UNIVERSITY OF LOS ANGELES LIBRARY GOVT. PUBS. ROOM Edition of October Q, I'.Ml. United States Department of Agriculture, DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS Circular No. 15. JOS. A. ARNOLD, Editor and Chief. WASHINGTON, D. C., October 3, 1911. PUBLICATIONS OF THE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. NOTE. Application for publications in tins list should be made to the Editor and Chief of the Division of Publications, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. The editions of some of the publications arc necessarily limited, and when the supply is exhausted and no funds are available for procuring additional copies, applicants are referred to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, who has them for sale at a nominal price, under the law of January 12, 1895. Applicants are urgently requested to ask only for those publications in which they are particularly interested. The department can not undertake to supply complete sets, nor is It allowable to send more than one copy of any publication to an applicant. In applying for these publications, the name of the bureau as well as the full title or number of the publication should be given. REPORTS. ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE BUREAU. (These reports are volumes of several hundred pages, with illustrations, and contain special articles and miscellaneous information.) Twenty-fourth Annual Report, for the Year 1907. Twenty-fifth Annual Report, for the Year 1908. Twenty-sixth Annual Report, for the Year 1909. REPORTS OF THE CHIEF. These are administrative reports in pamphlet form and are included in the Bureau Annual Reports. They can be supplied for the following fiscal years: 1SS9, 1890, 1891, 1895, 189G. 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910. LIVE STOCK BREEDING, FEEDING, ETC. CATTLE. Bui. 91. Feeding Prickly Pear to Stock in Texas. Bui. 106. Experiments on the Digestibility of Prickly Pear by Cattle. Bui. 129. Cattle Breeders' Associations in Denmark. F. B. 55. The Dairy Herd : Its Formation and Management. F. B. 106. Breeds of Dairy Cattle. F. B. 350. The Dehorning of Cattle. Animals Imported for Breeding Purposes for which Certificates of Pure Breed- ing Have Been Issuer! by the Bureau of Animal Industry. Cattle. January 1 to March 31, 1931. Breeds of Dairy Cattle. (Reprint from Fifteenth Annual Report.) 10278 Cir. 1511 HORS1 - Circ. 124. n* for lion* and Mule Raising in the South. Circ. 137. Tlii' Preservation of Our Native Types of Horses. Circ. 1C3. The ;tion of the Morgan He Circ. 168. A N-'t> fii the Feeding Value of Coconut and ivainit Meals for IIor.-e>. Circ. 178. Breeding Horses for the United States Army. F. B. 179. Horseshoeing. Animals Imported for Breeding Purposes for which Certificates of Pure Breed- ing Have Been Issued by the Bureau of Animal Industry. Horses. January 1 to Mar.-h ;n. 11U1. Same, April 1 to June 30, 1911. State Legislation Regulating the Standing of Stallions and Jacks for Public > ice. ^ Reprint from Twenty-fifth Annual Report.) HOGS. 205. Pig Management. F. B. 411. Feeding Hogs in the South. F. B. 438. Hog Hou The Danish Hog Industry. (Reprint from Twenty-third Annual Report.) SHEEP AND GOATS. Bui. 68. Information Concerning the Milch Goat. F. B.9C. Raising Sheep for Mutton. F. B. 137. The Angora Goat. MISCELLANEOUS. Bui. 48. The Animal Industry of Argentina. Bui. 74. Energy Values of Red Clover Hay and Maize Meal, t Kxperiments with the Respiration Calorimeter.) Hul. 134. The Nutritive Value of the Nonproteins of Feeding Stuffs. Circ. 03. A Review of Some I.xpcrimental Work in Pig Feeding. Circ. 130. How to Build a Stave Silo. if. I. State Live-Stock Sanitary Officers. Circ. 177. Information for Importers of Animals for Breeding Purpose*. : 32. Silos and Silage. F. B. 840. The Computation of Rations for Farm Animals by the Use of Kuergy Values. Notes on the Animal Industry : i Annual "it.) Notes on th.- Animal Industry of Am-mina. from Twenty-ilfth An nun! DISEASES OF ANIMALS. (to !> Hul. 13o. Sliidli* mi ~y of t In- fo r (he Use of Bin Bsjtt* Spanluli Circ '.!": it* nose, and >o. hnlmla In Cm Olrc. 00. Osteomslads, or Creeps, in C - 15] 3 Circ. 67. Abortion, or Slinking the Calf. Circ. 68. Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels of Cattle. Circ. 96. Actiuomycosis, or Lumpy Jaw. Circ. 97. How to Get Rid of Cattle Ticks. Circ. 118. The Unsuspected but Dangerously Tuberculous Cow. Circ. 148. A Practical Demonstration of a Method for Controlling the Cattle Tick. Circ. 156. Chronic Bacterial Dysentery of Cattle. Circ. 169. A Study of Surra Found in an Importation of Cattle. Circ. 174. Eradicating Cattle Ticks in California. F. B. 152. Scabies in Cattle. F. B. 206. Milk Fever : Its Simple and Successful Treatment. F. B. 258. Texas or Tick Fever and Its Prevention. F. B. 378. Methods of Exterminating the Texas Fever Tick. Experiments with Texas Fever and Southern Cattle Ticks. (Reprint from Six- teenth Annual Report.) Notes on the Cattle Tick and Texas Fever, and the Persistence of Texas Fever in the Blood of Southern Cattle. (Reprint from Twenty-second Annual Report.) HORSES. Bui. 136. The Diagnosis of Glanders by Complement Fixation. Bui. 142. Dourine of Horses : Its Cause and Suppression. Circ. 78. Glanders and Farcy. Circ. 121. Osteoporosis or Bighead of the Horse. Circ. 122. Epizootic Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis of Horses. Circ. 138. Infectious Anemia or Swamp Fever of Horses. Circ. 155. Mycotic Lymphangitis of Horses. HOGS. Report of the United States Board of Inquiry Concerning Epizootic Disease Among Swine (1889). Bui. 88. The Tuberculin Test of Hogs and Some Methods of Their Infection with Tuberculosis. Bui. 95. The Bacteriolytic Power of the Blood Serum of Hogs. Bui. 102. Further Experiments Concerning the Production of Immunity from Hog Cholera. Bui. 113. Filtration Experiments with Bacillus cholerce suis. Circ. 108. Trichinosis : A Danger in the Use of Raw Pork for Food. F. B. 379. Hog Cholera. Embryonal Adenosarcorna of the Kidney in Swine. (Reprint from Twenty- fourth Annual Report.) Control of Hog Cholera by Serum Immunization. (Reprint from Twenty-fifth Annual Report.) SHEEP AND GOATS. Bui. 45. Takosis, a Contagious Disease of Goats. Bui. 66. The Gid Parasite : Its Presence in American Sheep. Bui. 125. The Gid Parasite and Allied Species of the Cestode Genus Multicepa. Part I. Historical Review. Circ. 94. Foot Rot of Sheep. Circ. 102. Stomach Worms (Hcemonchus contortus) in Sheep. [Cir. 15] Circ. 157. The Prevention of Losses Among Sheep from Stomach Worms. Circ. 159. Some Important Facts in the Life History of the Gid Parasite and Their Bearing on the Prevention of Disease. Circ. 160. Lip-and-Leg Ulceration of Sheep. Circ. 165. Methods for the Eradication of Gid. F. B. 159. Scab in Sheep. Malta Fever and the Maltese Goat Importation. (Reprint from Twenty-fifth Annual Report.) TUBERCULOSIS. Bui. 32. The luberculin Test of Imported Cattle. Bui. 38. Tuberculosis of the Food-Producing Animals. Bui. 52. Experiments Concerning Tuberculosis. Part I. The Virulence of Hu- man and Bovine Tubercle Bacilli for Guinea Pigs and Rabbits. Same, Part II. The Comparative Virulence of Human and Bovine Tubercle Bacilli for Some Large Animals. Same, Part III. Studios in Immunity from Tuberculosis, Tand] The Persistence of Tubercle Bacilli in Tissues of Animals after Injection. Bui. 88. The Tuberculin Test of Hogs and Some Methods of Their Infection with Tuberculosis. Bui. 93. The Relation of Tuberculous Lesions :<> the .Mode of Infection. Circ. 70. Tuberculosis of Cattle. Circ. 143. Milk and Its Products as Turners of Tuberculosis Infection. Circ. 144. Tuberculosis of Hogs : Its Cause and Suppression. Circ. 175. The Control of Bovine Tuberculosis. F. B. 351. The Tuberculin Test of Cattle for Tuberculosis. Ybk. Sep. 131. The Preparation and Use of Tuberculin. Ybk. Sep. 532. The Eradication of Cattle Tuberculosis in the District of Colum- bia. The Susceptibility of Tubercle Bacilli to Modification. (Reprint from Twenty- third Annual Report.) MISCELLANEOUS. Bui. 121. The Need of Controlling and Standardizing the Manufacture of Vet- erinary Tetanus Antitoxin. 137. Anthrax, with Special Reference to the Production of Immunity. Circ. 71. Anthrax in Cattle, Horses. :1 iid Men. drc. 89. The Preparation of Emulsions of Crude Petroleum. Olrc. 91. Bacillus Necrophorus and Its Economic Importance. Circ. 120. Some Observations on Rabies. Circ. 129. Rabies and Its Increasing Pre\alence. drc. Ml. Font -and-Mniith I>i Circ. 147. The Origin of the Uocent Outbreak of Font and Month Disease in the United States. F. B.380. The i. ..... \\ee.i Disease. F. B. 439. Anthrax, with S|M-elal Reference to It* Suppression. F. B. 449. Hnldi * or Hydrophobia. Ybk. Sep. 428. IMHtrlbutioii of Tuberculin and Mallein by tlie Hurean of Animal Indn M Dlnenw* of Tattle. Sheep, and Uonts | n T.-VI 'inl from Serenteenth Annual Report.) Th Relation ,,f the Tnl.ercnlons Cow to pu), lie Henlih. i Reprint from Twenty- fifth Annual HMorf.) inr. t.'.l ANIMAL PARASITES. Bui. 39. Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology. Parts 2 to 35, Authors: B to XSmard. Bui. 66. The Gid Parasite (Ccenurus cerebralis) : Its Presence in American Sheep. Bui. 80. The Synonymy of Twnia, T. crassicollis, T. margwata, T. serrata, T. ccenurus, T. serialis, and Echinococcus. Bui. 119. Studies on Blood and Blood Parasites. I. Observations on Mammalian Blood with Dark-Field Illumination. II. The Priority of Cryptobia Leidy, 1846, over Trypanoplasma Laveran and Mesnil, 1901. III. Trypanosoma americanum n. sp., a Trypanosome Which Appears in Cultures Made from the Blood of American Cattle. Bui. 125. The Gid Parasite and Allied Species of the Cestode Genus Multiceps. Part I. Historical Review. Bui. 127. The Nematodes Parasitic in the Alimentary Tract c.f Cattle. Sheep, and Other Ruminants. Circ. 14. Check List of the Animal Parasites of Geese. Circ. 15. Check List of the Animal Parasites of Pigeons. Circ. 102. Stomach Worms (Hcemonchus contortus) in Sheep. Circ. 159. Some Important Facts in the Life History of the Gid Parasite and 'Their Bearing on the Prevention of Disease. Circ. 165. Methods for the Eradication of Gid. Our Present Knowledge of the Kidney worm of Swine. (Reprint from Six- teenth Annual Report.) Frogs, Toads, and Carp as Eradicators of Fluke Disease. (Reprint from Eigh- teenth Annual Report.) (See also the following publications under " Diseases of Animals " : Circulars 97, 157; Farmers' Bulletins 152, 159; and reprints from Annual Reports.) THE DAIRY INDUSTRY. Bui. 11. Statistics of the Dairy, Compiled from the United States Census and Other Reliable Sources. (1896.) Bui. 14. Dairying in California. Bui. 17. Dairy Schools. Bui. 18. The Dairy Industry in Missouri and Kansas. Bui. 24. Notes Upon Dairying in California and the Export of California Butter to the Orient. Bui. 26. National and State Dairy Laws. Circ. 126. The Importance .of Keeping Dairy Records. Circ. 131. Designs for Dairy Buildings. Circ. 136. How to Build a Stave Silo. Circ. 139. The Score-Card System of Dairy Inspection. Circ. 153. The Dissemination of Disease by Dairy Products and Methods for Prevention. Circ. 162. Officials, Organizations, and Educational Institutions Connected with the Dairy Interests. (1910.) Circ. 179. Cow-Testing Associations. F. B. 55. The Dairy Herd : Its Formation and Management. F. B. 106. Breeds of Dairy Cattle. F. B. 349. The Dairy Industry in the South. Ybk. Sep. 94. Utilization of By-Products of the Dairy. Ybk. Sep. 260. Dairying at Home and Abroad. The Dairy Interests and Dairy Markets of Porto Rico, with Notes on St Thomas and Cuba. (Reprint from Eighteenth Annual Report.) [Cir. 15] MILK AND CREAM. Bui. 20. The Milk Supply of Boston aud other New England Cities. Bui. 46. The Milk Supply of Two Hundred Cities and Towns. Bui. 58. The Fat Testing of Cream by the Babcock Method. Bui. 70. The Milk Supply of Twenty-nine Southern Cities. Bui. 92. The Milking Machine as a Factor in Dairying. Bui. 111. A Chemical and Physical Study of th> Lar-e :i:ul Small Fat Globules in Milk. Bui. 117. Leucocytes in Milk : Methods of Determination and the Effect of Heal Upon Their Number. Bui. 126. The Bacteriology of Commercially Pasteurized and Raw Market Milk. Bui. 134. The Estimation of Total Solids in Milk by the Use of Formulas. Circ. 103. Records of Dairy Cows: Their Value and Importance in Economic Milk Production. Circ. 114. Sanitary Milk Production. Circ. 117. A City Milk aud Cream Contest. Circ. 142. Some Important Factors in the Production of Sanitary Milk. Circ. 143. Milk and Its Products as Carriers of Tuberculosis infe.-tion. Circ. 151. Competitive Exhibitions of Milk and Cream. Circ. 152. Directions for the Home Pasteurization of Milk. Circ. 158. Improved Methods for the Product Inn of Market Milk by Ordinary Dairies. Circ. 170. The-Extra Cost of Producing Clean Milk. Circ. 171. Fermented Milks. F. B. 201. The Cream Separator on Western Farms. F. B. 348. Bacteria in Milk. Ybk. Sep. 444. Bacteria in Milk. A Report Upon the Examination of Milk, i Reprint from Sixteenth Annual Report.) Market Milk: A Plan for Its Improvement < Kcpi-lnt from Seventeenth Annual Report. ) The Effect of Certain Diseases and Conditions of Cattle Upon the Milk Supply. (Reprint from Twenty-fourth Annual Report.) BUTTER Bui. 57. Studies UJMHI the Keeping Quality of Ilutter. I.- Canned Butter. Bui. 84. Investigations in the Manufacture and Storage of Butter. I. The Ko-ping Qualities of Butter Made I'mler 1'ifferent Condition* and Stored at Dlffen nt Temperatures. Bui. 114. The Influence of Acidity of Cream on the Flavor of r.utt. r Circ. 66. Facts Conerming the History, Commerce, and Manufacture of Ilutter. Circ. i:;" r:n.l!imn;: Ilutter 'Albs. Circ. !!; : fOt in r.utirr. l!l. Whey Iliitl.-r. P. B. 241. Ilutt.-r Making on the Fnnn. Experimental Exports ..f Ilulter. 1V7. i Keprlnl from Fifteenth Annual Report Upon I-AiK-rim'-nia! Kxports of Butter, lv^ :'. < Reprint t'n.m Six teenth Annual H< I Or. l.%) 7 CHEESE. Bui. 15. The Cheese Industry of the State of New York. Bui. 49. The Cold Curing of Cheese. Bui. 62. The Relation of Bacteria to the Flavors of Cheddar Cheese. Bui. 71. Tlit- Canicinbert Type of Soft Cheese in the United States. Bui. 82. Fungi in Cheese Ripening : Camembert and Roquefort. Bui. 85. Investigations in the Manufacture and Curing of Cheese. VI. The Cold Curing of American Cheese. Bui. 98. Investigations in the Manufacture and Curing of Cheese. VII. Direc- tions for Making the Camembert Type of Cheese. Bui. 109. Proteolytic Changes in the Ripening of Camembert Cheese. Bui. 115. Camembert Cheese Problems in the United States. Bui. 118. Cultural Studies of Species of Penicillium. Bui. 120. The Intra cellular Enzyms of Penicillium and Aspergillus, with Spe- cial Reference to Those of Penicillium camemlerti. Bui. 122. Factors Controlling the Moisture Content of Cheese Curds. Bui. 123. The Influence of Lactic Acid on the Quality of Cheese of the Cheddar Type. Circ. 166. Digestibility of Cheese. F. B. 166. Cheese Making on the Farm. Soft Cheese Studies in Europe. (Reprint from Twenty-second Annual Report.) POULTRY AND EGGS. Bui. 140. Fattening Poultry. Bui. 141. The Improvement of the Farm Egg. Circ. 119. Notes on Experiments with Blackhead of Turkeys. Circ. 128. White Diarrhea of Chicks. With Notes on Coccidiosis of Birds. Circ. 140. The Egg Trade of the United States. Circ. 176. A System of Poultry Accounting. F. B. 51. Standard Varieties of Chickens. F. B. 64. Ducks and Geese: Standard Breeds and Management. F. B. 177. Squab Raising. F. B. 200. Turkeys: Standard Varieties and Management. F. B. 236. Incubation and Incubators. F. B. 287. Poultry Management. F. B. 357. Methods of Poultry Management at the Maine Agricultural Experi- ment Station. F. B. 445. Marketing Eggs Through the Creamery. F. B. 452. Capons and Caponizing. MEAT INSPECTION. MEAT PRODUCTS, ETC. Bui. 50. German Meat Regulations. (With original text.) Bui. 132. A Bacteriological Study of Ham Souring. .Circ. 32. The Imperial German Meat-Inspection Law. Circ. 108. Trichinosis : A Danger in the Use of Raw Pork for Food. Circ. 150. Regulations Governing Entrance to the Veterinary Inspector Exami- nation. rirc. 150. A List of Accredited Veterinary Colleges. Revision of List Contained in Regulation XXIV, Circular 150. Circ. 154. The Need of State and Municipal Meat Inspection to Supplement Federal Inspection. Circ. 173. The Sanitary Construction and Equipment of Abattoirs and Packing Houses. [Cir. 15] 8 F. B. 183. Meat on the Farm : Butchering, Curing, and Keeping. Order 150. Regulations Governing the Meat Inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture. Amendments 1 and 2 to same. Instructions Concerning Trade Labels Under the Meat-Inspectioti Law and Regulations. Report on the Beef Supply of the United States, and the Export Trade in Ani- mals and Meat Products. (1890.) A Study of Methods of Canning Meats, with Reference to the Proper Disposal of Defective Cans. (Reprint from Twenty-fourth Annual Report.) MISCELLANEOUS. Bui. 22. Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of the Association of Ex- periment Station Veterinarians, held at Omaha, Xebr., September 8, 1898. Bui. 107. The Analysis of Coal-Tar Creosote and Cresylic Acid Sheep Dips. Bui. 124. Methods and Standards in Bomb Calorimetry. Bui. 133. Determination of Nicotin in Nicotin Solutions and Tobacco Extracts. Circ. 123. Instructions for Preparing and Shipping Pathological specimens for Diagnosis. Circ. 133. Report and Recommendations Regard iui: Veterinary Colleges in the United S: Circ. 149. A Cold-Storage Evaporimeter. Circ. 167. The Dimethyl Sulphate Test of Creosote Oils and Creosote Dips: A Substitute for the Sulphonatiou Test. Circ. 171'. ostrich Industry in the United States. Circ. 177. Information for Importers of Animals for I>reediit.t, r Purposes. Circ. 179. Cow-Testing Associations. Circ. 180. A Method for the Separation of the Seven Permitted Coal-Tar ('< When Occurring in Mixtures. F. B. 345. Some Common Disinfectants. Ybk. Sep. 130. Cattle Dipping: Experimental and Practical. Preliminary Catalogue of Plants Poisonous to Stock. (Reprint from Fifteenth Annual Report.) The Use of Metallic Containers for Edible 1 :>rint from T\\. .1 Annual Kepori. i Report UlK>n an i:\amination of Wools and other Animal Filters, t ISM;, i :i8 of an Int mention of Cattlemen Held at K>'n Worth. ... March 11-13, 1890. KEOULATIONS. Regulations nre Issued ly the Secretary of Agriculture with ivirard to meat lns|tffti tCh o