iiiiililiiiiiP'' iiiiiii DEC 1 19m A Selected List of Periodicals Acad, of Pol. Sci. Proc. . . . Q net 5.00 Henry Raymond Mussey, Editor. The Proceedings are a record of the activities of the Academy, issued four times a year in form of separate vol- umes discussing some vital problem of national significance. Yearly subscrip- tions to the Proceedings are not taken independently of memberships. Members receive current numbers of the Proceedings and the Political Sci- ence Quarterly for $5 membership dues. Libraries may be enrolled as subscrib- ing members. N. Y. 1910. 1 v. ann. be- gin. O. 4 nos. to V. S American Anthropologist," n. s. Q Dr. Pliny B. Goddard, Editor. Published under the auspices of the American Anthropological Association, and issued to its members only. It is also the organ of the Anthropological Society of Washington and of the Amer- ican Ethnological Society of New York. Lancaster, Pa. 1889. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to V. S. 23 American Boy M net 1.50 G. O. Ellis. Editor. Contains short stories and serials of a wholesome kind, also special depart- ments devoted to science, sports, crafts- manship and photography. Detroit, Mich. 1899. 1 V. ann. begin. N. 12 nos. to V. Am. Catholic Quar. Rev . . Q net 4.00 New subscriptions 3-75 Not confined to the discussion of theological subjects, but designed to deal with all subjects of interest to educated Catholics, whether philosoph- ican Ethnological Society of New York, ical, historical, scientific, literary, or political. Phila. 1876. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. S American City M net 3-oo Special offer: See page 25. H. S. Buttenheim. Editor. An illustrated monthly review of municipal improvements and civic ad- vance. N. Y. 1909. 2 v. ann, begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. Since September, 1914, the American City has been pub- lished in two parts, the city edition and the town and county edition. Some of the articles are printed in both parts. Subscribers may be transferred from one part to the other without charge, or may have both parts for $1.00 addi- tional. G 17 American Cookery... 10 nos. net i.oo Janet M. Hill, Editor. "Pays special attention to food and cooking, though many articles on gen- eral domestic economy are included." — "U^alter. Bost. 1895. 1 v. ann. begin. Je. .10 nos. to V7 Not published in July and September. Name changed from Boston Cooking School Magazine, June, 1914. Am. Economic Review . . . Q net 5.00 Davis R. Dewey, Managing Editor. Of special value to libraries. Con- tains authoritative and timely articles on economic subjects by experts, as well as an enormous amount of bibli- ographical information. Ithaca, N. Y. 1911. 1 V. ann. begin. Mr. 4 nos. to v. Successor to Quarterly Publication of Amer. Economic Assn. S American Forestry M net 3.00 Percival Sheldon Ridsdale, Editor. The magazine of the American For- estry Association. Devoted to forest conservation, the care of trees, and in- formation pertaining to forests, wood- lands, shade, ornamental and street trees, tree diseases, birds, lumber uses, national parks, etc. Washington, D. C. 1895. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. Continues Conservation and Forestry and Irrigation. Name changed to pres- ent form in 1911. A & Ag American Gas Institute, Proceed- ings Ann net lo.oo Contains the reports, papers and dis- cussions given at the annual meeting of the Institute. N. Y. 1907 (Proceedings for 1906). 1 V. ann. A Am. Gas Light Journal.. W net 3.00 Eugene C. Miles, Editor. Covers all matters in the artificial gas industry. All of the important papers read at some twenty-five asso- ciation conventions are regularly print- ed each year. 1859. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & JI. 26 nos. to V. A American Historical Ass'n. Report. Supt. of Documents, Washington, D. C. G American Hist. Review... Q net 4.00 J. Franklin Jameson, Managing Edi- tor. The organ of the American Histori- cal Association. Each issue contains papers on historical subjects, reprints of historical documents, reviews of books on historical and allied subjects, and notes and news items of Interest to history students. N. Y. 1896. 1 v. ann. begin. O. 4 nos. to v. G American Industries M net i.oo Frederic W. Keough, Editor. Devoted to manufacturing and indus- trial Interests, contemporary economics, international and domestic politics, for- eign trade and industrial legislation. N. Y. 1902. 1 V. ann. begin. Ag. 12 nos. to V. Successor to American Trade. A Am. Inst, of Arch. Jour. M net 3-50 Charles Harris Whitaker. Editor. Devoted to furthering the architec- tural advancement of the nation, and to awakenin!:; an interest in all of the allied activities. Washington. D. C, 1913. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. Successor to Quarterly. A Nearly all the periodicals in the "Selected List" are indexed in our library publications. "G" indicates that the periodical is indexed in the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature, "S" that it is indexed in the Readers' Guide Supplement. "A" in the Industrial Arts Index, and "Ag" m the Agricultural '"'" THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS Am. Inst, of Electrical Engineers, Proceedings M net lo.oo Libraries 5.00 George R. Metcalfe, Editor. Contains two sections: Section one is devoted to current Institute news, and Section two contains all of the tech- nical papers and discussions presented at regular Institute meetings. N. Y. 1884. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. A Am. Inst, of Mining Engineers, Bulletin M net 10.00 Libraries 5.00 Bradley Stoughton, Editor. To members of the Institute, public libraries, educational institutions and technical societies, $5.00. N. Y. 1905. A Am. J. of Archaeology Q net 5.00 Prof. Harold North Fowler, Editor-in- chief. This Journal contains the archaeol- ogical papers of the Archaeological Institute of America in the fields of American, Christian, Classical and OrientaJ archaeology; papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens; papers of the American School of Oriental Research in Jeru- salem; summaries of archaeological news and discussions; classified bibliog- raphy of archaeological books; corres- pondence; notes and notices. Wash- ington, D. C. 1889. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to V. S Am. J. of Internat. Law Q net 5.00 James Brown Scott, Editor-in-chief. Besides the major, signed articles, each number contains a chronicle of international events, public documents relating to international law, judicial decisions involving questions of inter- national law, book reviews and a bibli- ography of current literature. A sup- plement containing texts of important ofRcial documents accompanies each quarterly issue. N. Y. 1907. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. S 58 Anx J. of Philology Q net 3.00 Basil L. Gildersleeve, Editor. Represents the highest work done in the province of philology, and by steady adherence to its scientific pur- pose it has become a valuable work of reference for the European as well as the American student. Baltimore, Md. 1880. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. S Am. J. of Psychology Q net 5.00 Edited by G. Stanley Hall, E. C. San- ford, E. B. Titchener, J. W. Baird and an international board of co-operating editors. Albany, N. Y. 1887. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. S Am. J. of Semitic Languages & Literature Q net 4.00 John M P. Smith, Editor. Strictly a scientific periodical, de- voted to adv.niiced research in the field indicated by the title. 1884. 1 v. ann. begin. O. 4 nos. to v. Successor to Hebraica. Name changed, 1895. S Am. J. of Sociolog^y. . . .B-M net 2.00 Albion W. Small, Editor-in-eliargo. Thp American Journal of Sociologj' reports, in a manner at once scientific and popular, the investigations of ex- perts into the conditions and principles of organized society. It aims to be of value to the specialists and the public ahke. Chicago. 1895. 1 v. ann. begin. Jl. 6 nos. to v. G Am. J. of Theology Q net 3.00 Shirley J. Case and G. B. Smith, Edi- tors. Belongs to no one school or sect but welcomes contributions representing all shades of thought and belief provided they have sufficient merit and interest. Its standards are extremely high, and its contributors include the leading theologians of this country and Europe. Chicago. 1897. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to V. S Am. Labor Legis. Rev. . . Q net 3.00 John B. Andrews, Editor. Devoted to reports of two national conferences yearly, annual summary of new labor laws, articles on social in- surance, unemployment, occupational diseases, workmen's compensation. Il- lustrated. Special bibliographies. In- dispensable to students of the labor problem. N. Y. 1911. 1 v. ann. begin. Mr. 4 nos. to v. S Am. Law Review B-M net 5.00 John Davison Lawson, Editor. Devoted to legal discussions, news notes, decisions and book reviews. St. Louis. 1866. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 6 nos. to V. Consolidated with the Southern Law Review, 1883. S 25 American Magazine M net 1.50 John M. Siddall, Editor. Devoted to articles of all kinds which are of specific benefit to the individual reader, along the lines of business effi- ciency, health, etc. Also publishes short stories, or serials, and is fully illus- trated. Among the contributors for 1916-1917 are Charles M. Schwab, Merle Crowell, Mariorie Benton Cooke, David Grayson, John Taintor Foote, Irvin Cobb, George Ade. N. Y. 1905, 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. Volumes formerly began My. & N. Vol. 75 con- tains 8 nos. G American Naturalist M net 4.00 J. McKeen Cattell, Editor. Devoted to the advancement of the biological sciences with special refer- ence to the factors of organic evolution and heredity. Garrison, N. Y. 1867. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. S Am. Phys. Educ. Rev. 9 nos net 3.00 James H. McCurdy; M.D., Editor. Published by the American Physical Education Ass'n. Springfield, Alass. 1896. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 9 nos. to v. S Am. Pol. Sci. Review Q net 3.00 W. W. Willoughby, Editor. Published by the American Political Science Association. In addition to its major articles it has regular depart- ments of current municipal news, book reviews, legislative notes, index to timelv literature on political affairs, etc. Baltimore, Md. 1906. 1 v. ann. begin. F. 4 nos. to v. S Am. Soc. of Heating & Ventilating Engineers, Trans. . . Ann. net 10.00 Contains all the descriptive and tech- nics papers read before the societj' with the discussions thereon. It con- tains, also, the reports of committees appointed to investigate conditions, appliances and conditions; as well as tho reports on tests, standards and pos- sible improvements in connection with the progress of heating and ventilating, together with discussions thereon. N. Y. 1894. 1 V. ann. A A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS Am. Soc. of International Law, Proceedings Ann. net i.oo Contains addresses and discussions at annual meeting. Washington, D. C. 1907. 1 V. ann. S Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers, Journal M net 3.00 Lester G. French, Editor. An interesting monthly coveringr all fields of mechanical engineering. 1906. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. Suc- cessor to the Proceedings of the Society. A Am. Statistical Ass'n. Quarterly Publications Q net 3.00 Wm. B. Bailey, Editor. Each number contains several val- uable papers, notes and reviews, all de- voted to statistical methods in the pre- sentation of the results of statistical in- vestigations and studies. Boston. ISSS. 1 V. for 2 yrs. begin. Mr. S nos. to v. S Am. Water Works Association, Journal Q net 5.00 J. M. Diven, Editor. Contains proceedings, papers and dis- cussions upon them, of the annual con- ventions and of its Local Sections. Subscription is included in the annual dues of members. Troy, N. Y. 1914. 1 V. ann. begin. Mr. 4 nos. to v. Replaces Annual Proceedings of the Ass'n. A Annals of the Am. Acad. B-M net 6.00 Libraries S-oo Clyde Lyndon King, Ph.D., Editor. Devoted to political and social ques- tions. Each issue contains a sympo- sium of articles on some subject of national importance. Phila. 1890. 6 v. ann. Issued bi-monthly begin. Ja. Vol. 1 issued quar.; Vols. 2-5, 6 nos. each; Vols. 6 to 38, 3 nos. each; Vols. 39 to date, 1 no. each. G Architectural Record M net 3.00 M. A. Mikkelsen, Editor. A magazine for architects, owners and builders, well illustrated with half-tone plates of the best work of leading archi- tects throughout the United States. N. Y. 1891. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. Published quarterly until April. 1902, monthly thereafter. G & A Architecture & Building... M net 2.50 Wm. Phillips Comstock, Editor. Devoted to contemporary architec- tural construction illustrating the best work as developed in this country. Illus- trations, plans and architectural detail plates are features of this magazine. N. Y. 1882. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 no.s. to v. Successor to Architects and Build- ers Magazine. Beginning January 191(1, size of page was increased. A Art and Archaeology M net $3.00 D. M. Robinson, General Editor. A popular illustrated magazine in- tended to give accurate information pleasingly presented in the wide realm embraced by its name, illustrated by beautiful pictures reproduced in half- tone, photogravure or color work; cur- rent notes and news; book critiques. Astrophysical Journal 10 nos. net s.> George E. Hale, Edwin B. P'rost a The Octagon, "Washington, D. C. 1914. v. 1 contains 6 nos. Jl., S., N., 1914, Ja., Mr., My, 1915. v. 2 contains 3 nos. Jl., S., N. 1915. v. 3 begins Jan. 1916. 2 v. ann. thereafter. 6 nos. to v. G 5.00 rge E. Hale, Edwin B. li'rost and Henry G. Gale, Editors. The Astrophysical Journal, the only periodical in the world devoted to astrophysics, has recently completed twenty years of continuous publication and is now in its forty-third volume. It is the regular medium of publication of the astrophysical researches made at Yerkes Observatory and at Mount Wil- son Solar Observatory, as well as of all important astrophysical results ob- tained by Lick Observatory. Chicago. 1895. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 5 nos. to v. G 80 Atlantic Monthly M net 4.00 Ellery Sedgwick, Editor. The Atlantic is addresed to a fast growing audience of thoughtful people interested in the times in which we live. It interprets all large movements, here and abroad, aiming to be always au- thoritative, but never dictatorial. The Atlantic is not a picture book, but rely- ing on the sheer interest of its reading matter, it prints in great variety and abundance, stories, essays, and articles, proving, month by month, that the best writing makes the best reading. Bost. 1857. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. G 60 Automobile W net 3.00 David Beecroft, Editor. An industrial, engineering and trade journal of authority, devoting over 6,000 pages each year to the accurate pre- sentation of engineering problems, re- search work, statistical reviews of the industry, important events, industrial and trade news — the leading announce- ments of the car builders, parts and ac- cessory manufacturers; also a vast amount of information of value to mo- torists who are interested in the me- chanical principles and developments of the automobile as a machine represent- ing the refinement of modern engineer- ing skill. N. Y. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. and Jl. 26 nos. to V. Automobile is a consoli- dation of The Automobile (monthly) and The Motor Review (weekly). My. 1902, Dealer and Repairman (monthly), Q. 1903, and The Automobile Magazine, Jl. 1907. A Bankers Magazine M net 5.00 Elmer H. Youngman, Editor. One of the oldest and most represent- ative banking and financial publications in America. Practical banking, banking and commercial law, banking publicity and other phases of finance are treated of in each issue. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. S Biblical World M net 2.00 Shailer Mathews, Editor. For over thirty years the Biblical World has been a leading exponent of progressive religious thought. Founded by W. R. Harper, at a time when there was a general renewal of Interest In ITHE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL Afonthi ^$ 150 ITNE S/lTURD/iY EVENING POSr wee/c/ >i $ 150 THE COUNTRV GENTLEMAN weeA/jr$ 190 A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS Bible study, it has stood consistently for conservative scholarship and genuine religious conviction. Chicago, 1893. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. Successor to Old and New Testament Student. G Bibliotheca Sacra Q net 3.00 G. Frederick Wright, Editor. Oldest theological quarterly In Amer- ica. Oberlin, O. 1844. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. Consolidated with American Biblical Repository in 1851. S 18 Bird Lore B-M net i.oo Frank M. Chapman, Editor. The organ of the Audubon societies, devoted to the study and protection of birds. N. T. 1899. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 6 nos. to V. G Blackwood's Edin. Mag. M net 3.00 "The leading English family maga- zine. Contains good stories, striking essays and trenchant criticism." Edin- burgh. 1817. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. S 47 Bookman M net 2.50 Arthur Bartlett Maurice, Editor. A guide and a help to the booklover and to the general reader who wishes to keep in touch with literary progress. Contains articles on authors, literature and art. Valuable for its book reviews. N. Y. 1895. 2 V. ann. begin. Mr. & S. 6 nos. to V. G Botanical Gazette M net 7.00 John M. Coulter, Editor. The Botanical Gazette has a double function. It summarizes each month the developments of the science in America, and it furnishes to Its readers a general view of foreign work. Espec- ially noted for the excellence of its illustrations. Chicago, 1875. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. 12 nos. to V. from V. 1-20. 8 Breeders' Gazette W net i.oo Alvin H. Sanders, Editor. Published for the farmer who makes live-stock raising the leading feature of his business. Chicago. 1S81. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. Ag Brickbuildcr M net 5.00 One of the oldest and best known architectural journals, devoted to the art, science and business of building. Represents the most important work of the leading architects of the United .States. Bost. 1892. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. A Building Age M net 2.00 Henry Colwell. Editor. Devoted to planning, designing and constructing moderate cost buildings. The articles are drawn from the prac- tical experience of men on the work and their value has been tested and proved under actual working conditions. Helpful to architects, contractors and builders. Illustrated. N. T. 1879. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. Successor to Carpentry and Building. A Bulletin of the Pan American Union (Eng. ed.) M net 2.00 Franklin Adams, Editor. An llhistrnted magazine in four edl- tlon.s. English, Spanish, Portuguese and French, devoted to the progress and de- velopment of the twenty-one American republics. It contains, besides special articles, current information concerning the commerce and trade, and general educational, economical and Industrial conditions of each of the Latin Amer- ican countries. Wash. 1893. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. Name changed from Bulletin of the Inter- national Bureau of the American Re- publics, OA. 1910. G Canadian Magazine M net 3.00 Newton McTavish, Editor. An illustrated magazine devoted to Canadian art, politics, literature, fiction and travel. Most of the stories have a Canadian atmosphere. Toronto. 1893. 2 v. ann. begin. My. & N. 6 nos. to v. G Candid Quarterly Review.. Q Net los Conducted by Thomas Gibson Bowles. A review whose aim is "to deal with public affairs faithfully and frankly . . . having sole regard to the public wel- fare." Devoted to English politics and public affairs. London, 1914. Publishec quarterly beginning with February, 1914. S Catholic World M net 3.00 Rev. John J. Burke, C.S.P., Editor. A magazine of general literature and science, published by the Paulist Fath- ers, containing fiction and articles on travel and on economic and social ques- tions, all from the Catholic viewpoint. N. T. 1865. 2 V. ann. begin. Ap. & O. 6 nos. to V. G 70 Century M net 4.00 Douglas Z. Doty, Editor. "A thoroughly high grade general mag- azine. History, art and travel receive much attention, while the Action Is al- most always well written and interest- ing. The Illustrations are particularly good."— Walter. N. Y. 1870. 2 v. ann. begin. N. & My. 6 nos. to v. Called Scribners until 1881. G Child Labor Bulletin Q net 2.00 Published in the Interest of the work- ing children of the nation. It gives exact information on the child labor movement, its aims and achievements. N. Y. 1912. 1 V. ann. begin. My. 4 nos. to V. s Children's Magazine See Little Folks Classical Journal 9 nos. net 2.50 Middle West & South 2.00 Frank J. Miller, Managing Editor. Intended to keep classical teachers (especially those of the academies and high schools in touch with the latest ideas in teaching and development of classical knowledge. Chicago. 1905. 1 V. ann. begin O. 9 nos. to v. S Classical Philology Q net 3.00 Paul Shorey, Editor. Devoted to study and investigation in the classical field. Publi.shes articles from most of the well-known classical scholars here and abroad. Chicago. 1906. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. S Coal Age W net 3.00 Floyd W. Parson.=:, Editor. Devoted exclusively to coal mine en- gineering and operation and to coke manufacturing. N. Y. 1911. 2v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. Absorbed Colliery Engineer (ISSl) beginning Nov. 1915. A Collier's; The National Weekly W net 2.50 Mark Sullivan, Editor. An Illustrated weekly with n vigorous editorial policy and aggressive In na- ture but representing both sides. Con- tains news, short and serial stories, poems, and special articles on various vital topics. N. Y. 1888. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. G A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS Columbia Umv. Quar Q net i.oo (Prof.) Cliailes Sears Baldwin, Editor. Represents university outlook on liter- ature, science, philosophy, and politics. N. Y. 1S98. 1 V. ann. begin. D. 4 nos. to V. Successor to University Bulletin. S Concrete M net 2.00 Harvey Whipple, Managing Editor. Devoted to the concrete industry — to the problems in manufacture of cement and lime and to the use of these ma- terials in concrete work of every nature. Detroit. 1912. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. Consolidated with Cement Age, Concrete, and Concrete Engineer- ing. Name changed to Concrete begin- ning January. 1916. Previously known as Concrete-Cement Age. A Constructive Quarterly . . Q net 2.50 Silas McBee, Editor. A journal of the faith, work and thought of Christendom. N. Y. 1913, 1 V. ann. begin. Mr. 4 nos. to v. S Contemporary Review .. ..M net 4.50 "A monthly review of culture and criticism. The names of its contrib- utors as well as the scope of its articles make it one of the most brilliant of modern periodicals." London. 1866. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. Q Country Gentleman W net i.oo Harry A. Thompson, Editor. One of the most popular journals de- voted to farm betterment. Phila. 1831. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 52 nos. to v. Ab- sorbed The Genesee Farmer in 1839 and The Cultivator in 1865. Ag 70 Country Life in America M net 4.00 80 After February i net 5.00 Henry H. Saylor, Editor. A magazine Intended to stimulate liv- ing in the country, by giving country dwellers the best and most advanced ideals of what should be done to their country homes to make them more at- tractive and profitable. Beautifully il- lustrated, often in color. A special fea- ture beginning February will be a 16- page color form. N. Y. 1901. 2 v. ann. begin. My. & N. 6 nos. to v. G 50 Countryside Magazine & Suburban Life M net 3.00 Special offer: See page 25. Arthur Tomalin, Editor. Devoted to every phase of country living. It has departments on house building, house furnishing, horticulture, landscape gardening, travel, suburban problems, also stories and articles on topics of current interest to the subur- ban dweller. Profusely illustrated. N. Y. 1904. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. Name changed from Suburban Life, O. 1914. S 50 Craftsman M net 3.00 Gustav Stickley, Editor. Devoted to the plaiming and building of homes, to their furnishing and en- vironment, to art, architecture, garden- ing, planting, craftsmanship and other intimate problems of life. N. Y. 1901. 2 V. ann. begin. O. & Ap. 6 nos. to v. G 55 Current Opinion M net 3.00 Edward J. Wheeler, Editor. An illustrated monthly magazine cov- ering all phases of modern affairs — American and foreign politics, science, art, literature, the drama, religion, finance, the business world, and the prominent people of the day. Quotes freely from the press and current peri- odicals of Europe and America on both sides of important questions. N. Y, 1888. 2 V. ann. begin. J a. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. Name changed from Curi-ent Literature, Ja. 1, l'Jl3. G 25 Delineator M net 1,50 Honors Willsie, Managing Editor. "The fashion authority of the world" and' generally recognized as such. In addition to fashions, it has a wealth of good fiction, special articles of educative value and many departments which are of home making and housekeeping in- terests. N. Y. 1873. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. G Deutsche Rimdschau M net 10.00 A German magazine of culture and criticism. Very similar in character to the English Contemporary Review or the French Revue des deux Mondes. Berlin. 1874. S Dial S-M net 2.00 After January i 3.00 A fortnightly journal of literary criti- cism, discussion and information. Chi- cago. 1880. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Je. 12 nos. to V, Issued fortnightly except during July and August, when it ap- pears monthly on the 15th. G Domestic Engineering .... W net 2.00 F. P. Keeney, Editoi'. Devoted to the plumbing, heating and ventilation trade. Chicago. 1889. 4 v. ann. begin. J a. Ap. Jl. in S. 16 nos. to V. A Drama Q net 3.00 Theodore B. Hinckley, Editor. A de luxe quarterly containing a com- plete play in each issue — usually a translation of an otherwise inaccessible foreign drama. All phases of modern stagecraft, drama and literature are fully discussed. Published by The Drama League of America. Chicago. 1911. 1 V. ann. begin. F. 4 nos. to v. S Dublin Review Q net 5.00 Wilfrid Ward, Editor. A general, cultural magazine dealing particularly with religious subjects. London. 1836. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. <& Jl. 2 nos. to V. S 57 Economic Geology 8 nos. net 3.00 Dr. J. D. Irving, Editor. Deals primarily with discussions con- cerning the origin of minerals of econ- omic importance; and descriptions of new methods in the study of economic geology. Urbana, 111. 19U5. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 8 nos. to v. Consolidated with the American Geologist. A Economic Journal Q net 5.00 J. M. Keynes, Editor. This is the jtiurnal of the Royal Econ- omic Society. London. 1891. 1 v. ann. begin. Mr. 4 nos. to v. S I THE LADIEvS' HOME JOIJli NAI. Manfh/ y $ | so \THE SjiTUHD^Y EVENING POST Ws^My.^ llp THE COUNTRV GENTLEMAN Wee/c/ 3r$ joo Ail Three $4 hree I m A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS Edinburgh Review Q net 4.00 Harold Cox. Editor. "This historic review has maintained unimpaired for more than a century, the standard of impartiality and of cor- rect judgment set by its founders." London. 1802. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 2 nos. to V. G Education 10 nos. net 3.00 F. H. Palmer, Editor. Emphasizes high school subjects but covers the whole field of pedagogy. Original articles contributed by the most able educators. Bost. 1880. 1 v. ann. begin. S. 10 nos. to v. Published bi-monihly, 1880-1886. Not published in July and August. G Educational Review 10 nos. net 3.00 Micholas Murray Butler, Editor. A magazine devoted exclusively to ed- ucational subjects. Each issue contains from six to eight articles by leading authorities on topics of current inter- est, relating to university, secondary and elementary school work; discussions on live educational issues and signed and authoritative book reviews. N. Y. 1891. 2 V. ann. begin. Je. & Ja. 5 nos. to V. Not published in July and Au- gust. G Electric Railway J W net 3.00 H. W. Blake, Editor. The standard international authority on electric traction in all its branches. N. Y. 1884. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to V. Founded as the Street Railway Journal. Name changed to Electric Railway Journal in 1908 upon consohdation with Electric Railway Re- view. A Electrical Review & Western Electrician W net 3.00 Charles W. Price, Editor. A weekly journal devoted to electrical subjects. Chicago. 1882. 2 v. ann. be- gin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. A Electrical World W net 3.00 F. M. Feiker, Editor. For nearly forty years the leading all- around electrical journal of America, and an authority on progress and prac- tice in all branches of electrical art and industry. A regular feature is a digest of three or four pages of current elec- trical literature, largely from foreign languages. N. Y. 1883. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. Usually 26 nos. to v. Suc- cessor to Operator. Combined with Electrical Engineering, 1899. Called Electrical World and Engineer until consolidation with American Electrician in 1906 when old name was resumed. A Elem. School Journal lo nos. net 1.50 Faculty, School of Education, Editors. Charles H. Judd, Head. The Elementary School Journal (con- tinuing Elementary School Teacher) alms to keep practical teachers in touch with the investigations of pedagogical experts and to disseminate the results of successful experimentation in the class- room. It aims to present only what is of genuine assistance to teachers in planning their work. Chicago, 1900. 1 V. ann. begin. S. 10 nos. to v. Not published in July and August. Succes- sor to The Course of Study. Name changed, 1901. G Engineer (London) W The leading organ of the British en- gineering profession. It records pro- gress in all branches of engineering and allied arts, sciences and industries all over the world. Illustrated. Thick paper ed. £2 6d; Canadian subs. £1 I63; thin paper ed. £1 16s; Canadian subs. £1 lis 6d. London, 1856. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. A Engineering & Contracting W Halbert P. Gillette, Editor. First Wednesday Eacn Month Roads and Streets $1 Yearly Second Wednesday Each Month Waterworks and Hydraulics $1 Yearly Third Wednesday Each Month Excavation and Railways.. $1 Yearly Fourth Wednesday Each Month Buildings and Structural... $1 Y' early Fifth Wednesday. . . Surveying, Drafting and Office Quar- terly 25 cts. Yearly Every Wednasday $3 Yearly Any Two or More Monthly Issues, 75 Cents Each Per I'ear. Devoted to the economics of civil en- gineering design and to methods and cost of construction. Chicago. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. "Ja. '06 Roadmaster and Foreman incorpor- ated with Engineering-Contracting un- der the title of Engineering- Contracting and Roadmaster and Foreman. V. no. was 21. In My. '06 Contract News was incorporated with Engineering- Con- tracting, changing from monthly to weekly publication, and retaining the volume number of Contract News. In Jl. '07 Engineering World was incor- porated with Engineering-Contracting. 1906-My. '11 title reads Engineering Contracting." A Engineering & Mining J. W net 5.00 Walter Renton Ingalis, Editor. Of special interest to managers, super- intendents, mine owners, mining en- gineers and metallurgists. Devoted to mining and reduction of ore. N. Y. 1886. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to V. Successor to American Journal of Mining, 1869. A Engineering Magazine . . M net 3.00 New subscriptions 2.85 John R. Dunlap and Charles E. Funk, Editors. Discusses subjects of interest speci- fically to managers, superintendents and engineers of industrial plants, or to well-informed business men. "Includes an index to about 200 technical periodi- cals, mainly English, French and Ger- man."— Walter. N. Y. 1891. 2 V. ann. begin. Ap. & O. 6 nos to v. G & A Engineering News W net 5.00 Charles Whiting Baker, Editor. Engineering News is an authoritative and unbiased record of current engi- neering progress and practice of inter- est to civil engineers and contractors engaged in civil engineering construc- tion work. One of the leading engineer- ing weeklies in America. N. Y. 1874. 2 v. ann. begm. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. Originally called the Surveyor and En- gineer. Name changed in 1884 to En- gineering News and American Railway Journal, and later to Engineering News. A Engineering Record W net 5.00 E. J. Mehren, Editor. A progressive and useful journal for civil engineers and contractors, record- ing and analyzing technical, financial, and legal developments of importance to them. Contains a news section of short items for the busy reader, and a con- tracting section, presenting each week A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS from six hundred to a thousand items regarding new and prospective work. N. Y. 18S4. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to V. A Engineers' Society of W. Pa., Proceedings lo nos. net 5.00 Elmer K. Hiles, Editor. Contains papers and proceedings of the Society's meetings. Pittsburg. 1880. 1 V. ann. begin F. 10 nos. to v. A English Historical Rev. . . Q net 5.40 Reginald L. Poole, Editor. Every issue contains signed major articles; notes and documents; book re- views and short notices. London. 1886. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. S English Journal .... 10 nos. net 2.50 James F. Hosic, Managing Editor. The English Journal is the organ of the National council of teachers of English and the tB.-enty societies afflll- ated with it and was founded to pro- vide English teachers with a means of intercommunication and a record of events affecting their work. Useful not only to all teachers of English but also to the general student of education. ■ Chicago. 1912. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 10 nos. to V. Not published in July and Ausrust. S English Review M net 12/6 Austin Harrison. Editor. A readable and broad-minded educa- tive periodical. London. 1908. 3 v. ann. begin. Ap. Ag. & D. 4 nos. to v. S 27 Etude M net 1.50 James Francis Cooke, Editor. An up-to-date magazine for the American home. Masterly articles con- tributed by virtuosos, teachers, singers and composers of wide reputation. A year's issues contain 240 pieces of music, including some of the best pro- ductions of standard and popular writ- ers, and 500 pages of instruction, inspir- ation and entertainment. Phila. 1883. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. 25 Everybody's M net 1.50 Howard Wheeler, Managing Editor. A well balanced magazine devoting about 60 per cent of its space to the best of fiction, and 40 per cent to big events and issues. It has been said that it is the only "15 cent magazine published with a purpose." N. T. 1899. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. G Factory M net 2.00 After January i, 1917 3.00 Devoted to the problems of factory management, including accounting, out- put, handling of labor, tools and product to the best advantage, reducing waste, etc. Chicago. 1907. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. No nos. issued N.-D. 1909. A Field (Illustrated) M net 1.50 G. Howard Davison, Editor. Published for the breeder.s and own- ers of pure-bred livestock and for those who are farming along special lines. N. T. 1902. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to V. Succeeded Sports of the Times, in 1912. Ag Fortnightly Review M net 4.50 W. L. Cfourtney, Editor. "The Fortnightly stands squarely In the forefront of contemporary journal- ism of the finest kind. Its discussions of current events are brought down to the last minute." London. 1865. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. G Forum M net 2.50 Arthur Hooley, Editor. Devoted to economic and sociological questions with special emphasis on so- cial tendencies and movements. N. Y. 1886. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. Pub. quar. Jl. 1902-Jl. 1908 (v. 34- 39). V. 33 includes only Mr.-Je. 1902. Q 20 Foundry M net i.oo A. O. Backert, Editor. A technical magazine which treats of modern foundry practice in all metals, and covers every phase of foundry work. Edited by A. O. Backert. Cleveland, 1892. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. A 30 Garden Magazine M net 1.50 35 After January 10, 1917 2.00 Leonard Barron, Editor. Aims to interest people in gardening by showing how to get results in the most simple and practical way. Devoted exclusively to the interests of the ama- teur gardener. N. Y. 1905. 2 v. ann. begin. P. & Ag. 6 nos. to v. G 35 General Electric Review M net 2.00 John R. Hewitt, Editor. Contains about ninety pages of purely technical matter consisting of authori- tative articles by engineer specialists on electrical research, recent discovery, manufacture and practice. N. Y. 1903. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. A Geographical Review M net 5.00 Isaiah Bowman, Director. A monthly journal containing authori- tative articles of general interest on all phases of geography, notes on current geographical activities and explora- tions, and a very complete bibliography, including reviews and titles of books and maps. N. Y. 1832. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. Jl. 6 nos. to v. Name changed from Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, January, 1916. S Good Housekeeping M net 1.50 "W. F. Bigelow, Editor. A riiagazine of .good fiction, containing novels and short stories by Juliet Wilbor Tompkins, Harold MacGrath, Mary Heaton Vorse, William J. Locke, Frances Hodgson Burnett and others. There are also departments and special articles under the editorship of such experts as Dr. Wiley, Dr. Woods Hutch- inson, H. Addington Bruce, and Miriam Finn Scott, the famous child diagnos- tician. Good Housekeeping conducts a practical hou.'^ekeeping department as well as the "Three Meals a Day." N. Y. 1885. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. G JOHN MARTINS BOOIC. Jliilil THE BESTM AGAZINE/or CHILDREN-^-folOyrs.^ CHI LP 5 5$ 322 A t>iQ,ind.e«f ruciible Book prhaied in colony. Beaviilfvil and appealirag ii^ arf and, liiera-f ure. 10 A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS Good Roads W net 2.00 E. L. Powers, Editor. In Its pages all the various questions relating to the building of roads and pavements, and their repair and main- tenance are treated in a thorough, com- prehensive and practical manner. N. Y. 1802. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to V. A 70 Harper's Magazine M net 4.00 Henry Mills Alden, Editor. One of the best general magazines, containing fiction, travel, popular sci- ence, reminiscences, biography, essays and humor. Well illustrated. Seven un- usual short stories in each number. N. Y. 1850. 2 V. anft. begin. D. & Je. 6 nos. to V. G Harper's Weekly See Independent. Harvard Graduates' Mag. Q net 3-oo William Richards Castle, jr.. Editor. A literary quarterly devoted to the interests of Harvard university. Cam- bridge. 1892. 1 V. ann. begin. S. 4 nos. 18 Heat." & Ventil. Mag M net i.oo A. S. Armagnac, Editor. Devoted to the engineering of heating and ventilating. Of special Interest to ventilating and heating engineers, con- tractors, architects and all interested in the mechanical equipment of buildings. N. Y. 1904. 1 y. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to V. A 50 Hibbert Journal Q . net . 2.50 L. P. Jacks, Editor. Pre-eminent as a religious and phil- osophical quarterly, dealing with live questions on sociology, philosophy and religion. Many contributors of inter- national fame. Bost. 1902. 1 v. ann. begin. O. 4 nos. to v. S Hoard's Dairyman W net i.oo W. D. Hoard, Editor. Devoted to dairying and dairy farm interests. Fort Atkinson, Wis. 1885. 2 V. ann. begin. F. & Ag. 26 nos. to v. Home Progress M net 3.00 Elizabeth McCracken, Editor. Dedicated to the enrichment and up- building of family life, and the educa- tion, training and management of children. Cambridge, Mass. 1911. 1 v. ann. begin. S. 12 nos. to v. G Horseless Age S-M net 2.00 Julian Chase, Editor. A trade Journal devoted exclusively to the automobile industry. Of special in- terest to engineers, automobile manu- facturers, and designers. N. Y. 1895. 2 V. ann. begin. .la. & Jl. 12 nos. to y. Changed from a weekly to a semi- monthly publication Ag. 1, 1915. A House and Garden M net 3.00 Richardson Wright, Editor. House and Garden furnishes each month both Inspiration and suggestion for the home ideal. Indoors It tells of house planning, furnishing and decorat- ing. Outdoors it deals with each need of the garden and grounds. Est. Phila. 1901. 2 V. ann begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. Absorbed American Homes and Gardens, Septi.mber, 1915. 40 House Beautiful M net 2.00 Grace A. Kimball, Editor. An invaluable magazine to anyone in- terested in the questions of building, remodeling or furnishing a home. Each month Its lUastrations show the best types of houses from al! over the coun- try. If" rorrc^poDflonr'n dppfirtmontri can furnish valuable information on all questions relating to the house and grounds. Chicago. 1896. 2 v. ann. begin. Je. & D. 6 nos. to v. Consolidated with Indoors and Out in 1908, Modern Homes in 1909 and American Suburbs in 1912. G 111. Univ. Bull. Engineering Exp. Sta. These bulletins are published Irregu- larly during the ■ college year, and are subject to "free initial distribution. Ad- dress Engineering Experiment Station, Urbana, 111. A Illuminating Engineer . . M net los 6d Leon Gaster, Editor. Official organ of the Illuminating En- gineering Society. The journal deals with all illuminants and gives infor- mation as to the best methods of using them. London. 1908. A Illuminating Engineering Society Transactions 9 nos. net 5.00 A. S. McAllister, Chairman Editing Committee. Devoted to original papers, discussions and reports on various phases of light and illumination. N. Y. 1906. 1 v. ann. begin. F. 9 nos. to v. A 25 Illustrated World (The Technical World) M net 1.50 W. T. Walsh, Editor. An illustrated monthly, telling in a simple and interesting way of the dis- coveries of scientists, the achievements of inventors, the feats of engineers and explorers and the opening of every field of human endeavor. Name changed from Technical World to Illustrated World with the September, 1915, issue. Chi- cago. 1904. 2 V. ann. begin. Mr. & S. 6 nos. to V. G Independent W net 4.00 Hamilton Holt, Editor. An illustrated weekly magazine for busy thinking people. The Independent • now appears in a new form, with a larger page, more and better illustra- tions, and a wider popular appeal. It Is non-partisan, and its articles deal with men and affairs of today and tomorrow. N. Y. 1848. 4 V. ann. begin. Ja. Ap. Jl. & O. 13 nos. to V. Beginning January, 1914, is published on Mondays. Ab- sorbed Harper's Weekly, May 22, 1916. G Industrial Arts Magazine M net 1.50 S. J. Vaughn, E. J. Lake and W. H. Henderson, Editors. A professional illustrated monthly, devoted to industrial education, and all forms of handwork in the schools, par- ticularlv woodworking, printing, ma- chine-shop work, forging, concrete con- struction, carpentry, sewing, mechani- cal and freehand drawing, etc. It aims to present courses, methods and pro- iccts which supervisors and teaclier.s "can directly u.=;e and adapt, and it mini- mizes theoretical speculation. Thriiout it emphasizes art instruction, and good design, color, drawing, a.s essential in all handwork. Milwaukee. Wis. 1014. Formerly 2 v. ann. From Ja, 1916, 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. Incorpora- tion of Arts and Crafts Magazine, and Handicraft. G Information M net 3.00 A digest of current events and an in- dex to dates arranged to supplement existing year books and almanacs. A quarterlv cumulation is also published, sold separately for .$2.00. Subscription price for the two combined is $4.00. Anniinl nimTilntlon, bound In clnih, ^4.00 A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS ($2.00 to subscribers to the periodical). N. Y. 1915. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos to V. Successor to Index to Dates begun in 1912. Inland Printer M net 3.00 A. H. McQuilkan, Editor. One of the leading trade journals or the world in the printing and allied arts. Its technical departments are edited by recognized experts of the printing world. Chicago. 1883. 2 v. ann. begin. Ap. & O. 6 nos. to V. The first twelve volumes contained 12 issues each. A International Journal of Ethics Q net 2.50 James H. Tufts, Managing Editor. Deals with both ethical theory and concrete social, political and economic problems. It gives special prominence to constructive study of the principles of justice by both lawyers and laymen. Chicago. 1880. 1 v. ann. begin. O. 4 nos. to v. S 90 International Studio M net 5.00 W. H. deB. Nelson. Editor. The foremost art magazine published in the English language. Deals with the progress of painting, sculpture, etch- ing, architecture, furniture, home decor- ation, ceramics, crafts, the world over. Each issue contains a hundred or more fine reproductions of works of art, In- cluding several color plates. N. Y. 1897. 3 v. ann. begin. Mr. Jl. & N. 4 nos. to v. G Iron Age W net 5.00 A. I. Findley, Geo. W. Cope and W. W. Macon, Editors. Devoted to the iron, steel and ma- chinery industries. Authentic informa- tion on the metal markets of the world. Shows requirements of firms in the mar- ket for machinery, machine tools, factory equipment and raw materials. Modern economic methods, new cost- reducing machinery, etc., are regularly illustrated and described. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. and Jl. 26 nos. to v. A Iron Trade Review W net 4.00 George Smart and H. Cole Estep, Edi- tors. Contains accurate and authoritative news on the iron and steel markets of the world, as well as reports of price changes, purchase and sales of all iron and steel products. Cleveland, 1881. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. A Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical & Pol. Sci. Q net 3.00 Consists of monographs devoted to local institutions, municipal history, government land tenure, social science taxation, diplomacy, history, economics, politics and education. Baltimore. 1883. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 3 or 4 nos to v. S Journal of Accountancy M net 3.00 A. P. Richardson, Editor. The official organ of the American Association of Public Accountants. N. Y. 1905. 2 V. ann. begin. J. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. A 1 10 J. of the Am. Chem. Soc.M net 6.00 Dr. W. A. Noyes, Urbana, HI., Editor. Devoted to the reports and proceed- ings of the society, as well as papers and discussions on general, physical, organic and biological chemistry. Book reviews are also included. 1879. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. Successor to the Proceedings of the American Chemical Society and also the Ameri- can Chemical Journal with which it Is incorporated. A J. of Am. Folk-lore Q net 300 Franz Boas, Editor. Issued by the American Folk-Lore Society. It is designed for the collection and publication of the folk-lore and mythology of the American continent. Lancaster, Pa. 1888. 1 v. ann. begin. J a. 4 nos. to v. S J. of the Am. Inst, of Criminal Law & Criminology B-M net 3.00 Robert H. Gault, Editor. The only Journal of its kind pub- lished in this country. Valuable In fur- nishing information to serve as a work- ing basis in drafting proper laws as 10 crime and procedure in the courts, and treatment of criminals. Chicago. 191U. 1 v. ann. begin. My. 6 nos. to v. S Journal of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers 10 nos net 4.00 Edward C. Sherman, Editor. The Journal contains the reports of the proceeaings of tlie association and also reprints many of the papers and discus- sions. Best. 1914. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 10 nos. to V. Not published in July and August. A 45 Journal of Education W net 2.50 A. E. Winship, Editor. The only national educational weekly pubhshed in this country. Boston. 1875. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 25 nos. to v. S J. of the Franklin Inst M net 5.00 R. B. Owens, E.E., M.A., D.Sc, Editor. An illustrated monthly record of orig- inal scientific research in chemistry, physics and mechanics. It includes popular presentations of Important sub- jects, and a digest of current literature on all subjects connected with science and the useful arts. Phila. 1826. Con- solidated with American Meclianics' Magazine, 1826. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. First series, vols. 1-4; second series, vols. 1-26; third series, vol. 1-100; since Ja. 1891 continuous vol- ume no. only (.vols. 131-). A Journal of Geography 10 nos. net i.oo Ray Hughes Whitbeck, Editor. Of special interest to teachers of geography in elementary, secondary and normal schools. Contains articles on regional geography, discussions and class-room helps. Madison, Wis. 1902. 1 V. ann. begin. S. 10 nos to v. Suc- cessor to School Geography. S Journal of Geology ....S-Q net 4.00 Thomas C. Chamberlin and Rollin D. Salisbury, Editors. While devoted primarily to the geol- ogical phenomena of America, the Jour- nal aims to keep its readers Informed on the most important developments abroad. Finely illustrated and provided with maps, diagrams, etc. Chicago. 1893. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 8 nos. to v. 8 Journal of Home Economics M net 2.00 Mrs. Alice Norton, Editor. A scientific monthly dealing with home economics in all its phases. Valuable to teachers, householders. In- stitutional managers, hygienists and social workers. Special homemaker's department based on scientific prin- ciples. Baltimore. 1909. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. V. 2, 1910, contains 6 nos. Changed from 5 nos. to 10 nos. ann. Ja. 1915, from 10 to 12 nos. In Ja. 1916. G 12 A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry M net 6.00 Prof. M. C. Whitaker, New York City, Editor. Devoted to Industrial chemistry. Throws light on the new era which seems to huve opened in the American chemical industry. 1909. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. I'ii nos. to V. A Journal of the Institution of Elec- trical Engineers . . M single nos. 7s George K. Metcalfe, Editor. The institution was founded in 1871 . and was originally known as the Society of Telegraph Engineers. The aim of the journal is "to promote the general advancement of electrical and tele- graphic science and its applications." Liondon, 1872. Volumes begin with the December issue. Changed to a monthly, March, 1916. A J. of Pol. Economy . . 10 nos. net 3.00 James A. Field, Managing Editor. Has been for years a leading scientific periodical. Of late years it has opened its pages to articles of more general interest on such subjects as transporta- tion, the tariff, scientific management, and labor conditions. Chicago, 1892. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 10 nos. to v. Vols. 1-13 published quarterly; beginning vol. 14 published monthly except Jl. & Ag. G Kimball's Dairy Farmer S-M net 50 cents Hugh G. Van Pelt, Editor. A national dairy magazine for the dairy cattle breeders and progressive farmers of America. Waterloo, Iowa. 1903. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 24 nos. to v. Ag Kindergarten-Primary Mag 10 nos. net i.oo J. H. Shutts, Editor. Is, as its name indicates, an educa- tional journal, especially useful to the teacher in the beginning school grades. Manistee, Mich. 1888. 1 v. ann. begin. S. 10 nos. to V. Name changed from Kindergarten Magazine, 1908. Not pub-^ lished in July and August. S Ladies' Home Journal ...M net 1.50 Edward W. Bok, Editor. One of the two or three leading woman's magazines. Contains short stories, serials, and articles on reforms, fashions, home departments and all phases of domestic economy. Extreme- ly popular for reading-room use. Phlla. 1883. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. Issued semi-monthly beginning Septem- ber, 1910, but monthly issue resumed June, 1911. Vols. 27 and 28 contain 17 nos. each. G Library Journal M net 4.00 R. K. Bowker, Editor. A magazine of library economy and bibliography, containing articles and editorials on library economy and news items of interest to librarians every- where. N. Y. 1876. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to V. Life W net 5.00 John Ames Mitchell, Editor. The best humorous and satirical Jour- nal published. Its colored covers and illustrations are by the leading artists. Valuable also for Its editorials, dramatic criticism and book reviews. N. Y. 1883. 2 v. ann. begin Ja. & Jl. 26 nos to v. Literary Digest W net 3.00 William Seaver Woods, Editor. A digest of articles from current newspapers and periodicals, American and foreign, covering current events, foreign affairs, science, religion, art, literature and miscellaneous items. Im- partial and brief articles, especially val- uable to the busy man. N. Y. 1890. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. Absorbed Public Opinion in 1906. Q Little Folks M net i.oo Margherlta Osborn Forbes, Editor. Little Folks is Intended for children from three to twelve years. It is a story-teller, a picture-book, a play-fel- low and an out-of-school magazine. All stories of a painful kind are excluded, especially such as would exhaust nerv- ous and imaginative children. Salem, Mass. 1897. 1 v. ann. begin. N. 12 nos. to v. Combined with Children's Maga- zine, Jl. 1913. 115 Living Age W net 6.00 Frank Foxcroft, Editor. Living Age reproduces the best of English periodical literature without abridgment. Us scope is all the way from the Quarterlies to Punch, and It is greatly prized by intelligent readers. Bost. 1844. 4 v. ann. begin. Ja. Ap. JL & O. 13 nos. to v. Name changed from Littell's Living Age, 1894. G Locomotive Q net 50 cents C. C. Perry, Editor. Published by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. A 32-page periodical containing articles relating to the operation, construction, care and management of steam boilers and fly- ■ wheels. Hartford, Ct. 1880. 1 v. every two years, begin. Ja. 8 nos. to v. New series started 1880. A London Quarterly Rev. . . Q net 8s A literary and philosophical Journal, widely quoted. London. 1853. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. «& Jl. 2 nos. to v. 8 20 McClure's Magazine M net i.oo Cameron Mackenzie, Editor. : "Similar in scope and character to the American Magazine and Everybody's. Biography and history have been prom- inent, especially in the earlier volumes. . . . Its articles on political and so- cial affairs are often useful in reference work. The fiction maintains a grood average of interest as well as of literary merit.'— Walter. N. Y. 1893. 2 v. ann. begin. My. & N. 6 nos. to v. G Machinery M net 2.00 Fred. E. Rogers, Editor. The scope of its subject matter covers machine design, construction and repair. Its particular field is shop practice in metal working. N. Y. 1894. 1 v. ann. begin. S. 12 nos. to v. A Manual Training Magazine 10 nos. net 1.25 Prof. Charles A. Bennett, Editor. An illustrated magazine devoted to the theory and practice of manual train- ing in schools. Especially valuable to the teacher although helpful also to the advanced student. Peoria, 111. 1899. Formerly 1 v. ann. begin. O. 5 nos. to V. Issued in O. D. F. Ap. & Je. Con- solidated with Vocational Education and name changed from Manual Training Magazine S., 1914. Now 1 v. ann. begin. S. 10 nos. to v. Not published in Jl. & Ag. G A SELECTED LIST OF TERIODICALS 13 Marine Engineenng M net 2.00 H. H. Brown, Editor. Covers the marine field thoroughly, giving technical description of new and improved marine machinery and its operation. 1897. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to V. A 18 Metal Industry M net i.oo Palmer H. Langdon, Editor and Pub- lisher. A trade Journal devoted to metals and alloys except iron. Contains the latest and best shop practice in the production and manufacture of metals in all forms. 1903. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. Successor to Aluminum World. A Metal Worker, Plumber & Steam Fitter W net 2.00 Frank K. Chew and C. H. Bishop, Editors. Devoted to the sheet metal, plumbing and heating- trades. Up-to-date infor- mation concerning problems of office and shop management, cost systems, keeping account of labor and materials, and reducing the expense of the entire business so as to sho^ better profit at the end of the year. N. Y. 1874. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. Absorbed Engineering Review. A Metallurgical & Chemical Engineering S-M net 3.00 E. F. Roeber, Editor. An authority on progress and practice In Industrial chemistry and all branches of ore treatment and refining. N. Y. 1902. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 12 nos. to V. Contmues Electrochemical and Metallurgical Industry. Consolidated with Iron and Steel Magazine, 1906. Changed from monthly to semi-month- ly, S. 1, 1915. A~ Missionary Review M net 2.50 Delevan L. Pierson, Editor. An Illustrated monthly magazine of missionary methods, problems, biog- raphy and history. Impartial and un- denominational. N. Y. 1878. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. G Mississippi Valley Historical Re- view Q net 3.00 Libraries 4.00 Clarence W. Alvord, Editor. Published quarterly by the Mississippi Valley Historical Association and "de- voted to the promotion of research in the history of the valley, the limits of which will be considered as extending from the Appalachian to the Rocky mountains." Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1914. 1. v. ann. begin. Je. 4 nos. to v. S Modern Philology M net 3.00 John M. Manly, Editor. Entirely devoted to advanced research work In the modern languages and lit- eratures. Including their ancient and mediaeval origins. Stands In the same place with similar publications in Eu- ope, and Is frequently quoted abroad. Chicago. 1903. 1 v. ann. begin. My. 12 nos. to V. Vols. 1-11 published quar- terly; Vol. 12 published monthly except Jl. & Ag.; Vol. 13 published monthly. S Monist Q net a.oo Dr. Paul Carus, Editor. Devoted to the purpose of putting sci- entific methods into the study of reli- gion and philosophy. Chicago. 1890. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. S Moody's Magazine M net 3.00 New subscriptions 2.50 A. W. Ferrin, Editor. Prepared expressly for the investor. Gives each month a complete review of the financial and Investment field. En- ables business men to know the trend and to keep posted on conditions of business. Deductions based only upon a scientific study of underlying condi- tions. Much space Is devoted to an- alyses of specific securities by John Moody and other experts. N. Y. 1906. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. In July, 1913, the size of page was enlarged ana publication was changed from two volumes yearly to one. S Municipal Engineering . . M net 2.00 Charles Carroll Brown, M. Am. Soc. C. E., Editor. Devoted to municipal improvements of all kinds, and prepared for the use of municipal officials and employes in all departments, including engineers of public works, fire, water, light and others engaged in construction, opera- tion, maintenance and repair, contrac- tors and others interested in municipal development. 1890. Was first called Paving, then Paving and Municipal En- gineering, and, since 1896, Municipal Engineering.- Indianapolis. 1809. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. v. 2 had 12 nos. A Municipal Journal W net 3.00 A. Prescott Folwell, Editor. An engineering journal devoted to municipal improvements and to advance contract news relating to this field. N. Y. 1896. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. and Jl. 26 nos. to V. This publication started as City Government in 1896; changed in 1901 to Municipal Journal and Engineer; Municipal News, a weekly, was consoli- dated with it Ja. 1, 1906; name changed to Municipal Journal in 1912. Changed from monthly to weekly, Ja. 1, 1906. A Munsey's Magazine M net i.oo Frank A. Munsey, Editor. An illustrated monthly magazine con- taining timely special articles, novel- ettes, serials, short stories, and articles devoted to the stage, and poetry. N. Y. 1889. 3 V. ann. begin. F., Je. & O. 4 nos. to V. 90 Musical Courier W net 5.00 Leonard Liebling, Editor. The Musical Courier keeps its readers in touch with the activities of the mu- sical world. It publishes the important news items of concerts, recitals, musi- cales, festivals, etc., that take place throughout the season, besides many other features of value to musical peo- ple. N. Y. 1880. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to V. Musical Quarterly Q net 2.00 O. G. Sonneck, Editor. No musical selections are included, but each number contains several good articles by competent writers on sub- THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL A*b£ifJ^/x$ ISO THE S^TURD/iY EVENING POST Wee/c/ y $ 1 50 THE COUNTRV GENTLEMAN Wee/c/ y $ 1 00 14 A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS Jects of interest to students and lovers of music. N. Y. 1915. 1 v. ann. 4 noa. to V. G 23 Musician M net 1.50 W. J. Baltzell, Editor. An educational musical monthly. The general articles are stimulating and in- structive, covering every phase of mu- sical work: special departments for singers, violinists, organists, teachers, and children. Each issue contains twenty-four pages of vocal and instru- mental music, popular, standard and classical in character. Bost. 1896. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. Consoli- dated with the Musical Record and Re- view, November, 1903. G 70 Nation W net 4.00 Harold de Wolf Fuller, Editor. A Journal devoted to politics, litera- ture, science and art. Contains careful well-written editorials, and other ar- ticles by people of prominence on cur- rent subjects, and also trustworthy book reviews. N. Y. 1865. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. G National Conference of Charities & Correction, Proc Ann. net 2.00 William T. Cross, Editor. Proceedings of the annual conference dealing with social work. Published an- nually in October. Addresses by 4eading social workers in nine or more different fields of practical endeavor; carefully edited and indexed as a handbook. Chi- cago. 1874. 1 V. ann. G National Educ. Ass'n. Proceedings & Addresses Ann. net 2.00 Contains papers and discussions of the annual meeting of the National Education Association, and of the an- nual r.^eetings of the various depart- ments of the Association. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1858. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. G Nat Geographic Mag M net 2.50 Gilbert H. Grosvenor, Editor. Devoted to travel, literature and prac- tical science, and is profusely illustrated. The articles are written by prominent scientists and travelers. Wash. 1888. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. G Nat. Municipal Rev Q net 5.00 Clinton Rogers Woodruff. Editor. Magazine of municipal affairs, de- voted to the consideration of such sub- jects as charters, commission govern- ment, city manager plan, municipal politics, etc. 1912. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. S Nature W net 7.50 An illustrated weekly devoted to sci- ence. London, 1869. 2 v. ann. begin. Mr. & S. 26 nos. to v. S Nature Study Rev. ... 9 nos. net i.oo Elliot R. Downing, Editor. Official organ of the American Nature Study Society. Contains each month many good suggestions for teachers. Ithaca, N. Y. 1905. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 9 nos. to v. S New Republic W net 4.00 Herbert Croly, Philip LIttell, Walter E. Weyl, Walter Lippman, Francis Hackett, and Alvin S. Johnson, Editors. A weekly journal of comment on pub- lic affairs. Its aim Is not only "to keep abreast of the news, but to develop an Intellectual background for Its under- standing." N. Y. 1914. 4 V. ann. begin. N., F., My. & Ag. 13 nos. to v. G iQth Century and After M net 4.50 W. Wray Skilbeck, Editor. A monthly survey of human progress In every department by the most com- petent authorities and writers. London, 1877. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. G 80 North American Review M net 4.00 George Harvey, Editor. An admirable review of topics of cur- rent importance by recognized authori- ties, political and social matters receiv- ing the most prominence. Book reviews and editorials are important features. The magazine Is useful to debaters, clubs, and students of economics and sociology. N. Y. 1815. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. Issued semi-month- ly. S. '06-Ag. '07. G Open Court M net i.oo Dr. Paul Carus, Editor. Devoted to the extension of the Re- ligious Parliament Idea. Chicago. 1887. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. S 12 Orange Judd Farmer W net i.oo Arthur C. Page, Editor. A farm journal for the Middle West. Carries regular departments covering live stock, fruit and truck farming land management, dairying, forestry, and a household department. Also furnishes a reliable crop reporting service. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja 52 nos. to v. Ag 50 Outing M net 3.00 Albert Britt, Editor. Devoted to outdoor sports in America, covering every phase of outdoor life. N. Y. 1882. 2 V. ann. begin. Ap. & O. 6 nos. to V. G 60 Outlook W net 3.00 After February i 4.00 Lyman Abbott, Editor-in-chief. "One of the best-ltnown weeklies dealing with current events. . . . The regular numbers are devoted to discus- sions of social and political matters with one or two literary articles." — Walter. Every issue is illustrated. The fourth issue in each month is a double num- ber. N. Y. 1S69. 3 V. ann. begin. Ja. My. & S. 17 & 18 nos. to v. G 24 Overland Monthly M net 1.20 O. Black, Editor. An illustrated literary magazine, manned by western literary talent, and devoted, both in fact and in fiction, to a portrayal of the romance of the Old West, and the present prosperity and future promise of the Pacific slope. Es- tablished by Bret Harte. San Francisco.' 1868. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. G Pedagogical Seminary Q net 5.00 G. Stanley Hall, Editor. An international record of educational literature, institutions and progress. Devoted solely to the highest Interest of education in all grades, with digests of important literature of all countries. Worcester, Mass. 1891. 1 v. ann. begin. Mr. 4 nos. to v. S Philosophical Review ..B-M net 3.00 J. E. Creighton, Editor. In addition to its articles about topics in the realms of philosophy, it contains book reviews and summaries of articles. N. Y. 1892. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 6 nos. to V. S 25 Photo-Era M net 1.50 Wilfred A. French, Editor. An Illustrated journal of photography for both professionals and amateurs. In addition to several good articles each number contains special departments, contests, and book reviews. Bost. 1898. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. Successor to the American Journal of Photography. G A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS 30 Pictorial Review M net 1.50 Arthur T. Vance, Editor. A magazine of special interest to women, illustrated in color. Features the well-known Pictorial Review styles, also contains many helpful articles and departments relating to the problems of the home and housekeeping. Each issue contains at least one serial and three or four good short stories. N. Y. 1899. 1 V. ann. begin. O. 12 nos. to v. 36 Playground M net 2.00 H. S. Braucher, Editor. An illustrated monthly of 36 pages. Published in the interest of providing wholesome recreation for old and young. Contains proceedings of the annual meeting of the Playground and Recrea- tion Association of America, the year- book, and articles on all phases of rec- reation work. Particularly valuable for playground workers and officials, and for school superintendents, principals and teachers. N. Y. 1907. 1 v. ann. be- gin. Ap. 12 nos. to V. S Plumber, Steam Fitter & Metal Worker W net 2.00 See Metal Worker, Plumber «Ss Steam Fitter. Poet Lore Bi-mo. net 5.00 Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke, Editors. One of the oldest reviews in the Eng- lish language. Devoted to the study of poetry and the drama. Boston, 1889. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 6 nos. to v. S 53 Pol. Science Quarterly Q net 3.00 Thomas Reed Powell, Managing Edi- tor. Devoted to vital problems of political and social life, and to the development of political and economic theories and experiments. N. Y. 1886. 1 v. ann. begin. Mr. 4 nos. to v. G 65 Popular Astronomy . . 10 nos. net 3.50 Herbert C. Wilson, Editor. A review of astronomy and allied sci- ences. Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. 1893. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 10 nos. to v. S Popular Mechanics M net 1.50 H. H. Windsor, Editor. Contains brief descriptions of mechan- ical devices and processes written so as to be easily understood. Chicago. 1902. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. Popular Science Monthly .M net 1.50 Waldemar Kaempffert, Editor. A monthly record in pictures and ar- ticles of the important, the unusual and the most useful in Invention, mechan- ics, electricity, wireless and every branch of science. Includes practical departments and working plans for those interested in mechanics, carpen- try, home handicraft, wireless, and photography. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. Successor to World's Ad- vance, Popular Electricity and the World's Advance, and Modern Mechan- ics in October, 1915. Power W net 2.00 Fred. R. Low, Editor. Of special Interest to operators of power plants, and power plant engin- eers. N. Y. 1880. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. Successor to Steam. Consolidated with Science and Industry, Mechanical Engineer, Steam Engineer- ing and The Engineer. Assumed pres- ent name in 1884. A Psychological Review. Bi-m net 5.00 Howard C. Warren, Editor. This price includes a subscription to the Psychological Bulletin. The Review contains original contributions only. Princeton, N. J. 1894. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 6 nos. to v. The Bulletin is pub- lished monthly, beginning in 1904. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to v. S Public Libraries .... 10 nos. net 2.00 Mary Eileen Ahern, Editor. A magazine for librarians, devoted to library economy and library news. Chi- cago. 1896. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 10 nos. to V. Published monthly except August and September. Publishers' Weekly W net 5.00 R. R. Bowker, Editor. A weekly journal devoted to the book trade, containing articles, editorials and news items of interest to the book and publishing world, also a weekly record of new publications, and a monthly index. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to V. 50 Quar. J. of Economics. .. -Q net 3.00 F. W. Taussig, Editor. Intended to promote research and to advance economic science. It gives a good share of space to economic theory and economic history, but it publishes also substantial articles on questions of the day. Cambridge, Mass. 1885. 1 v. ann. begin. N. 4 nos. to v. G Quarterly Journal of Public Speak- ing Q net 2.00 J. M. O'Neill, Editor. The official organ of the National As- sociation of Academic Teachers of Pub- lic Speaking. It is devoted to the pro- fessional interests of all branches of public speaking in both colleges and secondary schools, furnishing a channel for the publication of articles, discus- sions, reports, and notes covering what is being done, and what Is thought in the entire field. Chicago, April, 1915. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. G Quarterly Review Q net 4.00 "The bulwark of conservative opinion, covering every important phase of con- temporary thought and activity." Lon- don. 1809. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 2 nos. to v. G Railway Age Gazette W net 5.00 Samuel O. Dunn, Editor. Published in the interests of steam railroads of North America and devoted to all problems pertaining to their opera- tion. N. Y. 1855. 2 V. ann. begin. .Ta. & Jl. 38 nos. to 1st V. and 26 to 2d. In Mr. and Je. are published daily is.sues which are part of the volume. Began publication as The Railroad Gazette. Consolidated with Railway Age in 1908. Name changed to present form, Ja., 1910. A THE LABIES' HOME JOURNAL Monthw $ \so THE SJITURD/SY EVENING POST Weekl y $ i5o THE COUNTRY nR>JTT,F.MAM Wee/c/ y $ | 00 All Three $400 "q^ss -UKHiJ <* w >-i A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS Railway Mechanical Engineer M net 2.00 Roy V. Wright, Editor. Oldest journal devoted to the mechan- ical department of steam railroading. N. T. 1826. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 regu- lar and 8 daily nos. to v. Consolidation of American 'Engineer and Railroad Journal and Railway j\ge Gazette, Shop Edition, made in 1912. Changed to Rail- ■nay Age Gazette (Mechanical Edition), 1013. Name changed to present form, January, 1916. A 74 Railway Review W net 4.00 Willard A. Smith, Editor. Covers managerial, executive, engineer- ing and mechanical departments of mod- ern railway practice. Chicago. 1868. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. A 7 Reliable Poultry Journal M net 50 cents Grant M. Curtis, Editor. Devoted to the raising of better poul- try and more of it. Qulncy, 111. 1894. 1 v. ann. begin. Mr. 12 nos. to v. Ag Religious Education . . . .B-M net 3.00 Rev. Henry F. Cope, D.D., Editor. The journal of the Religious Educa- tion Association. Chicago. 1903. 1 v. ann. begin. P. 6 nos. to v. 8 40 Review of Reviews M net 3.00 Albert Shaw, Editor. "OriP'lnal and condensed or digested articles on current movements. Particu- lar attention is paid to international affairs, politics, industry, economics, and sociology but literature, drama and art are also included. . . . Useful for information too recent to be presented in more formal articles or books." N. Y. 1890. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. G Revue des deux Mondes S-M net 14.00 N. Francis Charmes, Le Directeur. A general periodical devoted to lit- erature,, history, politics, philosophv, travel, science, and the arts. Paris. 18:n. 6 V. ann. begin. Ja., Mr., My., Jl., S. & N. 4 nos. to V. S Rural Educator 5 nos. net 25c Garland A. Bricker, Editor. A magazine devoted to the promotion of rural and agricultural education for teachers, preachers, rural leaders and progressive farmers. Columbus, O. 1912. Formerly 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 10 nos. to v. After October, 1916, 5 nos. to v. issued in O., D., F., Ap., & Je. Bought out Agricultural News Bulletin. 1913; also White Mountain Educator, 1915. Rural New Yorker W net i.oo ' H. W. Collingwood, Editor. A journal for the suburban and coun- try home. N. Y. 1849. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 52 nos. to v. Ag 50 St. Nicholas M net 3.00 William Fayal Clarke, Editor. A popular well-illustrated magazine for children, containing short stories, serials, articles on history, biographv, travel and nature study. The articles are well-written, wholesome and inter- esting. N. Y. 1873. 1 v. ann. begin. N. 2 pts. 12 nos. to V. G Saturday Evening Post ..W net 1.50 George H. Lonmer, Editor-in-chief. One of the most popular weeklies. Contains short stories and serials of varying merit, also articles on all pres- ent-day activities, business and finance, engineering and inventions, social con- ditions and politics. Editorials are "fair, keen, and concise summaries of current conditions." Phila. 1728. 1 v. ann. begin. Jl. 52 nos. to v. School and Society W net 3.00 J. McKeen Cattell, Editor. A weekly journal covering the whole field of education and its public service. 1915. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to V. G 37 School Arts Mag. ... 10 nos. net 2.00 Henry Turner Bailey, Editor. An illustrated educational journal de- voted to those who teach drawing and similar arts in the sclwols. It supplies the teacher every month with good ideas for work during that month, in every grade from the primary to the high school. It treats of the widest variety of arts and crafts subjects as well as phases of free hand and mechanical drawing. Bost. 1900. 1 v. ann. begrin. S. 10 nos. to v. Published monthly except July 'and August. Name changed from School Arts Book, Sept. 1912. School of Mines Quarterly Q net 1.50 Edward K. Judd, Managing Editor. Its contents is made up largely from contributions by specialists in engin- eering, mining, chemistry, metallurgy, geology and mineralogy. 1 v. ann. begin. N. 4 nos. to V. A School Review 10 nos. net 1.50 R. L. Lyman, Managing Editor. The only American journal devoted entirely to the high schools. It treats of all the subjects that interest high school ofRcials and teachers, whether pedagogical, administrative, or scholar- ly. Chicago, 1893. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 10 nos. to v. Not published in July and August. G 40 School Science & Mathematics 9 nos. net 2.00 Charles H. Smith, Editor. A scientific and educational journal for science and mathematics teachers in schools and colleges. Chicago. 1901. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 9 nos. to v. S Science W net 5.00 J. McKeen Cattell, Editor. Devoted to the advancement of sci- ence. Contains scientific papers, ab- stracts of other scientific papers and discussions, scientific news, reports of scientific meetings and reviews of sci- entific books. Garrison. N. Y. 1883. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to v. Q 70 Scientific American W net 4.00 J. Bernard Walker. Editor-in-chief The purpose of this journal is to re- cord accurately, simply and interestingly the world's progress in science, inven- tions, discoveries, engineering, and In- dustrial and commercial achievements. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to V. G & A Scientific Am. Supplement W net 5.00 J. Bernard Walker, Editor-in-chief. The purpose of this journal is to pub- lish the important annoucements of eminent technologists, to digest the sig- nificant articles published in European periodicals, and to reflect the most ad- vanced thought in science and industry. N. Y. 1S76. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 26 nos. to V. G & A Scientific Monthly M net 300 J. MoKeen Cattell, Editor. Scientific Monthly began publication in October, 1915, as an outgrowth of the Popular Science Monthly, published A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS since 1872. It publishes articles ap- pealing especially to educated readers as opposed to purely popular matter In- tended for the public generally, and for such a journal "The Scientific Monthly" IS a more fitting name. The editorial management, publication department and typographical form are the same as for the earlier "Popular Science Monthly." G 50 Scribner's Magazine M net 3.00 Robert Bridges, Editor. Contains serials, short stories and ar- ticles of permanent reference value on art and general literature. N. T. 1887. 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. G Sewanee Review Q net 2.00 John M. McBryde, jr.. Editor. This journal is devoted to reviews of new important books; to literary crit- icism; to papers on such topics of gen- eral literature as require fuller treat- ment than they receive in popular mag- azines and less technical treatment than they receive in specialist publications; and to discussions of vital questions in education, politics, economics, history, philosophy, art, science, and religion. Sewanee, Tenn. 1892. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. S Sibley Journal of Engineering M net 2.00 Justin F. Wait, Editor. A recognized authority on engineering subjects, combining theoretical articles by members of the faculty and more practical articles written by practicing engineers and former students of Sib- ley College, Cornell. During the past year the amount of matter in the publi- cation has been more than doubled. Ithaca, N. T. 1885. 1 v. ann. begin. O. Formerly 9 nos. to v. Now published monthly. A Smithsonian Inst., Report of the Board of Regents. Free to libraries. Supt. of Documents, Washington, D. C. G 17 Something To Do M net i.oo Henry Turner Bailey, Editor. A magazine for boys and girls of all ages, especially for 1 o <• wwn would rather work or play once in a while thdn read all the time. Each month each f the twenty-five departments contains something interesting and delightful to make, to do, to read or to know. Bost. 1914. 1 v. ann. begin. S. 12 nos. to v. South Atlantic Quar Q net 2.00 W. p. Few and W. H. Glasson, Edi- tors. A journal devoted to the discussion of literary, historical, economic and so- cial questions. It is not a sectional magazine. Durham, N. C. 1902. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. S Spectator W net 8.00 J. St. Loe Strachey, Editor. High class English weekly devoted to the interests of the day. Good book reviews. London. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. and Jl. 26 nos. to v. S Stevens Indicator Q net 1.50 Gerald E. Terwilliger, Managing Edi- tor. Published for the Alumni of Stevens Institute of Technology. Hoboken, N. J. 1884. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 4 nos. to v. A 25 Sunset M net 1.50 Charles K. Field, Editor. An illustrated magazine devoted to the West. Contains articles illustrated in colors, describing various sections of the West, also serials, short stories, financial and development notes, a home department, and an automobile section. Good as a homeseeker's reference. San Francisco, 1898. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to v. Consolidated with the Pacific Monthly, .lanuary 1912. Name changed to Sunset Magazine— The Pacific Monthly. G Survey W net 3.00 Paul Underwood Kellogg, Editor. A weekly illustrated journal of civic, social and charitable progress in the United States. The first number of each month is a special magazine num- ber. The price of the twelve magazine numbers alone for the year is .$2.00. N. Y. 1898. 2 V. ann. begin. O. & Ap. 26 nos. to V. Began publication as Charities; Succeeded Charities Review, 1901; Consolidated witli The Commons, 1905; Name changed from Charities and The Commons to Survey, 1909. G System M net 2.00 Wheeler Sammons, Executive Editor. System, the Magazine of Business, contains the newest reports on business management, business efficiency, sell- ing, accounting, and other topics of in- terest to the business man. Each issue is full of succes.sful schemes and plans and methods that are charted, dia- grammed and analyzed — so clearly and concisely that they can be easily ap- plied to one's own work. Chicago. 1900. Now 2 V. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 6 nos. to V. G Teachers Col, Rec 5 nos. net 1.50 James E. Russell, Editor. , A journal devoted to the practical problems of elementary and secondary education, and of the professional train- ing of teachers. N. Y. 1900. 1 v. ann. 5 nos. to V. S Textile World Journal W net 3.00 C. H. Clark and V. E. Carroll, Edi- tors. Covers all branches of textile manu- facturing; machinery, iirocessing, mill management. Also reports all textile markets. Bost. ISiJS. 1 v. ann. 52 nos. to v. A consolidation of Textile World Record and Textile Manufacturers Jour- nal, December 4, 1915. A 55 Travel M net 3-00 Edward Frank Allen, Editor. "The magazine that takes you there " — a periodical devoted to the subject of travel at home and abroad, describ- ing and picturing plans, people and cus- toms of evoiy land. N. Y. 1879. 2 v. ann. begin. N. & My. 6 nos. to v. S U. S. Bureau of Education, Bulletin. Free to libraries. Supt. of Documents, Washington. G THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN THE GREATEST OF AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES J'X Issues $100 18 A SELECTED LIST OF PERIODICALS U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domes- tic Commerce, Special Agent Series. U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C. A U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bull. Free to libraries. Supt. of Documents, Washington. G U. S. Bureau of Mines, Bulletin. Distributed free of charge. U. S. Bu- reau of Mines, Washington, D. C. A U. S. Bureau of Mines, Circular. U. S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C. A U. S. Bur. of Mines, Technical Paper. U. S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C. A U. S. Bureau of Standards, Bulletin. 4 nos. net i.oo U. S. Bureau of Standards, Washing- ton, D. C. A U. S. Bureau of Standards, Circular. A limited number of copies are for free distribution. U. S. Bureau of Stand- ards, Washington, D. C. A U. S. Bureau of Standards, Techno- logic Papers. A limited number of copies are for free distribution. U. S. Bureau of Stand- ards, Washington, D. C. A U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bulletin. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Publications, Washington, D. C. Those bulletins of the series formerly published by the Bureau of Chemistry and Forest Service and the Office of Public Roads are indeed In the Indus- trial Arts Index and in the Agricultural Index. U. S. Dept. of Agric. Farmers' Bul- letin. Distributed free of charge. Supt. of Documents, Washington, D. C. G & Ag U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Yearbook. A limited number of copies are avail- able for free distribution to libraries by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Members of Congress are also entitled to make a free dis- tribution of the Yearbook. G Libraries may receive most publica- tions of the Government free of charge and application should be made to the office specified in the list. No outside agency can handle subscriptions for such documents. U. S. Special Consular Reports U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C. A 27 Univ. of Chicago Mag 9 nos. net 1.50 James Weber I>inn, Editor. Both a university journal and a rec- ord of alumni. Is well illustrated and contains a variety of departments in- teresting to all former students of the University. It is controlled by the Alumni Council of the University. Chi- cago. 1908. 1 v. ann. begin. N. 9 nos. to V. S Unpopular Review Q net 2.50 Henry Holt, Editor. The Review depends upon the support of those who believe that the experience of the race is a better basis for progress than nny theories, however enticing, which run counter to that experience; and who realize that the peculiar dan- ger of this age is the passion for such theories. N. Y. 1914. 2 v. ann. begin. Ja. & Jl. 2 nos. to v. G 18 Wallace's Farmer W net i.oo Henry C. Wallace, Editor. A weekly journal for thinking farm- ers. Des Moines. 1874. 1 v. ann. begm. Ja. 52 nos. to v. Ag Western Soc. of Eng. Journal 10 nos. net 3.00 The contents is made up of papers and discussions. Chicago. 1896. 1 v. ann. 10 nos. to V. A Wis. Univ. Bull. Engineering Series The numbers of the Bulletin will be sent free to residents of Wisconsin; to non-residents upon payment of cata- log price. Prices vary from 25 to 50 cents. On sale by the Secretary of the Regents, Univ. of Wis. Madison. Wis. 1894. 10 nos. to V. Sth v. now current. A 25 Woman's Home Comp. . . M net 1.50 Gertrude B. Lane, Editor. For iyi6-17 the Companion announces as a special feature six full-length novels, each published in two long in- stallments. Novels by Eleanor Hallo- well Abbott, Juliet Wilbur Tompkins, Sophie Kerr and Fannie Heaslip Lea, are promised. The usual helpful depart- ments will appear, with additions and improvements. A special series on making Things to Sell is an innovation. N. Y. 1873. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to V. G 27 World's Outlook . . . • • M net 1.50 S. Earl Taylor, Editor-in-Chief. A profusely and beautifully illustrated monthly devoted to world-wide Chris- tian progress, including social, eco- nomic, commercial, political and reli- gious conditions without sectarian bias. N. Y. 1915. 1 V. ann. begin. Ja. 12 nos. to V. G 50 World's Work M net 3.00 Arthur W. Page, Editor. The foremost interpreter of Current Events, an advocate of better schools, better financial methods, better gov- ernment. The special feature this year is the authorized life of James J. Hill. N. Y. 1900. 2 V. ann. begin. N. & My. 6 nos. to V. G Yale Review, n. s Q net 2.50 Wilbur L. Cross, Editor. An American quarterly of high stand- ards which aims to present the best American and European thought. Read- ers who desire vigorous and well-con- sidered discussions of public affairs, science, biography, and art, will appre- ciate its hish .standaids. It publishes dramatic ani literary criticism, poetry and essays, by the most distinguished . of contemporary authors. Its signed book reviews deal with the significant publication.s of the year. Successor to the New lOnslander, established in 1S43 and of the Yale Review (old series) pub- lished 1801-1911. New Haven. Conn. 1911. 1 V. ann. begin. O. 4 nos. to v. S 40 Youth's Companion W net 2.00 Charles Miner Thompson, Editor-in- chief. One of the oldest and most popular papers for young people. Contains at- tractive stories, the world's news, timely topics, wit and humor, and special de- partments for boys, for girls and for the household. A favorite family maga- zine. Bogt. 1827. 1 v. ann. begin. Ja. 62 noa. to V. \ A GUIDE Current Periodicals and Serials UNITED STATES AND CANADA THIRD EDITION 1914 COMPILED BY HENRY ORMAL SEVERANCE LIBRARIAN UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI ANN ARBOR, MICH. GEORGE WAHR, Publisher 1914 ^. Copyright 1906 Copyright 1908 Copyright 1914 BY GEORGE WAHR 5-PRINTERS PREFACE The previous editions of the Guide were so favorably received that I venture to issue the third edition on the general plan of the former editions. The work has been thoroughly revised. Only those titles are allowed to remain which have been verified by the publishers or have been found in the late lists of current periodicals or have befen personally examined by the compiler. No attempt has been made to include reports of corporations as these are listed in "Poor's Manual of Railroads" ; nor municipal docu- ments, nor official state and government publications, except the boards of health bulletins, as these are given in the "Monthly List of State Doc- uments," and in the "Monthly Catalogue of United States Public Docu- ments." It has not seemed wise to include all the historical and other learned societies as this information can be found in the "Handbook of Learned Societies" and in "Griffin's Bibliography of American Historical Societies," but all the larger societies have been included. High school, college, university and normal school catalogs and reports have been omitted. In Part II no attempt has been made to throw every title under some subject heading. It is impossible to determine the contents of every journal without consulting it, which is impossible in a list of 10,000 or more titles. All the library periodicals will not be found in the subject list, but will be found in Part I under the name of the library. Student and fraternity publications are so numerous that no attempt was made to gather a complete list under the subject of "college." A good separate list of these may be found in "Patterson's Educational Directoiy." The third edition of the Guide is given to the public with the hope that it ma}' be of greater service than any of its predecessors. Columbia. Mo. December, 191 3. 282604 PART I ALPHABETICAL LIST GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Part I Alphabetical List ABBREVIATIONS a = annual. s-m = semi-monthly, b-m = bi-mont\ily. s-w = semi-weekly, b-w = bi-weekly. w = weekly, d = daily._ f = fortnightly. 6 d = daily, six days in the week. irreg. = irregular, m = monthly. The date refers to the time the periodical or serial was founded. The price is the publisher's subscription price. ABC, 1908, m ••..$ 3.00 A. B. C. printing establishment, Santiaoo De Ctiba. ABC and manual of the club, market 1908, a i .00 ^lyron L. Weil, 51 Exchange Place, N. Y. A. B C Pathfinder and dial once a week, \y '. 3.50 New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. A. B C Pathfinder and dial postal guide, q 50 New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. ABC Pathfinder and dial shippers' guide, q i .00 New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. ABC Pathfinder railway guide, 1849, "^ 3-00 New England railway pub. co., Boston, Mass. A. C. C. Journal, m Arkansas Cumberland College. Clarksville. Arkansas. A. C. T. Echo, m Alleghany Collegiate Institute. Alderson. West \a. A. L. A. Booklist, 1905, m i 00 American library association, 78 E. Wasb. st.. Cbicago. A. L. A. Bulletin, 1907, b-m. See American library assn. A. M. E. church review, 1884, q i-oo H. C. Kealing, 631 Pine st., Phila., Pa. A. O. U. W. Emblem, 1899, m 50 Grand lodge of Wash., Seattle, Wash. A. O. U. W. Guide, 1893, m 50 H. L. Cross, Bentonville, Ark. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS A. O. U. W. Guide, 1883, w 50 David Ramaley, 69 E. 4th St., St. Paul, Minn. Abbey student, 1891, bi-m i .oc St. Benedict's college, Atchison, Kans. Abels photographic weekly, 1908, w i . 50 Schofield Bldg-.. Cleveland, Ohio. A.bendschule, 1853, b-w 2.00 Louis Lange pub. co., 3600 Texas ave., St. Louis, Mo. Abogado Cristiano, 1880. m 50 Rev. T. Harwood, Albuquerque, N. M. Abstract, d 6. 00 Multnomah pub. Co., 90 First St., Portland, Oregon. Academia, m St. Mary"s Academy, Portland, Oregon. Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana. Anales, 1864 3 pesos (gold) per semester 6.00 Calle de Cuba 84 A, Habana, Cuba. Academian, m A\'ashington academy. A\'ashington. la. Academian of Evanston academy, 1910 (Sept. ). w i .00 Students of Northwestern university, Evanston, 111. Aicademic herald, 1905, tri-w 50 College of the city of N. Y., N. Y., N. Y. Academic monthly, m East Liberty academy. Pittsburg. Pa. Academy, m Salem female academy, Salem, X. C. Academy acorn, m North Wales Academy. North \\'ales. Pa. Academy bell, m Fr\-eburg xAcademy, Hebron, Me. Academy journal, m Norwich free academy. Norwich, Conn. Academy News, w INIercersburg academy, Mercersburg, Pa. A.cademy notes, 1905, m 2 . 00 179 Washington St., BulTalo, N. Y. Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings, 1841, 3 nos., per vol 6.25 Journal, 1817, irreg., per vol 12.50 Logan square, Phila., Pa. Academy of the Pacific coast history. T909, Jan., per no 10 Berkeley. Cal. Academy of political science. Proceedings, 1910 (Oct.), p Yearbook, 191 1 (in Proceedings). Columbia university, N. Y. Academy quarterly, q — — N. ^'. Military Academy, Cornwall, X. Y. Academy review, m Foxcroft Academy, Foxcroft, Me. la. 1. 00 GUIDE TO PHRIOniCALS 9 Academy of science and letters of Sioux City, Iowa. Proceed- ings, 1903 ■•■••. - Academy of Science of St. Loms, membership per year 6.00 Proceedini2:s, 1841 Transactions, 1867, irreg. St. Louis, Mo. Academy Student, m St. Johnsburg Acadcmv, St. Johnsbur,<,^ \t. Academy weekly, w Worcester Academy. Worcester, Mass. Acadia athenaeum, 1874, m. dur. coll. yr. . . . 1 00 Acadia athenaeum soc. Wolfville, N. S. Accessory and garage journal, hjio, m i -OO Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Accident insurance manual, a 2.00 Spectator co., N. Y.. N. Y. Acetylene journal, 1899, "^ ju' ' ' " ^° Acetylene journal pub. co., 324 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. Acker und gartenzeitung, 1870, w ITerold co., Milwaukee, Wis. Acologist, 1901. m ^ -^^ R. S. J. Perry. Farmington, Minn. Acta, m Davis-FJkins College, Elkins. W. Va. Acta Victoriana, 1876, m. dur. coll. yr i -0° Union lit. soc. of \' ictoria university, Toronto, Canada Activities • Southern Press. Tlouston. I'exas. Actuarial society of america Transactions 1S89, irreg., per no 75 ^2 Nassau St., N. Y. Addresses delivered before the Canadian Club of Montreal, I () 1 2. a ^ C. R. Cornell limited, ^lontreal. Quebec. ert, 1890. m. dur. coll. yr Students of Adelbert college, Cleveland, ( ). Adelphean of Alpha Delta Phi, (] OdiUe King. 290 College St.. Alacon. Oc Adelphi bulletin, 1907 ( Nov.) -^ Adelphi college, Brooklyn, N. Y. Adjutant, m i ' ' \'i"-'i Michigan military academy, Orchard Lake. Mich. Adjuster, 1890, m ; ■•;. . >^ ', ^'^ T. A. Carey, 303 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Adler's suggester, 1899, m, free ^^., , ,v David Adler and sons clothing co., Milwaukee, Wis. Ad-results, lune I'loS, irreg. Lailev lUdg.. Pluto, Pa. Adult bible class magazine, 1906, q • 3- Pilgrim press, 14 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Adelbert, 1890. m. dur. coll. yr. ^ •'^ 10 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS A.dult class, 1906, q 10 Am. bapt. pub. soc, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Adult student, 1908, m 50 Smith & Lamar, Sio Broadway, Nashville, TennI Advance, m Atlanta Baptist college, Atlanta, Ga. Advance, 1904, m ; . . . . Advance pub. co., Birmingham, Ala. Advance, 1906, w i . 50 910 Westminster St.. Providence. R. I. Advance advocate, m i . 00 Internat. brotherhood of maintenance of way employees, Benoist bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Advance citizen, 1892, w 2.00 Citizen pub. co., Springfield, 111. Advance fashions, 1905. 8 times yr 8 .00 Croonborg sartorial co.. 1181-83 Broadway, X. Y. Advance New England, 1909, m ..... 1.00 Chamber of Commerce, Boston, Mass. Advance messenger, 1909, v.- i . 50 Advance messenger pul). co.. Alexandria. La. Advance reports supplemental to the legal intelligencer, w . . . . Robert McAfee, Harrisburg, Pa. Advance sheet of the American digest . . . bound, $7.00 ; unbound, $4.00 Lawyers' co-operative pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. Advance styles, supp. to Amer. ladies' tailor, 1905, m lo.oo Jno. J. ]\Iitchell co., 122-124 Fifth ave., Xew York, N. Y. A^dvanced quarterly, 1879, q 10 Am. bapt. pub. soc, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. A.dvanced quarterly, 1887, q 08 Bapt. Sunday school board, Nashville, Tenn. A.dvanced scholars' lesson leaf Ref. church Sunday school board, 1308 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Advanced scholars' quarterly, 1882, q 10 Ref. church Stmday school board, 1308 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Advanced therapeutics, 1882, m 2.00 A. L. Chatterton ^ 37th st., Milwaukee. Wis. Alphan, ni .\cademy of the visitation, Frederick. Md. Alphian, m Pillsbury academy, Owatonna. yihm. Altheian, iqi i , q ^ ■ 0° New York. N. Y. Altruist, 1868, m • 10 Altruist community. 271 1 Franklin ave., St. Louis, Mo. Alumni association, C. P. & S., journal, 1897, q i .00 500 E. 20th St., Baltimore, '^\d. Alumni ass'n. of the coll. of physicians & surgeons. Journal, 1897, n '• ^-^ W. S. Gardener. Baltimore, :Md. Alumni association of Washington university Bulletin. 1907, a 822 Security bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Alumni cardinal, w l^niv. of \\'is.. IMadison, Wis. Alumni journal, m Peirce school, Phila., Pa. Alumni magazine, 1910. 4 times yr i .00 Xorthfield. Minn. Alumni news letter, 1903 (Je). q Xorthwestern university, Evanston, HI. Alumni quarterly, 1902, q , 5° y\t. Pler-on alumni ass'n., Mt. Heron. Mass. Alumni quarterly of the University of 111., 1907 (Jan), q i .00 Alumni ass'n, University of 111., LTrbana, 111. Alumni report, m ( Contin. in Phila. college of pharmacy, alumni report & luilletin. Alumni review, 10T2. m dur. coll. yr i .00 Alumni ass'n. of N. C. univ., Chapel Hill. X. C. Alumni weekly, \v Princeton univ.. Princeton. X. J. Alumni weekly, 1900, w dur. coll. yr 3 .00 Princeton pub. co., Princeton, N. J. Alumnus, m Kansas agricultin-al college. Manhattan, Kans. Amalgamated ass'n of street and electric railway employes of America. Yearbook, a 601 Hodges Bldg., Detroit, Mich. l6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Amalgamated journal, 1900, w i . 50 Ben I. Davis. Pittsburg, Pa. Amalgamated wood workers, international union of America, General convention, 1899 Chicago. 111. Amateur journalist, 1912, (Xov.), q 50 Kensmore pub. co.. 524 Westminster st.. Providence. R. I. Amateur naturalist, 1904, bi-m 50 Chas. D. Pendell Ashland, Me. Amateur photographers weekly, 1912, w i .00 J. C. Abel. 917 Schot^eld Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. Amateur sportsman, 1888. m i . 00 Continued as Illustrated outdoor world, Apr., 19 12. Amateur work, 1901, m i .00 Consolidated with electrician and mechanic in 1908. Ambition, 1906, m 50 International textbook co., Scranton, Pa. America, 1907, m 50 American home magazine co., 990 Eighth ave., New York. American, w Indian school. Chemawa, Oregon. American, 1907, s-m i .00 A. B. 3Jorant, Signal, Miss. American, 1905. w 2 . 00 F. S. Crofoot, Detroit. ^lich. American, 1906 American pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. American, 1910. w i .00 American printing co., \\ agoner, Okla. American Aberdeen- Angus herd-book, 1886 American Aberdeen-Angus breeders" ass'n, Thos. ]\IcFar- lane, sec. Chicago, 111. American academy of arts and sciences Memoirs, 1780, irreg., per vol 10 . 00 Proceedings, 20 peryr 10.00 Wm. Watson, secy., 28 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. American academy of medicine Bulletin, 1891, b-m 3.00 The academ}-, Easton, Pa. American academy of ophthalmology and otolaryngology. '■ Transactions, 1895, a Lee M. P'rancis, sec, Buffalo, X. Y. American academy of political and social science Annals. 1890, b-m (to libraries $5.00) .' 6.00 Phila., Pa. American advance, 191 1, w i . 50 106 X. La Salle st., Chicago, 111. American agency bulletin, 1903, m i . 00 159 Devonshire st., Boston, Mass. American agriculturalist, 1842, w i .00 Orange Judd co., 52 Lafayette place, N. Y., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 17 American agricultural year book almanac \c\v NOrk. American album of fur novelties, 1893, ni 20.00 American fashion co., 853 1 '.roadway, New York, N. Y. American and delaine merino record ass'n. Flock Hook. S. M. Cleaver, sec , Delaware. ( ). American and English corporation cases, annotated, 1896, per vol 4-50 The Michie co., Charlotteville, Va. American and English decisions in equity, 1895. a 5.25 M. Murphy, Phila., Pa. American and Enghsh railroad cases, annotated, 1894 Charlottesville. Va. American annual of photography & photographic times almanac i .25 C,. Mnrphv, 57 E. gth st.. New York. American annals of the deaf, 1849, b-m 2 00 E. A. Tzw Kendall Green, Washington, D. C. American anthropological association Memoirs, 1905, irreg. Lancaster, Pa. American anthropological society. Memoirs, IQ05 Sec., G. Ct. MacCiirdy. ^'ale I'niversity, New Haven. Conn. American anthropologist, 1888, q • : • ' ; '^■°° Am. anthropolo.^ical association, 11 liroadway, N. Y. American antiquarian society, 1812 Proceedings, 1843, s-m 5-00 Amer. antiquarian soc. Worcester, Mass. American antiquarian & oriental journal, 1877, l)-m 4 00 Antiquarian pub. co.. Benton Harbor. Mich. American apple growers congress, Transactions T. C. \\'ilson. Columbia, Mo. American architect, 1876. w 10.00 50 I'nion s(|uare. New York. American art annual, 1898. a 5 -O^) Am. art annual, 215 W. 57th st., X. Y. American art directory, a • 3 • o^ Amer. art annual, 215 W. 57th st., X. Y. American art journal, 1863, w 3- 00 Wm. M. Thoms & co., 114 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American art news, w --^o J. B. Townsend, i8 E. 42n(l st., N. ^^ American artisan and hardware record, 1880. w 2.00 Daniel vStern, 69' Dearborn st., Chicago. 111. American asiatic, 1901,. m 3- 00 212 Sansome s.t. San Francisco, Cal. American Asiatic association journal, 1908. m t .or 78 Beekman st., N. Y. American ass'n for international conciliation Documents, irreg. • 50T W. 1 6th St.. N. Y. l8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American association for labor legislation. Pubs. 1908 Contin. in Am. labor legislation review. American ass'n for the advancement of physical education Brooklyn, X. ^'. American ass'n for the conservation of vision Bulletin, 191 1 ^lonograph ser. irreg. 191 1 . 25 \V. 39th St., N. Y. " American ass'n of collegiate registrars, 1910, a E. A. Balentine, Sec., Orono. Ale. American ass'n of demurrage officers Proceedings, a 845 Old South Bldg., Boston, A lass. American ass'n of genito-urinary surgeons Transactions, 1906 J. B. Squier. Sec, 49 B!. 49th st., X. Y. American ass'n of medical milk commissioners Proceedings. 1907 Cincinnati, O. American ass'n of museums. Proc. 190T, a 1.00 Pittsburg, Pa. American association of obstetricians and gnecologists Transactions, 1888, a :; . 00 E. Gustave Zincke, Cincin., O. American ass'n of public accountants Yearbook, 1906 Xew York. Am.erican ass'n for the prevention of infant mortality Transactions, 1910. a :..oo Baltimore, Aid. American ass'n of refrigeration Proceedings, 1910, a — Bulletin, 1912 membership 10. oo J. F. Xickerson, sec, 431 Dearborn st.. Chicago. American author, 1902, m i . 00 Society of Am. authors, Dobb's Ferrv, X. Y. American automobile, 1899. m 2.^0 -Vutomobile pub. co., Xevv- York. \. ^'. American baby, 1910. m i .00 23 S. Clinton st.. Chicago, 111. American banker, 1836, w 5 .00 Steurer pub. co., X. Y. American bank reporter, 1836, s-a 7.00 Steuer pub. co., 149th st. and Bergen ave., X. Y. American banker, 1836, w ^ .00 Chas. D. Steiner, 149th st. & Bergen ave., X. Y., N. Y. American bankers' association Proceedings. 1875, ^ [ournal. iC)o8 20" Broad st., X. Y., X. Y. • GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 19 American bankruptcy reports annotated, a 5.00 M. Bonder & co., Albany, N. Y. American baptist,i879, w 1.25 Wm. H. Steward, Louisville, Ky. American baptist flag, 1874, w i . 50 Baptist Hag- pub. co., Fulton, Ky. American baptist missionary union Report, 18 14, a Boston, Mass. American baptist year book, a 50 Am. I)apt. pub. soc., 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. American bar association Annual l)ulletin. 1908, a 50 Reports of annual meetings, 1878, a 75 Geo. Whitelock, sec., Baltimore, Md. American bee journal. 1861, m i .00 Wm. W. Smithers, sec, St. Paul, Minn. American benefit journal, 1895, '^'' 3° C. A. Kine, Beverly, Mass, American Berkshire record, 1899, a • Proceedings, i(j07 American Berkshire ass'n, Springfield, HI. American bible society. Bulletin Wm. Foulke. Bible House, Astor Place, X. Y. American bird magazine, m i .00 Charles K. Reed, Worcester, Mass. American blacksmith, 1901, m i .00 Am. blacksmith co.. Prudential bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. American board of commissioners for foreign missions Reports, 1810, a Free Boston, Mass. American bond and reality journal, 1909, m 2.00 1400 Chicago title & trust bldg., Chicago, Dl. American book prices current, 1895, a 7. 50 Dodd. Dodd & Livingston, N. Y. American bookseller, 1904, q 10 Beaver Springs, Pa. American botanist, iQOi . m i . 00 Willard N. Clute, Joliet, 111. American bottler, 1881, m 2.00 W. A. Peters, 67 Liberty st., N. Y., N. Y. American box maker, iqio. m 2 .00 E. 15. Hoy. T]8 X. La Salle st,. Chicago. 111. American boy, 1899, m i . 00 Sprague pub. co.. Majestic bldg., Detroit, Mich. American breeder, 1908, s-m 50 Craliam pub. co.. 225 W. 12th st.. Kansas Cily, Mo. American breeder and feeder, 1906, w i .00 4134 Halstead st., Chicago, 111. 20 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American breeders' association. Report. 1905, a i .00 Proceeding"s, 1905. a. membershiji 2.00 A\'. ^i. Hays, sec. Washington, D. C. American breeders' magazine, 1910, q . .- .American breeders' ass'n., Washington. D. C. American brewer, 1868, m 6 . 00 A. Schwarz sons, 200 Worth st., N. Y., N. Y. American brewers' review, 1887, m 5 -OO Am. brewers" review co., 145 LaSalle st.. Chicago, 111. American brotherhood of cement workers Proceedings. 1902 2.00 American building ass'n news, 1880. m 2.00 15-27 A\\ 6th St., Cincinnati. Ohio. American liulletin, 1908. m (Contniued as Business service.) American bureau of shipping. Record of American and foreign shipping, 1906, s-m. . . . • 66-70 Beaver st., N. Y. American business woman, 1911. m 50 Chicago. 111. American cabinet maker and upholsterer, 1870, w 3.50 J. Henry Symonds & co.. 116 Walker st., N. Y., N. Y. American carnation society. Proceedings. 1891 Xew York. X. Y. American carpenter and builder, 1905, m 2.00 Am. carpenter and builder co., 196 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. American carpet and upholstery journal, 1875, m 2.00 Trades pub. co., 102 S. 12th st., Phila., Pa. Am. catholic historical soc, Phila., Pa. American catholic historical researches, 1884, q 2.00 (Contin. in Amer. catholic historical soc. of Pa.) American catholic historical society of Phila. Records. 1884, q 2 00 American catholic quarterly review, 1876, q 4.00 Patrick J. Ryan. Phila., Pa. American ceramic society Transactions, 1899, a 6.00 Columbus, O. American checker review, 1888, m i • 50 Denvir bros., 137 Blue Island ave., Chicago, 111. American cheesemaker, 1886, m 50 Tradesman co., Grand Rapids, Mich. American chemical journal, 1879, m (Discontinued December. 1913. ) American chemical society Journal, 1868, m 6. 00 Chemical pub. co., Easton, Pa. American chess world, 1901, m i 00 J. T. IMcPeak, 262 E. I22d st., N. Y., X. Y. American Chester-White record, 1883. a Am. Chester-White record ass'n, Davton, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 21 America-! Cheviot sheep breeders' association, flock book, 1893, a F. E. Dowlcy, sec, Fayettevillc, N. Y. American church almanac and year book, 184.8. a 50 ]\. S. (K)rhani. 37 E. 28lh st.. X. ^'.. X. V. American church and Sunday school magazine, m i .25 Geo. W. Jacobs & co., Phila., Pa. American church missionary society Reports, 1861, a Free 281 Fourth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American citizen, 1887, w 50 Amcr. citizen co.. East Orans^e. X'. J. American citizen, 1 887. w i . 50 I'rotestant educational league, Boston, Mass. American city, 1909, m 1.00 Amer. city pub. co., 93 Nassau St., New York, N. Y, American civic association Bulletin, 1904 Clipping- sheet, 1905, q 10 Department sheet, 1905 Department pamphlet, 1905 25 • Papers. Clinton Roo-crs Woodruff, N. A. bldg., Phila., Pa. American climatological association Transactions, 1884, a 2 . 50 Dr. Guy Hinsdale, secy. Hot Springs, Va. American cloak and suit review, i<)i i. ni Fifth avenue bldg., X. Y. American cloak & suit sketches, a 50.00 American fashion co.. 71 W. 23rd St., N. Y. American club woman, iqto (Jan. ) . m i .00 Amer. clul) woman puli. co. American coal journal, 1908, ni 1.00 Amer. coal journal pub. co., 502-3 Century bldg., K. C, Mo. American collector, 1909. q 10 A. ]\1. Auran Jr., Beaver Springs. Pa. American college and private school directory, 1907 Am. ed. ass'n., Chicago. HI. American common sense, 1910, m i .00 American common sense pub. co., Tyouisville, Ky. American conference of pharmaceutical faculties I'roceedings, 1900. a Free J. A. Koch, Pittsl)urgh. Pa. American congress of churches Proceedings, 1885 American contractor, 1879, w 5 -OO Am. contractor pub. co., 40 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American conversation, Kii 1. m 2.00 Colorado l)ldg., W^ashington, D. C. American co-operative journal, 1905, m i .00 Co-operative pub. co., Chicago, 111. 22 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American corporation legal manual, 1893, a 5- 00 Corporation legal manual co., Plainfield, N. J. American cotton manufacturers ass'n. Proceedings, ic)04. w. . . 3.00 Am. cotton mfr. pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. - American cranberry growers' ass'n. Proc. 1871, a A. J. Rider, Hammonton, N. Y. American cricketer, 1877, m 3.00 Associated cricket clubs of Phila., 632 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. American criminal reports, 1878, a 5 -oo Callaghan & co., Chicago, 111. American cultivator, 1839, w 2.00 Am. cultivator pub. co., 220 Wash, st., Boston, Mass. American cutler, 1906, m i . 00 G. F. Saward, 805 Prospect place. IJrookln. X. Y. American decisions. Notes on, 1909 San Francisco, Cal. American dental journal, 1902, m i .00 Frink and Young, 607 Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111. American dermatological association Transactions, 1877, a i .00 James McF. Winfield, Brooklyn, X. Y. American Devon cattle club. Year book, a 50 American Devon cattle club, X'ewark, O. American dialect society. Dialect notes, 1800, a i .00 Xew Haven, Conn. American digest annotated, a 6.00 \\'est pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. American digest, key m, 1907, per vol i .00 West pub. CO.. St. Paul. ]\Iiun. American directory of the knitting trade in the U. S. and Canada, 1883, a. i . 50 Lord & Xagle, 144 Congress st., Boston, Mass. American dressmaker, 1901, m i .00 Dr\- goods pub. co., 172 Fifth ave., N. Y., X. Y. American dressmaker, 19 10 (June), m 5.00 41 W. 25th St., Xew York, X. Y. American druggist, 1871 , s-m i . 50 Am. druggist pub. co., 62 W. Broadway, X^. Y., N. Y. American duroc-jersey record, 1885, a Amer. duroc-jersey swine breeders" ass'n, S. B. Pearson, sec, Thornton, Ind. American eagle, 1906, w i .00 \\'. Koreshan Unity, Estero, Fla. American eagle, 1907, m i . 00 Shugart, Stone & h^illon, 514 F. 1 5lh St.. Kansas City, Mo. American economic review, igi 1. (| 4.00 Cambridge. ]\lass. American economist, 1887, w 2.00 Am. protective tariff league, 339 Broadway, X. Y., X. Y. American education, 1897, 10 nos i .00 X. Y. education co., Albanv. X. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 23 American educational list, 1870. a 5'^ • Publisher's weekly, N. Y., N. Y. American educational review, 111 i -oo Am. educational co., 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American electro-chemical society Transactions, 1902, a 4 00 Phila., Pa. American electric railway ass'n. -Proceedings, 1906, a, varies 29 \\'. 39th St., N. Y. American electro-therapeutic association Transactions, 1891, a 1 *« J. W. Travell, sec. 27 K. 1 ith st.. X. W American elevator and grain trade, 1882, m i .00 Mitchell bros., Manhattan bldg., Chicago, 111. American elk, T()04, m i .00 J. F. Williams, Elk's Temi)le, Detroit, A!ich. American engineer and railroad journal, 1832, m 2.00 ( Contin. in Railway age gazette. ) American entomological society Transactions, 1867. a 4- 00 Phila., Pa. American exchange and review, 1862, m 5- 00 Review pub. & print, co.. Fourth & Walnut sts., Phila., Pa. American exporter, 1877. m • 2 .00 American exporter, 135 William St.. Xew York, N. Y. American fancier, 1S93, s-m 5'-^ L. W. Lott, 33 Church st., X. Y. American fancier and breeder, 1884, m. . . . .^ 25 Am. fancier and breeder pub. co., DeKalb, 111. American farmers' institute. Proceedings, a Supt. of doc, Washington, D. C American farm library, IQ06, b-m 5° Ralph H. Searle, Edgar, Xeb. American farm world, 1906. m ^ 5 I Contin. in Farm journal.) American farmer, m 40 Charles N. Goode, sec, Indianapolis. Ind. American farming, 1906, m ;•••.• ( Contin. as ( warden magazine & farming. ) American federation of labor. I 'roc. !«)i2, v. Washington. D. C American federation of musicians C^fficial nroceedings, 1895 American federationist, 1894, m ' ^ ■^'^ Am. federation of labor, 423 G. st., X. W.. Washington, D. C. American fern journal, 1910, Aug., q 'P Fort Riclnnond, X. Y. American fertilizer, f 2.00 Ware bros., 1336 Cherry st., Phila.. Pa. 24 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American fertilizer hand book, 1908, a i .00 Ware bros. cc, loio Arch st., Phila.. Pa. American field, 1874, w 4.00 Am. field pub. cc, Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111: American flint, 1909, m i . 00 Toledo. Ohio. American florist, 1885, w i . 00 Am. florist co., 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American folk-lore society. Memoirs, 1894 irreg. American food journal, 1906 i .00 H. B. Meyers, Chicago, III. American forester, m i . 00 Thos. H. Andrew, Seattle, Wash. American forestry, 1895, m 1.00 Amer. forestry ass'n, Wash., D. C. American forester review, m i . 00 J. Label, 120 O'Farrell st., San Francisco, Calif. American foundrymen's association, membership 5.00 Transactions, 1904 Richard Moldenke, sec, Watchung, N. J. American freemason. 1909, m 2 . 00 American freemason pub. co.. Storm Lake. Iowa. American friend, 1847, w i . 50 Am. friend pub. co., loio Arch st., Phila., Pa. American fruits, 1903. m i .00 Am. fruits pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. American furniture manufacturer, 1911. m i .00 Trade periodical co., Chicao, III. American furrier Jno. J. Mitchell co., N. Y., N. Y. American galloway herd book, 1883, a Am. galloway breeders' ass'n.. Independence, Mo. American garment grader, a 10.00 .\mer. fashion co., 71 W. 23 st., X. Y. American garment cutter i ^ . 00 Amer, fashion co.. y\ W^ 23rd st., X. Y. American gas institute, entrance fee, $25.00; annual dues 10.00 Proceedings, 1906, a Amer. gas institute, 29 W. 39th st., X^. Y. American gas institute. . Proc. 1907, entrance fee $25.00 ; annual dues 10.00 John W. Dunbar, sec, Xew Albany, Ind. American gas light association Proceedings, 1873, ^a 530 P>roadway, X. Y.,*N. Y. American gas light journal, 1859, w 3 00 A. M. Callendcr & co., 42 Pine st., X. Y., X. Y. American gastro-enterological association Transactions, 1897, ^ F. W. Wbite, sec, 416 Marlboro st., Poston, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 25 American gentleman, 1 90 1 , ni 7-50 American fashion co.. 71 W. 2^d St., Xew York, X. Y. American geographical society of New York. . Bulletin ( formerlv journal) 1859, irreg., per year 5-00 15 W. 8 1 St St., N. Y. American glass trade directory, 1905, a 2. 00 C«imnu3ner pub. co., t2I 4th ave., Pittsburg, Pa. American globe independent, 1903, m 50 W'm. J. Schaerte. 211 International bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. American golfer, lOOcS, m. fr. Oct. to June, s-m. July, Aug. & Sept 3.00 The American golfer, 49 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. American grocer, 1869, w 3 . 00 Grocer trade pub. co., 90 W. Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American guernsey cattle club. Herd register, 189 1 Lartford, Conn. American guild of organists. Yearbook, a 5c 90 Trinity ])1., Xew York. X. Y. American gynecological society Transactions, 1876, a 5.00 Leroy IJrown, 148 \V. 77th St., X. Y., X. Y. American hairdresser, 1877, m i .00 H. R. Hamell, 645 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. American hatter, 1872, m 2 . 00 Gallison & Hobron co., 13 Astor place, N. Y., N. Y. American hatter trade directory, U. S. & Canada, 1887, a 5.00 13 .Vstor place, N. Y., X. Y. American hay, flour and feed journal, 1901, m i .00 W'm. R. Gregory co.. Produce exchange, X. Y., X. Y. American health magazine, 1908, bi-m i .00 69 Church St.. Xew Hayen, Conn. American Hebrew, 1879, w 3 • 00 Philip Cohen, 489 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y^ American herald, 1890, m 2 . 50 Democrat nub. co., 14 Barclay st., N. Y., N Y. American Hereford record and Hereford herd book, 1885 Am. Hereford cattle breeders' ass'n, C. R. Thomas, sec, Kansas City, Mo. American historical association, membership 3.00 Report, 1884, a .to non-members varies Sm'.nsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. America-i historical magazine, 1906 (Jan.), b-m 3.00 ( Contin. as .\niericana.) American historical review, 1895, q 4.00 The Alacmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. Amercan home missionary, 1895, "^ 25 American christian missionary society, Cincinnati, O. American homes and gardens, 1905, m 3.00 IMunn & CO., 361 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American homestead, 1883, w i.oo Homestead pub. co., Omaha, Neb. 26 Gl-'IDE TO PERIODICALS American homoeopathic, ophthalmological, otological and laryn- gological society Transactions, Kjoo, a -.00 D. W. Wells, secy, Boston, Mass. /American horse breeder, 1882, w 2.00 Am. horse breeder pub. co., 161 High st., Boston, Alass. American hospital ass'n. Transactions. 1899. a _ J. X. E. Brown, Sec. 195 IMont Rose ave., Toronto, Can. A.merican housekeeper, 1886, m i .00 _ R. D. Boniface co.. Clifton Park, N. J. American humane association Report, 1877, a . Chicago, 111. American institute of architects. Annuary, 1907. a American institute of architects. Journal, m :; .go Proceedings. 1867, a 2.00 Washington. D. C. American institute of banking. Bulletin, 1899, m 2.00 Amer. institute of banking. 35 Xassau st., N. Y. American institute of chemical engineers. Transactions. 1900. . 6.00 D. A'an X'ostrand, X". Y. American institute of criminal law and criminology. Journal, 1910. ]\Iav. b-m ' 3 GO 31 W. Take'st.. Chicago, Til. Proceedings, a. 1909 ' 3 . oo Eugene A. Gilmore, sec, Madison, ^^'is. American institute of electrical engineers Transactions. 1884. m 5.00 95 Liberty st., X. Y., X. Y. American institute of homeopathy, Journal, 1000, m 2.00 -\chey & Gorrecht, 7-9 X. Queen st., Lancaster. Pa. American institute of instruction -Proceedings, 183G, a. W^m. C. Crawford, sec, 80 Ashford st., Boston, '^lass. American institute of mining engineers. Membership! 10.00 Bi-monthly bulletin, 1906, b-m • Transactions, 1871, a R. H. Raymond, secy, 99 John st., X'^. Y., X^. Y. American insurance journal, m 50 Am. pub. CO., Columbus, O. American-Irish historical society Journal. 1808 -.00 36 Xcwbury st., Boston. Mass. American iron and steel association Bulletin, 1866, s-m 4.00 Report. 1872, a q 00 Phila., Pa. ' American iron and steel institute. Mo. bulletin 1913 (Jan.). ni. . 3.00 Yearbook, 1912. a The Institute, 30 Church t.. X. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 27 American issue, 1893, w i .00 Anti-saloon pub. co., Columbus, O. American issue — Pa. edition Han-v I\l.- Chalfant. Harrisburo-. Pa. American Israelite, w 2.50 Leo Wise & co., Cincinnati, O. American-Japanese trade journal, m 2 . 50 American-Japanese trader'^ ass'n., v^eattle, W'asb. American jeweler, 1882, m i -oo Hazlitt & Walker. 373 Dearborn st.. Cbicago, 111. American Jewish year book, 1893, a 75 Jewish pub. soc., Phila., Pa. American journal of anatomy, 1900. b-m 5.00 Winstar institute of anatomy and biologw Phila., Pa. American journal of archaeology, q 5 -O^ Norwood press, Norwood, Mass. American journal of clinical medicine, 1894, m i .00 Clinic pub. co., 1416 E. Ravenswood park, Chicacjo, 111. American journal of derrnatology and genito-urinary diseases 1897, b-m I ■ 00 See Uralogic and cutaneous review, St. Louis, Mo. American journal of diseases of children, 191 1, m 3.00 Amer. medical ass'n., 535 Dearliorn Ave., Chicago. 111. American journal of education, 1867, m i .00 Gillan & co., Milwaukee, Wis. American journal of gastro-enterology, 191 1, q i .00 American book Sc bible house, Phila., Pa. American journal of insanity, 1844, q 5.00 Johns Hopkins press, Baltimore, Md. American joiarnal of international law, 1907, q. 5 00 Baker A'oorhis co., 45 John st., X. Y. American journal of mathematics, 1878, q ». 5- 00 Johns Plopkins press, Baltimore, Md. American journal of neuropathy, m i .00 Amer. journal of neuropathy pub. co., Philadelphia. Pa. American journal of neuropathy and psychiatry, toi 1. m i .00 16 Sumner st.. N. Y. American journal of numismatics, 1866, q 2.00 7\mer. numismatic soc. West 156th st.. N. Y. American journal of nursing, 1900, m 2 ,00 J. B. Lippincott & co., Phila., Pa. American journal of obstetrics and diseases of women and chil- dren, 1868. m 5 . 00 Wm. Wood & CO., 51 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American journal of ophthalmology, 1884, m 3.50 Adolf Alt, St. Louis, Mo. American journal of orthopedic surgery, KJ05. a 3- 00 P. Blackston's Son & co,, 1012 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. American journal of otology New York. 28 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American journal of pharmacy, 1825, m 3.00 Phila. colleg-e of pharmacy, Phila., Pa. American journal of philology, 1880, q 3,00 Johns Hopkins press, Ijaltimore, Aid. American journal of physiologic therapeutics, 1910 (May), b-m. 1.00 72 ]\Iadison st.. Chicago, III. American journal of physiology, 1898, m 5.00 Boston, ]\Iass. American journal of psychology, 1887, q 5.00 Louis X. Wilson, Worcester, Mass. American journal of public health 1912. m 2.00 (Con. of -Vnier. PubHc health ass'n journal.) 289 4th ave., X. Y. City. \merican journal of religious psychology and education, ( Contin. as Journal of Religious psycholog^y.) American journal of science, 1819, m 6.00 E. S Dana, X'^ew Haven, Conn. American journal of Semitic languages and literatures, 1895, q. 4.00 University of Chicago press. Chicago, 111. American journal of sociology, 1895, b-m 2.00 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. A.merican journal of surgery, 1888, m i .00 Surgery pub. co., 92 \\"illiam st., X^. Y. (American journal of the medical sciences, 1820, m 5- 00 Lea bros., 706 Sansom st., Phila., Pa. American journal of theology, ib^j/, q 3 .00 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. American journal of urology, 1904, m 3- 00 The Grafton press, 70 Fifth ave., X. Y., X. Y. American journal of veterinar}^ medicine, 1906. m 2.00 1761 Lawrence ave., Chicago, 111. American kennel club book. 1878, a 5 00 Amer. kennel club. Lil'erty st.. X. "S'. American kennel gazette, 1888, m 2 .00 Am. kennel club, 55 Liberty St., X^. Y., X. Y. American labor standard, 191 1 , w 2 . 00 Edgar \\illianison. Orange, X. J. American ladies' tailor, 1903, to nos 20.00 John J. >>Iitchell CO., 122 Fifth ave., X. Y., X. Y. American laryngological association Transactions, 1879, a 2.50 I larmon ."^mith, sec. 44 W. 4')th St.. .\. ^'. American laryngological, rhinological and otological society membership 10.00 Transactions, 1895, a Thos. J. Harding. 117 E. 40th st., X. Y. American laundry journal, 1882, m i .00 Louis H. Dickerman, Troy, X^. Y. American law directory, a 1 5 • 50 J. B. Martindale,'i42 LaSallc st.. Chicago. 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 29 American law register, 1853, m 2.00 Conlin. as University of Fa. law review and Anier. law register. American law register, 1852, m 2.00 (Conlin. as Tniv. of Pcnn. law review and law register.) Affierican law review IJoston, Mass. American law review, 1866. b-m 5- 00 Review pub. cc, 14 S Broadwa,y, St. Louis, Mo. American law school review, 1903, irreg (No cbarge to law students.) V\'est pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. American lawn tennis, 1907 (Apr.), m (Oct.-June), s-m (July- Sept.) 2.00 American lawn tennis. Times bldg., New York, N. Y. American lawyers quarterly, q Am. lawyers co., Cleveland, O. American leather chemist's ass'n. Journal, 1906, m 7.00 Ridgeway, Pa. American legal news, 1889, m i .00 Sprague pub. co.. Majestic bldg., Detroit, Mich. American legislation review, 191 1, q 3- 00 Amer. ass'n for labor legislation, 131 E. 23 st.. N. Y. American library annual, 191 1, a 5.00 R. R. Rowker, 141 E. 25th st.. New York, N. Y. American library association. Membership 2.00 Bulletin, 1907, b-ni. (includes proceedings) Handbook, 1901, a Papers and proceedings, 1879, a., to non-members i.oo 78 E. Wash. St., Chicago, 111. American locomotive co., 191 1, m American locomotive co.. New York. American lumberman, 1899, w 4- 00 Am. luml)erman, 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American machinist, 1877, w 4.00 Hill pub. CO., World bldg., N. Y., N. Y. American made goods, 1904, q • • 2 . 50 Am. made goods export co., 17 State st.. New York, N. Y. American magazine, 1876, m i • 5^ Crowell pub. co., 381 Fourth ave., N. Y. American magazine, 1876, m i • 5^ Phillips pub. CO., 341 Fifth ave.. New York, N. Y. American magazine of aeronautics, 1907 (July), m 3 00 (Contin. as Aeronautics.) American manufacturer, 1905, m i -OO (Contin. as Amer. textile manufacturer.) American manufacturer and iron world, 1866, w 3.00 (Contin. as Industrial world.) American marine engineer, igo6, m 1 -oo 17 State St., N. Y. 20 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American marine engineer, 1906, m • i -oo Marine enoineers' beneficial ass'n, 325 Dearborn st., Chi- cago, 111. American mathematical monthly, m 2.00 B. F. Finkel, Springfield, Mo. American mathematical society Bulletin, 1891, 10 nos 5 -OO Transactions, 1900, q 5 • o*^ Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American meat trade and retail butchers' journal, w 2.00 \Vm. H. Hornidge, 147 Chambers St., N. Y., N. Y. American medical association Council on medical education. Conference, 1905, a. . . Journal, 1883, w 5 -OO Am. med. ass'n, 103 Dearborn ave., Chicago, 111. American medical compend, 1884, m i 00 W. W. Grube, Toledo, O. American medical directory, 1906, a 7 • 5° Am. med. ass'n, 103 Dearborn ?t., Chicago, 111. American medical intelligencer (Contin. as ^Medical news.) American medical journal, 1873, m • • • • • ^ -^^ M. M. Hamlin, St. Louis, Mo. American medicine, 1901, m i -OO Burlington, Vt. American medico-psychological association Proceedings, 1894, a 2 .00 Chas. G. Wagoner, sec, Binghamton. X. Y. American messenger, 1843, ™ 5° Am. tract soc, 150 Nassau, N. Y.. N. Y. American metal market and iron and steel report, 1883, 5d. . . . i .00 Am. metal market co., 81 Fulton st., N. Y., N. Y. American microscopical society Transactions, 1878, a 2.00 Decatur, III. American midland naturalist, 1909 (Apr.), b-m 1.00 University press, Notre Dame, Ind. American miller, 1873, m 2 . 00 Mitchell bros., Manhatten bldg., Chicago, 111. American mining congress. Monthly bulletin, m Proceedings, 1897, a Jas. F. Callbreath. jr., Denver. Colo. American miniri?- journal See Fngineering and mining journal. American mining review, 1896, w 3 00 Mining review co., 120-22 North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. (Los Angeles mining review.) American missionary, 1857, m 5° Am. missionary ass'n. Fourth ave. and 22d st., N. Y., N. Y. GUIDE TO PEl^lODICAL.S 31 American missionary association Reports, 1847, ^ 287 Fourth ave.. X. Y., N. Y. American modiste, 1903 ( Jan.) , q i . 50 M. K. Siitcliffe, 1330 Van I'nren st.. Chicago. III. American monitor, tqoo, w 1 -OO American monitor co., ]\Tontclair, X. J. American monthly digest, 1Q07, m 4 00 West pull. CO.. St. Paul, Minn. American m.onthly magazine, m i 00 Xational soc. of D. A. R., 37 E 28th st.. X. Y. .American^ monthly magazine, 1892, m i .00 (Contin. in D. of .\. R. magazine.) American monthly review of reviews, 1890, m 3 .00 contin as American review of reviews. American motherhood, 1895, m i -OO Crist, Scott & Parshall, Cooperstown, N. Y. American motorist, 1909, m t .00 Amer. auto, ass'n co., 437 Fifth ave., X. Y. American municipalities, 1900, m 2.0c Municipal ]uib. co.. INIarshalltown, Iowa. American museum of natural history American museum journal, 1901, q i .00 Bulletin, 1881, a. ." 4.00-6.00 Handbook series, 191 3 Memoirs. 1893, irreg Report. 1870, a. . . .^ Free 77th St. and Central park vv., N. Y. American musician, 1907 ( Jan.) , m 50 Stephen Stone Bougright, 1712 Brewster ave.. Cincin., O. American musician and art journal Musical courier co.. X^. Y., X. Y. American national red cross. Bulletin. Kjori. q Report. 190S Washington. D. C. American naturalist, 1867, m 4.00 Science press, sub-station 84, X^ew York, X^. Y. American naturalist, 1904, b-m 50 Chas. D. Pendell, Binghamton, X. Y. American negro academy Occasional papers, irreg Varies Am. negro academy, Washington, D. C. American news boy, 191 1, s-m t .00 Amer. pub. co.. 317 K. 8tli st., Kansas City, Mo. American newspaper annual and directory, 1880, a 10.00 X. W. Ayer & Son, Phila., Pa. American numismatic and archaeological society. Proceedings, 1878, a J. Sanford Saltus, corres. sec, 1271 Broadway, X'. Y. American oddfellow, 1889. m i . o'^ H. A. Thompson, Williamston. Mich. 32 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American ophthalmological society Transactions. 1865. a 2.00 Dr. S. B. St. John, secy, Hartford, Conn. American oriental society, membership 5 . 00 Journal, 1849, Geo. C. O. Haas, corres. sec. Coll of City of X. Y., New York. American orthodontist, 1907, m Rolof B. Stanly, 11 E. 48th st., X. Y., X. Y. American osteopathic association Journal, 1902, m 5 . 00 Am. osteopath, association. Orange. X. J. American otological society Transactions, 1868. John B. Roe, 247 \\'. 70th st., X. Y. American paint and oil dealer, 1908, m 3.00 Allen W. Clark, St. Louis, Mo. American pattern grader, a 10.00 Amer. fashion co., 71 W. 23rd st., X. Y. American peace congress. Proceedings, a Tunstall Smith, Baltimore, Aid. American peace society. Annual report Boston, ]\Iass. American peat society. Journal, 1907 (Apr.), q 3.00 Toledo, O. American pediatric society Transactions, 1889, a. .free to med. institutions and jour, i .50 Dr. S. S. Adams, secy, Washington, D. C. American penman, (students' ed., 1885, m~;i 65 Professional ed., 18S5, m i .00 A. U. Palmer co., 30 Irving place, X. Y. American perfumer, 1906 lingerer & co., N. Y., X\ Y. American perfumer and essential oil review, 1906, m 2.00 Perfumer pub. CO., 100 William St., X. Y. American philological association Transactions, 1869, a , 2.00 Ginn & co., Boston, Mass. American pharmaceutical ass'n, Journal, i(,)i2 (Jan.), m Proceedings, 1851, a 5.00 Columbus. Ohio. American philosophical society Proceedings, 1840, per vol 3 .00 Transactions, irreg 5-00 John G. Hibben, sec. treas., Princeton Cniv., Princeton, X. J. American photography, 1889, ni i . 50 221 Coltunlnis ave., Boston, ]\Iass. American photography, 1907 (July), m i . 50 Amer. photographic pub. co., 361 Broadway, Xew York, N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 33 American physical education review, m. 9 nos 3.00 American i)liy>ical education ass'n. j. H. McCurdy, sec, S])rin.<4tield, Mass. American pigeon keeper, s-m • i -oo Amer. pig-con keeper co., 155 Washington St., Chicago, 111. American playwright, i(H2 (Jan.) m i ■ 5'^ Xew York. American Poland-china record, 1879. a C'olnmbia, Mo. Stephens ])ul). co., Columbia, Mo. A.merican political science association Proceedings, 1904, a 2.00 Baltimore, Md. American political science review, 1906, (] 3-0^^ Am. pol. sci. ass'n, Baltimore, Md. American pomological society Proceedings, 1887, b-a John Craig, sec, Ithaca, N. Y. American potter's journal, 1888, w i .00 John A. :\IcCormick, Trenton, N. J. American poultry advocate, 1903, m 50 Clarence C. DePuy, Syracuse, N. Y. /American poultry journal, 1874, m 50 Am. poultry pub. co., 103 S. Clinton st., Chicago, 111. American poultryman, i8<:)4, m 50 Amer. printing co.. lOi N. 16th st.. Lincoln. Xeb. American poultry world, 1909, m 50 Buffalo, N. Y. American practitioner, 1867. m i .00 80 \Vashington square. N. \. A.merican practitioner and news, 1866, s-m i .00 Am. practitioner and news pub. co., Louisville, Ky. American pressman, 1890, m 1 .00 Rogerville. Tenn. American pressman, 1890, m i .00 Theo. F. Galomskowsky, 21 S. Third st., St. Louis. "Slo. American primary teacher, 1870, 10 nos i .00 X. E. pub. CO.. 29 A Beacon st., Boston, Mass. American printer, 1885, m 2.0c Oswald pub. CO., 25 City Hall place, X. Y., X. Y. American prison ass'n. 1 Voceedings. 1908. a i . 50 Indianapolis. Ind. American problem, 1905, m 50 J. M. Smith. Xew Port Xews, \'irginia. American prohibition yearbook, 1912, a Xational prohiI)ition press, 106 N. LaSalle st., Chicago, 111.' American protective ass'n. Proceedings, 1912 i .00 II. J. Desmond. 346 Wells bldg.. 'Milwaukee. Wis. American protologic soc. Transactions. 1898 Lewis II. Adler Jr.. Sec, Phila., Pa. 34 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American psychological ass'n. Proceedings, q 75 I'sychological review cc, Princeton. X. j. American public health ass'n. Public health papers & reports Columbus, O. American public health association. Journal, 191 1 3-00 (Contin. as American journal of public health.) American pure food & drug journal, 1909, m i .00 1092 Second natl. bank bldg.. Cincin.. (J. American quarterly of roentgenology, 1906, q 5.00 32 Adams ave. ^^'.. Detroit. Alich. American railway & building ass'n — ■ Proceedings, IbOO, a. membership, $3.00; annual dues. . 2.00 S. F. Pattetrson, Concord, N. H. American racing manual, 1896, a 50 F. H. Brunnell. 441 Plymouth Court. Chicago. 111. American racing pigeon news- 1855, s-m i .00 C. F. Hoser, Xorristown, Pa. American railway association, membership 10.00 Proceedings, 1886, s-a, per copy i .00 W. F. Allen, sec, 24 Park Place, X. Y. American railway bridge & building ass'n. Proceedings, a 2 . 00 C. A. Lichty, sec, 319 X. Waller ave., Chicago. American railway engineering ass'n. Bulletin, 1899, m 6.00 Proceedings, 1900, a 2 . 50 I. C. Fritsch, secy, Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. American railway master mechanics ass'n. Proceedings. 1867, a 2 . 50 390 Old colony bldg., Chicago. 111. American Ramabai association Report, 1889, a Free Boston, Mass. American Rambouillet sheep breeders' ass'n. Record, 1891. . . . Ionia, Mich. American real estate seller. 1907. m ". . Real estate director) co.. Fort Atkinson. Wis. American red cross bulletin, q Xavy & War bldg., Washington. I). C. American red man, 1893, w i . 00 M. L. Marshall, Louisville, Ky. American review of reviews, 1890, m 3.00 Review of reviews pub. co., 13 Astor place, New York, N. Y. A.merican review of shoes and leather, 1903, m i .00 Sam'l D. Gilpin, 44 4th st., Phila., Pa. American roentp-en ray society. OVansactions. 1902 Henry K. Pancoast, .sec, Phila.. Pa. American saddle horse breeders 'ass'n. Register, 1908, a Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 35 Aimerican saddle-horse register, 1891, biennial 2. 00 .Am. saddle-liursc l)rce{lers' ass'n., Cliicai^o, 111. American scenic and historic preservation society. Annual report, 1895, membership S.oo Edward H. Hall, sec. Tribune bldg., N. Y. American salesman, kjio, (May), m i .00 X'alparaisc), Ind. American schoolboard journal, m i . 00 11. r.. i'.onrdinan, 3^ La Salle ,st., Chica^^o, 111. American school board journal, 1890, m i .00 Wm. Geo. Bruce, Milwaukee, Wis. ^.merican school of correspondence at Armour institute Bulletin, 1 904, q Free Armour institute, Chicago, 111. American school of home economics Bulletin, 1906, q American school of home economics, 3325 Armour ave., Chicago, ni. A.m-erican sheep breeder and wool-grower, 1883, m i .00 Am. sheep breeder co., 182 Ontario st., Chicago, 111. American Shetland club stud book, 1893. a 3.00 Burt-Haywood co., Lafayette, Ind. American shipbuilder, 1889, w 2,00 (Contin. as Marine journal.) American shoemaking, 1882, \v 2 . 00 Deming & Rogers pub. co., 683 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. American shoemaking directory, a 2,00 Deming & Rogers pub. co., Boston, Mass. American short-horn herd book, 1846, s-a 10.00 American short-horn breeders" ass'n, 17 Exchange ave., Chi- cago, 111. American Shropshire sheep record, i88 ) 1 o W'averly press, r.altimore, Md. American society for psychical research Proceedings. 1907 James 11. I lyslo]j, sec. 154 .Xassau si., X. Y. American society for testing materials Proceedings. 1898, a 4-00 Phila., Pa. 36 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS A:merican society for the extension of university teaching Syllabi, 1891, irreg Varies Phila., Pa. American society naval engineers. Journal :;.oo A\^ashington, D. C. American society of agricultural engineers. Membership 2.00 Transactions. 1907. a L. W. Chase, sec, Lincoln, Neb. American society of agronomy Proceedings, 1907, a \'aries Washington, D. C. American society of church history. Proc. 1906, irreg 3.00 Rev. Samuel AI. Jackson, 11 Waverly place, New York, N. Y. A.merican society of civil engineers Transactions, 1873, s-m 10.00 Proceedings, 1877, 10 nos 6 00 220 \Y. 57th St., N. Y., N. Y. American society of engineering contracting. Tnurnal. 1909. m. . 2 oo 13 Park Row, New York, N. Y. American society of heating and ventilating engineers Transactions, 1895, a 12 W. 31st St., N. Y., N. Y. American society of mechanical engineers Transactions, 1880, a 5 -OO Yearbook. N. Y., N. Y. American society of municipal improvements Proceedings. 1894 American society of naturalists Records, 1884, a S. E. W. Bedford, sec, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. American society of naval engineers -Journal, 1889, q .00 Navy dept., Washington. D. C. American society of refrigerating engineers, entrance fee 5- 00 Annual dues 10 . 00 Transactions, 1906, a 10.00 William H. Ross, sec. Suite 806, 258 Broadway, N. Y. American sociological society, membership 3.00 Papers and proceedings, 1907. C. W. A'editz, sec, George Washington Univ., \\'ash., D. C. American spiritualist, 191 1 , w i . 00 Dr. T. Wilkins, Los Angeles, Cal. American sports, iqio, b-m Tver Johnson sporting goods co., Washington st. and Cornhil, Boston, Mass. American sportsman, 1890, w 2 00 Am. sportsman co., Cleveland, O. American standard, 1^)05, m -American standard jewelry co., Detroit, Mich. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 37 American state reports, 1887. a, per vol 5.00 Bancroft-Whitiiov co., San Francisco, Calif. American statesmen's yearbook, 1913, a 4.00 Mcliridc, Nast ]nib. co., N. Y. American stationer, 1873, w 2.00 Lockwood trade journal co., 150 Nassau st., N. Y., N. Y. American statistical association Pul)lications, 1 888. q 2 . 00 491 Boylston st.. lioston, Mass. American street and interurban railway association, membership 25.00 (Contin. as Amer. eleclric rail\va\- ass'n. ) American stock farm and advance farmer, 1880. m 50 Stock farm ])uh. co.. Springfield. Ohio. American stock-keeper, 1888, w i .00 Am. stock-keeper pub. co., 30 Broad st., Boston, Mass. American stockman, 1901, m i .00 Am. stockman pub. co., Sta. A., Kansas City, Mo. American stone trade, 1903 (Jan.), m.' 1.0(J Harvey pub. co., ;3.55 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American street railway investments, 1894 Contin. as McGraw electric railway manual. American suburbs (Merged in House beautiful.) American Suffolk sheep record, a 2.00 American Suffolk flock reg'ister ass'n. Des Moines. la. American sugar industry and beet sugar gazette, 1899, s-m ... 2.50 Beet sugar gazette. 145 LaSalle st.. Chicago, Bl. Amer. Sunday school union quarterly, .international lessons. 1880, q 16 Amer. S. S. union. 1816 Chestnut st., l^hila., Pa. American Sunday school quarterly, q 20 Am. Sunday school union, 1 122 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. American Sunday school union Report of the John Crerar Fimd, 1894, a Chicago, ni. American surgical association Transactions, 1880, a 5 -OO R. H. Harte, sec, 1503 Spruce st., Philadelphia, Pa. American swineherd, 1884, m 50 Amer. swineherd pub. co., 323 Dearborn st., Chicago, Bl. American tailor and cutter, 1880, m 3 00 J. J. Mitchell CO., 122 Fifth ave.. N. Y., N. Y. American Tamworth swine record association Register, 1903, irreg Howell, Mich. American teacher. 1912 (Jan.). m 50 134 W. 29th St.. N. Y. American telephone journal, 1891, w i .00 (Contin. as TeleidTony in Aug., 1908.) American textile manufacturer, 1893, ^\' 2.00 (Contin. as Textile manufacturer.) 38 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American theosophist & theosophist messenger, 1908 f Apr.) ... 1.50 Hollywood, 1,05 Aniieles, Cal. American thresherman, i8 86 Bible house,' N. Y. GUIDE 10 PERIODICALS 37 Bible record, i>k)2, in \ .(•'j ■ I'.ilile teachers" training- school, Lebanon. I'a. Bible record, 1904. m (except July-Aug.) i .00 I Contin. as liilile magazine.) Bible review, 1887, m ! . i • 5° Esoteric fraternity, Applegate. Calif. Bible scholar, 1807. l^"'" 5^ F. E. Fitch. 47 IJroad st.. X. V. Bible society record, 1848. ni .' .V Am. r')il)le snc. Bible house. N. Y.. X. Y. Bible student, 1886, q 40 Christian piib. cc, 2712 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Bible teacher, 1870, m 60 United presbyterian board of pub., Pittsburg", Pa. Bible teacher training school 541 Lexington ave., X. Y. Bible today. 1 ()o6, m ^. 5^ Xational bible institute, 156 Fifth ave., X. Y. Biblical educator, 1909, m....\ LOU S. O. Pool, AVenatchee, Wash. Biblical recorder, 1835, ^^' ^ • 5° Biblical recorder co., Raleigh, N. C. Biblical world, 1893, m 2.00 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Biblio, 19 1 3. c| --oo Pub. susp. Bibliographical society of America, membership 3.00 Bulletin. 1907, q . . . _ — — Proceedings and papers, 1905, biennial A. C. \'on Xoe. sec, L. of C-. Chicago. 111. Bibliophile society. Year book, a., for members only Boston, Mass. Bibliotheca sacra, 1844, q 3-00 Rihliotheca sacra co., Oberlin, Ohio Biblioteka polska, 1898, m 2.00 ( Contin. as Xiedziela.) Bicyclng world and motorcycle review, 1877. w 2.00 Goodman co., 154 Nassau st., N. Y. Biene, w 5 -O^ Aug. Lchmann, Holyoke, Mass. Bikubcn, 1876, w i • 5° Bikuben pub. co.. Salt Lake City. Utah. Biles' semi-monthly pocket edition whiskey price list, s-m J. W. Biles CO., Cincinnati, O. Billboard, w 4-0o Billboard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Billy goat magazine, i()i t. (July), m. 5^ Lockwood pub. CO.. .\ugusta, Maine. Bi-monthly owl, \^)0(y. b-m -^S !•:. \'. W'cller, Highland Park, Los Angeles. Cal. 58 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS ■ Bindery talk, b-ni i . oo \\'. E. Reavis, Los Angeles, Cal. Biochemical bulletin, 191 1, cj 2.75 Coliiml)ia Univ., N. Y. Biological bulletin- tSc/). m 6.00 Xew Era printing- co., Lancaster, Pa. Biological society of Washington Proceedings, 1880. irreg 3-00 Wilfred A. Osgood, sec, U. S. dept. of agric, Washington, D. C. Bird, lore, 1899, b-m ". . . . 1.00 Nat. ass'n of audubon societies, 525 Alanhattan av., Xew York, N. Y. Birds and nature, 1897, m i . 50 Contin. as Birds and nature magazine. Bishop college student, w Bishop college, Marsball, Texas. Bishop's ABC guide, 1885, m 5 . 00 Traffic pub. co., 429 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Calif. Bit and spur, 1902, m 3 ■ 00 Angus CO.. 389 Fiftb ave.. X'. Y. Black and magenta, m Muskingum college, Xew Concord. (). Black cat, 1895. m i . 00 Short story pub. co., 144 High st., Boston, Mass. Black diamond, 1885, w 3 . 00 Black diamond pub. co., Old Colony bldg., Chicago, 111. Black diamond express, 1S9T, m 50 Contin. as Transportation. Blackburnian, m Blackburn college, Carlinville, 111. Blackburnian, 1881, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Blackburnian pub. co., Carlinville, 111. Blacksmith & wheelright, 1880, m i .oc M. T. Richardson co., 27 Park place, X^. Y. Blacksmiths' journal, 1900, m 50 Robt. B. Kerr, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111. Blackwood's magazine (Am. ed.), 1817, m. 3-00 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren st., X^. Y. Blade, 1898, w i . 00 Blade pub. co., Cbattaiiooga, Tenn. Bladet, 1877, w i . 50 John Martenson, 205 Oak St., Cbicago, 111. Blair hall breeze Blair prcsl)yterian acadcmv, lllairstown, X. J. Blair's railroad and steamship directory, KJ07, m 6.od I!. W. Blair, San b'rancisco, Cal. Blast furnace and steel plant, i()i3 Steel pub. co.. Cleveland, O. Blinn college monthly, m B)linn memorial collei.?c. Henliam, Texas. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 59 Blooded stock farmer. ]H()C) 2^ V. L\ I';in-in-t()n, X. j. Blue and gold. 111 IJethel colleo-e, Rus'^cllvillc. Kv. Blue and gold, m South hio'h .scliool. Cleveland, ( ). Blue and gold, 1878, a 2 . 50 University of Cal., J!erkeley, Cal. Blue and gold, 1888, m i . 00 Students of Fargo college, Fargo, X. C. , Blue and white, ni J^lecs military acadeni}-, Macon. Alo. Blue and yellow, m Sterns school, Hartford, Conn. Blue book, ign, m 1 .50 IT. W.'Xiles. Providence, R. I. Blue book, m Univ. of Maine, C)rono, Me. Blue book magazine, 1905, m i .oc Story press corporation, Chicago, 111. Blue book of American shipping, 1895, a 5 -oo Penton pub. co., Cleveland, O. Blue grass bugle, 1 898, w i . 00 Bugle pub. oc, Frankfort, Ky. Blue jacket, 1899, m i . 50 Blue jacket co., Boston, Mass. Blue jay, 1904, a i . 50 Juniors, Westminster coll., Fulton, ^NIo. BlufiF city news, 1902, \v 1 . 50 News pub. CO.. 403 Beale ave., Memphi.s, Tenn. B'nai B'rith messenger, 1897, s-m i .00 B'nai B'rith messenger co., Los Angeles, Calif. Board of education, liulletin, 191 1 ( May 26), q M. H. church south. 810 Broadway, Xashville, Tenn. Board of supervising engineers, Chicago traction report. i<)07, a Chicago. 111. Board of trade journal, 1888, ni i .00 M. C. Rich., Portland, Maine. Board of trade journal, 1888, m i .00 M. C. Rich, Portland, Me. Board of trade journal, 1904, m i 00 C. F. Miller, Bd. of Trade Bldg., Scranton, Pa. Board of trade journal, 1905, m i .00 (Contin. in Chamber of commerce bulletin.) l^ortland board of trade, Chamber of commerce, Portland, Ore. Board of trade journal, 1906, a 50 Wilkes-barre, Pa. Board of trade journal, 1 889. m 1 . 50 Geo. H. Webb, Providence, R. I. Boat buyer, 191 1 ( Dec. ), q 50 31 E. 17th St., X. Y. 5o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Boating, 1905, m i . 00 (contin as power boating.) Boiler maker, 1901, m 2.00 The boiler maker, 17 Battery place, N. Y. Boiler maker and sheet metal worker, 1892. m i .00 Joseph T. Ryerson & son, Chicago, 111. Boiler makers and iron ship builders journal, 1892, m i .00 S. I. Meseraull, Kansas City, Kan. JBoletin de archivo nacional, bi-m Havana, Cuba. Bon ton, 1851, m 3.50 S. T. Taylor co., 930 Broadway st., N. Y. Bond buyer, 1891, d 120.00 Bond buyer, 1892. w , 12 . 00 National press intelligence co., 25 W. Broadway, N. Y. Bond news, 1896. d 84 . 00 Stumpf & Steurer, 20 Nassau st., N. Y. Bonds and mortgages, 1895, m. '. '. i .00 Bonds and mortgages, Monadnock bldg , Chicago, 111. Bonfort's wine and spirit circular, 1871, s-m 5.00 Chas. McK. Leaser's sons, 34 Beaver st., N. Y. Bookbuyer, m. Free Scribner's sons, 153 Fifth ave., X. Y., N. Y. Book-keeper, 1888, m i . 00 Contin. in Business & the bookkeeper. Bookkeeping today, (Apr.), 1912 Elliott-Fisher co., Harrisburg, Pa. Bookman, 1895, m 2 . 50 Dodd, Mead & co., 372 5th ave., N-. Y. Book news, 1882, m i .60 John Wanamaker, 13th & Market sts.. Phila., Pa. Book notes, m Free D. Appleton & co.. 55 W. 32d st., X. Y. Book notes, 1883, Fortntlv 50 Sidney S. Rider, Providence, R. I. Book of American municipalities, 1906. a 3- 50 Munici]jal information bureau, 05 IDearborn st.. Chicago, 111. Book of facts about farms and farmers Journal, gratis. Atkinson. Mentz-cr &• co., 318 W. Washington st.. Chicago. Book of ratings of the Pacific coast mercantile agency, 1904. a 35.00 Pacific mercantile agency, Beaver st., San Francisco, Cal. Book of the month, 1903, m 50 Junto book co., 149 Elm st., Yonkcrs, N. Y. Book of the royal blue, 1897, m .50 B. & O. railroad, Baltimore, Md. Book-keeper's bulletin, 1900, m 50 PiOok seller co., 32 N. State st., Chicago, 111. Book-lovers quarterly, c| i .00 l'.. 1). Xorth, 4 F.. 39th St., X. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 6t Bookman, 1895, in 2 . 50 Dodd, iViead & cc, 372 Fifth avc, N. Y. Book review digest, 1906, m 5 . 00 U. W. Wilson CO., White Plains. X. ^■. Bookseller, 1896, m i .cx) I'rotiTess CO.. 210 Monroe st.. Chicaj^o. 111. Bookseller, newsdealer and stationer, 1893, s-m i .00 E. O. Chapman, 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Bookseller and stationer and office equipment journal, 1887. m i.oo iMacLean cc, Toronto, Canada Book wants, 1904, m i . 50 Wm. H. Smith. South Xorwalk. Conn. Book worm for book buyers, 1913 (Dec.) Cratis Small Maynard & Co., PJoston. Mass. Boot and shoe recorder, 1882, w 2.50 W. L. Terhune, 179 S. St., Boston, Mass. Borinquen, 190c}. m i . 00 Mariano l>assallo. San juan. Porto Rico. Boston Athenaeum. Annua! re]Jort, 1903 r.oston, 3ilass. Boston advocate, 1905, w 2 . 00 (Contin. as Jewish advocate.) Boston budget and beacon, 1879, w 2 . 50 See Budget. Boston chamber of commerce. Report, a Boston. Mass. Boston city hospital ■ Medical and surgical report. 1870, irreg Boston, Mass. Boston cooking school magazine, 1896, 10 nos i .00 372 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Boston college stylus, 1874, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .50 Students of Boston college, Boston, Mass. Boston common, 1910 (Apr. 30), w 2.00 18 Kingston st., Boston, Mass. Boston co-operative information bureau, bulletin, 1912 2.00 C. W. Lee. 147 Milk st.. Boston, Mass. Boston copper book, 1907 (Jan.), a i . 50 Mass. puh. CO., Everett station, Boston, Mass. Boston financial news, 1894, d 8.00 Commercial-financial printing co., 109 State St., Boston, Mass. Boston home and school newsletter 'i Heacon st., Boston. Mass. Boston ideas, 1892, \v i . 00 See Ideas. Boston medical and surgical journal, 1828, w 5.00 W. ]\I. Leonard. 120 Ilo}lston st., Loston, Mass. Boston museum of fine arts bulletin, b-m 50 Boston, Mass. 62 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Boston mycological club, membership i .00 Bulletin. 1897, irreg _ Cambridge, Mass. Boston news bureau, 1887, d 12.00 C. W. Barron, Exchange place, Boston, Mass. Boston pocket manual, 1897, m i .00 Pocket manual co., 79 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Boston provident association Report, 1852, a Boston, Mass. Boston public library Annual list of new books, a Quarterly bulletin, 1896, 25 Trustees of Boston public library, Boston, Mass. Boston society of civil engineers, entrance fee 10.00 Monthly bulletin, 1906 715 Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. Boston society of natural history Bulletin, 1906, irreg. ^Memoirs, 1866, irreg., per vol 16.00 Proceedings, 1841, irreg., per vol 4.00 ^ — Occasional papers, 1869, irreg varies Boston, Mass. Boston Univ. bulletin, 1912 Boston, Mass. Bostonia, 1900, q Boston university, 12 Somerset st., Boston, Mass. Bostonian society Publications, 1887, a 2 .00 Annual Proceedings, 1882, a 2.00 Old State house, Boston, Mass. Botanical gazette, 1875, m 7 .00 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Bote der neuen kirche, 1854, m 2.00 C. A. Nussbaum, 191 1 N. 12th st., St. Louis, Mo. Both sides, 1895, w 2.00 Both sides pub. co., 424 Meallet ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Bourbon stock journal, 1903, 3 times week i .00 W. A. Burnett, 100 Johnson st.. Louisville. Ky. Bowdoin college Obituary record of graduates. tSqo, a Free Brunswick, Me. Bowdoin college bulletin, 1004. 6 nos 40 Bowdoin college, Brunswick, Me. Bowdoin college library Bibliographical contributions, 1891 *. Brunswick, Me. Bowdoin orient, 1871, w dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Bowdoin college, Brunswick, Me. Bowdoin quill, 1896, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Bowdoin college, Brunswick, Me. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 63 Bowler, i2 Broad st.. X. Y. Boy life, 40 Standard pul). o., Cincin.. O. Boy scouts, 1911, w 25 .•\kehurst printin,^- co., 40 Charlotte st.. I'tica. X. ^'. Boys and ?irls monthly, q 40 Chas. vScribner's sons, 153-7 Fifth avc. X. Y. Boys and girls, 1903, m 50 ConsoHdated with Children's magazine. Boys' home weekly. 1911, w 2 . so Hippodrome bidg-., Cleveland, O. Boys' life, 191 1. m i .00 Eoy scouts of America, 200 Fifth ave.. X. ^'. Boy's magazine, 1907, m 50 Boy's mag-, pub. co., 332 E. i8th St., X. Y., X. Y. Boys' magazine, 1909. m ' 1.00 Scott F. Redfield co., Smethport, Pa. Boys' world, 1902. w qo D. C. Cook pub. CO., Elgin, 111. Bradstreet's, 1879, w 5 .00 Bradstreet co., 346 Broadway, N. Y. Brains Contin. as Retail equipment. T912 Brann's iconoclast, 1892, m i .00 C. A. AVindle, 603 Hearst bklg., Chicago, IlL Brass world and platers' guide, 1905. m i .00 Brass world pub. co., 260 John st., Bridgeport, Conn. Bratrsky vestnik, m 50 John Rosick^^ Omaha. X'eb. Brauer-zeitung, 1886, w 2 .00 XIational union U. P>. \V., Cincinnati, O. Breeder and sportsman, 1882, w 3 • 00 F. W. Kelley, 36 Geary st.. San Francisco, Cahf. Breeder's gazette ,i88r, w 2.00 J. H. Sanders pub. co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, HI. Breeders' guide, 1906, m 50 E. C. Biabcock. 551 1 Cottage grove ave., Chicago, 111. Breeders' journal, 1012, (fan.), m Hickox bldg.. Clevekand, O. Brentano's book chat, 1907, m 25 Brcntano's, 5th avc., Xew York, X, Y. 64 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Brethren evangelist, 1879, w i . 50 Brethren pub. board, Ashland, O. Brewer and maltster, 1882, m 5 -oo Eugene A. Sittig & son, Lake & Clark sts., Chicago, 111. Brewers' handbook, 1874, a H. S. Rich & CO., 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Brewer's journal, 1876, m 5-00 Brewer's journal co., i Hudson st., N. Y. Brick and clay record, 1894. s-m i .00 445 Plymouth court, Chicago, 111. Brickbuiider, 1892, m 5 . 00 Rogers & Manson, 85 Water st., Boston, Mass. Bricklayer, mason, and plasterer, 1898, m 75 Bricklayers' and masons' international union of America, 23 Duane St., N. Y. Bridgeman's magazine, ioot, m i .00 Indianapolis, Ind. Brief of Phi dela phi, 1900, q i . 50 Geo. Banta pub. co., ]\Ienasha, Wis. Brigham Young college. Bulletin, q , Logan, Utah. Brill's magazine, IQ07, m J. G. Brill CO., Phila., Pa. British-American, 1887, w i . 00 British-American pub. co., 6th and Chestnut sts., Phila., Pa. British American citizen, 1887, w i . 50 no Tremont st., Boston, Alass. British-Californian, 1897, m i .00 British-California pub. co., 927 Market st., San Francisco, Calif. British Columbia building news, 1908, w 2.00 E. A\\ Elkington, \'ancouver, B. C. British Columbia mining exchange and investors' guide, 1899, "^ ^ -OO G. Sheldon-Williams, Vancouver, B. C. British Columbia mining record, 1895, m 2.00 British Columbia record, Victoria, B. C. British Columbia orphan friend, m i .00 Thomas R. Cusack, Victoria. B. C. British Columbia pharmaceutical record, 1905, m i .00 John H. Emery, Victoria, B. C. British Gazette, 1912, (July) , m i .00 '/'^ Broad St., N. Y' Broadaxe, 1895, w -2 ■ 00 J. F. Taylor, 5027 Armour ave.. Chicago, 111. Broadside, m Luce and co.. 212 Summer st.. iJoston. Mass. Broadway magazine, 189S, m 1-50 Contin. as Hampton's magazine. Brockton public library Quarterly bulletin, 1899, q Free Brockton, Mass. GUIDE TO PERTODICALS 65 Brome county historical society, niciiil)crsliip i .00 • 'i'ransactions, 1807 Knowlton. V. Q., Canada. Brookline historical society Procccdiiiii's, 1901, a 25 Special papers, irreg'., each 25 Brookline, Mass. Brookline public library, bulletin, 1894 Free Brookline, Mass. Brookly daily eagle library, m i .00 Brooklyn daily eagle, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn botanic garden record, i()i2, (Jan. ), q I'.rooklyn. X. Y. Brooklyn engineers' club, Proceedings. 1897, per vol., 2 .ou 197 Montague st.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn institute of arts and sciences • Bulletin, w 2.00 Year book, 1889 Science bulletin, 1901, irreg., per vol 3.0'j Museum, memoirs of arts and archaeology, 1902, irreg.. . .varies Museum news, 1905, monthlv Oct-Mav, Free Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn life, 1890, w 3 . 00 Brooklyn- life pub. co.. Eagle bldg., Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn public library. Bulletin 1901, q Free Brooklyn, N. Y. Broom corn review, k)I2, ( Jan. ) . m Wichita, Kans. Brooms, brushes, and handles, m i .00 Packages pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Brotherhood, w i . 00 E. A. Williams. Cincinnati, O. Brotherhood of locomotive engineers Journal, 1867, m i .00 ■ Cleveland, O. Brotherhood star, 1890, m 50 J. D. Long & J. G. Hammer, Jr., 23 Gold st., N. Y. Brown alumni monthly, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Brown alumni mag. co., Providence, R. I. Brown and white, 1894, s-w. dur. coll. yr 2 .00 Students of Lehigh university, South Bethlehem, Pa. Brown daily herald, 1891, 6d. dur. coll. yr 3. 50 Students of Brown university, Providence, R. L Brown university bulletin, 1904, b-m Brown unixcrsity, Providence, R. L Browning's magazine, 1890, m 25 Browning, King & co., 16 Cooper sq., N. Y. Brown's directory of American gas companies, a 5.00 Gas statistics, 18S7, a 5.00 Progressive age pub. co., 280 Broadway, Xew York, N. Y. 66 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Brueder botschafter, 1866, w i • 5° Rev. Karl A. Mueller, Watertown, Wis. Brunonian, 1829, m. dur. coll. yr 2 . 50 Students of Brown university, Providence, R. I. Brush and pail, 1909, m Free Alabastine co.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Bryan-Marsh co. Bulletin, 1906, irreg Free Bryan-Marsh co., Chicago, 111. Bryn Mawr alumnae quarterly, 1907 ( Apr. ) , q i -oo Alumni ass"n of Br\n ]\Ia\vr col. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Bryn Mawr college monographs Monograph series, 1901, irreg varies Program of graduate courses, 1907 — ~_ — Reprint series, 1901, irreg varies Brvn Mawr college, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Bryologist, 1898, b-m i -OO Mrs. Annie M. Smith, 78 Orange st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bubier's popular electrician, m (Continued as Electrician & mechanic.) Buchtelite, 1888. Fortntly dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Buchtel college, Akron, O. Buckeye lake shore breeze, 1908, w ^ • 00 Breeze ])ub. co., Hebron, O. Buckeye printerdom, 1906, m 5^ Delphos. C). . Bucknell mirror, 1882, m. dur. coll. yr i -OO Students of Bucknell university, Lewisburg, Pa. Bucknell university bulletin, 1901, s-m Free Bucknell university, Lewisburg, Pa. Bud eg hilsen, 1900, m 5° S. Tunheim & Ed. Myrsven, Crookston, Mich. Budget, m •; Gainesville high school, Gainesville, Texas. Budget, q The Sadler-Rowe co., Baltimore, Md. Buds of hope, 1883, w -^ Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Buff and blue, 1892, m • ^-^^ Students of Gallaudet college, Washmgton, D. C. Buffalo historical society Publications, 187(1. a vanes Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo medical journal, 1845, i" • ^-^^ Wm. W. Potter, 284 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo motorist, 1908, m ^ •'^'-* Auto club of Buffalo, lUiffalo, N. Y. Buffalo society of natural sciences Bulletin, 1873, 4 parts to vol 4 03 Buffalo, N. Y. Bugle, m r.righam academy, Bakersfield, \'t. GUIDE TO TERIODICALS 6.7 Bugle, 1912, 111 25 New York, N. Y. Builder, m (cont. as Realty record & builder) 3.00 F. W. Choisel, Odd Fellows bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Builder, ni 2 . 00 T. M. Walker, Pittsburg, Pa. Builder and contractor, 1893, w 2.50 Harry lies, Los Angeles, Calif. Builders' bulletin, 1908, 6 ti-m J. Herbert Lauer, Montreal, Quebec. Builders' gazette, 1886, w 5.00 Thos. F. Hodges, Pittsburg, Pa. Builders' weekly guide Law bldg., Baltimore, Md. Building age, (cn)niin. of Carpentry and building), IS'iD, m.... LOU Building and industrial news, 1900, w 3 • 00 J,, /V. l,arsen, 1325 Mission st., San Francisco, Cal. Building management, 1906, m 2.00 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Building record- iqio, d 10.00 583 Homer- Richards Lane. R. C. Building trades employers' association Bulletin, 1900, m 1 .00 Frederick M. Crossett, 1123 Broadway, N. Y. Building trade news, 191 1, w 6.00 Bordin-Mulnix pub. co., 826 Perdido st., Xew Orleans, La. Bulletin, 1891, w i .00 Bulletin CO., Toledo, O. Bulletin, 1893. m 2.00 Bulletin pub. co., Toronto, Canada Bulletin, 1894, w 25 (Contin. as .Vtchison co., high school news.) Bulletin, 1909. w 50 R. G. Linebarger, Billinys, IMont. Bulletin board, 191 1, (Oct.), m 50 429 Sixth ave., N. Y. Bulletin medical de Quebec, 1899. ni 2 .00 Safiammc c^ I'roulx, 6 Collins st.. Ouehec. Canada. Bulletin new music for the pianola, pianola-piano, aeriola, orchestrelle and aeolian grand, m Free Aeolian co., 362 5th ave., N. Y. Bulletin of abstracts, b-m 5 . 00 Amer. gas institute. 2() W. 3()th st.. X. Y. Bulletin of American palaeontology, 1895, irrcg., per page or (i. 1). Ilarris, Cornell universitw Ithaca, N. Y. Bulletin of bibliography, 1897. c] 2 .00 I'.oston Hook CO., 83 Francis st.. Iloston. Mass. Bulletin of commerce, 1874, w 5 .oa Briggs & CO., 118 N. 3r(l st.. St. Louis, Mo. Bulletin of leather and shoe news, 1896, w 2. 5(j 183 Essex St., Doston. Mass. 68 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Bulletin of new music, irreg Free G. Schirmer, New York, N. Y. Bulletin of pharmacy, m i . oo E. Gf Swift, Detroit, Mich. Bulletin of photography, 1907 (Aug-. 14), w i .75 606 Sanson st., Phila., Pa. Bullinger's monitor guide, 1869, w 7.00 E. W. Bullinger, 53 Park pi., N. Y. Bullinger's postal and shipping guide, a 3 . 50 E. W. Bullinger, 53 Park pi., N. Y. Bundle of sticks, 1883, "^ ^ • O" Spahr & Glenn, Columbus, O. Bungalow magazine, 1909, m 1.00 Henrv C. \\'ilson, 412 Copp bldg., Los Angeles, Gal. Bunker hill monument association ■ Proceedings, a Bureau of railway economics, bulletin, rii 1329 I'enn. ave., Wasbington. D. C. Burning brush, 1902, w i . 00 j\Iet. church assoc, 223 N. Kedzie ave., Waukesha, Wis. Business. 1888, m i . 50 Fort and ^^'ayne sts., Detroit, 'Mich. Business aid, 1907 (July), m i .00 J. L. Rosenberger, 112 Clark st., Chicago, Pil. Business America, 1908. m 1.50 League pub. co., 608 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Business barometers Investment bankers bureau. Wellesley Hills, Mass. Business builder, 1906, m 25 Brown & Biglow, 54 E. 6th st., St. Paul, ]\Iinn. Business building magazine, 191 3, m i .00 Dutceber-Fowler co.. Easton. I\a. Business devices and aids for the office, 1910 ( Mar. ), m 50 Tribune bldg.. New York, N. Y. Business educator, 10 nos i .00 Zaner and Bloser, Columbus, O. Business farmer, 19 10, s-m i .oo Farmer pub. co., Easton. Pa. Business journal, 1877. m i . 00 Business journal co., N. Y. Business magazine, 1897, m i -OO Business magazine co., Knoxville, Tenn. Business makers r.utler brotberS: Cbicago, 111. Business man's magazine and book-keeper, Contin. as Book-keeper. Business news, 1913, (Oct. ) , m 5^ f Business book bureau, X. Y. Business philosopher, 1904, m ^ • o^ (Contin. in Sheldon's bu.siness philosopher.) GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 69 Business research linreau of business researcli. X. \'. Business service, 1009. (Aug-. ), 111 i .00 l^>iisiiicss service Corp.. King- hldg., Detroit. Mich. Business woman's magazine, 1 9(»;5, m 1.00 C(nitin. in Aiodern world, etc. Business world, 1886, m i .00 Business pub. cc, 25 City Hall place, N. Y. Busy bee, 1867, ni C. F. Seiss, P. O. box 905, Phila., Pa. Busy bible student, 1910, q . . . .' 20 Cincinnati, ( ). Busy man's magazine, m 2 . 00 (Contin. as McLean's magazine.) Butchers' advocate and market journal, 1879, w 2.00 Jacob Mayer, 13. Park Row, N. Y. Butchers' and packers' gazette, 1808, w i .00 Butchers' and packers' gazette pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. Butler collegian, 1885, w i • 00 Students of Butler college, Indianapolis, Ind. Butler way, 1912, (Jan.). m Lutler brothers, Chicago, 111. Butter, cheese and egg journal, 1910, w 1.00 Milwaukee, Wis. Butterick fashions, m 12 Butterick metropolitan fashions Buttericks moden-revue, 1906, m Buterick trio fashion quarterly, 1908. q Butterick jnil). co.. N. Y. Buyers bulletin, i () 1 3. tn Xewark mail order liouse. Newark. X. J. Buyers' magazine, 1908, m 2.00 Commercial pub. co., 47 W. King St., Toronto, Canada. Buyers' reference, 1892, q i .00 Buyers' reference co., 123 Liberty st., N. Y. Bystander, 1903, m ' 1.00 Classic ]:)ress, 244 Security bldg., Los Angeles.. Cal. C. K. and L. of A, journal, m 50 Porter bldg., Memphis, Tenn. C. L. of O. index, 1903, m 20 Catholic Columbiar, Columbus, Ohio. C. M. B. A. advocate, 1004. m 25 P>ufl'alo (^atholic pul). co.. lUiffalo. \. ^'. C. M. B. A. journal, irreg 73 Jas. Coffey, Montreal. Canada C. P. journal, hjI2. q dur. coll. yr J^ Corvallis, ( )regon. C. T. A. U. advocate, u>oo, m 23 Mount Morris. 111. C. of C. magazine, m College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C. yo GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Cadenza, 1894, m i.oo C. L. Partie co., 5 E. 14th st., N. Y. Cadet, m Danville tnilitary institute, Danville, Pa. Cadet, \v '. A'irginia military institute, Lexington. A'a. Cadet adjutant, m Kentucky military institute, Lyndon, K} Caduceus of kappa si?ma, 1886, m i .50 142 Marietta st., Atlanta, Ga. Caecilia, 1874, m " 2.0c John Singenberger, St. Francis, Wis. Calanthian journal, 1904. w i . 00 W. A. Scott, Edwards. 3.1iss. Caledonian, 1901, m i .00 Caledonian pub. co., Bible house, N. Y. Calendar of gallant living, 1900, a. . . . 50 L. J. Thompson, North Attleboro, Mass. California academy of sciences Memoirs, 1868, irreg. — Occasional papers, 1890. Proceedings, third series, 1897, botany, irreg. Proceedings, third series, 1897, fe^o^og)' irreg. Proceedings, third series, 1897, math-phys., irreg. Proceedings, third series, 1897, zoology, irreg. San Francisco, Calif. California alumni weekly, 1909 (Jan.), w 50 Berkeley, Cal. California appellate decision, s-\v 1 2 . 00 District court of appeals of the state of California, San Francisco, Cal. California board of trade, report, a. 1886 San Francisco, Cal. California bungalow, 10(i9 (Alar.), m 1.00 Contin. as Bungalow magazine. California business farmer & irrigationist, 1910, w i .00 Commercial printing &: ]5ub. co., Stockton, Cal. California Christian advocate, 185 1, w. i . 50 IMethodist book concern, San Francisco, Calif. California club woman, 1900, m 50 Mrs. M. D. Hamilton, 218 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Calif. California cultivator, 1889, w i .00 ■Cultivator pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. California decisions, s-w 12.00 Recorder printing and pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. California derrick, 1908, m 2 . 00 31 1- 1 2 metropolis bank bidg , San Francisco, Cal. California druggist, 1 8(j i . m i . 00 California druggist juib. co.. Los \ngeles, Cal. California education, 1905, q i .00 State normal school, San Francisco, Calif. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS jt California electric medical journal, 1908, m 1.00 California electric medical college, Los Angeles, Cal. California elks, 190 1 . m i . 00 A. P. Alurgatleii, San Jose. Cal. California federation of labor — Proceedinirs, i8rainard N. Rowley, 320 Sansoni st.. San P'rancisco, Cal. California homeless children's friend, i8(/), (| 50 2414 Grilllh ave., Los Angeles. Cal. California independent, 1896, w i . 50 Independent pub. co., 209 S. Broadway. Los Angeles. Cal. California issue, 1909, m 50 401 Bk.- concern bldg., San PVancisco, Cal. California journal of technology, 1903, ({ 1 .00 Students of university of California, Perkeley, Cal. California law review, 1912, (Nov.), li-m 2.50 L'niv. of Cal., Berkeley, Cal. California library ass'n. Proceedings, 191 1 Sacramento. Cal. California medical and surgical reporter, 1900, m i .00 707 Grant l)ldg.. T^os Angeles, Cal. California medical journal, 1888, m i . 50 California med. college, San Francisco, Calif. California news, 1885, m 50 California institution for the deaf and dumb and blind, Berkele}', Cal. California odd fellow and new age, 181)4, m i .00 C. M. Harrison, Sacramento, Calif. California oil world, 1908, w 3 .00 Bakerslield, Cal. California products, 1905, m i .00 California products co., Los Angeles, Calif. California resources and possibilities Cal. development board, San Francisco, Cal. California state board of charities and corrections I'ulletin, 191 1 Gratis 1007 Phelin bldg., San Francisco, Cal. California state board of health Bulletin. 1905 Free Sacramento, Cal. California state commission of horticulture Bulletin, 191 t , 1 Dec. ) , m Sacramento, Cal. California state journal of medicine, 1902, m 3- 00 Med. soc. of the state of Calif., Y. M. C. A. bldg., San Francisco, Calif. 72 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS California state library Leg'islative reference bulletin, 1908 (Dec), irrej:; News notes of California libraries. 1906, q Sacramento, Cal. California teachers' association Proceedings, 1892, a 1 .od J. P. Greeley, sec, Santa Anna, Calif. California tourist and hotel reporter, 1904, w 2.00 Jas. J. Toy, 338 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, Calif. California. University publications ^Agricultural sciences. 1912 ( Oct.), 3-00 Archaeology- and ethnology, 1903. irreg varies Astronomy — Lick observatory publications, irreg 3.00 Botany, 1902, irreg varies Bulletin, 1901, irreg 2 . 50 Calendar, w. dur. coll. yr 50 Chronicle, q i .oo Classical philology, 1904, irreg , .varies Economics, 1908 Education, 1893, irreg varies — Engineering Entomology, 1906. Geology, 1893, irreg varies ^Mathematics. Modern philolog}-, 1909 (]*^lay). Philosophy, 1904, irreg 2 .00 Physiology, 1903, irreg 2.00 Psychology. • Register, a 25 Semitic philology, 1905, irreg varies • Zoologv, 1902, irreg 3 . 50 Berkeley,' Calif. California voice, 1884. w i -oo V\'. P. I^hillips. 2nd st., Los Angeles, Cal. California weekly. 1908, w Sacramento, Cal. Californian, 1893, d. dur. coll. yr. '. 2 . 50 Californian pub. co., Berkeley, Calif. Callanan's magazine, 1898 (Jan.), every 2 months Free L. J. Callanan, 41 Vesey St., New York, X. Y. Callahan county news, 1908. w i .00 News ])ub. CO.. Baird, Texas. Call for the loyal moose, 1909. ni 50 L. (). aI., Anderson, Md. Cambrian, 1880, b-m i . 00 Thomas J. Griffith, Utica, N. Y. Cambridge (Mass.). Public library, m 25 P>ulletin, 1896. Cambridge, Mass. Camera, 1897', m i • 5° Camera pub. co., 114 S. /th st., Phila., Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 73 im, i8()9, m Contin. in American i)lK)t()L;ra])hy. Camera and dark room, i8()9, m. ^ -^o ^ r ... I .00 Camera craft, u/x). m • : ■ ■■ - • • ' Camera craft pub. cc, ban Francisco, Calit. ^ ^^ Camera work, 1903. (| Alfred Stieglitz, N. Y. Camp and trail, 1909 (Dec. 4), w Columbus, O. Campbell's scientific farmer, 1906, m •/.••••/■ 'm' \ Campbell soil culture co., M17 O. st., Lmcoln, Neb. Campine herald, i»)i2, m • "* R. W. lloesur. iM-anklinville, N. \. Camp news, 1867, m • •,•••• ' • ' ' ' ' " C. W. & H. Weikel, 510 Susquehanna ave., irliila., J: a. ^^""^"students of the Methodist Univ. of ( )kla., (Uhbrie. Okla. Campus, 1884, m. dur. coll. yr • • • Ottawa univ. oratorical ass n, Ottawa, Kan. Campus, 1874, Fortnightly V^' ' 'Z ' '/ " ' m ' v " Students of the university of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Campus, 1876, w. dur. coll. yr • • • ■ • • • • • • ^ • 5^ Students of Allegheny college, Meaaville, Pa. Campus, 1905. 8 times yr • ■ • • ,•••;••••;•• Students of Middlebnry college, Middlebury. \ t. Campus, 1907, w dur. coll. yr • . • . . . • • • • 5° Students of the college of New \ork, N. Y. Canada, I90^>. w 'r^ " ' : ' ^ 180 St. James st.. Montreal, Canada Canada labor gazette See Dominion of Canada labor gazette. Canada lancet, 1868, m ^ '^^ Ontario pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canada law journal, 1855, s-m 5 -oo Canada law book co., Toronto, Canada Canada lumberman, 1880, m 'r.' ' " ; ^ '°° C. H. Mortimer pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canada monthly, 1906, m • ^ • 5° 382 Clarence St., Lond., Ontario. Canada yearbook, a Govt, print.. Ottawa. Can. Canada's white ribbon bulletin, 1906, m -^ Publication board. Ottawa, Ont. Canadi magyar .farmer, 1905. w. . . • • • • -. • • • • • • ■ ^ • ^^ Hungarian ]mh. co., 287.^/. Selkn-k ave.. W mmpcg. Manitoba. Canadian, iSmS- hi ^ 1. |. Ik'ban, Kingston, Ontario. Canadian annual digest, a ■ X ' " i ' ' " Canadian law liook co.. 32 Toronto st.. 1 oronto. Canada. ^ Canadian annual review of public affairs, kiio, a \ aries Toronto. ( )nt. 74 (iUIDE lO PERIODICALS Canadian antiquarian and numismatic journal, 1872, q 2.00 Xuniisniatic &: antiquarian soc. of ^^lontreal, Montreal, Canada Canadian architect and builder, 1888, m 2.00 C. H. Mortimer pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian automobile, 1910, m i .00 60 Adelaide st.^ Toronto. Ont. Canadian baker, confectioner and restaurateur, 1889, "i i-OO James Acton pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian bankers ass'n. Journal, 1903, q Gazette pub. co., 38th st., Antione, Montreal. Canadian baptist, 1854, w i cq Board of publication, Toronto, Canada Canadian bee journal, 1893, m i .00 Tbe Hurley printing co., Brantford, Canada. Canadian blacksmith and wood worker. loio, m i .00 822 Union band bldg-., Winnipeg-, Manitoba. Canadian bookman, 1909, m 1.00 McLean pub. co., 10 Front St., Toronto, Canada. Canadian bookseller and library journal, 1888, m i .00 Canadian bookseller, Toronto, Canada Canadian builder, 191 1, m i .00 408 ^McKinnon bldg.. Toronto, Ont. Canadian cement and concrete review, 1906, m Canadian engineer, Toronto, Canada. Canadian checker player, 1907. m 2.00 M. D. Teetzel. Chatham, Ont. Canadian churchman, 1871, w 2.00 Frank Wootten, Toronto, Canada. Canadian cigar and tobacco journal, 1895, m i .00 H. Gagnier, Toronto, Canada Canadian clay worker, 1909, m i .00 Canadian mfg. pub. co., 408 McKinnon bldg.. Toronto, Ont. Canadian club, 1904, m i .00 Canadian club co., ^Montreal, Canada. Canadian commercial traveler and railway news, i<)03, m i .00 St. Thomas, Ont. Canadian congregationalist, 1854, w i .00 W. E. ^lertens, Toronto, Canada Canadian countryman, 1912, w i . 50 Toronto, Ont. Canadian courier, 1906, w 3- 00 Courier press, 12 Wellington st.. Toronto, Ont. Canadian craftsman and masonic record, 1867, m. . . i .00 Canadian craftsman pul). co., Toronto, Canada Canadian criminal cases, annotated, 1898. q Toronto. Canada. Canadian druggist, 1889, "i ^ -OO Wm. J. Dyas, Toronto, Canada Canadian electrical news and engineering journal, 1891, m i .00 C. H. Mortimer co., Toronto, Canada GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 75 Canadian engineer, \>'^^)^. m 2 .00 Canadian engineer, Toronto, Canada. Canadian entomologist, 1868, m 2 . 00 Knloniolo^ical society of Ontario, Guelpli, Canada Canadian Epworth era, 1899, m 5° Rev. Wni. IJriggs, Toronto, Canada Canadian farm, 1909, w 1"" l"'ann press, 12 Wellington st.. Toronto, Canada. Canadian farm implements, 1905, m 5<^ Canada farm implements, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canadian finance. .1910, s-m 2.00 Finance publishers. 56 Aikens 1)ldg., Winnipeg, Manitolja. Canadian florist, IQ03, s-m i -O^ D. C. Nixon" & co., Toronto, Canada Canadian forester, 1880, m 5^^ H. Cummer, Guelph, Canada Canadian forestry journal, 1905, q ■ i 00 Canadian forestr^y association, Ottawa, Canada Canadian foundryman, 1910, m 50 IMacLean inilx cp., 145 University ave., Toronto. C)nt. Canadian freeman, 1885, w i .ocj Patrick J. Daley, Kingston, Ontario Canadian friend, 1905, m F. Cornell, Newmarket, Ont., Canada. Canadian furniture world and undertaker, T911, m i .00 Fullerton pub. co., 56 Agnes St., Toronto, Ont. Canadian grocer, 1886, w 2 . 00 MacTean pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian hardware, stove and paint journal, 10)09, m. . i .00 Commercial jjress. 408 McKinnon bldg., Toronto, Out. Canadian harness and carriage journal, 1900, m i .00 Wm. J. Dyas, Toronto, Canada Canadian home, 1904, m i • 00 Joseph Phillips, Toronto, Canada Canadian horticulturist, 1878, m i -00 Ontario fruit growers' ass'n., Toronto, Canada Canadian implement and vehicle trade, 1900, m i .00 Trade pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian institute Proceedings, 1852, irreg varso.^ Transactions, 1889 Toronto, Canada Canadian Jewish times, 1897, ^^' - -^^ 45 Dorchester st., Montreal, Quebec. Canadian journal of commerce, 1875, w .S-OO M. S. Foley, Montreal, Canada Canadian journal of medicine and surgery, 1897. m i .00 Toronto, Canada. Canadian kennel gazette, 1889, m ^ -OC H. B. Donovan, Toronto, Canada 76 GUIDE TO PERIOD! CALo Canadian laundryman, 1897, m i .00 Edgar A. Willis, Toronto, Canada Canadian law times, 1881, m 5- 00 Carswell co.. Toronto, Canada Canadian machinery and manufacturing nows, m i .00 MacLean pub. co., Montreal, Canada Canadian magazine, 1893, m, (U. S. $3.00) 2.50 Ontario pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian manufacturer, 1880, s-m i . 50 Canadian manufacturer pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian medical association Journal, 191 1, m 50 Morang & co.. Toronto. Ont. Canadian messenger of sacred heart, 1891, m 50 ^Messenger press, Montreal. Quebec. Canadian military gazette, 1885, s-m 2.00 MacLcan pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian military institute, 1891, a., membership 5- 00 Selected papers from the transactions, 1890, irreg., per no., 50c to i . 00 University avenue, Toronto, Ont. Canadian miller & grain elevator, 1909, m 1.00 Biggar-Wilson pub. co., 236-7 Confederation Life bldg., Toronto, Canada. Canadian. mining institute Bulletin. 1903, cj }k[ontreal, Quebec Canadian mining institute journal, 1898, a 413 Dorchester st.. Montreal, Canada. Canadian mining journal, 1882, m 3- 00 Review pub. co., Montreal, Canada Canadian motor, 1905, m i 00 The Vehicle, Toronto, Canada Canadian motor boat, 1909, m i .00 60 Adelaide st., Toronto, Ont. Canadian municipal journal, 1905. m i 00 107 St. James st., Montreal, Canada. Canadian music and trades journal, 1900, m i .00 D. C. Nixon & CO., Toronto, Canada Canadian mute, 1894, s-m 50 Ontario school for the deaf, IJellevillc. Out. Canadian nurses, 1905, m i .00 Canadian nurses co., McKinnon bldg., Toronto, ( )nt. Canadian peat society journal, 1012, ( Ian. ) . (j ( )lta\va, ( )nt. Canadian pharmaceutical journal, 1868, m i .00 Pharni. pub. co. of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Canadian poultry news, 1898, m 35 Robt. R. Cameron, Owen Sound, Ontario. Canadian poultry review, 1877, m 50 H. B. Donovan, Toronto, Canada GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 77 Canadian practitioner and review, 1876, ni 2.00 A. H. Wright, Toronto, Canada Canadian railway & marine world, i8()8. m i .00 Action ihirrows co., Toronto, (jnt. Canadian railway club, membership 2.00 Official proceedings, 1902 m (Sept. -May), per no 15 ^^'indsor Hotel, Montreal. Canadian record of science, 1885, q i .5c Natural history society, Montreal, Canada Canadian royal templar, 1883, m 5c T. J. Shanks, Hamilton, Ontario Canadian shoe and leather journal, 1888, m i .00 James Acton pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian society of civil engineers. Bulletin Transactions, m. . 1.50 C. H. McLeod. Sec, 176 Mansfield st., iMontreal. Canada. Canadian sportsman and live stock journal, 1870, w 2.00 Toronto, Canada Canadian teacher, 1897, s-m., except July- Aug i .00 Educational pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian textile journal, 1883. m 2.00 Industrial and educational press. Canadian thresherman, m 50 Canadian thresherman pub. co., Winnipeg, Manitoba Canadian trade review, 1885, w 2.00 Trade review pub. co., Montreal, Canada Canadian wheelman, 1883, s-m i .00 Canadian wheelman pub. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian white ribbon tidings, 1904, s-m 50 Ontario W. C. T. U., London, Ontario Canadian woodman, m 50 W. C. Fitzgerald, London, Ontario Canadian workman, 1879, m 50 John Curran, Orillia, Ontario Canal record, 1907, w Isthmain canal commission, Ancon, Canal zone. Candlestick, 19 10, ( l\ov.), m 50 Candlestick -pub. co., Springfield, Mass. Candy topics, 1903, m Free D. Amerback & sons, 334 W\ 39th st.. New York, N. Y. Canis index, 1907, s-a William ?>. Canis, 1702 Auditorium Tower, Chicago, 111. Canner and dried fruit picker, 1895, w 3-00 O. L. Doming, 22 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. , Canners and packers directory, 1886, a 5 .00 E. D. Fisher, Rock Island, 111. Canton press, m Christian university. Canton, Mo. Canton public library. Bullelin. 1(307, q Canton, .Ma>^s. Capitoline. m Springfield high school, Springfield, III. jS GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Cardinal, m State normal school. Plattsburg-, N. Y. Cardinal, m '...'. Portland high school, Portland, Oregon. Cardinal, 1892, 6 d. dur. coll. yr 3 .00 Students of university of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Carleton college Bulletin, IQ05, q ■ Northfield, Minn. Carletonia, 1881, s-m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Carleton college, Northfield, Mimi. Carlson's breeders review, 1910, m i .00 G. L. Carlson, Norfolk; Neb. Carnations, 1906, q Delta sigma phi fraternity, 151 W. 140th St., New York, N. Y. Carnegie endowment for international peace. Yearbook, 19 11 New York. Carnegie foundation for the advancement of education Bulletin, 1907, irreg. The Carnegie foundation, 542 Fifth ave., N.Y. Carnegie free library. Annual report, t888 Braddock. Pa. Carnegie institute Carnegie museum annals, 1901 ■ Carnegie museum memoirs, 1903 Celebration of founders day, 1896 Pittsburg, Pa. Carnegie institution of Washington Publications, 1902, irreg varies Year book, 1902, a i .00 Carnegie institution, Washington, D. C. Carnegie library. Bulletin, 1903, irreg Plomestead, Pa. Carnegie library of Atlanta. Bulletin, 1902, m Free Atlanta, Ga. Carnegie library of Pittsburgh Monthly bulletin, 1896, m Pittsburgh, Pa. Carnegie museum Annals, 1901, a, in parts 3-50 cloth 4-00 Memoirs, 1901, irreg., in parts 10.00 cloth 10.75 Reports, i8'98, a 25 Pittsburg, Pa. Carnegie technical schools. Bulletin. Carnegie technical schools, Pittsburg, Pa. Carolina churchman, 1909, m i ocj Rev. F. M. Osborne, Charlotte. N. C. Carolina fruit and truck grower's journal, f i .00 Journal pub. co., Wilmington, N. C. GUIDI': TO TERIODICALS 79 Carolina news, i()0(). w i .00 j. C. ITillan, Cheraw, S. C. Carolina Pythian, 1896, m 50 J. G. Baird, Charlotte, N. C. Carolina union farmer, 1908, w To J. Z. Green cK: L. E. lluo-.yins. .Marshville. X. C. Caroline Brewer Croft cancer commis'n of Harvard med. sch'l Report, 1898, a R. B. Greenough, secy., ■};]'] Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Carolinian, 1883, "^ dur. coll. yr i . 50 Lit. societies of S. C. college, Columbia, S. C. Carothers observatory. Bulletin, 1913, irreg \\\ F. Carothers, Iloiiston. Texas. Carpenter, 1881, m 50 United brotherhood of carpenters and joiners of Amer- ica, Stevenson bidg., Indianapolis, Ind. Carpentry and building, 1879, m i .00 ( Contin. as Building" age.) Carpet and upholstery trade review, 1870, s-m 3 .00 Review pub. co., 31 Union sq., N. Y. Carpets, wall paper and curtains, 1879, ^ i . 50 W. P. Symonds, 116 Walker st., N. Y. Carriage and wa?on builder and American vehicle, 1906, m. . . . i .00 Wood and Schermerhorn, ■^'i.j Walnut st., Phila.. Pa. Carriage dealers' journal, 1890, m i .00 Journal pub. co. of Troy, Troy, N. Y. Carriage monthly, 1865. m 2.00 Ware bros., 1336 Cherry st., Phila, Pa. Carroll echo, m Carroll College, Waukesha. \\'is. Carthage collegian, ni Carthage high school, Carthage. S. D. Carthage collegian, m Carthage. Ill Carthage public library bulletin, 1906, m • Carthage, Mo. Cartoons, 1912, ni i . 50 320 \\. Wash. St.. Chicago. 111. Cary memorial library. Bulletin, 1903, (j Lexington. Aiass. Cascadillian, ni Caseadillia school, Ithaca, X. ^' Case and comment, 1894, "^ 5^ Lawyer's co-operative pub. co., Rochester, N". Y. Case tech.. w Case, school of applied science, Cleveland, O. Casket, 1876, m i .00 Mrs. T. A. Xirdlinger, Rochester, N. Y. Casket, 1852, w i .00 Casket print. & pub. co., Antigonish, X. S. So GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Cassier's magazine, 1891, m ; 3-00 Cassier's magazine co., 3 W. 29th st., N. Y. Cassinia, 1892, a . .' 50 Delaware Valley ornithological club. Academy of natural sciences, Phila., Pa. Castings, 1907, m i . 00 Gardner printing co., Caxton bldg., Cleveland, O. Cat review, 1903, m i . 00 Laura Gehring Dorch, 565 Westfield ave., Elizabeth. X. J. Catalogue des modes, 1913 Dutterick pub. co., N. Y. Caterer and hotel proprietors gazette, 1893, m 2.00 Caterer pub. co., no W. 34th st., N. Y. Catholic, 1844, w i . 50 Catholic pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Catholic, 1900, w i . 50 (Contin. as Denver catholic register.) Catholic advance, 1901, w 2 . 00 Catholic advance pub. co., Wichita, Kan. Catholic banner, 1912, w 2 . 00 , W. H. Sloan, Las Vegas, New ^Mexico. Catholic bulletin, 191 1, w i . 50 Fifth and jNIinnesota sts., St. Paul, Minn. Catholic chronicle, 1906, w 2 . 00 36 State St., Albany, N. Y. Catholic churchman, 1907, w 2.00 734 Union st., New Orleans, La. Catholic citizen, 1870, w 2 .00 Citizens co., Milwaukee, Wis. Catholic citizen, 1888, w i . 50 T. F. Punch, Chelsea, Mass. Catholic citizen, 1908, w i . 00 Catholic pub. co.. Tacoma, Wash. Catholic Columbian, 1875, w 2 . 00 Columbian print, co., Columbus, O. Catholic deaf mute, 1900, m 50 j. F. Donnelly, 8n Walnut st., Richmond Hills, N. Y. Catholic directory, almanac and clergy list, a 1.75 !'. j. Kenedy (!<: sons, 44 I'.arclay st., X. Y. Catholic educational association Report of proceedings, a The association, Columbus, O. Catholic educational review- m f except July and .Aug.) 3- 00 Catholic educational review, P>rookl}n, D. C. Catholic forester, m 13 P. J. Mckenna, Columbus, O. Catholic fortnightly review, 1903, s-m 2.50 (Contin. as Fortnightly review.) Catholic German-American, T910, w 50 121 E. 23rd St., N. Y. GUIDE TO PEKIOniCALS 8 1 Catholic herald, 1908, w 2.00 T. A. C'onnelly, Sacramento, Cal. Catholic home annual, 1883, a 25 Benzi^er bros., 36 Barclay St., N. Y. Catholic home companion, m 50 Companion co., Zanesville, O. Catholic home journal, 1909, ni 50 Greeley, Colo. Catholic journal, 1889, w i .00 Catholic journal pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. Catholic journal of the new south, \S-00 r)\ron \'anderhoven, Paterson, N. J. Centaur of alpha kappa kappa, q Tohn P. vSprague, 145 Lasalle st., Chicago, 111. Cento,' T889. ni ' i -oo Danville, Ky. Central ass'n of science and mathematics teachers Proceedings, a J. F. Millis,^Chicago, 111. . Central baptist, 1865, w 2.00 ( Merged into Word & way.) Central baptist, 1912, q t .00 Baptist printing co.. Hemphill, I'exas. Central Canada mining record. 1909, w t . 50 Lake o' the woods printery, Kenora, Ont. Central Christian advocate, 1856, w 1.60 Jennings and Graham, 1123 McGee st., Kansas City, Mo. Central college magazine, m — — Central college, Conway, Ark. Central collegian, 1872, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Central college, Fayette, Mo. Central friend, 1909, m 50 iMlmund Stanley, Wichita, Kansas. Central high school monthly, m Central high schol, Cleveland, O. Central Illinois farmer, 191 2, w i .00 Farm i)ul). co., Clinton, 111. Central law journal, 1874, w 5-00 Central law journal co., 919 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. Central leaguer, 191 1, w 2.00 Central leaguer co.. Wheeling, W. Ya. Central methodist advocate, 1867, w i - 50 1" rank fori, Ky. Central Michigan agriculturist, m 25 Central Michigan agriculturist co., Wyandotte, Mich. Central musical advocate, 1904, m 5^^ Central music co.. Hartford, Ark. 84 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Central New York motorist, 1910, b-m i .00 Contin. as Motordom. Central news, 1897, w. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of central university, Danville, Ky. Central Poland China record, 1880, a Indianapolis, Ind. Central presbyterian, 1837, w 2.00 Contin. as Presbyterian of the south. Central poultry journal, IQ12. m 50 Centralia, III. Central railway club, Official proceedings, 5 nos. Harry D. Vought, 62 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Central ray, 1876, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students Central university, Pella, la. Central states guide, 1886, m i . 50 Guide pub. co., Norwalk, O. Central states medical monitor, m i .00 Contin. in Indianapolis medical journal.) Central states water works association. . Proceedings, 1903, a i .00 Wm. Allen Veach, sec, Newark, Ohio. Central station, 1901 (Jan.), m i .00 The central station, 220 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Central Wesleyan bulletin, 1908, m Free Warrenton, Mo. Central Wesleyan star, 1883, m dur. school year 50 Central Wesleyan college, Warrenton, Mo. Centurion, m Brooklyn latin school, Brooklyn. N. Y. Century, 1881, m 4.00 Century co., 33 E. 17th st., N. Y. Century path, w 4.00 Theosophical pub. co., Pt. Loma, Cal. Ceska zena (Bohemian), 1908, m 1.00 1625 S. Eleventh st., St. Louis, Mo. Cesko Ameriky venkov, 1910. m i .ou Pokrok pub. co., 14 17 vS. T3th st.. Omaha. Neb. Chadron envoy, m Chadron academy, Chadron. Neb. Chamber of commerce. Annual report. Baltimore. Md. Chamber of commerce. Annual re]:)ort. Cincinnati, O. Chamber of commerce bulletin, 1888, ni i .00 Portland. Ore. Chamber of commerce bulletin, 1902, m i.oo David N. Mosessohn, Portland, Ore. Chamber of commerce news, 1910. w Free Chamber of commerce, Boston, ]\Iass. Chameleon, 1898, 10 times yr Free Sherwin-Williams co., 601 Canal Rd., Cleveland, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 85 Champion of fair play, 1878, w 2 .00 R. J. Halle, 307 Schiller theater bldg., Chicago, 111. Geo. M. Wrono-, sec, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Can. Champlain society, membership 10.00 Annual report, 1906 Publications, 1907 Toronto, Ont. Chaparral, 1900, s-m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Leland Stanford Junior university, Stanford University, Cal. Character, 1909, m 50 Grifhth-Stillings press, Ijoston, Mass. Character builder, 1900, m i • 00 Human culture co.. Salt Lake City, Utah. Chariot, 1893, m -3 Crawfordsville, Ind. Charities and the commons, 1897, w -•""* Contin. as Survey. Charity and children, 1887, w 1 -oo Archibald Johnson. Thomasville, X. C. Charity organization society of the city of New York, -Annual report, 1882, a b'ree Annual report, 1882 Committee on social research. Publications, irreg Edward T. Devine, gen. sec, 105 E. 22nd st., N. Y. Charles W. Hoyt's printers' service, 1912, m 180.00 Charles W. Hoyt. New Haven, Conn. Charlotte medical journal, 1892, m 2 . 50 E. C. Register, Charlotte, N. C. Chat (See Monthly chat) Chat, 1909, w 100 Lake Blufif woman's club. Lake Bluff, 111. Chats, m ■ Chamberlain Hunt academy. Port Cibson. Miss. Chauffeur, 1909 (Aug.), m ' 1-00 20 Broad st., New York, N. Y. Chautauqua quarterly, 1901, q Chautauqua press, Chautauqua, N. Y. Chautauquan, 1880, w - -O" Chautauqua press, Chautauqua, N. Y. Chautauquan, daily dur. July and Aug i • 50 Chautauqua press. Chautau(|ua. .V. A'. Cheerful pessimist, 1008. q i -oo 2x4 E. 23rd St., N. Y. Chef, Steward and housekeeper, 1891 , m i .00 Epicurean print. & pub. co., 356 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Chehalis valley, farmer, 1912, m 5^ Hutchenson ]irinting co., Aberdeen. Wash. Chemical abstracts. 1907, s-m ^>oo .\mer. Chemical soc, Easton, Pa. 86 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Chemical engineer, 1901, m 2 00 355 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Chemist analyst J. T. Baker chemical co.. PhiHpsbiiro-, Pa. Cherokee messenger, 1895, m 2^ Fletcher Smith, Rome, Ga. Cherry circle, 1890. m i 00 Chicago athletic ass'n.. 12 S. Mich, blvd., Chicago, 111. Cherry and white, m . Rugby academy, New (Jrleans, I,a. Cherusker, 1907, m -o C. T. Gasch, 6869 Woodland ave., Washington. D. C. Chesapeake pilot, \v free Chesapeake Steamship Co.. Baltimore, Aid. Chester county historical society. Bulletins, 1898, irreg., per vol ,50 Gilbert Cope, sec. West Chester, Pa. Chicago academy of sciences Bulletin of the geol. and nat. hist, survey, 1896, irreg. . Special publications, 1902, irreg Chicago, 111. Chicago apparel gazette, 1890. s-m 2.00 Fairchild co., Chicago, 111. Chicago art institute, bulletin 1907 Chicago. 111. Chicago Banker (See Banker) Chicago board of education, Bullein (Dec. 15). irreg Free Board of education, Chicago. 111. Chicago citizens' association. Report, 1874, a Bulletin, 1900 Chicago, 111. Chicago civic federation, T904, biennial report Chicago, 111. Chicago commerce, 1906, w . . . . '. 50 Chicago ass'n of commerce, yy Jackson boulevard, Chicago, 111.^ Chicago daily news almanac and year book, 1884, ^ 50 Chicago daily news co., Chicago, 111. Chicago dairy produce, 1896, w i . 50 Chicago produce co., 154 Lake St.. Chicago, 111. Chicago historical society Report. 19 10 Proceedings. 1888, a Chicago, 111. • Chicago law directory, 1876, a 2 . 00 Gritman & Sullivan, 172 X. LaSalle st.. Chicago. 111. Chicago ledger, 1872, w i . 00 W. D. Boyce co., 112 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. Chicago legal news, 1868, w 2 . 20 Chicago legal news co., 32 N. Clark st., Chicago, 111. GUIDK TO TERIODICALS 87 Chicago live stock world, iSi/j, (> d 3-75 A. C. Halliwell, 315 Exchange ave., Union stock yards, Chciago, 111. Chicag-o magazine, 1910 (Oct.). m i.oo ilarratt O'llara, Chicago, ill. Chicago medical recorder, 1891, ni ' 2.00 Medical recorder pub. co., Pullman bldg., Chicago, 111. Chicago medical society, lUilletin. 1900, w 202 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. Chicago medical times, 1 868, m 2 . 00 (See Am. Jl. of clinical medicine.) Chicago medical women's club. Bulletin, 1902 Chicago. 111. Chicago musical times, 1893, w i -OO 203 r^Iich. l)ivd., Chicago. 111. Chicago ophthalmological society, Report, 191 1 Cleveland ]ircss, t. ). Chicago pathological society Transactions, 1894, q 3.00 G. H. Weaver, sec, 535 Wash, boul., Chicago, 111. Chicago public library. Bulletin, 1887, irreg., per copy 03 Chicago, 111. Chicago school of civics and philanthropy. Ihilletin, 1909 (Apr.) q •• 3-00 35 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Chicago school of sanitary instruction, w Free G. B. ^'oung. City hall, Chicago, 111. Chicago single taxer ( Contin. as Land and labor, Aug., iQii.) Chicago theological seminary register, 1908 (Mar.), q 81 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, HI. Chicago tuberculosis institute. Annual report 1905 Chicago, 111. Chicago. University —Announcements, 5- times yr Bulletin of anthrophology, irreg Varies Bulletin of information, q — — Circular of information, q Contributions from Hull botanical lab., irreg Varies Contributions from Walker museum, irreg Varies Contributions to philosophy, irreg Varies Economic studies, irreg Varies English studies, irreg i .00 Germanic studies, irreg 5.00 —President's report Special circulars —^ — Studies in classical philology, irreg Varies Time schedules University of Chicago press, Cliicago, 111. 88 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Chicago young women's christian ass'n. Report. 1851. a Chicago, 111. Chief, i897rw .' , 2 ^o Chief pub. CO., 53 Park Row, N. Y. Child, 1912 (Mar.) m j q3 508 Hearst hldg-.. Chicago, 111. Child conference for research and welfare. Proc, a G. E. Stechert & co., Xew York, X. Y. Child labor bulletin, 1912, q 2.00 Xatl. child labor committee, X. Y. Child lore magazine, 1910. m i qq Stebbins & Co., 1127 Union st., Brooklyn, X. Y. Child welfare magazine, 1907, m 10 mos ." -o 147 X. loth St.. Phila.. Pa. Child v»/'elfare bulletin, 1012 f April) m Columbus, O. Children's aid ass'n of Indianapoli?. Report Indianapolis. Ind. Children's aid society of N. Y. Reports, 1854, a Children's charities, 190Q, m i .00 Contin. as Retail equipment. 1912. Children's friend, 1902, m. . i .00 General bd. of primary assns., Salt Lake city, Utah. Children's friend, 1866, w ^ cq Committee of publication, Richmond, Va. Children's home finder, 1889, b-iT" i . 00 Children's home aid society, 79 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Childrens' home herald, 1895. ™ 2=, 2340 K. nth St., Des Moines. Iowa. Children's magazine, 1888, m i .00 S. E. Cassino co., Salem, Mass. Children's magazine, 1888, m 1.00 S. E. Cassino co., Salem, Mass. Children's memorial hospital, Report, 1903, a Chicago, 111. Childrens' mission. Report, 1849, a Boston. Mass. Children's missionary, 1903 X^ashville, Tenn. Children's star, 1902, m 1 . 00 Children's star pub. co.. Tribune bldg., X. Y. Children's storyland and wee wee winkle magazine Wee wee winkle pub. co., Rochester, X. Y. Children's visitor, 1854, w .60 (Contin. as Visitor.) Chimes, 1880, w, i .00 Chimes pub. co., Baltimore, Md. China, glass and lamps, 1890, w 2 .00 J. G. Kaufmaun, Pittsburg, Pa. China's millions. 1802. m -o China Inland mission. 507 Church st.. Toronto. Out. (UJIl)E TO PERIODICALS 89 Chisel, m Woman's college, Kicliinond, \ a. Chironian, 1888 (Oct.), i" i -oo Alumni and students of N. Y. hom. med. college and hos- pitals, Lancaster, Pa. Chiropractor, 1904. m 50 B. J. Palmer, Davenport, la. Choice bit:, 1 9 1 2, m 1 . 00 Mack en sack, X. J. Choir and choral magazine, m ( Contin. in Musician. ) Choir herald, m 90 Lorenz pub. co., Dayton, O. Choir leader, 1894, m 90 Lorenz pub. co., Dayton, O. Christadelphian advocate, 1884, m 2.00 Thomas Williams, (Jrlando, Florida. Christian, 1866, m i .00 Mrs. H. L. Hastings, 47 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. Christian, 1883, m 50 Barnes & co., St. John, N. B. Christian, 1887, m 1 . 00 Thomas J. Sheldon, Denver, Colo. Christian advocate, 1826, w . . . .' 2 .00 ?\lethodist l^ook concern, X. Y. Christian advocate, 1850, w " 2 . 00 John W. Baswell, New Orleans, La. Christian advocate, 1850, w 2 . 00 St. Louis christian advocate co., 1414 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Christian advocate, 1850, w i . 00 Advocate co., 457 Washington st., Buffalo, N. Y. Christian advocate, 1855, w i . 50 Raleigh advocate co., Raleigh, N. C. Christian advocate, 1833, w i .00 W. L. Dixon, Pittsburg, Pa. Christian advocate, 1832, w 2.00 Smith and Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. Christian advocate, 1832, w i . 50 Advocate pub. co., Richmond, Va. Christian and missionary alliance, 1888, w i . 50 A. B. Simpson, 692 Eighth ave., N. Y. Christian appeal, i(j03, w 1 .00 Christian apjieal puli. co.. (Greenwood. I 'a. Christian arbiter & messenger of peace, 1858, m 10 J. B. Wood, 7th & York sts., Camden, X. j. Christian banner, 1888, w i . 00 Banner pub. co., 1842 Lombard st., riiiladelphia, Pa. Christian century, w i • 50 Christian century co.. 358 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. 90 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Christian city, ni i . 00 N. Y. city church extension and missionary society. 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. Christian commonwealth, 1910, w i . 00 M. J. \\'ebb. [NIadisonville. Texas. Christian companion, 1S92, w i .oo ^^'cstern pub. co., Wichita. Kansas. Christian conservator, 1885, w i . 50 Rev. W. H. Clay, Huntington. Ind. Christian courier, 1888, w i . 50 G. A. Paris, Dallas, Tex. Christian cynosure, 1868, m i . 00 National christian assn., 221 W. Madison, Chicago, 111. Christian education, 1909. b-m 50 Review & herald pub. ass'n.. Washington, D. C. Christian educator, m Cbristian University. Canton. Mo. Christian educator, 1889, b-m 50 Western methodist pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Christian endeavor quarterly, 1889, q 2j X. Fred Engle, Erie. Kansas. Christian endeavor world, 1875, w i .50 Golden rule co., Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. Christian-evangelist, 1840, w : i . 50 Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Christian family, 1906, m i . 00 St. Joseph's technical school, Techny, 111. Christian gospel herald, T()0i. m 35 Findlay, (). Christian guardian, 1829. w i .00 Rev. W. Briggs, Toronto, Can. Christian harvester, 187^, m 40 Thos. K. Doty, Cleveland, O. Christian herald, 1878, w. i . 50 Louis Klopsch, Bible house, N. Y. Christian hope, 1893, w i . 25 M. D. Duncan, Birmingham, Ala. Christian informer, 1907. f 1 .03 W. A. Scott. Edwards. 3.1iss. Christian index, 1821, w 2.00 Bell & Graham, Atlanta, Ga. Christian index, 1867, \v i .00 C. H. Phillips. Jackson. Tenn. Christian instructor and united presbyterian witness, 1844, w. . i .50 Collins - block, Denver, Colo. Colorado medicine, 1905, m 2 .00 Colorado state med. society, Denver, Colo. Colorado oddfellow, 1887, m i 00 J. M. Norman, Denver, Colo. Colorado school journal, 1885, 10 nos i 00 H. M. Barrett, Denver, Colo. Colorado. School of mines. B.ulletin, q Golden, Colo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS lOl Colorado scientific society Proceedings, 1883, irreg- Varies Denver, Colo. Colorado state board of health. I'lilletin, 11J03. m 1 .oo Denver, Colo. Colorado state normal school bulletin Greeley, Colo. Colorado statesman, i88t), w 2 .oo J. D. Rivers, Denver. Colo. Colorado times, 1904, w i . 25 Puelilo. Colo. Colorado tourist and hotel reporter, 1895. \v i .00 l"oA- &' Tlrnvkin^. 1837 Champa st.. Denver, Colo. Colorado. University Investigations in the department of psychology and education, 1902, irreg Varies Studies, 1902, irreg Varies Boulder, Colo. Colorado university bulletin. General series, q Free Library series. Boulder, Colo. Colored Alabamian, 1907, w i -OO 105 Tatum St., Montgomery, Ala. Colored catholic, 1909, m 1 • 00 1304 north Fremont ave., Baltimore, \U\. Colored churchman (negro), 1908, w 1-00 Rev. John H. Reed, Shenandoah, Va. Colored citizen. 1900, w i • 5° 196 S. 2nd St., Memphis, Tenn. Colored Cumberland presbyterian, 1884, s-m i -OO T. M. W. Deshong, Fayetteville, Tenn. Colorist, 1908, m \. ..'. Free Sherwin-Williams co., 601 Canal road, X. W., Cleveland. O. ^ Colorists and dyers year book, 1898. a F ree Herman .A. Metz, 122 Hudson St., New York, X. Y. Columbia, 1872, w 2.00 Columbia pub. co., jMihvaukee, Wis. Columbia alumni news, 1909, w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Columbia alumni news. Columbia I'niv.. X. Y. Columbia historical society. Reords, 1897, a .>-00 M. I. Wcller, corres.-sec, 602 F. st. X. W., Washmgton, D. C. Columbia jester, s-m dur. coll. yr i 00 Students of Columbia university, N. Y. Columbia law review, 1901 , 8 nos -50 Alacmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y . Columbia monthly, 1893, m dur. coll. yr i • 5° Students of Columbia college, N. Y. Columbia outlook, m Washington seminary, lluntsvillc. Wash. I02 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Columbia river and Oregon timberman, 1899, m i .00 (Conti. as Timberman.) Columbia spectator, 1877, 6 d dur. coll. yr i .00 Columbia students' pub. co., ii6th st. and Amsterdam ave., N. Y. Columbia university publications Biochemical researches, 1899, irreg., per vol 5.00 Biological series, 1894, irreg Varies Columbia university press. Contributions from the department of botany, 1886, irreg., per vol 5 .00 Biochemical bulletins . Contributions from the dept. of chemistry Contributions from the department of geology, irreg. Contributions from the department of mineralogy, 1892, irreg Contributions to anthropology, 1910, irreg Contributions to philosophy, psychology and educa- ^ tion, 1894, irreg Varies Contributions to education, 1905 Germanic studies, 1899, irreg Varies ^ — Contributions to oriental history & philology, 190S, irreg. Indo-Iranian series, 1900, irreg .' Varies Oriental studies, 1902, irreg Varies Physical research, 1906 Studies from the department of pathology, 1890, irreg., per vol. ' T 00 I'hoenix physical laboratory contributions. !()05, irreg. . Studies in classical philology, 1902, irreg Varies Studies in hist., economics and pub. law, 1891, irreg. Varies Studies on romance philology and literature, 1900, irreg Varies Laboratory for surgical research studies, 1903 Teachers college lectures on the religious life.' 1911, a. . . . Teachers college record, 1900, 5 times vr — Technical education bulletin, 1910, irreg Columbia university, X. Y. Columbia university quarterly, 1890, q i .00 Columbia university press, N. Y. Columbiad. m : Columlna uniy., Portland, ( )re. Columbiad, 1803, m 508 Terminal l)ldg., Hobokcn. X^. T. Columbian, a i . 50 Students of Columbia university, N. Y.. Columbian, 1899, \v i . go W. T. Peyton, Jefferson st., Pouisvillc, Ky. Columbian and western catholic, \v i . 50 Cohimljian pnb. co.. T-jO S. Dcarliorn st., Chicago, 111. Columbus booster 152<> I'earl st.. Columlius, Ind. -5 GL'IDR TO PERIODICALS I03 Columbus horticultural society Journal, 1885, q 5° Columbus, O. Columbus interurban magazine, lor [, lu 50 Columbus, ( '. Columbus medical journal, 1876, m i -00 Columbus mccl. pub. co., Columbus, O. Column, i<;i I ( (K-t..). m i -'J^' 220^ K. Colfax avc, Denver, Colo. Combe-Polk directory co's St. Joseph city directory, a 6.0c Combe-Polk directory co., St. Joseph, Mo. Combe's writings, m rrao. Comlx"s printing- co., St. Joseph, Mo. Combined official N. Y. digest, 1906, m 5 -'-^^ J. B. Lyon CO., Albany, N. Y. Comenian, m Mercensburg academy, jMercersburg. Pa. Comercio, 1875, m 3 • 00 J. Shepherd Clark co., 126 Liberty St., N. Y. Comet, m .-Vuslin high school, .Vustin, Texas. Comfort, 1888. m 1 5 W. H. Gannett, Augusta, Me. Comforter, 1910. m. . . , 1 -O^^ Moultrie, Ga. Coming country, 1903 Pub. susp. June, 1913. Commerce monthly. 1905, m ^ •^^'> Commerce pub. co.. 420 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. Commercial, 1882, w 2.00 Hugh C. MacLean co., Winnipeg, Manitoba Commercial, 1795. 6 d 6.00 Commercial newspaper co., 8 Spruce St., N. Y. Commercial, 1884, w 2.00 Charles T. Dukelow, 22 Exchange pi.. Boston, Mass. Commercial, i8()5, d ■ • • 5- 00 Central city pub. co.. 112 Amcr. central life l;ldg.. hulianap- olis, Tnfl. Commercial America, 1905, m 2.00 Phila. commercial museum. Phila., Pa. Commercial and financial chronicle, 1865, w 10.00 Wm. B. Dana, P. O. box 958, N.. Y. Commercial and financial world, 1898, \v 5 00 Com. & financial world pub. co., 36 Gold st., N. Y. Commercial bulletin, 1859, w 400 Curtis. Guild & co., 77 Kilby st., Boston, Mass. Commercial bulletin, 1SS7, w ■ i • 5^> Preston Mckinney. 31 R. 4th st., Los Angeles, Cal. Commercial bulletin and northwest trade, 1882, w 2.00 (Contin. as 'i\vin city commercian bulletin.) 104 GUIDI': TO PERIODICALS Commercial car journal iqii, m i.oo Chilton CO., 49 Sz Market sts., Philadelphia. Pa. Commercial fertilizer, 1910, m . : i .00 AW W. Brown, 611 Rhodes bldg., .Atlanta, Ga. Commercial journal. 1875, m 10.00 Ben Frankford, 1084 Drexel bldi^., Phila., Pa. Commercial journal, 1909, m i . 00 Pierce pub. co., St. Joseph, INTo. Commercial lawyer, 1894, q 5 . 00 Commercial Lawy. pub. co., Chemical bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Commercial list and price current, 1826, w 4.00 Commercial list pub. co., 241 Dock St., Phila., Pa. Commercial news, 1875, d 7-50 Commercial news, 1884. w 2 . 50 Commercial news pub. co., ^2^ commercial St.. San Fran- cisco, Cal. Commercial news, 1899, m i • 5'^ E. J. jMannix, Sioux Falls, S. D. Commercial news gazette, 1898, s-m S -oo G. W. Briggs. 6 N. 3rd st., St. Louis, Mo. Commercial record, 1882, \v 4.00 Record pub. co.. New Haven, Conn. Commercial recorder, 1896. d 10.00 116 Duyer ave., San Antonio, Texas. Commercial review, 1895, w 00 Briggs & CO., St. Louis, Mo. Commercial review, 1889, w 3 • 00 Leo Peterson. Portland, Ore. Commercial stamp trade journal, 1892, m i .00 Commercial stamp trade journal co., 132 Market St., Chicago, 111. Commercial telegrapher's journal, 1903. m 1 .oo 930 Alonon bldg., Chicago, 111. Commercial traveler, 1903, m i . 00 Fisher & Evans, Winnipeg, Manitoba Commercial travelers magazine, 1894. H 5^ Commercial travelers club, Springfield. AJass. Commercial union, 1880. w 2 -oo 906 l',oyce bldg.. Chicago, 111. Commercial vehicle, 1906, m i -OO Flatiron bldg., N. Y. Commercial west, 1901, w 3-00 Commercial west co., Guaranty bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Commercial west, 1904, m i • 00 f)2=^ Commonwealth bldg., Denver. Colorado. Commissary and railway epicurean, i<)03, m i .00 J. H. Leonard, 74 Cortland st., X. ^^ Committee of one hundred on national health. lUilletin, 1909. . Washington, D. C. Common cause, m 2 . 00 Social reform press, 154 F,. 23rd st.. N. Y. GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 105 Common good, kjO/- . CO., Corins;ton, Ky. Communicator of phi delta chi fraternity, 19 12 (Feb) 2.00 AfaMcn, Alass. Compendium of official life insurance reports, 1889, a 2.00 Spectator cc, 135 William st., New York, N .Y. Compressed air, 1896, m i -OO W. L. Saunders, 26 Cortlandt St., N. Y. Comtographic. ni I' ^^^ Conito,L;ra])hic co., Chica,t;o. 111. Concerning municipal ownership, 1906, m 25 The M. O. pub. bureau, 349 Fifth ave., N. Y. Concordiensis, 1877, w dur. coll. yr 2.00 Union college students, Schenectady, N. Y. Concrete, 1903, m •• ^ -oo Concrete pub. co.. Home bank bldg., Detroit, Mich. Concrete age, m i -oo ( Contin. as Concrete-cement age, June, 1912.) Concrete cement age, 1912 (lulv). m i -5^^ ()y \y. Fort St., Detroit, Mich. Concrete engineering, 1907, s-m i -oo ( ]\Ierged into Concrete cement age, Jan.. 191 1.) Concrete era, i()i2 (Dec), m i-oo Concrete era pub. co.. Los Angeles, Cal. Concrete review, s-m Association of Amer. portland cement manufacturers. Land title bldg, Phila. Condensed figures from the latest annual reports of the princi- pal railway and industrial companies in the U. S. 1896, q Free H. Amv & CO., 44 Wall st., New York, N. Y. Condor, b-m ' ^ -50 H. S. Clifton, Pasadena, Cal. Confectioner and baker, 1877, m i -OO Thompson pub. co., 85 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Confectioners' and bakers' gazette, 1881, m 2.00 H. B. Winton, 125 Worth st., N. Y. Confectioners' journal, 1874, m '■ " "tj" ^'^ Confectioners' journal pub. co., 209 S. 6th st., Phila., Pa. Confectioners' review, 1902, m • i -OO Confectioners' review pub. co., Cincin., O. Confederate veteran, 1893, m ^ -OO S. A. Cunningham, Nashville, Tenn. Conference for education in the south. Proceedings, a P. P. Claxton, sec, Washington. D. C. Conference for the conservation of school children. Papers Easton, Pa. I06 GL'IDE TO PERIODICALS Conference herald, 1891,01 2S C. B. Rettew, Harrisbiirg, Pa. Conference on the education of backward, truant,' delinquent and dependent children. Proceedings, a E. E. Coft'een. sec, ^^■estboro, Mass. Conference on weights and measures of the U. S. 1905. a Free Xational bureau of standards, Washington. D. C^ Conferencia nacional de beneficencia correccion. • Publications, 1902, a Habana, Cuba. Confidential banker, 1905, m Free Charles E. Walters. 303 Cosbelt bldg.. Portland, Oreoon. Connecticut farmer and N. E. farms.- T913 \^ Xew Haven, Conn. Congregational Iowa, 1883. m ,25 la. cong'I home miss, society, Oskaloosa, la. Congregational yearbook, 1878. a . Congregational House. Boston, Mass. Congregationalist & Christian world, 1816, w 3 .00 Pilgrim press, 10 Beacon st.. Boston, :\Iass. Congress of American physicians and surgeons Transactions, 1888, tri-ennial W. H. Carmalt, secy., New Haven, Conn. Congressional record, 1873, long term, 6d 8.00 short term, 6d 4.00 The U. S. congressional record, Washington, D. C. Connecticut academy of arts and sciences Transactions, 1866, irreg Varies Yale university, Xew Haven, Conn. Connecticut board of trade. Proceedings 1885, a Hartford. Conn. Connecticut civil engineers and surveyors ass'n. See Connecticut society of civil engineers. Connecticut farmer, 1879, w i . 00 Farmer pub. & print, co., X^ew Haven, Conn. Connecticut guide, iqio f July) , q -o Xew Britain. Conn. Connecticut historical society Collections, 1825, a, per vol 3.00 Reports, a ^ Hartford, Conn. Connecticut medical society Proceedings, 1830, a i 00 Dr. M. M. Scarborough. 22 College st.. Xev.- Haven, C'/niii. Connecticut pharmaceutical ass'n. Proceedings, 1887 Xew Haven, Conn. Connecticut prison ass'n, 1877, a. report Blartford, Conn. Connecticut reports — supreme court, m except Jnlv-Aug 3.75 Banks law pub. co.. 21 Murray st., Xew YoVk,' X. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICAI-S 107 Connecticut sanitary conference of health officials. Proccediniir'?, I<)H) Xcw lla\en. Conn. Connecticut school document, 1889, irrcg- Free State board of education, Hartford, Conn. Connecticut society of civil engineers. Pa])ers and transactions, 1885, irrci;- J. F. Jackson, sec, New Haven, Conn. Connecticut society for social hygiene. LeaHet, 1911 Hartford, Conn. Connecticut state library. Bulletins, irre,^. The state library, Hartford, Conn. Connecticut valley historical society Papers and proceeding's. 1876, irrcg., per vol 3.00 The C. V. hist, society, Springfield, Mass. Connecticut workman, 1906. m A. O. U. W., 763 Chapel st., New Haven, Conn. Conquest magazine, 1909. m 1 'J > Contin. as General federation magazine. Conquering christ, q 4^ Conquering christ, teachers q. . '^'O Chas. Scribner sons. Fifth ave., N. Y. Conservation. (Contin. in Amer. forestry.) Conservation, T912 (July) , m - <>o St. I.ouis, Mo. Conservative counselor, 1909, w ' -5 Waco. Texas. Consolidated chart of insurance organizations, a ?o Fraternal monitor, 25 Trust bldg., Rochester. N. Y. Construction, 1905, w 5-00 1001-2-3-4 House bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Construction, 1907 (Oct.), m 3.00 Toronto, Canada. Construction details, 19TI, m 3-0^^ Toronto, Canada. Construction details, 1911, m ^^-oo 527 Minn, st., St. Paul, Minn. Construction news, 1895, w ■ 5 -oo Construction news co.. Security bldg., Chicago, 111. Constructive quarterly, 1913 (Afarch), m . . . -'-5'^ Geo. H. Doran co.. 38 W. 32nd st.. X. ^'. Consumers' league of the city of New York Report, a N. Y. Contemporary review (Am. ed.), 1866, m 4-50 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren ave., N. Y. Continent, 1870, w - • 5^^ McCormick pub. co.. Cbicago, 111. Continental Dorset club sheep record, a Continental Dorset clul), J. K. Wing, Sec, ■Nlechanicsburg, O. io8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Continental magazine. T912 (Apr.), ni i .50 320 Fifth ave., N. Y. Contract news, s-m i . 00 Conlin. as Engineerinj^-coitracting-. Contract record and engineering review, 1888, \v 2.00 H. C. IMcLean. 220 King" st., Toronto. Ont. Contracting builders magazine, ion. m i .00 U. X. Dustman & sons. Freeport, 111. Contractor, 1898, s-m i .00 E. H. Baumgartner, 810 Security bldg., Chicago, 111. Contributions to psychiatry 2 . 00 Psychiatry society, N. Y. Convention teacher, m 48 S. S. board of southern baptist convention, Nashville, Tenn. Converse concept, m Converse college. Columbia. S. C. Converted catholic, 1883, m i .00 Rev. Jas. O'Connor, 142 W. 21st St., N. Y. Cook academy. Bulletin, 1904, q ^lontour Falls, N. Y. Cook county school news, 1904. m 50 ri. F. Thurston, Winnetka, 111. Cooking club, 1895, m 50 Club pub. CO., Goshen, Ind. Cooking school magazine, 1896. m t .00 372 lioylston St., Boston, Mass. Cook's American traveller's gazette, 185 1, m i .00 Thos. Cook & son, 245 Broadway, N. Y. Cook's annotated criminal code and penal law,a 7-50 Matthew Bender & co., Albany, N. Y. Co-operation, 1909 ( Apr.) , m '. 1.00 Metropolitan Life bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Co-operative magazine, 1912 (April), m 25 Buffalo, X. Y. Co-operative magazine, 180T. m i .00 1124-26 Foster ave., Chicago. 111. Co-operator, m i . 00 I,aA\'3'ers co-op. pub. co., Rochester. X. Y. Co-operative farmer. 1907, m 50 E. B. Hoy, it8 N. La Salle st., Chicago. III. Co-operative sale journal, 1912 Jose])h H. Hall, Philadelphia. Pa. Cooper courier, m Cooper memorial colUege, Sterling College, Greenville. S. C. Cooper union, 1905, m i .00 Cooper union, N. Y. Coopers' international journal, m i . 00 Jas. A. Cable, Kansas City, Kan. Copper Handbook, 1900, a 5 . 00 H. J. Stevens, Houghton, Alich. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 109 Corbett s herald, 1 879, w i . 00 Corbett's herald co., Providence, R. I. Cordage trade journal, 1888, s-m 2 . 00 130 Water St., N. Y. Corn, H)i2 (Jan.). m 50 Waterloo, la. Cornelian, w Cornell collei^e. Alt. Vernon, la. Cornell alumni news, 1899, m dur. coll. yr 2.00 Alumni news pub. co., Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell civil engineer, 1893, ni 2.00 Ass'n. of civil engineers, Ithaca, X. Y. Cornell college bulletin, q Mt. \'ernon, la. Cornell countryman, 1903, m i .00 Cornell countryman, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell daily sun, 1880, 6 d dur. coll. yr 3.00 Students of Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell era, 1868, m dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell rural school leaflet, 1907 ( Sept. ), 4 or 5 times yr (Free to teachers in N. Y.) Cornell university Bulletin. 1888 Bulletin of science, 1874 Cornell studies in classical philology, 1887 Varies (Official publications The university, Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell Univ. college of agriculture. Announcer. 191 1 { Oct. ) m Ithaca. X. Y. Cornell Univ. medical bulletin, kji 1 ( lulv ) ■ Xew York, X. ^^ Cornell university studies in philosophy, irreg., per no 75 Cornell univ., Ithaca, X. Y. Cornel veterinarian, 1()T 1 ( Inne), s-a Ithaca, X. Y. Cornell widow, 1892. 12 times dur. coll. yr -2.50 Students of Cornell univ., Ithaca. \. \'. Cornellian, 1879, b-w. dur. coll. yr i .25 Students of Cornell college, Alount \'ernon. la. Cornerstone, i S70. w - • 00 S32 W. M3 ^t.. X. Y. Coronal courier, m • .^ Coronal institute, San Marcos, Texas. Coroner, kjig. ni '-50 Dr. T. C. I'.uxton, Chicago, 111. Corporation bulletin, 1904. q V • • • ; ■ • ■ • • • -..^-^ Corporation legal manual co.. 5 W. 31st St., Xew \ork, N .Y. Corporation calendar, 6 times vv ^''^^ C S. Corp. CO.. X. A'. no GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Corral, m Simmons college, .\bilene. Texas. Correct English — how to use it, m . .- 2 . cx> Correct English pub. cc, Evanston, 111. Cosmic world — — C. D. Larson, Los Angeles, Cal. Cosmopolitan, 1886, m . . . ; i . 50 International magazine co., 119 W. 40th st., N. Y. Cosmopolitan student, 1907, a, Membership 2.00 Frank D. ^Mitchell, sec, 313 Eddy St.. Ithaca. X. Y. Cosmopolitan student, 19TO, w. dur. coll. yr 75 Ass'n. of cosmopolitan clubs, iMadison, Wis. . Costume royal, 1895, m 3 . 50 Royal pattern cc, 174 Fifth ave., N. Y. Cotner collegian, m Cotner imiv., Betbany, Neb. Cotner university Bulletin, q Free Nebraska Christian university, Bethany, Nebr. Cottey college chronicle, m Cottey college, Nevada, Mo. Cotton, 1899, m. .\ 2.00 Cotton pub. CO., Atlanta, Ga. Cotton and cotton oil news, 1900, w 3-00 Ginner & Miller pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Cotton shippers' book, 1908, a 5.00 Nelson pub. co., Savannah, Ga. Cotton trade journal, 1901, m i .00 Julius A. Nelson. Savannah, Ga. Cotton seed oil magazine, m i .00 Cotton seed oil mag. pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Cottrell magazine, 1910, m Free C. B. Cott];ell & sons co., 25 Madison, N. Y. Councilor, 1909, s-m 5^ Councilor pub. co., Newport, K}\ Country gentleman, 183 1, w i . 50 Curtis pub. co.. Pbiladelphia, Pa. Country life in Canada, 1905, m i .00 Associated publisbers. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Country life in America and country calendar, ioot, m 4.00 Doubleday, Page & co., 133 E. i6th st., N. Y. Country school. Occasional papers General education board, 17 Battery place, N. Y. Country review, 1912. w i ■ 00 joe Ramires, Baton Rouge. La. Country world, 1898, m 5^) Country world pub. co., Jamestown, N. Y. County school champion, 1S97, m 25 H. Fl. Peyton, New Albany. Kan. Courant, 1898, m ; i oci /Courant pub. and print, co., St. Paul, Minn. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS in Courier, iqoQ. m i .00 A. T. ('.antvoon. FJni st.. Cincinnati. (). Courier review, ni Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Court house journal, 1901, d • 9.00 76 Gabriel st., ATontreal, Oneliec. Court index, 6 d 1 5 • 00 Vinton R. Shepard, Cincin., O. Court of honor, 1805. m 50 C. K. Picflcr. Sprinijfield, 111. Coyote, Ti[ilwaul:ee, \\'is. Creamery and milk plant monthly, 1912, m 2.00 T. D. Cutler. 150 Xassan st.. X. Y. Creamery patron. 191 1, m 50 Creamery patron pnb. co.. St. Marx's. O. Creighton chronicle, 1909. m. dnr. coll. \r i .25 2 TO S. 18th St.. Omaba. Xeb. Crerand's cloak journal, 1891, m i .00 Wm. F. Crerand & co., 732 Broadway, X. Y. Crescendo, 1908 (July), m ! \ 1.00 Crescendo pub. co., 165 Tremont St., Boston. [Mass. Crescent, m Xew Haven, Conn. Crescent, 1910 (Mar.), m 1.50 174 E. 3rd st., St. Paul, Minn. Crescent of gamma phi beta, (j — — Anna Morris llimmick. Columbus. O. Cresset, in Ladies seminary, Rcrl Win,'::::-. Minn. Crimson, m Houston scbool. vSpo].oo Alining g;izette co., Houghton, ^lich. Daily mining record, 1899, d. except Sunday 5.00 General pub. syndicate. 182*) Champa St., Denver. Colo. Daily national live stock reporter (see National live stock reporter) 114 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Daily Palo Alto, 1892, 5 times week 3- 00 Leland Stanford Junior University, Cal. Daily Princetonian, 1876, . .'. 4.00 Students of Princeton university, Princeton, X. J. Daily Princetonian, 1913 (Sept. 26), d. except Sun.. . ." 4.50 Princeton, N. J. Daily record, 1888, cl 6.00 Daily record co., 321 St. Paul st., Balto., Md. Daily record, 1888, d 12 .00 Ernest E. Smith, bus. mgr., 521-3 Locust st., Kansas city, Mo. Daily reporter and daily legal news, 1893, d 12.00 The reporter pub. co., 39 East Noble st., Columbus, O. Daily trade record directory, a (Contin. as Fairchild's national piece goods director}'.) Dairy and produce review, w i ,00 (Contin. as Pacific dair)- review.) Dairy produce, 1894, w i . 50 Chicago produce co.. 136 W. Lake st.. Chicago, 111. Dairy record, 1900, w i . 00 Dairy record pub. co., National German-American bldg., St. Paul. IN'Jinn. Dairy report, 1891, w i.OO Elgin dairy report, Elgin, 111. Dairyman, 1911, m i .00 Tulare, Cal. Dakota farmer, 1881, s-m 60 W. F. T. Bushnell co., Aberdeen, S. D. Dakota-Montana trade journal, 191 1, m i .50 Bakota-Montana pub. co., Aberdeen, S. D. Dakotan, 1898, m i .00 (Contin. in S. D. edticator.) Dalhousie gazette, 1867, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Dalhousie university, Halifax, N. S. Dallas spirit, m ■ Dallas chamber of commerce, Dallas, Texas. Daniad, m Miss Dana's school, Alorristown, N. J. Daniel Baker collegian, m Daniel Baker college, Brownwood, Texas. Dante societ5r report, 1882, a 75 \V. C. Lane, libr., Harvard univ., Cambridge, Mass. Danville record. 1909, w i -oo P. P. Christenson, 103 N. A^ermillion St., Danville, 111. Dartmouth, 1867, w. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Undergraduates of Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. H. Dartmouth alumni magazine, 1905, m i . 50 Dartmouth pub. co., Blanover, N. IT. Dartmouth bi-monthly^ 1905, b-m i .00 (Contin. in Dartmouth alumni magazine.) Dartmouth college. Obituary record, a -- — Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. H. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS II- Dartmouth magazine, 1886, ni 2 . 00 J lano\cr. X. H. Dartmouth magazine, 1886, m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Dartmouth college, Hanover, N. H. Date palm, 1912, w 1.00 J. W. Wilson. Indio, Cal. Daughters of American revolution magazine, 1892 (July), m. . i.oo Report, 1899, a • AJiss F. (t. Finch, 36 Gramerey park, X. Y. Daughters of Isabella herald, ino.j. m 25 33 rtica city national l)ank bldi;-., Utica, N. Y. Daughters of the American revolution. Lineage book. i8<)0. Nat. society D. of A. R., Washington, D. C. D-9, per vol i . 00 Dauphin county reporter, 1898, w 5 .00 Warren O. Foster, 213 Walnut st., Harrisburg, Pa. Davenport academy of natural sciences Proceedings, 1867, irreg., per vol 3-00 Davenport, la. Davidson college magazine, 1886, m. dur. coll. yr i .50 Students of Davidson college, Davidson, X. C. Davis educational review, 190T, ni 50 F. D. Davis, Enid. Okla. Davis magazine of medicine, 1909, m 1 .00 1'. D. Davis. Enid, Okla. Dawn, m Pooth school, Aleridan, Conn. Deaconess advocate, m 5^ J. S. Meyer, 57 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Deaf mutes' journal, 1871, w i -oo E. A. Hodgson, Broadway and 163d St., N. Y. Deaf mutes' register, 1884, w i .00 Deaf unites' register, Rome, N. Y. Dealers building material. Record, 1907, m i .00 178 W. Jackson blvd., Chicago, 111. Dealers daily bulletin, 1907 (Apr.), d 25.00 (Contin. as Daily auctions & sales.) Dealers and consumers directory, 1907 (Sept.), a 4- 00 Waste trade pub. co., 108 Fulton st., New York, N. Y. Decaturian, 1903, m i -OO James Millikin univ., Decatur, 111. Decorative furnishers, 1901, m '50 T. A. Cautha & co!, 27 E. 21st st.. New York, N. Y. Defender, 1903, w 1 -OO Sumpter, S. C. Degree of honor review, m 75 Mrs. L. K. Webster, Belding, Mich. De Lancey monthly, m De Lancey school, Philadelphia. Pa. Delaware college bulletins, 1903, q Free Delaware college, XFewark, Del. Il6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Delaware college review, 1884, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Delaware college, Newark, Del. Delaware country dairyman, 1863. \v . .' i .00 Joseph Eveland &: son, Franklin, X. Y. Delaware county institute of science Proceedings, 1905, q i .00 Carolus M. Broomall, Media, Pa. Delaware farm and home, 1885, w 5c Delaware farm and home pub. co., Wilmington, Del. Delaware historical society papers, 1864, irreg., dues 5 00 Wilmington, Del. Delaware patriot, iQog, m 25 T. F. Dunn. Dover. Delaware. Delaware state medical journal- 1909, m Free Star |)rinting co.. 309 Shipley st., Wilmington. Delaware workman, 1895, m 5^^ J. ]\lilton Davidson, Dover, Del. Delineator, 1873, m i . 50 Butterick pub. co.. Butterick bldg., N. Y. Delinquent, m i . oo National prisoners aid assn.. 135 E. 15th st., X. Y. Delmarvia catholic, 1910, s-m i .00 Wilmington, Delaware. Delphic, 1884, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Delphic pub. association, Des Moines, la. Delta chi quarterly, 1903, q i .00 Monton M. Wyvell, Ithaca. X^ Y. Delta gamma fraternity. Anchora of delta gamma ]vlenasha. Wis. Delta kappa epsilon quarterly, 1882, q i .00 Council of Delta kappa epsilon, 1135 Broadway, X^. Y. Delta light house, 1897. w i . 00 Delta news co., Greenville, ^nHss. Delta of sigma nu. 1883, (| i .oo E. O. Painter printing co., Deland, Florida. Delta sigma nu, 1883, q i . 00 Clarence E. Woods, Richmond, Ky. Delta upsilon quarterly, q i . 00 102 College Hall, University of Penn., Philadelphia, Pa. Demand, 1912 (Jan.) 1 .00 Fort Worth, Texas. Demiter, 1901, m 1.00 Students of La. State University, Baton Rogue, La. Demonstrator, 1900, w i . 00 A. P. Hood, Mound Bayou. Miss. Dening graphic, m 2 .00 Clyde E. El}'. Dening, X. Mexico. Denison collegian, d Denison univ., Granville, ( ). GUIDE TO PERIODICALS II7 Denison university. r.ulletiii of scicntitic lalujratorics. i8(S5 1 Dec), irrej;-. per vol ^ -2.00 Granville. ( ). Denisonian, w. dur. coll. yr 1-25 Students of Denison university, Granville, O. Dennice novovekii, 1837, \v .^ -20 4130 liroadway, Cleveland. O. Dental brief, 1896, m i 00 L. D. Caulk, Broad and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Dental cosmos, 1859, m i -OC S. S. White dental mfg-. co., 12th and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Dental digest, i8()5. m 1 -oo Dentist's supply cc. 47-65 W. 42nd st., X. V. Dental dispensary record, 1910, ni ■ 50 Rochester dental society, 606 Cutler hldo-.. Rochester. .\. ^'. Dental era, 1902, m ^ • 00 John T. Nolde dental mfg. co., 916 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Dental faculties ass'n of Amer. universities. Proceedings, a. . . . F,. C. Kirk. Iniiv. of Pa., Philadeljihia. Pa. Dental headlight, 1879, Q 5° Morrison bros.', Nashville, Tenn. Dental journal, 1892, b-m 5° Ann Arbor printing co., Ann Arbor, Mich. Dental practice, 1906, m i • 00 Dental practice pub. co., T45 college St., Toronto. ( )nt. Dental register, 1847, J"" ^ ■ °° Samuel A. Crocker & co., Cincinnati, O. Dental review, 1887, m i . 00 H. D. Justi & son, 55 State st., Chicago, 111. Dental scrap book, 1907, m 50 C. A. Meeker, 29 Fulton st., Xewark, X. J. Dental summary, 1881, m i .00 Ransom & Randolph co., Toledo, O. Dentists record, t90'5, m 1 .00 O'Brien. Worthern co... Des Moines. Ta. Denver catholic register, 1905 ( Aug. ). w 1 . 50 Catb.olic i)ub. soc, 1828 Curtis, Den\er. Colo. Denver (Colo.) public library. Bulletin. 1889, m Denver medical times, Utah medical journal, Nevada medicine- 1882. m : 1 .00 Medical limes pub. co.. Denver. Colo. Denver municipal facts. Contin. as City of Denver. De Paul university, bulletin, m Chicago, TU. De Pauw palladium, 1895, f. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students' ])ub. co., Greencastle, Ind. iiS GUIDE TO PERIODICALS De Pauw university bulletin, 1903, in gratis Depauw university, Greencastle, Ind. Deseret farmer, 1904, w . .- 1.00 Salt Lake City, Utah. Designer, 1894, m 75 Standard fashion co., 12 Vandam st., N. Y. Designing methods reinforced concrete construction, kjoS ( 3.1ay ) , m 1.75 925 Frisco bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. Desmos, q i . 00 Supreme chapter D. S. ]\L fraternity, Lidianapolis, Ind. Detective, 1885, m i .00 Detective pub. co., 2611 Indian ave., Chicago, 111. Detroit law journal, 1898, w 2 .00 Detroit law journal co., 49 Buhl block, Detroit, Mich. Detroit legal news, 1894, w 4.00 1895, d 6.00 Detroit legal news co., Detroit, Mich. Detroit medical journal, 1901, m i .00 Detroit medical journal co., Detroit, ]\Iich. Detroit (Mich.) public library. — Bulletin, 1905. b-m 2- Detroit museum of art. Bulletin, 1904, q Detroit museum of art, Detroit, Mich. Detroit soc. of arts & crafts, bulletin, irreg. IJ Witherell st., Detroit, Mich. Deusche-Candisher farmer, 1909, w^ Deusche-Candisher ])ub. co.. Calgary, Alberta. Deutsch amerikanische buchdrucker zeitung, 1873, s-m i.oo Hugh Miller, Indianapolis, Ind. Deutsch amer. apotheker zeitung, 1880, m i .00 104 John St., N. Y. Deutsch-amerikanische geschichtsblaetter, igoi. a 3- 00 German American historical soc. of III., 5 S. Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Deutsch-amerikanischer farmer, w i .00 Press pub. co., Lincoln, Xeb. Deutsch amerikanischer jugend freund, 1890, m 50 Eden pub. house, 17 16 Chouteau ave, St. Louis. ]Mo. Deutsch amerikanische zeitschrift fur theologie und kirche, 1879, b-m 1 . 00 John C. Marting, Berea, O. Deutsche farmer, 1910, s-m 50 Fritz Bergmeier, St. Paul, Minn. Deutsche hausfrau, 1904, m 25 ^ Herold co., Milwaukee, Wis. Deutsche Amerikanische Krieger zeitung, 1885. m i .00 1570 W. 3rd St., Cleveland. O. Deutsche Kullurtraeger, 1913 (Jan.), m 2,00 Freilericksburg, Texas. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS liq Deutsche lutheraner, loio, \v i .50 1522 .\rch St., Pliiladelphia, Pa. Deutscher evangelist, 1870, s-m i .00 Oransje socialist pulj. co.. Orange, N. J. Devil's advocate, m Continued as Bii^' Stick. Deutscher volksfreund, 1871, w 2.00 (Contin. as .\merikanischer botschafter & Deutschcr volksfreund.) Dial, 1880, fortn 2 . 00 Dial CO., Fine Arts bldg-., Chicago, 111. Dial, m. dur. coll. yr . . . i -00 Students of St. Mary's college, St. Mary's, Kan. Diamond, 1892, w i -00 Diamond pub. co., Brockton, Mass. Dickinson law review, m. dur. coll. yr ^ --5 Carlisle, P,a. Dickinson liberal, m Dickinson literary monthly, 1872, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Belles lettres and Union philosoph. societies of Dickin- son college, Caidisle, Pa. Dickinson seminary journal, m Dickinson seminary, Williamsport, Pa. Dickinson union, 1877, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Literary societies, of Dickinson seminary, Williamsport, Pa. Dickinsonian, 1896, w. dur. coll. yr i . 50 Carlisle, Pa. Dictum est, m Red Bluff Academy, Red Bluff, Cal. Dietetic and hygienic gazette, 1884, m i .00 Gazette pub. co., 33 W. 42d st., N. Y. Diocesan magazine, m 5^ St. Johns, Quebec. Diocese of New Jersey, 1912 (Mar.), 5 nos. yr Trenton, X. J. Direct buyers' journal, 1910 (Apr.), m 3.00 Birmingham, Ala. Director, 1909, m • 50 Director pub. co., 312 Tribune bldg.. New York, N. Y. Directory of portland cement mfgrs, gypsum and lime, 1907, a. . 1.00 Cement era, 842 Monadnock bldg., Chicago, J 11. Directory of special and advertising agents, 1908, a 20.00 Publishers' commercial agency, 200 Broadway. Xew York. Directory of the breeders and exhibitors of dogs in U. S. and Canada, 1909, a 1-00 Field and fancy pub. co., 14 Church St., New York, N. Y. Directory of the Washington academy of sciences and affiliated societies, 1899, bi-a., per no 25 \\'ashington academy of sciences, Wasjiington, D. C. 120 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Dispatch, 1894, w 2.00 C. W. Woodman, San Antonio, Tex. Dispatch, 1906. w - .'. 1.25 Dispatch pub. cc, Macon, Ga. Disseminator, 1908 (Sept.), m Free 219 S. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. District evangelist, 191 1. m Free O. M. Rickman. Carthage. Mo. District o£ Columbia. Public library. Monthly bulletin, 1907 15 Reference list, 1905, m Washington, D. C. Divine scientist (Contin. as A'eritas. Seattle. Jan., 1912.) Dixie home, m 5° Rountree pub. co., Birmingham, Ala. Dixie manufacturer, 1896, s-m 2.00 Rountree pub. co., Birmingham. Ala. Dixie miller, 1894, m i -Cmd Dixie miller co., Nashville, Tenn. Dixie woodworker, 1885, m i .00 Southern states pub. co., Atlanta. Ga. Doane owl, 1878, m i .25 Students of Doane college, Crete, Neb. Dockham's American textle report & directory. Every other yr 6.00 Dockham's clothing mfg. & cutting up trade report and direc- tory, a , 6 . GO Dockham's glove and mitten mfg. report & directory i .00 Dockham pub. co., Beacon st., Boston. Mass. Dockham's jobbing trade and dep't stores, report and directory, 1908, a 1.00 Dockham pub. co., 6 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Dodge idea, 1881, m 50 C. R. Trowbridge, Mishawaka, Ind. Dodger, m Dodgeville high school, Dodgcville. Wis. Dog fancier, 1891 , m 50 Eugen Glass, Battle Creek, Mich. Dog journal, 1908, m • 1.00 C. H. Jones, 414 Ellwanger bldg., Rochester, N. Y. Dog lovers magazine, 1906. m i .00 Dog lovers pub. co.. Battle Creek, Mich. Dogs in_ America, 1909, f 2.00 Oceanic pub. co., 23 E. 26th st.. X. Y. Dogdom, 1900, m i . 00 Dogdom pub. co.. Battle Creek, Mich. Dodge county farmer, 1899, m 25 E. E. Parker, Beaver Dam, Wis. Dodson's magazine, i()i2 (Aug.). m Free \\ 'i\ Dodson, \\ilkes-Barre. Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS I2T Domestic engineering, 1889. w i . 00 Domestic eiiijr. co., 58 \V. Jefferson St.. ChicajT^o, 111. Domestic engineering directory of jobbers & mfg. of plumbing, heating, lighting, engine, mining and mill supplies, ISU i . a 5.00 49 Xo. Jefferson st., Chcago, III. Dominant, 1893. m i .00 Gazette pub. co., t,3 W. 42d st., N. Y. Dominion dental journal, 1889, m i .ou Nesbitt pub. co., Toronto, Canada Dominion medical monthly & medical journal, i8(j2. m 2.00 Geori^e b'lliott. 203 Jieverly st.. Toronto, ( )nt. Dominion of Canada labor gazette, 1900, m 20 Dept. of labor. Ottawa. Canada. Dominion short-horn herd book, 1886 Toronto. ( )nt. Dorchester beacon, 1873, w i . 25 Thomas Leavitt, 584 Columbia road. Dorchester, Mass. Dorms, igph, \v ' Columbia university. X. ^'. Dover. Public library bulletin, 1900, q Free Public library, Dover, X. H. Dover type. i()i2 (Jan.), m Dover ])ress. Fall River, Mass. Dovirn Homer, 1 9 t i ( Apr. ) , m 1 . 00 I'.lizabetb City. X. C. Draft horse journal arid breeders' guide, 1907. m 25 ( Contin. in breeders guide. ) Draftsman, 1902, ni i .00 Contin. as Industrial magazine. Drake, 1903, m dur. coll. yr 50 Drake pub. co., Des Moines, la. Drake delphic, 1884, s-m. dur. coll. yr 1 . 50 Delpbic pub. co.. Des Moines, la. Drake university bulletin, b-m — — Des Moines, la. Dramatic news, 1 881 , w 4 . 00 Edwin S. Bettelheim, 1441 Broadway, X. Y. Dramatic review and music and drama, 1882, w 3.00 Farrell & Lombard, San Francisco, Cal. Dramatist, 1909 ( ( )ct. ) , q 1 od Dramatist co.. Haston. I 'a. Draugas (Lithuanian), 1909. w 3.00 1908 Meade st.. W'ilkes-F.arre, Pa. Dress, 1 906, m 5 • 00 McCready-Bcals co., 24 E. 21st St., X. Y. Drew theological seminary bulletin, ]()i ^ ( Ma\- ) , (\ .Madison. \. j. Dreher's simplex guide & maps of Toledo, a 2^ Dreher's sim.plex guide & map of Columbus, a 23 D. 1*'. Dreher & co.. 507 St. Clair st.. Toledo. ( )liio. 122 lililDE TO PERIODICALS Dress essentials iqti, m i .oo ?>lercantile economist's pub. co., 200 5th ave., X. Y. Drift of the market, 1002, m . .'. i . 50 Mass. pub. CO.. Everett station, lloston. ^Jass. Drovers' journal-stockman, 1886, 6d 4.00 Journal-stockman, South Omaha, Neb. Drovers' telegram, 1882, 6 d 4 . 00 Drovers' telegram co., 1710 w i6th St., Kansas City, Mo. Druggists' circular, 1857, m i . 50 Wm. O. Allison, 100 Williams St., N. Y. Drug news, 1907, m , 10 Druo; news pub. co.. looi S. Preston st., St. Louis, ]\lo. Drugs, oils and paints, 1885, m 2 .00 G. B. Heckel, the Bourse, Phila., Pa. Drury academy, m Drury academy, North Adams, ]\Iass. Drury college bulletin^ q Springfield, j\Io. Drury mirror, 1886, s-m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Drur}^ college, Springfield, Mo. Dry farming and rural homes, 1007 Tulsa, Okla. Dry goods, 1901, m 5- 00 Dry goods pub. co., 172 5th ave., N. Y. Dry goods economist, 1846, w 5 -OO Textile pub. co., 200 Greene st., N. Y. Dry goods guide, 1898, m i • 00 Black pub. co., 415 Broadway, N. Y. Dry goods record, 1904, m i ■ 00 Canadian trade journals, Montreal, Canada Dry goods reporter, 1871, w 3-00 Dry goods reporter co., 233 Fifth Ave., Chicago, 111. Dry goods review, 1890, m 2 00 MacLean pub. co., Toronto, Canada Dry goods tips, 1912 ( fan.), m 50 New York, N. Y.* Duch casu, 1877, w 2.00 Aug. Geringer, 150 W. 12th st., Chicago, 111. Duffy's magazine and Pacific coast guide, 1007, m Albany bldg.. Oakland, Cal. Dun's review, 1S93. w 2 .00 Dun's review, 1893, w 2.00 R. G. Dun & CO., 290 Broadway, N. Y. Duroc-Jersey swine record, 1891, irreg. Nat. Duroc-Jerscv record ass'n, Peoria, III. Durst & Rubin's cloak & suit economist, 1012 ( Feb.). m i .00 New York, N. Y. Dushpastyr, 1 ()o6, w 2 . 00 New F'ritain. Conn. Dutch belted herd book, 1886 Kaston. Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 123 Button's monthly bulletin, m iM-ec K. P. DulK.n cK- CO.. 081 I'ifth avc. New York, X. Y. Button's monthly, m I'ree E. P. Dutton & CO., 31 W. 23d St., N. Y. Bye's government counterfeit detector, 1850, m 3 .00 F. A. Lester, Corcoran l)ld!;-., \Vasliington, D. C. Byers' supplement, m 1 .00 TvOrd & Nap:le cc, 537 v"^. Dcarliorn si.. Chicai;o. 111. Bynamo, 1889, 9 nos i -Oo Students of Aft. Union college. Alliance, Ohio. Bzienswiety, 1892, w i -OO W. Snudski. 565 Noble st., Chicago, 111. Eagle, w 50 Lewis Martin, Walnut, Kansas. Eagle, m Missouri military academv, Mexico. AI0. Eagle, 1888, s-m " " 50 Anthony R. Davfson, Colorado Springes, Colo. Eagle's aerie, 1904, m i . 00 John W. Stailey, Los Angeles, Cal. Earlham college bulletin, c| free Earlhani college, Earlham, Ind. Earlham press. i()i t, w 1 .oo Richmond, Indiana. Earlhamite, s-m. dur. coll. yr 1.25 Iiarlham college, Richmond, Ind. Early settlers ass'n of Cuyahoga co. • — Annals, 1879, a 1 .00 Cleveland, O. Earnest worker, 1871, m 60 Committee of publication, Richmond, Va. Earnest worker, 1008, f| 1 . 00 Earnest worker pub. co.. iiangor, Me. Earth, 1904, m 25 1 1 18 Railway Exchange bldg., Chicago. 111. East and West, 1903, w 75 Committee of S. S. publications. Presbyterian chnrch in Canada. Toronto, Canada. East side house settlement Report, 1 892. a Foot 76th St.. N. Y. Eastern clarion, i()i t . s-m 50 1. L. Moore, Lynch Station, A'a. Eastern dealer in implements, 1(107. f 1 .00 Wright c^- Wilkinson, 1021 Dcxel !dd-.. Philadelphia. I 'a. Eastern elk, 1 1 1 , m 1 . oo I. X. Shafer. 84 State st.. T.oston. Mass. Eastern fruit, !<)12 ( |ar. t. m 1 .00 2 IT) Walnut St.. riiiladelphia. Pa. Eastern labor news, 1909, w L0(» Percy D. Hyer, Moncton, New P.runswick. 124 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Eastern law reporter •■ 30 Adelaide st.. Toronto, Canada Eastern penman, 1912 ( ]\Iar. ). m . .'. 50 Paterson. X. J. Eastern star, 1888," m i .00 Mrs. Nettie Ransford, the Windsor, Indianapolis, Ind. Eastern star record, 1892, m . . i . 00 Eastern star record co.. I-J13 ]\Iasonic Temple. Chicago. 111. Eastern sunlight, 1909. s-m i .00 Girard. Ala. Eastern underwriter, m 3 -oo H. H. Putnam. Annuity bldg., Boston, IMass. Easterner, m Eastern high school. Washington. D. C. Ecclesiastical review, 1889, m 3 • 5^ Dolphin press, 1305 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Ecclesiastical review, year book for priests, 1909, a not for sale 1305 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Echo, m Puyallui) high school, l^iyallup. Wash. Echo, m Enosburgh Ealls high school. Enosburgh Falls, \'t. Echo, ni Shortridge high school. Indianapolis, Ind. Echo, 1888, w. 1 . 00 Students of Olivet college. Olivet, Mich. Echo, 1861, m 25 Five points mission, 63 Park st., N. Y. Echo, 1907 ( Ian. ). i>m t .00 I'niversity of Chattanooga. Chattanooga. Tenn. Echo, 19 1 3 (April), q Acacia fraternity. Columbia, ^!o. Echo ( French ), 1909, w 1.00 Imprimerie canedienne, Granby, Quebec. Echo, 1910, m 1 .00 Graham. \. C. Echoes, ni Jo])lin high school, joplin. Mo. Eclectic medical gleaner, 1889, m i .00 Lloyd library, Cincin., O. Eclectic medical journal, 1836, m 2 .00 Scudder bros., Cincin., O. Eclectic review^, i8(;7. m i . 00 Eclectic med. college, 40 E. 41st st., N. Y. Eclectric medical forum- 191 t. m i .00 Western ba]:)ti'^t pub. co . Kausas City, Mo. Eco de America, 1909 ( Ma\- ) . s-m i .00 New ^'ork. X. Y. Economic advertising, 1908, m 1.00 Mail bid"., Toronto, Canada. GUIDE TO rERTODlCALS I25 Economic bulletin, 1908, (Apr.), q 2.00 Am. ecoiioniic ass'n, Baltimore, Md. Economic geology, 1905, s-q 3 • 00 Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111. Economist, 1 888, w 5-oo Economist pub. cc, 189 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Economist, 1 897, m 2 . 00 Economist print. & pub. co., Toronto, Canada Economist short cut, 1903, a 25 Textile pub. co., 192I/2-200 Greene St., N. Y., N. Y. Economista, w 10.00 L. V. De Abod, Havana, Cuba Economista internacional, 1900, m 2. 00 Internat. economist co., 42 Barclay St., N. Y. Edinburgh review (Am. ed), 1802, q 4.00 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren St., N. Y. Edison kinetogram, iqog (Aug.), s-m Free Thomas Hdison, Orange, N. J. Edison monthly, 1908 (June), m 25 124 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Edison works monthly, 1912 ( Sept."), m i .00 X. Y. Kdison co., X. Y. Editor, 1895, b-m ' i . 50 Kditor, Ridgewood, Xew Jersey. Editor and publisher, 1901, \v 2.00 13-21 Park Row, X. Y. Editorial review, 1909 ( ^lar. ) , m 2 . 00 ( Contin. as Current literature, with vol. 7, Aug., 1912.) Education, 1880, 10 nos 3 . 00 Palmer co., 50 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. Education bi-monthly, 1906, b-m L^niversity of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Education era, m -Missouri state normal school, Warrensburg, Mo. Education press bulletin, m Free F. G. r.lair. Springfield, 111. Educational bulletin on hook worm disease, 1912 State hoard of liealth. Little Rock, Arkansas. Educational exchange, 1885, m i.oo Dewberry & sons, Birmingham, Ala. Educational foundations, 1889, m i .25 A. S. Barnes & co., N. Y. Educational messenger, 1904, w 50 Internat. ])ul). ass'n., Collegeview, Xeh. Educational outlook, 1903, m 50 Powers advertising co., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Educational record, 1881, m i .00 Canada stamp co., Quebec, Can. Educational review, 10 nos Rah way, X. J. 126 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Educational review, 1887, m i .00 George U. Hay, St. John, N. B. Educational review, 1891 , m 3 . 00 Educational review pub. co., Columbia university, N. Y. Educational science, 1903, 10 nos i .00 Contin. in Univ. of Cinn. studies.) Educator, 1901. m .75 R. D Hunt. Huntsville. Ala. Educator, ion. w i .00 Clarksdale, ]\Iiss. Educator-journal, 1856, m i .00 Educator-journal co., Commercial club bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Efficient citizen, 19 13. m 3- 00 440 Fourth ave., X. Y.. X. Y. Efficiency magazine, tqii ( Ian.\ m i .00 Business course. X"^. Y. Efficiency, igi i (Dec.) . m 50 Los Angeles. Cal. Egg reporter, 1895, m i .00 Fred. L. Kimball estate, Waterloo. la. Egypti, m Cairo high school, Cairo, 111. El defensor cristiano, 1903, s-m 75 Rev. 'M. Andujar. San Juan. Porto Rico. El evangelista, 1903, s-m 50 A. A. Cober. iRo Piedros. Porto Rico. El ideal catolico, 1899. w 2 . 00 Miguel Pow, Ponce. Porto Rico. El hogar, T005, s-m i .00 R. A. de Timothee. San Juan. Porto Rico. Electric city magazine, 1903. m i .00 Electric city pub. co.. 28 X"^. Alarket st.. Chicago. 111. Electric journal, 1904, m i . 50 Electric club, Pittsburg, Pa. Electric medical college. Bulletin Cincinnati. ( )hio. Electric medical gleaner, i88(j. h-m 1.25 Scudder l)ros. co., 630 ^^^ 6th st., Cincinnati, O. Electric railway directory and buyers' annual, d-a. 5.00 IMcGrav pub. co., XL Y. Electric railway journal, 1885, w 3.00 (formerly St. ry. Journal.) McGraw-Hill book co.. 239 W. 3()th st.. X. Y. Electric review, toot, m t .00 Electric medical college. 242 \\'. 73rd st., X. Y. Electric sign journal, ni t .00 3i<; S. \\'arren st.. Syracuse, X. ^\ Electric traction. t()05. m 1 . 50 Kenfield-Davis ])ub. co., iioo Manhattan lildg., Chicago, III. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 127 Electric traction weekly, w i .00 516 Caxton l)lnt. Farmers national congress. Proceedings J. H. Kimble, Port Depost, Akl. Farmers new scimitar ]\lem]jhis, Tenri. Farmers' record, 1904, w 75 H. Towell, Milwaukee, Wis. Farmer's review, 1877, w i -OO Hannibal H. Chandler & co., Chicago, 111. Farmers' success, 1900, m 1 -oo ]{. C. Wainvv^right, Ked Bank, X. J. Farmers telegram, 1894. w 1 -OO Telegram ])rinting co.. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Farmers tribune and prairie home magazine, i8go. w i .00 211 ^IcDermot ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Farmers' tribune, 1866, w i -O^ W. J. Murphy, Minneapolis, Minn. Farmers' union, 1908, \v 5^ M. McCaullife, Salina, Kansas. Farmers' union messenger, 191 1 . \v 5° ^I. A'. Strother, luuiice. L,a. Farmers' union sun, 1S99, w ' ■ 00 Farmers union sun co., Cohuubia, X. C. Farmers veterinary advisor, 1910, m -50 \. H. Ilartwig. Watcrtown. Wis. Farmers voice, ic)o6, m <^ W. R. Harper, Foyil. e;kla. 138 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Farmers' voice and rural outlook, 1862, w 60 Farmers' voice pub. cc, 45 Plymouth pi., Chicago, 111. Farmer's wife, 1900, m 25 Webb pub. co., St. Paul, I^linu. Farming, 1906, m i . 00 (Merged in Garden magazine.) Fashion book, 1 896, q i . 20 Pictorial review co.. 222 W. 30th St.. X. Y. Fashion suggester, 1901. s-y free David Adler & sons clothing co.. Milwaukee. Wis. Fashionable woman. ( Jan. ) 191 3, m. 2=, Xewman-King fashion co.. X. Y. Fashionable woman's tailor, 1912. m 20.00 Xewman-King fashion co., 12 ^^^ 32nd st.. X. Y. Fashions, 1891, m i .00 Alfred ]\I. Slocum co.. 718 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa. Father Matthew herald, 1894, m i .00 Edmond L. Grimes & co., 132 Pearl st., Boston. ]\Iass. Feather, 1895, m 50 G. E. Howard. 714 Twelfth st.. X. W., Washington, D. C. Feathered warrior, m 25 W. M. Storrs, Carlisle. X. Y. Feathered world, 191 1 . m 40 Bulletin printing co.. Walla Walla. \\"ash. Federal reporter, 1880, w 10.00 West pub. CO., St. Paul, ]\Iinn. Federal reporter, 1902, m i .00 138 Front St., N. Y. Federation directory of club speakers and entertainer:, kjoi. a. Helen A. Whittier. Trinity court, Boston. ^lass. Feeder, 1912. s-m 50 136 E. Gay St.. Columbus. Ohio. Feld und flur, 1898, m 50 Feld und flur, pub. co., Dallas. Tex. Fern bulletin, 1893, q 75 Willard X. Clute. Joliet. II!. Fertilizer review and buyers' guide, 1910 (fan.), w 1.00 1026 Filbert st., Phila., Pa. Festal days, 1890. b-m i • 00 Lorenz pub. co., 150 Fifth ave.. X^. Y. Fiaccola, 1899. w i ■ 00 409 E. Ti4th St.. Xew York. X. "S'. Fibre and fabric, 1885, w 2 .00 Jos. H. AVade, 146 Franklin st., Boston. Mass. Field, 1902, m Phoenix mutual life insurance co., Hartford, Conn. Field afar, IQ07. b-ni 50 J. A. Wali^h. Ossining. X. ^'. Field and fancy. 1897. w - • 00 Field and fancy pub. co.. 14-16 Church St.. X. Y. GUIDK 'I'O PKRIOnrCALS 1 39 Field and farm, 1885, w , 2 .00 Lute Wilcox, Denver, Colo. Field and stream, 1 885, m i • 5<> iMeld and stream, 35 W. 21st St., N. Y. Field artillery journal, i g 1 1 , (| 4 "' ' r. S. fiekl artillery ass'n., 1701 l'enns\lvania ave., Wasliini,;- ton. I). C. ■ Field dog stud book, 1901, a Amer. field pub. co., 801 Masonic temple, Chicago, 111. Field illustrated. 1902, w 4 • 00 Field illustrated co., 22 Thames St., X. Y. Field museum of natural history. Publications Report series, 1895, a Botanical series, 1895, irreg Geological series, 1895, irreg Ornithological series, 1896 Zoological series, 1895, irreg Anthropological series, 1895, irreg Chicago, 111. Field studies in botany, s-m See Michigan university. Fiery cross, 1894. m .50 Peter Kerr, 134 Summer st., I'oston, Mass. Figaro, 1885, w. . . ^ to. 00 Ramon A. Catala, administrador, Obispo num. 62, Habana, Cuba. Filipino people, 1912 (July), m i .00 M. L. Quezon, Washington, D. C. Filipino teacher, 1907, m 2 .00 Philippine teachers ass'n., Manila, P. I. Filson club publications, 1884, irreg., per vol 3.00 The Morton co., Louisville, Ky. Finance, 1899, w . . . 5 • 00 Finance pub. co., Cleveland. O. Finance and commerce, 1887. d • • • •. 12. on Legal news pub. co., 253 Second ave., Minncai)olis, Minn. Financial America, 1803, d 3 • 00 X. ^\ news liureau ass'n., .[c Stone St., X. Y. Financial and business review, 1883, w 2.00 I'Mnancial review co., i P>roadway, X. Y.. X. Y. Financial age, w 5 • 00 F. Howard Hooke, 53 Park Row, N. Y. Financial bulletin, 6 d 3 ■ 00 Financial bulletin, 142 S. 4th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Financial graphic, 1908, m 5G Pine St., New York, X. Y. Financial indicator, 1909, w . ". S-S'-^ Financial ])ress, 124 Front st., Xew York, .X. Y. Financial news, 6 d 6 . 00 35 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Financial post of Canada, 1007, w 3 00 ^fcLean pub. co., IJ3 I'niversity ave.. 'J'oronto. Out. y^o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Financial record and investors' manual, 1890, w 2.00 44 Trinity pi., N. Y. Financial red book of America, a .'. 10.00 6 Wall St.. Xew York. X. Y. Financial retrospect and outlook H. C. Whitehead, Passaic, I\. J. Financial review, 1865, '^^' 10. oo \\m. B. Dana cc. 138 Front St., X. Y. Financial review, 1888, m 2 . 00 Credit cc, Pontiac bldg., Chicago, 111. Financial review, 1905, w 5 • 00 Wellborn print, co., 28 E. 3d St., Cincinnati. O. Financial review. 1907, w 3 • 00 Financial review pub. co.. 324 Coal Exch. bldg., Scranton. Pa. Financial situation, 191 1 ( May ) , w Passaic, X. J. Financial times, 1012. u 2 .00 Herald bldg., Montreal, Quebec. Financial world, 1902, w 4 ■ 00 Guenther pub. co., 18 Broadway, Xew York. Financier, 1863, w 1000 Financier co., 62 Trinity pi., N. Y. Fine arts journal, m 3 • o^ T. J. Campbell, Record-Herald bldg., Chicago, 111. Finska missions posten, m 5° 1225 I,a Salle st.. Chicago, 111. Fire alarm, 1012, m i • 5° Fire alarm pub. co., Madison, Wis. Fire and water engineering, 1877, w 3 -OO Shepperd & Burnham, Bennett bldg., N. Y. Fire insu"rance pocket index, 1869, a 25 and . 50 Spectator co., 135 WilHam st., Xew York. Fireman's herald, 1881, w 200 C. M. Palmer, 253 Broadway, X. Y. Firemen's standard, 1879, s-m i -OO James M. Gould, Sudbury bldg., Boston, ^lass. Fireproof magazine, 1902, m ^ • 00 Pul). sus])ended. Firm foundation, 1884, w ^00 Firm foundation pub. co., Austin, Tex. First aid, 1 9 1 2 ( Feb. ) . s-a Vssnciate bldg.. Arlington, Mass. First friend, ([ • • • • -^^ Society of the friendless, 1114-15 Grand ave.. Temple, Kan- sas City. Mo. First studies in the Bible, 1906, q Teachers' ed ^^ Scholars' ed ^ Fishing gazette, 1884 w . 1 .00 G. E. Jennings, 203 Broadway, X. Y. CUIDI': lO ri-RIODICALS 141 Fisk herald, 1883, m 50 - Literary societies and clubs of Fisk university, Nashville, Tenn. Fisk university news., igio (July 26), b-ni Fisk university. Nashville, Tenn. Fitchburg public library. Bulletin, 1892, irreg' Library. Fitchburg, Alass. Fitch service bond record, 1907 (Feb.), w 7 -50 F. E. Fitch. 47 Broad st, N. Y.,'N. Y. Five points house of industry. Monthly record, 1858, m Annual report. Bulletin. c|. New York. Fitz public library. Quarterly bulletin. 1907, q. Chelsea. ]\Iass. Five and ten cent magazine, IDOU, m 2.00 G21 Alain st., Cincinnati, O. Fixtureman, 1912 ( Mar.) , m Free General electric co., Conneaut, (_)hio. Flaming sword, 1889, w i .00 Guiding star pub. house, Estero, Fla. Flashes, ni Sturgeon Bay high school. Sturgeon l:>ay, Wis. Fleet review, 1910 (May), m • 1.50 Bond bldg., Wash., D. C. Fletcher free library. Bulletin, 1906, irreg Burlington, Vt. Fleur de lis, 1899, b-m i .00 Fleur de lis pub. co.. St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Fleur-de-Lys, i()i2 ( Apr.\ m New York. X. Y. Flock record of Hampshire-down sheep, 1890, b-a 2.00 Am. ILampshire sheep assn., C. A. Tyler, sec, Nottawa, Mich. Florida agriculturist, 1872, w 2.00 Painter pub. co., Jacksonville, Fla. Florida alliance, 1887. w i .00 R. B. Brooks. Jacksonville,. iHa. Florida beacon, 191 2, w i -oo Beacon pub. co.. F'nskin. Florida. Florida Christian advocate, w i . 50 J. C. Trice, Tallahassee, Fla. Florida Christian recorder, w i • 5° Florida Christian recorder pub. co., Orlando, Fla. Florida east coast and home seeker, 1908, m 50 St. Augustine, Fla. Florida federation of labor. Proceedings. iS()n Tallahassee. Fla. Florida fraternal record, 1898. ni i 00 J. W. White, Jacksonville, Fla. Florida fruit and produce news, 1908. w i .00 (Contin. in Florida grower.) 142 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS - Florida grower, 1908. m i . 00 Tampa, Fla. Florida health notes. iSn^. m 50 State Ijoard of health, Jacksonville. Fla. Florida labor templar, w 125 Florida labor journal co., Jacksonville. Fla. Florida pennant, m University of Florida, Gainesville. Fla. Florida reporter, iqoi, w i -oo Y. M. ]\[eeks, Tampa, Fla. Florida school exponent, 1893, 10 nos i .00 Florida school exponent pub. co., Gainesville, Fla. Florida sentinel, 1887. w i • 50 ]\r. ^J. Fewey. Pensacola, P'la. Florida state college for women, (|. bulletin Free Florida state colleije for women. Talahasse, Fla. Florida state horticultural society. Proceedings, 1892, a i .00 Jacksonville, Fla. Florida university. Special studies, 1908 (June"), irreg, Gainesville, Fla. Florists' exchange, 1888, w . i .cx5 De La More print, pub. co., 2 Duane St., "V. Y. Florists' review, 1897, w i • 00 Florists' pub. co., Caxton bldg., Chicago, 111. Flour and feed, 1900, m i . 00 Packages pub. co., Montgomery bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Flour trade news, hay, grain and feed, 1902, m 50 (Contin. as Amer. hay, flour & feed journal.) Fly, 1908, m '. '. 1-00 Lawson & Kelly, Betz bldg.. Phila., Pa. Flying, 1012, m. Bulletin 3 • 00 Aero club of America. 297 ^^ladison ave.. \. Y. City. Folio, m Western reserve woman's college, Cleveland. O, Folkebladet, 1879. w i 00 322 Cedar ave., MinneajDolis. ]\!inn. Folke-vennen, 1879, w i • 50 Folke-vennen pub. co., 332 Grand ave., Chicago, 111. Follia di New York, 1893, w 2 .00 ]\Iarziale Sisca. 226 Lafayette st., Xew York, X. Y. Food law bulletin, 1907, w 5 • o^ Food law pub. co., 423 Plymouth Place. Chicago. Footwear in Canada, 191 1. m i .00 H. C, MacLain, 220 King st.. 'I'oronto. ( )nt. Force, 1903, m i ■ 00 Force pub. co., 312 Y^ine st., St. Louis, Mo. Fordham monthly, 1882, m. dur. coll. yr i -OO Students of St. John's college, N. Y. Forecast, 1909, m • i • 00 Forecast pub. co.. gi2 Flanders bldg.. i'liiladelpbia. Pa. GUIDI-: TO IM'.KIODICALS 143 Foreign mission journal, 1872, m 25 Forei.q;ii mission bd. of southern baptist convention, Riclinionci, Va. Foreign missionary tidings, ni 15 Toronto, Canada. Foreign trade, 1910 (Jan.), m 2.00 2 Rector st.. New York, N. Y. Forensic quarterly, igoo. '.[ 2 .00 (Merged in Drama.) Forest and stream, 1 87 1 . \v 3 • 00 Forest and stream pub. co., 346 Broadway, N. Y. Forest leaves, 1886, b-m i .00 Penn. forestry association, 1012 Wahiut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Forester, 1880, m i .00 I. (). F.. Toronto, Canachi. Forester, igo6 (June), m 50 Port Huron, Mich. Foresters' magazine, 1891. m 50 Robt. A. Sibbald, Park Ridge, N. J. Forestry and irrigation Contin. as Conservation. ' ' Forestry quarterly, 1903, q 2 00 Ithaca, N. Y. For goodness sake, iq 1 1 . m i , :^o 31 W. (jth St., New York. Fortnightly notes, i()i3 (Jan. ), n i .00 Alumni a^s'n., of University of Jll.. Chami)aij:rn. 111. Fortnightly review (Am. ed.), 1865, f 4.50 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren st., N. Y. Fort Wayne electrical works. Ilulletin Fort Wayne, Ind. Forum, m v^^t. Joseph lii,gh school, v'^t. Joseph. Mo. Forum, iSSfi, m 2 . ^o Mitchell Kennerley, 2 E. V^Dth st.. New York, N. Y. Forum, i<)04. \v i .30 I-:. L. Ro,e:ers &- \V. Jl. I'.arbour. Springfield, 111. Forum, 1904. w i .00 Forum printing co., Austin, Tex. Forum, i(;io. w i .25 jC) l\ue St., r,abriel, Monlrcd. Ouchec. Forward, 1882. w .~ 75 Presbyterian bd. of publication, 1319 \\'alnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Forward, 11)09, m 1.00 22() Bailey St., Lawrence, Mass. Fostering business, F908. m 100 Richmond st., ProvidtMicc, R. I. Founder of business, 19T3 (Jan. ^. m Free Foinulcr of business pub. co . !'bila(kli)hia, I'a. 144 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Foundry, 1892, m i .00 Penton pub. co., Cleveland, O. Fountain and dispenser, 1910, m 50 " Mid west trade press, Kansas City, ]\lo. 400, 1893, m 1. 00 H. R. Persinger and E. C. Sullivan, 130 Sherman St., Chicago, 111. Four seas, 1909 ( Dec. ) , m 50 27 School St., Boston, Alass. Fourth estate, 1894, w 2 . 00 Ernest F. Birmingham, 19 Park Row, N. Y. Fox & hound & trappers world. 1907, m i .00 Decatur. 111. Fox river leader, 1904, w i . 50 Connors & Bradry, Aurora, 111. Fra magazine, 1908, m '2.00 Elbert H[ubbard, East Aurora, X. Y. Franklin academy m.irror, m Franklin acadeni}', Franklin, Xeb. Franklin and Marshall college. Obituary record, 1897, a 10 Lancaster, Pa. Franklin institute. Journal, 1826, m 5 .00 Franklin institute, 15 S. 7th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Franklin sqviare agency, a Franklin square agency, Franklin square, X. Y. Frater, q \ i 00 Psi Omega dental fraternity. Tiffin, O. Fraternal index, 1888, m 5° Order of star of Bethlehem, 39 \V. Elizabeth St., Detroit, j\Iich. Fraternal monitor, 1890, m i -oo Fraternal monitor co., Rochester, N. Y. Fraternal news, 1890, m • • • -50 Fraternal news pub. co., Hartford, Conn. Fraternal record, 1898, m i ■ 00 T. W. White, Jacksonville. Fla. Fraternalistic, w i • 00 F. A. Paris, 2432 W. Monroe st.. Chicago, V\. Free mason, 1881, m 5^ Cowan & Co., Toronto, Canada Free mason and western mason, 1896, m i .00 (Contin. in Southwestern freemason.) Free Methodist advocate, 19TI, s-m. i -OO . P.. W. Huckabee, Campbell. Texas. Free methodist, 1868, w 150 S. K. J. Chesbro, 14 N. May St., Chicago, 111. Free press, w i • 00 E. L. Weber, Louisville, Ky. Freeman, 1884, w i • 5° G. L. Knox, 225 Indiana ave.. Indianapolis. Ind. f;t:ii)i-: 'lo PEi^ionicALS T45 Freeman's journal and catholic register, 1839, ^^' 2.50 Freeman's- journal, 46 Park place, N. Y. Freewill Baptist advocate, IQ06, w 1 .00 Kinston, \. C. Freewill Baptist banner, T()or), w i .00 nrancli, .\rkansas. Freewill baptist, 1881, w i .00 Freewill baptist pub. co., Ayden, N. C. Freidenker, 1872. \v 2 . 00 Frcidcnkcr pub. co., Herold bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. Freie press, \v 20 . 00 Lincoln. Nel>. Freight, 1903, m 5 .00 Freight pub. co., 116 Nassau st., N. Y. Freight payer & consumer, 1910 (July), w 5- 00 Kansas City. Mo. Freight, the shipper's forum, m 3 -oo ( Contin. as Trade transportation. 1912.) Freischiitz, 1866. w 2 . 50 W. V. Weber, 130 E. Houston st., N. Y. French bull dog Xew York. X. Y. French coach horse stud book of America, i(jo6, a Cedar Rajjids, Iowa. Freyja, 1898, s-w i . 00 -J James M. Gould, Sudbury bldg., Boston, Mass. Friend, 1842. m : . . . . i . 50 Hawaiian evangelical ass'n, Honolulu, Hawaii Friend, 1 827, w 2 . 00 Edwin P. Sellew, 207 Walnut place, Phila.. Pa. Friend and guide, 1897. m 50 Equitable fraternal union, Xeenah, \Y\s. Friend for boys and girls, 1864, w =;o Rev. \y. R. Funk. Dayton. O. Friends advanced quarterly, 1883, (| 20 P. W\ Raidal)auch. Plaintield, Ind. Friends' Bible school quarterly, 1883, q 2. 00 Pub. ass'n of friends, Plainfield, Ind. Friends general conference. Proceedings, 1896 Philadelphia. Pa. Friends' historical society of Philadelphia. lUilletin, 1904. s-a. . i .00 Philadelphia. Pa. Friends' intelligencer, 1844, '^^' 2.00 Friends' intelligencer ass'n, 15th and Cherry st.. Phila., Pa. Friends messenger. 1903, m 50 Clara Co.\. High Point, X. C. Friends intermediate quarterly, t8()3. c| 20 W W. Raidabaucb. Plaintield. Ind. Friends' missionary advocate, 1885, m 5° Mrs. Eliza C. Armstrong, Plainfield, Ind. 146 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Friends teachers quarterly, iS*).}., ([ 40 1'. W. Raidabauch. Plainfield, liid. Friendship banner, 1903, w i .00 Rev. M. P. Hall, Rock Hill, S. C. Frisco-man, iqo8, m Free "/};] Frisco bldg., St. L.ouis ^lo. Froliche botschaf ter, 1846, w 1.35 Rev. W. R. Frank, Dayton, O. Front rank, 1876, \v 60 Christian board of pul^lication, St. Louis, Mo. Fruit belt, 1905, m 50 Fruit belt pub. co.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Fruit-grower and farmer, 1897 (Jan. ), m i .00 The fruit-grower, St. Joseph, Mo. Fruit growers' association of Ontario Report, 1869, a Toronto, Canada Fruit grower, market gardener & poultryman, 1907, w i .00 Grimsby, ( )nt. Fruit magazine, scientific farmer & Canadian citizen, 1908, m. . 1.50 Truth magazine pub. co., y22 Hastings st., \'ancouver, B. C. Fruit trade journal and produce record, 1888, w 3-00 Fruit trade journal co., 76 Park pi., N. Y. Fruitman and garden guest, m 50 M. E. Hinkley, Mount Vernon, la. Fruitman's guide, 1896, w 3 .00 James C. Harvey, 8 Joy St., N. Y. Fruits and flowers, 1906, m 10 Fruits and Howers co., Chautauqua, N. Y. Fiihrer, 1872, w 2 . 30 Machauer & Schmetterling, 344 Bowery, N. Y. Fuel, 1902, w : 3 .00 Fuel pub. CO., 293 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Fuel oil journal, 191 1, m 2 . 00 H. S. Reavis. 84 Rossonian bldg;., Houston, Texas. Fulton county report, 1890, d 10.00 l)aily report co., 55V2 S. Pryor st., Atlanta, Ga. Fundamental conditions, T910 (May), m Gratis T lornblower & \\'eeks, Boston. Mass. Funeral director and embalmer, 19T i, m i .00 Action pul). CO., 50 John st., Toronto. ( )nt. Furman echo, m Furman university, Greenville, S. C. Fur news, 1905 (Jan.), m • t.oo Somerville, N. J. Fur trade directory, a. F. Stallknccht, 32 Waverly pi., New York, N. Y. Fur trade review, 1873, m 2 . 00 F. Stallknccht, 32 Waverley pi., N. Y. Furniture, ] 9(»9, q 1-00 Cirand Rapids record co., (irand Rapids, ]\lich. GUIDE JO PERIODICALS 147 Furniture dealer, Kji i, 111 ^ -^^ LI. F. Forstcr. Metropolitan Md.i;-.. Minneapolis, Minn. Furniture index, 1900. ni . ■ • 5° Furniture index co., Jamestown, N. Y. Furniture industry, 1901, m i .00 Furniture industry pub. co., Evansville, Ind. Furniture journal, i888.'s-ni 2.00 Trade periodical co., 353 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Furniture journal, 1894, ni i -oo Action pub. co.. 59 John st.. Toronto. Out. Furniture news, 1889, m • • ■ • i • 00 Furniture gazette pub. co.. Burlington bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Furniture record, 1900. m i ■ 00 Grand Rapids furniture record co.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Furniture trade review and interior decorator, 1880. m i .00 Review pub. co., 31 L'nion sq., N. Y. Furniture worker, 1883. s-m 2.00 Furniture worker pub. co.. Cincin., O. Furniture world, w 2 . 00 Towse pub. CO., 150 Fifth Ave., N. Y. Gaceta economica, 190 1, w Enrique Barbarrosa, Habana, Cuba. Gadite, 1907 Ancient order of Gadites, Philadelphia, Pa. Gaelic American, 1903, w 2 .00 Gaelic American pub. co., 12 Dutch St., N. Y. Gaillard's southern medicine, 1866, m 2. 00 Gaillard's southern medicine, Savannah, Ga. Gale, m Gale college. Galesville. Wis Galaxy, 1907 (Sept.). m 60 \\orfolk, \'a. Galesburg public library bulletin- 1902, f| Galesburg, 111. Gallery of fashion, i()ii. m 3- 00 Manzi Joyant & co., 170 Fifth avc. X. Y.. X. Y. Game bird, 1892, m 25 Alex. W .Cummings, Derby, Ind. Game fanciers' journal, 1879, "^ 5° ( Contin. in Mich, poultry breeding.) Game fowl monthly, 1885, m i -OO C. L. I'rancisco, Sayre, Pa. Gamecock, 1907, w. dur. coll. yr 1 • 5° Columbia. S. Car. Garden and farm almanac, 1906 C. 1!. .Miller, X. Y.. X. V. Garden magazine and farming, 1904. "i ^-30 Doubleday. Page & co., 133 E. i6th St.. N. Y. Gardeners' chronicle of America, 1905, m i -OO Jersey City, N. J. 148 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Gardeners' directory, a 500 Am. florist co., 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Gardening, 1892, s-m 2 . 00 Gardening co., Monon bldg., Chicago, 111. Garment dyers' guide, 1901, m i .00 L. M. Carriat, 502 N. 6th st., Phila., Pa. Garment worker, igoi, w i . 00 United garment workers of America, X. Y. Garnet and blue, m W'esleyan academy W'ilbraham. ]Mass. Garnett and white of Alpha chi rho, q H. C. Staimton. 15 Livingston Place. X. Y. Gardener grinder, 1910 (May), m Gratis Gardener machine co., Beloit, Wis. Gargoyle, 1909, m 1.00 Students of Mich, university, Ann Arbor, Mich. Garment review, iqi i . m i . 00 300 S. Franklin st., Chicago, X. Y. Garrettsonian, IQ08, 8 times dur. coll. yr 50 18th & Buttonwood sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Gas age. 1883 (Feb.), s-m 3-oo Progressive age pub. co., 280 Broadway, X. Y.. X\ Y. Gas energy, 1906, m 50 Gas energy co., 24 Murray st., Xew York. X^ Y. Gas engine, 1898, m i .00 Gas engine pub. co., Cincin., O. Gas industry, 1901,' m 2.00 Periodical pub. co., 60 Pearl st.. Buffalo, X\ Y. Gas institute news, m 2 . 00 Amer. gas institute. 29 W. 30th st., X. Y., X. Y. Gas logic, 1906, m Robert E. Livingston, N. Y. Gas power, 1903, m i .00 Gas power pub. co., St. Joseph, ]\Iich. Gas power age, 1908, m i . 00 Cumberland & Gertie sts., \\'innipeg, Alanitoba. Gas review, 1908, m 50 Madison, Wis. Gates index, m Gates academy, Xeligh, Xeb. Gateway, 1903, m i . 00 John F. Hogan, Detroit. ^Nlich. Gateway, 1910, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Univ. of Alberta, Strathcona. .Mberta, Canada. Gathered sheaves, 1905, m . i . 00 Guthrie, Okla. Gazeta katolicka w canadzie (Polish), 1908, w 1-00 ^\■est Canada pub. co.. Winnipeg, Canada. Gazeta katolicka, 1871, w 2.00 J. V. Smulski, 565 Noble St., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS i^c^ Gazeta Wisconsinska, 1 8()j, w t . 50 M. Kruszka. Milwaukee, Wis. Gazette, 1896, w i .or j Walter S. Bush, Peoria, 111. Gazetteer and guide, 1902, m 72 Clinton st., Buffalo, N. Y. Geflugel-ziichter, 1888, m 50 Gefliigel-ziichter pub. co., Hamburg:, W^is. Gem state rural, 1895, w i .00 Gem state rural pub. co., Caldwell, Idaho Genealogical society of Penn. Membership 5 .00 ■ Publications, 1895, a 2.00 1300 Locust St., Phila., Pa. Genealogy, w 4 • 00 Wm. M. Clemens. 45 and 40 William st.. X. Y. General baptist messenger, 1886, w i -oo James P. Cox, Owensville, Tnd. General digest. Am. and English. Bi-monthly advance sheets 4.00 Monthly advance sheets, 1886, m 7.00 Lawyers co-operative pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. General electric co. Bulletin, irreg Free General electric co., Schenectady, N. Y. General electric review, 1903, m 2.00 General electric co., Schenectady, N. Y. General federation bulletin, 1903, m i .00 C. \y. Hill, Cannon Place,>roy. N. Y. General federation magazine, 1909 (Oct.), m i .00 25 W. 42nd St., N. Y. General federation of women's clubs. Rei)ort, a Mrs. Eugene Rcilley, Cor-Sec, Charlotte, S. C. General practitioner, 1888, m i .00 Medical pub. co., 229 Collinsville ave.. East St. Louis, 111. General society of mechanics and tradesmen of the city of N. Y. Reports, 1785, a The society, Mechanics institute, N. Y. General store, 191 1 , m i • 00 Keystone consolidated pub. co.. Pittsljurg-, Pa. Geneva cabinet, 1878, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Geneva cabinet joint stock co., Beaver Falls, Pa. Genius, 1912 (Feb.) i -oo Los Angeles, Cal. Gentlemen's fashions F. T. Croonborg, N. Y. Gentle women's fashions F. T. Croonl)org. N. Y. Gentlewoman, 1887, m 12 The gentlewoman, 649 W. 43rd st., New York. N. Y. 1 50 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Geographic society of Chicago Bulletin, 1899, irreg Varies Rand Macnally & co., Chicago, 111. Geographical society of Philadelphia Bulletin. 1895, q 2 . 50 Phila,, Pa. Geographical society of the Pacific Bulletin, a 50 San Francisco, Cal. Geological society of America Bulletin, 1889, irreg 5 .00 Rochester, N. Y. George Washington university Bulletins, 1902. q Washington. D. C. Georgetown college journal, 1872, m dur. coll. yr i .50 Students of Georgetown university, Wash., D. C. Georgetown university publications, 1904, q Free ^^"ashington, D. C. Georgia agricultural quarterly, l[)i)H, b-m 50 Athens, Georgia. Georgia bankers' ass'n. Proceedings, 1884 Atlanta. Ga. Georgia baptist, 1880, w ". i . 50 Georgia baptist print, co., Augusta, Ga. Georgia bar association Reports, 1885, a Cartersville, Ga. Georgia broad axe, 1910. \v i . 50 J. St. George White. Atlanta, Ga. Georgia catholic, 1908, s-m i . 00 Catholic pub. co., Savannah, (^a. Georgia educational ass'n. Proceedings. 1866, a C. L. Smith, sec. La Grange, Ga. Georgia geological survey Ihilletin. 1894. irreg Free Atlanta, Ga. Georgia historical society Collections, 1840. irreg Savannah, Ga. Georgia school of technology. Bulletin, a. 5 times Georgia school of technology, Atlanta. Ga. Georgia school of technology. Bulletin, -"> nos.. Atlanta, Ga. Georgia state horticultural society Publications, 1876, a Rome, Ga. Georgia tech, 1894, s-m dur. coll. vr 75 Blosser print, co., Atlanta, Ga. Georgia university. IkiUetin. m Athens, Ga. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 151 Georgian, i Si )' i, m 1 . 00 Athens. C.ix. Geraldton's magazine, 1912 (June ), m .\as!i\-i!le, Tenn. Germ of truth, 1 1 ) 10, \v 1 -oo R. T. Coodwin, ] 'once dc Leon, Fla. German- American annals, 1897, m 3 -OO German-American historical society, 1 120 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Germ.ania, \v 10.00 Milwaukee. Wis. Gettysburg mercury, m Pa. collei^e. Gettysburg-. I'a. Gettysburgian, 1897, w dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Gettysburg college, Gettysburg, Pa. Geyer's stationer, 1877, w 2.00 Andrew Geyer, 318 Broadway, N. Y. Ghosts, 1910 (Feb.), b-m .^ 60 ;5619 Thompson ave., Kansas City, Mo. Gibson's directory, 1892, d-a. . , 5° Jos. W. Gibson, 19 Union sq., N. Y. Gibson's manual, 1908, a 15 William St., New York, N. Y. Gideon, 1910. m 5° 22 \V. Ouincy st.. Chicago. 111. Ginger jar. 1910 ( Mar.), m Xazareth waist co.. X. Y. Giornale delle societa, 1903. w i -OO \\ Ciocia, 89 Center st.. X. Y. Girlhood days 40 Standard pub. co.. Cincinnati, O. Girls' companion, 1902. w 5° D. C. Cook pub. CO., Elgin, 111. Girls' friendly magazine, 1889, m 5° Girls" friendly society. 281 Fourth ave.. New York, N. Y. Girls' friendly society of America. Associates record, 1890, m. . .35 281 Fourth ave.. New York, N. Y. Girl's world, 1908, m. (in wk. parts) 30 GUI Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Gitchie Gumee, m Superior normal school. Superior. Wis. Glad tidings 18(^7. m 5° Grand Ra])i(ls. ?^lich. Glass & pottery world, 1893, m i -OO I Contin. in Pottery world.) Glas svobode, 1902, w 2 .00 Glas svobode co.. 1809 Loomis st.. Chicago, 111. Glass worker, 1882, w - • 00 T2I Fourth ave.. Pittsburg, Pa. ~ Gleaner, 1893 (Oct.), s-m 50 (;. II. Slocum. Detroit, Mich. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Gleanings in bee culture, 1873, s-m i .00 A. I. Root CO., Median, O. Globe, 1905, m • • • '• 25 A. C. \'each. Gravette. Ark. Globe, 1910, w 1-50 Globe pub. CO., Jersey City, X. J. Globe (Saturday mag. section), 1904, w Toronto, Canada. Globe trotter, 1900, q. (membership) 2.00 Cosmopolitan correspondence club, Milwaukee, Wis. Glovers' review, 1901, m i .00 T. J. Ouaile, Gloversville, N. Y. God. the loving father, q 3^ Charles Schibner's sons, Fifth ave.. X. Y. Goddard record, m Goddard seminary, Tiarre. Xt. God's loyal children, q ' ' \ ^^ Charles Scribner's sons. Fiftli ave., X. Y. God's revivalist, w i . 00 Mrs. M. W. Knapp, Cincinnati. O. Gold bug. 1912 (Xov.), m i-oo ^lonadnock blk.. Chicaijo. 111. Gold and blue, 1900, m. dur. coll. vr 5o Students of Latter Day Saints' Cniv.. Salt Lake City. Utah. Golden age, 1906, w 2 . 00 Golden age pub. co., Lowndes bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Golden cross journal, 1886, m 5*^ Edw. Hartshorn, 71 Blackstone St., Boston. Mass. Golden eagle, 1903, m 5° J. Monroe Boyer, 4075 Haverford ave., Phila., Pa. Golden egg, 1911, m -S New Arcade, Des Moines, la. Golden elk, 1904, m i -OO (Merged into Everyman.) Golden gate pocket guide and city map, m Free Tames P. Chadwick. 50 Main st., San Francisco, Cal. Golden rod, q Ouincv high school. Ouincy, ?klass. Goldsmith and silversmith, m 2 .00 New Haven, Conn. Golf, 1894, m. 3-00 A. E. Pottow, 213 E. 24th St., N. Y. Golfers' magazine, 1902, m 2 .00 Crafts W. Higgins, Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Gonzaga, 1910, m. dur. coll. yr Gonzaga college, Spokane. Wash. Good counsel magazine, 1894. m ' -oo Augustinian fathers, X'ilkuiova, X. Y. Good fellow, 1908, w ;. - • °^ Good fellow pub. co., 403 Grand ave., Milwaukee, Wis. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 153 Good government, in 1.00 LiDod :m)\ ernmcnt co., 161 Summit ave., Jersey City, N. J. Good health, 1 S0( > 1 . 00 Good licalth pub. co., Battle Creek, Mich. Good health clinic, 1898, m 50 E. E. Keeler, Syracuse, N. Y. Good housekeeping, 1885, m 1 . 50 Phelps pub. CO., Springfield, Mass. Good literature, 1892, m 35 ( Contin. in Pioneers' journal.) Good road advocate, 1909, m 50 ( !ood road advocate ass'n, Lancaster, Pa. Good roads magazine, 1882, m i .00 E. L. Powers co., 150 Nassau st., N. Y. Good stories, m 25 Mckcry & Hill pub. co., Augusta, Me. Good work, 1894:, m. Contin. in Missions. Goodsell observatory. Publications, 1890 Carleton coUegf, Northfield, Minn. Goodwin's weekly, w 2.00 221 Commercial club bldg.. Salt Lake City, Utah. Goodwin's weekly, 1893, w 2 .00 C. C." Goodwin, ed., 320 Dooley blk.. Salt Lake City, Utah. Gospel advocate, 1866, w i . 50 ^NlcOuiddy print, co., Nashville, Tenn. Gospel forum, 1909, m 50 Rev. C. Lewis Fowler, Clinton, S. C. Gospel intermediate quarterly, q 25 McQuiddy print, co., Nashville, Tenn. Gospel messenger, m Cooper's M. E. Industrial college. 'I'occoa. Ga. Gospel messenger, 1883, w i . 50 Brethren pub. co., Elgin, 111. Gospel messenger, 1878, m i .00 S. Hassell, Williamston, N. C. Gospel news, 1897, m .' i . 25 J. M. Perkins. Mayfield, Ky. Gospel of the kingdom, 1908 (Oct.) . m 50 Bible house, New York, N. Y. Gospel quarterly, (| 50 McOuiddv printing- co.. 2},2 X. .Market St.. Nashville. Tenn. Gospel rumpet, 1881, w i .00 Gospel trumpet co., Moundsville, West Va. Gospel trumpet, 1880, w i .00 Gospel trum])et society. .Anderson. Indiana. Gould's greater New York and state lawyers' diary, a W. Reid Go.ild, 141 Nassau st.. New Work. Gould's St. Louis directory, 1873, a 9-00 Gould tlirectorv co., St. Louis. Alo. '54 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Gould's St. Louis red book- iqoq, a 4.00 Gould directory co.. St. Louis. Wo. Government accountant, 1907 (May), m i .00 Government accountant pub. co., 1300 iNIass. ave.. Wash.. D. C. Government publications, 1900, m 50 Mary C. Greathouse, 510 Twelfth st. N. W., Wash., D. C. Gowns, K) 1 1 , m 3 • oo Go\\ns pub. CO., 23 \\\ 23rd st.. X. Y. Grable's magazine, 191 1. m i .00 Grable pub. CO.. 40T'/. Church st., Xashville. Tenn. Graceland college bulletin, 1906. q free Graceland college, Lamoni, la. Graduate magazine of the Univ. of Kansas, 1902. m. dur. coll. yr. i .00 Alumni ass'n of L'. of K., Lawrence, Kan. Grain dealers' journal, 1898, s-m i .00 Grain dealers' co., 255 La Salle st., Chicago. 111. Grain grower's guide, 190S, w 1.00 Grain grower's ass'n, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Gran logia, f 2 . 50 Aurelio Miranda, Havana, Cuba. Grand army advocate & W. R. C. magazine, 1879. m i .03 A\'. M. Howell. 309 Ef|uitable bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. Grand Rapids furniture record, m - 2.00 Cor. Lyon and Ottawa sts.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids public library lUilletin, 1904, m 25 Grand union herald Grand union tea co., Brooklyn N. Y. Granite, 1891, m i .00 A. M. Hunt & CO., 131 Devonshire st., Boston, INIass. Granite cutters' journal, 1877, m i .00 Granite cutters" national union. Quincw Mass. Granite exchange. Confidential book and key, a 25 Granite exchange co., 418 Lremont bldg., Boston, Mass. Granite marble and bronze. 1891. m i .00 A. M. Hunt tK^ co., 43 Tremont st., Pioston, Mass. Granite state magazine, 1906, m i . 50 Granite state pub. co., Manchester, N. H. Grape Belt and Chautauqua farmer, 1892, s-w i .00 Dunkirk print, co., Dunkirk, N. Y. Graphic, w 2 . 50 Graphic pnl). co., 392 Wilcox bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Graphic, ( Am. ed. ). 'iS'Ofi. w 6.00 international news co., 83-85 Dnane St., .\. ^'. Graphic arts, njio, m 3- 00 85 liroad St.. I'oston. Mass. Graphic arts and crafts year book, 1007, a 5- 00 Republican ])ub. co., Hamilton, Ohio. Graphite, m Free Joseph Dixon crucible co., Jersey City, X. J. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS T5S Gravelyte, m Cedarville collej^e, Cedarvillc, ( ). Graw logia, i8(So, s-m 2 .00 Havana, Cuba. Gray jacket, 111 \'a. I'olyteclinic institute, lllacksliurL;-. \'a. Gray's harbor poultrj^man, i()i2, ni 50 1 iutrhinson printing co., Aberdeen, Wash. Great commission, 191 t ( Nov. ) , ni So New ^'ork. N. Y. Great west, igoj, m 1 .00 Sacramento. Cal. Greater Colorado, 1909 ( July ) , ni i .00 Denver, Colo. Greater light, i8c)9, m 50 James France, 4432 Frank ford ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Greater Nevada, 1912 (Jan. ), m i .50 Carson Citv, Xevada. Greater New York- T()J2 (^^lAfar.), w Free 5_1 Fafavette .st.. New York, N. Y. ( Successor to ];roceedins;s of the merchants' ass'n, of X. Y.) Green bag, 1889. m 3-oo Riverdale press, Brookline, Mass. Green book magazine. [QOO (Jan.), m i .50 Story press corp., Chicago, 111. Green book album, lOOQ, m t . 50 ( Contin. as Greenbook magazine, Aug., 1912.) Green mountain state echo, m \ermont state industrial. \'ergennes, \'t. Green's fruit grower and home companion, 1881, m 50 Chas. A. Green, Rochester. N. Y. Greenfield public library, i'.nlletin, i')io. m . Greenfield, Mass. Gregg writer, 1896, m 1 -oo Gregg ]mb. co., 151 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Grinnell review, 1905 ( ( )ct. ) . m 50 Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Grit and steel, 1899, m 5" Ed. H. De Camp, Gaiifney, S. C. Grit ( story section) , w Williamsport. Pa. Grits and grinds, Kjog ( May ) . m Gratis Xorton CO., Worcester, X. \'. Grizzly bear, 1907 (May), m 1 •<»<^ A\'ilcox l)Idg., Los Angeles. Cal. Grocer, kjoH, w 3° Chamber of commerce bldg., Denver, Colo. Grocer and butcher, T903. s-m 5° 408 Cb.amber of commerce. Toledo, (). Grocer and country merchant and tobacconist, 1874, w 2.50 1. F Menzies, 109 California ave.. San Francisco. Cal. 156 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Grocers' criterion, 1873, w 5 .00 Grocers' criterion cc, 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Grocer's guide and holly journal '. Free 3.fcXeil & Higgins cc. 3 State st., Chicago, 111. Grocer's magazine, m i .00 Grocer's magazine co., 11 India place, Boston, Mass. Grocers' review, m 50 Retail grocers' association, 202 S. 9th st., Phila., Pa. Grocery world, 1887, w 3 -oo Grocery world pub. co., 927 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Grolier Club. Publications, 1884, irreg Annual report, 1893 J. L. Morton, curator, 29 E. 32d st.. New York City. Guaranteed attorney's quarterly, 1901, q 10.00 U. S. fidelity & guaranty co., Baltimore, Md. Guardian, igi i , m 50 Guardian pub. co., Decatur, Ala. Guernsey breeders journal, iqio. m i .00 Amer. Guernsey cattle club. Peterboro, X. H. Guide to nature, 1908, m 1.00 Agassiz ass'n, Sound Beach, Conn. Guide to the current periodicals and serials of the U. S. and Canada, 1907, a. irreg 2 . 50 George Wahr, Ann Arbor, Alich. Guidon 1893, w i . 00 H. W. Kramer. Fort Riley. Kansas. Guidon, 1898, m i . 00 Guidon pub. co., Manchester, N. H. Gulf biologic station. Bulletin, 1902, irreg. B. H. Guilbean, director, Cameron, La. Gulf breeze, 191 1 (June) 50 Houston, Texas. Gulf coast ilfe, 1900 f July ) . m ]*ifiller bros., Falfnrnias. Texas. Gulf coast magazine, 1905, (( 50 Wm. Doherty, Corpus Christi, Texas. Gulf coast record, w 4.00 W. J. Kilduff, Mobile, Ala. Gulf states banker, 1909, m t . 00 Liverpool bldg., New Orleans, La. Gulf states farmer, 1910, m 50 706 Liverpool-Lond & Globe bldg.. New Orleans. La. Gulf states poultry journal, 1905, m 50 Gulf states poultry journal pub. co.. Mobile, Ala. Gulf states presbyterian, 1910, w i .00 Alabama j^resbytcrian co.. Birmingham, Ala. Gunston echo, m Gunston institute. \\'ashington. D. C. Haberdasher, 1 88 1 , m 3 . 00 Haberdasher co., 19 Union sq. W, N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 157 Haberdasher's correct dress chart Haberdasher Co., N. Y. Hacienda, 1 905. ni 2 . 50 La Hacienda Co., box 974, Bufifalo, N. Y. Hackley public Hbrary. Quarterly bulletin, 1907, q. Muskegon, Mich. Ha-Deror, 19IT,.w 3O0 89 Dehmcev St.. New York, N. Y. Hahneman medical college and hospital bulletin, 1904, q Phila.. Pa. Hahnemannian monthly, 1865, m 3-0° The Hahnemannian monthly, 1437 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Hahnemann pulse, m Hahnemann medical college, Chicago, 111. Hair dressers journal, 1910, m J -oo \\'. L. DiTdley co.,'140 Liberty st.. New York, X. Y. Hamburg- American gazette, m Hamburg-American line, 41 I'roadway, X. Y. Hamiltonian, 1904, q • ; 5o Students of Hamilton college, Lexington. Ky. Hamilton life, 1898, w dur. coll. yr i -75 Students of Hamilton college, Clinton, N. Y. Hamilton literary magazine, 1866, m dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Hamilton college, Clinton, N. Y. Hamilton scientific association. Membership $1.00. journal and proceedings, 1882, a Public library bldg., Hamilton, Ont., Canada. - Hamiltonian, 1900, m i • 00 Hamilton club, Chicago, 111. Hammer and pen, irreg 5° 91 W. 103d St., New York. Hampshire-down breeders' ass'n, a. C. A. Tvler, sec, L'nion stock yards, Chicago, 111. Hampton Sidney college. Bulletin Students of Hamilton Sidney college, Hampton. Va. Hampton sidney magazine, 1882. m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Ham]:)ton Sidney, \'a. Handbook for architects & builders, 1895. a C"hicago. Til. Hand-book of securities, s-a AVm. 15. Dana co., Front & Pine St., New York, N. Y. Hand clasp magazine, 1913 (P'eb.) Watkins medical co.. Winona, Minn. Handels-zeitung, 1851, w 1000 Meyer Auerbach, 13 Cedar St., N. Y. Handle trade, 1907- m ' '^^ ' M. C. Moore, Montgomery bldg., Milwaukee. Wis. Handy catalog of standard fashions, 1913 Standard fashion co., X. Y. Handy mailing list Railway equipment and pub. co!, N. Y. 158 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Happiness, 1909, m 50 Happiness pub. co., 405 E. 22d St., Chicago, 111. Happy days, 1894, w . : 2 . 50 Frank Tousey, 24 Union sq., N. Y. Happy hen, 1909, m 50 F. Vaughan Stapler, Pittsburg, Pa. Happy hours, m 25 Vickery & Hill list, Augusta, Me. Harberdasher directory, 1013, s-a 25 Harberdasher co.. 50 Union vSquare, N. Y., X. Y. Harberdasher, 1881, m 3-00 Harberdasher co.. 50 L^nion Square. N. Y.. X. Y. Hardware, 1890, s-m i -OO (Contin. in Iron age.) Hardware and metal & Canadian machinist, 1889, w 2.00 MacLean pub. co.. Toronto, Canada Hardware dealers' magazine, 1893, m i .00 Daniel T. Mallett, 253 Broadway, N. Y. Hardware news liuhl Sons CO., Detroit. Mich. Hardware reporter, 1883. w 2.00 (Contin. in Iron age and hardware.) Hardware review, 1907, m i • 00 Pentz pub. co., 299 Broadway, Xew York. Hardware trade, 1890, f i 00 Commercial bulletin co., Boston block, Minneapolis, Minn. Hardware world, 1906, m 2 . 50 Hardware world pub. co., Yeon bldg.. Portland, Ore. Hardwood record, 1895, s-m i -OO C. V. Kimball. 134 Monroe st , Chicago, 111. Hardy messenger, 1906, irreg F. A. Hardy co., 131 Wabash ave., Chicago. Harlen magazine, 1912 (June) Free Harlcn board of commerce, X. Y. Harlow's weekly, w 2 . oo 502 \A'. Grand ave., Oklahoma City, r)kla. Harness, 1887, m ^ -OO Trade news pub. co., 24 ^Murray St., N. Y. Harness gazette, 1882, m i 00 Harness gazette co., Rome, N. Y. Harness herald, 1904. m i .00 Jackson pub. co., 709 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Harness world, 1888, m i ^• Harness world co., Cincin., O. Harolden, 1906, m -75 Augustona book concern. Rock Island, 111. Harper hospital bulletin, b-m i og Drs. Hickey and Walker, 32 Adams ave., Detroit, Mich. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS T59 Harper's bazar, i8()8. 111 i . 50 Monthly magazine, 1850, m 4.00 Harper & bros., Franklin sq., N. Y. Harper's weekly, 1856. w 4 -O^^ ]\lcClure piililications, McClurc 1)1(1l;'., N. Y. Harpoon, ujio. m i .00 L'. A. Walter. 1350 Garfield st.. Denver, Colo. Harris monthly, 1Q12 (Jan.). m Gratis Harris automatic press co.. Chica.^o. 111. Hartford agent, igog (June) . m Hartford fire insu.rance ro., Hartford, Conn. Hartford agent, 1 909 (June) , m Free Hartford, Conn. Hartford monthly, 1906, m i . oc Hartford monthly pub. co., Hartford, Conn. Hartford public library. Bulletin, 1878, q Hartford, Conn. Hartford seminary record, 1890, q i .00 Hartford seminary press, Hartford, Conn. Hartwick seminary monthly and eastern Lutheran, 1880, m. . .50 Rev. James Pitcher, Hartwick seminary, N. Y. Harvard advocate, 1866, f dur. coll. yr 2 . 50 Students of Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard alumni bulletin, w. dur. coll. yr 3-00 Harvard L'niv., 50 State st., Boston, ATass. Harvard bulletin, 1898, w dur. coll. yr i .00 Athletic ass'n of Harvard graduates,. 50 State st., Cam- bridge, Mass. Harvard crimson, 1882, 6 d dur. coll. yr 3.00 Students of Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard economic studies, 1906, irreg Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard engineering journal, 1903, q i .00 Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard graduates' magazine, 1892, q 2.00 Harvard graduates' mag. ass'n. Exchange bldg., Boston. Mass. Harvard historical studies, 1896, irreg Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard illustrated magazine, 1899, m dur. coll. yr 2.00 Undergraduates of Harvard university, Candjridge, ^la.'^s. Harvard lampoon, 1876, f dur. coll. yr 2.50 Students of Harvard university, 8 Holyoke st., Cambridge, Mass. Harvard law review, 1887, 8 nos 2 . 50 Harvard law review pub. co., Cambridge, Mass. Harvard medical alumni ass'n. lUilletin, i8()5. irreg., per issue. . .25 Boston, Mass. Harvard monthly, 1885, 10 nos 2.00 Students of Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. i6o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Harvard oriental series, 1891, irreg' \'aries Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard psychological studies, 1906, irreg., per vol. . .'. 4.00 Houghton, Mifflin & co., Boston. Harvard studies in classical philology, irreg Varies Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard theological review, 1908, q 2.00 Faculty of divinity in Harvard univ., Cambridge, Mass. Harvard university. Catalogue, a Contributions from the cryptogramic laboratory, irreg. Contributions from the Gray herbarium, irreg Contributions from Jefferson physical laboratory, tory, 1903, a Studies and notes in philology and literature, 1892, irreg, a Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard university. Astronomical observatory Annals, 1852, irreg Report of director, a Report of H. Draper memorial, a Harvard university gazette, 1906, w (S.-Jl.) i .00 2 University Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard university. Library Bibliographical contributions, 1878. irreg Varies Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University. Medical school. Department of neurology, Contributions, 1912 Bulletin. T910 Boston, IMass. Harvard university. Museum of comparative zoology Bulletin, 1863, irreg Varies Memoirs, 1865, irreg Varies Harvard university official register, 1905, s-m Harvey lectures, 1905 Harvey society, 338 E. 26th St., New York City. Hastings collegian, m Hastings college, Hastings, Neb. Hatchet, m Leavenworth high school, Leavenworth, Kansas. Hatman, m ; Crofut & Knapp co., N. Y. Hausdoktor, 1890, m i .00 M. Wolfram, 104 John st.. New York. N. Y. Haus und bauernfreund, 1873, w i .00 Germania pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Haverford college bulletin, 1902, 8 times yr 1 .00 Haverford college, Haverford, Pa. Haverfordian, 1879, 9 nos i .00 Students of Haverford college. Haverford, Pa. Haverhill public library. Bulletin, 190T, irreg free Haverhill, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS l6l Hawaiian almanac and annual, 1875, a 75 Thos. G. Tliruni. Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaiian church chronicle, H)oS. 111 i .00 Kev. 1!. W. Keslarik. 1 loiiohilu. Hawaiian forester and agriculturist, 1904, 111 i .00 Hawaiian i^azettc co., Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaiian historical society Reports, 1892, a 25 Papers, 1892, s-a 25 Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaiian sugar planters ass'n. Ilullctin, i(j04. irres; Honolulu. T. 11. Hawaii's young people, 10 nos Dept. of pub. instruction, Lahaina, Hawaii. Hay trade journal, 1892, w i -oo Hay trade journal pub. co., Canajoharie, N. Y. Hayden's cyclopedia of insurance, 1890. a \ aries Insurance journal co., Hartford, Conn. Hayes' bulletin, 1906, q Tree P. Harold Hayes, BufYalo, N. Y. Hayworth's musical magazine Hayworth music pub. co.. Wasbinoton. 1). C. Hazell's annual, 1885, a i ■ 50 Cbarles Scribner's sons, Fifth ave.. X. Y. Headlight, 1910. w i -OO Culpepper & Robes. Camilla, Ga. Headlight, 1900. w 1 • 00 Headlii^bt printing co.. Newport. Ark. Health, 1850! m ' i -OO Holvoke. Mass. Health, 1899. m i -oo Health pub. co., 321 Fifth ave., N. Y. Health-culture, 1894, m i -OO Health culture co., 151 W. 23d st., N. Y. Health educator, 1910, m 65 Healtb educator co., .\yer, Mass. Healthologist, k) 1 1 Milwaukee. Wis. Healthy home, 1890, m 50 W. H. Brock & co., Athol, Mass. Healthy home quarterly, 1901, q i .00 W. H. P.rock & CO., Athol, Mass. Hearst's American home magazine, 1905. m iiVj 2 Duane st., Xew York. .\. ^'. Hearthstone, m 25 Contin. in i lousewifc. Heating and ventilating magazine, 1904. m i .00 Heatiui^ and ventilating mag. co.. 112^ Broadwav. Xew York. X. Y. Heaton's annual, 1005. a 1 .oo 1 leaton's agency. t,2 Churcb st.. Toronto. Canada. ,62 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Hebrew, 1863, w : 5.00 Philo Jacoby, 612 Commercial St., San Francisco, Cal. Hebrew standard, 1882, w 2 .00 \Vm. J. Solomon, 87 Nassau St., N. Y. Hee-how, 1907, m 5° Davis & Shaw, 15th and Larimer sts., Denver. Redding graphic, m lieclding- college, Abingdon, 111. Heidelberg home department quarterly, 1900, q 16 S. S. bd. of reformed church, 1308 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Heidelberg teacher, 1873, m 60 S. S. bd. of reformed church, 1308 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa. Heimer, 1904, m i . 00 582 Sargent ave., Winnipeg, AJanitoba. Helena public library. Bulletin, s-a Free Helena, Mont. Helos, m West Michigan college. Grand Rapids, Mich. Helper, 1905, m i -oo Sunday companion pub. co., 10 Barclay St., N. Y. Helping hand, m Georgia industrial school, Greensboro, Ga. Helping hand Indianapolis, Ind. (Contin. as Organized philanthropy, with no. 4, 19 1 2.) Helping hand, 1843, "^ ^5 Women's baptist foreign miss, society, Ford bldg., Boston, Mass. Helping hand, 1906, w i • 00 Dr. A. Jackson Stokes, Montgomery. Ala. Hemlandet, w 4- 5^ Chicago, 111. Hendrix college mirror, m Ilendrix college, Conway, Ark. Heidelberg argus, m Ileidelljerg Univ., Tiftin, O. Henry Phipps institute for the study, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis Report, 1904, a Henry Phipps institute, Phila., Pa. Herald, 1888, m 50 Bucher & Reed, Oehvein, la. Herald, 1903, w i -OO Geo. A. Jones, Monaca, Pa. Herald and presbyter, 1839, w 2 . 50 ]\Ionfort & CO., Cincinnati, O. Herald of gospel liberty, 1805, \v 1-50 Christian pub. co., Dayton, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 163 Herald of life, iSf..:;, w 2.00 47 ( )raii,^e_st.. Xew I laven, Conn. Herald of osteopathy Evans & Downer, Chattanooga, Tenn. Heraldo, m West Denver high school, Denver, Colo. Herd register and breeders' journal, q • 3.00 Am. guernscv cattle club, Peterboro, N. Y. Herd regist'er American Jersey cattle club. (See also list in ( )range Indd's almanac, 1905.) Herkimer county historical society. Papers, 1896, a varies Arthur T. Smith, sec'y, Herkimer, N. Y. Hermanns-sohn, 1903, s-m 5° St. Paul. Minn. Hermanns-Sohn, 1803, s-m 5° I'aul Gehhard. 69 Church st., New Haven. Conn. Hermanns-sohn in Montana, m 5° AValdemar Stein. Helena, Mont. Hermes, m Belmont school, lielmont. ]\Iass. Hermes, m Petoskev high school Petoskey, Mich. Heroes of the faith, q ; 50 Heroes of the faith. Teachers manual /■ y ■ : Chas. Scribner's sons. Fifth ave., X. Y., X. \. Herron art institute bulletin. F. A. \\'hiting. IndianapoHs, Ind. Herold, 1884, w ; • • • • • • ^'^ Steichman & Dreyer, 149 ^lonroe st., Detroit, Mich. Herold der christian science, 1903, m i -OO Christian science pub. co., 250 Huntington ave., P.oston. Mass. Herold des glaubens, 1850, w 2.00 German print, and pub. ass'n, Temple bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Hertha, 1004. s-m ■ • ^^ Dick & Trumpold, 127-133 Xewbury st.. Lawrence, ^lass. Hesper, m •••.. \Vest Division high school, ^hlwaukee, \\ is. _ _ Hesperia, 1912, irreg ^ ^^^^^ lohns Hopkins press, i'.altimore. Md. Hesperian, 1894, q WW"-'\t '^^ A. X. De Menil, 7th and Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Hiawatha, 1909, ci ^^ Meriden, Conn. Hide and leather, 1890, w • • 3 00 Jacobsen pub. co., 154 Fake st., Chicago, ill. High school aegis, m /' \"^; " "■" '. t'h' ' ' ^° Students of Bloomington high school, Bloomington, ill. High school argus, m • • Harrisluirg high school, llarnsburg. I a. l64 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS High school biology leaflet, 1906, m 75 Geo. C. Wood, Brooklyn, N. Y. High school crucible, m , * . - Carlisle hig'h school. Carlisle, Pa. High school dial, m La Crosse high school. La Crosse, Wis. High school echo, m Dubuque hig-h school. Dubuque, la. High school English leaflet, 1906, 10 nos 75 The English leaflet cc, 1570 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. High school gazette, m New Phila. high school, Philadelphia, F^a. High school herald, b-m Westfield high school, Westfleld, Mass. High school life, m Melrose high school, Melrose, Mass. High school junto, m , Eastern high school, Easton, Pa. High school life, 10 nos 40 Fine Arts bldg., Chicago, 111. High school mirror, m Elgin high school. Elgin, 111. High school news, m — ; — Eugene high, school, Eugene. Oregon. High school news, w Pottstown, Pa. High school notes, m Berlin high school, Berlin, Wis. High school quarterly, q 50 Joseph S. Stewart, .Vthens. Ga. High school quill, m Astoria high school, Astoria, Ore. High school record, m Pottstown, Pa. High school record, m Georgetown high school, Georgetown. Colo. High school record, b-m Idaho Springs, Colo. High school record, s-m Evanston high school, Evanston, 111. High school reflector, m New Britain high school. New B>ritain, Conn. High school register, m I'.urlington liigh school, I'.urlington, \'t. High school review, m Shamokin high school, Shamokin, Pa. High school voice, m Sunburv high school, Sunbury. Pa. Higher science of the motion of matter, 1901, m i .00 Oak Grove, Cal. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 165 Hillsdale college bulletin, 1906, q Free Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale collegian, w i 00 Hillsdale. Mich. Hints, 1899, 10 nos 1 .00 Hints pub. co., 53 Bible house, N. Y. Hints and don'ts for travelers Harlan Henry Fairhank, Chicap;o. 111. Hiram college advocate, 1887. s-m i .00 Literary societies of Hiram college, Hiram, O. Historia, upc}, ([ -5 Oklahoma City. Okla. Historian, 1910, m 1 • 5° A. L. \'an Osdell. S. 1). Historic leaves, 1902, q ^ -oo Somerville historic soc, Somerville. Mass. Historical and philosophical society of Ohio. Membership $10.00. Quarterly publication. 1906 The Librarian. Burnet Woods Park. Cincinnati. O. Historical and scientific society of Manitoba. Membership $3.00. Annual report, 1880 Transactions, 1882 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Historical sketches, 1895 2 .oo Frances M Fox. Xorristown. Pa. Historical socety of Beeks county. Transactions. i8()8. a Geo. M. Jones, sec'y. 52 N. 4th St., Reading, Pa. Historical society of Dauphin county. Transactions, 1903 — — James M. Lamherton, Harrisburg, Pa. Historical society of Frankford. Papers. 1906 25 Miss Eleanor E. Wright, sec'y. 4308 Frankford Ave., Phila- delphia. F'a. Historical society of Linn county, Iowa. Procedings, 1904... Cedar Rapids. Iowa. Historical society of Montana Transactions. 1876, a 2 . 00 Helena. Montana. Historical society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands. Historical papers. 1884. irreg W. C. i'.elknap, corres. sec'y, 112 ist st.. Newburgh, N. Y. Historical society of New Mexico. Publications, 1881 L. Bradford Prince, pres.. Santa Fe. N. M. Historical society of Schuylkill county, Pa. Publications, 1905. V. G. Lubold. sec'y. Pottsville. Pa. Historical society of southern California Publications. 1890. a 1 -OO J. M. Guinn, sec. Los Angeles. Cal. Historical society of York county, Pa. Proceedings and col- lections, 1902 free Geo. R. Prowell, libr., York, Pa. l56 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS History teachers' magazine, 1909 (Sept.), m. . 1-00 McKinley pub. co., 5805 Germantown ave., Phila., Pa. Hitchcock's machine tool list, 1906, m Free A. H. Hitchcock, Chicaog;, 111. Hlas, 1871, w 2.00 Bohemian lit. soc, 1625 S. nth St., St. Louis, Mo. Hlas Lidu, 1886, 6 d ; 8.00 Co-operative printing co., 436 E. 726. St., N. Y. Hoard's dairyman, 1870, w i -OO W. D. Hoard co., Fort Atkinson, Wis. Hobart college bulletins, 1902, q Free Hobart college, Geneva, N. Y. Hobart herald, 1879, m. dur. coll. yr i .50 Students of Hobart college, Geneva, N. Y. Hogwallow Kentuckian, 1905, w. 75 George Bingham, Mayfield, Ky. Holcad, 1884, m. dur. coll. yr i -OO Students of Westminster college, New Wilmington, Pa. Holcad, 1908, w. dur. coll. yr i -OO Lansing. Mich. Holidays, 191 1 ( Nov.) Free Ardmore. Pa. Holland-American line monthly, 1906, m ; • • ; • • Holland- American line. 36 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Holland society of New York Collections, 1891, irreg V aries Year book, a 2.00 New York. Holland's magazine, m i - 00 Texas farm and ranch pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Hollins magazine, 1903, m ( from Nov. to June) 2.00 Euzelian and Euepian literary societies. Hollins college, Hollins, A'a. Holoplane & illuminating progress, 1907. m Holoplane co.. New York, X. Y. Holstein-Friesian ass'n of America. Advanced register, 1887, . - Holstein-Friesian ass'n of America, F. L. Houghton, sec, Battleboro, Vt. Holstein-Friesian herd-book, 1886, a. Holstein-Friesian ass'n of America, F. L. Houghton, sec, Bottleboro, Vt. Holstein-Friesian register, 1886, s-m i -OO F. L. Houghton, Battleboro, Vt. Holstein-Friesian world, Tr)04. w ^ -OO C. G. Hrown. Ithaca, X. Y. Holston Christian advocate, 1898, w 100 Holston printing co., Knoxville, Tenn. Holy Cross magazine, 1889, m 5° Order of the Floly Cross, West Park, N. Y. Holy Cross purple, 1887, m (Oct.-July) i .00 Holv Cross college, Worcester, Mass. LiUlDE TO PERIODICALS 167 Holy name journal, 1906, m 25 869 Lexington ave., New York, N. Y. Holyoke library record, 1902, irreg Public library, Holyoke, Mass. Home, 1888, w '. 75 G. N. Le Fevre, Strausburg, i^a. Home advocate, 1896, m 50 Home advocate, 1414 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Home alliance, 1891, w , i .00 Mrs. S. A. Houston, Woodland, Cal. Home and country, 1906, m i .00 2TO-214 Lincoln Inn Court, Cincinnati, ( ). Home and farm, 1875, s-m '. 50 Home and farm pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Home and school", 191 1, m 50 1701 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Home and school messenger, 1912 (Apr.), m Columbus, O. Home and school visitor, 1881. m 75 J). H. Goble printing co., Greenfield, Ind. Home and state, 1903, m 50 Home and state co., Dallas, Tex. Home budget, 1903, m 25 C. L. McArthur & son. Budget bldg., Troy, N. Y. Home builder, 1910, q 50 ]\Jeyers C Cooper, L'nion trust bldg., Cincinnati, O. Home decorator, 1910 Sherwin-Williams co , 696 Canal road, N. W., Cleveland. (). Home department quarterly, 1898, q 20 Cumberland presby. pub. house, Nashville, Tenn. • Home department quarterly, q 25 Smith & Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. Home department quarterly, q 20 Committee of publication, Richmond, Va. Home friend, 1904, m 25 Koch & Young, Kansas City, Mo. Home instructor, 1904, m 25 A. Otis Arnold, Quincy, 111. Home journal, 1889. s-m i . 00 vSoldiers & sailors orphan home, Kniglistown. Ind. Home journal fashions, 191 3 (Oct. ) . m 50 I Contin. in Criterion of fashions. ) Home life, 189-2, m 35 Home life pub. co., lO-j Dearborn st.. Chicago. 111. Home life, 1892, m 25 Home life pub. co., 52 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Home magazine, 1884, m 25 (Contin. in Pulitzer's magazine.) Home messenger, i<)05. m 5^^ F. F. Garden. I'eterljorough, Out. l68 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Home mission herald, 1908 ( Jan.) 60 ( Contin. as Missionary survey.) Home mission monthly, 1886, m 50 Woman's bd. H. AI. presby. church, 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Home needle work magazine, i8(j<). (| 75 Florence pub. co., Florence, Mass. Home news, 1907, w i • 00 W. II. Moore, Wihning^ton, N. C. Home progress, 1912, m 3-*^o 4 Park St., Boston. ]\Iass. Home record, 1872, m 3^ Mrs. Florence Hopkins, Leavenworth, Kan. Home study quarterly, q . . .' 20 Rev. R. Douglass Fraser, Toronto, Canada. Home visitor, 1859, m • 60 Home for the friendless, 5059 Vincennes ave., Chicago, 111. Homefolks, 1894, m 25 Currier-Boyce pub. co., 63 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Homemaker, 1897, m 50 Homemaker co., Denver, Colo. Homes, 1906, (Sep.), m 5"^ Thos. Benjamin & son. Grand Rapids, Mich. Home-seeker and pointer on real estate, 1908 (Oct.). m Koester & Zander, 69 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Homestead, 1855, w i -oo Homestead co., Des Moines, la. Homiletic monthly and catechist, 1900, m 3 .00 Joseph F. Wagner, 9 Barclay St., N. Y. Homiletic review, 1876, m 3- 00 Funk and Wagiiall, 44 E. 23d St., N. Y. Homing exchange, 1884, m • • • i -OO (Contin. as American racing pigeon news.) Homoeopathic envoy, 1890, m 25 E. P. Anshutz. Lancaster, Pa. Homoeopathic medical society of the state of New York — Transactions. 1863, a. dues 3- 00 Dr. H. \V. Paige, sec,. 256 W. 57th St.. Albany. X. V. Homoeopathic medical society of the state of Pennsylvania Transactions. 1866, m 3 -03 Dr. Edward M. Gfamm, sec, 1833 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Homoeopathic recorder, t886, m i -00 I'.oericke & Tafel, Philadel])hia. Pa. Homoeopathician, 1912. m -2.03 I lomoeopathician pub. co. Harrisburg. Pa. Honk-honk, 1908. m i -OO C.il;son house, Cincinnati, O. Hood farm news, 1907, irre^.^' Hood farm. Lowell, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 169 Hooper advertising service, i8. A\'. Hnebsch, 225 Fifth Ave., X. Y. Huguenot society of America. Proceedings, 1883, a 105 E. 22d St., N. Y. Huguenot society of South Carolina. Transactions, 1889. Per no 60 Charleston, S. C. Huisache, m ". San .\ntonio high school, San .Antonio, Texas. Huisvriend, ni 50 H. H. D. Langereis, Grand Rapids, Mich. Human engineering, q i . 00 Human engineering, Cleveland. ( ). Human factor, 191 1, q Equitable life insurance society. X. Y. City. Humane herald, 1912. m i .00 Hartford, Wis. Humanitarian review, 1904, m ( Contin. as Ingersoll memorial lieacon. ) Humanity, m i . 00 R. W. A. Simmons, Pittsburg, Pa. Hummer, 1909, ni i . 00 R. PI. Hawks, Chicago, III. Humorist, 1879, m i . 00 Henry Hermanns, 206 S. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. Hunter's magazine, 1910 (Nov. ). m i .00 Ozona. Texas. Hunter-trader-trapper, 1900, m i .00 A. R. Harding, Columbus, O. Hustler, 1889, \v. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Vanderbilt athletic ass'n, Nashville. Tenn. Hurricane, m Pacific lutheran acadenix', Parkland, Wash. Hyak, m Annie Wright seminary, 'i'acoma. Wash. 1^2 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Hdye Park public bulletin, kjoo, q ]Iy(le Park, Mass. Hyde Park historical record, 1891, a .- 50 Hyde Park historical society, Hyde Park, Mass. Hygiene and the child, 19:0 (July) , q Free Xestle's food co., N. "S". Hygienist, 191 1 (Jan.). m i.od Hyqienist pub. co.. 407 Majestic Ijldg., Denver, Colo. I. C. A. A. A. A. yearbook, a i . 00 I. H. S., 1905, q 1 .00 Rev. E. F. Callahan, Johnson City, Tenn. I. O. H. advocate, 1896, m i .00 I. 0. H. pub. CO... 1535 N. Jlroadway, Baltimore, Md. I. O. O. F. lodge record, 1893, s-m i .00 A. B. Parker, Watertown, N. Y. I. S. C. student, 1890, s-w, dur. coll. yr i .50 I. S. C. student staff, Ames, la. Ice, 1907, ( July ) , m i . on Geo. D. Lowe pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Ice and refrigeration, 1891, m 2.00 Xickerson & Colline co., 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Ice cream trade journal, 1905, m i .00 Cutler-Williams co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Idaho baptist awakener, 1'}0Q, m 50 T. G. Magruder, Elk City, Idaho. Idaho club woman, 1910, m 50 Martha Spangler, Twin Falls, Idaho. Idaho childrens' hom.e finder, 191 1, q 25 C). l\ Christian. Boise, Idaho. Idaho student farmer, 1908, m 50 Agri. club of Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Idea, w. dur. coll. yr i . 00 Students of state univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Idea, 1906, irreg i -oo Adon A. Yoder, Lynchburg, Va. Ideal catolico, 1899, w 2. 00 Miguel Pon, Ponce, Porto Rico. Ideal grocer, 1910. m i -OO G. G. Small, 105 Hudson st., X. ^". Ideal heating journal, kji i ( fulv ) Chicago, 111. Ideal homes, 1909, m Smith pub. CO.. 330 Atlantic ave., Uoston, Mass. Ideal men, i8()8, q 25 15 I'oronto St.. Toronto, ( )nl. Ideal power, 1904, m 25 Ideal power pub. co., 1014 Fisher bldg., Chicago, 111. Idler, 1904, m 5° Stanford de Baun, 65 4th ave., N. Y. Ignition, 1 < ) 1 1 ( ( )ct. ) . m i ■ 50 .Alonadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 173 Ignition-carburetion-Iubrication, kjij ( I^'cl). ), 111 i .00 1 131 JJroadvvay. X. V., X. V. mini, 1871, 5 d 2.00 Students of university of Illinois, L'rbana, 111. Illinois academy of science. Transactions. kjocS Stale nniseum of Xat. history, Si)rin,i2:fiel(l. 111. Illinois agriculturist, 1892, 9 nos 50 Agricultural club, college of agriculture, Urbana, 111. Illinois athletic club magazine, kji i, m 1 .00 112 S. Mich. ave.. Chicago. 111. Illinois baptist, kjos. w i 50 .Marion. 111. Illinois central magazine, 1912 (July ) . m i . 50 ( Successor to 111. central employee's mag.) Illinois coal operators ass'n. lUilletin. m Chicago. 111. Illinois farmer and farmers' call, 1880 ( Jan.j. s-m 40 Illinois Farmer co.. Quincy, III. Illinois farmers association. Proceedings — — Chicago. 111. Illinois fisherrnan, 1912. m i .00 L. C. Heim. Marine, 111. Illinois freemason, 1885, m i.oo D. D. Darrah, Bloomington, 111. Illinois state grange. Journal of proceedings Illinois grape growing & wine making ass'n. Proceedings, 1868 Illinois horticultural society. Re])ort. a W. il. Lloyd, sec. Kinmundy, ill. Illinois horticulture, 1913 (June). ([. Membership i .00 III. state horticulture soc, Xormal. 111. Illinois idea, 1903. \'v 2 .00 S. P.. Turner. 21 E. '':^lh st.. Chicago, III. Illinois instructor, i()04, m 1 . 00 E. F>. Lewis, Litchfield. 111. Illinois law review, 1906, m., 9 nos 3-00 X'orthwestern university law pub. ass'n, Chicago, 111. Illinois library association. Proceedings. i8<)C). Pub. in Public Libraries. Illinois Magazine. 19CK). m 1 .00 Students of 111. Lniv.. Chicago. 111. Illinois medical journal, 1899, m 3 00 Jllinois state med. society, Springfield. 111. Illinois northern superintendents' & principals ass'n. Yearbook, l(;;.)f) Illinois pharmaceutical ass'n. Proceedings, 1880 Springfield. 111. Illinois red man, 1902, m 50 Geo. M. Adams, Bloomington, 111. Illinois society of engineers and surveyors. Proceedings, 1886, a . 50 E. E. R. Tratmann. sec, Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Illinois state ass'n of graduate nurses. ( Juarlerly h'.vanston, 11!. 174 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1878, a James H. jMatheny, sec, Springfield, 111. Illinois state bee-keepers' ass'n. Report. 1892. a Illinois state board of health, Bulletin. i(j04 Gratis Spring-field, 111. Illinois state dental society. Monthly bulletin, 1905. m 114 A\'est Broadway, Sparta. 111. Illinois state electric association. Proceedings, 1900 Illinois state geological survey bulletin, 1906, irreg \'aries Univ. of Ill.,\'rbana. 111. Illinois state geological survey. Bulletin, 1906, irreg ^ University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Illinois state historical society. loiirnal, 1908 Springfield. 111. Illinois state historical society. Transactions Published as a number of the Illinois state historical library publication. Springfield, 111. Illinois state laboratory of natural history Bulletin, 1876 Report, b-a Springfield, 111. Illinois state museum of nat. history Bulletin, 1882, irreg Springfield, 111. Illinois state teachers ass'n. Journal of proceedings Caroline Grate, sec, Macomb, 111. Illinois state water survej'^ bulletin, 1897, irreg A'aries Univ. of 111., Urbana, 111. Illinois tradesman, 1897, \v i .00 R. E. Woodmansee, Springfield, 111. Illinois trumpet call, 1890, m 25 I-I18 Mailers bldg., Chicago, 111. Illinois university Department of ceramics bulletin, T905, irreg \'aries Studies in social sciences, 1912 (Apr.), q 3-00 Urbana. 111. Illinois. University xA.stronomical observatory bulletin. 1898 Board of trustees' report, 1867 Bulletin, m. dur. coll yr Free Chem. survey of waters of Illinois, report, 1897 Engineering experiment station bulletin Press bulletin, 1900 • State laborator}- and natural histor\- liulletin, 1876, irreg. Aaries University studies, 1900 Urbana, 111. Illinois (73d) volunteer survivors association rvlinutes of proceedings. 1887, a 20 W. H. Newlin, Springfield, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS i 75 Illinois W R. C. gazette, i')o(). in 50 I. M. Trcnarw 54M1 Kimliark a\e., Chicai^o. 111. Illinois watchtower, m 3^ Mrs. A. M. Wheeler, C.rant I'ark, 111. Illinois water supply association, rroceedins^s, 1909 Trliana. 111. Illinois Wesleyan argus, t8(j5, s-m r .00 ]')lo()uiin^'t()i!. 111. Illinois woodman. 111 35 111. woodman pub. co.. Oak I 'ark. 111. Illuminating engineering society. 'J'ransactions, m 2.00 2() \V. 30th St., N. Y. City. Illustrated berean lesson quarterly, q 12 J^aton & Mains, 150 Fifth ave, N. Y. Illustrated companion, 1880, m 50 J^ B. \A'arner & co., yy Reade st., N. Y. Illustreret familie journal, m 50 Minneapolis. Minn. Illustrated foot wear fashion, 1899, s-m Oran jMcCormick, 143 Summer st., Boston, Mass. Illustrated London news, (Am. ed.), w 7.00 International news co., 83 Duane st., N. Y. Illustrated milliner, 1900, m 3 . 00 Illustrated milliner co., 31 E. 17th st., N. Y. Illustrated outdoor news, 1903, m 3 00 Merged in Recreation. Illustrated record, 1894. w 2 . 00 \Vm. & Spruce sts., N. Y., N. Y. Illustrated Sunday school quarterly, 1879, 1 ^6 W. A. AVilde co., no Boylston st., Boston, Alass. Illustrated world, 1889, m i . 00 Illustrated world pub. co., 1016 Wyandotte st., Kansas City, Mo. Illustrierte jugendblaetter, 1885, m 25 Reading, Pa. Immigration, 1909 (Apr.), m 1.00 Am. International college, Springfield, Mass. H. J. Hodge, Abilene, Kansas. Immigration restriction league. Pubs., 1894. irreg Boston, Mass. Implement age, 1892. w i .00 30 Kelly bldg.. Springfield, O. Implement blue book, 1903, a Midland pub. co., 8th and Pine sts., St. Louis, Mo. Implement and vehicle journal, m i .00 Implement and \'ebicle journal co., Dallas, Tex. Implement and vehicle record, 1904, m i .00 T. M. .Shearman, San Francisco, Cal. Implement dealer, m i . 00 E. E. Loomis, Coiuicil lilutTs. la. 176 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Implement trade journal, 1886, w i ■ 00 Implement trade journal co., 1309 W. nth St., Kansas City, Mo. Importers' & Exporters' review, 1909 (Aug.), q 30 \\'all St.. Xew York. X. Y. Impressions, 1907, q ^^^^ Chas. H. Elliott co., 17th and Lehigh sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Improvement bulletin, 1892, w 5 -oo Chapin pub. co., 912 Lumber exchange, ^Minneapolis, Minn. Improvement era, 1897, m ^-oo Young men's mutual improvement ass'n, 214-15 Temple bldg.. Salt Lake City, Utah. In familien kreise, 1877, f Herold co., Milwaukee, Wis. In the mist, d. from June to Sept. 1.50 W. E. Tuttle, Niagara Falls. X. Y. In the open, 191 1 ( Aug. ) , m i • 50 House bldg.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Income values and quotation record —Stocks. 1903. irreg 5 -0° Bonds, 1906, irreg 5 • 00 French ed., 1906, irreg 5 ■ 00 Francis E. Fitch, 47 Broadway, X\ Y. Independent, 1899, w i ■ .So 515 Keith & Perry bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Independent, 1899, w i -oo Independent pub. co., Boone, la. Independent, 18^8, w 3.00 Clarence W. Bowen, 130 Fulton st., Xew York, N. Y. Independent, 1848. w 3-00 E. W. ^[cGinnis, 302 Holliday bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Independent, 1848. w 3 • 00 Clarence W. Bowen, 130 Fulton st., X. Y. Independent, 1901, w i -OO Independent pub. co., Janesville, Wis. Independent farmer and western stockbreeder, i868. w 25 State iournal co.. Lincoln, Xeb. Independent odd fellow, 1898, m i .00 W. S. Johnston.* 106 Adelaide St., Toronto, Out. Index, w 2 . 00 Index CO., Pittsburg, Pa. Index, w • Pacific Univ.. Forest Grove, Ore. Index, 1885, m 5° State agricultural & mechanical college. Xormal, Ala. Index medicus, 1879, m., per vol .^ 5 . 00 Carnegie institute of Washington. Washington, D. C. Index of Oto-laryngology, 1911, m 3- 00 I'.lakcly & OswaUf, Chicago, 111. (iUlUK lU I'KKIODICALS 17- Index to dates, kjij, m 2.0J R. K. I'.owkcr, !Ji Iv J5th St., X. V. Index to legal periodicals and law library journal, 1908 (Jan.), q 5.00 Am. Ass'n law libraries, 5613 Drexel ave., Chicago, 111. India rubber review, 1902, m i .00 J. E. Smith, Jr., Akron, O. India rubber world, 1889, m 3 • 00 liulia ru1)l)er pub. cc, 150 Nassau St.. N. Y. Indian craftsman, 1909 (Feb.), irreg. I'onlin. as the Red Man. Indian leader, -iSiiS, w 25 Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kan. Indian rights association. Report. 1883, a 2.00 Indian rights, ass'n, 1305 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Indian school journal, m : i . 00 Indian school journal, Chilocco, Okla. Indiana academy of sciences. Proceedings. 1870. a Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana bar association. Report. i8(j() Indiana bulletin of charities and corrections, i8<)o. q Free Board of state charities, Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana catholic, i()io. w i . 50 35 vS. Capital ave., Indianapolis. Ind. Indiana engineering society. Entrance fee $2.00 ; annual $3.00. Proceedings, 1881, a. Per no 50 C. C. Brown, sec'y, Commercial Club bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana farmer, 1845, w 60 Indiana farmer co.. N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana federation of labor. Proceedings. 1880, a In(liana]iolis, Ind. Indiana historical society. Publications, 1895, irreg J. P. Dunn, sec'y, room 87, State House, Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana horticultural society. Transactions, 1861, a, membership i .00 W. B. Flick, sec, Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana public library commission. See Library occurent. Indiana quarterly magazine of history, 1905, q i .00 Geo. S. Cattman, Indianapolis. Ind. Indiana redman, 1905. m i .00 Henry Geisler. Hartford City. Ind. Indiana sanitary & water supply ass'n. Proceedings. looS. a. . . Gratis F. King. Indianapolis, ind. Indiana serial digest, Jan. 1905, q 3 , 50 Bobbs ?iferrill co.. IndianajTolis. Ind. Indiana state bar association. Report, a Merrill Moores. Bloomington, Ind. Indiana sate board of health. P.ulletin, kjos, m W. S. Burford. Indianapolis. Ind. Indiana state charities. lUilletin State House. Indiana])olis, Ind. j-8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Indiana state dairy association. Report, a. 1885 Indiana state medical ass'n. Journal, 1908, m i -oo Fori W'inne. Ind. Indiana state medical ass'n. Journal, 1908 (June), m 1.00 Fort Wayne. Ind. Indiana university bulletin, 1903, s-m Bloomington, Ind. Indiana university contributions from the geol. lab., 1891, irreg. C. H. Ergemnann, Bloomington, Ind. Indianapolis medical journal, 1897, m i -OO Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis public library. Bulletin, 1904, m Indianapolis, Ind. Indian's friend, 1888, m 5° National Indian association, 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Indicator, 1880, w i -OO Indicator co., Chicago, 111. Indicator, 1882, s-m 3 • 00 F. H. Leavenworth pub. co., McGraw bldg., Detroit, Mich. Indicator chart, 1889, a 50 F. H. Leavenworth co., 411 Stevens bldg., Detroit, Mxch. Indicator, Otis elevator industry, 1908, m Free 1: Battery place, New York, N. Y. Industrial advocate, 1884, m i -OO Industrial pub. co., Halifax, N. S. Industrial advocate, 1901, w i -OO Central labor union, Pittsburg, Pa. Industrial advocate, 1880, w i -OO M. L. Robinson, Alexandria, Va. Industrial arts index, 1913 (Feb.) , b-m Fi. W. Wilson CO.. ^Minneapolis, Minn. Industrial-arts magazine, 1914 ( Jan.) , m i • 5° Bruce pub. co.. Milwaukee, Wis. Industrial banner, 1892, w i -OO Tiades & labor council, London, Canada. Industrial Canada, 1900, m i -OO Canadian manufacturers ass'n, Toronto, Canada. Industrial chronicle, 1909, w i • 00 I. J. Bailey. Dermott, Ark. Industrial collegian, 1893. w i -25 Brookings. S. D. Industrial engineering, 1909, m 3.00 Empire bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Industrial engineering & engineering digest, kjo;. m 2.00 220 1 Broadway, N Y. Industrial enterprise, 1908, m i -OO W. II. Judson, Bessemer, Ala. Industrial era, 1903, w ^ -^^ W. E. Nichols, Roanoke, A'a. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 179 Industrial herald, m Clinton institute, Rock Hill, S. C. Industrial herald and citizen, 1902, w ......... • industrial herald pub. co., Bay City, Mich. ^ ^^ Industrial journal, 1880, m journal pub. co., Bangor, Me. ^ ^^ Industrial magazine, 1901, m ColHuwood, O. ^ ^^ Industrial record, 1896, s-m • Texas trade review co., Dallas, lexas. Industrial review, 1901, m A' ' ' \ Superior print, co., Fort William, Canada. Industrial school advocate, 1865, m _■ ■■ 5 Industrial school association, Rochester, W. Y. Industrial student, m ..........■•• -■■ ■■ ■■ Kast Alal)ama industrial school, Camp Hill, -Via. Industrial union news, lOi-' ( Jan. ) ^ (16 Brush St.. Detroit, Mich. ^ ^ Industrial watchman, s-m Fillmore Smith, Paterson. X. J. ^ ^^ Industrial weekly, 1905, w • • • • Gafney & Meeker, Syracuse, N. Y. Industrial worker, Jan. 1906, m ^ Joliet, 111. - QQ Industrial world, 1866, w • • • • • • • ; ^' Xafl iron & steel pub. co., 213 9th St., Pittsburg, Pa. ^^ Industrious hen, 1909, m •; ^ Industrious hen co., Knoxville, Tenn. ^ ^^ Informant, looo, s-m • • • Vr" ;; ' Vt" V- \ Y Informant pub. co.. 105 John St., A. Y., A. l. Infantry journal, b-m. (1st yr. $3.00) . ^-"^ U. S. infantry ass'n. Wash., D. C. ^ Ingraham's U. S. yachting directory, 1901, a -^^ Bristol, R. I. Ingleside sparks, q / - \"A Ingleside school. New Milford. Conn. Initiates and the people, 1912 (Oct.), m i-oo Initiates pub. co., Allentown, Pa. Initials, 1908 (May), m • Philosophical pub. co., Allentown, 1 a. Initiated and the people - R. Swineburne Clymer, A.Uentown, la. Inland architect, 1884, m . . . Contin. as Amer. architect. Inland architect, 1884, m ^°- (Contin. in Am. Architect.) ^ ^ Inland farmer, 1902, s-w •.•■.•,;■■;; Inland farmer pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Inland furniture dealer, 1909, m. . . ... • • • • ^ -^ ]'.i-hth & Walnut sis., Kansas City. Mo. 1^0 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Inland grocer, 1901, w 2.00 Inland grocer pub. co., Cleveland, O. Inland mariner, i()ii (Oct.), ni '. i .00 Tow son, .Md. Inland poultry journal, 1896, m 50 Inland poultry journal co., Greenfield, Ind. Inland printer, 1883, m 3 00 Inland printer co., 120 Sherman st., Chicago, 111. Inland shoe dealer, igio, m 5'^ 13-15 F'eters st,. Atlanta, Ga. Inland stationer, 1908, m i ■ .50 Inland trade press co.. 120 Sherman st., Chicago, 111. Inland storekeeper, 1910, m 2 , go Jivxbee pub. co., 440 S. Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Inland teacher, 1903, m i 00 Edward M. Rutledge, Dallas, Tex. Inn Keeper, ic>i2 ( lune ) i -OO Chicago. 111. " Insignia, 1893, m i .00 Chas. F, Burgman. San Francisco, Cal. Institute leaflet quarterly, 1881. q i^ Institute publications. Toronto. Out. Institution quarterly, 1910 (^lay). Board of administration, Springfield, 111. Institute tie, m • • • ■ i • ^o ( Contin. as Christin workers magazine. ) Insulator, 1906, irreg " : • • • • ; : " ' : " ^^^^ Standard varnish works, 29 Broadway, Xew York. X. Y. Insurance, 1883. w i-oo Davis & Lakey pub. co., 203 Broadway, N. Y. Insurance advocate, m 3 • 00 J. H. Ashley, 136 Liberty St., N. Y. Insurance age, 1873, m 3-00 ^klatthew^ Grifiin, 167 Broadway, N. Y. Insurance agent, 1888, m • • 3 00 Hero & Evans, Xew Orleans, La. Insurance and commercial magazine, 1876, m 3 00 Chas. F. Howell, 108, Fulton st., X. Y. Insurance and financial review, t>j03. m -2.00 F. Mcl'hillips, 19 Duncan st., Toronto. Ont. Insurance and investment news, 191 1, s-m i -oo Garner Curran, 304 \\'ilcox bldg.. IvOs Angeles, Cal. Insurance critic, 1874, m 3-5 Estate of Geo. W. Corliss, 80 William st., X. Y. Insurance engineering, m 3-00 Insurance press, 120 Liberty .St., X. Y. Insurance field, 1888, w 3-00 Insurance field co., Louisville, Ky. Insurance herald, 1888. w 3 -OO Insurance herald co., Km])ire Life lildg., Atlanta, On. CUIDE lU i'i:kiuimcal.s i8i Insurance index, m 2 . 50 R. I'.. C'ovcrly, 203 Broadway, N. Y. Insurance journal, 1873, s-m 3-0^ Insurance jonrnal co., Hartford, Conn. Insurance law journal, 1 87 1 . ni 6 . 00 C. C. nine's son's co., 100 William st., N. Y. Insurance leader, ni 3-00 Leader pub. co., Missouri Trust bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Insurance library ass'n. Bulletin, 1J»()*), b-m. 141 Milk St.. Boston, Mass. Insurance magazine, m 3 • 00 D. W. Wilder & son., Massachusetts bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Insurance monitor, 1853, m 3 -O^ C. C. Hine's sons, 100 William st.. N. Y. Insurance news, 1879, m 3 •0<^ W. S. Schemerhorn, 337 Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Insurance observer, 1895, s-m 2 .00 Insurance observer co., 55 Liberty st., N. Y. Insurance post, 1892, s-m 2 .00 Insurance post pub. co.. Royal insurance bldg., Chicago, 111. Insurance press, w 5-^^ Illustrated edition, m 3 -oo Insurance press, 120 Liberty st., N. Y. Insurance register, 1896, m 3-00 B. F. Hughes, 337 Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Insurance report, 1897, m 3-00 Insurance report co., Denver, Colo. Insurance society of New York. Bulletin, 1909 (^lar.), mo. SI William st., New York, N. Y. Insurance times, 1868, m 3 -OO Estate of P. T. Kempson, 29 Broadway, N. Y. Insurance vindicator, 1883, s-m 3 -oo Xindicator pub. co. L. & L. & L. & O. l)ldg.. New ( )rleans. La. Insurance world, 1874, w 3-00 J. C. Bergstresser. Pittsburg, Pa. Insurance year book Life, casualty, etc., a o-oo Fire and marine, a • • • • ^-^o Spectator co., 135 William .st.. New York, N. Y. Intelligencer, 1857, m 2 .00 Intelligencer pub. co., 421 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Intercollegian, m X. C. college A. and M. art. West Raleigh. X. C. Intercollegian, m. dur. coll. yr 50 The Intercollegian, 3 W. 29th st., N. Y. Intercollegiate, 1899, m. dur. coll. yr.. . .^ 2.00 1 130 Am. tract society bldg., N. Y. Intercolonial gas journal of Canada. i<)o; m . 00 ('.as iournal publishers. Hamilton. ( )nt. i82 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Interior, 1850, w 2 . 50 ( Contin. as Continent.) Inermediate course. Teachers, q ' i .00 Intermediate pupil's graded quarterly, kjto, q 35 Standard pub. co.. Cincinnati, C). Intermediate quarterly, q 40 Chas. Scribner's sons, X. Y. Intermediate quarterly, q 50 Bible study pub. co., 250 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Intermediate quarterly, q 10 Am. Bapt. Pub. society, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Intermediate quarterly, q 08 S. S. bd. of southern baptist convention, Nashville, Tenn. Intermediate quarterly, q 50 S. S. bd. reformed church, 1308 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Intermediate quarterly, 1879, Q ^° Cumberland presby. pub. house, Nashville, Tenn. Intermediate quarterly, 1887, q 15 Smith & Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. Intermediate quarterly, 1875, 09 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati. O. Intermediate quarterly, — teachers' edition, 1905, q 20 Pupils' edition, 1905, q 12 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati. O. Intermediate quarterly, 1907. q 20 Rev. R. \>. Prasier, Church «S: Gerrard sts., Toronto, Out. Intermediate studies. Pupils, q 32 Amer. baptist pub. co., Philadelphia, Pa. Intermediate Sunday school quarterly, 1879, Q 20 W. A. Wilde co., no Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Intermediate teachers graded quarterly, 1910. t[ .60 Standard pul:). co.. Cincinnati. (). Intermountain catholic, 1899, w 2.00 Intermountain catholic co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Intermountain Christian advocate, 1902, w i .00 Harry G. Kemp, Salt Lake City, LTah. Intermountain educator, 1905, m., 10 nos i .00 lluttc. ]\ront. Intermountain farmer, i()i2. w i .00 Intermountain farmer pul\ co.. Boise, Idaho. Intermountain fruit journal, 1910, m i .00 Press ]n\h. co.. Grand Junction, Colo Intermountain poutry advocate, i()i i, m 50 C. J. I-Iaase & H. II. Chase. Colorado Sprin.^s. Colo. Intermountain worker, 1912, w • i -oo Intennoiintain worker pnb. co.. 220 Moose Hall, Salt Lake City. rtah. International ass'n. of bureaus of labor. Pn)ce('(lin,2:s. 1884, a. . W'ashiiii^lon, D. C. International ass'n of municipal electricians, 1896, a Frank P. Foster, sec'y, Corning, N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 183 International auctioneer, i8o8, ni i .00 ]\I. Cuniin.os. Moiion 1)1(1,<;\, Chicai^o, 111. International brotherhood of boiler makers. Journal, 1888, m. . i .00 Kansas C'iiy. Md. International bookbinder, 1900, ni i .00 J. L. Fucney, 423 G st. N. W., Washington, D. C. International brotherhood of boiler makers, iron ship builders and helpers of America, Journal, ni i .00 Kansas City, Kansas. International bureau of the American republics See I'an-Anierican union. International clinics, q 8.00 J. P). Lippincott CO., Phila., Pa. International confectioner, 1892, m i .00 T. F. Harvey, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. International horseshoers' magazine, 1900, m 50 Ready Kenehan, Denever, Colo. International journal of ethics, 1890, q 2. 50 1305 Arch St, Philadelphia, Pa. International journal of surgery, 1888, m i.oo Internal, journal of surgery co., 100 William St., N. Y. International marine engineering^ 1897, m 2.00 309 Broadway, N. Y. International medical annual, 188 1, a 3-00 E. B. Treat, 241 W. 23d St., N. Y. International moulders' journal, m 50 Iron moulders' union of N. A., Cincinnati, O. International musician, 1901, m 50 Owen ]\Iiller, 20 Allen bldg., St. Louis, Mo. International railway journal, m i.oo International transportation co., Philadelphia, Pa. International socialist review, 1900, m i .00 Charles H. Kerr & co., 56 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. International steam engineer, m i .00 Stationary engineer pub. co., 108 Fulton St., N. Y. International studio, 1897, m 5 00 John Lane, 67 Fifth ave., N. Y. International sunshine society. Sunshine bulletin, T()o2. m 50 Cynthia W^estover Alden, N. Y. International trade index, 1905, m Free M. ^L Ruttenau, 24 Stone St., New York, N. Y. Inter-state cotton seed crushers' association Bulletin, 1906, m Free L. A. Ransom, Atlanta, Ga. Interstate elk, 1903, s-m 2 .00 Nathan L. Baker, Kansas City, Mo. Interstate employment review, 1912 Kitlridge hldg., Denver, Colo. Interstate grocer, 1889, w i .00 Grocers' journal co., Temple bldg., St. Louis, Mo. l84 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Interstate medical journal, 1893, m 2.00 Interstate nied. journal, St. Louis, Mo. Interstate school review, 1891 , w . . '. i .00 111. print. CO., Danville, 111. Interstate trade bulletin, 1904, m i .00 Geo. V. Richards, Denver, Colo. Interview, 1893, m i . oo Interview ])u1j. co., 2;^ Duane st., X. Y. Inventive age and patent index, 1889, m i .00 Inventive age pub. co., 918 F St., N. W., Wash., D. C. Investing for profit, 1905, m i . 00 J. H. Gregory, 78 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Investors' review, 1 895, w 5 • 00 S. K. Booth, 24 Stone st., X. Y. Iowa academy of sciences Proceedings, 1887, a i .OO Des Moines, la. Iowa agriculturist, 1901, 10 mos 50 Agri. club of Iowa state college, Ames, la. Iowa alumnus, 1903, b-m dur. coll. yr i .00 Graduates of State university of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa catholic messenger, 1883 (Jan. ). m 2.00 Fred B. Sharon, Davenport, la. Iowa churchman, 1877, ""■ • • 5^ Rev. John E. Sage, Dubuque, la. Iowa college bulletin, 1903. q Free Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Iowa college circulars, 1901, b-m Free Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Iowa college news letter, 1900, m (S.-Jl.) Chicago Hall, Grinnell, Iowa. Iowa engineer, b-m i . 00 Engineering dept., Iowa state college, Ames. la. Iowa engineering society Proceedings, 1888, a 50 Glenwood, la. Iowa farmer 1856, s-m . . . .' .50 517 Third St.. Des Moines. Iowa. Iowa health bulletin, m Free Des Moines, la. Iowa homestead, 1855, w i .00 1 )cs Moines, Iowa. Iowa homeopathic journal, i<;o7, m t .00 G. A. Ilimtoon, 2410 I'niversity Ave., Des .Moines, Iowa. Iowa journal of history and politics, 1903, q 2. 00 State hist, society of Iowa, Iowa City, la. Iowa library commission. Quarterly, 1901, q Des Moines, la. Iowa masonic library. ( )ccasi()n;il bulletin, i8(j8 50 Cedar Rapids, la. GUIDE TO PERIODICAI S 1S5 Iowa medical journal, 1895, ni 2.00 E. E. Dorr, Des Moines, la. Iowa methodist, 1882, m 75 II. IL.Eairall. Iowa City, la. Iowa naturalist, 1905, q 5^ T. J. Fitzpatrick, Iowa City, la. Iowa normal monthly^ 1877, m i • 5° Normal monthly pub. co., Dubuque, la. Iowa odd fellow, 1891. s-m i -OO L. R. Shepherd pub. co., Maxwell, la. Iowa pioneer lawmakers' ass'n. Proceedins^s. 1890 Hes .Moines, Iowa. Iowa railway club. Membership $3.00. ^Proceedings. 1902. m (Sept.-June) 2.00 A. T. Woodniff, sec'y, Union station, Des Moines, Iowa. Iowa state bar association. Report Sam S. Wright, secy., Tipton, la. Iowa state bystander, 1894, w i ■ 5° 405 .Manjuardt P.lock. Des Moines. Iowa. Iowa state college of agriculture Contributions from the botanical department, 1896, irreg Free Ames, la. Iowa state conference of charters & corrections. Proceedings. 1899 Des ]\Ioines, Iowa. Iowa state dairy ass'n. P.ulletin, 1912 (June), irreg Waterloo, Iowa. Iowa state horticultural society. Report, t866, a i .00 Des Moines, la. Iowa state institutions. P)ulletin, (j Dubuque, Iowa. Iowa state medical society. Journal, i()i i ( July), m 2.00 Clinton, Iowa. Iowa state normal school Bulletin, 1900, q Cedar P""alls, la. Iowa state register and farmer, 185G. m l-O*^ 4th St. and Court ave., Des Moines. la. Iowa state teachers' ass'n. Proc. 1857. a ( ). E. Smith, sec, Indianola, Iowa. Iowa state university, Iowa City. Contributions from dep't of patheology & bacteriology, ions, irreg. Iowa Sunday school helper, 1893, m 25 Iowa sabbath school ass'n. Oskaloosa, la. Iowa unionist, 1 899, w ^ • 00 Des Moines, la. •^ y^ 'H V%^ '-vs ^ i86 GUIDE TO PERIODICA! S Iowa. University Bulletin, every 6 w dur. coll. yr Contributions from the physical laboratory, 1907, (issued as a series of the bulletin), irreg Iowa natural history bulletin, 1888 -Studies in languages and literature Studies in sociology, economics, politics and history, irreg Studies in psychology, 1897, irreg Iowa City, la. Iowa yearbook of agriculture, a . . , Des Aloines, la. lowan, 1901, d dur. coll. yr 2.00 lowan pub. co., Iowa City, la. Ipswich historical society Publications, 1887, irreg Varies Salem press co., Salem, Mass. Iris, m Muhlenberg College. Allentown, Pa. Irish-American advocate, 1893, w i . 50 Irish- American co., 15 Vandewater st., N. Y. Irish review, (Amer. ed), 1912 (Jan.), m 1.50 Four seas co., 27 School st., Boston, ]\Iass. Irish world, 1870, w 2 . 50 Patrick Ford, 21 Barclay st., N. Y. 232 William st.. New York, N. Y. Iron age, 1855, weekly ed., w 5.00 Semi-monthly ed., s-m 2 . 00 Monthly ed., m i .00 D. Williams, 14 Park pi., N. Y. Iron age directory, 1897, a David Williams, 14 Park pi., N. Y. Iron age hardware, 1890, w 2 . 00 David Williams co., 239 W 39th st., X. Y. Iron and steel institute. Journal 6.00 Spon & Chamberlain, 123 Liberty st.. X. Y. Iron city trades journal, 1908, w 1-00 520 Fourth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Iron trade review, 1867, w 3 -OO Iron & steel press co., Rose bldg., Cleveland, O. Irrigation, 1909 (X^ov.), m Contin. as Orchard & farm irrigation. Irrigation age, 1885, m i .00 D. II. Harrison pub. co.. 112 Dearborn st., Chicago. 111. Irrigation fruit grower & agriculturalist, 1905, m 50 225 Fifteenth st., Denver, Colo. Island city student, m Cumberland high school. Cumlerland. Wis. Island farmer, 1887, w i . 25 Pioneer pub. co., Summerside, P. E. I. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 187 Isolated plant, 11)08, h-ni qo 43 W. 34th St., New York, N. Y. Israelite, 1854, w 2 . 50 Leo Wise & co., 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Issue, ] 900, vv 50 Concord. N. H. Item, 1 ' )07, w 2 . 00 item printing co., Rico, Colo. Item, b-\v Students Dept journalism. X. \'. I'niv.. .\. Y. Items of Interest, 1879, "^ i -OO Consolidated dental mfg. co., 130 Washington place, Xcw York, N. Y. J. Herman Bosler memorial library Bidletin. 1903, q 25 Carlisle, Pa. Jack o'lantern, 1908. m. dur. col], yr 1 .25 Students of Dartmoutli coll., Hanover, X. H. Jackson chamber of commerce. Bulletin. Contin. as Jacksonian, 191 2. Jacksonville free public library, bulletin, ujo*). ni Jacksonville. Fla. Jacobs' orchestra monthly, 1910 (Jan.), m 1.00 Boston, Mass. James barn magazine, 19 12 (May), 6 times yr James mfg. co.. Ft. Atkinson, Wis. James Blackstone memorial library. Ikdletin. 1899, a liranford. Conn. James Sprunt historical monographs, 1899. aiua, ]^Ienasha. \\'is. Kappa kappa gamma fraternity key, 1870 Ilbaca. X. Y. Karux, m Sac Cit\- institute. Sac City. Li. Kaskoupon, 1908, m 50 Coupon redemption agency, Racine, \\'is. Katalikas, w 1.50 J. M. Tananevicz, 3222 Auburn avc. Chicago, 111. Katholische rundschau, 1 898, w^ i • 5c> Catholic pub. co., San Antonio, Tex. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 197 Katholische volks zeitung, i860, w 2 . 50 Krcu/.cr l^ros., r.altimore, Md. Katholischer glaubensbote, 1866, w i 00 (ilanbensbolc ])ub. co., Louisville, Ky. Katholischer jugenfreund (Eng. and Germ.) 1876, m i .00 August 15cnz, Evanston, 111. Katholischer western, 1875, w 2.00 Catholic print, co., Dubuque, la. KathoUsches wochenblatt, 1859, w 2 .00 Franz X Brandecker, 648 Sedgwick St., Chicago, 111. Katolicke slovenske noviny, 1908, w i • 5° 1605 Blue Island ave., Chicago, 111. Katolik, 1893, s-w - -^^ 1637 Allport St., Chicago, 111. Katolischer wachter, 1896, w ^ ■ 5^ j. r. Kirch en. Cascade, la. Kee mar journal, m Kee mar coll., Hagerstown, Md. Keith's magazine on home building, 1899. m 2.00 M. L. Keith, 102 Lumber exchange, Minneapolis, Mmn. Kendall review, s-m 5^ Henry Kendall coll., Tulsa, Okla. Kennel review, 1906, m .••■•■ ' " °^ Kennel ])ub. co., 59th & Jackson ave., Kansas City, Mo. Kentucky bankers' ass'n. Proceedings, 1890 Louisville. Ky. Kentucky elk, 1901, m • ^ -^^ Chas. J. Cruise, Louisville, Ky. Kentucky farmer and breeder, 1904, w 2 .oc Lexington, Ky. Kentucky Irish American, 1898, w . . ^ -"O Wm. M. Higgins, Louisville, Ky. Kentucky little citizens, 1908, s-m 5° 122 vS. Tst St., Louisville, Ky. Kentucky medical journal, 1903. s-m 2.00 Bowling (jreen, Ky. Kentucky pythian, 1906, m ' ■"'' J. J. Howe & L. L. Hanks, Latoma, ky. Kentucky odd fellow, 1908, m 7? Chas. Ed. Cooke, Middleshorough, Ky. Kentucky reporter, 1900, w ' • 5'^ Louisville, Ky. Kentucky red man, 1906. -m, . . 1 . GO D. H. Russell. 745 W. Main st., Louisville, Ky. Kentucky state board of health. I'-ulletin, Ujii Bowling Creen, Ky. Kentucky state historical society. Register, it)03, irreg 1 •o;i Frankfort, Ky. Kentucky Sunday school reporter, 1892, m ^ 25 State executive committee, Louisville, Ky. 198 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Kentucky university bulletin, m Louisville, Ky. Kentucky workman, 1889, m , . .- 50 John A. Lyne, Henderson, Ky. Kenyon college bulletin, 1906, q Kenyon college, Gambier, O. Kenyon collegian, 1855, m. dur. coll. yr i .50 Students of Kenyon college, Gambier, O. Keokuk medical college bulletin, 5 nos Keokuk medical college, Keokuk, la. Keramic studio, m 4.00 Keramic studio pub. co., Syracuse, N. Y. Key of kappa kappa gamma, 1882, q i .00 Airs. F. W. I'almer, Piedmont, Cal. Key to the situation, 1905, m 2 .00 253 Broadway, N. Y. Keynote, m i . 00 Keynote pub. co., 320 Miners bank bldg., Joplin, ]\Io. Keystone, 1899, m 50 Miss Louisa B. Poppenheim, Charleston, S. C. Keystone, 1883, m i .00 Foreign ed., 1903, m i .00 Spanish ed., 1903, m i .00 Keystone pub. co., Phila., Pa. Keystone arcanian, 1901, m 50 Bethlehem. Pa. Keystone citizen, 1897, m 50 ( Contin. in Amer. issue-^ — Pa. edition.) Keystone international graded Sunday school lessons Beginners' series. Intermediate series. Junior series. Primary series. Senior series. A. J. Rowland, Philadelphia, Pa. Keystone krew kronicle, 1909, b-m Keystone view co., Meadville, Pa. Keystone magazine of optometry, 1909, m 1.00 Keystone pub. co., 811 N. Nineteenth st., Phila., Pa. Keystone poultry journal, 1908, m 25 A. .\r. Aurand, l^eaver Springs, Pa. Kidder institute review, 1897, "'' 5o Amphictyonian lit. soc, Kidder, Mo. Kilikilik, m Fleidelberg univ., Tiffin, (). Kimball's dairy farmer, 1903, s-m i .00 Fred L. Kimball estate, Waterloo, la. Kind words, m. in w, parts 50 .S. S. bd. of southern baptist convention, Nashville, Tenn. Kindergarten jotirnal, 1910, q 40 1200 Mich, blvd., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 199 Kindergarten magazine, t888. 10 nos 2.00 Cniitiii. as Kindergarten ])rimary magazine. Kindergarten primary magazine, 1888, (May), m., except July-Aug- 1 .00 Kindergarten magazine co., 59 W. 96th St., New York, X. Y. Kindergarten review, 1891, 10 nos 1 .25 ^lilton Bradley co., Springfield, Mass. Kingfisher, m Kin.-^fislier coll.. Kin,!-iislier. ( )kla. Kings business, i<)io. ni 5^ r.il)le institute, Los Angeles, Cal. Kings college record, 1879, m. dur. coll. yr i . 00 Undergraduates of Kings college, Windsor, N. S. King's highway, 1890, s-m i -oo Rev. H. C. Archer, Woodstock, N. B. King's messenger, 1896, m 50 ^Irs. W. H. Johnson, Dallas, Texas. King's own, w 40 Rev. R. Douglass Fraser, Toronto, Canada. Kinnikinnik, 1908, m. dur. coll. yr 1.25 Students of Colo, college, Colorado Springs, Colo. Kirchenbote, 1882, w 1 • 00 (lernian pilgrim press. Chicago, 111. Kirchenchor, m 1-00 Lorenz pub. co., 216 W. 5th St., Dayton ,0. Kirchenzeitung, 1836, w 2.00 Central pub. house, Cleveland, O. Kirksville normal school index, kjck), w i .00 Kirksville, Mo. Kit-kat, KJ12, ni 5*^ Columljus, ( ). Kittochtinny historical society. Papers, 1898 Frank Mehaffey, sec, Chambersburg, Franklin Co., Pa. Klein's weekly, 191 3, w 2.00 Events pub. co., N. Y. Klondike, m r.urlington higli school, llurlington. Wis. Knights of Daniel,' 1909 (July), q 40 821 W. Division st., Chicago, 111. Knights of honor reporter, 1875 (Oct.), m 50 J. A. Cummings printing CO., 172 Olive St., Boston, Mass. Knights of St. John, b-m 50 4() X. High St.. Cohunlnis. ( ). Knights of the golden eagle, 1907. m 25 814 X. liroad St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Knights' review, 1895, m i .00 The supreme senate, Cincin., O. Knit goods trade, a i • 00 i.ord t.\; .X'agle co., 144 Congress st., iloston. Mass. 200 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Knit goods review, 1892, in 3-00 Frances E. Fitch, 47 Broad St., Xew York, X. Y. Knowledge, 1903 (Oct.), m. The Business &: Finance pub. cc. New York, N. Y. Knox college. Bulletin, b-m Free Knox college, Galesburg, 111. Knox student, 1894, w. dur. coll. yr 25 Knox joint stock co., Galesburg, 111. Koal facts, 191 3 Pa. coal and coke corporation, X. ^'. Kodak, m Everett high school. Everett, Wash. Kodak, ni Eau Claire high school, Eau Claire. \\'is. Kodak, m Franklin College. Franklin. 111. Kranken-bote, 1890, a gratis Dr. Peter Fahruey & sons co., Chicago, 111. Kreidler's current citations of New York decisions, 1902, 3 times vr S-C3 Charles K. Kreidler, Dansville, N. Y. Krestansky posel, 1890, w i .00 134 A\'. 19th St., Chicago, 111. Kristelige talsmand, 1869, w .- . . i . 50 Xorwegian and Danish pub. society, 272 Grand ave., Chicago, 111. Kunkel's musical review, 1878, m 2 . 00 Kunkel bros., 612 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Kuyer Katolicki.w i . 50 1343 Blum St.. Toledo. Ohio. Kuyer tygodniowy i gazeta Wisconsinska, 1892, w 1 .50 Kuryer pub. co., 435 Broadway, ^lilwaukee. Wis. Kvindens magasin, 1905, m 5° Scandinavian-Anfferican pub. ass'n, Minneapolis, ]\Iinn. Kyrkasongen (church song). 1907, 3 times yr i .00 P. O. Box 63, Minneapolis, ]\Iinn. L. A. A. C. mercury, 191 1, m 2.50 Eos Angeles athletic club, 427 W. 7th st., Los Angeles. Cal. L. G. I. echoes, m 2 . 50 Locust (jrove institute. Locust Grove. Ga. Labor, w i ■ 00 Labor pub. co.. institute, Chicago, 111. Lewis academy news, ni Pewis academw Wichita, Kansas. 2oS GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Liahoma, the elders journal, 1903, w i .00 Zion's printing and pub. co., Independence, Mo. Liberal advocate, 1892, w -. • •- 2 . 00 338 S. High St., Columbus, O. Liberator, 1910, w i • 00 ]\Iagnolia, Arkansas. Libertas/d 12.00 Manuel Ravago, JSIanila, P. I. Liberty, 1906, q 25 Religious liberty bureau, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Liberty boys of '76, 1901. w 2.50 168 W. _32d St., N. Y. Library association of Portland. Bulletin. Central library, Portland, Ore. Library company of Phila. Bulletin, 1868, m ■ Phila., Pa. Library journal, 1876, m 4-O0 R. R. Bowker, 141 E. 25th St., N. Y. Library leaflet, m Public library, Cincin., O. Library notes and news, 1904 Minn, state library commission, Minneapolis, Minn. Library occurrent, 1906, irreg Public library commission of Indiana, Indianapolis, Ind. Library record, 1892 ( Contin. in Lietuva.) Lick observatory. University of California See University of California publications; astronomy. Lietuva, 1893, w 2.00 A. Olszewski, 924 Thirty-third St., Chicago, 111. Life, m St. Louis high school, St. Louis, Mo. Life, 1883, w 5 -oo Life pub. CO., 17 W. 31st st., N. Y. Life and action, 1909 (Mar.), b-a i .00 Indo-Amer. book co., Chicago, 111. Life and health, 1885, m i . 00 Review and herald pub. ass'n, Washington, D. C. Life and labor, 191 1, m i -OO National women's trade union league, yy) Dearborn st.. Chicago. 111. Life and light for woman, m 60 Woman's bd. of missions, congregational house, Boston, Mass. Life association news, 1906, m i .00 N. H. Weed, 35 Liberty st.. New York, N. Y. Life boat, 1897, m 50 Workingmen's home and life boat mission, Hinsdale, 111. GUIDE TO PEKlOniCALS 20Q Life insurance courant, 1895. ni 2.00 A. T. Flitcraft. Oak Park, Ilk Life insurance educator monthly of the insurance field, 1904, m 2.00 Insurance educator co., Louisville, Ky. Life insurance independent, 1889, m 2 .00 N. II. Weed, 35 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Life insurance manual, 1888. a 2 .oo Spectator co., N. Y. Life of Jesus, q 48 Life of Jesus, Teachers' manual, q • ^^^ Chas. Scribners Sons, 153 Fifth ave., N. Y. Life line, 1904, m 5° B. S. Taylor, Mooers, Clinton co., N. Y. Light, m '. .■••;•; ' • ''^ Liqht pub. CO.. Columbia. S. C. Light, m 50 The Light, La Crosse, Wis. Light house service bulletin, m Bureau of light houses. Washington, D. C. Lighting journal, 1913 (Jan.), m i .00 Lighting journal co., 50 Church st., N. Y. Lilly scientific bulletin, 1912, irreg 1' ree Eli Lilly & CO., Indianapolis. Ind. Lincoln (Neb.) city library. Monthly bulletin, 1902 25 Report Lincoln institute record, m Lincoln institute, Jei¥erson City, Mo. Lincoln trade review, 1902, (June) , w ^ -OO Herbert M. Bushnell, Lincoln, Nebr. Line longer letters, 1906, w 5*^ Walter E. Reid, 739 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Link, 1909, m 25 West Wis. conference, New Richmond, Wis. Linksma walanda, 1899. m 1 • 00 D. T. Boczkov.-ski, Mahanoy City, Pa. Linnaean society of New York. Abstract of the proceedings, 1888 American museum of natural history, New York. X. Y. Linotype bulletin, 1902. m Free Tribune bldg., New York, N. Y. Lippincott's monthly magazine, 1868, m 3 00 Lippincott co., 227 S. 6th st., Phila., Pa. Liquor dealer, 1894, w 2.75 Patriot pub. co., 710 Sixtb st.. Wasbington. D. C. List of architects Buyers' reference co., N. Y. List of buyers Buyers' reference co., N. Y. 210 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Literary and historical society of Quebec Transactions, 1829 Historical documents, 1838 . . ': Bulletin, 1900 P. O. Box 153, Quebec, Canada. Literary Baylor, m Ba}lor Univ., ^^'aco, Texas. Literary beacon, m — — Welsh technical high school, Hartsville, S. C. Literary digest, 1890, w 3 .00 Funk and Wagnalls co., 44 E. 23d St., N. Y. Literary gems, i8-, X. C. Living water, 1891, w i -OO Pentecostal mission pub. co., Nashville, Tenn. Livingston county historical society. Entrance, $1.00; annual. $1.00. Geneseo, ISi. Y. Lloyd Library and museum. Bulletin, 1900, irreg Mycological notes, 1898, irreg Free 224 W. Court St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lloyd library of botany, pharmacy & materia medica Botany series, 1902, irreg. Pharmacy series Reproduction series Bulletin, 1902. Cincinnati, O. Loco, 1 9 1 o, m S'^ Locomotive club, Schenectady, X. Y. Locomotive, 1880, q 5^ Hartford steam boiler inspection and insurance co., Hartford, Conn. Locomotive engineers' journal, See Ijrotherhood of locomotive engineers' journal. Locomotive firemen's magazine, 1876, m i • 5° John F. McNamee, Indianapolis, Ind. Locomotive world, 1908 (May), m 50 Locomotive world pub. co., Lima, O. Lodge, club and ass'n record, 1886, m 2.00 Record pub. co., 319 Pearl St., N. Y. Log, 1 S94, irreg 1' i'*-'*^ Will Graham, Patchogue, N. Y. Loftis magazine, 1909 (Dec), m 50 92 State st., Chicago, 111. 212 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Logical point, 1910 (July), m Sam Blum, New Orleans. Lombard review, 1884, m. dur. coll. yr .'. : .uo Lombard review joint stock co., Galesburg, 111. Lone star workman, 1897, m . . ., 25 W. S. Robson, La Grange, Tex. Long Island agronomist, 1907 (July), f Free Long Lsland R. R. exp, station, Huntington, X. Y. Long Island fea (1908 (Aug.), m 50 Babylon, N. Y. Long Island medical journal, 1907, m 2 .00 Associated physicians of L. I., Brooklyn, N. Y. Longevity, 1907, m 2 . 50 Hyland C. Kirk, 242 N. Capitol St., Washington, D. C. Looking glass, 1889, w 25 E. A. Gerrard, Monroe, Neb. Lookout, m Conn, agric. college, Storrs, Conn. Lookout, 1888, w 60 Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Lookout, 1907, w I . GO Beaufort, N. C. Lookout, 1908, w 2.00 Zella Armstrong, Chattanooga, Tenn. Lord's day advocate, 1903, m 25 610 Confederation bldg., Toronto. Ont. Los Angeles associated charities. Report, 1893, a Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles medical journal, m i .00 C. B. Nichols, Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles mining review, 1898, w 3 -oo Lester & Mclntyre, 115 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles public library. Annual report. Monthly bulletin, 1892 25 Los Angeles, Cal. Los Angeles tourist, m Free Browne & Hair, 232 W. ist st., Los Angeles, Cal. Lotus magazine, 1910 (Jan.), rireg Marbridge bldg., N. Y., N. Y. Louisiana african methodist, 1912 (Aug.), s-m 75 Rev. J. W. Washington, 241 1 Palmyra St., New Orleans. La. Louisiana baptist, 1898, w i .25 Louisiana baptist missionary convention, Alexandria, La. Louisiana bar association. Proceedings, 1900 Louisiana board of health. Ouarterl\- Ijulletin, 1910 New Orleans, La. Louisiana grocer, 1902, m 50 Retail grocers' association. New Orleans, La. GUIDE 'I'O PERIODICALS 213 X.ouisiana historical society. Pul)lic;Uions, 1895 Pierce liutler, corres.-sec. and librarian, New Orleans, La. Louisiana planter and sugar manufacturer, 1888, \v 3.00 Louisiana planter and sugar mfg. CO., 339 Carondelet st.. New Orleans, La. Louisiana pythian, 191 1 . m i . 00 V>. ^Mendelsohn. 638 Canal st.. New (Jrleans. La. Louisiana searchlight, 1905. w i .00 ■ Searchlight co., Shreveport, La. Louisiana school review, 1880, m i .00 R. L. riimes, llaton Rouge, La. Louisiana state agricultural society. Proceedings, iSgf) IJaton Rouge. La. Louisiana state university and agri. and mechanical college University bulletin, q — — Baton Rouge, La. Louisiana sugar report, 1827, a 3.00 A. Bouchereau, 325 Camp St., New Orleans, La. Louisiana woodman, 1909, m 50 430 Common st., New Orleans, La. Louisville monthly journal of medicine and surgery, m i . 00 Louisville, Ky. Louisville (Ky.) public library Report. 1905, a. Bulletin, 1908. Louisville. Ky. Lowell, m Lowell school. San Francisco, Cal. Lowell observatory Annals, 1894, irreg Bulletins, 1903, irreg The Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz. Lowell textile school. Bulletin, q Report Lowell. Mass. Loyal guard magazine, 1895, m 50 Loyal guard magazine, Flint, Mich. Loyal order of the moose. Call. See Call. Loyal workman, 1886, m i 00 Record print, co., Muscatine, la. Luce, 1882 (?) a gratis Dr. Fahrney & sons co., Chicago, Til. Lumber insurance, 1905, m 31 William st.. New York, N. Y. Lumber review, 1897, m 1 -oo Lumber review co., 1020 Caxton bldg., Kansas City, Kan. Lumber trade journal, 1882, s-m 2 .00 Lumber trade journal, New Orleans, La. Lumber trade journal, 1886, s-m 2 .00 18 Broadway, N. Y. 214 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Lumber world review, 1905, s-m 2.00 Lumber world review co., 608 S. Dearborn st., Cbicago. Ill Lumberman's bureau exchange report, w Lumberman's pub. co., 920 Bank of commerce bldg., Nor- folk, Va. Lumberman's review, 1892, m 1 -OO John G. Staats, 45 Broadway, N. Y. Lumen, m Toulon academy, Toulon. 111. Luminary, m Central high school, Kansas City, Mo. Lundy's Lane historical society. Membership i -oo Publications, irreg Varies Niagara Falls South, Ontario. Luther league review, 1889, m 5° Luther league of America, 131 Liberty st., N. Y. Lutheran, m 5^ Lutheran bd. of pub. society, Elizabethville, Pa. Lutheran, 1861, w 2.00 Lutheran pub. board, Lebanon. Pa. Lutheran child's paper, m 25 Lutheran Ijook concern, Columbus, (Jhio. Lutheran church visitor, 1904, w 1-50 United synod pub. co., Columbia, S. C. Lutheran church work, 1908, m "^5 Lutheran pub. society, 1424 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Lutheran companion, 1892, w i -OO Augustana book concern, Rock Island, 111. Lutheran evangelist, 1876, w i -OO Dayton. O. Lutheran observer, 1831, w 2.00 Lutheran observer association, Real Estate Trust bldg., Phila., Pa. Lutheran quarterly, 1870, q 2 . 50 Prof. P. M. Bikle and associates, Gettysburg, Pa. Lutheran standard, 1842, w i • 25 Lutheran book concern, Columbus, O. Lutheran witness, 1872, f • i -OO American Lutheran pub. board, Pittsburg, Pa. Lutheran witness, 1882, f i -^cj 2101 Lexington ave., St. Louis, Mo. Lutheran woman's work, 1908, m 5^ Lutheran pub. co., 1424 Arch st., Phikidelpliia, Pa. Lutheran world, 1892, w i • 5° Lutheran world co., Greenville, Pa. Lutheran young people, 1903, w ^^ Lutheran pub. co.. 1424 Arch St., I'hiUulel])hia, Pa. Lutheraner, 1844, f ^-^^ Concordia pub. house, St. Louis. Mo. Lutheraneren, 1895, w • ^ -^^ Augsbury pub. house, Minneapolis, Minn. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 215 Luther-Freund, 1888, m 5" Ivcv. l'\ \ oltz, Saginaw, Mich. Lutherische kirchenzeitung, 1859, w i • 25 Lutheran book concern, Columbus, O. Lutherisches kirchenblatt, 1883, w 2.00 Pastors of the general council, Reading, Pa. Lutherisches kinder & jugenblatt, 1872, m 25 Concordia ])ub. cc, St. Louis, Mo. Lutherske missionaer, 1892, w i -oo ^Missionary pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Luxemburger gazette, 1871, w 2.00 Catholic print, co., Dubuque, la. Luzerne legal register, 1872 (Jan.), w 3-00 The W'ilkesbarre law and library ass'n., Wilkesbarrc, Pa. Lyceum world, 1908, m 1-00 Lyceum world co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lyceumite and talent, 1902, m i -OO Edwin L. Barker, Steinway Hall, Chicago, 111. Lying-in hospital of the city of New York Bulletin, 1904, (} •' i -OO Lying-in hospital preLS, 2d ave. and 17th st., N. Y. Lynn, Mass., pubHc library. Bulletin, 1902 (Dec), bi-m Lynn review, 1898 (Nov.), m 5° Lynn, Mass. Lyon credit tracer supplement, 1876, w 60.00 Lyon furniture agency, 416 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Lyre, m 5° Wright & Campbell, Traverse City, Mich. Lyre, 1909 (Mar.), m 1-00 491 Lake st., Aurora, 111. M. A. C. bulletin, 1909 (Mar.), 6 mos IMass. agri. college, Amherst, Mass. Lyre of alpha chi omega, q Mrs. W. E. Haseltine, Ripon, Wis. M. A. C. record, 1896, w. dur. coll. yr 5° Mich, agricultural college, Agricultural college, Mich. M. A. S. bulletin, 1904 (May),. See Mich, academy of science. M. & E. E. record, m Kentucky univ., Lexington, Ky. M. B. A. advocate, 1908, m ^^ G. F. Peterson, Hibbing, Minn. M. S. U. savitar, 1895, a i-50 Students of university of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Macalester college bulletin, 1905, m 5° Saint Paul, Minn. Macaroni and noodle manufacturers' journal, 1903. m 2.00 Macaroni journal co., Cleveland, O. Maccabaean, 1901 , m i • 00 Maccabaean pub. co., 320 Broadway, N. Y. 2i6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS McCall bazaar of fashions, m The McCall co., 236 W. 37th st., N. Y. McCall book of fashions, q i 00 McCall CO.. 236 W. 3;th st., X. Y. McCall's magazine, 1873, m 5^ McCall CO.. 236 W. 37th St., N. Y. McClure's magazine, 1893, ^^ ^ • 5° S. S. McClure co., 44 E. 23d st., N. Y. McClurg & co's monthly bulletin of new books, m Free A. C. ^McClurg & CO., 215 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. McEvoy magazine, 1908 (vSept.), q i -Oo T. J. .McEvoy. 6 Third ave., Brooklyn. X. ^'. McGill college and university Papers from the department of applied science, 1896. . Papers from the department of botany, 1896 Papers from the dept. of chem. and mineralogy, 1896. Papers from the department of classics, 1903 Papers from the department of engineering, 1896 Papers from the department of geology, 1896 Papers from the department of opthalmology, 1902. . . Papers from the department of pathology, 1896 Papers from the department of philosophy, 1896 Papers from the department of physics, 1896 Papers from the department of physiology, 1896 Papers from the department of zoology, 1901 Montreal, Canada. McGill daily, 1911. d --50 Student council of ]\IcGill univ.. ^tontreal. Ouei.ec. McGraw electric railway manual, 1894. a 7- 5° McGraw pub. co., 239 \\\ 39th st.. X. Y. Machinery; 1894, railway ed., m _ 1.50 Industrial press, 66 W. Broadway, Xew York, X. Y. Machinery, 1894 Shop ed., m i .00 Engineering ed., m 2.00 Foreign ed., m 3 -OO Industrial press. 66 W. Broadway, X. Y. Machinery buyers' guide, 1907, bi-m Free McDowell, Stocker & co., 16 S. Jefferson st., Chicago, 111. Machinery list, 1899, m Free A. H. Hitchcock, Chicago, 111. Machinist's monthly journal, 1889, m i -OO D. Douglas Wilson, McGill bldg., Washington, D. C. Mackay's weekly Contin. as Southern sentinel. McKelvie's megaphone, 1905, m. (membership) 1-00 P. O. Box 480, Los Angeles, Cal. McKittrick's directory of advertisers, 1900. a 23.00 Geo. AIcKittrick & co., 108 Fulton st., N. Y. McLean county historical soc. Transactions, 1899 jno(jmington. 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 217 McLean's magazine, ni 2 .00 McLean pub. co., 143 Univ. avc, Toronto, ( )nl. McMaster university monthly, m. dur. coll. yr Students of McMaster university, Toronto, Ontario. Madisonensis, 1867, f 1-75 Students of Colgate university, Hamilton, N. Y. Madiscnian, ni ^^ladison female institute, Richmond, Ky. Madison's budget, 1898, a • James Madison, 1404 Third ave., N. Y. Maga,'l909, b-m. dur. coll. yr 75 Students of Hamline univ., St. Paul, Minn. Magazin fur evangelische theologie und kirche, 1873, bi-m. ... 1.50 Deutschen evang. synode von N. A., St. Louis, Mo. Magazine bulletin Amer. institute of child life, 1714 Chestnut st., I'hila., Pa. Magazine flowers, 1912 (Jan.), m i.oo 334 Fourth ave., N. Y. Magazine maker, iQi i , m i . 00 ^2 Union sq.. East, X. Y. Magazine of American history, 1877, m i .00 Alvah P. French, Port Chester, N. Y. Magazine of antique firearms, 1910, m 2 .00 G. E. Brown, Athens, Tenn. Magazine of business protection, 191 1 (Mav), q 20 X. Y. Magazine of Christian art, m 5 .00 Contin. as Christian art, Phila., Pa. Magazine of history, 1905, m 5 • 00 William Abbatt, 141 E. 25th st., N. Y. Magazine of mysteries, 1901, m i -OO Thompson & co., 22 N. William st., N. Y. Magazine of the month, 1908, m . Free W. M. Clayton, 453 5th ave., New York, N. Y. Magazine of wall St., 1907, m 3 .00 Ticker pub. co., 2 Rector st., N. Y. Magazine pilot, 191 1, m i -OO W. 25th St.', & Liberty avc., Cleveland, O. Magnificant, 1907 (Nov.), m LOO ^Manchester, N. H. Magyarok vasarnapja, 1901, \v 2 .00 Magyarok vasarnapja pub. co., Cleveland, O. Mahatoma, 1895, m i -OO T. Francis Fritz, 805 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mahin advertising data book, 1901, a 3-00 Mahin adv. co., 135 Monroe st., Chicago, 111. Mail and empire, 1872. d. 4- 00 Toronto, ( )nt. Mail order journal, 1897. ni • ^ .00 ]\Iail order jour. pub. co.. 109 Randolph st., Chicago, 111. 2i8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Mail order man, 1908, q 50 Ross D. Breniser, 908 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Mail order news, 1905, m 3.00 \\\ L. Bnrk^Yitz, Fishkill, N. Y. Mail order world, 1908. m l.Oo William A. Heacock. Lockport, N. Y. Maine bar association. Report, 1892, a Augusta, Me. Maine bulletin, 1898, m Free Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me. Maine campus, 1899, s-m. dur. coll. yr 1.50 Students of U. of M., Orono, Me. Maine farmer, 1833, w i . 00 Maine farmer pub. co., Augusta, Me. Maine historical society Collections, 183 1 Proceedings, 1899 H. W. Bryant, sec, 485 Congress st., Portland, Me. Maine law review. 1908, m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Orono Maine. Maine medical association. —Journal, 1910. m 2 . 00 Stephen Berry co., Portland, Me. Maine state bar association. Proceedings. 1882, a Maine state board of health. Bulletin, bi-m Augusta, Me. Maine state press 1862, w i .00 97 Exchange st., Portland. Me. Maine state Sunday school star, 190 1, m 25 Portland, Me. Maine teachers quarterly, 191 1 (Sept), q i .00 W'atervillc, Me. Maine temperance record, 1878, m 50 Brackett & co., Belfast, Me! Maine. University • Bulletin, 191 1, irreg • Free ■ Studies, irreg, 1900 Orono, Me. Maine woods. 1 877, w i . 00 J. W. Brackett co., Phillips, Me. Major, s-m i . oo (lallatin, Tenn. Majority, 1 < )07, w i • 00 INIajority co., AVheeling, W. Y'd. Makegood's bulletin, 1 907, m 5.00 213 Ellicott square, Buffalo, N. Y. Maiden public library Annual report, a Bulletin, 1899 Children's room bulletin, 1900 Maiden, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 2IQ Malta bulletin I'hiladclphia. Ta. Manchester historical association Collections, 1896 G. W. Brown, sec, 859 Elm St., Manchester, N. H. Manhattan quarterly, 1905, q 1-^^ Manhallan colk\<;e, 131st st. and Broadway, New York, N. Y. Manila meidcal society. Bulletin, 1909. m ^-oo Manila. riiili])i)ine Islands. Manitoba college journal, 1885, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Manitoba college, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Manitou messenger, 1886, m. dur. coll. yr i -oo Students of St. Olaf college, Northfield, Minn. Mankatonian, ni - Mankato high school. Mankato, Minn. ManHus bulletin, 190.5, q St. John's school, Manlius, N. Y. Manna, 1878, m ^5 A. Sims. 5 Simpson ave., Toronto, ( )nt. Manning advertising service, 1904, m 12.00 Ed. McCullough. 816 Century bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. Manning's monthly service, 1889, m; 12.00 U. S. Manniag, South Bend, Ind. Man-o-warsman, 1908 (Nov.), m "'••^'^ U. S. S. Franklin, Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. Man's best friend, s-m ^ • °° Chas. H. Mason, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Man's book, 1908 (Oct.). m 1-00 Fairchild co., 112 Worth st.. New York, N. \. Mantle, tile and grate monthly, 1906 (July), m 1-^0 Utica, N. Y. Manual of conchology, 1879, irreg., per part, colored 5 00 Academv of nat. sciences, conchological section, Phila.^ Pa. Manual of statistics, 1897^ 'i ; " V " Vx- ' '^'^^ Manual of statistics co., •?(» Vesey st.. New York, N. \. Manual of statistics stock exchange hand-book, 1879, f- 5- 00 Manual of statistics co., 25 W. Broadway, N. Y. Manual training magazine, i8()<), b-m ' • ."^o Peoria, 111. Manufacturer's news, 1912 (Feb.), w 3"'^ Stock Exchange bldg., Chicago, 111. Manufacturers' record, 1882, w •« • • 4 00 Manufacturers' record pub. co., Baltimore, Md. Manufacturing jeweler, 1884, w ^00 Walter B. Frost & co., Providence, R. I. Marian, i<)i 1 , q ^^ ( )pelika. .Ala. Marietta college bulletin, 1004, q Marietta. Ohio. 220 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Marietta college olio, m Marietta college, Marietta, O. Maritime baptist, 1836, w , . . > i . 5° Maritime baptist pub. co., St. John, New Brunswick. Maritime odd fellow, 1905, m 50 J. E. Edwards, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Marine journal, 1878, w 2.00 Marine journal co., 17 State St., N. Y. Marine review, 1878, w 2 .00 Penton pub. co., Cleveland, O. Maritime farmer and co-operative dairyman, 1895, s-m i .00 R. D. Robinson, Sussex, N. B. Maritime merchant, 1892, f i .00 Imperial pub. co., Halifax, N. S. Maritime register, 1869, w 35 -^o World's maritime news co., 61 William St., N. Y. Market growers' journal, 1907, w 1-00 508 Walker bldg., Louisville, Ky. Market record, 1881, d 3-00 246-250 Fourth ave.. Minneapolis, Minn. Market world and chronicle, 1886, w 3 -oo Chronicle co., 80 William st., N. Y. Maroon, m Univ. of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash. Maroon, 1902, m. dur. coll. yr 1-75 Students of the university of Chicago, Press bldg., Chicago, 111. Martindale mercantile agency. Annual guide, 1868, a 395 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Marvelous Montana, 1910, m i 00 R. E. Hartman, Great Falls, Mont. Maryland academy of sciences Transactions, 1888, per vol i . 50 Edward Stabler, Jr., sec, 105 W. Franklin St., Balto., Md. Maryland agricultural college quarterly, q Free Chemical dept., Md. agricultural college. College Park, Md. Maryland ass'n. for the prevention of tuberculosis. Report. . . . Baltimore, Md. Maryland bulletin, 1870, f 50 Md. school for the deaf, Frederick, Md. Maryland bankers association. Proceedings, 1895 — : — Charles Houn, Baltimore, Md. Maryland bar association. Reports, a Conw^ay W. Sams, sec, Baltimore, Md. Maryland churchman, 1885, m i .00 Cushing CO., Baltimore, Md. Maryand collegian, m Md. college for young; ladies, Lutherville, Md. Maryland historical magazine, 1906, q 3 .00 Maryland hist, society, Baltimore, Md. GUIDE '10 PERIODICALS 221 Maryland historical society Report, 1849, a Archives, 1883 Fund publications, 1867 Baltimore, Md. Maryland horticultural society. Report. 1887 Maryland medical journal, 1877, m 2 .00 Med. journal co., 608 Professional bldg., Baltimore, Md. Maryland original research society of Baltimore city Alembership • i • 00 Bulletin, 1906, per no i • 00 A. L. Richardson, sec, 817 N. Charles st., Balto., Md. Maryland prisoners aid ass'n. Report, a Baltimore, Aid. Maryland state teachers ass'n. Baltimore, Md. Maryland templar, 1907, m 25 Mather printing co., Westminster, Md. Maryland. University. Hospital bulletin, 1905, m i .00 Hospital bulletin co., Baltimore, Md. Maryville college bulletin, q Free Alaryville college, Maryville, Tenn. Maryville college monthly Maryville college, Maryville. Tenn. Masonic advocate, 1867, m i -oo Martin IT. Rice, Masonic temple, Indianapolis, Ind. Masonic bibliophile, 1912, m i-oo Alasonic library ass'n., Cincin., O. Masonic bulletin, 1908, m 50 Heilhecher & Evans, 208 Marquardt bldg., Des Moines, la. Masonic chronicler, 1900, w i -OO Abbott & Schmidt, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Masonic constellation, 1889, m i .00 Masonic pub. co.. Security bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Masonic forum, 1903, w i • 00 Masonic forum pub. co., Jacksonville, Fla. Masonic herald, 1895, m i . 00 jNIax Meyerhardt, Rome, Ga. Masonic home journal, 1883, s-m i .00 Masonic widows and orphans home, Louisville, Ky. Masonic light, 1905, m i -OO I. K. Street, 414 Jackson st., Dallas, Texas. Masonic monthly, 191 1, m i 00 C. A. Steinman, 140 N. nth st., Phila., Pa. Masonic news, m 75 C. S. DeGrafif, Peoria, 111. Masonic observer, 1900, w 5° J. C. Townsend, Minneapolis, Minn. Masonic sentinel, 1905, w • 00 Chica-u. 111. 222 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Masonic standard, 1898, w 2 .00 C. C. Hunt, 53 W. 24th St., N. Y. Masonic sun, 1897, s-m .-...- i .00 Masonic pub. cc, Toronto, Canada. Masonic tidings, 1885, m i .00 Herbert N. Laflin, Milwaukee, Wis. Masonic token, 1867, q 12 Stephen Berry, Portland, Me. Masonic trestle board, 1910, w i .00 W. J. Noble, Cleveland, O. Masonic trowel, 1887, m i . 00 Geo. Thornburgh, Little Rock, Ark. Masonic voice-review, 1845, ^n ^ i • 50 Masonic voice-review co.. Masonic temple, Chicago, 111. Massachusetts commisson on probation. Report, 191 1. m.... Boston, Mass. Massachusetts general hospital. Publications, 1906 Journal of med. research, Boston, Mass. Massachusetts historical society Collections, 1792, per Vol 3.00 Samuel A. Green, librarian, 11 54 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, 1791, a 3- 00 Boston, Mass. Massachusetts horticultural society. Transactions, a Boston, Mass. Massachusetts institute of technology. Research laboratory of physical chemistry. Contriljutions, 1903 i .00 Boston, Mass. Massachusetts labor bulletin, 1897, b-m Boston, Mass. Mass. magazine, 1908, q 2 . 50 Salem press co., Salem, Mass. Massachusetts medical journal, 1881, m i .00 Bay state pub. co., 36 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts medical society. Bulletin, T913 (Aug.) Medical communications, 1790. Proceedings (pub. in the Bulletin.) 8 The Fenway, Boston. Massachusetts public library. Bulletin, 1907, q Canton, Mass. Massachusetts reports, supreme judicial court, 8 nos 2.25 Little, llrown & co., 254 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts state board of health. r>ulletin. 1883 Boston, Mass. Massachusetts state teachers' ass'n. Synopsis Boston, Mass. Masses, 191 1, m i.oo 150 Nas.sau st., N. Y. Master boiler makers' ass'n. ( )fficial iirocecdings, \()oj. a 1 .00 Master car-builders association. Reports and proceedings, 1867 (iUlDl-: I O, PERIODICALS 223 Master grocer, 1891, m Free San Francisco, Cal. Master mason, 1905, m i .00 Natlian L. Baker, Kansas City, Mo. Master mate and pilot, 1908 (June), m 2.00 21 State St.. N. Y. ' ()5 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Master painter, 1896, m i .00 A. Ashmun Kelley, Malvern, Pa. Master printer, 1904, m i .00 Master printer association, 929 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Master painters' journal, i()io (Mar.), ni 1 . 50 Charles bUli.;-., Denver, Colo. Master sheet metal workers journal, 1906, m 50 Phila., Pa. Mathematics teacher, 1906, q i .go Lancaster, Pa. Mature medicine, 1910 ( Mar.) , q Free 2100 Prairie ave., Chicago, 111. Maxwell's talisman, 1900, m 2 . > ; > G. H. ^laxwell, 256 St. Charles hotel. Xew Orleans. La. Mayflower, w 30 Pilgrim [)ress, 14 Beason st., Boston, Mass. Mayflower descendant, 1899, Q 2 . 00 Mass. society of Ma^-flower descendants, Boston, Mass. Mazdaznan, 1902, m i . 00 • 3016-18 Lake Park ave., Chicago, 111. Meadville theological school Ouarterlv bulletin, 1906 (Dec.) Meadville. 'Pa. Mechanical engineerng & electrical engineering, loo'i Lexington, Ky. Mechanical digest, 1909, m 50 John Breechting, 23 Livingston st.. Grand Rapids, Alich. Mechanics for everybody, 1912 (April) 50 Caxton bldg., Cleveland, O. Mechanics' institute. Bulletin, 1909 (Apr.), irreg Mechanics' institute. Rochester, N. Y. Medcator, 1909 (Jan.) , m 1.00 Cleveland, O. Medford historical register, 1898, q i .00 Medford historical society, Medford. Mass. Medford. Public library. Bulletin, 1895. irrcg 23 Medford, Mass. Medical advance, 1873, "^ 2 .00 Jas. E. Forrest, Batavia, 111. Medical and chirurgical faculty of Maryland. Trans : Bulletin, 1908. Medical and surgical journal, 1844, ni 2.00 New Orleans, La. 224 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Medical and surgical reporter, m i .00 ( See Cle^■cland med.-surg. reporter.) Medical and surgical reporter, 1885, m i .00 Toledo med. and surg. reporter co., Toledo, O. Medical and surgical reporer, 1900, m i .00 Grant bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Medical annals See Albany medical annals. Medical ass'n. of the greater city of N. Y. Yearbook, 1901 .... N. Y. Medical brief, 1873, "^ i -oo J. J. Lawrence, St. Louis, Mo. Medical century, 1893, m 2 .00 Medical century co., 92 42d St., N. Y. Medical college of Virginia. Bulletin, 1904, q ^Medical college of Virginia, Richmond, Va. Medical council, 1895, m i .00 J. J. Taylor, 4105 Walnut st., Phila., Pa. Medical counselor, m i . 00 Medical counselor co., 18 Willis ave., Detroit, Mich. Medical critic, 1901 , m i . 00 ( Contin. in Journal of psychological medicine.) Medical era, 1883, m 1 . 00 Era pub. co., 100 State St., Chicago, 111. Medical era, 1892. m i . 50 R. D. Gradwohl, 820 X. Grand St., St. Louis. Mo. Medical evangelist, 1908, m 50 Loma Linda. Cal. Medical examiner and practitioner, 1891, m 2.00 90 AMlliam St., N. Y^. Medical fortnightly, 1892, f ' 2.00 Fortnightly press. Century bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Medical freedom, 191 1 — — National league for public freedom, X. Y. Medical herald, 1882, m i • 00 New Albany med. co., New Albany, Lid. Medical herald, 1882, m 2 . 00 Medical herald co., St. Joseph, Mo. Medical journal, 1845. m 2 . 00 A. L. Benedict. 354 Franklin st.. Duft'alo. .\'. Y. Medical journal, 1868, m 3 . 00 38 St. Antoine st., Montreal. Quebec. Medical journal, 1876, m i .00 C. C. Llollenback. 44 \V. Broad St.. Columbus, (). Medical journal, 1892, m i . 00 G. W. Xelson, 114 Garfield ave., Milwaukee. Wis. Medical journal, 1897, m t .00 S. E. Earp, 24 Kentucky ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Medical journal, 1899, m 2 . 50 Lowrv .\rcade, St. Paul, Minn. CUIDE TO rEKlODlCALS 225 Medical journal, kjoo. m i .00 103-105 l5roa(l\vay, Detroit. .Mich. Medical journal, 1900, b-ni r .00 Providence medical journal co., i(jl)orn manufacturing co., Cleveland, O. 228 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Mertz's magazine, 1897, ^^^ 2 .00 L. H. J^Iertz, Los Angeles, Cal. Mes medico, 1904, m : . . v 3 . 00 Dr. Nicolas G. De Rosas, Havana, Cuba. Mesquite, ni Hillsboro high school, Hillsboro, Texas. Message, 1894. m 2 ^ W. C. T. U. of Ind., Huntington. Ind. Message of the east, 1912 (Jan.), m i.oo 116 St. Botolph St., Boston, Alass. Messenger, m-. State normal school, Bellingham, Wash. Messenger, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Literary societies of Richmond college. Richmond. \'a. Messenger, 1885, m 50 Y. M. C. A., Newark, N. J. Messenger, 1894, w i . 50 Orphan aid society, Charleston, S. C. Messenger, i8q6, w i . 00 C. P. T. White, RockhiU, S. C. Messenger, 19CK), f i .00 Louisiana miss. bapt. state convention, New Orleans, La. Mesenger, 1902, m 50 Fraternal reserve ass'n., Osbkosh, Wis. Messenger, 1905, w 50 C. J- Callaway, Tuskegee, Ala. Messenger, 1905, m 50 Charles W. Tenney, Helena, !Mont. Messenger, 1908, m 75 J. W. & M. A. Berson, Meridian. Miss. Messenger, 190S, w 1.00 E. Charles McCarthy, Binghamton, N. Y. Messenger, 1908, m 25 K. C. messenger co.. Kansas City. Mo. Messenger, 1909, w i . 00 L. H. Lindsay, Charlottsville \a. Messenger, 191 1 , s-m i . 00 G. C. Van Devender, EHisville, Miss. Messenger and visitor, 1836, w i . 50 ( Contin. as Maritime baptist.) Messenger of peace, 1874, s-m i . 50 Walter Cash. Marceline, Mo. Messenger of the sacred heart, 1866. m 50 Apostleship of prayer, 27 W. i6th st., N. Y. Messiah's advocate, 1882, w i . 50 Pacific advent christian pub. and miss, societv, Oakland, Cal. Metabolist, l;-m 5^ 33 Sullivan st.. X. Y. Metal worker, plumber and steam fitter, 1874. w 2.00 David Williams co., 232 William st., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 229 Metal industry, 1 894, m 1 • 00 Metal industry pub. co., 61 Beekman st., N. Y. Metallurgical & Chemical engineering, i(j02, ui 2.00 Electro-chemical pub. CO., 239 39th St., X. Y. Metaphysical magazine, 1895, q 2 . 50 (Contin. as Man with vol. 28. Jan., 1912.) Methodist. 1879, w i • 5° Baltimore methodist co., Baltimore, Md. Methodist, 1876, w i • 5° Rev. S. W. Thomas, 1018 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Methodist, 1892, m 25 Danville, Va. Methodist advocate-journal, 1869, w i 00 Union methodist pub. co., Knoxville, Tenn. Methodist herald, 1912, m 50 629 Nasby bldg-., Toledo, O. Methodist laymen's herald, 1910, w '"'O Methodist herald co., Parkersburi^-, W. \'a. Methodist men, 1906. m . ■ ■ i ■ o^ Layman's pub. co., 150 5th ave., X. Y. Methodist monthly greeting, m 40 Rev. Geo. Paine, St. Johns, N. F. Methodist protestant, 1831. w i -50 T. R. Woodford, Baltimore, Md. Methodist protestant herald, 1894, w ' 00 J. F. McCulloch. Greensboro, X. C. Methodist recorder, 1839, w i • 5° F. W. Pierpont, Pittsburg, Pa. . Methodist review, 1819, b-m 2 . 50 Eaton & Mains, 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. Methodist year book, a 25 :\lethodist book concern, 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. Metronome, 1884, m • • • - i • 00 Metronome pub. co., 136 Thompson st., New York, X. Y. Metropolitan and rural home, 1871, m 25 IMetropolitan and rural home, 20 N. William st., N. Y. Metropolitan fashion, 1877, m per copy .01 Buttcrick pub. co., N. Y., N. Y. Metropolitan magazine, 1886, m i • 5^ Metropolitan magazine co., 3 W. 29th St., N. Y. Metropolitan museum of art. Bulletin, 1905, m i .00 Central ])ark, N. Y. m . I .00 Metropolitan odd fellow, 191 C. E. Philips, Jamaica. X. ^'. Mexico to-day, 1908, m • 1-^'*^^ Mexico to-day pub. co., San Antonio, Tex. Meyer brothers' druggist, 1 880, m i • 00 C. F. G. :\Ieyer, 222 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Miami bulletin, 1902, m Miami university, Oxford, Ohio. 230 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Miami student, 1868, m i .00 Students of Miami university, Oxford, O. Michigan A. O. U. W. herald, 1878, m v 25 Oscar F. & L. K. Webster, Balding, Mich. Michigan academy of science, membership i .00 Report, 1894, a Sale and distribution made by general library, university of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan alumnus, 1894, m. dur. coll. yr i . 50 Alumni ass'n, university of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan ass'n. of superinendents of the poor. Proceedings. 1905 Lansing. ]\Iich. Michigan ass'n. for the prevention and relief of tuberculosis Report, 1908, a. (Contin. in Bulletin.) Bulletin, 1912, m Carol F. Walton, Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan bankers' ass'n. Proceedings, 1878, a ■ Detroit. ?^Iich. Michigan bar association. Proceedings, 1896. Michigan bulletin, 1894 ( May) , m 50 \\'m. P. Xisbett, Big Rapids, Mich. Michigan bulletin, 1894, m 50 B. J. Lowrey, Howard City, Mich. Michigan catholic, 1872, w 2 . 00 Wm. H. Hughes, 64 State St., Detroit, Mich. Michigan Christian advocate, 1875, ^ i .50 Methodist pub. co., 21 Adams ave., E., Detroit, Mich. Michigan churchman, 1896, m 50 Michigan churchman, ii Campau bldg., Detroit, Mich. Michigan contractor & builder, 1907, w 5 .00 Contractor pub. co., 70 Larned St., Detroit. Mich. Michigan crop report,i88i, m Free Secretary of state, Lansing, Mich. Michigan daily, 1890, 6 d dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of university of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan dairy farmer, 1909, w 1.00 Dairy farmer co., 70 Larned St., w., Detroit, Mich. Michigan dairy men's ass'n. Report, 1874; a Michigan libraries, 1910 (Dec), s-a Free State board of library commissioners, Lansing, ]Mich. Michigan degree of honor herald, 1878, m 25 L. K. Webster, Belding. Mich. Michigan engineer, 1879, ^ ^ -^^ Michigan engineering society. Climax, Mich. Michigan farmer and live stock journal, 1843. '^^^ ^'J I^awrence pub. co., 39 Congress St., W., Detroit, Mich. Michigan investor, 1902, w 5 -OO ^Michigan investor co., Majestic bldg., Detroit, IMich. Michigan law review, 1902, m. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Law faculty, university of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 23 1 Michigan manufacturer & financial record, 1905, w 3.00 Manufaclurer i)ub. co., 242 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Michigan mirror, 1885, l)-\v 5" Flint, Mich. Michigan monthly bulletin of vital statistics, 1897, m State board of health, Lansing, Mich. Michigan patron, 1902, s-m 35 Patron pub. co., Adrian, Mich. Michigan pioneer and historical society Historical collections, 1877, a 1 .00 State library, Lansing, Mich. Michigan poultry breeder, 1885, m -25 G. S. Barnes, Battle Creek, Mich. Michigan presbyterian, 1894, w i .00 Mich, presby. pub. co., Wetherbee bldg., Detroit, Mich. Michigan roads and forests (formerly State review), 1905, m. . . i.oo State review pub. co., Majestic bldg., Detroit, Mich. Michigan schoolmasters' club. Journal, 1907, a. . . 50 Michigan schoolmasters' club, Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan serial digest, 1903, q 300 Colin P. Campbell, Grand Rapids, Mich. Michigan state conference of charities and corrections Proceedings, 1882, a Lansing, Mich. Michigan state gazetteer and business directory, 1872. b-a 9.00 R. L. Polk & CO., Detroit, Mich. Michigan state horticultural society. Transactions, 1867, a. . . State library, Lansing, Mich. Michigan state library commission. Bulletin, 1910, ([ Lansing, Mich. Michigan state medical society. Journal, m 2.00 The society, 57 Fort, W.. Detroit, Mich. Michigan state pharmaceutical ass'n. Proceedings, a J. \V. Sceley, sec, 95 Woodward ave., Detroit, Miclj. Michigan Sunday school advance, 1890, m 25 Michigan state S. S. ass'n, Peninsular bank bldg., Detroit, Mich. Michigan technic, 1882, irreg 5^ Engineering society, University of Mich.. Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan tradesman, 1883, w i -oo Tradesman co., Grand Rapids, ^lich. Michigan. University Bulletins Contributions from the pathological lab., irreg Contributions from the physics lab., 1<)13 Proceedings of the board of regents, 1858, m University of Mich, studies, FTumanistic series, 1904, irreg. University of Mich, historical studies. i()ii Ann Arbor, Mich. 232 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Michiganensian, 1897, a 2 . 50 Senior class, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Microbe, 190Q. m. dur. coll. yr i -CO Texas christian univ., Fort \\orth. Texas. Mida's criterion, 1885, s-m 5 -oo Criterion pub. co., Marine bldg., Chicago, 111. Mid-continent, 1909, m i ■ 00 610 Mack blk.. Denver, Colo. Midland, 1890, m 50 Atchison, Kansas. Midland druggist, 1899, m i • 00 Midland pub. co., Columbus, O. Midland methodist, 1871, w < i -oo 0. W. Patton, Nashville, Tenn. Midland reporter, 1895, \v 1 • 5^ C. C. Watson, Midland, Texas. Midland schools, 1885, m i • 00 W. S. Atheam, Des Moines, la. Midnight sun, 1903, m - • 00 J. T. Flynn, Seattle, Wash. Mid-Pacific magazine, 1910. m 2 .00 A. H. Ford, Honolulu, Hawaii. Midway, m Univ. high school, Chicago, 111. Midwest eagle, 1904, b-m i • O'-' J. M. Tanner, South Omaha, Neb. IMid-west fancier, 1902, m 5° Mid-west pub. co., 223 W. Twelfth st., Kansas City, Mo. Midwest hotel reporter, 1907, w -2 03 1. A. Medlar co., 414 S. 14th st., Omaha, Neb. Midwest industrial journal, 1899. m. 6d Washakie pub. co., Shoshone, Wyo. Midwestern, 1907, m 1 .00. Greater Des Moines pub. co., Des Moines, la. Military historical society of Massachusetts. Papers, 1881 , irreg. 2 . 50 Cadet armory, Boston, Mass. Military service institution of the U. S. Journal, 1878, b-m 3.00 Governor's Island, N. Y. Military surgeon, 1891, m 3-50 Ass'n. of military surgeons. Wash., D. C. Milkman, 1908, m, 1.00 Dr. D. Champlain 8730 Park avc., Kansas City, :\lo. Milk news, m 3° 184 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Milk reporter, 1884, m i -^^^ John J. Stanton, Sussex, N. J. Mill news, w ^ -OO Mill news pub. co., Charlotte. N. C. Millers' review, 1882, m 5° Henry L. Everett, 424 Walnut st., Phila., Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 233 Millicent library bulletin, 1896, irreg 25 Aiillicent library, Fair Haven, Mass. Milliner, m. and s-m., 18 nos 2.00 Milliner co., 233 Fifth ave., N.A^. Milliner, 1898. ni 2 . 00 Milliner co.. 215 vS. Market st., Chicago. 111. Millinery trade review, 1876, m 4.00 Gallison & Hebron co., 13 Astor pi., N. Y. Milling and grain news, w 2 .00 Milling and grain news co.. Kansas City, Mo. Milling and grain news, w 2 . 00 Milling and grain news co., Omaha, Neb. Millsaps collegian, m ]^Iillsa])s college. Jackson, Miss. Mill supplies, 1911, m 2 . 00 Crawford pub. co., Chicago, 111. Milton college review, m ]\Iilton, Wis. Milton (Mass.), public library Bulletin. 1902 25 Milton, Mass.' Milwaukee medical journal, m i .00 W. C. Xeilson, Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee normal school. Bulletin, 1905, q State normal school, Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee public library — ■ — ■ Report, a Quarterly index of additions, 1888 — — Board of trustees, Milwaukee, Wis. Mind and body, 1894. m., 10 nos. : i .00 Friedenker pub. co., 760 3d St., Milwaukee, Wis. Mind and builder magazine, 1910 (Oct.), m i .00 Union league bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Mine and quarry, 1906, q Free Sullivan machinery co., Railway exchange, Chicago, 111. Miner, 1012, w i .00 M. S. Malonc, Flill Top, W. A'a. Miner and stockman, 1903, s-m 50 J. E. Magee, Tucson, Ariz. Mineral daily news, 1912, d 3- 00 W. II. Barger, Keyser, W^ \'a. Mineral industry, 1894, a 10.00 C. ?\IcGraw, Hill book co., 239 W. 39tli st.. X. ^^ Mineral wealth, 1899, bi-m 2 . 50 M. E. Dittmar, Redding, Cal. Miners' magazine, 1900, m i.oo Western federation of miners, Denver, Colo. Mines and lumber, 1906, m 2 . 50 Spokane, Wash. (Cont. as The northwest mining news.) Mines and minerals, 1881, m 2.00 (Contin. as Colliery engineer, Mar., 1913.1 234 GUIDE VO PERIODICALS Mining age, u^oj, w 2.00 2y A\'illiam st, N. Y. Mining and engineering world, 1894, w - 3 = 00 Mininq- world co., ]\Ionadnock bldg.. Chicago, 111. Mining and oil review, 1889, w 2 .00 T. J. Fritzsimmons. Alarine bldg., vSan Francisco, Cal. Minnig and scientific press, i860, w 3- 00 Dewey pub. co.. 667 Howard St., San Francisco, Cal. Mining gazette, 1899, 6 d 6 . 00 Alining gazette co., Houghton, Mich. Mining investor, 1894, w 4.00 Colo. Springs gazette pub. co., Colorado Springs, Colo. Mining record, 1899, ^^ 2.00 Reinert piib. co., Denver, Colo. Mining review, 1899, s-m 2 . 50 Mining review pub. co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Mining science, (consolidation of Mining reporter and Ores and metals) 1889, \v . . . . 3 • 00 1725 39 Arapahol st., Denver, Colo. Mining world, 1894, w 3 • 00 Western mining world co., Alonadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Minnesota academy of natural sciences Bulletins, 1873 Occasional papers, 1894 ; Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota agricultural society. Report, a ^Minneapolis, ^linn. Minnesota alumni weekly, 1901. w. dur. coll. yr. . . i .25 E. B. Johnson, Minneapolis, 'Minn. Minnesoa and Dakota farmer, 1905, m 50 ^ Farm Poultry Ass'n., Brookings, S. Dak. Minnesota bankers' ass'n. Proceedings. 1899 G. H. Richards, Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota daily, 1900, 5 d. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Minnesota daily co., Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota dairyman, 1906, m 25 Dairyman pub. co., Northfield, Mimi. Minnesota engineer, q P!ngr. soc, Univ. of Minn., ]\Iimieapolis. Minn. . Minnesota farmers' institute annual, 1887, a Gratis Department of agriculture. St. Paul, Minn. Minnesota geological and natural history survey Minn, plant studies, IQ08, irreg St. Paul, Minn. Minnesota historical society Report. 1 88 1, biennial Collections, 1850, irreg Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota horticulturist, m i . 00 Minn, state horticultural society, Minneapolis, Minn. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 235 Minnesota insect life, kjio ( June ). 5 nos. year ( n-atis St. Antliony Park. Minn. Minnesota magazine, 1895, m. d. coll. yr i 00 Senior class, university of Minn., Minneapolis, Mmn. Minnesota state agricultural society. Report, 191 1 St. Paul, Minn. Minnesota state bar ass'n. Report ~ C. W. Farnham, 512 Kndicott bld.^.. St. Paul. Mum. Minnesota state board of health. Report. 1909 H. M. Pracken. Minneaiwlis. Minn. Minnesota state library commission. Sec Library notes and news. Minnesota union advocate, 1897, w i -OO Cornelius Guiney, St. Paul. Minn. Minnesota university. Bulletin, m Current problems, 191 3 (Nov.). ^linnesota botanical studies. 1897. Studies in chemistry, 1912. Studies in economics, 1913. Studies in history. Studies in public health. University of Minn., Minneapolis. Alinn. Minnesota white ribbon, 1890, m 25 Mrs. M. C. Densmore, Montevideo. Minn. Miramichi natural history association Proceedings, 1899, P^^ No 5° Chatham, N. B., Canada. Miroir des modes. I^utterick pub. co.. New York, N. Y. Mirror, m Central high school, Phila.. Pa. Mirror, m Pekin bigh school. Pekin, IH. Mirror, m • • • ■• Manual training high school. Indianapolis. Ind. Mirror, 189 1, w Wm. Marion Reedy, 915 Olive st.. St. Louis. ^\o. Mirror and farmer, 1851, w John B. Clarke co., Manchester, N. H. Miscelanea, 1907, m Rodolfo D. Canebraro. New York, N. Y. Miscellany, iQU Bd. of Trade bldg".. Kansas City. Mo. Mission bulletin, 1886, w • Central union mission, Washington. D. C. ■Mission field, 1887, m j \r ' Mission boards of reformed church, 25 E. 22d st., N. \. Mission gleaner, 1883, b-m Women's b'ds of foreign miss, of the reformed church, 25 E. 22d St., N. Y." Mission herald, 1887, m • • • • Diocese of East Carolina. Wihnington. N. C. 236 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Mission studies, 1883, m 50 Women's bd. of missions of the interior, 40 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Missions-Waennen, 1874. w i . 50 ^Missions friend's pub. co., 144 Oak st.. Chicago, 111. Missionary, 1868, m 50 Executive com. of foreign missions, Nashville, Tenn. Missionary, 1907, m i .00 Apostolic mission house, Brookland, Washington, D. C. Missionary helper, 1887. m 50 Saco. Me. Missionary herald, 1804, m 75 Amer. bd. of commissioners of for. miss., 14 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Missionary intelligencer, 1887, m 5;o Foreign Christian miss, society, Cincin., O. Missionary messenger, 1886, m 25 Mattill & Lamb, Cleveland, O. Missionary monthly, 1897, m 50 Board of missions, Huntington, Ind. Missionary outlook, 1880. m 40 Rev. A. Sutherland, Toronto, Canada. Missionary review of the vs^orld, 1888. m 2 . 50 Funk & Wagnalls co., 44 E. 23d st., N. Y. Missionary search-light, s-m 50 Mrs. Sara J. Duncan, Selma, Ala. Missionary tidings, 1883, m 50 Christian woman's bd. of missions, 152 E. Market St., Indianapolis, Ind. Missionary tidings, 1892, m 25 Mrs. H. H. Smith, Harrisburg, Pa. Missionary visitor, 1899, m 50 Brethren's general missionary and tract com., Elgin, 111. Missionary voice, 1911 • Xashville, Tenn. Missionary worker, 1891, s-m 5° J. B. Gambrell, Dallas, Tex. Missionary world, 1887, m S" World's faith missionary ass'n, Shenandoah, la. Missions, 1910 (Jan.), m '<5 Missions, 312 Fourth ave.. New York, N. Y. Mississippi bankers' ass'n. Proceedings, 1894 Vicksburg, Miss. Mississippi baptist, 1890, w ' '> Tracy Gallaspy, Newton, Miss. Mississippi college magazine, 1894, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Clinton. Miss. Mississippi educational advance, 191 1. ni i 00 Educational advance co., Jackson. Miss. GUIDE TO PI'RIODICALS 237 Mississippi historical society. Pulilications, i8■) nos 1 • o^ M. A. Bigclow, Geneva, N. Y. Nature study review, 1905, m ' o^ E. R. Downing, Univ. of Chicago. Naturopath and herald of health, m 1 • 00 Benedict Lust, 124 E. 59th st., N. Y. Nautical gazette, 1871, w 2.00 Crossett & Bates, 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Nautilus, ni Jacksonville high school, Jacksonville. 111. Nautilus, ni Colby high school, Walerville. Md. Nautilus, m i 00 C. W. Johnson, Berkeley st., Boston. Mass. Nautilus, 1897, q 4^ Manual training high school, Kansas City, Mo. Nautilus, 1898, m ' • 5° Elizabeth Towne, Ilolyoke, Mas';;. Naval militia ass'n. of the U S. Transactions • Washington, I). C. Naval stores review, 1890, w 2 . 50 Thos. Gamble, Jr., Savannah, Ga. Navy, i<)07. m J.c - Xavy pub. co., 732 i3tli st. X. \\'., Washington, D. C. 256 GL'IDE 'iO PERIODICALS Nazareth chimes, m Xazaretli acadeni}', La Grange, 111. Neal's essay magazine, 1912 (Dec), m 3- 00 Xeale pub. co., Union sq., N. Y. Neale's monthly, 1895, m 2 . 50 Xeale pub. co.. Union sq., X. Y. Neale's quarterly series of the world's greatest short stories, q Xeale pub. co.. X". Y. Nebraska academy of science. Publications, 1891, a Lincoln, Xeb. Nebraska alumnus, 1913 (Oct.). ni i .00 Alumni ass"n., U. of X"^., Lincoln, Xebr. Nebraska bankers ass'n. Proceedings, 1894 Omaha, X'eb. Nebraska bee-keepers ass'n. Report, 1894, a Nebraska dairyman and up-to-date farmer, 1897, a 20 Dairymen pub. co., Lincoln, X^eb. Nebraska engineering, 1902 Univ. of X'ebraska engineering society, Lincoln, X^eb. Nebraska farm journal, 1897, m i .00 Jas. W. Earley. Omaha, X'eb. Nebraska farmer, 1869, w'. i .00 X'ebraska farmer co., Lincoln, X^eb. Nebraska friend, 191 1 (Feb.), m 50 Cental City, Xeb. Nebraska Hermanns sohn, w J. H. Lohmann, Bloomfield, X^eb. Nebraska horticultural society, a Omaha. Xeb. Nebraska horticulture, 191 1. m i .00 Lincoln. Xel). Nebraska legal news, 1892, w i • 50 D. M. Butler, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska library bulletin, 1906 Public library commission, Lincoln, X^eb. Nebraska news, 1905, w i .00 Clatin printing co.. L'niv. Place, X'eb. Nebraska ornithologists' union Bird protection leaflet, 1903 Proceedings, 1900, a Varies Lincoln, X^eb. Nebraska state bar ass'n. Poceedings. 1901 Omaha. Xeb. Nebraska state historical society Proceedings and collections. 1885, irreg A'aries Lincoln, Xeb. Nebraska state horticultural society. Report, a Lincoln. X'eb. Nebraska state pharmaceutical association Proceedings, 1882, a Grand Island, Neb. GUIDE TO IM'.KiulJlC ALb 257 Nebraska teacher, 1 S()0, m ' • -5 Crabtrec & Towne, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska. University Bulletins, m., irreg College of medicine, 1906, q i -00 Contributions from chemical lab., irreg . Library. Bibliographical contributions Studies from zoolog. lab., i8q4, irreg University studies, 1888, q., per no 75 Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska workman, 1885, m 5° W. N. Huse, Norfolk, Neb. Nebraska educational directory, a Ed. dcpt.. Lincoln, Neb. Nebraskan, 1901, d. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Hesperian pub. co., Lincoln, Neb. Nedelni Hlas lidu, 1889. w 2 . 50 432 E. 7Tst St., N. Y. Needlecraft, 1909, m ^0 Vickery & Hill, Augusta, Me. Neglected Arabia, (formerly Quarterly letters), 1892, q Free Arabian mission, 25 E. 22d st.. New York, N. Y. Negro journal, 1906, w 1 • 00 Griffin, Ga. Negro leader, 1909. w i • 00 Success print, co., L^niontovvn. Ala. Negro press, 19T i, w i • 50 Dr. S. S. Dupee, 906 S. Governor st.. Evansville, Ind. Negro world, 1895, w t 00 A. J. Golden, Gary, Miss. Neighbor,' 1910, m Caxton bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Nervous & mental disease monograph, series, 1908 N. Y. Nesco news Xat. enameling & stami)ing co., Milwaukee, Wis. Neurograph, U)oy Brooklyn, N. Y. Nevada medicine ee Denver medical times. Nevada mining news, 1907. w 5 .00 Nevada mining news bureau, Reno, Ncv. Nevada school journal, 1909 (Sept.) , m 1.00 Reno, Nevada. Nevada university, Reno. r.uUelin, 1906 (Dec), q Studies, 1908 ( Jan.) , irreg (P\ib. in series of bulletins.) New adult bible class movement, 1906, m 4 00 . D. C. Cook pub. CO.. Elgin. 111. New age, 1865, m i 00 (Contin. as A(|uarian new age.) 258 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New age, 1904, m i • 50 Supreme council of the 33d degree A., and J^. Scottish rite S. J. U. S. A., 433 3d st. N. W., Washington, D. C. New Albany medical herald, 1879, m i .00 New Albany, Ind. New Bedford free library. Monthly bulletin, 1896 Report, a New Bedford, Mass. New books, 1912 (Sept.). m 443 Fourth ave., X. Y. New Brunswick S. S. advocate, 1899, m 25 St. John, N. B. New Brunswick historical society Collections, 1894, per no .50 St. John, N. B., Canada. New Buffalo Bill weekly, 1912 (Sept.), w 2.50 Street & Smith, N. Y. New century, 1886, w 2.00 H. J. Desmond, 116 Evening star annex, Washington, D. C. New century path, 1886, w 2 .00 Cent, as Century path. New century Sunday school teachers' monthly, 1899, m 60 D. C. Cook pub. CO., Elgin, 111. New church life, 1881, m 2.00 General church of the new Jerusalem, Bryn Athyn, Pa. New church messenger, w 3 . 00 Rev. John S. Saul, Masonic temple, Chicago, 111. New church review, 1894, q 2 . 00 Massachusetts new church union, Boston, Mass. New citizen, 1909. m i . 00 Mrs. M. T. Hammon, 437 Arcade bldg., Seattle, \\'ash. New citizen, 1912, m. ex. Jul., Aug. & Sept 30 624 Graver st., Xew Orleans, La. New collegian, 1878, w i . 00 Students of Hillsdale college, Hillsdale, Mich. New country, 1910, 3 times mo 2.00 Xew country pub. co., Rosthen, Saskatchewan. New drama, 1912 (Apr.), b-m. . .' i .00 194 Boyiston st.. Boston, Alass. New education C. I). Larson, Los Angeles, Cal. New england apple, iq 1 2. m 50 (L V. Si)al(ling, 12 Pearl st.. lloston. Mass. New England ass'n of colleges and preparatory schools Addresses and proceedings. 1885, a University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. New England baptist chronicle, 1907, w i .00 95 Camden st., Boston, Mass. New England business builder, 1909 (.\ug.), m t .00 Cambridge. Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 259 New England conservatory magazine, 5 times per yr 50 New Eng-land conservatory of music, Franklin sq, Boston, Mass. New England cotton manufacturers' association Transactions, 1866, s-m 5-00 Boston. Mass. New England catholic historical society Dues, a 3 .00 Publications, 1901 W. A. Leahy, sec, 64 Pemberton sq., Boston, Mass. New England craftsman, 1905 (Oct.), m 2.00 Warren B. Ellis, 900 Masonic temple, Boston, Mass. New England farmer, w i • 00 Battleboro, Vt. New England farms Concord, N. H. New England grocer, 1877, w 2.00 N. E. retail grocers' pub. co., 46 Clinton st., Boston, Mass. New England gumption, 1912 (Feb.) , m 5^ Fitzwilliam, X. H. New England high school commercial teachers' ass'n. Report, i(>02, a W. C). Hokien. sec, Pawtucket. R. I. New England historic-genealogical society. Proceedings, 1863. Boston, Mass. New England historical and genealogical register, 1847, q 3- 00 N. E. hist, genealog. society, Boston, Mass. New England history teachers ass'n. Report, 1897 Houghton, ^lifflin & Co., 4 Park St., Boston, Mass. New England homestead, 1867, w i -oo (Eastern ed. of American agriculturist, N. Y.) Orange Judd co., Springfield, Mass. New England liquor journal and directory, m 2 . 50 T. J. Dowling- & CO., Hecht bldg., Boston, Mass. New England magazine, 1889, m ^ -IS America co., 238 Tremont st., Boston. J\Iass. New England medical gazette, 1865, m 2 .00 Otis Clapp & son, 10 Park sq., kJoston, Mass. New England modern language association, membership i .00 Publications, 1905 • .■ INIaro S. Brooks, sec. High school, Brookline, Mass. New England railroad club, m. 8 nos ^ 00 W'm. E. Cade, Jr., 683 Atlantic avc, r.oston. Mass. New England resorter, 1912 (Mav), m t ■ 5° Herald lilcl-., I'.oston, Mass. New England waterworks association. Journal, 1886, m 3.00 Xew London, Conn. New England zoological club. Proceedings, T89g. irreg, per vol. 2.00 7 Kirkland st., Cambridge. Mass. 26o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New Englander, 191 1 (Ot.) , m i .c>o Contin. as American colonist. New era, m . .'. 50 Toronto, Canada. New era, 1888, \v i 00 Hernando, Miss. New era, 1889, w i . 00 E. L. Cronk, Louisville, Ky. New era, 1898, s-m i . 00 A. E. Vorhis, Scranton, Pa. New era, 1905, s-m i . 00 J. W. Hair, Indianola, ^liss. New era, 191 1, w 50 Daily telegraph pub. co., Rocky Mount. X. C. New era bulletin, 1897, m i . 00 New Era association, Grand Rapids, Mich. New era illustrated magazine, m 2 . 00 New Era illustrated magazine co., 38 Park Row, N. Y. New freeman, 1902, w i . 00 New freeman pub. co., St. John, N. B. New guide, i860, w 75 Trustees of M. P. bd. of pub., Pittsburg, Pa. New Hampshire college bulletin, 1907, q N. H. College, Durham. N. H. New Hampshire college monthly, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of N. H. college of agriculture, Durham, N. H. New Hampshire farmer, 1851, w i .00 Union pub. co., Manchester, N. H. New Hampshire genealogical record, 1903, q i -OO C. AV. Tibbetts, Dover. N. H. New Hampshire historical society. Collections, 1824, irreg. ... 2.50 Concord, N. H. New Hampshire horticultural society, Transactions. 1842 Concord, N. H. New Hampshire medical society. Transactions, a D. .E Sullivan, sec. Concord. X. H. New Hampshire public libraries. Bulletin, 1899 (Jan.), q Concord, N. H. New Hampshire sanitary bulletin, 1900 ( Jan.). q Free State board of health. Concord, N. H. New Hampshire state agricultural society. Report. 1894 Concord, X. H. New Hampshire state board of health. P.uUelin. 1012 (Jan.), q Concord. X. H. New Haven colony historical society l^apers. 1865, irreg., per vol 5 00 New Haven, Conn. New Haven free public library bulletin, Apr, 1894 New Haven, Conn. New idea, w ' • 5* ' Shelton (I^c Deadon, Galveston. Texas. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 261 New idea, 1 879, m i . 00 F. Stearns & co., Detroit, Mich. New idea fashions, 1894, m 036-38 Broadway, New York. New ideas, 1895, m 25 J. M. Foticlsani^cr, 1210 Frankford road, Phila., Pa. New ideas in fashions, 1908, q 60 New ideas pub. co., 636 Broadway, New York, N. Y. New international yearbook, 1907, a 5 .oo T)odd. Mead & co. New Jersey bankers ass'n. Proceedings. 1904 Jersey City. N. j. New Jersey baptist bulletin, 1891,111 25 Rev. L). Dewolf, Newark, N. Y. New Jersey commerce and finance, 1905, w 3.00 N. J. commerce and finance co., Newark, N. T. New Jersey farmer & home, 1905, m 25 F. R. Collins, ^^'estfield; N. J. New Jersey historical society Archives, 1888, irre^^ Collections, 1846, irreg ■ ■ Proceedings, 1845 ^ • 5^ Newark, N. J. New Jersey law journal, 1878, m 3 -Of"^ N. J. law journal pub. co., Plainfield, N. J. New Jersey state agjricultural society. Report, 1866. a Trenton, N. J. New Jersey state bar ass'n. "S'earbook. 1907 New Jersey state charities aid and prison reform ass'n. ■ Report. 1901. a. Trenton, N. J. New Jersey state horticultural society Proceedings, 1876, a i .00 Trenton, N. J. New Jersey state teachers' ass'n, 18^7, a Charles C. Royer, sec, Atlantic City, X. j. New life monthly, 191 t (Apr.), m 1.50 Wash., D.'C. New light, 1886, w t .on E. E. Perkins. Edwards, ]\Iiss. New London county historical society Records and papers, 1890, irreg., per no 50 New London, Conn. New magnet library, T89ri. v\- 10. a) Street & Smith, New York. New Mexico bar association. Minutes, 1886, a Edward L. Bartlett, Santa Fe, N. M. New Mexico journal of education, 1903, m i o.) R. T. Asplund, Santa Fe, N. ^\. New Mexico medical journal, 1905. q ' • X. M. medical soc, E. Las Vegas. N. M. 262 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New Mexico. University Bulletins. Biological series, irreg Varies Educational series, 1906 . -. Geological series, irreg A aries -Language series, 1907 (Dec), q. -Physics series, 1912 Albuquerque, N. M. New music review and church music review, 1900, m i .00 H. W. Gray cc. 21 E. 17th st., Xew York, X. Y. New Orleans medical and surgical journal, m 2.00 Tulane ave., Xew Orleans, La. New Orleans public library. Bulletin, 1910, q Xew ( Jrleans, La. New philosophy, 1898 (Mar.), q i .00 Swedenborg scientific ass'n., loii Arch st., Phila.. Pa. New post, 1910, w 50 76th E. loth St.. X. Y. New religion quarterly, 1912 (Apr.), q 20 Xew Canaan, Conn. New review, 1896, m 5° R. G. Badger, 194 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. cisco, Cal. New Rochelle public library. Bulletin. 1902. q Xew Rochelle, X. Y. New Shakespeareana, 1901, q 2.50 Shakespeare press, P. O. box 617, Westfield, X. J. New south baker, 1909. m i -oo Lo}less & Brown, 420 \\'esleyan bldg., Atlanta, Ga. New story magazine, 1905, ni .' i • 5° 70 Seventh st.. X. Y. New story magazine, 1905, m i • 5° X'orth American bldg., Chicago, 111. New styles, 1900, m 5° Merged into Popular fashions. New theology magazine, 1908 (Jan.), q. Contin. as Xew age magazine, 1908. New thought, 1891 , m 5° Xew thought pub. co.. 1299 Farwell ave., Chicago, 111. New way, 1905, m . . . i • 00 1 107 E St., X^. W., Washington, D. C. New way, 191 1 (Xov.), m Point Loma, Cal. New world, 1892, w 2 .00 Catholic press co., 256 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. New York academy of sciences. Annals, 1877, irreg 3.00 New York academy of sciences. Bulletin, w New York academy of sciences. Memoirs, 1895, P^^ V^^^ ^ -^^ R. W. Tower, Librarian, care Am. mus. of nat. hist. Xew York City. New York and New England ass'n. of railway surgeons Transactions. t8:, Liberty st, New York, N. Y. New York charity directory, 1882, a • • Charity organization soc, 105 E. 22nd st., New York, N. Y. New York city. Department of health Collected studies from research lab., 1906, a X. Y. New York city visiting committee of the state charities aid ass'n Reports, 1904. a 105 E. 22d St., N. Y. New York civil service reform association. Report, 1881, a. . . . The association, N. Y. New York clipper, 1853, w 4-00 Frank Queen pub. co., ltd., 47 W. 28th St., N. Y. New York coffee exchange. Report. 1888. a X. Y. New York commercial society. Report. i<)03 New York. Dept. of health. Monthly Inilktin. 191 1 Weekly report. New York dramatic mirror, w • 4 ■ 00 Xew York. N. Y. New York entomological society. Journal, 1893, q 2.00 77th st and 8th ave., N. Y. New York eye and ear infirmary. Reports, irreg Putnam & son, 29 W. 23d St., N. Y. New York farmer, 1881, w i -00 Tri-statc pub. co., Port Jervis, N. Y. New York genealogical and biographical record, i8()(). t] 3.00 New York genealogical and biographical society, 226 W. 58th St., New York, N. Y. New York general society of mechanics & tradesmen Report, 187::;, a N. Y. New York historical society. Collections, 1809, irreg • Report of the executive committee, 1847 George R. Schieffelin, corres. sec'y, 8th ave. bet. 76th and 77th sts.. New York City. 264 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New York homeopathic medical society Transactions, 1862, a Albany, X. Y. • ■• New York labor bulletin, 1899. q Free Lalior dept., Albany, N. Y. New York libraries, 1907 (Oct.), q free X. Y. state ed. dept., Albany, N. Y. New York lancet, 1895 X. Y. New York legislative record and index Le.Q'islative index pnb. cc. Albany, X. Y. New York lumber trade journal, 1886, s-m 2.00 X"ew York lumber trade journal, 18 Broadwav, X'^ew York, N. Y. New York magazine of mysteries, 1900, m i . 00 Wm. J. Housman, 22 X''. William St., X. Y. New York m-aritime ass'n. of the port of N. Y. Proc, 1907, a. . X. Y. New York medical journal, 1865, m 5- 00 A. R. Elliott pub. CO., 66 W. Broadway, X. Y. New York medical times, 1870, m i . 00 ^Medical times co., 669 Fifth ave., X^. Y. New York medicinische monatsschrift, 1889, m 2.00 A. Ripperger, 64 Madison ave., X^. Y. New York merchantile library ass'n. Bulletin. 1772. a. Report. 1772. X. Y. New York merchants ass'n. See Greater Xew York. New York metropolitan museum of art. Bulletin, 1905 ■ X. Y. New York observer, 1823, w 3.00 Xew York observer co., 156 Fifth ave., X^. Y. New York obstetrical society. Transactions, 1906 New York pathological society. Proceedings, 1881, m i .50 James T. Dougherty, 201 W. 55th St., X^. Y. New York prison ass'n. Report, 1844, a 135 E. 15th St., X\ Y. New York produce review and American creamery. See Produce review. New York public library. Bulletin, 1897, m 1 .00 Xew York public library, N. Y. New York psychiatric society. Contributions 2.00 jr>urnal of nerxous & mental disease pulx co., X. Y. New York railroad club Official proceedings, m, 9 nos., to members free. Harry D. Vaught, 62 Liberty st., Xew York, N. Y. New York realty journal, 1905, w Contin. as Xew York journal-news. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 265 New York savings bank ass'n. I'rocecdin.us, 1893 New York society for the reformation of juvenile delinquents Report, i(S_' V :i New York. X. Y. New York society library. Recent acccssiotis, q X. Y. . New York state bankers ass'n. I'roceedins's, 1893. • • • -^ New York state board of health. Monthly bulletin. 1884 Albany, X. Y. New York state charities and association. Reports, 1873, a i^ree 105 E. 22d St., N. Y. New York state conference of charities and corrections Proceedings. 1900, a ' -^^ Albany, N. Y. New York state electric railway guide, 1913 (Jan.), ni Iree R. M. Colt, Gloversville, N. Y. New York state historical association, membership 2.00 Proceedings, 1900, a The associat'ion, 32 Broadway, N. Y. New York state journal of medicine, 1901, m 2.00 Medical society, state of N. Y. 1313 Bedford ave., N. Y. New York state museum. Annual report, 1847 Bulletin, 1887 ' Memoir, 1889 Report of state geologist, 1881 Handbooks, 1893 John M. Clarke, director, Albany, N. Y. New York state pharm. association. Proceedings, 1898, a Free S. V. B. Swan, sec, N. Y. New York state science teachers ass'n. Proceedings, 1898, a. . Free State education department, Albany, N. Y. New York styles, Aug. 1907, m 104-08 W. 42d St., New York. New York supplement, 1888, w •. 5-0° West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. New York state teachers' ass'n. Proc. 1848, a. R. A. Searing, sec, North Tonawanda, N. Y. New York street railway ass'n. Report, 1881, a X. Y. City. New York suffrage newsletter, m • • • ; 5" N. Y. state woman's suffrage ass'n., Syracuse. X. ^ . New York teachers' monographs, 1898, q • • • • i 00 New York teachers' monographs cc, 21 Iv 14th St., New York, N. Y. New York templar, 1880, m 4° Grand lodge, I. O. of G. T., Jamaica, N. Y. New York times annalist, 1913 (Jan.). w 4- 00 New York times index, 1913, (] * ^^-0° 266 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New York times Saturday review of books, w i .00 X. Y. times co., Times square, New York, N. Y. New York tribune farmer, 1901, w _ i .00 Tribune association, N. Y. ' New York union club, 1897 • • N. Y. City. New York university. Bulletin m. ( Xov.-Mar. ) ; w. (Apr-June). . Wash, sq., N. Y., N. Y. New York university club. Annual, 1864 X. Y. City. X. Y. New York weekly witness, 1871, w i .00 150 Nassau st., New York. New York. Wom.an's hospital. Jkilletin, kjij New York world almanac, 1890, a. . . X. Y. New York zoological society. Membership per year . 10.00 Bulletin, 1896, q ' Report, a X\ Y. zoological park, Xew York, X. Y. New Yorker, w vStudents N. Y. university, X. Y. Newark, N. J. Free public library. Bulletin, July 1904 Finding list, 1900 Library news, 1890, m Newarker, 191 1, m j 00 Free public library, Newark, X. j. Newark museum. Bulletin, occasionar. Xewark, X. J. Newberry library. Publications, i()i2, irreg Chicago, 111. Newburyport (Mass.) public library bulletin, 1903 Newer justice, m i 00 Xational probation league, 443 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Newite magazine, 1909, m ' i -o John F. Xew, N. Y. ' Newology magazine, 1907, m i .00 622 S. Alvarado st., Tos Angeles, Cal. Newport casino, bulletin & program, 1907, w ■ J. W. Grayhurst, Xew York, N. Y. Newport historical society. ]]ulletin, kji 1 , q Xewport, R. L News, 1912 (Apr.), w 2.00 Bronxville, X^. Y. News advocate, 1900, w 2 . 00 J. D. MacGauhey, Stockton, Cal. News an upper Mich, farm journal, 1878, w 1 .00 C. \\'. llecox, Sault vSte. Marie, Mich. News and farm journal, 1892. w 50 Chaltanooga. "Tenn. GUIDE 10 ri:Rl()!)ICALS 267 News bureau. 1S87. d 12.00 17-J5 I{xclian,uc place, IJoston, Mass. News enterprise, 181)7. w ' -oo A. II. Samuals & J. M. Carter. Shrevejxjn. I.a. Newsletter W'altham -raduate nurses' ass'n.. Wallliam. Mass. Newsletter, 111 ' ■ 00 ( ). e\ Saliiii. 1329 ,M St.. Wash.. 1). C. Newsletter, 1897. \v. dur. coll. yr 1 • 50 Students of Johns Hopkins univ.. ikiltimore. Md. News notes of California libraries, 1906, q State library. Sacramento, Cal. Newspaperdom, 1892, w 2 .00 Newspaperdoni pub. co.. 150 Nassau st., N. Y. News record, 1895. w ' 00 Xews record pul). co.. Apollo. Pa. Niaraga historical society. Membership 50c. Publications, 1896, each 20 Annual report, 1896 Niaraga-on-the-Lake, Ont., Canada. Niagara index, 1870, s-m i • 75 Students of Niagara university, Niagara univ., N. Y. Nick Carter stories, 1912 (ept.), w 2.50 Street & Smith. 79-89 Seventh ave.. N. Y. Nickelodeon, 1908. m 2.00 I Contin. as Motography.) Nickel pathfinder, m 5° N. E. railway pub. co.. P.oston. ^lass. Niedziela, 1912, w ^. 2.00 A. A. Paryski. 1152 Nebraska ave.. Toledo. ( >. Nile green and black, 1907. m Central college, Fayette. Mo. Nineteen-nineteen, 1919 (Sept.). q 2^ St. Albans. W. Va. Nineteenth century and after (Am. ed.), 1877, m 4- 5° Leonard Scott pub. CO., 7 Warren St., N. Y. Nor-Ohio I. O. O. F. bulletin, 1905, w 5° ( Contin. as Universal masonic directory'. ) Nor'-west farmer, 1882, s-m i -OO Nor'-wcst farmer, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Nord Amerika, 1871, w 2 . 50 John Wiesler, Jr., 1006 N. 5th St., Phila.. Pa. Normal, m ]Mont. state normal school. Dillon. Mont. Normal, 1901. m. dur. sch. yr i -OO State normal school, Spearfish, S. D. Normal advocate, m Cam])hell univ.. liolton, Kansas. Normal advance, m State normal ncjrmal school. ( )shk()sh. Wis. 268 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Normal advance, m., Oct.-Jiine yc Indiana state normal school,' Terre Haute, Ind. Normal bulletin, m Fairmount state normal Fairmount. W. \'a. Normal college echo, m X. Y. state normal, Albany, X. Y. Normal college news, w. dur. coll. yr i .00 X'^ormal college, Ypsilant , Mich. Normal echoes, m State normal school, E. Stroudsburg, Pa. Normaleyte, w la. state normal school, Cedar Falls, la. Normal guide, b-m East Texas normal, Commerce, Texas. Normal herald, m . State normal school, Shippensburg, Pa. Normal index, 1885, w , Free Agricultural and mechanical college. Normal, Ala. Normal instructor and teachers' world, 1891, 10 nos i .25 F. A. Owen pub. co., Dansville, N'. Y. Normal leader, m State normal school, Fredonia, X'. Y. Normal oracle, m vState normal school, \'alley City, X^. D. Normal pennant, m Sate normal school, Los Angeles, Cal. Normal pointer, m Stevens Point normal, Stevens Point, Wis. Normal quarterly, q ]\Iansfield, Pa. Normal review, m Mo. state normal school, Warrensburg. Mo. Normal wireless, m . . . . , Eastern Oregon state normal. Weston, Ore. Norske Selskab i Amerika. Membership $1.00. Aarbog, 1903 • Kvartalskrift, 1905 Minneapolis, Minn. North American flora, 1905, irreg., per part i .50 X'ew York botanical garden, Bronx Park, X'. Y. North American journal of homoeopathy, 1852. m 3-00 Journal pub. co., 181 W. 83d st., X. Y. North American review, 1815, m 4.00 Xorth American review pub. co., Franklin sq., N. Y. North and south, 1903, m i . 00 C. C. Packard, Louisville, Ky. North Carolina bar ass'n. Report, 1898 Wilmington, X. C. North Carolina booklet, 1901, q i .00 Mary Flilliard Hinton, Raleigh, X. C. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 260 North Carolina Christian advocate, 1855, vv i .50 Greensboro, N. C. North Carolina department of agriculture. Bulletin, m. ..... . N. C. state bd. of agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina geological survey. Bulletin, 1893, irreg. . . . . , . Economic papers Reports, 1892, biennial Chapel Hill. N. C. North Carolina high school bulletin, 1910 ( |une), i( 50 Univ. of X. C, Chapel Hill, N. C. "■ North Carolina index, 1903. w i .00 H. A. London, Pittsboro, N. C. North Carolina journal of education, ni 1.00 W. F. ^[arshall, Raleigh, X. C. North Carolina odd fellow, 1908, m 50 I. ( ). O. F. of X. C, Raleigh. X. C. North Carolina state board of health ^Bulletin. 1884, m Raleigh, X. C. North Carolina student farmer, 1908, m .50 Rural science club, A. & M. coll. West Raleigh, X. C. North Carolina Sunday school beacon, m 25 North Carolina S. S. association, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina teachers assembly Proceedings and addresses, 1885 Raleigh, X. C. North Carolina university Record Studies in philology, 1906, irreg Chapel Hill, X. C. ^' North Carolina university magazine, 1844, 6 times d. coll. yr. . 1.50 Chapel FliU, N. C. North Carolina white ribbon, 1884, m 25 >,\'. C. T. v., Greensboro, X. C. North central association of colleges and secondary schools Proceedings, 1896, a 25 J. E. Armstrong, Englewood high school, Chicago, 111. North central ass'n. of railroad commissioners. Minutes, 1908.. . North central history teachers ass'n. Proceedings, i8m 25 38 S. 3d St., Columbus. O. Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly, 1887, q 3.00 Ohio state archaeological and historical society.. Columbus, O. Ohio architect, engineer, and builder, m 1 . 00 Ohio architect and builder co.. 20 Blackstone bldg.. Cleveland, O. • Ohio banker, 1908, m 1.50 Ohio banker ass'n, 809 Wyandotte bldg., Columbus, O. Ohio bankers ass'n. Proceedings, 1890 Columbus, O. Ohio bulletin of charities and corrections, q 20 Ohio bd. of state charities, Columbus, O. Ohio chronicle, 1869, w. dur. coll. yr 75 Ohio school for the deaf, Columbus. O. Ohio college ass'n. Transactions, a E. A. Miller. Oberlin, Ohio. Ohio educational monthly, 1852, m i .00 O. T. Corson, Columbus, O. Ohio electric light association Proceedings, 1904. per no i .00 D. L. Gaskill, sec'y-treas., Greenville, O. Ohio endeavorer, 1898, m 25 S. J. Clark, Toledo, O. Ohio engineering society ._ Proceedings, 1879, a 50 E. G. Bradbury, sec., 85 E. High st., Columbus, O. Ohio farmer, 1848, av 5° Lawrence pub. co., Cleveland, O. Ohio geological survey. Bulletins, irreg Varies Columbus, O. Ohio historical and philosophical society Publications, 1906, q Cincinnati, O. Ohio homoeopathic medical society. Transactions, 1865, a. . . . Columbus, O. Ohoi journal of commerce, 19T0. \v 2 . 00 Ohio journal of commerce co.. Columbus. O. Ohio lantern, w rjhio state univ.. Columbus. O. Ohio law bulletin, 1876, w 4 • 50 Laning co., Norwalk, O. Ohio law reporter, 1903 (Apr. 20), w 5- 00 806 Main st., Cincinnati, O. Ohio mechanics institute. Bulletin. 1904. m Cincinnati, O. CITIDR 'I'O naUODICALS 277 1.00 Ohio merino sheep breeders' ass'n. Register, 1906, a Wesley Bishop, sec'y, Delaware, Ohio. Ohio motorist, 1908, m •^• Ohio motorist pub. co., 1026 Franklin ave., Columl)US, O. Ohio naturahst, 1900, 8 nos i .00 Biological club of Ohio state university, Columbus, O. Ohio northern university. Bulletin, 7 nos Ada. (). Ohio school journal, 1904, m 75 Ohio school journal co., Columbus, O. Ohio state academy of sciences. Report, 1891, a Special papers, 1899, irreg Columbus, O. Ohio state archaeological and historical society Publications. ])cr vol 3-0'^ Annual report, 1885 E. O. Randall, sec'y, state house, Columbus, O. Ohio state ass'n. of school board members. Proceedings, a. . . . Columbus. (). Ohio state board of health. Report, icS88 Monthly bulletin, 191 1 Columbus. O. Ohio state lantern, 1879, w ^ • ^5 Ohio state university, Columbus, O. Ohio state library Monthly bulletin, 1905 Columbus, O. Ohio state medical journal, 1905, m i .00 Ohio state medical association, Columbus, O. Ohio state teachers' ass'n. Proc. 1849, a - Pub. in Ohio ed. monthly. Ohio state university. Bulletin, m Botanical series Psychological studies, 1909 Contribu. from dept. of zoology and entomology 189Q. Bulletin, 1896, irreg — ■ — In this bulletin there appear a number of sub-series. The Ohio Mycological Volumes. 1-6, 1903- 1907 appeared in that form. The Botanical Series began in 1899 ; Geological Series in 1901 ; College of Engineering Bulletins in lOi i : ( >hio' Biological Survey Bulletis in (913. All of these publications contain regular numbers in the regular bulletin series of the I'niversity. Annual Report of the Board of Trustees, 1910, a. . ■ Prior to 1910 this report was issued as a number in the regular bulletin series. Agricultural College Extension lUilletin, 1005. m Agicultural College Farmers' Reading Couj-se. \()\2 (Oct. to Mar.) , m 278 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS -Weekly Calendar, 1910, w. dur. coll. yr. . Columbus, O. Ohio state weekly, ujii, w. dur. coll. yr .- 50 Ohio state weekly pub. co.. Columbus, Ohio. Ohio Sunday school worker, 1890, q 79 Ruggery bldg'., Columbu, O. Ohio teacher, 1880, m i .00 H. G. Williams, Athens, O. Ohio university bulletin, q. dur. coll. yr 25 Students of Ohio university, Athens, O. Ohio waisenfreund, 1873, \v i . 50 I'ontifical coll. josephinum, 821 E. Main st., Columbus, O. Ohio Wesleyan transcript, 1866, w. dur. coll. yr i .25 Ohio Wesleyan transcript, Delaware, O. Ohio Wesleyan university bulletin, 1902, b-m Delaware, O. Oil age, 1909, w 3.00 725 l^itle insurance bldg.. Los Ang-eles, Cal. Oil and gas journal St. Louis. Mo. Oil and gas man's magazine, 18§T, a C)il men's ass'n of western Pa. Oil City derrick, 1871, d i .00 Derrick pub. co.. Oil City. Pa. Oil investors' journal, 1903, s-m 2.40 910 Texas ave., Houston, Tex. Oil news, 1908. w 2 . 00 Maricopa, Cal. Oil man's magazine, 1910 ( ( )ct. ), m , i .00 St. Albans, W. \'a. Oil paint and drug reporter, 1871, w '4.00 Wm. O. Allison, 100 William St., N. Y. Oil record, 1909, d 5 . 00 Coalinga, Cal. Oklahoma and Indian Territory odd fellow, 1893, m i .00 R. A. Brown, W'aukomis. ( )k]a. Oklahoma banker, kjoi;, m t .00 ( )kla. banker ass'n. Enid. ( Ikla. Oklahoma bankers' ass'n. I*roceedings. iSgC) En'ul. ( )kla. Oklahoma bar ass'n. rroceedings. H)OJ Oklahoma charities and corrections. I'.ulletin. M)I2 Cuthric, (Jkla. Oklahoma club woman, kjio, m 50 Miss M. C. McDougel, Sapulpa, ( )kla. Oklahoma farm journal, 1(S93, s-m 50 Farm journal co., OklahcMiia Citv. Okla. Oklahoma farmer, 1890, w 5° Farmer pub. co., Guthrie, Okla. Oklahoma farmer-stockman, i88(), w 50 ( )kla.. ( )kla. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 279 Oklahoma geological survey. Bulletin, 1908 (Nov.), irreg.... Xorman, Okla. Oklahoma guide, iS()2. w ^ -^^ O. X. IVM-kins. Guthrie, Okla. Oklahoma historical society Biennial report of the president, 1897 Carnegie bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma labor unit, 1908, w l-^^ Lal)or unit pub. co., Okla. City, Okla. Oklahoma law journal, m 2 .00 D. H. Fernandes, Guthrie, Okla. Oklahoma magazine State nat. hank bklti.. Okla. City, Okla. Oklahoma medical news-journal, 1893, m i -oo J. R. Phelan, Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma messenger, ICJ04. m -:" ( )kla. W. C. T. l\. Lament, ( )kla. Oklahoma school herald, 1892, m i 00 C. W. Turner, Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma state educational ass'n. Proc. a ■ W. W. e'unningham. sec. Shawnee. Okla. Oklahoma state farmer, 191 1 ( Oct. ) . m ( )klahoma Citv, Okla. Oklahoma. State university. Bulletin, q i^ ree University of Oklahoma, Norman. Okla. Oklahoma Sunday school worker, 1895, m 25 William Rogers, Medford, Okla. Oklahoma workman, 1893. m 5^ S. L. Johnson, Guthrie, Okla. Old continental, igoi ( Sept. ) . q • ■ • • Iowa sons of the American revolution, Des Moines. la. Old Dartmouth historical sketches, 1003. irreg" 5° New Bedford, Mass. Old dominion journal of medicine and surgery, 1902 (July), m. i .00 Old dominion pub. co., Richmond, Va. Old gold and purple, m Xew ( )rleans hi.^h school, New ( )rleans. T.a. "Old northwest" genealogical quarterly, q 3-00 Frank T. Cole, Columbus, O. Old Penn, 1903, w ^ • °^ Students of Univ. of Penn.. Phila., Pa. Old ulster, 1905 (Jan.), m -^ 25 Benjamin M. Brink, Kingston, N. Y. Olio, l)-m • "^ Straiiiht univ.. Xew Orleans. La. OHve and blue, w. dur. coll. yr ^00 Students of Tulane university. New Orleans, La. Olive growers' convention. Proceedings, i8<;i Cal. state bd. of horticulture. Sacramento. Cal. Olive leaf, 1882. s-m ^^ .\u2:ustana book concern. Rock Island, ill. 28o GUIDE TO PERIODIGALS Olivet college bulletin, 1901, 8 nos Free Olivet, Mich. Olivet echo, 1888. w. dur. coll. vr i .00 Olivet. Mich. Olympic, ni Sank Centre high school. Olympus, m Olympia high school, Olympia, ^^^ash. Omaha public library bulletin, 1897. Report, a — • — Omaha, Neb. Omega upsilon phi journal, q — — Dr. A. E. Osmond. 19 W. 7th st.. Cincinnati. ( ). Oneida historical society at Utica Dues, 5 . 00 Yearbook, i88t ^ Memorial bldg-., Utica, N. Y. Oneontan, m State normal school, Oneonta. X. Y. Ontario association of architects ^ — Proceedings, 1901, a Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Ontario bee keepers' ass'n. Report, 1S29. a Ont. dept. of Agri., Ottawa. Ont. Ontario churchman, m 25 British whig pub. co., Kingston, Ontario. Ontario, Canada. Ontario dairymen's ass'n. Report. 1901, a Ont. dept. of Agri.. Ottawa, Ont. Ontario historical society. Papers and records, i8;;g. a. per vol. i.oo Report, 1891, a Toronto, Canada. Ontario law reports, 1899 Toronto, Canada. Ontario natural science bulletin, 1905, a 25 Wellington field naturalists' club, Guelph, Ont., Canada. Ontario weekly notes, 1909 (Sept.). av. per vol 3.00 Toronto. Ont. Ontario weekly reporter, 1902 (Jan. 4) 32 Adelaide St., East Toronto, Canada. Onward, 1891 , w 60 Rev. W. Briggs, Toronto, Canada. Onward, 1893, w 50 Universalist pub. house, 30 West st.. Boston. Mass. Onward, 1907, w 7? Presbyterian ommittee of pub., Richmond. \'a. Oologist, 1884. m 50 Frank H. Lattin, Albion. N. Y. Open court, 1 887, m i . 00 Open court pub. co.. 324 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 281 Open door, 1898, m '^5 .Mrs. E. D. Collins, Winchester, lean. Open door, 1908, m ^^ Contin. as Opportunity magaznie. Open door, 191 1 (Aug.) N. Y.. N.,Y.; Open exhaust, 1910 (July) , m ^^' 1 14 X. 5th St., La Crosse, Wis. Open road 1908 (Sept.), m • ^" Bruce T. Calvert, Griffith Lake co.,,Ind. Open shelf, q • • • • • Cleveland public library, Cleveland, C). Open window, 1885, m ^ -^ Shut in society, 1 14-120 W. 30th St., N. Y. Operative miller, 1896, m • • • ^ -^ Operative miller co., 114 Sherman St., Chicago, ill. Ophthalmic record, 1891, m 4-00 C. C. Clute High bldg., Chicago, 111. Ophthalmology, 1904, q 5 00 Seattle, Wash. Opinion, m ; • • • Peoria high school, Peoria, 111. Opinion enterprise, 1907, w ^ -OO M. A. Clark, Marianna, Ark. Opera house reporter, 1898, w 2.00 \\\ H. Bruno, Esthervihe, la. Ophthalmic literature, 191 1 Denver, Colo. Ophthalmology, 1904, q 5-0° Seattle, Wash. Opportunity, 1Q09. m ; ; ■ • ■ a; '• th" ^ " ^^ Progress pub. co., 504 Rand McXally bldg., Chicago, 111 Opportunity, 1895, m • • ; • • ()])portunity pub. co.. 15 S. Market st.. Chicago. 111. Opportunity, m -^ 5^ Segnogram pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Opportunita, 191 1 ( )])])ortunita pub. co., Erie, Pa. Optical instrument monthly, 1905, m. ' ■^'^ Cc.ntin. as Optical journal. Optical journal, 1889, w • • • • 2. 00 Frederick Boger pub. co., i Maiden Lane, JN. Y. Optimist, ni Kankakee high school, Kankakee, lb. Oracle, m St. Xavier's academy, liangor, Me. Oracle, m Tvlward little high school, .\uburn. Me. Oracle, m •. • ■ ■ \ Cheshire school, Cheshire, Conn. .SO 282 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Oracle, s-m Wilson collei^e. Chambesburg, Pa. Oracle, 1896, m. dur. coll. yr , i .00 Students of Monmouth college, Monmouth, 111. Oracle, 1888, s-m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Hamline university. Hamline, Minn Oral health, Toronto. Canada. Oral health, 1910, m i .00 Wallace Seccombe, 144 Carlton st.. Toronto, Ont. Oral hygiene, 191 1 (Jan.). m 50 George E. Hunt, Indianapolis, Ind. Orange, 1903, d. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Orange pub. co., Syracuse, N. Y. Orange and black, m Spokane high school. Spokane. Wash. Orange and black, m ( )klahoma A. and M. college. Stillwater, Okla. Orange and black, 1910, s-m 50 Students of Mercer univ., Macon. Ga. Orange and blue, s-m Alabama polytechnic institute. Auburn. Ala. Orange and blue, a 75 PAisiness high school. Wash.. D. C. Orange and blue, a 75 Business High School, Washington. D. C. Orange and blue, 1897, m. dur. coll; yr i .00 Students of Bucknell university, Lewisburg, Pa. Orange and white, 1906, w i ■ 50 Students of the university of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Orange Judd American agriculturalist, w i .oo Orange Judd New England homestead, w 1 .cx) Orange Judd farmer, 1888. w i -oo Orange Judd co.. ^Marquette bldg., Chicago. 111. Orange Judd northwest farmstead, w 1 .00 Orange Judd southern farming, w 1 .00 ( )range judd co.. Si)ringfield. Mass. Orange sun, 1 907, s-w i . 00 Fred Wannamaker. Orangeburg. S. C. Orchard and farm, 1886, m i .00 Culkins newspaper syndicate, San Francisco, Cal. Ordens echo, 1885. m 50 238 W. I22d St.. X. Y. Orderly, m Hill military academy, Portland, ( )re. Oregon agriculturist and rural northwest, 1891. s-m 50 Rural northwest, Portland, Ore. Oregon apple news, 1910 (Mar.), irreg per no. .10 Corvallis, Ore. Oregon emerald, H)00, l;-\v. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 ( )rogon univ.. luigcne. ( )re. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 283 Oregon countryman, 1908, m 50 A«^riculture coll., Cornvallis, ( )re. Oregon historical society. Quarterly, 1900, q 2. 00 Portland, Ore. Oregon merchants magazine, i(X)4. iii ' -^^ 414 Commercial club bldj^^., Portland, Ore. Oregon monthly, m Univ. of ( )re., Eugene, Ore. Oregon pioneer association Transactions, 1875, a., per no 5° Geo. H. Himes. sec., City hall, Portland, Oregon. Oregon state board of health bulletin, 1903. q State printer, Sellino- bld^., Portland, Ore. Oregon state conference of charities and corrections Report, 1902. a Portland, Ore. Oregon teachers' monthly, 10 nos i .00 Teachers' pub. co., Salem, Ore. Oregon tradesman, 1905. w --oo ( )rno Strong. Portland. ( )re. Oregon. University, Bulletin, n. s., 1903, b-ni Extension monitor, 1913 Eugene, Ore. Oregon weekly, w Univ. of Ore., Eugene, ( )re. Oregonian, 1850. \v ' • 5° Oregonian pub. co., f^ortland. Ore. Oriental university. Bulletin, q Dominion Meights, Wash.. D. C. Orff's farm and poultry review, 1900. m 10 Western magazine ]nib. co.. 2807 Locust St.. St. Louis, Mo. Organ, 1890, b-m ; ^ -OO Geo. Molineux, 150 Fifth aave., N. Y. Organist, b-m ^ • 5° Lorenz pub. co., Dayton, O. Organized charities association of the city of New Haven Report, 1879, a New Haven, Conn. Organized labor, 1900, w ^ • 5° Organized labor pnb. co., San Francisco, Cal. Oriental economic review, 1910 ( Nov.). f Contin. as ( )riental review. Oriental university bulletin, 1903. m .P Los .\ngeles. Cal. Oriente medico, i(;o<). m Drs. Comas &- Macia, Santiago. Cuba. Orphans' friend and masonic journal, 1876. w i 00 Oxford orphan asylum. Oxford, N. C. Orphans home paper, i8<)7, m :^° Evangelical Lutheran orphans' home, Topton, Pa. 284 GUIDE TO. PERIODICALS Orpington magazine, 191 1, q .2-5 C. J. Peaock, Cincinnati, O. Osage magazine, 1909 (Nov.), m i .00 Contin. as Wide west. Osborne county farmer, 1873 ( Jan.) , w i . 50 B. P. Walker, Osborne, Kan. Osteopathic brief, 1906, m .50 Dr. J. H. Crenshaw, Ariel blclg., St. Louis, jMo. Osteopathic health, 1901, m .50 Osteopathic pnb. cc, 171 Washington St., Chicago, III. Osteopathic physician, 1902, m 50 Osteopathic pub. co., 171 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Osteopathic world, 1896, m . . . i . 00 W. R. Dobbyn, Edison bldg., ^linneapolis. Alinn. Ostrich, 191 1 ( Mar.), q 40 Leon A. ]vlitchell. Watertown, X. Y. Otero student, m ^— Union high school. La Junta, Colo. Otis library and Peck library Co-operative bulletin, 1903 (Nov.), Norwich, Conn. Otsego farmer, 1885, w i . 50 Crist, Scott & Parshall, Cooperstown, N. Y. Ottawa Chautauqua assembly herald, 1892, m 25 C. S. ]\iusbaum, Ottawa, Kan. Ottawa literary and scientific society. Membership. 3-00 Transactions, 1897, per no .50 Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Ottawa naturahst, 1883, m i .00 Ottawa field naturalists club, Ottawa, Canada. Ottawa tent colony, 191 1 (June), Bulletin (Jttawa, 111. Ottawa university. Quarterly bulletin, q free Ottawa, Kan. Otterbein adult bible class quarterly, 1908 24 Otterbein aegis, 1890, m. dur. coll. yr 50 Philophronean pub. co., Westerville, O. Otterbein home department quarterly 16 Otterbein intermediate quarterly 12 Otterbein senior quarterly .16 Otterbein teacher, 1873, ni 50 United brethren pub. house, Dayton, O. Otis weekly, 1905, w 50 Geo. Otis, 153 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Otwell's farmer boy, i()oS. "i 5° ^\'m. B. Otwell, Carlinvillc, 111. Ouachita pipples, m Arkadel|)hia, Arkansas. Our boys and girls, 1910 (Jan.), m i.oo Our boys and girls pub. co., 912 Grand ave., K. C, AIo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS -OO Our church hf e, 1 894, in • 25 Wisconsin home missionary society, Madison, Wis. Our commonwealth magazine, 1906, b-m 20 (Contin. in Atty. AIcKelvie's megaphone.) Our consciousness, 191 1 (Jan.), m t .00 Hot Springs, Arkansas. Our country, J906, m .••••: "^ Home and fireside co., Louisville, Ky. Our drummer, m Butler bros., Chicago, 111. Our dumb animals, 1868. m i -oo Massachusetts §. P. C. A., 19 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Our fourfooted friends, 1902 (Apr.), m 5° Animal rescue league, 4 Fayette St., Boston, Mass. Our hope, 1894, m ^ 00 A. C. Graebelein, 80 2nd ave., N. Y. Our hope and life in Christ, 1889, w i • 5° Western advent Christian pub. ass'n, Mendota, 111. Our juniors, q -O Amer. baptist pub. soc. Phila., Pa. Our little friend, 1874, w 7° Pacific press pub. co., Mountain View, Cal. Our little ones, m, in weekly parts '2.^ Am. baptist pub. soc, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Our little people, m 35 I). li. Knowlton, Farmington, ]Mo. Our message, m c Union female college. Oxford, Miss. Our messenger, 1886, m 25 W. C. T. U., Downs, Kansas. Our monthly, 1867, m i -oo ■ Thornwell orphanage, Clinton, S. C. Our navy, 1907, m ^ • • • '• i • 5° (Jur navy pub. co., 253 Broadway, X. Y. Our own Illinois retail merchant journal, 1902, m 5- 00 2^,2 S. Jefiferson ave., Peoria, 111. Our productions, w American pub. and eng. co., N. Y. Our pulpit, 1887, w I 00 Oscar Klonower, 1435 Euclid ave., Phila., Pa. Our race quarterly, 1909 (Dec), q 1-00 Xew Haven, Conn. Our record, 1769, m 65 Commercial pub. co., 39 Plymouth ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Our rural home and carrier's messenger, k)o7, m ^l Carriers messenger, Winston-Salem, X. C. Our state army and navy, 1897, m i • 5° Charles J. Hendler, 1103 Betz bldg.. Phila., Pa. Our story quarterly, q • ^4 Am. baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St.. Phila., Pa. 286 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Our Sunday visitor, 1912, w 50 Catholic pub. co., Huntington,, Ind. Our weekly letter, 191 1 (Nov.), w < . . - ■. 10 00 Trade and transportation bureau, V»'ash., D. C. Our young folks, 1 876, w 75 Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Our young people, 1892, m i .00 Young people co., Milwaukee, Wis. Our youth's friend, 1888, w 50 Publishing ass'n of friends, Plainfield, Ind. Out west, 1894, m 3 00 Out west CO., 115 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Outdoor life, 1898. m i . 50 Denver, Colo. Outers book, 1901, m i . 50 Sportsman pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Outing, N. Y., 1882, m '. 3 . 00 Outing pub. CO., 239 Fifth ave., N. Y. Outlook, m Ellensburg normal school, EUensburg, \\'ash. Outlook, 1869, w 3 . 00 Outlook CO., 287 Fourth ave., N. Y. Outlook, 1886, m 25 R. L woman's Christian temperance union, Providence, R. L Outlook for the blind, 1907, q 50 Mass. inst. f. promoting interests of the blind, Cambridge, Mass. Outlook of missions, 1909, m 50 15th & Race St., Phila., Pa. Oven, 1905, m 75 Students of university of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Overcomer, 1907. m 50 Polk Ross, Tullahoma, Tenn. Overland monthly, 1868, m i . 50 Overland mo. co., San Francisco, Cal. Overland monthly, 1904, m i .00 Horace W. Roberts, Allentown, Pa. Overseer, 1879, ^n • 5° Overseer pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. Owl, s-m I'niv. of Pa., Phila., Pa. Owl South Bend, Ind. Owl, 1894, w I -00 W. A. Dudlev, 810 Centre St., Chicago. 111. Owl, 1899, q '. I 00 Geo. D. Wing, Kewaunee, Wis. Owl, 1904, m (?) Fresno hic:h school, Fresno, Cal. GUIDE TO PEKIODICALbi 287 Owl, i(|09 ( No\^ "I . m 50 Rockville Center. X. V. Oxford college bulletin, 1888, q 50 Faculty of Oxford colleg;e, Oxford, O. Oysterman and fisherman, 1902. m 1 .oo (Jysterman ])rint. co., Ilam])ton, \'a. Ozark produce journal, i(;r2. 111..' 'o Fort Smith, .Arkansas. Pacific, 1852, w 2 . 00 Pub. CO. of the Pacific, Y. M. C. A. bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific arts and crafts news, m 1 . uli G. Walter Meade, 438 Wall st.. Fos An.s^eles. Cal. Pacific hanker, w ?,-00 Fidell hanker, 310 McKay bldj.^., Portland. Ore. Pacific baptist, 1877, w 2 . 00 Pacific baptist pub. co., Portland, Ore. Pacific builder and engineer, 1903, w 5 .00 Seattle, Wash. Pacific Christian, w 2 . 00 Pacfic Christian pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific Christian advocate, 1853, av i . 50 Jennings »& Graham, Portland, Ore. Pacific churchman, 1866, s-m , 1 • 00 Diocese of California, 721 Cal. St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast architect, 191 1, m 2.50 Coast pub. CO., Portland, Ore. Pacific coast gas association Proceedings, bi-a., per vol 2.50 John A. P.ritton, sec.-treas., 925 Franklin st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast gazette, 1906 (Sept.), m i .00 A. \\\ J. Gibbs. San Francisco, Cal. Pacifix coast golf and outdoor sports, i()i2, m 3.00 I'aciiic golf pub. co., 424 Whitney bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast hotel gazette, 1876, w 3 -oo ^^^ p. Flarrison & M. Davoust, 163 Sutter St., San Fran- cisco. Cal. Pacific coast journal of homoeopathy, 1882, m 2.00 Journal pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast merchant, 1899, s-m i 00 Pacific coast pub. co., 83 New ^lontgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast musical review, 1897, m . 2.00 Musical review co., San Francisco, Calif. Pacific coast packer, 1909, w i -OO I'.arrick pub. co., 355 S. P)road\va\', f^os Angeles, Cal. Pacific dairy review, 1901, w i -OO Saylor pul). co., 78 Clay st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific dental gazette, m i • 5" Jas. W. Edwards, 825 IMarket St., San I^-ancisco, Cal. 288 GUIDE TO PERIOD] CALS Pacific drug review, 1887, m i -oo Carl S. Kelty, Portland, Ore. Pacifid era, 1907, m Contin. as Far east. Pacific fancier, 1905, m • • -50 Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific fanciers monthly, 1885, m 5° Chas. R. Hearker, San Jose, Cal. Pacific farmers' union, 1908, w 1-00 Pullman, Wash. Pacific fisherman, 1903, m 2 . 00 Pacific fisherman co., Seattle, Wash. Pacific friend, 1893. m i -OO Whittier. Cal. Pacific fruit world, 1895, w i 00 Fruit world pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific furniture trade, m i . 00 Pacific trades pub. co.. 587 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific garden, 1908, m 1.00 Pacific garden pub. co., Pasadena, Cal. Pacific gazette, 1908, m 25 Flellman bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific goldsmith, 1903, s-m i . 00 A. J. Lyons, 36 Geary st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific grange bulletin, 1908, m 50 H. A. Darnall, Lents, Ore. Pacific hardware journal, 1901 W. W. Everett, 4 California st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific homestead, 1900, w i . 00 Homstead co., Salem, Ore. Pacific issue, 1899, m 50 (Contin. as Cal. issue.) Pacific law journal, 191 1 (Jan.), m t .00 Crary bldg., Seattle. Wash. Pacific logging congress Report, 1908 5° Amer. lumberman, 431 S. Dearborn st., Cbicago. 111. Pacific lumber trade journal, 1895, m i .00 (Contin. in West coast lumberman.) Pacific Maine news, 191 1 , s-w 2 . 50 53 Sbcrwbod bldg., San Francisco. Cal. Pacific marine review, 1904, m 300 Pacific marine review pub. co., Seattle, Wash. Pacific medical journal, 1857, m 2. 00 Winslow Anderson, 1025 Sutter st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific methodist advocate, 1854, w 2.0Q 1 170 ]Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific motor boat, 1908, m i • 00 Consolidated pub. co., 19 Colrnan bldg.. Seattle, Wasb. Pacific motoring, 1897, m i • co Charles F. Gates, Los Angeles, Cal. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 289 Pacific municipalities, m ^ • 00 789 Buena Vista ave., San iM-ancisco, Cal. Pacific monthly, 1898, m f • 50 Contin. in Sunset. Pacific motor and Amer. motor news, kjos, m i .00 822 r.ahoa l)lcli;-., San Francisco. Cal. Pacific northwest and official ABC railway and marine guide, 1880, m 2.00 Bushong- & CO., Portland, Ore. Pacific northwest society of engineers Proceedings, 1902, per no 25 Seattle, Wash. Pacific odd fellow, 1892, m i 00 W. A. Wheeler, Portland, Ore. Pacific paint, wall paper & art goods trade, 1908. m i "O T'acific trades pub. co., 268 Market st., San Francisco. Cal. Pacific pharmacist, 1907, m ^ • • ■ : ^ '^^^ Galen ]nib. co., 723 Pacific bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific poultrycraft, 1895, m 50 Los Angeles, Cal. Pacific poultryman, 1896, ni 5^ Seattle, Wash. Pacific presbyterian, 1902, w .^ 1-50 xA.ndrew Stevenson, San Francisco, Cal. Pacific printer, 1907, m ■ ■ ■ ; ^ ' "^ Pacific pub. CO.. 711 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific reporter, 1883, w 5 00 . West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. Pacific road guide, 1906, m 1 -O^ 350 Sansome St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific rural press and California fruit bulletin, 1870. \v.^ 2.00 Dewey pub. co., 330 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific underwriter, 1887, s-m 2.00 Robt. W. Neal, 320 California st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific unitarian, 1893, m ^ 00 Pacific unitarian conference, 318 Post st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific university bulletin, 1866, irreg Free Forest Grove, Oregon. Pacific wine and spirit review, 1880, m 2 .00 • Treasury register co., 628 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific woodman, 1890, w 5° Philips & Smyth, San Francisco, Cal. Packages, 1898, m i -OO Packages pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Packer, 1899, w ^ 00 Barrick pub. co., 2 Clark st., Chicago, Til. Packer, 1893, w ■ ^ •'^ Barrick p\ib. co.. Packer bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 290 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Packer, 1901, \v i .OJ Barrick pub. co., Pack pi., N. Y. Packer, 1900, w .- . . : i . 00 Barrick pub. co., Cincin., O. Pahasapa quarterly, 191 1 S. D. school of mines. Rapid City, S. D. Paimen-Sanomia, 1888, w i . 00 Hancock, ^Mich. Paint and varnish record, 1908, s-m 2 . 00 J. M. Head, Xat. life bldg., Chicago, 111. Paint, oil and drug review, 1883, w 3.00 D. Van Ness Person, 84 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Painter and decorator, 1887, m i 00 Brotherhood of painters, decorators and paper hangers of America, Lafayette, Ind. Painter and decorator, 1904, m i .00 Action pub. co., 59-61 John st., Toronto, Ont. Painter and v/oOd finisher, 1902, m i . 25 138 X. La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Painters' magazine, 1874, m i . 50 Wm. O. Allison, 100 William St., N. Y. Pail-Mall magazine (Am. ed.), 1897, m i .75 International news co., Duane st., X. '^'. Palm beach life, 1906, w 2 .00 R. O. Davies pub. co., Palm Beach, Fla. Palmetto guardsman, 1912, m i .00 H. R. Wilkins, Greenvile, S. C. Palo Alto, 1892, 6 d 3-00 Students of Leland Stanford universit}^ Stanford, Gal. Pan-American magazine, 1900, m 2 . 50 Bd. of trade bldg., Xew Orleans, La. Pan American progress, 1912, m i .00 Gaerner Curran, 304 Wilcox bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Pan American review, 1910, i .20 Pan Amer. pub. CO., 606 Commercial place. X"e\v Orleans, La. Pan American union, 1891. Report, a Wash., D. C. Pantagraph, m East Syracuse high school. East Syracuse. X". Y. Paper, 1910, w 5 • 00 117 E 24th St., X"^. Y. Paper box maker and American book binder, 1892, m 2.00 L. D. Post, Park Row bldg., N. Y. Paper dealer, m i . 00 157 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Paper mill and wood pulp news, 1876, w 3 .00 L. D. Post, Park Row bldg., N. Y. Paper trade, 1874, w 3 . 00 J. Fred Waggoner, 155 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Paper trade journal, 1872, w 4.00 Lockwood trade journal co., 150 Nassau st., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 29 1 Papyrus, w Taft school, W'atertown, Conn. • Paradise of the Pacific, 1888, m i . 50 W'ni. M. I^angton, P. O. box 78^;, Honolulu. Ilavaii. Paragrafs, ni. \\'hitaker paper co., Cincinnati, ( ). Parish visitor, 1852, m 50 T. Whittaker, Bible house, N. Y. Parisiennes, 1897, m 20.00 American fashion co., 853 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Park and cemetery and landscape gardening, 189T, m 2.00 R. J. Haight, 440 Dearborn st., Chica_uo, 111. Park college record weekly, 1879, w 30 Park college, Parkville, Mo. Park region echo, 1891, w i .25 Park region echo co., Alexandria, ]\Iinn. Park's floral magazine, 1871, m 25 Geo. W. Park, La Park, Pa. Pasadena public library. Bulletin, 1898, m Pasadena, Cal. Passe temps, 1895, f i . 50 J. E. Beloir, IMontreal, Canada. Passing show, 1907, w 2 .00 ( Contin. as Mackay's weekly with vol. 6, Veh., 1910.) Pastoral staff, 1912 (Oct.), q S])ring'tield. A Lass. Patent and trade mark review, 1902, m 2 .00 Richards & co., 309 Broadway, N. Y. Pathfinder, 1885, m i . 00 69-73 Larned St., Detroit, ]\Iich. Pathfinder, 1894, w i . 00 Pathfinder pub. co., inc., Washington, D. C. Pathfinder, 1906, m 50 University press, Sewanee, Tennessee. Pathfinder, 1900, m 40 R. D. Frazier, Church & Gerrard sts., Toronto, Out. Pathological society of Philadelphia Proceedings, 1897, ""i College of physicians, Phila., Pa. Patizan, 1 9 1 1 . w i • 00 B. B. Smith, AFadison. Wis. Patriarch, i < ) 1 1 . w 1 • 00 1.. W. Warren, Clearview, Okla. Patriot, 1894, w i -OO I Contin. as ( )rangel)urg sun. ) Patriot, 1888, w 2.00 Excelsior pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Patriot phalanx, 1885, w i 00 119 W. Md. St., Indianapolis, Ind. 292 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Patterson's educational directory of the United States and Canada, a • 5 • 00 Am. educational co., 315 Dearborn St., Chicago. Paul Quinn weekly, 1886, w 50 Poul Ouinn college aid association, Waco, Tex. Pawnee country schools, 1902, m 25 L. S. AA'olford, Pawnee City, Neb. Peabody institute library Bulletin, 1897, q Danvers, Mass. Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology of Harvard university Archaeological and ethnological papers, 1888 Memoirs, 1896 Reports, 1868 Cambridge, Mass. Peabody record, m. d. coll. yr i .00 University of Nashville, Nashville, Tenn. Peace forum, 1912 (Mar.), m i .00 Internal, peace forum, N. Y. Peace officers' directory of the U. S., Pacific coast states edition, 1909, a Peacemaker and court of arbitration, 1882, m i .00 Universal peace union. 1305 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Pearls for little ones, w 15 Committee of pub., Richmond, Va. Pearsons' magazine, 1898, m i • 5^ Pearson pub. co., 2 Astor pi., N. Y. Peck-Judah railroad blue book and hotel directory, 1906, m. . . . i . 50 Peck-Judah co., Los Angeles, Cal. Pedagogical seminary, 1891, q 5-00 Louis N. \Vilson, Worcester, Mass. Pedestal, m Walla Walla high school, \\'alla Walla. Wash. Pedestrian, 191 1 , m i • 00 Anniston. Ala. Pediatrics, 1896, m 2 .00 F. M. Crossett co., N. Y. Pee dee watchman, 1910, m i 00 \\'atchman pub. co.. Timmonsville, S. C. "Peerless" envoy, 1905. occasional Free R. E. Thibaut, 50 E. 13th St., N. Y. Peerless fashion guide, m • • • • 12 Independent-peerless pattern co., 107 W. 25th St., N. Y. Peerless fashions, q +'J Peerless pattern co., 68 Thirty-sixth st.. 1 Brooklyn. X. ^'. Pegasus, m Kureka college. ]{urcka. 111. Pelican, 1880, f. dur. coll. yr 5*^ La. state school for the deaf, liatori Rouge. La. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 293 Pelican, 1903, 5 nos • • • 40 Students of University of California, Berkeley, Cal. Pell's notes, m 75 Robert Harding- co., Richmond, Va. Pen dental journal, i8<)7, b-m o" Iniv. of Ta.. Phila., Pa. Peninsula methodist, 1875, w ^ -^^ L. Bates Russell, Chestertown, Md. Peninsular student, ni Wilmin,!.;lon conference academy, Dover, Del. Penman-artist and business educator, 10 nos i .00 ( Contin. in Business educator.) Penman't art journal Contin. as Business journal. Pennant, (| Kenvon military academy, Gambler, (J. Penn chronicle, 1886, m. dur. coll. yr Students of Penn college, Oskaloosa, la. Penn germania, 1912 (Jan.). m 2.00 H. W. Kiebel, Lititz, Pa. Penn state alumni society, 1910 (Nov.). (| 2.00 State coll.. Pa. Penn state farmer, 1908 (Jan.). 9 nos. yr 5° State colle,2:e. Pa. Pennsylvania archives, 1852 Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania bankers' ass'n. Proceedings, 1894 Tyrone, I'a. Pennsylvania bar association. Report, 1895, a i 00 Wm. H. Stoake, Franklin bldg., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania children's home society. Report, 1893, a Pennsylvania county court reports, 1885, w 5-0° T. & T. W. Johnson & co.. Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania. Dept. of agriculture. Monthly bulletm of ^_^ zoology, 1903, m ' ''^^• Pennsylvania farmer, 1882, w ' • c^o E. P. (S: R. X. Brown, l^hiladcli)hia. I_'a._ Pennsylvania federation of historical societies -Dues •• ^"^ Acts and proceedmgs, 1906, a ^^^^ Samuel P. Heilman, sec. Dale, Pa. Pennsylvania federation of labor. Proceedings. 1901 Pennsylvania-German, 1900, m ^ -^^ (ChanL-,edto Penn Germania.) Pennsylvania. German society Proceedings and addresses, 1891 4428 Pine St., Phila.. Pa. Pennsylvania grange news, 1904, m ^5 Patrons of husbandry, Chambersburg, Pa. Pennsylvania grit, 1882, w - •°-"' Grit i)uh. CO.. Wilhamsport, Pa. 2cj^ GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Pennsylvania health bulletin, 1909 (July). State clep't of health, Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania herald, 1894, m - 25 Pennsylvania state Sabbath school ass'n 1414 S. Penn sq., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania library notes, 1908 (Jan.), q Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania lumberman, 1903, m i • 5° B. F. Landig, Scranton, Pa. Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, 1877, q 3- 00 Pennsvlvania historical society, 13th and Locust sts., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania medical journal, 1897, m 2.00 Cyrus Lee Stevens, Athens, Pa. Pennsylvania merchant, 1908, m 5*^ Erie, Pa. Pennsylvania museum and school of industrial art Bulletin, 1903, q. . . .■ ^ -OO Report, 1875, a Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania odd fellov\7, 1884, m 5° C. A. rilrich. 1329 Buttonwood st., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania punch bowl, T900, m i • 25 Students of univ. of Pa., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania rural progress ass'n. Proceedings, a "Julius Smith. Pennsdale, Pa. Pennsylvania school journal, 1852, m i -oo T. P. ^IcCaskey. Lancaster, Pa. Pennsylvania society Year book, 1901 Bulletin, 1902, irreg Ban Ferric, sec, 7 Warren St., N. Y. C. Pennsylvania soc. for the prevention of tuberculosis. Rep., 190 1 Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania state college Bulletin, 1907, q Engineering series State college, Pa. Pennsylvania state education ass'n. School directors' dept. Proceedings, a Harrisluirg. Pa. Pennsylvania university ^[useum anthropologial publications, n-reg P^hila., Pa. Pennsylvania. University. Pubhcations : Bulletin • Series in America Germanica . Series in astronomy, irreg Varies Series in botany, irreg Varies Series in hygiene, irreg V aries Series in mathematics, 1897, irreg Varies GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 295 -Series in zoology, irreg Varies -Series in history, irreg Varies -Series in philology and literature, irreg Varies -Series in philosophy, 1890 Varies -Series in political economy and pub. law, irreg Varies -Series in Romantic languages & literature -Contributions from the John Harrison laboratory of chemistry, in-^o- Varies -Botanical laboratory, irreg Varies -Botanical laboratory, irreg Varies . -Department of mathematics, irreg Varies Penn. law review, m 3 00 Laboratory of hygiene, irreg Varies Zoology laboratory, irreg Varies - — Laboratory of neuropathology, irreg Varies Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania workman, m .'^'^ "E. E. Hohmann, Meadville, Pa. Pennnsylvanian, 1884, d. dur. coll. yr 3 -0° Students University of Pennsylvania, 3451 Woodland ave., Phila., Pa. Penrose's pictorial annual, a 2 . 50 ( Contin. as Process workers year book.) Pentacostal advocate, 1897, w . ^ 00 2109 Troost ave., Kansas City, Mo. People, 1896, m ^5 F. L. Marriott, St. Johns, N. F. People, i902^w ^ -^^ per, Akron, U. People's friend, 1902, s-m ^^ J. L. Cooper, Akron, O. ;"'s friend, 1902, s-m Rev. Charles Zollicoffer, Sunlight, N. C. m. ;o People's home journal, 1885, F. M. Lupton, 23 City Hall pi., N. Y. People's literary cornpanion Contin. in Comfort. People's magazine, 1906, m i -oo Street & Smith, 7th ave and 15th St., N. Y. People's news, 1907, w ' o^ I'eople's news pub. co.. Thomasvillc. Ga. People's popular monthly, i8f)6, m -5 People's monthly co., Des Moines. Ta. Peoples press, 1898, w • • 5° T. B. Lenan, pub., in Blue Island ave., Chicago, 111. People's railway guide, m I. L. Pease, Albany, N. Y. People's recorder, 1803, w C. F. llohues. Orangeburg, S. C. People's relief, io ?vlanila, Philippine Islands. Philippine library bulletin, 1912 (Sept.) Manila. W \. Philippine monthly, kjoo, m ' 00 Daniel O'Connell. 78 Ivscolta, Manila, P. 1. Philippine museum Bulletin, 1903 Manila, P. I. Philippine teacher, 1905, m 2 .00 McCullough bldg., Manila, P. L Philistine, m ^ • °° Elbert Hubbard, East Aurora, N. Y. Phillipian, m I'hillips academy, Andover, Mass. Phillipian, q Phillii)s high school, Phillips. Me. Phillips academy. Department of archaeology Bulletin, 1904, irreg Varies 298 GUIDE JO PERIODICALS Phillips academy. Bulletin, irreg- Andover press. Andover, Mass. ^Phillips Exeter academy Bulletin, 1905, q Free Exeter, N. H. Philological club Studies in philology, 1906 Louis R. Wilson, sec, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Philopolis, 1906 (Oct.), m i .00 17x7 Cal. St., San Francisco, Cal. Philosophian review, m \\'est Jersey academy, Bridgetown. X. ]. Philosophic studies, irreg 50 Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Philosophical monographs of the psychological review, 1907, irreg., per vol 4 . 00 Review pub. co., Lancaster, Pa., and Baltimore, Aid. Philosophical review, 1892, b-m 3 -OO Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Philosophical society of Va. Bulletin. 1910 Charlottesville. A a. Phoenix, m. . Alontpelier seminary, JMontpelier. \'t. Phoenix, 1881, m. dur. coll. yr i.oo Students of Swarthmore college, Swarthmore, Pa. Phonographic magazine, 1887, m :^o Phonographic institute co., Cincin., O. Phonographic world & commercial school review, 1877. ni i .00 Contin. as Typewriter world. Photo era, 1898, m i . 50 Photo era pub. co., 383 Boylston st., Boston, Alass. Photographer, 1904, w. Contin. in Bulletin of photography. Photographic news, 1910, m i .00 C. E. Ackerman, 42 E. 23d st.. X. Y. Photographic poster, 1904, m 50 O. H. Peck CO., Minneapolis. Minn. Photographic progress, 1909 (June), m 1.50 Lafayette bldg.. Phila.."Pa. Photographic times, 1870. m 1 . 50 Photographic times pub. ass'n, 122 Fifth ave., N. Y. Photographic recorder, b-m Zimmerman bros.. St. Paul. A linn. Photographic topics, 190T, m 30 147 Fulton St., N. Y. Photo-miniature, 1899, m 2 . 50 T03 Park ave., N. Y. Photoplay author, 19 13. m i .00 T. E. Letendre, 17 Whitman st., Holvoke, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 299 Photoplay magazine, 1912 (Fdi.), 111 I-O^j ()00 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. Phreno-cosmian, 1889, m. dnr. coll. yr i -OC Students of South Dakota university. Mitchell, S. D. Physical culture, 1898, m ' ■ 5=J Physical culture pub. co., N. Y. Physical review, ni ^''■^^'^ Xew York, N. Y. 1 . 50 Physical training, 1901. m (ex.. July & Aug. ) 124 E. 28th St.. X. Y. Physician, 191 1 ( Aug.), m 2.00 N. Y.. X. Y. Physician and surgeon, 1879, m 3 -oo John A^'m. Keating, Ann Arbor, Mich. Physicians' drug news, 1 906, m 1-00 Physicians' drug news co., 250 High st., Xewark, X. J. Physiological researches, irreg S-Oo Station X.. Baltimore. Md. Physique culture for boys and girls, 1905, m 50 Physical culture co., Spotswood, X. J. Phytopathology, 191 1 , b-m 3 • o^ Am. phytopathological soc. Baltimore. Md. Piano and organ workers' official journal, m i 00 857 X. Irving ave., Chicago, 111. Piano magazine and music industry, 1906, m i • 5^^ 338 Transportation bldg., Chicago, 111. Piano trade, 1903, m ^5 Geo. B. Armstrong, Steinway hall. Chicago, 111. Pi beta phi fraternity. Arrow, 1883 ISIenasha, A\'is. Picket, m " ' ' ' Shepherd coll. normal, Shepherdstown, \\\ \ a. Picket guard, 1888, m 5© H. D. O'Brien, 421 Chestnut st., St. Louis, ^lo. Pickings from Puck, m ." ^ • °° Keppler & Schwarzmann, 39 E. Houston St., X. Y. Pictorial review, 1899, m • ;•:;•• ^ "^^ American fashion co., 853 Broadway, Xew A'ork, X. Y. Picture and art trade, 1880, m i -O^ T. Sawtelle Ford, Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Picture lessons, q '^^ Amer. baptist pub. soc, I'hila.. I'a. Picture lesson cards, 1906 °9 Standard ])ub. co., Cincinnati, O. Picturesque Florida, 1909 (Oct.), m 1-00 Orlando, Fla. Piedmont advocate, 1907, w 7^ Salisl)ury, X. C. Piedmont industries, 1909, w ^-^^ Piedmont pub. co., Charlotte, X. C 300 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Pigeon flying, m i . oo Chas. H. Jones, lo S. Broad St., Phila., Pa. Pigeon news, 1894, s-m ., . . i .00 C. E. Twombly, 32 Hawley St., Boston, Mass. Pigeons, 1906, m i . 00 Poultry pub. co., Peotone, 111. Pilgrim, 191 1 (Nov.), m 50 Henry & Remsen sts., Brooklx-n, N. Y. Pilgrim teacher, 1885, m • 50 Pilgrim press, 14 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Pilgrim teacher and Sunday school outlook, 1885. m 73 14 Beacon st.. Boston. Mass. Pilgrim magazine, 1913 (Jan.), m i .00 410 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Pilgrim's banner, m i . 00 R. H. Barwick, Columbia, Ga. Pilot, 1897, w 1 .00 D. T. Pearson. Wynne. Arkansas. Pilot, 1836, w 1 .00 Pilot pub. CO., 211 Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. Pilot Old Dominion steamship co., 81 Beach St., New York, N. Y. Pine and thistle, m Red Springs male school, Red Springs, N. C. Pingry record, m Pingry school. Elizabeth, N. J. Pioneer, 1902, w i . 00 Toronto, Canada. Pioneer, s-m State normal training school, Willimanteo, Conn. Pioneer western lumberman, 1884, s-m i . 50 \A\ \V. Everett, 311 California st., San Francisco, Cal. Pitman's journal, 1904, q 50 Isaac Pitman & sons, 31 Union sq., N. Y. Pitt weekly, 1910, w : i . 50 Pittsburgh. Pa. Pittsburg Christian advocate, w i .00 Conference committee, 524 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Pittsburgh elk, 19 12, m 1 .00 T. F. Hodges, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburg legal journal, 1853, w 3 . 20 John S. Murray, Pittsburg, Pa. Pittsburgh board of trade. Yearbook, 1908 Pittsl)urgh, Pa. Plains dealer, 1899, w 1 . 50 Nick Chiles, Topeka, Kansas. Plaindealer, 1889, w 2 . 00 C. Hekendorn, Whitewood, S. 1). Plains baptist, 1910, w 1 .00 Plains i)ul). Co., I'lainview, Texas. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 301 Planner, 1912 (Mar.), ni i-f>f^ r.rooklvn, X. Y. Plan, i.jii. m • i-oo I'a. lumberman's ass"n., lluUetin l)l7, m 25 Sellersville, Pa. Poultry herald, 1888, m 5° Webb pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Poultry husbandry, 1906, m 50 Hawkins pub. co., Waterville, N. Y. Poultry ideas, 191 1, m ; ■ • -50 Poultry ideas pub. co., 322 Paul Jones bldg., Louisville. Ky. Poultry index, 191 1 , m i • 00 Stoughton, >\Iass. Poultry item, 1899, m ' 5° Item pub, CO., Fricks, Pa. Poultry journal, 1910. m. 5° Ilayward, Cal. Poultry journal, 1895, w ' i 5° Frank H. Snow, Petalnma, Cal. Poultry keeper, 1884, m 5° Poultry keeper pub. co., Ouincy, 111. Poultry life, 191 1 , m 5° C E. Cram, Carey, O. Poultry life in America, 1891, w 5^ Poultry life pub. co., Belton, Tex. Poultry pointers, 1908 5^ PouUry pointers pub. co., Kalamazoo, Mich. Poultry news, 1903, m 25 Williams & Metlar, New Brunswick, X. J. Poultry post, 1908, m 25 Post pub. CO., Goshen, Ind. Poultry record, 1907, m 25 C. F. Cram, Carey, O. Poultry review, 1903, m i -oo !•:. R. Philo. Elmira, X. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 305 Poultry success, 1889, m 5° Poultry success co., Sprinc^ficld, O. Poultry times, 1 9 1 1 , m 5" 141 Main st., Xorfolk. \'a. Poultry topics, 1891, m 25 State journal co., Lincoln, Neb. Poultry tribune, 1895, m 5° R. R. I'isher, Freeport, 111. Poultry yard, 1906, m ^5 Poultry yard pub. co.. Phocnixville. Pa. Powder horn, 1909 (June) Powder point school, Duxbury, Mass. Power, 1907, m -^ ^ . 00 Power pub. co., 3929 W. 38 ave.. Denver, Colo. Power and the engineer, 1884, m - 00 Hill pb. CO., 505 Pearl St., N. Y. Power and transmission, 1885, b-m 5° (Contin. as Dodge idea.) Power boating, 1905, n\ i • 00 Penton pub. co., Cleveland, Ohio. Power house, 1907, m ' -oo MacLean pub. co., 143 univ. ave., Toronto, Ont. Power wagon, 1906, m 2 . 00 332 S. Alichigan ave., Cbicago. 111. Practical cutter and tailor, m 3-00 Chas. J. Stone, 194 La Salle St., Chicago, ill. Practical dairyman, w i .00 Manhattan diary pub. co., i S. Nassau st. New York, N. Y. Practical decorator, 191 1, m ' 00 no X. Wabash ave.. Chicago, 111. Practical dental journal, m 1 • 00 Xoab Spears co., San Antonio, Tex. Practical druggist, 1897, m i 00 Lillard & CO., 108 Fulton st., N. Y. Practical engineer, 1897, s-m i 00 Technical pub. co., 536 S. Dearl;orn St.. Chicago, 111. Practical farmer, 1908, m '25 Practical farmer pub. co., Sussex, Xew Brunswick. Practical farmer, 1855, w i • 00 Farmer co., Market and i8th st., Phila., Pa. Practical ideals, m i • 00 Starr pub. co., 30 Hunting ave., Boston, Mass. Practical poultry pointers, i(ji2, m 5^ A. r,ollenl)acb. \\'eatherford, Okla. Practical school journal, iqi f. ni f • lo K. B. Lewis, Litchfield, 111. Practitioner's visiting list, a ^ --S Lea bros. & co., 706 Sansom st., Phila., Pa. Prairie farm and home, 1883, w ' '^'" Leader ])ub. co., Cegina, Saskatchewan. 3o6 GUIDE TO ri'lKIODlCALS Prairie farmer, 1841. w 50 Rand, jMcXally & co., Chicago, 111. Pratt institute free library. Quarterly book list, q Free Brooklyn, N. Y. Pratt institute monthly, 1892, m (Nov.-June) 75 Brooklyn, N. Y. Prattler, m Pratt school. Essex, Conn. Preacher safeguard, 1893, w i .00 Rev. C. A. Buchanan, West Point, Miss. Preacher's assistant, 1889, m i . 50 ( Conlin. as Scrmonizer.) Preachers' helper, 1894, m i .00 Rev. G. Holzapfel, Cleona, Pa. Preparations for Christianity, q 48 Preparations for Christianity. Teacher, q 60 Scribners sons, 5th ave.. X. Y. Presbyterian, 1884, w i . 50 Westminster co., Toronto, Canada Presbyterian, 183 1, w 2.50 Presbyterian pub. co., 1014 Witherspoon bldg., Phila., Pa. Presbyterian banner, 1814, w 2 .00 Presbyterian pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Presbyterian examiner, 1893, w 2 . 00 Stevenson pub. CO., 156 5th ave., N. Y. Presbyterian herald, m . . i . 00 Rev. J. P. Hicks, Fort ^^'orth. Texas. Presbyterian historical society Journal, 1901, irreg 2.00 Phila., Pa. Presbyterian of the south, 1907, w 2.00 Presbyterian co., 920 E. ]\Iain St., Richmond. A'a. Presbyterian quarterly, 1887, q 2.00 Presljyter. committee of pub., Richmond, A^a. Presbyterian record, 1876, m 5° Presbyterian church in Canada, Montreal, Canada. Presbyterian standard, 1858, w 2.00 Presbyterian pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. Presbyterian witness, 1848, w i . 50 Presbyterian witness co., Halifax, N. S. Presbyterianer, 1867, w i . 50 Convention of German presbyterian ministers and elders of the west, Dubuque, la. Presto, 1884, m 2 . 00 Presto pub. co., Mon'on bldg., Chicago, 111. Press writers' journal, 1912, m Chicago, 111. Price current, 1889, w i • 00 Price current pub. co., Wichita. Kan. Prices of real estate trust stocks, 1899 ( .\pr. ), m C.rati< r.urrougbs 8c DeBlois, Boston. Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 307 Primary cards, (| 4' ^ I'rimary monthly, q 4^ (.'has. Scribners sons, 5th ave., X. V. Primary course. Teachers, q ' -oo Primary education, 1892, 10 nos • • 25 Educational pub. co., 50 Bromfield st., Boston, Mass. Primary pictures. Teachers, (| 2.50 Aincr. baptist pub. co., Phila., Pa. Primary plans, m • ' • 25 Pran^- cd. co., 113 Univ. pi., New York, N. Y. Primary plans, 1903, 10 nos i -OO F. A. Owen pub. co., Dansville, N. Y. Primary quarterly, 1883, q 12 Anier. S. S. union, 1816 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Primary quarterly, q 10 American baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Primary quarterly, 1887, q 08 Baptist S. S. board, Nashville, Tenn. Primary quarterly, q 12 Committee of publication, Richmond, Va. Primary quarterly (chromo primer cards), 1906, q 12 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, C). Primary stories. Pupils', q 30 Amer. baptist pub. soc, Phila., Pa. Primary teacher, q r 30 Amer. l)a])tist pub. soc, Phila., Pa. Primary teachers quarterly, 1906, q 20 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Primary teacher's text book, 1910, q 75 Standard inib. co., Cincin., O. Primitive baptist, 1886, w i -OO Cayces & Turner, Martin, Tenn. Primitive baptist herald, 1908, w i -OO James H. Carey, Pluntsville, Ala. Primitive methodist journal, 1892, m 5° Rev. .\. W. Mathews, Fall River, Mass. Primitive monitor and church advocate, 1886, m i .00 Elder R. W. Thompson, Greenfield, Ind. Prince Edward Island agriculturist, 1883, w i • 50 Summerside, P. E. T. Prince society. Publications, 1858, irreg Varies Boston, Mass. Princeton alumni weekly, 1900, w 3-0° Princeton pub. co., Princeton, N. J. Princeton tiger, : 882, m 2 . 00 Students of Princeton university, Princeton, N. J. Princeton university Contribution to psychology, 1895, irreg Varies Contribution to philosophy, 1898, irreg Varies University press, Princeton, N. J. 3o8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Princeton university football ass'n. Official program 50 Princeton, X. J. Princeton monographs on art and archaeology, 1912, ijreg \'aries IVinceton univ. press. Princeton theological review, 1890, q 3- 00 Princeton univ. press. Princetonian, 1876, 6 d. dur. coll. yr 3 -OO Students of Princeton university, Princeton, N. J. Print collectors quarterly, q i.oo Boston museum of fine arts, Boston, Mass. Printcraft, 191 3 (Oct.), m Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, Xew York, X. Y. Printer and publisher, 1892. m 2 .00 ]\IacLean pub. co., 143 univ. ave., Toronto, Out. Printers' ink, 1888, w 2 . 00 Printers' ink pub. co., 10 Spruce st., N. Y. Printing art, 1903, m 3 • 00 University press, Cambridge, Mass. Printing art sample book, 1908, m i .00 (Contin. as Printing art suggestion book.) Printing trade news, 1882, m i .00 326 W. 41st st.^, X. Y. Print talk Burd & Fletcher print, co., K. C, Mo. Pritel ditek, 1890, w i .00 1637 Allport St., Chicago, 111. Prix courant, 1887, w i . 50 Trades pub. co., Montreal, Canada. Proctologist, 1907, q 1 .00 Rollin H. Barnes, 412 X. Sarah st., St. Louis, Mo. Produce news, 1912. d 5.00 Seattle, Wash. Produce news, 1901, w i .00 P. & D. pub. CO., 6 Harrison st., X'^. Y. Produce reporter company's credit book and gazetteer of U, S., 1907, a 35 -OO Weekly credit sheet, w Produce reporter co., 34 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111. Produce review and American creamery, 1895, w i .00 Urner-Barry co., 173 Chambers st., N. Y. Productions and profits, 1912 (Xov.), m Free Patterson, Teele & Dennis, X. Y. Profession, 1894 (July), q. Bulletin Chicago school of civics and i)bilantbropy, 87 Lake st.. Chicago. 111. Professional and amateur photographer, 1896, m i .00 (Contin. as Aliels photogra])liic weekly.) Professional memoirs, 1909 (Jan.-]\Iar.). q 5.00 Ei)giiieer bureau, Washington Barracks, D. C. Profitable advertising, 1891, m. contin. as Advertising and selling. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 309 Profitable farming & hreedinsf, k; 1 i , m 50 XcvacL-i. la. Profitable farming & rural life, iqos. s-m 25 Sth c^' Charles sts.. St. Joseph, Mo. Profitable retailing, h-m 50 Thomson & Burton co., Chica.yo. Ih. Profitable poultry, 1906, m 50 Davis print, co., Milton. Wis. Porfitable poultry, 1910. m 1 .00 34 ^Icrchants Row, IJoston, Mass. Progress, m 1 .oo IVot^ress pub. co., 527 5th ave.. X. Y. Progress, 191 1. m 1 .00 Progress pub. co.. T^ee hldg., Okla. City. Okla. Progress, 1910, \v 1 .00 Progress pub. co.. Laurel. Miss. Progress and reflector, 1910, m 2 .00 Progress pub. co., Watertown, A\'is. Progress reporter, 1904, irreg Free Miles-Bement-Pond co., 136 Liberty st.,. N. Y. Progressive, 1912, m 40 Hernion Reel pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Progressive age, 1883, s-m 3 .co (Contin. as Gas age, Jan. i. 1913.') Progressive American, 1894, m i . 00 Progressive American pub. co., 1404 S. Pennsylvania sq., Phila., Pa. Progressive autoist, 1911, m 1 . 25 (Contin. as Rural autoist.) Progressive banker, 1908 (Nov.), irreg _ Mobile, Ala. Progressive eastern fruit grower, 1911, m Rochester. X. Y. Progressive farmer, 1886, w i oo Pirmingham, Ala. Progressive farmer, 1886, w i 00 Agricultural pub. co., Raleigh, N. C. Progressive medicine, 1899, q. cloth 9.00 paper 6.00 Lea bros. & co., Phila., Pa. Progressive monthly, m "?5 Contin. in Mail order man. Progressive papers, 1909. b-m Free Anier. writing paper co., Holyoke. Mass. Progressive poultry journal, 1903, m 50 Progressive poultry journal pub. co., Mitchell, S. D. Progressive quarterly, q 40 Chas. Scribncr sons, N. Y. Progressive Retailer, 1909 (]\Iay) , ni 1 00 Atlanta. Ga. .l„ GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Progressive school journal, i y) 1 1 . m i . oo 33-35 Hood bldg-., Birmingham, Ala. Progressive teacher, 1895, 10 nos • • -,• i -OO Claude J. Bell, Nashville, Tenn. Progressive thinker, 1893, w i -OO J. R. Francis, 40 Loomis St., Chicago, 111. Progressive youth, 1913, m i -OO C. D. Larson, Los Angeles. Cal. Progressive woman, 1907, m 5^ 5445 Drexel ave.. Chicago. 111. Prohibition journal, 1908, \v i -OO Prohibition extension soc, Perr)-, Okla. Protectionist, 1889, m i-^^ Home market club, 77 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Protector, w ^-50 C. E. Fields, Omaha, Neb. Protestant episcopal church in the U. S. Western Mich, diocese Journal of proceedings of the annual convention, a. . . Rev. Charles Donahue. Grand Rapids, Mich. Protestant magazine, 1909. m i 00 Review and herald pub. ass"n., Wash.. D. C. Providence journal almanac, a 10 Providence journal co., Providence, R. L Providence medical journal, b-m i -OO Providence medical association, Providence, R. L Providence (R. I.) publie library Quarterly bulletin, 1903 _ Provincial museum and art gallery of Ontario Annual archaeological report, 1886 Free Educational department, Toronto, Ont., Canada. Przewodik katolicki, 1907, w - ■ 00 New P>ritain. Conn. Psychiatrical society of N.,¥r Studies in psvchiatrv 2 .oo 64 W. 36th St., N. Y. ■ Psyche, 1874, b-m i -OO Cambridge entomolog. club, Cambridge, Ma&s. m. ;o Psvchological bulletin, 1894. — ^ Index, 1894. a i -oo Review, 1894, b-m 4-00 Monograph suppl., irreg., per vol 4- 00 Phiiosophial monographs, T908 ■ Review pub. co., Lancaster, Pa., and Baltimore, Md. Psychological cUnic, 1907, m ^ • 50 L. Witmer, Woodland ave., Phila., Pa. Psychological studies, 1900 C.ale, Minneapolis. Minn. Psychological year book, a 5° Paul Elder & co.. San Francisco, Cal. Psychotherapy, 190S (Dec), m ; •_ 6.00 Centre pub. co., 30 Church St., New \ork. N. \. GUIDE TO rEKIOniCALS • 311 Public, 1898. w ; ; • • -a; •• ;;, ^ '^^ The Public pub. co., ist nat. bank bldg., Chicago, ill. Public auditor, 1910, m • ' -^^ Shawnee transcript co.. Shawnee, Okla. Public education ass'n. I'.iillctin, 19 12 281 4th ave., N. y. Public health journal, 1910, m ~-^ 45 \ictoria St., Toronto, Ont. Public health, Michigan, 1906, q. and m ^'^'^^ State department of health, Lansing, Mich. Public libraries, 1896, m, 10 nos - -^'^ () X. Mich, ave., Chicago, 111. Public officials' magazine, 1910 (Jan.), m 1-^" Indianapolis, Ind. Public service, 11)07. m • • •. ■ ; " "^ Maurice E. Eldridge, 264 E. Kinzie st., Chicago, 111. PubHc service regulation, 1912, m 3-oo Chicago, 111. Publicite-publicity, 1905, m ^. . .-<. 2 .00 L. J. Francois, Montreal, Canada. Publicity, 1909, m • ■ ^-^^ E. W. Dietz, Downers Grove, 111. Publisher and retailer, 1904, m ^ -^^ W. E. Price, 24 E. 21st st., N. Y. Publishers' guide, 1893, m • • • • • ^ .00 Publishers' guide co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Publishers' trade list annual, 1875, a R. R. Bowker, 141 E. 25th st., N. Y., N. Y. Publishers' weekly, 1872, w 400 R. R. Bowker, 141 E. 25th st., N. Y.. X. \ . Puck, 1877, w • • • • • • • • 5°o Iveppler & Schwarzmann, 39 E. Houston, N. l. Puck's monthly magazine and almanac, 1887, m i 00 Iveppler & Schwarzmann, 39 E. Houston, N. Y. Puck's quarterly, q •^- • • ■ • • • ^ "^^ Iveppler & Schwarzmann, 39 E. Houston, N. Y. Pulitzer's magazine, i()i3 (Sept.), m ' -O^ New York. Pulp and paper magazine, 1903, rn ^ ^^ liiggar-Samuel, Toronto, Canada. Pulpit, 1889, m ^ o^ Rev. G. Holzapfel, Cleona, Pa. Punch bowl, m. dur. coll. yr • 75 Students of University of Pennsylvania, Phila., Pa. Purchasers' reference-list of importers, mfg. and wholesalers s-a Williams & Co., 123 Liberty st., N. Y. Purdue agriculturalist, 1906, m ' • o^ Purdue univ., Lafavette, Ind. Pulitzer hldg.. N. Y. 2.50 31^ Gl'ide to periodicals Purdue engineering review, 1905, a 50 Engineering- society of Purdue univ., Lafayette, Ind. Purdue exponent, 1906, d -, Lafayette. Ind. Purdue university ■ Bulletin, 1901, q LaFayette, Ind. Purdue university. Dept. of agricultural extension Report, T()i2, a — — Debris, a Monographs. Series relating to foods -Monographs. Series relating to public health Lafayette. Ind Purdue university library. Publications, 1906, irreg Lafayette, Ind. Pure products, 1905, m 3 • 00 Scientific station for pure products,. 22 Whitehall St., N. Y. Pure words, 1877. w 25 Standard pub. co., (^incin., O. Purity, 1907, m i . 00 Purity pub. co., Lowell, Mass. Purity journal, m 1.00 Rev. J. T. Upchurch, Arlington. Tex. Purple, m Holy Cross coll., Worcester, Mass. Purple and gold, 1883, q i . 50 Chi psi fraternity, Cleveland, O. Purple and gold, 1883, q i . 50 523 ^IcDonough St.. Brooklyn, X. Y. Purple and gold, m Irluron coll., Huron, S. D. Purple and gold, 1900, m. dur. coll. yr 5c Students and faculty of Ashland college, Ashland, Wis. Purple and white, 1907, m 1 Jackson, Miss. Purple cow, 1907, m 1 Williamstown, Mass. Pythian, 191 1 , m Pythian pub. co., 3242 Monroe st.. Toledo. ( ). Pythian advocate, 1884, m i Fred E. W^heaton, Minneapolis, Minn. Pythian banner, 1891, m John M. Stanley, Piedmont, W. Va. Pythian gleaner, 1895, m i PI. C. Allen & CO., 113 Dudley St., Boston, Mass. Pythian guest, 1889, m D. F. Harrison, Union City, Ind. Pythian journal, 1874, m i A. M. Preston & co., Century bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Pythian journal, 1898, m i Pythian pub. co., Centreville, Miss. 50 50 50 00 50 00 50 GO GO GtJTDE TO PERIODICALS 313 Pythian knight, 1886, m i .00 W. II. St. John, Rochester, N. Y. Pythian lodge secret, 1 8go, m i • 00 H. Cronheim, Atlanta, Ga. Pythian messenger, 1900, m 50 S. D. Gossert, Ottawa. 111. Pythian monitor, 1902, ni 50 Pythian pub. co., Cincin., O. Pythian 'record, 1888, m i .00 Pythian record pub. co., 79 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. Pythian review, m i . 00 E. Allison Powers, Montreal, Canada. Pythian times, 1903, m i .00 J. E. Shanafelt, Perry, Okla. Pythian triangle, 1891, m i -CO R. A. Plunkett. 15261 Champa St., Denver, Colo. Pythias and Calanthe, 1897, m 50 1 1 Cherry St.. Cambridge, Mass. Quaker city automobile journal, 1909 (Aug. ), m 50 ()i2 Chestnut st.. Phila., Pa. Quarry workers' journal, 1904, m 5° P. F. McCarthy, Barre, Vt. Quarterly bibliography of books review, 1912 r.loomington, 111. Quarterly bulletin, q (ranimon theological seminary. Atlanta. Cici. Quarterly bulletin of new music, q Free Oliver Ditson co., Boston, Mass. Quarterly forecast and review, 1908, q. and d 75 -oo Thos. Gibson, 329 Corn Exchange bldg.. X. Y. Quarterly journal of economics, 1887, q 3 00 Geo. H. Ellis co., Boston, Mass. Quarterly journal of inebriety, 1877, q 2.00 Hartford, Conn. Quarterly review (Am. ed.), 1809, q 4-00 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren St., N. Y. Queen's quarterly, 1893, q i -OO Professors and alumni of Queen's university, Kingston, Ontario. Queen's university journal, 1873, s-m • • • i -OO Alma mater society Queen's univ., Kingston, Ontario. Question mark, m Greenwich academy, Greenwich. Conn. Quid nunc, m Joliet high school, Joliet, 111. Quinabang historical society Leaflets, 1902, irreg., per no 10 Allan II. Fanon, sec, Southbridge, i\Iass. Quincy. Free public library Bulletin, 1905, irreg Ouincv, 111. 3H GUIDE TO PERIODICALS R. F. D. news, lOo ^, w i . oo llond l)klo-.; Wash,, U. C. Racing calendar, w 5 oo H. A. Buck, Windsor arcade, N. Y. Racing form, 1895, 6 d 14.00 Daily racing form pnb. co., 126 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. Radcliffe college monographs, 1888, irreg Varies Gim & CO., Boston, Mass. Radcliffe magazine, tri-yr Radcliffe coll., Cambridge, Mass. Radium light, 1903, per copy 25 Heber Robarts, 5899 Cates ave., St. Louis, Mo. Radiant, b-m Atlantic christian college. Wilson, N. C. Radiant, 1907, q 50 Wilson, N. C. Radiant life, 191 1 W. J- lirwood, Baltimore, Md. Radiation, 1912, m U. S. radiator corp., Detroit, ^Nlich. Radiator (Chinese), 1904, m i -03 Radiator pub. co., San Francisco. Cal. Radium, 1908 (May), m "2;' Rochester, N. Y. Railroad employee, 1891, m 5'^ B. E. Chapin, Newark, N. J. Raiload, freight & baggageman, q i . oj r'.rothcrhood pub. co., Lancaster, Pa. Railroad gazette, 1856, w. Contin. as Railway age gazette. Railroad hetald, m i . 00 E. C. Laird, Atlanta, Ga. Railroad news and labor world, 1910, w i .00 Railroad news pub. co., 121 E. Long st., Columbus, (J. Railroad man's magazine, 1906. m i . 50 Frank A. Munsey co., 175 Fifth ave, N. Y. Railroad men, 1886, m i .00 Railroad Y. M. C. A., 361 Madison ave., N. Y. . Railroad reporter & travelers news, 1906, m i .00 Thomas Kristic. N. Y. Railroad telegrapher, 1885, m i.oo Order of railroad telegraphers, I'ullerton bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Railroad trainmen's journal, 1883, m i .00 Brotherhood of railroad trainmen, Cleveland, O. Railroad, wire and signal, 1907. m 1 .00 j. K. T. Austin. Thila.. Pa. Railway age, LSTG, w. LDntin. as Railwav age gazette. (..UIDE TO PERIODICALS 315 Railway age gazette, 1(^56. w 5 .00 Mechanical cd., m 2.00 Woolworth l)ldu-., X. Y. Railway and corporation stationer, 1012, m 50 ChicaoQ. 111. Railway and engineering review, 1868, w 4.00 The railway review, 1305 Manhattan ave., Chicago, III. Railway and hotel news, 1882, 6 d 5 .00 (Contin. as Twin city railway & hotel news.) Railway and locomotive engineering, 1907, m 2.00 y\ne;us Sinclair cc, New York, N. Y. Railway and marine news, 1904, s-m 2 . 00 Railway and marine news pub. co., Seattle, Wash. Railway and marine world, 1898, m 1 . 50 Acton JJurrows, 70 I'.ond St.. Toronto, ( )nt. Railway and shipping world, 1890, m i • 00 (Contin. in Canadian railway & marine world.) Railway carmen's journal, 1899, m i -oo Brotherhood of railway carmen of Amer., Kansas City, Alo. Railway clerk, 1902, m 50 Order of railway clerks of America, Kansas City Life bldg-., Kansas City, Mo. Railway club of Pittsburg, official proceedings, 1901 (Oct.), m, 9 nos I • 00 Railway club of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Pa. Railway conductor, 1884, m i 00 Order of railway conductors. Cedar Rapids, la. Railway critic, 1902, m i • 00 143 Liberty St., N. Y. Railway electrical engineer, 1909, m. , 1 -OO Wrav pub. co.. 106 X. La Salle st., Chicago. 111. Railway employes' magazine, 1903, m i -03 Commercial press. 408 McKinnon bldg.. Toronto. ( )nt. Railway engineering and maintenance of way, 1905, m i .00 Bruce V. Crandall co.. Security bldg.. Chicago, 111. Railway journal, lS9r>. m 1'^'^ Railway journal ])ub. co., 506 Royal insur. bldg., Chicago. 111. Railway journal, 1898. ni i 00 Railway journal pub. co., Wainright bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. Railwav journal of Canada, 191 t, m ' oo Commercial press. Toronto. Canada. Railway line clearances and car dimensions, q • . • • i 00 Railway e'luipmcnt and ]hihlicati(in co.. 24 Park pi.. X. ^ . Railway machinery, 1883. m L.)(i Contin. as Machinery, Railway ed. Railway mail, 1880. m ' •" ■ 303 K. C life bldg.. K. C. :\Io. Railway master mechanic, T873. m 2.0D Bruce V. Crandall co., Chicago. 111. 3i6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Railway news and commercial traveler, t i .00 Railway news pub. co., St. Thomas, Ontario. Railway postoffice, 1912, m . . , 25 i'ortsmouth, X. H. Railway signal association. Membership 3.00 Proceedings, 1897 Digest of proceedings, 1895 H. S. Balhet, sec, 335 Madison ave., N. Y. Railway special agent and police, 1910, q • 2^ iialtimore, Md. Railway store keeper, 1908, m 1.50 oOT St. Clair ave., N. W., Cleveland, O. Railway surgical journal, m 5 .00 E. H. Baumgarten, Security bldg., Chicago, 111. Railway world, 1857, m 3 .00 Raihva}- world pub. co., 612 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Rainbow of Delta tau delta, q 1 . 00 F. F. Rogers, 14 \V. 12th st., X. Y. City. Raja yoga messenger, 1904, m 50 Katherine Tingley, Point Loma, Cal. Rambler, m Patetrson-Davenport high school, Louisville, Ky. Sam's horn, 1890, w i • 5° Ram's horn co., no La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Ranch, 1895, s-m i -oo Ranch co., Seattle, Wash. Ranchman's reminder, 1904, m 25 (Contin. as Wyo. farm bulletin.) Ranch and range, 1900, m i • 00 H. S. Groves. Annex bldg., Denver, Colo. Rand-McNally bankers' directory and list of attorneys blue book, 1883. s-a ''1 ■ 00 Rand, McXally & co., 166 Adams st., Chicago, Ih. Rand McNally bankers' monthly, 1884, m 2 .00 Rand McNally & co.. t68 Adams st.. Chicago, 111. Randolph-Macon monthly, 1879, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Lit. societies of Randolph-Macon college, Ashland, Va. Randolph-Macon college John P. Branch historical papers, 1901, per copv i .00 Ashland, Va. Range gazette, 1907. w 2 . 00 C. F. Martin, Camp Crook, S. D. Range ledger, i88f), w 1 • 5^ C. M. Miles, Hugo, Colo. Ranok, 1904, w ^ • 5^ Ranok pub. co., 470 Stelhi ave., Winnipeg. Manitoba. Rapports de practique de Quebec, 1898, irreg 5- 00 P. C). 15ox 805. Montreal, Canada. Rate research, 1012 (Jan.), w. . . 10.00 Xat. electric light ass'n., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 317 Ray, 111 Central iiniv. of la.. I'clla, ia. Razoo, 1902, q •• 5° Corning advertising agency, St. Paul, Minn. Reactions, 1909, q • • • • • • • • • • • • r.olclschmidt thermit co., 90 West St., New York, N. Y. Reader, kjio. m Gratis G. P. Putnam's sons, New York. Reader, 1902, m 3-00 Merged in Putnam's monthly. Reader's guide to periodical literature, 1896, m 12.00 SuDplement, 1913 ( Mar. ) , h-m H. W. Wilson CO., White Plains. N. Y. Readers magazine, 1912, m Interstate pub. co., Phila., I 'a. Ready to wear, 191 1. m • Action pub. co.. 1229 Queen st.. Toronto, Out. Real estate and court record, d 613 F. St., N. W., Wash., D. C. Real estate bulletin, 1912, w ' 00 Bulletin pub. co.. 721 Caxton bldg.. Cleveland, ( ). Real estate bulletin, 1902, m ^^^^ l3altimore, Md. Real estate bulletin and building news, 1900. w i -oo 414 W. Alain St., Louisville, Ky. Real estate journal, 1910, m 50 Real estate pub. co., Floyd bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. Real estate magazine, 1912, m Allied pub. co., 165 Broadway, N. Y. Real estate news, 1906, m ^ • °° Real estate news co., 172 W. Wash, st-, Chicago, 111. Real estate record, 1888, m 5° The Cradock Simpson co., 205 St. James st., Montreal, Canada. Real estate record and builders' guide, 1868, w 6.00 Real estate record association, 161 Vesey st., N. Y. Real estate record and builders' guide, 1886, w 5- 00 John N. Gallagher, 46 N. nth st., Phila., Pa. Real estate record and builders' journal, 1909, w 100 Cumberland presbyterian bldg.. Nashville, Tenn. Real estate record of Westchester county, w AVestchester record co.. White Plains, N. Y. Real estate register and rental guide, 1888. w i 00 B. S. Lake & CO., Providence, R. I. Real estate seller, 1907 (May), m. Contin. as Amer. real estate seller. Realty and building record, 1912, w --OO 706 Broadway, A\'innipeg, Manitoba. Realty record and builder. 2.00 m. 1 .00 1-rank W. Choiscl, Odd Fellows bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. 3i8 (JUIDE TO PERIODICALS Reason, m .50 Austin pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. Reclamation, 1912 (Apr.), m : . . -. 2.00 Chicago, 111. Reclamation, 1912, m i .00 New Arlington, La. Record, m Smith academy, St. Louis, Mo. Record, w Students school of commerce, X. Y. univ., X. Y. Record, 6 d 9.00 (Contin. as St. Louis daily record.) Record, 1876, m 3 . 00 Chas. J. Smith. Nassau and Liberty sts., N. Y. Record, 1888, 6 d 15 .00 Ernest E. Smith. Kansas City, Mo. Record, 1889. w 5 . 00 Record pub. co.. Pittsburg, Pa. Record, 1895, d. except Sunday 12.00 Broadway & &Fi&rst sts., Louisville. Ky. Record, 1903, w i . 00 J. R. Lee, Frost. Minn. Record, 1904, w i . 00 Record print, and pub. co.. Cincin.. O. Record, 1909, w 1.00 J. F. Stevens, Danville. 111. Record, 1910, d 6.00 Brook pub. co., X'orfolk, Va. Recorder, 1897. w i .00 G. P. Stewart, Indianapolis, Ind. Recorder, 191 1, d i.oo H. H. Green. Sacramento, Cal. Record of Christian work, 1881, m i .00 Wm. R. Moody, East Northfield, Mass. Record of Sigma alpha epsilon, q C. P. Wood, '\\'arrenton, \*a. Record-stockman, 1880, 6 d 3 .00 w 1 . 00 Record stockman pub. co., Denver, Colo. Recorder, 1880, m 50 Haag & Parris, 406 Race st., Phila., Pa. Recorder, 1900, d. except Sun 12.00 Recorder pub. co., 422 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. Records of the past, 1902, m 2. 00 Records of the past exploration co., 215 Third st., S. E., Washington, D. C. Recreation, 1894, m 2 . 00 (Contin. as Illustrated outdoor world 2 00 Red and black, 1909, dur. coll. yr '. . . . 1.00 Students of Wash. & Jefferson college, Wash., Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 319 Red and black, m Readint;' acadcmw Rcudinm'. l^a. Red and black, ni South division hi,i;li school, Chica.^o, 111. Red and black l'ni\-. of C.ia.. Athens, C.n. Red and black, 190) ^00 Wash.. Pa. Red and blue, 1889. m. dnr. coll. yr i .00 Students of University of Pennsylvania, Phila.. Pa. Red and white, 1899. ni ^00 W. Raleigh, N; C. Red bee, 1912, w 5° Red Bird, Okla. Red book interstate automobile guide, 1905, a 3.50 F. S. r.lanchard c^ Co., Worchester, Mass. Red book magazine, 1903, m i • 5^ Red book corporation, North American bldg., Chicago, 111. Red book textile supply directory, 1SS5, a 100 Davison pub. co., 407 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Red cross. See Am. National Red Cross. Red cross messenger, 1908 (May), m New I'runswick, N. J. Red cross notes, 1897, irreg i -OO Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, N. J. Red man, 1909 (Feb.), m., 10 nos 1-00 Carlisle Indian press, Carlisle, Pa. Red men's journal, 1900. m ^o A. H. Paton, Danvers, Mass. Red ranger, 1911, m ^ -O^ Red ranger pub. co.. Rushville. Mo. Red river valley farm journal, 1877, \v i -OO (Contin. as Times journal.) Redfield's stamp weekly, 1907, w 5° Redfield pub. co., Smithport, Pa. Red polled cattle club of Amer. Annual meeting II. A. Gotham, Martin, Wis. Red polled herd book, 181 ;o, a H. A. Gotham, ]\lartin. Wis. Red shield, m Wesco supply co.. St. Louis. Mo. Redwood, m Santa Clara coll.. Santa Clara. Cal. Redwood, 1903, m. dur. coll. yr ^50 Students of Santa Clara college. Santa Clara, Cal. Referee, 19T2, w '-50 Breck Johnson, Minneapolis, Minn. Reference book lumberman's credit ass'n, a Lumberman's credit ass'n, 1402 Jackson blvd.. Chicago, HI. ^20 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Reform, 1888, w i -oo Fremad pub. co., Eau Claire, \\'is. Reform advocate, 1891, w ■ ■ ■'• 2.00 Bloch & Newman, 204 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Reform school item, s-m State reform school, Plankinton, S. D. Reformed church herald, 1895, w 5° S. C. Hoover, Lisbon, la. Reformed church messenger, 1827, w i .25 Reformed church bd., 1306 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Reformed church record, 1888, w i .25 Daniel Miller, Reading, Pa. Reformed church standard, s-m 5° Standard pub. co., Xewton, X. C. Reformed presbyterian advocate, iqoo, m i -OO S. C. Weight, Cedarville, O. Reformer, 1899, \v • i • 00 Durham, S. C. Refrigeration and electricity, 1910, m i -OO dinner & Miller pub. co., 416 Jackson st.. Dallas, Texas. Regal bulletin, 1906 (Nov.), s-m. Free to stores and agents. ( Contin. as Regal dynamo.) Regal dynamo, 191 3, m Regal shoe co., Boston, Mass. Regina library, 1912, q Public library, Regina. Canada. Register, 1900, w i • 00 Register pub. co., 46 Park pi., N. Y. Register of state Ky. historical' soc, 1903, 3 times yr i .00 Ky. state hist, soc, Frankfort, Ky. Reliable poultry journal, 1894, m 5° Reliable poultry journal pub. co., Quincy, 111. Religious education, 1906, b-m i • 5° Religious education ass'n, 153 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Religious education association. Official bulletin, 1903 Proceedings, 1903, a 2.00 Yearbook, a Association bldg., Chicago, 111. Religious herald, 1828, w 2 .00 Religious herald co., Richmond, Va. Religious telescope, 1834, w '-50 Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O. Religious weekly, 191 1 , w i • oc> 729 Sansom st, Phila., Pa. Remington notes, 1907, irreg • • • free Remington typewriter co.. New York. N. Y. Rensselaer society of engineers Selected papers, 1885. irreg., per no .^ '-SO Rensselaer polytechnic institute, Troy, N. Y. Reo echo, 1906, irreg rrtt Reo motor co., Lansing, Mich. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 321 Repairer, iS()S. ni 35 Rev. E. E. Shclhamer. Atlanta, Ga. Reporter, igcK), w ' *J" |. A. Ynune^-, Xatchcz, Miss. Reporter, d. . . .' 12.00 Reporter pub. co., Coluniljus, ( ). Reporter (marble and granite), 1868, ni 2 .00 Nichols & CO., 835-841 Washinj^ton l;oul., Chica-xj. ill. Reporter, 1891, 6 d. .^ ^00 Reporter co.. South St. Paul, Minn. Reporter, 1881, w ^ -^^ Chester news pub. co., Chester, Pa. Reporter, 6 d., morning ed 12.00 6 d., evening- ed 3 -OO Daily reporter co., Milwaukee, Wis. Reports of the nat. banks of the principal banking centres of the U. S., 1898, 5 times a year 75 The evening post, 20 Vesey St., N. Y. RepubUc, 1900, w . . . . •. ■ • • • I ■ •^-' Progress pub. co., 31 Church st., Puffalo, X. \'. RepubHcan, 1902, m i • 00 Wm. E. Reall, 308 Johnston bldg., Cincinnati, O. Reserve weekly, 1890, w. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Adelbert college, Cleveland, O. Rescue, 1864, b-m -5 (^lilroy, Cal. Rescue magazine, 19 10, q ' OC) 1 115 3d nat. bank bldg., Atlanta, C.a. Resources of Tenn., 191 1, m .•••;; Geological survey of Tenn., Nashville, Tenn. Restitution, 1852, w '-50 803 Parkwood drive. Cleveland, ( ). Retail baker, 1909. m 1 • 00 Retail baker co., 326 W. 41st st., N. Y. Retail coalman, 1900, m • 1 -oo Retail coalman co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Retail druggist, 1894, m i • 5° Retail druggist pub. co., Hodges bldg., Detroit. Mich. Retail equipment, 19 [ i , m 2 . 00 Retail e(|ui])mcnt co.. Scranton, Pa. Retail grocers' advocate, 1896, w 2.00 Advocate pub. co., 207 Battery st., San Francisco, Ca.l Retail grocers' advocate, 1877, w^ 2 .00 Retail grocers' pub. co., 147 Chambers st., N. Y. Retail jewelers journal, 1 ()07. m 1 • 00 Associated ])ress co., Gerke bldg.. Cincin.. O. Retail lumberman and scout, 1908, m i -oo Midland bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Retail lumberman and western builder, i<)io. m i.oo Hopper pub. co., ^22 Donald st., Winnipeg. Manitoba. _522 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Retail merchant, 1901, m i .00 Retail merchant co., Dallas, Tex. Retail merchant, 1905, w 2 . 00 Harper l)ros.. 64 Richards St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Retail merchants' journal, 1905, s-m 50 X. Y. life bldg., Omaha, Neb. Retailer and advertiser, 1892, w 5-00 ( Contin. as Retail equipment.) Retailers' commercial agency credit guide, 1880, a 50.00 Retailers' commercial agencv. 125 E. 23rd st. New York, N. Y. Retailers' journal, m 50 Retailers' journal, 36 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Reveille, i860, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Norwich university, Northfield, Vt. Reveille, 1896, w 1.00 Students of La. state univ., Baton Rouge, La. Review, q Lowell high school, Lowell, [Mass. Review, m Streator township high school, Streator, S. C. Review, 1906, m i .oo Young men's hebrew ass'n., 1616 Master st., Phila., Pa. Review, m ]\[cMinnville coll., ]\Ic]\Iinnville, Ore. Review, 1874, w. dur. coll. yr i . 50 Union library association, Oberlin, O. Review, 1894. w 2 . 00 Clifit'ord Thompson, 38 Ried st.. Charleston. S. C. Review, 1886, m 75 Cambridge, ]\Iass. Review, 1905 Nat. founders' & metal trades ass'n., Detroit, ]\Iich. Review, 1909, b-w 2 . 50 N. Y. review pub. co., N. Y. Review and bulletin of the Southern university, 1884, q i .00 Southern university, Greensboro, Ala. Review and expositor, 1904, q 2.00 The review and expositor, Norton Hall, Louisville, Ky. Review and record and banker and tradesman, 1872, \v 5.00 (Contin. as leaker & tradesman.) Review, farm and dairy herald, 1895, ^'^' ^ -5° Review pub. co., Plymouth, ^^'is. Review of American chemical research (Contin. in Cliemical abstracts.) Review of historical publications relating to Canada, 1896, a. . . i .50 University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada. Review of reviews See American monthly review of reviews. Reviev/ of the whale fishery, T()05. a i . 50 \Villiam H. Bartlett, New Bedford. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 323 Review of trade and price current, w S. E. DcRackin, Manila, P. 1. Re vista Americana de derecho internacional, 1912. q. 5.00 Amer. soc. of iiilcrnational law, 2 Jackson Place, Wash.. I). C. Revista catolica, 1875, vv 3-00 Jesuit fathers, Los Vegas, N. M. Revista de construcciones y agrimensura, 1899, m 4- 00 Sociedad de ingenicros y arquitectos de Cuba, Mercaderes 2, Plabana, Cuba. Revista de medicina tropical, 1900, m 2 .00 Dr. Eniilio Martinez, Havana, Cuba. Revista de medicina y cirurgia, s-m Dr. J. A. Presno y Bastony, Havana, Cuba. Revista medica Cubana, m 2 . 50 Charles E. Kahly, Havana, Cuba. Revista dental, 1908 Havana, Cuba. Revista illustrada y boltin commercial, m i .00 Carleton bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Revue Canadienne, 1863, m 3 -OO Revue Canadienne pub. co., Montreal, Canada. Revue legale, (French and English), 1867, m 5.00 C. Theoret, Montreal, Canada. Rhode Island advertiser, 1899, m i -oo Frank R. Jelleff, Lapham bldg.. Providence, R. L Rhode Island historical society. Proceedings ^ ^ — Collections, irreg Varies News sheet, 1902, irreg Providence, R. I. Rhode Island historical tracts, 1877, irreg Varies S. S. Rider, Providence, R. 1. Rhode Island issue, 1900, m 25 Rhode Island temperance league, 112 Clay st.. Providence, R. I. Rhode Island medical society Transactions, 1859, a Stephen A. Welch, Providence, R. I. Rhode Island school of design bulletin, 1913- M 3-Oo Lee E. Rowe, Providence. R. 1. Rhode Island state board of health. lUillctin. irreg Providence. R. L Rhodora, i8()9, m ^ -S^ New England botanical club, 300 :Massachusetts ave.. Boston, Mass. Rice industry, 1900, m ^ -OO Rice industry pub. co.. Houston, Tex. Rice journal and gulf coast farmer, m ^00 Signal pub. co., Crowley, La. Rice journal and southern farmer, i8(;8, ni i -oo Signal print, co., Cowley. La. 324 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Riches, 1900, m 25 K. W. Dodge, Rnskin, Tenn. Richland county historical society Proceedings, 1899 -. A. G. Baughman, sec, Mansfield, O. Richmond journal of practice, 1886, m i ou J. F. Winn, Richmond, Va. Richmond railroad club. Proceedings, 1902 (Feb.), m, 9 nos. . . 1,00 F. (_). Robinson, sec, Richmond, A'a. Rider and driver and outdoor sport, 1891, w 5 -oo Rider and driver and outdoor sport pub. co., 1 123 Broadway, N. Y. Ring-turn phi, 1896, w 1 . 50 Lexington. \ a. Rio Grande employes' magazine, 19 10. m Denver, Colo. Rising sun, 1909, f 75 I. G. Jones, Tommsoba, IMiss. Riverview student, m Riverview military academy. Poughkeepsie. X. Y. Road maker, 1912, m S*^ J. L. Pong, Des ]\Ioines, la. Roadmaster and foreman, 1893 Chicago, ni. Roanoke collegian, 1874, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Roanoke college, Salem. Va. Rochester academy of science Proceedings, 1890, irreg Varies Rochester, N. Y. Rochester chamber of commerce. ( )fficial bulletin Rochester. X. Y. Rochester. University. Bulletin. Rochester, N. Y. Rock Island employes' magazine, 1907. ni i .00 719 La -Salle St., Chicago, 111. Rock products, 1902, m 1.00 Contin. as Amer. stone trade. Rockefeller institute of medical research. Studies (reprints), 1904, a N. Y. Rockefeller sanitary commission for the eradication of the hook worm Report, 1909 Wash., D. C. Rockford pubhc library bulletin, h;o;, m Rock ford. 111. Rockford public library Bulletin, 1905, m Rockford, 111. Rocky mountain collegian, 1890, \v 1 •>' ■ Colo. coll. of agric. Fort Colins. Colo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 325 Rocky mountain congregationalist, i-' Rose polytechnic institute, Terre Haute, Ind. 326 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Rosenburg library. Bulletin, 1910 (Jan. ), b-m Galveston, Tex. Rotary, 1897, m 50 W. G. Crocker, Lisbon, N. D. Rotary, 1897, m 50 W. G. Crocker, Lisbon, N. D. Rough notes, 1878, av 2.00 Rough notes co., 920 Law bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Round robin magazine, 1913 (Jan.), m i .00 L. A. Rankin & co., Boston, Mass. Round table, w -75 Christian pub. co.. 2712 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Round table, 1854, w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Archaean union of Beloit college, Beloit, Wis. Rounder, 1907, w 4 • 00 Classic press, Los Angeles, Cal. Round up, w '. X. M. coll. of agric, Las Cruces, N. M. Royal arcanum bulletin, m 30 W. O. Robson, 407 Shawmut ave., Boston, Mass. Royal astronomical society of Canada ^ — Journal, 1907, b-m 2.00 Canadian institute bldg., Toronto. Royal banner, 191 1, w i -oo A. J. Evans, Shreveport, La. Royal blue, m Guthrie high school, Guthrie, Okla. Royal craftsman, 1887, m 100 Somerville pub. co., Somerville, N. J. Royal gazette, 1791, w i -50 R. T. Murray, Halifax, N. S. Royal gazette, 1791, w 25 John Coombs, Charlottetown, P. E. L Royal lion's tongue, 1909, w ^50 Harry Bonaparte, 1141 W. Church st., Jacksonville. Fla. Royal neighbor, 1898, m 5° Rock Island, 111. Royal society of Canada Proceedings and transactions, 1882, a Ottawa, Canada. Royer's financial record, 1908 (Mar.), irreg 2.00 Edgar Rover, Xo. 1123, Seattle, Wash. Rubber trade directory 1908, b-a 3 • 5° Henry C. Pearson, 395 Broadway, X. Y. Rudder, 1890, m ?,-oo Rudder pub. co., i Hudson st., X. Y. Rundschau, w S-^o ^Milwaukee, Wis. Rumely power seed and soil, 1912 (Jan.), m :\I. Rumelv co.. La Porte. Ind. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 327 Rural autoist, 1 < ) 1 i ( Mux) , m i . 00 Topcka, Kansas. Rural Californian, 1877, m i -OO M. G. lieiutz, Temple blk., Los Angeles, Cal. Rural educator, 1910, w 5^^ Ark. farmers union, Jonesl^oro, Ark. Rural educator, 191 3 • Columlnis, (J. Rural farmer, 1880, \v • 5° Rural farmer pub. co., 153 S. Front St., Phila., Pa. Rural home, 1 (j 1 3 New York, N. Y. Rural life and farm stock journal, 1881, m 50 Elmer E. Reynolds, Rochester, N. Y. Rural magazine, 1906, m i -OO Contin. in Home magazine. Rural manhood \'. M. C. A., Ossining, N. Y. Rural New Yorker, 1849, w i -OO John J. Dillon, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Rural rooter, 1903, rn i • 00 Omar D. Gray, Sturgeon, Mo. Rural school advocate, ic>o9, m 50 F. 0. Hays, Alva, Okla. Rural school messenger, 191 1, m Kirksville. Mo. Rural spirit, 1869, w ■ ^ • 00 H. C. Brown & co., 373 Yankill st.. Portland, Ore. Rural tribune, 1905, w 5-^ I,. E. Worster, Montpelier, Ind. Rural weekly, 1904, w -5 Rural weekly pub. co., 92 E. 4th st.. St. Paul. Minn. Ruralist, w • i -^o I Contin. as Missouri ruralist.) Rush medical college. Bulletin of the alumni, 1905, ([ Rush medical college, Chicago, 111. Russell's convention dates, 1896, s-ni 5 -O^ Hamlin Russell, 161 Washington st., Newark, N. J. Russell's manual, 1905, m A. L. Russell, 71 Broad st., N. Y. Russell's railway guide, 1890, m - • 5" Chas. A. Laurance & co.. Cedar Rapids, la. Rutgers targum, 1869, w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Rutgers college, New Brunswick, N. J. Ryerson's monthly journal and stock list, kjoo. m i .cx) Joseph T. Ryerson & son, Chicago, 111. S. V. C. index, m St. \int-ents coll.. Chicago, 111. S. W. Stockman-farmer, 1884. w • 00 Stockman-farmer pub. co.. Phoenix, .\riz. 328 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS s. w. p. Sherwin-Williams co., Cleveland, O. Sabbath reading, 1876, w 50 Witness and Sabbath reading co., 150 Xassau'st., X. Y. Sabbath recorder, 1845, "^'^' 2 .00 m 2 . 00 American Sabbath tract society, Plainfield, N. Y. Sabbath school worker, 1886, m 35 Review and herald pub. ass'n, Washington. D. C. Sacred heart review, 1885, w 2 .00 Review pub. co., 294 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Sacred heart union, q 35 Rev. Thos. J. Alorgan, Arlington, X. J. Saddle and show horse chronicle, 191 1, w 3-03 Chronicle pub. co., Lexington. Ky. Safe investments, 191 1, m Otis and co.. Cleveland, Ohio. Safeguard and armory, 1896, q ; 25 Safeguard pub. co., Westbrook, Me. Safety bulletin Millers mutual casualty ins. co., Chicago. 111. Sagamore, 1900. m 50 T. J. Bell, Tacoma. AVash. Sailor's magazine and seamen's friend, 1828, m i .00 American seamen's friend society, 76 Wall St., X'. Y. St. Andrew's cross, 1886 i .00 Brotherhood of St. Andrew, 88 Broad St., Boston, Mass. St. Anthony's almanac, 1904. a 25 Franciscan monastery, Patterson. X. J. St. George's journal, 1876, m 1 . co F. Dodd, 149 X. 9th St., Phila., Pa. St. George's sword and shield, 1890, m 50 Rev. H. D. A\'aller. 45 Locust st.. Flushing. X. Y. St. Johns collegian, m St. Johns coll.. Annapolis. ]\Id. St. Johns herald, 1906, q 2 ;, Stroudsberg. Pa. St. John's university record, 1888, m i .00 Students of St. John's college. Collcgeville, Minn. St. Joseph (Mo.) free public library Bulletin, 1896, irreg St. Joseph Blatt, 1 888. w t . 00 Benedictine fathers. Mount Angel. Ore. St. Louis academy of science See .\cadem\- of science. St. Louis. St. Louis and Canadian photographer, 1877, m 3 .00 Mrs. Fitzgil)bon-Clark. 3210 Lucas ave., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis blue book, a The Sinimonds co., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis clinique, m i • 00 (Contin. in General ]u-actitioner. ) (^l^DR TO PF.RIODICALS 329 St. Louis health dept. 1 Uillclin, 111 Municipal courts bkli;-., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis lumberman, 1888, s-m • 2 .00 Journal of commerce co., Fullcrton bldg., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis medical review, w i • 00 4^ See ^ledical review.) St. Louis medical society weekly, linlletin, 1906 i 00 St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis merchantile library ass'n. Report, 1849, a P.ulletin. irreg. St. Louis, Mo. St, Louis. Public library Monthly bulletin, n. s., 1903, m St. Louis. Mo. St. Louis railway club. Official proceedings, m i .00 St. Louis railway club, Union station, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis university Bulletin, 1903, b-m Vre& St. Louis university, St. Louis, Mo. St. Luke herald, 1902, w .' ^ ™^ E. O. of St. Luke, Richmond, Va. Saint Luke's hospital. Medical and surgical reports, a 1427 Michigan ave., Chicago. Til. St. Mary's chimes, m St. Mary's academy, Notre Dame, Tud. St. Mary's messenger, m St. ]vLary's coll., Monroe, Mich. St. Mary's sentinel, 1882, m ^ -oo St. ]\Iarv, Kv. St. Nicholas, 1863,' m 3 -OO Century co., 33 E. 12th St., N. Y. St. Olaf college bulletin, 1905, q Free Northfield, Minn. St. Paul medical journal, 1899, m 2 . 50 Ramsey co. medical society, St. Paul, Minn. St. Peter's bote, 1904, w 1 ■ o^ -A luenster. Saskatchewan. St. Vincent de Paul quarterly, q 5° Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 375 Lafayette st., N. Y. Saints' herald, i860, w i • 5° Herald pub. house, Lamoni, la. Salem public library. Bulletin, m 25 Salem, Mass. Sales agent, 1900, m 5^ Park and Russell sts., Columbus, O. Sales manager, 1907, m t . 00 Ijurt C. Beam, Security bldg., Chicago. 111. Sales manager, L909, m 3 • f>o iMjurth nat. bank bldg., Cincin., O. Salesmaker, 19 13 M. S. Bulklev & co.. Los Angeles, Cal. 330 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Salesman, 1909, m 50 Salesman pub. co., Erikson bldg., Seattle, Wash. Salesmanship, 1907, m . .- free (Contin. as Letters.) Salt Lake mining review, 1899, S""i 2.50 Will C. Higgins, Salt Lake City, Utah. Salute, m Bishop Scott academy, Portland. Ore. Samedi, 1889, w. . 2.50 Poirier, Bessette & co., Montreal, Canada. Sameiningin, 1885, m , i .00 Icelander Lutheran synod, Winipeg, Manitoba. Sample case, 1891, m i.oo Riley N. Hull. Columbus. O. Sanatorium, 1907, b-m 25 142 1 Court place, Denver, Colo. Sandburr, m York coll.. York. Xeb. Sandebudet, 1861 , w i . 50 Swedish M. E. book concern, 152 Oak St., Chicago. 111. San Diego ' society of natural history ^ — Transactions, 1905, varies San Diego. Cal. San Diego tourist, 1908, m Browne-Flovi'ers press, 316-317 Timkin bldg.. San Diego, Cal. San Francisco chamber of commerce. Journal, 191 1, m San Francisco. Cal. San Francisco merchants ass'n. Report. 1893. '^ San Francisco. Cal. San Francisco news letter, 1856, w 4.00 F. ]\Iarriott, San Francisco. Cal. San Francisco (Cal.) public library Monthly bulletin. 1895 25 San Francisco state normal school bulletins, 1902. irreg .30 State normal school, San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco tattler, w 4 . 00 Contin. as Tattler. Sangamon school interests, 1906. q 25 (Includes annual report.") E. C. Pruitt. Springfield, 111. San Joaquin valley farmer, 1899, s-m i .00 W. R. Mcintosh and A. E. Fay, Freshno, Cal. San Joaquin valley motor, 19T t. w i .00 Bakersfield. Cal. San Jose (Cal.) free public library Bulletin, 1901, m Santa Barbara society of natural history Bulletin, 1878, irreg Varies Santa Barbara, Cal. Santa Fe employes magazine, 1906 (Dec), m. free to employes, i.oo Albert MacRae, 1741 Railway exchange, Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO IM'.RIODICALS 331 Saranac lab. for study of tuberculosis. Studies, ujoo |1. of uied. research, lloston. Saratoga society review, d -^ 5^^ Fred Oppenheimer, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Sarto, 1913. m ' • 5° Ckiiscpi^i I\osa, N. Y. Sartorial art journal, 1874, m • 8.00 John J. Mitchell co., 122 Fifth ave., N. Y. Saskatchewan monthly magazine, 1904. ni Oo (t. \V. Xorman. Saskatcheawn medical journal, iqoo. ni 1 -oo Regina, Sask. Satire, iqi t , w 4-00 Pull. susp. Saturday evening mail (Evening mail magazine section) 1897, w New York. Saturday evening post, w v ' • -^° Curtis pub. co., Phila., Pa. Saturday union record, w 2 . 00 F. E. Marlow, 722 S. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. Savannah naval stores review, 1890, w 5 00 Savannah, Ga. Savings, 1905, m '*^5 G. B. Gaiennie, Chicago, 111. Savings bank life insurance t6i Devonshire, Boston, ]\Iass. Saxby's magazine, 1888, m ' -O^ X. Saxby, 404 Johnston bldg., Cincin., (). Scarlet and black, 1894, b-w. dur. coll. yr i .50 Students of Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Scattered seeds, 1869, m 5^ Ferris & Leach, 29 N. 7th St., Phila., Pa. Scatology, 1 ()o8. m -5 Buffalo, N. Y. Schauffer memorial ^Irs. >\Iary \V. Mills, 5111 Fowler ave., Cleveland, O. . Schemer, 1899, m 5° L. \\ Patterson, Alliance, O. Scholars' quarterly, 1885, q .^^^ Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Scholastic, 1867, w. dur. coll. yr i • 5° Students of the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. Scholastic review, 1912, w ' ■"'^ 318 W. S7th St., N. Y. School, 1889, w 2.00 School news co., 154 Fifth ave., N. Y. School, 191 2, m ' • ^'^' i-^acultv of education. Toronto. Out. 332 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS School and home, 1908, ni i . ;^o School and home pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. School and home education, 1879, ^o nos 2.00 Public school pub. co., Bloomington, 111. School arts magazine, m 2 . go School arts pub. co.. l^oston, Alass. School, bell echoes, m Merrill high school, Alerrill. Wis. School bulletin and New York state educational journal, 1874, • m 1. 00 C. W. Bardeen, Syracuse, N. Y. School century, 1905, m 1 05 Geo. W. Jones, Oak Park, 111. School companion, m Mitchell high school. 3ilitchell. la. School days, 1912. m i 00 X. Y.. X. Y. School education, 1881,. 1881, 10 nos 1.25 School education co., ]Minneapolis, Minn. W. P. Stewart. Oklahoma City, Okla. School equipm.ent review, 1913, m Amer. seating co.. 218 S. \\'abash. Chicago. 111. School herald, 1892, m i .00 A\'. P. Stewart, Oklahoma City, Okla. School girl, q La Grange high school. La Grange. X. C. School idea, 1909. m 35 I. P). Kelsey. Leavenworth. Kansas. School journal, w Boys industrial school. Lancaster. Pa. School journal. Bulletin Lynn Glover, Tonkawa, Okla. School journal, 1870, w t . 25 A. S. Barnes & co.. 11 E. 24th st.. Xew York. X. Y. School music, 1900, b-m 50 P. C. Hayden, Keokuk. la. School music review, m ::o H. \\'. Gray co.. 21 E. 17th st., Xew York. X. Y. School news, w Edgarton high school. Edgarton. Wis. School news and practical educator, 1887. m., 11 nos i .25 C. ^I. Parker. Taylorville. 111. School news of N. J., 191 1 . m 50 School news co., Xew Eg}-pt. X. J. School of education. Bulletin. 1909. irreg Gratis Univ. of 111., Urbana, Til. School of mines quarterly, 1879, Q 2 . 00 Columbia university, X'^. Y. School physiology journal, 1893, m GO Contin. as Scientific temperance journal. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 333 School problems Contin. as School work. School progress, KP9, m ' i • 5° vSchool progress pub. co., Pliila., I'a. School record, 111 ( )akri(lij;-e high school, Oakridge, -\io. School register, 1896, m i -OO School register co., Worcester, Mass. School reporter, m 75 I'niv. of Chicago, Chicago. 111. School review, 1893, m. except July and Aug i . 50 Monographs, irrcg .So University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. School science and mathematics, 1901, m. 9 nos 2.00 2583 Hermitage avc, Chicago, 111. School sentinel, m Boyertown high school, lloyertown, Pa. School work, 1902, q . ; i -oo ( Contin. in McEvoy magazine.) School world, 1882, m 35 D. H. Knowlton & co., Farmington, Me. Schoolmasters' association of New York and vicinity Report, 1893, a O. G. Cartwright, Horace Mann school, N. Y. Schuster's yellow pine lumber rate book, eastern ed., 1896, m. . 12.00 E. y. Schuster, 9th and Walnut sts.. St. Louis. Mo. Science, 1883, w 5-00 Science Press, Lancaster, Pa. Scientific American, 1845, w 3 -OO Supplement, 1876, w 5-00 Alunn & CO., 361 Broadway, N. Y. Scientific digest, 19TI (Dec), m i -OO Ivansas Citw Mo. Scientific road construction, 1913, m . . Standard oil co., San Francisco, Cal. Scientific society of San Antonio Bulletin, 1905, irreg San Antonio, Tex. ScientiRc temperance journal, 1893. "^ ^° Mary H. Hunt, 23 Trull St., Bosto. Mo. Scimiter, 19 10, w ^ -OO Scimiter pub. co., PInnis, Texas. Scout news, 1012, m 5° R. C. ITill. Y. M. C. A. l)ldg.. Fort Worth. Texas. Scranton (Pa.) public library. Bulletin, 1895, irreg Scribner's magazine, 1887. m 3-00 Scribner's sons, 155 P'^ifth ave.. N. Y. Scrip, 1905, m 1-50 Mofifat, Yard & co., 289 Fourth ave., N. Y. Scroll, m ^ .\tlanta univ., Atlanta. C.a. 334 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Scroll of phi delta theta, 1875, b-m i .00 F. J. R. Mitchell, 30 X. La Salle st.. Chicago, 111. Sea breeze, 1898, q 25 Boston seaman's friend soc, 14 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Sea island news, 1910, w i . r,o Alexander Myers, Beaufort, S. C. Searchlight, 1899, "^ 50 1 100 Union Trust bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Searchlight, 1899, w i . 00 A. L. Garrett, Wichita, Kansas. Searchlight, 1905, m i . 00 W. D. Dwyer, Brockton, Mass. Searchlight, 1905, ni i . 00. Ruskin, Tenn. Searchlight, 1904, w 2 .'jo 104 Wash. Blk., Seattle, Wash. Searchlight, 1909, w i 50 W. C. T. v., A'alentine, Xeb. Searchlight, 1909, m i . 00 West land pub. co., Edmonton. Alberta. Seattle daily bulletin, d". 5 . 00 Joseph Blethen, Seattle, Wash. Seattle pioneer pocket guide Arthur von Babo, Seattle, ^^'ash. Seattle public library Bulletin, 1896, m Free Seattle, Wash. Secret service, 1899, w 2 . 50 Frank Tousey, 168 W. 23d st.. X. Y. Secular thought, 1885, f 2. 00 C. M. Ellis, Toronto, Canada. Securities review, 1012, m i .00 Scranton, Pa. See America first, 1912, b-m i .00 Tacoma, Wash. See America first magazine, 1907, m • 3 • 00 14th ave. and main st., Seattle, Wash. Seed trade reporting letter, 191 1. s-ni 60 Chicago, 111. Seeds of youth, 1913, m Solomon Cohen, X. Y. Seen and heard, 1901, m i .00 Louis X. Megargee, 312 Betz lildg., Phila.. Pa. Seismological society of Amer. P)ullelin. m)i 1 ( Mar. ), (| 2.00 Stanford, Cal. Select knight journal, 1894, q 40 Geo. K. Staples, 727 Ellicott sq., Buffalo, X. Y. Selected investments, a 10.00 Investment bankers l;ureau, Wellesley Hills, }ilass. Selling electricity Contin. as Electrical merchandise & selling clectricit\-. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 33 Selling magazine. Contin. in Advertising' and selling. Semaine commerciale, 1894, \v 2 . 00 L. E. Thompson, Quebec, Canada. Semaine religieuse, 1883, w 1 . 50 Dauth & Consineau, Montreal, Oneliec. Semester, s-yr Hebron academy, Heliron, Me. Semeur, Le, 1905, m Ass'n Catbolique de la jenncsse Canadienne-francaise, Montreal, Canada. Semi-annual review of the American silk trade, s-a gratis Silk association of American Silk exchange bldg., N. Y. Semi-monthly magazine, 1910, b-ni (Issued with Sun. papers.) Seminary breeze, m Grand Prairie seminary, ( Jnarago, 111. Seminary monthly, m Starkey seminary, Eddytown, X. Y. Seminary opinator, m \\\vo. seminary, Kingston, Pa. Seminary record, 1890, q i .00 Hartford seminary press, Hartford, Conn. Seminary record, 1897. 7 times yr 1 .00 Auburn. N. Y. Seminary review, m. Home academy. Ilomer, La. Senator, 1896, m i . 00 Jas. H. McKibben, Portland. Ore. Sendbote, 1874, m 2 . 00 Franciscan fathers, Cincin., O. Sendbote, 1866, w 2 . 00 German baptist pub. society, Cleveland. O. Sendero el Teosofica, 191 1, m 1 .50 Katherine Tingley. Point Loma. Cal. Senior Berean lesson quarterly, 1882, m 2.00 Eaton & ]»^Iaines, 154 Fifth ave.. N. Y. Senior class-book Privatelv printed bv the senior class of Columbia college. N. Y. Senior class quarterly, 1905. ([ 20 lM-ee\vill baptist pub. co.. Ayden, X. C. Senior course. Teachers, (\ 1 .00 Senior home department quarterly, q 20 American Ijaptist pub. society. 1630 Chestnut St., Phi la.. Pn. Senior studies. I 'upils, (| 40 Amer. baptist juib. co., Ayden. X. C. Senior quarterly, 1883, q 20 American baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St.. Phila., Pa. 336 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Senior quarterly, 1879, q 20 Cumberland presbyterian pub. house, Nashville, Tenn. Senior quarterly, q .'. 40 Chas. Scribners sons, Fifth ave., N. Y. Senior quarterly, q 25 Smith and Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. Sentinel, 1881, w i .25 T. G. Gardner, Ulyses, Pa. Sentinel, 1882, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of St. Mary's college, St. Mary's, Ky. Sentinel, 1906, w i -oo C. J. C. Scholpp, Jamestown, N. Y. Sentinel, 1910, w - •• • i • 5" Sentinel pub. co., Rochester, N. Y. Sentinel and orange and protestant advocate, 1874, w i .00 Sentinel print, co., Toronto, Canada. Sentinel, m Harvard school, Los Angeles, Cal. Sentinel-signal, 1906, w i -OO J. A. Marshall, Lexington, Miss. Sentinel of the blessed sacrament, 1897, m i .00 185 E. 76th St., N. Y\ Separator news, 1900, s-a ( Contin. as Sharpless salesman.) Sequoia, 1891, b-m. dur. coll. yr 2 .00 Students of Leland Stanford university, Stanford University, Cal. Sermonizer, 19 10, m i .00 F. J. Boyer, 11 1 N. 6th st., Reading, Pa. Service, 1910, m 1.00 Amer. baptist pub. soc, 1701 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Service bulletin Pub. susp. Service, 191 1 ( Apr.) , b-m Miss, valley trust co., vSt. Louis, Mo. Seventh regiment gazette, 1886, m i . 50 F. :M. Crossett, 156 Fifth ave., N. Y. Sewanee purple, 1891, w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. Sewanee review, 1892, q 2 . 00 Longmans, Green and co., Sewanee, Tenn. Sewanee review, 1892, q 2 . 00 Longmans, Green & co., 93 Fifth ave., N. Y. Sewing machine advance, 1879, m 50 Walter Scales, 4109 Indiana ave., Chicago, 111. Sewing machine times, 1882, s-m i .00 E. H. Craige, 63 Beach St., N. Y. Shareholder, w 4 • 00 68 Wall St., N. Y. Shareholder and insurance gazette, 1879, w 2.00 S. B. Foote & CO., Montreal, Canada. GUIDE T(J P]':RI(J1)ICALvS 337 Sharon historical society Dues SO Publications, 1904, irreg ■ Eugene Tappan, sec, Sharon, Mass. Sharp & Alleman co's lawyers' and bankers' directory, s-a 5.00 Sharp cS: Alleman, 900 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Sharpies salesman, 1909, m Sharpies s'eparator co., West Chester. Pa. Shears, 1892, m i -OO C-eo. E. Jcnks, Lafayette, Ind. Sheet metal shop and pattern cutters' magazine, 1910, m 1.00 Tribune bldg.. New York, N. Y. Sheldon bulletin, 1906 Sheldon school, Chicago, 111.. Sheldon's business philosopher and salesmanship, i904(Dec.),m 2.0'j Chicago, 111. Sheldon's buyers' reference book, 1886, a J. D. Sheldon & co., Leonard st. and W. Broadway, N. Y. Sheldon hunch, 1907, m Science press, 209 State st., Chicago, 111. Shepard's annotations, N. Y. supreme court ed., q 4- 00 Shepard's annotations, N. Y. misc. ed., q _• 2.00 Frank C. Shepard co., 190 W. Broadway, New York, N. \. Shepard's citations, each •• ^ • 5° Alabama. ■ Arkansas. California. Colorado (supreme and appeal). Connecticut. Dakota (N. & S.). Federal reporter. Florida. Georgia. Ilhnois (supreme). Illinois (appellate). Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. Kentucky. Louisiana ( supreme ) . Louisiana (annual). Maine. Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan. Minnesota. Mississippi. Missouri (supreme). Missouri (appeal). Montana. 338 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Nebraska. Nevada. New Hampshire. New Jersey. New York (chancery). New York (common law). New York court of appeals (including Howard's appeal, Abbott's decisions, Keyes' transcript appeals, 'Silvernail's appeals and Selden's notes). —New York (miscellaneous)-. New York supreme (including Barbour, Lansing, Thompson & Cook, Silvernail, Hun and appellate div.). Northeastern reporter. Northwestern reporter. Ohio and Ohio state. ■ Oregon. Pacific reporter. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania state. Pennsylvania superior. Rhode Island. ^ Southern reporter. Southwestern reporter. Tennessee. Texas (supreme)'. Texas (appeal). ^United Statees supreme court. Utah. Virginia. Washington . West Virginia. Wisconsin. The Frank Shepard co.. New York, N. Y. Shepherd's arms, w 40 m 15 Young churchman co., Milwaukee, Wis. Shepherd's journal, 1908. m 7^ E. C. Clark & Co., 125 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Sherman bulletin, 1907, w 25 U. S. Indian school. Riverside, Cal. Shield and diamond of phi kappa alpha, i8(ii. 5 times yr 2.00 R. A. Smythe, 517 Austell bldg., Atlanta'. C^a. Shield of Phi kappa psi, 1880, irreg t . 50 Terre Plaute, Ind. Shield of Theta delta chi., 1884, q i .00 J. B. Smith, Jr., 299 Alexander ave., N. Y. Shields' magazine, 1905, m i . 00 G. O. Shields, 1269 Broadway, N. Y. Shipping illustrated, 1902, w 5 . 00 116 Produce exchange, N. Y. (^,i:!l)l'. TO IM-KIODICALS 339 Shingle weaver, mjo.^. w ' -"^ :^o(. Mavnanl l)Ul,u-., Seattle. W asb. Shoe and leather corporation quarterly, q 3-^ Weekly iMilletin pub. eo., inc., Boston, Mass. Shoe and leather annual reporter ■ Slioe and leatlier reporter, i66 Essex st., I'ostoii. Mass. Shoe and leather facts, 1889, ni , 2 .00 Haao- & Haris, 406 Race St., Phila.. Pa. w 1. 00 Shoe and leather gazette, 1884, . Tradesmen's pub. cc, 412 N. 9th St., St. Louis, Mo. Shoe and leather reporter, 1857, w -^ • • 4-00 Shoe and leather reporter, 183 Essex St., Boston, Mass. Shoe factory, i()io, w ^ '^^ 166 Essex St.. Boston, Mass. Shoe findings, 191 1. m • • • • • •. • • ^ -^^ A. H. Lock-wood, 154 W. Randolph st., e bica-o. 111. Shoeman, upQ. 18 times yr ' -^^ 18^ Essex St.. Boston, Mass. Shoe repairer and dealer, 1910 (Jan.) , m 1-0^* 12: Federal st., Boston, Mass. •1 . 2.00 Shoe retailer, w i()6 Essex St., Boston, Mass. Shoe retailer and boots and shoes weekly, 1898, w 2.00 Shoe retailer co., 183 Essex st., Boston, Mass. Shoe topics, 1905, w 158 Smmer St., Boston, Mass. Shoe workers' journal, 1900, m 5^ C. L. Baine, 432 Albany bldg., Boston, Mass. Shoppeirs owners & builders magazine, 1907 (Jan.) m .... i .00 Co-operative architects, 17 State st.. New York, N. \. Shop talk, 1901 , m • ■ • • ; Shop talk pub. co., 132 E. i9tb st., A. \. Short ballot, b-m. Bulletin 3S3 4th ave., X. ^'. City. Shorter college, r.ulletin, ([ Rome. Ga. ^ ^ Shorthand writer, 1906, w ^ • ■ ■ • • >^i' ' i' ' '/ Robert E. Rose, W. L. James and t . R. Hanna, 79 Clark st., Chicago, 111. Short stories, 1890, m : • • • • " • •, '"^ Doubleday, Page tSr co.. Garden City, N. i. Show world, 1907 (Jan. 29), w • • • •. • • "^'^ Warren A. Patrick, Grand opera house, Chicago, 111. Shuman corner organizer, 1912, b-m '^^^ A. Shuman & co.. Boston, Mass. Sibley journal of engineering, 1887, m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Sibley college, Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. I 00 Sibyl, 1871, 5 nos ; • ■ • • • • • Senior class of Elmira college, Elmira. N. Y. 340 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Sidelights, 1905, m. dur. coll. yr j5 Sidelights pub. co., Athens, O. Side talks, 1906 Geo. S. Parker, Janesville, Wis. Sierra club bulletin, 1891, irreg- , Sierra club, 302 Mills bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Sierra educational news, m 1..50 50 Main St., San Francisco, Cal. Sigma chi quarterly, 1882, q 2 .00 W. A\ Brothers, 139 N. Clark st., Chicago. 111. Sigma kappa triangle, q INIiss Grace A. Small, Someville, Miss. Sigma phi epsilon. Journal Richmond, A'a. Signal, 190T. w i .00 Signal pub. co., Memphis, Tenn. Signal engineer, 1908 m 1.00 Signal eng. co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Sign of the cross, 1903, m i . ^o W'aterville. Me. Sign of the lantern, m School of the Lackawanna. Scranton, Pa. Signs of the times, 1832, s-m 2 .00 J. E. Beebe & co., Middletown, X. Y. Signs of the times, 1874, w i . 50 Pacific press pub. co., Mt. View, Cal. Silas Bronson library ■ Bulletin, 1899, m 25 Waterbury, Conn. Silhouette, m Demopolis high school, Demopolis. Ala. Silent review, 191 1, s-m 50 Oren M. Elliott, Lexington. Ky. Silent worker, 1888. m 50 G. S.«Porter, Trenton, X. J. Silk, 1907, m 2.00 Robert H. McCready, 409 Broadway, X. Y. Silk association of America, membership 50.00 Report, a Silk exchang-e bldg., X. Y. Silk cord, 1913 (Feb.), m t .cxd Electric development ass'n., Boston, ^lass. Silver and gold, 1892, w. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. Silver cross, 1889, m i . 00 Silver cross pub. co., 156 Fifth ave.,.N. Y. Simple life calendar, a i . 00 A. AVessels & co., 43 E. 19th St., N. Y. Simplified spelling bulletin, 1909 (June), c] 10 Simplified spelling board, 1 Madison ave., Xew York, X. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 341 Simpsonian, 187c, m. clur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Simpson collcf^e, Indianola, la. Sine nomine, 1912 (Jan.). ni. 1 .00 Chester, Pa. Single tax review, 1901 , q 1 . 00 Joseph D. Miller, 11 Frankford st.. N. Y. Sions-Bladet, 1907, m -'S Rev. A. M. Green. 119 S. 14th St., Tacoma, Wash. Sioux City academy of science and letters. Proc. 1905, irrei;. . . . Sioux City. Iowa. Sioux stock journal, 1889, w i • 5^ John Hayes, Fort Pierre, S. D. Sirius, ni W'estheld college, Westfield, 111. Sister republics, m 50 Frank Brady, Denver, Colo. Sixth race magazine, 1910 (Mar.), m 1.50 Orlando, Fla. Skandinaven, 1866 (May), s-w 2.00 John Anderson, 646 Cleveland ave., Chicago, 111. Skandinaviska good templaren, 1900, ni 40 A. 3.1. Wold, 2427 14th St., Minnea])olis. Alinn. Skiff, w .^ Texas christian univ., Waco, Texas. Skordemannen, 1888, s-m 75 Skordcmannen pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Skirmisher, m Bordentown military academy, Bordentown, X. j. Sloan's K. P. weekly, 1900, w 5 .00 ( Contin. as Overcomer.) Slovensky sokul, 1905, s-m 1 . 20 313 E. 74th St., X. Y. Smart set, 1900, m 3 . 00 Ess Ess pub. CO., 452 Fifth ave., N. Y. Smart styles, m 2 . 50 Xew A'ork. X. V. Smith academy anvil, a 3 • 00 Smith academy, St. Louis, Mo. Smith alumni quarterly, 1909, q 1 .00 3 W. 02(1 St.. X. Y. Smith college bulletin, 1906, q Smith college, Northampton, Mass. Smith college monthly, 1893, m (Oct. -June) i .50 Conducted by the senior class, Northampton, Mass. Smith college weekly, 191 1. w • -5 Smith coll., Northampton, Mass. Smith's magazine, 1905, m 1 • 5° Smith pub. house, "jy Seventh ave., N. Y. Snappy stories, 191 2 (Aug.), m i 50 14 E. 33d St., N. Y. 34^ GUIDE TO PERIODICALS So9p gazette and perfumer, 1899, m 2 .00 C. S. Berriman, 108 Fulton st., N. Y. Social circle, 1909, w. Christian pub. co., 27 12 Pine st., St. Louis, 'M6'. Social diseases, 191 1 Soc. of sanitation and moral ]3rophyIaxis, X. Y. Social service, 191 1 ( Mav ) , q i . ou Oberlin, O. Socialist crusader, 1909, m 50 Contin. as Crusader. Socialist woman, 1907, m 35 Contin. as Progressive woman. Sociedad economica de amigos del pais de la Habana Memorias, 1793 Diagones 62, Habana, Cuba. Societe de geographie de Quebec Societi bulletin, 1880, irreg. . Quebec, Canada. Societe historique de Montreal. Entrance fee i .00 Memoires, 1859 Montreal, Canada. Society Society pub. co., Chicago, 111. Society for ethical culture News-letter, 1903 Year book, 1904 Society for ethical culture, N. Y. Society for experimental biology and medicine. Membership. . 2.00 '■ Proceedings, 1903, per vol i .00 Wm. J. Gies, sec, Columbia university. New York, N. Y. Society for helping destitute mothers and infants. Report, a. . 2/y) Tremont Tem])le, Boston, Mass. Society for philosophical inquiry Memoirs, 1893 J. Macbride Sterrett, Pres., Geo. Washington university, Washington, D. C. Society for the adv. of Scandinavian pub., 1013. irre^ 2 .00 A. L. Elm(|uist, sec. Maple Ave., Evanston, 111. Society for the promotion of engineering education — ■ — bulletin, 1910 (July ), m i . 00 ■ Proceedings, 1893, a 2 .00 The society, Ithaca, N. Y. Society for the reformation of juvenile delinquents. Report, a. . 279 Tremont Temijle, Boston, Mass. Society of American foresters, membership 5.00 I'roceedings, 1905 (May), irreg. Geo. r.. Sud'eworth, sec, Atlantic bldg.. Wash., D. C. Society of Amer, florists and ornamental horticulturists, Proceedings, a W. N. Rudd, sec, Morgan Park, 111. GUIDE TO ri'.RIODlCALS 343 Society of college teachers of education. I 'uhlications, 1907... Tiiiw of C'hicayo press. Cliicat^o, 111. Society of comparative theology and philosophy. I'.ulkliii. 1910 hhaca. X. V. Society of medical history. IktUetin, 191 1, irreg (i. n. Weaver. 1743 W. Harrison st., Chicago. 11!. Society of natural history Occasional ])apers. 1897 Proceedings, 1841 Boston, Mass. Society of naval architects and marine engineers Transactions, 1893, a .' 10.00 29 W. 39th St., N. Y., N. Y. Society of the N. Y. Hospital. Report, a X. Y. Soda dispenser, n J07. ni 5^ I). A. Loyless, Atlanta. Ga. Soda fountain, 1902, m i • 00 I). (). Haynes & co.. 3 Park pi., N. Y. Sodalian, 1906, m 5° Wilberforce, O. Sokol Americky, 1879, "^ 75 National print, and pub. co., 566 W. i8th St., Chicago, 111. Solar ephemeris, 1903, a Kentlel & Esser co., 127 Fulton st.. New York, N. Y. Soldiers' and sailors' historical society of Rhode Island -Personal narratives, 1878, irreg each .40 Providence, R. I. Solidarity, 1909, w i -oo C. H. McCarty & B. H. Williams, Xew Castle, Pa. Solglimten, 1906, q '5 Auguastana hook concern. Rock Island. 111. Somerville (Mass.) public library Library bulletin, 1898. m 25 Sonntags blatt, 1834, w 2 .00 N. Y. Staats-zeitung, Park Row, N. Y. Sons of America, 1905. m 50 310 W. Hoffman st., Baltimore, ^Id. Sons of Colorado, 1906, m i -oo I Conlin. as Trail. ) Sons of England record, 1900, m 1 -OO 1 1. Ct. 1 locken, 59 John st., Toronto, ( )nl. Sons of temperance record, 1804, m 25 Aurora, Out. Sorosis, m Pa. coll. for women, Pittsburg, Pa. So-to-speak, m Manitowoc high school, Manitowoc. Wis. Soul winner, 1902, w i • 00 Soul winner press, Cleveland, O. 344 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Soul winners, 1902. m 25 American inland mission, Welmore, Ky. Sound, 1907, m Contin. as Imperial sound. Sound waves, m i . 00 (Contin. in Amer. telephone journal.) Southampton magazine, 1912, q. i .00 Southampton press. Southampton, X. Y. South American, 1913 (^Nlar.), s-m S. Amer. pub. co., 1133 Broadway, X. Y. South Atlantic quarterly, 1902, q 2.00 Students of Trinity college, Durham, X. C. South Carolina bankers' ass'n. Proceedings. 1900. a Anderson, S. C. South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine, 1900, q.. . 3.00 South Carolina historical society, Charleston, S. C. South Carolina historical society. Collections, 1857, irreg 2.00 Walker, Evans & Cogswell co., Charleston, S. C. South Carolina medical association. Jounal, kjos. m 2.00 South Carolina medical ass'n, Charleston, S. C. South Carolina oddfellow, 1902. s-m i .00 Columbia, X". C. South Carolina pythian, 1907, m 50 X'ewberr}-, X. C. South Carolina state board of health. Bulletin. 1909, m — — C. F. \\^illiams, Columbia, S. C. South Carolina state teachers' ass'n. Proc. 1871. a L. T. Baker, sec, Columbia, S. C. South Carolina. University. Bulletin, 1905, q free Columbia, S. C. South Dakota bar ass'n. Report, 1889, a South Dakota educational ass'n. Proceedings, a J. F. Olander. Pierre, S. D. South Dakota educator, 1888, 10 nos i .00 Educator supply co., Mitchell, S. D. South Dakota farmer, 1877, w 50 Datson & Bower, Sioux Falls, S. D. South Dakota 'geological survey Bulletin, 1900, irreg Varies State university, Vermillion, S. D. South Dakota historical collections, 1902, biennial 2.00 State historical society of South Dakota, Pierre, S. D. South Dakota journal of education, 1899, m ' i .00 Capital supply co., Pierre, S. D. South Dakota messenger, 19 10, w 1 00 W. j. Mundt. Pierre. S. D. South Dakota workman, 1891, m 5° Charles E. Baldwin, Aberdeen, S. D. Southeast Missouri teachers' ass'n. Proceedings and addresses. 191 1, a W. R. Bruner, Asherville, Mo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 315 Southeastern reporter, 1887, w 5 .00 West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minu. Southeastern underwriter, 1890, ni 3 .00 Southeastern underwriter co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern agriculturalist, 1869, s-m 5^ B. Rankin, Nashville, Tenn. Southern and southwestern railway club. Membership 3.00 Proceedings, 1891, q W. A. Love, sec, (P. O. Box 755), Atlanta, Ga. Southern architect and building news^ 1889, w 5-^0 Industrial press pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern aSs'n. of college women. Proc. 1902, a Elizabeth A. Colton, sec, Raleigh, N. C. Southern banker, 1904, m 2. 00 Southern banking' pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern buck, m i . 00 Aubrey Murray, New Orleans, La. Southern California academy of sciences Bulletin, 1902 ; Proceedings, 1896 Los Angeles, Gal. Southern California practitioner, 1886, m i .00 Dr. Walter Lindley, 1414 S Hope st., Los Angeles, Gal. Southern camp news, 1909, m 50 F. W. Alexander, Colonial beach, \'a. Southern carbonator and bottler, 1905, ui i .00 Donald A Loyless, Atlanta, Ga. Southern Christian advocate, 1837, w 2.00 G. H. Waddell, Spartanburg, S. G. Southern Christian recorder, w i .00 Rev. E. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. Southern churchman, 1836, w 2 .00 Southern churchman co., Richmond, Va. Southern clinic, 1 878, m i . 00 C. A. Bryce, Richmond, Va. Southern collegian, 1864, q 1 . 50 Lexington, Va. Southern commercial congress bulletin, 191 2, m Duncan S. Fletcher, pres., Southern Iddg., Wash., I). C. Southern construction news, 1909, w 2.00 R. ( ). Shacfer & F. A. Garrett. Little Rock. Arkansas. Southern cultivator and Dixie farmer, 1843, s-m i .00 Cultivator pub. co., i So. Broad st.. Atlanta, Ga. Southern educational ass'n. Journal of proceedings, 1890, a. . . . 2.00 Knoxville, Tenn. Southern educational journal, 1893, m i .00 Mrs. G. A. Alexander, Atlanta, Ga. Southern electrician, 1883, m 50 Cotton i^ress co., Grant bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Southern electrician, 1906, m i -oo Southern electrician pub. to., Greensboro. N. C. 346 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Southern engineer, 1904, m i .00 W. R. C. Smith pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern evangeUst, 1897, w <.. . i .00 Alfred E. Seddon, Atlanta, Ga. Southern fancier, 1887, m .50 Geo. jM. Downs, Atlanta, Ga. Southern farm and home, 1912, m 2^ Fanii home co., Jackson, Miss. Southern farmer, 1886, m 50 Starkville gazette, Starkville, ^liss. Southern field, 1895, b-m Southern railway. Wash., D. C. Southern fireman's journal, 1908, m 50 Fireman's pub. co., 3209 Alagazine St., New (Jr!eans. La. Southern fruit grower, 1896, m 50 Southern fruit grower pub. co., Chattanooga. Tenn. Southern furniture journal, m i .co Southern furniture journal co.. High Point, N. C. Southern good roads, 1910. (Jan.), m 1.00 Lexington, N. C. Southern guardian, kji i, w i . 50 Little Rock, Arkansas. Southern highlander, 1908, 8 times a yr 1.00 The Berry school, Rome, Ga. Southern historical society. Papers, 1869, a 3 .00 Richmond, Va. Southern home, 1899, m 25 (Contin. in Our country.) Southern horticulturist, 1909, m 50 Rooks bros. co., Humboldt, Tenn. Southern industrial and lumber review, 1893, m i .00 Charles A Newaiing, Houston, Tex. Southern letter, 1884, m 50 Tuskegee normal and industrial inst., Tuskcgee, Ala. Southern lumberman, 1881, s-m 2.00 Baird-Roberts pub. co., Nashville, Tenn. Southern lutheran, 1902. m 50 5413 X. Peters st., Xew Orleans, La. Southern machinery, 1904. m 1 .00 W. R. C. Smith pub. co., Atlanta. Ga. Southern magazine, m Southern female coll., Troup. Ga. Southern medical journal, 1908, m 2 .oj 905 \"an Antwer]:) bldg.. Mobile. Ala. Southern medicine and surgery, 1904. m i .00 Southern medicine pub. co., Chattanooga. Tenn. Southern merchant, 1 90 1 . s-m 2 00 Southern merchar.t pub. co , Atlanta, Ga. Southern merchant, 1 897, m i ■ 00 Southern merchant pub. co., Baltimore, Md. GUIDE TO IM'.RIODICALS 347 Southern mercury, 1882, w i .00 Southern mercury pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Southern messenger, 1890, w i . 50 Southern messenger pub. co., San Antonio, Tex. Southern methodist, 1904, w i . 00 Southern methodist pub. co.. Baltimore, Md. Southern motoring, 1909, ni i .00 (linner cK: .Miller pub., co., 4i() Jackson si., Dallas. Texas. Southern odd fellow, 1898, s-m i . 00 Jacob Peppcrman, Montgomery, Ala. Southern orchards and farms, kjO/, m 1 .00 Scanlan hldg., Houston, 'J'exas. Southern patriot Contin. as Southern scribe. Southern pharmaceutical journal, 1908, m 1.00 11 G Jackson st., Dallas, Tex. Southern pit games, 1894, m i . 00 Jeff Fleiuing, Blakely, Ga. Southern planter, 1840, m 50 Southern planter pub. co., Richmond, Va. Southern ploughman, 1906, s-m 75 Ivichard Carroll, Columbia, S. C. Southern poultry journal, 1894, m 50 McReynolds & Hopper, Dallas, Tex. Southern poultry keeper, 1912, m 25 Lexington print, co., Lexington, X. C. Southern poultry magazine, 1906, m SO J. A. ^lurkin, Nashville, Tenn. Southern poultryman, 1896, m 50 J. G. McReynolds, Dallas, Tex. Southern poultry review, 1901), m 5^ Charlotte, Tenn. Southern practitioner, 1879, m i 00 DeeriiTg J. Roberts, Nashville, Tenn. Southern presbyterian, 1847, w Contin. as Presbyterian of the south. Southern printers coast monthly, 1012. m 25 Chattanooga. Tenn. Southern recorder, 1820. m 5'^ Southern recorder co., Durham. X. C. Southern reporter, 1887, w 5 0° West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. Southern reporter, igoo, \v ' o^^ J. L Dart, Charleston, S. C. Southern ruralist, 1895, m 5° Southern ruralist co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern school journal, 1889, m i -O*^ Standard ])ub. co., Lexington, Ky. Southern school news, i()og. m 1 oo W. 11. lones. Columbia. S. C. 348 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Southern scribe, 191 1, m i-oo 572 Camp St., New Orleans, La. Southern sentinel, 1904, m i .00 C. T: Allen, Mexico, Mo. Southern shipper, 19CK), w 50 Southern pub. cc. 1919 Terry st., Houston, Texas. Southern sociological congress. Addresses, a J. E. McCulloch, Nashville, Tenn. Southern standard, 1910, w i -oc Wm. Pullins & I. A. Thomas, Macon, Ga. Southwest standard, 1912 Springfield, Mo. Southern states ass'n of the commissioners of agriculture '■ — Proceedings, 1905 Southern stockman and farmer, 1909. m i .00 C. A. Temple, Savannah, Ga. Southern surgical and gynecological association ' — '■ — Transactions, 1888 W. D. Haggard, sec, Nashville, Tenn. Southern textile bulletin, 191 1, w i • 00 Clark pub. cc. Charlotte, N. C. Southern tobacco journal, 1887, w 2.00 Southern tobacco journal pub. co., Winston-Salem, N. C. Southern undertaker, 1906, m 5,0 13-15 Peters st., Atlanta, Ga. Southv-'est university magazine, m Georgetown, Texas. Southern woodlands, 1907 (Apr.), b-m 1.00 Contin. as Forest, fish and game. Southern woodman, 1903, w ' i . 00 Louisville, Ky. Southern workman, 1882, m i 00 Hampton normal and agricultural institute, Hampton, Va. Southland herald, 1905, m i . 50 Lov\-rv institute, Mayesville, S. C. Southwest contractor and manufacturer, 1905, w . 2.00 South\^•est ])ub. co., 505 Douglass bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Southv/est photo, 1898, m 2 .00 C! \A'eichsel co., Dallas, Tex. Southwestern architect and builder, 1910, m i .00 416 Jackson st., Jackson, Miss. Southwestern automobilist, 1912, m i 00 Fear & Means, Joplin, 'Mo. Southwestern banker, 1895, m 2 .00 Southwestern banker pub. co., Massachusetts bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Southwestern building news, i<)o8, m i 00 Okla. City. ( )kla. Southwestern Christian advocate, 1866, w i 25 Eaton & Mains, New Orleans, La. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 349 Southwestern collegian, 111 Winticld, Kansas. Southwestern electrician, i»;()3, m 1 .00 Southwestern pub. co., Ilmiston. 'I'exas. Southwestern elk, 1910, m i . 50 II. S. Fry, Main st., Dallas, Texas.' Southwestern farm and horseman, 1908. w 25 j. M. Cain. 329 South st., Springfield, Mo. Southwestern farmer and breeder, 1905, \v .50 Reporter pub. co., lM)rt Worth, Tex. Southwestern freemason, i8«;5, ni 1 .00 II. J. JJovd, ^^27, (iermain bldg'., Los Angeles. Qil. Southwestern grain and flour journal, 1902, s-m i .00 F. AV. Frasius, Wichita, Kan. Southwestern historical quarterly, 1912. q 2.00 Contin. as Texas state historical ass'n. quarterly. Southwestern machinist and engineer, 1910. m ^ . . 1 .03 Ginner & Miller pub. co.. 416 Jackson st.. Dallas. Texas. Southwestern merchant, igo/. s-ni 1 -oo 1005 Commerce St.. Dallas. Texas. Southwestern mining record, 191 r. m 2.00 E. A. Clifton, El Paso. Texas. Southwestern presbyterian, 1868, w 3.00 Contin. as Presbyterian of the south. Southwestern presbyterian univ. journal, 1885, m. dur. coll. yr. i.oo Students of Southwestern presbyterian university. Clarksville, Tenn. Southwestern reporter, 1886. w 5 .oc West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. 'Southwestern stockman farmer and feeder, 1884, w 2.0c Charles W. Pugh, Phoenix, Ariz. Southwestern university magazine, 1882. m i .oc Georgetown. Texas. Southwestern university medical college Bulletin, q Southwestern university, Dallas, Tex. Southwestern's book, m 5° Central union station, Cincinnati. ( ). Souvenir of Mass. legislators, a 3 00 A. M. Ilridgnian. Stoughton, ]\lass. Sovereign odd fellow, 1904, m 25 L O. O. F. pub. CO., Gravette, Ark. Sovereign visitor, 1890. ni 50 C)maha, Xeb. Spalding's Buffalo amateur base ball year book, a 10 American sportsman pub. co., 15 Warren St., N. Y. Spalding's Denver amateur Isase ball year book, a 10 American sportsman pub. co., 15 Warren st., N. Y. Spalding's Minneapolis amateur base ball year book, a 10 American sportsman pub. co.. 15 Warren St.. N. Y. 350 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Spalding's St, Louis amateur base ball year book, a lo American sportsman pub. co., 15 Warren st., N. Y. Spalding's Washington amateur base ball year book, a 10 American sportsman pub. co., 15 Warren st., Ni Y. Spanish language and Spanish speaking world, 1012 (Apr.), m i . ^o X. Y., N. Y. Spare moments, 1904, m 25 Allentown, -Pa. Sparks, m Sioux Falls high school, Sioux Falls, S. D. Spartan, q — — Sparta high school, Sparta, Wis. Spatula, 1894, m i .00 Spatula pub. co., Sudbury bldg., Boston, Mass. Special crops, m i ■ 00 C. i\l. Goodspeed, Skaneateles, N. Y. Special libraries, 1910 (Jan.),-m., 10 nos 2.00 Special libraries ass'n, 54 Lafayette ave., New York, N. Y. Spectator, s-m 2 .00 Lake Forest. 111. Spectator, 1868, w 4-oc> Spectator co., 95 William st., N. Y. Spectator, 1906, m • • • Students of Lake Forest academy, Lake Forest. 111. Spectator, 1907, m 50 17 E. Van Buren st., Chicago, 111. Spectrum Sherwin-Williams co., Cleveland, O. Speculum iMichigan state agricultural college. East Lansing, Mich. Spectrum, 1893, w. dur. coll. yr i .00 Agric. coll., N. D. Spelman student, w Spelman seminary, Atlanta. Ga. Sphere, 191 1 (Apr.), m i-50 E. L. Nitzel, York, Pa.- Sphinx, 1899, f. dur. coll. yr 1.50 Students of University of AVisconsin, Madison, Wis. Spice mill, 1878, m i-OO Spice mill pub. co., 521 Washington st., N. Y. Spinster, m St. Helen's hall, Portland. Ore. Spirella monthly, 1908, m Spirella co., Meadville, Pa. Spirit of Kansas, 1870, w i 00 Kimball print co , Topeka, Kas. Spirit of missions, 1836, m i -OO Board of missions, 4th ave. and 22d st., N. Y. Spirit of '76, 1894. m i -OO Louis H. Cornish, 15 Vandewater st., N. Y. GUIDE TO PRRTODICALS 351 Spirit of the west, 1 890, w i 00 Iowa turf pub. co., Des Moines, la. Spokes, I () 1 3 Winona wa^on co., Winona. Minn. Spokesman, 1884. ni i .00 Spokesman pul). o.. ( )pcra place. Cincin., ( ). Spokesman of the carriage and associate trade, 1884, m i .00 Spokesman pub. co.. Cincin., O. Sporting goods dealer, 1900, m 50 Sporting- g-oods co.. 810 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Sporting goods gazette, 1888, m i .00 C. H. Mowry, Syracuse, N. Y. Sporting life, 1 883, w 2 . 00 Sporting life pub. co., 34 S. rd St., Phila.. Pa. Sporting news, 1886, w 2 .00 Clias. C. Spink, 810 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Sporting review, 1912, w 2 .00 Sporting review co., Wilcox lildL^., Portland. Ore. Sports, I9T2 (Aug.), m t . 50 Sy \\'eybosset St.. Providence, R. L Sports afield, 1887, rti i ■ 50 Sports afield pub. co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago. 111. Sportsman's review, 1890, w 3 • 00 Sportsmen's review pub. co.. Cincin., O. Spray, m Rumford Falls high school. Rum ford Falls, Me. Springfield bulletin, 1913 Conn, valley guide co.. Springfield, iVlass. Springfield city library bulletin, m free City library ass'n, Springfield, Mass. Squab bulletin, 1905, m 25 Informer pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Square and compass, 1892. m i .00 Lawrence M. Greenleaf, Masonic temple, Denver, Colo. Square and compass, 1892, m i .00 A. Steeg, New Orleans, La. Square deal, 1905, m i . 00 Citizens industrial ass'n of America, 1133 Broadway, N. Y. Square deal, 1907, w 1 . 00 J. G. Hentley, Jackson, Mich. Squib, b-m : Golden high school, Golden, Colo. Stage pictorial, 1912 (Mar.), m 1 .00 1493 Broadway, N. Y. Stalker's universal newspaper rate card, i<)ii. c| 3- 00 Stalker's universal rate card, i<;i 1 (( )ct.), (| Voo II. FT. Stalker. Nicholas bldg.. Toledo. ( ). Stallion and jack news, 1908, m 50 AMlIiamson bldg., Twelfth and Central sts., Kansas Citv. Mo. 352 GUIDE TO PERrODlCALS Stamp collector, 1909 (Xov.) . m Columljus. O. Stamp journal, 1 907. m 50 Stamp journal pub. cc, Florida, X. Y. Standard, 1853, w 2.00 Goodman & Dickerson, Chicago, 111. Standard, 1865, w 3.00 Standard pub. co., 73 Federal St., Boston, Mass. Standard and poultry world, 1908, m 50 Standard co.. Quincy, 111. Standard and vanity fair, w 4.00 American standard pub. co., 125 \V. 37th St., X. Y. Standard Bible lessons quarterly, 1875. q 20 Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Standard choir monthly, 1905. ni 50 I'ullar-Mcredith Co.. 365 ^^^ 36th st.. X. ^'. Standard fashion book, q 80 Standard fashion co., 12-16 \'andani St., X. Y. Standard fashions, m Standard fashion co., 12 Vandam St., X^. Y. Standard fire insurance tables, a 25 Standard pub. co., 93 Broad St., Boston, Alass. Standard home department quarterly, 1907, q 20 Standard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Standard intermediate quarterly, q Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Standard junior quarterly, q 09 Standard pub. co.. Cincin., O. Standard picture roll, q 3 • 00 Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Standard Poland-China record, 1887 Standard Poland-Chiua record ass'n, Marysville, Mo. Standard primary quarterly, q 09 Standard pnb. co., Cincin., (J. Standard primary teachers' quarterly, q Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Standard reference book of the furniture, carpet, upholstery and kindred trades, 1876, a 60.00 Lyon furniture agency, 160 Broadway, Xew York, X. Y. Standard teachers' quarterly, q Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Stanford alumnus, m. dur. coll, yr i .00 Stanford university alumni ass'n, Stanford Univ., Cal. Stanly's monthly, 1908, m Contin. as Progress. Star, ni Limestone college, Gaffney. Star, if)o6. w 4 • 00 X. Y. Star co.. 1493 Broadway, X. Y. Star farmer, 1901 . w 5" Xational pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. GUIDH TO rKRlUUJCALS 353 Star-light, l!)()8, ni 50 Star-light pub. co., Meridian, Miss. Star of hope, 1899, s-ni 2 . 50 Pub. b}- the inmates of Sing Sing prison, Ossining, N. Y. Star of zion, 1 876, w i . 00 John V. Moreland, Charlotte, N. C. Star quarterly, 1880, q 15 A. L. iM-ceman, 457 Shawmut ave., Boston, Mass. Starchroom laundry journal, 1893, m i .00 Starchrooni pub. co., Cincin., O. State, i8<)i, (| 25 Y. M. C. A. bldg., Detroit, Mich. State board journal, m State 1 oard co., Atlanta. Ga. State board of health of Ky. IJulletin, njii, m 25 Xormal Heights, Bowling Green, K\-. State bulletin, Kji i, w Free ■ State agric. department, liismark, .\'. I). State federationist, 1902, \v i .00 M. 1^.. Austin, New Brunswick, X. j. State historical and natural history society Biennial report, 1902 Chas. R. Dudley, sec.. State house, Denver, Colo. State historical society of North Dakota Collections, 1906 Bismarck, N. D. State historical society of Wisconsin See Wisconsin. State liistorical society. Steam machinery, 1913, m i .00 Ste?.m machinery pub. co., Dulutli, .Mimi. State medical association of Texas See Texas. State medical association. State medical society of Wisconsin See Wisconsin. State medical society. St^ite normal journal, m Denton state normal, Denton, Texas. State normal magazine, b-m ■ Grcensl:oro, \. C. State normal monthly, m ■ Kansas state normal school, Emixjria, Kansas. Staten Island association of arts and sciences Museum Inilletin, 1908 (.\ug.), m Proceedings, irreg., per vol 2.00 New Brighton, N. Y. Statesman, 1 902, w 25 Statesman co., W'illiamsport, Pa. Statesman and diversified farmer, 1871 . b-w \ .00 Austin Statesman co., .Austin. Texas. Statesman's yearbook, 1863. a 3 .00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave.. N. Y. 354 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Stationers friend — — S. H. Heist, Phila., Pa. Statistics of the Amer. and foreign iron trade, a 261 S. -ith St., Phila., Pa. Staub's theatre program, 1884. w L. B. Andigier, Knoxville, Tenn. Steam, 1908 ( Jant) m 2.00 114 Libert}' st., New York, N. Y. Steam motor journal, 1907 (Apr.), m Contin. in Amer. motor journal. Steam shovel and dredge, 1897, m 50 T. J. Dolan, Chicago, 111. Steel and metal digest, 191 1, m i .00 Amer. metal market co., 81 Fulton ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Stellar ray, m i . 00 Hodges bldg., Detroit, Mich. Stenographer, 1890, m i . 00 Thomas MacTaggart, 1413 Filbert St., Phila., Pa. Stenographers' magazine, 1907, m 50 .Stenographia pub. co., 52 W. 45th st.. New York, N. Y. Stentor, 1887, w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Stentor co., Lake Forest, 111. Stephens college. Bulletin, 1912, irreg ' Gratis Columbia, Mo. Stern facts, 191 1 (Oct.). m Alvin E. Stern, N. Y., N. Y. Stetson collegiate, 1887, w i . 00 De Land, Fla. Stevens indicator, 1884, q i . 50 Hoboken. N. J. Stevens' monthly, m 50 W. F. Stevens, }ilansfield, Ga. Steward and the stewards' bulletin, 1905, m i .00 Stewards' assoc. of N. Y., 49 East 28th st., N. Y. Still college journal of osteopathy, 1906, m 50 Des Moines, la. Stillonian, 1909, m i . 00 Kirksville, Mo. Stimme der wahrheit, 1880, w 2 00 E. Andries, Cleveland, O. Stock farm, 1883, w 2 .00 Kentucky stock farm pub. co., 133 E. main st., Lexington, Ky. Stockman and farmer 20 vSan Antonio, Out. Stock yards journal, 6 d \-00 St. Joseph journal pub. co., South St. Joseph, Mo. Stone, 1888, m 2.00 Frank A. Lent, 123 Liberty st., N. Y. Stone and Webster public service journal, i(;o7 (July), m i .00 Stone & Webster, 147 Milk st.. Boston, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 355 Stone cutters' journal, 1 887, m i . 00 lourneynuui stone cutters' ass'n of North America, 803 Fifth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Stove mounters' journal, ni 60 Stove mounters' international union of North America, 166 Concord ave., Detroit, Mich. Strand magazine, 1895, m i . 50 International news co., 83 Duane st., N. Y. Stray shot, ni (Tunnerv, Wash., Conn. Straz, 1894, w 1 . 50 S. A. Dougal, Scranton, Pa. Straz sokola, 191 1, m 75 J'-ohemian Amer. gymnastic ass'n.. 246 Blue Island ave., Chicago. III. Street railway association of the state of New York Proceedings, 1906, q J. PI. Pardee, sec, 611 W. 137th st., N. Y. C. Street railway bulletin, 1901, m 2.00 N. E. street railway club, 12 Pearl st., Boston, Mass. Street railway journal, 1885, w. Contin. in Electric railway journal. Stud book of the American cat ass'n, 1907, a "..... Miss Lucy C. Johnstone, secy, Amer. Cat. Ass'n (inc.), 5323 Madison ave., Chicago, 111. Student, m Swanton liigh school, Swanton, \'t. Student, m W'aupii high school, Waupun. Wis. Student, 1867, w. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Students of Amherst college, Amherst, Mass. Student, 1874, 6 d. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Indiana university, Bloomington, Ind. Student, 1882, m. dur. coll. yr i .50 Students of Wake Forest college, Wake Forest, N. C. Student, 18S4. w 50 Tuskegee, Ala. Student, 1887, m 75 Students of the P^niversitv of North Dakota, University of N. D. Student advocate, s-m Monte \'ista high school, Monte \'ista, Colo. Student farmer, m. . . , X. C. & A. M. art, W. I^ialeigh, X. C. Student farmer, 191 1. m 50 Scientific agric. ass'n.. College vStation, Texas. Student life, w Pomona college, Claremont, Cal. Student life, m State agric. coll., Logan, I'tah. 356 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Student life, 1875, "i- dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Washington university, St. Louis, Mo. Student record, s-m Univ. of Nevada, Reno, Nevada. Student voice, m Selma univ., Selma, Ala. Studentana, m Tusola high sch.ool, Tuscola. 111. Students' herald, 1895, w dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Kan. state agri. college, Manhattan, Kan. Student's idea, m .Talladega coll., Talladega, Ala. Students' journal, 1872, m i .00 Andrew J. Graham co., 1135 Broadway, N. Y. Studies in linguistic psychology, i(ji2. irreg Robert J. Kellog. Decatur, 111. Studio, iQio, m i . 00 I.agatree pub. co., 80 Washington st.. Detroit. Mich. Stuffed club for everybody, m i . 00 R. R. Daniels, Denver, Colorado. Stump, 1906, m 25 F. (J. Thompson, ]\letuchem, X. J. Sturtevant engineering series Bulletin, irreg Free B. F. Sturtevant co., Hyde Park, Mass. Stute, 1904, \v. dur. coll. yr i . 50 Stevens institute of teclmology. Hoboken. N. j. Stylus, 1897. m I . GO Nev.'berr}'. S. C. Stylus, ra Univ. prejjarator}- schoob Ithaca. X. Y. Stylus, 1896, m 75 Senior class. Park college, Parkville, Mo. Submarine signal company Bulletin, 1906, irreg Boston, Mass. Suburban, 1903, m 5a F. B. Laramie, Whiting, Ind. Suburban life, 1902, m 3.00 Colonial press, 156 Fifth ave.. New York, X. Y. Successful farming, 1902, m 50 Successful farming pub. co., Des Moines, la. Successful merchant, 191 1 (Sept.). m i .00 Chicago, lib Successful poultry journal, i8. C. Suffern's au^rterlv "^nd foreign trade journal, ^^p(). (\. . 1 .00 96 Wall St.,' N. Y. J GL'ID1<: TO ri-.KIODICALS 357 Suffolk county historical society. Yearbook, 1896 Selah B. Stronjj;", corrcs.-scc, Setauket, N. Y. Sugar planters' journal, 1890, w 2 , 00 Sugar planters' journal co., New Orleans, La. Sun, 1892, w I . 00 Sun printing co., Toronto, Canada. Sun-dial, 191 1, ni. diir. coll. yr 1 .50 vSun-dial pub. co.. Columlius, O. Sunbeam, 1885, w 20 W. A. Laverty, Harrisburg, Pa. Sunday caret, 1908,' w 1 . on 415 E. nth St., N. Y. Sunday companion, 1900, w 5^ Sunday companion pub. co., N. Y. Sunday school advocate, 1841 , w 30 Eaton & Mains, 150 Fifth ave , N. Y. Sunday schools at work, iSHi, q 10 44 State St., All. any, N. Y. Sunday school banner, 1867, m 60 Rev. W. Briggs, Toronto, Canada. Sunday school gem, 1867, m and s-m 25 W. A. Laverty, Harrisburg, Pa. Sunday school helper, 1870, m i . 00 Universalist pub. house, Boston, Mass. Sunday school herald, w 51 Christian pub. co., Dayton, O. Sunday school journal and Bible students' magazine, 1869, m. . .Cyi Eaton & Mains, 150 Fifth ave , N. Y. Sunday school lesson illustrator, 188^, m 60 158 5th ave., N. Y., N. Y. Sunday school magazine, 1871, m 50 Smith & Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. Sunday school missionary, m 1<» Amer. S. S. union, ISIG Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Sunday school times, 1859, w i . 50 Sunday school times, 1031 Walnut st., Phila., Pa. Sunday school world, 1861, m 60 Am. S. S. union, 1122 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Sunday union, 1873. w 2.00 Jas. W. O'Brien, 310 Broadway, N. Y. Summer school item, 191 1 , w 30 R. C. Moyston, I'niversity, \'a. Sunflower, m Fairmount coll.. Wichita. Kansas. Sunflower, 1890, w i .00 Flamburg pub. co., Hamburg, N. Y. Sunnyside, 1871, m ^-oo Frank TT. Chase, 51 W. T3th st., N. Y. Sunset, iS()S, ni 2.50 Sunset magazine co., 4 Montgomerv St.. San Francisco, Cal. 358 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Sunshine, m i - 20 416 Heed bldg., Phila., Pa. Sunshine, 1883, w 15 S. S. bd. of reformed church, 1308 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Sunshine, 1897, w 2 . 00 J. M. Bridges, Oakland. Cal. Sunshine bulletin, 1902, m 50 Mrs. C. W. Alden, 99 Fifth ave., N. Y. Superintendent, see Baptist superintendent. Superintendent & foreman, 1896, w 2.00 Superintendent & foreman co., 127 Federal st, Boston, Mass. Superintendents' and principals' ass'n. of northern 111. — ^Yearbook, a 50 Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Superintendent's quarterly, 1905, q 40 S. S. bd. of southern bapt. convention, Nashville, Tenn. Supreme court reporter, 1882, b-v\^ 2.00 Advance sheets 2.00 Bound vol. and advance sheets 5-00 West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, m 5 . 00 Surgical pub. co., 103 State St., Chicago, 111. Surgical clinics, 1912, b-m 8.00 Phila., Pa. Survey. 1897. w 3 . 00 (Contin. of Charities and the comm|)ns.) E. T. Devine, 105 E. 22nd St., New York, N. Y. Surveyor, 1892, f 3.00 A. G. Hall, 58 William st., N. Y. Susquehanna, 1891, m dur. coll. yr 75 Students' pub. ass'n of Susquehanna university, Selingsgrove, Pa. Svit, 1887, w 1 . 50 15 E. 97th St., N. Y. Svojan, 1896, q 80 Alois Vanoucek, 150 W. T2th st., Chicago, 111. Swarthmore college Bulletin, 1903, q Swarthmore, Pa. Swarts' telephone sif tings, 1908 (Nov.), m 50 Ira T. Swartz, New odd fellow bldg.. Indianapolis, Ind. Swastika, 1907. m i . 00 T. Z. Magarrell. 2726 S. loth st.. Omaha, Xel). Swedish baptist annual, 1879, ^ ^5 G. Hagstrom, loi Reaper bldg., Chicago, 111. Sweets, 1910, m i .00 420 Wcsleyan bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Sweet's catalogue of building construction, 1911 a . Architectural record co., II E. 24th st.. New York, X. Y. Swine breeders' journal, 1882, s-m 50 Morris print, co., Illinois st., Indianapolis, Ind. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 359 Switchman's union of N. A. Journal, 1898, ni i .00 Switchman's union, Mooney bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Syllabus, 1885, a i .00 Xorthwestern university, Evanston, 111. Syndicated state Sunday school magazine, ni 25 19 S. La vSalle St.. Chica,i;o, 111. Syracusan, 1908, m. dur. coll. yr ' 1.50 Alumni of Syracuse univ., Syracuse, N. Y. Syracuse (N. Y.) public library Bulletin. Syracuse university Bulletin, 1907, 5 times yr The University, Syracuse, N. Y. Syracuse weekly, w Syracuse univ., Syracuse, N. Y. Syrian business directory, 1908, a :\Iokarzel & Otash, 35 Broadway, New York, N. Y. System, m 2 . 00 System co.. First nat. Bank bldg., Chicago, 111. System service reports, 1909, w 261 Broadway, N. Y. T. K. K. topics, 1912 (May), m i .00 San Francisco, Cal. T. C. A. chronicle, m Trov conference academy, Poultney. A't. Table talk, 1885. m ' ' i .00 A. H. Crist CO., Cooperstown, N. Y. Tablet, 1889, 5 nos .50 John Murphy & co., Baltimore, Md. Tablet, 1903. w 2 . 00 189 Alontague St., Brooklyn, X. Y. Tabor college times, 1910, s-m 75 Tabor. la. Tabor college bulletin, 1903 Tabor, la. Tabor talisman, ni Tal:ior coll.. Tabor, la. Taborium banner, 1902, m 50 Conroe, Texas. Taborium leader, 1904, w 1 -oo Dupree & Brown, Greenville, Miss. Taborium herald, 1909, w i 00 P. ^sl. Smith, Renova, :\Iiss. Tack, 1891, ni i-oo Storm Lake, la. Tailor, 1888, m 60 Journeyman tailors' union of America pub co., Bloomington, 111. Talisman, b-m h'la. state school for women, Tallahassee. Fla. o6o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Talking machine world, KpS- m i -OO Edward L. Bill, i Madison ave., X. Y., N. Y. Talks and thoughts, m 25 Hampton institute, Hampton, \'a. Tanglefoot magazine, ujoS, m i .oo 401 Swetland bldg'.. Portland. Ore. Targum, 1869, w 2 . 00 Rutgers coll. targum ass'n.. Xew Brunswick. X. 1. Tar heel, 1902, w i . 50 University of X. C, Chapel Hill, X. C. Tar river field, 1906. m ^;, C C. Hedgepath, \\'hitakers. X. C. Tarkio phoenix, m Tarkio coll.. Tarkio. Mo. Tau kappa pi Miss A. J. Hopper. 177 W. Ivafayette st., Ealtimorc. Tdd. Tavern talk, 19 10. w i .00 Tavern talk pub. co.. K. C. Mo. Tea and cofifee trade journal, 1901, w 2.00 F. H. Hobbs & CO., 76 Park Row. X. Y. Tea man, 1012, 6 times a yr . . .• Pre;' Grand union tea co., Brooklyn, X. ^'. Teacher and home, 1910, m i .00 3536 Broadway, X^. Y. Teachers' assembly herald, 1908 (Apr.), d (Apr.]\Iav) Manila. P. L Teachers' assistant, q 25 Thomas AMiitaker, Bible house. X. Y. Teachers' college bulletin, 1901, w i .oc Students of the Teachers' college, Columbia univ., X. Y. Teachers' college. Contributions to education, irreg., varies. Teachers' college, X". Y. Teachers' college record, igoo, 5 nos i .00 Columbia university press, X". Y. Teachers' gazette, 1897, 10 nos 25 Teachers' gazette co., Milford, X\ Y. Teachers' helpers, q 60 Chas. Scribners sons, 153 Fifth ave.. X. Y. Teachers' journal, 1901, m i 00 Teachers' journal co., Marion. Ind. Teachers' magazine, 10 nos i . 25 United educational pub. co., 61 E. 9th st., X. Y. Teachers' monthly, m 50 Rev. R. Douglass Fraser, Toronto, Canada. Team owners' review, 1902, m i .00 Consolidated pub. co., Pitttsburg, Pa. Tech. w \'a. |)olytechnic institute. Blacksburg. \'a. Tech, m Bradley ]:)olytechnic institute, Peoria, ill. GUIDE TO PKRIODICAI.S 36T Tech, 1882. 3 per week diir. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Mass. inst. of technology, Boston, Mass. Technic, m Rose polytechnic instilutc, 'lY-rre liaute, Ind. Technical education bulletin, i<;io, inx\i;' Teachers- coll., X. \'. Technical educator and inventor, kjio, ni [ .00 P. E. Fellows, 42-48 Stone st., Rochester, X. V. Technical harness and saddlery guide, i(>0(), m ( )lean. X. \'. Technical literature, 19(»7, ni 2.00 L'onlin. as I'jigineerino- digest. Technical world magazine, k)04, in 2.00 Technical world co., 3321 Armour a\e., Oiica^o, 111. Technologist, m i . 00 Nat. ass'n of German-American technologists, 290 Broadway, N. Y. Technology architectural record, 1907, c| i .00 Architect, soc. Mass. inst. tech., Boston, Mass. Technology review, (| 2 . 00 Mass. inst. of technology, Boston, Mass. Teck, w Lawrence scientific school, Camljridge. Mass. Tehemac county school journal, ni Red Blufit", Cal. Telegraph, 1827, d 12.00 Lewis pub. CO.. 8th ave., AT. Y. Telegraph and telephone age, 1883, s-m i . 50 J. B. Taltavall, 252 Broadway. N. Y. Telephone engineer, 1908 (Jan.), m 2.00 Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Telephone review, i<>io, m i . 50 15 Dey St., X. Y. Telephony, 1901 , \v 3 • 00 Telephony pub. co., Manhattan bldg., Chicago, 111. Tempe normal student, w X'ormal school of .\rizon;r, Tempe, .Ariz. Temperance, 1906. m 40 ()64 Dorchester st., Montreal, Onehec. Temperance, 1908, m 7. 2o X'ew Brunswick, N. J- Temperance cause, 1878, ni 25 Mass. total abstinence society. 36 Bromficld st., Boston, Mass. Temple star, 1908, s-m i . 00 \\ W. White. Oeorgina, .\la. Temple university bulletin, 1909 (Mar.), q • Phila., Pa. 10 story book, 1901, m i .00 Daily story pub. co., 520 West Monroe st., Chicago. 111. 362 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Tennessee farmer, i(;i2, s-m, q \\'. 1). Williams, Knoxville, Tenn. Tennessee historical society Papers, 1884, irreg '. . . '; Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee mason, 1893, m i .00 W. H. Bumpas, Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee state board of entomology. Bulletin Univ. of Tenn.. Knoxville. Tenn. Tennessee state medical ass'n Transactions, a George H. Price, sec, Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee university magazine, 1887, ""^ dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity, 1890. q 3.00 Johns Hopkins press, Baltimore. ]\Id. Teutonia, 1907,, s-m i .00 Teutonia pub. co.. Holyoke, ]\lass. Texan, 1900, b-w 1.50 Students of the univ.. Austin. Texas. Texas academy of science Transactions, 1892 F. W. Simonds, sec, Univ. of Texas, Austin, Texas. Texas bankers' ass'n. Proceedings, 1884 Galevston, Texas. Texas banker's journal, 1907, m 2.00 W. W. Dexter, P. O. Box 423, Houston, Tex. Texas Christian advocate, 1846, w 2 00 Blaylock pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Texas christian recorder, 1909, w i .00 J. M. Mosely, vSealy. Texas. Texas courier-record of medicine, 1880, m i .00 Texas med. pub. co., Fort AVorth, Tex. Texas dental journal, 1883, m 50 A. P. Gary co., Dallas, Texas. Texas farm co-operator, 1880, \v t .00 G. D. Reimers, Fort Worth, Texas. Texas farm journal, 1880, s-m .50 Stock and farm journal co., Dallas, Tex. Texas farmer, 1878, w i • 00 D. N. Barrow, Fort W^orth. Texas. Texas field and national guardsman, 1898, m i .00 O. G. Guessaz, & T. A. Ferlet, San Antonio, Texas. Texas freemason, w i • 5° G. N. Love, Houston, Texas. Texas freemason, 1894, m i ■ 00 Texas freemason pub. co., San Antonio, Tex. Texas guide, 1910, \v i 00 Theodore Baughman, Palestine, Texas. Texas historical ass'n. Report, t886, q Austin, Texas. GUIDI". TO IM'.RIODICALS 363 Texas insurance, 1903, s-ni i ■ '"^ Texas insurance pub. co., Houston, Tex. Texas land bulletin Joint immigration bureau, St. Louis, Ah). Texas magazine, 1909, m ' • 3" Houston. Texas. Texas medical journal, 1885, m i • 00 F. E. Daniel Austin, Tex. Texas medical news, 1891, m i 00 Texas medical news pub.co., Austin, Tex. Texas motherhood magazine, 1905, m 1 Oo 2805 I'.rvan st., Dallas, Texas. Texas odd fellow, 1 895, m : i ■ 00 Gibson & Walker, Dallas, Tex. Texas presbyterian, 1894, m 5° W. U. WarlicP, Dallas, Tex. Texas Pythian banner-knight, 1903, m i -oo Gresham printing co., Temple, Tex. Texas railway journal, 1907, m 1 -OO C. F. Goodridge, Fort Worth, Texas. Texas realty journal, 1908, m l-fJO Clyde C. Buckingham, S06}i Main st., Houston, Tex. Texas redman, 1912, m 5° Austin, Texas. Texas school journal, 1883, m, 10 nos i -CO W. E. Darden, 525 Wilson bldg., Dallas, Tex. Texas school magazine, m 75 C. A. Bryant, Dallas, Tex. Texas state board of health bulletin, 1908, m Austin, Texas. Texas state historical association. Quarterly, 1897, q 2.00 (Contin. as Southwestern historical quarterly.) Texas state journal of medicine, 1905, m 3 -OO State med. ass'n of Texas, Austin, Tex. Texas state teachers' ass'n. Proc. 1889, a T. D. Brooks, sec, Hillsboro, Tex. Texas stock and farm Contin. in Texas farm co-operator. Texas stockman and farmer, 1881 , w i . 00 Texas stockman and farmer pub. co., San Antonio, Tex. Texas trade review and industrial record, 1899, s-m 2.00 Texas trade review pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Texas Sunday school star, m -5 408 Flatcau lild^-.. Dallas. Texas. Texas university mineral survey bvilletin (Issued as a series of the bulletins of the Univ. of Texas.) Texas. University Bulletin, s-m Free Medical scries Contributions from zoolog. lab., 1900, a 364 C.UIDE TO PERIODICALS Texas white ribbon, 1890, m 23 W. C. 'i\ L'.. 1703 Milan st.. Houston, Texas. Textblad for sondagsskolan, 1905, q 25 Augustana book concern. Rock Island, 111. Textile advance news, 1873. w 15 00 Lord and Xagle co., 144 Congess st., Boston. Mass. Textile American, 1904, m i oc Textile American pub. co.. Old South bldg., Boston, Mass. Textile colorist, 1879, ^ 5 -oo M. M. Frank, 69 N. Front st., Phila., Pa. Textile manufacturer, 1893, \v 2.00 Textile pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. Textile manufacturers' journal, 1894, w 3 .00 T. H. Bragdon & Co., 377 BroaddAvay, N. Y. Textile overseer review, 1909, m i .00 8-14 W. 3Sth St., N. Y. Textile world record, 1868, m 2 .00 Lord & Nagle co., 299 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Theatre, 1901 , m 3 • 00 Meyer bros. & co., 26 W. 33d st., N. Y. Theatre m.agazine, 1909, m 3 • 5° 8 W. 38th St., New York. Themis of zeta tau alpha, q Margaret P. Levy, Texarkana, Texas. Theocrat, the gospel advocate, 1893, \v i .00 Johnston. Pa. Theological quarterly, 1897, q i-25 Concordia pub. house, St. Louis, Mo. Theological magazine, 1881, b-m 2.00 Lutheran liook concern, Columbus, C). Theosophic messenger, m Merged in Amer. theophist. Theosophical path, 191 1, m - ot) Theosophical quarterly, 1904, q ' ■ ^c Theosophical society, 159 Warren st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Point Loma. Cal. Therapeutic digest, 1902, b-m • 1 ■ 00 C. S. Chamberlin, 501 E. 5th St., Cincinnati, O. Therapeutic gazette, 1876, m 2 . 00 E. G. Swift, P. O. box 484, Detroit. Mich. Absorbed Medicine, Jan. '07. Therapeutic medicine, m 1 . 50 X. Y. therapeutic ass'n. New York, X. Y. Therapeutic notes, 1894 Detroit. Micb. Therapeutic record, 1905, m i . 00 Robt. C. Kenner, Louisville, Ky. Thsta xi fraternity quarterly, 1892, q i 00 Alpha chapter of Theta xi, Troy, X. Y. Thielensian, m Thiel coll., Greenville. I'a. GUIDE TO PKKIODICALS 363 Things technical, k)!^ (Jan. ) Technical sui>i)ly co., Scraulon, I 'a. This week in Boston," 1905, w 2.00 Innovation pub. co., 100 15oylston St., T.oston. Mass. This week's events, 1910 (Jan.), w 3.00 Phila., Pa. Thomas Gibson's market letters, w .35 -^^ Corn e.xchaniic Ijank l)l(l!.;-., .\. ^'. Thomas' weekly review, w 3 00 Tluinias' jiul). house, i^-Ji I 'ark Row. .\. ^'. Thompson's island beacon, 1897, m 5° Farm & trades .school, Boston, Mass. Thompson's magazine of laughter A. Thompson, Forest l^ark, 111. Thomsen chemical co. LUilletin ( Xov. ), i.. 132S luiolid st., Washington, D. C. Underwood's U. S. counterfeit reporter, 1878, b-m 2.00 Stumpf & Steuer, 20 Nassan st., N. Y. Underwriter, 1865. s-m 3 -oo Jas. H. McClcllan, Baltimore, Md. Underwriter, 1 859, w -^ 5 ■ ^^^^ Underwriter print, and pnb. co., 58 William st., N. Y. Underwriters' review, 1893, s-m 2 . 00 Underwriters' review co., Des Moines, la. Ungdmens saendebud, 1889, ni 25 Moline, 111. Ungdomsv;innen, 1895, m ' • 5^ Anoustana book concern, Rock Island, 111. Union, ^y i 00 Central labor council, St. Joseph, Mo. Union, 1885, m 5° Union pub. co., Canon, Ga. Union, 1888, w ^ • 00 Edwin F. Gould, 732 N. Penn. st., Indianapolis, Ind. Union, 1901, ni 1 ■^^•^ G. R. I'ratt, Orange, N. J. Union, 1901, m ^ -O^ A\/oonsocket. R. I. Union, igo3. w ' -^o K. L. 1'elfer, San Jose, Cal. Union, 1907. w i -oo \\'. P. Dabney, 420 Macallista st., Cincin.. O. Union advocate, 1895, w. i -oo Wm. H. Bastian, Sioux City, la. Union advocate, 1900, w i • 00 E. E. Sprague, Jamestown, N. Y. Union banner, 1898, w i -OO 'C. W. 'Woodman, Fort Worth, Tex. Union christian star (negro) , 1909, m 50 J. A. Henderson, Henderson, N. C. Union farmer, 1902, s-m ^''^ W. D. Crews, Murphyboro, 111. Union farmer herald, 1908, w ^ • 5° F,(|uitv print, co., ( )conto. Wis. Union fraternal league, 1909 l')Oston, Mass. Union journal, 1903, m 5^ Covington, Ky. Union labor bulletin, 1908, m -5 I'ort Collins, Colo. Union labor journal, 1904, w 2.00 Union lal)or journal co., Bakersfield, Cal. Union labor journal, 1908, w 1 •"*^ journal ])ul). co., Washington, I'a. 374 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Union labor news, 1901, w i .00 Union labor news co., 624 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Union leader, 1908, w 1.00 J. E. Martin, Steubenville, O. Union medicale du Canada, 1872, m 2 .00 Montreal, Canada. Union messenger, 1907, s-m 75 Ladies aid & missionary see. pub. co., Dothan, Ala. Union obrera, 1902, w i . 20 Francisco Torres, Ponce, Porto Rico. Union of American Hebrew congregations Report, 1873, a Cincin., O. Union poultry journal, 1909, m 50 Fort Smith, .Vrkansas. Union record, 1900, w i . 00 Union printing co., Seattle, Wash. Union seminary magazine, 1889, b-m dur. coll. yr i .00 Professors and students of Union sem., Richmond, Va. Union sentinel, 1903, w i . 00 W. W. Phillips, Fort Smith, Arkansas. Union signal, 1874, w i - 00 W. C. T. U., Evanston, 111. Union star, 1906, w i . oc Brookneal pulx and print, co., Brookneal, Va. Union worker, m 50 Mamie W. Claflin, University pi., Neb. Union worker magazine, 1904, m i .ou- Providence, R. L Unione, 1897, w 2 . 00 FI. Chairiglione. Pueblo, Colo. Unit, 1890, m dur. coll. yr i . 25 Students of Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Unitarian advance, 1906, m i .00 104 E. 20th St., X. Y. Unitarian (formerly New unitarian), 1906, m i .00 T. Fortson Pruett, Sidney, N. Y. Unitarian word and work, m free Am. unitarian association, Boston, Mass. Unitarian year-book, a 5^ Am. unitarian ass'n, Boston, Alas:-:. United banker and investor, 1909, m 1 . S^ H. D. I\[aul & J. N. Murphy, Corn Exchange l>ld,2:.. Minneai)()lis, Minn. United brotherhood of carpenters and joiners of Amer. Proceedings, 1891 St. Louis, Mo. United cadet corps news, kjft. m 25 \\'. \V. \\ii--man, 68 Williams st., X. Y. United Canada, 1888, w i • 5- T. D. Grace, Ottawa, Canada. OUIDi'. TO PERIODICALS 375 United forester, in 25 17 X. La Salle st., Chica.no, HI. United forester, ni ^ • o^ Hathaway bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. United garment workers of America. Proceedings. i8()i United Hebrew charities of the city of N. Y. Report, 1875, a 356 Second ave., N. Y. United labor bulletin, 1905, w i -OO Union label league no. 1 of Denver, 1748 vStout St., X. Y. United labor journal, 1897, w i -oo Fleming and Fonvergne, New Orleans, La. United lutheran, 1907, w i • 00 425 S. 4th St., Minneapolis, Minn. United mine workers journal, 1891, w i -oo State Life bldg., Lidianapolis, Ind. United presbyterian, 1842, w 2 .00 Murdock, Kerr & Co., 209 9th st., Pittsburg, Pa. United stamp co. herald, 1913 5° II 31 ;\Lirquette bldg., Chicago, 111. U. S. cavalry ass'n. Journal. 1888, s-m 2.50 Fort Leavenworth. Texas. United States astrophysical observatory. Annals, 1900 Wash., D. C. United States brewers ass'n. Yearbook. 190) United States catholic historical society Historical records and studies, 1899, irreg 3-50 Monograph series, 1902, irreg 346 Convent ave., N. Y. C. United States cavalry ass'n Journal, 1887, q ; 2. 50 U. S. cavalry ass'n. Fort Leavenw^orth. Kas. United States hygienic laboratory. Bulletin, 19CX) Wash.. D. C. United States infantry ass'n. See Lifantry journal. United States investor, 1891, w 5-00 Frank P. Bennett & co., 530 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. United States. Library of congress Catalogue of copyright entries, part i books, w 2.00 Part 2 periodicals, m i .00 Part 3 musical compositions, w Part 4 engravings, w Washington, D. C. United States military academy. Bulletin, 1908. Irreg West Point, N. Y. United States naval institute Proceedings, 1873, q 3 • 5° U. S. naval institute, Annapolis, Md. United States naval medical bulletin, 1907 (Apr.), q free Navy dept., Washington, D. C. 376 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS United States naval observatory Publications, 2d ser.. 1900, irreg Washington, D. C. United States navy and marine corps directory, 1885, 111 5- 00 Army and navy pub. co., Washington, D. C. United States paper maker, 1884, s-m 2.00 Walden pub. co., 182 William St., N. Y. United States patent office Official gazette, 1872, w 5-Ou Washington, D. C. United States official postal guide, 1874. m 3.00 Albany, N. Y. United States price list, 1880. a 2^ United stamp co., 1149-51 Marquette bldg.. Chicago. 111. United States review, 1868, w 3 .00 United States review pub. co., 411 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. United States statute citer-digest, 1910. 3 times yr 3.0:1 Citer-digest co.. Detroit, ]\Iich. United States supreme court reports, L. ed. 1881, a 5.00 Lawyers" co-operative pub. co., Rochester, X. Y. United States tobacco journal, 1874, w 4.00 I. S. Ellison, 136 Water st., X. Y. United States trade mark ass'n. Bulletin, 1887, m 10.00 32 X'assau st., Xew York, X^. Y. United States trade reports, 1901. s-m 2.50 Sheppee & co.. 414 Home st.. Cincin., ( ). Unity, 1878, w 2 .00 Unity pub. co., 3939 Langley ave., Chicago. 111. Unity, 1891, m ^ ^ i 00 Unity tract society, 1315 McGee st., Kansas City, Mo. Universal bulletin, m Universal Portland cement co.. yz \\. Adams st., Chicago, 111. Universal educator, 1909, m l-(*" Universal pub. co., Wescoesville. Pa. Universal engineer, 1902, m 1 .00 Universal eng. pub. co., 106 Fulton st., Xew York, X. Y. Universal peace congress. Report. 1891 PiOston. Mass. Universal weekly, 191 2, w Thos. Bedding, i Union sq., X. Y. Universalist herald, 1850, w i 00 Rev. John ]\I. Bowers, Canon, Ga. Universalist leader, 1821, w 2.00 Universalist pub. house, Boston, Mass. Universidad de la Habana Revista de la facultad de letras y ciencias, 1905, bi-m, . . . Habana, Cuba. University argonaut, i8^j8. w i .00 Moscow. Idaho. University beacon, s-m Harvard univ., Cambridge, Mass. (;i'ii)i', To I'l'.uioDir.M.s T^-j-j University beacon, 1876, s-m i .00 Students of University of Denver, Denver, Colo. University chronicle, 1892, w i 00 Students of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. University collegian, ni Texas christian univ., Waco, Texas. University courier, w Univ. of I'a., I'hila.. I*a. University clarion, w I'niv. of Denver, Univ. I 'ark, Colo. University courent, w Urbana uniw, I'rljana, ( )hio. University courier, v, Univ. of S. Cal., Los Angeles. Ca!. University cynic, 1883, f dur. coll. yr i . 50 Students of the University of Vermont. Burlington, Vt. University hatchet, 1904, w i ■ 35 George Washington university, Washington, D. C. University herald, 1872, m dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Syracuse university, Syracuse, N. Y. University herald, 1885, w i • 5° Parlette & Snyder, Ada, Ohio. University homeopathic observer, q 5° Univ. horn, observer co., Lancaster, Pa. University journal, s-m Howard univ.. Wash., D. C. University Kansan, 1904. d 2.00 i\.. U. pul\ ass'n., Lawrence. Kansas. University life, m ■ Fairmount coll.. Wichita, Kansas. University magazine, m L'niv. of .\. C. University magazine, 1901. q i -oo . More and Maciihail. Montreal. Canada. University medical journal, 1895. m i -OO Lhmter & h'inck, Galveston. Tex. University melange University of W'yoming. Laramie. Wyo. University Missourian, 1908, d 2.00 Students of U'uv. of Mo., Columl.ia. .Mo. University monthly, m L'niv. of vrizona. Tucson. .\riz. University monthly, 1867, m dur. coll. yr i 00 Stude.its of the University of New Brunswick, Frederic- to-.i. New Brunswick. University news bulletin, 1907, m Ohio state university, Columbus, O. University nuncio, m , lighland miiv.. Highland. Kansas. University of Arizona monthly, m dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of University of .\rizona, Tucson. Arizona. 378 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS University of Cal. chronicle, 1898, q 1 .00 Berkeley, Cal. University of Chicago magazine, IQ08 (Oct.), 6 nos 2.00 Alumni ass"n., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Il'l. University of Cincinnati record, 1904 (June), irreg Cincin., ( ). University of Colorado medical bulletin, 1904, q i .00 Reed pub. cc, Boulder, Colo. University of Kansas news-bulletin, w 25 Lawrence, Kan. University of Michigan news-letter, 1898, w dur. coll. yr 25 Alumni association, Ann Arbor, Mich. University of Mississippi magazine, 1865 Literary societies of the L'niv. of Miss., University, Miss. University of New Mexico weekly, w Albaiquerque, X. ^L University of Oregon monthly, m dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. University of Ottawa review, 1888, m i .00 Students of Ottawa university, Ottawa, Canada. University of Pennsylvania medical bulletin, 1888, m 2.00 University of Penn. press, Phila., Pa. University school review, l)-m Bridgeport, Conn. University of Tenn. record, b-m 50 University of Tenn. press, Knoxville, Tenn. University of Texas magazine, 1885, m dur. coll. yr i .00 Lit. societies of University of Texas, Austin, Tex. University of Texas record, 1898, q i .00 Faculty of University of Texas, Austin, Tex. University of Virginia magazine, 1839, m dur. coll. yr i .75 Lit. societies of University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. University press bulletin, 1910 (Nov.), m L^niv. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. University record, 1898, (4 vos.), per vol i .00 University of Texas, Austin, Texas. University register, m Taylor univ.. I'pland, Ind. Univeristy school news, w Cleveland univ., Cleveland, O. University umpire, s-m Univ. of Okla., Norman, Okla. University unit, m I^ouisville, Ky. University weekly, w L'niv. of .Arkansas, Faycltcville, .\rk. University weekly news, 1879, w i .00 Students of University of Cincin., Cincin., O. Unsere kleinen, 1886, m 15 German baptist publication society, Cleveland, O. GUI])]-: 'J'O I'l'.RlODICALS 379 Upholsterer, 1888, m 2 00 Clifford & Lawton, 19 Union Square, N. Y. Uplift, i<)i2, ni 1 .(• ) 46 Kearney St., San Francisco, Cal. Upper Iowa collegian, 1883, s-m 1 . _'5 Fayette, la. Upper Iowa university. Bulletin, m Fayette, Iowa. Upsala gazette, m Upsala coll., Kenihvorth. X. j. Up-to-date, m 50 J. W. Rittenhouse, Scranton, Pa. Up-to-date distributor, ni 2 .00 Will A. Molton, Cleveland, O. Up-to-date farming, 1898. w 50 J. A. Everitt, 227 W. Washington st., Indianapolis, Ind. Ulotrichian advance, 1913 (Mar.) S. Arlington Newton, Chicago. 111. Urologic and cutaneous review, 1897, b-m t .00 St. Louis. I\Io. Ursinus bulletin, b-m Ursinus college, Collegeville, Pa. Ursinus weekly, 1902, w dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Ursinus college, Collegeville, Pa. Useful poultry journal, 1909, m 25 V. O. Hobbs. Trenton, Mo. Utah educational ass'n. Proceedings, a Salt Lake City. Utah. Utah educational review, 1908, m. (except Aug. & July) 1.00 University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Utah farmer, 1904, w i .oo Desert farmer pub. co., Lehi, I 'tab. Utah genealogical and historical magazine, 1910. q 1.50 60 E. South Temple st., Salt Lake City, Utah. Utah odd fellow, 1890, m i . 00 Utah odd fellow co.. Salt Lake City, Utah. Utah medical journal See Denver medical times. V. T. S. owl, ni ■ N'anderbilt training school. I-'lkton, l\y. Vagteren, 1876. w i . 50 Rev. R. J. Petersen, Harlan, la. Valve world, 1905. m Free Crane co., Chicago, 111. Vanderbilt university studies, 1908, irreg \'aries Nashville, Tenn. Vanity fair, 1889. w 4.00 Ik'cmin CO., 34th st. and {'roadway. X. ^^ Van Nostrand's chemical annual, 1907, a 2. 50 \'an Xostrand co.. New York. N. Y. 38o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Vanderbilt observer, 1877, m dur. coll. yr i .00 Literary societies of \ anderbilt univ., Nashville, Tenn. Vanderbilt university Bulletin, m dur. coll. yr .- . . ; Xashville, Tenn. Vanderbilt university quarterly, 1901 ,q 50 Xashville, Tenn. Vanguard, 1881, s-m i .00 Vanguard pub. co., 2335 Randolph st., St. Louis, Mo. Vanishing point, 1912 ( Feb. ) . m i .oc Duluth, Minn. Variety, 1905, w 4 . 00 \'ariety pub. co., 1402 Broadway, X. Y. Varsity, 1880, w dur. coll. yr i 00 Students of University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Varsity quarterly, q X'^ational memorial univ.. Alacon Cit}-. la. Varsity voice, 1908, w. (dur. coll. yr.) \ (»(> Y. ]\L C. A. & Atletic ass'n, University, Miss. Vassar college observatory Publications, irreg Free Poughkeepsie, X". Y. Vassar Miscellany, 1872, m 2.00 Students of Vassar college, Poughkeepsie, X^ Y. Veckoblad, 1884, w i . 50 ^Minneapolis \'eckoblad pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Veckobladet, w 4 . oo Detroit, ]\Iich. Ved arnen, 1874, \v i . 25 Decorah, Iowa. Vedania monthly, 1912 ( Jan. ) , m 1 .00 i6th and Botolph sts., Boston. Ma.=s. Vedanta monthly bulletin, 1905, m i . 00 \'edanta society, 62 W. 71st St., X^. Y. Vegetable grower, 1912 (Apr.), m Rand-McXally bldg., Chicago. 111. Vegetarian magazine, 1896, m i 00 A-'egetarian co., 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Veneers, 190T (Jan.). m ' 1.00 X'eneers publishing Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Vereins-herold, m "5 German baptist pub. soc, Cleveland, ( ). Vereins-reporter, \v i . ;o Carl Kuhl, 527 Callowhill st.. Phila.. Pa. Vereins-und logen zeitung, w i . 50 Alfred Schlesinger, 335 X. 6th st., Phila., Pa. Verita in carita, i()i2. m 50 Rev. D. A. Rocca. Easton. Pa. Vermilion, s-m Southwest industrial institute. Lafavette. La. GUIDE TO IMvRIODIC ALS 381 Vermont antiquarian society Proceedings, 1897 W. J. Van Patten, prcs., 386 Pearl st., Burlington, Vt." Vermont bird club Bulletin, 1906, a 10 George H. Ross, sec'y, Rutland, \'t. Vermont botanical club L5ullelin, 1906, a lO L. R. Jones, sec'y, 46 N. Prospect St., Burlington, Vt. Vermont bulletin, 1904, 5 nos University of Vt., Burlington, Vt. Vermont cynic, 1883, w 2.00 Jkirlingtnn, \'t. Vermont dairymen's ass'n. Report, i86(), a Vermont historical society Proceedings, i860 Edward M. Goddard, librarian, Montpelier, Vt. Vermont library commission. Bulletin, 1905, q jMontpelier, Vt. Vermont medical monthly, 1894. m i .00 Vermont med. pub. co., Burlington, Vt. Vermont state board of health. lUilletin, i<)00. 3-Iontpelier, \'t. Vermont state teachers ass'n. School (|uarterly, 1907 Vermonter, 1895, m i.oo Charles Spooner Forbes, St. /\lbans, Vt. Vesteran Amerikanen, 1904, s-ni 50 ])ail\- news bldg.. ^linneapolis. Minn. Vestnik, 1902, ni 5° 3255 Lowe ave., Chicago, 111. Vestra sandebudet, 1890, m 50 Rev. J. R. Andrews & Co., 1224 Hovv^ard. San Francisco, Caf. Veterinary notes, 1907 (Dec), q i .00 Detroit, Mich. Veteran I. C. C. quarterly, 191 1 (May"), (|.. i .00 Cadet armory, I>oston, ATass. Viatorian, m St. A'iateurs coll., Ijourbonnais, ill. Viavi world, 1912 (Jan.), m Gratis X'iavi CO., Chicago, 111. Vickery and Hill list, m 15 Vickery and Hill pub. co., Augusta, Me. Vidette, m Hudson river institute, Clavcrack, X. Y. Vidette, 1888, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 A'idette pub. co., Normal, 111. Vidnesbyrdet, 1889, w 5° O. O. Twede, Portland. Ore. Views, 1889, m 2.00 Max Cohen, 509 Seventh st. N. \V., Washington, D. C. 382 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Vigilant, 1893, m 2 .00 P. J. Hanway, 31 Nassau St., N. Y. Vigilence, *m . . : i . 00 Amer. vigilence ass'n., 156 5th ave., N. Y. Villanova monthly, m Villanova coll., A'illanova. Pa. Vim, 1903, m 50 Contin. in Health. Vindicator, 1880, m 80 Vindicator committee, Brookville, O. Vindicator, 1883, s-m 3 . 00 Vindicator pub. co., New Orleans, La. Vindicator, 1902. w i .00 Franklin, Pa. Vineland historical and antiquarian society Annual report, 1894 Frank D. Andrews, sec'y, Vineland, N. J. Violin world, 1892, m 50 A. Gemiinder & sons, 42 E. 23d St., N. Y. Violinist, 1903, m 1.50 Ada E. Taylor, 378 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Virginia bankers' ass'n. Proceedings, 1893 Farmville, \h. Virginia courier, 1890, s-m 50 Virginia pub. co., Petersburg, Va. Virginia, dept. of education. Memorial day annual, 19 12 Richmond, \ a. Virginia farmer, 1898, m 50 Farmer co., Emporia, Va. Virginia headlight, 1908, w i .00 B. T. Hairston. \'a. Virginia health bulletin, 1908, m Richmond, \'a. Virginia hospital bulletin, q 50 Univ. coll. of med., Richmond, Va. Virginia issue, T91 1 (May), s-m 50 E. J. Richardson, East. Falls. \'a. Virginia journal of education, 1907, m., 10 nos 1.00 11 Bank st., Richmond, Va. Virginia law register, 1895, m 5 -oo J. P. Bell CO., Lynchburg, Va. Virginia law review,i9i3 (Oct.), m. Oct. to Alay 2.50 Law dept., U. of V.. Charlottesville, A"a. Virginia magazine of history and biography, 1893, q 5.00 Va. historical society, Richmond, Va. Virginia masonic journal, 1906, m i .00 J. G. Hankins, Richmond, \'a. Virginia medical semi-monthly, 1894, s-m 2.00 Landon B. Edwards, Richmond, Va. Virginia odd fellow, 1893, m 5^ Ware & Duke, Richmond, Va. GUIDE TO PKRIODICAI.S 383 Virginia Pythian, 1 90 1 , m 5^ Frank A. Owen, Petersburo-, Va. Virginia tech,' iqi 3, \v. din. coll. vr i . 50 niacksluu-o/\a. Virginia state Hbrary bulletin, 1908 (Jan.) q Redmond, Va. Virginia unionist, 1900, \v t 00 Peoi)les press, Xorfolk, \''a. Virginia. University Alumni bulletin. 1894, q i -OO Bulletin, 1901, q Free Charlottesville, Va. Visiting nurse society. Report. 1886. a Phila.. Pa. Visitor, 1875. w 2.00 Visitor printing- cc. Providence, R. I. Vista, ! 906. m 5" Greenville coll.. Greenville. 111. Vista, m ■ Central state normal school. Edmond. ( )kla. Vista, 1905, m 5^^ Greenville. Mo. Visiting nurse quarterly, 1909, q 1-00 Visiting- nurse ass'n. 501 St. Clair ave., Cleveland. O. Visitor, t8.S4,\w 60 Smith & Lamar. 810 Broadway. Xashville. Tenn. Vlastenic, 1898, w .' t .25 Tohn Soukup, La Crosse. Wis. Voce cattolica (Italian), 1909, m 1-00 35 Broadway ,New York, N. Y. Vocation for Boston girls, 191 1 Boston. Mass. Vocational education, 191 1. b-m i • 5° Manual arts press. Peoria. 111. Vogue, 1892. w 4.00 Vogue CO., 364 Fifth ave., N. Y Voice, s-m J. A. ]\lacKae, Thomasville, N. C. Voice,' i88t. w 125 Students of Wooster university, Wooster. O. Voice, 1894. w I 00 Voice pub. co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Voice, i<)0<). m 5'^ I3() W. Maryland st.. Indianajxjlis. Ind. Voice of freedom,' 1909 (Apr.), m l-'^O 29G;} Webster St., San Francisco, Cal. Voice of missions, 1892. m .• ■ • ■ 50 Miss. dept. of A. M. E. church. 61 Bible house. X. Y. Voice of the magi, I'ps. m ' " Magi pub. CO.. Waldron. Arkansas. 384 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Voice ot the people, 1904, w 2.00 Gerald Sullivan, Anaconda, Mont. Voice of the retail merchant, 1906, m 50 \'oice pub. CO.. Long- Island City. X. ^'. Voice of the twentieth century, w Shorter univ., Argenta, Arkansas. Voice of the victor, 1906 Victor talking machine co., Camden, N. J. Volante, m dur. coll. y r 75 Students of Grand Island college, Grand Island, Neb. Volante, 1887, w i .00 Students' ass'n of the University of S. D., Vermilion, S. D. Volksfreund, 1889, w i . 00 J. S. Click, Pittsburg, Pa. Volksfreund, 1903, \v i . 50 Bernard Arnold, Richardton, N. C. Volksstem (Hollandish), 1908, m 40 H. Holkeboer, Holland, Mich. Volta review, 1898, m 2 . 50 1601 35th St., \\'ash., D. C. Volunteers' gazette, 1897, w 2 .00 \^olunteers of America, 38 Cooper sq., N. Y. Vorwarts, 1892, w i . 00 15 Spruce St., X. Y. Vox collegi, 1878, m 50 Ijterary soc. of Ont. ladies coll.. Whitby. ( )nt. Vox Wesleyana, 1898, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Wesley college, Winnipeg, Man. W. M. A. trumpeter, m " Wentworth military academy. Lexinton, Mo. Wa-wa, m Port Townsend high school. Port Townsend, Wash. Wabash, 1874, m dur. coll. yr i .00 Senior class of Wabash college, Crawfordsville, Ind. Wabash college record, q 25 Wabash college, Crawfordsville, Ind. Wachter, 1867, w i . 50 H. Holkeboer, Holland, Mich. Wage earner, 1908, w . 1 .00 \ Wage earner pub. co., 152 Purchase St., Boston, Mass. Walden's statoner and printer, 1887, s-m i .00 \\'alden pub. co., 132 Xassau st., X. ^'. Walker's weekly copper letter, w 3 • 00 22 exchange place, lioston, Mass. Walking leaf, m Cook academy. Montour Falls, X. Y. Wall paper news and interior decorator, 1892, m i .00 Clifford & Lawton, 19 Union sq., N. Y. Wall street journal, 1882, 2 eds. per day ex. Sun 12.00 Dow, Jones & Co., 44 Broad st., N. Y. GUIDK TO PlvRlODlCALS . 385 Wallace's Amer. trotting register, 1891, a Aiiier. trolling- register assoc, room 1108 355 Dearborn St., Chicago. 111. Wallace's farmer, 1878, w i .00 Wallace i)nb. co.. Des Moines, la. Wallace's year-book of trotting and pacing, 1886 ^ . . . . American trotting register assoc, 355 Dearborn st., Chi- cago, 111. Waltham (Mass.) public library Bulletin, m Wanderer, 1867, w 2 . 00 W'andcrer print, co., St. Paul, Minn. War cry, 1884, \v i . 00 Salvation army print, house, Toronto, Canada. War cry, 1 884. ^v 2 . 00 120 \V. 14th St., N. Y. Ward's illustrated fashion magazine, s-a F. L. Ward & co., 8 Vine st., Cincin., O. Warren academy of sciences. Transactions. i(;o8 Warren academy of sciences, W^arren, Pa. Washburn college bulletins, 190 1, q Topeka, Kan. Washburn weekly review, 1885, w dur. coll. yr i .50 Students of W^ashburn college, Topeka, Kan. Washington academy of sciences. Journal, s-m 6.00 Dr. A. L. Day. Wash., D. C. Washington agriculturist, m State college of W^ashington. Pullman. \\'ash. Washington alumnus, 1907, w i . 30 Cniversity of W^ashington alumni ass'n.. Seattle. Wash. Washington bankers' association Proceedings. 1895 Seattle. \\'ash. Washington biological society. I'roceedim's. 1880 Wash.. I). C. Washington collegian, 1886, m 2 .oj Chestertown, Maryland. Washington county free library Bulletin, 1901, irreg liagerstown, Md. Washington educational ass'n. Proc. 1887, a ( ). C. Wliilney. sec Tacoma. Wash. Washington historical quarterly, 1906. q Seattle, Wash. Washington-Jeffersonian, 1887, m 1 axi Washington, I 'a. Washington law reporter, 1874. w 3 .00 Law reporter print, co.. Washington, D. C. Washington library association. Pulletin. 1905 Seattle. Wash. 386 . GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Washington medical annals, 1902, b-m i .00 Medical soc. of D. C, Washington, D. C. Washington odd fellow, 1892, m i .00 A. E. Partridge, Seattle, Washington. Washington state museum-auditorium monthly Fiftli avc. Seattle, Wash. Washington. University Bulletin, 1902, q . Librar)' series News-letter, s-m 50 University studies, 1909 Seattle, Wash. Washington university. Bulletin, m., 8 nos.. studies, irreg vSt. Louis, Mo. Washington university club. Yearl^ook, 1905 St. Louis, Mo. Washington university. Medical dept. Quarterly bulletin, 1903, .q •• St. Louis, Mo. Washington university record, 1905, m dur. coll. yr St. Louis, Mo. Washington university studies, 1913 (Sept ) Seattle, AVash. Washington university studies, 191 3 ( Jul}- ) , q 3 -oo Wash. Univ., St. Louis. Washingtonian, 1892, s-m 50 State school for the deaf and the blind, Vancover, Wash. Waste trade journal, 1905, (Sept. 2), w . 3.00 Waste trade pub. co., 108 Fulton st., New York, N. Y. Watchman, 1891, m. i .00 Southern pub. ass'n., 2123 Twenty-fourtb ave., Nash., Tenn. Watchman, 1898, d 2 .00 S. H. Ralph, iienton. La. Watchman, 1901 . \v 1.25 Watchman i)ub. co., Austin, Texas. Watchman examiner, 1819, w 2.00 38 Park Row, X. Y., N. Y. Watch tower and herald of Christ's presence, iSyij, s-m i .00 Watch tower bible & tract soc, 1 ^-17 Hicks st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Watchword, 1893, w i .00 Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O.' Watchword and truth, 1878, m i . 00 Robert Cameron, 31 State st., Boston, Mass. Water and gas review, 1890, m 2 .00 Water and gas review pub. co., 35 Warren st., N. Y. Waterfront journal, 191 1, w i .00 C. PI. Sheraton, N. Y. Waterways, 1()To (C^ct.), ni i . 1^0 1 I ( )ld sHi>, New York, N. Y. GUIDE TO PHRIODICALS 387 Waterways magazine, 1907, { Aut::.), m 1 -oo 1'. |. Iknhoni. 1)1-08., Laclede l)ldt;-.. St. J.uiiis, Mo. Watts' official railway guide and hotel directory of the south, 1S86, m 2.00 Watts pub. CO., Atlanta, Ga. Waugh's blue book of leading hotels and resorts of the world, TJ07, a • • 5-00 W. W. Wauo-h and .son. Old South bldg., Boston, Alass. Way, 1872, w ^^ Fifteenth and Race sts., Phila., Pa. ( Also issned ni. and s-ni. editions. ) Way of faith, 1890, w • • • • i -OO Oliver gospel missions, Columbia, S. C. Wayne countean, 1912, m ' 00 F. P. Woodward, Hoadleys. Pa. Wayne county (Ind.) historical society -Papers, 1903, irreg., each 25 Walter S. Davis, sec'y, Richmond, Ind. Weekly bulletin, 1909, w 50 R. G. Linebarger, P.illings, ?>dont. Weekly bulletin of the clothing trades, 1901, w i -OO ( Contin. as Garment worker after Oct., 1912.) Weekly calendar, w ^ oo The University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Weekly financial outlook, 1911 (Oct.), w. . . . . . 5-00 Corn exchange bank bldg., New York, X. \ . Weekly Gettysburgian, w Pa. college. Gettysburg, Pa. Weekly implement trade journal, 1886, w a/ '°° Implement trade journal co., 1309 W. nth st., Kan.sas City, Mo. Weekly market growers' journal Louisville. Ky. Weekly news letter to crop correspondents, 1913. w • Gratis L'. S. dept. of agriculture. Wash., D. C. Weekly optic and stock grower, 1882. w 2 .00 (Jptic pub. CO.. East Las \'egas, X. ^1. Weekly statistical sugar trade journal, 1842. w 15-OCi Willet & Gray, 42 Wall st., X. Y. Weekly student, w ^ •■ L'niversity of Xorth Dakota. Grand I'orks. X. P. Weekly tar heel, 1900, w • • • ^-^^ Tar heel pub. co., Greensboro. X. C. Weekly underwriter, 1859, w • ' ' ' ' ' V-" 'T m^'v Underwriter ptg. & pub. co.. 58 \\-illiams st., Xew \ ork, X. Y. Wee-wee winkle, i Fine arts l)ldg'., Chicago, 111. Western music herald, 1906. m 1-00 Wendell Heighton, 4th & Locust st., Des Moines, la. Western New England, k^io, m 1 . 50 Springiield l)oard of trade. Springfield, Mass. Western normal leader, m ^\'estern state normal. Hays. Kansas. Western normal school, bulletin, q Western normal school, Kalamazoo, Mich. Western odd fellow, 1886, s-m 75 Steevens & Steevens, Topeka, Kan. Western outlook, 1885, s-m. i .00 J. S. Francis, 1173 Seventh st., Oakland Cal Western outlook, 1894, w 2 . 50 IJaptist Union, WMnnii^eg, Manitol)a. Western oxford, i8tj3, m 1 -OO ( )xford, ( )hio. Western painter, 1892, m i -OO (Contin. as Modern ])ainter. ) Western penman, 1 884. m 60 (Contin. as American penman.) Western poultry advocate, 1909, m 25 Western i^ndtry advocate ])nb. co.. Lewiston, Idaho. Western poultry journal, 1888. m 50 E. E. Richards. Cedar Rapids, la. Western poultry world, 1902. m 25 Western poultry pub. co., Denver, Col. Western publisher, 1902, m i • 00 Western newspaper union, 45 Plymouth pi., Chicago, 111. Western railroad news, 1910, \v 2. CD 207 Xew lligli St., Los Angeles. Cal. Western railway club Official proceedings. t888. m ( Sept.-May) 2.00 loseph W. Taylor, sec'y, 390 Old Colony bldg.. Chicago. 111. 392 GUIDU TO PERIODICALS Western recorder, 1825, w 2.00 Baptist book concern, Louisville, Ky. Western reserve university Bulletins, 1895, q .'..:• 50 The university, Cleveland, O. Western reviev^, 1895. m i . 00 Edison pub. co., 917 Ashlock block, Chicago, 111. Western school journal, 1885, m i .00 John MacDonald, Topeka, Kan. Western Scot, 1904, m 50 James C. Lindsay, Omaha. Neb. Western society of engineers. Journal, 1896, b-m 2.00 Monadnock blk., Chicago, 111. Western states advance, 191 1 (Nov.), m 1 .00 San Francisco, Cal. Western stock journal, 1901 Oregon City, Oregon. Western surgical ass'n. Transactions. 1891, a Arthur T. ^Nlann, sec, Minneapolis, jNIinn. Western teacher, 1892, 10 nos i .00 Gillan & CO., Milwaukee, Wis. Western tobacco journal, 1874, w 2 . 00 Thomas iSIason, Cincin., O. Western tobacconist, 1910, m 1 .00 \\'. P. C. IMenzies, 752 Pacific bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Western trade journal, 1872. w 5 .00 Fremont Arford, 128 E. Van Buren st., Chicago, III. Western trader, 1909, m 50 Western trader pub. co., Omaha, Neb. Western tramway journal^ 1905. m 5^ Bradford pub. co., 1646 Arapahoe st.. Denver. Colo. Western women voter, m i .00 Western women voter pub. co.. Seattle. Wash.- Western undertaker, 1877, m. . . i 00 Herbert S. Fassett, 954 Washington bouL, Chicago, 111. Western underwriter, 1897, w 2 .00 Western underwriter co.. Chicago. 111. Western university of Pennsylvania, Allegheny observatory Miscellaneous scientific papers, 1901, irreg Allegheny, Pa. Western watchman, 1865, w 2 . 00 Rev. D. S. Phelan, 8th and Chestnut sts., St. Louis, Mo. Western work, m 50 Western work pub. co., Oskaloosa, la. Western world, 1903, m i . 00 Oliver O. App., Empire bldg., Denver, Col. Western world, 1902, w 2 . 00 John Conally, Des Moines, la. Westerner, 1904, m 25 Edgar L. Hampton, Seattle, Wash. (;UI1)1': TO ri'RioDK' \i.s 393 Westinghouse electric and manufacturing co. Circular, irrci;" Pittsburcr, Pa. West-land, lUnS. m ■■ • • • • ■ -"•'' \\'est-lan(l pul). co., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Westland educator, 1899, 10 nos i 0° W. C. Crocker, Lisbon, N. D. Westminster, 1896, m ^ ■ 5"^ AA'estniinster co., Toronto, Canada. Westminster college. Bulletins of information, 1901, ([ t^ree Fulton. Mo. ^ Westminster college news letter, 1904, b-m i'ree Fulton, Mo. Westminster magazine, i()i2. m.^ ^ -"o Westminster co., Atlanta, Ga. Westminster monthly, 1868, m ^ -O^ Fulton weekly gazette, Fulton, Mo. Westminster news, w Westminster review, m • Westminster scbool, Simsbury, Conn. Westminster review (Am. ed.), 1824, m 4 -50 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren st., N. Y. Westminster teacher, 1873, m 75 Presbyterian bd. of publications, 1319 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Westonian, 189s, m •••••, ; • ^ -^^ Westtown alumni ass'n & Westtown old scholars ass n, Westtown, Pa. . . Westport high school herald, s-m ^ ^^'^^^ West])ort hiiih school, Kansas City, ^lo. West pubUshing co.'s. docket, irreg St. Paul, ]\Iinn. West side and Harlem news, 1901, w ^00 R. P.. Adams, Tract society bldg., N. Y. West Virginia Christian, 1900, f 5° West A^iro;inia Christian co., Bethany, W. Va. West Virginia country life conference. Proceedin2:s^ West Xirginia university. Mor.g-antown, West ATrgnua. West Virginia educator, 1907, m •..■•.•.• ^ "^^ I'.ducator pub. co.. Charlestown. West \ n-.^mia. West Virginia farmer and grange advocate, 1906. m 5° 1-armer co.. Morgantown, West N'irginia. West Virginia farm journal, iQi i . ni --^^^ 11. !'. Ak-(;innis. Parkersburg. West \ n-gnua. West Virginia geological survey . -Publications, 19Q3. irreg^ Varies West Virginia medical journal, TO06. m i -OO W. \'a. med. ass'n.. Wheeling. W. A'a. West Virginia odd fellow, i()TT, m ' •'^o l''raternal pub. co., Wintield, Mass. 394 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS West Virginia organizer, 1895, ni i .00 J. R. Schaeft'er, Oorniania, West Virginia. West Virginia school journal, 1872, m i .00 Thos. C. Miller. Morgantown, W. Va. West Virginia university. Educational conference. Proceedings Universit}- of \A'est Virginia, Morgantown, West \'irginia. West Virginia. University studies, 1909, irreg.. G nos. 1.50 Univ. of W. Va., Morgantown, W. Va. West Virginia workman, 1897, m 50 Chas. O. Roemer, Benwood, W. Va. Whalemen's shipping list, 1843, w 3.15 Geo. R. Phillips. New Bedford, Mass. What to do, i()io ( Mar. ), w 2^ Elgin. 111. What to eat, 1896, m. Contin. in National food magazine. What to say, 191 1 ( Feb. ) . ni 50 Chicago, 111. Where to go, 1909 (Aug. ) . w New York. N. Y. Whims, m Seattle high school, Seattle. Wash. Whitaker, J. and sons' almanac, a 50 Scribner's sons, 153 Fifth ave., N. Y. White and blue, w Brigham Young univ.. Salt Lake, Utah. White and gold, m Mills college, Cal. White book, 191 3 ( Aug. ) , m i . 50 Frank W. White, Cape Girardeau. Mo. White breeders companion, 1910, m 50 More bros. co.. Rochester, Indiana. White ribbon banner, 1890, m 25 Mrs. L. K. Fuller, Scotland, Conn. White ribbon journal, 1890. m 2^ A. R. Grossage, Rapid City. S. D. Whitworth college bulletin, m Free Tacoma, Wash. Whitman college quarterly, q Free Walla Walla, Wash. Whitman pioneer, w Whitman college. Walla Walla, ^^'ash. Whitworth clionian, m ^Vhitvvorth college. Brookhaven. Miss. Whiz, 1913 (Jan.), m R. M. Hollingshead co.. Camden. N. J. Whoesale grocer, 1908. m 2.00 S. W. Roth. 186 N. Fa Salle st., Chicago, ill. Wholesale jeweler, 1903, a 5 00 W. P.. Frost & CO.. Providence, R. I. GUIDK TO PI'RIOIJICAI.S 395 Wholesaler, 1908. w * • ' HulchinscMi wholesaler co., Hutchinson, Kan. Wholesalers' and retailers' review, m ; • • • • ^'^^ Globe pub. CO., 421 California St., San Francisco, Lai. Who's who in America, 1 899, a 3 • 5^-' A. X. ^larciuis, Chicago, 111. Who's who in New York, 1904, a 5 • 00 L. R. llamersly, i W. 34th St., N. Y. Wide awake, w -' I.. 11. Harrison, r.irmin.yham, Ala. Wide world magazine, 1898. m ^ • 2° Internat. news co., 83 Duane St., N. Y. Widow, 1910 (Apr. 2), w ^-^^ 3:U Fifth ave.. New York, X. Y. Widow, 1892, m. dur. coll. yr --^^ Students of Cornell university, Ithaca, N. Y. Wielkopolanin, 1899, w ^ • 5° 56 Twenty-second St., Pittsburg, Pa. Wild west weekly, 1903. w --^^ Frank Tousev. 168 W. 23rd st., X. \. Willet & Gray's statistical sugar trade, 1842. w ^ . ^^o 82 Wall St., X. Y. Willamette collegian, 1889, m. dur. coll. yr -■ i -OO Students of Willamette university, Salem, Ore. William and Mary college monthly, 1892, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Lit. societies of William and Mary college, Williamsburg. Va. William and Mary college quarterly, 1892, q 3 -OO Lvon G. Tvler. Williamsburg, \'a. William 'and Mary literary magazine, 1891, m i 00 William and T\larv college, Petersburg. \^a. William and Mary quarterly historical magazine, ^^q2. (| Williamsburg. \'a. Williamette collegian, w Williamette univ.. Salem, Oregon. William Jewell student, 1895, m. .' ^ -^^ \\illiam Jewell college. Liberty, :\Io. Williams college bulletin, q Williamstown. Mass. Williams literary monthly, 1885, m. dur. coll. yr 2 . 50 Students of W'illiams college. Williamston, j\Iass. Williams' record, 1874, b-w dur, coll. yr 2 . 50 Students of Williams college, Williamston. Mass. William Tell, 1909. m- y -, ~ '^^ 14^1 r.roadwav. X. ^'. William Woods college record, m dur. coil, yr nO William ^^'<)0(ls college record. Fulton. Alo. Willows magazine, i<)ii ( Xov.). b-m 25 Kansas City. ^lo. Wilmingtonian, m. dur. coll. yr • 5° Students of Wilmington college, Wilmington. O. 39^ GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Wilmington institute free library Bulletin, 1903, ni 25 Wilmington, Del. Wilson bulletin, 1890, q 50 Wilson ornithological club, Oberlin, O. Wilson's photographic magazine, 1864, m 3-00 Edward L. Wilson. 287 Fourth ave., N. Y. Windmill, 1900. s-m (9 issues) 25 Lawrence high school, Lawrence, Kan. Wine and spirit bulletin, 1886, m 5 .00 Bulletin pub. co.. Louisville, Ky. Wine and spirit journal and brewers' review, ni i .00 H. Gagnier, Toronto, Canada. Wine and spirit news, w 2 . 00 ( Contin. as Liberal advocate. ) Winged foot, 1892, m i .00. . Xew York athletic club. Xew York. Winona college student, igio. m 25 Winona Lake.. Ind. Winona Normal bulletin, q State normal school, Winona. Minn. Winona review, 1903, q i 00 Winona pub. co., Winona Lake, Lid. Winthrop normal and industrial college of S. C, 1907, (Sept.), q Free Rock Hill, S. C. Wireless news, 19 1 1 ( Dec. ) , m i ■ 00 Xew York. X'^. Y. Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters, membership. . 2.00 -Transactions. 1870, b-a Madison, Wis. Wisconsin advocate, 1898, v. 2 . 00 R. B. Montgomery. 209 Fifth st., Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin agriculturist, 1877, w 75 Andrew Simonson, Racine, Wis. Wisconsin alumni magazine, 1899, '"'' (O.-Jl.) i 00 Alumni assoc. Lniv. of W., Madison. Wis. Wisconsin banker, 1909, m i • 50 M. I. Stevens, 503 Merrill hide;., Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin bankers association. Proceedings. 1894. Milwaukee, \\'is. Wisconsin Christian advocate, 1895, '^^ ^"^ Oshkosh, Wis. Wisconsin citizen, 1891, ni -3 I'.roadhead. Wis. Wisconsin country magazine, i()i t, s-m 1 00 ?^Iaoston, Mass. Woman's evangel, 1882. m 50 Mary R. Albert, Dayton, O. Woman's exponent, 1882, s-m 2.00 Emmeline B. Wells, Salt Lake City, Utah. Woman's good roads advocate, hjI2 ( Mar.), m i.oo New York, N. Y. Woman's home companion, 1873, m i . 50 Crowell pub. co., Springfield, O. GUIDE TO PRR.IODICALS 399 Woman's home missions, i88f), in 35 H. ]\I. Brockstedt, 404 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Woman's home weekly, 1912. \v 2^ '\\. D. Triichardt. 601 Second ave., Minneapolis. Minn. Woman's international review, 1912, m 2.00 I'Mward C. Trimpcr. Times lildi^:.. Tinies square, Xcw \'()rk. X. \'. Woman's journal, 1869, w 2 . 50 H. B. & Alice Stone Bbckwell, 3 Park st., Boston, Mass. Woman's journal and suffrage news, 1913 (Jan.). w 1 .00 585 Boylslon st.. I'oston, Mass. Women lawyers' journal, 191 1 (May), q 50 220 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Woman's magazine, 1896, m J^ Xew Idea jiub. co., 636-8 Pjroadway. X. Y. Woman's magazine, 1899, m J"^ Magazine bldi^'.. St. Louis, Mo. Woman's medical journal, 1893, m 2 .00 Hackedorn pub. co., Toledo, O. Woman's missionary advocate, 1880, ni 50 ( Contin. as Missionary voice.) Woman's missionary friend, 1869, m 50 Pauline J. Walden, 36 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. Woman's missionary record, 1885, ni 5c J. F. ^McCulloch, Greensboro, N. C. Woman's municipal league, quarterly, 1912 (]\Jar.), q 50 46 E. 29th St.. X. Y., X. Y. ' •Woman's national weekly, 1906, w 50 Woman's national pub. co., St. Louis, Wo. Woman's protest, 1912 (May), m i .00 29 W. 39th St., X^ew York, N. Y. Woman's temperance work, 1883, m 25 T\Irs. Xellie H. Hutchinson, Owego, X^. Y. Woman's work, 1886, m 50 Women's boards of foreign missions of Presby. church. Xew York, X. Y. Woman's world, 1885, m 7,^ W. D. Boyce co.. Boyce bldg., Chicago, 111. Women's and infants' furnisher, 1895, m 2.00 Clifford &- Lawton. i K. 28th st.. Xew 'Vork. Women's Canadian hitsorical society of Ottawa. Membership .50 Transactions, 1901 i .00 Mrs. Thomas Ahearn, pres., 584 Laurier ave. W., Ottawa. Ont., Canada. Women's Canadian historical society of Toronto. Membersliip . 50 Annual report, 1897 Transactions, 1896, irreg 15 Toronto, Canada. Women citizen, m 50 Sulliwin. Ind. 400 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Women's missionary magazine, 1887, m 60 Marshall and Reneridge pub. cc, Xenia, O. Women's Pa. society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. ■ Report. 1869, a Cleveland, Ohio. Women's stories, s-m 3 . 00 Xew York, N. Y. Women's wear, 1910, a 3 00 42 E. 2 1 St St., Xew York, X. Y. Women who do things, 1913 (Feb.) , m 50 Adaline Fogg, Xorcross, Boston, ]\Iass. Wood, wire & metal lathers' internat. union. Proc. 1898. a Cleveland, O. Wood craft, m i . 00 Gardner pub. co., Cleveland, O.- Wooden and willow-ware trade review, s-m i .00 Charles H. Delano & son, 81 Fulton St., X. Y. Wood-Harmon magazine, 1902, q 25 ^^'ood, Harmon &- co., 261 Broadway, Xew York, X. Y. Woodman, 1899, \v 75 Woodman print, co., Decatur, 111. Woodman, 1903, m 50 W^oodman pub. co., W'ainright bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Woodman journal, 1902, m 50 \Voodman journal pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Woodmen advocate, 1900, m 5vO Columbus, ]\Iiss. Woodmen news, 1900, m 2:; • W .0. \\\ bldg., Omaha, Xeb. Woodmen sentinel, 1901, m i .00 J. A. Williams, Molly Springs, ]\liss. Wood's official railway guide, m i .oc John R. AVood, 115 Griswold st., Detroit, Mich. Wood-worker, 1882 ( Mar. ) , m 1 . 00 S. H. Smith, 220 E. Ohio st., Indianai)olis, Ind. Wood worker, 1 882, m i . 00 S. H. Smith, Commercial club bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Wooltex monthly, 1912 ( July ) , m Free II. Black CO., Cleveland, Ohio. Wooster quarterly, 1886, q i .00 Professors of Wooster university, AVooster, O. Worcester art museum bulletin, c( Phili]) J. Centner. Worcester, Mass. Worcester childrens' friend society. Re])ort, 1850, a Worcester, Mass. Worcester county record, 1902, w 3 .00 Worcester record co.. 44 iM-ont st.. Worcester, Mass. Worcester magazine, 1898. m i . 30 Chamber of commerce, 1 i Foster st., Worcester, Mass. (U'lDl'. TO I'l'KIODK'AI.S 4OI Worcester polytechnic institute. Journal, b-m i .00 Students of Worcester polytechnic institute, Worcester, Mass. Worcester public library bulletin, i8()8. m Worcester, Mass. Worcester society of antiquity. Collections, 1875, irreg 5.00 Worcester, Mass. Word, iqo4, m 2 .00 Thcosophical pub. co., 244 Lenox ave., N- Y. Word and way, 1 896, w i • 00 Word and way pub. co., Hall bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Work and win, 1898, \w . . . . - ■ 5" Frank Tousey, 168 W. 23rd st.. X. Y. Word and work, 1879, m 5° Christin workers union, Framin£;ham, Mass. Word and works, 1888, m i • 00 Word and works pub. co., 2201 Locust st., St. Louis, 'Slo. Words of faith, 1874, m 5° Geo. W. McCalla, i8th st. and Ridge ave., Phila., Pa. Working boy, 1884, m 25 Working boys' home, 38 Bennet st., Boston, Mass. Workman, 1904, m 25 Z. M. Duckworth, Dallas, Tex. Workman, 1908, w 50 AVorkman pub. co., Yonkers, N. Y. Work with boys, q 150 Thomas Chew, treas.. Fall River, Alass. Work with boys, 1903, m i -OO Federated boys clubs. Xorwood. Ky. World, m Central high school, St. Paul, Minn. World almanac and encyclopedia, 1893, a ^S N. Y. world, N. Y. World evangel and Christian, 1894, m 5° F. M. Barton, 713 Caxton bldg., Cleveland, O. World today Contin. as Hearst's magazine, April. 1912. World's advance thought and universal republic, t886, m i .00 Lucy A. iMallory, Portland, Ore. World's chronicle, 1900. \v i • 5° 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. World's cresset, 1902. w 3^^ Xorwood, Mo. World's crisis, 1854, w ^ • 5° Advent Christian pub. society. 160 Warren ave., Boston, Mass. World's events magazine, 1900, m 5° Currier pulj. co.. Chicago, 111. World-speech, i()i2 ( Dec.^. m -,' Rev. b'.dward !'. Fo.ster, 213 Fourth st.. Marietta. Ohi.i. 402 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS World's progress, 1905, m i .00 j. A. Mathews, 510 Twelfth St., Washmgton, D. C. World's work, 1900, m 3 . 00 Doubleday, Page & cc, 133 E. i6th st., N. Y. ' World wide, 1908, m 25 ITOl Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. World wide Baraca, 1899,. m i .00 S}'racuse. X. Y. World-wide farming, 1910 Denver, Colo. World wide missions, 1888, 1 1 nos 25 Mission society of M. E. chuhch, 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. World-wide revival, 1902, m 50 Siolan Springs. Arkansas. Wright county education, 1908, m 50 C). H. Benson. Clarion, Ind. Wrinkle, b-w L'niv. of Michigan, Ann Arlior, Mich. Writer, 1887, m ' i 00 Writer pub. co., 146 Franklin st., Boston, Mass. Wyoming farm bulletin, 191 1 (July), m Laramie. A\'yo. Wyoming historical and geological society Proceedings and collections, 1858, a Wilkesbarre, Pa. Wyoming historical society Collections, 1897 Report, 1898 Cheyenne, Wyo. Wyoming labor journal, 1910, w i -oo Wyoming lal)or journal pub. co., Cheyenne, Wyo. Wyoming school journal, 1904 (Dec), m. Sept. -June 1.00 Laramie, Wyo. Wyoming. University. School of mines Bulletin of the university geological survey of Wyoming, 1893, irreg. Petroleum series. Bulletin, 1896, irreg. Laramie, Wyo. X, m Middle Oregon academy, Grass A'alley. Xavier, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of College of St. Francis Xavier, 30 W. i6th St., N. Y. Xi psi chi quarterly, 1902. 4 times dur. coll. yr i .00 915 Main st., Buffalo, X. Y. X-ray, m Xorthwestern normal college, Alva. ( kla. XX century crusader, 1912 (Jan.), m 2^ Chicago. 111. Yachting, 1907, m 2.00 Yachting pub. co., 20 Vesey St., Xew York, X. Y. GUIDE TO PHRJODICALS 403 Yahara, 111 SluuijiiUjii high school, Stoughtoii. Wis. Yale alumni weekly, 1891, w. Oct.-June ; m. June-Sept 3.00 Lewis S. Welch, New Haven, Conn. Yale courant, 1865, f 2.00 Students of Yale colleg-e, New Haven, Conn. Yale daily news, 1878, 6 d 4 -oo Students of Yale university. New Haven, Conn. Yale divinity quarterly, 1904, (.[ 5° New Plaxen, Conn. Yale forest school news, 1913 Yale L'niv., New Haven, Conn. Yale law journal, 1891, m 2.50 Frank Kenna, New Haven, Conn. Yale literary magazine, 1836, m. dur. coll. yr 3 .00 Students of Yale college. New Haven, Conn. Yale medical journal, 1894, m 2 .00 Students of Yale medical school, New Haven, Conn. Yale monthly magazine, 1906, m. Contin. in Yale Courant. Yale news, 1878, d 4-00 Yale university. New Haven, Conn. Yale psychological studies, 1893 — — Pub. as monograph supplements of the Psychological review. Yale record, 1871, f. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Students of Yale college. New Haven, Conn. Yale review, 191 1 (Oct.), q • • • 3-0^ 135 Elm St., New Haven, Conn. (Successor to Yale Review.) Yale scientific monthly, 1894, m. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Seniors of Sheffield scientific school; New Haven, Conn. Yale studies in English, 1898, irreg Varies Alacmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Yale university Bulletin, 1904, m., 8 nos Contributions from Kent chemical lab., irreg Sheffield lab., irreg New Haven, Conn. Yale university. Astronomical observatory Report, a Transactions, 1887 '. . . . New Haven, Conn. Year book, 1880 i 00 Charleston. S. C. Yearbook of legislation (Contin. in bulletin of New York ed. de]it.) Year book of the central conference of American rabbis, 1891, a. Tobias Schanfarbcr, 4049 Grand boulevard, Chicago, 111. Year book of the council of supervisors of the manual arts, 1901, a 3-00 Edw. D. Griswold, sec'y, Hastings-on-Hudson. N. Y. 404 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Ye clubbe, 1906 ( Feb.) ,111 C^o Mo. athletic club, St. Louis. Mo. Yellow and blue, 111 Clarion high school, Marion, 111. Yellow jacket, 1894, m i -OO Atlanta. Ga. Yeoman, m 5° Yeoman pub. cc, Aurora. 111. Yeomans shield, 1896, m 5^ Fifth & Park sts.. Des ]^Ioines, Iowa. Yerkes observatory Publications, irreg Varies University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Y. M. C. A. of N. A. Year book, a. 124 E. 24th St., New York, N. Y. Y. M. H. A, magazine, 1903, s-m i .00 Pub. by a committee. New Orleans, La. York pioneer and historical society Annual report Toronto, Canada. Young Americans, 1902, m 50 Success league, Albany, N. Y. Young catholic messenger, 1885. s-m 50 G. A. Pflaum, Dayton, O. Young churchman, 1870, w 80 Young churchman co., Milwaukee, Wis. Young eagle, m St. Clara college. Sinsinawa. \\'is. Young folks, 1903, w 60 1522 Arch St.. Phila.. P^a. Young folks catholic weekly, 1889, w i .00 H. L. Kilmer & co.. 824 Arch St., Phila.. Pa. Young folks music monthly, 1879. m i .00 Music pub. CO., Strongsville, O. Young idea, 1887, m 50 Allen CO., 4 Ashburton pi.. Boston, Mass. Young knight, 1908, m 5*^^ Ed T. Stanley, Ti])ton, Indiana. Young ladies' journal, m 4 '^o New York. N. Y. Young Lutheran, 1883, m 50 Young Lutheran co., Greenville, Pa. Young Lutherans' magazine, 1902. m 25 Concordia pub. house, St. Louis, Mo. Young man in business, 1908, m 50 10-14 S. Eleventh st., Richmond. \'a. Young men's Christian association of North America Year book, a 3 W. 29th St., N. Y. (•.LMDIC Tt) I'l'klODICALS 405 Young people, 1880, w 60 American baptist ])ul). society, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila.. Pa. Young people's lesson quarterly, 1894, q 25 Augustus ^'oun£;•, Akron, O. Young people's weekly, 1 886. w 75 D. C. Cook pub. CO., Eloin. TIL Young pilgrim, 1 862, w 35 Advent Chr'n pub. society, 160 Warren st., Boston, Mass. Young printer, icjoS ( Sept. ) , m 2 . 00 Evanston, 111. Young socialist magazine, 1908. m 50 vSocialist co-operative pui). ass'n., 15 S])rucc st.. .\. ^'. Young woman's journal, 1889, m i .00 General bd. Y. L. N. M. I. A., Salt Lake City, Utah. Young's magazine, 1897, "^ ^ • 5° Courtland H. Young, 203 Broadway, N. Y. Your home and its decoration, a 2 .00 Sherwin-W'illianis co., 601 Canal Road, Cleveland. ( )hio. Youth's companion, 1827, \v 2.00 Perry Mason co., Boston, Mass. Youth's friend, 1888, w 50 I'. \V. Raidabauch, Plainfield, Indiana. Youth's guardian friend, 190 1, m 50 A\'cl)l) inib. CO., Toi^a, Texas. Youth's instructor, 1852, w 75 Review and herald pub. ass'n, 222 N. Capitol St., WashinQton, D. C. Youth's magazine, 1906, m 50 Rosary press co., Somerset, Ohio. Youth's temperance banner, 1866, m. and s-m 25 National temperance society and pub. house, 3 AW i8th .St., N. Y. Youth's world, m in weekly parts 30 Am. bapt. pub. society, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila.. Pa. Zelosophian casket, m Zelosophian academy. Tiirmingham. Ala. Zenith, 1902, m Free Marshall-Wells hardware co.. Dnluth. ?vlinn. Zgoda, w S • 00 Chica-o, III. Zionbotei 1884. w 1 .00 Mcpherson. Kansas. Zion harp, 1895, s-m 75 Zion harp pub. co.. Greenville. Miss. Zion's advocate, 1828, w 2 . 50 Henry S. Burrage, Portland. Me. Zion's advocate, 1854, m i .00 J. G. Wiltshire, 2,2)- lo^h st. N. E.. Washington, D. C. Zion's ensign, 1890. w i .00 Ensign pub. house. Independence. Mo. 4o6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Zion's herald, 1823, w 2 50 Geo. E. Whitaker, 36 Bromfield St., Bo.ston, Mass. Zion's hope, 1869, w 5c Herald pub. house, Lamoni, la. Zion's landmark, 1 867, s-m 1.50 P. D. Gold pub. CO., AVilson, N. C. Zion's watchman, 1879, w 1 .oo Walter H. Lemley, Albany, N. Y. Zion's watch tower, 1879, s-m i .oc Contin. as ^^'atch tower and herald of Christ's presence. Zoological society bulletin, 1896, q 50 N. Y. zoological society, 183d st. and Southern boul., N. Y. Zoological society of Philadelphia Annual report, 1872 Arthur E. Brown, sec'v, Fairniount park, Phila., Pa. Zvaigzde, 1901, w 2 .00 IJthuanian catholic pulx co., Phila.. Pa. PART II CLASSIFIED LIST Classified List ACCOUNTING. American association of public accountants. Journal of accounting. Public auditor. ACETYLENE. Acetylene journal. ACTUARIES. See also Insurance. Actuarial society of America. ADVENTIST. See also Religion and theology. Advent review and Sabbatu herald. Evangeliets sendebud. Herald of life. Our hope and life in Christ. Sabbath school worker. Sions vaktare. World's crisis. ADVERTISING. Ad-results. Advertiserg' almanack. Advertiser/s magazine. .\dvertiser reporter. Advertisers' aid. Advertising. Advertising and selling. Advertising world. Agricultural advertising. Associated advetrising club of Amer. Hack to land. Directory of special adv. agents. Economic advertising. Editor' and publisher. Fame. Inside information. International exchange ass'n advertiser. Judicious advertising and advertising expe- rience. McKittrick's directory of advertisers. Mahin advertising data book. Mail order journal. INIail order world. Make goods bulletin. Nat. ass'n circulation managers. Official guide of St. Louis. Printers' ink. I'ublicite-publicity. Kazoo. Rhode Island advertiser. Stalker's universal newspaper rate card. Trade journal advertiser. Up-to-date distributer. AERONAUTICS. -Aerial age. Aero and hydro. Aeronartic.<. Air craft. Aviation. Flying. Flying and aero club of Amer. , Vei-daclero Anuncio (Spanish). AFRICAN METHODIST. See Methodist. AGRICULTURE. See a so. Floriculture ; Forestry ; Prult ; Ho -ticiilture ; Live stock; Poultry. AckeriiUd gartenzeltung. Advertisers' aid. Agricultural college bulletin, (Mich.). Agricultural college bulletin, (Oregon). Agricultural college extension bulletin. Agricultural epitomist. Agricultural herald. Agricultural journal of E. C. Agricultural magazine. Agricultural news. Agricultural review. Agricultural student magazine. Alabama farmer. Alberta homestead. American agriculturist. American cultivator. American farmer. American fruit and farm. American society of agricultural engineers. Animal husbandry. Barnum's midland farms. Harton's agriculture review. Batten's agricultural directory. Better farming ass'n of N. D. Better fruit. Brown's farmer. California cultivator. California farmer. Carolina fruit and truck grower's journal. Campbell's scientific farmer. Canadian countryman. Canadian farmer. Carolina fruit and truckers' journal. Carolina union farmer. Central 111. farmer. Chehalis valley farmer. Clemson agricultural college extension work. Colman's rural world. Commercial west. Connecticut farmer. Cornell countryman. Country gentleman. Country review. Country world. Daily farmers and drover's journal. Dakota farmer. Delaware farm and home. Deraeter. Desert farmer. Deutsch-Amerikanischer farmer. Dixie home. Dodge county farmer. Equity farm journal. Equity farm news. Essex agricultural society. Farm. Farm and fireside. Farm and home. Springfield, Mass. Farm and ranch. I'arm and real estate journal. Farm enterprise. Farm, field and fireside. Farm journal. Farm life. Farm magazine. Farm news. Farm neus, Dallas. Farm progress. I'arra students' review. I'armer. I'armer and breeder. Farmer and fruit grower. l''armer and stockman. Farmers' advocate and home magazine. Farmers and planters guide. Farmer's digest. 4IO GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Farmer's dispatch. Farmers' family journal. Farmer's lireside. Farmer's guide. Farmer's helper. Farmers' home journal. Farmer's, home journal. Belvidere. Farmers mail and breeze. Farmers' record. Farmer's review. Farmers' tribune and prairie home magazme. Farmers' tribune. Minneapolis. Farmers' voice and rural outlook. Farmers' union. Farmers' weekly news scimitar. Fertilizer review and buyers' guide. Field and farm. Florida agriculturist. Farmer's wife. Feld und flur. Gazeta Wiscousinska. Georgia agricultural quarterly. Grain grower's guide. Haus und bauernfreund. Home and farm. Homestead. Horseman and the spirit of the times. Hospoda. Hospodarske listy. Idaho student farmer. Illinois agriculturisc. iuinois larmer. Ilhnois farmers' ass'n. Illinois state grange. Implement dealers bulletin. Independent farmer and western swine breed- er. Indiana farmer. Industrial hen. . Inland farmer. Louisville. Inter-mountain farmer, interstate. . Inter-state farmer. Enid. Iowa agriculturist. Iowa farmer. Iowa state register and farmer. Iowa year book of agriculture. Island farmer. Journal d'agriculture and d'horticulture. Journal of agricultural science. Journal of agriculture. ^ ^ ^. ..^^ Journal of agriculture and horticulture. Kansas farmer. Kansas industrialist. Kentucky farmer and breeder. Landmann. I.ittle farms magazine. Little logged-ofif lands. Long Island agronomist. M. A. C. bulletin. Maine farmer. . . Maritime farmer and co-operative dairyman. Market grower's journal. Maryland agricultural college. Metropolitan and rural home. Michigan crop report. Michigan farmer. . i\1 id-continent. Milkman. Minnesota and Dakota farmer. Minnesota farm review. Minnesota state agricultural soc. Mirror and farmer. Missouri agricultural college farmer. Missouri and Kansas farmer. Missouri farmer and breeder. Missouri state board of agriculture. Missouri Valley farmer. National farmer. National farmer and stock grower. National monthly farm press. Nebraska dairyman and up-to-date farmer Nebraska farm journal. Nebraska faimer. Negro agriculturist. New England farmer. New England farms. New England .homestead. New Hampshire farmer. New York farmer. New York tribune farmer. News and farm journal. Nor'-west farmer. North and south. North Carolina department of agriculture. North Dakota faimer. Northwestern farmer. Northwest farm and home. Northwest farm and orchard. Northwest farmer and breeder. Northwest farmstead. Northwest pacific farmer. Northwest review. Northwestern agriculturist. Northwestern stockman and farmer. North Carolina student farmer. Nuova elvezia. Nut-grower. Odalmanwen. Ohio farmer. Oklahoma farm journal. Oklahoma farmer. Oklahoma state farmer. Orange Judd farmer. Orchard and farm. Oregon agriculturist and rural northwest. Oregon apple news. OrfE's farm and poultry review. Osborne county farmer. Otsego farmer. Ozark produce journal. ( >itawa valley journal. Pacific farmers' union. Pacific homestead. Pacific range bulletin. Pacific rural press. Park's floral magazine. Pelto ja koti. Pennsylvania farmer. Petaluma weekly poultry journal. Philippine planter. Practical farmer. Prairie farm and home. Prairie farmer. Presse. . Prince Edward Island agriculturist. Progressive farmer. Bingham. Progressive farmer. Raleigh. Purdue agriculturalist. TJocky mountain husbandman. Rural Oalifornian. Uural farmer. IJnral life and farm stock journal. Ttural magazine. Kural New Y'orker. Rural weekly. Snn Joaciuiu valley farmer. Scientific farmer. Show world. Skandinavcn. Skodeuianupn. South Dakota farmer. Southern agriculturist. Southern cultivator and dixie farmer Southern farm and home. Southern farm gazette. Southern farming. Southern planter. Southern poultryman. Southern ruralist. So\ithern stockman and farmer. Southwestern farm and horseman. Southwestern farmer and breeder. Southwest trail. Spirit of Kansas. Spirit of the west. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 411 Star. btate bulletin. Sun. Tennessee farmer. Texas farmer. Timely helps for farmers. Town and country journal. Trans-Missouri farmer and ranchman. Tribune farmer. Tri-country agricultural news. Truck farmer. Turf, farm and home. Twentieth century farmer. Up-to-date farming. L tah farmer. Vcstern Amerikanen. Wallace's farmer. Western rural router. Wisconsin agriculturist. ALCOHOL. See also Liquors. Denaturized alcohol journal magazine. ALMANACS. American church almanac and year book. Brooklyn daily eagle almanac. Chicago daily news almanac and year book. Hawaiian almanac and annual. I'rovidence .journal almanac. Stilwell S. S. calendar. Tribune almanac and political register. Whitaker, J. and sons almanac. World almanac and encyclopedia. ALPHA PHI. Alpha phi quarterly. Boston. ALPHA TAU OMEGA. Alpha tau omega palm. AMERICANA. See also History. l.nirnal of American history. AMUSEMENTS. See also, Sports and sporting. Clipper. Daily attractions in New \ ork. Denver amusement guide. Memphis weekly amusement guide. Midway. Mirth. Nickelodeon. Player monthly. ANATOMY. See also Medicine. American journal of anatomy. Anatomical record. Association of American anatomists. Toronto. University of Toronto studies. Toronto. University of Toronto studies. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Ancient forester. Toronto. Foresters' ni.'i.cazine. ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS. ICmerald. Ilil^erninn. National hibernian. ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN. A. (). U. W. emblem. A. O. U. W. guide. Bentonville. A. O. U. W. guide. St. Paul. Anchor and shield. Pekin. Canadian workman. Connecticut workman. Derticulturc. New England apple. New Jersey state horticultural society. 434 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS North American horticulturist. Northwest farm and orchard. Northwest horticulturist. Obzor hospodarsky. Ohio. Dept. of agriculture. Division of nursery and orchard inspection. Pacific fruit world. Southern fruit grower. Southern horticulturist. Society of Am. florists and ornamental horti- culturists. Western empire. Wisconsin state horticultural society. HOSPITAL. Hospital views. Modern hospital. Trained nurse and hospital review. HOTELS. American tourist. Broom corn. California tourist and hotel reporter. Canadian commercial traveler. Caterer. Colorado tourist and hotel reporter. Commissary and railway epicurean. Hotel and club news. Hotel and travel. Hotel and wine gazette. Hotel bulletin. Hotel gazette. Hotel guest. Hotel life. Hotel monthly. Hotel news. Hotel record. Hotel register. Hotel reporter. Omaha. Hotel reporter. Phila. Hotel world. Hummer. In the mist. Innkeeper. Inland storekeeper. Independent. Leahy's hotel guide of America. Widwest hotel reporter. National hotel reporter. Official hotel red book and directory. Pacific coast hotel gazette. Pottery glass and brass. Railway and hotel news. Reporter. Southern hotel journal. Twin city hotel and railway news. Western hotel reporter. HUGUENOTS. Huguenot society of America. HUMOROUS. Big stick. Brooklyn life. Humorist. Judge. Just fun. Ledge. Life. Lyre. Puck. Puck's monthly magazine and almanac. Puck's quarterly. Town talk. Uncle Remus's magazine. HUNTING. See Sports and sporting. HYGIENE. See also various state boards of health. American health. American iournal of public health. American "public health association. Connecticut soc. of social hygiene. Dietetic and hygienic gazette. Good health. Good health clinic. Health. Health educator. Healthy home quarterly. Health culture. Healthy home. Hygienist. Iowa health bulletin. Journal d'hygiene populaire. Life and health. Little sermons on health. Longevity. Mind and body. Monthly bulletin of vital statistics. Naturopath and herald of health. New Hampshire sanitary bulletin. North Carolina board of health. Oral health. Oral hygiene. Pennsylvania health bulletin. Pennsylvania university. Physical culture. Practical health hints. Purity. Sanitive medicine. Wisconsin state board of health journal. ICE. ^ ^ . American association of refrigeration. Cold storage and ice trade journal. Ice. Ice and refrigeration. International conference of refrigeration. Natural ice bulletin. Refrigeration and eelctricity. IMMIGRATION. Asiatic exclusion league. Immigration. _ -r. . ,. ,. Immigration restriction league. Publications. IMPERIAL ORDER OF RED MEN. American red man. Illinois red man. Indiana red man. Kentucky redman. Lone star chief. Ohio redman. Red men's journal. Sagamore. Texas redman. Tomahawk. Western chief. IMPLEMENTS. See Machinery. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOOD TEMP- LARS. Northwestern templar. New York templar. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FEL- LOWS. American odd fellow. Beacon light. Bundle of sticks. California odd fellow. Colorado odd fellow. Fiihrer. I. O. O. F. lodge record. Idaho oddfellow. Illinois odd fellow. Iowa odd fellow. Kentucky oddfellow. Metropolitan oddfellow. Mississippi oddfellow. National rebekah. North Carolina oddfellow. Maritime oddfellow. Oddfellows messenger. Odd fellow review. Odd fellow world. Odd fellows friend. Odd fellows herald. Odd fellows journal. Phila. Odd fellows' talisman. Oklahoma oddfellow. Pennsylvania oddfellow. Oklahoma and Indian Ter. odd fellow. New age. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 435 Mississippi odd fellow. Mountain state odd fellow. Popular odd fellow. Soutli Carolina oddfellow. Southern odd fellow. Sovereign odd fellow. Tex.is odd fellow. Triple linlc. Utah odd fellow. Virginia odd icUow. Washington odd fellow. Western Canadian oddtellow. Western odd fellow. West Virginia oddfellow. I. O. O. R. ^ , Pennsylvania redmen s review. ^^-c-t? INDEPENDENT ORDER OF THE FREE SONS OF ISRAEL. Free son. INDIA. . . ^. American Ramabai association. INDIA RUBBER. India i-ubber world. India rubber review. Rubber trade directory. INDIANS. . American anthropologist. Indian rights association. Indian school journal. Indian's friend. Native American. See also 'the names of various industries. American Asiatic. Browning's industrial magazine. Business America. Canadian manufacturer. Handicraft. Industrial review. Industrial advocate. Industrial Canada. Industrial journal. Industry. Mexico today. T^lfsTrUf Review and industrial record. INEBRIATION. ^ . , . ^ Quarterly journal of inebriety. INSANITY. See Nervous system. INSURANCE. Accident insurance manual. Actuarial society of America. Adjuster. Aetna. Agents' bulletin. American agency bulletin. American exchange and review. American insurance journal. American underwriter. AsJn' of life insurance presidents. Assurance. Baltimore underwriter. Best's insurance news. Best's insurance reports. , Best's key ratings of fire insurance co s. Bulletin. Chronicle. Coast review. Compendium of oiBcial fire insurance reports. Consolidated chart of insurance organization. Co-operation. Court of honor. Eastern underwriter. Economist. Facts budget. Field. Fire alarm. Fire insurance pocket inde.x. Hayden's cyclopedia of insurance. Indicator. Indicator chart. Industrial review. Insurance. Insurance advocate. Insurance age. Insurance agent. Insurance and comercial magazine. Insurance critic. Insurance engineering. Insurance field. Insurance herald. Insurance index. Insurance journal. Insurance law journal. Insurance leader. . Insurance library ass'n. Bulletin. Insurance magazine. Insurance monitor. Insurance news. Insurance observer. Insurance post. Insurance press. Insurance register. Insurance report. Insurance society of N. Y. Insurance times. Insurance vindicator. Insurance world. Insurance year book. Insurance and financial review. Intelligencer. International ass'n of casuality. Interview. Investor. John Hancock satchel. Life insurance courant. Life insurance educator. Life insurance independent. ■„„,„, i Life insurance independent and Am. journal of life insurance. Life insurance manual. Lumber insurance. . Market world and chronicle. Messenger. Monthly fire bulletin. Mulual 'unde\-writer and savings and loan review National board of fire underwriters. National _ conference of insurance com- missioners. . 4.„,1„ Kill. National fire protection ass'n quarterly bul letin. National union. Northeast insurance. Northwest insurance news. OflQce and field. Pacific underwriter. j:.„^fnrv Phila., Penn. and Del. insurance directory. Real estate journal. Record. Rough notes.. . Saviii<.?s bank life insurance. Shareholder and insurance gazette. Southeastern underwriter. Spectator. Standard. . .^ui^c Standard fire insurance tables. Sunshine. Surveyor. Texas insurance. Travelers standard. Underwriter. Baltimore. Underwriter. New York. Underwriters report. Underwriters' review. United States review. Unique comparative chart of premium rates. Views. Vigilant. Vindicator. Weekly underwriter. 436 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS \7estern insurance review. Western review. Western underwriter. INVENTIONS. Inventor. Inventors' journal. Inventors outlook. Inventive age and patent inuex. Rollins magazine. INVESTMENTS. See also Banks and banking: Commerce. See also Stocks and bonds; Financial. ABC and manual of the curb market. American street railway investments. Banker's record of municipal bond and misc. stock offerings. Capital and investments. Chicago securities. Cobalt investor. Cobalt news bureau. Commercial and financial chronicle^ Condensed figures from the latest annual re- ports. Condensed reports of all corporations issuing bonds. Curb prices record and manual. Financial diagram. Financial graphic. Financial indicator. Financial record and investor's manual. Gavigan's financial news. Gibson's manual. Investing for profit. Investment journal. Investments. Investors outlook. Investors pocket manual. Manual of statistics. Michigan investor. Mining financial news. Mining investor. Monthly guide to the latest news, etc. Mutual interests. Nevada mining news. Poor's handbook of investors' holdings. Profitable investing. Quarterly forecast and review. Railroad quotation record. Roger's financial record. Securities review. Selected investments. Ticker. United States investor. Walker's weekly copper letter. . Western land and investment journal. IRISH. American Irish historical society. Gaelic American. Irish-American advocate. Kentucky Irish American. IRON AND STEEL. See also Metals ; Mines and Mining. American iron and steel association. Industrial world. Iron age. Iron and steel institute. Iron and steel magazine. Iron trade review. Reclamation. Steel and metal digest. Statistics of American and foreign iron trades. Western journal. IRRIGATION. Farm and irrigation age. Irrigation age. Xational irrigation congress. National irrigation journal. National land and irrigation journal. Maxwell's talisman. JAPAN. .Tapan and America. JEWELRY. American jeweler. American standard. Goldsmith and silversmith. Jeweler and optician. Jeweler's circular-weekly. Jewelry advertising. Jewelry buyers' guide. Jobbers' handbook. Kansas city jeweler and optitian. Keystone. Keystone magazine of optometry. Magazine of jewelry. Manufacturing jeweler. National jeweler and optician. Northwestern jeweler. Pacific goldsmith. Retail jewelers journal. Trade jeweler. Trader and Canadian jeweler. Wholesale jeweler. JEWISH. American Jewish historical society. American Jewish year book. Amerikaner. B'nai B'rith messenger. Emanuel. Federation review. Hebrew. Hebrew standard. Israelite. Jewish charity. Jewish comment. Jewish criterion. Jewish dramatic world. Jewish exponent. Jewish farmer. Jewish future. Jewish labor world. Jewish legger. Jewish post. Jewish quarterly review. Jewish review and observer. Jewish spectator. Jewish tribune. Jewish voice. Maccabaean. Modern view. New era illustrated magazine. Occident. Our pulpit. Reform advocate. Temple Israel pulpit. Texas Israelite. Union of American Hebrew congregations. Yearbook of the central conference of Amer- ican rabbis. JOURNALISM. Amateur journalist. Buckeye printerdoni. Circulation managers journal. Editor and publisher. Editorial review. Fourth estate. Journalist. Magazine maker. Michigan bulletin. National printer-journalist. Newspaperdom. Printer and publisher. Western editor. West X'irginia organizer. JR. O. U. A. M. American. Fraternity. Record. Texas junior. Virginia courier. Virginia farmer. JUVENILE. See also Youth. Advance. American boy. Angelons monthly. .^merican newsboy. Apples of gold. GUIDE TO Pl'l'{l()l)ICAr,S 437 Author's journal. Barnens tidnins. Boy scouts. Boy's best weekly. Boy's life. Boys' niaRaziiie. Boys' world. Catholic youtli. Child lore. Child lore magaziuc. Children's magazine. Children's tribune. Deutsch Amerikaniseher jugend freiind. Elite juveniles. Kvangelische bundesbote. ICvery boy's magazine. Every other faunday. Fame an,l fortune weekly. Girls' companion. Golden moments. Hawaii's young people. Kind words. Liberty lioys of '76. IJttle Christian. Little chronicle. Little folks. Little folks. Xew York. Little folks. Salem. Little folks' annual. Lutheran com])anion. Lutheran child's paper. Lutheran young people. Mayflower. New medical library. Old sleuth weekly. Onward. Otwells farmer boy. Our boys and girls. Our fourfooted friends. Our young folks. Our younc people. Our youth's friend. Prittel ditek. St. Louis (Mo.) globe-democrat. St. Nicholas. Scattered seeds. Scout news. Seattle (Wash.) Sunday times. Secret service. Stokes' children's annual. Sunshine. United cadet corps news. Ungdom. L'nnatural history. Vereins herold. Wild west weekly. Work and win. Working boy. World wide. Young churchman. Young catholic messenger. Young folks. Young friend. Young knight. Young people. Youths friend. Youths' guardian friend. Youth's magazine. Young socialist magazine. JUVENILE COURTS. Juvenile advocate. Juvenile court record. KANSAS CITY, MO. Moves' Kansas Citv ilircctorv. K. A. E. O. Knights' review. K. OF L. OF H. Chronicle. KAPPA ALPHA THETA. Kappa alpha fheta. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA. Key of Kappa kappa gamma. KAPPA SIGMA. Caduoeus of Kappa slgma. KINDERGARTEN. Inltrnational kindergarten union. Kiiulergarlcn journal. Kindergarten-primary magazine. Kindergarten magazine. Kindergarten review. Southwest kindergarten maga/.i.ie. KING'S DAUGHTERS. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Cohinibiad. Cciluniliian and western catholic. KNIGHTS OF DANIEL. Kniglits of Daniel. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Blade. (Jarolina Pythian. Kentucky pythian. Knight. Ivaramies pythian bulletin. I> Bender's code citations analyzed (.JN. Y.;. Bender's law book quarterly. , ,. ^ , _ Binder's lawyers' diary and directory for the state of N. _Y. Berks county law journal. California appellate decisions. California decisions. Cr.tifornia law review. Canada law journal. Canadian criminal cases. Canadian law review. Canadian law times. Canadian railway cases. Case and comment. Central law journal. Chicago law directory. Chicago legal news. Citator. Cockrell's transcript. Colorado bar association. Columbia law review. Combined official N. Y. digest. Commercial lawyer. Commercial recorder. . , , , „ ,^„ Cook's annotated criminal and penal codes. Corporation manual. Court house journal. Court index. Current law. Dauphin county reporter. Current Maryland digest. Detroit law journal. Detroit legal news. Dickinson law review. Eastern law reporter. _ Engelsman's Oklahoma citator. Examiner. Federal reporter. New \ oik. Federal reporter. St. Paul. Finance and commerce. Forum. Fulton ccunty report. _ Gary library of law. BulleUn. General digest. Georgia bar association. . , , Gould's greater New York and state lawyers diary. Crecn bag. Green boy. Guaranteed attorneys' quarterly. Hubbell's legal directory. Illinois law review. Illinois Slate bar association. Indiana serial digest. Indiana state bar association. .|40 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Jovva cyclopedic digest. Iowa state bar association. Kansas City bar monthly. Kansas lawyer. Lackawanna jurist. Law bulletin. Law journal. Detroit. Law journal. New York. Law journal weekly. Law notes. Law reporter. . v \r Law reports and session laws, state of IS. Y. Law review. Law students' helper. Lawyer. Lawyer and banker. Lawyers' reports. Legal adviser. Legal aid review. Legal bibliography. Legal intelligencer. Legal journal. Legal news. Legal news. Okla. Legal news. Toledo. Legal news and recorder. Lehigh county law journal. Luzerne legal register. McMaster's commercial decisions. Maine bar association. Marine law review. Maryland bar association. Massachusetts reports. Supreme judicial court. Mercantile adjuster. Michigan law review. Michigan serial digest. Missouri bar association. Montgomery co. law reporter. Monthly digest. National bankruptcy law list. National reporter system. Nebraska legal news. New Jersey law journal. New ^lexico bar association. New Y'ork state lawyers' uiary. New York supplement. Northwestern reporter. St. Paul. Notes to statutes of Indiana. Official court record. Official edition of law reports and session laws. N. Y. Ohio law bulletin. Ohio law reporter. Oklahoma law journal. Ontario law reports. Ontario weekly reporter. Pacific reporter. Peace officers directory of the U. S. Pennsylvania bar association. Pennsylvania county court reports. Pittsburgh legal journal. Rapports de practique de Quebec. Record. Record. Kansas City. Recorder. Reporter. Rpvista .\mericana de derico internacional. Revista del foro. Revue legale. Royal gazette. Halifax. Royal gazette. Charlottetown. Shepard's annotations. Shepard's citations. Schuylkill legal record. Southeastern reporter. Southern reporter. Southwestern reporter. Supreme court reporter. Texas court reporter. Transcript. Underwood i^l- Campbell's digest relating to patent cases. United States supreme court reports. University law review. Virginia law register. Washington law reporter. Western law reporter. Wisconsin cumulative digest. Yale law journal. York legal record. LAWN TENNIS. ,\merican lawn tennis. LEAGUE OF HONOR. Herald. LEATHER. .\merican leather chemists ass'n. Journal. Canadian shoe and leatuer journal. Coast shoe reporter. Footwear in Canada. Hide and leather. Inland shoedealer. Leather. Leather and shoe news. I>eather manufacturer. Platform. Shoe and leather. Shoe and leather annual reporter. Shoe and leather gazette. Snoe and leather reporter. Shoe factory. Shoe topics. Trunks, leather goods and umbrellas LEGISLATION. Legislative news. New Y'ork university. Y'ear book of legislation of the N. Y. state library. LIBRARIES. See also Bibliography : Books. .\merican library annual. Berkeley (Cal.) public lV)rary. Monthly bul- letin. Berkshire athenaeum. Quarterly bulletin. Boston public library monthly bulletin. Bowdoin college library. Brockton library. Brookline public library. Brooklyn public library. California library ass'n. California state library. Extension dept. Cambridge (Mass.) public library. Bulletin. Connecticut state library. Bulletin. Continental magaznie. Carnegie librarv of Atlanta. Carnegie library of Pittsburgh. Carthage public library bulletin. Chicago public library. Bulletin. Ciark university library. Cleveland public library. Open shelf. Denver (Colo.) public library. Bulletin. Detroit (j\Iich.) public library. District of Columbia public library. Dover. Public library. Enoch Pratt free library. Bulletin. Evanston (111.) free public library. Bulletin. Fitchburg public library. Fitz public library. Quarterly bulletin. Fletcher free library. Grand Rapids public library. Hackley public library. Quarterly bulletin. Hamilton library association of Carlisle, Pa. Hartford. Public library. Haverhill public library. Bulletin. Helena. Public library. Ilolyoke library record. Indianapolis public librarv. Iowa library commission. Iowa masonic library. Jersey city free public library. Library rec- ord. J. Ilermon Rosier memorial library. Joliet public library. Kansas City. Public library. Laconia public library. Library association of Portland, Ore. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 44] Library company of l'li..a. Library journal. Library notes and news. Library occurront. Library worii. Lincoln (Neb.) city library. Monthly bulle- tin. Lloyd library and museum. Los Angeles' public library. Monthly bulle- tin. Lvnn (Mass.) public library. Bulletin. Maiden. Public library. Medford public library. Bulletin. Mercantile library. Michigan library ass'n. Michigan state library commission. Millicent library bulletin. Milton (Mass.) public library. Bulletin. Milwaukee public library. Quarterly index. Monthly bulletin. / , . „ . Nashua public librar>. Quarterly bulletin. Nebraska library bulletin. Nebraska public library commission. New Bedford free public library. New Hampshire public libraries. Bulletin. New Haven free public library. Bulletin. New York libraries. New York public library. New York society library. New York university. Newberry library. Newark (N. J.) free public library. Newburyport (Mass.) public library. Bulle- tin. News notes of California libraries. Ohio state library. Monthly bulletin, Omaha public library. Bulletin. Open shelf. Osterhout free library. Bulletin. Otis library and Peck library. Co-operative bulletin. Peabody institute library. Bulletin. Pennsylvania library notes. Portland library ass'n. Providence (R. I.) public library. Quarterly Imlletin. Public libraries. Purdue university library. yuincy. Free public library. Rockford public library. Rosenberg library. Bulletin. Special libraries. St. Joseph (Mo.) free public library. Bulle- tin. St. Louis. Public library. Salem public library. San Francisco (Cal.) public library. Month- ly bulletin. San Jose (Cal.) free public library. Bulle- Scranton (Pa.) public library. Bulletin. Seattle public library. . Silas Bronson library. Bulletin. Somerville (Mass.) public library. Library bulletin. Stall notes. ^ „ . Syracuse (N. Y. public library. Bulletin. Trenton (N. J.) public library. Bulletin. Vermont library commission. Virginia state library. . Waltham (Mass.) public library. Bulletin. Warren county library. Bulletin. _ Washington county free library. Bulletin. Wilmington institute free library. Wisconsin library bulletin. LIFE INSURANCE. See Insurance. LIGHT. See also electricity. American gas light association. Illuminating world. Illuminating engineering society. Illumination. Lighting. National electric light association. Kate card. LIQUORS. Harrels and bottles. Beverage trade news. Beverages. Biles' semi-monthly pocket edition whiskey price list. Bonfort's wine and spirit circular. Both sides. Champion of fair play. Facts. Free press. Good fellow. Justice. Letters on brewing. Liberal advocate. Liberty. Liquor dealer. Mida's criterion. National forum. National liquor dealers journal. National herald. Northwestern liquor and tobacco journal. I'acific wine and spirit review. Patriot. Protector. Star bulletin. Sunday news. Washington liquor dealer. Western Canada trade review. Wholesalers' and retailers' review. Wine and spirit bulletin. Wine and spirit journal and brewers' rev. LITERARY. Abendschule. Aiiislee's. All-story magazine. America. American author. American Hebrew. American monthly review of reviews. American woman. Argonaut. Arizona magazine. Atlantic monthly. Aurore. Bassett's scrap book. Bay view magazine. Beacon. Bellman. Bi-monthly owl. Black cat. Blackwood's magazine. New York. Blue book magazine. Bonville's western monthly. Bookbuyer. Bookman. British Californian. Budget. Bulletin. Caledonian. Cambrian. Canadian club. Canadian home. Canadian magazine. Cavalier. Century. Chautauquan. Cheerful pessimist. Chicago illustrated review. Chicago ledger. Circle. Clifton monthly. Coast. Collier's weekly. Columbia monthly. Columbia university quarterly. Contemporary review. Continental magazine. Cornell era. Cosmopolitan. 44- GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Country life in America and country calen- dar. Current fiction review. Courrier de Montmagny. Criterion. Cuba ilustrada. Current literature. Daheim. Dial. Drake. Duch casu. Editor. Edinburgh review. Everybody's magazine. Every day life. Everyman. Figaro (ED Folio magazine. Fortnightly review. Forum. Gateway. Gleaner. Globe. Good stories. Grapliic. Green book album. Grit. Gulf coast line magazine. Hampton's magazine. Happiness. Happy hours. Harper's bazar. Howard graduates' magazine. Hee-Haw. Hearst's American home magazine. Hesperian. Hogwallow Kentuckian. Holland's magazine. Home visitor. Homefolks. Household. Idler. Illustrated London news. Illustrated North American. In familien kreise. Independent. Index. Journal pour tous. Kansas City spirit. Kansas magazine. Ladies magazine. Lantern. Leslie's weekly. Levy magazine. Lietuva. Lippincott's monthly magazine. Linksma walanda. Literary digest. Literary gems. Literary life. Literary magazine. Literary miscellany. Literary monthly. Literary monthly exeter. Living age. Los Angeles Sunday times. McClure's magazine. Marsh's magazine. Men and women. Mirror. Monitor magazine. Mountain magazine. Nation. National magazine. Nation's review. Neale's essay magazine. Neale's monthly. Neale's quarterly series of the wiiil.l-> greatest stories. New England magazine. New magnet library. New review. New Shakespeariana. New story magazine. Nick Carter stories. Nineteenth century and afti;-. North American review. Northern crown. Novellen-Schatz. Nouvelle — France. Onward. Opportunity. Outlook. Out west. Overholt's magazine. Overland moniuly. Pathfinder. Pearson's magazine. People's home journal. People's magazine. Peoples national monthly. Philadelphia (Pa.) inquirer. Supplement. Philistine. Pilgrim. Poet and philosopher. Poetry. Poetry and drama. Popular magazine. Progress monthly. Public's companion. Question. Red book magazine. Republican. Remember. Revue Canadienne. Rocky mountain magazine. Roller monthly. Rural rooter. Saturday evening mail. Saturday evening post. Scrap book. Scribner's magazine. Scrip. See America first magazine. Seen and heard. Semi-monthly magazine section. Sewanee literary magazine. Sewanee review. Smart set. Smith's magazine. Snappy stories. Southern sentinel. Southwest. Denver. Spare moments. Spark. Standard. Strand magazine. Success. Sun. Sunbeam. Sunset. Svojan. 10 story book. Tanglefoot magazine. Times Saturday review. Town and country. 20th century stories. Twentieth century magazine. Ungdomsvannen. Vickery.and Hill list, '^'est coast magazine. Western world. Westerner. Westminster review. Wide .world magazine. Worth while. World's events magazine. World's work. Writer. LIVE STOCK. See also Agriculture ; Cattle ; Sheep ; etc. .■\mcrican breeder. American breeder and feeder. American stock farm and advance farmer. Breeder and sportsman. Breeder's gazette. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 443 Breeders special. Chicago live stock world. Drovers' journal-stockman. Drovers' telegram. Feeder. Holstein-Friesian register. Horn and hoof. Interstate fanner. Live stock and dairy journal. Live stock journal. Live stock journal. Live stock journal. Live stock record. Live stock record. Tiive stock report. Live stock reporter. National live stock reporter. National stockman and farmer. Pet stock magazine. Ranch. Ranch and range. Record-stockman. Recorder. San Francisco. Reporter. Chester. Reporter. South St. Paul. Sheperd's journal. Sioux stock journal. Southwestern stockman, larmer and feeder. Stock farm. Western rancher and brand recorder. LONG ISLAND. Long Islanil gazette. LOYAL GUARDS. Loval guard maga/ine. LOYAL ORDER OF THE MOOSE. Call of the loyal moose. Midwest moose review. Moose. LUMBER. See also Forestry. American lumberman. Dixie wood worker. Gulf coast record. Hardwood record. Lumber trade journal. Lumber trade journal. Lumberman, bt. Louis. Lumberman's review. Lumber world. Lumbermen's bureau weekly exchange report. Mines and lumber. Mississippi valley lumberman. Nat. lumber mfg. credit corporation. New York lumber trade journal. Pacifie lumber trade journal. Pennsylvania lumberman. Pioneer western lumberman. Plan. Reference book lumberman's credit ass'n. Retail lumberman and scout. St. Louis lumberman. Schuster's yellow pine lumber rate book. Southei-n industrial and lumber review. Southern lumber journal. Southern lumberman. Timberman. Western lumberman. Wood worker. LUTHERAN. August ana. Augustana journal. Busy bee. Christian youth. Church and mission herald. Evangelisch-Lutherlsches schulblatt. Evangelisk Luthersk kirketideude. Folkebladet. Haeroldcn. Hartwick seminary monthly and eastern Lutheran. Jugend freund. Lehre und wehre. Lessons for evangelical lutheran Sunday- schools. Kyrkasangen. Luther league review. Lutheran church review. Lutheran church work. Lutheran. Elizabethville. Lutheran. Phila. Lutheran church visitor. Lutheran observer. Lutheran quarterly. Lutheran standard. I-utheran witness. Lutlicran witness. St. Louis. Lutlieran world. Lutheraner. Lutheraneren. Lutherische kirchenzeitung. Lutherisches kirchenblatt. Orphan's home paper. Sions-bladet. Southern lutheran. Theological quarterly. Tidskrift Y'oung Lutheran. Young Lutherans' magazine. MACARONI. Macaroni and noodle manufacturers' Jour. MACHINERY. Agents news. American machinist. Boiler maker. Boiler maker and sheet metal worker. Canadian farm implements. (Canadian machinery and mnfg. news. Exhaust pipe. ]''arm implement news. Farm implement news-buyer's guide. Farm implements. Farm machinery. Gas engine. Hitchcock's machine tool list. Implement dealer. Implement trade journal. Indicator. Locomotive. Machinery. Machinery buyers' guide. Machinery list. Machinery news. Modern machinery. Power and transmission. Practical machinist. Progress reporter. Southern machinery. Threshermans review of Canada. Weekly implement trade journal. MAGIC. Crest magician. Alahatoma. Sphinx. MAIL ORDER. Co-operative magazine. Mail order weekly. Mail order man. Mail order news. Mail order trade. Progressive monthly. MANUAL TRAINING. Western drawing and manual training ass'n. Proceedings. MANUFACTURE. See also Commerce ; Inventions. American industries. Art in buttons. Dixie manufacturer. Knit goods review. Manufacturers' record. Merchants and manufacturers Journal. National association of manufacturers of the United States. 444 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS National association of wool manufacturers. New England cotton manufacturers ass'n. Purchaser's reference. MANUAL TRAINING. Drawing and manual training journal. Manual training magazine. Yearbook of tlie council of supervisors of the manual arts. MATERIA MEDICA. See Pharmacy. MATHEMATICS. American journal of mathematics. American mathematical monthly. American mathematical society. Annals of mathematics. Pennsylvania university. MARINE. See also Engineering. Marine' review. Mariner's advocate. Nautical gazette. Pacific marine review. MASONS. American freemason. American tyler-keystone. Canadian craftsman and masonic record. Corner stone. Freemason. Giobe echo. Gran Logia. Illinois freemason. Industrial advocate. Masonic advocate. Masonic bibliophile. Masonic bulletin. Masonic chronicler. Masonic constellation. Masonic forum. Masonic herald. Masonic home journal. Masonic light. Masonic monthly. Masonic news. Masonic observer. Masonic sentinel. Masonic standard. Masonic sun. Masonic tidings. Masonic token. Masonic trowel. Masonic voice-review. Masonic world. Master mason. Missouri freemason. New age. New England craftsman. Orphans' friend and masonic journal. Royal craftsman. Square and compass. Denver. Square and compass. New Orleans. Tennessee mason. Texas freemason. Trestle board. Universal free mason. \'irginia masonic journal. MATRIMONY. American messenger. Cupid's columns. Helping hand. Messenger. Pilot. MECHANICAL. Draftsman. Industrial engineering. Mechanical digest. Mechanics' for everybody. Popular mechanics. Popular mechanics shop. General society of mechanics and trades- men of the city of New York. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. See also Medicine. Medico-legal journal. MEDICINE. See also Pharmacy ; Anatomy ; Homoeopathy ; Hygiene ; Physiology ; Gynecology ; Ner- vous system ; Surgery ; Therapeutics ; Skin diseases; Ear and eye. Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y nat- urales de la Habana. Anales. Acologist. Aesculapian. .Aesculpian. Alabama medical journal Albany medical annals. Alumni association. American academy of medicine. American ass'n of physio-medical physicians and surgeons. Journal. American baby. American gastro-enterological association. American journal of anatomy. American journal of clinical medicine. American journal of gastro-enterology. American journal of orthopedic surgery. American journal of physiologic therapeutics. American journal of the medical sciences. American laryngological, rhinological and otological societv American medical association. American medical compend. American medical directory. American medical journal. American medicine. American medico-phychological association. American pediatric society. American physician. American practitioner and news. American quarterly of Roentgenology. American year book of medicine and sur- gery. Archives of diagnosis. Archives of pediatrics. Archives de la policlinica. Arkansas medical society. Association of American medical colleges. Association of American physicians. Association of hospital superintendents. Atlanta journal-record of medicine. Baylor university college of medicine. Boston city hospital. Boston medical and surgical journal. Brooklyn medical journal. Buffalo medical journal. California electric-medical journal. California medical and surgical reporter. California medical journal. California state journal of medicine. Canada lancet. Canadian journal of medicine and surgery. Canadian nurse. Canadian medical ass'n. Canadian practitioner and review. Caroline Brewer Croft cancer commission of Harvard medical school. Charlotte medical journal. Chicago medical recorder. Cleveland medical journal. Clinical reporter. Clinique. College of physicians of Phila. Colorado medicine. Columbus medical journal. Congress of American physicians and sur- geons. Connecticut medical society. Creighton medical journal. Critic and guide. Critique. Cyclopedic and medical bulletin. Denver medical times. Detroit medical journal. Dominion medical monthly. Eclectic medical gleaner. Eclectic medical journal. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 445 Eclectic r'^view. ICxaminers' bulletin. Gaillards' soiitheru medicine. Gulf states journal of medicine and surgerv and Mobile medical and surgical journal. Harper hospital bulletin. . Harvard medical alumni association. Harvey lectures. Health educator. Hospital bulletin. Hlinois medical journal. Indc.K medicus. Indiana medical journal. Indiana state medical ass'n journal. International hospital record. International medical annual. Interstate medical journal. Iowa medical journal. Iowa homoeopathic journal. Jefferson medical college hospital. Johns Hopkins hospital. Journal de medicine et de chirurgic. Tournal of comparative neurology. Journal of experimental medicine. Journal of infectious diseases. Journal of medical research. Journal of medicine and surgery. Tournal of opthalmology and oto-laryngology. journal of physical therapy. Journal of practice. Jourual-recora of meuicine. Journay of mental pathology. Journal of inebriety. Journal of preventive medicine. Journal of pharmacology. lournal of successful medicine. Kansas City medical record. Kansas medical society. Keokuk medical college bulletin. Lancet clinic. Laryngoscope. Leonard's illustrated medical journal. Leucocyte. Long Island medical journal. Los Angeles medical journal. Louisville mouihly journal of medicine and surgery. Lying-in hospital of the city of New York. Maine medical association. Maryland medical journal. Maryland universitv. Massachusetts general hospital. i.iassachusetts medical journal. Mature medicine. Medical and chirurgical faculty of Mary- Medical and surgical journal. New Orleans. Medical and surgical reporter. Medical annals. Medical brief. Medical college of Virginia. Medical council. Medical examiner and practitioner. Medical fortnightly. Medical freedom. Medical herald. New Albany. Medical herald. St. Joseph. Medical journal. Medical iournal. "Montreal. Medical missionary. Medical monthly. Medical progress. Medical record. Medical review. Medical review of reviews. Medical sentinel. Medical society of New Jersey. Medical standard. Medical student. Medical summary. Medical talk for the home. Medical times. Medical world. Medicinische monatsschrift. Medico-chirurgical journal. Mcdico-lcgal journal. Memphis medical monthly. Merck's archives. Mes medico. Michigan medical news. Michigan state medical society. Milwaukee medical journal. Mississippi medical monthly. Mississippi state medical association. Missouri state medical association. Modern medical science. Monthly cyclopaedia of practical medicine. Montreal medical journal. Nashville journal of medicine and surgery. National ass'n for the study of pellagra. National medical ass'n. Journal. Nebraska university. New Albany medical herald. New England medical gazette. New Ilampshire medical society. New Orleans medical and surgical journal. New York academy of medicine. New York medical journal. New York mediziniscues monatsschrift. New York state journal of medicine. New York university bulletin of the medical sciences. North shore branch of Chicago med. soc. Northwest medicine. Northwestern university. Ohio state medical journal. Oklahoma medical news-journal. Old dominion journal of medicine and sur- gery. Oriente medico. Pacific coast journal of nursing. Pacific medical journal. Pediatrics. Pennsylvania medical journal. Physician and surgeon. Physicians drug news. Plexus. Polk's medical register and directory of North America. Post-graduate. Practitioner's visiting list. Proctologist. Progressive medicine. Providence medical jourual. Psychotherapy. Public health journal. Railway surgical journal. Red cross messenger. Red cross notes. Uevista de medicina tropical. Hevista de medicina y cirurgia. Kevista medica Cubana. Ilhode Island medical society. Ilichmond journal of practice. Ivockefeller institute of medical research. Rush medical college. St. Louis medical review. Saint Luke's hospital. Sanatorium. Saskatchewan medical journal. St. Paul medical journal. Society of medical history. South Carolina medical association. Southern California practitioner. Southern clinic. Southern medicine and surgery. Southern medical a^s■n. Journal. Southern medical journal. Southern medical review. Southern practitioner. Southwestern university medical college. Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. Tennessee state medical association. Texas courier-record of medicine. Texas medical journal. 446 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Texas medical news. Texas state journal of medicine. Tlierapeutic medicine. Toledo medical and surgical reporter. L'nion medicale du Canada. United States navy medical bulletin. University medical journal. University of Colorado medical bulletin. University of Pennsylvania. Vermont medical monthly. Virginia hospital bulletin. Virginia medical semi-monthly. Washington university. West Virginia medical and surgical monthly. Western Canada medical journal. Western medical news. Western medical review. Wisconsin medical journal. Wisconsin medical recorder. Woman's medical journal. West Virginia medical journal. Yale medical journal. MENNONITE. Herald of truth. Mennonite. Review. MENTAL HEALING. See Xew thought. MERCANTILE REPORTS. See also Commerce. Hook of ratings of the Pacific coast. Bradstreet's. MERCHANTS. Merchants' journal of commerce. Merchants' news. Merchants' world, ^lerchants' magazine. Montana merchantman. METALS. See also Iron and steel ; Copper ; Brass. American metal market and iron and steel report. Foundry. Lead and zinc news. Metal industry. Metal work. Melting pot. Obermayer bulletin of information for foun- drymen. METEOROLOGY. Observario del colegio de Belen. Observa- clones meteorologicas. Observatorio meteorologico. Storms and signs. METHODIST. A. M. E. church review. Abogado Cristiano. Alabama Christian advocate. Apostolic messenger. Arkansas methodist. Baltimore southern methodist. Burning bush. California Christian advocate. Central Christian advocate. St. Louis. Chimes. Christian advocate. Buffalo. Christian advocate. Nashville. Christian advocate. New Orleans. Christian advocate. Pittsburg. Christian advocate. Raleigh. Christian advocate. Kichmond. Christian advocate. St. Louis. Christian city. Christian educator. Christian guardian. Christian index. Christian recorder. Christliche apologete. Church life. Classmate. Deaconess advocate. Epworth era. lOpworth herald. Epworth klockan. Florida Christian advocate. Florida Christian recorder. Free methodist. Holston Christian- advocate. Intermountain Christian advocate. Iowa methodist. Kristelige takmanu. Link. Methodist. Baltimore. Methodist. Danville. Methodist. Phila. Methodist advocate-journal. Methodist mont^iy greeting. Methodist protestant. Methodist recorder. Methodist review. Methodist year-book. Michigan Christian advocate. Midland methodist. Xew guide. North Carolina Cnristian advocate. Northern Christian advocate. Northwestern Christian advocate. Our church record. Pacific Christian advocate. Pacific methodist advocate. Peninsula methodist. Philippine christian advocate. Pittsburg Christian advocate. Sandebudet. Southern Christian advocate. Southern Christian recorder. Southern methodist. Southwestern Christian advocate. Star of zion. Texas Christian advocate. Truth seeker. Vestra sandebudet. Vidnesbyrdet. Watchman. Wesleyan. Wesleyan Christian advocate. Wesleyan methodist. Western Christian advocate. Cincin. Western Christian recorder. Western Methodist recorder. Wisconsin Christian advocate. Woman's missionary record. Zion's herald. MEXICO. Modern Mexico. MICROSCOPY. American microscopict.- society. MILITARY. See also Army and navy. .\rnis and the man. r.lue jacket. Canadian military gazette. Field artillery journal. Guigon. Infantry journal. Institute. Man' o' warsman. National guardsman. News. Picket guard. MILK. See also Dairying. -Milk dealer. Milk news. Milk reporter. MILLINERY. Gage chic products. Milliner. Millinery trade review. Tips. MILLING. American miller. Canadian miller and grain elevator. Dixie miller. Flour and feed. Illustrated milliner. GUIDK TO PERIODICALS 447 -nil wnt( Mill news. Millers' review. Milling and gram news. Millwork magazine. Modern miller. Northwestern miller. Operative miller. Sonilicrn mills. MINERAL WATER. Americiin wine press luid news. MINES AND MINING. MptoN See also Coal : Iron and Steel : Metals. American institute of mining engineers. \niprican niininc review. . BriUsh Columbia m.ning exchange and in- vestor's guide. . , ,. 1 I'.ritish Columl.ia ninnnR an.l cuh- ico.,nl. British Columbia min ng record. Canadian mining institute. Canadian niiiiin^' .imnnal. Central Canada niinniR record. Coal mining institute ot .\inci. Columbia university. Copper handbook. Daily mining record. liconomic geology. T''lectrical geology. l':iectrical niininsi. . lOngineerlng and mining journal. Kansas university. Lake Superior mining institute. Los Angeles mining review. Maritime mining record. Merrill's optimist. Mineral collector. Mineral wealth. Miner. Wallace. Miner and stockman. Mines and lumber. Mines and minerals. Mining and oil review. Mining age. Mining and engineering world. Miing and scietific press. Mining financial news. Mining gazette Mining investor. Mining investor, Denver. Mining journal. Mining outlook. Mining record. Mining review. Los Angeles. Mining review. Salt Lake city. Mining science. Mining stock news. Mining world. Chicago. Nevada mining news. News ad tribune. Northwest' mining journal. Ojiportunities. Salt Lake mining review. School of mines quarterly. Southwestern mining record. IcMs'Vnlverslty mineral survey bulletin. United States mining journal. Woman's work. MISSING HEIRS. . Missing heirs and relatives news. MISSIONS. ^ ^ ... See also names of denominations. American board of commissioners for for- eign missions. . American church missionary society. .\merican missionary. American missionary association. Cherokee messenger. Children's missionary. Foreign mission journal. Foreign missionary tidings. Home mission echoes. TTonie missions herald. Home mission monthly. InU-rnalion.il review of missions. Life and light for woman. Mission bulletin. Mission held. Mission gleaner. Mission studies. Missionary. Missionary herald. Missionary intelligencer. Missionary messenger. Missionary monthly. Missionary outlook. Missionary review of the world. Missionary search-light. Missionary tidings. Missionary tidings. Missionary visitor. Missionary voice. Missionary world. .Missions Missions women. Neglected Arabia. Prophetic alarm. Search light. Spirit of missions. Standard. Sunday school missionary. Tidings. Voice of missions. Woman's home missions. Woman's missionary friend. Woiiipn's missionary magazine. World wide missions. MODERN BROTHEWIOOD OF AMERICA. M. P.. .\. advocate.' MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Illinois wt)odnian. Koyal woodman. True woodman. Woodman. MONEY. ^ , , . See also Banks and banking. Monetary record. Money. Pittsburg. Money. New York. .Money and risks. MORMONS. Autumn leaves. Bikuben. Juvenile Instructor. Saints' herald. Young woman's journal. Zion's ensign. Zlon's hope. MORAVIAN. Moravian. MOSQUITOS. .\nicrican mosquito extermination society. MOTORING. Accessory and grange journal. .\ero and hydro. .\mcrican ass'n of electric meter iiinfrs. .Tournal. American motorists. Automobile club of America. Automobile club of America, tour book. Automobile club of N. \ . Automobile news. .\utomobile and good roads advocate. .\utomobilc club journal. Automobile dealer and repairer. .\utinmol)iIe journal. Automobile topics. Automobile trade directory. Automobile trade journal. Auto-review. Bicycling world. Buffalo motoring. Canadian motor. Canadian wheelman. 44-'^ GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Canis index. Central New York motorist. Chauffeur. New York. Chauffeur. Cleveland. Club journal. Cycle and automobile trade journa!. Honk-honk. Horseless age. Ignition-carburet ion-lubrication. International motor cyclopedia. Year book. Motor. Motor age. , Motor boat. Motor boating. Motor car. Motor cycling. Motor field. iUotor life. Motor magazine. Motor news. Motor print. jNIotor west and Cal. motor. Motor world. Motordom. Motoring. Newark. Motoring. Indianapolis. Motorist. Cleveland. Ofiicial automobile bluebooks. Ohio motorist. Open exhaust. Pacific motor and Amer. motor news. Pacific motoring. Pacific road guide. Progressive autoist. Quaker City automobile journal. Red book interstate aftomobile guide. Reo echo. San Joaquin valley motor. Southwestern automobilist. Spokesman. Steam motor journal. Washington city automobile journal. Western motorist. Western motor car. Wisconsin motorist. MOUNTAINEERING. See also Geocraphy. Alpiua Americana. Appalachia. Mazama. Mountain magazine. Sierra club bulletin. MOVING PICTURES. See Photographv. MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. See also Civics. American city. .:\merican municipalities. American society of municipal improvements. Book of American municipalities. Canadian mnuicipal journal. City club bulletin. City hall. City of Denver. Concerning municipal ownership. Municipal affairs. Municipal art society. Municipal development. Municipal economist. Municipal engineering. Municipal journal and engineer. Municipal news. Municipal review magazine. Municipal world. Municipality. National conference on city i)lanning. National iiark conference. Pacific municipalities. Public auditor. Railway news and commercial traveler. Western municipal news. Worcester magazine. MUSEUMS. See Natural history. MUSIC. American bandsman, New York. American musician. American musician and art journal. Bulletin new music for the pianola, pianola- piano, aeriola, orchestreeele and aeolian grand. Bulletin of new music. Caecilia. Cadenza. Canadian music and trades journal. Canadian musical advocate. Chicago musical times. Choir herald. Choir leader. Chorus. Courier. Dominant. Echo. Etude. E-xtension bulletin. Festal days. Indicator. International musician. Jacob's orchestra monthly. journal of school music. Kirchenchor. Kunkel's musical review. Metronome. Music news. Music review. Music teacher and nome magazine. Music teachers' nat. ass'n. Proceedings. Music trades. Music trade review. Musical age. Musical America. Musical Canada. Musical courier. Musical enterprise. Musical leader and concert goer. Musical light. Musical million. Musical observer. Musical progress. Musical register. Musical times. Musical trio. Musician. National home and music journal. New music review (N. Y.). New England conservatory magazine. New music review and church music review. Organ. : Organist. Pacific coast musical review. Passe temps. Piano magazine and music industry. Player piano. Player pianoist. Presto. Quarterly bulletin of new music. Reflector. Sangen musik tidning for artister och ama- toerer. S. S. Stewart's banjo, mandolin and guitar journal. School music review. School music monthly. Standard choir monthly. Studio. Symphony. Thompson reporting co., music trade ratings Tfmes. Violinist. Violin world. Universal song. Western musical herald. William Tell. Young folks music monthly. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 449 NATIONAL GUARDS. National guard magazine. National guardsman. Keveille. Seventh regiment gazette. NATURAL HISTORY. Academy of natural sciences. Amateur naturalist. American ass'n of museums. Proc. American museum of natural history. American naturalist. American society of naturalists. Audubon societies. Boston society of natural history. BuCfalo society of natural sciences. Carnegie museum. Cincinnati museum. Cincinnati society of natural history. I'^ield museum of natural uistory. Illinois stale laboratory of natural history. Illinois state museum of natural history. Iowa naturalist. Iowa state university. Minnesota academy of natural sciences. Minnesota geological and natural history survey. Miramichi natural history association. Pro- ceedings. Museo nacional. Anales. Museum news. Natural history society of New Brunswick. Naturaliste Canadien. Nautilus. Newport natural history society. New Yorli university. Ohio naturalist. Ontario natural science bulletin. Ottawa naturalist. Register. Philippine museum. Portland society of natural history. Provincial museum and art gallery of On- tario. Annual archaeological report. Santa Barbara society of natural history. State historical and natural history society. Wisconsin geological and natural history survey. Wisconsin natural history society. NATURE STUDY. Cornell rural school leaflet. Nature study and elementary agriculture. Sketch book. NAVY. See Armv and navy. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEER- ING. See also Engineering ; Army and navy. American society of naval engineers jour. International marine engineer. Naval stores review. Society of naval architects and marine en- gineers. United States naval institute. NEEDLE WORK. Home needle work magazine. Home and studio. Ladies' home journal. Needlework patterns. Needlecraft. ,, ,^, , ,. , Needlework catalog illustrating The ladies home journal patterns. NEGRO. African record. Baptist informer. Baptist reporter. Baptist rival. Baptist voice. Christian star. Colored American magazine. Colored catholic. Calanthian journal. Eastern sunlight. Kcho. Kducator. ICducator. Clarksdale. Florida labor templar. Gazetteer and guide. Helping hand. Home news. Industrial interprisc. Industrial watchman. Interstate reporter. Messenger. National negro school news. Negro world. New era. Reporter. Sentinel-signal. Sodalian. Southern workman. Temple star. Truth. Taborian. Union messenger. Voice. Western Messenger. Woodman sentinel. Zion harp. NERVOUS SYSTEM. See also Medicine. Alienist and neurologist. American journal of insanity. -American journal of neurology. Journal of comparative neurology. Journal of mental pathology. Journal of nervous and mental diseases. National association for study of epiplepsy. NEW THOUGHT. Kmmanualist herald. Emmanuel magazine. Eternal progress. Humanity. Initiates. Master mind. National new thought monthly. Nautilus. New-ology magazine. News letter. Occident. Occult research gladiator. Popular therapeutics. Power. Psycho-occult digest. Psychotheraphy. Riches. Swastika. Unity. Voice "f th Magi. NEWSBOYS. (Kir hoys. NEWSPAPERS. American newspaper annual. Dauchy vv co., newspaper catalogue. Nat. ass'n circulation managers. NORTH DAKOTA. North Dakotan. NUMISMATICS. American journal of numismatics. American numismatic and archaeological so- ciety. Proceedings. Canadian antiquarian and numismatic jour. Numismatist. Numismatic and antiquarian society of Phil- adelphia. Proceedings. NURSING. American journal of nursing. American national red cross. Trained nurse and hospital review. Visiting nurse quarterly. O. E. S. Star light. OBSTETRICS. See (iynecology and obstetrics. OCCULTISM. Book of the month. Mazdaznan. i 450 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Occult science. Orient magazine. ODD FELLOWS. See Independent order of odd fellows. OFFICE SUPPLIES. Cleveland office tattler. Office appliances. Office appliance journal. OIL. See also Pharmacy. American paint and oil dealer. California oil world. Cotton seed oil magazine. Fuel oil journal. Midway driller. National petroleum news. Oil age. Oil and gas man's magazme. Oil field news. O'il investors journal. Oil man's magazine. Oil news. Oil, paint and drug review. Oil record. Paint, oil and drug reporter. Petroleum gazette. OPHTHALMOLOGY. See Ear and eye. OPTICS. See also Light. Hardy messenger. Jewelers circular weekly. Lens. Optical instrument monthly. Optical news. Optical review. Optico. Prism magazine. ORATORY. See also Elocution. Emerson college magazine. Forensic quartely. Speaker. ORGAN. See INIusic. ORNITHOLOGY. Sep r.irds. OSTEOPATHY. American osteopathic association. Herald of osteopathy. Osteopathic brief. Osteopathic health. Osteopathic physician. Still college journal of osteopathy. OTOLOGY. See Ear and eye. P. O. S. OF A. New Jersey patriot. PAEDIATRICS. See Children's diseases. PAINT AND PAINTING. See also Pharmacy. Chameleon. Colorist. Insulator. Master painter. Master painters' journal. ^Modern painter. Pacific paint, wall paper and art goods. Taint and varnish record. Painter and decorator. Painters' magazine. Practical decorator. S. W. P. Spectrum. PALAEOGRAPHY. P.ullotins of American paleontology. PALM BEACH, FLA. Palm P.each life. PAPER. Advertisers' text-book. Outfitter. Paper dealer. Paper trade. Paper box maker and American book binder. Paper buyer. I'aper mill and wood pulp news. Paper trade journal. Pointed paper paragraphs. Printing art. Progressive papers. Pulp and paper magazine. Railway and corporation stationer. Sample book. United States paper-maker. Walden's stationer and printer. PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE. Parliamentarian. PATENTS. See also Inventions ; Trade marks. Official gazette. Patent and trade mark review. Underwood & Campbell's digest relating to patent cases. United States patent office. PATHOLOGY. See also Medicine. California university. Chicago pathological society. Columbia university. Journal of mental pathology. McGill college and university. Michigan university. New York pathological society. Pathological society of Philadelphia. Pro- ceedings. Toronto. University of Toronto studies. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Pennsylvania grange news. Farmers' friend and grange trade bulletin. PATRONS OF INDUSTRY. Canadian co-operator. PEACE. See also Arbitration. Advocate of peace. Carnegie endowment for international peace. International conciliation. Peace forum. Peacemaker and court of arbitration. PEACHES. See also Fruit. Peach growers' journal and apple trade rev. PEDAGOGICS. See Education. PENMANSHIP. American penman. Students ed. PERFUMES. See also Pharmacy. American perfumer. PERIODICALS. Cuidc to the current periodicals and serials. Magazines of the month. What's in the magazines. PET STOCK. See also names of domestic animals. Pet stock magazine. PHARMACY. See also Medicine. American conference of pharmaceutical fac- ulties. American druggist. American journal of pharmacy. American perfumer and essential oil review. American pharmaceutical association. Apothecary and New England druggist. British Columbia pharmaceutical record. Bulletin of pharmacy. California druggist. Canadian hardware, -tovc and paint journal. Canadian druggist. Canadian pharmaceutical journal. Clinical e.xcerpts. Deutsch Amer. apotheker zeituug. Drugs, oils and paints. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 45T Druggists circular. Era druggist directory of America. Journal of pharmacology and cxper. thera- peutics. I.loyd library of botany, pharm. and materia medicine. Manning's monthly service for retail drug- gists. Mercks' report. Meyer l)rothers druggist. Michigan state pharmaceutical ass'n. Midland druggist. Missouri pharmaceutical association. Modern druggist. N. A. R. D. notes. National drug clerk. National druggist. Nebraslsa state pharmaceutical ass'n. New idea. New York state pharmaceutical ass'n. Northwestern druggist. Notes on new remedies. Oil paint and drug reporter. I'aciflc drug review. Pacific druggist. I'aint and varnish record. Paint, oil and drug reporter. Paint, oil and drug review. Pharmaceutical era. Pharmaceutical journal. Physician's drug news. I'ractical druggist. Rawlins drug news. Retail druggist. Rocky mountain druggist. Southern pharmaceutical journal. . Spatula. AVestern druggist. PHI DELTA THETA, Scroll of Phi delta theta. PHI GAMMA DELTA. Phi gamma delta. PHI KAPPA ALPHA. Shield and diamond. PHI KAPPA PSI. Shield of the Phi kappa psi. PHILANTHROPY. See Charity. PHILIPPINES. Filipino. PHILOLOGY. American journal of philoloe'v. American journal of Semitic languages and literature. American philological association. California university. Chicago university. Classical journal. Classical philology. Classical quarterly. Classical review. Columbia university. Cornell university. ICnglish journal. Harvard studies in classical philology. Howard university. .Journal of English and Germanic philology. Michigan university. Modern language ass'n of America. Modern language notes. Modern philology. New England modern language ass'n. Pennsylvania university. Spanish language \- Spanish speaking world. Wisconsin university. Yale studies in English. PHILOSOPHY. See also Psychology. American philosophical association. Proceed- ings. California university. Chicago university. Columbia university. Cornell university studies in philosophy. Journal of philosophy and psychology. Journal of philosophy, psychology and sci- entific methods. Life. Monlst. New philosophy. Open court. Pennsylvania university. Pliilosopihic studies. Philosophical review. Pi'.ilosophical society of \'a. Photographic recorder. Practical ideals. Princeton university. Komanic review. Society for philosophical inquiry. Memoirs. Unity. PHONOGRAPHY. Si'(> Shorrluind. PHOTOGRAPHY. American photography. Amateur pliotographic weekly., American quarterly of Roentgenology. American roentgen ray soc. Archives of the Roentgen ray. Art in photography. I'.etter photos. Camera. Camera craft. Camera work. Children's home finder. Kansas X-ray. ^lotion picture story magazine, Motography. Moving picture news. Movmg picture world. Official moving picture guide directory. Professional and amateur photographer. Photo- Ainerican. Photo-engraving art. Photo era. Photo miniature. Photographic news. Photographic poster. Photographic progress. Photographic times. Photographic topics. Photoplay magazine. Portrait. St. Louis and Canadian photographer. Southwest photo. Students' journal. Trade news. I'nivcrsal weekly. Wilson's photographic magazine. PHRENOLOGY. I'hrenological journal. PHYSICAL CULTURE. Am. physical education review. I<'orce. Hygiene and physical education. .Mind and body. Physical culture. Physical welfare. Physique culture for boys and girls. Playground. Playground association of America. Posse, gymnasium journal. Vim. PHYSICS. See also Chemistry ; Electricity. Howard university. McGill college and university. K'adiation. Toronto. University of Toronto studies. PHYSIOLOGY. See also Medicine. American journal of physiology. Archives of physiological therapy. California university. 452 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Journal of physiological therapeutics. Journal of physiological therapy. McGill college and university. Toronto. University of Toronto studies. PIANO. See also Music. Piano trade. Player piano. Plaver-pianist. PIGEONS. American pigeon keeper. National squab magazine, l^igeons. Pigeon flying. Pigeon news. PITTSBURG. Commerce of Pittsburg. PLAYGROUNDS. Plavgroiind and recreation ass'n of Amer. PLUMBING. Hardware world, plumbing and heating. Merchant plumber and fitter. Modern plumbing. Plumber and steam fitter of Canada. I'lumbers' trade journal ; steam and hot water fitters' review. Valve world. POLICE. Civil service chronicle. Detective. Xational police magazine. Railway special agent and police. POLITICAL ECONOMY. See also Banking ; Commerce ; Finance ; Labor : Socialism ; Sociology ; Statistics. American economist. Chicago university. Columbia university. Commercial and financial chronicle. Economic bulletin. Economist. Economista. Harvard economic studies. Iowa state university. Jeffersonian magazine, journal of economics. Journal of political economy. Pennsylvania university. Protectionist. Quarterly journal of economics. Sociedad economica de amigos del pais de la Habana. Memorias. Wisconsin university. Yale review. POLITICAL SCIENCE. See also Civil service reform ; Finance ; Law ; Legislation ; Municipal affairs ; Statistics. American academy of political and social science. American political science association. American political science review. Iowa state university. Johns Hopkins university. Political science quarterly. Public. Toronto. University of Toronto studies in political science. POMOLOGY. See Fruit : Horticulture. PORTO RICO. I'orto Kico magazine. POST OFFICE. Harpoon. Our rural home and carrier's messenger. Pacific postal journal. Postal clerk. Postal information. Postal progress. Postal record. Postmaster and carrier. Postmaster everywhere. Postmasters' advocate. Post office clerk. Railway mail. Railway post office. United States oflicial postal guide. POSTAGE STAiVIPS: American journal of philately. Chicago collectors monthly. Commercial stamp trade journal. Everybody's philatelist. Mekeel's weekly stamp news. Philatelic esperanto. Philatelic star. Kedfield's stamp weekly. Tra la filatelico. POSTAL CARDS. National postcard journal. Post card and novelty trade. Postal card collector. POTTERY. American ceramic society. American potters' journal. Claycrafter. Clay record. Clay-worker. Glass worker. National brotherhood of operative potters. Pottery and glass. Pottery, glass and brass salesman. POULTRY. See also Game fowl ; Pet stock. American fancier. American fancier and breeder. American poultry advocate. American poultry journal. American poultryman. American poultry world. American racing pigeon. American stock-keeper. Animal life. Atlantic poultry journal. Ancona. Canadian poultry news. Canadian poultry review. Central poultry journal. Combine herald. Farm poultry. Feather. Feathered warrior. Golden egg. Gefliigel-zuchter. Gray's harbor poultryman. Gulf states poultry journal. Happy hen. Industrious hen. Inland poultry journal. Intermountain poultry advocate. Keeper. Keystone poultry journal. Michigan poultry breeder. Mid-west fancier. National barred rock. National patridge Wyandotte journal. Northwest poultry journal. O. K. poultry journal. Orff's farm and poultry journal. Orpington magazine. Pacific poultry craft. Pacific poultryman. Petaluma weekly poultry journal. Poultry. Poultry advocate. Poultry and pet stock. Poultrv culture. Poultry digest. I'oultry fancier. Poultry husbandry. Poultrv Ideas. Poultry gem. Poultry herald. Poultry index. Poultry item. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 453 roultry joui-nal. roultry keeper. I'oiiltiv life. roultry life in America. Poultry news. Poultry post. Poultry pointers. Poultry record. I'oultry review. N. Y. Poultry times. Poultry tribune. Poultry yard. Practical poultry pouitcrs. Profitable poultry. Progressive poultry journal. Record. Reliable poultry journal. Southern fancier. Southern poultry journal. Southern poultryman. Southern poultry magazine. Southern poultry review. Standard and poultry world. Successful poultry journal. Union poultry journal. Western poultry advocate. Western poultry journal. Western poultry world. Wisconsin poultryman. POWER. See Engineering. PRESBYTERIAN. Africo- American presbyterian. Assembly herald. Associate presbyterian magazine. Bible teacher. Christian instructor and united presbyte- rian witness. Christian observer. Christian union herald. Colored Cumberland presbyterian. Cumberland presbyterian. CyfaiU. Earnest worker. East and \yest. Herald and prespyter. Interior. Junior tiuarterly. junior missionary magazine. Lesson o.uarterly. Michigan presbyterian. Missionary. Our monthly. Pathfinder. Presbyterian. Toronto. Presbyterian. Phila. Presbyterian banner. Presbyterian quarterly. Presbyterian record. Presbyterian standard. Presbyterian witness. Presbyterianer. Ranok. , ^ . Rocky mountain presbyterian. Standard. Texas presbyterian. United presbyterian. Westminster inaRazine. Westminster. Phila. Westminster. Toronto. Westminster teacher. PRINTING. American pressman. American printer. Arte tipographico. Rarnhart flyer, lien Pranklin monthly. Board of trade printer. Buckeye printerdom. C.raphic arts. Graphic arts and crafts year book. Imprint. Inland printer. Linotype bulletin. Master printer. Monotype. National printer-journalist. Pacific printer. Printing art. Printing trade news. Print talk. Printer and publisher. Southern printers coast monthly. Successful printing. Typographical journal. Vade mccum bulletin. Your printer. Journal of prison discipline and philan- thropy. Maryland prison aid ass n. Prison association of New York. PROHIBITION. , , American prohibition yearbook. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. See also Religion ; Sunday school. Algoma missionary news. American church and Sunday school mag. Brotherhood star. Church chronicle. Church helper of western Michigan. Church illustrated lesson leaflet. Church life. Church militant. Church news. San Antonio. Church news. St. Louis. Church news. Pittsburg. Church news and American churchman. Church quarterly lesson leaflet. Church record. Church times. Churchman. Detroit. Churchman. New York. Churchman. Spokane. Colorado churchman. Crozier. Diocesan magazine. Diocese of N. ^ . Gospel messenger. Iowa churchman. Kansas churchman. Living church. Maryland churchman. Mount Carmel district. Montana churchman. New era. North east. Ontario churchman. Pacific churchman. Parish visitor. , . ., tt„;»«/i Protestant episcopal church in the United States. Western Michigan diocese. St. Andrews cross. St. George's sword and shield. St. Luke herald. Southern churchman. Protestant episcopal review. \'erita in carita. PROVISIONS. See Food. PSYCHOLOGY. See also Philosophy. - American journal of psychology. Colorado university. Coiitrihinions to psychiatry. Iowa state university. , Journal of abnormal psychology. . Journal of educational psychology, ■journal of mental pathology, .tournal of psycho-asthenics. Mind. ]Mind and body. New York psychiatric soc. Princeton university. 454 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Psychological clinic. Psychological index. Psychological review. Psychological year book. Psycho-occult digest. Psychotheraphy. Psychotherapy league of right living. Course of reading in psychotheraphy. Studies in linguistic psychology. Toronto. University of Toronto studies. Yale psychological studies. RACING. See also Sports and games. American racing manual. League of amateur driving cluhs. Official yearbook. Thoroughbred chronicle record. Wallace's Amer. trotting register. Wallace's yearbook of trotting and pacing. RADIUM. Radium. Rochester. Radium light. RAILROADS. See also Guides ; Street railroads. Advance advocate. Air brake magazine. American general passenger and ticket agent ass'n. American railway association. Proceedings. American railroad bridge and building ass'n. American railway engineering and maintain- ance of way association. American shippers gazette. Association of American railway accounting oflBcers. Baltiirtore employes magazine. Book of the royal blue. Bureau oi railway economics. Canadian railway club. Proceedings. Car review. Central railway club. Central states guide. Coupon manual. Electric traction weekly. Kxpress gazette. Freight payer and consumers magazine. Frisco-man. Industrial magazine. International railway journal. Iowa railway club. Proceedings. Leonard's railway news. Loco. Locomotive firemen's magazine. National association of railway commissioners. New England railroad club. New York railroad club. News record. North central ass'n of railroad commissioners Northwestern bulletin. Official railway equipment register. Official raihvay guide. Pacific coast railway club. Official proceed- ings. Pilot. Poor's manual of railroads. Portland carman. Public service regulation. Railroad employee. Railroad employes magazine. Railroad, freiglit and baggageman. Railroad herald. Railroad journal. Railroad man's magazine. Railroad _news and labor world. Railroad "reporter. Railroad trainmen's journal. Railway age gazette. Railway and engineering review. Railway and locomotive engineering. Railway and marine. Railway and marine news. Railway clerk. Railway club of Pittsburg. Railway critic. Railway electrical engineer. Railway employees' journal. Railway engineering and maintenance of way. Railway epicurean. Railway gazette. Railway hand book. Railway journal. Railway journal of Canada. Railway line clearances and car dimensions. Railway master mechanic. Railway news. Railway post office. Railway signal association. Proceedings. Railway special agent and police. Railway world. Richmond railroad club. Rio Grande employes' magazme. St. Louis railway club. Santa Fe employes magazine. Southern and Southwestern railway club. Proceedings. Southwestern's book. Suburban electric railway magazine. Travel magazine. Western railway culb. Official proceedings. Western railroad news. Western tramwav magazine. RATHBONE SISTERS. Pythian guest. REAL ESTATE. See also Investments. American bond and realty journal. Censor. Cockrell's transcript. Commercial west. Daily farm seller. Farm and real estate journal. Homeseeker and pointer on real estate. Land market. Mortgage indicator. National homestead. Raymond's red-letter. Real estate. Real estate and court record. Real estate bulletin. Real estate bulletin and building news. Real estate exchange bulletin. Real estate journal. Real -estate magazine. Real estate national. Real estate news. Real estate record. Real estate record and builders' guide. Phila. Real estate record and builders' guide. New- York. Real estate record of Westchester county. Real estate register and rental guide. Realty and building record. Realty record and builder. Record. Record and guide quarterly. Salt Lake outlook. Southwest farmer and investor. Strout's monthly bulletin of farm bargains. Texas realty journal. Transcript. Worcester county record. RECIPROCITY. Inter-nation. RECREATION. See also Amusements; Sports and sporting. Outdoors. Outer's book. ■Round the beaches. RED CROSS. Red cross messenger. REFERENDUM. Referendum news. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 455 REFORMED CHURCH. ^, ^ See also Keligion ami theology ; buuday school. Banner. Christian intelligencer. Christian world. Cleveland. Hope. Kirchenzeitung. Mitarbeiter. Reformed church herald. Reformed cliiirch messenger. Reformed cliurch record. Searcliliglit. Vanguard. RELIGION AND THEOLOGY. See also the names of various churches. Advocate and family guardian. American citizen. American home missionary. American journal of theology. American messenger. American society of church history. Pro- ceedings and papers. American spiritualist. Ameriljanscher botscha f ter. Auburn seminary record. Baltimore and Richmond christian advocate. Baraca-philathea herold. Bible advocate and herald. Bible magazine. Bible record. Bible review. Bible scholar. Bible student. Bibie todav. Biblical world. Bibliotheca sacra. Bladet. Bud og hilsen. Busy bible student. California independent. Christian. Christian and missionary alliance. Cliristian commonwealth. Christian companion. Christian endeavor ciuarterly. Christianrevangelist. Christian harvester. Christian herald. Aurora. Christian herald. New Yoris. Christian idea. Christian life. Christian messenger. Christian mother. Christian monthly. Christian nation. Christian news.. Christian plea. Christian safeguard. Christian standard Christian standard. Cincin. Christian standard. Gainesville. Christian star Christian statesman Christian union. Des Moines. Christian union. Roachdale. Christian work and evangelist. Christian worlier. Toronto. Christ liche bofschafter. Church militant. Church record. Church woman's magazine. Cockrill's magazine. Colored churchman (negro). Converted catholic. Daily Bible. Deutsch-Amerikanische zeltschrift fiir theo- logic und kirche. Echo. Ephpheta Evangelical. Evangelical Bible quarterly. Kvaangelical Bible teacher. Evangelical messenger. lOvangelische magazin. JOvangelische zeitschrift. Evangel isten. Evangeliums bote.. Flaming sword. Folke-vennen. Friend. iM-iend for boys and girls Friendship banner. God's revivalist. Golden age. Gospel advocate. Gospel forum, (jospel lierald Gospel messenger. Gospel of the kingdom. Gospel messenger Harvard theological review. Herald of gospel liberty. llolv cross magazine. Illustrated world. lllustrieste jugedblatter. Improvement era. Jugend pilger. King's messenger. League prayer meeting topics. Liberty. Life line. Little wanderer's advocate. Living water. Louisiana Christian. , , • , Magazin fur evangelische theologie und kircke. Marion Messenger. Montlily bulletin. Morning star. Mount Carmon district. New age magazine. New religion quarterly. New York weekly witness. New York observer. Newite magazine. Northern messenger. Northwest church life. Notes on the Epworth League devotional meeting topics. Our hope. Pentecostal herald. People's friend. Rams horn. Record of Christian work. Religious education association. Religious weekly. Repairer. Resitution. Sabbath reading. Sailor's magazine and seamen's friend. Seminary record. Sentinel and orange and protestant advo- cate. Serial bible course. Service. ,,. , „ Signs of the times. Middletown. Siovensky hlasnik. Soul winner. Southern evangelist. Sword of Laban. Tiddskrift. Union. Union christian star (negro). • Union seminary magazine. Unity. Viigteren. Vestnik. Wachter. \Vatchtower. Watchword and truth. Way of faith. West-Land. West Virginia Christian. 456 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Western Christian union. Winona review. Witness. Woman's exponent. Word and the way. Words of faith. Worker's record. World's work. Yale divinity quarterly. Youth s friend. Zion's watch tower. RICE. Rice industry. Rice journal and gulf coast farmer. Rice journal and southern fanner. ROCKS. See Geologv : Mines and mining. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. See Catholic church. ROYAL ARCANUM. Roval arcanum bulletin. ROYAL NEIGHBOR OF AMERICA. Roval neighbor. ROYAL TEMPLAR. Roval templar. ST. LOUIS, MO. Gould's St. Louis directory. SALVATION ARMY. All the world. War crv. New Torlj. SANITARY ENGINEERING. See also Hygiene American society of heating and ventilating engineers. Engineering record. Modern sanitation. SCHOOLS. See Education. SCIENCE. Academy notes. Academy of science. Academy of science and letters of Sioux city, Iowa. Alabama industrial and scientific society. Albany institute. American academy of arts and sciences. American anthropologist. American gas light .iournal. American journal of science. American philosophical society. Brooklyn institute of arts and sciences. Bryn Mawr college monographs. Auk. Annals of mathematics. Bussey institution. California academy of sciences. Carnegie institution. Carnegie institute. Canadian record of science. Chemical abstracts. Chicago academy of sciences. Colorado college studies. Colorado scientific, society. Connecticut academy of arts and sciences. Cornell university. Davenport academy of sciences. Delaware county institute of science. Denison university. Deutscher gesellig-wissenschaftlicher verein von New York. Directory of the Washington academy of sciences and affiliated societies. Economic geology. Elisha Mitchell scientific society. Entomological news. Franklin institute. Hamilton scientific association. Journal and proceedings. Historical and scientific society of Manitoba. Indiana academy of science. Iowa academy of sciences. Journal of animal behavior. Journal of race development. Journal of religious psychology. .lOurnai of scientific adjustment. Kansas academy of science. Kansas City a'cademy of sciences. Kansas university. Lloyd library of botany, pharm. and materia medicana. Maryland academy of sciences. Transactions. Mathematics teacher. Meriden scientific association. Michigan academy of science. Minnesota academy of natural sciences. Minnesota academy of social science. Missouri university. National academy of sciences. Naturalist. Nature and culture. Nature study review. Nebraska academy of science. New York academy of sciences. New York academy of sciences. ^Memoirs. Nova Scotian institute of science. Ohio state academy of sciences. Oologist. Ottawa literary and scientific society. Tran- sactions. Philippine journal of science. Popular science monthly. Progressive age. I'rogressive American. Revista cientifica 5' bibliografica. Rochester academy of science. Rose polytechnic. Royal society of Canada. Science. Scientific. American. Scientific digest. Scientific society of San Antonio. Sioux academy of science and letters. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Southern California academy of sciences. Staten Island association of arts and sci- ences. Terestrial magnetism and atmospheric elec- tricity. • Texas academy of science. Transactions. Washington academy of sciences. West American scientist. Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters. Wisconsin university. World's progress. Worcester polvtechnic institute. SCOTCH INTERESTS. Scottish Canadian. Scotch-Irish society in America. Western Scot. SCOTCH KNIGHTS. Select knight. Select knight journal. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Open door. Seattle pioneer pocket guide. Seattle spirit magazine. SERMONS. Current anecdotes. Expositor and current anecdotes. Homiletic review. Preachers' helper. Pulpit. SEWING MACHINES. Sales aid. Sewing machine advance. hewing machine times. SHAKESPEARE. New Shak"'spearenna. Shakespeare monthly and literary compan- ion. Shakespeare society of New York. Publica- tions. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 457 SHEARS. Shears. SHEEP. See also Live sloik. American and Dclanic merino record ass n. American Cheviot sheep breeders' ass'n. American sheep breeder and wool-grower. American Suffolk sheep record. Continental Dorset club sheep record. Flock record of Hampshire-down sheep. Hampshire-down breeders' ass'n. Xalionnl wool grower. . Ohio merino sheep breeders ass n. Register. SHETLAND PONIES. American Shetland club stud book. SHIPBUILDING. See also Naval architecture. Aniei-ican shipbuilder. SHIPPING. , See also Commerce. AlonK the coast. American bureau of shipping. .\nierican marine engineer. Beeson's marine directory. Blue-book of American shipping. RuUinger's monitor guide. Hullinger's postal and shipping guide. List of vessels belonging to district of Glou- cester and fishing vessels of other New England ports. Lookout talisman. Marine journal. Maritime journal. Maritime register. National waterways. Pacific marine news. Pacific merchant marine. Railway and marine world. Shipping illustrated. Trade and transportation. Wnalemen's shipping list. SHOES. See Hoots and shoes : Leather. SHORTHAND. Greigg writer. Pernin's monthly stenographer. Pnonographic magazine. Phonographic world and commercial school review. Pitman's journal. Progressive stenographer. Shorthand writer. Stenographer. Stenographers' magazine. SIGMA CHI. Sigma chi quarterly. SILK. American silk journal. Semi-annual review of the American silk trade. Silk. Silk as.sociation of America. SINGLE TAX. Fairhope courier. Our commonwealth. Single tax review. SKIN DISEASES. See also Medicine. Journal of cutaneous diseases. SOAP. Soapman journal. Soap gazette and perfumer. Soap talk. SOCIAL SETTLEMENTS. East side house settlement. Neighborhood. Neighborhood house. SOCIALISM. Christian socialist. National socialist. Original rights magazine. Progress. Robotnik. Socialist crusader. I ncli- ICli's magazine. XOlksstcm (Ilollandish). SOCIETY. See also Fashion; Family: Literature. Club-fellow. Club life. Kxcelsior. Examiner. Goodwin's weekly. Lookout. I'eople. Kosa Pearle's paper. Saratoga society review. Saturday review. Social document. Social life. Spectator. Town topics. Truth. Twiggs county citizen. Young's magazine. SOCIOLOGY. See also Charities : Po.itical economy ; Prisons ; Social settlements ; Socialism ; Statistics ; Woman. American institute of criminal law and crim- inology. . ^ , American sociolological society. Tapers and proceedings. American journal of sociology. Arden leaves. Coming nation. "^ Freelance. Inter-municipal committee on household re- search. Bulletin. International socialist review. Iowa state university. Journal of social science. Masses. Mentor. Minnesota academy of social sciences. Missouri university. National conference of chanties & corrections. National conference on civil service and soc. moment. New York charity directory. People's press. Progressive woman. Purity journal. Solidarity. , , , , Warren social science club. Annual report and papers. Work with boys. SODA FOUNTAIN. [•'(umtain and dispenser. Soda dis[icnser. SOMERSET SCHOOLS. Somerset idea. SONS OF AMERICA. Camp news. Delaware patriot. Sons of .\merica. SONS OF COLORADO. Sons of Colorado. SONS OF HERMANN. Chcru'^kcr. iCcutonia. llermanns-sohn. Hermanns-sohn in Montana. Nebraska Hermanns sohn. SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. National society of the sons of the revolu- tion. SONS OF VETERANS. Banner. SPANISH-AMERICA. N'iajero. SPELLING. Simplified spelling bulletin. 458 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS SPICES. Spice mill. SPIRITUALISM. Raiiner of light. Light of truth. Magazine of mysteries. Progressive thinker. Sunflower. SPORTS AND GAMES. Afield and afloat. American cricketer. American field. American racing pigeon. American sports. American sportsman. Angler and hunter. Buctceye lake shore. Baseball magazine. Bit and spur. Bowler. Bo.xing. Boat buyer. Bridge. Canadian checker player. Canadian motor boat. Canadian sportsman and live stock journal. Central league. Cherry circle. Field and fancy. Field and stream. Field illustrated. Forest and stream. Fox, hound and trappers world. Grizzly bear. Illinois athletic club magazine. Illinois fisherman. Illustrated outdoor news. Illustrated record. »In the open. • Journal of the outdoor life. I,. Iv. A. C. mercury. Maine woods. Mount and steam journal. National sportsman. Outdoor life. Pacific coast golf and outdoor sports. Pacific motor boat. Police gazette sporting annual. Polo monthly and club man. Power boating. Racing form. Red ranger. Referee. Rider and driver Rod and gun in Canada. Rod and reel. Shield magazine. Southern pit games. Sporting review. Sporting goods dealer. Sporting goods gazette. Sporting life. Sporting news. St. Louis. Sporting afield. Sijortsmcn's review. Sunday telegraph. ' Texas field and national guardsman. Westchester life. Western field. W'esterri graphic. Wild life. SQUABS. National squab magazine. STAMMERING. Phono-meter. STAR OF BETHLEHEM. Fraternal index. STATIONERY. American stationer. Bookseller and stationer. Geyer's stationer. Impressions. Inland stationer. ■ National stationer. STATISTICS. American statesman's yearbook. American statistical association. Canadian year book. International yearbook. Manual of statistics stock exchange hand- book. Statesman's yearbook. STEEL. See Iron and steel. STENOGRAPHY. See Shorthand. STOCKS. See Bonds ; Commerce ; Finance ; Invest- ments. STONE. Granite, marble and bronze. Monumental news. Stone. STOVES. Stoves and hardware reporter. STRAWBERRY. Strawberry. STREET RAILROADS. See also Electricity ; Railroads. American street railway investments. IClectric railway review. Oflicial interurban magazine. Street railway bulletin. SUGAR. American sugar industry and beet sugar gazette. Louisiana planter and sugar manufacturer. Modern sugar planter. National farmer.' Sugar beet. Sugar planters' journal. Weekly statistical sugar trade journal. Wisconsin sugar beet. SUNDAY SCHOOL JOURNALS. See also Religion. Adult Bible class magazme. Adult class. .\dult student. Advanced quarterly. Phila. Advanced quarterly. Nashville. Advanced scholars' lesson leaf. Advanced scholars' quarterly. American church S. S. magazme. Amer. Sunday school union quarterly. American bunday school umon. .'\ugsburg adult bible class (juarterly. Augsburg Sunday school teacher. Awakener. Bible class quarterly. Bible lesson pictures. Bible lesson quarterly. Bible student and teacher. Buds of Hope. Christian standard. Church illustrated lesson lea.. Classmate. Evangelical S. S. quarterly. Evangelical S. S. teacher. First studies in the Bible. i'ricnds' advanced ciuarterly. Friends' intermediate ([uarterly. Friends' teachers (luarterly. Front rank. Gospel intermediate quarterly. Heidelberg home department quarterly. Heidelberg teacher. Helper. Home and school. Home department quarterly. Richmond. Home department quarterly. Cincinnati. Home departmen quarterly. Nashville. Home study quarterly. Illinois trumpet call. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 459 Illustrated berean lesson quarterly. Illustrated Sunday school quarterly. Intermediate quarterly. Boston. Intermediate quarterly. Pupils' ed. Intermediate quarterly. Teachers' ed. Intermediate quarterly. Phila. Intermediate quarterly. Nashville. Intermediate quarterly. Nashville. Intermediate quarterly. Nashville. Intermediate Sunday school quarterly Iowa Sunday school helper. Junior liible quarterly. Junior class