CATALOGUE BRITISH ICHNEUMONID.E THE COLLECTION THE BRITISH MUSEUM. BY THOMAS DESVIGNES, M.E.S, LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1856. LONDON : PRINTED BY EDWARD NEWMAN, 9, DEVONSHIRE STREET, BISHOPSGATE. PREFACE. THE object of the present Catalogue has been to give a complete list of the species of Ichneumonidse that have been recorded as found in the British Islands, marking with B. M. in the margin the species contained in the British Museum. The cabinets, where the species, at present desiderata to that collection, may be seen, are indicated. The species are arranged according to the method, used in Professor I. L. C. Gravenhorst's Ichneumonologia Europcea, Vratislavisc, 1829, 3 vols. 8vo., and those supposed to be new are described by the author. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, May 1st, 1856. 545 ADDITIONS, &c. Page 25, after 139. ICHNEUMON MESSORIUS, add B. M. 31, after BRACHYPTERUS MEA.NS, separate synonyms, and add Subgenus 5. MICROLEPTES. 1. MICROLEPTES SPLENDIDULUS. B. M. Page 44. Species 4 to 8 in synonyms, read Tryphon/or Cteniscus. 64. Line 9, for crenitorsus read crenicornis. CATALOGUE THE BRITISH ICHNEUMONTD.E. Fam. ICHNEUMONID^. Genus 1. ICHNEUMON. SECTION I. Scutellum and abdomen black. 1. ICHNEUMON MONTICOLA. Fern. Antennis albo annulatis. Aculeo cxserto brevi. Reli- quis sicut in mare. Ichneumon monticola, Grav. Ichn. Eur. i. 108, I/ Antennae involute from the 7th 14th joints white above ; 12th 14th beneath fuscous. Aculeus 1 line in length. Length 7 8 lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 2. ICHNEUMON COMITATOR. B. M. Ichneumon comitator, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1600. Syst. Nat. ii. 933,24. Degeer, Ins t. 40, f. 10. Grav. \. 108, 2. Wem. Tent. 30, 17. ? . sola. Ichneumon auspex, MulL Prodr. n. 1792. 2 CATALOGUE OF 3. ICHNEUMON NIGRITARIUS. B. M. Ichneumon nigritarius, Grav. i. 113, 4. $ , (partim), Wesm. Tent. 65. 4. ICHNEUMON NIGROCYANEUS. B. M. Ichneumon nigrocyaneus, Grav. i. 117, 6. 5. ICHNEUMON PALLIFRONB. B. M. Ichneumon pallifrons, Grav. i. 117, 7. $ . Ichneumon pallifrons, Wesm. Tent. 70, 67. $ . Ichneumon perisclis, Wesm. Tent. 32, 20. 6. ICHNEUMON MACULIFRONS. B. M. Ichneumon maculifrons, Step. Mand. vii. 133, 19. Ichneumon pallifrons ? Grav. (partim). 7. ICHNEUMON LINEATOR. B. M. Ichneumon lineator, Grav. i. 120,9. $ . Cryptus lineator, Fab. Piez. 87, n. 70. Ichneumon narrator, Fab. Piez. 67, n. 76. Thunb. Ich. n. 487. Trent. Revis. 21, n. 8. Isis, 1826, p. 68. ?. Ichneumon biguttatus, Thunb. Act. Ups. iv. 24, n. 41. Gmel. ed. Linn. 2688, n. 126. Ichneumon nigrator, Fab. Ent. 150, n. 68. Piez. 65, n. 57. Wesm. Ich. Belg. 22, n. 3. Ichneumon ferreus (partim, var. 3, Grav.) 8. ICHNEUMON CASTIGATOR. B. M. Ichneumon castigator, Fab. Enl. Syst. ii. 166, n. 135. Grav. \. 125, 10. Ichneumon certator, Mull. Prod. n. 1822. Ichneumon Cardui, Schrank, Rein. 124. Ichneumon ruficingulus, Schrank, Faun. Boica, n. 2073. Ichneumon adustus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2699, n. 268. Amblyteles castigator, Wesm'. Ich. Belg. 129, 24. 9. ICHNEUMON NIGERRIMUS. B. M. Ichneumon nigerrimus, Step. Mand. vii. 130, n. 10. 10. ICHNEUMON NIGRICORNIS. Ichneumon nigricornis, Wesm. Ich. Belg. 28, 13. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. BRITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. 3 11. ICHNEUMON BILINEATUS. B. M. Ichneumon bilineatus, Gmel. (Grav. i. 127, 11). Wesm. Ich. Belg. 26, n. 11, $ . Ichneumon comitator, Sulzer, Gesch. t. 26, f. 14. Christ, t. 36, f. 3. 12. ICHNEUMON ^THIOPS. B. M. Ichneumon aethiops, Grav. i. 130, 12. Wesm. Ich. Belg. 68. Ichneumon nigritarius, $ , var. iv. 13. ICHNEUMON ALBIMANUS. Ichneumon albimanus, Grav. i. 132, 13b. In Mr. Hope's collection. 14. ICHNEUMON RUFIPES. B. M. $ . Ichneumon rufipes, Step. Mand. vii. 131, sp. 13. 15. ICHNEUMON TORVUS. B. M. Ichneumon (Eurylabus) torvus, Wesm. Tent. 151. ? . Ichneumon rufipes, Step. $ .? Ichneumon tristis, Grav. i. 139, 6, 15. Wesm. Ich. Amb. Eur. 1854, pi. 1, f. 4. 16. ICHNEUMON DIRUS. B. M. Ichneumon (Eurylabus) dirus, Wesm. Ext. des Bull, de VAcad. Roy. xx. 3me pt., p. 297. $ . Ichneumon platyuri, 1854, p. 1, f. 5. 17. ICHNEUMON COBRUSCATOB. B. M. Ichneumon corruscator; Linn. Faun. Suec. 1606. Syst. Nat. 934, 31. Grav. i. 133, 14. Ichneumon ambulator, Mull. Prodr. n. 1825. Var. 2, B. M. Ichneumon ochropis, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2679, n. 230. Grav. i. 182, 45. Wesm. Tent. 104, 112. (Ichneumon fabricator, see Sect. I.) 45. ICHNEUMON IRIDIPENNIS. Ichneumon iridipennis, Grav. i. 194, 50. Platylabus iridipeunis, Wesm. Tent. 162, 13. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 46. ICHNEUMON PALLIDATORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon pallid atorius, Grav. i. 196, 51. ($.? Ichneumon rufifrons, Grav.) Wesm. Tent. 104, 113. 8 CATALOGUE OF 47. ICHNEUMON RESTAURATOR. Ichneumon restaurator, Grav. i. 197, 52. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 48. ICHNEUMON UMBRAOULOSUS. B.M. Ichneumon umbraculosus, Grav. i. 199, 53. 49. ICHNEUMON LUCTUOSUS. B. M. Ichneumon luctuosus, Grav. i. 200, 54. 50. ICHNEUMON DUMETICOLA. Ichneumon dumeticola, Grav. i. 203, 56. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 51. ICHNEUMON FUNEREUS. B. M. Ichneumon funereus, Fourcroy, 406, n. 40. Ichneumon funerarius, Oliv. 169, 28. Ichneumon molitorius, Fab. Ent. Syst.ii. 133, n. 3. (Varietas ab- domine pedibusque totis atris). Ichneumon comitator, Razoumowsky, 215, 246, var. 2. 52. ICHNEUMON MELANOGASTER. B. M. Ichneumon melanogaster, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2678, 224. Grav. i. 209,61. Ichneumon (Hepiopelmus) melanogaster, Wesm. Tent, 141, 1. 53. ICHNEUMON SEMIORBITALIS. Ichneumon semiorbitalis, Grav. i. 212, 63. Ichneumon laiiguidus (partim), Wesm. Tent. 52, 45. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 54. ICHNEUMON SICARIUS. B. M. Ichneumon sicarius, Grav. i. 214, 64. $. Ichneumon nigratorius, Panz, Faun. Ins. Germ. 73, 12. #.f Ichneumon jugatus, Grav. i. 452, 182. 55. ICHNEUMON LUGENS. B. M. Ichneumon lugens, Grav. i. 215, 65. Ichneumon (Chasmodes) lugens, Wesm. Tent. 16, 2. BRITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. 9 56. ICHNEUMON PKOTEUS. B. M. Ichneumon Proteus, Christ. 347, t. 35, f. 2. <^. Ichneumon laminatorius, Fab. Ent. Sup. 220, 33. 57. ICHNEUMON MULTIANNULATUS. B. M. Ichneumon multiannulatus, Grav. i. 223, 69. 9 . Ichneumon molitorius, (segmento 7o puncto dorsali albo, abdo- mine subpurpurascente), Grav. i. 258, 87 (partim). 58. ICHNEUMON FUSCIPES. B. M. Ichneumon fuscipes, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2684, n. 242. Grav. i. 224, 70. Wesm. Tent. 23, 7. 59. ICHNEUMON PISTORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon pistorius (Musei Hellwigeani), Grav. i. 234, 74. ?, Ichneumon deliratorius, Grav. i. 231, 74 (mare excluso). SECTION IV. Scutellum pale or with pale markings. Abdomen black ; the terminal segments generally white. Exceptions. Ichneumon computatorius, I. molitorius, I. spo- liator and I. salicatorius, second segment more or less ferrugi- nous. $ . I. crassorius, second and third segments dirty yellow. 60. ICHNEUMON SATURATORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon saturatorius, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1586. Syst. Nat. 931. Degeer, Ins. i. 23, f. 16. Ichneumon nigratorius, Pontoppidan, 457, n. 6. Ichneumon clavatorius, Mull. Prodr. n. 1774. Ichneumon saturatorius, Grav. i. 237, 77. Wesm. Tent. 66, 62. 61. ICHNEUMON ANATOR. B. M. Ichneumon anator, Fab. Ent. ii. 169, n. 149. Grav. i. 250,- 81. Wesm. Tent. 220, 92b. Ichneumon biscutatus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2679, n. 233. Cryptus anator, Fab. Piez. 87, n. 74. 62. ICHNEUMON QUADBIALBATUS. B. M. Ichneumon quadrialbatus, Grav. i. 252, 83. 10 CATALOGUE OF Q3. ICHNEUMON QU&SITORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon quaesitorius, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1582. Grav. 253,84. 64. ICHNEUMON LEUCOMELAS. B. M. lehneumon leucomelas, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2679, n. 227. Grav. i. 255, 85. $ . Ichneumon albolineatus, Grav. i. 450, 180. Ichneumon binotatus, Step. Mand. vii. 147, 57. 65. ICHNEUMON MICROCEPHALUS. B. M. Ichneumon microcephalus, Step. Mand. vii. 158, 86. 66. ICHNEUMON SPOLIATOR. B. M. Ichneumon (Ambly teles) spoliator, Wesm. Tent. 117, 7, var. 1. 67. ICHNEUMON PALUDATOR. B. M. Ichneumon paludator, Desv. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 68. ICHNEUMON COMPUTATORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon computatorius, Mull. Prodr. n. 1769. Grav. i. 256, 86. Wesm. Tent. 50, 44. 69. ICHNEUMON MOLITORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon molitorius, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1587. Syst. Nat. 931, n. 10. 70. ICHNEUMON SALICATORIUS. Ichneumon salicatorius, Grav. i. 245, 79, var. 1. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 71. ICHNEUMON CRASSORIUS, n. s. B. M. Mas. Facie et thorace flavo maculatis. Segmentis 2 et 3 (et 4 partim) sordide flavis. Tarsis et tibiis flavis, his posticis apice nigris. (Long. 8-J- 9 lin.) Head : face entirely yellow. Antennae black, underneath ob- scure yellow-ferruginous ; first joint yellow. Thorax: collar above, a line below and one above the wings nearly reaching to the collar, BRITISH ICHNEUMONIDJ3. 11 yellow. Melathorax scabrous ; the central area large, transverse ; basal line convex. Scutellum yellow. Wings at the base and stigma fulvous ; areolet, 5 angular, narrowest at the apex. Legs : first and second pair and coxae yellow at the apex ; also the apex of all the trochanters ; femora black, the two anterior pairs on one side and the posterior yellow at the base and apex ; tarsi and tibiae yellow, the hinder part of the latter black at the apex. Abdomen : first segment black, between the ridges aciculated ; second segment yellow, more or less black at the base and outer margins, with a fuscous transverse line before the apex in the middle sometimes diverging upwardly ; third yellow, occasionally as in the second ; fourth black, with the margins sometimes yellow, leaving, as it were, an inverted black cone reaching to the apex ; the remainder black. Far. 1. First segment with two yellow spots at the apex towards its margins. Fern. Antennis annulo flavo-albo. Orbitis oculorum frontalibus rufo-flavis. Abdomine ; segmentis Get 7 macula dorsaliflavo- alba. Fern. Black. Head with the frontal orbits yellowish red. Apex of mandibles red. Palpi rusty. Antennae stout, from the apex of the 8th to the 16th or 17th joints cream-white. Thorax: a yellow line below the wings, and sometimes a reddish one above on the suture. Scutellum yellowish white. Metathorax and wings as in the male. Legs black ; the tip of the two anterior pair reddish. Tibiae ferruginous ; the middle and posterior pairs dusky at the apex. Tarsi rusty. Abdomen black ; the apex of the first segment finely aciculate ; the second deeply ; the third finely punctate ; the sixth and seventh with a central yellowish white spot on each. Length 7| 9 lines. $ .? Ichneumon bisignatus, Grav. i. 410, 161b. $ . Ichneumon luctatorius, var. 1, Grav. i. 411, 162. Note. The central area of the metathorax differs from /. computatorius, being transverse, whereas in the latter it is elongate. 72. ICHNEUMON EELUCENS, n. s. Foem. Abdomine atro, nitido. Segmenlo 7o macula dorsali elongata flava. Antennarum annulo albo. Pedibus nigris, Orbitis oculorum frontalibus flavo-albis. A Us silaceo-hya- linis. Stigmate dilute croceo. 12 CATALOGUE OF Fern. Black. Frontal orbits yellowish white. Antennae setaceous, curved outwardly; from the 10th to loth joints white, beneath with fuscous spots. Thorax finely punctate. Central area of the meta- thorax transverse. Scutellum white. Wings yellowish smoky hya- line; stigma pale orange ; costa ferruginous ; scales pitchy ; areo- let 5 angular, regular. Abdomen deep shining black ; first seg- ment with two elevated ridges, the space between smooth ; second segment very finely punctate, obscurely aciculate at the base, the lateral foveae more distinctly so; the seventh with a longitudinal, dorsal yellowish streak. Legs jet black ; anterior tibiae in front ob- scurely pitchy. Length 6 J lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. SECTION V. Scutellum pale or with pale markings. Abdomen black, red and white ^ or yellow. 73. ICHNEUMON G RAVEN HORSTII. Ichneumon (Ambly teles) Gravenhorstii, Wesm. Tent. 127. 9 . Ichneumon extensorius, Grav. i. 266, 89. 74. ICHNEUMON EXTENSORIUS. B. M. $ . Ichneumon extensorius, Grav. i. 266, 89. Wesm. Tent 55, 48. (Excluso mare, exclusisque feminis genuinis minoribus femi- narumque varietatibus). 75. ICHNEUMON CONFUSORIUS. B. M. 5 . Ichneumon confusorius, Grav. i. 276, 90. .? Ichnenmon luctatorius, Grav. i. 411, 162. 76. ICHNEUMON AMMONIUS. B. M. Ichneumon ammonius, Grav. i. 279, 92. 77. ICHNEUMON STEAMENTARIUS. B. M. Ichneumon stramentarius, Grav. i. 281, 93. . Ichneumon luctatorius, var. 13, Wesm. Tent. 57, 51. 78. ICHNEUMON TEBMINATOEIUS. B. M. Ichneumon terminatorius, Grav. i. 282, 94. BB1TISH ICHNEUMONID^E. 13 I . Ichneumon luctatorius, var. 14, Wesm. Tent. 57, 51. (Segmen- tis 2 et 3, flavo-ferrugineis P segmentis 2 et 3, Grav. dicitflavo- sttramineis). 79. ICHNEUMON RAPTORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon raptorius, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1579. Grav. i. 286,97. Wesm. Tent. 43, 37. (Exclusis marum varietatibus). 80. ICHNEUMON GRACILICORNIS. B. M. Ichneumon gracilicornis, Grav. i. 290, 98. Wesm. Tent. 41, 34 (Mare excluso). 81. ICHNEUMON QUADRINOTATUS. B. M. Ichneumon quadrinotatus, Step. Mand. vii. 163, 100. 82. ICHNEUMON PALLIDICORNIS. B. M. Ichneumon pallidicornis, Grav. i. 294, 99. 83. ICHNEUMON OCCISORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon occisorius, Grav. i. 389, 149. Wesm. Tent. 122, 16. $ . Ichneumon marginatorius, Panz. Faun. fasc. 78, n. 14. 9. Ichneumon sanguinatorius, Grav. i. 295, 100. (Note. Ichneumon sanguinatorius, Gravenhorst, has by mis- take been called by him a male insect; but the antennae being described as involute, it is evidently a female insect). 84. ICHNEUMON GROSSORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon grossorius, Fab. Piez. 57, 15. Wesm. Tent. 38, 29. Ichneumon primatorius, Forst. n. 81. Ichneumon bicinctus, Christ, t. 35, f. 1. $ . Ichneumon flavolineatus, Grav. i. 300, 104. 85. ICHNEUMON BELLIPES. Ichneumon bellipes, Wesm. Tent. 38, 30. 9 . In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 86. ICHNEUMON SARCITORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon sarcitorius, Linn. Syst. Nat. xii. 930, n. 3. Grav. i. 302, 105. Wesm. Tent. 60, 54. C 14 CATALOGUE OF Ichneumon bipartitus, Vill. iii. 142, 24. # . Ichneumon vaginatorius, Grav. i. 357, 138. 87. ICHNEUMON VADATOEIUS. B. M. Ichneumon vadatorius, Illiger apud Rossi, n. 747 (in adnotatione). Grav. i. 304, 106. Ichneumon (Amblyteles) vadatorius, Wesm. Tent. 122, 14. $ . Ichneumon ambulatorius, Panz. Faun. fasc. 78, t. 10. Ichneumon pictus, Schrank, Beitr. 88, 51. 9- Ichneumon raptorius, Panz. ad Kob. t. 2, f. 13. Ichneumon saturatorius, Borowski, t. 57a, f. 1. Ichneumon sanguineus, Christ, t. 35, f. 7. 88. ICHNEUMON ORNATORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon ornatorius, Panz. Faun. fasc. 73, t. 15. $. Grav. i. 311,110. $. Ichneumon sartorius, Grav. i. 308, 107. , $ . Amblyteles negatorius, Wesm. Tent. 133, 29. 89. ICHNEUMON LABORATORIUS. B. M. Ichneumon laboratovius, Panz. apud S chaff. Icon. t. 84, f. 8. Grav. i. 317, 114 (secundum diagnosem) haud. Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 142, 36. $ . I. Amblyteles Panzeri, Wesm. Tent. 136, 35. $>. Ichneumon amatorius, Mull. Prod. n. 1758. Ichneumon ambulatorius, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 139, n. 26. (Step. Hand. vii. pi. xl. f. 1 . Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 728). I. Amblyteles amatorius, Wesm. Tent. 123, 17. 90. ICHNEUMON OCTOOUTTATUS. B. M. ? Ichneumon octoguttatus, Grav. i. 325, 120. 91. ICHNEUMON IOCEBUS. B. M. Ichneumon iocerus, Grav. i. 326, 121. <^. Ichneumon gracilicornis, Wesm. Tent. 41,34 92. ICHNEUMON HILARIS. B. M. Ichneumon hilaris, Grav. i. 328, 122. Exephanes hilaris, Wesm. Tent. 17, (mare excluso). BRITISH ICHNEDMONID^l. 15 93. ICHNEUMON RIDIBUNDUS. Ichneumon ridibundus, Grav.i.329, 123. Wesm. Tent. 99, 105, . I. Amblyteles palliatorius, Wesm. Tent. 118, 8. 108. ICHNEUMON ERYTHEOPYGUS. B. M. Ichneumon erythropygus, Grav. Ich. Eur. i. 381, 145b. Ichneumon trifasciatus ? Grav. Ichneumon palliatorius? var. 2, Wesm. Tent. 118, 8. 109. ICHNEUMON CRISPATORIUS. Ichneumon crispatorius, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 2588. ? 9- Ichneumon rufatorius, Grav. Ich. Eur. i. 388, 148. I. Amblyteles xanthius, Wesm. Tent. 120. , ?.I. Amblyteles crispatorius, Wesm. Ich. Amb. Eur. 17,17. In Mr. Desvigues' collection. Note. Gravenhorst thinks his /. rufatorius may be /. crispa- torius of Linnaeus : Wesmael is of the same opinion. The two spe- cimens in Mr. Desvignes' collection agree with the Linnean insect, with the exception of being less ferruginous on the same segments. However, it appears to be a variable insect, and there is scarcely a doubt, that from the descriptions given in Linnaeus, Gravenhorst and Wesmael, from different specimens, and the ci-devant specimens c3 18 CATALOGUE OF must be included with I. crispatorius, Linn. ; in fact, one specimen is almost identical. Ichneumon occisorius. (See I. sanguinatorius, Sect. V.) 110. ICHNEUMON OBATOBIUS. B. M. Ichneumon oratorius, Fab. Ent. Syst. 138, 24. Grav. Ich. Eur. i. 394, 153. Panz. Faun. fasc. 80, t. 10, $ . . Ichneumon dealbatus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2678. <, . Amblyteles oratorius, Wesm. Tent. 116, 5. 111. ICHNEUMON ATRAMENTABIUS. Ichneumon atramentarius, Grav. Ich. Eur. i. 397, 153b. In Mr. Hope's collection. 112. ICHNEUMON NYCTHEMEBUS. Ichneumon nycthemerus, Grav. Pede. n. 56. Grav. Ich. Eur. i. 399, 155. Listrodromus nycthemerus, Wesm. Tent. 146, 1. Mas. Scutello nigro. Segmentis 1 3 macula parva laterali 4 7 mar gine^ flavis. Tibiis flavis , posticis apice nigro. Caput : orbitis oculorum internis latis externis angustioribus et macula laterali clypei flavis. Antenna setacece, supra fer- ruginece, subtus testacece ; articulo lo toto nigro. Thorax : Lineola ante alas angusta flava ; metathorace fortiter rugoso aut impresso. Scutellum nigrum. AI& : radio et stigmate nigris, squamula nigro-picea, radio ipso fusco stramineo. areola ut in $ . Pedes : coxis et femoribus posticis nigris, femoribus anterioribus fuscis, anticis apice Jlavis ; tibiis flavis, posticis apice et tarsis fuscis. Abdomen ; maculis flavis 9 sed mul to minor ibus stylis analibus infra ventrem products Jlavis. (Long. 3^ lin.) $ , $ . In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 113. ICHNEUMON LAUTATOBIUS. Segmento 20 rufo-flavo, sequentibus nigris flavo marginatis, femo- ribus tibiisque rufo-flavis. Mas. Facie et palpis flavis. Articulo lo antennarum subtus flavo, sequentibus rufls supra nigris aut obscuris. Fcern. Facie nigra. Articulis anten- narum 2 13, I4,pallidis sequentibus nigris. Ichneumon lautatorius, Curtis. BRITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. 19 Male. Head, face and palpi yellow. Antennae half the length of the body, porrect ; first joint beneath yellow, the remainder pale orange, black above. Thorax with a line before and another be- neath the wings reddish yellow; the central area of the metathorax quadrate. Scutellurn yellow, with a slight marginal reddish tinge. Base of the wings and stigma brownish yellow; stigma lighter; second cubital cellule 5-angular. Legs: coxae black; trochanters yellowish at the apex ; femora pale reddish yellow, hinder pair with the apex black ; tibiae and tarsi paler, the former black at the apex, from the second to fifth joints fuscous. Abdomen a little broader than the thorax ; first segment black ; second rufo-fulvous ; third and fourth with a marginal fascia, sinuated in the middle; fifth with a small central apical spot ; sixth with a broad fascia ; seventh pale fulvous, the latter with a triangular black spot at the base. Length 6 6J lines. Female. Head : face black. Mandibles with a ferruginous pile. Antennae, as in diagnosis, involute. Thorax with a yel- lowish line below the wings. Legs as in the male. Abdomen : second segment rufo-fulvous ; third with a marginal yellowish fascia ; fourth and fifth black ; sixth nearly entirely pale yellowish, it has a small central black patch at the base; seventh black. Aculeus subexserted. In Mr. Curtis's collection. SECTION VI b. Scutellum and abdomen black.. Apex reddish or fulvous. 114. ICHNEUMON ANCIPITEKUS. Sculello et abdomine nigris ano rufo-fulvo. Orbitis facialibus flams. Palpis flams. Antennis setaceis. Alisfumato-hyalinis. Stigmate fulvo, radio ferruaineo versus basim fusco-flavo, radice et squamula piceis. Areola subquinque-angulari, femoribus nigris anterioribus flavi-fulvis. Tibiis et tarsis flavis posticis apice nigro. Tarsis fuscis. (Long. 6 6 lin.) Ichneumon ancipiterus, Desv. In Mr. Desvigues' and Mr. Heysham's collections. 20 CATALOGUE OF 115. ICHNEUMON DUBITATUS. Scutello nigro. Abdominis, segmentis 2 4 lateribus rufo-fulvis, ultimo fulvo. Orbilis facialibus et puncto laterali clypei flavis. Antenna ar- ticulo lo sublus cerino-flavo. Ala fumato hyalines. Stiff- mate et radio piceis, basin versus fulvis. Areola 5-angulari, nervo inferiore exteriore cellules interioris, angulato. Abdo- men : segmentis 2 4 lateribus rufo-fulvis, ano fulvo. Pedes : femoribus supra fulvis subtus et lateribus nigris, anterioribus basi et apice fulvis ; tibiis et tarsis croceis ; tibiis posticis apice nigro ; tarsis ferrugineis. (Long. 6. lin.) Ichneumon dubitatus, Desv. Var. 1. Puncto Laterali clypei deficiente. Thorax : lineola flam, ante alas segmento 4o nigro, lateribus seg~ mentorum 2 et 3 magis fulvis. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. SECTION VII. Scutellum pale. Abdomen with pale sp3ts, or some of the segments entirely yellow, the last segment black. 116. ICHNEUMON FLAVONIGER. B. M. Ichneumon flavoniger, Grav. i. 403, 157. Grav. Pede. n. 57. $ . Ichneumon xanthorius, Wesm. Tent. 61, 55. 117. ICHNEUMON LURIDUS. B. M. Ichneumon luridus, Grav. Ich. Eur. i. 406, 159. $ . Ichneumon corruscator, var. 2, Wesm. Tent. 71, 68. 118. ICHNEUMON BISIGNATDS. Ichneumon bisignatus, Grav. i. 410, 161b. In Mr. Hope's collection. 119. ICHNEUMON LUCTATORIUS. B. M. $ . Ichneumon luciatorius, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1590. Ichneumon culpatorius, Linn. faun. Suec. n. 1583. Ichneumon vorax, Fourcroy, 411, n. 53. Ichneumon bidentorius, Grav. i. 426, 167. (See No. 121). BRITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. 21 Ichneumon crocatorius, Walkenaer, 52, n. 17. Ichneumon confusorius, Grav. i. 276, 90. Wesm. Tent. 57. Ichneumon molitorius, (partim), Grav. i. 258, 87. Wesm. Tent. 57. Ichneumon straraentarius, Grav. i. 281, 93. Wesm. Tent. 57. Ichneumon terminatorius, Gra%. i. 282, 94. Wesm. Tent. 57. $ . Ichneumon illuminatorius, Grav. i. 423, 164. Wesm. Tent. 57. Var. 4, . Ichneumon castaniveutris, Grav. i. 556, 233. Wesm. Tent. 32, 20, . Ichneumon trituberculatus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2708, 346. $ . Ichneumon victor, Curt. Brit. Ent. iii. pi. 120. #, $. Alomya ovator, JFJ?sw. 2>n<. 217. ^ , $ . Alomya semiflava, /S^j9. Mand. vii. 274, 2. (Segmentis 24flavis). Genus 5. CRYPTUS. Subgenus 1. HOPLISMENUS. Hoplismenus, Grav. 1. HOPLISMENUS MCESTUS. B. M. Hoplismenus mosstus, Grav. ii. 412, 1. 2. HOPLISMENUS PEKNICIOSUS. B. M. Hoplismenus perniciosus, Grav. ii. 413, 3. . Hoplismenus albifrons, Grav. ii. 417,4. <. Hoplismenus bidentatus, Grav. ii. 412, 2. 50 CATALOGUE OF 3. HOPLISMENUS PICTUS. Hoplismenus pictus, Grav. ii. 418, 5. Ichneumon exornatus, Wesm. Tent. 80, n. 80. Tn Mr. Desvignes' collection. 4. HOPLISMENUS DIMIDIATUS. B. M. Hoplismenus dimidiatus, Grav. ii. 421, 7. 5. HOPLISMENUS UNIGUTTATUS. B. M. Hoplismenus uniguttatus, Grav. ii. 423, 8. 6. HOPLISMENUS ALBINUS. B. M. Hoplismenus albinus, Grav. ii. 424, 9. 7. HOPLISMENUS SEMIRUFUS, n. s. B. M. Segmentis 1 3, 4rufis. Antennis albo annulatis. Orbitis oculo- rum frontalibus tenuibus aibis. Pedibus nigro-fuscis. Areold triangulari. 9 . Head : mouth obscure, ferruginous ; frontal orbits narrowly white. Antenna? slender ; ninth to the thirteenth joints white. Scutellum depressed. Wings : stigma, costa and scales pale orange ; a small dark spot before the stigma. Legs : coxa; and trochanters black ; the femora nearly so; the extreme base fulvous; first pair of the tibia? in front dirty white ; second and third pair ob- scurely ferruginous, not so dark at the base ; all the tarsi rufo-fus- cescent. Abdomen from the first to the third segments and base of the fourth segment red, the rest black ; their margins slightly ferruginous ; the fifth segment beneath produced. Aculeus ex- serted as long as the last segment. Length 3j lines. In Mr. Desvignes 1 collection. Submenus 2. CRYPTUS. SECTION I. Scutellum and abdomen black. 1. CRYPTUS MACEOBATUS. Cryptus macrobatus, Grav. ii. 440, 15. In Mr. Desvif its base ; a white fascia on the sixth and seventh segments ; the anal stiles of the male prominent. Aculeus of the female one-fourth the length of the abdomen. Length 5 6 lines. It is closely allied to C. amcenus, Grav. ii. 623, 135, but is much larger ; the hinder tarsi and aculeus differ. <3\ $. In Mr. Cuvtis's collection. $. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 58 CATALOGUE OF SECTION V. Scutellum and thorax partly red. Abdomen red and black. 54. CRYPTUS FLAGITATOR. B. M. Cryptus flagitator, Grav. ii. 627, 137. 55. CRYPTUS HOPEI. B.M. Cryptus Hopei, Desv. Var.P Crypti flagitatoris, Grav. i. Sup. 705. 56. CRYPT us SANGUINATOR, n. s. Rufo-sanguineus occipite nigro. Antennarum annulo albo; freno et lateribus scutelli nigris. Coxis et femoribus nigris. Segmentis 1 3 et basi quarti rufis ; reliquis nigris , 6 et 7 dorso albis. Aculeo triente abdominis breviore. Head rufous ; hinder part and round the insertion of the an- tennae black. Antennae reddish ; first joint beneath red ; ninth to the thirteenth white, tinged with red ; the remainder ferruginous. Thorax with a spot on each side before the collar. Below and sides of the scutellum extending to the base of the wings black. Meta- thorax slightly bituberculated, between the tubercles excavated ; breast, coxae and femora black, the base of the latter rufous ; first pair of tibiae and tarsi somewhat testaceous ; second pair of tibiae darker on one side ; hinder pair ferruginous at the base, black at the apex ; tarsi obscure. Wings : stigma testaceous or fuscous ; areo- let sub triangular. Abdomen: segments 1 3 and the lateral mar- gins at the base of the fourth red ; sixth with a dorsal patch ; seventh entirely white. Aculeus one-third or one-fourth the length of the abdomen. Length 2J 3 lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 57. CRYPTUS RUFONIGER, n. s. Abdominis basi et metathorace rufis. Scutello anoque albis, an- nulo antennarum albo. Pedibus rufo-fuscis. Antennae from the ninth to the twelfth joints white, the re- mainder black ; the basal joints dull fuscous. Prothorax and breast black. Metathorax red. Scutellum white. Wings: stigma, costa BRITISH ICHNEUMONID^E. 59 and base dirty testaceous ; areolet quadrangular, its second outer nervure oblique. Abdomen : the first and second segments and the sides of the third testaceous-red ; the extreme margin of the fifth, sixth and seventh entirely white. Aculeus one-third the length of the abdomen. Legs reddish brown ; the outer sides of the hinder coxa? fuscous. Length 2J lines. It appears to be allied to C. camifex, but the colour of the scutellum differs ; the aculeus is also shorter. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 58. CRYPTUS SIGNATORIUS. B. M. Cryptus signatorius, Fab. Piez. 71, n. 6. Ichneumon signatorius, Fab. Ent. Syst. 135, n. 14. Cryptus bellosus, Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 668. In the collections of Mr. Curtis and Mr. Desvignes. Beared from the larva of Epipone lavipes. Subgenus 3. PHYGADEUON. SECTION I. Scutellum and abdomen black. 1. PHYGADEUON DIGITATUS. Phygadeuon digitatus, Grav. ii. 642, 148. Ichneumon digitatus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2688, n. 258. ( $ of Cryp- tus bivinctus, Fam. 2). SECTION II. Scutellum with white markings. Abdomen black and red. 2. PHYGADEUON PUMILIO. B. M. Phygadeuon pumilio, Grav. ii. 653, 156. 3. PHYGADEUON JUCUNDUS. B. M. Phygadeuon jucundus, Grav. ii. 658, 161. 4. PHYGADEUON TERMINATUS. B. M. Phygadeuon terminatus, Grav. ii. 665, 164. 60 CATALOGUE OF 5. PHYGADEUON LARVATUS. B. M. Phygadeuon larvatus, Grav. ii. 662, 163, SECTION III. Scutellum black. Abdomen red or red and black. 6. PHYGADEUON DUMETORUM. B. M. Phygadeuon dumetorum, Grav. ii. 669, 168. 7. PHYGADEUON IMPROBUS. Phygadeuon improbus, Grav. ii. 670, 169. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 8. PHYGADEUON QUADRISPINUS. B. M. Phygadeuon quadrispinus, Grav. ii. 674, 172. 9. PHYGADEUON CURVUS. B. M. Phygadeuon curvus, Grav. ii. 679, 173. Ichneumon curvus, Schrank, Faun. Boica, n. 2087. 10. PHYGADEUON RUFINUS. Phygadeuon rufinus, Grav. ii. 681, 174. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 11. PHYGADEUON FUMATOR. Phygadeuon fumator, Grav. ii. 687, 179. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 12. PHYGADEUON NITIDUS. Phygadeuou nitidus, Grav. ii. 708, 188. In Mr. Hope's collection. 13. PHYGADEUON AMBIGUUS. Phygadeuon ambiguus, Grav. ii. 703, 185. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. BEITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. 61 14. PHYGADEUON JEJUNATOR. Phygadeuon jejunator, Grav. ii. 715, 196. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. ? Far. 1. 15. PHYGADEUON VABIABILIS. Phygadeuon variabilis, Grav. ii. 705, 187. In Mr. Hope's collection. 16. PHYGADEUON PROCERUS. B. M. Phygadeuon procerus, Grav. ii. 722, 200. 17. PHYGADEUON ABDOMINATOR. B. M. Phygadeuon abdominator, Grav. ii. 726, 202. 18. PHYGADEUON PROFLIGATOR. B. M. Phygadeuon profligator, Grav. ii. 729, 203. . Ichneumon profligator, Fab. Syst. Ent. 334, n. 39. Gmel.Syst. Nat. 2686, n. 118. Razoumowski, 215, n. 250. Grav. Uebers. n. 3775. Cryptus profligator, Fab. Piez. 83, n. 52. 19. PHYGADEUON VAGABUNDUS. Phygadeuon vagabundus, Grav. ii. 735, 205. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 20. PHYGADEUON PLAGTATOR. Phygadeuon plagiator, Grav. ii. 739, 208. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 21. PHYGADEUON PABVIYENTRIS. Phygadeuon parviventris, Grav. ii. 746, 214. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 22. PHYGADEUON SPINOL^E. Phygadeuon Spinolae, Grav. ii. 712, 192. In Mr. Hope's collection. 62 CATALOGUE OF 23. PHYGADEUON ERYTHROSTICTUS. Phygadeuon erythrostictus, Grav. ii. 714, 194. In Mr. Hope's collection. 24. PHYGADEUON PODAGRICUS. Phygadeuon podagricus, Grav. i. Sup. 710. In Mr. Hope's collection. 25. PHYGADEUON ERYTHROGASTER. Phygadeuon erythrogaster, Grav. ii. 742, 210. In Mr. Hope's collection. Subgenus 4. MESOSTENUS. Mesostenus, Grav. 1. MESOSTENUS TRANSFUGA. B. M. Mesostenus transfuga, Grav. ii. 752, 217. 2. MESOSTENUS LIGATOR. B. M. Mesostenus ligator, Grav. ii. 760, 222. 3. MESOSTENUS OBNOXIUS. B. M. Mesostenus obnoxius, Grav. ii. 763, 223. Subgenus 5. HEMITELES. SECTION I. Thorax and abdomen black. 1. HEMITELES TRISTATOR. Hemiteles tristator, Grav. ii. 787, 231. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 2. HEMITELES FULVIPES. Hemiteles fulvipes, Grav. ii. 792, n. 234. Ratz. Forst. Ins. 7, f. 6. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. BRITISH ICHNEUMONIDJE. 63 3. HEMITELES MELANAKIUS. Hemiteles melanarius, Grav. ii. 790, n. 233. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 4. HEMITELES SIMILIS. Hemiteles similis, Grav. ii. 793, n. 235. Ichneumon similis, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2720, n. 393. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. SECTION II. Thorax black. Abdomen red and black. 5. HEMITELES Hemiteles aestivalis, Grav. ii. 805, n. 244. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 6. HEMITELES PALPATOR. Hemiteles palpator, Grav. ii. 818, n. 252. Ichneumon palpator, Mull. Prod. n. 1 832. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 7. HEMITELES PAPILIONIS. Hemiteles papilionis, Curt. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 8. HEMITELES INIMICUS. Hemiteles inimicus, Grav. ii. 824, n. 254. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 9. HEMITELES MICATOR. Hemiteles micator, Grav. ii. 832, n. 261. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 10. HEMITELES RIDIBUNDUS. Hemiteles ridibundus, Grav. ii. 844, n. 272. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 64 CATALOGUE OF 11. HEMITELES VICINUS. Hemiteles vicinus, Grav. ii. 845, n, 273. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. SECTION III. Thorax red and black. 12. HEMITELES AREATOR. Hemiteles areator, Grav. ii. 855, n. 281. Ichneumon areator, Panz. Faun. fasc. 94, t. 14. In Mr. Desvignes* collection. 13. HEMITELES MODESTUS. Hemiteles modestus, Grav. ii. 858, n. 282. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 14. HEMITELES CINGULATOR. Hemiteles cingulator, Grav. ii. 858, 283. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 15. HEMITELES BICOLORINUS. Hemiteles bicolorinus, Grav. ii. 862, 284. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. Subgenus 6. AGRIOTYPUS. Agriotypus, Curtis. 1. AGKIOTYPUS ARMATUS. B. M. Agriotypus armatus, Curt. Brit. Ent. iii. 389. Subgenus 7. PEZOMACHUS. Pezomachus, Grav. 1. PEZOMACHUS ABERRANS. B. M Pezomachus aberrans, Grav. ii. 287 b. BRITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. 65 2. PEZOMACHUS HEMIPTERUS. B. M. Pezomachus hemipterus, Grav. ii. 874, 289. Ichneumon hemipterus, Fab. Ent. Syst. 190, n. 238. Grav. Pede. 25, n. 1. Cryptus heraipterus, Fab. Piez. 91, n. 94. Ichneumon hemipterator, Thunb. Ichn. n. 373. Aptesis hemiptera, Foerster, 39. 3. PEZOMACHUS BRACHYPTERUS. B. M. Pezomachus bracbypterus, Grav. ii. 876, 290. Ichneumon brachypterus, Grav. Pede. 29. Ichneumon abbreviator, Panz. Faun. fasc. 71, t. 17. 4. PEZOMACHUS ABBREVIATOR. B. M. Pezomachus abbreviator, Grav. ii. 878, 291. Ichneumon abbreviator, Fab. Ent. Syst. Sup. 222, n. 89. Grav. Pede. 28, n. 3. Cryptus abbreviator, Fab. Piez. 84, n. 55. Agrothereates abbreviator, Foerster, 33. 5. PEZOMACHUS HOPEI. B. M. Pezomachus Hopei, Grav. i. Sup. 715, 291 b. Curt. Brit. Ent. 536. Agrothereates Hopei, Foerster, 34. 6. PEZOMACHUS MICEOPTERUS. B. M. Pezomachus micropterus, Grav. ii. 879, 292. Ichneumon micropterus, Grav. Pede. 26, n. 2. Aptesis micropterus, Foerster, 41. 7. PEZOMACHUS NIGROCINCTUS. B. M. Pezomachus nigrocinctus, Grav. ii. 880, 293. Ichneumon nigrocinctus, Grav. Pede. 35, 7. Ichneumon pedicularius, Panz. Faun. fasc. 81, t. 13. Mutilla acarorum, Schrank, Austr. n. 840. Aptesis nigrocincta, Foerster, 37. 8. PEZOMACHUS FASCIATUS. B. M. Pezomachus fasciatus, Grav. ii. 889, 301. Ichneumon fasciatus, Fab. Ent. Syst. 191, 242. Panz. Faun, fasc. 79, t. 14. G3 66 CATALOGUE OF Ichneumon melanocephalus, Vill. 216, n. 269. Mutilla melanocephala, Schrank, Austr. n. 841. Cryptus fasciatus, Fab. Piez. 92, n. 98. 9. PEZOMACHUS VAGANS. B. M. Pezomachus vagans, Grav. ii. 890, 302. Ichneumon vagans, Oliv. 204, n. 199. Walck. 67, n. 87. Ichneumon agilis, Grav. Pede. 45 (partim). 10. PEZOMACHUS AGILIS. B. M. Pezomachus asjilis, Grav. ii, 894, 303. Ratz. Forst. Ins. pi. vii. f. 5. Ichneumon agilis, Fab. Syst. Ent. 344, n. 97. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2716, n. 214. Grav. Pede. n. 45 (partim). Cryptus agilis, Fab. Piez. 91, n. 95. Ichneumon fuscicornis, Retz. n. 102. 11. PEZOMACHUS BICOLOR. B. M. Pezomachus bicolor, Grav. ii. 902, 304. Ichneumon bicolor, Vill. 218, n. 275. Ichneumon agilis, Grav. Pede. 45 (partim). Cryptus pulicarius, Grav. Uebers. n. 3778. 12. PEZOMACHUS HORTENSIS. B. M. Pezomachus hortensis, Grav. ii. 907, 305. Ichneumon hortensis, Christ. 375. Ichneumon agilis, Grav. Pede. 45 (partim). 13. PEZOMACHUS STEVENII. B. M. Pezomachus Stevenii, Grav. ii. 913, 306, 14. PEZOMACHUS VULPINUS. B. M. Pezomachus vulpinus, Grav. ii. 914, 307. Ichneumon vulpinus, Grav. Pede. 96, n. 16. 15. PEZOMACHUS PULICARIUS. B. M. Pezomachus pulicarius, Grav. ii. 917, 309. Ichneumon pulicarius, Fab. Ent. Syst. 191, n. 241. Cryptus pulicarius, Fab. Piez. 91, n. 97. BRITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. 67 16. PEZOMACHUS ACARORUM. B. M. Pezomachus acarorum, Grav. ii. 919, 311. Cryptus acarorum, Fab. Piez. 92, n. 99. Ichneumon acarorum, Fab. Syst. Ent. 344, n. 99. Christ. 376. Oliv. 204, n. 198. Grav. Pede. 101, n. 20. Mutilla acarorum, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1729. Mull. Prod. n. 1938. 17. PEZOMACHUS PEDICULARIUS. Pezomachus pedicularius, Grav. ii. 922, 312. Ichneumon pedicularius, Fab. Ent. Syst. 192, D. 244. Grav. Pede. 103, n. 21. Ichneumon mutillarius, Fab. Mant. 271, n. 152. Ichneumon mutillatus, Grnel. Syst. Nat. 2716, n. 217. 18. PEZOMACHUS CURSITANS. B. M. Pezomachus cursitans, Grav. ii. 923, 313. Cryptus cursitans, Fab. Piez. 91, n. 96. Ichneumon cursitans, Fab. Syst. Ent. 344, n. 98. Gmd. Syst. Nat. 2716, n. 215. Oliv. 204, n. 197. Grav. Pede. 104, n. 22. 19. PEZOMACHUS FESTINANS. B.M. Pezomachus festinans, Grav. ii. 926, 314. Ichneumon festinans, Fab. Ent. Syst. Sup. 232, n. 247 ? Grav. Pede. 106, n. 23. Cryptus festinans, Fab. Piez. 92, n. 103. 20. PEZOMACHUS LINEARIS. Pezomachus linearis, Walk. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 21. PEZOMACHUS GRACILIS. Pezomachus gracilis, Walk. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 22. PEZOMACHUS TESTACEUS. B. M. Pezomachus testaceus. 23. PEZOMACHUS FULVEOLATUS. B, M. Pezomachus fulveolatus. CATALOGUE OF Subgenus 8. PHYTODIETUS. Phytodietus, Grav. SECTION I. Thorax and scutellum black. 1. PHYTODIETUS ERRABUNDUS. Phytodietus errabundus, Grav. ii. 933, 316. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 2. PHYTODIETUS NIGER. Phytodietus niger, Grav. ii. 935, 318. $ . Lampronota crenitorsus, Curl. Brit. Ent. 407. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 3. PHYTODIETUS CALIGATUS. Phytodietus caligatus, Grav. ii. 936, 319. $ ? Lampronota fracticornis, Hal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ii. 121. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 4. PHYTODIETUS CORVINUS. Phytodietus corvinus, Grav. ii. 937, 320. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 5. PHYTODIETUS CHRYSOSTOMUS. Phytodietus chrysostomus, Grav. ii. 940, 323. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 6. PHYTODIETUS PLANTARIUS. B. M. Phytodietus plantarius, Grav. ii. 941, 324. SECTION II. Thorax and scutellum variegated. 7. PHYTODIETUS SCABEICULUS. B. M. <^. Tryphon seabriculus, Grav. ii. 180, 119. BRITISH ICHNEUMONIDtf. 69 8. PHYTODIETUS SEGMENTATOR. B. M. Phytodietus segmentator, Grav. ii. 944, 325. 9. PHYTODIETUS CORYPHAEUS. Phytodietus Coryphaeus, Grav. ii. 945, 326. 10. PHYTODIETUS OBSCURUS, n. s. B. M. Marginibus segmentorum ultimorum obsolete glaucis. Pedibus rufis ; $ , coxis nigris subtus flavis puncto apicali nigro ; posticis tibiis et tarsis nigricantibus. 9 coxis toils et tro- chanteribus nigris. Head : face of the male, mouth and cheeks, and a small spot on the crown adjoining the eyes, yellow; of the female hlack. An- tenna? slender, nearly as long as the body, filiform ; first joint beneath in the male yellow. Thorax gibbous ; a yellow line and dot before the wings of the male ; pleura? and breast pale, or with pale spots ; an indistinct pale spot on each side of the metathorax just above the first segment on the angular sides of the scutellum, and a line below on the frenum yellow. The thorax of the female is black. Scutellum as in the male, or with an apical dot, and another below yellow. Wings ample, smoky hyaline ; scales, costa and stigma pale straw-colour; areolet triangular (the exterior ner- vure slopes towards the apex of wings), scarcely petiolated. Legs slender, fulvous ; coxa? in the male more or less black above and pale beneath, also the trochanters; first joint of the hinder pair black ; apophysis fulvous ; femora with a black spot before the base and apex. Tibia? and tarsi obscure, black or fuscous ; female, all the coxae and base of the trochanters black, their apex fulvous ; tibia? and tarsi as in the male ; the former obscure reddish before the base. Abdomen shining, nearly sessile ; the margins of the fourth to the seventh segments more or less obsoletely glaucous. Aculeus shorter than the abdomen. Length 2^ 3i lines. Described from two males and four females. 11. PHYTODIETUS ORNATUS, n. s. Scutello toto flavo thorace fiavo-lineato^ pectore rufo. Pedibus pallidis. Head : mouth yellow. Face with two yellow dots below tm> antenna?; frontal orbits with two larger ones. Antenna? nearly as long as the body, very slender, beneath, testaceous ; first joint pale. 70 CATALOGUE OF Thorax with a broad hooked line, a dot before the wings, and a larger one beneath yellow ; two dorsal parallel lines reddish yel- low, the angles before the scutellura, an oblong spot below and freni yellow ; pleurae, breast and two round spots above the hinder coxae red. Scutellum large, yellow, with a fulvous tinge on the disk. Wings hyaline ; the base and stigma pale ; areolet obliquely triangular, slightly petiolated. Legs elongate, slender; first pair, coxae, and all the trochanters pale ; the posterior ones fulvo-rufous ; hinder femora with a dusky spot at the base ; tarsi and tibiae black or deep fuscous, the latter not so dark towards the apex. Abdomen smooth ; the terminal segments obsoletely glaucous. Aculeus half the length of the abdomen. Length 3J- lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. Subgenus 9. ISCHNOCEROS. Ischnoceros, Grav. 1. ISCHNOCEROS RUSTICUS. B. M. Ischnoceros rusticus, Grav. ii. 951, 327. Ichneumon rusticus, Fourc. 426, n. 95. Vill. 190, n. 176. Ichneumon compunctor, Panz. ad S chaff. Icon. t. 224, f. 10 ? Subgenus 10. MESOCHORUS. Mesochorus, Grav. 1. MESOCHORUS SPLENDIDULUS. B. M. Mesochorus splendidulus, Grav. ii. 965, 333. 2. MESOCHORUS THORACICUS. B.M. Mesochorus thoracicus, Grav. ii. 971, 334. 3. MESOCHORUS TESTACEUS. B. M. Mesochorus testaceus, Grav. ii. 973, 335. 4. MESOCHORUS SCUTELLATUS. B. M. fUesochorus scutellatus, Grav. ii. 973, 336. BRITISH ICIINEUMONID^E. 71 5. MESOCHORUS POLITUS. B. M. Mesochorus politus, Grav. ii. 974, 337. 6. MESOCHOKUS ALARIUS. B. M. Mesochorus alarms, Grav. ii. 977, 338. 7. MESOCHORUS SERICANS. Mesochorus sericans, Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 464. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 8. MESOCHORUS FULGURANS. B. M. Mesochorus fulgurans, Hal. in Curt. Brit. Ent. desc.fol. pi. 464. 9. MESOCHORUS SYLVARUM. B. M. Mesochorus sylvarum. Hal. in Curt. Brit. Ent. desc.fol. pi. 464. 10. MESOCHORUS BASALIS. Mesochorus basalis, Hal. in Curt. Brit. Ent. desc.fol. pi. 464. In Mr. Curtis's collection. 11. MESOCHORUS TIPULARIUS. Mesochorus tipularius, Grav. ii. 964, 332. In Mr. Curtis's collection. 12. MESOCHORUS SPLENIUM. Mesochorus Splenium, Curt. Brit. Ent. desc.fol. pi. 464. In Mr. Curtis's collection. 13. MESOCHORUS OLERUM. Mesochorus olerum, Hal. in Curt. Brit. Ent. desc.fol. pi. 464. 14. MESOCHORUS ATRICILLA. Mesochorus atricilla, Hal. Curt. Cat. % 72 CATALOGUE OF 15. MESOCHORUS AREN.ARICS. Mesochorus arenarius, Hal. Curt. Cat. Submenus 11. PLECTISCUS. Plectiscus, Grav. 1. PLECTISCUS IMHURATOR. Plectiscus impurator, Grav. ii. 982, 340. 2. PLECTISCUS ALBIPALPUS. Plectiscus albipalpus, Grav. ii. 986, 343. 3. PLECTISCUS COLLARIS. Plectiscus collaris, Grav. ii. 987, 344. The above are indicated as British. Subgenus 12. HELICTES. Helictes, Hal. 1. HELICTES ERYTHROSTOMA. Helictes erythrostoma, Hal. Plectiscus erythrostoma, Grav. ii. 988, 345. 2. HELICTES CRUENTATUS. Helictes cruentatus, Hal. In Mr. Haliday's collection. 3. HELICTES EULVICORNIS. Helictes fulvicornis, Hal. In Mr. Haliday's collection. ^ HELICTES VARIUS. Helictes varius, Hal. In Mr. Haliday's collection. BRITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. 73 Subgenus 13. GLYPTA. Glypta, Grav. SECTION I. Hinder coxa black. 1. GLYPTA SCULPTURATA. B. M. Glypta sculpturata, Grav. iii. 7, 1 . 2. GLYPTA TEBES. B. M. Glypta teres, Grav. iii. 8, 2. 3. GLYPTA \ 7 ULNERATOR. B. M. Glypta vulnerator, Grav. iii. 11,3. 4. GLYPTA H^SITATOR. Glypta ha?sitator, Grav. iii. 12, 4. In Mr. Desvignes collection. 5. GLYPTA FEMOBATOR, n. s. Mas. Facie pubescente. Segmentis 2 et 3 margine rufo. Coxu nigris, anterioribus apice flavo. Pedibus posticis nigricanli- bus ; tibiis basi albis, medio sordide fulvis. Male. Head : apex of mandibles yellowish ; face with a white pubescence. Antennae not so long: as the body, beneath fer- ruginous ; first and second joints entirely black. Thorax with a small pale dot at the base of the win^s. Wings ample ; scales and stigma pale ; costa darker. Anterior legs ochreous ; the base of the coxae black ; hinder ones blackish ; the extreme base of the femora fulvous ; base of the tibiae white, in the middle obscure ful- vous ; second and third segments of the abdomen at the apex red- dish or chestnut, that of the first segment slightly so. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 74 CATALOGUE OF SECTION II. Hinder coxce red. 6. GLYPTA BICORNIS, n. s. Mas. Fronte bicornuta. Segmentis singulis 2 3 macula magna triquetra. Pedibus rufis ; coxis anterioribus fiavis, posticis nigris, apice flavis. Male. Head with two short stout horns above the antennae ; face with a silvery down ; labrum and mandibles yellow. Antennae fili- form recurved, black, beneath towards the apex testaceous, nearly the length of the body. Thorax with a yellow dot before the wings. Wings : stigma narrow, fuscous, their base and scales yellow. Legs slender, fulvous ; the anterior coxae and the first pair of tro- chanters yellow, the hinder ones black, pale at the apex ; the poste- rior knees, tibiae and tarsi blackish ; the middle pair of the latter whitish at the joints. Abdomen a little narrower than the thorax; first segment shining, seen sideways, sinuated ; second and third each with a triangular or pyriform fulvous spot; the remainder pubescent, black ; the anal appendages stout. Length 4 lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 7. GLYPTA PEDATA, n. s. Pedibus pallidis ; coxis posticis rufis ; tibiis posticis albis, apice et puncto ante basim fuscis ; tarsis albo annulatis. Aculeo fere longitudine abdorninis. Head : labrum piceous ; a small tubercle on the face. Antennae rather more than half the length of the body, ferruginous beneath ; first joint black. Thorax with a yellow dot before the win<:s. Wings: costa fuscous ; stigma dirty straw-colour; base and scales yellow. Legs: anterior coxae and trochanters yellow; hinder coxae red ; hinder tibia? white, with a fuscous spot at the base and apex; joints of the tarsi white and fuscous. Abdomen black; the margins of the first to the third segments obscure chestnut. Aculeus nearly as long as the abdomen. Length 2 3j lines. Note. Somewhat allied to G. bifoveolata and G. mensurator, but differs in the legs and aculeus. 8. GLYPTA NIQEINA, n. s. B. M. Abdomine nigro. Pedibus rufis ; tibiis posticis fuscis basi albi- dis. Aculeo abdomine breviore. Head : mouth ferruginous ; palpi fulvous. Antennae little more than half the length of the body, above ferruginous, beneath BRITISH ICHNEUMONID^;. 75 fulvous yellow ; first joint at the apex sometimes nearly entirely yel- low. Thorax with a yellow dot or line before the wings. Wings : costa and stigma pitchy or dirty straw-colour ; base and scales yel- low. Legs rufo-fulvous ; first pair of the coxa?, and sometimes the middle ones, yellowish ; hinder femora at the base and knees fusees- cent ; hinder tibiae obscure, whitish at the base; tarsi fuscous. Ab- domen as broad as the metathorax, somewhat shining. Aculeus shorter than the abdomen. Length 3 4 lines. 9. GLYPTA MONOCEBOS. B. M. Glypta monoceros, Grav. iii. 16, 6. 10. GLYPTA CEBATITES. B. M. Glypta ceratites, Grav. iii. 18, 8. 11. GLYPTA MEN SURATOB. B. M. Glypta mensurator, Grav. iii. 21, 9. Ichneumon mensurator, Fab. Syst. Ent. 338, n. 65. Vill. 177, n. 155. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2694, n. 155. Oliv. 191, 138. Pimpla mensurator, Fab. Piez. 114, n. 8. 12. GLYPTA INCISA. B. M. Glypta incisa, Grav. ii. 23, 10. 13. GLYPTA SCALABIS. B. M. Glypta scalaris, Grav. iii. 24, 11. 14. GLYPTA BIFOVEOLATA. B. M. Glypta bifoveolata, Grav. iii. 25, 12. 15. GLYPTA FLAVOLINEATA. B. M. Glypta flavolineata, Grav. iii. 27, 13. 16. GLYPTA FLAVIPES, n. s. B. M. Ore flavo. Antennis rufis, subtus pallide testaceis ; articulo primo flavo, supra fusco, longitudine corporis ; coxis et trochanleri- bus anterioribusflaviSy postici& rufis. H 2 7(j CATALOGUE OF Head : mouth and palpi pale. Antennae as long as the body, reddish fulvous or red, beneath pale testaceous ; first joint yellow, above fuscous or obscure. Thorax with a pale dot before the wings ; the stigma and costa testaceous, the latter nearly pitchy ; squamula and base pale. Legs : anterior coxa? and trochanters yellow ; femora fulvous ; tibia3 and tarsi paler ; hinder coxae and femora red or reddish ; tibiae and tarsi fuscous ; the base of the former, as also of the latter, white or whitish ; the angular incisions on the abdo- minal segments deep. Length 4 lines. SECTION III. Thorax red. 17. GLYPTA RUFICEPS, n. s.. Thorace et abodomine rufis. Head : face red, with a white pubescence ; mandibles yellow, behind the eyes near the neck rufous. Antennae recurved half the length of the body, above red, beneath yellow. Thorax with a white spot before the wings ; the back and breast entirely red. Wings : costa and stigma dirty straw-colour, yellow at the base. Legs yel- lowish red ; hinder tibiae fuscous at the apex, white at the base ; tarsi fuscous, the last joint pale. Abdomen red, somewhat cloudy. Aculeus as long as the body. Length 3J- lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 18. GLYPTA LINEATA, n. s. Frem. Thorace rufo vittis tribus nigris. Mas. Dorso nigro. Abdomine rufo, basi segrnentorum plus minusve fuscis aut nigricantibus. Fcem. Aculeo fere longitudine abdominis, nigro. Head : face obscurely red ; mouth paler, furnished with short white hairs, behind the eyes black. Antennae above ferruginous, beneath fulvous. Thorax with three broad dorsal black lines in the female ; metathorax and pleurae red ; breast reddish. Scutellum red. Wings : costa, stigma and base yellow. Legs red or fulvous ; hinder tibiae dirty white at the base ; a fuscous spot before the base and apex ; hinder tarsi obscure, the joints whitish at the base. Abdomen of the male red, with the apex fuscous; of the female as broad as the thorax ; the apex of the segments fuscous. Aculeus nearly the length of the abdomen, black. Length of the male 2j lines ; of the female 2 J lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. BRITISH ICHNEtJOTONIDE. 77 Subgenus 14. LAMPRONOTA. (Lissonota, Grav). Lampronota, Hal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ii. 120. Lainpronota, p., Step. Scutellum and abdomen black. 1. LAMPRONOTA SETOSA. B. M. Lissonota setosa, Grav. iii. 35, 14. Ratz. Forst. Ins. 6, f. 7. Ichneumon setosus, Fourc. 395, n. 6. Oliv. 206, n. 1. Lampronota setosa, Curt. 2. LAMPBONOTA DEFECTIVA. B. M. Lissouota defectiva, Grav. iii. 38, 15. Lampronota denticornis, Hal. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ii. 120. 3. LAMPBONOTA SULPHUBIFERA. B. M. Lissonota sulphurifera, Grav. iii. 39, 18. 4. LAMPBONOTA SUBORBITALIS. Lissonota suborbitalis, Grav. iii. 42, 20 b. In Mr. Hope's collection. 5. LAMPRONOTA AGNATA. B. M. Lissonota agnata, Grav. iii. 44, 22. 6. LAMPRONOTA CATENATOB. B. M. Lissouota catenator, Grav. iii. 45, 23. Ichneumon catenator, Panz. ad Schceff. t. 20, f. 10. Ichneumon linearis, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2701, n. 291. 7. LAMPRONOTA HOBTORUM. Lissonota hortorum, Grav. iii. 47, 25. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 8. LAMPBONOTA IMPRESSOR. B. M. Lissonota impressor, Grav. iii. 50, 27. H 3 78 CATALOGUE OF 9. LAMPRONOTA SEGMENTATOR. B. M. Lissonota segmentator, Grav. iii. 52, 28. Ichneumon segmentator, Fab. Ent. Syst. 163, n. 124. Pimpla segmentator, Fab. Piez. 114, n. 8. 10. LAMPROXOTA FULVIPES, n.s. B. M. Mas et foem. Pedibus fulvis. (Foem. Aculeo lonyitudine ab- dominis). Head : mouth and labrum fulvous in the male ; of the female ferruginous ; the palpi are paler in the male. Antennae of the male slender, two-thirds the length of the body ; apex recurved ; of the female the length of the abdomen, incurved at the apex ; first joint beneath obscurely ferruginous. Wings : stigma and costa black ; the base and scales rusty fulvous ; areolet triangular, petio- lated. Scutellnm prominent, triangular. Legs: hinder tarsi and tibiae ashy, the latter rather paler at the base. Abdomen of the male nearly as broad as the thorax, that of the female as broad as the thorax; second and third segments with a small marginal tubercle on each side ; first to the third opaque ; the rest smooth and shining. Aculeus as long as the abdomen ; terebra rufous. Length 78 lines. Reared from Trochilium bembeciforme. 11. LAMPRONOTA FRONTALIS, n. s. Mas. Pedibus rufis. Antennis supra ferruyineis, subtus stra- mineo-ru/is ; tar sis posticis fuscis. Head: labrum and palpi testaceous; face, with the inner and frontal orbits, pale yellow. Antenna? two-thirds the length of the body, curved at the tip, above pitchy ferruginous, beneath testaceous ; the first and second joints more or less black. Thorax with a light testaceous spot at the base of the wings. Wings moderate; the stigma and costa stramineous or fuscous ; the base and scales pale testaceous; discoidal cellule petiolated, triangular. Seutellum somewhat depressed, a small elevated ridge below the apex. Meta- thorax rugosely punctate, with longitudinal elevated lines termi- nating before the declivity with a small arch. Legs fulvous-red ; the hinder tibia? obscure fuscous, the former paler towards the base. Abdomen elongate, fusiform, narrower than the thorax ; first seg- ment rather narrower at the base, with a deep channel before the lateral tubercles, which are placed before the middle ; the apex of BRITISH ICHNEUMONID*:. the remaining segments slightly elevated or impressed. Length 3J 6 lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. SECTION II. ScuteUum pah or with pale markings. Abdomen with red or yellow bands, sometimes obsolete. 12. LAMPRONOTA MACULATOBIA. Lissonota maculatoria, Grav. iii. 60, 33. Ichneumon maculatorius, Fab. Mant. 261, n. 25. Vill. 152, n. 51. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2681, n. 59. Oliv. 172, n. 39. Bassus maculatorius, Fab. Piez. 96, n. 9. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. SECTION III. ScuteUum pale spotted or red. Abdomen in the middle red. 13. LAMPRONOTA PARALLELA. B. M Lissonota parallela, Grav. iii. 79, 43. 14. LAMPRONOTA ARGIOLA. B. M Lissonota argiola, Grav. iii. 83, 45. 15. LAMPRONOTA INSIGNITA. Lissonota insignita, Grav. iii. 84, 46. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. SECTION IV. 16. LAMPRONOTA NOTABILIS, n. s. Abdominis medio castaneo, basi segmentorum plus minusve nigris aut fuscis, ultimis apice summo flavicantibus ; coxis nigro Jlavoque pictis, femoribus bicoloribus ; tibiis et tarsis fulvis aut fulvi-flavis. Head : face, base of the mandibles, and outer orbits, yellow. Antennae long, subfiliform ; first joint beneath yellow. Thorax : two short dorsal streaks in front; two lines before and one under the wings ; a lateral spot and a smaller nearly contiguous one 80 CATALOGUE OF yellow. Wings : stigma testaceous ; costa dark ; base and scales ivory-white; areoletpetiolated ; the outer nervure undefined. Coxae black, beneath yellow, a very small spot on the hinder pair, which are stout; the four anterior trochanters and femora black on one side, yellowish white on the other ; hinder trochanters black ; femora rufous, edged with black outwardly ; tibiae and tarsi fulvous ; ante- rior ones paler or yellowish. Abdomen black, from the second to the fourth segments at the apex chestnut ; first segment nearly linear, one-third the breadth of the thorax, the central tubercles prominent. Length 4^ lines. SECTION IV. Scutellum black. Abdomen red and black, or black with the margins of the segments red. 17. LAMPRONOTA BICORNIS. Lissonota bicornis, Grav. iii. 491, 49. In Mr. Marshall's collection. 18. LAMPRONOTA VEBBERANS. Lissonota verberans, Grav. iii. 93, 50. In Mr. Curtis's collection. 19. LAMPRONOTA DECIMATOR. B. M. Lissonota decimator, Grav. iii. 96, 52. 20. LAMPRONOTA MURINA. B. M. Lissonota murina, Grav. iii. 99, 54. 21. LAMPRONOTA ACCUSATOR. Lissonota accusator, Grav. iii. 101, 57. Ichneumon accusator, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 172, n. 161. Pimpla accusator, Fab. Piez. 117, n. 21. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 22. LAMPRONOTA CYLINDRATOR. B. M. Lissonota cylindrator, Grav. iii. 102, 58. Ichneumon cylindvator, VilL 180, n. 136. Oliv. 191, n. 139. Ichneumon coccineus, Christ. 365, t. 38, . 6 ? BEITISH ICHNEUMONIDJ3. 81 23. LAMPRONOTA BELLATOR. B. M. Lissonota bellator, Grav. iii. 106, 60. Ichneumon bellator, Grav. Uebers. n. 3743. Ichneumon coraciuus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2704, n. 317. 24. LAMPRONOTA SEMIRUFA, n. s. B. M. Pedibus nifis. Abdomine castaneo-rubro, disco segmentorum phis minusve nigro ; aculeo fere longitudine corporis. Head : mouth pale testaceous. Antennae slender, filiform. Thorax: a yellow line before the wings broadest in the middle. Wings : stigma darker than the scales, which are pale ; costa fuscous ; areolet orbicular, incomplete. Legs red. Abdomen chestnut-red; first segment with a deep channel towards the base; its disk with a large black spot ; the remainder more or less simi- larly marked in the centre ; the terminal segments more obscure. Aculeus nearly as long as the body. Length 3 4 lines. Var. 1. A white dot 'on each side of the scutellum. 25. LAMPRONOTA VARIPES, n. s. Abdomine rufo ; basi et apice nigro. Pedibus posticis nigris. Fcem. Aculeo abdomine paulo longiore. Head : mouth obscure, ferruginous or stramineous. Antennae filiform, half the length of the body, recurved. Wings smoky hya- line; stigma and costa pitchy; base and scales somewhat pale; areolet orbicular or nearly so. Legs slender, testaceous ; the coxae, trochanters and hinder pair black ; the apex of the tarsal joints fer- ruginous. Abdomen chestnut-red, black at the base and apex ; first segment nearly the breadth of the thorax, a little dilated towards the apex, which is concolorous with the second to the fourth and fifth joints. Aculeus rather longer than the abdomen. Length 4 lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. Subgenus 15. POLYSPHINCTA. Polysphincta, Grav. 1. POLYSPHINCTA VARIPES. B. M. Polysphincta varipes, Grav. iii. 117, 64. 82 CATALOGUE OF 2. POLYSPHINCTA MULTICOLOR. B. M. Polysphincta multicolor, Grav. iii. 119, 65. 3. PoLtSPHINCTA PEBCONTATOBIA. Polysphincta percontatoria, Grav. iii. 120, 66, Ichneumon percontatorius, Mull. Prodr. n. 1787. Pimpla phcenicea, Curtis s Guide, 512, 66 b. Pimpla (Plectiscus) phoenicea, Hal. Ann. Nat. Hist. ii. 116. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. Subgenus 16. SCHIZOPYGA. Schizopyga, Grav. 1. SCHIZOPYGA PODAGRIC A. B. M. Schizopyga podagrica, Grav. iii. 127, 68, var. 2. SCHIZOPYGA ANALIS. B. M. Schizopyga analis, Grav. iii. 130, 70. 3. SCHIZOPYGA TRICINGULATA. Schizopyga tricingulata, Grav. iii. 129, 69, var. 3. In Mr. Hope's collection. Subgenus 17. CLISTOPYGA. Clistopyga, Grav. 1. CLISTOPYGA INCITATOR. B. M. Clistopyga incitator, Grav. iii. 134, 72. Ichneumon incitator, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 172, n. 163. Pimpla incitator, Fab. Piez. 117, n. 24. 2. CLISTOPYGA H^MORRHOIDALIS. B. M. Clistopyga haemorrhoidalis, Grav. iii. 135, 73. BRITISH ICHNEUMONID^E. 83 Subgenus 18. PIMPLA. Pimpla, Fair. Syst. Piez. 112. SECTION I. Body red, spotted with black. Scutellum yellow. 1. PIMPLA FLAVICANS. B. M. Pimpla flavicans, Fab. Piez. 119, n. 33. Grav. iii. 141, 74. Ichneumon Atalantae, Poda. 106, n. 8. Ichneumon speculator, Scop. Cam. n. 753. Vill. 185, n. 156. Ichneumon acuminator, Mull. Prod. n. 1821. Ichneumon quadripunctatus, Schrank, Austr. n. 754. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 271 l,n. 191. Ichneumon nigroculus, Schrank, Austr. n. 753. Ichneumon vinctus, Schrank, Austr. n. 755. Ichneumon scutellatus, Fourc. 402, n. 28. Ichneumon incisus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2708, n. 352. Ichneumon albiscutatus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2708, n. 347 ? Ichneumon crassipes, Rossi, 787. Ichneumon vulpes, Christ, t. 37, f. 3. Ichneumon varius, Oliv. 197, n. 166. Ichneumon flavicans, Fab. Enf. Syst. 182, n. 202. Ichneumon melanops, Schrank, Austr. n. 752. Ichneumon sticticator, Thunb. Ichn. n. 174. Cryptus varius, Grav. Uebers. 3767, 3796. SECTION II. Abdomen entirely, or some of the segments, red. Scutellum black. 2. PIMPLA MELANOCEPHALA. Pimpla melanocephala, Grav. iii. 149, 75. In Mr. Curtis's collection. SECTION III. Prothorax and scutellum red. 3. PIMPLA RUFICOLLIS. B. M.? Pimpla ruficollis, Grav. iii. 153, 78. 4. PIMPLA OCULATORIA. B. M. Pimpla oculatoria, Grav. iii. 154, 79. 84 CATALOGUE OF Ichneumon oculatorius, Fab. Ent. Syst. Sup. 221, 57. Cry plus oculatorius, Fab. Piez. 78, n. 30. SECTION IV. Scutellum witk pale spots. Thorax black, occasion- ally with yellow dorsal lines. Abdomen black, or belted with dusky white or chestnut. 5. PlMPLA KUFATA. B. M. Pimpla rufata, Grav. iii. 164, 82. (Far.) Ichneumon rufatus, GmeL Syst. Nat. 2684, n. 240. 6. PIMPLA VARICORNIS. B. M. $ . Pimpla varicornis, Fab. Piez. 1 19, n. 31. Ichneumon brassicariae, Poda, 105, n. 7. Ichneumon cunctator, Scop. Cam. n. 752. $. Ichneumon cunctatorius, Vill. 149, n. 42. $ . Ichneumon melanoxanthus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2708, n. 345. $. Ichneumon annulosus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2712, n. 270. $ . Ichneumon varicornis, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 180, u. 193. SECTION V. Scutellum and abdomen black, sometimes belted with chestnut. Hinder coxae red. 7. PIMPLA CALOBATA. Pimpla calobata, Grav. iii. 176, 85. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 8. PIMPLA DIDYMA. B. M. Pimpla didyma, Grav. iii. 178, 87. 9. PIMPLA GRAMINELL^E. B. M. Pimpla graminellae, Grav. iii. 181,91. Ichneumon graminellae, Schrank, Faun. Boica, n. 2128. 10. PIMPLA STERCORATOR. B. M- $ . Pimpla stercorator, Fab. Piez. 117, n. 22. $ . Ichneumon variegatus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2701, n. 289. $ . Ichneumon aurifrons, GmeL Syst. Nat. 2702, 11. 299. BRITISH ICHNEUMONLD.SJ. 85 9. Ichneumon scanicus, Fourc. 416. Vill. 185, n. 154. Christ. 367. Oliv. 213, n. 34. 9 . Ichneumon inquisitor, Scop. Cam. n. 754. $. Ichneumon perquisitor, Oliv. 213, n. 37. . Ichneumon albipes, Gmel Syst. Nat. 2701, n. 287. $. Ichneumon pennator, Fab. Ent. Syst. 171, n. 156. $. Pimpla pennator, Fa6. Piez. 116, n. 17. <, ?. Pimpla stercorator, Grav. iii. 186, 92. 11. PlMPLA TURIONELL2E. B. M. Pimpla turionellae, Grav. iii. 192, 93, var. 3. Ichneumon Turionellae, Zwn. Faun. Suec. 1615. 6W/. $ys. Nat. 2693. Ichneumon geniculatus, Fourc. 397, n. 13. Ichneumon contemplator, Mull. Prod. n. 1838. Ichneumon fuscieornis, Schrank, Berehtesg. n. 92. Cryptus turionellae, Fab. Piez. 87, n. 72. 12. PIMPLA FLAVIPES. Pimpla flavipes, Grav. ii. 197, 94. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. SECTION VI. Body black. Abdomen sometimes ivitk red bands. Hinder coxce black. 13. PIMPLA ALTERNANS. B. M. Pimpla alternans, Grav. iii. 201, 97. 14. PIMPLA SCANICA. B. M. Pimpla scanica, Grav. iii. 204, 98. Ichneumon plaesseus, Fourc. 417, n. 69. Ichneumon scanicus, Vill. 190, n. 174. 15. PIMPLA EXAMINATOR. B, M. Pimpla examinator, Grav. iii. 207, 79. $ . Ichneumon geniculatus, Fourc. 397, n. 13. j . Cryptus examinator, Fab. Piez. 85, n. 62. $. Ichneumon rufescens, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2701, n. 290. 86 CATALOGUE OF 16. PlMPLA BREVICORNIS. Pimpla brevicornis, Grav. iii. 211, 100. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 17. PIMPLA ^THIOPS. B. M, Pimpla jEthiops, Curt. Brit. Ent. v. pi. 214. Pimpla aterrima, Grav. iii. 215, 102. 18. PJMPLA INSTIGATOB. B. M. Pimpla instigator, Grav. iii. 216, 103. Ichneumon inguinalis, Fourc. 397. $ . Ichneumon resinellae, Schrank, Faun. Boica, n. 2126. Ichneumon illecebrator, Rossi, Mant. ii. t. vi. f. 1. Ichneumon instigator, Panz. ad Schceff. t 105, f. 5. $. Musca bipilis secunda, Mouffet, 613. Ichneumon punctator, Mull. Prod. n. 1831. Ichneumon compunctor, Fourc. 395, n. 8. Ichneumon compunctator, Schrank, Austr. n. 721. Ichneumon bisulcus, Gmel. Syst Nat. 2698, n. 263. Cryptus instigator, Fab. Piez. 85, n. 61. Pimpla instigator, Ratz. Forst. Ins. 6, f. 1. Subgenus 19. EPHIALTES. Ephialtes, Grav. SECTION I. Scutellum and thorax black. 1. EPHIALTES TUBERCULATUS. B. M. Ephialtes tuberculatus, Grav. iii. 228, 105. Ichneumon tuberculatus, Fourc. 395, n. 7. Vill. 187, n. 163. Ichneumon leucopterus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2699, n. 273. 2. EPHIALTES MANIFESTATOR. B. M. Ephialtes manifestator, Grav. iii. 232, 107. Ichneumon mamfestator, Linn. Act. Suec. 1736, 125. Poda. 105, 3. Scop. Cam. n. 751. Fab. Ent. Syst. 336, n. 51. Fourc. 394, n. 5. Marsh. Trans. Linn. Soc. iii. n. 7625, t. iv. Ephialtes manifestator, Ratz. Forst. Ins. t. vi. f. 6. Pimpla manifestator, Fab. Piez. 113, n. 3. BEITISH TCHNEUMONID^E. 87 3. EPHIALTES CAEBONAEIUS. B. M. Ephialtes carbonarius, Grav. iii. 240, 108. Ichneumon mauifestator, Grav. Uebers. n. 3783. Ichneumon carbonarius, Christ. Hym. 365, t. 38, f. 5. 4. EPHIALTES GBACILIS. Ephialtes gracilis, Grav. iii. 245, 1 09. Ichneumon gracilis, Schrank, Faun. Boica, 2102. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 5. EPHIALTES INANIS. B. M. Ephialtes inanis, Grav. iii. 247, 110. Ichneumon inanis, Schrank, Faun. Boica, n. 2107. Ichneumon Rayellae, Schrank, Faun. Boica, n. 2114. 6. EPHIALTES HECTICUS. Ephialtes hecticus, Grav. iii. 248, 111. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 7. EPHIALTES MESOCENTKUS. Ephialtes mesocentrus, Grav. iii. 249, 112. $ . In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 5 . Aculeus as long as the body ; terebra white ; the middle coxae not spined. SECTION II. Abdomen with pale markings. Prothorax generally red. 8. EPHIALTES DIVINATOE. B. M. Ephialtes divinator, Grav. iii. 252, 113. Ichneumon divinator, Rossi, Faun. Etrus. ii. n. 776. Ichneumon Histrio, Panz. Faun. Germ. 92, t. 7. 9. EPHIALTES VAEIUS. B. M. ? Ephialtes varius, Grav. iii. 254, 114. 88 CATALOGUE OF 10. EPHIALTES MEDIATOR. B. M. Ephialtes mediator, Grav. iii. 256, 115. 9 . Ichneumon scurra, Panz. Faun. Germ. 92, t. 6. Pimpla mediator, Fab. Piez. 117, n. 23. 1 1. EPHIALTES RUFICOLLIS, n. s. B. M. Thorace dorso et pectore rufis vel fulms. Pedibus fulvis ; coxis anterioribus flavis. Abdomine nigro badio ; segmentis nigro annulatis. Aculeo longitudine corporis. Head : face with a silvery pubescence ; mouth ferruginous ; palpi pale. Antennae half the length of the body, obscure red towards the base, the apical half much lighter. Mesothorax : scu- tellum, a line below it and breast red ; a dot before the wings red- dish yellow. Stigma and base of the wings pale testaceous ; areolet triangular or oblique. Legs fulvous or red ; the four anterior coxae yellow ; hinder tarsi fuscous. Abdomen linear ; first segment quad- rate, or nearly so, blackish, punctate ; second segment elongate ; third to the fifth of equal length, but longer than broad, rufo-piceous, the margins of each shining black, underneath pale yellow. Acu- leus very slender, as long as the body ; terebra red. Length 5 6 lines. Subgenus20. RHYSSA. x Rhyssa, Grav. 1. RHYSSA PERSUASORIA. B. M. Rhyssa persuasoria, Grav. iii. 267, 119. Ichneumon persuasoria, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1593. Degeer, i. t. 36, f. 8. Sulzer, Gesch. t. 26, f. 12. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2618, n. 16. Panz. Faun. Germ. 19, t. 18. Pimpla persuasoria, Fab. Piez. 112, n. 1. Step. Mand. vii. pi. xxxix. f. 1. Genus 6. METOPIUS. 1. METOPIUS DISSECTORIUS. B. M. Metopius dissectorius, Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. 98, 14. Metopius sicarius, Grav. iii. 291, 1. BRITISH ICHtfEUMONIDJE. 89 2. METOPIUS MICRATOKIUS. B. M. . Metopius micratorius, Grav. iii. 299, 3. . Metopius necatorius, Grav. iii. 292, 2. Panz. Revis. ii. 79. Crypturus vespoides, Lamarck, 142, n. 6. ^. Ichneumon micratorius, Fab. Piez. 62, n. 41. $ . Peltastes micratorius, ///. in Rossi Faun. ii. 55. $ . Metopius micratorius, Trent, in Isis, 1826, iii. 296. , $. Metopius micratorius, Wesw. ^Voi. /cAn. Jfoty. 6. 3. METOPIUS DENTATUS. B. M. Metopius dentatus, Grav. iii. 304, 4. Peltastes pini, Curt. Brit. Ent. i. pi. 4. Ichneumon dentatus, Fab. Spec. 436, n. 99. Vill. 200, n. 212. Pimpla dentata, Fab. Piez. 119, n. 30. Genus 7. BASSUS. Subgenus 1. BASSUS. 1. BASSUS RUFIVENTRIS. B. M. Bassus rufiventris, Grav. iii. 312, 1. 2. BASSUS ELEGANS. B. M. Bassus elegans, Grav. iii. 313, 2. 3. BASSUS FESTIVUS. Bassus festivus, Grav. iii. 314, 3. Ichneumon festivus, Fab. Ent. Syst. Sup. 230, n. 213. Ophion festivator, Fab. Piez. 140, n. 45. Ichneumon festivator, Thunb. Ichn. n. 273. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 4. BASSUS SULCATOR. B. M. Bassus sulcator, Grav. iii. 320, 4. 5. BASSUS SIGNATUS. Bassus signatus, Grav. iii. 325, 6. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. I 3 90 CATALOGUE OF 6. BASSUS EXSULTANS. Bassus exsultans, Grav. iii. 328, 8. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 7. BASSUS STRIGATOE. Bassus stri gator, Grav. iii. 330, 9. Ichneumon strigator, Fab. Ent. Syst. 173, n. 166. Pimpla strigator, Fab. Piez. 117, n. 25. 8. BASSUS BIGUTTATUS. Bassus bigutlatus, Grav. iii. 332, 10. 9. BASSUS PECTORATOEIUS. Bassus pectoratorius, Grav. iii. 333, 11. 10. BASSUS PICTUS. Bassus pictus, Grav. iii. 336, 13. 11. BASSUS RUFIPES. Bassus rufipes, Grav. iii. 337, 14. 12. BASSUS FLAVOLINEATUS. B. M. Bassus flavolineatus, Grav. iii. 337, 14 b. 13. BASSUS ORNATUS. B. M. ? Bassus ornatus, Grav. iii. 341, 18. 14. BASSUS LATERALIS. B. M. Bassus lateralis, Grav. iii. 342, 19. 15. BASSUS ALBOSIGNATUS. B. M. Bassus albosignatus, Grav. iii. 343, 20. Ratz. Forst. Ins. 7, f. 7. $. Bassus laetatorius, Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. f. 100, 14 ; 102, 18. 16. BASSUS INSIGNIS. B. M. Bassus insignis, Grav. iii. 349, 22. BRITISH ICHNEUMONHLE. 91 17. BASSUS BIZONAKIUS. Bassus bizonarius, Grav. iii. 350, 23. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 18. BASSUS L^ETATORIUS. B. M . Bassus laetatorius, Panz. Krit. Revis. 74. Ichneumon laetatorius, Fab. Spec. 424, n. 26. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2682, n. 99. Vill. 150, n. 46. Oliv. 173, n. 47. Ciypturus 'laetatorius, Lamarck, 141, n. 4. Anomalon laetatorius, Trent, in hid. 1826, iii. 298, Curt. Brit. Ent. after pi. 198. 19. BASSUS COMPEESSUS, n.s. Foem. Niger. Abdomine segmentis 3 et reliquis multo compressis. Pedibus fulvis ; coxis fulvis inter dum fusco-ferrugineis. Head : mouth pale ; a small central yellow spot below the antennae. Antennae half the length of the body, filiform. Thorax as broad as the head, very convex ; a yellow dot before the wings. Wings smoky hyaline ; stigma and costa testaceous ; scales paler ; discoidal cellule oblong, sessile. Legs pale fulvous ; coxa? darker, sometimes fusco-ferruginous. Abdomen: first segment equilateral- opaque, narrower than the thorax ; from the apex of the second, and the remainder, much compressed. Aculeus very short, recurved. Length 2f 3 lines. Subgenus 2. ORTHOCENTBUS. Orthocentrus, Grav. 1. ORTHOCENTRUS ANOMALUS. B. M. Orthocentrus anomalus, Grav. iii. 360, 27. 2. ORTHOCENTRUS INCISUS. B. M. Orthocentrus incisus, Grav. iii. 361, 28. 3. ORTHOCENTRUS LARIUS. Orthocentrus larius, Hal. Curt. Cat. col. 109. In Mr. Curtis's collection. 92 CATALOGUE OF SubgenusS. EUCEROS. Euceros, Grav. 1. EUCEROS CEASSICORNIS. B. M. Euceros crassicornis, Grav. iii. 370, 35. Shuckard, TransL of Bur- meisters Manual of Entom. frontispiece, f. 2. 2. EUCEROS SEERICORNIS. Euceros serricornis, Hal. In Mr. Haliday's collection. 3. EUCEROS ALBITARSUS. Euceros albitarsus, Curt. Brit. Ent. xiv, pi. 660. $ . In Mr. Curtis's collection. $ . In Mr. Desvignes' collection. Genus 8. BANCHUS. Subgenus 1. BANCHUS. Banchus, Fab. 1. BANCHUS COMPRESSUS. B. M. Banchus compressus, Grav. iii. 377, 2. Ichneumon variegator, Fab. Syst. Ent. 339, n. 66. Vill. 178, n. 130. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2694, n. 157. Banchus variegator, Fab. Ent. Syst. Sup. 234, n. 4. Panz. ad Schaff. Icon. t. 130, f. 4. $ . Ichneumon compressus, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 180, n. 195. Banchus compressus, Fab. Piez. 129, n. 11. 2. BANCHUS PICTUS. B. M. Banchus pictus, Fab. Ent. Syst. Sup 234, n. 7. Grav. iii. 380, 3. Ichneumon cultratus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2708, n. 350. Ichneumon vaginatorius, Schrank, Austr. n. 705. Ichneumon volutatorius, Linn. Syst. Nat. xii. 932, n. 14. Vill. 145, n. 32. Oliv. 170, n. 33. Ichneumon mutillatus, Christ. Ins. t. 37, f. 4. Ichneumon pictus, Latr. Hist. Nat. Crust, et Ins. xiii. 183, n. 17. BRITISH ICHNEUMONTM. 93 3. BANCHUS FALCATOE. B. M. Banchus falcator, Grav. iii. 385, 4. ?. Ichneumon falcatorius, Fab. Syst. 332, n. 29. Ent. ii. 148, 59. Vill 151, n. 48. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2682, n. 100. Christ. Hym. 340. $. Ichneumon volutatorius, Stream. Frond. Selsk. SJcrift. iii. 419. Banchus falcator, Fab. Piez. 128, n. 6. Banchus falcatorius, Walck. 71, n. 5. Banchus pictus, Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. fasc. 71, t. 18. Banchus Farrani, Curt. Brit. Ent. xiii. pi. 588. <. Ichneumon umbellatarum, Schrank, Reis. 261. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2677, n. 85. Ichneumon aries, Christ. Hym. 339. Ichneumon venator, Fab. Ent. Syst. 168, n. 143. Thunb. Ich. 284. Banchus venator, Fab. Piez. 126. Ichneumon labiatus, Schrank, Faun. Boic. n, 2058. Ichneumon vigilatorius, Panz. ad Schceff. t. 61, f. 6. 4. BANCHUS MONILEATUS. B.M. Banchus monileatus, Grav. iii. 393, 5. f Note. The males of B. pictus and B. falcator^ described by Gravenhorst, are the females, and vice versa. Subgenus2. EXETASTES. Exetastes, Grav. 1. EXETASTES FORNICATOB. B. M. Exetastes fornicator, Grav. iii. 402, 10. Ichoeurnon fornicator, Fab. Spec. 432, n. 72. Vill. 176, n. 124. Ceder. 161, n. 496. Banchus fornicator, Fab. Piez. 127, n. 3. 2. EXETASTES CALOBATUS. B. M. Exetastes calobatus, Grav. iii. 405, lOb. 3. EXETASTES CLAVATOR. B. M. Exetastes clavator, Grav. iii. 405, 11. Ichneumon cinctipes, Retz. n. 269. Ichneumon clavator, Fab. Ent. Syst. 151, n. 74. Ophion clavator, Fab. Piez. 134, n. 17. Ophion tarsator, Fab. Piez. 134, n. 20. 94 CATALOGUE OF 4. EXETASTES FEMORATOB, D. S. Mas et foem. Abdomine rufo; basi et apice nigro, femoribus posticis rufts ; anterioribus nigris ; cellules interioris rudi- mentum, nervi dimdentis fere usque ad medium productum. Head black, rather broader than the thorax. Antenna seta- ceous, more than half the length of the body. Base of the wings black ; stigma pitchy black ; the divisional nervure of the interior cell extending nearly to the middle. Legs black ; hinder thighs red ; the anterior tibiae and tarsi, also the apex of the femora, fuscous within ; of the male rufous. Abdomen longer than the head and thorax; smooth and glossy, from the first to the fourth segments red ; the base of the first to the lateral tubercles, and the remainder, black ; the ventral segments of the female from the fourth produced, somewhat compressed. Aculeus one line in length. Length 5 lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 5. EXETASTES GUTTATORIUS. B.M. Exetastes guttatorius, Grav. iii. 411, 14. 6. EXETASTES OSCULATORIUS. B. M. Exetastes osculatorius, Grav. iii. 413, 15. Ichneumon osculatorius, Fab. Mant. 261, n. 20. Vill. 151, n. 50. Gmel Syst. Nat. 2680, n. 92. Walck. 53, n. 22. 7. EXETASTES L^VIGATOR. B. M. Exetastes laevigator, Grav. iii. 424, 23. Ichneumon laevigator, Vill. 193, n. 189. Oliv. 216, n. 55. Ichneumon cothurnatus, Grav. Uebers. n. 3742. 8. EXETASTES ILLUSOR. Exetastes illusor, Grav. iii. 427, 25. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 9. EXETASTES GRACILICORNIS. B. M. Exetastes gracilicornis, Grav. iii. 429, 26. BRITISH ICHNEUMON ID^:. 95 10. EXETASTES ALBITARSUS. B.M. Exetastes albitarsus, Grav. iii. 430, 27. 11. EXETASTES MAUBUS, n. s. B. M. Niger ; pedibus gracilibus tibiis anticis fuscis. Black. Head : mouth pitchy or dark ferruginous. Antennae slender, nearly the length of the body. Wings : stigma fuscous ; areolet subsessile. Thorax gibbous ; metathorax scabrous, with two longitudinal rough edges. Legs slender ; first pair of tibia? and the apical half of femora fuscous ; second pair darker ; also the apex of the femora; hinder legs and all the tarsi entirely black. Abdomen narrower than the thorax; first segment about one-third its breadth ; the lateral tubercles placed a little before the middle ; the terminal ventral segments descending and compressed. Acu- leus about the fifth part of the length of the abdomen. Length 6 7 lines. 12. EXETASTES FACIALIS, n. s. Mas. Facie flava, femoribus tibiisque anterioribus testaceis. Pedibus posticis nigris aut obscure nigro badiis. Head : face yellow, interrupted by a central abbreviated black line ; apex of the mandibles pitchy black. Antennae very slender, as long as the body, recurved at the apex. Metathorax opaque. Scutellum white. Wings: stigma and scales testaceous; areolet large, triangular or subsessile. Legs : first pair of the coxae yellow ; second pair black above, yellow beneath ; the hinder ones black ; the four anterior legs pale testaceous ; the posterior ones nearly black. Abdomen narrow ; first segment subpetiolated ; the lateral tubercles placed a little before the middle ; second segment very little broader than the first; the remainder narrowing to the apex. Length 5 lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. Subgenus 3. AROTES. Arotes, Grav. 1. AROTES ALBICINCTUS. B. M. Arotes albicinctus, Grav. iii. 448, 34. Step. Mand. v. 7, pi. xxxvi. f. 4. 96 CATALOGUE OF Submenus 4. MACROCOLEUS. Macrocoleus, Desv. Ent. Trans. N. ., i. 12. 1. MACROCOLEUS CROCEICORNIS. Macrocoleus croceicornis, Desv. Macrus croceicornis, Grav. iii. 710, 146. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. (Mr. Doubleday). Genus 9. OPHION. Subgenus 1. CAMPOPLEX. Campoplex, Grav. SECTION I. Abdomen and antenna black. 1. CAMPOPLEX DIFFORMIS. B. M. Campoplex difformis, Grav. iii. 458, 1. Ichneumon difformis, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2720, n. 32 . 2. CAMPOPLEX RUFIPES. B. M. Campoplex rufipes, Grav. iii. 461, 3. 3. CAMPOPLEX MAJALJS. B. M. Campoplex majalis, Grav. iii. 462, 4. 4. CAMPOPLEX SORDIDUS. B.M. Campoplex sordidus, Grav. iii. 466, 5. 5. CAMPOPLEX LATERALIS. B. M. Campoplex lateralis, Grav. iii. 467, 6. 6. CAMPOPLEX TIBIALIS. B. M. Campoplex tibialis, Grav. iii. 468, 7. 7. CAMPOPLEX NANUS. B. M. Campoplex nanus, Grav. iii. 469, 8. BEITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. 97 8. CAMPOPLEX CEBOPHAGUS. B. M. Campoplex cerophagus, Grav. iii. 470, 9. 9. CAMPOPLEX SENICULUS. B. M. Campoplex seniculus, Grav. iii. 473, 11. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 10. CAMPOPLEX ALBIDUS. B. M. Campoplex albidus, Grav. iii. 474, 13. Ichneumon albidus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2705, n. 332 a. 11. CAMPOPLEX VIENNENSIS. Campoplex vieniiensis, Grav. iii. 478, 14. In Mr. Curtis's collection. 12. CAMPOPLEX ARVENSIS. Campoplex arvensis, Grav. iii. 488, 20. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 13. CAMPOPLEX ANOMOLUS. Campoplex anomolus, Grav. iii. 490, 22. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 14. CAMPOPLEX GENICULATUS. Campoplex geniculatus, Grav. iii. 486, 19. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 15. CAMPOPLEX EXTGUUS. Campoplex exiguus, Grav. iii. 499, 30. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 16. CAMPOPLEX PLACIDUS, n. s. B. M. Mas et fcem. Abdomine subcompresso. Pedibus rufis ; coxis nigris. (Aculeo perbrevi). 98 CATALOGUE OF Head : mouth |>ale ; in the female pale ferruginous. Antennae rather slender, half tfie length of ihe body, subfiliform. Thorax gibbous. Wings ample; stigma and scales pale; costa darker; areolet rather large, triangular, petiolated. Le<>s rufo-fulvous ; coxae black ; first pair rufescent at the apex ; the base of the tibiae in the female indistinctly white ; hinder tarsi from the second joint ferruginous. Abdomen : first segment much dilated and convex at the apex ; the remainder depressed, seen sideways somewhat com- pressed ; terminal segments with a close white pubescence. Acu- leus half a line in length. Length 3 3J lines. 17. CAMPOPLEX HENAULTII, n. s. B.M. Tibiiset coxis anticis flavu, illis posticis basi et apice nigris,femo- ribus posticis niyris, mediis supra ftavo-fulvis, infra lined higra. Aculeo abscondito aut subexerto. Head : mouth and palpi pale. Antennae two-thirds the length of the body, recurved at the apex ; apex of the first joint, beneath, obscurely ferruginous in some specimens. Thorax gibbous. Wins hyaline; stigma and costa dark ; scales flavescent; areolet small, oblique ; petiole forming half the length of the nervure. Legs: first pair pale yellow; second coxae black; femora above reddish yellow, a black line beneath ; hinder pair, coxae and femora black ; tibiae with a broad pale yellow ring ; hinder tarsi somewhat ferruginous. Abdomen : first segment smooth and convex at the apex; second long-obconical ; the remainder tapering to the apex, covered with a hoary down, the whole seen laterally compressed. Aculeus very short, scarcely subexserted. Length 3 4 lines. SECTION II. Abdomen Hack ; first joint of the antenna beneath pale or fulvous. 18. CAMPOPLEX ORBITALIS. B. M. Campoplex orbitalis, Grav. iii. 510, 39. 19. CAMPOPLEX GRACJLIS. Campoplex gracilis, Grav. iii. 511, 40. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. BRITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. 99 20. CAMPOPLEX ARMILLATUS. Campoplex armillatus, Grav. iii. 514, 42. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 21. CAMPOPLEX FAUNUS. Campoplex faunus, Grav. iii. 517, 45. In Mr. Desvignes 5 collection. 22. CAMPOPLEX TRANSFUGA. B. M. Campoplex transfuga, Grav. iii. 521, 48. 23. CAMPOPLEX CHRYSOSTICTUS. Campoplex chrysosiictus, Grav. iii. 522, 49. Ichneumon chrysostictus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2721, n. 407 (Far. 4). In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 24. CAMPOPLEX APOSTATA. Campoplex apostata, Grav. iii. 510, 38. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 25. CAMPOPLEX FLAVIVENTRTS. B. M. Campoplex flaviventris, Ratz. Forst. Ins. ii. 84. From Coccyx strobilana. 26. CAMPOPLEX MYRTILLUS, n. s. Pedibus anterioribus flams; coxis et femoribus posticu nlgris ; tibiis annuloflavo-albo. Head : face with a strong silvery pubescence; mouth and palpi pale ; apex of the mandibles ferruginous. Antennae nearly as long as the body, curved at the apex; first joint beneath pale. Thorax gibbous. Scutellum prominent. Wings : stigma testaceous ; the base and scales pale ; costa pitchy; areolet large, triangular. An- terior legs pale yellow ; hinder coxae and femora black; apex of the trochanters yellow ; base and apex of the tibiae black, between yel- low ; tarsi pale ; apex of the first and second joints dark ; nails of all pitchy ferruginous. Abdomen: first segment at the apex oval, K2 100 CATALOGUE OF convex ; the remainder of equal breadth, subcompressed. Length 5 lines. Reared from Anarta Myrtilli. SECTION III. Abdomen red and black ; first joint of the antenna beneath pale. 27. CAMPOPLEX BICINGULATUS. B. M. Campoplex bicingulatus, Grav. iii. 527, 50. 28. CAMPOPLEX MULTICINCTUS. B. M. Campoplex multiciuctus, Grav. iii. 534, 57. 29. CAMPOPLEX FULVIVENTRIS. B. M. Campoplex fulviventris, Grav. iii. 540, 62. Ichneumon fulviventris, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2704, n. 319. 30. CAMPOPLEX ARGENTATUS. Campoplex argentatus, Grav. iii. 543, 64. Ratz. Forst. Ins. 7, f. 3. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 31. CAMPOPLEX LONGIPES. B. M. Campoplex longipes, Grav. iii. 546, 65. Ichneumon longipes, Mull. Prod. n. 1847. Ichneumon canescens, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2703, n. 308. 32. CAMPOPLEX RUFIVENTRIS. Campoplex rutiventris, Grav. iii. 552, 69. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 33. CAMPOPLEX TOMENTOSUS, n. s. Foam. Corpore toto sericeo ; segmentis 1 Sfulvis. Pedibus an- terioribus flavo-fulvis ; coxis et trochanteribus nigris ; femo- ribus posticis nigris ; tarsis et tibiis apice fuscescentibus. Aculeo breve et crasso, sursum curvato. Head : mouth and mandibles pale ; apex of the latter pitchy ; a yellow spot between the eyes on the vertex. Antennae filiform. BRITISH ICHNEUMONIDJ2. ferruginous; the first joint black above. Thorax somewhat gib- bous. Base of the wings and costa pale testaceous ; stigma fus- cous; areolet petiolated, suborbicular. Legs: coxae black ; the four anterior legs pale testaceous ; hinder femora black ; apex of the tibiae and tarsi fuscous. Abdomen : first segment dilated at the apex, fulvous or pale chestnut- red ; petiole black ; second and third segments also pale chestnut- red ; the latter with a transverse fuscous band near the apex ; the remainder black, subcompressed. Aculeus short and stout, recurved. The body and legs of this insect are entirely covered with a hoary pubescence. Note. The first segment is more depressed at the apex than in most insects of this genus. SECTION IV. Abdomen red or red and black. Antenna black, occasionally, beneath red. 34. CAMPOPLEX PUGILLATOR. B. M. Campoplex pugillator, Grav. iii. 606, 102 Ichneumon pugillator, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1624. Fuessl. Helv. 49, n. 962. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2695, n. 50. Rossi, n. 773. Cederh. 162, n. 503. Ichneumon occisor, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2697, n. 167. Oliv. 221, n. 91. Ichneumon cantator, Retz. 68, n. 272. Ichneumon subfalcatus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2701, n. 293. Ichneumon nidulator, Thunb. n. 277. Ophion nidulator, Panz. Faun. fasc. 100, 1. 15. Ophion falcator, Fab. Piez. 136, n. 28. Ichneumon, Degeer, Ins. vii. 594, t. 44, f. 7. 35. CAMPOPLEX MIXTUS. B. M. Campoplex inixtus, Grav. iii. 601, 101. Ichneumon mixtus, Pollich. Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. vii. 140. Schrank, Faun. Boic. n. 2089. Ichneumon compressus, Christ. 369, t. 39, f. 2. Ichneumon surratus, Sulzer, Gesch. 190, t. 26, f. 15. Schrank, Austr. n. 729. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2697, n. 166. Vill 182, n. 143. Ichneumon mercator, Fab. Ent. Syst. 176, n. 177. Ophion mercator, Fab. Piez. 139, n. 42. Ichneumon, Drgeer, i. 74, 573, t. 6, f. 11, 12. K 3 102 CATALOGUE OP 36. CAMPOPLEX CULTRATOR. B. M. Campoplex cultrator, Grav. iii. 616, 103. 37. CAMPOPLEX MOZSTUS. Campoplex mcestus, Grav. iii. 599, 99 b. In Mr. Desvigues' collection. 38. CAMPOPLEX DECIPIENS. Campoplex decipiens, Grav. iii. 596, 97. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 39. CAMPOPLEX EUFIMANUS. B. M. Campoplex rufimanus, Grav. iii. 597, 98. 40. CAMPOPLEX PERFIDUS. Campoplex perfidus, Grav. iii. 595, 96. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 41. CAMPOPLEX DECLINATOR. Campoplex declinator, Grav. iii. 589, 92. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 42. CAMPOPLEX ZONATUS. Campoplex zonatus, Grav. iii. 584, 89. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 43. CAMPOPLEX RUFICINCTUS. B. M. Campoplex mficinctus, Grav. iii. 580, 87. 44. CAMPOPLEX ENSATOR. B. M. Campoplex ensator, Grav. iii. 576, 85. BRITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. 103 Subgenus 2. PANISCUS. 1. PANISCUS VIRGATUS. B. M. Paniscus virgatus, Grav. iii. 625, 106. Ichneumon virgatus, Fourc. 401, n. 25. Vill. 204, n. 228. Ichneumon circailices, Geoffr. 332. 2. PANISCUS TESTACEUS. B. M. Paniscus testaceus, Grav. iii. 627, 107. Ichneumon luteus, Scharf. iii. 964, n. 18. Ichneumon, Reaumur, vi. 310, t. 30, f. 9 12. 3. PANISCUS INQUINATUS. B. M. Pamscus inquinatus, Grav. iii. 631, 107b. 4. PANISCUS GLAUCOPTERUS. B. M. Paniscus glaucopterus, Grav. iii. 632, 108. Ichneumon glaucopterus, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1630. Fab. Ent. Syst. 341, n. 79. Mull. Prod. 159, n. 1845. Schrank, Faun. Boic. 2055. Rossi, Faun. n. 786. Oliv. 196, n. 163. Lair. Crust, xiii. 184, n. 19. T/iunb. Ichn. n. 227. Ophion glaucopterus, Fab. Piez. 133, n. 14. Walck. 72, n. 2. Panz. ad Schaff. Icon. t. 82, f. 3. Subgenus 3. ANOMALON. Anomalon, Grav. Therion, Curtis. Trichomina, Wesm. SECTION I. Scutellum yellow. 1. ANOMALON ENECATOR. B. M. Anomalon enecator, Grav. iii. 641, 110. Ichneumon enecator, Rossi, Faun. n. 777. Trichomma enecator, Wesm. Rev. d. Anom. de Beige (1849), 25. 104 CATALOGUE OF 2. ANOMALON FULVIDENS. Anomalon fulvidens, Wesm. Rev. d. Anom. de Beige (1849), 26. Trichomma fulvidens, Wesm. Rev. d. Anom. de Beige (1849), 26. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 3. ANOMALON CIRCUMFLEXUM. B. M. Anomalon circumflexum, Grav. iii. 643, 112. Rate. Forst. Ins. 6, f.2. Ichneumon circumflexus, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1631. Fab. Syst. Ent. 341, n. 80. Ent,. Syst. ii. 181, n. 199. Mull. Prod. n. 1846. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2710, n. 59. Vill. 199, n. 209. Thunb. Ichn. n. 503. Subgenus Exochilurn, Wesm. Rev. d. Anom. de Beige, 10. SECTION II. Scutellum black, occasionally red. (Anomalon arqua- tum and A. flaveolatum, var ) 4. ANOMALON AMICTUM. B. M, Anomalon amictum, Grav. iii. 650, 1 14. Ichneumon amictus, Fab. Syst. Ent. 311, n. 78. Ent. Syst. ii. 181, n. 197. Gmel. Si/st. Nat. 2710, n. 183. Vill. 200, u. 213. Christ. 361. Oliv. 196, n. 162. Ophion amictus, Fab. Piez. 133, n. 11. Subgenus Schizoloma, Wesm. Rev. d. Anom. de Beige, 8. 5. ANOMALON CAPITATUM, n. s. Mas. Capite permagno transfer so ; segrncntorum 1 et 2 dorso nigro. Pedibus crassioribus quam in reliquis speciebus huic affinibus ; articulis 1 et 2 tarsorum posticorum inflatis ; 4o minutissimo ; facie flava, antennis dilute rufis, apice croceis. Head very large, transverse ; face hairy ; a vertical spot and a portion of the outer orbits of the eyes yellow ; mouth and a spot on each side of the mandibles ferruginous ; cheeks swollen. Antennae more than half the length of the body, clear red : the basal joint and apical ones ochreous ; from the first to the third joints with a lateral black streak. Thorax gibbous, deeply punctate ; metathorax with distinct transverse impressed lines ; the whole with a reddish or BRITISH ICHNEUMONHLE. 105 fulvous-yellow pubescence. Wings yellowish hyaline ; stigma and base fulvous; costa and squamula ferruginous or pitchy. Anterior legs yellow ; hinder coxae black at the base and yellow at the apex ; above black, apex red ; hinder femora clear red ; tibiae paler ; the apical half black; first and second joints of the tarsi broader than the apex of the tibia?, much inflated, yellow ; second joint beneath hollow, with a central ridge ; the fourth joint less than half the length of the third. Abdomen red, pitchy at the apex ; a dorsal black line on the first and second segments. Length 10 11 lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. (Yorkshire). 6. ANOMALON MIRABILE, n. s. Mas. Abdomine rufo ; segmento secundo, dor so nigro apice rufo. Ore facie et genis flams. Alarum nervo secundo recurrente cum nervo, cellulas cubitales sejungente coincidente. Pedibus anterioribus flavis, poslicis rufis tarsis flams tibiarum apice nigro. Head : face, mouth and cheeks yellow. Antenna? rufo-fulvous ; first and second joints, above, black at the base, eight lines in length. Thorax covered with a white pubescence ; a yellowish somewhat elevated line on the sides of the metathorax, above the base of the wings ; all the sutures and frsenum tinged with dirty; white. Wings yellowish hyaline ; stigma long and very narrow ; scales fuscous-yellow ; first and second recurrent nervures forming but one continued line. Anterior legs yellow; hinder coxae, femora and tibiae rufous ; one-third part of the latter from the apex black or obscure fuscous ; tarsi yellow or fulvous. Abdomen rufous ; second segment with a dorsal black line not quite extending to the apex. Length 14 lines. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 7. ANOMALON XANTHOPUS. B. M. Anomalon xanthopus, Grav. iii. 652, 116. Ichneumon xanthopus, Schrank, Austr. 749. GmeL Syst. Nat. 2711, n. 188. Vill. 201, n. 216. Ophion xanthopus, Fab. Piez. 133, n. 13. 8. ANOMALON RUFICORNE. B. M. Anomalon ruficorne, Grav. iii. 655, H6b. 106 CATALOGUE OF 9. ANOMALON CERINOPS. Anomalon cerinops, Grav. iii. 658, 118. Ophion flavifrons, Grav. Uebers. n. 3790. (uec Fabr.) 10. ANOMALON MELANOBATUM. Anomalon melanobatum, Grav. iii. 662, 120. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 11. ANOMALON FLAVEOLATUM. Anomaloii flaveolatum, Grav. iii. 664, 122. 12. ANOMALON CLANDESTINUM. Anoraalon clandestinum, Grav. iii. 670, 124. 13. ANOMALON TENUICORNE. B. M. Anomalon tenuicorne, Grav. iii. 671, 125. 14. ANOMALON LATRO. Anomalon latro, Grav. iii. 677, 128. Ichneumon latro, Schrank, Auslr. 726. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 15. ANOMALON FIBULATOR. B. M. Anomalon fibulator, Grav. iii. 681, 131, 16. ANOMALON PERSPICILLATOR. Anomalon perspicillator, Grav. iii. 683, 132. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 17. ANOMALON TENUITARSUM. B. M. Anomalou tenuitarsum, Grav. iii. 683, 133. 18. ANOMALON INTERRUPTUM, n. s. Mas. Abdomine mediocri ; segmentis 1 3 rufo-castaneis ; basi niyris ; alis brevibus ; pectore et coxis anterioribus flavis ; pos- ticis castanets ; basi et trochanteribus nigris. BRITISH ICIINEf MOMD^E. 107 Face yellow. Antennae half the length of the body, above fer- ruginous, beneath castaneous ; first joint at the base with a black rinpr. Thorax : breast, before the first pair and between the second pair coxae, yellow, or with two large spots of the same colour. Wings shortish ; costa, stigma and scales, yellowish orange. An- terior legs fulvous; coxa3 and trochanters yellow; hinder coxae chestnut ; the base and trochanters black ; apex of the latter ful- vous ; femora, tibiae and tarsi, all chestnut ; the apex of the tibiae black. Abdomen rather broad ; from the first to the third segments subcylindrical, reddish chestnut; the base of each and the remain- der black. Aculeus exserted, short. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. Subgenus 4. OPHION. Ophion, Fabr. 1. OPHTON OBSCUBUS. B. M. Ophion obscurus, Grav. iii. 689, 135. Ichneumon luteus, Schrank^ Austr. n. 750. Oliv. 196, n. 156. Var. Ichneumon obscuratus, Fab. Ent. Syst. Supp. 237. 2. OPHION LUTEUS. B. M. Ophion luteus, Grav. iii. 692, 136. Ichneumon luteus, Linn. Faun. Suec.n. 1628. Mull. Faun.Friedr. n. 620. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 341, n. 75. Mull. Prod. n. 1843. Fourc. 400, n. 21. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2706, n. 55. Ophion luteus, Fab. Piez. 130, n. 1. Panz. ad Schceff. t. 1, f. 10. Ichneumon fulvus, Retz. n, 271. Ichneumon Vinulae, Scop. Cam. n. 755. Christ. 367. Albin. t. xi. Gcedart, ii. 163, t. 37. Deyeer, ii. t. 29, f. 15, 26. Note. This insect appears to inhabit New Holland and New Zealand, according to Fabricius and Christius ; America also ; but its size there is 15 lines, while in Europe it is seldom more than half that length ; though very similar, may they not he distinct spe- cies ? The O. luteus of Gravenhorst is exceedingly common in this country. 3. OPHION UNDULATUS. Ophion undulatus, Grav. iii. 697, 137. $ . In Mr. Westwood's collection. $. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 108 CATALOGUE OF 4. OPHION MERDARIUS. B. M. Ophion merdarius, Grav. iii. 698, 138. Ratz. Forst. Ins. pi. vi. f. 8. Step. Mand. pi. xl. f. 4. Subgenus Enicospillus, Step. Nomen. 2nd edit. 5. OPHION RAMIDULUS. B. M. Ophion ramidulus, Grav. iii. 699, 139. Ichneumon ramidulus, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1629. Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 178, n. 187. Mull. Prod. n. 1844. Schrank, Austr. n. 751. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2710, n. 56. Vill. 198, 207. Oliv. 199, n. 173. Thunb. Ichn. n. 224. Ophion ramidulus, Fab. Piez. 131, n. 2. Ichneumon truncatus, Christ. 365. Subgenus Enicospillus, Step. Nomen. 2nd edit. 6. OPHION COMBUSTUS. B .M. Ophion combustus, Grav. iii. 701, 140. Subgenus Enicospillus, Step. Mand. 2nd edit. 7. OPHION VENTRICOSUS. B. M. Ophion ventricosus, Grav. iii. 702, 141. Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 600. Ophion ramidulus, Grav. Uebers. n. 3789, (Olim nee I. r., Linn.) 8. OPHION MABGINATUS. B. M. Ophion rnarginatus, Grav. iii. 704, 142. Anomalon marginatus, Jurine, t. 8, f. 4. 9. OPHION BOMBYCIVOBUS. Ophion bombycivovus, Grav. iii. 705, 143. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. Reared by Mr. B. Stan dish from Stauropus Fayi. Subgenus 5. TEACHYNOTUS. Trachynokis, Grav. 1. TRACHYNOTUS FOLIATOR. B. M. Trachynotus foliator, Grav. iii. 715, 148. BRITISH ICHNEUMONTD^E. 109 Ichneumon cruentatus, Fourc. 418, n. 72. Ichneumon petiolatus, Fourc. 396, n. 9. Ophion foliator, Fab. Ent. Syst. Sup. 239, n. 21. Bassus foliator, Fab. Piez. 100, n. 29. SubgenusG. PACHYMERUS. Pachymerus, Grav. 1. PACHYMERUS CALCITRATOR. B. M. Pachymerus calcitrator, Grav. iii. 727, 150. Ichneumon coxator, Vill. 193, n. 190. Oliv. 216, n. 56. Bassus calciirator, Grav. Uebers. n. 3780. Subgenus7. PRISTOMERUS. Pristomerus, Curt. Brit. Ent. 624 b. 1. PRISTOMERUS VULNERATOR. B. M. Pachymerus vulnerator, Grav. iii. 724, 149. Ichneumon vulnerator, Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. fasc. 72, t. 5. Ophion vulnerator, Grav. Uebers. n. 3793. Note. The oral parts of the genus Pachymerus^ Grav., are appended to his description of P. vulnerator^ but they evidently belong to his P. calciirator ;. the fourth joint of the labial palpi in the latter being obtuse, but linear in P. vulnerator. Subgenus 8. CREMASTUS. Cremaslus, Grav. SECTION I. Scutellum pale. 1. CREMASTUS INTERRUPTOR. Cremastus interrupter, Grav. iii. 736, 153. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 110 CATALOGUE OF 2. CREMASTUS BUOLIANUS. Cremastus Buoliana, Curt. Trans. Ent. Soc. n. s. iii. 60. In Mr. Curtis's collection. SECTION IT. Scutellum Hack. 3. CREMASTUS SPECTATOR. Cremastus spectator, Grav. iii. 740, 155. In Mr. Curtis's collection. 4. CREMASTUS BELLTCOSUS. Cremastus bellicosus, Grav. iii. 741, 157. In Mr. Curtis's and Mr. Desvignes' collections. 5. CREMASTUS INFIRMUS. Cremastus infirmus, Grav. iii. 746, 1GO, In Mr. Desvignes' collection. Subgenus9. POEIZON. Porizon, Grav. SECTION I. Abdomen Hack and red. 1. PORIZON HOSTILIS. B. M. Porizon hostilis, Grav. iii. 753, 161. 2. PORIZON HARPURUS. B. M. Porizon harpurus, Grav. iii. 758, 164. 3. PORIZON GRAVIPES. Porizon gravipes, Grav. iii. 757, 163. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 4. PORIZON NUTRITOR. Porizon nutritor, Grav. iii. 762, 165. Ophion nutritor, Fab. Pirz. 139, n. 39. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. BRITISH ICHNEUMONID.E. Ill 5. PORIZON MINATOR. B. M. Porizon minator, Grav. iii. 768, 169. 6. PORIZON JOCATOR. B, M. Porizon jocator, Grav. iii. 769, 170. Ichneumon jocator, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 175, n. 175. Ophion jocator, Fab. Piez. 130, n. 40. SECTION II. Abdomen black. 7. PORIZON BOOPS. B. M . Porizon Boops, Grav. iii. 776, 172. 8. PORIZON SALTATOR. B.M. Porizon saltator, Grav. iii. 777, 173. Ichneumon saltator, Fab. Spec. 433, n. 79. Ent. Syst. 175, n. 173. Vill. 177, n. 127. Oliv. 190, n. 133. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2694, n. 153. Ophion saltator, Fab. Piez. 137, n. 34. Walck. 73, n. 6. 9. PORIZON MODERATOR. B.M. Porizon moderator, Grav. iii. 783, 177. Ichneumon moderator, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1617. Mull. Faun. Fried, n. 617. Fab. Spec. Ins. 433, n. 78. Mull. Prod. n. 1815. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2693, n. 42. Vill. 170, n. 107. Christ. 373. Oliv. 190, n. 132. Ophion moderator, Fab. Piez. 137, n. 33. Subgenus 10. ATRACTODES. Atractodes, Grav. 1. ATRACTODES BICOLOR. B.M. Atractodes hicolor, Grav. iii. 791, 179. 2. ATRACTODES FOVEOLATUS. B. M. Atractodes foveolatus, Grav. iii. 794, 181. 112 CATALOGUE OF Genus 12. ACOENITES. Acoenites, Grav. 1. ACOENITES ARATOB. Acoenites arator, Grav. iii. 813, 5. Ichneumon arator, Rossi, Faun. ii. n. 778. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. Genus 13. XORIDES. Submenus 1. XYLONOMUS. Xylonomus, Grav. 1. XYLONOMUS PARTULUS. Ichneumon praecatorius, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 139, n. 27. Thunb. Ich. n. 46. Cryptus praecatorius, Fab. Piez. 72, n. 11. Xorides praecatorius, Lamarck. 135. $ . Xylonomus parvulus, Grav. iii. 825, 4. $ . Xylonomus praecatorius, Grav. iii. 841, 12. <, $. In Mr. Desvignes' collection. 2. XYLONOMUS RUSTICUS, n. s. Abdomine nigro. Pedibus anterioribus tesiaceis, posticis mgris ; coxis elongatis badiis supra nigris, macula mediana cas- tanea. Aculeo longitudine corporis. Head black ; mouth between the mandibles with short reddish hairs. Antennae half the length of the body, recurved at the apex. Thorax cylindrical. Metathorax with two teeth on each side, one more prominent than the other ; the central space, with hexagonal divisions between, punctate. Wings smoky hyaline ; costa, stigma and scales fuscous ; the base testaceous. Legs : the four anterior ones testaceous; coxae chestnut; the base of the femora slender, compressed, much dilated at the apex ; the tibia?, as it were, com- posed of two joints, the base being very narrow, and then abruptly enlarged, and near the base of this part is an arcuated notch on the under part ; the hinder pair of coxae elongate, deep chestnut beneath, black above, with a central spot, somewhat of a lighter colour ; in BRITISH ICHNEUMONID^l. 113 one specimen nearly entirely fusco-femiginous ; all the trochanters, which are very short, black ; hinder legs black ; the femora regular, and the tibiae not notched; the terminal joint of the anterior tarsi dusk} T . Abdomen nearly cylindrical ; from the first to the third segments punctate; first segment very long, with a transverse depression before its apex ; second segment a little broader, about half the length of the first, with a lunular depression at the basal angles, and a small fovea on each side beyond the middle ; third segment two-thirds of the length of the second ; fourth as long as the seventh ; fifth and sixth short, equal ; the third to the fifth ven- tral segments cultriform ; the terebra inserted in the fifth, colour red ; the ovipositors in the terminal abdominal segments ; the apexes of the whole a little dilated, but ending in a sharp point. Length 7 lines In Mr. Desvignes' collection. (Bewdley). 3. XYLONOMUS PILICOBNIS. B. M. Xylonomus pilicornis, Grav. iii. 833, 9. Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 353. 4. XYLONOMUS GRAVENHOESTII. B. M. Xylonomus Gravenhorstii, Curt. Brit. Ent. under folio 353. Subgenus 2. XOBIDES. Xorides, Grav. 1. XORIDES NITENS. B. M. . Xorides nitens, Grav. iii. 847, 13. 2. XORIDES ALBITAESUS. B. M. $ . Xorides albitarsus, Grav. iii. 849, 15. 3. XORIDES SCUTELLABIS, n. s. B. M. $ . Facie flava. $ . Orbitis oculorum internis flavis. Scutello flavo. Pedibus rvfis, anterioribus maris dilute croceis ; coxis et trochanterilus pallidioribus ; tibiis et tarsis posticis, $ et $ fnigris aut nigro-fuscis. (Aculeo abdomine paulio longiore). Head, # face and frontal orbits, $ inner orbits yellow ; palpi of the $ pale; of the $ ferruginous. Antenna slender, subfiliform, half the length of the body; first joint of the $ 114 CATALOGUE OF beneath rusty. Thorax cylindrical; with a yellow line above the first pair of the coxae leading to the collar, and on the breast a darker spot before each ; a short yellow line below the scutellum $ and 5. Wings, <, base and scales pale; $, ferruginous; costa and stigma dusky black ; the latter in the $ palish in the centre. Legs elongate ; $ , anterior coxa? yellowish ; legs pale fulvous, $ red ; hinder tibiae and tarsi, $ and $> , blackish, with a whitish pubescence. Abdomen, , cylindrical throughout; first segment four times longer than broad ; the remaining segments of equal length, a little more than half the length of the first ; ? deeply punctate, sides with a hoary pubescence ; first segment twice as long as broad ; third quadrate ; fourth to the sixth transverse ; seventh gradually sloping to the apex ; the fifth ventral segment slightly protuberant. Aculeus a little longer than the abdomen, chestnut ; valves stout, black. Length 5 7 lines. $ , $ . In Mr. Desvignes* collection. Subgenus 3. ECTHRUS. Ecthrus, Grav. 1. ECTHKUS RELUCTATOR. B. M. Ichneumon reluctator, Linn. Faun. Suec. n. 1603. Fab. Syst. Ent. 333, n. 33. Ent. Syst. 150, n. 69. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 2686, n. 27. Vill. 160, n. 77. Christ. 355. Panz. Faun. Ins. Germ. fasc. 71, t. 13. Schrank, Faun. Boica, n. 2078. WalcJc. 56, n. 35, Lamarck, 138, n. 5. Ecthrus reluctator, Grav. iii. 863, 19. Cryptus reluctator, Fab. Piez. 79, n. 35. Ichneumon reluctatorius, Oliv. 176, n. 62. Ichneumon obex, Mull. Prod. n. 1794. Ichneumon usurpator, Scop. Cam. n. 743. Vill. 161, n. 78. Christ. 353. Oliv. 212, n. 30. Ichneumon rubiginosus, Christ. 353, t. 36, f. 2. INDEX. A. annulator, 4, 35 bellator, 81 annulatus, 31 bellicosus, 49, 109 abbreviate!-, 65 annulosus, 84 bellipes, 13 abdominator, 61 anodon, 43 bellosus, 59 aberrans, 64 Anomalon, 40, 47, 91, 103 bicinctus, 13 acarorum 65,67 anomolus, 97 bicingulatus, 100 accusator, 80 antilope, 36 bicolor, 42, 66, 111 acuminator, 83 antiquus, 45 bicolorinus, 64 adustus, 2 Apacleticus, 49 bicornis, 74, 80 ffistivalis, 63 apiarius, 45 bidentatus, 49 JEthecerus, 28 apostata, 99 bidentorius, 20, 21 ^thiops 3, 45, 86 apparitorius, 52 bifoveolata, 75 agilis, 66 Aptesis, 65 biguttatus, 2, 90 agnata, 77 areator, 64 bilineatus, 8 Agriotypus,64 arenarius, 72 bimaculatus, 43 Agrothereates, 65 argentatus, 100 binotatus, 10, 23 alarius, 71 argiola, 79 bipartitus, 14 albatorius,54 aries, 93 bipilis secunda, 86 albicinctus, 24, 95 armatorius, 16, 53 bipunctatus, 34 albidus, 97 arm at us, 64 biscutatus, 9 albii'rons , 49 armillatorius, 39 bisignatus, 10, 20 albilarvatus, 27 armillatus, 99 bisulcus, 86 albimarms, 3 Arotes, 95 bivinctus, 51 albinus, 50 arridens, 34 bizonarius, 91 albipalpus, 72 arrogans, 52 blandus,30 albipes, 85 arvensis, 97 bombycivorus, 108 albiscutatus, 83 assertorius, 52 Boops, 110 albitarsus, 92, 95, 113 Atalantae, 83 brachyacanthus, 40 albiventris, 21 aterrima, 86 Bracliyterus, 31 alboguttatus, 48 Atractodes, 111 brachypterus, 65 albolineatus, 10, 21, 32 atramentarius, 18 brachycentrus, 51 albosignatus, r 90 atricilla, 71 brachyurus, 55 Alomya, 49 atrocaudatus, 48 brassicariae, 84 alternans, 85 atropos, 48 brevicornis, 86 alticola,24 aulicus, 38 brunneiventris, 42 amatorius, 14, 21 aurifluus, 44 brunnicans, 41 arabiguus, 60 aurifrons, 84 brunnicornis, 4 ambulator, 3 auspex, 1 buolianus, 109 Amblyteles, 2, 6 axillaris, 41 ambulator, 3 amictum, 104 ammonius, 12 B. . analis, 28, 55, 82 anator, 9 Banchus, 92 calcator, 37 anatorius, 51 basalis, 42, 71 calceatorius, 6 ancipiterus, 19 Bassus, 30, 55, 79, 89, 108 calcitrator, 108 116 INDEX. caligatus, 38, 68 coxator, 108 dubitatus, 20 callicerus, 15 crassicornis, 6, 92 dumeticola, 8 calobata, 84 crassipes, 28, 83 dumetorum, 60 calobatus, 93 crassitarsus,47 Campoplex, 96 crassorius, 10 canaliculatus,4 Cremastus, 109 E. canescens, 100 crenicornus, 68 capitatum, 104 carbonarius, 87 crispatorius, 17 cristator, 46 Ecthrus, 113 elegans, 30, 57, 89 Cardui, 2 crocatorius, 21 elegantulus, 40 castaneus, 27 crocatus, 48 elongator, 40 castanopyga, 27 castigator, 2 catenator, 77 croceicornis, 96 cruentatus, 72, 108 Crvpturus, 89, 91 emigrator, 55 enecator, 103 Enicospilus, 107 celerator, 27 Cryptus, 2, 32, 49, 50 ensator, 102 ceparum,43 Cteriiscus, 44 Ephialtes, 86 cephalotes, 40 ceratites, 75 cubicularis, 15 culex, 4 Eristieus, 4 errabundus, 68 cerinops,105 cerophagus, 97 certator, 2 cessator, 6 culpatorius, 20, 25 cultrator, 101 cultratus, 92 cunctator, 84 erythrteus, 29 erythrinus, 57 erythrogaster, 24, 62 ery thropalpus, 42 Chasmodes, 8 cunctatorius, 84 erythropus, 37 chrysogaster, 36 chrysostictus, 99 chrysostoraus, 68 Chyronomon, 47 cursitans, 67 Curtisii, 44 curvator, 45 curvus, 60 erythrostictus, 62 erythrostoma, 72 erythropygus, 17 ex'altatorius, 48 cinctipes, 93 cinctorius, 25, 52 custodiator, 6 cyanator, 51 examinator, 85 Exenterus, 44 cinctulus, 33 cingulator, 64 cylindrator, 80 Exephanes, 14, 21 ' Exetastes, 93 cingulatus, 32 exiguus, 97 circuraflexum, 103 D. eximius, 21 Exochilum, 103 clavatorius, 9 dealbatus, 18 Exochus, 45 clavipes, 4 debellator, 49 exornatus, 32, 50 clericus, 4 clandestinum, 105 deceptor, 15 deceptorius, 15 expectatorius, 24 exsultans, 90 Clistopyga, 82 decimator, 80 extensorius, 12, 21 coccineus, 80 decipiens, 102 extirpatorius, 39 cognatus, 6 declinator. 102 exulans, 25 collaris, 30, 72 defective, 77 Euceros, 92 colon, 39 defectivus, 35 Eurylabus, 3 Colpognathus. 27 defraudator, 24 combustus, 107 deliratorius, 9 F. comitator, 1, 3, 8 dentata, 89 compressus, 91 , 92, 101 dentatus, 89 fabricator, 4, 7 compunctor, 6, 37, 70, 86 deplanatus, 30 facialis, 43, 95 computatorius, 10 Dianse, 55 falcator, 93, 101 con lector, 27 Dicselotus, 4 falcatorius, 93 cont'usorius, 12, 21 dictator, 55 fall ax, 15 confutor, 53 didyma, 84 Farrani, 93 congruens, 54 difformie, 96 fasciatorius, 16,17 conspicuus, 39 digitatus, 51, 59 fasciatus, 65, 66 constellatus,21 digrammus, 7 faunus, 99 contemplator, 85 dimidiatus, 6, 50 femoralis, 46 coracinus, 81 dirus, 3 femorator, 73, 94 coronatus, 46 dispar, 28 ferreus, 2 corruscator, 20 dissectorius, 88 festinans, 67 corvinus, 68 divinator, 87 festivator, 89 coi'yphseus, 69 divisorius, 24 festivus, 89 cothurnatus, 94 dryadum,30 fibulator, 105 117 filicornis, 35 gravipes, 46, 110 Fischer!, 49 gravis, 46 flagitator, 58 flagitatoris, 58 grossorius, 13 flaveolatum, 10 flavicans, 83 flavifrons, 105 H. flavilabris, 37 flavipes, 75, 85 haemorr holdalls, 8 flaviventris, 99 hsemosternus, 38 flavoguttatu3,22 hsesitator, 73 flavolineata, 75 harpurus, 110 flavolineatus, 13, 90 hecticus, 87 flavoniger, 20 Helictes, 72 flavopictus, 33 Hemiteles, 62 foliator, 108 hemipterator, 65 fornicator, 93 hemipterus, 65 formosus, 39 Henaultii, 98 fortipes, 35 Hepiopelmus, 8 foesorius, 6 Herpestomus, 4 fracticornis, 68 hilaris, 14, 25 frenator, 45 Histrio, 87 frontalis, 78 Hopei,58, 65 fugatorius, 24 Hoplismenus, 49 fugax, 34 hortensis, 66 fugitivus, 27 hortorum, 77 fulgurans, 71 hostilis, 53, 110 fulveolatus, 67 fulvicoruis, 72 fulvidens, 103 fulvilabris, 42 I. fulviventris, 100 fulvipes, 4, 62, 78 Ichneumon, 1 fulvus, 107 illecebrator, 86 fumator, 60 illuminatorius, 21 fumipennis, 56 illusor, 94 funerarius, 8 impregnator, 43 i'unereus, 8 impressor, 77 fuscescens,51 improbus, 60! fuscicornis, 35, 66, 85 irnpurator, 72 fuscipes, 6, 9 inanis, 87 fuscus, 23 incisa, 75 fusorius, 23 incisus, 83, 91 incitator, 82 incubitor, 28, 57 G. indefessus, 34 infirmus, 109 gagates, 30 inguinalis, 86 geniculator, 28 inimicus, 63 geniculatus, 85, 97 geniculosus, 34, 36 gladiatorius, 6 inquinatus, 103 inquisitor, 85 insignis, 90 glaucatorius, 21 glaucopterus, 103 insignita, 79 insolens, 41 globulipes, 45 instigator, 86 Glypta, 73 gracilicornis, 13, 14, 94 insultator, 44 infernalis, 31 gracilipes, 31 gracilis, 36, 53, 67, 87, 98 guttatorius, 94 interruptorius, 17 interruptum, 106 involutor,43 graminellse, 84 iocerus, 14 Gravenshorstii, 12, 48, 112 iridipeunis, 7 ischioleucus, 54 Ischiomelinus, 28 Ischnoceros, 70 Ischnus, 30 italicus, 37 J. jejunator, 61 jocator, 110 jucundus, 59 jugatus, 8 L. labiatus, 93 lacteator, 57 Isetatorius, 90, 91 Isevigator, 94 Isevigatus, 36 laminatorius, 9 Lampronota, 68, 77 lanquidus, 8 lanms, 24 larius, 91 larvatus, 6, 60 lateralis, 42, 90, 96 laticeps, 40 latrator, 27 latro, 106 lautatorius, 18 lentorius, 23 leptocerus, 34, 36 leucomelas, 10 leucopsis, 52 leucopterus, 86 leucopus, 51 leucopygus, 6 leucostictos, 52, 54 leucostoraus, 31 leucotarsus, 53 lictor, 47 ligator, 62 limitaris, 31 linearis, 67, 77 Hneata, 76 lineator, 2 liueolus, 42 Lissonota, 77 Listrodromus, 18 longipes, 41, 100 luctatorius, 11, 12,20 luctuosus, 8 lugens, 8 luridus, 3, 20 luteifrons, 40 luteiventris, 48 luteus, 103, 106, 107 lutorius,48 M 118 M. rnutabilis, 28 opprimator, 28 multiaunulatus, 9 opticus, 38 macrobatus, 50 multicinctus, 100 oratorius, 18 Macrocoleus, 90 multicolor, 82 orbitalis, 98 Macrus, 96 multiple tus, 15 ornatorius, 14 maculatoria, 79 Mutilla, 65 ornatus, 57, 69, 90 maculatorius, 79 mutillarius, 67 Ortbocentrus, 91 maculicollis, 37 mutillatus, 67, 92 osculatorius, 94 maculicornis, 4 murina, 80 ovator, 49 maculifrons, 2 myrtillus, 99 maculiventris, 5 majalis, 96 P. mandator, 40 N. manifestator, 86, 87 Fachymerus, 108 mansuetor, 46 nanus, 37, 96 palliatorius, 17 marginatorius, 13, 45 narrator, 2 pallidatorius, 7 marginatus, 108 natatorius,21 pallidioornis, 13 maurus,45 necatorius, 89 pallidus, 32 mediator, 88 negatorius,14 pallifrons, 2 mediatorius, 21 nemoralis, 34 palpator, 63 melanarius, 63 nedulator, 101 palmlator, 10 melanobatum, 105 niger, 37, 68 Paniscus, 102 melanocastanus, 27 nigerrimus, 2 Panzeri, 14 melaiiocephala, 66, 83 nigra, 49 papilionis, 63 inelanocephalus, 32, 66 nigrrttorius, 8, 9 parallela, 79 melanogaster, 8 nigriceps, 33 parviventris, 61 inelanogonus, 28 nigricoruis, 2 parvulus, 51, 111 melanops, 83 nigricollis, 40 pavonius, 30 melanoxanthus, 84 nigriua, 74 pectoralis, 32, 47 ineloleptoides, 44 nigripcs, 53 pectoratorius, 90 mensurator, 75 nigritarius, 2, 3 pedata, 74 mercator, 101 nigrocaudatus, 48 pedatorius, 7 merdarius, 107 nigrocincta,65 pedicularius, 65, 67 mesocentrus, 87 nigrocinctus, 65 pedestrinus, 6 Mesoleptus, 31 nigroculus, 83 pellucidator, 55 Mesosteuus, 62 nigrocyaneus, 2 Peltastes, 89 messorius, 25 nigrolineatus, 39 pennator, 85 Metopius, 88 nitidus, 37, 60 percontatoria, 82 micator, 63 niveatus, 25 peregrinator, 56 micratorius, 89 nobilitator, 29 perfidus, 102 microcephalus, 10 notabilis, 79 perisclis, 2 Microleptes, 31 notatus, 42 perniciosus, 49 micropterus, 65 nutritor, 110 perquisitor, 85 migrator, 55 nycthemerus, 18 perspicillator, 53, 105 initiator, 110 persuasoria, 88 minutorius, 22 petiolatus, 108 mirabile, 104 O. Pezomachus, 64 mirabilis, 35 Pheogenes, 28 mitigosus, 42 obator, 5 Phseogines, 4 mixtus, 101 obex, 113 phaeorrhseus, 44 moderator, 111 oblongus, 27 phoenicea, 82 niodestus, 64 obnoxius, 62 Phygadeuon, 24, 59 moestus, 30, 32, 49, 102 obscurus, 55, 09, 106 Phytodietus,68 molitorius, 8, 9, 10, 21 occisor, 101 pictus, 14, 50, 90, 92, monileatus, 93 occisorius, 13, 18 pilicornis, 112 monitorius, 17 oculatoria, 81 Pimpla, 78, 83 monoceros, 75 oculatorius, 84 piuguis,37 monlicola, 1 occupator, 21 pini, 89 moratorius, 21 ochropis, 7 pisorius, 24 raoscbator, 51 octoguttatus, 14 pistorius, 9 motatorius, 15 o!erum,71 placidus,97 muudus, 35 Ophion, 90, 105, 106, 108 plaisseus, 85 119 plagiator, 61 plantarius, 68 Platylabus, 48 platyuri,3 Plectiscus, 72, 82 podagrica, 82 podagricus, 45, 62 politus, 71 Polysphincta, 81 Porizon, 110 porrectorius, 30 prsecatorius, 111 prserogator, 36 primatorius, 13 Pristiceros, 30 Pristomerus, 108 procerus, 61 procurator, 42 proditor, 43 profligator, 61 prosoleucus, 34 prosopius, 46 Proteus, 9 pugillator, 101 puiicarius, 66 pumilio, 59 puuiilus, 4 punctator, 86 pygoleucus, 54 pyrrhopus, 27 quadrialbatus, 9 quadratus, 44 quadrilineatus,41, 54 quadrimaculatus, 17 quadrinotatus, 13 quadripunctorius, 21 quadrispinus, 60 quadripunctatus, 83 qusesitorius, 10 quiuquecinctus, 38 R. rapinator, 37 raptorius, 12, 14 Rayella, 87 ramidulus, 107 Reaumur, 103 relucens, 11 reluctator, 113 reluctatorius, 113 repsaliensis, 27 resinellse, 86 restaurator, 8 Rhyssa, 88 ridibuudus, 15, 63 Rceselii, 51 rubediais, 29 serrarius, 30 rubellus, 4 serricornis, 92 rubigiaosus, 1 13 setosa, 77 vubivetitris, 27 setosus, 77 rufata, 84 sexlituratus, 44 rufatorius, 17 sicarius, 8, 88 rufatus, 81 signator, 43 rutescens, 29, 85 sigaatorius, 59 ruficeps, 29, 55, 76 signatus, 89 ruficinctus, 102 simiiatorius, 23, 24 ruficingulus, 2 sirailis, 63 ruficollis, 29, 83, 88 sordidus, 33, 96 ruticorne, 105 sulcator, 89 ruficornis, 33 spectator, 54, 109 rufifrons, 4, 7 speculator, 83 rufiinanus, 102 spheginus, 34 rufinus, 24, 60 Sphinctus, 47 rufipes, 3, 90, 96 spiloaotus, 35 rufiventris, 52, 89, 100 Spiuola, 61 rufoniger, 35, 58 splendidulus, 70 rufulus, 39 Splenium, 71 rufus, 39, 48 spoliator, 10 rusticus, 70, 112 Sponsor, 55 rutilator, 43 stercorator, 84, 85 sternoleucus, 36 Stevenii, 66 S. sticticator, 83 sticticus, 32 salicatorius, 10 stimulator, 4 saltator, 110 stomaticus,51 sanguiuator, 29, 58 straoientarius,12, 21 sanguinatorius, 13 strigator, 90 sanguineus, 14 suavis, 15 sauguinicollis, 39 subcinctus, 54 sarcitorius, 13, 16 subcompressus, 34 sartorius, 14 subfalcatus, 101 saturatorius, 9, 14 subfasciatus, 42 scabriculus, 6$ submargioatus, 31 scalaris, 75 subnitidus,37 scanica, 85 suborbitalis, 34, 77 scanicus, 85 subpetiolatus, 51 Schizopyga, 82 Scirpi, 52 subsericans, 6 sugillatorius, 21 Scolo bates, 47 sulphuratus, 35 Scoticus, 41 sulphurifera, 77 scotopterus,40 surratus, 101 sculpturata, 73 sylvarum, 71 scurra, 88 scutellaris, 113 scutellator, 7 T. scutellatus, 70, a3 sedulus, 24, 54 Talpa, 47 segmentator, 69, 78 tarsator, 93 semicaligatus, 41 tarsoleucus, 51 serainiger, 35 tenuicorne, 105 semiorbitalis, 8 tenuitarsum, 106 semirufa, 81 teres, 73 semirufus, 24, 59 tergenus, 28 semivulpinus, 27 terminatorius, 12,21 seniculus, 97 termiaatus, 24, 59 serotinus, 47 testaceus, 32, ^40, 67, 70, sericans, 71 103 120 Therion, 103 thoracicus, 32, 70 tibialis, 4, 96 tibiator, 4, 54 tinctorius, 53 tipularius, 71 Trychyuotus, 108 transfuga, 6, 62, 99 Trichomma, 103 trichrous,6 tricingulata, 82 tricolor, 39, 53 tritasciatus, 17 trilineatus, 7 trimaculatus, 33 trisculptus,41 tristator, 62 tristis, 3 trituberculatus, 49 Trogus, 48 trucidator, 6 truncatus, 107 Tryphon.31,36, 44 tuberculatus,86 turaidus, 56 turionellffi, 85 typhee, 34 U. umbellatarum, 93 umbraculosus, 8 undecim-notatus, 33 undulatus, 107 uniguttatus, 50 ustulatus, 38 usurpator, 113 V. adatorius, 14 agabundus, 61 agaus, 66 aginatorius, 14, 16, 92 ariabilis, 61 aviator, 36 aricornis, 84 ariegator, 92 ariegatorius, 22 ariegatus, 84 aripes, 81 aritarsus, 40 arius, 72, 83, 87 enator, 93 enosus, 32 entricosus, 108 Vepretorum, 37 erberans, 80 emails, 42 esparum, 47 espoides, 89 estigator, 15 i cinus, 63 ictor, 49 viduatorius, 52 viennensis, 97 vigilatorius, 93 Vmctus, 83 Vinulse, 107 virgatus, 102 virgultorura, 38 volutatorius, 92, 93 volubilis, 53 vulnerator, 73, 108 Vulpes, 83 vulpinus, 66 vorax,20 Waltoni, 36 X. xanthius, 17 xanthopus, 105 xanthorius; 16, 20 Xorides, 111 Xylonomus, 111 2. zonatus, 42 ERRATUM. 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