.^'^fi 1 1 1 -f --r--r-t-p|.-» :::&1 I ^ \'^-'- ___^..,,^|TlK'»«'J«Ct^ t- .( It f THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOEOID THE SPECKLED BR©-QK Ykou% / (Sal-uelinus Fontinalis) 1 BY VARIOUS EXPERTS WITH ROJ ND REEL EDITED AND, ILL USTR ATED BY LOUIS RHEAD V WITH / AN INTRODUCTIOM BY^ HARLl RHRUSSELL NEWYORK Copyr?'ght, igo2, by Robert Howard Russell f?Y PREFACE THE extreme popularity of the Brook Trout has been fully proved by the host of anglers who fish for him, and it can scarcely be nec- essary to solicit their favor toward a vol- ume embellished with pictures reproduced in later and better methods than any that have hitherto appeared, and with contributions by different experts well known in departments of the art of angling. The Editor originally intended to issue a series of volumes under the title of "A Library of Rod and Gun," and still may do so should a kindly reception be given this volume by lovers of nature and of angling. The first object of this work is to supply general information on the Salvelinus fontinalis. It is hoped that it will also prove of interest to amateurs as well as to expert anglers, who will add it to their list of books to take on their trips to read and re-read at odd times — iVi3G3360 PREFACE not too bulky or crowded with technical terms or mat- ter of little interest to the average fisherman who is interested in angling only as a sport or pleasure and change from the activity of city life and business cares. So much has been written and still remains to be written, an Editor's greatest difficulty is to condense matter pertaining to this particular fish when articles are contributed by a number of writers, but, for the generous assistance (in many small details) of two veteran editor-authors, Charles Hallock and Wm. C. Harris, who have for more than half a century cast the fly and used the pen, the Editor's incompetency would have been more apparent. My thanks are due to Mr. Annin for his article on " Winged Enemies of Trout; " again to Mr. Hallock for his delightful poem ; and to the memory of the late Nelson Cheney, who but a short time before his sud- den death cheerfully gave me permission to use, and promised to add matter to his article on " Trout Propagation" from the State report; to Mrs. Mary Orvis Marbury for her selection and arrangement of the colored sheet ot flies, made especially by her for this volume ; indeed, to all the authors who have con- tributed their best efforts and whose friendly interest made the labor most agreeable, and lastly to Mr. Rus- sell, who has in every way been lavish, not only in expenditure but in many little artistic details which have made all his books so choice. F PREFACE In behalf of the Publisher, I wish to acknowledge indebtedness to the courtesy of Harper & Brothers tor the use of an article written thirty years ago by Charles Hallock in "The Fishing Tourist," and to ■toic/i ■Top/rs for the use of parts of an article on the old and the changed Adirondacks. Louis Rhead. I^^P ^^ ^rv^^^^^^^^^^ ^Ct^iT^^-^ \j]Jv )J:%^v^^^^^^-<^^x^ v^^:^Tv"Y-y.v-^ ^\^ 8=^^^^^^^^S ^^^^^^^&^^ iT^^^^^ ^^^ .^-^<=^^S ^^^^^^^^5 (1^^^^ ^ j^?^