di- chlorbutyric acid (Melikoff, loc. cit. 201), which, by heating with excess of aqueous alkali, yields a-chlorisopropyl- ene (Wislicenus, Ann. 248, 297). The latter on heating with alcoholic potash gives allylene which can be treated as above. Or crotonic acid (ester) is condensed by sodium ethoxide to form dicrotonic ester from which the acid can be ob- tained by hydrolysis. Dicrotonic acid gives on oxidation with alkaline per- manganate methylsuccinic = pyrotar- taric acid (v. Pechmann, Ber. 33, 3323), which can be converted into allylene, &c., as under N below. Or malonic acid (ester) can be con- verted into methylmalonic ester by sodium and methyl iodide. The sodium derivative of methylmalonic ester inter- acts with ethyl chloracetate to form a propanetricarboxylic ester, the acid ( = a-methylethenyltricarboxylic acid) from which gives pyrotartaric acid on hydrolysis (Bischoff and Kuhlberg, Ber. 23, 635). Or from diethyl malonate, aldehyde, and acetic anhydride through ethyli- denemalonic ester, /3-cyanobutyric acid, and pyrotartaric acid (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; T]). [H.] Acetic aldehyde [92] by the action of chlorine gives butyrochloral = 2:2: 3-trichlorbutanal (Kramer and Pinner, Ber. 3, 383 ; Pinner, Ann, 179, 26), which, by oxidation with nitric acid, yields ao/3-trichlorbutyric acid (Kramer and Pinner, loc. cit. 389 ; Judson, Ber. 3,785; Garzarolli,Ann,182,i8j), The latter on reduction with zinc and water (Sarnoff, Ann. 164, 93) gives a-chlor- crotonic acid, which, by heating with aqueous hydrochloric acid, yields a/3- dichlorbutyric acid (Merlikoff, Ann. 234, 201). The latter can be converted into allylene, &c., as under G. aa/3-Trichlorbutyric acid also decom- poses on heating the aqueous solution 54 H-I.J BENZYL ALCOHOL 111 of the sodium salt with the formation of aa-dichlorpropylene ; the latter on heating- with alcoholic potash at 150° gives allylene (Valentin, Ber. 28, 2661). Butyrochloral also on treatment with caustic alkali gives an allylene dichloride which yields allylene by the action of sodium (Kramer and Pinner, Ann. 158, 47 ; Pinner, Ann. 179, 44 ; Ber. 8, 898 ; 14, 108 1). The aa^iS-trichlorbutyric acid also gives the same allylene dichloride when the silver salt is boiled with water ^bid.). Or aa/3-trichlorbutyric acid by the action of caustic potash gives ay3-dichlor- crotonic acid (Garzarolli, Ber. 9, 1209) which, on heating with zinc and water, yields tetrolic acid (SzenicandTaggesell, Ber. 28, 167 1). The latter decomposes at 210° with the formation of allylene (see below under I). Or the acetic aldehyde can be con- verted into crotouic aldehyde [l02] (see under normal butyl alcohol [17; G]) and the latter oxidised to a-crotonic acid (Kekule, Ber. 3, 604; Zeit. [2] 6, 705), which can be converted into allylene, &c., as under G. Note : — Other generators of crotonic aldehijde [102] are given under that compound, viz. malic acid, acetylene, formic and acetic esters. Or acetic aldehyde and hydrogen cyanide [172] give a cyanhydrin which by the action of phosphorus pentachloride yields a chlorcyanhydrin, and this by hydrolysis a-chlorpropionic acid (Michael and Garner, Ber. 34, 4049). The latter on heating with barium hydroxide gives acrylic acid {Ibid. 4050). From the latter through a-chlorlactic acid, glyceric acid, &c., as above under E, F, &c. Or from the aldehyde through glyoxal (see under hydrogen cyanide [172 ; O]) : the latter combines with hydrogen cyanide to form pyroracemic nitrile, from which the acid can be obtained and treated as under I below. [I.] From ethyl alcohol [l4] and acetic acid through acetoacetic ester [Vol. II], which gives a-crotonic acid by reduction with sodium amalgam (Beilstein and Wiegand, Ber. 18, 482). The acid can be converted into allylene as under G-. Ethyl alcohol on treatment with iodine in the presence of alkali gives iodoform, which by the action of sodium ethylate yields acrylic acid (Butleroff, Ann. 114, 204). The latter combines with hypo- chlorous acid to form a-chlorlactic acid (Melikoff, Ber. 12, 2227), which by treat- ment with silver oxide gives glyceric acid [Ibid. 13, 272) : from the latter pyrotartaric acid, citrabrompyrotartaric acid, allylene, &c., can be obtained as under P and M. Ethyl ether (from ethyl alcohol) on chlorination gives dichlorether (D^Areet, Ann. 28, 82 ; Malaguti, Ann. Chim. [2] 70, 338; [3] 10. 5; 19; Regnault, Ibid. [2] 71, 392; Lieben, Ann. Ill, 121 ; 123, 130; 133, 287; 141, 236; 146, 180; 150, 87 ; Abeljanz, Ann. 164, 197), which by the action of strong sul- phuric acid yields chloracetaldehyde (Jacobsen, Ber. 4, 216). The latter can be converted into ^Q-chlorlactic acid, glyceric acid, &c., as under A. Or ethyl alcohol can be converted into chloracetal by chlorination (Lieben, Ann. 104, 114), and the latter into chloracetaldehyde by heating with acetic acid, dilute sulphuric, or dry oxalic acid (Natterer, Monats. 3, 446). The chloracetaldehyde is treated as above. Or ethyl alcohol can be converted into chloral by chlorination, into chloral cyanhydrin (Hagemann, Ber. 5, 151 ; Pinner and Bischoff, Ann. 179, 77; Pinner, Ber. 17, 1997), trichlorlactic acid by hydrolysis (Pinner and Bischoff, loc. cit. I'jg ; Pinner, /oc. cit.), dichlor- acetaldehyde by heating the sodium salt with water (Reisse, Ann. 257, 331), dichlorlactic acid by forming the cyan- hydrin of dichloracetaldehyde andhydro- lysing (Grimaux and Adam, Ber. 10, 903; Bull.Soc. [2]34, 29), chloracetalde- hyde by heating sodium dichlorlactate with water (Reisse, Ann. 257, '^^S)> ^^^ then as above. Or ethyl alcohol can be converted into ethyl cyanide (propionitrile : see under normal propyl alcohol [15 ; A]), aa-dichlorpropionic acid by chlorination of the nitrile and hydrolysis (Otto, Ann. 132, 181 ; Beckurts and Otto, Ber. 9, 1877), pyroracemic (propanonic) acid by heating dichlorpropionic ester with water or the acid with water and silver 112 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [54 I-K. oxide (B. and O.^ Ber. 10, 264; 18, 228). Pyroracemic acid gives pyro- tartaric acid among other products by heating to 100° with hydrochloric acid or to 170° per se (De Clermont, Ber. e, 72; Bottinger, Ber. 9, 837; 1823; Ann. 188, 308 ; De Jong, Bee. Tr. Ch. 20, 81 ; 21, 191 : see also Wolff, Ann. 317, 22). Pyrotartaric acid can be con- verted into allylene, mesitylene, &c., as above. Or (more directly) pyroracemic acid gives uvitic acid, among other products, on boiling with baryta water (Finckh, Ann. 122, 184; Bottinger, Ann. 172, 241; 253; 188,313; 208, 129; Wolff and Heipp, Ann. 305, 125 ; 152), which acid can be converted into toluene, &c., as under D. Or uvitic acid may be synthesised by heating a mixture of pyroracemic acid and acetic aldehyde [92] with baryta water (Doebner, Ber. 23, 2377). Acetic and pyroracemic acids are also generators of toluene through phthalide- dicarboxylic acid (see under cymene [6 ; Acetic acid can be converted into acetyl cyanide by the interaction of acetyl chloride and silver cyanide (Hiib- ner, Ann. 120, 334; 124, 315); the cyanide on hydrolysis gives pyroracemic acid (Claisen and Shadwell, Ber. 11, 620 ; 1563), which yields uvitic acid, &c., as above. Acetoacetic ester by the action of nitrous acid gives isonitrosoacetone (Meyer and Ziiblin, Ber. 11, 695 ; Ceresole, Ber. 15, 1328), which, by the action of acetyl chloride, yields acetyl cyanide (Claisen and Manasse, Ber. 20, 2196). The latter can be converted into pyroracemic acid as above. Acetoacetic ester by the interaction of the sodium derivative and a-Lrom- propionw ester (Friedel and Machuea, Ann. 120, 286 j Comp. Rend. 53, 408 ; Bischoff, Ann. 206, 319 ; Zelinsky, Ber. 20, 2026) gives /3-methylaceto- succinic ester (Conrad, Ann. 188, 226 ; Bischoff, loc. cit. 320) : the latter on treatment with alcoholic potash yields pyrotartaric acid (Conrad, loc. cit. 227). Or by the interaction of chloracetic ester and sodio-acetoacetic ester aceto- succinic ester is formed (Conrad, loc. cit. 218; Rach, Ann. 234, 36), which by the action of sodium and methyl iodide gives a-methylacetosuccinic ester (Kress- ner, Ann. 192, 135) : the latter on treat- ment with alcoholic potash also yields pyrotartaric acid [Ibid. 138). Or the a- and /3-methylacetosuccinic esters on heating with hydrochloric acid give /3-acetyl butyric and ^-acetylisobu- tyric acids respectively (Bischoff, Ann. 206, 319 and 331). Both these acids on oxidation with dilute nitric acid yield pyrotartaric acid {Ibid. 337) with other products. Acetoacetic ester also by the action of methyl iodide on its sodium deriva- tive gives methylacetoacetic ester, which by the successive action of bromine and alcoholic potash yields mesaconic acid (Demar^ay, Ann. Chim. [5] 20, 473 ; Gorboff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 19, 605 ; Cloez, Bull. Soc. [2] 3, 598 and 602; Wolf, Ann. 260, 89 ; Ssemenoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 23, 430 ; 30, TOC9 ; Conrad, Ber. 32, 1005). Potassium mesaconate solution gives allylene on electrolysis (Aarland, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 7, 142). Acetoacetic ester by the action of phosphorus pentachloride gives a mix- ture of /3-chlor-a- and /3-crotonic acids (Frolich, Zeit. [2] 5, 270 ; Geuther, ibid. [2], 7, 237 j Autenrieth, Ann. 259, 359; Fittig, Ann. 268, 13). Both these acids by the action of potassium hydroxide give tetrolic (2-butinic) acid (Geuther, loc. cit. 245 ; Friedrich, Ann. 219, 319, 342; Kahlbaum, Ber. 12, 2338; Fittig and Clutterbuck, Ann. 268, 96 : see also Desgrez, Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 391). Tetrolic acid is decom- posed at 210° into carbon dioxide and allylene. [J.] Allyl isothiocyanate [166] by the action of zinc dust is converted into allyl cyanide (Schwarz, Ber. 15, 2508), which can be converted into a-crotonic acid, allylene, &c., as under P. Water also in contact with allyl isothiocyanate gives allyl cyanide (Will and Korner, Ann. 125, 272). [K.] From normal butyric acid [Vol. II] through the a-bromo-acid (see under n- propyl alcohol [l5 ; P]), which gives crotonic acid when the ethyl ester is 54 K-M.] BENZYL ALCOHOL 113 treated with alcoholic potash or barium hydroxide solution (Hell and Lauber, Ber. 1, 560 ; Michael and Graves, Ber. 34j 4041 : compare also Duvillier, Ann. Chim. [5] 17, ^3"^ ; Michael, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 35, 92; 38, 12; Erlenmeyer and Marx as quoted by Michael and Graves, loc. cit. 4040). The sodium salt of a-brombutyric acid also gives crotonic acid on distillation (Bischoff and Walden, Ann. 279, loi). Butyryl chloride on chlorination also gives a- (with /3 and y) chlorbutyryl chloride. The corresponding a-chloro- acid gives crotonic acid (with a-hydroxy- butyric acid) on treatment with barium hydroxide solution (Michael and Garner, Ber. 34, 4051). [L.] ^-Hi/droxyhutyric acid [Vol. II] gives crotonic acid on distillation (Wis- licenus, Zeit. [2] 5, 325; Avaki, Zeit. physik. Ch. 18, i). Or the acid (sodium salt) gives crotonic aldehyde [102] on electrolysis (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 468). From the aldehyde through crotonic acid, &c., as under H. [M.] Cilric acid [Vol. II] gives citraeonic anhydride on distillation (Lassaigne, Ann. Chim. [2] 21, 100 ; Bobiquet, Ihid. 75, 78 ; Liebig, Ann. 26, 119 ; 152 ; Gottlieb, Ann. 77, 365 ; Baup, Ann. Chim. [3] 33, 192; Wilm, Ann. 141, 28 ; Kammerer, Ann. 170, 191), which combines readily with water to form citraeonic acid. The latter is also obtained by heating citric acid with hydriodic acid (Kammerer, Ann. 139, 269). Potassium citraconate gives on electrolysis in aqueous solution allylene (Aarland, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 7, 142) among other products, and this can be converted into mesitylene, &c., as under E. Or the citraeonic anhydride can be converted into citrabrompyrotartaric acid by the action of hydrogen bromide (Fittig, Ann. 188, 77), the silver salt of the acid giving allylene on heating with water at 130° (Bourgoin, Bull. Soc. [2] 28,459)- Mesaconic acid, the isomeride of citra- eonic acid produced from the latter by heating with aqueous acids or alkalis or by the action of bromine (Gottlieb, Ann. 77, 268 ; Kekule, Ann. Suppl. 2, 94 ; Fittig, Ann. 188, 77 ; 80 ; Delisle, Ann. 269, 82 ; Swarts, Jahresber. 1873, 579 ; Fittig and Langworthy, Ann. 304^ 145), also gives allylene on electrolysis of a solution of the potassium salt (Aarland, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 7, 142). Citraeonic acid also by boiling with alkali gives (with mesaconic acid) ita- conic acid. The three isomerides, citra- eonic, mesaconic, and itaconic acids, all give pyrotartaric acid on reduction by sodium amalgam, preferably in acid solution (Kekule, Ann. Suppl. 1, 338 ; Suppl. 2, 95 : also Fittig and Lang- worthy, loc. cit.). The latter can be treated as underN. Citraeonic and mesa- conic acids give pyroracemic (pyruvic) acid on oxidation (Fittig and Kohl, Ann. 305, 41). The latter can be converted into uvitic acid, &c., as under I above. Conversely pyroracemic and malonic acid combine when heated in acetic acid solution to form itaconic acid and some citraeonic acid (GarzaroUi-Thurn- lach, Monats. 20, 467). Note : — Other synthetical products which are generators of citraeonic acid are : — Lactic acid [Vol. II] by distillation (Engelhardt, Ann. 70, 243 ; 246). Acetic acid [Vol. II], alcohol [14], and hydrogen cyanide [172], by the action of the latter on aceto- acetic ester (Morris, Journ. Ch. Soc. 37, 7 ; De- mar9ay, Bull. Soc. [2] 27, 120), hydroxypyro- tartaric acid by boiling the product with dilute hydrochloric acid and dry distillation of the former, which thus gives citraeonic anhydride (Demarfay, Comp. Rend. 82, 1337 ; Ber. 9,962). Isovaleric acid [Vol. II], which by oxidation with nitric acid gives hydroxy pyrotartaric acid (Bredt, Ber. 14, 1782 ; 15, 2318) and citraeonic anhydride as before. [The hydroxypyrotar- taric acid formed is the ;8-acid = citramalic = 2-methyl-2-butanoldiacid ; for preparation from acetoacetic ester and potassium cyanide see also Michael, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 46, 287.] Propionic and malonic acids [Vol. II] by the action of a-brompropionic ester (Friedel and Machuea, Ann. 120, 286) on sodio-malonic ester, which gives propanetricarboxylic tri- ethyl (/3-methylethenyltricarboxylic) ester (Bi- schoff, Ann. 214, 53), the chloro-derivative of the latter {Ibid. Ber. 23, 1934) giving citra- eonic (and mesaconic) acid on heating with hydrochloric acid {Ibid.). [This propanetricar- boxylic acid obtained from the ester by hydro- lysis gives pyrotartaric acid on heating with hydrochloric acid or per se.] Acetic and propionic acids [Vol. II], alcohol [14], and potassium cyanide [172] through a-methyl- /3-eyanosuecinic ester by the action of a-brom- propionic ester on sodio-cyanacetie ester (Bar the, Ann, Chim. [6] 27, 277), and decompo- sition with alcoholic hydrogen chloride {Ibid. 281). 114 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [54 M-B. Oxalic and propionic acids [Vol. II] and alcohol [14] through methyloxalacetic ester by the action of sodium ethoxide followed by that of ethyl propionate on oxalic diethyl ester (Ar- nold, Ann. 246, 329). Methyloxalacetic ester gives /3 - methylmalic (2-methyl-3-butanoldi- carboxylic) acid on reduction with sodium amal- gam (Wislicenus, Ber. 25, 199), and this acid gives citraconic anhydride and mesaconic acid on distillation. [N.] Tartaric acid [Vol. II] throug-h pyrotartaric (methylsuccinic) acid (see under normal propyl alcohol [15 ; V]), citrabrompyrotartaric acid by the action of bromine and phosphorus (Auwers and Imhauser, Ber. 24^ l^^fi), and then through allylene, &c., as under M. Itacemic acid also gives pyrotartaric acid on distillation (references as under normal propyl alcohol [15 ; V]). Both tartaric and racemic acids give pyroracemic acid among the products of their distillation (Berzelius, Pogg- Ann. 36^ I ; Ann. 13, 61 ; Volckel, Ann. 89, 65; Wislicenus, Ann. 126, 225). Tartaric acid gives pyroracemic acid by heating to 180° with hydrochloric acid (Geuther and Riemann, Zeit. [a] 5, 318), to 40° with strong sulphuric acid (Bouchardat, Comp. Rend. 89, 99), or by dry distillation per se, or mixed with sand, pr with acid potassium sulphate at 220° (Clewing, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 17, 243 ; Erlenmeyer, Ber. 14, 320 ; Dobner, Ann. 242, 269; Seissl, Ann. 249, ^97 ; Erdmann, Zeit. f. Naturwissen- schaften, 71, 385). Pyroracemic acid is produced in aqueous solutions of tar- taric acid by photochemical action (Otto, Ber. 27, 838 j 1264). Pyrorace- mic acid can be converted into uvitic acid, &c., as under I. (For conversion of acetic and pyroracemic acids into toluene via phthalidedicarboxylic acid see under cymene [6 ; IX].) [O.] Propionic acid [Vol. II] on bro- mination gives aa-dibrompropionic acid (Friedel and IVTachuca, Comp. Rend. 54, 220; Philippi and Tollens, Ann. 171, 315; Epstein, Comp. Rend. 124, 688), which on long heating with fum- ing hydrobromio acid solution is con- verted into the a^-acid (P. and T. loc. cit. '^2)1)' ^^^ latter on heating with water and silver oxide gives glyceric acid (Beckurts and Otto, Ber. 18, 238), which furnishes pyrotartaric acid, &c., as under F, M, and N. Or the aa-dibrompropionic acid on heating with silver carbonate and water yields pyroracemic acid {Ibid. 235), which gives uvitic acid, &c., as under I and D. Or the propionic acid can be con- verted into propionamide and propioni- trile (Dumas, Malaguti, and Leblanc, Ann. 64, 334), and then into aa-dichlor- propionic acid, pyroracemic acid, &c., as before. Or through propionyl chloride and /3-chlorpropionic acid, which gives acrylic acid on heating with barium hydroxide solution (Michael and Garner, Ber. 34, 4047). From acrylic through a-chlor- lactic to glyceric and pyrotartaric or pyroracemic acid as before. [P.] Lactic acid [Vol. II] gives pyroracemic acid by oxidation of the calcium salt with potassium perman- ganate (Beilstein and Wiegand, Ber. 17, 840). Subsequent steps as above. Or from lactic acid through a-chlor- propionic acid (Wurtz, Ann. Chim. [3] 49, 58 ; Briihl, Ber. 9, '^^), which on heating with barium hydroxide solution gives acrylic acid (Michael and Garner, Ber. 34, 4050). From the latter through a-chlorlactic to glyceric and pyrotartaric or pyroracemic acid as before. [Q.] Isovaleric acid [Vol. II] gives mesitylenic acid among other products when the dry sodium salt mixed with sodium ethoxide is heated in the pre- sence of carbon monoxide at 160° (Loos, Ann. 202, 321). Mesitylenic acid gives uvitic acid on oxidation (Fittig and v. Furtenbach, Zeit. [2] 4, i ; Ann. 147, 295), and the latter yields toluene as under D. Note : — Allylene is among the products formed when the vapours of acetone [106], ethyl [14], propyl [15], isobutyl [18], and amyl [22] alcohols are passed over hot magnesium, and the product decomposed by water (Reiser and Breed, Ch. News, 71, 118 ; Reiser, Am. Ch. Journ. 18, 328). Generators of Toluene through Toluic Acid. [R.] Naphthalene [12] and deriva- tives by various processes of oxidation give phthalic acid (Laurent, Ann. 19, 38 ; Ann. Chim. [2] 61, 1 13 ; Marignac, 64 B-Y.] BENZYL ALCOHOL 115 Ann. 42_, 315 ; Haussermann, Jahresber. 1877, 763 ; 1 158 ; Fischer, Ber, 11, 738 ; Depouilly, Ann, 137, c^y^ ; Beilstein and Kurbatoff, Ann. 202, 215; Liid- dens, Chem. Zeit. 15, 585 ; Fuchs, J bid. 735 ; Graebe, Ber. 29, 2806 ; Pro- chazka, Ber, 30, 3108; Tcherniac, Ber. 31, 139 : for electrolytic oxidation see Darmstadter, Germ. Pat. 1090 12 o£ 1897; Ch. Centr, 1900, 2, 151 : for technical process see Germ. Pat. 91202 of the Bad. An. Sod. Fab. and Brunek, Ber. 33, Suppl. Ixxx : for production by oxidation of the naphthols see Eng-. Pat. 15527 of 1901, Basle Ch. Co.; from a-nitronaphthalene via the 2- and 4-nitronaphthols, liid. Germ. Pat. 136410 of 1901 j Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 137 1). Phthalic acid on distillation with phosphorus pentachloride is con- verted into phthaloyl chloride (Miiller, Zeit. 1863, 257; Graebe, Ann. 238, 329 ; Auger, Ann. Chim. [6] 22, 295 ; Claus and Hoch, Ber. 19, 11 87), which by reduction with zinc and hydrochloric acid or magnesium and acetic acid gives phthalide (Kolbe and Wischin, Zeit. [2] 2, 315; Journ. Ch. Soc. 19, 339; Hessert, Ber. 10, 1445; Baeyer, Zeit. [2] 6, 399 ; 10, 123; 1445; 11. 6s7). Or phthalic acid can be converted into phthalide through phthalimide by beating the acid ammonium salt (Lau- rent, Ann. 41, iio; Ann. Chim. [2] 61, 121; [3] 23, 119; Lansberg-, Ann. 215, 181 : also Matthews, Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 18, 679), reduction to phthal- imidine by tin and hydrochloric acid (Graebe, Ber. 17, 2598 ; Ann. 247, 291), formation of nitroso-derivative by the action of sodium nitrite and acid (Pnd. Ann. 247, 297), and action of sodium hydroxide solution on the ni- troso-derivative (Ibid. 292). By heating phthalide with hydriodic acid solution and phosphorus, orthotoluic acid is formed (Hessert, Ber. 11, 238 ; Racine, Ann. 239, 72), and this by distillation with lime or soda-lime gives toluene. Naphthalene also can be sulphonated so as to give a mixture of disulphonic acids, the product nitrated and reduced, and the 1:3: 8-naphthylamine-disul- phonic acid converted into i : 3-naph- thylaminesulphonic acid by sodium i2 amalgam, or by heating* with sulphuric acid of y^ per cent. (Friedlander and Lucht, Ber. 26, 3028 ; Kalle & Co., Germ. Pat. 64979 of 1892). The i : 3- sulpho-acid is converted by potash fusion into 1 : 3-aminonaphthol (Friedlander, Ber. 28, 1952). The latter on sul- phonation gives i : 3-aminonaphthol-4- sulphonic acid, and this on heating with water or dilute sulphuric acid at 120° yields i : 3-dihydroxynaphthalene (Tdid. 29, 1609), which on heating with 60 per cent, sodium hydroxide solution at 180-190° breaks down into o-toluic and acetic acids (Ibid. 161 1). Other naphthalene derivatives such as the I : 3-disulphonic acid, i : 3-naph- thylamine-sulphonic acid, &c., give o-toluic acid on heating with alkali (Kalle & Co., Germ. Pat. 79028 of 1893; Ber. 28, Ref. 364). [S.] Cymene [6] on oxidation with dilute nitric acid gives paratoluic acid (Noad, Phil. Mag. [3] 32, 19; Ann. 63, 289), which on distillation with baryta g-ives toluene {Ibid. Ann. 63, 3'^h)' Miscellaneous Generators of Toluene. [T.] Heptane [2] gives toluene among other products when the vapour is heated to 900° (Worstall and Burwell, Am. Ch. Journ. 19, 815). [U.] Mannoheptol [53] on heating with hydriodic acid gives among other products a * heptine,' ^7^x2 (Maquenne, Bull. Soc. [2] 50, 548). If, as is probable, this hydrocarbon is tetra- hydrotoluene, it can be converted (par- tially) into toluene by the action of strong sulphuric acid. [v.] From the cresols [61 ; 62 ; 63] through toluene (see under quinol [71; G]). [W.] From phenylacetic acid [Vol. II] through toluene by the action of heat on the acid (Engler and Low, Ber. 26, ^438). [X.] From aconitic acid [Vol. II] through itaconic acid (Pebal, Ann. 98, 94), and then as above under M, &c. [Y.] From pulegone [128] through methylcyclohexanone (see under phenol [60; SJ). The latter gives an oxime 116 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [54 Y-55. which on heating with phosphorus pentoxide yields toluene among other products (Wallach, Ann. 309, 7). Pulegone and menthone [l29] give pyrotartaric acid among the products of oxidation by potassium perman- ganate (Markownikoff, Ber. 33, 1909). Subsequent steps as above under M". [Z.] From malic acid [Vol. II] through coumalic acid and crotonic aldehyde [l02], and then as above under H. Malic acid also gives oxalacetic acid on oxidation with hydrogen dioxide in presence of ferrous salts. If the tem- perature is not kept low pyroracemic acid is produced (Fenton and Jones, Trans. Ch. Soc. 77, 77). From oxal- acetic acid through pyrotartaric acid, &c., as before (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 J Z]). [AA.] From mannltol [5l], which gives acrolem [lOl] among the pro- ducts of oxidation by sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide (Backhaus, Jahresber. 1860, 522). Subsequent steps via acrylic acid as under I, &c. [BB.] From alanine [Vol. II], which gives acrylic acid on treatment with metJiyl iodide in the presence of alkali (Korner and Menozzi, Gazz. 11, 258 ; 549 ; 13, 350). [CO.] From oxalic and acetic acids [Vol. II] and alcohol [14] through aiethyloxalacetate and pyrotartaric acid (see under n-propyl alcohol [15; [DD.] From succinic acid [Vol. II] through the dibro mo-acid, ethoxyfuma- rie acid, and oxalacetic acid (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; Y]). From the latter to pyrotartaric acid, &c., as under n-propyl alcohol [l5; Z]. [EE.] From fumaric or malew acid [Vol. II] through dibromsuccinie acid (n-propyl alcohol [l5 ; EE]), and then as above under DD. [PP.] From hydracrylic acid [Vol. II] through acrylic acid (n-propyl alcohol [15 ; S]). From acrylic acid through a-chlorlactic acid, glyceric acid, &c., as above under I, &c. [GG.] From isobutyl [is] or tertiary butyl alcohol [19] through isobutylene [I8 ; A j 19 ; B]. Toluene is among the products formed by passing iso- butylene through a hot tube (Noyes; Beilstein, I, 115). Note : — Genera tors of isobutylene thus become generators of benzyl alcohol. [HH.] From lysine [Vol. II] through pyrotartaric acid (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; II]). [II.] From catechol [69] and hydrogen cyanide [172] through dioxytartaric acid and glyoxal (see under hydrogen cyanide [172 ; P]), and the pyroracemic nitrile and acid as above under H. [JJ.] Yrom. protocateohuic acid [Vol. II] through dioxytartaric acid and glyoxal, &c., as under hydrogen cyanide [172 ; Q], and as above under H. 55. Saligenin ; Orthohydroxybenzyl Alcohol ; Fhenol-2-Meth7lol. CH2.OH H '^ Natural Sources. Occurs as the glucoside (salicin [157]) in bark, twigs, and leaves of various species of willow {Salix helix, S. pur- purea, S. alba, S. lambertina, S. incana, S. Jissa, S. has lata, S. polyandra, S.fra- gilis, S. amygdalina, S. pentandra, S. pre- cox, &c.), in poplar (Populus tremnla, P. alba, P. balsamifera, and P. grceca), and in flower buds of the meadowsweet {Spircea ^dmaria). Salicin is found also in the buds of Populus pyramidalis, P. nigra, and P. monilifera. (For liberation of saligenin from salicin see Piria, Ann. 56, 37 : for distribution of salicin in vegetable kingdom, Leroux, Ann. Ch. [2] 43, 440 ; Tischhauser, Ann. 7, 280 ; Bra- connot, Ann. Chim. [2] 44, 296 ; Pelouze and Gay-Lussac, Ibid. 220; 48, III ; Piria, Ibid. 69, 281 ; [3] 14, 257; Grerhardt, Ibid. [3] 7, 215; Bouchardat, Comp. Rend. 18, 299 ; 19, 602; 1 1 79; 20,610; 1635; vciSpiroia flowers, Buchner, Ann. 88, 224 : see 55-56.] SALIGENIN 117 also Van Rijn's 'Die Glycoside/ p. 143, and Jowett and Potter, Pharm. Journ. [4] 15, 157.) Salicin liberates saligenin under the influence of certain moulds, such as Aspergillus niger (Puriewitsch, Ber. deutsch. bot. Gesell. 16, 368) and A. oryz(B (Brunstein, Abst. in Journ. Fed. Inst. 7, 367 ; 8, 507). Poptilin [158], which is benzoylsalicin, liberates benzoylsaligenin under the influence of an enzyme (? emulsin) contained in Aspergillus niger. Salicin is said to occur also in cas- toreum from glands of the beaver (Wohler, Ann. 67, 360). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From salicylic aldeTiyde [HV] by reduction with sodium amalgam (Beil- stein and Beineke, Ann. 128, 179). [B.] From salicylic acid [Vol. II] through the amide (Limpricht, Ann. 98, 258), and reduction of the latter with sodium amalgam in acid solution (Hutchinson, Ber. 24, 175). [C] From toluene (see under benzyl alcohol [54 J A, &c.]), o-nitrotoluene, which is formed (with p-nitrotoluene) by nitration, o-nitrobenzyl chloride by chlorination at 1 20-130° in the presence of sulphur (Haussermann and Beck, Ber. 25, 2445), o-nitrobenzyl alcohol by heating the chloride with potassium carbonate solution or with chalk and water (SoderbaumandWidman, Ber. 25, 3291 ; Haussermann and Beck, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 47, 400 : see also Paal and Bodewig, Ber. 25, 2962 ; Fischer, Germ. Pat. 48722 of 1888; Ber. 22, Bef. 788; Kalle & Co., Germ. Pat. 10436 of 1897; C^- Centr. 1899, 2, 950; Ch. Fab. Griesheim-Elektron, Germ. Pat. 128046 of 1900; Ch. Centr. 1902, 1, 445; Germ. Pat. 128998 of 1900; Ch. Centr. 1902, 1, 686). From o-nitro- to o-aminobenzyl alcohol by reduction (Friedlander and Henriques, Ber. 15, 3109) and diazo-reaction with latter (Paal and Senninger, Ber. 27, 1084). Note : — For references to processes for oxi- dising o-nitrotoluene to o-nitrobenzaldehyde, ■which gives the alcohol as below under D, see under indigo [Vol. II]. Orthonitrotoluene also gives o-nitrobenzaldoxime by interaction with amyl nitrite and dry sodium ethoxide (Lap- worth, Trans. Ch. Soc. 79, 1274). o-Nitrotol- uene gives o-nitrobenzyl alcohol by electrolytic oxidation (Pierron, Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 852). [D.] From cinnamic acid [Vol. Ill through the o-nitro-acid which is formed (with the p-nitro-acid) by nitration (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 163, 126), o-nitrobenzaldehyde by oxidising the acid with potassium permanganate (Einhorn, Ber. 17, I3i), and o-nitro- benzyl alcohol, which is formed (with o-nitrobenzoic acid) by the action of cold aqueous caustic alkali on the alde- hyde (Friedlander and Henriques, Ber. 14, 2804). Subsequent steps as above. Note : — One of the products of nitration of ,S^} Hunt, Silliman's Am. Joum. [2] 8, 372; Jahvesber. 1849, 391 ; Griess, Ann. 137, 39 : for direct production of aniline from benzene by the action of hydroxylamine in presence of aluminium chloride see Graebe, Ber. 84, 1778; Jaubert, Comp. Rend. 132, 841). A synthesis of phenol from carbon is possible through mellitic (benzene- hexacarboxylic) acid, which is obtained by oxidising charcoal with alkaline permanganate (Schulze, Ber. 4, 802; 806), by the electrolysis of dilute acid or alkali with retort carbon for the positive electrode (Bartoli and Papa- sogli, Gazz. 11, 468 ; Ch. Centr. 1881, 327), by the oxidation of animal char- coal or lampblack with alkaline hypo- chlorite {Ibid. Gazz. 15, 446), or by heating wood charcoal with strong sulphuric acid (Verneuil, Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 121). Mellitic acid is converted by dry dis- tillation into pyromellitic (i : 2 : 4 : 5- benzenetetracarboxylic) acid (Erdmann, Ann. 80, 281), which by reduction in alkaline solution with sodium amalgam is converted into hydropyromellitic acid (Baeyer, Ann. Suppl. 7, 38 ; 166, '^'^'J ; 258, 205). The latter on heating with strong sulphuric acid gives isophthalic acid {Ibid. Ann. Suppl. 7, 4), which can be converted into 5-sulpho- and 5-hy- droxyisophthalic acid by sulphona- tion and potash fusion (Heine, Ber. 13, 493). The latter acid gives phenol on distillation with lime (see also under L). Mellitic acid can be obtained also by the oxidation of charcoal with fuming nitric acid (Dickson and Easterfield, Proc. Ch. Soc. 14, 163). Phenyl sulphuric acid (potassium salt) is obtained by the action of potassium pyrosulphate on phenol in potassium hydroxide solution (Baumann, Ber. 9, 54 and 1715; 11, 1907; Brieger, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 8, 311 ; Drechsel, Joum. pr. Ch. [2] 29, 234). The acid is also among the products of the electrolysis of phenol by an alternating current in the presence of magnesium sulphate and acid magnesium carbonate (Drechsel, loc. cit.). [B.] Glycerol [48] is said to give phenol when distilled with calcium chloride (Linnemann and Zotta, Ann. 174, 87 ; Suppl. 8, 254). [C] From salicylic acid [Vol. II] by distillation with lime (Gerhardt, Rev. Scien. 10, 210; Rosenthal, Zeit. [2] 6, 627) j also by heating per se, or with 60 C-H.] PHENOL 121 water at 230-230°, or with strong hydro- chloric or hydriodic acid, or with dilute sulphuric acid at 140-150° (Graebe, Ann. 139, 14.3). Methyl salicylate g-ives phenol when heated with dry aniline (Tingle, Am. Ch. Journ. 24, 45). [D.] ParaJiydroxyhenzoic acid [Vol. II] gives phenol when distilled with lime ; also when heated per se, or by heating with sodium hydroxide, or by the dry distillation of the sodium salt at 240- 250° (Gerhardt, Rev. Scien. 10, 210; Rosenthal, Zeit. [2] 5, 627; Klepl, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 28, 194; Barth and Schreder, Ber. 12, 1257; Kupferberg, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 16,425; Goldschmiedt and Herzig, Monats. 3, 132). Also by heating in sealed tube with dilute sulphuric acid (Klepl, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 25, 464). p-Methoxyhenzolc = anisic acid [Vol. II] gives phenol among the products of the distillation of the calcium salt (Goldschmiedt and Herzig, Monats. 3, 127). [E.] From henzoic acid [Vol. II] by fusion with caustic potash (Barth and Schreder, Monats. 3, 802). Also through metasulphobenzoic acid by sulphonation (Mitscherlich, Pogg. Ann. 31, 287; 32, 227; Offermann, Ann. 280, 5; Barth, Ann. 148, 33), and m-hydroxybenzoie acid by fusion of the sulpho-acid with caustic potash (Barth, loc. cit. ; Remsen, Zeit. [2] 7, 81 ; 199). Or from benzoic acid through metachlorbenzoic acid by chlori- nation (Scharling, Ann. 41, 49; 42, 268; Stenhouse, Phil. Mag. 27, 129; Ann. 55, 10 ; Field, Ann. 65, $^; Otto, Ann. 122, 157; Hiibner and Weiss, Ber. 6, 175), and fusion of the chloro-acid with caustic potash (Dembey, Ann. 148, 222). Or from benzoic acid through the metanitro-acid by nitration (Mulder, Ann. 34, 297; Gerland, Ann. 91, 186; Hiibner, Ann. 222, 72; Holleman, Zeit. physik. Ch. 31, 79), m-amino-acid by reduction (Zinin, Berz. Jahresber. 26, 450; Journ. pr. Ch. 36, 103; Gerland, Ann. 86, 143; 91, 188; Schiff, Ann. 101, 94; Beilstein and Wilbrand, Ann. 128, 265; Holleman, Rec. Tr. Ch. 21, ^6), and m-hydroxy- benzoic acid by the action of nitrous acid (Gerland, Ann. 91, 189; Graebe and Schultzen, Ann.' 142, 350). In all these cases the metahydroxy- benzoic acid can be best converted into phenol by heating the barium salt with excess of baryta at 350° (Klepl, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 27, 159). [F.] Cinnamzc acid [Vol. II] on treat- ment with bleaching powder is said to give metachlorbenzoic acid (Stenhouse, Ann. 55, i), which can be converted into m-hydroxybenzoic acid and phenol as under E. Or cinnamic acid can be converted by nitration into 0- (with p-) nitrociunamic acid (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 163, 126; Miiller, Ann. 212, 124), the o-nitro-acid oxidised to o-nitrobenzoic acid (B. and K. loc. cit. 134 ; Widn- mann, Ber. 8, 393), reduced to anthra- nilic acid [Vol. II], the latter converted into salicylic acid [Vol. II] by the diazo-method, and then into phenol as under C. Or cinnamic acid can be sulphonated, the ortho- (? meta-) separated from the parasulphonic acid, giving m-hydroxy- benzoic acid on fusion with alkali (Rud- neff, Ann. 173, 8). [G.J From gallic acid [Vol. II] by heating the acid or its ester with strong sulphuric acid so as to form rufigallic acid =1 : 2 : 3 : 5 : 6 : 7-hexahydroxy- anthraquinone (Robiquet, Ann. 19, 204; Wagner, Jahresber. 1860, 288; Ch. Centr. 1861, 47 ; Lowe, Journ. pr. Ch. 107, 296; Zeit. [2] 6, 128; JafP^, Ber. 3, 694; Widman, Ber. 9, 856; Klobukowski and Noelting, Ber. 8, 819; 9, 1256; 10, 880). Rufigallic acid on fusion with potash gives (with m-hydroxybenzoic acid) 5-hydroxyiso- phthalic acid (Schreder, Monats. 1, 437), and the latter on distillation with lime gives phenol. Hydroxytere- phthalic acid is also among the pro- ducts of fused potash on rufigallic acid {Ibid. 439), and this also gives phenol on heating with sand. [H.] From henzoic aldehyde [114] through the m-nitro-derivative by nitration (Bertagnini, Ann. 79, 259 ; 86, 190 ; Lij)pmann and Hawliczek, 122 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [60 H- J. Ber. 9, 146 ; Friedlander and Hen- riques, Ber. 14, 2802 ; Ehrlich, Ber. 15, 3010), m-nitrobenzylidene chloride (1^ : i^-dichlor-3-nitrotoluene) by the action of phosphorus pentachloride (Widman, Ber. 13, 676), m-toluidine by reduction (Vienne and Steiner, Bulh Soc. [2] 35, 428 ; Widman, loc. cit. 6-]'] ; Bull. Soc. [2] 36, 2i6; Ehrlich, Ber. 15, 201 1; Harz, Ber. 18, 3398), m-chlortoluene by the diazo- reaction (Wroblewski, Ann. 168, 199), m-chlorbenzoic acid by oxidation [Ibid. 200), m-hydroxybenzoic acid, &c., as under E. Or the m-nitrobenzoic aldehyde might be directly oxidised to m-nitrobenzoic acid, reduced to m-aminobenzoic acid, and then converted into m-hydroxy- benzoic acid and phenol as under E. The aldehyde can also be converted (partially) into m-chlorbenzaldehyde by the action of iodine and antimony pentachloride (Gnehm and Banziger, Ber. 29, 875), and then oxidised to m-chlorbenzoic acid and treated as under E. [I.] Metacresol [62] is said to give m-hydroxybenzoic acid on fusion with potash (Barth, Ann. 154, 361 ; Monats. 3, 802), and this can be converted into phenol as under E. [J.] Naphthalene [l2] when nitrated gives a-nitronaphthalene (Laurent, Ann. Chim. [2] 59, 378 ; Piria, Ann. 78, 32 j Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 169, 83), which on oxidation yields 3-nitrophthalic acid (Guareschi, Ber. 10, 294 ; Beil- stein and Kurbatoff, Ann. 202, 217). The latter on reduction with tin and hydrochloric acid gives m-aminobenzoic acid (Faust, Ann. 160, 61 ; Miller, Ann. 208, 245), which can be con- verted into m-hydroxybenzoic acid and phenol as under E. Or the reduction can be regulated so as to give 3-aminophthalic acid (Miller, loc. cit.), from which, by the diazo- method, 3-hydroxyphthalic acid can be obtained (Bernthsen and Semper, Ber. 18, 167; 20, 937), and this gives phenol on heating. Or from naphthalene through phthal- ic acid, phthalide, &c., to o-toluic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [64; B,]), or through 1:3: 8-naphthylaminedisul- phonic acid, &c., to o-toluic acid {Ibid.). The latter on sulphonation gives 6- sulpho-o-toluic acid (Jacobsen and Wierss, Ber. 16, 1959), from which, by potash fusion, 6-hydroxy-o-toluic acid can be obtained [Ibid. 1963). Or o-toluic acid can be converted into the 6-hydroxy-acid through the 6- nitro- and 6-amino-acid and diazo- method {Ibid. 17, 163). The 6-hydroxy- o-toluic acid is converted into the methoxy-o-toluic acid by methylation, and the latter on oxidation with alka- line permanganate gives 3-methoxy- phthalic (3-methoxy-i : 2-dicarboxylic) acid, which yields 3-hydroxyphthalic acid on fusion with alkali (Jacobsen, Ber. 16, 1965). The latter acid gives phenol when heated. Phthalie acid also may be nitrated, and the 4-nitro- (separated from the 3-nitro-) acid (Miller, Ann. 208, 224) converted into ester and reduced to 4-aminophthalic ester, which by the diazo-method and hydrolysis gives 4- hydroxyphthalic acid (Baeyer, Ber. 10, 1079; Miller, Ber. 11, 1191; Ann. 208, 237). The latter on heating with hydrochloric acid yields m-hydroxyben- zoic acid, from which phenol can be obtained as under E. Or phthalie acid may be sulphonated by fuming sulphuric acid (Loew, Ann. 143, 257; Bee, Ann. 233, 219), the 4-sulphophthalic acid converted into 4-hydroxyphthalic acid by fusion with alkali (Graebe, Ber. 18, 1130 ; Ree, loc. cit.), and the latter converted into m- hydroxybenzoic acid and phenol as above. Naphthalene may also be converted into a-sulphonic acid and a-naphthol (Eller, Ann. 152, 275), the latter into acetate, and the acetate oxidised by chromic acid into 3-hydroxyphthalic acid (Miller, Ann. 208, 247), from which phenol can be obtained as above. [The acid thus obtained by Miller is said to have been 2-hydroxyisophthalic acid, but from its mode of formation must be 3-hydroxyphthalic acid (Beil- stein, II, 1936 and errata, 2209).] Or naphthalene-a-sulphonic acid may be converted into the sulphonamide. 60 J-P.] PHENOL 123 the latter oxidised by permanganate to 3-sulphophthalic acid (Remsen and Comstock, Am. Ch. Journ. 5, 107), and the sulpho-acid converted into 3- hydroxyphthalic acid by potash fusion (Remsen and Stokes, Am. Ch. Journ. 6, 283), and then into phenol as before. Or a-naphthol may be sulphonated and nitrated so as to form dinitro-a- naphtholsulphonic (2 : 4-dinitro-i-naph- thol-7-sulphonic) acid (Caro, Ber. 14, 2029), which on oxidation with nitric acid gives 4-sulphophthalic acid (Graebe, Ber. 18, 1 1 27), from which 4-hydroxy- phthalic acid, m-hydroxybenzoic acid, and phenol can be obtained as above. Naphthalene-/3-sulphonic acid, when converted into its amide and the latter oxidised with potassium permanganate, also gives 4-sulphophthalic acid (Remsen and Comstock, Am. Ch. Journ. 5, 110). [K.] Indigo [Vol. II] on distillation with potash gives aniline (Fritzsche, Ann. 39, 76), which can be converted into phenol as under A. [L.] From acetone [IO6] through mesitylene and uvitic or mesitylenic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; D]), m-toluic acid or m-xylene (see under o-cresol [61 ; B]), and isophthalic acid by oxidation of either the acid or hydrocarbon (Weith and Landolt, Ber. 8, 721 ; Fittig and Velguth, Ann. 148, 11). Isophthalic acid on nitration gives a mixture of 4- and 5-nitro-acids (Beyer, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 22, '^S'^; 25, 470 ; Storrs and Fittig, Ann. 153, 285). The 5-nitro-acid on reduction and application of the diazo-method yields 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid (Beyer, loc. cit. 25, 515), and this gives phenol on heating with lime. Or isophthalic acid can be sulpho- nated (Heine, Ber. 13, 493), the 5- Bulpho-acid converted into the 5-hy- droxy-acid by potash fusion [Ibid.), and then into phenol as above. Or from acetone through phorone and pseudocumene (see under o-cresol [61 ; B]), methylterephthalic (a-xylidic) acid by oxidising the latter with nitric acid (Fittig and Laubinger, Ann. 151, 276), and isophthalic acid, which is formed (with trimellitic acid) by further oxidation with potassium permanganate (Krinos, Ber. 10, 1494). Or pseudocumene may be sulphonated, the sulphonamide oxidised with alkaline permanganate so as to form 4-sulph- amide-a-xylic acid ( Jacobsen and Meyer, Ber. 16, 190), which by further oxida- tion with the same reagent gives 5- sulphotrimellitic acid [Ibid. 192). The latter on potash fusion yields 5-hydroxy- trimellitic acid {Ibid.), and this gives phenol on distillation with lime. Or mesitylene maybe sulphonated, and the sulphonamide oxidised with chromic acid mixture or alkaline permanganate so as to form o- and p-sulphamide- mesitylenic acid (Hall and Remsen, Ber. 10, 1040 ; Jacobsen, Ann. 206, 167). The latter acids on further oxidation with potassium permanganate give sulphamidetrimesic acid (Jacobsen, loc. cit. 203), which by potash fusion yields hydroxytrimesic acid [Ibid.), and the latter gives phenol by heating with lime. Note : — Generators of mesitylene and uvitic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; D to P]) thus become generators of phenol. [M.] From cymene [6] through tere- phthalic acid by oxidation (De la Rue and Miiller, Ann. 121, 87 ; Schwanert, Ann. 132, 257 ; Homeyer, Arch. Pharm. [3] 5, 326; Beilstein, Ann.133,41). The latter can be converted into nitro- and aminoterephthalic acid by nitration and reduction, and into hydroxyterephthalic acid by the diazo-method (Burkhardt, Ber. 10, 145), the latter giving phenol on heating with sand. Or terephthalic acid may be bromi- nated, the bromo-acid fused with potash (Fischli, Ber. 12, 621), and the hydroxy- terephthalic acid thus formed converted into phenol as above. [N.] Carvacrol [66] when fused with potash gives hydroxyterephthalic acid (Jacobsen, Ber. 11, 570), and this can be converted into phenol as above. [O.] Thymol [67] also gives hydroxy- terephthalic acid when fused with potash (Jacobsen, loc. cit.). [P.] Pheni/laceiic acid [Vol. II] on nitration gives the 2 : 4-dinitro-acid, which can be converted into o-nitro- 124 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [60 P-61 A. benzoic acid (as under quinol [71; l]), into antliranilic acid, salicylic acid, and phenol as under C. [Q,] Hydro^nglone [90] gives phenol among" the products of its fusion with potash (Mylius, Ber. 18, 475). [R.] Acetic aldehyde [92] gives phenol in small quantity by the action of fuming sulphuric acid and fusion of the product with alkali (Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 128, 0,0^6). [S.] Pulegone [l28] on heating with formic acid or with water under pressure gives (with acetone) methylcyclohexan- one (Wallach, Ann. 289, 338; 340 ; Klages, Ber. 32, 2567). The latter by the action of phosphorus pentachloride yields (as final product) tetrahydrochlor- toiuene, and this by the action of bromine gives m-chlortoluene (Klages, Ber. 32, 3567). Subsequent steps as under H and E. Mineral acids (especially sulphuric) may also be used for converting pule- gone into the cycloketone (Zelinsky, Ber. 30, 1532 ; Wallach, Ber. 32, [T.] From o-coumaric acid [Vol. II], which gives phenol on dry distillation. [IT.] From malonic acid [Vol. II] and elhyl alcohol [14] through dicarboxy- glutaconic ester and glutaconic ester. The sodium derivative of the latter on heating with alcohol at 150° gives hydroxyisophthalic acid (Lawrence and W. H. Perkin, junr., Proc. Ch. Soc. 17, 47 : see also under cymene [6 ; XV]). The latter gives phenol on distillation. Note : — Generators of dicarboxyglutaconic ester are given under cymene as above. Glu- taconic acid is formed by the action of alcoholic soda or hydrochloric acid on the dicarboxy- glutaconic ester (Conrad and Gutzeit, Ann. 222, 253 ; Gutzeit and Bolam, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 54, 372). Also from formic and acetic acids and alcohol or from medic acid through coumalic acid = formylglutaconic anhydride (see under n-butyl alcohol [17 ; J ; O, &c.]). Coumalic acid gives glutaconic acid on heating with barium hydr- oxide solution (v. Pechmann, Ann. 264, 301). Or citric acid can be converted into acetonedi- carboxylic acid (see under n-seeondary amyl alcohol [21 ; H]) and this, by reduction w^ith sodium amalgam, gives )3-hydroxyglutaric acid (v. Pechmann and Jenisch, Ber. 24, 3250) which, on distillation in a vacuum or with sulphuric acid, yields glutaconic acid {Ibid. 3256). Or from acetic acid (ester) and acrylic acid (ester) through pyrazolin-3:5-dicarbaxylic ester by the interaction of diazoacetic and acrylic esters (Buchner and Papendieck, Ann. 273, 232 : generators of acrylic acid are referred to under benzyl alcohol [54 ; E], under resorcinol [70; F], and under acetone [106 ; S]). Gluta- conic ester is formed by the distillation of pyraz- olindicarboxylic ester (Buchner, Ber. 23, 703). a-Hydroxyglutaric acid [Vol. II] on dehydration gives glutaconic acid among other products (Paolini, Gazz. 32, 402). 61. Orthocresol; 2-Methylplienol. HO ,CH3 Natural Soueces. Occurs as a salt of o-cresylsulphuric acid in urine of herbivorous animals and, to a small extent, in human urine. Found also among the products of putrefaction of horse liver (Baumann, Ber. 9, 1389 ; Zeit. physiol. Ch. 2, 335 ; Preusse, Ibid. 355; Baumann and Brie- ger, Ibid. 3, 149 ; 253 ; Brieger, Ibid. 4, 304 ; Baumann, Ibid. 304 ; Baumann and Brieger, Ber. 12, 804; Baumann, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 6, 183 ; Brieger, Ibid. 8, 311 : see also Salkowski, Ibid. 12, 215)- The o-cresol complex exists possibly in bebeerine, an alkaloid found in the bark of Neclandra rodioei from British Guiana, in the bark and leaves of Buxus sempervirens, and in the root of Cissam- pelos pareira (see Scholtz, Ber. 29, 2054, and Arch. Pharm. 236, 530; Ch. Centr. 1898,2,983). A cresol (? isomeride) has been found in eascarilla oil from the bark of Croton eluteria (Fendler, Arch. Pharm. 238, 671). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From toluene (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; A and D to T]). Toluene on sulphonation gives (with para-) ortho- sulphonic acid (Engelhardt and Lat- schinoff, Zeit. [2] 5, 61 7 ; Wolkoff, Ibid. 6, 321 ; Claesson and Wallin, Ber. 12, 1848; Noyes, Am. Ch. Journ. 8, 176), and this gives o-cresol by potash fusion (Engelhardt and Latschinoff, loc. cit. 620). 61 A.] ORTHOCRESOL 125 Toluene on nitration gives a mixture of p- and o-nitrotoluenes (Glenard and Boudault, Comp. Rend. 19, 505 ; Hof- mann and Muspratt, Ann. 53, 221 ; Kekule, Zeit. [2] 3^ 225 ; Rosenstiehl, Ann. Chim. [4] 27, 433 ; Reverdin and La Harpe^ Bull. Soe. 50, 44 : for direct production of o- and p-toluidine from toluene and hydroxylamine in presence of aluminium chloride see Graebe, Ber. 34, 1778). The latter can be reduced to o-toluidine, and this by the diazo- reaction gives o-cresol (Kekul6, Ber. 7, 1006). Or o-nitrotoluene gives o-cresol di- rectly among the products of pyrogenic (electric) decomposition when mixed with steam and heated to 500-1000° (Lob, Zeit. Elektroch. 8, yy^). Or p-nitrotoluene can be reduced to p-toluidine, the latter converted into 3 -brom -p-toluidine (Wroblewski, Ann. 168, 153), into 3-brom-p-toluic nitrile by the diazo-method (Glaus and Kunath, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 39, 486), the acid by hydrolysis, 3-brom-6-nitro-p-toluic acid by nitration (Glaus and Herbabny, Ann. 265, 3*54), and then through 6-nitro-3- amino-p-toluic acid, 6-nitro-m-toluidine, o-nitrotoluene, and o-toluidine to o-cresol as above and under C and P. Toluene can be converted into para- toluic acid by several processes: — By heating p-bromtoluene with sodium in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide (Kekule, Ann. 137, 184), or by treatment with sodium and ethyl chlorocarbonate and hydrolysing the ester (Wurtz, Gomp. Rend. 68, 1298; Ann. Supp. 7, 126). By the action of aluminium chloride on a solution of phosgene in toluene and decomposition of the chloride with water (Ador and Crafts, Ber. 10, 2 1 76). By nitration, reduction of p-nitro- toluene to p-toluidine, the formation of the nitrile by the diazo- (Sandmeyer) reaction and hydrolysis (Herb, Ann. 258, g; Glock, Ber. 21, 2650; Van Scherpenzeel, Rec. Tr. Gh. 20, 149). By the action of aluminium chloride on a mixture of toluene and chlorocar- bamide(urea chloride) dissolved in carbon disulphide, and hydrolysis of the p-toluic amide thus formed (Gattermann and Schmidt, Ann. 244, 51). By heating toluene with zinc chloride, acetic acid, and phosphorus oxychloride, and treating the product with dilute sodium hydroxide solution (Frey and Horowitz, Journ. pr. Gh. [2] 43, 116). By the action of aluminium chloride on a mixture of toluene and phthalic anhydride (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; B,]), and potash fusion of the p-toluyl-o-benzoic acid thus formed (Friedel and Grafts, Ann. Ghini. [6] 14, 449 ; Bull. Soc. [2] 35, 50H). By passing cyanic acid and hydrogen chloride into toluene at 100° in presence of aluminium chloride (Gattermann and Rossolymo, Ber. 23, 1195). By passing carbon monoxide and hydrogen chloride through toluene in the presence of aluminium and cuprous chlorides and oxidising the p-toluic aldehyde thus formed (Gattermann and Koch, Ber. 30, 1622). Paratoluic acid can be converted into 2-hydroxy-p-toluic acid (2-methylphenol- 4-carboxylic acid) by several processes : — By sulphonation and potash fusion of the 2-sulpho-acid (Weinreich, Ber. 20, 981). By conversion into 2-brom-p-toluie acid (Briickner, Ber. 9, 407) and potash fusion of the latter (Vongerichten, Ber. 11,368). By converting the acid (or nitrile) into 3-nitro-p-toluic acid by nitration (Fittig and Ramsay, Ann. 168, 251 ; Banse, Ber. 27, 2162; Van Scherpen- zeel, loc. cit.), reducing to amino-acid and applying the diazo-reaction (Fittica, Ber. 7, 927 ; Vongerichten and Rossler, Ber. 11, 705). The 2-hydroxy-p-toluic acid thus formed gives o-cresol when distilled with lime. From Toluene through m-Xylene and the Hydroxytoluic Acids. Metaxylene is formed (among other methylbenzenes) when methyl chloride is passed into toluene in presence of aluminium chloride (Friedel and Grafts, Ann. Ghim. [6] 1, 461 ; Ador and Ril- liet, Ber. 11, 1627), and this on sul- phonation gives (chiefly) m -xylene- 4- sulphonic acid (Jacobsen, Ann. 184, 126 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [61 A-B. 188; Ber. 11, 18), the amide of which gives on oxidation with chromic acid or potassium permanganate 6-sulphamide- m-toluic acid (Remsen and lies, Am. Ch. Journ. 1, 41 j Jacobsen, Ber. 11, 895 j Coale and Remsen, Am. Ch. Journ. 3, 205). The latter on potash fusion yields 6-hydroxy-m-toluic acid (Jacobsen, loc. cit. 897; Remsen and lies, loc. cit. 48 ; 114; Ber. 11, 462 ; Mahon, Am. Ch. Journ. 4, 186), which on heating with hydrochloric acid at 180-185° gives o-cresol. Or m-xylene can be nitrated, the 6- nitro-m-xylene oxidised to 6-nitro-m- toluic acid by chromic acid (Beilstein and Kreusler, Ann. 144, 168), reduced to the amino-acid {Ibid. 177), the latter converted into the 6-hydroxy-m-toluie acid by the diazo-reaction (Remsen and Kuhara, Am. Ch. Journ. 3, 428), and the hydroxy-acid converted into o-cresol as above. Or m-xylene may be brominated, the product oxidised to 6-brom-m-toluic acid by chromic acid (Fittig, Ahrens, and Mattheides, Ann. 147, 32 ; Jacobsen, Ber. 14, 2352), the 6- hydroxy-acid formed by potash fusion of the bromo- acid (Jacobsen, loc. cit.), and then con- verted into o-cresol as before. When m-xylene is sulphonated the 2-sulphonic acid is produced as well as the 4-sulphonic acid (Jacobsen, Ann. 184, 188; Ber. 10, 1015; 11, 19), and the amide of the former on oxidation with chromic acid gives 2-sulphamide- m-toluic acid {Ibid. Ber. 11, 901), which on fusion with potash yields 2-hydroxy- m-toluic (/3-cresotic = o-homosalicylic) acid. The latter on heating with strong hydrochloric acid is converted into 0- cresol. Or m-xylene can be directly oxidised to m-toluic acid by dilute nitric acid (Tawildaroff, Zeit. [2] 6, 419; Ber. 4, 410 ; Briickner, Ber. 9, 406 ; Renter, Ber. 17, 2028), m-Toluic acid on nitration gives (with much 4-nitro-acid) a small quantity of 2-nitro-m-toluic acid (Jacobsen, Ber. 14, 2353 ; Van Scherpenzeel, Rec. Tr. Ch. 20, 149), and this on reduction to the amino-acid and application of the diazo-reaction yields 2-hydroxy-m-toluic acid (Jacobsen, loc. cit.), which can be converted into o-cresol as before. Or m-toluic acid may be brominated with the formation of 4-brom- and 6-brom-m-toluic acid (Jacobsen, loc. cit.), the latter being convertible into 6-hydroxy-m-toluic acid by potash fusion and then into o-cresol as above. Note : — All the generators of toluene referred to under benzyl alcohol (54 ; A and D to T, &c.) by the foregoing methods become generators of o-cresol. [B.] From acetone [IO6] through mesitylene (see under benzyl alcohol; [54; D]), mesitylenic acid by oxida- tion with dilute nitric acid (Fittig, Ann. 141, 144; Fittig and Briickner, Zeit. [2] 4, 493; Ann. 147, 45)^ m-xylene by distilling mesitylenic acid with lime (Fittig and Velguth, Ann. 148, 10), and then as under the fore- going methods. Or from acetone through phorone (2 : 6-dimethyl-2 : 5- heptadienone-4) by the action of lime or acids (Fittig, Ann. 110, 32 ; Baeyer, Ann. 140, 301), pseudocumene (i : 2 :4- trimethylbenzene) by the action of phos- phorus pentoxide or zinc chloride on phorone (Jacobsen, Ber. 10, 855), xylic acid (i : 3-dimethyl-4-benzoic acid) by the oxidation of pseudocumene by dilute nitric acid (Fittig and Laubinger, Ann. 151, 269), m-xylene by distilling xylic acid with lime (Fittig and Bieber, Ann. 156, 236), and then as above. Or from acetone through triacetonamine by the action of ammonia (Heintz, Ann. 178, 305; 189, 214), nitrosotriacetonamine by the action of nitrous acid {Ibid. 185, I ; 187, 233), phorone by the action of caustic alkali on the nitrosamine {Ibid. 187, 250), and then as above. Note : — Mesitylenic acid is formed also in small quantity by passing carbon monoxide over a mixture of sodium ethylate and sodium acetate heated to 205°, or by heating this same mixture with zinc dust (Geuther and Frohlich, Ann. 202, 310). Also under similar conditions from sodium isovalerate and ethylate at 160° (Loos, Ibid. 321). Mesitylene also is converted by further oxidation into uvitic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; D]), and this on heating the calcium salt with a small quantity of lime gives m-toluic acid (Bottinger and Ramsay, Ann. 168, 255)^ 61 B-J.] ORTHOCRESOL 127 which can be converted into a-hydroxy- m-toluic acid and o-cresol as under A. Note : — The generators of mesitylene and uvitic acid referred to under benzyl alcohol (54 ; D to Q,) thtis become generators of o-cresol. [C] From cymene [6] through the a-sulphonic acid (Claus and Cratz, Ber. 13^ 901 ; Spica, Ber. 14^ (>S'^', Claus, Ihid. 2139), 2-sulpho-p-toluic acid by oxidation of the sulphonic acid (Remsen and Burney, Am. Ch. Journ. 2, 411; Meyer and Baur, Ann. 220, 18), 1- hydroxy-p-toluic acid by potash fusion, &c., as under A. Or from cymene through the 2-(a)- sulphonic acid (see above), 3-brom-6- sulphonic acid by bromination (Kelbe and Koschnitzky, Ber. 19, 1730; Claus and Christ, Ibid. 2165), 3-bromcymene by heating the latter with sulphuric acid {Ibid.), 3-brom-6-nitro-p-toluic acid by the action of nitric acid on latter (Pileti and Crosa, Gazz. 16, 297)^ 6-nitro-3- amino-p-toluie acid by heating the brom- nitro acid with alcoholic ammonia {Ibid. 18, 303), 6-nitro-m-toluidine by heating the nitramino-p-toluic acid with hydro- chloric acid at 150° {Ibid.), and then through o-nitrotoluene and o-toluidine to o-cresol as under F and A. Or 3-bromcymene may be nitrated (Mazzara, Gazz. 16, 193 ; Fileti and Crosa, Ibid. 18, 289), the 3-brom-6- nitrocymene oxidised to 3-brom-6-nitro- p-toluic acid (F. and C. Ibid, 300), and then treated as above. [D.] From thymol [67] through 3- amino-p-cymene (cymidine) by heating with ammonium bromide and ammonio- zinc bromide at 350-360° (Lloyd, Ber. 20, 1260), and then as under Q-. Or thymol can be converted directly into 3-bromcymene by phosphorus pentabromide (Fileti and Crosa, Gazz. 16, 291), and then into o-cresol as under O. [E.] Carvacrol [66] on heating with phosphorus pentoxide and hydrolysis of the phosphate gives o-cresol (Kekule, Ber. 7, 1006). Or carvacrol by the action of phos- phorus pentasulphide can be converted into thiocarvacrol (Roderburg, Ber. 6, 669), which by oxidation with nitric acid gives 2-sulpho-p-toluic acid (Flesch, Ber. 6, 480 ; Bechler, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 8, 170). The latter can be con- verted into the hydroxy-acid and o- cresol as before. [F.] Metacresol (see below) on heating with ammonio-zinc chloride and am- monium chloride at 330-340° is con- verted into m-toluidine (Merz and Miiller, Ber. 20, 548), the acetyl-de- rivative giving on nitration 6-nitro-m- toluidine (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 158, 348 : see also Noelting and Stock- lin, Ber. 24, 564), which by the diazo- method gives o-nitrotoluene (B. and K.). The latter can be reduced to o-toluidine and converted into o-cresol as under A. Or m-cresol may be ethylated, the ether nitrated (Stadel, Ann. 217, 161), the 6-nitro-m-cresol ether converted into 6-nitro-m-toluidine by heating with strong ammonia (Stadel and Kolb, Ann. 259, 214), and the latter converted into o-cresol as before. [G.] From cumic aldehyde [II6] through the 3-nitro-derivative by nitra- tion, nitrocymylidene chloride by the action of phosphorus pentachloride, 3- amino-p-eymene (cymidine) by reduc- tion, 3-amino-p-cymene-6-sulphonic acid by sulphonation, 3-brom-p-cymene-6- sulphonic acid by the diazo-method, and then through 3-bromcymene, 3- brom-6-nitro-p-toluic acid, 6-nitro-3- amino-p-toluic acid, 6-nitro-m-toluidine, and o-nitrotoluene to o-cresol as under C. [H.] From phenylacetic acid [Vol. II] through the 2 : 4-dinitro acid, 2 : 4- dinitrotoluene and o-nitrotoluene (see under quinol [71; l]), o-toluidine, &c., as under A. [I.] Methylhepfenone [ill] by heating with zinc chloride or with 75 per cent, sulphuric acid gives dihydro-m-xylene (Verley, Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 181). The latter on nitration gives 6-nitro-m- xylene (Wallach, Ann. 258, 330), and this can be converted into 6-amino- and 6 -hydroxy toluic acid and o-cresoI as under A above. [J.] Carvone [l27] through carvacrol [66] gives o-cresol (see above under E). Or from carvone through dihydrocarveol by reduction and the ketone-alcohol by oxidation. The latter by extreme 128 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [eiJ-ea A. oxidation gives hexahydro-m-liydroxy- p-toluic acidj which is converted by bromine into 3-hydroxy-p-toluic acid (Tiemann and Semmler, Ber. 28_, 2141). The latter gives o-cresol as above under A. [K.] From acetylene [l; A, &c.], the copper compound o£ which gives a mix- ture of cresols among the products of distillation with zinc dust (Erdmann and Kothner, Zeit. anorg. Ch. 18, 48). Note : — Orthocresylsulphuricacid is obtained from o-cresol by treating the potassium salt ■with potassium pyrosulphate (Baumann, Ber. 11, 1911). 62. Metacresol; 3-Methylphenol. HO CH, Natueal Souece. Possibly occurs (as salt of cresylsul- phuric acid) in urine of horse (Preusse, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 2, ^b^)- Synthetical Peocesses. [A.] From toluene (see under benzyl alcohol [54; A]) by passing air through the boilmg hydrocarbon in presence of aluminium chloride (Friedel and Crafts, Ann. Chim. [6] 14, 436). Toluene on sulphonation (preferably with chlorosulphonic acid) gives o- (with p-) toluenesulphonic acid (Claesson and Wallin, Ber. 12, 1848; Noyes, Am. Ch. Journ. 8, 176 : see also under 61 ; A), which can be converted into o-cyanotoluene (nitrile) by distilling the potassium salt with potassium cyanide [172] (Fittig and Ramsay, Zeit. [2] 7, 584; Ann. 168, 246) and into o-toluic acid by hydrolysis (Cahn, Ann. 240, 280). The latter on bromination gives 3-brom- o-toluic acid (Jacobsen and Wierss, Ber. 16, 1956; Racine, Ann. 239, 74), which by potash fusion yields the corresponding hydroxytoluic acid (Jacobsen, Ber. 16, 1963), and this on heating with strong hydrochloric acid at 200° gives m-cresol {Ibid,). Or toluene can be nitrated, the 0- nitrotoluene (separated from the para-) reduced to o-toluidine, converted into the nitrile by the diazo- (Sandmeyer) method and the nitrile converted into the acid (Cahn, loc. cit.), the bromo-acid, &c., as before. From Toluene through the Xylenes and Hydroxytoluic Acids. Toluene can be converted into o-xylene by the action of sodium on a mixture of o-bromtoluene and methyl iodide (Jan- nasch and Hiibner, Ann. 170, 117; Reymann, Bull. Soc. [2] 26, 532) or by passing methyl chloride into warm tol- uene in presence of aluminium chloride (Jacobsen, Ber. 14, 2625). Ortho- xylene gives o-toluic acid on oxidation with dilute nitric acid (Fittig and Bieber, Zeit. [2] 6, 496 ; Ann, 156, 242), and this can be treated as above. Orthoxylene also on sulphonation (Jacobsen, Ber. 11, 22) and conversion into the sulphonamide gives on oxida- tion of the latter with alkaline perman- ganate a mixture of 4- and 5-sulph- amide-o-toluic acid {Ibid. Ber. 14, 39); the latter on fusion with potash gives 5-hydroxy-o-toluic acid, which on heat- ing with hydrochloric acid at 200° yields m-cresol {1/jid.). Or from o-xylene through 5-nitro-o- xylene (Jacobsen, Ber. 17, 160), 5-nitro- o-toluic acid by oxidising the latter with dilute nitric acid {Ibid. 162), 5-amino-o- toluic acid by reduction [Ibid. 164), 5-hydroxy-o-toluic acid by the diazo- method (Ibid.), and then as above. From toluene through m-xylene (see under orthocresol [61 ; A]), ra-toluie acid by oxidation with dilute nitric acid (TawildarofP, Zeit. [2] 6, 419; Ber. 4, 410; Briickner, Ber. 9, 406; Renter, Ber. 17, 2028), 5-sulpho-m-toluic acid by sulphonation (Jacobsen, Ber. 14, 2355), 5-hydroxy-m-toluic acid by pot- ash fusion {Ibid. 2357), and decompo- sition of the latter by heating with lime. Or toluene can be nitrated, the p- nitrotoluene reduced to p-toluidine, the latter acetylated,* nitrated, and hydro- lysed to 3-nitro-p-toluidine (Beilstein 62 A-C] METACRESOL 129 and Kuhlberg", Ann. 155^ 23 ; Ehrlich, Ber. 15, 2009; Gattermann, Ber. 18, 1483), the latter converted into ra- nitrotoluene by the diazo-method [Ibid. 158, 346), reduced to m-toluidine, and converted into m-cyanotoluene by the diazo- (Sandmeyer) reaction (Buchka and Schachtebeck, Ber. 22, 841), m-toluic acid by hydrolysis, and then as above. o-Nitrotoluene can be converted into m-toluic acid by a similar series of pro- cesses. Or p-toluidine can be sulphonated (v. Pechmann, Ann. 173, 19,5; Nevile and Winther, Ber. 13, 1947), the p- toluidine-3-sulphonic acid converted into the nitrile by Sandmeyer^s process (Ran- dall, Am. Ch. Journ. 13, 258), and the latter hydrolysed to 3-sulpho-p-toluic acid, which, by potash fusion, gives 3- hydroxy-p-toluic = y-cresotic acid (We- ber, Ber. 25, 1743). The latter on heating with hydrochloric acid is con- verted into m-cresol. Or toluene can be converted into 3- nitro-p-toluidine as above, the latter con- verted into the nitrile (Leuckart,Ber.l9, 175 ; Niementowski and Rozanski, Ber. 21, 1993 '•> Noyes, Am. Ch. Journ. 10, 476), then into 3-nitro-p-toluic acid by hydrolysis, into 3-amino-p-toluic = homoanthranilic acid by reduction, and then into 3-hydroxy-p-toluic = y-cresotic acid by the diazo-method (N. and R. loc. cit. 1998). From toluene through p-xylene by the action of sodium on p-bromtoluene and methyl iodide (Fittig and Glinzer, Ann. 136, 303 ; Jannasch, Ann. 171, 79), p-xylenesulphonic acid and 1:4:2- xylenol ( Jacobsen, Ber. 11, 26 ; Wurtz, Ann. 147, 373), 3-hydroxy-p-toluic acid by potash fusion of latter (Jacobsen, loc. cit. 570), and m-cresol as above. Or p-xylene may be nitrated, reduced to the corresponding xylidine, the latter converted into p-xylenol by the diazo- method (Noelting, Witt, and Forel, Ber. 18, 2665), and then as above. Note: — All generators of toluene thus become generators of m-cresol. [B.] From acetone [IO6] through mesitylene, mesitylenic acid (see under o-cresol [61; B]), and m-xylene, and then as under A. Or from mesitylene through uvitic acid and m-toluic acid and then as under A (see also under o- cresol [61 ; B]). Or from acetone through phorone, pseudocumene, i : 3-dimethyl-4-benzoic (xylic) acid, and m-xylene as under o- cresol (61; B). Note : — Generators of mesitylene and uvitic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; D to Q,]) thus also become generators of m-ci-esol. From acetone and ooralic acid [Vol. II] and ethyl alcohol [14] through acetone- oxalic ester by the action of sodium ethylate on a mixture of acetone and oxalic ester (Claisen and Stylos, Ber. 20, 2 1 88). This acetoneoxalic ester ( = acetyl pyroracemic ester) on heating with baryta water is converted into ,5-hydroxy-m-toluic acid (Claisen, Ber. 22, 3271), from which m-cresol can be obtained as under A. [C] From acetic acid [Vol. II] and ethi/l alcohol [14] through 5-methyl- phenol-2 : 4-dicarboxylic acid (= m- hydroxyuvitic acid) by the action of chloroform, chloral, trichloracetic ester or carbon tetrachloride on sodio-aceto- acetic ester (Oppenheim and Pfaff, Ber. 7, 929 ; 8, 884; Oppenheim and Precht, Ber. 9, 321 ; Conrad and Guthzeit, Ann. 222, 249), and hydrolysis of the ester thus formed. The acid on distil- lation with baryta gives m-cresol (Op- penheim and Pfalf, 13 er. 8, 886). Or acetoacetic ester on treating the sodium compound with methylene iodide (Hagemann, Ber. 26, 876), or the ester with formic aldehyde (Knoevenagel, Ibid. 1090) and hydrolysis of the pro- duct, gives 3-methyl-A2-keto-R-hexene (i - methylcyclo - 3 - hexenone) (Hage- mann, loc. cit. ; Knoevenagel, loc. cit. 1085; K. and Klages, Ann. 281,97). The latter forms a dibromide (Hagemann, loc. cit. 884 ; Knoevenagel, loc. cit. 1951), which readily decomposes into hydrogen bromide and m-cresol (K. Tbid.). Acetoacetic ester through its methyl- ene derivative can also be converted by the action of ammonia under various conditions into dihydrolutidine-dicarb- oxylic ester (Knoevenagel and Klages, 130 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [62 0-63. Ann. 281j 96 ; Schiff and Prosio, Gazz. 25, 70 : see also Griess and Harrow, Ber. 21, 2740). The latter on heating with alcoholic potash gives the above methyl- cyelohexenone among other products (S. and P. loc. c'lt. 76), and this can be converted into m-cresol as before. [D.] From napJithalene [12] through o-toluie acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; B,]), and from the latter as under A. Phthalic acid may also be converted into phthalimidine {loc. c'lt.), the latter nitrated (Honig, Ber. 18, 3447);. reduced to 5-amino-o-toluic acid by heating with hydriodic acid and phosphorus {Ibid. 3449), and the latter converted into 5-hydroxy-o-toluic acid and m-cresol as under A. Also from naphthalene through the trisulphonic acids (heteronucleal) derived from the m-disulphonie acid, which, on fusion with alkali, give m-hydroxytoluic acid and m-cresol (Kalle & Co., Germ. Pat. 81484 of 1894; Ber. 28,Ref. 694; also Ref. 364). The i : 6-dihydroxy- naphthalene-3-sulphonic acid on fusion with alkali gives the corresponding trihydroxynaphthalene, which yields m- cresol on further heating (Kalle & Co., Germ. Pat. 11 2176 of 1899 ; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 700 : see also Ber. 28, Ref. 671 and 693, relating to Germ. Pats. 8ia8i and 81333 of 1893 of Meister, Lucius, and Briining, and also Ch. Centr. 1897,1, 1039). ^ ^ ^ . [E.] Orf/iocresol [61] on heatmg with ammonium chloride and ammonio-zinc chloride at 330-340° gives o-toluidine (Merz and Muller, Ber. 20, 547). The latter can be converted into o-toluic acid, and m-cresol as under A. Or o-toluidine may be aeetylated, nitrated, hydrolysed, and thus converted into 5-nitro-o-toluidine (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 158, 345), from which, by the diazo-method, m-nitrotoluene can be obtained (Ibid.), and from this m- toluidine. The latter might be directly- converted into m-cresol by the diazo- method, or indirectly through m-toluic acid, &c., as under A. [F.] Faracresol [63] on nitration gives 3-nitro-p-cresol (Armstrong and Thorpe, B. A. Rep. 1875, 112 ; Hof- mann and Miller, Ber. 14, 573 ; Stadel, Ann. 217, ^'^ ; Frische, Ann. 224, 138), which, by heating with ammonia, gives 3-nitro-p-toluidine (Barr, Ber. 21, 1543). The latter can be converted into m- nitrotoluene, m-toluidine, and m-cresol as under A. [G.] From benzoic aldehyde [114] through the m-nitro-derivative, m-tolui- dine (see under phenol [60 ; H]), and then as above. [H.] From thijmol [67] by heating with phosphorus pentoxide and decom- position of the m-cresyl phosphate by heating with alkali (Engelhardt and Latschinoff, Zeit. [2] 5, 621; South- worth, Ann. 168, 268 ; Stadel and Kolb, Ann. 259, 209 ; Tiemann and Schotten, Ber. 11, 769). Or thymol can be converted into thiothymol by the action of phosphorus pentasulphide (Fittica, Ann. 172, 328), 3-sulpho-p-toluic acid by oxidation of thiothymol with nitric acid [Ibid. 329), and then through 3-hydroxy-p-toluic acid and m-cresol as under A. [I.] From ///^;i;!//c>;ze [129], which gives tetrabrom-m-cresol among the products of the action of bromine. The tetra- brom-derivative gives m-cresol on reduc- tion with sodium in alcoholic solution (Baeyer and Seuffert, Ber. 34, 40). [J.] From pidegone [128] through meth} Icyclohexanone (see under phenol [eO; S]). The latter gives m-cresol on treatment with a chloroform solution of bromine (Klages, Ber. 32, 2567 : see also Wallach, Ibid, 3338). 63. Paracresol; 4-Metliylphenol. HO CH3 Natural Sources. Occurs as a salt of cresylsulphuric acid in urine of herbivorous animals, and, in certain diseases, in human urine (Baumann, Ber. 9, 1389; Stadeler, es-A.] PARACRESOL 131 Ann. 77, i8 ; Brleger, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 4; 204 : see also under o-cresol [ei] for further references). A product of putrefaction of animal proteids (Baumann and Brieger, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 3, J 49; Ber. 12, 706), of p-hydroxijphenylacetic and hydroparacou- maric acids [Vol. II] (Baumann, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 4, 304), and of tyro-sin [Vol. II] (Weyl, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 3, 312; Baumann, Ibid. 4, 304). The p-cresol complex may be con- tained in podocarpic acid, which con- stitutes the chief portion of the resin of Podocarpns cupre-ssifta, var. imbricafa (Oudemans, Ann. 170, 259)- The methyl ether appears to exist in the perfiime "^Canang-a Essence •* (ylang- ylang') from Catianga odorafa (Reychler, Bull. Soc. [3] 13, 140). p-Cresyl acetate exists also in this oil (Darzens, Bull. Soc. [3] 37, 83). Synthetical Puocesses. [A.] From toluene [54 ; A, &c.] through p-nitrotoluene (see under ortho- ■cresol [ei; A]), p-toluidine by reduction, and thediazo-reaetion with latter (Griess, Jahresber. 1866, 458 ; Korner, Zeit. [2] 4, 326). Or p-nitrotoluene on mild reduction gives p-toluylhydroxylamine (see under toluquinol [72 ; A]), and this gives p-cresol among the products of decom- position by hot dilute sulphuric acid (Bamberger, Ber. 28, 246; for produc- tion of p-toluylhydroxylamine by the oxidation of p-toluidine by monoper- sulphuric acid see Bamberger and Tsehirner, Ber. 32, 1677). Or from toluene through the p-sul- phonic acid and potash fusion of the latter (Wurtz, Ann. 144, 122; 156, 258; Engelhardt and Latschinoff, Zeit. [2] 6, 618). From toluene through m-xylene (see under orthocresol [61; A]), m-xylene- 4-sulphonic acid by sulphonation (Jacob- sen, Ann. 184, 188; Ber. 10, 1015; 11, 19), and potash fusion of latter so as to form 4-hydroxy-m-toluic (a-cre- sotic = p-homosalicylic) acid (Engelhardt and Latschinoff, loc. cit. 712). The latter acid on heating with strong k2 hydrochloric acid at 180-185° gives p-cresol. Or m-xylene may be oxidised to m- toluic acid (TawildarofP, Zeit. [2] 7, 419; Ber. 4, 410 ; Briickner, Ber. 9, 406 ; Renter, Ber. 17, 2028), the latter brominated (Jacobsen, Ber. 14, 2351), and the 4-brom-m-toluic acid thus formed fused with potash [Ibid.). Or m-toluic acid may be sulphonated (Jacobsen, loc. cit. 2355), the 4-sulpho- m-toluic acid converted into 4-hydroxy- m-toluic acid by potash fusion [Ibid.), and then into p-cresol as before. Or m-toluic acid may be nitrated [Ibid. 2353), the 4-nitro- reduced to the 4 -amino -m- toluic (methylanthranilic) acid [Ibid.), the latter converted into 4- hydroxy-m- toluic acid by the diazo- reaction {Ibid. : see also Panaotovic, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 33, 64), and into p-cresol as before. Or m-xylene-4-sulphonic acid (see above) may be converted into 1:3:4- xylenol by potash fusion (Jacobsen, Ber. 11, 28), or the corresponding 1:3:4- nitroxylene into i :^ :4-xylidine and into the same xylenol by the diazo-reaction (Harmsen, Ber. 13, 1558). This 1:3:4- xylenol (or its ^-sulphonic acid) gives 4- hydroxy-m-toluic acid by potash fusion (Jacobsen, Ber. 11, 375 ; Ann. 195, 283), and this gives p-cresol as before. Toluene may also be converted into 2 : 4-dinitrotoluene (Deville, Ann. 44, 307), the p-nitro-group in the latter replaced by bromine (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 158, 340), the 4-brom-2-nitro- toluene heated with alcoholic potassium cyanide at 220°, and the nitrile hydro- lysed to 4-brom-m-toluic acid (Richter, Ber. 5, 425), which can be converted into 4-hydroxy-m-toluic acid and p- cresol as above. 4-Brom-2-nitrotol- uene is also formed (with 4-brom-3- nitrotoluene) by the nitration of p- bromtoluene (Wroblewski, Ann. 168, 176). Or toluene may be converted into methyl-m-toluyl ketone by the action of acetyl chloride in presence of alu- minium chloride (Essner and Gossin, Bull. Soc. [2] 42, 95) ; or p-bromtoluene into p-bromtoluyl-m-methyl ketone by the same process. The latter on oxida- 132 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [63 A-F. tion with potassium permanganate gives 4-brom-m-toluic acid (Claus, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 46^ 2,1), and this can be con- verted into p-cresol as before. Toluene or m- or p- xylene can^ by further methylation, be converted into pseudoeumene = i : 3 : 4-trimethylben- zene (Fittig and Ernst^ Ann. 139, 187 ; Fittig and Jannasch, Ann. 151, 286 ; Fittig and Laubinger, I6id. 257 ; Jan- nasch, Ann. 176, 286 ; Friedel and Crafts, Ann. Chim. [6] 1, 461 ; Ador and Rilliet, Ber. 12, 329), the sulphonic acid of which (Jacobsen, Ann. 184, 199) gives a sulphonamide, which, by oxida- tion with alkaline permanganate, gives 4-sulphamidemethylbenzene-2 : 5-dicarb- oxylic (methylterephthalic = a-xylid- ic) acid (Jacobsen and Meyer, Ber. 16, 190). The latter (sulphamide) on potash fusion gives methyl-4-phenol- 2 : 5-dicarboxylie (s-hydroxy methyltere- phthalic) acid {Ibid.), and this on heat- ing with lime gives p-cresol. Note : — All generators of toluene thus become generators of p-cresol, [B.] From p-hydwxyphenylaeetlc acid [Vol. II] by heating with lime (Sal- kowski, Ber. 12, 1440). [C] From acetone [IO6] through mesitylene (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; D]), mesitylenesulphonic acid (Jacobsen, Ann. 146, 95), 4-hydroxy- mesitylenic (i : 3-dimethyl-4-phenol-5- carboxylic) acid by potash fusion of the sulphonic acid (Fittig and Hoogewerff, Ann. 150, '^'^?), 4 -hydroxy uvitic (4- methylphenol-3 : 5-dicarboxyhc) acid by potash fusion of hydroxymesitylenic acid (Jacobsen, Ann. 195, 285), and decomposition of the hydroxyuvitic acid by heating with hydrochloric acid at 200° [Ibid. 206, 196}. Or from mesitylene through mesityl- enic acid (see under o-cresol [61 ; B]), 4-nitro- and 4-aminomesitylenic acid (Schmitz, Ann. 193, 162; 171), 4-hy- droxymesitylenic acid by the diazo-reac- tion (Jacobsen, Ber. 11, 2055), and then 4-hydroxyuvitic acid and p-cresol as above. Or 4-hydroxymesitylenic acid may be converted into 1:3: 4-xylenol by heating with hydrochloric acid at 200° (Jacobsen, Ber. 11, 2052 ; Fittig and Hoogewerff, Ann. 150, 330), and the xylenol converted into 4-hydroxy-m- toluic acid and p-cresol as under A. Or mesitylene may be converted into mesitol (1:3: 5-trimethyl-2-phenol) by potash fusion of mesitylenesulphonic acid, or by the diazo-reaction from aminomesitylene (Biedermann and Ledoux, Ber. 8, 59 and 250 ; Jacob- sen, Ann. 195, 268). Mesitol on potash fusion gives 4-hydroxymesitylenic acid (Jacobsen, loc. cit. 274), from which p-cresol can be obtained as above. Or from mesitylenic acid through a-sulphomesitylenic acid by sulphona- tion (Remsen and Brown, Am. Ch. Journ. 3, 218), 4-hydroxymesitylenic acid by potash fusion [Ibid. 220), and then as above. Or mesitylene may be oxidised to uvitic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; D]), which, by distillation with lime, gives m-toluic acid (Bottinger and Ramsay, Ann. 168, 255). The latter can be converted into 4-hydroxy-m- toluic acid and p-cresol as under A. Note : — Generators of mesitylene and uvitic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; D to Q,]) thus also become generators of p-cresol. Acetone may also be converted through phorone into pseudoeumene (see under o-cresol [61; B]), and the latter into s-hydroxymethylterephthalic acid and p-cresol as under A. [D.] Tarahydroxyhenzoic aldehyde [119] gives, among other products, p- cresol when heated with acetic acid and zinc dust (Tiemann, Ber. 24, 3170). ^ [E.] Mefacresol [62] on nitration yields a mixture of 4- and 6-nitro-m- cresol (Stiidel, Ann. 217, 51 ; 259, 210). The ethyl ether of the former gives, on heating with strong aqueous ammonia at 140-150°, 4-nitro-m-toluidine (Stadel and Kolb, Ann. 259, 224). The latter on replacement of the NHg-group by hydrogen by the diazo-method would give p-niti-otoluene, which can be con- verted into p-toluidine and p-cresol as under A. [P.] Anethole [68] when heated under pressure to 250-275° gives, among other products, p-cresol methyl ether (Orn- 63 F-64 C] PARACRESOL 133 dorff^ Terrasse, and Morton, Am. Ch. Journ. 19, 845). Note : — Paracresol can be converted into p- cresylsulphuric acid (potassium salt) byheating the potassium salt with a solution of potassium pyrosulphate (Baumann, Ber. 9, 1389). 64. Fhlorol; 2-Ethylphenol. HO C.Ho Natural Sources, The phlorol complex probably occurs in gum-ammoniac, the dried sap of Dorema ammoniacuw,, which jaelds phlorol methyl ether on distillation with zinc dust (Ciamician, Ber. 12, 1658). Hlasiwetz obtained a phlorol by dis- tilling barium phloretate with lime (Ann. 102, 166), but since phloretic acid is a para-hydroxybenzene deriva- tive, it is doubtful whether the phlorol thus obtained is the ortho-ethylphenol, althovigh Oliveri concludes that it is identical with this modification (Gazz. 13, 263). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Benzene [6 ; I, &c.] can be con- verted into ethylbenzene by several processes : — By the action of sodium on a mixture of brombenzene and ethyl bromide (Fit- tig, Ann. 131, 310; 133, 223; 144, 278 ; Schramm, Ber. 24, 1333). From benzene, ethyl iodide, bromide or chloride, and aluminium chloride (Friedel and Crafts, Ann. Chim. [6] 1, 457; Sollscher, Ber. 15, 1680 ; Sempotowski, Ber. 22, 2662 ; Behal and Choay, Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 207 ; Radziewanowski, Ber. 27, 3235). From benzene and ethylene in the presence of aluminium chloride (Bal- sohn. Bull. Soc. [2] 31, 540), or by heating benzene with ethyl ether and zinc chloride {Ibid. 32, 618). From benzene and ehloracetic or chloroformic ester and aluminium chloride (Friedel and Crafts, Ann. Chim. [6] 1, 527; Rennie, Trans. Ch. Soc. From benzene and ethylene through thedibromideof thelatter, vinyl bromide, and the action of the latter on benzene in presence of aluminium chloride (An- schiitz, Ann. 235, 331). Ethylbenzene when brominated (in the dark) in presence of iodine gives a mixture of o- and p-ethylbrombenzene (Schramm, Ber. 18, 1273; Sempotowski, Ber. 22, 2668). The latter on sulphona- tion yields ethyl-4-brombenzene-2-sul- phonic acid (Sempotowski, loc, cU.), which on debi'omination by zinc dust and ammonia gives ethylbenzene-o- sulphonic acid (Idi/L). The latter yields phlorol on fusion with potash (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 156, 311 ; Sempo- towski, loc. cit. 3672). Or ethylbenzene may be nitrated, the o-nitro-derivative reduced, and the amino -ethylbenzene converted into phlorol by the diazo-method (Suida and Plohn, Monats. 1, 175; B^hal and Choay, Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 209 ; Sempo- towski, loc. clt. 2672 ; for nitration of ethylbenzene and separation of isomer- ides see Schultz and Flachslander, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, 153). [B.] From styrene [?] through ethyl- benzene by heating with hydriodic acid (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. [2] 9, 455), or by passing the vapour mixed with hydrogen over heated copper (Sabatier and Sen- derens, Comp. Rend. 130, 1761 ; 132, 1254; 134, 1 1 27). Also by reduction with sodium in alcoholic solution (Klages and Keil, Ber. 36, 1633), and then as under A. [C] P/ienol [60] when heated with absolute alcohol and zinc chloride gives a mixture of ethylphenols (Auer, Ber. 17, 670 ; Errera, Gazz, 14, 484), among which phlorol is present. Or phenol may be converted into phenoxylacetal by heating sodium phenate with chloracetal at 160° (Autenrieth, Ber. 24, 163 ; Pomeranz, Monats. 15, 739). [Chloracetal is prepared by the action of chlorine on ethyl alcohol (Lieben, Ann. 104, 114; Fritsch, Ann. 279, 288 : see also 54, p. i n)-] Phenoxylacetal when heated with zinc 134 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [64 C-J. chloride (in acetic acid solution) con- denses to coumarone (Stoermer, Ber. 30^ T-yo^), and this can be reduced to phlorol as below under D. [D.] Prom conmarhi [Vol. II] through the chloride or bromide (Perkin, Zeit. [2] 7, 178; Journ. Ch. Soc. 17, 368; 24, 37; Ann. 157, 116; Pittig and Ebert, Ann. 216, 163), a-chlor- or a- bromcoumarin (Perkin, loc. c'lt. ; also Journ. Ch. Soc. 23, 368), o-couma- rilie acid by the action of alcoholic potash (Ibid. Journ. Ch. Soc. 24, 45 ; Pittig and Ebert, loc. cit.), coumarone by heating coumarilic acid with lime (Fittig and Ebert, loc. cit. 168 and 226, 347), and reduction of coumarone in hot alcoholic solution with sodium, hydrocoumarone being simul- taneously formed (Alexander, Ber. 25, 2410). The conversion of hydrocoumarone into o-ethylphenol can also be effected by boiling with strong hydriodic acid solution (Baeyer and Scuff ert, Ber. 34, 52). Coumarone also gives o-ethyl- phenol among the products of its de- composition by alcoholic alkali (Stoermer and Kahlert, Ber. 35, 1630). [E.] Prom salici/lic aldeliyde [117] and acetic acid [Vol. II] through o- aldehydophenoxyaeetic acid (aldehydo- phenylglycollic acid) by the action of chloracetic acid on the sodium compound of the aldehyde (Rossing, Ber. 17, 2990), coumarone by heating the aldehyde acid with acetic anhydride and sodium ace- tate {Itnd. 30C0), and then as under D. [P.] Cinnatnic acid [Vol. II] when nitrated gives a mixture of o- and p- nitro-acids (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 163, 136; Morgan, Ch. News, 36, 269 ; Jahresber. 1877, 788; Miiller, Ann. 212, 124; Drewsen, Ann. 212, 151 ; Pischer and Kuzel, Ann. 221, 265). The former, by the action of hypo- chlorous acid on the sodium salt, yields (with o - nitrophenylchlorlactic acid) i2-chlor-2-nitrostyrene = o-nitrophenyl- w-chlorethylene (Lipp, Ber. 17, 1070), which, by reduction and the diazo- method, gives i--chlorvinylphenol = o- hydroxy-oo-chlorstyrene (Komppa, Ber. 26, 2970). The latter when heated with strong potash solution yields coumarone {Ibid. 2971), which can be converted into phlorol as under D. [G.] Benzoic aldehfde [ll4] on nitra- tion gives (with much m-nitro-) a small quantity of o-nitro-aldehyde (Rudolph, Ber. 13, 310), which, on heating with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate, yields o-nitrocinnamic acid (Gabriel and Meyer, Ber. 14, 830). The latter can be converted into coumarone and phlorol as under P. Note : — For o-nifcrobenzaldehyde generators see also under indigo [Vol. II]. [H.] Prom phenylacetic acid [Vol. II] through the 2 : 4-dinitro-acid by nitra- tion (Radziszewski, Ber. 2, 210; Gabriel and Meyer, Bei*. 14, 823), 2-nitro-4- amino-acid by reduction, the diazo- chloride by the action of nitrous acid in presence of hydrochloric acid, o-nitro- benzaldoxime by heating the diazo- chloride with alcohol, o-nitrobenzalde- hy^de by oxidising the aldoxime with chromic acid (Gabriel and Meyer, loc. cit. and 15, 3057 ; Gabriel, Ibid. 16, 520), and then as under G. [I.] Acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] and benzene can give rise to phlorol by the following steps : — Benzene is brominated, the mono- brombenzene converted by cold nitration into brom-2 : 4-dinitrobenzene (Kekule, Ann. 137, 167; Spiegelberg, Ann. 197, 257 : see also Walker and Zincke, Ber. 5, 117), the latter combined with sodio-acetoacetic ester so as to form 2 : 4-dinitrophenylacetoacetic ester (Heck- mann, Ann. 220, 131 : a bis-dinitro- phenyl derivative is formed simul- taneously). The dinitrophenyl ester on heating in alcohol with 10 per cent, sulphuric acid is converted into 2 : 4- dinitrophenylacetic acid {Ibid. 134), which can be treated as above. [J.] llacemic or tartaric acid [Vol. II] and n-prop'/l alcoJiol [l5] are generators of ethylbenzene, and therefore of phlorol, by the following steps : — Pyroracemic acid is obtained from the above acids by^ dry distillation or other method (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; N]), and this, when mixed with propionic aldehyde and barium hydroxide solution, condenses to 1:3: 5-ethylisophthalic 64 J-66.] PHLOROL 135 acid (Doebner, Bei% 23, 2379 ; 24, 1746)^ which g-ives ethylbenzene on distilUng- the calcium salt [Ibid. 23, 238 ). Note : — The generators of pyroracemic acid referred to under benzyl alcohol [54 ; F ; I ; O ; P] thus become, with n-propyl alcohol, generators of phlorol. [K ] AcetopTienone [7; D and 114; A] j?ives dypnone [CH3 . qCgH^) : C : CH . CO . CgHg] as the first product of condensation, and this, on heating for 80 hours at 280°, yields ethylbenzene (Ameye, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [3] 37, 227 ; Delacre, Ib'ul. [3] 39, 68 ; Ch. Centr. 19CO, 2, 256). Ethylbenzene is also among the pro- ducts of reduction of acetophenone by sodium in alcohol (Klages and Allen- dorff, Ber. 31, 1003). 65. 3-Etliylplienol ; Meta-ethyl- phenol. HO \/ Natuhal SOUIICE. A phlorol probably occurs as isobutyr- ate in oil of arnica root from Arnica wontana (Sigel, Ann. 170, 354) which may be m-ethylphenol, but this requires confirmation. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From elhylhe^izene (see under pidoroi [64 ; A]) by bromination and sulphonation, whereby (with the 4- brom-2-sulphonic acid) there is formed ethyl-2-brombenzene-3- or 5-sulphonic acid. The latter on debromination with zinc dust and ammonia gives ethyl- benzene-m-sulphonic acid (Sempotowski, Ber. 22, 2673), which yields m-ethyl- phenol on potash fusion {Ibid. 2674). Or the ethyl-p-nitrobenzene (obtained as under phlorol [64 ; A]) can be re- duced to ethyl-p-aminobenzene, acetyl- ated, nitrated, and hydrolysed so as to form 3-nitro-4-aminoethylbenzene, the amino-group replaced by hydrogen by the diazo-method, the ethyl-m-nitro- benzene reduced to ethyl -m-amino- benzene. and the latter converted into m-ethylphenol by the diazo -method (Behal and Choay, Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 212). 66. Carvacrol ; Cymophenol ; 6-Methyl-3-IsopropylpIienol ; 1 : 4-Methylmethoetliyl-2-Fhenol. CH, OH CH3 . CH . CH3 Natural Soueces. Occurs in oils of Origanum hirtum from Trieste and 0. ^wyrncEum from Smyrna (Jahns, Arch. Pharm. 215, I ; Gildemeister, Ibid. 231, 182); in oil from the pepperwort or summer savory, Satureia /lortensis, and the mountain savory, S. montana (Jahns, Ber. 15, 816; Haller, Comp. Rend. 84, 132; Bull. Soc. [2] 37, 411) ; in oil of thyme from T/iipniuH serpyllmn (Jahns, Arch. Pharm. 216, 277; Ber. 15, 819); in oil of wild bergamot from Monarda Jistulosa (Kremers, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 41 j Pharm. Rund. 13, 207 ; Melzner and Kremers, Pharm. Rev. 14, 198; Kremers and Hendricks, Pharm. Arch. 2, 73), and in the oil from Tycnanthemum lanceolaUcm = Thymus virginims (Correll, Pharm. Rev. 14, 32; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1. 123)- Occurs in small quantity in the ethereal oil from the fruit of the Mexi- can ScJiimis molle (Gildemeister and Stephan, Arch. Pharm. 235, 582). According to Duyk carvacrol occurs with thymol in oil of thyme from T. vulgaris (Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 783; Journ. Pharm. [6] 7, 190). The oil of Monarda punctata (from Wisconsin) probably contains (with thymol) carva- crol (Kremers and Hendricks, Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 125; Pharm. Arch. 2, 73). The oil from the N. American wild mint, Mentha canadensis, may contain carvacrol (Gage, Pharm. Rev. 16, 412). Carvacrol is among the phenolic eon- 136 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [66-67 B. stituents of oil of camphor (Sugijama ; SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1903; Ch. Centr. igo2,, 2, 1307). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Prom cj/mene [6] by sulphona- tion (Gerhardt and Cahours^ Ann. Chim. [3] 1, 106; Delalande, Ibid. 368; Miiller, Ber. 2, 1 30 ; Jacobsen^ Ber. 11, 1 060; Glaus and Cratz, Ber. 13, 901; 14, 3141; Spica, Ber. 14, 6^^; Gazz. 11, 201 ; Sieveking-, Ann. 106, 260 ; Beilstein, Ann. 170, 287 ; Paterno, Ber. 7, 591; Gazz. 3, 544; Kraut, Ann. 192, 226; Baur, Ann. 220, 18), and potash fusion of the a-(2)-sulphonic acid thus formed (Pott, Ber. 2, 121 ; H. Miiller, Iljid. 130 ; Jacobsen, Ber. 11, 1060). Cymene on nitration gives 2-nItrocymene (CH3= i) (Barlow, Ann. 98, 245 ; Landoiph, Ber. 6, 937 ; Fittica, Ann. 172, 314 ; Schumoff, Journ. Buss. Soc. 19, 119; Widman, Ber. 19, 584 ; Sbderbaum and Widman, Ber. 21, 2126), and 2-aminocymene by reduction (Soderbaum and Widman, luc. cit. 2127). The cymidine thus formed yields carvacrol by the diazo- method (Semmler, Ber. 25, 3353)- [B.] Carvone [l27] on heating with acids or alkalis gives carvacrol (Volckel, Ann. 85, 246; Kekule and Fleischer, Ber. 6, 1088 j Lustig, Ber. 19, 12; Reychler, Bull. Soc. [3] 7, 32 ; Tiemann, Ber. 32, 109). With formic acid the yield is quantitative (Klages, Ber. 32, 1516). 67. Thymol; Metacymophenol ; 5-Methyl-2-Isopropylphenol ; 1 : 4-Methylmethoethyl-3-Plienol. CHs /\ .'OH CH3.CH.CH3 Natural Sources. In oil of thyme from Thymus vulgaris (Doveri, Ann. Chim. [3] 20, 174; Ann. 64, 374 : Lallemand, Comp. Rend. 37, 498 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 49, 148 ; Ann. 102, 119) and T.serpyilum (Jahns, Ber. 15, 819; Arch. Pharm. 216, 277); in oil from the seeds of bishop^s weed, Ftychotis ajowan (Haines, Journ. Ch. Soc. 8, 289; Stenhouse, Ann. 93, 269; 98,309; H. Miiller, Ber. 2, 130); in oil of American horse-mint, Monarda punctata (Arppe, Ann. 58, 41 ; SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1885; Schumann and Kremers, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 42; Pharm. Rev. 1896, 1); and in oil of Oswego tea from Monarda didynia (Fliickiger, Arch. Pharm. 212, 488). Menthol [4l] or peppermint camphor, which occurs in the oil of Mentha pipe- rita and other species of Mentha, is a hexahydrothymol. The phenols present in the oil of wild bergamot from Mo- narda fistidosa contain less than 2 per cent, of thymol (Kremers, Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 126; Pharm. Arch. 2, 73). Thymol occurs in the N. American oil of Cunila mariana (Millemann, Am. Journ. Pharm. 38, 495 ; SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1893), and (possibly) in the oil of the N. American wild mint, Mentha canademis (Gage, Pharm. Rev. 16, 412). The oil from the Japanese Mosla japonica contains 44 per cent, thymol (Shimoyama ; see Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 861). Oil from the Algerian Origanum jiori- liimluni = 0. cinereum contains thymol (Battandier, Journ. Pharm. 16, 536 ; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 21, 155 1). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From cumic aldehyde [II6] by nitration, conversion of the nitro-deriv- ative into nitrocymylidene chloride (CeH3.CHCl,.N02.C3H, = 1:3:4) by the action of phosphorus penta- chloride, reduction to the corresponding 3-aminocymene by zinc and hydro- chloric acid, and conversion into thymol by the diazo-method (Widman, Ber. 15, 166). [B.] From menthone [129] through the dibromo-derivative, the latter giving thymol on heating with quinoline (Beckmann and Eickelberg, Ber. 29, 418 : see also Oddo, Gazz. 27, 112). Or menthone gives, among the pro- ducts of bromination, pentabromdehydro- thymol,and this yields thymol by reduc- 67 B-e9.] THYMOL 137 tion with zinc dust and hydrochloric acid followed by sodium in alcoholic solution (v. Baeyer and Seuffert, Ber. 34, 47). [C] C/jmene [6] is brominated and then sulphonated. The bromsulphonic acid on heating- with ammonia and zinc dust is debrominated^ and the 3-cymene- sulphonic acid thus obtained gives thymol on fusion with alkali (Dines- mann, Germ. Pat. 125097 of 1900 ; Ch. Centr, 1901^ 2^ 1030 J ^^ng. Pat. 13745 of 1901; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 20, 1 01 9). 68. Anethole ; Anisstearoptene ; Fara-anol Methyl Ether ; l^-Propenyl-4-Anisole. CH : CH . CH3 OCH3 Natural Souhces. In oil of aniseed from P'lmpinella anham (De Saussure, Ann. Chim. [2] 13, 280 ; Dumas, Ann. 6, 245 ; Blan- chet and Sell, Ibid. 287 ; Cahours, Ibifl. 41, 56; 56, 177; Laurent, Ibid. 44, 313; Gerhardt, Ibid. 318 ; 48, 234 ; Journ. pr. Ch. [i] 36, 267), and in oil of star-anise from Illicium venim (Cahours, Comp. Rend. 12, 1213; Ann. 35, 313; Persoz, Comp. Bend. 13, 433 ; Ann. 44, 311); in Chinese oil of star-anise (Tardy, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 990). In oil of anise-bark from a species of Illicium (^ parvijlomtn) from Madagas- car (SchimmePs Ber. April, 1892); in oil of fennel from Fo&uiculum vulgar e (Blanchet and Sell, Ann. 6, 287; Cahours, Ann. 41, 74; Journ. pr. Ch. 24, 359); In oil of French, Algerian, and Galician bitter fennel (Tardy, Bull. Soc. [3J 17, 660; 27, 994); in oil of Japanese fennel (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1893; Umney, Pharm. Journ. 57, 91); in oil of Macedonian fennel and of Indian fennel from F. paumoriiim (Umney, loc. cit. 58, 226). Anethole has been found in the ethereal oil of Piper pellakm (Surie, Ch. Centr. 1899, 1, 883), and in oil of Os- morrltiza longistylts from N. America (Eberhardt, Pharm. Rund. 5, 149). Note : — The anethole which Gerhardt be- lieved to exist in oil of tarragon from Artemisia dracunculus (Comp. Rend. 19, 489) has since been shown to be the isomeric methylchavi- col = estragol (Schimmel's Ber. April, 1892 ; Grimaux, Comp. Kend. 117, 1089 ; Hell and Gaab, Ber. 29, 344). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From anisic aldehyde [l20] through methylparapropiocoumaric acid by heating the aldehyde with propionic anhydride and dry sodium propionate, and distilling the acid thus formed (Perkin, Journ. Ch. Soc. 31, I, 411). Or the anisic aldehyde may be heated with sodium propionate and propionic anhydride at 200°, when anethole is directly formed (Moureu and Chauvet, Comp. Rend. 124, 404 ; Moureu, Ann. Chim. [7] 15, 135). Or from anisic aldehyde and ethyl al- cohol [14]. The aldehyde and magne- sium ethiodide condense to form ane- thole and a polymeride (Behal and Tif- feneau, Comp. Rend. 132, 563 : see also Bougault, Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 1160). [B.] YxQxn. phenol \Q0\ pjropionic acid [Vol. II], and methyl alcohol [l3]. Phe- nol is converted into anisole (see under anisic aldehyde [120; B]), and the latter into j)-propionylanisole by treatment with propionyl chloride in presence of aluminium chloride (Gattermann, Ber. 22, II 29; Klages, Ber. 35, 2262). Propiouylanisole reduces to a carbinol [i-propylol-(i^)-4-methoxy benzene], of which the acetate gives anethole on boiling with pyridine (Klages, loc. cit.). 69. Catechol; Fyrocatechol ; Orthodihydroxybenzeue ; 1 : 2-Fheuediol. HO OH Natural Sources. Said to have been found in various parts of plants, especially in autumnal 138 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [69. foliage (Kraus, N. Rep. Pharm. 22, 273; Journ. Ch. Soc. 26, 1049 : Preusse, Bied. Centr. 1879, 874, denies the existence of free catechol in plants). Occurs in leaves of the Virginian creeper, Ampelopsis hederacea (Gorup- Besanez, Ber. 4, 905), in sap of the kino plants, Butea frondosa, Eucalyptus resinifera, Pterocarpus marsupium, P. erinaceus, &c. (Eisfeldt, Ber. 4, 906 ; Fliickiger, Ber. 5, i ; Gorup-Besanez, Ibid. 47), in raw beet-sugar (v. Lipp- mann, Ber. 20, 3298 : see also Ber. 26, 3061), and in the dry external scales of the onion. Catechol has been found in Puglia olive oil (Canzoneri, Gazz. 27, 3), in the colouring-matter of red grapes (Sostegni, Journ. Ch. Soc. 70, II, 122), in the aqueous distillate (tar water) from bitu- minous shale (Germ. Pat. 58944 of 1892; Ber. 35, 4325 note) and from coal (Bornstein, Ber. 35, 4324). In these last cases the catechol may be a product of destructive distillation. A glucoside contained in the tansy, Tanacetum vulgare, is a compound of catechol with dextrose and Isevulose (Nedra, Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 686). The catechol complex exists in many products of vegetable origin : — Quereetin and isomerides from Persian berries (fruit of various species of Bkam- mis) ; from the bark of Qiiercus imctoria', from the fruit, flowers, and leaves of the horse-chestnut ; from the berries of the sea-buckthorn [Hippophae rJiamnoides) ; from the flowers oi Reseda luteola ; from Andromeda japonica ; ixovcvCarya iomen- tosa ; from the bark of apple; from leaves of the tea plant, vine, and ash; from catechu, hops, and from rutin, a gluco- side which is contained in the leaves of rue, Puta graveolens. Quereetin occurs also in flowers of Capparis spinosa, in safSower, in rose leaves, and leaves of buckwheat. Poly- gonum fagopyrum. The colouring-matter sophorin from Chinese berries, from Sophora japotiica, may contain the quereetin complex in the form of a glucoside. Note :— Quereetin exists in the above plants sometimes free, but more generally in the form of the glucosides queiNjitrin, rutin, robinin, &c. According to Schmidt and Waljaschko (Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 121) the rutin from common rue is not identical with robinin or quercitrin, but resembles the glucoside from capers and from Viola tricolor (violaquercitrin ? : see below). For details of distribution of tliese colouring- matters and glucosides see ' Die Glykoside,' by Van Rijn, 1900, and ' Die Chemie der natur- lichen Farbstoffe,' by Hans Kupe, 1900. Quereetin occurs also as the glucoside osyritrin or myrticolorin in Cape sumach from the leaves of Colpoon cowpressum (A. G. Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 71, 1132), and in the leaves oi Ejicalyptus tnacrorrhyiicha (Smith, Trans. Ch. Soc. 73, 697 ; A. G. Perkin, Proc. Ch. Soc. 18, 58), and in Viola tricolor variensis as the glucoside violaquercitrin (Man- delin, Jahresber. 1883, 1369 : accord- ing to A. G. Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 81, 477, violaquercitrin, myrticolorin, and osyritrin are identical). The presence of quereetin in catechu from Uncaria (Nauclea) gambier and Acacia catechu (Lowe, Zeit. anal. Ch. 12, 134) has been confirmed by A. G. Perkin (Trans. Ch. Soc. 71, 1135), and its existence in the colouring- matters from the yellow wallflower, Cheiranthus cheiri, from white hawthorn flowers, Cratcegiis oxyacantha, and from Pumex ofjiusif alius, shown by the same author {loc. cit. 69, 1566; J 5 70; 71, 1 1 99). The yellow colouring-matter of In- dian and American podophyllum from Podophyllum emodi and P. peltatum, is quereetin (Dunstan and Henry, Ibid. 73, 221); the dyestuff from the Indian Pelphiuium zald also contains a glu- coside of quereetin (A. G. Perkin and Pilgrim, Ibid. 273). A colouring-matter from the leaves and stem of Tamaris gallica and T. africana is a methylquercetin (A. G. Perkin and Wood, ibid. 380); the leaves of Ailanthns glandulosa contain quereetin [Ibid. 382); an isomeride of quereetin exists in colouring-matters from the leaves of Arctostaphylos nva- ursi and from S. African 'broach leaves' {Ibid. 384; also A. G.P. Proc. Ch. Soc. 14, 104; 16, 45; Trans. 77, 425)- Quereetin is contained in the leaves of Rhus rhodanthema from N. S. Wales (A. G. P. Trans. Ch. Soc. 73, 1018); in common ling or heather. 69.] CATECHOL 139 Calluna vtilgaris {Ibid. 75, 837) ; in log-wood, IIcBmaioxylon campeachianum ; in tlie leaves of Uhus metopinm and Coriaria myrfifolia {Ibid. Proc. Ch. Soe. 16, 45; Trans. 77, 423); and (or an isomeride) in the New Zealand Wius thymifolia (Easterfield and Aston, Trans. Ch. Soe. 79, 122). Quereetin is contained in the ethereal extract of the spotted knotweed, J?oly- gonum persicaria (Horst, Ch. Zeit. 25, 1055)- llhamnetin, which occurs as a gluco- side (xanthorhamnin) in Persian berries, is monomethylquercetin, and rhamnazin, existing- also as a glucoside in the same berries, is a quereetin dimethyl ether containing the methylcatechol (guaiacol) complex (A. G. Perkin and Geldard, Trans. Ch. Soe. 67, 496; A. G. P. and Martin, Ibid. 71, 81 8; A. G. P. and Allison, Ibid. 81, 469). Isorhamnetin from the yellow wall- flower (see above) is also a methyl- quercetin (A. G. P. and Hummel, Ibid. 69, i$6g). Isorhamnetin is also con- tained as glucoside in the colouring- matter from the flowers of Belphinium zalil (A. G. P. and Pilgrim, Ibid. 73, 371). The catechol complex is present in fisetin from the wood of Qiierbracho Colorado and from young fustic, the wood of Rhim cot inns, in which it exists as the glucoside fustin. Luteolin [l4l], the colouring-matter of weld, from Heseda luleola and from dyer^s broom, Genista tinctoria, contains the catechol com- plex (A. G. P. Rid. 69, 803 ; A. G. p. and Newbury, Proc. 15, 179 ; 242 ; 16, 181 ; A. G. P. and Horsfall, Trans. 77, 1314). A glucoside contained with apiin [140] in parsley is a derivative of luteolin metliyl ether (Vongerichten, Ber. 33, 2334 ; 2904). Scoparin is related to luteolin (see under luteolin [l4l] : also A. G. P. Proc. Ch. Soe. 15, 123; 16, 45). The catechol complex is probably contained in brazilin from Brazil wood from Cffsa/pinia crista, C. brasiliensis, &c. (Gilbody and W. H. Perkin, junr.. Ibid. 15, 28 ; Feuerstein and v. Kosta- necki, Ber. 33, io:j8 ; Schall, Ibid. 1046; Gilbody and W, H. Perkin, junr., Proc. Ch. Soe. 16, 107; W. H. P., junr., and Yates, Trans. 79, 1396 ; W. H. P., junr., Proc.Ch. Soe. 17, 257 ; Trans. 81, 221; 236; 1008; 1040; 1057; Herzig and Pollak, Monats. 23, 165 ; v. Kosta- necki and Lampe, Ber. 35, 1667; Bollina, v. Kostanecki, and Tambor, Ibid. 1675); and in gossypetin from the flowers of Gossypmim herbaceum (A. G. Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soe. 75, 828). Haematoxylin, the colouring-matter of logwood, appears to contain the catechol and pyrogallol complexes (Gil- body and W. H. Perkin, junr., Proc. Ch. Soe. 15, 241 ; 16, 108 ; W. H. P., junr., and Yates, Trans. 81, 235, &c., as under brazilin). The glucoside coniferin, found in the cambial fluid of coniferous trees, in beet and asparagus, and in the root of Scorzonera hispanica, contains, through coniferyl alcohol, the guaiacol complex. The catechol complex is probably contained in maelurin from old fustic, the wood of Morus tinctoria = Madura aurantiaca from Jamaica, Cuba, &c. (Konig and v. Kostanecki, Ber. 27, 1996), and in fragarianin, a glucoside from the root of Fragaria vesca. The catechol complex may exist also in some form in the catechins, com- pounds obtained from catechu from various sources, such as the twigs and vmripe pods of Acacia catechu, from U?icaria {Nancled) gambier, 'cortex lokri' from Hymenma courbaril, &c. (see for instance A. G. Perkin and Yoshitake, Trans. Ch. Soe. 81, 11 72). The complex may be contained in kino'in and kino-red from gum kino from Pterocarpus marsupium (Malabar), and in certain resins and gum-resins, such as guaiacum from G. officinale, and gum-ammoniac from iJorema atmnouia- cum; also in tormentilla red from the root of Potentilla tormentilla, and in many tannins, such as those from horse- chestnut and from Fersea {Lanrus) lingue, and in fraxitannic acid from ash leaves. The dimethylcatechol (veratrole) com- plex is contained in the opium alkaloids. 140 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [69-A. papaverine and narcotine, in pseud- aconitine from the root of Aconitum ferox, in berberine from Berberis vul- garis, Xantlioxijlon clava, Hydrastis cana- densis, %LQ,., in hydrastine from Hydra- stis canadensis, and in corydaline from the roots of Coryd alls [Aristolochia) cava. The colouring-matter of red grapes appears to contain the catechol complex (Sostegnij Gazz. 32_, 17). The following synthesised natural products contain the catechol, guaiacol, or veratrole complex : — Isoengenol [79] ; methylisoeugenol [80] ; methyletigenol [8I] ; vanillin [l2l] ; luteolin [l4l] ; alizarin [l45] ; Itystazarin [147] ; proio- catechuic acid [Vol. II] ; veratric acid [Vol. II] j piperonylic acid [Vol. II] ; liydrocaffeic acid [Vol. II] ; caffe'ic acid [Vol. II] ; fertila'ic acid [Vol. II] ; hesperetinic acid [Vol. II] ; piperic acid [Vol. II]. Catechol has been found (as a salt of catechol sulphate) in the urine of man and herbivorous animals (Baumann, Pfliiger^s Arch. 12, 6^ ; Baumann and Herter, Zeit. physiol, Ch. 1, 244; Bau- mann and Preusse, Ibid. 3, 157 ; Miiller, Ber. 7, 1526 ; Nencki and Giacosa, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 4, ^'^S; Schmiede- berg, Ibid. Q, 189). According to Halliburton (Journ. Physiol. 10, 247), it is contained in the cerebrospinal fluid. A phenolic sub- stance extracted from the kidneys has been considered to be catechol, but according to O. v. Fiirth it is not this compound (Zeit. physiol. Ch. 24, 142 ; 26, 15 ; 29, 105). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Phenol [6O] by various iodising processes gives (with para-) ortho-iodo- phenol (Schiitzenberger and Sengen- wald, Comp. Rend. 54, 197; Korner, Ann. 137, 197 ; Hlasiwetz and Wesel- sky, Sitzungsber. Wien. Akad. 60 [2] 290; Lobanoff, Ber. 6, 1251; Schall, Ber. 16, 1897; Willgerodt, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 37, 446). The latter on fusion with potash gives catechol (Korner, Zeit. [2] 4, 322 ; Lautemann, Ann. 120, 315; Noel ting and Strieker, Ber. 20, 3019). Or phenol when chlorinated or bromi- nated at 150-180° gives orthochlor- or bromphenol (Merck, Germ. Pat. 76597 of 1893). These derivatives give catechol on heating with caustic soda-lye under pressure {Ibid. Germ. Pat. 84828 of 1893)- Or phenol may be nitrated, the ortho- (separated from the para-) nitrophenol reduced, and the o-aminophenol con- verted into o-iodophenol by the diazo- method (Noelting and Wrzesinski, Ber. 8, 820 ; Noelting and Strieker, Ber. 20, 3018 ; Neumann, Ann. 241, 68). o-Aminophenol is also converted (partially) into catechol by heating to a high temperature with dilute mineral acids (Meyer, Ber. 30, 2569). Or o-nitrophenol can be converted into its methyl ether by methylation (Brunck, Zeit. [2] 3, 204 ; Miihlhauser, Ann. 207, 237; Willgerodt and Ferko, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 33, 153), into o- anisidine by reduction (Miihlhauser, loc. cit. 239), into guaiacol by the diazo- method (Kalle, Eng. Pat. 7233 of 1 897 ; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 17, 269), and into catechol as below under P. Or o-aminophenol can be converted into o-chlorphenol by the diazo-method (Schmitt and Cook, Ber. 1, 67), and the chlorphenol sulphonated (Kramers, Ann. 173, 331). The 2-chlorphenol- 4-sulphonic acid on heating at 250° with caustic soda solution gives cate- cholsulphonic acid, from which catechol can be obtained by hydrolysis (Soc. Chim. d. Usines du Rhone, Germ. Pat. 97099 of 1896; Ch.Centr. 1898,2,521). Or a-phenoldisul phonic acid gives on fusion with alkali catecholsulphonic acid, from which catechol is obtained by heating with 50 per cent, sulphuric acid to 200° (Merck, Germ. Pat. 80817 of 1893). Or phenoltrisulphonic acid (Senhofer, Ann. 170, iio; Arche and Eisenmann, Germ. Pat. 51 321 of 1889) on fusion with alkali at 230-260° gives catecholdisulphonic acid (Tobias, Germ. Pat. 81210 of 1894), the sodium salt of which yields catechol when the concen- trated aqueous solution is heated to 2 1 o- 215° {Ibid. Germ. Pat. 81209 of 1894). Or phenol may be sulphonated (Ke- kule, Zeit. [2] 3, 199), and the o-sul- 69 A-M.] CATECHOL 141 phonic acid fused with alkali {IL'ul. 643 ; Deg-ener, Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 20, 30H). Catechol is among* the products or the fusion of phenol with caustic soda (Barth and Schreder, Ber. 12, 419); and also among* the products of the electrolysis of a solution of phenol in presence of magnesium sulphate and acid carbonate by an alternating current (Drechsel, Journ. pr. Ch, [3] 29, 249). Catechol is among the products of the action of hydrog-en peroxide on phenol (Martinon, Bull. Soc. [2] 43, 156). [B.] Salicylic acid [Vol. II] when iodised by various methods g-ives, among other products, an iodosalicylic acid, which on rapid heating yields an iodo- phenol, from which catechol can be obtained as above (Kolbe and Laute- mann, Ann. 115, 157 ; Lautemann, Ann. 120, 299 ; Hlasivvetz and Weselsky, Ber. 5, 380 ; Ann. 174, 99 ; Liechti, Ann. Suppl. 7, 129; Demole, Ber. 7, 1437 ; Fischer, Ann. 180, 346 ; Birn- baum and Reinherz, Ber. 15, 458 ; Miller, Trans. Ch. Soc. 41, 406). Or salicylic acid may be nitrated (Hiibner, Ann. 195, 6; 31; Schau- mann, Ber. 12, 1346 ; Deninger, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 42, 551; Hirsch, Ber. 33, 3238), the 3-nitrosalicylic acid reduced, the NHg-group replaced by iodine by the diazo-method, and the 3-iodosali- cylic acid fused with potash so as to form catechol-o-carboxylic acid, which on dry distillation gives catechol (Miller, loc. cit.). [C] Benzoic acid [Vol. II] gives catechol among the products of its fusion with potash (Hlasiwetz and Barth, Ann. 130, 352; 134, 282). [D.] Profocatecfmic acid [Vol. II] on dry distillation gives catechol (Strecker, Ann. 118, 285) ; also by fusion with alkali (Barth and Schreder, Ber. 12, 1258). [E.] Tijieronylic acid [Vol. II] when heated with water at 210^ gives catechol (Fittig and Remsen, Ann. 159, 143). [F.] Veratric acid [Vol. II], when heated with dilute hydrochloric acid, gives a mixture of vanillic (3-methoxy- protocatechuic) acid and the 4-meth- oxy isomeride (Tiemann, Ber. 8, 514). Vanillic acid on distillation with lime yields guaiacol (catechol methyl ether) \lljid. 1 123), and this, on heating with aqueous hydriodic acid or by the action of aluminium chloride, gives catechol (Miiller, Jahresber. 1864, 525 ; Gorup, Ann. 143, 166; Baeyer, Ber. 8, 153; Tiemann and Koppe, Ber. 14, 2017; W. H. Perkin, junr.. Trans. Ch. Soc. 57, 587 ; Hartmann and Gattermann, Ber. 25, 3532). Or veratric acid on distilling its barium salt with baryta gives veratrole (Merck, Ann. 108, 60; Koelle, Ann. 159, 243; Tiemann, Ber. 14, 30i6), which by heating with alcoholic potash at 180-190° yields guaiacol (Bouveault, Bull. Soc, [3] 19, 75). The latter can be converted into catechol as above. [G.] Vanillin [l2l] on oxidation by moist air gives vanillic acid (Tiemann, Ber. 8, 1 1 23), which can be converted into guaiacol and catechol as above. Or vanillin can be converted into acetferulai'c acid, oxidised by potassium permanganate to acetvanillic acid, hy- drolysed to vanillic acid (Tiemann, Ber. 9, 420), and then treated as above. [H.] Glucuronic acid [Vol. II] on long boiling with potash solution gives (with oxalic acid, &c.) catechol (Thier- felder, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 13, 280). {!.] Besorcinol [70] gives catechol among other products when fused with caustic soda (Barth and Schreder, Ber. 12, 504). [J.] Anisic acid [Vol. II] gives ani- sole on distillation with baryta (Cahours, Ann. 41, 69), and this on nitration yields (with p-) o-nitroanisole, and by reduc- tion anisidine (Miihlhauser, Ann. 207, 237 ; 239 ; Brunck, Zeit. [2] 3, 205). The latter by the diazo-reaction gives guaiacol (Kalle & Co., Germ. Pat. 95339 of 1 896, and under A above), from which catechol can be obtained as under P. [K.] Ilydrojuglone [90] gives catechol among the products of its fusion with potash (Mylius, Ber. 18, 475). [L.] Dextrose [l54] is said to give catechol among the products formed when heated with water under pressure (Munk, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 1, 362). [M.] Mannose [156] gives (with lactic acid) catechol on boiling with caustic 142 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [69 M-70. soda solution (Araki_, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 19, 460). [N.] Benzene [6] when combined with chlorine gives a hexachloride which yields catechol, among- other pro- ducts, when heated with water at 200° (Meunier, Ann. Chim. [6] 10, a66 ; Comp. Rend. 100, 1591)- Or chlorbenzene on nitration gives (with para-) orthochlornitrobenzene ( Jungfleisch, Ann. Chim. [4] 15, 1 86 ; Laubenheimer, Ber. 7, 1765; 8, 1621 ; Sokoloff, Zeit. [2] 2, 621 ; Lesimple, Ibid. [2] 4, 225), and this by the action of sodium methylate in methyl alcohol yields o-nltroanisole (Lobry de Bruyn, Rec. Tr. Ch. 9, 200), from which 0- anisidine, guaiacol, and catechol can be obtained as under A and P. Catechol is among the products of the oxidation of benzene with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of ferrous sulphate (Young, Proc. Ch. Soc. 15, 131 ; Cross, Bevan, and Heiberg, Ber. 33, 2018). Nitrobenzene gives o-nitrophenol when warmed with finely divided potassium hydroxide. The transforma- tion takes place slowly even at ordinary temperatures (Wohl, Ber. 32, 3486). Subsequent steps as above under A. Or nitrobenzene by mild reduction gives phenylhydroxylamine, which oxi- dises to nitrosobenzene (Bamberger and Storch, Ber. 26, 472 ; Bamberger and Landsteiner, Ibid. 482 ; Bamberger, Ber. 27, 11 82; 1273; 1347; 1548; 1555; Wohl, Ibid. 1432). The latter gives o-aminophenol among the pro- ducts of the action of hot aqueous alkali (Bamberger, Ber. 33, 1939). Or aniline (by nitration of acetani- lide) gives (with p-) o-nitraniline, which reduces to o-phenylenediamine. The latter yields catechol on heating with 10 per cent, hydrochloric acid to 180° (Meyer, Ber. 30, 2569). [O.] From furfural [l26] through pyromucic and mucobromic acids and nitromalonic aldehyde (see under phloro- glucinol [86 ; l]). The latter condenses with acefoacetic ester [Vol. II] to form 3-nitrosalicylic acid (Hill, Soch, and Oenslager, Am. Ch. Journ. 24, i). Subsequent steps as above under B. [P.] Caffeic acid [Vol. II] decom- poses at 200° with the formation of 3 : 4-dihydroxystyrene = vinylcatechol (Kunz-Krause, Ber. 30, 161 8). The latter gives catechol on distillation under reduced pressure {Ibid. 1620). 70. Resorcinol ; Metadihydroxybenzeue ; 1 : 3-Fhenediol. HO ;0H Natural Sources. The compound itself has not yet been found as a natural product, but the complex apparently, with the catechol complex, enters into the constitution of fisetin (for sources of fisetin see imder catechol), and also into the constitution of morin, the yellow colouring-matter from old fustic, the wood of Moriis {Machiva) tinctoria, and in the Indian dyestuff from jack-fruit, Artocarpns integrifolia (A. G. Perkin and Cope, Trans. Ch. Soc 67, 937 ; Bablich and A. G. Perkin, Ibid. 69, 798; A. G. P. and Horsfall, Proc. Ch. Soc. 16, 182). The complex exists in the glucoside, lotusin, of the Egyptian vetch, Lotus aralncus, through lotollavin (Dunstan and Henry, Proc. Roy. Soc. 68, 374). The resorcinol complex may be con- sidered to exist also in pceonol [l33], gentisin [137], purpuroxanihin [146], methylpurpuroxanihin [l50], umbelli- ferone and methylumbelliferoiie [Vol. II], evxanihone [136], and possibly in brazilin from Brazil wood {CfPsalpitiia crista, C. brasitiensis, &c.) and sapan wood (C. sapan). Compounds containing this complex may also exist in many resins and gum- resins, such as galbanum, gum-ammoniac, asafoetida, acaroid, sagapenum, &c. (For references to constitution of brazilin see under catechol [69] ; also Herzig, Mo- nats.16,906; 19,738; GilbodyandW.H. Perkin, junr., Proc. Ch. Soc. 16, 105; 70-B.J RESORCINOL 143 Gilbody, W.H. Perkin^ junr.j and Yates, Trans. Cli. Soc. 79, 1396.) Synthetical Processes. [A.] Benze7ie can be converted into resorcinol by various processes : — Ey nitration and partial reduction m-dinitrobenzene and m-nitraniline can be obtained (Deville, Ann. Chim. [3] 3, 187 ; Muspratt and Hofmann, Ann. 57, 214; Beilstein and Kurbatoff, Ann. 176, 43 ; Anschiitz and Heusler^ Ber. 19, 21 6 1 ; Wiilfing", Germ. Pat. 67018 of 1891; Ber. 26, Ref. 421). The latter gives m- iodonitrobenzene by the diazo-method (Griess, Zeit. [2] 2, 218), m-iodaniline by reduction {Ibid.), and m-iodophenol by the diazo-method (Noel ting and Strieker, Ber. 20, 3020). The latter on fusion with potash gives resorcinol (Korner, Zeit. [2] 4, 322). Or m-nitraniline can be converted into m-nitrophenol by the diazo-method (Fittig and Bantlin, Ber. 7, 179; 11, 2099 ; Henriques, Ann. 215, 323 ; Wagner, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 32, 70), m-aminophenol by reduction (Bantlin, Ber. 11, 2101), and resorcinol by the diazo-method {Ibid.). Or m-dinitrobenzene can be reduced to m-])henylenediamine, which, on heating with dilute acids to a high temperature, is converted (partially) into resorcinol (Meyer, Ber. 30, 2569). Metadinitrobenzene when boiled with potassium cyanide and methyl alco- hol is converted into the nitrile of 6- nitro-2-methoxybenzoic acid (Lobry de Bruyn, Rec. Tr. Ch. 2, 212). The latter on heating with methyl alcohol and potash is converted into the nitrile of 2 : 6-dimethoxybenzoic acid {Ibid. 219), which, on heating with strong hydrochloric acid at 1 70°, splits up into carbon dioxide, methyl chloride, am- monium chloride, and resorcinol. Or by potash fusion the nitrile is converted into 2 : 6-dihydroxybenzoic acid, which splits up into carbon dioxide and resor- cinol on heating above 167°. Or benzene may be nitrated, the mono- nitrobenzene converted into m-nitro- sulphonic acid by fuming sulphuric acid (Limpricht and Bernthsen, Ann. 177, 82), into m-sulphanilic acid by reduction, and m-aminophenol by fusing the latter with caustic soda (Gesell. f. Ch. Ind., Germ. Pat. 44792 of 1888 ; Meyer and Sundmacher, Ber. 32, 2 1 1 2). Benzene when sulphonated under appropriate conditions gives p- and m- disulphonic acids, the proportions vary- ing according to the conditions of sulphonation (Buckton and Hofmann, Journ. Ch. Soc. 9, 255 ; Barth and Senhofer, Ber. 8, 754; I477 ; 9, 969 j Egli, Ber. 8, 817; Limpricht, Ber. 9, 550 ; Korner and Monselise, Ibid. 583 ; Binschedler and Busch, Monit. Sci. 1878, 3169). Both p- and m- benzenedisulphonic acid (the former by isomeric transformation) give resorcinol on fusion with caustic alkali, this being the technical process (Garrick, Zeit. [2] 5, 551 ; Barth and Senhofer, Ber. 8, 1483 ; Degener, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 20, 319 ; Genvresse, Bull. Soc. [3] 15, 409 ; Fahlberg, Am. Ch. Journ. 2, 195 ; Bin- schedler and Busch, Jahresber. 1878, 1 137 and 1184; Schoop, Zeit. ch. Ind. 1887, II, I; Miihlhiiuser, Ding. Poly. Journ. 263, 154 ; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 6, 284). [B.] From toluene (see under benzyl alcohol [54; A, &c.]) through p-nitro- toluene by nitration, 4-nitrotoluene-2- sul phonic acid by sulphonation (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 155, 8 ; Jenssen, Ann. 172, 230), the amino-acid by reduc- tion (B. and K. Ann. 172, 230 ; Jenssen, loc. cit. 233 ; Brackett and Hayes, Am. Ch. Journ. 9, 400), p-cresol-2-sulphonic acid by the diazo-method (Jenssen, loc. cit. 237), and 2 : 4-dihydroxybenzoic (2 : 4-phenediolcarboxylic or/3-resorcylic) acid by potash fusion of the cresolsul- phonic acid (Ascher, Ann. 161, 11). /3-Resorcylic acid on heating with sodium hydroxide, or per se, gives resorcinol (Senhofer, Ber. 12, 1259). Or toluene may be converted into the 2 : 4-disulphonic acid by sulphonation (Hakanson, Ber. 5, 1085 ; Gnehm and Forrer, Ber. 10, 542 ; Gnehm, ibid. 1276 ; Fahlberg, Ber. 12, 1052; Klason and Berg, Ber. 13, 1 1 70; Senhofer, Ann. 164, 1 26 ; Klason, Ber. 19, 2890), the disulphonic acid oxidised to 2 : 4-di- sulphobenzoic acid (Blomstrand, Ber. 5, 144 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [70 B-F. 1088; Brunner^ Jahresber. 1879, 759 j Fahlbevg-, Am. Ch. Journ. 2, 188), and the latter converted by potash fusion (below 250°) into /3-resorcylic acid (Blorn- strand^ loc. c/L ; Fahlberg^ he. cit. 1 96), from which resorcinol can be obtained as above. [C] From phenol [6O] through p- bromphenol (Hiibner and Brenken, Ber, 6, 170 ; Gordon^ Proc. Ch. Soc. 1, 64. ; Meldola and F. H. Streatfeild, Trans. Ch. Soc. 73, 681), and fusion with potash (Fittig and Mager, Ber. 7, 1 1 7 7 ; 8, 362), the resorcinol in this case being formed by isomeric transformation. Or phenol may be converted into 0- and p-nitrophenol by nitration, the latter reduced to p-aminophenol, and the NH2-group replaced by iodine or chlorine by the diazo-method (Noelting and Strieker, Ber. 20, 3018; Schmitt, Ber. 1, 6j : for references to direct iodising of phenol see under catechol [69 ; a] ; for direct chlorination of phenol see Petersen and Bahr-Praderi, Ann. 157, 1 23 ; also Dubois, Zeit. [2] 2, 705; 3, 205). Both p-chlor- and p- iodophenol give resorcinol (by isomeric transformation) when fused with potash, the latter above 165° (Faust, Ber. 6, 1022 j Noelting and Wrzesinsky, Ber. 8, 820). Resorcinol is also among the products of fusion of phenol with caustic soda (Barth and Sehreder, Ber. 12, 420). The phenolsulphonic acids (see under catechol [69 ; A]) also (by isomeric transformation) give resorcinol when fused with potash (Kekule, Zeit. [2] 3, 301). [D.] Benzoic acid [Vol. II] when sul- phonated with fuming sulphuric acid in the presence of phosphorus pentoxide gives 3 : 5-disulphobenzoic acid (Barth and Senhofer, Ann. 159, 217), from which by potash fusion 3 : 5-dihydroxy- benzoic (3 : 5-phenediolcarboxylic or a- resorcylic) acid is obtained (Ibid. 222). This acid, on heating with sodium hydroxide above 350°, yields resorcinol (Barth and Sehreder, Ber. 12, 1258). Or benzoic acid may be converted directly or indirectly into m-bromben- zoic acid (Peligot, Ann. 28, 246; Griess, Ann. 117, 25 ; Reinecke, Zeit. [2] 1, J 16; 2, 367; 5, 109; Hiibner, Ohly, and Philipp, Ann. 143, 233 ; Hiibner and Peterniann, Ann. 149, 131 ; An- gerstein, Ann. 158, 2 and 5 ; Friedburg, Ibid. 2,6; Hiibner, Ann. 222, 100), the latter sulphonated by sulphuric an- hydride (Hiibner and Upmann, Zeit. [2] 6, 29.5), the 3-brom-5-sulphobenzoic acid thvas formed converted into a-resor- cylic acid by potash fusion (Bottinger, Ber. 8, 374), and then into resorcinol as above. [E.] Umhelliferone [Vol. II] on fusion with potash gives /3-resorcylic acid (Tiemann and Reimer, Ber. 12, 997 ; Tiemann and Parrisius, Ber. 13, 2358), and finally resorcinol (Hlasiwetz and Grabowski, Ann. 139, 99). [F.] FAhyl alcohol [l4], gh/cerol [48], and acetic acid [Vol. II] furnish the resoi'cinol complex by the following pro- cesses : — Acetic acid and alcohol give acetic ester, and the latter acetoacetic ester. Glycerol on oxidation with nitric acid or other oxidising agents gives glyceric acid (Debus, Phil. Mag. [4] 15, 195; Ann. 106, 79 ; 109, 227 ; Sokoloff, Ann. 106, 95 ; De la Rue and Miiller, Ann. 109, 122 ; Beilstein, Ann. 120, 228 ; Barth, Ann. 124, 341 ; Moldenhauer, Ann. 131,324; Mulder, Ber. 9 1902; Bbrn- stein, Ber. 18, 3357 ; Lewkowitsch, Proc. Ch. Soc. 5, 14 ; Wohlk, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 61, 200 ; Zinno, Monit. Sci. 16, 493 : see also under benzyl alcohol [54 ; F]). Glyceric acid by the action of phosphorus iodide yields /3-iodopro- pionic acid (Beilstein, Ann. 120, 226 ; 122, 366 ; Erlenmeyer, Ann. 191, 284; Rosenthal, Ann. 233, 16; Meyer, Ber. 19, 3294; 21, 24). The ester of /3- iodopropionic acid condenses with sodio- acetoacetic ester to f\;'m acetoglutaric diethyl ester (Wislicer s and Limpach, Ann. 192, 128), which on heating with hydrochloric acid gives y-acetobutyric (5-hexanonic) acid (Fittig and Wolff, Ann. 216, 129; Fittig and Christ, Ann. 268, i.i'^; W. H. Perkin, junr.. Trans. Ch. Soc. 69, 15 10). y-Aceto- butyric ester condenses under the in- fluence of sodium ethoxide to diketo- hexamethylene or dihydroresorcinol, from which resorcinol can be obtained 70 F-I.] RESORCINOL 145 by bromination and subsequent removal of hydrogen bromide (Merling, Ann. 278, 38 ; Vorlander, Ber. 28, 3348 ; Ann. 294j 269). Or the g-lycerol may be converted into allyl bromide and trimethylene bromide (see under n-prcpyl alcohol [15 ; E]). The latter interacts with sodio-acetoace- tic ester to form brompropylacetoacetic ester (Lipp, Ber. 18, 3279)^ which gives acetylbutyl alcohol on heating with dilute hydrochloric acid {Ibid. 3280; Colman and W. H. Perkin, junr., Trans. Ch. Soc. 55, 354). The alcohol yields y-acetobutyric acid on oxidation with chromic acid mixture. Or from ethyl alcohol through iodo- form and methylene iodide [14; 1, p. ^^'\ and the action of the latter on sodio- acetoacetic ester, which gives a product (consisting of two methylketohexenyl- enecarboxylic esters, CjoHj^Og) which, on boiling with dilute sulphuric acid, yields m ethyl- i-cyclohexenone-3. The latter on oxidation with alkaline per- manganate gives y-acetobutyric acid (Hagemann, Ber. 26, 876, &c.; Harries, Ber. 35, 1176 : see also Hagemann and Knoevenagel, Ann. 297, 138). Subse- quent steps as above. The glycerol in the above synthesis might be replaced by lactic acid [Vol. II], which gives acrylic acid (among other products) when the calcium salt is heated (Glaus, Ann. 136, 288 : for production of acrylic acid from lactic acid via a-chlorpropionic acid see Michael and Garner, Ber. 34, 4050). Ethyl acrylate condenses with sodio-acetoaeetie ester to form acetoglutaric ester (Vor- lander, Ber. 28, 2349), which can be converted into y-acetobutyric acid, &c., as above. Or succinic ac [Vol. II] gives y3- iodopropionic acii by electrolysing the sodium salt with potassium iodide for the negative electrolyte (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 28, 2436). /3-Iodopropionic acid and acetoacetic ester give y-aceto- butyric acid and resorcinol as above. Or the glycerol may be replaced by acetic aldehyde [92], which on chlorina- tion gives butyrochloral = 2:2: 3-tri- chlorbutanal (Kramer and Pinner, Ber. 3, 383 ; Pinner, Ann. 179, 26). The latter on heating with potash solution gives an allylene dichloride (GaH^Cl^), which on heating with water yields acrylic acid (Pinner, Ber. 7, 66). Sub- sequent steps as above. Note : — Propionic acid [Vol. II] gives aa- and a)3-dibroino-acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; O]). The aiS-acid yields acrylic acid on treating the solution with zinc and sulphuric acid (Caspaiy and Tollens, Ann. 167, 241 ; Melikoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 13, 156). The propyl alcohols [15 ; 16] also give acrylic acid through propylene and acrolein [101] (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; E]), and mannitol [51] gives acrolein among the products of its oxidation by manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid (54 ; AA). [G.] Euxanthone [136] gives resor- cinol among the products of fusion with potash. [H.] Yrom. furfural [l26] and acetone [IO6] through pyromucie acid, muco- bromic acid, and nitromalonic alde- hyde (see under phloroglucinol [86 ; l]). The latter condenses with acetone in the presence of alkali to form p-nitro- phenol (Hill and Torrey, Ber. 28, 2598 ; Am. Ch. Journ. 22, 89). Subsequent steps as above under C. [I.] From malonic and citric acids tVol. II] and alcohol [l4]. Ghloroform 1 ; D, &c.] reacts with sodium ethoxide to form orthoformic triethyl ester (Williamson and Kay, Ann. 92, 346; StapfP, Zeit. [2] 7, 186; Deutsch, Ber. 12, 116; Wichelhaus and Ladenburg, Ann. 152, 164; Arnhold, Ann. 240, 1 93). This ester condenses with diethyl malonate (acetic anhydride as condens- ing agent) to form ethoxymethylene- malonic ester (Glaisen, Ber. 26, 2729). The latter condenses with acetonedi- carboxylic ester (from citric acid; see under glycerol [48; M]) under the influence of sodium ethoxide to form ace tonedicarboxylmethenylmalonic ester, which undergoes further condensation with the elimination of alcohol and the formation of resorcinoltricarboxylic ester (dihydroxytrimesic ester). The latter on boiling with sodium hydroxide solu- tion gives resorcinoldicarboxylic = ^- dihydroxybenzoic acid (Errera, Gazz. 31, 139; Gh. Gentr. 1901, 1, 1092). The acid yields resorcinol on heating (Senhofer and Brunner, Ber. 13, Ref. 930)- 146 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [70 J-71 C. [J.] From quincl [71] through hy- droxyquinol by alkaline fusion (Barth and Schreder, Monats. 4, 176 ; 5, 59o)' Hydroxy quinol (or its carboxylic acid) gives dihydroresorcinol on reduction with sodium amalgam (Thiele and Jaeger, Ber. 34, 2841). Subsequent treatment as above under P. 71. Quiuol ; Hydroquinone ; Faradihydrozybenzene ; Fyrogentisic acid ; 1 : 4-Fhenediol. HO HO Natural Sources. Occurs to the extent of from 2 to 5 per cent, in the S. African ' sugar bush/ Protea mellifera (Hesse, Ann. 290, 317), and as glucoside (arbutin) in the berries of the red whortleberry, Vaccinium vitis-ideea, in leaves of the red bearberry, Afctostaphylos uva-ursi, and A. glauca, and of Fyrola umbellata, P. rotundifolia, P. cklora7dJia,P. elllptica, Calluna vulgaris, Ledum palustre, EjjigfBa repenSy Gaultheria procumhens, and Ckimaphila maculata (Kawalier, Ann. 82, 241 ; 84, '^S^ ; Zwenger and Him- melmann, Ann. 129, 203; Claassen, Jahresber. 1870, 877; 1885, 1761; Schiff, Ann. 206, 165; Schunck and Marchlewski, Ann. 278, 354; Maisch, Am. Journ. Pharm. 46, 319). Arbutin is decomposed by the moulds Aspergillus niger, A. glaucus, and Peni- cillium glaucum with the liberation of quinol (Puriewitsch, Ber. deutsch. bot. Gesell. 16, 368). The quinol complex is contained in euxantfione [l36], gentisiti [l37], homo- getdisic acid [Vol. II], methylarhutin [159], and (possibly) in saponarin, a glucoside contained in Saponaria offici- nalis (Barger, Ber. 35, 1296). Quinol occurs as a constituent of normal urine (Piatt, Am. Ch. Journ. 19, 382). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From phenol through p-iodo- phenol by various iodising processes (see under catechol [69 ; A]), and fusion of the latter with potash at a tempera- ture below 165° (Kbrner, Zeit. [2] 2, 662; 731; 4, 322). Or from phenol through p-nitrophenol by nitration, p-aminophenol by reduc- tion, and the diazo-reaction with the latter (Weselsky and Schuler, Ber. 9, 1 160). From phenol by the action of potas- sium persulphate in alkaline solution (Ch. Fab. vorm. E. Schering, Germ. Pat. 81068 of 1894; Ber. 28, Ref. 666). Quinol is among the products of electrolysis of a solution of phenol by an alternating current in presence of magnesium sulphate and acid carbonate (Drechsel, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 29, 249), and also among the products of the oxidation of phenol by hydrogen per- oxide (Martinon, Bull. Soc. [2] 43, 156). From phenol through p-nitrosophenol = quinone-oxime (Bridge, Ann. 277, 85; Wurster, Ber. 20, 2632), and the action of hydroxylamine on the latter (Hepp, Ber. 10, 1654). From phenol and carhon tetrachloride [l; L] through 5-nitrosalicylic and gentisic acids as under euxanthone [136 ; C]. From gentisic acid as under C below. [B.] Qtmione [l42] gives quinol on reduction (Wbhler, Ann. 51, 152). The reduction can be effected by alcohol under the influence of light (Ciamician and Silber, Ber. 33, 291 1 ; 35,3594). Also by isopropyl alcohol and formic acid under similar circumstances {Ibid. 34, 1542). Quinol (and p-diethoxy- quinone) is formed, by heating quinone with alcohol in the presence of zinc chloride (Knoevenagel and Biickel, Ber. 34, 3798). [C] Salicylic acid [Vol. II] can by various processes be iodised or bromi- nated so as to form 5-iodo- or 5-brom- salicylie acid (Gerhardt, Ann. Chim. [3] 7, 217; Cahours, Ibid. 10, 341; 13, 99; Henry, Ber. 2, 275; Lautemann, 71 C-P.] QUINOL 147 Ann. 120^ 302; Demole, Ber. 7, 1437 ; Goldberg-, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 19, 368; Hiibner, Ber, 12, 1347; Birnbaum and Reinherz, Ber, 15, 458 ; Hiibner and Heinzerling-, Zeit, [2] 7, 709 ; Hand, Ann, 234, 133)^ which on fusion with potash gives 2 : 5-dihydroxybenzoic (5- hydroxysalieylic, gentisic, or 2 :5-pbene- diolcarboxyHc) acid (Lautemann, loc. cit. 311 ; Liechti, Ann, Suppl, 7, 144; Demole, loc. cit. ; Goldberg, loc. cit. 371 ; Miller, Ann. 220, 124 ; Rakowski and Leppert, Ber, 8, 789). The latter on dry distillation yields quinol among other products (Herrmann, Ann, 211, Or salicylic acid may be nitrated (Hiibner, Ann, 195, 6; 31 j Schiff and Masino, Ann, 198, 258 ; Deninger, Journ. pr, Ch. [2] 42, 550 ; Hirsch, Ber. 33, 3238), the 5- (separated from the 3-) nitro-acid reduced to 5-amino- salicylic acid (Beilstein, Ann. 130, 243 ; Hiibner, Ann, 195, 1 8 ; Schmitt, Jahresber, 1864, 383), the latter con- verted into 2 : 5-dihydroxybenzoic ( = gentisic) acid by the diazo-method (Gold- berg, loc. cit. 368), and then into quinol as before. Note : — f-Aminosalicylic acid is best pre- pared by the reduction of benzeneazosalicylic acid (Fischer and Schaar-Rosenburg, Ber. 32, 8i). 5-NitrosalicyIic acid also on heating with lime gives p-nitrophenol, which can be reduced to p-aminophenol and treated as above under A. Salicylic acid yields gentisic acid by direct oxidation with potassium persulphate in alka- line solution (Ch. Fab, vorm. Sobering, Germ, Pat. 81297 of 1894 ; Ber. 28, Ref, 692). [D,] Benzoic acid [Vol. II] when nitrated gives chiefly m-nitrobenzoic acid (Mulder, Ann. 34, 297 ; Garland, Ann. 91, i86j Griess, Ann. 166, 129; Hiibner, Ann. 222, 72 ; Holleman, Zeit. physik. Ch. 31, 79). A solution of this acid in sulphuric acid gives 5-aminosalicylic acid on electrolysis (Gattermann, Ber. 26, 1850), and from this 2 : 5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and quinol can be obtained as above. m-Nitrobenzoic acid also gives 5- aminosalicylic acid by reduction in strong sulphuric acid with zinc dust at a low temperature (Germ. Pat. 96,853 of 1896; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 160). l2 Benzoic acid also gives among the products of its nitration some o-nitro- acid (Griess, loc. cit. and Ber, 8, 526 ; 10, 1871 ; Ernst, Jahresber. 1860, 299 ; Liebermann, Ber. 10, 862 ; Widnmann, Ann. 193, 204; Holleman, Rec. Tr. Ch. 18, 267), which by reduction gives o-aminohenzoic {antkranilic) acid [Vol, II] (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 163, 138). The latter by the action of potassium emanate [172] on the hydro- chloride yields o-uraminobenzoic acid (Griess, Journ. pr. Ch, [2] 5, 371), and this on nitration gives a dinitro-uramino- benzoic acid (Griess, Ber, 11, 1730), which on boiling with water yields 5-nitro-2-aminobenzoic acid {Ibid.). The latter on heating with potash solution gives 5-nitrosalicylic acid {Ibid.), which can be treated as under B. Note : — Crenerators of antkranilic acid [Vol. II] thus become generators of quinol. Or benzoic acid may be brominated (Peligot, Ann. 28, 246 ; Angerstein, Ann. 158, 2 ; Reinecke, Zeit. [2] 1, 116; 5, 109; Hiibner, Ohly, and Philipp, Ann. 143, 233 ; Hiibner and Petermann, Ann. 149, 131 ; Angerstein, Ann. 158, 5) so as to give m-brom- benzoic acid. The latter on nitration gives (with the 3-brom-2-nitro-acid) 3-brom-6-nitrobenzoic acid (Hiibner, Ohly, and Philipp, loc. cit.; Hiibner and Petermann, loc. cit.), which by reduction yields 6-amino-3-brom- (= 5- brom-2-amino) benzoic acid (H., O., and P. loc. cit. 241), from which by the diazo-method 5-bromsalicylic acid can be obtained (Hiibner and Emmerling-, Zeit, [2] 7, 709). The latter can be converted into 2 : 5-dihydroxybenzoic (gentisic) acid, &c., as under C. [E,] Cinnamic acid [Vol, II] on nitra- tion gives a mixture of p- and o-nitro- acids (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 163, 126), from the latter of which o-nitrobenzoic acid can be obtained by oxidation with chromic acid {Ibid. ; Widnmann, Ber, 8, 393), o-aminoben- zoic acid by reduction, and then as under C. [P.] Benzoic aldehyde [ll4] on nitra- tion gives chiefly m-nitro-, but also some o-nitrobenzoic a ldehyde (R udolph, Ber. or TMl '^ UNIVERSITY or 148 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [71 F-O. 13, 310; Fittiea, Ber. 10, 1630). The latter can be oxidised to o-nitrobenzoic acid, and then treated as under C. Or from benzoic aldehyde through toluene by heating with strong- hy- driodic acid solution at 380° (Berthelot, Jahresber. 1867, 346), o-nitrotoluene by nitration (see under o-cresol [61; a]), o-nitrobenzoie acid by oxidation (Weith, Ber. 7, 1 058 ; Widnmann, Ann. 193, ;i:^5 ; Monnet, Reverdin, and Noelting, Ber. 12, 443 ; Noyes, Ber. 16, ^^), and then as above, [G.] The creftols [61; 62; 63] by distillation with hot zinc dust (Baeyer, Ann. 140_, 395 ; Marasse, Ann. 152, 64), or by heating with phosphorus trisulphide (Kekule and Fleischer, Ber. 6, 1088; Geuther, Ann. 221, 55), give toluene, from which o-nitrobenzoic acid, &c., can be obtained as above. [H.] Benzyl alcohol £54] heated with hydriodic acid and phosphorus at 140° is reduced to toluene (Graebe, Ber. 8, 1 054), which can be treated as above. Note : — All generators of toluene (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; A, &c.]) thus become generators of quinol. [I.] Phenylacetic acid [Vol. II] when nitrated gives the a : 4-dinitro-acid (Radziszewski, Ber. 2, 210 ; Gabriel and Meyer, Ber. 14, 823), and this by reduction the 2-nitro-4-amino-acid {G. and M. loc. cit. 824). The latter, on replacing the NHg-group by hydrogen by the diazo-method and the simul- taneous action of nitrous acid, gives the oxime of o-nitrobenzoic aldehyde {Ibid. 826 ; 15, 3057 ; 16, 520), from which the nitro-aldehyde can be obtained by oxidation with chromic acid mixture {Ibid. 14, 829), and finally o-nitrobenzoic acid by oxidation with potassium per- manganate. Subsequent steps as above. Or the 2 : 4-dinitro-acid in alkaline solution decomposes into 2 : 4-dinitro- toluene (Radziszewski, Ber. 2, 210; 3, 648 ; Gabriel and Meyer, Ber. 14, 824), which on reduction with am- monium sulphide gives 2-nitro-4-tolui- dine (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 155, 14). The latter by the diazo-method yields o-nitrotoluene, from which o- nitrobenzoic acid can be obtained by oxidation (see above under F). [J.] Indigo [Vol. II] when boiled with aqueous potash gives o-aminoben~ zoic {aulhranilic) acid [Vol. II] (Fritz- sche, Ann. 39, 83; Liebig, Ibid. 91), which can be converted into quinol as under D. [K.] Homogentisic acid [Vol. II] gives quinol on fusion with potash, [L.] Gentisin [l37] when fused with potash gives 2 : 5-dihydroxybenzoic (gentisic) acid (Hlasiwetz and Haber- mann, Ann. 175, 62 ; 180, 345 ; Tie- mann and Miiller, Ber. 14, 1988), which can be converted into quinol as under B. [M.] Euxanthone [l36] gives quinol among the products of fusion with potash (Baeyer, Zeit. [2] 5, 569). [N.] Succinic acid [Vol. II] gives quinol among other products by the dry distillation of its salts (v. Richter, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 20, 207). Or succinic acid (ester) by the action of sodium in presence of alcohol or of dry sodium ethoxide can be converted into succinyl succinic (cyclohexanedione- 2 : 5-dicarboxylic- 1 : 4) ester (Fehling, Ann. 49, 186 ; Herrmann, Ber. 10, 107 ; Ann. 211, 306 ; Duisberg, Ber. 16, 133 ; Volhard, Ibid. 1 34 ; Piutti, Gazz. 20, 167; Vorlander, Ann. 280, 186). The latter on oxidation by air or bromine gives p-dihydroxyterephthalic (quinol- dicarboxylic or 2 : 5-phenedioldicarboxy- lic) ester (Herrmann, loc. cit. 11 1; Ann. 211, 327), and the acid on dry distilla- tion or on fusion with potash yields c^inol {Ibid. Ber. 10, 112 j Ann. 211, Or succinylsuccinic ester can be con- verted into dihydroxyterephthalie acid by the action of phosphorus pentachloride (Levy and Curchod, Ber. 22, 2108). Or from succinic acid through laevulic acid (see under erythritol [50 ; C]) and then through the dibromo-acid and di- acetyl as below under O, [O.] From acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] and its dibromo-derivative by brominff- tion (Duisberg, Ann. 213, 143 ; Schon- brodt, Ann. 253, 177 ; Epprecht, Ana. 278, 85). The latter when acted on in dry ethereal solution by sodium gives dihydroxyterephthalie ester (Wedel, Ann. 219, 74). Or acetoacetic ester can be converted 71 O-R.] QUINOL 149 into m ethyl acetoacetic ester (Geuther, Jahresber. 1865, 303; Isbert, Ann. 234, 188; Koubleff, Ann. 259, 254; Nef, Ann. 260, 90), and the latter converted by the action of nitrous acid into iso- nitrosomethylethyl ketone = butadione- oxime (Meyer and Ziiblin, Ber. 11, 322). The latter on decomposition by heating with dilute sulphuric acid gives diacefyl [113] (v. Pechmann, Ber. 20, 2539 ; 2904; 3162; 3213; 21, 141 1 ; 22, 2115; 24,3954). On heating diacetyl with excess of dilute caustic soda solu- tion it yields p-xyloquinone [Ibid. 21, 1420), from which dihydroxyterephthalie acid and quinol can be obtained as below under R. Or diacetyl under the influence of hydrochloric acid gives a trimolecular polymeride, and this yields p-xyloquinol among other products on reduction with sodium amalgam (Diels and Jost, Ber. 35, 3292). Note : — Generators of diacetyl [113] thus be- come generators of quinol. Or acetoacetic ester can be converted into acetosuccinic ester by the action of ethyl chloracetate on the sodium com- pound (Conrad, Ann. 188, 218), and then into /S-isonitrosolsevulic acid by the action of nitrous acid (Thai, Ber. 25, 17 1 8). The isonitroso-compound gives diacetyl on boiling with dilute sulphuric acid (Ibid. 1723), and this can be con- verted into p-xyloquinone, &c., as above. Or methylacetoacetic ester can be brominated and the y-bromo-derivative converted into tetrinic = o-methyl- tetronic acid by heating with alcoholic potash, or j)e7' se at 100" (Demar^ay, Ann. Chim. [5] 20, 451 ; Bull. Soc. [2] 33, 518; Pawloff, Ber. 16, 486; Conrad and Kreichgauer, Ber. 29, 1047 > Wolff, Ann. 288, 16). Tetrinic acid gives diacetyl on oxidation with nitric acid, potassium permanganate, or with chromic acid (Wolff, Ber. 26, 2220 ; Ann. 288, 27). Or from acetoacetic ester through Isevulic acid (see under erythritol [50 ; D]). The latter on bromination gives the ^-dibromo-acid (Hell and Kehrer, Ber. 17, 1981 ; Wolff, Ann. 229, 266), and this on boiling with water yields diacetyl among other products (Wolff, loc. cit. ; Ber. 26, 22x6). Or from acetoacetic acid and glycerol [48] via allylacetone (see under ery- thritol [50; G]), Isevulic acid, and diacetyl as above. Or from acetoacetic ester through the y-bromo-derivative and succinylsuccinic acid (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; AA]), and then through dihydroxytere- phthalie ester, &c., as above. [P.] Thymol [67] can by various pro- cesses of oxidation be converted into thymoquinone (Lallemand, Jahresber. 1854, 592 ; Carstanjen, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 3, ^"i, ; 15, 410 ; Andresen, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 23, 172; Armstrong, Ber. 10, 297 ; Liebermann and Ilinski, Ber. 18, 3 1 94), which easily reduces to thymo- quinol [82]. The latter on heating with phosphorus oxychloride gives a diphos- phoric ester, the potassium salt of which on oxidation with potassium perman- ganate yields dihydroxyterephthalie acid (Heymann and Konigs, Ber. 20, 2393). [Q.] Carvacrol [66] on oxidation also gives thymoquinone (Claus, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 39, 356 ; Reychler, Bull. Soc. [3] 7, 32), which can be treated as above. [R.] From acetone [IO6] through pseudocumene (see under o-cresol [61 ; B]), nitropseudocumene, and pseudo- cumidine (5-amino-i : 2 : 4-trimethyl- benzene) by nitration and reduction (Schaper, Zeit. [2] 3, 12). The latter on oxidation gives p-xyloquinone (Noel- ting and Baumann, Ber. 18, 1151 ; Sutkowski, Ber. 20, 977), which reduces to p-xyloquinol. The latter is converted by phosphorus oxychloride into a di- phosphoric ester of which the potassium salt is oxidised by permanganate to dihydroxyterephthalie acid (Heymann and Konigs, Ber. 20, 2396). Or from acetone and ethyl acetate through acetylacetone and Isevulic acid (see under erythritol [50 ; G]). From the latter through diacetyl [ll3] as above under O. Note: — Xylidines derived from the xylenes (61, A ; 62, A ; 63, A) can, by heating their fiydrochlorides with methyl alcohol at a high temperature (300-320°), be made to furnish pseudocumidino (Hofmann, Ber. 15, 2895 ; Noelting and Forel, Ber. 18, 2680). 150 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [71 R-X. Also amino- and diamino-p-xylene give xylo- quinone on oxidation (Carstanjen, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 23, 423 ; Noelting, Witt, and Forel, Ber. 18, 2667 ; Nietzki, Ann. 215, i68). Generators of the xylenes (see under o-cresol [61 ; A and B] and p-cresol [63 ; A and B]) thus become generators of dihydroxyterephthalic acid and quinol. [S.] From oxalic and acetic acids [Vol. II] and alcohol [l4] through ketipic acid (diacetyldicarboxylic or 3 : 4-hexadionediacid) by the action of ethylchloracetate on oxaHc diethyl ester in the presence of zinc, and hydrolysis of the ketipic ester formed (Fittig, Daimler, and Keller, Ann. 249, 183). Ketipic acid on dry distillation or on heating with dilute sulphuric acid gives diacetyl {Ibid. 200), which can be con- verted into p-xyloquinone, &c., as under N and Q. Ketipic acid can also be obtained from oxalic and acetic esters in ethereal solu- tion by the action of dry sodium ethylate (Wislicenus, Ber. 20, 5H9 ; Ann. 246, 328). [T.] Benzene [6], irrespective of the compounds of which it is the generator under the preceding headings (phenol [a], quinone [B], &c.), can be made to turnish quinol directly by electrolysing a solution of the hydrocarbon in alcohol in presence of sulphuric acid (Gatter- mann and Friedrichs, Ber. 27, 1942). Or by electrolysis in suspension in sulphuric acid (Kempf, Germ. Pat. 1 17251 of 1899; Ch. Centr. 1901, 1, 34H). . Quinol is among the products of the oxidation of benzene by hydrogen per- oxide in presence of ferrous sulphate (Cross, Bevan, and Heiberg, Ber. 33, 2018). Nitrobenzene in strong sulphuric acid solution gives p-aminophenol on electro- lysis (Gattermann and Koppert, Ber. 26, 2810; Noyes and Clement, HAd. 990 ; Gattermann, Ibid. 1 844 ; 27, 1927), and this can be converted as under A. Or benzene might be converted into nitrobenzene, aniline, acetanilide, p- nitraniline, and p-phenylenediamine. The latter on heating with acids to a high temperature gives quinol (Meyer, Ber. 30, 2569). Aniline yields quinol (16-18 per cent.) on oxidation with chromic acid mixture (Nietzki, Ber. 10, 1934)- Nitrobenzene on mild reduction gives phenylhydroxylamine (Bamberger, Ber. 27, 1347; I54«; Wohl, Ibid. 1432), and this on electrolysis in alcoholic sulphuric acid solution (Haber, Zeit. Elektroch. 4, 506), or by heating with the same solution (Bamberger, Ber. 27, 1349 ; Bamberger and Lagutt, Ber. 31, 1 500), yields, among other products, p-aminophenol, which can be converted into quinol as under A. Aniline gives, among other products, p-aminophenol on oxidation with hydro- gen peroxide (Prudhomme, Bull. Soc. [3] 7, 621), or with hypochlorous acid (Bamberger and Tschirner, Ber. 31, 1522). Or phenylhydroxylamine can be oxi- dised to nitrosobenzene, and this gives p-aminophenol among the products of the action of hot aqueous alkali (see under catechol [69 ; M]). Aniline on methylation gives di- methylaniline, which by the action of nitrous acid yields the p-nitroso-deriva- tive. The latter on decomposition by alkali gives (with dimethylamine) p- nitrosophenol (Baeyer and Caro, Ber. 7, 809 ; 967), which can be treated as under A. p-Nitrosophenol is among the products of the action of aqueous alkali at ordinary temperatures on nitrosobenzene (Bamberger, Ber. 33, 1954)- [U.] Yrom. furfural \\^Q] 3ind acefotie [106] through p-nitrophenol (see under resorcinol [70; H]), and then as under A above. [v.] From la>vulose [l55] or mannose [15 6] through lievulic acid (see under erythritol [50; H; l]), and then through diacetyl as above under O. [W.] From isoliexoic acid [Vol. II] through Isevulic acid [50 ; E], and then as above through diacetyl. [X.] From malonic or acetic acid [Vol. II] and (jlycerol [48] through laevulic acid [50 ; F ; G]. Or from glycerol through glyceric acid and pyroracemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; F]), and then as below under BB. 71 Y-72 B.] QUINOL 151 [Y.] From crotonic aldehyde [l02] throug-h Isevulic acid [50 ; O]. [Z.] From methylheptenone [ill] throug-h Isevulic acid [50 ; Q]. [AA.] From dimefhi/lheptenol [35] through Isevulic acid [50 ; N]. [BB.] From tartaric or racemic acid [Vol. II] through pyroracemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; N]). Potassium pyroracemate gives diacetyl among- the products of electrolysis (Hofer and Uhl, Ber. 33, 653). [CO.] From ethyl alcohol [14] and hydrogen cyanide [l72] through propio- nitrile (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; l] and acetone [IO6 ; S]), aa-dichlorpro- pionic and pyroracemic acids, and then diacetyl as above. [DD.] From acetic or acetoacetie acid, [Vol. II] and hydrogen cyanide [l72] throug-h acetyl cyanide and pyroracemic acid [54 ; l], and then as above. [EE.] From citric acid [Vol. II] through citraconie or mesaconic acid and pyroracemic acid [54 ; M] (see also other generators of citraconie acid, p. 63). [PF.] From propionic acid [Vol. II] through the aa-dibromo-acid and pyro- racemic acid [54 ; O]. [GQ.] From lactic acid [Vol. II] through pyroracemic acid [54 ; P]. [HH.] From normal or isopropyl alcohol [15 ; 16] through propylene, acrolein [lOl], acrylic acid, a-chlorlactic acid, glyceric acid, and pyroracemic acid [54; E]. Note : — For generators of propylene see under glycerol [48 ; B ; O ; D, &c.]. 72. Toluquinol ; Hydrotoluquinoue ; Methylquiuol ; Faradihydrozytoluene ; Methyl- 2 : 5-Fhenediol. HO CH, HO Natural Source. The complex is possibly contained in excoecarin, a colouring-matter obtained from green ebony, the wood of Excoe- caria glandulosa or Jacaranda ovalifolia (A. G. Perkin and Briggs, Proe. Ch. Soc. 18, II ; Trans. 81, 210). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From tolnene [54 ; A, &c.] through o-nitrotoluene and o-toluidine. The latter gives toluquinone on oxida- tion with ferric chloride (Ladenburg, Ber. 10, 1 1 28), or with sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide (Clark, Am. Ch. Journ. 14, ^6^ : see also Schniter, Ber. 20, 22^^ ; Nietzki, Ann. 215, 158). Toluquinone is reduced to the hydro- quinone by sulphurous acid (Nietzki, lac. cit.). o-Toluidine gives toluquinone on oxidation with chromic acid mixture (Nietzki, Ber. 10, 1935). Or o-toluidine can be acetylated and nitrated, the nitro-derivative hydrolysed to 5-nitro- a-toluidine (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 158, 345), and the latter reduced to 2 : 5-toluylenediamine, which gives toluquinone on oxidation with sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide (Nietzki, Ber. 10, 833). Note : — Both o- and p-nitrotoluene are gene- rators of m-nitrotoluene through the correspond- ing toluidines and nitrotoluidines (see under vanillin [121 ; J]). m-Nitrotoluene gives 5- aminocresol by electrolytic reduction in sul- phuric acid solution (Gattermann, Ber. 27, 19.^0) and this yields toluquinol by the diazo- method as below under B. p-Nitrotoluene on mild reduction gives p-toluylhydroxylamine (Bamberger, Ber. 28, 245 ; 1221 ; Lumifere and Seyewitz, Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 1040), and this on heating with dilute sulphuric acid yields tolu- quinol (Bamberger, loc. cit. 246). p-Toluidine also gives p-toluylhydroxylamine on oxidation by monopersulphuric acid (Bamberger and Tschirner, Bey. 32, 1677). [B.] From 0- or m-cresol [61; 62] through toluquinone by oxidation with sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide (Carstanjen, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 23, 425). Also by oxidation with alkaline potassium persulphate and hydrolysis of the sulphate formed (Ch. Fab. Sober- ing, Germ. Pat. 81068 of 1894; Ber. 28, Ref. 666). Or o-cresol on nitration in acetic acid gives (with 3-nitro-) 5-nitrocresol (Hirsch, Ber. 18, 151 2), which reduces to 5-aminocresol (Nevile and Winther, Ber. 15, 2979). The latter gives tolu- quinol by the diazo- method (^ILid.). Or 152 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [72 B-75. o-cresol can be converted into tolu- quinone-oxime (nitroso-o-cresol) by nitrosylsulphate (Noelting and Kohn, Ber. VJ, 370), and this gives 5-amino- cresol on reduction {Ibid.). 73. Qninol Methyl Ether ; p-Hydroxyanisole ; p-Methoxypheuol. HO CH3 Natural Source. Occurs with the glucoside of quinol (arbutin) as the glucoside methylarhutin [159] (see under quinol [71 j for botanical sources). Synthetical Process. [A.] From quinol [71] and methyl alcoJwl [13] by heating the potassium compound of the former with potassium methyl sulphate (Hlasiwetz and Haber- mann, Ann. 177^ ?)?)^)) or by heating the potassium compound with methyl iodide diluted with methyl alcohol (HessC;, Ann. 200^ 354). 74. Quinol Ethyl Ether; p-Hydrozy- phenetole ; p-Ethoxypheuol. HO .O.C.Hs Natural Sources. Occurs in small quantity in oil of star-anise from lilic'mm verum (Oswald in Beilstein^s ' Handb. d. org. Chem.' 3rd ed. II, 939) ; in Chinese oil of star- anise (Tardy, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 990). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From qidnol [7l] and alcohol [l4] by heating the potassium compound of the former with ethyl iodide (Wichel- haus, Ber. 12, 1501). [B.] From phenol [6O] and alcohol [14] through the ethyl ether, phenetole (Cahours, Ann. 78, 226 ; Kolbe, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 27, 424), p-nitrophenetole by nitration (Hallock, Am. Ch. Journ. 1, 271), phenetidine by reduction (Wag- ner, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 27, 206), and the diazo-reaction with latter (Hantzsch, Ibid. 22, 462). Or phenol can be nitrated, the p-nitrophenol converted into p-nitrophenetole by heating the potassium salt with potassium ethyl sulphate in alcohol (Willgerodt and Ferko, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 33, 153), and then into phenetidine, &c., as before. [C] From salicylic acid [Vol. II] and alcohol [14] through ethyl salicylate (Cahours, Ann. 52, 332; 74, 314; Gottig, Ber. 9, 1473). The latter, according to Baly (Ann. 70, 269), gives phenetole on distillation with baryta, and this can be treated as under B. [D.] Benzene [6] can be converted into p-nitrophenetole by boiling p-chlor- nitrobenzene with alcoholic potash (Willgerodt, Ber. 15, 1002), and this can be converted as under B. 75. Orcinol ; 3 : S-Dihydroxytolueue ; Methylresorcinol ; Methyl-3 : 5- Pheuediol. CH, HO H Natural Sources. Orcinol does not occur in the free state in the vegetable kingdom, but the complex is contained in certain acids obtained from lichens. Hoccclla tinctoria, R.fiiciformis, and R. montaqnei have long been known to yield orcinol. The com- plex exists in the following com- pounds : — Evernic acid from Evernia prunastri, var. vulgaris, Ramalina polUnaria (Sten- house, Ann. 68, 84 ; 155, ^$ ; Hesse, Ann. 117, 297 ; Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 250 ; Zopf, Ann. 297, 300 ; 306), and Rhyscia ( = Anaptychia) ciliaris (Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 58, 465). 75-A.] ORCINOL 153 Erythrin = erythrie acid from lioc- cella montagnei, R. peruetisis, and other species ; from Parmelia olivetoruvi and Aspicilia calcarea (Heeren, Berz. Jahres- ber. 11, 279; Kane, Ann. 39, 35; Schunck, Ann. 61, 64 ; Stenhouse, Ann. 68, 72; Hesse, Ann. 117, 397 ; 139, 32 ; Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 57, 333 j 2,^6', 62, 470; Zopf, Ann. 297, 376; 303 ; 313, 343 : see also De Luynes, Ann. Chim. [4] 2, 385 ; Menschutkin, Bull. Soe. [3] 2, 434). /3-Erytlirin from certain forms of Roccella fuciformis contains (through orsellic acid) the orcinol complex (Men- schutkin, loc. cit. ; Lamparter, Ann. 134, ^43): Divaricatic acid from Evernia di- varicata, E. prunastri, var. thamnodes, and Hccmatomma tentosum (Zopf, Ann. 297,398; 300,353; 317,137; Hesse, Ber. 30, 364 ; Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 57, 346; 58,465; 62,439; 65,537). Diffusin from Tlatysma diffusum and Parmelia sorediata (Zopf, Ann. 306, 383; 313, 317; 317, 110). Gyrophoric acid from Umhilicaria {Gyropliord) pnstulata, G. proboscidea, G.hirsuta, G. deusta^ G. vtllea, G.poJy- jaJiylla, G. spiodochroa, var. depressa, Le- canora tartarea (?), Blastenia arenaria, var. teicholytum, Parmelia locarnensis, inndi Lecidea grisella (Stenhouse, Ann. 70, 318 ; Zopf, Ann. 300, 333 ; 313, 332 ; 336; 317, 1 10; Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 58, 475; 62, 463; 466; 473; 63, 533). Glomelliferin from Parmelia glomelli- fera (Zopf, Ann. 306, 383 ; 321, '^'j). Lecanoric (= parmelic) acid from Lecanora parella, Evernia prunastri, Roc- cella tinctoria, Psora ostreata, Parmelia fuliginosa, var. ferruginasoeiis, P. verru- culifera, P. borreri, P. tiliacea, var. scortea, P. sorediata, P. tinctoriimy P. perlata (trace), P. perforata (trace), P. olivetorum, P. tinctorum = coral- lo'ides, P. glabra {= P. olivacea and P. glabra), P. sordida, Urceolaria cretacea, U. scruposa, var. arenaria, Pachiolepia decussata,2in^Pertusaria lactea (Schunck, Ann. 41, 158 ; 54, 364 ; Rochleder and Heldt, Ann. 48, 3 ; Stenhouse, Ann. 68, 59 ; Zopf, Ann. 295, 378 ; 306, 304; -^^T, 318; 319; 313,331; 317, no; 321, '>^'] ; Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 57, 364 ; 409 ; 41 1 ; 58, 473 ; 499 ; SS^; 62, 451; 453; 453 i 472; 63, S?,'^ ) 5S^ ;. 65, S^-i, : Hesse was unable to find this acid in Lecanora parella, S chaer = Ochrolechia pallescens- y -parella, and suggests that Schunck must have had some other species in hand). Patellarie acid from Urceolaria {Pa- tellar ia) scruposa (Weigelt, Jahresber. 1869, 768: see also Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 58, 558; Zopf, Ann. 324, 39)- Ramalic acid from Ramalina polli- naria and many species of Evernia (Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 57, 333 ; 353 ; Ber. 30, 364 ; Zopf, Ann. 297, Usnetic = stereocaulic ( = lobaric acid) acid from Usnea barbata, Stereocaulon alpinum, S. corallo'ides, S.pileatum, Lepra cholerina, Lecanora badia, Parmelia saxa- tilis, var. panniformis, var. phceotropa, P. aleurites, P. omphalodes (Hesse, Ber, 10, 1336; Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 62, 445; 459 ; Zopf, Ann. 288, 57 ; 295, 371 ; 397; 306, 300; 314: see also Sal- kowski, Ann. 319, 391). Umbilicaric acid from Gyrophora poly- phylla, G. deusta, G. hyperborea (Zopf, Ann. 300, '^fZl '^ 317, 139; Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 63, 545). Orcinol can be liberated from the lichen acids which contain the complex by the action of micro-organisms (Czapek, Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 684, from Centr. Bakter. II, 4, 49). The dimethylorcinol complex may be contained in podophyllotoxin from the Indian Podophyllum emodi and the American P. peltatum (Dunstan and Henry, Trans. Ch. Soc. 73, 333). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From toluene [54 ; A, &c.] through p-chlortoluene. The latter on sulphonation gives (with the 3-sulphonic acid) p-chlor-3-sulphonic acid (Vogt and Henninger, Ann. 165, 363; Wynne, Trans. Ch. Soc. 61, 1078), which on fusion with potash yields orcinol among other products (V. and H. loc. cit. 366 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 21, ^T^). There must be isomeric transformation in this case. 154 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [75 ArC. Or toluene may be nitrated, the o- nitrotoluene reduced to o-toluidine, the latter sulphonated (Gerver, Ann. 169, 374 ; Pagel, Ann. 176, 392 ; Nevile and Winther, Trans. Ch. Soc. 37, 626; Ber. 13, 1941), the 2-toluidine- 5-sulphonic acid brominated, and thus converted into 3-brom-2-toluidine-5- sulphonic acid (N. and W. Ber. 13, 1942). The latter on replacing the NHg-group by hydrogen by the diazo- method gives 3-bromtoluene-5-sulphonic acid {Ibid. 1944), from which orcinol can be obtained by potash fusion [Ibid. Ber. 15, 2990). Or 2-toluidine-5-sulphonic acid may be converted into 2-toluidine-3 : 5-di- sulphonic acid by further sulphonation {Ibid. 2992 ; Hasse, Ann. 230, 288), the disulphonie acid into toluene-3 : 5- disulphonic acid by replacing the NHg-group by hydrogen (Limprieht and Hasse, Ber, 18, 2177; Ann. 230, 295; Nevile and Winther, Ber. 15, 2992), and the disulphonie acid into orcinol by potash fusion (N. and W. loc. cit. 2993). Or o-toluidine may be converted into 3 : 5-dibrom-2-toluidine by bromination (Wroblewski, Ann. 168, 162), into 3 : 5-dibromtoluene by replacing the NHg-group by hydrogen (N. and W. Ber. 13, 966), and the dibromtoluene into orcinol by potash fusion {Ibid. 15, 2992). Toluene may also be nitrated, the p-nitrotoluene reduced, the p-toluidine converted into 3 : 5-dibrom-4-toluidine by bromination (Wroblewski, Ann. 168, 188), the NHg-group replaced by hydrogen {Ibid.), and the 3 : 5-dibrom- toluene converted into orcinol as above. Or p-toluidine may be converted into 3 : 5-dinitro-4-toluidine by nitration and hydrolysis of the acetyl- or benzoyl- derivative (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 158,341; Hiibner, Ann, 208, 312; 222, 74), the NHg-group replaced by hydro- gen (Stadel, Ber. 14, 901 ; Ann. 217, 189; Hiibner, Ann. 222, 74; Nevile and Winther, Ber. 15, 2984 ; Honig, Ber. 20, 2418), the 3 : 5-dinitrotoluene reduced by ammonium sulphide to 5- nitro-3-toluidine (Stadel, Ann. 217, 189; N. and W. loc. cit. 2985), and the latter converted into 5-nitro-3-cresol by the diazo-method (N, and W. loc. cit. 2986). The nitrocresol on reduction and re- placement of theNHg-group byhydroxyl by the diazo-method gives orcinol {Ibid. 2987). p- Acettoluide may also be brominated and then nitrated, or nitrated and then brominated so as to give on hydrolysis 3-brom-5-nitro-4-toluidine (Wroblew- ski, Ann. 192, 202 ; N. and W. Ber. 13, 968). The latter on replacement of the NHg-group by hydrogen gives 3-brom- 5-nitrotoluene, and by reduction 5- brom-3-toluidine, from which, by the diazo-method, 5-brom-3-cresol can be obtained, and this also gives orcinol on fusion with potash (N, and W. Ber. 15, 2991 : see also Nevile, Eng. Pat. 4389 of 1881). [B,] Paracresol [63] when the ethyl ether is nitrated is converted into the 3 : 5-dinitro-p-cresol ether (Stadel, Ann. 217, 161). Or p-cresol may be nitrated (Frische, Ann. 224, 139 : see also Arm- strong and Field, Ber. 6, 974), and converted into the dinitro-ether by the action of ethyl iodide on the silver salt (Noelting and Salis, Ber. 15, 1859). The dinitro-ether on treatment with alcoholic ammonia is converted into 3 : 5-dinitro-4-toluidine (Stadel, loc. cit. 186), from which 3 : 5-dinitrotoluene, 5-nitro-3-toluidine, 5-nitro-3-cresol, 5- amino-3-cresol and orcinol can be obtained as under A. [C] Citric acid [Vol. II] when heated with sulphuric acid gives acetonedi- carboxylic (/3-ketoglutaric or 3-penta- nonedicarboxylic) acid (v. Pechmann, Ber. 17, 2543 ; 18, 2289 ; 19, 1446, 2465 ; 2694 ; 20, 145 ; 24, 857 ; 3250; 4095 ; Ann. 261, 151 ; v. P. and Neger, Ann. 273, 186; Henry and v, P. Ber. 26, 997 ; also Germ. Pat. 32245 of 1884), The diethyl ester of this acid by the action of sodium gives dihydr- oxyphenyltricarboxylic triethyl ester (Cornelius and v. P. Ber, 19, 1448; V. P. and Wolman, Ber. 31, 2014), and the latter on hydrolysis by alcoholic potash gives s-dihydroxyphenylacetic (3 : 5-phenediolethylic) acid (C. and v, P. loc. cit. 1449), the silver salt of which yields orcinol on dry distillation {Ibid. 1450- 75 C-76 A.] ORCINOL 155 The dihydrox3q)henyltricarboxylic ester (ethyl orcinoltricarboxylate) is also ob- tained (with a 'lactone'') by the action of sodium ethoxide on an alcoholic solution of acetonedicarboxylic ester (Jerdan, Proc. Ch. Soc. 15, 151 ; Trans. 75, 808). Methyl acetonedicarboxylate undergoes condensation to an orcinol derivative more readily than the ethyl ester (Dootson, Trans. Ch. Soc. 77, 1 196). Note : — Citric acid gives acetonedicarboxylic acid when oxidised by potassium permanganate at 30-35° (Denigfes, Comp. Rend. 130, 32 ; Ann. Chim. [7] 18,413). Citric acid can also be converted into dehydracetic acid by the action of acetic anhydride on acetonedicarboxylic acid (v. Pechmann, Ber. 24, 3600). Dehy- dracetic acid can be converted into orcinol as below under D. [D.] Acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] on chlorination gives (with a-) y-chloraceto- acetic ester (Haller and Held, Comp. Rend. 108, 516; 111, 647; 114, 400, 453; Ann. Chim. [6] 23, 157: see also Genvresse, Comp. Rend. 107, 687 ; Ann. Chim. [6] 24, 46 ; Hantzsch, Ber. 23, 2339 ; Hantzsch and Schiffer, Ber. 25, 728) ; the corresponding y- cyan acetoacetic ester obtained by the action oi potassmm cyanide [172] on the chloro-ester gives, on hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid and alcohol, acetone- dicarboxylic ester (Haller and Held, Comp. Rend, 111, 682), which can be converted into orcinol as above under C. Or acetoacetic ester can, by the action of heat, be converted into dehydracetic acid (Geuther, Zeit. [2] 4, 655 ; Oppen- heim and Precht, Ber. 9, 324 ; W. H. Perkin, junr., Trans. Ch. Soc. 51, 489), and the latter gives orcinol on heating with baryta water or (better) with syrupy caustic soda solution at ]5o° (Oppenheim and Precht, loc. cit. ; Collie, Trans. Ch. Soc. 59, 183; Collie and Myers, Ibid. 63, 124). Dehydracetic acid is formed also by the action of pyridine on acetyl chloride (Dennstedt and Zimmermann, Ber. 19, 76), or of triethylamine or ferric chloride on acetyl chloride (Wedekind, Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 561 ; Ann. 323, 246). [E.] From malouic acid [Vol. IIJ through acetonetricarboxylic and dicar- boxylic acid (see under phloroglucinol [86 ; E]), and then as above under C. 76. Cresorcinol; 2 : 4-Dihydroxytoluene ; Metliyl-2 : 4-Fhenediol. CH, OH HO Natural Source. The cresorcinol complex probably exists in cyanomaclurin, which occurs with morin in the wood of Artocarpus integrifolia from India and Java (A. G. Perkin and Cope, Trans. Ch. Soc. 67, 939)- Synthetical Processes. [A.] From toluene [54; A, &e.] through p-toluidine, 2-nitro-4-toluidine by nitration (Noelting and Collin, Ber. 17, 263), 2-nitro-4-cresol by the diazo- method (Neville and Winther, Ber. 15, 2980 ; Knecht, Ann. 215, 87), 2-amino- 4-cresol by reduction (Knecht, loc. cit. 91 ; Wallach, Ber. 15, 2833), and the diazo-reaction with the latter (Knecht, loc. cit. 92). Or directly from toluene through the 2 : 4-disulphonic acid (Hakanson, Ber. 5, 1085 ; Gnehm and Forrer, Ber. 10, 542 ; 1 276 ; Claesson and Berg, Ber. 13, J 170; Fahlberg, Ber. 12, 1052; Sen- hofer, Ann. 164, 126 ; Klason, Ber. 19, 2890), and fusion with potash (Hakan- son, loc. cit. 1087; Noelting, Ber. 19, 136). Or from o-toluidine through 4-mtro- 2-toluidine by nitration (Noelting and Collin, loc. cit. 265), 4-nitro-2-cresol by the diazo-method (nitroindazole is simultaneously formed : Noelting and Collin, loc. cit. 269 ; Witt, Noelting, and Grandmougin, Ber. 23, 3636 ; Michel and Grandmougin, Ber. 26, 2351), 4-amino-2-cresol by reduction (Noelting and Collin, Ber. 17, 270), and the diazo-reaction with the latter (Wallach, Ber. 15, 2835). The two nitrotoluidines required for 156 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [76 A-78. this synthesis are also obtainable from a : 4-dinitrotoluene by partial reduction (Beilstein and Kuhlberg-, Ann. 155, 14 ; Graeff, Ann. 22 9, 343 ; Anschiitz and Heusler, Ber. 19, 2161); or the 2:4- toluylenediamine may be monaeetylated, converted into 4-acetamino-2-cresol by the diazo-method, hydrolysed, and the 4-amino-3-cresol converted into cresor- cinol as before (Wallach, Ber. 15, 2832 and 2835). [B.] From resorcinol [70] and carbon disulphide [I6O]. A mixture of these compounds on heating in presence of potassium sulphide solution gives resor- cinoldithiocarbonic acid. The latter on reduction with zinc dust and acetic acid gives cresorcinol (Schall, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 54, 415)- 77. j3-Orcinol; 3 : 5-Dihydroxy-p-xylene ; p-Xylorcin ; 1 : 4-Diiuethyl-3 : 5-Fhenediol. CH, H0\ /OH CH3 Natural Sources. The /3-orcinol complex is contained in ^-erythrin from the lichen Roccella fuciformis, in barbatic acid from the lichen Ustiea barbata, and in /3-usnic or cladonic acid from the lichen Cla- donia rangiferma. (For occurrence of /3-erythrin, which yields /3-orcinol through picroerythrin, see under orcinol [75] ; for barbatic acid, Stenhouse and Groves, Ann. 203, 302 ; for /3-usnic = cladonic acid, Stenhouse, Ann. 68, 98 ; 155, 58 ; Hesse, Ann. 117, 346 : cla- donic acid may be a mixture of usnic and barbatic acids, Paterno, Gazz. 6, 1 13 ; 12, 331 ; Stenhouse, loc. cit. 285 : for barbatic acid in various species of Usnea see Hesse, Ber. 30, 357 : accord- ing to the latter author cladonic acid is a mixture of usnic and atronoric acids : for barbatic acid in Usnea longissima see Zopf, Ann. 297, 293 ; Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 239 j in Alectoria ochro- leuca, Zopf, Ann. 306, 298 ; in Us7iea barbata ^-hirta, Hesse, loc. cit, 65, ^'>^'] ; in TJsnea ceratina and U. dasypoga (?), Zopf, Ann. 324, 39). Atranorin = atranoric acid, which is contained in a large number of lichens (for occurrence see under methyl alcohol [13]) ; and ceratophyllin = atraric acid = physcianin, which is a decomposi- tion product of atranorin, also contain the /3-orcinol complex (Hesse, Ber. 30, 1988). The complex is contained in rhizonic and rhizoninic acids from RMzocarpon geograjihicum, var. contiguum {Ibid. 31, 664 ; Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 58, 527). Coccellic acid from Cladonia cocci/era, C. amauracraa, and C. jioerkeana = C. hacillaris, contains the rhizoninic and therefore the /3-orcinol complex {Ibid. Ann. 284, 107; Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 274 ; 58, 472 ; 62, 447 ; Zopf, Ann. 300, 330). Synthetical Process. [A.] From toluene [54 ; A, &c.] and p-xylene (see under metacresol [62 ; A]). The xylene on nitration gives (with other isomerides) 3 : 5-dinitro-p-xylene, which by reduction with nascent am- monium sulphide yields 5-nitro-3-amino- p-xylene = m-nitro-p-xylidine (Fittig, Ahrens, and Mattheides, Ann. 147, 22). The latter by the diazo-method gives 5-nitro-p-xylenol-3 (Kostanecki, Ber. 19, 2320), the corresponding amino- xylenol by reduction with tin and hydrochloric acid, and /3-orcinol by the diazo-method {Ibid. 2321). 78. Mesorcinol; 1:3: 5-TriiiietIiyl-2 : 6-Fheuediol. CH3 HO^ ,0H CH CH3 Natural Source. Coccellic acid from the lichens Cla- donia coccifera, &c. (see under yS-orcinol [77]), hydrolyses to rhizonic and coccel- 78-81.] MESORCINOL 157 linic acids. The latter may be a mesor- einol derivative (Hesse^ Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 62, 447). Synthetical Process. [A.] From mesit^lene (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; D ; E ; P ; G ; H, &c.]), which on nitration gives a dinitro- derivative, and this by mild reduction nitromesidine (Fittig, Ann. 141, 133; Maule, Ann. 71, 137 ; Knecht, Ann. 215, 98 ; Klobbie, Rec. Tr. Ch. 6, 33 ; Kiister and Stallberg, Ann. 278, 314). Nitromesidine gives by the diazo- method nitromesitol, and the latter aminomesitol by reduction (Knecht, loc. cit.). Aminomesitol by the diazo-method gives mesoreinol (Knecht, Ann. 215, 100). Note : — For production of nitromesidine from mononitromesitylene and mesidine see papers by Fittig, Ann. 141, 132 ; Fittig and Storer, Ann. 147, 2 ; Schultz, Ber. 17, 477 ; Ladenburg, Ann. 179, 165 ; Biedermann and Ledoux, Ber. 8, 58 ; Noelting and Stoeckling, Ber. 24, 570). 79. Isoeugenol; l^-Propenyl-3 : 4-FhenecLiol S-Metliyl Ether. CH:CH.CH, •OCH, HO Natural Souece. In ylang-ylang oil (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1 901 ; Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 1007). Synthetical Process. [A.] From vanillin [121] and pro- pionic acid [Vol. II]. vanillin is con- verted into propionylhomoferulaic acid by heating with propionic anhydride and sodium propionate (Tiemann and Kraaz, Ber. 15, 3060). Homoferulaic acid obtained from the propionyl com- pound by hydrolysis gives isoeugenol on heating with lime {Ibid. 3063). Or from vanillin and ethyl alcohol [14] by the interaction of the aldehyde and magnesiiim ethiodide (Behal and Tiffe- neau, Comp. Rend. 132, ^^'^. 80. Methylisoeugenol ; Isoeugenol Methyl Ether ; l^-Propenyl-3 : 4-Fheuediol Dimethyl Ether. CH : CH . CH3 OCH3 OCH3 Natural Source. A constituent of the oil of Asarum arifolium (Miller, Arch. Pharm. 240, 371 j Ch. Centr. 1903, 2, 643). Synthetical Process. [A.] From isoeugenol [79] and methyl alcohol [13] by methylation of the phenol with methyl iodide and alcoholic potash (Ciamician and Silber, Ber. 23, 1164). Note : — ^The synthetical product was obtained from eugenol, but this undergoes isomeric trans- formation into isoeugenol under the influence of the alcoholic potash. 81. Methylengenol ; 3 : 4-Diiuethoxyallylbenzene ; l^-Propenyl-S : 4-Fhenediol Dimethyl Ether. CHj . CH : CHi, OCH3 OCH3 Natural Sources. In oil of paracoto bark, Bolivia (Wallach and Bheindorff, Ann. 271, 300) ; in oil from the root of Asarum europcBum (Petersen, Arch. Pharm. 226, 89 ; Ber. 21, 1057 : compare Mittmann, Arch. Pharm. 227, 543, who suggests methylisoeugenol), and A. canadense (Power, Pharm. Eund. 6, 101 ; Proc. Am. Pharm. Assoc. 28, 464 ; Power and Lees, Proc. Ch. Soc. 17, 3 1 o ; Trans. 81, 6']). Also in oil of bay 158 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [81-83 A. from Myrcia {Eugenia) acris, W. Indies (Mittmann_, Arch. Pharm. 227^ 529)- Occurs also in the oil from the ' clove bark ' of Amboyna from Cinna- momum culilawan (Gildemeister and Stephan, Arch. Pharm. 235, 582), and in certain oils of lemon poor in ^era- niol (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1898 ; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 985). Methyleu- g-enol probably occurs in matico oil from the leaves of Piper angustifolium {Ibid.). The betelphenol or chavibetol of the ethereal oil of Piper hetle (Bertram and Gildemeister, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 39, 349) is possibly identical with this methyleugenol. Occurs in Ceylon ' Lana Batu ' and in Java eitronella oils (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1899; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 880 ; Joum. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, Sb^)' Methyleugenol is a constituent of the oil of Asarum arifolium (Miller, Arch. Pharm. 240, 371 j Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 642). Synthetical Process. [A.] From catechol [69], glycerol [48], and methyl alcohol [13]. Catechol is by methylation converted into vera- trole (Behal and Choay, Bull. Soc. [3] 9, 143; Gorup, Ann. 147, 248; Mar- asse, Ann. 152, 74). Glycerol is con- verted into allyl iodide by distilling with iodine and phosphorus (for refer- ences see under isobutyl alcohol [18 ; D]), and veratrole when heated with allyl iodide and zinc gives methyl- eugenol (Moureu, Comp. Rend. 121, 721). 82. Thymoquinol ; Hydrothymoquiuoue ; 1 : 4-Methylmetlioetliyl-2 : 5- Fhenediol. lOH Natural Sources. In oil of wild bergamot from Monarda Jistulosa (Brandel and Kremers, Pharm. Rev. 19, 200 ; 244), and probably in Algerian oil of bitter fennel (Tardy, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 994). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From thymol [67] through thymoquinone and reduction of latter (see below under the dimethyl ether [83; A]). [B.] From carvacrol [66] through thymoquinone, &c. [83 ; B]. 83. Dimethylthymoquinol ; Thymoquinol Dimethyl Ether ; 1 : 4-Methylmethoethyl-2 ; 5- Fheuediol Dimethyl Ether. CH, HO CH3 . CH . CH3 O.CH, CH3 . 0- CH3 . CH . CH3 Natural Source. Occurs with phloryl isobutyrate in oil of arnica root from Arnica montana (Sigel, Ann. 170, o^6c^. Synthetical Processes. [A.] Thymol and derivatives [67] on oxidation give thymoquinone (Lalle- mand, Jahresber. 1854, 592 ; Paternb, Ber. 8, 440; Steiner, Ber. 11, 289; Andresen, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 23, 172; Bayrae, Bull. Soc. [3] 7, 99; Arm- strong, Ber. 10, 297 ; Liebermann and Ilinski, Ber. 18, 3194), and this on reduction gives thymoquinol (Carstan- jen, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 3, 54 ; Lalle- mand, Comp. Rend. 37, 498; Ann. 101, 121). The dimethyl ether should be obtainable by methylation, but the identity of the natural product with the synthetical ether remains to be established. 83 B-84 C] DIMETHYLTHYMOQUINOL 159 [B.] Carvacrol [66] on oxidation also gives thymoquinone (Carstanjen, loc. cif. 15;, 410; Claus, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 39;, '^^6 ; Eeychler^ Bull. Soe. [3] 1, 33). Subsequent steps as above. 84. Pyrogallol ; Pyrogallic Acid ; 1:2: 3-Fhenetriol. HO OH OH Natural Sources. The pyrogallol complex exists in gallic acid [Vol. II], and in myricetin from the bark of the box-myrtle, Myrica nagi = M. sapida — M. integrifolia = 31. rubra, &c., from India, China, Singapore, and Japan (A. G. Perkin and Hummel, Trans. Ch. Soc. 69, 1293 > ^' ^- ^- ^"^ Clifford, Ibid. 81, 203). Myricetin is contained also in Sicilian sumach from Ji/ius coriaria (A. G. P. and A\\en,Ibid. 1302), in the colouring- matter from the leaves of Pisiacia lentiscus, in ' gambruzzo ' from the stalk of RJius coriaria, and in the galls of Pistacia terebinthus (A. G. P. and Wood, Proc. Ch. Soc. 14, 104; Trans. 73, 374 et seq.). Myricetin is present in Venetian sumach from the leaves of Rhus cotinus (A. G. P. Trans. Ch. Soc. 73, 1 01 7), in the leaves of Pkus metopiwm, Myrica gale, and (probably) of logwood, Hcematoxylon campeachianum {Ibid. Proc. 16, 45; Trans. 77, 426). A rhamnoside of myricetin is contained in the bark of Myrica nagi {Ibid. Proc. 18, II). The pyrogallol complex is probably contained in haematoxylin from logwood (see under catechol [69]). Mezcalin, one of the cactus alkaloids from Echinocactus letvinii, probably con- tains the pyrogallol complex (Heffter, Ber. 34, 3009). The dimethyl- (methyl) pyrocatechol complex exists in iridin, a glucoside found in the orris-root from Iris jloren- Una from Macedonia, coasts of Black Sea, and Asia Minor (G. de Laire and Tiemann, Ber. 26, 2011). Sinalbin, a glucoside which occurs in the seed of white mustard [l7l], con- tains the sinapic acid complex, and the latter is a derivative of dimethylpyro- gallol (Gadamer^ Arch. Pharm. 235, 570; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 500; Ber. 30, 2330). Syringin, a glucoside found in the bark of Syringa vulgaris, Ligustrum vul- gare, and Robinia pseudacacia, also con- tains (through syringenin) the same complex. The alkaloid narcotine from opium contains the methyl-methylene-pyro- gallol complex. Anthragallol [148] dimethyl ether contains the dimethyl- pyrogallol complex. The pyrogallol complex is possibly contained in kinoin from Malabar kino from Pterocarpus marsupium. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From phenol [6O] through p- chlorphenol by various chlorinating processes (Dubois, Zeit. [2] 2, 705; 3, 205 ; Schmitt and Cook, Ber. 1, 67 ; Petersen and Bahr-Praderi, Ann. 157, 123), a- and /8-p-chlorphenolsulphonie acid by sulphonation (Petersen and Bahr-Praderi, loc. cit. 128), and potash fusion of either sulphonic acid {Ibid. [B.] Salicylic acid [Vol. II] can by various iodising processes be converted into 3 : 5-diiodosalicylic acid (Laute- mann, Ann. 120, 304 ; Liechti, Ann. Suppl. 7, 141 ; Demole, Ber. 7, 1439 ; Weselsky, Ann. 174, 103; Birnbaum and Reinherz, Ber. 15, 459). Accord- ing to Lautemann {loc. cit. 317), this diiodosalicylic acid when heated with aqueous potash gives pyrogallol (? by isomeric change). [C] Gallic acid [Vol. II] gives pyro- gallol when heated (Braconnot, Ann. 1, 26; Pelouze, Ann. 10, 159; Liebig,Ann. 101, 47 ; De Luynes and Esperandieu, Zeit. [2] 1, 702 ; Thorpe, Pharm. Journ. [3] 11, 990; Cazeneuve, Bull. Soc. [3] 7, 549)- 160 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [85-86. 85. Hydroxyquiuol ; Hydroxyhydroquinone ; 1:2: 4-Fhenetriol. HO lOH \/ HO Natural Source. The complex is probably contained in the colouring-matter of red grapes (Sostegni, Gazz, 32^ 17). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From quinol [7l] by fusion with caustic soda (Barth and Schreder, Monats. 4, 176; 5, 590). [B.] Quinone [142] on treatment with acetic anhydride and strong sulphuric or phosphoric acid gives hydroxyquinol- triacetatCj from which the phenol is liberated by acid hydrolysis (Thiele, Ber. 31, 1347; Bayer & Co., Germ. Pat. 101607 of 1897 ; Ch. Centr. 1899, 1, 1094 ; and Suppl. Pat. 107508 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 1087). 86. Fhloroglucinol ; 1:3: 5-Plieuetriol. HO HO Hoi Ho OH O: H ;0 H, Natural Sources. Phloroglucinol has been said to occur in the free state in many plants (Wein- zierl, Lindt, and Waage, Ber. deutsch. bot. Gesell. 8, 250), but according to Moller (Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 1151) this observation is erroneous. Occurs in the colouring-matter of red grapes (Sostegni, Journ. Ch. Soc. 70, II, 123). Said to have been found in the bark of 8tyrax heiizo'in and (as dibutyrate) in the root oi Aspidium Jilix mas. The phloroglucinol complex is con- tained in the glucosides : — Hesperidin; widely distributed in fruit of the genus Citrus, such as C. aurmitiuin, C. liwonum, O. limetta, C. meclica, &c. In fruit of Dlosma alba and other species. Hesperidin is de- composed by certain moulds, such as Aspergillus niger, &c. (Puriewitsch, Ber. deutsch. bot. Gesell. 16, 368). Glyeyphyllin (through phloretin) ; from leaves of Smilax glycyphylla from Australia. Phloridzin (through phloretin) ; from root-bark of apple, cherry, plum, pear, &c. Naringin or aurantiin ; from all parts, and especially from the full-blown flowers, of Citrus decumana from Java. Loka'in ; the colouring-matter of Chinese green from the berries of the buckthorns Rhanmus utilis and R. chloro- phorus. The phloroglucinol complex exists in quercetin, rhamnetin, isorhamnetin, rhamnazin, luteolin [l4l], and con- sequently in glucosides such as xantho- rhamnin, quercitrin, rutin, osyritrin, violaquercitrin, and robinin. (For occurrence see under catechol [69].) 69], morin (see ), and myricetin 84]) ; in chrysin Also in maclurin under resorcinol [70 (see under pyrogallol [138], the yellow colouring-matter of poplar buds from Populus nigra, P. hal- samifera, and P. pyramidalis (Kosta- necki, Ber. 26, 2901) ; in apiin (through ajngenin [l40]), a glucoside found in the stem, seeds, and leaves of parsley, Apinm petroselium (A. G. Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 71, 817). Apigenin has been found also (with luteolin) in weld (A. G. Perkin and Horsfall, Proc. Ch. Soc. 16, 183). Cyanomaclurin, obtained from Arto- carpus integrifolia (A. G. P. and Cope, Trans. Ch. Soc. 67, 939), contains the phloroglucinol group, and is related to the catechins of Gambir and Acacia catechu, which also contain this com- plex (A. G. P. and Yoshitake, Proc. Ch. Soc. 18, 139; Trans. 81, 1172). Lotusin, a glucoside contained in Lotus arahicus from Egypt and N. Africa, gives on hydrolysis lotoflavin. 86.] PHLOROGLUCINOL 161 a yellow colouring-matter related to luteolin and fisetin_, and which contains the phloroglucinol complex (Dunstan and Henry, Proc. Roy. Soc. 67, 325; 68, 374). A glucoside occurring with apiin in parsley is a derivative of luteolin methyl ether (Vongerichten, Ber. 33, 3334 ; 3904; Ann. 318, t2i). Acacetin, a colouring-matter con- tained in leaves of Rohinia psei td acacia , is probably apigenin methyl ether (A. G. Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 77, 43°)- Kampheride from the root of Chinese galangal [Alphiia officinarum) contains the phloroglucinol complex (Gordin, Dissert. Bern, 1897; Testoni, Gazz. 30, '^'Z'])- The same root contains galangin and its methyl ether, which also probably contain the phloroglucinol complex {Ibid. : see also A. G. Perkin and Allison, Trans. Ch. Soc. 81, 472). A colouring-matter related to kam- pheride occurs as glucoside in the flowers of IDeJphinium consoUda (A. G. Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 73, 275; A. G. P. and Wilkinson, Proc. Ch. Soc. 16, 182). The colouring-matter from the glucoside of Delphinium con- soUda is kampherol (A. G. P. and Wilkinson, Trans. Ch. Soc. 81, 589). Kampheride is the methyl ether of kampherol, and the latter is identical with the colouring-matter contained in the glucoside robinin from the flowers of Rohinia pseudacacia (A. G. Perkin, Proc. Ch. Soc. 17, 87; Trans. 81, 473)- Scutellarin from Scutellaria altissima and other Labiates contains (through scutellarem) the phloroglucinol complex (Molisch and Goldschmiedt, Monats. 22, 679). Cotoin from coto bark contains the methylphloroglucinol complex (Ciami- cian and Silber, Ber. 27, 409) ; hydro- cotoin [134] from the same source, the dimethylphloroglucinol complex, and methylhydrocoto'in [l35] from paracoto bark contains the trimethylphloro- glucinol complex. The phloroglucinol complex is con- tained in gentisin [l37], and exists possibly in catechin, kino, and in dragon's blood, a resin from the W. Indian Pterocarpns {Bmmonorops) draco ; in gummigutt resin from Garcinia morella from Siam, Singapore, and Ceylon ; in tormentilla red from the root of Poientilla tormentilla ; possibly also in the tannin from Persea lingue, in the tannins from horse-chestnut, from the root-bark of apple, from the needles of Abies pectinata, from Epacris leaves, from Ledum palvstre, and from other sources. Vitexin and homovitexin, colouring- matters existing as glucosides in the New Zealand dye wood, 'puriri,' from Vitex littoralis probably contain the phloroglucinol complex (A. G. Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 73, 1029). Vitexin is probably a stable glucoside of apigenin {Ibid. Proc. Ch. Soc. 16, 45 ; Trans. 77, 422). Scoparin, the colouring-matter of broom, Spartium scoparium, which may be a stable glucoside of luteolin methyl ether, contains this complex {Ibid. Proc. Ch. Soc. 15, 123; 16, 45; Trans. 77, 423)- The complex is probably contained in gossypetin, a colouring-matter which occurs, as glucoside, in the cotton flowers of Gossi/pium herhaceum {Ibid. Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 828), and in genis- tein, a colouring-matter contained in dyer's broom. Genista tinctoria (A. G. P. and Newbury, Trans. 75, 837 ; A. G. P. and Horsfall, Ibid. 77, 13 10). The complex is contained in filixic and flavaspidic acids, in aspidinol and albaspidin, compounds obtained from the rhizome of Aspidium jilix maSy A. spinnlosum, and Athyrinm jilix fmnina (Boehm, Ann. 302, 181 ; 307, 249; 318, 230 ; 245 ; 253 : see also Herzig and Wenzel, Monats. 23, 81 ^^5 seq)). Filixic acid may contain the complexes of homologues of phloroglucinol, such as dimethyl- and trimethylphloroglu- cinol. Note : — For synthesis of dimethylphloro- glucinol from trinitro-m -xylene seeWeidel and Wenzel, Monats. 10, 237 ; of trimethylphloro- glucinol from trinitromesitylene, Ihid., and Cassella & Co., Germ. Pats. 102358 of 1897 ; Ch. Centr. 1899, 1, 1263, and 103683 of 1898 ; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 503. M 162 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [86 A-G. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From acetylene [l ; A], acetylene dibromide by bromination (Sabanejeff^ Ann. 178, ii6), bromacetylene by the action of alcoholic soda on the dibromide {Iljich Journ. Euss. Soc. 17, 175). Brom- acetylene undergoes (partial) photo- chemical polymerisation to 1:3: 5-tri- brombenzene {Ibid. Jy6), and this on treatment with sodium methylate in methyl alcohol gives 3 : 5-dibromphenol methyl ether, which on treatment with sulphuric acid yields 3 : 5-dibromphenol (Blau, Monats. 7, 630). The latter gives phloroglucinol on fusion with potash [Ibid. 6^2,). Bromacetylene can also be obtained from ethylene through various bromine derivatives (Sawitsch, Ann. 119, 183; Reboul, Ann. 124, 367 ; 125, 81), so that generators of ethylene [l; A; D, &c.] become generators of phloroglucinol. [B.] From phenol [6O], being among the products of fusion with caustic soda (Barth and Schreder, Ber. 12, 417). Or from phenol through picric acid (2:4: 6-trinitrophenol) by nitration of the phenol or (better) its sulphonic acids (Laurent, Ann. 43, 319; Schmitt and Glutz, Ber. 2, 52 ; Vidal, Fr. Pat. 315696 of 1901 ; Journ. Soc. Ch. Lid. 21, 544), 3:4: 6-chlortrinitrobenzene (picryl chloride) by the action of phos- phorus pentachloride (Pisani, Ann. 92, 336 ; Clemm, Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 1, 145), and 1:3: 5-triaminobenzene by reduc- tion of picryl chloride by tin and hydro- chloric acid. By the action of boiling water on the hydrochloride of the triamine in an atmosphere of hydrogen phloroglucinol is produced (Flesch, Monats. 18, 755; also Eng. Pat. 445 of 189H : see further Weidel and Pollak, Monats. 21, 3o). Note : — The following synthesised products give picric acid by the action of nitric acid and thus become generators of phloroglucinol : — salicylic aldehyde [117] ; saligenin [55] ; sali- q/lic acid, coumarin, and indigo [Vol. II]. [C] From resorcinol [70] by fusion with caustic soda (Barth and Schreder, Ber. 12, 503 ; Tiemann and Will, Ber. 14, 954; 18, 1333). [D.] From orcinol [75] by fusion with caustic soda (Barth and Schreder, Monats. 3, 649). [E.] From 7nalomc acid [Vol. II] and alcohol [14] ; the diethyl ester of the acid on heating with sodium gives phloroglucinoltricarboxylic ethyl ester (Baeyer, Ber. 18, 3457 ; Bally, Ber. 21, 1767), and this by fusion with potash yields phloroglucinol (Baeyer, loc. cit. 3458 : see also Willstatter, Ber, 32, 1373). Note : — According to Moore (Trans. Ch. Soc. 85, 165) the ester formed as the first product of condensation of ethyl malonate is ethyl phloroglucinoldicarboxylate. The tricarboxylic ester can also be obtained by the action of zinc methyl or ethyl on malonic ester (Lang, Ber. 19, 3038). Or from malonic ester through acetonetricarboxylic ester by the action of sodium and the distillation of the monosodium compound of the latter under reduced pressure, which gives acetonedicarboxylic ester (Willstatter, Ber. 32, 1374). The latter can be con- verted into phloroglucinol as under P below. Acetonetricarboxylic ester is directly convertible into phloroglucinol- tricarboxylic ester by the action of malonic ester and dry sodium ethylate in ethereal solution {Ibid. 1385), [P.] From citric acid [Vol. II] and ethyl alcohol [14] through acetonedi- carboxylic diethyl ester (see under orcinol [75 ; C]). The latter, on treat- ment with sodium in benzene solution, gives a ^ lactone/ which on boiling with baryta water splits up into ethyl alcohol, malonic acid, and phloroglucinol ( Jerdan, Trans. Ch. Soc. 71, 1106). The lactone is also produced by the action of sodium ethylate on acetonedicarboxylic ester in alcoholic solution {IIAd. Proc. Ch. Soc. 15, 151). Acetonedicarboxylic ester and malonic ester condense under the influence of sodium ethylate with the formation of phloroglucinoldicarboxylic ester (Rimi- ni, Gazz. 26, 374). [G.] From acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] through acetonedicarboxylic ester (see under orcinol . [75 ; D]), and then as above under P. 86 H-87 B.] PHLOROGLUCINOL 163 [H.] Benzene [6] can^ by processes other than those comprised under B, C, and D, be converted into phloroglu- cinol : — 1 :3 :5-Benzenetrisulphonic acid (Sen- hofer, Ann. 174, 343 ; Jackson and Wing", Am. Ch. Journ. 9, 339) gives phlorog-lucinol when fused with caustic soda (Barth and Schreder^ Ber. 12, 417)- Or benzene can be converted into nitrobenzene and aniline, the latter into i:\\ 6-tribromaniline by bromina- tion (Fritzsche, Ann. 44, 291 ; Hof- mann, Ann. 53, 50 ; Silberstein, Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 27, loi), the NH^-group replaced by hydrog-en by the diazo- method (Meyer and Stiiber, Ann. 165, 173"; Baessmann, Ann. 191, 306; Jackson and Moore, Am. Ch. Journ. 12, 167; 14, -^.'i^S)- The I :3:5-tri- brombenzene thus formed can be con- verted into 3 : 5-dibromphenol and phloroglucinol as under A. Or from aniline through sulphanilic acid and benzenediazosulphonic acid, the latter giving picric acid by the action of nitric acid (Wenghofer, Germ. Pat. 135096 of 1900 j Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 1105). Or benzene can be converted into 1:3: 5-trinitrobenzene by extreme nitra- tion (Hepp, Ann. 215, 345), the latter reduced to the corresponding triamine, and then converted into phloroglucinol as under B. Or toluene on nitration gives 3:4:6- trinitrotoluene (Wilbrand, Ann. 128, 178), and this on oxidation with nitric acid yields 3:4: 6-trinitrobenzoic acid (Tiemann and Judson, Ber. 3, 324). The 3:4: 6-triaminobenzoic acid gives phloroglucinol on heating with water (Cassella & Co., Germ. Pat. 103358 of 1897; Ch. Centr. 1899, 1, 1363). Note : — Generators of toluene (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; A ; &c.]) thus become generators of phloroglucinol. [I.] Furfural [l26] on oxidation with silver oxide or alkaline permanganate, or on treatment with alcoholic potash, gives pyromucic acid (Schwanert, Ann. 114, 6-3, ; 116, 357 ; Ulrich, Jahresber. 1860, 369; Beilstein and Schmelz, Ann. Suppl. 3, 375 ; Limpricht, Ann. 165, 379 ; Bieler and Tollens, Ann. 258, i30j Schiff, Ann. 239, 374; 261, 355). This acid, by the action of bromine in water, yields mucobromic acid (Beilstein and Schmelz, loe. cit. 376 ; Jackson and Hill, Am. Ch. Journ. 3, 105), and this, by the action of nitrites, gives nitromalonic aldehyde (Hill and Sanger, Ber. 15, 1906 ; Hill and Torrey, Ber. 28, 3597 } ^^- Ch. Journ. 22, 89). The latter, on decom- position by aqueous hydrochloric acid, yields (with formic acid) 1:3: 5-trinitro- benzene {Ibid.), which can be converted into phloroglucinol as above under B. [J.] Iretol [88] is reduced to phloro- glucinol by sodium amalgam (Tiemann and G. de Laire, Ber. 26, 3036). 87. Antiarol; l-Hydroxy-3 :4: 5-trimethozybenzene; 1:3:4: S-Fhenetetrol 3:4: 5-Tri- methyl Ether. HO HsCO^^ /OCH3 OCH3 Natural Source. The sap of the upas tree, Antiaris toxicaria (Kiliani, Arch. Pharm. 234, 438). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From pyrogallol [84] through the trimethyl ether by methylation, 3 : 5-dimethoxyquinone by oxidation with nitric acid, 3 : 5-dimethoxyquinol by reduction, and methylation of the latter by the usual method (Will, Ber. 21, 613 j 3030). [B.] From catechol [69] through guaiacol. The latter, on sulphonation at a low temperature, gives a consecu- tive monosulphonic acid which yields pyrogallol methyl ether on fusion with alkali (Hoffmann, La Roche & Co., M 3 164 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS '[87B-89A. Germ. Pat. 109789 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900^ 2,460). The monomethyl ether might be converted into the tri- methyl ether by further methylation, and then treated as above. [C] 'FrorOi johloroglucinol [86] through the trimethyl ether by methylation (Will, Ber. 21, 603; Pollak, Monats. 18, 736), 3 : 5-dimethoxyquinone by oxidation with chromic acid (Ciamician and Silber, Ber. 26, 786), and then as under A. [D.] From benzene [6] through 1:3: 5-trinitrobenzene (see under phloro- glucinol [86 ; H]), which, on heating with sodium methoxide, gives 3 : 5-di- nitroanisole (Lobry de Bruyn, Bee. Tr. Ch. 9, 309). The latter on reduction yields diaminoanisole, and this,onheating with water, gives phloroglucinol methyl ether (Herzig and Aigner, Monats. 21, 433)- acids (Cahours, Ann. 69, 23 8), the 3:4:6- trinitroanisole reduced by tin and hy- drochloric acid to diaminohydroxyani- sole and the latter (hydrochloride) heated with dilute stannous chloride in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide (Kohner, Monats. 20, 933). Or from phenol through picric acid (see under phloroglucinol [86 ; B]) and the methyl ether of the latter by methylation. Subsequent steps as above. Note : — Generatoi-s of picric acid, viz. sali- cylic aldehyde [117], saligenin [55], salicylic acid, coumarin, and indigo [Vol. II], thus become generators of iretol (see under phloroglucinol [86 ; B]). [B.] Anisic acid [Vol. II] gives trini- troanisole on nitration as under A (Cahours, loc. cit.). Subsequent steps as above. 88. Iretol; l-Methoxy-2 : 4 : 6- trihydrozybeuzeue ; 2:4:6- Trihydroxyanisole ; 1:2:4:6- Fheuetetrol 1- Methyl Ether. OCH, OCH, HO lOH HO H, :0 H, Natural Souece. The complex is possibly contained in orris root from Iris fiorentina, which contains a glucoside, iridin, which is decomposed, on heating with dilute sul- phuric acid and alcohol, into glucose and irigenin. The latter gives iretol among other products (iridic and formic acids) on heating with strong potash solution (G. de Laire and Tiemann, Ber. 26, 2015). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From phenol [60] and methyl alcohol [13] through anisole (see under anisic aldehyde [120 ; B]). The latter is nitrated with nitric and sulphuric 89. Asarone ; l^-Propenyl-2 ; 4 : 5-trimethoxy- benzene. CH : CH . CH3 OCH, CH3O OCH3 Natural Sources. In the root of Asarum europium (Petersen, Ber. 21, 1057). Also in certain matico oils from the leaves of Piper angustifolium (Schimmers Ber. Oct. 1898; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 985), in sweet flag oil from the root of Acorus calamus (Thoms and Beckstroem, Ber. 34, 102IJ Thoms, Zeit. angew. Ch. 14, 1019; T. and B. Ber. 35, 3190), and in the oil of Asarum arfolium (Miller, Arch. Pharm. 240, 371). Synthetical Processes. [A.] YxQxa. phenol [60], propionic acid [Vol. II], melhi/l alcohol [13], and hydrogen cyanide [172]. Phenol is nitrated, the o-nitrophenol converted 89 A-90 A.] ASARONE 165 into its methyl ether, and then reduced to o-anisidine (Miilhauser, Ann. 207, 239). The latter, on oxidation with sulphuric acid and potassium dichro- mate, gives methoxyquinone {Ibid. 25 1 ; Will, Ber. 21, 605), and this by reduc- tion methoxyquinol (Will, loc. cit. 606). The latter, on further methylation with methyl iodide and potassium hydroxide, yields the i : a : 4-trimethoxybenzene (Will). By the action of hydrogen cyanide on the latter in conjunction with hydrogen chloride in presence of aluminium chloride the 2:4: 5-trimeth- oxybenzaldehyde = asaryl aldeliycle [125] is formed (Gattermann and Eggers, Ber. 32, 289), and this, on heating with propionic anhydride and sodium pro- pionate at 150°, gives asarone {Ibid. 290). [B.] JResorcuiol [70] may replace phenol in the above synthesis. Diazo- tised aniline is combined with resor- cinol, the azo-compound methylated by heating with potassium hydroxide and methyl iodide (Bechold, Ber. 22, 2375), and the dimethyl ether reduced to 1:3- methoxy-4-aminobenzene. The latter, on oxidation with sulphuric acid and sodium dichromate, gives methoxyqui- none {Ibid. 2381), which can be reduced, methylated, and treated as under A. [C] Quinol [71] may replace phenol in this synthesis since, on fusion with sodium hydroxide, it gives i : 2 : 4-tri- hydroxybenzene {hydroxy quinol [85]) (Barth and Schreder, Monats. 4, 176; 5, 590), and this can be converted into the trimethyl ether by methylation, and then treated as above under A. [D.] Quifione [142] gives hydroxy- quinol triacetate on treatment with acetic anhydride and a little sulphuric acid (Thiele, Ber. 31, 1247 • ^^e also [85]). The triacetate hydrolysesto the trihydroxy-compound, which can be treated as above. [E.] From asaryl aldehyde [125] and proj)ionic acid [Vol. II] by heating the aldehyde with propionic anhydride and sodium propionate (Gattermann and Eggers, as under A above). 90. a-Hydrojuglone ; 1:4: 5-Triliydroz3rnaphtlialeue ; 1:4: S-Naphthaleuetriol. HO HO HO Natural Source. In all green parts of the walnut tree, luglans regia (Mylius, Ber. 17, 241 1 ; 18,475; '2'S^I)' Synthetical Processes. Syntheses of Naphthalene. [A.] From benzene through tokiene and benzyl chloride (see under benzyl alcohol [54 j A, &c.]). The latter, when mixed with allyl iodide (see under iso- butyl alcohol [18 ; D]) and treated in ethereal solution with sodium, gives phenylbutylene (Aronheim, Ann. 171, 225), the dibromide {Ibid. 229) of which yields naphthalene on passing the vapour over hot lime {Ibid. 233). From be^izyl chloride and isopropyl alcohol [16] by acting with sodium on a mixture of isopropyl iodide and ben- zyl chloride in ether so as to form isobutylbenzene (Kohler and Aronheim, Ber. 8, 509). The latter gives naph- thalene on passing the vapour over heated lead oxide (Wreden and Snato- wicz, Ber. 9, 1606). Benzene and isobutyl alcohol [18] also give isobutylbenzene by the action of sodium on brombenzene and isobutyl bromide or iodide in ether or benzene, (Riess, Ber. 3, 779 ; Wredin and Snato- wicz, loc. cit.), or directly by heating benzene with the alcohol and zinc chloride at 300° (Goldschmidt, Ber. 15, 1066; 1425). Also by the action of aluminium chloride on a mixture of benzene and isobutyl chloride (Gossin, Bull. Soc, [2] 41, 446). From toluene, 7nalonic acid [Vol. II], and alcohol [l4]. Malonic acid is con- verted into its diethyl ester and the 166 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [90 A. latter into clilormalonic ester by chlori- nation (Conrad and Bisehoff, Ann. 209^ 319). By the action of chlormalonic ester on sodiomalonic ester in alcoholic solution the tetra-ethyl ester of s- ethanetetracarboxylic (butanediacid-2 : 3-dimethylic or acetylenetetracarboxylic) acid is formed {Ibid. 214^ 68 ; Ber. 13^ 601 ; 21, 3087 ; Bischoff and Rach, Ber. 17, 2785). The same tetracarboxylie ester is also formed by the action of iodine on ma- lonic ester in presence of sodium eth- oxide (Bischoff, Ber. 16, 1046 ; Bischoff and Rach, Ber. 17, 3781), by the elec- trolysis of an alcoholic solution of sodio- malonic diethyl ester (Mulliken, Am. Ch. Journ. 15, 523; Weems, Ibid. 16, 569), by the interaction of acetylene tetrabromide, malonic ester^ and sodium ethoxide (Crossley, Proc. Ch. Soc. 14, 348), and also from nitromalonic ester (see under hydrogen cyanide [l72 ; AA]) through ethanedinitro-tetracarboxylic ester by electrolysis : the dinitro-ester gives the tetracarboxylie ester by reduc- tion (Ulpiani and Gasparini, Gazz. 32, Toluene can be converted into 0- xylene (see under m-cresol [62 ; A]) by methylation, and the latter into o-xylyl- ene dibromide (i^ : 2^-dibromxylene) by bromination (Radziszewski and Wispek, Ber. 18, 1281J Schramm^ Ibid. 1279; W. H. Perkin, junr.^ Trans. Ch, Soc. 53, 5). The xylylene dibromide and ethanetetracarboxylic ester react when heated in alcoholic solution in the pre- sence of sodium ethoxide with the for- mation of 1:2:3: 4-tetrahydronaph- thalene-2 : 2 : 3 : 3 -tetracarboxylie tetra- ethyl ester (Baeyer and W. H. Perkin, junr., Ber. 17, 450 ; W. H. P., junr., Trans. Ch. Soc. 53, 12), and this on hydrolysis yields the free acid which, on heating at 185", gives the anhydride of tetrahydronaphthalene-dicarboxylicacid (B. and P. loc. cit.). The latter, when passed through a red-hot tube, or when the silver salt of the free acid is heated, yields naphthalene {Ibid. 451). Or sodio-chlormalonic ester and o- xylylene dibromide may be heated in alcoholic solution so as to form o-xylyl- enedichlordimalonic tetra-ethyl ester {Ibid. 452), and this, by treatment with zinc dust and acetic acid, gives o-xylyl- enedimalonic tetra-ethyl ester {Ibid, and W. H. Perkin, junr.. Trans. Ch. Soc. 53, 16). By the action of iodine (ethe- real solution) on the sodium derivative of the latter ester the tetrahydronaph- thalene derivative is formed, and can be treated as above (Baeyer and W. H. Perkin, junr., Ber. 17, 452). Note : — The ethanetetracarboxylic ester re- quired for this synthesis of naphthalene can also be obtained from the amyl alcohol of fusel oil [22] by converting the latter into amylene (see under acetone [106 ; E]) and its dibromide. The latter on heating with sodiomalonic ester gives (with trimethylethylene) ethanetetra- carboxylic ester (Ipatiefif, Journ. Russ. Soc. 30, 391). Alkylene dibromidesof the general form KjCBr. CH2 • CHaBr give the tetracarboxylie acid as a by-product by the action of sodio- malonic ester {Ihid. 31, 349 ; also Ipatieff and Swiderski, lUd. 33, 532 ; Ipatieff, Ibid. 34, 351)- The conversion (partial) of benzene into naphthalene may also be effected through nitrobenzene, aniline, dimethyl- aniline by methylation, and the action of bromine on the latter at 110-120° (Brunner and Brandenburg, Ber. 11, 698). Naphthalene is among the aromatic hydrocarbons formed when the copper compound of acetylene [l ; A] is dis- tilled with zinc dust (Erdmann and Kothner, Zeit. anorg. Ch. 18, 48). Naphthalene is formed with other pro- ducts by pyrogenic synthesis from : — Alcohol (Reichenbach, Berz. Jahres- ber. 12, 307) ; methane ; acetic acid ; toluene; xylene; pseudocumene ; ethyl- ene and benzene ; ethylene and styrene ; ethylene and anthracene (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. [2] 6, 272; 279; Ferko, Ber. 20, 660); ethylene (Norton and Noyes, Am. Ch. Journ. 8, 362) ; acetyl- ene or acetylene and benzene (Berthelot, Comp, Rend. 62, 905; 93,613; Bull. Soc. [2] 6, 268; 7, 218; 274; 303; 9, 456) ; ethylene and diphenyl (Barbier, Comp. Rend. 79, 121); heptane; octane; n-hexyl alcohol (Worstall and Burwell, Am. Ch. Journ. 19, 815); iso- butylene (Noyes; Beilstein, I, 115). Naphthalene is formed from certain metallic carbides, e. g. of barium, by 90 A.] a-HYDROJUGLONE 167 heating to 600-800° with the metallic hydroxide (Bradley and Jacobs, Germ. Pat. 125936 of 1898; Ch. Centr. igoo,, 1. 77)- Conversion of Na^ihthalene into Hydrojuglone. By oxidation with chromic acid in acetic acid naphthalene is converted into a-naphthaquinone (Groves, Journ. Ch. Soc. 26, 309; Plimpton, Trans. 37, 634; Japp and Miller, Ibid. 39, 220 ; by electrolytic oxidation, De Bot- tens, Zeit. Elektroch. 8, 673). The latter on standing in dilute sodium hy- droxide solution in presence of air gives the 5-a-hydroxyquinone = juglone (Kowalski, Ber. 25, 1659), and this on reduction yields hydrojuglone (Mylius, Ber. 17, 2412; 18, 463 ; 2567). Naphthalene on sulphonation under appropriate conditions gives (with i : 6-) the I : 5 -disul phonic acid (Armstrong, Ber. 15, 200 ; Armstrong and Wynne^ Proc. Ch. Soc. 2, 231 ; 3, 42 and 146; Bernthsen and Semper, Ber. 20, 934; Bernthsen, Ber. 22, 3327). The latter on fusion with alkali yields i : 5-dihy- droxynaphthalene (Armstrong and Wynne, Proc. Ch. Soc. 3, 43 ; Bernth- sen and Semper, loc. cit. ; Erdmann, Ann. 247, 306), and this on oxidation with chromic acid mixture gives 5- hydroxy-a-naphthaquinone, which can be treated as above. Or naphthalene may be nitrated and the a-nitronaphthalene sulphonated, when the I : 5-nitrosulphonic acid is formed (wi th other isom er ides) (Laurent, Ann . 72, 298 ; Comp. Kend. 31, 537 ; Schmidt and Schaal, Ber. 7, 1367; Palmaer, Ber. 21, 3260; Erdmann, loc. cit.; Cleve, Bull. Soc. [2] 24, 506). The latter gives 1 : 5-naphthylaminesulphonic acid by reduction (references as before, and Schoellkopf Anilin Co., Germ. Pat. 40571 of 1885; Ekbom, Ber. 23, 1 1 18; Bernthsen, Ibid. 3088; Schultz, Ber. 20, 3158; Erdmann, 2/jid. 3185; Ann. 247, 306 ; 275,192; 262). This aminosulphonic acid by the diazo-method is converted into 1 : 5-naphtholsulphonic acid (Cleve, loc. cit. ; Schultz, Ber. 20, 31 61; Erdmann, loc. cit.), which on fusion with potash gives i : 5-dihydroxy- naphthalene (Cleve, loc. cit. ; Ewer and Pick, Germ. Pat. 41934 of 1887). The latter can be converted into juglone, &c., as above. Or naphthalene-a-sulphonic acid can be nitrated and the i : 5-nitrosulphonic acid (which is formed with the i : 4 and I : 8 isomerides) reduced and converted as above (Cleve, loc. cit. ; Schoellkopf Co., loc. cit. ; Cleve, Ber. 23, 958 ; Bernthsen, Ibid. 3088 ; Erdmann and Silvern, Ann. 275, 230). Or naphthalene can be converted into a-nitronaphthalene and a-naphthylam- ine. The latter (or its acetyl-deriva- tive) gives (with other isomerides) the I : 5-aminosulphonic acid on sulphona- tion (Witt, Ber. 19, 578 ; Lange, Ber. 20, 2940; Schultz, Ibid. 3158; Erd- mann, Ibid. 3185 ; Ann. 247, 306 ; 275, 192; 262; Mauzelius, Ber. 20, 3401 ; Ewer and Pick, Germ. Pat. 42874 of 1887), and this sulpho-acid can be treated as above. The I : 8-nitrosulphonic acid obtained by the nitration of naphthalene-a-sul- phonic acid as above gives the 1:8- aminosulphonic acid on reduction (Schoellkopf Co., loc. cit. ; Schultz, Ber. 20, 3158 j Erdmann, Ann. 247, 306 ; 275, 262 ; Bernthsen, Ber. 23, 3088), and this by the diazo-reaction gives the 1 : 8-sultone (references as before). The latter on fusion with potash yields i : 8- dihydroxynaphthalene (Erdmann, loc. cit.), and this on oxidation with chromic acid mixture gives juglone (Bernthsen and Semper, Ber. 20, 939). Or the I : 8 -aminosulphonic acid on fusion with alkali gives i : 8-amino- naphthol (Bad. An. Sod. Fab., Germ. Pat. 55404 of 1889; Ber. 24, Ref. 481). The latter on combination with diazosulphanilic acid gives an azo-com- pound which on reduction yields 1 14- diamino - 8 - naphthol, and this gives juglone on oxidation with ferric chloride (Friedlander and Silberstern, Monats. 23, 513)- Note : — Further references to processes for obtaining i : 8-aminonaplithol or its generators are given in Germ. Pats. 54662 ; 62289 ; 77937 ; 84951 and 112778 of the Bad. An. Sod. Fab. ; Germ. Pats. 71836 ; 75055 ; 753^7 5 80668 and 168 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND PHENOLS [90 AG. 109102 of Bayer & Co. ; Germ. Pats. 73381 and 73607 of Cassella & Co. See also Dressel and Kothe, Bar. 27, 2139. The conversion of naphthalene into the a-quinone^ and thence (as above) into juglonCj can also be effected through a-naphthylamine, a-acetnaphthalide^ 1 : 4-nitroacetnaphthalidej 1 : 4-nitronaph- thylamine, i : 4-naphthylenedianiinej and oxidation of the latter by chromic acid mixture (Liebermann, Ann. 183^ 24a : all azo-derivatives of a-naphthyla- mine g-ive the i : 4-diamine on reduc- tion ; Perkin, Ann. 137, 359 j Griess, Ber. 15, 2183). 1 : 4-Nitronaphthylamine is also ob- tained by the action of hydroxylamine on a-nitronaphthalene in the presence of sodium ethoxide (Angeli and Angelico, Atti Real. Accad. [5] 8, II, 28 ; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 371). Or a-acetnaphthalide can be converted into I : 4-nitronaphthol by boiling the I : 4-nitro-derivative with potash solu- tion (Andreoni and Biedermann, Ber. 6, 342 ; Liebermann and Dittler, Ber. 7, 240; Hiibner and Ebell, Ber. 8, 562; Ann. 208, 324). The nitronaphthol on reduction gives i :4-aminonaphthol, and this also oxidises to a-naphtbaquinone (Liebermann, Ann. 183, 24a ; Ber. 14, 1796 ; Zincke, Ann. 286, 70). a-Naphthylamine can also be directly oxidised to the a-quinone by chromic acid mixture (Monnet, Reverdin, and Noelting, Ber. 12, 2306). [B.] From benzoic aldehyde [114] and succinic acid [Vol. II] by heating the aldehyde with succinic anhydride and sodium succinate so as to form phenyl- isocrotonic (/3-benzalpropionic = phene- i^-butenylic) acid (Perkin, Journ. Ch. Soc. 31, 394; Jayne, Ann. 216, 100; Erdmann, Ann. 227, 258 ; Leoni, Ann. 256, 64). The latter on boiling with water gives a-naphthol (Fittig and Erd- mann, Ann. 227, 242), from which a- naphthaquinone, and thence juglone and hydrojuglone, can be obtained by converting the naphthol into i :'4-nitro- sonaphthol (a-naphthaquinoneoxime) by the action of nitrous acid (2-nitroso- I -naphthol is formed simultaneously) (Fuchs, Ber. 8, 626 ; Ilinsky, Ber. 17, 2590 ; Henriques and Ilinsky, Ber. 18, 706}. The nitrosonaphthol reduces to I : 4-aminonaphthol (Grandmougin and Michelj Ber. 25, 972), and this can be oxi- dised to a-naphthaquinone as under A. The azo-derivatives of a-naphthol also give I : 4-aminonaphthol on reduction (Liebermann and Jacobson, Ann. 211, ^6; Seidel, Ber. 25, 423; Grandmougin and Michel, loc. cit.). a-Naphthyl ace- tate gives some a-quinone on oxidation (Miller, Ber. 14, 1600). [C] From cinnaviic and malonic acids [Vol. II], and methyl alcohol [13]. Cin- namic acid is converted into its methyl ester and brominated so as to form the di- bromide. The latter, when heated with sodio-malonic methyl ester in methyl alcohol solution, gives Fai-phenyltri- methylene-2 : 2 : 3 - tricarboxylic tri- methyl ester, from which the free acid can be obtained by hydrolysis (Buchner and Dessauer, Ber. 25, 1153)- The acid on heating (in COg) at 180-200°, and finally by distillation in a vacuum, yields phenylisocrotonic acid {Ibid. 1 155), which can be converted into a-naphthol, &c., as under B. [D.] Furfural [126] and benzene [e] give a-naphthylamine by heating pyro- mucic acid (see under erythritol [50 ; N]) with aniline, zinc chloride, and lime at 300° (Canzoneri and Oliveri, Gazz. 16, 493). The naphthylamine can be converted into a-naphthaquinone, &c., as under A. [E.] Manuitol [5l] and benzene [6] can be made to give a small quantity of a-naphthylamine by heating the al- cohol with aniline hydrochloride at 200-240° (Effront, Jahresber. 1885, 1210 j Ber. 18, Ref. 383). [F.] From cinnamic aldehyde [123] and hippuric acid [Vol. II], which con- dense to form an anhydride which, by the action of sodium hydroxide, gives cinnamylidenehippuric acid [CgHg. CH : CH . CH : C(COOH)NH . CO . C^HJ, and this on heating with hydrochloric acid to 1 1 o-i 20° yields (with a-naphthoic acid) naphthalene (Erlenmeyer, junr., and Kunlin, Ber. 35, 384). [G.] Pi/rogallol [84] on oxidation gives a product (purpurogallin) which yields naphthalene on distillation with zinc dust (Nietzkiand Steinmann, Ber. 20, 1278). 91-C.] FORMIC ALDEHYDE 169 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES : FATTY GROUP. 91. Formic Aldehyde ; Formalde- hyde ; Methaual. H .CHO Natural Sources. The aldehyde may possibly exist in plant cells containing chlorophyll (Rein- ke, Ber. 14, 2148; Mori, Jahresber. 1882, 1143)5 but this observation re- quires confirmation. The distilled extract of witch - hazel, Ilamamelis virginica, N. America, is said to contain formic aldehyde (Gunn, Ch. Drug-. 59, 796). Polacci claims to have ob- tained distinct evidence of the presence of the aldehyde in the distillate from the leaves of plants which have been exposed to light (Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 881, from Boll. Chim. Pharm. 38, 601 ; also Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 833 ; 1901, 2, 938). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From carbon dioxide and hydro- gen by the silent electric discharge (Brodie, Proc. Roy. Soc. 22, 172); from carbon dioxide and water under the influence of sunlight in presence of uranium acetate (Bach, Comp. Rend. 116, 1 145; 1389). From, carbon mon- oxide and hydrogen by the silent electric discharge (Losanitsch and Jovitschitsch, Ber. 30, 136; De Hemptinne, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. 34, 269 ; Solvay and Slosse, Ibid, 35, 547), or by passing over hot spongy platinum (Jahn, Ber. 22, 9«9)- From carbonic acid (carbon dioxide in water) by reduction with hydrogen- palladium or by electrolytic reduction (Bach, Comp. Rend. 126, 479), or by the action of violet light in presence of uranium acetate (Ibid. Arch. Soc. Phys. Nat. Geneve [4] 5, 401 ; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 42). From acetylene [l; A, &c.], the silver, mercury, or cuprous compounds of which, as well as the sulphuric acid so- lution, all yield iodoform on treatment with iodine and alkali (Le Comte, Journ. Pharm. 16, 297). From iodoform, as below under D. [B.] Methane [l] and oxygen give formic aldehyde by the action of the silent electric discharge (Maquenne, Bull. Soc. [2] 37, 298). Or from methane and air by passing over heated catalytic surfaces of copper, asbestos, &c. (Glock, Germ. Pat. 1 09014 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 304), or by slow combustion at low temperatures with oxygen (Bone and Wheeler, Proc. Ch. Soc. 19, 191 ; Trans. 83, 1074). [C] From methyl alcohol [l3] by in- complete combustion in air (Hofmann, Proc. Roy. Soc. 16, 156; Ber. 2, 152; 11, 1685; Ann. 145, 357; Volhard, Ann. 176, 128 ; Kablukoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 14, 194; Tollens, Ber. 15, 1629; ^^y 917; 19, 2133; Loew, Journ. pr. Ch. [2 33, 321 ; Ber. 20, 144; Klar and Schulze, Germ. Pat. 106495 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 1082). From methyl alcohol (trace only) by oxidation with air in a solution containing col- loidal platinum (Glaessner, Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 731). Also from methyl alcohol by electro- lytic oxidation in sulphuric acid solution (Elbs and Brunner, Zeit. Elektroch. 6, 604) or by pyrogenic decomposition (Ipatieff, Ber. 34, 598 ; 35, 1055). Or from methyl alcohol through methyl ether (Dumas and Peligot, Ann. 15, 12; Kane, Ann. 19, 166; Ebelmen, Ann. 57, 328 ; Erlenmeyer and Kriech- baumer, Ber. 7, 699 ; Tellier, Jahresber. 1877, 1157). The latter gives formic aldehyde by pyrogenic decomposition (Tistschenko, Journ. Russ. Soc. 31, 784 ; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 586). Or from methyl alcohol through methylal by oxidation with sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide (Kane, Ann. 19, 175; Malaguti, Ann. 32, $^, or by electrolysis of the alcohol in di- lute sulphuric acid (Renard, Ann. Chim. [5] 17, 291). Methylal gives formic aldehyde when heated with sulphuric acid, the aldehyde rapidly polymerising (Wohl, Ber. 19, 1841). iro ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [81 C-F. Note: — Methylal can be obtained from methyl alcohol by converting the alcohol into methyl chloride and the latter into methylene chloride by chlorination (Kegnault, Ann. Chim. [2] 70, 377 ; 'Ann. 33, 328). Methylene chloride inter- acts with sodium methylate to form methylal (Arnhold, Ann, 240, 190). Methyl alcohol gives formic aldehyde among the products of the action of chlorine or bromine (Lobry de Bruyn, Ber. 26;, 271; Brochet, Comp. Rend. 121, 130). By the action of fuming sulphuric acid on methyl alcohol there is formed an ' oxymethanesulphonic acid/ the sodium salt of which gives formic alde- hyde on decomposition by water (Miil- ler, Ber. 6, 1032). Or from methyl alcohol and acetic acid [Vol. II] through methyl acetate, chlormethyl acetate by chlorination (Henry, Ber. 6, 740), and the action of water at 100° on the latter (Michael, Am. Ch. Journ. 1, 419). [D.] From (?%/ alcohol [14] by in- complete combustion (Mulliken, Brown, and French, Am. Ch. Journ. 25, 11 1), or by the incomplete combustion of ethyl nitrate (Pratesi, Gazz. 14, 221). Or from ethyl ether, the vapour giving a trace of formic aldehyde when passed through a hot tube (Tis- tschenko, Journ. Russ. Soc. 31, 7^4 i Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 586). Or from ethyl alcohol through chloro- form (see under methane [l ; D]), methyl- ene chloride by reduction (Perkin, Ch. News, 18, 106 ; Greene, Comp. Rend. 89, 1077 ; Jahresber. 1879, 49° ; Ch. News, 60, 75 ; Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 1, 522), and methylal as above under C. Note : — The generators of chloroform referred to under methane [1 ; M ; P ; R, &c.] thus be- come, with methyl alcohol, generators of formic aldehyde through methylal. Or from ethyl alcohol through ethyl- ene, the latter giving formic aldehyde when heated to 400° with an insufficient quantity of oxygen for complete com- bustion (Schutzenberger, Bull. Soc. [2] 31, 482). Note : — All generators of ethylene thus be- come generators of formic aldehyde. Or from ethyl alcohol through ethyl- ene glycol [45] (see under isopropyl al- cohol [16 j C]). The latter, on electro- lysis in presence of dilute sulphuric acid, gives ' trioxymethylene ' (Renard, Ann. Chim. [5] 17, 303), a polymeride of formic aldehyde which is resolved by heat, by hot water, or by combination with acid sodium sulphite into the mono- molecular aldehyde (Hofmann, Ber. 2, 152 j Tollens and Mayer, Ber. 21, 157 1 ; Kraut, Ann. 258, 105 ; Harries, Ber. 34, 6'3,^ : see also Kekule, Ber. 25, 2435). Or trioxymethylene gives formic aldehyde when passed with air through a hot tube (Wolkoff and Menschutkin, Ber. 31, 3067). Or from glycol through glycollic alde- hyde (see under furfural [126 ; G]), and then as below under O. Or from ethyl alcohol through iodo- form (see under methane [l; D]), me- thylene iodide by heating the latter with hydriodic acid and phosphorus, &c. (Butleroif, Ann. Chim. [3] 53, 313 ; Hofmann, Ann. 115, 267 ; Baeyer, Ber. 5,1095). Methylene iodide gives me- thylene chloride by chlorination (But- leroff, Ann. 107, no; 111, 251), and this, with methyl alcohol, is a generator of methylal and of formic aldehyde as above under C. Or iodoform and sodium ethylate give acrylic acid (Butleroff, Ann. 114, 204). From the latter through a-chlorlactic and glyceric acid [54 ; l] or through oxyacrylic(glycidic)acid [92; j]. The latter gives glyceric acid in contact with water (Melikoff, Ber. 13, 272). Subsequent steps as below under M. Or from iodoform through methylene iodide and trioxymethylene by the action of silver oxide (or oxalate) on the iodide (Butleroff, Ann. Ill, 242). [E.] From acetic aldehyde\_d2] through iodoform by the action of iodine and alkali [l ; I], and then as above under D. Or from aldehyde through crotonic aldehyde [102] and crotonic acid (see under n-butyl alcohol [17 ; G] and under benzyl alcohol [54 ; H]). From crotonic acid through /3-methylglyceric acid to formic aldehyde as below under J. [F.] From acetone [106], formic alde- hyde being among the products formed by passing the vapour over a heated platinum spiral (Trillat, Comp. Rend. 91 P J.] FORMIC ALDEHYDE 171 132, 1495), or by incomplete combustion (Mulliken, Brown, and French, Am. Ch. Journ. 25, iii). Or from acetone through diacetona- mine (see under aldehyde [92 ; S]), the latter giving- trioxy methylene (among other products) when the sul- phate is oxidised by chromic acid mix- ture (Heintz, Ann. 198, 45). Or from acetone through chloroform by the action of bleaching powder (see under methane [l; J]), and then, with sodium methylate, through methylal as above under D and C. Or from acetone through iodoform (see under methane [1 ; j]), and then as above under D. [G.] From /ormic acid [Vol. II], the aldehyde being among the products ob- tained by the dry distillation of the calcium salt (Mulder, Zeit. [2] 4, 26^ ; Ann. 159, ^66 ; Linnemann, Ann. 157, 119; Lieben and Rossi, Ann. 158, 107). [H.] From acetic acid [Vol. II] by incomplete combustion (Mulliken, Brown, and French, Am. Ch. Journ. 25, III). Or from acetic &nd ffl^collic acid [Vol. II] ; formic aldehyde is produced when an electric current is passed through a solution of potassium acetate (positive electrode) and potassium gly collate (negative electrode) (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 467; 28, 2437). Or by the electrolysis of sodium acetate in presence of sodium perchlorate (Hofer and Moest, Ann. 323, 284). Also from acetic acid through acetyl cyanide and pyroracemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; l]). The latter, on heating with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate at 160-180°, gives a- crotonic acid (Homolka, Ber. 18, 987), which can be converted into ^-methyl- glyceric acid and formic aldehyde as below under J. Or from acetic acid and methyl alco- Jiol [13] through methylglycollic acid by tne action of chloracetic acid on sodium methylate (Heintz, Jahresber. 1859, 358). The methylglycollic acid gives formic aldehyde among the pro- ducts of electrolysis of the sodium salt (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 469). Calcium glycoUate on heating with dilute sulphuric acid at 170-180°, or the acid itself on heating to 220-240°, gives ' trioxymethylene ■* (Heintz, Ann. 138, 43 ; Jahresber. 1861, 444), which is related to formic aldehyde as under D. Silver glycollate gives formic alde- hyde when decomposed by iodine (Her- zog and Leiser, Monats. 22, '^Sl)- C)r glycollic ester interacts with hydrazine to form a hydrazide, which by the action of nitrous acid gives glycolazide (CH2 [OH] CO . N3) (Curtius and Hei- denreich, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 52, 225). The azide on heating with alcohol gives glycolurethane, and this by the action of mineral acid is resolved into formic aldehyde and other products (Curtius and Miiller, Ber. 34, 2795). Or from acetic acid through mono- chloracetic acid and ^ trioxymethylene/ the latter being among the products formed by passing the vapour of the chloro-aeid through a hot tube (Grassi- Cristaldi, Gazz. 27, 502). [I.] Lactic acid [Vol. II] gives iodo- form by the action of iodine and alkali (Lieben, Ann. Suppl. 7, 218 ; 377), and this can be converted into methylene iodide, chloride, methylal, &c., as under D. Or from lactic acid through pyro- racemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; P]), a-crotonic acid, &c., as above under H, and then as below under J. Potassium lactate gives crotonic alde- hyde [102] on electrolysis, the positive electrode being kept alkaline (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 468). Sarcolactic acid [Vol. II] also yields crotonic alde- hyde under these conditions [Ibid.). [J.] From normal butyric acid [Vol. II] through a-crotonic acid [54 ; K], a/3- dibrombutyric acid by bromination (Korner, Ann. 137, 234 ; Michael and Norton, Am. Ch. Journ. 2, 12; Ber. 14, 1202 : see also Kolbe, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 25, 396), and ^-methylglyceric (a/3- dihydroxybutyric = 2:3- butanediol- carboxylic) acid by boiling the latter with water (Kolbe, loc. cit, 390). Formic aldehyde is among the products of the electrolysis of potassium y3- methylglycerate (Pisarjevsky, Journ. Russ. Soe. 29, 289). Crotonic acid also gives ^-methyl- glyceric acid by oxidation in alkaline solution with barium permanganate (Fittig and Kochs, Ann. 268, 8). 173 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [91J-S. Or crotonic acid combines with hypo- bromous acid to form (with a-) some )8-brom-a-hydroxybutyric acid^ which on heating with water gives j3-methyl- glycerie acid (MeUkoff, Ann. 266,, 435 ; Jom-n. pr. Ch. [a] 61, 554). Or crotonic acid combines with hypo- chlorous acid to give a-chlor-^-hydroxy- butyric acid (Erlenmeyer and Miiller, Ber. 15, 49 j Melikoff, Ann. 2^4, 198), which by the action of alcohoKc potash is converted into /3-methylglycidic acid (Melikoff, loc. cit. 304). The latter on heating with water at 100° gives /3-methylglyceric acid (Ibid. 308 ; and Ber. 21, 3055), from which formic alde- hyde can be obtained as above. Or ;8-methylglycidic acid (potassium salt) itself can be electrolysed (Pisar- jevsky, loc. cit.). [K.] From ^-hyclroxyhutyric acid [Vol. II] through a-crotonic acid [54 ; Ii], and then as under J. Crotonic aldehyde is among the products of electrolysis of /3-hydroxybutyric acid (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 469). [L.] From acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] through a-crotonic acid [54; I], and then as above. [M.] From glycerol [48] and hydrogen cyanide [172] through allyl cyanide [54 ; P], a^ - dibrombutyronitrile by bromination, and the acid by hydro- lysis (Palmer, Am. Ch. Journ. 11, 93). Subsequent steps as above under J. Or from glycerol through glyceric acid and pyroracemie acid [54 ; F], and then as under H and J. Formic aldehyde is among the products of electrolysis of potassium glycerate (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 469). Silver glycerate gives formic aldehyde on decomposition by iodine (Herzog and Leiser, Monats. 22, 357). Glycerol on electrolysis in dilute sulphuric acid solution gives 'trioxy- methylene'' among other products (Re- nard, Ann. Chim. [5] 17, 331 : see also Bartoli and Papasogli, Gazz. 13, 387), and then as under D. Or from glycerol through trimethyl- ene (see under n-propyl alcohol [15; E]), which gives formic aldehyde when passed with air through a red-hot tube (Wolkoff and Menschutkin, Ber. 31, 3067). Or from glycerol through allyl alcohol (see under ethyl alcohol [14 ; G]), the latter giving acrolein [lOl] and then formic aldehyde by ^ contact ' oxidation over heated platinum (Trillat, Comp. Rend. 123, 833). [N.] From p-opionic acid [Vol. II] through pyroracemie acid [54 ; O], and then as under H, &c. Or from propionyl chloride and zinc methyl through tertiary amyl alcohol (see under aldehyde [92 ; E]). The latter gives formic aldehyde among the products formed by passing the vapour mixed with air over a heated platinum spiral (Trillat, Comp. Rend. 132, 1495). [O.] From tartaric or racemic acid [Vol. II] through pyroracemie acid [54; N], and then as above. Formic aldehyde is among the products of electrolysis of potassium tartrate (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 468). Or from tartaric acid through di- hydroxymaleic acid and glycollic alde- hyde (see under furfural [126 ; E]). The oxime of the latter on treatment with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate gives the acetyl derivative of the nitrile, and this, on treatment with ammoniacal silver oxide and distillation of the product with dilute sulphuric acid, yields formic aldehyde (Fenton, Proc. Ch. Soc, 16, 148). [P.] From allyl isoihiocyanate [16 6] through allyl cyanide [54 ; J], and then through a/3-dibrombutyric acid, &c., as under M. [Q.] From malonic acid [Vol. II] by electrolysis of a solution of the potassium salt (Petersen, Zeit. physik. Ch. 33, Or from malonic and acetic acids [Vol. II], and aldehyde [92 : paralde- hyde] through a-crotonic acid [54; G], and then as under J. [B.] From eryfhritol [50] smd formic acid [Vol. II] through crotonic aldehyde [102] (see under normal butyl alcohol [17; I]), and crotonic acid (see also under benzyl alcohol [54 ; H]), and then as under J. [S.] From mannitol [51], ^trioxy- methylene' being among the products of its electrolysis in dilute sulphuric acid solution (Renard, Ann. Chim. [5] 91 S-PP.] FORMIC ALDEHYDE irs 17^ 321). Or from mannitol through n-hexane (n-hexyl alcohol [23 ; B]), and then as below under V. Note : — Generators of n-hexane given under n-liexyl alcohol thus become generators of formic aldehyde. [T.] From malic acid [Vol. II]. Crotonic aldehyde is among" the pro- ducts of electrolysis of sodium malate (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 470), and can be converted into crotonic acid^ &c., as under P and J. [U.] Dextrose [154] gives 'trioxy- methylene' among the products of its electrolysis in presence of dilute sul- phuric acid (Renardj Ann. Chim. [5] 17, 321), and this is resolved into formic aldehyde as under D. [v.] From n-ptopyl alcohol [15] through propyl ether (Chancel, Ann. 151, 304 ; Linnemann, Ann. 161, 37 ; Norton and Prescott, Am. Ch. Journ. 6, 343). The latter gives formic alde- hyde (trace) by pyrogenic decomposi- tion (Tistschenko, Journ. Russ. Soc. 31, 784; Ch. Centr. 19CO, 1, 586). Or the alcohol gives formic aldehyde (2' 7 2 per cent.) by incomplete com- bustion (MuUiken, Brown, and French, Am. Ch. Journ. 25, iii). Or from n-propyl alcohol through n-hexane (n-hexyl alcohol [23 ; A]). The latter when mixed with air and passed over heated platinum gives formic aldehyde (v. Stepski, Monats. 23, in)- Or from normal or isopropyl alcohol [I6] through propylene, acrolein [lOl] (see under benzyl alcohol [54; E]), acrylic, a-chlorlactic, and glyceric acids, &c., as above under M. Note : — All generators of propylene thus become generators of formic aldehyde (see under isopropyl alcohol [16] and under glycerol [48] for generators of propylene). [W.] From acetal [93] through gly- collic aldehyde (see under furfural [126 ; P]), and then as above under O. [X.] From isohuiyl alcohol [I8], being among the products of slow combustion of the vapour in contact with heated platinum (v. Stepski, Monats. 23, 773). Or from tertiary butyl alcohol [19] by incomplete combustion (5-17 per cent. : Mulliken, Brown, and French, Am. Ch. Journ. 25, iii), or by passing the vapour mixed with air over a heated platinum spiral, acetone being simul- taneously formed (Trillat, Comp. Rend. 132, 1495). _ Or from this last alcohol anidpofassinm cyanide [172], the alcohol being con- verted into tertiary butyl iodide and cyanide, and the latter reduced to tri- methylethylamine, the hydrochloride of which gives tertiary amyl alcohol by the action of silver nitrite (Tissier, Ann. Chim. [6] 29, '3,'}^$ ; Freund and Lenze, Ber. 24, 2150). From tertiary amyl alcohol as above under N. [Y.] From amyl alcohol [22] through amylene (trimethylethylene) and tertiary amyl alcohol (see under acetone [IO6 ; E]), and then as above under N. Formic aldehyde (a-oi per cent.) is also formed by the incomplete combustion of amyl- ene (Mulliken, Brown, and French, loc. cit.). [Z.] From choline [Vol. II] through glycol [45] and glycollic aldehyde (as under furfural [l26 ; H ; K]), and then as above under O. [AA.] From trimethylamine [Vol. II] through methyl chloride (see under methane [l; Z]). From the latter through methylene chloride, methylal, &c., as above under C. [BB.] From acrolein [lOl] through acrylic acid by oxidation, and from the latter through a-chlorlactic, oxyacrylic (glycidic),and glyceric acids to pyrorace- mic, crotonic, and ^-methylglyceric acids as above under D and M. [CO.] From crotonic aldehyde [102] through crotonic to /3-methylglyceric acid as above under M, H, and J. [DD.] From isobutyric and acetic aldehydes [94 ; 92] through the aldol, CgHjgOg, trimethylethylene-lactic acid, and tertiary amyl alcohol (see under acetone [IO6 ; DD]). From the latter as above under N. [EE.] From isobutyric acid [Vol. II] and acetic aldehyde [92] through tri- methylethylene-lactic acid (see under acetone [IO6 ; Kj), and then through tertiary amyl alcohol, &c., as above. [PP.] Fentane gives fonnic aldehyde (o-88 per cent.) among the products of 174 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [91 FF-92 A. its incomplete combustion (Mulliken, Brown, and French, Am. Ch. Journ. 25, III). Note : — Generators of pentane as given under n-amyl alcohol [20, B ; C ; D, &c.] are : acetic acid ; acetone [106j, acetic acid and ethyl alcohol [14] ; pyridine ; piperidino ; methyl and n-butyl alcohols [13 ; 17T ; ethyl and n-propyl alcohols [14 ; 15]. Generators of hexane are also generators of pentane (see under n-amyl alcohol [20 ; G ; H ; I ; J]). For similar production fromisopentane see V. Stepski, Monats. 23, 773. [GrG.] From citric acid [Vol. II] through acetonedicarboxylic, /i-oxyglu- taric, vinylacetic, and crotonic acid (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; W]). From crotonic acid as above under J. [HH.] Methylamine [Vol. II] gives the oxime of formic aldehyde among the products of its oxidation by mono- persulphuric acid (Bamberger and Selig- man, Ber. 35, 4299). 92. Acetic Aldehyde ; Acetalde- hyde ; Ethanal. CH3 H.C:0 Natural Sources. A product of the anaerobic fermenta- tion of sugar (Schutzenberger and Destrem, Jahresber. 1879, 1007 : see also Roeser, Ann. Inst. Past. 7, 41). The production of aldehyde from sugar by Mucor racemosus was first observed by Fitz (Ber. 6, 48 : the mould is erroneously named M. mucedo in this paper) and by M. clrcellino'ides by Gay on (Ann. Chim. [5] 14, 285 ; Comp. Rend. 86, 52 ; Bull. Soe. [2] 31, 139)- Among the products of the methane fermentation of cellulose by bacteria from intestine of oxen (see imder methane [l]). A product of the al- coholic fermentation of dextrose and laevulose by O'idivm albicans (Linossier and Roux, Comp. Rend. 110, "^SS) 868; Bull. Soc. [3] 4, 704). Aldehyde (trace) was found among the products of fermentation of saccha- rose by an ellipsoidal yeast (Claudon and Morin, Comp. Rend. 104, 1109; Bull. Soc. [2] 49, 178). Aldehyde is a product of fermentation by the mould-fungus, Eurotiopsis gayoni (Duclaux, Journ. Fed. Inst. 6, 412). This mould can produce aldehyde from lactic acid when grown in a nutrient solution containing the acid (Maze, Comp. Rend. 134, 240 : see also Ann. Inst. Past. 16, 433) and probably from dextrose through alcohol {Ibid. Ann. Inst. Past. 16, 346). According to Bottinger, aldehyde is invariably present in fermentation acetic acid (Ch. Zeit. 24, 793). Aldehyde is among the products of fermentation of dextrose by Dunbar's and other Vibrios (Gosio : quoted by Emmerling, ' Die Zersetzung stickstoff- freier organischer Substanzen durch Bakterien/ pp. 47 and ^6), and of starch by Bacillus siiaveolens (Sclavo and Gosio, Bied. Centr. 20, 419; Journ. Ch. Soc. 60, abst. 1284). Aldehyde occurs in certain brandies, in the first runnings from the rectifica- tion of crude spirit, and in certain fusel oils (see, for instance, Pierre and Puchot, Ann. 163, 253 ; Kramer and Pinner, Ber. 2, 403; 4, 787; Kekule, Ber. 4, 718 ; Rabuteau, Comp. Rend. 87, 501 ; Ordonneau, Comp. Rend. 102, 217; Allen, Journ. Fed. Inst. 3, 38 and 43). It is doubtful whether the aldehyde in these cases is of biochemical origin or due to secondary oxidation. Acetic aldehyde occurs in American oil of peppermint (Power and Kleber, Pharm. Rund. 12, 157 ; Arch. Pharm. 232, 639 ; Zeit. anal. Ch. 33, 762) and in the first (aqueous) distillates from oil of camphor from Lanriis campliora (Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 485}, and from oil of aniseed from PimpiHella anisum [Ibid. 734). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From acetylene (see under methane [l ; A]), by absorption of this gas by 1-35 sp. gr. sulphuric acid, and distillation of the product with water (Lagermark and Eltekoff, Ber. 10, .637 : see also Zeisel, Ann. 191, 372 ; 92 A-C] ACETIC ALDEHYDE 175 Erdmann and Kothncr, Zelt. anorg. Ch. 18, 48), or by the action of mercuric bromide on acetylene and water (Kut- scheroff, Ber. 14, 1540) ; also by com- bining- acetylene with mercuric chloride and decomposing the compound with dilute hydrochloric acid {Ibid. V7, 13; Kriiger and Piickert, Ch. Ind. 1895, p. 454 : see also Travers and Plimpton, Trans. Ch. Soc. 65, %6^). Acetylene also combines with mer- curic nitrate to form a compound which readily gives aldehyde on decomposition (Kothner, Inaug. Diss. Halle, 1896; Erdmann and Kothner, loc. cit. ; Ber. 31, 3475 > ^- ^- Hofmann, Ber. 31, 2212; 2783). Acetylene forms a compound with mercuric acetate which decomposes on heating with acids with the formation of aldehyde (Bur- kard and Travers, Trans. Ch. Soc. 81, 1271). Aldehyde is formed when acetylene is passed through boiling phosphoric acW (1-15 sp. gr.) or sulphuric acid (30 per cent.) containing mercuric oxide in suspension (Erdmann and Kothner, loc. cit.). Aldehyde is among the products of oxidation of acetylene by hydrogen peroxide in presence of ferrous sulphate (Cross, Bevan, and Heiberg, Ber. 33, 3015). Acetylene combines with water to form aldehj'de above 300° (Desgrez, Ann. Chim. [7] 3, 216). Or from ethylene by heating with carbon dioxide at 400° (Schiitzenberger, Bull. Soc. [2] 31, 482) ; or from ethyl- ene dibromide and water at 150-160° (Carius, Ann. 131, 172), or from the dibromide through vinyl bromide and the action of mercuric acetate on the latter (Saytzeff, Zeit. [2] 3, 675 ; Linne- mann, Ann. 143, 347). Also from ethylene through glycol [45] . The latter gives aldehyde when heated with water to 210° (Nevole, Bull. Soc. [2] 25, 289), or with zinc chloride (Wurtz, Ann. 108, 915 : see also Lie- ben, Monats. 23, 60). Or ethylene can be combined with hyi)ochlorous acid to form chlorethyl alcohol = glycol chlorhydrin (Carius, Ann. 126, 197), which on treatment with potassium iodide gives glycol iodhydrin (Butleroff and Ossokin, Ann. 144, 42). The latter, on heating with lead hy- droxide, gives aldehyde quantitatively (Charon and Paix-Seailles, Comp. Rend. 130, 1407). Glycol chlorhydrin gives aldehyde among the products of decomposition by heating in contact with lead or zinc oxide. (Kaschirsky, Ber. 10, 1104), or (in small quantity) by heating with water (Krassusky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 34, 287). Or the chlorhydrin, on treatment with potash, gives ethylene oxide (Wurtz, Ann. Chim. [3] 69, 317 ; Ann. 110, 125; Demole, Ann. 173, 125). The latter yields aldehyde more readily than the glycol when heated with zinc chloride (Krassusky, loc. cit. ^37)' According to Berthelot, aldehyde is formed by the oxidation of ethylene with chromic acid (Comp. Rend. 68, 334)- The ' ethylenic nitrate ' formed by the combination of ethylene with nitric an- hydride gives aldehyde on reduction (Demjanoff, Ch. Centr. 1899, 1, 1064). [B.] Methane [l] and carbon mon- oxide give aldehyde under the influence of the silent electric discharge (Lo- sanitsch and Jovitschitsch, Ber. 30, Ethmie and carbon monoxide also give aldehyde by this method (De Hemp- tinne. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [3] 34, 269). Or from ethane and air by passing over hot copper or asbestos, &c. (Clock, Germ. Pat. 109015 of 1899; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 304). Note : — All generators of ethane (see under ethyl alcohol [14 ; A ; D, &c.]) thus become genei'ators of aldehyde. [C] From ethyl alcohol [l4] by oxida- tion (Dobereiner, Gmelin's ' Handbuch d. org. Ch.' IV, 55^ ; 585 ^ 61 1 ; Liebig, Ann. 14, 133 ; W. and R. Rodgers, Journ. pr. Ch. 40, 240 ; Stadeler, Ibid. 76, 54 : for conditions determining the electrolytic oxidation of alcohol to alde- hyde see Dony-Henault, Zeit. Elektrocli. Or from ethyl alcohol through its 176 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [92 C-P. ether, the latter giving acetaldehyde among the products of its photochemical oxidation (Bertbelot, Comp. Rend. 129, 627), or by passing through a hot tube (Liebig, Ann. 14, 134; Tistschenko, Journ. Russ. Soc. 31, 784; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 586). From alcohol by chemical, aided by electrolytic, oxidation (Dai*mstadter, Germ. Pat. 109012 of 1897; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 151); or by electrolysis in presence of sulphuric acid (Elbs and Brunner, Zeit. Elektroch. 6, 604). Among the products of photo-oxidation of alcohol by ferric chloride (De Coninck, Comp. Rend. 131, 375), and among the products of pyi'ogenic decomposition (Ipatieff, Ber. 34, 598): the yield is in- creased by the pyrogenic ' contact ' influence of certain metals, such as iron or zinc, &c., or certain metallic oxides {Ihld. 34, 3579 ; 35, 1047). Ethyl alcohol is oxidised to aldehyde by quinones, ketones, benzaldehyde, and anisaldehyde in presence of light (Ciami- cian and Silber, Ber. 34, 1530)' Magnesium ethylate gives aldehyde when acted upon by dry chlorine (Meu- nier, Comp. Rend. 134, 472). Ethyl hypochlorite decomposes spon- taneously into aldehyde and hydrogen chloride (Schmitt and Goldberg, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 19, 393 ; 24, 106). [D.] From formic and acetic acids [Vol. II] by distilling a mixture of the dry calcium salts (Ritter, Ann. 97, 369)- Or from acetic acid through acetyl cyanide and pyroracemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; l]), and then as below under E. Formylacetic ethyl ester (see under cymene [6 ; IX]), when boiled with di- lute sulphuric acid, gives aldehyde among other products (Wislicenus and Bindemann, Ann. 316, 18). [E.] From propionic acid [Vol. II], being among the products of electrolysis of sodium propionate in presence of sodium perchlorate (Ilofer and Moest, Ann. 323, 284). Or from propionic acid through ethane by photochemical decomposition in presence of uranium salts, or through ethylene by electrolysis (see under ethyl alcohol [14; H]). Ethane yields aldehyde as under B, and ethylene as under A. Or from propionic acid and methyl alcohol [13] through tertiary amyl al- cohol by the interaction of proj)ionyl chloride and zinc methyl (Popoff, Ann. 145, 293 ; Jermolajeff, Zeit. [2] 7, 275 ; Wischnegradsky, Ann. 190, 336), the corresponding iodide, and amylene (tri- methylethylene) by the action of alco- holic potash on the latter. According to Wagner (Ber. 21, 1235), acetic aldehyde is among the products of oxidation of this amylene. Or from propionic acid through the a-bromo-acid by bromination (Friedel and Machuca, Comp. Rend. 53, 408 ; Ann. 120, 286; Bischoff, Ann. 206, 319; Zelinsky, Ber. 20, 2026 ; Michael and Graves, Ber. 34, 4044), the a-cyano- acid by the action of potassium cyanide [172], and hydrolysis of the latter to iso- succinic (methylmalonic) acid (Wichel- haus, Zeit. [2] 3, 247 ; Byk, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 1, T9; Cohn, Ann. 251, '^'>iS'} Pusch, Arch. Pharm. 232, 188). Acetic aldehyde (trace) is among the products of electrolysis of the potassium salt of this latter acid (Petersen, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 519; Zeit. physik. Ch. 33, 702). Or from propionic acid through pyro- racemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; O]). The latter, on heating with dilute sulphuric acid at 150°, gives aldehyde (Beilstein and Wiegand, Ber. 17, 840). Pyroracemic acid also yields aldehyde among the products of its electrolytic oxidation (Rockwell, Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 24, 719). Or a/3-dibrompropionic acid can be converted into acrylic acid by treatment with zinc and sulphuric acid (Caspary and Tollens, Ann. 167, 241 ; Melikoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 13, 156), and the latter into /3-chlorlactic acid by the addition of hypochlorous acid (Melikoff loc. cit. 157). ^-Chlorlactic acid gives aldehyde on heating with water, or by boiling a strong solution of the sodium salt (Erlenmeyer, Ber. 13, 309 ; Reisse, Ann. 257, S?>l)- [F.] From malonic acid [Vol. II], methyl and ethyl alcohols [13 ; 14], 82 P-J.] ACETIC ALDEHYDE 177 through isosuccinic (methylmalonic) acid by the action of methyl iodide on sodiomalonie ester (Ziiblin, Ber. 12, 1 1 1 2), and then as above under E. Or from malonic acid through ethyl- ene by electrolysis (see under ethyl alcohol [14 j W]), and then as above under A. [G.] From succinic acid [Vol. II] through ethylene by electrolysis [14 ; X], and then as under A. Or through dibromsuccinic acid by bromination (Kekule, Ann. 117, 1 23 ; Suppl. 1, 131 : see also under methane [1 ; T]), and the action of boiling water on the dibromo-acid or its salts (Lossen and Riebensahm, Ann.292,295; Lessen^ Ann. 300; I; Lossen and Reisch, md. 5). Aldehyde is among the products of electrolysis of potassium succinate (Peter- sen, Zeit. physik. Ch. 33, 711). Or from succinic acid through acetyl- enediearboxylic acid (see under methane [1 j T]). The latter gives aldehyde (and paraldehyde) on heating with water to 300° (DesgreZ; Ann. Chim. [7] 3, 219). [H.] From lachc acid [Vol. II] by oxidation with various oxidising com- pounds (Liebig; Stadeler,Ann,69, 332), or by heating with dilute sulphuric acid at 130° (Erlenmeyer, Zeit. [2] 4, 343). Also by electrolysis of a strong solution of the potassium salt (Kolbe, Ann. 113, 244; Brester, Zeit. [2] 2, 680; V. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 468), or by the action of iodine on the silver salt (Herzog and Leiser, Monats. 22, 357)- Also from lactic acid through pyro- racemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; P]), and then as under E. Or lactic ester can be converted into lactic hydrazide by the action of hydra- zine, and the hydrazide into the azide by nitrous acid. The azide hydrolyses to acetic aldehyde, &c. (Curtius and Aufhauser, Ber. 34, 2796). Sarcolactic acid [Vol. II] gives acetic aldehyde under similar conditions to those which give rise to this aldehyde from ordinary lactic acid (for electro- lysis see v. Miller and Hofer, loc. cit.). [I.] From tartaric or raeemic acid EVol. II] through pyroracemic acid 54 ; N], and then as under E. Aldehyde is among the products of the distillation of tartaric acid (Volckel, Ann. 89, 57). [J.] From glycerol [48] through glyceric acid and pyroracemic acid [54 ; F], and then as under E. Or from glycerol and potassitim cyanide [l72] through allyl cyanide [54; F] and ^-methylglyceric acid (see under formic aldehyde [91 ; M and J]). Acetic aldehyde is among the products of electrolysis of potassium iS-methylglycerate (Pisarjevsky, Journ. Buss. Soc. 29, 289). Or glycerol may be converted into acrolein [lOl] by dehydration (Redten- bacher, Ann. 47, 1 20 ; Geuther and Cartmell, Ann. 112, 2 ; Hiibner, Arm, 114, -3^^ ; Van Romburgh, Bull. Soc. [2] 36, 549 ; Wagner, Journ. Russ. Soc. 16, 317 ; Griner, Ann. Chim. [6] 26, 367; AronsteiUj Ann. Suppl. 3, 180; Fischer, Ber. 20, 3388; Wohl and Neuberg, Ber. 32, 1352 ; Wohlk, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 61, 2CO), acrylic acid by oxidation of the latter (Redtenbacher,^oc. cit. 125; Claus, Ann. Suppl. 2, 123), and ^-chlorlactic acid by the addition of hypochlorous acid to acrylic acid (Melikoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 13, 157). ^-Chlorlactic acid gives aldehyde as above under E. Or acrolein and etkyl alcohol [14] com- bine under the influence of hydrogen chloride to form /3-chlorpropionacetal (Wohl, Ber. 21,61 8; 31,1796). The latter is converted by the action of alkali into the ^-hydroxy-acetal, and this by oxida- tion with potassium permanganate gives ^-diethoxypropionic acid. The latter, on heating with dilute sulphuric acid at 50°, yields the semi-aldehyde of malonic acid, which is resolved above 50° into carbon dioxide and acetic alde- hyde (Wohl and Emmerich, Ber. 33, 2760). Or from glycerol through glyceric acid, a-chlorlactic acid by the action of hydrochloric acid on the latter (Werigo and Melikoff, Ber. 12, 178), oxyacrylie (glycidic) acid by the action of alcoholic potash (Melikoff, Ber. 13, 271 ; Journ. Russ. Soc. 13, 211), /3-chlorlactic acid 178 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [92 J-L. by addition of hydrogen chloride {Ibid. Journ. Russ. Soe. 13^ I57); ^"^^ iheo. as above. Glycerol may also be converted into a-chlorlactic acid through a/3-dichlor- propyl alcohol by the action of chlorine on allyl alcohol (Tollens, Ann, 156, 164; Hiibner and Miiller, Ann. 159, 168), by the addition of hypochlorous acid to allyl chloride (v. Gegerfeldt, Ann. 154, 247 ; Ber, 6, 720 ; Henry, Ber, 3, ^^2 ; 7, 414), or by the direct action of dry hydrogen chloride (Faucon- nier and Sanson, Bull. Soc. [2] 48, 236). The a^-dichlorpropyl alcohol gives a/3- dichlorpropionic acid on oxidation (Henry, Ber. 7, 414; Werigo and Melikoff, Ber, 10, 1500), and the latter yields a-chlorlactic acid by the action of water (Melikoff, Ber, 12, 2227), Or glyceric acid may be converted into /3-iodopropionic acid by the action of phosphorus iodide (Beilstein, Ann, 120, 226 ; 122, 366 ; Erlenmeyer, Ann. 191, 284; Meyer, Ber. 19, 3294; 21, 24). The iodo-acid gives acrylic acid by the action of alcoholic potash, or by heating with lead oxide (Schneider and Erlenmeyer, Ber. 3, 339 ; Wislicenus, Ann, 166, 2), and this can be converted into ^-chlorlactic acid and aldehyde as above. Or from glycerol through a-epichlor- hydrin by the action of phosphorus pentaehloride, or by the action of hydro- chloric acid or alkali on dichloi'hydrin (Berthelot, Ann, Chim. [3] 41, 299 ; Reboul, Ann, Suppl, 1, 221 ; Prevost, Journ, pr. Ch. [2] 12, 160 ; Fauconnier, Bull. Soc. [2] 50, 213). Epichlorhydrin on oxidation with nitric acid gives /3-chlorlactic acid (Richter, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 20, 193), from which aldehyde can be obtained as above. Acetic aldehyde is among the pro- ducts of the dry distillation of the calcium derivative of glycerol (Destrem, Ann, Chim. [5] 27, 20). [K.] From normal huti/ric acid [Vol, II] through a-crotonic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; K]), and /3-raethylglyceric = a/3 -dihydroxy butyric acid (see under formic aldehyde [91 ; J]), and then as above under J. Or a-crotonic acid gives aldehyde directly by oxidation with chromic acid mixture (Kekule, Ann, 162, 315). Or from isohidyric acid [Vol. II] through a-hydroxyisobutyric = 2-me- thyl-2-propanolic acid by oxidation with potassium permanganate (Meyer, Ann, 219, 240), The acid gives alde- hyde among other products by the action of heat or dehydrating agents (Scholtz, ^Der Einfluss der Raumerfiil- lung der Atomgruppen auf den Verlauf chemischer Reaktionen,' 1899, p. '>fi'i^', Bischoff and Walden, Ann. 279, ill). Or isobutyric acid can be brominated (Markownikoff, Ann. 153, 229 ; Hell and Waldbauer, Ber. 10, 448), the a-bromo-acid converted into the hydroxy- acid by treatment with barium hy- droxide or sodium carbonate solution (Markownikoff, loc. cit.; Fittig, Ann, 200, 70), and then as above. Or isobutyric acid (or chloride) on chlorination gives, with other products, a-chlorisobutyric acid (Balbiano, Ber. 11, 1693 ; Michael and Garner, Ber. 34, 4054), and this yields the hydroxy-acid on heating with water at 180° (Ostrop- jatoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 28, 51). [L.] From acctoacetic ester [Vol. II] through a-crotonic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; l]), or through /3-methylglyceric acid (see under formic aldehyde [91 ', L and J]), and then as above under J and K. Or acctoacetic ester may be con- verted into its methylpropyl-derivative by the alternate introduction of methyl and propyl by the action of the alkyl iodides on sodio-acetoacetic ester (Lie- bermann and Kleemann, Ber. 17, 918; Jones, Ann. 226, 287). Methylpropyl- acetoacetic ester on reduction with sodium amalgam gives a-methylpropyl- /3-hydroxybutyric (3-methyl-2-hexanol- 3-carboxylic) acid (Jones, loc. cit. 288), and this on dry distillation breaks down into acetic aldehyde and methylpropyl- acetic acid. Or instead of methyl and propyl two other alkyls may be introduced into acctoacetic ester, such as two ethyls, giving rise to a-diethyl-,8-hydroxy- butyric (3-ethyl-2-pentanol-3-carboxy- lic) acid by reduction with sodium amal- gam as above (Schnapp, Ann. 201, 6<). 92 L-S.] ACETIC ALDEHYDE 179 This acid on dry distillation also breaks down into acetaldehyde and diethyl- acetic acid. Note : — This synthesis of aldehyde from dial- kyl-/3-hydroxybutyric acids is general what- ever the alkyls may be (Reformatsky, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 54, 477). Or from acetoaeetic ester through ' oxymesitenedicarbonic ' acid and its an- hydride (lactone) which is formed by the action of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid on the ester (Duisberg-, Ann. 213, 177 j Polonowska, Ber. 19, 2403 j Anschiitz, Bendix, and Kerp, Ann. 259, 153). The lactone on distillation with lime gives mesityl oxide (Hantzsch, Ann. 222, 21), and this can be converted into hydroxyisobutyric acid as below under S, and aldehyde as above under K. [M.] From ^-hyclroxylutyric acid [Vol. II] through a-crotonic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; L]), or through /3-methylglyceric acid (see under formic aldehyde [91 ; K]), and then as under J and K. [N.] From erythritol [50] a,ndfonnic acid [Vol. II] through a-crotonic alde- hyde [102] and acid, or through ^-methyl- glyceric acid (see under formic aldehyde [91 ; B]), and then as under J and K. [O] From allyl isothiocyanate [166] through ^-methylglyceric acid [91; P], and then as under J. [P.] From fumaric or maleic acids [Vol. II] through acetylene (see under methane [l ; U]), and then as above under A. Or from fumaric acid through di- bromsuccinie acid by the addition of bromine (Kekule, Ann. 117, 123; Suppl. 1, 131 ; Baeyer, Ber. 18, 676), and then as under G. Or from maleic acid through iso- dibromsuccinic acid by the addition of bromine (Kekule, Ann. Suppl. 2, 89), and decomposition of the isodibrom- suceinafces by boiling with water (Lossen and Reisch, Ann. 300, .5). [Q.] From malic acid [Vol. II], being formed in small quantity by the electro- lysis of a strong solution of the potas- sium or sodium salt (Bourgoin, Bull. Soc. [2] 9, 427 ; v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 470). Also by boiling the aqueous solution of the acid with manganese dioxide (Liebig, Ann. 113, 14), by heating with dilute sulphuric acid at 135° (Weith, Ber. 10, 1744), or by oxidation with potassium permanganate (Denig^s, Comp. Rend. 130, 32). [B.] Tiglic acid [Vol. II] gives alde- hyde on oxidation with potassium permanganate (Beilstein and Wiegand, Ber. 17, 2262). [S.] From acetone [IO6] through the dibromide or diiodo-derivative (see under glycerol [48 ; E]), acrolein [lOl], acrylic acid, /3-chlorlactic acid, &c., as above under J. Or from acetone and hydrogen cyanide [172], which condense in the presence of hydrochloric acid to form hydroxy- isobutyric acid (Staedeler, Ann. Ill, 320; Markownikoff, Ann. 146, 339). The latter gives aldehyde as above under K. Or from acetone and chloroform[l; D], which condense in the presence of caus- tic alkali to form ' acetone-chloroform ' (see under tertiary butyl alcohol [19 ; D]). The latter gives hydroxyiso- butyric acid on heating with water or dilute alkali (Willgerodt, Ber. 15, 2307 ; Willgerodt and Schiff, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 41, 519). Acetone by the action of sulphuric acid, of lime, or of hydrogen chloride followed by caustic alkali or water gives mesityl oxide = 2-methyl-2- pentenone-4 (Kane, Phil. Trans. 44, 475 ; Fittig, Ann. 110, 32 ; Kasanzeff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 7, 173; Baeyer, Ann. 140, 297 ; Claisen, Ann. 180, 4 j Freer and Lachman, Am. Ch. Journ. 19, 887, note). Or mesityl oxide results from the action of zinc methyl or ethyl (Pawloff, Ber. 9, 1311; Ann. 188, 130), or of acetyl chloride on acetone (Beilstein and Wiegand, Bull. Soc. [2] 38, 167). Mesityl oxide gives hydroxy- isobutyric acid on oxidation with potas- sium permanganate (Pinner, Ber. 15, 591)- Acetone and ammonia condense in the presence of acids to form diaceton- amine (Heintz, Ann. 174, 154; 189, 214). The latter (or its salts) gives mesityl oxide on dry distillation (Soko- n2 180 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES : FATTY GROUP [92 S-CC. loff and Latschinoff, Ber, 7, 1387; 1777; Heintz, Ann. 174, 156; 175, 252 ; 181, 70). Diacetonamine salts also give mesityl oxide (with diaeetone alcohol) on treat- ment with potassium nitrite (Sokoloff and Latschinoff, loc. cit. ; Heintz, Ann. 178, 342). Diaeetone alcohol also gives mesityl oxide on treatment with strong sulphuric acid (Heintz, Ann. 178, 351). Or diacetonamine on oxidation with chromic acid mixture gives a-aminoiso- butyric acid (Heintz, Ann. 198, 46), and this yields hydroxyisobutyric acid by the action of nitrous acid (Tiemann and Friedlander, Ber. 14, 1973), from which aldehyde can be obtained as under K. [T.] Dextrose [154] gives acetic alde- hyde among other products on oxidation with sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide (Liebig, Ann. 113, 16). 'Invert sugar' (dextrose and Iffivu- lose) gives this aldehyde on electrolysis of the aqueous solution in presence of sulphuric acid (H. T. Brown, Journ. Ch. Soc. 25, 578). [IT.] Ethylamhie [Vol. II] gives alde- hyde among other products on oxidation with chromic acid mixture (Wanklyn and Chapman, Journ. Ch. Soc. 20, 328), and the oxime of the aldehyde among the products of oxidation by monopersulphuric acid (Bamberger, Ber. 35, 4293)- [v.] Alanine [Vol. II] gives aldehyde on boiling its aqueous solution with lead peroxide, on heating ^jer se, or on heating with strong phosphoric acid solution at 220° (Drechsel, Ber. 25, 3503)- [W.] Choline [Vol. II] on boiling in concentrated aqueous solution gives glycol [45] and trimethylamine. From the former aldehyde can be obtained as under A. [X.] Furfural [126] on oxidation gives pyromucie acid (Schwanert, Ann. 114, 63 ; 116, 257 ; Volhard, Ann. 261, 379), which on heating with bromine at ]CO° yields 8-brompyromueic acid (Hill and Sanger, Ann. 232, 46 ; Ber. 16, 1 130). The latter on heating with bromine and water gives isodibrom- succinic acid (H. and S. Ann, 232, ^"^y which yields aldehyde as under P. [Y.] Citral [l04] on boiling with dilute alkali gives (with methylhepte- none) acetaldehyde (Verley, Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 175)- [Z.] From citric acid [Vol. II] through acetonedicarboxylic acid (see under orcinol [75 ; C]). The latter by the action of strong sulphuric acid yields citracoumalic acid (Nieme and v. Pechmann, Ann. 261, 199), and this on heating at 200° gives the lactone of mesitenecarbonic acid {llnd. 202), from which mesityl oxide can be obtained as under L, hydroxyisobutyric acid as under S, and aldehyde as under K. Or from acetonedicarboxylic acid through /3-oxyglutaric, vinylacetic, and crotonic acid (see under n-propyl alco- hol [15 ; W]), and then as above under K. [AA.] From amyl alcohol from fusel oil [22] through amylene = trimethyl- ethylene (Balard, Ann. Chim. [3] 12, 320 ; Frankland, Journ. Ch. Soc. 3, ^^ ; Wurtz, Bull. Soc. 5, 301), tri- methylethylene bromide, and glycol (see under acetone [1O6 ; E]). The latter gives hydroxyisobutyric acid on oxida- tion with nitric acid (Wurtz, Ann. 107, 197)- Subsequent treatment as under K. Aldehyde is among the products of oxidation of this amylene by potassium permanganate, the glycol being formed as an intermediate product (Wagner, Ber. 21, 1235). Or from isoamyl alcohol through the iodide, which gives secondary pentane (4-methylbutane) on heating with zinc and water (Frankland, Ann. 74, ^^). The pentane gives hydroxyisobutyric acid among the products of the action of nitric acid (Poni, Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 16). [BB.] From oxalic acid [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [13] through hydroxyiso- butyric acid (see under acetone [IO6 ; O]), and then as above under K. [CC] From methyl alcohol [l3], acetic aldehyde being among the pro- ducts obtained by heating aluminium methylate (Tistschenko, Journ. Buss. Soc. 31, 784; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 585). 92 CC-94.] ACETIC ALDEHYDE 181 Or from methyl alcohol throug^h ethane (see under ethyl alcohol [14 ; D]), and then as above under B. [DD.] Jsobutijlene glycol [47] on treat- ment with hydrochloric acid gives a chlorhydrin which, on oxidation with nitric acid, yields a-chlorisobutyric acid (Henry, Bull. Soc. [2] 26, 24). From the latter through a-hydroxyisobutyric acid as above under K. [EE.] Methjl'isoeugenol [8O] gives aldehyde among the products of oxida- tion by potassium permanganate (Kolo- koloff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 29, 23; Ch. Centr. 1897, 1, 915). [FP.] From uobutyl alcohol [18], or tertiary butyl alcoJiol [l9], through iso- butylene [18; A; 19; B] and acetic acid [Vol. II]. Isobutylene and acetyl chloride or acetic anhydride condense in presence of zinc chloride to form mesityl oxide (Kondakoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 26, 12; 232). Subsequent treatment as above under S, &c. Note : — Generators of isobutylene are given under isobutyl alcohol [18 ; B ; C] and under butyric aldehyde below [94], 93. Acetal ; Ethylidenediethyl Ether. CH3.CH(O.C2H,), Natural Sources. Occurs in raw spirit after filtration through animal charcoal (Geuther, Ann. 126, 63) ; also in fusel oil of whisky (Allen, Journ. Fed. Inst. 3, 38). Has been found in forerunnings from spirit rectification (Kramer and Pinner, Ber. 2, 402; 4, 788; Kekule, Ber. 4, 719). It is doubtful whether the acetal is a biochemical product or due to secon- dary reactions. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From ethyl alcohol [14] by oxidation (Dobereiner, Gmelin^s Handb. d. org. Ch. IV, 805 ; Liebig, Ann. 5, 25 ; 14, 156; Stas, Ann. Chim. [3] 19, 146 ; Wurtz, Ibid. 48, 370 ; Ann. 108, 84). By electrolysis (Renard, Ber. 8, 132). [B.] From aldehyde [92] and ethyl alcohol [14] by passing hydrogen chloride into a mixture, and acting on the monochlorethyl ether (CH3 . CHCl . OCgHg) thus formed with sodium ethyl- ate (Wurtz and FrapoUi, Comp. Rend. 47, 418; Ann. 108, 223). Or by passing hydrogen chloride into a mixture of alcohol and aldehyde, and allowing to interact at ordinary temperatures (Fischer and Giebe, Ber. 30, 3053). Also by converting aldehyde into ethylidene dibromide by the action of phosphorus pentabromide, and the interaction of the dibromide with so- dium ethylate (W. and F., loc. cit.). Or from aldehyde by heating with alcohol and acetic acid at 100° (Geuther, Ann. 126, 60:,), or by passing hydrogen phosphide into a cold mixture of alde- hyde and absolute alcohol (Engel and Girard, Comp, Rend. 91, 692 ; Jahres- ber. 1880, 694). Also from aldehyde through a-chlor- ethyl acetate (Wurtz, Ann. 102, 94), or by the action of acetyl chloride on aldehyde (Simpson, Ann. 109, 156). By the action of bromine at 100-103" a-chlorethyl acetate gives bromethyl bromacetate (Kessel, IBer. 10, 1994 ; 11, 1916), and the latter (CH.,Br. CO. O . CHBr . CH.,), when heated with alcohol, yields acetal among other pro- ducts {Ibid. 11, 1 91 8). Hydrogen chloride passed into a cooled mixture of alcohol and hydrogen cyanide [172] gives formimino-ethyl ether (Pin- ner, Ber. 16, 354, 1644). The hydro- chloride of the latter interacts with acetic aldehyde to form acetal (Claisen, Ber. 31, 1014). Acetal is best prepared by acting on aldehyde with a i per cent, solution of hydrogen chloride in alcohol (Fischer and Giebe, loc. cit.). 94. Butyric Aldehyde ; Butanal. CgH^ . CHO Natural Sources. A butyric aldehyde is said to occur in the oil of Eucalyptus globulus and in oil of cajeput from Melaleuca lencaden- 182 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [94-E dron (Voiiy, Bull. Soc. [a] 40, io6 ; 50, io8 ; Comp. Rend. 106, 1419; 1538). A butyric aldehyde occurs in rancid fat, probably a bacterial product (Nagel, Am. Ch. Journ. 23, 173). Synthetical Processes. The constitution of the natural pro- duct has not been determined, so the synthetical methods for both normal and iso-aldehydes are given : — [A.] Butyric Sind formic acids [Vol. II] give the n-aldehyde on distilling a mixture of the dry calcium salts (Lie- ben and Rossi, Ann. 158, 146; Linne- mann, Ann. 161, 186 ; Lipp, Ann. 211, 355 i Kahn, Ber. 18, 3364). Or n-butyric acid can be converted into the chloride, and the latter reduced in moist ethereal solution with sodium amalgam (W. H. Perkin, junr., and Sudborough, Proc. Ch. Soc. 10, 216). [B.] Isohutyric acid [Vol. II] gives the iso-aldehyde by distilling the cal- cium salt jDf?/* se^ or with calcimn formate [Vol. II] (Popoff, Ber. 6, ).i^^ ; Bar- baglia and Gucci, Ber. 13, 1572 ; Linne- mann and Zotta, Ann. 162, 7). [C] Isobutyl alcohol [I8] gives the iso-aldehyde on oxidation with chromic acid mixture (Pfeiffer, Ber. 6, 699 ; Michaelson, Ann. 133, 182; Pierre and Puchot, Comp. Rend. 70, 434 ; Lipp, Ann. 205, 2; Fossek, Monats. 2, 614; W. H. Perkin, junr.. Trans. Ch. Soc. 43, 91). Also by pyrogenic decomposi- tion (Ipatieff, Ber. 34, 598) ; especially by the contact action of certain heated metals {Ibid. 35, 1052), or by passing the vapour mixed with air over heated platinum (v. Stepski, Monats. 23, 773). Isobutyl hypochlorite is decomposed by hydrochloric acid with the formation of isobutyric aldehyde (Tiesenhold : Krassusky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 34, S5^)- [D.] Tertiary butyl alcohol [l9] can be converted into isobutylene by acting on the iodide with alcoholic potash, or on the alcohol with sulphuric acid or zinc chloride (Wurtz, Ann. 93, 107; De Luynes, Comp. Rend. 56, 1175; ButlerofP, Ann. 144, 1 9 ; Zeit. [2] 6, 236 ; Konowaloff, Bull. Soc. [2] 34, 333; Nevole, Bull. Soc. [2] 24, i22j Lermontoff, Ann. 196, 117; Puchot, Ann. Chim. [5] 28, 508 ; Scheschukoff, Bull. Soc. [2] 45, 181). Isobutylene bromide, when heated with water at 160°, gives isobutyric aldehyde (Linne- mann and Zotta, Ann. 162, '^6). Or from isobutylene through the chlorhydrin, which gives isobutyric aldehyde on heating with water or by passing over heated zinc oxide (Kras- susky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 34, 287). Iso- butylene oxide (from the chlorhydrin) gives the aldehyde when heated with zinc chloride {Ibid. 537). Or isobutylene by chlorination gives (with an isomeride) isobutenyl chloride = 2-methyl-3-chlorpropylene (Scheschu- koff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 16, 495), which, by potassium carbonate and water, is converted into isopropenyl carbinol = I -hydroxy- 2-methylpropylene {Ibid. 499). The latter, on heating with water acidified with sulphuric acid, gives iso- butyric aldehyde {Ibid. 502). [E.] Isovaleric acid [Vol. II] gives isobutylene among the products of the electrolysis of a strong solution of the potassium salt (Kolbe, Ann. 69, 259), and this can be converted into isobutyric aldehyde as above under D. Or from isovaleric acid through ^- dimethylacrylic acid and isobutylene (see under isobutyl alcohol [I8 ; C]). Or /3-dimethylacrylic ester on nitra- tion gives an a-nitro-derivative (Bou- veault and Wahl, Comp. Rend. 131, 687), which, on reduction by sodium in moist ether, or by heating with sodium hy- droxide solution, yields nitroisobutylene {Ibid. 1 211). The latter, on reduction with aluminium amalgam or zinc dust and acetic acid, gives the oxime of iso- butyric aldehyde, from which the alde- hyde can be obtained by hydrolysis {Ibid. 134, 1 145). Note : — Other generators of /3-dimethylacrylic acid given under isobutyl alcohol are acetoyie [106] and glycerol [48], or acetone, malonic acid, and acetic anhydride. Or isovaleric acid can be brominated or chlorinated (Cahours, Ann. Suppl. 2, 78 j Borodin, Ann. 119, 121 ; Fittig and Clark, Ann. 139, 199; Ley and Popoff, Ann. 174, 6g ; Schmidt, Ann. 84E-95/B.] BUTYRIC ALDEHYDE 183 193, 104; Schlebusch, Ann. 141, 322), and the a-halo-acid converted into a- hydroxy isovaleric acid = 2 - methyl - 3 - butanolic-4-acid (Fittig and Clark, Ann. 139, 206 ; Schmidt and Sacht- leben, Ann. 193, 106; Schlebusch, ^oc. ciL). The latter gives isobutyric alde- hyde on heating with acids, or by oxida- tion with chromic acid mixture (Ley and PopofP, loc. cif. ; Ley, Journ. Euss. Soc. 9, 131), or with lead peroxide and phosphoric acid (v. Baeyer and H. v. Liebig, Ber. 31, 21 10). [F.] Le?tci?ie [Vol. II], on distillation with water and lead peroxide, gives butyric aldehyde (? normal : Liebig, Ann. 70, 313). [G.] From glycerol [48] and acetone [loe] through dimethylallyl carbinol, ^-hydroxyiso valeric acid, ^-dimethyl- acrylic acid, and isobutylene or nitro- isobutylene (see under isobutyl alcohol [18 ; D]), and then as above under D or E. [H.] From isoamyl alcohol [22]. Iso- butylene is among the products formed when the vapour of fusel oil is passed through a hot tube (Wurtz, Ann. 104, 249 ; Butlerolf, Ann. 145, 277 ; Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1053). Or from amyl alcohol through aniyl- ene (isopropylethylene) (Eltekoff, Ber. 10, 1904; Wischnegradsky, Ann. 190, 358). Isobutyric aldehyde is among the products of oxidation of this amyl- ene by potassium permanganate (Wag- ner, Ber, 21, 1233). [I.] From oxalic acid [Vol. II], ethyl alcohol [14], and isojjropyl alcohol [I6], through a-hydroxyisovaleric acid by the action of zinc on a mixture of oxalic diethylester and isopropyl iodide, and hydrolysis of the ester thus formed (Markownikoff, Zeit. [2] 6, 517). Sub- sequent steps as under E above. [J.] From crotonic aldehyde [102], n-butyric aldehyde being among the products of reduction (Lieben and Zeisel, Monats. 1, 825 ; Charon, Ann. Chim. [7] 17, 223). [K.] Isobutylene glycol [47] gives iso- butyric aldehyde on heating with water to 180-200° (Nevolcj Ber. 9, 448). 95. Valeric Aldehyde ; Valeral. C4H9 . CHO Natural Sources. A valeric aldehyde is said to occur in the oils of Eucalyptus globulus and of cajeput from Melaleuca leucadendron (Voiry : see under butyric aldehyde [94]) and (isovaleric aldehyde) in American peppermint oil (Power and Kleber, Zeit. anal. Ch. 33, 762; Pharm. Rund. 12, 157 j Arch. Pharm. 232, 639). A valeric aldehyde probably occurs in the Japanese ' kesso ' oil from the root of Valeriana ojfici^ialis var. ayigustl^ folia (Bertram and Gildemeister, Arch. Pharm. 228, 483). The oil of Eucalyptus rostrata con- tains a valeric aldehyde (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1891). Synthetical Processes. I. Normal Valeric Aldehyde ; Pentanal. CH3 . CHg . CHg . CHg . CHO [A.] From normal valeric and /m«/c acids [Vol, II] by distilling a mixture of the calcium salts (Lieben and Rossi, Ann, 159, 70 ; Zander, Ann. 224, 81). [B.] Succinic acid [Vol. II] is con- verted into thedibromo-acid by bromina- tion (Kekule, Ann. 117, 123 ; Suppl. 1, 131 ; Bourgoin, Bull. Soc. [2] 19, 148; Gorodetzky and Hell, Ber. 21, 1731 ; Lassar-Cohn, Ann. 251, 346). The dibromo-acid, on heating with alcoholic potash, gives acetylenedicarboxylic acid (Bandrowski, Ber. 10, 838; 12, 2212; 13, 2340 ; 15, 2694 ; Baeyer, Ber. 18, 677 ; 2269), and the latter (or its acid potassium salt), on heating with water, yields propiolic (propargylic = propinic) acid (Bandrowski, Ber. 13, 2340), which, by oxidation with cupric hydroxide, is converted into diacetylene- dicarboxylic = hexanediinedicarboxylic acid (Baeyer, /oc. ct7. 678; 2270). The acid sodium salt of the latter acid on heating in aqueous solution and sub- sequent oxidation of the copper salt with potassium ferricyanide, gives tetra- acetylenedicarboxylic acid {Ibid. 2271), 184 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [95JB-/ZZB. which, on reduction with zinc and sulphuric acid and finally with sodium amalgam, yields an acid apparently identical with sebacic acid {Ibid. 2272). Sebacic acid on heating with lime is said to give, among other products, va- leric aldehyde (Calvi, Ann. 91, 110; Petersen, Ann. 103, 1 84 ; Dale and Schorlemmer, Ann. 199, 149). [C] Fnmaric acid [Vol. II] gives dibromsuccinic acid on heating with bromine and water (Kekule, Ann. Suppl. 1, 131; Baeyer, Ber. 18, 676), and this can be converted into sebacic acid as above. [D.] From adipic acid [Vol. II], which gives sebacic acid (ester) on electrolysis of a solution of the potassium salt of the monoethyl ester (Crum Brown and Walker, Ann. 261, 121). [E.] Stearic acid [Vol. II] gives se- bacic acid when heated with nitric acid (Arppe, Zeit. [2] 1, 296). [P.] Normal hexoic acid [Vol. II], on bromination and boiling with sodium carbonate solution, gives a-hydroxy- hexoic = 2-hexanolic acid (Jelisafoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 12, 367), and this, on oxidation with chromic acid mixture, yields valeric aldehyde among other pro- ducts (Ley, Ibid. 9, 139). II. Isovaleric Aldehyde ; 'i-Methyl- ^-buianal. CH3.CH(CH3).CH2. CHO [A.] From isoamyl alcohol [22] by oxidation (Dumas and Stas, Ann. Chim. [2] 73, 145 ; Parkinson, Ann. 90, 114 ; Kolbe and Guthrie, Ann. 109, 296; Bouveault and Rousset, Bull. Soc. [3] 11,300). An amylene from fusel oil (isopropyl- ethylene : see above under butyric alde- hyde [94; H]) gives isopropylethylene glycol (Flawitzky, Ann. 179, 351 ; Wagner, Ber. 21, 1232), and this on heating with phosphorus pentoxide or zinc chloride yields isovaleric aldehyde (Flawitzky, Ber. 10, 2240 : see also Michailenko, Journ. Russ. Soc. 27, 57). Isoamyl alcohol gives 30-40 per cent, isovaleric aldehyde by pyrogenic de- composition (Ipatieff, Ber. 34, 598). [B.] From isovaleric acid [Vol. II] by the dry distillation of its salts or by distilling the calcium salt with calcium formate [Vol. II] (Chancel, Ann. 60, 318 ; Ebersbach, Ann. 106, 262 ; Wurtz, Ann. 134, 302 ; Schmidt, Ber. 5, 600 j Limpricht, Ann. 97, 370; Dilthey, Ber. 34, 2115). Or isovaleric acid can be converted into isovaleryl chloride, and the latter reduced in moist ethereal solution with sodium amalgam (W. H. Perkin, junr., and Sudborough, Proc. Ch. Soc. 10, 216). [C] Leucine [Vol. II] gives isovaleric aldehyde when acted on by sulphur tri- oxide (Schwanert, Ann. 102, 226). [D.] Formic aldehyde [9l] and iso- hutyric aldehyde [94] combine under the influence of alcoho ic potash to form ' pentaglycol,' (CH3), : C(CH2 . OH)^ (Just, Monats. 17, 76). The latter by the action of 5-20 per cent, sulphuric acid gives, among other products, iso- valeric aldehyde (Fischer and Winter, Monats. 21, 301 : see also Lieben, Ibid. 23, 60). ///. Methyl ethylacetaldehyde ; l-Methylbutanal. CH3.CH2.CH(CH3).CHO [A.] Tiglic aldehyde [103] gives this valeric aldehyde on reduction with iron and acetic acid (Herzig, Monats. 3, 1 23 j Lieben and Zeisel, Ibid. 7, ^6). [B.] Isoamyl alcohol [22] gives an amylene which, on conversion into bromide and treatment with alcoholic potash, yields a monobromamylene. The latter on further heating with strong alcoholic potash gives (with valerylene) a valeryl ethyl ether, which, on heating with dilute sulphuric acid at 150°, yields a valeric aldehyde probably having the above constitution (Eltekoff, Ber. 10, 706). ^ Or isoamyl alcohol can be converted into isoamyl iodide and amylene, and the latter by the action of chlorine into a- ethylallyl chloride [CH^ : ^i^^r^ . CH^ CI] (Kondakoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 20, 149). This chloride on heating with potassium carbonate solution gives the corresponding a-ethylallyl alcohol, and 05 /// B-06 III B.] VALERIC ALDEHYDE 185 the latter on heating- with very dilute sulphuric acid yields the above valeric aldehyde {Ibid. 154). Note: — Forvaleral from methylethyl methyl- carbinol (active amyl alcohol of fusel oil) see Bemont, Comp. Rend. 133, 1222 ; also Etard and Vila, I6i(i. 134, 122. For trimethacetaldehyde = dimethylpropanal from trimethacetic and formic acids see Tissier, Ann. Chim. [6] 29, 353- 96. Hexoic Aldehyde ; Caproic Aldehyde. CgHii . CHO Natural Sources. Hexoic aldehyde occurs in small quantity in oil of TLucalyptus globulus (Bouchardat and Oliviero, Bull. Soc. [3] 9j 429). A caproic aldehyde occurs in rancid fat, probably a bacterial pro- duct (Nagel, Am. Ch. Journ. 23, 173). Synthetical Processes. /. Normal Caproic Aldehyde ; Hexafial. CH3 . CH2 . CH2 . CH2 . CH2 . CHO [A.] From normal caproic = hexoic and formic acids [Vol. II] by distilling- a mixture of the calcium salts (Lieben and Janecek, Ann. 187, 130). 11. Isocaproic Aldehyde ; Isolutylacet- aldehyde ; \-Methylpentanal. CH3 . CH(CH3) . CH2 . CH2 . CHO [A.] From isoLuty I acetic and formic acids [Vol. II] by distilling a mixture of the calcium salts (Rossi, Ann. 133, 178). III. Methylpropylacetaldehyde ; 1 -Methylpen tanal. CH3 . CH2 . CH2 . CH(CH3) . CHO [A.] From normal propyl alcohol [15] through the aldehyde (propanal) by oxidation (Chancel, Ann. 151, 301 ; Przybytek, Journ. Russ. Soc. 8, 0^^^ ; Lieben and Zeisel, Monats. 4, 14). Pro- panal on heating with sodium acetate solution gives methylethylacrolem = 2- methyl-2-pentenal (L. and Z., loc. cit. 16 ; Hoppe, Ibid. 9, 637), and this, on standing in contact with iron and acetic acid for four weeks in the cold, is con- verted into the above hexoic aldehyde (L. and Z., loc. cit. 23). Or indirectly from propyl (or iso- propyl) alcohol through propylene, the bromide and cyanide, and hydrolysis of the latter to pyro tartaric acid (Simpson, Ann. 121, 161). Subsequent steps as under I and C below. Or through propylene chloride or bromide and glycol, and then as below under B. According to Michael (Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 60, 417 : see also Beilstein and Wiegand, Ber. 15, 1496) propanal is among the products of the action of water and silver oxide on propylene bromide. Or propylene chlorhydrin by the action of potash gives propylene oxide, and this yields propanal on heating with zinc chloride more readily than the glycol (Krassusky, Journ. Russ. Soc. Note : — Generators of propylene (see under glycerol [48 ; B to G, &c.) thus become generators of the above hexoic aldehyde. [B.] From glycerol [48] through ally! alcohol (see under ethyl alcohol [l4 ; G]). The latter gives methylethyl- acrolem among other products when heated with 10 per cent, hydrochloric acid at 100° (Solonina, Journ. Russ. Soc. 19, 306). Subsequent reduction as above under A. Or allyl chloride from allyl alcohol gives a chlorhydrin which is decomposed by heating with water with the forma- tion of acetone and propanal (see under acetone [106 ; F]). Or from glycerol through glyceric acid and pyrotartaric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; P]), or through allyl cyanide and pyrotartaric acid [Ibid.). Pyrotartaric acid is converted into citi*a- dibrompyrotartaric acid and then treated as below under C. Or pyrotartaric acid gives propanal among the products of electrolysis of the potassium salt (Peter- sen, Zeit. physik. Ch. 33, 704). Or from glycerol through propylene glycol by distilling with sodium hy- 186 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [9e/77B-F. droxide (Belolioubek, Ber. 12, 1873; Morley and Green, Trans. Ch. Soc. 47, 133) and the action of acidified water on the glycol at 215° (Linnemann, Ann. 192, 61 : see also Lieben, Monats. 23, 60), or by heating with zinc chloride (Flawitzky, Ber. 11, 1356 ; Journ. Russ. Soc. 10, 348), by which propanal is formed. Or from glycerol through acrolein [101], which, on treatment with/?o?^fl6-5mwi cyanide [172] and acetic acid, gives the nitrile of vinylglycollic = i : 3-butenolic acid and the acid itself on hydrolysis. The latter combines with bromine to form 4:3: 2-dibrombutanolic acid, and this is reduced by sodium amalgam to a-hydroxybutyric acid (Van der Sleen, Rec. Tr. Ch. 18, 303 ; 21, 209). Subse- quent steps as below under N. [C] From citric acid [Vol. II] through citraconic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M]). The latter combines with bromine to form citradibromjjyrotartaric acid (Kekul^, Ann. Suppl. 2, 96 ; Fittig and Krusemark, Ann. 206, 3), and this on heating with alkali gives propanal (Friedrich, Ann. 203, -3,^^ ; Fittig and Krusemark, /oc. cit. 4; Ssemenoff, Journ, Russ. Soc. 31, 396), which can be con- verted into methylethylacrole'm, &c., as under A. Citraconic acid gives mesaconic acid under the influence of acids, alkalis, or water (Gottlieb, Ann. 77, 368 ; Kekule, Ann. Suppl. 2, 94; Fittig, Ann. 188, 77,80; Delisle, Ann. 269, 83; Swarts, Jahresber. 1873, 579), and this com- bines with bromine to form mesadi- brompyrotartaric acid (Kekule, loc. cit. 103), which also yields propanal among the products of its decomposition by alkalis (Fittig and Krusemark, /otf. ci?5. 4). Or citric acid by distillation, or by heating with dilute sulphuric acid, gives itaconic acid (Baup, Ann. 19, 39 ; Markownikoff and Purgold, Zeit. [2] 3, 364), which combines with hydrogen chloride to form itachlorpyrotartaric acid (Swarts, Zeit. [3] 2, 731 ; Michael, Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 45, 60). The latter on treatment with water or alkalis yields itamalic (hydroxymethylsuccinic) acid, which readily passes into its an- hydride, paraconic acid (Swarts, Zeit. [3] 3, 648 ; Beer, Ann. 216, 84), and this gives citraconic anhydride on dis- tillation. Or from citric acid through acetone- dicarboxylic, /3-oxyglutaric, vinylacetic, and cro tonic acid (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; W]). From crotonic acid as under N below. [D.] From lactic acid [Vol. II] through citraconic acid by distillation (Engelhardt, Ann. 70, 343 ; 346), and then as above. Or through pyroracemic acid and pyrotartaric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; P and I]), and then as below under I and above under C. [E.] From acetoacetic acid (ester) [Vol. II] and Jiydrogen cyanide [l72] through hydroxypyrotartaric and citra- conic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M, note]), and then as above under C. Or from acetoacetic ester and a-hrom propionic ester through /3- methylacetosuccinic ester and pyrotar- taric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; I]). Or from chloracetic ester and acetoacetic ester through aceto- succinic ester, a-methylacetosuccinic ester, and pyrotartaric acid {Ibid.). Or from acetoacetic ester through isonitroso- acetone, acetyl cyanide, pyroracemic and pyrotartaric acid {Ilnd.), Or from acetoacetic ester through methylacetoacetic ester by the action of methyl iodide on the sodium deriva- tive of acetoacetic ester ; methylaceto- acetic ester on successive treatment with bromine and alcoholic potash gives mesaconic ('oxytetric ') acid (Demar9ay, Ann. Chim. [5] 20, 473 ; Gorboff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 19, 605 ; Cloez, Bull. Soc. [3] 3, 598 ; 603 : see also under benzyl alcohol [54 ; I]), and this can be converted into propanal, &c., as under C. Or from acetoacetic ester through the y-bromo-derivative, succinylsuccinic ester, and ethyl malonic acid (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; A A ; Y ; O]). From the latter as below under G. Or from ethylacetoacetic ester through I : i-dinitropropane and propanal as under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; AA]. [P.] From isovaleric acid [Vol. II] through hydroxypyrotartaric acid, citra- conic acid, &c. [54; M]. 86 /// G-L.] HEXOIC ALDEHYDE 187 [G.] From malonic dindi propionic acids [Vol. II] through propanetricarboxylic ester, citraconic or mesaconic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; M, note]), and then as before. Or from malonic and acelic acid through propanetricarboxylic ester by the interaction of sodio-methylmalonic ester and chloracetic ester, and pyro- tartaric acid by hydrolysis of the tri- carboxylic ester (Bischoff and v. Kuhl- berg, Ber. 23, 6'^^). Subsequent steps as under I below and C above. Or malonic acid can be converted into ethylmalonic (a-isopyrotartaric) ester by the action of ethi/l iodide on sodio-malonic ester (Conrad, Ann. 204, 134 : see also Daimler, Ann. 249, 174), chlorethylmalonic ester by chlorination (Conrad, Ber. 14, 618 ; Conrad and Guthzeit, Ann. 209, 232), or iodethyl- malonic ester by the action of iodine on sodio-ethylmalonic ester. The chloro- or iodo-esters on hydrolysis with baryta water give a-ethyltartronic acid (Conrad and Guthzeit, loc. cit. 233 ; Bischoff and Hausdorfer, Ann. 239, 127), and the latter on heating to 180° yields a-hydroxybutyric acid (Guthzeit, Ann. 209, 234 ; Conrad, Ber. 14, 618), from which propanal can be obtained as under TS, and the latter treated as under A. Chlorethylmalonic ester also gives a-hydroxybutyric acid on heating with hydrochloric acid. [H.] From acetic and propionic acids [Vol. II], alcohol [14], and piotassium cyanide [172] through a-methyl-^- cyanosuccinic ester and citraconic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; M, note]). Or from acetic acid through acetyl cyan- ide, pyroracemic acid, and pyrotartaric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; l]). [I.] From tartaric acid [Vol. II] through pyrotartaric acid (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; V]), citradi- brompyrotartavic acid by the action of bromine and phosphorus on the latter Auwers and Imhauser, Ber. 24, 2237), and then as above under C. [J.] From propio7iic and oxalic acids [Vol. II] and alcohol [l4] through methyloxalacetic ester, ^-methylmalic acid, and citraconic or mesaconic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M]). Or from propionic acid through the aa-dibromo-acid, the a^S-acid, glyceric acid, and pyrotartaric acid ; or through the aa-dibromo-acid, pyroracemic and pyrotartaric acids ; or through propion- amide, propionitrile, aa-dichlorpropionic acid, pyroracemic and pyrotartaric acids (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; O]). Or from propionic acid through .propionyl chloride and cyanide (Claisen and Moritz, Trans. Ch. Soc. 37, 692). The latter on hydrolysis gives ethyl- glyoxylic acid = propionylf ormic or 2- butanonic acid {Ibid, and Ber. 13, 2121), which is reduced by sodium amalgam to a-hydroxybutyric acid, from which propanal can be obtained as under N, and 2-methylpentanal as under A. Propanal is obtainable directly from propionic acid by distilling the calcium salt with calcium formate [Vol. II] (Rossi, Comp. Rend. 70, 129). [K.] From allyl isothiocyanate [16 6] through allyl cyanide and pyrotartaric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; F and J]), and then as above under I and C. [L.] From ethyl alcohol [l4] through iodoform, acrylic acid, a-chlorlactic acid, glyceric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; I]), and then through pyrotar- taric acid as above under B. Or from ethyl alcohol through ethyl ether, dichlorether, chloracetaldehyde, yS-chlorlactic acid, glyceric acid, and pyrotartaric acid [54 ; l]. Or from ethyl alcohol through chlor- acetal, chloracetaldehyde, j3-chlorlactic, glyceric, and pyrotartaric acids [54; l]. Or through chloral, the cyanhydrin, trichlorlactic acid, dichloracetaldehyde, dichlorlactic acid, chloracetaldehyde, /3-chIorlactic acid, &c. [54 ; l]. Or from ethyl alcohol through ethylene, vinyl chloride, chloracetaldehyde, ^-chlor- lactic acid, &c., as before (see under benzyl alcohol [54; A]). Note : — By this last method generators of ethylene thus become generators of a-methyl- pentanal. Ethyl alcohol might be converted more directly into propanal through ethyl cyanide and propionic acid, and 188 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [96///L-Q. distillation of the calcium salt of the latter with calcium formate. Or from alcohol and formic acid [Vol. II] through diethyl carbinol by the action of zinc on ethyl iodide and formic ester, and decomposition of the product with water (Saytzeff and Wagner, Ann. 175, 351). The car- binyl iodide gives symmetrical methyl- ethylethylene (= 3-pentene) on treat- ment with alcoholic potash (S. and W. loc. cit. 373 ; 179, 302), and the corre- sponding 1 : 3-dibrompentane yields symmetrical methylethylethylene glycol (= a : 3-dihydroxypentane) on treat- ment with silver acetate and hydrolysis of the acetate (Ihid. 179, 308). The glycol gives a-hydroxy butyric acid on oxidation by dilute nitric acid. Sub- sequent steps as below under N. Notes : — The amylene fromziwc e^At/^and chloro- form may be symmetrical methylethylethylene (Beilstein and Rieth, Ann. 124, 245 ; Beilstein's ' Handbuch,' I, 116). Diethyl oxalate interacts with zinc ethyl to form diethoxalic ester [21 ; G]. The latter by the action of phosphorus trichloride gives a-ethyl- crotonic ester (Frankland and Duppa, Journ. Ch. Soc. 18, 133 ; Fittig and Howe, Ann. 200, 22), and the free acid combines with hydrogen bromide to form bromhydro-ethylcrotonic = bromhexoic acid (F. and H. loc.cit. 23). The latter acid is decomposed by cold sodium carbonate solution with the formation of symmetrical methylethylethylene {Ihid. 30). Ethyl alcohol and acetic acid give ethylaceto- acetic ester and, by the action of nitrous acid, the latter yields an isonitroso-derivative which is decomposed on heating with dilute sul- phuric acid with the formation of acetyl-pro- pionyl = 2 : 3-pentadione (v. Pechmann, Ber. 21, 141 2 ; 24, 3956). The diketone on reduction with zinc and dilute sulphuric acid gives methylethylketol (v. P. and Dahl, Ber. 23, 2425) and, on further reduction with sodium amalgam, symmetrical methylethylethylene glycol {Ihid. 2426). Methylpropyl ketone [21 ; A] and diethyl ketone [21 ; G ; H] give acetyl-propionyl on heating with nitric acid (Fileti and Ponzio, Gazz. 25, 239 ; Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 55, 194). [M.] From aconitic acid [Vol. II] through itaconic acid by heatmg with water at i8o° (Pebal, Ann. 98, 94), and then as above under C. [N.] From normal buti/ric acid [Vol. II] through propanal by electrolysis of the sodium salt (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 468 ; Hofer and Moest, Ann. 323, 284). Or through the a-chloro- or a-bromo-acid and a-hydroxy-acid (Nau- mann, Ann. 119, 115; Friedel and Machuca, Ann. 120, 279; Markowni- koff, Ann. 153, 242). The latter gives propanal on oxidation (Ley, Journ. Russ. Soc. 9, 131). Propanal can be converted as under A above. Note : — Since crotonic acid gives a- with some )3-brombutyric acid on combination with hydrogen bromide (Hemilian, Ann. 174, 325), the generators of crotonic aldehyde and acid referred to under normal butyl alcohol [17 ; G, &c.] and benzyl alcohol [54 ; G ; H, &c.] thus become generators of a-hydroxybutyric acid and propanal. These generators are : — malonic acid and acetaldehyde ; acetoacetic ester ; glycerol ; allyl isothiocyanate ; p-hydroxyhutyric acid ; eiy- thritol and formic acid ; n-butyric acid ; acetylene and ethylene. Crotonic acid on combination with hypo- bromous acid gives also (with the a-) some /3-brom-a-hydroxybutyric acid, which yields propanal on heating the sodium salt with water (Melikoff, Journ. pr, Ch. [2] 61, 556). Or crotonic acid combines with chlorine to form ojS-dichlorbutyric acid, the sodium salt of which, on heating with water, gives propanal among other products (Wislicenus, Ann. 248, 283 ; Michael and Browne, Am. Ch. Journ. 9, 282). Or crotonic acid combines with hypochlorous acid to form a-chlor-)8-hydroxybutyric acid (Erlenmeyer and Miiller, Ber, 15, 49 ; Melikoff, Ann. 234, 198), which, by the action of alco- holic potash, gives yS-methylglycidic acid (Meli- koff, loc. cit. 204). The latter combines with hydrogen bromide to form /3-brom-a-hydroxy- butyric acid, which is decomposed into propanal as above (Melikoff, Journ, pr. Ch. [2] 61, 556). Or from butyric acid through butyr- one or methylpropyl or ethylpropyl ketone, dinitropi'opane, and propanal (see under n-propyl alcohol [l5 ; P ; [O.] Manvitol [5l] on distillation with lime gives, among other products, ' metacetone,^ which is a mixture con- taining propanal (Favre, Ann. Chim. [3] 11, 71 ; Fischer and Laycock, Ber. 22, loi). From propanal to 2-methyl- pentanal as above under A. [P.] From acetic aldehyde [92], the oxime of which combines with acid sodium sulphite to form a salt, which, on heating with hydrochloric acid, gives methylglyoxal (v. Pechmann, Ber, 20, 2543). The dioxime of the latter yields propylene glycol by electrolytic reduc- tion (Tafel and Pfeffermann, Ber. 35, 15 10). From the glycol through pro- panal as above under B, &c. [Q.] From acetol [43], which gives 06 /// Q-100.] HEXOIC ALDEHYDE 189 propylene glycol on reduction with sodium amalgam. From the glycol through propanal, &c., as above under A. 97. Heptoic Aldehyde ; (Euanthol ; Heptanal. CH3.CH2.CH2.CH2.CH2.CH2.CHO Natural Sources. (Enanthic aldehyde occurs in rancid olive oil ; probably a bacterial product derived from oleic acid (Scala, Ch. Centr. 1898^ 1^ 439; from Staz. sper. agrar. 30^ 613). This aldehyde occurs also in rancid fat (Nagel, Am. Ch. Journ. 23, 172). alkali or sodium to form nitro-octanal, which, on heating with zinc chloride, gives nitro-octylene. The latter, by reduction with zinc and acetic acid, yields the oxime of octanal, from which the aldehyde can be obtained by hydro- lysis (Bouveault and Wahl, Comp. Rend. 134, 1326). [D.] From oclo'ic and formic acids [Vol. II] by distilling a mixture of the calcium salts (Schimmel & Co., Germ. Pat. 126736 of 1900 ; Ch. Centr. 1901, 2. 1375)- Note : — An octoic aldehyde is said to occur among the products of distillation of castor-oil soap (Limpricht, Ann. 93, 242 ; Bouis, Ann. Chim. [3] 48, 99 ; Stadeler, Journ. pr. Ch. 72, 241 ; Dachauer, Ann. 108, 270 ; B6hal, Bull. Soc. [2] 47, 33 ; 163). The constitution of the natural aldehyde has not been determined. Synthetical Process. [A.] Sebacic acid [Vol. II] gives cenanthol, among other products, when heated with lime (Calvi, Ann. 91, iio; Petersen, Ann. 103, 184 : see also Dale and Schorlemmer, Ann. 199, 149). 98. Octoic Aldehyde; Octanal. C^Hjg.CHO Natural Source. This aldehyde possibly occurs in oil of lemon (v. Soden and Rojahn, Ber. 34, 2809). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From 71-octyl alcohol [28] by oxidation (SchimmePs Ber. April, 1 899 ; Ch. Centr. 1899, 1, 1043). [B.] From butyric aldeliyde [94] through a-ethyl-/3-propy]acrolein = oc- tenoic aldehyde, by the action of dilute caustic alkali (Raupenstrauch, Monats. 8, 112). The acrolein reduces, by iron and acetic acid, to a secondary octanal, which is ethylbutylacetaldehyde {Ibid. 115). [C] (Enanthol [97] and nitrometJiane (see under hydrogen cyanide [172 ; J and Y]) condense under the influence of 99. Enuoic or ITonoic Aldehyde ; ITouanal. CgHjY • CHO Natural Sources. Occurs in oil of lemon (v. Soden and Eojahn, Ber. 34, 2809), in oil of mandarin orange (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1901 ; Ch. Centr. 1901,2, 1007), and in Ceylon oil of cinnamon (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1902; Walbaum and Hiithig, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, 47). Synthetical Process. [A.] From nonoic and formic acids [Vol. II] by distilling a mixture of the calcium salts (Schimmel & Co., Germ. Pat. 126736 of 19CO ; Ch. Centr. 1901, 2. 1375)- Note : — The constitution of the natural alde- hyde has not yet been determined. 100. Decoic Aldehyde ; Decanal. CH3[CH2]8.CHO Natural Sources. According to Schimmel & Co. (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1900) the oil of sweet orange contains n-decoie aldehyde 190 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [100-103. to the extent of 8-5 per cent. (Stephan, Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 62, ^2^). The aldehyde has been found also in oil of mandarin orang-e (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1901 ; Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 1007), and it may possibly occur in oil of lemon (liul. Oct. 1902 ; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1207). Synthetical Process. [A.] From n-decoic and formic acids [Vol. II] by distilling a mixture of the barium salts (Krafft^ Ber. 16, 17^7 j Schimmel & Co., Germ. Pat. 126736 of 1900 ; Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 1375). 101. Acrolein ; Acrylic Aldehyde ; Fropenal. CH2:CH.CH0 Natural Source. Occurs in rancid fat ; probably a bacterial product (Nagel, Am. Ch. Journ. 23, 172). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From glycerol [48] by heating with dehydrating agents (see under mannitol [51; B]). [B.] From acetone [IO6] through the dibromide i^bid. C] ; also glycerol [48; E]). [C] From alcohol [14] and acetic acid [Vol. II] through diiodacetone (glycerol [48; K]). [D.] From viannitol [5l] (glycerol [48; O]). , , , . [E.] From dextrose [154], bemg among the products of oxidation by chromic acid or by sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide (Liebig, Ann.113, i). [P.] From normal or isopropyl alcohol [15 ; 16] through the compound of propylene with mercuric sulphate (ben- zyl alcohol [54; E]). Note : — For generators of propylene see under glycerol [48 ; B to G] ; also under isopropyl alcohol [16]. 102. Crotonic Aldehyde ; 2-Bateual. CH3.CH:CH.CH0 . Natural Source. Said to have been found in the first runnings from spirit rectification (Kramer and Pinner, Ber. 3, 76). Bio- chemical origin doubtful. Synthetical Processes. Syntheses of crotonic aldehyde are given under n-butyl alcohol [l7]. [A.] From acetic aldehyde [92] (n- butyl alcohol [17 ; G]). [B.] From erythritol [50] a-ud. formic acid [Vol. II] (ibid. [17; Ij). [C] From malic acid [Vol. II] through coumalic acid or by electro- lysis {Ibid. [17 ; O]). [D.] From acetylene [l; A, &c.] {Ibid. [17 ; I, note]). [E.] From formic and acetic esters [Vol. II] {Ibid. [17 ; J]). [F.] From ethylene through vinyl bromide {Ibid. [17; I, note]). [G.] From lactic acid [Vol. II] {Ibid. [17; I, note]). [H.] From fi-hydroxybutyric acid [Vol. II] {Ibid. [17 ; I, note]). [I.] From tetramMhylenediamine [Vol. II] through )S-butylene glycol [17; P]. Crotonic aldehyde is among the pro- duets of oxidation of the glycol. 103. Tiglic Aldehyde ; Guaial ; 2-Methyl-2-Butenal. CH3 . CH : C(CH3) . CHO Natural Source. The aldehyde does not occur in the free state, but the complex exists in some constituent of guaiacum resin from the W. Indian Gnaiacum officinale. The resin gives tiglic aldehyde on dry distillation (Volckel, Ann, 89, 346 ; Herzig, Monats. 3, 118; 822; 825). The acid of guaiacum resin, guaiaretic acid, does not appear to be the source 103-104 C] TIGLIC ALDEHYDE 191 of the aldehyde (Herzig and Sehiff, Monats. 18, 714). Synthetical Process. [A.] From acetic aldehyde [92] and propionic aldehyde (see under hexoic aldehyde [2-methylpentanal ; QQ, III ; A, C, &c.]) by heating a mixture with sodium acetate solution at 100° (Lieben and Zeisel, Monats. 7, 54 : see also Schmalzhofer, Monats. 21, 671). 104. Citral ; Geranial ; Shodinal ; Licareal ; 2 : 6-Dimethyl-2 : 6-Octadieual-8. CH3 . C :CH . CH2 . CH2 . C : CH . CHO CH3 CH3 Natural Sources. In oil of lemon-grass from Andro- pogcn citrattis from India, Ceylon, Singapore, and Jamaica (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1888; Dodge, Am. Ch. , Journ. 12, S53'> ^er. 24, 90; Ch. Centr. 1891, 1, 88) ; in oils of lemon. Citrus limonnm (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1888, p. 17); of C. medica {Ibid. Oct. 1895; Burgess, 'Analyst,' 26, 260) ; of Eucalyptus staigeriana or ' lemon- scented iron-bark'' of Queens- land (Schimmel's Ber. April, 1888); of Backhousia citriodora, Queensland {Ibid, and Oct. 1888); of Tetranthera citrata, Java {Ibid. Oct. 1888); and of Xanthoxylon piperitiim, Japan {Ibid. Oct. 1890). Citral occurs also in oil of Lippia {Aloysid) citriodora or Hemon-scented verbena ' (Umney, Imperial Inst. Journ. 1896, p. 302; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 15, 739 ; Pharm. Journ. 57, 2.57 ; Barbier, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, ^'>,S)i i^ o^^ of man- darin orange from Citrus ?iobilis or C. madurensis (Semmler, Ber. 24, 202 ; SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1897 ; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 16, 556 ; Flatau andLabbe, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 364), and in oil of sassafras leaf from 8. officinalis (Power and Kleber, Pharm. Rev. 14, 103 ; Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 42). Citronella oil from Andropogon nardjis, according to Flatau (Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 158), contains 2-5 per cent, citral. This aldehyde is contained also in the oils of Eucalyptus patenti^iervis and E. vitrea (Smith, Proc. Roy. Soc, N. S. Wales, 1 900; 'Nature,' 62, 384; Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1901), in oil of sweet orange (Semmler, Ber. 24, 202 ; Parry, ' Chemist and Druggist,' &Q,462; 722; Fabris, Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 771), in oil of W. Indian bay from Pimenta acris (Power and Kleber, Pharm. Rund. 13, 60), in oil of Pimenta leaf from a Trinidad sp. (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1896), and in German oil of rose (Wal- baum and Stephan, Ber. 33, 2305). Note :— Citral, according to Doebner (Ber. 31, 1888 ; also Tiemann, Ibid. 2313), is the chief unsaturated open-chain aldehyde present in lemon-grass oil. According to Stiehl (Journ. pr. Ch. 58, 51 ; 59, 497 ; Ch. Zeit. 22, 1086) two other aldehydes are present, but these have not been found by Semmler (Ber. 31, 3001), by Doebner {Ibid. 3T95), nor by Tiemann {Ibid. 3336; 32, 827). The citral from lemon- grass oil and from ' verbena ' {Lippia citriodora) consists of a mixture of two stereo-isomerides (Tiemann, Ber. 33, 877 ; Kerschbaum, Ibid. 88.5)- For bibliographical history of citral see Tie- mann, Ber. 31, 3278 ; 32, 831, foot-note. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From acetic acid [Vol. II], alcohol [14], and methylheptenone [ill]. Brom- acetic ester (Perkin and Duppa, Ann. 108, 106 j Hell and Miihlhauser, Ber. 11, 241 ; 12, 735 ; Michael, Am. Ch. Journ. 5, 202) and methylheptenone are heated with zinc, and the product (hydroxy- dihydrogeranic ester) hydrolysed by dilute alcoholic potash so as to give the acid (hydroxydihydrogeranic = 2 : 6-di- methyl-2-octene-6-olic-8-acid). The lat- ter, on heating with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate, gives geranic = 2:6- dimethyl-2 : 6-octadiene-8-acid, and this, on distilling the calcium salt with cal- cium formate [Vol. II], yields citral (Tiemann, Ber. 31, 827). [B.] Geraniol [36] gives citral on oxidation with chromic acid mixture (Barbier, Bull. Soc. [3] 9, 803 ; Semm- ler, Ber. 23, 2966; 24, 201 ; Tiemann, Ber. 31, 3311). [C] Linalool [37] gives citral on oxidation as above (Tiemann and Semra- 193 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES : FATTY GROUP [104 C-106. ler, Ber. 25, ii8o ; 26, 2711 ; Bertram and Walbaum, Journ. pr. Ch. [a] 45 590). 105. Citronellal. CH2 : C . [CH^ls . CH . CH2 . CHO CH, CHc Natural Sources. In citronella oil from the Indian Androjjogon nardus (Dodge, Am. Ch. Journ. 11, 460 ; 12, 553 ; Flatau, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 158: see also Gladstone, Journ. Ch. Soc. 25, 7 ; Wright^ Ibid. 27, I ; Pharm. Journ. 5, 233) ; in oils of Tlucalyptus maculata, E. citriodora, K dealbata, and E. planchoniana (Schim- meFs Ber. April, 1888; Oct. 1890; April, 1 891; April, 1893; Oct. 1893; Kremers, Am. Ch. Journ. 14, 203 : see also Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 702); probably in oil of balm from the S. European Melissa officinalis (Semmler, Ber. 24, 208 : see also Schimmers Ber. Oct. 1 895) and in ' oleum citri ' (Doeb- ner, Ber. 27, 2026), The aldehyde occurs to a small extent in lemon-grass oil (Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 29, 918; Labbe, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 77), in oil of mandarin orange (SehimmeFs Ber. April, 1897; Ch. Centr. 1 897, 1, 992), and of sweet orange (Flatau and Labbe, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 361). Citronellal is present in oil of lemon (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1902; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1207 : compare Burgess and Child, ^Chemist and Druggist,' 60, 812). The natural product is d-citronellal. For quantities present in citronella oils from Java and Ceylon see SchimmeFs Ber. April, 19C0; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 556. A 1-citronellal has recently been found in a citronella oil from Java (Schimmers Ber. April, 1 903 ; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 1086). Note : — The 1-citronellol of oil of rose [38] corresponds with an aldehyde (rhodinal : Bou- veault, Bull. Soc. [3] 23, 458 ; 463^, which is isomeric with the above citronellal and which probably has the constitution :—(CH3)2 : C : CH . €H, . CHa . CH(CH3) • CH» • CHO. An aldehyde of this constitution has been synthe- sised from menthone (Wallach, Ann. 278, 302 ; 296, 131 ; Harries and Schauwecker, Ber. 34, 2981). Synthetical Process. [A.] From acetic acid [Vol. II], alcohol [14], and methylheptenone [ill] through geranic acid (see under citral [l04 ; A]). The latter on reduction with sodium in boiling amyl alcohol gives citronellie acid (Tiemann, Ber. 31, 2901), the cal- cium salt of which on distillation with calcmm formate [Vol. II] yields citro- nellal {Ibid. 2902). 106. Acetone; Dimethyl Ketone; 2-Fropanone. CH3 . CO . CH3 Natural Sources. Acetone has been found in the dis- tillate from the leaves of Erytliroxi/lon coca ; also in oil of tea (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1898; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 991), and (traces) in the ethereal oil (aqueous distillate) from the wood of the Atlas cedar, Cedrus atlantica, and of C. libani (Grimal, Comp. Rend. 135, 582). Phaseolunatin, a cyanogenetic gluco- side found in .Fhaseolns lunatus, is the dextrose ether of acetone-cyanhydrin (Dunstan and Henry, Proc. Roy. Soc. 72, 291). Acetone occurs in small quantity in the urine of cattle, dogs, and cats ; in human blood and urine, and in larger quantity in cases of diabetes and aceto- nuria. Traces occur in expired air and in emanations from the skin of man (Johannes Miiller, Arch. exp. Path. 40, 351 ; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 626 : for pro- duction and origin of acetone in the animal organism see Cotton in Journ. Pharm. [6] 10, 193; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 722 ; Neuberg and Blumenthal, Beit, ch. Physiol, u. Path. 2, 238). Acetone has been found in the liquid from a hydatid cyst of the liver (Malme- jac, Journ. Pharm. [6] 13, 406). The acetone in these cases probably results from the decomposition of fat (Schu- mann-Leclerq, Ch. Centr. 1901, 1, 1113). 106-B.] ACETONE 193 Occurs among the products of fer- mentation (putrefaction) of fish (Morner, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 22^ 514)^ and among the products of fermentation of milk sugar by Bacterium lactis aerogenes of Eseherich = Bad. aceticum of Baginsky (Zeit. physiol. Ch. 12, 461)^ and of dextrose by D unbares and other Vibrios (Gosio : quoted by Emraerling in ' Die Zersetzung, &c./ pp. 47 and 56). Synthetical Puocesses. [A.] From acetic acid [Vol. II] by dry distillation of the calcium or barium salt (Liebig, Ann. 1, 323 ; Dumas, Ann. Chim. [2] 49, 208), or by passing the vapour over heated pumice and barium carbonate (Squibb^ Journ. Soc, Ch. Ind. 14:, 506; 15, 612 ; Conroy, Ibid, gl, 309)- Or from acetic acid and methyl alcohol [13] by the interaction of zinc methyl and acetyl chloride (Chiozza_, Ann. 85, 332 ; Freund, Ann. 118, i) ; or by the action of nascent zinc methyl on acetic anhydride, or of zinc-sodium alloy on methyl iodide and acetic anhydride (Sayt- zeff, Zeit. [2] 7, 104). Or zinc methyl and dichloracetyl chloride give dimethylisopropyl carbinol (see under tertiary butyl alcohol [l9 ; a]), which yields acetone on oxidation as under K below, [B.] From normal or isopropyl alcohol [15 ; 16] through propylene (see under glycerol [48 ; Al), the chloride or brom- ide, chlor- or brompropylene by the action of alcoholic potash, and the action of hypochlorous acid and mercuric oxide on the halo-propylene. The chlor- acetone thus formed gives acetone on reduction. Or from brompropylene by heating with mercuric oxide and acetic acid at 100° or with water at 190°. Also from propylene bromide by heating with water at 180° (Linnemann, Ann. 138, 125; 161, 58; Bull. Soc. [2] 6, 216), or with water and silver oxide (Michael, Journ, pr. Ch. [2] 60, 418). Also by dissolving 2-chlorpropylene in strong sulphuric acid and distilling the product with water (Oppenheim, Ann. Suppl. 6, ofi'^). 2-(^)-Chlorpropyl- ene is formed (with 3-(a)-chlorpropylene) by the action of alcoholic potash on propylene chloride (see under isopropyl alcohol [16 ; B]), Or from propylene bromide or chloride through propylene glycol (Wurtz, Ann. Chim. [3] 55, 438; Eltekoff, Journ. Buss. Soc. 10, 210 ; Niederist, Ann. 196, 359)) aid the action of water at 180-190" on the latter, acetone and propanal being simultaneously formed (Eltekoff, loc. cit. 11, 409 : see also Lieben, Monats. 23, 60), Propylene gives acetone also by direct oxidation with chromic acid (Berthelot, Ann. 150, 373). Or from propylene through acrolein [101] and pyroracemic or pyrotartaric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; E]), and then as under P below. Note : — Qenerators of propylene (see under glycerol [48 ; B to I] and under isopropyl alcohol [16]) thus become generators of acetone. Isopropyl alcohol gives acetone di- rectly by oxidation with chromic acid (Linnemann, Ann. 140, 178 ; Berthelot, Comp. Rend. 68, 334). Also by electro- lysis in sulphuric acid solution (Elbs and Brunner, Zeit. Elektroeh. 6, 604), by passing over a heated platinum spiral (Trillat, Comp. Rend. 132, 1495), or by pyrogenic contact decomposition by heated brass (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1057). Propylene bromide may also be con- verted into allylene (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; E]), the latter giving ace- tone on treatment with a solution of mercuric bromide or chloride (Kut- scherofp, Ber. 14, 1541 ; 17, 15). Or allylene, when dissolved in strong sul- phuric acid and the product distilled with water, gives (with mesitylene) acetone (Schrohe, Ber. 8, 367). At 0° sulphuric acid with allylene yields only acetone (Michael and Leighton, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 60, 442). Allylene is formed when the vapour of propyl alcohol is passed over hot magnesium and the product decomposed by water (Keiser and Breed, Ch. News, 71, 118 J Am. Ch. Journ. 18, 328). Note : — The generators of allylene referred to under benzyl alcohol [54 ; P ; G ; H ; I, &c.] thus become generators of acetone : — 194 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES : FATTY GROUP [106 B-E. glycerol [48] ; malonic acid [Vol. II] and alde- hyde [92] ; acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] ; allyl iso- thiocyanate [166] ; P-hydroayiutyric acid ; normal butyric acid ; citric add ; lactic acid ; isovaleric acid ; malonic and propionic acids ; tartaric and racemic acids; isobutyl and amyl alcohols [18; 22]. [C] Isobutyl alcohol [l8] gives ace- tone among- other products on oxidation with chromic acid (Kramer^ Ber. T, 352; ^c\\Ti\\dd>,lhkl. 1361). Or from isobutyl alcohol through isobutylene (see under tertiary butyl alcohol [19; B]). The latter gives acetone among other pro- ducts on oxidation with chromic acid or potassium permanganate (F. and O. Zeidler, Ann. 197, 351 ; Wagner, Ber. 21, 1232). Or indirectly from isobutyl iodide and potassium cyanide [172] through the nitrile of isobutylformic acid and the acid by hydrolysis (Erlenmeyer and Hell, Ann. 166, 366 ; Schmidt and Sachtleben, Ann. 193, 92). The acid on oxidation with dilute alkaline permanganate gives /3-hydroxyiso valeric (2-methyl-2-butanolic-3)acid (v. ISIiller, Ann. 200, 273), and this yields acetone on oxidation with chromic acid mixture. Isobutyl alcohol gives allylene when the vapour is passed over hot magnesium and the product decomposed by water (Keiser and Breed, Ch. News. 71, 118 ; Am. Ch. Journ. 18, 328). From allyl- ene to acetone as under B. [D.] From tertiary butyl alcohol [19] through isobutylene (see under isobutyl alcohol [is ; A]). Acetone is among the products formed by passing the vapour of this alcohol over a heated platinum spiral (Trillat, Comp. Rend. 132, 1495). Or from tertiary butyl alcohol and hydrogen cyanide [172] through tertiary amyl alcohol (see under formic aldehyde [91 ; X]), and then as under E below. Acetone is among the products of oxidation of tertiary butyl alcohol by chromic acid mixture (Butleroff, Zeit. [2] 1, 485). [E.] From amyl alcohol from fusel oil [22]. Isobutylene is among the products of decomposition by passing through a hot tube (Wurtz, Ann. 104, 249 ; Butleroff, Ann. 145, 277 ; Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1053). Or the amyl alcohol can be converted into amylene by the usual methods (Balard, Ann. Chim. [3] 12, 320 ; Frankland, Ann. 74, 41 ; Wurtz, Ann. 128, 225; 316; Bauer, Journ. pr. Ch. 84, 257 ; Etard, Comp. Bend. 86, 488 ; Eltekoff, Ber. 10, 1904; Wischne- gradsky, Ann. 190, 332 : fusel oil amylene prepared by the action of zinc chloride contains, in addition to tri- methylethylene, some isopropylethylene and a trace of the symmetrical methyl- ethylethylene, Kondakoff, Journ. Buss. Soc. 24, 1 13). By the action of strong sulphuric acid and subsequent hydro- lysis this amylene is converted into tertiary amyl alcohol = dimethylethyl carbinol (Osipoff, Ber. 8, 1 240 ; Wischnegradsky, loc. cit. 336 ; Konda- koff, loc. cit. 25, 354), and the latter, when chlorinated in the presence of water, yields acetone among other pro- ducts (Brochet, Ann. Chim. [7] 10, Amyl alcohol also gives acetone among the products of its oxidation, or by passing the vapour over a heated platinum spiral (Trillat, Comp. Rend. 132, 1495). . Or fusel oil amylene (trimethylethyl- ene) may be converted into the bromide and trimethylethylene glycol (Wurtz, Ann. Chim. [3] 55, 458 ; Wagner, Ber. 21, 1235). The latter gives acetone among the products of its oxidation by chromic acid mixture (Flawitzky, Ber. 10, 2240). Trimethylethylene yields acetone by oxidation with potassium permanganate, the glycol being formed as an inter- mediate product (Wagner, loc. cit.). Trimethylethylene chlorhydrin from the hydrocarbon and hypochlorous acid gives methylisopropyl ketone on heat- ing with water, or by passing over heated zinc oxide (Krassusky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 34, 287). Or the chlor- hydrin, on treatment with potash, yields trimethylethylene oxide (Eltekoff, Ibid. 14, 361). This oxide on heating with lead chloride to 200° gives methyl- isopropyl ketone (Krassusky, loc. cit. 537). The ketone yields acetone as below. Or trimethylethylene bromide on heating with alcoholic potash gives 106 E-F.] ACETONE 195 dimethylallylene (3-metliyl- 1 : 2-buta- diene), which also yields acetone among the products of its oxidation (Paworsky^ Journ. pr. Ch. [a] 37, 392). Trimethylethylene bromide on heat- ing- with water and lead oxide at 150°; or with water alone, g-ives methyliso- propyl ketone (Eltekoff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 10, 215; Niederist, Ann. 196, 36Q; Nageli, Ber. 16, 2983), and this yields acetone among- the products of its oxida^ tion by chromic acid. Trimethylethylene glycol also gives o-hydroxyisobutyric = 2 -methyl- 2-pro- panolic acid on oxidation with nitric acid (Wurtz, Ann. 107, 197), and this yields acetone as under O. Or fusel oil amyl alcoliol by conver- sion into the iodide, isopropylethylene (Wischnegradsky, Ann. 180, 35^), isopropylethylene bromide, and the action of alcoholic potash on the latter gives isopropylacetylene, which also yields acetone among the products of its oxidation (Eltekoff, loc. at. 9, 222 ; 224; Flawitzky and Kryloff, Ibid. IQ, 342). Isopropylethylene gives acetone, among other products, on oxidation by potassium permanganate (Wagner, Ber. 21, 1233). Amyl alcohol gives allylene on pass- ing the vapour over hot magnesium and decomposing the product with water (see above under C). Subsequent steps as under B. [P.] Yxoia. glycerol [48], acetone being among the products formed by distilling glycerol with lime (Tawilderoff, Ber. 12, 1487), or by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide (Cotton, Journ. Pharm. 10, 194). Or from glycerol through allyl iodide (see under isobutyl alcohol [I8; D]), propylene by the action of zinc and sul- phuric acid or mercury and hydrochloric acid (Berthelot and De Luca, Ann. 92, 306), or of acetic acid and zinc (Linne- mann, Ann. 161, 54; Gladstone and Tribe, Ber. 6, 1550; Niederist, Ann. 196, 358), and then as above under B. Allyl iodide also gives propylene by treatment with hydriodic acid (Butleroff, Ann. 145, 271; Malbot, Comp. Rend. 107, 114; Bull. Soc. [2] 50, 449). Or glycerol can be converted into allyl alcohol (see under ethyl alcohol [14 ; G]), and this gives propylene (with ethylene) by heating with phos- phorus pentoxide (Behal, Ann. Chim. [6] 16, 3*^0). Or allyl chloride from allyl alcohol gives a chlorhydrin by the action of sulphuric acid (Oppenheim, Ann. Suppl. 6, 367), and this yields acetone (with propaldehyde) on heating with water (Krassusky, Journ. B,uss. Soc. 34, 287). Glycerol gives propylene (with allyl iodide) by the action of iodine and phosphorus (Berthelot and De Luca, loc. cit. ; Oppenheim, Ann. Suppl. 6, 354)- Or from glycerol through allyleiie as under benzyl alcohol [§4 ; F], and then as above under B. Or glycerol can be converted into allyl bromide (Tollens, Ann. 156, 152 ; Henry, Zeit. [2] 6, 575 ; Grosheintz, Bull. Soc. [2] 30, 98), the latter into tribromhydrin = 1 : 2 : 3-tribrompropane (Tollens, Ann. 156, 168 : see also under glycerol [48 ; 4-]), the latter into i : 2- dibrompropylene by the action of solid potash or sodium in ethereal solution (Henry, Ann. 154, 371; Tollens, loc. cit.), and the dibrompropylene into 'ailene' (CHgiCrCHJ by reduction in alcoholic solution with zinc (Gustav- son and Demjanoff, Journ. pr. Ch. 38, ?oi : compare Behal, Bull. Soc. [2] 48, 788). Allene dissolves in sulphuric aci 1, and the product gives acetone on dis- tillation with water (G. and D., loc. cit.). Allyl bromide also gives propylene by the action of zinc dust in alcoholic solution (Wolkoff and Menschutkin, Ber. 31, 3072), and this yields acetone as above. Glycerol gives propylene glycol directly when the monosodiura com- pound is distilled (Belohoubek, Ber. 12, 1873; Morley and Green, Trans. Ch. Soc. 47, 132), and this yields acetone as under B. Propylene glycol may also be obtained from glycerol by the action of sodium amalgam on the monochlorhydrin (Lou- ren^o, Ann. 120, 91), or by the action of acetyl bromide on glycerol, and reduction of the product (glycerol-aceto- bromhydrin) with coppered zinc and o 2 196 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES : FATTY GROUP [106 F-K. hydrochloric acid (Hanriot, Ann. Chim. [5] 17. 84). Or from glycerol through crotonic acid and tertiary heptyl alcohol (see below under L). Or from glycerol through glyceric and pyroracemic acids (see under benzyl alcohol [54 J F]), and then as under P below. [G.] Acetic aldehyde [92] gives acetone when the vapour is passed over red-hot lime (Schloemilch, Zeit. [2] 5, "i"^^)- Or indirectly from aldehyde through crotonic acid and tertiary heptyl alcohol (see below under L). Or from aldehyde through butyroehloral and allylene (see under benzyl alcohol [54 j H]), and then as above under B. [H.] Isovaleric aldehyde [95] on treat- ment with phosphorus pentachloride and decomposition of the product with alco- holic potash gives isopropylacetylene = 3-methyl-i-butine, and this yields ace- tone among the products of its oxidation by chromic acid mixture (Bruylants, Ber. 8, 407 ; 413)-. [I.] From propionic acid [Vol. II] through tertiary amyl alcohol by the interaction of propionyl chloride and zinc methyl and decomposition of the product with water (Popoff, Ann. 145, 293; Jermolajeft, Zeit. [2] 7, 275; Wischnegradsky, Ann. 190, '>i^(>), and then as above under E. Or propionic acid may be brominated (see under aldehyde [92 ; E]), and the a-brompropionic aci I converted into a-brompropionyl bromide, which, by interaction with zinc methyl and de- composition of the product with water, gives dimethylisopropyl carbinol (Kas- chirsky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 13, 82). The latter yields acetone among other pro- ducts on oxidation by potassium per- manganate (see below under K). Or from propionic acid through pyro- racemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; O]), and then as under P below. Or from propionic and acetic acids, alcohol [14] and potaasium cyanide [l72] through a-methyl-3-cyanosuccinic ester and citraconic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; M]), and then as under Q below. Or from propionic acid through pro- pionamide and propionitrile (Dumas, Malaguti, and Leblanc, Ann. 64, 334), and then as below under S. [J.] Acetoacetic acid [Vol. II] splits up readily into acetone and carbon dioxide on heating (Ceresole, Ber. 15, 1328). Or indirectly from acetoacetic ester through acetonedicarboxylic acid (see under orcinol [75 ; D]), and then as under Q below. Or from acetoacetic ester and hydrogen cyanide [172] through hydroxypyrotar- taric acid and citraconic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; M, note]), and then as under Q below. Or from acetoacetic ester through methylacetoacetic ester and mesaconie acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; l]), and then as under Q below. Or from acetoacetic ester through isonitrosoacetone and pyroracemic acid [54 ; l], and then as under P below. Or from acetoacetic ester and a-brom- propionic ester through /3-methylaceto- succinic ester and pyrotartaric acid as under benzyl alcohol [54; l], and from the latter through allylene \lbid. P ; M ; and N], and as above under B. Or from acetoacetic ester, chloracetie ester, and methyl alcohol through aceto- succinic ester, the a-methyl-derivative, pyrotartaric acid, and allylene [54; I]. Or from acetoacetic ester through the ^-chlorcrotonic acids, tetrolic acid and allylene {Ibid.). [K.] Isobutyric acid [Vol. II] gives acetone when heated with chromic acid solution at 140° (Popoff, Zeit. [2] 7, 4). Or on oxidation with alkaline per- manganate isobutyric acid gives a- hydroxy isobutyric ( 2 -methyl- 2 -propan- olic) acid, which yields acetone as below under O. Note : — Ketones which yield isobutyric acid on oxidation are thus likely to give acetone, e.g. diisopropyl ketone from calcium iaobutyrate or the corresponding diisopropyl carbinol (Popoff, Ber. 6, 1255 ; Munch, Ann. 180, 327 ; 333)- Methylisopropyl ketone from iso- butyryl chloride and zinc methyl (Behal, Ann. Chim. [6] 15, 284) gives j8-dichlorisopentane on treatment with phosphorus pentoxide, and this by alco- 106 KtM.] ACETONE 197 holic potash yields isopropylacetylene {Tbid. 0,^6), which gives acetone on oxidation (see under E). Note :^Methylisopropyl ketone is obtained also from aeetoacetic ester and isobutyryl chloride through isobutyrylacetoacetic ester, and the action of hydrochloric acid on the latter at 140-150° (Bouveault, Comp. Rend. 131, 45). Ethylisopropyl ketone from isobutyryl chloride and zinc ethyl (Butleroff, Ann. 189, 44 ; Pawloffj Journ. Russ. Soc. 8, 243 ; Wagner, Ibid. 16, 697) gives acetone among the products of its oxida- tion by chromic acid. Dimethylisopropyl carbinol from iso- butyryl chloride and zinc methyl (Prianischnikoff, Zeit. [2] 7, 275) gives acetone among the products of its oxidation by potassium permanganate (Wagner, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 44, 310). Or dimethylisopropyl carbinol yields tetramethylethylene and pinacone (see under tertiary butyl alcohol [l9 ; E]). The latter gives acetone on oxidation with chromic acid mixture. A mixture of calcium isobutyrate and heptoate [Vol. II] gives isopropylhexyl ketone on dry distillation, and this yields acetone among the products of its oxidation by chromic acid (Fuchs, Journ. Russ. Soc. 7, 334)' Isobutyric acid also gives the a- bromo-acid on bromination (Markowni- koff, Ann. 153, 229; Hell and Wal- dauer, Ber. 10, 448 ; Michael and Graves, Ber. 34, 4043), and the latter, on heating with water or barium hydroxide or sodium carbonate solution, yields the a-hydroxy-acid (Markowni- koff, loc. at. ; Fittig, Ann. 200, 70), from which acetone can be produced as below under O. Or a-bromisobutyric ester and alde- hyde [92] condense under the influence of zinc to form trimethylethylenelactic = 2 : 2-dimethyl - 3 - butanolic - 1 - acid (ester) (Ephrussi and Reformatsky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 28, 600). The acid gives tertiary amyl alcohol (with tri- methylacrylic acid) on distillation with dilute sulphuric acid (Giljaroff, Jb\d. 508). The amyl alcohol yields acetone as above under E. [L.] From normal bnfyric acid [Vol. JI] and methyl alcohol [13] through the tertiary heptyl alcohol produced by the interaction of a-brom-n-butyryl bromide and zinc methyl and decomposition of the product with water (Kaschirsky, Journ. Russ. Soc. 13, 89). This heptyl alcohol gives acetone among the pro- ducts of its oxidation. Or n- butyric acid may be converted into crotonic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; K]) and allylene \Ibid. G], and then into acetone as above under B. Note : — Crotonic acid gives a- (with some iS-) brombutyric acid on combination with hydro- gen bromide (Hemilian, Ann. 174, 325). The generators of crotonic acid referred to under benzyl alcohol [54 ; G ; H, &c.] thus become, with methyl alcohol, generators of acetone. [M.] From isovaleric acid [Vol. II] and ethyl alcohol [l4] through ethyl - isobutyl ketone (2-methyl-4-hexanone), which is obtained by passing carbon monoxide over a mixture of sodium isovalerate and ethylate at 160° (Loos, Ann. 202, 327). The ketone gives acetone among the products of its oxi- dation by chromic acid mixture. Ethylisobutyl ketone is also obtained from the same materials by the inter- action of isovaleryl chloride and zinc ethyl (Wagner, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 44, ^74). ... Or isovaleric acid, by the action of nitric acid, gives 2 : 2-( = /3) dinitropro- pane, which on reduction by tin and hydrochloric acid yields acetone (Bredt, Ber. 15, 2322; Meyer and Locher, Ann. 180, 147). Also from isovaleric acid and normal propyl alcohol [l5] through propyliso- butyl ketone (2-methyl-4-heptanone) by the interaction of isovaleryl chloride and zinc propyl (Wagner, Journ. Russ. Soc. 16, 668). This ketone also gives ace- tone among the products of its oxida- tion by chromic acid mixture. Or from isovaleric acid through hy- droxy pyrotartaric acid and citraconic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M, note]), and then as under Q below. Or from isovaleric acid and ethyl alcohol through a-bromisovaleric ester, /3-dimethylacrylic acid by heating the latter with quinoline or diethylaniline (see under isobutyl alcohol [18 ; C]), and oxidation of the acid with potassium 198 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES : FATTY GROUP [106 M-R. permanganate followed by potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid (Crossley and Le Sueur, Trans. Ch. Soe. 75, 164). [N,] From lactic acid [Vol, II] and meihyi alcohol [13] through a-brompro- pionic acid by heating lactic acid with saturated bromhydric acid (Kekule, Ann. 130, 16), and then dimethylisopropyl carbinol by the interaction of a-brom- propionyl bromide and zinc methyl, &c,, as above under I and K. Or from lactic acid through pyrora- cemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; P]), and then as below under P. Or from lactic acid through citra- conic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M, note]) and /3-chlorcitramalic acid as under Q below. [O.] From oxalic acid [Vol. II] and mt'thyl alcohol [13] through a-hydroxy- isobutyric (3-methyl-2-propanolic) acid by the interaction of zinc methyl and dimethyl oxalate (Frankland arid Duppa, Ann. 133, 80 ; 135, 25). The acid gives acetone on oxidation with chromic acid mixture, or on fusion with caustic alkali j also on electrolysis of the potassium salt (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 468), on decomposition of the silver salt by iodine (Herzog and Leiser, Monats. 22, 357), or on heating with phosphorus pentoxide (Bischoff and Walden, Ann. 279, III). Or from oxalic and propionic acids and alcohol through methyloxalacetic ester, /3-methylmalic acid, and citra- eonic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M, note]), and then as under Q below. [P.] Tartaric acid [Vol. II] gives acetone among the products of dry dis- tillation (Volckel, Ann.-8&, 57), or of oxidation by hydrogen peroxide (Cotton, Journ. Pharm. 10, 195). Or from tartaric (or racemic) acid through pyroracemic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; N]), the calcium salt of which gives acetone on distilla- tion (Hanriot, Bull. Soc. [2] 43, 417; 45, 81). A mixture of potassium pyro- racemate and acetate yields acetone on electrolysis (Hofer, Ber. 33, 654). Or from tartaric acid through pyro- tartaric acid and ally 1 en e, as under benzyl alcohol [54 ; N], and then as under B above. [Q.] Citric acid [Vol. II] gives ace- tone among other products when heated with strong sulphuric acid (Wilde, Ann. 127, 170)^ on dry distillation with glycerol (Clermont and ChautardjComj). Rend. 105, 520), or on heating the sodium salt with lime (Freydl, Monats. 4, T51). Citric acid yields acetone among the products of dry distillation or of oxidation by potassium permangan- ate, by sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide (Robiquet, Berz^ Jahresber. 18, 502; P^an de St. Gilles, Ann. Chim. [3] 55, 374), or by hydrogen peroxide (Cotton, Journ. Pharm. 10, 195)- Acetone isformed by adding potassium permanganate solution drop by drop to a boiling solution of citric acid, or by exposure of citric acid to air in presence of iron or ferric chloride ; also from Kammerer^s iron citrate under similar conditions (Sabbatani, Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, 35, 678 ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 78, Abst. I, 536). Or citric acid may be converted into acetonedicarboxylic acid (see under or- cinol [75 ; O]), and this gives acetone on heating at 135° per se or by boiling with water, acid, or alkaline solutions. Or from citric acid through citraconic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M]) and /3-chlorcitramalic acid by the action of hypochlorous acid or chlorine on the latter (Gottlieb, Ann. 160, loi ; Carius, Ann. 126, 204 ; Melikoff and Feldmann, Ann. 253, 87). The chloro-acid gives acetone on heating with water at iio- 120°. Mesaconic acid^ the isomeride of citraconic acid, also gives /3-chlorcitra- malic acid when a solution of the sodium salt is chlorinated (Morawski, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 18, 392). Or from citraconic acid through allyl- ene as under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M], and then as above under B. [R.] From malonic and propionic acids [Vol. II] through propanetricarboxylic ester, citraconic, and mesaconic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; M, note]), and then as above under Q. Or from malonic acid and acetic alde- hyde [92] through crotonic acid and allylene (see under benzyl alcohol [54; G]), and then as above under B. 106 R-AA-] ACETONE 199 Or malonic ester, by the action of sodium at 70-90°, g-ives acetonetriear- boxylic ester, and this yields acetone on heating" with strong acids (Willstatter, Ber, 32, 1274). [S.] From methyl and ethyl alcohoU [13 ; 14] and hydrogen cyanide [172] through propionitrile (Pelouze, Ann. 10, 249 ', Williamson, Phil. Mag. [4] 6, 205 ; Buckton and Hofmann, Journ. Ch. Soc. 9, 250 ; Rossi, Ann. 159, 79). The latter, on treatment with sodium in ethereal solution, gives a product which by interaction with methyl iodide fol- lowed by aqueous hydrogen chloride yields ' trimethylpyrolone ' (C^Hj^NO). The latter, on heating with strong aqueous hydrogen chloride at 140-150°, gives ethylisopropyl ketone, from which acetone is obtained by oxidation as under K (E. V. Meyer, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 38, 336 ; Hanriot and Bouveault, Com p. Rend. 108, 1171 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 1, 549). Or from ethyl and methyl alcohols through chloral and dimethylisopropyl carbinol (see under tertiary butyl alcohol [19 ; G]), and then as above under K. Or from methyl alcohol and hydrogen cyanide through methyl cyanide (ace- tonitrile). The latter interacts with magnesium methobromide to form an intermediate compound, which is de- composed by acids with the formation of acetone (general method of Blaise : Comp. Rend. 132, 38). Or from ethyl alcohol through iodo- form, acrylic acid, a-chlorlactic acid, and glyceric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; l]). From the latter through pyrotartaric acid and allylene as under benzyl alcohol [54; F and E], and above under B; or through pyroracemic acid as under benzyl alcohol [54; E], and above under F and P. Allylene is formed when the vapour of ethyl alcohol is passed over heated magnesium and the product decomposed by water (Keiser and Breed, Ch. News, 71, 118; Keiser, Am. Ch. Journ. 18, 328). Or from ethyl alcohol through pro- pionitrile as above, and from the latter through aa -dichlorpropionic acid and pyroracemic acid as under benzyl alcohol [54 ; l], and then as above under P. Or from ethyl alcohol and hydrogen cyanide through ethylene, vinyl chloride, chloracetaldehyde,/3-chlorlactic acid, and glyceric acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54 j A]). From the latter, as above, through pyrotartaric acid and allylene, or through pyroracemic acid. Note : — Other methods of passing from ethyl alcohol through chloracetaldehyde to glyceric acid are given under benzyl alcohol [54 ; I]. Generators of ethylene thus become (with hydrogen cyanide) generators of acetone through glyceric acid. [T.] From ji-Jiydroxybulyric ac'.d [Vol. II] through cro tonic acid and allylene (benzyl alcohol [54; L]), and then as above under B. [U.] From erythritol [50] dsnA. formic acid [Vol. II] through crotonic aldehyde [102], crotonic acid and allylene (see under n-butyl alcohol [17; I], and benzyl alcohol [54; G]), and then as above under B. [v.] Mtthylhepfenone [ill] gives ace- tone among the products of its oxida- tion with chromic and sulphuric acids (Tiemann and Semmler, Ber. 28, 2128). [W.] Bimethylheptenol [35] gives ace- tone among the products of its oxidation by chromic acid mixture (Barbier, Comp. Rend. 126, 1424). [X.] Ethane [14; D] and carbon monoxide give an acetone (C3HgO) when submitted to the action of the silent electric discharge in a cooled apparatus (De Hemptinne, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. [3] 34, 275). The product has not been identified specifically as 2-pro- panone. [Y.] Citronellal [105] and citronellol [38] give acetone (with ^-methyladipic acid) on oxidation with potassium per- manganate, followed by potassium di- chromate and sulphuric acid (Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 29, 908; Barbier and Bouveault, Comp. Rend. 122, 673 : see also Harries and Schauwecker, Ber. 34, 2981). [Z.] Pulegone [128] gives acetone among the products of its decomposition by heating with formic acid (Wallach, Ann. 289, 338), or by oxidation with potassium permanganate. [AA.] Dextrose [l54] gives acetone among the products of dry distillation (Tollens, ' Handbuch d. Kohlenhydrate,^ 200 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES : FATTY GROUP [lO0 AA-107 A. I, 46), and among the products o£ oxida- tion by hydrogen peroxide(Cotton, Journ. Pharm. 10, 195), or of dry distillation with lime (Pereire and Guignard, Fr. Pat. 316060 of 1901; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 21, 1096). [BB.] From aconitic acid [Vol. II] through itaconic acid (Pebal, Ann. 98, 94), allylene (see under benzyl alcohol [54; M]), and then as above under B. [CO.] From mann'itol [5l] through acrolein [lOl] and acrylic acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; B and AA]), and then as above under S. Acetone is among the products of fusion of mannitol with alkali (Gott- lieb, Ann. 52, 132), and of oxidation by hydrogen peroxide (Cotton, Journ. Pharm. 10, 195). [DD.] Isohutyric aldehyde [94], on treatment with caustic potash, forms a trimeric polymeride (Pfeiffer, Ber. 5, 700 ; Urech, Ber. 12, 191 ; W. H. Perkin, junr.. Trans. Ch. Soc. 43, 91), which, on bromination (in CS2) and by the action of heat on the polymeride, gives a-bromisobutyric aldehyde = 3-methyl- 3-brompropanal. The oxime of the latter, on heating with acetic anhydride, yields a nitrile which is decomposed by sodium carbonate solution with the for- mation of acetone (Franke, Monats. 21, 205 ; 210). Or isohutyric and acetic aldehydes con- dense to form an aldol (CgH^gOg), which, on oxidation with potassium permangan- ate, gives trimethylethylene lactic acid (Lilienfeld and Tauss, Monats. 19, 81). From the latter^ through tertiary amyl alcohol, &c., as above under K and E. Or isohutyric and formic aldehydes condense to form a glycol, which gives methylisopropyl ketone among the pro- ducts of decomposition by heating with water (Lieben, Monats. 23, 60). From the ketone as under K above. Or isohutyric aldehyde condenses in contact with alkali with the formation of diisopropylglycol = 2:2: 4-trimethyl- pentanediol, and this gives diisopropyl ketone on oxidation with potassium per- manganate (Fossek, Monats. 4, 664 ; Brauchbar, Ihid. 17, 641 ; Franke, Ibid. 673). The ketone yields acetone on further oxidation as under K above. [E£.] Phloroglucinol [86] gives ace- tone among other products on heating with 25 per cent, caustic potash solu- tion at 160° (Combes, Bull. Soc. [3] 11, [PF.] Chelidonic acid [Vol. II] gives acetone (and oxalic acid) on heating with aqueous alkali (Lieben and Haitin- ger, Ber. 16, 1259). [GG.] Menthone [129] gives an oxime and the latter a nitrile, which can be converted into an aldehyde isomeric with citronellal. The aldehyde, on oxida- tion, yields first menthonic acid and finally (^-methyladipic acid and) ace- tone (Wallach, Ann. 278, 302; 296, 131)- [HH.] Acetyl carhinol [43] gives ace- tone when reduced in acid solution in the cold (Kling, Comp. Rend. 135, 970). 107. Methyl-n- amyl Ketone ; 2-Heptanone. CH3.CO.[CH2]4.CH3 Natural Sources. Occurs in small quantity in oil of cloves (SchimmePs Ber. April, 1897, and April, 1902 ; Ch. Centr. 1902, 1, 1058 : see also Erdmann^ Journ. pr. Ch. ■f [2] 56, 155 ; Gerber, Mon. Sci. [4] 11, 880), and in Ceylon oil of cinnamon (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1902 ; Wal- baum and Hiithig, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, 47). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Normal hejytane [2], on chlorina- tion, gives (with n-heptyl chloride) 2- chlorheptane (Pelouze and Cahours, Jah- resber. 1863, 528; Schorlemmer, Ann. 136, 266 ; Morgan, Ann. 177, 307), from which the secondary alcohol (2- heptanbl) can be obtained by the usual methods (Schorlemmer, Ann. 127, 315 ; 161, 278; Journ. Ch. Soc. 26, 319); Morgan, loc. cit.). The alcohol gives the ketone on oxidation (Schorlemmer, Ann. 161, 279). Or n-heptane may be nitrated and the 2-nitroheptane reduced to methjlamyl 107 A-109.] METHYL-N-AMYL KETONE 201 ketone (Konowaloff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 25,487; Bar. 26, Ref. 881). [B.] Heptoic aldehyde or oenant/wl [97] by the action of phosphorus penta- chloride gives i : i -dichlorheptane = cenanthylidene chloride (Limpricht,Anni 103, 81), which by the extreme action of alcoholic potash is converted into 6-(a)-heptine = cenanthine or cenanthyl- idene {Ibid. 84 ; Rubien, Ann. 142, 294 ; Welt, Ber. 30, 1496). The latter, on dissolving- in sulphuric acid and dis- tillation with water, yields 2-heptanone (B^hal, Ann. Chim. [6] 15, 270). The ketone is formed also by heating the heptine with acetic acid to 280° and decomposing the product with water (Behal and Desgrez, Comp. Rend. 114, 1074 : see also Desgrez^ Ann. Chim. [7] 3, 228, and Moureu and Delange, Comp. Rend. 131, 710; 800). Or the sodium derivative of heptine interacts with chlorocarbonic ester (from carbon oxy chloride and the alcohol) to form amylpropiolic ester, the free acid of which, on heating with alcoholic potash, gives hexoylacetic acid. The latter decomposes readily at 60° into carbon dioxide and methyl-n-amyl ke- tone (Moureu and Delange, loc. cit. 132, 1121). Or the free acid on esterification with hydrogen chloride and an alcohol gives amyl-/3-chloracrylie ester, and this also yields methyl-n-amyl ketone on treat- ment with alcoholic potash (Ibid.). Or the sodium derivative of heptine interacts with ethjlformate to form amyl- propiolic aldehyde, CH3[CH2]4 . C : C. CHO, and this gives methyl-n-amyl ketone among the products of its de- composition by boiling aqueous alkali {Ibid. 133, 96). [C] From n-heptyl alcohol [26] and palmitic acid [Vol. II]. Heptyl palmi- tate gives n-heptylene on heating to 350° in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, and the heptylene combines with brom- ine to form a dibromide (i : 2-dibrom- heptane), which, by the action of alco- holic potash^ yields heptine = n-amyl- acetylene (Welt, loc. dit. 1493). From heptine as above under B. 108. Methyl-n-heptyl Ketone; 2-19'onanoue. CH3.CO.[CH,]3.CH3 Natural Soueces. Occurs to the eitent of about 5 per cent, in oil of rue from Unta graveoleus (Thoms, Ch. Centr. 1901, 1, 524; Ber. deut. pharm. Gesell. 11, 3; Houben, Ber. 35, 3587). This ketone is the chief constituent of Algerian oil of rue (v. Soden and Henle, Pharm. Zeit. 46, 277; 1026; Pharm. Journ. 67, 1619; Ch. Drug. 60, 304; Power and Lees^ Trans. Ch. Soc. 81, 1588). Has been found also in oil of cloves (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1903; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 1086). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Prom acetic and n-octoic acids [Vol. II] by distilling a mixture of the barium salts (Thoms, loc. cit.). [B.] From n-heptyl [26] and n-propyl alcohol [15], a mixture of which on heat- ing with sodium to 230° gives a decanol = 8-methyl-9-nonanol. The latter, on fusion with alkali, yields a decoic acid, CH3 . [CHJe . CH(CH3) . COOH, which on oxidation with chromic acid gives the above ketone among other products (Guerbet, Comp. Rend. 135, 172; Ann. Chim. [7] 27, 67). 109. Methyl-n-nonyl Ketone; 2-Undecanone. CH3.CO.[CH,]3.CH3 Natural Sources. Occurs as the principal constituent of oil of rue from Ruta graveolens (Gre- ville Williams, Phil. Trans. 1858, 1, 99 ; Hallwachs, Ann. 113, 109; Harbordt, Ann. 123, 293 ; Giesecke, Zeit. [2] 6, 429 ; Carette, Journ. Pharm. [6] 10, 255 ; Thoms, Ch. Centr. 1901, 1, 524; Houben, Ber. 36, 3590) ; in Algerian oil of rue (v. Soden and Henle, Ch. Centr. 1901, 1, 1006; Pharm. Zeit. 46, 302 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [109-111 A. 377; J036; Ch. Drug. 60, 304; Power and Lees, Trans. Ch. Soc. 81, 1588). The ketone occurs also in the essen- tial oil of lime leaves from Citrus llmetta (Watts, Trans. Ch. Soc. 49, 316). Synthetical Processes. [a.] From octyl alcohol [28] and acetoacetic acid {ester) [Vol. II]. The alcohol is converted into n-octyl iodide (Zincke, Ann. 152, 2 ; Moslinger, Ann. 185, 55), and the latter by interaction with sodio-acetoacetic ester gives octyl- acetoacetic ester (Guthzeit, Ann. 204, 2), which, on decomposition with alco- holic potash, yields the ketone {Rirl. 4). [B.] From acetic and decoic acids [Vol. II] by the dry distillation of a mixture of the calcium salts (Gorup- Besanez and Grimm, Ann. 157, 275; Ber. 3, 518). 110» Methyl-n-decyl Ketone ; 2-Dodecanoue. CH3.CO.[CHJg.CH3 Natural Source. Possibly in oil of rue with the pre- ceding ketone (references as under undecanone [l09] above). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From acetic and lauric acids [Vol. II] through methylundecyl ketone (2-tridecanone) by distilling a mixture of the barium salts (Krafft, Ber. 12, 1 667). This ketone on oxidation gives (with acetic acid) undecanoic acid {Ibid.), the barium salt of which, on distillation with barium acetate, yields 2-dodecanone {Ibid. 15, 1708). Note : — The identity of the natural with the artificial product requires confirmation. 111. Methylheptenone ; 2-]M[etliyl-2-heptene- 6-one. (CH3)2 : C : CH . CH2 . CH^ . CO . CH3 Note : — For constitution see Tiemann and Semmler, Ber. 26, 2721; 28, 2128; Harries, Ber. S5, 1 179. Natural Sources. In lemon-grass oil (Barbier and Bouveault, Comp. Rend. 118, 983 j Bertram and Tiemann, Ber. 32, 834), in oil of Mexican 4ignaloe^ (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1892; Oct. 1894; Barbier and Bouveault, loc. cit. 121, 168), and in citronella oil (Schimmel's Ber. Api-il, ] 895). In oil of lemon {Ibid. Oct. 1 902 ; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1207). The ketone is probably present in other essential oils containing geraniol, linalool, and citral (see Tiemann, Ber. 31, 3286). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From methyl and ethyl alcohols [13 ; 14], acetic and propionic acids [Vol. II], and acetone [IO6]. Di- methylethyl carbinol is prepared by the interaction of zinc methyl and propionyl chloride (Popoff, Ann. 145, 292 ; Jermolajeff, Zeit. [2] 7, 275 ; Wischnegradsky, Ann. 190, 336). On bromination this alcohol gives as chief product the amylene bromide, (0113)2: CBr . CHBr . CH3 ^ 2 : 3-dibrom-3- methylbutane, which by the extreme action of alcoholic potash is converted into dimethylallylene = 3-methyl- 1 : 2- butadiene (see under acetone [IO6 ; E], and Ipatieff, Ber. 29, Ref. 91). The latter, on combination with hydrogen bromide, gives the amylene bromide, (CHs)^ : CBr . CHg . CH.Br = ^-di- methyltrimethylene bromide = i^ : ^^- dibrom-3-methylbutane (Ipatieff, loc. cit. 92). The latter reacts with sodio- acetylacetone to form a diketone, (CHg)^ : C : CH . CH2 . CH(CO . CI^^, which, on decomposition with strong caustic soda solution, yields (with acetic acid) a small quantity of methyl- heptenone (Barbier and Bouveault, Comp. Rend. 122, 1423). Note : — Acetylacetone is obtained by the action of sodium on a mixture of acetone and ethyl acetate (Claisen and Ehrhardt, Ber. 22, 101 1 ; also Germ. Pat. 49542 of 1S99 : see also under n-primary amyl alcohol [20 ; B and C]). The dimethylethyl carbinol may also be prepared from the amyl alcohol of fusel oil [22] through the correspond- Ill A-113.J METHYLHEPTENONE 203 ing amylenc (see under acetone [106 ; E]). Or the fusel oil amylene (tri- methylethylene) may be combined directly with bromine to form 2:3- dibrom-3-methylbutane (Wurtz, Ann* Chim. [3] 55, 458 ; Bauer, Bull Soc. 2, 149), and the latter treated as above. Or fusel oil arayl alcohol may be converted into isopropylacetylene (as under acetone [IO6; E]), and the latter into dimethylallylene by heating with alcoholic potash to 150° (Faworsky, Jouvn. pr. Ch, [2] 37, 392). Subsequent steps as above. Or from ethyl alcohol and acetic acid through acefoacetic ester [Vol. Il] and the above dimethyltrimethylene brom- ide. The latter interacts with sodio- acetoacetic ester and sodium ethoxide to form dimethylallylacetoacetic ester, which, on heating with barium hydrox- ide solution or dilute alcoholic potash, gives methylheptenone (Ipatieff, Ber. 34, 594). Or from ethyl alcohol, acetic acid, and acetone through acetopropyl alco- hol by the action of sodium ethylate on acetoacetic ester and ethylene brom- ide, and decomposition of the product (bromethylacetoacetic ester) by boiling with dilute hydrochloric acid (W< H. Perkin, junr., and Freer, Trans. Ch. Soc. 51, 833; Lipp, Ber. 22, 1197). Acetopropyl alcohol is converted by the action of fuming hydriodic acid into the corresponding iodide, CH3.CO. [CH^Ja . CHgl ; the latter, by the action of zinc and acetone and the decom- position of the intermediate product with water, into the tertiary alcohol, CH3 . CO . [CHaJa . C(CH3)2 . OH ; the tertiary alcohol into the oxide by dry distillation, and then into the iodide, CH3.CO.[CH2]3.C(CH3),.I, by the addition of hydrogen iodide. The tertiary iodide gives methylheptenone by the action of caustic alkali in dilute solution (Verley, Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 122). [B.] hovaleric aldehyde [95] and acetone [106] condense in the presence of alkali to foi-m methylheptenone (Leser, Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 108 : accord- ing to Tiemann, Ber. 31, 817, note 5, this productis not a pure ketone : seealso Tiemann and Kriiger, Ber. 28, 2115). [C] Cineole [40] on oxidation with potassium permanganate gives cineolic acid, C.pHjj.Pg (Wallach and Gilde^ meister, Ann. 246, 268), the anhydride of which on dry distillation yields methylheptenone (Wallach, Ann. 258, 325). The latter is identical with the natural product (Tiemann and Semmler, Ber. 28, 2126, note i ; also SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1 894). [D.] B'methylheptenol [35] gives me- thylheptenone among the products of its oxidation by chromic acid mixture (Barbier, Comp. Rend. 126, 1424: see also SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1898, and Tiemann, Ber. 31, 2991). [E.] Cltral [104] gives methyl- heptenone (with acetic aldehyde) on boiling with sodium carbonate solution (Verley, Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 175). [F.] Geraniol [36], on heating with strong alcoholic potash at 150°, gives methylheptenol, and this yields methyl- heptenone on oxidation (Tiemann, Ber. 31, 2989 ; 32, III). 112. Fhorone ; 2 ; 6-Dinietliyl-2 : 5-heptadieuone-4< (CHa)^ : C : CH . CO . CH : C{C}1.^\ A phorone (CgHj^O) is said to have been obtained from glycerol by bacterial fermentation (hay bacilli : Schulze, Ber. 15, 64). This has been regarded as possibly identical with the phorone obtained from acetone [IO6] by heating with lime or with hydrochloric acid followed by alcoholic potash (Fittig, Ann. 110, 32; Baeyer, Ann. 140, 301 : also 61; B,p. 126). The phorone obtained byFittig^s method is isophorone (Bredt and Riibel, Ann. 289, 10; 299, 160). The identity of the biochemical with the synthetical product has net been fully established. 113. Diacetyl; Dimethyldiketone ; Diketobutane ; Butadiene. CH3.CO.CO.CH3 Natural Soukces, This diketone has been found in aqueous distillates from oil of caraway (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1899; Ch. Centr. 204 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: FATTY GROUP [113-0. 1899, 2, 880), from vetiver oil from Andropogon muricatus, E. and W. Indies, Brazil, &c. {Ibid. April, 19C0 ; Ch< Centr. 1900, 1, 907), and from oil of bay (Ibid. April, 1901), Occurs also in the lower boiling-point fraction of oil of savin from Juniperus sabina {Ibid. Oct. 1900; Ch. Centr. T900, 2, 970), in the cohobation water of the same oil, and in the distillation water of W. Indian sandal-wood oil {IbkL April, 1903; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 1086). Note :— It has not yet been proved that diacetyl pre-exists ready formed in these oils. Synthetical J*rocesses. [A.] From methyl alcohol [13] and acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] through isonitrosomethylethyl ketone, &c., or through acetosuccinic ester, &c., as under quinol [71; O]. Or through y-brom-methylacetoacetic ester and tetrinic acid, or through Isevulic acid {Ibid.). Or through pyroracemic acid, &c. {Ibid. DD). Or from methyl alcohol and aceto- acetic ester through methylethyl ketone (methylacetyl carbinol [44 ; B]). The ketone is converted into the isonitroso- derivative by the action of amyl nitrite in presence of sodium ethylate or hydrogen chloride according to the method of Claisen and Manasse (Ber. 20, 6^6 \ 2194; 22, 526; Kalischer, Ber. 28, 151 8; Diels and Jost, Ber. 35, 3290). From the isonitroso-ketone = diacetylmonoxime as under quinol [71; o]. Note : — All generators of methylethyl ketone given under methylacetyl carbinol [44] thus become generators of diacetyl. [B.] From oxalic and acetic acids [Vol. II] and alcohol [14] through ketipic acid, &c. [71 ; S]. [C.] From dextrose [154], I^evulose [155], or mannose [l56] through laevulic acid (see under erythritol [50; H; I ; J] and quinol [71 ; O]). [D.] From glycerol [48] and acetic or malonic acid [Vol. II] through Isevulic acid (erythritol [50 ; P ; G]). Or from glycerol through glyceric and pyroracemic acids (quinol [71 ; X]) ; or from glycerol and acetoacetic esier through allylacetone and Isevulic acid (erythritol [50 ; G]). [E.] From hydrogen cyanide [172] and acetic acid [Vol. II] through pyro- racemic acid (quinol [71 ; DD]). Or from hydrogen cyanide and ethyl alcohol [14] through pyroracemic acid (Ibid. CC). [P.] From isohexoic and [Vol. II] through Isevulic acid (erythritol [50 ; E]). [G.] From acetic aldehyde [92] through Isevulic acid (erythritol [50 ; N]). Or from aldehyde and zinc ethyl through secondary butyl alcohol = 2- butauol (secondary butyl mustard oil [165; D]). The secondary alcohol gives diacetyl when oxidised by nitric acid (Ponzio, Gazz. 31, 401). Note : — The generators of secondary butyl alcohol given under secondary butyl mustard oil thus become generators of diacetyl. These are : — methyl [13] ; ethyl [14] ; normal and isobutyl alcohols [17 ; 18] ; erythritol [50] ; formic acid ; isovaleric acid ; acetoacetic ester ; and all generators of methylethyl ketone. [H.] From n-propyl [15] or isopropyl alcohol [le] through propylene and pyroracemic acid (quinol [71 ; HH]). Note : — All generators of propylene thus become, through pyroracemic acid, generators of diacetyl. [I.] From acetone [l06] and ethyl acetate through acetylacetone and Isevu- lic acid (erythritol [50 ; G]). [J.] From methylheptenone [ill] through Isevulic acid (erythritol [50 ; [K.] From dimethylheptenol [35] through Isevulic acid {Ibid. N). [L.] From propionic acid [Vol, II] through pyroracemic acid (quinol [71 ; PF]). [M.] From lactic acid [Vol. II] through pyroracemic acid {Ibid. GG). [N.] From tartaric or racemic acid [Vol. II] through pyroracemic acid {Ibid. BB). [O.] From citric acid [Vol. II] through pyroracemic acid {Ibid. EE). 114 -A.] BENZOIC ALDEHYDE 205 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES. 114. Benzoic Aldehyde ; Benzaldehyde ; Fhenal. CHO Natural Sources. The complex exists in the glueoside amygdalin, first discovered in the bitter almond^ Amygdalus communis, var. amara (Robiquet and Boudron, Ann. Chim. [3] 44, 352 ; Henry and Boudron, Journ. Pharm. 22, 118). Amygdahn, either alone or in associa- tion with its amorphous form, lauro- cerasin, exists also in seeds of Prunus domestica, P. spinosa, P. armenica, P. avium, P. cerasus, P. cerasus-aus- tera, P. chameecerasus, P. laurocerasus, P. padus, P. mahaleb, Persica vulgaris, Amygdalus nana, Pyrus malus, Cydonia vulgaris, Sorbus aueuparia, Cotoneaster vulgaris, Cratce-gus oxyacantha, Mesjtilus japonica (Van Rijn, ' Die Glykoside,' p. 232). Amygdalin occurs also in leaves of Gymnema latifoUum, and in the bark of species of Pygium (Greshoff, Ber. 23, 354H). Note : — For full references see Van Rijn as above ; for occurrence of amygdalin in Dru- paceous and Pomaceous plants see Lehmann, Jahresber. 1885, 1799; for recent confirmation of occurrence in seeds of Pomaceae, viz. Malus communis, Cydonia vulgaris. C. japonica, Sorbus aria, and S, aucuparia, see Lutz, E6p- d. Pharm. 1897, 312. Benzaldehyde occurs in niauli oil from the fresh leaves of Melaleuca viridijiora. New Caledonia (Bertrand, Bull. Soc. [3] 9, 433) ; in cajeput oil from the leaves and stems of Melaleuca leucadendron (Voiry, Comp. Rend. 106, 1538; Bull. Soc. [2] 50, 108); in oil of cinnamon from Cinnamomum zeylani- cum (Weber, Arch. Pharm. 230, 728 : for occurrence in oil of Ceylon cinnamon see SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1902 ; Wal- baum and Hiithig, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, 47)- The aldehyde occurs in oil from the leaves of Indigo f era galego'ides (Schim- meFs Ber. Oct. 1894, and April, 1896). Oroxylin from the bark of Orooaylon indicum may contain the benzoic alde- hyde complex (Naylor and Dyer, Trans. Ch. Soc. 79, 954). The aldehyde is contained in rassamala resin from the Javan Attingia excelsa (Tschirch and Van Itallie, Arch. Pharm. 239, 541). A condensation product of benzalde- hyde and methyl-n-nonyl ketone occurs in oil of rue (Thoms ; Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1901). Synthetical Processes. [A.] All generators of benzene and iolneyce (see under cymene [6] and under benzyl alcohol [54]) become generators of benzoic aldehyde through the follow- ing processes : — Benzyl chloride by oxidation with dilute nitric acid or lead nitrate (Ber- tagnini, Ann. 85, 183; Lauth and Grimaux, Bull. Soc. [2] 7, 106). Or toluene can be chlorinated up to the stage of benzylidene = benzal chloride (Beilstein, Ann. 116, '>f'^'^; 146, 322; Schramm, Ber. 18, 608). The latter gives benzoic aldehyde on heating with water, alkalis, or alkaline carbonates in aqueous solution (Cahours, Comp. Rend. 56, 222; Meunier, Bull. Soc. [2] 38, 159; Limpricht, Ann. 139, 319)^ or with milk of lime (techni- cal process : Espenschied, Germ. Pat. 47187 of 1880), or with water at 95° in presence of iron or iron salts (Schultze, Germ. Pats. 82927 of 1894 and 85493 of 1895 ; Ber. 28, Ref. 879 ; 29, Ref. 314). Benzal bromide yields the aldehyde on contact with water at ordinary temperatures (Curtius and Quedenfeldt, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 58, 390)- A mixture of benzyl and benzal chlorides gives benzaldehyde on oxida- 206 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [114 A. tion with manganese dioxide suspended in water (Schmidt, Germ. Pat. 20909 of 1882; Ber. 16, 448). Benzal chloride gives benzoic alde- hyde on heating with acetic acid in presence of zinc chloride, &c. ( Jacobsen, Ber. 13, 2013; 14, 1425; Germ. Pat. 11494 of 1879, and suppl. Pat. 13127 of 1880; Ch. Ind. 3, 384; 4, 202); or with strong sulphuric acid and subse- quent treatment with water (Oppen- heim, Ber. 2, 215) ; or with anhydrous oxalic acid (Anschiitz, Ann. 226, 18). Or benzylamine (from benzyl chloride and ammonia ; see under benzyl mustard oil [169 ; H]) gives the oxime of benzoic aldehyde among the products of oxida- tion by monopersulphuric acid (Bam- berger and Scheutz, Ber. 34, 2262). Benzylamine gives the aldehyde by oxidation with sulphuric acid and a di- chromate (De Coninck and Combe, Comp. Rend, 127^ 1222). Or benzylaniline (from benzyl chlor- ide and aniline) gives benzaldehyde on oxidation with dichromate and sulphuric aci 1, &c. (Meister, Lucius, and Briining, Eng. Pat. 10689 of 1896); the sul- phonic acid of benzylaniline also gives benzaldehyde when oxidised in alkaline or neutral solution {Ibid. Ch Centr. 1897, 2, 1063). Benzylidene deriva- tives are formed as the first products, and the aldehyde results from their hydrolyi-is in these processes. Di- benzylaniline can be similarly con- verted into benzaldehyde by oxidation (//>?>/. Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 460: for further list of patents by this firm relating to the production of aldehydes from benzylidene compounds see under p-hydroxybenzaldehyde [119 ; E]). Benzylidencaniline gives benzoic alde- hyde by the action of acii chlorides (Garzarolli-Thuralackh, Ber. 32, 2277). Toluene on treatment with chromium oxychloride and decomposition of the product with water gives benzoic alde- hyde (Etard, Ann. Chim. [5] 22, 225). The aldehyde is also among the pro- ducts of the electrolysis of a mixture of toluene, alcohol, and dilute sulphuric acid (Renard, Jahresber. 1881, 352 ; also Merzbacher and Smith, Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 22, 723; Puis, Ch. Zeit. 25, 263), and among the products of oxida- tion of toluene by potassium persulphate (Moritz and Wolffenstein, Ber. 32, 433), by manganese peroxide in presence of sulphuric acid (Soc. Chim. d. Usines du Rhone, Germ. Pat. IQ1221 of 1897; Ch. Centr. 1899, 1, 959; 107722 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 1113; Weiler, Ber. 33, 464), or by nickel or cobalt oxides (Bad. An. Sod. Fab. Germ. Pat. 127388 of 1900; Ch. Centr. 1902, 1^ 150). Benzene gives benzoic aldehyde when carbon monoxide and hydrogen chloride are passed through the hydrocarbon in the presence of aluminium chloride and cuprous chloride (Parb. vorm. F. Bayer & Co., Germ. Pat, 98706 of 1897 ; Ch. Centr, 1898, 2, 951 : see also Reformatsky, Journ, Russ. Soc. 33, 154). According to Kiichler and Buff (Germ. Pat. 1 26421 of 1899; Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 1372) this process does not work with aluminium chlox'ide, but gives good results with the bromide or iodide. Benzene and chloroform give a small quantity of benzaldehyde among other products by the action of ferric chloride (Meissel, Ber, 32, 2422). Or from benzene and hydrogen cyanide [172] by passing the latter gas with hydrogen chloride through the hydro- carbon in presence of aluminium chloride, and decomposing the product with acid (Farb. vorm. F. Bayer & Co., Eng. Pat. 19204, Aug. 1897; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 17, 838). From benzene, acetic acid, and hydro- 0671 cyanide [l72] through iminobenzoyl- methyl cyanide (benzaeetodinitrile) by the action of sodium on a mixture of benzonitrile and acetonitrile in dry ether (Holzwart, Journ. pr, Ch. [2] 39, 242), i^-cyanacetophenone by the action of hydrochloric acid on the imino-cyanide (Meyer, Rid. 243), benzoylacetimino- ethyl ether by the action of alcoholic hydrochloric acid on the cyanoketone (Haller, Bull. Soc. [2 J 48, 24), benzoyl- acetic ester by the action of dilute alcohol on benzoylacetiminoethyl ether {I/Ad. 25), and then as below under C. Notes : — Acetonitrile is obtained from am- monium acetate [Vol. II] through acetamide and 114 A.] BENZOIC ALDEHYDE 207 the dehydration of the latter by heat or phos- phorus pentoxide, &c. (Dumas, Comp. Rend. 35, 383 ; Buckton and Hofmann, Journ. Ch. Soc. 9, 242 ; Henry, Ann. 152, 149 ; Wallach, Ann. 184, 21 ; Demar^ay, Bull. Soc. [2] 33, 456). Also from methyl alcohol [13] by distil- ling methyl sulphates with potassium cyanide or ferrocyamde[172'] (Dumas, Malaguti, and Leblanc, Comp. Rend. 25, 474 ; Frankland and Kolbe, Mem. Ch. Soc. 3, 386; Ann. 65, 288). Hydro- gen cyanide [172] and diazomethane combine to form acetonitrile (v. Pechmann, Ber. 28, 857). Ethylamine [Vol. II] gives acetonitrile among the products of oxidation by monopersulphuric acid (Bamberger, Ber. 35, 4293). Benzonitrilo can be obtained from benzene by the action of cyanogen chloride [172] in presence of aluminium chloride (Friodel and Crafts, Ann. Chim. [6] 1, 528) ; by the action of aluminium chloride on a mixture of benzene vapour and cyanogen [172] (Desgrez, Bull. Soc. [3] 13, 735) ; by distilling benzenesulphonates with potassium cyanide (Merz, Zeit. [2] 4, 33) or (practically) by the diazo-method through nitrobenzene, aniline, &c, (Sandmeyer, Ber. 17, 2653). Also from benzene and formic or oxalic acid [Vol. II], aniline and oxalic acid giving benzo- nitrile on distillation (Hofmann, Ann. 142, 125) and formanilide giving the nitrile on distilla- tion over zinc dust (Gasiorowski and Merz, Ber. 17, 73 ; 18, looi). Also from aniline and acetic acid [VoL II] by the action of sodium hydroxide on aniline dichloracetate (Cech and Schwebel, Ch. Centr. 1877, 134) ; from chlor- or brombenzene and potassium ferrocyanide [172] at 400° (Merz and Weith, Ber. 8, 918 ; 10, 749) ; from iodobenzene and silver cyanide (Merz and Schelnberger, Bor. 8, 1630) ; from benzene and cyanogen [172] by pyrogenic synthesis {Ibid. ; Merz and Weith, Ber. 10, 753) ; from aniline and methyl alcohol [13] through dimethylaniline and the action of heat on the latter (Nietzki, Ber. 10, 474) ; or from aniline through phenyl isoeyanide and isomeric transformation at 220° (Weith, Ber. 6, 213) and from aniline and carbon dieidiihide [160] through phenyl thiocarbimide and the action of copper on the latter (Ibid, and 7,725) ; from magnesium nitride and benzoic anhydride (Emmerling, Ber. 29, 1635) ; from benzoic acid and ethylene cyanide (Mathews, Journ. Am. Ch. Soc. 20, 650) ; fr')mbemoyl chloride and methylamine through benzenylmethylimido-chloride (v. Pechmann, Ber. 33, 611). From benzene and acetic acid throug-h aeetophenone, by the action of acetyl chloride on benzene in presence of aluminium or ferric chloride (Friedel and Crafts, Ann. Chim. [6] 1, 507 ; 14 455 ; Nencki and Stoeber, Ber. 30, 1768 ; Boeseken, Bee. Tr. Ch. 20, 102), and then as under G- and C below. From benzene and e/h/l alcohol [14]. The latter, on treatment with nitric acid in presence of mercury, gives mercury fulminate (Howard, Phil. Trans. iHoo; Liebig, Ann. 95, 284 ; Steiner, Ber. 9, 787; Lobry de Bruyn, Ber. 19, 1370). The fulminate interacts with benzene in presence of a mixture of aluminium chloride and hydroxide, giving benzalde- hyde (with its oxime, benzonitrile and benzamide)(Scholl,Ber.32,349a; 36, 10), Or from benzene and methyl alcohol [13] through nitromethane by the interaction of methyl iodide and silver nitrite (see under glycerol [48 ; L]). Sodium-nitromethane on treatment with mercuric chloride solution gives a com- pound which yields mercury fulminate on treatment with hydrochloric acid (Jones, Am. Ch. Journ. 20, 33 ; also Nef, Ann. 280, 276). Subsequent steps as above. Or from benzene and ethyl alcohol [14] through ethylbenzene and styrene bromide (see under styrene [7 ; A] and under phlorol [64 ; A]). The latter can be converted into styrene g'lycol or into phenyl-/3-lactic acid, and either of these into benzaldehyde as below under B. Or ethylbenzene can be con- verted into acetophenone by oxidation with chromic and acetic acids, or by decomposing its chromoxychloride with water (Friedel and Balsohn, Bull. Soc. [2] 32, 616; V. Miller and Rohde, Ber. 23, 1078), and the ketone treated as under G. (See also Fournier, Comp. Rend. 133, 634). Or from benzene and normal or isopro- pyl alcohol [15 ; 16] through isopropyl- benzene by the interaction of the alkyl bromide and benzene in presence of aluminium bromide, or of the alkyl chloride and benzene in presence of aluminium chloride (see under cymene [6; a]), or of brombenzene and the iso-alkyl iodide by sodium (Jacobsen, Ber. 8, 1260). Isopropylbenzene gives acetophenone (with hydratropic alde- hyde) on oxidation with chromium oxychloride (v. Miller and Rohde, Ber. 24, I35«)- Trimethylene bromide [15 ; E] from glycerol [43] and benzene condense under the influence of aluminium chloride with the formation of diphenylpropane and propyl and isopropylbenzene. Propylene bromide produces the same hydrocarbons (Bodroux, Comp. Rend. 132, 155). Note : — Generators of isopropylbenzene are also given under cymene [6 ; A, note]. 208 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [114 A C. Or from benzene and oxalic acid [Vol. II] by the action of ethyloxalyl chloride = chlorethaualic ester, CICO . CO^ . CgHg, on the hydrocarbon in the presence of aluminium chloride. Phenyl- glyoxylic ester is synthesised by this method, and the acid gives benzalde- hyde as below under O (Bouveault, Bull. Soc. [3] 15, 1017; 17, 363: see also Roser, JBer. 14, 940). Or from benzene and acetic aldehyde [92] through aniline and phenylhydr- azine and acetaldehydephenylhydrazone. The latter gives acetophenone when oxidised by air in alcoholic potash solu- tion (Biltz and Wienands, Ann. 308, 16 : see also v. Pechmann, Ber. 31, 3125). [B.] Sti/reiie [7] on heating with nitric acid, or by the action of ' nitrous ' gas, gives phenylnitroethylene, CgHj . CH : CH.NO2 (Simon, Ann. 31, 269; Blyth and Hofmann, Ann. 53, 297 ; Priebs, Ann. 225, 328). The latter yields benzoic aldehyde on heating with water, aqueous alkali, or dilute sulphuric acid (Priebs, loc. cit.). Or phenylnitro- ethylene, on heating with strong hydro- chloric acid, gives phenylchloracetic acid (Priebs, loc. cit. 337), and this yields mandelic acid on boiling with aqueous alkali (Spiegel, Ber. 14, 239). The latter acid gives benzoic aldehyde on dry distillation, on oxidation (Liebig, Ann. 18, 321), or on electrolysis of a solution of the potassium salt (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 469). Or styrene can be converted into the bromide by bromination (Blyth and Hofmann, Ann. 53, 306 ; Glaser, Ann. 154, 154; Zincke, Ann. 216, 288), the corresponding phenylglycol by boiling with aqueous potassium carbonate (Zincke, loc. cit. 293), and into benzoic aldehyde by oxidising the glycol with chromic acid mixture. Or on oxidation with nitric acid the glycol gives phenyl- gl yoxylic acid (Zincke and Hunaus, Ber. 10, 1488), from which benzoic aldehyde can be obtained as below under C. Or styrene bromide on heating with strong alcoholic potash gives phenyl- acetylene (Glaser, Ann. 154, 155 ; Frie- del and Balsohn, Bull. Soc. [2] 35, ^^ ; Holleman, Ber. 20, 3081), which can be converted into acetophenone as under E, and the latter treated as under G. Or styrene bromide on heating with water, alcoholic potash, or potassium acetate gives i^-bromstyrene (Radzis- zewski, Ber. 6, 493 ; Glaser, Ann. 154, 168; Zincke, Ann. 216, 290 : according to Nef, Ann. 303, 273, i^-(a))-bromsty- rene is also formed by these methods), and this, by the action of sodium and carbon dioxide, yields phenylpropiolic acid (Erlenmeyer, Ber. 16, 152), the ester of which, when dissolved in strong sulphuric acid and the solution poured on to ice, gives benzoylacetic ester (Baeyer, Ber. 15, 2705}. The latter can be reduced to phenyl-^S-lactic acid, and the acid converted into benzaldehyde as below under C. Or phenylpropiolic ester can be converted into benzoylacetic ester by the action of dilute caustic alkali (Baeyer and W. H. Perkin, junr., Ber. 16, 2128 ; W. H. P., junr., Trans. Ch. Soc. 45, 174). Or i^-bromstyrene on heating with water at 180° gives acetophenone (Frie- del and Balsohn, Bull. Soc. [2] 32, 614), which can be treated as below under G-. Or phenylpropiolic acid can be con- verted into phenylacetylene and aceto- phenone as below under E. [C] From benzoic and formic acids [Vol. II] by distilling a mixture of the calcium salts (Piria, Ann. 100, 104) ; by reduction of benzoic acid with sodium amalgam in dilute acid solution (Kolbe, Ann. 118, 122), or with stannous com- pounds (Dusart, Comp. Rend. 55, 448) ; or by electrolytic reduction (Nithack, Germ. Pat. 123554 of 1899 ; Ch. Centr. 1901,2,715); orby heating with zincdust (Baeyer, Ann. 140, 296). Also through benzoyl chloride and benzoyl cyanide and the action of zinc and hydrochloric acid on the latter (Kolbe, Ann. 98, 344). Or from benzoyl chloride and copper hydride (Chiozza, Ann. 85, 232). Benzoyl cyanide by the action of hydrochloric acid in the cold gives phenylglyoxylic = benzoylformic acid (Claisen, Ber. 10,430; 845; Hiibner and Buchka, Ibid. 479). The latter yields benzoic aldehyde among other products on distillation (Claisen, loc. cit. J 666). Or phenylglyoxylic acid 114 C-E.] BENZOIC ALDEHYDE 209 may be heated with aniline^ and the anilide hydrolysed by heating with acid (Fab. Prod. Chim. Thann & Mul- house^ Germ. Pat. 94018 of 1896; Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 1166: see also Bou- veault^ Bull. Soc. [3] 17, ^6^). Or from benzoic acid and ethyl alcohol and acetic acid through henzoylacetic ester [Vol. II] by the action of sodium ethylate on a mixture of ethyl benzoate and acetic ester (Claisen and Lowman, Ber. 20, 653), and reduction of the benzoylacetic ester to phenyl-^-lactie acid by sodium amalgam (W. H. Perkin, junr., Trans. Ch. Soc. 47, 254). The latter acid gives benzoic aldehyde on electrolysis of a dilute solution of the potassium salt (v. Miller, Hofer, and Moog, Ber. 27, 469). From benzoic acid and acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] through benzoylacetoacetic ester (Bonne, Ann. 187, i ; Fischer and Biilow, Ber. 18, 2131 ; Nef, Ann. 266, 99), the sodium derivative of which is decomposed by aqueous ammonia with the formation of benzoylacetic ester (Claisen, Ann. 291, 71). From the ester through phenyl-/3-lactic acid as above. Benzoic acid is converted into benzo- nitrile by dehydrating the ammonium salt by heat or dehydrating agents (Fehling, Ann. 49, 91 ; Laurent and Gerhardt, Jahresber. 1849, 327 ; Hof- mann and Buckton, Ann. 100, 155 ; Henke, Ann. 106, 276 ; Wohler, Ann. 192, 362 ; Anschiitz and Schultz, Ann. 196, 48; Henry, Ber. 2, 307). Benzo- nitrile and acetonitrile givebenzaldehyde through iminobenzoylmethyl cyanide, I ^-cyanacetophenone, benzoy lacetimino- ethyl ether, benzoylacetic ester (see under A), and then through phenyl-/3- lactic acid as above. Note : — For further references to the pro- duction of benzonitrile from benzoic acid see under benzyl mustard oil [169 ; A]. For syntheses of benzonitrile from benzene see the note under A above. Or benzonitrile and etht/l alcohol com- bine in presence of hydrogen chloride to form benzimidoethyl ether (Pinner, Ber. 16, "^j-^ : general synthesis). The ether on reduction with sodium amalgam in acid solution gives benzoic aldehyde (Henle, Ber. 35, 3041). Or from benzoic acid and methyl alcohol by the interaction of benzoyl chloride and zinc methyl (Popoff, Ber. 4, 720), and treatment of the aceto- phenone so produced as under G. Benzoic acid and hydrazine interact with the formation of benzhydrazide, and this in presence of alkali condenses to benzalbenzoylhydrazine. The latter is decomposed by dilute acids into ben- zoic acid and aldehyde and hydrazine (Curtius, Ber. 33, 2559). [D.] Phent/lacetic acid [Vol. II] gives a trace of benzoic aldehyde on electroly- sis of an acidified solution of the potas- sium salt (Petersen, Bull, Acad. Roy. Dane. 1897 ; Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 520). Benzoic aldehyde is also among the pro- ducts of oxidation of phenylacetic acid by dilute sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide. Phenylacetic acid gives dibenzyl ke- tone on distillation of its calcium salt (Popoff, Ber. 6, 560 ; Young, Trans. Ch. Soc. 59, 623). Benzoic aldehyde is among the products of the photochemical oxidation of the ketone (Emily Fortey, Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 871). [E.] From cinnamic acid [Vol, II] through phenyl-a-chlor-/3-lactic acid by combination with hypochlorous acid (Glaser, Ann. 147, 79), phenyl-,d-lactic acid by reducing the chloro-acid with sodium amalgam {l/jid. 86), and then as above under C. Or the chloro-acid, on treatment with alcoholic potash, gives ;8-phenyloxyacry- lic = phenylglycidic acid (Glaser, Ann. 147, 98), and this yields phenyl-y3-lactic acid on reduction with sodium amalgam (Plochl, Ber. 16, 2823). Or cinnamic acid can be combined with hydrogen bromide to form i^-brom- hydrocinnamic = phenyl - /3 - brompro- pionic acid (Fittig and Binder, Ann. 195, 132; Anschiitz and Kinnicutt, Ber. 11, 1 22 1 ). The latter gives pheny 1- ^-lactic acid on boiling with water (F. and B. loc. cit. 138). Or cinnamic ester can be brominated so as to give phenyl-a/5-dibrompropionic = a/3-dibromhydrocinnamic ester, and this, by the action of alcoholic potash, gives pheny Ipropiolic acid(W. H.Perkin, junr., Trans. Ch. Soc. 45, 172 ; Lieber- 210 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [114 E-G. mann and Sachse^ Ber. 24, 41 13, note). The latter yields benzoylacetic acid, plienyl-^-laetic acid, and benzaldehyde as above under B and C Or the phenyl dibrompropionic ester by the limited action of alcoholic potash gives a mixture of two bromcinnamie esters, of which the a-cster (i ^-bromcinnamie ester) yields benzoylacetic ester when treated successively with strong sulphuric acid and water (Michael and Browne, Ber. 19. 1393)-. Cinnamic acid can also be brominated (Michael, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 52, 292), and the dibromo-acid debrominated in two stages by successive treatment with alkali {Ibid. Ber. 34, 3648). The final product is phenylpropiolic acid, which can be treated as above. Or the dibromo-acid on heating with 10 per cent, sodium carbonate solution at 100° gives i^-(a))-bromstyrene, and this on heating with strong alcoholic potash at 130-135° yields phenylacetylene (Nef, Ann. 308, 267). The latter gives aceto- phenone as below (Friedel and Balsohn, Bull. Soc. [2] 35, ^^), and benzaldehyde as under G. Or the dibromo-ester by the action of sodium ethylate gives /3-ethoxycinnamic acid (Leighton, Am. Ch. Journ. 20, i^^6), and this on heating with alcoholic hydrochloric acid yields benzoylacetic acid [Ibid. 13 7). The /3-iodo- cinnamic acid obtained by iodising the acid in presence of pyridine gives benzoylacetic acid and acetophenone on treatment with sodium hydroxide solution (Ortoleva, Gazz. 29, 503)- Or phenylpropiolic acid can be con- verted into phenylacetylene by heating with water or phenol (Glaser, Ann. 154, 155; Holleman, Ber. 20, 3081). Phenylacetylene on treatment with sul- phuric acid and water gives acetophe- none (Friedel and Balsohn, as above), which can be treated as below under G. Or from cinnamic acid through phenylnitroethylene by distilling the acid with sodium nitrite in steam (Erd- mann, Ber. 24, 2773), and then as above under B. Or by the direct oxi- dation of cinnamic acid with potassium permanganate phenylglyceric acid is obtained (Fittig and Riir, Ann. 268, 27) ; benzaldehyde is among the pro- duets of the electrolysis of the potassium salt of this acid in strong aqueous solution (v. Miller and Hofer, Ber. 27, 470). NoTK : — Phenylglyceric acid is also obtained from cinnamic acid through phenyI-a-chlor-j3- lactic acid (see above), and tlie action of aqueous alkali on the latter (Lipp, Ber, 16, 1286). [P.] Vnlpic acid [Vol. II] can be converted into pulvic anhydride by heating, and the latter into pulvic acid by the action of caustic potash solution ; or vulpic acid is directly convertible into pulvic acid by boiling with milk of lime (Spiegel, Ann. 219, 6). Pulvic acid on oxidation with alkaline per- manganate gives phenylglyoxylic acid [Ibid. Ber. 14, 1689), and this yields benzaldehyde as above under C. [G.] From acetic and benzoic acids [Vol. II] through acetophenone (Friedel, Ann. 108, 122), phenylglyoxylic acid by oxidation with alkaline permanganate (Gliicksmann, Monats. 11, 248), and then as above under C. Or acetophenone can be converted into i^ : i^-dibromacetophenone by bromination (Hunnius, Ber. 10, 2010), and this on heating with dilute caustic potash solution gives mandelic acid (Engler and Wohrle, Ber. 20, 2202), from which benzaldehyde can be ob- tained as above under B. Or acetophenone can be converted into the i^-nitroso-derivative by the action of amyl nitrite and sodium (Claisen, Ber. 20, 656). The sodium bisulphite compound of the nitroso-ke- tone gives benzoylformaldehyde (phen- ethylal = pheny Iglyoxal) on heating with dilute sulphuric acid (v. Pechmann, Ber. 20, 2904; Miiller and v. Pechmann, Ber. 22, 2557), and the aldehyde yields mandelic acid on heating with aqueous alkali (v. Pechmann, Ber. 20, 2905). Or the nitroso-ketone gives benzoyl cyanide on heating with acetyl chloride or acetic anhydride (Claisen and Ma- nasse, Ber. 20, 2196). The cyanide yields benzaldehyde as above under C From acetophenone through benzoyl- acetic acid by the action of diethyl 114 G-115 A.] BENZOIC ALDEHYDE 211 carbonate and sodium ethylate on the ketone (Claisen, Bar. 20, 656), or by the action of carbon dioxide on the sodium compound of acetophenone sus- pended in dry ether (Beckmann and Paulj Ann. 266, 17). Benzoylacetic ester can be converted into phenyl-/3- lactic acid, and the latter into benzoic aldehyde as above under C. Acetophenone, formic acid [Vol. II], and ethyl alcohol [l4] give benzoyl- acetaldehyde by the action of sodium ethylate on a mixture of the ketone and formic ester (Claisen and Fischer, Ber. 20, 2192; 21, 1 1 35). The oxime of this aldehyde gives i^-cyanaeetophenone by dehydration (Claisen and Stock, Ber. 24, 133), and this yields benzoylacet- iminoethyl ether (see above under A), benzoylacetic ester, phenyl-j8-lactic acid, and benzoic aldehyde as under C. Or benzoylacetaldoxime by the action of acetyl chloride gives phenylisoxazole, and this yields i^-cyanacetophenone by the action of sodium ethylate {Ibid. 134)- Or acetophenone, oxalic acid [Vol. II], and ethi/l alcohol [14] give benzoylpyro- racemic acid by the action of sodium ethylate (Beyer and Claisen, Ber. 20, 2184; Claisen and Bromme, Ber. 21, 1 132), the oxime of which, treated with acetyl chloride, gives phenylisoxazole- carboxylic acid (Salvatori, Gazz. 21, II, 286). The latter yields i^-cyanaceto- phenone on heating {Ibid. 287). [H.] From phenol [6O] through tri- phenyl phosphate by the action of phos- phorus pentachloride or oxychloride (Williamson and Scrugham, Journ. Ch. Soc. 7, 240; Heim, Ber. 16, 1765), benzonitrile by distilling the phosphate with. potass iztm ci/anide[n2] (Scrugham, Ann. 92, 318; Heim, loc. ciL 1771), and then (with acetonitrile) through iminobenzoylmethyl cyanide, &c., as above under A and C. [I.] Hippuric acid [Vol. II] gives benzonitrile on heating per se or with zinc chloride (Limpricht and Uslar, Ann. 88, 133; Gossmann, Ann. 100, 74). Subsequent steps as above. [J.] From naphthalene [l2] (see under hydrojuglone [OO]), through phthalic acid (benzyl alcohol [54; R]), and phthalimide by the action of ammonia on phthalic anhydride (Laurent, Ann. 41, no; Lansberg, Ann. 215, 181). The imide gives benzonitrile on dis- tillation with lime (Laurent, Jahresber. 1868, 549; Reese, Ann. 242, 5). Sub- sequent steps as above. [K.] From cymene [e] through cumic aldehyde [II6] and cumic acid by oxi- dation (Gerhardt and Cahours, Ann. 38, 74; Beilstein and Kupfer, Ann. 170, 302 ; R. Meyer, Ann. 219, 244), isopropylbenzene (cumene) by distilling the acid with lime or baryta (G. and C. loc. cit. 88 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 1, 87 ; 372 ; 14, 107), acetophenone, &c., as above under A, G, and C. [L.] Benzyl alcohol [54] gives ben- zoic aldehyde on oxidation with dilute nitric acid, &c. Or by pyrogenic con- tact decomposition by heated copper (IpatiefP, Ber. 35, 1055). [M.] From racemic or tartaric acid [Vol. II] and n-propyl alcohol [15] through pyroracemic acid, ethyliso- phthalic acid, and ethylbenzene (see under phlorol [64 ; J]), and then as above under A. Or from pyroracemic acid and isohu- tyric aldehyde [94] through isopropyl- benzene (see under cymene [6; A, note]), and then as above under A. 115. Hydrocinnamic Aldehyde; Fhenylpropiouic Aldehyde ; Phenepropylal. CeH5.CH2.CH2.CHO Natural Source. May possibly occur in Ceylon oil of cinnamon (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1902; Walbaum and Hiithig, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, 52). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From n-propyl alcohol [15] and benzene [6; I, &c.] through propylben- zene by the condensation of propyl bromide and brombenzene by the action of sodium (Fittig, Schaffer, and Konig, Ann. 149, 324), or of aluminium chloride (Heise, Ber. 24, 768). Projiylbenzene p2 212 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [lis A-116. forms a compound with chromium oxy- chloride which gives the above aldehyde on decomposition by water (Etard, Ann. Chim. [5] 22, 254 : according to later experiments by v. Miller and Rohde, Ber. 23, 1070, this process gives benzoic and not hydrocinnamic aldehyde). Note : — Propyl chloride and benzene give also isopropylbenzene = cumene by the action of aluminium chloride unless the temperature is kept below 0° (Konowaloff, Journ. Kuss. Soc. 27, 457). [B.] From benzoic aldehyde [114] and ethyl alcohol [14] through ethylphenyl carbinol by the interaction of the alde- hyde and magnesium ethiodide, the chloride by the action of phosphorus pentachloride on the alcohol, and pro- penylbenzene by heating the chloride with pyridine. Propenylbenzene gives propylbenzene on reduction with sodium in alcoholic solution (Klages, Ber. 36, 621 : see also Wagner, Journ. Buss. Soc. 16, 324). Note : — Generators of propenylbenzene are : bronihydroxyphenylcrotonic acid (Perkin, Journ. Ch. Soc. 32, 660) ; a-methyl-)3-phenyl- hydroxypropionic acid (W. H. Perkin, junr., and Stenhouse, Trans. Ch. Soc. 59, 1010) ; methylbenzyl ketone or ethylphenyl ketone or the chlorides from the corresponding secon- dary alcohols (Errera, Grazz. 14, 504; 16, 318) ; phenopropyltrimethylammonium hydroxide (Senfter and Tafel, Ber. 27, 2312"); brompro- piophenone from brompropionic acid and ben- zene through a-ehlor-;8-brompropenylbenzene (Kunkell and Dettmar, Ber. 36, 771 : compare with respect to this process Klages, Ber. 36, 2572). [C] From glycerol [48] through allyl bromide (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; E]) and henzene, a mixture of the bromide and hydrocarbon giving propyl- benzene among other products when heated with zinc dust (Shukowski, Journ. Buss. Soc. 27, 297). [D.] 'Pvoviiquinoli7ie [Vol. II], propyl- benzene being among the products of reduction by hydriodic acid and phos- phorus at 300-310° (Bamberger and Williamson, Ber. 27, 1477)- [E.] From cinnamic aldehyde [l23]. The hydrochloride of a formimino-ether (prepared by the interaction of hydrogen cyanide [172] and an alcohol in presence of hydrogen chloride ; Pinner, * Die Imidoaether,' 1892) condenses with the aldehyde to form an acetal (Claisen, Ber. 31, 1016). The latter, after reduc- tion by sodium in alcohol, is decomposed into hydrocinnamic aldehyde on heating with dilute sulphuric acid (Fischer and Hoffa, Ber. 31, 1991). The dimethyl acetal is also formed from cinnamic aldehyde and methyl alcohol by the condensing action of hydrogen chloride (F. and H. loc. cit. 1990). [P.] From hydrocinnamic and formic acids [Vol. II] by distilling a mixture of the calcium salts (v. Miller, Bohde, and Gerdeissen, Ber. 23, 1080 : see also DoUfuss, Ber. 26, 197 1). 116. Cnmic Aldehyde; Cumiuol; Para-isopropylphenal ; Cuminal ; 4-MetIioethylplienemetliylal. CHO CHCOHj), Natural Sources. Occurs (with cymene) in Roman oil of cumin from Cuminum cyminum (Ger- hardt and Cahours, Ann. 38, 70 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 1, 60 ; Bertagnini, Ann. 85, 275 ; Kraut, Ann. 92, 66), and in oil of water-hemlock from Cicuta virosa (Trapp, Journ. pr. Ch. 74, 428 ; Arch. Pharm. 231, 212; Ann. 108, ^>^6). Said to occur also in oil of thyme from Thymus vulgaris and T. serpyllum, in oil of true bishop^s weed from Ptychotis ajowan, in oil of pepperwort from Satureia hortensis, and in oils of Eucalyptus globulus, ginger, nutmeg, sage, and citron (Sawer's ' Odoro- graphia,' Vol. II, p. 140 : authorities not given). Cuminal is contained in the oils of Eucalyptus hcemastoma (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1888), E. odorata {Ibid. April, 1889), E. oleosa (Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 695), E. populifera (Schimmers Ber. April, 1893), (■) ^- 116-117 E.] CUMIC ALDEHYDE 213 viridis {Ihid. Oct. 1901), and E. liemi- phloia [Ibid. April, 1892). Note : — According to H. G. Smith (Proc. Roy. See. N. S. Wales, 34) the aldehyde of Eucalyptus oils is not curaic aldehyde, but a new aldehyde, ' aromadendral.' Cuminal is contained in Ceylon oil of cinnamon (Schimmel's Ber. April, 1902 ; Walbaum and Hiithig, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, S5)- Synthetical Peocess. [A.] Cymene [e] on chlorination at its boiling point gives i^-chlorcymene = cymyl chloride (Errera, Gazz. 14, 377). The latter yields cuminal on boiling with lead nitrate and water (Ibid. 278). A small quantity of the aldehyde is obtained by the oxidation of cymene with sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide (Fournier, Comp. Rend. 133, 634). 117. Salicylic Aldehyde ; Orthohydroxybenzaldehyde ; Orthohydroxyphenal ; 2 -Fhenolmethylal, CHO ,0H Natural Sources. The complex is contained in some compound present in the flowers and herb (but not in the root) of Sjnrfea lihnaria (Pagenstecher, Berz. Jahresber. 18, '3,'3,6 ; Lowig, Ihid. 20, 'ifSS > I'og'8"- Ann. 36, 383; Dumas, Ann. 29, 306; Ettling, Ibid. 309 ; 35, 247) ; in the herbs of Spiraa digifata, S. lobata, and S.Jilipendula', in the flowers of S. aruncus (Wicke, Ann. 83, 175), and in the root and stem of hawk^s-beard, Crepisfoetida (Wicke, Ann. 91, 374). The glucoside, spirffiin, contained in the old roots of Spircea Jcamschatica is a glucoside of salicylic aldehyde (Beyerinck, Centr. Bakter. II, 6, 425 ; Ch. Centr. 1H99, 2, 259). Mould fungi [Aspergillus oryzce) split off saligenin from salicin [157], and then oxidise the alcohol to the aldehyde (Brunstein ; Abst. in Journ. Fed. Inst. 7, ?>^1 ; 8, 507). _ The aldehyde is said to have been obtained from the larva and imago of the beetle, Chrysomela populi (Jahresber. 1850, 583 ; Enz, Ibid. 1859, 312). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From phenol [60] (with p- hydroxybenzaldehyde) by heating with chloroform [l; D] in presence of sodium hydroxide solution(Tiemann and Reimer, Ber. 9, 423 ; 824). Or from phenol and eihyl alcohol [l4] through coumarone (see under phlorol [64 ; C]). The latter on nitration gives a nitrocoumarone, which yields salicylic aldehyde among the products of its decomposition by sodium ethylate (Stoermer and Richter, Ber. 30, 2094 ; Stoermer and Kahlert, Ber. 35, 1640). [B.] Saligenin [55] gives salicylic aldehyde on oxidation (Piria, Ann. 30, [C.} Salicin [157] gives salicylic aldehyde on oxidation with sulphuric acid and potassium dichromate, &c. (Piria, loc. cii.; Schiff, Ann. 150, 193; 210, 115). [D.] Acetophenone (see under benzoic aldehyde [114 ; A ; G, &c.]) on nitra- tion at a low temperature gives (with m-nitro-) o-nitroacetophenone (Engler, Ber. 18, 2238 ; Camps, Arch. Pharm. 240, 6), and this on reduction yields o-aminoacetophenone (Gevekoht, Ann. 221, 326 ; Camps, loc. cit. 15). By the diazo-method the latter is converted into o-/iydroxyacetophenone [130] (Fried- lander and Neudorfer, Ber. 30, 1080 ; Dunstan and Henry, Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 71). The hydroxy-ketone by acetyla- tion and bromi nation gives acetyl- o- hydroxy-co-acetophenone bromide, which, on boiling with water and chalk, yields ketocotimaran = coumaranone [132] (F. and N. loc. cit. 1081). The latter on heating in alkaline solution gives sali- cylic aldehyde [Ibid.). [E.] From cinnamic acid [Vol. II] through o-nitrocinnamic acid and ester 214 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [117 E- J. by nitration (Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 163, 125; Morgan, Ch. News, 36, 369 ; Baeyer, Ber. 13, 2258 ; Miiller, Ann. 212, 142 ; Drewsen, Ibid. 151; Fischer and Kiizel, Ann. 221, 265), o-nitroplienylpropiolic acid by bromination of o-nitrocinnamic acid and the action of excess of caustic soda on the product (Baeyer, loc. cit.), and o-nitrophenylacetylene by heating 0- nitrophenylpropiolic acid with water {Ibid. 2259}. o-Nitrophenylacetylene on reduction with zinc dust and am- monia gives o-aminophenylacetylene (Baeyer and Landsberg, Ber. 15, 60 ; JBaeyer and Bloem, Ber. 17, 964). The latter, on treatment with sulphuric acid and water, yields o-aminoaceto- phenone (B. and B. Ber. 15, 2154), which can be converted into o-hydroxy- acetophenone, ketocoumaran, and sali- cylic aldehyde as above under D. Or from cinnamic acid through phenylpropiolic acid, phenyl acetylene, and acetophenone (see under benzoic aldehyde [114; E]), and then as above under D. Or from cinnamic acid through coumarone (see under phlorol [64 ; P]), and then as under A above. [F.] From benzoic acid and aceto- acetic ester [Vol. II]. Benzoic acid on nitration gives (with m- and p-nitro-) some o-nitro-acid (Griess, Ann. 166, 129 ; Ber. 10, 1871 ; Ernst, Jahresber. 1860, 299; Holleman, Zeit, physik. Ch. 31, 79). o-Nitrobenzoyl chloride and sodio-acetoacetic ester give o- nitrobenzoylacetoacetic ester (Gevekoht, Ann. 221, 323), which on hydrolysis with dilute sulphuric acid yields o-nitro- acetophenone {Ibid. 325). Subsequent steps as above under D. Or from benzoic and acetic acids through acetophenone (see under benzoic aldehyde [114; G]), and then as above under D. Or from benzoic acid (benzoyl chlor- ide) and zinc methyl through aceto- phenone [114 ; C], and then as under D. [G.] From salicylic acid [Vol. II] through the ethyl ester of the methyl ether (Cahours, Ann. 92, 315 ; Graebe, Ann. 139, 137), and condensation of the latter with acetic ester [Vol. II] to form 2-methoxybenzoylacetic ester (Tahara, Ber. 25, 1306). The latter on hydro- lysis with dilute sulphuric acid gives o-methoxyacetophenone, which can be demethylated by heating with hydro- chloric acid at 130° {Ibid. 1309). The o-hydroxyacetophenone can be treated as above under D (see also Besthorn, Banzhaf, and Jaegle, Ber. 27, 3035). [H.] Coumarin [Vol. II] on combina- tion with bromine forms a dibromide, which on treatment with alcoholic potash gives o-coumarilic acid (Perkin, Journ. Ch. Soc. 24, 45 ; Fittig and Ebert, Ann. 216, 163). The ethyl ether of the coumarilic acid on heating with dilute hydrochloric acid yields, among other products, o-ethoxyaceto- phenone (Fittig and Claus, Ann. 269, 10), which might be de-alkylated and treated as above under G. Or from coumarin through coumarone (see under phlorol [64; D]), and then as above under A. [I.] Orthocoumaric acid [Vol. II] on ethylation gives the /3-ethyl ether of the acid (Fittig and Ebert, Ann. 216, 146), and this on combination with bromine yields the ethyl ether of di- brom-melilotic acid {Ibid. 158). The latter, by the action of alcoholic potash, gives the ethyl ether of o-coumarilic acid (Fittig and CJaus, Ann. 269, 6), which can be treated as above under H. [J.] From toluene [54 ; A and D to end] through o-nitrotoluene (see under o-cresol [61 ; A]) and o-nitrobenzoic acid by oxidation of the latter (Wid- mann, Ann. 193, 225; Noyes, Ber. 16, 53 ; Monnet, Reverdin, and Noelting, Ber. 12,443). Subsequent steps through o-nitrobenzoylacetoacetic ester as above under P. Or from o-nitrotoluene through o- nitrobenzaldehyde (see under saligenin [55 ; C]), which condenses with malonic acid [Vol. II] in presence of aniline to form o-nitrocinnamic acid (Knoevenagel and Baebenroth, Ber. 31, 2609). From the latter through o-nitrophenylpropiolic acid, &c., as above under E. Or from benzene [6 ; I, &c.] through nitrobenzene, aniline, o-nitraniline (Nietzki and Benckiser, Ber. 18, 295 ; Lellmann, Ann. 221, 6; Turner, Ber. 117 J-119 A.] SALICYLIC ALDEHYDE 215 25, 986), and o-nitrobenzonitrile (Sand- meyer, Ber. 18, 1492). The latter can be hydrolysed to o-nitrobenzoic acid, and then treated as before. Or from benzene through aceto- phenone by direct synthesis, or via ethylbenzene or isopropylbenzene or aeetaldehydephenylhydrazone (see under benzoic aldehyde [114; A]) and aceto- phenone, and then as above under D. Acetanilide (from aniline and acetic acid) on heating- with acetic and phos- phoric acids and subsequent hydrolysis of the acetyl-derivatives gives a mixture of 0- and p-aminoacetophenone (Kohler, Germ. Pat. 56971 of 1889; Ber. 24, Ref. 685). From the o-aminoketone as under D above. [K.] "From sUjrene [7] through aceto- phenone (see under benzoic aldehyde [114 ; B]), and then as above under D. [L.] From cymene [6] through cumic aldehyde [II6] and acid and acetophenone (see under benzoic aldehyde [114; K]), and then as above under D. 118. Metahydroxybenzoic Aldehyde; Metahydroxyphenal ; 3-Fhenolmethylal. CHO OH Natural Source. The glucoslde, salinigrin, occurs in the bark of Salix discolor ( Jowett, Trans. Ch, Soc. 77, 707 ; Jowett and Potter, Pharm. Journ. [4] 15, 157). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From benzoic aldehyde [114] through the m-nitro-aldehyde by nitra- tion, the m-amino-aldehyde by reduc- tion, and decomposition of the diazo- stannichloride by boiling with water (Tiemann and Ludwig, Ber. 15, 2045 : see also under vanillin [121; C]). [B.] From leaizolc acid [Vol. II] through the m-l]ydroxy-acid (see under phenol [60 ; E]). The latter gives the m-hydroxy-aldehyde on reduction with sodium amalgam in presence of dilute acid (Sandmann, Ber. 14, 969). Note : — Other generators of m-hydroxyben- zoic acid are m-cresol [62], cinnamic acid [Vol. II], and naphthalene [12]. For references see under phenol [60 ; F ; I ; J]. 119. Farahydrozybeuzoic Aldehyde ; Farahydrozyphenal ; 4i-Fhenolmetliylal. CHO HO Natural Sources. Occurs in yellow Botany Bay or acaroid resin from Xanthonhcea hastills (L. Bamberger, Monats. 14, 339) ; also in red Xanthorrhcea resin (Tschirch and Hildebrand, Arch. Pharm. 234, 698 ; Ch, Centr. 1897, 1, 422). The complex (p-hydroxymandeloni- trile) is contained in a cyanogenetic glucoside (dhurrin) occurring in the young plants of Sorghum vulgar e, the great millet (Dunstan and Henry, Proc. Roy. Soc. 70, 153). Synthetical Processes. [A.] ¥rom phenol [60] (with salicylic aldehyde) by the action of chloroform [1 ; D] in presence of sodium hydroxide solution (Tiemann and Reimer, Ber. 9, 8 24 ; Tiemann and Herzfeld, Ber. 10, Or from phenol and hydrogen cyanide [172] by combining the two compounds in benzene solution in presence of alu- minium chloride and hydrogen chloride, and decomposing the product with dilute acid (Gattermann and Berchel- mann, Ber. 31, 1766; also Eng. Pat. 13453 of 1898, Bayer & Co.). Zinc chloride may be used as a condensing agent instead of aluminium chloride (Gattermann and Kobner, Bei\ 32, 278). Or from phenol, ethyl alcohol [14], 216 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [119 A-E. and oxalic acid [Vol. II] through the following stages : — Picric acid (from phenol) is converted into picrylphenol by the action of picryl chloride on potassium phenate. Oxalic acid is con- verted into ethyl oxalate, and the latter into ethyloxalyl chloride [l20 ; B], which combines with picrylphenol in the presence of aluminium chloride to form picryl-p-hydroxyphenylglyoxylic ester : — (NOJgCeH^.O.CeH,. CO. CO.CJI,. The latter on hydrolysis with alcoholic potash gives p-hydroxyphenylglyoxylic acid, and this on distillation in vacuo, or on heating with dimethylaniline, yields (with p-hydroxybenzoic acid) p- hydroxybenzoic aldehyde (Bouveault, Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 947). Note : — For technical production from phenol by condensation with/ormic aldehyde [91] and p-toluylhydroxylamine-m-sulphonic acid (from p-nitrotoluene-m-sulphonic acid), and decomposition of the condensation product by heating with dilute acids or alkalis, see Geigy's Germ. Pats, 103578 of 1898 ; Ch. Centr. 1899, 1, 926 ; 105103 of 1898 ; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 239 ; 105798 of 1898 ; Ibid. 523. [B:] Cinnamic acid [Vol. II] or its ester on nitration gives (with ortho-) paranitrocinnamic acid or ester (Mit- scherlich, Journ. pr. Ch. 22, 192; Ann. Chim. [3] 4, 73; Kopp, Comp. Rend. 53, 634 ; Beilstein and Kuhlberg, Ann. 163, 1 26 ; Tiemann and Opermann, Ber. 13, 2059; Miiller, Ann. 212, 124; Drewsen, Ibid. 150). The p-nitro-acid (or ester) on oxidation gives p-nitro- benzoic aldehyde (Baeyer, Ber. 14, 2317 : see also Basler, Ber. 16, 2714), which combines with hydroxylamine to form an oxime (Gabriel and Herzberg, Ber. 16, 3coo),and this reduces to the oxime of p-aminobenzoic aldehyde [Ibid. 2001), which, by the action of acids, yields the p-amino-aldehyde [Ibid. 2002). The latter gives the hydroxy-aldehyde by the diazo-method (Walther and Bret- schneider, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 53H). Or cinnamic acid can be combined with bromine or with hypobromous acid, and the product converted into w-brom- styrene by heating with water (Glaser, Ann. 154, 168). The bromstyrene on nitration gives (with another isomeride and p-nitrobenzoic acid) a-p-n itropheny 1- iQ-bromnitroethylene, NOg . CgH^ . CH : CBrNOg, and this, on boiling with water, yields p-nitrobenzoic aldehyde among other products (Fliirscheim, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, 16). [C] Styrene [7] by the action of nitric or nitrous acid gives i^-nitrosty- rene = phenylnitroethylene (Simon, Ann. 31, 269; Blyth and Hofmann, Ann. 53, 297 ; Priebs, Ann. 225, 328), which, by further nitration, yields 4 : 1^- dinitrostyrene (Priebs, loc. cit. 348). The latter, on heating with strong sul- phuric acid at 110°, gives p-nitrobenzoic aldehyde (Friedlander and Mahly, Ann. 229, 213). Subsequent steps as above. [D.] From benzoic aldehyde [114] and methyl alcohol [13] by the action of nitromethane on the aldehyde at 160° in presence of zinc chloride (Priebs, Ann. 225, 321), which gives i^-nitro- styrene. Subsequent steps through dinitrostyrene, p-nitrobenzoic aldehyde, &c., as above. Note : — Nitromethane is prepared from methyl iodide and silver nitrite (Bewad, Journ. Russ. Soc. 24, 126 ; Meyer, Ann. 171, 32). Formed also from potassium chloracetate and potassium nitrite (Kolbe, Journ. pr, Ch, [2] 5, 427; Preibisch, Ibid. 8, 310: see also under glycerol [48 ; K ; L], and hydrogen cyanide [172; J; Y]). Or from benzoic aldehyde and succinic acid [Vol. II] through phenylisocro tonic acid by heating the aldehyde with suc- cinic anhydride and sodium succinate (Perkin, Journ. Ch. Soc. 31, 394), or with sodium succinate and acetic anhy- dride (Jayne, Ann, 216, 100; Leoni, Ann, 256, 64). Phenylisocrotonic acid by the action of fuming nitric acid gives i^-nitrostyrene (Erdmann, Ber. 17, 412), which can be treated as above. [E.] From benzene [6 ; I, &c.] or toluene [54] by various processes : — From benzene and formic aldehyde [91] through phenylhydroxylamine (Bamberger, Ber. 27, 1347; 1548; Wohl, Ibid. 1432), which condenses with the aldehyde to form a polymeric anhydro-derivative of p-hydroxylamine- benzyl alcohol. The diazo-derivative of the latter, on heating with water, gives p-hydroxybenzoic aldehyde (Kalle 119 E.] PARAHYDROXYBENZOIC ALDEHYDE 217 & Co., Germ. Pat. 8797a of 1895; Ber. 29, Ref. 747 : see also Germ. Pat. 89601 of T896; Ber. 29, Ref. 1195). The same polymeric anhydro-derivative is obtained by the electrolysis of nitro- benzene in the presence of hydrochloric acid and formic aldehyde (Lob, Zeit. Elektroch. 1898, 4, 428). From benzene through p-phenylene- diamine (see under quinol [71 ; T]). The latter combines with alloxan [Vol. II] to form a product which, on heating with sulphuric acid, gives p-aminoben- zoic aldehyde, which can be treated as above under B (Pellizari, Gazz. 17, 41 a ; Bohringer & Sohne, Germ. Pat. 108026 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 19CO, 1, 11 14). From toluene through p-nitrotoluene and p-nitrobenzyl chloride (Wachen- dorff, Ann. 186, 271), or through benzyl chloride and nitration of the latter (Beilstein and Geitner, Ann. 139, 337 ; Strakosch, Ber. 6, 1056). The nitrobenzyl chloride on oxidation with lead nitrate and dilute nitric acid gives p-nitrobenzoic aldehyde (Fischer and Greiff, Ber. 13, 670), which can be treated as above under B. Or p-nitrotoluene can be oxidised by a mixture of sulphuric and chromic acids in presence of acetic acid and anhydride, when p-nitrobenzaldehyde diacetate is formed, and this gives the aldehyde on hydrolysis (Farbenfab. vorm. F. Bayer & Co., Germ. Pat. 121788 of 1899; Ch. Centr. 1901, 2, 70). Or p-nitrobenzyl chloride can be combined with aniline or its sulphonic acid (Strakosch, Ber. 6, 1056 ; Paal and Sprenger, Ber. 30, 69), and the p-nitrobenzyl compounds oxidised to benzylidene-compounds by acid and dichromate, or with alkaline or neutral oxidising mixtures (Meister, Lucius, and Briining, Germ. Pats. 91503 of 1896; Ch. Centr. 1897, 1, 1007 '•> 92084 of 1896; Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 456; 93539 of 1897; Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 1063; 97847 of 1896; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 696; 97948 of 1897; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 742; 103859 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 949 ; 109608 of 1897; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 408; and 110173 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 460). The p-nitrobenzylideneaniline or sulphonic acid obtained by this process gives p-nitrobenzoic aldehyde (with the base or its sulphonic acid) on hydrolysis with dilute mineral acid (see also under benzoic aldehyde [114 ; A]). Or p-nitrobenzylideneaniline or its sulphonic acid can be reduced to the p-aminobenzylidene compound by alka- line sulphides : the latter on hydrolysis gives p-aminobenzoic aldehyde, which can be converted into the hydroxy-alde- hyde by the diazo-method as above under B (Meister, Lucius, and Briining, Germ. Pat. 99542 of 1897; Ch. Centr. 1899, 1, 238; Germ. Pat. 100968 of 1897; Ibid. 958 : also Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 17, 658; 18, 363 and 488 for Eng. Patents). Or p-nitrobenzyl chloride can be con- verted into p-nitrobenzyl alcohol (or its phenolsulphonic ether), which gives p- aminobenzoic aldehyde on heating with alkaline sulphides (Meister, Lucius, .and Briining, Germ. Pat. J 06509 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 1084). p-Nitrobenzyl chloride on combina- tion with hydroxylamine gives ^-<^- nitrobenzylhydroxylamine, which forms a nitroso-derivative by the action of nitrous acid. The nitroso-compound decomposes on solution in acetic (with nitric) acid with the formation of bis- nitrosyl-p-nitrobenzyl, (NOg . C,jHg)2 (N0)2 (Behrend and Konig, Ann. 263, 216). Or the bisnitrosyl-compound can be obtained by the action of bromine water on p-nitrobenzylhydroxylamine hydrochloride (Kjellin and Kuylen- stjenia, Ber. 30, 1897). The bis- nitrosyl-compound is decomposed by caustic potash solution with the forma- tion of p-nitrobenzaldoxime (a and /3) (Behrend and Konig, loc. cit. 347). Nitrobenzaldoxime is also formed from nitrobenzylhydroxylamine as one pro- duct of the action of bromine (Kjellin and Kuylenstjerna, loc. cit.). The nitrobenzaldoxime can be converted into the amino-oxime, the amino-aldehyde, and the hydroxy-aldehyde as above under B. (For convertibility of a- and /3-oximes see Behrend, Ber. 24, 3088.) According to Geigy & Co. (Germ. Pat. 86874 of 1895 ; Ber. 29, Ref. 530) p-nitrotoluene gives p-aminobenzoic 218 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [ll9 E-120 C. aldehyde on reduction with alkahne sulphide in dilute alcohol, or with sul- phur in hot fuming sulphuric acid. p-Nitrotoluene and oxalic ester com- bine in the presence of sodium ethoxide to form p-nitrophenylpyroracemic acid, which gives p-nitrobenzoic aldehyde on oxidation with chromic acid mixture (Reissert, Ber. 30, 1049). p-Nitro- toluene by the action of amyl nitrite in presence of sodium ethoxide gives p- nitrobenzaldoxime(Angeli and Angelico, Atti Real. Accad. [5] 8, II, 28 ; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 371 ; Meister, Lucius, and Briining, Germ. Pat. 107095 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900,1, 886; Lap- worth, Trans. Ch. Soc. 79, 1^74). [F.] Paracresol [63], on oxidation with sulphuric and chromic acids in presence of acetic anhydride, gives p- hydroxybenzaldehyde triacetate (Thiele and Winter, Ann. 311, 357). The triacetate is decomposed with the forma- tion of the aldehyde on heating with dilute acid {Ifjicl.). 120. Anisic Aldehyde; Faramethoxybenzoic Aldehyde. CHO OCH3 Natural Sources. Russian oil of aniseed (from Pim- pinella anismn) contains a small quantity of this aldehyde (Bouchardat and Tardy, Bull. Soc. [3] 15, 612). French oil of bitter fennel contains anisic aldehyde (Tardy, Rid. [3] 17, 580). In Chinese star-anise oil (itjid. [3] 27, 990). The existence of the aldehyde in these oils may be due to the oxidation of ane- thole. Synthetical Processes. [A.] Yrovc^p-hydroxyhenzaldehyde [119] by methylation with potassium hydr- oxide and methyl iodide [13] in methyl alcoholic solution (Tiemann and Herz- feld, Ber. 10, 6-^). [B.] From phenol [6O] through ani- sole by methylation (Cahours, Ann. 78, 236 ; Vincent, Bull. Soc. [2] 40, 106 ; Kolbe, Joum. pr. Ch. [2] 27, 425; Auer, Ber. 17, 672 ; Kralft and Roos, Germ. Pat. 76574 of 1893; Ber. 17, Ref. 955 ; Ullmann and Wenner, Ber. 33, 2476). The latter combines with hydrogen cyanide [172] in presence of hydrogen chloride and aluminium chlor- ide to form a compound which gives anisic aldehyde on decomposition with dilute acids (Gattermann, Ber. 31, Or from anisole and carbon mon- oxi le, the latter being converted into carbonyl chloride, and then into chlor- carbamide by the action of ammonium chloride (Gattermann and Schmidt, Ber. 20, 118; 858; Ann. 244, 30). Chlorcarbamide and anisole combine in the presence of aluminium chloride to form anisamide (Gattermann, Ann. 244, 62), and this on reduction with sodium amalgam in acid solution gives anisyl alcohol (Hutchinson, Ber. 24, 175), from which the aldehyde can be obtained as under E. Or anisamide can be hydrolysed to anisic acid and treated as under P. Or from anisole and ethyl alcohol [14] through mercury fulminate (see under benzoic aldehyde [114; A]). The latter condenses with anisole in presence of aluminium chloride and hydrate to form 0- and p-anisic aldehyde and oxime and p-anisic nitrile (Scholl and Hilgers, Ber. 36, 648). Anisole also combines with ethyl- oxalyl chloride = chlorethanalic ester (from oxalic acid [Vol. II] and ethyl alcohol [14] ; Henry, Ber. 4, 599 ; Anschiitz, Ber. 19, 2159; Peiatoner and Strazzeri, Gazz. 21, 301) in presence of aluminium chloride to form anisole- glyoxylic ester. The acid (p-methoxy- phenylglyoxylic) obtained from the latter by hydrolysis gives anisic alde- hyde on heating per se, or (better) with aniline (Bouveault, Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 943)- [C] From anethole [68] by oxidation (Cahours, Ann. Chim. [3] 14, 484 ; 23, 120 C-121.] ANISIC ALDEHYDE 219 354 ; Rossel, Ann. 151, 25 ; Labbe, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 1076; Otto and Verley, Germ. Pat. 97620 of 1895; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 693), or by the action of boron fluoride (Landolph, Ber. 12, 286). [D.] From salicylic acid [Vol. II] through anisole by distilling the methyl ether with baryta (Cahours, Ann. 48, 6^), and then as above under B. [E.] From p-hydroxyhenzyl alcohol [56] through p-methoxybenzyl = anisyl alconol by methylation (Biedermann, Ber. 19, 2376) and the aldehyde by oxidation (Cannizzaro and Bertagnini, Ann. 98, 189). [F.] Anisic acid [Vol. II] gives the aldehyde on distilling the calcium salt with calcium formate [Vol. II] (Piria, Ann. 100, 105). [G.] From benzene [6 ; I, &c.] through nitrobenzene and aniline. The latter, on conversion into a diazonium salt and treatment with methyl alcohol, gives anisole (Beeson, Am. Ch. Journ. 16, 234 ; Cameron, Ibid. 20, 250 : see also Hantzsch and Spear, Ber. 33, 2538 ; Hantzsch and Jochem, Ber. 34, 3337). Subsequent steps as above under B. Or benzenesulphonic acid gives ani- sole directly on distilling its sodium salt with sodium methylate (Moureu, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 403). 121. Vanillin; Methylproto- catechuic Aldehyde ; 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxybenzoic Aldehyde. CHO OCH3 HO Natural Sources. In pods of the vanilla bean, from Vanilla planifolia and its varieties, V. sativa, V. sylvedris, and V. pompona, all from Mexico. In V. guyanensis from Guiana and Surinam ; in V. palmarum from Bahia; in V. aromatica from Brazil and Peru ; in V. planifolia var. from Reunion, and in Y. ensifolia from New Granada. The isolation of vanillin from the pods of V. aromatica is due to Gobley (Jahresber. 1858, 534 : see also Stokkebye, Ibid. 1864, 612). Vanillin occurs in Siam benzoin (Jannasch and Rump, Ber. 11, 1635; Liidy, Arch. Pharm. 231, 461), in assa- foetida (Schmidt, Arch. Pharm. [3] 24, 534; Tschirch and Polacek, Ibid. 235, 126), in small quantities in certain beet sugars (Weger, Ding. poly. Journ. 237, 146; Scheibler,Ber. 13, 335; v.Lippmann, Ibid. 662}, in asparagus (v. Lippmann, Ber. 18, 3335), in the seeds of Lupitius albics (Campani and Grimaldi, Gazz. 17, 545), in flowers of the orchid, Nigritella snaveolens (v. Lippmann, Ber. 27, 3409), and in resins from pine and larch (Max Bamberger and Landsiedl, Monats. 18, 481 ; 502). Vanillin is possibly present in yellow acaroid or Botany Bay resin from XanthorrJioca hastilis (Tschirch and Hildebrand, Arch. Pharm. 234; Ch. Centr. 1897, 1, 422). Vanillin occurs in cinnamein from Peru balsam, San Salvador (Thoms, Ber. deutsch. pharm. Gesell. 8, 264; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 1030; Tschirch and Knitl, Arch. Phaim. 237, 271 ; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 315), and in opoponax from Opoponax c/iironium (Tschirch and Knitl, loc. cit. 256; Ch. Centr. 1899, Vanillin has been found in oriental storax from Liquidambar orientalis and American storax from L. styraciflua (Tschirch and Van Itallie, Arch. Pharm. 239,506; 532). A vanillin glucoside occurs in the husk of oats (Rawton, Com p. Rend. 125,797). According to Singer (Monats. 3, 409), vanillin is widely distributed in traces in all woody portions of plants (see also Czapek, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 27, 148). Vanillin occurs in cork (Kiigler, Journ. Pharm. [5] 10, 123 ; Brautigam, Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 858; 889; Thoms, Ibid. 1102), and in the volatile oil of Spiraea (Schneegans and Gerock, as quoted by Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 551). According to Brautigam, po- tato peel contains a compound which gives vanillin under the influence of heat and atmospheric oxygen (Pharm. 220 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [121-C. Zeit. 45, 164; Ch. Centr. 1900^ 1, 728). Vanillin has been extracted in small quantity from the new bark of the lime tree, Tilia sp. ? (Brautigam, Arch. Pharm. 238, SS6). According to Busse (see Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 557), vanillin is produced in Vanilla species in the first place as a glucoside. The same view is expressed by Behrens (Ibid. 2, 769 : see also Molisch, Ber, deutsch. bot. Gesell. 19, 350). Lecomte attributes the forma- tion to the hydrolysis of coniferin and oxidation of coniferyl alcohol by an oxidase (Comp. Rend. 133, 745)' Synthetical Processes. [A.] From catechol [69] through guaiacol by methylation with potassium methyl sulphate (Gorup-Besanez, Ann. 147, 24S), and the action of chloroform [1 ; D] and caustic alkali on guaiacol (Reimer and Tiemann, Ber. 9, 424 j Tiemann and Koppe, Ber. 14, 2023 ; Traub, Germ. Pat. 80195 of 1894; Ber. 28, Ref. 524; Soc. Chim. d. Usines du Rhone, Eng. Pat. 21 106 of 1896; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 16, 758). Or guaiacol can be converted into its carboxylic acid by heating its salts in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide (F. v. Heyden, Nachf. Germ. Pat. 5138 1 of 1889; Ber. 23, Ref. 418). Guaiacol- earboxylic acid on heating with chloro- form and alkali gives aldehydoguaiacol- carboxylic acid, and the latter is de- composed into vanillin on heating {Ibid. Germ. Pat. 71162 of 1892; Ber. 26, Ref. 995; Germ. Pat. 72600 of 1893; Ber. 27, Ref. 218). The aldehyde group can also be introduced into guaiacol by means of nitrobenzenesulphonic acid and formic aldehyde [9l], and hydrolysis of the product (Geigy & Co., Eng. Pat. 27236 of 1898; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 41). Or by the action of hydrogen cyanide [172] and hydrogen chloride, in presence or absence of aluminium chloride, and hydrolysis of the product (Bayer & Co., Germ. Pat. 106508 of 1898 and previous Patents; Ch. Centr. 1900,1,742). Or aniline and formic aldehyde may be condensed with guaiacol to form hydroxymethoxybenzylaniline, which can be oxidised to a benzylidene de- rivative, and finally to vanillin (Meister, Lucius, and Briining, Germ. Pat. 109498 of 1898 ; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 457 : see also the Pats, of this Firm under p- hydroxybenzaldehyde [119 ; E]). Note :— Catechol can be converted into protocatechuic aldehyde by chloroform and alkali (Tiemann and Eeimer, Ber. 9, 1269 ; T. and Koppe, Ber. 14, 2015), or by the action of formic aldehyde and aromatic hydroxylamine sulpho-acids, &c., as in the process applied to guaiacol above (Geigy & Co., loc. cit. and Germ. Pat. 105798 of 1898 ; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 523). From protocatechuic aldehyde as below under E. [B.j From phenol [6O] through o- nitrophenol and its methyl ether (o- nitroanisole), o-anisidine, and guaiacol (for references see under catechol [69 ; a]), and then as above. Or from anisidine through its com- pound with alloxan [Vol. II], which is decomposed on heating with sulphuric acid with the formation of p-amino- m-methoxybenzoic aldehyde (Pellizari, Gazz. 17, 412; Bohringer & Sohne, Germ. Pat. 108026 of 1898 ; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 1115). The latter can be con- verted into vanillin as below under C. Or phenol on bromination at 150- 1 80" gives o-bromphenol (see under catechol [69; A]). The latter can be converted into 3-brom-4-hydroxybenzoic aldehyde (Geigy & Co., Germ. Pat. 105798 of i89'8; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 523), and this yields protocatechuic aldehyde on heating with caustic soda- lye to 150-200° (Baum, Germ. Pat. 82078 of 1894; Ber. 28, Ref. 803). From the aldehyde as below under E. Note : — o-Bromphenol is obtained also from o-nitrophenol through o-aminophenol by the diazo-method (Meldola and F. H. Streatfeild, Trans. Ch. Soc. 73, 685). [C] From benzoic aldehyde [114] through the m-nitro-aldehyde by nitra- tion (Widmann, Ber. 13, 678; Fried- liinder and Henriques, Ber. 14, 2802 ; Ehrlich, Ber. 15, 2010; Camps, Arch. Pharm. 240,T),the m-amino-aldehyde by reduction, and the m-hydroxy -aldehyde [118] by the diazo-method (Meister, Lucius, and Briining, Germ. Pat. 18016 121 C-I] VANILLIN 221 of 1 88 1 ; Ber. 15, 1098; Tiemann and Ludwi^j Ibid. 2044). The hydroxy- aldehyde by methylation gives the methoxy- aldehyde, and this, on heating with acetic anhydride and sodium ace- tate, yields m-methoxycinnamic acid. The latter (methyl ester) on nitration gives m-methoxy-p-nitrocinnamic ester, and this, on hydrolysis and oxidation with potassium permanganate, yields m-methoxy-p-nitrobenzoic aldehyde. The latter, on reduction and application of the diazo-method, gives vanillin (M. L. & B. loc. cii. ; Ulrich, Ber. 18,2571; Germ. Pat. 32914 of 1884 ; Ber. 18, Ref. 68a). [D.] From p-hydroxyhenzoic aldehyde [119] through the m-nitro-aldehyde by nitration (Mazzara, Jahresber. 1877, 61 7 ; Paal, Ber. 28, 241 3), the m-amino- aldehyde by reduction, and replacement of the amino- by the methoxy-group by the diazo-method followed by methyla- tion (Bergmann, Am. Pat. 571917 of 1896; Ber. 29, Ref. 1192). Or p-hy- droxybenzoic aldehyde on bromination gives the 3-bromo-derivative (Paal, Ber. 28, 2409). From the latter through protocatechuic aldehyde (Baum: see above under B), and then as below under E. Note : — m-ITydroxybensoic aldehyde [118] on bromination gives 4-brom-3-hydroxybenzoic aldehyde, and this also yields protocatechuic aldehyde on heating with soda-lye (Baum, loc. ciL). [E.] Piperonal [122] on heating with dilute hydrochloric acid at 200°, or on boiling the dichloro-derivative with water, gives protocatechuic aldehyde (Fittig and Remsen, Ann. 159, 148 ; 168, 97 : see also Wegscheider, Monats. 14, 382). The disodium salt of the aldehyde, or the sodium salt of the monoacetyl derivative, on methylation by methyl chloride or by methyl alkali sulphate, yields vanillin or its acetyl- derivative; the latter can be hydrolysed (Bertram, Germ. Pat. 63007 of 1890; Ber. 25, Ref. 823 : the yield is better with dimethyl sulphate and alkali, Sommer, Germ. Pat. 1 22851 of 1900; Ch. Centr, 1901, 2, 517). Or the potassium salt of the alde- hyde on treatment with chloroformic- methyl ester gives two carboxylic esters of protocatechuic aldehyde, of which the p-modification yields vanillin on heating with dimethyl sulphate in alcoholic alkaline solution and subsequent acidifi- cation (Soc. .Chim. d. Usines du Rhone, Germ. Pat. 93187 of 1896; Ch. Centr, 1897, 2, 1016 j Eng. Pat. 16239 of 1896; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 16, 633). Notes: — The chloroformic ester (= methyl- chlorocarbonate) is obtained by the action of phosgene on methyl alcohol (Dumas, Ann. 10, 277 ; Ann. Chim. 58, 52 ; Meyer and Wurster, Ber. 6, 965 ; Klepl, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 26, 447 ; Hentschel, Ber. 18, 1177). Processes depending on the combination of protocatechuic aldehyde with benzene- or toluenesulphonic acid, methylation of the ester, and subsequent decomposition into vanillin will be found in the following Germ. Pats, of the Ch. Fab. vorm. E.Schering : — 80498 of 1893 ; Ber. 28, Ref. 581 ; 82747 of '894 '> Ber. 28, Ref. 878. The aldehyde may also be converted first into a benzyl ether, and the latter methylated and then decomposed by heating with acid {Ibid. 82816 of 1893 ; Ber. 28, Ref. 878). [P.] From m-cresol [62], which gives on nitration a mixture of 6-nitro- and 4-nitro-m-cresol (Stiidel, Ann. 217, 51; 259, 208; Ber. 22, 215; Reissert and Scherk, Ber. 31, 393). The methyl ether of the latter condenses with oxalic ester in the presence of sodium ethylate or methylate, with the formation of the nitromethoxyphenylpyroracemic acid (see under p-hydroxybenzoic aldehyde [119; E, p. 218]; Reissert, Ber. 31, 397). The latter can be converted into vanillin by replacement of the nitro- group by hydroxyl, and the pyroracemic acid residue by the aldehyde-group, CHO (Reissert, Germ. Pat. 94630 of 1897; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 296). [G.] From vanillic acid [Vol. II] by distilling the calcium salt with calcium formate (Tiemann, Ber. 8, 1124), or by heating with chloroform [l ; D] and caus- tic alkali in aqueous solution (Tiemann and Mendelsohn, Ber. 9, 1280). [H.] Ferula/ic acid [Vol. II] gives vanillin on oxidation (Ulrich, Germ. Pat. 32914 of 1884; Ber. 18, Ref. 682). [I.] From veratric acid [Vol. II] through veratrole (see under catechol [69 ; F]). The latter combines with ethyloxalyl chloride or amyloxalyl chloride in presence of aluminium chlor- ide to form veratroylglyoxylic esters (Bouveault : see under anisic aldehyde 222 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [121 1-122 A. [120 ; B])^ which hydrolyse to vera- troylcaibonic acid. The latter^ on heat- ing- with aqueous potash at 160-170°, gives, among the products of its de- methylation, vanilloylearbonic acid, and this yields vanillin as below under K. [J.] Isoeugenol [79] gives vanillin on oxidation by ozone or on electrolysis of a solution of one of its salts (E. v. Heyden, Nachf. Germ. Pat. 92007 of 1895; Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 454; Otto and Verley, Germ. Pat. 97620 of 1895 ; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 693; Verley, Am. Pats. SS^^9?, and 563039 of 1896). Also by oxidation with metallic per- oxides in alkaline solution (Haarmann and Reimer, Germ. Pat, 93938 of 1896; Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 1166). Isoeugenol gives vanillin by ' contact ' oxidation on passing the vapour mixed with air over heated platinum (Trillat, Comp. Rend. 133, 822). y Isoeugenylsulphuric acid (potassium salt) on oxidation with ozone gives po- tassium vanillyl sulphate, and this yields vanillin on decomposition by dilute acids (Verley, Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 48). Or isoeugenol can be benzylated by means of benzyl chloride (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; A]), and the benzyl ether oxidised to the methyl benzyl ether of protocatechuic aldehyde, which splits off benzyl and gives vanillin on heating with hydrochloric acid (Bohringer & Sohne, Germ. Pat. 65937 of 1891 ; Ber. 26, Ref. 211). Or isoeugenyl acetate, on oxidation with potassium permanganate, gives vanilloylearbonic = p-hydroxy-m-meth- oxybenzoylcarbonic acid, and this yields vanillin on heating above its melting point (Tiemann, Ber. 24, 2878), on heating with aniline and decomposing the anilide by heating with dilute sul- phuric acid (Gassmann, Comp. Rend. 124, 38), or by heating with dimethyl- aniline (I3ouveault, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 76). Note : — For production of vanillin by the oxidation of isoeugenyl acetate or benzoate see also Haarmann and Reimer, Germ. Pat. 57568 of 1890 ; Ber. 25, Ref. 93 \ also Germ. Pat. 63027 of 1891 ; Ber, 25, Ref. 824. Isoeugenol can be combined with phenylhalogenacetic acids or their amides, nitriles, or ethers, or with co- halogen-toluic acids so as to form the corresponding isoeugenol-ether acids. These are oxidised by acid and a di- chromate with the formation of the cor- responding vanillin-ether acids, and the latter give vanillin (and the ether-acid) on decomposition by mineral acid (Majert, Germ. Pat. 82924 of 1894; Ber. 28, Ref. 878). [K.] From toluene [54] through m- chlor-p-nitrotoluene, the corresponding chlornitrobenzyl chloride or bromide, and the corresponding aldehyde by oxidation with lead or copper nitrate. The chlor- nitrobenzoic aldehyde on heating with sodium methoxide exchanges chlorine for the methoxy-group, and the p-nitro- m-methoxybenzoic aldehyde can be con- verted into vanillin as above under C (Landsberg, Germ. Pat. 37075 of 1886 ; Ber. 19, Ref. 861). Or from toluene through ortho- or paratoluidine, m-(3)-nitro-p-toluidine, and m-nitrotoluene (Beilstein and Kuhl- berg, Ann. 158, 346). The latter gives m-nitrobenzoie aldehyde by electrolytic oxidation (Pierron, Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 852). Subsequent steps as above under C. 122. Fiperonal ; Frotocatecliuic Aldehyde Methylene Ether ; Heliotropin. CHO Natural Soueces. Said to occur in oil of Spir^p.a (Schnee- gans and Gerock, as quoted by Gilde- meister and Hoffmann, p. 551). Ac- companies vanillin from certain species of Vanilla (Busse, Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, Synthetical Processes. [A.] From catechol [69] through protocatechuic aldehyde by the action of 122 A-124 A.] PIPERONAL 223 chloroform [l ; D] in presence of aqueous caustic soda (Tiemann and Reimerj Ber. Q, 1 369 ; Tiemann and Koppe^ Ber. 14, 2015). The aldehyde gives piperonal on treatment with meth/jleue iodide (see under ethyl alcohol [14 ; I ; M]) and potassium hydroxide in methyl alcohol (Wegscheider, Monats. 14, 388). [B.] Piperic acid [Vol. II] gives piperonal on oxidation with potassium permanganate in neutral or alkaline solution (Fittig and Mielck, Ann. 152, •^^ ; Doebner, Ber. 23, 2375). 123. Ciunamic Aldehyde ; Phenepropenylal ; /3-Pheiiylacrolein. CH : CH . CHO Natural Sources. In oil of cinnamon from Cinnamomiim zejjlanicum, Ceylon (Dumas and Peligot, Ann. Chim. 57, 305 ; Ann. 14, 50), and in oil of cassia from C. cassia {Ibid. ; Ann. 12, 24; 13, 76; 14, 50). The oil is obtained from the bark, waste twigs, and root of C. zeylanicum. Oil of cinnamon leaf contains eugenol and but little cinnamie aldehyde (Weber, Arch. Pharm. 230, 728). Oil of cassia (Chinese) is prepared from leaves, flower and leaf stalks, buds and twigs of C. cassia, the oils from these parts of the shrub all containing the aldehyde as well as the oil from the bark (Schimmel's Ber. Oct. 1892). Occurs also in oil of Cinnamomum loureirii from Japan (Shimoyama; Gildemeister and Hoffmann, p. 509), and in rassamala resin from the Javan AUingia exce/sa (Tschirch and Van Itallie, Arch. Pharm. 239, 541). Cinnamie aldehyde is said to be among the products of the pancreatic fermentation of fibrin (Ossikowszky, Ber. 13, 326). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From he7izoic aldehyde [ll4] and acetic aldehyde [92] by saturating a mixture of the two aldehydes with hy- drogen chloride, and then heating (Chiozza, Ann. 97, 350). Or by allow- ing the mixed aldehydes to remain in contact with dilute caustic soda solution (Peine, Ber. 17, 2117). The condensa- tion of the aldehydes is best effected by alcoholic sodium hydroxide at — 10° (Bohringer & Sohne, Eng. Pat. 10003 of 1896 ; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 16, 463)- [B.] From cinnamie acid [Vol. II] by distilling the calcium salt with cal- cium, formate [Vol. II] (Piria, Ann. 100, 105)- 124. Orthocoumaric Aldehyde Methyl Ether; Orthomethoxy- ciunamic Aldehyde. CH : CH . CHO OCH, Natural Source. In oil of cassia, from Cinnamomum cassia (Bertram and Kursten, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 51, 316). Synthetical Process. [A.] From salicylic [117] and acetic aldehydes [92] and methyl alcohol [l3]. Salicylic aldehyde is converted into its methyl ether by methylating the sodium salt with methyl iodide (Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 55, ^^o ; Voswinckel, Ber. 15, 2024). o-Methoxy benzoic aldehyde and acetic aldehyde condense when allowed to stand in contact with dilute caustic soda solution to form o-coumaric alde- hyde methyl ether (Bertram and Kiir- sten, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 51, 316). 224 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [125-126 A. 125. Asaryl Aldehyde ; 2:4: 5-Triiuethozybenzoic Aldehyde ; 2:4: S-Fhenetriolmethylal Trimethyl Ether. CHO O.CH, CHo.O O.CH3 Natural Source. The complex^ if not the free aldehyde, occurs with asarone [89] in oil of Acorus calamus (Thorns and Beckstroem, Ber. 34, 1021; 35, 3188). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From asarone [89] by oxidation with chromic acid or potassium per- manganate and sulphuric acid (Butleroff and Rizza, Journ. Russ. Soc. 19, 3). [B.] From hydroxy qinnol [85], methyl alcohol [13], and hydrogen cyanide [172]. The trimethyl ether of hydroxyquinol is treated in benzene solution with hy- drogen cyanide and hydrogen chloride in the presence of dry aluminium chloride, and the product decomposed by cold water (Gattermann and Eggers, Ber. 32, 289). 126. Furfaral; Furfurol; Fyromucic Aldehyde ; Fnrancarboxylic Aldehyde. HC- HC -CH C.CHO Natural Sources. Furfural has been found in oil of cloves (SehimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1896 ; Ch. Centr. 1896, 2, 977 ; E. Erdmann, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 56, 154; SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1897 ; Gerber, Mon. Sci. [4] 11, 880), in the distillation water from oil of caraway and oil of ambrette seeds from Hibiscus abelmoschus (Schim- mePs Ber. Oct. 1899 ; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 880). Also in the distillation water from vetiver oil from Andropogon muri- eatiis, E. and W. Indies, Brazil, &c. {Ibid. April, 1900; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 907), and from oil of bay [Ibid. April, J90I). Ceylon oil of cinnamon contains fur- fural (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1902 ; Walbaum and Hiithig, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, 47)- The aldehyde is contained also in petit-grain oil from Paraguay (Schim- meFs Ber. Oct. 1902 ; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, J 208), in the cohobation water of savin oil from Jiiniperus sabina, and in the distillation water of W. Indian sandal-wood oil {Ibid. April, 1903 ; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 1086). Furfural has been found in brandy, in certain fusel oils, in malt wort, and beer (Morin, Comp. Rend. 105, 10 19 ; Udranszky, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 13, 248 ; Forster, 13er. 15, 230 ; 322 ; Brand, Journ. Fed. Inst. 4, 562 ; Windisch, Ibid. 561 ; Heim, Ibid. ^6 2,)' According to Van Laer the furfural found in the secondary products of alcoholic fermentation is not of bio- chemical origin, but due to subsequent decomposition of furfural-yielding com- pounds (Journ. Fed, Inst. 4, 2). This may be true also of the furfural found in the above plant oils. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From dextrose [l54] by heating with dilute acids (Berthelot and Andre, Comp. Rend. 123, 567). It has long been known that sugars and other carbohydrates yield furfural on dry distillation or on heating with dilute acids (Dobereiner, Ann. 3, 141 ; Volckel, Ann. 85, 6^; Forster, Ber. 15, 230; 322 ; Stenhouse, Phil. Mag. [3] 18, 122; 37, 226; Fownes, Phil. Trans. 1 845, 253 ', Cahours, Ann. Chim. [3] 24, 277 ; Emmet, Am. Journ. Sci. 32, 140 ; Gudkoff, Zeit. [s] e^ 3^2; Guyard, Bull. Soc. [2] 41, 289 ; SchifP, Ber. 20, 540; Ann. 239, 382; Stone and Tollens, Ann. 249, 237). [B.] Mannose [156] gives furfural on heating with water at 140° (Fischer and Hirschberger, Ber. 22, 369). 126 C-K.] FURFURAL 225 [C] From formic aldehyde [9l] through a-acrose and a-acrosone (see under mannitol [51; A]). The latter gives furfural on heating with acids or per se (Loew, Ber. 20, 141; 3039; Fischer and Tafel, Ber. 22, 99). [D.] From glycerol [48] through a-acrose (see under mannitol [51 ; B]), and then as above. [E.] Tartaric acid [Vol. II] on oxida- tion with hydrogen peroxide in presence of ferrous salts gives dihydroxymaleic acid, the aqueous solution of which decomposes on heating with the forma- tion of glycollic aldehyde. The latter on heating at 100° in a vacuum poly- merises to a 'sugar/ which yields fur- fural on heating with water at 140° (Fenton, Trans. Ch. Soc. 65, 899; 67, 48; 774 J 69,546; 71,375). Note: — The 'sugar' is a mixture of a- and i3-acrose (Jackson, Trans. Ch. Soc. 77, 129). The polymerisation of glycollic aldehyde takes place in presence of dilute caustic soda at 0° {lUd.). [P.] From acetal [93] through brom- acetal (Pinner, Ber. 5, 149; Fischer and Landsteiner, Ber. 26, 2551), brom- acetaldehyde by distilling bromaeetal with dry oxalic acid (F. and L. loc. cit), glycollic aldehyde by the action of barium hydroxide solution {Ibid. 2552), and then as above under E. Or brom- or chloracetal on heating with alcoholic potash gives the acetal of glycollic aldehyde (Pinner, loc. cit. 1 50 ; Marckwald and Ellinger, Ber. 25, 2984), from which the aldehyde can be obtained by heating with very dilute hydrochloric acid (M. & E. loc. cit.). [G.] From ethyl alcohol [14] through ethylene, ethylene iodide, and 3-iodo- ethyl ether by heating the latter with water (Baumstark, Ber. 7, 1172). The iodo-ether, by the action of sodium ethylate, gives vinyl ethyl ether (Henry, Bull. Soc. [2] 44, 458), which combines with bromme to form i : 2-dibromethyl ether (Wislicenus, Ann. 192, iii), from which bromaeetal is obtained by the action of sodium ethylate (Ibid. 112). Subsequent steps as above under P and E. Or from ethyl alcohol through chlor- acetal by the action of chlorine (Lieben, Ann. 104, 114), glycollic aldehyde acetal, and the aldehyde, &c., as above under P. Or from ethyl alcohol through ethyl ether, i : 2-dichlorethyl ether by chlorina- tion (Malaguti, Ann. 32, 15), chloracetal by the action of sodium ethylate or alcohol on the dichlorether (Lieben, Ann. 146, 193 ; Paterno and Mazzara, Ber. 6, 1 202; Natterer, Monats. 3, 444), and then as above. Note : — Generators of ethylene thus become generators of furfural through glycollic alde- hyde and the ' sugar ' obtainable from it. [H.] From choline [Vol. II] through ethylene glycol [45] (see under isopropyl alcohol [I6 ; NN]), and then as below under K and above under G. [I.] Glycuronic acid [Vol. II] gives furfural on distillation with acids (Mann, Inaug. Diss. Gottingen, 1894; TJdianszky, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 12, 389 ; Giinther and Tollens, Ber. 23, 1751 ; De Chalmot, Inaug. Diss. Gottingen, 1891). [J.] d-Arabinose [153] gives furfural on distillation with dilute sulphuric acid (Wohl, Ber. 26, 735). [K.] From ethylene glycol [45], the glycol ethyl ether by the interaction of ethyl iodide and sodium glycol (Wurtz, Ann. Ch. [3] 55, 429), 2-iodo- ethyl ether by the action of phosphonis triiodide on the glycol ether (Demole, Ber. 9, 746), and then vinyl ethyl ether, I : 2-dibromethyl ether, and bromaeetal, &c., as above. Or ethylene glycol gives glycollic aldehyde directly by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulphate (Fenton and Jackson, Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 2). Note :— The alcohol, C4H3O . CHj . OH, corre- sponding to the aldehyde, has been found in the oil (steam distilled) from roasted coffee berries (E. Erdmann, Eer. 35, 1846). It is not strictly a biochemical product. The alcohol can be obtained from furfural by the action of alcoholic or aqueous potasli (Ulrich, Jahresber. 1860, 269 ; Schiff, Ann. 239, 374 ; Wissell and Tollens, Ann. 272, 293 ; E. Erdmann, Ber. 35, ^855), or by reduction with sodium amalgam (Beilstein and Schmelz, Ann. Suppl. 3, 275; Baeyer, Ber. 10, 357). 226 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [127-128 A. 127. Carvone. CH^CHs)^ CH H,C CH, HC C:0 CH, Natueal Sources. d-Carvone occurs in oil of caraway from Carum canii (Volckel, Ann. 35, 308 ; 85, 246 ; Wallach, Ann. 277, 107), and in oil of dill irom. Peucedanum graveolena (Gladstone, Journ. Ch. Soe. 25, I ; Beyer, Arch. Pharm. 221, 283). 1-Carvone occurs in oil of spearmint from Mentha aquatica, var. crispa (Ger- many), and from M. viridis, N. America (Gladstone, loc. cit. ; Fliickiger, Ber. 9, 473 ; Beyer, loc. cit. ; Kremers and Schreiner, Pharm. Rev. 14, 244 ; Wal- lach, Ann. 305, 223 ; in Russian oil, see SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1898; Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 991), and in oil of kuromoji from the Japanese Lifidera sericea (Kwasnik, Ber. 24, 81 ; Arch. Pharm. 230, 265). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From dipentene (limonene) [9] by combination with nitrosyl chloride and decomposition with alcoholic potash, whereby the oxime of carvone is pro- duced (Goldschmidt and Ziirrer, Ber. 18, 1732; Wallach, Ann. 245, 268). The same nitrosochloride is obtained by mixing d- and 1-limonene nitroso- chlorides (Wallach, Ann. 252, 124; 270, 175). Or limonene tetrabromide (Wallach, Ann. 227, 280), on heating with methyl alcoholic sodium methoxide, gives brom- carveol methyl ether {Ibid. Ann. 281, 129), and this, by the further action of sodium ethoxide in absolute alcohol, yields carveol methyl ether {Ibid. 132). The latter on oxidation with chromic acid in acetic acid solution gives i- carvone. [B.] Terpineol [39] gives a nitroso- chloride (Wallach, Ann. 277, I2i), which on heating with sodium ethoxide gives ^ oxybishydrocarvoxime ^ = HO . CioH5:N.OH. The latter yields i- carvone on heating with dilute sulphuric acid {Ibid. Ber. 28, 1773 ^ Wallach and Arny, Ann. 291, 342). 128. Fnlegone. CH, H,C H,C CH \ CHj C:0 c/ C(CH3), Natural Sources. In oil of European pennyroyal from Mentha pulegimn (Beckmann and Ploiss- ner, Ann. 262, 1 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 25, no; Tetry, Ibid. 27, 186), and of N. American wild mint from Mentha cana- densis (Gage, Pharm. Rev. 16, 412). Has been found also in oil of Ameri- can pennyroyal from Hedeoma pule- gioides (Habhegger, Am. Journ. Pharm. 65, 417), in oil from the mountain mint, Pycnanthemum lanceolaticm = Thymus virginicus (Alden, Pharm. Rev. 16, 414), in the oil of Bystropogon origanifolium fromTeneriffe (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1902; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1208), and in oil of sweet marjoram from Origanum major ana (Genvresse and Chablay, Pharm. Centr. 43, 419; Pharm. Journ. 69, '>,'>i^', Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 21, 1347). The natural product is d-pulegone. Synthetical Processes. [A.] Citronellal [105] on heating with acetic anhydride gives isopnlegol [42], and this on oxidation with chromic acid in acetic acid yields isopulegone. The latter is transformed into pulegone by contact with barium hydroxide solu- tion at ordinary temperatures (Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 29, 903 ; 30, 29 ; 128 A-129 D.] PULEGONE 227 Tiemann, Ber. 32, 825 ; Harries and Roeder, Ibid. ^'^Sl)- Note : — Isopulegol is formed (with mentho- glycol) by agitating citronellal with 5 per cent, sulphuric acid (Barbier and Leser, Comp. Rend. 124, 1308). [B.] From isopulegol [42] as above. 129. Meuthone; Methylisopropyl-ketohexametliyleue. CH3 CH H,C CH2 H.,C C:0 CHCCHs)^ Natural Soueces. With menthol [4l] in oil of pepper- mint from Mentha piperita and vars. (Moriya, Trans. Ch. Soc. 39, 82; Andres and Andrejeff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 23, 26; Ber. 25, 617; Wallach, Ber. 28, 1955; Power and Kleber, Arch. Pharm. 232, 639 ; Charabot, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 117 : see also SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1895: for ocemTcnce in essence of Mentha pule- giimi see Tetry, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 186; in Italian oil of peppermint, SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1902). In Bourbon geranium oil (Flatau and Labbe, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 788). In oil of Eucalyptus hfsmastoma (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1888), and in the oil of Bystropogon origauifolius, Teneriffe {I/Ad. Oct. 1902; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1208). Possibly occurs in oil from ' bucco-leaves •* from S. African species of Barosma (Gildemeister and Hoff- mann, p. 599 ; also Kondakoff and Bachtschieff, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 63, 49 : see also under dipentene [9, p. 37]). The natural product is 1-menthone. According to Charabot (Ann. Chim. [7] 21, 207 ; 279), menthone is probably formed in plants from the oxidation of citronellol. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From menthol [41] by oxidation with sulphuric acid and potassium di- chromate (Moriya, loc. cit. 77 ; Atkin- son and Yoshida, Trans. Ch. Soc. 41, 49; Beckmann, Ann. 250, 325; 289, 362). 1-Menthone, on treatment with strong acids or alkalis at ordinary tempera- tures, or by keeping per se, is trans- formed into d-menthone (Beckmann, Ann. 250, 334). [B.] Citronellol [38] is said to give menthone among the products of its oxidation ( Barbier and Bouveault, Comp. Rend. 122,673; ^^T, 795). Note : — The citronellol referred to is the * rhodinol ' of Barbier and Bouveault. Ac- cording to Bouveault rhodinal is transformed into menthone by the same process as that by which citronellal is transformed into pulegone (see above). Tiemann and Schmidt on the other hand consider rhodinol and citronellol to be the same compound and the corresponding aldehydes to be also identical (Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 29, 925 ; Harries and Roeder, Ber. 32, 355 : compare Bouveault, Bull. Soc. [3] 23, 458 ; 463). [C] From metacresol [62] through m-(y)-cresotic acid (m-nomosalicylic = m-hydroxy-p-toluic acid) by the action of sodium and carbon dioxide (Engelhardt and Latschinoff, Zeit. [2] 5, 623 ; Biedermann and Pike, Ber. 6, 324). Dibrom-m-cresotic acid, on heat- ing with sodium in amyl alcohol and oxidation of the product with alkaline permanganate, gives /3-methylpimelic acid (Einhorn and Ehret, Ann. 295, 173). The diethyl ester of the latter condenses under the influence of sodium with the formation of methyl-/3-keto- hexamethylenecarboxylic ester, and this on treatment with sodium and isopropyl iodide [16] gives the isopropyl methyl derivative. The latter on heating with strong alcoholic potash yields a ketone, which is probably methylisopropylketo- hexamethylene = i-menthone (Einhorn and Klages, Ber. 34, 3793)- [D.] Thymol [67] on distillation with phosphorus pentasulphide gives thio- thymol (Fittica, Ber. 6, 938 ; Ann. 172, 325), and this on oxidation with nitric acid yields 3-sulpho-p-toluic acid (Ilj'uh Ann. 172, 329). The latter on Q2 228 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [129 D-130 E. fusion with potash gives m-(y)-cresotic acid (Weber, Ber. 25, 1743). Subse- quent steps as above under C. "Note:— Toluene [54] gives 3-sulpho-p-toluic acid through p-nitrotoluene, p-toluidine, p- toluidinesulphonic acid, cyanotoluenesulphonic acid by the diazo-method, the siilphonamide and sulphaminotoluic acid, which on heating gives the imide (methylsaccharin). The latter on evaporating with hydrochoric acid yields the ammonium salt of 3-sulpho-p-toluic acid (Bad. An. Sod. Fab. Germ. Pat. 48583 of 1889 ; Bei-. 22, Ref. 719 ; Weber, Ibid. 25, 1741). Or p-toluidine can be acetylated, nitrated, and the o-nitro-p-toluidine converted into the nitrile by the diazo-method. The nitrile on reduction gives 3-amino-p-cyanotoluene, and this by hydrolysis 3-amino-p-toluic = homo- anthranilic acid (Niementowski, Journ. pr. €h. [2] 40, 6; 15 ; Glock, Ber. 21, 2662). Or the nitrocyano-derivative can be hydro- lysed to 3-nitro-p-toluic acid and then reduced to 3-amino-p-toluic acid (Niementowski and Rozanski, Ber. 21, 1997 ; Noyes, Am. Ch. Journ. 10, 479). The latter gives m-(7>cresotic acid by the diazo-method (N. and R. loc. cit. 1998 : see also under m-cresol [62, pp. 128, 1 29] for further details). [E.] From pulegone [128] and iso- propyl alcohol [16]. Pulegone on boil- ing with formic acid gives methylcyclo- hexanone = 3-keto-i-methjlhexahydro- benzene (see under phenol [60; S]), and this on treatment with sodium and ethyl acetate gives acetylmethylcyclo- hexanone (Leser, Bull. Soc. [3] 23, 370). The potassium derivative of the latter condenses with isopropyl iodide to form acetylmenthone, and this yields menthone on hydrolysis with methyl alcoholic potassium hydroxide {IL'uL Comp. Kend. 134, 1115). 130. Orthohydroxyacetophenone ; Ortho-Acetylphenol ; 2-Etlianoylphenol. CO . CH3 OH Natueal Source. In the volatile oil from the wood and bark of Chione glabra, W. Indies (Dun- stan and Henry, Trans. Ch. Soc. 76, 66). The methyl ether probably occurs also in the oil (HAcl. 71). Synthetical Piiocesses. [A.] From cinnamic acid [Vol. II] through the o-nitro-acid (see under quinol [71; E] and salicylic aldehyde [117; E]),thedibromide by bromination, o-nitrophenylpropiolic acid by the action of alkali, and o-nitrophenylacetylene by heating the latter acid with water (Baeyer, Ber. 13, 2259). o-Amino- phenylacetylene obtained by reduction of the nitro-compound (Baeyer and Landsberg, Ber. 15, 60; Baeyer and Bloem, Ber. 17, 964) gives o-amino- acetophenone on treatment with sul- phuric acid and water (Baeyer and Bloem, loc, cit. ; Kippenberg, Ber. 30, II 30), from which o-hydroxyacetophe- none can be obtained by the diazo- method (Friedlander and Neudorfer, Ber. 30, 1080; Dunstan and Henry, loc. cit. 71). Or o-nitrophenylpropiolic acid can be reduced to the amino-acid (Baeyer and Bloem, Ber. 15, 2147 ; Richter, l/jxl. 16, 679), and this on heating with water gives o-aminoacetophenone (B. and B. loc. cit. 2153). Or from cinnamic acid through phenylpropiolic acid, phenylacetylene, and acetophenone (see under benzoic aldehyde [114; E]), and then through the o-nitro- and o-amino-ketone (see under salicylic aldehyde [117 ; D]), and o-hydroxyacetophenone as above. [B.] From benzoic and acetic acids [Vol. II] through acetophenone [114; A and G-1, and then as under salicylic aldehyde [117 ; D] and A above. Or from benzoic acid and zinc methi/l [13] through acetophenone [114; C], and then as above. Or from benzoic acid and acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] through o-nitro- and o- aminoacetophenone [ll7; P and D], and then as above under A. [C] From salicylic acid [Vol. II] and acetic ester through 2-methoxyben- zoylacetic ester, &c., as under salicylic aldehyde [117 ; G]. [D.] From couniMrin [Vol. II] through o-coumarilic acid as under salicylic aldehyde [117; H]. [E.] From orthocoumaric acid [Vol. II] through dibrom-melilotic acid and o- 130 E 131 C] ORTHOHYDROXYACETOPHENONE 229 coumarilic acid as under salicylic alde- hyde [117; I]. [P.] From styrene [7] through phenyl- acetylene and acetophenone (see under benzoic aldehyde [114; B]), and then o-nitroacetophenone, &c.^ as under A above. [G.] From cymene [6] through cumic aldehyde [116] and acid, isopropylben- zene, acetophenone [ll4 ; K], and then as above under A. [H.] Benzene [6 ; I, &c.] becomes a generator of acetophenone, and there- fore of the o-hydroxy-ketone, through ethylbenzene and normal or isopropyl- benzencj or by interaction with acetyl chloride in presence of aluminium chloride [114; A]. Also through acet- anilide and o-aminoacetophenone (see under salicylic aldehyde [117; J]). 131. Ficeol; Parahydroxyaceto- pheuone ; Fara-Acetylphenol. CO . CH, OH Natural Source. Occurs in the form of a glucoside, pieein, in the needles of Pinus picea (Tanret, Comp. Rend. 119, 8o ; Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 944). The hydrolysis of picem is capable of being effected by certain enzymes. Synthetical Peocesses. [A.] From phenol [60], methyl alcohol [13], and acetic acid [Vol. II]. Phenol is converted into anisole (see under anisic aldehyde [120 ; B]), and the latter into p-acetyl anisole by adding acetyl chloride to the solution of anisole in carbon disulphide in presence of aluminium chloride (Gattermann, Ehr- hardt, and Maisch, Ber. 23, 120a; Holleman, Rec. Tr. Ch. 10, 2^5). p- Acetylanisole is demethylated by the action of hydrogen bromide, giving p- hydroxyacetophenone (Charon and Za- manos, Comp. Rend. 133, 742). Note : — Phenol and acetyl chloride condenbe also in carbon disulphide solution under the influence of dry ferric chloi-ide with the forma- tion of p-hydroxyacetophenone (Nencki and Stoeber, Ber. 30, 1769 : see also Michael and Palmer, Am. Ch. Journ. 7, 277). [B.] Aneihole [68] on oxidation with iodine and mercuric oxide gives p- methoxyhydratropie aldehyde (Bou- gault, Comp. Rend. 130, 1766; 131, 44; Bull. Soc. [3] 25, 446; Ann. Chim. [7] 25, 514), and this, on oxida- tion with alkaline silver oxide, yields the corresponding acid {Ibid. Comp. Rend. 130, 1767; 131, 44). The latter, on further oxidation by chromic acid mix- ture, gives p-methoxyacetophenone(/(5?V/. Comp. Rend. 132, 782), which can be demethylated as under A. Note: — The following synthetical products are generators of p-methoxyacetophenone via p-methoxyhydratropic acid : — Toluene through benzyl chloride and cyanide, from which, by the action of methyl iodide and sodium hydroxide, tlie nitrile of hydratropic acid is obtained (Meyer, Ann. 250, 123 ; Oliveri, Gazz. 18, 574). The acid obtained by hydrolysis gives, on nitration, a mixture of o- and p-nitrohydratropic acid and the latter, by reduction, p-aminohydratropic acid (Trinius, Ann. 227, 262 ; 267), By the diazo-method the amino-acid yields p- hydroxy hydralropic acid {Ibid.- 268), and this, by methylation, the corresponding p-methoxy-derivative (Bougault, Comp. Rend. 131, 270), Acetophenone and hydrogen cyanide yield a cyan- hydrin which, on heating with strong hydriodic acid and red phosphorus, gives hydratropic acid (Janssen, Ann. 250, 136). Subsequent steps as above. The esters ol plienylacetic and oxalic acids con- dense under the influence of sodium ethoxide to form the diethyl ester of phenyloxalacetic acid (Wislicenus, Ber. 27, 1092), and this on distillation in vacuo gives phenylmalonic ester {Ihid. 1093). The latter, with methyl iodide and sodium ethoxide, yields phenylmethyl- malonic diethyl ester (Wislicenus and Gold- stein, Ber. 28, 815), the acid of which gives hydratropic acid on fusion {Ibid. 816). [C] Anisic aldehyde [120] on heating with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate gives p-methoxycinnamic acid (Perkin, Jahresber. 1877, 792 ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 31, 408), which combines with bromine to form p-methoxydibrom- dihydrocinnamic acid = the methyl ether of i^ : i^-dibrom-p-hydrocoumaric acid (Eigel, Ber. 20, 2536). The ethyl 230 AKOMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [131 C-132 B. ester of the latter acid by the action of alcoholic potash gives p-methoxyphenyl- propiolic acid (Reychler, Bull. Soc. [3] 17^ 512); and this on heating with water to 130° yields p-methoxyaceto- phenone {Ihid. 514), which can be demethylated as above. [D.] Ajjigenhi [140] gives p-hydroxy- acetophenone among the products of decomposition by heating with caustic alkali (Vongerichten, Ann. 318, 131 ; A. G-. Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 71, 810). [E.] From cinnamio acid [Vol. II] through the p-nitro-acid by nitration (see under p-hydroxybenzoic aldehyde [119; B]). The nitro-acid (ester) on bromination gives p-nitrophenyldibrom- propionic acid (ester), and this by the action of alcoholic potash yields p-nitro- phenylpropiolic acid (Miiller, Ann. 212, 138; Drewsen,7^/r/. 154; W. H. Perkin, junr., and Bellenot, Tmns. Ch. Soc. 49, 441). The latter on heating with dilute sulphuric acid gives p-nitroacetophenone (Drewsen, loc. cit. 160 ; Engler and Zielke, Ber. 22, 303), which reduces to p-aminoacetophenone (Drewsen, loc. cit. 162). The latter yields p -hydroxy aceto- phenone by the diazo-method (KHngel, Ber. 18, 2691). [P.] From benzene [6; I, &c.] and acetic acid [Vol. II] through aniline, which, on heating with acetic anhydride and zinc chloride, gives p-aminoaceto- phenone (Klingel, Ber. 18, 3688 ; Rous- set. Bull. Soc. [3] 11, 320 : see also Kohler, Germ. Pat. 56971 of 1889; Ber. 24, Ref. 685). From the latter as above under E. From benzene or toluene through p- nitrobenzoic aldehyde (see under p-hydr- oxybenzoic aldehyde [119; E]). The latter by interaction with walonic acid [Vol. li] in presence of aniline or alco- holic ammonia gives p-nitrocinnamic acid (Knoevenagel, Baebenroth, and Wollweber, Ber. 31, 261 2). Subsequent steps through p-nitrophenylpropiolic acid, &c., as above under E. Note -.—Shjrene [7] and all other generators of p-nitrobenzoic aldehyde referred to under p-hydroxybenzoic aldehyde [119 ; C, &c.] thus become generators of p-hydroxyacetophenone. Also from benzene through aniline, p-nitraniline, p-nitrobenzonitrile and acid, and p-nitrobenzoyl chloride. The latter with sodio-acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] gives p-nitrobenzoylacetoacetic ester, and this, on boiling with dilute sulphuric acid, yields p-nitroacetophe- none (Gevekoht, Ann. 221, 335). From the latter as above under E. p-Nitrotoluene can also be oxidised to p-nitro-benzoic acid (Glenard and Boudault, Ann. 48, 344 ; Beilstein and Wilbrand, Ann. 126, 255; 128, 257; G. Fischer, Ann. 127, 137; 130, 128; Beilstein and Geitner, Ann. 139, 335 ; Korner, Zeit. [2] 5, ^^fi', Rosenstiehl, Ibid. 701). From the latter p-nitro- benzoyl chloride can be obtained by the usual method (Gevekoht, loc. cit.). 132. Eetocoumaran ; Conniarauoue. /CO, ,, ,C(OH) )CH. Natural Source. CH The compound itself has not been found among natural products, but the complex appears to be present in genis- tein, a colouring-matter obtained from dyer's broom. Genista tinclona (A. G. Perkin and Newbury, Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 837). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From o-hydroxyacetophenone\\ZQ>\ by acetylation, bromination, and the action of boiling water in presence of chalk on the acetyl-o-hydroxy-w-aceto- phenone bromide (Friedlander and Neudorf er ; see under salicylic aldehyde [117; D]). [B.] From salicylic aldehyde [117] and acetic acid [Vol. III. Chloracetic acid acts on sodium salicylic aldehyde with the formation of o-aldehydophen- oxyacetic acid, CHO . CgH^ . OCHg . COOH (Rossing, Ber. 17, 2990). The latter, on oxidation with potassium per- manganate, gives salicyloxyacetic acid, COOH . CgH^ . OCH2 . COOH {Ibid. 132 B-134 A.] KETOCOUMARAN 231 2995), the dialkyl ester of which, on treatment with sodium in benzene solu- tion, yields ketocoumarancarboxylic ester. On treating the ester with alkali ketocoumaran is formed (Friedlander, Ber. 32, 1868). [C] From phenol [eo] and acetic acid [Vol. II] through phenoxyacetic acid by the interaction of chloracetic acid (or ester) and sodium phenoxide (Heintz, Jahresber. 1859, 361 ; Hantzsch, Ber. 19, 1 296 j Giacosa, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 19, 396 ; Fritzsche, Ibid. 20, 269). Phenoxyacetic acid, on heating with dehydrating agents, gives ketocoumaran (Stoermer, Ber. 30, 1712; Stoermer and Bartsch, Ber. 33, 3175). Schmid, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 25, 82; Michael, Am. Ch. Journ. 5, 434). ^-Methylumbelliferone gives resaceto- phenone on fusion with potash (v. Pech- mann and Duisberg, loc. cit. 2123). Or resorcinol and sodio-acetoacetic ester condense in alcoholic solution to give a carboxylic acid which yields /3- methylumbelliferone on heating (Mi- chael, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 35, 454 ; 37, 470 ; V. Pechmann, Ann. 261, 169). Resorcinol and citric acid [Vol. II] also give /3-methylumbelliferone on heating with sulphuric acid (Witten- berg, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 24, 125; v. Pechmann, Ber. 17, 931). 133. Faeonol ; Resacetophenoue Methyl Ether ; 2-Hydroxy-4-Meth- ozyacetophenone ; Ethaiioyl-2 : 4- Fhenediol 4-Methyl Ether. CO. CH3 OH CO. CH :0 0.CH3 0.CH3 N. ITURAL Sou RCE. In the root bark of Ffeonia moutan from Japan and China (Martin and Yagi, Arch. Pharm. 213, ^'^^ \ Nagai, Ber. 24, 2847). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Besorcinol [70] and acetic acid [Vol. II] when heated with zinc chloride, or resorcinol alone, when heated with the latter, gives resacetophenone = ethanoyl-2 : 4-phenediol (Nencki and Sieber, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 23, 147). The latter is methylated by methyl iodide [13] and potassium hydroxide in methyl alcoholic solution (Tahara, Ber. 24, 2460). Or from resorcinol and acetoacetic ester [Vol. II] through ^-methylumbelli- ferone by treating a mixture in the cold with sulphuric acid, or by heating with zinc chloride (v. Pechmann and Duisberg, Ber. 16, 21 19; Ann. 261, 169; 134. Hydrocotoi'n ; 2:4: 6-Trihy- droxybenzophenone Dimethyl Ether ; Benzocotoin ; Benzoylphloroglucinol Dimethyl Ether ; 2 : 4-Methozy-6- Hydrozybenzophenoue. CO.CeHo HO^ \OCH, OCH, Natural Source. In coto bark from Bolivia (Jobst and Hesse, 199, 57). The botanical origin is unknown, but the tree is probably Lauraceous or Monimiaceous. Synthetical Process. [A.] From phloroglucinol [86], hen- zoic acid [Vol. II] through benzoyl chloride, and methyl alcohol [13]. The dimethyl ether of phloroglucmol is pre- pared by passing hydrogen chloride through a methyl alcoholic solution of phloroglucinol (Will, Ber. 21, 603). The dimethyl ether is benzoylated by ben- zoyl chloride in presence of alkali, and the benzoyl-dimethyl ether heated with benzoyl chloride in benzene solution in presence of zinc chloride. The benzoyl- hydrocotoin thus formed gives hydro- cotoi'n on hydrolysis (Pollak, Monats. 18, 736). 232 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [135-136 D. 135. Methylhydrocotoin ; 2:4: 6-Trimethoxybenzopheuoiie ; Benzoylphloroglucinol Trimethyl Ether. CO.CsH, OCH, CH, OCH3 Natural Souece. Occurs in paracoto bark (see above under hydrocotoin) (Jobst and Hesse, Ann. 199, 5^; Ciamician and Silber, Ber. 26, 799). Synthetical Process. [A.] From hydrocotoin [l34] and methyl alcohol [13] by further methyla- tion with methyl iodide and potassium hydroxide in methyl alcohol (Ciamician and Silber, Ber. 24, 300; 25, 11 20). Or directly from phloroglucinol [86] through the trimethyl ether (Will, Ber. 21, 603), and the action of benzoyl chloride on the latter in benzene solu- tion in presence of zinc chloride (Ciami- cian and Silber, Ber. 27, 1497)- 136. Etixantlioiie. HO CO OH Natural Source. The complex exists in euxanthic acid, the glycuronic congugate acid of eux- anthone which occurs in * purree' or Indian Yellow,, prepared from the urine of cows fed upon mango leaves. Eux- anthone is sometimes found in the free state in the colouring-matter, resulting from the decomposition (? bacterial) of euxanthic acid. Note : — For the constitution of euxanthic acid see Graebe, Ber. 33, 3360 ; Graebe, Aders, and Heyer, Ann. 318, 345. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From resorclnol [70] and quinol [7l]. Resorcinol is converted into /3- resorcylic acid by heating with aqueous ammonium carbonate or acid potassium carbonate (Brunner and Senhofer, Ber. 13, 2356 ; Bistrzycki and Kostanecki, Ber. 18, 1985). Quinol is converted into its carboxylic acid, gentisie = 2:5- phenediolcarboxylic = a : 5-dihydroxy- benzoic = 5-hydroxysalicylic acid, by a similar process (Senhofer and Sarlaz, Monats. 2, 448). Gentisie and ^-re- sorcylic acids or resorcinol when heated together with acetic anhydride give euxanthone (Graebe, Ber. 22, 1405 ; Kostanecki and Nessler, Ber. 24, 3983). [B.] From resorcinol [70] and salicy- lic acid [Vol. II]. The latter can be converted into gentisie acid by the following processes : — By iodising with iodine in presence of alkali, or by the action of iodine on silver salicylate 5-iodosalicylic acid is formed (Lautemann, Ann. 120, 302; Demole, Ber. 7, 1437 ; Birnbaum and Beinherz, Ber. 15, 458). Or 5-brom- salicylic acid is obtained by the brom- ination of the acid (Henry, Ber. 2, 275 ; Hiibner and Heinzerling, Zeit. [2] 7, 709; Hand, Ann. 234, 133), The5-iodo- or bromo-acid gives gentisie acid on fusion with alkali (Lautemann, loc. cit. 311; Liechti, Ann. Suppl. 7, 144; Demole, loc. cit. 1438 ; Goldberg, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 19, 371 ; Miller, Ann. 220, 124; Rakowski and Leppert, Ber. 8, 789). . . . .,^ Or salicylic acid on nitration yields 5-nitro-, and the latter on reduction 5- aminosalicylic acid (see under quinol [71; C]). The amino-acid gives gen- tisie acid by the diazo-method (Gold- berg, loc. cit.). [C] From resorcinol [70] and phenol [6O]. The latter on nitration gives (with 0-) p-nitrophenol, and this on heating with carbon tetrachloride [l ; L] and alcoholic potash yields5-nitrosalicy- lic acid (Hasse, Ber. 10, 2188), which can be transformed into gentisie acid as above under B. [D.] From resorcinol [70] and benzoic acid [Vol. II]. The latter can be con- 136 D-138 A.] EUXANTHONE 233 verted into 5-aminosalicylic acid (see under quinol [71; D]), which gives gentisic acid as above under B. Benzoic acid can also be converted into gentisic acid through o-nitro- and anthranilic acid, o-uraminobenzoic acid, dinitrouraminobenzoic acid, 5-nitro- 2-aminobenzoic acid, 5-nitro- and 5- aminosalicylic acid, and then as above under B. Or through 3-brombenzoie acid, the3-brom-6-nitro- and correspond- ing amino-acid, 5-bromsalicylic acid, and then as above under B [71; D]. [E.] From resorcinol [70] and an- thranilic { = i-aminohe^izoic) acid [Vol. II]. The latter can be converted into gentisic acid as above under D. [F.] From resorcinol [70] and gentisin [137]. The latter gives gentisic acid on fusion with potash [71 ; L]. [G.] From resorcinol, [70], furftiral [126], and acetone [1O6]. The two latter can be made to furnish p-nitro- phenol (as under resorcinol [70; H]), from which gentisic acid can be ob- tained as above under C. [H.] From quinol [7l] and umhelli- ferone [Vol. II], the latter yielding j8- resorcjlic acid on fusion with potash (see under resorcinol [70 ; E]). Notes :— ^-Resorcylic acid can bo obtained also from toluetxe directly [70 ; B]. Euxanthic acid has been synthesised by the action of acetbromglycuronic acid on the sodium deriva- tive of euxanthone (Neuberg and Niemann, Centr. med. Wiss. 40, 529; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 844). For constitution of euxanthone see Kostanecki, Ber. 27, 1989. 137. Gentisin; Methylgentisein ; Gentianin ; 1 : 7-Hydroxy-3-Methoxyxanthone. HO CO HO OCH3 Natural Source. In the root of Gentiana lutea from Switzerland and the Tyrol (Tromms- dorff, Ann. 21, 134; Leconte, Ann. 25, 202 ; Baumert, Ann. 62, 106 ; A. G. Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 73, 672). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From quinol [7l] through gen- tisic acid (see under euxanthone [136 ; a]), phloroghicinol [86], and methyl alcohol (methyl iodide) [13]. Phloro- glucinol and gentisic acid, when heated with acetic anhydride, give gentisei'n, and this yields gentisin on methyla- tion (Kostanecki and Tambor, Monats. 15, 4). The quinol may be replaced by the other generators of gentisic acid referred to under exanthone [136 ; B ; C ; D ; E ; F; G], viz. salicylic acid [Vol. II], phenol [6O], benzoic or anthranilic acid [Voh II], furfural [126], and acetone 106]. 138. Chrysin; 1 : 3-Dihydroxyflavone. HO C.C.H, CH \/\co/ HO Natural Source. In the buds of various species of poplar, such as Populus nigra, P. bal- samifera, P. pyramid alis, &c. (Piccard, Ber. 6, 884; 7, 888; 10, 176). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Yxovs\.phloroglucinol [86], bejizoic and acetic acids [Vol. II], methyl [13], and ethyl alcohol [14]. Phloroglucinol is converted into its trimethyl ether (see under methylhydrocotom [l35 ; A]), and the latter condensed with acetyl chloride (by means of aluminium chloride) so as to giwQ phloroaceto- phenone trimethyl ether (Friedlander and Schnell, Ber. 30, 2152). The latter condenses with ethyl benzoate in presence of sodium ethoxide with the formation of 2 : 4 : 6-trimethoxybenzoyl- acetophenone, (01136)3 . C6H2 • CO . CH2 . CO . CgHg. The latter on heating with strong aqueous hydriodie acid gives chrysin (Emilewicz, Kostanecki, and Tambor, Ber. 32, 2448). 234 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [139-141 A. 139. Tectochrysin ; l-Hydroxy-3-Methoxyflavone. CH,0 C . C5H3 ll CH \/\co/ HO Natural Source. In poplar buds with chrysin (Piccard, Ber. 6, 890). Synthetical Process. ^ [A.] From chri/sin [l38] by methyla- tion with methyl iodide and potassium hydroxide (Piccard, Ber. 10, 176; Emilewicz and Kostanecki, Ber. 32, 3449). 140. Apigeniu ; 1:3: 4^-Trihydroxyflavone. HOi CH >0H HO CO Natural Source. Occurs as glucoside (apiin) in stem, leaves, and seeds of parsley, Apium petroselinum (Braconnot, Ann. 48, 349 ; Planta and Wallace, Ann. 74, 262 ; Lindenborn, Ber. 9, 1123; Vongerich- ten, i^/f?. 1 1 24 ; 33, 2334 ; 2904; Ann. 318, 121 : see also under phloroglucinol [86]). A methyl ether of apigenin (acacetin) is present in the leaves of Robinia pseud- acacia (A. G. Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 77, 430)- Synthetical Processes. [A.] From anisic acid [Vol. II], pJiloroglucinol [86], acetic acid [Vol. Ill, and methyl and et/iyl alcohols [13 ; 14] as accessories. Anisic ethyl ester is condensed with phloracetophenonetri- methyl ether (see under chrysin [138; A]) by heating with sodium in xylene solution. The product = 2:4:6 :4^- tetramethoxybenzoylacetophenone, on heating with strong hydriodic acid, gives apigenin (Czajkowski, Kostanecki, and Tambor, Ber. 33, 1988). 141. Luteolin; 1:3:3^: 4^-Tetraliydroxyflavoue. HO OH C— < II CH )0H HO Natural Sources. In weld from Reseda luteola (Chev- reul, Jouin. Chim. Med. 6, 157 ; Berz. Jahresber. 11, 280 ; Moldenhauer, Ann. 100, i8oj Schiitzenberger and Paraf, Bull. Soc. [i] 1861, 18; Journ. pr. Ch. [i] 83, 368 ; Ann. Suppl. 1, 256 ; Jahresber. 1861, 707 ; Rochleder and Breuer, Zeit. [2] 2, 602 ; Hlasiwetz and Pfaundler, Journ. pr. Ch. [1] 94, 94 ; A. G. Perkin, Trans. Ch. Soc. 69, 206 j 799 ; A. G. P. and Horsfall, Ibid,. 77, 1314). Luteolin occurs in the colouring- matter from the flowers of dyer's broom. Genista tinctoria (A. G. P. and Newbury, Proc. Ch. Soc. 15, 179). A glucoside contained in parsley with apiin is a derivative of luteolin methyl ether (Vongerichten, Ber. 33, 2334; 2904). Scoparin from broom, Spartitim sco- parium, may be a glucoside of methyl- luteolin (A. G. Perkin, Proc. Ch. Soc. 16, 45 ; Trans. 77, 423): . Digitoflavone from Digitalis leaves is identical with luteolin (Kiliani and Mayer, Ber. 34, 3577). Synthetical Process. [A.] YxciVix phloroglucinol [86], acetic and veratric acids [Vol. II], methyl and ethyl alcohols [13; 14]. Phloraceto- phenonetrimethyl ether (see under chrysin [l38 ; A]) and ethyl veratrate 141 A-143 B.] LUTEOLIN 235 are condensed by treatment with sodium so as to form 2:4:6:3^: 4^-penta- methoxybenzoylacetophenone. The latter gives luteolin on heating with strong- aqueous hydriodic acid (Kosta- necki^ Rozycki, and Tambor, Ber. 33, 3415 ; Diller and Kostanecki, Ber. 34, 1449)- 142. Quinone ; Faradiozybeuzene. O 0- Natural Soueces. Quinone appears to be among the products of the fermentation of grass, and is probably the result of oxidation by Bacteria (Emmerling, Ber. 30, 1870). Quinone is formed in albumin (pep- tone) cultures by Strejjtothrix chromo- gena, Gasperini (Beyerinck, Centr. Bakter. II, 6, i ; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 429 : see also Furuta, Ch. Centr. 1902, The skin secretion of the Millipede, Tulns /ff^r^tf^r/-?, possibly contains quinone (Behal and Phisalix, Comp. Bend. 131, 1004). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From quinol [7l] by oxidation (Wohler, Ann. 51, 152 ; Nietzki, Ber. 19, 1468; Clark, Am. Ch. Journ. 14, 555). [B.] From phenol [6O] by oxidation of the p-sulphonic acid (Schrader, Ber. 8, 760) ; or through p-nitro- and p- aminophenol, and oxidation of the latter (Schmitt and. Siepermann, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 19,317). [C] From /M^/wm/ [126] duxxdi acetone [IO6] thi'ough pyromucic and muco- bromic acids, nitromalonic aldehyde, and p-nitrophenol (see unde'r phloro- glucinol [86 ; l] and resorcinol [70 ; H]). [D.] ^vomtjerizene [6; I, &c.] by the oxidation of many derivatives with open p-position or with easily removed substituents in this position : — From aniline (Hofmann, Jahresber. 1863, 415; Nietzki, Ber. 10, 1934; 2005; 11, 1004; 19, 1467; Ann. 215, 12,5; Seyda, Ber. 16, 687; Schniter, Ber. 20, 3283) by sodium dichromate and sulphuric acid or other oxidising agents. Also by the oxidation of sulphanilic = aniline-p-sulphonic acid (Meyer and Ador, Ann. 15 9, 7 ; Schrader, JBer. 8, 760). Or from benzene (or aniline) through p-phenylenediamine and oxidation of the latter (Hofmann, lac. cit. 422). Or directly from benzene by combina- tion with chromium oxychloride and decomposition of the product with water (Etard, Ann. Chim. [5] 22, The oxidation of aniline by chromic acid mixture is facilitated by electro- lytic action (Darmstadter, Germ. Pat. 109012 of 1897; Ch. Centr. T900, 2, 151 : for electrolytic oxidation in sul- phuric acid of benzene to quinone see Kempf, Germ. Pat. 11 7251 of 1899; Ch. Centr. 1901, 1, 348). 143. Thymoquiuoue. :0 CH3 0— 0: .CH. CH3 — CH, .CH.( 3H3 Natural Source. Occurs in wild bergamot oil from Monardafistulosa (Brandel and Kremers, Pharm. lie v. 19, 200; 244). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From thymol [67] by oxidation (see under thymoquinol dimethyl ether [83; A]). [B.] From carvacrol [66] by oxida- tion (83; B). 236 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [144-C. 144. Metahydroxyanthraqninone ; 2-Hydroxyanthraquiuone. CO. CO OH Natural Source. In Chay root {Oldenlandia umbellala) from N. Burma, Ceylon, Madras Presidency, Malabar and Coromandel coasts (A. Gr. Perkin and Hummel, Trans. Ch. Soc. 63, 1177). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From phenol [6O] and phthalic anhydride (see under benzyl alcohol [54; B,]). A mixture of these gives (with I -hydroxy-) 2-hydroxyanthra- quinone on heating with strong sul- phuric acid (Caro and Baeyer, Ber. 7, 969). [B.] From benzoic acid [Vol. II] through m-nitro-, m-amino-, and m-hy- droxy benzoic acid(see under phenol [60 ; E]). The latter, when heated with benzoic acid and strong sulphuric acid at 200°, gives m-hydroxyanthraquinone (Liebermann and Kostanecki, Ann. 240, 263). [C] Anthracene and anthraquinone can be synthesised by various processes : — Syntheses of Anthracene,. From toluene through benzyl chloride (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; A]). The latter gives anthracene on heating with water at 180° (Limpricht, Ann. 139, 308 ; Zincke, Ber. 7, 278), or by the action of aluminium chloride (W. H. Perkin, junr., and Hodgkinson, Trans. Ch. Soc. 37, 726; Schramm, Ber. 26, 1706). Or benzyl chloride and ethyl alcohol give benzyl ethyl ether (Cannizzaro, Jahresber. 1856, 581), which on heating with phosphorus pentoxide gives (with ethylene) anthracene (Henzold, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 27, 518). Benzyl trichloracetate (from benzyl chloi'ide and trichloracetic acid) interacts with benzene^ in presence of aluminium chloride, to form a compound which gives anthracene on distillation (Delacre, Bull. Soc. [3] 13, 302). Dihydroanthracene (furnishing an- thracene by oxidation) is probably among the products of the oxidation of toluene by manganese dioxide and sul- phuric acid (Weiler, Ber. 33, 464). Or from toluene through the o-bromo- derivative and o-brombenzyl bromide (Jackson, Ber. 9, 932), and the action of sodium on the latter in ethereal solution (Jackson and White, Am. Ch. Journ. 2, 391; Ber. 12, 1965). From benzene and acetylene dibromide (or tetrabromide) by treating a mixture with aluminium chloride or bromide (Anschiitz, Ann. 235, 156; 165; An- schiitz and Eltzbacher, Ber. 16, 623). Or from benzene and methylene chloride [55; E, p. 117] by the action of aluminium chloride (Friedel, Crafts, and Vincent, Ann. Chim. [6] 11, 264; Bull. Soc. [2] 40, 97 ; 41, 325). Hexa- and pentachlorethane and perchlorethylene, triehlorethane, and dichlorethyl ether all give anthracene when condensed with benzene by means of aluminium chloride (Mouneyrat, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 554; 557 ; Gardeur, Bull. Acad. Boy. Belg. [3] 34, 920). Naphthalene [12] can be converted into o-toluic acid (benzyl alcohol [54; B,]), and this, when heated in brom- ine vapour at 140°, gives phthalide, CO CgH^^pxT )>0. The latter, on distillation with lime, yields anthracene (Krczmar, Monats. 19, 456). Note : — Toluenethusalso becomes a generator of anthracene through o-toluic acid (see under m-cresol [62 ; A]). Phenol [60] and benzyl chloride (or benzyl alcohol [54]) condense to form p-benzylphenol under the influence of zinc chloride or other condensing agents (Paternb, Gazz. 2, 2; 3, I2i; Paterno and Fileti, Ibid. 5, 382 ; Liebmann, Ber. 14, 1844; W. H. Perkin, junr., and Hodgkinson, Trans. Ch. Soc. 37, 723). p-Benzylphenol gives anthracene among other products on distillation 144 C] METAHYDROXYANTHRAQUINONE 237 with phosphorus pentoxide (Paternb and Fileti, loc. cit. 3, 252). p-Benzylphenol can also be obtained from phenol and benzoic aldehyde [114]. The latter on treatment with potassium cyanide forms benzoin (Liebig- and Wohler, Ann. 3, 276 ; Zinin, Ann. 34, 186 ; Zincke, Ann. 198, 151). A mix- ture of benzoin and phenol g-ives p- desylphenol on treatment with strong- sulphuric acid (Japp and Wadsworth, Trans, Ch. Soc. 57, 965), and this on fusion with potash yields p-benzylphenol {Ibid. 972). Or benzoic acid [Vol. II] and toluene, when heated to 200° with phosphorus pentoxide, give phenyl-o-toluyl ketone (Kollarits and Merz, Ber. 6, 538 : the p-modification is simultaneously formed). The latter yields anthracene on heating* with zinc dust (Behr and Van Dorp, Ber. 7, 17). Note : — Phenyl-o-toluyl ketone is among the products of the oxidation of toluene by man- ganese dioxide and sulpliuric acid (Weiler, Ber. 33, 464). Anthracene is formed by passing the vapours of many synthetical hydro- carbons through red-hot tubes : — Thus, from ethylene and benzene, benzene and styrene, o-benzyltoluene, &c. (Berthelot, Bull. Soc. [2] 7, 223; 8, 231 ; 9, 295 ; Ann. 142, 254 ; Van Dorp, Ann. 169, 216 : for pyrogenic syntheses of anthra- cene from benzene and ethylene, from toluene vapour, and from ethylbenzene, see Ferko, Ber. 20, 660). Anthracene is among the hydro- carbons formed by passing through a hot tube ethylene (Norton and Noyes, Am. Ch. Journ. 8. 362), ethylene and di- phenyl (Barbier, Comp. Rend. 79, 121), heptane and octane at 900° (Worstall and Burwell, Am. Ch. Journ. 19, 815). Anthracene is among the products formed by the action of dry aluminium chloride on acetylene (Baud, Comp. Rend. 130, 13T9), and by the action at 600-800° of certain metallic carbides, e. g. barium, on the corresponding hy- droxides (Bradley and Jacobs, Germ. Pat. 125936 of 1898 \ Ch. Centr. 1902, Styrene on combination with bromine gives i^ : i^-dibromethylbenzene (Blyth and Hofmann, Ann. 53, 306 ; Glaser, Ann. 154, 154; Zincke, Ann. 216, 288). The same dibromethylbenzene can be obtained by the bromination of ethyl- benzene (Radziszewski, Ber. 6, 493 ; Friedel and Balsohn, Bull, Soc. [2] 35, ^^). 1^ : I ^-Dibromethylbenzene gives anthracene by the action of aluminium chloride on its benzene solution (Schramm, Beilstein^s ' Handbuch,^ 3rd ed. II, 257). Syntheses of Anthraquinone. From phthalic anhydride (see under benzyl alcohol [54; R]) and benzene, a mixture (solution) of these giving, when treated with aluminium chloride, o-benzoylbenzoic acid (Friedel and Crafts, Ann. Chim. [6] 14, 446 ; Comp. Rend. 86, 1368). The latter, on heat- ing per se or with phosphorus pentoxide or strong sulphuric acid, yields anthra- quinone (Ullmann, Ann. 291, 24 ; Behr and Van Dorp, Ber. 7, 578; Liebermann, Ibid. 805 ; W. H. Perkin, junr.. Trans. Ch. Soc. 59, 1012). Note :— o-Benzoylbenzoic acid is among the products of oxidation of toluene by potassium permanganate (Weiler, Ber. 33, 465). Calcium phthalate gives anthraquin- one on dry distillation (Panaotovits, Ber. 17, 313). Or phthalic acid can be eon- verted into phthaloyl chloride (Miiller, Jahresber. 1863, 393). The latter yields anthraquinone when heated with zinc dust and benzene at 320°, or when treated with aluminium chloride in benzene solution (Piccard, Ber. 7, 1785 ; Friedel and Crafts, Ann. Chim. [6] 1, 523 ; Bull. Soc. [2] 29, 49). Anthraquinone is among the products of the distillation of calcium benzoate [Vol. II], and is formed in small quantity by distilling benzoic acid with phosphorus pentoxide (Kekule and Franchimont, Ber. 5, 908). Phenyl-o-toluyl ketone (see above) gives anthraquinone on heating with lead oxide, or on oxidation with manganese dioxide and sulphuric acid (Behr and Van Dorp, Ber, 6, 754; 7, 16) ; also by chlorination at 110°, and decomposition 238 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [l44 c-145 B. of the product with water (Thorner and Zineke, Ber. 10, 1479). Anthracene is converted into anthra- quinone by oxidation (Laurent, Berz. Jahresber. 16, $66; Ann. Chim. [2] 60, 220; 72, 415; Ann. 34, 2«7 ; Anderson, Journ. Ch. Soc. 15, 44 ; Ann. 122, 301 ; Graebe and Liebermann, Ann. Suppl. 7, 285 ; Kopp, Jahresber. 1878, 1 1 88; Darmstadter, Germ. Pat. 1090 1 2 of 1897; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 150- Anthracene and anthraquinone give m-hydroxyanthraquinone as follows : — Anthracene by the action of bromine gives dibromanthracene bromide (An- derson, loc. cif.; Graebe and Liebermann, loc. cit. 275), and this on heating at 300° yields tribromanthracene. The latter on oxidation (with chromic acid in acetic acid) gives 2-bromanthraquinone (G. and L. loc. cit. 290), and this yields 3-hydroxyanthraquinone on fusion with potash {Ibid. Ann. 160, 141 ; Suppl. 7, 290 ; 212, 25). Anthraquinone on sulphonation gives (with disulpho-acid) 2-sulpho-acid {Ibid. Ann. 160, 131)) and this yields the 2- hydroxyquinone by potash fusion {Ibid. 141 ; Simon, Ber. 14, 464 ; Lieber- mann, Ann. 212, 25 : see also A. G. and W. H. Perkin, junr., Trans. Ch. Soc. 47, 680). Or the solution of the sulphonic acid (salt) may be heated with lime and water under pressure at 160° (Meister, Lucius, and Briining, Germ. Pat. 106505 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 741). Or the 2-sulphonic acid heated with excess of aqueous ammonia at 1 90° gives 2-aminoanthraquinone (Perger, Ber. 12, 1567 : see also Bourcart,/(5'?V/. 1418), and this yields the 2-hydroxyquinone by the diazo-method (Perger, loc. cit. 1569). By the action of nitric acid on di- bromanthracene (Clans and Hertel, Ber. 14, 978), or on anthraquinone (Bottger and Petersen, Ann. 166, 147), the a- nitro-quinone is formed, and this on reduction with potassium sulphydrate gives the a-amino-quinone {Ibid. 149 : see also Claus and Hertel, loc. cit. 979). The latter yields the m-hydroxyquinone by the diazo-method (B. and P. loc. cit. 151)- [D.] From alizarin [l45] by treat- ment with alkaline stannite (Lieber- mann and Fischer, Ber. 8, 975). Or through a-alizarinamide by heating alizarin with aqueous ammonia at 200° (Liebermann, Ann. 183, 207), and elimination of the NHg-group by the diazo-method {Ibid. 208). 145. Alizarin ; 1 : 2-Dihydroxyanthraquiuoue. CO CO HO OH Natural Sources. Occurs as the glucoside ruberythric acid (CggH^gOi^) in madder from the root of Ihibia tinctoria (Robiquet and Colin, Ann. Chim. [2] 34, 225 ; Runge, Journ. pr. Ch. 5, 362 ; Schunek, Ann. 66, 174; 201; 81, 336; 87, 344; Phil. Mag. [4] 5, 410; 495; 12, 200; 270; Journ. pr. Ch. 59, 465; Debus, Ann. 66, 351 ; Wolff and Strecker, Ann. 75, 1 ; Rochleder, Ber. 3, 295 ; Ann. 80, 321; 82, 205; Wartha, Ber. 3, 545 ;. 673 > Willigk, Ann. 82, 339 ; Rosenstiehl, Ann. Chim. [5] 18, 235 ; Comp. Rend. 88, 1194; Wurtz, Comp. Rend. 96, 465 ; Liebermann, Ber. 20, 2241 ; Bergami, Ibid. 2247). Alizarin occurs also in Chay root from Oldenlandia timbellata (see under m-hydroxyanthraquinone [144] ; A. G. Perkin and Hummel, Trans. Ch. Soc. 63, 1167}. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From catechol [69] and pldlialic anhydride (see under benzyl alcohol [54 ; B,]), a mixture of these com- pounds giving alizai'in when heated with strong sulphuric acid (Baeyer and Caro, Ber. 7, 972). [B.] Anthracene [144; C] is chlori- nated or brominated, and the product oxidised to dichlor- or dibromanthra- 145 B-146 B.] ALIZARIN 239 quinone. The halo-quinone gives alizarin on fusion with alkali (Graebe and Liebermann, Ann. Suppl. 1, 300 ; Ber. 3, 359 ; Bull. See. [2] 11, 516), Or anthr a quinone is sulphonated, and the monosulphonic acid (see under m- hydroxyanthraquinone [144 ; C]) fused with alkali and potassium chlorate (G. and L. loc. cit. ; Perkin, Journ. Ch. Soc. 23, 133 ; Ber. 9, 281). The latter is the technical process. a-Nitroanthraquinone, a-dinitro-, and diaminoanthraquinone give alizarin on fusion with alkali (Bottger and Peter- sen, Ber. 4, 227 ; Ann. 160, 145; 166, 147 ; Meister, Lucius, and Briining, Jahresber. 1873, Ii22; Glaus, Ber. 15, Or anthraquinonesulphonic acid gives on nitration a mixture of two nitro- sulphonic acids (Glaus, loc. cit.) ; the a-acid yields alizarin on fusion with alkali. Or the nitrosulphonic acid can be reduced to the corresponding amino- acid (Claus, loc. cit. 15 19)^ and this converted into i -hydroxyanthraquinone- 2-sulphonic acid by the diazo-method (Lifschiitz, Ber. 17, 900). The latter gives alizarin on alkaline fusion {Ibid. 901). [C] m-Hyclroxymithraquinone [l44] (and the isomeric i-hydroxyquinone simultaneously formed from phenol and phthalic anhydride) gives alizarin on alkaline fusion. [D.] Gallic acid [Vol. II] on heating with strong sulphuric acid gives rufi- gallic acid =1:2:3:5:6: 7-hexahydr- oxyanthraquinone (Robiquet, Ann. 19, 204; Wagner, Ch. Centr. 1861, 47; Lowe, Journ. pr. Gh. 107, 296 ; Jaffe, Ber. 3,694; Klobukowski and Noelting, Ber. 8, 819; 9, 1256; 10, 88oj Wid- mann, Ber. 9, 856). The latter yields alizarin on reduction with sodium amal- gam (Widmann, loc. cit. ; Bull. Soc. [2] 24, 359). [E.] From vanillin [l2l] and benzene [6 ; I, &c.] through the following pro- cesses : — Acetvanillin (Tiemann and Nagai, Ber. 11, 647 ; Pschorr and Sumuleanu, Ber. 32, 3405) on nitra- tion and hydrolysis of the product gives o-nitrovanillin, and this on methylation yields the methyl ether. The latter on oxidation by alkaline permanganate gives o-nitroveratric acid, the nitro-acid o-aminoveratric acid by reduction, and hemipic acid (through the -nitrile) by the diazo-method, followed by hydro- lysis of the nitrile (Pschorr and Sumu- leanu, loc. cit. 3411). Hemipic acid in benzene solution under the influence of aluminium chloride gives hydroxy- methoxybenzoylbenzoic acid, and this, by the action of strong sulphuric acid, yields alizarin methyl ether, which gives alizarin by demethylation on heating with strong hydriodic acid at 127° (Lagodzinski, Ber. 28, 1427). [F.] From hystazarin [l47] by heat- ing with strong sulphuric acid to 200- 205° (Liebermann and Hohenemser, Ber. 35, 1778). 146. Furpurozantliin ; Xanthopurpurin ; 1 : S-Dihydrozyanthraqmnone. CO CO HO OH Natural Source. Occurs with alizarin and purpurin in madder root (Schiitzenberger and Schiffert, Bull. Soc. [2] 4, 12). The carboxylic acid also is present in madder (Schunck and Romer, Ber. 10, 172). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From benzoic acid [Vol. II] through the 3 : 5-disulphonic acid (Barth and Senhofer, Ann. 159, 217), the 3 : 5- dihydroxy-acid {Ibid. 222), and the action of strong sulphuric acid on a mixture of the latter with benzoic acid at 105-110° (Noah, Ber. 19, '^^'^^'i; Ann. 241, 266 : anthrachrysone = 1:3:5: 7-tetrahydroxyanthraquinone is simultaneously formed in this pro- cess). [B.] From j)?(rpurin [l49] by reduc- tion with phosphorus iodide and water. 240 AROMATIC ALDEHYDES AND KETONES [l46 B-149. stannous chloride, sodium stannite, or phosphorus and water (Schiitzenberger and Schiffert, Bull. Soc. [2] 4, 12; Eosenstiehl, Ann. Chim. [,5], 18, 224; Corap. Rend. 79, 764; Liebermann and Fischer, Ann. 183, 213). Or purpurin on heating with aqueous ammonia gives an amide (Stenhouse, Ann. 130, 337 ; Liebermann, Ann. 183, 212), which yields purpuroxanthin by the diazo-method (Liebermann, loc. cit. 213). 147. Hystazariu ; 2 : S-Dihydroxyanthraquiuone. 148. Anthragallol ; 1:2: S-Trihydroxyaiithraqtiiiione. CO CO' OH OH Natural Source. The methyl ether occurs in Chay root from Olclenlandia umhellata (see under m-hydroxyanthraquinone [l44] ; A. G. Perkin and Hummel, Trans. Ch. Soc. 67, 822). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Catechol [69] and phthalie an- hydride [54; B,] give (with alizarin) hystazarin when heated at 140-150" with strong sulphuric acid (Liebermann, Ber. 21, 2501 ; Seholler, Ihid. 2503). Or veratrole (see under methyl- eugenol [81 ; A]) on condensation with phthalie anhydride by means of alu- minium chloride gives 3 : 4-dimethoxy- benzoylbenzoic acid, which, on heat- ing with strong sulphuric acid, yields hystazarin dimethyl ether, and finally, by demethylation, free hystazarin (La- godzinski and Loretan, Ber. 28, 118; Liebermann and Hohenemser, Ber. 35, 1778). Note : — The monomethyl ether has not been synthesised. CO CO' HO OH OH Natural Source. The three isomeric dimethyl ethers occur in Chay root (A. G. Perkin and Hummel, Trans. Ch. Soc. 63, 1168; 67, 819). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Y r ova. pi/ r Of/ alio I [84] 2ja.A ■phthalie anhydride [54 ; R] by heating a mixture of the two compounds with strong sul- phuric acid (Seuberlich, Ber. 10, 39). [B.] From benzoic and gallic acids [Vol. II] by heating a mixture with strong sulphuric acid {Ibid.). [C] From alizarin [145] through P-nitro- and /3-aminoalizarin (Schunck and Romer, Ber. 12, 584 ; 588 : see also Rosenstiehl, Bull. Soc, [2] 26, 63; Brunner and Chuard, Ber. 18, 445). Bromanthragallol from /3-aminoalizarin gives a sulphonic acid on heating with sulphurous acid, and this yields anthra- gallol on heating with sulphuric acid (Bayer & Co., Germ. Pat. 125575; Journ. Ch. Soc. 82, Abst. I, 383). Note : — The dimethyl ethers have not been synthesised. 149. Purpurin; 1:2; 4-Triliydrozyauthraquinoue. CO HO OH HO Natural Source. Occurs with alizarin, purpuroxanthin, &c., in madder root, probably as an unstable glucoside (Colin and Robiquet, Ann. Chim. [2] 48, 69; 51, no; 149-150 A.] PURPURIN 241 Gaulthier de Claubry and Persoz, Ann. Chim. [a] 48, 69; 51, no; Runge, Ibid. 63, 282; Schiel, Ann, 60, 74; Debus, Ann. 66, 351 ; 86, 117 ; Wolff and Strecker, Ann. 75, i ; Rochleder, Ann. 80, 321 ; 82, 205 ; Stenhouse, Proc. Roy. Soc. 12, 6'^^; 13, 145; Kopp, Jahresber. 1861, 938 ; Schiitzen- berger. Bull. Soc. [2] 4, 12; Jahresber. 1864, 542; Auerbach, Ber. 4, 979; Schiinck and Romer, Ber. 10, 551)' The carboxylic acid also occurs in madder (Schiitzenberger and Schiffert, Bull. Soc. [2] 4, 13; Rosenstiehl, Comp. Rend. 84, 561 ; Liebermann, Ber. 10, 1618). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From phenol [6O] and phthalic anhydride [54; rJ. The phenol is converted into p-chlorphenol (see under resorcinol [70; C]), and this, when heated witn phthalic anhydride and strong sulphuric acid, gives (with I : 4-dihydroxyanthraquinone) a small quantity o£ purpurin (Liebermann and Giesel, Ber. 10, 608). The i : 4-di- hydroxy-quinone (quinizarin) yields purpurin on oxidation with sulphuric acid and manganese dioxide (Baeyer and Caro, Ber. 8, 152). [B.] From quinol [7l] and phthalic anhydride through quinizarin by heat- ing a mixture of these two compounds with strong sulphuric acid (Grimm, Ber. 6, 506; Liebermann, Ann. 212, 11), and then as above under A. [C] From alizarin [145] by oxida- tion with manganese dioxide and sul- phuric acid (De Lalande, Comp. Rend. 79, 669 ; Ber. 7, 1545 ; Jahresber. 1874, 486). Or by heating with strong sulphuric acid to 225° (Liebermann and Hohenemser, Ber. 35, 1781). Or alizarin on nitration of the di- acetate gives a-nitro- = 4-nitroalizarin (Perkin, Ber. 8, 780 ; Journ. Ch. Soc 1876, 2, 578 ; Jahresber. 1877, 587 Schunck and Romer, Ber. 12, 587 Brasch, Ber. 24, 161 2), and this on reduction with sodium amalgam or ammonium sulphide yields a-amino- alizarin (Perkin, loc. cit. ; Brasch, loc. cit.). The latter gives purpurin by the diazo-method (Brasch, loc. cit. 1614 : see also Meister, Lucius, and Briining, Germ. Pat. 97688 of 1897; Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 696). [D.] From purpuroxanthin [146] by fusion with caustic potash (Noah, Ber. 19. 333)' [E.] Anthraquinone [l44; C] gives purpurin by brominating to a-dibrom- and finally to tribromanthraquinone (Graebe and Liebermann, Ann. Suppl. 7, 289; Diehl, Ber. 11, 181). The latter yields purpurin on fusion with potash at 200° (Diehl, loc. cit. 184). 150. Methylpurpuroxantliiu ; 1 : 3-Dihydroxy-6-MetIiylauthra- qniuone. CO HO CH CO )H Natural Source. In the colouring-matter ' mang- koudu ' from the root bark of Morinda umlellata from Java and the Malay Peninsula, and from E., S., and S. W. India (A. G. Perkin and Hummel, Trans. Ch. Soc. 65, 863). Synthetical Process. [A.] From benzoic acid [Vol. II] through 3 : 5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (see under purpuroxanthin [l46 ; A]) and toluetie [54; A, &c.] through p-toluic acid (see under o-cresol [61 ; A]). A mixture of the two acids gives methylpurpuroxanthin on heating with strong sulphuric acid (Marchlewski, Trans. Ch. Soc. 63, 1142). 242 CARBOHYDRATES AND GLUCOSIDES [151-152 A. CARBOHYDRATES AND GLUCOSIDES. 151. Dihydroxyacetone ; Fropauediolone. HO.CH2.CO.CH2.OH Natueal Sources. A product of fermentation of glycerol by the sorbose bacterium (Bertrand, Comp. Rend. 126, 843 ; 984 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 502 ; Bertrand and Sazerac, Comp. Rend. 132, 1504). According to Emmerling (Ber. 32, 541) the sor- bose bacterium is Bacterium xyllnum of A. J. Brown (Trans. Ch. Soc. 49, 432). Other micro-organisms are capable of acting upon glycerol in a similar way (Bertrand, Comp. Rend. 133, 887). Glucose appears to give dihydroxy- acetone among the products of its f er- mentationby^aci//w« roseus yme(Bordas, Joulin, and Raczkowski, Comp. Rend. 126, 1050), and the same Bacillus pro- duces the dihydroxyketonef rom glycerol {[bid. 1443). Synthetical Peocesses. [A.] ¥rom formic aldeliyde [9l] and methyl alcohol [13] through nitroiso- butylglycerol and dihydroxyacetone- oxime (see under glycerol [48 ; L]). [B.] From citric acid [Vol. II] through acetonedicarboxylic acid and diamino- acetone [48; M]. [C] From hippuric acid [Vol. II] through diaminoacetone [48 ; N]. [D.] Glycerol [48] gives ' glycerose ' on oxidation with nitric acid or by electrolysis (Van Deen, Jahresber. 1863, 501 ; Stone, Am. Ch. Journ. 15, 6^6 ; Fischer and Tafel, Ber. 20, 1088), by oxidation with platinum black (Gri- maux, Comp. Rend. 104, 1276; Bull. Soc. [2] 45, 481 ; 49, 251 ; Emmer- ling, Ber. 32, 542), with sodium hypo- bromite or bromine and lead glycerate (Fischer and Tafel, loc. cit. 3384 ; 21, 2634; 22, 106), or with hydrogen peroxide in presence of ferrous sulphate (Fenton and Jackson, Trans, Ch. Soc. 75, 5). Glycerol gives glycerose on oxidation by quinone in the presence of light (Ciamician and Silber, Ber. 34, 1532)- Glycerose is a mixture of dihydroxy- acetone with glyceric aldehyde, the former predominating (Fischer and Tafel, Ber. 20, 3384; see also Piloty, Ber. 30, 3162; Wohl and Neuberg, Ber. 33, 3099). 152. d-Erythrulose ; Butanetriolone. HO I HO.H2C.C.CO.CH2 I H OH Natural Source. A product of fermentation of ery- thritol by the sorbose bacterium (Ber- trand, Comp. Rend. 126, 762 ; 130, 1330; 1472; Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 347; 23, 681). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From erythritol [50] by oxida- tion with nitric acid (Fischer and Tafel, Ber. 20, 1088), with platinum black (Grimaux, Comp. Rend. 104, 1276; Bull. Soc. [2] 45, 481; 49, 251), or with hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulphate (Fenton and Jackson, Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 7; Neuberg, Ber. 35, 2627). Note : — The synthetical product is i-erythru- lose. Tlie ketose character of the synthetical sugar, and therefore its identity with the bio- chemical sugar, has only been proved (apart from optical properties) in the case of the pro- duct obtained by the last method, viz. hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulphate (Neuberg, loc. cit.). Other synthetical tetroses (probably aldoses) have been obtained, but not from biochemical sources. In order to complete the history of these compounds the synthetical processes are given below. 152 B-153 B.] d-ERYTHRULOSE 243 OUier Syntheses of Tetroses. [B.] From tartaric acid [Vol. II] through g-lycolHc aldehyde (see under furfural [126 ; E]). The latter in eon- tact with dilute alkali at o° undergoes aldol condensation with the formation of erythrose (Fischer and Landsteiner, Ber. 25, 2^^^ ; Jackson, Trans. Ch. Soc. 11, 131 : see also Fischer, Ber. 27, 3200 ; Neuberg, Ber. 35, 2630). Note : — The generators of glycollic aldehyde referred to under furfural [126 ; F ; G, &c.] thus become generators of erythrose. These are : — acetal [93] ; ethyl alcohol [14] ; ethylene. [C] From d-gluconic acid [Vol. II] through d-arahinose [l53] by oxidising the calcium salt with bromine in presence of lead carbonate or with hydrogen peroxide and ferric acetate (see under 153 ; B). d-Arabinose on further oxidation with bromine and water gives d-arabonic acid, and this on oxidation as above yields d-erythrose (Ruff, Ber. 32, 3672). The erythrose has the constitution : — CHO- HO HO -C C CHa . OH I I H H [D.] Dextrose [154] gives an oxime which on treatment with acetic anhy- dride yields the nitrile of pentacetyl- gluconic acid (see under 153; A). The nitrile gives d-arabinose on hydro- lysis with acids {Ibid.). Subsequent steps as above under C. [E.] From (jlycerol [48] through acrolein [lOl], which, on treatment with hydrogen chloride in alcoholic solution, gives the diethylacetal of /3-chlorpro- pionic aldehyde (Alsberg, Jahresber. 1864, 495 ; Wohl, Ber. 31, 1797). The latter yields acrolein- acetal on treat- ment with potassium hydroxide {lljid. 1798), and the acetal, on heating with dilute sulphuric acid, gives (racemic) glyceric aldehyde (Ibid. 2394), of which the oxime on heating with aqueous caustic alkali yields glycollic aldehyde (Wohl and Neuberg, Ber. 33, 3106). Subsequent steps as above under B. Note : — A conversion of 1-arabinose into a tetrose is possible through the following steps : — 1-arabinoseoxime ; tetra-acetylarabonic nitrile ; tetrose (Wohl, Ber. 26, 743). 1-Arabinose has been converted through 1-ara- bonic acid into 1-erythrose by oxidising the calcium arabonate vv^ith hydrogen peroxide in presence of a ferrous salt. An isomeric tetrose (1-threose) is obtained by similar processes from 1-xyIose through 1-xylonic acid (Ruff, Ber. 34, 1362). The 1-arabinose and 1-xylose employed in these processes ai-e not synthetical products. 153. d-Arabinose; Fentanetetrolal. H HO HO CHO C C C- HO H H -CHo.OH Natural Source. A pentose has been found in the urine in a case of morphinism (Sal- kowski and Jastrowitz, Centr. med. Wiss. 1892, Nos. 19 and 32) which, according to Neuberg (Ber. 33, 2243), is racemic arabinose, and may therefore be considered to contain the d-arabinose complex. (For behaviour of the stereo- isomeric arabinoses in the animal body see Neuberg and Wohlgemuth, Ber. 34, 1745.) This urine pentose is synthesised in the organism (Neuberg, Ber. 35, 1472 : for the separation of d-arabinose from the racemic com- pound by 1-menthylphenylhydrazine see Neuberg, Ber. 36, 1192). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From dextrose [154], the oxime of which on treatment with sodium acetate and acetic anhydride gives the cyanacetate = pentacetylgluconitrile. The latter on hydrolysis yields d-ara- binose. Or the nitrile, on treatment with ammoniacal silver oxide solution, gives the pentose in combination with acetamide (Wohl, Ber. 26, 730 : see also Neuberg and Wohlgemuth, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 35, 31). [B,] From d-gluconic acid [Vol. II] by oxidation with bromine in presence of lead carbonate, or with hydrogen per- oxide in presence of basic ferric acetate (Ruff, Ber. 31, 1573 ^ 32, ^^'>,', 33, 1799; 35, 2360, note). R 2 244 CARBOHYDRATES AND GLUCOSIDES [154. 154. Dextrose; d-Glncose; Grape Sugar ; Starch Sugar ; Eexanepeutolal. HO I CHO C- H HO HO I I I -c — c — c- I I I I H HO H H -CH, . OH Natueal Sources. Widely distributed throug-hout the vegetable kingdom, being found in the sap of plants and in most fruits and flowers. It is generally accompanied by Isevulose and sometimes by certain Cj2-sugars_, especially saccharose. Honey contains from 33 to 42 per cent, of dextrose (Dubrunfaut and Sou- beiran, Jahresber. 1849, 464; Roeders, Ibid. 1863,574; Brown/Analyst/1878, 2^J : see also Konig and Karsch, Zeit. anal. Ch. 34, i ; Beckmann, Idid. 35, 263 ; V. Raumer, I/Ad. 41, 333). Manna, an exudation from the manna ash (Ornus europaa and 0. rotundifolid), contains from 2-3 per cent, of dextrose (Tanret, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 947). A honey-like exudation from 'Enoyiy- mus japonica, produced by insect punc- tures, contains dextrose (Maquenne, Bull. Soc. [3] 21, 1082). The sugar from mahwa-flowers from Bassia latifolia consists of ' invert sugar' (v. Lippmann, Ber. 35, 1448). Crocin and picrocrocin from the saf- fron plant, Crocus sativa, contain the dextrose complex (Kastner, Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 383). The natural products known as gluco- sides, which are found in such large numbers of plants, are esters, in which generally some sugar, and most fre- quently glucose, plays the part of a polyhydric alcohol (see Beilstein's ' Handbuch,' III, e^6s, and ' Die Glyko- side'' by Van Rijn, Berlin, 1900). Saccharose (cane-sugar) is resolved by the majority of yeasts into dextrose and Isevulose. Moulds such as Asper- gillus niger and Penicillium glaucum exert the same action (Gayon, Comp. Rend. 86, 52 ; Duclaux, ' Chimie bio- logique,' 1883; Fernbach, These, 1890 : for two last see J. R. Green's 'Fer- mentation,' p. 115)- Penicillium duclauxi as well as P. glaucum can invert cane-sugar (Bour- quelot ; J. R. Green, loc. cit.). Monilia Candida can also hydrolyse saccharose (Fischer and Lindner, Ber. 28, 3037). Mucor racemosus is said to be capable of inverting saccharose (Fitz, Ber. 17, 1196 ; Brefeld, Landw. Jahrb. 5, 308, as quoted by Fitz). Saccharose is not hydrolysed by SaccJiaromi/ces apiculatus (Fischer and Lindner, loc. cit. 3039). Monilia javanica, one of the fungi present in the ferment ' raggi ' used for preparing arrack in Java (see under ethyl alcohol [14]), can invert saccharose (Went and Prinsen Geerligs, Bot. Zeit. 1895, p. 143). The ferment ' koji ' used in Japan for preparing 'sake' is also capable of inverting saccharose (Kellner, Mori, and Nagaoka, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 14, 297 ; Kozai, Centr. Bakter. II, 6, 385). The enzymes of various yeasts, &c., which are capable or incapable of hydrolysing polysaccharides have been investigated by Kalanthar (Zeit. physiol. Ch. 26, 88). Certain bacteria {Clostridium, Clado- thi'ix, and Sarcina) are capable of invert- ing saccharose (Laxa, Centr. Bakter. II, 6, 286; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 1298). This sugar is inverted in bouillon by Bacillus megatherium, B. jiuorescens liquefaciens, and Proteus vulgaris (Fermi and Montesano, Centr. Bakter. II, 1, 482; 542; Ch. Centr. 1895, 2, 712). The sugar Bacteria of Marshall Ward and J. R. Green can invert saccharose (Proc. Roy. Soc. 65, 79). So also can the gum-producing Bacillus levani' formans (Greig- Smith and Steel, Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 21, 1381) and the sugar- gelatinising Clostridium gelatinosum (Laxa, Zeit. Zuekerind. 26, 122 ; Journ. Fed. Inst. 8, 639). Streptococcus Jiornen- sis probably inverts saccharose (Boek- hout, Centr. Bakter. II, 6, 161). Maltose is fermentable only by those yeasts which contain the enzyme malt- ase {Sacch. cerevisia and octosporus), and not l3y those containing invertin (Sacck. marxianus). It is thus probable that the hydrolysis of maltose to dextrose precedes fermentation (Fischer, Ber. 28, 1433 : see also Maquenne's work for 154.] DEXTROSE 243 general summary ; ' Las Sucres/ Paris, 1900, p. 646). Sacch. apiculatus does not directly ferment maltose (Amthor, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 12, 558). The 'koji ' ferment (see above) produces dextrose from maltose (Kozai, Centr. Bakter. II, Lactose or milk-sugar is hydrolysed into dextrose and galactose (Bouchardat, Ann. Chim. [4] 27, 68 ; Kent and Tollens, Ann. 227, 33 1). The lactic bacteria can effect this hydrolysis (Von Freudenreich, Centr. Bakter. II, 6, Frohberg yeast is capable of hydro- lysing the biose trehalose (Fischer, Ber. 28, 1433 ; Kalanthar, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 26, 88). Trehalose is slowly fer- mented by certain yeasts, such as Saatz (surface and sedimentary), Frohberg (surface), Logos, Sacch. eliij^soidens and paslorianus, and by Monilia Candida with the formation of dextrose ; other species {Sacch. apiculahis and pombe) are with- out action (Bau, Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 130)- Certain mould-fungi such as Asper- ffillus niger, PeniciUinm gUmcim, and Voharia speciosa contain an enzyme, by virtue of which they hydrolyse trehalose with the formation of dextrose (Bourque- lot, Comp. Rend, lie, 836 ; Bull. Soc. Mycol. 9, 189). Bacilhs jiuorescens liquefaciens slowly hydrolyses trehalose (Emmerling and Reiser, Ber. 35, 703). Strophanthin from the seeds of Stro- jJianthus kombe yields on hydrolysis (with strophantidin) a carbohydrate, ' strophantobiose methyl ether,' which on further hydrolysis gives mannose, rhamnose, and dextrose (Feist, Ber. 33, 3095). Raffinose (melitriose) is hydrolysed by Aspergillus viger with the formation of melibiose and finally dextrose and galactose (Gillot, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. 1899, 311; Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 139). Melibiose is not affected by surface yeast, but is resolved into dextrose and d-galactose, and finally fermented by sedimentary yeast (Bau, Woeh, Brau. 16, 397 ; Fischer and Lindner, Ber. 28, 3035). The resolution of raffinose by feeble ferments was observed by Ber- thelot (Comp. Rend. 109, 548), and the product identified as melibiose by Scheibler and Mittelmeier (Ber. 22, 3118). Gentianose (?a triose), contained in gentian root, is hydrolysed by dilute sulphuric acid or the enzyme of Asper- gillus uiger into dextrose (3 mols.) and Isevulose (i mol.). The gentiobiose obtained (with Isevulose) by partial hydrolysis gives dextrose (3 mols.) on complete hydrolysis (Bourquelot and Herissey, Comp. Rend. 132, 571 ; 135, 399)- Melezitose, a triose found in the mannas from Pinus larix, &c., is re- solved by hydrolysing agents (dilute acids or the enzyme of Aspergillus niger) into dextrose and the biose turanose, the latter giving dextrose as a final product of hydrolysis {Ibid. Journ. Pharm. [6] 4, 385 ; Alekhine, Ann. Chim. [6] 18, 533). Starch is saccharified with the pro- duction of dextrin, maltose, and dextrose by the mould- fungi used in making the Javanese ' raggi ' (see under ethyl alco- hol [14] for full references). The species chiefly concerned are Chlamydo- mucor oryzcp. and llhizopus oryzce. The ferment (' koji ') used in the above pro- cess can produce dextrose from raffinose (Kozai, Zeit. Bakter. II, 6, 385). The mould-fungi concerned in the produc- tion of the Japanese ' sake ' can also saccharify starch (see under ethyl alco- hol [14] for references). The ferments concerned in the pro- duction of the Japanese 'awamori' comprise, among others, the starch- saccharifying Aspergillus luchuensis of Inui (Journ. Imp. Coll. Sci. Tokio, 1 90 1, 15; Journ. Fed. Inst. 8, Abst. 529)- The mould-fungus Mucor erectus can resolve starch into dextrose among other carbohydrates (see under ethyl alcohol [14]). Mucor {Amylomyces) rouxii of Calmette, which is contained in Chinese yeast, is capable of hydrolysing starch (see under ethyl alcohol [14] for refer- ences : for industrial formation of dextrose by Mucor or Aspergillus see Calmette's Fr. Pat., Journ. Fed. Inst. 7; 393). Mucor (3- and y-AmylomyccSy 246 CARBOHYDRATES AND GLUCOSIDES [154-E. found on Japanese and Tonquin rice respectively, are starch saccharifying* moulds (Sitnikoff and Rommal, Journ. Fed. Inst. 7, 112). Chinese yeast from Cambodia contains Mzicor camhodia, which also can saccharify starch (Chrzascz, Zeit. Bakter. II, 7, 326). A Monilia {? M. sitopH^a, Saccardo) found on earth-nuts in Java can saccharify starch (Went, Centr. Bakter. II, 7, 544; 591 ; also Journ. Ch. Soc. 80, II, Abst. 412). Bacillus anthracis can produce sugar (? dextrose) from starch (Maumus, Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. 1893, io7)- Starch is slowly hydrolysed by Bacillus jiuorescens Uqiiefacieyis (Emmerling and Reiser, Ber. 35, 702). Dextrose is among the products of hydrolysis of starch by Bacillus suaveolens (Sclavo and Gosio, Bied. Centr. 20, 419 ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 60, Abst. 1284). Dextrose is present as a normal con- stituent of the blood of man and animals, and of the lymph, chyle, and urine (Miura, Zeit. Biol. 32, 279 ; Seegen, Ber. 21, Ref. 849 ; Abeles, Ibid. 850 ; Pickardt, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 17, 217 ; Bence Jones, Journ. Ch. Soc. 14, 22 ; Baisch, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 19, 338 ; 20, 249 ; Quinquaud, Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. 41, 285 : for occur- rence in normal blood of hen see Saito and Katsuyama, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 32, 231). It has been found also in the aqueous humour of the eye (Pautz, Zeit. Biol, 31, 212), in aqueous extract of liver (Seegen and Kratschmer, Pfliiger's Arch. 22, 206; 24, 52), in muscle (Panormoff, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 17, S9^)> ^^d i^ the cerebrospinal fluid (Nawratzki, Du Bois-Reymond's Arch. 1897, p. 136; Ch. Centr. 1897, The source of dextrose in the animal body is probably glycogen, the latter giving dextrose on hydrolysis (Berthe- lot and De Luca, Comp. Rend. 49, 213 ; Ann. Chim. [3] 58, 448 ; Kiilz and Vogel, Zeit. Biol. 23, 100 ; 108). Sugar is present in considerable quantity in the blood and urine in cases of diabetes. The sugar is ordinary dextrose (Thenard, 1806; Chevreul, Ann. Chim. [i] 95, 319 ; Bouchardat, Comp. Rend. 6, '^'^'j ; Peligot, Ibid. 7, 106; Ann. Chim. [2] 67, 113; Le Goff, Comp. Rend. 127, 817; Patein and Dufau, Ibid. 128, ^JS)- Dextrose occurs in the urine in cases of diaceturia (Kobert, Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 920), and is formed by muscular fibre and in the liver after death (Cadeac and Maignon, Comp. Rend. 134, 1443). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From formic aldehyde [91] or glycerol [48] through a-acrose, a-acrosa- zone, a-acrosone, i-fructose, i-mannitol, i-mannose, i-mannonic acid, and d- mannonic acid (see under mannitol [51; a]). The latter acid on heating with quinoline at 140-150° is converted (partially) into d-gluconic acid [Vol. II], which can be separated from unaltered mannonic acid by removing the latter as brucine salt. d-Gluconic acid gives dextrose = d-glucose on reduction with sodium amalgam in acid solution (Fischer, Ber. 23, 799; 2611). [B.] From acetone [IO6] through acrolein [lOl] and a-acrose (see under mannitol [51; G]). [C] From tartaric acid [Vol. II] through glycollic aldehyde and a-acrose [51; G]. Note : — Other generators of glycollic alde- hyde, viz. acdal [93], eihxjl alcohol [14], and choline ["Vol. II], are referred to under furfui-al [126 ; F ; G ; H]. [D.] Sorbitol [52] gives dextrose on oxidation with dilute potassium per- manganate solution (Vincent and Dela- chanal, Comp. Rend. 108, 354), with bromine and water {llnd. Ill, 51 : see also Fischer, Ber. 23, 3686), or with hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulphate (Fenton, Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 10). [E.] Lceviilose [l55], under the in- fluence of dilute caustic alkali, gives (with mannose and ' glutose ') dextrose (Lobry de Bruyn and Van Eckenstein, Rec. Tr. Ch. 14, 156; 203; 16, 274; 282; Ber. 28, 3078). The salts of weak organic acids at 100° and (to a less extent) those of mineral acids in aqueous solution are also capable of transformino: Isevulose into dextrose 154 E-155.] DEXTROSE 247 when the former is in excess [Ibid. 14, 162 ; 203 ; Prinsen Geerligs, Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 712). [P.] Mannose [l56l, under the in- fluence of dilute alkali as above, gives dextrose with Isevulose and other sugars (Lobry de Bruyn and Van Eckenstein, loc. cit. 14, 98; 156; 203; 16, 257; 274; Ber. 28,3078). [G-.] (1- Gluconic acid [Vol. II] lactone gives glucose on reduction with sodium amalgam in acid solution (Fischer, Ber. 22, 2204 J 23, 804 : also A above). 155. Xsevulose; d-Frnctose; Fruit Sugar ; Hexauepentolone. H HO HO I I I HO . H,C . CO C C C- I I I HO H H -CH,.OH Natueal Sources. Occurs throughout the vegetable kingdom associated with dextrose. It accompanies dextrose also in honey (see under dextrose for references). The sweet pods of the ^ mesquit tree,' Prosopis dnlcis, from N. and S. America contain over 5 per cent, of Isevulose, but no dextrose (Steel, Rep. Aust. Assoc. 1 898, p. 946). Invert sugar is contained in the mahwa-flowers from Bassia lafi- folia (see under dextrose). Manna (see under dextrose) contains 2'5-3-4 per cent, of Isevulose, arising probably from the hydrolysis of manneotetrose. (see below: Tanret, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 947)- The yea&ts, moulds^ and Bacteria capable of hydrolysing or ' inverting ' saccharose may be regarded as bio- chemical producers of Isevulose from the Cj2-sugar (see under dextrose). Yeast allowed to infuse in chloroform w^ater gives a 1-sugar, apparently Isevu- lose (Salkowski, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 13, 506). Saccharose is fermented by Lenconos- toc mesetiteroides with the formation of dextran and Isevulose (Van Tieghem, Jahresber. d. Agrikulturch. 1879, 544). Lsevulose is produced from mannitol by Bacterium aceti and B. ocylinum (A. J. Brown, Trans. Ch. Soc. 49, 182 ; 51, 638). B. aceti of Hansen resembles B. aceti of Brown in its action on mannitol (Seifert, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 871). The sorbose bacterium { = B. xylinum, according to Emmerling) produces Isevu- lose from mannitol (Vincent and Dela- chanal, Comp. Rend. 125, 716; Ber- trand. Ibid. 126, 763). Mannitol is not oxidised by Bacterium pafiteurianum , and is only converted slowly into Isevu- lose by B. kiitzingianum (Seifert, Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 871 ; Bied. Centr. 27, 123; Joum. Ch. Soc. 74, II, 399; Mayer, Journ. Fed. Inst. 4, 666). Raffinose (melitriose) is hydrolysed by high fermentation yeasts to meli- biose and Isevulose, while low fermenta- tion yeasts produce dextrose, Isevulose, and d-galactose. The yeasts investi- gated were Frohberg and Saatz, Sac- charomyces cerevisia, S. ellijisoidens, S. pastorianus, S. logos, S. marxianns, S. anomalus, Schizosacch. pombe, and the kefir ferment. S. apicidatus does not resolve raffinose (Bau, Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 682 ; Journ. Fed. Inst. 4, 644). Raffinose is inverted and finally com- pletely assimilated by Aspergillus niger (Gillot, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. 1899, p. 211). In a solution of raffinose in presence of a mineral acid Benicillivm glaucum also causes inversion {Ibid. J9C0, p. 99). Gentianose, from gentian root, gives Isevulose on hydrolysis (see under dex- trose for reference). Inulin, a carbohydrate related to starch and found in many plants as a reserve material, is resolved by the enzyme known as inulase into Isevulose. (According to Tanret, Bull. Soc. [3] 9, 227, some dextrose is also formed by ordinary hydrolysis.) Inulase is found in Aspergillus niger (see J. R. Green's ' Fermentation,' Chap. VI ; also Bour- quelot, Comp. Rend. 116, 1143), as well as in association with inulin in various tubers, bulbs, &c. Lsevomannan, a complex polysac- charide obtained from the ivory-nut {PhyfelejiJias macrocarpa), gives Isevulose and mannose on hydrolysis (Baker and 248 CARBOHYDRATES AND GLUCOSIDES [155-156. Pope, Proc. Ch. Soc. 16, 72 ; Trans. 77, 696). Gratninin, a reserve carbohydrate obtained from Arrhenatherum hulbosum, appears to be a polysaccharide of laevu- lose (Harlay, Comp. Rend. 132, I, 423)- Manneotetrose iS^i^iJ^'^xi) a sugar contained in 'manna,' is resolved by Aspergillus^ by enzymes, and by hydro- lysing- agents generally into Isevulose and manninotriose, CjgHggOjg- The latter contains the dextrose and galact- ose complexes (Tanret, Comp. Rend. 134, 1586 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 947). A 1-sugar has been found in urine, and this is probably Isevulose (Kiilz, Zeit. Biol. 27, 228 ; Cotton, Bull. Soc. [2] 33, 546). According to Bretet (Cn. Centr. 1898, 1, 67), this sugar occurs in diabetic urine. In certain pathological cases Isevulose occurs in the urine, serum, ascitic and pleural fluids (Neuberg and Strauss, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 36, 227). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Dextrose [l54] is converted into the osazone by phenylhydrazine, the osazone reduced by zinc dust and acetic acid to isoglucosamine, and the latter decomposed by nitrous acid. Or the osazone is (more conveniently) heated with fuming hydrochloric acid and con- verted into the glucosone. The latter gives Isevulose on reduction (see under sorbitol [52 ; C] ; also Fischer and colleagues, Ber. 19, 1920; 20, 2569; 21, 2631 ; 22, 94; 23, 370; 2I2i). Dextrose gives Isevulose among other sugars under the influence of caustic alkaline solutions (Lobry de Bruyn and Van Eckenstein ; see under dextrose [154; E]). Dextrose gives glucosone when oxi- dised by hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulphate (Morrell and Crofts, Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 786; 81, 666), and this can be reduced to Isevulose as above. [B.] From (l-mannose [156] through the osazone and osone, and then as above (see under sorbitol [52 ; C]). Lsevulose is foi-med with other sugars by the action of alkali on mannose (Lobry de Bruyn and Van Eckenstein, Rec. Tr. Ch. 14, 98; 156; 203; 16, 257; 274; Ber. 28, 3078). _ [C] Mannitol [5l], on oxidation by air in presence of platinum black, or by potassium permanganate or nitric acid, gives a mixture of mannose and Isevu- lose (Gorup-Besanez, Ann. Chim. [3] 62, 489; Iwig and Hecht, Ber. 14, 1 760; Dafert, Ber. 17, 227 ; Ibid. Ref. 479; Fischer, Ber. 20, 831; Fischer and Hirschberger, Ber. 21, 1805); also by oxidation with nitroso-camphor (Cazeneuve, Comp. Rend. 109, 185). The oxidation of mannitol by bromine water and sodium carbonate solution also yields Isevulose (Fischer, Ber. 23, 3686). 156. d-Mannose ; Seminose; Hexanepentolal. H H HO HO I I I I CHO C C C C CH2 . OH I I I I HO HO H H Natural Sources. An anhydride of mannose occurs in the leaves of AmorphophaUus Jconjac = rivieri, and mannose itself has been extracted from the stalk (Tsukamoto, Bull. Imp. Coll. Agric. Tokio, 2, 406 ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 72, Abst. 275 : see also Tsuji, Ifjid. 70, 44 ; Kinoshita, ILuL 60). Mannose occurs in ordinary cane- sugar molasses, but it appears to result from the heating of the ' invert sugar ' with lime (Lobry de Bruyn, Rec. Tr. Ch. 14, 125; 16, 257; 274). The sugar contained in orange-peel is possibly mannose (Flatau and Labbe, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 408). The mannans or mannosides found in many plants contain the mannose complex. Among such sources are salep mucilage from the tubercles of the root of Orchis morio (Gans and Tollens, Ber. 21, 2150 ; Ann. 249, 245 ; Fischer and Hirschberger, Ber. 22, 369; Herissey, Comp. Rend. 134, 721), and the reserve material contained in many nuts, seeds, and berries, of which 156.] d-MANNOSE 249 the following are given by Reiss (Ber. 22,612): — V3i\vi\di(ieiB{PIi7/telejohas macro- carpa ; P/zcenix clactylifera ; Chamarops humilis-=.Tr achy car pus exceUa; Lodoicea seychellarmn ; Ela'isguineensis): Liliaeese [Allium cepa ; Asparagus offi,c'malu) : \x\(}ii2i.QQ^{Iris pseudacortis) : Loganiacese [Slrychnos nux vomica) : Rubiacese [Coffea arabica). (See also Sehulze and Steiger, Ber. 20, 390; Zeit. physiol. Ch. 14, 227; Scbulze, Ber. 22_, 1 192 ; 23, 2579 ; Zeit. physiol. Ch. 16, 422.) The nut of PhytelepJias macrocarpa, used as 'vegetable ivory/ is a particularly rich source of mannan (Reiss, loc. cit. ; Fischer, Ber. 22, 1155; Fischer and Hirschberger, Ibid. 3218). The com- plex carbohydrate from this nut, which gives mannose (and galactose) on hydro- lysis, is a ' mannogalactan ' (Baker and Pope, Proc. Ch. Soc. 16, 72; Trans. 77, 696). The reserve carbohydrates of the seeds of lucern {31edicago saliva) and of Trigonella fcennm-grfecum are manno- galactans (Bourquelot and Herissey, Comp. Rend. 130, 731). The carbohydrate of the albumins of the St. Ignatius bean {Slrychnos ignalii) and of S. nux vomica is a mixture of mannan and galactan (Bourquelot and Laurent, Ibid. J411; 131,276). The reserve carbohydrate of the seeds of Trifolium repens is a mannogalactan (Herissey, /(^eV/. 130, 1719); also that of the seeds of the American bean, Gleditschia lriaca?ithos (Goret, Ibid. 131, 60). The carbohydrate obtained by Wrob- lewski (Ber. 31, 1134) from the ' in- vertin ■" of yeast may be mannose (Sal- kowski, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 31, 304). The Japanese Alga, ' nori ' {Porphyra laciniala), gives d-mannose (with i- galactose) on hydrolysis (Oshima and Tollens, Ber. 34, 1422). A reserve carbohydrate found in the bulb of Lilmm candidum and L. auralum, and probably in L. bulbifernm, L. cro- ceum, L. dauricum, L. lancifolium, L. longijlorum, and L. marlagon, gives mannose on hydrolysis (Parkin, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 11, 139). The seeds of Phcenix canariensis con- tain mannans in sufficient quantity to serve as a convenient source of mannose on hydrolysis (Bourquelot and Herissey, Comp. Rend. 133, 644). Reserve carbohydrates contained in the seeds of Ancubajaponica and Rusciis aculealus are mannans (Champenois, Comp. Rend. 133, 885; Dubat, Ibid. 942). The endosperm of the germi- nating date contains a mannan (Griiss, Ber. deutsch, bot. Gesell. 20, 36 ; Woch. Brau. 19, 243; Ch. Centr. 1902, 1, 1227), Asparagus seeds contain a mannan (Peters, Arch. Pharm. 240, 53) ; so also do the seeds of (Enanthe phel- landrium (Champenois, Journ. Pharm. 15, 228). The reserve carbohydrates of the seeds of the Palmaceous plants, Areca calechu, Aslrocaryum vidgare, (Enocarpus bacaba, Erythea eduUs, and Melroxylon sagu, con- tain mannans (Lienard, Comp. Rend. 135, 593). The presence of mannan in the seeds of Trachycarpus excelsa and of Rohdea japonica, and in the wood of Cryplomeria, has been shown by Kimoto (Bull. Imp. Coll. Agric. Tokio, 5, 253 : see also Reiss as quoted above). Mannans have been found in coffee berries and coco and palm nuts (Sehulze, Ber. 23, 2582; 24, 2277, &c.); in carob seeds from Ceralonia siliqna (Effront, Comp. Rend. 125, 38; 116; 309 ; Van Eckenstein, Ibid. 719 j Bour- quelot and Herissey, Ibid. 129, 228 ; 339; 391; 614); (probably) in gum ammoniacum (Frischmuth, Ch. Centr. 1898, 1, 2)^), and in stalks of rye (Ritthausen, Ibid.). The carbohydrate ' strophanthobiose methyl ether' resulting from the hy- drolysis of strophanthin contains the mannose complex (Feist, Ber. 33, 2095 : see also under dextrose [l54]). Mannose-yielding compounds are con- tained in the seeds of Biospyros kaki and in the root of Amorphophallus konjac = rivieri (Loew and Ishii; Loew and Tsuji, as quoted by Tollens, 'Kohlenhy- drate,'' II, 229); in ergot of rye (Voswin- kel, Ch. Centr. 1891, 2, 766); in various woods (Weld, Lindsey, and Tollens, Ber. 23, 2990 ; Ann. 267, 341); in ligneous tissue of gymnosperms (Bertrand, Bull. Soc. [3] 7, 468; Comp. Rend. 114, 1492; 129, 1025); in cryptogams 250 CARBOHYDRATES AND GLUCOSIDES [156-158 A. ("Winterstein, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 21, 152) ; and in gum extracted from yeast by lime or alkali (Hessenland, Zeit. d. Ver. f. Riibenzuckerindustrie, 1892, p. 67 1 ; Salkowski, Ber. 27, 497 ; Zeit. physiol. Ch. 13, 506). The woody tissue of cycads and coni- fers and (to a small extent) that of Ephedra distachya contains mannose- yielding compounds (Bei-trand, Comp. Rend. 129, 1025). Note : — For general distribution of mannan in the wood of the sugar maple and throughout the vegetable kingdom see Storer in the Bulletin of Bussey Institution, III, No. 2, 1902. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From formic aldehyde [9l] through a-acrose, &c., as under manni- tol [51; a]. d-Mannonic acid gives d-mannose on reduction with sodium amalgam in acid solution {loc. cit. ; also Fischer, Ber. 22, 2204). [B.] From glycerol [48] through a- acrose, &c., as under mannitol [51 ; B]. [C] From manniiol [5l] with Isevu- lose by oxidation (see under Isevulose [155 ; C]). Also by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulphate (Fenton and Jackson, Trans. Ch. Soc. 75, 8). [D.] From tartaric acid [Vol. II] through glycollic aldehyde and a-acrose (see under mannitol [51; G]). [E.] Dextrose [154] gives mannose (with Isevulose, glutose, and (/)-fructose) under the influence of alkali or lead hydroxide (Lobry de Bruyn and Van Eckenstein, Rec. Tr. Ch. 16, 257 ; 274). [P.] LcPvvlose [155] gives mannose with other sugars under the same con- ditions as above [Ibid. 14., 156; 203; 16, 274; 282; Ber. 28, 3078). 157. Saliciu ; Saligenin Glucoside. HO.CH,.CeH,.0(C,H,A) Natural Sources. In bark and leaves of Salix helix, S. ' p7-acow,' S. jjentandra, and other species. Occurs also in bark and leaves of Popid/is tremula, F. tremuloides, &c. (Tischhauser, Ann. 7, 280), and in flower buds of Spircea ulmaria (Buchner, Ann. 88, 0,2^). Occurs also in castoreum (Wohler, Ann. 67, 360). Note :— For full references and list of species see under saligenin [55]. Synthetical Process. [A.] From salicylic aldehyde [ll7] and dextrose [l54]. The latter is con- verted into acetchlorglucose [CgH^OCl [Q.^ip^^ (Colley, Comp. Rend. 70, 401 ; Ann. Chim. [4] 21, 363 : see also Konigs, Ber. 21, 2207 ; Fischer and E. F. Armstrong, Sitz. Pr. Akad. 1901, 13, 316; F. V. Arlt, Monats. 22, 144; Skraup and Kremann, Ibid. 375; F. and E. F. A., Ber. 34, 2885). Salicylic aldehyde and acet- chlorglucose in presence of potassium ethoxide give the glucoside helicin (Michael, Am. Ch. Journ. 1, 309; Comp. Rend. 89, 355; Ber. 12, 2260 ; 14, 21 00; 15, 1922 : see also Schiff, Ber. 14, 2559)- . . , ,. Helicin on reduction with sodium amalgam or zinc and sulphuric acid gives salicin (Lisenko, Zeit. [i] 1864, 577 ; Michael, Am. Ch. Journ. 5, 172). 158. Fopulin ; Benzoylsaliciu. (C,H,0,)CH,.CeH,.0(CeH,A) Natural Sources. In bark, leaves, and buds of Populns trennda, P. 7iigra, P. pyramidalis, and P. halsamifera (Braconnot, Ann. Chim. [2] 44, 296 ; Berz. Jahresber. 11, 286 Biot and Pasteur, Comp. Rend. 34 606; Piria, Ann. Chim. [3] 34, 278 44, ofie-, Ann. 81, 245; 96. T^l^ Piccard, Ber. 6, 890 ; Hallwachs, Ann 101, 372; V. Lippmann, Ber. 12, 1648 Herberger, Arch. Pharm. 46, 104; 47, 250). Synthetical Process. [A.] From salicin [l57] and benzoic acid [Vol. II] by heating the glucoside with benzoic anhydride (Schiff, Ann. 164, 5). 159-160 G.] METHYLARBUTIN 251 159. Methylarbntin ; Glucoside of p-Methozypheuol. Natural Sources. Occurs with arbutin in the leaves of the red bearberry, Arcfosiap^t/los uva- vrsi, and in all the plants which contain arbutin (Hlasiwetz and Habermann, Ann. 177, 334; Sehiff, Ann. 206, 159 : see also under quinol [71]). Synthetical Process. [A.] From quinol methyl ether [73] and dextrose [154] by the interaction of acetchlorglucose (see above under salicin [157 ; A]) and potassium-quinol methyl ether (Michael, Am. Ch. Journ. 5, 178; Ber. 14, 3097). SULPHUR COMPOUNDS. 160. Carbon disulphide, CS, Natural Sources. Schizophyllum lobatum , a, inngus found in Java on fallen branches of Pedocarpus and on dead bamboo, when cultivated in sugar-peptone infusion gives carbon disulphide or some compound from which the CS2-complex is easily split off (Went, Ber. deut. bot. Gesell. 1896, p. 939; Ch. Centr. 1896, 2, 939). Carbon disulphide occurs in mustard oil, resulting possibly from the decom- position of sinigrin or of the allyl iso- thiocyanate (Gadamer, Arch. Pharm. 235, S3)- Synthetical Processes. [A.] By heating carbon in sulphur vapour (Lampadius, 1796 ; Clement and Desormes, Ann. Chim. 42, 121 ; Vauquelin and Robiquet, Ibid. 61, 145; Berthollet, Thenard, and Vauquelin, Ibid. 72, 252 ; Berzelius and Marcet, Schweigger's Journ. 9, 284; Gilbert's Ann. 28, 427; 453; 48, 177; Ann. Chim. 83, 252; Pogg. Ann. 6, 144; Zeise, Schweigger's Journ. 26, i ; 41, 98; 170; 43, 160; Couerbe, Ann. Chim. [2] 61, 225 ; Kolbe, Ann. 45, S'^; 49, 143; Pelouze and Fremy, ' Traite d. Chim.' 4'«« ed. I, 923 ; Sidot, Bull, Soc. [2] 13, 323; Comp. Rend. 69, 1303 ; Journ. Pharm. [4] 13, 239 : for manufacture in the electric furnace see Taylor, Trans. Amer. Electroch. Soc. 1, 115; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 21, 1236 ; also Eng. Pat. 16 SS^ of 1902). [B.] From wethane [l] through car- bon tetrachloride by extreme chlorina- tion (Dumas, Ann. 33, 187). The latter gives carbon disulphide on heating with phosphorus pentasulphide at 200° (Rathke, Ann. 152, 200). [C] From ethyl alcohol [14] through chloroform by distillation with bleaching powder (see under methane [l ; D]). By chlorination chloroform gives carbon tetrachloride (Regnault, Ann, 33, 332 ; Friedel and Silva, Bull. Soc, [2] 17, 537), which can be treated as above under B, [D.] From acetone [IO6] through chloroform (Liebig, Ann. 1, 199), and then as above. [E.] From acetic aldehyde [92] through chloral by chlorination (Pinner, Ber. 4, 256 ; Wurtz and Vogt, Zeit. [2] 7, 679). Chloral is decomposed by alkali with the formation of chloroform (Liebig, loc. cit.). [P.] From acetic acid [Vol. II] through the trichloro-acid by chlorina- tion (Dumas, Ann. 32, loi ). Trichlorace- tic acid gives chloroform on heating with aqueous alkali [Ibid. 113; Ann. Chim. [2] 56, T15). [G,] From methyl alcohol [l3] through methyl chloride (Dumas and Peligot, Ann. 15, 17; Ann. Chim. 61, 193; Groves, Journ. Ch. Soc. 27, 641). The latter can be chlorinated to carbon tetrachloride (Damoiseau, Comp. Rend. 92, 42), ard treated as under B. 252 SULPHUR COMPOUNDS [160 H-iei c. [H.] From tr'imeiliylamine [Vol. II] through methyl chloride by heating the hydrochloride to 326° (Vincent, Journ. Pharm. [4] 30, 132; Jahresber. 1878, 1 135), and then as above under G. [I.] 'Prom formic acid [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [13] through methyl formate (Volhard, Ann. 176, 133). The latter on extreme chlorination gives perchlormethyl formate (Hentschel, Journ. pr.Ch. [2] 36, lOO; 214; 305), and this decomposes in contact with aluminium chloride with the formation of carbon tetrachloride {Ibid. 308). [J.] Alli/l i^othiocyanate [I66] gives carbon disulphide among the products obtained by heating with water at 1 00- 105° (Gadamer, Arch. Pharm. 235, 53). [K.] From gallic acid [Vol. II] through trichlor-aa-glyceric acid by the action of hydrochloric acid and potassium chlorate (Schreder, Ann. 177, 282). The trichloro-acid gives chloro- form by the action of alkali in the cold. [L.] From salicylic acid [Vol. II] through trichlor-aa-glyceric acid as above. [M.] From phenol [6O] through trichlor-aa-glyceric acid as above. [N.] Benzene [6; I, &c.] by the action of potassium chlorate and sulphuric acid gives trichlorphenomalic acid, CCI3 . CO . CH : CH . CO,H (Carius, Ann. 142, 129 ; Kekule and Strecker, Ann. 223, 170; Anschiitz, Ann. 254, 152), and this yields chloroform (with malei'c acid) on heating with barium hydroxide solution. Subsequent steps as under B. 161. Methyl Mercaptan ; Methanethiol ; Methyl Sulphydrate. CH3.SH Natural Sources. Among the products of anaerobic putrefaction of albumin (Nencki and Sieber, Monats. 10, 526). The Bacilli known to produce this compound from serum albumin are Bacillus magnns, B. spivosus, B. liquefaciens, and the anthrax Clostridinm. Occurs among the products of putre- faction of fish (Monier, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 22, 514) and of elastin by anaerobic micro-organisms (Zoja, Ibid. 23, 236). Also among the products of in- testinal decomposition of albumin (Ham- marsten, ' Lehrbuch,'' 3rd ed. 277) and, possibly, in urine after taking asparagus {Ibid. 480; Nencki, Arch. exp. Path. A bacterium found in the urine of a patient suffering from pneumonia and albuminaria caused production of methyl mercaptan (Karplus, Virch. Arch. 131, 210 ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 64, II, '>,'>f^' Bacillus esterijicans isolated from putrefying litmus solution and Bac. prcepollens from the intestinal contents decompose peptone infusions with the production of mercaptan (? methyl) among other products (Maassen, Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 1058). A mercaptan (? methyl) is among the products of the anaerobic putrefaction of milk by Bacillus putrijicus and by the Bacilli of malignant oedema and of symptomatic anthrax (Bienstock, Ch. Centr. 1901, 1, 1209). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From methyl alcohol [l3]. Sodium methyl sulphate is distilled with potas- sium hydrosulphide (Gregory, Ann. 15, 239; Obermeyer, Ber.20, 2918; Klason, Ibid. 3407). [B.] From thiocyanic acid [174] and methyl alcohol [13]. Potassium thio- cyanate on distillation with calcium methyl sulphate gives methyl thio- cyanate (Cahours, Ann. Chim. [3] 18, 261 ; Ann. 61, 95). The latter on beating to 180° yields (with the iso- thiocyanate) methyl thiocyanurate (Hof- mann, Ber. 13, 1349), and this on heat- ing with ammonia gives (with mel- amine) methyl mercaptan (Hofmann, Ber. 18, 2758; Obermeyer, Ber. 20, 2919). [C] Methyl sid^ihide [163] gives methyl thiocyanate on heating with cyanogen bromide (Cahours, Jahresber. 1875, 257). The latter is obtained by the action of bromine on hydrogen cyanide [172] or its salts (Serullas, Berz. Jahresber. 8, 94; Ann. Chim. 161 C -164 A.] METHYL MERCAPTAN 253 [2] 34, 100; 35,294; 315; Langlois, Ann. Suppl. 1, 384; Ann. Chim. [3] 61, 482 ; Scholl, Beilstein's ' Hand- bueh/ I, 1434). [D.] From benzene [6; I, &c.] and carbon disulpJiicle [I6O] through ani- line and phenyl mustard oil by the usual methods (Hofmann, Jahresber. 1858, 349; Ber. 2, 453; 15, 986; Weith and Merz, Zeit. [3] 5, 589 ; Rathke, Ber. 3, 861 ; Rudneff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 10, 184; Werner, Trans. Ch. Soc. 59, 400). The mustard oil is reduced by aluminium amalgam to diphenylthiourea and (through thio- formaldehyde) methyl mercaptan (Gut- bier, Ber. 34, 2033). 162. ITormal Bntyl Mercaptan ; n-Butauethiol. CH3.CH,.CH2.CH2.SH Natural Source. Occurs in the secretion of the Philip- pine badger. My dans »xarc/^(?2(Beckmann, Pharm. Centr. 1896 [n. f.], 17, SSl)- Note : — The secretion contains also n-butyl sulphide, probably a product of oxidation of the mercaptan {Jbid. 558). SYNTHETICAL PROCESS. [A.] From n-lutyl alcohol [l7] and potassium hydrosulphide as above under methyl mercaptan [I6I; A](Saytzeff and Grabowsky, Ann. 171, 251, • 175, 348). Or by the interaction of the n-butyl haloid and potassium hydrosulphide, or by distillation of the alcohol with phos- phorus pentasulphide (general method ; see Kekule, Ann. 90, 311). 163. KEethyl Sulphide. (CH3),S Natural Source. In American oil of peppermint (SchimmeFs Ber. Oct. 1896; Kleber, Pharm. Rev. 14, 269 ; Gerber, Mon. Sci. [4] 11, 880). Synthetical Processes. [A.] Yvommethane [l] through methyl chloride by chlorination (Berthelot, Ann. Chim. [3] 52, 97), and interaction of the latter with potassium sulphide (Re- gnault, Ann. Chim. [2] 71, 391 ; Ann. 34, 26). [B,] Yvom methyl alcohol llB] through methyl chloride (Dumas and Peligot, Ann. Chim. 61, 193 ; Groves, Journ. Ch. Soc. 27, 641), and then as above. Or by heating sodium methyl sulphate with potassium sulphide (Klason, Ber. 20, 3407). [C] From trimethylamine [Vol. II] through methyl chloride by heating the hydrochloride of the base to 326° (Vincent, Journ. Pharm. [4] 30, 132 ; jahresber. 1878, 1135). 164. Ethyl Sulphide. (^'2^5)28 Natural Source. Occurs in urine of dogs (Abel, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 20, l^"^. Synthetical Process. [A.] From ethyl alcohol [l4] through ethyl chloride or ethyl potassium sul- phate, and the interaction of these with potassium sulphide (Regnault, Ann. Chim. [2] 71, 387 ; Loir, Comp. Rend. 26, 195; Riche, Ann. Chim. [3] 43, 297 : see also Dobereiner, Ann. 4, 172, and Finckh^ Ber. 27, 1239). Notes : — Vinyl sulphide, (CHj : CH)aS, the chief constituent oftheoilof^ Ilium ursinum (Semmler, Ann. 241, 92), does not appear to have been synthesised, but could no doubt be prepared from vinyl bromide and potassium sulphide by the general method. Allyl sulphide, {GK^ : CK , 0IL,\8, which is generally stated to be a constituent of oil of garlic, &c, (Wertheim, Ann. 51, 289 ; 65, 297 ; Pless, Ann. 58, 36), according to Semmler (Arch. Pharm. 230, 434) does not exist in this oil, and is therefore most probably absent from the other plant oils in which it is supposed to have been found. 254 SULPHUR COMPOUNDS [165-D. 165. Secondary Butyl Isothiocyanate or Thiocarbimide ; Oil of Spoonwort. CH3.CH2.CH(CH3).NCS Natural Source. In oil of spoonwort or scurvy-grass, Cochlearia officinalis (Hofmann, Ber. 2, 1 o3 j 1, 508 ; Gadamer, Arch. Pharm. 237, 92). According to Gadamar {loc. cit.) it probably exists as glucoside in the plant. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From n-butyl alcohol [17] and carbon clisuljjhide [I6O]. The alcohol is converted into n-butylene through n-butyl iodide (Linnemann, Ann. 161, 196) and the action of alcoholic potash on the latter (Lieben and Rossi, Ann. 158, 164 ; Saytzeff, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 3, 88 ; Grabowsky and Saytzeff, Ann. 179, 330). n-Butylene combines with hydrogen iodide to form 2-iodobutane = secondary butyl iodide (Wurtz, Ann. 152, 23 ; Saytzeff, Ber. 3, 870). The latter, by the action of ammonia, gives the amine = 2-aminobutane (Hofmann, Ber. 7, 513), and this on combination with carbon disulphide in alcoholic or ethereal solution, precipitation of the product [di-(sec. )-butyldithiocarbamate] with mercuric chloride, and decomposi- tion of the mercury compound by boiling with water yields the isothiocyanate (Hofmann, Ber. 7, 512). [B.] hobuty I alcohol [18] by the action of hot zinc chloride gives a mixture of two butylenes, of which one is pseudo- butylene = symmetrical dimethylethyl- ene (Nevole, Bull. Soc. [2] 24, 122 ; Le Bel and Greene, Am. Ch. Journ. 2, 23 ; Bull. Soc. [2] 29, 306 ; Faworsky and Desbout, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 42, 152 ; J. Wislicenus and Schmidt, Ann. 313, aio : see also Nef, Ann. 318, 38). The latter combines with hydrogen iodide to form secondary butyl iodide, which can be converted into the amine and treated with carbon disulphide [I60], &c., as above under A. Isobutyl alcohol also gives pseudo- butylene' (with isobutylene) by the action of sulphuric acid (Konowaloff, Bull. Soc. [2] 34, '3^'>,'>, ; Puchot, Ann. Chim. [5] 28, 508), or by pyrogenic contact decomposition by plumbago crucible material (Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1061). Isobutyl chloride gives all three butylenes on pyrogenic decomposition by passing over heated lime (Nef, Ann. 318, 22). Note : — For conversion of psoudobutylene into methylethyl ketone see under methylacetyl carbinol [44 ; D]. The ketone is convertible into secondary butyl alcohol and amine as below under K. [C] From methyl alcohol [13], glycerol [48], and carbon disulphide [I60]. Methyl alcohol is converted into methyl iodide, and glycerol into allyl iodide (see under isobutyl alcohol [18; D]). A mixture of the two iodides on treatment with sodium gives (by iso- meric transformation?) pseudobutylene (Wurtz, Bull. Soc. [2] 8, 365 ; Ann. 144, l-^,^; Grosheintz, Bull. Soc. [2] 29, 201), which can be converted into 2-iodobutane, &e., as above. [D.] From acetic aldehyde [92] and carbon disulphide [I6O]. Aldehyde is convertible by the action of sulphuretted hydrogen into a solid trithioaldehyde, CgHjySg (Weidenbusch, Ann. 66, 158 ; Pinner, Ber. 4, 358 -, Klinger, Ber. 9, 1893; 11, 1024; Bbttinger, Ber. 11, 3205 ; Friedel and Crafts, Ann. 124, 114; Baumann and Fromm, Ber. 22, 3602; 24, 1464; Fromm, Ber. 32, 3650), and' this gives pseudobutylene on heating with copper (Eltekoff, Ber. 10, 1904). Or from aldehyde, ethyl alcohol [14], and carbon disulphide. Zinc ethyl and aldehyde combine to form a compound, which is decomposed by water with the formation of 3-butanol (Wagner, Ann. 181, 361). Subsequent steps as below under G. Or aldehyde combines with hydrogen chloride to form ethylidene oxychloride = I : i^-dichlorether (Lieben, Comp. Rend. 46, 662 ; Ann. 106, o^-ifi ; Kessel, Ann. 175,44; Geuther, Ann. 218, 16), which by the action of zinc ethyl gives secondary butyl ether. The latter on 165 D-M.] SECONDARY BUTYL ISOTHIOCYANATE 255 heating witli hydriodic acid at 130° yields a-iodobutane (Kessel, loc. ciL). [E.] From angelic or tiglic acid [Vol. II] and carbon disulpliicle [I6O] through brom-methylethylacetie acid = 3-brombutane-3-carboxylic acid by com- bination of either of the isomeric acids with hydrogen bromide (Pagenstecher, Ann. 195, 109)' Pseudobutylene is among the products of decomposition of the bromo-acid by alkali (Ibid. 113). Or the acids can be combined with hydrogen iodide (Schmidt, Ann. 208, 254 ; J. Wislicenus, Talbot, and Henze, Ann. 313, 207) ; the products give the stereo-isomeric pseudobutylenes on treat- ment with alkali (W. T. and H. loc. cit. : see also Ch. Centr. 1897, 2, 261). [F.] From et/iyl alcohol [14] and carbon disulphide [I6O]. The alcohol is converted into ether, and the latter into I : 2-dichlorether (Malaguti, Ann. 32, 15; Ann. Chim. [2] 70, 338; [3] 16, 5 j 19; Lieben, Ann. Ill, 121 ; 123, 130; 133, 287; 141, 236; 146, 180; 150, 87). By the interaction of dichlorether and zinc ethyl ethylchlor- ether = 2-ethyl-i-chlorbutyl ether is obtained, and this on heating with hydriodic acid at 140° gives 2-iodo- butane (Lieben, Ann. 150, 96). Subse- quent steps as above under A. Or from ethyl alcohol through ethylene glycol [45]. The latter can be con- verted into the iodhydrin = iodethyl alcohol (Simpson, Proc. Roy. Soc. 10, 119; Butleroff and Ossokin, Ann. 144, 42 ; 145, 257), which by the action of zinc ethyl gives 2-butanol (B. and O. Ann. 145, 263). Subsequent steps as below under G. Note : — Generators of ethylene thus become, with carbon disulphide, generators of secondary butyl isothiocyanate. [G.] From methyl and ethyl alcohols [13 ; 14], formic acid [Vol. II], and carbon disulphide [16 O]. A mixture of methyl and ethyl iodides with formic ethyl ester is treated with zinc, and the product decomposed by water so as to give 2-butanol = secondary butyl alcohol (Saytzeff, Ann. 175, 374). The alcohol can be converted into the corre- sponding iodide (= 2-iodobutane) by the usual methods, and the latter into the amine and isothiocyanate as before. [H.] From erythritol [50] and carbon disulphide [I6O]. Erythritol on heat- ing with hydriodic acid gives 2-iodo- butane (De Luynes, Bull. Soc. [2] 2, 3 ; Ann. 125, 252). Subsequent steps as above under A. [I.] Thiocyanic acid [l74] can be converted into secondary butyl thio- cyanate by interaction of the potassium salt and secondary bxityl iodide (see above under G). The alkyl thiocyanate is probably convertible into the isothio- cyanate by the action of heat (general method : see Hofmann, Ber. 13, 13.50). [J.] Isovaleric acid [Vol. II] gives a small quantity of pseudobutylene among the products of the dry distilla- tion of the calcium salt (Dilthey, Ber. 34, 21 19). Subsequent steps as above under B, &c. [K.] From acetoacetic acid {ester) [Vol. II] and methyl alcohol [l3] through methylethyl ketone (see under methylacetyl carbinol [44 ; Bj). The ketone gives secondary butyl alcohol on reduction (Norris and Green, Am. Ch. Journ. 26, 293 : for electrolytic reduction see Elbs and Brand, Zeit. Elektroch. 8, 783). The alcohol with carbon disulphide gives the mustard oil as above under G. Note : — The generators of methylethyl ke- tone referred to under methylacetyl carbinol [44, p. 95] thus become, with carbon disulphide, generators of secondary butyl mustard oil : — acetic and propionic acids ; acetic and butyric acids ; sine methyl and propionyl chloride ; sine ethyl and acetyl chloride ; ethyl iodide and acetic anhydride, &c. [L.] From isoamyl alcohol [22] and carbon disulphide [I6O]. The alcohol gives pseudobutylene among the pro- ducts of pyrogenic contact decomposi- tion by passing the vapour through a hot iron tube (Wurtz, Ann. 104, 249 ; Butleroff, Ann. 145, 277 ; Ipatieff, Ber. 35, 1053). From pseudobutylene as above under B. [M.] From n-propyl alcohol [l5] through n-hexane (see under n-hexyl alcohol [23 ; A]) and carbon disulphide. Hexane gives, among other products, n- and pseudobutylenes when mixed with air and passed over heated platinum (v. Stepski, Monats. 23, 773). 156 SULPHUR COMPOUNDS [165 N-ieV A. [N.] From mannitol [5l] throug-h hexane (see under n-hexyl alcoliol [23 ; B]) and carbon dmdpldde, and then as above. Note : — All generators of n-hexane referred to under n-hexyl alcohol [23] thus become, with carbon disulphide, generators of this mus- tard oil. n-Hexyl alcohol itself is a generator of hexane through n-hexyl iodide and reduction of the latter. 166. Allyl Isothiocyauate or Thiocarbimide ; Mustard Oil. CH^iCH.CH^.NCS Natural Sources. Occurs as glueoside, potassium myro- nate or sinigrin, in black mustard from the seeds of Sinapis nigra and S. juncea. (For references see Gildemeister and Hoffmann^s ' Die aetherischen Oele/ p. 533 ; Gadamer, Arch. Pharm. 235^ 44 j Ber. 30, 2322.) A glucoside (probably sinigrin) is contained in horse-radish root, Cochlearia armoracia (Hubatka, Ann. 47, 153; Sani, SchimmeFs Ber. April 1 894 ; Gadamer, Arch. Pharm. 235, 577). The root of garlic-mustard {Sisym- hrium aUiaria) gives an oil on distilla- tion which apparently contains allyl mustard oil (Wertheim, Ann. 52, 52 ; Pless, Ann. 58, 38). The plant and seeds of penny-cress, Thlaspi arvense, give an oil which, ac- cording to Pless [loc. cit. 36), contains allyl mustard oil. The recent work of Semmler (Arch. Pharm. 230, 434) throws doubt on the existence of allyl mustard oil in these two last plants. According to Bitthausen (Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 24, 273) sinigrin (potassium myronate) occurs in the seeds of turnip, Brassica rapa. According to Bokorny (Ch. Zeit. 24, 771; 817; 832) Iberis amara, I. mn- bellata, and /. sempervirens, scurvy- grass [Cochlearia officinalis), winter cab- bage [Brasnca oleracea\ and radish [Ra- phanus sativus), contam some glucoside which yields mustard oil (? allyl) under the influence of myrosin. (For occur- rence of mustard oil in seeds of Cruci- ferse see also Jorgensen, Ch. Centr. 1898,2,927; 1899,2, 781). Note : — Many mustard oils which were at one time thought to contain allyl have by later investigation been proved to be isothio- cyanates of other radicles. Synthetical Process. [A.] From glycerol [48] through allyl iodide (see under iso butyl alcohol [I8 ; D]) and thiocyanic acid [174], by the distillation of potassium or silver thiocyanate with allyl iodide (Zinin, Ann. 95, 128 ; Berthelot and De Luca, Ann. Chim. [3] 44, 495 ; Comp. Bend. 41, 21). The normal ester produced at first is transformed into the mustard oil by the action of the heat (Oeser, Ann. 134, 7 ; Billeter, Ber. 8, 464 ; Gerlich, Ann. 178, 89). Note : — Sinigrin when hydrolysed at 0° by myrosin (the mustard seed enzyme) gives, with allyl mustard oil, a trace of allyl thiocyanate (E. Schmidt, Ber. 10, 187). The latter can be synthesised from ammonium thiocyanate and allyl bromide in alcoholic solution at 0° (Ger- lich, loc. cit. 85), or from allyl iodide and potas- sium hydrosulphide through allyl mercaptan, the lead compound of the latter giving allyl thiocyanate on treatment with cyanogen chlor- ide in ethereal solution (Billeter, loc. cit). 167. Crotonyl Isothiocyanate or Thiocarbimide; Crotonyl Mustard Oil. C4H, . NCS = CH2 : CH . CH2 . CH,. N : C : S (?) Natural Sources. This mustard oil is apparently con- tained in the oil-cake from rape seed (Jorgensen, Ch. Centr. 1899, 2, 781 ; Landw. Versuchs-Sta. 52, 269, &c.); also in the seeds of Brassica glauca, B. dichotoma, &c. {Ibid. Ch. Centr. 1898, 2, 928), and B. najms (SjoUema, Bee. Tr. Ch. 20, 237). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From isohdyl alcohol [I8] through isobutylene bromide (see under isobutyl alcohol [18; A] and tertiary butyl alcohol [19; B]), and carbon 167 A-169 A.] CROTONYL ISOTHIOCYANATE 257 (Usvlphide [160]. On heating- the isobu- tylene bromide with alcoholic ammonia at 1 00°, a product containing a croton- ylamine is formed (Hofmann^ Ber. 7, 515; 12j 992). The latter is heated with carbon disulphide in alcoholic solution^ and the product (the crotonyl- amine salt of crotonyldithioearbamic acid) treated with an aqueous solution of mercuric chloride^ silver nitrate^ or ferric chloride, and then boiled {Ibid. Ber. 7, 516; 8, io8j Ann. Chim. Physiol. [7] 17, 263 : see also for l^eneral method Rudneff, Ber. 12, 1023; Hecht, Ber. 23, 282 ; Ponzio, Gazz. 26, 323)- [B.] From crotonic aldehyde [102] through crotonyl alcohol by reduction (Lieben and Zeisel, Monats, 1, 825 ; Charon, Ann. Chim. [7] 17, 223 ; Comp. Rend. 128, 737). The alcohol com- bines with hydrogen bromide to form a-brom-/3-butylene = crotonyl bromide, and this by interaction with potassium or ammonmm tJiiocyanate [l74] gives crotonyl isothiocyanate {Ibid.). Note : — The generators of isobutylene re- ferred to under isobutyl alcohol [18 ; B ; C, &c.] thus become, with carbon disulphide, generators of ci'otonyl mustard oil. These are isovaleric acid [Vol. II] ; glycerol and acetone [48 ; 106] ; acetic acid and acetone ; amyl alcohol of fusel oil [22]. Tertiai-y butyl alcohol [19] is also a generator of isobutylene (see under isobutyl alcohol [18 ; A]). The identity of the synthetical mustard oil with the natural product requires confirmation. According to SjoUema (loc. cit.) the crotonyl mustard oil from Brassica napus is not identical with either Hofmann's or Charon's compounds. 168. Angelyl Isothiocyanate or Thiocarbimide ; Angelyl Mustard Oil. C5H9 NCS Natural Source. Said to have been obtained from rape seed oil-cake (Jorgensen as above under 167). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From amyl alcohol of fusel oil [22] through ^isoamylene^ (see under acetone [IO6 ; E]) and carbon disul- phide [I60]. The amylene is converted into angelylamine by heating the brom- ide with alcoholic ammonia, and the amine into the mustard oil by the general method as described above under 167 ; A (Hofmann, Ber. 8, 106 ; 12, 991). Note : — The identity of the natural with the synthetical product has not been established. 169. Benzyl Isothiocyanate or Thiocarbimide; Benzyl Mustard Oil. CgHg . CH2 . NCS Natural Sources. Occurs in the ethereal oil of the Capuchin cress, Tropceolum majuSy and of the garden cress, Lepidnim sativum ; also as the glucoside, glucotropaeolin, in seeds of the same plants (Gadamer, Arch. Pharm. 237, 11 1; 507; Ber. 32, 2335 ; Beyerinck, Centr, Bakter. II, 6, 72). Synthetical Processes. [A.] From benzoic acid [Vol. II] and carbon disulphide [I6O]. Ammonium benzoate is converted into benzonitrile (Fehling, Ann. 49, 91 ; Laurent and Gerhardt, Jahresber. 1849, 327 ; Wohler, Ann. 192, 362 ; Anschiitz and Schultz, Ann. 196, 48 ; Buckton and Hofmann, Ann. 100, 155 ; Gerhardt, ' Traite, &c.,' IV, 762; Henke, Ann. 106,276; Henry, Ber. 2, 307 : see also under benzoic aldehyde [ll4; C]), and the latter reduced to benzylamine (Mendius, Ann. 121, 144; S pica, Gazz. 10, 515; Bam- berger and Lodter, Ber. 20, 1709). Or benzonitrile and ethyl alcohol [14] and hydrogen chloride condense to the hydrochloride of benzimidoethyl ether (Pinner, Ber. 16, 353 : general synthe- sis), and this by interaction with ammo- nia gives an amidine which, on reduction by sodium amalgam in acid solution, yields benzylamine (Henle, Ber. 35, 3044). Benzylamine and carbon disulphide 258 SULPHUR COMPOUNDS [169 A-D. give the mustard oil by the general method (Hofmann, Ber. 1, lioi). Benzamide,f rom ammonium benzoate or from benzoyl chloride and ammonia, gives benzylamine among the products of its electrolytic reduction in sulphuric acid (Baillie and Tafel, Ber. 32, 71). Ethyl benzoate yields benzonitrile by interaction with sodamide (Titherley, Trans. Ch. Soc. 81, 1527). Benzoic acid also gives benzonitrile through benzoyl chloride, and the inter- action of the latter with benzamide (Sokolofe, Gerhardt's 'Traite, &c.,' I, ^S^), or with potassium tliiocyanate [l74] or cyanate (Limpricht, Ann. 99, 1 17; Schiff, Ann. 101, 93). Also by the interaction of cyanogen bromide and potassium benzoate (Cahours, Ann. 108, 319; Ann. Chim. [3] 52, 200), of ben- zoic acid and potassium thiocyanate (Letts, Ber. 5, 673) or lead thiocyanate (Kriiss, Ber. 17, 1767). Also from benzoic and acetic acids via acetophenone and mandelic acid (see under benzoic aldehyde [ll4 ; G]), and then through phenylbrom- and phenyl- amino-acetic acid and benzylamine, &c., as below under B. Benzoyl chloride and metJiylamine [Vol . II] give methylbenzamide (Van Hom- burgh, Rec. Tr. Ch. 4, 388), which, by the action of phosphorus pentachloride, yields an imidochloride (v. Pechmann, Ber. 28, 2367). Benzenylmethylimido- chloride on heating decomposes into methyl chloride and benzonitrile {Ibid. 33, 611). The latter can be reduced to benzylamine as above. [B.] From benzoic aldehyde [114] and carbon disuljjhide [160]. Benzaldoxime by the action of acetic anhydride gives benzonitrile (Lach, Ber. 17, 1571). Also by the action of monopersulphuric acid (Carols reagent: Bamberger andScheutz, Ber. 34, 2023). Subsequent steps as above. Or benzaldoxime gives benzylamine directly on reduction with sodium amalgam and acetic acid (Goldschmidt, Ber. 19, 3232). Or the oxime (' syn- ' or ' anti- ') by the action of chlorine in chloroform solution gives benzhydroximic chloride (Werner and Buss, Ber. 27, 2197), which, by interaction with hydroxylamine, yields benzenyloxyamidoxime, CgHj . C(:N . OH) . NH . OH, and this gives benzo- nitrile when treated with acetic anhy- dride (Ley, Ber. 31, 2127). Or benzaldehyde cyanhydrin (from the aldehyde and hydrogen cyanide [l72]) with alcoholic ammonia gives the nitrite of phenylaminoacetic acid, from which the acid can be obtained by hydrolysis (Tiemann, Ber. 13, 383). The acid yields benzylamine on dry distillation (Tiemann and Friedlander, Ber. 14, 1969). Or the cyanhydrin hydrolyses to mandelic acid (Winckler, Ann. 18, 310; Miiller, Ber. 4, 980; Wallach, Ann. 193, 38), and this combines with hydrogen bromide to form phenylbrom- acetic acid (Glaser and Radziszewski, Zeit. [2] 4, 142). The latter gives phenylaminoacetic acid on heating with aqueous ammonia (Stockenius, Ber. 11, 2002). Benzoic aldehyde with aqueous ammo- nia yields ' hydrobenzamide ' (Laurent, Ann. 21,130; Rochleder, Ann. 41, 89), and the latter gives benzylamine (with toluene) by reduction in alcoholic solu- tion with sodium (O. Fischer, Ber. 19, 748). Benzoic aldehyde phenylhydrazone reduces to benzylamine (and aniline) with sodium amalgam and acetic acid (Tafel, Ber. 19, 1928), or by electroly- sis (Tafel and Pfeffermann, Ber. 35, 1510). Benzoic aldehyde and glycin [Vol. II] give benzylamine when heated to 130 (Curtius and Lederer, Ber. 19, 2463; Erlenmeyer, junr., Ber. 30, 1528). Benzylamine is among the products formed by heating benzoic aldehyde with ammonium formate [Vol. II] (Leuckart and Bach, Ber. 19, 2128). [C] Hippuric acid [Vol. II] gives benzonitrile on heating per se or with zinc chloride (Limpricht and Uslar, Ann. 88, 133; Gossmann, Ann. 100, 74). Subsequent steps through benzylamine and with carbon disulphide as before. [D.] 'Prom phenylacetic acid [Vol. II] through the bromo-acid (Radziszewski, Ber. 2, 208), the phenylamino-acid as above under B, and benzylamine with carbon disulphide as before. 169 E-J.] BENZYL ISOTHIOCYANATE 259 [E.] Styrene [7j gives phenylclilor- aeetic acid and mandelic acid (see under benzoic aldehyde [ll4; B]). Sub- sequent steps through benzylamine with carbon disulphide as above under B. [P.] From phenol [60] and carbon disulphide [160]. Phenol 2indi potassiicm cyanide [172] give benzonitrile (see under benzoic aldehyde [114 ; H]). [Gr.] From cymene [6] and carbon di- sulphide. Cymene gives aeetophenone [114 ; K]. Then as above under A. [H.] From benzene [8; I, &c.] or toluene [54] and carbon disulphide [160]. All generators with these hydrocarbons of aeetophenone or benzonitrile referred to under benzoic aldehyde [114 ; A] become generators of benzylamine and, with carbon disulphide, of benzyl mustard oil. Aniline (from nitrobenzene) on dia- zotisation with nitrous acid and inter- action of the diazo-com pound with nitromethane (see under hydrogen cyan- ide [172 ; J, &c.]) gives, among other products, phenylnitromethane = i^- nitrotoluene (Bamberger, Schmidt, and Levinstein, Ber. 33, 2053). The latter reduces to benzylamine (Konowaloff, Ber, 28, 1861). Toluene also on nitration with nitric acid of i-i3 sp, gr. at 100** yields phenylnitromethane {Ibid. loc. cif.; Journ. Russ, Soc. 31, 254)- Note : — For other methods of formation of phenylnitromethane see Gabriel, Ber. 18, 1254 ; Cohn, Ber. 24, 3867. Benzylamine is obtained from benzyl chloride and alcoholic ammonia (Canniz- zaro, Ann. 134, 128 ; Suppl. 4, 24 ; Mason, Trans. Ch. Soc. 63, 1313; Limpricht, Ann. 144, 305 : see also Seelig,Ber. 23, 2971 ; Dhommee, Comp. Rend. 133,636); also from benzyl chlor- ide andpotassium cyanide [l72] through benzyl cyanide and hydrolysis of the latter to phenylacetamide (Purgotti, Gazz. 20, 173; 593)^ which gives benzylamine by action of bromine in presence of potassium hydroxide (Hof- mann, Ber. 18, 2738 ; Hoogewerff and Van Dorp, Rec. Trav. Ch. 5, 253). Or benzyl chloride or iodide interacts with silver nitrite to form phenylnitro- methane (Holleman, Rec. Tr. Ch. 13, 405 ; Hantzsch and Schultze, Ber. 29, 700 ; Van Raalte, Rec. Tr. Ch. 18, 383), which can be reduced to benzylamine as above. Or benzyl chloride or bromide and silver cyanate give benzyl isocyanate (Letts, Journ. Ch. Soc. 25, 446 ; Ber. 5, 91 ; Strakosch, Ber. 5, 692 ; Laden- burg and Strnwe, Ibid. 10, 46). Silver cyanate is obtained from potassium cyanate by double decomposition (Mendius, Jahresber. 1860, 17); the potassium salt is obtained by the oxida- tion oi potassium cyanide or ferrocyanide [172] (Wohler, Berz. Jahresber. 3, 78; 4, 92; Pogg. Ann. 1, 117; Liebig, Ann. 38, 108; 41, 289; Kolbe, Ann. 64, 237; Clemm, Ann. 66, 382; Wurtz, Ann. Chim. [3] 42, 44 ; Lea, Jahresber. 1861, 789; Bell, Ch. News, 32, 100; Gattermann, Ber. 23, 1224; Volhard, Ann. 259, 378 ; H. Erdmann, Ber. 26, 2438 ; Reychler, Bull. Soc. [3] 9, 427). Benzyl isocyanate gives benzylamine on decomposition by caustic alkali (Cannizzaro, Ann. 134, 128 ; Strakosch, Ber. 6j 692 : see also Letts, Ibid. 91). Benzylamine can be obtained also from benzyl chloride and acetic acid through benzylacetamide (Rudolph, Ber. 12, 1297), and decomposition of the latter with alcoholic potash (Ibid.). Or from benzyl chloride and jf'ormic aldehyde [9l] through the aldehyde or through ' trioxymethylene ' and the base, hexamethylenamine, formed by the action of ammonia on the aldehyde or on trioxymethylene (Butleroff, Ann. 115, 322 ; Wohl, Ber. 19, 1843 ; Grassi- Cristaldi and Motta, Gazz. 29, 43). The compound of hexamethylenamine and benzyl chloride gives benzylamine on de- composition with alcoholic hydrochloric acid (Delepine, Comp. Rend. 124, 292 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 17, 294). [I.] Naphthalene [l2] is a generator of benzonitrile through phthalic acid and phthalimide (see under benzoic aldehyde [114 ; J]). [J.] From ctimic aldehyde [II6] through isopropylbenzene and aeeto- phenone, &c. [114; K]. s 2 260 SULPHUR COMPOUNDS [170-D. 170. Fhenylethyl Isothiocyanate, Thiocarbimide, or Mustard Oil. CeHg.CH^.CH^.NCS Natural Sources. Occurs in the ethereal oil of the water- cress^ Nasturtium officinale, and the winter-cress, Barharea prcBcox. The glucoside (g-luconasturtiin) exists as potassium salt in the seeds of these plants (Gadamer, Ber. 32, 2339 ; Arch. Pharm. 237, 507). According- to Ber- tram and Walbaum (Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 50, ^Sl)^ ^l^is mustard oil is contained in the ethereal oil from the roots of Reseda. Synthetical Processes. [A.] From toluene [54; A, &c.] and jiotassium cyanide [l72j through benzyl cyanide (see under benzyl mustard oil [169 ', H]) and carbon disulphide [I6O]. Benzyl cyanide on reduction gives w- phenylethylamine (Spica and Colombo, Gazz. 5, 134; Bernthsen, Ann. 184,304; Spica, Jahresber. 1879, 440 ; Laden- burg, Ber. 19, 783). The amine gives the mustard oil by the general method (Neuberfc, Ber. 19, 1825). The nitrile of symmetrical triphenyl- glutaric acid, obtained by the condensa- tion of benzyl cyanide with benzoic aldehyde [ll4] by means of sodium ethylate (Meyer, Ann. 250, 156), gives to-phenylethylamine on reduction with sodium in alcoholic solution (Henze, Ber. 31, 3065). Or benzyl chloride can be combined with the sodium compound of chlor- malonic ester [Vol. II] (Conrad and Bischoff, Ann. 209, 219) so as to give ^feenzyl chlormalonate (Conrad, loc. cit. "' 343). The latter, on treatment with potassium or barium hydroxide, gives benzyl tar tronic acid {Ibid. 345), and this yields phenyl- u-lactic acid on heat- ing at 1 60-1 80° [Ibid. 347). Subsequent steps as balow under D. A\so ivova. benzene [6; I,&c.] through ethylbenzene (see under phlorol [64 ; a]). The compound of the latter with chromium oxychloride is decomposed by water with the formation of a-toluic aldehyde (Etard, Ann. Chim. [5] 22, 348), the oxime of which (Dollfus, Ber. 25, 191 7) gives phenylethylamine on reduction (Bischler and Napieralski, Ber. 26, 1905). Ethylbenzene also yields a-toluic aldehyde among the pro- ducts of its oxidation by potassium persulphate (Moritz and Wolffenstein, Ber. 32, 434). Or from ethylbenzene through styr- ene bromide (see under styrene [7 ; A]), and then as below under B. [B.] Styrene [7] gives ethylbenzene (see under phlorol [64; B]), which, with carbon disulphide [160], yields the mus- tard oil as above under A. Or styrene can be combined with bromine, and the bromide converted into the glycol (see under benzoic alde- hyde [114; B]). The latter on heating with 20 per cent, sulphuric acid gives a-toluic aldehyde (Zincke, Ber. 11, 1402; Ann. 216, 301 ; also Tiffeneau, Comp. Rend. 134, 1505), which can be con- verted into phenylethylamine as above under A. Or styrene, by the action of iodine in presence of mercuric oxide, gives an iodo-derivative, which yields a-toluic aldehyde on treatment with silver nitrate (Bougault, Comp. Rend. 131, 529). [C] From tartaric or racemic acid [Vol. II], and n-propyl alcohol [15], and carbon disulphide [I6O], through pyroracemic acid and propionic alde- hyde, ethylisophthalic acid, ethylben- zene, &c. (see under phlorol [64; J]). Note : — Generators of pyroracemic acid are given under benzyl alcohol [54 ; F ; I ; M, &c.]. [D.] From benzoic aldehyde [ll4], alcohol [14], acetic acid [Vol. II], and carbon disulphide [I6O]. Chloracetic ester and benzoic aldehyde on treatment with sodium in alcoholic solution give the ester of /3-phenyloxyacrylic = phenylglycidic acid (Erlenmeyer, Ann. 271, 153). The latter yields a-toluic aldehyde on distillation with dilute sulphuric acid (Baeyer, Ber. 13, 304 : see also Glaser, Ann. 147, 100). Phenyl- glycidic acid decomposes at ordinary temperatures into a-toluic aldehyde and carbon dioxide (Erlenmeyer, Ber. 13, 308). 170 D-171.] PHENYLETHYL ISOTHIOCYANATE 261 Or phenylglycidic acid (ester) by the action of sodium amalgam gives phenyl- a-lactic acid (Plochl, Ber. 16, 2823), and the latter yields a-toluic aldehyde on heating per se at 130° or with dilute sulphuric acid at 200° (Erlenmeyer, Ber. 13, 304). Subsequent steps as above under A. Or from benzoic aldehyde and hydro- gen cyanide [172] through the nitrile of raandelic acid (see under benzyl mustard oil [169; B]). This nitrile, according to Fileti (Schiff, Ber. 12, 297 j 1700), can be reduced to phenylethylamine. [E.] From cinnamic acid [Vol. II] and carbon disulphide [16 O]. Cinnamic acid can be converted into phenyl-a- chlorlactic acid by combination with hypochlorous acid (Glaser, Ann. 147, 79 ; Erlenmeyer and Lipp, Ann. 219, 185). Phenyl-a-chlorlactic acid on treatment with cold alcoholic potash gives /3-phenyloxyacrylic acid (Glaser, loc. cit. 98), which can be treated as above under D. Or the phenyl-a- chlorlactic acid yields a-toluic aldehyde directly on distillation with sodium carbonate solution (Forrer, Ber. 17, Or cinnamic acid can be combined with bromine, and the phenyldibrom- propionic acid converted by boiling with water into phenyl-a-bromlactic acid (Glaser, loc. cit. 84 ; Erlenmeyer, Ber. 13, 310). The latter gives fi- phenylox^'acrylic acid on treatment with alkali (Glaser, loc. cit. 98). Or cinnamic acid on combination with a hypobromite and treatment of the product with alkali gives a-oxyphenyl- propionic lactone, which, on heating in a partial vacuum or with water, yields a-toluic aldehyde (H. Erdmann, Eng. Pat. 8248, April, 1899; Journ. Soc. Ch. Ind. 19, 273). Sodium cinnamate on treatment with iodine chlorhydride gives phenyliodhydr- acrylic = a-iodo-/3-pheny 1-/3 -hydroxy- propionic acid, and this on heating with water yields a-toluic aldehyde (Erlen- meyer and Rosenhek, Ber. 19, 2464 ; Erlenmeyer, Ann. 289, 276). Or from cinnamic acid through phenylgly eerie acid (see under benzoic aldehyde [ll4 ; E]). The latter gives phenyl-(8-chlorlactic acid or the corre- sponding bromo-acid by treatment with hydrochloric or hydrobromic acid(Lesch- horn, Ann. 271, i.^'^ ; Lipp, Ber. 16, 1290). The phenyl-^-chlor- (or bromo-) acid yields a-toluic aldehyde on distilla- tion with dilute alkali (Erlenmeyer and Lipp, Ann. 219, 182). Phenylglycerie acid gives a-toluic aldehyde directly on heating to 160° (Lipp, Ber. 16, 1288). [P.] From benzoic and acetic acids [Vol. II] through acetophenone (see under benzoic aldehyde [114; A and G]), dypnone, and ethylbenzene (see under phlorol [64 ; K]), and then as above under A. [G.] Cymene [6] can be conveited into acetophenone through cumic acid and isopropylbenzene = cumene (see under benzoic aldehyde [114; K]). [H.J Yxoro. phenylacetic {a-toltnc) and formic acids [Vol. II] by distilling a mixture of the calcium salts (Canniz- zaro, Ann. 119, 254), and treating the a-toluic aldehyde thus formed as above under A. [I.] ^-Phenylpropionic acid [Vol. II] is converted into its amide (Hofmann, Ber. 18, 2740), and the latter into CO- phenylethylamine by the action of bromine in presence of potassium hydr- oxide {Ibid. ; also Hoogewerf and Van Dorp, Rec. Tr. Ch. 5, 254). [J.] Phniylulanine [Vol. II] gives 0H HO CO / Natural Sources. The sources of quercetin are given under catechol [69, pp. t^8, 139]. To these must be added Prunus spinosa, Viola odorata, and Trifolium repens, white clover, in which the colouring- matter has been found (A. G. Perkin and Phipps, Trans. Ch. Soc. 85, ^6). Globulariacitrin, a glucoso-rhamnoside of quercetin, is contained in Globularia alypum (Tiemann, Arch. Pbarm. 241, »89). Synthetical Process. [A.] From pJiloroglticinol\SQ\,vamllin [121], acetic acid [Vol. 11], and methyl alcohol [13]. Phloroglucinol dimethyl ether (see under hydrocotoin [134; A., p. 231]) is condensed with acetyl chloride so as to form phloroaceto- phenone dimethyl ether (see under chrysin [138; A, p. 233]), and the latter by condensation with vanillin methyl ether (veratric aldehyde) con- verted into 2^-hydroxy-4i : 6^ : 3 : 4- tetramethoxychalkone : — into quercetin by heating with strong hydriodic acid (Kostanecki, Lampe, and Tambor, Ber. 37, 1402). 181. Eampherol; 1:3: 4^-Trilxydroxyflavoiiol. HoC.O'^ ^OH CO.CH :CH[i] ,CsH3(OCH3)j[3: 4] . CH3 The latter on heating with alcoholic hydrochloric acid is converted into 7 : 3:3^: 4^-tetramethoxyflavanone, from which the isonitroso-derivative is ob- tained by the action of amyl nitrite. On heating with dilute sulphuric acid in acetic acid the isonitroso-derivative forms I : 3 : 3^ : 4^-tetramethoxyflavonol, which is demethylated and converted HO HO Ov CO C.OH )0H Natural Sources. Natural sources of kampherol are given under phloroglucinol [86, p. 161, and this appendix, p. 287]. Synthetical Process. [A.] From phloroglucinol [86], anisic aldehyde [120], acetic acid [Vol. II], and methyl alcohol [13]. Phloraceto- phenone dimethyl ether (see under chrysin [l38; A, p. 233]) and anisic aldehyde condense in alcoholic solution in presence of sodiimi hydroxide to form 2^- hydroxy- 4I : 6^ : 4 -trimethoxy chalk- one ;- H.C, o/\ OH CO . CH : CH[i] . C6H,(OCH3)[4] O.CH3 (Kostanecki and Tambor, Ber. Zl, 792). The latter, on boiling its alcoholic solu- tion with dilute sulphuric acid, is con- verted into 1:3: 4^-trimethoxyflavanone, which by the action of nitrous acid (amyl nitrite) yields isonitroso-i : 3 : 4^- trimethoxyflavanone. On heating with dilute mineral acids the isonitroso- derivative gives 1:3: 4^-trimethoxy- flavonol, and this, on demethylation by heating with strong hydriodic acid, yields kampherol (Kostanecki, Lampe, and Tambor, Ber. 37, 2096). Note :— Fisetin, quercetin, and kampherol belong to the same group as chrysin [138, p. 233], tectochrysin [139, p. 234], apigenin [140, p. 234], and lutoolin [141, p. 234]. APPENDIX or THE yNJYERSITY 277 The following modes of occurrence and methods of production are supple- mentary to those recorded in the preceding pages : — 1. Methane (p. 3i). Methane is among the products of decomposition of egg-meat mixture by Bacillus coli communis (Rettger^ Am. Journ. Physiol. 8, 284). A ferment (' pseudosarcine ') which produces meth- ane has been obtained by Maze from dead leaves. According to this author the ferment produces methane from the products formed by the butyric ferments (Comp. Rend. 137, 887). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [D, p. 23.] From ethyl alcohol [l4], methane being among the products formed by passing the vapour over heated carbon, aluminium, or magnesium (Ehrenfeld, Journ. pr. Ch, [2] 67, 49, &c.). With aluminium ethylene (see note, p. 23) is also produced. Methane is likewise formed by ' contact ' decom- position of the vapour by finely divided heated copper, nickel, cobalt, and platinum (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 136, 738). Ethylene and methane are also formed by the catalytic action of heated alumina or fire-clay on alcohol vapour (IpatiefP, Ber. 36, 1990; 2003). [E, p. 24.] Isopropi/l alcohol [16] gives methane among the products of decomposition by finely divided heated copper (210°) (Sabatier and Senderens, loc. oil. 983). [J^ p. 24.] Acetone [IO6] in aqueous solution yields methane (and acetic acid) by photochemical decomposition (Ciamician and Silber, Ber. 36, i575)- For the electrolytic preparation of iodoform from acetone see Howe Abbott, Journ. Physical Ch. 19O3, pp. 84-91. [S, p. 25.] Malonic acid [Vol. II] in glycerol or ethylene glycol gives meth- ane among the products of decomposi- tion on heating in a sealed tube (CE. de Coninck and Raynaud, Comp. Rend. 135, 1351). [BB, p. 26.] Malic acid [Vol. II] gives methane among other products under the above conditions [Ifjid.). [CC, p. 26.] Citric acid [Vol. II] when heated in glycerol solution gives methane among other products {Ibid.). [II, p. 26.] Tartaric acid [Vol. II] when heated in glycol solution with sul- phuric acid gives methane anaong other products {Ibid.). [J J, p. 26.] Camphor [175] gives methane among the products of decom- position by heating with zinc chloride (Montgolfier, Ann. Chim. [5] 14, 87). Or on heating with strong hydriodic acid at 200° methyl iodide is formed among other products (Markownikoff and Gor- benko, Ber. 30, 1216), and this can be converted into methane by reduction, as under C, p. 22. Or on heating at 200° with iodine chloride, chlorinated camphor yields among other products carbon tetrachloride (Ruoff, Ber. 9, 1048 ; 1483 ; I499)^and this can be con- verted into methane as under L, p. 25. 5. Heutriacontane (p. 28). A hydrocarbon of the above composi- tion (? normal) has been obtained from the East Indian ko-sam seeds from Brucea sumatrana (Power and Lees, Pharm. Journ. [4] 17, 183). 6. Cymene (p. 28). To be added to synthetical processes (P- 33) :— . . [N.] ' Terpinene is readily converted into cymene by the oxidising influence of sulphuric acid '' (Heusler's 'Chemistry of the Terpenes/ Pond, p. 113). [O.] From camjjhor [175] by heating with zinc chloride (?), phosphoius pent- oxide, pentachloride or pentasulphide, or strong hydrochloric acid (Gerhardt, Ann. 48, 234; Dumas and Delalande, Ann. 38, 342; Pott, Ber. 2, 121 ; Fittig, Kobrich, and Jilke, Ann. 146, 129; Wright, Journ. Ch. Soc. 26, 686 ; Beckett and Wright, Ibid. 29, 1 ; Renter, Ber. 16, 694 ; Armstrong and Miller, Ber. 16, 2259 ; Alexejeff, Journ. Russ. Soc. 12, ] 87 : according to Bredt, Rochussen, and Monheim, Ann. 314, 369, carvenone is an intermediate product). 278 APPENDIX [P.] Camphene [l77] when heated with phosphorus pentoxide gives an oily product, which may contain cymene (Heusler's ' Chemistry "of the Terpenes/ Pond, p. 59). [Q.] From mentliene [178] by heating with anhydrous cuprie sulphate at 250° (Briihl, Ber. 25, 151). 7. Styrene (p. '>,'^. To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 33.] The formation of styrene from nascent acetylene and benzene in presence of aluminium chloride is con- firmed by Parone (Journ. Ch. Soc. 86, I, a6; from L'Orosi, 25, 148). 9. Dipentene and Limonene (p. ^(>). The presence of this hydrocarbon in neroli oil is confirmed by Hesse and Zeitschel (Journ. pr. Ch. [3] 66, 481) and by Walbaum and Hiithig {Ibid. 67, 315)- ^^he last-named authors {loc. cit.) confirm also the presence of di- pentene in petit-grain oil from Para- guay. For further reference to the occurrence of 1-limonene in verbena oil from Verbena iriphylla see Theulier, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 1 1 13. 13. Methyl Alcohol (p. 40). The cohobation water of oil of savin from Juniperus sabina and the distilla- tion water from the oil of W. Indian sandal- wood contain methyl alcohol (SchimmePs Ber. April, 1903; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 1086). The presence of methyl salicylate and benzoate in ylang-ylang oil is confirmed [Ibid.), and the occurrence of methyl anthrani- late in this same oil recorded [Ibid.). Methyl salicylate is a constituent of the oil of cassia flowers from Acacia cavenia and A. farnesiana (Walbaum, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 68, 235), and methyl anthranilate a constituent of the essen- tial oil of tuberose blossoms. This last oil, when obtained by ' enfleurage ' instead of by extraction with petro- leum, contain^ also methyl salicylate (Hesse, Ber. 36, 1459). Methyl an- thranilate has been found in petit-grain oil from Paraguay (Walbaum and Hiithig, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 67, ^i^'- for estimates of the quantities of methyl anthranilate and other con- stituents of average oil of neroli see further Hesse and Zeitschel, Ibid. 66, 481). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [D, p. 44.] Formic aldehy^de gives methyl alcohol by catalytic reduction by hydrogen in presence of finely divided heated nickel at 90° (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 137, 301). [P, p. 44.] For the industrial pro- duction of methyl alcohol (and formic aldehyde) by the electrolysis of sodium acetate in presence of sodium chlorate see Moest^s Germ. Pat. 138442 ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 84, I, 546. [L, p. 44.] Camphor [175] gives methyl iodide among other products when heated with strong hydriodic acid at 200° (Markownikoff and Gor- benko, Ber. 30, 12 16). From methyl iodide through methyl acetate followed by hydrolysis, or by any of the visual methods. 14. Ethyl Alcohol (p. 44). Further researches on anaerobic, intrar molecular alcoholic fermentation in sugar-beet have been published by Stoklasa, Jelinek, and Vitek (Beit. ch. Physiol, u. Path. 3, 460 ; Zeit. Zucker- Ind. Bohm. 27, 633), and in peas in potassium nitrate solution with dextrose or peptone by Nabokich (Ber. deutsch. bot. GeselL, 21, 398; Ch. Centr. 1903, 2, 1 01 2). Further studies of the en- zymes from the cells of the higher animals and plants which produce this fermentation have been undertaken by Stoklasa and Czerny (Ber. 36, 4058). According to Cohnheim (Centr. Physiol. 17, No. 17) and to Batelli (Comp. Bend. 137, 1079) this alcoholic fermentation by^ supposed animal enzymes is due to micro-organisms. With reference to selective fermenta- tive action in connexion with stereo- chemical configuration (pp. 46-47), Schizo-Saccharomi/ces octosporus of Beye- rinck and Miicor alternaus ferment mal- APPENDIX 279 tose and methyl-d-glueoside, but not cane-sugar or a-methyl-d-fructoside. The enzymes extracted from cultivated As])ergillus niger resolve amygdalin and the iS-d-glucosides, but not lactose or methyl-d-galactosides. Duclaux, Kay- ser, and Adametz's milk-sugar ferment- ing yeasts ferment milk-sugar and /3-methyl-d-galactoside, and give an enzyme which acts on the two galacto- sides (Pottevin, Comp. Rend. 136^ 169). With respect to ' zymase ' (p. 48) the velocity of decomposition of dextrose and Isevulose by the commercial product has been determined by Herzog^ and found to agree with ordinary ' catalytic^ actions (Zeit. physiol. Ch. 37, 149)- The velocity of the fermentative de- composition of dextrose by yeast has been determined by Aberson (Rec. Tr. Ch. 22, 78). Further experiments on the fermentative properties of yeast- extract have been made by Meisen- heimer (Zeit. physiol. Ch. 37, 518). The ' acclimatisation'' of yeasts (p. 50) to solutions containing sodium fluoride and the fermentation of the must of Indian figs by such yeasts have been investigated by Ulpiani and Sarcoli (Atti Real. Accad. [5] 11, II, 173). The species investigated were S. pa-s'to- rianus II and S. cerevisice. The mould, O'idium lactis (p. 50), when grown upon media containing Isevulose causes alcoholic fermentation of this sugar (Teichert, Milch-Zeit. 31, 801 ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 84, II, 229). The butyric ferment, Clostridiwn pasto- rianum, from the soil of St. Peters- burg, forms alcohol (small quantity) among the products of fermentation of dextrose in presence of appropriate nitrogenous nourishment (Winograd- sky, Centr. Bakter. II, 9, 4354, 107- 112). An organism isolated from milk, Eiiterococcus, decomposes sugars with the production of alcohol (traces) among other products (Tissier and Gasching, Ann. Inst. Past. 17, 540). Alcohol has been found in milk which has undergone natural curdling (Kozai, Bied. Centr. 32, 273). The bacteria which are capable of decomposing bone produce alcohol when sugar is added to the nutrient solution (Stoklasa, Duchacek, and Pitra, Beit. ch. Physiol, u. Path. 3, 322). The bacteria capable of fermenting sugar belong to the type of Bacillus coll comtminis of Escherich, and produce alcohol from dextrose to the extent of 1-2 to 2-0 per cent, by weight (Konig, Spieckermann, and Olig, Abst. in Journ. Ch, Soc. 84, II, 386). Alcohol is a product of glyco- lysis by the minced pancreas, liver, &c., or the juices expressed from these organs (Feinschmidt, Beit. ch. Physiol, u. Path. 4, 511). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses [D, p. 54.] Alcohol is among the products of oxidation of ethane by ozone (Bone and Drugman, Proc. Ch. Soc. 20, 127). [H, p. ^^."l Acetic aldehyde [02], when the vapour mixed with hydrogen is passed over finely divided nickel heated to 140°, gives an almost quanti- tative yield of alcohol (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 137, 301). [S, p. ^6."] The amyl ester of acetic acid gives ethyl alcohol when reduced with sodium in amyl alcohol solution (Bouveault and Blanc, Comp. Rend. 137, 60). [MM, p. 58.] Isopropyl alcohol [I6] gives ethane among other products by the catalytic action of finely divided, reduced copper at 210° (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 136, 983). From ethane as under D, p. 54. [NN, p. 58.] Gli/col [45] gives ethyl iodide on heating with strong aqueous hydriodic acid. From ethyl iodide the alcohol can be obtained by any of the ordinary processes. Or from glycol through glycol chlorhydrin = chlorethyl alcohol (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; A, p. 59] and under isopropyl alcohol [le ; C, p. 66]), the latter giving ethyl alcohol on reduction with sodium amal- gam (Louren90, Ann. 120, 92). Note : — Ethylene is also a direct generator of glycol chlorhydrin [15 ; A, p. 59, and 16 ; C, p. 66]. [00, p. 58.] Camphor [175] gives methyl iodide (see under methane [l; Appendix, JJ, p. 277]). From the latter through ethane, as under D, p. 54- 280 APPENDIX 15. Normal Propyl Alcohol (p. 58). 17. Normal Butyl Alcohol (p- 69). Propyl alcohol is among' the products o£ the butyric fermentation of dextrose by Clostridium pastoriamim (Winograd- sky, Centr. Bakter. 11^ Q, 4354 ; 107- 113). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [E, p. 59.] Or allyl bromide in ethereal solution is acted upon by carbon dioxide in presence of magne- sium with the formation of vinylacetic acid (Houben^ Ber. 30^ 3897). From the latter through crotonic acid, as under W, p. 6^, and I, p. 60, &c. KoTE : — This synthesis of vinylacetic acid from glycerol via allyl bromide relates also to formic aldehyde [91 ; GG, p. 174], acetic aldehyde [92 ; Z, p. 180], and to hexoic aldehyde [96 ; C, p. 186]. [N, p. 61.] Propionic aldehyde is reduced to the alcohol by hydrogen under the contact influence of finely divided nickel at 102-145° (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 137, 301). 16. Isopropyl Alcohol (p. 64). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 6^."] Acetone vapour mixed with hydrogen and passed over finely divided nickel heated to 115-125° gives isopropyl alcohol (Sabatier and Sen- derens, loc. cit,). [B, p. 65.] The vapour of n-propyl alcohol is decomposed at 560° by the 'contact ^action of alumina into propyl- ene and water almost quantitatively (IpatiefF, Ber. 36, 1990). [O, p. 67.] Acetyl carbinol (acetol) gives isopropyl alcohol among other pro- ducts by direct reduction with sodium amalgam in alkaline solution (Kling, Comp. Rend. 135, 970 ; Bull. Soc. [3] 29, 92 : see also under A, p. 6^). [QQ, p. 69.] From camphor [l75], which gives isopropyl iodide among other products on heating with strong aqueous hydriodic acid at 200° (Mar- kownikoff and Gorbenko, Ber. 30, 1 21 6). From the iodide as under B, p. 65. [A, p. 70.] From ethyl alcohol through ethylene oxide (see under acetic aldehyde [92 ; A, p. 175]). The latter interacts with magnesium ethyl bromide in ethereal solution at - 15° to form a product which yields n-butyl alcohol on distillation in steam (Gri- gnard, Comp. Rend. 136, 1260). [L, p. 7 !•] Methyl butyrate on reduc- tion with sodium in alcoholic solution gives n-butyl alcohol (Bouveault and Blanc, Comp. Rend. 137, 60). 18. Isobutyl Alcohol (p. 72). For occurrence of butyl (? isobutyl) alcohol in Roman oil of chamomile see further Blaise, Bull. Soc. [3] 29, 327. Isobutyl alcohol is among the j)roducts of butyric fermentation of dextrose by Clodridium, pastoriamim (Winogradsky, Centr. Bakter. II, 9, 4354; 1 07-1 12). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 72.] Tertiary butyl alcohol also gives isobutylene by catalytic de- composition on passing the vapour over finely divided copper heated to 280- 400° (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 136, 983). [D, p. 73.] Or from acetone through diacetonamine or mesityl oxide (see under acetic aldehyde [92; S, p. 179]). Diacetonamine by the action of nitrous acid is transformed into diacetone alco- hol = dimethylacetonyl carbinol (Heintz, Ann. 178, 342 : see also Ann. 169, 1 14). The latter is oxidised by bromine in presence of aqueous alkali to /3-hydroxy- isovaleric acid (Kohn, Monats. 24, 765). From the latter through /3-dimethyl- acrylic acid and isobutylene as under ^i P' !?>' ^^ mesityl oxide, on oxida- tion with bromine in presence of alkali, gives ^-dimethylacrylic acid directly (Kohn, loc. cit.). Note : — This synthesis affects also tertiary butyl alcohol [19 ; D, p. 75] and isobutyric aldehyde [94 ; E, p. 182]. [E, p. 73.] The vapour of isobutyric aldehyde mixed with hydrogen and passed over finely divided nickel at APPENDIX 281 135-160° gives isobutyl alcohol by catalytic reduction (Sabatier and Sen- derens, Comp. Rend. 137, 30i)« 19. Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (p. 73). [B, p. 74.] Isobutyl alcohol gives isobutylene as the only olefine by pyro- genic 'contact-' decomposition of its vapour by heated alumina (Ipatieff, Ber. 36, 2003). Isobutylene is absorbed at 0° by aqueous hydrobromic acid with the formation of tertiary butyl bromide, which can be converted into the alcohol by the usual processes (Ipatieff and Ogonowsky, i^/i/. 1988; Journ. Russ. Soc. 35, 452). [K, p. 76.] From methyl alcohol [l3] 2iQ& phosgene, formed by the combina- tion of carbon monoxide and chlorine. Magnesium methiodide and phosgene interact with the formation of trimethyl carbinol (Grignard, Comp. Rend. 136, 21. Methylpropyl Carbinol (p. 77). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [B, p. 77.] Butyramide and magne- sium methiodide interact to form a com- pound which is decomposed by water into methylpropyl ketone (B^is, Comp. Rend. 137, 5^s)- [E, p. 78.] Propionic acid and ethyl alcohol [14] also yield diethyl ketone by the interaction of propionamide and magnesium ethobromide, and decom- position of the product with water (Beis, lac. cit.). when mixed with hydrogen and passed over reduced nickel at 135-165°, gives isoamyl alcohol by catalytic reduction (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 137, 301). [C, p. 80.] From methyl and ethyl alcohols [13; 14] and tartaric acid [Vol. II]. The latter is converted into pyroracemie (pyruvic) acid (see under benzyl alcohol [54; W, p. 114]), and the ethyl ester of the latter allowed to interact with magnesium methiodide, when isoamyl a-hydroxyisobutyrate is formed (Grignard, Comp. Rend. 135, 627). The alcohol could be obtained from its ester by hydrolysis. Note : — Generators of pyroracemie acid other than tartaric acid are available for this synthesis. 24. IsoHezyl Alcohol (p. 82). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [C, p. 82.] From ethyl and isobutyl alcohols [14 ; 18] and aceioacetic ester [Vol. IIJ. Ethyl isobutyl-acetoacetate on reduction in alcoholic solution with sodium gives isohexyl alcohol (Bou- veault and Blanc, Comp. Rend. 137, 338). 25. Active Hexyl Alcohol (p. 83). Further confirmation of the presence of this alcohol in Roman oil of chamo- mile is given by Blaise, Bull. Soc. [3] 29, 327. 22. Isoamyl Alcohol (p. 79). For occurrence of isoamyl alcohol in Roman oil of chamomile see further Blaise, Bull. Soc. [3] 29, 327. An amyl alcohol (probably isoamyl) has been found in oil of lavender (Schim- mel's Ber. April, 1903; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 1086). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses :— [A, p. 80.] Isovaleric aldehyde vapour. 27. Isoheptyl Alcohol (p. 83). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 83.] Or from ethyl alcohol through ethylene oxide [92; A, p. 175] and isoamyl magnesium bromide. The latter interacts with ethylene oxide in ethereal solution to form a compound which gives isoheptyl alcohol on steam distillation (Grignard, Comp. Rend. 136, 1260). 282 APPENDIX .28. Normal Primary Octyl Alcohol (p. 84). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [C^ p. 84.] From n-ocfoic acid [Vol. II], the methyl ester of which gives n-octyl alcohol on reduction with sodium in alcoholic solution (Bouveault and Blanc, Comp. Kend. 136, 1676). 29. Secondary Nonyl Alcohol = Methyl-n-heptyl Carbinol (p. 85). For further details concerning- the production of this alcohol by the reduc- tion of the ketone see Thoms and Mannich, Ber. 36, 2544. 30. Secondary Hendecatyl Alcohol = Methyl-n-nonyl Carbinol (p. 85). See further Thoms and Mannich as above for the production of this alcohol from the ketone. 35. Dimethylheptenol (p. 86). [B, p. 86.] Barbier^s synthesis of this alcohol from methylheptenone and magnesium methiodide has been re- peated by Harries and Weil (Ber. 37, «45). 36. Geraniol (p. 87). Further observations on the occur- rence of geraniol and geranyl acetate in neroli oil are given by Hesse and Zeit- schel (Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, 481 : compare Walbaum and Hiithig, Ibid. 67, 315)^ in lavender oil by Schimmel & Co. (Sch. Ber. April, 1903 ; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 1086), Geranyl capro- ate is also present in this last oil (^Ibid.). The presence of geraniol and geranyl acetate in petit-grain oil from Para- guay is confirmed by Walbaum and Hiithig {loc. cit.). The influence of season, temperature, &c., upon the com- position of petit-grain oil has been studied by Jeancard and Satie (Bull. Soc. [3] 29, 1088). 37. Linalool (p. 88). The quantity of linalyl acetate in neroli has been estimated by Hesse and Zeitschel (Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, 481). The presence of 1-linalool and its ester in this oil and in petit-gi*ain oil from Paraguay is recorded also by Walbaum and Hiithig {Thid. 67, 315)- Linalool has been found in the oil from the bark of Cinnamomum pedatinervium from Fiji (Goulding, Trans. Ch. Soc. 83, 1099). 38. Citronellol (p. 89). d-Citronellol is the alcohol corre- sponding to d-citronellal (p. 192), and its formula is accordingly : — CH2.CH2.OH CH2:C(CH3)[CH2]3.CH(CH3). CH^.CF 2 : 6-Dimethyl-i-octenol-8. For occurrence in Reunion geranium oil see further Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 30, 36. The formula given on p. 89 is that of the 1-alcohol contained in the plant oils there referred to, and is the ^rho- dinol ' of Barbier and Bouveault. Since 1-citronellol and d-citronellol are now proved to be structurally isomeric the former name is inappropriate. Note : — The synthetical process A on p. 89 gives d-citronellol and not rhodinol. d-Rho- dinol may be contained in pelargonium oil (Monnet and Barbier, Comp. Kend. 117, 1092 ; Barbier and Bouveault, Ibid. 122, 530 ; 673 ; Bouveault, Bull. Soc. [3] 23, 458 ; 465). 39. Terpineol = l-Methyl-4-metho- ethylol-4^-cyclohexene-l (p. 90). d-Terpineol is contained in neroli oil and in the oil mixed with the aqueous distillate from orange flowers (Hesse and Zeitschel, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, 497 : for occurrence in neroli oil and in petit-grain oil from Paraguay see also Walbaum and Hiithig, Ibid. 67, 315). 1-Terpineol is present in distilled oil of limes (Burgess and Page, Trans. Ch. Soc. 85, 414). APPENDIX 283 To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [D, p. 9T.] From methyl and ethyl alcohols [l3 ; 14], glycerol [48], potas- sium cyanide [l72], and acetic acid [Vol. II]. Ethyl chloracetate is con- verted into ethyl cyanacetate by inter- action with potassium cyanide and glycerol into /3-iodopropionic acid and ester (see under resorcinol [70 ; I", p. 1 14] and, for preparation of )Q-iodo- propionic ester, also W. H. Perkin, junr.^ Trans. Ch. Soc. 85, 422, note). Cyanacetic and /3-iodopropionic esters condense under the influence of sodium ethoxide to form ethyl y-cyanopentane- aye-tricarboxylate : the latter on hydro- lysis by hydrochloric acid yields pent- ane-aye-tricarboxylic acid {JMd. 423). The tricarboxylic acid when digested with acetic anhydride gives 8-keto- hexahydrobenzoic acid, the ester of which interacts with magnesium meth- iodide to form among other products cis-h- hydroxy hexahydro - p - toluic acid (W. H. P., junr., Proc. Ch. Soc. 20, 86 : see also Stephan and Helle, Ber. 35, 3153). The latter acid (or its lactone formed by the action of heat) combines with hydrogen bromide to form 8-bromhexahydro-p-toluic acid, and this on debromination by the action of pyridine or sodium carbonate is converted into A^-tetrahydro-p-toluic acid, the ester of which interacts in ethereal solution with magnesium meth- iodide to form a product which yields inactive terpineol on decomposition by hydrochloric acid (W. H. P., junr., loc. cit.). Note : — Succinic acid is also a generator of /3-iodopropionic acid (see under resorcinol [70 ; F, p. 145]). Cyanacetic acid is also obtainable from oxalacetic ester (see under n-propyl alcohol [15 ; Z, p. 63]). stituent of the oil of Calif ornian laurel from Umhellularia californica (Power and Lees, Proc. Ch. Soc. 20, 88). 41. Menthol (p. 93). For variation in composition of peppermint oil from Mentha piperita according to climate, cultivation, &c., see Charabot and Hebert, Ann. Agro- nom. 28, 595. For quantities of menthol in Italian peppermint oils see Zay, Staz. sper. agrar. 35, 816 j Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 331. To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [B, p. 93.] For reduction of menth- one to menthol see further Beckmann's Germ. Pat. 42458 of 1887; Ber. 21, Ref. 321. 42. Isopulegol (p. 93). The relationship of this compound to d-citronellal [l05] and the modifica- tion of the formula of the latter (see this appendix under citronellol [38, above]) makes the formula of iso- pulegol : — CH3 CH HjC CH2 HjC CH(OH) CH HoC . C r CHo For transformation of d-citronellal into isopulegol by the action of dilute sul- phuric acid see Barbier and Leser, Comp. Rend. 124, 1309. 40. Cineole (p. 91). Cineole (eucalyptole) is always present in peppermint oil from Mentha piperita (Charabot and Hebert, Ann. Agronom. 28, 595). The presence of cineole in lavender oil has been confirmed (Schim- mePs Ber. April, 1903; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 1086). Cineole is a con- 44. Methylacetyl CarMnol (p. 94). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [D, p. 94, note.] Magnesium ethiodide or bromide and acetamide interact to form a com- pound which on decomposition by water yields methyl ethyl ketone (Beis, Comp. Rend. 137, .575)- 284 APPENDIX 48. Glycerol (p. 96). Glycerol is formed during the an- aerobic (intramolecular) respiration of the sugar beet (Stoklasa, Jelinek, and Vitek, Zeit. Zucker-Ind. Bohm. 27, 633)' According to Nicloux, glycerol (traces) is normally present in the blood of dogs and rabbits (Comp. Rend. 136,764; 1576: compare Mouneyrat, Comp, Rend. Soc. Biol. 55, 1207 ; Ni- cloux, Idid. 1329). 51. Mannitol (p. 104). The ferment of sour wine forms mannitol in presence of Isevulose, Re- ducing bacteria which liberate hydro- gen and the amylo-baeteria cultivated in invert sugar solution in presence of chalk are incapable of producing mannitol from Isevulose (Maze and Perrier, Ann. Inst. Past. 17, 597)- 54. Benzyl Alcohol (p. 107). Benzyl alcohol and ester are present in the oil obtained from tuberose blossoms by distillation or by enfleur- age (Hesse, Ber, 36, 1459). Benzyl alcohol (with its acetic and benzoic esters) is contained in ylang-ylang oil (SchimmePs Ber. April, 1903; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1^ 1086). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 108.] Benzene can be con- verted into toluene by the interaction of phenyl magnesium bromide and dimethyl sulphate in ethereal solution (Werner and Zilkens, Ber. 36, 2116 ; Houben, Mid. 3083 ; Werner, Ibid. 3618). [R, p. 1 1 5-] Phthalic acid can be obtained from the naphthols, nitro- naphthalene, the naphthylamines, nitro- naphthols, naphthalene sulphonic acids, &c., by oxidising with metallic oxides in presence of heated alkaline hydr- oxides (Basler, Ch. Fab. Germ. Pats. 138790; 139956; 140999; Journ. Ch. Soc. 84,1,487; 561). [DD, p. 1 1 6.] Sodium ethyl succinate on electrolysis gives, among other pro- ducts, a small quantity of ethyl acryl- ate (Bouveault^ Bull. Soc. [3] 29, 1043). From acrylic acid as under I, p. Ill, &c. [KK, p. 116.] CampJior [l75] gives toluene among the products of its decomposition by heating with zinc chloride (Fittig^ Kobrich, and Jilke, Ann. 145, 129 ; Renter, Ber. 16, 694), or with zinc dust (Schrotter, Ber. 13, 1621). 55. Saligenin (p. 116). The quantity of salicin in buds, leaves_, and bark of 8alix ptirimrea at various periods of growth has been determined by Weevers (Proc. k. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam, 6, 295). 57. Phenylethyl Alcohol (p. 118). For occurrence of this alcohol in n6roli oil see further Walbaum and Hiithig, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 67, 315 : also SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1903 ; Ch. Centr. 1903, \, 1086. To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 118.] Phenylacetic ethyl ester is reduced to phenylethyl alcohol by sodium in alcoholic solution (Bouveault and Blanc, Comp. Rend. 137, 60). Note : — The alcohol obtained by Grignard and Tissier (Comp. Rend. 134, 107) by the condensation of trioxymethylene and magne- sium benzyl chloride is not, as at first supposed, benzyl carbinol, but the isomeric o-toluyl car- binol (Tiffeneau and Delange, Comp. Rend. 137, 573). 58. Methylphenyl Carbinol (p. 118). The alcohol has been found in the steam-distilled oil of orange blossoms (Hesse and Zeitschel, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 66, 481). 59. Phenylpropyl Alcohol (p. 119). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [B^ p. 119.] From cinnamic acid [Vol. II], the ethyl ester of which a-ives the above alcohol on reduction APPENDIX 285 with sodium in alcoholic solution (Bou- veault and Blanc, Comp. Eend. 137, 328). 60. Phenol (p. 119). Phenol is among- the products of the decomposition of fodder bj micro- organisms (Konig, Spieckermann, and Olig, Journ. Ch. Soc. 84, 11, 447). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 130.] Haloid derivatives of benzene, e. g. brombenzene, interact with magnesium in ethereal solution to form a phenyl-magnesium halide, which is oxidised by air with the formation of a product which yields phenol (18 per cent.) on treatment with aqueous alkali (Bodroux Bull. Soc. [■:(] 31. 33)' [tr, p. 124, note.] For preparation of gluta- conic ester from acetonedicarboxylic acid via ^-hydroxyglutaric acid see further Blaise, Bull. Soc. [3] 29, 1012. 61. Orthocresol (p. 124). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 124.] Also from toluene through o-bromtoluene, o-bromtoluyl magnesium bromide, and oxidation, &c., of latter as under phenol (60 ; A, above ; Bodroux, loc. cit.). [J, p. 127.] Dihydrocarveol by oxida- tion is converted into tri hydroxy hexa- hydrocymene, which by further oxida- tion with sulphuric and chromic acids gives I -methyl-4-ethylonecyclohexanol- 2, and this by the action of sodium hypobromite yields i-methylcyclohexa- nol-2-carboxylic-4-acid. By the action of bromine at 190° the latter is con- verted into 2-hydroxy-p-toluic acid (Tiemann and Semmler, Ber. 28, 2144 : see also Einhorn and Willstatter, Ann. 280, 88), which gives o-cresol as under A, p. 125. [L, p. 128.] From camphor [175] through cymene and then as under C, p. 127. According to Renter (Ber. 16, 694); o-cresol is among the products obtained by heating camphor with zinc chloride. Pseudocumene is also among the products of decomposition of cam- phor by this last process {Ibid.) and possibly among the products obtained by heating camphor with zinc dust (Schrotter, Ber. 13, 162 1). From pseudocumene through m-xylene, &c., as under B, p. 126. 62. Metacresol (p. 128). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 129.] p-Xylene can be obtained also from toluene or benzene by the interaction of p-toluyl magnesium brom- ide and dimethyl sulphate (Werner and Zilkens, Ber. 36, 2 116), or of p-brom- phenyl magnesium bromide and di- methyl sulphate in ethereal solution (Houben, Ibid. 3083). [C, p. 129.] Or the ethyl ester of m-hydroxyuvitic (= a-coccinic) acid is decomposed on heating with the forma- tion of 5-hydroxy-o-toluic acid (Claisen, Ann. 297, 46). From the latter as under A, p. 128. Note :— m-Hydroxyuvitic ester has been ob- tained also from ethoxymethylene-acetoacetic ester (from acetoacetic and orthoformic ethyl esters condensed by means of acetic anhydride, Claisen, Ber. 26, 2731) and acetonedicarboxylic ester (see under orcinol [75 ; C, p. 154]). The two esters condense in presence of sodium ethylate to form methylhydroxytrimesic tri- ethyl ester, the sodium derivative of vrhich is converted into the diethyl ester on boiling with water. ^The diethyl ester on distillation at 220-230° under 60 mm. pressure gives m- hydroxyuvitic acid (Errera, Ber. 32, 2785 ; for production of the ethyl ester of m-hydroxy- uvitic acid from methenylbisacetoacetic ester see further Claisen, Ann. 297, 43). [K, p. 130.] From camphor [175], p-xylene being among the products formed by heating this compound with zinc dust (Schrotter, Ber. 13, 1621). From p-xylene as under A, p. 1 29. 63. Faracresol (p. 130). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 131.] Or from toluene through p-bromtoluene, p-bromtoluyl magne- sium bromide, and oxidation, &c., of the latter as under phenol (60; A, above in this appendix ; Bodroux, Bull, Soc. [3] 31, '>,^), 386 APPENDIX [G^ p. 133.] From jpTienylacetic acid [Vol. II] through the a : 4-dinitro-aci(i and 2 : 4-dinitrotoluene (see under o- cresol [61 ; H^ p. 1 27]). From the latter as under A, p. 131. 64. Fhlorol (p. 133). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 133.] Ethylbenzene can be obtained from toluene by the interaction of benzyl magnesium chloride and di- methyl sulphate in ethereal solution (Houben^ Ber, 36, 3083). Also by the action of nascent acetylene on benz- ene in presence of aluminium chloride (Parone, Journ. Ch. Soc. 86, \, 26). 66. Carvacrol (p. 135). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [C, p. 136.] Camphor [175] gives carvacrol when heated with iodine (Kekule and Fleischer, Ber. Q, 1088 : see also Clans, Journ. pr. Ch. 25, 264 ; Schweizer, Ihid. 26, 118; Ann. 40, 329 ; Armstrong and Miller, Ber. 16, 2259). Carvacrol is among the pro- ducts formed by heating camphor or bromcamphor with zinc chloride (Arm- strong and Miller, loc. cit. 2255 ; R. Schife, Ber. 13, 1408). 69. Catechol (p. 137). The catechol (protocatechuic acid) complex is apparently contained in the colouring-matter of the Japanese 'fu- kugi ' (A. Gr. Perkin and Phipps, Trans. Ch. Soc. 85, 60). The catechol com- plex may be contained in epinephrine = adrenalin = suprarenin, the active principle of the suprarenal glands (Jowett, Proc. Ch. Soc. 20, 18). The cerebrospinal fluid from a case of hydro- cephalus examined by Coriat did not contain catechol (Am. Journ. Physiol. 10, III: compare Halliburton as quoted, p. 140). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 140.] Phenol-p-sulphonic acid on chlorination at 50° gives 2-chlor- phenol-p-sulphonic acid. The latter. on heating the sodium salt with acid or water at 180-200°, yields o-chlor- phenol, which can be converted into catechol as on p. 140 (Hazard-Flamand, Germ. Pat. 141 751 j Journ. Ch. Soc. 84, I, 622). 70. Resorcinol (p. 142). The resorcinol complex is apparently contained in ononin, a glucoside obtained from the root of rest-harrow. Ononis spijiosa (v. Hemmelmayr, Monats. 24, 132)- 71. Quinol (p. 146). Quinol and arbutin are contained in the leaves and quinol in the flowers of cranberry (Kanger, Arch. exp. Path. 50, 46; Ch. Centr. 1903, 2, 893). 75. Orcinol (p. 152). Protocetraric acid, which is contained in the lichens Ramalma ceruchis, Bendro- grapka leucophaa, Cetraria islandica and vars. vulgaris, platyna, crispa, subtubu- losa, &c., C. complicata = C. laureri = Platysma complicatiim, Sticta palmonaria, Cladonia rangiferina var. vulgaris, C. sil- vatica, C.Jimbriata var. chordalis, Par- melia saxatilis vars. sulcata, pjanyiiformis, and retirnga (Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 57, 2S5; 272; 295; 441; 58, 467; 469; 62, 321 J 430; 68, I; Zopf, Ann. 324, 39), gives rise to cetraric acid by hydrolysis {Ibid. [2] 57, 300) : the latter, and therefore its generator, contains the orcinol complex (Simon, Arch. Pharm. 240, 521). Cetraric acid itself may exist ready formed in the \\c\iGnBPertusaria amara, Cladonia rangi- ferina, C. silvatica, and Citraria fah- luensis (Hesse, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 58, 502 ; 62, 477 ; Zopf, Ann. 300, 323 ; 328 J 352 : compare Hesse, loc. cit. 62, 477), and also in Cetraria islandica (Simon, loc. cit.). 77. /3-Orcinol (p. 156). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [B, p. 156.] From camphor [175] through p-xylene as under m-cresol APPENDIX 287 [62;, in tliis appendix, p. 385]. From p-xylene as under A., p. 156. 79. Isoeugenol (p. 157). For occurrence of isoeugenol in ylang- ylang oil see further SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1903; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, io85. 81. Methyleugenol = Engenol Methyl Ether (p. 157). This ether has also been found in ylang-ylang oil (Schimmel & Co. as above) and probably in the volatile oil of the bark of Cinnamomum pedati- nervium from Fiji (Goulding, Trans. Ch. Soc. 83, 1097). Has been found also in the essential oil of Californian laurel from Umbellularia califoruica (Power and Lees, Proc. Ch. Soc. 20, 88). 84. PyrogaUol (p. 159). The pyrogallol (gallic acid) complex is contained in glucogallin and tetrarin, two glucotannoids from Chinese rhu- barb (Gilson, Comp. Rend. 136, 385). 86. Phloroglucinol (p. 160). The phloroglucinol complex appears to be contained in catechin (Clauser, Ber. 36, loi) and in the Japanese dye- stuff, ' fukugi ' (A. G. Perkin and Phipps, Trans. Ch. Soc. 85, 60). Kam- pherol, which contains the phloro- glucinol complex (p. 161, ante), has been obtained from the flowers of the blackthorn, Prmiiis spinosa [Ibid. ^y). 87. Antiarol (p. 163). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 163.] Pyrogallol can be con- verted into its trimethyl ether by agitating with dimethyl sulphate in presence of alkali (Ullmann, Ann. 327, 104). 90. a-Hydrojuglone (p. 165). Syntheses of Naphthalene. [A, p. 166.] Naphthalene is among the products of decomposition of the vapour of ethyl alcohol at 500° (Ber- thelot, 'Traite de Chimie Organique,' 187a, p. 164). 91. Formic Aldehyde (p. 169). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [C, p. 169.] Methyl alcohol gives formic aldehyde on oxidation by ozone (Harries, Ber. 36, 1933). '^^® vapour of methyl alcohol mixed with air and passed over a platinum spiral gives at 200° chiefly methylal ; at a dark red heat formic aldehyde is also produced (TriUat, Bull. Soc. [3] 29, ^^'. for technical process depending on the oxidation of the alcohol by air in a heated coppered tube see also this author's Germ. Pat. 55176 of 1889; Ber. 24, Eef. 434). [D, p. 170.] Methylene iodide from ethyl alcohol via iodoform gives methyl- ene bromide by the action of bromine (Butleroff, Ann. Ill, 251). The brom- ide, on heating with water or with lead oxide and water at 150°, gives in the latter case a quantitative yield of formic aldehyde (Kloss, Monats. 24, 783)- The conversion of trioxymethylene into the monomolecular aldehyde can be effected by the action of a methyl alcoholic solution of hydrogen chloride on the polymeride in presence of con- densing agents so as to form chlor- methyl methyl ether, ClCHg. O . CH3. The latter is decomposed by water with the formation of the monomolecular aldehyde (Wedekind,Germ. Pat, 1353 10 of 1901; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1164; Pharm. Zeit. 47, 836; Ch. Centr. 1902, 2, 1301). [H, p. 171.] For electrolytic prepara- tion of formic aldehyde from sodium acetate in presence of sodium chlorate see also Moest's Germ. Pat. 138442 of 1902; Journ. Ch. Soc. 84, I, 546). 92. Acetic Aldehyde (p. 174). The bacteria which cause the decom- position of vegetable foods, and which belong to the type of Bacillus coli communis, produce aldehyde among 288 APPENDIX other compounds in a solution o£ dex- trose (Konig, Spieckermann, and Olig, Journ. Ch. Soc. 84, II, 386). The presence of acetic aldehyde in oil of peppermint has been confirmed by Charabot and Hebert (Ann. Agronom. 28, 595). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 175.3 Ethylene oxide is com- pletely converted into acetic aldehyde by the ' contact ' action of alumina on the vapour at 200° (Ipatieff and Leonto- witsch, Ber. 36, 2016). [B, p. 175.] Acetic aldehyde is among the products of oxidation of ethane by ozone (Bone and Drugman, Proc. Ch. Soc. 20, 127). [C, p. 175-3 For further study of the oxidation of alcohol to aldehyde from the electrochemical point of view see paper by Slaboszewicz, Zeit. physik. Ch. 42, 343. The production of alde- hyde from alcohol vapour by pyrogenic decomposition at 500° is referred to by Berthelot, 'Traite de Ch. Org.' 1872, p. 164. For further researches on the pyrogenic ' contact ' conversion of alco- hol into aldehyde, &c., by heated metals and metallic oxides see paper by Ipatieff , Ber. 36, 1990. 94. Butyric Aldehyde (p. 181). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [D, p. 182.3 ^^^ production of iso- butyric aldehyde from isobutylene oxide , by the ' contact ' action of alumina on the vapour at 200° see paper by Ipatieff and Leontowitsch, Ber. 36, 2016. 95. Valeric Aldehyde (p. 183). A valeric aldehyde occurs in pepper- mint oil from Mentha piperita (Charabot and Hebert, Ann. Agronom. 28, 595). A valeric aldehyde is possibly present in lavender oil (SchimmeFs Ber. April, 1903; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 1086). 96. Eexoic Aldehyde (p. 185). Methylpropylacetaldehyde. To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — ■ [A, p. 185.3 Propylene oxide, when the vapour is passed through a tube containing aluminium oxide heated to 200°, is resolved chiefly into propionic aldehyde (Ipatieff and Leontowitsch, Ber. 36, 2016). 100. Decoic Aldehyde (p. 189). The occurrence of this aldehyde in neroli oil is recorded by Walbaum and Hiithig (Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 67, 315 : see also Hesse and Zeitschel, Ibid. 66, 481). The aldehyde has been found in the oil of cassia flowers from Acacia cavenia (Walbaum, Ibid. 68, 235). 101. Acrolein (p. 190). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 190.3 Glycerol gives acrolein when heated with succinic acid, with d-tartaric acid, or with malic acid (CE. de Coninck and Raynaud, Comp. Rend. 135, 1351). 102. Crotonic Aldehyde (p. 190). Solanin, a gluco-alkaloid found in the berries of Solatium nigrum, S. dulca- mara, S. verbascifolium , in stalks and leaves of S. lycopersicum, and in shoots of the potato, apparently contains the crotonic aldehyde complex (Hilger and Merkens, Ber. 36, 3204). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [J, p. 190.3 From glycol [45], cro- tonic aldehyde being among the pro- ducts of decomposition of this com- pound by zinc chloride at 250° (Bauer, ' Repertoire de Chimie Pure,' 2 [18603, 344)- 104. Citral (p. 191). For occurrence of citral in verbena oil from Verbena triphylla see paper by Theulier, Bull. Soc. [3] 27, 1113. Note : — Since the rhodinal of Bouveault (see under citronellal [105, p. 192]) is the aldehyde derived from 1-citronellol = rhodinol [38, p. 89 ; A, note, and this appendix, p. 282] and is not identical with citral, the synonyms rhodinal and licareal given for the latter (p. 191) must be deleted. Rhodinal has not yet been shown to be a natural product. APPENDIX 289 105. Citronellal (p. 192). The formula assigned to this com- pound on p. 192 has been confirmed (Barbier and Leser, Comp. Rend. 124, 1308; Harries and Roder, Ber. 32, 3363 : see also the note on p. 192). It is therefore 2 : 6-dimethyl-i-oetenal-8, and is the aldehyde of d-eitronellol [38, p. 89, and this appendix]. For occui*- rence in oil of lemon and of lemon-grass see further Tiemann, Ber. 32, 812; 834 : compare also Stiehl, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 58, 62. To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [B, p. 192.] From d-citronellol [38] by oxidation with chromic acid mixture (Tiemann and Schmidt, Ber. 30, 34). 106. Acetone (p. 192). Acetone is said to be present in normal horse urine (Kiesel, Pfliiger^s Arch. 97, 480). Acetone occurs in the expired air and in the urine of man only in grave cases of diabetes (Le Goff, Comp. Rend. 137, 216). Acetone has been found in the fluid from a pan- creatic cyst (Alay and Rispal, Journ. Pharm. [6] 17, 319). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [B, p. 193.] Isopropyl alcohol is readily converted into acetone by pass- ing the vapour over reduced copper heated to 250-430°. At 300° platinum sponge acts in a similar way. Reduced nickel is less effective (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 136, 983). A small quantity of acetone is formed when the vapour of propylene oxide is passed over aluminium oxide heated to 200° (Ipatieff and Leonto- witsch, Ber. 36, 2016). [K, p. 196.] A solution of sodium isobutyrate gives acetone when electro- lysed in presence of sodium chlorate (Moest, Germ. Pat. 138442 of 1902; Journ. Ch. Soc. 84, I, 546). [V, p. 199.] Methylheptenone gives acetone among other products on oxida- tion by ozone (Harries, Ber. 36, 1933). 113. Diacetyl (p. 203). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [B, p. 203.] Oxalic ester and magne- sium methiodide interact in ethereal solution to form a small quantity of diacetyl (Gattermann and Maffezzoli, Ber. 36, 4152). 114. Beuzoic Aldehyde (p. 205). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 205.] Toluene, on passing the vapour over heated lead oxide, gives stilbene = symmetrical diphenylethylene (Behr and Van Dorp, Ber. 6, 754 ; Lorenz, Ber. 7, 1096; 8, 1455), or benzal chloride gives stilbene on treat- ment with sodium or zinc dust in appropriate solvents (Limpricht, Ann. 139, 318; Lippmann and Hawliczek, Jahresber. 1877, 405). Stilbene gives benzoic aldehyde among other products on oxidation with chromic acid mixture. By photochemical oxidation stilbene yields benzoic aldehyde as an inter- mediate product (Ciamician and Silber, Ber. 36, 4266). Benzene and formic acid [Vol. II] give benzoic aldehyde by the inter- action of phenyl magnesium bromide (from brombenzene and magnesium) and formic ester in ethereal solution (Gattermann and Maffezzoli, Ber. 36, 4152}. [B, p. 208.] By the action of nitrous gas on styrene in ethereal solution a ' pseudonitrosite ^ is formed. This gives benzoic aldehyde among the pro- ducts of decomposition by hot aqueous alkali or by sodium ethoxide solution (Wieland, Ber. 36, 2558). [C, p. 209.] Benzamide and magne- sium methiodide interact to form a compound which is decomposed by water with the formation of aceto- phenone (B^is, Comp. Rend. 137, ^"J^' Note : — This synthesis affects all products of which acetophenone is a generator, e. g. methylphenyl carbinol [58 ; C, p. 118.] [D, p. 209.] For production of benzoic aldehyde by the electrolysis of a solu- 290 APPENDIX tion of sodium plienylacetate in pre- sence of sodium chlorate see Moest^s Germ. Pat. 138442 of 1903; Journ. Ch. Soc. 84, I, 546. [E, p. 209.] Cinnamic acid yields benzoic aldehyde (with glyoxylic acid) when oxidised by ozone (Harries, Ber. 36, 1933). The phenyl-a/3-dibrompropionic acid or ester obtained by the combination of cinnamic acid or ester with bromine (see p. 209), on treatment with hot alcoholic potash, gives two isomeric a-bromcinnamic acids or esters (Glaser, Ann. 143, 325 ; Sudborough and Thompson, Trans. Ch. Soc. 83, 666). Both these, which are stereo-isomerides, yield benzoic aldehyde on oxidation by potassium permanganate (Erlenmeyer, Ber. 23, 2130). [L, p. 211.] Benzyl alcohol gives benzoic aldehyde and hydrogen when the vapour is passed over reduced copper heated to 300° (Sabatier and Senderens, Comp. Rend. 136, 983). [N, p. 211.] Frora formic and ci?t- namic aldehydes [91; 123], a mixture of these aldehydes giving benzoic alde- hyde when allowed to stand in contact with lime or baryta and water at 30-50° for 1-2 days (Van Marie and Tollens, Ber. 36, 1347). 119. Farahydroxybenzoic Aldehyde (p. 215). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 215.] The condensation of phenol with hydrogen cyanide by means of hydrogen chloride may take place without the use of aluminium or zinc chloride (Farb. vorm. F. Bayer & Co., Germ. Pat. 106508 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1900, 1, 742). [B and E, p. 216.] p-Nitrobenzoic aldehyde is best reduced to the amino- aldehyde by acid sodium sulphite (Cohn and Sprinoer, Monats. 24, 87). [G, p. 219.] Faraliydroxyhenzoic acid [Vol. II] when heated with chloroform m presence of alkali gives parahydroxy- benzoic aldehyde (Reimer and Tiemann, Ber. 9, 1268). 120. Anisic Aldehyde (p. 218). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [B, p. 218.] Or from anisole and formic ester [Vol. II] through p-brom- anisole and p-methoxyphenyl magne- sium bromide, the latter interacting with formic ester in ethereal solution to form anisic aldehyde (Gattermann and Maffezzoli, Ber. 36, 4153). 127. Carvone (p. 226). The formula given in the text is erroneous. The relationship of this compound to limonene (see under 9 ; E, p. 38) indicates for carvone the formula : — CH3 HC 0:0 I I H^C.CrCHj For literature relating to constitution see Wagner, Ber. 27, 1653; 2270; Wallach, Ber. 28, 1773; Tiemann and Semmler, Ihld. 1778. 128. Pulegone (p. 226). The ethereal oil, ^ marjolaine,'' of Calamintha nepeta contains pulegone (Genvresse and Chablay, Comp. Rend. 136, 387). The botanical source is erroneously given as Origanum majorana on p. 226. 129. Meuthoue (p. 227). The variation in the composition of peppermint oil from Mentha piperita containing menthone, according to con- ditions of climate, mode of cultiva- tion, &c., has been studied by Ch^rabot and Hebert (Ann. Agronom. 28, 595). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 227.] For details of method of oxidising menthol to menthone by potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid see further Flatau and Labbe, Bull. Soc. [3] 19, 788. APPENDIX 291 144. MetahydroxyauthraoLuinone (p. 236). Syntheses of Anthracene. Nascent acetylene acts on benzene in presence of aluminium chloride with the formation of anthracene among other products (Parone^ Journ. Ch. Soc. 86, I, 26 ; from L'Orosi, 25, 148). , . ^ To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [C, p. 238.] Anthraquinone is oxi- dised by ammonium persulphate in sul- phuric acid solution with the formation of m-hydroxyanthraquinone (Wacker, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 54, 89). 145. Alizarin (p. 238). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 238.] For synthesis of alizarin from catechol and phthalic anhydride see further Liebermann and Hohenem- ser, Ber. 35, 1779). [B, p. 239.] Anthraquinonesulphonic acid on extreme reduction by hydriodic acid and phosphorus or by sodium amalgam or ammonia and zinc dust gives 2-anthracenesulphonic acid (Lie- bermann, Ann. 212, 48 ; 57 ; Bischof and Liebermann, Ber. 13, 47 ; 15, 852 : according to Heffter, Ber. 28, 2262, this sulphonic acid is also formed by the direct sulphonation of anthracene by dilute sulphuric acid). By alkaline fusion this sulphonic acid yields 2- anthrol (Liebermann, Ann. 212, 49). By the action of sodium nitrite and zinc chloride in alcoholic solution the latter forms a nitroso-derivative, which reduces to an amino-derivative. The latter is oxidised by chromic and sul- phuric acids to I : 2-anthraquinone, and this is reduced by zinc dust and acetic acid to I : 2-anthraquinol. The anthra- quinol diacetate is oxidised by chromic acid in acetic acid solution to alizarin diacetate, and this yields alizarin on hydrolysis (Lagodzinski, Ber. 27, 1438; 28, 116; 1422; 1427; 1533; 36, 4020). Anthraquinone is directly oxidised to alizarin by ammonium persulphate in sulphuric acid solution (Wacker, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 54, 90). 148. Authragallol (p. 240). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [D, p. 240.] From m-hydroxyanthra" qumone [144] through the i : 3-dinitro- derivative by nitration (Simon, Ber. 14, 464). The latter, on reduction in strongly alkaline solution, or by heat- ing the corresponding i : 3-diamino- derivative with aqueous hydrochloric acid under pressure, or by the diazo- method from the diamino-compound, yields authragallol {Ibid. Germ. Pat. I19755 of 1898; Ch. Centr. 1901,1, 979)- 149. Purpurin (p. 240). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 24 1 .] Or quinizarin on bromina- tion yields a 2-bromo-derivative (Lie- bermann and Riiber, Ber. 33, 1658; Farb. vorm. F. Bayer & Co., Germ. Pat. 114199 of 1899; Ch. Centr. 1900, 2, 884). The latter, or the correspond- ing chlorquinizarin, gives purpurin on alkaline fusion (B. & Co., loc. cit.). Quinizarin also gives purpurin on heat- ing with sulphuric and nitrous acids in presence of boric acid {Ibid, as below under P). [C, p. 241.] Alizarin gives purpurin also on oxidation by ammonium per- sulphate in sulphuric acid solution (Wacker, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 54, 90). [P, p. 241.] From m-hydroxyanthra- quinone [144], which, on treatment with nitrous acid in the presence of strong sulphuric and boric acids, yields quinizarin (Farb. vorm. F. Bayer & Co., Germ. Pat. 81245 of 1893; Ber. 28, Kef. 703; 86630 of 1895; Ber. 29, Ref. 470). From quinizarin as under A, p. 241, and above in this appendix. Note : — Anthraquinone gives first quinizarin and then purpurin on heating with sulphuric acid in presence of boric acid (B. & Co. Germ. Pat. 81960 of 1893 ; Ber. 28, Ref. 806). u a 292 APPENDIX 151. Dihydrozyacetone (p. 24.2). An oxidising Bacterium obtained from wine vinegar produces dihydroxy- acetone from glycerol (Sazerac, Comp. Rend. 137, 90). 154. Dextrose (p. 244)- In place of the constitutional formula given in the text a ' lactone "* (alkylene oxide) formula was proposed by Tollens in 1883 (Ber. 16, 923) : — HO HO HO H HO H.C- -C- I H -C- I H -CHo.OH Further evidence in support of this formula has recently been advanced, so the literature is now given: — Sorokin, Journ. pr. Ch. [2] 37, 312 j Erwig and Koenigs, Ber. 22, 2207 ; 23, 672 ; Skraup, Monats. 10, 401 ; Wohl, Ber. 23, 2098 ; E. F. Armstrong, Trans. Ch. Soc. 83, 1305; Lowry, Ibid. 1314. Dextrose is present in small quantity in all the organs and tissues of the dog and horse in the normal state (Cadeac and Maignon, Comp. Rend. 136, 1682). Human cerebrospinal fluid drawn by lumbar puncture contains dextrose (Rossi, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 39, 183: see also Donath, Ibid. 526). The globulins of blood on decomposition by hydrobromic acid yield dextrose among other carbohydrates, and may therefore contain the dextrose complex (Lang- stein, Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 239). Grly- collic aldehyde administered to rabbits appears as dextrose in the urine (Paul Mayer, Zeit. physiol. Ch. 38, 135). Dextrose is present in human cephalo- rachid liquid (Grimbert and Coulaud, Comp. Rend. 136, 391). 155. Lavulose (p. 247). Further researches on the relationship between the soluble ferments and the polysaccharides which they hydrolyse (gentianose, &c.) have been published by Bourquelot (Comp. Rend. 136, 762). Stachyose, a sugar obtained from the tubercles of StacJiys tuherifera, contains the galactose, dextrose, and laevulose complexes (v. Planta and Schulze, Ber. 23, 1692; 24, 2705; Landw. Versuchs. Sta. 35, 473). According to Tanret this tetrose is identical with the manneo- tetrose (p. 248) of manna (Comp. Rend. 136, 1569). Lsevulose is among the carbohydrates resulting from the decomposition of the globulins from horse blood serum by hydrobromic acid (Langstein, Monats. 24, 445)- 156. Maunose (p. 248). Salep mucilage (p. 248) has been shown by analysis to be a tetrasacchar- ide of d-mannose, and it is converted quantitatively into the latter sugar on hydrolysis (Hilger, Ber. 36, 3199). A manno-galactan has been obtained from Melilotus leucantha (Herissey, Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. 54, 11 74). 161. Methyl Mercaptau (p. 252). Egg-meat mixture is rapidly decom- posed by Bacillus coli communis with the formation of mercaptan (? methyl) among other products (Rettger, Am. Journ. Physiol. 8, 284). 165. Secondary Butyl Isothio- cyanate (p. 254). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 254.] The vapour of n-butyl alcohol passed over alumina heated to 500-520° gives 25-30 per cent, n- butylene (Ipatieff, Ber, 36, 1999). 169. Benzyl Isothiocyanate (p. 257). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 258.] Benzamide in pyridine solution is converted into benzonitrile by the action of carbonyl chloride (Ein- horn and Mettler, Ber. 35, 3647). [B, p. 258.] For electrolytic reduc- tion of benzaldoxime to benzy lamina see Germ. Pat. 141 346, Bohringer and Sohne ; Journ. Ch. Soc. 84, I, 550. APPENDIX 293 [E, p. 259.] By the action of nitrous gas on styrene In ethereal solution a ' pseudonitrosite ' is formed, which on boiling with water is transformed into y3-styrene nitrosite = a-nitroacetophen- one-oxime. The latter, on boiling with strong hydrochloric acid, yields (with benzoic acid) benzonltrile (Wieland, Ber. 36, 2558 : see also Sommer, Ber. 170. Fhenylethyl Isothiocyauate (p. 260), To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 260.] Or benzyl magnesium bromide (from benzyl bromide and magnesium) Interacts In ethereal solu- tion with formic ester [Vol. II] to form phenylacetic = a-toJuic aldehyde (Gattermann and Maffezzoli, Ber. 36, 4153)- 172. Hydrogen Cyanide (p. 262). The presence of hydrogen cyanide in sorghum has been confirmed and the quantity estimated by Slade (Journ. Am. Ch. Soe. 25, 55). Experiments on the formation and determinations of the quantity of hydrogen cyanide in sorghum and other fodder-plants have been undertaken by the Queensland Department of Agriculture at the Bris- bane Botanic Garden, and are described In the paper referred to on p. 263 (Briinnich, Trans. Ch. Soc. 83, 788). A cyanogenetic glucoslde, gynocardin, has been obtained from the seeds of Gynocardia oclorata (Power and Gornall, Proc. Ch. Soe. 20, 137). To be added to synthetical pro- cesses : — [A, p. 263.] Hydrogen cyanide is formed by passing electric sparks through a mixture of hydrogen, nitro- gen, and carbon monoxide (Gruszkie- wlcz, Zeit. Elektroch. 9, 83). Further experiments on the production of cyanides from nitrogen in presence of strongly heated carbon and alkaline carbonates, hydroxides, iron, &c., have been carried out by Tauber (Ch. Ind. 26, 26; Ch. Centr. 1903, 1, 434). [HH, p. 268.] From benzoic and acetic acids [Vol. II] through acetophenone and its nitroso- (Isonitroso-) derivative (see under benzoic aldehyde [114 ; G, p. 210]). The sodium compound of isonltrosoacetophenone on heating, or by the action of strong acid or excess of aqueous alkali. Is resolved Into benzoic acid and hydrogen cyanide (Claisen and Manasse, Ber. 20, 2194 ; Sluiter, Proc. Akad. Wetensch. Am- sterdam, Jan. 30, 1904). INDEX The numhers refer to pages only. The chief reference to natural products is printed in thick type. Abies alba, 37. ,, canadensis, 273. ,, pectinata, 161, 273. ,, sibirica, 273, 274. Acacetin, 161, 234. Acacia catechu, 138, 139, 160. ,, cavenia, 278, 288. ,, farnesiana, 108, 278. ,, sp. containing methyl salicylate, 41. Acaroid resin, 33, 142, 215, atg. Acarospora chlorophana, 45. Acclimatisation of yeasts, 50. Acetal, 181. ,, for erythrose, 243. ,, for formic aldehyde, 173. ,, for furfural, 225. ,, for mannitol, 106. Acetalmalonic acid, 31. Acetamide, 71. „ and magnesium ethiodide for me- thylacetyl carbinol, 283. 4-Acetamino-2-cresol, 156. Acetanilide, 150, 215, 229. Acetchlorglucose, 250, 251. Acetferulaic acid, 141. Acetic acid and ethyl alcohol for n-butyl al- cohol, 71. ,, ,, ,, for erythritol, loi. ,, „ „ for glycerol, 98. ,, and hydrogen cyanide for quinol, 151. ,, and methyl alcohol for tertiary butyl alcohol, 74. ,, and silver cyanide for isocyanacetic acid, 268. ,, &c. , for acetaldehyde, 176. ,, &c., for formic aldehyde, 171, 287. ,, ethyl alcohol, and acetone for me- thylheptenone, 203. ,, for acetol, 94. „ for acetone, 193. ,, for carbon disulphide, 251. ,, for chloroform, 25. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 56, 279. , , for hydrogen cyanide, 266. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 68. ,, for methane, 25. ,, for methyl alcohol, 44, 278. ,, for n-primary amyl alcohol, 76. ,, glycerol, and ethyl alcohol for eryth- ritol, 102. Acetic aldehyde, 174, 287. ,, ,, and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 254. ,, ,, andethylalcoholforacetal,i8r. ,, ,, for acetone, 196. ,, ,, for n-butyl alcohol, 71. ,, ,, for carbon disulphide, 251. ,, ,, for chloral, 24. ,, ,, for crotonic aldehyde, 71, 190. „ ,, for diacetyl, 204. Acetic aldehyde for ethyl alcohol, 55, 279. for formic aldehyde, 170. for n-hexyl alcohol, 82. for hydrogen cyanide, 267. for iodoform, 24. for isopropyl alcohol, 67. for methane, 24. for methyl alcohol, 44. formethylpropylacetaldehyde, 188. for phenol, 124. for n-propyl alcohol, 60. for toluene, no. from acetylene, 53. Acetic and benzoic acids for acetophenone and benzaldehyde, 210. „ „ „ for hydrogen cyanide, 293- Acetic and butyric acids for methylacetyl carbinol, 95. «, ,, „ for n-secondary amyl alcohol, 77. Acetic and decoic acids for methyl-n-nonyl ketone, 202. Acetic and formic esters for crotonic aldehyde, 71, 190. Acetic and lauric acids for methyl-n-decyl ke- tone, 202. Acetic and n-octoic acids for methyl-n-heptyl ketone, eoi. Acetic and oxalic acids and alcohol for diacetyl, 204. „ „ „ for glycerol, 97. Acetic and propionic acids and potassium cyanide for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 187. Acetic and propionic acids for methylacetyl carbinol, 95. „ ,, aldehydes for tiglicalde- hyde, 191. „ ,, esters and hydrogen cyanide for citraconic acid, 113. Acetic benzyl ester, occurrence, 108. Acetic ester and glycerol for quinol, 150. „ ,, and methylheptenone for citral, 191. „ ,, ,, ,, for citron- ellal, 192. Acetic ethyl ester, occurrence, 45. Acetoacetic acid and benzene for phlorol, 134. ,, ,, and hydrogen cyanide for quinol, 151. Acetoacetic ester and acetaldehyde for resor- cinol, 145. ,, ,, and amylene bromide for methylheptenone, 203. ,, ,, and benzoic acid for o-hydr- oxyacetophenone, 228. ,, ,, and glycerol for resorcinol, 144. 296 INDEX Acetoacetic ester and hydrogen cyanide for citraconic acid, 113. „ ,, and hydrogen cyanide, &c., for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 186. f, ,, and lactic acid for resorcinol, 145- „ ,, and methyl alcohol for di- acetyl, 204. „ ,, and methyl alcohol for methyl- acetyl carbinol, 95. „ ,, and succinic acid for resor- cinol, 145. „ ,, &c., for m-cresol, 129, „ „ for acetaldehyde, 178. „ , , for acetol, 94. „ „ for acetone, 196. „ ,, for acrolein, 98, 190. „ ,, for allylene and acetone, 194. „ ,, for formic aldehyde, 172. ,f ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 69. „ „ for orcinol, 155. „ ,, for phloroglucinol, 162. „ ,, for n-jpropyl alcohol, 63. „ y, for quinol, 148. f, ., for n-secondary amyl alcohol, 77- y, „ for toluene, iii. ,, „ methyl alcohol, and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 255. 7-Acetobutyric = 5-hexanonic acid, 144, 145. Acetoglutaric ester, 144, 145. Acetol = acetyl carbinol, 93. Acetol for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 188. Acetone, 192, 289. „ and ethyl acetate for diacetyl, 204. ,, and glycerol, &c., for isobutyl alcohol, 73- „ „ „ for isobutyric alde- hyde, 182, 183. „ „ ,, for tertiary butyl alcohol, 75. ,, dibromide, 98, 190. „ &c,, for n-primary amyl alcohol, 76. ,, &c., for n-secondary amyl alcohol, 77- 5, for acetaldehyde, 179. „ for acetol, 94. ,, for acrolein, 98, 106, 190. ,, for active hexyl alcohol, 83. „ for allylene, 114. ,, for benzene, 30. „ for bromoform, 25. „ for carbon disulphide, 251. „ for chloroform, 24. ,, for m-cresol, 129. ,, for o-cresol, 126. „ for p-cresol, 132. „ for dextrose, 246. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 56. ,, for formic aldehyde, 170. ., for glycerol, 98. „ for n-hexyl alcohol via pinacone, 82. ,, for iodoform, 24. ,, for isobutyl alcohol, 280. „ for isopropyl alcohol, 65, 280. „ for mannitol, 106. ,, for methane, 24, 277. „ for phenol, 123. ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 60. ., for quinol, 149. „ for toluene, 109. Acetone, furfural, and phloroglucinol foreuxan- thone, 233. ,, furfural, and resorcinol for euxan- thone, 233. ,, malonic and oxalic acids, &c., for camphor, 272. Acetone-chloroform, 73, 75, 179. Acetonedicarboxylie acid, 63, 99, 124, 145, i54> i55> 162, 174, 180, 186, 196, 198, 242, 285. Acetonedicarboxylie ester, for n-secondary amyl alcohol, 77, 78. Acetonedicarboxylmethenylmalonic ester, 145. Acetoneoxalic ester = acetylpyroracemic ester, 129. Acetoneoxime, 65. Acetonephenylhydrazone, 65. Acetonetricarboxylic ester, 162, 199. Acetonitrile = methyl cyanide, 54, 71, 199, 206, 207, 209, 211. Acetophenone, &c., for benzaldehyde, 207, 208-211, 289. ,, &c., for piceol, 229. ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 293. ,, for benzylamine, 258, 259. ,, for ethylbenzene, &c., 261. ,, foro-hydroxyacetophenone, 228, 229. „ for methylphenyl carbinol, 119. ,, for phenylethyl alcohol, 118. „ for phlorol, 135. „ for salicylic aldehyde, 213-215. ,, for styrene, 34. ,, from benzene, 34. „ from benzoic acid, &c., 35. ,, from benzoylacetoacetic ester, 35- ,, from isopropylbenzene, 34. Acetophenonecyanhydrin, 229. Acetopropyl alcohol, 203. Acetosuccinic ester, 63, loi, 112, 149, 186, 196, 204. p-Acettoluidide, 154, 228. Acetvanillic acid, 141. Acetvanillin, 239. Acetyl carbinol for acetone, 200. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 65, 67, 68, 69, 280. ,, chloride, 207. ,, cyanide = pyroracemienitrile, 6 1,63, no, III, 112, 116, 151, 171, 176, 186, 187. Acetylacetone, 60, 76, 77, 94, 102, 149, 202, 204. p-Acetylanisole, 229. Acetylbutyl alcohol, 145. /3-Acetylbutyric acids, n- & Iso-, 112. Acetyl-/37-dibrompropylamine, 98. Acetylene and benzene for anthracene, 291. ,, ,, for ethylbenzene, 286. ,, ,, for styrene, 278. ,, and nitrogen, &c., for hydrogen cyanide, 263. ,, for aldehyde, 174, 179. ,, for anthracene, 237. ,, for benzene, 29. ,, for benzyl alcohol, 108. ,, for o-cresol, 128. ,, for crotonic aldehyde, 71, 190. ,, for erythritol, 100. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 53. ,, for formic aldehyde, 169. ,, for methane, 22. ,, for naphthalene, 166. ,, for phenol, 120. ,, for phloroglucinol, i6a. INDEX 297 Acetylene for styrene, 33. „ from acrolein, 26, 32, 58. ,, from carbides, 22. „ from carbon tetrachloride, 54. ,, from chloroform, bromoform, and iodoform, 29, 54, 56. ,, from fumaric acid, 26, 31, 57. ,, from hydrogen cyanide, 56. „ from iodoform, 55. ,, from maleic acid, 26, 31, 57. ,, from salicylic acid, 57. ,, from succinic acid, 26, 57. Acetylenedicarboxylic acid, 26, 31, 57, 177, 183, 268. Acetylenetetracarboxylic ester = s-ethanetetra- carboxylic ester, 166. Acetyl-o-hydroxy-oi-acetophenone bromide, 213, 230. Acetylmenthone, 228. Acetylmethylcyclohexanone, 228. /3-Acetylpropionic acid, see under laovulic = 4-pentanonic acid. Acetyl-propionyl = 2 : 3-pentadione, 188. Acetylpropyl alcohol, loi. Acetyltrimethylene = ethanoylcyclopropane,77. Acetyltrjmethylenecarboxylic acid, 77. Acolium, tigillare, 45. Aconitic acid for acetone, 200. „ for isopropyl alcohol, 69. „ for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 188. „ for n-propyl alcohol, 63. „ for toluene and benzyl alcohol, Aconitum ferox, 140. ,, napellus, 104. Acorus calamus, 40, 164, 224. n-Acritol = i-mannitol, 105. Acrolein, 190, 288. ,, and hydrogen cyanide for methyl- propylacetaldehyde, 186. „ diethylacetal, 243. ,, for acetaldehyde, 177, 179. ,, for acetone, 193, 200. „ for benzene, 31. „ for dextrose, 246. ,, for erythrose, 243. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 56, 58. „ for formic aldehyde, 172, 173. „ for glycerol, 98. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 67. „ for mannitol, 106. ,, for methane, 24, 26. „ for n-propyl alcohol, 59, 60. ,, for quinol, 151. ,, for toluene, 109, no, 116. „ from glycerol, 31. a-Acrosazone, 105, 246, 250. a-Acrose, 105, 106, 225, 246, 250. a-Acrosone, 105, 225, 246, 250. Acrylic acid for acetaldehyde, 176-179. „ for acetone, 199, 200. „ for benzyl alcohol, in, 284. „ for formic aldehyde, 170, 173. „ forisopropylalcohol, 65,67, 68,69. „ for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 187. „ for n-propyl alcohol, 58, 60, 62, 64. „ for quinol, 151. „ for toluene, 109-114, 116. Acrylic and acetoacetic esters for resorcinol, 145- Aciinobakter polymorphus, lactose ferment, 52. Adenocrepis javanica, 41. Adipic acid for n-butyl alcohol, 72. ,, for cetyl alcohol, 86. ,, for n-hexane, 79. ,, for n-hexyl alcohol, 81. ,, for n-primary amyl alcohol, 76. ,, for valeric aldehyde, 184. Agaricus campestris, 105. Agyneia muUiJlora, 41. Ailanthus glandulosa, 138. Alanine for acetaldehyde, 180. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 57. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 69. „ for n-propyl alcohol, 64. ,, for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 116. Albumin, anaerobic putrefaction of, 252. ,, bacterial fermentation, 51, 80. „ culture, quinone formed in, by Strepto- thrix, 235. ,, intestinal decomposition of, 252. ,, methane fermentation of, 21. Alcoholic fermentation by Mucor, 49. ,, „ by Mycoderma, 48. ,, „ by Torula, 48. „ „ by yeasts, 45. Aldehyde-ammonia for methane, 24. Aldehydephenylhydrazone, 208, 214. Aldehydoguaiacolcarboxylic acid, 220. o-Aldehydophenoxyacetic = aldehydophenyl- glycollic acid, 134, 230. Aldehydopropionic acid, 31. Aldol=i8- hydroxy butyric aldehyde, 71. Alectoria ochroleuca, 156. Algae, mannitol in, 104, 105. Alizarin, 140, 238, 291. ,, for anthragallol, 240. „ for m-hydroxyanthraquinone, 238. ,, for purpurin, 241, 291. a-Alizarinamide, 238. Allamanda hendersoni, 41. Allene for acetone, 195. Allium cepa, 249, ,, ursinum, 253. Alloxan, 217. ,, and anisidine for vanillin, 220. Allyl alcohol for acetone, 195. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 55. „ ,, for formic aldehyde, 172. „ „ for glycerol, 98, 99. ,, ,, for glyoxal and hydrogen cyanide , 268. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 67. ,, ,, for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 185. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 59. ,, bromide, 59, 67, 95, 145, 195, 212, 280. ,, carbonimide, 98. „ chloride, 38, 60, 102, 109, 185, 195. „ cyanide, 39, 64, 69, 109, 112, 172, 177, 185, 187. „ iodide, 67, 70, 73, 81, 94, 98, 109, 158, 195, 254, 256. „ isothiocyanate, 256. „ ,, for acetaldehyde, 179. ,, ,, for allylene and acetone, 194. ,, ,, for carbon disulphide, 252. ,, „ for formic aldehyde, 173. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 69, ,, ,, for methylpropylacetal- dehyde, 187. 298 INDEX AUyl isothiocyanate for n-propyl alcohol, 64. ,, ,, for toluene, 112, ,, mercaptai), 256. ,, sulphide, 253. ,, Ihiocyanate from sinigrin, 256. ,, „ in mustard oil, 268. Allylacetic acid, 102. Allylacetoacetic ester, 102. AUylacetone, 102, 149, 204. Allylamine, 98, 102. ^-Allylbenzene = methovinylbenzene, 32. AUylene dichloride, 60, iii, 145. „ for acetol, 94. ,, for acetone, 193-200. ,, for benzene, 30. „ for toluene, 108-116. ,, from ethyl alcohol, 199. „ pyrogenic generators, 114. Allylmalonic acid, 102. Alpinia malaccensis, 42. ,, offidnarum, 91, 161. Altingia excelsa, 205, 223, Amanita, mannitol in, 105. Ambrette seeds, oil, 224. American bean, 249. ,, storax, 33, 119, 219. o-Aminoacetophenone, 2 13, 214, 215, 228, 229. p-Aminoacetophenone, 215, 230. a-Aminoalizarin, 241. /3-Aminoalizarin, 240. 2-Aminoanthraquinone, 238. a-Aminoanthraquinonesulphonic acid, 239, Aminoanthrol, 291, m-Aminobenzoic acid, 121, 122, 236. o-Aminobenzoic = anthranilic acid, 147, 148. m-Aminobenzoic aldehyde, 215, 220. p-Aminobenzoic aldehyde, 216, 217, 290. o-Aminobenzyl alcohol, 117. p-Aminobenzylamine, 262. p-Aminobenzylideneaniline and sulphonic acid, 217. 6- Aniino-3-brombenzoic =3 5- brom- 2- amino- benzoic acid, 147. 2-Aminobutane, 254. 2-Amino-4-cresol, 155. 4-Amino-2-cresol, 155, 156. 5-Amino-2-cresol, 151. 5-Amino-3-cresol, 154. 3-Amino-p-cyanotoluene, 228. 2-Aminocymene, 136. 3-Amino-p-cymene = cymidine, 127, 136. 3-Amino-p-cymene-6-sulphonic acid, 127, o-Aminoethylbenzene, 133. p-Aminohydratropic acid, 229. m-Amino-p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 221. a-Aminoisobutyric acid, 180. V Aminomesitol, 157. 4-Aminomesitylenic acid, 132. p- Amino-m-methoxy ben zaldehyde, 220. 1 : 4-Aminonaphthol, 168. I : 8-Aminonaphthol, 167. 1 : 3-Aminonaphthol and sulpho-acid, 115. m-Aminophenol, 143. o-Aminophenol, 140, 142. p-Aminophenol, 144, 146, 147, 150, 235. o-Aminophenylacetylene, 214, 228. o-Aminophenylpropiolic acid, 228. 3-Aminophthalic acid, 122. 4-Aminophthalic ester, 122. 7-Amino-a)3-propylene glycol, 98. 3-Aminosalicylic acid, 141. 5-Aminosalicylic acid, 147, 232, 233. Aminotercphthalic acid, 123. 4-Aminotoluene-2'Sulphonic acid= p4oluidine- o-sulphonic acid, 143. 2-Amino-m-toluic acid, 126. 4-Amino-m-toluic acid, 131, 6-Amino-m-toluic acid, 126, 127. 5-Amino-o-toluic acid, 128, 130. 6-Amino-o-toluic acid, 122. 2'-Amino-p-toluic acid, 125. 3-Amino-p-toluic = homoanthranilic acid, 129, 228. 5-Amino-i : 2 : 4-trimethylbenzene = pseudo- cumidine, 149. o-Aminoveratric acid, 239. 5-Amino-p-xylenol-3, 156. Amomum, see under Elettaria. Amomum danielli, 91. Amorphophallus konjac = rivieri, 248, 249, 262. Ampelopsis hederacea, 138. Amygdalin, 205, 262, 263. Amygdalus communis var. amara, 205. ,, nana, 205. Amyl acetate, a product of fermentation, 80. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 279. Amyl alcohol, inactive, of fermentation, 79. ,, n-primary, 76. „ n-secondary, 77. ,, for allylene, 114. ,, for cymene, 32. ,, for erythritol, 100. ,, for pontine, 32. ,, iso-, for acetaldehyde, 180. ,, ,, for acetone, 194. ,, ,, for formic aldehyde, 173. ,, ,, &c., for tertiary butyl al- cohol, 75. ,, n-primary for n-secondary, 78. ,, tertiary, for acetaldehyde, 176. ,, ,, for acetone, 194, 196, 197, 200. ,, ,, for formic aldehyde, 172, 173. ,, ,, &c., for methylhepte- none, 202. alcohols for glycerol, 97. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 66. ,, for propylene, 97. iodide, tertiary, 176. valerate from albumin by BadUus, 80. n-Amylamine, 76. Amyl-)3-chloracrylic ester, 201. n-Amylene, 79. Amylene, from fusel oil amyl alcohols, 78, 79. „ see isopropyl- and trimethylethylene. Amylene = sym. methylethylethylene = 3- pentene, 77, 78. Amylene bromides =1:3- and 2 : 3-dibrom- 3-methylbutane, 194, 195, 202, 203. Amylenes for valeric aldehydes, 184. Amylobakter wihylicum, alcohol producer, 53. ,, ,, butyl alcohol producer, 70. ,, „ n-propyl alcohol pro- ducer, 58. ,, hutylicum, alcohol producer, 53. ,, „ butyl alcohol producer, 70. „ ,, n-propyl alcohol pro- ducer, 58. Amylomyces, alcoholic ferments, 49, 51. ,, industrial use, 51. Amyloxalyl chloride, 221. Amylpropiolic ester and acid, 201. Anaptychia dliaris, 42. INDEX 299 Andromeda japonica, 138. „ leschenaultii, 40. Andropogon annuJaius, 104. „ citratus, 28, 36, 87, igr. ,, muricatus, 40, 204, 224. ,, nardus, 36, 37, 87, 191, 192, 273. ,, sch(£nanthus,'^6, 87. Anethole, 137. ,, for anisic aldehyde, 218. . ,, for p-cresol, 132. „ for piceol, 229. Angelic acid and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 255. Angelic hexyl ester in Roman oil of chamomile, 83. Angelic isoamyl ester, occun-ence, 79. ,, isobutyl ester in Roman oil of cliamo'- mile, 72. Angelyl isothiocyanate, 257. Angelylamine, 257. Aniline and acetic acid, &c., for piceol, 230. ,, and carbon disulphide for methyl mercaptan, 253. ,, and nitromethane for benzylamine, 259- ,, &c., for anisole and anisic aldehyde, 219. ,, &c., for salicylic aldehyde, 214. ,, for benzonitrile, 207. ,, for catechol, 142. ,, for phenol, 120, 123. ,, for phloroglucinol, 163. ,, for quinol, 150. ,, for quinone, 235. ,, from indigo, 123. Animal tissues, alcohol in, 53. Anisamide, 218. Anise-bark oil, 137. Aniseed oil, 137, 174, 218. Anisic acid for catechol, 141. ,, ,, for iretol, 164. ,, ,, for phenol, 121. ,, ,, phloroglucinol, acetic acid, &c., for apigenin, 234. ,, aldehyde, 218, 290. „ ,, &c., for anethole, 137. ,, „ &c., for piceol, 229. „ ,, phloroglucinol, acetic acid, &c., for kampherol, 276. ,, and formic acids for anisic aldehyde, 218, 219. o-Anisidine, 140, 141, 142, 165, 220. Anisole, 137, 141. 164, 229. ,, and carbonyl chloride for anisic alde- hyde, 218. ,, and formic ester for anisic aldehyde, 290. ,, from aniline, 219. Anisoleglyoxylic ester and acid, 218. Anisyl ( = p-m.ethoxybenzyl) alcohol, 218, 219. Anihemis nobilis, 72, 79, 83, 280, 281. Anthracene for alizarin, 238. ,, or anthraquinone for m-hydroxy- anthraquinone, 238, 291. ,, syntheses, 236, 237, 291. 2-Antliracenesulphonic acid, 291. Anthrachrysone, 239. Anthragallol, 240, 291. „ dimethyl ether, 159. Anthranilic = o-aminobenzoic acid, 147, 148. Anthranilic acid for phenol, 121, 124. ,, „ and phloroglucinol for gcnti- sin, 233. Anthranilic acid andresorcinol for euzanthone, 23a. ,, methyl ester, occurrence, 41, 42. 1 : 2-Anthraquinol, 291. Anthraquinone for alizarin, 239, 291. ,, for purpurin, 241, 291. ,, for quinizarin, 291. ,, from anthracene, 238. ,, syntheses, 237, 238, I : 2-Anthraquinone, 291. Anthraquinone-2'Sulphonic acid, 238, 239, 291. Anthrax, symptomatic. Bacillus of, 53. AnthriscuH cerefolium, 40, 45. 2-Anthrol, 291. Antiaris toxicaria, 163. Antiarol, 163, 287. Antidesma diandrurn, 41. Apigenin, 234. ,, for piceol, 230. ,, phenol complex in, 119. ,, phloroglucinol complex in, 160. Apiin, 160, 234, Apium graveolens, 37, 104. ,, petroselinum, 160, 234. Apple leaves, 138. Aqueous extract of liver, dextrose in, 246. „ humour of eye, dextrose in, 246. Aguilegia vidgaris, 262. Arabinose, bacterial fermentation, 51, 52, 53, 70. d'Ai-abinose, 103, 243. ,, for erythrose, 243. ,, for furfural, 225. 1-Arabinose and oxime, 243. d-Arabonic acid, 243. 1-Arabonic acid, 243. Arbutin, 146, 286. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi &nd glmica, 138, 146, 251. Areca catechu, 42, 249, Arecoline, 42. Arisarum lulgare, 262. Arisiolochia reticulata, 273. ,, serpentaria, 273. Arnica montana, 135, 158. Aromadendral, 213. Arrhenatherurn hulbosum, 248. Artemisia dracunculus, 137. ,, maritima, 91. „ vulgaris, 91. Artocarpus integrifolia, 142, 155, 160. Arum italicum, 262. ,, maculatum, 262. Asarone, 164. Asafoetida, 142, 219. Asarone for asaryl aldehyde, 224. Asarum arifolium, 157, 158, 164. ,, canadense, 87, 89, 90, 157, 273. ,, europwum, 157, 164. Asaryl aldehyde, 224. ,, „ and propionic acid for asarone, 165. Ascitic fluid, laevulose in, 248. Ash leaves, 138, Asparagus, 219. ,, coniferin in, 139. Asparagus officinalis, 249. Asparagus seeds, 249. Aspergillus, alcoholic fermentation by, 49, 50. „ luchuensis, starch saccharification by, 245- ,, niger, decomposes salicin and popu- lin, 117. „ „ enzyme of, 279. ,, „ gentianose hydrolyser, 245. 300 INDEX Aspergillus niger, inulase in, 247. „ „ inversion of raffinose by, 247. „ „ melezitose hydrolyser, 245. „ ,, raffinose hydrolyser, 245. „ „ resolution of saccharose by, 244. „ „ trehalose hydrolyser, 245. „ „ and glaucus, decompose arbu- tin, 146. ,, oryzcBf decomposes salicin, 117. ,, „ salicylic aldehyde producer, 213. A^icilia calcarea, 153. Aspidiumfilix mas, 80, 84, 160, 161. ,, spinulosum, 161. Astrocaryum vulgare, 249. Athyrium filix foemina, 161. Atlas cedar, 192. Atranorin = atranoric acid, 42, 156. Atraric acid = ceratophyllin = physcianin, 42, 156- Aucuba japonica, 249. Awamori, Japanese, 46, 49, 245. Azelaic acid for erythritol, 103. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 57. „ , , for ethylene, 26. „ ,, for heptane, 27. , , „ for isopropyl alcohol, 69. „ „ for methane, 26. „ „ for propylene and glycerol, 98. ,, ,, for suberic acid, 81. Baccaurea sp., 41. Bacillus acidi lactici, alcohol producer, 52. „ „ IcBvolactici, glycerol ferment, 51. „ „ „ lactose ferment, 52. „ amylobakter = Clostridium butyricum, 70. „ amylozymicus, starch ferment, 52, 80. ,, anthracis, starch hydrolyser, 246. ,, boocopricus, 43, 52. „ butylicus, 51, 95. „ ,, alcohol producer, 51. „ ,, n-butyl alcohol producer, 69. „ „ n-propyl alcohol producer, 58. ,, butyricum, butyl alcohol producer, 70. ,, coli communis, 21. ,, „ „ alcohol producer, 52. ,, ,, „ mercaptan producer, 292. „ „ „ methane producer, 277. ,, esterificans, mercaptan producer, 252. ,, ethaceUcus, glycerol ferment, 51. ,, ethacetosuccinicus, alcohol producer, 51, „ fermentationis cdlulosce, 21. „ fervitosus, alcohol producer, 52. „ fitzianus, 51. ,, Jluorescens liquefaciens, saccharose in- verter, 244. ,, Jluorescens liquefaciens, starch hydrolyser, 246. „ „ „ trehalose hydro- lyser, 245. ,, gummosus, mannitol producer, 105. Bacillus {= PneumobaciUus) lactis aerogenes, alcohol producer, 52. Bacillus levani/ormans, saccharose inverter, 244. „ liquefaciens, methyl mercaptan producer, 252. ,, magnus, methyl mercaptan producer, 252. ,, megatherium, saccharose inverter, 244, „ of malignant oedema, 5a, 53, 58, 119. ,, „ ,, mercaptan pro- ducer, 352. Bacillus of symptomatic anthrax, 53, 69, iig. „ „ ,, mercaptan pro- ducer, 252. „ orthobutylicus, butyl alcohol producer, 70. „ „ isobutyl alcohol producer, 7a. ,, prcepollens, albumin ferment, 80. ,, „ mercaptan producer, 252. , , putrificus, alcohol or phenol producer, 53, 119. ,, ,, mercaptan producer, 252, ,, roseus vini, glucose ferment, 242. ,, spinosus, methyl mercaptan producer, 252. „ suaveolens, aldehyde producer, 174. ,, ,, starch ferment, 52, 174. ,, „ starch hydrolyser, 246. ,, tartricus, 94. ,, typhosus, alcohol producer, 52. Backhousia citriodora, 191. Bacteria, alcohol producers, 51, 279. ,, aldehyde producers, 287. ,, lactic, milk-sugar hydrolysers, 245. ,, of blue pus, 69. ,, saccharose inverters, 244. ,, sugar, 244. Bacterium aceti, laevulose from mannitol by, 247. ,, brassicce acidce, 21. ,, icteroides, alcohol producer, 52. ,, kictzingianum, mannitol oxidiser, 247. ,, lactis acidi, 51. ,, lactis aerogenes = B. aceticum, 21. „ „ ,, „ acetone producer, 193. ,, sorbose = £. xylinum, 93, 107, 242. ,, vermiforme, 51. ,, xylinum, see sorbose bacterium. Badger, Philippine, 253. Badiana oil, 92. Balanophora sp., 96. Balm mint oil, 87, 88, 192. Balsam, Peru, 219. Barbarea prcecox, 260. Barbatic acid, 156. Barosma betulina, 37, 227. ,, serratifolia, 37, 227. Basacantha spinosa \ar.ferox, 104. Bassia latifolia, 244, 247. Bay oil, 36, 40, 157, 191, 204, 224. Bebeerine, 124. Beer, furfural in, 224. Beesw^ax, 27, 28. Beet, coniferin in, 139. Beet-sugar, catechol in, 138. „ molasses, mannitol in, 105. ,, ,, sorbitol in, 106. ,, vanillin in, 219. Benzacetodinitrile = iminobenzoylmethyl cyan- ide, 206, 209, 211, Benzal bromide, 205. ,, chloride, see under benzylidene chloride. Benzalbenzoylhydrazine, 209. Benzaldehyde-cyanhydrin, 258. Benzaldoxime, 108, 258, 292. Benzamide, 258, 292. ,, and magnesium methiodide for ace- tophenone, 289. Benzene and acetyl chloride for acetophenone, 119. ,, and acetylene for anthracene, 291. ,, ,, for ethylbenzene, 286. ,, „ for styrene, 278. INDEX 301 Benzene and acetylene dibromide, &c., for an- thracene, 236. ,, and carbon disulphide for benzyl isothiocyanate, 259. , , and carbon disulphide for methyl mer- captan, 253. ,, and dimethyl sulphate for p-xylene, 285. ,, and ethyl alcohol for methylphenyl carbinol, 118. , , and formic ester for benzaldehyde, 289. „ and glycerol for hydrocinnamic alde- hyde, 212. „ and hydrogen cyanide, &c., for ben- zaldehyde, 206. ,, and isobutyl alcohol for naphthalene, 165. , , and n-propyl alcohol for hydrocinna- mic aldehyde, an. ,, and trimethylene glycol ether for phenylpropyl alcohol, 119. ,, &c., for anisic aldehyde, 219. ,, &c., for o-hydroxyacetophenone, 229. ,, &c., for p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 216. ,, &c., for phenylethyl alcohol, 118. ,, &c., for piceol, 230. ,, &c., for salicylic aldehyde, 214. ,, for antiarol, 164. ,, for benzoic aldehyde, 205, 206. ,, for benzyl alcohol, 108. ,, for carbon disulphide, 252. ,, for catechol, 14a. ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 265. ,, for methane, 26. ,, for phenol, 120, 285. ,, for phloroglucinol, 163. ,, for quinol, 150. ,, for quinone, 235. ,, for resorcinol, 143. ,, for styrene, 33. ,, hexachloride, 142. ,, syntheses, 29. Benzeneazoresorcinol dimethyl ether, 165. Benzeneazosalicylic acid, 147, Benzenedisulphonic acids, 143. Benzenesulphonic acid, 120. I • 3 • 5-Benzenetrisulphonic acid, 163. Benzenylmethylimido-chloride, 207, 258. Benzenyloxyamidoxime, 258. Benzhydrazide, 209. Benzhydroximic chloride, 258. Benzimidoethyl ether, 209, 257. Benzoic acid and acetoacetic ester for salicylic aldehyde, 214. ,, „ and carbon disulphide for benzyl isothiocyanate, 257. ,, ,, and phloroglucinol for gentisin, 233- ,, „ and resorcinol for euxanthone, 232. ,, ,, and toluene for anthracene, 237. „ ,, for anthraquinone, 237. ,, „ for benzyl alcohol, 109. ,, ,, for catechol, 141. ,, ,, for m - hydroxyanthraquinone, 236. ,, ,, for m-hydroxy benzaldehyde, 215. ,, „ for phenol, 121. ,, ,, for purpuroxanthin, 239. ,, ,, for quinol, 147. „ ,, for resorcinol, 144. ,, and acetic acids for hydi'ogen cyanide, 293- Benzoic and acetic acids for o-hydroxyaceto- phenone, 228. „ „ „ for methylphenyl carbinol, 118. „ „ ,, for phenylethyl al- cohol, 118, „ „ „ and carbon disul- phide for phenyl- ethyl isothiocy- anate, 261. ,, and formic acids, &c., for benzaldehyde, 208. ,, and gallic acids for anthragallol, 240. „ and p-toluic acids for methylpui"puro - xanthin, 241. ,, aldehyde, 205, 289. ,, ,, and acetic acid for phlorol, 134. ,, ,, acetic acid, alcohol, and car- bon disulphide for phenyl- ethyl isothiocyanate, 260. ,, ,, and ethyl alcohol for hydro- cinnamic aldehyde, 212. ,, ,, and hydrogen cyanide, &c., for phenylethyl isothiocyanate, 261. , , , , and methyl alcohol for methyl- phenyl carbinol, 119. „ ,, and succinic acid for a-naph- thol and hydrojuglone, 168. „ ,, &c., and carbon disulphide for benzyl isothiocyanate, 258. ,, ,, &c., for p-hydroxybenzalde- hyde, 216. ,, ,, &c., for phenylethyl alcohol, 118. ,, ,, for benzyl alcohol, 108. ,, ,, for m-cresol, 130. „ ,, for m-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 215- ,, ,, for phenol, 121. ,, ,, for quinol, 147. ,, ,, for toluene, 108. „ ,, for vanillin, 220. ,, ,, phenylhydrazone, 258. ,, and acetic aldehydes for cinnamic alde- hyde, 223. ,, benzyl ester, occurrence, 107. ,, methyl ester, 42. Benzoin, 237. ,, Siam, 219. Benzonitrile = cyanobenzene, 206, 207, 209, 21 r, 257, 258, 259, 292, 293. Benzoyl chloride, 109, 208, 231, 258. ,, cyanide, 208, 210. Benzoylacetaldehyde and oxime, 211. Benzoylacetic acid and ester, 210, 211, ,, ester for benzaldehyde, 206, 208, 209, 210. „ j> for styrene, 35. Benzoylacetiminoethyl ether, 206, 209, 211. Benzoylacetoacetic ester for acetophenone, 35. „ ,, for benzaldehyde, 209. o-Benzoylbenzoic acid, 237. Benzoylformaldehyde = phenylglyoxal, 210. Benzoylformic acid, see under phenylglyoxylic acid. Benzoylpyroracemic acid, 211. Benzyl alcohol, 107, 284. ,, for benzaldehyde, 211, 290. ,, for toluene and quinol, 148. carbinol, see phenylethyl alcohol, 118. chloride, 34, 108, 205, 206. „ and cyanide for piceol, 229. 302 INDEX Benzyl chloride, &c., for naphthalene, 165. „ ,, for anthracene, 236. „ „ for benzaldehyde, 205. ,, „ for benzyl alcohol, 108. ,, ,, for benzylamine, 259. ,, ,, for p-hydroxy benzaldehyde, 217. ,, chlormalonate, 260. „ cyanide, 34. ,, ,, &c., and carbon disulphide for phenylethyl isothiocyanate, 260. ,, ,, for benzylamine, 259. ,, ethyl ether, 236. ,, isocyanate for benzylamine, 259. ,, isothiocyanate, 257, 293. „ magnesium bromide, 293. ,, ,, chloride, 386. ,', trichloracetate, 236. Benzylacetamide, 263. ,, for benzylamine, 259. Benzylamine and carbon disulphide for benzyl isothiocyanate, 257, 258, 259. ,, and generators and carbon disul- phide for p-hydroxybenzyl iso- thiocyanate, 263, 292. ,, for benzoic aldehyde, 206. ,, for benzyl alcohol, 108. Benzylaniline, 306. Benzylidene chloride for benzoic aldehyde, 205, 206, 289. Benzylideneaniline, 206. p-Benzylphenol, 236, 237. Benzyltartronic acid, 260. Berberine, 140. Berieris vulgaris, 140. Bergamot oil, 36, 37, 42, 88, 135, 136, 158, 335. Betula lenta, 40. Biatora lucida, 45. Bile, thiocyanate in, 269. Birch, sweet, 40. Bishop's- weed oil, 136, 213. Bisnitrosyl-p-nitrobenzyl, 217. Bitter orange, oil from flowers, 41. Blackthorn, 287. ,, flowers, 263. Blastenia arenaria var., 42. ,, ,, var. teicholytum, 153. Blood, acetone in, 192. ,, dextrose in, 246. ,, globulins of, 292. ,, glycerol in, 284. ,, leucaemic, 99. ,, thiocyanate in, 269. Blumea balsamifera, 273. Boletus, mannitol in, 105. Borneol, 272. ,, for camphene, 274. ,, for camphor, 272. Bornyl chloride, 274. Bornylamine, 274. Boswellia carteri, 37. Botany Bay resin, 33, 215, 219. Box myrtle, 159. Brandy, furfural in, 224. Brassica dichotoma, 256. ,, glauca, 256. „ napus, 256, 257. ,, oleracea, 256. „ rapa, 256. Brazil wood, 139, 142. Brazilin, 139, 142. Broach leaves, 138. Bromacetal, 225. Bromacetaldehyde, 225. Bromacetic ester, 191. 7-Bromaeetoacetic ester, 64, 149, 186. Bromacotone, 94. Bromacetylene, 162. 5(3)-Brom-2(6)-aminobenzoicacid, 147, 233. Bromamylene, 184. i8-Bromangelic acid, 31. p-Bromanisole, 290. Bromanthragallol and sulphonic acid, 240. 3-Bromanthraquinone, 238. Brombenzene for phenol, 285. m-(3'-Brombenzoic acid, 144, 147, 233. o-Brombenzyl bromide, 236. a-Brom-)3-butyleno bromide = crotonyl bromide, 257. Brombutylmethyl ketone, 102. a-Brombutyric acid, 60, 61, 64, 67, 112, 113, 188, a-Brom-n-butyryl bromide, 197. ^-Bromcamphoric acid, 272. Bromcarveol methyl ether, 226. a-Bromcinnamic acids, 390. i^-Bromcinnamic ester, 210. 5-Brom-3-cresol, 154. 3-Bromcymene, 137. Bromcymenesulphonic acid, 137. 3-Brom-p-cymene-6-sulphonic acid, 127. Brom-2 : 4-dinitrobenzene, 134. Bromethylacetoacetic ester, loi, 203. I'-Bromethylbenzene, 34, n8. Bromethyl bromacetate, 181. a-Bromheptoic acid, 82. 5-Bromhexahydro-p-toluic acid, 283. i^-Bromhydrocinnamic = phenyl-)3-brompropio- nic acid, 209. Bromhydro- ethyl crotonic = bromhexoic acid, 188. 3-Brom-p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 221. 4-Brom-m-hydroxy benzaldehyde, 22 1 . )3-Brom-a-hydroxybutyric acid, 172, 188. Bromhydroxyphenylcrotonic acid, 212. a-Bromisobutyric acid, 178, 197. a-Bromisobutyric aldehyde, 200. a-Bromisobutyric paraldehyde and oxime, 266. a-Bromisovaleric acid and ester, 73, 182, 197, 272. 7-Brom-methylacetoacetic ester, 149, 204. Brom - methylethylacetic = 3 - brombutane - 2- carboxylic acid, 255. 3-Brom-6-nitrobenzoic acid, 147, 233. 3-Brom-6-nitrocymene, 127, Bromnitromethane, 98. 3-Brom-5-nitrotoluene, 154. 4-Brom-2-nitrotoluene, 131. 3-Brom-6-nitro-p-toluic acid, 125, 127. 3-Brom-5-nitro-p-toluidine, 154. Bromoform and zinc ethyl for propylene, 98. for acetylene, 29, for methane, 23. from acetone, 25. from citric acid, 26, 57. from ethyl alcohol, 23. from malic acid, 26, 57. o-Bromphenol, 140, 220. p-Bromphenol, 144. p-Bromphenyl magnesium bromide, 285. a-Brompropionic acid and ester, 75, 76, 102, 112, 113, 176, 186, 196, 198. Brompropionyl bromide, 76, 196. Brompropiophenone, 212. Brompropylacetoacetic ester, 145. INDEX 303 S-Brompyromucic acid, i8o. a-Bromquinizarin, 291. 5-Bromsalicylic acid, 146, 147, 23a. Bromsebacic acid, 8r. i^-Bromstyrenc, 208. i^-(cu)-Bromstyrene, 117, 208, 210, ai6. 3-Brom-5-sulphobenzoic acid, 144. Bromterephthalic acid, 123. o-Bromtoluene, 236, 285. p-Bromtoluene, 125, 285. 3-Bi-omtoluene-5-sulphonic acid, 154. 3-Brom-o-toluic acid, ia8. 5-Brom-m-toluic acid, 131, 13a. 6-Brom-m-toIuic acid, 126. a-Brom-p-toluic acid, 125. 3-Brom-p-toluic nitrile and acid, 125. 3-Brom-p-toIuidine, 125. 5-Brom-m-toluidine, 154. 3-Brom-2-toluidine-5-sulphonic acid, 154. o- and p-Bromtoluyl magnesium bromide, 285. p-Bromtoluyl-m-methyl ketone, 131. 6-Brom-m-xylene, 126. Broom (Spartium), 234. Brucea sumatrana, 277. Bucco-leaf oil, 37, 227. Buckwlieat, 138. Bursera delpechiana or aloexylon, 87. I : 3-Butadi6ne = diviny], fee, 100. Butadioneoxime = isonitrosomethylethyl ke- tone, 149, 204. Butane from adipic acid, 7a. ,, from butyric acid, 7a. ,, from ethyl alcohol, 70. ,, from glycerol, 70. ,, from isoamyl iodide, 70. ,, from mannitol, 71. ,, from propionic acid, 71. ,, from succinic acid, 72. a-Butanol, see secondary butyl alcohol, Butea frondosa, 138. Butinic acid, see tetrolic acid. Butter, rancid, butyl alcohol in, 70. ,, ,, ethyl alcohol in, 53. n-Butyl alcohol, 69, a8o. ,, „ and carbon disulphide for secondary butyl isothiocya- nate, a54. ,, ,, for n-hexyl alcohol, 83. ,, ,, for iodoform, 24. ,, ,, for methane, 24. „ ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 66. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 59. ,, ,, for the mercaptan, 253. Butyl alcohol, secondary, and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl iso- thiocyanate, 254, 355. ,, „ „ for diacetyl, 304. ,, ,, ,, for methylethyl ke- tone, 95. ,, ,, tertiaiy, 73, 281. ,, ,, „ and carbon disulphide for crotonyl isothio- cyanate, 257. „ ,, ,, for acetone, 194. „ ,, ,, for isobutyl alcohol, 72, 280. ,, ,, ,, for isobutylene glycol, 96. „ „ „ for isobutyric aldehyde, 182. ,, ,, J, for isopropyl alcohol, 66. ,, ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 59. ,, alcohols for ethyl alcohol, 55. Butyl alcohols for formic aldehyde, 173. ,, ,, for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 116. „ ,, iso- and tertiary, for acetalde- hyde, 181. „ ,, ,, „ for glycerol, 99- ,, ,, n- and iso-, for benzene, 30. ,, bromide, tertiary, 281. n- Butyl chloride, 70. Butyl chloride, tertiary, 75. ,, cyanide, tertiary, 173. ,, ether, sec, 254. n-Butyl iodide, 354. Butyl iodide, sec. = a-iodobutane, 254, 355. „ „ tertiary, 59, 66, 173. ,, secondary, isothiocyanate, 254, 393. n-Butyl mercaptan, 253. ,, sulphide, 353. Butyl, secondary, thiocyanate for the isothio- cyanate, 355. n-Butylamine for n-butyl alcohol, 70. n-Butylene for secondai-y butyl isothiocyanate, 354, 293. ,, from n-butyl alcohol, 59, 354, aga. /3-Butylene glycol, 71, 73. ,, ,, for crotonic aldehyde, 190. Butylenes from n-hexane, 355. Butyramide, 61. „ and magnesium methiodide for methylpropyl ketone, a8i. Butyric acid and methyl alcohol for acetone, 197. ,, ,, for allylene and acetone, 194. ,, ,, for n-butyl alcohol, 71, 380. ,, ,, for dipropyl ketone, 85. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 57. ,, ,, for formic aldehyde, 171, ,, ,, for n-hexane, 79. ,, ,, for n-hexyl alcohol, 83. , , , , for isopropyl alcohol, 68. ,, „ for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 188. „ ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 61. ,, „ for toluene, 113. ,, acids for aldehyde, 178. ,, ,, for propylene and glycerol, 98. „ and formic acids for butyric aldehyde, 183. ,, aldehyde, 181, 388. ,, ,, for n-butyl alcohol, 71. „ ,, for ethyl alcohol, 56, ,, „ for iodoform, 35. „ ,, for methane, 35. ,, ,, for octoic aldehyde, 189. ,, ethyl ester, occurrence, 45. Butyrochloral = 3:3: 3-trichlorbutanal, 60, 67, no, 145, 196. Butyrone, 63, 85, 188. Butyronitrile = propyl cyanide, 70, 73. Butyryl chloride, 71, 113, 182. ,, ,, for dipropyl ketone, 85. Buxus sempervirens, 124. Bysfropogon origani/olius, 38, 226, 227. Cactus opuntia, 104. Ccesalpinia brasiliensis and crista, 139, 142. ,, sapan, 142. Caffeic acid, 140. „ ,, for catechol, 142. Cajeput oil, 90, 91, 181, 183, 205. Calamintha nepeta, 290. Calcium glycerate, fermentation, 43. 304 INDEX Californian bay, 36, 90. „ laurel, 283, 287. CaUopisma vitelUnum, 45, 104. Callopismic acid = vulpic ethyl ester, 45. Calluna vulgaris, 139, 146. Calycium flavum, 43. „ sp, yielding vulpic acid, 43, Camellia lanceolata, 41. Camphene, 273. „ for borneol, 273. „ for camphor, 272. „ for cymene, 278. Campholide, 272. Camphor, 271. „ chloride, 274. „ for borneol, 273. ,, for camphene, 274. ,, for carvacrol, 286. ,, for m-cresol, 285. ,, for o-cresol, 285. ,, for cymene, 277. „ for ethyl alcohol, 279. „ for isopropyl iodide, 280. ,, for methane, 277. „ for methyl alcohol, 278. ,, for /3-orcinol, 286. „ for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 284. „ Ngai, Chinese, 273. „ oil, 36, 37, 90, 91, 136, 174. Camphoric anhydride and acid, 272. Camphoroxime, 274. Canadian golden-rod oil, 36. Cananga odorata, 41, 87, 131. Canarium sp., 36, 39, 41. Candelaria concolor, 45. Canella alba, 92, 104. Canthium sp., 41. Caperatic acid, 43. Capparis spinosa, 138. n-Caproic = hexoic aldehyde, 185. n-Caproic (= hexoic) and formic acids for the aldehyde, 185. Capuchin cress, 257. Carallia integerrima, 41. Caraway oil, 37, 40, 203, 224, 226. Carbethoxypropionyl chloride, loi. Carbide, magnesium, from hydrogen cyanide, 56. Carbides, metallic, and nitrogen for cyanides, 264. „ „ for acetylene, 22. „ ,, for anthracene, 237. „ „ for benzene, 29. „ „ for ethylene, 53. „ ,, for methane, 2 ic „ „ for naphthalene, 166. Carbohydrates, mannose-yielding, 249, 292. Carbon and hydrogen, union, 22. „ disulphide, 25L „ ,, and ammonia for thiocy- anates and cyanides, 265, 269. „ „ for benzene, 30. ,, „ for ethyl alcohol, 54. „ ,, for methane, 25. ,, monoxide and hydrogen for methyl alcohol, 43. ,, oxides of, for formic aldehyde, 169. , , tetrabromide for ethylene, 54. „ „ generators of, 55. „ tetrachloride and zinc ethyl for propy- lene, 98. „ f, for acetylene, 54. Carbon tetrachloride for carbon disulphide, 251, 252. „ ,, for methane, 24. ,, ,, from camphor, 277. ,, ,, from carbon disulphide, 25. ,, ,, from formic acid, 25. „ ,, from n-propyl chloride, 24. Carbonyl chloride, 218, 292. Cardamom oil, Ceylon, 36, 39, 90. „ ,, Malabar, 37. )j ,, Siam, 271, 272. Carob seeds, 249. Carqueia oil, 92. Carum carui, 37, 226. Carvacrol, 135, 286. ,, for o-cresol, 127. ,, for dimethylthymoquinol, 159. „ for isopropyl alcohol, 67. ,, for phenol, 123. , , for n-propyl alcohol, 64. ,, for quinol, 149. ,, for thymoquinol, 158. „ for thymoquinone, 235. Carve ne = d-limonene, 37. Carvenone, 277. Carveol methyl ether, 226. Carvone, 226, 290. „ for carvacrol, 136. ,, for o-cresol, 127, 285- „ for cymene, 33. ,, for dipentene, 38. ,, for terpinene, 39. Carya tomentosa, 138. Cascara sagrada, 85. Cascarilla oil, 28, 36, 38, 124. Cassava, sweet and bitter, 262. Cassia flowers oil, 108, 223, 278, 288. „ oil, 223. Castanopsis javanica, 41. Castoreura, salicin in, 117, 250. Castor-oil soap, 189. Catechin, 287. Catechins, 139, 160, i6r. Catechol, 137, 286. ,, and chloroform, &c., for vanillin, 220. ,, and hydrogen cyanide for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 116. „ and phthalic anhydride for alizarin, 238, 291. „ ,, „ for hysta- zarin, 240. „ &c., for piperonal, 222. ,, for antiarol, 163. „ for hydrogen cyanide, 267. „ glycerol, and methyl alcohol for methyleugenol, 158. Catechol-o-carboxylic acid, 141. Catecholdisul phonic acid, 140. Catecholsulphonic acid, 140. Catechu, 138, 139. Catha edulis, 104. Catocarptis alpicolus, 43, 45. Cecropia schiedeana, 41. Cedar-leaf oil, 38. Cedrus a&antica and libani, 192. Celery, 104. „ oil, 37. Cellulose, fermentation, 21, 174. Cephalorachid liquid, dextrose in, 292. Ceratonia siliqua, 249. Ceratophyllin, see atraric acid. INDEX 305 Cerebrospinal fluid, 286. ,, ,, catechol in, 140. ,, ,, dextrose in, 246, 292. Cetraria compHcata = C. laureri = Platysma com- pUcatum, 286. ,, fahluensis, 286. ,, islandica and vars., 286. ,, juniperina, 43. ,, pinastri, 43. „ sp. yielding atranorin, 42, „ ,, „ vulpic acid, 43. Cetraric acid, 286. Cetyl alcohol, 86. ,, ,, for n-hexane, 79, 81. ,, ,, for suberic acid, 8r. Chamcerops humilis = Trachycarpus excdsa, 249. Chamomile, Roman oil of, 72, 79, 83, 280, 281. Chay root, 236, 238, 240. Cheiranthus cheiri, 138. Chelidonic acid for acetone, 200. Cherries, sorbitol from, 106. Cherry laurel, 104, 107. CJiilocarpus densiflorus, 41. ,, denudatus, 41. Chilognatha, 263. Chimaphila maculata, 146. Chinese berries, 138. „ galangal, 91, 161. ,, green, 160. „ yeast, 49, 245, 246. Chione glabra, oil from wood, 228. Chlamydomucor oryzce, 49, 245. Chloracetal, in, 133, 187, 225. Chloracetaldehyde, 58, 108, iii, 187, 199. Chloracetic acid, 171, 230, 231, 267. ,, ester, 73, 112, 186, 187, 196, 260, 283. 7-Chloracetoacetio ester, 77, 155. Chloracetone, 94, 193. Chloracetylacetone, 94. Chloral, 24, 44, 75, in, 129, 187, 251. a-Chlorallyi alcohol, 65, 67, 93. „ chloride, 65, 67, 93. m-Chlorbenzoic acid, 121, 122. I : 3-Chlorbrompropane, 102. a-Chlor-;8-brompropenylbenzene, 212. a-Chlorbutyric acid, 188. 7-Chlorbutyronitrile, 102. Chlorbutyryl chlorides, 113. Chlorcarbamide, 125, 218. /3-Chlorcitramalic acid, 198. Chlorcrotonic acids, no, 112, 196. I '-Chlorcymene = cymyl chloride, 213. a-Chlorethyl acetate, 181, Chlorethyl alcohol = glycolchlorhydrin, 175, Chlorethyl ether, 181. Chlorethylmalonic ester, 187. Chlorheptane, 83, 200. Chlorhexane, 83. a-Chlor-;8-hydroxybutyric acid, no, 172, 188. Chlorisobutyl alcohol, 72. a-Chlorisobutyric acid, 178, i8x. a-Chlorisopropylene, no. a-Chlorisovaleric acid, 182. Chlorlactic acids, 58, 64, 108-111, 114, 116, 151, 170, 173, 176, 177, 178, 187, 199. Chlormalonic ester, i66. Chlormethyl acetate, 170. ,, ether, 287. m-Chlor-p-nitrobonzaldehyde, 222. o-Chlornitrobenzene, 142. p-Chlornitrobenzene, 152. m-Chlor-p-nitrobenzyl chloride, 222. r'- Chlor - 2 - nitrostyrene = o-nitrophenyl - (o- chlorethylene, 134. m-Chlor-p-nitrotoluene, 222. Chlorocarbonic = chloro formic ester, 221. 2-Chloroctane, 82. Chloroform and generators and ammonia for hydrogen cyanide, 266. Chloroform for acetylene, 29, 54. „ for benzene, 29. „ for carbon disulphide, 251, 252. „ for formic aldehyde, 170. ,, for methane, 23. „ for methylene chloride, 117, 170. „ for orthoformic ester, 145. ,, from acetic acid, 25. ,, from acetone, 24, 171. ,, from benzene, 26. ,, from carbon disulphide, 30. ,, from carbon tetrachloride, 30. „ from ethyl alcohol, 22. ,, from gallic acid, 26, 57. „ from lactic acid, 25. ,, from methyl alcohol, 30. ,, from phenol, 25. „ from salicylic acid, 26, 57. Chloroformic ester = chlorocarbonic ester, 2a i. Chlorpentanes, 76-79. o-Chlorphenol, 140, 286. p-Chlorphenol, 144, 159, 241. p-Chlorphenolsulphonic acids, 159. 2-(o)-Chlorphenol-4-(p)-sulphonic acid, 140, 286. /3-Chlorpropionacetal, 177. a-Chlorpropionic acid, 60, 62, in, 114, 145. i3-Chlorpropionic acid, 58, 61, 114. ,, diethylacetal, 243. a and )3-Chlorpropylenes, 65, 93, 94, 109. Chlorquinizarin, 291. m-Chlortoluene, 122, 124. p-Chlortoluene-3-sulphonic acid, 153. 2:4: 6-Chlortrinitrobenzene = picryl chloride, 162. i^-ChloiTinylphenol, 134. Choline, fez-mentation of, 21. „ for acetaldehyde, 180. ,, for formic aldehyde, 173. „ for furfural, 225. „ for glycol, 95. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 69. ,, for mannitol, 106, Chrysin, 160, 233. ,, &c., for tectochrysin, 234. Chrysocetraric = pinastric acid, 43. Chrysomela populi, 213. Chyle, dextrose in, 246. Cicuta virosa, 28, 212. Cineole, 91, 283. ,, for cymene, 33. ,, for dipentene, 38. „ for methylheptenone, 203. ,, for terpinene, 39. Cineolic acid and anhydride, 203. Cinnamein, 219. Cinnamene = styrene, 33. Cinnamic and formic acids for cinnamic alde- hyde, 223. ,, „ ,, aldehydes for benzalde- hyde, 290. ,, „ malonic esters for hydrojuglone, 168. „ acid and carbon disulphide for phenyl- ethyl isothiocyanate, 261. ,, acid for benzaldehyde, 209, 290. „ ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 268. 306 INDEX Cinnamic acid for o-hydroxyacetophenone, 228. ,, ,, form-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 215. ,, ,, for p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 216. ,, ,, for phenol, 121. ,, ,, for phenylethyl alcohol, 118. ,, ,, for phlorol, 134. „ „ for piceol, 230. „ ,, for quinol, 147. ,, ;, for salicylic aldehyde, 213. ,, ,, for sallgenin, 117. „ „ for styrene, 35. „ aldehyde, 223. „ ,, and hippuric acid for naph- thalene, 168. „ „ for hydrocinnamic aldehyde, 212. ,, benzyl ester, occurrence, 107. „ ester for phenylpropyl alcohol, 284. ,, methyl ester, occurrence, 42. „ phenylpropyl ester, occurrence, 119. Cimiamomum (Laurus) camphora, 36, 271. ,, cassia, 223. ,, culilawan, 158. „ loureirii, 223. ,, pedatinervium, 282, 287. ,, seylanicum, 205, 223. Cinnamon leaf oil, 89, 223. „ oil, 28, 89, 189, 200, 203, an, 213, 223, 224. „ root oil, 271. Cinnamylidenehippuric acid, 168. Oissampelos pareira, 124. Citrabrompyrotartaric acid, 108, 109, iii, 113, 114. Citraconic acid for acetone, 196, 197, 198. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 68, 69. „ ,, for methvlpropylacetaldehyde, 186, 187". „ „ for n-propyl alcohol, 62, 63. I, ,, for quinol, 151. „ „ for toluene, 113. „ „ generators, 63, 113. Citracoumalic acid, r8o. Citradibrompyrotartaric acid, 185, 186, 187. Citral, 191, 288. „ for acetaldehyde, 180. „ for cymene, 33. ,, for geraniol, 87. ,, for methylheptenone, 203. Citramalic acid, see hydroxypyrotartaric acid. Citrene = d-limonene, 37. Citric acid and methyl alcohol for n-secondary amyl alcohol, 78. ,, ,, bacterial fermentation, 51. ,, „ for acetaldehyde, 180. ,, „ for acetone, 198. ,, ,, for allylene, 194. „ ,, for diacetyl, 204. „ ,, for dihydroxyacetone, 242. „ ,, for formic aldehyde, 174. „ „ for glycerol, 99. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 69. „ ,, for methane, 26, 277. „ ,, for orcinol, 154. , , „ for n-propyl alcohol, 63. „ „ for quinol, 151. „ „ for toluene, 113. ,, ester for phloroglucinol, 162. Citron oil, 212. Citronella oil, 36, 37, 87, 88, 89, 93, 158, 191, 192, 202, 273. Citronellal, 192, 289. ,, for acetone, 199. Citronellal for citronellol, 89. ,, for cymene, 33. ,, for isopulegol, 93, 283. ,, for pnlegone, 226. Citronellic acid, 192. Citronellol, 89, 282. ,, for acetone, 199. „ for citronellal, 289. 1-Citronellol = rhodinol, 89, 90, 282, 288. ,, ,, „ for menthone, 227. Citrus aurantium, 89, 160. ,, bergamia, 88. ,, bigaradia, 37, 41, 87. ,, decumana, 160. ,, limetia, 36, 37, 88, 160, 202. ,, limonum, 87, 88, 160, 191. „ madurensis, 37, 42, 88, 90, 191. ,, medica, 37, i6o, 191. ,, nobilis, 191. „ triptera, 37, 42, 89. Cladina uncialis, 43. Cladonia amauracrcBa, 156. ,, cocci/era, 156. ,, fimbriata van, 286. „ floerkeana = baccilaris, 43, 156. ,, pyxidata, 43. ,, rangiferina and vars., 286. ,, rangi/ormis, 43. ,, silvatica, 286. Cladonic(= j8-usnic) acid, 156. Cladothrix, saccharose inverter, 244. Clostridium, anthrax, mercaptan producer, 25a. ,, butyricum — Bacillus amylobaJder, 70. „ gelatinosum, alcohol producer, 53. ,, ,, saccharose inverter, 244. ,, pastorianum, 279, 280. Clove bark oil, 158. „ oil, 40, 42, 200, aoi, 224. ,, stems, oil, 39. Cluytia oblongifolia, 41. Cocaine, 4a. Coccellic acid, 156. Coccellinic acid, 156. Cochlearia armoracia, 256. „ officinalis, 37, 254, 256. Coco, 249. Cocoa-nut palm, mannitol from, 104. Cocos nucifera, 104. Coffea arabica, 249. Coffee berries, 104, 249. Colchicine, 42. Colchicum autumncde, 42. Oolpoon compressum, 138. Coniferse, mannitol in sap, 104. ,, woody tissue, 250. Coniferin, 139, 220. Coniferyl alcohol, 139, 220. Conjunctival secretion, thiocyanate in, 269. Cordia asperrima, 41. Coriander oil, 89. Coriandrum sativum, 89. Coriaria myrtifolia, 139. Cork, vanillin in, 219. Corydaline, 140. Corydalis {Aristolochid) cava, 140. Coto bark, 161, 231. Cotoin, 161. Cotoneaster vulgaris, 205. Coumalic acid = formylglutaconic anhydride, 31, 71, 72, 116, 124. o-Coumaric acid for o-hydroxyacetophenone, 228. ,, „ for phenol, 124. INDEX 307 o-Coumarilic acid, 134, 214, 228, 229. Coumarin for hydrogen cyanide, 268. ,, for o-hydroxyacetophenone, 228. „ for phlorol, 134. ,, for picric acid and phloroglucinol, 162. ,, for salicylic aldehyde, 214. Coumarone for hydrogen cyanide, 266, 268. „ for phlorol, 134. „ for salicylic aldehyde, 213, 214. Cranberry, 286. Cratcegus oxyacantha, 138, 205. Creatinine, bacterial fermentation, 52. Crepis fxtida, 213. Cresol for ethyl alcohol, 56, ,, for methane, 25. m-Cresol, 128, 285. ,, and isopropyl iodide for me nth one, 227. ,, for o-cresol, "127. ,, for p-cresol, 132. ,, for m-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 215. ,, for phenol, 122. „ for vanillin, 221. o-Cresol, 124, 285. ,, for m-cresol, 130. p-Cresol, 130, 285. ,, for m-cresol, 130. ,, for p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 218. p-Cresol-2-sulphonic acid, 143. Cresols for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 115. ,, ,, and quinol, 148. „ for toluquinol, 151. Cresorcinol, 155. a-Cresotic (= 4-hydroxy-m-toluic) acid, 131. /3-Cresotic (= o-homosalicylic) acid, 126. m-(7)-Cresotic( = m-homosalicylic=3-hydroxy- p-toluic) acid, 129, 227, 228. o-Cresylsulphuric acid, synthesis, 128. p-Cresylsulphuric acid, synthesis, 133. Crocin, 244. Crocus sativa, 244. Croion elideria, 28, 36, 124. Crotonic acid and aldehyde for methylpropyl- acetaldehyde, 186, 188. ,, „ for acetaldehyde, 178. „ „ for acetone, 196, 197, 198, 199. „ ,, for allylene and toluene, 109, no. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 67, 68, 69. ,, ,, for /3-methylglyceric acid, 171, 178. „ ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 280. „ aldehyde, 190, 288. „ ,, and acid for formic aldehyde, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174. ,, „ and hydrogen cyanide for erythritol, 103. ,, ,, and thiocyanic acid for cro- tonyl isothiocyanate, 257. ,, ,, for acetaldehyde, 179, 180. „ ,, for acetone, 199. ,, ,, for n-butyl alcohol, 71. ,, ,, for butyric aldehyde, 183. „ „ for isopropyl alcohol, 67. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 60. „ ,, for quinol, 151. „ „ for toluene, in, 113. Crotonyl alcohol, 257. ,, bromide == a-brom-/3-butylene brom- ide, 257. ,, isothiocyanate, 256. Crotonylamine, 257. Crotonyldithiocarbamic acid, 257. X Crotonylene for benzene, 30. „ for methylethyl ketone, 95. „ from butylene bromides, 30. ,, from tiglic acid, 31. Cryptogams, mannose-yielding compounds in, 249. Cryptomeria, wood of, 249. Cubebs oil, 36. Cumene =• isopropylbenzene, 32, 207, 211, ai2, 261. ,, ,, for benzaldehyde, 211. Cumic acid, 32. ,, ,, for benzaldehyde, 211. ,, alcohol from cumic aldehyde, 33. ,, ,, for cymene, 33. „ aldehyde, 212. „ „ and acid for salicylic aldehyde, 215- „ ,, and carbon disulphide for ben- zyl isothiocyanate, 259, ,, ,, for benzaldehyde, an. ,, ,, for o-cresol, 127. „ „ for cymene, 33. ,, „ for o-hydroxyacetophenone, 229. „ ' ,, for thymol, 136. „ ,, from cymene, 34. Cumin oil, Roman, 28, 212. Cuminum cyminum, 28, a 12. Cunila mariana, 136. Curcuma sedoaria, 92. Cyanacetic acid and ester, 61, 63, 1 13, 283. 7- Cyanacetoacetic ester, 77, 155. i^-Cyanacetophenone, 206, 209, an. Cyanamide, 269. Cyanamides, metallic, 263, 264. Cyancampholic acid, 272. Cyanides for thiocyanates, 269. „ organic, in plant oils, 268. ,, synthesis of, 263, 264, 265. Cyanobutyric acid and ester, 61, 62, 63, no. Cyanogen bromide, 252, 258. ,, &c., for thiocyanates, 269. Cyanomaclurin, 155, 160. 7-Cyanopentane-a7€-tricarboxylic ester, 283. a-Cyanopropionic acid, 176. o-Cyanotoluene, see o-toluic nitrile, 128. m-Cyanotoluene, see m-toluic nitrile, 129. Cyanotoluenesulphonic acid and amide, 228. Cycads, woody tissue of, 250. Cyclamen europceum, 104. Cyclamin, occurrence, 104. Cyclostemon sp., 41. Cydonia japonica, 205. ,, vulgaris, 205. Cymene, 28, 277. ,, and carbon disulphide for benzyl iso- thiocyanate, 259. ,, ,, „ for phenylethyl isothiocyanate, a6i. ,, for acetophenone, 118. „ for benzaldehyde, 211. ,, for carvacrol, 136. ,, for o-cresol, 127. ,, for cumic aldelxyde, 34, 213. ,, for o-hydroxyacetophenone, 229. ,, for isopropylbenzene, 34. „ for phenol, 123. „ for phenylethyl alcohol, 118. ,, for salicylic aldehyde, 215. ,, for styrene, 34. „ for thymol, 137. 308 INDEX Cjmene tor toluene and benzyl alcohol, 115- Qfrnoae-a-salphonie acid, 136. G>ymBiie-3-salphonie acid, 137. C^mene, aiyntiieses, 3a. (^xnidiiM, see aminoeymene, 107, 136. Qntel[taK I fc ry T BC 1 jiJtaf 11 w 43. Hatb iskin O K gnciUbttti, 43. Hmwmimfiaekmtaris, Brj. y, foacC^bltd, 88. Def^ol, aoi. Deeoie acid, aoi. n-Deooie and formic acids for deooic aldehyde, 190. Deeoie aldehyde, 188, a88. „ ethyl eater, occurrence, 45. Dehydracetie acid, 155. Defaydroeamphoric acid, 070. ■PijpJWiiwn* ooNsoIula, x6i. „ aoiO; 138, 139. Smirognifka ImnpheBO, a86. p-De^y]^enol, 037. Dextrin, bacterial fennentation, 51, 5a. „ ferments, 48-53. Dezfaoae, 244^ 393. „ acetone firom, by fermentation, 193. „ aldehyde firom, a88. „ and acetic acid for n-sec amyl al- cohol, 79. „ bacterial fermentation, 51, 53, 53, 69,70. „ fermentability by moulds, 49, 50L „ fermentation of, 46. „ „ by Oidium oBneoHS, 174. „ for ac^l, 94. „ for acetone, 199. „ for acrolein, 190. „ for aldehyde, 180. „ for d-arabinoae, 343. „ for catechol, 141. „ for diacetyl, 304. „ for errthritol, 103. „ for erjrthrose, 343. „ for ethyl alcohol, 56. „ for formic aldehyde, 173. „ for furfural, 324. „ for hydrogen cyanide, 066. „ for isopropyl alcohol, 63. „ for la^Tulose, 248. „ for Tuannitol, 106. „ for mannoae, 250. „ for methane, a6. „ for sorbitol, 107. „ from glyoogm, 346. „ glycerol from, by Oidnan, 97. ,, industrial production from starch, a45- „ velocity of fermentation of, 379. Dhurrin, 315. Diabetic urine and blood, 246, 248. Diacetonamine, 171, 179, 180, 280. Diaeetone alcohol = dimethylacetonyl carbi- nol, 180, 280. Diaoeturia, 246. Diacetyl, 203. 289. „ and methyl alcohol for tort, butyl alcohol. 76. „ for metl ylacetyl carbinol, 95. „ for quinol, 149, 150, 151. DiacetyTdicarboxylic ( = ketipic) acid, 150. Diacetyldihydrozyacetic (= diacetylglyo^lic) acid, 30. 0/9-Diaeetyl-a-methyIpropiouic ester, loa. Diaeetylmonoxime = isonitrosomethylethyl ketone = butadioneozime, 149, 304. i3/3>DiacetyIpropionic ester. loa. Diaoet^-leuedicarboxylic acid, 183. Diallyl for butane. 70. „ for hexane and pentane, 76, 81, 83, 83. Diaminoacetone, 99, 243. 3 : s-Diaminoanisole, 164. a-Diaminoauthraquinone, 339. Diaminohydroxyanisole. 164. z :3-Diamino-m-hydroxyauthraquinone, 291. 1 : 4-Diamino-8-naphthol. 167. Diazoacetoaeetic ester, 267. Diaiomethane, 307. Dibenzaminodioxytotrol, 99. Dibenz^ ketone, 309. Dibenzvlaniline, 206. Dibromacetoacetic ester, 64, 148. X* : i'-Dibromaeetoi»henone, aio. Dibromanth raeene bromide. 238. Dibromanthraquinone, 338, 241. t : 3-Dibrombutane, 71, 72. Dibrombutanes for methylethyl ketone, 95. 4:3: 3-Dibrombuianolic acid, 186. I>i-(sec.)-butyldithiocarbamate, 254. o^-Dibrombutyric acid, 171, 17a. cuS-Dibrombutyronitrile, 173. Dibrom-m-cresotic acid, 227. 1 : 2-Dibromethyl ether, 225. I* : i*-Dibromethjlbenzene = styrene brom- ide, 34, 307, aa», 237. 1 : 2-Dibromheptane, 201. a3-I>ibromhydrocinnamic = phenyl-«^-di- brompropionic ester, 209, 228. I* : I'-Dibrom-p-hydroeoumaric methyl ether = p-methoiydibromdihYdrocinnaiuie acid, 229. /3-DibromliBvulic acid, 149. Dibrom-melilotic acid and ether, 214, 228. Dibrom-menthone, 136. 1 : 3-Dibrom-3-metliylbutane = i8-dimethyltri- methylene bromide = amylene bromide, 202. 203. 2 : 3-Dibrom-3-methylbutan6 = trimethyl- ethylene or amylene bromide, 194, 195, 202, 203. a :3-Dibrompentane, 188. 3 : 5-Dlbromphenol, 162. 163. 2 : 2-Dibrompropane, 98. ao- and a^-Dibrompropionic acids, 61, no, 114, 145. 151, 176. 187. Dibrompropionic aldehyde, 106. a^Dibrompropyl alcohol, no. Dibrompropylamine, 98. I : a-Dibrompropylene, 195. Dibromsebacic acid, 81. Dibromsuccinic acid, 26, 57, 63, 64, 116, 177, 179. 183, 184, 268. 3 : 5-Dibromtoluene. 154, 3 : 5-Dibrom-2-toluidine, 154. 3 : 5-Dibrom-4-toluidine, 154. 78-Dibromvaleric acid, 102. Dicarboxyglutaconic ester, 31, 62. 124. Dichloracetal. 98. Dichloracetaldehyde, in, 187. Dichloracetic acid, 74. I : i-Dichlr»racetone, 60. I : 3-Dicbloracetone = i : 3-dichlorpropanone, 98. Dichloranthraquinone, 238. aj3-Dichlorbutyric acid, no, 188. a)3-Dichlorcrotonic acid, in. INDEX 309 I : I'-Dichlorethyl ether = ethylidene oxy- chloride, 254. I : 2-Dichlorethyl ether, iii, 187, 225, 236, 255, 1 :i-DichIorheptane <= oenaiith>lidene chloride, 27, 201. DichJorhydrin = dichlorisopropyl alcohol, 67, 94- ^-I>ichlorIsopentane, 196. Dichlorisopropyl alcohol = dichlorhydrin, 67, 94- Dichlorlactic acid, iii, 187, Dicblormalelnimide, loi. I* : i'-Dichlor-3-nitrotolaene, 122. 2 : 2-Dichlorpropane, 65. 94, 98. a a-Dichlorpropionlc acid, iii, 114, 151, 187, »99- a ^-Dichlorpropionic acid, 178. a ^-Dicblorpropyl alcohol, 178. Dichlorpropylenes, 93, 94, 11 1. Dicrotonic acid, 1 10. „ ,, for p3rrotartaric acid, 60. I>ieffenbachia seguine, 262. Diethoxalic (= hydroxydiethacetic) acid, 78, P-Diethoxypropionic acid, 177. Diethyl carbinol = 3-i>entanol, 78, 188. Diethylamine for erythritol, 103. a-Diethyl-^-hydroxybutyric acid, 178. Diethyl' ketone, 78, 188, 281. Diffusin, 153. Digiialis leaves, 234. Digitoflavone = luteolin, 234. Dihydrocarveol, 38, 127, 285. ,, for terpinene, 39. Dihydrocarvyl amine for dipentene, 38, „ for terpinene, 39. Dihvdrolutidine-dicarboxylic ester, 129. Dihydromethylpyrrole= methylpyrroline, 100. Dihydro-m-xylene, 127. Dihydroxyacetone, 242, 292. „ fermentability of, 46. ,, for glycerol, 99. 1 : 4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone = qninizarin, 241. 2 : 4-Dihydroxybenzoic ( = P-TeaatcjMii) acid, i43» 144. 232, 233. 2 : 5-Dihydroxybenzoic [ = gentisic) acid, 146, 147, 148, 232, 233. 2 : 6-Dihydroxybenzoic acid, 143. 3 : s-Dihydroxjbenzoic ( = o-resorcylic) add, 144, 239, 241. Dihydroiybatane for erythritol, 100. a^Dihydroxy butyric ( = ^- methylglyceric) acid, 170-173, 177, 178- Dihydroiyc-amphoric acid, 272. Dihydroxymaleic acid, 106, 172, 225, 267. I :3-Dihydroxynaphtlialene, 115. I : 5-Dihydroxynaphthalene, 167. I : 8-Dihydroxynaphthalene, 167. 1 : 6-Dihydroxynaphthalene-3-8ulphomc acid, 130. 2 : 3-Dihydroxypentane = sym. methylethyl- ethylene glycol, 188. 8-DiJbydroxyphenylacetic( = 3 : 5-phenediolethy- lic) acid, 154. Dihydroxyphenyltricarboxylic ester, 154. aa-Dihydroxysebacie acid, 81. 3: 4-Dihydroxj-styrene = Tinylcatechol, 14a. Dihydroxyterephthalic (= quinoldicarboxylie) acid and ester, 64, 148, 149. Diiodoacetone, 98, 190. 2 : 5-Diiodohexane, 81. 3 :5-Diiodosalicylic acid, 159. Diisonitrosoacetone, 99. Diisopropyl, 83. „ carbinol, 196. „ glycol, 2cx>. „ ketone, 68, 69, 196, aoo, Diketoiq>oeamphoric ester, 272. IHkeiohexamethylene-dihydroresoreinoI, 144. Dill, oil of, 37, 226. 2 :6-Dimethoxybenzoic nitrile, 143- 3 : 4-Dimeihoxybenzoylbenzoic acid, 240. 3 : 5-Dimethoxyqainone and qninol, 163, 164. Dimethyl sulphate, 221, 268, 284, 285. Dimethylacetoaeetie ester, 267. Dimethylaoetonedicarboxylie ester, 77. Dimethylaeetopropyl carbinol and iodide, 203. ^-Dimethylacrylie acid and ester, 73, 75, 182, 183, 197, 273. a8o- Dimethylallyl carbinol, 73, 183. Dimethylallylacetoacetic ester, 203. Dimethylallylene = 3-methyl-i : 2-bu*adiene, 195, 202, 203. Dimethylaniline, 150, 207. „ for naphthalene, 166. 1 : 3-Dimethyl-4-benzoic ( = xyUc) acid, 126, 129. Dimethylbatanone = pinacolin, 75. Dimethylethyl carbinol, see mider amyl alco> hoi, tertiary. ^^Dimethylglntarie acid, 272. 2 :6-Dimethyl-2 : 5-heptadienone, see phorone. a : 6-Dimethyl-2-heptenol-6, 86, 28a. „ „ for acet, for Ixrolic acid, 103. „ „ for qninol, 151. Dimethylhydroresorcinol, 272. Dimethylhydroresorcylic ester, 372. Dimeihylisopropyl carbinol, 74, 75, 76, 193, 196-199. Dimethylphloroglacinol, 161. Dimethylpiperidine, 103. Dimethylpropanetricarboxylic ester, a^a. Dimethylpyrrolidine, 100, 103. Dimethylpyrrolidine-methiodide, loi. Dimethylthymoqoinol, 158. 3 : s-Dinitroanisole, 164. o-Dinitroanthraqoinone, 239; m-Dinitrobenzene, T43. 3 : 5-Dinitro-p-cresol ether, 154, 1 :3-Dinitro-m-hydroxyanthniqainone, 291. Dinitromesitylene, 157. Dinitro-o-naphtholsnlphonic acid, 123. 2 : 4-Dinitrophenylacetie acid, 193, larj, 134, 148,286. 3:4-Dinitrophen7laeetoaeeticester, 134. Dinitroprojtanes, 62, 64, 186, z88, 197. 4 : 1'-Dinitrostyrene, 216. 2 :4-Dinitiotolnene, 127, 131, 148, 156, a86. 3 : 5-Dinii3t>tolaene, 154^ 3 : 5-Dinitro-4-toIaidine, 154. Dinitrooraminobenzoic acid, 147, 233. 3 : 5-Dinitro-p-xylene, 156. Diosmaalba, 160. Dio^ifiras IsakL, 249. Dioxytartarie acid, zi6, 267. Dipentene, 36, 27& „ for canrone, 226. „ for cymene, 32. ,, for terpinene, 39. „ for terpineol, 91. Diphenylketipic aJihydride, 43. 310 INDEX Diphenylthiourea, 253. Dipropyl ketone = butyrone, 85. Disaccharides, synthetical, fermentability of, 46. Dispora caucasica, 51. 2 : 4-Disulphobenzoic acid, 143. 3 : 5-Disulphobenzoic acid, 144, 239. Divaricatic acid, 153. Divinyl = erytlirene, &c., 100, lor. Dodecyl alcohol, n-primary, 85. Dorema ammoniacuni, 133, 139. Dragon's blood, 161. Dryobalanops camphor a = aromatica, 272. Dulcitol, bacterial fermentation, 51, 52, Dyers* broom, 139, 230, 234. Dypnone, 135, 261. Echinocadus lewinii, 159. Elaieriospermum tokbrai, 41. Mceocarpus resinoaus, 41. Elais guineensis, 249. Elaphomyces granulatus, 105. Elastin, anaerobic putrefaction, 252. ,, methane fermentation of, ai. Elemi resin, 36, 39. Elettaria aromaticum, 91. ,, cardamomum, 36, 37, 39, 90, 91, 271, 273- Ennoic = nonoic aldehyde, 189. Enterococcus from milk, 279. Enzymes of yeast, 244. Epacris leaves, 161. Ephedra distachya, 104, 250. Epichlorhydrin and nitrile, no, 178. Epigcea repens, 146. Epinephrine = adrenalin = suprarenin, 286. Ergot of rye, 249. Ergotised rye, mannitol in, 105. Erigeron canadensis, 37, 90. Eriobotyra japonica, 262. Erythea edxdis, 249. Erythrene = pyrrolylene = di vinyl, 100, loi. Erythrin ( = erythricacid) and ^-erytlirin, 100, 153, 156. Erythritol, 100. ,, and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 255. ,, and formic acid for acetone, 199. ,, ,, for acetaldehyde, 179. „ ,, for n-butyl alcohol, 71. „ ,, for formic aldehyde, 172. ,, bacterial fermentation, 51, 242. , , for d-erythrulose, 242. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 67. ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 60. Erythrose, 243. d-Erythrose for erythritol, 103. Erythroxylon coca, 41, 42, 192. d-Erythrulose, 103, 242. Estragol, 137. Ethane for acetaldehyde, 175, 176, 181, 288. ,, for acetone, 199. „ for ethyl alcohol, 54, 279. ,, from acetic acid, 56. ,, from acetylene, 53. ,, from isopropyl alcohol, 279, ,, from isovaleric acid, 57. „ from methyl alcohol, 54. ,, from propionic acid, 56. „ generators of, 54, 55. Ethanedinitro-tetracarboxylic ester, 166. s-Ethanetettacarboxylic ester = acetylenetetra- carboxylic ester, 166. Ethanoylcyclopropane = acetyltrimethylene, 77. o-Ethoxyacetophenone, 214. Ethoxychloracetoacetic ester, 98. i3-Ethoxycinnamic acid, 210. 3-Ethoxy-3^ : 4^-dimethoxyflavanone, 275. 3-Ethoxy-3^ : 4^-dimethoxyflavonol, 275. Ethoxyfumaric acid, 63, 64, 116. Ethoxymethylene-acetoacetic ester, 285. Ethoxymethylene-malonic ester, 145. Ethyl acetate, occurrence, 45. ,, alcohol, 44, 278. ,, ,, anaerobic production by intra- cellular respiration, 44, 278. ,, ,, and acetaldehyde for acetal, i8r. ,, ,, and acetic acid for erythritol, lOI. ,, ,, and acetic or isovaleric acid for mesitylenic acid, 126. ,, ,, and butyric acid for nonyl alco- hol, 85. ,, ,, and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 255. ,, ,, and hydrogen cyanide for quinol, 151- ,, ,, and oenanthol for nonyl alcohol, 85. „ „ by glycolysis, 279. ,, ,, &c., for methylpropylacetalde- hyde, 187. ,, ,, &c., for n-secondaryamyl alcohol, 77- ,, ,, &c., for thiocyanates, 269. ,, ,, for acetal, 181. ,, ,, for acetaldehyde, 175, 288. ,, ,, for allylene, 114. ,, ,, benzene, 29. ,, ,, for n-butyl alcohol, 70, 280. ,, ,, for carbon disulphide, 251. ), ,, for erythrose, 243. ,, ,, for ethyl sulphide, 253. ,, ,, • for formic aldehyde, 170. ,, ,, for furfural, 225. ,, ,, for glycerol, 98. „ „ for glycol, 95. ,, ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 266. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 66. ,, ,, for mannitol, 106. ,, ,, for methane, 23, 277. ,, ,, for methyl alcohol, 44. ,, ,, for naphthalene, 287. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 58. ,, ,, glycerol from, by Mycoderma, 97. ,, and methyl alcohols for tert. butyl alco- hol, 75. ,, butyrate, occurrence, 45. ,, chloride for methane, 23. ,, chlorocarbonate, 125. ,, cinnamate, occurrence, 45. ,, cyanide = propionitrile, 61, 66, in, 114, 151, 187, 196, 199. ,, decoate, occurrence, 45, ,, esters in fusel oil, 46. ,, ,, in rancid butter, 53. ,, ether, 23, in, 170, 176, 187, 225. ,, ,, for methane, 23. ,, hexoate, occurrence, 45. ,, iodide and acetic anhydride for methyl- ethyl ketone, 95. ,, ,, from propionic acid, 56. ,, isobutyl-acetoacetate, 281. INDEX 311 Ethyl laureate, occurrence, 45. ,, p-methoxycinnamate, occurrence, 45. ,, octoate, occurrence, 45. ,, oleate, occuri-ence, 45. ,, palmitate, occurrence, 45. ,, sulphate, salt of, in urine, 53. ,, sulphide, 253. ,, valerate, occurrence, 45. Ethylacetoacetic ester, 64, 186, 188. Ethylacetylacetone, 77. a-Ethylallyl alcohol, 184. ,, chloride, 184. Ethylallylamine, 102. Ethylamine for acetaldehyde, 1 80. ,, for acetonitrile, 207. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 57. ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 268. ,, for methane, 26. Ethyl-m-aminobenzene, 135. Ethyl-p-aminobenzene, 135. Ethylbenzene, 286, ,, and carbon disulphide for phenylethyl isothiocyanate, 260, 261. ,, for anthracene, 237. „ for benzaldehyde, 207, 211. „ for 3-ethylphenol, 135. „ for o-hydroxyacetophenone, 229. ,, for methylphenyl carbinol, 118. ,, for w-phenylethylamine, 34. ,, for phlorol, 133, 134, 135. ,, for salicylic aldehyde, 215. „ for styrene, 34. ,, for a-toluic aldehyde, 34, 260. ,, syntheses, 133. Ethylbenzene-m-sulphonic acid, 135. Ethylbenzene-o-sulphonic acid, 133. Ethyl-2-brombenzene-3- or 5-sulphonic acid, 135- Ethyl-4-brombenzene-2-sulphonic acid, 133. Ethyl-7-bromphenyl ether, 119. Ethylbutylacetaldehyde, 189, Ethylchlorether = a-ethyl-i-chlorbutyl ether, 255- a-Ethylcrotonic acid, 77, 78. ,, ester, 188. Ethyl-aS-dibrompropyl malonate, 102. Ethyldipropyl carbinol = 4-ethyl-4-heptanol, 85, Ethylene and hydrogen cyanide for acetone, 199. ,, bromide, 66. ,, chloride, 58, 108. ,, for acetaldehyde, 175, 176, 177. ,, for anthracene, 237. ,, for benzene, 29. ,, for benzyl alcohol, 108. ,, for crotonic aldehyde, 71, 190. ,, for erythritol, 100. ,, for erythrose, 243. ,, for formic aldehyde, 170. ,, for furfural, 225. „ for glycol, 95. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 66. ,, for methane, 23. ,, for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 187. ,, for phloroglucinol, 162. ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 58. „ for styrene, 33. ,, from acetic acid, 56. ,, from acetylene, 53. ,, from azelaic acid, 26, 57. ,, from bromoform, 56. ,, from carbides, 54. Ethylene from carbon disulphide, 54, ,, from cresol, 56. ,, from ethyl alcohol, 23. ,, from heptane, 54. ,, from n-hexane, 55. ,, from isobutylene, 55. ,, from isovaleric acid, 57. ,, from lactic acid, 57. ,, from malonic acid, 25, 57. ,, from mannitol, 57. ,, from metallic carbides, 54. ,, from methyl chloride, 54. ,, from methylene iodide, 55. ,, from phenol, 56. ,, from propionic acid, 56. ,, from succinic acid, 25, 57. ,, generators, pyrogenic, 23. „ glycol, 95. ,, ,, &c., for sec. butyl isothio- cyanate, 255. ,, ,, ethyl ether, 225. ,, ,, for furfural, 225. ,, iodide, 225. ,, oxide, 175, 280, 281, 288. Ethyleneacetoacetic ester, 77. Ethylglyoxylic ( = propionylformic) acid, 187. Ethylhexyl carbinol = 3-nonanol, 85. a-Ethyl-;3-hydroxybutyric acid, 77. Ethylidene bromide, 181. „ chloride, 55. ,, oxy chloride = i : I'-dichlorether, 254- Ethylidenemalonic ester, 62, no. 7-Ethylidene-7-methylpyrotartaric acid, loi. Ethylisobutyl ketone, 197. 1 : 3 : 5-Ethylisophthalic acid, 134, 211, 260. Ethylisopropyl ketone, 197, 199. Ethylmalonic acid for isopropyl alcohol, 67, 68, 69. ,, >) for methylpropylacetalde- hyde, 186, 187. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 61, 62, 64, 68. Ethyl-m-nitrobenzene, 135. Ethyl-p-nitrobenzene, 135. Ethyloxalyl chloride = chlorethanalic ester, 208, 216, 218, 221. 3-Ethylphenol, 136. Ethylphenyl carbinol, 212, ,, ketone, 212. Ethylpropyl ketone, 62, 188. a-Ethyl-iS-propylacrole'in = octenoic aldehyde, 189. Ethylsulphuric acid, salt of, in fistula bile, 53. „ „ synthesis, 53. a-Ethyltartronic acid, 187. Eucalyptus aggregaia, amyl ester in oil, 79. ,, amygdalina, cineole in oil, 92. ,, angophoroicles, cineole in oil, 92. ,, baileyana, cineole in oil, 92. ,, bicolor = largiflorens, cineole in oil, 92, ,, camphora, cineole in oil, 92. ,, capitellata, cineole in oil, 93. ,, citriodora, citronellal in oil, 192. ,, coi-ymhosa, cineole in oil, 92. ,, crebra, cineole in oil, 92. ,, dealbata, citronellal in oil, 192. ,, dextropinea, cineole in oil, 92. ,, dumosa, cineole in oil, 92. ,, eugenioides, cineole in oil, 92. ,, fletcheri, cineole in oil, 9a. ,, globulus, a8, 45. ,, ,, butyric aldehyde in oil, 181. 812 INDEX Eucalyptus globulus, eineole In oil, 92. ,, ,, cumic aldehyde in oil, 212. ,, ,, hexoic aldehyde in oil, 185. ,, ,, isoamyl alcohol from oil, 79. „ ,, valeric aldehyde in oil, 183. ,, goniocalyx, eineole in oil, 92. ,, hwmastoma, 28. ,, „ eineole in oil, 92. ,, „ cumic aldehyde in oil, 212. „ „ menthone in oil, 227. ,, hemipMoia, eineole in oil, 92. „ ,, cumic aldehyde in oil, 213. ,, intermedia, eineole in oil, 92. „ intertexta, eineole in oil, 92. ,, lactea, eineole in oil, 92. ,, IcBvopinea, eineole in oil, 92. ,, loxophleba, eineole in oil, 92. ,, macarthurif geraniol in oil, 87. ,, macrorrhyncha, amyl ester in oil, 79. ff ,, eineole in oil, 92. ,, ,f quercetin complex in leaves, 138. „ macidata, citronellal in oil, 192. ,, maculosa, eineole in oil, 92. „ melliodora, eineole in oil, 92. ,, microcorys, eineole in oil, 92. „ morrisii, eineole in oil, 92. ,, obliqua, eineole in oil, 92. ,, odorata, cumic aldehyde in oil, 212, ,, oleosa, eineole in oil, 92. ,, ,, cumic aldehyde in oil, 212, „ ovalifolia, eineole in oil, 92. ,, patentinervis, amyl ester in oil, 79. „ ,, citral in oil, 191. „ ,, geraniol in oil, 87. „ „ linaloOl in oil, 88. ,, piperita, eineole in oil, 92. ,, planchoniana, citronellal in oil, 192. „ polybractea, eineole in oil, 92. „ populifera, cumic aldehyde in oil, 212, ,, populifolia, eineole in oil, 92. „ pulverulenta, eineole in oil, 92. ,, punctata, eineole in oil, 92. „ resinifera, eineole in oil, 92. „ ,, kino from, 138. „ risdonia, eineole in oil, 92. „ rosirata, eineole in oil, 92. ,, „ valeric aldehyde in oil, 183. ,, smithii, eineole in oil, 92. ,, species yielding eineole, 92. „ staigeriana, citral in oil, 191. „ umbra, eineole in oil, 92. ,, viridis, eineole in oil, 92, „ „ cumic aldehyde in oil, 213. „ vitrwa, eineole in oil, 92. ,, „ citral in oil, 191. ,, wilkinsonia = Icevopinea var. minor, eineole in oil, 92. ,, woollsiana,. eineole in oil, 92. Euonymus japonica, 244. Euphorbiaceae, methyl salicylate in, 41. Euphrasia, mannitol in species of, 104. Eurotiopsis gayoni, alcoholic ferment, 50. ,, ,, aldehyde producer, 174. ,, ,, glycerol producer, 97. Eurotium (Aspergillus), oryzae from * Koji ' fer- ment, 49, 50. Euxanthic acid, 232, 233. Euxanthone, 142, 146, 232. ,, for quinol, 148. ,, for resorcinol, 145. Evernia divaricata, 153. Evemia prunastri and vars. ihamnodes and vul- garis, 152, 153. ,, species yielding atranorin, 42. Evernic acid, 152. Evemiopsis trulla, 42. Excoecaria glandulosa, 151. Excoecarin, 151. Fat of ovarian cysts, 86. ,, rancid, butyric aldehyde in, 182. ,, ,, hexoic aldehyde in, 185. ,, ,, oenanthol in, 189. Fats, hydrolysis of, 95. ,, rancid, 84. Fennel, bitter, 28. ,, ,, French oil, 218. „ oil, 36, 37, 137, 158. Fermentation, alcoholic, by Mucor, 48, 278. ,, ,, ,, Mycoderma, 48. ,, ,, ,, O'idium, 279. ,, ,, ,, Torvla, 48. » >! » yeasts, 45. ,, selective, by yeasts, 47, 278 Ferulaic acid, 140. ,, ,, for vanillin, 221. Feverfew oil, 271, 273. Fibrin, cinnamic aldehyde among products of pancreatic fermentation, 223. Ficus, methyl salicylate from, 41. Filixic acid, 161. Fisetin, 139, 142, 275. Fish, acetone among products of putrefaction, 193- Fish, methyl mercaptan among products of putrefaction, 252. Fistula bile, salt of ethylsulphuric acid in, 53. Flavaspidic acid, 161. Fleabane, oil, 37, 90. Fodder, phenol among decomposition products, 285. Foeniculum panmorium, 137. „ vulgare, 36, 137. Formamide, 266. Formanilide, 207. Formic acid and methyl alcohol for carbon disulphide, 252. ,, ,, for carbon tetrachloride, 25. ,, ,, for formic aldehyde, 171. ,, ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 266. ,, ,, for methane, 25. ,, ,, for methyl alcohol, 44. ,, aldehyde, 169, 287. ,, ,, and ethyl alcohol for n-pro- pyl alcohol, 59. ,, ,, and hydrogen cyanide for mannoheptol, 107. ,, ,, and methyl alcohol for dihydroxyacetone, 242. ,, ,, and plienol for p-hydroxy- benzyl alcohol, 118. ,, ,, and phenol for saligenin, 117. „ ,, and n-propyl alcohol for n-biityl alcohol, 71. ,, „ for dextrose, 246. ,, „ for furfural, 225. ,, ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 266. „ „ for mannitol, 105. ,, ,, for mannose, 250. ,, ,, for methyl alcohol, 44, 278. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 60. „ and acetic esters for crotonic aldehyde, 71, 190. INDEX 313 Formic and isobutyric aldehydes for isovaleric aldehyde, 184. ,, ethyl ester for n-sec. amyl alcohol, 78. ,, methyl ester for ethyl alcohol, 56. Formimino-ethyl ether, 181. Formopyroracemic ester, 94. Formylacetic (= hydroxymothyleneacetic = /3-hydroxyacrylic) acid, 30, 71, 176. Formylbornylamine, 274. Formylglutaconic ester and acid, 31, 71. Fragaria vesca, 139. Fragarianin, 139. Frankincense oil, 37. Fraxinus excelsior, 104. ,, ornus — Ornus europcca, Sec, 104. Fraxitannic acid, 139. i-Fructose, 246. 1-Fructose, non-fermentable, 46. Fukugi, Japanese, 286, 287. Fulminate, mercury, and anisole for anisic aldehyde, 218. ,, ,, and benzene for benz- aldehyde, 207. Fumaric acid for acetaldehyde, 179. ,, ,, for benzene, 31. ,, ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 268. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 69. ,, ,, for methane, 26. ,, ,, for n-propyFalcohol, 64. „ „ for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 116. ,, ,, for valeric aldehyde, 184. Furfural, 224. ,, acetone, and phloroglucinol for gen- tisin, 233. ,, ,, and resorcinol for euxan- thone, 233. ,, and acetone for quinol, 150. „ „ for quinone, 235. ,, ,, for resorcinol, 145. ,, and aniline for hydrojuglone, 168. ,, for acetaldehyde, 180. ,, for catechol, 140. ,, for erythritol, 103. ,, for phloroglucinol, 163. Furfuryl alcohol, 225. Fusel oil, acetal in, 181. ,, ,, acetaldehyde in, 174. ,, „ borneol in, 273. ,, ,, esters in, 46. ,, ,, from beet molasses spirit, 72. ,, ,, from brandy, 70, 72, 80, 82, 83. ,, ,, from grain spirit, 70, 72. ,, ,, from potato starch spirit, 64, 70, 72, 77- ,, ,, furfural in, 224. ,, ,, hexyl alcohol in, 80. ,, ,, n-propyl alcohol in, 58. ,, ,, tertiary butyl alcohol in (?), 73. ,, oils, isoamyl alcohol in, 79. Fustin, 139. Galactose, bacterial fermentation, 52, 70. ,, fermentability by moulds, 49. d-Galactose, fermentation of, 46, 50. Galangin. 161. Galbanum, 142. Gall-stones, 99. Gallic acid for alizarin, 239. ,, ,, for carbon disulphide, 252, ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 57. ,, ,, for methane, 26. ,, ,, for phenol, 121. Gallic acid for pyrogallol, 159 ,, and benzoic acids for anthragallol, 240. Gambir catechu, 139, 160. Garcinia morella, 42, 161. Garden cress, 257. Gardenia oil, 89, 90, 108, 118. ,, species of, 41, 42, 89, 90. Garlic-mustard, 256. „ oil, 253. Gasparinia elegans and medians, 45. Gastric juice, thiocyanate in, 268, 269. Gaultheria leucocarpa, 40. ,, procumbens, 40, 146. ,, punctata, 40. Gaultherin, 40. Gelatine, bacterial fermentation, 51. Genipa brasiliensis, 104. Genista tinctoria, 139, 161, 230, 234. ,, tridentata, 92. Genistein, 161, 230. „ phenol complex in, 119. Gentiana lutea, 233. Gentiauose, 29a. „ hydrolysis of, 245, 247. Gentiobiose, hydrolysis of, 245. Gentisic acid (=2 : 5-dihydroxybenzoic =5-hy- droxysalicylicacid), 146, 147, 148, 232, 233. ,, ,, generators and phloroglucinol for gentisin, 233. ,, ,, ,, and resorcinol for eux- anthone, 232, 233. Gentisin, 142, 146, 233. ,, and resorcinol for ouxanthone, 233. ,, for quinol, 148. ,, phloroglucinol complex in, 161. Geranic acid, 191, 192. Geraniol, 87, 282. „ for citral, 191. ,, for cymene, 32. ,, for dimethylheptenol, 86. ,, for dipentene, 38. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 55. ,, for linalool, 89. ,, for methylheptenone, 203. ,, for terpinene, 39. ,, for terpineol, 91. Geranium oils, 36, 87, 89, 227, 282. Geranyl chloride, 89. „ phthalate, 89. Ginger-beer plant, 51. „ oil, 212, 274. Gironniera subcequalis, &c., 41. Glands, caudal, cetyl alcohol in, 86. Gleditschia triacanthos, 249. Globularia alypum, 276. Globulariacitrin, 276. Globulins of blood, 292. Glomelliferin, 153. Glucamine, 26. Glucogallin, 287. Gluconasturtiin, 260. Gluconic acid for d-arabinose, 243. ,, „ for dextrose, 246, 247. ,, ,, for erythritol, 103. ,, ,, for erythrose, 243. ,, ,, for mannitol, 106. ,, lactone for dextrose, 247. Glucononose, non-fermentable, 46. Glucose, see also iinder dextrose. „ bacterial fermentation, 24a. Glucosides, 244. Glucosone, 107, 248. 314 INDEX Glucotropaeolin, 257. Glutaconic ester, 124, 285. Glutamic acid for erytliritol, 103. Glutaric acid for n-hexane, 79, 81. ,, „ for n-hexyl alcohol, 81. ,, „ for n-primary amyl alcohol, 77. Gluten, phenol from, by putrefaction, 119. Glutose, non-fermentable, 46, Glyceric acid, bacterial fermentation, 51. ,, ,, for acetaldehyde, 177, 178. ,, ,, for acetone, 196, 199. ,, ,, for diacetyl, 204. ,, ,, for formic aldehyde, 170, 172, 173- ,, ,, for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 185, 187. ,, ,, for pyrotartaric acid, 58, 108- III, 114, 116. ,/ „ for quinol, 150, 151. ,, ,, for resorcinol, 144. ,, aldehyde and oxime, 243. ,, ,, fermentability, 46. Glycerol, 96, 284. ,, and hydrogen cyanide for manno- heptol, 107. ,, and thiocyanic acid for allyl isothio- cyanate, 256. ,, bacterial fermentation, 51, 58, 69, 70, 95, 203, 242. „ &c., for diacetyl, 204. ,, &c., for formic aldehyde, 172. ,, fermentation of, 43, 69. ,, for acetaldehyde, 177, 178. ,, for acetol, 94. ,, for acrolein, 24, 106, 190, 288. ,, for allyl alcohol, 24. ,, for allylene and acetone, 194, 195. ,, for amyl alcohol, n-primary, 76. ,, for benzene, 31. ,, for n-butyl alcohol, 70. ,, for dextrose, 246. ,, for dihydroxyacetone, 242. ,, for erytliritol, 103. ,, for erythrose, 243. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 55. ,, for furfural, 225. „ for glycerophosphoric acid, 99. ,, for n-hexane, 79. ,, for hexyl alcohol, active, 83. ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 268. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 67. ,, for isopropyl iodide, 67. ,, for mannitol, 106. ,, for mannose, 250. ,, for methane, 24. ,, for methyl alcohol, 44. ,, for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 185. ,, for phenol, 120. ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 59. ,, for toluene, 109, no. ,, for trimethylene glycol, 95. ,, from sugars during fermentation, 97. ,, monochlorhydrin, 195. „ n-propyl alcohol from, by fermenta- tion, 58. Glycerol-acetobromhydrin, 195. Glycerophosphoric acid, 89. Glycerose, 106, 242. ,, fermentation of, 46. Glyceryl esters, occurrence, 96. Glycidic acid, see under oxyaerylic acid. Glycocoll and chloroform for isocyanacetic acid. 26a Glycocoll for hydrogen cyanide, 267. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 69. ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 64. Glycogen, bacterial fermentation, 70. ,, dextrose from, 246. Glycol (ethylene), 95. ,, chlorhydrin = chlorethyl alcohol, 59, 66, 175, 279- ,, for acetaldehyde, 175, 179. ,, . for crotonic aldehyde, 288. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 279. ,, for formic aldehyde, 170, 173. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 66, 69. ,, iodhydrin = iodethyl alcohol, 66, 175, 255- Glycolazide, 171. Glycollic acid for formic aldehyde, 171. ,, ,, for methane, 25. ,, aldehyde for dextrose, 246. „ „ ,, by rabbits, 292. „ „ for erythrose, 243. ,, ,, for formic aldehyde, 170, 172, 173. ,, ,, for furfural, 225, ,, ,, for mannitol, 106. ,, ,, for mannose, 250. Glycol urethane, 171. Glycuronic acid for catechol, 141. „ ,, for furfural, 225. Glycyphyllin, 160. Glyoxal, no, in, 116. ,, for cyanogen and hydrogen cyanide, 266, 267, 268. Glyoxime, 266, 267. Gnetum gnemon, 41. Golden-rod oil, 273. Gossypetin, 139, 161. Gossypium herhaceutn, 139, 161. Graminin, 248, GranMZoftadeyiirt^j/Zicwm, n-propyl alcohol producer, 58. ,, polymjjxa, 69. „ saccharobutyricum, glycerol ferment, 51, 69. Grapes, colouring-matter of, 138, 160. Grass, quinone among products of fermentation, 235- Great millet, 215. Guaiacol, 140, 141, 142, 163, 220. „ &c., for vanillin, 220. Guaiacolcarboxylic acid, 220. Guaiacum officinale, 139, 190. ,, resin, 139, 190. Guanidine for thiocyanic acid, 269. Gulose, non-fermentable, 46. Gum from yeast, 250. Gum-ammoniac, 133, 139, 142, 249. Gum kino, 139. Gummigutt resin, 43, 161. Gyalolechia aurella, 45. Gymnema latifoUuvi, 205. Gymnosperms, ligneous tissue of, 249. Gynocardia odorata, 293. Gynocardin, 293. Gyrophora (Umbilicaria) deusta, 153. ,, hirsuta, 153. ,, hyperborea, 153. „ polyphylla, 153. ,, proboscidea, 153. ,, pustulata, 153. ,, spodochroa, var. depressa, 153. ,, velka, 153. Gyrophoric acid, 153. INDEX 315 HcBmatomma coccineum, 45. ,, species yielding atranorin, 42. ,, ventosum, 153. Haematommic acid, 45. Haematoxylin, 139, 159. Hasmatoxylon campeachianum, 139, 159. Hamamelis virginica, 168. Hawk's-beard, 213. Hawthorn flowers, 138. Heather, 138. Hedeomapulegioides, 226, Helicin for salicin, 250. Hemipic acid, 239. Hendecatyl alcohol, secondary, 85, 282, Hentriacontane, 28, 277. n-Heptane, 27. ,, for anthracene, 237. „ for benzene, 29. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 54. ,, for n-heptyl alcohol, 83, ,, for methane, 22. „ for methyl-n-amyl ketone, 200. „ for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 115. n-Heptacosane, 27- 4-Heptanone = dipiopyl ketone, 85. Heptine, 27, 115, 201. Heptoic and acetic acids for n- heptane, 27. n-Heptoic ( = cenanthic) acid for hexyl alcohol, active, 83. „ „ ,, for n-hexyl alec- hoi, 81. ,, aldehyde = oenanthol, 189. ,, ,, and nitromethane for octoic aldehyde, 189. ,, ,, for n-heptane, 27, ,, ,, methyl-n-amyl ketone, 201. Heptoses, non-fermentable, 46. Hoptoyl chloride, 82. u-Heptyl alcohol, 83. „ ,, and ethyl alcohol for n-nonyl alcohol, 85. ,, ,, and palmitic acid formethyl- n-amyl ketone, 201. „ ,, and n -propyl alcohol for methyl-n-heptyl ketone, 201. ,, ,, from heptoic aldehyde, 27, Heptyl alcohol, secondary = 2-heptanol, 200. ,, ,, tertiary, for acetone, 196, 197. n-Heptylene, 201. Heradeum gigantemn, 40, 45, 80, 84. ,, sphondylium, 40, 45, 80, 84. Hesperetinic acid, 140. Hesperidene = d-limonene, 37. Hesperidin, phloroglucinol complex in, 160. Hexachlorethane, 236. 3 :4-Hexadionediacid = ketipic acid, 150. Hexahydro-m-hydroxy-p-toluic acid, 128. Hexahydroxybeiizene, 29. Hexamethylbenzene, 30, 31. Hexamethylenamine, 259. Hexane ( = diisopropyl) Irom n-heptoic acid, 83. n-Hexanefor butane, 71. ,, for butylenes, 255, 256. ,, for ethylene, 55, 57. ,, for formic aldehyde, 173, 174. ,, for glycerol, 99. ,, for n-hexyl alcohol, 80. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 67. ,, for n-pentane, 76. ,, from.adipic acid, 81. ,, from n-butyric acid, 77. 82. ,, from glutaric acid, 77, 81. n-Hexane from glycerol, 76, 81. from mannitol, 79, 81. from n-propyl alcohol, 80. from sebacic acid, 81. from suberic acid, 81. generators of, 67, 79, 80, 81. Hexanediinedicarboxylic acid, see diacetylene- dicarboxylic acid, 183. n-Hexoic acid for n-hexyl alcohol, 81. ,, ,, for n-primary amyl alcohol, 76. ,, ,, for valeric aldehyde, 184, Hexoic aldehyde, 185, 288. n-Hexoic aldehyde for n-hexyl alcohol, 81. Hexoic ethyl ester, occurrence, 45. i-Hexoses, resolution by partial fermentation, 46. Hexoylacetic acid, 201. Hexyl alcohol, active, 83, 281. ,, normal, 80. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 57. ,, ,, for n-hexane, 256. chlorides, n- and sec. , 80. iodide from mannitol, 60. ,, secondary = 2-iodohexane, 70, 71, 81. „ „ tertiary, 75. n-Hexylacetamide, 82. n-Hexylamine, 80. ,, for n-hexyl alcohol, 81, 82. Hexylenes, 70, 81. Hibiscita ahelmoschus, 224. Hippophae rhamnoides, 104, 138. Hippuric acid and carbon disulphide for benzyl isothiocyanate, 258. „ ,, for benzonitrile and benzalde- hyde, 211. ,, ,, for dihydroxyacetone, 242. Homoanthranilic ( = 3-amino-p-toluic) acid, 129, 228. Homocamphoric acid, 272. Homogentisic acid, 146. ,, ,, for quinol, 148. m-Homosalicylic ( = m-(7)-cresotic = 3-hydroxy- p-toluic) acid, 129, 227, 228. o-Homosalicylic (^ 2-hydroxy-m-toluic) acid, 126. Homovitexin, 161. Honey, 244, 247. Hops, 138. ,, oil of, 89. Horse-chestnut, 138, 139. Horse-mint, American oil, 37. Horse-radish, 256. Hydnocarpics alpinus, 262. ,, inebrians = (?) wightiana, 262. Hydracrylic acid, 62. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 68. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 59. ,, ,, for toluene and benzyl alco- hol, 116. Hydrastine, 140. Hydrastis canadensis, 140. Hydratropic nitrile and acid, 229. Hydrobenzamide, 258- Hydrocaffeic acid, 140. Hydrocinnamic aldehyde, 211. ,, and formic acids for hydro- cinnamic aldehyde, 212. Hydrocotoin, 231. ,, for methylhydrocoto'in, 232. ,, phloroglucinol complex in, 161, Hydrocoumarone, 134. Hydrogen and carbon, imion of, 22. 316 INDEX Hydrogen cyanide, 262, 293. ,, ,, and acetic acid, &c., for diacetyl, 204. ,, ,, &c., for thiocyanates, 269. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 56. a-Hydrojuglone, 165, 287. ,, for catechol, 141. ,, for plienol, 124. Hydroparacoumaric acid, p-cresol from by putrefaction, 131. ,, ,, phenol from by putrefaction, 119. Hydropyromellitic acid, 120. o-Hydroxyacetophenone, 228. ,, for ketocoumaran, 230. ,, for salicylic aldehyde, 213, 214. p-Hydroxyacetophenone, see under piceol. /3-Hydroxyacrylic ( = formylacetic = hydroxy- methylene-acetic) acid, 30, 71, 176. m-Hydroxyanthraquinone, 236, 291. ,, for alizarin, 239. ,, for anthragallol, 291. „ for purpurin, 291. ,, for quinizarin, 291. i-Hydroxyanthraquinone for alizarin, 239. , , -2-sulphonic acid, 239. m-Hydroxybenzoic acid, 121, 122, 215, 236. p-Hydroxybenzoic acid and amide for p-hydr- oxybenzyl alcohol, 118. „ ,, for p-hydroxybenzoic aldehyde, 290. ,, ,, for phenol, 121. m-Hydroxybenzoic aldehyde, 215. ,, ,, for vanillin, 220, 221. p-Hydroxybenzoic aldehyde, 215, 290. „ ,, for anisic alde- hyde, 218. ,, ,, for p-cresol, 132. „ ,, for p-hydroxy- benzyl alcohol, 118. „ ,, for vanillin, 221. „ ,, triacetate, 218. p-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 117. ,, ,, for anisic aldehyde, 218. ,, isothiocyanate, 261. p-Hydroxybenzylamine, 262. a-Hydroxybutyric acid, 186, 187, 188. /3-Hydroxybutyric acid for acotaldehyde, 1 79. ,, ,, for acetone, 194, 199. jf ,, for crotonic aldehyde, 71, 190. „ ,, for formic aldehyde, 172. ., ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 68. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 62. ,, ,, for toluene, 113. ,, aldehyde = aldol, 71. o-Hydroxy-cD-chlorstyrene = i^-chlorvinylphe- nol, 134. Hydroxydieth acetic acid, 78, Hydroxydihydrogeranic acid, 191. 2i-Hydroxy-4^-ethoxy-3 : 4-dimethoxychalkone, 275- Hydroxyglutaric acids, 124, 285. cis-5-Hydroxyhexahydro-p-toluic acid, 283. a-Hydroxyhexoic ( = 2-hexanolic) acid, 184. p-Hydroxyhydratropic acid, 229. a-Hydroxyisobutyric acid, 1 78-181, 195-198. ,, isoamyl ester, 281. 7-Hydroxyisohexoic anhydride, loi, Hydroxyisophthalic acid, 120, 123. a-Hydroxyisovaleric acid, 183. /3-Hydroxyisovaleric acid, 73, 75, 183, 280. 4-Hydroxymesitylenic acid, 132. Hydroxymethoxybenzoylbenzoic acid, 239. p-Hydroxy-m-methoxybenzoylcarbonic acid, see vanilloylcarbonic acid. Hydroxymethoxybenzylaniline, 220. Hydroxymethylene-acetone, 30. s-Hydroxymethylterephthalic ( = methyl-4-phe- nol-2 : 5-carboxylic) acid, 132. 5-Hydroxy-a-naphthaquinone = juglone, 167. a-Hydroxypentenoic acid, 103. p-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid, p-cresol from by putrefaction, 131. ,, ,, for p-cresol, 13a. p-Hydroxyphenylglyoxylic acid, 215. Hydroxyphthalic acids, 122, 123. /3-Hydroxypropionacetal, 177. Hydroxypyrotartaric acid, 68, 113, 186, 196, 197. Hydroxyquinol, 160. ,, and hydrogen cyanide, &c., for asaryl aldehyde, 224. ,, for asarone, 165. 5-Hydroxysalicylic (=gentisic) acid, 146, 147, 148, 232, 233. Hydroxysebacic acid, 81. Hydroxyterephthalic acid, 121, 123. 2i-Hydroxy-4^ : 6^ : 3 : 4-tetramethoxychalkone, 276. 2-Hydroxy-m-toluic acid, 126, 127. 4-Hydroxy-m-toluic (=p-homosalicylic) acid, 131, 132. 5-Hydroxy-m-toluic acid, 128, 129. 6-Hydroxy-m-toluic acid, 126, 127. 3 Hydroxy-o-toluic acid, 128. 5-Hydroxy-o-toluic acid, 128, 130, 285. 6-Hydroxy o-toluic acid, 122. 2-Hydroxy-p-toluic acid, 125, 127, 128, 285. 3-Hydroxy-p-toluic ( = a-cresotic) acid, 129, 130. 5-Hydroxytrimellitic acid, 123. Hydroxy trim esic acid, 123. 2'-Hydroxy-4' : 6^ :4-trimethoxychalkone, 276. m-Hydroxyuvitic (= a-coccinic = 5-methylphe- nol-2 : 4-dicarboxylic) acid, 129. Hygric ( = N-methylpyrrolidine-2-carboxylic) acid, 102. Hymenwa courharil, 139. Hypholoma fasciculare, 105. Hystazarin, 140, 240. ,, for alizarin, 239. Iberis amara, 256. ,, sempervirens, 256. ,, umbellata, 256. Illicium religiosum, 92. „ verum, 137, 152. Iminobenzoylmethyi cyanide = benzacetodini- trilo, 206, 209, 211. Indian yellow, 232. Indigo for phenol, 123. ,, for picric acid, 162. ,, for quinol, 148. Indigo/era galego'ides, 40, 45, 205, 262. Intracellular respiration, 44, 278. Inulase, 247. Inulin, bacterial fermentation, 51, 70. ,, resolution of, 247. INDEX 317 Invert sugar for acetaldeliyde, i8o. Invertin of yeast, 249. m-Iodaniline, 143. lodethyl alcohol = glycol iodhydrin, 66, 175, 255- 2-Iodethyl ether, 225. lodethylmalonic ester, 187. 2-Iodobutane = secondary butyl iodide, 59, 60, 66, 67, 254, 255. 3-Iodobutane-2-carboxylic acid, 255. /J-Iodocinnamic acid, 35, 210, Iodoform, &c., for acetone, 199. ,, for acetylene, 29, 55. ,, for acrylic acid, 58, iii. „ for formic aldehyde, 169, 170. „ for methane, 23. „ for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 187. ,, from acetaldeliyde, 24, 170. „ from acetone, 24, 171, 277. „ from acetylene, 169. ,, from n- butyl alcohol, 24. ,, from butyric aldehyde, 25. ,, from carbon tetrachloride, 56. ,, from dextrose, 26. ,, from ethyl alcohol, 23, 29, 145. ,, from lactic acid, 25, 57, 171. ,, from octyl alcohol, 24. ,, from n-propyl alcohol, 24. lodohexanes, 60, 67, 70, 71, 81. m-Iodonitrobenzene, 143. a-Iodopentane, 77, 78, 79. m-Iodophenol, 143. o-Iodophenol, 140. p-Iodophenol, 144, 146. a-Iodo-;3-phenyl-;3-hydroxypropionic acid, 261. /3-Iodopropionic acid and ester, 144, 145, 178, 283. 3-Iodosalicylic acid, 141, 232. 5-Iodosalicylic acid, 146. Iretol, 164. ,, for phloroglucinol, 163. Iridin, 159, 164. Irigenin, 164. Iris Jlorentina, 40, 159, 164, ,, germanica, 40. ,, pallida, 40. ,, pseudacorus, 249. Isatropylcocaine, 42, Isoamyl alcohol = isobutyl carbinol, 79, 281. ,, ,, and carbon disulphide for angelyl isothiocyanate, 257. ,, ,, and carbon disulphide for secondary butyl isothiocya- nate, 255. ,, ,, aud formic aldehyde for iso- hexyl alcohol, 82. ,, „ and isovaleric acid for nonyl alcohol, 84. ,, ,, and malonic ester for ethane- tetracarboxylic acid, 166. „ „ for isobutyl alcohol, 72. „ „ for isobutyric aldehyde, 183, ,, ,, for isovaleric aldehyde, 184. „ ,, for methane, 26. „ ,, for methylethylacetaldehyde, 184. „ ,, for n-butyl alcohol, 70. ,, ,, in fusel oils, 79. ,, and ethyl alcohols for isoheptyl al- cohol, 83. ,, a-hydroxyisobutyrate, 281. ,, iodide, 70, 180, 184, 195. „ magnesium bromide and ethylene oxide for isoheptyl alcohol, 281. Isoborneol, 274. Isobutenyl chloride, 182. Isobutyl alcohol, 72, 280. ,, and acetoacetic ester for iso- hexyl alcohol, 281. ,, and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 254. ,, and carbon disulphide for cro- tonyl isothiocyanate, 256. ,, &c., for isoheptyl alcohol, 84. ,, for acetone, 194. ,, for ally lene, 114. „ for butyl alcohol, tert., 74. ,, for butylenes, 254. „ for isobutylene glycol, 96. ,, for isobutyric aldehyde, 182. „ for isopropyl alcohol, 66. „ for methane, 24. bromide, 66. chloride, 66, 74. ,, or bromide for methane, 24. cyanate, 74. esters, occurrence, 7a. hypochlorite, 182. iodide, 74, 84, 194. Isobutylacetic ( = 4-methylpentanoic) acid for isohexyl alcohol, 82, Isobutylacetic and formic acids for isocaproic aldehyde, 185. „ aldehydeforisohexyl alcohol, 82. Isobutylacetoacetic ester, 84, 281. Isobutylamine, 74, 75. Isobutylbenzene for naphthalene, 165. Isobutylene and acetyl chloride for mesityl oxide, 94. ,, and generators, &c., for crotonyl isothiocyanate, 257. ,, bromide, 96, 182, 256. ,, for acetaldehyde, 181. ,, for acetone, 194. ,, for ethylene, 55. ,, for isobutyric aldehyde, 182. ,, for propylene and glycerol, 99. ,, for toluene, 116. ,, from acetic acid, 74. ,, from acetone, 73. ,, from acetone-chloroform, 73. ,, from butyl alcohol, tertiary, 66, 72, 96, 183, 281. ,, from ^-dimethylacrylic acid, 73. „ from glycerol, &c., 73. ,, from isoamyl alcohol, 72, 75, 183, 194. ,, from isobutyl alcohol, 66, 74, 75, 96, 281. ,, from isovaleric acid, 72, 75, 183. „ generators of, 55, 96, 257. ,, glycol, 96. ,, ,, for acetaldehyde, 181. ,, ,, forisobutyric aldehyde, 183. ,, oxide, 182, 288. Isobutylformic acid and nitrile, 194. Isobutylsulphuric acid, 75. Isobutyric acid and acetaldehyde for formic aldehyde, 173. ,, ,, &c., for isobutyric aldehyde, 182. * ,, for acetone, 196, 289. ,, for butyl alcohol, tertiary, 75. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 68. ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 6a. aldehyde, 181. ,, &c., for acetone, 200. 318 INDEX laobutyric aldehyde for hydrogen cyanide, 266. „ ,, for isobutyl alcohol, 280. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 69. ,, and acetic aldehydes for formic aldehyde, 173. ,, phloryl ester, occurrence, 135. Isobutyrylacetoacetic ester, 197. Ifiocaproic aldehyde, 185. Isocyanacetic acid, 268. Isodiazoacetic ester, 267. Isodibromsuccinic acid, 26, 179, 180. Isoeugenol, 140, 157, 286. ,, for isoeugenol methyl ether, 157. ,, for vanillin, 222. Isoeugenyl acetate and benzoate, 222. Isoeugenylsulphuric acid, 222. Isoglucosamine, 248. Isoheptane for isoheptyl alcohol, 83, 84. Isoheptyl alcohol, 83, 281. ,, chloride, 84. Isohexoic acid for diacetyl, 204. ,, ,, for erythritol, loi. ,, n for quinol, 150. Isohexyl alcohol, 82, 281. Isonitrosoacetone, 112, 186, 196. Isonitrosoacetophenone, 293. Isonitroso - 3 - ethoxy - 3M 4' - dimethoxyflava - none, 275. )3-Isonitrosol8evulic acid, 149. Isonitrosomethylethyl ketone = butadione- oxime = diacetylmonoxime, 149, 204. Isonitroso- 1 : 3 : 3^ : 4' - tetramethoxyflavanone, 276. Isonitroso-i : 3 : 4'-trimethoxyflavanone, 376. 7-Isonitrosovaleric = oximinolsevulic acid, loi. Isophorone, 203. Isophthalic acid, 120. „ ,, for phenol, 123. Isoprene for dipentene, 38. Isopropenyl carbinol, 182. Isopropyl alcohol, 64, 280. ,, ,, for acetone, 193, 289. „ ,, for erythritol, 103. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 279. „ ,, for hexyl alcohol, active, 83. ,, ,, for methane, 277. „ ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 59. ,, iodide, 65, 67, 165, 227. ,, ,, from camphor, 280. Isopropylacetylene, 195, 196, 197, 203. Isopropylamine, 68. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 65. Isopropylbenzene = cumene, 32, 207, 211, 261. ,, for acetophenone, 34, 207, 211, 212. „ for benzaldehyde, 207. „ for salicylic aldehyde, 215. Isopropylbutyramide, 68. Isopropylethylene = amylene, 183, 184, 194, 195- „ for acetone, 195. „ glycol, 184. Isopropyihexyl ketone, 197. Isopropylidene-acetoacetic ester, 73. Isopropylisophthalic acid, 32. Isopulegol, 93, 283. ,, for pulegone, 226, 227. Isorhamnetin, 139, 160. Isosuccinic ( = methylmalonic) acid, 176, 177. Isovaleric acid and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 255. „ ,, and ethyl alcohol for acetone, 197. Isovaleric acid and isoamyl alcohol for nonvT alcohol, 84. ,, ,, for allylene and acetone, 194. ,, „ for benzene, 31. ,, ,, for butyl alcohol, tertiary, 75. ,, ,, for citraconic acid, 113. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 57. „ „ for glycerol, 98. ,, ,, for isoamyl alcohol, 80. ,, ,, for isobutyl alcohol, 72. ,, ,, for isobutyi-ic aldehyde, 183. „ ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 68. ,, ,, for isovaleric aldehyde, 184. ,, „ for methane, 26. ,, ,, for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 186. „ ,, for propylene, 98. ,, ,, for toluene, 114. „ aldehyde, 184. ,, ,, and acetone for methyl- heptenone, 203. ,, ,, for acetone, 196. ,, ,, for isoamyl alcohol, 80, 281. Isovaleryl chloride, 184. Itaconio acid, 63, 69, 113, 115, 200. ,, ,, for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 186, 188. Itachlorpyrotartaric acid, 186. Itamalic ( = 4-butanol-3-carboxylic) acid, 186. lulus terrestris, 235. Ivory-nut, 247. 249. Jacaranda ovalifolia, 151. Jack-fruit, 142. Jasmine oil, 43, 88, 108. Jasminum grandiflorum, 42, 88, 108. Juglans regia, 165. Juglone = 5-hydroxy-a-naphthaquinone, 167. Juniperus sabina, 204, 224, 278. ,, virginiana, 38. Kaempferia galanga, 27, 45. ,, rotunda, 91. Kampheride, 161. Kampherol, 276, 287. ,, in robinin, 119, 138, 160, 161. Kawa-root, 42. Kei hir ferment, 51, 247. Kesso oil, 36, 90, 183, 273, 274. Ketipic ( = diacetyldicarboxylic) acid, 150, 204. Ketocoumaran = coumaranone, 230. ,, for salicylic aldehyde, 213, 314. Ketocoumarancarboxylic ester, 231. Ketocyclo-octane, 82. j8. Ketoglutaric (= 3 -pentanonedicarboxylic) acid, see under acetonedicarboxylic acid. S-Ketohexahydrobenzoic acid, 283. 3-Keto-i-methylhexahydrobenzene = methyl- cyclohexanone, 124, 228. Kino, 159, 161. Kinoin, 159. Kino-red, 139. Knotweed, spotted, 139. Koji ferment, 49, 244, 245. Kd-sam seeds, 277. Koumiss, 51. Kuromoji oil, 36, 37, 90, 226. Lacfarius, sp. yielding mannitol, 104, 105. Lactic acid and methyl alcohol for acetone, 198. ,, „ „ „ „ for butyl al- cohol, tertiary, 76. INDEX 319 Lactic acid bacterial fermentation, 51, 52, 58. ,, ,, for acetaldehyde, 177. ,, ,, for allylene and acetone, 194. ,, ,, for chloroform, 25. ,, „ for citraconic acid, 113. ,, ,, for crotonic aldehyde, 71, 190. ,, „ for diacetyl, 204. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 57. ,, ,, for formic aldehyde, 171. ,, ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 267. ,, ,, for iodoform, 25. ,, „ for isopropyl alcohol, 68. „ ,, for methane, 25. ,, ,, for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 186. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 62. ,, „ for propylene and glycerol, 98. ,, ,, for quinol, 151. ,, ,, for toluene, 114. „ ,, n-propyl alcohol from, by fermenta- tion, 58. Lactic azide, 177. Lactomyces, fermentation by, 48. Lactose, bacterial fermentation of, 51, 52, 70. ,, fermentability by Oidium, 50. „ hydrolysis of, 345. Leevo-isoterpene, 39. Laevomannan, 247. Laevulic acid for acetylacetone, 102. ,, ,, for allylacetoacetic ester, 102. ,, ,, for amyl alcohol, n-sec. , 79. „ ,, for crotonic aldehyde and hy- drogen cyanide, 103. ,, ,, for diacetyl, 204. ,, ,, ,, ,, and quinol, 148, 150. „ „ for dimethylheptenol, 103. „ „ for erythritol, loi. ,, „ for ethyl alcohol and acetic acid, lOI. ,, „ for isohexoic acid, loi. „ „ for laevulose, 103. ,, „ for malonic acid and glycerol, 102. „ ,, for mannose, 103. ,, „ for naethylheptenone, 103. „ ,, for succinic acid, loi. „ „ generators of, 79. Laevulose, 247, 292. „ and acetic acid for n-sec. amyl al- cohol, 79. ., fermentability by moulds, 49. „ fermentation of, 46. „ ,, „ by Oidium albicans, 174- „ for dextrose, 246. ,, for diacetyl, 204, ,, for erythritol, 103. ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 266. ,, for mannitol, 106. ,, for mannoso, 250. „ for quinol, 150. ,, for sorbitol, 107. ,, glycerol from, by Oidium, 97. „ mannitol from, by fermentation, 105. Laminaria saccharina, 104. Larch, mannitol from, 104. Larix decidua, 273. ,, europcea, 104. Laurel, Californian, 283, 287. Laurie acid for dodecyl alcohol, 85. ,, ethyl ester, occurrence, 45. Lauras henzom, 41. ,, camphora, see under Cinnatnomum cam- phora, 90, 91, 174, 271. „ nobilis, 91. Laurus persea, 104, 107. Lavender oil, 87, 88, 90, 91, 273, 281, 282, 283, 288. Lavandula pedunculata, 91. ,, species yielding geraniol, 87. ,, spica, 88, 90, 91, 271, 272, 274. Lecanora badia, 153. ,, parella, 153. ,, species yielding atranorin, 42, ,, ,, „ parellic acid, 43. ,, tartar ea, 153. Lecanoric «= parmelic acid, 100, 153. Leeidea cinereo-atra, 43. „ griseUa, 153. Lecidic acid, 43. Lecithin, 99. Ledum palustre, 146, 161. Leiocarpus sp., methyl salicylate from, 41. Lemon oil, 37, 87, 88, 90, 158, 189-192, 202, 289. Lemon-grass oil, 28, 36, 87, 88, 90, 191, 192, 202, 289. Lemon-scented verbena, 191. Lspidium sativum, 257. Lepra cholerina, 153. Lepraria flava, 43. Leucine for butyric aldehyde, 183. „ for isovaleric aldehyde, 184. Leuconostoc mesenterioides, mannitol producer, 105. ,, „ saccharose ferment, 247. Levisticum officinale, 90. Licareol = linaloOl, 88, 282. Licarhodol, 88, 90. Ligustrum vulgare, 104, 159. Lilac, mannitol from, 104. Lilium, mannose-yielding compounds from, 249. Lima bean, 263. Lime bark, vanillin from, 220. ,, leaves, oil, 36, 201. Limes, oil of, 282. Limetto oil, 37, 42. Limonene, 37, 278. „ for terpinene, 39. „ for terpineol, 91. „ tetrabromide, 226. Linaloe = lignaloe, oil of, 86, 87, 88, 90, 202. LinaloOl, 88, 282. ,, for citral, 191. ,, for cymene, 32. ,, for dipentene, 38. ,, for geraniol, 88. ,, for terpinene, 39. ,, for terpineol, 90. Lindera sericea, 36, 90, 226. Linum usitatissimum, 263. Lippia (Aloysia) citriodora, 191. Liquidambar orientalis, sSt 45; ^°1j ^^9? 219. „ styraciflua, 33, 119, 219. Lodoicea seychellarum, 249. Logwood, 139. Lokain, 160. Lotoflavin, 142. ,, phloroglucinol complex in, 142. Lotus arabicus, 142, 160, 263. ,, australis, 263. Lotusin, 142, 160, 263. Lovage, oil of, 90. Lucern, 249. Lupinus cdbus, 219. Luteolin, X39, 140, 160, 234. Lymph, dextrose in, 246. Lysine for hydrogen cyanide, 268. 320 INDEX Lysine for n-propyl alcohol, 64. ,, for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 116. Mace oil, 36. Madura aurantiaca, see Morus tinctoria, 139, 142. Maclurin, 139, 160. Madder, 238, 239, 240. Magnesium benzyl bromide, 284. „ p-bromphenyl bromide, 285. „ carbides from hydrogen cyanide, 56. „ ethiodide, 137, 157, 212, 283. „ ethobromide, 281. „ isoamyl bromide, 281. ,, methiodide, 22, 74, 76, 87, 119, 281, 282, 283, 289. „ methobromide, 199. „ methyl, 74. ,, nitride, 207. ,, phenyl bromide, see phenyl mag- nesium bromide. „ propyl bromide, 70. ,, o-toluyl bromide, 285. ,, p-toluyl bromide, 285. Magnolia fuscata, 45. Mahwa flowers, sugar from, 244, 247. Maleic acid for acetaldehyde, 179. ,, „ for benzene, 31. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 69. ,, ,, for methane, 26. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 64. ,, „ for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 116. Malic acid, bacterial fermentation, 51. ,, „ for acetaldehyde, 179. ,, ,, for benzene, 31. ,, ,, for n-butyl alcohol, 72. ,, ,, for crotonic aldehyde, 72, 190. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 57. ,, ,, for formic aldehyde, 173. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 69. ,, ,, for methane, 26, 277. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 64. ,, ,, for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 116. Malonic acid and acetaldehyde for acetone, 194, 198. ,, ,, and ethyl alcohol for phenol, 124. ,, ,, and glycerol for erythritol, 102. ,, ,, &c., for acetaldehyde, 176. ,, ,, &c., for formic aldehyde, 172. ,, ,, &c., for isopropyl alcohol, 69. ,, ,, &c., for methylpropylacetalde- hyde, 187. ,, ,, &c., for toluene, no. ,, ,, foJ" ethyl alcohol, 57. „ „ for ethylene, 25, ,, ,, for methane, 25, 277 ,, J, for methyl alcohol, 44. „ ,, for orcinol, 155. ,, and citric acids, &c., for resorcinol, 145- ,, and oxalic acids, acetone, &c., for cam- phor, 272. ,, and propionic acids for allylene and acetone, 194, 198. J J ,, „ for citraconic acid, 113- ,, ester and glycerol for quinol, 150. „ ,, &c., for ethanetetracarboxylic ester, 166. ,, ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 268. ,, „ for phloroglucinol, 162. „ ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 62. „ semi-aldehyde, 177. Maltose, alcoholic fermentation of, 47, 278, ,, bacterial fermentation, 52, 70. ,, fermentability and hydrolysis of, 47, 244. ,, fermentability by moulds, 49, 50. ,, glycerol from, by Oidium, 97. Malus communis, 205. Mandarin orange oil, 37, 42, 189-192. Mandelic acid and nitrile, 258, 259, 261. ,, ,, for benzaldehyde, 208, 210. Mandelonitrile for styrene, 35. Mangi/era, species yielding methyl salicylate, 41. Mang-koudu, 241, Manihot root, 263. ,, utilissima, 263. Manna and manna ash, 104, 243, 247. ,, from Pinus larix, 245. Mannans or mannosides, 248, 249, 250. Manneotetrose = stachyose, 292. ,, fermentation of, 46. ,, hydrolysis of, 247, 248. Manninotriose, 248. Mannitol, 104, 284. ,, and aniline for hydrojuglone, 168. ,, and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 256. ,, bacterial fermentation of, 51,52,69,70. ,, ferment, 52, 97. ,, ,, glycerol producer, 97. ,, for acetone, 200. ,, for acrolein, 99, 190. ,, for amyl alcohol, n-primaiy, 76. ,, for n-butyl alcohol, 71. ,, for diisopropyl, 83. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 57. ,, for formic aldehyde, 172. „ for glycerol, 99. ,, for n-hexane, 79, 81. ,, for hexyl alcohol, active, 83. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 67. ,, for Isevulose, 248. ,, for mannose, 250. ,, for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 188. ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 60. ,, for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 116. ,, Isevulose fi-om, by bacteria, 247. i-Mannitol, mannose, and mannonic acid, 246. Mannogalactans, 249. Mannoheptol = perse'itol, 107. ,, for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 114. d-Mannoheptonic acid, 107. Mannonic acids, 105, 106. d-Mannonic acid for dextrose, 246. ,, ,, for d-mannose, 250. Mannononose, fermentation of, 46. Mannose and acetic acid for amyl alcohol, n- secondary, 79. ,, for catechol, 141. ,, for diacetyl, 204. ,, for erythritol, 103. ,, for furfural, 224. ,, for leevulic acid, 103. ,, for quinol, 150. d-Mannose, 248, 292. ,, and hydrogen cyanide for manno- heptol, 107. ,, fermentability by moulds, 49. ,, fermentation of, 46. ,, for dextrose, 247. ,, for leevulose, 248. i-Mannose, 105, INDEX 321 d-Mannose for mannitol, io6. ,, for sorbitol, 107. 1-Mannose, non-fermentable, 46. Maple, sugar, 250. Marjolaine, 290. Massoia bark, oil, 36, 37. Matico oil, 158, 164. Matricaria {Pyrethrum) partheniuni, ^71, 273. Meadowsweet, 40. Medicago sativa, 249. Medlars, sorbitol from, 106. Melaleuca acuminata, 91. ,, leucadendron, go, 181, 205. „ ,, var. lancifoKa, 9I. ,, viridifolia, 90, 205. • Melezitose, 49. ,, hydrolysis of, 245. Melibiose, fernientability, 50. ,, resolution and fermentation of, 245. Melilotus leucantha, 2^2. Melissa officinalis, 87, 88, 193. Mellitic acid, 29, 30, 31, ido. Melodmus kevigatus, 41. ,, orientalis, 41. Memecylon, species yielding methyl salicylate, 41- Mentha aquatica var. crispa, 226. ,, arvensis vars. piperascens and glabrata, 93- ,, canadensis, 135, I36, 226. ,, piperita, 92, 136, 227, 283, 388, 290. „ pulegium, 37, 92, 93, 226, 227. „ viridis, 38, 88, 226. Menthadiene = terpinene, 39. Menthene, 274. ,, for cymene, ^78. Menthocitronellal, 89. Menthol, 92, 283. ,, compounds, genesis In plahts, 93. ,, for cymene, 33. ,, for menthene, 275. ,, for menthone, 227, 290. Menthone, 227, 290. ,, for acetone, 200. „ for citronellol, 89. ,, for m-cresol, 130. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 68. ,, for menthol, 93, 283. ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 61. ,, for thymol, 136. ,, for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 1I5. Menthonic acid, 200. Menthyl chloride, 275, Mercury fulminate for thiocyanates, 269. ,, ,, and benzene for benzaldo- hyde, 207. Mesaconic acid, 63, 11 a, 113. ,, ,, for acetone, I96, 198. ,, ,, for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 186, 187. ,, „ for quinol, 151. Mcsadibrompyrotartaric acid, 186. Mesidine, 157. Mesitenecarbonic lactone, 180. Mesitol=i :3 :5-trimethyl-2-phenol, 132. Mesityl oxide, 94, 179, 180, 181, 272, 280. Mesitylene for benzene, 30. ,, for m-cresol, 129. ,, for o-cresol, 126. ,, for p-cresol, 13a. ,, for mesorcinol, 157. ,, for phenol, 123, ,, for toluene, 108-114. Mesitylenic acid for benzene, 31. ,, ,, for o-cresol, 126. )f ,, for p-cresol, 132. ,) ,, for phenol, 123. ,, ,, for toluene, 114. ,, ,, from isovaleric acid, 114. MesitylenesUlphonic acid, 132. Mesorcinol, 156. Mespihis japonica, 205, Mtsquit tree, 247. Meta- ; see also under m- with respective suf- fixes. Metacetone, 188. Metacresol for menthone, 227. Metahydroxyanthraquinone, 236. Metahydroxybenzoic aldehyde, 215. Methane, 21, 277. „ and methyl chloride for methyl sul- phide, 353. ,, and nitrogen for hydrogen cyanide, 268. ,, for acetaldehyde, 175. ,, for benzene, 29. ,, for cal'bon disulphide, 251. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 54. ,, for formic aldehyde, 169. ,, for methyl alcohol, 43. Methazonic acid, 267, 268. Methenylbisacetoacetic ester, 285. Methovinyl = j8-alIylbenzene, 32. o-Methoxyacetophenone, 2I4. p-Methoxyacetophenone, 229, 230. t : 3 Methoxy-4-aminobenzene, 165. p-Methoxybenzoic acid, see anisic acid. m-Methoxybenzoic aldehyde, 221. o- M M 223. 2-Methoxybenzoylacetic ester, 214, 228. p-Methoxybenzyl( = anisyl) alcohol, 218, 219. m-Methoxycinnamic acid, 221. p-Methoxycinnamic acid, 229. ,, ethyl ester, occurrence, 45- p-Methoxydibromdihydrocinnamic( = i' : I'-di- brom-p-hydrocoUmaric) methyl ether, 229. p-Methoxyhydratropic aldehyde and acid, 229. p-Methoxy-p-nitrobenzaldehyde, 221, 222. m-Methoxyp-nitrocinnamic ester and acid, 221. p-Methoxyphenyl magnesium bromide, 290. p-Methoxyphenylglyoxylic acid, 218. p-Methoxyphenylpropiolic acid, 230. 3-Methoxyphthalic acid, 122. Methoxyquinone and quinol, 165. 6-Methoxy-o-toluic acid, 122, Methyl acetate for formic aldehyde, 170. ,, alcohol, 40, 278. ,, ,, and butyric acid for amyl alco- hol, n-secondary, 77. ,, ,, and formic acid for glycerol, 98. ,, ), and methyl chloride for carbon disulphide, 251. „ ,, and phosgene for tertiary butyl alcohol, 281. ,, ,, &c., for hydrogen cyanide, a68. ,, ,, for acetaldehyde, 180. ,, ,, for benzene, 30. ,, ,, for chloroform, 30. „ „ for ethyl alcohol, 54. ,, „ for formic aldehyde, 169, 287. „ ,, for methane, 22. ,, „ for methyl mercaptan, 25a. „ „ for methyl sulphide, 253. 322 INDEX Methyl alcohol for nitromethane, 98, 99. „ ,, glycerol, and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 254. ,, and ethyl alcohols, acetic and propionic acids, and acetone for methylhepte- none, 202. „ „ „ „ and hydrogen cyan- '. ide for acetone, 199. ,, „ „ „ for isopropyl alco- hol, 66. „ ,, ,, „ formic acid, and car- bon disulphide for sec. butyl isothio- cyanate, 255. ,, I, ,, ,, glycerol, potassium cyanide, and acetic acid for terpinool, 283. ,, anthranilate, occurrence, 41, 278. ,, benzoate, occurrence, 41, 4a, 278. „ chloride, 26, 43, 44, 54, 57, 170. „ „ for ethylene, 54. ,, ,, for methane, 26. ,, ,, from trimethylamine, 26, 173. ,, cinnamate, occuri-ence, 42. ,, cyanide = acetonitrile, 54, 71, 199, 211. ,, ether, 169. ,, iodide for methane, 22. ,, ,, from camphoi", 277, 278. ,, mercaptan, 252, 292. ,, salicylate, occurrence, 40, 41, 278. ,, sulphide, 253. ,, ,, and hydrogen cyanide for methyl mercaptan, 252. ,, thiocyanate and thiocyanurate, 252. Methylacetoacetic ester, 112, 149, 186, 196, Methylacetosuccinic ester, a and ^, 63, 112, 186, 196. Methylacetyl carbinol = dimethylketol, 94, 283. Methylal, 169, 170, 171, 173, 287. Methylamine and benzoyl chloride for benzoni- trile, 258. ,, for formic aldehyde, 174. ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 267. ,, for methane, 26. ,, for methyl alcohol, 44. Methyl-n-amyl ketone, 200. Methylanthranilic methyl ester, occurrence, 42. Methylarbutin, 146, 152, 251. Methylbenzamide, 258. Methylbenzyl ketone, 212. 3-Methyl-i : 2-butadi6ne = dimethyl ;ilylene, 195, 202. Methyl-a-chlorethyl ketone, 95. a-Methyl-j3-cyanosuccinic ester, 113, 187, 196. i-Methylcyclohexanol-2-carboxylic-4-acid, 285. Methylcyclohexanone = 3-keto-i-methylhexa- hydrobenzene, 115, 124, 130, 228. Methyl- i-cyclohexenone-3, 145. Methylcyclopropane, 71, 72. Methyl-n-decyl ketone, 202. Methylene bromide, 287. ,, chloride, 117, 170, 171, 173, 236. „ iodide, 55, 56, 57, 129, 145, 170, 171, 223, 287. Methylethenyltricarboxylic ( = propanetricar- boxylic) acid, 62, no, 113. Methylethylketol, 188. Methylethyl ketone, 95, 204, 283. ,, ,, for sec. butyl alcohol, 255. „ ,, from pseudobutylene, 95, 254, 255. Methylethylacetaldehyde, 184. Methylethylacetylene = 3-pentine, 78. Methylethylacrolein, 185, 186. s-Methylethylethylene = 3-pentene, 78, 188, 194- ,, glycol = 2 :3-dihydroxy- pentane, 188. i-Methyl-4-ethylonecyclohexanol-a, 285. Methylethylpropyl carbinol = active hexyl alco- hol, 83. Methyl eugenol, 140, 157, 286. a-Methylglucoside, alcoholic fermentation of, 278. „ fermentability by moulds, 49. ^-Methylglyceric ( =a3-dihydroxybiityric) acid, 170-173, 177-179- 6-Methylglycidic acid, 172, 188. Methylglycollic acid, 171. Methylglyoxal, 188. Methylheptenol, 203. Methyl heptenone, 202, 282. „ and methyl alcohol for di- methylheptenol, 86. ,, for acetone, 199, 289. ,, for o-cresol, 127. ,, for diacetyl, 204. ,, for erythritol, 103. ,, for laevulic acid, 103. ,, for quinol, 151. Methyl-n-heptyl ketone, 201. 2-Methyl-6-hexanone, 84. Methylhexyl carbinol = 2-octanol, 82, 84. Methyl-n-hexyl ketone and oxime, 8x, 8a. Methylhydrocoto'in, 232. ,, phloroglucinol complex in, 161. a-Methylhydroxyglutaric anhydride, loi. Methylhydroxytrimesic ester, 285. Methylisoeugenol, 140, 157. ,, for acetaldehyde, 181. Methylisophthalic acid, see under uvitic acid. Methylisopropyl ketone, 194, 195, 196, 197, aoo. Methylisopropylketohexamethylene, 227. Methyl-)3-ketohexamethylenecarboxylic ester, 227. 3-Methyl-A2-keto-R-hexene( = i -methyl cyclo-3- hexenone), 129. Mcthylketohexenyleneearboxylic esters, 145. /3-Methylmalic acid, 68, 114, 187, 198. MethylmaIonic(=isosuccinic) ester and acid, no, 176, 177, 187. 8-Methyl-9-nonanol, 201. Methyl-n-nonyl carbinol = hendecatyl alcohol, 85. ,, „ ketone, 201. ,, ,, „ for the carbinol, 85. Methyloxalacetic ester, 114, 187, 198. Methylparapropiocoumaric acid, 137. 4-Methylpentanoic acid for isohexyl alcohol, 82. 4-Methylphenol-2 : 5-dicarboxylic (= s-hy- droxymethylterephthalic) acid, 132. 5-Methylphenol-2 : 4-dicarboxylic (= m-hy- droxyuvitic) acid, 129. Methylphenyl carbinol = styrolyl alcohol, 118, 284. „ „ for styrene, 34, 35. a-Methyl-/3-phenylhydroxypropionic acid, 212. /3-Methylpimelic acid, 227. Methylpropyl carbinol, 77, 281. „ ketone, iSo, 62, 64, 77, 78, 188, aSi. INDEX 323 Methylpropylacetaldehyde, 185, 288. Methyl propyl-acetoacetic ester, 178. a-Methylpropyl-/3-hydroxybutyric acid, 178. Methylpurpuroxanthin, 142, 241. a-Methylpyridine = a-picoline, 82. N-Methylpyrrole, 100, loi. 3-(/3)-MethyIpyrrolidine, 38. N-Methylpyrrolidine, 100, 102. N - Methylpyrrolidine-2 - carboxylic ( = hygric) acid, loa. Methylsuccinamic acid, loi. Methylsuccinimide, loi. Methylterephthalic ( = a-xylic) acid, 30, 123. /3- Methyltetramethylenediamine, 38. a-Methyltetronic (= tetrinic) acid, 149. Methyl-m-toluyl ketone, 131. /3- Methyl -N- trimethylpyrrolidyl - ammonium iodide, 38. Methylumbelliferone, 142, ,, for paeon ol, 231. Methylundecyl ketone, 202. Methysticin, 42. Metroxylon sagu, 249. Meum athamanticum, 104. Mezcalin, 159. Micrococcus acidi paralactici, saccharose ferment, 69. Milk, alcohol in curdled, 279. „ anaerobic putrefaction, 53, 1 19, 252. ,, fermentation by Bacillus butyricus, 70. ,, fusel oil in, 80. Milk-sugar, acetone from, by fermentation, 193. „ „ fermentability, 47, 50, 51. ,, ,, hydrolysis of, 245. „ ,, methane fermentation of, 21, Mint oil, see under Mentha and Monarda. Mitchella repens, 262. Monarda didyma, 136. „ fistulosa, 28, 37, 135, 136, 158, 235. ,, punctata, 28, 37, 135, 136. Monilia Candida, alcoholic ferment, 47, 50. ,, „ resolution of saccharose by, 244. „ ,, trehalose ferment, 245. ,, javanica, from Javan ' raggi,' 49. , , , , resolution of saccha rose by, 244. ,, sitophila, alcoholic ferment, 50. „ (?) sitophila, saccharification of starch by, 246. ,, used for Japanese ' awamori,' 49. ,, variabilis, alcoholic ferment, 47. Monkshood, 104. Monotropa hypopitys, 41. Morin, 142, 160. Morinda umbellata, 241. Morus tinctoria = Madura aurantiaca, 139, 142. Mosla japunica, 136. Mould-fungi as alcoholic ferments, 49. Mountain-ash berries, sorbitol in, 106. „ ,, flowers, 263. „ savory, 135. Mucobromic acid, 142, 145, 163, 235. ( Mucor alternans, alcoholic ferment, 49, 278. ,, /3- and y-amylomyces, starch saccharifica- tion by, 245, 246. ,, Cambodia from Chinese yeast, 49. ,, „ starch saccharification by, 246. „ circinelMdes, alcoholic ferment, 49. „ „ aldehyde producer, 174. ,, duUus from Javan ' raggi,' 49. „ erectus, alcoholic ferment, 49. ,, ,, starch hydrolyser, 245. „ industrial production of dextrose by, 245. Mucor javanicus from Javan 'raggi,' 49. ,, mucedo, alcoholic ferment, 49. „ racemosus, alcoholic ferment, 49. „ „ aldehyde producer, 174. ,; „ glycerol producer, 97. ,, ,, resolution of saccharose by, 244. ,, {Amylomyces) rouxii from Chinese yeast, 49. M u >> starch hydrolyser, 245. „ species as alcoholic ferments, 49. ,, spinosus, alcoholic ferment, 49. ,, siolonifer, alcoholic ferment, 49. ,, „ from ' koji ' ferment, 49. Muscle, dextrose in, 246. Mustard oil, carbon disulphide in, 251. ,, oils, see under respective isothio- cyanates. MycoUastus sanguinarius, 42, 43. Mycoderma aceti, 93. „ fermentation by, 48. ,, vini, glycerol producer, 97. Mydaus marchei, Philippine badger, 253. Myoporum platycarpum, 104. Myrcia {Eugenia) acris, 158. Myrica cerifera, &c., 96. „ gale, 159. „ nagi = sapida, &c., 159. Myricetin, 159, 160. Myristic acid for heptacosane, 28. „ „ for n-hexane, 79, 81. ,, ,, for suberic acid, 81. ,, ,, for tetradecyl alcohol, 86, ,, aldehyde for tetradecyl alcohol, 86. Myristica fragrans, 36. Myronate, potassium = sinigrin, 256. Myrosin, 256. Myroxylon {Toluifera) pereirce, 107. ,, tolui/erum, 107. Myrticolorin = osyritrin, 138, Myrtle oil, 36, 92. Myrtus cheken, 9a. „ communis, 36, 92. Naphthalene, 39. „ for anthracene, 236. ,, for benzaldehyde, 211, „ for benzonitrile, 211, 259. ,, for m-eresol, 130. „ form-hydroxybenzaldehyde,2i5. „ for phenol, 122. „ for phthalic acid, 115, 284. ,, for toluene, 114, 115. ,, from ethyl alcohol, 287. „ syntheses of, 165, 166. I : 5-Naphthalenedisulphonic acid, 167. Naphthalenedisulphonic and nitrodisulphonic acids, 115. Naphthalene-a-sulphonic acid and amide, 122. Naphthalene-j3-sulphonic acid and amide, 123. Naphthalenetrisulphonic acids, heteronucleal, 130. a-Naphthaquinone, 167, 168. a-Naphthol and acetate, 122. I : 5-Naphtholsulphonic acid, 167. a-Naphthylamine, 168. Naphthylaminesulphonic and disulphonic acids, 115, 122. 1 : 5-Naphthylaminesulphonic acid, 167. I : 8-Naphthylaminesulphonic acid and sultone, 167. I : 4-Naphthylenediamine, 168. Narcotine, 140, 159. Naringin = aurantiin, phloroglucinol complex in, 160. Y 3 324 INDEX Nasal secretion, thiocyanate in, 269. Nasturtium officinale, 260. Nauclea, species of, 41. Nedandra rodioei, 124. Neroli oil, 37, 41, 42, 87-90, 118, 274, 278, 282, 284, 288. Ngai camphor, Chinese, 273. Niauli oil, 90, 91, 205. Nigritella suaveolens, 219. m-Nitraniline, 143. o-Nitraniline, 14a, 214. p-Nitraniline, 150, 230. o-Nitroacetophenone, 213, 214, 228, 229. p-NitroJicetophenone, 230. a-Nitroacetophenone-oxime = /3-styrene nitro- site, 293. I : 4-Nitroacetnaphthalide, 168. a-(4)-Nitroalizarin, 241. /3-Nitroalizarin, 240. 5-Nitro-2-aminobenzoic acid, 147, 233, 3-Nitro-4-aminoethylbenzene, 135. 2-Nitro-4-aminophenylacetic acid, 134, 148. 6-Nitro-3-amino-p-toluic acid, 125, 127. 5-Nitro-3-ainino-p-xylene, 156. o-Nitroanisole, 140, 141, 142, 220. a-Nitroanthraquinone, 238, 239. a-Nitroanthraquinonesulphonic acid, 239. p-Nitrobenzaldehyde diacetate, 217. o-Nitrobenzaldoxime, 134, 148. p-Nitrobenzaldoxime, 216, 217, 218. Nitrobenzene, 120, 142, 143, 130, 163, 214, 217, 219. Nitrobenzenesulphonic acids, 143, 220. m-Nitrobenzoic acid, 121, 122, 147, 236. o-Nitrobenzoic acid, 121, 124, 147, 148, 214, 215, 233. p-Nitrobenzoic acid, 230. m-Nitrobenzoic aldehyde, 121, 122, 130, 215, 220, 223. o-Nitrobenzoic aldehyde, 117, 134, 147, 148, 214. ,, ,, for saligenin, 117. p-Nitrobenzoic aldehyde, 216, 217, 218, 230, 290. o-Nitrobenzonitrile, 215. p-Nitrobenzonitrile, 230. o-Nitrobenzoyl chloride, 214. p-Nitrobenzoyl chloride, 217, 230, 262. o-Nitrobenzoylacetoacetic ester, 214. p-Nitrobenzoylacetoacetic ester, 230. o-Nitrobenzyl alcohol. 117. p-Nitrobenzyl alcohol, 217. o-Nitrobenzyl chloride, 117. p-Nitrobenzylacetamide, 262. p-Nitrobenzylamine, 262. p-Nitrobenzylaniline and sulpho-acid, 217. /3-(^-Nitrobenzylliydroxylamine, 217. m-Nitrobenzylidene chloride, 122. p-Nitrobenzylideneaniline and sulpho-acid, 217. o-Nitrocinnamic acid, 117, 121, 134, 147, 213, 214, 228. p-Nitrocinnamic acid, 216, 230. Nitrocoumarone, 213. , , for hydrogen cyanide, a66, 268. 5-Nitro-3(ni)-cresol, 154. 4-Nitro-3(m>cresol ether, 132, 221. 6-Nitro-3(m)-cresol ether, 127. 4-Nitro-2(o)-cresol, 155. 5 Nitro-2(o)-cresol, 151. 2-Nitro-4(p)-cresol, 155. 3-Nitro-4(p)-fresol, 130. 3-Nitrocumic aldehyde, 127. m-Nitro-p-cyanotoluene, 129, 228. 2-Nitrocymene, 136. Nitrocyinylidene chloride, 127, 136. a-Nitro-/3-dimethylacrylic ester, 182. Nitroethane from acetaldehyde, 55. o-Nitroethylbenzene, 133. Nitroheptanes, 83, 200. Nitrohexane, 80, 82. p-Nitrohydratropic acid, 229. m-Nitro-p-hydroxybenzoic aldehyde, 221. Nitroisobutylene, 182, 183. Nitroisobutylglycerol, 99, 242. Nitroisophthalic acids, 123. Nitrolactic acid, 267. Nitromalonic aldehyde, 142, 145, 163, 235. ,, ester, 166, 268. Nitromesidine, 157. Nitromesitol, 157. Nitromesitylene, 157. 4-Nitromesitylenic acid, 132. Nitromethane for fulminates, 207. „ for glycerol, 98, 99. ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 266, 268. ,, from acetic acid, 98, 216. p-Nitro-m-methoxybenzoic aldehyde, 221, 22a. 6-Nitro-2-methoxybenzonitrile, 143. Nitromethoxyphenylpyroracemic acid, 221. a-Nitronaphthalene, 122, 167, 168. 1 : 5-Nitronaphthalenesulphonic acid, 167. 1 : 8-Nitronaphthalenesulphonic acid, 167. I : 4-Nitronaphthol, 168. I :4-Nitronaphthylamine, 168. Nitro-octanal, 189. Nitro-octylene, 189. p-Nitrophenetole, 15a. m-Nitrophenol, 143. o-Nitrophenol, 140, 142, 164, 220. p-Nitrophenol, 144-147, 150, 152, 232, 233, 235- o-Nitrophenylacetylene, 214, 228. a-o-nitrophenyl-;3-bromnitroethylene, 117. a-p-nitropheny l-;3-bromnitroethylene, 216. o-Nitrophenyl-w-chlorethylene = i ^-chlor-a- nitrostyrene, 134. p-Nitrophenyldibrompropionic acid and ester, 230. o-Nitrophenylpropiolic acid, 214, 228. p-Nitrophenylpropiolic acid and ester, 230. p Nitrophenylpyroracemic acid, 218. 3-Nitrophthalic acid, 122. 4-Nitrophthalic acid and estei', 122. Nitrophthalimidine, 130. Nitropropane from a-brombutyric acid, 60, 67, 69. ,, from propaldoxime, 61. Nitropseudocumene, 149. 3-Nitrosalicylic acid, 141, 142, 5-Nitrosalicylic acid, 146, 147, 232, 233. I ^-Nitrosoacetophenone, 210. Nitrosoanthrol, 291. Nitrosobenzene, 1^2, 150, 266, Nitroso-o-cresol = toluquinoneoxime, 152. Nitrosodimethylaniline, 150. Nitrosoguanidine, 269. I : 4-Nitrosonaphthol, 168. p-Nitrosophenol = quinoneoxime, 146, 150. Nitrosotriacetonamine, 126. I ^-Nitrostyrene = phenylnitroethylene, 216. Nitrotartaric acid, 267. Nitroterephthalic acid, 123. Nitrotoluenes, 117, 125, 128-131, 143, 148, 151, 154, 214, 217, 218, 222, 230. 4-Nitrotoluene-2-sulphonic acid, 143. a-Nitro-m-toluic acid, 126. INDEX 325 4-Nifcro-m-toruic acid, 131. 6-Nitro-m-toluic acid, 126. 5-Nitro-o-toluic acid, 128. 6-Nitro-o-toluic acid, 12a. a-Nitro-p-toluic acid, 125. 3-Nitro-p-toluic acid, 129, 228. 4-Nitro-m-toluidine, 132. 5-Nitro-m-toluidine, 154. 6-Nitro-m-toluidine, 125, 127. 4-Nitro-o-toluidine, 155. 5-Nitro-o-toluidine, 130, 151. a-Nitro-p-toluidine, 148, 155. 3-Nitro-p-toluidine, 128, 129, 130, 222, 228. 3-Nitro - p - tolunitrile = 3 (m) - nitro -4- cyano- toluene, 129, 228. o-Nitrovanillin methyl ether, 239. o-Nitroveratric acid, 239. 4-Nitro-m-xylene, 131. 6-Nitro-m-xylene, ia6, 127. 5-Nitro-o-xylene, 128. Nitro-p-xylene, 129. 5-Nitro-p-xylenoI-3, 156. Nonoic (= ennoic) aldehyde = nonanal, 84, 189. Nonoic and formic acids for nonoic aldehyde, 189. Nonyl alcohol, secondary, 85, 28a. Nutmeg oil, 36, 212. Oats, vanillin glucoside in, a 19. Ochrolechia pallescens-y-parella, see LecatiorapareUa, 153- Ocimum basilicum, 371. Ocotea caudata, 88. Octadecyl alcohol, 86. Octane for anthracene, 237. n-Octane for n-octyl alcohol, 84. ,, from n-butyl alcohol, 82. „ from sebacic acid, 84. Octanediol, 81. Octanes, generators of, 82, 84. 2-Octanol, 82. Octenoic aldehyde = a-ethyl-;9-propylacrolcin, 189. n-Octoic acid for n-octyl alcohol, 28a. Octoic aldehyde, 189. „ and formic acids for octoic aldehyde, 189. „ ethyl ester, occurrence, 45. Octoses, non-fermentable, 46. Octyl alcohol, n-primary, 84, 28a. n-Octyl alcohol and acetoacetic ester for methyl- n-nonyl ketone, 202. ,, ,, for iodoform, 24. „ „ for methane, 24, ,, „ for methyl alcohol, 56. ,, „ for octoic aldehyde, 189. Octyl chloride, secondary = 3 chluroctane, 82. ,, esters, occurrence, 84. n-Octyl iodide, 202. n-Octylacetoacetic ester, 202. Ocyvmm basilicum, 88, 91. Qidema, malignant, bacillus of, 52, 53. (Enanthe crocata, 104. ,, phellandrium , 249. (Eaanthic (= n-heptoic) acid for active hexyl alcohol, 83. „ „ ,, for n-hcxyl al- cohol, 81. (Enanthol (heptoic aldehyde) and ethyl alcohol for nonyl alcohol, 85. ,, for heptane, 27. „ for n-heptyl alcohol, 83. „ for methyl-n-amyl ketone, aoi. CEnanthylidene, see under heptine. „ chloride = i : i-dichlorhep- tane, 27, aor. (Enocarpus bacaba, 349. Otdium (Monilia) albicans, 50, 97. „ ,, „ aldehyde producer,! 74. „ lactis, 50. ,, ,, alcohol producer, 279. Oldenlandia umbeUata, 236, 238, 240. Oleaceee, mannitol in, 104. Oleic ethyl ester, occurrence, 45. Oleum citri, 19a. Olive oil, catechol in, 138. ,, ,, rancid, oenanthol in, 189. Olives, mannitol in, 104, Ononin, 286. Ononis spinosa, 286. Opoponax chironium, aig. Orange blossoms, steam distilled oil. 384. ,, sweet, oil of, 84, 189. Orchis morio, 348. Orcinol, 152, a86. ,, for phloroglucinol, 163. /3-Orcinol, 156, a86. Origanum floribundum = cinereum, 136. ,, hirtum, a8, 135. ,, majorana, 39, 90, 226. ,, smyrnamw, a8, 88, 135. Ornus europcea, roiundi/olia, &c., 104, 244. Orobancheacese, mannitol in, 104. Oroxylin, 205. Oroxylon indicum, 205. Orris-root, 40, 159, 164. Orsellic acid, 153. Ortho, see under o- with respective suffixes. Orthocoumaric acid for o-hydroxyacetophe- none, 228. „ „ for salicylic aldehyde, 314. ,, aldehyde methyl ether, 223. Orthoformic ester, 145, 385. Orthohydroxyacetophenone, 228. Osmorrhisa longistylis, 137. Oswego tea, oil, 136. Osyritrin = myrticolorin, 138, 160. Ovarian cysts, fat of, 86. Oxalacetic acid and ester, 63, 64, 116. Oxalic acid and methyl alcohol for acet- aldehyde, 180. „ ,, „ „ ,, for acetone, 198. ,, ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 267. ,, and acetic acids, &c., for diacetyl, 304. „ „ „ „ for glycerol, 97. ,, and acetic esters for n-propyl alcohol, 63. „ „ „ „ for quinol, 150. ,, and propionic esters for citraconic acid, 114. „ ester and acetic acid for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 116. ,, ,, and isopropyl alcohol for isobutyric aldehyde, 183. ,, „ and magnesium methiodide for diacetyl, 289. ,, „ for n-sec. amyl alcohol, 78. Oximinosuccinic estor, 63. Oxyacrylic (= glycidic) acid, 170, 173, 177. a-Oxy-/a-benzainino-/3-oxypyrroIine, 98. Oxyliishydrocarvoxime, 226. /3-Oxyglutaric acid, 62, 63, 174, i8o, 186. Oxymesitonedicarboiiic acid, 179. Oxymethanesulphonic acid, 170. Oxymethylene, 60. 326 INDEX Oxymethyleneacetic (= formylacetic) acid, 71. a-Oxyphenylpropionic lactone, 261. Oxypulvic methyl ester = chrysocetraric acid, 43- Pachnolepia decussata, 42, 153. Pceonia moutan, 231. Paoonol, 142, 231. Palm nuts, 249. Palmarosa oil, 36, 87, 89. Palmitic acid for cetyl alcohol, 86. ,, ,, for hentriacontane, 28. ,, ,, for pentadecane, 27. ,, aldehyde for cetyl alcohol, 86. ,, ethyl ester, occurrence, 45. Pancreatic cyst, acetone in fluid of, 289. Pangium edule, 262. Papaverine, 140. Para-, see also under p- with respective suf- fixes. Paraconic acid, 186. Paracoto bark, 157, 252. Paracresol, 130. „ for p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 218. ,, for orcinol, 154. Parahydroxybenzoic aldehyde, 215. Parahydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate, 261. Parellic (= psoromic acid), 43. Parmelia aleurifes, 153. borreri, 153. caperata, 43. fuliginosa, \&y. ferruginaacens, 153. glabra = oUvacea and glabra, 153. glomellifera, 153. locarnensis, 153. olivetorum, 153. omphahdes, 153. perforata, 153. perlata, 45, 153. saxatilis, vars. &c., 153, 286. sordida, 153. sorediata, 153. species yielding atranorin, 42. tiliacea, var. scortca, 153. tinciorum = corallo'ides, 153. verruculifera, 153. Parmelin = atranorin, 42. Parmeliopsis hyperopia, 42. Parsley, 104, 160, 234. Pastinaca sativa, 40, 45, 84. Patellaric acid, 153. Pavefta, species yielding methyl salicylate, 41. Peach flowers, 263. Pears, sorbitol from, 106. Pelargonic and formic acids for nonyl alcohol, 84. Pelargonium odoratissimum, 89. ,, species yielding geraniol, 87. PeniciUium duclauxi, saccharose resolved by, 244. „ glaucum, alcoholic ferment, 49. ,, ,, arbutin decomposed by, 146, ,, ,, mannitol producer, 105. „ ,, methylpropylcarbinol re- solved by, 79. ,, ,, raffinose inverted by, 247. ,, ,, trehalose hydrolyser, 245. Penny-cress, 256. Pennyroyal oil, 37, 92, 93, 226. Pentabromdehydrothymol, 136. Pentacetylgluconitrile, 243. Pentachlorcthane, 236. Pentadecane, 27. panni/ormis, pJueotropa, Pentaglycol, 184. Pentallylcarbindimethylamine, 82. 2 : 4 : 6 : 3I : 4I -Pentamethoxybenzoylacetophc- none, 235. n-Pentane for amyl alcohol, n-primary, 76. ,, ,, ,, ,, n-secondary, 79. ,, for formic aldehyde, 173, 174, ,, from acetic acid, 76. ,, from n-butyric acid, 77. „ from glycerol, 76. „ from mannitol, 76. ,, from pyridine and piperidine, 76. Pentane, secondary, for acetaldehyde, 180. Pentane-a7€-tricarboxylic acid, 283. 3-Pentanol = diethyl carbinol, 78. 3-Pentene, 77, 78. Pentine (= valerylene) for cymene, 33. 3-Pentine = methylethylacetylene, 78. Pentosans, fermentable, 48. Pentoses, fermentable and non-fermentable, 48. Peppermint oils, 38, 91, 92, 174, 183, 227, 253, 275, 283, 288, 390. Pepperwort, 28, 135, 212. Perchlorethylene, 236. Perchlormethyl formate, 253. Perchlorpyrrole chloride, loi. Persea {Laurus) Ungue, 139, 161. Perseitol = mannoheptol, 107. Persian berries, 138, 139. Persica vulgaris, 305. Perlusaria amara, 286. „ lactea, 153. Peru balsam, 107, 219. Petit-grain oil, 37, 87, 88, 90, 224, 278, 282. Petunga roxburghii, 41. Peucedanum grareolens, 37, 226. Phaseolunatin, 192. Phaseolus lunatus, 192, 263. p-Phenetidine, 152. Phenetole, 152. Phenol, 119, 285. ,, and acetic acid for ketocoumaran, 231. ,) ,, ,, ,, &c,, for piceol, 229. ,, and anisole for iretol, 164. ,, and benzoic aldehyde for anthracene, 237- ,, and benzyl chloride, &c., for anthra- cene, 236. „ and chloroform, &c., for p-hydroxy- benzoic aldehyde, 315. „ and chloroform, &c., for salicylic alde- hyde, 213. „ and chloroform for p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 118. „ and ethyl alcohol for quinol ethyl ether, 152. ,, and hydrogen cyanide for anisic alde- hyde, 218. ,, and hydrogen cyanide for p-hydroxy- benzoic aldehyde, 390. ,, and phthalic anhydride for m-hydroxy- anthraquinone, 236. ,, and phthalic anhydride for purpurin, 241. ,, and resorcinol, &c., for euxanthoue, 233. „ &c., for benzoic aldehyde, 211. ,, &c., for saligenin, 117. ,, &c,, for vanillin, 220. ,, for carbon disulphide, 252. ,, for catechol, 140. „ for chloroform, 56. ,, for ethyl alcohol, 56. INDEX 327 Phenol for ethylene, 56. „ for hydrogen cyanide, 266. ,, for methane, 25. ,, for phloroglucinol, i6a. „ fur phlorol, 133. „ for pyrogallol, 159. ,, for quinol, 146. ,, for quinone, 235. ,, for resorcinol, 144. „ potassium cyanide, and carbon disul- phide for benzyl isothiocyanate, 259. ,, propionic acid, hydrogen cyanide, &c., for asarone, 164. ,, propionic acid, and methyl alcohol for anethole, 137. a-Phenoldisulphonic acid, 140. Phenol-o-sulphonic acid, 140. Phenol-p-sulphonic acid, 235, 286. Phenoltrisulphonic acid, 140. Phenopropyltrimethylammonium hydroxide, 212. Phenoxyacetic acid, 231. 5-Plienoxybutylamine, 102. 7-Phenoxybutyronitrile, 102. Phenoxylacetal, 133. Phenyl isocyanide, 207. ,, magnesium bromide, 284, 285, 289. ,, mustard oil, 253. ,, thiocarbimide, 207. Phenylacetamide, 259. Phenylacetic acid and carbon disulphide for benzyl isothiocyanate, 258. ,, „ &c., for styrene, 35. ,, ,, for benzaldehyde, 209, 289. ,, ,, for o-cresol, 127. ,, ,, for p-cresol, 286. „ ,, for phenol, 123. ,, „ for phlorol, 134. „ ,, for quinol, 148. „ ,, for toluene and benzyl al- cohol, 115. ,, aldehyde, see also a-toluic alde- hyde, 118, 293. „ „ for styrene, 34. „ and formic acids and caibon disulphide for phenylethyl iso- thiocyanate, 261. ,, and formic acids for phenylethyl alcohol, 118. „ and oxalic esters for piceol, 229. , , ester for phenylethyl alcohol , 284. Phenylacetylene for acetophenone, 208, 210. „ for o-hydroxyacetophenone, 228, 229. ,, for salicylic aldehyde, 214. „ for styrene, 34. ,f from acetophenone, 34. „ from cinnamic acid, 35, 209. ,f from ethylbenzene, 34. „ from yS-iodocinnamic acid, 35. ,, from phenylpropiolic acid, 35. Phenylalanine and carbon disulphide for phenylethyl isothiocyanate, 261. „ for styrene, 35. Phenylaminoacetic acid and nitrile, 258. Phenylbromacetic acid, 258. Phenyl-a-bromlactic acid, 261. Phfenyl-/3-bromlactic acid, 35, 261. Phenyl-/3-brompropionic (= i ^ - bromhydro- cinnamic) acid, 209. Plienylbutylene for naphthalene, 165. Phenylchloracetic acid, 208, 259. Phenyl-a-chloi'laclic acid, 35, 209, 261. Phenyl-/3-chlorlactic acid, 35, 261. Phenyl-a/3-dibrompropionic (= aj3-dihydro- cinnamic) acid and ester, 209, 228, 261, 290. Phenyl-a;3-dibrompropionic acid for styrene, 35. m-Phenylenediamine, 143. o-Phenylenediamine, 142. p-Phenylenediamine, 150, 217, 235. Phenylethyl alcohol, 118, 284. ,, isothiocyanate, 260, 293. w-Phenylethylamine, 260, 261. ,, for styrene, 34. „ from benzoic aldehyde, &c., 34. ,, from ethylbenzene, 34. „ from mandelonitrile, 34. ,, from phenylalanine, 35. ,1 from phenylpropionic acid, 35. ,, from toluene, 34. Phenylglyceric acid, 35, 261. „ „ for benzaldehyde, 210. Phenylglycidic (= )3-phenyloxyacrylic) acid, 260, 261. ,, ,, for benzaldehyde, 209. ,, ,, for CO - phenylethyl- amine, 34. „ „ for styrene, 34. Phenylglycuronic acid, a salt of, in urine, 119. Phenylglyoxal, see also benzoylformaldehyde, 210. Phenylglyoxylic acid for benzaldehyde, 208, 210, Phenylhydrazine, 208. Phenylhydroxylamine, 142, 150, 216, 266. Phenyliodhydracrylic (= a-iodo-/3-phenyl-;3- hydroxypropionic) acid, 261. Phenyliodopropionic acid for styrene, 35, Phenylisocrotonic (= /3-benzalpropionio) acid, 168, 216. Phenylisoxazole and carboxylic acid, 211. Phenyl-a-lactic acid, 260, 261. Phenyl-)3-lactic acid, 207-211. „ „ for styrene, 35. Phenylmalonic ester, 229. Phenylmethylmalonic acid and ester, 229. Phenylnitroethylene = I'-nitrostyrene, 208, 210, 216. Phenylnitromethane = I'-nitrotoluene, 259. Phenyloxalacetic ester, 229. /8-Phenyloxyacrylic (= phenylglycidic) acid, 260, 261. Phenylpropiolic acid for benzaldehyde, 208- 210. ,, ,, for o-hydroxyacctophc- none, 228. ,, ,, for salicylic aldehyde, 214. ,, n for styrene, 35. y3-Phenylpropionic acid and carbon disulphide for phenylethyl isothiocyanate, 261. 3-Phenylpropionic acid for styrene, 35. Phenylpropyl alcohol, 119, 284. Phenyisulphuric acid, salt of, in urine, irg. ,, ,, synthesis of, 120. Phenyl-o-toluyl ketone, 237. Ta i-Phenyltrimethylene -2:2:3- tricarboxylic ester and acid, 168. Phloracetophenone dimethyl ether, 276. ,, trimethyl ether, 233, 234. Phloretin, phloroglucinol complex in, 160. Phloridzin, phloroglucinol complex in, 160. Phloroglucinol, 160, 287. 328 INDEX Phloroglucinol acetic and veratric acids, &c., for luteolin, 234. ,, and quinol, &c., for gentisin, 233- ,, anisic and acetic acids, &c., for apigenin, 334. ,, anisic aldehyde, acetic acid, &c., for kampherol, 376. ,, benzoic and acetic acids, &c., for chrysin, 333. „ benzoic acid, &c., for hydro- cotofn, 231. „ „ „ „ for methyl- hydrocotoin, 331. ,, for acetone, 300. „ for antiarol, 164. ,, vanillin, acetic acid, &c., for quercetin, 276. Phloroglucinolcarboxylic acids, 163. Phlorol, 133, 286. Phloryl isobutyrate, occurrence, 135. Phwnix canariensis, 249. „ dactylifera, 249. PhoUofa rachcosa, 105. Phorone, 30, 123, 126, 129, 133, 203. Phosgene, 125. Phospham, 265. Phthalic acid and phthalimide for benzonitrile, 211, 359. „ „ for anthraquinone, 337. „ „ for benzonitrile and benzalde- hyde, 211. „ „ for benzyl alcohol, 384. „ ,, for m-cresol, 130. „ „ for phenol, 122. „ „ for toluene, 114. „ ,, from the naphthols, &c., 284. „ anhydride and benzene for anthra- quinone, 237. Phthalide, 115, 122, 336. Plithalidedicarboxylic acid, 30, iia, 114. Phthalidetricarboxylic acid, 30. Phthalimide, 115, 211. Phthalimidine, 115, 130. Phthaloyl chloride, 115, 237. Phyllanthus zeylanicus, 41. Physcia ccesia, 45. ,, (Anaptychia) ciliaris, 153. ,, medians, 45. ,, parietina, 104. ,, species yielding atranorin, 42. Physcianin = atraric acid = ceratopiiylIin, 43, 156. Phytelephas tiiacrocarpa, 347, 249. Picea alba, 273. ,, excelsa, 273. „ nigra. 273. ,, vulgaris, -a-]^. Picein, 229. Piceol = p-hydroxyacetophcnone, 229. a-Picoline for n-hexyl alcohol, 82. Picric acid ( = 2 14: 6-trinitrophenol), 162-164. ,, ,, for p-liydroxybenzaldehyde, 216. „ ,, for phloroglucinol, 162. Picrocrocin, 244. Picryl chloride = 2:4: 6-chIortrinitrobenzenc, 163. Picryl-p-hydroxyphenylglyoxylic ester and acid, 216. Picrylphenol, 216. Pierardia dukis, &c. , 41. Pimenta acris, 36, 191. Piinenta-leaf oil, 191. PimpineUa aiiisum, 137, 174, 218. Pinacolin = dimethylbutanone, 75, 76. Pinacone ( = tetramethylethylene glycol), 75, 76, 8a, 197. ,, for active hexyl alcohol, 83. ,, generators of, 82, 83. Pinastric (=chrysocetraric) acid, 43. Pine-apple, mannitol from, 104. Pine-needle oil, 36. Pine-wood oil, 28. Pinus and Abies, 39, 104. „ jeff'reyi, 27. ,, larix, 245. ,, montana, 273. ,, picea, 37, 229. ,, pumilio, 273. ,, sabiniana, 27. ,, sylvestris, 119, 273. a-Pipecoline, 82. Piper angustifolium, 158, 164. ,, belle, 158. ,, cubeba, 36. ,, methysticum, 42. ,, nigrum, 36. ,, peltaium, 137. Piperic acid, 140. ,, ,, for piperonal, 223. Piperidine for amyl alcohol, n-primary, 76. ,, for erythritol, 103. Piperonal, 222. ,, for vanillin, 221. Piperonylic acid, 140. „ „ for catechol, 141. Pistacia lentiscus, 159. ,, terebinthus, 159. Pivalic (=trimetliylacetic) acid, 75, 76. Placodium aaxicolum, &c. , 42. „ species yielding parellic acid, 43. Platysma compUcatum, 286. ,, diffusum, 153. ,, glaucum, 42. Phopsidium chlorophanum, 45. Pleural fluid, laevulose in, 348, Plums, sorbitol in, 106. Pneumococc^^s, alcohol producer, 52. ,, glycerol ferment, 51. Podocarpic acid, 131. Podocarpus chinensis, 41. ,, cupressina var. imbricaia, 131. „ nagcia, 41. Podophyllotoxin, 153. Podophyllum emodi, 138, 153. ,, peltatum, 138, 153. Polygala, species containing methyl salicylate, 41- Polygonum fagopyrum, 138. „ persicaria, 139. Polypodium vulgare, 104. Pomegranate root, 104. Populin, 250. ,, decomposed hy Aspergillus, 117. Populus balsamifera, 333. ,, nigra, 333. ,, pyramiduUs, 233. ,, sp. yielding chrysin, 160. „ „ „ populin, 250. ,, ,, „ salicin, 116, 250. Porphyra laciniata, 249. Portugal laurel, 263. ,, orange oil, 37, 41. Potato, solanin in, 288. Potato-peel, vanillin complex in, 219. PotentiUatormentilla, 161, 139. INDEX 329 Privet, niannitol in, 104. Prepaid oxime, 61, Propane for acetol, 94. ,, for glycerol, 97. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 67. ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 58, ,, from acetone, 60. ,, from butyl alcohol, tertiary, 66. „ from butyl iodide, tertiary, 59. ,, from n-butyric acid, 61, 66, 68, „ from glycerol, 59, 67. ,, from a-iodobutane, 59. „ from isobufyric acid, 62, 68. ,, from isopropyl alcohol, 59. ,, from methyl and ethyl alcohols, 66. Propanetricarboxylic acid and ester, 62,69, 187, 198. Propenylbenzene, 21a. Propinal for acetylene, 32, 58. Propiolic (=propargylic = propinic) acid, 31, 183. Propionamide, 6r, 114, 187, 196. ,, and magnesium ethobromide for diethyl ketone, a8i. Propionic acid and methyl alcohol for tertiary butyl alcohol, 75. ,, ,, &c., for methylpropylacetalde- hyde, 187. ,, ,, for acetaldehyde, 176, ,, ,, for acetone, 196. ,, ,, for amyl alcohol, n-sec, 78. ,, „ for n-butyl alcohol, 71. ,, ,, for diacetyl, 204. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 56. ,, ,, for formic aldehyde, 17a. ,, ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 267. „ ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 68. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 61. „ „ for quinol, 151. ,, ,, for toluene, 114. ,, aldehyde = propanal, a88. ,, ,, for methane, 34. ,, „ for methylpropylacetalcle- hyde, 185. ,, „ forn-propyl alcohol, 61, a8o. ,, and acetic aldehydes for crotonic aldehyde, 190. Propionitrile = ethyl cyanide, 61, 66, iii, 114, 151, 187, 196, 199. Propionyl chloride, 114, 187. „ cyanide, 187. p-Propionylanisole, 137. Propionylformic ( = ethylglyoxylic) acid, 187. n-Propyl alcohol, 58, 279. ,, ,, and acetic acid for amyl alco- hol, n-sec, 79. ,, ,, and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 255. ,, ,, for allylene, 114. ,, ,, for n-butyl alcohol, 70. ,, „ for ethyl alcohol, 55, ,, ,, for n-hexyl alcohol, 80. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 65, 280. „ ,, for propanal and methyli^ro- pylacetaldehyde, 185, Propyl alcohols for acetol, 93. ,, ,, for acetone, 193. ,, ,, for acrolein, 109, 190. ,, ,, for benzene, 30. ,, ,, for diacetyl, 204. ,, ,, for formic aldehyde, 173. „ „ for glycerol, 97. ,, „ for methane, 24. Propyl alcohols for quinol, 151. ,, „ for toluene, 109. ,, chloride for methane, 24. ,, cyanide =butyronitrile, 70, 72. „ ether, 173. Propyl;! mine for propyl alcohols, 58, 66, 67. Propylbenzene for hydrocinnamic aldehyde, 211, 213. ,, foro-hydroxyacetophenone, 229. Propylene bromide, 65, 97, 109, 185, 193. ,, chlorhydrin, 185. ,, chloride, 65, 66, 93, 97, 109, 185, 193. ,, cyanide, see pyrotartaric nitrile. ,, for acetol, 93. ,, for acetone, 193, 195. ,, for acrolein, 190. ,, for diacetyl, 204. ,, for formic aldehyde, 173. ,, for glycerol, 97. „ for isopropyl alcohol, 65. ,, for methylpropylacetaldehyde, 185. „ for n-propyl alcohol, 59. ,, for quinol, 151. ,, for toluene, 109. ,, from acetic acid, 68, 97. ,, from acetone, 98. „ from amyl alcohols, 66, 97. ,, from azela'ic acid, 69, 98. ,, from butyl alcohols, 66, 99. „ from butyric acids, 68, 98. ,, from ethyl alcohol, 66, 98. ,, from glycerol, 67, 195. ,, from n-hexane, 67. ,, from isovaleric acid, 68, 98. ,, from lactic acid, 68, 98. , , from oxalic and acetic acids, 68, 97. ,, from propyl alcohols, 65, 97, 109, 193, 280. ,, from thymol, 67, 98. ,, glycol («= I : 2-dihydroxypropane), 65, 193- „ ,, bacterial fermentation of, 93. ,, „ for acetol, 93. „ ,, for acetone, 193, 195. ,, ,, for methylpropylacetalde- hyde, 185, 188, 189. Propylene oxide, 65, 185, 288, 289. n-Propylene ( = trimethylene) glycol, 85. n-Propylethylene = amylene, 79. Propylisobutyl ketone, 197. Prosopis dulcis, 247. Protea melli/era, quinol in, 146. Proteids, p cresol from, by putrefaction, 131. ,, phenol from, by putrefaction, 119. Proteus vulgaris, phenol producer, 119. ,, ,, saccharose inverter, 244. Protocatechuic acid, 140. ,, ,, for catechol, 141. ,, ,, for hydrogen cyajiide, 267. „ ,, for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 116. ,, aldehyde-carboxylic ester, 221. ,, aldehyde, &c., for vanillin, 220, 221. ,, „ methyl benzyl ether, 22a. Protocetraric acid, 286. Protococcus vulgaris, 100. Prunus laurocerasus, 104, 107, 262. ,, padus, 263. ,, species yielding amygdalin, 205. ,, spinosa, 276, 287. Pi'ussic acid, see under hydrogen cyanide. 330 INDEX Pseudaconitine, 140. Pseudobutylene and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 254. J, for methylacetylcarbinol, 95. „ for methylethyl ketone, 95, 255- ,, from angelic and tiglic acids, 255- „ from isoamyl alcohol, 255. ,, from isobutyl alcohol, 254. ,y from isovaleric acid, 255. „ from tert. butyl alcohol, 74, 75- ,, generators of, 95. Pseudocumene, 30, 123, 126, 129, 132, 149. ,, for o-cresol, 126. ,, from camphor, 285. Pseudocumenesulphonic acid and amide, 132. Pseudocumidine = 5 amino- 1 : 2 : 4-trimethyl- benzene, 149. Pseudosarcine, 277. Psora ostreata, 153. Psychotria celastroides, 41. Pterocarpus {Dcmnonorops) draco, 161. ,, erinaceus, 138. ,, marsupium, 138, 139, 159. Ptychotis ajowan, 136, 212. Pulegone, 226, 290. „ and isopropyl alcohol for menthone, 228. ,, for acetone, 199. ,, for m-cresol, 130. ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 68. ,, for menthol, 93. ,, for phenol, 124. ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 60. ,, for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 115. Pulveraria {Lepraria) latebrarum, 42. Pulvic acid and anhydride, 210. ,, methyl ester, 43. Punica granatum, 104. Purpurin, 240, 291. ,, for purpuroxanthin, 239. Purpurinamide, 240. Purpurincarboxylic acid, 240. Purpurogallin, 168. Purpuroxanthin, 142, 239. ,, for purpurin, 241, Purree, 232. Putrescine ( = tetramethylenediamine) for n- butyl alcohol, 72. Pycnanthemumlanceolatum= Thymus virginicus, 135, 226. Pygium, sp. yielding amygdalin, 205. Pyrazolin-3 : 5-dicarboxylic ester, 124. Pyridine for amyl alcohol, n-primary, 76. ,, for n-hexyl alcohol, 82. Pyrogallol, 159, 287. ,, and plithalic anhydride for anthra- gallol, 240. ,, for antiarol, 163. ,, for naphthalene, 168. ,, trimethyl ether, 287. Pyroglutamic acid, 103. Pyrola, sp. yielding arbutin, 146. Pyromellitic acid, 120. Pyromucic acid, 103, 142, 145, 163, 168, 180, 235- Pyroracemic ( = pyruvic) acid and magnesium methiodide for isoamyl alco- hol, 281. Pyroracemic (= pyruvic) acid, &c., for ethyl- benzene and phenylethyl isothiocyanate, 260 ,, ,, for acetaldehyde, 176, 177. „ ,, for acetone, 193, 196, 198, 199. ,f ,, for amyl alcohol, n- sec, 79. ,, ,, for benzaldehyde, 211. ,, ,, for benzene, 31. ), ,, for a-crotonic acid and formic aldehyde, 171- 173- ,, ,, for diacetyl, 204. ,, ,, for ethyl alcohol, 57. ,f ,, for methylpropylacro- lein and methylpro- pylacetaldehyde, 186, 187. „ ,, for phlorol, 134. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 61-63. „ ,, forquinol, 150, 151. ,f „ for uvitic acid and to- luene, no. III, 113, 114. ,, ,, generators of, 79. ,, nitrile = acetyl cyanide, 61, 63, no 112, ii6, 151, 171, 176, 186, 187. Pyrotartaric acid for acetone, 193, 196, 198, 199. ,, ,, for ally lene and toluene, 108- III, 113, 114, 116. ,, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 65-69. ,, ,, for methyl propylacetalde- hyde, 185-187. ,, ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 58, 62, 63. ,, nitrile =^ propylene cyanide, 38, 109, 185. Pyrrole for erythritol, 100, 103. Pyrrolidine, 103. Pyrrolylene = divinyl, &c., 100. Pyrus mains, 205. Quebracho Colorado, 139, 275. Quercetin, 276. ,, catechol complex in, 138. ,, phloroglucinol complex in, 160. Quercitrin, 138, 160. Quercus, sp. yielding methyl salicylate, 41. ,, tinctoria, 138. Quinizarin = i : 4-dihydroxyanthraquiuone for purpurin, 241, 291. ,, from iinthriiquinone, 291. Quinol = hydroquinonc, 146, 286. ,, and phloroglucinol, &c., for gentisin, 233, ,, and phthalic anhydride for purpurin, 241. ,, and resorcinol, &c., for euxanlhone, 232, =33- ,, &c., for asarone, 165. ,, ethyl ether, 152. ,, for hydroxyquinol, 160. ,, for quinone, 235. ,, for I'esorcinol, 146. ,, methyl ether, 152. ,, ,, ,, and dextrose for methyl- arbutin, 251. Quinoline for hydrociunamic aldehyde. 212. INDEX 331 Quinone, 235. ,, &c., for asarone, 165. ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 267. ,, for hydroxyquinol, 160. ,, for quinol, 146. Racemic acid and propionic aldehyde for phlo- rol, 134. „ ,, and n-propyl alcohol for benzalde- hyde, 211. „ ,, and n-propyl alcohol for phenyl- ethyl alcohol, 118. ,, ,, for quinol, 151. ,, ,, for toluene, 114. Radish, 356. Kaffinose ( = melitriose), bacterial fermentation, 52. ,, fermentability by moulds, 49. ,, fermentable by yeasts, 50. ,, hydrolysis of, 245, 247. Raggi, Javan, 49, 244, 245. Ramalic acid, 153. Ramalina ceruchis, 286. ,, poUinaria, 152, 153. Rangiformic acid, 43. Rape-seed oil-cake, 256, 357. Raphanus sativus, 256. Raphiosphora flamvirescens, 45. Rassamala resin, 205, 223. Red bearberry, 146, 251. Red whortleberry, 146. Resacetophenone, 231, 275. Reseda liiteola, 138, 139, 234. ,, roots, 260. Resins, pine and larch, vanillin from, 219, Resorcinol, 142, 286. ,, and acetic or citric acid, &c., for pseonol, 231. ,, and carbon disulphide for cresor- cinol, 186. ,, and quinol or salicylic acid, phenol, &c., for euxanthone, 232, 233. ,, &c., for asarone, 165. ,, for catechol, 141. ,, for phloroglucinol, 162. ,, vanillin, acetic acid, &c., forfisetin, 275- Resorcinoldicarboxylic ( = i8-dihydroxybenzoic) ester and acid, 145. Resorcinoldithiocarbonic acid, 156. Resorcinoltricarboxylic ( = dihydroxytrimesic) ester, 145. i3-Resorcylic ( = 2 : 4-dihydroxy benzoic) acid, 143) 144, 232, 233. Rhamnazin, 139, 160. Rhamnetin, 139, 160. Rhamnose, non-fermentable, 46. Rhamnus chlorophonts, 160. ,, utilis, 160. Rhinanthus, mannitol from sp. of, 104. Rhizocarpic acid, 45. Rhizocarpon geographicum, vars., 43, 156. ,, sp. yielding rhizocarpic acid, 45. Rhizonic and rhizoninic acids, 156. Rhizopus nigricans, alcoholic ferment, 49. ,, orysce, starch saccharification by, 245. Rhodinal, 89, 191, 193, 288. Rhodinol (1 citronellol), 89, 90, 282, 388. ., for methone, 227. Rhubarb, Chinese, 287. Rhus coriaria, 159. „ cotinus, 139, 159, 275. ,, mctopium, 139, 159. Rhus rhodanthema, 138, 275. ,, succedanea, 96. ,, thymifoUa, 139. Ribes aureum, 262. ,, nigrum, 262. ,, rubrum, 262. Ricinine, 42. Ricinus communis, 43. Robinia pseudacacia, 159, 161, 234. Robinin = kampherol glucoside, 119, 138, 160, 161. Roccella fuciformis, 100, 152, 153, 156. „ intricata, 43, 100, 152, 153. „ montagnei, 100, 152, 153. ,, peruensis, 153. ,, iinctoria, 43, 100, 152, 153. Rohdea japonica, 249. Rosa alba, 87. ,, damascena, 87. Rose leaves, 138. ,, oil of, 87-89, 118, 191. Rosemary oil, 91, 271, 272, 274. Rosmarinus officinalis, 91, 271, 272. Rottlera dispar, 41. Ruberythric acid, 238. Rubia iinctoria, 238. Rubus sundaicus, 41. Rue, oil of, 38, 41, 43, 45, 85, 201, 202, 205. Rutigallic acid =1:2:3:5:6: 7-hexahydroxy- anthra quinone, I3i, 339. Rumex obtusifolius, 138. Ruscus acvdeatus, 349. Russula integra ~ Agaricus integer, 104. Riita graveolens, 43, 138, 201. Rutin, 138, 160. Rye, stalks of, mannans from, 249. Sabal serrulata, 45. Saccharic acid, 103. Saccharobacillus pastorianus, alcohol pi'oducer, 52. Saccharomyces anornalus, amyl acetate producer, 80. „ as alcoholic ferments, 45, ,, ellipsoideus, isobutylene glycol producer, 96. ,, of ginger-beer plant, 51. ,, of kephir, 51. ,, selective fermentation by, 47. , , vordermanni, from Javan ' raggi, '49. Saccharose (cane sugar), bacterial fermenta- tion, 51-53. „ n-butyl alcohol from by Bacillus orthobutylicus, 70. ,, fermentability of, 47, 49, 50. „ fermentation by Leuconostoc meser^er- oides, 247. ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 366. ,, isobutylene glycol from, 96. ,, resolution by yeasts, moulds, &c., 244, 247. Saclisia suavcolens, alcoholic ferment, 47. Safflower, 138. Saffron, meadow, 43. ,, oil of, 92. ,, plant, 244. Sagapenum, 142. Sage, oil of, 91, 212, 271, 273. Sake, 49, 244, 245. Salop mucilage, 248, 292. Salicin, 250, 284. ,, and benzoic acid for populin, 250. ,, for salicylic aldehyde, 213. ,, occurrence in plants, 116. S82 INDEX Salicylic acid and acetic ester for salicylic alde- hyde, 214. „ ,, and amide for saligenin, 117. ,, ' ,, and phloroglucinol for gentisin, 233- „ ,, and resorcinol for euxanthone, 232. „ ,, &c., for o-liydroxyacetoplienone, aaS. „ ,, for anisic aldehyde, 219 ,, ,, for carbon disulphide, 25a. ,, ,, for catechol, 141. ,, „ for ethyl alcohol, 57. ,, „ for methane, 26. „ ,, for phenol, 120, 124. „ ,, for quinol, 146. ,, and acetic aldehydes, &c., for o-cou- maric aldehyde methyl ether, 223. Salicylic aldehyde, 213. „ ,, and acetic acid for hydrogen cyanide, 268. ,) ,, and acetic acid for keto- coumaran, 230. ff „ and acetic acid for phlorol, 134- „ ,, and acid for picric acid and phloroglucinol, 162. ,, ,, and dextrose for salicin, 250. f, ,, for saligenin, 117. ,, benzyl ester, occurrence, 108. ,, ester for quinol ethyl ether, 152, ,, methyl ester, occurrence, 40. Salicyloxyacetic acid, 230. Saligenin, 116, 284. ,, for picric acid and phloroglucinol, 162. ,, for salicylic aldehyde, 213. Salinigrin, 215. Saliva, thiocyanate in, 268, 269. Salix diaco'or, 215. ,, purpurea, 284. „ sp. yielding salicin, 116, 250. Salvia officinalis, 91, 271, 273. ,, sdarea, 88. Sandal-wood oil, 204, 224, 278. Sapan wood, 142. Saponaria officinalis, 146. Saponarin, 146. Sarcina, saccharose inverter, 244. Sassafras bark, oil of, 271. ,, leaf, oil of, 87, 88, 191. Sassafras officinalis, 191. Satureia hortensis. 28, 135, 212. ,, montana, 135. ,, ihymbra, 28, 37, 273. Savin oil, 204, 224, 278. Schinus molle, 135. Schizophyllum lobatum, carbon disulphide genera- tor, 251. Schizo-Saccharomyces octosporus, 278. Scoparin, 139, 161, 234. Scorzonera hispanica, 104, 139. Scrophulariaceee, mannitol from, 104. Scurvy -grass or spoon wort, 254, 256. Scutellaria altissima, 161. Scutellarin and scutellarein, 161. Sea-buckthorn, 104, 138. Sebacic acid for amyl alcohol, n-primary, 76. ,, ,, for cetyl alcohol, 86. ,, ,, for heptoic aldehyde, 189. ,, ,, for n-hexane via suberic acid, 81. ,, ,, for valeric aldehyde, 184. Semecarpiis sp., 41. Serum, laevulose in, 248. Siegburgite, 36. Sinalbin, 117, 159, 262. Sinapic acid, 159. Sinapis alba, 261. ,, juncea, 256. ,, nigra, 256. Sinigrin = potassium myronate, 256. Sisymbrium alliaria, 256. Slaitia sidcroxylon, 41. Sinilax glycypkylla, 160, Sodamide, 264. Sodium ethyl, 75. Soil bacteria, 53. Solanum dulcamari, 288. ,, lycopersicnm, 288. ,, nigrum, 288. ,, verbascifolium, 288. Solidago canadensis, 36. ,, sp., borneol from, 273. Sophora japonica, 138. Sorbitol, 106. ,, for dextrose, 246. Sorbose, bacterial fermentation, 52. ,, bacterium = B. xylimcni, 93, 107. „ ,, leevulose from mannitol by, 247. ,, non -fermentable by yeast, 46. Sorbus aria, 205. ,, aucxiparia, 205. Sorghum, cyanogenetic glucoside of, 263, 293. Sorghum vulgare, 263. Spartium scoparium, 161, 234. Spearmint oil, 38, 88, 92, 226. Sperm oil, 85. Spermaceti, 85, 86. Sphenodesma pentandra, 4 : . Sphyridium placophyllum, 42. SpiceAvood oil, 41. Spike oil, 88, 90, 91, 271, 27a, 274. Spircea aruncus, 213, 263. ,, digitafa, 213. ,, filipeyuhda, 40, 213. ,, japonica, 263. ,, kamsckatica, 213. ,, lobaia, 213. ,, palmata, 40. ,, piperonal in oil, 222. ,, salicin from flowers, 116. ,, sorbi/olia, 263. ,, ulmaria, 40, 213, 250. ,, vanillin from oil, 219. Spirasin, 213. Spleen, juices of, 99. Spoonwort or scurvy-grass, 254, 256, „ oil of, 37. St. Ignatius bean, 249. Stachyose = manneotetrosc, 292. Stachys tuber if era, 292. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, lactose ferment, 52. ,, ,, ,, phenol producer, 119. Star-anise oil, 92, 137. 152, 218. Starch, alcohol hom, 49, 50. ,, bacterial fermentation, 51-53, 69, 70. ,, fermentation by Bacillus suaveolens, 174. ,, saccharification of, 49, 245, 246. Stearic acid for n-hexane, 79. ,, ,, for octadecyl alcohol, 86. ,, ,, for suberic acid, 81. ,, ,, for valeric aldehyde, 184. Stereocaulon dpinum, 153. ,, coralMdcs, 153. INDEX 833 Stereocaulon pileatum, 153. ,, ramulosum, 45. ,, sp. yielding atranorin, 42. ,, sp. yielding parellic acid, 43. Sticta palmonaria, 286 Stilbene for benzaldehyde, 289. Storax, American, 33, 119, 219, „ bark oil, 39. „ liquid, 33, 36, 45, 219. Streblus mauriiianus, 41. Streptococcus hornensis, saccharose inverter, 244. ,, of kephir, 51. Streptothrix chromogena, quinone producer, 235. Strophanthin and strophanthidin, 245, 249. Strophanthus komhe, 245. Strophantobiose methyl ethei", 245, 249. Strychnos ignatii, 249. ,, mix vomica, 249. Styrax benzoin, 160. Styrene = cinnamon e, 33, 278. ,, and carbon disulphide for benzyl iso- thiocyanate, 259. „ „ „ for phenylethyl isothiocyanate, 260. „ bromide =» i^ : i*-dibromethylbenzeno, 34, 207, 208, 237. „ ,, and glycol for a-toluic alde- hyde, 260. „ for anthracene, 237. ,, for benzaldehyde, 208, 289. „ for benzonitrile and benzyl isothio- cyanate, 293. „ for o-hydroxyacetophenone, 229. ,, for p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, ai6. ,, for metastyrene, 36. „ for methyl phenyl carbinol, 118. „ for phenylethyl alcohol, 118, „ forphlorol, 133. „ for piceol, 230. „ for salicylic aldehyde, 215. „ glycol, 207, 208. ,, pseudonitrosite, 293. /3-Styreno nitrosite = a-acetophenoneoxime, 293- Styrolyl alcohol = methylphenyl carbinol, 118. Suberic acid for n-hexane, 81. „ ,, for n-hexyl alcohol, 81. ,, ,, generators of, 77, 81. Sublingual, thiocyanate in, 269. Submaxillary, thiocyanate in, 269. Succinic acid and methyl alcohol for ei ythritol, 100. ,, ,, for acetaldehyde, 177. ,, „ for acetylene, 26. „ ,, for benzene, 31. ,, ,, for benzyl alcohol, 116, 284. ,, „ for n- butyl alcohol, 7a. „ „ for ethyl alcohol, 57. „ ,, for ethylene, 25, 57. „ ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 268. ,, ,, for laevulic acid, loi. ,, ,, for methane, 25. ,, ,, for quinol, 148. ,, ,, for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 116. ,, ,, for valeric aldehyde, 183. ,, ester for isopropyl alcohol, 69. ,, ,, for n -propyl alcohol, 63. Succinimide, 100. Succinylsuccinic ester, 63, 64, 148, 149, 186. Sugar-beet, glycerol formed iu, by anaerobic respiration, 284. Sugar bush, 146. Sugar, mannitol from, during fermentation, 105. ,, n- propyl alcohol from, by fermentation, 58. Sugars, conditions determining fermentability, 46. o- and p-Sulphamidemesitylenic acids, 123. 4-Sulphamidemethylbenzene-2 : 5-dicarboxylic acid, 132. 2- and 6-Sulphamide-m-toluic acids, ia6. 5-Sulphamide-o-toluic acid, 128. Sulphamidetrimesic acid, 123. 4 Sulphamide-a-xylic acid, 123. Sulphaminotoluic acid and imide = methyl- saccharin, 228. Sulphanilic acid, 163, 235. m-Sulphanilic acid, 143. m-Sulphobenzoic acid, 121. Sulphocinnamic acid, 121, Sulphoisophthalic acid, 120, 123. a-Sulphomesitylenic acid, 132. 3-Sulphophthalic acid, 123. 4-Sulphophthalic acid, 122, 123. 4-Sulpho-m-toluic acid, 131. 5-Sulpho-m-toluic acid, 128. 6-Sulpho-o-toluic acid, 12a. 2-Sulpho-p-toluic acid, 125, 127. 3-Sulpho-p-toluic acid, 129, 130, 227, 228. 5-Sulphotrimellitic acid, 123. Sumach, Sicilian and Venetian, 159. Summer savory, 28, 135. Suprarenin = adrenalin = epinephrine, 286. Sweat, combined phenol in, 119. Sweet basil oil, 88, 91, 271. ,, flag oil, 164. ,, marjoram oil, 39, 90, 2a6. „ orange oil, 37, 41, 89, 90, 191, 192, 274. Symbiotic associations, fermentation by, 51. Symplocos sp., 41. Syringa vulgaris, 104, 159. Syringin, 159. Tagatose, non-fermentable, 46. d-Talose, non-fermentable, 46. Tamaris africana, 138. ,, gallica, 138. Tanacetum vulgare, 138, 271. Tannins, phloroglucinol complex in, 161. Tansy, 138, 271. Tartaric acid and propanal for phlorol, 134, ,, ,, and n-propyl alcohol for phenyl- ethyl alcohol, 118. ,, ,, bactei-ial fermentation, 51. ,, ,, decomposition by £aciWMs for formic aldehyde, 172. Tea, oil of, 40, 41, 192. ,, plant, 138. Tectochrysin, 234. Terephthalic acid for benzene, 31. „ ,, for phenol, 123. Terpene alcohols, transformations in plants, 89. Terpin for cymene, 32. ,, from geraniol, 32. ,, hydrate for dipentene, 38. „ ,, for terpineol, 91. M » from geraniol, 32, 38. „ „ from linaloOl, 32, 38. ,, „ from terpineol, 32. Terpinene, 39. „ for cymene, 33, 277. Terpineol, 80, 282. ,, for carvone, 226. 5, for cineole, 92. ,, for cymene, 32. „ for dipentene, 38. ,, for Isevo-isoterpene, 39. ,, for terpinene, 39. Tetra-acetylenedicarboxylic acid, 183. „ nitrile, 243. Tetrabrom-m-cresol, 130. Tetradecyl alcohol, n-primary, 86. Tetrahydrochlortoluene, 124. Tetrahydromethylpyrrole, loo. Tetrahydronaphthalene - dicarboxylic anhy- dride, 166. Tetrahydronaphthalene-tetracarboxylic ester, 166. A'-Tetrahydro-p-toluic acid, 283. Tetraiodopyrrole, loi. 3:4:6: 4'-Tetramethoxybenzoylacetophenone, 234- 1:3:3*: 4'-Tetramethoxyflavanone, 276. 1:3:3': 4'-Tetramethoxyflavonol, 276. Tetramethylenediamine (= putrescine) for n-butyl alcohol, 72. Tetramethylenediamine (= putrescine) for cro- tonic aldehyde, 190. Tetramethylethylene, 75, 197. ,, glycol = pinacone, 75. Tetranthera citrata, 191. Tetrarin, 287. Tetrinic (= a-methyltetronic) acid, 149, 204. Tetrolic (= 2-butinic) acid, iii, 112, 196. Tetroses, synthetical, 243, Thamnolia vermicularis, 43. Thamnolic acid, 43. Thea chinensis, 40. ,, cochinchinensis, 41. Thiocarvacrol, 127. Thiocyanates for cyanides, 265. Thiocyanic aci^, 268. ,, ,, and glycerol for allyl isothio- cyanate, 256. ,, ,, and methyl alcohol for methyl mercaptan, 252. Thiothymol, 130, 227. Thiourea, 269. Thlaspi anense, 256. 1-Threose, 243. Thyme oil, 273, 274. Also under various sp. of Thymus. Thymol, 136. for m-cresol, 130. for o-cresol, 127. for cymene, 33. for isopropyl alcohol, 67. for menthone, 227. for phenol, 123. for n-propyl alcohol, 64. for propylene and glycerol, 98. for quinol, 149. for thymoquinol, 158. for thymoquinone, 235. Thymoquinol, 158. ,, for dimethylthymoquinol, 158, ,, for isopropyl alcohol, 67. ,, for n-propyl alcohol, 64. ,, for quinol, 149. Thymoquinone, 64, 67, 149, 235. Thymus capitatus, 28, 37. ,, serpyllum, 28, 135, 136, 213. ,, virginicus = Pycnanthemum lanceolatum, 135, 226. „ vulgaris, 28, 88, 135, 136, 212, 273. Tiglic acid and carbon disulphide for sec. butyl isothiocyanate, 255. ,, ,, for acetaldehyde, 179. ,, ,, for benzene, 31. ,, aldehyde, 190. ,, ,, for methylethylacetaldehyde, 184. ,, hexyi ester, occurrence, 83. ,, isoamyl ester, occurrence, 79. Tilia sp., vanillin in bark, 220. Tissues, animal, dextrose in, 292. Toads, isocyanacetic acid from, 268. Tolu balsam, 107. Toluene and carbon disulphide for benzyl isothiocyanate, 259- „ „ „ for p-hydroxy- benzyl isothio- cyanate, 262. and dimethyl sulphate for ethylben- zene, 286. ,j M „ for p-xylene, 285. &c., for naphthalene, 165. ,, ,, piceol, 229, 230. for anthracene, 236. for benzene, 30. for benzoic aldehyde, 205, 206, 289. for o-benzoylbenzoic acid and anthra- quinone, 337. for benzyl alcohol, 108-116, 284. for m-cresol, 128, 129. for o-cresol, 124, 285. for p-cresol, 131, 285. for cresorcinol, 155. for hydrogen cyanide, 266. for menthone, 228. for orcinol, 153. for 0-orcinol, 156. for phenylethyl alcohol, 118. for phenylethylamine, 34. for phloroglucinol, 163. for quinol, 148. for resorcinol, 143. for /3-resorcylic acid, 233. for salicylic aldehyde, 314. for saligenin, 117. INDEX 835 Toluene for styreno, 33. ,, for toluquinol, 151. ,, for vanillin, 222. „ from acetic aldehyde, no, in. ,, from acetoacetic ester, in, 112. ,, from acetone, 109. ,, from acetylene and ethylene, 108, ,, from aconitic acid, 115. ,, from acrolein, 109, n6. ,, from alanine, 116. ,, from allyl isothiocyanate, 112. ,, from benzene and dimethyl sulphate, 284. ,, from benzoic aldehyde, 108. ,, from butyl alcohols, 116. ,, from n-butyric acid, 112. ,, from camphor, 284. „ from catechol and hydrogen cyanide, 116. ,, from citric acid, 113. ,, from cresols, 115. ,, from crotonic aldehyde, in, 113, 116. ,, from cymene, 115. ,, from ethyl alcohol and acetic acid, III, 112. ,, from glyceric acid, 109-111, 114, 116. ,, from glycerol, log, no. ,, from n-heptane, 115. ,, from hydracrylic acid, 116. ,, from ^-hydroxybutyric acid, 113. ,, from isobutylene, 116. ,, from isovaleric acid, 114. ,, from lactic acid, 114. ,, from lysine, 116. ,, from maleic or fumaric acid, 116, ,, from malic acid, 116. ,, from malonic acid, &c., no. ,, from mannitol, 116. ,, from mannoheptol, 115. ,, from menthone, 116. ,, from mesitylenic acid, 114. ,, from naphthalene, 114. ,, from oxalic ester and acetic acid, 116 „ from phenylacetic acid, 115. ,, from propionic acid, 114. „ from propyl alcohols, 109. „ from propylene, 109. „ from protocatechuic acid, 116. ,, from pulegone, 115. „ from racemic acid, 114. ,, from succinic acid, 116. „ from tartaric acid, 114. „ potassium cyanide, and carbon disul- phide for phenylethyl isothiocyan- ate, 260. 2 :4-Toluenedisulphonic acid, 143, 155. 3 : 5-Toluenedisulphonic acid, 154. Toluene-o-sulphonic acid, 124, 128. Toluene-p-sulphonic acid, 131. Toluic acids for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 114, lis. m-Toluic acid for o-cresol, 126. ,, „ for p-cresol, 131, 132. ,, ,, for phenol, 123. o-Toluic acid for anthracene, 236. „ „ for m-cresol, 128-130. ,, ,, from naphthalene, 115, 122, 236. p-Toluic acid for o-cresol, 125. ,, „ from cymene, 115. „ and benzoic acids for methylpur- puroxanthin, 241, o-Toluic (= phenylacetic) aldehyde, 118, 293. „ „ „ for w-phenyl- ethylamine, 260, 261. » >i J I for styrene, 34, 35- p-Toluic aldehyde, 125. ,, ester and amide, syntheses, 125. m-Toluidine, 122, 127, 130. o-Toluidine, 266. „ for m-cresol, 128, 130. ,, for o-cresol, 124, 125, 127. „ for cresorcinol, 155. ,, for orcinol, 154. „ for toluquinol, 151. p-Toluidine for m-cresol, 128. ,, for o-cresol, 124. ,, for p-cresol, 131. „ for cresorcinol, 155. ,, for orcinol, 154. ,, and sulpho-acid, &c., for menthone, 228. Toluidines, 0- and p-, for vanillin, 222. o-Toluidine-3 : 5-disulphonic acid, 154. o-Toluidine-5-sulphonic acid, 154. p-Toluidine-3-sulphonic acid, 129, Toluquinol = hydrotoluquinone, 151. Toluquinone, 151. Toluquinone-oxime ( = nitroso-o-cresol), 152. p-Toluyl-o-henzoic acid, 125. o-Toluyl carbinol, 284. 2 : 4-Toluylenediamine, 156. 2 : 5-Toluylenediamine, 151, p-Toluylhydroxylamine, 131, 151. p-Toluylhydroxylamine-m-sulphonic acid, 216. p-Toluyl magnesium bromide, 285. Tormentilla red, 139, 161. Torula, alcoholic fermentation by, 48. Trachycarpus excelsa = Chamcerops humilis, 249. Trehalose, fermentability by moulds and yeasts, 49, 50- ,, hydrolysis and fermentation, 245. Treniepohlia jolithus, 100. Trewia sp., methyl salicylate from, 41. Triacetin, 97. Triacetonamine, 126. Triacetylbenzene, 30. 1:3= 5-Triaminobenzene, 162, 163. 2 : 4 : 6-Triaminobenzoic acid, 163. 2 : 4 :6-Tribromaniline, 163. Tribromanthracene, 238. Tribromanthraquinone, 241. I = 3 : 5-Tribrombenzene, 162, 163. I : 2 : 3-Tribrompropane = tribromhydrin, 97, 195. Trichloracetic acid, 251. ,, ester, 129. aaiS-Trichlorbutyric acid, no, in. Trichlorethane, 236. Trichlor-aa-glyceric acid, 26, 252. Trichlorlactic acid, in, 187. Trichlormethylphenyl carbinol for styrene, 35. Trichlorphenomalic acid, 26, 252, 266. 1:2: 3-Trichlorpropane = trichlorhydrin, 67, 93, 94, 97- Trifolium repens, 249, 276. Trigondla foenum-grcecum, 249. Trihydroxyhexahydrocymene, 285. 1:3: 6-Trihydroxynaphthalene, 130, Trimellitic acid, 30, 123, Trimesic acid, 30, 31. 2:4: 5-Trimethoxybenzaldehyde = asaryl alde- hyde, 165. 336 INDEX I : 2 : 4-Trimethoxybenzene, 165. 2:4: 6-Triinethoxybenzoylacetophenone, 333. 1:3: 4'-Trimethoxyflavaaone, 276. 1:3: 4'-TrimetIioxyflavonol, 276. Trimethyl carbinol, see under butyl alcohol, tertiary. Trimethylacetic ( = pivalic) acid, 75, 76, Trimethylamine and methyl chloride for carbon disulphide, 252. ,y and methyl chlorideformethyl sulphide, 253. „ for ethyl alcohol, 57. ,, for formic aldehyde, 173. ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 267. ,, for methane, 26. ,, for methyl chloride, 44, 57. Trimethylene ( = cyclopropane), 59, 145, 172. Trimethylene bromide, 59, 95, 102. „ ,, and benzene for pro- pylbenzenes, 207. „ „ glycol, 05. Trimethylenebromaminoglycol, 99. Trimethylenebromnitroglycol, 99. Trimethylenechlorobromide = i : 3-chlorbrom- propane, 102. Trimethylethylamine, 173. Trimethylethylene = amylene, 75, 173, 176, 180, 194. „ bromide, see under amylene bromide. ,, chlorhydrin, 194. ,, for acetaldehyde, 176. ,f for acetone, 194, 195. „ glycol, 180, 194, 195. „ oxide, 194. Trimethylethylene-lactic acid, 173, 197, 200. Trimethylpentanediol, 69. Trimethylphloroglucinol, 161. Trimethylpyrolone, 199. Trimethylpyrrolidine iodide, loi. Trimethyltriose, 94. a :4 :6-TrinitroanisoIe, 164. 1:3: 5-Trinitrobenzene, 163, 164. a :4 : 6-Trinitrobenzoic acid, 163. 2:4: 6-Trinitrotoluene, 163. Trioxymethylene, 70, 71, 82, 170-173,284,287. Triphenylglutaric nitrile, 260. Trithioaldehyde, 254. Triticum repens, 104. TropcBolum majus, 257. Tuberose blossoms, oil of, 278, 284. Turanose, hydrolysis of, 245. Turnip seeds, 256. Turpentine oil, 274. Tyrosin, p-cresol from, by putrefaction, 131. ,, phenol from, by putrefaction, 119. Tyrothrixclaviformis, lactose ferment, 5a. Umbelliferae, mannitol from, 104. Umbelliferone, 142. ,, andquinol for euxanthone, 233. ,, for resorcinol, 144. Umbellularia cali/ornica, 36, 90, 283, 287. Umbilicaria, see under Gyrophora. Umbilicaric acid, 153. Uncaria {Naudea) gambier, 138, 139. Undecanoic acid, 202, Upas tree, 163. o-Uraminobenzoic acid, 147, 233. Urceolaria cretacea, 153. ,, (PateUaria) scruposa, 153. ,, ,, var. arenaria, 153. „ sp. yielding atranorin, 42. Urea, &c., for thiocyanates, 269. ,, for hydrogen cyanide, 268. Uric acid for glycerol, 99. Urine, acetone in, 192, 289. ,, arabinose, racemic, in, 243. ,, catechol sulphate in, 140. ,, m-cre^ylsulphuric acid, salt, in, 128. ,, o-cresylsulphuric acid, salt, in, 124, ,, p-cresylsulphuric acid, salt, in, 130. ,, dextrose in, 246. ,, diabetic, ethyl alcohol in, 53. ,, dog's, ethyl sulphide in, 253. ,, glycerophosphoric acid in, 99. ,, horse's, ethylsulphuric acid, salt, in, 53. ,, laevulose in, 248. ,, mannitol in, 105. ,, methyl mereaptan in, 252. ,, phenol, combined, in, 119. ,, quinol in, 146. ,, thiocyanate in, 268, 269, Vsnea barbata, 153. ,, ,, P'hirta, 156, ,, ceratina, 156. ,, dasypoga, 156. ,, longissima, 156. ,, species yielding parellic acid, 43. ,, ,, ,, i3-usnic acid, 156. Usnetic = stereocaulic = lobaric acid, 153. /8-Usnic = cladonic acid, 156. Uvitic acid for benzene, 31. ,, ,, for phenol, 123. ,, ,, for toluene and benzyl alcohol, 108-114. ,, ,, for m-toluic acid and m-cresol, 129. ,t ,t ,, ,, and o-cresol, 126, „ „ ,, „ and p-cresol, 13a. ,, J, from pyroracemic acid, 112-114. Vaccinium vitis-idcea, 146. Valerian, Japanese, 36. „ oil, 273, 274. Valeriana officinalis var. angusiifolia, 36, 90, 183, 273, 274. n-Valeric acid for n-amyl alcohol, 76. ,, and formic acids for n-valeric alde- hyde, 183. Valeric aldehyde, 183, 288. n-Valeric aldehyde for namyl alcohol, 76. Valeric ethyl ester, occurrence, 45, Valeryl ethyl ether, 184. Valerylene, 78. Vanilla aromatica, 219. „ ensi/olia, 219. ,, guyanensis, 219. ,, planifolia, and vars., 219. ,, pompona, 219. ,, saliva, 219. ,, sylvestris, 219. Vanillic acid, 141. ,, and formic acids for vanillin, 221. Vanillin, 140, 219. ,, and benzene for alizarin, 239. ,, &c., for isoeugenol, 157. ,, for catechol, 141. ,, phloroglucinol, acetic acid, &c., for quercetin, 276. ,, resorcinol, acetic acid, &c., for fisetin, 275- Vanilloylcarbonic ( = p-hydroxy-m-methoxy- benzoylcarbonic) acid, 222. Vanillylsulphuric acid, salts of, 222. Veratric acid, 140, 141. „ ,, &c., for vanillin, 221. INDEX 837 Veratric acid for catechol, 141. ,, aldehyde, 275. 276. ,, and acetic acids, phloroglucinol, &c., for luteolin, 234. Veratrole, 141, 158, 221. „ and phthalic anhydride for hysta- zarin, 240. Veratroylcarbonic acid, 222. Veratroylglyoxylic ester, 221. Verbena oil, 278, 288. Verbena triphylla, 38, 87, 278, 288. Vetiver oil, 40, 204, 224. Vibrios, acetone producers, 193. ,, alcohol producers, 52. ,, aldehyde producers, 174. Vicia, hydrogen cyanide from, 263. Vine leaves, 138. Vinyl chloride, 58, 108, 187, 199. „ bromide, 33, 175. ,, ethyl ether, 225. ,, sulphide, 253. Vinylacetic acid, 63, 174, 180, 186, 280. fl-Vinylacrylic acid, 102. Vinylcatechol, see dihydroxystyrene, 142. Vinylglycollic (= i :3-butenolic) nitrile and acid, 186. Viola odorata, 276. ,, tricolor, 41, 138. Violaquercitrin, 138, 160. Virginian creeper, 138. Vitex littoralis, 161. ,, trifolia, 92. Vitexin, 161. Volvaria speciosa, trehalose, hydrolysei-, 245. Vulpic acid, 43, 45. ,, ,, for benzoic aldehyde, 210. Wallflower, 138. Wartaraoil, 37, 42, 89. Water-cress, 260. Water-dropwort, 104. Water-hemlock, 28, 212. Waxes, 96. Weld, 160, 234. Wendlandia, sp. yielding methyl salicylate, 41. Whale oil, 85. White cinnamon oil, 92. White clover, 276. White mustard seed, 159, 261. Winter cabbage, 256. Winter cress, 260. Wintergreen oil, 40. Witch-hazel, 169, Woody tissues, mannans in, 249, 250. Wormseed oil, 91. Xanthorhamnin, 139, 160. XanthorrhoBa hastilis, resin, 33, 215, 219. Xanthoxylon acanthopodium, 37, 42, 89. ,, alafum, 37, 42, 89. ,, clava, 140. ,, piperitum, 191. m-Xylene for m-cresol, 128, 129. ,, for p-cresol, 131. ,, for hydroxytoluic acid and o-cresol, 125, 126. ,, for isophthalic acid and phenol, 123. o- Xylene for m-cresol, 128. ,, for naphthalene synthesis, 166. p-Xylene for m-cresol, 129, 285. ,, for )3-orcinol, 156, 286. ,, from camphor, 285, 286. Xylenes for quinol, 150. m-Xylene-2-sulphonic acid, 126. m-Xylene-4-sulphonic acid, 125, 131. p-Xylenesulphonic acid, 129. I :3 :4-Xylenol, 131, 132. 1:4: 2-Xylenol, 129. Xylic acid = i : 3-dimethyl-4-benzoic acid, 126. a-Xylidic acid = methyl terephthalic acid, 30, 123. I : 3 : 4-Xylidine, 131. p-Xylidine, 129. Xylidines for pseudocumidine, 149. p-Xyloquinol, 149. p-Xyloquinone, 149. Xylose, bacterial fermentation of, 52. 1-Xylose and xylonic acid, 243. ,, non-fermentable, 46. o-Xylylene dibromide, 166, Yeast fat, 97. ,, Isevulose from, 247. ,, velocity of fermentation of dextrose by, 279. Yeasts, acclimatisation of, 50, 279. ,, maltose ferments, 244. ,, melibiose ferments, 245. ,, raffinose (melitriose) hydrolysers, 247. ,, selective fermentation by, 47, 278. ,, species and forms recognised as alco- holic ferments, 45. ,, trehalose ferments, 245. Ylang-ylang oil, 41, 42, 87, 88, 108, 131, 157, 284, 287. Zinc ethyl and acetaldehyde for sec. butyl alco- hol, 204, 254. ,, ,, and acetaldehyde for methylethyl ketone, 95, 255. ,, ,, and bromoforuT for propylene, 98. ,, ,, and butyrone, &c., for nonyl alco- hol, 85. ,, ,, and carbon tetrachloride for pro- pylene, 98. ,, ,, and chloroform for n-sec. amyl alcohol, 77. ,, ,, and dichloracetal for propylene, 98. ,, ,, anddichloretherfor2-ethyl-i-chlor- butyl ether, 255. ,, ,, and iodethyl alcohol for sec. butyl alcohol, 255. ,, ,, and isobutyryl chloride for ethyl- isopropyl ketone, 197. ,, ,, and isovaleryl chloride for ethyl- isobutyl ketone, 197. ,, ,, and nitropropane for diethyl ketone, 78. ,, ,, andoenanthol for nonyl alcohol, 85. ,, ,, and oxalic ester for s-methylethyl- ethylene, 188. ,, ,, and oxymethylene for n-pi-opyl alcohol, 60. ,, ,, an,d propionyl chloride for n-sec, amyl alcohol, 78, ,, „ for n-octane, 82. ,, methyl and acetyl chloride for acetone, 193- „ ,, and acetyl chloride for tertiary butyl alcohol, 74. „ ,, and benzoyl chloride for aceto- phenone, 209, 214, 228. ,, „ and a-brom-n-butyryl bromide for tertiary heptyl alcohol, 197. INDEX Zinc methyl and a-brompropionyl bromide for dimethylisopropylcarbinol, 196, 198. „ ff and butyryl chloride for n-sec. amyl alcohol, 77. ,, ,, and chloral for dimethylisopropyl carbinol, 75. ,, ,, and dimethyl oxalate for a-hy- droxyisobutyric acid, 198. ,, ,, and heptoyl chloride for methyl- hexyl ketone, 83. f,. „ and isobutyryl chloride for di- methylisopropyl carbinol, 197. Zinc methyl and isobutyryl chloride for me- thylisopropyl ketone, 196. ,, ,, and propionyl chloride for me- thylethyl ketone, 95, 255. ,, ,, and propionyl chloride for tertiary amyl alcohol, 172, 176, 196, 202. ,, ,, for methane, 22. „ propyl, 71, 79. ,, ,, and butyryl chloride for dipropyl ketone, 85. ,, ,, and isovaleryl chloride for pro- pylisobutyl ketone, 197. Zymase, 48, 279. or THI '^ UNIVERSITY Oxford : Horace Hart, Printer to the University ERRATA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 23, right column, line 23 from top, for ' Tischtsclienko ' read ' Tistschenko.' The same error occurs on p. ^^, right column, line 9 from top ; on p. 60, left column, line 12 from bottom; and on p. 71, left column, line 21 from top. 30, right column, line 4 from top,ybr 'a-xylic' read ' a-xylidic' ^6, right column, line 6 from top,/br 'Jericia* read ' sericea.' 37, left column, line 7 from top,ybr 'XantJioxyhim' read 'Xanthoxylon^ Also on p. 42, left column, line 22 from bottom. 62, right column, line 30 from top,_/