THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES tin / THE ! CHILD'S BOOK OF TRUE STORIES. NEW-YORK. L.EAVMTT&ALLEN. Entered according to Act of Oongres*, iu the year 1858. L>> LEA vTfT fc ALLEN, in the Clerk's Office of tke District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of X^w-York. STOKIES. STORY OF TWO MOHAWKS. IN 1691, the English governor of New York concluded a treaty with the Indian tribes known as the five nations, the Mo- hawks being the chief. Major Schuyler then led a party of Mohawks against the French settlements in Canada. The as- sault of the Indians enraged Count Fron- tignac, Governor of Canada, and when he made two Mohawks prisoners he con- demned them to the stake. One killed himself, the other walked to the stake, chanting his death song. He firmly bore the tortures and died like a hero. (5) 503887 ADMIEAL KEPPEL AND THE DEY. WHEN Admiral Keppel was sent to the Dey of Algiers, to demand restitution of two ships which the pirates had taken, he sailed with his squadron into the bay of Algiers, and cast anchor in front of the Dey's palace. He then landed, and, at- tended only by his captain and barge's crew, demanded an immediate audience of the Dey. This being granted, he claimed full satisfaction for the injuries done to the subjects of his Britannic Ma- jesty. Surprised and enraged at the (6) ADMIRAL KEPPEL. ADMIRAL KEPPEL AND THE DEY. 9 boldness of the admiral's remonstrance, the Dey exclaimed, " that he wondered at the English King's insolence in sending him a foolish, beardless boy.' 7 A well- timed reply from the admiral made the Dey forget the laws of nations in respect to ambassadors, and he ordered his mutes to attend with the bowstring, at the same time telling the admiral he should pay for his audacity with his life. Unmoved by this menace, the admiral took the Dey to a window facing the bay, and showed him the English fleet riding at anchor, and told him, that if he dared to put him to death, there were Englishmen enough in that fleet to make him a glorious funeral pile. The Dey took the hint. The admiral obtained ample restitution. DEATH OF COLONEL GARDINER. IN 1745, Charles Edward Stuart strove to place himself upon the British throne. His army met the army of King George II. at Preston Pans, in Scotland. In the battle that ensued, the brave and pious Colonel Gardiner lost his life. The day before the battle he rode through the ranks of his regiment, and addressed his men in the most animating manner. Perceiving a timidity in part of his troops, he determined to set them a spirited example. " I cannot/ 7 said he, " influence the conduct of others as I could wish, but I have one life to sacrifice to my (10) DEATH OF COLONEL GARDINER. DEATH OF COLONEL GARDINER. 13 country's safety, and I shall not spare it." They continued under arms all night, and in the morning, by break of day, perceived the approach of the rebel army, under Prince Charles. The Highlanders, though half-armed, charged with such impetuo- sity, that in less than ten minutes after the battle began, the King's troops were broken and totally routed. After Colonel Gardiner' sown regiment of dragoons had forsaken him, seeing a party of the foot continuing to oppose the enemy, without an officer, he immediately headed them, though already twice wounded, exclaim- ing, " Fight on, my lads, arid fear nothing." At the instant, he was cut down by the scythe of a Highlander, fastened to a long pole, and fell covered with wounds. THE CARELESS FATHER. BEING on the point of starting on a long voyage, a rich man in China appointed a governor for his two sons. The father had scarcely set out when the governor, became the tyrant of the house, sent away the honest servants who might declare his outrages. It would have been only half the harm if this ped- agogue had given his pupils virtues or talents ; but as he wanted them himself he only made them rude, saucy, false, cruel, libertine and ignorant children. After some years had elapsed, the father, on returning, saw at last the truth when too late ; and without otherwise punishing, the serpent which he had warmed in his bosom, he contented himself with sending (14) THE CARELESS FATHER. 17 him away. This monster had the impu- dence to cite his master before the Manda- rin, for not having paid him the promised salary. "I would willingly pay it, answered the other, " if this wretch had given my children back to me, as I ought to expect,' 7 "Here they are, " pursued he, addressing the man of law, " examine and pronounce." At length, after having questioned them, and seen their failings, the Mandarin pronounced this sentence : " I condemn this governor to death as the homicide of his pupils, and their father to pay the fine of three pounds of gold dust : not for having chosen ill, as all are liable to be deceived ; but for having had the weakness to employ so vile a teacher for so long a time." THE BRAVERY OF LOED NELSON. NELSON lost the sight of one eye at the siege of Calvi, by a shot driving the sand and gravel into it, and he lost his arm by a shot in an expedition against Teneriffe ; but the most dangerous of his daring ex- ploits were, boarding the battery at San Bartolomeo, boarding the San Joseph, the boat action in the bay of Cadiz, and the famous battles of the Nile and Trafalgar. Of these, perhaps, the boat action during the blockade of Cadiz, was the most severe. While making an attempt against the (18) LORD NELSON SAVED BY HIS COXSWAIN. BRAVERY OF LORD NELSON. 21 Spanish gun-boats, he was attacked by D. Miguel Tregayen in an armed* launch. Eighteen Spaniards were killed, the rest wounded, and the launch captured. The Spaniards were more than two to one, and yet he beat them ; but it was a des- perate struggle, hand to hand, and blade to blade. Twice did John Sykes, the cox- swain, save Nelson's life, by parrying off blows that would have destroyed him, and once did he interpose his head to receive the blow of a Spanish sabre ; but he would have died for his admiral. Poor Sykes was wounded badly, but not killed. DEATH OF NELSON. NELSON was killed at the great naval battle of Trafalgar. In the heat of the action, a ball, fired- from the mizen-top of the Redoubtable, struck Admiral Xel- son on the left shoulder, when he instantly fell. "They have done for me at last, Hardy/ 7 said he to his captain. Though mortally wounded, he gave some neces- sary directions concerning the ship, and when carried below, inquired earnestly how the battle went on. When he knew that the victory had been gained he ex- (22) OF XELSOX. DEATH OF NELSON. 25 pressed himself satisfied. "Now I am satisfied/ 7 said he; "thank God I have done my duty !" and " Kiss me, Hardy/ 7 were among the last words that were uttered by his lips. Thus, with a heart full of patriotism, died the bravest com- mander, the most vigilant seaman, and the most ardent friend of his country, that ever led on a British fleet to victory. Even amid the exultation of victory, a grateful country mourned his loss. A bountiful provision was made for his family ; a public funeral was awarded to his remains, and monuments, in the prin- cipal cities of his native land, were erected to his memory. HEROIC ACTION OF KERSEBHO. IN the month of October, 1820, the French ship St. Francis was wrecked on the coast of Quiberon. The captain and his crew put off from the wreck in a boat, leaving a woman and her child praying for their help upon the deck. It was then, that Kerserho, a sailor of Krostein, indignant at so base an action, and only listening to the voice of hu- manity, sprung -into the sea, and after having experienced a thousand dangers, arrived at the ship. " Give me your child/ (26) HEROIC ACTION OF KERSERHO. HEROIC ACTION OF KERSERHO. 29 said he quickly ; " if I have the happiness to save her, you will see me again in a short time." His efforts were crowned with the most happy success. He suc- ceeded in regaining the shore, placed the child in safety, and dashed again into the waves, regained the vessel which, having her deck swept at every move- ment of the mountains of water, was about to be swallowed up. At last in spite of all the obstacles produced by the inclining position of the vessel, and the tempest, then at its height, this generous and in- trepid sailor had the happiness to seize the unfortunate mother and transport her to the shore, when he gave her to her daughter in the midst of shouts of admi- ration. STOET OF FRANCIS THE FIEST. I AT the battle of Pavia, Francis the First, King of France, was defeated and taken prisoner by the forces of Charles the Fifth, Emperor of Germany. When taken, he would not consent to be carried before the Duke of Bourbon his subject, who was in arms against him, but insisted upon being carried to Launoy, the Spanish general. When he delivered his sword to him, he said, "Sir, I deliver to you the sword of a monarch, who is entitled to some distinction, from having with his own (30) FRANCIS THE FIRST. FRANCIS THE FIRST. 33 hand killed so many of your soldiers be- fore he surrendered himself, and who is at last a prisoner from a wretched reverse of fortune, rather than from any coward- ice. " Launoy after kneeling to receive his sword, took the captive monarch di- rectly to the celebrated Convent of Car- thusian friars, at Pavia. Francis insisted on entering the church immediately, and fell down upon his knees before the altar. The monks were then chanting one of their offices, and he repeated after them with great fervor of devotion this line from the Psalms, which happened to be in the service of the day : " Lord, it is a good thing for me to be afflicted, that I may learn thy statutes." 3 THE ADOPTED CHILD. A FRENCH coachman, named Francis Roger, not long ago met with a singular occurrence. In 1829, a woman came to place her young son to board with him. The first month was paid in advance ; but for some time the mother does not return, and the deserted child remains at the ex- pense of Eoger, whose labour is hardly sufficient for the nourishment of four of his own children ; but he does not hesitate to shelter a fifth. Two years after, the mother of the poor child again re-appears, but to reclaim the child. They give him (34) THE ADOPTED CHILD. THE ADOPTED CHILD. 37 up with grief. They suffer him to depart without exacting the cost of his board ; but when, some days after, the honest conductor went to ask after the health of little Louis, the wicked mother stammers, and answers that in the evening she had sent her son to the environs of Tours, to some rich relations, who had promised to take care of him. Roger's tenderness is alarmed; he suspects a falsehood. He asked at all the public stage coaches, but all the drivers answer that no such child had started for Tours at the desig- nated time. He at last learns that one had been left at the police ofiice ; and that it had been transferred to the Foundling Hospital. He redeems it for two hundred and fifty francs. STORY OF HENRY THE FIFTH. WHEN Henry the Fifth was young, he was fond of the society of gay, riotous men, who led him into all sorts of pranks ; and so he came to be called Mad-cap Harry. And the people of England were some- what afraid that, when he came to the crown, he would not give his mind to the duties of a king. Once it happened that the prince and his followers disguised themselves like robbers, and attacking some travellers, robbed them of their money. But the travellers they had robbed followed them . (38) PRINCE HENRY, STRIKING THE JUDGE. . STORY OF HENRY THE FIFTH. 41 at a distance, and brought the sheriff upon them while they were all eating and drinking merrily at a tavern ; and when these men found it was the Prince of Wales they were much amazed. Still they could do no less than carry them before the judge ; and the judge, who was an honest, upright man, told the prince that he was very sorry for what had happened, and must commit all the party to prison, except himself, and that although he would not send him there, he must inform the king of his conduct. This put the prince in such a passion that he struck the judge as he sat on the bench, upon which the judge instantly committed him to prison. The king applauded this act of justice, and the prince forgave the judge, HEBOISM OF DACHEUX. DACHEUX is a French sailor, who, having gained some property resided at La Vil- lette, on the Seine. He has the fame of having saved many persons from death by drowning. It is proved by the most authentic evi- dence, that in the solitary basin of La Villette, Master Dacheux has drawn out of the water a great number of persons, and has brought them to life by the care which he has bestowed upon them. He has rescued a great number from the river (42) HEROISM OF DACHEUX, 45 Seine, whom he also recalled to life by the same benevolent care. He has saved more than a hundred by exposing himself, to great dangers. And it is equally proved, that not only was Dacheux never willing to take of any of these rescued persons any kind of recompense, but that, he often lent them his own clothes, and gave them still more help. Even on the shore, and at the moment when the body of the apparently drowned person was just landed by him, Dacheux glueing his mouth to that of the insensible victim, breathed into his lungs the pure air which was necessary to restore the move- ment of the organs, and recall the almost extinguished life of the unfortunate person. THE GOOD SON. ON one occasion, when recruits were in demand for the French army, a young man came to the recruiting officer, and said he would enlist if he received five hun- dred livres/ The officer agreed to give the sum, and then followed the young man to see what he was going to do with the money. He saw him fly to the city prison, and heard him say to the jailer, " Here is the sum for which my father was arrested ; I place it in your hands ; conduct me to him, that I may have the pleasure of (46) THE GOOD SON. THE GOOD SON. 49 loosening his chains. 77 The officer waited to give the young man time to arrive alone at his father's cell, and then followed. He saw the young recruit in the arms of an old man, whom he covered with ca- resses and tears. The officer advanced ; " Console yourself/ 7 said he to the old man, " I will not take your son from you ; I wish to partake of the merit of his action. He is as free as yourself, and I do not re- gret a sum of which he has made so noble a use. Here is his enlistment. 77 The father and son fell at his feet ; the latter refused the liberty given him ; he conjured the captain to permit him to follow him. The officer could not refuse ; the young man served his time out. >EKS. THE Old Men's or Sea' Island, is the residence of a people so active 'and gene- rous, that they seein to have devoted their lives to humanity. There sixty wretched huts shelter the most hospitable people in the world. These Islanders have, in 1617, and in 1763, saved from certain destruction a ship of the line, a frigate, two sloops of war, a lugger, three merchant vessels, which served as a transport for five hundred men French troops from the colonies five entire crews of men of (50) THE HUMANE ISLANDERS. 53 war and merchant vessels. They would have saved all, even to the last person of the crew, if the tempest, becoming more horrible, had not made the sea entirely impassable. During eleven days it forbid all communication with the main land. They shared with these numerous guests their habitations and provisions, so that if the storm had been prolonged, the shipwrecked people and the inhabi- tants themselves would all have perished with hunger. It was also on this rock- bound isle, that the English brig, the. Bellissina, was relieved by the same in- trepid people, to whom 'Admiral Codring- ton had transmitted a handsome gi't through the Navy Commissioner. A DUEL PREVENTED. TWELVE persons dined together, and after the repast, they proposed playing, and accordingly made different sets, in one of which two officers raised a dispute, fol- lowed by seme pretty hard words. The other persons who were present hastened to appease them, by telling them that they were both wrong. This, however, only heightened the dispute, when another officer, a man of sense, very wise and prudent, went immediately to the door, and having doubly locked it, placed the (54) A DUEL PREVENTED. A DUEL PREVENTED. 57 key in his pocket ; then turning towards the company, he said, " No one shall leave here. The author of this dispute must be- gin by apologizing to the other for what he said to him. He who though't himself in- sulted, shall receive the apology, and ac- knowledge that he regrets having shown so much resentment at the insult which he thought was offered him ; and then the two gentlemen must embrace, and pro- mise to say nothing more of the affair. If they refuse to do this, I will make my complaint to the Marshal of France." The conduct of this officer was generally ap- proved ; the company agreed that the two officers should make their respective apologies, and embrace each other ; and thus bloodshed was prevented. A MANDAN CEMETERY. THE Mandan Indians have some curious customs. They do not dig graves and inter their dead. They choose a spot of ground outside of the village, wrap the corpses in hides and lay them upon boards raised upon four poles. When a husband dies, the wife spends a long time W3eping and wailing upon the ground, within a circle of human skulls. A Mandan ceme- tery presents a striking aspect, and would excite the horror and disgust of those who are used to seeing pleasant graveyards adorned with trees and flowers. (58) A MANDAN CEMETERY. PERSEVERANCE REWARDED. BERNARD PALTSSY was a painter on glass, who settled at Saintes, in France, in 1539, and prospered in business, until he saw a certain cup very beautifully turned and finished; when he became desirous to imitate it. For this purpose, he spent all his time in kneading earth and afterwards baking it. At first he failed, and became poorer and poorer. Nothing could change his purpose, until at the end of twenty years, his very furniture was burned to keep up a fire in his oven. Then a loud .(63) 64: PERSEVERANCE REWARDED. shout of joy rang through the vaulted cellar where his oven was, and made it- self heard through the whole house, and his wife canie running down, and found her husband motionless, his eyes fixed in astonishment and delight on a piece of pottery of splendid colors, which he held in both hands. Palissy's efforts had produced, at length, the effect at which he aimed. He was soon sent for by King Henry the Third who conferred on him a patent for his invention of " Koyal rustic pottery," of all sorts. He was lodged in the royal palace, and called " Bernard of the Tuilleries." This book is DUE on the last date stamped below DEC 9 PZ9 The child's "book of true stories .