Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofbooksOOpublrich \ • * • *<• ••• • ' ! •! • ' ^ \ «• • • •• • •• 1 1 • I '"» • * •• • • •••. •.* THE LEMNIAN ATHENE Most probably by Pheidias CATALOGUE OF BOOKS CONCERNING THE GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS IN THE CENTRAL PUBLIC LIBRARIES NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE BASIL ANDERTON, B.A. (Lond,). M.A. (Dunelm.) Fellow of the Library Association City Librarian AND T. E. TURNBULL. F.L.A. Assistant Librarian. Newcastle-upon-Tvne : Andrew Dickson Ltd., Printers, 30 & 32, High Bridge. 1912. PUBLIC LIBRARIES CO/A/AITTEE. Chairman. — Alderman Sir Henry William Newton, J. P. Vice-Chairman. — Alderman Robert Flowers. The Right Hon. The Lord Mayor (Alderman J. F. Weidner, J. P.). Alderman Sir H. W. Newton, J. P. Alderman Adam Wilson, F.R.C.S., J. P. Alderman George Harkus, J. P. Alderman Robert Flowers. Alderman Sir W. R. Plummer, J.P., D.C.L. Councillor A. J. Robinson. Councillor G. G. Elliott. Councillor Walter Lee, J. P. Councillor John Robert Mason, LR.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin.). Councillor Richd. H. Millican, J.P. Councillor Joseph Stephenson. Councillor J. W. Telford. Councillor Gabriel Woolf. Councillor Johnstone Wallace, J.P. Councillor John Graham Cole. Councillor James Hodgson Rodgers. Councillor David Adams, J.P. Councillor Edward John Wilkinson. Councillor John Milton Leigh Criddle. Councillor Jerrold Teago. Councillor James Smith. Councillor Robert Pettillo Dawson, J.P. Members not of the Council. Thomas Hodgkin, Esq., B.A., D.C.L., D.Litt., J.P. Sir John Walter Buchanan Riddell, Bart., M.A., J.P. John Theodore Merz, Esq., Ph.D., D.C.L. Robert John Hoy, Esq., J.P. Richard Oliver Heslop, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., J.P. Alexander Hunter McBryde, Esq. John Duguid Walker, Esq., J.P. Thonjag. Cooke, *Esqc •J:P. Prof.' Jt*'WighV Diitt- l^.k., D.Litt. Richard .WeMo^d,. M-.A., J.-P. R'evii*. 'Hr -K.-'ISlkna.- .*• . •••* T. M. Clague, Esq. M. Mackey, Esq. 'TO THE GLORY THAT WAS GREECE, TO THE GRANDEUR THAT WAS ROME' THIS CLASSICAL CATALOGUE IS DEDICATED BY THE PUBLIC LIBRARIES CO/A/AITTEE OF THE NEWCASTLE CORPORATION 26(5060 Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts And eloquence." Milton, Paradise Regained, iv, 240. The exultations, pomps, and cares of Rome, Whence half the breathing world received its doom." Wordsworth, Column of Trajan. lY Contents. Preface Scheme of Classification List of early printed books Classified List Latin Author List Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern Greek Author List Greek Author List — Modern Index PAGE. vii xi xiii 1 91 161 166 212 216 Ltst of Illustrations. The Lemnian Athene Decursio. From a medal of Nero ^ Lady with rouge and mirror. From a fictile vase. Amphitheatre at Pompeii Mimus. From an engraved ring An angler. From a Pompeian painting Forum at Pompeii A view in the Roman Forum . A small country-house. From a painting at Pompeii Ship of war with tower. From a marble bas-relief Sailing vessel with oars. From the Vatican Virgil Milking a Cow. From the Vatican Virgil Roman matron, wearing stola, with instita Head of Cybele. From a marble bas-relief Greek lady swinging. From a fictile vase Lady seated. From a Greek fictile vase Triton sounding the conch. From a terra-cotta lamp Frontispiece. I 14 43 61 67 83 facing 91 106 118 146 149 160 166 187 206 216 PREFACE. This Catalogue describes the books contained in the Central Libraries upon Greek and Roman literature and language, religion and philosophy, history, archaeology and art. Its detailed arrangement is shown in the analytical table given on page xi. It does not include the innumerable scattered articles on classical subjects that are to be found in general books of reference such as encyclopedias. Being concerned, as its central object, with the classical literature and civilisation of Greece and Rome, it passes by many writings, albeit in Latin or Greek, that deal primarily with other matters. It does not, for instance, take account of the collections edited by the Abbe Migne (Patrologia Graeca, Patrologia Latina), since they have chiefly to do with the affairs of the Christian religion. It is true that these collections contain many writings distinguished, incidentally, for their literary qualities ; but that was not sufficient justification for their detailed treatment in this Catalogue. It seemed that enough would have been done if the attention of those interested in the scholarship of mediaeval writers were here drawn to the fact that these collections are in the Reference Library. An easily accessible list of their contents is given in the Supplement to Mayor's " Guide to the choice of classical books." For similar reasons the chronicle writers of the middle ages, although amongst them were a number who carried on the tradition of excellent Latin scholarship, have not been separately recorded. Their subject is the history of other lands, and they may be studied in the Rolls Series, and in other similar collections. Proportion would have been lost had everything that possessed incidental interest to the classical student been incorporated. Yet although the main concern of the Catalogue is with classical scholarship, there are certain developments of it which, from their literary, or linguistic, or palaeographical importance, could not be neglected. Short sections have therefore been added on those mediaeval and modern authors who became notable in the domain of belles-lettres If a good many scholars whose names one might have expected to find do not obviously appear, this is partly because, as already said, their fame has rested upon other achievements ; partly because they are included along with others in certain collections of writings, which, though described briefly (on pp. 47, 53, 59-60) it would have taken too long to analyse ; partly perhaps because the Library does not as yet possess their works. Again, in order to exhibit linguistic developments, books on New Testament Greek have been included, though it has not been thought necessary to include editions of the Greek New Testament or of the Latin Bible, etc. For the purpose, however, of palaeographical study, facsimiles of Biblical MSS. have been incorporated beside facsimiles of classical authors. To avoid misapprehension it has been thought convenient, in dealing with the main Latin Author List, to indicate the dates of all writers bom after 200 a.d. In the Mediaeval and Modern List this did not seem necessary, as no confusion with strictly classical writers could arise. Readers will thus be able to pick out at a glance in one section or the other the writers of later periods than those most frequently studied. Post-classical writers cannot, of course, be neglected by those who desire a clear insight into the development of literature. As Dr. Duff says in his Literary History of Rome (p. 670), " All the periods may be studied in detail with varying degrees of profit ; but this should not obscure the fact that through the literature of the Republic, of the Golden Age, of the Silver Age, through the works of Christian Fathers and of medieval schoolmen there is continuity. This ought to appear a truism ; yet it is a reassertion needful at intervals, because the restrictions of purists have not infrequently conveyed the impression that Latin is negligible after a certain more or less limited period called the ' classical age.' ... So one is to realise that Latin prose runs on from Cicero to Lactantius, Jerome and Augustine, to Thomas Aquinas, Erasmus, Bacon, and Grotius ; and that Latin poetry runs on from Virgil to Ausonius and Claudian, and from Catullus to Prudentius and Boethius, and so on to the Neo-Latin poets. Herein there is nothing derogatory to the dignity of the best work of the best period." Of the various collections of Greek and Latin authors, some have been fully indexed, others have had the more extensive writings indexed. Those fully indexed are : — Baehrens. Poetae Latini minores. DoBSON. Oratores Attici. Fiedler. Scriptores historiae Romanac. Haurisius. Scriptores historiae Latini. Hervieux. Las Fabulistes latins. Jebb. Selections from the Attic orators. PiNDER. Selections from the less known Latin poets. Postgate. Corpus poetarum Latinorum. Schneider. Scriptores rei rusticae. Smyth. Greek melic poets. \'alpy. Delphin and variorum Latin classics. Vi.iTius. Autores rei venaticae. Walker. Corpus poetarum Latinorum. Weichert. Poetarum Latinorum reliquiae. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff. Bucolici Graeci. Winterton. Poetae minores Graeci. Those of which only the chief contents have been indexed are : — Baehrens. Fragmenta poetarum Romanorum. Grotius. Excerpta ex tragoediis et comediis Graecis. KocK. Comicorum Atticorum fragmenta. Maittaire. Opera et fragmenta poetarum Latinorum. Meyer. Oratorum Romanorum fragmenta. Nauck. Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta. Peter. Historicorum Romanorum fragmenta. Historicorum Romanorum relliquiae. RiBBECK. Comicorum Romanorum fragmenta. Tragicorum Romanorum fragmenta. Wagner. Poetarum tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta. With regard to the publications of learned societies, the ordinary transactions and papers are, of course, not separately indexed. Important supplementary issues, however {e.g. to Roscher's Ausfiihrliches Lexikon der Mythologie and to the Journal of Hellenic Studies) have received separate mention. No separate class of Individual Biography — i.e. of books containing the life of one particular person — has been printed. Each name, however, of a person so treated has, in the index, a sufficient reference to the place where the book is catalogued. viii The Index, which affords a very complete key to the whole collection and its arrange- ment, includes, in addition to authors' names, the names of editors, translators, notable preface-writers, etc., as well as subject-entries and the titles of anonymous books. Its constant use may be particularly commended to those who prefer the dictionary arrange- ment to the classified arrangement. The scheme of classification that has been followed is, as usual, Dewey's ; and, as already stated, it is clearly outlined on pp. xi-xii. One slight departure, however, has been made. In Dewey, books dealing with Latin affairs come first ; those dealing either with Greek and Latin together, or with Greek separately, follow afterwards. In this Catalogue, however, books dealing with the two together are placed first. Thereafter Dewey's order (Latin first, then Greek) is maintained. The change is small, but it is very convenient, and indeed almost necessary. It is, moreover, in accordance with Dewey's own principle of putting the general before the particular. To represent numerically that books in this Catalogue deal both with Greek and Latin subjects, the * * symbol 7 has been employed. 7 and its subdivisions, then, when used within any class- number must be regarded as preceding 7 (as used for Latin only).* One or two examples * * will make the usage clear. Thus, in literature, 870 and 879 precede 870 ; in philology, * * 470-7 and 475 precede 470. It is perhaps worth noting that when translations are in verse, the fact is indicated. The language, too, in which a book is written, when not obvious from the title, is made clear by a note. Further, for the first time in our catalogues, the names of publishers, which so often give a useful clue to the identity or the value of a book, are, except in cross-references, always stated. As a matter of local interest it may also be observed that the books on the Roman Wall are here grouped together (pp. 74-77). This section forms part of the larger division, Roman Antiquities in England. The letter L (for Local) is prefixed to all books concerned with, or written or published in, this district (of Northumberland and Durham). As most of our early printed books are to be found in this classical section of the Library, it has seemed worth while to print a separate list of those printed before the end of the 15th century, and to append a list of our Elzevirs. These will be found on pp. xiii-xiv. Certain periodicals and books belonging to Armstrong College Library are included in the Catalogue. It will be remembered that, with regard to the proceedings of learned societies and analogous publications, both the Public Libraries Committee and the Armstrong College Library Committee were some time ago good enough to approve a scheme of co-ordination, whereby needless duplication was avoided ; and that, by means of the money saved, new fields of research were thrown open to the student. The principle thus approved and adopted has to some extent been applied also to the purchase of books. As the students of one institution have been made welcome to the privileges of the other, it has been unnecessary for the Public Library to buy certain books that the Library of the College had acquired, and vice versa. Therefore, by way of confirming the co- operation, it has been thought well to include in this Public Library Catalogue certain important books and transactions belonging to the College Library. * In cases where 7 is not used for Latin, but for other subjects, the difficulty will not occur. is The Librarian of the Society of Antiquaries has also been good enough to offer, in tlie name of that Society, a welcome to those Public Library readers who desire to consult certain volumes in the collection under his charge. These volumes have also been included in the Catalogue here printed. I desire to acknowledge with sincere thanks the helpful and practical interest which Professor J. Wight Duff, M.A., D.Litt., (member of the Public Libraries Committee, and one of the Curators of the College Library), has shown in the plan and progress of this Catalogue. In consultation with him important volumes have of late years been acquired whereby gaps have been filled and our classical library strengthened. Naturally, as no library is ever complete, there still remains much to be done ; but to the future we can at least now look forward with hopefulness. I have also to acknowledge the goodness of Mr. William Heinemann, the publisher of Furtwangler's Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture, in allowing me to reproduce as a frontispiece the head of the Lemnian Athene. The fifteen illustrations in the text are reproduced, by kind permission of Messrs. Longmans and Co., from Rich's Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities, The half-tone block, p. 91, has been prepared independently from a photograph in my possession. My debt to certain catalogues and books is naturally great ; in particular, the British Museum Catalogue, so generously presented to the Librarj' years ago by the Trustees, has once more proved indispensable. I desire, furthermore, to thank Mr. T. E. Turnbull, chief assistant in the Reference Library, for his able co-operation. His enthusiasm, acumen, and bibliographical skill have indeed helped to make our "labours pleasures," and have proved invaluable in bringing this difficult yet deeply interesting task to a conclusion. As the members of my Committee will understand, the production of such a Catalogue, owing to the great variety of the details to be introduced and verified, necessarily involves work spread over a long period of time. BASIL ANDERTON. SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION. GREEK AND LATIN CLASSIFIED LIST. 000 GENERAL WORKS. 486 Grammar. 016 Bibliography. 486 Prosody. 091 Ancient Books, and Papyri. 487 Dialects. 487-3 New Testament Greek. 100 PHILOSOPHY. 487-83 Doric Greek. 133 Astrology. Magic. 488 School Books. 170 Ethics. 489 Mediaeval and Modern. 180 Ancient Philosophy. 180-9 History and Biography. 500 NATURAL SCIENCE. 182 Early Greek Philosophers. 510 Mathematics. 183 Sophistic and SocraticPhilosophers. 520 Astronomy. Meteorology. Ethnology. Evolution. 184 Platonic. Older Academy. 551-5 185 Aristotelian. Peripatetic. 572 186 Pyrrhonist. New Platonist. 575 187 188 Epicurean. Stoic. 590 Natural History, 600 USEFUL ARTS. 200 RELIGION. 610 Medicine. 292 Greek and Roman Mythology. 620 Engineering. 300 320 326 SOCIOLOGY. Political Science. Slavery. 630 655-4 699 Agriculture. Publishing, and Bookselling. Shipbuilding. 340 Law. 700 FINE ARTS. 370 Education. 709-3 Ancient Art. General. 391 Costume. 709-37 Roman Art. General. 396-9 Woman in History. 709-38 Greek Art. General. 398 Folklore. 709-39 Art in Minor Countries. 718 Monuments. Mausoleums. 400 PHILOLOGY. 722 Architecture. 410 Comparative. # 417 Inscriptions. Palaeography. 722-7 Greek and Roman. * 722-7 Roman. 470 Greek and Latin. 722-8 Greek. 475 Grammar. 733 Sculpture. Greek and Roma 470 Latin. General Works. 737 Numismatics. General. 470-7 Teaching of Latin. 737-37 Roman. 470-9 Historical Philology. 737-38 Greek. 471 Orthography. 738 Pottery. Porcelain. 471-5 Pronunciation. 739 Bronzes, and Jewellery. 471-7 Palaeography and Inscriptions. 790 Amusements. 473 Dictionaries. 792 Theatre. 475 Grammar. 794 Games. 476 Prosody. 477 Dialects. 800 LITERATURE. 478 479 School Books. Minor Italic (including Romance 870 Greek Eind Latin. Languages) . Mediaeval. 870-4 Essays. 480 481-5 Greek. General Works. Pronunciation. 870-5 Periodicals. 481-6 Accents. 870-7 Study. 481-7 482 Palaeography and Inscriptions. Etymology. 870-9 « History. 483 Dictionaries, and Idioms. 871 Poetry. SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION— con«in Lat. H. Stephanus, [Geneva ?] See p. 174. 1692. Estienne (H.) L'introduction au traitte des merveilles : pour Herodote. Rigaud, Lyon. See p. 180. 1594. Apuleius (L.) Apologia; 1. Casau bonus recensuit. Ex Typographeo Comelini, [Heidelberg]. See p. 92. 1594. Valerius Maximus. Dictorum factorumque libri ; per S. Pighium ; accedunt notae J. Lipsi. Ex officina Plantiniana, Lugd. Bat. See p. 144. 1596. Diogenes, Laertius. Vitae philosophorum : scriptoribus Diogene, Eunapio, Hesychio. Latin. Plantin, Lugd. Bat. See p. 174. 1596. Lipsius (J.) Opera quae ad criticam spectant. Ex officina Plantiniana, Lugd. Bat. See p. 154. 1698. lamblichus. De vita Pythagorae, & Protrepticae orationes, etc. : J. A. Theodoreto interprete. Grk. &• Lat. In Bibliopolio Commeliniano. See p. 189. 1599. Pindar. Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. Gr. cS- Lat. Oliva P. Stephani, [Geneva]. See p. 194. 1600. Estienne (R.) and (H.) and others. Concordantiae Graecolatinae Testamenti Novi. Stephanus. See p. 31. Bl3ev>irs. 1614. Lernutius (J.) Initia, basia, ocelli, etc. See p. 154. 1614. Meursius (J.) the Elder. Glossarium Graeco-barbarum. See p. 33. 1662. Scapula. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. See p. 30. 1653. Statins (Publius P.) Opera ; ex rec. J. F. Gronovii. See p. 137. 1653. Vliet (Jan van) ed. Autores rei venaticae. See p. 50. 1655. Erasmus (Desiderius) Colloquia. See p. 152. 1658. Sallustius Crispus (C.) Opera. See p. 134. 1659. Barclay (John) Argenis ; cum clave. See p. 161. 1664. Curtius Rufus (Q.) Historia Alexandri Magni ; accurante C. S[chrevclio]. Sec p. 106. 1665. Gellius (Aulus) Noctes Atticae. See p. 109. 1671. Fiirstenberg (F. von) Poemata. See p. 153. 1672-3. Tacitus. Opera ; J. F. Gronovius recensuit. See p. 139. 1678. \'elleius Paterculus (C.) Quae supersunt ; N. Heinsius recensuit. See p. 144. xiv CLASSIFIED LIST. Decursio. From a medal of Nero, CLASSIFIED LIST. All books are in the Reference Library unless the words ' Lending ' {which stands for Central Lending Library), or 'Armstrong College,' or 'Society of Antiquaries' are appended. 7 represents Greek and Latin together. Within any class-number 7 and its subdivisions precede 7 {which represents Latin only). O.-GENERAL WORKS. 01 6 -BIBLIOGRAPHY. Class. 016.87-GREEK AND LATIN LITERATURE. [010-6] Bibliographical Society. List of English editions and translations of Greek and Latin classics printed before 1641 ; by H. R. Palmer. « fcp. 4to. Bibliogr. Soc, London, 1911. 016'87 Catalogus dissertationum philologicarum classicarum : Verzeichnis von etwa 27,400 Abhandlungen aus dem Gesamtgebiete der klassischen Philologie und Altertumskunde. ^ 2nd ed, dy. 8vo. Fock, Leipzig, 1910. 016-87 Dibdin (T. F.) An Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Roman classics. » cr. 8vo. Ruff, Gloucester, etc.. 1802. 016-87 4th edition. Lending 6262 * 2 vols. London, 1827. 016-87 Fabricius (J, A.) BibHographia antiquaria, sive introductio in notitiam scrip torum qui antiquitates Hebraicas, Graecas, Romanas, etc., scriptis illustraverunt. T1661 2nd ed. fcp. 4to. frontispiece. Liebezeit, Hamburg! et Lipsiae, 1716. [016-8] Grasse (J. G. T.) Lehrbuch einer Literargeschichte der beriihmtesten Volker der alten Welt. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Arnold, Dresden & Leipzig, 1837-8. ^ Vol. 1, pts. 1 — 2, of " Lehrbuch einer Allgemeinen Literargeschichte." 016-87 Klussmann (R.) ed. Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum et Graecorum et Latinorum : die Literatur von 1878 bis 1896 einschliesslich umfassend. Bd. 1, Scriptores Graeci : collectiones ; A bis Z. # 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Reisland, Leipzig, 1909-11. In progress. 016-87 Mayor (Joseph B.) Guide to the choice of classical books ; [with Supplement 1879-96J. Lending A9720 2 vols. 2nd ed. of vol. 1. cr. 8vo. Bell, London. 1879-[96]. 1 A Class. 016- -BIBLIOGRAPHY— oonttinwd. * 016*87 Mayor (Joseph B.) contd. 3rd ed. of vol. 1 ; with Supplement. ^ 2 vols. 1885-[96] 016-87 Moss (J. W.) A Manual of classical bibliography : the various editions oi the Greek and Latin classics. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Bohn, London, 1837. 016.87.-LATIN LITERATURE. 016*87 Fabricius (J. A.) Bibliotheca Latina, sive notitia autorum veterum Latinorum. T1662 cr. 8vo. frontispiece. Leigh, Londini, 1703. 016-87 Another edition. T956-8 3 vols. fcp. 8vo. frontispiece. Sumtu Schilleri, etc., Hamburgi, 1721-2. 016-87 Bibliotheca Latina mediae et infimae aetatis ; cum supplemento C. Schoettgenii ; a P. J. D. Mansi correcta illustrata aucta. 6 vols, in 3. imp. 8vo. ports. Typ. Baracchi, Florentiae, 1858. 01687 Mayor (John E. B.) Bibliographical clue to Latin literature ; ed. after Dr. E. Hiibner. cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & Cambridge, 1875. 016.88,-GREEK LITERATURE. 01688 Fabricius (J. A.) Bibliotheca Graeca, sive notitia scriptonim veterum Graecorum. T1861-74 14 vols, plates Liebezeit, Hamburgi, 1708-28. 016.937.-ROMAN HISTORY. [937] Peter (Hermann) Die Geschichtliche Litteratur iiber die romische Kaiserzeit bis Theodosius I, und ihre Quellen. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Teubner, Leipzig, 1897. 091 -ANCIENT BOOKS. [010-9] Arnett (J. A.) An Inquiry into the nature and form of the books of the ancients. fcp. 8vo. illus. Groombridge, London, 1837. 091 Birt (T.) Die Buchrolle in der Kunst : archaologisch-antiquarische Unter- suchungen zum antiken Buchwesen. roy. 8vo. illus. Teubner, Leipzig 1907. 091 Schubart (W.) Das Buch bei den Griechen und Romem : eine Studie aus der berliner Papyrussammlung. cr. 8vo. illus. Reimer, Berlin, 1907. 091. -PAPYRI -CATALOGUES. For Facsimiles of MSS. see classes 417, 471-7, and 481*7 — Palaeography. 091 British Museum. Description of the Greek papyri in the British Museum, pt. 1 ; [ed. by J. Forshall]. roy. 4to. London, 1839. 091 Greek papyri in the British Museum : catalogue, with texts ; ed. by F. G. Kenyon. 2 vols. roy. 4to. London, 1893-8. 091 Manchester. John Rylands Library. Catalogue of the Greek papyri : — Vol. 1. — Literary texts ; ed. by A. S. Hunt. roy. 4to. plates. University Press, Manchester, 1911. In progress. 100.-PHILOSOPHY. 133.-ASTROLOGY, MAGIC. Class. 133 Maury (L. F. A.) La Magie et I'astrologie dans I'antiquite et au moyen age. 4th ed. cr. 8vo. Didier, Paris, 1877. 170.-ETHICS. * 170*937 Denis (J.) Histoire des theories et des idees morales dans I'antiquile. 2nd ed. dy. Svo. Thorin, Paris, 1879. Armstrong College. 170-938 Wiindt (Max) Geschichte der Griechischen Ethik. Bd. 1-2. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1908-11. In progress. 180.-ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY. GENERAL WORKS. For the works of individual philosophers, see the Greek and Latin Author Lists. 180 Adam (J.) Texts to illustrate a course of elementary lectures on Greek philosophy after Aristotle. Greek and Latin. dy. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1902. See Jackson (H.), below. 180 Bakewell (C. M.) Source book in ancient philosophy. cr. 8vo. Scribner, New York, 1909. [152] Beare (John L) Greek theories of elementary cognition from Alcmaeon to Aristotle. dy. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1906. 180 Benn (A. W.) The Philosophy of Greece considered in relation to the character and history of its people. cr. 8vo. Richards, London, 1898. [821*89] Blackie (John Stuart) The Wise men of Greece : dramatic dialogues. cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London, 1877. [821-89] Another copy. Lending A3021 [210] Caird (Edward) The Evolution of theology in the Greek philosophers. Gifford Lectures, 1900-2. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. MacLehose, Glasgow, 1904. [210] Another copy. Lending D959 [102] Du Hamel (Jean B.) De consensu veteris et novae philosophiae libri duo. T932 fcp. 8vo. Hall, Oxoniae, 1669. 180 Du Sauzet (Henri) [Plexiacus'\ Lexicon philosophicum ; sive index Latinorum verborum descriptionumque ad philosophos et diaiecticos pertinentium. fcp. 4to. Du Sauzet, Hagae-Comitis, 1716. 180 Jackson (H.) Texts to illustrate elementary lectures on the history of Greek philosophy from Thales to Aristotle. Greek. dy. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1901. See Adam (J.), above. 180 MuUach (F. G. A.) ed. Fragmenta philosophorum Graecorum ; collegit, vertit, illustravit F. G. Mullachius. Greek and Lat. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. plates. Didot, Parisiis, 1883. 180 Ritter (H.) and Freller (L.) edd. Historia philosophiae Graecae : testimonia auctorum conlegerunt notisque instruxerunt H. Ritter et L. Preller ; editio septima, quam curaverunt F. Schultess et E. Wellmann. Greek ; Lat. notes. dy. 8vo. Perthes, Gothae, 1888. 180 Waddington (C.) La Philosophie ancienne et la critique historique. cr. 8vo. Hachette, Parifc, 1904. Lending D856 180— ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY-corjhnwcd. 180.9.-HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. GENERAL. Class. For hooks on separate philosophical writers, see Index. 180*9 Adamson (R.) The Development of Greek philosophy ; ed. by W. R. Sorley and R. P. Hardie. dy. 8vo. Blackwood, Edinburgh & London, 1908. 180-9 Benn (A. W.) The Greek philosophers. 2 vols. dy, Svo. Paul, London, 1882. 180'9 Butler (W. A.) Lectures on the history of ancient philosophy ; ed. by W. H. Thompson. 2 vols. dy. Svo. Macmillan, Cambridge, 1846. [888*9] Diogenes, Laertius. Vitae philosophorum : scriptoribus Diogene Laertio, Eunapio, Hesychio. Latin. T841 dy. 18mo. Plantin, Lugduni Batavorum, 1596. [888'9] De clarorum philosophorum vitis, dogmatibus, el apophthegmatibus libri decern ; recensuit C. G. Cobet, etc. Greek and Lat. roy. 8vo. Didot, Parisiis. 1878. [888*9] The Lives and opinions of eminent philosophers ; literally trans, by C. D, Yonge. Bohn's classical library. cr. Svo. Bohn, London, 1853. [888-9] Another copy. Lending 212^ [104] Ferrier (J. F.) Lectures on Greek philosophy, etc. ; ed. by Sir A. Grant and E. L. Lushington. Lending 6844 2 vols. cr. Svo. Blackwood, Edinburgh & London, 1866. [192-9] Another edition. In his Philosophical works, vol. 2. 1888. 180-9 Gomperz (Theodor) Griechische Denker : eine Geschichte der antiken Philo- sophic. 3 vols. dy. Svo. Veit, Leipzig, 1903-9. 180'9 Same ; trans, by L. Magnus [and G. G. Berry]. 3 vols. dy. Svo. Murray, London, 1901. 180*9 Hampden (R. D.) The Fathers of Greek philosophy : [Aristotle, Plato, Socrates]. Lending A690 dy. Svo. Black, Edinburgh, 1862. 180-9 The Lives of the ancient philosophers ; extracted from Diogenes Laertius, Causabon [sic], etc. T3527 cr. Svo. illus. Nicholson, London, 170i. 180*9 Another copy. 180*9 Marshall (J.) A Short history of Greek philosophy. cr. Svo. Percival, London, 1891. 180*9 Martha (Constant) Les Moralistes sous I'Empire remain : philosophes et poMes. 2nd ed. cr. Svo. Hachette, Paris, 1907. 180*9 Mayor (Joseph B.) A Sketch of ancient philosophy from Thales to Cicero. fcp. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1889. Lending C2609 180-9 Another edition. 1904. Lending D1035 180-9 Ritter (Heinrich) The History of ancient philosophy ; trans by A, J. W. Morrison. 4 vols. dy. Svo. Talboys, Oxford, 1838-46. [876.6] Schwegler (A.) Geschichte der griechischen Philosophic ; herausg. von K. Kostlin. In Ritter (C.) Die Quintilianischen Declamationen. 2 vols, in 1. 3rd ed. dy. Svo. Mohr, Freiburg, 1882. 180*9 Zeller (E.) Grundriss der Geschichte der griechischen Philosophic. 8th ed. dy. Svo. Reisland, Leipzig, 1907. 180*9 The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics ; trans, by O. J. Reichel. cr. Svo. Longmans, London, 1870. 180'9 Another copy. Lending C4940 180— ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY— conttnM«4. 182.-EARLY GREEK PHILOSOPHERS. GENERAL. Class. For the works of individual philosophers, see Greek Author List. 182 Bumet (John) Early Greek philosophy. 2nd ed. dy. 8vo. Black, London, 1908. 182 Another copy. Lending A5727 182 Dials (H.) Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, Griechisch und Deutsch. 2nd ed. 2 vols. dy. Bvo. Weidmann. Berlin, 1906-10. 182 Fairbanks (A.) trans. The First philosophers of Greece : an edition and translation of the fragments of the pre-Sokratic philosophers, etc. Greek and English. dy. Svo. Paul, London, 1898. 182 Another copy. Lending B8082 182 Zeller (E.) A History of Greek philosophy to the time of Socrates ; trans, by S. F. Alleyne, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1881. 182.2.-PYTHAGOREAN. For the works of individual philosophers, see Greek Author List. 182-2 Cocchi (Antonio) The Pythagorean diet of vegetables only, conducive to the preservation of health, and the cure of diseases ; trans, from the Italian. T1284 cr. 8vo. Dodsley, London, 1745. 182*2 Dacier (A.) The Life of Pythagoras ; with the Symbols and Golden verses, Life of Hierocles, etc. ; the Golden verses trans, by N. Rowe. T3846 cr. 8vo. Tonson, London, 1707. 182*2 Le Nain de Tillemont (Louis S.) An Account of the life of Apollonius Tyaneus ; trans, [by R. Jenkin]. T169 cr. Svo. Smith, London, 1702. 183.-SOPHISTIC AND SOCRATIG PHILOSOPHERS. For the works of individual philosophers, see Greek Author List. 183*2 Blackie (John Stuart) Four phases of morals : Socrates, etc. Lending 663 2nd. ed. cr. Svo. Edmonston, Edinburgh, 1874. 183*2 Forbes (J. T.) Socrates. Lending 6242 The world's epoch makers. cr. Svo. Clark, Edinburgh, 1906. 183*2 Godley (A. D.) Socrates and Athenian society in his day. Lending C995 cr. Svo. Seeley, London, 1S96. 183*2 Zeller (E.) Socrates and the Socratic schools ; trans, by O. J. Reichel. Lending A3128 cr. Svo. Longmans, London, 1868. 184.-PLATONIC. OLDER ACADEMY. For the works of Plato, etc., see Greek Author List. 184 Zeller (E.) Plato and the Older Academy ; trans, by S. F. Alleyne and A. Goodwin, Lending A6569 cr. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1876. 184 Another edition. 1888. [880*4] Adam (J.) The Vitality of Platonism, and other essays ; ed. by A. M. Adam. dy. Svo. University Press, Cambridge, 1911. 184*1 Fouillee (A.) La Philosophie de Platon. vols. 1-3, 3rd ed. ; vol. 4, 2nd ed. 4 vols. cr. Svo. Hachette, Paris, 1 889- 1909. 180— ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY— contMiHed. Class. 184-1 Grote (George) Plato, and the other companions of Sokrates. 4 vols. cr. 8vo. Murray, London, 1888. 184-1 Another copy. Lending £5911-20 184-1 Lutostawski (W.) The Origin and growth of Plato's logic ; with an account of Plato's style, and chronology of his writings. dy. 8vo. Longmans, London, etc., 1897. 184-1 Morainville D'Orgeville (L. de) Examen philosophiae Platonicae. T2724-5 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. La Mare, Maclovii, 1650-5. 184*1 Pater (Walter) Plato and Platonism : lectures. cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1893. 184-1 Another copy. Lending C4453 184*1 Raeder (Hans) Platons philosophische Entwickelung. dy. 8vo. Teubner, Leipzig, 1905. 184' 1 Schleiermacher (F. D. E.) Introductions to the dialogues of Plato ; trans, by W. Dobson. dy. 8vo. Deighton, Cambridge, 1836. 184-1 Another copy. Lending 19^9 [888-4] Another edition. In Plato ; with notes from Stallbaum, etc. 1890 Lending C1351 185.-ARISTOTELIAN. PERIPATETIC. For the works of individual philosophers, see Greek Author List. 185 Zeller (E.) Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics : a translation from Zeller's " Philosophy of the Greeks," by B. F. C. Costelloe and J. H. Muirhead. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. Longmans, London, etc., 1897 185* 1 Biese (F.) Die Philosophie des Aristoteles in ihrem inneren Zusammenhange, etc. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Reimer, Berlin, 1835-42. 185'1 Grote (George) Aristotle ; ed. by A. Bain and G. C. Robertson. 2nd ed. dy. 8vo. Murray, London, 1880. 185-1 Another copy. Lending 6950 185-1 Lewes (G. H.) Aristotle : a chapter from the history of science, including analyses of Aristotle's scientific writings. dy. 8vo Smith, London, 1864. 185-1 Pachumeres (George) In universam fere Aristotelis philosophiam epitome, e Graeco in Latinu sermonem conversa a P. Bechio ; subjunctus est huic Peripatetico philosophus Platonicus, Synesius Cyrenaeus, per J. Cornarium Latinus factus. fcp. fo. Froben, Basileae, 1560. [192*5] Reid (T.) Analysis of Aristotle's logic. In his Essays on the powers of the human mind, vol. 1, 1812. Lending A6022 [192*5] Another edition. In his Works ; collected by Sir W. Hamilton, vol. 2. 1863. 185-1 Smith (I. Gregory) and Grundy (W.) Aristotehanism Lending B2205 Chief ancient philosophies. fcp. 8vo. S.P.C.K., London, etc., 1889. 185-1 Stewart (J. A.) Notes on the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1892. 186.-PYRRHONIST. NEW PLATONIST. For the works of individual philosophers, see the Greek and Latin Author Lists. 186 Maccoll (Norman) The Greek Sceptics, from Pyrrho to Sextus : an essay. Lending A1699 cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & Cambridge, 1869. 180— ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY— co)iti7Ut€d. Class. [148] Zeller (E.) A History of eclecticism in Greek philosophy ; trans, by S. F. Alleyne. cr. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1883. [148] Another copy Lending B3364 186-4 Drummond (James) Philo Jadaeus ; or, the Jewish-Alexandrian philosophy in its development and completion. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Williams, London and Edinburgh, 1888. 186*4 Whittaker (T.) The Neo-platonists : a study in the history of Hellenism. dy. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1901. 187.-EPICUREAN. EPICURUS. LUCRETIUS. For works of Epicurus, see Greek Author List. For works of Lucretius, see Latin Author List. 187 Guyau (M.) La Morale d'Epicure et ses rapports avec les doctrines con- temporaines. dy. Svo. Alcan, Paris, 1904. [188] Hicks (R. D.) Stoic and Epicurean. Epochs of philosophy. cr. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1910. [823-89] Pater (W. H.) Marius the Epicurean, his sensations and ideas. 2 vols. cr. Svo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1892. [823-89] Another copy Lending, Pater 46 187 Veitch (John) Lucretius and the atomic theory. cr. 8vo. Maclehose, Glasgow, 1875. 187 Another copy. Lending A 139 6 187 Wallace (William) Epicureanism. Lending B2203 Chief ancient philosophies. fcp. 8vo. S.P.C.K., London, 1880. 188.-STOIC. For the works of individual philosophers, see the Greek and Latin Author Lists. L88 Arnold (E. V.) Roman Stoicism : lectures. dy. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1911 L88 Capes (W. W.) Stoicism. Lending B2204 Chief ancient philosophies. fcp. 8vo. S.P.C.K., London, 1880. i Davidson (W. L.) The Stoic creed. Religion in literature and life. dy. 8vo. Clark, Edinburgh, 1907. \ Another copy. Lending B1079 \ Hicks (R. D.) Stoic and Epicurean. Epochs of philosophy. cr. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1910. [88 Another copy. Lending C9987 L88-3 Brehier (Emile) Chrysippe. Les grand philosophes. dy. 8vo. Alcan, Paris, 1910. RELIGION. 292-GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY. [878-08] Albricus, Philosophus. De deorum imaginibus. In Hyginus (C. J.) Fabularum liber, etc. 1608. T1734 292 Anrich (G.) Das Antike Mysterienwesen in seinem Einfluss auf das Christentum. dy. Svo. Vandenhoeck, Gottingen, 1894. 292 Bailey (Cyril) The Religion of ancient Rome. Lending 8035 ReUgions ancient and modern. fcp. Svo. Constable, London, 1907. 292.— GRE^K AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY— continued. Class. [291] Bell (John) New Pantheon ; or, historical dictionary of the gods, demi-gods, heroes, and fabulous personages of antiquity. 2 vols, in 1. roy. 4to. plates. Bell, London, 1790. 292 Boissier (Gaston) La Religion romaine d'Auguste aux Antonins. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. Hachette, Paris, 1906. 292 Brown (Robert) Semitic influence in Hellenic mythology. dy. 8vo. Williams, London, etc., 1898. [291] Bryant (J.) A New system ; or, an analysis of antient mythology. 3rd ed. 6 vols. roy. 8vo. port. & plates. Walker, etc., London, 1807. [210] Campbell (Lewis) Religion in Greek literature. dy. 8vo. Longmans, London, etc., 1898. 292 Collignon (Maxime) Manual of mythology in relation to Greek art ; trans, and enlarged by Jane E. Harrison. cr. 8vo. illus. Grevel, London, 1890. [291] Cox {Sir G. W.) An Introduction to the science of comparative mythology and folklore. cr. 8vo. Paul, London, 1881. [291] Another copy. Lending A7496 [291] The Mythology of the Aryan nations. Lending A4377 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1870. [291] Another edition. 1882. 292 Tales of ancient Greece. Lending 8005 fcp. 8vo. Paul. London, 1899. [295] Cumont (F.) Les Mysteres de Mithra. 2nd ed. cr. 8vo. map & illus. Fontemoing, Paris, 1902. [295] Notes sur un temple mithriaque d'Ostie. roy. 8vo. plate. Goethem, Gand, 1891. [290] Les Religions orientales dans le paganisme romain. 2nd ed. cr. 8vo. Leroux, Paris, 1909. [295] Textes et monuments figures relatifs aux mysteres de Mithra. Armstrong College. 2 vols. dy. 4to. map & illus. Lamertin, Bruxelles, 1896-9. Contains a bibliography. [291] Deane (J. B.) The Worship of the serpent traced throughout the world. 2 copies. 2nd ed. cr. 8vo. plates. Rivington, London, 1833. [295] Dieterich (A.) ed. Eine MithrasHturgie. 2nd ed. cr. 8vo. Teubner, Leipzig & Berlin, 1910. 292 Diitschke (H.) Der Olymp : Gotterlehre der Griechen und Romer. 2nd ed. fcp. 4to. illus. Neufeld, Berlin, [1887]. See also under Ely (T.). 292 Ely (Talfourd) Olympos : tales of the gods of Greece and Rome ; based on the German of H. Diitschke. cr. 8vo. illus. Grevel, London, 1891. 292 Another copy. Lending C3360 [L290] Faber (G. S.) Rector of Long-Newton. The Origin of pagan idolatry. 3 vols, plates. Rivingtons, London, 1816. 292 Farnell (L. R.) The Cults of the Greek states. 6 vols. dy. 8vo. plates. Clarendon Press. Oxford, 1896-1909. [206] The Higher aspects of Greek religion. Hibbert lectures. dy. 8vo. Williams, London, 1912. 292 Fehrle (E.) Die Kultische Keuschheit im Altertum. dy. 8vo. Topelmann, Giessen, 1910. 292 Foucart (P.) Les Grands mysteres d'Eleusis. dy. 4to. plate. [Paris, 1901]. 8 iS2— GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY— continued. Ctass. , 292 Foucart (P.) contd. Recherches sur I'origine et la nature des mysteres d'Eleusis. dy. 4to. [Paris, 1895]. [210] Fowler (W. Warde) The Religious experience of the Roman people to the age of Augustus. GifEord lectures, 1909-10. dy. 8vo. Macmillan, London, 1911. 292 The Roman festivals of the period of the Republic : an introduction to the study of the religion of the Romans. or. Bvo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1899. 292 Another copy. Lending B9571 [291] Frazer (J. G.) The Golden bough : a study in magic and religion. 3 vols. 2nd ed. dy. 8vo. frontispiece. Macmillan, London & New York, 1900. [291] 3rd edition. Parts 1-4. 1907-11. [291] • Another copy. Lending Part I, B5558-9 Part 2, B5560 Part 3, B5561 Part 4, Bl 18 [878-08] Fulgentius (Fabius P.) Mythologiarum hber I (—III). In Hyginus (C. J.) Fabularum liber, etc. 1608. T1734 [878-08] Giraldus (L. G.) De Musis, /w Hyginus (C. J.) Fabularum liber, g^c. 1608. T1734 292 Goehler (H. R.) De Matris Magnae apud Romanos cultu : dissertatio. dy. 8vo. Typis Klinkichtii, Misniae, 1886. [291] Gould (C.) Mythical monsters. dy. 8vo. illus. Allen, London, 1886. 292 Gruppe (O.) Die Griechischen Culte und Mythen in ihren Beziehungen zu den orientalischen Rehgionen. 1®^" Band. roy. 8vo. Teubner, Leipzig, 1887. [291] Gubematis (A. de) Zoological mythology ; or, the legends of animals. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Triibner, London, 1872. 292 Guerber (H. A.) The Myths of Greece and Rome : their stories, signification and origin. Lending B7714 cr. 8vo. plates. Harrap, London, 1909. 292 Harrison (Jane E.) Prolegomena to the study of Greek rehgion. dy. 8vo. illus. University Press, Cambridge, 1903. 292 The Rehgion of ancient Greece. Lending 6883 Religions ancient and modem. fcp. 8vo. Constable London 1905. 292 Hartung (J. A.) Die Religion der Romer. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. Palm, Erlangen, 1836. 292 Hild (J. A.) Etude sur les demons dans la litterature et la religion des Grecs. dy, 8vo. Hachette, Paris, 1881. [878-08] Hyginus (C. J.) Fabularum liber ; ejusdem Poeticon astronomicon libri quatuor ; quibus accesserunt similis argumenti [libri]. T1734 fcp.^8vo. Apud J. Degabiano, Lugduni, 1608. 292 Keightley (Thomas) The Mythology of ancient Greece and Italy ; ed. by L. Schmitz. Bohn's collegiate series. cr. 8vo. plates. Bell, London, 1883. 292 4th edition. 1896. Lending 23S0 292 Kingsley (Charles) The Heroes ; or, Greek fairy tales for my children. cr. 8vo. illus. Macmillan, London, 1881. 292 Another edition. 1897. Lending B139 292 Another edition. 1898. Lending A20 [299*31] Lafaye (G.) Histoire du calte des divinites d'Alexandrie, Serapis, Isis, Harpocrate et Anubis, hors de I'Egypte. Armstrong College. dy. 8vo. Thorin, Paris, 1884. 9 292.- GREEK AND ROMAN MYrHOLOGY— continued. Class. 292 Lawson (J, C.) Modem Greek folklore and ancient Greek religion : a study dy. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1910. 292 Lobeck (C. A.) Aglaophamus ; sive, de theologiae mysticae Graecorum causis. Idem [Lobeck] poetarum Orphiconim dispersas reliquias collegit. dy. 8vo. Borntraeger, Regimontii Prussorum, 1829. [370*4] Maurice (Frederick D.) The Religion of [ancient] Rome." /w A^'s Learning and working. ^^ g^^ Macmillan, Cambridge,, 1855. ^^^^^'^^ ^^001 [291] Mills (C. De B.) The Tree of mythology, its growth and fruitage. cr. 8vo. Bardeen, Syracuse, U.S.A., 1889. [133'3] Monteiro (Mariana) " As David and the sibyls say " : a sketch of the sibyls and the sibylline oracles. Lending C7096 cr. 8vo. ports. Sands, Edinburgh & London, 1905. [291] Miiller (F. Max) Chips from a German workshop, vol. 2 : — Essays on mythology, traditions and customs. 2nd ed. dy. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1868. [291] Another copy. Lending A2296 [291] O'Neill (John) The Night of the gods : an inquiry into cosmic and cosmogonic mythology and symbolism. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. illus. Harrison, London, 1893-7. 292 Oswald (Eugene) The Legend of Fair Helen as told by* Homer, Goethe, and dy. 8vo. port. Murray, London. 1905. ° [913'38] Pape (W.) Worterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen ; neu bearbeitet von G. E. Benseler. Greek-German. 3rd ed. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1884 292 Fausanias. Mythology and monuments of ancient Athens : a translation of a portion of the " Attica " by M. de G. Verrall ; with introductory essay and archaeological commentary by Jane E. Harrison. cr. 8vo. illus. Macmillan, London & New York, 1890. 292 Another copy. Lending A4115 292 Pley (J.) De lanae in antiquorum ritibus usu. dy. 8vo. Topelmann, Giessen, 1911. 292 Preller (L.) Romische Mythologie ; dritte Auflage von H. Jordan. 2 vols, in 1. dy. 8vo. Weidmann, Berlin, 1881-3. [888*9] Psellus (M.) De daemonibus. In lamblichus. De mysteriis, etc. 1570. T1740 [290] Rawlinson (George) The Religions of the ancient world, including Greece, Rome, etc. Lending B2477 cr. 8vo. Religious Tract Socy., London, [1881]. [291] Reinach (Salomon) Cultes mythes et religions. 2nd ed. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. illus. Leroux. Paris, 1908. [209] Reville (A.) Prolegomenes de I'histoire des religions. dy. 8vo. Fischbacher, Paris, 1886. 292 Rohde (E.) Psyche : Seelencult und Unsterblichkeitsglaube der Griechen. Armstrong College. 4th ed. dy. 8vo. Mohr, Tiibingen, 1907. 292 Roscher (W. H.) ed. Ausfiihrhches Lexikon der griechischen tmd romischen Mythologie. A.-Sis. roy. 8vo. illus. Teubner, Leipzig, 1884-1902. In progress. 292 Supplements : — Berger (E. H.) Mythische Kosmographie der Griechen. 1904. Bruchmann (C. F. H.) ed. Epitheta deonim quae apud poetas Graecos leguntur. 1893. Carter (J. B.) ed. Epitheta deomm quae apud poetas Latinos leguntur. 1902. 10 292— GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY— cOMtinited. Class. 292 Rouse (W. H. D.) Greek votive offerings : an essay in the history of Greek religion. dy. 8vo. illus. University Press, Cambridge. 1902. [824-86] Riiskin (John) The Queen of the air : a study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm. ^^ g^^ ^^^^^^ Orpington, 1874. 292 Another edition. 1887. Lending B5478 [824-86] Another edition ; ed. by E. T. Cook and A. Wedderburn. roy. 8vo. plates. Allen, London ; etc. 1905. 292 St. Clair (George) Myths of Greece explained and dated : an embalmed history from Uranus to Perseus, including the Eleusinian mysteries and the Olympic games. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. illus. Williams, London, etc., 1901. 292 Seemann (O.) The Mythology of Greece and Rome ; ed. by G. H. Bianchi. Lending A3687 cr. Svo. illus. Chapman, London, [1889]. [920-03] Smith {Sir W.) ed. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. 3 vols, illus. roy. Svo. Murray, London, 1880. 292 Taylor (Thomas) The Eleusinian and Bacchic mysteries ; ed., with notes, etc., by A. Wilder. dy. Svo. Bouton, New York, 1875. 292 Toutain (J.) Les Cultes pa'iens dans I'Empire Romain. 1^^*' partie — Les provinces latines, tome 1. Armstrong College. roy. Svo. Leroux, Paris, 1907. 292 Uvarov (S. S.) Count. Essay on the mysteries of Eleusis ; trans, by J. D, Price ; with observations by J. Christie. cr. Svo. illus. Rodwell, London, 1817. [291] Vignoh (T.) Myth and science. International scientific series. cr. Svo. Paul, London, 1882. [291] Westropp (H. M.) and Wake (C. S.) Ancient symbol worship : influence of the phallic idea in the religions of antiquity. roy. Svo. illus. Bouton, New York, 1875. 292 Wissowa (G.) Religion und Kultus der Romer. 2nd ed roy. Svo. Beck, Miinchen, 1912. 292 Zeller (E.) Religion und Philosophic bei den Romern. Lending A5947 2e Aufi. dy. Svo. Loderitz, Berlin, 1872. [878-9] Zinzow (A.) Psyche und Eros : ein milesisches Marchen in der Darstellung und Auffassung des Apuleius. dy. Svo. Waisenhauses, Halle, 1881. 300.-SOCIOLOGY. 320.-POLITICAL SCIENCE. 320-9 Dunning (W. A.) A History of political theories, ancient and mediaeval. dy. Svo. Macmillan, New York & London, 1902. 326.-SLAVERY. 326-93 Wallon (H.) Histoire de I'esclavage dans I'antiquite. 2nd ed. 3 vols. dy. Svo. Hachette, Paris, 1879, 326-937 Buckland (W. W.) The Roman law of slavery : the condition of the slave in private law, from Augustus to Justinian. roy. Svo. University Press, Cambridge, 1908. 11 340.-LAW. 342— CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND HISTORY. Class. [913-37] Launspach (C. W. L.) State and family in early Rome. dy. 8vo. Bell, London, 1908. [913-37] Another copy. Lending B3926 342*379 Taylor (T. M.) A Constitutional and political history of Rome to the reign of Domitian. cr. Svo. Methuen, London, 1899. 342*38 Hammond (B. E.) The PoUtical institutions of the ancient Greeks. dy. Svo. Clay, London, 1895. 342-38 Whibley (L.) Greek oHgarchies, their character and organisation. cr. Svo. Methuen, London, 1S96. 342-389 Greenidge (A. H. J.) A Handbook of Greek constitutional history. cr. Svo. map. Macmillan, London & New York, 1896. 349.37.-GREEK AND ROMAN LAW. 349-37 Perionius (J.) De Romanorum et Graecorum magistratibus. T3672 jj, fcp. 4to. Perier, Parisiis, 1560. 349-37 Butler (Charles) Horae juridicae subsecivae : notes respecting Grecian, Roman, feudal, and canon law. cr. Svo. Brooke, London, 1804. 349.37.-ROMAN. 349-37 Amos (S.) The History and principles of the civil law of Rome. dy. Svo. Paul, London, 1883. 349-37 Ayliffe (J.) A New pandect of Roman civil law. Vol. 1 [all published]. T142 cr. fo. Osborne, London, 1734. 349-37 Bruns (C. G.) ed. Fontes juris Romani antiqui ; editio sexta, cura T. Mommseni et O. Gradenwitz. 2 vols, in 1. 6th ed. dy. Svo. Libraria Academica Mohrii, Friburgi in Brisgavia, 1893. 349-37 Burke (E. P.) An Historical essay on the laws and government of Rome : an introduction to the study of the civil law. Lending 3171 2nd ed. dy. Svo. Stevenson, Cambridge, 1842. 349-37 Chamier (Daniel) A Manual of Roman law. dy. Svo. Sonnenschein, London & New York, 1893. 349-37 Another copy. Lending C1679 349-37 Duck (Arthur) De usu et authoritate juris civiUs Romanorum per dominia principum Christianonim. T934 fcp. Svo. Dring, Londini, 1679. 349-37 Godefroy (D.) ed. Corpus juris civihs. T2096 3rd ed. 3 vols, in 1. cr. Svo. Vignon, Sancti Gervasii, 1606. 349-37 Another edition. Opera et studio S. van Leeuwen. T2028 cr. fo. Blaeu, Amstelodami; etc., 1663. 349-37 Hunter (W. A.) Introduction to Roman law. Lending 2942 cr. Svo. Maxwell, London, 1885. 349-37 Knieger (P.) and Mommsen (T.) edd. Corpus juris civihs : — Vol. 1 — Institutiones, recognovit P. Knieger ; Digesta, recognovit T. Mommsen. Vol. 2 — Codex Justinianus ; recognovit P. Knieger. 2 vols. imp. Svo. Weidmann, Berolini, 1900-5. 349-37 MacKenzie (T.) Lord MacKenzie. Studies in Roman law. 3rd ed. dy. Svo. Blackwood, Edinburgh & London, 1870. 12 349.37— ROMAN LA\/^— continued. Class. 349*37 Muirhead (J.) Historical introduction to the private law of Rome ; ed. by H. Goudy. Armstrong College 2nd ed. dy. 8vo. Black, London, 1899. 349*37 Pfund (T. G.) Altitalische Rechtsalterthiimer in der romischen Sage. cr. Svo. Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, Weimar, 1847. 349*37 Roby (H. J.) Roman private law in the times of Cicero and of the Antonines. 2 vols. dy. Svo. University Press, Cambridge, 1902. 349*3709 Ortolan (J. L. E.) The History of Roman law ; trans, with a chronometrical chart of Roman history by I. T. Prichard and D. Nasmith. Lending A9206 dy. 8vo. table. Butterworths, London, 1871. 349*371 Codex Theodosianus ; cum perpetuis commentariis J. Gothofredi ; praemit- tuntur chronologia accuratior, etc. ; opera et studio A. Marvillii. T3692-5 6 vols, in 4. cr. fo. Huguetan, Lugduni, 1665. 349*371 Editio nova ; recognita [a] J. A. D. Ritter. 6 vols, in 7. cr. fo. Weidmann, Lipsiae, 1736-45. 349*371 Gains, the Jurist. Institutionum juris civilis commentarii quatuor ; or, elements of Roman law ; with a translation and commentary by E. Poste. Lending A9612 dy. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1871. 349*371 2nd ed. 1875. Armstrong College 349*371 Krueger (P.) and others ; edd. Collectio librorum juris antejustiniani : — Tomus 1. — Gai Institutiones ; ed. P. Krueger et G. Sti demund. Tomus 2. — Ulpiani Liber singularis regularum ; Pauli Libri quinque sententiarum ; Fragmenta minora ; ed. P. Krueger. 2 vols. dy. Svo. Weidmann, Berolini, 1878-1905. 349*371 Leges duodecim tabularum de universo et private jure ; per Nicolaum le Sueur repositae. T2780 dy. Svo. Wechelus, Parisiis, 1547. 349*371 Legis duodecim tabularum reliquiae ; edidit R. Schoell. dy. Svo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1S66. 349*374 Sohm (R.) The Institutes : a text-book of Roman private law ; trans, by J. C. Ledlie ; with an introduction by E. Grueber. 2nd ed. dy. Svo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1901. 349*375 Bude (Guillaume) Annotationes in pandectas. T218 2 vols, in 1. dy. ISmo. Opera J. Soteris, Coloniae, 1627. 349.38.-GREEK. 349*38 Meier (M. H. E.) and Schomann (G. F.) Der Attische Process ; neu bearbeitet von J. H. Lipsius. ^^ gvo. Calvary, Berlin, 1883-7. Armstrong College 370-EDUCATION. 370.937. -GREEK AND ROMAN. * 370*937 Grasberger (L.) Erziehung und Unterricht im klassischen Alterthum. * 3 vols. dy. Svo. Stahel, Wiirzburg, 1864-81. 370*937 Ussing (J. L.) Erziehung und Jugendunterricht bei den Griechen und Romem. cr. Svo. Calvary, Berlin, 1885. 370.937.-ROMAN. 370*937 Hulsebos (G. A.) De educatione et institutione apud Romanos. dy. Svo. Kemink, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1875. 370*937 Wilkins (A. S.) Roman education. cr. Svo. University Press, Cambridge, 1905. 370*937 Two copies. Lending 2322, D1516 13 370.— EDUCATION-cofftmJWid. 370.938-GREEK. Class. 370*938 Freeman (K. J.) Schools of Hellas : the practice and theory of ancient Greek education from 600 to 300 B.C. ; ed. by M. J. Kendall ; with a preface by A. W. Verrall. dy. 8vo. plates. Macmillan, London, 1907. 370-938 Another copy. Lending A1650 370-938 Mahaffy (J. P.) Old Greek education. Lending B3589 2nd ed. cr. 8vo. Paul, London, 1883. 390.-COSTUME. POPULAR LIFE. 391. -COSTUME. 391 Hope (T.) The Costume of the ancients. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. plates. Chatto, London, 1875. 391 Racinet (A.) Le Costume historique. Tome 3. — Grec ; remain. cr. 4to. plates. Didot, Paris, 1888. 39T38 Abrahams (Ethel B.) Greek dress, from pre-Hellenic times to the Hellenistic age. dy. 8vo. illus. Murray, London, 1908. Rouge (fucus, ^vKos). Applied with a brush, or finger. 396.9.-WOMAN IN HISTORY. 396*9 Rothery (G. C.) The Amazons in antiquity and modem times. or. 8vo. plates. Griffiths, London, 1910. [396] Putnam (Emily J.) The Lady : studies of certain significant phases of her history. Lending C7586 or. 8vo. Putnams, London, 1910. Contains chapters on the Greek lady and on the Roman ladj'. 398.-FOLKLORE. See also Class 292 — Mythology. 398 Schmidt (Bernhard) ed. and trans. Griechische Marchen, Sagen, und Volks- lieder. German and Greek. dy. 8vo. Teubner, Leipzig, 1877. 398 — — • Another copy. Lending A7807 398-2 Gamett (Lucy M. J.) trans. Greek folk poesy : annotated translations from the whole cycle of Romaic folk-verse and folk-prose ; ed., with essays, by J. S. Stuart-Glennie. 2 vols. dy. 8vo, Nutt, London, 1896, 398-2 Another copy. Lending B4889 14 39B- FOLKLORE— continiied. 398-3* Abbott (G. F.) Macedonian folklore. dy. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1903. 398*3 Garnett (Lucy M. J.) trans. Greek folk-songs from the Turkish provinces of Greece ; with an introduction by J. S. Stuart-Glennie. dy. 8vo. Stock, London, 1885. [292] Lawson (John C.) Modern Greek folklore and ancient Greek religion : a study in survivals. dy. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1910. 398-4 Hahn (J. G. v.) trans. Griechische und albanesische Marchen ; gesammelt, iibersetzt und erlautert von J. G. v. Hahn. 2 vols, in 1. cr. 8vo. plates. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1864. 400.-PHILOLOGY. 410.-COMPARATIVE. 7 represents Greek and Latin together. Within any class number 7 and its subdivisions » * precede 7 {which represents Latin only). Thus 4nQ-l and 475 precede 470. 410 Darbishire (H. D.) Relliquiae philologicae ; or, essays in comparative philology ; ed. by R. S. Conway ; biographical notice by J. E. Sandys. Lending B5985 dy. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1895. 410 Dunbar (G.) An Inquiry into the structure and affinity of the Greek and Latin languages ; with comparisons of the Sanskrit and Gothic, and an appendix [on] the derivation of the Sanskrit from the Greek. Lending A5670 or. 8vo. Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1827. 410 Giles (P.) A Short manual of comparative philology for classical students. Manuals for students. cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1895. 410 Papillon (T. L.) A Manual of comparative philology, as applied to the illus- tration of Greek and Latin inflections. Lending C6564 3rd. ed. cr. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1882. 412 Byrne (J.) Origin of the Greek, Latin, and Gothic roots. dy. 8vo. Triibner, London, 1888. 412 Casaubon (Meric) De verborum usu et accuratae eorum cognitionis utilitate diatriba. T545 12mo. Flesher, Londini, 1647. 414 King (J. E.) and Cookson (C.) The Principles of sound and inflexion as illus- trated in the Greek and Latin languages. dy. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1888. 415 Schleicher (A.) A Compendium of the comparative grammar of the Indo- European, Sanskrit, Greek and Latin languages ; trans, by H. Bendall. 2 vols, in 1. cr. 8vo. Triibner, London, 1874-7. 417.-INSCRIPTIONS. PALAEOGRAPHY. GENERAL. See also 471-7 — Latin Palaeography, and 481-7 — Greek Palaeography. In the books that immediately follow, the facsimiles are, in many cases, not from MSS. of the Classics ; nevertheless, from the centuries covered and the styles of writing exhibited, they have value to those students of Greek and Latin who are concerned with Palaeography. 417 Bible — New Testament. Codex Theodori Bezae Cantabrigiensis, Evangelia et Apostolorum Acta complectens, quadratis literis Graeco-Latinus ; edidit notasque adjecit T. Kipling. [About 6th cent.] imp. 4to. E Prelo Academico, Cantabrigiae, 1793. 15 417— INSCRIPTIONS. PALAEOGRAPHY-conWjiwed. Class. 417 British Museum. Catalogue of ancient manuscripts in the British Museum. Part 1 — Greek. Part 2— Latin. 2 vols. roy. fo. plates. London, 1881-4. 417 Facsimiles of ancient charters [7th to 11th cent.] in the British Museum. Latin. 4 vols. cr. fo. and roy. fo. plates. [London], 1873-8. 417 Carta (F.) and others ; edd. Atlante paleografico-artistico ; compilato sui manoscritti esposti in Torino alia Mostra d'Arte Sacra nel 1898. [5th to 16th cent.] dy. fo. plates. Bocca, Torino, 1899. 417 Copinger (W. A.) The Bible and its transmission : an historical and biblio- graphical view of the Hebrew and Greek texts, and the Greek, Latin and other versions prior to the Reformation. imp. 4to. facsimiles. Sotheran, London, 1897. 417 Humphreys (H. N.) The Illuminated books of the middle ages : the art of illumination from the 4th to the 17th centuries ; illustrated by Owen Jones, roy. fo. plates. Longman, London, 1849. 417 Kenyon (F. G.) ed. Facsimiles of Biblical manuscripts in the British Museum. [3rd to 15th cent.] Greek and Latin. Two copies, imp. 4to. plates. British Museum, London, 1900. 417 Muratori (L. A.) Novus thesaurus veterum inscriptionum in praecipuis earumdem collectionibus hactenus praetermissarum. 4 vols. dy. fo. Ex aedibus Palatinis, Mediolani, 1739-42. 417 Palaeographical Society, Facsimiles of manuscripts and inscriptions ; ed. by E. A. Bond and E. M. Thompson. 417 Same. Second series ; ed. by E. A. Bond, E. M. Thompson, and G. F. Warner. 417 Same. Oriental series ; ed. by W. Wright. 417 Index to Series 1 and 2. 7 vols. roy. fo. and roy. 8vo. London, 1873-1901. 417 Silvestre (J. B.) Universal palaeography ; or, facsimiles of writings of all nations and periods ; accompanied by an historical and descriptive text and introduction, by Champollion-Figeac and A. Champollion, fils ; trans, and ed. with corrections and notes by Sir F. Madden. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. and roy. fo. plates. Bohn, London, 1850. 417 Thompson {Sir E. Maunde) Handbook of Greek and Latin palaeography. International scientific series. cr. 8vo. plates. Paul, London, 1893. 417 Another copy. Lending B4177 417 Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Codici Bobbiesi della Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino ; con illustrazioni di C. Cipolla. [3rd to 15th cent.] Chiefly Latin. 2 vols, roy. fo. plates. Hoepli, Milano, 1907. 417 Vries (S. de) Album palaeographicum ; tabulae LIV selectae, ex cunctis jam editis ; tomus codicum Graecorum et Latinorum phototypice depictorum, duce S, de Vries. Armstrong College. roy. fo. plates. Sijthofif, Lugduni Batavorum, 1909. 417 Williams (H, S.) Manuscripts, inscriptions and muniments, oriental, classical, medieval and modern, described, classified and arranged ; comprehending the history of the art of writing. 4 vols. roy. fo. plates. Merrill, London & New York, [1901]. 16 * 470.-GREEK AND LATIN PHILOLOGY. GENERAL WORKS. Class. (Including Periodicals.) * 470 Baur (F.) A Philological introduction to Greek and Latin for students ; trans, by C. K. Paul and E. D. Stone. Lending A2922 2nd ed. cr. 8vo. Paul, London, 1879. [480] Dawes (R.) Miscellanea critica, iterum edita ; curavit T. Burgess. :^ dy. 8vo. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, 1781. 470-5 Mnemosyne : bibliotheca philologica Batava, 1910 to date. Armstrong College. dy. 8vo. Harrassowitz, Lipsiae, 1910, etc. [405] The Philological Museum : [a periodical dealing mainly with the Greek and Latin classics]. Vols. 1-2. [All published.] * 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Deightons, Cambridge ; etc., 1832-3 470-5 Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie. Bd. 61 to date. Armstrong College. dy. 8vo. Sauerlander, Frankfurt, 1906, etc. [406] Philological Society. Proceedings [containing several papers on the Greek and Latin classics]. Vol. 1, 1842-4, j vol. 2, wanting, vols. 3-5, 1846-52. 4 vols. dy. 8vo. London, 1854. [Continued as :] [406] Transactions, 1854 to 1864. 1875-6 (pt. 3) to 1888-90. 27 vols. dy. 8vo. London. 470.7.-TEACHING OF GREEK AND LATIN. See also 470.7 — Teaching of Latin. 4:70-7 Bennett (C. E.) and Bristol (G. P.) The Teaching of Latin and Greek in the secondary school. Lending D1854 American teachers series. cr. 8vo. Longmans, New York, etc., 1903. [B.B.379] Williams (C. E.) The Teaching of Latin and Greek in preparatory schools. In Special reports on educational subjects, vol. 6, no. 9. 1900. 475.-GREEK AND LATIN GRAMMAR. [439] Brugmann (K.) and Delbriick (B.) Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen. Armstrong College. 6 vols, in 8. roy. 8vo. Triibner, Strassburg. 1886-1900. * 475 King (J. E.) and Cookson (C.) An Introduction to the comparative grammar of Greek and Latin. Lending C6563 4, Clarendon press series. cr. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1890. 475 Peile (J.) An Introduction to Greek and Latin etymology. :ic 3rd ed. Macmillan, London, 1875. 475-18 Hale (W. G.) The Anticipatory subjunctive in Greek and Latin. ^t Studies in classical philology, fcp. 4to. University Press, Chicago, 1894. 475-2 Miles (Eustace H.) Comparative syntax of Greek and Latin. Part 1, [All published.] dy. 8vo. Macmillan, Cambridge, 1893. 17 § 470-LATIN PHILOLOGY. GENERAL WORKS. Class. 470 Becmanus (C.) Manuductio ad Latinam linguam ; necnon de originibus Latinae linguae. T521 4th ed. cr. 8vo. Sumptibus Schleichii, Hanoviae, 1629. [479] Cooper (F. T.) Word formation in the Roman sermo plebeius : the develop- ment of vocabulary in vulgar and late Latin, with special reference to the romance languages. roy. 8vo. New York, 1895. [572-937] Donaldson (J. W.) Varronianus : a critical and historical introduction to the ethnography of ancient Italy and to the philological study of the Latin language. Armstrong College 2nd cd. dy. 8vo. Parker, London, etc., 1852. [281*1] Dubois (A.) La Latinite d'Ennodhis : contribution a I'etude du Latin litteraire a la fin de I'Empire romain d'occident. roy. 8vo. Klincksieck, Paris, 1903. 470 Goclenius (Rudolphus) the Elder. Observationum linguae Latinae, sive puri sermonis, analecta. T1397 dy. 18mo. Sumtibus Closemanni, Lipsiae, 1624. 470 Funck (J. N.) De origine et pueritia Latinae linguae libri duo ; accedit Spici- legium literarium, et index. [Also, De adolescentia Latinae linguae tractatus, inde a bello Punico secundo usque ad Ciceronis aetatem.] 2 vols, in 1. fcp. 4to. Miiller, Marburgi Cattorum, 1723-35. 470 De virili aetate Latinae linguae tractatus, a temporibus L. Corn. Sullae et Ciceronis ad Octaviani Caesaris Augusti obitum. [Also, De lectione auctorum classicorum.] 4 vols, in 1. fcp. 4to. Muller, Marburgi Cattorum; etc., 1727-63. 470 De imminenti Latinae linguae senectute tractatus, ab excessu Caesaris Octaviani Augusti ad principatum usque Hadriani Imperatoris. fcp. 4to. Miiller, Marburgi Cattorum, 1736. 470 De vegeta Latinae linguae senectute commentarius, ab excessu Trajani usque ad principatum Honorii Imperatoris, etc. fcp. 4to. Miiller, Marburgi Cattorum, 1744. 470 De inerti ac decrepita Latinae linguae senectute commentarius, ab urbe Roma seculo ineunte quinto a Gothis expugnata usque ad Caroli M. Imperatoris obitum. fcp. 4to. Meyer, Lemgoviae, 1750. 470 Keil (Heinrich) ed. Grammatici Latini ; ex recensione H. Keihi : — Vol. 1 — Flavii Sosipatri Charisii Artis grammaticae libri V. ; Diomedis Artis grammaticae libri III. Vols. 2-3 — Prisciani Institutionum grammaticarum libri XVIII. , ex recensione M. Hertzii ; Prisciani Opera minora. Vol. 4 — P. Donati Servii qui feruntur De arte grammatica hbri ; Notarum laterculi, edente T. Mommseno. Vol. 5 — Artium scriptores minores. Vol. 6 — Scriptores artis metricae. Vol. 7 — Scriptores de orthographia. Supplementum — Anecdota Helvetica ; ed. H. Hagen. 8 vols. roy. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1857-70. 470 Mayor (John E. B.) Exercises on Latin accidence. [Also, Exercises in Latin syntax ; and Latin exercises.] 4 vols, in 1. cr. 8vo. Bell, Cambridge, 1871-[2]. Author's copy with MS. corrections. 18 470.-LATIN PHILOLOGY— contt»iM«d. Class. 470 Popma (Ausonius) De differentiis verbonim libri IV ; et De usu antiquae locutionis ; curante B. Musculo, etc. T2972 3rd ed. 2 vols, in 1. fcp. 8vo. Sumptibus Hampelii, Marpurgi, 1632. 470 Robinson (H.) Scholae Wintoniensis phrases Latinae : the Latin phrases of Winchester School. T2992 11th ed. cr. 8vo. Chiswell, London, 1685. 470 Scaliger (Julius Caesar) De causis linguae Latinae. T3152 fcp. 8vo. In Bibliopolio Commeliniano, [Heidelberg], 1623. 470.7,-TEACHING OF LATIN. 470-7 Jones (W. H. S.) The Teaching of Latin. Lending D1932 fcp. 8vo. Blackie, London, etc., 1906. [480-7] Mayor (J. E. B.) Preface to First Greek reader, 1868. Lending 6349 dy. 8vo. Macmillan, Cambridge, 1905. Deals also with the teaching of Latin. [B.B.379] Sonnenschein (E. A.) Newer methods in the teaching of Latin. In Special reports on educational subjects, vol. 8, no. 18. 1902. 470.9.-HIST0R1CAL PHILOLOGY. 470*9 Lindsay (W. M.) The Latin language : an historical account of Latin sounds, stems, and flexions. dy. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1894. 470-9 Mohl (F. G.) Introduction a la chronologic du Latin vulgaire : etude de philologie historique. roy. 8vo. Bouillon, Paris, 1899. 471.-LATIN ORTHOGRAPHY. [408] Wagener (C.) Kurz gefasste lateinische Orthographic fiir Schulen. 1871. In Philological tracts. 471.5.-PRONUNCIATION OF LATIN. [481-5] Arnold (E. V.) and Conway (R. S.) The Restored pronunciation of Greek and Latin ; with tables and practical applications. cr. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1895 [481-5] 4th ed. 1908. Lending A8347 471-5 Board of Education. Regulations [for secondary schools : pronunciation of Latin. fcp. fo. Wyman, London, 1907. 471*5 Cambridge Philological Society. Pronunciation of Latin in the Augustan period. cr. 8vo. Triibner, London, 1889. 471-5 Corssen (W.) Uber Aussprache, Vokalismus, und Betonung der lateinischen Sprache. 2 vols, in 1. 2nd ed. roy. 8vo. Teubner, Leipzig, 1868-70. [408] Munro (H. A. J.) A Few remarks on the pronunciation of Latin. 1874. In Philological tracts. 471-5 Postgate (J. P.) How to pronounce Latin. dy. 8vo. Bell, London ; etc., 1907. 471*5 Another copy. Lending A8346 471.7.-LATIN PALAEOGRAPHY AND INSCRIPTIONS. [453] Cappelli (A.) Dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane. fcp. 8vo. Hoepli, Milano, 1899. 471-7 Chatelain (E.) Paleographie des classiques latins. 2 vols. roy. fo. plates. Hachette, Paris, 1884-1900. 19 471-7-LATIN INSCRIPTIONS AND PALAEOGRAPHY— cOMtinwed. Class: 471-7 Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum ; consilio et auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Regiae Borussicae editum : — I. Inscriptiones Latinae antiquissimae ad C. Caesaris mortem, ed. T. Mommsen ; accedunt Elogia clarorum virorum, edita ab eodem ; Fasti anni Juliani, editi ab eodem ; Fasti consulares ad a.u.c. DCCLXVL, editi a G. Henzens. 1863. II. Inscriptiones Hispaniae Latinae ; ed. Aemilius Hiibner. 1869. Supplementum. 1892. III. Inscriptiones Asiae, Provinciarum Europae Graecarum, lUyrici, Latinae ; ed. T. Mommsen. 2 pts. [and supplement.] 1873-91. IV. Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae, etc., ed. C. Zangemeister ; accedunt vasorum fictilium inscriptiones, ed. a R. Schoene. 1871. V. Inscriptiones Galliae Cisalpinae Latinae ; ed. T. Mommsen : — i. — Inscriptiones regionis Italiae decimae. 1872. ii. — Inscriptiones > regionum Italiae undecimae et nonae. 1877. VI. Inscriptiones Urbis Romae Latinae ; ed. E. Bormann, etc. 5 pts. (pt. 4 missing). 1876-86. VII. Inscriptiones Britanniae ; ed. A. Huebner. 1873. VIII, Inscriptiones Africae Latinae ; collegit G. Wilmanns. 2 pts. 1881. Supplement, pt. i. ; ed. R. Cagnat, etc. 1881. IX. Inscriptiones Calabriae, Apuliae, Samnii, Sabinorum, Piceni, Latinae ; ed. T. Mommsen. 1883. X. Inscriptiones Bruttiorum, Lucaniae, Campaniae, Siciliae, Sar- diniae, Latinae ; ed. T. Mommsen. 2 pts. 1883. XI. Inscriptiones Aemiliae, Etruriae, Umbriae, Latinae ; ed. E. Bormann. pt. i. only, pt. ii. missing (viz. for Umbria). 1888. XII. Inscriptiones Galliae Narbonensis Latinae ; ed. O. Hirschfeld. 1888. XIII. iii, Inscriptiones trium Galliarum et Germaniarum Latinae : instrumentum domesticum ; ed. O. Bohn. pt. iii., fasc. 1. 1901. XIV. Inscriptiones Latii veteris Latinae ; ed. H. Dessau. 1887. XV. Inscriptiones Urbis Romae Latinae : instrumentum domesticum ; ed. H. Dressel. pt. i. only. 1891. Society of Antiquaries. dy. fo. Berolini, 1863-1901. See also Ephemeris epigraphica, below. 471-7 Dessau (H.) ed. Inscriptiones Latinae selectae. Vol. 1, vol. 2, i., ii. Armstrong College. 2 vols, in 3. cr. 4to. Apud Weidmannos, Berolini, 1892-1906. In progress. [878-9] Edon (G.) Nouvelle etude sur Le chant Lemural, les Freres Arvales et I'ecriture cursive des Latins. roy. 8vo. Belin, Paris, 1884. 471-7 Ephemeris epigraphica (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum : supplementum) edita jussu Institituti Archaeologici Romani. Vols. 1-6, 8. Society of Antiquaries. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. Apud G. Reimerum, Berolini, 1872-99. 471-7 Fabretti (R.) Inscriptionum antiquarum quae in aedibus paternis asservantur explicatio, etc. T1363 fcp. fo. Sumptibus Galleri, Romae, 1702. 471-7 Gruterus (J.) Inscriptiones antiquae totius orbis Romani ; notis M. Gudii emendatae, denuo cura J. G. Graevii recensitae, etc. T4237-8 4 vols, in 2. cr. fo. port. &: illus. Halma, Amstelaedami, 1707. 20 471-7.— LATIN INSCRfPTIONS AND PALAEOGRAPHY— COHttJiwed. Class. 471-7 Inscriptiones antiquae Basilicae S. Pauli ad viam Ostiensem. cr. fo. Moneta, Romae, 1654. 471-7 Isidore, Saint, Bishop of Seville. Etymologiae : Codex Toletanus (nunc Matritensis) 15, 8, phototypice editus ; praefatus est R. Beer. Armstrong College. large 4to. Sijthoff, Lugduni Batavorum, 1909. 471-7 Livius (Titus) Patavinus. Histoire romaine : reproduction reduite du manuscrit en onciale de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Armstrong College. 4 vols. fcp. 4to. Berthaud, Paris, \circa 1900.] 471-7 McCaul (J.) Britanno-Roman inscriptions ; with Critical notes. dy. 8vo. frontispiece. Rowsell, Toronto ; etc., 1863. 471-7 Plautus (Titus Maccius) Codex Heidelbergensis, 1613 Palatinus C, phototypice editus ; praefatus est C. Zangemeister. Armstrong College. large 4to. Sijtlio£f, Lugduni Batavorum, 1900. 471-7 Reinesius (T.) Syntagma inscriptionum antiquarum, cumprimis Romae veteris, quarum omissa est recensio in J. Gruteri opere, etc. T2715 cr. fo. Fritschii haered., etc., Lipsiae, 1682. 47T7 Steffens (F.) Lateinische Palaographie : Tafeln in Lichtdruck mit gegen- iiberstehender Transkription nebst Erlauterungen. 3 pts. pts. 1-2. 2nd ed. Schaar, Trier. [? 1906-10]. [L9134282] Surridge (T.) Notices of Roman inscriptions discovered in Northumberland. dy. 4to. plates. Longman, London; etc., 1853. 471-7 Tacitus (Caius Cornelius) Codex Laurentianus Mediceus 681, phototypice editus ; praefatus est H, Rostagno. Armstrong College. large 4to. Sijthoff, Lugduni Batavorum, 1902. 471-7 Taciti Dialogus de oratoribus et Germania ; Suetonii De viris illustribus fragmentum. Codex Leidensis Perizonianus phototypice editus ; praefatus est G. Wissowa. Armstrong College. roy. 4to. SijtliofE, Lugduni Batavorum, 1907. 471-7 Wilmanns (G.) Exempla inscriptionum Latinarum. Armstrong College. dy. 8vo. Weidmann, Berolini, 1873. 473.-LATIN DICTIONARIES. 473 Cellarius (C] the Elder. Latinitatis probatae & exercitae liber memorialis ; e Germamca in linguam Anglicanam versus a M.B. T698 fcp. 8vo. Tooke, Londini, 1709 473 Estienne (Robert) Thesaurus linguae Latinae ; editio nova. T4576-9 4 vols. dy. fo. Harding, Londini, 1734-6. 473 Festus (Sextus Pompeius) Sex. Pompei Festi et Mar. Verri Flacci De verborum significatione lib. xx. ; notis et emendationibus illustravit A. Dacerius, in usum Delphini. T2017 2vols.ini. cr. 4to. frontispiece. Sumptibus Huguetanorum, Amstelodami, 1699. [870-8] Another edition. Ex editione A. Dacerii ; curante A. J. Valpy. Valpy's Delphin classics. 1819-30. 473 De verborum significatione quae supersunt ; cum Pauli epitome ; emendata et annotata a C. O. Muellero. long dy. 8vo. Weidmann, Lipsiae, 1839. 473 Forcellini (E.) Totius Latinitatis lexicon ; consilio et cura J. Facciolati ; secundum tertiam editionem, cujus curam gessit J. Furlanetto. T1564-7 4 vols. Sumptibus Schumanni, Schneebergae, 1831-5. 473 Ker (J.) Selectarum de lingua Latina observationum libri duo. T2487-8 2 vols. cr. 8vo. Apud Hartleium, Londini, 1708-9. 473 Martini (Matthias) Lexicon philologicum praecipue etymologicum. T2660 fcp. fo. Typis Villerianis, Bremae, 1623. 21 473— LATIN DICTIONARIES— confi/med. Class. [413] Minsheu (John) Emendatio seu augmentatio Ductoris in linguas, the guide into tongues ; cum illarum harmonia, e^c, in novem linguis, viz. — Anglica, Belgica, Germanica, Gallica, Itahca, Hispanica, Latina, Graeca, etc. T4511 2nd ed. cr. fo. Haviland, London, 1625. [413] Another copy. Dated 1627. [878-9] Nonius Marcellus. [De compendiosa doctrina] ; additus est Uber Fulgentii De prisco sermone ; et notae. T2572 2 vols, in 1. fcp. 8vo. Perier, Parisiis, 1614. [429] Somner (W.) Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-AngHcum ; accesserunt Aelfrici Grammatica Latino-Saxonica, cum glossario. T3143 fcp. fo. Hall, Oxonii, etc., 1659. 473 Thesaurus linguae Latinae ; editus auctoritate et consiHo academiarum quinque Germanicarum. Lat. Vol. 1. A.— Am. Vol. 2, An.— B. Vol. 3. C— Com. Vol. 4, Con. — Cyv. Vol. 5, fasc. 1-4, D.— Die. Supplementum : Nomina propria Latina, fasc. 1-3, C. — Con, Index librorum scrip torum inscriptionum ex quibus exempla adferuntur. roy. 4to. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1900-12. In progress. 473 Epitome thesauri Latini ; adomavit et auxiliantibus compluribus edidit F. Vollmer. Part 1. dy. 4to. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1912. In progress. 473 Verrius Flaccus (M.) [Works]. In Festus (S. P.) De verborum significatione ; illustravit A. Dacerius. 1699. T2017 [870-8] Another edition. Ex editione A. Dacerii ; curante A. J. Valpy. In Festus (S. P.) De verborum significatione. Valpy's Delphin classics 1819-30. 473.2.-LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARIES. 473-2 Ainsworth (R.) Latin [-English and Enghsh-Latin] dictionary ; with additions, etc., by B. W. Beatson ; revised by W. Ellis. roy. Svo. Reeves, London, 1878. 473-2 An Abridgement of Ainsworth's dictionary, English-Latin [and Latin- Enghsh] ; by T. MorelL Lending C1692 7th ed. 2 vols, in 1. dy. Svo. Johnson, London, 1806. 473-2 Cassell (J.) and Co., publishers. Latin dictionary: Latin-English and English- Latin; revised by J. R. V. Marchant and J. F. Charles. Lending C1480 cr. Svo. Cassell, London, etc., 1892. 473-2 Cooper (T.) Thesaurus linguae Romanae & Britannicae ; accessit diction- arium historicum & poeticum propria vocabula complectens. Lat.-English. fcp. fo. Londini, 167S. 473-2 Goodwin (T.) English-Latin dictionary, for use in schools, etc. Lending 8940 fcp. Svo. Lockwood, London, 1876. 473-2 Gouldman (F.) A Copious [Latin-English and English-Latin] dictionary. T2149 4th ed. 3 vols, in 1. cr. 4to. Hayes, Cambridge, 1678. 473-2 Lewis (C. T.) and Short (C.) A Latin [-English] dictionary ; founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's dictionary. imp. Svo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1879. 473-2 Smith {Sir W.) A Latin-English dictionary ; based on the works of Forcellini and Freund ; with tables of the Roman calendar, measures, weights, and money. roy. Svo. Murray, London, 1874. 22 473.— LATIN D\CTtONAR\ES-continiiecl . Class. 473-2 Smith {Sir W.) and Hall (T. D.) A Copious and critical English-Latin dic- tionary. 2nd ed. roy. 8vo. Murray, London, 1874. 473-2 A Smaller Latin-English dictionary ; the etymological portion by J. K. Ingram. Lending C3141 34th ed. sq. cr. Svo. Murray, London, 1893. 473-2 White (J. T.) and Riddle (J. E.) A Latin-English dictionary. 7th ed. imp. Svo. Longmans, London, 1880. 473.3.-LATIN-GERMAN DICTIONARY. 473-3 Krebs (J. P.) Antibarbarus der lateinischen Sprache ; siebente Auflage von J. H. Schmalz. Lat.-German. 7th ed. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Schwabe, Basel, 1905-7. 473.924.-LATIN HEBREW DICTIONARY. [492-43] Robertson (W.) Thesaurus linguae sanctae ; sive, lexicon Hebraeo-Latino- Bibhcum. T3723 cr. 4to. Londini, 1680. 475 -LATIN GRAMMAR. 475 Allen (J. Barrow) An Elementary Latin grammar. Lending B9683 fcp. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1886. 475 Allen (J. H.) and Greenough (J, B.) New Latin grammar ; ed. by J. B. Greenough [and others]. cr. 8vo. Ginn, Boston, etc., [1903]. 475 Another copy. Lending B1030 475 Donaldson (J. W.) A Complete Latin grammar. 3rd ed. dy. Svo. Deighton, Cambridge, 1867. 475 Gildersleeve (B. L.) and Lodge (G.) Latin grammar, revised and enlarged. Lending C4582 3rd ed. cr. Svo. Macmillan, London, 1895. 475 Hayes (B. J.) and Masom (W. F.) The Tutorial Latin grammar. Univ. Corr. Coll. series. cr. Svo. Clive, London, [1892]. 475 Richardson (F. L. D.) and Hazel (A. E. W.) Exercises and test questions on the Tutorial Latin grammar. Univ. Tutorial series. cr. Svo. Clive, London, [1897]. 475 Kennedy (B. H.) The Public school Latin grammar. Lending D2335 cr. Svo. Longmans, London, etc., 1900. 475 Lane (G. M.) A Latin grammar for schools, etc. Lending C6842 cr. 8vo. Harper, London & New York, 1899.'j 475 IVIacmillan (M. C.) First Latin grammar. " Lending B9678 fcp. Svo. Macmillan, London, 1881. [485] Melanchthon (P.) Grammatices Latinae elementa. Bound with his Gram- matica Graeca. 1538. fcp. Svo. Montisferrati, Venetiis, 1541. 475 A New method of learning with facility the Latin tongue ; trans., and improved, from the French of the Messieurs de Port-Royal, by T. Nugent. 2 vols. dy. Svo. Wingrave, London, 1816. 475 Roby (H. J.) A Grammar of the Latin language from Plautus to Suetonius. 4th ed. 2 vols. cr. Svo. Macmillan, London, 1881-2. L475 Sabourn (R.) An Epitome of grammar ; or, a short introduction to the Latin tongue ; whereto is prefixed a short essay on the true method of teaching the Latin tongue, by R. Ascham. or. Svo, Button, Newcastle, 1733. 23 475.— LATIN GRAMMAR— continiied. Class. 475 Smith {Sir W.) and Hall (T, D.) A Grammar of the Latin language. Lending B891 The student's Latin grammar. 15th ed. cr. 8vo. Murray, London, 1889. 475 A Smaller grammar of the Latin language. Lending C1348 23rd ed. cr. 8vo. Murray, London, 1890. 475 Sonnenschein (E. A.) A Latin grammar. Lending C2261 Parallel grammar series. cr. 8vo. Sonnenschein, London, 1892. 475 Stolz (F.) Historische Grammatik der lateinischen Sprache. Bd. 1, l^^ {-2^^) Halfte. Armstrong College. 2 vols, in I. roy. 8vo. Teubner, Leipzig, 1894. 475. 18. -SYNTAX. 475-18 Hale (W. G.) The Sequence of tenses in Latin. 2 vols, in 1. dy. 8vo. Friedenwald, Baltimore, 1887-8. 475-18 Sonnenschein (E. A.) The Unity of the Latin subjunctive. dy. 8vo. Murray, London, 1910. 475-2 Draeger (A.) Historische Syntax der lateinischen Sprache. 2nd ed. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Teubner, Leipzig, 1878-81. 475-2 Owen (E. C. E.) Latin syntax for the use of upper forms. Lending B6681 or. 8vo. Rivingtons, London, 1888. 476.- LATIN PROSODY [371] Abbott (E. A.) On the teaching of Latin verse composition. In Eve (H. W.) and others. Three lectures on the practice of education. 1883. Lending C5823 476 Carey (J.) Gradus ad Pamassum ; with the English meanings. cr. 8vo. Company of Stationers, London, 1886. 476 Re-impression, with date 1902. Lending B488 476 Keller (O.) Der Satumische Vers als rythmisch erwiesen. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Freytag, Leipzig, etc., 1883-6. 476 Mueller (Lucian) De re metrica poetarum Latinorum praeter Plautum et Terentium libri septem ; accedunt ejusdem auctoris opuscula. dy. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1861. 476 Ramsay (W.) An Elementary manual of Latin prosody. cr. 8vo. Griffin, London and Glasgow, 1859. 476 7th ed. [1903] Lending 7493 [486] Schmidt (J, H.) An Introduction to the rhythmic and metric of the classical languages ; trans, by J. W. White. dy. 8vo. Macmillan, New York and London, 1894. 476-8 Rouse (W. H. D.) Demonstrations in Latin elegiac verse. Lending B7433 cr. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1899. 476-8 Winbolt (S. E.) Latin hexameter verse : an aid to composition ; [with key]. Lending D1106 2 vols. cr. 8vo. Methuen, London, 1903. 477.-LATIN DIALECTS- EARLY FORMS OF LANGUAGE- 477 Buck (C. D.) A Grammar of Oscan and Umbrian ; with a collection of inscrip- tions and a glossary. cr. 8vo. Ginn, Boston, U.S.A., 1904. 477 Conway (R. S.) The Italic dialects ; with a grammar and glossary. dy. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1897. [878-9] Egger (A, E.) Latini sermonis vetustioris reliquiae selectae. Lat. & Greek ; French notes. dy. 8vo. Hachette, Paris, 1843. 24 477— LATIN DIALECTS— C07l«t»lMed. Class. [878-08] Fulgentius (Fabius P.) Vocum antiquamm interpretatio. In Hyginus (C. J.) Fabulanim liber, etc. 1608. T1734 477-01 Wordsworth (John) ed. Fragments and specimens of early Latin ; with introductions and notes. dy. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1874. ETRUSCAN- 477-5 Betham {Sir W.) Etmria-Celtica : Etruscan literature and antiquities investigated ; or, the [Etruscan] language identified with the Iberno-Celtic. 2 vols. dy. Svo. plates. Hardy, Dublin, 1842. 477-5 Ellis (R.) Sources of the Etruscan and Basque languages. dy. Svo. Triibner, London, 1886. 477-5 Lanzi (Luigi) Saggio di lingua Etrusca e di altre antiche d'ltaUa. 3 vols. 2nd. ed. dy. 8vo. port. Tofani, Firenze, 1824-5. 477-5 Lindsay (A. W. C.) Earl of Crawford. Etruscan inscriptions analysed, trans- lated, and commented upon. dy. 8vo. Murray, London, 1872. 477-5 Taylor (Isaac) Etruscan researches. dy. 8vo. Macmillan, London, 1874. 478.-SCHOOL BOOKS- GENERAL. L478 An Introduction to the Latin tongue for the use of youth. cr. Svo. Andrews, Durham, 1817. L478 Raine (M.) Eclecta puerilia : sententiae, colloquia, fabulae et poemata in usum scholarum collecta. dy. 18mo. Saint, Novi Castelli, 1787. 478.2.-FIRST LESSONS IN LATIN. ELEMENTARY COMPOSITION. 478-2 Ainger (A. C.) and Wintle (H. G.) Elementary Latin exercises, adapted to the Eton Latin grammar. Lending C1966 cr. 8vo. Murray, London, 1885. 478-2 Allcroft (A, H.) and Haydon (J. H.) Latin composition and syntax, Univ. Corr. Coll. Tutorial series. cr. 8vo. Clive, London, [1890]. 478-2 Exercises to Latin composition and syntax. Univ. Corr. Coll. Tutorial series, cr. 8vo. Clive, London, [1890]. 478-2 Anchoran (John) Porta linguarum, trilinguis reserata & aperta ; sive seminarium linguarum & scientiarum omnium. Lat., English, & French. 4th ed. fcp. 8vo. Griffin, Londini, 1639. 478-2 Arnold (T. K.) A Practical introduction to Latin prose composition. Lending D2599 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Longmans, London, etc., 1901-2. 478-2 Bayfield (M. A.) Latin prose for lower forms : exercises. Lending C1729 New Latin primer series. cr. 8vo. Cassell, London, etc., 1890. 478-2 Hall (T. D.) A Child's first Latin book. Lending C1872 fcp. Svo. Murray, London, 1891. 478-2 Marchant (E. C.) and Spencer (J. G.) Bell's Concise Latin course. Lending 2425 cr. Svo. Bell, London, 1904. 478-2 Mitchell (G. W.) Latin composition based on Caesar. Lending C4377 cr. Svo. Macmillan, Toronto, etc., 1908. 478-2 Postgate (J. P.) The First Latin primer. Lending C1731 cr. Svo. Cassell, London, etc., 1890. 478-2 Prendergast (T.) Latin. Lending C3149 The Mastery series. 7th ed. cr. Svo. Longmans, London, 1892. 25 478.— SCHOOL B00KS-C07itiMM«^ ^ i ion, Longmans, London & JNew York, 189L 913-37 Bliimner (H.) Die Romischen Privataltertiimer. Handbuch d. klass. Altertums-Wissenschaft. roy. 8vo. illus. Beck, Miinchen, 191L [920] Boissier (G.) Cicero and his friends : a study of Roman society in the time of Caesar ; trans, by A. D. Jones. 3rd ed. cr. 8vo. Ward, London, [1897]. 913-37 Deloche ( — ) Le Port des anneaux dans I'antiquite romaine et dans les premiers siecles du moyen age. Memoires de TAcademie. dy. 4to. n.t.p. 913-37 Dill {Sir Samuel) Roman society in the last century of the western empire. 2nd ed. cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1899. 913-37 Roman society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. dy. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York 1905. 913-37 Fowler (W. Warde) Social life at Rome in the age of Cicero. Lending A5534 dy. 8vo. plans. Macmillan, London, 1908. 913-37 Haenny (L.) Schriftsteller und Buchhandler im alten Rom. 2nd ed. dy. 8vo. Fock, Leipzig, 1885. 913-37 Hudemann (E. E.) Geschichte des romischen Postwesens wahrend der cr. 8vo. Calvary, Berlin, 1878. 913-37 Inge (W. R.) Society in Rome under the Caesars. Lending C8700 cr. 8vo. Murray, London, 1888. 913-37 Kirchmann (J.) De funeribus Romanorum libri IV., cum appendice ; accessit et Fun us parasiticum, sive L. Biberii curculionis parasiti mortualia, autore N. Rigaltio. T1918 3rd ed. 2 vols, in 1. fcp. 8vo. Sumptibus Hauensteini, Brunsvigae, 1661. 913-37 Launspach (C. W. L.) State and family in early Rome. dy. 8vo. Bell, London, 1908. 913-37 • Another copy. Lending B3926 913-37 Meissner (A.) Altromisches Kulturleben. dy. 8vo. Seemann, Leipzig, 1908. 913-37 Nissen (H.) Italische Landeskunde. Bd. 1 — Land und Leute. Armstrong College. dy. 8vo. Weidmann, Berlin, 1883. 913-37 Schmitz (F.) De bibliopolis Romanorum. cr. 4to. Hofer, Saarbriicken, 1857. 913-37 Thomas (Emile) Roman life under the Caesars. dy. 8vo. maps & illus. Unwin, London, 1899. 913-37 Another copy. Lending B8095 913-37 Toller (O.) De spectaculis, cenis, distributionibus in municipiis Romanis occidentis imperatonmi aetate exhibitis : dissertatio. cr. 8vo. Typis Bondii, Altenburgi, 1889. 913-37 Tucker (T. G.) Life in the Roman world of Nero and St. Paul. Lending B410 dy. 8vo. maps & illus. Macmillan, London, 1910. ADMINISTRATION. [878-08] Alciatus (A.) De magistratibus civilibusque et militaribus ofificiis libellus. In Haurisius (B. C.) ed. Scriptores historiae Romanae Latini veteres, tom. 3, p. 655, 1748. 913-37 Annotatio ad notitiam dignitatum et administrationum omnium in partibus orientis [et occidentis] ; edidit E. Bocking ; [with index volume]. 4 vols. dy. 8vo. illus. Impensis Marci, Bonnae, 1839-53. 66 913.37— ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. ADMINISTRATION— con«MHted. Class, 913-37 Arnold (W. T.) The Roman system of provincial administration to the accession of Constantine the Great. Lending A6196 cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London, 1879. 913-37 Burmann (P.) De vectigalibus populi Romani dissertatio. dy. ISmo. Apud Gulielmum Van de Water, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1614. 913-37 Greenidge (A. H. J.) Roman public life. cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1901. 913-37 Hudemann (E. E.) Geschichte des romischen Postwesens wahrend der Kaiserzeit. or. Svo. Calvary, Berlin, 1878. 913.375.-ETRUSCAN ANTIQUITIES. [477-5] Betham {Sir W.) Etruria-Celtica : Etruscan literature and antiquities investigated. 2 vols. dy. Svo. plates. Hardy, Dublin, 1842. 913-375 Burton {Sir Richard F.) Etruscan Bologna : a study. cr. 8vo. illus. Smith, London, 1876. 913-375 Dempsterus (T.) De Etruria regali libri VII. ; curante T. Coke. (Ad monu- menta Etrusca — operi Dempsteriano addita : explicationes et conjecturae [by P. Bonarota]). 2 vols, plates, fcp. fo. Tj^is Regiae Celsitudinis, Florentiae, 1723[-6]. 913-375 Dennis (G.) The Cities and cemeteries of Etruria. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. illus. Murray, London, 1848. 913-375 Taylor (Isaac) Etruscan researches. Lending C9424 dy. 8vo. illus. Macmillan, London, 1874. 913.377.-POMPEIAN ANTIQUITIES- An angler in a Pompeian painting. " Tremulave captum linea trahit piscem " (Martial, HI., 58, 27). 913-377 Clarke (G.) Pompeii. Lending 5943 Library of entertaining knowledge. 4th ed. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. plans & illus. Knight, London, 1832-6. 913-377 Dyer (T. H.) ed. Pompeii, its history, buildings, and antiquities. Bohn's illustrated library, cr. 8vo. plans & illus. Bell, London, 1875. 913-377 Another edition. 1898. Lending 2361 913-377 Gell {Sir W.) Pompeiana : the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompeii, the result of excavations since 1819. 2 vols, plans & illus. Jennings, London, 1832. 67 913.377 —POMPEIAN ANTIQUITIES— COn«nMC(J. Class. 913-377 Gell {Sir W.) and Gandy (J. P.) Pompeiana : the topography, edifices, and ornaments of Pompeii. dy. 8vo. plans & illus. Chatto, London, 1875. 913-377 Another copy. Lending 7442 913-377 Home (J. F.) The Buried cities of Vesuvius : Herculaneum and Pompeii. Lending C3987 dy. Bvo. plates. Hazell, London, 1895. 913-377 Mau (A.) Pompeii, its life and art ; trans, by F. W. Kelsey. dy. 8vo. illus. Macmillan, New York & London, 1899. 913-377 Overbeck (J.) Pompeji in seinen Gebauden, Alterthiimem und Kunstwerken fiir Kunst- und Alterthumsfreunde. roy. 8vo. plans & illus. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1856. 913-377 Scharf (G.) The Pompeian court in the Crystal Palace. In Layard {Sir A. H.) The Nineveh court, etc. fcp. 8vo. plans & illus. Bradbury, London, 1854. 913.38-GREEK ANTIQUITIES. GENERAL. See also Class 709-38 — Greek Art. 913-38 AUinson (F. G.) and (A. C. E.) Greek lands and letters. cr. 8vo. plates. Unwin, London, 1910. [914-95] Baedeker (K.) Greece : handbook for travellers. 2nd ed. fcp. 8vo. maps & plans. Baedeker, Leipsic ; etc., 1894. 913-38 Barthelemy (J. J.) The Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece during the 4th century [B.C.] ; abridged. Lending A3351 dy. 8vo. plates. Vemor, London, 1797. 913-38 Bassi (D.) and Martini (E.) Disegno storico della vita e cultura greca. Lending A742 dy. 18mo. illus. Hoepli, Milano, 1910. 913*38 Boetticher (A.) Olympia : das Fest und seine Statte. Armstrong College. 2nd ed. roy. 8vo. illus. Springer, Berlin, 1886. 913-38 British School at Athens. Annual, No. 7, session 1900-1. cr. 4to. illus. Macmillan, London. 913-38 Caton (R.) Two lectures on the temples and ritual of Asklepios at Epidaurus and Athens. „ .,, ,__. roy. 8vo. illus. 1899. Reprint from " Otia Merseiana," Liverpool. 913-38 Collignon (M.) A Manual of Greek archaeology ; trans, by J. H. Wright. or. 8vo. illus. Cassell, London, etc., 1886. 913-38 Dickins (G.) Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum. Vol. I. — Archaic sculpture. cr. 8vo. illus. University Press, Cambridge, 1912. In progress. 913-38 Diehl (C.) Excursions in Greece to recently explored sites of classical interest ; trans, by Emma R. Perkins ; with an introduction by R. S. Poole. or. 8vo. plans & illus. Grevel, London ; etc., 1893. 913-38 Another copy. Lending C1622 L913-38 Duff (J. Wight) of Newcastle. A Lost palace and a lost ship : Crete and Cythera. roy. 8vo. Tyne Printing Works, Newcastle, 1901. [914-95] Fulleylove (J.) and M'Clymont (J. A.) Greece ; painted by J. Fulleylove, described by J. A. M'Clymont. dy. 8vo. plates. Black, London, 1906. [938] Gardner (Percy) New chapters in Greek history : historical results of recent excavations in Greece and Asia Minor. dy. 8vo. illus. Murray, London, 1892. 68 913.38.- GREEK ANTIQUITIES— cojitiWMCd. Class. 913-38 Gronov (J.) Thesaurus Graecarum antiquitatum. Vols. 1-4, 6-13. Society of Antiquaries. 12 vols. dy. fo. plates. Typis Bartholomae Javarina, etc., 1732. [722*8] Le Roy (J. D.) Les Ruines des plus beaux monuments de la Grece. imp. fo. plates. Guerin, Paris ; etc., 1758. 913-38 Mahaffy (J. P.) Greek antiquities. Lending A2415 History primers. dy. 18mo. illus. Macmillan, London, 1878. 913-38 — — Greek life and thought, from the age of Alexander to the Roman conquest. Lending C3274 cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1887. 913-38 The Greek world under Roman sway : from Polybius to Plutarch. Lending C6819 * cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1890. [914-95] • Rambles and studies in Greece. Lending C1289 3rd ed. cr. 8vo. map & plates. Macmillan, London & New York, 1887. [709-38] Murray (A. S.) Handbook of Greek archaeology. cr. 8vo. illus. Murray, London, 1892. [914-95] Murray (John) publisher. Handbook for travellers in Greece. 7th ed. cr. 8vo. maps & illus. Murray, London, 1900. 913-38 Niebuhr (B. G.) Lectures on ancient ethnography and geography : Greece and her colonies ; trans, from the German edition of Dr. Isler, by L. Schmitz. Lending A4469 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Walton, London, 1853. [930] Another copy. In his Collected lectures, vols. 7-8. 913-38 Pape (W.) Worterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen ; neu bearbeitet von G. E. Benseler. Greek-German. 3rd ed. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1884. 913-38 Potter (J.) Archbishop of Canterbury. Archaeologiae Graecae ; or, the antiqui- ties of Greece. T2976-7 2 vols. cr. 8vo. plates. Swall, Oxford, 1697-9. 913-38 Another edition. With a life of the author by R. Anderson, and an appendix by G. Dunbar. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. plates. Stirling, Edinburgh ; etc., 1832. [722-8] Society of Dilettanti. Antiquities of Ionia. 4 vols. imp. fo. plates. Bulmer, London, 1797-1881. [722-8] Stuart (J.) and Revett (N.) The Antiquities of Athens ; [with supplementary vol. by C. R. Cockerell and others]. 4 vols. imp. fo. plates. Haberkom, London, etc., 1762-1830. [722-8] Another edition. 1825-30. 913-38 The Antiquities of Athens, and other monuments of Greece. Lending 2412 Bohn's illustrated library. 3rd ed. cr. 8vo. plates. Bell, London, 1876. 913-38 Tsountas (C.) and Manatt (J. I.) The Mycenaean age : the monuments and culture of pre-Homeric Greece. Armstrong College. cr. 4to. illus. Macmillan, London, 1897. 913-38 Waldstein (Charles) The Argive Heraeum. 2 vols. cr. fo. illus. Houghton, Boston & New York, 1902-5. DESCRIPTION OF LIFE AND CUSTOMS. 913-38 Becker (W. A.) Charicles ; or, illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks ; trans, by F. Metcalfe. Lending B3161 cr. 8vo. Parker, London, 1845. 913-38 8th ed. Longmans, London & New York, 1889. 69 d13.38.— 12NT02 KAI AHMOSOENOYS O HEPI 2TE«I>AN0Y AOroS" cum delectu annotationum, praecipue e Tayloro, Marklando, Reiskio ; in usum juventutis academicae. Greek ; Lot. notes. 885-6 dy. Svo. ports. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, 1820. — — The Oration on the Crown. See Demosthenes. The Orations of Demosthenes and Aeschines on the Crown ; with notes, by G. A. and W. H. Simcox. Greek ; English notes. 1872. 885-6 Another copy. Lending B9356 The Oration against Ctesiphon. See Demosthenes. The Orations ; trans, by T. Leland. 1830. Lending 15Q'S Dobree (P. P.) In Aeschinem. In his Adversaria, vol. 1. 1883. Lending 2335 Aeschylus. COLLECTED WORKS. — Greek. Tragoediae VII. ; P. Victorii cura et diligentia. Greek. T96 roy. Svo. Ex ofl&cina H. Stephani, 1557. The Tragedies ; re-edited by F. A. Paley. Greek ; Eng. notes. 882-1 Bibliotheca classica. 4tli ed. dy. 8vo. Whittaker & Bell, London, 1879. Tragoediae ; edidit A. Kirchhoff. Greek ; Lat. notes. 882-1 cr. 8vo. Apud Weidmannos, Berolini, 1880. Tragoediae ; [ed. by] L. Campbell. Greek. 882-1 The Parnassus Library. cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1898. Tragoediae ; cum fabularum deperditarum fragmentis, poetae vita, et operum catalogo ; recensuit A. Sidgwick. Greek. 882-1 Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. cr. 8vo. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, [1899]. Another edition. [1902]. Lending A1813 COLLECTED WORKS. — English. [Tragedies] ; trans, [in verse] by R. Potter ; [with Essay on the Grecian drama, including a biographical memoir of Aeschylus, by J. S. Harford]. Lending 7592 dy. 18mo. Valpy, London, 1833. Another edition. 1886. Lending B5833 Morley's universal library. The Tragedies ; literally trans., with notes, by T. A. Buckley. 882'1 Bohn's classical library. cr. 8vo. port. Bohn, London, 1849. Another edition. 1876. Lending 2698 The New readings contained in Hermann's posthumous edition of Aeschylus, trans. and considered by G. Burges : an appendix to the foregoing. Lending 2699 Bohn's classical library. cr. 8vo. Bohn, London, 1853. The Dramas ; trans, [into verse], by A, Swanwick. 882-1 Bohn's cleissical library. 3rd ed. cr. 8vo. Bell, London, 1881. Another copy. Lending 2780 157 GREEK AUTHOR LIST- Aeschylus contd. The Tragedies : a new [verse] translation ; with a biographical essay, and an appendix of rhymed choral odes ; by E. H. Plumptre. 882 T cr. 8vo. Isbister, London, 1885. Another edition. Lending C8321 2 vols. fcp. Svo. port & plate. 1901. TWO OR MORE WORKS. — English. The House of Atreus, being the Agamemnon, Libation-bearers, and Furies ; trans. into EngHsh verse, by E. D. A. Morshead. 882-1 cr. Svo. Paul, London, 1881. The Story of Orestes ; [abridged, in verse, from the Orestean Trilogy], with intro- ductory essay and sonnets, by G. C. Warr ; designs by W. Crane ; [music by W. Parratt]. In Crane (W.) Echoes of Hellas. 741 imp. 4to. illus. Ward, London, [1887]. The Oresteia ; trans, [into verse], and explained, by G. C. W. Warr. 882 The Athenian drama. cr. 8vo. port & plates. Allen, London, 1900. Another copy. Lending C7826 AGAMEMNON. The Agamemnon ; with an introduction, commentary and translation by A. W. Verrall. Greek & English. Armstrong College. dy. Svo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1889. Agamemnon ; with verse translation, introduction and notes by W. Headlam ; ed. by A. C. Pearson. Greek & English. 882-1 dy. Svo. University Press, Cambridge, 1910. For Headlam's prose translation see five entries below. The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, and the Bacchanals of Euripides ; with passages from the lyric and later poets of Greece ; trans, by H. H. Milman. 882 cr. Svo. illus. Murray, London, 1865. The Agamemnon ; transcribed [into English verse] by R. Browning. 882-1 dy. Svo. Smith, Elder, London, 1877. Another copy. Lending 5078 The Agamemnon : a translation. 882-1 The tutorial series. cr. Svo. Univ. Corr. College, Cambridge, [188S]. The Agamemnon ; trans, by W. Headlam. Lending B746 Bell's classical translations. cr. Svo. Bell, London, 1904. For Headlam's verse translation see five entries above. CHOEPHOROE. Choephoroe ; ad fidem manuscriptorum emendavit, notas et glossarium adjecit, C. J. Blomfield. Greek ; Lat notes. 882-1 dy. Svo. Excudit J. Smith, Cantabrigiae, 1824. The Choephori ; with an introduction, commentary and translation by A. W. Verrall. Armstrong College. dy. Svo. Macmillan, London, etc., 1893. The Choephoroe ; trans, by W. Headlam. Lending B747 Bell's classical translations. cr. Svo. Bell, London, 1905. . . EUMENIDES. The Eumenides ; with an introduction, commentary, and translation, by A. W. Verrall. Armstrong College. dy. Svo. Macmillan, London, 1908. 158 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Aeschylus contd. ■ The Eumenides ; trans, by W. Headlam. Lending B748 Bell's classical translations. or. 8vo. Bell, London, 1908. Farren (R.) The Eumenides, as performed by members of the University, Cambridge, 1885 ; drawn & etched by R. Farren. No text. 882-1 long roy. 8vo. Macmillan, Cambridge, 1886. PERSAE. Persae ; emendavit, notas et glossarium adjecit C. J. Blomfield. Greek ; Lat. notes. Armstrong College. 4th ed. dy. 8vo. Fellowes, Londini, 1830. The Persians ; trans, by C. E. S. Headlam. Lending B749 Bell's classical translations. cr. 8vo. Bell, London, 1909. PROMETHEUS VINCTUS. Prometheus vinctus ; emendavit, notas et glossarium adjecit C. J. Blomfield. Greek ; Lat. notes. Armstrong College. 6th ed. dy 8vo. Fellowes, Londini, 1833. The Prometheus bound, [from Dindorf's Greek text] ; ed. with EngHsh notes by J. Davies. Lending 8871 fcp. 8vo. Lockwood, London, 1871. Prometheus vinctus ; ed., with notes [and a translation], by F. G. Plaistowe and W. F. Masom. 882-1 Univ. Corr. Coll. tutorial series. cr. 8vo. Clive, London, [1892]. Prometheus bound ; from the Greek by E. B, Browning. In her Poetical works, vol. 1. 1866. Lending 5093 Another edition. In her Poetical works, vol. 1, 1880, 821-82 Another edition. In her Poetical works. 1897. Lending C5905 — - The Prometheus bound ; trans, by W. Headlam. Lending B750 Bell's classical translations. cr. 8vo. Bell, London, 1908. Blackie (J. Stuart) On the Prometheus bound. In his Horae Hellenicae. 1874. 880-4 SEPTEM CONTRA THEBAS. Septem contra Thebas ; emendavit, notas et glossarium adjecit C. J. Blomfield. Greek ; Lat. notes. Armstrong College. 4th ed. dy. 8vo. Fellowes, Londini, 1829. The Seven against Thebes, [from Dindorf's Greek text] ; ed., with English notes, by J. Davies. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ Lending 8872 The Seven against Thebes ; trans, by G. E, S. Headlam. Lending B751 Bell's classical translations. cr. 8vo. Bell, London, 1909. The Seven against Thebes ; rendered into English verse by E. Bevan. 882-1 cr. 8vo. Arnold, London, 1912. SUPPLICES. The Suppliant maidens ; trans, into Enghsh verse, by E. D. A. Morshead. 882-1 cr. 8vo. Paul, London, 1883. The Suppliants ; trans, by W. Headlam. Lending B752 Bell's classical translations. cr. 8vo. Bell, London, 1900. SELECTIONS. [Selections]. In Groot (H. de) ed. Excerpta ex tragoediis Graecis. 1626. 882-08 159 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Aeschylus contd. FRAGMENTS, Perditarum fabularum fragmenta. In Wagner (F. W.) ed. Poetanim tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta, vol. 1. Greek ; Lat. notes. 1852. 882-08 — ■ — [Fragments]. In Nauck (A.) ed. Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta. 1889. 882-08 STUDY AND CRITICISM. Campbell (L.) Tragic drama in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Shakespeare. 882 dy. 8vo. Smith, London, 1904. Another copy. Lending D2493 Copleston (R. S.) Aeschylus : [life, with story of the dramas]. Lending 5133 Ancient classics for English readers. fcp. 8vo. Blackwood, Edinburgh & London, 1870. Dobree (P. P.) In Aeschylum. In his Adversaria, vol. 4. 1883. Lending 2335 Flaxman (J.) Compositions from the tragedies of Aeschylus, designed by J. Flaxman. 741 long imp. 8vo. plates. London, 1831. Myers (E.) Aeschylus. In Abbott (E.) ed. Hellenica. 1880. 880-4 Prometheus the fire-giver : an attempted restoration of the lost first part of the Prometheian trilogy [in verse]. Lending C2349 cr. 8vo. Chatto, London, 1877. Walker (R. J.) ANTI MIAS' an essay in isometry, vol. 1. 1910. 486 Wellauer (Augustus) Lexicon Aeschyleum. 882-1 2 vols, in 1. cr. 8vo. Sumtibus Vogelii, Lipsiae, 1830-1. Aesop. See Babrius, helow ; and Phaedrus, in Latin Author List, — ■ — • Fables of Aesop and other eminent mythologists ; with morals and reflections, by Sir R. L'Estrange. English. 888-6 fcp. fo. Sare, etc., London, 1692. 3rd ed. 888-6 frontispiece. 1669 [1699. Reprinted, 1879]. Three htmdred Aesop's fables : literally trans, from the Greek, by G. F, Townsend. Lending 1232 or. 8vo. illus. Routledge, London, etc., [1894]. Bentley (R.) Dissertations upon the Epistles of Phalaris, etc., and the Fables of Aesop ; ed. by W. Wagner. Lending 2786 Bohn's classical library. cr. 8vo. Bell, London, 1883. Boyle (C.) Uh Earl of Orrery. Dr. Bentley's dissertations on the . . . Fables of Aesop examin'd. T3526 2nd ed. cr. 8vo. Bennet, London, 1698. Thiele (G.) Der Illustrierte lateinische Aesop in der Handschrift des Ademar ; Einleitung und Beschreibung von G. Thiele, 888-6 roy. 4to. facsimiles. SijthofE, Leiden, 1905. For editions of Aesop's Fables illustrated by Bewick, see the Fine Arts Catalogue. Alcaeus. [Fragments]. Gr. ; Eng. notes. In Farnell (G. S.) ed. Greek lyric poetry. 1891. 884 New fragments of Alcaeus, Sappho and Corinna ; ed. by J. ]M, Edmonds. Greek ; Eng. notes. 884 cr. 8vo. Bell, Cambridge & London, 1909. Alcidamas. [Opera] ; continua interpretatione Latina, annotationibus variorum, illus- travit G. S. Dobson ; praefiguntur adversaria P. P. Dobree. In Dobson (W, S.) ed. Oratores Attici et quos sic vocant sophistae, tom, 4, p. 649 ; tom, 14, p. 504, 1828. 885-08 160 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Alcman, [Fragments]. Gr. ; Eng. notes. In Farnell (G. S.) ed. Greek lyric poetry. 1891. 884 AnacREON. AI toy ANAKPE0NT02 OAAT [sic], Kal ra SAH^OYS, Kal EPINNAS AEI*ANA. T4912 32mo. Apud Hamilton, etc., Edinburgi, 1754. [Works], with T. Stanley's translation ; ed. by A. H. BuUen, illus. by J. R. Weguelin. Greek 6- English. 884-3 sq. dy. 8vo. plates. Lawrence & Bullen, London, 1893. ■ Works ; trans, [into verse] by F. Fawkes. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 • Another edition. In Anderson (R.) ed. British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 • Another edition. In Johnson (S.) and Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 Odes ; trans, [into verse], by W. Richardson, [of Tynemouth]. L884-3 fcp. Svo. Whittaker, London, 1824. • Anacreon ; trans, [in verse, with biographical sketch,] by T. Bourne. See Pindar ; trans, by C. A. Wheelwright. 1830. Lending 7568 [Fragments]. Gr. ; Eng. notes. In Farnell (G. S.) ed. Greek lyric poetry. 1891. 884 Anaximenes, of Lampsacus. Wendland (P.) Anaximenes von Lampsakos : vStudien zur altesten Geschichte der Rhetorik. 885-9 dy. 8vo. Weidmann, Berlin, 1905. Andocides. Andocidis quae exstant omnia ; continua interpretatione Latina, annota- tionibus variorum, illustravit G. S. Dobson ; praefiguntur adversaria P. P. Dobree. In Dobson (W. S.) ed. Oratores Attici, tom. 1 ; tom. 13, p. 79. 1828. 885 Selections. In Jebb {Sir R. C.) ed. Selections from the Attic orators ; with [English] notes. 1888. 885-08 Dobree (P. P.) In Andocidem. In his Adversaria, vol. 1, 1883. Lending 2335 Anthology, Greek. See Classified List, Class 881-08. Antiphon, Antiphontis quae exstant omnia ; continua interpretatione Latina, annota- tionibus variorum, illustravit G. S. Dobson ; praefiguntur adversaria P. P. Dobree. In Dobson (W. S.) ed. Oratores Attici, tom. 1 ; tom. 13, p. 1. 1828. 885*9 Selections. In Jebb {Sir R. C.) ed. Selections from the Attic orators ; with [English] notes. 1888. 885-08 Antisthenes. [Opera] ; continua interpretatione Latina, annotationibus variorum, illustravit G. S. Dobson ; praefiguntur adversaria P. P. Dobree. In Dobson (W. S.) ed. Oratores Attici, tom. 4, p. 642 ; tom. 14, p. 500. 1828. 885-08 Antoninus, Liheralis. Metamorphoses ; G. Xylandro interprete. In Gale (T.) ed. Historiae poeticae scriptores antiqui. 1675. Gr. & Lat. 888-08 Apollodorus, Atheniensis. Bibliotheces, sive de deor[um] origine, liber I. [-III.] ; B. Aegio interprete. In Hyginus (C. J.) Fabularum liber, etc. 1608. T1734 —^ — • Bibliotheces liber I. [-III]. In Gale (T.) ed. Historiae poeticae scriptores antiqui. 1675. Gr. & Lat. 888-08 Apollodorus, Carystius. Phormio. In Church (A. J.) Stories from the Greek come- dians. 1893. Lending B891() Apollonius, Rhodius. Argonautica ; recensuit A. Wellauer. Gr. ; Lat. notes. 883-3 2 vols, in 1. dy. 8vo. Sumtibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1828. Argonautica ; recensuit R. Merkel. Gr. 883-3 fcp. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1897. Argonautica ; recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit R. C. Seaton. Gr. 883-3 Scriptorura classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. or. Svo. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, [1900]. 161 L GREEK AUTHOR LIST- Apollonius, Rhodius, contd. Works ; trans, [into verse] by F. Fawkes, In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 — — Another edition. In Anderson (R.) ed. British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 — — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) and Chalmers (A.) edd. Works of the English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 ■ The Argonautica ; trans, into English prose by E. P. Coleridge. 883-3 Bohn's classical library. cr. 8vo. Bell, London, 1889. Another copy. Lending 2788 Mackail (J. W.) Apollonius of Rhodes and the romantic epic. In his Lectures on Greek poetry. 1910. 881-04 Another copy. Lending B7779 Appian, of Alexandria. Epistularum reliquiae. In Fronto (M. C.) Epistulae ; curante A. Maio. 1823. 876-3 — Another edition. 1846. 876-3 Romanarum historiarum pars prior [and pars altera] ; A. Tollius emendavit, & H. Stephani selectas annotationes adjecit. Greek & Lat. T224-5 2 vols. or. 8vo. Ex ofl&cina J. Janssonii, Amstelodami, 1670. Historia Romana ; edidit L. Mendelssohn, [vol. alterum cur. P. Viereck]. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-9 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1879-1905. The Roman history ; trans, from the Greek by H. White. Lending B8874-5 Bohn's Library. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. ports, maps & facs. Bell, London and New York, 1899. Aratus, of Soli. 4>AINOMEN12N [KAI AIOSHMETON] fragmentum ; Germanico Caesare interprete. Greek & Lat. In Hyginus (C. J.) Fabularum liber, etc. 1608. T1734 The two (Phaenomena — '732 lines — and Prognostica — 422 lines) are run together. The lines are not numbered, but 732 occurs on p. 225. Germanici Arateorum quae supersunt. In Baehrens (E.) ed. Poetae Latini minores, vol. 1, p. 142. 1879. 871-08 ■ Phaenomena et Prognostica, interpretibus M. TuUio Cicerone, Rufo Festo Avieno, et Germanico Caesare. Latin only. In Maittaire (M.) ed. Opera et fragmenta poetarum Latinorum, vol. 2, p. [1546]. 1713. T2509 M. Tullii Ciceronis Arateorum quae supersunt. In Baehrens (E.) ed. Poetae Latini minores, vol. 1, p. 1. 1879. 871-08 Ellis (R.) Ad Aratea Germanici. In his Noctes Manilianae ; accedimt conjecturae in Germanici Aratea. 1891. 87L5 Archilochus. [Fragments]. Gr. ; Eng. notes. In Famell (G. S.) ed. Greek lyric poetry. 1891. 884 Aristaenetus. Epistolae ; cum emendationibus J. Merceri, &c., nee non ineditis J. Tollii aliorumque ; curante F. L. Abresch, qui suas lectiones addidit. Greek ; Latin notes. 888-9 2 vols, in 1. cr. 8vo. Apud J. C. Royaards, ZwoUae, 1749. Aristophanes. COLLECTED WORKS. — Greek. Comoediae ; edidit A. Meineke. Greek ; Lat. notes. 882-4 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. Ex of&cina Tauchnitz, Lipsiae, I860. • ■ ■ Comoedias edidit T. Bergk. Greek ; Lat. preface. 882-4 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1888-92. ■ - Ausgewahlte Komodien ; erklart von T. Kock. Greek ; German notes : — Bd. I. — Die Wolken. Bd. 3. — Die Frosche. Bd. 2. — Die Ritter. Bd. 4.— Die Vogel. 3rd-4th edd. 4 vols, in I. cr. 8vo. Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, Berlin, 1893-4. — »- Comoediae ; recognoverunt brevique adnotatione critica instruxenmt F. W. Hall, W. M. Geldart. Greek ; Lat. notes. 882-4 Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. 2vols.ini. cr. 8vo. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, [1900]. 162 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Aristophanes contd. FACSIMILE OF MANUSCRIPT. Comoediae undecim cum scholiis : Codex Ravennas ; prefatus est J. van Leeuwen. 481*7 roy. fo. plates. Sijthoff, Lugduni Batavorum, 1904. COLLECTED WORKS. — Greek and Latin. Comoediae, cum scholiis et varietate lectionis ; recensuit I. Bekkerus ; accedunt versio Latina, deperditarum comoediarum fragmenta, et index. Greek & Lat. 882-4 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Whittaker, Londini, 1829. COLLECTED WORKS. — Greek and English. The Comedies ; ed., trans., and explained by B. B. Rogers. Greek & English. 882-4 Vol. 1. — The Acharnians ; The Knights. Vol. 4. — The Lysistrata ; The Thesmophoriazusae. Vol. 6. — The Frogs ; The Ecclesiazusae. 3 vols. sq. dy. Svo. Bell, London, 1902-11. — ■— Another copy of vol. 5. Lending B1200 COLLECTED WORKS.— English. The Comedies : a literal translation ; with notes, and extracts from metrical versions, by W. J. Hickie. 882-4 Bohn's classical library. 2 vols. cr. Svo. port. Bohn, London, 1853. — — • Another edition. 1901-2. Lending 2703 TWO OR MORE WORKS.^ — English. Eight comedies : [the Acharnians, Knights, Clouds, Wasps, Peace, Birds, Frogs and Plutus] ; trans, into rhymed metres by Leonard-Hampson Rudd. . r. -r ^ ^ ,r.^r. Lending A9615 dy. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1867. ° A Metrical version of the Acharnians, the Knights and the Birds, with occasional comment, by J. H. Frere, and an introduction by H. Morley. Lending B3917 Morley's universal library. cr. Svo. Routledge, London & New York, 1886. — ■ — • Another edition. With an introduction by W. W. Merry. Lending A6660 dy. ISmo. Frowde, London, etc. [1907]. ACHARNENSES. The Acharnians [in Greek], chiefly from the text of C. H Weise ; with English notes by C. S. T. Townshend, for the use of schools, etc. Lending 8873 fcp. Svo. Virtue, London, [1863]. The Acharnians ; [Greek text] with introduction, prose translation, notes, etc., by W. J. M. Starkie. ^ ^ ^^ •„ t ^ lono ^^2-4 ^ dy. Svo. MacmiUan, London, 1909. AVES. The Birds : the Greek text revised ; with a trans, into corresponding metres, intro- duction and commentary by B. B. Rogers. 882-4 sq. dy. Svo. Bell, London, 1906. The Birds ; trans, into English verse, with notes, by B, H. Kennedy. 882-4 cr. Svo. Macmillan, London, 1874. Farren (R.) The Birds, as performed by members of the University, Cambridge, 1883 ; drawn and etched by R. Farren. No text. 882-4 long roy. Svo. [Macmillan, Cambridge, 1884]. 163 GRERK AUTHOR LIST. Aristophanes contd, LYSISTRATA. Lysistrata : a modem paraphrase by L. Housman. Lending A2560 cr. 8vo. frontispiece. Woman's Press, London, 191 L NUBES. Nubes ; annotatione critica, etc., instruxit F. H. M. Blaydes. Greek ; Lot. & Greek notes. Armstrong College. dy. 8vo. In Orphanotrophei Libraria, Halls Saxonum, 1890. The Clouds ; trans., with notes, [by J. White]. 882-4 fcp. 8vo. Payne, London, 1769. PLUTUS. Plutus, per C. Girardum et Latinus factus et commentariis illustratus. Greek & Lat. T124 dy. 8vo. Wechelus, Parisiis, 1549, — — • The Plutus, [Greek text] with introduction, notes, [and a translation], by M. T. Quinn. 8824 Univ. Corr. Coll. tutorial series. cr. 8vo. Clive, London, [1889]. RANAE. • The Frogs. See Euripides, etc., trans, into rhyming verse by G. Murray. 1902. Lending C7828 VESPAE. ■ The Wasps ; with introduction, notes, etc., by W, J. M. Starkie, Greek ; Eng. notes. 882-4 fcp. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1897. SELECTIONS, — — [Selections]. In Groot (H. de) ed. Excerpta ex tragoediis et comediis Graecis. 1626. 882-08 FRAGMENTS. [Fragments]. In Kock (T.) ed. Comicorum Atticorum fragmenta, vol. 1. 1880. 882-08 STUDY AND CRITICISM. Church (A. J.) Stories from the Greek comedians. 1893. Lending B8910 Collins (W. L.) Aristophanes : [stories of the dramas]. Lending 3757 Ancient classics for English readers. fcp. 8vo. Blackwood, Edinburgh & London, 1880, Croiset (M.) Aristophanes and the political parties at Athens ; trans, by J. Loeb. 882.4 dy, 8vo. Macmillan, London, 1909. Dawes (R.) Emendationes. In his Miscellanea critica. 1781. 480 Deschanel (E.) Etudes sur Aristophane. Armstrong College. 3rd ed. cr. 8vo. Hachette, Paris, 1892. Dobree (P. P.) In Aristophanem. In his Adversaria, vol. 4. 1883. Lending 2335 Dunbar (Henry) A Complete concordance to the comedies and fragments of Aristophanes. 882-4 dy. 4to. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1883. 164 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Aristophanes contd. study and criticism contd. Leeuwen (J. Vcin) Prolegomena ad Aristophanem. Armstrong College. roy. 8vo. Sijthoff, Lugduni Batavorum, 1908. Rutherford (W. G.) Scholia Aristophanica : such comments, adscript to the text of Aristophanes, as have been preserved in the Codex Ravennas ; arranged, emended and translated. 882-4 3 vols. dy. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York. 1896-1905. The title of vol. 3 is " A Chapter in the history of annotation." Sanxay (James) Lexicon Aristophanicum, Graeco-Anglicum. 882-4 dy. 8vo. Bliss, Oxonii, 1811. Walker (R. J.) ANTI MIA2" an essay in isometry, vol. 2. 1910. 486 Aristotle. collected works. • Opera ; per D. Eras[mum] Roterodamum. Greek. T140 2 vols, in 1. cr. fo. Per J. B. & M. Ising, Basileae, 1539. Opera omnia ; cum indice nominum et rerum absolutissimo. [With Fragmenta ; illustravit A. Heitz]. Greek & Lat. 888-5 6 vols, in 5. roy. 8vo. Didot, Parisiis, 1854-78. TWO OR MORE WORKS. Politicorum et Oeconomicorum libri ; addita in fine di versa locorum lectio, etc. Greek ; Lat. notes. [Also, De rep. qui Politicorum dicuntur libri VIII. ; J. Perionio interprete, etc. Parisiis, 1543]. 888-5 2 vols, in 1. fcp. 4to. Apud A. Wecheli heredes, Francofurti, 1587. Ethics and Politics ; trans, from the Greek, [with] introductions and notes, the critical history of his life, and a new analysis of his speculative works, by J. Gillies. Lending A4071 2nd ed. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Cadell, London, 1804. The Politics and Economics ; trans., with notes, by E. Walford; [with] introductory essay and a life of Aristotle by Dr. Gillies. 888-5 Bohn's classical library. cr. 8vo. Bohn, London, 1853. Another edition. 1876. Lending 2708 Treatise on rhetoric ; literally trans., with Hobbes' analysis, examination questions, etc. ; also the Poetic ; literally trans, by T. Buckley. Lending 2709 Bohn's classical library. cr.Svo. port. Bell, London, 1878. Another edition. 1883. 888-5 Aristotle on education : extracts from the Ethics and Politics ; trans, and ed. by J. Burnet. Lending C8394, D2296 The Cambridge series for schools and training colleges. Two copies, cr. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1903. DE MUNDO. De mundo liber, ad Alexandrum ; cum versione Latina G. Budaei. Gr. & Lat. 888-5 dy. 18mo. Excudebat R. Foulis, Glasguae, 1745. DE REPUBLICA ATHENIENSIUM. Constitution of Athens : a revised text, with notes, etc., by J. E. Sandys. Greek ; English notes. 888-5 dy. 8vo. illus. Macmillan, London & New York, 1893. Constitution of Athens ; trans, for students by T. J. Dymes. Lending C5940 cr. 8vo. Seeley, London, 1891. 165 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Aristotle contd. de republica atheniensium contd. — — ■ On the Athenian constitution ; trans., with notes, by F, G. Kenyon. 888-5 cr. 8vo. facsimile. Bell, London, 1891. Another copy. Lending B7028 de VIRTUTIBUS ET VITUS. Sjoiopsis of the virtues and vices. In Bridgman (W.) trans. Translations from the Greek. 1804. 880-8 elenchi. See organon. — elenchi. ETHICA. The Ethics ; illustrated with essays and notes by Sir A. Grant. Greek ; English notes. 888-5 2 vols. 3rd ed. dy. Svo. Longmans, London, 1874. Ethica Nicomachea ; recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit I. Bywater. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-5 Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. cr. 8vo. E Tjrpographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, [1890]. — — ■ The Nicomachean ethics ; trans., with notes, etc., by R. W. Browne. 888-5 Bohn's classical library. cr. Svo. Bell, London, 1866. Another edition. 1877. Lending 2704 The Nicomachean ethics ; trans, by R. Williams. 888-5 cr. 8vo. Longmans, London & New York, 1891. The Nicomachean ethics ; trans, by F. H. Peters ; adapted to Bywater's text. 8th ed. cr. 8vo. Paul, London, 1901. Lending C9909 The Nicomachean ethics ; trans, with an analysis and critical notes by J. E. C. Welldon. Lending A774 or. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1906 L'Ethica ; tradotta in lingua vulgare fiorentina, et comentata, per B. Segni, 888-5 dy. Svo. Torrentino, Firenze, 1550. The label on the cover has the words " Firenze. 1550. Crusca." An Introduction to Aristotle's Ethics, books 1-4 [and] book 10, ch. 6-9 ; [Greek text] with analysis and notes, for beginners, by E. Moore. Lending 1505 cr. 8vo. Rivingtons, London, etc., 1871. Stewart (J. A.) The English manuscripts of the Nicomachean Ethics described in relation to Bekker's manuscripts, etc. 888-5 sq. dy. Svo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1882. Stock (St. G.) Lectures in the Lyceum ; or, Aristotle's Ethics for English readers. T ^ , ifio-T Lending C6262 cr. Svo. Longmans, London, c^c, 1897. ** HISTORIA ANIMALIUM. History of animals ; trans, by R. Cresswell. 888-6 Bohn's classical library. cr. Svo. Bohn, London, 1862. METAPHYSICA. The Metaphysics ; trans., with notes, by T. Taylor. 185-1 roy. 4to. Davis, London, etc., 1801. The Metaphysics ; literally trans., with notes, analysis, etc., by J. H. M'Mahon. Lending 2706 Bohn's classical library. cr. Svo. Bell, London, 1874. Another edition. 1879. 888-6 166 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Aristotle contd. metaphysica contd. Metaphysik ; ins Deutsche iibertragen von A. Lasson. 888-5 dy. 8vo. Diederichs, Jena, 1907. ORGANON. The Organon, or logical treatises ; with the introduction of Porphyry ; literally trans., with notes, by O. F. Owen. 888-5 Bohn's classical library. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. Bohn, London, 1853. Another edition. 1877-8. Lending 2707 ORGANON. — ELENCHI. On fallacies ; or, the sophistici elenchi ; with a translation and notes by E. Poste. Greek & Eng. , „ „r •„ x j ,o^« 888-5 ° dy. 8vo. MacmiUan, London, 1866. Another copy. Lending C9534 POETICA. • De poetica ; ex versione T. Goulstoni ; lectionis varietatem, verbonim indicem et observationes suas adjunxit T. Winstanley. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-5 dy. 8vo. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, 1780. De poetica liber ; textum recensuit, versionem refinxit, et animadversionibus illustravit T. Tyrwhitt. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-5 roy. 4to. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, 1794. Aristotle's theory of poetry and fine art ; with a critical text and a translation of the Poetics, by S. H. Butcher. Lending B4012 dy. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1895. 4th ed. 1907. 888-5 On the art of poetry : a revised text, with translation and commentary, by I. Bywater. 888-5 dy. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1909. Another copy. Lending C2126 Poetics ; trans, from Greek into English and from Arabic into Latin, with a revised text, etc., by D. S. Margoliouth. Armstrong College. dy. 8vo. Hodder, London, etc., [1911]. POLITICA. The Pontics, from the text of I. Bekker ; with notes, by J. R. T. Eaton. Greek ; English notes. 888-5 dy. 8vo. Longman, Oxford & London, 1855. The Politics ; with notes by R. Congreve. Greek ; English notes. 888-6 2nd ed. dy. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1874. Another copy. Lending ^im The Politics ; with an introduction, notes, etc., by W. L. Newman. Greek ; English notes. 888-5 4 vols. dy. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1887-1902. A Treatise on government ; trans, by W. Ellis, with an introduction by H. Morley. Lending B5331 Morley's universal library. cr. 8vo. Routledge, London, etc., 1888. The Politics ; trans, with an analysis and critical notes by J. E. C. Welldon. Lending C3447 or. Svo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1893. Politics ; trans, by B. Jowett ; with introduction, eic., by H. W. C. Davis. 888-5 cr. 8vo. Clarendon Press. Oxford, 1906. Another copy. Lending 5260 167 dREEk AUTHOR LiSt, Aristotle contd. politic a contd. Politics, books 1, 3, 4 (7) ; the text of Bekker, with an Enghsh translation by W. E. Bolland, [and] introductory essays by A. Lang. Lending 1504 cr. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1877. RHETORICA. Artis rhetoricae libri tres ; ab A. Riccobono Latine conversi, etc. Greek & Lat. In Riccoboni (A.) Paraphrasis in Rhetoricam Aristotelis ; etc. T176 2 vols, in 1. fcp. Bvo. Typis Wechelianis, Hanoviae, 1630. ■ The Rhetoric ; with a commentary, by E. M. Cope ; ed. by J. E. Sandys. Greek ; English notes. 888-5 3 vols. dy. Svo. University Press, Cambridge, 1877. Rhetoric ; made English. T177 cr. Svo. Taylor, London, 1686. — — Treatise on rhetoric ; literally trans., with notes [and] an analysis of Aristotle's Rhetoric by Thomas Hobbes. Also, analytical questions. Lending A792 fcp. 8vo. Bohn, London, 1847. The Rhetoric ; trans., with an analysis and notes, by J. E. C, Welldon. 888-5 cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1886. — — The Rhetoric : a translation by Sir R. C. Jebb ; ed. by J. E. Sandys. 888-5 dy. Svo. University Press, Cambridge, 1909. Riccoboni (Antonio) Paraphrasis in Rhetoricam Aristotelis ; etc. T176 fcp. 8vo. Typis Wechelianis, Hanoviae, 1630. BOOKS ON ARISTOTLE. Blackie (J. S.) Four phases of morals : Socrates, Aristotle, etc. Lending 663 2nd ed. cr. Svo. Edmonston, Edinburgh, 1874. Bradley (A. C.) Aristotle's conception of the state. In Abbott (E.) ed. Hellenica. 1880. 880-4 Davidson (T.) Aristotle and ancient educational ideals. Lending C666 The great educators. cr. Svo. Heinemann, London, 1892. Dobree (P. P.) Notae in Aristotelem. In his Adversaria, vol. 1. 1883. Lending 2335 Grant {Sir A.) Aristotle : [life, with epitome of the works]. Lending 5157 Ancient classics for English readers. fcp. Svo. Blackwood, Edinburgh & London, 1877. Riccoboni (A.) See above, under Rhetorica. Stewart (J. H.) See above, under Ethica. Stock (St. G.) See above, under Ethica. For other works on Aristotle, see Class 180 — Philosophy. Arrian (Flavius) [Works] ; cum interpretibus Latinis, & notis, ex recensione & museo N. Blancardi. Greek & Lat. T229 or. Svo. map & plan. Apud Janssonis-Waesbergios, Amstelodami, 1683. History of Alexander's expedition ; trans., with notes, by J. Rooke. T230-1 2 vols. cr. Svo. map. Worrall, London, 1729. The Anabasis of Alexander ; or, the history of the wars and conquests of Alexander the Great ; literally trans., with a commentary, by E. J. Chinnock. 888-9 cr. Svo. Hodder, London, 1884. De venatione. See Xenophon. Opuscula ; ex recensione L. Dindorfii. Greek ; Lat. notes. 1866. Lending B4786 See Epictetus. Enchiridion ; accessere Arriani Commentariorum de Epicteti disputationibus libri IV. ; H. Wolfio interprete, etc. Greek & Lat. T4604 fcp. Svo. Ex Academiae Typographeo, Cantabrigiae, 1656. 168 GREEK AUTHOR LIST- Athenaeus, Naucratita. Deipnosophistarum libri quindecim ; cum J. Dalechampii Cadomensis Latina interpretatione ; adjectae sunt Casauboni variae lectiones & conjecturae. Greek & Lat. T141 2 vols, in 1. cr. fo. Harsy, Lugduni, 1612-21. — — ■ The Deipnosophists ; or, the banquet of the learned ; literally trans, by C. D. Yonge. 888-9 Bohn's classical library. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. Bohn, London, 1854. Another copy. Lending 2710 Dobree (P. P.) In Athenaeum. In his Adversaria, vol. 3. 1883. Lending 2335 Atticus Herodes (Tiberius Claudius) [Opera] ; continua interpretatione Latina, annotationibus variorum, illustravit G. S. Dobson ; praefiguntur adversaria P. P. Dobree. In Dobson (W. S.) ed. Oratores Attici et quos sic vocant sophistae, tom. 4, p. 555 ; tom. 14, p. 495. 1828. 885-08 AuRELius Antoninus (Marcus) Emperor of Rome. Commentariorum quos sibi ipsi scripsit libri XII. ; cum adnotationibus criticis ; curavit J. M. Schultz. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-9 dy. 12mo. Sumptibus Ottonis Holtze, Lipsiae, 1879. M. Antoninus Imperator ad se ipsum ; recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit I. H. Leopold. 888-9 Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. cr. 8vo. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, [1908]. De rebus suis libri XII. ; versione Latina, commentario perpetuo illustrati, studio operaque T. Gatakeri. Gr. 6- Lat. T295 fcp. 4to. Excudebat T. Buck, Cantabrigiae, 1662. 2nd ed. Huic secundae editioni accessere annotationes selectiores A. D'Acerii, necnon Marci Antonini vita, aucta a G. Stanhope. T4900 fcp. 4to. port. Impensis Millingtoni, Londini, 1697. His Meditations ; trans, by Meric Casaubon. 888*9 4th. ed. fcp. 8vo. Harper, London, 1673. The Thoughts ; trans, by G. Long. Lending 2701 Bohn's classical library. 2nd ed. cr. 8vo. Bell, London, 1877. Another edition. 1883. 888-9 Another edition. 24mo. 1901. Lending C8589 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus to himself ; an English translation, with introductory study on Stoicism and the last of the Stoics, by G. H. Kendall. Lending C6267 cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1898. The Meditations : a new rendering, based on the Foulis translation of 1742, by G. W. Chrystal. 888-9 fcp. 4to. Schulze, Edinburgh ; etc., 1902. Another copy. Lending B2592 The Meditations ; trans, by J. Jackson ; with an introduction by C. Bigg. 888-9 cr. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1906. — - Selbstbetrachtungen ; neu verdeutscht und eingeleitet von O. Kiefer. Lending D847 cr. 8vo. Diederichs, Leipzig, 1903. Epistulae. In Pronto (M. C.) Epistulae ; curante A. Maio. 1823. 876-3 Another edition. 1846. 876-3 Farrar (F. W.) Seekers after God : [life and opinions of Marcus Aurelius, and others]. Lending A6694 cr. 8vo. illus. Macmillan, London & New York, 1902. Martha (C.) L'Examen de conscience d'un empereur romain : Marc-Aurele. In his Les Moralistes sous I'Empire romain. 1907. 180 Myers (F. W. H.) Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. In his Essays classical. 1880. 870-4 169 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. B Babrius. Fabulae Aesopeae, cum fabularum deperditarum fragmentis [in Greek] ; recensuit G. C. Lewis. Lending 702 cr. 8vo. Parker, Londini ; etc., 1846. Babrius; ed., with dissertations, notes and lexicon, by W. G. Rutherford. Greek; Latin & English notes. 881-4 dy. Svo. Macmillan, London, 1883. — — - Babrios und die alteren Jambendichter : Griechisch, mit metrischer Uebersetzung und Anmerkungen von J. A. Hartung. Greek 6- German. 881-4 cr. 8vo. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1858. Bacchylides. [Fragments]. Greek; Eng. notes. Ln Farnell (G. S.) ed. Greek lyric poetry. 1891. 884 • — - — ■ The Poems ; ed. by F. G. Kenyon. Greek ; English notes. 884-9 dy. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1897. The Poems, and fragments ; ed., with introduction, notes and prose translation, by Sir R. C. Jebb. Greek & English. 884-9 dy. 8vo. facsimiles. University Press, Cambridge, 1905. [Selections]. In Smyth (H. W.) ed. Greek melic poets, p. 90. 1900. Greek ; English notes. 884 Walker (R. J.) ANTI MIA^" an essay in isometry, vol. 1. 1910. 486 BiON. [Opera]. See Theocritus. Theocriti, Moschi & Bionis Idyllia, Graece & Latine ; poetis ex Latinis illustrata ; opera & studio T. Martin. 1760. 884-6 -[Opera]. Se^ Theocritus, Bion, Moschus ; ed. A. Meineke. 1856. Greek; Lat. notes. 884-6 ——[Opera], /w Wilamowitz-Moellendorff (U. von) e^. Bucolici Graeci. [1905]. Greek; Lat. notes. 884 Another copy. Lending A596 [Opera]. In Winterton (R.) ed. Poetae minores Graeci. 1671. Greek & Lat. T2965 Works ; trans, [into verse] by F. Fawkes. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 Another edition. In Anderson (R.) ed. British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 Another edition. In Johnson (S.) and Chalmers (A.) edd. Works of the English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 Another edition. See Hesiod ; trans, by C. A. Elton, etc. 1832. Lending 7585 The Idylls. See Theocritus. The Idylls of Theocritus, Bion, etc. ; literally trans. into English prose by J. Banks, with metrical versions by J. M. Chapman. 1864. 884-6 Another edition. 1878. Lending 2114^ Idylls. See Theocritus. Theocritus, Bion and Moschus ; rendered into English prose by A. Lang. 1892. Lending B9946 Callimachus. Hymni, epigrammata et fragmenta ; cum notis integris.H. Stephani, etc. ; Latine vertit, atque notas suas adjecit J. A. Emesti. Greek & Lat. 884-8 2 vols. dy. 8vo. illus. Luchtmans, Lugduni Batavorum, 1761. Works. See Hesiod. The Works of Hesiod, Callimachus, etc. ; literally trans, by J. Banks. 1856. 883-2 Bohn's classical library. AnoLiier edition. 187G. Lending 2734 170 GREEK AUTHOR LIST- Cedes. Tabula ; with notes by C. S. Jerram, Gr, ; Eng. notes. 888-9 cr. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1898. Tabula. Greek & Lat. See Epictetus. Enchiridion, etc. ; H. Wolfio interprete. 1655. T4604 Chion. Epistolae Graecae ; recensuit, notas et indicem adjecit J. Coberus. 886 cr. 8vo. Impensis M. Groellii, Dresdae, etc., 1765. Cleanthes, the Stoic. Carmina. In Mullach (F. W. A.) Fragmenta philosophorum Graecorum, vol. I., p. 151. 1883. Greek & Lat. 180 • The Hymn. See Epictetus. The Golden sayings ; trans, by H. Crossley. 1903. Lending D412 Adam (J.) The Hymn of Cleanthes. /w ^w Vitality of Platonism, g^c. 1911. 880-4 Goeschen (Otto) [A few notes upon the] Hymnus in Jovem. 881 imp. 8vo. Formis Hendeliis, Halae, 1861. Prefixed to Index scholarum in Universitate litteraria Fridericiana Halensi cum Vite- bergensi consociata. CoLUTHUS [fi. 6th cent.] Works ; trans, [into verse], by F. Fawkes. In Poetical trans- lations, vol. 2. 821-08 Another edition. In Anderson (R.) ed. British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 Another edition. In Johnson (S.) and Chalmers (A.) edd. Works of the English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 CoNON. Narrationes quinquaginta. In Gale (T.) ed. Historiae poeticae scriptores antiqui. 1675. Gr. & Lat. 888-08 CoRiNNA. New fragments ; ed. by J. M. Edmonds. Greek ; English notes. 884 cr. 8vo. Bell, Cambridge & London, 1909. CoRNUTUS (Lucius Annaeus). Commentarius de natura deorum ; interprete C. Clausero. 1670. Greek & Latin. In Gale (T.) Opuscula. T1193 fcp. 8vo. Hayes, Cantabrigiae, 1671. Speculatio de deorum natura ; J, Velareo interprete. Latin only. In Hyginus (C. J.) Fabularum liber, etc. 1608. T1734 Cratinus. [Fragments]. In Kock (T.) ed. Comicorum Atticorum fragmenta, vol. 1. 1880. 882-08 Cratippus. [Fragments]. In Hellenica Oxyrhynchia, etc. ; recognoverunt B. P. Grenfell et A. S. Hunt. [1909]. Gr. ; Lat. notes. 888-9 Ctesias. Excerpta e libris de rebus Persicis, Indicis, etc. Greek and Lat. See Herodotus. Historiarum libri IX. ; opera et studio G; Jungermani, etc., p. 673. 1608. T2042 D Demades. Demadis quae exstant omnia ; continua interpretatione Latina, annota- tionibus variorum, illustravit G. S. Dobson ; praefiguntur adversaria P. P. Dobree. In Dobson (W. S.) ed. Oratores Attici, tom. 4 ; tom. 14, p. 483. 1828. 885-08 Demetrius, Phalereus. On style : the Greek text ; ed., with introduction, translation, etc., by W. R. Roberts. Greek & English. 888-9 dy. 8vo. facsimiles. University Press, Cambridge, 1902. Democrates, the Pythagorean. Sententiae morales, a L. Holstenio editae. 1670. Greek & Lat. In Gale (T.) Opuscula. T1193 fcp. 8vo. Hayes, Cantabrigiae, 1671. Golden sentences. In Bridgman (W.) trans. Translations from the Greek. 1804. 880-8 Demophilus. Sententiae morales, a L. Holstenio editae. 1670. Greek & Lat. In Gale (T.) Opuscula. T1193 fcp. 8vo. Hayes, Cantabrigiae, 1671. Similitudes. In Bridgman (W.) trans. Translations from the Greek ; to which are added the Pythagoric sentences of Demophilus by T. Taylor. 1804. 880-8 171 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Demosthenes. COLLECTIONS. — Greek. Demosthenis et Aeschinis opera ; cum utriusq. autoris vita, & Ulpiani commentariis ; doctissimis notis illustrata, per H. Wolfium. Greek ; Latin trans. 885-6 fcp. fo. Sumptibus Serlini, Francofurti, 1642. ■ Demosthenis quae exstant omnia ; continua interpretatione Latina, annotationibus variorum, illustravit G. S. Dobson; accedunt animadversiones [variorum], necnon adversaria P. P. Dobree. In Dobson (W. S.) ed. Oratores Attici, tom. 5-11 ; tom. 15-16. 1828. 885-08 Demosthenes ; with an EngUsh commentary by R. Whiston. Greek ; English notes. 885-6 Bibliotheca classica. 2 vols. dy. 8vo. Whittaker, London, 1859-68. • The Oration on the Crown, and the PhiUppic orations [in Greek] ; with introduction, analysis and Enghsh notes by T. H. L. Leary, for the use of schools, etc. Lending 8880 fcp. 8vo. Lockwood, London, 1879. Orationes, ex recensione G. Dindorfii ; editio quarta correctior, curante F. Blass. Greek ; Lat. preface. ' 885-6 4th ed. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1890-1. Orationes publicae ; ed. by G. H. Heslop. Greek ; English notes. 885-6 3 vols. cr. 8vo. Longmans, London & New York, 1893-1910. Orationes ; recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit S. H. Butcher. Tom. 1 ; tom. 2, pars 1. 885-6 Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. cr. 8vo. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, [1903]. In progress. COLLECTIONS. — English. ■ Several orations, to encourage the Athenians to oppose Philip of Macedon ; English' d by several hands. 885-6 2 vols.in 1. fcp. 8vo. Tonson, London, 1702. The Orations ; [with The oration of Dinarchus against Demosthenes, and The oration of Aeschines against Ctesiphon] ; trans, by T. Leland ; [also Sallust ; trans, by W. Rose]. Lending 7563 2 vols. dy. 18mo. port. Valpy, London, 1830. Orations ; trans., with notes, by C. R. Kennedy : — 885-6 Vol. 1. — The Olynthiac, and other public orations. Vol. 2. — 'On the Crown, and On the Embassy. Vol. 3. — Against Leptines, Midieis, Androtion, and Aristocrates. Vol. 4. — Private and other orations. Vol. 5. — Miscellaneous orations. Bohn's classical library. 6 vols. cr. 8vo. port. Bell, London, 1852-81. Another edition. 1856-76. Lending 2722-6 COLLECTION . — French. (Euvres completes de D^mosth^ne et d'Eschine : traduction par J. F. Sti6venart. French. 885-6 imp. 8vo. Firmin-Didot, Paris, 1879. DE CORONA. O nEPl STE4>AN0Y AOrOS. See Aeschines. O KATA KTH2l«t>ONT02, etc. ; cum delectu annotationum, praecipue e Tayloro, Marklando, Reiskio. Greek ; Lat. notes. 1820. 885-6 172 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Demosthenes contd. de corona contd. — — The Oration upon the Crown ; trans, into English, with notes and the Greek text, with readings from Wolff, Taylor, Reiske and others, by Lord Brougham. [Also, in an independent volume, A Review of the above, reprinted from " The Times."] Lending AlOOO 2 vols. cr. 8vo. Knight, London, 1840 ; [the review is published by Whittaker, London, 1840]. The Orations of Demosthenes and Aeschines on the Crown ; with essays and notes, by G. A. and W. H. Simcox. Greek ; English notes. 885-6 dy. 8vo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1872. ■ Another copy. Lending B9356 DE FALSA LEGATIONE. De falsa legatione ; [ed.] by R. Shilleto. Greek ; English notes. 885*6 9th ed. cr. Svo. Bell, London ; c/c, 1901. IN ANDROTIONEM. Against Androtion, and against Timocrates ; with introductions and notes by W. Wayte. Greek ; English notes. 885-6 2nd ed. cr. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1893. — — Androtion : an English translation. 885-6 Tutorial series. cr. 8vo. Univ. Corr. Coll., Cambridge, [1887]. OLYNTHIACAE. • The Olynthiacs ; ed. by H. M. Wilkins. Greek ; English notes. 886-6 cr. Svo. Parker, London, 1860. BIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM. Brodribb (W. J.) Demosthenes : [an account of his life and speeches]. Lending 5156 Ancient classics for English readers. fcp. 8vo. map. Blackwood, Edinburgh & London, 1877. Dobree (P. P.) In Demosthenem. In his Adversaria, vol. 2. 1883. Lending 2335 Plutarch. Life of Demosthenes ; [Greek text] with introduction, notes and indexes, ed. by H. A. Holden. Lending C1856 Pitt press series. fcp. Svo. University Press, Cambridge, 1893. DiNARCHUS. Dinarchi quae exstant ; continua interpretatione Latina, annotationibus variorum, illustravit G. S. Dobson ; praefiguntur adversaria P. P. Dobree. Greek and Lat. In Dobson (W. S.) ed. Oratores Attici, tom. 4 ; tom. 14, p. 423. 1828. 885-08 — — The Oration against Demosthenes. See Demosthenes. The Orations ; trans, by T. Leland. 1830. Lending 7563 Dobree (P. P.) In Dinarchum. In his Adversaria, vol. 1. 1883. Lending 2335 DiODORUS, Siculus. Bibliothecae historicae libri qui supersunt, interprete L. Rhodomano ; recensuit P. Wesselingius. Greek S- Lat. T4227-8 2 vols. cr. fo. Sumptibus Wetstenii, Amstelodami, 1746. Bibliothecae historicae quae supersunt, ex nova recensione L. Dindorfii ; rerum indicem adjecit C. Miillerus. Greek 6- Lat. 888-9 2 vols. imp. Svo. Didot, Parisiis, 1878. Dobree (P. P.) Notae in Diodorum Siculum. In his Adversaria, vol. I. 1883. Lending 2335 Diogenes, Laertius. De clarorum philosophorum vitis, dogmatibus et apophthegmatibus libri decem ; recensuit C. G. Cobet ; accedunt Olympiodori, Ammonii, lamblichi, Porphyrii et aliorum vitae Platonis, Aristotelis, Pythagorae, Plotini et Isidori, A. Westermanno, et Marini vita Procli J. F. Boissonadio, edentibus. Greek & ^^^- imp. Svo. Didot. Parisiis, 1878. ^^'^ 173 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Diogenes, Laertius, contd. Vitae philosophorum : scriptoribus Diogene Laertio, Eunapio, Hesychio. Latin. T841 dy. 18mo. Plantin, Lugduni Batavorum, 1596. The Lives of the ancient philosophers ; extracted from Diogenes, etc. T3527 cr. 8vo. illus. Nicholson, London, 1702. Another copy. Bio The Lives and opinions of eminent philosophers ; literally trans, by C. D. Yonge. 888-9 Bohn's classical library. cr. 8vo. Bohn, London, 1853. Another copy. Lending 2728 Mayor (J. E. B.) Notes on Diogenes Laertius. 888-9 dy. 8vo. [London ? 1902]. From the Journal of Philology, vol. 29. Dion Cassius. Historia Romana ; editionem primam curavit L. Dindorf ; recognovit J. Melber. Gr. ; Lat. preface. 888-9. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1890-4. — — Romanarum historiarum libri XXV. ; ex G. Xylandri interpretatione. Greek & Lat. 888-9 cr. fo. H. Stephanus, [Geneva ?], 1592. Historiae Romanae quae supersunt ; cum annotationibus H. Valesii [et] J. A. Fabricii ; emendavit, Latinam versionem Xylandro-Leunclavianam limavit, varias lectiones adjecit H. S. Reimarus. Greek & Lat. 888-9 2 vols. cr. fo. Sumptibus Heroldi, Hamburgi, 1750-2. 'DioiL\a, ws XP^VfoL' evSot* ®aVfl,' OTL KOL VVV ^I'^CS" Opt] Hlcf>pOV, EuVOtt, avTOLl "E/i/^aXe Kttt TTOTUpavov. TOPrO. "Exei /caAAtora. nPAHlNOH, KaBit,iv. Theocritus, xv, 1-3. Gorgo. Is Praxinoe at home ? Praxinop. Dear Gorgo, how long it is since you have been here ! She is at home. The wonder is that you have got here at last ! Eunoe, see that she. has a chair. Throw a cushion on it too. Gorgo. It does most charmingly as it is. Praxinop. Do sit down. (Lang's translation) . - Theocritus, Bion, Moschus ; ed. A. Meineke. Greek ; Lat. notes. 884*6 3rd ed. dy. 8vo. Sumptibus Reimeri, Berolini, 1856. [Works], Greek ; Lat. notes. In Wilamowitz-Moellendorff (U. von) ed. Bucolici Graeci. [1905], 884 Another copy. Lending A596 [Works], In Winterton (R.) ed. Poetae minores Graeci, 1671. Greek & Lat. T2965 Selecta ac praecipua quaedam idyllia ; [ed, by G, Sylvan us], Greek & Lat. T3785 2nd ed. 12mo. Typis M. W., Londini, 1683. Short passages, with notes on grammar and dialect. 205 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Theocritus, contd. Theocriti, Moschi & Bionis Idyllia, Graece & Latine, poetis ex Latinis illustrata ; opera & studio Thomae Martin. 884-6 dy. 8vo. Impensis editoris, Londini, 1760. The Idylliums, with Rapin's discourse upon pastorals ; made EngUsh by [T.] Creech. T3784 2nd ed. dy. ISmo. Curll, London, 1713. Works ; trans, [into verse, 1767,] by F. Fawkes. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 Another edition. In Anderson (R.) ed. British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 Another edition. In Johnson (S.) and Chalmers (A.) edd. Works of the English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 — ■ — • The Idylls of Theocritus, Bion and Moschus, and the War-songs of Tyrtaeus ; literally trans, into English prose by J. Banks, with metrical versions by J. M. Chapman. 884-6 Bohn's classical library. cr. 8vo. port. Bohn, London, 1864. — ■ — ■ Another edition. 1878. Lending 2114: Theocritus ; trans, into English verse, by C. S. Calverley. 884-6 3rd ed. cr. 8vo. Bell, London & New York, 1892. • Theocritus, Bion and Moschus ; rendered into English prose, with an introductory essay, by A. Lang. Lending B9946 Golden treasury series. dy. 18mo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1892. • The Idylls ; trans, into English verse, by J. H. Hallard. 884-6. sq. dy. 8vo. Longmans, London & New York, 1894. Translations from Theocritus ; by J. Dryden. In Dryden (J.) Works ; [ed.] by Sir W. Scott, vol. 12. 1821. 821-48 Another edition. In Dryden (J.) Works ; [ed.] by Sir W. Scott, revised by G. Saintsbury, vol. 12. 1885. 821-48 Licetus (F.) Ad Syringam, a Theocrito Syracusio compactam & inflatam, encyclo- paedia. 884-6 or. 8vo. Ex Typographia Schiratti, Utini, 1655. Mackail (J. W.) Theocritus and the idyl. In his Lectures on Greek poetry. 1910. 881-04 Another copy. Lending B7779 Theognis. The Elegies of Theognis, and other elegies included in the Theognidean sylloge : a revised text, with commentary, etc., by T. Hudson-Williams. 881-1 or. 8vo. Bell, London, 1910. [Works]. In Winterton (R.) ed. Poetae minores Graeci. 1671. Greek & Lat. T2965 Works. See Hesiod. The Works of Hesiod, Callimachus and Theognis ; literally trans, by J. Banks. 1856. 883-2 Bohn's classical library. Another edition. 1876. Lending 2734 Davies (J.) Hesiod and Theognis : [an account of their lives and works]. Lending 5140 Ancient classics for English readers. fop. 8vo. Blackwood, Edinburgh & London, 1873. Theophrastus. Opera quae supersunt onuiia ; ex recognitione F. Wimmer. Greek : — 888-9 Tomus 1. — Historian! plantarum continens. Tomus 2. — De causis plantarum. Tomus 3. — Fragmenta ; accessit Prisciani Metaphrasis in Theophrasti libros De sensu et De phantasia. 3 vols. fcp. 8vo. Sumptibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1864-62, 206 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Theophrastus contd. Characteres ; recensuit H. Diels. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-9 Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. cr. 8vo. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, [1909]. Notationes morum [Characteres ethici] ; I. Casaubono interprete. 1670. Greek & Lat. In Gale (T.) Opuscula. T1193 fcp. 8vo. Hayes, Cantabrigiae, 1671. The Characters : an EngHsh translation ; with introduction and notes by R. C. Jebb. Greek & Eng. 888-9 cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & Cambridge, 1870. Another copy. Lending C6811 Another edition. Ed. by J. E. Sandys. 1909. 888-9 ■ The Characters ; [trans, and] illustrated by physiognomical sketches. Lending 151^ Family classical library. dy. 18mo. Valpy, London, 1836. Theopompus, [Fragments]. See Hellenica Oxyrhynchia, etc. ; recognoverunt B. P. Grenfell et A. S. Hunt. [1909]. Gr. ; Lat. notes. 888-9 Thucydides. De Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo ; cum adnotationibus H. Stephani & J. Hudsoni ; recensuit J. Wasse ; editionem curavit C. A. Dukerus. Greek ; Lat. notes. Armstrong College. dy. fo. Apud Wetstenios, Amstelaedami, 1731. De Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo ; ad optimorum librorum fidem recensuit, indices, etc., adjecit, atque de vita auctoris praefatus est F. Goeller. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-2 2nd ed. 2 vols. maps. dy. 8vo. Cnobloch, Lipsiae, 1836. History of the Peloponnesian War ; with notes by T. Arnold ; with indexes by R. P. G. Tiddeman. Greek ; Eng. notes. 888-2 4th ed. 3 vols. dy. Svo. maps. Parker, Oxford ; etc., 1857-8. De Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo ; explanavit E. F. Poppo ; editio tertia, [vols. 2-4, editio altera], quam auxit et emendavit J. M. Stahl. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-2 4 vols. dy. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1875-86. [Works] ; erklart von J, Classen. Greek ; German notes. Armstrong College. 8 vols, in 4. cr. 8vo. port. & map. Weidmann, Berlin, 1882-1908. Vols. 1-4, 6 & 7 are re-ed. by J. Steup. Historiae ; recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit H. S. Jones. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-2 Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. 2 vols, in 1. cr. 8vo. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, [1898]. Historiae ; recensuit C. Hude. Greek. Lending B666-7 2 vols. cr. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1905-6. De Bello Peloponnesiaco ; [ed. by J. Hudson]. Greek & Lat. T3589 cr. fo. E Theatro Sheldoniano, Oxoniae, 1696. English translations. Peloponnesian Warre ; interpreted out of the Greeke by T. Hobbes. T3588 fcp. fo. Mynne, London, 1634. Another edition. In Hobbes (T.) English works ; ed. by Sir W. Molesworth. Vols. 8-9. 1843. 146 Another copy. Lending 9305-6 [Works] ; trans, by W. Smith. Lending 7677 3 vols. dy. 18mo. port. Valpy, London, 1831. History of the Peloponnesian War : a new and literal version by H. Dale. 888-2 Bohn's classical library. 2 vols. cr. Svo. port. Bohn, London, 1852-3. Another edition. 1875-8. Lending 2775 207 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Thucydides contd. The History of the Peloponnesian War ; trans, by R. Crawley. 888-2 dy. 8vo. Longmans, London, 1876. Another edition. Lending D533 Temple classics. 2 vols, port, maps, & plate. Dent, London, 1903. Thucydides ; trans., with introduction, marginal analysis, notes and indices, by B. Jowett. 888-2 2 vols. dy. Svo. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1881. 2nd ed. 1900. Lending D985 SINGLE BOOKS. History of the Peloponnesian War, book I ; with notes by H. Young. Greek ; English notes. Lending 8910 Weale's classical series. fcp. Svo. Virtue, London, 1870. Thucydides, book IV. : a translation by G. F. H. Sykes. 888-2 Univ. Corr. Coll. tutorial series. cr. Svo. Clive, London, [1889]. Thucydides, book VII. ; ed., with notes, etc., by J. F. Stout and F. G. Plaistowe. Greek ; English notes. 888-2 Univ. Corr. Coll. tutorial series. cr. Svo. map. Clive, London, [1891]. Thucydides, book VII. : a translation by J. F. Stout and F. G. Plaistowe. 888-2 Univ. Corr. Coll. tutorial series, cr. Svo. Clive, London, [1891]. SELECTIONS. Speeches from Thucydides ; trans., with notes, by H. M. Wilkins. 888-2 dy. Svo. Longmans, London, 1870. BOOKS ON THUCYDIDES. Bury (J. B.) Thucydides. In his Ancient Greek historians. 1909. 888 Another copy. Lending B3945 Collins (W. L.) Thucydides. Lending 5158 Ancient classics for English readers. cr. Svo. Blackwood, Edinburgh & London, 1878. Cornford (F. M.) Thucydides mythistoricus. 888-2 dy. Svo. Arnold, London, 1907. Dionysius, of Halicarnassus. De Thucydidis historia judicium ; A. Duditio inter- prete. Latin. 888-2 sq. dy. Svo. Aldus, Venetiis, 1560. Dobree (P. P.) Notae in Thucydidem. In his Adversaria, vol. 1. 1883. Lending 2335 Harrison (Jane E.) Primitive Athens as described by Thucydides. 913-385 dy. Svo. map & plate. University Press, Cambridge, 1906. Jebb {Sir R. C.) The Speeches of Thucydides. In Abbott (E.) ed. Hellenica 1880. 880-4 Sheppard (J. G.) and Evans (L.) Notes on Thucydides, original and compiled ; books 1, 2 and 3. 888-2 cr. Svo. Longmans, London & New York, 1889. Wheeler (J. T.) An Analysis and summary of Thucydides. 888-2 Bohn's philological library. cr. Svo. Bell, London, 1876. Another copy. Lending 2333 TiMAEUS, Locrus. Platonis de anima mundi, id est natura. 1670. Greek & Lat. In Gale (T.) Opuscula. T1193 fcp. Svo. Hayes, Cantabrigiae, 1671. TiMOCREON. [Fragments]. Gr. ; Eng. notes. In Famell (G. S.) ed. Greek lyric poetry. 1891. 884 208 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. Tyrtaeus. [Fragments]. Gr. ; Eng. notes. In Famell (G. S.) ed. Greek lyric poetry. 1891. 884 War-songs. See Theocritus. The Idylls of Theocritus, etc., and the War-songs of Tyrtaeus ; literally trans, into English prose, by J. Banks, with metrical versions by J. M. Chapman. 1864. 884-6 Another edition. 1878. Lending 2774 X Xenophon. COLLECTED WORKS. — Greek, Greek-Latin, English. Opera omnia ; recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit E. C. Marchant. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-3 Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. cr. 8vo. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, 1900-10. Omnia quae extant opera ; in Xenophotem annotationes H. Stephani, indicem copiosissimum cum Latina interpretatione [by F. Filelfo, R. Amasaeus, B. Pirck- heimerus, and others] habebis. Greek & Lat. 888-3 2 vols, in 1. fcp. fo. Stephanus, [Geneva], 1561. The Works ; trans, by H. G. Dakyns. 888-3 4 vols. cr. 8vo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1890-7. TWO OR MORE WORKS. — Greek. Opuscula politica, equestria et venatica ; cum Arriani libello De venatione ; ex recensione L. Dindorfii. Greek ; Lat. notes. Lending B4786 dy. Svo. E Typographeo Clarendoniano, Oxonii, 1866. Scripta minora ; recognovit L. Dindorfius. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-3 " 2nd ed. fcp. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1883. TWO OR MORE WORKS. — Greek & Latin. AnOMNHMONEYMATON BIBAIA A'. TOY AYTOY, SOKPATOY2 AIJOAOriA. [Ed. by E. Wells ; with Latin trans, of J. Leunclavius]. T4754 cr. 8vo. Ek 0EATPOY kv OHONIA, [1690]. TWO OR MORE WORKS. — English. The Cyropaedia, and The Hellenics ; literally trans, by J. S. Watson and H. Dale ; with biographical notice, etc. 888-3 Bohn's classical library. cr. 8vo. Bell, London, 1872. Another edition. 1876. Lending 2118 Minor works ; literally trans., with notes, by J. S. Watson. 888-3 Bohn's classical library. cr. Svo. Bell, London, 1878. Another copy. Lending 2779 Anabasis ; and, The memorabilia of Socrates ; literally trans, by J. S. Watson ; with a geographical commentary by W. F. Ainsworth. 888-3 Bohn's classical library. cr. Svo. port. Bell, London, 1880. Another edition. 1903. Lending 2111 AGESILAUS. Panegjn-ic on Agesilaus ; with notes by L. F. W. Jewitt. Greek ; Eng. notes. Lending 8913 Weale's classical series. fcp. Svo. Lockwood, London, 1880. 209 o GREEK AUTHOR LIST. ANABASIS. Xenophon contd. Anabasis ; with notes by H. Young, Greek ; Eng. notes. Lending 8914 Weale's classical series. 2 vols. ' cr, 8vo. Lockwood, London, 1875-7. ■ Expeditio Cyri ; recensuit A. Hug. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-3 fcp. Svo. map. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1888. The Anabasis ; trans, by E. Spelman. Lending 7564 Family classical library. fcp. Svo. port. & map. Colburn, London, 1830. — The First four books of Anabasis, with notes ; ed. by W. W. Goodwin and J. W. White. Greek ; English notes. 888-3 fcp. 8vo. map. Macmillan, London & New York, 1893. — Anabasis, book I. ; ed., with notes, [translation], etc., by A. H. Allcroft and F. L. D. Richardson. Greek ; English notes. 888-3 Univ. Corr. Coll. tutorial series. cr. Svo. map. Clive, London, [1892]. ■ Anabasis, book IV. ; a translation, by A. F. Burnet. 888-3 Univ. Corr. Coll. tutorial series. cr. Svo. Clive, London, [1891]. Ainsworth (W. F.) Travels in the track of the ten thousand Greeks. Lending B2180 cr. Svo. map. Parker, London, 1844. CYROPAEDIA. The Cyropaedia ; with notes by G. M. Gorham. Greek ; English notes. Lending A9047 fcp. Svo. Whittaker, London, [1870]. ■ Institutio Cyri ; recensuit A. Hug. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-3 fcp. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1889. De Cyri institutione ; cum Latina interpretatione J. Leunclavii. Greek & Lat. T4753 2 vols, in 1. fcp. Svo. Redmayne, Londini, 1674. De Cyri institutione libri octo ; Graeca recognovit, versionem Latinam reformavit, etc., T. Hutchinson, Greek & Lat. 888-3 3rd ed. cr. Svo. Typis Bettenham, Londini, 1738. The Cyropaedia ; trans, by M, Ashley Cooper. Lending 7565 Family classical library. fcp. Svo. Colburn, London, 1830. Cyropaedeia I. : vocabularies and exam, papers ; by the tutors of University Corre- spondence College, 888-3 Tutorial series. cr. Svo. Univ. Corr. Coll., Cambridge, [1888]. The Cyropaedia, books VH. and VIII. ; ed. by A. Goodwin. Greek ; English notes. 888-3 fcp. Svo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1892. HELLENICA. Historiae Graecae libri septem, ex editione L. Dindorfii ; accedunt annotationes variorum interpretum. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-3 cr. Svo. E Typographeo Academico, Oxonii, 1831. ■ Historia Graeca ; recensuit O. Keller. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-3 fcp. Svo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1891. HIERON, The Hieron ; [ed.] by H. A. Holden. Greek ; English notes. Lending A9048 fcp. Svo. Macmillan, London, 1885, 210 GREEK AUTHOR LIST. MEMORABILIA. Xenophon contd. De Socrate commentarii ; recognovit et explanavit R. Kiihner. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888-3 dy. 8vo. Sumptibus Hennings, Gothae & Erfordiae ; etc., [1868]. Memorabilia ; with notes by P. Frost. Greek ; Eng. notes. Lending A9046 fcp. Svo. Whittaker, London, 1880. Commentarii ; recognovit W. Gilbert. Greek ; Lat. notes. 888*3 fcp. 8vo. In aedibus Teubneri, Lipsiae, 1888. OECONOMICUS. • Oeconomicus ; with notes by H. A. Holden. Greek ; Eng. notes. Lending A9049 2nd ed. fcp. Svo. Macmillan, London, 1885. AOroS OIKONOMIK02. Accessere fragmenta Oeconomicorum Ciceronis. Greek & Lat. T4755 2 vols, in 1. cr. 8vo. frontispiece. EK 0EATPOY cV OEONTA. 1693. Treatise of hoUseholde ; [trans.]. In Certain ancient tracts concerning the manage- ment of landed property, reprinted. 630 cr. 8vo. Bathurst, etc., London, 1767. Oeconomicus : a translation, by B. J. Hayes. 888-3 Tutorial series. cr. 8vo. University Corr. Coll., Cambridge, [1888]. The Economist ; trans, by A. D. O. Wedderburn and W. G. Collingwood ; with a preface by the editor, [John Ruskin]. In Ruskin (J.) Complete works, vol. 31 — ■ Bibliotheca pastorum, p. 1. 824-86 roy. 8vo. Allen, London, 1907. BOOKS ON XENOPHON. Ainsworth (W. F.) See under anabasis. Dakyns (H. G.) Xenophon. In Abbott (E.) ed. Hellenica. 1880. 880-4 Dobree (P. P.) Notae in Xenophontem. In his Adversaria, vol. 1. 1883. Lending 2336 Grant [Sir A.) Xenophon. Lending 5152 Ancient classics for English readers. cr. 8vo. Blackwood, Edinburgh & London, 1877. Xenophon, the Ephesian. De Anthia et Habrocome : Ephesiacorum libri V. ; recensuit P. H. Peerlkamp. Greek & Lat. ; Lat. notes. 888-9 dy. 4to. Loosjes, Harlemi, 1818. 211 GREEK AUTHOR LIST-MODERN. A SHORT APPENDIX TO THE MAIN LIST : BEING A FEW BOOKS IN MODERN GREEK, AND A FEW RECENT WRITINGS IN CLASSICAL GREEK. For Collections, see Classes 879 {p. 47) and 889 {pp. 59-60). BiKELAS (Demetrius) AOYKH2 AAPA2. Lending D1317 4th ed. dy. 8vo. illus. KA2AONH2, EN A0HNAI2, 1892. Byron (George Gordon Noel) Baron Byron. See under Polites (G.) Dante Alighieri. See under Mousouros (C.) Franczius (P.) Poemata ; accedunt Graeca carmina, p. 458. 879-1 2nd ed. fcp. Svo. Apud Wetstenium, Amstelaedami, 1697. Hammer-Purgstall (Joseph von) Baron. See under Krokidas (K. S.) Headlam (Walter). A Book of Greek verse ; [trans, into English]. Greek & Eng. 881 cr. Svo. University Press, Cambridge, 1907. " Interspersed are . . . translations into Greek verse." HoBHOUSE (Walter) Headmaster of Durham School. Otium didascali : translations into Greek and Latin verse. L879-1 cr. Svo. Macmillan, London & New York, 1898. * Jebb {Sir R. C.) Translations into Greek and Latin verse. 879-1 2nd ed. sq. dy. Svo. IJniversity Press, Cambridge, 1907. Another copy. Lending D1402 KOROMELAS (D. A.) AAOnHH KOAOBH • KOMOtAIA. Lending D1704 cr. 8vo. KOPOMHAAS, EN A@HNAi:S, etc., 1875. Krokidas (K. S.) Hammer-Purgstall (Joseph von) Baron. I2T0PIA TH2 0®OMANIKH2 AYT0KPAT0PIA2 ' EHEAAHiNI2©El2A YHO K. E. KPOKIAA. 949-6 6 vols. dy. Svo. TYHOIS $IAAAEAEfi5, A©HNH2I, 1870-4. Lampros (Spyridon p.) ISTOPIA THS EAAAAOS" AHO TON APXAIOTATON XPONON MEXPI TH2 BA^IAEIAIS TOY OOONOS. 949-5 3 vols. roy. Svo. illus. MDEK, EN A©HNAI2. 1886. Menagius (Aegidius) nOIKIAON nOIHMATON EKAOPH. In his Poemata, p. 129. 879-1 The poems are in Latin, Greek, French, and Italian. 7th ed. fcp. Svo. Le Petit, Parisiis, 1680. 212 GREEK AUTHOR LIST-MODERN. MouLE (H. C. G.) Bishop of Durham. Imitations and translations : English, Latin and Greek. 821-89 cr. 8vo. Seeley, London, 1905. The brief Greek poems are on pp. 54-55. Apollo at Pherae is a dramatic poem, in English, aiter the Greek model, Another copy. Lending D2770 MuNRO (H. A. J.) Translations into Latin and Greek verse ; with a prefatory note by J. D. Duff. g*9.j dy. 8vo. port. Arnold, London, 1906. MousouROS (C.) Pasha. Dante's Inferno, [Purgatorio, and Paradiso] ; trans, into Greek verse by Musurus Pasha. 851-15 3 vols. dy. 8vo. Williams, London & Edinburgh, 1882-5. Phrankoudes (G. S.) EAAHNIKA nOAITEYMATA, 1821-1864. Lending D1693 cr. 8vo. EK TOY TYnOrPA^EIOY A. KfiNSTANTINIAOY, EN AQHNAlS, 1887. POLITES (G.) Byron (G. G. N.) Baron Byron. TA AH A NT A TOY BYPON02 [vols. 1-3 only, trans, in prose]. 821-76 3 vols. only. dy. 8vo. EK TOY TYnOFPA^EIOY A. KON2TANTINIAOY, EN A0HNAI2, 1895. Contains Mazeppa, Parisina, Childe Harold, Siege of Corinth, Bride of Abydos, Corsair, Curse of Athens, Don Juan, Giaour. Shewan (A.) Homeric games at an ancient St. Andrews : an epyllium edited from a comparatively modern papyrus, & shattered by means of the higher criticism. Gr. & Eng. 889-7 cr. 8vo. plates. Thin, Edinburgh, 1911. Shilleto (Richard) Greek and Latin compositions. 879 cr. 8vo. University Press, Cambridge, 1901. Trikoupes (Spyridon) I2T0P1A THS EAAHNIKH2 EnANASTASEQS. 949-506 4 vols. dy. 8vo. EN AONAINfit, 1853-7. Xenos (Stephen Th.) H HPfllS THS EAAHNIKH2 EHANA^TASEOS, HTOI 2KHNAT EN EAAAAI, 1821-1828. 889-3 2 vols. dy. 8vo. EN AONAINOi, 1861. 213 INDEX TO SUBJECTS, AUTHORS, EDITORS, TRANSLATORS, COMMENTATORS, ILLUSTRATORS, ETC. SUBJECT ENTRIES ARE IN ttaltCS, AND THE CLASS-NUMBERS ATTACHED REFER TO THE CLASSIFIED LIST. FOR FURTHER GUIDANCE TO THAT LIST CLASS-NUMBERS ARE IN OTHER CASES, WHERE NECESSARY, INDICATED IN BRACKETS ; BUT IN ASKING FOR BOOKS THESE BRACKETED NUMBERS SHOULD NOT BE USED. WHERE NO CLASS-NUMBERS ARE GIVEN, NAMES OF AUTHORS ARE SHOWN, WHICH WILL LEAD THOSE SEEKING FULLER INFORMATION TO THE APPROPRIATE AUTHOR LIST. » * 7 REPRESENTS GREEK AND LATIN TOGETHER. WITHIN ANY CLASS-NUMBER, 7 AND ITS * * SUBDIVISIONS PRECEDE 7 (WHICH REPRESENTS LATIN ONLY). THUS 470-7 AND 475 It It PRECEDE 470, AND 870 AND 879 PRECEDE 870. FROM A TERRA-COTTA LAMP. THE RECALL FROM PASTURE. " Dat procul interea toto pater aequore signum Phorcys, et immanes intorto murice phocas Contrahit antra petens."— (Val. Flaccus, III., 726.) " So might I . . . Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea ; Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn." — {Wordsworth, " The world is too much with us.") 215 I N DEX. Abaelardus (P.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. Abbatt (R.) Hist, of the Picts Wall. 1849. L913-428 Abbott (E.) Hist, of Greece. 1888-1900. 938 — Pericles. 1891. [Class 938-04]. Lending B8218 — ed. Hellenica. 1880. 880-4 — do. [Class 880.4]. Lending CI OOG — trans. See Alleyne (S. F.) & Abbott (E.) — See also Wright (R. S.) & Abbott (E.) Abbott (E. A.) On the teaching of Latin verse composition. [Class 476]. In Eve (H. W.) and others. Lectures on education. 1883. Lending C5823 Abbott (G. F.) Macedonian folklore. 1903. 398-3 Aberdeen, Earl of. See Gordon (G. H.). Aberdeen University. Studies in hist. & art of east, provinces of Rom. Empire ; by 7 graduates [of Aberdeen]. 1906. [Class 937]. Armstrong College. Abrahams (E. B ) Greek dress. 1908. 391-38 Abresch (F.) ed. See Mercer (J.) and others ; edd. Abt(A.) Die Apologie d. Apuleius. 1908. 878-9 Accents, Greek. ... ... ... 481"6 Acciiis (Lucius). See Latin Author List. Accursius (M.) ed. Ausonius. In Pervigilium Veneris. 1712. 874 Achilles Tatius. See Greek Author List. Acron (Helenius). Scholia Horatiana. 1858-9. 874-5 Acropolis Museum. Catal., vol. 1, by G. Dickins. 1912. 913-38 Acting. ... ... ... ... 792 Adam (A. M.) ed. Adam's Vitality of Platonism. 1911. 880-4 Adam (J.) Texts to illustrate Greek philosophy. 1902. 180 — Vitality of Platonism. 1911. 880-4 — ed. Plato. Apologia Socratis. 1905. Lending A9159 — Plato. Crito. 1903. Lending A9158 — Plato. Euthyphro. 1902. Lending A9160 — Plato. Republic. 1900. Lending A9163 — Another edition. 1902. 888-4 Adam (J.) and (A. M.) edd. Plato. Protagoras. 1905. Lending A9161 Adam (R.) Ruins of the palace of Diocletian. 1764. 722-7 Adams (W. H. D.) Temples of anct. Greece & Rome. 1872. [Class9 13-37]. Lew^^wg- 5488 Adamson (J. E.) Plato. Theory of education in Republic. 1903. 888-4 Adamson (R.) Development of Grk. philosophy. 1908. 180-9 Addison (J.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modem. — trans. Ovid. 1833. Lending 7590 Adler (F.) prefator. Schliemann's Tiryns. 1886. 913-388 Administration, Roman. ... ... 913-37 Aegius (B.) trans. Apollodorus. In Hyginus (C. J.) Fabularum liber. 1608. 878-08 Aelfric. Grammatica Latino-Saxonica. 1659. [Class 473]. T3143 Aelianus (Claudius). See Greek Author List. Aelius Lampridius. See Lampridius (A.) in Latin Author List. Aelius Spartianus. See Latin Author List. Aeneas, Tacticus. See Greek Author List. Aeneas Sylvius. [Piccolomini] . See Pius II., Pope, in Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modem. Aeschines. See Greek Author List. Aeschylus. See Greek Author List. Aesop. See Greek Author List. Aetna. See Lucilius Junior in Latin Author List. Aetolia. ... ... ... ... 913-383 Afranius (Lucius) . See Latin Author List. Agar (T. L.) Homerica. 1908. 883-1 Agriculture. ... ... ... ... 630 Ainger (A. C.) and Wintle (H. G.) Lat. exercises. 1885. [Class 478-2]. Lending C1966 Ainsworth (R.) Latin dictionary. 1878. 473-2 — Abridged ed. 1806. [Class 473-2]. Lending CI 692 Ainsworth (W. F.) Xenophon. Anabasis, etc. : tr. by J. S. Watson ; geographical com- ment, by W. F. Ainsworth. 1880. 888-2 — Another edition. 1903. Lending 2777 — Travels in the track of the 10,000 Greeks. 1844. [^See Xenophon in Greek Author List]. Lending B2180 Akerman (J. Y.) Anct. coins. 1846. [Class 737]. Lending 5896 — Catal. of Rom. coins. 1834. 737-37 — Another copy. [Class 737-37]. Lending 5895 Albinovanus (C. P.) See Latin Author List. Albricus. De deorum imaginibus. In Hyginus. Fabularum liber. 1608. [Class 292]. T1734 Alcaeus. See Greek Author List. Alciatus (A.) De magistratibus civilibusque et militaribus ofiSciis. In Haurisius (B. C.) ed. Scriptores historiae, torn. 3. 1748. [Class 913-37]. 878-08 Alcidamas. See Greek Author List. Alcman. See Greek Author List. Alexander, the Great. ... ... 938-07 Alfred, King of England ; trans. Boethius. 1899. 829-7 — Same. In modern English. 1899. 829-7 Allacci (L.) ed. 6- trans. Sallust, the Platonist. 1639. T3023 — Another edition. 1670. In Gale's Opuscula. 1671. T1193 — trans. Heraclitus. 1671. T1193 Allain (E.) Courte notice sur Pline le jeune. 1903. Bio. — Pline le jeune et ses heritiers. 1901-2. 876-2 Allatius (L.) See Allacci (L.) Allcroft (A. H.) Making of Athens. [1896]. 938-04 — Peloponnesian War. [1895]. 938-05 — Rome. 78-31 B.C. [1894]. 937-05 — Sparta & Thebes. [1895]. 938-06 Allcroft (A. H.) and Burnet (A. F.) trans. Juvenal. Satires. [1891]. 877-7 Allcroft (A. H.) & Haydon (J. H.) The Early Principate. [1890]. 937-07 — Exercises to Lat. compos. [1890]. 478-2 — Lat. compos. [1890]. 478-2 — See also Haydon (J. H.) and Allcroft (A. H.). Allcroft (A. H.) & Hayes (B. J.) edd. Horace, Bk. I.-III. [1890-1]. 874-5 216 INDEX Allcroft (A. H.) & Hayes (B. J.) edd., contd. — Sophocles. Antigone. [1889]. 882-2 — Virgil, X. [1890]. 873-1 — Virgil. Aeneid, VI. [1892]. 873-1 Allcroft (A. H.) & Masom (W. F.) Early Grecian hist. [1892]. 938 — Hist, of Sicily. [1890]. 937-8 — Outlines of Rom. hist. 133-27 b.c. [1894]. 937-02 — Rome 202-133 B.C. [1892]. 937-02 — Synopsis of Rom. hist. [1887-90]. 937 — Tutorial hist, of Rome. [1893]. 937 — edd. Caesar. Gallic War V. [1890]. 878-1 — Gallic War VI. [1890]. 878-1 — Cicero. De senectute. [1892]. 875-4 — Livy. Bk. I. [1890]. 878-4 — Bk. V. [1892]. 878-4 — Bk. XXI. [1889]. 878-4 — Bk. XXI., chapters 1-30 .[1889]. 878-4 — . Virgil. Aeneid I. [I89I]. 873-1 — Aeneid IX. [1890]. 873-1 Allcroft (A. H.) & Neatby (T. M.) edd. Virgil. Aeneid, VII. [1891]. 873-1 Allcroft (A. H.) & Plaistowe (F. G.) edd. Cicero. Pro Archia. [1892]. 875-2 — Horace, Bk. IV. [I89I]. 874-5 Allcroft (A. H.) & Richardson (F. L. D.) edd. Xenophon. Anabasis, I. [1892]. 888-3 Allen (G.) Catullus. Attis. 1892. 874-2 Allen (J. B.) Elementary Latin grammar. 1886. [Class 475]. Lending B9683 Allen (J. H.) &- Greenough (J. B.) Latin grammar. [1903]. 475 — • Another copy. [Class 475]. Lending B1030 Allen (K.) Treatment of nature in poetry of the Rom. Rep. 1899. 871 Allen (P. S.) ed. Erasmus. Opus epistolarum. 1906-10. 879-6 Allen (T. W.) ed. See Monro (D. B.) &- Allen (T. W.) edd. Allen (T. W.) &- Sikes (E. E.) edd. Homer. Hymns. 1904. 883-1 AUeyne (S. F.) trans. Zeller's Eclecticism. 1883. [Class 186-3]. 148 — Another copy. [Class 186-3] Lending BSdM — Zeller's Greek philosophy. 1881. 182 Alleyne (S. F.) & Abbott (E.) trans. Duncker's Greece. 1883-6. 938 — Another copy. [Class 938]. Lending B3186-7 Alleyne (S. F.) 6- Goodwin (A.) trans. Zeller's Plato and the Older Academy. 1876. [Class 184]. Lending A6569 — Another edition. 1888. 184 Allinson (F. G.) & (A. C. E.) Grk. lands and letters. 1910. 913-38 Almeloveen (T. J. ab) ed. Celsus. 1746. 878-9 Amar-Duvivier (J. A.) trans. Lucan. 1816. 873-2 Amaseo (R.) trans. Pausanias. 1583. 888-9 — Another edition. 1583. T2835 — Another edition. 1696. 888-9 — See also Filelfo (F.) 6- others ; trans. Amazons. ... ... ... ... ... 396-9 Ambrogini (A.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modem. Ambrose, St. See Latin Author List. Ammonius. Vita Aristotelis. In Diogenes, Laertius ; rec. C. G. Cobet. 1878. 888-9 — ■ Another edition. 1907. Anderton (Isabella M.) trans. Amos (S.) Civil law of Rome. 1883. 349-37 Ampelius (Lucius). See Latin Author List. Anacreon. See Greek Author List. Anaximenes, of Lampsacus. See Greek Author List. Ancmoran (J.) Porta linguarum. 1639. 478-2 Anderson (J. C.) Roman city of Uriconium. 1867. [Class 913-4245]. Lending A8U5 Anderson (W. C. F.) See Engelmann (R.) 6- Anderson (W. C. F.). — ed. Schreiber's Atlas of class, antiquities. 1895. 913-37 Anderson (W. J.) 6- Spiers (R. P.) Architecture of Greece & Rome. 1902. [Class 722-7]. Lending A8338 722-7 Comparetti's Kalevala and national epics. [Mentions Homer]. 1898. 894-1 Andocides. See Greek Author List. Andresen (G.) ed. See Schweizer-Sidler (H.) <§- others ; edd. Andronicus (Livius). See Latin Author List. Animals. Natural history. ... ... 590 Annotatio ad notitiam dignitatum. 1839-53. 913-37 Anrich (G.) Das Antike Mysterienwesen. 1894. 292 Anthologia Latina. In Baehrens' Poet. Lat. minores, v. 4. 1882. 871-08 — Ed. by F. Buecheler & A. Riese. 1894-1906. 871-08 Antiphon. See Greek Author List. Antiquit. variar. auctores. 1560. [Class 878-08]. T168 * Antiquities, Classical. ... ... ... 913-37 Etruscan 913-375 Greek 913-38 Roman 913-37 Roman, in England. ... 913-42 Roman, in Germany. ... 913-434 Roman, in Scotland. ... 913-41 Roman, in Wales. ... ... 913-429 Antisthenes. See Greek Author List. Antonines, The ... ... ... ... 937-06 Kntomnus, Augustus. Iter Britanniarum. 1709. [Class 913-42]. T123 — Same. Trans, by T. Reynolds. 1799. 913-42 Antoninus, Liberalis. See Greek Author List. Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius). See Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus) in Greek Author List. Antoninus Pius (T. A. F. B. P.) Emperor of Rome. See Latin Author List. Anz (H.) Lat. Magierspiele. 1905. 879-2 Apollodorus, Atheniensis. See Greek Author List. Apollodorus, Carystius. See Greek Author List. Apollonius, Rhodius. See Greek Author List. Apollonius, Tyaneus. ... ... ... 182-2 Appian, of Alexandria. See Greek Author List. Apuleius (Lucius). See Latin Author List. Aratus. See Greek Author List. :> Archaeology, Classical. ... ... ... 913*37 Greek 913-38 Roman 913-37 Archer (W.) prefator. Mantzius' Hist, of theat. art. 1903. 792 217 INDEX. Archilochus. See Greek Author List. Architecture, Greek. ... ... ... 722*8 Greek & Roman. ... ... 722 Roman. ... ... ... 722'7 Aristaenetus. See Greek Author List. Aristophanes. See Greek Author List. Aristotelian philosophy. ... ... ... 186 Aristotle. See Greek Author List. Armstrong [Sir W.) Hist, of art in Phoenicia. 1885. 709-3944 Amett (J. A.) Books of the ancients. 1837. 091 Arnold (B.) Das Altrom. Theatergebaude. 1873. 913-37 Arnold [Sir E.) Poets of Greece. 1869. [Class 881-04]. Lending 362 Arnold (E. V.) Rom. Stoicism. 1911. 188 Arnold (E. V.) & Conway (R. S.) Restored pronunciation of Grk. & Lat. 1895. 481-5 ~ Another ed. 1908. [Class 481-5]. Lending A8347 Arnold (M.) On translating Homer. 1861. Lending 5667 — ■ On translating Homer : last words. 1862. Lending 5674 Arnold (T.) Hist, of the later Rom. Common- wealth. 1845. 937 — Hist, of Rome. 1843-8. 937 — Another edition. 1840-5. [Class 937]. Lending A9190 — ed. Thucydides. 1857-8. 888-2 Arnold (T.) &> others. Hist, of the Rom. Empire. 1853. [Class 937]. Lending ASUl — Hist, of the Rom. Republic. 1852. [Class 937]. Lending A8118 Arnold (T. K.) Grk. grammar. 1848. 485 — Lat. prose compos. 1901-2. [Class 478-2]. Lending D2599 — trans. See Smith (H.) &> Arnold (T. K.) trans. Arnold (T. K.) & Browne (H.) edd. Fraders- dorff's Eng.-Grk. lexicon 1882. 483-2 Arnold (W. T.) Rom. system of provincial administration. 1879. [Class 913-37]. Lending A6196 Arntzenius (H. J.) ed. Panegyrici veteres. (Delphin classics. 1819-30) Arrian (F.) See Greek Author List. Art, Greek. Greek <&- Roman. Roman. Artopoeus (S.) ed. Dares Phrygius. classics. 1819-30). — Dictys Cretensis. (Delphin classics 870-8 709-38 709-3 709-37 (Delphin 870-8 1819-30). 870-8 Arval Brothers. See Latin Author List. Asconius Pedianus (Q.). See Latin Author List. Asia. Roman province. ... ... ... 939-2 Asinius PoUio (C.) See Latin Author List. Ast (F.) Lexicon Platonicum. 1908. 888-4 Astrology 133 Astronomy ... ... ... ... ... 520-9 Athenaeus, Naucratita. See Greek Author List. Athens. Antiquities... ... ... 913-385 History 938 Atlas, Classical ... 912-3 Atta (T. Quinctius). See Latin Author List. Attic orators. Corpus ... ... 885-08 Attica. Antiquities ... ... 913-386 Atticus Herodes (T. C.) See Greek Author List. Attius (Lucius). See Acciusiw Latin Author List. Augustus (C. Julius Caesar O.) Emperor. See Latin Author List. Auratus (J.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modem. Aurelius Antoninus (M.) See Greek Author List. Aurelius Victor (Sextus). See Latin Author List. Ausonius (Decius Magnus) See Latin Author List. Authorship ... ... ... ... 666*4 Avianus (Flavins). See Latin Author List. Avienus (Rufus Festus) . See Latin Author List. Avitus (A. E.) St. See Latin Author List. Ayliffe (J.) A New pandect. 1734. [Class 349-37]. T142 B Baber (H. H.) ed. Vet. Testament. Graec. e cod. MS. Alexandrino. 1816-21. 481-7 Babington (C. C.) Anct. Cambridgeshire. 1883. 913-4259 Babrius. See Greek Author List. Bacchylides. See Greek Author List. Bachmann (A.) ed. Pervigilium Veneris. 1712. 874 Bacon (F.) Viscount St. Albans. See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Bacon (R.) Grk. grammar. 1902. 485 Baddeley (W. St. C.) Recent discoveries in the Forum. 1904. [Class 913-37]. Lending'D2650 Ba.dham{C.) trans. Juvenal. 1831. Lending 157Q Badius (J.) ed. Cicero. 1507. 875-1 Baedeker (K.) Greece. 1894. [Class 913-38]. 914-95 — Italy. 1903-4. [Class 913-37]. 914 Baehrens (E.) De Sulpiciae quae vocatur satira. 1873. 877 — ed. Frag, poetarum Roman. 1886. 871-08 — Poet. Lat. minores. 1879-83. 871-08 Baumlein (W. von) ed. Homer. 1858-80. Lending 8888-95 Bagster (S.) & Sons ; publishers. Grk. lexicon. [?1862]. 487-33 Baikie (J.) Sea-kings of Crete. 1910. 913-3918 Bailey (C.) Religion of anct. Rome. 1907. [Class 292]. Lending 8035 — ed. Lucretius. [1900]. 871-1 — Another copy. Lending C9062 Bailey (J.) ed. Scapula. Lex. Grk.-Lat. 1820. 483-7 Bailey (N.) trans. Erasmus. Colloquies. 1877. 879-8 Bailly(J. S.) Hist, de I'astronomie. 1781.520-9 Bain (A.) <&- Robertson (G. C.) edd. Grote's Aristotle. 1880. 185-1 — Another copy. [Class 185-1]. Lending 6950 Baiter (J. G.) ed. Tacitus. 1859. 878-6 Baker (G.) trans. Livy. 1833-4. Lending 7593-9 Bakewell (C. M.) Source book in philosophy. 180 Ball (A. P.) Seneca on the Apotheosis of Claudius. 1902. 878-5 Banduri (A.) Numismata imperat. Romanor. 1718. [Class 737-37]. T4010-1 Bankes (H.) Civil & constitutional hist, of Rome. 1818. 937 Banks (J.) trans. Hesiod, Callimachus, & Theognis. 1856. 883-2 — • Another edition. 1876. Lending 2734 218 INDEX Banks (J.) trans., contd. — Theocritus, Bion & Moschus. 1864. 884-6 — Another edition. 1878. Lending 2774 Banton (P.) ed. See Cruttwell (C. T.) & Banton (P.) edd. Barclay (J.) See Latin Author List — 'Mediaeval & Modern. Baring (E.) Earl of Cromer. Paraphrases & trans. from the Grk. 1903. [Class 881]. Lending D744 Barlow (J.) trans. Homer. Battle of the frogs & mice. 1894. Lending C3520 Barnett (L. D.) trans. Swoboda's Grk. hist. 1900. [Class 938]. Lending B5994 Barre (L.) See Roux (H.) cS- Barre (L.). Barthelemy (J. J.) Travels of Anacharsis in Greece. 1797. [Class 913-38]. Lending A3351 Bassi (D.) 6- Martini (E.) Disegno storico della vita greca. 1910. [Class 913-38]. Lending A742 Bastien (J. F.) trans. Lettres d'Abailard et d'Heloise. Vol.1. 1782. 879-6 Battely (J.) Antiquitates Rutupinae. 1711. [Class 913-4223]. T301 Baumeister (A.) ed. Denkmal. d. klass. Altert. 1887-9. 913-37 Baumgarten-Crusius (D. K. W.) ed. Suetonius. (Delphin classics. 1819-30) 870-8 Baur (F.) Philological intro. to Grk. and Lat. 1879. [Class 470]. Lending A2922 Bax (E. B.) prefator. Boethius ; trans, by Colville. 1897. 879-8 Bayfield (M, A.) Lat. prose. 1890. [Class 478-2] Lending CI 729 Beare (J. I.) Grk. theories of cognition. 1906. 180 Beatson (B. W.) ed. Ainsworth's Latin dic- tionary. 1878. 473-2 Bechert (M.) ed. Manilius. In Postgate's Corpus, torn. 2. 1905. 871-08 Bechius (P.) trans. Pachumeres' Jn universam fere Aristotelis philosophiam epitome. 1560. 185-1 Becker (W. A.) Charicles. 1845. [Class 913-38]. Lending B3161 — 8th ed. 1889. 913-38 — Gallus. 1844. [Class 913-37]. Lew^^iMg- B3162 — lOthed. 1891. 913-37 Becmanus (C.) Manuductio ad Lat. linguam. 1629. [Class 470]. T521 Beer (R.) Spicilegium Juvcnalianum. 1885. 877*7 — • ed. Isidore. Etymologiae : Codex Toletanus. 1909. [Cla.ss 471-7]. Amstrong College. Bcesly (A. H.) The Gracchi, Marius & Sulla. 1905. [Class 937-02]. Lending D1036 — trans. Tacitus. Annals l.-II. 1870. 878-6 Bekker (1.) Scholia in Homeri lliadem. 1825. Armstrong College. ~ed. Aristophanes. 1829. 882-4 — Aristotle. Politics. 1855. 888-5 — Aristotle. Politics, books 1, 3, 4 (7). 1877. Lending 1504 Lat. course Bell ; publisher. 478-2]. Bell (James) ed. Rollin's Anct. [Class 938]. Bell (John) New pantheon. 1790. 1904. [Class Lending 2425 hist. 1829-30. 930 [Class 292]. 291 Bell (R.) Hist, of Rome. 1834-5. [Class 937]. Lending A484 Bell (R.) of Irthington. Rom. Wall. 1852. L913-428 Bellenden (J.) trans. Livy. 1901-3. 820-6 Beloch (J.) Die Bevolkerung d. griech.-rom. Welt. 1886. 913-37 Beloe (W.) trans. Herodotus. 1830. Lending 7566 Bembo (P.) Cardinal. Scholia Bembina. In Donatus (A.) Quod fertur commentum Terenti, etc. 1902-5. Armstrong College. — ■ See also Latin Author List — Mediaeval (&- Modern. Bendall (H.) trans. Comparative grammar. 1874-7. 415 Benedict (F.) ed. Graesse's Orbis Latinus. 1909. [Class 913-37]. 910-3 Benham (W. G.) Cassell's Book of quotatns. 1907. [Class 878]. 808-8 Benn (A. W.) The Greek philosophers. 1882. 180-9 — Philosophy of Greece. 1898. 180 Bennet (J.) Constantius. 1683. [Class 937-06]. T528 Bennett (C. E.) S- Bristol (G.P.) Teaching* of Lat. & Grk. 1903. [Class 470-7]. Lending D1854 Benoist (E.) ed. Catullus. 1882-90. 874-2 Benseler (G. E.) ed. Pape's Griech. Eigennamen, 1884. 483-3 — ■ ed. &- trans. Aeschines. 1855-60. 885-6 Benson (E. F.) See Hogarth (D. G.) &- Benson (E. F.) Bentley (R.) Dissertation upon Epistles of Phalaris. 1699. T726 — Another edition. 1883. Lending 2786 — Emendationes in Menandri et Philemonis reliquias. 1713. T3352 — Another edition. In Menander et Philemon ; ed. A. Meineke. 1823. 882-6 — Plautine emendations. 1883. 872-3 — • ed. Manilius. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Berad (V.) Homer. Les Pheniciensetl'Odyssee. 1902-3. 883-1 Berdoe (E.) Orig. of healing art. 1893. 615-09 Beresford (R. A. A.) &- Douglas (R. N.) First Grk. reader. 1902. [Class 488-6]. Lending D222 Berger (E. H.) Mythische Kosmographie der Griechen. 1904. In Roscher's Lexikon d. Mythologie: (Supplt.). 292 Bergk (T.) De carminum saliarium reliquiis. [1847]. 871 — ed. Aristophanes. 1888-92. 882-4 — ■ Poetae lyrici Graeci, vol. 1, pt. 1. 1900. 884 Berlin. Konigliche Museen. Griech. Terrakotten im Antiquarium. 1903. 738-38 — H. Schliemann's Sammlung trojanischer Altertumer. 1902. 913-3921 Bemardakis (G. N.) ed. Plutarch. Moralia. 1888-96. 888-8 Bemays (J.) Lucianu. d. Kyniker. 1879.888-7 Bemhardy (G.) Grund. d. rom. Litteratur, [1872]. [Class 870-9] Armstrong College. 2W N DEX Berry (G. G.) trans. See Magnus (L.) &■ Berry (G. G.) trans. Bertius (P.) prefator. Boethius. 1798. 879-8 Besnier (M.) Les Catacombes. 1909. [Class 913-37]. Lending C8186 Betham {Sir W.) Etruria-Celtica. 1842. 477-5 Bevan (E.) trans. Aeschylus. Seven against Thebes. 1912. 882-1 Bevan (E. R.) House of Seleucus. 1902. 939-4 Bianchi (G. H.) e^. Seeman's Mythology. [1889]. [Class 292]. Lending A3687 Bibaculus (M. Furius). See Latin Author List. Bible— New Testament. Codex Bezae. 1793. 417 Facs. of Codex Alexandrinus. 1879. 481-7 Facs. of portions. 1861. 481-7 Bible — Old Test. Vet. Testament. Graec, e cod. MS. Alexandrine. 1816-21. 481-7 Bibliographical Society. List of Eng. transla- tions, by H. R.' Palmer. 1911. [Class 016-87]. 010-6 Bibliography. Classical literature. ... 016-87 Greek literature ... 016-88 Latin literature.... ... 016-87 Roman history 016-937 Bielowski (A.) ed. Trogus Pompeius. 1853. 878-9 Biese (F.) Die Philosophic des Aristoteles. 1835-42. 185-1 Bigg (C.) prefator. Aurelius Antoninus ; tr. by J. Jackson. 1906. 888-9 Bikelas (D.) See Greek Author List — Modem. Billson (C. J.) trans. Virgil. Aeneid. 1906. 873-1 Biography — collective ... ... ... 920 individual. See under name, as " Tiberius, "etc. Biology 570 Bion. See Greek Author List. Birch (S.) Anct. pottery. 1858. 738 — • Another edition. 1873. [Class 738]. Lending D6 — prefator. Palma Di Cesnola's Salaminia. 1882. 913-393 Birch (S.) &- Newton {Sir C. T.) Catal. of Grk. & Etrus. vases in the Brit. Mus. 1851-70. 738 Birt (T.) Die Buchrolle. 091 Blackie (J. S.) Four phases of morals : Socrates, etc. 1874. [Class 183-2]. Lending 663 — Horae Hellenicae. 1874. 880-4 — Another copy. [Class 880-4]. Lending 818 — Wise men of Greece. 1877. 180 — Another copy. [Class 180]. Lending A3021 — trans. Homer. Iliad. 1866. 883-1 Blackwall (A.) Intro, to the classics. 1725. [Class 870]. T30 Blagrave (A. E.) & Fearenside (C. S.) trans. Plato. Phaedo. [1890]. 888-4 Blair (R.) Rom. leaden seals. [1880]. [Class 913-428]. In Local tracts, dy. 8vo. vol. 16. L042 Blakeney (E. H.) trans. Homer. Iliad. 1909. Lending 9377 Blakesley (J. W.) ed. Herodotus. 1854. 888-1 Blancardus (N.) See Blankaerts (N.) Bland (R.) <&- others ; edd. Grk. anthology ; [trans.] 1813. 881-08 Blankaerts (N.) ed. Arrian. 1683. T229 Blass (F.) Gramm. d. neutestam. Gr. 1902. 487-35 — Same. [Eng. trans.] 487-35 — ed. Demosthenes. 1890-1. 885-6 Blaj'^des (F. H. M.) ed. Aristophanes. Nubes. 1890. Armstrong College. Blaydes (F.H.M.) &- Paley (F. A.) edd. Sophocles. 1859-80. 882-2 Blomfield (C. J.) ed. Aeschylus. Choephoroe. 1824. 882-1 — Aeschylus. Persae. 1830. Armstrong College. — Aeschylus. Prometheus vinctus. 1833. Armstrong College. — Aeschylus. Septem contra Thebas. 1829. Armstrong College. Bloomfield (E. V.) trans. Matthiae's Grk. grammar. 1832. [Class 485]. Lending A4193 Blount (C.) trans. Philostratus. 1680. T139 Bliimner (H.) Die Rom. Privataltertiimer. 1911. 913-37 Blume (C.) ed. Dreves' Jahrtaus. latein. Hymnendicht. 1909. 245-7 Board of Education. Pronunciation of Latin. 1907. 471-5 Bocchi (A.) trans. Plutarch. Ciceronis vita. In Cicero. Opera, tom. 4. 1540. 875-1 Bocking (E.) ed. Annotatio ad notitiam dignitatum. 1839-53. 913-37 Bohm (K.) Beitrage z. Kenntnis d. Einfl. Seneca's auf die franzosis. Tragodien. 1902. 842 Bohmer ( — ) De L. Annaei Senecae Latinitate. 1840. 878-5 Bpenig (H.) ed. Minucius Felix. 1903. 878-9 Boeotians ... ... ... ... ... 939-4 Boethius (A. M. T. S.) See Latin Author List. Boetticher (A.) Olympia. 1886. [Class 913-38]. Armstrong College. Bohn (O.) ed. See Mommsen (T.) S' others ; edd. Bohn (W. S.) trans. See M'Devitte (W. A.) &- Bohn (W. S.) trans. Boissier (G.) Cicero & his friends. 1897. [Class 913-37]. Lending C594S — 3rd ed. 920 — Etude sur la vie de M. T. Varron. 1861. Bio. — L'Opposition sous les Cesars. 1909. [Class 937-06]. Armstrong College. — La Religion romaine. 1906. 292 — Tacitus, etc. 1906. [Class 870-4]. Armstrong College. Boissonade (J. F.) ed. Epigrammatum anthol. Palatina. 1871-90. 881-08 — Eunapii Vitae sophistarum. In Philostra- torum opera. 1878. 888-9 — Marini Vita Procli. In Diogenes, Laertius ; rec. C. G. Cobet. 1878. 888-9 — See also Westermann (A.) &' Boissonade (J. F.) edd. Boldonius (O.) Dies Attici. 1639. [Class 485]. T42 Bolland (W. E.) trans. Aristotle. Politics. 1877. Lending 1504 Bonarota (P.) Dempster's De Etruria regali lib. VII. : explicationes et conjecturae. [1726]. 913-375 Bond {Sir E. A.) & others ; edd. Palaeographical Soc. Facsimiles. 1873-1901. 417 220 IN DEX. Bond (J.) &- Walpole (A. S.) edd. Caesar. 1887. Lending D2697 Bonnell (E.) Lexicon Quintilianeum. In Quintilianus ; rec. G. L. Spalding. 1798- 1834. 875-6 Books. Ancient ... ... ... ... 091 Bookselling 655-437 Bormann (E.) ed. See Mommsen (T.) &■ others ; edd. Bomecque (H.) ed. &- trans. M. A. Seneca. [?1895]. 878-9 Bos (Lambert) Ellipses Graecae. 1825. [Class 485-3]. Armstrong College. Bosanquet (B.) Companion to Plato's Republic. 1895. 888-4 — • trans. Plato. Education of the young in the Republic. 1901. Lending C8393 Bosanquet (F. C. T.) ed. Pliny. Letters ; trans, of Melmoth. 1878. 876-2 — Another copy. Lending 2759 Bossi (L.) CoMw/. Delia istoriad' Italia. 1819-20. [Class 937]. 945 Bostock (J.) & Riley (H. T.) trans. Pliny. 1855-7. 878-9 — Another copy. Lending 2760-5 Botfield (B.) ed. Prefaces to first editions of classics. 1861. 870 Bothe (F. H.) ed. Epigrammatum anthol. Palatina. 1871-90. 881-08 Bothius (F. H.) See Bothe (F. H.). Bourguignon d'Anville (J. B.) Atlas & geogr. of the antients. 1815. 912-3 Bourne (T.) trans. Anacreon. In Pindar ; tr. by C. A. Wheelwright. 1830. Lending 7568 Bourne (V.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modem. Boyle (C.) Earl of Orrery. Dr. Bentley's disserta- tions examin'd. 1698. T3526 — ei. Phalaris. [1695]. T3525 Bracciolini (P.) See Latin Author List — • Mediaeval & Modem. Bradley (A. C.) Aristotle's conception of the state. In Abbott (E.) ed. Hellenica. 1880. 880-4 Bradley (C.) ed. Nepos. 1884. Lending C1723 Branchidae 913-3924 Brehier (E.) Chrysippe. 1910. 188-3 Bridges (T.) Homer travestie. 1764. 883-1 Bridgman (W.) Translations from the Grk. 1804. 880-8 Brisson (B.) De formulis populi Romani. 1592. [Class 913-37]. T771 Bristol (G. P.) See Bennett (C. E.) &- Bristol (G. P.). British Museum. Anct. marbles. 1812-61. 733 — Catal. of anct. MSS. 1881-4. 417 — - Catal. of bronzes. 1899. 739 — Catal. of Grk. & Etrus. vases. 1851-70. 738 — Catal. of Grk. & Etrus. vases. 1893-6. 738 — Catal. of Grk. coins. 1873-1910. 737-38 -— Catal. of jewellery. 1911. 739 — Catal. of sculpture. 1892. 733 — Catal. of terracottas. 1903. 738 — • Descript. of anct. terracottas. 1810. 738 — ■ Facsimiles of anct. charters. 18"/ 3-8. 417 — Facsimiles of Biblical MSS. 1900. 417 — Gk)ld & silver coins of the ancts. 1881. 737 — Grk. inscriptions. 1874-93. 481-7 British Museum contd. — Grk. papyri. 1839 & 1893-8. 091 — Guide to Dept. of Grk. and Rom. antiq. 1902. 913-37 — Guide to exhib. galleries. 1903. [Class 913-37]. 913 — Guide to exhibn. illus. Grk. & Rom. life. 1908. 913-37 — Rom. medallions. 1874. 737-37 Brit. School at Athens. Annual, 1900-1. 913-38 Brockett (W. H.) Rom. -Wall emperors & their coins. 1849. L737-37 — Another copy. In Bruce (J. C.) Lectures on the Rom. Wall, etc. L913-428 Brodribb (W. J.) Demosthenes. 1877. Lending 5156 -*- trans. See Church (A. J.) 6- Brodribb (W. J.) trans. Bronzes ... ... ... ... ... 739 Brooks (F.) trans. Cicero. De natura deorum. 1896. Lending C4961 Brotier (G.) ed. Pliny. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 — • Tacitus. 1817. Lending 3528 Brougham (H.) Baron ; trans. Demosthenes. Upon the crown. 1840. Lending A 1000 Brown (R.) Semitic influence in Hellenic mythology. 1898. 292 Brown (W. H.) Burnet (A.F.) trans. Burnet (A. F.) 6- Haydon (J. H.) trans. Terentius. Adelphi. [1890]. 872-5 Burnet (A. F.) &' Thompson (J.) trans. Homer. Odyssey, IV. [1891]. 883-1 Burnet (J.) Early Grk. philosophy. 1908. 182 — Another copy. [Class 182]. Lending A51 21 — ed. Plato. [1899-1906]. . 888-4 — Plato. Phaedo. 1911. 888-4 — Plato. Respublica. [1902]. 888-4 — Another copy. Lending A594 — • trans. & ed. Aristotle on education. 1903. Lending C8394, D2296 Burr (W. H.) Engineering. 1902. 621 Burrows (R. M.) Discoveries in Crete. 1907. [Class 913-3918]. Lending A4664 Burton (E.) trans. Persius. 1752. 877-4 Burton (E. De W.) Syntax of New Test. Grk. 1894. 487-35 Burton {Sir R. F.) Etruscan Bologna. 1876. 913-375 Burton {Sir R. F.) & Smithers (L. C.) trans. Catullus. 1894. 874-2 Burton (W.) Commentary on Antoninus his Itinerary. 1658. [Class 913-42]. T280 — Graec. ling, historia. 1657. [Class 480-9]. T388 Bury (J. B.) Anct. Grk. historians. 1909. 888 — Another copy. [Class 888]. Lending Ji3945 — Hist, of Eastern Rom. Emp. 1912. 937-06 — Hist, of Greece. 1900. 938 — Another copy. [Class 938]. Lending C7 57 5 — • Hist, of the later Rom. Empire. 1889. [Class 937-06]. 945-01 — Hist, of the Rom. empire. 1893. [Class 937]. Lending C2359 — ed. Freeman's Federal government. 1893. 938-08 — Gibbon's Decline (i^ fall. 1897-1900. 937 — Pindar. Isthmian odes. 1892. 884-5 — Pindar. Nemean odes. 1890. 884-5 — Valerius Flaccus. In Postgate's Corpus, tom. 2. 1905. 871-08 Bury (R. G.) ed. Plato. Symposium. 1909. 888-4 Butcher (S. H.) Some aspects of the Greek genius. 1893. 880-4 — Another copy. [Class 880-4]. Lending C2954 — ed. Demosthenes. [1903]. 885-6 — ed. &- trans. Aristotle's theory of poetry & fine art. 1895. Lending B4012 — 4th ed. 1907. 888-5 Butcher (S. H.) cS- Lang (A.) trans. Homer. Odyssey. 1881. 883-1 — Another edition. 1887. Lending 1)2793 Butler (C.) Horae juridicae subsecivae. 1804. 349-37 Butler (H. E.) Post-Augustan poetry. 1909. 871-09 — ed. Propertius. 1905. 874-4 — trans, Apuleius. Apologia & Florida. 1909. 878-9 Butler (S.) Authoress of the Odyssey. 1897. 883-1 — trans. Homer. Iliad. 1898. Lending C5616 Butler (W. A.) Lectures on anct. philosophy. 1846. 180-9 Buttmann (P.) Lexilogus. 1840. [Class 482]. Armstrong College. Byrne (J.) Origin of Grk., Lat. and Gothic roots. 1888. 412 Byron (G. G. N.) Baron Byron. See under Polites (G.) in Greek Author List — Modern. Bywater (I.) ec?. Aristotle. Ethica Nicomachea. [1890]. 888-5 — ed. &■ trans. Aristotle. On the art of poetry 1909. 888-5 — Another copy. Lending C2126 Caecilius Statins (C.) See Latin Author List. Caesar (Caius Julius). See Latin Author List. Caesars, The ... ... ... ... 937-06 Cagnat (R.) ed. See Mommsen (T.) cS- others ; edd. Caird (E.) Evol. of theology in Grk. philoso- phers. 1904. 180 — Another copy. [Class 180]. Lending 1)959 — prefator. Four Socratic dialogues ; tr. by B. Jowett. 1903. Lending 5587, D917 Calder (G.) ed. Imtheachta Aeniasa. 1907. 873-1 Call (W. M. W.) trans. Trans, from the Grk. In his Golden histories. 1871. [Class 881]. Lending 1041 Callimachus. See Greek Author List. Calpumius (T. J.) Siculus. See Latin Author List. Calverley (C. S.) trans. Theocritus. 1892. 884-6 Cambridge Philological Society. Pronunciation of Latin. 1889. 471-5 Camden (W.) See Latin Author List — ^Mediaeval & Modem. Camerarius (J.) ed. Cicero. 1540. 875-1 Campbell (L.) Guide to Grk. tragedy. 1891. 882 — Plato's Republic. 1902. Lending C9257 — Religion in Grk. literature. 1898. [Class 292]. 210 — Tragic drama in Aeschylus, etc. 1904. 882 — Another copy. [Class 882]. Lending D2493 — ed. Aeschylus. 1898. 882-1 — Sophocles. 1879-81. 882-2 — See also Jowett (B.) & Campbell (L.) edd. — trans. Sophocles. Three plays. 1873. 882-2 Capella (M. M. F.) See Latin Author List. Capes (W. W.) Rom. empire of 2nd cent. 1876. [Class 937-06]. Lending 3356 — Rom. hist. : early empire. 1901. [Class 937-06]. Lending 3355 — Stoicism. 1880. [Class 188]. Lending B2204: Capitolinus (J.) See Latin Author List. Cappelli (A.) Dizionario di abbreviature. 1899. [Class 471-7]. 453 Carey (J.) Gradus ad Pamassum. 1886. 476 — Another copy. Dated 1902. [Class 476]. Lending B488 — ed. Plautus. 1823. Lending 3519 Carta, Art in ... ... ... 709-392 Carnarvon, H. H. M. Herbert, Earl of. See Herbert (H. H. M.) Earl of Carnarvon. Carpenter (D. P.) Du Fresne's Glossarium : suppl. 1883-7. 479-3 223 I N DEX Carrey (A. J.) Ath6nes au XVIIe siScle : dessins. 1898. 722-8 Carta (F.) and others ; edd. Atlante paleografico- artistico. 1899. 417 Cartault (A.) Terres cuites grecques. [1890]. 738-38 Carter (E.) trans. Epictetus. 1768. 888-9 Carter (J, B.) ed. Epitheta deorum. 1902. In Roscher's Lexikon d. Mythologie : (suppt.) 292 — trans. Huelsen's Rom. forum. 1906. 913-37 Cary (H.) trans. Herodotus. 1882. 888-1 — ■ Another edition. 1901. Lending 2733 Cary (H.) &- others ; trans. Plato. 1848-76. Lending 2751-6 — Another edition. 1851-81. 888-4 Casaubon (I.) Lives of anct. philosophers ; from Causabon [sic], etc. 1702. [Class 180-9]. T3527 -~ Another copy . [Class 180-9]. Bio. — • ed. Aeneas, Tacticus. 1609. In Polybius. Historiarum lib. 1609. 888-9 — Apuleius. Apologia. 1594. 8789 — Persius. 1615. 877-4 — Strabo. 1587. 888-9 — ed. &- trans. Polybius. 1609. 888-9 — Another edition. 1670. T3688-90 — • Theophrastus. /w Gale's Opuscula. 1671. T1193 — • See also Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modem. Casaubon (M.) De verborum usu. 1647. [Class 412]. T545 — ■ trans. Aurelius Antoninus. 1673. 888-9 Caspari (M. O. B.) ed. See Mitchell (J. M.) & Caspari (M. O. B.) edd. Cassell, &' Co. ; publishers. Book of quotatns. 1907. [Class 878]. 808-8 — Latin dictionary. 1892. [Class 473-2]. Lending C1480 Cassiodorus (M. A.) See Latin Author List. Catacombs ... ... ... ... ... 913-37 Catalogus dissertationum philologicarum classi- carum. 1910. 016-87 Cato (Dionysius). See Latin Author List. Cato (Marcus P.) See Latin Author List. Caton (R.) Temples & ritual of Asklepios. 1899. 913-38 Catullus (Caius Valerius) . See Latin Author List. Cebes. See Greek Author List. Ceionius Commodus, afterwards Aelius Verus Caesar (Lucius). See Latin Author List. Cellarius (C.) Latinitatis probatae & excercitae liber memorialis. 1709. [Class 473]. T698 — Notitia orbis antiq. 1523-6. [Class 913-37]. T1136-7 Celsus (A. C.) See Latin Author List. Ceriani (A. M.) &' Ratti (A.) edd. Homer. Iliadis pictae fragmenta Ambrosiana. 1905. 883-1 Cesaresco (E. L. H. Martinengo-) Countess. See Martinengo-Cesaresco (E. L. H.) Countess. Chamier(D.) Manual of Rom. law. 1893. 349-37 — Another copy. [Class 349-37]. Lending C1679 Champollion-Figeac (J. J.) 6- Champollion (A.) Silvestre's Universal palaeography : text. 1850. 417 Chapman (G.) trans. Homer. Batrachomyo- machia, etc. ; Hesiod ; Musaeus ; Juvenal's Fifth satire. 1888. 883-1 — Another copy. Lending C6506 — Homer. Hymns. 1902. Lending 2404 — Homer. Iliad. 1884. Lending B3897 — Another edition. 1888. 883-1 — Another copy. Lending C6504 — Homer. Odysseys. 1874. 883-1 — Another edition. 1897. Lending C6505 Chapman (J. M.) trans. Theocritus, Bion & Moschus, tr. by J. Banks ; metrical versions by J. M. Chapman. 1864. 884-6 — • Another edition. 1878. Lending 211 i^ Chardon de La Rochette (S.) ed. Epigrammatum anthol. Palatina. 1871-90. 881-08 Charisius (Flavius). Artis grammaticae lib. V. In Keil (H.) Grammatici Latini, vol. 1. 1857-70. 470 Charles (J. F.) ed. See Marchant (J. R. V.) &- Charles (J. F.) edd. Charleton (W.) trans. Epicurus's Morals. 1656. T941 Charterhouse School. Sertum Carthusianum. 1870. 879-1 Chatelain (E.) Paleographie des classiques latins. 1884-1900. 471-7 Chawner (G.) trans. Peter's Zeittafeln. 1882. 938 Chinnock (E. J.) trans. Arrian. 1884. 888-9 Chion. See Greek Author List. Chipiez (C.) See Perrot (G.) & Chipiez (C.) Christ (W.) Gesch. d. griech. Litt. 1898. 880-9 Christie (J.) Uvarov's Mysteries of Eleusis : observations by Christie. 1817. 292 Chrysippus ... ... ... ... ... 188-3 Chrystal (G. W.) trans. Aurelius Antoninus. 1902. 888-9 — • Another copy. Lending B2592 Church (A. J.) Ovid. 1876. Lending 5154 — Helmet & spear. 1900. [Class 937]. Lending C7631 — Heroes & kings. 1883. [Class 880-8]. Lending A8730 — Rom. life & story. 1892. [Class 937]. Lending B8909 — Rom. life in the days of Cicero. 1884. Lending A8729 — Stories from Homer. 1881. Lending A8722 — Stories from Livy. 1883. Lending A8728 — Stories from the Grk. comedians. 1893. Lending B8910 — Stories from the Grk. tragedians. 1880. [Class 882]. Lending A8723 — Stories from Virgil. 1880. Lending A8724 — Stories of the east, from Herodotus. 1897. Lending A8721 — Stories of the Iliad & Aeneid. 1886. Lending B5611 — Story of the Persian War, from Herodotus. 1882. Lending A8727 — • Traveller's true tale, after Lucian. 1880. Lending A8726 — A nother edition ; with title : The Greek Gulliver. 1891. Lending C3688 — See also Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. 224 I N DEX Church (A. J.) &- Brodribb (W. J.) Pliny's letters, [with extracts]. 1872. Lending 5148 — trans. Tacitus. 1891-4. 878-6 Church (F. J.) trans. Plato. Trial & death of Socrates. 1896. Lending C5010 Cicero (M. T.) See Latin Author List. Cichorius (C.) Untersuchungen zu Lucilius. 1908. 877-1 — ed. Die Reliefs d. Traianssaule. 1896-1900. 733 Cinna (C. Helvius). See Latin Author List. Cipelli (G. B.) See Egnatius (J. B.) Cipolla (C.) Codici Bobbiesi : illustrazioni. 1907. 417 Clark (A. C.) ed. Asconius Pedianus. [1907]. 875-2 — Cicero. Orationes. [1900-10]. 875-2 Another copy. For details see page 101. Lending B792-6, D153 — Cicero. Pro Milone. 1895. 875-2 — trans. Rydberg's Rom. days. 1880. [Class 913-37]. Lending B3329 Clarke (G.) Pompeii. " 1832-6. [Class 913-377]. Lending 5943 Clarke (J.) ^y«Ms. Seneca. Quaestiones naturales. 1910. 878-5 Clarke (S.) ed. Homer. 1740. T2282-3 Clason (O.) Seit d. Verwiistung Roms durch d. Gallier. In Schwegler's Romisch. Gesch. 1873. 937 Classen (J.) cS' Steup (J. 1882-1908. Classical Association. edd. Thucydides. Armstrong College. The Year's work, 1909, 1910, 1911. — Same. 1909. [Class 870-7] Classical dictionaries drama. History. encyclopaedias. . . . history. ... learning ... literature. literature. literature. Classical Museum. Classical periodicals Classical Quarterly. Classical Review. Bibliography . History. Introduction. 1844-50. 870-7 Lending A5527 913-37 872-09 913-37 937 870-7 016-87 870-9 870 870-6 870-5 870-5 870-5 Classical study ... ... ... ... 870-7 Claudianus (Claudius). See Latin Author List. Claudius Mamertinus. See Mamertinus (Claudius) in Latin Author List. Clauserus (C.) trans. Comutus. In Gale (T.) Opuscula. 1671. T1193 Clay (A. M.) See Greenidge (A. H. J.) &- Clay (A. M.) Clayton (J.) Discovery of Rom. coins. 1880. [Class 737-37]. In Local tracts, vol. 16. L042 — Observ. on centurial stones. 1880. [Class 913-428]. In Local tracts, vol*. 16. L042 1907, etc. 1887, etc. Clayton (J.) contd. — On a Rom. signet ring. 1884. [Class 913-428]. In Local tracts, dy. 8vo., vol. 17. L042 — • Temple of Coventina at Procolitia. 1878. [Class 913-428]. In Local tracts, vol. 16. L042 Clayton {Sir R.) trans. Sainte-Croix's Alexander the Great. 1793. 938-07 Cleanthes. See Greek Author List. Clephan (R. C.) Keramic arts of the Grks. 1910. L738-38 Clericus (J.) See Le Clerc (J.) Clerke (A. M.) Familiar studies in Homer. 1892. Lending C2992 Clinton (H. F.) Chronology of Greece. 1851. [Class 938]. Lending C3993 — Fasti Hellenici. 1834-51. 938 — Fasti Romani. 1846-50. 937 Clough (A. H.) trans. Grk. history, in lives from Plutarch. 1868. Lending A6520 — Plutarch. 1876. Lending C460 — Another edition. 1893. 888-8 Cnidus 913-3924 Coberus (J.) ed. Chion. 1766. 886 Cobet (K. G.) ed. Diogenes Laertius. 1878. 888-9 Cocchi (A.) The Pythagorean diet of vegetables. 1745. [Class 182-2]. T1284 Cockerell (C. R. C.) &■ others. Stuart & Revett's Antiq. of Athens. 1762-1830. 722-8 Cockman (T.) trans. Cicero. Offices. 1833. Lending 7591 Codex Alexandrinus : facsimile. 1879. 481-7 Codex Alexandrinus. Vetus Testament. Graec. ; cura H. H. Baber. 1816-21. 481-7 Codex Bezae. 1793. Codex Theodosianus. 417 1665. [Class 349- 371] T3692-5 — Another edition. 1736-45. 349-371 Coed^s (G.) ed. Textes d'auteurs gr. et lat. relatifs a I'extrSme-orient. 1910. [Class 878]. 915 Cohausen (A. von) Rom. castellum Saalburg. 1882. In Hodgkin's Pfahlgraben. L913-434 Coins ... ... ••• ■•• ••■ "737 Coke (T.) ed. Dempsterus. De Etruria regali. 1723[-6]. 913-375 Coleridge (E. P.) Res Romanae. 1899. [Class 937]. Lending CS0S7 — trans. Apollonius Rhodius. 1889. 883-3 — Another copy. Lending 2788 — Sophocles. 1893. Lending 2789 Collections, Greek drama ... ... ••• 882-08 Greek orators ... ... ••• 885-08 Greek poetry ... ... ... 881*08 Latin 870-8 Latin dramatists ... ... 872-08 Latin fables ... ... ... 878-08 Latin historians ... ... 878-9 Latin orators ... ... ■■• 875-08 Latin poetry ... ... ... 871-08 Latin rustic writers. ... ... 878 Collesso (V.) ed. Martial. 1701. T3336 CoUignon (M.) Grk. archaeology. 1886. 913-38 — • Manual of mythology. 1890. 292 Collingwood (W. G.) trans See Wedderbum (A. D. O.) &- Collingwood (W. G.) trans. 225 INDEX. Collins (C. W.) Plato. 1874. — Sophocles. 1871. Collins (J. C.) ed. Euripides. H. Kynaston. 1906. — A nother copy. Collins (W. L.) Aristophanes. Lending 5140 Lending 5149 Alcestis ; tr. by L882-3 Lending 5435 — ■ Cicero. — Homer. 1871. The Iliad. 1871. — Odyssey. 1871. — Livy. 1876. — Lucian. 1873. — Plautus & Terence. 1877. — Thucydides. 1878. Colman (G.) trans. Terentius. 1880. Lending 3767 Lending 5136 Lending 5141 Lending 5142 Lending 5153 Lending 5145 Lending 5147 Lending 5158 1810. Lending 4141 Columella (L. J. M.) See Latin Author List. Coluthus. See Greek Author List. Colville (G.) trans. Boethius. 1897. 879-8 Colvin {Sir S.) Connection of Grk. & Rom. art with classics. 1877. [Class 709-3]. Lending C6428 Commodianus. See Latin Author List. Comparetti (D.) Kalevala and national epics. [Mentions Homer]. In his Traditional poetry of the Finns. 1898. 894-1 — ■ Virgilio nel medio evo. 1896. Bio. — do. [trans.] 1895. Bio. — - A nother copy. Lending B8686 Conarius (J.) trans. Parthenius. In Gale (T.) ed. Historiae poeticae scriptores antiqui. 1675. 888-08 Congreve (R.) ed. Aristotle. Politics. 1874. 888-5 — Another copy. Lending 8180 Congreve (W.) trans. Ovid. 1833. Lending 7590 Conington (J.) Miscellaneous writings. 1872. [Class 870-4]. 804 — ed. Virgil. 1881-4. 873-1 — • trans. Horace. Odes, Carm. saec. 1872. Lending A 125 — Horace. Sat., Epis., Art of poet. 1872. Lending A2071 — Persius. 1893. 877-4 — Virgil. Aeneid. 1867. Lending A3023 — 3rd edition. 1870. 873" 1 — Virgil. In Conington's Miscellaneous writings, vol. 2. 1872. 804 — See also Worsley (P.S.) 6- Conington (J.) trans. Conon. See Greek Author List. Constantius ... ... ...937-06 Constitutional history ... ... ... 342 Consuls. Roman history ... ... ... 937 Conway (R. S.) Italic dialects. 1897. 477 — • ed. Darbishire's Relliq. philologicae. 1895. 410 — ■ See also Arnold (E. V.) & Conway (R. S.) Cook (E. T.) Handbk. to Grk. & Rom. antiq- in the Brit. Mus. 1903. 913-37 — Another copy. [Class 913-37]. Lending D244 Cook (E. T.) &- Wedderbum (A.) edd. Ruskin's Aratra Pentelici. 1905. [Class 733]. 824.83 — Ruskin's Queen of the air. 1905. [Class 292]. 824.86 Cooke (T.) trans. Hesiod. In Poetical transla- tions, vol. 2 821-08 — ' Another edition. In Anderson's British poets vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 Cooke (T.) trans, contd. — ■ Another edition. In Johnson (S.) c~ Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 Cooke (W.) Medall. hist, of Rome. 1781. 737-37 Cookson (C.) See King (J. E.) & Cookson (C.) Cooper (F. T.) Word formation. 1895. 479 Cooper (M. A.) trans. Xenophon. Cyropaedia. 1830. Lending 7565 Cooper (T.) Thesaurus. 1578. 473-2 Cope (E.M.) ed. Aristotle. Rhetoric. 1877. 888-5 Copinger (W. A.) The Bible and its transmission. 1897. 417 Copleston (R. S.) Aeschylus. 1870. Lending 5133 Corder (W. S.) Roman Wallsend. 1905. L913-4282 Corinna. See Greek Author List. Comarius (J.) trans. Synesius Cyrenaeus. In Pachumeres (G.) In universam fere Aristotelis philosophiam epitome. 1560. 185-1 Comford (F. M.) Thucydides mythistoricus. 1907. 888-2 Comificius (Q.) See Latin Author List. Cornish (F. W.) ed. Concise diet, of Grk. & Rom. antiq. 1898. 913-37 Comutus (L. A.) See Greek Author List. Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum. 1863-1901. [Class 471-7]. Society of Antiquaries. Corssen (W.) Aussprache der Latein. Sprache. 1868-70. 471-5 Cortese (J.) De M. Porcii Catonis vita. 1882. 878-9 Cortius (G.) See Kortte (G.) Cosenza (M. E.) trans. Pais' Legends of Rom. hist. 1906. 937 Petrarca's Letters to classical authors. 1910. Lending 2970 Cossel (L. von) trans. Mantzius' Hist, of theat. art. 1903. 792 Costa (G.) I Fasti consolari romani. 1910. 937 Costelloe (B. F. C.) &- Muirhead (J. H.) trans. Zeller's Aristotle, etc. 1897. 185 Costume ... ... ... ... ... 391 Cotterill (H. B.) ^yaMs. Homer. Odyssey. 1911. 8831 Cougny (E.) ed. Epigrammatum anthol. Palatina, vol. 3. 1871-90. 881-08 Coulanges (F. de) La Cite antique. 1870. * [Class 913-37]. Armstrong College. Courtney (W. L.) Epicurus. In Abbott (E.) ed. Hellenica. 1880. 880-4 Cowper (W.) trans. Homer. 1809. 883-1 — Another edition. In Cowper's works, vols. 11-14. 1837. 821-65 — Another edition. In Cowper's works, vols. 7-8. 1854-5. Lending 1767-8 Cox {Sir G. W.) Athenian empire. 1876. [Class 938-04]. Lending 3358 — Comparative mythology. 1881. [Class 292]. 291 — • Another copy. [Class 292]. Lending A7496 — • The Grks. & the Persians. 1877. [Class 938-03]. Lending 3357 — Hist, of Greece. 1874. [Class 938]. Lending 5383 — Another' edition. 1878. 938 226 INDEX. Cox (Sir G. W.) contd. — Lives of (irk. statesmen. 1885. [Class 923'2]. Lending C1475 — Mythology of the Aryan nations. 1870. [Class 292]. Lending A4377 — Anoihey edition. 1882. [Class 292]. 291 — Tales of ancient Greece. 1899. [Class 292]. Lending 8005 — Tale of the great PersianWar, from Herodotus, 1878. Lending A2070 Coxe (R. C.) trans. Sarbiewski. Wood-notes. 1848. L821-89 Craigie (W. A.) ed. Livy ; trans, by J. Bellenden 1901-3. 820-6 Crane (W.) Echoes of Hellas : [Aeschylus & Homer] ; designs by W. Crane. [1887]. 741 Cratinus. See Greek Author List. Cratippus. See Greek Author List. Crawford (F. M.) Ave Roma immortalis. 1898. 937 — Rulers of the south. 1900. 937 Crawford, Earl of. See Lindsay (A. W. C.) Earl of Crawford. Crawley (R.) trans. Thucydides. 1876. 888-2 — Another edition. 1903. Lending D533 Creech (T.) ed. Lucretius. 1776. 871-1 — trans. Lucretius. 1682. 871-1 — Another edition. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 — • Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 — Manilius. 1697. 871-5 — Another edition. 1700. T3198 — Theocritus. 1713. T3784 * Creighton (M.) Early renaissance. 1895. 870-7 — Hist, of Rome. 1879. [Class 937]. Lending A2416 Crespin (D.) ed. Sallust. 1697. T3992 Cresswell (R.) ^raws. Aristotle. Hist, of animals. 1862. 888-5 Crete. Antiquities ... ... ... 913-3918 » Critical miscellanies ... ... ... 470 Criticism. Greek literature ... ... 880 Latin literature ... ... 870 Croiset (A.) &- (M.) Hist, de la litt. grecque. 1896-9. 880-9 Croiset (M.) Aristophanes & the political parties at Athens. 1909. 882-4 — Essai sur Lucien. 1882. 888-7 Cromer, Earl of. See Baring (E.) Earl of Cromer. Crossley (H.) trans. Epictetus. 1903. Lending D412 Crue (F. de) Notes de voyage. 1895. 913-37 Cruser (H.) trans. Plutarch. 1580. 888-8 Crusius (G. C.) Lexicon for poems of Homer. 1886. 883-1 Crusius (L.) Lives of the Rom. poets. 1726-32. [Class 871]. T1528-9 Cruttwell (C. T.) Hist, of Rom. ht. [1878]. 870-9 — 5th ed. [Class 870-9]. Lending B2882 Cruttwell (C. T.) & Banton (P.) edd. Specmns. of Rom. lit. 1879. [Class 478-7]. Lending 3795 Ctesias. See Greek Author List. Cults 292 Cumbrian, A., pseud. See Maughan (J.) Cumont (F.) Les Mystdres de Mithra. 1902. [Class 292]. 295 — • Notes sur un temple Mithriaque. 1891. [Class 292]. 295 — Les Religions orientales. 1909. [Class 292]. 290 — Textes et monuments relatifs aux myst^res de Mithra. 1896-9. [Class 292]. Armstrong College. Curie (J.) Roman frontier post. 1911.913-4147 Currie (J.) ed. Horace. [1856]. Lending A154 Curteis (A. M.) Macedonian empire. 1877. [Class 938-07]. Lending 3359 Curtius (E.) Herakles, der Satyr und Drei- fussrauber. 1852. 738-38 — Hist, of Greece. 1868-73. 938 — Another copy . [Class 938]. Lending 58S2-6 Curtius (G.) Accid. of Grk. lang. 1872. [Class 485-1]. Lending C1739 — Grammar of Grk. lang. 1887. [Class 485]. Lending B890 — Grk. etymology. 1875-6. 482 — Grk. verb. 1880. 482-8 — Smaller gram, of Grk. lang. 1888. [Class 485]. Lending C1375 Curtius Rufus (Q.) See Latin Author List. Cyprianus. See Latin Author List. Cyprus 913-393 Cyrene 913-3975 Dacier (Andre) Life of Pythagoras, etc. 1707. [Class 182-2]. T3846 — ed. Aurelius Antoninus. 1697. T4900 — Festus. De verborum significatione. 1699. [Class 473]. T2017 — trans. Plato. 1701. T3667-8 — Plutarch's Lives. 1727. T3677-84 Dacier (Anna) ed. Eutropius. 1696. T1659 — Florus. 1692. T1810 Dakyns (H. G.) Xenophon. In Abbott (E.) ed. Hellenica. 1880. 880-4 — trans. Xenophon. 1890-7. 888-3 Dale (H.) trans. Thucydides. 1852-3. 888-2 — Another edition. 1875-8. Lending 2775 — See also Watson (J. S.) S- Dale (H.) trans. Dalechamps (J.) ed. Athenaeus. 1612-21. T141 Damasus, St. See Latin Author List. D'Amelio (P.) Pompei : dipinti murali scelti. [1894]. [Class 709-37]. 747 Danet (P.) Diet, of Grk. & Rom. antiq. 1700. [Class 913-37]. T1688 Dante Alighieri. See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. — • See also under Mousouros (C.) in Greek Author List—Modern. Darbishire (H. D.) Relliq. philologicae. 1895. [Class 410]. Lending B5985^ Daremberg (C.) &^ Saglio (M.) edd. Diet, des' antiq. grecq. et rom. 1877, etc. 913-37 Dares, Phrygius. See Latin Author List. Daubeny (C.) Rom. husbandry. 1857. 630-937 Davidson ( — ) trans. Virgil. 1866. Lending B5359 — Another edition. 1880. 873-1 Davidson (J. L. Strachan-) Cicero. 1894. Lending B8285 227 INDEX Davidson (J. L. Strachan-) contd. — Polybius. In Abbott (E.) ed. Hellenica. 1880. 880-4 Davidson (T.) Aristotle. 1892. Lending C666 Davidson (W. L.) Stoic creed. 1907. 188 — Another copy. [Class 188]. Lending BlOl 9 Davies (G. A.) ed. See Palmer (A.) & others ; edd. — ■ See also Wilkins (A. S.) & others : edd. Davies (J.) Catullus. 1876. Lending 5155 — Hesiod and Theognis. 1873. Lending 5140 — ed. Aeschylus; from Dindorf's ed. 1869-71. Lending 8871 — Cicero. Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino. 1871. Lending 8878 — Plato. Apology of Socrates, etc. 1875. Lending 8903 — Terentius. 1875. Lending 8907-9 Davies (J. L.) 6- Vaughan (D. J.) trans. Plato. Republic. 1866. Lending A3551, D1028 — Another edition. 1906. 888-4 Davis (H.) trans. See Cary (H.) <&- others ; trans. Davis (H. W. C.) prefator. Aristotle. Politics ; tr. by B. Jowett. 1905. 888-5 — Another copy. Lending 5260 Dawes (R.) Miscellanea critica. 1781. 480 Day (A.) Plato : summary. 1870. 888-4 — ■ Another copy. Lending 2757 Deane (J. B.) The Worship of the serpent. 1833. [Class 292]. 291 Deecke (W.) ed. Miiller's Die Etrusker. 1877. 937-5 Delbriick (B.) See Brugmann (K.) &- Delbriick (B.) Deloche ( — ) Le Port des anneaux. 913-37 Demades. See Greek Author List. Demetrius, Phalereus. See Greek Author List. Democrates. See Greek Author List. Demons. (Especially Hild) ... ... 292 Demophilus. See Greek Author List. Demosthenes. See Greek Author List. Dempsterus (T.) De Etruria regali lib. VII. 1723[-6]. 913-375 — • ed. Rossf eld's Antiquit. Romanar. corpus. 1645. [Class 913-37]. T3724 Denis (J.) Theories morales dans I'antiquite. 1879. [Class 170-937]. Armstrong College. Dennis (G.) Cities & cemeteries of Etruria. 1848. 913-375 Derby, Edward, Earl of. See Stanley (E.) Earl of Derby. Deschanel (E.) Etudes sur Aristophane. 1892. Armstrong College. Dessau (H.) ed. Inscript. Lat. select. 1892-1906. [Class 471-7]. Armstrong College. — See also Mommsen (T.) 6- others ; edd. Diaconus (P.) Eutropius. De gestis Roman- orum, ad Eutropii Historiam libri additi. In Haurisius (B. C.) ed. Scriptores Rom., tom. 2. 1743. 878-08 Dialects, Latin ... ... ... ... 477 ' Dibdin (T. F.) Editions of the classics. 1802. ^ 016-87 — Another edition. 1827. [Class 016-87]. Lending 6262 Dickins (G.) Catal. of the Acropolis Museum, vol. 1. 1912. 913-38 Dickinson (G. L.) Grk. view of life. 1896. [Class 913-38]. Lending B8820 Dickson (W. P.) trans. Mommsen's Hist, of Rome. 1864-7. [Class 937]. Lending A6558-61 — Another edition. 1868. 937 — Mommsen's Provinces of the Rom. Empire. 1886. 937 — Another edition. 1909. [Class 937]. Lending B9351-2 • Dictionaries. Classical ... ... 913'37 Greek... ... ... ... 483 Latin... ... ... ... 473 Dictys, Cretensis. See Latin Author List. Diehl (C.) Excursions in Greece. 1893. 913-38 — Another copy. [Class 913-38]. Lending C1622 Diels (H.) Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. 182 888-9 1910. 295 neugr. 889 T903 1906-10. — ed. Theophrastus. [1909]. Dieterich (A.) ed. Eine Mithrasliturgie. [Class 292]. Dieterich (K.) Gesch. d. byzant. u. Litter. 1902. Digby (J.) trans. Curtius Rufus. 1714. Dill [Sir S.) Rom. society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. 1905. 913-37 — Rom. society in last cent, of the west, empire. 1899. 913-37 Dinarchus. See Greek Author List. Dindorf (K. W.) Ad Sophoclis tragoedias annot. 1836. 882-2 Aeschylus. 1869-71. Demosthenes. 1890-1. Lucian. 1884. Sophocles. Antigone. Xenophon. Xenophon. 1831. Xenophon. ~ed. Aeschylus. 1869-71. Lending ^^11-2 885-6 888-7 [1862]. Lending 8905 Dindorf (L.) ed. Diodorus Siculus. 1878. 888-9 — Dion Cassius. 1890-4. 888-9 — Polybius. 1866-7. 888-9 1866. Lending B4786 Historiae Graecae lib. VII. 888-3 Scripta minora. 1883. 888-3 Diodorus, Siculus. See Greek Author List. Diogenes, Laertius. See Greek Author List. Diomedes. Artis grammaticae lib. III. In Keil (H.) Grammatici Latini, vol. 1. 1857-70. *70 Dion Cassius. See Greek Author List. Dionysius, of Halicarnassus. See Greek Author List. Diphilus. See Greek Author List. Dissen (L.) ed. Tibullus. 1835. 874-1 * Dissertations. Catalogue ... ... 016-87 Dittenberger (W.) ed. See Kraner (F.) &■ Dittenberger (W.) edd. Dix (C. M.) Latin readers. 1890-2. [Class 478-6]. Lending C2262-4 Dobree (P. P.) Adversaria. 1883. [Class 880]. Lending 2335 Dobson (W.) trans. Schleiermacher's Introd. to the dialogues of Plato. 1836. 184-1 — Another copy. [Class 184-1]. Lending 194Q Dobson (W. S.) ed. Oratores Attici. 1828. 885-08 Dodge (T. A.) Alexander. 1890. 93807 — Hannibal. 1891. 937-02 Doederlein (L.) Homerisches Glossarium. 1850-8. Armstrong College. Doehner (T.) ed. Plutarch. Vitae. 1862. 888-8 228 I N DEX. Doering (F. G.) ed. Catullus. 1822. Lending 3491 — Horace. 1831. 874-6 Dorpfeld (W.) Schliemann's Tiryns : contribu- tions by Dorpfeld. 1886. 913-388 Lexicon Ciceronianum. 8751 Marsus (Domitius) in 475 Dolet (E.) ed. Nizolius. 1820. Domitius Marsus. See Latin Author List Donaldson (J. W.) Latin grammar. 1867. — New Cratylus. 1859. [Class 480]. Armstrong College. — Theatre of the Grks. 1879. [Class 882]. 792 — Varronianus. 1852. [Class 572-937]. Armstrong College. — trans. See Lewis [Sir G. C.) & Donaldson (J. W.) trans. Donatus (Aelius) De arte grammatica. In Keil (H.) Grammatici Latini, vol. 4. 1857-70. 470 — Quod fertur commentum Terenti. 1902-5. Armstrong College. Donne (W. B.) Euripides. 1876. Lending 5137 — • Tacitus. 1873. Lending 5150 — ed. Catullus : selections. 1864. Lending 8875 — Excerpta Lat. [1869]. [Class 478-7]. Lending 8900 Donne (W. M.) ed. Sallust. 1876. Lending 8904 Dorat (J.) See Auratus (J.) in Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Doric language ... ...487-83 race 939-3 Douglas (G.) trans. Virgil. Aeneid. 1710. 873-1 — Another edition. In Douglas' Poetical works, vols. 2-4. 1874. 821-24 Douglas (R. N.) See Beresford (R. A. A.) &- Douglas (R. N.) Drachmann (A. B.) ed. Scholia vetera in Pindari carmina. 1903-10. 884-5 Dracontius (Blossius Aemilius) . See Latin Author List. Draeger (A.) Historische Syntax d Sprache. 1878-81. Drakenborch (A.) ed. Livy. — Another edition. 1819. latein. 475-2 1738-46. T3107-13 Lending 3509-13 872-09 Drama, Classical. History Greek. Collections 882-08 Criticism 882 Selections ... ... 882 Latin. Collections 872-08 Criticism ... ... 872 Modern <&• mediaeval 879 Drepanius (Latinus Pacatus). See Pacatus Drepanius (L.) in Latin Author List. Drerup (E.) Die Anfange der hellen. Kultur : Homer. 1903. 93801 — Homer. 1903. 938 Dresemius (S.) ed. Josephus. De Bello Trojano lib. VI. [Class 938-01]. In Dictys, Cretensis. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Dress 391 Dressel (H.) ed. See Mommsen (T.) & others ; edd. Dreves (G. M.) Ein Jahrtausend lat. Hymnen- dichtung. 1909. [Class 879-1]. 245-7 Droysen (J. G.) Gesch. d. Hellenismus. 1877-8. 938 Drummond (J.) Philo Judaeus. 1888. 186-4 Drummond {Sir W.) trans. Persius. In Juvenal ; trans, by C. Badham. 1831. Lending 7576 Dryden (J.) trans. Homer. In Dryden's Works, vol. 12. 1821 821-48 — Another edition. In Dryden's Works, vol. 12. 1885. 821-48 — Horace. In Dryden's Works, vol. 12. 1821. 821-48 — Another edition. In Dryden's Works, vol. 12. 1885. 821-48 — Juvenal. In Poetical translations, vol. 1. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 12. 1795. 821-08 — Another edition. In Dryden's Works, vol. 13. 1821. 821-48 — Another edition. In Dryden's Works, vol. 13. 1887. 821-48 — Lucretius. In Dryden's Works, vol. 12. 1821. 821-48 — Another edition. In Dryden's Works, vol. 12. 1885. 821-48 — Ovid. In Dryden's Works, vol. 12. 1821. 821-48 — Another edition. In Dryden's Works, vol. 12. 1885. 821-48 — Another edition. /« Johnson & Chalmers, English poets, vol. 9. 1810. Lending 5340 — Persius. In Poetical translations, vol. 1. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson (R.) ed. British poets, vol. 12. 1793. 821-08 — • Another edition. In Johnson (S.) &> Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 19. 1810. 821-08 — Another edition. 7« Dryden (J.) Works, vol. 13. 1821. 821-48 — Another edition, /w Dryden (J.) Works, vol. 13. 1887. 821-48 — Theocritus. In Dryden's Works, vol. 12. 1821. 821-48 — Another edition. In Dryden's Works, vol. 12. 1885. 821-48 — ■ Virgil. In Poetical translations, vol. 1. 821-08 — • Another edition. In Anderson (R.) ed. British poets, vol. 12. 1795. 821-08 — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) (S- Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 19. 1810. 821-08 — Another edition. 1815. Lending B9949 — Another edition. In Dryden's Works ; [ed.] by Sir W. Scott, vols. 13-15. 1821. 821-48 — Another edition. In Dryden's Works; [ed.] by Sir W. Scott ; revised by G. Saintsbury, vols. 13-15. 1887-92. 821-48 — Virgil. Aeneid. 1830. Lending 7567 — Another edition. [1884]. Lending B'i^d I Dubois (A.) La Latinitc d'Ennodius. 1903. [Class 470]. 281-1 Du Cange, Seigneur. See Du Fresne (C.) Duck (A.) De usu juris civilis Romanorum. 1679. [Class 349-37]. T934 Dudith (A.) trans. Dionysius. De Thucydidis historia judicium. 1560. 888-2 229 INDEX Diibner (F.) ed. Epigrammatum anthol. Pala- tina. 1871-90. 881-08 — Himerii Sophistae declamationes. In Philostratorum opera. 1878. 888-9 — Plato ; ex rec. R. B. Hirschigii. 1882- 1900. 888-4. — Plutarch. Moralia, etc. 1882-90. 888-8 Diintzer (H.) trans. Die Romisch. Satiriker. 1846. 877 Diirr (J.) Das Leben Juvenals. 1888. 877-7 Diitschke (H.) Der Olymp. [1887]. 292 Duff (J. D.) ed. Martial. In Postgate's Corpus, torn. 2. 1905. 871-08 — prefator. Munro's Translations into Latin and Greek. 1906. 879" 1 Duff (J. W.) Homer & Beowulf. 1906. L883-1 — Another copy. Lending 2795 — Literary hist, of Rome. 1909. L870-9 — Another copy. [Class 870-9]. Lending BZ^'^^ — 2nd ed. 1910. L870-9 — Lost palace and a lost ship. 1901. L913-38 Du Fresne (C.) De imperatorum Constantinopol. numismatibus. 1710. In his Glossarium. [Class 479-3]. T1352 — Glossarium mediae et infimae Graecitatis. 1688. [Class 489-3]. T1348-9 — Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis. 1710. [Class 479-3]. T1350-2 — Another edition. 1883-7. 479-3 Du Hamel (J. B.) De consensu philosophiae. 1669. [Class 180]. T932 Duker (C. A.) ed. Lucius Ampelius. In Florus ; curante A. J. Valpy, tom. 1. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 — Thucydides. 1731. Armstrong College. Dulcken (H. W.) ed. Rose's Hist, of Greece. [1887]. [Class 938]. Lending 7625 — Rose's Hist, of Rome. [1886]. [Class 937]. Lending 7626 Du Meril (E.) Poesies inedites du moyen age. 1854. 879-1 — Poesies pop. lat. 1843. 879-1 — • Poesies pop. lat. du moyen age. 1847. 879-1 Dunbar (G.) Structure of Grk. and Lat. 1827. [Class 410]. Lending A5670 Dunbar (H.) Concordance to Aristophanes. 1883. 882-4 — Concordance to Odyssey & Hymns of Homer. 1880. 883-1 Duncan (W.) trans. Caesar. 1763. 878 — • Another edition. 1838. Lending 7586 — Cicero. Orations. 1833. Lending 7591 Duncker (M. W.) Hist, of Greece. 1883-6. 938 ^ Another copy . [Class 938]. Lending B3186-1 Dunlop (J.) Hist, of Rom. lit. 1824-8. [Class 870-9]. Lending 5922 Dunning (W. A.) Political theories. 1902. 320-9 Du Pontet (R.) ed. Caesar. [1900]. 878-1 — Another copy. Lending D154 Durham, H. C. G. Moule, Bishop of. See Moule (H. C. G.) in Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. Duruy (V.) Hist, of Greece. 1892. 938 — Hist, of Rome. 1884-6. 937 Du Sauzet (H.) Lexicon philosophicum. 1716. 180 Dyer (T. H.) Anct. Athens. 1873. 938 — Hist, of Rome. 1865. 937 Dyer (T. H.) contd. — Another copy. [Class 937]. — ■ Another edition. 1883. — Kings of Rome. 1868. — Another copy. — ed. Pompeii. 1875. — Another edition. 1898. Dymes (T. J. Athens. trans. 1891. Aristotle. Lending A688 Lending 2421 937-01 Lending A321 913-377 [Class 913-377]. Lending 2361 Constitution of Lending C5940 Eaton (J. R. T.) ed. Aristotle. Politics. 1855. 888-5 Ebe (G.) Kunstgesch. d. Altertums. 1895. 709-3 Ebert (A.) Allgem. Gesch. d. Lit. d. Mittelalt. 1880-9. [Class 879-09]. 809 — • Tertullians Verhaltniss zu Minucius Felix. 1868. 281-1 Echard (L.) Classical geogr. diet. 1715. [Class 913-37]. T857 — Rom. hist. 1695-1705. [Class 937]. T 1954-6 Eclecticism ... ... ... ... ... 186-3 Editions of the classics ... ... ... 016-8 Edmonds (C. R.) trans. Cicero. Offices, Cato, etc. 1853. 875-4 — ■ Another edition. 1897. Lending 27 IG Edmonds (E. M.) trans. Grk. lays. 1886. 889-1 Edmonds (J. M.) ed. Alcaeus, Sappho & Corinna. 1909. 884 — Corinna. 1909. 884 — Sappho. 1909. 884 Edmunds (C.) trans. See Spillan (D.) and others. Edon (G.) Etude sur le chant Lemural. 1884. 878-9 — Nouvelle etude sur le chant Lemural, etc. 1884. 878-9 Education, Ancient... ... ... 370-93 Edwards (G. M.) Eng.-Grk. lexicon. 1912. 483-2 — ed. See Palmer (A.) &■ others ; edd. Egger (A. E.) Latini sermonis vetustioris reliquiae. 1843. 878-08 Egnatius (J. B.) De Romanis principibus. [Class 937]. In Haurisius (B. C.) ed. Scriptores historiae, tom. 3. 1748. 878-08 Ehrlich (H.) Natur d. griech. Betonung. 1912. 481-6 Ehwald (R.) ed. See Merkel (R.) &- Ehwald (R.) edd. Eichstaedt (H. K. A.) Forbiger's De Lucretii carmine a scriptore [Eichstaedt] per- tractato dissertatio. In Reisacker's Quaestiones Lucretianae. 1824. 871-1 Elegiac in Maecenatem. See Latin Author List. Eleusinian mysteries. Mythology ... 292 Elgood (J. C.) trans. Horace. 1893. 874-5 Ellendt (F.) Lexicon Sophocleum. 1835. Armstrong College. Ellis {Sir H.) Elgin & Phigaleian marbles. 1833. [Class 733]. Lending 5929 Ellis (R.) The Annalist Licinianus. [1908]. Lending C8156 — Commentary on Catullus. 1889. 874-2 — The Elegiac in Maecenatem. [1907]. Lending A 1782 230 INDEX. Ellis (R.) contd. — Etrusc. & Basque langs. 1886. 477-5 — Prof. Birt's ed. of the Virgilian Catalepton. 1910. 873-1 — Another copy. Lending B5949 — ed. Avianus. 1887. 871 — Catullus. 1878. 874-2 — Another edition \IQ0Q]. 874-1 — Lucilius Junior. In Postgate's Corpus, torn. 2. 1905. 871-08 — Manilius. 1891. 871-5 — Ovid. Ibis. 1881. 871-2 — Velleius Paterculus. 1898. Armstrong College. — Virgil. Appendix. [1907]. 87.3-1 Ellis (R.) & Godley (A. D.) edd. Nova anthologia Oxon. 1899. 879-1 Ellis (W.) ed. Ainsworth's Latin dictionary. 1878. 473-2 — trans. Aristotle. On government. 1888. Lending B5331 Ellison (R. Carr-) On the Rom. altar from Rutchester. [1883]. L913-4282 Elmsley (P.) ed. Euripides. Bacchae. 1822. 882-3 — Euripides. Medea. 1822. 882-3 Elton (C. A.) trans. Hesiod. 1832. Lending 7585 — ■ Another edition. In Hesiod, etc. ; tr. by J. Banks. 1856. 883-2 — Another edition. In Hesiod, etc. ; tr. by J. Banks. 1876. Lending 2734 Ely (T.) Manual of archaeol. 1890. 913-37 » -~ Another copy . [Class 913-37]. Lending C3ZQ3 — Olympos. 1891. 292 ~ Another copy. [Class 292]. Lending C3S60 Emperors, Roman ... ... ... ... 937-06 * Encyclopaedias, Classical ... ... ... 913' 37 Engelmann (R.) 6- Anderson (W. C. F.) Pictorial atlas to Homer. 1892. 883-1 Engineering, Ancient ... ... ... 621 England (E. B.) trans. See Wilkins (A. S.) & England (E. B.) trans. Ennius (Quintus). See Latin Author List. Ephemeris epigraphica. 1872-99. [Class 471-7]. Soc. of Antiquaries. Ephesus .- 913-3923 Epic, Greek 883-09 Epictetus. See Greek Author List. Epicurean philosophy ... ... ... 187 Epicurus. Works. See Greek Author List. Epigraphy, Greek ... ... ... ... 481-7 Epistolae obscurorum virorum. See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Erasmus (D.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. — ed. Aristotle. 1539. T140 — Cato. Disticha de moribus. 1652. T654 — • trans. Euripides. Hecuba et Iphigenia. 1537. 882-3 Erinna. See Greek Author List. Ernesti (J. A.) ed. Cicero. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 — Another edition. 1820. Lending 3492-3503 Ernesti (J. A.) ed., contd. — Cicero. De oratore. 1838. 876-3 — trans. Callimachus ; cum notis H. Stephani ; Latine vertit J. A. Ernesti. 1761. 884-8 Erythraean Sea, Peri plus of the. 1800-5. [Class 913-37]. Lending A287 Eschenbach (A. C.) ed. Orpheus. 1764. 883-5 Escott (T. H. S.) ed. Juvenal. 1872. Lending 8898 Essays on Greek literature ... ... 880-4 Greek poetry ... ... ... 881-04 Latin literature ... ... ... 870-4 Latin poetry ... ... ... 871-04 Estienne (H.) Glossaria duo. 1573. 483-7 — Another copy. [Class 483-7]. T3292 — L'Introd. au traitte de la conformite des merveilles anciennes. 1592. 888-1 — • Lexicon Graecolat. 1607. [Class 483-7]. T4061 — Thesaur. Gr. linguae. 1572. 483-7 — Another copy. [Class 483-7]. T3293-6 — ed. Apollonius. 1670. T224-5 — Callimachus. 1761. 884-8 — Herodotus. 1608. T2042 — Orpheus. 1764. 883-6 — Thucydides. 1731. Armstrong College. — Xenophon. 1561. 888-3 Estienne (J. A.) Les Epitres d'Horace. 1851. 874-5 Estienne (R.) Thesaurus linguae Latinae. 1734-5. [Class 473]. T4576-9 Estienne (R.), (H.) & others. Concord. Graecolat. Test. Novi. 1600. [Class 487-3]. T3297 Ethics, Greek 170-938 Ethnology, Roman 572-937 Etruscan antiquities ... ... 913-376 language ... ... ... ... 477-6 ETYMOAOriKON, MEFA. 1549. [Class 483]. Etymology. Comparative ... ... 412 Greek ... ... ... ••• 482 T5369 Eudes, de Cheriton. See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. Eugraphius. Commentum. In Donatus (A.) Quod fertur commentum Terenti, etc. 1902-6. Armstrong College. Eumenius. See Latin Author List. Eunapius. Vitae philosophorum. In Diogenes, Laertius. Vitae philosophorum. 1596. [Class 180-9]. T841 — Vitae sophistarum. 1878. In Philostratus. Opera. 1878. 888-9 Euripides. See Greek Author List. Eutecnius. Nicander. Alexipharmaca ; cum scholiis Graecis et Eutecnii paraphrasi Graeca. 1792. 881 Eutropius (F.) See Latin Author List. Evans (A. J.) ed. Freeman's Hist, of Sicily, vol. 4. 1894. 937-8 Evans (L.) See Sheppard (J. G.) &- Evans (L.) — trans. Juvenal. 1877. Lending 2739 — Another edition. 1882. 877-7 Evolution, History of ... ... ••■ 575-09 Extracts, Latin ... ... ... ••• 478-7 Eyssenhardt (F.) ed. Macrobius. 1893. 878-9 _ Marcellinus. 1871. 878-9 Ezquerra (J.) trans. See Sixto (C.) &- Ezquerra (J.) trans. 231 INDEX Faber(G. S.) Pagan idolatry. 1816. [Class 292] L290 Fabius Pictor (Q.) See Latin Author List. Fabretti (R.) Inscriptionum antiquarum ex- plicatio. 1702. [Class 471-7]. T1363 Fabricius (G.) Roma. In Lipsius. Roma illustrata. 1698. [Class 913-37]. T2204 — ed. Scholia Horatiana quae feruntur Acronis et Porphyrionis. 1858-9. 874-5 Fabricius (J. A.) Bibliographia antiquaria. 1716. [Class 016-87]. T1661 — Bibliotheca Graeca. 1708-28. [Class 016-88]. T1861-74 — Bibliotheca Latina [Ancient]. 1703. [Class 016-87]. T1662 — Another edition. 1721-3. [Class 016-87]. T966-8 — [Mediaeval]. 1858. 016-87 — ed. Marinus. Procli vita. 1703. T1662 Facciolati (J.) ed. Cicero. De officiis. 1811. 875-4 — Forcellini's Totius Latinitatis lexicon. 1831-5. [Class 473]. T1564-7 — NizoUus's Lexicon Ciceronianum . 1820. 875-1 Fairbanks (A.) trans. First philosophers of Greece. 1898. 182 — Another copy. [Class 182]. Lending B%0%2 Fairy tales, Greek ... ... ... ... 398 Falconia Proba (V.) See Latin Author List. Falkener (E.) Daedalus. 1860. 733 — Ephesus. 1862. 913-3923 — Games. 1892. 794 « — ed. Museum of class, antiq. 1851-3. 913-37 Famaby (T.) ed. Seneca. Tragoediae. 1676. T3313 Farnell (G. S.) ed. Grk. lyric poetry. 1891. 884 Farnell (L. R.) Cults of the Grk. states. 1896- 1909. 292 — Higher aspects of Grk. religion. 1912. [Class 292]. 206 Farrar (F. W.) Seekers after God : [Marcus Aurelius, etc.] 1902. Lending A6594 Farren (R.) illustrator. Aeschylus. Eumenides. 1886. 882-1 — Aristophanes. Birds. [1884]. 882-4 — Euripides. Iphig. in Tauris. [1895]. 882-3 — Sophocles. Oedipus Tyrannus. 1887. 882-2 Fauriel (C.) ed. Chants pop. de la Grece mod. 1824-5. 889-1 — French trans, only. 889-1 Favre (L.) ed. Du Fresne (C.) Glossarium. 1883-7. 479-3 Fawkes (F.) trans. Anacreon. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) 6- Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 6351 — Apollonius Rhodius. In Poetical transla- tions, vol. 2. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 Fawkes (F.) trans., contd. — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) &- Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 — Bion. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) 6- Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 — Another edition. In Hesiod ; tr. by C. A. Elton, etc. 1832. Lending 7585 — Coluthus. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 13. 1796. 821-08 — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) &■ Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 — Moschus. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 82108 — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) <&- Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 — Another edition. In Hesiod ; tr. by C. A. Elton, etc. 1832. Lending 7585 — Musaeus. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) 6- Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 6351 — Another edition. In Hesiod ; tr. by C. A. Elton, etc. 1832. Lending 7585 — Sappho. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 — • Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) &• Chalmers (A.) English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 6361 — Another edition. In Hesiod ; tr. by C. A. Elton, etc. 1832. Lending 7585 — Theocritus. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 13. 1795. ' 821-08 — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) & Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 Fearenside (C. S.) ed. See Masom (W. F.) &' Fearenside (C. S.) edd. — See also Moses (S.) & Fearenside (C. S.) edd. — trans. See Blagrave (A. E.) &• Fearenside (C. S.) trans. Fearenside (C. S.) <&- Kerin (R. C. B.) edd. Plato. Phaedo. [1890]. 888-4 Fehrle (E.) Die Kultische Keuschheit. 1910. 292 Fellows (C.) Discoveries in Lycia. 1841. 913-3928 Fennell (C. A. M.) trans. Anct. marbles. 1882. 733 Fenwick (J.) ed. Treasure trove in Northumbd. 1851. L913-4282 232 I N DEX. Fen wick (J.) ed., contd. — Another edition. In Typogr. Soc. publica- tions, vol. 11. L082 Ferguson (W. S.) Hellenistic Athens. 1911.938 Fergusson (J.) Hist, of architecture. 1893. [Class 722-7]. 720-9 — Parthenon. 1883. 722-8 Ferrero (G.) Grandezza e decadenza di Roma. 1902-4. 937 — [Translation]. 1908-9. 937 Ferrier (J. F.) Lectures on Greek philosophy. 1866. [Class 180-9]. Lending 6844 — Another edition. 1888. [Class 180-9]. 192-9 Festivals 292 Festus (Ruf us, or Rufius) . See Ruf us (Sextus) in Latin Author List. Festus (S. P.) De verborum significatione. 1699. [Class 473]. T2017 — Another edition. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 473 T1740 T4672 888-4 omnium libri. T2555 — Another edition. 1839. Ficino (M.) ed. lamblichus. 1570. — ed. &■ trans. Plato. 1602. — trans. Plato. 1532. — Plotinus. Operum 1580. and — See also Latin Author List — Mediaeval Modern. Fiedler (F.) ed. Scriptores hist. Rom. minores sex. 1833. 878-08 Filelfo (F.) & others ; trans. Xenophon. 1561. 888-3 Finlay (G.) Hist, of Greece. 1877. 938-09 ~ Another copy. [Class 938-09]. Lending 4:2^^7 -53 Firmianus Symposius (C.) See Latin Author List. Firmicus Matemus (J.) See Latin Author List. Firth (J. B.) Aug. Caesar. 1903. [Class 937-06]. Lending C6216 Fischer (F. C.) trans. Cohausen's Saalburg. 1882. 7« Hodgkin's Pfahlgraben. L913-434 Fischer (J. F.) ed. Florus. 1818. Lending 3506 — Another edition. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 — Nepos. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Fisher (C. D.) ed. Tacitus. Annals. 1906. 878-6 Fishlake (J. R.) trans. Buttmann's Lexilogus. 1840. [Class 482]. Armstrong College. Fitzthomas (W. W.) trans. Ovid. Epistles. 1807. Lending 7174 Flaxman (J.) illustrator. Compositions from Aeschylus. 1831. 741 — Hesiod. The Theogony, etc. 1817. 741 tr. by W. Sotheby. 1834. 883-1 The Iliad. 1805. 741 Iliad ; tr. by A. Pope. 1889. Lending 2403 — • Homer. Odys.sey. 1805. 741 Fleckeisen (A.) ed . Plautus. 1891. 872-3 — Terentius. 1884. 872-5 Florus (Lucius Annaeus) . See Latin Author List. Flosculi Graeci boreales. 1882-1907. 889-1 Foerster (R.) ed. Libanius. 1903-11. 888-9 Fogerty (E.) Euripides. Alkestis ; adapted for performance. 1902. Lending C8578 Folklore ... ... ... ... ... 398 Forbes (J. T.) Socrates. 1905. [Class 183-2]. Lending 6242 Homer ; Homer. Homer. Forbes (U. A.) & Burmester (A. C.) Our Rom. highways. 1904. [Class 913-42]. Lending D2319 Forbiger (A.) De Lucretii carmine. 1824. In Reisacker's Quaestiones. 1847. 871-1 Forcellini (E.) Totius Latinitatis lexicon. 1831-5. [Class 473]. T1564-7 Formby (H.) Anct. Rome. 1880. 937 Forrer (R.) Reallexik. d. prahistor., klassisch. u. friihchristl. Altert. [1907]. [Class 913-37]. 913-3 Forshall (J.) ed. Grk. papyri in the British Museum. 1839. 091 Forster (R. H.) Amateur antiquary. 1899. L913-428 — Another copy. [Class 913-428]. LendingBm^l Forster (R. H.) cS- Knowles (W. H.) Corstopitum in 1909. 1910. L913-4282 — Same, for 1910. 1911. L913-4282 Forstnerus (C.) Ad lib. XL, l^ii., XIII. Taciti notae politicae. 1652. T1I74 Forsyth (W.) Life of Cicero. 1864. Lending A5304 Fortunatus (V. H. C.) See Latin Author List. Forum. Rome ... ... ... ... 913-37 Fosbroke (T. D.) Encyc. of antiquities. 1843. 913-37 — Another copy. [Class 913-37]. Lending B4994 — Treat, on arts, manufact., etc., of the Grks. & Romans. 1833-5. [Class 913-37]. Lending A446 Foucart (P.) Les Grands mystdres d'Eleusis. [1901]. 292 — ■ L'Origihe des mysteres d'Eleusis. [1895]. 292 — • La Province romaine d'Asie. 939-2 Fouillee (A.) Les Etudes classiques. 1898. 870-7 — La Philosophie de Platon. 1889-1909. 184-1 Fowler (H. W.) & (F. G.) trans. Lucian. 1905. 888-7 — Another copy. Lending A6265-8 Fowler (W. W.) City state of the Grks. & Romans 1895. [Class 937]. LendingC^mi — Julius Caesar. 1892. Lending B8281 — Religious experience of the Rom. people. 1911. 292 — Roman festivals. 1899. 292 — • Another copy. [Class 292]. Lending B9571 — Social life at Rome. 1908. [Class 913-37]. Lending A5534 Foy-Vaillant (J.) Numismata aerea imperat. 1695. [Class 737-37]. T4233 — Numismata Imperat. Augustarum et Caesarum. 1700. [Class 737-38]. T1708 — Numismata imperat. Rom. 1696. 737-37 — Nummi antiq. familiar. Romanar. 1703. 737-37 — Seleucidarum imperium. 1681. [Class 939-4]. 1460 Fracastorius (H.) See Fracastoro (G.) in Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Fracastoro (G.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modem. Fradersdorff (J. W.) Eng.-Grk. lexicon. 1882. 483-2 233 NDEX Francis (P.) trans. Horace. 1807. 874-5 — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) &' Chalmers (A.) edd. Works of the English poets, vol. 19. 1810. Lending 5350 — Another edition. In Poetical translations, vol. 3. 821-08 — Another edition. 1831. Lending 1515 Francklin (T.) trans. Sophocles. 1832. Lending 1581 — Another edition. 1886. Lending B5314: ?ranczius (P.) See Latin Author List— Mediaeval and Modem. Fratres Arvales. See Arval Brothers in Latin Author List. Frazer (J. G.) The Golden bough. 1900. [Class 292]. 291 — 3rd ed. 1907-11. [Class 292]. 291 — Another copy. [Class 292]. Lending BUS, B5558-61 Preeman (E. A.) Chief periods of Europ. hist. 1886. [Class 937]. 940 — • Another copy. Lending B5935 — Federal Government. 1863. [Class 938-08]. Lending A5580 — Another Edition. 1893. [Class 938-08]. 342-389 — Hist, of Sicily. 1891-4. 937-8 — Sicily. 1892. [Class 937-8]. Lending B9436 — West. Europe in 5th cent. 1904. [Class 937]. 940-2 Freeman (K.J.) Schools of Hellas. 1907.370-938 — Another copy. [Class 370-938]. Lending A 1650 Freese (J. H.) trans. Isocrates. 1894. Lending 2791 Freigius (J. T.) Orationes. In Scaliger (J. C.) Epistolae. 1612. T3154 Freinsheim (J.) Curtius Rufus : supplem. 1826. Lending 3522 — ed. Livy. 1738-46. T3107-13 Frere (J. H.) trans. Aristophanes. 1886. Lending B3917 — Another edition. [1907]. Lending AQQUO — • Theognis. In Hesiod, etc. ; tr. by J. Banks. 1856. 883-2 — Another edition. 1876. Lending 2734 Frerus (J.) &> Winterton (R.) edd. Hippocrates. 1633. T1430 Frick (C.) ed. Mela. 1880. 878-9 Friedlaender (L.) Darstellung. aus d. Sitten- geschichte Roms. 1901. 913-3707 Friedrich (G.) Zur Gesch. d. rom. Satire. 1899. 877 Frizon (L.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Frontinus (Sextus Julius). See Latin Author List. Fronto (Marcus Cornelius). See Latin Author List. Frost (P.) ed. Tacitus. Annals. 1872. 878-6 — Xenophon. Memorabilia. 1880. Lending A9046 Froude (J. A.) Caesar. 1879. 937-06 — Another copy. [Class 937-06]. Lending 1035 Fiirstenberg (F. von). See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modem. Fulgentius (F. P.) De expositione Virgilianae continentiae. In Staveren (A. van) ed. Auctores mythographi. 1742. 878-08 Fulgentius (F. P.) contd. — De prisco sermone. [Class 473]. In Nonius Marcellus. 1614. T2572 — Mythologiarum liber I. (-III.) [Class 292]. In Hyginus (C. J.) Fabularum liber. 1608. T1734 — Vocum antiquarum interpretatio. [Class 477-01]. In Hyginus (C. J.) Fabularum liber. 1608. T1734 Fulleylove (J.) 6- M'Clymont (J. A.) Greece. 1906. [Class 913-38]. 914-95 Funck (J. N.) De imminent! Latinae linguae senectute. 1736. 470 — De inerti ac decrepita Latinae linguae senectute. 1750. 470 — De origine et pueritia Latinae linguae. [Also, De adolescentia Latinae linguae]. 1723-35. 470 — De vegeta Latinae linguae senectute. 1744. 470 — De virili aetate Latinae linguae. [Also, De lectione auctorum classicorum] . 1727-63. 470 Furlanetto (J.) ed. Forcellini's Totius Latinitatis lexicon. 1831-5. [Class 473]. T1564-7 Furneaux (H.) ed. Tacitus. Opera minora. [1899]. 878-6 — Another copy. Lending C90()4: — Tacitus. Annals. 1896. Armstrong College. — Tacitus. De Germania. 1894. Armstrong College. — Tacitus. Vita Agricolae. 1898. 878-6 Furtwangler (A.) Masterpieces of Grk. sculpture. 1895. 733 — ed. Genick's Griech. Keramik. 1883. 738-38 Fusseli (H.) trans. Winckelmann's Reflections on painting. 1765. [Class 709-38]. Lending A2307 Fyffe(C. A.) Hist, of Greece. 1878. [Class 938]. Lending A2414 Gailhabaud (J.) ed. Architecture. 1844. [Class 722*]. 720-9 Gaisford (T.) ed. Herodotus. [1861]. Lending 8884-7 — Suidas. Lexicon, Grk. et Lat. 1834. 483-7 Gains. Institutionum juris commentarii IV. 1871. [Class 349-371]. Lending A9612 — Another edition. 1875. Armstrong College. — Another edition. 1878-1905. 349-371 Gale (R.) ed. Antoninus. Iter Britanniarum. 1709. T123 — Same. [Trans.] 1799. 913-42 Gale (T.) ed. Historiae poeticae scriptores antiqui. 1675. 888-08 — lamblichus. 1678. T2271 — Opuscula mythologica. 1671. [Class 888-9]. T1193 Galleys 699 Gallicanus (V.) See Latin Author List. Gallus (Caius Cornelius). See Latin Author List. Games ... ... ... ... ••• 794 Gandy (J. P.) See Cell {Sir W.) & Gandy (J. P.) Gardner (E. A.) Anct. Athens. 1902. 913-385 — Grk. sculpture. 1896. [Class 733]. Lending C5142 234 N D EX Gardner (E. A.) contd. — Another edition. 1911. 733 — Six Grk. sculptors. [1911]. 733 • — ■ ed. Middleton's Athen. bldgs. In Soc. for Prom, of Hellen. Studies — Supp. papers. 1892-1900. 880-G Gardner (E. A.) & others. Excavations at Megalopolis, 1890-1. In Soc. for Prom, of Hellen. Studies— Supp. papers. 880-6 Gardner (H. C.) Baron Burghclere ; trans. Virgil. Georgics. 1904. Lending D1447 — 2nd edition. 1905. 873-1 Gardner (P.) Brit. Mus. Cat. of Gr. coins : [Peloponnesus, Seleucid Kings, Thessaly]. 1873-1906. 737-38 ■ — Class, archaeol. in schools. 1902. 913-37 — Another copy. [Class 913-37]. Lending C^12Q — Gram, of Grk. art. 1905. 709-38 — Another copy. [Class 709-38]. Lending D2605 — New chapters in Grk. hist. 1892. 938 — Another copy. [Class 938]. Lending C1665 — Sculptured tombs, of Hellas. 1896. 733 — Types of Grk. coins. 1883. 737-38 — • prefator. Schreiber's Atlas of class, antiquities. 1895. 913-37 Gargilius Martialis. See Latin Author List. Garnett (L. M. J.) trans. Grk. folk poesy. 1896. 398-2 — Another copy. [Class 398-2]. Lending B4:889 — Greek folk-songs. 1885. 398-3 Garrod (H. W.) ed. Statins. Thebais et Achilleis. [1906]. 873-5 Garth {Sir S.) trans. Ovid. In Poetical transla- tions, vol. 3. 821-08 — Another edition. In Johnson & Chalmers' English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 Gassend (P.) De vita Epicuri. 1656. 888-9 Gataker (T.) ed. Aurelius_ Antoninus. 1652. T295 — 2nd ed. 1697. T4900 Geddes {Sir W. D.) Problems of Homeric poems. 1878. 883-1 Geddes {Sir W. D.) (sy Harrower (J.) edd. Flosculi Graeci boreales. 1882-1907. 889-1 Geikie {Sir A.) ed. Seneca. Quaestiones naturales ; tr. by J. Clarke. 1910. 878-5 Gelbke (L.) De causis infamiae qua scenicos Romani notabant. 1835. 872 Geldart (E. M.) Grammar of mod. Grk. 1883. 489-5 Geldart (W. M.) ed. See Hall (F. W.) & Geldart (W. M.) edd. Gelenius (S.) See Ghelen (S.) Gell {Sir W.) Pompeiana : excavations since 1819. 1832. 913-377 — Topogr. of Rome. 1834. 913-37 Gell {Sir W.) S^ Gandy (J. P.) Pompeiana. 1876. 913-377 — Another copy. [Class 913-377]. Lending 14:^2 Gellius (Aulus). See Latin Author List. Genick (A.) Griech. Keramik. 1883. 738-38 Geography, Ancient ... 913-37 Geppert (C. E.) Aussprache d. Lateinisch. im alteren Drama. 1858. 872 Gerber (A.) & Greef (A.) Lexicon Taciteum. 1903. 878-6 Gercke (A.) ed. See Hermes (E.) & others ; edd. Gercke (A.) & Norden (E.) edd. Einleitung in * die Altertumswissenschaft. 1912. 913-37 Gerhard (E.) Nachschrift zu Curtius' Herakles, der Satyr und Dreifussrauber. 1852. 738-38 Germanicus Caesar. See Latin Author List. Gemhard (A. G.) ed. Cicero. De ofificiis. 1811. 875-4 Gesner (J. M.) ed. Orpheus. 1764. 883-5 — Quintilian. 1822. Lending 3521 Gesta Romanorum. See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. Ghelen (S.) ed. Pliny. 1554. T4673 Gherus (R.) See Gruterus (J.) Giannettasius (N. P.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Gibbon (E.) Decline & fall of the Rom. Empire. 1862. 937 — Another edition. 1897-1900. 937 — Another edition. 1874-1901. [Class 937]. Lending 1797-1803 — Another edition. Abridged. [1856]. Lending A2547 — Same. 1899-1901. Lending A9821 Gibson (E.) ed. Quintilian. 1693. T3580 Gilbert (O.) Die Meteorologisch. Theorien d. Griech. Altertums. 1907. 551-5 Gilbert (W.) ed. Xenophon. Commentarii. 1888. 888-3 Gildersleeve (B. L.) ed. Pindar. Olympian and Pythian odes. 1908. 884-5 Gildersleeve (B. L.) & Lodge (G.) Latin grammar. 1895. [Class 475]. Lending C4582 Giles (P.) Comparative philology. 1895. 410 Gillies (J.) Hist, of anct. Greece. 1825. [Class 938]. Lending A2370 — prefator. Aristotle. Politics & Economics : 1853. 888-5 — Another edition. 1876. Lending 2708 — trans. Aristotle. Ethics & Politics. 1804. Lending A4071 Oilman (A.) Rome. 1886. [Class 937]. Lending B4241 — See also Mahaffy (J. P.) & Oilman (A.) Giraldus (L. G.) De Musis. In Hyginus (C. J.) Fabularum liber. 1608. [Class 292]. Tl 734 — See also Latin Author List— Mediaeval and Modem. Girard (C.) ed. & trans. Aristophanes. Plutus. 1549. T124 Gladstone (W. E.) Homer. 1878. Lending A2%Z8 — Homeric synchronism. 1876. Lending A940 — Another copy. 883-1 — • Juventus mundi. 1869. [See Homer, in Greek Author List.] Lending A8695 — Landmarks of Homeric study. 1890. Lending B8799 — Another copy. 883-1 — Studies on Homer. 1868. 883-1 — trans. Horace. 1894. 874-6 — • prefator. Schliemann's Mycenae. 1878. 913-388 — Another copy. Lending 7085 — See also Lyttelton (G. W.) Baron, &■ Gladstone (W. E.) in Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. 235 I NDEX. Glasgow Archaeological Society. Antonine Wall. 1899. [Class 913-41]. Armstrong College. Glennie (J. S. Stuart-) ed. Gamett's Grk. folk poesy. 1896. 398-2 — Another copy. [Class 398-2]. Lending B4889-90 Glover (T. R.) Life and letters in the 4th cent. 1901. 937-06 Goclenius (R.) Observationum linguae Latinae analecta. 1624. [Class 470]. T1397 Godefroy (D.) ed. Corpus juris civilis. 1606. [Class 349-37]. T2096 — Another edition. 1663. T2028 Godefroy (J.) ed. Codex Theodosianus. 1665. [Class 349-371]. T3692-5 Godley (A. D.) Socrates and Athen. society. 1896. [Class 183-2]. Lending C995 — See also Ellis (R.) &- Godley (A. D.) edd. Gods. Mythology 292 Godwin (T.) Romanae historiae anthologia. 1648. [Class 913-37]. T998 Goehler (H. R.) De matris magnae apud Rom. cultu. 1886. 292 Goeller (F.) ed. Thucydides. 1836. 888-2 Goeschen (O.) Cleanthes. Hymnus in Jovem : [notes]. 1861. 881 Golding (A.) trans. Ovid. Metamorphoses. 1904. 871-2 Goldsmith (O.) Hist, of Rome. 1833. [Class 937] . Lending CI 59 Gomme (Sir G. L.) ed. Romano-Brit, remains. 1887. [Class 913-42]. Lending BSUl-2 Gomperz (T.) Griechische Denker. 1903-9. 180-9 — Translation. 1901. 180-9 Gonino (I.) trans. Perrot & Chipiez's Hist, of art in Sardinia. 1890. [Class 709-379]. 709-33 Goodwin (A.) ed. Homer. Hymni. 1893. 883-1 — Xenophon. Cyropaedia, VII. & VIII. 1892. 888-3 — • See Alleyne (S. F.) (S- Goodwin (A.) trans. Goodwin (T.) English-Latin dictionary. 1876. [Class 473-2]. Lending 8940 Goodwin (W. W.) Grk. grammar. 1894. 485 — Another edition. 1902. [Class 485]. Lending D2318 — Syntax of Grk. verb. 1882. [Class 485-8]. Lending A7452 Goodwin (W. W.) 6^ White (J. W.) edd. Xenophon. Anabasis, I.-IV. 1893. 888-3 Gorallus (T.) ed. See Scaliger (J.) 6- others ; edd. Gordon (A.) Itinerarium septent. 1726. [Class 913-42]. T2034 Gordon (G. H.) Earl of Aberdeen. Grecian architecture, i860. [Class 722-8]. Lending 8970 Gordon (T.) trans. Cicero. Against Catiline. 1744. T1830 — Sallust. 1744. T1830 — Tacitus. 1737. T4613-6 Gorgias. See Greek Author List. Gorham (G. M.) ed. Xenophon. Cyropaedia. [1870]. Lending A9047 Gossrau (G. G.) eti. Virgil. Aeneid. 1876.873-1 Gothofred. See Godefroy. Goudy (H.) ed. Muirhead's Private law. 1899. [Class 349-37]. Armstrong College. Gould (C.) Mytliical monsters. 1886. [Class 292]. 291 Gould (S. Baring-) Tragedy of the Caesars. 1892. 920-03 Gouldman (F.) A Copious dictionary. 1678. [Class 473-2]. T2149 Goulston (T.) ed. Aristotle. De poetica. 1780. 888-5 Gow (J.) Companion to school classics. 1898. [Class 870-7]. Lending C8099 — Hist, of Grk. mathematics. 1884. 510-9 — ed. Horace. In Postgate's Corpus, torn. 1, 1894. 871-08 — Phaedrus. In Postgate's Corpus, tom. 2. 1905. 871-08 Gracchus (C. Sempronius). See Latin Author List. Gradenwitz (O.) ed. See Mommsen (T.) 6- Gradenwitz (O.) edd. Grasse (J. G. T.) Lehrbuch einer Liter ar- geschichte. 1837-8. 016-87 — Orbis Latinus. 1861. [Class 913-37]. 910-3 — 2. Auiiage. 1909. 910-3 Graeve (J. G.) Hesiod : lectiones. 1701. T2105 — Thesaur. antiquit. Romanar. 1694-9. [Class 913-37]. T4406-17 — ed. Casaubon. Epistolae. 1656. T1258 — • Gruterus. Inscriptiones antiquae. 1707. [Class 471-7]. T4237-8 — Suetonius. 1691. T4065 Graevius (J. G.) See Graeve (J. G.) Graham (A.) Roman Africa. 1902. 939-73 Graham (R.) Viscount Preston ; trans. Boethius. 1695. T38 Grainger (J.) trans. Sulpicia. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 — Another edition. 7w Johnson (S.) 6- Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 Tibullus. In Poetical translations, vol. 2. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 13. 1795. 821-08 — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) &• Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 5351 — Another edition. 1854. Lending 2113 Grammar, Comparative ... ... ••• 415 476 485 475 470 Lending 5157 Lending 5152 Comparative, Greek & Latin Greek Latin Grammarians, Latin. Corpus Grant {Sir A.) Aristotle. 1877 — Xenophon. 1877. — trans. Aristotle. Ethics. 1874. 888-6 Grant {Sir A.) &■ Lushington (E. L.) edd. Ferrier's Lectures on Greek philosophy. 1886. [Class 180-9]. Lending 6844 ~ Another edition. 1888. [Class 180-9]. 192-9 Grant (A. J.) Greece in age of Pericles. 1893. [Class 938-04]. Lending B9533 Grasberger (L.) Erziehung u. Unterricht. 1864-81. 370-937 Gratius, Faliscus. See Latin Author List. Greece, Ancient. Description ... •■■ 913-38 History ... ... ... 938 Greef (A.) See Gerber (A.) &- Greef (A.) 236 IN DEX. Greek accents. ... ... ... ... 481-6 accidence ... ... ... ... 485-1 Greek anthology. Collections from the Grk. Anth., by Bland, etc. 1813. 881-08 Epigrammatum anthol. Palatina ; instruxit F. Diibner. 1871-90. 881-08 Anthol. Graeca ; ed. H. Stadtmueller. 1894-1906. 881-08 Select epigrams ; ed. by J. W. Mackail. 1906. 881-08 Grk. anthol. ; trans, by G. Burges. 1876. [Class 881-08]. Lending 2731 — A nother edition. 1 88 1 . 881-08 Selections ; by G. R. Tomson. [1889]. 881-08 Greek antiquities ... ... ... ... 913-38 cases . ... ... ... ... 485-5 constitutional history ... 342-389 dictionaries ... ... ... ... 483 drama. Collections ... ... 882-08 Criticism ... ... ... 882 Selections ... ... ... 882 education ... 370-938 epic 883-09 epigraphy ... ... 481-7 ethics 170-938 etymology ... ... ... ... 482 exam, papers — -London University... 488-9 extracts ... ... ... ... 488-7 fairy tales ... ... ... ... 398 folk-lore 398 grammar ... ... ... ... 485 historians. Criticism ... ... 888 idioms ... ... ... ... 483-1 inscriptions ... ... ... ... 481-7 language ... ... ... ... 480 life 913-38 ■ literature. Collections ... ... 880-8 Criticism ... ... 880 Essays on ... ... 880-4 History 880-9 Societies ... ... 880-6 Study & teaching ... 880-7 lyric poetry. Collections ... ... 884 mathematics ... ... ... 510-9 metre ... ... ... ... ... 486 miscellany ... ... ... ... 888 Modern and mediaeval : — ■ language ... ... 489 literature ... ... 889 New Testament Greek ... ... 487-3 orators. Corpus ... ... ... 885-08 palaeography ... ... ... 481-7 papyri, Catalogues of ... ... 091 philosophy ... ... ... ... 180 poetry. Corpus ... 881-08 Criticism ... ... ... 881 Essays on ... ... ... 881-04 pottery 738-38 pronunciation ... ... ... 481-5 proper names. [5ee Pape]. ...913-38 prose composition ... ... ... 488-2, prosody 486 readers ... 488-6 school books ... ... ... ... 488 sculpture ... ... ... ... 733 studies, Companion to ... ... 880-7 Teaching of ... ... ... ... 480-7 verb. Etymology ... ... ... 482-8 Greek verb. Morphology Syntax verse. Text-books 485-18 485-8 486-8 920-7 Green (W. C.) Similes of Homer's Iliad. 1877. 883-1 — ■ Another copy. Lending C5272 Greenidge (A. H. J.) Greek constitutional history. 1896. 342-389 — Hist, of Rome. 1904. 937-02 — Roman public life. 1901. 913-37 Greenidge (A. H. J.) &• Clay (A. M.) Sources for Rom. hist. 1903. 937-02 Greenough (J. B.) See Allen (J. H.) <&- Greenough (J- B.) Greenwell (W.) See Haverfield (F. J.) &- Greenwell (W.) Greenwood (J.) ed. Cicero. De oratore. 1838. 875-3 Gregorovius (F.) Der Kaiser Hadrian. 1884. [Class 937-06]. Armstrong College. — Translation. 1898. Lending C6916 Gregory, of Nazianzus. See Greek Author List. Grenfell (B. P.) &- Hunt (A. S.) edd. Hellenica Oxyrhynchia. [1909]. 888-9 — Menander. TEfiPrOS. 1898. 882-6 Grey (H.) Classics for the million. 1881. 870 « — ■ Another edition. 1899. [Class 870]. Lending B692 Griffiths (J.) Grk. accents. 1904. 481-6 Grimeston (E.) trans. Polybius. 1634. T2559 Grimm (C. L. W.) Wilkii Clavis Novi Test. philologica. 1903. 487-33 — Translation. 1905. 487-33 Grindon (H. M.) 6- Thompson (J.) Vocab. to Acts of the Apost. [1891]. 487-3 Grober (G.) ed. Grund. d. romanischen Philo- logie. 1888-1902. 479 Gronov (A.) ed. Justin. In Sallust, etc. ; ex ed. G. Cortii. 1818. Lending 3523 — Another edition. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Gronov (J.) Thesaurus Graecar. antiq. 1732. [Class 913-38]. Soc. of Antiquaries. — • ed. Gellius. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 — Marcellinus. 1693. T2513 — Mela. 1819. Lending 3505 — Polybius. 1670. T3688-90 — ■ See also Pontanus (J.) & others ; edd. Gronov (J. F.) ed. Plautus. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 — Seneca. Tragoediae. 1728. 872-6 — Statius. 1653. T3618 — Tacitus. 1672-3. T4480-1 Groot (H. de) ed. Excerpta ex tragoediis et comediis Graecis. 1626. 882-08 ■ — trans. Epigrammatum anthol. Palatina. 1871-90. 881-08 — See also Latin Author List — ^Mediaeval & Modern. Groot (W. de) ed. Groot (H. de) Poemata. 1617. 879-1 Grote (G.) Aristotle. 1880. 185-1 — Another copy. [Class 186-1]. Lending &^5Q — Hist, of Greece. 1854-6. 938 237 N DEX Grote (G.) contd. — Another edition. 18G9-88. [Class 938]. Lending 6845-5(5 — Another edition. [Condensed]. 1907. 938 — Plato, etc. 1888. 184-1 — Another copy. [Class 184-1]. Lending C5^n-2Q Grotius (H.) See Groot (H. de). Grove (Sir G.) See Smith {Sir W.) 6- Grove {Sir G.) Grueber (H. A.) Rom. medallions in the Brit. Mus. 1874. 737-37 Grundy (G. B.) Great Persian War. 1901. 93803 Grundy (W.) See Smith (J. G.) <&- Grundy (W.) Gruppe (O.) Die Griechischen Culte. 1887. 292 Gruppe (O. F.) Aeacus. 1872. 871 — Minos. 1859. 871 — Die R5m. Elegie. 1838-9. 874 Gruterus (J.) Inscriptiones antiquae. 1707. [Class 471-7] T4237-8 — ed. Delitiae C. poetarum Gallorum. 1609. 879-08 — • Reinesius. Syntagma inscriptionum. 1682. [Class 471-7]. T2716 Grynae (S.) ed. Plato ; tralatione M. Ficini. 1532. 888-4 Gubernatis (A. de). Zoological mythology. 1872. [Class 292]. 291 Gudeman (A.) Imagines philologorum. 1911. 924 Gudius (M.) ed. Gruterus. Inscriptiones antiquae. 1707. [Class 471-7]. T4237-8 Guerber (H. A.) Myths of Greece & Rome. 1909. [Class 292]. Lending B7714 Guhl (E.) &- Koner (W.) Life of the Grks. & Romans. [1879?] 913-37 « — Another copy. [Class 913-37]. Lew*^^^ B5225 * Guide to classical books ... ... ...016-87 Guilhem de Clermont-Lod^ve (G. E. J.) Baron de Ste. Croix. Alexander the Great. 938-07 Guizot (F. P. G.) See Milman (H. H.) &- Guizot (F. P. G.) Gulick (C. B.) Life of the anct. Grks. 1902. [Class 913-38]. Lending D1711 Gundermann (G.) ed. Frontinus. 1888. 878-9 Guyau (M.) La Morale d'Epicure. 1904. 187 Gwilt (J.) trans. Vitruvius. 1826. 720-2 H Haase (F.) ed. L. A. Seneca. [Prose works]. 1884-92. 878-5 — Velleius Paterculus. 1874. 878-9 Hadrian ... ... ... ... 937-06 Haenny (L.) Schriftsteller u. Buchhandler. 1885. 913-37 Hagen (H.) ed. See Thilo (G.) &- Hagen (H.) edd. Hahn (J. G. v.) trans. Griechische u. albanesische Marchen. 1864. 398-4 Haigh (A. E.) Attic theatre. 1898. 792 — ■ Tragic drama of the Greeks. 1896. [Class 882]. Armstrong College. Hale {Sir M.) trans. Nepos. Life of Pomponius Atticus. 1677. T188 Hale (W. G.) The Anticipatory subjunctive. 1894. 475-18 — Sequence of tenses in Latin. 1887-8. 475-18 Halicarnassus ... ... ... 913-3924 Hall (F. W.) u^ Geldart (W. M.) edd. Aristo- phanes. [1900]. 882-4 Hall (T. D.) First Lat. book. 1891. [Class 478-2]. Lending C187 2 — See also Smith {Sir W.) &■ Hall (T. D.) Hall (W. H. B.) Romans on the Riviera. 1898. 937 Hallard (J. H.) trans. Theocritus. 1894. 884-6 Halm (K.) ed. Cicero. Against Catilina. 1871 Lending 524 — Another edition. 1894. 875-2 — Cicero. Pro lege Manilla, 1894. 875-2 — Cicero. Second Philippic. 1893. 875-2 Hamberger (G. C.) ed. Orpheus. 1764. 883-5 Hamilton (H. C.) & Falconer (W.) trans. Strabo. 1854-81. 888-9 — Another copy. Lending 2770 Hamilton (H. R.) Eng.-Grk. lexicon. 1877. [Class 483-2]. Lending 8945 — Grk.-Eng. lexicon. 1876. [Class 483-2]. Lending 8944 Hamilton (W. D.) &- Levien (E.) Hist, of Greece. 1854. [Class 938]. Lending 8949 Hammer- Purgstall (J. von) Baron. See Greek Author List — Modem. Hammond (B. E.) Political institutions. 1895. 342-38 Hampden (R. D.) Fathers of Greek philosophy. 1862. [Class 180-9]. Lending A690 Hampton (J.) trans. Polybius. 1809. Lending A4834 Hannibal ... ... ... ... ... 93702 Hardie (R. P.) .See Sorley (W. R.) and Hardie (R. P.) edd. Hardouin (J.) ed. Pliny. 1685. T 1508- 12 Hare (J. C.) &- Thirlwall (C.) trans. Niebuhr's Hist, of Rome. 1855. [Class 937]. Lending A4158 Harford (J. S.) prefator. Aeschylus ; tr. by Potter. 1833. Lending 7592 Harless (G.C.) ei. Cicero. Deoratore. 1816. 875-3 — Aurelius Victor. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Harmar (J.) ed. Scapula. Lex. Gr.-Lat. 1637. 483-7 Harrington {Sir J.) trans. Cicero. Friendship. [1904]. 875-4 Harrison (J. S.) Platonism in English poetry. 1903. Lending D1134 Harrison (Jane E.) Intro, studies in Grk. art. 1885. 709-38 — Pausanias ; trans, by M. de G. Verrall : intro. and commentary. 1890. 292 — ■ Another copy . Lending Ki^Wb — Primitive Athens. 1906. 913-385 — • Prolegomena to Greek religion. 1903. 292 — Religion of anct. Greece. 1905. [Class 292J. Lending 6883 — prefator. Pottier's Douris. 1909. 738-38 — • trans. CoUignon's Manual of mythologv- 1890. 292 'Harrison (Jane E.) &' MacColl (D. S.) Grk. vase paintings. 1894. 738-38 narrower (J.) ed. See Geddes {Sir W. D.) &■ narrower (J.) edd. Hartung (J. A.) Die Religion der Rdmer. 1836. 292 — ed. Babrius. 1858. 881-4 238 I ND EX. Hase (H.) Life of the anct. Grks. 1858. [Class 91 3-38]. Lending 568 Raskins (C. E.) ed. Lucan. 1887. 873-2 Haurisius (B. C.) ed. Scriptores historiae Rom. Latini veteres. 1743-8. 878-08 Haverfield (F.) Military aspects of Roman Wales. 1910. 913-429 — ■ Roman Wall excavations : [1896]. In Pilgrimage of Rom. Wall. 1886. L913-428 Haverfield (F. ].) &- Greenwell (W.) Sculptured & inscribed stones in Cathed. Libr., Durham. 1899. L913-428 Havet (L.) Manuel de critique verbale. 1911. 870 Haydon (J. H.) See AUcroft (A. H.) &- Haydon (J- H.) Haydon (J. H.) trans. Cicero. Philippic II. [1892]. 875-2 — See also Burnet (A. F.) cS- Haydon (A. J.) trans. — See also Sykes (G. F. H.) (&• Haydon (J. H.) trans. Haydon (J. H.) & Allcroft (A. H.) edd. Homer. Odyssey, IX., X. [1891]. 883-1 — trans. Homer. Odyssey, IX.-XIV. [1891]. 883-1 Haydon (J. H.) cS- Plaistowe (F. G.) edd. Homer. Odyssey, XI., XII. [1891]. 883-1 — Homer. Odyssey, XIII., XIV. [1891]. 883-1 Hayes (B. J.) ed. See Allcroft (A. H.) cS^ Hayes (B. J.) edd. — ed-S- trans. Homer. Iliad, VI. [1888]. 883-1 — trans. Xenophon. Oeconomicus. [1888]. 888-3 Hayes (B. ].) & Masom (W. F.) Matriculation & Intermediate Grk. [1891]. 488-9 — Tutorial Latin grammar. [1892]. 475 Hayman (H.) ed. Homer. Odyssey. 1866-82. 883-1 Hazel (A. E. W.) See Richardson (F. L. D.) 6^ Hazel (A. E. W.) Head (B. V.) Brit. Mus. Catal. of Grk. coins: [Attica, Caria, Central Greece, Corinth, Ionia, Lydia, Macedon, Phrygia]. 1873- 1906. 737-38 — Gold and silver coins of the ancts. : Brit. Mus. 1881. 737 — Hist, numorum. 1887. 737-38 Headlam (A. C.) Ecclesiastical sites in Isauria. In Soc. for Prom, of Hellen. Studies — ■ Supp. papers. 1892-1900. 880-6 Headlam (C. E. S.) trans. Aeschylus. The Persians. 1909. Lending B749 — Aeschylus. Seven against Thebes. 1909. Lending B751, Headlam (W.) ed. 6- trans. Aeschylus. Agamemnon. 1910. 882-1 — • trans. Aeschylus. 1900-8. Lending B746 — Book of Grk. verse. 1907. 881 Heeren (A. H. L.) Gesch. d. classisch. Litteratur im Mittelalt. 1822. 879-09 — Manual of anct. hist. 1833. [Class 937]. 930 — Political hist, of anct. Greece. 1834. 938 Heinsius (D.) ed. Hesiod. 1603. 883-2 — • ed. &- trans. Maximus Tyrius. 1677. T2585 — prefator. Hesiod. 1701. T2105 Heinsius (N.) ed. Velleius Paterculus. 1678. T4085 Heinze (R.) Virgils epische Technik. 1903. 873-1 Heitland (W. E.) Roman Republic. 1909. 937-02 — Another copy. [Class 937-02]. Lending C9 531 -9 — • ed. Lucan. In Postgate's Corpus, tom. 2. 1905. 871-08 — prefator. Lucan ; ed. by Haskins. 1887. 873-2 Heitz (E.) ed. Aristotle. Fragmenta. 1869. 888-5 Helbig(W.) Das Homerische Epos. 1887. 883-1 — Les nillElS atheniens. 913-38 — Sur la question Mycenienne. 913-388 Heliodorus. See Greek Author List. Hellenic Studies, Society for. See Society for the Prom, of Hellen. Studies. Helm (R.) ed. Apuleius. 1905-10. 878-9 Hemans (C. I.) Hist. & monumental Rome. 1874. 913-37 Henderson (B. W.) Civil war in the Rom. Empire. 1908. 937-06 — Another copy. [Class 937-06]. Lending C9761 — Emperor Nero. 1903. [Class 937-06]. Armstrong College. Henley (J.) ed. Montfaucon's Antiquities of Italy. 1725. [Class 913-37]. T2799 Henry (J.) Aeneidea. 1873-89. 873-1 Henschel (G. A. L.) ed. Du Fresne (C.) Glos- sarium. 1883-7. 479-3 Hense (O.) ed. Musonius. 1905. 888-9 — See also Hermes (E.) &• others ; edd. Henzen (W.) ed. Acta Fratrum Arvalium. 1874. 878-9 — See also Mommsen (T.) & others ; edd. Heraclides, of Pontus. See Greek Author List. Herbert (H. H. M.) Earl of Carnarvon ; trans. Homer. Odyssey, I.-XII. 1886. Lending A4042 Herculaneum. Art ... ... ... 709-37 Hermann (C. F.) ed. Plato. Apology of Socrates, etc. 1875. Lending 8903 Hermann (F.) Die Stadt Rom. 1911. [Class 913-37]. 914-56 Hermann (G.) De ellipsi et pleonasmo in Graeca lingua. In Bos (L.) Ellipses Graecae. 1825. [Class 485-3]. Armstrong College. — ed. Euripides. Medea. 1822. 882-3 Hermann (J. G. J.) Aeschylus: new readings. 1853. Lending 2699 Hermathena, 1874 to date. [Class 870-5]. Armstrong College. Hermes, Trismegistus. See Greek Author List. Hermes : Zeitschrift. 1866, to date. 870-5 Hermes (E.) 6- others ; edd. L. A. Seneca. [Prose works]. 1898-1907. 878-5 Herodes. See Atticus Herodes (T. C.) in Greek Author List. Herodotus. See Greek Author List. Herrtage (S. J. H.) Palladius : rhyme index. 1873-9. 820-6 Herschel (C.) trans. Frontinus. Water supply of Rome. [1899]. 878-9 Herschel {Sir J. F. W.) trans. Homer. Iliad. 1866. 883-1 — Another copy. Lending A3328 Hertz (M.) ed. Gellius. 1903. 878-9 Hervieux(L.) Les Fabulistes lat. 1893-9. 878-08 Herwerden (H. van) Lexicon Gr. supp. et dialect. 1902, 483-7 239 INDEX Hesiod. See Greek Author List. Heslop (G. H.) ed. Demosthenes. Orationes publicae. 1893-1910. 885-6 Hesychius, of Alexandria. AEHIKON' cum notis Junii, Scaligeri, etc., accurante C. Schrevelio. 483 cr. 8vo. Ex officina Hackiana, Lugd. Batav. et Roterod., 1668. Added since the printing of the Classified List. Hesychius, of Miletus. See Diogenes, Laertius, in Greek Author List. Heurnius (J.) ed. Hippocrates. 1633. T1430 Heusinger (C.) ed. Cicero. De officiis. 1838. 875-4 Heusinger (J. F.) ed. Cicero. De officiis. 1838. 875-4 Heydenreich (E.) Fabius Pictor u. Livius. 1878. 878-4 Heyne (C. G.) ed. Pindar. 1815. 884-5 — Tibullus. In Catullus, etc. Opera. 1822. Lending 3491 — Virgil. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 — • Another edition. 1822. Lending Z5Z\ — Another edition. 1830. 873-1 — • Another edition. 1855. 873-1 Hickes(G.) Jovian. 1683. [Class 937-06]. T1420 Hickie (W. J.) trans. Aristophanes. 1853. 882-4 — ■ Another edition. 1901-2. Lending 210'^ Hicks (E. L.) ed. Grk. inscriptions : Attika. 1874. 481-7 Hicks (E.L.) &> Hill (G. F.) Grk. hist, inscrip- tions. 1901. 481-7 Hicks (R. D.) Stoic and Epicurean. 1910. 188 — ■ — Another copy. [Class 188]. Lending C^QSl Hierocles. See Greek Author List. Higher Grk. reader. [1892]. 488-6 Hilarius. See Latin Author List. Hild (J. A.) Etude sur les demons. 1881. 292 Hill (G. F.) Brit. Mus. Catal. of Grk. coins : [Cyprus, Lycaonia, Lycia, Phoenicia]. 1873-1910. 737-38 — Coins of anct. Sicily. 1903. 737-378 — • Grk. & Rom. coins. 1899. 737 — Another copy. [Class 737]. Lending B9 570 — lUus. of school classics. 1903. [Class 913-37]. Lending D761 — ■ Notes on additions to Grk. coins, Brit. Museum, 1887-1896. 737-38 — Reprints from the " Numismatic Chronicle." 1893-8. 737 — Sources for Grk. hist. 1897. 938 — See also Hicks (E. L.) & Hill (G. F.) Hill (J.) ed. Schrevelius. Lexicon Gr.-Lat. 1663. [Class 483-7]. T4007 Hiller (E.) ed. Tibullus. In Postgate's Corpus, torn. 1. 1894. 871-08 Himerius. Sophistae declamationes. 1878. In Philostratus. Opera. 1878. 888-9 Hind (R. D. Archer-) ed. Plato. Phaedo. 1883. Lending C3994 — 2nd ed. 1894. 888-4 — Plato. Timaeus. 1888. 888-4 Hinde (J. H.) Hist, of Northumbd. Pt. 1.— Under the Romans. 1858. L942-82 Hippocrates. See Greek Author List. Hirsch (S. A.) ed. See Nolan (E.) & Hirsch (S. A.) edd. See Newton {Sir C. T.) 6- See Mommsen (T.) & others ; Hirschfeld (G.) ed. others ; edd. Hirschfeld (O.) ed. edd. Hirschig (R. B.) & Schneider Plato. 1882-1900. Hirtius (Aulus). See under Caesar Latin Author List. Hirtzel (F. A.) ed. Virgil. [1900]. 873-1 — Another copy. Lending C9065 (C. E C.) edd. 888-4 (C. J.) in Historians, Greek. Criticism Greek & Latin. Criticism Latin. Collections ... Minor Latin. Collections History, Classical ... Greek Greek constitutional of classical literature of Greek literature of Latin literature Roman Roman. Bibliography Roman constitutional Hittorff (J.) &■ Zanth (L.) Sicile. [1827]. Hobbes (T.) Aristotle T. Hobbes. 1847. — Another edition. 1878. — Another edition. 1883. 888 878 878-08 878-9 937 938 342-389 ,. 870-9 ,. 880-9 ,. 870-9 937 016-937 342-379 Architecture de la 722-8 Rhetoric : analysis by Lending A792 (Bohn's library). Lending 2709 (Bohn's library). 888-5 In Hobbes' English works, 146 [Class 146]. Lending 9307 T3588 In Hobbes' English 1843. 146 Lending 9305-6 Greek Author List — — trans. Homer. vol. 10. 1844 — Another copy. — Thucydides. 1634 — Another edition. works, vols. 8-9. — Another copy. Hobhouse (W.) See Modern. Hodgkin (T.) Claudian. 1875. 7w Local tracts, dy. 8vo., vol. 36. L042 — Dynasty of Theodosius. 1889. L937-06 — Another copy. [Class 937-06]. Lending 1504: — Italy and her invaders, vols. 1-2. 1880. [Class 937-06]. 945 — Another copy. [Class 937-06]. Lending B4841-2 — The Pfahlgraben. 1882. [Also, Rom. camp of Saalburg. 1882]. L913-434 — Rom. occupation of Northumbd. 1898. [Class 913-428]. In Lit. & Phil. Lectures. L942-82 ~ Other copies. [Class 913-428]. Lending C3480, D1232 — Walls, gates, & aqueducts of Rome. 1899. L913-37 — Another copy. [Class 913-37], Lending C7030 Hoemes (M.) Urgesch. d. bildenden Kunst. 1898. [Class 913-37]. 913-4 Hofmann (F.) ed. Caesar. 1890. 878-1 Hogarth (D. G.) Philip & Alexander. 1897. 938-07 ~ Another copy. [Class 938-07]. Lending CI OIZ — ed. Authority & archaeol. 1899. [Class 913-37]. 220-93 — Another copy. [Class 913-37]. Lending D2538 240 INDEX Hogarth (D. G.) & Benson (E. F.) Prospects of research in Alexandria. 1894-5. (Soc. for Prom, of Hellen. Studies). 880-6 Holden (H. A.) ed. Cicero. De officiis. 1891. 875-4 — Plutarch. Life of Demosthenes. 1893. Lending CI 856 — Plutarch. Life of Pericles. 1894. 888-8 — Xenophon. Hieron. 1885. Lending A9048 — Xenophon. Oeconomicus. 1885. Lending A9049 Hole (R.) trans. Homer. Hymn to Ceres. In Poetical translations, vol. 1. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 12. 1795. 821-08 Holland (P.) trans. Pliny. 1601. 878-9 — Plutarch. Romane questions. 1892. L888-8 — Suetonius. 1899. 878-7 Hollerius (J.) ed. Hippocrates. 1576. T2045 Hollings (J. F.) Life of Cicero. 1839. Lending 7111 Holm (A.) Hist, of Greece. 1894-8. 938 Holmes (5iV G. C. V.) Ships.. 1900. 699 Holmes (T. R.) Anct. Britain. 1907. [Class 913-42]. 942-01 — Caesar's conquest of Gaul. 1899. 937*02 — 2nd ed. 1911. 937-02 Holstein (L.) ed. Democrates. In Gale's Opuscula. 1671. T1193 — Demophilus. In Gale's Opuscula. 1671. T1193 — Secundus. 1670. In Gale's Opuscula. 1671. T1193 Homer. See Greek Author List. Hooke (N.) Rom. hist. 1821. 937 — Another edition. 1825. [Cla.ss 937]. Lending 3156-61 Hooppell (R. E.) Rambles of an antiquary. 1898. L913-428 — Rom. remains at S. Shields. 1878. L913-4281 — Vinovia. 1891. L913-4281 Hoppe (H.) Syntax u. Styl d. TertuUian. 1903. 28M Hope (T.) Costume. 1875. 391 Horatius Flaccus (Quintus). See Latin Author List. Home (J. F.) Buried cities of Vesuvius. 1895. [Class 913-377]. Lending C3987 Horsley (J.) Britan. Romana. 1732. L913-42 Hosius (C.) ed. Gellius. 1903. 878-9 — See also Hermes (E.) cS- others ; edd. Hostius. See Latin Author List. Houghton (W.) Natural history of the ancients. [1879]. [Class 590]. Lending A3624 Housman (A. E.) ed. Juvenal. In Postgate's Corpus, tom. 2. 1905. 871-08 — See also Palmer (A.) 6- others ; edd. — trans. Aristophanes. Lysistrata. 1911. Lending A2560 Howell {A. ].) ed. Horace. 1838. Lending 2Q94: Howes (F.) trans. Horace. 1845. Lending A2394 Hoyt (J. K.) Cyclop, of pract. quotns., Eng. and Lat. 1909. [Class 878]. 808-8 Hude (C.) ed. Herodotus. [1908]. 888-1 — - Thucydides. 1905-6. Lending B666-7 Hudemann (E. E.) Gesch. d. rom. Postwesens. 1878. 913-37 Hudson (J.) ed. Dionysius. 1704, T1338-9 — Thucydides. 1696. T3589 — Another edition. 1731. Armstrong College. Hudson-Williams (T.) ed. See Williams (T. Hudson-) ed. Hiibner (E.) ed. See Mommsen (T.) 6- others ; edd. Hueffer (F.) trans. Guhl & Koner's Life of the Grks. & Romans. [1879?]. 913-37 Huelsen (C.) Rom. forum. 1906. 913-37 — ■ See also Kiepert (H.) <&- Huelsen (C.) Huet (P. D.) Lib. de origine fabul. Romanen- sium. 1682. [Class 870]. T1692 Hug (A.) ed. Xenophon. Expeditio Cyri. 1888. 888-3 — Xenophon. Institutio Cyri. 1889. 888-3 Hughes (W.) Atlas of class. Geogr. 1874.912-3 — Another edition. 1895. [Class 912-3]. Lending 2711 Hulsebos (G. A.) De educatione apud Romanes. 1875. 370-937 Hultsch (F.) cS- Shuckburgh (E. S.) trans. Polybius. 1889. 888-9 Humbert (G.) trans. Mommsen, 6- others. Manuel d. antiquites rom. 1893-1907. 913-37 Humphreys (D.) trans. Montfaucon's Antiq. explained. 1721-5. [Class 913-37]. T4512-6, T5374-5 Humphreys (H. N.) Coin collector's manual. 1853. [Class 737]. Lending 2292 — Illuminated books. 1849. 417 Hunt (A. S.) ed. Catal. of Grk. papyri in John Rylands Library, vol. 1. 1911. 091 — See also Grenfell (B. P.) 6- Hunt (A. S.) edd. Hunter (W. A.) Roman law. 1885. [Class 349-37]. Lending 2942 Hunziker (J.) Plato ; ex rec. R. B. Hirschigii : summaries, index, etc., by Hunziker. 1882-1900. 888-4 Husbandry ... ... ... ... ... 630 Huschke (I. G.) ed. Tibullus. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Hutchinson (T.) ed. Xenophon. De Cyri institutione. 1738. 888-3 Hutchison (W. G.) trans. Boissier's Tacitus. 1906. [Class 870-4]. Armstrong College. Hutton (C. A.) Grk. terracotta statuettes. In Murray's Grk. Bronzes. 1899. [Class 738-38]. 739 Hutton (E.) Rome. [1909]. [Class 913-37]. Lending 2933 Hutton (W.) Roman Wall. 1802. L913-428 — Another edition. 1813. L913-428 Hyginus (C. J.) See Latin Author List. Hymns, Latin ... ... ... ... 879-1 Hyperides. See Greek Author List. I lamblichus. See Greek Author List. Ibycus. See Greek Author List. Idioms, Greek ... ... ... ... 483-1 Ihm (M.) ed. Anthologia Lat. : supp. 1906. 871-08 Ihne (W.) Early Rome. 1877. [Class 937]. Lending 3360 ~ Hist, of Rome. 1871-82. 937 241 Q INDEX. Ihne (W.) Hist, of Rome, contd. — Another copy. [Class 937]. Lending A4:l 51-5 Inge (W. R.) Society in Rome. 1888. [Class 913-37]. Lending C8700 Ingram (J. K.) Smith and Hall's Smaller Lat. dicty. : etymological portion. 1893. [Class 473-2]. Lending C3141 Inscriptiones antiquae Basilicae S. Pauli. 1654. 471-7 Inscriptions ... ... ... ... 417 Greek 481-7 Latin 471-7 Introd. to Lat. tongue. 1817. L478 Inwood (H. W.) Erechtheion at Athens. 1831. 722-8 Ionia. Antiquities ... ... ... ... 913*38 Isaeus. See Greek Author List. Iscanus (Joseph) See Josephus, Exoniensis. Isidore, St. See Latin Author List. Isocrates. See Greek Author List. Italicus. See Latin Author List. Italy, ancient. Description ... ... 913-37 History 937 Itinerarium Alexandri. See Latin Author List. Jackson (H.) Texts to illustrate Greek philoso- phy. 1901. 180 Jackson (J.) trans. Aurelius Antoninus. 1906. 888-9 Jacob (F.) ed. Lucilius Junior. 1826. 871-7 Jacobs (F. C. W.) ed. Epigrammatum anthol. Palatina. 1871-90. 881-08 Jacobs (R.) ed. Sallust. 1894. 878-2 Jahn (O.) ed. Persius. 1843. 877-4 Jahnke (R.) ed. Luctatius Placidus. Comment. [on] Statins. 1898. 873-5 Jahresbericht ii. d. Fortschritte d. klass. Altertumswissenschaft. 1907, to date. « [Class 870-5]. Armstrong College. Janin (J.) Horace. 1859. In Estienne (J. A.) Les Epitres d'Horace. 1851. 874-5 Jean, de Capoue. See Joannes, de Capua, in Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. Jebb {Sir R. C.) Essays & addresses. 1907. [Class 870-4]. Lending A601 — Grk. lit. 1905. [Class 880-9]. Lending A2939 — Growth of classical Grk. poetry. 1893. 881-04 — Another copy. [Class 881-04]. Lending D743 — Homer. 1887. Lending B6522 — 4thed. 1892. 883-1 — Speeches of Thucydides. In Abbott (E.) ed. Hellenica. 1880. 880-4 — See also Greek Author List — Modem. — See also Thompson (Sir E. M.) &• Jebb (Sir R. C.) — ed. Selectns. from the Attic orators. 1888. 885-08 — Sophocles. 1897. Lending C6240 — • ed. & trans. Bacchylides. 1905. 884-9 — Sophocles. 1883-96. 882-2 — ■ Theophrastus. 1870. 888-9 — Another copy. Lending CGSll — Another edition. 1909. 888-9 — trans. Aristotle. Rhetoric. 1909. 888-5 Jenkin (R.) trans. Tillemont's Apollonius Tyaneus. 1702. [Class 182-2]. T169 Jerram (C. S.) ed. Cebes. 1898. 888-9 Jevons (F. B.) Hist, of Grk. lit. [1886]. [Class 880-9]. Lending B2866 — 2nd ed. [1889]. L880-9 — Study of Grk. lit. 1888. L880-7 — ed. Plutarch. Romane questions ; tr. by P. Holland. 1892. L888-8 Jewellery ... ... ... ... ... 739 Jewitt (L. F. W.) ed. Xenophon. Panegyric on Agesilaus. 1880. Lending 891,*} Joannes, de Capua. See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. John, Stobaeus. See Greek Author List. John (C.) Gerber & Greef's Lexicon Taciteum : [letters] U et V. Johnson (S.) Julian the Apostate. 1689. [Class 937-06]. T1753 Johnston (W. P.) Grk. lit. criticism. 1907. 880 — ■ Another edition. [Class 880]. Lending A6001 Jones (A. D.) trans. Boissier's Cicero & his friends. [1897]. [Class 913-37]. 920 Jones (H. P.) ed. Diet, of class, quotatns. 1900. [Class 878]. 808-8 Jones (H. S.) Rom. empire. 1908. [Class 937-06]. Lending D2463 ~ed. Thucydides. [1898]. 888-2 Jones (O.) Humphreys' Illuminated books ; illus. by O. Jones.' 1849. 417 Jones (W. H. S.) Teaching of Latin. 1905. [Class 470- 7] . Lending D 1 932 Jordan (H.) ed. Preller's Romische Mythologie. 1881-3. 292 Jomandes. See Latin Author List. Josephus, Exoniensis. De bello Trojano lib. VI. [Class 938-01]. In Dictys, Cretensis. De bello Trojano ; cur. A. J. Valpy. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 1, 1880 to date. 880-6 Jovian ... ... ... ... •■• 937-06 ] owett (B.) prefator. Plato. Selections from the Dialogues ; notes by Purves, 1891. Lending C4014 — • trans. Aristotle. Politics. 1905. Lending 5260 — Another copy. 888-5 — Plato. Dialogues. 1875. 888-4 — ■ Plato. Four Socratic dialogues. 1903. Two copies. Lending 5587, D917 — Plato. Republic. 1881. Lending C392 — 3rd ed. 1888. 888-4 — Plato. Selection [by Knight] from trans. of Jowett. 1895. Lending C4364 — Thucydides. 1881. 8882 — 2nd ed. 1900. Lending D985 Jowett (B.) &> Campbell (L.) edd. Plato. Republic. 1894. 888-4 Judeich (W.) Topographic von Athen. 1905. 913-385 Julian 937-06 Julius Capitolinus. See Capitolinus (Julius) in Latin Author List. Julius Valerius. See Valerius (Julius) in Latin Author List. Jullien (E.) Les Professeurs de litterature dans I'ancienne Rome. 1885. 870-7 Jungermann (G.) ed. Herodotus, 1608. T2042 242 INDEX Junius (A.) ed. See Hesychius, of Alexandria, in Index. Justin. See Latin Author List. Juvenalis (Decimus Junius). See Latin Author List. Juvencus. See Latin Author List. K Kaden (W.) See Stieler (K.) 6- others. Kahnweiler (B.) trans. Pottier's Douris. 1909* 738-38 Kapp (J.) ed. Valerius Maximus. Lending 3630 — ■ Another edition. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Kassner (R.) trans. Plato. Gastmahl. 1903. Lending D854 Keightley (T.) Mythology of anct. Greece and Italy. 1883. 292 — Another edition. 1896. [Class 292]. Lending 2330 Keil (H.) ed. Cato. 1882. 878-9 Grammatici Latini. 1857-70. 470 — Plinv. 1870. 876-2 Keller (O') Der Satumische Vers. 1883. 476 — • ed. Pseudacronis scholia in Horatium. 1902-4. 874-5 — Xenophon. Historia Graeca. 1891. 888-3 Kelly (W. K.) trans. Erotica : Catullus and Tibullus. 1854. 874-2 — • Another copy. Lending 2713 Kelsev (F. W.) trans. Man's Pompeii. 1899. 913-377 Kennedy (B. H.) Latin grammar. 1900. [Class 475]. Lending D2335 — ed. Virgil. 1881. 873-1 — • trans. Aristophanes. Birds. 1874. 882-4 — Plato. Theaetetus. 1894. 888-4 Kennedy (C. R.) trans. Demosthenes. 1852-81. 885-6 — ■ Another edition. 1856-76. Lending 2722-6 Kennedy (H. A. A.) Sources of New Test. Grk. 1895. 487-3 Kennet (B.) Lives of Green, poets. 1697. [Class 881]. T2480 — Romae antiq. notitia. 1696. [Class 913-37]. T2481 — Another edition. 1746. • 913-37 Kenrick (J.) Phoenicia. 1855. 939-44 — • ed. Matthiae's Grk. grammar. 1832. [Class 485]. Lending A4193 Kenyon {Sir F. G.) Palaeogr. of Grk. papyri. 1899. 481-7 — ed. Bacchylides. 1897. 884-9 — Facs. of Biblical mss. 1900. 417 — Grk. papyri in the Brit. Mus. 1893-8. 091 — Hyperides. [1906]. 885-7 — • trans. Aristotle. On the Athenian constitu- tion. 1891. 888-5 — Another copy. Lending B7 028 Ker (J.) Selectarum de lingua Latina observa- tionum lib. duo. 1708-9. [Class 473]. T2487-8 Kerin (R. C. B.) ed. See Fearenside (C. S.) &- Kerin (R. C. B.) edd. Kerin (R. C. B.) cS- Allcroft (A. H.) edd. Cicero. Pro Plancio. [1891]. 875-2 Kiefer (O.) trans. Aurelius Antoninus. Selbst- betrachtungen. 1903. Lending D847 Kiepert (H.) Atlas antiq. 1859. 912-3 — ■ Formae orbis antiqui. 1894, etc. 912-3 * — Man. of anct. geography. 1881. 913-37 Kiepert (H.) & Huelsen (C.) Formae urbis Rom. antiq. 1896. 912-37 Kiepert (R.) ed. Kiepert (H.) Formae orbis antiqui. 1894. etc. 912-3 Kiessling (A.) 6- Schoell (R.) edd. Asconius Pedianus. 1875. 875-2 King (C. W.) trans. Plutarch. Morals. 1882. 888-8 — ■ Another copy. Lending 2781 King (J. E.) & Cookson (C.) Comparative grammar. 1890. [Class 475]. Lending C6563 — Sound and inflexion. 1888. 414 King (J. R.) ed. Cicero. Philippic orations. 1878. 875-2 King (W.) ed. Mitford's Hist, of Greece. 1838. 938 — Another copy. [Class 938]. Lending A 1995-2002 King (W. F. H.) Class, quotatns. 1889. [Class 878]. 808-8 Kingsley (C.) Heroes. [1855]. 292 — Another edition. 1897. [Class 292]. Lending B139 — Another edition. 1898. [Cla.ss 292]. Lending A20 Kipling (T.) ed. Codex Bezae. 1793. 417 Kirchhoff (A.) ed. Aeschylus. 1880. 882-1 — Euripides. 1855. 882-3 — Plotinus. Opera. 1856 888-9 ICirchmann (J.) De funeribus Roman. 1661. [Class 913-37]. T1918 Kirk ( — ) Outlines from Grk., Rom. & Etrusc. vases. 1804. 738 Klotz (A.) ed. Statins. Silvae. 1900. 873-5 Klotz (A.) &■ Kohlmann (P.) edd. Statins. 1884-1902. 873-5 Klussmann (R.) ed. Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum. 1909-11. 016-87 Knight (M. J.) ed. Plato. Selections. 1895. Lending C4364 Knowles (W. H.) See Forster (R. H.) &- Knowles (W. H.) Kock (T.) ed. Aristophanes. 1893-4. 882-4 — Comicorum Attic, fragm. 1880-8. 882-08 Koenig (G. L.) ed. Persius. 1819. Lending 3508 — ■ Another edition. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Korting (G.) Latein.-roraanisch. Worterb. 1907. 479-3 Kohlmann (P.) ed. See Klotz (A.) 6- Kohlmann (P.) edd. Koner (W.) See Guhl (E.) &■ Koner (W.) Kopomelas (D. A.) See Greek Author List — • Modem. Kopp (U. F.) ed. Capella. 1836. 878-9 Koppe (J. B.) trans. Pindar. 1815. 884-5 Kortte (G.) ed. Sallust. 1818. Lending 3523 — ■ Another edition. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Koziol (H.) Der Stil d. Apuleius. 1872. 878-9 Kraner (F.) ed. Caesar. 1890. 878-1 Kraner (F.) & Dittenbei-ger (W.) edd. Caesar. 1887. Lending D2697 243 INDEX Krause (J. C. H.) ed. Velleius Paterculus. In Florus (L. A.) Epitome rerum Romanar. 1818. Lending 3506 — Another edition. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Krebs (J. P.) Antibarbarus der latein. Sprache. 1905-7. 473-3 Krokidas (K. S.) See Greek Author List — Mediaeval and Modem. Krueger (P.) See Mommsen (T.) &- others. Krueger (P.) & Mommsen (T.) edd. Corpus juris civilis. 349-37 Krueger (P.) 6^ Studemund (G.) edd. CoUectio libror. juris antejustiniani. 1878-1905. 349-371 Kiihn (J.) ed. Aelianus. 1685. ' T7 Pausanias. 1696. 888-9 Kiihnast (L.) Die Hauptpunkte der livian. Syntax. 1872. 878-4 Kiihner (R.) ed. Xenophon. De Socrate com- mentarii. [1858]. 888-3 Kiihnoel (C. G.) ed. Propertius. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 — Another edition. 1822. Lending MQ\ Kuster (L.) ed. Suidas. Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. 1705. [Class 483-7]. T4731-3 Kynaston (H.) trans. Euripides. Alcestis. 1906. Lending 5435 — Another copy. L882-3 La Baune (J. de) ed. Plinius. Panegyricus Trajano dictus. 1728. 876-2 Laberius (D.) See Latin Author List. Lachmann (K.) ed. Tibullus. 1835. 874-1 — For estimate of his work on Lucretius, see Munro's Lucretius, vol. 1. 1893. 871-1 Lactantius (L. C. F.) See Latin Author List. Lactantius Placidus. See Luctatius Placidus. Ladek (F.) De Octavia praetexta : [Seneca]. [1890]. 872-6 • Lady, The Greek & Roman 396-937 Laevius. See Latin Author List. Lafaye (G.) Hist, du culte des divinites d'Alex- andrie. 1884. [Class 292]. Armstrong College. Lamarre (C.) Etude sur les peuples anc. de I'ltalie. 1899. 870-9 — Hist, de la litt. lat. 1901-7. 870-9 Lamb (G.) trans. Tibullus. 1854. 874-2 — Another copy. Lending 2713 La Mothe le Vayer (F.) Notitia historicorum selectorum. 1678. [Class 878]. T2053 Lampridius (A.) See Latin Author List. Lampros (S. P.) HTOPIA TH2 EAAAA02. 1886. [Class 938]. 949-5 Lanciani (R.) Anct. Rome. 1894. 913-37 — New tales of old Rome. 1901. 913-37 — Pagan & Christian Rome. 1892. 913-37 — Ruins of anct. Rome. 1897. 913-37 Lane (G. M.) Latin grammar. 1899. [Class 475]. Lending C684:2 Lang (A.) Homer and his age. 1906. Lending A4014 — Another copy. 883-1 — Homer & the epic. 1893. 883-1 — World of Homer. 1910. Lending C7583 Lang (A.) contd. — prefator. Aristotle. Politics. 1877. Lending 1504 — Sellar's Roman poets : memoir. 1899. 874-5 — trans. Homer. Hymns. 1899. 883-1 — Theocritus, Bion & Moschus. 1892. Lending B9946 — See also Butcher (S. H.) 6- Lang (A.) Lang (A.) &■ others ; trans. Homer. Iliad. 1895. 883-1 — ■ Another edition. 1897. Lending T>21 ^5 Lange (A. G.) Vindiciae tragoediae Romanae. 1822. 872 Langen (P.) Beitrage zur Kritik des Plautus. 1880. 872-3 — Plautinische Studien. 1886. 872-3 Langhome (J.) &- (W.) trans. Plutarch. 1831-2. Lending 7578-84 — Another edition. [1881]. Lending M5\ Langston (J.) Lusus poeticus Latino- Anglicanus. 1679. 871 Lanzi (L.) Saggiodiling. Etrusca. 1824-5. 477-5 Larfeld (W.) Griech. Epigraphik. 1907-8. 481-7 La Rochette (S.) See Chardon de la Rochette (S.) Lasson (A.) trans. Aristotle. Metaphysik. 1907. 888-5 Latham (E.) Famous sayings. 1904. [Class 878]. 808-8 Latin antiquities ... ... ••• ... 9 13' 37 composition ... ... ... .•• 478-2 courses. Elementary ... ... 478-2 dialects ... ... ... ... 477 dictionaries ... ... ... ... 473 drama. Collections ... ... •■■ 872-08 Criticism ... ... ••• 872 Early. Specimens ... ... ...47701 exam, papers — London University... 478-9 extracts ... ... .•• ... 478-7 fables. Collections ... ... 878-08 grammar ... ... ... ... 475 grammarians. Corpus ... ... 470 historians. Collections ... ... 878-08 inscriptions ... ... ... ... 471-7 language ... ... ■•• ■•■ 470 History of 470-9 life • 913-37 literature. Bibliography ... ...016-87 Criticism ... ... 870 Essays on ... ... 870-4 History 870-9 Lectures on ... ... 870-4 Societies ... ... 870*6 lyric poetry. Criticism ... ... 874 manuscripts. Catalogues, etc. ... 091 metre ... ... ... ... ... 476 miscellany ... ... ■•• •■■ 878 Modern &■ mediaeval. Language ... 479 Literature ... 879 orators. Corpus ... ... ■•■ 875-08 philosophy ... ... ... ..• 180 phrases 470 place names. [See Graesse] ...913-37 poetry. Corpus ... ... ... 871-08 Criticism ... ... ... 871 History 871-09 Lectures 871-04 primers ... ... ... •.- 478-2 244 fNDEX. Latin pronunciation prose composition prosody quotations readers rustic writers. Corpus satire ... school books ... speech Teaching of ... verbs 471-5 478-2 476 878 478-6 878 877 478 477 470-7 475-18 Lauderdale, Earl of. See Maitland (R.) Earl of Lauderdale. Launspach (C. W. L.) State & family in early Rome. 1908. 913-37 — Another copy. [Class 913-37]. Lending B3926 Laurentius (Joannes) Lydian. See Greek Author List. Lauro (G.) Antiq. urbis splendor. [1641]. [Class 913-7]. T2526 La Ville de Mirmont (H. de). Etudes sur I'anc. poes. lat. 1903. 871-04 — ■ Another copy. [Class 871-04]. Lending D280 Law 349 Lawson (J. C.) Modern Greek folklore. 1910. 292 Lawton (W. C.) Successors of Homer. 1898. Lending C4143 Leaf (W.) Companion to Iliad. 1892. • 883-1 — ed. Homer. Ilias. 1895. 883-1 — ■ Another copy. Lending AT 27 9 — Same ; with notes. 1900-2. 883-1 — Another copy. Lending DQ92-3 — trans. See Lang (A.) 6- others ; trans. Leake (W. M.) Researches in Greece. 1814.489 — Topogr. of Athens. 1841. 913-385 Learning, Classical 870-7 Leary (T. H. L.) ed. Cicero. Orationes. 1878. Lending 8876 — Demosthenes. On the crown, & The Philippic orations. 1879. Lending 8880 — Herodotus. [1861]. Lending 8884-7 — Homer. 1858-80. Lending 8888-95 — Virgil. Aeneid ; ed. by H. Young. 1878. Lending 8911 Le Clerc (J.) ed. Hesiod. 1701. T2105 Leeuwen (J. van) Aristophanes : codex Ravennas. 1904. 481-7 — Commentationes Homericae. 1911. 883-1 — Prolegomena ad Aristophanem. 1908. Armstrong College. Lefebvre (G.) Papyrus de Menandre. 1911. 882-6 Lef^vre (A.) ed. See Dacier (A.) ed. Legends. Mythology 290 Leges XII. tabularum. 1547. [Class 349-371]. T2780 — Another edition. 1866. 349-371 Lehmann (K.) Die Angriffe der drei Barkiden auf Italien. 1905. 937-02 Leighton (R. F.) Hist, of Rome. 1901. [Class 937]. Lending B8597 Leitch (J.) trans. Miiller's Anct. art. 1852. 709-3 — Another copy. [Class 709-3]. Lending A2007 Leland (C. G.) Unpublished legends of Virgil. 1899. 873-1 — Another copy. Lending C7133 Leland (T.) trans. Demosthenes. 1830. Lending 7563 Lemprifere (F. D.) ed. Lemprifere's Class, diet. 1839. 913-37 Lempridre (J.) Class, diet. 1839. 913-37 Le Nain de Tillemont (L. S.) Apollonius Tyaneus. 1702. [Class 182-2]. T169 Lenglet du Fresnoy (N.) Geographia antiqua. 1742. [Class 913-37]. T1095 Leo (F.) Plautinische Forschungen zur Kritik d. Komedie. 1895. 872-3 — ed. Virgil. CuleK, etc. 1891. 873-1 Leopold (I. H.) ed. Aurelius Antoninus. [1908]. 888-9 Lernutius ( J .) See Latin Author List — 'Mediaeval and Modern. Le Roy (J. D.) Les Ruines de la Gr^ce. 1758. 722-8 Lesbonax. See Greek Author List. Lessing (J.) ed. Winckelmann. Gesch. d. Kunst. 1870. 709-3 L'Estrange {Sir R.) trans. Aesop. 1692. 888-6 — 3rd ed. [1699. Reprinted 1879]. 888-6 — Cicero. Offices. 1681. T1073 — Erasmus. Colloquies. 1680. T1652 — Seneca. Morals. 1688. T3312 Le Sueur (N.) ed. Leges duodecim tabularum. 1547. [Class 349-371]. T2780 Lethaby (W. R.) Grk. buildings. 1908. 722-8 Letus (Julius Pomponius). See Pomponius Laetus (J.) Leunclavius (J.) See Lowenklau (J.) Levien (E.) See Hamilton (W. D.) S- Levien (E.) Lewes (G. H.) Aristotle. 1864. 185-1 Lewis (C. T.) 6- Short (C.) A Latin dictionary. 1879. 473-2 Lewis (Sir G. C.) Astronomy of the ancients. 1862. 520-9 — Another copy. [Class 520-9]. Lending KUll — Credibility of Rom. hist. 1855. 937 — Another copy. [Class 937]. Lending K1318 — Romance langs. 1839. 479 — ed. Babrius. 1846. Lending 702 — trans. Miiller's Hist, of the lit. of anct. Greece. 1847. [Class 880-9]. Lending A 1570 For later editions, see next entry but one. — • See also Tufnell (H.) &- Lewis [Sir G. C.) trans. Lewis [Sir G. C.) &■ Donaldson (J. W.) trans. Miiller's Hist, of the lit. of anct. Greece ; contin. by Donaldson. 1858. 880-9 Lewis (W. L.) trans. Statins. Thebaid. In Poetical translations, vol. 3. 821-08 — Another edition. In Johnson (S.) & Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 20. 1880. Lending 5351 Libanius. See Greek Author List. Licetus (F.) Ad Syringam a Theocrito com- pactam encyclopaedia. 884-6 Licinianus. See Latin Author List. Licinius Macer Calvus (Caius) . See Latin Author List. Liddell (H. G.) Hist, of Rome. 1855. [Class 937]. Lending A11S7 — Another edition. 1877. Lending A2551 245 INDEX. Liddell (H. G.) & Scott (R.) Grk.-Eng. lexicon. 1883. 483-2 — Another edition. 1901. 4832 — Another copy. [Class 483-2]. Lending C51Q — Another edition. Abridged. 1892. [Class 483-2]. Lending C2997 Liddell (H. T.) Earl of Ravensworth ; trans. Horace. Odes. 1858. L874-5 — See also Rickards (G. K.) & Liddell (H. T.) trans. — See also Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modem. Life, Greek 913-38 * Greek &■ Roman ... ... ... 91337 Roman 913-37 Lindenbrog (F.) ed. Marcellinus. 1693. T2513 — See also Scaliger (J.) 6- others; edd. Lindsay (A. W. C.) Etrusc. inscriptions. 1872. 477-5 Lindsay (W. M.) Latin language. 1894. 470-9 — ed. Isidore. [1910]. 878-9 — Martial. [1902]. 877-6 — Nonius Marcellus. 1903. 878-9 — Plautus. [1903]. 872-3 — Plautus. Captivi. 1900. 872-3 Lindsay (W. S.) Merchant shipping. 1874. [Class 699]. Lending A1166 Lipsius (J.) Roma illustrata. 1698. [Class 913-37]. T2204 — ed. Pervigilium Veneris. 1712. 874 — Valerius Maximus. 1594. T4082 — See also Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Lipsius (J. H.) ed. Meier & Schomann. Der Attische Process. 1883-7. [Class 349-38]. Armstrong College. Listrius (G.) ed. Erasmus. Moriae encomium. 1648. T947 Literature. Classical ... ... ... 870 Greek 880 Latin 870 Littlebury (I.) ^mws. Herodotus. 1709. T1408-9 Livius (Titus). See Latin Author List. Lloyd (W. W.) Age of Pericles. 1875. 938-04 — Elucidations of Pindar. In his History of Sicily. 1872. Lending A1301 — Hist, of Sicily. 1872. [Class 937-8], Lending A 1301 Lobeck (C. A.) Aglaophamus. 1829. 292 'Lock.ey {].) trans. Cicero. Pro Cluentio. [1888]. 875-2 Lodge (B.) ed. Palladius. 1873-9. 820-6 Lodge (C. H.) trans. Winckelmann's Hist, of anct. art among the Greeks. 1850. [Class 709-38]. Lending A4370 Lodge (G.) See Gildersleeve (B. L.) &• Lodge (G.) Lodge {T.) trans. L. A. Seneca. Workes, Morrall and naturall. 1614. 878-5 Lowenklau (J.) ed. Xenophon. De Cyri insti- tutione. 1674. T4753 — trans. Xenophon. AllOMNHMONEYMA- TQN BIBAIA A', etc. [1690]. T4754 London University. B.A. Grk. exam, papers. [1888]. [Class 488-9]. 378-421 B.A. Latin notabilia. [1890]. [Class 478-9]. 378-421 B.A. unseens. [1888]. [Class 478-9]. 378-421 Latin honours. [1889]. [Class 478-9]. 378-421 London University contd. Matric. and Intermed. Grk. [1891]. [Class 488-9]. 378-421 Undergraduate unseens. [1890]. [Class 478-9]. 378-421 Long (G.) Decline of Rom. Republic. 1864-74. 937-02 — Another copy. [Class 937-02]. Lending A1177-81 — ed. Cicero. Orationes. 1855-62. 875-2 — Horace. 1881. 874-5 — • Hughes' Atlas of class, geogr. 1874. 912-3 — Another edition. 1895. Lending 2711 — trans. Aurelius Antoninus. 1877. Lending 2701 — Another edition. 1883. 888-9 — Another edition. 1901. Lending C8589 — Epictetus. Discourses. 1902. 888-9 — Epictetus. [Works]. 1877. 888-9 — Another copy. Lending 2729 Longinus (D. C.) See Greek Author List. Longolius (P. D.) 14:Q — ■ Another copy . 870-9 — Lect. on Grk. poetry. 1910. 881-04 — ■ Another copy. [Class 881-04]. Lending B7779 — ed. 100 best poems in Lat. lang. 1905. [Class 871-08]. Lending 5424 — trans. Homer. Odyssey. 1903-10. 883-1 — Another copy. Lew^iMg 6359, 6362 — Select epigrams from the Grk. anthol. 1906. 881-08 Mackay (R. W.) trans. Plato. Meno. 1869. Lending A3547 Mackenna (S.) trans. Plotinus. On the beau- tiful . 1 908 . Lending A 1 1 35 Mackenzie (K. R. H.) trans. Herodotus. Life of Homer. In Homer. Odysse3^ etc. ; tr. by T. A. Buckley. 1851. 883-1 — Another edition. 1891. Lending 21 3Q Mackenzie (T.) Roman law. 1870. 349-37 MacLauchlan (H.) Memoir written during survey of Watling St. 1864. L91 3-4282 — Notes on Rom. roads. 1867. L913-4282 — Roman Wall. 1857. [Also The Watling St. 1852]. L913-428 — Watling St. 1864. L913-428 Macleane (A. J.) ed. Horace. 1855. Lending 3265 — Another edition. 1881. 874-5 — Juvenal & Persius. 1867. 877-7 M'Mahon (J. H.) trans. Aristotle. Metaphysics. 1874. Lending 2706 — Another edition. 1879. 888-5 Macmillan, & Co. ; publishers. Guide to Italy 1901. [Class 913-37]. 914-5 Macmillan (M. C.) First Latin grammar. 1881. [Class 475]. Lending B9678 Macnaghten (H. V.) 6- Ramsay (A. B.) edd. Catullus. 1899. Lending C9031 Macrobius. See Latin Author List. Macurdy (G. H.) Chronology of Euripides. 1906. Armstrong College. Madden {Sir F.) trans. Silvestre's Universal palaeography. 1850. 417 Maecenas. See Elegiac, in Latin Author List. Magic 133 Magnum etymologicum. 1549. T5359 Magnus (L.) &■ Berry (G. G.) trans. Gomperz's Greek thinkers. 1901. 180-9 MahafEy (J. P.) Grk. antiquities. 1878. [Class 913-38]. Lending A24:15 — Grk. life & thought. 1887. [Class 913-38]. Lending C3274 — Grk. world under Rom. sway. 1890. [Class 913-38]. Lending C6819 — Hist, of class. Grk. lit. 1895-1903. 880-9 — Old Grk. education. 1883. [Class 370-938]. Lending B3589 — Problems in Grk. hist. 1892. [Class 938]. Lending B9868 — Rambles, etc., in Greece. 1887. [Class 913-38]. Lending C1289 — Silver age of the Grk. world. 1906. 938-09 — Social life in Greece. 1902. [Class 913-38]. Lending 2423 — ed. Duruy's Hist, of Rome. 1884-6. 937 — prefator. Duruy's Hist, of Greece. 1892. 938 Mahafiy (J. P.) &> Oilman (A.) Alexander's empire. 1887. [Class 938-07]. Lending B4245 Mair (A. W.) trans. Hesiod. 1908. Lending A7028 Maitland (C.) Church in the catacombs. 1846. [Class 913-37]. Lending 9165 Maitland (R.) Earl of Lauderdale ; trans. Virgil. [1718]. 873-1 Maittaire (M.) ed. Opera et frag. vet. poetar. Lat. 1717. [Class 871-08]. T2508-9 Maius (A.) ed. Cicero. De re publica. 1846. 875-4 — Gargilius Martialis. 1846. 878-9 — Symmachus. 1846. 875 Major (J. R.) ed. Guide to the Grk. tragedians. [1836]. 882 — Parkhurst's Lexicon to New Test. 1851. 487-33 — Scapula. Lexicon Gr.-Lat. 1820. 483-7 — Schrevelius. Grk. lexicon. 1847. 483-2 Malelas (J.) Bentley. Emendationes in Menandri, etc., reliquias ; accedit Epistola critica de Johanne Malela. 1713. T3352 Mallock(W.H.) Lucretius. 1878. Lending 5159 — ■ trans. Lucretius. 1900. Lending D28 Mamertinus (C.) See Latin Author List. Manatt (J. I.) See Tsountas (C.) <&- Manatt (J. 1.) Manchester. John Rylands Library. Catal. of Grk. papyri, vol. 1. 1911. 091 Manilius (M.) See Latin Author List. Manitius (M.) Gesch. d. christl.-latein. Poesie. 1891. 879-1 Mansi (G. D.) ed. Fabricius. Bibliotheca Latina. 1858. 016-87 247 I NDEX, Mantzius (K.) Hist, of theat. art. 1903. 792 Manuscripts, Greek <&- Latin ... ... 091 Manutius (P.) See Latin Author List — ^Mediaeval and Modern. Manwaring (E.) Account of classical authors. 1737. [Class 870-9]. T3199 Maps 912-3 Marbles, Ancient ... ... ... ... 733 Marcellinus (Ammianus) . See Latin Author List. Marchand (L. J. M.) Count. Napoleon I. Precis des guerres de Cesar ecrit sous la dictee de I'Empereur. 1836. 937 Marchant (E. C.) ed. A Grk. anthol. 1899. [Class 881-08]. Lending C7267 — Xenophon. 1900-10. 888-3 Marchant (E. C.) & Spencer (J. G.) Bell's Lat. course. 1904. [Class 478-2]. Lending 2425 Marchant (J. R. V.) & Charles (J. F.) edd. Cassell's Latin dictionary. 1892. [Class 473-2]. Lending C1480 Marcus Aurelius. See Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus) in Greek Author List. Margoliouth (D. S.) trans. Aristotle. Poetics. [1911]. Armstrong College. Marinus. See Greek Author List. Markland (J.) ed. Lysias. 1739. T1106 — See also Taylor (E.) 6- others ; edd. Marmontel (J. F.) trans. Lucan. 1816. 873-2 Marquardt (J.) See Mommsen (T.) cS- others. Marshall (F. H.) Catal. of jewellery in Brit. Mus. 1911. 739 Marshall (J.) Hist, of Grk. philosophy. 1891. 180-9 Marsus (D.) See Latin Author List. Martha (C.) Les Moralistes sous I'Empire remain. 1907. 180-9 — Le Poeme de Lucrece. 871-1 — 6th ed. 1905. 871-1 — Another copy Lending A6726 Martialis (Gargilius) See Gargilius Martialis, in Latin Author List. Martialis (Marcus Valerius). See Latin Author List. Martin {Sir Theodore). Horace. 1870. Lending 5143 — trans. Catullus. 1861. 874-2 — Horace. 1888. Lending D2784 — Horace. Odes. 1860. 874-5 — Another edition. 1870. Lending Al 55 Martin (Thomas) ed. Theocritus, etc. 1760. 884-6 Martinengo-Cesaresco (E. L. H.) Countess. Out- door life in Grk. & Rom. poets. 1911. [Class 913-37]. Lending B411 Martini (E.) See Bassi (D.) 6^ Martini (E.) Martini (M.) Cadmus Graecophoenix. 1626. [Class 483-7]. T2578 — Lexicon philologicum. 1623. [Class 473]. T2660 Martyn (J.) trans. Virgil. Georgics. 1741. T2005 Marucchi (H.) Roman Forum. 1906. 913-37 Marvillius (A.) ed. Codex Theodosianus. 1665. [Class 349-371]. T3692-5 — Another edition. 1736-45. 349-371 Marx (F.) ed. Cicero. [Supposititious works']. De ratione dicendi. 1894. 876 — Lucilius. 1904-5. 877-1 Masom (W. F.) Horace. Epistles : vocabu- laries. [1888]. 877-3 — Rome, 287-202 B.C. 1894. 937-02 — Rome, 133-78 B.C. [1895]. 937-02 — See also AUcroft (A. H.) &- Masom (W. F.) — See also Hayes (B. ].) & Masom (W. F.) — trans. Horace. Epistles. [1888]. 877-3 Masom (W. F.) & Allcroft (A. H.) Synopsis of Grecian [& Sicilian] hist. [1891]. 938 Masom (W. F.) & Fearenside (C. S.) edd. Herodotus, VI. [1890]. 888-1 — Tacitus. Annals I. [1890]. 878-6 Masom (W. F.) &- Plaistowe (F. G.) edd. Tacitus. Annals II. [1891]. 878-6 — See also Plaistowe (F. G.) &■ Masom (W. F.) edd. Masom (W. F.) 6- Thompson (J.) trans. Tacitus. Annals I-II. [1891]. 878-6 Masson (J.) Lucretius. 1907. Armstrong College. Mathematics, Greek ... ... ... 510-9 Matthiae (A. H.) Grk. grammar. 1832. [Class 485]. Lending AU93 Mau (A.) Pompeii. 1899. 913-377 Maughan (J.) Mural controversy. 1857. [Class 913-428]. In Local tracts, dy. 8vo., vol. 16. L042 — Reply to Dr. Bruce. 1857. [Class 913-428]. In Local tracts, dy. 8vo., vol. 16. L042 — Rom. station & cross at Bewcastle. 1867. [Class 913-428]. In Local tracts, dy. 8vo., vol. 16. L042 Maurice (F. D.) Religion of Rome. 1855. [Class 292]. Lending A3001 Maury (L. F. A.) La Magie. 1877. 133 Maximianus. See Latin Author List. Maximus, Tyrius. See Greek Author List. May (T.) Lucan. Pharsalia : supplement. 1816. 873-2 — Another edition. 1820. Lending ^514 Mayor (J. B.) Guide to classical books. 1879-96. 016-87 — Another edition. 1885-9. [Class 016-87]. Lending A9720 — Sketch of anct. philosophy. 1889. [Class 180-9]. Lending C2Q09 — Another edition. 1904. 180-9 — Another copy. [Class 180-9]. Lending 1)1035 Mayor (J. B.) 6- Swainson (J. H.) edd. Cicero. De natura deorum. 1883-91. 876-4 Mayor (J. E. B.) Bibliographical clue. 1876. 016-87 — Latin accidence, etc. 1871-[2]. 470 — Notes on Diogenes Laertius. [?1902]. 888-9 — Notes on Quintilian. [?1902]. 875-6 — Pref. to Grk. reader. 1905. [Class 480-7]. Lending 6349 — ed. Cicero. Second Philippic. 1893. 875-2 — Juvenal. 1888-93. 877-7 Mediaeval Greek & Latin [together] » Language 479 * Literature 879 Mediaeval Greek. Language ... ... 489 Literature ... ... 889 Latin. Language ... ... 479 Literature ... ... 879 Medicine, Greek and Roman ... ... 610 248 INDEX Medley (W.) Interpretations of Horace. [1910]. Lending A8363 MEFA ETYMOAOriKON. 1549. [Class 483]. T5359 Meier (M. H. E.) & Schomann (G. F.) Der Attische Process. 1883-7. [Class 349-38]. Armstrong College. Meineke (A.) ed. Aristophanes. 1860. 882-4 — Menander et Philemon. 1823. 882-6 — Strabo. 1877-95. 888-9 — Theocritus, etc. 1856. 884-6 Meiser (K.) Historische Dramen d. Romer. 1887. 872 — ed. See Schweizer-Sidler (H.) cS- others ; edd. Meissner (A.) Altrdm. Kulturleben. 1908. 913-37 Mela (Pomponius). See Latin Author List. Melanchthon (P.) Gramm. Graeca. 1538. [Also Gvamm. Lat. 1541]. 485 — ■ See also Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Melber (J.) ed. Dion Cassius. 1890-4. 888-9 Melmoth (W.) ed. Cicero. 1820, Lending A5997 — trans. Cicero. Cato & Laelius. 1833. Lending 7591 — Pliny. 1747. T3669-70 — Another edition. 1878. 876-2 — Another copy. Lending 2759 Memorie enciclop. suUe antichita e belle arti di Roma. 1819. 709-37 Menagius (Aegidius). See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Menander. See Greek Author List. Mendell (C. W.) Sentence connection in Tacitus. 1911. Lending A12S2 Mendelssohn (L.) &■ Viereck (P.) edd. Appian. 1879-1905. 888-9 Meray (A.) trans. Bracciolini's Les Bains de Bade. 1876. 879-8 Mercier (J.) &■ others ; edd. Aristaenetus. 1749. 888-9 Mercurius, Trismegistus. See Hermes, Trisme- gistus, in Greek Author List. Merguet (H.) Handlexicon zu Cicero. 1905. 875-1 Merivale (C.) Fall of the Rom. Republic. 1872. [Class 937-02]. Lending A2125 — Hist, of Rome. 1877. [Class 937]. Lending A6629 — Hist, of the Romans under the Empire. 1875-8. [Class 937-06]. Lending A1367-74 — Roman triumvirates. 1905. [Class 937-02]. Lending D1037 — See also Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Merkel (R.) ed. ApoUonius Rhodius. 1897. 883-3 — Ovid. Fasti. 1905. Lending B537 Merkel (R.) & Ehwald (R.) edd. Ovid. 1889-91. 871-2 Merouville (P. C. de) ed. Cicero. Orationes selectae. 1692. T1074 Merry (W. W.) prefator. Aristophanes ; tr. by Frere. [1907]. 882-4 Merry (W. W.) & others ; edd. Homer. Odyssey. 1886-1901. 883-1 Merula (P.) Antiquitates Roman. 1686. 913-37 Messalla Corvinus (M. V.) See Latin Author List. Metcalfe (F.) trans. Becker's Charicles. 1845. [Class 913-38]. Lending B3161 — 8th ed. 1889. 913-38 — Becker's Gallus. 1844. [Class 913-37]. Lending B3162 — 10th ed. 1891. 913-37 Meteorology. Greek ... ... 551-5 Metre, Greek ... ... ... 486 Latin ... ... ... 476 Meursius (J.) Glossarium Graeco-barbarum. 1614. 489-37 — ed. Minucius Felix. 1672. T3079 — See also Pontanus (J.) cS- others ; edd. Meyer (H.) ed. Orator. Romanor. frag. 1837. 875-08 Michaelis (A.) Anct. marbles. 1882. 733 Michaut (G.) Sur les treteaux latins. 1912. 792 Middleton (C.) Life of Cicero. 1741. T1070-2 — ■ Another edition. 1810. 920 Middleton (J. H.) Anct. Rome in 1888. 913-37 — Plans of Athen. buildgs. 1900. In Soc. for Prom, of Hellen. Studies — -Supp. papers. 880-6 — Remains of anct. Rome. 1892. 913-37 — Another copy. [Class 913-37]. Lending C4218-9 Miles (E. H.) Comparative syntax. 1893.485-2 — Hist, of Rome. 1901. [Class 937]. Lending D1843 Millingen (J.) Painted Grk. vases. 1822. [Also Statues, busts, etc. 1826]. 738-38 Mills (C. De B.) Tree of mythology. 1889. [Class 292]. 291 Milman (H. H.) Horatius Flaccus illus. from anct. art. 1849. 874-5 — ed. Horace. 1868. 874-5 — • Another copy. Lending A9647 — trans. Aeschylus. Agamemnon ; and Bac- chanals of Euripides. 1865. 882 — Euripides. Bacchanals. 1888. Lending B5329 Milman (H. H.) & Guizot (F. P. G.) edd. Gibbon's Rom. Empire ; with notes. 1862. 937 Milner (J.) ed. Euripides. Alcestis. 1879. Lending 8881 — Sophocles. Antigone. [1862]. Lending 8905 Milton (J.) See Latin Author List — -Mediaeval and Modern. Minell (J.) ed. Terentius. 1678. T3783 — Valerius Maximus. 1671. T4083 Minsheu (J.) Emendatio Ductoris in linguas. 1625. [Class 473]. T4511 ~ Another edition. 1627. [Class 473]. 413 Minucius Felix (M.) See Latin Author List. Miodonski (A.) ed. See Wolfflin (E.) &- t Miodonski (A.) edd. » Miscellany. Classical ... ... ... 878 Greek 888 Latin 878 Mitchell (C. H.) ed. and trans. Cicero. For Archias. 1876. L875-2 Mitchell (G. W.) Lat. compos. 1908. [Class 478-2]. Lending C4377 Mitchell (J. M.) cS- Ca.spari (M. O. B.) edd. Grote's Greece. 1907. 938 Mitford (W.) Hist, of Greece. 1838. 938 — Another copy. [Class 938]. Lending A 1995-2002 249 IN DEX Mithras. Mythology Mnemosyne, 1910 to date. 292 [Class 470-5]. Armstrong College Modern & mediaeval Greek language ... 489 literature . . . 889 Greek &■ Latin [together] * language 479 879 479 879 literature Latin language literature Moller (A.) Rom. Schausp. zur Kaiserzeit. [?1871]. 872 Mohl (F. G.) Chronologic du Latin vulgaire. 1899. 470-9 Mommsen (T.) Hist, of Rome. 1864-7. [Class 937]. Lending AQ55S-61 — Another edition. 1868. 937 — Provinces of the Rom. Empire. 1886. 937 — Another edition. 1909. Lending B9351-2 — Romische Forschungen. 1864-79. [Class 870-4]. Armstrong College — ed. Augustus. Res gestae. 1865. 878-9 — Pliny. 1870. 876-2 — See also Krueger (P.) &■ Mommsen (T.) edd. Mommsen (T.) c~ Gradenwitz (O.) edd. Bruns' Pontes juris Romani. 1893. 349-37 Mommsen (T.) &• others. Manuel des antiquites rom. 1893-1907. 913-37 — ed. Corpus inscript. Latinar. 1863-1901. [Class 471-7]. Soc. of Antiquaries Mone (F. J.) ed. Hymni Lat. med. aevi. 1853-5. [Class 879-1]. 245-7 Monro (D. B.) Grammar of Homeric dialect. 1891. 883-1 — ed. Homer. Opera. 1896. Lending C4900 — Homer Iliad, l.-XII. 1884. 883- 1 — See also Merry (W. W.) c~ others ; edd. Monro (D. B.) &- Allen (T. W.) edd. Homer. Opera. [1900 P-1907]. 883-1 — Another copy. Lending D151-2 Monteiro (M.) " As David and the sibyls say.' 1905. [Class 292]. Lending C7096 Montesquieu, Baron de. See Secondat (C. de). Montfaucon (B. de). Antiquities of Italy. 1725. [Class 913-37]. T2799 • — Antiquity explained. 1721-5. [Class 913-37]. T4512-6, T5374-5 — Palaeographia Gr. 1708. [Class 481-7]. T4517 Monuments ... ... ... ... 913 Moore (A.) trans. Pindar. 1868. 884-5 — Another edition. 1876. Lending 2750 Moore (E.) ed. Aristotle. Ethics, I.-IV., & X. chap. 6-9. 1871. Lending 1505 — Dante. Epistolae. In Dante. Tutte le opere. 1897. 851-15 — Another copy. Lending B15S1 Morainville D'Orgeville (L. de). Examen philosophiae Platonicae. 1650-5. [Class 184-1]. T2724-5 Morant (P.) trans. Lenglet du Fresnoy's Geographia antiqua & nova. 1742. [Class 913-37]. T1095 More {Sir T.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modem. Morell (T.) ed. Ainsworth's Dictionary [abridged]. 1806. [Class 473-2]. Lending CI 692 — trans. Seneca. Epistles. 1786. 878-5 Morice (F. D.) Pindar. 1879. Lending 5160 — trans. Pindar. 1876. Lending A3549 Morley (H.) prefator. Aristophanes ; [tr.] by Frere. 1886. Lending B3917 — Aristotle. On government ; tr. by W. Ellis. 1888. Lending B5331 — Euripides. Alcestis, etc. ; tr. by R. Potter. 1887. Lending B5324 — Euripides. Bacchanals, etc. ; tr. by H. H. Milman &- M. Wodhull. 1888. Lending B5329 — Euripides. Hecuba, etc.; tr. by M. Wodhull. 1888. Lending B5332 — Virgil. Aeneid ; trans, by J. Dryden. [1884]. Lending B3891 Morris (W.) trans. Homer. Odyssey. 1887. 883-1 — • Another copy. — Virgil. Aeneid. 1876. — ■ Another copy. Morris (W. O'C.) Hannibal. 93702]. Morrison (A. J. W.) trans. Lending B5872 873-1 Lending A3745 1897. [Class Lending B8295 Hitter's Hist, of Anct. philosophy. 1838-46. 180-9 Morshead (E. D. A.) trans. Aeschylus. House of Atreus. 1881. 882-1 — Aeschylus. Suppliant maidens. 1883.882-1 Moschus. See Greek Author List. Moser (G. H.) ed. Cicero. Paradoxa. 1846. 875-4 Moses (S.) ed. Cicero. De amicitia. [1889]. 875-4 — Cicero. Pro Balbo. [1889]. 875-2 Moses (S.) &■ Fearenside (C. S.) edd. Cicero. De finibus 1. [1890]. 875-4 Mousouros (C.) Pasha. See Greek Author List — Modern. Moss (J. W.) Cla.ssical bibliography. 1837. 016-87 Moule (H. C. G.) Bishop of Durham. See Greek Author List — Modern. Moulton (J. H.) Gram, of New Test. Grk. 1906. 487-35 — Another copy. [Class 487-35]. Lending BlllQ Moulton (R. G.) Anct. class, drama. 1890. 872-09 -— Another copy. [Class 872-09]. Lending B7575 Mountain (J. H. B.) See Arnold (T.) &• others. Mowat (J. L. G.) The Teufelsmauer and Pfahlgraben. 1885. 913-434 Mueller (C. F. W.) ed. Pliny. 1903. 876-2 Miiller (F. Max) Chips from a German workshop, vol. 2. 1868. [Class 292]. 291 ~ Another copy. [Class 292]. Lending A229() Miiller (H. J.) ed. M. A. Seneca. 1887. 878-9 — See also Weissenbom (W.) c~ Muller (H. J.) edd. Muller (I.) ed. Handb. d. klassisch. Altertums- wissenschaft. 1886-96. [Class 913-37]. Armstrong College. Miiller (K.) Diodorus Siculus ; ex recen. L. Dindorfii ; indicem adjecit C. Miillerus. 1878. 888-9 250 INDEX. Miiller (K. O.) Anct. art. 1852. 709-3 — Another copy. [Class 709-3]. Lending A2007 — Doric race. 1830. 938-3 — Another edition. 1839. [Class 938-3]. Lending A4095 — Die Etrusker. 1877. 937-5 — Hist, of the lit. of anct. Greece. 1847. [Class 880-9]. Lending A1570 — • Hist, of the lit. of anct. Greece ; contd. by J. W. Donaldson. 1858. 880-9 — • ed. Festus. De verborum significatione. 1839. 473 — Varro. De lingua Lat. 1833. 878-9 Mueller (L.) De re metrica. 1861. 476 — Quintus Ennius : eine Einleitung. 1884. 872-4 — - ed. Ennius. 1884. 872-4 — Same. 1894. In Postgate's Corpus, torn. 1. 871-08 — Livi Andronici et Cn. Naevi fabularum rel. 1885. 872 — Phaedrus. 1877. 871-6 Miiller- Striibing (H.) ed. See Rose (V.) &- Miiller- Striibing (H.) edd. Muirhead (I. B.) trans. Lucretius. 1895. 871-1 Muirhead (J.) Private law of Rome. 1899. [Class 349-37]. Armstrong College. Muirhead (J. H.) trans. See Costelloe (B. F. C.) and Muirhead (J. H.) trans. MuUach (F. W. A.) ed. Fragm. philosophor. Graecor. 1883. 180 Munro (H. A. J.) Criticisms and elucid. of Catullus. 1878. 874-2 — Pronunciation of Latin. 1874. In Philo- logical tracts. [Class 471-5]. 408 — ed. Lucretius. In Postgate's Corpus, torn. 1, 1894. 871-08 — ed. & trans. Lucretius. 1891-3. 871-1 — Same ; without the translation. Lending B9665 — ■ See also Greek Author List — Modem. Muratori (L . A.) Novus thesaurus inscriptionum . 1739-42. 417 Mure (W.) Hist, of lang. & lit. of antient Greece. 1854-67. 880-9 — Another copy. Lending A2013-7 Murphy (A.) trans. Tacitus. 1830-1. Lending 7569-73 Murray (A. S.) Grk. archaeology. 1892. 709-38 — Another copy. [Class 709-38]. Lending C3969 — Grk. bronzes. 1899. 739 — Hist, of Grk. sculpt. 1880-3. 733 Murray (G.) Hist, of anct. Grk. lit. 1898. 880-9 — Another copy. [Class 880-9]. Lending CSIM — Rise of the Grk. epic. 1911. 883 — Another copy. [Class 883]. Lending B9356 — ed. Euripides. [1902-9]. 882-3 — - Another copy. Lending 1)155-1 — trans. Euripides. 1902. 882 — Another copy. Lending C7S2S — Euripides. Electra. 1905. Lending 2182 — Euripides. Hippolytus. 1904. Lending D1780 — Euripides. Trojan women. 1905. 882-3 — Another copy. Lending C7829 Murray (J.) publisher. Hdbk. for Rome. 1908. [Class 913-37]. 914-56 — Hdbk. for travellers in Italy. 1890-1903. [Class 913-37]. 914-5 Murray (J.) publisher, contd. — Hdbk. for travellers in Greece. 1900 913-38]. — - Handy classic, maps. [?1900]. Musa Graeca. 1833. Musaeus. See Greek Author List. Musculus (B.) ed. Popma's De verborum. 1632. [Class 470] [Class 914-95 912-3 881-08 differentiis T2972 913-37 Museum of class, antiq. 1851-3. Musonius Rufus (C.) See Latin Author List. Musurus (C.) See Mousouros (C.) Pasha, in Greek Author List — ^Modern. Myers (E.) Aeschylus. In Abbott (E.) ed, Hellenica. 1880. 880-4 — trans. Pindar. 1892. 884-5 — See also Lang (A.) &' others ; trans. Myers (F. W. H.) Essays classical. 1888. 870-4 * — ■ Another edition. 1897. [Class 870-4]. Lending C5426 Myers (P. V. N.) Anct. hist. 1902-3. [Class 937]. Lending D2345 Mysteries, Eleusinian, etc. ... ... 292 Mythology 292 N Naevius (C.) See Latin Author List. Namatianus (Claudius Rutilius). See Rutilius Namatianus (C), in Latin Author List. Names, Greek proper. [Pape]. ... ... 913-38 Napoleon I. Precis des guerres de Cesar. 1836. 937 Nasniith (D.) trans. See Prichard (I. T.) 6- Nasmith (D.) trans. Natural history ... ... ... ... 590 Nauck (A.) ed. Tragicorum Graecor. frag. 1889. 882-08 Nazarius, the Rhetorician. See Latin Author List. Neander (A.) Antignostikus : Geist des Ter- tullianus. 281-1 Neatby (T. M.) ed. See Allcroft (A. H.) &■ Neatby (T. M.) edd. Neatby (T. M.) S- Plaistowe (F. G.) edd. Ovid. Fasti, III. & IV. [1892]. 871-2 Neaves (C.) The Grk. anthol. 1874. [Class 881-08]. Lending 5138 Neilson (G.) Per lineam valli. 1891. L913-428 — ■ Another copy. [Class 913-428]. Lending ^Ql 4:4^ Nemesianus (M. A. O.) See Latin Author List. Nepos (C.) See Latin Author List. Nero 937-06 Nesbitt (A. A. I.) trans. Virgil. Aeneid, I. -IV. [1892]. 873-1 — Virgil. Aeneid, VII.-X. [1889]. 873-1 — Virgil. Aeneid, IX.-X. [1890]. 873-1 Nettleship (H.) Lect. on Lat. lit. 1885-95. 870-4 — ■ Rom. satura. [Class 871]. In Arnold & Conway's Restored pronun. of Grk. & Lat. 1878. 481-5 — Study of the Aeneid. 1875. In Philological tracts. 408 — ed. Persius ; with trans, by Conington. 1893. 877-4 — Virgil. In Postgate's Corpus, torn. 1. 1894. 87108 — Virgil ; with comm. by J. Conington. 1881-4. 873-1 251 INDEX. Nettleship (H.) 6- Sandys (Sir J. E.) edd. Seyfifert's Diet, of class, antiquities. 1891. 913-37 — Another edition. 1908. [Class 913-37]. Lending A 7 658 Nettleship (R. L.) Lectures on the Republic [of Plato]. 1898. 888-4 — Theory of education in Plato's " Republic." In Abbott (E.) ed. Hellenica. 1880. 880-4 Neukirch (J. H.) De fabula togata Rom. New Testament Greek Newman (F. W.) trans Homer. Iliad. 1833. 872 487-3 1856. 883-1 874-5 Lending A 156 Aristotle. Politics. 888-5 See Buckman (J.) (S- New- erf. — Horace. 1853 — Another copy. Newman (W. L.) 1887-1902. Newmarch (C. H.) march (C. H.) Newton (Sir C. T.) Essays on art. 1880.913-37 — See also Birch (S.) &' Newton {Sir C. T.) Newton {Sir C. T.) cS- Pullan (R. P.) Discoveries at Halicamassus. 1862-3. 913-3924 Newton {Sir C. T.) &• others ; edd. Grk. inscrip- tions in Brit. Mus. 1874. 481-7 Nicander, of Colophon. See Greek Author List. Nichol (J.) Tables of anct. lit. others. Pokel (W.) Philologisches Schriftsteller-Lexikon. 1882. 924 Poetry, Classical Greek. Collections 871 881-08 Criticism 881 Essays on ... Lectures on 881-04 881-04 Latin. Lyric Collections 884 871-04 Criticism ... 871 Essays on ... History of Lectures on 871-04 871-09 871-04 Mediaeval S- Modern * Greek & Latin .. 879-1 Greek 889-1 Latin 879-1 Pogge, Florentin. See Bracciolini (P.) in Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. Pointer (J.) Britannia Romana. 1724. 913-42 Poleni (G.) ed. Utriusq. thesauri nova suppl. 1737. [Class 913-37]. Soc. of Antiquaries Polites (G.) See Greek Author List — Modem. Politianus (A.) See Ambrogini (A.) Poliziano, in Latin Author List — 'Mediaeval & Modem. Political institutions, Greek ... ... 342-38 theories 320-9 Pollard (A. W.) ed. Odes from the Grk. drama- tists. 1890. 882 — Another copy. [Class 882]. Lending C^&2^ PoUio (Trebellius). See Trebellius Pollio, in Latin Author List. Pollux (J.) See Greek Author List. Polybius. See Greek Author List. Pompeii. Antiquities ... ... 913-377 Art 709-37 Pomponius (Lucius) Bononiensis. See Latin Author List. Pomponius Laetus (J.) Romanae historiae compendium. [Class 937]. In Haurisius (B. C.) ed. Scriptores historiae, torn. 3, p. 575. 1748. 878-08 Pontanus (J.) &• others ; edd. Macrobius. 1694. T3191 Poole (R. S.) Brit. Mus. Catal. of Grk. coins : [Alexandria, Italy, The Ptolemies, Sicily, Thrace]. 1873-1906. 737-38 — ed. Grueber's Rom. medallions in Brit. Mus. 1874. 737-37 — prefator. Diehl's Excursions in Greece. 1893. 913-38 — Another copy. Lending C1622 Pope (A.) trans. Homer. In Poetical transla- tions, vol. 1. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 12. 1795. 821-08 Pope (A.) trans. Homer, contd. — • Another edition. In Johnson (S.) 6- Chalmers (A.) edd. English poets, vol. 19. 1810. Lending 5350 — Another edition. 1833. Lending 7589 — Homer. Iliad. 1889. Lending 2403 — ■ Homer. Odyssey. 1902. Lending 2404 — Ovid. In Pope's Works, vol. 2. 1806. 821-53 — • Another edition. In Pope's Works, vol. 1. 1871. 821-53 — • Statins. In Pope's Works ; [ed.] by W. LisleBowles, vol. 2. 1806. 821-53 — Another edition, /n Pope's Works ; [ed.] by W. Elwin, vol. 1. 1871. 821-53 Popma (A.) De differentiis verborum. 1632. [Class 470]. T2972 Porcher (E. A.) See Smith (R. M.) &- Porcher (E. A.) Pomutus (L. A.) See Comutus (L. A.) in Greek Author List. Porphyrio (Pomponius) Scholia Horatiana. 1858-9. 874-5 Porphyry. See Greek Author List. Porson (R.) & Scholefield (J.) edd. Euripides. 1851. 882-3 Port Royal. New method of learning the Latin tongue. 1816. 475 Portraits, Classical 920037 Portus (A.) Diet. Doricum Graecolat. 1603. [Class 487-83]. Two copies. T3823, T3824 — ed. Suidas. Lexicon. 1705. [Class 483' 7]. T4731-3 — Another edition. 1834. 483-7 — trans. Proclus. 1618. T2705 Post(B.) Britan. antiqua. 1857. [Class 913-42] Lending A3324 — Britannic researches. 1853. [Class 913-42]. Lending A3325 Postal system. Roman ... ... ...913-37 Poste (E.) ed. 6- trans. Aristotle. On fallacies. 1866. 888-5 — Another copy. Lending C9534 — trans. Gaius. Institutionum juris civilis commentarii IV. 1871. [Class 349-371] Lending A9612 — • Another edition. 1875. Armstrong College. Postgate (J. P.) Ad silvas Statianas silvula. [? 19031. 873-5 — How to pronounce Latin. 1907. 471-5 — ■ Another copy. [Class 471-5]. Lending A8M6 — Lat. primer. 1890. [Class 478-2]. Lending CI 731 — ed. Corpus poetar. Lat. 1894-1905. 871-08 — Gratius Faliscus. In Postgate's Corpus, tom. 2. 1905. 871-08 — Propertius. In Postgate's Corpus, tom. 1. 1894. 871-08 — Select elegies. 1895. 874-4 — Tibullus. In Catullus ; rec. R. Ellis, etc. [1905]. 874-1 — - Tibullus. Selections. 1903. 874-3 — Another copy. Lending Dl04t^ — See also Palmer (A.) 6- others ; edd. — See also Schenkl (H.) 6- Postgate (J. P.) edd. — See also Wilkins (A. S.) &■ others ; edd. 255 N D EX Potter (J.) Archaeologiae Gr. 913-38]. — Another edition. 1832. — • ed. Lycophron. 1702. Potter (R.) trans. Aeschylus. — Another edition. 1886. — Euripides. 1832. — Euripides. Alcestis, etc. Pott (J. A.) trans. Greek love songs. 1911. [Class 881-08]. Lending 4: Potter (A. G.) Amboglanna. 1853. [Class 913-428]. In Local tracts, 4to., vol. 2. L042 1697-9. [Class T2976-7 913-38 T2412 1833. Lending 7592 Lending B5833 Lending 7588 1887. Lending B5324 Pottery 738 Pottier (E.) Douris, & painters of Grk. vases. 1909. 738-38 Prefaces to classical works. Collection. [Botfield] 870 Preller (L.) Romische Mythologie. 1881-3. 292 — ed. See Ritter (H.) &- Preller (L.) edd. Prellwitz (W.) Worterb. d. griech. Sprache. 1905. 482 Prendergast (G. L.) Homer. Concordance to Iliad. 1875. 883-1 Prendergast (T.) Latin. 1892. [Class 478-2]. Lending C3149 Preston, Richard, Viscount. See Graham (R.) Viscount Preston. Price (J. D.) trans. Uvarov's Mysteries of Eleusis. 1817. 292 Prichard (I. T.) & Nasmith (D.) trans. Ortolan's Roman law. 1871. [Class 349-3709]. Lending A9206 Prickard (A. O.) ed. Longinus. [1906]. 888-9 — trans. Longinus. 1906. 888-9 — Another copy. Lending 6122 Priscianus. Institutionum grammaticar. libri XVIII. In Keil's Grammatici Latini, vols. 2-3. 1857-70. 470 — See also Latin Author List. Proba (Faltonia). See Falconia Proba (V.) in Latin Author List. Proclus, Diadochus. See Greek Author List. Professors of literature. Roman ... 870-7 Prometheus the fire-giver: attempted restoration. 1877. See Aeschylus, in Greek Author List. Lending C2349 481-5 471-5 See Latin Author List. 486 476 Ranke's Universal hist. 930 Pronunciation of Greek Latin Propertius (Sextus A.) Prosody, Greek Latin Prothero (G. W.) ed. 1884. [Class 938]. Prudentius Clemens (A.) See Latin Author List. Psellus (M.) Do daemonibus. In lamblichus. De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, etc. 1570. [Class 292]. T1740 Ptolemaeus (C.) Geographia universalis. 1542. [Class 913-37]. T1672 Publilius, Syrus. See Latin Author List. Publishing ... ... ... ... ... 655-4 Pullan (R. P.) See Newton {Sir C. T.) &■ Pullan (R. P.) Purser (L. C.) ed. Cicero. Epistulae. [1901-3]. 876-1 Purser (L. C.) ed., contd. — Another copy. Lending W%QQ-\\ — See also Tyrrell (R. Y.) &- Purser (L. C.) edd. Purves (J.) ed. Plato. Selections from the Dialogues. 1891. Lending C4014 Putnam (E. J.) The Lady. 1910. [Class 396-937]. Lending C7586 Putnam (G. H.) Authors & public in anct. times. 1894. 655-4 Pye (H. J.) trans. Pindar. In Poetical transla- tions, vol. 1. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 12. 1795. 821-08 Pyrrhonist philosophy ... ... ... 186 Pyrrhus (G.) trans. Huet's Lib. de origine fabul. 1682. [Class 870]. T1592 Pythagorean philosophy ... ... ... 182-2 Pythagoreorum fragmenta. See Greek Author List. Q Quinn (M. T.) ed. & trans. Aristophanes. Plutus. [1889]. 882-4 Quintilianus (M. F.) See Latin Author List. Quotations, Classical Latin . . . 878 878 R Racinet (A.) Le Costume. 1888. 391 Raeder (H.) Platons philosophische Entwicke- lung. 1905. 184-1 Raine (M.) Eclecta puerilia. 1787. L478 Ramsay (Sir G. G.) trans. Tacitus. Annals. 1904-9. 878-6 Ramsay (W.) Latin prosody. 1859. 476 Ramsay [Sir W. M.) ed. Studies in hist. & art of east, provinces. 1906. [Class 937]. Armstrong College. Ranke (L. von) Universal hist. 1884. [Class 938]. 930 Rapicius (J.) See Latin Author List — -Mediaeval & Modern. Rapin (R.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Ratti (A.) ed. See Ceriani (A. M.) &- Ratti (A.) edd. Ravensworth, H. T. Liddell, Earl of. See Liddell (H. T.) Earl of Ravensworth. — See also Rickards (G. K.) &- Liddell (H. T.) Earl of Ravensworth ; trans. Rawlinson (G.) Anct. hist. 1880. [Class 937]. 930 * — Another copy. [Class 937]. Lending 3964= — Religions of the anct. world. [1881]. [Class 292]. Lending B2477 — trans. Herodotus. 1862. 888-1 RedfordfG.) Anct. sculpture. 1886. [Class 733]. 732 — Another copy. [Class 733]. Lending A70Q7 Regius (R.) ed. Valerius Maximus. 1482. 093 Reich (H.) Der Mimus. 1903. [Class 870-9]. 808-2 Reichel (O. J.) trans. Zeller's Stoics, etc. 1870. 180-9 256 N D EX. Reichel (O. J.) trans. Zeller's Stoics, contd. — Another copy. [Class 180-9]. Lending C4:94cO — Zeller's Socrates. 1868. [Class 183-2]. Lending A3128 Reichel (W.) Homerische Waffen. 1901. 883-1 Reid (J. S.) ed. Cicero. De senectute. 1894. 875-4 — Cicero. Laelius de amicitia. 1893. 875-2 — Cicero. Pro Archia. 1893. 875-2 — Cicero. Pro Balbo. 1890. 875-2 — ■ trans. Cicero. Academics. 1880. 875-4 Reid (T.) Aristotle's logic. In his Essays, vol. 1. 1812. [Class 185-1]. Lending A6022 — Another edition. In his Works, vol. 2. 1863. [Class 185-1]. 192-5 Reifferscheid (A.) ed. Suetonius. 1860. 878-7 Reimarus (H. S.) ed. Dion. Cassius. 1750-2. 888-9 Reinach (S.) Cultes, mythes et religions. 1908. [Class 292]. 291 — Reliefs grecs et rom. 1909. 733 — • Statuaire grecque et rom. 1897-1910. 733 Reinesius (T.) Syntagma inscriptionum. 1682. [Class 471-7]. T2715 Reisacker (A. J.) Quaestiones Lucretianae. 1847. 871-1 Reiske (J. J.) ed. See Taylor (E.) 6- others ; edd. Religion. Mythology ... ... ... 292 Remundus (F.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Rendall (G. H.) trans. Aurelius Antoninus. 1898. Lending C6267 Rendall (M. J.) ed. Freeman's Schools of Hellas. 1907. 370-938 — Another copy. [Class 370-938]. Lending A 1650 Renouard (G. C.) See Arnold (T.) &■ others. Report of Select Com. on Earl of Elgin's marbles. 1816. 733 Reumont (A. von) Gesch. d. Stadt Rom. 1867-70. [Class 937]. Armstrong College. Revett (N.) See Stuart (J.) &■ Revett (N.) Reville (A.) Prolegom6nes de I'hist. des religions. 1886. [Class 292]. 209 Revue de Philologie. Tome 1 to date. 1845, etc. 870-5 Revue des Etudes grecques. Tome 1 to date. 1888, etc. 880-5 Reynolds (J.) ed. Mela. 1797. 878-9 Reynolds (T.) ed. Antoninus. Iter Britannia- rum. 1799. 913-42 Rheinisches Museum f. Philologie. 1906. [Class * 470-5]. Armstrong College. Rhoades (J.) trans. Virgil. Aeneid. 1907. 873-1 Rhode (J.) Celsus (A. C.) De medicina: J. Rhodii Vita Celsi. 1746. 878-9 Rhodoman (L.) trans. Diodorus Siculus. 1746. T4227-8 Ribbeck (O.) Gesch. d. rom. Dichtung. 1892- 1900. 871-09 — Philocteta des Accius. 1872. 872-7 — ed. Comic. Romanor. frag. 1873. 872-08 — Tragic. Romanor. frag. 1871. 872-08 — Virgil. Appendix Virgiliana. 1895. 873-1 Riccoboni (A.) Paraphrasis in Rhetoricam. [Aristotle]. 1630. T176 Rich (A.) Illustrated companion to Latin diet. 1849 ; and 1873. 913-37 Richardson (F. L. D.) ed. See Allcroft (A. H.) &- Richardson (F. L. D.) edd. Richardson (F. L. D.) &- Hazel (A. E. W.) Exercises on the Tutorial Lat. gram. [1897] 475 Richardson (G. B.) Pons Aelii. In Bell's The Roman Wall. 1852. L913-428 Richardson (W.) trans. Anacreon. 1824. L884-3 Richter (G.) ed. See Peiper (R.) &- Richter (G.) edd. Rickards (G. K.) & Liddell (H. T.) Earl of Ravensworth ; trans. Virgil. Aeneid. 1871. 873-1 — Another copy. Lending A2976 Riddell (J.) ed. See Merry (W. W.) & others ; edd. Riddle (J. E.) See White (J. T.) &- Riddle (J. E.) Ridgeway (W.) Early age of Greece. 1901. 93801 — Origin of tragedy. 1910. [Class 882]. 808-2 Ridley (E.) trans. Lucan. 1896. L873-2 — Another copy. Lending A9701 Ridley (J.) Day with the pilgrims along the Rom. Wall. 1849. In Bruce (J. C.) Lectures on the Roman Wall, etc. L913-428 Riemann (O.) & Dufour (M.) Rythmique gr. 1893. 486 Riese (A.) ed. See Buecheler (F.) &- Riese (A.) edd. Rigault (N.) Funus parasiticum. In Kirch- mann's De funeribus. 1661. [Class 913-37]. T19I8 — ed. Minucius Felix. 1678. 878-9 Riley (H. T.) ed. Diet, of quotatns. 1878. [Class 878]. Lending 2,121 — Another edition. 1882. [Class 878]. 808-8 — trans. Lucan. 1853. Lending 2744 — Another edition. 1878. 873-2 — Ovid. Fasti, etc. 1872. 871-2 — Another edition. 1892. Lending 2747 — Ovid. Heroides, etc. 1869. 871-2 — Ovid. Metamorphoses. 1861. 871-2 — Another edition. 1900. Lending 2748 — Plautus. 1852-8. Lending 2758 — Another edition. 1882. 872-3 — Pliny. 1855-7. 878-9 — Another copy. Lending 2160-5 — Terentius. 1883. 872-5 — Another edition. 1901. Lending 2773 Ritschl (F.) Parerga zu Plautus. 1845. 872-3 — Prolegomena de rationibus emendationis Plautinae. 1880. 872-3 — ed. Suetonius. Vita Terenti. In Suetonius ; ed. Reifferscheid. 1860. 878-9 Ritschl (F. W.) Quaestiones Varronianae. 1845. 878-9 Ritter (C.) Die Quintilianischen Declamationen. 1881. 875-6 Ritter (H.) Hist, of anct. philosophy. 1838-46. 180-9 Ritter (H.) &■ Preller (L.) edd. Historia philoso- phiae Graecae. 1888. 180 Ritter (J. A. D.) ed. Codex Theodosianus. 1736-45. 349-371 Rivinus (A.) See Bachmann (A.) 257 INDEX Robert (C.) Die Masken d. neueren attisch. Komoedie. 1911. 882 Roberts (W. R.) Anct. Boeotians. 1895. 938-4 — ed. Longinus. 1899. Armstrong College. — ed. &- trans. Demetrius. 1902. 888-9 — Dionysius. On literary composition. 1910. 888-9 — Dion5^ius. Three literary letters. 1901. 888-9 Robertson (G. C.) ed. See Bain (A.) & Robertson (G. C.) edd. Robertson (W.) Thesaurus linguae sanctae. 1680. [Class 473-924]. T3723 Robinson (E.) Lexicon of New Test. 1868. 487-33 Robinson (H.) Scholae Wintoniensis phrases Latinae. 1685. [Class 470]. T2992 Robinson (J.) See Pennethome (J.) &- Robinson (J.) Robinson (M. E.) trans. Gregorovius' Emperor Hadrian. 1898. Lending C6916 Robinson (T.) ed. Hesiod. 1737. T2279 Roby (H. J.) Grammar of the Latin language. 1881-2. 476 — Roman private law. 1902. 349-37 Roeder(C.) Roman Manchester. 1900.913-4272 Roeper (T.) ed. Varro. Eumenidum reliquiae. 878-9 Rogers (B. B.) ed. <&- trans. Aristophanes. 1902-11. 882-4 — Aristophanes. Birds. 1906. 882-4 Rohde (E.) Psyche. 1907. [Class 292]. Armstrong College. — Zu den Metamorphosen d. Apuleius. [1874]. 878-9 Rollin (C.) Anct. hist. 1734-9. [Class 938]. T41 19-32 — Another edition. 1829-30. [Class 938]. 930 — Hist, of the Parthians. 1809. [Class 937]. L930 Roman administration antiquities in England in Germany in Scotland art ... education ethnology history law life ... literature society Roman Studies, Society for. Prom, of Rom. Studies. Roman Wall, England 913-428 Germany 913-434 Scotland ... ... ... 913-41 Roman Wall pilgrimage, 1849, from the " Gates- head Observer " ; and Rom. Wall pil- grimage, 1886. In Bruce (J. C.) Lectures on the Roman Wall, etc. L91 3-428 Roman women ... ... ... ... 920-7 Romance languages... ... ... ... 479 Rome, Ancient. Constitutional history. 342-379 Description. ... ...913-37 History ... ... ... 937 History — Bibliography. 016-937 913-37 913-37 913-42 913-434 913-41 709-37 370-937 572 937 349-37 913-37 870 913-37 See Society for the Rooke (J.) trans. Arrian. 1729. T230-1 Roscher (W. H.) ed. Ausfiihrliches Lexikon. 1884. etc. 292 Rose (D.) Popular hist, of Greece. [1887]. [Class 938.] Lending 7625 — Popular hist, of Rome. [1886]. [Class 937]. Lending 7626 Rose (H. J.) ed. Parkhurst's Lexicon to New Test. 1851. 487-33 Rose (V.) &- Miiller-Striibing (H.) edd. Vitruvius. 1867. 878-9 Rose (W.) trans. Sallust. In Demosthenes ; trans, by T. Leland. 1830. Lending 7663 Rosinius (C.) ed. Epicurus. 1818. 888-9 Rosinus (J.) See Rossfeld (J.) Ross (E. D.) ed. Cicero. Friendship ; trans, by Harryngton. 1904. 875-4 Ross (T.) Roman forts on Bar Hill, by G. Macdonald and A. Park ; architectural details by T. Ross. 1906. 913-4137 Rossfeld (J.) Antiquit. Romanar. corpus. 1645. [Class 913-37]. T3724 Rossi (G. B. de) Roma sotterranea. 1864-77. 913-37 — Roma sotterranea. 1879. 913-37 Rostagno (H.) ed. Tacitus. Codex Lauren- tianusMediceus 681. [Facs.] 1902. [Class 471-7]. Armstrong College. Rostand (E.) trans. Catullus. 1882-90. 874-2 Rota (J. M.) Boethius : vita. 1798. 879-8 Roth (C. L.) ed. Suetonius. 1891. 878-7 Rothert(E.) Karten u. Skizzen. [1897-9]. 912-3 Rothery (G. C.) Amazons in antiquity. 1910. 396-9 Rous (F.) Archaeologiae Atticae lib. VII. 1649. [Class 913-385]. T3004 Rouse (W. H. D.) Atlas of class, portraits. 1898- [Class 920-037]. 938 — Demonstrations in Grk. iamb, verse. 1899. [Class 486-8]. Lending B7434 — Demonstrations in Latin elegiac verse. 1899. [Class 476-8]. Lending B7433 — Greek votive offerings. 1902. 292 — ed. Apuleius. Cupid & Psyche. 1904. Lending D2693 — Ovid. Metamorphoses ; trans. by A. Golding. 871-2 — Year's work in classical studies, 1909-10. 870-7 — • trans. Echo of Grk. song. 1899. [Class 881-08]. Lending C7249 Roux (H.) & Barre (L.) Herculanum et Pompei. 1870. 709-37 Rowe (N.) trans. Golden verses. In Dacier's Life of Pythagoras. 1707. T3846 — Lucan. 1722. T2418-9 — Another edition. In Poetical translations, vol. 1. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 12. 1795. 821-08 — Another edition. In Johnson & Chalmers' English poets, vol. 20. 1810. Lending 6351 Royston, P. Yorke. Viscount. See Yorke (P.) Viscount Royston. Rudd (L. H.) trans. Aristophanes. 1867. Lending A9615 258 I NDEX. Ruffinus (T.) trans. Sextus. Sententiae. 1670. T1193 Rufus (Sextus) See Latin Author List. Rumpel (T.) Die Casuslehre in griech. Sprache. 1845. [Class 485-5]. In Philological tracts. 408 Ruperti (G. A.) ed. Juvenal. 1819. Lending 3508 — Another edition. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 — Another edition. 1826. 877-3 — Livy. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Rushton (W.) &- Young (H.) edd. Virgil. 1873. Lending 8912 Ruskin (J.) Aratra Pentelici. 1872; and \^Q5. [Class 733]. 824-86 — Queen of the air. 1874. [Class 292], 824-86 — ■ Another edition. 1887. Lending B54:78 ~ Another edition. 1905. 824-86 — ■ prefator. Xenophon. Economist ; tr. by A. D. O. Wedderbum & W. G. Collingwood. 1907. 824-86 Russell (M.) See Arnold (T.) &■ others. Rutherford (W. G.) ed. Babrius. 1883. 881-4 — Scholia Aristophanica. 1896-1905. 882-4 Rutilius Namatianus (C.) See Latin Author List. Ryan (M. J.) ed. cS- trans. Petronius. 1905. 877-5 Rydberg (V.) Roman days. 1880. [Class 913-37]. Lending B3329 Sabinus (G.) See Latin Author List — ^Mediaeval and Modem. Saboum (R.) Epitome of grammar. 1733. L475 • Sabrinae corolla. 1859. 879-1 — • Another edition. 1890. Armstrong College. Saglio (M.) ed. See Daremberg (C.) & Saglio (M.) edd. Sagot (F.) La Bretagne romaine. 1911. 913-42 St. Clair (G.) Myths of Greece. 1901. 292 Sainte-Croix, Baron de. See Guilhem de Cler- mont-Lod6ve (G. E. J.) Salamis 913393 Sallust, the Platonist. See Greek Author List. Sallustius Crispus (C.) See Latin Author List. Salmasius (C.) See Saumaise (C. de). Sammes (A.) Britan. antiqua. 1676. [Class 913-42]. T3275 Sammonicus (Quintus Serenus). See Serenus Sammonicus (Q.) in Latin Author List. Sanctis (G. de). Storia dei Romani. 1907. 937 Sandys {Sir J. E.) Darbishire's Relliq. philo- logicae : biogr. notice. 1895. Lending B59S5 — Hist, of class, scholarship. 1903-8. 870-9 * — Another copy. [Class 870-9]. Vol. 1, Lending D726 Vols. 2-3. Lending B7401-2 — ed. Aristotle. Constitution of Athens. 1893. 888-5 — Aristotle. Rhetoric ; tr. by Sir R. C. Jebb. 1909. 888-6 — Aristotle. Rhetoric ; with comment, by E. M. Cope. 1877. 888-6 — Companion to Lat. studies. 1910. 870-7 — Euripides. Bacchae. 1892. 882-3 Sandys (Sir J. E.) ed., contd. — Theophrastus ; tr. by R. C. Jebb. 1909. 888-9 Sankey (C.) Spartan & Theban supremacies. 1877. [Class 938-06]. Lending 3362 Sanxay(J.) Lexicon Aristophanicum. 1811. 882-4 Sappho. See Greek Author List. Sarbiewski (M. K.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modem. Sarcophagi ... ... ... ... ... 718 Sardinia, Art in ... ... ... 709-379 Satire, Latin ... ... ... ... 877 Saumaise (C. de) (S- Schryver (P.) edd. Pervi- gilium Veneris. 1712. 874 Savile {Sir H.) trans. Tacitus. Agricola. [circa 1903]. Lending D2614 Sayce (A. H.) Egypt of the Hebrews & Herodo- tus. 1902. Lending C5218 — prefator. Schliemann's Troja. 1884. 913-3921 Sayce (A. H.) cS- Macan (R. W.) edd. Herodotus. 1883-1908. 888-1 Scaliger (J. C.) De causis linguae Latinae. 1623. [Class 470]. T3152 — See also Latin Author List — ^Mediaeval and Modem. Scaliger (J. J.) ed. Catalecta Virgilii, etc. 1617. 871-08 — Hesiod. 1701. T2105 — See also Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modem. Scaliger (J. J.) S- others ; edd. Albino vanus. 1703. 871 — Lucilius Junior. 1703. 871-7 — Another edition. 1826. 871-7 — See also Hesychius, of Alexandria, in Index. Scapula (J.) Lexicon Gr.-Lat. 1637. 483-7 — Another edition. 1652. 483-7 — Another edition. 1820. 483-7 Scarth (H. M.) Roman Britain. [1883]. [Class 913-42]. Lending B802 Sceptics, Greek ... ... ... ... 186 Schaefer (G. H.) ed. Bos (L.) Ellipses Graecae. 1826. [Class 485-3]. Armstrong College. — See also Longolius (P. D.) & Schaefer (G. H.) edd. Schanz (M.) Gesch. der rom. Litteratur : die augustische Zeit. 1911. 870-9 — ed. Plato. 1875-85. 888-4 Scharf (G.) Pompeian Court in the Crystal Pal. In Layard's Nineveh Court, etc. 1854. 913-377 Scheflfer (J.) ed. Aelianus. 1685. T7 Schenkl (H.) ed. Calpumius. Bucolica. In Postgate's Corpus, torn. 2. 1905. 871-08 Schenkl (H.) &- Postgate (J. P.) edd. Nemesianus. In Postgate's Corpus, tom. 2. 1905. 871-08 Schiller (H.) Gesch. d. rom. Kaiserzeit. 1883-7. [Class 937-06]. Armstrong College. Schlegel (A. W. von) On the Rom. theatre. [Class 872]. 7« Donaldson (J. W.) Theatre of the Greeks. 1879. 792 Schleicher (A.) Comparative grammar. 1874-7. 416 Schleiermacher (F. E. D.) Introductions to the dialogues of Plato. 1836. 184-1 — Another copy. [Class 184-1]. Lending 7 M9 — Another edition. In Plato ; with notes from Stallbaum, etc. 1890. Lending C1361 259 NDEX Schliemann (H.) Ilios. 1880. 913-3921 — Mycenae. 1878. 913-388 — Another copy . [Class 913-388]. Lending 10S5 — Tiryns. 1886. 913-388 — Troja : latest researches. 1884. 913-3921 — Troy and its remains. 1875. 913-3921 Schmalz (J. H.) ed. Krebs' Antibarbarus der latein. Sprache. 1905-7. 473-3 Schmidt (B.) ^ya«5. Griechische Marchen. 1877. 398 — Another copy. [Class 398]. Lending A7S07 Schmidt (D. E.) ed. Wagner's Rom. 1905. [Class 937]. Lending D2506 Schmidt (F.) Ueber d. Zahl d. Schauspieler. 1870. 872-3 Schmidt (H.) H. Schliemann's Samml. tro- janischer Altertiimer. 1902. 913-3921 Schmidt (J. H.) Rhythmic and metric. 1894. 486 Schmidt (M.) ed. Hyginus. 1872. 878-9 Schmieder (A. F.) ed. Plutarch. Caesaris vita. In Caesar. Opera. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Schmieder (F.) ed. Curtius Rufus. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Schmincke (J. H.) Syntagma criticum varior. auct. 1717. 879-8 — • See also Latin Author List^ — -Mediaeval & Modem. Schmitz (F.) De bibliopolis Romanor. 1857. 913-37 Schmitz (L.) Manual of anct. hist. 1858. [Class 937]. Lending 6326 — ed. Keightley's Mythology. 1883. 292 — Another edition. 1896. [Class 292]. Lending 2330 — • ed. &• trans. Niebuhr's Lectures on Rom. hist. 1852-3. [Class 937]. 930 — • prefator. Mommsen's Hist, of Rome. 1864-7. [Class 937]. Lending A6558-Q1 — Another edition. 1868. 937 Schneider (C. E. C.) ed. See Hirschig (R. B.) 6- Schneider (C. E. C.) edd. Schneider (J. G.) ed. Nicander. 1792. 881 — Orpheus. 1803. 883-5 — Scriptores rei rusticae. 1794-7. 878-08 Schneider (R.) ed. Caesar. — Appendix. Bellum Alexandrinum. 1888. 878-9 Schober (C. E.) Atellanisch. Schausp. d. Rom. 1825. 872 Schoell (R.) ed. Legis Xll. tabularum reliquiae. 1866. 349-371 Schomann (G. F.) See Meier (M. H. E.) &- Schomann (G. F.) Schoene (R.) ed. See Mommsen (T.) & others ; edd. Schoettgen (C.) Fabricius. Bibliotheca Latina : [supplement]. 1858. 016-87 Scholars, Classical ... ... ... ... 924 * Scholarship, History of classical ... ... 870-9 Scholefield (J.) ed. See Porson (R.) 6^ Scholefield (J.) edd. School books. Latin ... ... ... 478 Schopperus (H.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval and Modern. Schott (A.) De claris apud Senecam rhetoribus. [1601]. In Pausanias. 1583. T2835 Schreiber (T.) Atlas of class, antiquities. 1895. 913-37 Schrevelius (C.) Grk. lexicon. 1847. 483-2 — Lexicon Gr.-Lat. 1663. [Class 483-7]. T4007 — ed. Curtius Rufus. 1664. T59 — Hesiod. 1650. 883-2 — Juvenal & Persius. 1648. T2756 — See also Hesychius, of Alexandria, in Index. Schroder (J. K.) ed. Seneca. Tragoediae. 1728. 872-6 Schroeder (O.) ed. Pindar. In Bergk (T.) ed. Poetae lyrici Graeci, vol. 1, pt. 1. 1900. 884-08 Schryver (P.) ed. See Saumaise (C. de) <&■ Schryver (P.) edd. Schubart (W.) Das Buch. 1907. 091 Schultess (F.) ed. Ritter and Preller's Historia philosophiae. 1888. 180 Schultz (J. M.) ed. Aurelius Antoninus. 1879. 888-9 Schwabe (J. G. S.) ed. Phaedrus. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Schwabe (L.) ed. Teufifel's Hist, of Rom. lit. 1900. 870-9 Schwartz (P.) De Juvenale Horatii imitatore. 1882. 877-7 Schwarz {CG.) ed. Panegyrici veteres. (Delphin class. 1819-30). 870-8 Schwegler (A.) Gesch. d. griech. Philosophic. 1882. In Ritter (C.) Die Quintilianischen Declamationen. 875-6 — Rom. Geschichte. 1856-73. 937 Schweizer-Sidler (H.) & others ; edd. Tacitus. 1877-84. 878-4 Science, Ancient ... ... ... ... 500 Scot (A.) Gramm. Graeca. 1614. [Class 485]. 13165 — ed. Nizolius. Lexicon Ciceronianum. 1820. 875-1 Scott (R.) See Liddell (H. G.) & Scott (R.) Scriverius (P.) ed. Ausonius. In Pervigilium Veneris. 1712. 874 Sculpture ... ... ... ... ... 733 Seager (J.) ed. Vigerus. Grk. idioms. [1828]. 483- 1 Seaman (O.) Horace at Cambridge. 1895. Lending C3891 — Oedipus the wreck. 1888. Lending C6966 Seaton (R. C.) ed. ApoUonius Rhodius. [1900]. 883-3 Seher(W.)ed. Pollux. 1608. 888-9 Secondat (C. de) Baron de Montesquieu. Gran- deur & declension of Rom. Empire. 1777. [Class 937]. In his Complete works, vol. 3. 844-52 Secundus. See Greek Author List. Sedgefield (W. J.) ed. King Alfred's version of Boethius. 1899. 829-7 — Same. In modern English. 1900. 829-7 Sedulius (C.) See Latin Author List. Seeman (O.) M5rthology of Greece and Rome. [1889]. [Class 292]. Lending A3687 Segni (B.) trans. Aristotle. L'Ethica. 1550. 888-5 Seignobos (C.) Hist, of anct. civilization. 1907. [Class 937]. 901 260 INOeX. Seldner (K.) Lessings Verhalt. z. altrom. Komodie. 1881. 832-61 Selections, Latin ... ... ... ... 478'7 Seleucus ... ... ... ... ... 939'4 Sellar (W. Y.) Roman poets : Horace. 1899. 874-5 ■ — 'Roman poets: Virgil. 1877. 873-1 — Rom. poets of the Repub. 1881. 871-09 Sellers (E.) ed. Furtwangler's Grk. sculpt. 1895. 733 Seneca (L. A.) See Latin Author List. Seneca (M. A.) See Latin Author List. Septimius (T.) See Latin Author List. Serenus Sammonicus (Q.) See Latin Author List. Sertum Carthusianum ; cura W. H. Brown. 1870. 879-1 Servius Maurus Honoratus. In Vergilii carmina comment. 1881-1902. 873-1 Severus (Cornelius). For editions of Aetna, see Lucilius Junior, in Latin Author List. Sextus, Pythagoraeus. See Greek Author List. Seyffert (M.) ed. Cicero. Tusculanar. disputat. lib. V. 1864. 875-4 Seyftert (O.) Diet, of class, antiquities. 1891. 913-37 — Another edition. 1908. [Class 913-37]. Lending A 7 658 Seymour (T. D.) Life in the Homeric age. 1907. [Class 913-38]. Armstrong College Sheldon (W. D.) trans. Lucian. 1901. 888-7 Sheppard (J. G.) <&■ Evans (L.) Notes on Thucydides. 1889. 888-2 Shewan (A.) See Greek Author List — Modem. Shilleto (A. R.) trans. Pausanias. 1886. Lending 2785 — Plutarch. Morals. 1888. 888-8 Shilleto (R.) See Greek Author List— Modem. — ed. Demosthenes. De falsa legatione. 1901. 885-6 Shipman (F. P.) trans. Virgil. Georgics I., II. [1889]. 873-1 Shipping 699 Short (C.) See Lewis (C. T.) &- Short (C.) Shrewsbury School. Sabrinae corolla. 1859. 879-1 — Another edition. 1890. Armstrong College Shuckburgh (E. S.) Augustus. 1903. 937-06 — Another copy. [Class 937-06]. Lending D27A0 — Greece. 1905. [Class 938]. Lending D2462 — Pass, from Lat. authors. 1897. [Class 478-7]. Lending 2844 — Short hist, of the Grks. 1901. [Class 938]. Lending C8389 — ed. Nepos. 1896. 878-3 — Suetonius. Divus Augustus. 1896. Armstrong College — trans. Cicero. Letters. 1899-1900. Lending C7138-41 — Another edition. 1900-8. 876-1 — Cicero. Old age, & Friendship. 1900. Lending B6835 — See also Hultsch (F.) & Shuckburgh (E. S.) trans. Sicily. Architecture ... ... ... 722-8 Art 709-378 History 937-8 Numismatics 737-378 SidgAvick (A.) First Grk. reading book. 1896. [Class 488-6]. Lending C4904 — Grk. prose compos. 1876. [Class 488-2]. Lending 644 — ed. Aeschylus. [1899]. 882-1 Another edition. [1902]. Lending A 181 3 Sidonius (C. S. ApoUinaris) . See Latin Author List. Siebelis (J.) Quaestiones Lucretianae. 1844. In Reisacker's Quaestiones. 1847. 871-1 Siebold (E. C. J. von) ed. & trans. Juvenal. 1858. /« Diintzer (H.) ^yans. DieRomisch. Satiriker. 1846. 877 Sikes (E. E.) ed. See Allen (T. W.) & Sikes (E. E.) edd. Silius Italicus. See Latin Author List. Silvestre (J. B.) Universal palaeography. 1850. 417 Simcox (G. A.) Hist, of Lat. lit. 1883. 870-9 — Another copy. [Class 870-9]. Lending 6958-9 — ■ ed. Juvenal. 1873. Lending 7049 Simcox (G. A.) &- (W. H.) edd. Demosthenes & Aeschines. On the crown. 1872. 885-6 — Another copy. Lending B9356 Simonde de Sismondi (J. C. L.) Fall of the Rom. Empire. 1834. [Class 937-06]. Lending A489 Simonides. See Greek Author List. Simonides (C.) ed. Facs. of portions of [New Test.] 1861. 481-7 Sintenis (C.) ed. Plutarch. 1889-1904. 888-8 Sittl (K.) Gesch. d. griech. Lit. 1884-7. 880-9 Sixto (C.) 6- Ezquerra (J.) trans. Tacitus. Los Annales. 1794. 878-6 Slater (D. A.) trans. Statius. Silvae. Lending A4435 Slavery 326-93 Smart (C.) trans. Horace. 1859. 874-5 Smids (L.) ed. Martial. 1701. T3336 Smith (A. H.) Catal. of sculpture in the Brit. Museum. 1892. 733 Smith (C. H.) Catal. of Grk. & Etrus. vases in the Brit. Mus., vol. 3. 1896. 738 Smith (C. R.) 6^ Madden (F. W.) edd. Stevenson's Diet, of Rom. coins. 1889. 737-37 Smith (H.) &■ Arnold (T. K.) trans. Crusius. Lexicon for Homer. 1886. 883-1 Smith (H. J. S.) Conington's Miscell. writings ; with memoir by Smith. 1872. [Class 870-4]. 804 Smith (I. G.) &> Grundy (W.) Aristotelianism. 1889. [Class 185-1]. Lending B2.2Q5 Smith (J. H.) See Nicol {].C.)& Smith (J. H.) Smith (L. Horton-) Ars tragica Sophoclea cum Shaksperiana comparata. 1896. 882-2 Smith (P.) Anct.hist. 1868. [Class 937]. 930 — Anct. hist, of the East. 1895. [Class 939]. Lending A2557 — ed. Schliemann's Troy. 1875. 913-3921 Smith (R.) trans. Grk. romances of Heliodorus, etc. 1882. 888-9 Smith (R. A. H. Bickford-) ed. Publilius, Syrus. 1895. 878-9 Smith (R. B.) Carthage. 1890. [Class 939-73]. Lending B7980 — Rome & Carthage. 1903. [Class 937-02]. Lending 3363 261 INDEX. Smith (R. M.) cS- Porcher (E. A.) Discoveries at Cyrene. 1864. 913-3975 Smith (T.) G. Camdeni vita. In Camden (W.) Epistolae. 1691. T1240 Smith (W.) Literae de re nummaria. 1729. L737-37 — Another copy. [Class 737-37], T4200 Smith (Sir W.) Class, diet. 1875. 913-37 — Hist, of Greece. 1879. [Class 938]. Lending A9832 — Initia Graeca. 1881-1902. [Class 488-2]. Lending C1331-3 — Lat.-Eng. diet. 1874. 473-2 — Principia Latina. 1886-1903. [Class 478-2]. Lending CI 336-40 — • ed. Curtius' Grammar of Grk. lang. 1887. [Class 485]. Lending B890 — Diet, of Grk. & Rom. antiquities. 1878. [Class 913-37]. Lending BMW — 3rd ed. 1890-1. 913-37 — Diet, of Grk. & Rom. biography. 1880. 92003 — Diet, of Grk. & Rom. geography. 1873. 913-37 — Gibbon's Rom. Empire. 1862. 937 — Plato. Apology of Socrates, etc. 1890. Lending CI 351 — Young beginner's Latin course. 1891-2. [Class 478-2]. Lending C1341-4 Smith {Sir W.) &■ Grove [Sir G.) Atlas of anct. geogr. 1875. 912-3 Smith {Sir W.) &> Hall (T. D.) Eng.-Lat. diet. 1874. 473-2 — Smaller Lat.-Eng. diet. 1893. [Class 473-2]. Lending C3141 — Grammar of the Lat. lang. 1889. [Class 475]. Lending B891 — Smaller grammar. 1890. Lending C1348 Smith (W.) Dean; trans. Thucydides. 1831. Lending 1511 Smith (W. B.) ed. Cicero. Cato major, Laelius, Brutus. 1875. Lending 8811 — Euripides. [1868]. Lending 8882 — Horace. 1878. Lending 8897 — Livy. 1876-8. Lending 8901 Smithers (L. C.) trans. See Burton {Sir R. F.) <&- Smithers (L. C.) trans. Smyth (H. W.) ed. Grk. melic poets. 1900. 884 Smyth (W. H.) Catal. of cabinet of Rom. family coins. 1856. [Class 737-37]. L708-2 * Societies. Classical philology ... ... 470-6 Greek literature & archaeology. 880-6 Roman literature and archaeology. 870-6 Society for the Prom, of Hellen. studies. Catal. of lib. of the Soc. 1903. 880-6 — Journal of Hellen. studies. 1880, to date. 880-6 — Supp. papers, nos. 1-3. 1892-1900. 880-6 — Report on prospects of research, in Alex- andria. 1894-5. 880-6 Society for the Prom, of Rom. studies. Journal, 1911, to date. 870-6 Society of Dilettanti. Antiq. of Attica. 1817. 722-8 — Antiq. of Ionia. 1797-1881. 722-8 Society, Greek ... * 913-38 Roman 913-37 Sociology ... ... ... ... ... 300 Socrates ... ... ... ... ... 183-2 Sohm (R.) The Institutes. 1901. 349-374 Some Rom. stones found in Northumbd., etc. L913-428 Somner (W.) Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino- Anglicum. 1659. [Class 473]. T3143 Sonnenschein (E. A.) Bentley's Plautine emen- dations. 1883. 872-3 — Grk. grammar. 1894. 2v. [Class 485]. Lending C2260, C2271 — Latin grammar. 1892. [Class 475]. Lending C2261 — Newer methods of teaching Latin. In Special reports, vol. 8. 1902. [Class 470-7]. B.B.379 — Ora maritima. 1902. [Class 478-6]. Lending C9662 — Unity of the Lat. subjunctive. 1910. 475-18 Sophocles. See Greek Author List. Sorley (W. R.) &■ Hardie (R. P.) edd. Adamson's Developt. of Grk. philosophy. 1908. 180-9 Sotheby (W.) trans. Homer. 1834. 883-1 — Virgil. Georgics. 1830. Lending 7567 Spalding (G. L.) ed. Quintilian. 1798-1834. 875-6 Spanheim (E.) De praestantia numismatum antiq. 1706-17. [Class 737]. T3144-5 Spelman (E.) trans. Xenophon. Anabasis. 1830. Lending 7564 Spencer (J. G.) See Marchant (E. C.) &• Spencer (J- G.) Spengel (L.) Ueber d. Kritik d. varromschen Biicher De lingua Lat. 878-9 Spiers (R. P.) ed. Fergusson's Hist, of architec- ture. 1893. [Class 722-7]. 720-9 — See also Anderson (W. ].) & Spiers (R. P.) Spillan (D.) 6- others ; trans. Livy. 1870-7. 878-4 — Another edition. 1873-1901. Lending 21 '^0-Z Spiro (F.) ed. Pausanias. 1903. 888-9 Spratt (T. A. B.) Travels in Crete. 1865. [Class 913-3918]. Lending A^^2l Stadtmueller (H.) ed. Anthologia Graeca. 1894-1906. 881-08 Stage 792 Stahl (J. M.) ed. Thucydides. 1875-86. 888-2 Stallbaum (G.) ed. Plato. 1881. 888-4 — Plato. Apology of Socrates, etc. 1890. Lending C1351 Standard atlas of class, geogr. 1861. 912-3 Stanhope (G.) ed. Aurelius Antoninus. 1697. T4900 — trans. Epictetus. Morals. 1694. T940 Stanley (E.) Earl of Derby ; trans. Homer. Iliad. 1864. 883-1 — 5th ed. 1865. Lending B1390 Stanley (T.) trans. Anacreon. 1893. 884-3 Stapylton {Sir R.) trans. Juvenal. 1647. 877-7 Starkie (W. J. M.) ed. Aristophanes. Wasps. 1897. 882-4 — ed. &• trans. . Aristophanes. Achamians. 1909. 882-4 Statesmen. Lives ... ... ••• ••• 923-2 Statius (C. Caecilius) See Caecilius Statius (C.) in Latin Author List. 262 N DEX. Statius (Publius Papinius). See Latin Author List. Statuary ... ... ... ... ... 733 Staveren (A. van) ed. Auctores mythographd Latini. 1742. 878-08 — Nepos. 1819. Lending 3505 Steffens (F.) Lateinische Paiaographie. [?1906- 10]. 471-7 Stephanus (H.) See Estienne (H.) Stephanus (R.) See Estienne (R.) Stesichorus. See Greek Author List. Steup (J.) ed. See Classen (J.) &■ Steup (J.) edd. Stevenson (S. W.) Diet, of Rom. coins. 1889. 737-37 Stewart (A.) ed. Cicero. De oratore, etc. 1812. Lending 8076 ■ — trans. Seneca. Minor dialogues. 1889. Lending 2783 — Seneca. On benefits. 1887. Lending 2782 Stewart (A.) &■ Long (G.) trans. Plutarch. 1881-1900. Lending 1939-42 Stewart (H. F.) Boethius. 1891. 189 Stewart (J. A.) English MSS. of the Nicoma- chean ethics. 1882. 888-5 — The Nicomachean ethics. 1892. 185-1 — trans. Plato. Myths. 1905. 888-4 Stickney (T.) Les Sentences dans la poesie grecque. [Class 881-04]. Lending D484 Stieler (K.) & others. Italy from the Alps to Mount Etna. 1877. [Class 913-37]. 914-5 Stievenart (J. F.) trans. Demosthenes. 1879. 885-6 Stobaeus (J.) See John, Stobaeus, in Greek Author List. Stobart (J. C.) The Glory that was Greece. 1911. 938 — • The Grandeur that was Rome. 1912. 937 Stock (St. G.) Lectures in the Lyceum : Aristotle's Ethics. 1897. Lending C6262 Stoicism ... ... ... ... ... 188 Stokes (F. G.) trans. (S^ ed. Epistolae obscurorum virorum. 1909. 282 Stolz (F.) Historische Grammatik d. latein. Sprache. 1894. [Class 475]. Armstrong College. Stone (E. D.) ed. See Thackeray (F. St. J.) & Stone (E. D.) edd. — trans. See Paul (C. K.) 6- Stone (E. D.) trans. Story (W. W.) prefator. Wey's Rome. 1875. [Class 913-37]. 914-56 Stout (J. F.) &' Plaistowe (E.G.) edd. Thucydides, book VII. [1891]. 888-2 — trans. Thucydides, book VII. [1891]. 888-2 Strabo. See Greek Author List. Strack (H.) ed. Baudenkmaeler d. alt. Rom. 1890. 722-7 Strickland (A.) ed. Strickland (J. M.) Rome. 1854. [Class 937]. Lending A3034 Strickland (J. M.) Rome. 1854. [Class 937]. Lending A3034 Strong (E.) Roman sculpture. [1907]. 733 — trans. Wickhoff's Rom. art. 1900. 709-37 Strong (Mrs. S. A.) See Strong (E.) Strozi (T. V.) &- (E.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. Stuart (J.) &- Revett (N.) Antiq. of Athens. 1762-1830. 722-8 — Another edition. 1825-30. 722-8 Stuart (].) S^ Revett (N.) contd. — Antiq. of Athens. 1876. (Bohn's Lib.) [Class 913-38]. Lending 2412 Stuart (R.) Caledonia Romana. 1845. 913-41 Studemund (G.) ed. See Krueger (P.) &■ Stude- mund (G.) edd. Suares (J. M.) De numismatis. 1683. 7« Patin (C.) Introd. ad hist, numismatum. [Class 737]. T2937 Suetonius Tranquillus (C.) See Latin Author List. Suidas. Lexicon, Gr. et Lat. 1705. [Class 483-7]. T4731-3 — Another edition. 1834. 483-7 Sulpicia. See Latin Author List. Summers (W. C.) Study of the Argonautica. 1894. 873-3 — ed. Persius. In Postgate's Corpus, torn. 2. 1905. 871-08 — Silius Italicus. In Postgate's Corpus,tom.2. 1905. 871-08 Suringar (W. H. D.) Ciceronis commentarii rerum suarum. 1854. Bio. Surridge (T.) Notices of Rom. inscriptions. 1853. L913-4282 — • Roman inscriptions in Northumbd. 1853. L913-4282 Surtees (S. F.) Julius Caesar : did he cross the Channel ? 1866. [Also Julius Caesar : showing that he never crossed the Channel. 1868]. Lending C1806 Swainson (J. H.) ed. See Mayor (J. B.) &■ Swainson (J. H.) edd. Swan (C.) &' Hooper (W.) trans. Gesta Roman- orum. 1877. 879-3 Swanwick (A.) trans. Aeschylus. 1881. 882-1 — Another copy. Lending 2780 Swayne (G. C.) Herodotus. 1870. Lending 51^9 Swoboda (H.) Grk. hist. 1900. [Class 938]. Lending B5994 Sydenham (F.) &' Taylor (T.) trans. Plato. Works. 1804. 888-4 Sykes (G. F. H.) trans. Thucydides, book IV. [1889]. 888-2 Sykes (G. F. H.) c^ Haydon (J. H.) trans. Euripides. Iphigenia in Tauris. [1890]. 882-3 Sylburg (F.) Herodotus. Spicilegium. 1608. T2042 — ed. Pausanias. 1583. 888-9 — Pausanias. 1696. 888-9 — • Pausanias. Commentarii a R. Amaseo in Latin, sermonem conversi. 1583. T2835 Sylvanus (G.) ed. Theocritus. 1683. T3785 Symmachus (Q. A.) See Latin Author List. Symonds (J. A.) Studies of the Grk. poets. 1877-9. 881-04 — ■ ed. Conington's Miscell. writings. 1872. [Class 870-4]. 804 S5anphosius (C. Firmianus). See next entry. Symposius (C. Firmianus). See Firmianus Symposius (C.) in Latin Author List. Synesius ; per J. Cornarium Latinus f actus. In Pachumeres (G.) In universam fere Aris- totelis philosophiam epitome. 1560. 185-1 Syria 939-4 Syrus (Publilius). See Publilius, Syrus, in Latin Author List. 263 IN DEX. Tabulae duodecim ... ... ... ... 349'37 Tacitus (P. C.) See Latin Author List. Taine (H.) Essai sur Tite Live. 1904. 878-4 Talbot (T.) Greece and the Greeks. 1881. 913-38 Talfourd (Sir T. N.) See Arnold (T.) (S' others. Talfourd (Sir T. N.) & others. Hist, of Grk. lit. 1850. [Class 880-9]. Lending AQQU Tarver (J. C.) Tiberius. 1902. 937-06 Taylor (E.) & others ; edd. Aeschines. 1820. 885-6 Taylor (1.) Etruscan researches. 1874. [Class 477-5]. Lending C94.24: — Process of historical proof : [Herodotus] . 1828. Lending 4076 — Transmiss. of anct. books. 1827. [Class 870-9]. 809 - — trans. Herodotus. 1829. Lending B6950 Taylor (J.) ed. Lysias. 1739. T1106 Taylor (T.) Eleusinian mysteries. 1875. 292 — • trans. Apuleius. Metamorphosis, and philos. works. 1822. 878-9 Aristotle. Metaphysics. 1801. 185-1 — • lamblichus. Mysteries of Egyptians, etc. 1895. 888-9 — Orpheus. Hymns. 1824. 883-5 — Another edition. 1896. 883-5 — Pausanias. 1794. 888-9 Taylor (T. M.) Constitutional hist, of Rome. 1899. 342-379 Teaching of Greek ... ... ... ... 480-7 Latin 470-7 Latin & Greek ... ... 470-7 Teichmiiller (F.) Das Nichthorazische in der Horaziiberlieferung. 1911. 874-5 Tennent {Sir J. E.) Hist, of Greece. 1845. 938-09 Terentianus, Maurus. See Latin Author List. Terentius (Publius) Afer. See Latin Author List. Terpander. See Greek Author List. Terracottas ... ... ... ... ... 738 Tertullianus (Q. S. F.) See Latin Author List. Teuffel (W. S.) Hist, of Rom. lit. 1900. 870-9 Thackeray (F.) Anct. Britain under the Roman emperors. 1843. [Class 913-42]. Lending 3981 Thackeray (F. St. J.) ed. Anthologia Graeca. 1902. 881-08 Thackeray (F. St. ].) &' Stone (E. D.) edd. See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modem. Theatre ... ... ... ... ... 792 Themistocles. See Greek Author List. Theocritus. See Greek Author List. Theodoretus (J. A.) ed. lamblichus De vita Pythagorae. 1598. T2469 Theognis. See Greek Author List. Theophrastus. See Greek Author List. Theopompus. See Greek Author List. Thesaurus linguae Latinae. 1900, etc. 473 Thesaurus linguae Latinae — Epitome ; ed. F. Vollmer. Pt. 1. 1912. 473 Thiele (G.) Der lllustrierte latein. Aesop in d. Hdschr. d. Ademar. 1905. 888-6 Thilo (G.) &- Hagen (H.) edd. Servius. In Vergilii carmina commentarii. 1881-1902. 873-1 Thirlwall (C.) Hist, of Greece. 1835-40. [Class 938]. Lending A509-16 — Another edition. 1845-55. 938 — On the irony of Sophocles. In his Essays. 1880. 824-89 — See also Hare (J. C.) 6- Thirlwall (C.) trans. Thomas (E.) Roman life. 1899. 913-37 — ■ Another copy . [Class 913-37]. Lending B8095 Thomas (R. M.) trans. Euripides. Heraclidae. [1892]. 882-3 Thompson {Sir E. M.) Grk. and Lat. palaeog- raphy. 1893. 417 — Another copy. [Class 417]. Lending B4:m — • ed. See Bond {Sir E. A.) 6- others ; edd. Thompson {Sir E. M.) &- Jebb {Sir R. C.) edd. Facs. of Laurentian MS. of Sophocles. 1885. 481-7 Thompson (F. E.) Syntax of Attic Grk. 1907. 485-2 Thompson (H.) ed. Hist, of Rom. lit. 1852. [Class 870-9]. Lending A9M5 — prefator. Horace. Works. [1856]. Lending A 154 — Virgil. Works. 1855. 873-1 Thompson (J.) Grk. grammar. 1902. [Class 485]. Lending C9823 — See also Grindon (H. M.) c^ Thompson (J.) — trans. Herodotus, VII. [1892]. 888-1 — See also Burnet (A. F.) 6- Thompson (J.) trans. — See also Masom (W. F.) &■ Thompson (J.) trans. Thompson (}.)<&- Burnet (A. F.) edd. Euripides. Ion. [1891]. 882-3 Thompson (W. H.) ed. Butler's Lectures on anct. philosophy. 1846. 180-9 — Plato. Gorgias. 1871. 888-4 — Plato. Phaedrus. 1868. 888-4 Thomson (A.) cS- Forester (T.) trans. Suetonius. 1855. 878-7 — Another edition. 1901. Lending 2111 Thornhill (W. J.) trans. Virgil. Aeneid. 1886. 873-1 Thucydides. See Greek Author List. Tiberianus. See Latin Author List. Tiberius ... ... ... ... ... 937-06 Tibullus (A.) See Latin Author List. Tiddeman (R. P. G.) ed. Thucydides ; ed. by T. Arnold. 1857-8. 888-2 Tighe (Mary) Psyche. 1902. In Apuleius. Works. 878-9 Tillemont (L. S. Le N. de) See Le Nain de Tillemont (L. S.) Timaeus. See Greek Author List. Timocreon. See Greek Author List. Tiryns 913-388 Toller (O.) De spectaculis in municipiis Romanis Occidentis. 1889. 913-37 Tollius (A.) ed. Appian. 1670. T224-5 Tollius (J.) ed. See Mercer (J.) 6- others ; edd. Tomson (G. R.) Selections from the Grk. anthol. [1889]. 881-08 Toutain (J.) Les Cultes paiens. 1907. [Class 292]. Armstrong College. Townsend (G. F.) trans. Aesop. [1894]. Lending 1232 Townshend (C. S. T.) ed. Aristophanes. Achamians. [1863]. Lending 8873 264 INDEX Tozer (H. F.) Hist, of anct. geography. 1897. [Class 913-37]. 910-9 — ed. Finlay's History of Greece. 1877. 938-09 — Another copy. [Class 938-09]. Lending 4247-53 — Wordsworth's Greece. 1882. 914-95 Trebellius Pollio. See Latin Author List. Trench (R. C.) Plutarch. 1874. Lending 5581 Trikoupes (S.) See Greek Author List — -Modern. Trogus Pompeius. See Latin Author List. Trollope (A.) Commentaries of Caesar. 1875. Lending 5135 — Life of Cicero. 1880. Bio. Trollope (E.) lllus. of anct. art. 1854. 709-37 Trollope (F. E.) trans. Stieler (K.) & others. Italy. 1877. [Class 913-37]. 914-5 Trollope (T. A.) ed. Stieler (K.) &■ others. Italy ; tr. by F. E. Trollope. 1877. [Class 913-37]. 914-5 Troy 913-3921 Tsountas (C.) &• Manatt (J. I.) Mycenaean age. 1897. [Class 913-38]. Armstrong College. Tucker (T. G.) Life in anct. Athens. 1907. [Class 913-385]. Lending B9572 — Life in the Rom. world. 1910. [Class 913-37]. Lending B410 — ed. Plato. Proem to the ideal common- wealth. 1900. 888-4 Tufnell (H.) cS- Lewis [Sir G. C.) trans. Miiller's Doric race. 1830. 938-3 — 2nded. 1839. [Class 938-3]. Lew^ing A4095 Turin. Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria. Codici Bobbiesi. 1907. 417 Turner (D. W.) Notes on Herodotus. 1853. 888-1 — Another edition. 1876. Lending 2331 — trans. Pindar. 1868. 884-5 — Another edition. 1876. Lending 2750 Turner (W.) ed. Pliny. Excerpta ex Hist. naturali. 1829. L878-9 Turpilius (Sextus). See Latin Author List. Tutorial Lat. reader. [1893]. [Class 478-7]. Lending 4852 Twelve tables. See Leges duodecim. Tyrtaeus. See Greek Author List. u Ussing (J. L.) Erziehung u. Jugendunterricht. 1885. 370-937 Uvarov (S. S.) Count. Mysteries of Eleusis. 1817. 292 Vaenius (O.) See Veen (O. van). V'alareus (J.) trans. Comutus. Speculatio de deorum natura. 1608. T1734 Valerius (Julius). See Latin Author List. Valerius Flaccus (C.) See Latin Author List. Valerius Maximus. See Latin Author List. Valesius (H.) See Valois (H. de). Valgius Rufus (C.) See Latin Author List. Valla (L.) See Valle (L. della). Valle (L. della) trans. Herodotus. 1608. T2042 Valois (H. de) & (A. de) edd. Marcellinus. 1693. T2513 Valois (H. de) & Fabricius (J. A.) edd. Dion Cassius. 1750-2. 888-9 Valpy (A. J.) ed. Delphin & variorum. Lat. classics. 1819-30. 870-8 Valpy (R.) Grk. grammar. 1833. [Class 485]. T4787 Vandoperanus (D. J.) ed. Hippocrates. 1576. T2045 Varro (M. T.) See Latin Author List. Vases ... ... ... ... ... 738 Vaughan (D. J.) ed. See Davies (J. L.) & Vaughan (D. J.) edd. Vegetius Renatus (F.) See Latin Author List. Veitch (J.) Lucretius and the atomic theory. 1875. 187 — Another copy. [Class 187]. Lending K\%%Q Veitch (W.) Grk. verbs. 1871. [Class 485-18]. Lending A3052 Velleius Paterculus (C.) See Latin Author List. Verbs, Greek. Etymology ... ... 482-8 Morphology 485- 1 8 Syntax ... ... ... 485-8 Latin 475-18 Verger (V.) trans. Gellius. 1820. 878-9 Vergilius Maro (P.) See Latin Author List. Verheyk (J. H.) ed. Eutropius. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Verrall (A. W.) Essays on four plays of Euri- pides. 1905. 882-3 — Euripides the rationalist. 1895. 882-3 — Another copy. Lending C6350 — ed. Aeschylus. Agamemnon. 1889. Armstrong College — Aeschylus. Choephori. 1893. Armstrong College. — ■ Aeschylus. Eumenides. 1908. Armstrong College. — prefator. Freeman's Schools of Hellas. 1907. 370-938 — Another copy. [Class 370-938]. Lending A 1650 Verrall (M. de G.) trans. Pausanias. 1890. 292 — ■ Another copy. Lending A4:ll 5 Verrius Flaccus (M.) [Works]. 16S 473]. — • Another edition. (Delphin classics. [Class T2017 1819-30). 870-8 486 476 Verse, Greek. Manuals ... Latin. Manuals ... Verus (L.) See Ceionius Commodus, in Latin Author List. Vettori (P.) ed. Aeschylus. 1557. T96 — ed. Cicero. 1540. 875-1 Victor (C. M.) See Latin Author List. Victor (P.) See Latin Author List. Victorinus (C. M.) See Latin Author List. Victorius (P.) See Vettori (P.) ed. Viereck (P.) ed. See Mendelssohn (L.) &- Viereck (P.) edd. Vigerus (F.) De praecip. Gr. dictionis idiotis- mis. 1647. [Class 483-1]. T4090 — Same. Abridg. & trans. [1828]. 483-1 Vignoli (T.) Myth and science. 1882. [Class 292]. 291 Villari (L.) trans. Villari (P.) Barbarian mva- sions. 1902. [Class 937-06]. 945-01 Villari (P.) Le Invasioni barbariche. 1901. [Class 937-06]. 945-01 — Same. [Translation]. 1902. 946-01 265 I N DEX Vincent (J.) Maps illustrative of Livy. [circa 1830?] 878-4 Vincent (W.) trans. 6- ed. The Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. 1800-5. [Class 913-37]. Lending A287 Vine (F. T.) Caesar in Kent. 1887. Lending B6274 Vinet (E.) ed. Ausonius. In Pervigilium Veneris. 1712. 874 Virgil. See Vergilius Maro (P.) in Latin Author List. Virgilio (J. de) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. Visconti (E. Q.) On the sculpts, in the collection of the Earl of Elgin. 1816. 733 Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus). See Latin Author List. Vives (L.) See Latin Author List — Mediaeval & Modern. Vlachos (A.) New method of learng. mod. Grk. 1891. [Class 489-5]. Lending C4195 Vliet (J. van) ed. Autores rei venaticae. 1653. 871-08 Vogel (T.) ed. Curtius Rufus. 1904. 878-8 Volger (H. F. M.) ed. Sappho. 1810. 884-2 VoUmer (F.) ed. Epitome thesauri Latini. Pt. 1. 1912. 473 — Statius. 1898. 873-5 Von Hahn (J. G.) See Hahn (J. G. v.) trans. Vopiscus (F.) See Latin Author List. Voss (J. H.) trans. Homer. Ilias. 1872. Lending B4054 Vries (S. de) Album palaeographicum. 1909. [Class 417]. Armstrong College. Vulcatius Gallicanus. See Gallicanus (V.) in Latin Author List. VuUiamy (L.) Classic ornament. 1907. 722 Vultejus (J.) ed. Aelianus. 1685. T7 w Waddington (C.) La Philosophie ancienne. 1904. [Class 180]. Lending D856 Wagner (W.) Rom. 1905. [Class 937]. Lending D2506 Wagener (C.) Kurz gefasste lateinische Ortho- graphic. 1871. In Philological tracts. [Class 471]. 408 Wagner (F. W.) ed. Poetar. tragicor. Graec. fragm. 1844-52. 882-08 Wagner (W.) ed. Bentley's Dissertation on Epistles of Phalaris. 1883. Lending 2786 — ■ Carmina Graeca medii aevi. 1874. 889-1 — Plautus. Aulularia. 1892. 872-3 — Terentius. 1892. 872-5 — prefator. Dobree's Adversaria. 1883. [Class 880]. Lending 2335 Wake (C. S.) See Westropp (H. M.) <&• Wake (C. S.) Wakefield (G.) ed. Lucretius. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 — Another edition. 1821. Lending 3515 Waldstein (C.) The Argive Heraeum. 1902-5. 913-38 — Art of Pheidias. 1885. 733 Walford (E.) Juvenal. 1872. Lending 5144 — trans. Aristotle. Politics & Economics. 1853. 888-5 — Another edition. 1876. Lending 2708 Walford (H.) ed. Cicero, extracts. 1869. Lending A7320 Walker (O.) Grk. & Rom. hist, illus. by coins. 1692. [Class 737]. T4242 Walker (R. J.) ANTI MIA2. 1910. 486 Walker (W. S.) ed. Corpus poetar. Lat. 1839. 871-08 Wallace (W.) Epicureanism. 1880. [Class 187]. Lending B2203 Wallon (H.) Histoire de I'esclavage. 1879. 326-93 Walters (H. B.) Brit. Mus. catal. of bronzes. 1899. 739 — • Catal. of Grk. & Etrus. vases in the Brit. Mus., vols. 2-4. 1893-6. 738 — Catal. of terracottas in the Brit. Mus. 1903. 738 — Greek art. [1908]. 709-38 — Another copy. [Class 709-38]. Lending B61 Walther (R.) trans. Pollux. 1608. 888-9 Warburton (J.) Vallum Romanum. 1753. L913-428 Ward (A. W.) trans. Curtius' Hist, of Greece. 1868-73. 938 — Another copy. [Class 938]. Lending 5882-6 Ward (J.) Rom. era in Britain. [1911]. 913-42 — Rom. fort of Gellygaer. 1903. 913-4297 — Romano-British buildings. [1911]. 913-42 Warner {Sir G. F.) ed. See Bond (Sir E. A.) &- others ; edd. Warr(G.C.W.) Grk. epic. 1895. [Class 883-09] Lending C3839 — trans. Aeschylus. The Oresteia. 1900. 882 — Another copy. Lending CI 82^ — • Aeschylus. Story of Orestes. In Crane's Echoes of Hellas. [1887]. 741 - — Homer. Tale of Troy. In Crane's Echoes of Hellas. [1887]. 741 — Teuffel's Hist, of Rom. lit. 1900. 870-9 Warton (J.) trans. Virgil. Eclogues & Georgics. 1753. 873-1 — Another edition. 1790. Lending 7620 Wasse (J.) ed. Thucydides. 1731. Armstrong College. Watkins (M. G.) Nat. hist, of the ancients. 1885. 590 Watson (A.) ed. Cicero. Select letters. 1874. Armstrong College. Watson (D.) trans. Horace. 1792. 874-5 Watson (J. S.) ed. Homer ; tr. by A. Pope, etc. 1902. Lending 2404 — Homer's Iliad ; tr. by A. Pope. 1889. Lending 2403 — trans. Cicero. On oratory, e/c. 1871. 875-3 — • Another edition. 1876. Lending 21 H — Justin, Cornelius Nepos & Eutropius. 1876. Lending 2738 — Another edition. 1882. 878-3 — Lucretius. 1851. 871-1 — Another edition. 1876. 871-1 — Quintilian. 1875-6. Lending 2767 — Another edition. 1856-82. 875-6 — Sallust, Florus, Velleius Paterculus. 1876. 878-2 — Another edition. 1879. Lending 2768 — Xenophon. Anabasis & Memorabilia. 1880. 888-3 — Another edition. 1903. Lending 2777 266 I NDEX. Watson (J. S.) trans., contd. — Xenophon. Minor works. 1878. 888-3 — Another copy. Lending 2119 Watson (J. S.) &- Dale (H.) trans. Xenophon. Cyropaedia & Hellenics. 1872. 888-3 — Another edition. 1876. Lending 2778 Way (A. S.) trans. Euripides. 1894-8. 882-3 — Another copy. Lending C6254-6 — Homer. Iliad. 1866-8. 883-1 — Sophocles. 1909. 882-2 — Another copy. Lending 04^318 Wayte (W.) ed. Demosthenes against Androtion, etc. 1893. 885-6 Wedderburn (A.) ed. See Cook (E. T.) cS- Wedderbum (A.) edd. Wedderburn (A. D. O.) 6- Collingwood (W. G.) trans. Xenophon. Economist. In Ras- kin's works, vol. 31. 1907. 824-86 Weichert (J. A.) ed. Poetarum Latinorum vitae, et carminum reliquiae. 1830. 871-08 Weise (C. H.) ed. Aristophanes. Acharnians. [1863]. Lending 8873 Weiske (B.) Pleonasmi Graeci. In Bos (L.) Ellipses Graecae. 1825. [Class 485-3]. Artnstrong College. — ed. Longinus. 1820. Lending A5971 Weissenborn (W.) <~ Miiller (H. J.) edd. Livy. 1873-1900. 878-4 Weitz (J.) ed. Prudentius. 1613. T3833 Welcker (F. G.) ed. Muller's Anct. art. 1852 709-3 — ■ Another copy. Lending A2007 Wellauer (A.) Lexicon Aeschyleum. 1830-1. 882-1 — ed. Apollonius Rhodius. 1828. 883-3 Wellbeloved (C.) Eburacum. 1842. 913-4274 Welldon (J. E. C.) trans. Aristotle. Nicoma- chean ethics. 1906. Lending A774 — Aristotle. Politics. 1893. Lending C3447 — Aristotle. Rhetoric. 1886. 888-5 Wellmann (E.) ed. Ritter and Preller's Historia philosophiae. 1888. 180 Wells (E.) ed. Xenophon. AHOMNHMONEY- MATON BIBAIA A', etc. [1690]. T4754 Wendland (P.) Anaximenes von Lampsakos. 1905. 885-9 Wemsdorf (J. C.) ed. Pervigilium Veneris. In Catullus (C. V.) Opera. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Wesseling (P.) ed. Diodorus Siculus. 1746. T4227-8 Wessner (P.) ed. Donatus. Quod fertur com- mentum Terenti, etc. 1902-6. Armstrong College. West (G.) trans. Pindar. In Poetical transla- tions, vol. 1. 821-08 — Another edition. In Anderson's British poets, vol. 12. 1795. 821-08 Westerhof (A. H.) ed. Terentius. 1819. Lending 3529 — Another edition. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 Westermann (A.) ed. Philostratonim et Calli- strati opera. 1878. 888-9 Westermann (A.) <&- Boissonade (J. F.) edd. Diogenes Laertius. 1878. 888-9 Westropp (H. M.) Handbk. of archaeol. 1878. 913-37 Westropp (H. M.) & Wake (C. S.) Ancient symbol worship. 1875. [Class 292]. 291 Wey (F.) Rome. 1875. [Class 913-37]. 914-56 Wharton (H. T.) ed. Sappho. 1887. Lending B5450 Wheeler (B. I.) Alexander the Great. 1900. [Class 938-07]. Lending C6206 Wheeler (J. T.) Analysis of Herodotus. 1879. 888-1 — Another copy. Lending 2332 — Analysis of Thucydides. 1876. 888-2 — Another copy. Lending 2333 — Geography of Herodotus. 1854. [Cleiss 913-37]. 910-7 Wheelwright (C. A.) trans. Pindar. 1830. Lending 7568 Whewell (W.) trans. Plato. The Platonic dialogues. 1859-61. 888-4 — • Another copy. Lending 7243 Whibley (C.) prefator. Suetonius ; trans, by P. Holland. 1899. 878-7 Whibley (L.) Greek oligarchies. 1896. 342-38 — Political parties in Athens. 1889. [Class 938-05]. Lending B8361 — ed. Companion to Grk. studies. 1905. 880-7 — Year's work in classical studies, 1911. 1912. 870-7 Whiston (R.) ed. Demosthenes. 1859-68. 885-6 White (H.) trans. Appian. 1899. Lending B8874-5 White (J.) trans. Aristophanes. Clouds. 1759. 882-4 White (J. T.) Nepos : grammatical notes. 1884. Lending CI 723 — ed. L5mam's Rom. emperors. 1850. [Class 937-07]. Lending A7259 White (J. T.) &- Riddle (J. E.) Latin-English dictionary. 1880. 473-2 White (J. W.) ed. See Goodwin (W. W.) & White (J. W.) edd. — trans. Schmidt's Rhythmic & metric. 1894. 486 Whittaker (T.) The Neo-Platonists. 1901.186-4 Wickham (E. C.) ed. Horace. 1900. 874-5 — Other copies. Lending A1812, C9372 — Another edition. 1910. 874-6 — trans. Horace. 1903. Lending D1675 Wickhoff (F.) Rom. art. 1900. 709-37 Wicksteed (P. H.) trans. Dante. Eclogues ; Epistolae. In Dante's Latin works. [1904]. 861-15 — Another copy. Lending D1682 Widal (A.) Juvenal et ses satires. 1869. 877-7 Wied (C.) ed. Lehrb. d. neugriech. Volkssprache. [?1890]. 489-8 Wilamowitz-Moellendorff (U. von) ed. Bucolici Graeci. [1906]. 884 — Another copy. [Class 884]. Lending A596 Wilamowitz-Moellendorff (U. von) &■ others- Griech. u. latein. Literatur. 1906. 880-9 Wilder (A.) ed. Taylor's Eleusinian mysteries. 1874. 292 Wilke (C. G.) Clavis Novi Test. 1903. 487-33 — Same. [Translation. 1905]. 487-33 Wilkins (A. S.) Rom. antiquities. 1879. [Class 913-37]. Lending A2417 — Rom. education. 1905. 370-937 267 INDEX Wilkins (A. S.) Rom. education., contd. — Other copies. [Class 370-937]. Lending 2322, D1516 — Rom. lit. 1890. [Class 870-9]. Lending Bl 010 — ed. Cicero. [1901-3]. 875-3 — Another copy. Lending A595 — Cicero. Against Catilina. 1871. Lending 524 — Another edition. 1894. 875-2 — Cicero. De oratore. 1892. 875-3 — Cicero. Pro lege Manilia. 1894. 875-2 Wilkins (A. S.) &- England (E. B.) trans. Curtius' Grk. etymology. 1875-6. 482 — Curtius' Grk. verb. 1880. 482-8 Wilkins (A. S.) &> others ; edd. Statius. In Postgate's Corpus, torn. 2. 1905. 871-08 Wilkins (H. M.) ed. Demosthenes. Olynthiacs. 1860. 885-6 — trans. Thucydides. Speeches. 1870. 888-2 Wilkins (W.) Prolusiones architectonicae. 1837. 722-8 Willems (P.) Le Senat de la Repub. romaine. 1883-5. [Class 937-02]. Armstrong College. Williams (C. E.) Teaching of Lat. and Grk. 1900. [Class 470-7]. B.B.379 Williams (H. S.) History of art of writing. [1901]. 417 Williams (R.) trans. Aristotle. Nicomachean ethics. 1891. 888-5 Williams (T. Hudson-) ed. Theognis. 1910. 881-1 Wilmanns (A.) De Varronis libris grammaticis particula. 1863. 878-9 Wilmanns (G.) Exempla inscriptionum Lat. 1873. [Class 471-7]. Armstrong College. — See also Mommsen (T.) &> others ; edd. Wimmer (F.) ed. Theophrastus. 1854-62. 888-9 Winbolt (S. E.) Latin hexameter verse. 1903. [Class 476-8]. Lending D1106 Winckelmann (J. J.) Geschichte d. Kunst. 1870. 709-3 — [Translation]. 1881. 709-3 — Hist, of anct. art among the Greeks. 1850. [Class 709-38]. Lending A4370 — Reflections on paintg. & sculpt, of the Greeks. .1765. [Class 709-38]. Lending A2301 Winstanley (T.) ed. Aristotle. De poetica. 1780. 888-5 Winstedt (E. O.) ed. Nepos. [1904]. 878-3 Winterton (R.) ed. Poetae minores Graeci. 1671. [Class 881-08]. T2965 — See also Frerus (J.) & Winterton (R.) edd. Wintle (H. G.) See Ainger (A. C.) & Wintle (H. G.) Wirz (H.) ed. Sallust. 1894. 878-2 Wiskemann (H.) Ueber den rom. Schauspieler Q. Roscius Gallus. 1854. 872 Wissowa (G.) Relig. u. Kultus d. Romer. 1912. 292 — ed. Pauly's Real-Encyclop. 1894, etc. 913-37 — Tacitus. Taciti De oratoribus, et Germania ; Suetonii De viris illustribus fragmentum. Codex Leidensis Perizo- nianus. 1907. [Class 471-7]. Armstrong College. Withington (E. T.) Medical history. 1894. 610-9 Wodhull (M.) trans. Euripides. Ion, etc. 1888. Lending B5329 — Euripides. Hecuba, etc. 1888. , Lending B5332 Wolfflin (E.) &- Miodonski (A.) edd. Pollio. 1889. 878-9 Wolf (F. A.) Prolegomena ad Homerum. 1876. 883-1 — Vorlesungen tiber d. vier ersten Gesange von llias. 1830-1. 883-1 Wolf (H.) ed. Demosthenes et Aeschines. 1642. 885-6 — Epictetus. Enchiridion. 1655. T4604 Wolf (J. C.) Mulierum Graecar. quae oratione prosa usae sunt fragm. 1739. [Class 920-7]. T4719 Wolff (G. A. B.) De canticis in Romanor. fabulis scenicis. [1824]. 872 Woltereck (C.) ed. Electa rei numariae. 1709. [Class 737]. T4697 Women, Biography of 920' 7 * Women in Greece 6- Rome... ... 396-937 Wood (J.) Dict.ofquotatns. 1893. [Class 878]. 808-8 Wood (R.) Ruins of Palmyra. 1753. [Class 722-7]. 722-5 — [Translation into French. 1819]. 722-5 Woodhouse (W. J.) Aetolia. 1897. 913-383 — Hist, of Greece. 1904. 938 Word formation, Latin ... ... ... 472 Words. Derivation ... ... ... 412 Wordsworth (C.) Athens & Attica : journal of a residence. 1836. [Class 913-385]. Lending 4213 — Athens & Attica: a tour. 1855. 913-385 — Greece. 1882. [Class 913-38]. 914-95 Wordsworth (J.) ed. Fragm. & spec, of early Lat. 1874. 47701 Worsley (P. S.) /m«s. Homer. Odyssey. 1861-8. 883-1 — 3rd ed. 1877. Lending A1125 Worsley (P. S.) & Conington (J.) trans. Homer. Iliad. 1865-8. 883-1 — A nother copy. Lending Al 124 Wotton (W.) Hist, of Rome. 1701. [Class 937-06]. T4838 Wowerius (J. van der) ed. Firmicus Maternus. In Minucius Felix ; cum observationibus N. Rigaltii. 1678. 878-9 Wrangham (F.) trans. Virgil. Eclogues. 1830. Lending 7567 Wright (J.) Comparative gram, of the Grk. lang. 1912. 485 Wright (J. H.) trans. Collignon's Grk. archaeol- ogy. 1886. 913-38 Wright (R. S.) ed. Golden treasury of anct. Grk. poetry. 1867. [Class 881-08]. Lending A7811 — 2nd ed. ; ed. by R. S. Wright' & E. Abbott. 1889. 881-08 Wright (T.) Uriconium. 1872. 913-4245 Wright (W.) ed. See Bond (Sir E. A.) (S- others ; edd. Wrightson (R. H.) The Sancta respublica Romana. 1891. [Class 937-06]. Lending CI 43 268 IN DEX. Wroth (W.) Brit. Mus. catal. of Grk. coins : [Crete, Galatia, Mysia, Parthia, Pontus, Troas]. 1873-1906. 737-38 Wundt (M.) Gesch. d. griech. Ethik. 1908-11. 170-938 Wyse (Sir T.) Excursn. in the Peloponnesus. 1865. [Class 913-386]. 914-95 Wyse (W.) ed. Isaeus. 1904. 885-3 Wyse (W. M.) ed. Wyse {Sir T.) Excursn. in the Peloponnesus. 1865. [Class 913-386]. 914-95 Xenophon. See Greek Author List. Xenophon, the Ephesian. See Greek Author List. Xenos (S. T.) See Greek Author List — -Modem. Xylander (W.) ed. Dion Cassius. 1592. 888-9 — Pausanias. 1583. 888-9 — Pausanias. 1696. 888-9 — trans. Antoninus Liberalis. In Gale (T.) ed. Historiae poeticae scriptores antiqui. 1675. 888-08 — Strabo. 1587. 888-9 Yardley (E.) imw5. Horace. 1869. Lending Al 57 Yonge (C. D.) Eng.-Grk. lexicon. 1874. 483-2 ~ Another edition. 1902. [Class 483-2]. Lending D239 — • trans. Athenaeus. 1854. Lending 2710 — Another copy. 888-9 — Cicero. Acad., De fin., Tusc, etc. 1867. Lending 2714 — Another edition. 1872. Lending 2715 — Other editions. 1878; 1880. 875-4 — Cicero. Orations. 1870-1. 875-2 — Another edition. 1856-1900. Lending 2718-21 — Diogenes Laertius. 1853. 888-9 Another copy. — Marcellinus. 1862. — • Philo Judaeus. Works — Another copy. Yorke (P.) Viscount Royston ; In Hesiod ; tr. by C. A. Young (A. W.) Grk. 488-6]. Young (H.) New Grk. 488-7]. — New Lat. delectus. — ed. Horace. Odes. Lending 2728 878-9 1854-5. 186-4 Lending 2190-3 trans. Lycophron. Elton. 1832. Lending 7585 reader. [1884]. [Class Lending 4851 delectus. 1878. [Class Lending 8883 1868. [Class 478-7]. Lending 8899 1876. Lending 8896 Young (H.) ed., contd. — Livy. 1876-8. Lending 8901 — Lucian. 1879. Lending 8902 — Nepos. 1877. Lending 8879 — • Sophocles. Oedipus Tyrannus. 1871. Lending 8906 — Thucydides, book 1. 1870. Lending 8910 — Virgil. Aeneid. 1877. 873-1 — Another edition. 1878. Lending 'i^W — - Xenophon. Anabasis. 1875-7. Lending 8914 Young (N.) ed. Murray's Handbook for Rome. 1908. [Class 913-37]. 914-56 Young (W.) ed. Piranesi's Rom. architecture. 1900. 722-7 Zamagna (B.) trans. Hesiod. Opera. 1785. 883-2 Zangemeister (K.) ed. Plautus. Codex Heidel- bergensis. [Facs.] 1900. [Class 471-7]. Armstrong College. — • See also Mommsen (T.) &■ others ; edd. Zanth (L.) See Hittorff (J.) &■ Zanth (L.) Zamcke (E.) Einfluss d. griech. Litt. [1888]. 870-9 Zeller (E.) Aristotle and the Peripatetics. Greek philosophy 1897. 185 1883. 148 Lending B3364 der griechischen 180-9 182 — Eclecticisna in [Class 186]. — - Another copy. — Grundriss der Geschichte Philosophic. 1907. — • Hist, of Grk. philosophy. 1881. — Plato and the Older Academy. 1876. [Class 184]. Lending Kmm — ■ Another edition. 1888. 184 — Religion u. Philosophic. 1872. [Class 292]. Lending A5947 — Socrates and Socr. schools. 1868. [Class 183-2]. Lending A3 128 — Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics. 1870. 180-9 — Another copy . [Class 180-9]. Lending CiMO Zeune (J. K.) ed. Horace. (Delphin classics. 1819-30). 870-8 — Another edition. 1829. Lending 3507 Zielinski (T.) Das Clauselgesetz in Ciceros Reden. 1904. 875-1 Zimmermann (M. G.) Sizilien. 1904-5. 709-378 Zimmern (A. E.) Grk. commonwealth. 1911. [Class 913-38]. Lending B1344 Zinzow (A.) Psyche und Eros. 1881. 878-9 Zwinger (T.) ed. Hippocrates. 1579. T2046 BlMld^-[51>^'Wl^|PTl^^fn] 269 ^^.^ t 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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