. IIIJU / JUN 2 1930 COPYRIGHT NOT RESERVED. THE FIXED IDEA OF ASTRONOMICAL THEORY, We may in thought pursue a train of hypo- theses and suppositions, but they do not thereby acquire reality; still, in a normal condition of the human intellect, it is impossible to conceive that any thing can exist and not exist at the same time. BY AUGUST ITISCHNER. V LEIPZIG GUSTAV FOCK 1885. COPYRIGHT NOT RESERVED. \ THE FIXED IDEA . OF ASTRONOMICAL THEORY, We may in thought pursue a train of hypo- theses and suppositions, but they do not thereby acquire reality; still, in a normal condition of the human intellect, it is impossible to conceive that any thing can exist and not exist at the same time. BY AUGUST TISCHNER, LEIPZIG GUSTAV FOCK 1885. v Claudius Ptolemaeus. Terrae stator, soils motor. Nicolaus Copernicus. Terrae motor, soils stator. Wiliam Herschel, Terrae, solisque motor. DEDICATED TO ALL CANDID FRIENDS OF RATIONAL ASTRONOMY. 736353 (Sir/