STACK ANNEX PRICE ONE SHILLING us, EXHIBITION THE OF THE Mi pyal Academy of Arts! MDCCCCVTI The One Hundred and Thirty-Ninth WM. CLOWES AND SON'S, LIMITED, PRINTERS TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY. The Exhibition opens the in t Monday in May, and closes the tirst Monday in An Hours of Admission from 8 A.M. till 7 ?•**« 'except on the first day, when the doors do not open before 10 A.M.). Hour of closing, 7.30 I'.M. Price of Admission, is. Price of Catalogue : Large, with paper cover, is. Small, with paper cover, IS. ; Small, bound in cloth, with pencil, IS. 6d. Season Ticket, 5 J-. Visitors are not required to give up their Sticks, Umbrellas or Parasols before entering the Galleries ; but they can leave them, if they wish, with the attendants at the Cloak Room, in the Entrance Hall. The other attendants are strictly forbidden to take charge of anything. The Refreshment Room is reached by a staircase leading out of the Water Colour Room. Catalogues can only be obtained at the Academy. All applica- tions for Catalogues to be sent by post must be addressed to "The Secretary," and be accompanied by is. lid. in stamps for a paper-covered copy, and I J. Sd. for a bound copy. All communications should be addressed to " The Secretary," and not to any official by name. The Gibson {Sculpture) Gallery and the Diploma Galleries are open daily, from II a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission free. Z V b cr CO « 111 01 < cc UJ _J -I < o < lllllll 2 Iffll o UShwmai pp -1 V Q. >■ Q c Ul -1 Q >- -1 < z OS o < u -1 -1 < z < S o o o -1 a to < ffl s o o o -I Q. in 5 I H ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS IN LONDON, 1007, HOKOB \i:v tcBMnanfl ]... M I'- '.'• ' l>. Loan Aii'iiiiisHop or York, fh/jptefn. . . i . I:. II l>. H Diam or Oi.oi ..ester, Pro/euor of Ancient llintory. Tur l!r || ,-, Jom Mont.Kr. Ml'.. ProfUtOT of Ancient Literature. Tuk Vuooirn Dillov, Antiquan Tu> I iro Aw.ih-ry. Secretary for Foreign Correspondence. ll >\ IRABY KtMTRED ACADEMICIAN. Frith. William Powell, Km. FrkMIKT, I HONORARY FOEEIGN ACADEMICIANS. I 8t. Gaudens, Augustus. Arret. Edwin Austin. E-u • Dl HA, Sin 1. I I. I Biux k. Thoma I and Trustee. I. i In m i, Bib l.' it, V'uoiiTos, Ql OH II JAM! On i>. Esq , M \' ■> i!ur. OSAB ««. I'l.nii, Bs i. Qrroory, Edward Jomr, Esq. Hbbkomkr, ii V.O. JvhM.s. Thomas Graham, Esq., Treasurer awl 7 Bkhjamtr Williams, Esq. r i l.i 04 -. -1"HN Si I M '' i'. E - : Macbeth, Robert, Esq. Israels, JOSBV, Knaus, Loowia. ACADEMICIANS. Kai Whirter. Jon:*, Esq. Murray, David, Esq. Ohohajumoh, William Quiller. Esq. Odlkss, Walter William, Ks^., Awlitor. Puvstkh, Sin Edward J., Bart., Presvlent and Truatee. Richmond, Sir William Blake, K.C.B. Riviere, Brito*, Es Modi or, bending m Wonai \ll Workf intended for th»» Anm!.il Exhibition al I Mi -T UK PI \< N l.l \ -i SI 1 HER1 THE DAYS FIXED FOR THEIR RE( EPTION. stance* ■ An Works sent from the country or from abroad • for delivery at the Academy, i :-«•» will i e received ; nor will ; .i Foreign Artist* and of English Artists residing in the country and abroad is especially i alb d to this regulation. (2.1 Modi oi Di cribino Wohks.— All Works must ■• ! form duly filled in with the Name >' bristian and Surname in full, signed >>u tfn of the Artist, the Titles and Descriptions of the Worl - Catalogue, and the Price if it is desired to place them undercover addressed to"5 . '. r^l be delivered with the Works. No .idvertise- ^ncnl, Vnt tnitted. Al the back "f each Frame must lie writi ■ :" tlie Artist, v Title <>r Description of the Work, and the Number (if U refers in the Form. This in format ion must also be repeated, with \ • ess and accuracy, on a Label attai bed by a string to the top of each frame, and made to hang over iu front, as also to each piece of Sculpture. It is necessary that these Regulations, more especially the List, should be strictly complied with, in order to avoid delay and inconvenience, as well as inaccuracy in | The Forms and Labels can b<- procured (during the month of March only from the Academy. Application for them made by letter must ho accompanied by a stamped and add] envelope for their enclosure. (8.) Ncmbkb of Works Allowed.— Members of tlie Academy are allowed to send six \ Non-Members three Works. (4.) Size of Frames, Margins, &c— Each Picture, or Drawing, must be in a separate Frame, or, if a series of Drawings from one Story be at any time admitted in the tame Frame, they must be enumerated as distinct pieces. A case of Miniatures or £ . Gems will )>e considered as one Work, provided the size of the case does n inches by five inches; and a case of Medals or Plaques, each of which is not more than seven inches in its widest dimensions, will be considered as one "Work, provided the size of the case does not exceed three feet l>y four feet. All Pictures and Drawings must he in Gilt Frames. MINIATURES IX FRAM' WITH JEWELS APE INADMISSIBLE, oil PAINTINGS UNDER GLASS ARE INADMISSIBLE. EXCESSIVE BREADTH IX FRAMES OR-MARGINS. AS WELL AS PROJECTING MOULDINGS. MAY PREVENT PICTURES AND DRAA OBTAINING THE SITUATION THEY OTHERWISE 'MERIT, oval frames should be avoided, as they are difficult of arrangement. Reliefs should be framed. (6.1 Works inadmissible.— No Works which have been already publicly exhibited in London;— no Copies of any kind (excepting Paintings in Enamel, and Impressions from unpublished Medals, in which case the name of the original Designer n !);— no mere Transcripts of the objects of Natural History;— no Vignette Portraits, nor any Drawings without Backgrounds (excepting Architectural Designs) ;— and no Engravings or Etchings that have been published six months, can be received. (6.) Selection of Works.— All Works sent for Exhibition are submitted to the judgment of the Council, whose decision is final, and is officially communicated by letter to every contributor. (7.) Sale of Works.— The Prices of Works to be disposed of may be communicated to '"The Secretary," and will be entered in the Price Catalogues placed in one of the Galleries. Communications with regard to the Price and Sale of Works must in all cases be made by the Artist, and be addressed in writing to " The Secretary." All purchases will be registered, but the Academy can undertake no responsibility with regard to either the payment for the Works purchased, or for their delivery to the purchaser. (S.)— Close of the Exhibition— Delivery of Works.— Before the i losing of the Exhibition every Exhibitor will receive a separate Printed order for the Delivery of each Work. These must be properly filled in and signed by the Artist, and presented ly the person sent to claim the A\ ork. who must sign a receipt "for it in a book provided for the purpose. No Work will be delivered up without, the production of the Order. The Academy will not undertake to pack or forward any Work. All Works must be removed within ten days from the closing of the Exhibition. (9.i Privileges of Exhibitors. —Each Exhibitor is entitled to a Ticket of Admission to the Exhibition, as also to the ensuing Winter Lectures and Winter Exhibition of Old Masters. These tickets can only be obtained by personal application at the Royal Academy. When Works are described as the joint performance of several Artists, the first mentioned in the description will alone be entitled to the above Tickets. •••EVERY POSSIBLE CARE WILL BE TAKEN OF WORKS SENT FOR EXHI- BITION; BET THE ROYAL ACADEMY WILL NOT HuLD ITSELF ACCOUNTABLE IN ANY CASE OF INJURY OB LOSS. CATALOGUE. The Prices of Works may be ascertained at the tables in the Vestibule. {See paragraphs 7 and 8 in the " Notice to Exhibitors") The Numbers of the Works follow from Left to Right, the first Number being next the Door. R.A. Royal Academician. A. Associate. GALLERY No. I. OIL PAINTINGS— (Nos. 1-72). r Violet Sybil M. Dowie. 2 Wild Flowers and Scotch Firs : near Biggar Colin G. Mitcliell. 3 Signals from the "Victory" W. L. Wyllie, R.A. Elect. 4 The Hon. Mrs. Lionel Walrond Sir Luke Fildes^ R.A. 5 Hardham Lock Charles H. H. Burleigh. 6 Portrait of a Lady Louise Jopling. 7 Carting Hay Howard G. Stormont. GALLERY No. I. [1907. 8 T 1 1 E Rus h H a lo Jessie MacGrcgor. 11 It was S. Michael. I saw him before my eyes. lie was not alone, but quite surrounded by the Angels of Heaven." — From the official Latin text of the trial and rehabilitation of Jeanne d Arc. 9 The Admiralty, Port of Algiers Frederic A. Bridgman. 10 Heather and Whin Frank Walton. 11 Sir Launcelot of the Lake Defending Queen Guinevere IV. E. Gladstone Solomon. 12 Weary Waiting John Car law. 13 The Fortune-Teller Richard G. Crawford, 14 The Miller's Orchard Lily Blatherwick. 1 5 Poole Harbour : early morning . . . Edward King. 16 "For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!" George Wetherbec. 17 Arthur Cook, Esq. Presentation Portrait Sir L uke Fildes, R. A . 18 March Sidney Pike. 19 The Gravel-Pit J. Buxton Knight. 20 Our Golden Argosies ... Bernard F. Gribble. 21 Grass Fields on the French Coast H. W. B. Davis, R.A. 22 The Right Hon. Sir John Kennaway, Bart., C.B., M.P. Walter W. Ouless, R.A. 23 Milking-Time Ernest H. Bigg. 1907.] GALLERY No. I. 24 25 26 27 28 29 3° 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 39 40 4i Wanderers A Hay-Field Early Morning on the Clyde... Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers Runswick Bay. Purchased by the President and Council of the Royal Academy under the terms of the Chantrey Bequest First Aid Four Kittens Wanderers Lady Milbanke ... A Glass of Wine Fodder W. C. Heaton-Armstrong, Esq., M.P. Presentation Pojirait. W. Q. Orchardson, R.A. A Breezy Morning H. Mitton Wilson. "When woods around have put their glory on" Edward W. Waite. Lady Eden John S. Sargent, R.A. Lesbia and her Sparrow Sir E.J. Poynter, Bart., P. R.A. Clapham Church /. Buxton Knight. Mrs. Arthur Layard and Phyllis Herman G. Herkomer. Trebarwith Strand, North Corn- wall Grace E. Gladstone. Flore?ice A. Saltmer. Try thai Rowe. Patrick Downie. C. M. Padday. . . . Arthur Friedenson. ... John R. K. Duff. Frederick G. Swaish. ... May Fumiss. ... Mark Milba?ike. ... Laura Knight. ...Henry lVoods,R.A. IO GALLERY No. I. [1907. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5o 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 53 59 60 61 62 63 64 Rainwashed Corn A Visit from the Neighbour Inverlair Miss Ida Legge The New Doll Spring August Herring A Posy for Grandmother A Portrait Evening The Prisoner The Fern-Gatherers Viscount Knutsford The Joy of Youth A Spring Idyll The Harbour Bar Fisher Girls Dewy Pastures The Ugly Duckling Andersen) The Sirens Meadows Heather Thompson. Bernard de JI< . G. OgUvy Rcid. G. P. Jacomb-Hood. William R. Symonds. B. Eas flake Leader.* William H. Bartlett ... Adam E. Proctor. ... 77. von ILcrkomcr, R.A. B. W. Leader, R.A. Bernard F. Gribble. Lio?iel Birch. G.C.M.G. Arthur S. Cope, A. Va I Havers. Arthur H Buckland. W. Ay erst Ingram, ... M. Lancaster Lucas. Charles Collins. (Hans John Scott. G. P. Jacomb-Hood. Mark Fisher. J W. North, A. Ye valleys low, where the mild whispers use Of shades and wanton winds and gushing brooks." — Milton, 1907.] GALLERY No. I. ii 65 66 67 6S 69 70 7i 72 The Fish-Market, Etaples Sunlight and Shade : Funchal, Madeira The Morning Walk A Misty Morning Mrs. A. S. Cope ... A Royal Salute ... James Quinn. Hodgkin Dixon. A If red Hayward. Frank Dean. Arthur S. Cope, A. W. L. Wyllie, R.A. Elect. A Summer's Day : Costessey, Norfolk Miller Smith. " Kath," daughter of the Artist C. M. Q. Orchardson. ( 12 ) [igo 7 . GALLERY No. II. 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 OIL PAINTINGS— (Nos. 73—147). Noon Convalescent A Lowland Farm : The Brood Amcsby Brown, A. Frederick G. Swaish. Lincolnshire Alfred Midgley. George Firic. George W.Joy. ...J. IV. Water housed. A. A. L. Airy. Giuilt JolUy. M. E. Atkins. Agnes N. Milne. Mackenzie Bell, Esq. Isabella The Wagtail's Parlour Morning Sunshine Clouds and Shadow Sunset Glow A Bit of Poole Quay : evening sunlight Edward Ki?ig. Carting Roots Thomas F. M. S/ieard. At their Moorings Stanhope A, Forbes, A. Mrs. W. W. Ashley H. von Herkomer, R.A. The Old Bridge at Fittleworth Daisy R. Claguc. Winter among the Hills — North Wales Edward Dairies. Across the River David Murray, R.A. 1907.] GALLERY No. II. 13 90 Taormina and Etna Albert Goodwin. 91 The Reader Frank Bramley, A. 92 A Greek Lady and her Bath A. Dampier May. 93 The Road to the Chalk-Pit J. Silvester Blunt. 94 Emblems of an Ancient Faith Edith Sprague. 95 Angus to G. Stoppoloni. " Poscia a guisa d' innamorata madre, ora belandogli intorno, ed ora leccandolo, parea che teneramente lo vagheggiasse." — Annibal Caro. 96 "Wake up, you lazy boy!" Florence A. Saltmer. 97 Spithead W. L. Wyllie, R.A. Elect, 98 Lady Prideaux Catherine Otiless. 99 Eggersund, Norway Henry Enfield. 100 Kirkby Malhamdale ... Reg'mald G. Brundrit. 1 01 Ethel and William Harwood Julie H. Heynemann. 102 The Ferry on the Loch Joseph Farauharson, A. 103 Sir William Perkin, F.R.S. ...Arthur S. Cope, A. 104 In the Heart of Borrowdale Frank T. Carter. 105 A Rehearsal Willia?n Logsdail. 106 "Caught out:" gale coming on C. Napier Be/ny, A. 107 Sir Donald Currie, G.C.M.G., LL.D Walter W. Ouless, R.A. 108 Silence, Sunlight, and Snow... Harry W. Adams. 109 Mrs. Max Adam son George F. Bird. no "Some gleams of sunshine 'mid renewing storms" Joseph Farauharson, A. H GALLERY No. II. [1907. in SUNNY Hours J fry wood Hardy. 112 The Evil Eye Frank W. W. Topham. "No, be assured, you shall not find me evil eyed unto you." 113 A Sunny Pergola Adolph Browser . 114 Returning from the Fields... Gertrude Leesc. 115 Midsummer Mark Fisher. 116 International Courtesies: Portsmouth IV. L. Wyllie, R.A. Elect. 117 The Delft Jar Cecil Jay. 118 The River, Quimperle Jlf.F. Horn. 119 Dallying Herbert E. Butler. 120 The In-Coming Tide William Parkyn. 121 The Return of the Flock ... John Feddcr. 122 Vanity F. Cadogan Cowftcr, 123 A Roundelay J. Seymour Lucas, TLA* 124 G. W. Mounsey-Heysham, Esq. Frank Bramley, A. 125 Harvest on the Nottingham- shire Wolds Charles Knight. 126 Miss Maud Hanson Walker ...J. Hanson Walker. 127 The Nest Charles van Haver maet. 128 Roses Rose E. Welly. 129 Fishing Sir E.J. Foynter, Bart., P. R.A. 130 A Cottage Madonna Edward Stott, A. 131 Midday on the Marsh Hawes Turner. 132 Miss Janet Alexander Frank W. Carter 133 An Autumn Evening Anna Birch. 1907.] GALLERY No. II. 15 134 True till Death E. Matthew Hale. 135 A Storm Brewing Edgar Bundy. 136 Sunset George Clausen, A. 137 Portrait of an Elderly Gen- tleman Briton Riviere, R.A. 138 Shere Heath B. Eastlake Leader. 139 The Lledr at Bettws-y-Coed David Hewitt. 140 Golden Fruit and Flowers ... E. T. Sutdiffe. 141 Captain James de Courcy Hamilton, R.N., Chief Officer, London Fire Brigade Hugh G. Riviere. 142 The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse G. D. Leslie, R.A. 143 Peire of Valeria Denis Eden. Peire of Valeria was of Gascony, and he was a jongleur at the same time and season as Marcabrr.n ; and he made "vers" of little worth, of flowers, of leaves, and of the songs of birds, even as men were wont to make at that time. 144 Under Vesuvius Albert Goodwin. 145 A Country Child James Sant, R.A. 146 A Corner in the Rick-Yard... Bred Hall. 147 Showery Weather Marianne Manscll. ( 16 ) [1907. GALLERY No. III. OIL PAINTINGS-(Nos. 148-252). 148 Santa Maria Leaving Palos, 1492 Alfred J. Pazolt. 149 Autumn J. Noble Barlow. 150 Demeter at Eleusis... Sir IV. B. Richmond, R.A. 151 Mrs. Henry van den Bergh Solomon J. Solomon, R.A. 152 Evening Glow Grcvillc Morris. 153 Girl with a Mandolin Simon H. Vedder 154 A Corner of the Market, Etaples Evelyn Harke. 155 "And the winter shall come" F. Spcnlovc-Sfcnlcn'c. 156 A Sussex Autumn H. H. La Thangue, A. 157 A Welsh River B. IV. Leader, R.A. 158 A Highland Ravine : Glen Affric /. MacWhirter, R|f. 159 Lord Ampthill, G. C.S.I. Presen- tation Portrait Albert H. Colli n^s. 160 A Driftway in the Vale of White Horse Seymour Meeredy. 1907.] GALLERY No. III. 17 161 His Majesty the King Arthur S. Cope, A. 162 St. Mary's Falls, Glen Cannich / MacWhirter, R.A. 163 Lady Ampthill, C.I. Presen- tation Portrait Albert H. Cottings. 164 Ox a Sunny Shore Hubert Coop. 165 The Sunny Looking-Glass ... Ursula Wood. 166 Adjusting the Plough J. Scherreivitz. 167 After the Heat of the Day H. IV. B. Davis, R.A. 168 A Sussex Stream H. H. La T/iangue, A. 169 Sir Richard J. Waldie-Griffith, Bart H. von Herkomer, R.A. 170 Evening Sunshine J. Clayton Adams. 171 Portrait Group Geo. W. Lambert. 172 Ceylon Leopards J. M. Swan, R.A. 173 Thomas Carlaw Martin, Esq., LL.D. Presentation Portrait. W. Q. Ore/iardson, R.A. 174 Wood-Nymphs Henwood Blarney. 175 Anchovy Boat off Galita ... J. Fraser. 176 The Disputation Alfred A. Wolmark. 177 The Way of Peace G. D. Leslie, R.A. 178 The Mother Frank Dicksee, R.A. 179 Durham Vincent P. Yglesias. [8 GALLERY No. III. \ujo 7 . 1 80 Children and Nurses Estelle Nathan. 181 Mrs. Douglas Knocker Walter D< IS2 A Shallow Stream at Eventh>E B. W. Leader, R.A. 183 Frederick Struben, Esq. Sir Luke Fildes, R \. 184 The Turn of the Tide ... Arch. H. El/hinstone. 185 The Water Mill Harold Waite. 186 The Dogs of War CresweH H. Desmond. " Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war." 187 The Haunts of R. L. Stevenson James Riddel. 188 Midday H. W. B. Davis, R.A. 189 Lady Speyer John S. Sargent, R.A. 190 A Fair Haven Louis Grier. 191 The Stiffkey Willows ... Frank E. Beresford. 192 Portrait of a Lady Laurence Koe. 193 A Yorkshire Dale Sir Ernest A. Water low, R.A. 194 "Andante Espressivo" ... Stanhope A. Forbes, A. 195 Sunset off Christchurch ... Moffat Lindner. 196 "Carry me" Frank 0. Salisbury. 197 Timely Assistance Arthur J. W. Bur-ess. 198 A Market Scene in Brittany Frederick Bauhof. 199 Old Durham Alfred East, A. 200 The Silence of the Snows Joseph Farquharson, A. 1907.] GALLERY No. III. 19 201 Margie, Guy, and Joan, the children of Peter Ormwood, Esq. E. F. Wells. 202 Dunwich Marshes Edward T. Lingwood. 203 The Valley of the Waveney, Suffolk A. Carruthers Gould. 204 David J. Jardine, Esq Arthur S. Cope, A. 205 The Reaper and the Maid ... Edward Stott, A. 2c6 Pastures New James Sant, R.A. 207 Tristram and Isolde E. Blair Leighton. 208 Mrs. Ernest E. Sikes Charles E. Butler, 209 The Wooded Hill Top Henry Strachey. 210 Portrait of the Artist Joyce C. Williams. 211 Crooks Peak, The Mendips C. H. Collins Baker. 212 Eldorado E.J. Gregory, R.A. 213 Miss Mary E. Robinson Sir W. B. Richmond, R.A. 214 Hexham, Northumberland T. B. Garvie. 215 Sunday Walter E. Webster. 216 On the Headlands by Bideford Charles J. Fox. 217 Mrs. Ernest Schnadhorst ... Laurence Koe. 218 The King's Daughters Arthur A. Dixon. 219 Cromwell Andrew C. Gow, R.A. The end of the Long Parliament. 220 The Wherry Arnesby Brown, A. 221 Mrs. Henry J. Ickelheimer ... J.J. Shannon^ A. 20 GALLERY No. III. [1907. 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 novembi r Eventide Adversity Diana and Actveon ... The Road to the Loch Preparing for Sea ... llttlehampton quay The Dewy Morn Children of Lawrence Timpson, Esq William Carter. The Pilchard Season ... David Farauharson, A. Phyllis and Demophoon J. IV. Watcrhouse, R.A. Mrs. Young Hunter J. Young Hunter. "Blue seas, surf crested by fringe of T. Hodgson Li J Jell. Nina BairJ. ... Harold Swanwkk. R. W. Macbeth, R.A. Peter Graham, R.A. ... P. M. Teas dak. ... A mold Priestman. ... Fred Hall. THE REEFS WITH FOAM" Autumn Landscape Bound for London : gulls flying up the river Lady Sassoon In Shallow Seas Evening on the Seine Out into the Deep . Segovia, Castille... Reginald Smith. Lindsay G. Macarthur. C. Napier Hemy, A. John S. Sargent. R.A. F. Stnart Richardson, Fred Milner. ... Herbert E. Butler. J/ Cameron. The Duet : Windsor Castle from the Eton Fields David Murray, R.A. 1907.] GALLERY No. III. 21 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 2^2 Jason and Medea Miss Grace A River in France ./. W. Waterhouse, R.A, J. F. Harrison Button. Henry Bishop. Alderman J. Ball, Lord Mayor of Liverpool, 1905-6... The Hill-Side Farm The Admonition November Sunshine ... Tweed Salmon Fishers The Farm in the Hollow Mrs. Albert Birnbaum ... ... G.Hall Male. ... Alfred Parsons, A. Henry Woods, R.A. ... M. Raphael Jones ; ... James Wallace. ... James Riddel. Briton Riviere, R.A, ( 22 ) [I90 7 . GALLERY No. IV. OIL PAINTINGS-CNos. 253-315). 253 The Tranquil Hour Percy Tarrant. 254 The Dart in Flood Beatrice Ley. 255 Lucrezia Borgia's Devotions Andrew W. Turnbull. 256 A Chalk-Pit on the Sussex Downs Sir Ernest A. Water low, R. A. 257 Market Day W. Frank C alder on. 253 " O'er the hills AND FAR AWAY " Henry J. Bell. 259 In the Ancient Town of Bruges Frederick Marriott. 260 Burnham Beeches Laura Pimm. 261 Funny Chaps Arthur War die. 262 Arriving Home ... Robert W. Allan. 263 Portrait of a Lady William Woitncr. 264 Changing Pasture Thomas Spinks. 265 Mrs. Pilkington Walter W. Ouless, R.A. 1907.] GALLERY No. IV. 23 266 Funeral of King Charles I., St. George's Chapel, Windsor Ernest Crofts, R.A, " The King's body was then brought from his bed- chamber down into St. George's Hall, whence, after a little stay, it was with a slow and solemn pace (much sorrow in most faces being then discernible) carried by gentlemen of quality. The noblemen in mourning also held up the pall. The snow fell so fast, that by that time the corpse came to the west end of the Royal Chapel, the black velvet pall was thick covered over with snow. Thus went the White King to his grave." — Extract from Wood's " A thence Oxonienses." 267 Offerings for their Dead : 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 All Souls' Day in Brittany At Autumn's Close Miss Irene Untermeyer... The Lizard Mrs. Dudley Cross ... The Murder Charge Eel Crag, Borrowdale Death the Awakener The Aftermath Mrs. Ieberson-Prout The Abbey Stream ... Sogndal, Norway Lady Weber . /. Milner Kite. F. Spenlove-Spenlove. .. J- J. S/iannon, A, ... Hon. Duff Tolkmache. ...F. Markham Skipworth, Creswett H. Desmond. Frank T. Carter, Fra7ik M. Bennett Alfred East, A. Hal Hurst. Sid V. Gardner. Henry Enfield. Frank Dick see, R.A. 34 GALLERY No. IV. [1907. 280 How the Devil, disguised as a VAGRANT TROUBADOUR, HAVING BEEN ENTERTAINED BY SOME CHARITABLE NUNS, SANG TO them A SONG OF LOVE ... F. Cadogan Cowpcr. 281 Crowland Abbey ... /. Alfonso Toft. 282 The Far East E. Aubrey Hunt. ^s A Fine October Day on THE Conway William E. Benger. 284 Sea Breezes ... J. Elgar Bus sell. 2S5 J. Albert Causton, Esq. Prc- se?itation Portrait ...J. H. F. Bacon, A. 286 The Windmill David Murray, R.A. 287 Jessie, daughter of Wm. Spiller, Esq Oswald Moser. 288 Autumn Ploughing Charles W. Simpson. 289 The Silence of the Frost S.f. Lamorna Birch. 290 A Flemish Peasant Walter Langley. 291 Jock and Cupid ... Frank Bramley, A. 292 Changing Pastures Claude Hayes. 293 Fast-Fading Light Guy Kort right. 294 A Stiff Pull . . . Robert H. Buxton. 295 Carol, son of the Hon. Mr. Justice Swinfen Eady M. Seymour Lucas. 296 The Fold ...Arnesby Brown, A. 1907.] GALLERY No. IV. 25 297 Thomas Holford, J. P., D.L. Walter W. Ouless, R.A. 298 Picardy Marshland Jose Weiss. 299 A Farmstead in Picardy Lio?iel T. Crawshaw. 300 Needlework Andrew Co Hey. 301 Mrs. B. Whittaker Ellis Sir Luke Fildes, R.A. 302 Harvest-Time Peter Graham, R.A. 303 Hero Worship Flora M. Reid. 304 Time to Start Kenneth T. M. Teesdale. 305 The Lake Rowland Holy oake. 306 Mrs. Nigel Hanbury Catherine Oitless, 307 Belated Edward Stott, A. 308 Flight of the Swallows ... J. H. Lorimer. " O c'est triste de voir s'en fuir les hirondelles. Elles s'en vont la-bas Vers le midi dore." 309 Charles H. Thompso?i " Our roads are diverse — farewell, Love, said she, Tis duty I abide by." — R. Browning. 310 Far Away o'er Hill and Dale R. Half night. 311 A. E. Scott, Esq Stanhope A. Forbes, A. 312 Shores of Mediterranean, Juan les Pins: the afterglow ... /. MacWhirter, R.A. 313 Shoving Off Frank Heath. 314 The Keep of Barbarossa ... Horace Fisher. 315 Henry Lucas, Esq. Presentation Portrait. Solo?non J. Solomon, R.A. ( 26 ) [1907. GALLERY No. V. 316 317 318 3 l 9 OIL PAINTINGS-(Nos. 316-380). Mrs. Kay Robertson Miss B. Capel The Crest of the Hill Enid and Geraint ... ... C. Kay Robertson. ... J. E. Blanche. Briton Riviere, R.A. Rowland Wheelwright, " Once she looked back, and when she saw him ride, more near by many a rood than yester-morn, it well nigh made her cheerful." 320 The Art Student Clare Waters. 321 Their Stock in Trade ... Steven Spurrier. 322 Anemones ...R. Willes Maddox. 3 2 3 The Cottage Gardener ... ... William B. G elder. 324 Winter in the North ... ... Niels AT. Lund. 3 2 5 The White Hounds Maud Earl. And the soul is as blown dust within the wood, Wherein the white hounds move where timeless shadows brood." 326 Dawn Among the Mountains 0. Wynne Apperley. 327 Mrs. Arthur Ross William R. Symonds. 328 The Deep-Sea Rain C. Napier He my, \. 1907.] GALLERY No. V. 27 329 The Octopus Percy W. Gibbs. " The many tentacled towns, drawing to themselves all the strength and sap of the earth." 330 " Playmates " : Marjorie, Kath- leen, Joan, daughters of Samuel Ryder, Esq., J.P Frank 0. Salisbury, Mrs. Archibald Langman John S. Sargent, R.A. The Off-Shore Wind ... C. Napier Hemy, A. The Lady Huntsman John Charlton. A Watch Tower in the Low Countries Norman Garstin. Arthur Evans, Esq. Presenta- tion Portrait Sir W. B. Richmond, R.A. 33i 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 34i 342 343 344 345 346 The Laggard A By-Road to the Farm From the Battlements Windsor Castle ... Camp Followers Charles W. Tayleur, Esq Love Leaving Psyche T. A. Shannon, Esq. Landing the Fish ... Segovia, Spain The Avenue lleut.-colonel gundry ... Lucy Kemp-Welch, ... T. Austen Brown, OF Walter Donne. Winifred A usten . ... Arthur Hacker, A. Harold Speed. ... J.J. Shannon, A. J. Richard' Bagshawe. H. Hughes-Stanton. Wilfrid G. von Glehn. ... Henry S. Tuke, A. i8 GALLKRY NO. V. [1907. 347 343 349 35o 35i 35- 353 354 355 356 357 353 359 360 361 362 3^3 3 6 4 365 366 367 368 The Wandering Psyche La Penseuse At Work Evening Calm The Onlooker A September Morning Arthur Hacker, A. Anna Airy. Annie E. Spong. William Redworth. E. Phillips Fox. Arthur Fricdenson. J.J. Shannon, A. James Wallace. James Henry. Mrs. Josceline Bagot and her Son. Presentation Portrait ... The Flock-Master Lingering Winter J. H. Taylor, ex open golf champion Building the Rick The Maid Patiently Waiting Miss Amy Marks Youth Katie Golden Autumn : Derbyshire Arthur H. Hammond. Dorothy, daughter of John W. Clayton, Esq A. E. Brockbank, Snared Stanhope A . Forbes, A Mrs. Clive Bigham George Henry, A, Chateau d'Oex : toward eve ... Ashley B. Knight, Hindhead : Winter Vignoles Fisher. Richard Jack. ... George Clausen, A. Frank Craig. Elise Thompson. ... Ethel Cairick. Max Bohm. ... John M. Aiken. 1907.] GALLERY No. V. 29 369 Cattle in a Meadow Andrew Douglas. 370 By the Fireside Joseph Oppenheimer. 371 The Morning of the Year ... Lucy Kemp- Welch. 372 November in Capri Hoi'ace Fisher. 373 Retour du Jardin Rupert C. IV. Bunny. 374 Gleaners Dorothea Sharp. 375 Twilight: St. Ives' Harbour ... Hay ley Lever. 376 Diana Vernon John Charlton. 377 Summer Lionel P. Smytfie, A. 378 Making Ligurian Lace ... H. H. La Thangue, A. 379 A Happy Interlude Harry Watson, 380 " Over hill and dale, through night and day, still seeking for something" E. M. Peile. ( 30 ) 1907 GALLERY No. VI. OIL PAINTINGS— (Nos. 381-472). 381 "My Little Bird:" Marjorie G. Hillyard Swinstead. 382 A Distant View of the Stretton Hills, Shropshire ... Edward T. Jones. 383 H.H. The Rajah of Panne ... Herbert A. Olivier. 384 Oswald Moscr. " C is the candle that lit me to bed And strange were the shadows it cast overhead." 385 Ducks and Drakes Barbara Chamier. 386 Roses and Crystal Ferdinand Sinet. 387 The Skylark Arthur Hacker, A. 388 The Liner She's a Lady IV. Ayerst Ingram. 389 Corfe Castle Per civ al Gaskell. 390 H.H. The Rajah of Raygush Herbert A. Olivier. 391 The Rowan Tree Edith B. Hidden. 392 Fisher Folk Carlton A. Smith. 393 Sulking A. E. Hope Joseph. 394 Drifting Clouds : Holland ... Kershaw Schofield. 1907.] GALLERY No. VI. 31 395 Colleen and Kitty, daughters of William Moylan, Esq Laurence Koe. 396 " Where rocks and woods o'erhang the turbid stream " David Hewitt. 397 Mrs. Ratan Tata J. J. Shannon , A. 398 After Dawn J. Richard Bagshawe. 399 The Birth of Spring John B. Noel. 400 The Mill Meadows Yeend King. 401 Sir John Williams, Bart., M.D. Christopher Williams. 402 Trixie C. E. Le Rossignol. 403 My Daughters Albert de Kossak. 404 Saint Rose of Lima Ethel Wright. 405 An Island Festival Charles Sims. 406 Burning Bracken: Grasmere ... Frank Bra?nley, A. 407 Firelight and Pearl J. Walter West. 408 The Hidden Source Alfred R. Kemplen. 409 Sopley Mill Charles H. H. Burleigh. 410 A November Morning Harry H. Clarke. 411 A Mountain Ghyll, near Coniston J. H Cros stand. 412 Margaret, daughter of the late David Knox Mair, Esq Frank S. Eastman. 413 Night Byron Cooper. " When the moon lights her watch-tower in the sky." 414 C. W. Dyson Perrins, Esq. ... Arthur Hecker, A. 32 GALLERY No. VI. [1907. 415 A Suffolk Estuary ...Wilfrid M. Evans. 416 The Old Stable ... G. Vernon Stokes. 417 A Surrey Sand-Pit , Frank J Wilt on. 418 George Hubbard, Esq. Shirley Sloeombe. 419 Samuel Trenner, Esq. ... . . . Mayer Klang. 420 A Grey Day Frank Dean. 421 Early Spring in Cornwall ... James Henry. 422 Summer Clouds ... Effie N. Smith. 423 The Bridge, Fittleworth .. . Mildred A. Loiegrove. 424 The Old Barn Evelyn J Fathers ton . 425 The Countess of Essex ... John S. Sargent, R.A. 426 Granite and Gorse J J'. Murphy G runs haw. 427 Mrs. Creswell , Ernest Sichel. 428 Dawn ... Goodwin Kilburnc. 429 Leaving the Downs J. S. Sanderson Wells. 430 Convalescent ... William M. Palin. 431 Moonlight in Picardy .., ... Algernon Ta Image. 432 Ligurian Grapes H H La Thaugue, A. 433 Portrait of a Lady Harold Speed. 434 The Daughter of the M ILL Spottisii'code Duthie. 435 A Little Girl with Dolls ... Harrington Mann. 43 6 Charlotte's Pony Alfred J. Mannings. 437 The Dock Head . ... W. H Bond. 438 Looking Seaward ... Leonard Watts. 439 Paul David, Esq. Presentation Portrait . ...Arthur T. Novell. [907.] GALLERY No. VI. 33 140 Professor Campbell Brown, LL.D Keith Henderson. The Lock Bertram Priestman. Moorland: after rain Hon. Walter James Lazy-Bo nes Helen Hindley. The Fringe of a Yorkshire Moor Thomas Ramsden, Mariage de Convenance ... Hon. John Collier, Where the River Woos the Woodland R. Vicat Cole, Captain of the Guard, Waterloo John Russell. M e adowsweet Fred Stead. A Summer Afternoon ... Francis H. Williams. Street Scene : Funchal, Madeira Hodgkin Dixon. From the Riviera A. Miles Albert. The West Wind J. L. Pickering. E. H. Harrison, Esq., J. P. Pre- sentation Portrait Robert E. Mori son, Towards the Close of Day ... William Brock. The Day of Sedgemoor Edgar Bwidy, " When pain and anguish wring the brow, A ministering Angel thou." Willows Percy H. Jowett. " 'TlS BETTER TO HAVE LOVED and lost" Francis Barraud. Granny First Flora M. Reid. The Day's at the Morn ...Edith Kemp-Welch. c 34 GALLERY No. VI. [1907. 460 461 462 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 47i 472 Sunshine and Shadow H. E. Sheng Hsuan-Huai (Sheng Kung-Pao) Mrs. Eleanor Baker The Sermon G. A Village Street in Normandy Musical Instruments Tuscan Ox Plough Mrs. Edward W. Meyerstein David Lindo Alexander, Esq., K.C. Presentation Portrait. ... Miss Jessie McConnell Hand-Loom Weavers The May Wrack Foddering Time : a Lancashire farm Ernest Par ton. Mary E. Larson. Edmond BrocJz. Goodwin Kilbume. Jose Weiss. Ernest Sichel. Arthur Lemon. G. A. Storey, A. Ethel Wright. David M airhead. J. W. Brooke. W. H. Bartldt. Albert Woods. iW-] ( 35 ) GALLERY No. VII. OIL PAINTINGS— (Nos. 473-534). 473 Justin McCarthy, Esq Harold Waite. 474 Summer Time Constance Halford, 475 The Pink Nightgown Frank Br amley, h, 476 Ballerina S. Melton Fisher. 477 J. G. Butcher, Esq., K.C. Pre- sentation Portrait Louisa Starr Canziani. 478 Mrs. A. S. Wheeler and Eleanor Middleton Jameson, 479 Billingsgate Market Clare Alwood. 480 Musgrave Visits Lady Barnard at Buckelsford, Bury... Herbert H. Gilchrist, 481 The Veteran's Pipe Eyre Crowe, A. 482 The Horse Catcher Vereker M. Hamilton, 483 W. J. Stracey-Clitherow, Esq.- H. von Herkomer, R.A. 484 Frederick Coryton, Esq., M.F.H. Presentation Portrait W. Frank C alder on. 485 Mrs. Fielding and Children Hal Hurst. 486 In the Shade of the Oak ... Yeend King. c 2 36 GALLERY No. VII. [1907. 487 THE R] in aksal. Purchased by the President and Council of the Royal Academy wider the terms of the Chantrey Bequest ... A Campbell Taylor. 4SS Off for a Gallop : Charles Sibley, Esq., and daughter Frank 0. Salisbury. 489 The Countess of Eldon John Longstaff. 490 The Valley of the YVharfe from Harewood Avenue ... Owen Bowen. 491 The Rev. Dr. Tancock, Head- master, Tonbridge School ... Henry S. Tuh.\ A. 492 Trimming the Sidelights ... Arthur J. Black. 493 A Street in Florence IV. G. Daffarn. 494 "Joan," daughter of Bernard Dyer, Esq Mary F. Field. 495 Beatrice by the Bower Amy Sawyer, 496 Marooned Creswell H. Desmond. 497 ... Through the Pine Wood ... Edward King. 498 In the Wood's Enchanted Shade William R. S. Stott. 499 A Reflection Marian Dibdin. 500 Mrs. Laurence Phillipps and Children Arthur T. Nbwell. 501 The Young Knight L. Campbell Taylor. 502 Port Gouray, Sark William A. Toplis. 503 An Old Chouan Guy Wilthew. 504 Auburn Hair Emily Elias. 1907.] GALLERY No. VII 37 505 "Warm on her cheek sits beauty's highest rose." — Thomson Charles W. Plttard. 506 The Road to the Farm : Scot- land William Maclean. 507 Doris, daughter of Rowland Kennard, Esq Ralph Peacock. 508 Ribbons and Laces Terrick Williams. 509 Mrs. Arthur Dugdale H. Harris-Brown. 510 Sunlight and Shadows Mary F. Raphael. 511 The Return of Orpheus Sidney H. Meteyard. 512 A Duine-Uasal J. Watson Nicol. " Hersel did wear te philabeg, Te plaid prickt on her shou'der ; Te gude claymore hung pe her pelt, Te pistol sharg'd wi' powder." 513 Lake of Lucerne, from above the town /. MacWhirler, R.A. 514 Mother and Child E. Phillips Fox. 515 The Whisperers William Strang, A. 516 Princess Scarlet Richard Jack. 517 After the Thunder Shower: St. Etienne Hill, Pas-de-Calais H. W. B. Davis, R.A. 518 Lady Crofton Frank Brooks. 519 At the Harpsichord : my children George Har court. 3cS GALLERY No. VII. [1907. 520 Golden Youth T. C. Gotih. 521 " ALL IN' ] BE i LOUDED weather" Alfred Parsons \ A, 52a The Pain 1 ii 's VV11 1. and Daughi Sam G. Enderby, 523 God and His Child Max ... Henry J. Stock. "God thought on me His child, < 'nlaincd a life for me, arrayed [ts circumstances every one T<> the minutest." — Browning. 524 Ax Early Victorian William Logsdail. 525 Old December's Barexess Everywhere J. Buxton Knight. 526 Miss Irene Vanbrugh (Mrs. Dion Boucicault) Oswald Birley. 527 Putting ix Broccoli Plants: Cornwall W. B. Fortcscuc 528 Miss Gertrude Templetox ... F. Ernest Jackson. 529 Alice ix the Lookixg-Glass W. Christian Symons. 530 The Mirror George Henry, A. 531 The Artist's Mother ... Reginald E. Higgins. 532 Johx Wesley De Kay, Esq. ...G.Spencer Watson. 533 The Flower Girl Middleton Jameson. 534 A Woodland Symphony C. E. Pcrvgini. I9Q7-] ( 39 ) GALLERY No. VIII. OIL PAINTINGS— (Nos. 535-608). 535 Mrs. Brown Potter William B. E. Ranken. 536 Isabel, daughter of Hugh Young, Esq Fiddes Watt. 537 Autumn on the Ure James Henry. 538 The Countess of Leitrim ... Hugh G. Riviere. 539 Admiral of the Fleet Sir E. H. Seymour, G.C.B., O.M. Percy F. S. Spence % 540 Friends Florence Small. 541 Gerald 1 ne, daughter of the late H. P. Birch, Esq E. Phillips Fox. 542 The Old Harbour of Ayr Susan F. Craivford. 543 Chess-Players : portrait group... Edmo?id Brock. 544 The Wane of Haytime J. Coutts Michie. 545 The late Sir Michael Foster, K.C.B., F.R.S Hon. John Collier. 546 Mrs. Alfred Methuen and Her Children Frank S. Eastman. 547 Diana. Design for an Archi- tectural Feature Wilfrid G. von Glehn. 40 GALLERY No. VIII. [1907. 548 '' I >\: 1: Tin 1 v.i I. BY 'I HE « ', ' FarquharSi . A. 549 The Right Hon. Thomas Hurt, M.r. Presentation Portrait ,..G. Spencer Watson. 550 A Little -Sleep Frank S. Eastman. 551 C. L. (R.R.) I. V Roland Peril 552 The Golden Harvest Fred. W.Jackson. 553 One or the Highways into Holland Arthur G. Bell. 554 Margaret and Christian, daughters of D. C. Guthrie, Esq. Annie I. Swynnerlon* 555 Colonel W. Bromley Daven- port, D.S.O. Presentat on Por- trait Arthur T. NoweU. 556 The Song Isaac Snowman. 557 Mrs. Henry Rowlands ... E. Langford Thomas. 558 On the Carnarvonshire Coast Horace II Stanton. 559 Captain J. Burns-Hartopp A. S. Cope, A., and yiV/// Charlton. 560 A Storm in the Midlands ... Alfred East, A. 561 Mrs. Sydney Belfield Mouat Loudan. 562 The First Easter Morn J. Doyle Penrose. " He is risen ; He is not here." 5^3 J- C. Knox, wood carver John Cooke. 564 CAVALIERE L, Zayf.rtal, M.V.O. Trevor Haddon. C907.] GALLERY No. VIII. 4* 565 Medusa T. Erat Harrison. " Alas the hour When I did first behold my changed face In that still water ! " 566 567 Low Tide Guy Kortright. The Yellow Gowx Louis Ginnett. 568 "Awful hills, whose sides of 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 573 579 580 581 582 STRENGTH ARE BELTED ROUND with all the zones " ... Edward T. Compton. Going to the Meet : Capt. F. Chamberlinand Miss Chamberlin Alfred J. Mwin'mgs. Waning Day Frank P. Freyburg. Au Revoir Orrin Peck. The Golden Butterfly (the Harvey family) J. H F. Bacon, A. Behind the Dunes Er?iest G. Beach. Disturbed Arthur War die. The Sunshine on the Bridge Elsa Dalglish. The Rev. the Haham Dr. Moses Gaster Moses Maimon. The Youthful Diana Mending her Bow "Who's first?" Cinq Heures chez Paquin Mrs. Philip Riviere A Sunlit Corner Vesuvius from the Island Ischia F. Newton Shepard. Charles E. Stewart. Henri Gervex. . W. Onslow Ford. . John H Inskip. OF Frank Dillon. 42 5-\? 534 585 586 587 588 589 59i 59 2 593 594 595 59 6 597 598 599 600 601 GALLERY No. VIIL Loken Pallit A, Dampier May, The Ladybird Mia Ames/y J Tendresse MaternElle ... Catherine R. I'. Sunshine on THE Sands: Lowestoft Horace Van Rutin, Zephyr and Aurora Gerald Moira, " Zephyr, with Aurora playing As he met her once a-Maying There, on beds of violet blue." Mrs. Bowles The Fisherman's Daughter ... The Right Hon. Lord Justice Buckley The Battle of Turentchen, April 18, 1904 A wounded Russian Tope supported by two Jewish members of the regimental band. Mouat Loudan. John R. Reid, Hon. John Collier. Moses Mai men. The Pearls of Aphrodite A Message from the Sea Max Pemberton, Esq. The River's Bed At the Washtub Into the Spinney A Portrait The Sky-Lark ... For Daily Bread Winter Sunlight ... Herbert J. Draper. ... John R. Reid. ... Alfred Priest. ... J. L. Piekering. Marjory J'. W either ston. Alfred J. Mannings. Frances Swan, M. Etheldreda Gray. ... Joseph Clark. . . . Middleton Jameson. 1907.] GALLERY No. VIII. 43 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 Springtime Helen Woore. " Many the wonders I this day have seen " W. Lee Ha?ikey. The late Viscount Midleton. Presentation Portrait William Carter. Early Morning at the Greek Theatre, Taormina, Sicily ... William Logsdail. Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard: the Meeting ... Herbert H. Gilchrist. An Old Street in Cairo ... R. M. Chevalier, " In the sweat of the brow. Edgar Dozens, ( 44 ) hW- GALLERY No. IX. OIL PAINTINGS— (Nos. 609 756). 609 A Devonshire Cottage Frank Shelley. 610 The Mirror Arthur Spooner. 611 Roses A. Miles Albert* 612 Wind-Beaten Trees: Tintagel Henry Gibbs. 613 "The Dooms-Gate," St. George's Hall, Liverpool Joseph V. Dawbarn. 614 Dor 1 a Frank Eieksee, R.A. 615 "The year is all but done" Florence Jay. 616 Primulas Mary M. McCulloch. 617 Lindisfarne Church ... L. GwenlHan James. 618 An Old - World Harpoue : Blakeney, Norfolk Ernest Kay. 619 The Princess and the Magic Poppies—' The Wild Swans ' (Hans Andersen) Myra E. Lnxmoore. 620 A Breezy Day Margaret Wilson. 621 " When earth was nig her heaven than now." — Robert Frowning :-,.. E. Feiieseue-Frickdale. 1907.] GALLERY No. IX. 45 622 Margaret ... Arthur H. Buckland. 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 ^33 634 635 636 637 639 640 641 642 " Who lent you, love, your mortal dower Of pensive thought and aspect pale, Your melancholy sweet and frail As perfume of the cuckoo-flower ? " — Tennyson. A Strange Sanctuary Landscape ' ... Fruit The Little Brook ... Spilt Milk "When work is done rest" The Writer Pont Neuf, Paris In Russia Home Glistening Spring ... Sauchie Tower The Tangle John A. Lomax. Daisy Hoare. ..... A. F. W. Hay ward, George Clausen, A. Gem me// Hutchison . COMES Kate Veitch. H. Thomas Schafer, J. F. Pettinger. Edith D. Hayes. H. Thomas Schafer. Alfred Elsworth. Colin G. Mitchell. Ha7-riet Halhed. John White. A Cottage Door There is Nothing like Leather Charles E. Richardson Doves in a Fir Wood Upper Wharfedale " For ever and ever, amen, Vagrants Eric-a-Brac Anna Dixon. Arnold Priestman. M. Seymour Lucas. Isabel Watkin. Will C. Pain. 46 GALLERY No. IX. [1907. ^43 644 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 m. i.\ Qi Aldeburgh John C. Waiiis. Oswald J) win ctt. ... . irthur J\ Burton. Harold Goldthwait. (i r ' C. Haiti. Laura Alma-Tadema. A. de Brianski,jun. Catherine M. J I Newton Brdby. />'. Ji: leader, R.A. ... J. Courts Michie. Thomas E. Marson. Alice van Heddeghem. Walter W. Oulcss, R.A. The 1 iiwi.i: I [01 r ... Reclining N\ mph I' 1 BRUARY The Fall of the Li w Pi \i I MAKING A Cottage Garden ... Salmon Flies The Cooking Les A Circus by the Sea A Rose Princess Dessert White Roses Where yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold.' Benjamin Houghton. Catherine R. Walton. ... George If. Warr. Catherine M. Wood. E. C. Loveland Cock. A Winter Solitude ... Waiting The Village Cobbler Crystals of Fluor ... Evening: marshland... " By sports like these are all their cares beguiled" ... John A. Lomax. Burlington House Joseph Longhurst Camp Followers Sir James D. Linton. Between Two Fires Frank W. W. To/ham, 'Thistles Ida Morley. 1907.] GALLERY No. IX. 47 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 Beware ! Kelsey Manor Lake The Escape A Devonshire Maid... Soliloquy Draught-Players The Willow Stream Greenham Lock A Question of Route "forrard, away!" ... Waiting Corner of an Old Mill The Looking-Glass ... Picturesque England : street, Guildford A Sea-Nymph . ... Patrick W. Orr, Samuel Reid. M. Murray Cookesley, . E. Langford Thomas. . ... Joseph Lo?ighurst. Harry Brooker. Grace E. Sainsbury, Gab ell Smith. . Andrew C. Gow, R.A, . J. S. Sanderson Wells, Esther Denis. Greville Morris . . Ido7iea La Primaudaye. High- ...Herbert E. Har -ley. ... Agnes M. Veness. October Alexander Mann, Robert McGregor, A Country Road A Few Shell-Fish OSTERIA IN THE MAIN STREET, Tivoli F. Hamilton Jackson. A Tea Party Harry Brooker. Interior of the Museum, South Kensington Star of the Morning Margaret The Smithy Winter Beatrice Adams. Arthur P. Burton. George Clausen, A. J. Henry Inskip. T. W. Morley. 48 GALLERY No. IX. [i9°7- 691 A Street in M<>ntkei;jl-suk- mi.r, Pas de Calais Beatrice Thomson. 692 A Misty Morning on the Clyde Muriel G. Dyer. 693 Waiting Adam E. Proctor. 694 An Old Bridge at Twickenham Henry E. Co/npton. 695 After the Gale George Pontin. 696 Charles Collins. " Where, the long drooping boughs between, Shadows dark and sunlight sheen Alternate come and go." 697 The Bag Stephen Lewin. 698 Showing his Paces Walter C. Horsley. 699 A South Country Trout Stream Shirley Fax. 700 Landing Fish : Lowestoft Har- bour Clara Hayes. 701 A Watermill H Walter Robinson. 702 Moreton Mill ... ' George C. Francis. 703 The White Farm M. E. Atkins. 704 A Little Maiden Ernest W. Appleby. 705 At Eventide J. Coutts Michie. 706 A Market in Normandy R. IV. Macbeth, R.A. 707 The Top of the Moor ... A. Fuller Maitland. 708 View near Florence C. A lb an Wallis. 709 On the Amstel, near Amsterdam /. van Cower, 710 The Edge of the Wood Camille Vernede. 711 Thf Wedding-Ring St. George Hare. t 9 o7.] GALLERY No. IX. 49 712 Morning : a study in Spain F. Spoilove-Spenlove. 7*3 The Knitting Lesson Flora M. Reid. /i4 The Old Fishwife ... Adam E. Proctor. 7i5 Benares Albert Goodwin. 716 Summer-Time G. Walter Robinson. 7i7 Old -World London: Pump Court, Temple Herbert E. Harley. 718 Winnie William J. Gibbs. 719 The Old Maid's Frugal Tea... Arthur Vent?ior. 720 Sweetness and Light /. Walter West. 721 Evening at the Farm Alice von Berg. 722 Roses Ethel Woods. 723 Pope's Bridge, Bath ... Amy H Fre?-e. 724 Miss Rosalind Thorneycroft George Clausen, A. 725 Joyous Youth M. Murray Cooke sley. 726 On the St. Gertrude, Caudebec- 727 728 729 73° 73 1 73 2 733 734 en-Caux The late Louisa, Lady Ash burton, at Kent House A Country Lane A June Morning Summer Charles T. Dodd. , . Henrietta Ward. Eva M. Bring. Benjamin Houghton. Harry Watson. Sybil, eldest daughter of A. Webbe, Esq Waiting for Father The Salmon Pool The Duck-Pond, Amberley )• James Sant, R.A. M. Ethel Hunter. Stuart G. Davis. Dorothea Sharp. 5o GALLERY No. IX. [1907 735 A Dragoon : life-guard of Wash ington, 1789 736 The Light of Other Days .., 737 The Farm Road 738 Miss Marjorie Leon 739 A Farm- Yard 740 Pigs 741 The Fortune-Teller 742 La Zalagarda 743 An Author 744 Midsummer 745 A Deserted Seat 746 Valparaiso Bay 747 The Far Horizon ... 748 Comforters 749 Breynton and Jack, Robert Mills, Esq , 750 Rosina 751 A Garden in Kent 752 Bournemouth Bay from Sandbanks 753 His Own Composition 754 Sandy Lane 755 Church of St. Maclou, Rouen 756 Pollard Willows TJieophilc Lybacrt. Alfred Morgan. Kate Colls. George Clausen, A. Henry E. Compton. Harold Harvey. Nora Hartley. A. Brantingham Simpson. .. W. P. Caton Woodville. Muriel G. Dyer. Hilda Montalba. Alfred Helsby. Henry Gibbs. Harriette Sutcliffe. of ...J. Hanson Walker. Henry Woods, R.A, Charles A. Eva. sons THE G. Pcnton Eisher. John A. Lomax. Els a Dalglish. Janet Brennand. Charles J. Stokoe. 1907.] ( 5i ) 757 758 GALLERY No. X. OIL PAINTINGS— (Nos. 757-816). A Portrait Nina B air d. Tithoxus axd Aurora ... G. Spencer Watson. " Immortal Aire before Immortal Youth Let me go. Take back thy gift." — See Tennyson's ' Tithonus? 759 Mooxlit Bay 760 " Such is life" ... 761 James J. Joicey, Esq 762 Jenny 763 Betchworth Julius O Is son. By am Shaw. .. H. von Herkomer^ R.A. Mary E. Peachey. Albert E. Bottomley. 764 Sir Andrew Noble, Bart., K.C.B. H. Harris-Brown. 765 Dulas Valley J. Autnonier. 766 Oreads Annie L. Swynnerton. 767 A Shell Storm at Port Arthur Seppings Wright. 768 The Blue Bow Walter W. Russell. 769 February Morning in Corn- wall J. Noble Barlow. 770 Visconde de Horncastle ...J. H. F. Bacon, A. 5a GALLERY No. X. [1907. 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 773 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 737 John Charlton. The Advance on Kimberley : the 1 6th and 9th Lancers at Klip's Drift The Duke of Argyll, K.T., Governor of Windsor Castle ... P. Tennyson Cole. Admiral Sir Archibald Doug- las, K.C.B C. Kay Robertson. The Ford Bertram Priest man. The Workroom T. B. Kennington, At the Docks : artillery for the front Goldfish The Return of the Fisher- men : Breton folk "Greatest of these" Walter W. Ouless, Esq., R.A. James P. Beadle. George Henry, A. / Milner Kite. Sinsmund Goetze. The Morning-Room The Old Gown The Last Stand Mrs. Crawshay, of Cyfarthfa Leicester Square : Spring twi- light Miss H. A. Grant The Duel : Death of Mus- grave. Lord Barnard Slays T. Blake IVirgman. Walter W. Russell. Osmund Pittman. Thomas Blinks. J. H. F. Bacon, A. Bernard Partridge. Alice Grant. his Wife... Herbert H Gilchrist. 1907.] GALLERY No. X. 53. 788 Le Mois de Marie A. Chevallier Tayler„ 789 The Awakening of Galatea... Herbert ScJwialz. 790 The Pillar Rock ... LchmannJ. Oppenheimer r 791 The Musician Flora Lion. 792 A Little Malay Girl: Singa- pore Gertrude I. Nut t 793 Mrs. Franklin George Henry, A* 794 Faggot-Gatherers ' Mary F. Raphael. 795 Portrait of a Lady Julius M. Frice. 796 The Diving-Place He?iry S. Tuke, A. 797 Quits J. L. Wimbush. 798 Francis Barraud, Esq Sidney Paget. 799 "The drowning flow": a pool in the hills Hon. Walter James*. 800 Miss Rose Jenkins Blanche Jenkins. 801 Anna Alma-Tadema, " The see may ebbe and flowen more or lesse, The welkne hath might to shyne, reyne or hayle." — Chaucer. 802 Place St. Etienne, Meaux ...Z. Campbell Taylor* 803 Phyllis George Wetherbee^ 804 The Introduction William Strang, A* 805 Happy Little Maiden, She ! ... Lawrence Grubbe. 806 The Wreath Mary F. Raphael. 54 GALLERY No. X. [1907. 807 Flock Returning Home at moonrise 808 Miss Ione Green 809 Youth 810 Roses of Youth 811 Startled Nymphs 812 A Ring of Harmony 813 Mrs. Ayrton 814 The Grebe Hat 815 The Faraglioni Rocks 816 Madame Gilardoni ... Edward Chappel. Dudley Heath. C/ias. D. Ward. Henrietta Rae. Charles W. Wyllie. Fred Roe. Helena A. Darmesteter. ...Edyth S. Rackham. Capri Elis Oslund. . Stanhope A. Forbes, A. T 907-] ( 55 ) GALLERY No. XI. OIL PAINTINGS— (Nos. 817-896). 817 " When pilchard boats go forth to fish": Newlyn ... Claude F. Barry. 818 Sweet Lavender Savage Cooper. SI9 " Dreadnought" and ''Victory" IV. L. Wyllie, R.A. Elect, 820 Joan of Arc T. Blake Wirgman, 821 The Midsummer Moon Horace H. Cauty, "... where the silent river swept, — From the thin cloud fair moonlight breaks." ■ — Longfellcnv. 822 The Village on the Hill ... Isabel Watkin. 823 Forget-Me-Not '.. ...M. Ellen Edwards. 824 An Autumn Evening Ernest Parton. 825 A Tile Off Alfred W. Strutt. 826 The Far Horizon Osmund Pitt man. 827 Willow Avenue Ellen A. Scott. 828 Mrs. Rylands Philip St reatf did. 829 Farly Spring J. Noble Barlow, 830 / mbushed ! W. B. Wollen. 56 GALLERY No. XL [1907. 831 Capt. David Beatty, R.X., D.S.O Hugh G. Riviere. 832 "Nevermind!" Arthur J. Elsley. S33 The Edge of the Wood ... Tom Mostyn. 834 " Via mundi " : tigress and rufous hornbill Edgar H. Fischer. 835 " Between the sunset and the moon" Julius Oh son. 836 The Music of the Woods ... E. A. Hor?iel. 837 M. Raymond Recouly ... T. Blake Wirgman. 83S The Market-Wagon Ralph Hedley. 839 In Springtime Anderson Hague. 840 The Gardener's Daughter ... Gerald G. Jackson. 841 Carrigogunnel : an Old O'Brien Fortress Edith Gibson. 842 Reeds, Weeds, and Rushes Albert G. Bowman. 843 Our Lady, Star of the Sea ... J H Lorimer. 844 Monessie, Glen Spean G. Ogilvy Reid. 845 April IV. G. Simmonds. " When fairies frolic in the moonlit mist." 846 Evening in the Woods James Towers. 847 Tweedside James Wallace. 848 W. Barrow Simonds, Esq. ... Catherine Ouless 1907.] GALLERY No. XL 57 849 River Grasses Elsie Higgins. 850 The Lieyan Hills behind Thebes Edith Corbet. S51 The Thunder Cloud Arnesby Brown, A, 852 Betty, daughter of Arthur F. Pease, Esq Mary L. Waller, 853 In the Vale of Lamorna ... Herbert George. 854 Arthur Milman, M.A., LL.D. Sylvia F. Milman. 855 At the Foot of Lympne Castle, Kent Ruth Hollingsworth, 856 Autumn Reflections Gerard L. Hunt. 857 Mrs. Stannus Giuseppe Anzino.. 858 The Western Sea, from Isle of Skye C. E. Johnson, 859 Doris, daughter of Fred Wignall, Esq Ralph Peacock, 860 The Steps of San Michele ... Horace Fisher. 861 A Gale : Bridport Frank L. EmanueL 862 Mary, daughter of C. E. Hedges, Esq., M.D Edmond Brock, &6$ Late Autumn Evening Edwin TindalL 864 No Thoroughfare Alfred Hartley. 865 May Lindsay G. Macarthur, 866 Woodland E. F Wells. 867 A Young Seamstress Harold Knight. 58 GALLERY No. XL [1907. 868 Viola, daughter of the Rev. Canon Pemberton William Llewellyn. 869 A Dorset Mill-Stream Sir Ernest A. Water low, R.A. 870 The Passing of Arthur Arthur C. Mitchell. 871 Wild Cherry Trees in Autumn Frederick Yates. 872 Dorothy, daughter of H. Taylor, Esq Waller E. Webster. S73 The Peacemaker George Phoenix. 874 In the Golden Afternoon Kenneth J. M. Teesdale. S75 Miss A. Kennington T. B. Kennington. 876 Wistaria David Murray, R.A. 877 "The relentless beat of the ocean wave" Frederick H. Bertram. 878 Angling C. E. Swan. 879 Worship M. E. Kindon. 880 An Autumn Evening E. Leslie Badham. 881 Lord Knaresborough Ralph Peacock. 882 The Nuns' Garden Alfred East, A. 883 Bellona John C. Dollman. 884 Crimson and Gold A?inie E. Bowler. 885 Meeting of the Torridge and the Tor Charles J. Fox. 886 A Flemish Fish Market ... Mark Senior. 1907.] GALLERY No. XI. 59 887 La Belle Cuisiniere William Llewellyn. 888 The Artist's Mother Arthur Hacker, A. 889 The Church Cat Julia Meyer. 890 Watching the Rook's Nest ... Edgar Barclay. 891 "Roses by summer forsaken" Robert Christie. 892 Marie Sholto J. Douglas, 893 J. Flowerdew Lowson, Esq., of the Royal Company of Archers Sigismimd Goetze. 894 " The snowy garb of a sleeping earth" Joseph Farquharson, A» 895 The Mirror Sydney P. Kendrich 896 Heavy Weather Arthur Ellis, 904 ( 6o ) [1907. WATER COLOUR ROOM. WATER COLOURS AND MINIATURES WATER COLOURS— (Nos. 897-1124). '897 A Bowl of Azaleas Edith Barrow. 898 " She dwells with beauty, beauty that must fade." Keats Theresa Wylde. 899 A French Village Frederick W. Jackson. 900 "Dolce far niente" ... G. Sheridan Knowles. •901 Resting Andrew Douglas. •902 Skye, from the sands of Traighi... Hubert Coutts. •903 Sand Dunes and the Shore ... Oswald Garside. The Moorland Way A. K. Brown. ■ The open wold wi' the plover's call, And the sky a-stretching over all." 905 Aphrodite George Thomson. 906 The Poetic Hour Sir E.J. Poynter, Bart., P.R.A. 907 Brier Roses Lucien Davis. 1907.] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 61 908 The Devil's Kitchen, Idwall... George Cockram. 909 Autumn's Haze, Ross-shire ... Percy Dixon. 910 Autumn Pasturage Berenger Bcngcr. 911 Melting Snow Lionel P. Smythe, A. 912 A Sandy Road : Milford Common Sutton Palmer. 913 The Veil Gertrude D. Hammond. 914 "Autumn's fire burns slowly in the woods" Rowland McFadden. 915 Willows Thomas IV. Hammond. 916 Pri mulas Edith Barrow. 917 The China Room, Holland House Kate M. Wyatt 918 He Cometh Not! Chevalier C. For milli. 919 The Farm-Yard, " Ashwells," Chalfont St. Giles William Hoggatt. 920 The Naiads' Hour Percival Gaskell. 921 The Acropolis, Athens ... A. J. Mavrogordato. 922 The Duke's Garden G. Sheridan Knowles. 923 Autumn Evening Frederick E. Bodkin. 924 The Way to the Farm ... H Sylvester Stannard. 925 Clieveden Woods A. R. Quinton. 926 "Lilith" Olive Hockin. " And still she sits, young while the earth is old ; And subtly of herself contemplative." — ' Bodys Beauty,' D. G. Rossetti. 927 A Hillside Beechwood James T. Watts. 928 Romans at Bay F. /. TorromL 62 WATER COLOUR ROOM. [1907. 929 The Sussex Plough /. Sheldon-Williams. 930 The Road to the Village : Ockley Sutton Palmer. 931 Haddon Hall Harry C. Pilsbury. 932 Mrs. Vickery George H. Vickery, 933 Westminster Charles Dixon. 934 Theresa Wylde. " And a forehead fair and saintly, Which two blue eyes undershine, Like meek prayers before a shrine." — E. B. Browning. 935 Life in the Middle Ages ... Thomas J. Jones. 936 A Beggar of Valencia ... H von Herkomer, R.A. 937 The Wild Highlands Sir E.J. Poynter, Part., P. R.A, 938 The Argonauts at Colchis Richard H. Wright, 939 Royal Field Artillery ... Catherine A. E. Banks. 940 The Golden Hour 941 The Swing 942 Threading the Needle ... 943 A Country Market 944 The Head of the Loch... 945 Westminster Bridge 946 George Vickery, Esq. 947 Heathland 948 Carreg-Cennen Castle, South Wales Fritz Althaus. Jacob Brooks. Charles Sims. F. Stratton. Lilian B. Swan, To?n Lloyd. Herbert Marshall. George H. Vickery, Cyril Ward. 1907.] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 63 949 95° 95i 95 2 953 954 955 95 6 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 The July Moon I. SJieldon- Williams . The Edge of the Fir Wood ... David Green. Ornatrix Still Evening In Misty Meadows ... Azaleas Church Interior . . . George L. Bulleid. Sarah Johnson. Walter S. Stacey. Edith Barrow. ...Charles Maundrell. A Tranquil Summer's Evening John McDougal. Where Tumbling Billows Mark the Coast Reginald Smith. Eventide Herbert K. Kerridge. G. Hamel, Ada M. Shrimpton. C. Napier Hemy, A . Martin's Bertha Lowenthal. Magda, daughter of Esq Before the Wind Interior of St. Church, Ludgate Mrs. John P. Reid Waiting to be Roughshod Frolic The Cathedral Church, Alge- ciras The Seeds of Love. Purchased by the President a?id Cowicil of the Royal Academy under the terms of the Chantrcy Bequest ... Miss G. D Iris . P. A. Hay. . Charles J. Adams. E. Constable Alston. Alfred East, A. W. G. Simmonds. Mary Gow. Lucicn Davis. 64 WATER COLOUR ROOM. [1907. 969 Mrs. Henry Harrison P. A. Hay. 970 Clearing after Rain Henry C. Fox. 971 In Andalucia Alfred East, K. 972 Mrs. Holdsworth Ivan Lindhe. 973 Lilies and Larkspur Alfred Parsons, A. 974 Liberty and Fraternity... A. Wallace Rimington. 975 Grey Beeches, Pentre Du, North Wales Ralph W. Bar dill. 976 Binding the Fillet George L. Bullcid. 977 Weeding Turnips Henry R. Oddy. 978 The Shepherd of the Plain... Tatton Winter, 979 Roses and Christmas Roses ... Woodhouse Stubbs. 980 " For those in peril on the sea" Maude Harris, 981 The Hour of Silence and of Rest J. Hodgson Campbell. 982 Teignmouth, S. Devon Harold Swanwick. 983 Bedtime Carlton A. Smith, " Hush, little voice, it is time to rest, Roses are folded and birds in the nest." 984 A View of the Common Frank H. Walker, 985 On the Downs John Redder. 986 The Roder Bogen, Rothenburg 0' Tauber, Bavaria Elias Bancroft 987 Rhododendrons Woodhouse Stubbs. 988 Departure of the Fishing- Boats, Pbardy M-..u 3 .e Harris. WATER COLOUR ROOM. 65 989 Scotch Firs and Heather > Coniston Alfred H. Coope?\ 990 Taking Home the Flock Henry Stannard. 991 Spring's First Note ... H Sylvester Stannard. 992 Dordrecht Herbert Marshall. 993 Tristram and Iseult Sidney H. Meteyard. 994 A Sussex Pastoral William P. Cornish. 995 Toilers : Wind and Rain Dudley Hardy. 996 Sunny September Mary S. Hagarty. 997 When the Elm Tree Flower 3 G. G. Simpson. 998 The Pond Arthur L. Collins. 999 Near Wareham, Dorset Joseph Powell. 1000 Across the Dunes, Dunkirk .. E. van Goethem. IOOI December IV. H. C. Groome. 1002 Thurlstone, Devonshire Parker Hagarty. 1003 The End of the Day ... William B. Bcmiett. 1004 Queen of the May Evelyn G. Pierce. 1005 The Home Farm H. Sylvester Stannard. 1006 Manorbeer, Pembrokeshire .. Arthur Tucker. 1007 The Screes, Wastdale R. Pedfem. 1008 The Pedlar Missionary: i2ti 1 century Lexden L. Pocock. 1009 Peonies and Iris Alfred Parsons, A. IOIO Evening at the Falls oi r Lochay Ernest E. Briggs. ion The Halt Alary Gow. D 66 WATER COLOUR ROOM. [1907. IOI2 After the Battle of Philip- haugh Thomas Scott. 1013 Summer Morning in Hyde Park C. Blakeney Ward. 1014 Llanfairfechan Oswald Garside. 1015 Two Voices J. Young Hunter. 1016 Winter Sunlight Charles E. Bentley. 1017 Spiraea Gigantea : Poulton Priory Alfred Parsons ; A. 1018 To Pastures New He Leads His Flock Robert Meyerheim. 1019 The Thames Valley, from above Streatley A. R. Quinton. 1020 A Belated Harvest Moonrise Byron Cooper. 1021 The Gipsy Encampment Reginald Jones. I022 Cheshire Pastures George Cockram. IO23 Romance Charles Sims. IO24 A West Highland Croft Hubert Coutts. IO25 Prayer Harold Knight. IO-2 6 Sark Frank Walton. IO27 Passage du Chateau Gisors May H. Barker. I028 Boys Bathing Arthur Mudie. IO29 "The winter is past, the RAIN IS OVER AND GONE " ... Henry M. Rlicam* IO3O Twilight Tom Lloyd. 1031 Seafarers Robert E. Groves. WATER COLOUR ROOM. 67 1032 Harvest-Time, Lewes Downs Vivian Rolt. Henry G. Hewitt. M. Cooper Brown. Arthur Tucker. Arthur Dudley. 1033 The Old Home 1034 Evening 1035 Richmond on the Swale 1036 Pomona's Bounty 1037 The late A. Currer Briggs, Esq., as Lord Mayor of Leeds Ernest E. Briggs. 1038 The Blue Dress Laura Knight. 1039 A Sunlit Sea C. Napier Hemy, A. 1040 Shadow Dark and Sunlight Sheen W. Follen Bishop. 1041 Changing Pastures Arthur Legge. 1042 At a Dickens Character Ball W. H. Humphris. 1043 St. Bride's Bay Cyril Ward. 1044 Lobster, Trout, and Mullet Arthur Dudley. {On the Screen.) 1045 Desolation Margaret Wilmer. 1046 Cherry-Blossom Otto Jacob. 1047 "Three 's none" Lewis Baumer. 1048 In the Clouds Norman Little. 1049 Courtyard of Ca d'Oro, Venice Reginald Barratt. D 2 68 WATER COLOUR ROOM. [1907. 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 io59 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 Jessie Macgregor. Wilfred Ball. Ile?iry Bailey. A. W. Weedon. A Relic of Tudor Times Flag Bazaar, Cairo The Silent Woods Sunset : Milford The Old Mill, Storrington, Sussex Henry C. Jam's. Milton Heath, Dorking ...Ernest H. Pilsbury. The Days of Cunninge Stit- CHERIE Mary Stormo7it. An Australian Homestead Richard J. Randall. Fountain, Luxembourg Gardens, Paris P. Cavell, Esq " That yew tree's shade where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap " A Hampshire Meadow ... An Unfrequented Lane The Pigeon Trap Golden Glow Early Morning in Venice Sea Treasures Thistledown Bamborough Church Sir E.J. Poynter, Bart., P.R.A, Illustration to " Humpty Dumpty" Philip Dadd. Harry M or ley. Pdcr Leslie. Herbert J. Bateman. Giffard H Le?ifestey. ,.. Arthur E. Strutt. Lewis Baumer. C. Duassut. O. Wynne Apperley. Peter Leslie. ... John Sowerby. 1907.] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 69 1070 Flowers of the Field P. L. Forbes. 1071 Indolence Albert Gilbert. 1072 In the Hopping Country ... C. Duassut. 1073 Rydal Water Dan Warry. 1074 A Backwater, Abingdon ... Edward Renard. 1075 New Shoes Audley J. Gunston. 1076 On the Margin of the Woods, near Cromer Charles C. Harris. 1077 Assisi Richard H. Wright 1078 Downton, Wilts Hugh L. Norris. 1079 Yorkshire Lowlands Hirst Walker. 1080 Cottage Homes of England Ernest A. Chadwick. 1 08 1 Birds of Prey Frederick Weekes. 1082 Hemingford Grey Mill ... S a ??iuel I. Hertford 1 . 1083 A Farm by the Sea: Devon. .. Albert E. V. Lilley. 1084 Roadside Farm : Abinger Hammer W. Gunn Gwemief. 1085 Sais Mosque, Cairo Wilfrid Ball. 1086 Pleasant Times in the Fold Walter Botha?ns. 1087 "When thieves fall out, honest men get their own" James S.Crompto7i, 1088 Roses Adela M. L. Cox. 1089 The Edge of the Wood ... High L. Norris. 1090 Late Autumn : Kentmere Valley William S. Wifider, 7o WATER COLOUR ROOM. [1907. 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 EIOO noi rio2 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 riio 1111 1112 1113 Florence in November, from the road to Settignano ... A. H Hallam Murray. Old Houses, Paul's Wharf, 1891 Philip Norman. Harbingers of Spring ./. /essop Hardwick. Woodland Andrew C. Gow, R.A. . Adele Hill. A. J. Mavrogordato. . Lizzie Hands. An Old-World Garden... The Parthenon : moonrise Love Comes Unseen Limehouse Lighting the Copper Fire South - West Tower, Wells Cathedral Isabel B. Badcock The Vertical Engine — por- RichardH. Wright. Violet Linton. ...Henry H. Bui man. ... Robert/. Haines. ... G. A. Storey, A. ...Charles E. Wilson. ...Maud T. Atkinson. Alexander S. Buchanan. traits Evening : Rothenburg Charney Mill By the Wayside Puck School Time A Stolen Kiss — first design for a picture Marcus Stone, R. A. April Alfred H. Moore. St. Riquier The Dwarf's Castle On the Moors above Trefriw Off the Scent The Old Press Charles J. Watson. Robert/. Haines. Isaac Cooke. William H Pike. E. H. Shepard. 1907.] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 71 1 1 14 Magdalen College, Oxford Frances Drummond. 1 1 15 The Query Henry H Bulman. 1 1 16 In the Allotment Garden ... Fred Stratton. 1 1 17 Barbara in the Meadows ... Arthur Legge. 1 1 18 Der Herterick Brunnen, Rothenburg F. Phene Spiers. 1 1 19 A Courtyard at Montreuil W. Fussell Flint. 1 1 20 Courtyard of a French Country Inn ... Williani F. Yeames, R.A. " How oft doth man, by care oppressed, Find in an Inn a place of rest." — William Combe. 1 121 In a Northamptonshire Village Lilia?i Stannard. 1 1 22 In the Port du Moulin, Sark William A. Toplis. 1 1 23 "We two together" ... G. Goodwin Kilburne. 1 1 24 Winter J. Jessop Hardwick. MINIATURES. (Nos. 1125-1326.) 1 1 25 Jennie, daughter of J. S. Gib- son, Esq F. Howard Michael. 1126 Portrait of the Artist Madeline F. Gamlen. !Miss Lilias Breach ] Master Lesley Corbould-| F. Corbould- Ellis. Ellis I 72 WATER COLOUR ROOM. [1907. 1 1 28 Eleanora, daughter of George Lawrence, Esq., K.C. ... Winifred H. Thomson. 1129 Mrs. R. Falconer MacDonald Winifred H. Thomson. 1 130 Ian, Son of Henry T. Camp- bell, Esq Ethel Porter. 15:31 A Portrait Helen M. Goodwin. 1 132 Sheila Marguerite Wood. .Master Douglas Carey \ Hcnrktta M Tarvtr , (Master Geoffrey Hale j 1 1 34 "When as in silk my Julia goes" Florence White. £135 Madame de D. M Bertha J. Johnson. 5:136 Miss Ethel Farmer Ellen C. Trewby. E137 Portrait of a Lady E. Betts Brown. iMiss Dolly Bone 1 Joan, daughter of Guy Laking, \Emanuel Horwitz. Esq., M.V.O J 1139 Mrs. Beddoes Lionel Heath. 1140 Shelby, daughter of Wentworth Johnson, Esq Lionel Heath. 1141 Timidity Alice D. Dumas. 1142 Marion, daughter of A. L. Temple, Esq Ida F. Laidman. 1143 The Artist's Mother ... Marion E. Broadhead. 1 1 44 Mrs. Daniel Watkins Maud Eastman. 1 145 Lady Gore Maud Eastman. 1907.] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 73 1 146 The late Mrs. H. T. East- man Maud Eastman. 1 147 Vera, daughter of Arthur Gren- fell, Esq Mabel L. Hankey. 1 148 Peter, son of Sir James Reid, Bart Mabel L. Hankey. 1 149 Lady Elizabeth Lyon Mabel L. Hankey. 1 150 Une Jeune Femme Alice P. Gaiffe. 1 15 1 Peggy, youngest daughter of Henry Marshall, Esq. ... Nellie M. H Edmimds, 1152 Constance Alfred Praga. 1153 Ena and Marjorie Eva Pyne. 1 154 Portrait of a Lady Walter Ever ill. 1 155 Henry Tollemache, Esq. ... Walter Everitt. 1 156 Mrs. Norman Elliott ... Edytha M. Goodwin. 1 15 7 Kitty, daughter of A. E. D. Knight, Esq Maud B.Worsf old. 1 158 Une Femme Agee Alice P. Gaiffe. The Daughter of Hugh\ Cooke, Esq Gavin, son of F. Gordon Brown, Ethd ' L ' Cohbe - Esq J 1 160 Miss Neville Russell Biggs Gertrude K. Hutchinson. 1 161 Mrs. Francis Pollen Gertrude K. Hutchinson. , (Miss Ines Pini ) „ r -_ „ 1162 Jw a r- \RosalieM.Emshe. (Miss Ada Clarke ) ii59 74 WATER COLOUR ROOM. [1907. 1163 Mrs. Cassils ... Elizabeth R. Parker. 1 1 64 (Mrs. Beavis, Sen (Miss Bessie Yeulett '" > Helena Horwitz. 1165 Sandalji Effendi, of Constanti- nople R. Cordelia Whiteside. 1166 Brother and Sister Alice D. Dumas. 1167 jRosalie Emslie [Madame Melba \ Rosalie M. Emslie. 1168 A Portrait Edytha M. Goodwin. 1 1 69 The late W. W. Fenn, Esq. Beatrice C. Smalljield. 1170 Lady Douglas Galton ... ... E. Corbould- Ellis. 1171 Mrs. Henry Ledger . . . Mildred M. Ledger. 1172 Honor Storey ... Hilda M. Fletcher. "73 Mrs. W. H. Longbottom ... S. Arthur Zindsej: "74 Portrait of a Lady William J. McGowan. "75 Emmie, daughter of W. Kay, Esq. Eva Noar. 1176 Signora Caruso Maria Eaton. "77 Maud, daughter of E. J. Travers, Esq ... Agnes T. Cazald. 1178 Rev. Canon Carver, D.D . ... Edith G or ham. "79 Iris ... Annie G. Fletcher. 1180 H.R.H. Prince George OF Greece W. Heydemann. 1181 Winifred ... Mabel Keighly. 1907.] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 75 Maureen, daughter of J. P. Lynch, Esq Mrs. Oswald Wildridge H.M. THE LATE KlNG Denmark A Study Mrs. C. N. Dalton Miss Soldi Margaret, daughter of Colonel H. C. B. Gray A Bonnie Bairn Miss G. Williams Miss R. Kinsey Kathleen Emy Joan, daughter of Francis Black, Esq Florence A. Goodchild, Lady Barbara Dudley Heath.' Lieut.-Gen. Sir Bryan Milman, 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1 190 1191 1192 ii93 1194 "95 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 Lines Hamilton. E. Browning Hogg. OF ... Ellen L. Stansfeld. ... A lice D. Dumas. Maud Dalton. ... Elsie Millard. Leura Ingle. Annie Underwood. Maud Lindlcy. Maud M. Wear. Charlotte Bernan. F. Piercy Lawless. K.C.B A Portrait Kitsie A Portrait Agnes, daughter of Dr. E. Day- Dewdney... Charles Peter Ekin Mrs. Bertie Hardy Marion G. dimming, Renee Finch. ... Winifred Swayne. ... Henry C. Wallis. Margaret Ley. F. Emily Brown. Evelyn O Connor. 76 WATER COLOUR ROOM. [1907. 1203 T204 I205 1206 1207 1208 1209 I2IO I2II 1212 1213 1214 1215 I2l6 1217 I2IS 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 Helen G. E. Dunbar A Village Model ... Pearl Barbara, daughter of Major-Gen. F. E. A. Chamier Betty Peggy Phyllis and Brunetta . Betty Mrs. Ernest A. Widdas Lady Doreen Mrs. William Hanbury . Hilda C. Dunbar. . Amy M. West. E. Browning Hogg. ... M. G. Morris. ...John D. Ronton. ... Alice M. Cook. ... Mary Pitts. Charlotte G. McLaren. ...Ernest A. Widdas. . . . Margaret Haley. Aggs Adelaide C. Newman, Much study is a weariness of the flesh Miss Jessie Gulland Donald S. Robertson Portrait of a Girl Mrs. Swanston Miss Gooch Max Mrs. Druce A Portrait Nancy A Portrait ... Dorothy Darnell. ... Elizabeth Gulland. Henry R. Robertson. Winifred J. Robertson. Blanche Buckley. Edith Carr. .. Ada M. Howell. . . Rachel H. Forbes. .. Eleanor S. Sterry. ..Florence K. Mayer. Ethel M. L. Kendall. 1907.] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 77 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 *235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 Marjorie, daughter of C. E Stewart, Esq Portrait of a Lady Portrait of the Artist J. H. Sare, Esq The late Mrs. Eli as Mrs. Scholefield Katherine l'espagnole Head of a Girl H.R.H. Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll Mrs. Jack Leslie Miss Sydney Storey A Study Mary Stewart. Frances E. Butler. William Wensley. Hilda M. Farhall. Mildred M. Ledger. Kate Sellers. Dora Blyth. Vera C. Smith. Edith Morgan. ,. Ethel B. Badcock. Peter Leslie. . Ella Worrall. Ge?-ald E. Harrison. The late Edward Hacker, Esq. Mrs. John Spencer-Lovell ... A Portrait A Study " Peggy," eldest daughter of Fred Palmer, Esq Mary Mrs. J. B. MacEwen Mr. Eric Mackay The Bishop of London Blanche Gottschalk. Charlotte Bcrfian. Adelaide Spark. Elizabeth Gulland. Eleanor Palmer. Ernest A. Widdas. Dorothy Cole. Daisy Wiltshire. James S. Teape. 78 WATER COLOUR ROOM. [1907. 1247 "General" Booth ... ... Minnie L. Greenwood. 1248 H.H. Princess Victoria of SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN May Tayler. 1249 Louise, daughter of Alistair Sandeman, Esq. ... Millicent Hart-Dyke. 1250 Mrs. F. A. Toynbee ... M. E. Seymour Lucas. 1251 Baby's New Bonnet Mabel B. Jo?ics. 1252 The Kingfisher Frank Haviland. 1253 Miss R. E. Jackson Mathilde Huhn. 1254 George Herbert Wicks Adelaide Wicks. 1255 Albinia, daughter of Dr. Adams Ada E. Richardson. 1256 Mrs. L. E. Walsh ... Lucie E. Walsh. 1257 Mrs. E. B. Fielden Evelyn Shaw. 1258 A Portrait Kate W. Trickett. 1259 Miss Hilda Bennett Ethel G. Bennett. 1260 Miss Dorothea Ph ILLIPPS- Treby Myra E. Luxmore. 1261 Miss Elsie Charig... Olive Horsford. 1262 Sybil, daughter of W ykeham Bourne, Esq Nor ah B. Bourne, 1263 A Study Dora Mann. 1264 A Portrait May Arnold. 1265 The Poke Bonnet ... Lilian Berry. 1266 A Portrait Study ... Ada M. Muir. 1267 Alison Alice M. Cook. E907-] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 79 1268 A Portrait Olga Morgan. 1269 Dorothy ... Dora Soutten. 1270 Portrait of a Child ... ... Winifred Nicolson. 1271 "Finette" ... Edith Morgan. 1272 Mary ... Nora Case. 1273 Mrs. Charles Stirling ... ... Leura Ingle. 1274 Mrs. N. F. Dryhurst ... ... Henrietta Paget. 1275 Jim, son of F. C. Bennett, Esq. Florence E. Bennett. 1276 The Choir-Boy Ethel M. Z. Kendall. 1277 Dorothy, daughter of the late J. S. Walker, Esq. ... Mary D. Walker. 1278 Mrs. Andrew Neeson ... ... Jessie R. Spiller. 1279 Barbara ... Alice M. Cook. 1280 Brian J. Harrison Godman. 1281 Mrs. C. T. Arnold ... May Arnold. 1282 "Sweet Nancy" ... Mildred Lingwood. 1283 The Duke of Argyll, K.T. ... Ethel B. Badcock. 1284 A Portrait Olive Leeson. 1285 Bobbie ... Frances E. Butler. 1286 Mrs. A. O'Brien William J. McGowan. 1287 Mrs. F. Fletcher ...E. Baldwin Warn. 1288 Fairy Tales ... Inez Buchanan. 1289 Study of a Child ... Bessie Gibson. 1290 Harlina ... Marie Johnson. 80 WATER COLOUR ROOM. [1907. 1 291 Chrystian, son of A. U. Soord, Esq Kate E. Cowdcroy. 1292 Mabel Eva Noar. 1293 Mrs. Humphey Milford Joyce C. Williams. 1294 Herbert Leaf, Esq E. Baldwin Warn. 1295 Portrait of a Child Anne Marks. 1296 Mrs. T. Woodall Smith ... Vera C. Smith. 1297 The Duchess of Rutland and Lady Diana Manners E. (Lad)) Rolleston. 1298 Mrs. Francis May Bridgman. 1299 Janet Mary H. C. Piggott. 1300 E. A. F Aim'ee M, Davies. 1 30 1 A Dutch Peasant Sarah F. Hockey. 1302 Elsie, daughter of F. Duncan, Esq Henry C. Wallis. 1303 Portrait of a Lady Frederick Brueton. 1304 John, son of the Rev. Arthur Talbot Charles M. Parroft. 1305 Mabel Mabel H. Lake. 1 306 Joseph Viccars, son of Benjamin Walker, Esq K. Winifred Walker. 1307 Mrs. Robert Yeld Chambers Nina Hardy. 1108 Miss Katie Richardson Ada E. Richardson. 1309 Edna, daughter of Braham Pitt, Esq Herbert J. Drew. 1 310 The Freiherr von Heyligen- Staedt Edith E. Morris. 1907.] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 81 1311 1312 1313 i3H i3 J 5 1316 1317 1318 i3 J 9 1320 1321 1322 i3 2 3 i3 2 4 J 3 2 5 1326 Trixie Mrs. Frederick Manningham BULLER A Portrait Study A Portrait Kathleen Cynthia Portrait of a Lady Dorothy Miss Margaret L. Greg Mrs. Balfour Neill Josephine, daughter of the Rt. Hon. Sir H. M. Durand, G.C.M.G Dorothy Deane. Mrs. Hearst Emily Ellas. Portrait of a Lady ... Gertrude S. Hellic? Kathleen Edith Axford. The late Mrs. Horatio Myer Ida Mostyn. Terriers Fannie Moody, Dora Blyth. . Edith M. Mason, Olive Horsford. . Jessie M. Burgess, . Sarah F. Hockey. Percy J. Wright, Dorothy Deane. . Aimee M. Davies, . Janet Roberts 'on. .Ethel C. H. Galer. ( 82 ) [1907. BLACK AND WHITE ROOM. ETCHINGS, DRAWINGS, AND ENGRAVINGS. (Nos. 1327-1454.) S327 The Cobbler William A. IVildman. 1328 A Pastoral Claude A . Shepperson. 1329 Title-Page for Mr. Punch's 1 3 ist Volume Linley Sambourne. 1330 Love and the Cripple Boy ... He?iry M. Brock. 1 33 1 Viscount St. Aldwyn F. Beaumont 1332 Rue des Pr£s, St. Lo ... Ambrose M. Poynter. 1333 Porte du Roi, Mont St. Michel William Ansell. 1334 Monuments to Poets, West- minster Abbey Albert E. Nav combe. 1335 Tonbridge School Chapel... Gertrude Hayes. 1336 Vanishing London: the oldest house in the City Myra K. Hughes. 1337 The South Porch, Chartres Cathedral Adeline S. Illingworth. 1338 Reminiscence of Sir Joshua Reynolds R. W. Macbet/i, R.A. 1907.] BLACK AND WHITE ROOM. 83 1339 Miss Edith Mary Durham J. Seymour Lucas, R.A* 1340 Pastoral Luke Taylor. 1341 A Legend of King Arthur... Robert Spence. 1342 The Challenge George SoJ>er. 1343 Discretion is the Better Part of Valour J. R. Granville E,\ ley. 1344 Cloth Fair, Smithfield Mabel C. Robinson. 1345 Reminiscence of Turner R. W. Macbeth, R.A. 1346 The Serpentine Edward L. Lawrefison. 1347 La Rue Brise Miche, Paris Herman A. Webster, 1348 "Tintagel Castle by the Cornish sea." — Tennyson ... Walter Scutf. 1349 Story Illustration Arthur C. Michael, 1350 La Via dei Girolami, Florence Hedley Fitton. 1 35 1 Lieut.-Gen. Sir Ian Hamilton, K.C.B William Strang, A. 1352 Portrait of a Young Woman — after Paulus Moreelse ... Arthur J. Turrell, 1353 Opening Page for ' Mr. Punch's Almanack, 1907'... Linley Samboume, 1354 George Frampton, Esq., R.A. William Strang, A, 1355 When Autumn Leaves are Fallin g Fred Slocombe. 1356 Lambeth Bridge Lawrence Walker, 1357 Gen. The Right Hon. Sir DlGHTON PROBYN, V.C., G.C.B., etc William Strang, A, 34 BLACK AND WHITE ROOM. [1907. '358 The Lady with the F. \N — after Velasquez Leopold Goetze. ^359 Millbank Edward L. Lawrenson. C360 The Rathhaus, Munich... Lawrence B. Phillips. 1361 A Spring Shower Norman Hirst. 1362 Illustration to a Story ... Arthur J. Gough. 1363 "When the winds are ALL asleep" Amelia BaJierle. i3 6 4 Saint Jacques, Dieppe ... ...Charles J. Watson. J.365 Woolwich ... Douglas L. Smart. 1366 Reminiscence of Romney R. W. Macbeth, R.A. 1367 Beauvais ... Ha?islip Fletcher. *3te Seaweed Gatherers ... Lawrence Walker. 1369 The Market, Ossett E. Mars den Wilson. 1370 Noah's Ark, Lannion ... Kather'me Kimball. ^37i Anne of Cleves' House, Lewes Myra K. Hughes. 1372 Pegasus and Belleropho^ \ ... Harold A. Rigby. ^373 In the Forest ... Alfred Hartley. 1374 John Leydon Morton, Esq., M.D J. Seymour Lucas, R.A. 1375 The Cloud ... Joseph Knight. 1376 The Finding of Romulus AND Remus ... Robert C. Peter. *377 Design for Book-Plate.. , Harold Nelson. 1373 Lost Norman Wilkinson. 1379 Play ... Herbert Dicksee. .1380 RlEN NE VA PLUS " ... Prank Craig 1907.] BLACK AND WHITE ROOM. 85 1381 Carved Gateway : Lubeck Gertrude Hadenfeldt 1382 Portrait of a Child ... Josephine Streatfeild. 1383 A Portrait Thea Proctor. 1384 Teie White Heron Winifred Austen, 1385 An Accident Frederic Whiting. 1386 The Beggars Ethel K. Burgess. 1387 Part of the Blue Coat School, Newgate Annie Williams. 1388 Reminiscence of Tintoretto R. W. Macbeth, R.A. 1389 A Gentleman of the Road... Frederic Whiting. 1390 The Reader Jessie Holliday. 1 39 1 Bosh am Green Edith Collier. 1392 Mine Host George L. Stampa. 1393 H. F. Lucas-Lucas, Esq. ... Gertrude Lindsay. 1394 "The Bench," Old Bailey: Judge Rentoul, Alderman Pound, Sheriff Dunn ... Douglas Macpherson. 1395 Rev. Thos. Cecil Fitzpatrick, President of Queens' College, Cambridge. Presentation Por- trait .J. Seymour Lucas, R.A. 1396 Horse Ranching in Canada Arthur C. Michael 1397 Mrs. Massey Beaumont J. Seymotir Lucas, R.A. 1398 The Butterfly Laura M. Fisher 1399 Miss Agnes Robertson Janet Robertson. 1400 The Dance Steven Spurrier. 86 BLACK AND WHITE ROOM. [1907. 1401 Mrs. Frederick Morrice J. Seymour Lucas, R.A. 1402 "Pru" Gertrude D. Hatnmond. 1403 Broad Street, Stirling ... Susan F. Crawford. 1404 Illustration to a Story ... Arthur/. Gough. 1405 The Witch's Call Henry M. Brock. 1406 South Door, Aumale ... Minna Bolingbroke. 1407 Sea Dangers N. Bishop Culpeper. 1408 Jacobean Room, Bristol Charles Bird. 1409 A Portrait Elinor M.Darwin, 1410 The Tour du Chceur, Chartres Cathedral Adeli?ie S. Illingworth. 141 1 The Lord Bearing His Cross N. H.J. Westlake. 141 2 Mrs. George Alexander ...Charles E. Ritchie. 1413 The Dance: sketch design for a frieze Walter Seymour. 1 41 4 Head of a Young Girl Mary Williams. 1415 William II. of Orange and His Consort Mary, daughter of Charles I. — after Van Dyck Lake Taylor. 141 6 Rehearsing for the Military Tournament Arthur J. Gough, 141 7 A Child Reading Josephine Streatfeild. 1 41 8 Evensong: St. Paul's Cathedral foseph Finnemore. 141 9 The Spinster — after W. Dendy Sadler Charles 0. Murray. 1907.] BLACK AND WHITE ROOM. 87 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 143° I43 1 I43 2 ^433 1434 1435 I43 6 1437 1438 1439 Frankfort Market — after W Callow The Street Musicians . . The End of the Day ... Strand-on-the-Green, Kew Derelict Lewes Castle "Fish Cut" Alley, Rye The Old Clarionet Viscount Esher By the Summer Sea Boats Carrying out Anchors and Cables to Dutch Men- of-War in 1665— after J. M. W. Turner, R.A Homeward — after J. Farquhar- son, A Bridgnorth The Careful Mother Colonel J. H. S. Craigie ... Castle Hill, Lincoln ■,. Mars den Wilson. Wilmot Lunt. Edith Collie?-. Catherine Smith. Douglas I. Smart. Douglas I. Smart. H. B. van Raalte. W. H. Potter. William Strang, A. Joseph Hammick. Frank Short, A. The Wind-Swept Moor Farm at Fleet Penguins The Bachelor — after W. Sadler Herbert Sedcole. Sydney R. Jones. W. H. Potter. Mary Williams. .. J. R. Granville Exley. T. J. Dalgliesh. Constance M. Pott. Mary E. Kershaw. Dendy Charles 0. Murray. 1440 An Old Convent Doorway George E. Alexander. 88 BLACK AND WHITE ROOM. [1907 1 441 The Upper Mall, Hammer- smith, 1896 Hefiry M. Williams. 1442 Miss Dorothy Mawdeslay ... Charles E. Ritchie. 1443 Chantry of Bishop Wayn- flete, Winchester Cathedral Walter W. Burgess. 1444 The Hamadryad Claude A. Shepperson. 1445 The Dowry — after W. Dendy Sadler James Dobie. 1446 Dr. John Clifford — after Hon. J. Collier T. Hamilton Crawford. 1447 Boat-Building Yard, Bosham Hubert Schroder. 1448 Mushroom Gatherers Joseph Knight. 1449 Commander Richmond, R.N. Sir W. B. Richmond, R.A. 1450 Prawners JosepJi Hammick. 1 45 1 Lady Maitland — after Sir H. Raeburn, R.A Norman Hirst. 1452 Windsor Castle — after Niels M. Lund Charles O. Murray. 1453 The Good Samaritan Car on 0. Lodge. 1454 Venus with the Mirror — after Velasquez T. Hamilton Crawford, 1907.] ( s 9 ) ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. (Noa. 1455-1662.) 1455 St. Pancras Central Library Russell and Cooper. 1456 No. 8, Addison Road, Ken- sington Halsey Ricardo. 1457 Polesden Lacey, near Dorking A??ibrose M. Poynter. 1458 House at Witley, Surrey: the courtyard Forbes and Tate. 1459 "King of Kings": design for stained glass George Par Iby. 1460 Proposed Hotel at Cam- berley H. R. and B. A. Poulter. 146 1 Rugby School : proposed " Temple " speech room ... T. G. Jackson, R.A. 1462 Villa at Antibes ... Ernest George and Yeates. 1463 New Offices for the Northern Assurance Com- pany, Lothbury, E.C. E. IV. Motmtford and E. A. Greening. 90 ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. [1907. 1464 Wyphurst, Cranleigh ... Reginald Blo/nfield, A. 1465 New Dining-Room at Nor- manby Park, Lincolnshire Walter H. Brierley. 1466 Interior of Hall for House in Northumberland Oliver, Zeeson, and Wood. 1467 Cottages at Foyers, N.B. L. F. Crane and D. F. Blow, 1468 Entrance - Hall and Stair- case, Redhill, Surrey Spencer W. Grant, 1469 Study for the Courtyard of the Gatehouse of the Monastery, Caldey Island ... John C. Carter. 1470 United University Club: new building, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall Reginald Bio m field, A. 147 1 Dining-Room, Cheswardine Hall, Salop Christian Eliot. 1472 Design for Hither Green Library Stanley Towse. 1473 Residence at Camberley H. R. and B. A. Poulter. 1474 West Window of South Aisle, Lancaster Parish Church ... Shrigley and Hunt. 1475 Gaiety Theatre, Strand Ernest Runtz and Ford. 1476 New Reredos, St. Peter's, Hammersmith Gerald C. Horslcy. 1477 Hall of Residence, University College, Reading C Juries S. Smith, 1907.] ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. 91 1478 National Telephone Ex- change, Gerrard Street, Soho Leonard Stokes. 1479 Proposed Design for Govern- ment Buildings in a Trop- ical Climate O. Beeston Hatchard. 1480 New Wing to Girls' School, Commercial Travellers' Schools, Pinner Herbert O. Creswell. 1481 House at Exmouth : garden front Willia?n Ansell. 1482 Interior of St. Margaret's, Eastney John T. Lee. 1483 Design for Stained Glass Memorial Window William Aikman. 1484 Golden and Jewelled Altar Cross for All Saints', Hunt- ingdon Walter Keith. 1485 Proposed Baptist Chapel ... If. Dare Bryan. i486 Design for Public Librarv, Southwark Edward W. Allfrey. 1487 Offices for the Royal National Pension Fund for Nurses, Buckingham Street, Strand Paul Waterhouse. 1488 St. Helen's School, Abingdon: view from playing fields ... Frank L. Pearson. 1489 Design for the Palace of Peace, the Hague : detail of chief entrance John C. Carter. 92 ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. [1907. 1490 Design for a Georgian Dining Room Temple Muir. 1491 All Saints' Church and Vicarage, Tooting Graveney Temple Moore. 1492 Nos. 20 and 22, Hill Road, N.W Sydney J. Tatchell 1493 Design for Church Exten- sion, Manchester Edgar Wood. 1494 Premises, Warwick Street, Regent Street, W John N. R. Vining. 1495 Design for the Palace of Peace, the Hague Jan F. Groll. 1496 Design for the Palace of Peace, the Hague Stanley D. Ads head, 1497 Garden-Front of a small Country House, Preston Plucknett, Somerset ... J. Nicholson Johnston, 1498 No. 3, Woodstock Street, W. Treadwell and Martin. 1499 Balliol College, Oxford : new building on St. Giles' ... Edward P. Warren. 1500 Assurance Office, Euston Square Bcresford Pite. 1501 Design for the Palace of Peace, the Hague : grand staircase John Belcher, A. 1502 Design for the Palace of Peace Pearson and Milburn* 1907.] ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. 93 1503 Design for New Law Courts, Bloemfontein Ernest J. Wellman* 1504 Design for Stained - Glass Window fthn W. Lisle. 1505 Clark Memorial Screen, Egg- buckland Church, Devon ... T. Rogers Kitscll. 1506 Public Baths, Library, and Fire Station, Reddish, Stock- port Dixon and Potter, 1507 Fitzgeorge Avenue, W. : view looking west Delis sa Joseph. 1508 A Country House Edward W. Allfrey, 1509 Suggested Architectural Treatment for Waterloo Place, S.W A. E. Richardson*. 1510 Design for the Palace of Peace, the Hague : longi- tudinal section John Belcher, A> 15 1 1 Franco-British Exhibition, 1908 : facade to principal en- trance in Uxbridge Road ... John Belcher, A. 15 1 2 The City Hall, Belfast Sir Bmmwell Thomas: 15 13 Design for the Palace of Peace, the Hague E. G. Page and J. W. Halley, 15 14 Design for the Palace of Peace, the Hague ... A.J, Clifford EwetK 1 5 15 Design for Museum and Art Gallery B. H. Collcutt. 94 ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. [1907. 15 16 Design for the Palace of Peace, the Hague ... Wills and Anderson. 5:517 Design for St. George's Clock Tower, S.E John W. Rhodes. 1518 Middle Hill, Hook Heath — garden front W. A. Aickman. 5-519 No. 38, Grosvenor Place, S.W. R. G. Hammond. 3:520 Design for a Stained Glass Window for a Music Room James H. Stanley. 5:521 Design for the Palace of Peace, the Hague Henry T. Hare. 5:522 New Wesleyan Hall, West- minster — details of fagade Lanchester and Richards. 5:523 King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill — casualty and out-patients' departments ... William A. Pile. 1524 Design for University Col- lege, Transvaal Ernest J. Well man. £525 Design for the Palace of Peace, the Hague Alfred W. S. Cross. 1526 Proposed Church, Cumberland J. E. Dixon Spain. 1527 House at Newport H. Inigo Triggs. 1528 Design for a Stained Glass Window Oswald Flcuss. 1:529 House at Nairn Walter R. Davidson. 1907.] ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. 95 1530 Lythe Church, Yorkshire ... Walter J. Tapper, 1531 Sketch for Mosaic Frieze for Turkish Baths Frederick H. Mayo. 1532 Design for Window in Public Building J. Dudley Forsyth. 1533 Proposed Tower, St. Barnabas' Church, Dulwich ... Oliver ; Leeson, and Wood. 1534 Lancaster Town Hall: view from Daulton Square ...Edward W. Mountford, 1535 Proposed Church of St. Alban's, Durdham Park, Bristol Rodway and Dening, 1536 Killyon Manor, County Meath: proposed reconstruction... Warwick and Hall. 1537 New Choir and Transepts, All Saints' Parish Church, Eccleshall Temple Moore. 1538 Bolton Co-operative Society's Offices Bradshaw and Gass* 1539 Comeragh Court, Woking C. B. Tubbs and A. A. Messer* 1540 St. Paul's Church, Bushey, Herts Austin Durst. 1 541 Panel Painting for Reredos, St. John, New Brunswick ...P. Bacon and Bros. 1542 New Buildings, 160 Wardour Street: interior Frank L. Pearson, 1543 St. Andrew and St. Patrick's Church, Elveden William D. Caroe. $6 ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. [1907. .15 44 New Buildings, 160 Wardour Street: the staircase Frank L. Pearson. 1545 St. Mary's, Holly Place, Hampstead ... G. Collinson and A. M. Cock. Z546 House in Kensington Palace Gardens : the hall and the porch Edward J. May. £547 Lambeth Municipal Buildings — competition design Harold Tri??inell. 5:548 Design Submitted in Liverpool Cathedral Primary Com- petition : portion of nave ... W. Henry Jewitt. r ,549 Naval Battle between Eng- land and Holland, 1652 — design for stained glass Andrew Stoddart. 2:550 A House in Holland George O. Scorer. 5:551 New Mission Church, St. Augustine's, Aldershot : exterior T. G. Jackson, R.A. 1552 A Church Maurice H. Pocock. 1553 New Mission Church, St. Augustine's, Aldershot : interior T. G. Jackson, R.A. 1554 The New Royal Infirmary, Manchester E. T. Hall and J. Brooke. 1555 Design for Hackney Central Library Chevalier IV. Beaumont. C556 Interior of the New Chapel, Hertford College, Oxford T. G.Jackson, R.A. 1907.] ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. 97 1557 Proposed Enlargement, Alder- shot Church T. G. Jackson, R. A. 1558 New Church of St. Hilda, Crofton Park, S.E. F H Greenaway and J. E. Newberry. 1559 St. Aldhelm — design for stained glass window for Shaw Church, Wilts Horace Wilkinson. 1560 Churchyard Cross erected at Malvern Link ... A. Henry Skipworth. 1 56 1 Crawley Grange: exterior Henry Tanner, fun. 1562 Design for Historical Stained Glass Window, public build- ings, Dumfries Walter H Camm. 1563 Study for a Chancel ... L. MacDo7iald Gill. 1564 Mausoleum to Prof. B. Fletcher at Hampstead Cemetery Banister Fletcher and Sons. 1565 Front of Shop and Offices, Catherine Street H. Heathcote Statham. 1566 An Inner Hall Thomas Johnson. 1567 A Design for the Cathedral Church, Westminster Archibald Dunn, 1568 The Students' Union, Uni- versity of Liverpool Charles H. Reilly. 1569 Lodge Entrance, Brookland Wood House, Baltimore, U.S. A T. H Mawson. E 98 ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. [1907. 1570 The Churchill Homes, Somerset : front view Silcock and Reay. 15 7 1 Design for Little Aston Court, Staffs Batcman and Batc?nan. 1572 St. Chad's Church, Burton-on- Trent G. F. Bodley, R.A. 1573 The Main Staircase, New War Office Clyde Young. 1574 Christ Church, Port Sunlight William and Scgar Oivcn, 1575 Interior of English Church, Florence G. F. Bodley, R.A. 1576 Memorial and Fountain ... Ja/nes H. Morton. 1577 Design for Convalescent Home, Glossop Ay twin O. Cave. 1578 Conkwell Grange, Wilts ... E. Guy Dawber. 1579 Business Premises, Lincoln's Inn Fields Eustace C. Fr ere. 1580 St. John's House, Queen's Square : general view Eustace C. Frere. 1 58 1 Suggestion for Street Bridges across the Thames T. E. Collcutt and S. Hamp. 1582 The Loggia, new War Office... Clyde Young. 1583 Lloyds' Bank, Wealdstone Horace Field and Simmons. r-907.] ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. 99 1584 Design for West Windows, d°d East Bergholt Church, Suffolk Hugh Arnold. Design for Stained Glass Entrance Screen Hugh Arnold. 1586 St. George — design for stained glass window Fredk. E. Thomas. 1587 Sanctuary Fittings and Screens, St. Mary's R.C. Church, Latchford Douglas a?id M ins hull. 1588 Memorial Chapel, Colston School, Bristol Paul and James. 1589 A Country House Maurice H. Pocock. 1590 U. F. Church, Coldstream : view from south-west ... George Reavell^Jun. 1591 Bishop's Throne, St. Anne's Cathedral, Leeds J. H. Eastwood. 1592 Proposed Vicarage, St. Stephen's Church, Hampstead Horace Field and Simmons. 1593 House, Pilgrim's Way, Reigate Charles E. Salmon. r 594 " Chippenham," Crowthorne, Berks Arthur C. Martin. 1595 New West-End Screens, St. Margaret-at-Cliffe, Dover ... C. B. Hutchinson. 1596 Proposed Church of St. Saviour, Sunbury Common, Middlesex: interior Robert A. Briggs. 1597 House at Totteridge Thos. E. Collcutt. 1598 Engineers' and Shipbuilders' Institute, Glasgow John B. Wilson. e 2 ioo ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. [1907. 1599 Johnston Technical School, Durham Oliver, Leeson, and Wood. 1600 A Church Interior Fredk. Banister. 1 601 A House at Guildford... T. Talfourd Cumming. 1602 Shipping Offices, 15 Tooley Street Stanley D. Ads head. 1603 New Chancel and Fittings, Kirkby-in-Cleveland Church... Temple Moore. 1604 Elevation of Chimney-Piece side of hall, Spanish Renais- sance Percival T. Hildesley, 1605 Thurlestone Vicarage, York- shire Edgar Wood. 1606 House at Ewhurst Ernest Newton. 1607 Hall in the Style of the Spanish Renaissance ... Percival 1. Hildesley. 1608 Re-building of Premises in Oxford Street Richard J. Lovell. 1609 The Great Hall, University College School, Hampstead ... Arnold Mitchell. 1 610 Decoration of Municipal Hall, Woolwich — architecture by A. B. Thomas E.J.Lambert. 1 61 1 Hillbrook Place, Iver Heath, Bucks ... W. A. Forsyth and G. P. S. Manic. 1 61 2 Poynders End, Herts: garden front Geoffry Lucas. 1907.] ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. 101 1 613 Proposed Home Hospital for Children, Barnet ... Ho?-ace Field and Simmons 1 6 1 4 House, Marine Parade, Gorleston- on-Sea Pa a ton Watson. 1 6 15 St. Paul's Church, South Shore, Blackpool Jesse Horsfall. 161 6 Study for a Stone Bridge H. Hcathcotc Statham. 161 7 Design for Borough Offices Gerald C. Horsley. 1 61 8 Proposed new Premises, Oxford Street, W R. Frank Atkinson. 1 6 1 9 Principal Entrance, University of Birmingham Sir Aston Webb, R.A., and E. Ingress Bell. 1620 Design for Pergola, Tennis Courts, and Tea House Charles E. Mallows. 1 62 1 New Oak Screen, Pulpit, etc., St. James's Church, Barton Hartshorne, Bucks William] G. Horseman. 1622 Restoration of Kinnersley Castle, Herefordshire Groome and Bettington. 1623 Museum, Art Gallery, and Library, Plymouth T. Rogers Kitsell. 1624 Design for Stained Glass Window — renaissance Ethelbert Gibbs. 1625 House and Garden, Tirleigh Court, Cheshire Charles E. Mallows. ro2 ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. [1907. 1626 University of Birmingham : elevation towards University Road Sir Aston Webb, R.A., and E. Ingress Bell. 1627 Victoria and Albert Museum : detail of central entrance to Cromwell Road Sir Aston Webb, R.A. 1628' Proposed Building, Oxford Street ... R. Frank Atkinson and Burnham. 1 629.'. -^Dining Room, Lansdown Park H. Davis Richter. 1630 Proposed House at Willersey, Gloucestershire Andrew N. Prentice. 1 63 1 Design for English Church, Mauritius : section looking east Ernest Short. 1632 House at Iver, Bucks ... Fredk. M. Simpson. 1633 Additions to Orchard Farm, Broadway, Worcestershire Andrew N. Prentice. 1634 Staircase, Pickwell Manor O. Or merod Harrison. 1635 Dining Room, house at Hails- ham W. H. Atkin Berry. 1636 A Proposed City Building Hnbbard and Moore. 1637 Billiard Room, Byrkley, Staffs. Christian Eliot. 1638 ~ No. 9 Wimpole Street, W. ... W. Henry White. 1639 .Lambeth Municipal Buildings — detail of a portion of the front elevation Warwick and Hall. 1640 Station at Howrah, Calcutta Halsey Ricardo. ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. 103 Design for Publtc Library, Southwark T. R. Br id son. House at Farnham, Surrey Niven, Wigglesworth, and Falkner* Proposed New Church and Parish Hall, Heme Hill F. H. Greenaway and J. E. Newberry* Design for Birmingham Art Gallery C. E. Mallows and A. W. S. Cross* Three Cottages, Hest Bank, Lancaster T. H. Mawson. Bridge at Lisbon Ernest G. Page. Flats at Hampstead ... T. Millwood Wilson. The Benedicite Window for Worcester Cathedral : me- morial to Sir Douglas Galton, K.C.B James Powell and Sons, Birmingham Council House : premiated design Treadwell and Martin. Birmingham Council House Extension — perspective view of competition design Man sell, Ma /i sell, and Dixon. Birmingham Council House Extension — accepted design H. V. Ashley and W. Newman. New Chapel for the Com- munity of the Resurrec- tion, Mirfield — three eleva- tions A. Henry Skipworth. io4 ARCHITECTURAL ROOM. [1907. 1653 Design for a British Embassy in a Foreign Capital ... Leslie Wilkinson. 1654 Design for Public Baths at Selly Oak Arnold Mitchell. 1655 Birmingham Council House Extension — competition de- sign A. Gilbey Latham. 1656 An Interior Thomas Johnson. 1657 Plaster Ceiling in Drawing- Room, " Bishop's Barns," York George P. Bankart. 1658 Birmingham Council House Extension — competition de- sign Henry T. Hare. 1659 War Memorial Window, Ton- bridge School C. W. Whall. 1660 Sarnesfield Church, Hereford- shire, as restored and rebuilt Poland W. Paul. 1 66 1 Casa Blanca, Alicante — pre- liminary sketch Wills and Anderson. 1662 Church of All Saints, Berk- hamstead, now in course of erection C. H. and N. A. Pew. ( io5 ) CENTRAL HALL. SCUXPTUKE— (Nos. 1663-1695). 1663 Sir Sheshadri Iyer, late Dewan of Mysore — statue, bronze IV. Robert Cotton, A. 1664 Drinking Fountain — bronze... E. Whitney Smith. Edwin Pears, Esq. — bust ...Maude R. Windky. Courage — group. Part of a public monument ... Hamo Thornycrqft, R.A. 1667 D. WlNTRINGHAM STABLE, ESQ. — bust, bronze Sydney March. 1 668 Model of the ease of an Electric Light Standard. To be executed in bronze under the terms of the " Leigh ton Bequest" S. Nicholson Babb. 1669 The Alarm — statue E. Caldwell Spruce. 1670 Semita Vitae — statue ■!. C. Lucchesi. 1 67 1 H.H. THE LATE MAHARAJA OF Mysore — statue W. Robert Cotton, h. 1672 The late G. A. Fichardt, Esq. ■ — bust, bronze David McGill. *o6 CENTRAL HALL. [1907. 1673 Foxhounds in Full Cry — group Cecil Brown. 1674 Amor Victor — relief Gilbert Bayes 1675 "Tiger Lilies" — bust, bronze Jo han Keller. 1676 Man and the Ideal — group... Richard Gar be. 1677 Man — statue Mervyn Laivrence. 1678 Sir William Crookes, D.Sc, F.R.S.— bust Walter Merrett. 1679 The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Wil- liam Treloar — bust Albert Toft. [680 The Wounded Warrior — statue F. Fleming Baxter. c68i Canada — bust Frank M. Taubman. 1682 Memorial to Sir Peter Nicol Russell— group Bertram. Mackennal. 1683 Phyllis — bust, bronze Paul F. Montford. 1684 " Wonderland " : the artist's wife and children — group ... Herbert Hampton. 1685 Boy and Goat— group Albert H. Hodge. *686 Boy and Turkey — group ... Albert H. Hodge. 1687 Lieut.-Col. McCarty O'Leary: war memorial at Warrington — statue, bronze Alfred Driiry, A. t688 Portrait — bust Evelyn F. Standen. r 689 The late Canon Major Lester. Model of bronze statue to be erected in Liverpool George Frampton, R.A. 1907.] CENTRAL HALL. 107 1690 Mrs. Henry Newbolt — head, bronze John H. M. Furse. 1 69 1 Group for Fountain Charles Beacon. 1692 Maharaja Sir Digbijai Singh, K.C.S.I., of Balrampur — statue, marble. To be erected at Lucknow IV. Goscombe Jo/m, A. 1693 The Music of Death — group Reuben Sheppard. 1694 The late Marquess of Salis- bury, K.G. Model for bronze statue erected at Hatfield ... George Frampton, R.A. 1695 Antigone — statue Albert Toft. ( io8 ) [1907 LECTURE ROOM. SCULPTURE— (Nos. 1696-1845). 1696 " Trax " — bust James A. Stevenson. 1697 Head of a Young Airedale Terrier — relief, bronze ... Mary A. Swan. 1698 St. Francis and the Turtle- doves — statuette, bronze ... H. Mabel White. 1699 The Wings of the Wind — statuette, bronze Gilbert B ayes. 1700 St. George and the Dragon — panel, enamel and silver George H. Clarkson. 1 701 The Virgin Enthroned — panel, mother-of-pearl, and gesso Frederick Marriott. 1702 Captain John Smith, explorer, sailor, soldier, and adminis- trator; founder of Virginia, 1607 R. S. S. Baden-Powell. 1703 Chain of the St. Bernulph's Guild — gold and enamel ... John Brovi. 1704 Mademoiselle Adeline Genee ■ — statuette Una E. Taylor. 1705 Eve — statuette, bronze Oliver Sheppard. 1706 The Standard-Bearer — panel, enamel and bronze George H. Clarkson 1907.] LECTURE ROOM. 109 1707 170S 1709 1710 1711 1714 J 7i5 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 Music — statuette in niche Clement W. Jewitt. On the Alert — statuette ... Morris Harding. Mrs. Dorothy Whatley — statuette Paul R. Montford. Hylas — statue Alex. J. Leslie. Case of three Plaquettes — bronze and silver. Portrait. Medal for Physical Training College. Goats' at Glendalough Gwenda Herbert. Cecil Rhodes — equestrian statuette, bronze ... Ha/no Thorny crofts R.A. Veritas —relief, bronze Robert J. Emerson. Visitation — relief Arthur C. White. Morning— statuette, bronze A. Bertram Pegram. Case of eight Medals — silver and bronze. P. Carroll. "En- tente Cordiale " medal. Admiral Sir Wilmot Fawkes, K.C.V.O. W.Faulkner. C. Peabody. John P. Wood. Sir Patrick Playfair, CLE. Prof. J. Pick ... ... Andrew Carnegie, Esq., LL.D. — bust, marble. Presentation bust Jacob Wrestling Angel — group A i Bell-Ringer — relief, bronze E. M. Rope. The Lorelei— statuette L. Gwendolen Williams. F. H. Tremel, Esq.— bust ... May Tremel. T. Spieer Simson. Edouard Lanteri. with the Ferdinand V. Blund stone. no LECTURE ROOM. [1907. 1722 Beatrice — bust, marble Wilhelm Wands cJmeider. 1723 Case of Five Medals ... Ethel A. C. Bower. 1724 CUTHBERT CARTWRIGHT GrUXDY, Esq. — bust, bronze John Millard. 1725 Andromeda — statue Benjamin Clemens. 1726 The Rev. Bernard D. Shaw — ■ bust, marble Herbert Hampton. 1727 H.R.H. the Princess of Wales. Portrait study for the marble statue to be erected at Calcutta George Frampto7i, R.A. 1728 Miniature — coloured wax ... Ella Casella. 1729 Science — relief Albert H Hodge. 1730 The late Sir J. S. Burdon Sanderson, F.R.S. — bust, marble H. R. Hope-Pinker, 1 73 1 Statuette — bronze R. Tait Mackenzie. 1732 "Mors Janua Vitae" — group Alfred Gilbert, R.A. 1733 The Elf — statuette, bronze W. Goscombe John, A. 1734 Frank Dicksee, Esq., R.A. — bust W. Goscombe John, A. 1735 The late Frederic Andrew Inderwick, K.C. — post- humous bust, marble. For the Bar Library, Royal Courts of Justice George Frampton, R.A. 1736 Miniature — coloured wax ... Nelia Casella. 1907.] LECTURE ROOM. Ill 1737 Sir William H. Perkin — bust, marble Frcdk. W. Pomeroy, A. 1738 The Spirit of Ivy— statue ... David B. Brown. 1739 The Chorister — bust, bronze Francis Jahn. 1740 Dr. J. H. Kixgdon — bust, marble Fredk. W. Pomeroy, A. 1741 The Bishop of London — bust, bronze John E. Hydt. 1742 Victory — statuette, silver and bronze. Trophy prize for Wellington College Lillian M. Wade. 1743 Electra — statuette Frederick B. Hitch. 1744 Portrait Group — relief F. Arnold Wright. 1745 "Una" — bust, bronze Edouard Lantcr.. 1746 The late Augustus Austen Leigh, M.A., Provost of King's College, Cambridge — bust, marble F. Lynn Jenkins. 1747 Case of eight Medals — bronze. Misses L. and E. Hammond. Mrs. T. Spicer Simson. Mrs. Corrie. Mrs. Mielziner. Miss M. Schmidt. H.R.H. Victoria, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Miss Mildred Spicer Simson T. Spicer Simson. 1748 Mrs. Glyx — bust, marble ... Basil Gotlo. 1749 The Dancer — statuette, bronze Arthur G. Walker. 1757 ii2 LECTURE ROOM. [1907. 1750 Dr. Henry Owen of Poyston — bust, marble W. Goscombe John, A. 1 751 Case of four Medals, and a Plaque — bronze Robert J. Richardso7i, 1752 The Treasure ■ — statuette, bronze, silver, and ivory ... Francis Jahn. 1753 The Necklace — statuette ... Percy Portsmouth. 1754 Design for a Seal W. R. Co/ton, A., and N. H.J. Westlake. 1755 Seaweed — statuette Ruby Levick. 1756 Rev. Alfred Wells — bust ... Lilian G. Wells. H.S.H. Prince Schonburg — equestrian statuette Herbert Haseltine. 1758 St. George — relief, bronze ...Charles A. Palmer. 1759 An Old Cromwellian — bust, marble Frederick B. Hitch. 1760 Decoration for Institute of Physical Training — panel Richard R. Goulden. 1 7 61 A Merry Babe — bust, bronze A. Bertram Pegram. j 7 6 2 — The Stick — statuette, bronze L. Gwendolen Williams. 1763 H.M. the Queen of Spain. Exhibited by command of H.M. The King Conrad Dressier. 1764 The Tide — statuette Elsie M. Walker. 1765 A Crimean Veteran — bust, bronze Claude W. S. Hudson. 1766 An Intruder — group, marble ... Mary Pow nail. 1767 Granville Barker, Esq. — statuette, bronze Kay e Bruce. V907.] LECTURE ROOM. 1768 Part of Decoration of In- stitute of Physical Train- ing — panel Richard R. Goulden. 1769 Labour — statuette Frank Gattcr. 1770 The Song of the Lark — bust, bronze Harold Parker. 1 771 Major-Gen. H. R. Abadie, C.B., late Lieutenant - Governor of Jersey — bust Leonard Jennings . 1772 YVende Girl, Sierra Leone — ■ head, bronze Charles L. Hartwell. Grief — statuette, bronze Ada F. Gell. The Dray — group Frank Baxter, Grille for New Sessions House, Old Bailey Alfred Turner. Horses at Play. Model for one of the bronze groups in Benham Park, ISewbury .John H M. Furse. rMiss Louisa Chad-} wick — medals, n/r c _ _, „ „ T > 1 Mary SwainsoiK The Rev. F. Wool-I bronze •> I ryche-Whitmore J The late Alfred Beit, Esq. — bust Henry Pegra/n, A. Francis Bate, Esq. — medallion, bronze Edith A. Bell. Eurydice — statuette, bronze ... Harold Parker. Mourners : portion of memorial — relief Margaret JFiuser. ii4 LECTURE ROOM. [1907. 1782 Design for Tombstone in Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kilclare Mortimer Brown. 1783 The Man with the Falcon — ■ statuette Albert Toft. 1784 A Ragamuffin — bust, bronze... Mary Pownall. 1785 The late Lady Isobel Wilson — Posthumous portrait study for recumbent figure for monument to be erected in the private chapel, Warter Priory George Frampton, R.A. 1786 A Portrait — medallion Florence M. Rimmington. 1787 Knowledge — statuette, bronze. Study for statue for principal entrance, Victoria and Albert Museum Alfred Drury, A. 1788 Orpheus — bas-relief, marble. To be placed over a fireplace in a music room Ha mo Thomycroft, R.A. 1789 Girl and Lizard — group, bronze S. M. IViens. f George A. C. \ Bower The Rev. H. B. Gray, D.D., 1790 \ Warden of Brad- field The Right Rev. Abbot Gasquet, \ O.S.B. v — medals Ethel A. C. Bower. 1907.] LECTURE ROOM. 115 1 791 Inspiration — statuette, bronze. Study for statue for principal entrance ; Victoria and Albert Museum Alfred Drury, A. 1792 Mademoiselle A. L. — bust, marble F. Derwe?it Wood. 1793 Lewis Alexander Wallace, Esq. — bust, marble Sydney March. 1794 Dr. Waterhouse — medallion, pewter Florence Newman. 1795 "Isabella" (John Keats) — bust Frederick J. Halnon. 1796 Motherhood — group. Half-size model of a portion of the IVationat Memorial to the late Queen Victoria Thomas Brock, R.A, 1797 Mrs. Stirling — bust, marble ... Harold Parker. 1798 Lord Kenyon — bust, bronze W. G os combe John, A. 1799 "Kit" — portrait medallion ...G. Heather Mason. 1800 The late Mrs. H. Fleming Baxter — bust, marble F. Fleming Baxter. 1 80 1 The Hon. Mr. Justice Dar- ling — bust Leonard Jennings , 1802 Perseus Delivering Andro- meda— relief Henry Fegram, A. 1803 Riding Off! — group, bronze ... Herbert Haseltine. 1804 Youth — bust Alex. J. Leslie. n6 LECTURE ROOM. [1907. 1805 Morpheus, the Dream-God — statuette, marble Charles Rutland. iSiR John Banks, K.C.B. — 1 medal, bronze Air C7 ., , ' \ Oliver Sheppard. Prof. E. Hallaran-Bennett, M.D. — medal, silver I 1807 Staff of Office, Marischal Gollege, Aberdeen — silver, ivory, and lapis-lazuli Harry Wilson. 1808 H.E. M. Paul Cambon, French Ambassador — bust, bronze ... Edoua?-d Lant'eri. 1809 Echo — statuette Henry C. Fehr. 1 8 10 Sir Perceval and the Vision of the Holy Grail — panel Frances Darlington. 1.811 Sir Thomas Browne, M.D.— statuette, bronze Henry Pegram, A. 1812 The Bird of Joy — statuette, bronze Jean Milne. 1S13 The late Sir John Wood- burn, G.C.S.I. Sketch model, bronze, for the equestrian statue erected at Calcutta George Frampton, R. A. 18 14 The late Mrs. Steinhoff — relief, silver L. Fritz Roselieb. 1815 Municipal Seal for the Borough of Merthyr Tydfil — wax impression W. Gos combe Tohn, A 1907.] LECTURE ROOM. 117 1 81 6 The late Christopher Mease, Esq. — medallion, bronze M. Christine Comiell. 181 7 The Imp— statuette, bronze ... E. Whitney Smith. 1 818 Dr. Robert H. Johnston — bust, bronze Henry Fegram, A. 1 81 9 Gloria Victis — group, bronze... 6*. Nicholson Babb. 1820 The Gossips — group Frances B. Bnrlis-on. 182 1 "Laura" — miniature, coloured wax Nelict Casella. 1822 The Bathers— group ... Charles L. Hartwell. 1823 Mother and Child — group, bronze Charles L. Hartwell. 1824 Bacchante — statuette, bronze... F. Derwent Wood. 1825 Psyche — statuette, bronze ... Vernon March. 1826 Wall Fountain for Pitten- crief Park, Dunfermline Richard R. Gonlden. 1827 Day and Night — bas-relief ... Alfred R. Martin, 1828 Undine — statuette ... Wilhelm'uia L. Neimnrth. 1829 Gladys Humphreys — bust Charles E. Whiff en. 1830 Icarus — statuette Maggie Richardson. 1 83 1 Case of ten Plaquettes — bronze L. Fritz Roselieb. 1832 The late Dean Farrar. Reduction in silver from the medallion on his monument in Canterbury Cathedral A. B nice-Joy. 1833 Colin McAlpin, Esq. — bust, bronze Will Fagan. n8 LECTURE ROOM. [1907. 1834 The late Bishop Ridding — statue, bronze. For Southwell Cathedral. Frcdk. W. Pomcroy, A. 1835 Bacchus — statue, bronze Basil Gctto. 1836 The Girdle — statuette, marble W. Robert Cotton, A. 1837 The Elf's Music — statue ... Anders Clson. 1838 Research — statue Lillie Reed. 1839 Atalanta — statue F. Derwent Wood. 1840 Orpheus — group, bronze ... John M. Swan, R.A. 1 841 Diana Wounded — statue... Bertram Macketmal. 1842 The late Bishop Ellicott. Model for the memorial to be erected in Gloucester Cathedral William S. Frith. 1843 Circe — group, marble Arthur G. Walker. In Gallery No. VI. 1844 The Earth and the Elements — group, marble. Purchased by the President and Council of the Royal Academy wider the terms of the Chantrey Bequest ... Bertram Mackennal. 1845 Guinevere's Redeeming — statuette, bronze, ivory, and enamels W. Reynolds-Stephens. Corrections for the Press and all other communications should be addressed to " THE SECRETARY/' and not to any official by name. 1907.] ( ii9 ) LIST OF THE EXHIBITORS, 1907, WITH THEIR ADDRESSES. .* The Figures at the end of the Exhibitors' Names and Addresses re fa to the corresponding Numbers in the Catalogue. Adams, B. (Miss), Birch-grove, Manchester-road, Sheffield — 686 Adams, C. J., Claremont, Tilford-road, Farnham, Surrey — 963 Adams, H. W., The Studios, Pierpoint-street, Worcester — 108 Adams, J. C, Ewhurst-hill, near Guildford — 170 Adshead, S. D., 46 Great Russell-street, W.C. — 1496, 1602 Aickman, W. A., 34 Gresham-street, E.G. — 1518 Aiken, J. M., 50 Stanley-street, Aberdeen — 362 Aikman, W., 18 Maidstone-road, Bowes-park, X. — 1483 Airy, A. (Miss), 7 The Studios, Sherriff-road, West Hampstead, N.W. -348 Airy, A. L., 10 Stafford-mansions, Battersea-park, S.W. — 79 Albert, M. (Mde.), Cleveland-lodge, Alexander-street, Westbourne- gardens, W. — 451, 611 Alexander, G. E., 75 Castle-street, Farnham, Surrey — 1440 Allan, R. W., 62 Buckingham-gate, S.W. —262 Allfrey, E. W., 2 St. Michael's-chambers, Oxford — 1486, 1508 Alma-Tadema, A. (Miss), 34 Grove-end-road, X.W. — 801 Alma-Tadema, L. (Lady), 34 Grove-end-roacl, N.W. — 648 Alston, E. C, 60 Longridge-road, Earl's-court, S.W. — 964 Althaus, F., c/o Mr. F. Tate, 18 Percy-street, Tottenham-court-road, W.C.— 948. Ansell, W., 18 Guildford-street, Russell-square, W.C. — 1333, 1481 Anzino, G. P., Wahroonga, Nepean-street, Roehampton — 857 120 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907 Apperley, O. W., The Grey-house, St. Leonards-on-Sea — 326, 1065 Appleby, E. W., 41 Priory-road, Kilburn, N.W. — 704 Arnold, II., 12 Bedford-gardens, Kensington, W. — 1584, 1585 Arnold, M. (Miss), Stamford-house, West Side, Wimbledon — 1264, 12S1 Ashley, II. V., and W. Newman (Messrs.), 14 Gray's-inn-square, W.C. — 1651 Atkins, M. E. (Miss), 120 Cheyne-walk, S.W.— 81, 703 Atkinson, M. T. (Miss), 3 Clanricarde-gardens, W. — 1105 Atkinson, R. F., 8 Sackville-street, W.— 1618 Atkinson and Burnham (Messrs.), 8 Sackville-street, W. — 1628 Atwood, C. (Miss), 43 Redcliffe-road, S.W. — 479 Aumonier, J., 142 Adelaide-road, N.W. — 765 Austen, W. (Miss), 3 Warwick-avenue, Maida-hill, W. — 339, 1384 Axford, E. (Miss), Maycourt, Campden-road, S. Croydon — 1324 B BODLEY, G. F., R.A., 7 Gray's-inn-square, W.C— 1572, 1575 BROCK, T., R.A., 30 Osnaburgh-street, Regent's-park, N.W. — 1796 BACON, J. H. F., A., 33 St. John's-wood-road, N.W.— 285, 572, 770, 784 BELCHER, J., A., 20 Hanover-square, W. — 1501, 1506, 15 10 BLOMFIELD, R. T., A., 1 New-court, Temple, E.C.— 1464, 1470 BRAMLEY, F., A., Tongue Ghyll, Grasmere, S.O., Westmorland — 91, 124, 291, 406, 475 BROWN, A., A., The White-house, Haddiscoe, near Norwich — 73, 22D, 296, 851 Babb, S. N., 7 The Studios, Brecknock-road, X.W.— 166S, 1819 Bacon, P., and Bros. (Messrs.), 11 Newman-street, W. — 1541 Badcock, E. B. (Mrs.), Upper Stable Studio, Kensington-palace, W. — 1234, 1283 Badcock, I. B. (Miss), Somerleaze, Wells, Somerset — 1 100 Baden-Powell, R. S. S. (Major-Gen., C.B.), 32 Prince's-gate, S.W.— 1702 Badham, E. L., 3 St. Matthew's-drive, St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex —880 Bagshawe, J. R., The Old Rectory, Whitby, Yorks— 343, 39S Bailey, H., Manor-place, Great Baddow, Chelmsford — 1052 Baird, N. (Miss), Urie, Stonehaven, N.B. — 223, 757 Baker, C. H. C, 191 Ladbroke-grove, Notting-hill, W.— 21 1 Ball, W.j 49 Coleherne-court, S.W. — 1051, 1085 I9Q7-] THE EXHIBITORS. 121 Bancroft, E., 10 Acomb-street, Manchester — 986 Banister, F., The Outer Temple, W.C.— 1600 Bankart, G. P., 58c Gray's-inn-road, W.C. — 1657 Banks, C. A. E. (Mrs.), 54 Bloomsbury-street, W.C. — 939 Barclay, E., I Elm-villa, Elm-row, Hampstead, N.W. — 890 Bardill, R. W., 55 Ormskirk-street, St. Helens, Lanes. — 975 Barker, M. H. (Miss), 107 Marylebone-road, W. — 1027 Barlow, J. N., St. Ives, Cornwall — 149, 769, 829 Barratt, R., 69 Eaton-avenue, N.W. — 1049 Barraud, F., 9 Melina-place, Grove-end-road, N.W. — 457 Barrow, E. (Miss), 3 Westbourne-terrace, Combe Martin, N. Devon— 897. 9i6, 954 Barry, C. F., St. Leonards-hill, Windsor, Berks— 817 Bartlett, W. H., 12 Aubrey-walk, Campden-hill, W. — 49, 471 Bateman, H. J., Antrimville, Fladgate-road, Leytonstone — 1060 Batemanand Bateman (Messrs.), 83 Edmund-street, Birmingham — 1571 Bauerle, A. M. (Miss), 59 Craven-park, N.W. —1363 Bauhof, F., So Redcliffe -square, South Kensington, W. — 198 Baumer, L., 30 Abbey-gardens, N.W. — 1047, lo ^>3 Baxter, F., 25 Victoria-road, Kensington, W. — 1774 Baxter, F. F., I Pembroke-walk, Pembroke-square, W.- — 1680, 1800 Bayes, G., 40 Boundary-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. —1674, 1699 Beach, E. G., Wolverton, Alkham, near Dover — 573 Beacon, C, The Studio, 7 Albert-place, Kensington, W. — 1 69 1 Beadle, J. P., 17B Eldon-road, Kensington, W. — 776 Beaumont, C. W., Outer Temple, 222 Strand, W.C. — 1555 Beaumont, F., 6 William-street, Lowndes-square, S.W. — 133 1 Bell, A. G., York-house, Portugal-street, Lincoln's-inn, W.C. — 553 Bell, E. A. (Miss), 21 Aynhoe-mansions, Brook-green, W. — 1779 Bell, H. J., Studio, Ramsay-lane, Edinburgh — 258 Benger, B., Crowborough, Sussex — 910 Benger, W. E., Ashdown-lodge, Crowborough, Sussex — 283 Bennett, E. G. (Miss), 10 Stradella-road, Herne-hill, S.E.— 1259 Bennett, F. E. (Miss), 115 Ebury-street, Eaton-square, S.W. — 1275 Bennett, F. M., Alipore, Duppas-hill, Croydon — 274 Bennett, W. B., 138 High-street, Bushey, Herts — 1003 Bentley, C. E., Royal Insurance-buildings, 9 North John-street, Liverpool — 1 01 6 Beresford, F. E., 2 Tudor-lodge Studios, 4 Albert-street, Regent's- park, N.W. — 191 Berg, A. von (Miss), 17 Royal-parade, Blackheath, S.E. — 721 122 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Bernan, C. A. (Miss), c/o II. C. Braham, Esq., Edgmount, Whyte- leafe, Surrey — 1 192, 1239 Berry, L. (Miss), 84 Broadhurst-gardens, South Hampstead, N.W. — 1265 Berry, W. II. A., 23 Old Broad-street, E.C.— 1635 Bertram, F. II., 57 Bedford-gardens, Kensington, W. — 877 Birch, A. (Miss), 49 Roland-gardens, South Kensington, S.W. — 133 Birch, L., La Pietra, Newlyn, Penzance — 54 Birch, S. J. L., Lamorna, Penzance — 289 Bird, C, "123 Adelaide-road, N.W. — 1408 Bird, G. F., Manor-house, West Wickham, Kent — 109 Birley, O., 48 Grove-end-road, N.W. — 526 Bishop, H., 23 Soho-square, W. — 245 Bishop, W. F., 3 Slater-street, Liverpool — 1040 Black, A. J., 251 King's-road, Chelsea, S.W. — 492 Blarney, PL, The Orchard, Beer, Devon — 174 Blanche, J. E., 19 Rue du-Docteur-Blanche, Paris — 317 Blatherwick, L. (Mrs. A. S. Hartrick), 8 Wentworth Studios, Chelsea, S.W.— 14 Blinks, T., 1 Hill-road, St. Tohn's-wood, N.W.— 783 Blundstone, F. V., 6 Clifton-hill Studios, St. John's-wood, N.W.— 1718 Blunt, J. S., The Hollies, Thornton-road, Thornton-heath, Surrey— 93 Blyth, *D. (Mrs.), 92 Marlborough-avenue, Hull— 1231, 1311 Bodkin, F. E., 98 Fellows-road, South Plampstead, N.W.— 923 Bohm, M., 5 A Clareville-grove, Old Brompton, South Kensington, S.W.— 361 Bolingbroke, M. (Miss), 19 Girdler's-road, W. — 1406 Bond, W. IL, 2 Prestonville-road, Brighton — 437 Bothams, W., Bellevue, London-road, Salisbury — 1086 Bottomley, A. E., Inglenook, South-park, Reigate, Surrey — 763 Bourne, N. B. (Miss), 22 Stanley-crescent, Notting-hill, W. — 1262 Bowen, O., Evenholm, East Keswick, Leeds — 490 Bower, E. A. C. (Miss), 14 Upper Cheyne-row, Chelsea, S.W T . — 1723, 1790 Bowler, A. E. (Miss), 34 Gledstanes-road, West Kensington, W. — 884 Bowman, A. G., Mayes-cottage, West Wickham, Kent — 842 Braby, N., 9 Scarsdale Studios, Stratford-road, EarFs-court, S.W. — 651 Bradshaw and Gass (Messrs.), Silverwell-street, Bolton — 1 538 Breanski, A. de, jun., Westcott, Dorking, Surrey — 649 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 123 Brennand, J. (Miss), 46 Quarrendon-street, Parson's-green, S.W. — 755 Bnckdale, E. F. (Miss), 11 Holland-park-road, Kensington, W. — 621 Bridgman, M. (Miss), 49 Winterbrook-road, Herne-hill, S.E. — 1298 Bridgman, F. A., 146 Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris — 9 Bridson, T. R., 23 Queen Anne's-gate, S.W. — 1641 Brierley, W. H., 13 Lendal, York — 1465 Briggs, E. E., 102 Fellowes-road, N.W. — 1010, 1037 Briggs, R. A., 12 Norfolk-street, Strand, W.C. — 1596 Broadhead, M. E. (Miss), 100 Clarence-road, Longsight, Manchester — 1 H3 Brock, E., Merrieweather, Mayfield, Sussex — 462, 543, 862 Brock, H. M., Arundine-house, Madingley-road, Cambridge — 1330, 1405 Brock, W., The Studio, 30 Osnaburgh-street, N.W. — 454 Brockbank, A. E., 21 Brooke-road, Blundellsands, Liverpool — 364 Brom, J., Drift 15, Utrecht, Holland — 1703 Brooke, J. W., 32 Basinghall-street, Leeds — 470 Brooker, H., 14 Shorrolds-road, Fulham, S.W. — 672, 685 Brooks, F., 13A Sumner-place, South Kensington, S.W. — 518 Brooks, J., c/o. Messrs. J. Brooks and Sons, Suffolk-street, Birmingham —940" , Brougier, A., I Langham-chambers, W. — 113 Brown, A. K., 152 Renfrew-street, Glasgow — 904 Brown, C, Belvedere, Xewtown-road, Newbury — 1673 BroWn, D. B., 26 Camden-mews, Camden-square, N.W. — 1738 Brown, E. B. (Miss), 7 Montague-road, Richmond, Surrey — 1137 Brown, F. E. (Miss), Shangton, Claygate, Surrey — 1201 Brown, M., Clarendon-house, South Ealing, W. — 1782 Brown, M. A. (Mrs.), W^hite-house, Haddiscoe, near Norwich — 584 Brown, M. C, 98 South-hill-park, Hampstead, N.W. — 1034 Brown, T. A., 5 Primrose-hill Studios, Fitzroy-road, N.W. — 337 Bruce, K., 133 Cheyne-walk, S.W. — 1767 Bruce- Joy, A., The Studio, Beaumont-road, West Kensington, W. — 1832 Brueton, F., Huntworth, Bridgwater, Somerset — 1303 Brundrit, R. G., 23 Cathcart-road, South Kensington, S.W. — 100 Bryan, H. D., 4 Unity-street, College-green, Bristol — 1485 Buchanan, A. S., 132 Palmers-road, New Southgate, N. — 1106 Buchanan, I. (Miss), 91 Elgin-crescent, Notting-hill, W. — 1288 124 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Buckland, A. H., 86 Adelaide-road, N.W.— 57, 622 Buckley, B. (Miss), 25 Douglas-mansions, Cromwell-road, S.W. — 1 2 18 Bulleid, G. L., 57 Combe-park, Bath — 951, 976 Bulman, H. IL, 51 Oakhill-road, Putney, S.W.— 1101, 1 115 Bundy, E., 193 Adelaide-road, N.W.- — 135, 455 Bunny, R. C. W., 24 Boulevard des-Invalides, Paris — 373 Burgess, A. J. W., 6 St. John's-wood Studios, Queen's terrace, N.W. — 197 Burgess, E. K. (Miss), 62 Loughborough-park, S.W. — 1386 Burgess, J. M. (Miss), Shenfield, Brentwood, Essex — 13 14 Burgess, W. W., 7 Paultons-terrace, Chelsea, S.W. — 1443 Burleigh, C. H. H., 7 Wilbury-crescent, Hove — 5, 409 Burlison, F. B. (Miss), 2 Primrose-hill Studios, X.W. — 1820 Burton, A. P., 5 Trafalgar Studios, Manresa-road, Chelsea, S.W. — 645, 687 Butler, C. E., The Studio, 2 Perham-road, West Kensington, W. — 208 Butler, F. E. (Miss), Haslemere, Regent's-park-road, Finchley, X. — 1226, 1285 Butler, H. E., The Orchard, Polperro, Cornwall — 119, 240 Buxton, R. H., 41 Beaufort-mansions, Chelsea, S.W. — 294 CROFTS, E., R.A., Burlington-house, Piccadilly, W.— 266 CLAUSEN, G., A., 61 Carlton-hill, St. John's-wood, X.W.— 136, 357, 626, 688, 724, 738 COLTOX, W. R., A., Eaton Studio, Eaton-terrace, St. John's-wood, X.W.— 1663, 1671, 1754, 1836 COPE, A. S., A., Little Campden-house, Gloucester-walk, Kensington, W.— 55, 69, 103, 161, 204, 559 CROWE, E., A., 88 Hallam-street, Portland-place, W.— 481 Calderon, W. F., 54 Baker-street, W.— 257, 484 Cameron M. (Miss), Studio, 11 Melville-place, Edinburgh — 241 Camm, W. H., 197 High-street, Smethwick — 1562 Campbell, J. H., 55 Pilgrim-street, Xewcastle-on-Tyne — 981 Canziani, L. S. (Mde.), 3 Palace-green, Kensington, W. — 477 Carlaw, J., Seacliffe, Helensburgh, X.B. — 12 Caroe, W. D., 3 Great College-street, Westminster, S.W. — 1543 Carr, E. (Miss), Meaburne, 8 Warham-road, Croydon — 1219 Carrick, E. (Miss), 65 Boulevard Arago, Paris — 360 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 125 Carter, F. T., 16 Regent-terrace, Gateshead — 104, 273 Carter, F. W\, 12 Clarendon-road, Holland-park, W. — 132 Carter, J. C, Bank-buildings, St. Mary-street, Cardiff— 1469, 1489 Carter, W., 296 King's-road, Chelsea, S.W. — 230, 604 Case, N. (Miss), 4 Hanover-terrace, Ladbroke-square, W. — 1272 Casella, E. (Miss), 1 Wetherby-road, South Kensington, S.W. — 1728 Casella, X. (Miss), I Wetherby-road, South Kensington, S.W. — 1736, 1821 Cauty, H. H., Minsmere, Throwley-road, Sutton, Surrey — 821 Cave, A. O., 29 John-street, W.C. — 1577 Cazalet, A. T. (Miss), Xeva, Westgate-on-Sea, Thanet — 11 77 Chadwick, E. A., Hampton-in-Arden, Birmingham — 1080 Chamier, B. (Miss), 55 Warwick-road, Earl's-court, S.W. — 385 Chappel, E., 24 Gunter-grove, Chelsea, S.W. — 807 Charlton, J., 6 William-street, Knightsbridge, S.W. — 333, 376, 77 Z Chevalier, R. M., 76A Westbourne-grove, W. — 607 Christie, R., 23 St. John's-wood-road, X.W. — 891 Clague, D. R. (Miss), Redwood, Crescent-road, Crouch-end, X. — 87 Clark, J., 11 Stanley-gardens, Cricklewood, N.W. — 600 Clarke, H. H., 267 Welford-road, Leicester — 410 Clarkson, G. H., Princess-street, Sunderland — 1700, 1706 Clemens, B., 23 Fitzroy-square, W. — 1725 Cobbe, E. L. (Miss), 20 St. George's-road, Eccleston-square, S.W. — 1159 - Cock, E. C. L., 6 St. Leonards-road, Ealing, W. — 661 Cockram, G., The Dunes, Rhosneigr, Anglesey — 908, 1022 Cole, D. (Miss), King's-ride, Richmond, Surrey — 1244 Cole, P. T., Constitutional- club, Xorthumberland-avenue, W.C. — 772 Cole, R. V., 9 Xew-road, Campden-hill, Kensington, W. — 446 Collcutt, B. H., 36 Park-avenue, Willesden-green, X.W.— 1515 Collcutt, T. E., 36, Bloomsbury-square, W.C— 1597 Colcutt, T. E., and S. Hamp (Messrs.), 36 Bloomsbury-square, W.C. — 1581 Colley, A., 1 Cheyne-row, S.W. — 300 Collier, E. (Mrs.), Studio, 10 Station-approach, Kew-gardens — 1391, 1422 Collier, J. (Hon.), 69 Eton-avenue, X.W. — 445, 545, 590 Collings, A. H., 32 Great Ormond-street, W.C. — 159, 163 Collins, A. L., Woodside, Knockholt, near Sevenoaks, Kent — 99S Collins, C, Wick-house, Horsham-road, Dorking — 60, 696 126 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Collinson and Cock (Messrs.), 81 Hallam-street, Portland-place, W. — 1545 Colls, K. (Miss), 26 Park-crescent, W. — 737 Compton, E. T., Feldafing, Bavaria — 568 Compton, H. E., 3 Albert Studios, Albert-bridge-road, Battersea, S.W.— 694, 739 Connell, M. C. (Miss), 22 Stafford-place, Buckingham-gate, S.W.— 1816 Cook, A. M. (Mrs.), 21 Oxford-road, Kilburn, N.W.— 1208, 1267, 1279 Cooke, I., Kirkstone, Liscard-park, Cheshire — nil Cooke, J., 2 Trafalgar Studios, Manresa-road, S.W. — 563 Cookesley, M. M. (Mrs.), 7 Cromwell-place, South Kensington, S.W. —669, 725 Coop, H., Conway, North Wales — 164 Cooper, A. H., Coniston, R.S.O., Lancashire — 989 Cooper, B., The Birches, Vicarage-lane, Bowdon, Cheshire — 413, 1020 Cooper, S., 51 Haverstock-hill, Hampstead, N.W. — 818 Corbet, E. (Mrs. M. R.), 54 Circus-road, St. John's- wood, N.W.— 850 Cornish, W. P., 16 Grand-parade, Finchley-road, N.W. — 994 Coutts, H., Hammarbank, Windermere — 902, 1024 Cowderoy, K. E. (Miss), The Retreat, Hillside-road, New Bushey, Herts — 1 29 1 Cowper, F. C., 38 Barrow-hill-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 122, 280 Cox, A. M. L. (Miss), Rose-hill, Dorking— 1088 Craig, F., The Three Gables, Hindhead, Surrey — 358, 1 380 Crane, L. F., and Blow, D. F. (Messrs.), 13 Holland-street, Kensington, W.— 1467 Crawford, R. G., Studios, 108 Rouge Bouillon, Jersey — 13 Crawford, S. F. (Miss), 58 Renfield-street, Glasgow — 542, 1403 Crawford, T. H., 40 Great James-street, W.C. — 1446, 1454 Crawshaw, L. T., Ashmount, Balby, Doncaster — 299 Cresswell, H. O., 17 Buckingham-street, Adelphi, W.C. — 1480 Crompton, J. S., 1 England's-lane, Haverstock-hill, N.W. — 1087 Cross, A. W. S., 46 New Bond-street, W. — 1525 Crossland, J. H., Broughton-in-Furness — 411 Culpeper, N. B. (Mrs.), Ye Cottage, Rustall-avenue, Bedford-park, W. —1407 dimming, M. G. (Mrs.), 6 Worple-avenue, Wimbledon, S.W. — 1196 dimming, T. T., 108 High-street, Guildford — 1601 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 127 DAVIS, H. W. B., A\A., Glaslyn, Rhayader, Radnor— 21, 167, 188, 517 DICKSEE, F., R.A., 3 Greville-place, Maida-vale, X.W.— 17S, 279, 614 DRURY, A., A., 6 Gunter-grove, Fulham-road, S.W. — 1687, 1787, 1791 Dadd, P., 3 Colina-villas, Green-lanes, Hornsey, X. — 1069 Daffarn, W. G., 14 Campden-hill-square, Kensington, W. — 493 Dalgliesh, T. J., 9 Claremont-road, Folkestone — 1436 Dalglish, E. (Miss), 16 West Cromwell-road, S.W. — 575, 754 Dalton, M. (Miss), Eskhaven, East Heath-road, Hampstead, X.W. — 1 186 Darlington, F. (Miss), Chester-lodge, Ilkley-in-Wharfedale — 1 8 10 Darmesteter, H. A. (Mde.), 46 Rue Xotre-Dame-des-Champs, Paris, and 22 Brondesbury-villas, X.W. — 813 Darnell, D. (Miss), 25 Campden-house-road, Kensington, W. — 1214 Darwin, E. M. (Mrs.), 32 Elm-park-road, S.W. — 1409 Davidson, W. R., 8 Xew-square, Lincoln's-inn, W.C. — 1529 Davies, A. M. (Miss), 51 Tregunter-road, South Kensington, S.W. — 1300, 1318 Davies, E., 131 Xarborough-road, Leicester — S8 Davis, L., ,5 Langham-chambers, All Soul : s-place, Regent-street — 907, 968 Davis, S. G., 30 Tite-street, Chelsea, S.W. — 733 Dawbarn, J. Y., 23 Courtenay-road, Waterloo, Liverpool — 613 Dawber, E. G., 22 Buckingham-street, Adelphi, W.C. — 1578 Dean, F., The Old-house, Baldock, Herts— 68, 420 Deane, D. (Miss), Xewlands, Surbiton — -1317, 1321 De Hoog, B., c/o Messrs. Wallis and Son, 120 Pall Mall, S.W. —44 De Kossak, A., 51A Conduit-street, W. — 403 Denis, E. (Miss), c/o Mrs. Hollway, Crumlin-house, Dublin — 677 Desmond, C. H., 19 Meadow Studios, Bushey, Herts — 186, 272, 496 Dibdin, M. (Miss), Purley Bury, Purley Downs-road, Purley — 499 Dicksee, H., Oak-house, Kidderpore-avenue, Hampstead, X.W. — .1379 Dillon, F., 13 Upper Phillimore-gardens, Kensington, W. — 582 Dixon, A. (Miss), 16 Gilmour-road, Edinburgh — 638 Dixon, A. A., Briar-cottage, Burton-hill, Petworth, Sussex — 218 128 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Dixon, C, 90 Coleherne-court, Earl's-court, S.W. — 933 I >ixon, H., 60 Claverton-street, S.W. — 66, 450 Dixon, P., Trevena, Bournemouth — 909 Dixon and Potter (Messrs.), 9 St. James's-square, Manchester — 1506 Dobie, J., 18 Bowes-road, Palmers-green, N. — 1445 Dodd, C. T., Grosvenor-lodge, Tunbridge Wells— 726 Dollman, J. C, Hove-house, Newton-grove, Bedford-park, W. — 883 Donne, W., 22 Holland-park-avenue, Kensington, W. — 181, 338 Douglas, A., 5 Picardy-place, Edinburgh — 369, 901 Douglas, S. J., 47 Bedford-square, W.C.— 892 Douglas and Minshull (Messrs.), 6 Abbey-square, Chester — 1587 Dowie, S. M. (Miss), II Avenue Studios, Fulham-road, S.W. — I Downie, P., Skelmorlie, Ayrshire — 26 Downs, E., 57 Bedford-gardens, Kensington, W. — 608 Draper, H. J., 15 Abbey-road, N.W. — 592 Dressier, C, Cedar Studios, Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W. — 1763 Drew, H. J., 37 Cheyne-walk, Chelsea, S.W. — 1309 Drummond, F. (Miss), 18 Rawlinson-road, Oxford — 11 14 Duassut, C, Alvescot, Belting, near Heme Bay — 1064, 1072 Dudley, A., 24 Banner-street, E.C. — 1036, 1044 Duff, J. R. K., Oakview, Hendon, X.W.— 29 Dumas, A. D. (Miss), 2 Rue Gaillard, Paris— 1 141, 1 166, 1 185 Dunbar, H. C. (Miss), 129 Venner-road, Sydenham, S.E. — 1203 Dunn, A., The Wood-house, Branksome, Bournemouth — 1567 Dunnett, O., South-lawn, Tunbridge Wells — 644 Durst, A., 3 Raymond-buildings, Gray's-inn, W.C. — 1540 Duthie, S., Hilton-house, Aberdeen — 434 Dutton, J. F. H., 31 Victoria-road, Chester — 244 Dyer, M. G. (Miss), Ringwood, Hants — 692, 744 Dyke, M. H. (Mrs.), Dacre-lodge, New Barnet, Herts— 1249 EAST, A., A., 2 Spenser-street, Victoria-street, S.W.— 199, 275, 560, 882, 965, 971 Earl, M. (Miss), 13 Bloomfield-place, S.W. — 325 Eastman, F. S., Tedworth Studio, Smith-terrace, Chelsea, S.W. — 412, 546, 550 Eastman, M. (Mrs. F. S.), Tedworth Studio, Smith-terrace, Chelsea, S.W. — 1 144, 1 145, 1 146 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 129 Eastwood, J. H., 42 Cheniston-gardens, W. — 1591 Eaton, M. (Miss), 5 Adelaide-road, Hampstead, N.W. — 1 1 76 Eden, D., 76 Adelaide-road, South Hampstead, N.W. — 143 Edmunds, N. M. H. (Miss), 79 Casewick-road, West Norwood, S.E. — 1151 Edwards, M. E. (Mrs. Staples), 66 Abbey-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. —823 Elias, E. (Mrs. A.), Hill-cottage, Chorley-woods, Herts — 504, 1322 Eliot, C, 128 Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, W. — 1471, 1637 Ellis, A., 33 Lansdowne-crescent, Notting-hill, W. — 896 Ellis, E. C. (Mrs.), 8 Ladbroke-terrace, Kensington, W. — 1127, 1 1 70 Elphinstone, A. H., 43 Blenheim-crescent, Notting-hill, W. — 184 Elsley, A. J., 26 Queen's-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 832 Elsworth, A., Ivy-house, Meanwood, Leeds — 633 Emanuel, F. L., Studio, 60 Bedford-gardens, Kensington, W. — 861 Emerson, R. J., Allfields, Rothley, near Loughborough — 17 13 Emslie, R. M. (Mrs. A. E.), 2 Woronzow Studios, Woronzow-road, N.W. — 1 162, 1 167 Enderby, S. G., 31 St. James's-square, Holland-park, W. — 522 Enfield, H., 6 Park-valley, Nottingham — 99, 278 Eva, C. A., 3 Cleveland-avenue, Chiswick, W. — 751 Evans, W. M., The Manor-house, Southwold — 415 Everitt, W., 55 Baker-street, W. — 1154, 1155 Ewan, F. (Miss), 11 Elm-grove, Cricklewood, N.W. — 598 Ev/en, A. J. C., 28 Holmewood-road, Streatham-hill, S.W. — 1514 Exley, J. R. G., 44 Paulton's-square, Chelsea, S.W. — 1343, 1435 FILDES, Sir L., R.A., II Melbury-road, Kensington, W.— 4, 17, 183, 301 FRAMPTON, G. J., R.A., 32 Queen's-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. —1689, 1694, 1727, 1735, 1785, 1813 FARQUHARSON, D., A., Sennen-cove, Cornwall— 231, 548 FARQUHARSON, J., A., Migvie-lodge, Porchester-gardens, W.— 102, no, 200, 894 FORBES, S. A., A., Higher Faugan, Newlyn, Penzance— 85, 194, 311, 365, 816 Fagan, W., 66 Glebe-place, S.W. —1833 F 130 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Farhall, H. M. (Miss), Dunnabie, 41 Ilerne-hill, S.E.— 1228 Fehr, H. C, 6 The Avenue Studios, 76 Fulham-road, S.W.— 1809 Field, M. F. (Mrs.), 1 Croswell-cottages, Smart's-heath, Woking — 494 Field, H., and Simmons (Messrs.), 1 Langham-chambers, Langham- place, W.— 1583, 1592, 1613 Finch, R. (Mde.), 18 Bath-road, Bedford-park, W.— 1197 Finnemore, L, Elmstone, Northwood, Middlesex — 141 8 Fischer, E. PL, The Studio, 13 Pembridge-crescent, W. — 834 Fisher, G. P., Tooronga, Alexandra-road, Parkstone, Dorset— 752 Fisher, PL, Butt's-lodge, Brentford— 314, 372, 860 Fisher, L. M. (Miss), 272 Wightman-road, Hornsey, N. — 1398 Fisher, M., Hatfield-heath, Harlow, Essex — 63, 115 Fisher, S. M., 12 Orme-square, W. — 476 Fisher, V., Overponds, Shackleford, Godalming — 368 Fitton, H., Stile-house, Haslemere, Surrey — 1350 Fletcher, A. G. (Mrs. E. J. Houle), Rossinieres, Hollycroft-avenue, Hampstead, N.W. — 1179 Fletcher, H., 22 Causton-road, Highgate, N. — 1357 Fletcher, H. M. (Miss), Marlingford Hall, near Norwich — 11 72 Fletcher, B., and Son (Messrs.), 29 New Bridge-street, Ludgate-circus, E.C.— 1564 J(|fc„, Fleuss, O., 14 Hand-court, High Holborn, W.C.— 1528 Flint, W. R., 62 Eyot-gardens, St. Peter's-square, Hammersmith, W. — 1119 Forbes, P. L., Grove-house, 16 Rosslyn-hill, Hampstead, N.W.— 1070 Forbes, R. H. (Miss), 9 Campden-mansions, The Mall, Kensington, W. — 1221 Forbes and Tate (Messrs.), 38 Great James-street, Bedford-row, W.C.— Ford, W. O., 55 Clifton-hill, N.W.— 5S0 Formilli, C. (Chevalier), 6 Wentworth Studios, Manresa-road, Chelsea, S.W.— 918 Forsyth, L D., 51 Broadhurst-gardens, X.W.— 1532 Forsyth, W. A., and Maule, H. P. G. (Messrs.), 16 Great Marlborough- street, W. — 161 1 Fortescue, W. B., Trelyon-cottage, St. Ives, Cornwall — 527 Fox, C. T., The Den, Norton, Herts— 216, SS5 Fox, E.'P., c/o A. L. Vernon, Esq., 10 Abbey-road, N.W. —351, 5I4> 541 Fox, H. C, Oakleigh, Fassett-road, Kingston-on-Thames— 970 Fox, S., 55 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W.— 699 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 131 Francis, G. C, Studio, 13 Robert-street, Hampstead-road, N.W. — 702 Fraser, J., Studios, 21 Camden-road, N.W. — 175 Frere, A. H. (Miss), 45 Unthank-road, Norwich — 723 Frere, E. C, 29B Lincoln's-inn-fields, W.C. — 1579, 1580 Freyburg, F. P., Piazza Studios, St. Ives, Cornwall — 570 Friedenson, A., Runswick, Hinderwell, Yorks — 28, 352 Frith, W. S., Elgin Studio, Trafalgar-square, Chelsea, S.W. — 1842 Furniss, M. (Miss), West-hill, Epsom — 31 Furse, J. II. M., Xettenhampton-house, Salisbury — 1690, 1770 GILBERT, A., M.V.O., R.A., Bruges, Belgium— 1732 GOW, A. C., R.A., 30 Grove-end-road, N.W. — 219, 675, 1094 GRAHAM, P., R.A., 93 Ladbroke-road, Xotting-hill, W.— 226, 302 GREGORY, E. J., R.A., 8 Greville-place, Maida-vale, X.W.— 212 Gai'ffe, A. P. (Mrs.), 16 Avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris — 1150, 1158 Galer, E. C. H. (Miss), no Croxted-road, Dulwich, S.E. — 1320 Gamlen, M. F. (Miss), Xew-place, Welwyn, Herts — 1126 Garbe, R., Studio, 4 Xorth-villas, Camden-square, N.W. — 167G Gardner, S. V., Woburn-cottage, St. Albans — 277 Garside, O., I White Hart-lane, Barnes, S.W. — 903, 1014 Garstin, X., 4 Wellington-terrace, Penzance — 334 Garvie, T. B., Rothbury, Xorthumberland — 214 Gaskell, P., 35 Acacia-road, St. John's-wood, N'.W. — 389, 920 Gatter, F., Stamford-bridge Studios, Fulham-road, S.W. — 1769 Gelder, W. B., Huntock-house, Brighouse, Yorks — 323 Gell, A. F. (Mrs.), 9 Museum-mansions, Great Russell-street, W.C. — 1773 George, H., Down End, Hindhead — 853 George and Yeates (Messrs.), 18 Maddox-street, W. — 1462 Gervex, H., 12 Rue Roussel, Paris — 579 Gibbs, E., n Montpelier-road, Kentish-town, X.W. — 1624 Gibbs, H., The Hollies, Handcross, Crawley, Sussex — 612, 747 Gibbs, P. W., 59 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W. — 329 Gibbs, W. J., 2 Cherson-terrace, Wood-green, X. — 718 Gibson, B. (Miss), Chez Mme. Bouval, 27 Avenue-du-Maine, Paris —1289 841 F 2 132 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Gilbert, A., 182 Brompton-road, S.W. — 1071 Gilchrist, H. H., Hollingbourne, Kent — 480, 606, 787 Gill, L. M., 16 Old-buildings, Lincoln's-inn, W.C. — 1563 Ginnett, L., 1 1 Elm-tree-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 567 Gladstone, G. E. (Mrs.), Passmore Edwards Settlement, W.C. — 42 Glehn, W. G. von, 73 Cheyne-walk, Chelsea, S.W. — 345, 547 Godman, J. H. (Mrs.), 44 Hosack-road, Upper Tooting, S.W. — 1280 Goetze, L., 86 Carlton-hill, N.W.— 1358 Goetze, S., Studio, 6a Abercorn-place, N.W. —779, 893 Goldthwait, H., 5 Queen's-road, South Norwood, S.E. — 646 Goodchild, F. A. (Miss), Elmwood-lodge, Long-lane, Finchley, N. — 1 194 Goodwin, A., Ellerslie, Bexhill, Sussex — 90, 144, 715 Goodwin, E. M. (Miss), Ellerslie-lane, Eexhill — n 56, 1168 Goodwin, H. M. (Miss), 243 Boulevard Raspail, Paris — 1131 Gorham, E. (Miss), Merrymount, Bushey, Herts — 11 78 Gotch, T. C, 28 Finchley-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 520 Gotto, B., 41 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W. — 1748, 1835 Gottschalk, B. (Miss), 3 Clifton-hill Studios, Clifton-hill, N.W. — 1238 Gough, A. J., Mill-lane-cottage, West Hampstead, N.W. — 1362. 1424. 1416 Gould, A. C, 3 Endsleigh-street, W.C— 203 Goulden, R. R., 54 Lamont-road, Chelsea, S.W. — 1760, 1768, 1826 Gow, M. (Miss), 36 Grove-end-road, N.W. — 967, ion Grant, A. (Miss), Studios, 151 Gloucester-road, S.W. — 786 Grant, S. W., 63 Finsbury-pavement, E.C. — 1468 Gray, M. E. (Miss), 46 Elgin-crescent, Notting-hill, W. — 599 Green, D., 30 Fairfax-road, South Hampstead, N.W. — 950 Greenaway, F. H., and Newberry, J. E. (Messrs.), 21 Queen Anne's- gate, S.W.— 1558, 1643 Greenwood, M. L. (Miss), I Friar's-terrace, York — 1247 Gribble, B. F., 3 St. John's-wood Studios, Queen's-terrace, N.W. — 20, 53 Grier, L., The Foc'sle, St. Ives, Cornwall — 190 Grimshaw, W. M., 109 Cromwell-road, S.W. — 426 Groll, J. F., 17 West-gardens, Tooting, S.W. — 1495 Groome, W. H. C, 78 Coldershaw-road, Ealing, W. — 1001 Groome, A. R., and Bettington, E. J. (Messrs.), Palace-chambers, Hereford — 1622 Groves, R. E., 36 Hatfield-road, St. Albans — 1031 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 133 Grubbe, L., Southwold, Suffolk — 805 Gulland, E. (Miss), 5 High-street, Bushey, Herts — 1215, 1241 Gunston, A. J., 20 Stile-hall-gardens, Chiswick, W. — 1075 Gwennet, W. G., 196 The Grove, Hammersmith, W. — 1084 H HERKOMER, H. von, C.V.O., R.A., Lululaund, Bushey, Herts— 51, 86, 169, 483, 761, 936 HACKER, A., A., 178 Cromwell-road, S.W.— 340, 347, 387, 414, 888 HEMY, C. N.j A., Churchfield, Falmouth — 106, 236, 328, 332, 960, 1039 HENRY, G., A., 26 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W. — 366, 530, 777, 793 Haddon, T., 8 Penywern-road, Earl's-court, S.W. — 564 Hadenfeldt, G. (Miss), I Dollis-hill-lane, Neasden, N.W.— 1381 Hagarty, M. S. (Miss), 26 Christchurch-road, Streatham-hill, S.W. — 996 Hagarty, P., 16 The Parade, Cardiff— 1002 Hague, A., Deganwy, Llandudno — 839 Haines, R. T., 12 Beaumont-street, Oxford — 1 102, 1 1 10 Haite, G. C, 38 The Avenue, Bedford-park, W.— 647 Hale, E. M., Shackleford, Godalming — 134 Haley, M. (Miss), 172 Lloyd-street, Moss-side, Manchester — 1212 Halfnight, R., 22 Blackett-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne — 310 Halford, C. (Miss), 2 Lansdowne-house, Lansdowne-road, Holland-park, W.-474 Halhed, H. (Miss), 239 King's-road, Chelsea, S.W. —635 Hall, F., 7 St. Paul's Studios, West Kensington, S.W. —146, 229 Hall, E. T., and Brooke, J. (Messrs), 54 Bedford-square, W.C. — 1554 Halnon, F. J., 30 Undercfiff-road, Lewisham, S.E. — 1795 Hamilton, I., 4 Scarsdale Studios, Kensington, W. — 1 182 Hamilton, V. M., 4 Sheffield-terrace, Kensington, W. — 482 Hammick, J., 34 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells — 1429, 1450 Hammond, A. H., c/o Mr. J. B. Smith, 117 Hampstead-road, N.W. -363 Hammond, G. D. (Miss), 2 St. Paul's Studios, West Kensington, Vv . —913, 1402 Hammond, R. G., 16 Essex-street, Strand, W.C. — 1519 Hammond, T. W., 214 Derby-road, Nottingham — 915 Hampton, H., 16 Maida-vale, W. — 1684, 1726 134 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Hands, L. (Miss), 57 Portsdown-road, Maida-vale, W. — 1097 Hankey, M. L. (Mrs. W. L.), Studio C, 404 Fulham-road, S.W.— 1 147, 1 148, 1 149 Hankey, W. L., Studio C, 404 Fulham-road, S.W. — 603 Harcourt, G., Hospitalfield, Arbroath — 519 Harding, M., IB Greville-place, N.W. — 1708 Hardwick, J. J., The Hollies, Thames Ditton — 1093, 1124 Hardy, D., Queen's-hotel, Leicester-square, W.C. — 995 Hardy, H., 6 Finchley -place, St. John's-wood, N.W. — III Hardy, N. (Miss), Bank-house, I Marylebone-road, W. — 1307 Hare, H. T., 13 Hart-street, Bloomsbury, W.C. — 1521, 1658 Hare, St. G., 10 Netherton-grove, Fulham-road, S.W. — 711 Harke, E. (Miss), 113 Church-road, Upper Norwood, S.E. — 154 Harley, H. E., 8 Monmouth-road, Bayswater, W. — 680, 717 Harris-Brown, H., 15 The Avenue, Fulham-road, S.W. — 509, 764 Harris, C. C, 3 Cavendish-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 1076 Harris, M. (Miss), Goddington, Corona-road, Burnt-ash-hill, Lee, S.E. —980, 988 Harrison, G. E., St. Aubyns, Lingfield-road, East Grinstead — 1237 Harrison, O. O., 22 Baker-street, W. — 1634 Harrison, T. E., 1 1 Greville-place, Maida-vale, N.W. — 565 Hartley, A., 4 Bellair-terrace, St. Ives, Cornwall — 864, 1373 Hartley, N. (Mrs.), 4 Bellair-terrace, St. Ives, Cornwall — 741 Hartwell, C. L., 26 Marney-road, Clapham-common, S.W. — 1772, 1822, 1823 Harvey, H., 5 Trewartha-terrace, Penzance, Cornwall — 740 Haseltine, H., c/o C. Roberson & Co., 154 Piccadilly, W. — 1757, 1803 Hatchard, O. B., Khartoum, Sudan — 1479 Haughton, B., Marchwood-cottage, Ottery St. Mary — 657, 729 Havers, V., 26 King Edward's-gardens, Acton-hill, W. — 56 Haviland, F., 5 Addison Studios, Kensington, W. — 1 252 Hay, P. A., 24 Yeoman's-road, Brompton-road, S.W. — 962, 969 Hayes, C, 8 Quarry-street, Guildford, Surrey — 292 Hayes, C. (Miss), 19 Heaton-road, Mitcham, Surrey — 700 Hayes, E. D. (Miss), 4 Yeoman's-row, Brompton-road, S.W. — 631 Hayes, G. (Mrs. A. K. Morgan), 29 The Grove, Crofton-park, S.E. —1335 II ay ward, A., Carlyle Studios, Carlyle-square, Chelsea, S.W. — 67 Hayward, A. F. W., c/o H. W. Taylor and Co., 61 Queen's-road, Bayswater, W. — 625 Heath, D., Pembroke-lodge, Winchmore-hill, N. — S08, 1195 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 135 Heath, F., Trewarveneth, Paul, Penzance — 313 Heath, L., 40 Xorland-square, Holland-park, W. — 1 139, 1140 Hedley, R., 11 New Bridge-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne — 838 Hellier, G. S. (Mrs.), Thornedene, Holmesdale-road, Bromley, Kent —1323 Helsby, A., 9 Rue Campagne Premiere, Paris — 746 Henderson, K., 18 Kensington-gardens-square, W. — 440 Henry, J., 10 Warwick-place, Maida-hill, W. — 355, 421, 537 Herbert, G. (Miss), 141 Church-street, Chelsea, S.W. — 1711 Herkomer, H. G., 6 William-street, Lowndes-square, S.W. — 41 Hertford, S. I., 35 Xightingale-road, Harlesden, X.W. — 1082 Hewitt, D., Elmbank, Rainford-road, St. Helens — 139, 396 Hewitt, H. G., Old-manor, St. Owen-street, Hereford — 1033 Heydemann, W., 123 Brondesbury-villas, X.W. — 1180 Heynemann, J. H. (Miss), 28 Tite-street, Chelsea, S.W. — 101 Higgins, E. (Miss), Merry-mount, Bushey, Herts — 849 Higgins, R. E., Marlborough Studios, I2A Finchley-road, X.W. — 531 Hildesley, P. T., 66 Hillier-road, Wandsworth-common, S.W. — 1604, 1607 Hill, A. (Miss), 8 Dean's-yard, S.W.— 1095 Hindley, H. (Miss), 1 Bath-road, Bedford-park, W. — 443 Hirst, X., The Meadows, Langport, Somerset — 1361, 145 1 Hitch, F. B., 2 Justice Studios, Justice-walk, Chelsea, S.W. — 1743, 1759 Hoare, D. (Miss), Bigdale, Bicester, Oxon — 624 Hockey, S. F. (Miss), 6ia Tooting Bee-road, S.W. — 1301, 1315 Flockin, O. (Miss), Burghfield-common, Berks — 926 Hodge, A. H., 50 Bedford-gardens, Kensington, W. — 1685, 1686, 1729 Hogg, E. B. (Mrs.), 3 Victoria-mount, Revidge, Blackburn — 1183, 1205 Hoggatt, W., Glendown-house, Port St. Mary, Isle-of-Man — 919 Holden, E. B. (Miss), Kineton-road, Olton, near Birmingham— 391 Holliday, J. (Miss), Thurlby, Harrow — 1390 Hollingsworth, R. (Miss), 2 Belsize-grove, X.W.— 855 Holyoake, R., 54 Blomfield-road, Maida-vale, W. — 305 Hood, G. P. J., 26 Tite-street, Chelsea, S.W.— 46, 62 Horn, M. F. (Miss), 9 Talland-road, St. Ives, Cornwall— 11S Hornel, E. A., Broughton-house, Kircudbright, X.B. — 836 Horseman, W. G., 27A Sackville-street, Piccadilly, W. — 1621 Horsfall, J., Todmorden — 1615 Horsford, O. (Miss), 10 Hilgrove-road, South Ilampstead, X.W. — 1261, 1313 136 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Horsley, G. C, 2 Gray's-inn-square, W.C. — 1476, 1617 Horsley, W. C., I High-row, Kensington, W. — 698 Horwitz, E., 45 Roland-gardens, South Kensington, S.W. — 1138 Horwitz, H. (Miss), 13 Grazebrook-road, Clissold-park, N. — 1 164 Howell, A. M. (Miss), The Cottage, Edensor-road, Eastbourne — 1220 Hubbard and Moore (Messrs.), 112 Fenchurch-street, E.C. — 1636 Hudson, C. W. S., Museum Studio, Cole-park, Twickenham — 1765 Hughes, M. K. (Miss), The White Studio, 22A Pembridge-villas, W. — 1336, 1371 Huhn, M. (Miss), 35 Ovington-street, Chelsea, S.W. — 1253 Humphris, W. H., 48 Priory-road, Abbey-road, N.W. — 1042 Hunt, E. A., c/o H. Coop, Conway, North Wales — 282 Hunt, G. L., II Aubrey-road, Campden-hill, W. — 856 Hunter, J. Y., Gifford's-hall, Wickhambrook, Suffolk — 233, 1015 Hunter, M. E. (Miss), Wath Rectory, Melmerby, Yorks— 732 Hurst, H., 24 South Audley-street, Grosvenor-square, W. — 276, 485 Hutchinson, C. B., 20 Queen-street, Deal, Kent — 1595 Hutchinson, G. K. (Miss), 105 Belgrave-road, S.W. — 1 160, 1 161 Hutchison, G., 14 Craighall-terrace, Musselburgh, N.B. — 627 Hyett, J. E., 16 Clarence-square, Cheltenham — 1741 I Illingworth, A. S. (Miss), 132 Cheyne-walk, Chelsea, S.W. — 1337, 1410 Ingle, L. (Miss), 25 Kensington-gate, W. — 1188, 1273 Ingram, W. A., Tregurrian, Falmouth — 58, 388 Inskip, J. H., 19 The Esplanade, Scarborough — 581, 689 J JACKSON, T. G., R.A., 14 Buckingham-street, Strand, W.C.—1461, I55i, 1553, 1556, 1557 JOHN, W. G., A., 24 Greville-road, St. John's-wood, N.W.— 1692, 1733, 1734, i75o, 1798, 181 5 Tack, R., 2 Earl's-court-square, S.W. — 356, 516 Jackson, F. E., 62 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W.— 528 Jackson, F. H., The Fair-haven, Melrose-road, Wandsworth, S.W. —684 Jackson, F. W., Ivy-cottage, Hinderwell, R.S.O., Yorkshire — 552, 899 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 137 Jackson, G. G., II Campden-house-mews, Campden-house-road, W. —840 Jacob, O., 35 Cleveland-road, South Woodford, Essex — 1046 Jahn, F., 51 Meadow-bank-avenue, Nether Edge, Sheffield — 1739, 1752 James, L. G. (Hon. Mrs. W.), 1 Courtfield-road, S.W.— 617 James, W. (Hon.), 1 Courtfield-road, S.W. — 442, 799 Jameson, M., 88 St. George 's-square, S.W. — 478, 533, 601 jarvis, H. C, 37 Hazelbank-road, Catford, S.E. — 1054 Jay, C. (Miss), c/o W. J. Payne, Esq., 22 Budge-row, E.C. — 117 Jay, F. (Miss), 2 Geneva-terrace, Peterborough — 615 Jenkins, B. (Miss), 117 Abbey-road, St. John's- wood, N.W. — 800 Jenkins, F. L., 23 Pembroke-road, W. — 1746 Jennings, L., Studio, 1 Elm-park-road, Chelsea, S.W. — 1771, 1801 Jewitt, C. W., 3 Brecknock Studios, N. — 1707 Jewitt, W. H., 4 Torriano-cottages, Camden-road, N.W. — 1548 Johnson, B. J. (Miss), The Homestead, Hornsey-lane, N. — 1135 Johnson, C. E., 33 Sheen-road, Richmond, Surrey — 858 Johnson, M. (Miss), 6 Greville-road, N.W. — 1290 Johnson, S. (Mrs.), 59 Adelaide-road, Brockley, S.E. — 952 Johnson, T., 7 Balmoral-road, Willesden-green, N.W. — 1566, 1656 Johnston, J. N., 21 Princes-street, Yeovil — 1497 Jolley, G., 72 Wells-street, Oxford-street, W. — 80 Jones, E. T., 11 Morphet-grove, Claypit-lane, Leeds — 382 Jones, M. B. (Mrs. Puleston), 93 Palewell-park, East Sheen — 1251 Jones, M. R., Huntock-house, Brighouse, Yorks — 249 Jones, R., 40 Spring-street, Hyde-park, W. — 1021 Jones, S. R., 33 Newhall-street, Birmingham — 1432 Jones, T. J., Wedgwood Institute, Burslem, Staffs. — 935 Jopling, L. (Mrs.), 7 Pembroke-gardens, Kensington, W.— 6 Joseph, A. E. H. (Miss), Zennor, near St. Ives, Cornwall — 393 Joseph, D., 73 Basinghall-street, E.C. — 1507 Jowett, P. H., 21 Clarendon-gardens, Maida-vale, W. — 456 Joy, G. W.j The Red-lodge, 51 Palace-court, Paddington, W.~ 77 K Kay, E., 9 Richmond-road, Cambridge — 618 Keighly, M. (Miss), 7 Skardon-place, Plymouth — Il8l Keith, W., 6 Denmark-street, W.C.— 1484 Keller, J., 534 Sauchiehall-street, Glasgow— 1 675 13S. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Kemp-Welch, E. (Miss), Kingsley, Bushey, Herts — 459. Kemp- Welch, L. (Miss), Kingsley, Bushey, Herts — 336, 371 Kemplen, A. R., Hotel Vallier, Levallais, Perrel, Paris — 408 Kendall, E. M. L. (Miss), 130 Lennard-road, Beckenham — 459, 1224, 1276 Kendrick, S. P., Fulthorpe Studios, 3c Warwick-avenue, Maida-hill, W.-895 Kennington, T. B., 8 Netherton-grove, Fulham-road, S.W. — 775, 875 Kerridge, H. K., Artist-club, Liverpool — 958 Kershaw, M. E. (Miss), 7 Westcliffe-road, Birkdale, near Southport — .1438 Kilburne, G., Winburne, Ashurst, Kent — 428 Kilburne, G. G., 39 Steele's-road, Haverstock-hill, N.W. — 463, 1123 Kimball, K. (Miss), c/o B. Shipley and Co., 123 Pall-mall, S.W. — 1370 Kindon, M. E. (Miss), St. George, Chalk-hill, Watford, Herts — 879 King, E , Southcote, Balmoral-road, Parkstone, Dorset — 15, 83, 497 King, Y., 103 Finchley-road, N.W. — 400, 4S6 Kite, J. M., 17 Rue Campagne Premiere, Paris — 267, 778 Kitsell, T. R., 17 George-street, Plymouth — 1505, 1623 Klang, M., 299 Goswell-road, E.C. — 41.9 Knight, A. B., c/o Messrs. Staples, 208 West-end-lane, West Hamp- stead, N.W. —367 Knight, C, Stanton-on-the-Wolds, Nottinghamshire — 125 Knight, H. Staithes, R.S.O., Yorks— 867, 1025 Knight, J., Bryn Glas, near Conway, North Wales — 1375, 1448 Knight, J. B., 57 Bedford-gardens, Kensington, W. — 19, 40, 525 Knight, I. (Mrs. H.), Staithes, R.S.O., Yorkshire— 33, 1038 Knowles, G. S., 5 Park-hill Studios, Park-hill-road, N.W. — 900, 921 Koe, L., 3 Pembroke Studios, Pembroke-gardens, W. — 192, 217, 395 Kortrighl, G., St. Ives, Cornwall — 293, 566 LEADER, B. W., R.A., Burrows-cross, Gomshall, Guildford— 52, 157, 182, 652 LESLIE, G. D., R.A., Compton-house, Lindfield, Haywards-heath — 142, 177 LUCAS, J. Seymour, R.A., New-place, Y\ oodchurch-road, West Hampstead, N.W.— 123, 1339, 1374, 1395, 1397, 1401 LA THANGUE, H. H., A. t Grafi'ham, Petworth— 156, 168,378,432 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 139 Laidman, I. F. (Miss), Branksome, Milford, Surrey — 1142 Lake, M. H. (Miss), Alaska, Sutton, Surrey — 1305 Lambert, E. J., 4 Wildwood-terrace, Hampstead, N.W. — 16 10 Lambert, G. W., 2 Rossetti Studios, Chelsea, S.W. — 171 Lanchester and Rickards (Messrs.), 47 Bedford-square, W.C. — 1522 Langley, W., Westbourne, Alexandra-road, Penzance — 290 Lanteri, E., Royal College of Art, South Kensington, S.W. — r 7 1 7, 1745, 1S08 La Primaudaye, I. (Miss), 4 Onslow-houses, S.W. — 679 Latham, A. G., Victoria-buildings, 5.4. Temple-row, Birmingham — 1655 Lawless, F. P. (Mrs.), 32 Parliament-hill, N.W.— 1193 Lawrence, M., I St. Leonards Studios, Chelsea, S.W. — 1677 Lawrenson, E. L., Rowsley, Holland-park-road, W. — 1346, 1359 Leader, B. E., Burrows-cross, Gomshall, Guildford — 48, 13S Ledger, M. M. (Miss), 20 Park-hill-road, Hampstead, N.W. — 1171, 1229 Lee, J. T., 26 Great James-street, W.C— 1482 Leese, G. (Miss), 9 Moss-hall-crescent, North Finchley, N. — 114 Leeson, O. (Miss), Collingham-house, Cromwell-road, S.W. — 1284 Legge, A., The Old-lodge, High-road, South Woodford, Essex— 1041, 1117 Leighton, E. B., 14 Priory-road, Bedford-park, W. — 207 Lemon, A., 119 Beaufort-mansions, Chelsea, S.W. — 466 Lenfestey, G. H., 18 Kensington-court-place, Kensington-court, W. — 106 1 Le Rossignol, C. E. (Miss), 14 Vicarage-gate, Kensington, W.— 402 Leslie, A. J., 8 Weymouth-avenue, Ealing, W. — 1710, 1804 Leslie, P., Compton-house, Lindfield, Sussex — 1059, 1066, 1235 Lever, H., Carrack Dhu, St. Ives, Cornwall — 375 Leveson, M. E. (Miss), c/o C. Chenil and Co., 183A King's-road, Chelsea, S.W.— 461 Levick, R. (Mrs. G. Bailey), Leighton-lodge Studio, Edwnrdes-square, Kensington, W. — 1755 Lewin, S., 11 Bath-road, Bedford-park, W. — 697 Ley, B. (Miss), 21 Sheen-road, Richmond, Surrey — 254 Ley, M. (Miss), 7 Oakhill-road, Surbiton — 1200 Liddell, T. H., 5 Warwick Studios, Kensington, W. — 222 Lilley, A. E. V., Municipal School of Arts, Wolverhampton — 1083 Lindhe, I., 65 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W. —972 Lindley, M. (Miss), 134 Blackheath-hill, Greenwich, S.E. — 1190 Lindner, M., 57 Bedford-gardens, Kensington, W. — 195 140 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Lindsay, G. (Miss), Barhy-road, Rugby — 1393 Lindsey, S. A., Limnersland, Southborne, Hants — 1 173 Lingwood, E. T., Westleton, Saxmundham — 202 Lingwood, M. (Mrs.), 9 Rusthall-avenue, Bedford-park, W. — 1282 Linton, J. D. (Sir), 26 New Cavendish-street, W. — 664 Linton, V. (Miss), 31 Coleherne-road, Redcliffe-square, W. — 1099 Lion, F. (Miss), 1 Woronzow Studios, 25 Woronzow-road, St. John's- wood, N.W. — 791 Lisle, J. W., 26 Highview-road, West Ealing, W. — 1504 Little, N., 12 The Boltons Studios, South Kensington, S.W.— 1048 Llewellyn, W., 46 Bedford-gardens, Campden-hill, W.— 868, 887 Lloyd, T., Yew Tree-house, Yapton, Sussex — 944, 1030 Lodge, C. O., 9 Gatestone-road, Upper Norwood, S.E. — 1453 Logsdail, W., 5 St. Paul's Studios, Talgarth-road, W. — 105, 524, 605 Lomax, J. A., 17 Marlborough-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 623, 662, 753 Longhurst, J., 10 Onslow Studios, 183 King's-road, Chelsea, S.W. — 663, 671 Longstaff, J., ia Carlton-hill, N.W.— 489 Lorimer, J. H., 4 Drummond-place, Edinburgh — 308, 843 Loudan, M., 48 Circus-road, N.W. — 561, 588 Lovegrove, M. A. (Miss), 18 Foxgrove-road, Beckenham, Kent — 423 Lovell, R. J., 46 Queen Victoria-street, E.C. — 1608 Lowenthal, B. (Miss), Eccleston Studios, 49 High-street, Eccleston- square, S.W. — 961 Lucas, G., 16 Hart-street, W.C., and Hitchin, Herts — 1612 Lucas, M. E. S. (Miss), New-place, Woodchurch-road, West Hampstead, N.W.— 1250 Lucas, M. L. (Miss), 28 Tite-street, Chelsea, S.W. — 59 Lucas, M. S. (Mrs. J. S.), New-place, Woodchurch-road, West Hamp- stead, N.W. — 295, 640 Lucchesi, A. C, 2 Camden Studios, Camden-street, N.W. — 1670 Lund, N. M., 169 Adelaide-road, N.W. — 324 Lunt, W., Dene-cottage, Boreham-wood, Elstree, Herts — 1421 Luxmoore, M. E. (Miss), 57 Bedford-gardens, Campden-hill, W. — 619, 12G0 Lybaert, T., Place Saint Michel 8, Ghent, Belgium— 735 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 141 M MACBETH, R. W., R.A., 193 Portsdown-road, Maida-vale, W.— 225, 706, 1338, 1345, 1366, 1388 MACWHIRTER, J., R.A., 1 Abbey-road, St. John's-wood, N.W.— 158, 162, 312, 513 MURRAY, D., R.A., I Langham-chambers, Portland-place, W.— 89, 242, 286, 876 Macarthur, L. G., Willersey, Broadway, Worcestershire — 235, 865 Macgregor, J. (Miss), 12 Chalcott-gardens, South Hampstead, N.W, — S, 1050 Mackennal, B., 38 Marlborough-hill, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 1682, 1841, 1844 Mackenzie, R. T., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A. — 1731 Maclean, W., 13 Kensington-gardens-square, W. — 506 Macpherson, D., 17 Firs-avenue, Muswell-hill, N. — 1394 Maddox, R. W., 22 King Henry's-road, N.W. —322 Maimon, M., 115 Malvern-road, Kilburn, N.W. — 576, 591 Maitland, A. F. (Captain), Naval and Military Club, W. — 707 Mallows, C. E., 28 Conduit-street, Hanover-square, W. — 1620, 1625 Mallows, C. E., and Cross, A. W. S. (Messrs.), 28 Conduit-street, Hanover-square, W. — 1644 Mann, A., 53 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W. — 682 Mann, D. (Miss), 14 Montpelier-street, Brompton-road, S.W. — 1263 Mann, H., 6 Melina-place, N.W. — 435 Mansell, M. (Miss), 5 Fernshaw-road, Fulham-road, S.W. — 147 Mansell, Mansell, and Dixon (Messrs.), 47 Temple-row, Birmingham —1650 March, S., 64 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W. — 1667, 1793 March, V., 64 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W.— 1825 Marks, A. (Miss), 10 Matheson-road, West Kensington, W. — 1295 Marriott, F., 6 Netherton-grove, Chelsea, S.W. —259, 1701 Marshall, H., 83 Philbeach-gardens, S.W. —945, 992 Marson, T. E., Crick, near Rugby — 654 Martin, A. C, 11 Hart-street, Bloomsbury, W.C. — 1594 Martin, A. R., 38 Clonmore-street, Southfields, S.W.— 1S27 Mason, E. M. (Mrs. T. E. W. Hinckley), 15 Fawcett-street, Redclifle- gardens, S.W. — 1312 Mason, G. H. (Miss), 16 Neville-court, Grove-end-road, N.W. — 1799 142 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Maundrell, C, 5 Prince of Wales'-mansions, Battersea-park, S.W. — 955 Mavrogordato, A. J., 141 "Warwick-street, Eccleston-square, S.W. — 921, 1096 Mawson, T. H., 28 Conduit-street, Hanover-square, W. — 1569, 1645 May, A. D., 9 St. Paul's Studios, West Kensington, W. — 92, 583 May, E. J., 21 Hart-street, Bloomsbury-square, W.C. — 1546 Mayer, F. K. (Miss), Belgrano, Strawberry-vale, Twickenham — 1223 Mayo, F. H., 32 Kilton-street, Battersea-park, S.W. — 1531 McCulloch, M. M. (Miss), 11 Seaford-street, Kilmarnock — 616 McDougal, J-, Cemaes Bay, Anglesea — 956 McFadden, R., 16 Avenue-road, Southampton — 914 McGill, D., 1 Scarsdale-villas, Kensington, W. — 1672 McGowan, W. J., 30 Barclay-road, Fulham, S.W. — 1174, 1286 McGregor, R., 62 Hanover-street, Edinburgh — 683 McLaren, C. G. (Miss), 34 Queen-street, Edinburgh — 1210 Mecredy, S., Suffolk-house, Cumberland-road, Headingley, Leeds — 160 Merrett, W., 20 Mornington-road, Regent's-park, N.W. — 1678 Meteyard, S. H., Hill Side, Green-hill-road, Moseley, Birmingham — 511,993 Meyer, J. (Miss), 3 Freeland-road, Ealing, Middlesex — 889 Meyerheim, R., Lindeneck, Wimblehurst-road, Horsham, Sussex — 1018 Michael, A. C, 37 Bath-road, Bedford-park, W. — 1349, 1396 Michael, F. H., 67A Earl's-court-road, Kensington, W. — 1 125 Michie, J. C, 9 Primrose-hill Studios, Fitzroy-road, X.W. — 544, 653, 705 Midgley, A., 46 Leicestershire-street, Hunslet, Leeds, Yorks — 75 Milbanke, M., 57 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W. — 32 Millard, E. (Mrs. O'Keefe), 12 Charleville-road, Rathmines, Dublin — 1187 Millard, J., 29 Egerton-road, Withington, Manchester — 1724 Milman, S. F. (Miss), 22 The Grove, Boltons, S.W.— 854 Milne, A. N. (Miss), 316 Camden-road, N. — 82 Milne, J. (Miss), Studio, 72 Pembroke-walk, Kensington, W. — 1S12 Milner, F., Zareba, St. Ives, Cornwall — 239 Mitchell, A., 17 Hanover-square, W. — 1609, 1654 Mitchell, A. C, 12 Margravine-gardens, Kensington, W. — 870 Mitchell, C. G., 104 West George-street, Glasgow — 2, 634 Moira, G., Royal College of Art, South Kensington, S.W. — 587 Montalba, H. (Miss), Palazzo Trevisan, Venice — 745 I9Q7-] THE EXHIBITORS. 143 Montford, P. R., Anhalt Studio, Albert-bridge, S.W.— 16S3, 1709 Moodv, F. (Mrs. G. King), iS Norfolk-mansions, Battersea-park, S.W.— 1326 Moore, A. H., Clydesdale, Clyde-road, Wallington, Surrey — 110S Moore, T., 46 Well-walk, Hampstead, N.W. — 1491, 1537, 1603 Morgan, A., 30 Palewell-park, East Sheen, S.W. — 736 Morgan, E. (Miss), 23S Boulevard Raphael, Paris — 1233, 1271 Morgan, O. (Miss), 11 More's-garden, Cheyne-walk, S.W. — 126S Morley, H., Branting-hill, Groby, Leicestershire — 1058 Morley, I. (Mrs.), 5 Lyndhurst-road, Hampstead, N.W. — 666 Morley, T. W., 77 Pope-road, Bromley, Kent — 690 Morris, E. E. (Miss), 8 West Hoe-terrace, Plymouth — 1310 Morris, G., The Studio, Wareham, Dorset — 152, 678 Morris, M. G. (Miss), 56 Fitzgeorge-avenue, Kensington, W. — 1206 Morrison, R. E., Liverpool and London Chambers, Exchange, Liver- pool— 453 Morton, J. H., 25 Newman-street, W. — 1576 Moser, O., 2 St. John's-wood Studios. N.W. — 2S7, 3S4 Mostyn, I. (Miss), Hereford-house, Randolph-gardens, Maida-vaic, W. —1325 Mostyn, T., 5 Melina-place, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 833 Mountford, E. W., Norwich-house, Southampton-street, Bloomsbury, W.C-1534 Mountford, E. W., and Greening, E. A. (Messrs.), Norwich-house, Southampton-street, Bloomsbury, W.C. — 1463 Mudie, A., 32 Elm-grove-road, Barnes, Surrey — 1028 Muir, A. M. (Miss), 56 Kyverdale-road, Stamford-hill, N. — 1266 Muir, T., 20 Montague-road, Wimbledon, S.W. — 1490 Muirhead, D., 132 Cheyne-walk, Chelsea, S.W. — 469 Munnings, A. J., Church-farm, Swainsthorpe, Norwich — 436, 569, 597 Murray, A. H. H., 49 Montagu-square, Y\ . — 1091 Murray, C. O., 41 The Grove, Hammersmith, W. — 1419, 1439, 1452 N NORTH, J. W., A., Washford, Taunton— 64 Nathan, E. (Mrs.), 19 Egerton-gardens, S.W. — 180 Neale, G. H., 41 Castle-street, Liverpool — 246 Nelson, H., 115 Broadheld-road, Catford, S.E.— 1377 144 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Neuwirth, W. L. (Miss), 32 South-parade, Trafalgar-square, Chelsea, S.W.— 1828 Newcombe, A. E., 31 Munster-square, Regent's-park, N.W. — 1334 Newman, A. C. (Mrs.), Dene, Hatch-end, Middlesex — 1213 Newman, F. (Miss), 162 Goldhurst-terrace, West Hampstead, N.W. — 1794 Newton, E., 4 Raymond's-buildings, Gray's-inn, W.C. — 1606 Nicol, J. W., Park-cottage, Pelham-street, South Kensington, S.W. —512 Nicolson, W. (Miss), Willow-grove, Marple, Cheshire — 1270 Niven, Wigglesworth, and Falkner (Messrs.), 24 West-street, Farn- ham — 1642 Noar, E. (Miss), Studio, Eccles, Manchester — 1175, 1292 Noel, J. B., Hillcot, West Malvern — 399 Norman, P., 45 Evelyn-gardens, South Kensington, S.W. — 1092 Norris, H. L., Fryern-court, Fordingbridge, Salisbury — 1078, 1089 Nowell, A. T., 47 Hornton-court, High-street, Kensington, W. — 439, 5oo> 555 Nutt, G. J. (Mrs. W. F.), St. James, Singapore — 792 ORCHARDSON, W. Q., R.A., 13 Portland-place, W.— 35, 173 OULESS, W. W., R.A., 12 Bryanston-square, W.— 22, 107, 265, 297, 656 ; Connor, E. B. (Miss), 4 Clarence-parade, Southsea — 1202 Oddy, H. R., Savile-mount, Halifax, Yorks — 977 Oliver, Leeson, and Wood (Messrs.), Milburn-house, Newcastle-on- Tyne— 1466, 1533, 1599 Olivier, H. A., 23 Marlborough-road, N.W. — 383, 390 Olson, A., 15 Queen-square, Southampton-row, W.C. — 1837 Olsson, J., St. Ives, Cornwall — 759, 835 Oppenheimer, J., 152 King's-road, Chelsea, S.W. — 370 Oppenheimer, L. J., 8 Manley-road, Alexandra-park, Manchester — 790 Orchardson, C. M. Q., 54A Park-hill-road, Haverstock-hill, N.W. —72 Orr, P. W., 134 Bath-street, Glasgow— 667 Oslund, E., 67 Queen's-road, Bayswater, W. — 815 Ouless, C. (Miss), 12 Bryanston-square, W. — 98, 306, 848 Owen, W. and S. (Messrs.), Cairo-street-chambers, 'Warrington — 1574 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 145 POYNTER, Sir E. J., Bart., P.R.A., 70 Addison-road, Kensington, W— 39. 129, 906, 937, 1068 PARSONS, A., A., 54 Bedford-gardens, Kensington, W. — 247, 521, 973, 1009, 1017 PEGRAM, H., A., 36 Marlborough-hill, N.W.— 1778, 1802, 1811, 1818 POMEROY, F. W., A., 15 Kensington-square, W. — 1737, 1740, 1834 Padday, C. M., Ichenor, Chichester — 27 Page, E. G., 2 Old Sergeant's-inn, Chancery-lane, E.C. — 1646 Page, E. G., and Halley, J. W. (Messrs.), 2 Old Sergeant's-inn, Chancery-lane, E.C. — 15 13 Paget, H. (Mrs.), 76 Parkhill-road, Hampstead, N.W. — 1275 Paget, S., The Hawthorns, Finchley, N. — 798 Palin, W. M., Studio A, 404 Fulham-road, S.W. — 430 Palmer, C. A., 14A Cheyne-row, S.W. — 1758 Palmer, E. (Mrs.), Groby-place, Altrincham, Cheshire — 1242 Palmer, S., Longcot, Bedford-park, W. — 912, 930 Parker, E. R. (Miss), 79 West Regent-street, Glasgow — 1163 Parker, H., Stamford-bridge Studios, Fulham-road, S.W. — 1770, 1780, 1797. Parkyn, W., Montague-house, Yanbrugh-park, Blackheath, S.E. — 120 Parlby, G., 374 Goldhawk-road, W. — 1459 Parrott, C. M., Ambleside, Penn, Wolverhampton — 1304 Parton, E., 8 Carlton-hill, N.W.— 460, 824 Partridge, B., 149 Church-street, Chelsea, S.W. — 785 Paul, R. W., 3 Arundel-street, Strand, W.C. — 1660 Paul, W. S. and James, R. C. (Messrs.), Eagle Insurance-buildings, Baldwin-street, Bristol— 15S8 Pazolt, A. J., Algonquin, St. Ives, Cornwall — 148 Peachey, M. E. (Miss), Grove-road-chambers, Eastbourne — 762 Peacock, R., ia Holland-park-road, Kensington, W. — 507, 859, 881 Pearson, F. L., 12 Mansfield-street, Portland-place, W. — 1488, 1542, 1544 Pearson and Milburn (Messrs.), 27 Chancery-lane, W.C. — 1502 Peck, O., 35 Tite-street, Chelsea, S.W. — 571 Pedder, J., Eastfield, Furze-platt, Maidenhead — 121, 985 Pegram, A. B., I2A Park-village-west, N.W. — 1715, 176] 146 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Perm, W. C, 22B Avonmore-road, Kensington, W. — 642 Penrose, J. D., 44 Finchley-roacl, N.W. — 562 Pertwee, R., 12 Trafalgar Studio, Manresa-road, S.W. — 551 Perugini, C. E., 32 Victoria-road, Kensington, W. — 534 Peter, R. C, 7 Grosvenor-street, Camberwell, S.E. — 1376 Pettinger, J. F., 2 Studio, The Newarke, Leicester — 630 Phillips, L. B., 134 Sutherland-avenue, W. — 1360 Phoenix, G., Clarendon Studio, Wolverhampton — 873 Pickering, J. L., 8 Ormonde-terrace, Regent's-park, N.W. — 452, 595 Pierce, E. G. (Miss), Chiltern-house, Thornton Heath — 1004 Piggott, M. H. C. (Miss), Hartsholme, Seaford, Sussex — 1299 Pike, S., San Remo, Elmbourne-road, Upper Tooting, S.W. — 18 Pike, W. H., 66 Park-hill-road, Haverstock-hill, N.W.— 11 12 Pilsbury, E. H., Hazel-copse, Godalming — 1055 Pilsbury, H. C, Whittlesea, near Peterborough — 931 Pimm, L. (Mrs. T.), Clarence-house, Broomfield-road, Kew-gardens — 260 Pinker, H. R. Hope-, 22 Avonmore-road, Kensington, W. — 1730 Pirie, G., Challens Yard, Midhurst, Sussex — 76 Pite, B., Royal College of Art, South Kensington, S.W. — 1500 Pite, W. A., 116 Jermyn-street, St. James's, S.W. — 1523 Pittard, C. W., 12 Lebanon-park, Twickenham — 505 Pittman, O., Chalcote, Hoe-Benham, Newbury, Berks — 782, 826 Pitts, M. (Miss), 29 Bolsover-street, W. — 1209 Pocock, L. L., 28 Blomfield-road, Maida-vale, W. — 1008 Pocock, M. H., Mesylls, Chiddingfold, Surrey— 1552, 1589 Pontin, G., 55 Millbrook-road, Southampton — 695 Porter, E. (Miss), 53 Marloes-road, Kensington, W. — 1 130 Portsmouth, P., Studio, Westhall-gardens, Edinburgh — 1753 Pott, C. M. (Miss), 81 Cornwall-gardens, Queen's-gate, S.W. — 1437 Potter, W. H., Cintra-villa, Victoria-road, Maldon, Essex — 1427, 1433 Poulter, H. R. and B. A. (Messrs.), Camberley, Surrey — 1460, 1473 Powell, J., 40 Acacia-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 999 Powell, J., and Sons (Messrs.), Whitefriars, E.C. — 1648 Pownall, M. (Mrs. A. Bromet), Lime-lodge, Pinner-road, Watford — 1766, 1784 Poynter, A. M., 8 Southampton-street, Bloomsbury-square, W.C. — 1332, 1457 Traga, A., The Grey-house, Hornton-street, Kensington, W. — 1152 Prentice, A. N., Hastings-house, Norfolk-street, Strand, W.C. — 1630, 1633 i9<>7-] THE EXHIBITORS. 147 Price, J. M., 22 Golden-square, W. — 795 Priest, A., Onslow Studios, 1S3 King's-road, Chelsea, S.W.— 594 Priestman, A., 3 Walmer-villas, Bradford — 228, 639 Priestman, B., 13 Edwardes-square, W. — 441, 774 Pring, E. M. (Mrs.), 43 Croftdown-road, Highgate-road, N.W. — 728 Proctor, A. E., Heathend, Albury, near Guildford — 50, 693, 714 Proctor, T. (Miss), 27 Oakley-crescent, Chelsea, S.W.— 1383 Pyne, E. (Mrs. A. Warden), 21 Leslie-road, East Finchley, X.— 11 53 Q Quinn, J., 2 Clifton-hill Studios, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 65 Quinton, A. R., 20 Fortis-green-road, East Finchley, N. — 925, 1019 RICHMOND, Sir W. B., K.C.B., R.A., Beavor-lodge, Beavor-lane, Hammersmith, W. — 150, 213, 335, 1449 RIVIERE, B., R.A., Flaxley, 82 Finchley-road, N.W.— 137, 252, 3i8 Rackham, E. S. (Mrs.), 16 Chalcot-gardens, South Hampstead, N.W. -—814 Rae, H. (Miss) (Mrs. E. Normand), 4 Foxhill-gardens, Upper Norwood, S.E.— 810. Ramsden, T., 33 New Briggate, Leeds — ^\<\ Randall, R. J., 17 Raynham-road, Hertford, Herts — 1057 Ranken, W. B. E., 4 Cheltenham-terrace, Chelsea, S.W. — 535 Raphael, M. F. (Mrs.), 2 Hanover-terrace, Regents-park, N.W. — 510, 794, 806 Reavell, G., jun., Alnwick, Northumberland — 1590 Redfern, R., Hest Bank, Lancaster — 1007 Redworth, W., 80 Albert-street, Slough, Bucks — 350 Reed, L. (Miss), 2 Stanley Studios, Park-walk, Chelsea, S.W.— 1838 Reid, F. M. (Miss), 62 Park-hill-road, Hampstead, N.W.— 303, 458, 713 Reid, G. O., 54 Shadwick-place, Edinburgh — 45, 844 Reid, J. R., 62 Park-hill-road, Hampstead, N.W. —589, 593 Reid, S., Oak-villa, Chorley Wood, Herts — 668 Reilly, C. H., The University, Liverpool — 1568 Renard, E., 12 Chalsey-road, Brockley, S.E. — 1074 Renton, J. D., Clare-house, Tiverton, Devon — 1207 148 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Rew, C..H. and N. A. (Messrs.), Great Berkhamsted, Herts — 1662 Reynolds-Stephens, W., Harlestone, Mortimer-road, Kilburn Priory, N.W.— 1845 Rheam, H. M., Nevvlyn, Penzance — 1029 Rhodes, J. W., Mitre-court-chamhers, Temple, E.C. — 1517 Ricardo,*H., 13 Bedford-square, W.C. — 1456, 1640 Richardson, A. E. (Miss), 8 Ranworth-mansions, Compayne-gardens, N.W.— 1255, 1308 Richardson, A.E., 15 Denning-road, Hampstead, N.W. — 1509 Richardson, C. E., Kirklevington-hall, Yarm, Yorkshire — 637 Richardson, F. S., Sandy, Bedfordshire — 238 Richardson, M. (Miss), 8 Bolden-street, St. John's, S.E.— 1830 Richardson, R. J., 2 Oak-villas, Milton-road, Mill Hill, N.W.— 1751 Richter, H. D., Cresthill, Lansdown, Bath — 1629 Riddel, J., Caerketton, Colinton, N.B.— 187, 251 Rigby, H. A., Ryland Memorial School, West Bromwich — 1372 Rigg, E. H., Hinderwell, R.S.O., Yorkshire— 23 Rimington, A. W., Chatburn-house, 1 1 Pembridge-crescent, W. — 974 Rimmington, F. M. (Miss), 2 Tennison-road, South Norwood, S.E. — 1786 Ritchie, C. E., 9 Elm-tree-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 1412, 1442 Riviere, H. G., 38 Abercorn-place, N.W. — 141, 538, 831 Robertson, C. K., 38 Cheyne-walk, Chelsea, S.W. — 316, 773 Robertson, H. R., 1 Steele's Studios, Haverstock-hill, N.W. — 1216 Robertson, J. (Miss), 9 Elsworthy-terrace, Primrose-hill, N.W. — 1319, 1399 Robertson, W. J. (Miss), 11 Thurlow-road, Hampstead, N.W. — 1217 Robinson, H. W., 40 Broxash-road, Clapham-common, S.W. — 701, 716 Robinson, M. C. (Miss), 14 Malwood-road, Balham, S.W. — 1344 Rodway and Dening (Messrs.), 2S Baldwin-street, Bristol— 1535 Roe, F., 18 Stanford -road, Kensington-court, W. — 812 Rolleston, E. (Lady), 54 Curzon-street, W. — 1297 Rolt, V., Brook-house, Storrington, Sussex — 1032 Rope, E. M. (Miss), 107 Marylebone-road, W.- 1719 Roselieb, L. F., The Studio, Bromells-road, Clapham, S.W. — 1S14, 1831 Rowe, T., Wickersley, near Rotherham — 25 Runtz and Ford (Messrs.), 10 Walbrook, E.C. — 1475 Russell, J., 17 Rue Campagne Premiere, Paris — 447 Russell, J. E., Westcott's Quay, St. Ives, Cornwall — 284 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 149 Russell, W. W., 107 Cheyne-walk, Chelsea, S.W.— 768, 781 Russell, S. B., and Cooper, T. E. (Messrs.), 11 Gray's-inn-square, W.C.-I455 Rutland, C, 16S Hartneld-road, Wimbledon, S.W.— 1805 SANT, J., R.A., 43 Lancaster-gate, Hyde-park, W, — 145, 206, 731 SARGENT, J. S.,R.A., 31 Tite-street, Chelsea, S.W.— 38, 189, 237, 331, 425 SOLOMON, S. J., R.A., 18 Hyde-park-gate, S.W.— 151, 315 STONE, M., R.A., 8 Melbury-road, Kensington, W— 1107 SWAN, J. M., R.A., 3 Acacia-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 172, 1840 SHANNON, J. J., A., 3 Holland-park-road, Kensington, W. — 221, 269, 342, 353, 397 SHORT, F., A., 56 Brook-green, W.— 1430 SMYTHE, L. P., A., Chateau d'Honvault, par Wimereux, Pas-de- Calais, France — 377, 911 STOREY, G. A., A., 39 Broadhurst-gardens, South Hampstead, N.W. — 467, 1 103 STOTT, E., A., Amberley, Sussex — 130, 205, 307 STRANG, W., A., 7 Hamilton-terrace, N.W. — 515, 804, 1351, 1354, 1357, 1428 Sainsbury, G. E. (Miss), 6 Clevedon-mansions, Highgate-road, N.W. -673 Salisbury, F. O., The Red Gables, Harpenden— 196, 330, 488 Salmon, C. E., Bell-street, Reigate — 1593 Saltmer, F. A. (Miss), Treleath, Peaslake, Gomshall— 24, 96 Sambourne, L., 18 Stafford-terrace, Kensington, W. — 1329, 1353 Sawyer, A. (Miss), Ditchling, Sussex — 495 Schafer, H. T., 40 Brewer- street, Golden-square, W. — 629, 632 Scherrewitz, J., Hilversum, Holland — 166 Schmalz, H., 49 Addison-road, Kensington, W. — 789 Schofield, K., Storr-cottage, Thornton, Bradford — 394 Schroder, H., Studio, 10 Station-approach, Kew-gardens, S.W. — 1447 Scorer, G. O., 29 Surrey-street, W.C.— 1550 Scott, E. A. (Miss), 13 Upper Grosvenor-road, Tunbridge Wells — 827 Scott, J., 5 The Mall, Park-hill-road, Ilaverstock-hill, N.W. —61 150 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Scott, T., Leslie-cottage, Selkirk, N.B.— 1012 Scutt, W., Nuneham, Newport, Barnstaple — 1348 Sedcole, II., Chillingly, Knebworth, Herts — 1431 Sellers, K. (Mrs.), 8 Muswell-road, Muswell-hill, N. — 1230 Senior, M., 9 South-parade, Leeds — 886 Seymour, W., 3 Bolton Studios, Redcliffe-road, S.W. — 1413 Sharp, D. (Miss), 1 1 Douglas-house, Maida-hill, W. — 374, 734 Shaw, B., 62 Addison-road, Kensington, W. — 760 Shaw, E. B. (Mrs. B.), 62 Addison-road, Kensington, W. — 1257 Sheard, T. F. M., 4 Holland-park-road Studios, \Vest Kensington, W. -84 Shelley, F., 121 Replingham-road, Southnelds, S.W. — 609 Shepard, E. H., Arden-cottage, Shamley-green, Guildford — 1 1 13 Shepard, F. N., Amberley, Sussex — 577 Sheppard, O., 30 Pembroke-road, Dublin — 1705, 1806 Sheppard, R., 2 The Mall, Park-hill-road, Hampstead, N.W.— 1693 Shepperson, C. A., 18 Kensington-court-place, W. — 1328, 1444 Shrigley and Hunt (Messrs.), Lancaster, and 28 John-street, Bedford- row, W.C. — 1474 Short, E., R.E. Office, Bulford-camp, Salisbury — 1631 Shrimpton, A. M. (Miss), 57 Bedford-gardens, W. — 959 Sichel, E., 2 Claremont, Bradford — 427, 465 Silcock and Reay (Messrs.), 47 Milsom-street, Bath — 1570 Simmonds, W. G., 71 Chelverton-road, Putney, S.W. — 845, 966 Simpson, A. B., Studio, 2IA Camden-road, N.W. — 742 Simpson, C. W., Chywoone-grove, Paul, Penzance, Cornwall — 288 Simpson, F. M., 88 Gower-street, W.C. — 1632 Simpson, G. G., Birchanger, Bishop's Stortford — 997 Sims, C, c/o C. West, 117 Finchley-road, N.W. — 405, 941, 1023 Simson, T. S., 3 Rue Campagne Premiere, Paris — 17 16, 1747 Sinet, F., c/o F. Lessore, Esq., Regent's Park Studios, Park Village East, N.W.— 386 Skipworth, A. H., 5 Staple-inn, W.C. — 1560, 1652 Skipworth, F. M., 2 Wentworth Studios, Chelsea, S.W. — 271 Slocombe, F., Fair-view, Holder's-hill, Hendon, N.W. — 1355 Slocombe, S., 3 Scarsdale Studios, Stratford-road, W. — 418 Small, F. (Mrs. Deric Hardy), 17 Wadham-gardens, Primrose-hill, N.W.— 540 Smallfield, B. C. (Miss), 4 Queen Ann-villas, Hendon, N.W. — 1169 Smart, D. I., Carlton-villa, 52 Tyrrell-road, East Dulwich, S.E. — 1365, 1424, 1425 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 151 Smith, C. (Miss), 220 Gloucester-terrace, Bayswater, W. — 1423 Smith, C. A., 31 Fairfax-road, Bedford-park, W. — 392, 983 Smith, C. S., 164 Friar-street, Reading — 1477 Smith, E. N. (Miss), The Crossways, Totteridge, Herts — 422 Smith, E. W., The Studio, 43 Cochrane-street, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 1664, 1S17 Smith, G. (Miss), 29 Westbourne-park-road, Bayswater, W. — 674 Smith, M., The Studio, Trowse, Norwich, Norfolk — 71 Smith, R., 54 Pembroke-road, Clifton, Bristol — 234, 957 Smith, V. C. (Miss), Ashleigh, Dudley, Worcestershire — 1232, 1296 Snowman, I., 10 Acol-road, West Hampstead, X.W. — 556 Solomon, W. E. G., 5 Pembroke-walk Studios, Kensington, W. — 11 Soper, G., 34A Memorial Hall-buildings, Farringdon-street, E.C. — 1342 Soutten, D. (Miss), 3 Cathcart Studios, Cathcart-road, S.W. — 1269 Sowerby, J., Sutton Courteney, Abingdon, Berks — 1067 Spain, J. E. D., 19 Hanover-square, W. — 1526 Spark, A. (Miss), S Wolverton-gardens, Ealing-common, W. — 1240 Speed, H., 8 Holland-park-road, Kensington, W. — 341, 433 Spence, P. F. S., Studio, West-house, Campden-hill, W. — 539 Spence, R., 29 Greville-road, St. John's-wood, X.W. — 1341 Spenlove-Spenlove, F., 69 Addison-road, Kensington, W. — 155, 268, 712 Spiers, R. P., 21 Bernard-street, Russell-square, W.C. — n 18 Spiller, J. R. (Miss), 2 Lindfield-gardens, Hampstead, N.W. — 1278 Spinks, T., Carlton-house, Bettws-y-Coed — 264 Spong, A. E. (Miss), 34 Princes-avenue, Muswell-hill, X. — 349 Spooner, A., Market-chambers, South-parade, Xottingham — 610 Sprague, E. (Miss), Lindal, South Woodford, Essex — 94 Spruce, E. C., Studio, 48 Back Cowper-street, Leeds — 1669 Spurrier, S., 20 Gordon-road, Chiswick, W. — 321, 1400 Stacey, W. S., Xew Milton, Hants — 953 Stampa, G. L., S Victoria-mansions, Sumatra-road, West Hampstead, N.W. — 1392 Standen, E. R. (Miss), 40 Courtfield-gardens, South Kensington, S.W. —1688 Stanley, J. H., Sundial-cottage, Purley, Surrey — 1520 Stannard, H., Harpur-place, Bedford — 990 Stannard, H. S., Flitwick, Bedfordshire — 924, 991, 1005 Stannard, L. (Miss), Harpur-place, Bedford — 1121 Stansfeld, E. L. (Miss), 63 de Parys-avenue, Bedford — 1184 Stanton, H. Hughes-, Scarsdale-lodge, Wright's-lane, Kensington, W. —344 152 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Stanton, H. H., 47 Portsdown-road, Maida-vale, \V. — 558 Statham, H. H., I Camp-view, Wimbledon, S.W. — 1565, 1616 Stead, F., 170 Swan-arcade, Bradford — 448 Sterry, E. S.(Miss), 3 Bedford-place, Croydon — 1222 Stevenson, J. A., I St. Oswald's Studios, Sedlescombe-road, West Brompton, S.W. — 1696 Stewart, C. E., 16 Grove-end-road, N.W. — 578 Stewart, M. (Mrs.), 43 Ennismore-gardens, S.W. — 1225 Stock, H. J., 16 Castellain-mansions, Maida-vale, W.--523 Stoddart, A., The Studio, Long-row, Nottingham — 1549 Stokes, G. V., West Marden, Emsworth, Hants — 416 Stokes, L., 2 Great Smith-street, Westminster, S.W. — 1478 Stokoe, C. J., East Bergholt, Suffolk— 756 Stoppoloni, A. G., 1 Upper Cheyne-row, Chelsea, S.W. — 95 Stormont, H. G., Ypres Studio, Rye, Sussex — 7 Stormont, M. (Mrs.), Ypres Studio, Rye, Sussex — 1056 Stott, W. R. S., 1 Lamont-road, Chelsea, S.W. —498 Strachey, H., Stowey Mead, Clutton, Bristol — 209 Stratton, F., The Vine, Amberley, Sussex — 942, 1116 Streatfeild, J. (Miss), Wynthorpe, Longton-avenue, Sydenham, S.E. — 1382, 141 7 Streatfeild, P., 74 Cheyne-walk, Chelsea, S.W.— 828 Strutt, A. E., 143 Darnley-road, Gravesend — 1062 Strutt, A. W., Rhosilli, Wadhurst, Sussex — 825 Stubbs, W., Thornhill-house, College-road, Norwich — 979, 987 Sutcliffe, E. T. (Mrs. L.), 40 Otley-road, Headingley, Leeds — 140 Sutcliffe, H. (Miss), Kinloss, 82 Hinde's-road, Harrow — 748 Swainson, M. (Miss), 19 Rue Monsieur, Paris — 1777 Swaish, F. G., Well-cottage, Shamley-green, Guildford — 30, 74 Swan, C. E., 21 Camden-road Studios, N.W. — 878 Swan, L. B. (Miss), c/o Mrs. Port, Otterstone, Bushey, Herts — 943 Swan, M. A. (Miss), 3 Acacia-road, N.W. — 1697 Swanwick, H., Clive, Middlewich, Cheshire — 224, 982 Swayne, W. (Miss), Tarrington-house, near Hereford — 1198 Swinstead, G. H., 14 Kidderpore-avenue, Hampstead, N.W. — 381 Swynnerton, A. L. (Mrs.), ia The Avenue, 76 Fulham-road, S.W.— 554, 766 Symonds, W. R., Cornwall-lodge, Rowan-road, Brook-green, W. — 47, 327 Symons, W. C, The Upper Lake, Battle, Sussex— 529 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 153 THORNYCROFT, H., R.A., 2A Melbury-road, Kensington, W.— 1666, 1712, 1788 . TUKE, H. S., A., Lyndon-lodge, Han well, W. — 346, 491, 796 Talmage, A., Pednolver, St. Ives, Cornwall — 431 Tanner, H., jun., 12 Regent-street, S.W. — 1561 Tapper, W. J.,. 10 Melina-place, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 1530 Tarrant, P., 336 Clapham-road, S.W. — 253 Tarver, H. M. (Miss), The Bungalow, Old Bushey, Herts — 1133 Tatchell, S. J., 13 Queen Anne's-gate, Westminster, S.W. — 1492 Taubman, F. M., 66 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W. — 1681 Tayler, A. C, 10 Cavendish-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 788 Tayler, M. (Mrs.), 1 Carlisle-place, Belgravia, S.W. — 1248 Taylor, L., 56 Redcliffe-road, S.W. — 1340, 141 5 Taylor, L. C, The Three Gables, Hindhead, Surrey — 487, 501, 802 Taylor, U. E. (Miss), 78 Royal Hospital-road, Chelsea, S.W. — 1704 Teape, J. S., 165 Brook-road, Clapham, S.W. — 1246 Teasdale, P. M., Studio, 51 Cookridge-street, Leeds— 227 Teesdale, K. J. M., Ulverstone, Peaslake, Guildford — 304, 874 Thomas, B. (Sir), 5 Queen Anne's-gate, S.W. — 1512 Thomas, E. L. (Miss), 50 Buckingham-palace-road, S.W. — 557, 670 Thomas, F. E., 29 Melgund-road, Highbury, N. — 1586 Thompson, C. H., The Hostel, Compton, near Guildford — 309 Thompson, E. (Miss), Island-hall, Godmanchester, Hunts — 359 Thompson, H. (Mrs. C. H.), The Hostel, Compton, near Guildford — 43 Thomson, G., Maclise-mansions, Addison-road-station, W. — 905 Thomson, I. B. (Miss), Westover, Mount Ephraim-road, Streatham S.W.— 691 Thomson, W. H. (Miss), 59 Pont-street, S.W.— 1 128, 11 29 Tindall, E., 13 Vernon-road, Woodhouse-lane, Leeds — 863 Toft, A., 87 Clifton-hill, St. John's-wood, N.W.— 1679, 1695, 1783 Toft, J. A., 11 Trafalgar Studios, Chelsea, S.W.— 281 Tollemache, D. (Hon.), 131 Oakwood-court, Kensington, W. — 270 Topham, F. W. W., Coneyhurst, Ewhurst, Surrey — 112, 665 Toplis, W. A., Sark, Channel Islands — 502, 1 122 Torrome, F. J., 77 Criftield-road, Acton, W.— 928 Towers, J., 5 High-street, Slough, Bucks — 846 Towse, S., 8 New-square, Lincoln's-inn, W.C. — 1472 154 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907 Treadwell and Martin (Messrs.), Charing Cross-house, 29A Charing Cross-road, W.C. — 1498, 1649 Tremel, M. (Miss), 51 West-hill, Sydenham, S.E.— 1721 Trewby, E. C. (Miss), Langford-lodge, New-park-road, Brixton-hill, S.W.— 1136 Trickett, K. W. (Miss), 195 Bristol-road, Edgbaston, Birmingham — 1258 Triggs, H. I., 8 South-parade, Bedford-park, W.— 1527 Trimnell, H., Woldingham, Surrey — 1547 Tubbs, C. B., and A. A. Messer (Messrs.), 5 Broadway, Woking — 1539 Tucker, A., Windermere, Westmorland — 1006, 1035 Turnbull, A. W., 6 North Charlotte-street, Edinburgh— 255 Turner, A., 2 Harley Studios, Priory-grove, South Kensington, S.W. —1775 Turner, H., 51 Tavistock-square, W.C. — 131 Turrell, A. J., 117 Alexandra-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 1352 U Underwood, A. (Miss), Sackville Studios, De la Warr-road, East Grinstead — 11 89 Van Couver, I., c/o Hollender and Koekkoek, 35 a St. James's-street, S.W.— 709 Van Goethem, E., Tregarthen, Parkstone, Dorset — 1000 Van Havermaet, C., 22 West Kensington-gardens, W. — 127 Van Heddeghem, A. (Miss), 12 Cowley-street, Westminster, S.W. — 655 Van Raalte, H. B., 49 Portsdown-road, Maida-vale, W. — 1426 Van Ruith, H., 5 St. James's-square, Holland-park, W. — 586 Vedder, S. H., 7 The Mall, Park-hill-road, Haverstock-hill, N.W.— 153 Veitch, K. (Miss), 45 Queen's-street, Edinburgh — 628 Veness, A. M. (Miss), 28 Malpas-road, Brockley, S.E.— 681 Ventnor, A., 55 St. Clement's-mansions, Lillie-road, S.W. — 719 Vemede, C, Watersfield, Pulborough, Sussex — 710 Vickery, G. H., Harrowlands, Dorking, Surrey — 932, 946 Vining, J. N. R., Rolls-chambers, 89 Chancery-lane, W.C — 1494 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 155 W WATERHOUSE, ]. W., R.A., 10 Hall-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 7S, 232, 243 WATERLOW, Sir E. A., R.A., I Maresfield-gardens, Fitzjohn's- avenue, N.W. — 193, 256, 869 WEBB, Sir A., R.A., 19 Queen Anne's-gate, S.W. — 1619, 1626, 1627 WOODS, H., R.A., 2727 San Maurizio, Venice— 34, 248, 750 WYLLIE, W. L., R.A. Elect, Tower-house, Tower-street, Ports- mouth, 3, 70, 97, 116, 819 Wade, L. M. (Mrs.), 11 Station-parade, Kew-gardens, S.W. — 1742 Waite, E. W., Sunnymount, Guildford — 37 Waite, H., Wingate, Westgate-on-Sea, Thanet — 185, 473 Walker, A. G., 5 Cedar Studios, Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W. — 1749, 1S43 Y\ alker, E. M. (Miss), Fernhurst, Banister-road, Southampton — 1764 Walker, F. H., Oakdene, East Burnham-common, near Slough, Bucks -984 Walker, H., 13 Crescent-avenue, Whitby, Yorks — 1079 Walker, J. H., 65 Victoria-road, Kensington, W. — 126, 749 Walker, K. W. (Mrs.), Hillsborough, Gravelly-hill, Erdington — 1306 Walker, L., 35 Chepstow-villas, Bayswater, W. — 1356, 1368 Walker, M. I). (Miss), 4 Grosvenor-terrace, York — 1277 Wallace, T-, 2 Studio, 14A Cheyne-row, Chelsea, S.W. — 250, 354, 847 Waller, M. L. (Mrs. S. E.), 58 Circus-road, St. John's-wood, N.W.— S52 Wallis, C. A., The Willows, Chiswick-mall, W.— 708 Wallis, H. C, Lyndhurst, Albany -road, Redruth, Cornwall — 1199, 1302 Wallis, J. C, The Willows, Chiswick-mall, W.— 643 Walsh, L. E. (Mrs.), Ferndale, Rydens-road, Walton-on-Thames — 1256 Walton, C. R. (Mrs.), 53 Tregunter-road, S.W.— 585, 658 Walton, F., Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking — 10, 417, 1026 Wandschneider, W., Frauenhoferstrasse 24, Charlottenburg, Berlin — 1722 Ward, C, Puckeridge, Ware — 947, 1043 Ward, C. B. (Mrs. C. D.), Wentworth, Manresa-road, Chelsea, S.W. — 1013 156 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Ward, C. D., Wentworth, Manresa-road, Chelsea, S.W.— 809 Ward, H. (Mrs. E. M.), 3 Chester-houses, Chester-square, S.W. — 727 Wardle, A., 34 Alma-square, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 261, 574 Warn, E. B. (Miss), c/o Dr. Seal, Wirksworth, Derbyshire— 1287, 1294 Warr, G. H., 72 Marriott-road, Millhouses, Sheffield— 659 Warren, E. P., 20 Cowley-street, Westminster, S.W. — 1499 Warry, D., 18 Glenhouse-road, Eltham, Kent — 1073 Warwick and Hall (Messrs.), 13 South-square, Gray's-inn, W.C. — 1536, 1639 Waters, C. (Miss), 16 Pandora-road, West Hampstead, N.W. — 320 Waterhouse, P., Staple-inn-buildings, W.C. — 1487 Watherston, E. (Miss), 7 Primrose-hill Studios, Fitzroy-road, Regent's- park, N.W. — 424 Watherston, M. V. (Miss), 7 Primrose-hill Studios, Fitzroy-road, Regent's-park, X.W. — 596 Watkin, I. (Miss), 255 Brixton-road, S.W.— 641, 822 Watson, C. J., 19 Girdler's-road, Brook-green, W. — 1109, 1364 Watson, G. S., 4 Pembroke Studios, Kensington, W. — 532, 549, 758 Watson, H., 18 Kensington-court-place, W. — 379, 730 Watson, P., 4 Adam-street, Adelphi, W.C— 1614 Watt, F., 2 Great Stuart-street, Edinburgh — 536 Watts, J. T., 34 Lidderdale-road, Sefton-park, Liverpool — 927 Watts, L., 2 King Henry's-road Studios, South Hampstead, N.W. — 438 Wear, M. M. (Miss), Ambleside, Frankston-road, Southbourne, Bournemouth — 1 191 Webster, H. A., c/o O. F. M. Ward, 1 Harley Studios, Priory-grove, Kensington, W. — 1347 Webster, W. E., 6 Pomona Studios, in New King's-road, S.W. — 215, 872 Weedon, A. W., 6 Carlton-mansions, West End-lane, N.W. — 1053 Weekes, F., 70 Star-street, Edgware-road, W. — 1081 Weiss, J., Houghton-house, Houghton, near Arundel — 298, 464 Welby, R. E. (Miss), 14A Finchley-road, St. John's-wood, N.W. — 128 Wellmann, E. J., Box 15 10, 3 Norwich Union-buildings, Fox-street, Johannesburg, Transvaal, S.A. — 1503, 1524 W T ells, E. F., 7 Rossetti Studios, Flood-street, Chelsea, S.W.— 201,866 Wells, J. S. S., 8 Bedford-park-mansions, Bedford-park, W. — 429,676 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 157 Wells, L. G. (Miss), Sydney-house, Bell-road, Hounslow, W. — 1756 Wensley, W., 143 Brecknock-road, N. — 1227 West, A. M. (Miss), Virginia-cottage, High-street, Bushey, Herts — 1204 West, J. W., The Vane, Northwood, Middlesex — 407, 720 Westla'ke, N. H. J., 20 Clifton-gardens, W. — 141 1 Wetherbee, G., The White-cottage, Redington-road, Hampstead, N.W.— 16, 803 Whall, C. W., 19 Shaftesbury-road, Ravenscoart -park, W. — 1659 Wheelwright, R., 17 Meadows Studios, Bushey Herts — 319 Whiffen, C. E., 89 Altenburg-gardens, Clapnam-common, S.W. — 1829 White, A. C, 93 Clifton-hill, St. John's- wood, N.W.— 17 14 White, F. (Miss), 12 Cathcart Studios, 33 Redcliffe-road, S.W.— 1134 White, H. M. (Miss), 16 Churchfield-road, Ealing, W.— 1698 White, J., 4 Homefield-place, Heavitree, Exeter — 636 White, W. H., 14A Cavendish-place, Cavendish-square, W. — 1638 Whiteside, R. C. (Miss), Crosby, Isle of Man — 1165 Whiting, F., 115 Gower-street, W.C.— 1385, 1389 Wicks, A. (Mrs.), 32 Beverley-road, Anerley, S.E. — 1254 Widdas, E. A., 8 Russell-road, Crouch-end, N. — 121 1, 1243 Wiens, S. M., 19 Honor Oak-road, Forest-hill, S.E. — 1789 Wildman, W. A., 2 Rockleigh-mansions, Vera-road, Fulham, S.W. —1327 Wilkinson, H., 109 Great Russell-street, W.C. — 1559 Wilkinson, L., 3 Ravensbourne-gardens, West Ealing, W. — 1653 Wilkinson, N., 2 Wychcombe Studios, England's-lane, N.W. — 1378 Williams, A. (Miss), 61 Rowan-road, Hammersmith, W. — 1387 Williams, C, 71 Eardley-crescent, Kensington, S.W. — 401 Williams, F. H., 4 Holbein Studios, 52 Redcliffe-road, Kensington, W. — 449 Williams, H. M., 23 Westcroft-square, Ravenscourt-park, W. — 1441 Williams, I. Sheldon-, 3 Brook-green, W. — 929, 949 Williams, J. C. (Mrs. L. C), Linden-villa, Ashtead, Surrey — 210, 1293 Williams, L. G. (Miss), 3 Wentworth Studios, Manresa-road, S.W. — 1720, 1762 Williams, M. (Miss), 15 Ranelagh-avenue, Barnes, S.W. — 1414, 1434 Williams, T., Art-club Studios, Blackheath, S.E. —508 Wills and Anderson (Messrs.), 24 Bloomsbury-square, W.C. — 1516, 1661 153 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF [1907. Wilmer, M. (Miss), Platnix, Westfield, Battle, Sussex— 1045 Wilson, C. E., The Studio, Milford-heath, near Godalming — 1 104 Wilson, E. M., 11 Callow-street, Chelsea, S.W. — 1369, 1420 Wilson, H., The Thatched-house, St. Mary Piatt, Borough -green, Kent— 1807 Wilson, H. M., Berwyn, Brampton-road, St. Albans — 36 Wilson, J. B., 92 Bath-street, Glasgow — 1598 Wilson, *M. (Miss), 136 Wellington-street, Glasgow — 620 Wilson, T. M., IB Belsize-parade, Hampstead, N.W. — 1647 Wilthew, G., 38 Cheyne-walk, Chelsea, S.W. —503 Wiltshire, D. (Miss), Frome, Somerset — 1245 Wimbush, J. L., Mesha, Dartmouth, South Devon — 797 Winder, W. S., Seed Howe, Staveley, Kendal — 1090 Windley, M. R. (Miss), 34 St. James-road, Leicester — 1665 Winser, M. (Miss), 46 Quarrendon-street, Parson's-green, S.W. — 1781 Winter, T., The Studio, South-park, Reigate— 978 Wirgman, T. B., 24 Dawson-place, W. — 780, 820, 837 Wollen, W. B., 10 Queen Anne's-gardens, Bedford-park, W. — 830 Wolmark, A. A., Claremont Studios, St. Mary's-terrace, Paddington, W.— 176 Wontner, W., 1 The Studios, Edwardes-square, Kensington, W. — 263 Wood, C. M. (Mrs. R. H. Wright), 2 Harcourt-buildings, Temple, E.C.— 650, 660 Wood, E., 78 Cross-street, Manchester — 1493, I ^>°5 Wood, F. D., 97 Glebe-place, Chelsea, S.W.— 1792, 1824, 1839 Wood, M. (Miss), 3 Shardcroft-avenue, Herne-hill, S.E. — 1132 Wood, U. (Miss), 17 Oval-road, Gloucester-gate, N.W. — 165 Woods, A., 143 Church-street, Preston — 472 Woods, E. (Miss), Llandaff-place, Llandaff, South Wales — 722 Woodville, W. P. C, The Lodge, Chalk-hill, Bushey, Herts— 743 Woore, H. (Mrs.), 4 Campden-hill-court, Kensington, W. — 602 Worrall, E. (Miss), 231 Upper Parliament-street, Liverpool — 1236 Worsfold, M. B. (Miss), St. Andrew's-house-club, Mortimer-street, W. — "57 Wright, E. (Miss), 2 Canning-place, Palace-gate, W. — 404, 468 Wright, F. A., 69 Waterford-road, Fulham, S.W. — 1744 Wright, P. J., 12 Locket-road, Wealdstone, Middlesex — 13 16 Wright, R. H., 2 Harcourt-buildings, Temple, E.C. — 938, 1077, 1098 Wright, S., McLean's Gallery, 7 Haymarket, S.W.— 767 1907.] THE EXHIBITORS. 159 YVyatt, K. M. (Miss), 15 Routh-road, Wandsworth-common, S.W. — 917 YVylde, T. (Miss), Studio, 11 Douro-place, Kensington, W. — 898, 934 Wyllie, C. W., 8a Elm-tree-road, St. Johns-wood, N.W.— 8ll YEAMES, W. F., R.A., 4 Campbell-road, Hanwell, W— II20 Yates, F., Rydal, Ambleside — 871 Yglesias, V. P., 28, Grove-end-road, X.Y\\ — 179 Young, C, 6 Lancaster-place, Strand, W.C. — 1573, 1582 The following Academicians and Associates do not exhibit this year. ABBEY, E. A., R.A., Chelsea-lodge, 42 Tite-street, S.W. AITCHISOX, G., R.A., 150 Harley-street, W. ALMA-TADEMA, Sir L., O.M., R.A., 34 Grove-end-road, N.W. BRAXGWYX, F., A., Temple-lodge, Queen-street, Hammersmith, W. FRITH, W. P., R.A., 114 Clifton-hill, N.W. SHAW, R. XORMAX, R.A., 6 Ellerdale-road, Hampstead, N.W. LONDON: WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS,. Limited, PRINTERS TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY. 000 003 063 ]