REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA . iSovn OF THE [UNIVERSITY, A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE DURING THE ADMINISTRATIONS OF ITS FIRST FIVE PRESIDENTS FROM l82I TO 1891 BY WILLIAM S. TYLER, D. D., LL. D. WITH AN INTRODUCTORY NOTE BY RICHARD SALTER STORRS, D.D., LL. D. UNIVERSITY NEW YORK FREDERICK H. HITCHCOCK 1895 COPYRIGHT, 1894, BY FREDERICK H. HITCHCOCK. PREFACE. THE first edition of this history appeared shortly after the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the college, and was entitled " History of Amherst College during its First Half Century, 1821-1871." The present new edition has been written and revised with particular reference to two objects, viz: first, the continuation of the history so as to include the close of Dr. Stearns' presidency and the entire ad- ministration of President Seelye, thus making it a history of Amherst under its first five presidents ; and second, at the same time to abridge the work and make it a smaller and less costly volume, which should be within the means of every graduate. In thus abridg- ing it, I have been under the necessity of omitting the biographical sketches of the founders and bene- factors, the trustees and faculty, and the personal contributions of alumni of the college, which were a characteristic feature of the first edition and gave it variety, lifelike reality, and dramatic interest. But whatever it may have thus lost in variety and in- dividuality, we trust it has gained in fulness and completeness as a history of the college. My first thought was to write a separate book on the religious history of the college. I might thus IV PREFACE. have made both the literary and the religious history, especially the latter, somewhat fuller and more satis- factory in some particulars. But this separation would have put asunder what God joined together. A history of Amherst College without its religious history would hardly have deserved the name. More- over, at the age of fourscore years and four it were unsafe to presume so much on the future. So I have devoted my last two chapters to the religious history of the college, and especially to that characteristic feature, its revivals, leaving unsaid, for brevity's sake, not a few things which I would gladly have written of the measures, methods, and every-day re- ligious life of the college. Our readers will be pleased to find several pages of the book occupied by a contribution from a favorite alumnus and almost lifelong trustee of the college, who knows its history and men and measures, and who, as the golden-mouthed orator of the Brooklyn pulpit, has such a marvellous and magic power of tell- ing his story. If any of them question the taste of the author in permitting a complimentary biographi- cal sketch of himself to be prefixed to his own book, there are two things to be said about it. In the first place, "laudari a viro laudato" is an honor which any man may justly prize. And in the second place, the responsibility rests, not on the author, but on the publisher, who insisted on the insertion of such a sketch, partly, I flatter myself, out of sincere friend- ship and affection for his old teacher, and partly, I ween, in order to give wings to the publication, wherein I admire his wisdom and wish him all the success which he has so well earned by his unwearied PREFACE. V efforts to bring out the book in a form and style worthy of the college of which he is an enterprising, loyal alumnus. It has been my singularly happy lot to be person- ally acquainted with all of the five presidents, except the first, the history of whose administrations I have here written, to be associated with them in the faculty, and to be honored with their confidence and personal friendship. And I beg leave to present them to my readers in this preface, as the Grecian Helen introduced the heroes of Greece and the con- querors of Troy in that inimitable preface, the Third Book of the Iliad : President Moore, portly and courtly, winning and wise, laying wisely and well the corner-stone of the great edifice that was to be reared, but nothing more, contending manfully and heroically against the com- bined forces of local prejudice, rival institutions, and sectarian zeal, but falling in the struggle before his beloved college had even been recognized as a college by a charter from the legislature, dying like Moses on Pisgah, in sight only of the promised land. President Humphrey, stalwart, strenuous, and strong, the honored and beloved pastor, the revival preacher, the champion of temperance and home and foreign missions, the very impersonation of common sense, practical wisdom, and Christian principle; laying broad and deep the foundations, giving the college its distinctive and paramount religious char- acter, rejoicing in a growth and prosperity so rapid that it seemed miraculous, second only to Yale in the number of its students, but overtaken almost as suddenly by a reaction that was as inevitable as it VI PREFACE. was disastrous, and in his retirement evincing a magnanimity more grand than any success. President Hitchcock, the man of genius and im- agination, the Christian scientist who saw "the cross in nature and nature in the cross," the great com- moner, whose face was as familiar to all the farmers of Massachusetts as his horse, his geological wagon, and his chest of tools, who imparted to the college his own scientific spirit and reputation; who enlisted Woods, Lawrence, and Williston in its behalf, paid off its debts and gave it its first scientific buildings and its first permanent endowments, and, when he had thus put the enemy to rout and secured the vic- tory, fell back into the ranks and served as a com- mon soldier to the end of his life. President Stearns, the Christian gentleman, of general culture, refined tastes, polished manners, and perfect balance in all his powers and faculties, a graduate of the ancient and venerable university of Cambridge, for many years pastor of a church in the near vicinity of Boston, and bringing with him a happy union of the principles of his Puritan ancestry with the dignified and courteous manners of those cities, capturing by his patience and tact Dr. Walker, Samuel A. Hitchcock, and David Sears, and intro- ducing the era of new buildings and large endow- ments, while at the same time he put a finishing and polishing touch upon everything, and left, as his motto for the college, "the highest attainments in every branch of literature, science, and art, and all for Christ;" and President Seelye, the Christian philosopher, statesman, and educator, himself the largest pattern of a man, physical, intellectual, moral. PREFACE. Vll and religious, and by precept and example, in the classroom and the pulpit, by personal influence and public administration, impressing that pattern upon his students, teaching them as his greatest and best lesson perhaps the art of governing, controlling, and educating themselves, and every one making the most of the best there is in him for the highest and noblest ends. Such is the royal line of succession, such the more than princely inheritance, into which our sixth pres- ident, Dr. Gates, has recently entered. We welcome him to great expectations, great opportunities, great advantages, and still greater labors and responsibili- ties. Our hope, our expectation, our prayer is that, conserving all that is good in the past and appropri- ating all that is best in the present and future, Am- herst, under his wise administration and with the blessing of Heaven, may rise to an unexampled height of prosperity and glory. And when the time shall come for his administration to pass into history, may he and his colleagues find a worthier, wiser, better historian to record the facts and perpetuate the mem- ory of the actors. (UNIVERSITY) INTRODUCTORY NOTE. INSTANCES can never cease to be remarkable, if only for their rareness, in which a distinguished teacher, having been associated with one institution of learn- ing for sixty years, is permitted at the end of that prolonged service to write the history of the institu- tion, with the assured accuracy of an eye-witness, yet also with the easy force and vivacity of one still in his youth. This has been, however, the unusual privilege of the honored scholar and the eminent teacher by whom this admirable history of Amherst college has been prepared. Having been graduated with honor at the college in 1830, and having served in it as tutor for the two years from 1832 to 1834, he was appointed its Pro- fessor of Greek and Latin in 1836 the professorship being changed eleven years after into that of the Greek language and literature. This professorship he held continuously until two years since, when he resigned it to get larger leisure for general studies and literary labors ; and one fruit of this recent in- terval of comparative leisure appears in the comple- tion of this detailed and comprehensive narrative of the inception of the college and of its subsequent development. X INTRODUCTORY NOTE. The exceptional qualifications of Professor Tyler for this particular work will be instantly recognized by those who know him, and who are themselves in any measure acquainted with that progress of the college which he so affectionately traces. Himself educated in it, and the second of its graduates to be appointed to the chair of a professor, he has been personally familiar with each stage in its advance, while he has always represented, at least as fully as have any of the men from time to time associated with him, its special moral, literary, and educational tone. He has borne his large share of the burdens which came with its former years of poverty and weakness. He has rejoiced in the succeeding pros- perities, to which he had himself effectively contrib- uted. He has lived to see it firmly established among those notable institutions for the higher edu- cation which the country cherishes with gladness and honor; and it is fitting that he should now bring to completeness his long, zealous, successful work on its behalf by making this enduring record of what he has seen of it, and of what it has become. The only special limitation to be feared in his survey is that to which his modesty may constrain him, in pre- venting him from giving a sufficient account of what he himself has been in the college, and of what it owes to his spirit and his labor. But many will be able from personal recollections to supply such de- fects , and they will not honor him the less for any omissions in this direction which they may find. It was the happy fortune of the writer of this Note to be a member of the sophomore class at Amherst in 1836, when Professor Tyler first came to his chair; INTRODUCTORY NOTE. xi and, in common with those who had leadership in the class, he was thenceforth personally conversant with the work of the new teacher until the " Com- mencement" of 1839. He felt, as did the others, the strong impulse which was brought by the then young professor not only into the department of classical studies, but into the entire life of the College. It was an impulse to faithful work, to vigorous think- ing, to investigation of subjects quite outside of cus- tomary text-books, to direct and energetic forms of expression. It was an impulse, especially, toward a deepened and an invigorated moral and religious tone, in the classes which successively felt its force. Some of the sermons then preached by the Professor are still remembered, in outline at least, by those who heard them ; and the vital impressions left by them have never faded. Above all, his keen personal in- terest in his pupils, his watchfulness over them, the excellent sense and practical wisdom which marked his terse and witty counsels, the manly and com- manding frankness with which he exhorted, encour- aged, or rebuked, as either was needed, left remem- brances not to be effaced or forgotten. The relation of the faculty to the students in American colleges was at that time more nearly a paternal relation than it has been in late years, or is likely ever again to become. Possibly this was still more marked at Amherst than commonly else- where. The college community there was never a large one, embracing at most not more than two hun- dred and fifty students and teachers. The average age of those entering college was undoubtedly less than at present. The modern scheme of elective Xll INTRODUCTORY NOTE. studies was wholly unknown; and the emulation in athletic exercise between classes and colleges, which now fastens such eager attention, was then as much a thing of the future as were telephones or typewriters. The governing aspiration of leading minds in the col- lege was for success in studies, for enlarged thought- power, for a more facile and vigorous literary skill, and for ease and energy in debate. The aim of those to whom were committed the various offices of instruction and discipline was there- fore largely a moral aim not solely, or chiefly, to give particulars of knowledge in science, philosophy, or good letters, but to do this in constant subordination to the virile training of mental power, with the building up of symmetrical and strong character. As President Stearns indicated, I think, in his inaugural discourse of forty years since, the accepted purpose of the college was to produce the highest manhood among those who came under its tuition ; and every teacher was expected, and was inspired, to do his best work for those set under him through personal contact not only instructing them on themes and by text-books, but imparting from himself an imme- diate intellectual and moral vigor. It is of course not possible to carry on this plan in the larger institutions, where the students are now numbered by thousands, each one being relatively more mature than before; where each is at liberty, within limitations, to select his own lines of study, and of course his own instructors ; and where achieve- ments on the ball-ground or on the boat-course are those which stir surpassing enthusiasms. Perhaps the earlier scheme was too narrow in comparison, INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Xlll and failed to put a just emphasis on important mat- ters. But it had its own merits, and is still affec- tionately remembered by those who recall it, even while universities are becoming encyclopedic in character, and have it for their controlling purpose to give information on all sorts of subjects, with only slight occasional relations between the teachers and the taught. The distinct personal and moral effects of the earlier plan were certainly in some respects more significant than those now contemplated. Class- fellowship under it became more intimate and more animating than it now can be. There was a common inspiriting college-life, which affected more or less each one brought within its range ; while still the in- dividuality of students was not destroyed or limited was only, in fact, cherished and re-enforced by this prevailing but unseen force. It used to be thought, in some quarters, that the only or the chief design at Amherst was to train ministers for Congregational churches; yet in the particular class to which allusion has been made were those who after graduation became Episcopal clergy- men, one of whom has been for twenty-five years an honored Bishop in that communion. Another mem- ber of it became a very distinguished Roman Catho- lic priest and professor of theology, and now has a place of honor and power in the Catholic University at Washington. The two sons of another, himself becoming a merchant, have since been graduated at Oxford University, and are both at this time mem- bers of the British Parliament ; while others of the class have been eminent as lawyers, journalists, physicians, medical professors, or in other depart- XIV INTRODUCTORY NOTE. ments of civil life or educational work. In the class which was in the senior year while this was in the freshman, such a fitness for various future work was still more strongly marked. It was small in number, only thirty-eight being graduated in it: yet of its members two became eminent as judges of the su- preme courts in Vermont and in New York; two were speakers of the House of Representatives in Massachusetts, one of them becoming Governor of the State ; others were medical authors and professors of high repute, and two were as brilliant and distin- guished professors in theological seminaries, at the East and the West, as the half-century has known. There was certainly no rubbing down of the human material in their time in college to a particular form or color. On the other hand, whatever was central and characteristic in individual tendency and power was but brought out more fully by the moulding and impenetrating influence which pervaded the institu- tion. Under this general plan of education, none can any- where have wrought more patiently, more faithfully, or, on the whole, with more signal success, than did Professor Tyler and those associated with him. Of the group of those assembled in the faculty at that earlier time, he alone remains to see the college in its present conditions; and it can imply no invidious comparison to speak of his work as representative of that which was truest and best in the work of all. While careful and critical in the details of scholar- ship, and by no means unduly tolerant of failure in these, especially when the failure had resulted from indolence or heedless inattention, his principal aim INTRODUCTORY NOTE. XV was, as was that of his associates, to make capable, robust, high-principled men, alive to truth, responsive to duty, ready for good work of whatever sort, able to endure hardness as he was himself, with a certain strong passion for usefulness in the world, and not afraid of what men might devise while they were seeking direction from on high. If a lad of fifteen or sixteen years, finding himself suddenly in strange surroundings, failed to discern the larger opportu- nities thus opened before him, the professor was prompt and earnest in pointing them out and press- ing him to improve them. The sluggish were stirred, while those of keener aspiration were encouraged and rewarded. If any one brought a persistently evil force into the community, remonstrance and persua- sion, when found ineffectual, were followed by speedy and final removal. The distinctly incapable, whom neither incitement could urge, nor sarcasm sting, nor special assistances set permanently forward, had leave to retire to other pursuits ; while of the most brilliant and promising men punctuality, obedience and dili- gence were required, as surely as of the dull. The supervision was quiet and not obstrusive, but it was constant, personal, efficient; and the impulses pro- ceeding from it were inevitably afterward distributed afar not only in pulpits, courts, and counting-rooms, or in chairs of instruction in the older States, but along the frontiers, and on remote and dangerous missionary fields. The effects of such watchful, kindly, and intelligent discipline have been really a nobler memorial to those by whom it then was ex- ercised than would have been any surpassing fineness of scholarship in an elect few whom they had in- XVI INTRODUCTORY NOTE. stmcted, or any rare and famous achievement in scientific invention or research. Of the history of the institution, as sketched in this volume by an experienced and an accurate pen, it is of course no part of the office of this Introduc- tion to give even a summary. But one thing must be noted, in justice alike to the living and the dead. Almost every American college has had its special heroic period, when means were scanty while aims were high, and when narrowness of resources with meagerness of equipment combined to lay oppressive burdens on the heart and hope of those laboring in it to accomplish great ends. In the older institu- tions, such periods came in what is now their distant past. In those more recent they have come in the experience of men still living, by whom the stress of them is still vividly remembered, one might almost say is still painfully felt. At Amherst the time of the heaviest burdens was no doubt in the two decades between 1836 and 1856, and it seemed now and then as if the college itself must sink under the strain. Humanly speaking, only the faith and the steadfast fortitude of those then holding office in it sustained its life, and enabled it to come up from the bogs and out from the shadows with fresh hope and a renovated strength. The history of those years may be glanced at in this volume ; but the reserve of the author has no doubt imposed restraint on his pen, and the full story can hardly be written while he is among us. There was nothing unnatural in the crisis, severe as it was. The college had been founded without wealthy patrons, by many people of moderate means subscribing small sums, in the midst of a frugal agri- INTRODUCTORY NOTE. xvii cultural district, when its remoteness from centers of population and power was vastly greater than it since has been. It had been founded especially to furnish education to those not rich in this world's goods, and founded in the impulse of a fervent and expectant evangelical faith, which knew little of what was needed for the complete equipment of a college, but which felt itself to have all the promises on its side, and which took small account of the difficulties that must come difficulties only to be augmented by the increasing repute of the institution. So it was as certain as is the operation of any natural law that times of sore struggle and poverty must be encoun- tered, before it could attain a position of comparative security and ease. It has not yet reached that, so far as to be beyond the need of the constant aid of its alumni, its friends, and of all who honor it for its work's sake. But the period of its desperate strait is over. Its funds and its equipment are not now wholly inadequate to its work. Its buildings, libra- ries, collections of art, and general apparatus are not undeserving of respectful regard when matched against those of older institutions. It has a distin- guished and numerous faculty, and the prospect before it was never larger or brighter than at present. The lovely natural amphitheater in one of whose foci it fortunately stands, between responsive ranges of sentinel hills, and with the unsurpassed western outlook which it always commands, seems to offer the parable and the physical prophecy of its sure foundations, and of the still expanding influence to go forth from it in centuries to come. As Mr. Web- ster is reported to have said of Dartmouth College at xvill INTRODUCTORY NOTE. the close of his great argument on its behalf before the Supreme Court in Washington, in 1818: " It is a small college, but," as he added, "there are those who love it!" May their number always increase, and their labor in its service be crowned with ever richer results ! However long the college may continue, however far its influence may reach, and howsoever rich it may become, in accumulating funds, in a generously enlarged physical equipment, in the men who as teachers give it grace and renown, in the fame which shall draw to it students from afar, it may safely be predicted that none will ever have done more to determine its character, to invigorate its life, or to give tone to its widening influence, than did those who were early associated in it as teachers and guides; and it may with equal assurance be added that of all those thus associated none will be remem- bered with a more affectionate honor than will be given to him who came to the college in his young manhood, who faithfully wrought in it till fulness of years gave him right to retire, and who now becomes, with the assent of all, its most fitting historian. He has nothing either tragical or splendid to re- late in this volume. His story moves along common levels of life and experience, appealing to the mem- ory in some, but not at all to the general imagination. The story is set forth with an engaging sincerity, to which any impulse of literary ambition would be utterly foreign. It does not aspire to attract multi- tudes of readers, or to take a place among brilliant and famous histories of the time. Yet an old-time pupil, following attentively its reflective and stimu- INTRODUCTORY NOTE. lating pages, remembering the strong personality behind them, and indulging a reminiscent mood, may not be criticised if now and then he catches in his thought a self-repeating echo of ancient words, once familiar, describing that great master of his- torians whom the author of the narrative before us long ago studied with enthusiasm, and whom he has delighted to help many others fairly to interpret: " Qui ita creber est rerum frequentia, ut verborum prope numerum sententiarum numero consequatur; ita porro verbis aptus, et pressus, ut nescias, utrum res oratione, an verba sententiis illustrentur. " RICHARD S. STORRS. BROOKLYN, N. Y. , Nov. 27, 1894. ^.SH LiUfl^l/jy^^ OF THE \ IVERSITY) OF s CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE The Queen's College Project First Associated Action in Regard to Amherst College Amherst Academy the Mother of Amherst College The Charity Fund- Question of the Removal of Williams College, . . i CHAPTER II. Erection of the First College Edifice Inauguration of the President and Professors and Opening of the College, . 16 CHAPTER III. The First Presidency First Catalogue and Course of Study The Literary Societies Early Amherst Death of President Moore, 27 CHAPTER IV. President Humphrey's Administration, from 1823 to 1825 Struggle for the Charter Legislative Investigation Final Success Seal of the College, . . .41 CHAPTER V. A Period of Rapid Growth, 1825-36 First Scientific Course The Chapel Building Unsuccessful Appeals to the Legislature Hours and Fines The President's House, .......... 62 XX11 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. PAGE Period of Reaction and Decline Resignation of President Humphrey 86 CHAPTER VII. Presidency of Dr. Hitchcock The Faculty Manage the Finances First Foundations for Professorships New Buildings Restored Prosperity Dr. Hitchcock's Character, 109 CHAPTER VIII. The Presidency of Dr. Stearns Scholarships and Prizes New Buildings The College Church The Beginning of the System for Physical Education The Walker and other Professorships Optional Courses, . .139 CHAPTER IX. The Civil War Record of Amherst 's Heroes The Com- memorative Chime of Bells The Semi-Centennial Celebration, 181 CHAPTER X. Difficulties in Selecting President Stearns* Successor Professor Seelye's Election Successful Opening of His Administration Additions % to the Faculty The Administration of President Seelye Inauguration of the u Amherst System" Remarkable Prosperity of the College, 198 CHAPTER XI. The Burning of Walker Hall The Buildings Erected during the Administration The "Amherst System" Amherst College Reaches its Highest Prosperity Resignation of President Seelye, .... 225 CONTENTS. XX111 CHAPTER XII. PAGE Athletics Gymnasium Exercises and "the Doctor" In- tercollegiate Games College Societies The Greek- Letter Fraternities, . . . ' . . . .252 CHAPTER XIII. Religious History of Amherst Earlier Colleges and Uni- versities, Founded from Religious Motives Decline of Religious Spirit Colleges for Education of Minis- ters Revivals at Amherst from 1823 to 1853, . . 266 CHAPTER XIV. Religious History Continued Seven Revivals in the First Twelve Years of President Stearns' Administration In the Remaining Years Two In President Seelye's Two Change in the Form and Manner, Not in the Spirit Cause of the Change Remedy, . . .280 APPENDIX, , 293 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of Dr. W. S. Tyler, .... Frontispiece FACING PAGE Amherst Academy, 4 First Congregational Meeting-house and Parsonage in 1788, 10 Amherst College in 1821, .... .18 Portrait of President Moore, . . . . . . 27 - Amherst College in 1824, 34 Portrait of President Humphrey, 41 The Chapel and Dormitories, . . . . . .70 The President's House, 83 Portrait of President Hitchcock, 109 The Barrett Gymnasium, . . . . . . . 117 Woods Cabinet and Observatory, ..... 117 Portrait of President Stearns, 139 Appleton Cabinet, 146 Williston Hall, 149 The College Church .155 College Hall, 159 The Common, Looking toward Amherst College, . . 175 Portrait of President Seelye, . . ... .198 The Mather Art Collection, 220 Walker Hall, . .225 The Henry T. Morgan Library, 229 The Pratt Gymnasium, 231 The Chemical and Physical Laboratory Building, . . 233 Map of Amherst College Athletic Grounds, . . . 253 The Grand Stand on Pratt Field, 255 View from the College Library, 275 Map of Amherst College Grounds, 293 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. CHAPTER I. THE QUEEN'S COLLEGE PROJECT FIRST ASSOCIATED ACTION IN REGARD TO AMHERST COLLEGE AM- HERST ACADEMY THE MOTHER OF AMHERST COL- LEGE THE CHARITY FUND QUESTION OF THE REMOVAL OF WILLIAMS COLLEGE. THE want of a college in the valley of the Connec- ticut was felt previous to the Revolution. Sixty years before the establishment of the Charity Insti- tution at Amherst, and thirty years before the incor- poration of Williams College, measures were taken . for founding an educational institution in Hampshire County. Some of the inhabitants of that county pre- sented to the General Court, January 20, 1762, a memorial asking for a charter for this purpose, and a bill was brought in, which, though passed to be en- grossed, was finally defeated. But shortly after, Francis Bernard, by virtue of his position as " Governor of the Province of Massachu- setts Bay," made out a charter incorporating Israel Williams and eleven others " a body politic by the name of the President and Fellows of Queen's Col- lege." This charter bears the date of February 26, 2 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 1762, and the proposed college was to be in North- ampton, Hatfield, or Hadley. Nothing further ever came of this commendable act of Governor Bernard. Sympathy for Harvard College, at the time suffering from the loss by fire of its library and philosophical apparatus, opposed the establishment of another like institution in the prov- ince, and the exciting times preceding the Revolu- tionary War soon absorbed public attention to the exclusion of other more peaceful. matters. It was not, therefore, until a number of years later that Williams College was founded, and still later that we find on record the first associated action looking toward the establishment of a college at Am- herst. It was at a meeting of the Franklin County Association of Ministers, held in Shelburne, in 1815. This was six years before the college came into ex- istence, and one year after the opening of Amherst Academy, out of which the college grew. The as- sociation, on mature deliberation, were of the opin- ion that knowledge and virtue might be greatly sub- served by an advanced literary institution situated in their important section of the Commonwealth. They were unanimousl) 7 * agreed that, all things considered, the town of Amherst appeared to them the most eligible place for locating it. This decision is particularly worthy of notice be- cause it was reached at a meeting held, not in Hamp- shire County or even in the Connecticut Valley, but among the mountains west of the valley, in which so many great and good men have had their origin. In- deed many of the members of the association rep- resented churches which were very friendly to A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 3 Williams College, and one of the most prominent par- ticipators in the discussion in favor of Amherst was himself a trustee of Williams College. Rev. Theophilus Packard, who was the prime mover in this first associated action, and several others of the earliest and most efficient friends of Amherst College, were residents of Franklin County. Rev. James Taylor of Sunderland became a member of the corporation as it was first chosen and organ- ized, and was a constant attendant of all its meet- ings so long as he lived, a wise counsellor and a firm supporter of the college in all the trials of the first eleven years of its existence. Col. Rufus Graves, its indefatigable agent, and Nathaniel Smith, its most liberal donor in those early days, were both members of Mr. Taylor's church, born in Sun- derland and residing there when the establishment of such an institution first began to be agitated. Dea- con Elisha Billings of Conway, an educated man of great zeal, wisdom and influence, threw himself into the enterprise, and contributed largely to its success, as will be seen very clearly a little later. Amherst Academy was the mother of Amherst College. The trustees of the academy became also trustees of the college, and the records of the acad- emy are the records of the college during the first four years of its existence. The founding and erecting of Amherst Academy kept pace with the origin and progress of the last war with Great Britain. The subscription was started in 1812, when that war was declared; the academy went into operation in December, 1814, the same year and the same month in which the peace was signed ; and it was fully 4 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. dedicated with illuminations and public rejoicings in 1815, when the return of peace was known and hailed with joy in this country, especially in New England. The charter was not obtained, however, till 1816, having been delayed by opposition in Am- herst, and in the neighboring towns, of the -same kind and partly from the very same sources as that which the college encountered in later years. It opened with more students than any other acad- emy in Western Massachusetts, and soon attracted pupils from every part of New England. It had at one time ninety pupils in the young women's depart- ment, and quite as many, usually more, in the young men's. It was the Williston Seminary and the Mount Holyoke of that day united. Mary Lyon, the founder of Mount Holyoke Seminary, was a member of Am- herst Academy in 1821. There were usually from seventy-five to one hundred students in the classical department, and in the first year of Simeon Colton's administration, the writer, who was his assistant, well remembers that we sent about thirty to college, the larger part of whom entered at Amherst. Prior to the existence of Williston Seminary, and during the depression of Phillips Academy at Andover, in the declining years of Principal Adams, if not still earlier, Amherst Academy, without dispute, held the first position among the academies of Massachusetts. But the subsequent prosperity of Phillips Academy, the establishment of Williston Seminary, and the rise of normal schools and high schools in all the large towns, gradually drew off their students and thus their support from Amherst and other comparatively un- endowed academies, till one after another of them AMhERST ACADEMY. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 5 became extinct. Amherst Academy did a great and good work in and of itself, for which many who were educated there and not a few who were spiritually " born" there, will bless God forever. But the best work which it did, and which, it is believed, will per- petuate its memory and its influence, was the found- ing of Amherst College. In view of the elevated literary and Christian char- acter of Amherst Academy, and its extraordinary success as already described, it is not surprising that its founders soon felt themselves called upon to make higher and larger provision for educational purposes. At the annual meeting of the board of trustees, on the 1 8th of November, 1817, a project formed by Rufus Graves, Esq. , was adopted for increasing the usefulness of the academy, by raising a fund for the gratuitous instruction of " indigent young men of promising talents and hopeful piety, who shall mani- fest a desire to obtain a liberal education with a sole view to the Christian ministry." A committee appointed for the purpose entered with zeal and alacrity upon the effort to raise money for the endowment of a professorship of languages, and prosecuted it for several months. Their ardent and indefatigable chairman, Colonel Graves, went to Boston and other large towns, and labored day and night to accomplish the object. But "they found," in the language of Mr. Webster's narrative of the proceedings, " that the establishment of a single pro- fessorship was too limited an object to induce men to subscribe. To engage public patronage, it was found necessary to form a plan for the education of young men for the ministry on a more extensive scale." 6 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. These considerations determined the committee to enlarge their plan, and to aim not merely at the en- dowment of a professorship in the academy, but at the raising of a fund which should be the basis of a separate institution of a higher grade. They accord- ingly framed and reported a " constitution and system of by-laws for raising and managing a permanent charity fund as the basis of an institution in Am- herst, in the county of Hampshire, for the classical education of indigent ) r oung men of piety and talents for the Christian ministry." The board of trustees at their meeting on the i8th of August, 1818, unani- mously accepted this report, approved the doings of the committee, and authorized them to take such measures and communicate with such persons and corporations as they might judge expedient. The fund which was thus inaugurated became the corner-stone of the Charity Institution and "the sheet-anchor" of the college as it was often called by the professors and friends of the college amid the storms which it afterward encountered. No document sheds so much light on the motives of the founders of the institution as this constitution of the charity fund. It therefore merits careful considera- tion. The constitution is drawn up in due form as a legal document, l with much minuteness of detail, and with 1 Colonel Graves consulted Jeremiah Mason and Daniel Webster as to the legal character of the constitution, and they both said it was a legal instrument, binding in law on the subscribers ; and so it was decided by the Supreme Court, when, for the sake of testing it, one of the subscribers refused to pay. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 7 every possible safeguard against the loss or perver- sion of the fund, or the neglect of duty on the part of those who are charged with the care and manage- ment of it. The first article fixes the location of the Institution at Amherst, and provides for the incor- poration of Williams College with it, should it con- tinue to be thought expedient to remove that insti- tution to the county of Hampshire and to locate it in the town of Amherst. The second article contains a promise of the subscribers to pay the sums annexed to their names for the purpose of raising a permanent fund, to the amount of at least fifty thousand dollars, as the basis of a fund for the proposed institution, provided that, in case the sums subscribed in the course of one year shall not amount to the full sum of fifty thousand dollars, then the whole, or any part, shall be void according to the will of any subscriber on giving three months' notice. The third provides that five-sixths of the interest of the fund shall be forever appropriated to the classical education in the institution of indigent pious young men for the min- istry, and the other sixth shall be added to the prin- cipal for its perpetual increase, while the principal itself shall be secured intact and perpetually aug- menting. Article fourth directs that the property of the fund shall be secured by real estate or invested in funds of Massachusetts, or the United States, or some other safe public stocks. Article fifth vests the management and appropriation of the fund, accord- ing to the provisions of the constitution and by-laws, in the trustees of Amherst Academy, until the con- templated classical institution is established and in- corporated, and then in the board of trustees of said 8 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. institution and their successors forever. Article sixth provides for the appointment of a board of overseers of the fund, a skilful financier, and an au- ditor. Article seventh requires the trustees to ap- point a financier who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty, under sufficient bonds, and subject to be removed at their discretion. This financier, however, shall not be their own treasurer, that is, the treasurer of the Institution, who shall be ineligible to that office. This article also prescribes the duties of the trustees in regard to the fund, such as examining candidates for its charities, keeping a correct record of the amount of the fund, the manner in which it is invested and secured, their receipts and disbursements from it, and all their proceedings in reference to it. Article eighth prescribes minutely the duties of the financier in receiving and investing moneys, managing and guarding the fund, paying over the interest, as provided in article third, into the treasury of the Institution, taking triplicate re- ceipts, one to keep for his own security, one to de- posit with the secretary of the board of trustees, and the third with the auditor; keeping an accurate ac- count of the whole fund and every part of it, and re- porting the same annually to the board of trustees. The ninth article provides that the financier shall be paid from the avails of the fund a reasonable sum for his services and responsibility. The tenth pre- scribes the manner in which the overseers of the fund shall be appointed and perpetuated, viz. : the four highest subscribers to the fund shall appoint each of them one, and the other three shall be elected by a majority of the votes of the other subscribers who A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 9 may assemble for that purpose. Then the board shall perpetuate their existence as such by filling their own vacancies. In case the board shall at any future time become extinct, the Governor and Council of this Commonwealth are expressly authorized to appoint a new board. Article eleventh provides for the appointment of an auditor by the board of over- seers, and prescribes at great length the duties of that board. They are required to visit the institu- tion at its annual commencement, to receive and ex- amine the reports of the trustees and the auditor, and to inspect the records, files and vouchers of the trus- tees and the financier, and in view of all the facts, to decide whether the fund has been skilfully managed, and its avails faithfully applied according to the will of the donors. Article twelfth prescribes the duties of the auditor. Article thirteenth provides for the amendment of the constitution and system of by-laws by the concurrent action of the board of trustees and the board of overseers, " so, however, as not to de- viate from the original object of civilizing and evan- gelizing the world by the classical education of indi- gent young men of piety and talents," "nor without the majority of two-thirds of the members of the said board of trustees, and five-sevenths of the said board of overseers." Article fourteenth reads as follows : " In order to prevent the loss or destruction of this constitution by any wicked design, by fire, or by the ravages of time, it shall be the duty of the trustees of said institution, as soon as the aforesaid sum of fifty thousand dollars shall be hereunto subscribed, to cause triplicate copies of the same, together with the names of the subscrib- IO A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. ers and the sum subscribed annexed to each name, to be taken fairly written on vellum, one of which to be preserved in the archives of said institution, one in the archives of said board of overseers, and the other in the archives of this Commonwealth. And in case of the loss or destruction of either of said copies, its deficiency shall be immediately supplied by an attested copy from one of the others. " In order to secure the approval and co-operation of the Christian community to an extent commensurate with the magnitude of the undertaking, the trustees of Amherst Academy, at a meeting held on the loth of September, 1818, resolved to call a convention of " the Congregational and Presbyterian clergy of the several parishes in the counties of Hampshire, Frank- lin, and Hampden and the western section of the county of Worcester, with their delegates, together with one delegate from each vacant parish, and the subscribers to the fund. " On the 29th of September, 1818, in accordance with this invitation, the convention met in the church in the west parish of Amherst. Thirty-seven towns were represented, sixteen in Hampshire County, thirteen in Franklin, four in Hampden and four in Worcester. Most of the parishes were represented by both a pastor and a lay delegate. Thirty-six clergymen and thirty-two laymen composed the con- vention. The constitution and by-laws of the pro- posed institution were read, and, after some discus- sion, the whole subject was referred to a committee of twelve. In the afternoon, a sermon was delivered before the convention by Dr. Lyman. The next morning, September 30, the committee presented A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. II their report. They express in strong language their approval of the constitution, as the fruit of much judicious reflection, and guarding as a legal instru- ment, in the most satisfactory and effectual manner, the faithful and appropriate application of the prop- erty consecrated by the donors. They had no hesi- tation in recommending Hampshire County as one of the most eligible situations for such an institution. In regard to the particular town in Hampshire County, while they thought favorably of Amherst, the committee were of the opinion that it would be expedient to leave that question to the decision of a disinterested committee appointed by the convention. The preamble of this report, expressing the gen- eral views of the committee, was promptly accepted by the convention. But on those points in the reso- lutions which touched the location of the institution an animated debate arose and continued through the morning and afternoon sessions. Able arguments and eloquent appeals were made for and against fix- ing the site definitely at Amherst. Local feelings and interests doubtless influenced the speakers more or less on both sides of the question. The most vio- lent opposition came from some of the churches and parishes in the immediate vicinity of Amherst. Sev- eral delegates from the west side of the river, includ- ing those from Northampton, contended ably and earnestly in favor of locating the institution at North- ampton. The discussion was carried from the con- vention to the families where the members were entertained, and there are still living those who well remember that the excitement ran so high as to dis- turb their sleep long after the hour of midnight. 12 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. The people of Amherst were deeply moved. The house was filled with anxious spectators. Business was almost suspended. The academy took a recess, and teachers and pupils hung with breathless interest on the debate. " Until noon of the second day of the convention," I use the language of one who was then a student in the academy and an eye-witness, 1 " the weight of argument was in favor of North- ampton, and things looked blue for a location in Amherst. In the afternoon, Samuel Fowler Dickin- son, taking his position in the aisle of the old church, laid himself out, in one of the most powerful and telling speeches which were made on this occasion, gaining the full attention of the whole convention, and no doubt greatly influencing many in their votes. After which, George Grennell, who was secretary of the convention, left his seat, taking his place in the aisle, and also delivered a very powerful and effective speech, still keeping the full attention of the conven- tion. These two speeches produced a new and dif- ferent feeling throughout the house, and the result, when the vote was taken, was in favor of Amherst as a location for the institution." The enterprise was thus fairly launched, and the raising of money was prosecuted with such zeal and success that, at a special meeting of the trustees of Amherst Academy, in July, 1819, a committee ap- pointed to examine the subscription reported that the money and other property amounted, at a fair estimate, to fifty-one thousand four hundred and four dollars, thus making more than the sum proposed in less than the time allowed by the constitution. 1 D. W. Norton, Esq., of Suffield, Conn. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 13 As early as 1815, six years before the opening of Amherst College, the question of removing Williams College to some more central part of Massachusetts was agitated among its friends and in its board of trustees. At that time Williams College had two buildings and fifty-eight students, with two professors and two tutors. The library contained fourteen hun- dred volumes. The funds were reduced and the in- come fell short of the expenditures. Many of the friends and supporters of the college were fully per- suaded that it could not be sustained in its present location. The chief ground of this persuasion was the extreme difficulty of access to it. At the same meeting of the board of trustees at which Professor Moore was elected president of Wil- liams College, May 2, 1815, Dr. Packard of Shelburne introduced the following motion : " That a committee of six persons be appointed to take into consideration the removal of the college to some other part of the Common wealth, to make all necessary inquiries which have a bearing on the subject, and report at the next meeting." The motion was adopted, and at the next meeting of the board in September, the committee reported that " a removal of Williams College from Williamstown is inexpedient at the present time, and under existing circumstances. " But the question of removal thus raised in the board of trustees and thus negatived only " at the present time and under existing circumstances, " con- tinued to be agitated. And at a meeting on the loth of November, 1818, influenced more or less doubtless lay the action of the Franklin County Association of Congregational Ministers, and the Convention of 14 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. Congregational and Presbyterian Ministers in Am- herst, the board of trustees resolved that it was ex- pedient to remove the college on certain conditions. President Moore advocated the removal, and even expressed his purpose to resign the office of president unless it could be effected, inasmuch as when he accepted the presidency he had no idea that the college was to remain at Williamstown, but was au- thorized to expect that it would be removed to Hamp- shire County. Nine out of twelve of the trustees voted for the resolutions, which were as follows : " Resolved, that it is expedient to remove Williams College to some more central part of the State when- ever sufficient funds can be obtained to defray the necessary expenses incurred and the losses sustained by removal, and to secure the prosperity of the col- lege, and when a fair prospect shall be presented of obtaining for the institution the united support and patronage of the friends of literature and religion in the western part of the Commonwealth, and when the General Court shall give their assent to the measure. " In November, 1819, the trustees of Williams Col- lege voted to petition the Legislature for permission to remove the college to Northampton. To this ap- plication, Mr. Webster says, "the trustees of Amherst Academy made no opposition and took no measures to defeat it." In February, 1820, the petition was laid before the Legislature. The committee from both houses, to whom it was referred, after a careful examination of the whole subject, reported that it was neither lawful nor expedient to remove the college, and the Legislature, taking the same view, rejected the petition. The trustees of Amherst A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. I 5 Academy, who had been quietly awaiting the issue of the application, judged that the way was now open for them to proceed with their original design ac- cording to the advice of the convention, and at their meeting in March, 1820, they took measures for col- lecting the subscriptions to the charity fund, raising additional subscriptions, erecting a suitable build- ing, and opening the institution as soon as possible for the reception of students. Thus the long and ex- citing discussion touching the removal of Williams College and the location of a college in some more central town of old Hampshire County at length came to an end, and the contending parties now di- rected all their energies to building up the institu- tions of their choice. Few questions have agitated the good people of Western Massachusetts more generally or more deeply than this. Whether one college would have been bet- ter than two for Western Massachusetts, and if there was to be but one, whether that one should have been at Williamstown, Northampton, or Amherst, are questions which we are not now called to answer. But that these good men had the best interests of learning and religion at heart and were foreseeing and far-seeing beyond most men in their generation we have no doubt. They certainly did not overesti- mate the importance of a college in Hampshire County, and their wise plans and persevering efforts have resulted, under the overruling providence of God, in the upbuilding of two colleges, each of which has far exceeded not only the one which then ex- isted, but the most sanguine hopes of the founders of either, in its prosperity and usefulness. CHAPTER II. ERECTION OF THE FIRST COLLEGE EDIFICE INAUGURA- TION OF THE PRESIDENT AND PROFESSORS AND OPENING OF THE COLLEGE. AT a meeting of the board of trustees of Amherst Academy, May 10, 1820, it was voted "that Samuel F. Dickinson, H. W. Strong, and Nathaniel Smith, Esquires, Dr. Rufus Cowles, and Lieut. Enos Ba- ker be a committee to secure a good and sufficient title to the ten acres of land conditionally conveyed to the trustees of this academy as the site of said in- stitution by the late Col. Elijah Dickinson, and for the special benefit of the charity fund ; to digest a plan of a suitable building for said institution; to procure subscriptions, donations, or contributions for defraying the expense thereof; to prepare the ground and erect the same as soon as the necessary means can be furnished, the location to be made with the ad- vice and consent of the prudential committee." At this meeting it was further resolved " that great and combined exertions of the Christian public are neces- sary to give due effect to the Charity Institution ;" and Joshua Crosby, Jonathan Grout, James Taylor, Edwards Whipple, John Fiske, and Joseph Vaill were appointed agents to make application for additional funds, and for contributions to aid in erecting suit- able buildings for the accommodation of students. 16 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. I/ The committee proceeded at once to execute the trust committed to them, secured a title to the land, marked out the ground for the site of a building, the present South College, one hundred feet long, thirty feet wide and four stories high, and invited the hi' habitants of Amherst friendly to the object to con- tribute labor and materials, with provisions for the workmen. With this request, the inhabitants of Am- herst friendly to the institution, together with some from Pelham and Leverett and a few from Belcher- town and Hadley, cheerfully complied. Occasional contributions were also received from more distant towns, even on the mountains. The stone for the foundation was brought chiefly from Pelham by gra- tuitous labor, 1 and provisions for the workmen were furnished by voluntary contributions. Donations of lime, sand, lumber, materials of all kinds, flowed in from every quarter. Teams for hauling, and men for handling and tending, and unskilled labor of every sort, were provided in abundance. Whatever could be contributed gratuitously was furnished without money and without price. The people not only con- tributed in kind but turned out in person, and some- times camped on the ground and labored day and night, for they had a mind to work like the Jews in building their temple, and they felt that they too 1 The same gentleman, a native of Pelham, who has recently endowed the scholarship of the first class the class of 1822 more than fifty years ago brought the first load of stone upon the ground as a free-will offering. "That gentleman was Wells Southworth, Esq. , of New Haven, Conn. Those gran- ite blocks are now in the foundations of the old South College." Professor Snell's address at the Semi-Centennial. 1 8 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. were building the Lord's house. The horse-sheds which then ran along the whole line, east of the church, and west of the land devoted to the college, were removed. The old Virginia fence disappeared. Plow and scraper, pick-axe, hoe, and shovel, were all put in requisition together to level the ground for the building and dig the trenches for the walls. It was a busy and stirring scene such as the quiet town of Amherst had never before witnessed, and which the old men and aged women of the town, who par- ticipated in it when they were boys and girls, were never weary of relating. The foundations were speedily laid. On the pth of August they were nearly completed and ready for the laying of the corner- stone. The walls went up, if possible, still more rapidly. We doubt if there has been anything like it in modern times. Certainly we have never seen or read of a parallel. The story, as told by eye- witnesses and actors, is almost incredible. " Not- withstanding," says Noah Webster, 1 a man who was not given to exaggeration, "notwithstanding the building committee had no funds for erecting the building, not even a cent, except what were to be derived from gratuities in labor, materials, and pro- visions, yet they prosecuted the work with untiring diligence. Repeatedly, during the progress of the work, their means were exhausted, and they were obliged to notify the president of the board that they could proceed no further. On these occasions the president called together the trustees, or a number 1 Mr. Webster removed in 1812 from New Haven to Amherst, where he spent ten of the most laborious and fruitful years of his life on his great life-work, the American Dictionary. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 19 of them, who, by subscriptions of their own, and by renewed solicitation for voluntary contributions, en- abled the committee to prosecute the work. And such were the exertions of the board, the committee and the friends of the institution that on the ninetieth day from the laying of the corner-stone, the roof timbers were erected on the building." "It seemed," exclaims President Humphrey, "it seemed more like magic than the work of the crafts- men ! Only a few weeks ago the timber was in the forest, the brick in the clay, and the stone in the quarry!" The college well was dug at the same time and in very much the same way that well from which so many generations of students have since drunk health and refreshment, and which is usually one of the first things that an Amherst alumnus seeks when he revisits his alma mater. And "when the roof and chimneys were completed, the bills unpaid and un- provided for were less than thirteen hundred dollars." Here the work was suspended for the winter. But it was resumed in the spring, and then the interior of the building was finished by similar means, and with almost equal dispatch. By the middle of June the building was so nearly completed that the trustees made arrangements for its dedication in connection with the inauguration of the president and professors, and the opening of the institution in September. And before the end of September, not only was the edifice finished, but about half of the rooms were furnished for the recep- tion of students, through the agency of churches and benevolent individuals, especially of the ladies in 2O A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. different towns in Hampshire and the adjoining counties. We must now go back to give some account of the exercises at the laying of the corner-stone, the ap- pointment of officers of the institution, and other measures preliminary to the dedication and the opening. The following is the order of exercises at the lay- ing of the corner-stone substantially as it was given to the public shortly after the occasion : " On the 9th of August, 1820, the board of trustees of Amherst Academy, together with the subscribers to the fund then present, a number of the neighboring clergy and the preceptors and students of the academy, pre- ceded by the building committee and the workmen, moved in procession from the academy to the ground of the Charity Institution. The Throne of Grace was then addressed by Rev. Mr. Crosby of Enfield, and the ceremony of laying the corner-stone was per- formed by the Rev. Dr. Parsons, president of the board, in presence of a numerous concourse of spec- tators ; after which an address was delivered by Noah Webster, Esq. , vice-president of the board. The as- sembly then proceeded to the church, where an ap- propriate introductory prayer was made by the Rev. Mr. Porter of Belchertown, a sermon delivered by the Rev. Daniel A. Clark of Amherst, and the ex- ercises concluded with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Grout of Hawley. The performances of the day were interesting, and graced with excellent music." On the same day, at a meeting of the subscribers to the fund, they having been duly notified, the Rev. Nathaniel Howe of Hopkinton being chosen moder- A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 21 ator, and the Rev. Moses Miller of Heath, secretary, the meeting was opened with prayer by the moder- ator, and the following gentlemen were then elected overseers of the fund, namely: Henry Gray, Esq., of Boston, Gen. Salem Towne, Jr., of Charlton, Rev. Theophilus Packard of Shelburne, Rev. Thomas Snell of North Brookfield, Rev. Luther Sheldon of Easton, Rev. Heman Humphrey of Pittsfield, and H. Wright Strong, Esq., of Amherst. The board of trustees of Amherst Academy at this time, who acted as trustees of the charity fund, was composed of the following members: Rev. David Parsons, president; Noah Webster, vice-president; Rev. James Taylor, Rev. Joshua Crosby, Rev. Daniel A. Clark, Nathaniel Smith, Esq., Samuel F. Dickin- son, and Rufus Graves. After the public exercises of this occasion, Dr. Parsons resigned his seat in the board, and Noah Webster was elected president of the board. By request of the trustees the address of Mr. Web- ster and the sermon of Mr. Clark were both printed and published. In reading them, no thought strikes us so forcibly as the philanthropic, Christian, and missionary spirit of the founders. The connection between the Charity Institution at Amherst, and those education societies which had sprung up a little earlier and were born of the same missionary spirit, could not but be very intimate and productive of most important results. As early as September, 1820, a committee of the trustees was directed to correspond with the American Education Society on the subject of the terms on which the board might co-operate with that society in the edu- A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. cation of their beneficiaries. At a meeting of the board in November, 1820, the trustees passed a vote authorizing the prudential committee to receive into the academy as beneficiaries from education societies or elsewhere, charity students, not exceeding twenty. In June, 1821, they voted that persons wishing to avail themselves of the charity fund as beneficiaries should be under the patronage of some education so- ciety or other respectable association which should furnish to each beneficiary a part of his support, amounting at least to one dollar a week, for which he was to be furnished with board and tuition. They required also, that every applicant should produce to the examining committee satisfactory evidence of his indigence, piety and promising talents. As the constitution required that the charity fund should forever be kept separate from the other funds of the institution, and under another financier, at a meeting November 8, 1820, the trustees appointed John Leland as their agent to receive all donations made for the benefit of the Charity Institution, other than those made to the permanent fund. For this office, which he held fourteen years, Mr. Lei and never received a salary of more than three hundred dollars. At the same time the commissioner of the charity fund received only two hundred dollars per annum for his services. It will be seen that the institution commenced on a basis of economy, in reference both to its officers and its students, which corresponded with its charitable object. At a meeting of the trustees of Amherst Academy on the 8th of May, 1821, it was "Voted unanimously, That the Rev. Zephaniah Swift Moore be, and he is A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 23 hereby, elected president of the Charity Institution in this town. " Voted, That the permanent salary of the president of this institution for his services as president and professor of theology and moral philosophy be twelve hundred dollars, and that he is entitled to the usual perquisites." At the same time the trustees resolved to build a house for the president, provided they could procure sufficient donations of money, materials, and labor. They also decided that the first term of study in the institution should commence on the third Wednesday of September. It is worthy of record that at this meeting they passed a vote prohibiting the students from drinking ardent spirits or wine, or any liquor of which ardent spirits or wine should be the princi- pal ingredient, at any inn, tavern, or shop, or keep- ing ardent spirits or wine in their rooms, or at any time indulging in the use of them. Thus early was temperance as well as economy established as one of the characteristic and fundamental principles of the institution. It is an interesting coincidence that at this meeting in May, when President Moore was elected to the presidency, the Rev. Heman Humphrey of Pittsfield, who was destined to succeed him in the office, preached in accordance with a previous ap- pointment "a very appropriate and useful sermon," for which he received " an address of thanks" by vote of the trustees. In his letter of acceptance, dated Williamstown, June 12, 1821, President Moore insists that the classi- cal education of the students shall be thorough. " I should be wholly averse," he says, "to becoming 24 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. united with any institution which proposes to give a classical education inferior to that given in any of the colleges in New England. On this subject I am assured your opinion is the same as my own, and that you are determined that the course of study in the institution to which you have invited me shall not be inferior to that in the colleges in New England." That the trustees were in perfect unison with the president in regard to these vital points to which he attached so much importance, they showed by voting in their meeting on the thirteenth day of June that the preparatory studies or qualifications of candidates for admission to the Charity Institution, and the course of studies to be pursued during the four years of membership, should be the same as those estab- lished in Yale College. And that the public might not be left in doubt on these points, the president of the board soon after gave public notice in the news- papers, that " Young men who expect to defray the expenses of their education, will be admitted into the collegiate institution on terms essentially the same as those prescribed for admission into other colleges in New England/' At the same session, the trustees elected the Rev. Gamaliel S. Olds to be professor of mathematics and natural philosophy, and Joseph Estabrook to be pro- fessor of the Greek and Latin languages, and voted that the president and professors elect should be in- augurated and the college edifice dedicated with suitable religious services on the Tuesday next pre- ceding the third Wednesday of September, and that Professor Stuart of Andover be invited to preach the dedication sermon. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 25 At the time appointed, the i8th of September, 1821, the exercises of dedication and of inauguration were held in the parish church. After introductory re- marks by Noah Webster, Esq. , president of the board, in which he recognized the peculiar propriety " that an undertaking having for its special object the pro- motion of the religion of Christ should be commended to the favor and protection of the great Head of the Church," and its buildings and funds solemnly dedi- cated to his service, a dedicatory prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Crosby of Enfield, and a sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Leland of Charleston, S. C., 1 from the text: " On this rock will I build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." President Moore and Professor Estabrook, 2 having publicly signified their acceptance and their assent to the confession of faith 3 which had been prepared for the occasion, were then solemnly inducted into their respective offices by the president of the board, with promises of hearty co-operation and support by the trustees, and earnest prayers for " the guidance and protection of the great Head of the Church, to whose service this institution is consecrated." A brief address was then delivered by each of them, 1 " For special reasons, Professor Stuart declined to preach on the occasion." Dr. Leland "was on a visit to his father, then resident in Amherst." Dr. Webster' s Manuscript. 2 Professor Olds had signified his acceptance, but was not present at the inauguration. 8 Of this confession of faith I find no record, except that it was reported to the trustees by a committee appointed for the purpose immediately previous to the exercises of inauguration. The committee consisted of the Rev. Zephaniah S. Moore, the Rev. Thomas Snell, and the Rev. Daniel A. Clark. 26 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. and the concluding prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Snell of North Brookfield. At the close of the exercises a collection was made for the benefit of the institution; and the corner-stone of the president's house was laid with the usual ceremonies. The next day, September 19, the college was opened and organized by the examination and ad- mission of forty-seven students, some into each of the four regular classes. Of this number fifteen followed Dr. Moore from Williams College, a little less than one-third of the whole number at Amherst, and a little less than one-fifth of the whole number in the three classes to which they belonged in Williams College. This was "a larger number, I believe," says Dr. Humphrey, " than ever had been matricu- lated on the first day of opening any new college. It was a day of great rejoicings. What had God wrought!" iSE OF THE [VERSITT J CHAPTER III. THE FIRST PRESIDENCY FIRST CATALOGUE AND COURSE OF STUDY THE LITERARY SOCIETIES EARLY AM- HERST DEATH OF PRESIDENT MOORE. FIRST things, whether they are the first in the his- tory of the world, or only the first in a country, or a town, or an institution, besides their intrinsic value, have a relative interest and importance which justify and perhaps require the historian to dwell upon them at greater length. The first edifice of the Charity Institution, as we have seen in the foregoing chapter, was the present South College. Although it was erected so rapidly and finished and furnished to so great an extent by voluntary contributions of labor and material, it was one of the best built, and is to this day one of the best preserved and most substantial of all the build- ings on the grounds. The rooms were originally large, square, single rooms, without any bedrooms, and served the double purpose of a dormitory and a study. A full quarter of a century elapsed before bed-rooms were placed in South College. Some of the rooms, besides serving as sleeping-rooms and studies for their occupants, were also of necessity used for a time as recitation-rooms for the classes. Thus the room of Pindar Field and Ebenezer S. Snell, the two seniors who for some time constituted the senior class it was the room in the southwest corner 27 28 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. of the fourth story was the senior recitation-room, and there President Moore daily met and instructed his first senior class. Four chairs constituted the whole furniture and apparatus of this first recitation- room. The library, which at this time was all con- tained in a single case scarcely six feet wide, was at first placed in the north entry of the same building, the old South College. Morning and evening prayers were at first attended in the old village "meeting-house," which then occu- pied the site of the observatory, and was considered one of the best church edifices in Hampshire County. The relations between the students and the families in the village were in the highest degree confidential and affectionate, and the letters which the author has received from the alumni of those halcyon days, al- though the writers have already reached their three- score years and ten, still read very much like love- letters. The bell of the old parish meeting-house continued to summon the students to all their exercises till, ere long, one was presented to the college. A coarse, clumsy, wooden tower or frame was erected between the college and the meeting-house to receive this first college bell. This tower, then one of the most re- markable objects on College Hill, became the butt of ridicule and was at length capsized by the students, and the bell was finally transferred to the new chapel. The growing popularity and prosperity of the in- stitution soon made it manifest that it would require more ample accommodations. In the summer of 1822, the president's house, now owned and occupied by the Psi Upsilon Society, was completed. About A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 2Q the same time a second edifice was commenced, and a subscription of thirty thousand dollars was opened to pay debts already contracted, to finish the new building, and to defray other necessary expenses. At the opening of the second term of the second colle- giate year in the winter of 1822-23, this edifice, the present North College, was already completed and occupied for the first time. The rooms were not all filled, however, and, for some time, unoccupied rooms were rented to students of the academy. Still "no room was furnished with a carpet, only one with blinds, and not half a dozen were painted." The two corner rooms in the south entry and fourth story of this new building, being left without any partition between themselves or between them and the adjoining entry, were now converted into a hall which served at once for a chapel and a lecture-room, where lectures on the physical sciences followed the morning and evening devotions, thus uniting learn- ing and religion according to the original design of the institution, but where the worship was some- times disturbed by too free a mixture of acids and gases. The two middle rooms adjoining this hall were also appropriated to public uses, one of them becoming the place where the library was now de- posited, and the other the first cabinet for chemical and philosophical apparatus. A semi-official notice in "The Boston Recorder," dated October i, 1821, announces that "a college library is begun, and now contains nearly seven hundred volumes. A philosophical apparatus is pro- vided for, and it is expected will be procured the coming winter." 30 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. The first lectures in chemistry were given by Colonel Graves, who had been a lecturer in the same department previously, at Dartmouth College. These lectures were delivered in a private room used as a lecture-room in South College. It was quite an enlargement and sign of progress when Professor Eaton began to lecture to all the classes together in the new hall in the new North College. The first " Catalogue of the Faculty and Students of the Collegiate Institution, Amherst, Mass.," was issued in March, 1822, that is, about six months after the opening. It was a single sheet, about twelve by fourteen inches in size, and printed only on one side, like a hand-bill. In this, as in many other things, Amherst followed the example of Wil- liams College, whose catalogue, issued in 1795, ac- cording to Dr. Robbins, the antiquarian, was the first catalogue of the members of a college published in this country. The faculty, as their names and titles were printed on this catalogue, consisted of Rev. Zephaniah Swift Moore, D.D., president and professor of divinity; Rev. Gamaliel S. Olds, A.M., professor of mathematics and natural philos- ophy; Joseph Estabrook, A.M., professor of lan- guages and librarian; Rev. Jonas King, A.M., professor of oriental literature; and Lucius Field, A. B., tutor. But the professor of oriental lan- guages was never installed, and the instruction was all given by the president with two professors and one tutor. The president was not only the sole teacher of the senior class, but gave instruction also to the sophomores. The number of students had now increased from forty-seven to fifty-nine, viz. : A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 31 three seniors, six juniors, nineteen sophomores, and thirty-one freshmen. But dissatisfied with this hand-bill, they issued in the same month of the same year (March, 1822), the same catalogue of names, in the form of a pamphlet of eight pages, which contained, besides the names of the faculty and students, the requirements for admission to the freshman class, an outline of the course of study, and a statement of the number of volumes in the libraries of the institution and of the literary so- cieties. The requisites for admission into the freshman class were the ability to construe and parse Virgil, Cicero's Select Orations, Sallust, the Greek Testa- ment, Dalzel's Collectanea Graeca Minora, a knowl- edge of the Latin and Greek Grammars, and Vulgar Arithmetic. Course of Study. First Year. Livy, five books, Adam's Roman Antiquities, Arithmetic, Webster's Philosophical and Practical Grammar, Graeca Ma- jora, the historical parts, Day's Algebra, Morse's Geography, large abridgment, and Erving on Com- position. Second Year. Playfair's Euclid, Horace, expur- gated edition, Day's Mathematics, Parts II., III. and IV., Conic Sections and Spheric Geometry, Cicero de Officiis, de Senectute and de Amicitia, Graeca Majora, Jamieson's Rhetoric, and Hedge's Logic. Third Year. Spheric Trigonometry, Graeca Ma- jora finished, Enfield's Philosophy, Cicero de Ora- tore, Tacitus, five books, Tytler's History, Paley's Evidences, Fluxions and Chemistr LSE OF THE CVERSITY 32 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. Fourth Year. Stewart's Philosophy of Mind, Blair's Rhetoric, Locke abridged, Paley's Natural Theology, Anatomy, Butler's Analogy, Paley's Moral Philosophy, Edwards on the Will, Vattel's Law of Nations, and Vincent on the Catechism. Each of the classes had once a week, for a part of the year, a critical recitation in the Greek Testa- ment. All the classes had weekly exercises in speaking and composition. The library belonging to the institution contained nine hundred volumes, and society libraries about four hundred volumes. This catalogue was printed by Thomas W. Shepard & Co., Northampton. The annual catalogue for the second year, printed by Denio & Phelps, at Greenfield, in Octo- ber, 1822, was a pamphlet of twelve pages, and in addition to the matter contained in that of the pre- vious year, comprised the names of the overseers of the fund, a brief calendar, and a statement of the term bills and other necessary expenses. The over- seers of the fund, whose names appear on the catalogue, are Henry Gray, Esq., of Boston, Hon. Salem Towne, Jr., of Charleton, H. Wright Strong, Esq., of Amherst, Rev. Samuel Osgood of Spring- field, Rev. Theophilus Packard of Shelburne, Rev. Thomas Snell of Brookfield, and Rev. Luther Shel- don of Easton. The faculty is the same as in the previous catalogue, except that the names of Wil- liam S. Burt, A.B., and Elijah L. Coe, A.B., appear as tutors. They were both graduates of Union Col- lege. The number of students had now increased to ninety-eight, viz: 'senior sophisters," five; " junior sophisters," twenty-one; sophomores, thirty-two, A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 33 and freshmen, forty. The students' rooms are also registered, N. standing for North College, and S. for South College, on the catalogue. The term bills, comprising tuition, and room -rent, were from ten to eleven dollars a term. Beneficiaries did not pay any term bills. Board was from one dollar to one dollar twenty-five cents a week, wood from one dollar fifty cents to two dollars a cord, and washing from twelve to twenty cents a week. "Motives of economy and of convenience/' writes Dr. Chapin of the class of '26, "influenced the first class of students very largely in coming to Amherst. We all made our own fires and took the entire care of our rooms ; most of us sawed our own wood. My college course cost me eight hundred dollars, which was a medium average, I should think. The college grounds were rough and un- adorned, and during all of my course had little done to improve them. Each spring we had our * chip day/ when the students in mass turned out to scrape and clear up the grounds near the buildings." The two literary societies, the Alexandrian and the Athenian, were organized soon after the opening of the institution. The members of the college were all allotted to the two societies in alphabetical order, the two seniors, Pindar Field and Ebenezer S. Snell, placing themselves or being placed at the head, the former of the Athenian and the latter of the Alexandrian Society, and then reading off the names of the members of the lower classes alter- nately to the one or the other in the order of the catalogue. Mr. Field was chosen the first president of the Athenian Society, and Mr. Snell the first 34 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. president of the Alexandrian. The first meetings of the societies were held in No. 3 and No. 6 in the north entry of South College. In April, 1822, the students in their poverty raised a small contribution, less than $100, and sent Mr. Field to Hartford to purchase a few books which were the beginning of a library for the two societies, for they were then not rival but affiliated societies and had their library in common. Prof. Charles U. Shepard of the class of '25 has contributed the following graphic sketch of men and things at Amherst in those early days : " Amherst as it was then would be a strange place to the residents in Amherst of nowadays. The good clergymen who petitioned for its prosperity in 'college prayers ' delighted to call it 'a city set upon a hill;' but they would have described its fashion with quite as much exactness had they put forward its claims to celestial notice as 'a village in the woods/ Something more than a score of houses, widely separated from each "other by prosperous farms, constituted Amherst centre. Along two roads, running north and south, were scattered small farm- houses, with here and there a cross-road, blacksmith's shop, or school-house by way of suburb. The East Street, however, formed even then a pretty cluster of houses, and had its meeting-house with a far comelier tower than it boasts at the present day. " But the fine dwellings, public or private, of that early time had their features, whether tasteful or the reverse, greatly concealed by the wide prevalence of trees. Primal forests touched the rear of the college buildings; they filled up with a sea of waving A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 35 branches the great interval between the village and Hadley; toward the south they prevailed gloriously, sending their green waves around the base and tip the sides of Mt. Holyoke ; to the east, they overspread the Pelham slope; and they fairly inundated vast tracts northward clear away to the lofty hills of Sun- derland and Deerfield. It was a sublime deluge, which, alas! has only too much subsided in our day." After some appreciative notice of the instructions, character, and influence of Presidents Moore and Humphrey, and the chemical and botanical lectures of Prof. Amos Eaton, Professor Shepard concludes: " Such were our chief advantages as I now recollect them. At the time we rated them highly ; few left Amherst for other colleges. Nor do I know that any have since regretted connecting themselves with the infant institution. There were doubtless deficiencies to be regretted. In the larger and older universities we might have found better teachers and richer stores of libraries and collections, but in some unknown way, perhaps in the enthusiasm of comparatively solitary effort, compensation was made ; and, on the whole, we may doubt whether higher life success would have attended us had we launched from other ports. " The students of Amherst, in those early days, were comparatively free from exciting and distracting cir- cumstances. There were then here no cattle-shows or horse-races, no menageries, circuses, or even con- certs of music. They had no " Greek Letter" socie- ties, no class day, and no class elections and class politics to divide and distract them. They came here to study, and they had nothing else to do. They 36 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. felt that their advantages were inferior to those of older and richer institutions, but for that very rea- son they felt that they must "make themselves/' The " Exercises at the First Anniversary of the Collegiate Charity Institution at Amherst" were held in the old "meeting-house" on the 28th of August, 1822. After sacred music, and prayer by the presi- dent, a salutatory in Latin was pronounced by Eben- ezer S. Snell. His classmate, Pindar Field, deliv- ered the concluding oration in English. There was no valedictory. The members of the junior class, then six in number, helped them to fill up the pro- gram with a colloquy, two dialogues, and several orations. A poem was also delivered by Gerard H. Hallock, who was then principal of Amherst Acad- emy. As the institution had no charter, and no au- thority to confer degrees, testimonials in Latin that they had honorably completed the usual college course were given to the two members of the senior class. The exercises were then closed with sacred music and prayer. The subjects of the two dialogues were "Turkish Oppression," and "The Gospel Car- ried to India." The last, which was written by Pin- dar Field and acted by the two seniors with the help of one of the juniors, was an intentional argument and appeal in favor of foreign and domestic missions. The first revival of religion occurred in the spring term of 1823, about a year and a half after the open- ing of the institution. The number of students was now over a hundred. The president's house was completed. Two edifices crowned the " consecrated eminence," and a subscription of thirty thousand dollars was being successfully and rapidly raised to A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 37 defray the expenses. The prosperity of the institu- tion exceeded the most sanguine hopes of its found- ers. But at this time President Moore was suffering from ill-health. The amount of labor which he had been performing for nearly two years, together with the responsibility and anxiety that pressed upon him, was enough to break down the most vigorous consti- tution. In addition to his appropriate duties as president and as chairman of the board of trustees, he heard all the recitations of the senior and in part those of the sophomore class, performed several jour- neys to Boston to promote the interests of the insti- tution, and solicited in a number of places pecuniary aid in its behalf. The revival, while it gladdened his heart beyond measure, greatly added to his labors and responsibilities. His constitution, naturally strong, was overtaxed by such accumulated labors and anxieties, and had begun to give way percepti- bly before the attack of disease which terminated his life. On Wednesday, the 25th of June, he was seized with a bilious colic. From the first, the attack was violent, and excited fears of a fatal termination. " During his short sickness," we quote the language of Prof. B. B. Edwards, a loving and beloved pupil, one of the converts in the recent revival, " the college was literally a place of tears. Prayer was offered unto God unceasingly for him. We have never seen more heartfelt sorrow than was depicted in the countenances of nearly a hundred young men, all of whom loved him as their own father. But while they were filled with anxiety and grief, Dr. Moore was looking with calmness and joy upon the pros- 38 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. pects which were opening before him. While flesh and heart were failing him, Christ was the strength of his heart and the anchor of his soul. And when his voice failed and his eyes were closing in death, he could still whisper, 'God is my hope, my shield, and my exceeding great reward. ' " He died on Monday, the 2pth of June, 1823, in the fifty-third year of his age. The funeral solemnities were attended on the Wednesday following, in the presence of a great concourse of people from Amherst and the surrounding region. An appropriate sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Snell, of North Brookfield. " By nature a great man, by grace a good man, and in the providence of God a useful man, a correct thinker and a lucid writer, a sound theologian, in- structive preacher, and greatly beloved pastor, a wise counsellor and sympathizing friend, a friend and fath- er especially to all the young men of the infant col- lege in which he was at the same time a winning teacher and a firm presiding officer, Dr. Moore filled every station he occupied with propriety and raised the reputation of every literary institution with which he became connected.' 1 Such, in brief, is the char- acter of the first president of Amherst College as it was briefly sketched in the funeral sermon by Dr. Snell, who knew him intimately both in the pastorate and in the presidency, and who was incapable of exaggeration. So profound was the sympathy of the senior class with their beloved president, that they were reluc- tant to take any part in commencement exercises at which he could not preside. And so dark, in their view, was the cloud which rested on the infant semi- A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 39 nary, that, reduced almost to despair, they were on the point of closing their connection with it .and graduating at some other institution. Accordingly, at the close of the funeral services, the class appeared before the board of trustees, and asked to be released from all participation in any commencement exer- cises, and from all further connection with the col- lege; but, at the urgent solicitation of the board, they consented to stand in their lot. They never re- gretted their perseverance in spite of all untoward circumstances, even to the end, in consequence of which they have not only been reckoned as alumni of Amherst College, but counted among its heroes who stood by it in the day of adversity, and consti- tuted its second class. David O. Allen, of this class, claimed to be the oldest graduate of Amherst, having received the degree of A. B. the first of any one, on this wise : While teaching school in Leominster, in the winter vacation of his senior year, he applied for the situation of principal of Groton Academy, then a flourishing institution, and got the appointment. But after obtaining it, he found that a by-law of the academy required the principal to be a graduate of a college. Amherst, having no charter, could at this time confer no degrees. What was to be done? He went to President Moore with his trouble. After much consultation, President Moore gave him testi- monials to the president of Union College. Mr. Allen went there privately, joined the senior class, passed the senior examination, and returned with a diploma in his pocket, while as yet his classmates were scarcely aware of his absence. After complet- ing his course at Amherst, he taught the academy 4 40 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. at Groton, paid up his debts, earned money in ad- vance for his theological education at Andover, and afterward became one of the most honored of our American missionaries, and the author of the well- known work on "Ancient and Modern India." OF THE ^UNIVERSITY! Xf es UNIVERSITY, CHAPTER IV. PRESIDENT HUMPHREY'S ADMINISTRATION, FROM 1823 TO 1825 STRUGGLE FOR THE CHARTER LEGISLA- TIVE INVESTIGATION FINAL SUCCESS SEAL OF THE COLLEGE. IN July, 1823, Rev. Heman Humphrey was chosen to the presidency. His ministry of ten years in Fairfield, Connecticut, had been eminently useful and successful. He had now been nearly six years pastor of the church in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. His labors in both these places had been blessed with re- vivals of religion of great power. He was already recognized as a pioneer and leader in the cause of temperance. He was a zealous champion of ortho- doxy, evangelical religion, Christian missions, and of all the distinctive principles of the founders of Amherst College. In recognition of his high stand- ing as an able divine and an efficient pastor he had just received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Middlebury College. Although a Berkshire pastor, and a trustee of Williams College, he felt the force of the reasons for its removal, and when that plan was defeated by the action of the Legislature, he could not but sympathize with the high purpose and auspicious beginning of the insti- tution at Amherst. On the i5th of October, 1823, Dr. Humphrey was inducted into the presidency. It marks a character- istic of the institution, perhaps also of the age, that a 41 42 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. sermon was preached on the occasion. The preacher was Rev. Richard Salter Storrs, of Braintree, Massa- chusetts. " It was a discourse of scope, adaptation, eloquence, and power ; in all respects of such engross- ing interest as to make it no easy task for the speaker who should come after him. The wise sophomores entertained serious doubts whether the president could sustain himself in his inaugural. But this feeling soon subsided, and we were relieved of all our sophomoric fears and anxieties, as the presi- dent-elect, with a master's hand, opened the great subject of education education physical, mental, and moral, holding his audience in unbroken stillness for perhaps an hour and a half. If we were captivated by the eloquent preacher, we were not less impressed with the teachings and philosophy of the man who was to guide our feet in the paths of literature, science, and heavenly wisdom. That discourse estab- lished in our minds his fitness for the position ; at once he seized upon our confidence and esteem. " 1 Cool and impartial criticism, after the lapse of almost half a century, can but justify the admira- tion which President Humphrey's inaugural inspired in the minds of those who heard it. Perhaps nothing has ever proceeded from his pen which illustrates more perfectly the strong common sense, the prac- tical wisdom, the sharp and clear Saxon style, the vigor of thought, fervor of passion and boldness, coupled sometimes with marvellous felicity of expres- sion, and the healthy, hearty, robust tone of body, 1 Manuscript letter of Hon. Lincoln Clark, of the class of '25. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 43 soul, and spirit, which the Christian public for so many years admired and loved in Dr. Humphrey. 1 The number of students at the time of Dr. Hum- phrey's accession to the presidency was nineteen seniors, twenty-nine juniors, forty-one sophomores, and thirty-seven freshmen total, one hundred and twenty-six, of whom, we learn from the cover of the inaugural address, ninety-eight were hopefully pious. The faculty, at the commencement of the new ad- ministration, consisted of the same persons who were thus associated with President Moore, with the addi- tion of Samuel M. Worcester as tutor. On the cata- logue of the next year, published in November, 1824, we find the name of Rev. Nathan W. Fiske in place of Joseph Estabrook, as professor of the Latin and Greek languages; Samuel M. Worcester, teacher of languages and librarian ; and Jacob Abbott, tutor all names familiar afterwards as professors under the charter. The new president seems to have made no change in the studies of the senior class, except that Locke disappears from the list and Vincent's Cate- chism is definitely announced for every Saturday a place which it continued to occupy through Dr. Humphrey's entire presidency. Instruction was also offered in the Hebrew, French and German lan- guages, to such as wished it, for a reasonable com- pensation. The president was still the sole teacher of the senior class. He instructed them in rhetoric, logic, natural theology, the evidences of Chris- 1 The writer will be pardoned for adding that he has a special and personal reason for an affectionate remembrance of this inaugural, since it was the reading of it in a distant state that brought him to Amherst College. 44 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. tianity, intellectual and moral philosophy, and polit- ical economy. He also presided at the weekly dec- lamations in the chapel, and criticised the composi- tions of one or more of the classes. He preached on the Sabbath, occasionally, in the village church so long as the students worshipped there; and when a separate organization was deemed advisable, he be- came the pastor of the college church and preached every Sabbath to the congregation. He also sus- tained from the first, I believe a weekly religious lecture on Thursday evenings. He early drew up the first code of written and printed " Laws of the Collegiate Charity Institution, "the original of which is still preserved in his own handwriting, and labored to introduce more perfect order and system into the still imperfectly organized seminary. At the same time he was compelled to take the lead in a per- petual struggle for raising funds and obtaining a charter. Under such circumstances it is not surprising that Dr. Humphrey did not at once command the highest respect and veneration of the students in the chair of instruction. Accustomed to love and almost worship his predecessor, they very naturally drew compari- sons to his disadvantage. Dr. Moore had been a teacher for the larger part of his life. Dr. Hum- phrey had no experience in the government or the instruction of a college. His strength at this time was in the pulpit and the pastoral office. The stu- dents also contrasted his plain manners, his distance and reserve, with the courtly air and winning address of his predecessor. Hence, while he enjoyed their respect as a man, their confidence as a Christian, and A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 4$ their admiration as an eloquent preacher, as a teacher and a president he was not popular with his earlier classes. A joke perpetrated about this time has taken its place as a classic among the most famous of Amherst stories, and deserves to be narrated here, not only as illustrative of Dr. Humphrey's character and admin- istration, but because it proved a turning-point in his reputation. The story cannot be better told than in his own words : " One morning as I came into prayers, I found the chair preoccupied by a goose. She looked rather shabby to be sure, nevertheless it was a veritable goose. Strange as it may seem, she did not salute me with so much as a hiss for my un- ceremonious intrusion. It might be because I did not offer to take the chair. As anybody might ven- ture to stand a few moments, even in such a presence, I carefully drew the chair up behind me as close as I safely could, went through the exercises, and the students retired in the usual orderly manner, not more than two or three, I believe, having noticed anything uncommon. In the course of the day it was reported, and as soon as they found out what had happened, they were highly excited and proposed calling a college meeting to express their indigna- tion that such an insult had been offered by one of their number. The hour of evening prayers came, and at the close of the usual exercises I asked the young gentlemen to be seated a moment. I then stated what I had heard; and thanked them for the kind interest they had taken in the matter, told them it was just what I should expect from gentlemen of such high and honorable feelings, but begged them 46 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. not to give themselves the least trouble in the prem- ises. 'You know/ I said, 'that the trustees have just been here to organize a college faculty. Their in- tention was to provide competent instructors in all the departments, so as to meet the capacity of every student. But it seems that one student was over- looked, and I am sure they will be glad to learn that he has promptly supplied the deficiency by choosing a goose for his tutor. Par nobile fratrum.' " The effect may well be imagined. Rev. T. R. Cressey, of the class of 1828, writes: 44 The president's 'Par nobile fratrum, ' with its accom- panying bow of dismissal, was instantly followed by a round of applause. And such shouts of derision as the boys raised while they went down those three flights of stairs, crying, * Who is brother to the goose?' 'Who is brother to the goose?' The question was never answered. But from that hour presidential stock went up to a high figure, and never descended while I had any personal acquaintance with Amherst College." We must now go back a little, and trace the efforts to obtain a charter from their beginning. The first application to the Legislature of Massachusetts for a charter was made in the winter session of 1823. The petition of President Moore was referred to a joint committee of the two houses on the i7th and i8th of January. On the 25th of January the com- mittee reported that the petition be referred to the next General Court. But so far from being re- ferred with the usual courtesy, the report was not accepted, and the petition was unceremoniously rejected by both houses, nearly all the members A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 47 voting against it, including the representative from Amherst. 1 Such uncourteous and unreasonable opposition only increased the number and zeal of the friends of the college. Nothing daunted, they resolved to renew their application for a charter at the very next ses- sion. Accordingly in June, 1823, a petition was presented by Rev. Dr. Moore, Hon. John Hooker and others of the trustees of Amherst Academy, requesting that they might be invested with such corporate powers as are usually given to the trustees of colleges. At the same session of the Legislature a memorial was presented from the subscribers of the charity fund, praying that the request of the trustees to be invested with corporate powers might be granted. The petition and memorial were referred to a joint committee from both houses of the Legislature. Of this committee, consisting of seven members, six agreed in a report in favor of the petitioners having leave to bring in a bill. After listening to remarks by the chairman of the joint committee in favor of their report, without further discussion, the Senate voted on Monday, June 9th, to refer the consideration of the report to the 1 An old feud between the East and West Parishes, originat- ing in party politics and personal animosities, extended its influence to the college. The Amherst representative in the winter session of 1823 was a member of the East Parish, and a " Democrat. " The next two years the town was represented by a member of the West Parish, who voted for the charter. In this quarrel the East Street was familiarly called "Sodom," and the West " Mount Zion. " 48 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. next session of the same General Court, 1 and on Tuesday the loth, the House of Representatives concurred with the Senate in so referring it. Just fifteen days after, President Moore sickened, and, after an illness of only four days, died, his death be- ing hastened, no doubt, if not caused, by repeated disappointments and delays in the incorporation of the college, and his toils and cares now devolved on his successor. On Wednesday, the 2ist of January, 1824, accord- ing to the vote of reference passed at the summer session, the report of the joint committee in favor of granting a charter came up in the Senate, and it was debated during the greater part of three days by twelve of the ablest members. The longest and one of the ablest speeches in behalf of the college was made by Hon. Samuel Hubbard, of Boston. He said that the objections against the charter, so far as he had learned, were four, all founded on local or petty considerations : First, that another college was not needed. Second, that Williams College would be injured. Third, that it was inexpedient to multiply colleges. Fourth, that the petitioners would ask for money. In answer to the first objection, he ar- gued that there was a great want of men of educa- tion and piety and morals ; and that this want was felt by the good people of the Commonwealth, as proved by their voluntary contributions to the insti- tution at Amherst. " There is seldom an instance of a college being founded like this, by the voluntary 1 At this time, the Massachusetts Legislature held two an- nual sessions, the summer session commencing in May, and the winter session commencing in January. UNIVERSITY) V OF A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 49 contributions of thousands. Out of the fifty colleges in England, there is not one but what was founded by an individual, except Christ College, in Oxford." In answer to the second objection, he pointed to the fact that the number of students at Williams College had increased from an average of sixty or seventy to one hundred and eighteen, and that of Amherst be- ing one hundred and twenty-six, the two institutions contained more than three times the previous average at Williams. In reply to the third objection, he in- sisted, as many other senators did, that small colleges are better than large ones, and two hundred students can be governed and instructed much better than four hundred. In answer to the fourth objection, several preceding speakers had argued that granting the charter did not involve the necessity or the duty of giving money ; but Mr. Hubbard said, " What if it does? Such grants do not impoverish the state. The liberal grants which have been made to Harvard and Williams are the highest honor of the state, and have redounded to the good of the people." Meeting boldly and on high ground the prejudice against Amherst as an orthodox institution, Mr. Hubbard declared that " all that is great and good in our land sprang from orthodoxy. This spirit of orthodoxy animated the Pilgrims whom we delight to honor as our forefathers. It has founded all our colleges and is founded on a rock." More than one of the speakers reminded the Senate that Amherst represented not only the orthodoxy, but the yeomanry of Massachusetts, and they must be prepared to give an account of their votes to the mass of the people. "If we refuse a charter," said Hon. 50 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. Mr. Fiske, " how are we when we leave this hall, how are we to face the mass of population who are interested in this college? They will say, 'You in- corporate theaters, you incorporate hotels, you have incorporated a riding-school. Are you more accom- modating to such institutions than to those which are designed to promote the great interests of literature, science, and religion?' " "By refusing a charter," said Hon. Mr. Leland, " the great body of country citizens are wantonly de- prived of the privilege of a college. Something more than the feelings of orthodoxy will be awak- ened. The people will feel that there is a disposition on the part of Government to maintain an aristocratic monopoly. And rely upon it, your next election will bring persons here who will acknowledge the rights of the people. " The vote was at length taken, on Friday, January 23d, and the question being on the acceptance of the report, giving leave to bring in a bill, twenty-two out of thirty-seven voted in the affirmative. On Tuesday, January 27th, the subject was taken up in the House of Representatives, and debated with much earnestness on that and the three follow- ing days and then postponed till the next week. On Tuesday, February 3d, it was resumed, and further discussed, and the question being taken on concur- ring with the Senate, it was decided in the negative by a majority of nineteen votes out of one hundred and ninety-nine. "So, "said the editor of the "Boston Telegraph" (Gerard Hallock), " the House declined to incorporate the college. Although the result is not such as the A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. $1 numerous friends of the college could have wished, it is certainly no discouraging circumstance that so great a change has taken place in the views of the Legislature on the subject, and especially in the views of the community. Let the same spirit go on for a few months longer, and the institution at Amherst will be, what it doubtless ought to be, a chartered college/' Grieved, but not disheartened by this result, the guardians and friends of the college resolved to renew the application and began at once the preparations for a third campaign. The first campaign document was an announcement of their intention to apply again to the Legislature for a charter, together with a concise statement of the reasons why such a peti- tion ought to be granted. This document, signed by President Humphrey, and bearing date March 12, 1824, was published in more than thirty newspapers in all parts of the Commonwealth. And such was the sympathy manifested by the press, and such also the increase in the number of students, that a con- undrum, started by the " Greenfield Gazette," went the rounds of the newspapers : " Why are the friends of Amherst College like the Hebrews in Egypt? Because the more they are oppressed, the more they multiply and prosper." The petition of the trustees was backed by a peti- tion of the founders and proprietors which was signed by about four-fifths of the subscribers to the charity fund. And these were further supported by more than thirty petitions from as many different towns, and signed by more than five hundred sub- scribers to other funds. In the Senate, the petition 52 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. was promptly referred to a committee of three, to be joined by the House. In the House an attempt was made to prevent even a reference. But after con- siderable discussion this was almost unanimously voted down, and a committee of four members was joined to that already appointed by the Senate, and all the petitions, together with a remonstrance from Williams College, were referred to this joint com- mittee. On Monday, May 3ist, President Humphrey ap- peared before the joint committee, and, in the pres- ence of a crowd of spectators, pleaded the cause of the petitioners in a speech which was as entertaining as it was unanswerable, and which Hon. Lewis Strong, of Northampton, a competent and impartial judge, pronounced to be probably the ablest speech which was made in the State House during that ses- sion of the Legislature. On the following day, after an examination of witnesses, Homer Bartlett, Esq., of Williamstown, appeared on the part of the opposition and spoke against the incorporation, and was followed by Hon. Mr. Davis, solicitor-general of the State, in an able and eloquent plea in favor of granting the charter. On Thursday, the committee reported that the petitioners have leave to bring in a bill. This report was brought before the Senate the same day, and accepted without any opposition. On Friday, the subject was taken up in the House, and, after considerable debate, assigned to eleven o'clock on Tuesday of the ensuing week. Thus the consid- eration of the matter was put off to within five days of the close of the session. When it came up again on Tuesday, a desperate effort was made to secure A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 53 first an indefinite postponement, and then a reference to the next session. Both these motions having been negatived by a large majority, the House adjourned to four o'clock in the afternoon, when an animated and earnest discussion ensued, which continued till a late hour in the evening, and was resumed at nine o'clock the next morning. 1 "It was strenuously argued in opposition, chiefly by members from Berk- shire and our own neighborhood, that a third college was not wanted in Massachusetts; that according to our own showing, we had not funds to sustain a col- lege; that nothing like the amount presented on paper would ever be realized; and that there was reason to believe that many of the subscriptions had been obtained by false representations." 3 Under the influence of such suggestions a resolu- tion was brought forward to refer the report of the joint committee, and all the papers relating to the subject, to a committee of five members with power to send for persons and papers, to sit at such time and place as they should deem expedient, and to in- quire in substance, first, what reliable funds the in- stitution had ; second, what means had been resorted to by the petitioners, or by persons acting in their behalf, to procure subscriptions, and, third, what 1 One of the ablest advocates of the claims of the college, in this debate, was Bradford Sumner, Esq., of Boston, who was, I believe, a partner of Judge Hubbard, in the law. On the other side, Rev. Mr. Mason, of Northfield, a rum -selling and pugnacious Unitarian minister, read a speech an hour long, which was full of scorn about "orthodoxy," "hopeful piety," and "evangelizing the world." 2 Dr. Humphrey's Historical Sketches. 54 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. methods had been adopted to obtain students; this committee to report to the House at its next session. After a warm discussion which lasted for three days, and when nearly sixty of the members had already gone to their homes, on the loth of June, 1824, this resolution was adopted by a vote of one hundred and nine to eighty-nine, and the committee of investi- gation was appointed. The committee, nominated by the chair, " were all intelligent, fair-minded men, but not one of them sympathized with us in our well-known orthodox re- ligious opinions. This, we thought, might, uninten- tionally on their part, operate against us. But in the end it proved for our advantage. " l The investigating committee having given notice that they would meet at Boltwood's Hotel in Am- herst, on Monday, the 4th of October, that was to be the scene of the next act in the drama, and this part of the story can not be better told than in the lan- guage of Dr. Humphrey, who was the chief actor in it. " Rarely has there been a more thorough and searching investigation. All our books and papers were brought out and laid upon the table. Nothing was withheld. Every subscription, note, and obliga- tion was carefully examined, and hardly anything passed without being protested by the able counsel against us. Colonel Graves, our principal agent in obtaining the subscriptions, was present and close- ly questioned. A lawyer who had been employed to look up testimony against us was there with the affidavits which he had industriously collected, and, 1 Dr. Humphrey's Historical Sketches. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 55 at his request, a large number of subpoenas were sent out to bring in dissatisfied subscribers. The trial lasted a fortnight. The room was crowded from day to day with anxious listeners. Were we to live or die? Were we to have a charter, or to be forever shut out from the sisterhood of colleges? That was the question, and it caused many sleepless nights in Amherst. Whatever might be the result, we cheer- fully acknowledged that the committee had con- ducted the investigation with exemplary patience and perfect fairness. When the papers were all dis- posed of, the case was ably summed up by the coun- sel, and the committee adjourned. " Many incidents occurred in the progress of the investigation which kept up the interest, and some of which were very amusing, but I have room for only two. Among our subscriptions there was a very long list, amounting to several hundred dollars, of sums under one dollar, and not a few of these by females and children under age. On these, it was obvious at a glance, there might be very considerable loss. This advantage against us could not escape gentlemen so astute as our learned opponents. It was reported, and I believe it was true, that they sat up nearly all night drawing off names and figuring, so as to be ready for the morning. Getting an ink- ling of what they were about, three of our trustees drew up an obligation, assuming the whole amount, whatever it might be, and had it in readiness to meet the expected report. 1 The morning came; the ses- 1 A copy of this obligation is still preserved. The names of the trustees affixed are J. E. Trask, Nathaniel Smith, and John Fiske. 56 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. sion was opened; the parties were present; the gentlemen who had taken so much pains to astound the committee by their discovery were just about laying it on the table, when the obligation assuming the whole amount was laid on the table by one of the subscribers. I leave the reader to imagine the scene of disappointment on the one side and of suppressed cheering on the other. It turned out to be a fair money operation in our favor. " The other incident was still more amusing. When the notes came up to pass the ordeal of in- quiry and protest, one of a hundred dollars was pro- duced from a gentleman in Danvers. 'Who is this Mr. P.?' demanded one of the lawyers. 'Who knows anything about his responsibility?' 'Will you let me look at that note, sir?' said Mr. S. V. S. Wilder, one of our trustees. After looking at it for a moment, taking a package of bank-bills from his pocket he said: 'Mr. Chairman, I will cash that note,' and laid down the money. It was not long before another note was protested in the same way. 'Let me look at it,' said Mr. Wilder. 'I will cash it, sir, ' and he laid another bank-bill upon the table. By and by a third note was objected to. 'I will cash it, sir, ' said Mr. Wilder, and was handing over the money when the chairman interposed: 'Sir, we did not come here to raise money for Amherst College, ' and declined receiving it. How long Mr. Wilder' s package would have held out I do not know, but the scene produced a lively sensation all around the board, and very few protests were offered afterwards. "The appointment of this commission proved a real windfall to the institution. It gave the trus- A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 57 tees opportunity publicly to vindicate themselves against the aspersions which had been industriously cast upon them, and it constrained them to place the charity fund on a sure foundation. The in- vestigation, to be sure, cost us some time and trouble, but it was worth more to us than a new subscription of ten thousand dollars." l On the 8th of January, 1825, the question was called up in the House, and the report of the inves- tigating committee was presented and read. After reporting the results of their investigations in the matters of fact referred to them, wherein they for the most part exonerate the trustees, officers, and agents of the institution of the charges against them, the com- mittee said in conclusion : " The refusal of the Leg- islature to grant a college charter to Amherst will not, it is believed, prevent its progress. Whenever there is an opinion in the community that any portion of citizens are persecuted (whether this opinion is well or ill grounded) the public sympathies are di- rected to them ; and instead of sinking under opposi- tion they almost invariably flourish and gain new strength from opposition. Your committee are therefore of opinion that any further delay to the in- corporation of the Amherst institution would very much increase the excitement which exists in the com- munity on this subject, and have a tendency to in- terrupt those harmonious feelings which now prevail and prevent that union of action so essential to the just influence of the State." 1 In these quotations from Dr. Humphrey, I have followed in- discriminately his Historical Sketches and his address in 1853, according as the one or the other was the more full and graphic. UNIVERSITY 58 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. After repeated consideration and adjournment, with protracted and earnest debate day after day in the House, the question of accepting the report of the committee and giving leave to bring in a bill was at length brought to a vote on the 28th of January, and the yeas and nays being ordered, it was decided in the affirmative by a vote of one hundred and fourteen to ninety-five. The next day, January 29th, the Senate concurred with the House. And on the 2ist of February, 1825, the bill, having been variously amended, passed to be enacted in both branches of the Legislature, and having received the signature of the lieutenant-governor, Marcus Morton, on the same day, became a law. Thus, after a delay of three years and a half from the opening, and a strug- gle of more than two years from the time of the first petition, the institution at Amh erst received a charter and was admitted to a name as well as a place among the colleges of Massachusetts. The charter conferred upon the corporation the rights and privileges usually granted to the trustees of such institutions. Two or three provisions only were peculiar, and as such worthy of notice. The charter provides that the number of trustees shall never be greater than seventeen, and that the five vacancies which shall first happen in the board shall be filled as they occur by the joint ballots of the Legislature in convention of both houses ; and when- ever any person so chosen by the Legislature shall cease to be a member of the corporation, his place shall be filled in like manner, and so on forever. This provision, quite unprecedented in the history of Massachusetts charters, was not in the bill as first A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 59 reported, but was introduced as an amendment in the course of the discussion. It was as illiberal as it was unprecedented. It should be remembered, how- ever, to the credit of subsequent Legislatures, that they usually appointed to such vacancies according to the nomination or the known wishes of the corpora- tion, and in no instance filled them with persons ob- noxious to the faculty and friends of the institution, and in 1874, the Legislature passed an act provid- ing that the five trustees heretofore chosen by the Legislature shall hereafter be chosen by the gradu- ates, subject to such rules, as may be adopted by the board of trustees and the alumni association. Ac- cording to these rules, these trustees are chosen one every year and hold office for five years, thus provid- ing for the continual infusion of fresh blood from the alumni into the corporation. It was a glad day for Amherst when the charter was secured. President Humphrey and his asso- ciates, who had remained in Boston watching with intense anxiety the progress of the bill, returned home with light hearts. The messenger who first brought the news was taken from the stage and car- ried to the hotel by the citizens. The hotel, the col- lege buildings, and the houses of the citizens were illuminated, and the village and the college alike were a scene of universal rejoicing. On the 1 3th of April, the trustees under the charter held their first meeting in Amherst, organized the board and appointed the faculty. The first annual meeting of the board under the charter was held on the 22d of August, 1825, which was the Monday pre- ceding commencement. At this meeting a code of 60 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. laws was established for the government of the col- lege, 1 a system of by-laws adopted to regulate the proceedings of the trustees and their officers, and the organization of the faculty was changed by the establishment of new professorships and completed by the choice of additional professors. The salary of the president was fixed at twelve hundred dollars with the usual perquisites. The salaries of the pro- fessors, as they were voted at the first meeting of the board, varied from eight hundred dollars to six hun- dred dollars. At the annual meeting, those which had been voted at six hundred dollars were raised to seven hundred dollars. 2 Rev. Edward Hitchcock was chosen professor of chemistry and natural his- tory, with a salary of seven hundred dollars and the privilege of being excused for one year from per- forming such duties of a professor as he might be unable to perform " on account of his want of full health." Mr. Jacob Abbott was appointed professor of mathematics and natural philosophy, with a salary of eight hundred dollars, "one hundred of which, however, are to be appropriated by him annually, with the advice of the other members of the faculty, toward making repairs and additions to the philo- sophical apparatus." Mr. Ebenezer S. Snell was 1 These laws were essentially the same which had been pre- viously established for the government of the Charity Institu- tion. They seem to have been drawn up by Dr. Humphrey, in whose handwriting the original copy still exists. 2 At the annual meeting in 1827, it was voted that the pro- fessors receive each a salary of eight hundred dollars : and, as a rule, the professors have ever since all received the same salary. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 6 1 chosen tutor in mathematics with a salary of four hundred dollars. It was now voted to confer the degree of Bachelor of Arts on " any young gentlemen who have previ- ously received testimonials of their college course in this college. " The same degree was then voted to be conferred on twenty-two young gentlemen of the senior class (1825) who had been recommended by the faculty. The seal which was affixed to the diplomas was procured by the president and professors, to whom that duty was assigned by the trustees at their first meeting, and being approved and adopted by them at their first annual meeting, it has remained ever since the corporate seal of the college. The device is a sun and a Bible illuminating a globe by their united radiance, with the motto underneath: " Terras Irradient. " Around the whole run the words : " SIGILL. COLL. AMHERST. MASS. Nov. ANG. MDCCCXXV." CHAPTER V. A PERIOD OF RAPID GROWTH, 1825-36 FIRST SCIEN- TIFIC COURSE THE CHAPEL BUILDING UNSUCCESSFUL APPEALS TO THE LEGISLATURE HOURS AND FINES THE PRESIDENT'S HOUSE. THE year which began in September, 1825, was the first entire collegiate year of Amherst College. With this year our history enters on a new epoch. The new organization of the faculty dates from this time, since not only the new officers now commenced the duties of their office, but those who had been mem- bers of the faculty before had hitherto served the col- lege for their old salaries and in their old depart- ments. The faculty at this time was constituted as follows: Rev. Heman Humphrey, D.D., president, professor of mental and moral philosophy and pro- fessor of divinity; Rev. Edward Hitchcock, A.M., professor of chemistry and natural history; Rev. Jonas King, A.M., professor of oriental literature; Rev. Nathan W. Fiske, A.M., professor of the Greek language and literature, and professor of belles- lettres; Rev. Solomon Peck, A.M., professor of the Hebrew and Latin languages and literature; Sam- uel M. Worcester, A.M., professor of rhetoric and oratory; Jacob Abbott, A.M., professor of mathe- matics and natural philosophy; Ebenezer S. Snell, A.M., tutor of mathematics. The first catalogue which bears the names of this faculty was printed 62 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 63 in October, 1825, by Carter & Adams, who established the first printing-press in the town in 1825. The catalogues, which had hitherto been printed abroad, were henceforth printed in Amherst. On the catalogue for 1825, John Leland, Esq., ap- pears as treasurer, and Rufus Graves as financier. In 1826 the constitution of the charity fund was so altered by the concurrent action of the board of trus- tees and the board of overseers in the manner pro- vided for in article 13, that the office of financier of that fund and that of treasurer of the college could be united in one person; and from 1826 John Leland was both treasurer and financier till 1833, when Lucius Boltwood was appointed financier and John Leland retained the office of treasurer. From one hundred and twenty-six, in 1823, the number of students increased, the next year, to one hundred and thirty-six; in 1825 it rose to one hun- dred and fifty-two, and from that time it went on in- creasing pretty regularly, with a slight ebb in 1830 and 1831, for a period of eleven years, till rising to its spring-tide in 1836, it reached an aggregate of two hundred and fifty-nine. For two years Amherst ranked above Harvard in the number of students, and was second only to Yale. Thus was the senti- ment of the committee of investigation confirmed, that institutions almost always flourish under per- secution whether apparent or real, and gain new strength from opposition. If we inquire into the causes of this rapid and ex- traordinary growth of the college, the most obvious, and, for a time, the most powerful, was unquestion- ably the violent opposition which it encountered. 64 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. This brought it into immediate notice in Massachu- setts. This soon made it known and conspicuous through the whole country. This enlisted the sym- pathy and support not only of those who held the same religious faith, but of all who love fair play and hate even the appearance of persecution. Local feeling, sectional jealousy, the envy of neighboring towns and of parishes in the same town, the interest of rival institutions, sectarian zeal and party spirit, hostility to orthodoxy and hatred of evangelical re- ligion, all united to oppose the founding, the incor- poration, and the endowment of the college; and the result was only to multiply its friends, increase the number of students, and swell the tide which bore it on to victory and prosperity. In 1835, t wo years before the close of our period, Jonathan B. Condit and Edwards A. Park became professors. The former was connected with the col- lege only three years, and the latter rendered the service of only one ) r ear and one term. At the re- signation of Professor Park, in 1836, Professor Fiske was transferred from the Latin and Greek chair to that of intellectual and moral philosophy, and W. S. Tyler was chosen professor of the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew languages and literature. The number of students was increased for a year or two by the introduction of a new course of study running parallel to the old. This "parallel or equivalent course," as recom- mended by the faculty, differed from the old, first, in the prominence which was to be given to English literature ; second, in the substitution of the modern for the ancient languages, particularly the French (UNIVERSITY) A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 65 and Spanish, and should room be found hereafter, German or Italian, or both, with particular attention to the literature in these rich and popular languages; third, in mechanical philosophy, by multiplying and varying the experiments so as to render the science more familiar and attractive; fourth, in chemistry and other kindred branches of physical science, by showing their application to the more useful arts and trades, to the cultivation of the soil, and to domestic economy; fifth, in a course of familiar lectures upon curious and labor-saving machines, upon bridges, locks, and aqueducts, and upon the different orders of architecture, with models for illustration ; sixth, in natural history, by devoting more time to those branches which are now taught, and introduc- ing others into the course; seventh, in modern history, especially the history of the Puritans, in connection with the civil and ecclesiastical history of our own country; eighth, in the elements of civil and political law, embracing the careful study of the American constitutions, to which may be added drawing and civil engineering. Ancient history, geography, grammar, rhetoric, and oratory, mathematics, natural, intellectual and moral philosophy, anatomy, political economy and theology, according to the plan, were to be common to both courses. The requirements for admission were also to be the same for both courses, not ex- cepting the present amount of Latin and Greek, and the faculty strenuously insisted that the new course should be fully " equivalent" to the old, that it should fill up as many years, should be carried on by as able instructors, should take as wide and ele- 66 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. vated a range, should require as great an amount of hard study or mental discipline, and should be re- warded by the same academic honors. Besides the new parallel or equivalent course, the faculty earnestly recommended a new department for systematic instruction in the science of education, and they further suggested a department of theoreti- cal and practical mechanics. At a meeting of the board in December, 1826, they adopted the new system substantially as recom- mended by the faculty, and not long after the faculty drew up a plan of the studies, arranged in parallel columns wherever the two courses differed, and published it, together with other matter usually contained in the annual catalogue, and announced that this system was expected to go into operation at the beginning of the next ensuing collegiate year. At the commencement of that year (1827-28) the whole number of students rose from one hun- dred and seventy to two hundred and nine, and the freshman class, which the previous year contained fifty-one, now numbered sixty-seven, of whom eigh- teen are set down on the catalogue as students " in modern languages." So far forth the experiment promised well. In regard to the number of students, it was at least a fair beginning. But now com- menced the difficulties in the execution of the plan. These were found to be far greater than the trus- tees or the faculty had anticipated. The teacher of modern languages, a native of France, was not very successful in teaching, and was quite incapable of maintaining order in his class, so that the faculty were compelled to appoint one of the professors to A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 6/ preside at his recitations. The professors and tutors on whom it devolved to give the additional instruc- tion, although willing, as they declared in their re- port, "to take upon themselves additional burdens," had their hands full already with other duties, and found unexpected difficulties in organizing and con- ducting the new course of studies. The college was not sufficiently manned for the work it had under- taken, and was too poor to furnish an adequate faculty. Truth also probably requires the state- ment that the new course, which was the favorite scheme of one of the professors, was never very heartily adopted by the rest of the faculty, who, therefore, worked in and for it with far less courage and enthusiasm than they did in the studies of the old curriculum. Moreover they discovered, as the year advanced, that the new plan was not received by the public with so much favor as had been ex- pected, that they had probably overestimated the popular demand for the modern languages and the physical sciences in collegiate education. The stu- dents of the new course were not slow to perceive all these facts. They soon discovered the fact, whatever might be the cause, that they were not obtaining an education which was in reality equivalent to that obtained by other students. The next year, 1828, the freshman class fell back to fifty-two, just about the number of two years be- fore; and of these so few wished, or particularly cared, to join the new course, that there was no divi- sion organized in the modern languages. Those who had entered the previous year, gradually fell back into the regular course. The catalogue for the 68 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. year 1828-29 retains no trace of the new plan, ex- cept the parallel columns of the old and new courses of studies. At their annual meeting in 1829, the trustees voted to dispense with the parallel course in admitting students hereafter, and made French one of the regular studies. At the same meeting, the professor who was the father of the scheme resigned his professorship. Thus not a vestige of the experi- ment remained, except that the class with which it was introduced graduated in 1831 the largest class that had ever left the institution. Thus ended the first attempt to introduce the modern languages and the physical sciences as an equivalent of the time- honored system of classical culture in our American colleges. The plan, as it was presented in the reports of the faculty, was exceedingly attractive and prom- ising, and with ampler means and under more favor- able circumstances might probably have been sus- tained and thus anticipated by half a century much of the success which now attends our elective courses. With so large a number of students, and that num- ber constantly and rapidly increasing, the officers of the college soon found the place too strait for them, and began very naturally to look about for more ample accommodations. The most immediate and pressing want was felt to be that of a more conven- ient and suitable place of worship. " When I entered upon my office, in 1823," says President Humphrey, "the students worshipped on the Sabbath in the old parish meeting-house on the hill. I soon found that the young men of the society felt themselves crowded by the students, and there were increasing symptoms from Sabbath to Sabbath of collision and disturbance. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 69 I accordingly told the trustees that I thought it would be safest and best for us to withdraw and worship by ourselves in one of the college buildings till a chapel could be built for permanent occupancy. They au- thorized us to do so, and I have never doubted the expediency of the change on this and even more im- portant grounds." l The chief reason which the venerable ex-president in his " Historical Sketches" proceeds to urge in favor of a separate congregation and place of worship for students, is the greater appropriateness, directness, and impressiveness of the preaching which can thus be addressed to them. He deemed it a great loss of moral power to preach to students scattered among a large mixed congregation. But the old chapel, laboratory, and lecture-room, and room for every other use, in the upper story of North College, could not long accommodate the growing number of students, even for morning and evening prayers, still less the congregation for Sab- bath worship. The subject of a new chapel came before the board of trustees at their first meeting under the charter. They were encouraged to con- sider the subject and form some plans in respect to it by a legacy of some four thousand dollars or more which Adam Johnson of Pelham had left to the col- lege for the express purpose of erecting such a build- ing. But his will had been disallowed by the Judge of Probate, and an appeal from his decision was now pending in the Supreme Court. At this time, there- fore, they only voted that in case the will should be 1 Historical Sketches in manuscript. 70 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. established, the prudential committee be instructed to proceed with all convenient dispatch in the erec- tion of a chapel building. They furthermore au- thorized that committee to borrow any further sum of money which they might deem requisite for that purpose, not exceeding six thousand dollars. "At the annual meeting in August, 1825, the call for a chapel and other public accommodations had become too urgent to be postponed without sacrificing the in- terests of the college. In this emergency the trus- tees could not hesitate. They saw but one course, and they promptly empowered the prudential com- mittee to contract for the erection of a chapel build- ing," 1 and also a third college edifice, if they deemed it expedient, at the same time authorizing them to borrow such sums of money as might be necessary therefor, of the charity fund, of banks, or of indi- viduals. The work on the Chapel was commenced early in the spring of 1826, and so far completed in the course of the season that on the 28th of February, 1827, it was dedicated. Dr. Humphrey preached the dedication sermon. His text was: "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." "Five years ago," he says, "there was one building for the accommoda- tion of between fifty and sixty students ; four years ago there were between ninety and a hundred young men here ; one year ago, there were a hundred and fifty ; and now there are a hundred and seventy. It is scarcely two years since the seminary was char- tered, and yet I believe that in the number of under- 1 Dr. Humphrey's dedication sermon. cc O I O UJ I h- A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 71 graduates it now holds the third or fourth rank in the long list of American colleges! God forbid that this statement should excite any but grateful emo- tions. It is meet that we should carefully look over this ground to-day, that the inscription may be indeli- bly engraved on our hearts * Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.' " Meanwhile the decision of the Judge of Pro- bate had been reversed, and the will of Adam Jolmson established by the Supreme Court and, at the annual meeting of the board in August, 1828, it was voted that in testimony of their grateful remembrance of his munificent donation, the apart- ment occupied as a chapel should forever be called Johnson Chapel, and that the President be requested to have the words, "Johnson Chapel, " inserted in large and distinct characters over the middle door or principal entrance of the apartment. Besides the chapel proper, the chapel building contained originally four recitation -rooms, a room for philosophical apparatus, and a cabinet for miner- als on the lower floor, two recitation-rooms on the second floor, a library room on the third floor, and a laboratory in the basement. These recitation-rooms were named after the departments to which they were appropriated, for example, the Greek, Latin, mathematical or tablet l rooms on the first floor, and the rhetorical and theological rooms on the second, and they were far in advance of the recitation-rooms of the older colleges in size, beauty, and convenience. The college library was soon removed from the 1 So called because the walls were covered with blackboards. 6 72 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. fourth story of North College to the room intended for it in the third story of the Chapel, and the room not being half filled by it, the remaining half, viz., the shelves on either side of the door, were for some time set apart respectively for the libraries of the Alexandrian and Athenian societies. When bet- ter accommodations were furnished many years later for the mineral cabinet, the recitation-rooms l of Prof. R. H. Mather and Prof. J. H. Seelye took the place of the tablet room, the old cabinet, and a part of the adjoining entry, and the rhetorical and theological rooms gave place to the small chapel. And when Williston Hall provided for the chemical department, the old laboratory, so long the scene of Professor Hitchcock's brilliant experiments and coruscations of genius, was given up to storage and other neces- sary but comparatively ignoble uses. At the annual meeting of the trustees in August, 1827, it was voted that the prudential committee be directed to take immediate measures for erecting another college building for the accommodation of the students, similar to those already erected, and cause the same to be completed as soon as may be, provided that in their judgment a suitable site for such building can be obtained. The site was soon selected, and before the com- mencement of another collegiate year, the building was completed so as to be occupied by students for 1 Now occupied by Professor Richardson and Professor Mon- tague. Professor Cowles now occupies the old mathematical room, so long the scene of Professor Snell's recitations and lectures. The lower story of the chapel building is now devot- ed entirely to ancient and modern languages (1894) . A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 73 the year 1828-29. This new dormitory was better adapted to promote the health, comfort, and conven- ience of students, especially in its well-lighted and ventilated bed-rooms, and its ample closets, than either of the other buildings, and was perhaps a bet- ter dormitory, as being built on a better plan, than any that then existed in any other college. It had, however, the disadvantage of running east and west, instead of north and south, so that the rooms on the north side were never visited by the sun, and no such rooms are fit to be inhabited. Still it was for many years the favorite dormitory and its rooms were the first choice of members of the upper classes, not a few of whom, on their return to Amherst, look in vain for the North College of their day * as the centre of some of their most sacred associations. In the winter of 1857 it was destroyed by fire, and its site is now occupied by Williston Hall. It was in connection with the site of North Col- lege that the process of grading the college grounds began, which, during so many years in the poverty of the college, was carried forward by the hands of the students, sometimes by individuals working out of study hours, and sometimes by a whole class vol- unteering to devote a half-day or a whole day to the work. Or, if the process began earlier, we now find it receiving a special and grateful recognition on the records of the trustees, who, at their annual meeting in August, 1827, "having noticed with much satisfaction the improvements made in the 1 From 1828 to 1857, this was called North College, and the present North was called Middle College during the same period. 74 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. college grounds, and hearing that these were effected principally by the voluntary labors of the students," passed a vote expressing the " pleasure they felt in view of these self-denying and benevolent exertions to add to the beauty and convenience of the institu- tion." The same enterprise and public spirit also gave birth soon after to a gymnasium in the grove, a bathing establishment at the well, and a college band, which, for many years, furnished music at exhibi- tions, commencements, and other public occasions. During the summer term of 1828, the students, with the approbation of the faculty, organized a sort of interior government, supplementary to that of the faculty, and designed to secure more perfect order and quietness in the institution. A legislative body, called the " House of Students," enacted laws for the protection of the buildings, for the security of the grounds, for the better observance of study hours, and similar matters. Then a court, with a regularly organized bench, bar, and constabulary, enforced the execution of the laws, tried offenders in due form and process, and inflicted the penalties affixed to their violation. The plan worked smoothly and use- fully for about two years, but at length a certain class of students grew restive under the restraints and penalties which were imposed ; for None e'er felt the halter draw With good opinion of the law. And in 1830, after a most animated, and on one side quite impassioned, discussion in the whole body of the students, a small majority of votes was ob- tained against it, and the system was abolished. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 75 Our readers will see in the House of Students an an- ticipation of the later College Senate. When the Chapel and North College were finished, the trustees found themselves deeply in debt. In- deed the college came into existence as a chartered institution with a debt of eighteen thousand dollars, the greater part of which, however, was liquidated by the thirty thousand dollar subscription. The erection of the Chapel added some eleven thousand dollars to the burden. 1 North College cost ten thousand dollars more. The purchase of the lot of land belonging to the estate of Dr. Parsons, on which the president's house and the library now stand, and the share taken in the new village church that the college might have a place to hold its com- mencements, swelled the sum still higher. An effort was made to meet this indebtedness at the time by private subscriptions and donations, 2 but the amount raised in this way was not even sufficient to pay the bills for North College. For the remaining and now constantly increasing indebt- edness, no resource seemed to be left but an appeal to the Legislature. The first application to the Legislature for pecuniary aid was made in the win- ter session of 1827. The petition signed by Presi- dent Humphrey, in behalf of the trustees, sets forth the pressing necessities of the institution, and how they had arisen, asks nothing more than the means 1 The building cost fifteen thousand dollars, four thousand of which was contributed by the Johnson legacy. 2 It was in this effort that Rev. Mr. Vaill was first appointed agent of the college with a salary of eight hundred dollars, viz., at the annual meeting of the trustees in August, 1829. 76 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. of defraying the expenses already incurred for the accommodation of its increasing number of pupils, and such further aids and facilities for the communi- cation of knowledge as are indispensable to its con- tinued prosperit)", and urges no claim except the un- paralleled private munificence and individual efforts by which it has been sustained, and the duty de- volved upon the Legislature by the constitution, and cheerfully discharged by them in reference to the other colleges of the state, to foster institutions of learning established by their authority, and gov- erned in no small measure by trustees of their own choice. This petition was referred to a committee of both houses, who gave the petitioners a patient hear- ing, and manifested a willingness on their part to aid the college, but " they found the state of the public finances incompatible with such aid," and hence felt constrained to make an unfavorable report. This re- port was accepted by both houses, and there the matter rested for four years. In the winter session of 1831, the trustees came before the General Court again with substantially the same petition, made more urgent by increasing necessities, but only to meet with substantially the same result. The committee, consisting of Messrs. Gray and Lincoln of Worcester, from the Senate, and Messrs. Baylie of Taunton, Marston of Newbury- port, and Williams of Northampton, from the House, recognized the necessities of the institution, as also its merits and success. Indeed they made an admir- able argument in favor of a grant, but, with a non sequitur which surprises the reader, they concluded with a recommendation that for the present, at least, A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 77 the grant shall be withheld The last two sentences of their report read as follows- "The degree of public estimation which the college enjoys is evi- denced by the unexampled success which has attended the exertions of its officers, and which has placed it, as regards the number of its pupils, in the third rank among the colleges of the United States. Your committee are not unmindful of the obligation which the constitution imposes on the Legislature to cher- ish and foster seminaries of learning, and if the present state of the treasury would justify it, they would not hesitate to recommend that a liberal en- dowment should be granted to Amherst ; but under existing circumstances it is their opinion that the further consideration of the petition of Amherst College for pecuniary aid be referred to the first session of the next General Court." This report met the prompt acceptance of the Senate, and, on the same day, the concurrence of the House. At the first session of the next General Court, which commenced in May, 1831, the petition of the trustees and the report of the committee of the last Legisla- ture were referred to a joint committee, consisting of Messrs. Lincoln and Brooks, of the Senate, and Messrs. Huntington of Salem, Bowman of New Braintree, and Hayes of South Hadley, of the House, who were unanimously of the opinion that the public interest required that pecuniary aid be afforded to Amherst College, and submitted a resolve for that purpose. The resolve gave the college fifty thousand dollars in semi-annual instalments of two thousand five hundred dollars each, but, owing to the shortness of the summer session, the subject was again postponed. 78 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. The state being now in funds, it was not doubted that a grant would be obtained as soon as the Gen- eral Court could have time to act deliberately upon the subject. Accordingly a new petition was drawn up by authority of the trustees and presented in January, 1832. It was referred to a highly respecta- ble committee, who adopted substantially the favor- able report of previous committees, and unanimously submitted the same resolve. When their report came before the House for dis- cussion in committee of the whole, the college was attacked with great acrimony on the one hand, and defended with distinguished magnanimity and ability on the other. Mr. Foster of Brimfield, Mr. Buck- ingham of Boston, Mr. Bliss of Springfield, and Mr. Calhoun of Springfield, who was a trustee and who was then speaker of the House, spoke ably and elo- quently in the defence. Others desired to be heard on the same side. But the majority was impatient for "the question." The vote was taken. It went against the college with "fearful odds," and on mo- tion of Mr. Sturgis of Boston the whole subject was indefinitely postponed. Thus, after a suspense of five ) r ears, during which they had obtained the fa- vorable reports of four successive committees of the Legislature, were the hopes of the trustees blasted in a moment, and the debts of the college returned upon them with a weight which it was impossible any longer to sustain. After this result no time was lost in calling a spe- cial meeting of the trustees to consider what was to be done in this critical emergency. The board met on the 6th of March. It was an anxious day, A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 79 and direction was sought of Him who had hitherto succored the college in all its perils. Letters full of hope and encouragement were read from influen- tial friends in different parts of the State, urging them without delay to appeal to the public for the aid which the Legislature had so ungraciously re- fused. They accordingly resolved to make an im- mediate appeal to the friends of the college, asking for fifty thousand dollars as the least sum which would relieve it from debt and future embarrassment. A committee of their own body, consisting of the president, Hon. Samuel Lathrop and Hon. William B. Banister, was appointed to publish the appeal, and President Humphrey, Professor Fiske, Rev. Joseph Vaill, Rev. Sylvester Holmes of New Bedford, Rev. Calvin Hitchcock of Randolph, and Rev. Richard S. Storrs of Braintree, were appointed agents to solicit subscriptions. The appeal met with a prompt and hearty re- sponse. The people of Amherst put their shoulders again to the wheel and raised three thousand dollars they had given little short of twenty thousand dollars in money before. President Humphrey vis- ited Boston the first week in April, and in a few days had raised a subscription of seven thousand dollars there. A subscription was started spontaneously among the Amherst alumni at Andover fifty-seven out of one hundred and fifty-three students at An- dover at this time were alumni of Amherst and they in their poverty subscribed from ten to twenty- five dollars apiece. Under the influence of such arguments and appeals, evangelical Christians through the State rallied to 80 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. its support with such cordial good will that we find them congratulating each other and the college on the rejection of its petition by the Legislature. At the commencement in August it was announced that thirty thousand dollars had been subscribed. It was feared that the remaining twenty thousand dol- lars would come with great difficulty, but the work went bravely on to its completion, and on the last day of the year, December 31, 1832, the news being received that the whole sum was made up and the subscription was complete, the students ex- pressed their joy in the evening by ringing the bells and an illumination of the college buildings, thus celebrating with the beginning of a new year what they believed to be a new era in the history of the college. During the presidency of Dr. Moore, and the first ten years of Dr. Humphrey's administration, the old- fashioned system continued unchanged, according to which morning prayers and the morning recitation were not only held before breakfast, but were held at hours varying from month to month, sometimes changing almost from week to week, according to the season of the year, so as to bring the recitation at the earliest hour at which it could well be heard by daylight. The breakfast hour was thus very late in midwinter, and yet the light in cloudy weather was often very imperfect for the morning recitation. In 1833, by vote of the faculty, the bell for morn- ing prayers was fixed at a quarter before five in sum- mer and a quarter before six in winter. And this was done at the request of the students, a large ma- jority of whom petitioned for the change. This fact A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 8 1 is worthy of note, as illustrating the character and spirit of the students at the time. And the arrange- ment of recitations and study hours, which was thus introduced, and which continued for many years, was, in some respects, preferable either to that which pre- ceded, or to any which has followed it. The student's working day was thus divided into three nearly equal parts, in each of which two or three hours were set apart for study, and each period of study-hours was followed immediately by a recitation. Recitations at intervening and irregular hours were carefully avoided, and in order to avoid them, the tutors, and to some extent the professors, did not confine them- selves to one department, but heard different divi- sions of the same class at the same hour, in the morning perhaps in Greek, at noon in Latin, and in the afternoon in mathematics. The observance of study-hours was enforced with much strictness by college pains and penalties, among which fines were perhaps the most frequent. This was the day when fines were in vogue in all the colleges, and when in Amherst College the system rose to its highest (or sank to its lowest) pitch of perfection. Fines were imposed for exercise or bath- ing in study-hours, for playing on a musical instru- ment, for firing a gun near the college buildings, for attending the village church without permission. In short, fines seem to have been the sovereign remedy for all the ills that the college was heir to. The records of the faculty in these days preserve the memory of fines imposed on students who now adorn some of the highest places at the bar, on the bench, and in the pulpit, to say nothing of the medical pro- 82 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. fession. This much at least may be said to the credit of the faculty, that they were impartial in their administration; for we find a vote recorded imposing a fine of fifty cents a week on any member of the faculty who should fail to visit every week the rooms of the students assigned him for such pa- rochial visitation! But Professor Fiske entered his protest, and this vote was soon rescinded. At the annual meeting of the trustees in 1832, a change in the vacations, which had been discussed at the two preceding annual meetings, was adopted, and went into effect the next collegiate year. The vacations had hitherto been four weeks from the fourth Wednesday of August (commencement), six weeks from the fourth Wednesday of December, and three weeks from the second Wednesday of May. They were now changed to six weeks from the fourth Wednesday of August, two weeks from the second Wednesday of January, and four weeks from the first Wednesday of May. The most important feature of the change was that the long vacation, which had hitherto been in the winter, was hence- forth to be in the autumn. The new arrangement was ideally better, perhaps, both for officers and students, inasmuch as the autumn is the pleasanter season for recreation, and the winter more suitable and convenient for study. But it was quite unsuit- able and inconvenient for that large class of students who had been accustomed to help themselves by teaching in the winter. The trustees provided that they might still be allowed to teach twelve weeks of each college year, including either of the three va- cations, and it was hoped that they might find select A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 83 schools in the fall as remunerative as common schools in the winter. But the experiment proved unsuccessful, and, after a trial of eight years, in 1840 the college returned to a modified and improved plan, of which, however, the essential principle was a long winter vacation. This plan was gradually superseded by the present arrangement, which pro- vides for a vacation of ten weeks in the summer. At their annual meeting in 1833, the trustees voted to relinquish the old practice of having a fore- noon and afternoon session at commencement, sepa- rated by the corporation dinner, and at the com- mencement in 1834 the new system of one session was introduced, which has ever since continued, to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. In consequence of some sickness in the president's family, the impression prevailed that the president's house, which was built for Dr. Moore in 1821, was damp and unhealthy. At a special meeting of the board in October, 1833, trie Trustees requested the prudential committee to ascertain how much of the recent fifty thousand dollar subscription would re- main after the payment of the college debts, and in case there should prove to be a sufficient balance, they authorized the committee to make immediate arrangements for the erection of a new house, at an expense not exceeding five thousand dollars. On investigation, the prudential committee estimated that after discharging all debts there would be a bal- ance in the treasury of about four thousand dollars, which, with the sum realized by the sale of the old house, would be sufficient to cover the expense of the new. They accordingly sold the old house for 84 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. two thousand five hundred dollars, and commenced the erection of a new one on land recently purchased of the Parsons estate, directly opposite the college edifices; and "during 1834 and 1835 the house was built, not by contract, but by day's work, and the consequence was that when the bills were all in they amounted to about nine thousand dollars." 1 At the annual meeting of the trustees in 1834, they voted to appoint a special agent for the imme- diate collection of the balance of the fifty thousand dollar subscription, and directed the prudential committee " to proceed with all convenient dispatch to erect an additional college hall, provided they can procure funds for the purpose by donation, or by loan upon the security of a pledge of the building to be erected and its income, for the repayment." During the years 1835 and 1836, the process of grad- ing the grounds in front of the existing edifices and preparing a site for a new hall at the south end of the row was commenced and carried forward at an expense of two or three thousand dollars. But the hall was not erected, doubtless for the very good reason that the funds could not be obtained, and the site was reserved for the erection of the Appleton Cabinet under more auspicious circumstances. At the same meeting of the board (1834), the tui- tion was raised one dollar a term. At the annual 1 Reminiscences of Amherst College, pp. 58, 59. Dr. Hitch- cock not only complains of the amount of the bills for which, during Dr. Humphrey's absence in Europe, no one was will- ing to be responsible, but he declares his preference for the old house, especially in regard to its location. The old house is now owned and occupied by the Psi Upsilon Society. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 85 meeting in 1836, there was a further addition of one dollar a term, thus making the tuition at this time eleven dollars a term, and thirty-three dollars a year. At the same timej:he salaries of the professors were increased from eight hundred dollars to one thou- sand, and a corresponding increase was made in the salary of the president. The tutors' salaries re- mained as they had been for a few years previous, viz., four hundred and fifty dollars. The last votes at the meeting, one or two of mere form excepted, were as follows: "Voted, that the prudential com- mittee be directed, in view of the urgent necessities of the college, to apply to the Legislature of this Commonwealth at their next session for pecuniary aid. Voted, that should the application to the Leg- islature fail of success, or should it be deemed by the committee inexpedient to make such application, the prudential committee be further authorized to adopt any such measures as may by them be deemed expedient for procuring aid from such other sources as may seem to promise the desired relief. " The number of students at the close of the period now under review, that is, in 1836, was large, and the college was in a highly prosperous state. The faculty was strong and popular, the standard of scholarship, culture, and conduct was high, and not a few of the most distinguished names on our general catalogue are names of men who were graduated during these years. CHAPTER VI. PERIOD OF REACTION AND DECLINE THE ANTI-SLAVERY AGITATION AND REBELLION OF STUDENTS THREAT- ENED BANKRUPTCY PUBLIC DISFAVOR RESIGNA- TION OF PRESIDENT HUMPHREY. THE largest aggregate number of students that Amherst College enrolled on its catalogue at any time previous to 1870-71 was in the collegiate year 1836-37, when the number was two hundred and fifty- nine. The next year, 1837-38, it had fallen to two hundred and six, and so it continued to decrease regu- larly, till in 1845-46 it was reduced to one hundred and eighteen, less than half the number nine years before. The number entering college began to diminish some three years earlier. The largest number was in 1833-34, when there were eighty-five freshmen, and the whole number of admissions was one hun- dred and six. The next year, 1834-35, there were seventy freshmen, and the whole number of admis- sions was ninety-nine. From this time, the number entering college continued to decrease, till in 1843-44 the freshmen numbered only thirty-two, and the whole number of new members was only forty-two. Some of the causes which produced this remarka- ble decline are sufficiently obvious. In the first place it was doubtless to some extent a natural reac- tion from the equally remarkable and almost equally rapid increase of numbers in the previous history of 86 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 8/ the college. As the tide of prosperity had risen very fast and high, so it sank with corresponding rapidity to a proportionally low ebb. The growth had been unprecedented, abnormal, and not alto- gether healthy. The causes which produced it were in part temporary, and so far forth the effect could not be enduring. These causes had not indeed ceased to operate, but they had lost in a measure their pristine power. The first alarm, excited by the defection of Harvard College and the churches in that section, had in a measure subsided. Zeal for orthodoxy and evangelical piety was no longer at a white heat. The passion for missions and the edu- cation of ministers had somewhat cooled. Revivals were less frequent in the churches. The revivals which marked the twenty years between 1815 and 1835 had given birth to the college, and nourished it with a copious supply of young men recently con- verted and full of zeal for the work of the ministry and of missions. As revivals grew less frequent and powerful, one of the principal sources of the pros- perity of Amherst College began to fail. The growth of the institution had unavoidably changed somewhat its relations to the community around it. The people of the village were still friendly to the college, but they had ceased to re- gard it as their own offspring or foster-child; they could no longer welcome and cherish its two hundred and fifty students as pets or wards in their own families; the halcyon days of primitive and almost pastoral simplicity, when their apple-orchards and walnut-groves, their parlors and firesides, their homes and hearts were open to the members of the 7 88 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. college generally, almost as if they were their own sons, had gone never to return. Board was perhaps fifty per cent, higher than it was at the opening of the college. The influx of wealthy students, by changing the tastes and habits of the community, had increased in a still greater percentage the inci- dental and unnecessary expenses. The term-bills, including tuition and room-rent, which, at the first, were only ten or eleven dollars per term, had now risen to seventeen dollars, and the maximum of nec- essary college expenses, including board, fuel, and lights, which in 1834 was stated in the catalogue at ninety-six dollars a year, was estimated in 1837 at one hundred and fifty dollars. This was still con- siderably less than at Harvard or Yale, but the dif- ference was less than it formerly was, and the ex- penses at Amherst were now greater than they were at some of the other New England colleges. Rela- tively the economy of an education at Amherst was considerably less than it had been, and economy is no small argument, especially with the class of stu- dents who flocked to Amherst in crowds in the ear- lier years of its history. A still more important change had gradually come over the relations between the students and the faculty. The circumstances under which the col- lege originated made its officers and students more like one great family than they were in the older and larger institutions, more so probably than they were in any other college. The government was truly a paternal government, and the students cher- ished a remarkably filial spirit toward the president and professors. But when Amherst came soon to A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 89 be the largest college in New England, with a sin- gle exception, when it contained more than two hun- dred and fifty students of all characters and habits, from all ranks and classes of the community, and from all parts of the United States, it was no longer practicable to maintain so familiar and confidential relations, it was no longer possible to administer the government in the same paternal way, it was no longer possible that the students should cherish just the same filial feeling and spirit toward the faculty. The men who composed the faculty might be the same, it was the same president and the same lead- ing older professors, under whose auspices the col- lege had attained so soon to so large a growth, that were now administering the government and giving the instruction; yet they could not but draw the reins a little tighter, they could not exercise the same personal supervision, the same fatherly watch and care over two hundred students which they had extended to one hundred. They were not the same students, they were not of the same age, class and condition in life ; upon an average they were younger and richer and less religious when they entered now than they were ten or fifteen years earlier in the history of the college; but even if they had been the very same individual students, they could not come so near to their officers, nor stand in the same near and confidential relations, nor cherish quite the same feelings of personal regard and affection, as when they were fewer in number and were in some sense joint-founders of the institution. There are evils, difficulties, and dangers inevitably connected with a large college, as there are with a large board- 90 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. ing school, which almost preclude the possibility of its realizing the ideal of a college, or doing in the best way its whole and proper work; and among these the wall of separation which rises up between the faculty and the students is not the least. Accidental circumstances about this time contrib- uted to widen the breach. One of these was the anti-slavery excitement. This affected Amherst more than it did most of the Eastern colleges ; for while it had an unusual number of Southern students between 1830 and 1840,* it had also a larger propor- tion than most of the colleges of that class of stu- dents who were strongly, and some of them violently, opposed to slavery. It was during this decennary, as our readers will remember, that the anti-slavery excitement, which temporarily subsided after the Missouri Compromise, broke out with fresh violence and agitated the whole country. The "Liberator, 11 started in Boston by William Lloyd Garrison for the express purpose of agitating this question, was es- tablished in 1831; the New England Anti-Slavery Society (afterwards the Massachusetts) in 1832, and the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833. In 1834, George Thompson came over from England and his clarion-like voice rang through the land, and in 1835 Mr. Garrison was dragged through the streets of Boston by an infuriated mob and saved from a violent death only by incarceration in the city jail. 1 Among these were Benjamin M. Palmer of South Carolina and Stewart Robinson of Virginia, who became so conspicuous in the history of the late war. Mr. Palmer was a member of the class of '35, but graduated prematurely in his junior year. Mr. Robinson graduated with honor in the class of '36. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 9! Such exciting scenes could not but deeply move the feelings of young men in our colleges and profes- sional schools. It was under such circumstances that a colonization society and an anti-slavery so- ciety were formed among the students at Amherst, the latter in the summer of 1833, and the former a short time previous, perhaps not more than two or three weeks. Thus the college was divided as it were into two hostile camps, and the war raged as fiercely between these opposing forces in their classic halls as that between the Greeks and Trojans of which the young men read in the Iliad, and it lasted quite as long before it fully came to an end. The fac- ulty seeing that fellow-students, and even Christian brethren, were thus set in hostile array against each other, feeling that the college was not founded to be a school of moral or political reform, and fearing that its reputation as well as its peace and pros- perity might thus be endangered, at length inter- posed, and endeavored to persuade the members of both societies to dissolve their organizations. The members of the colonization society complied with this request. The members of the anti-slavery so- ciety returned answer that they could not conscien- tiously dissolve the society by their own act, begged the privilege of at least holding the monthly concert of prayer for the slave, and, if they must needs dis- band, prayed the faculty to do the work them- selves. The faculty consented to their holding the monthly concert of prayer and the continued exis- tence of the anti-slavery society on certain condi- tions, but after protracted deliberation and discus- sion the members of the society decided that they 92 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. could not conscientiously either disband the society or comply with the conditions for its continued ex- istence. It only remained for the president, in be- half of the faculty, to say to them: "As you can- not comply with the conditions, your society must cease to exist." It cannot be doubted that the anti-slavery excite- ment impaired somewhat the confidence and affec- tion of a large portion of the students (and those the most ardent and earnest students of the college) for the faculty, and especially alienated some of the most zealous of them from the president, who was the organ of communication, and was regarded as the author of the policy that was pursued. 1 But the opposition to the system of distinctive and honorary appointments in college, which sprang up about the same time, lasted longer and was still more unfortunate in its influence. As early as 1834, the junior class, under the influence of the dissatis- faction attendant as usual on the appointments for the junior exhibition, petitioned the trustees at their annual meeting to abolish the system. Upon this petition, the trustees voted, " That we think it inexpedient to make any alteration at present on the subject of said communication, but we recommend that the faculty correspond with the other colleges on this subject and obtain such information as may be communicated for such improvement hereafter as 1 The an ti- slavery men of this period were under the im- pression, right or wrong, that the sympathies of Professor Hitchcock were with them, although the act of suppression was communicated expressly as "the unanimous vote of the faculty." A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 93 occasion may require." At their annual meeting in 1836, a petition was again presented, signed by nearly, if not quite, all the members of the three upper classes, asking for the abolition " of the pres- ent system of appointments in this institution," and suggesting, instead, that "such a division and ar- rangement be made that all may have parts assigned them, and alike enjoy the benefits arising from such performances," or that "each of the three literary societies in college should be permitted to have an annual exhibition." 1 The action of the trustees upon this petition is thus entered on their records : "A petition having been presented to this board signed by numerous members of Amherst College, praying for the abolition of the system of appoint- ments adopted in this college, Voted, that this board deem it inexpedient to make any change at present in the system provided for by the college laws on this subject." Meanwhile the faculty began to be besieged by petitions from individual students asking to be ex- cused from performing the parts assigned them on the ground of conscientious opposition to the system of honorary distinctions, and for a time the fac- ulty granted these requests. At length it became apparent that there was, if not a conspiracy, a set purpose on the part of many students, some of them 1 This petition is preserved in the college librar)'. It is an immense document some five feet long and a foot and a half wide, bearing in bold and large hand the autograph signatures of men now distinguished in every walk of life, and remind- ing the reader in more ways than one of the original Declara- tion of Independence. 94 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. perhaps really conscientious, but others manifestly only disappointed in their own appointments, or otherwise disaffected, to break down the system, and that if they would have any exhibitions or commence- ments, they must insist upon the performance of the parts assigned for public occasions with the same firm- ness and on the same principles as they required the recitation of lessons or the performance of any other assigned duty. They therefore declined to excuse ap- pointees simply on the ground of conscientious scru- ples without the assignment of some other reasons. Among those who were excused in the summer of 1835 was one who had been appointed one of the prize speakers from the freshmen, and having re- quested to be excused "on grounds of conscience," his request was granted. Two years later, the same student received an appointment for the junior ex- hibition. Instead of performing the part assigned him, he sent in a paper to the faculty, in which he not only refused to perform, but expressed his refusal in disrespectful language, and .after an ineffectual effort by the president to obtain a retraction, the faculty voted to require of him a written acknowl- edgment, under penalty, if he refused, of being re- moved from college. The student refused to make the required acknowl- edgment, and was accordingly removed from college. The entire class, with a single exception, 1 now 1 David N. Coburn of Thompson, Conn., later Rev. Mr. Coburn of Monson, Massachusetts. At least one other mem- ber of the class, I believe, was not at college at the time and took no part in these transactions, viz. Edward Blodgett of Amherst, now Rev. Mr. Blodgett of Greenwich. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 95 rallied to the support of their classmate and joined issue with the faculty by passing the following resolution and sending to Gorham's friends a letter to the same effect : "Resolved by the junior class, June 24, 1837, that in our opinion William O. Gorham has made every concession which duty and justice require, and in refusing to concede more we heartily approve of his .principles. " The next morning this resolution was found writ- ten or painted on the wall in front of the chapel, where it was read by all the students as they went in to morning prayers. The faculty were soon called together to consult in this emergency. They felt deeply that it was a solemn crisis for them- selves and for the college. They began their consul- tation by asking counsel of God in prayer. After much anxious deliberation they came to the conclu- sion that such action by a class in college was sub- versive of all government, and that they must meet the issue with firmness or resign the helm into the hands of students. They therefore " voted to re- quire a confession of all the members of the junior class who have taken measures inconsistent with their obligations to obey the laws of college." The con- fession is in the following words: " It being an acknowledged principle that no stu- dent who is permitted to enjoy the privileges of a public literary institution, and who has promised obedience to its laws, has a right to do anything to weaken the hands of its faculty or in any way to nullify any of their disciplinary acts, I deeply regret that I did, without due consideration, vote for areso- 96 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. lution and sign a paper which tended to both these results; and I hereby promise to abstain from all similar interference in the government of Amherst College." The class hesitated and delayed, and it seemed for a time as if the whole class would refuse to sign the paper and be sent away. But by the interposition of Gorham's friends, who were also friends of the college, he was induced to sign the confession re- quired of him with a trifling verbal alteration, and then his classmates promptly followed suit and signed the acknowledgment and promise required of them. But the effect on the college was immediately dis- astrous. From this time, class after class went out with more or less of the spirit of disaffection and spread it through the community. Year after year too many of the graduates went forth, not to invite and attract students, but to turn them away by re- porting that the government was arbitrary, the president stern, severe, unsympathizing, unprogres- sive, and even in his dotage, although, as Dr. Hitch- cock remarks, 1 his subsequent history shows that he was as well qualified, physically, intellectually, and spiritually, as he had ever been for the place, and the professors, some of them at least, incapable, un- popular, and unfit for the office, although the work of instruction was never more ably or faithfully, never so assiduously and laboriously performed as at this very time. The president was the self-same man under whose 1 Reminiscences of Amherst College, p. 124. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 97 wise and able administration the college had risen to such unexampled prosperity. The professors were, for the most part, the same men under whose government and instruction the Institution had pre- viously prospered, who, when the tide turned after- wards, were as popular as it often falls to the lot of faithful professors to be, and whose lives have be- come identified with the history of the college. It is not necessary to mention their names. The tutors of this period were some of the best scholars that have ever been graduated here. Not a few of them have since become distinguished as educators, authors, men of science, eloquent preachers, and able jurists. Six of them have been professors in this and other institutions, viz., Charles B. Adams, Thomas P. Field, John Humphrey, William A. Pea- body, Roswell D. Hitchcock, and George B. Jewett. It was during this period that the Graeca Majora was dropped from the curriculum, and Homer, Demosthenes, and the tragic poets began to be read continuously as entire books instead of extracts, and the Greek and Latin languages were for the first time taught analytically in their relation to each other and their cognate tongues and in the light of comparative philology. At this time, to wit, in 1837-38, the whole system of monitorial duties, ex- cuses for absence, marks for merit and demerit, the merit roll, reports to parents, punishment of de- linquents and honorary appointments, was revised, reformed, methodized, made at once more just and more efficient, and those principles and rules estab- lished which, not without amendment of course, but substantially, have regulated the practice of the 98 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. college in this important matter ever since. A cir- cular letter was also prepared and sent to the parents of freshmen and other new students, which ex- plained the temptations and dangers of college life, invited the co-operation of parents and friends, and thus contributed much towards a better understand- ing among all the parties concerned in the education and training of the college. Such a letter continued to be sent with good effect for many years after the emergency out of which it sprang had passed away. About the same time, a course of general lectures in the chapel on study, reading, literature, and college life was inaugurated, in which all the faculty in rotation bore a part, and which proved highly ac- ceptable as well as useful to the students. In short, necessity proved the mother of invention and sharp- ened the wits of the faculty to discover and apply many new ways and means of promoting the welfare of the students, and, if possible, the prosperity of the college. These efforts, it is believed, were appreci- ated by the undergraduates, and they were quite contented and satisfied with the government and in- struction of the college. But the spirit of disaffec- tion was still spreading among the alumni, infecting some of the older as well as the younger graduates, and extending through the community; and the number of students still continued to decrease. At length the feeling of discontent and dissatis- faction began to find expression through the press. The causes of the decline of the college were dis- cussed in newspapers and pamphlets, and writers who were confessedly graduates and professedly friends of the institution, published to the world A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 99 that the alumni were dissatisfied with the manage- ment of the college, and it never would prosper with- out a thorough reform, not to say a complete revolu- tion. Those were dark days for Amherst College days of cruel trial and suffering for its officers. The trial of living on a half-salary a few years later was nothing in comparison. Some of them carried the sting of it to their dying day, and it still lingers in the memory of the survivors. If the college had been rich and independent, it might have borne this trial. Indeed, if the college had been independent, it would have been saved the greater part of the trial, for complaints would then have been in a great measure silenced, and disaffec- tion nipped in the bud. But " the destruction of the poor is their poverty." Poverty increased the disaf- fection itself as well as sharpened the sting of it, and the disaffection, by diminishing the number of students, increased the poverty of the college. For it had not at this time a single dollar of endowment, 1 and no college, however large or prosperous, re- ceives for tuition one-half of what it costs. The two subscriptions which had already been raised, the one of thirty thousand and the other fifty thou- sand dollars, were" immediately exhausted in the payment of debts and other unavoidable expenses. The college was, therefore, actually running in debt at the time of its largest prosperity, and the debt went on increasing as the number of students con- tinued to diminish, till the outgoes exceeded the in- come by fully four thousand dollars a year. 1 The Charity Fund went wholly for the support of benefi- ciaries. 100 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. Application was made to the Legislature for pecun- iary aid in three successive years, viz., 1837, 1838, and 1839. In each instance a joint committee of both houses reported strongly in favor of the college, and recommended in 1837 a grant of twenty-five thousand dollars in ten annual instalments, in 1838 a grant of fifty thousand dollars, and in 1839 a reference to the next Legislature on the ground that there were then no funds in the treasury. In 1837 and 1838 the bill failed, both years in the House, being rejected in the latter year by a vote of 154 nays to 132 yeas. It is worthy of note, as illustrating the change of public sentiment in Hamp- shire County in comparison with former Legisla- tures, that only one negative vote was now cast in the whole county. In 1839 the petition was referred to the next Legislature as recommended by the com- mittee. Despairing of aid from the state, the trustees soon conceived the project of raising one hundred thou- sand dollars by private subscription. This was thought to be the smallest sum that would relieve the college of existing embarrassments and leave a balance for endowments sufficient to make the in- come equal to expenditures. Rev. William Tyler, of South Hadley Falls, was first appointed an agent for obtaining subscriptions, and by his labors at different times during the years 1839 and 1840 some four or five thousand dollars were raised, chiefly in Amherst. At the annual meeting of the trustees in the latter year, it being thought that the shortening of the winter vacation had operated unfavorably by keeping away that class of students who were neces- u JN x v XJ.TI i / A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. IOI sitated to help themselves by teaching, the vacations were changed back again to six weeks in the winter, two in the spring, and four in the summer, the Com- mencement, however, being placed on the fourth Thursday of July instead of the fourth Wednesday of August. But the number of students still continued to diminish. In 1841 the eyes of all turned to Rev. Joseph Vaill, who had already proved himself a firm support and a successful agent of the college in more than one emergency, as the only person who could success- fully perform the herculean labor of raising the money which was indispensable to its very existence. He accepted the office of general agent to which he had been invited by the trustees at their annual meeting in 1841, with the same salary as the professors, was dismissed from his pastoral charge, removed to Am- herst, and for nearly four years devoted himself to unwearied labors and plans for the external affairs and especially the pecuniary interests of the college. In August, 1845, he was able to report subscriptions, conditional and unconditional, to the amount of sixty-seven thousand dollars, of which over fifty-one thousand dollars had been collected by himself and paid into the treasury. By reckoning in ten thou- sand dollars, given during this time by David Sears, eleven thousand dollars known by him to have been bequeathed by will to the college during the same time, and fifteen thousand dollars which he had the written assurance of an individual's "full intention" to pay for the founding of a professorship, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars was made up, and this statement was so far satisfactory to the subscrib- 102 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. ers that the majority of those whose subscriptions had been conditioned on the raising of the entire sum of one hundred thousand dollars, now made them unconditional. But deduct from the fifty-one thousand dollars which had been actually paid into the treasury by Mr. Vaill at the close of his agency in 1845, the debt which was reported to the Legislature as fifteen thousand dollars in 1838,* the excess of the outgoes above the income in the interval of seven years at the rate of three or four thousand dollars a year, and the salary and expenses of the agent, which exceeded four thousand dollars, and it will be seen that very little remained for endowments or even to counter- balance a future excess of expenses. And yet the annual expenses far exceeded the annual income, and the number of students still continued to dimin- ish. Things could not long go on in this way. To raise money by subscription was only to throw it into a bottomless morass which must after all before long swallow up the institution. This was palpable to all eyes, and was uttered from the lips of many. The trustees felt it. They chose a standing com- mittee of retrenchment. They reduced the number of tutors, formerly four, to one. With their con- sent, they deducted one hundred dollars each from the salary of the President and the general agent, and two hundred from that of each of the .professors. But all this was quite inadequate. The college still continued to flounder and sink deeper in the mire. The general agent at length saw that the only ade- 1 Twelve thousand dollars in 1839. No one seems to have known just what it was. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 103 quate remedy was to bring the expenses within the revenue ; and he laid before the faculty the sugges- tion, with an outline of the plan, which was adopted by them and ere long turned the tide in the opposite direction. But before this remedy was tried or, perhaps, thought of, the clamor had become loud and distinct among the alumni and in the community for changes in the faculty, and a change of administration. The first officer who was sacrificed was Professor Fowler, a gentleman of much learning and many accom- plishments, but "unpopular," and, as the students said, who certainly had the means of testing his capacity in this respect, unable to maintain order in his lectures, recitations, and rhetorical exercises. Under the double pressure of the clamor of graduates and the complaints of undergraduates, he resigned his professorship to the trustees, at a special meet- ing in December, 1842. But this did not appease the clamor or meet the emergency. A more shining mark was aimed at. A more costly sacrifice was demanded. And at a special meeting of the corporation in Worcester, in January, 1844, with the trustees all present, under the pressure of the emergency, and doubtless in an- ticipation of the event, President Humphrey, in a letter which shows his rare magnanimity and self- sacrificing devotion to the " beloved institution with which he had been so long connected," tendered his resignation, to take effect whenever his successor should be ready to enter upon the office. The trustees, constrained by a felt necessity and doubtless with sorrowing hearts, accepted the resig- 104 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. nation, and through a committee consisting of Mr. Calhoun, Dr. Nelson, and Dr. Alden, returned the following answer: " Resolved, as the unanimous sense of this board, That Dr. Humphrey retires from the presidency of the college with our sincere respect and affection, which have been steadily increasing from the commence- ment of our mutual intercourse ; that we express to him our gratitude for his invaluable services- as the head of this institution, our highest regard for his character as a successful teacher, a faithful pastor, and a single-hearted Christian ; that our prayers will accompany him, that his rich intellectual resources and his humble piety may still be devoted for years to come, as they have been for years past, to the welfare of his fellow-men ; and that we invoke upon him the continued favor and blessing of Heaven. " Resolved, That one thousand dollars be presented to Dr. Humphrey on his retirement, in addition to his regular salary. " The first gleam of sunshine from without which had rested upon the college for several years, dawned upon it in the darkness and sorrow of this meeting at Worcester, in the donation of ten thousand dollars by Hon. David Sears of Boston, which was the begin- ning of his munificent " Foundation of Literature and Benevolence," and not only the largest donation, but the first donation of any considerable magnitude that had ever been given at once by a single indi- vidual. But the college was not yet lifted out of the mire. That was to be the result of many years of wise and patient self-denial and labor. Two vacancies in the . A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. IO5 faculty had at length been created. Now began the more difficult task of filling them. At the same meeting in Worcester at which they had accepted the resignation of Dr. Humphrey, the trustees chose Prof. E. A. Park, of Andover, president, and reappointed Rev. J. B. Condi t, of Portland, professor of rhetoric and oratory, together with the pastoral charge of the college church. But both of these gentlemen declined their appointments. At the next annual meeting in August, 1844, the trustees chose Rev. Prof. George Shepard, of Bangor, president, and Rev. Jonathan Leavitt, of Providence, professor of rhetoric and oratory, together with the pastoral charge of the college church. Professor Shepard declined the presidency. Rev. Mr. Leavitt so far accepted the professorship as to call a council to con- sider the question of his dismission; but the council declined to dismiss him simply because he did not press it, and it was generally understood that he did not press it because on visiting Amherst his heart failed him in view of the difficulties which beset the college. At this meeting, Hon. William B. Banister and Hon. Alfred D. Foster resigned their places as mem- bers of the board. Henry Edwards, Esq., of Boston was elected in the place of Mr. Banister. At the urgent request of the board, Mr. Foster consented to withdraw his resignation. But a correspondence with Rev. Mr. Vaill about this time, and his conver- sations at a later day with Professor Hitchcock, show that he had little hope that the college could be maintained as anything more than an academy. At a special meeting of the corporation in Amherst IO6 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. in November, Rev. Aaron Warner was elected pro- fessor of rhetoric and oratory, with a salary of one thousand dollars. At another special meeting at Amherst in Decem- ber, the professors laid before the trustees the propo- sition, suggested probably by Mr. Vaill, that they would accept the income of the college, be the same more or less, in place of their salaries, and pay out of it also all the necessary running expenses of the college, on condition that they be allowed to regu- late these expenses and run the college, and with the understanding that the agency for the solicitation of funds should cease, and with the expectation that Professor Hitchcock would be appointed president. The trustees accepted the proposition of the faculty as modified and set forth by themselves, and on this basis they elected Rev. Edward Hitchcock, LL.D., president and professor of natural theology and geology. In order to provide for the partial va- cancy thus created in Professor Hitchcock's depart- ment, they at the same time elected Prof. Charles U. Shepard, of New Haven, professor of chemistry and natural history, "to take effect provided Pro- fessor Hitchcock accepts the presidency." These appointments were all accepted, and on the 1 4th of April, 1845, the president-elect was inducted into his office, the retiring president, at the request of the trustees, performing the ceremony of induc- tion and in due form handing over the keys to his successor, the former having previously delivered a farewell address, and the latter following with his inaugural. It would have been the personal prefer- ence of Dr. Humphrey to continue in office till com- A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. IO/ mencement, and thus at the close of the year and amid the concourse of alumni and friends usually convened on that occasion, to take leave of his " be- loved college" and her sons, so many of whom loved and honored him as a father. But it was thought by friends of the " new departure" that the delay might embarrass the financial arrangement, and perhaps affect unfavorably the incoming class. And with characteristic magnanimity and self-abnegation, he hastened to put off the robes of office and with his own hands to put them upon his successor. In his farewell address he says: "The period having ar- rived, when, by the conditions of my resignation, I am to retire from the responsible post which I have occupied for twenty-two years, it was my wish si- lently to withdraw with many thanksgivings to God for his smiles upon the institution with which I have been so long connected, and fervent supplica- tions for its future prosperity. But having been kindly and somewhat earnestly requested, by the standing committee of the board, to prepare an ad- dress for the present occasion, I have allowed myself to be overruled, I hope not for the first time, by a sense of public duty. It has been a maxim with me for more than forty years, that every man is bound to avail him- self of all such opportunities for doing good as Provi- dence may afford him, with but a subordinate regard to his own personal feelings or convenience." He then proceeds to narrate concisely the history of the college from the beginning, especially its religious history, insisting with great earnestness and eloquence, as he did in his inaugural, on a truly Christian education in truly Christian col- 108 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. leges as the hope of the country, the church, and the world, and closes with devout aspirations, with almost apostolic benedictions on the college and its beloved church, its honored trustees and guardians, his re- spected and beloved associates in the immediate gov- ernment and instruction, the beloved youth over whose morals, health, and education it had been his endeavor to watch with paternal solicitude, and the esteemed friend and brother to whom he resigned the chair, and with whom he had been so long and so happily associated. There is an almost tragic pathos and sublimity in these valedictory words and last acts in the public life of this great and good man. Few scenes in history, or the drama even, have in them more of the moral sublime. The sympathizing spectators hardly knew whether to weep over the sad necessities which environed the close of his administration or to admire and rejoice in the moral grandeur and Christian heroism of the man. And the feelings of the writer in narrating these events have been somewhat the same as those with which the disciples of Socrates listened to his last conversations, as Plato describes them in the Phaedon, " feelings not of pity, for they thought him more to be envied than pitied, nor yet of pleasure, such as they usually experienced when listening to his philosophical discourses, but a wonderful sort of emotion, a strange mixture of pleasure and grief, and a singular union and succession of smiles and tears." OF THE UNIVERSITY CHAPTER VII. PRESIDENCY OF DR. HITCHCOCK THE FACULTY MAN- AGE THE FINANCES FIRST FOUNDATIONS FOR PRO- FESSORSHIPS NEW BUILDINGS RESTORED PROSPER- ITY DR. HITCHCOCK'S CHARACTER. THE presidency of Dr. Hitchcock opened with au- spicious omens. The donation of Hon. David Sears, made the previous year (1844), was now just begin- ning to manifest its benignant influence, and, being the first large gift by an individual donor for the pur- pose of an endowment, gave promise of other dona- tions for like purposes. On the very day of the new president's inauguration, Hon. Samuel Williston of Easthampton, by a donation of twenty thousand dol- lars, founded the Williston professorship of rhetoric and oratory. The plan for preventing any further increase of the debt which was formed before the retirement of President Humphrey, but was condi- tioned on the election of Dr. Hitchcock to the presi- dency, having received the sanction of the trustees and the written assent and co-operation of all the professors, went into effect at the commencement of the new administration. According to this plan, the income of the college, administered and appropri- ated by the permanent officers themselves with all the wisdom and economy of which they were mas- ters, after deducting all the necessary current ex- loq 110 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. penses, was divided among them as their salary and means of support. This, while it ensured economy and inspired courage at home, enlisted sympathy and restored confidence abroad; and a series of measures followed which, during the less than ten years of Dr. Hitchcock's presidency, extinguished the debt, added an astronomical observatory, a library, and two cabinets of natural history to the public buildings, secured the permanent endow- ment of four professorships, together with valuable books and immense scientific collections, and doub- led the number of undergraduates. These remarkable results, however, were not to be reached at once, nor without a previous season of trial and struggle, of disappointment and discourage- ment. The immediate increase of numbers which was anticipated from a change of administration was not realized. On the contrary, the year 1845-46, which was the first collegiate year of the new presi- dency, opened with the same number of freshmen as the previous year, and with an aggregate of one hundred and eighteen students instead of one hun- dred and twenty-one. In 1846-47, the aggregate was only one hundred and twenty, and there was an in- crease of only one in the freshman class. Mean- while there was no further addition to the funds, and the president was receiving for his salary at the rate of five hundred and fifty dollars, and each pro- fessor at the rate of four hundred and forty dollars a year. One at least of the trustees (one of the wisest and most honored, though not the most hopeful and courageous) was still doubtful whether it would not be wiser to turn the college into an academy (for a A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. Ill good academy was better than a poor college) ; and what was still more discouraging and even alarming, some of the most influential students were so doubt- ful of the perpetuity of the institution that nothing but the personal solicitation of the president in- duced them to stay and graduate. No wonder if, under such circumstances, the president and profes- sors were sometimes desponding, and the very lights sometimes seemed to burn blue at our faculty meetings ! We now resume the general history of the college. Being in Cambridge at the inauguration of Presi- dent Everett in January, 1846, Dr. Hitchcock im- proved the opportunity to call on Mr. Sears, in the hope of inducing him to erect a building for scien- tific purposes, which was greatly needed. But he met with so little encouragement that he told Hon. Josiah B. Woods of Enfield, with whom he fell in on his return, that he had made up his mind to two things: i. To go back to Amherst and labor on for the college, as long as he could keep soul and body together; and 2. Never to ask anybody for another dollar! Mr. Woods told him that he was quite too much disheartened, and that he thought he could raise the whole or a part of the money needed for the erection of such a building. Thus did hope and relief spring from the very bosom of despair; for this was the beginning of the effort which resulted in the rearing on "Meeting-house Hill" of the Woods Cabinet and Lawrence Observatory. And the scientific reputation of Dr. Hitchcock, together with his self-sacrificing labors, and the self-denial of his colleagues, was the very fulcrum and standing 112 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. place (the TTOU , ^UNIVERSITY, OF 2/6 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. seasons, the institution was again blessed by a copious outpouring of the Spirit, which was gratefully ac- knowledged, as was usual in those days, in the rec- ords of the faculty and of the church, and as the result of which thirteen were added to the church before the close of the term, among whom were Clinton Clark, valedictorian of the class of '35, afterward tutor; William A. Peabody, salutatorian of the same class, afterward professor; John Humphrey, George P. Smith, Alexander H. Bullock, and Daniel W. Poor. There were revivals also in the spring term of 1839 and in the summer of 1842, this last being the only one in the whole history of the college which oc- curred in any other than the spring term. In his farewell address, which is largely taken up with the religious history of the college, President Humphrey says: " Amherst College has been blessed with seven special revivals of religion. No class has ever yet graduated without passing through at least one season of spiritual refreshing. All these revivals might be called general, as they changed the whole face of things throughout the college." And in this connection he gratefully acknowledges his obligation to the professors, all of whom, with a single excep- tion, were preachers, for preaching in rotation with himself on the Sabbath and in the stated evening lec- tures. "The faculty," he says, "have always felt it to be no less their duty than their privilege to attend the stated evening lectures, and after its close they have made it their practice to retire immediately to one of their rooms and spend an hour together in prayer and consultation upon the religious state and interests of the college. " A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 277 Less than a year after Dr. Hitchcock's accession to the presidency, during his first winter term, there was an interesting revival, which brought into the College Church many members of the two lower classes, and a few from the junior class; nearly all the senior class were, already Christians. Among the additions to the church we cannot but notice the names of William C. Dickinson, Charles Vinal Spear, John W. Belcher, William S. Clark, Samuel Fisk, Francis S. Howe, Thomas Morong, Henry J. Patrick, and Charles H. Hartwell. And among the means which were employed, besides plain and pointed preaching on the Sabbath and at the Thursday even- ing lecture, there were special services, usually preaching on Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday evenings; and in this preaching Professor Fiske is remembered as preaching with overwhelming power, and the more remembered, because it was his last work, as the entry in the church records of this addition is the last of the kind, and indeed, with a single exception, the last of any kind that is preserved in the hand- writing of that honored and lamented professor. It should be added, that President Hitchcock opened his own house on Monday evenings for a meeting, partly for inquiry and partly of conference on ques- tions of practical piety and personal religion, to which all students were invited, which first filled the study and at length crowded the large double parlors, and which had a great influence on the origin and prog- ress of the religious interest. In the winter and spring of 1850, there was another general revival, in which there were over thirty " hopeful conversions" among the students, and which 278 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. made no small addition to the numbers and the strength of the church. Including some from the families of the faculty, there were thirty-three per- sons who together presented themselves at the altar, almost filling the broad aisle of the chapel, all in the bloom of youth, and who now for the first time dedi- cated themselves by their voluntary consecration to the service of their Maker, Redeemer and Sanctifier. The year 1853 is reckoned among our seasons of spiritual harvest, although the religious interest was not so deep or so general, nor the ingathering so abundant as in some other revivals. And lest the emphasis which we have given to these seasons of revival should be misinterpreted, it should be here remarked that the records of the church show that there were at this period additions to the church by confession every year and at almost every communion. Thus at the communion in April, 1849, just about a year before the great revival of 1850, eight persons among the leading scholars and men of influence in their respective classes, three of them since distinguished educators in New England, made a public profession of their faith in Christ. At the communion next preceding, in February, 1849, one person, then a member of the sophomore class, stood up alone and avouched the Lord to be his God thenceforth and forever. And these sentences from a letter written in September, 1870, from the shores of the Mediterranean, show what most impressed this young man on entering college and what kind of influences brought him from a wilderness of error and unbelief into the fold of Christ : " First impres- sions are lasting. And my first impression of Am- A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 279 herst College has never left me. We (H. and myself) had come from Ohio by the way of Lake Erie and the Canal, and seen not a little of rough and profane so- ciety on the way. What we witnessed on entering the college was such a contrast to all this and indeed to all we had been accustomed to in our own previ- ous observation and experience, that it seemed as if we had passed into another world. The solemn, cheerful, and intellectual air of the president and professors at morning and evening prayers, and the religious tone, not of voice but of heart and life, in the majority of the students led me into a new train of thought, gave me new views, and made me ere long a new man." The freshman who was thus led to be a believer in Christ, the sophomore who thus stood up alone to declare himself on the Lord's side, is now the presi- dent of the Syrian College in Beirut, who is leading on the combined assault of learning and the religion of Christ Jesus against Mohammedanism in its strong- holds. In the same letter he adds his testimony also to the power and genuineness of revivals in Amherst College. "These revivals," he says, "stamped upon my mind the conviction that Amherst College be- lieved in the reality of the religion of Christ. There was no diminution of the usual amount of study; hence the excitement for there was great excitement was rational, the heart and the intellect moved on together. Twenty years have proven that those who then embraced the truth were sincere; for they are found many of them to-day, in various parts of the world, spending their maturer years in preaching Christ." 19 CHAPTER XIV. RELIGIOUS HISTORY CONTINUED SEVEN REVIVALS IN THE FIRST TWELVE YEARS OF PRESIDENT STEARNS* ADMINISTRATION IN THE REMAINING YEARS TWO IN PRESIDENT SEELYE'S TWO CHANGE IN THE FORM AND MANNER, NOT IN THE -SPIRIT CAUSE OF THE CHANGE REMEDY. DURING the first twelve years of Dr. Stearns* presi- dency there were seven seasons of special religious interest, thus averaging more than one for every two years. At no time during this period was there an interval of more than two years without such a sea- son, and in one instance two successive years were thus blessed. The years 1855, 1857, 1858, 1860, 1862, 1864, and 1866, have usually been reckoned as years of revival, although there was no very broad line of demarca- tion between some of these years and some of those that have not been so reckoned ; for there was not one of these latter years in which there was not some quickening in the winter term, and I believe none in which there were not in the course of the year some hopeful conversions. Of the revival in 1855, as of those a few years earlier, we have the testimony of a college president in the Levant, who was a member of the senior class 280 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 28 1 at that time. 1 We have space only for a, few sen- tences: "We had some noon class meetings which will never be forgotten by those who attended them, when we wept and prayed together until it seemed we were bound together by such cords of love and sympathy as unite saints and angels in heaven. This may seem a strong expression. It was exactly what we felt, and no one who has not been in a college revival can realize the truth of it. There can be nothing like it out of college. " The genuineness of this feeling was manifested when we came to the usually exciting class elec- tions. Our meeting was free from any exhibition of selfishness or party feeling. Class Day lasted from eight o'clock one day until half-past six the next day. It commenced with a social prayer meeting and closed at morning prayers when we all came into the chapel, and the president gave us his blessing. "When we entered college, out of sixty-three in our class only twenty-two were Christians. When we graduated, out of fifty-four, forty-eight were pro- fessors of religion. In all there were twenty-four conversions in our class during our college course." Several of the best scholars and leading men in the senior class, at the beginning of the year, were not only without hope in Christ, but opposed to evan- gelical and personal religion. One of these excited great interest. The writer of this history had re- peated interviews with him, and followed up personal *Rev. George Washburn, President of Robert College, in a letter based on a journal kept at that time. 282 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. conversation with written appeals. Never have I seen such bitterness of feeling, coupled with such ac- knowledged and utter wretchedness. He cursed the day of his birth, and was almost ready to curse his best friends, the name, sacred in the history of mis- sions, which he bore, the parents that gave him birth, and the God who made him for a life of sin and mis- ery. Like Saul of Tarsus, he breathed out threaten- ings and slaughter against the church. But like Saul of Tarsus it was at length said of him " Behold, he prayeth." The next morning his whole appearance, as well as character and spirit, was changed. From that time he labored to build up what he before sought to destroy. Three years later this Saul of Tarsus was with us, an officer of college, a co-laborei in the revival of 1858 a very Paul the Apostle in the boldness, force of reasoning, and fervor of elo- quence with which he prayed men to be reconciled to God. And now he is one of the most able, earnest and useful among the pastors in our Congregational churches. The revival of 1858 exceeded in power and interest any other in the period now under review, if not any other in the whole history of the college. We have space only to record the results as they were given to the public by President Stearns not long after the event : " Nearly three-quarters of our number were previ- ously professors of religion, about twenty of them having taken their stand publicly on the side of Christ some months before. Of the remainder be- tween forty and fifty have been hopefully converted during the term, leaving less than twenty in the A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 283 whole college undecided. Of the senior class but three or four remain who have not commenced the Christian life; of the junior class, but one, and he an inquirer; of the sophomore class, four or five; of the freshmen, nine or ten. The reformation of character and manners was not less remarkable than the re- newal of hearts." The ) T ear 1866 was a memorable year in the relig- ious history of the college, exceeding even 1858 in the number of those who began a new Christian life, and hardly surpassed by it in the deep interest of the scenes and events of the revival, though differing much from that season in the apparently spontaneous beginning and quiet progress of the work. Since 1866 revivals have been less frequent and less powerful in Amherst, as also in other colleges and churches, than they had been in the previous half-century. But in the last spring term of the last year of his life, as we have already said in a previous chapter, the prayers of President Stearns were an- swered and his labors were blessed in what he con- sidered, and we also felt to be, perhaps the greatest and best of all the revivals that had crowned his college work and one of the greatest and best in the whole history of the college. On the last Sunday that he officiated, and at the last sacrament of the supper that he administered, he received to the com- munion the largest number of young men that he had ever admitted at one time to the college church, thus setting the seal to his testimony to the reality and worth of revivals of religion and bringing to a fitting close the work of a long, useful, and happy life. In 1878, the second year of President Seelye's ad- 284 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. ministration, the records of the college church show the admission of twenty-seven members by profession at one communion, and of three members at each of three subsequent communions. Four years later, in 1882, there was a season of especial religious interest, which he thus gratefully acknowledges in his annual report to the trustees : " We have had many blessings during the year, the chief of which has been a deep and pervasive re- ligious revival during the winter term, whose power has been seen with only blessed results through the year. Without any undue excitement and without any interruption to our college work, the whole col- lege has been evidently lifted thereby to a higher plane of both moral and religious action." It appears from the records of the church that six- teen persons were admitted to its membership as the immediate result of this revival, and nearly as many more at other communions in the course of the year. In none of his subsequent reports does President Seel- ye speak of anything that he calls a revival, and as it has already been said that revivals were less fre- quent in the last half of President Stearns' adminis- tration, so we must acknowledge that they were less frequent and less powerful under the administration of President Seelye. There were times of refreshing and rejoicing every year in connection with the day of prayer for colleges. The church was revived and strengthened, and additions were made from time to time to its members as well as its strength. But there were not such seasons of universal thoughtful- ness and seriousness, of anxiety and deep conviction of sin on the part of the irreligious, of earnest and A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 285 importunate prayer among Christians, of numerous conversions and great rejoicings as are technically called revivals. And a corresponding change had taken place also in the churches. The time was when, in our Congregational and Presbyterian churches, it was expected that the children and youth in Christian families would grow up out of the church and without personal religion. And when they came into the church it would be only after a long period of deep distress and conviction of sin, followed by marvellous light and peace and joy. Such angular and spasmodic conversions, as they have been some- times called, would, of course, cause wonder and joy in the congregation, and spreading through the com- munity would bring large numbers into the church, until they came to be regarded as the chief if not the indispensable means of its growth and prosper- ity. Indeed, there were times when conversions that were not attended by such feeling and excitement were looked on with suspicion as hardly genuine. These views have gradually changed and at length passed away. Under the influence of Christian nur- ture and training the children of Christian parents are now expected to grow up as Christians, to enter the church in early youth or childhood, and it is deemed a matter of little moment whether they know the time when they began the Christian life. Of course, in such churches with such views revivals have greatly changed their character, or ceased to exist. In Christian families the very materials are wanting for such revivals, for those spasmodic con- versions do not occur, and there will be revivals only in the etymological and strictly proper sense of the 286 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. word, as a renewal and quickening or a development and manifestation of the Christian life in the church, together with the bringing in of those who have never been in the fold of Christ or, as prodigal sons, have wandered away from it. Such a change as we have imperfectly described has gradually come over our Christian colleges. In the earlier years of the history of Amherst, such young men as Bela B. Ed- wards, Alexander McClure, Henry Lyman, Edward P. Humphrey, Jonathan Brace, Ebenezer Burgess, Asa S. Fiske, Charles Hart well, etc., came to college from Christian families but without hope in Christ, without personal piety, some of them bitterly hostile to evangelical and experimental religion, and con- tinued so until almost the close of their college course. And when in their senior year it was an- nounced that, perhaps after prolonged darkness and distress or violent opposition, they had been con- verted and come out positive and strong on the Lord's side, of course it produced a prodigious impression, and large numbers followed in their footsteps. But the same men coming to college in these days would in all probability have come as members of the church, and although their influence would have been great for good, they could not have been the means of so powerful an impression, and the very materials for such a revival would be wanting. A large proportion of those who come to Amherst from Christian families in these days come as mem- bers of Christian churches. Indeed, there has been slow and gradual increase in the percentage of church members at their entrance, almost from the begin- ning. The percentage of -church members in the A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 287 class of '86 at their entrance was 54; in the class of '87 it was 50; in the class of '88 it was 68; in the class of '89 it was 67. This large percentage of church members at their entrance, together with an increasing number of students who come from fam- ilies that are not religious as the college grows older and larger, is probably the principal cause of the change which we have noted in regard to revivals. It is a change of form and manner rather than of principle and spirit. Then there was more of excite- ment and intensity of feeling; now there is more of Christian work and associated action. Then revivals and conversions were more matters of observation and remark; now they excite less attention, won- der and admiration ; while there is perhaps more consistency, steadfastness and perseverance, certainly there never was a time when the whole college, the trustees, the faculty, and the great body of the stu- dents were more decidedly and positively Christian in their faith and practice; strong in faith, rich in good works, steadfast and immovable, always abound- ing in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as they know that their labor is not in vain in the Lord. There are other causes at work, which are unfa- vorable to revivals, such as the growth of the college, the increasing number of the faculty and the stu- dents, the number and variety of elective studies, which make the faculty and students no longer the unit they once were in their instruction and their moral and religious influence, the weakening to some extent, though by no means so much as in the larger universities, of the tie which unites classmates to each other and once made it easy to propagate relig- 288 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. ious interest through classes all these are adverse circumstances. There are two causes, which, although they are good and useful in themselves, tend to impair the feeling of personal responsibility which the faculty of Amherst College used to feel for the religious character of the students. The faculty used to have charge of the Thursday evening meeting and of the special meetings on other evenings in times of re- vival. But this responsibility is now divided be- tween a few of the professors and the Christian stu- dents, especially the members of the Young Men's Christian Association. Moreover, a large proportion of the faculty used to take their turn in preaching in the college pulpit. This duty is now devolved on the pastor or associate pastor and the distinguished preachers from abroad, who are invited to occupy the pulpit from time to time. Of course, there are great advantages in both these arrangements. But they have also their incidental dangers and temptations, especially to shirk responsibility for the religious education of the students. There are other temptations and dangers for which we cannot shake off the responsibility. The grand central doctrines of Christianity, the law and the gos- pel, the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, atone- ment and redemption, the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and the great salvation are not preached now in church and college with the simplicity, pungency, and power which made them so potent in the revivals in the first half of the present century, and which still make them powerful in the hands of such evangelists as Mr. Mills and Mr. Moody. The applications of A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 289 Christianity to society, government, and the common affairs of this life have never been urged from the pulpit with so much clearness and force as they now are, and organizations are multiplied for carrying the gospel to the masses of the poor, sinning and suffering in our own land and to the perishing mil- lions of heathendom. And this is well. We are proud of our Beecher and our Parkhurst and our more recent and less famous graduates who are the pastors of institutional churches, who preach the gospel to the poor, who live the gospel in the vilest and most wretched parts of our great cities, as Christ came into our sinful and miserable world to seek and to save that which was lost. We admire their patriotism and charity and philanthropy. We honor their self- sacrifice and moral courage and martyr spirit and heroic deeds which speak louder than words. But are we not in danger of forgetting that all men are lost, that this is a lost world, that there is another world of righteous and eternal retribution, that or- ganizations are only machines which cannot save souls, and that men must be converted, sanctified, and saved as individuals, not as communities or na- tions? Is there not still greater danger that the pressure of business and pleasure on the churches and of study and amusement in the colleges will drive out sober thought and serious attention to personal religion. In those times of great and blessed re- vivals, there was one term set apart and consecrated especially to the religious interest of the colleges. The winter term, in itself peculiarly adapted to such use, was the appointed season for the day of prayer for colleges, and was widely, we might say generally, 290 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. devoted to that service, both in the colleges and the churches, and that was the season in which almost all those glorious revivals occurred which so glad- dened the hearts of Christian parents and strength- ened the hands of ministers and missionaries through the land and the world. But now foot-ball has taken possession of the first term, and base-ball of the third term, and the junior promenade and the like social pleasures, and concerts and lecture courses, are en- croaching on the second term, and no time is left for special attention to that which is the chief concern of individual students and the vital interest of the whole college. Must this be so? Ought it to be so? We freely admit that we cannot expect just such revivals as were the joy and strength of the college in its first half-century. But why may we not have a portion at least of the winter term as a longer day of prayer, like a more spiritual and better Lent, consecrated and set apart, not to cease from study, but from or- dinary recreations and amusements, to stop and think on higher and better themes, to pray and labor for those things which it chiefly concerns us to know and to do, to give to spiritual truths and eternal realities the place and weight to which in their nature they are manifestly entitled? According to our last general catalogue (in 1892- 93), there were 3,428 alumni of Amherst, of whom 1,164 have been ordained clergymen and 120 foreign missionaries. These statistics show that more than one-third of the entire number of Amherst graduates have been ordained clergymen. The percentage of ministers, however, during the fifty years in- cluded in this history (1840 to 1889 inclusive), has A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 2QI been gradually diminishing. In the first quarter century of that period (1840 to 1864), it was 32 per cent; in the second quarter (1866 to 1889 inclusive), it was 17 per cent; and in the last five years of that period (1885 to 1889), about 15 per cent of graduates and non-graduates entered the ministry. 1 This was to be expected in a college which was founded expressly for the education of ministers, but which has grown to dimensions altogether exceeding the highest expectations of the founders. In one point of view, of course, it is to be regretted ; in an- other, it is a matter of rejoicing. We cannot but regret that more of our graduates do not become ministers; we cannot but rejoice that so many of them are Christian laymen, workers for Christ in business, in the professions, in all the common walks of life. Would God, they were all either the one or the other, and in our day we can hardly tell for which the demand is the more imperative. Doubtless the Master would say : " These ought ye to have done and not to leave the other undone." Must we always go from one extreme to another? Why may we not be more like the primitive church, into which large numbers were gathered on a single day, and yet the Lord continued to add to them daily 1 Our readers who have read the article of Professor Pea- body in The Forum for September, 1894, will see that the per- centage of Amherst graduates entering the ministry in his last period is considerably less. But his last period is the last five years up to date, while that in our text is the last five years of President Seelye's administration. At Amherst a good many graduates enter the ministry after several years of teaching or other ways of raising money. 2Q2 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. of such as were being saved? But while we thus recognize the fact that there are diversities of opera- tions but the same Spirit, we need above all a deep feeling of our entire dependence on that Spirit for his regenerating, sanctifying, and saving power and presence. " Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be wit- nesses unto me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." lSE OF THE IVERSITY A APPENDIX. DONATIONS RECEIVED BEFORE THE OPENING OP THE COLLEGE. The establishment of Amherst College was made possible by a subscription known as the Charity Fund, amounting to $52,244. When the first build- ing, South College, was erected, inhabitants of Am- herst, Pelham, Leverett, Belchertown, Hadley, and even more distant towns, gave stone, lime, sand, lumber, and other materials, also labor, provisions for the workmen, and the use of teams and tools. Much of the furniture for the rooms was obtained in this way ; and there were also some gifts of money especially for the erection of this building. DONATIONS RECEIVED IN PRESIDENT MOORE'S ADMINISTRATION, 1821-23. The chief donation of this period is known as the Thirty Thousand Dollar Subscription. There were various small gifts of money and articles, including a bell, several pieces of apparatus, and books for the library. 293 294 APPENDIX. DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS RECEIVED IN PRES- IDENT HUMPHREY'S ADMINISTRATION, 1823-45. Bequest of Adam Johnson for a chapel $4,000 Subscription of 1832 50,000 John Tappan, for essays on temperance 500 Subscription used for buying books about 3, 500 Subscription of 1840 to 1845 ; this includes $10,000 of the Sears Foundation, $15,000 to be given for a professorship, and $11,000 known to be set down in wills of persons then still living 100,000 $158,000 DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS RECEIVED IN PRES- IDENT HITCHCOCK'S ADMINISTRATION, 1845-54. Williston Professorship of Rhetoric and Oratory. . . . $20,000 Graves Professorship of the Greek Language and Literature 20,000 Hitchcock Professorship of Natural Theology and Geology 22,000 Donation from the State 25,000 Sears Foundation 12,000 The Woods Cabinet and Observatory 9,000 Subscription for the Library Building and for books. 15,000 Appleton Zoological Cabinet 10,000 $133,000 Here should be mentioned, also, Professor Adams' Zoolog- ical Collection, Professor Shepard's Cabinet of Minerals, Pres- ident Hitchcock's Ichnological Cabinet, and the collection of Indian relics given by Edward Hitchcock, Jr. DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS RECEIVED IN PRESI- DENT STEARNS' ADMINISTRATION, 1854-76. Donation for the Sweetser Lecture-Room, 1855 $1,000 Donation for the Nineveh Gallery,* 1857 967 Subscriptions for East College, 1857, seq 5,ooo Donation for Williston Hall, 1857 16,000 Hitchcock Scholarships, 1858 10,000 * Building and contents cost $1,167, f which only $200 was paid out of the College Treasury. APPENDIX. Legacy of Dr. and Mrs. Moore, 1858 ................ $9, 175 Legacy of Asahel Adams, 1858 ..................... 4, 500 Subscriptions for the Gymnasium, 1859 ............. 3,55o Donation of Messrs. J. C. Baldwin and A. Lilly, 1859. 4,000 Subscriptions of Alumni for the Library, 1859, seq. . 7,000 Legacy of Jonathan Phillips,* 1860 .................. 6, 500 Grants by the Legislature, 1861-3 .................. 27, 500 Walker Professorship of Mathematics and Astronomy, 1861 ........................................... 25,000 Walker Instructorships, etc., 1862 .................. 10,000 Walker Prizes, 1862-3 .............................. 2,000 Legacy of Richard Bond for General Treasury, 1863. 4,000 Donation of David Sears for Library Building,* 1863. 8,000 Walker Building Fund (Dr. Walker and others) , * 1 864. 140, ooo Donation for College Church (W. F. Stearns), 1864.* 46,000 Samuel Green Professorship, 1864 .................. 25,000 Walker Legacy, 1866 .............................. 144,976 Donation of George H. Gilbert for books,* 1866 ..... 7,000 Legacy of Dr. Barrett for Gymnasium, 1870 ......... 5, ooo Mr. Williston for Instruction in English Literature, 1869-71 ........................................ 3,ooo Donation of Mr. Williston at Semi-Centennial, 1871. 50,000 Donation of Mr. Howe, Chime of Bells and Scholar- ship, -1871 ...................................... 5,000 Increase of Charity Fund f ......................... 10,000 Increase of Stimson Fund .......................... 8,000 Mr. Hitchcock to increase his Professorship and Scholarships, 1.869 ............................. 20,000 Recent Scholarships ............................... 35, ooo Prizes not mentioned above ........................ 12,000 Increase of Collections in Natural History J ......... 8,000 Illustrations and Ornaments in Classical Recitation- Rooms ......................................... 2, 500 Bust of Dr. Hitchcock and other Ornamental Statuary i, 500 Hallock Park, 1868 ................................. 2,000 Mr. Hitchcock, for Scholarships and Kindred Pur- poses, 1872 .................................... 100,000 Total .................................. $769, 168 * With income added. f Added to the principal. \ Estimated at $12,000 by the curator (Prof. E. Hitchcock), but about $4,000 was paid for some of them out of State grants already mentioned. Among the donations are the megatherium, by Joshua Bates, Esq., of London ($500) ; the skeleton and skin of the gorilla, by Rev. William Walker, of the Gaboon mission (then worth in the market $2,000). Some $600 was paid to Dr. E. Hitchcock, Jr., for specimens in Comparative Osteology. 296 APPENDIX. DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS RECEIVED IN PRES- IDENT SEELYE'S ADMINISTRATION, 1876-90. Subscriptions to pay Shepard note : Mrs. Samuel Williston $2,500.00 E. H. Sawyer 2,000.00 W. W. Scarborough 2,000.00 F. Gilbert 250.00 A. L. Williston 2,000.00 John C. Parsons 400.00 S. B. Chittenden 2,000.00 James B. Jermain 2,000.00 Harding, Gray & Dewey 100.00 William Whiting 5,000.00 James Y. Yates 500.00 John A. Burnham 3,000.00 Anonymous 2,000.00 E. A. Goodnow 1,000.00 $24,750.00 Collected by Professor Mather for the Mather Collection of Art : J. H. Southworth $2, 500.00 G. H. Whitcomb 250.00 Roland Mather 100.00 Mrs. Charlotte A. Johnson 50.00 James H. Welles' Estate 276.42 3,176.42 Lucius J. Knowles, legacy for Art Collection 5,000.00 Subscription for addition to the Library building : Aaron Bagg $500.00 James Y. Yates 250.00 W. W. Scarborough 2,000.00 W. O. Grover 1,000.00 James B. Jermain 8,000.00 John A. Burnham 2,000.00 13,750.00 Dr. Eben Alden for care of Library . . 5,000.00 Joel Giles for books for Library 50,595.00 C. M. Pratt toward Gymnasium 35,275.00 Toward furnishing Gymnasium : Frederick Billings $5,000.00 W. W. Scarborough 1,000.00 6,000.00 APPENDIX. 297 For new Mineralogical Cabinet : John A. Burnham $5,000.00 W. W. Scarborough 2,000.00 $7,000.00 Jonathan Brace legacy $2,000.00 William Reed legacy ($5,000 was re- ceived in 1858) 5,000.00 Asa Otis legacy 25,000.00 Williston legacy 28,615.48 Mrs. V. G. Stone Professorship 50,000.00 Henry Winkley 50,000.00 Frederick Billings 50,000.00 D. Willis James Fund 100,000.00 Seelye Fund, given by D. W. James. . 100,000.00 Winkley Legacy 30,000.00 Mrs. Chester W. Chapin 50,000.00 H. T. Morgan's bequest 80,556.72 Dr. William J. Walker's estate 11,357.89 Frederick Marquand and his estate. .. 15,000.00 Frederick Billings, for general use... 5,000.00 Welles Southworth gift 5,000.00 Class of 1880 Fund, for general use 365.00 Latin Prize Fund 2, 524.93 Class of 1878 Latin Prize Fund 200.00 Parmly Billings Senior Latin Prize Fund 1,100.00 Chemical Fund of 1861 1,010.96 Thomas McGraw, for apparatus for astronomical department 150.00 L. Hamilton McCormick, for new clock in chapel 650.00 613,430.98 Chemical Laboratory Building Fund : E. A. Strong $1,400.00 J. E. Sanford 500.00 D. Willis James 10,000.00 J. S. Brayton 500.00 H. D. Hyde 2, 500.00 E. W. Peet loo.oo G. H. Whitcomb 5,000.00 20, ooo . oo E. W. Bond, toward rebuilding Walker Hall i, ooo. oo Gift of Robt. M. Woods and sister 5,630.66 Pratt Athletic Field and grand stand, with grading and furnishings, by F. B. Pratt 25,446. 57 298 APPENDIX. Scholarships : James S. Seymour $5,000.00 Quincy Tufts 2,000.00 Mrs. S. P. Miller 1,000.00 Class oi 7 1856 1,000.00 Dolly Coleman Blake 842. n Class of 1858 1,000.00 Class of 1869 1,000.00 David and G. Henry Whitcomb. . . 12,000.00 Moses Day 5,000.00 Rev. Henry S. Green 1,000.00 Class of 1865 1,008.31 Class of 1845 987.98 Classes of 1829, 1835, 1838, 1866, 1867, and 1870 502.26 Class of 1862 (Henry Gridley Scholarship) 2,000.00 Mrs. Valeria G. Stone 25,000.00 Mrs. Alice T. March (Thomas Hall Scholarship) 1,000.00 Lucius J. Knowles 3,000.00 Charles Thayer Reed 2, 500.00 $65 , 840. 66 Grand total $826, 398. 60 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 299 NUMBER OF THE FACULTY AND STUDENTS YEAR BY YEAR.* Year. Faculty. Seniors. Juniors. Sopho- mores. Fresh- men. Total of Students. 1821-22 4 3 6 19 31 59 1822-23. 6 5 21 32 40 98 1823-24 6 *9 29 41 37 126 1824-25. . . . 8 25 41 31 39 136 1825-26 8 33 24 45 50 152 1826-27 ii 24 40 55 51 170 1827-28 9 42 47 53 57 199 1828-29 8 40 47 72 67 226 1829-30 10 32 74 47 53 207 1830-31 10 61 40 50 37 188 1831-32. . . . 8 39 40 50 60 189 1832-33.... 10 4i 50 64 72 227 1833-34 10 44 50 60 85 239 1834-35.... 12 44 52 77 70 243 1835-36.... 12 4i 63 72 76 252 1836-37.... 13 60 50 73 76 259 1837-38.... 12 40 59 57 50 206 1838-39.... 14 57 48 47 37 189 1839-40.... 12 47 43 4i 38 169 1840-41. . . . 12 30 35 40 52 157 1841-42. . . . 12 28 27 43 44 142 1842-43 12 21 34 42 32 129 1843-44 9 30 33 29 32 124 1844-45 II 30 27 30 34 121 1845-46 9 26 23 35 34 118 1846-47. . . . 9 19 30 36 35 120 1847-48 ii 29 36 35 50 150 1848-49. . . . 12 33 29 52 52 166 1849-50 12 25 43 55 53 176 1850-51 II 41 52 49 40 182 1851-52.... II 43 43 4i 63 190 1852-53.... 12 42 35 61 57 195 1853-54 II 33 54 58 56 201 1854-55.... 18 53 59 59 66 237 1855-56.... 15 49 50 65 54 2X8 1856-57.... 15 45 60 60 64 229 1857-58.... 13 52 49 54 66 221 * Special and graduate students are not included. 300 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. NUMBER OF THE FACULTY AND STUDENTS YEAR BY YEAR (Continued} .* Year. Faculty. Seniors. Juniors. Sopho- mores. Fresh- men. Total of Students. 1858-59.... 16 47 53 61 74 235 1859-60. . . . 16 48 56 71 67 242 1860-61 17 51 56 60 53 220 1861-62 17 58 49 50 78 235 1862-63 18 42 42 76 60 220 1863-64 16 30 58 54 50 192 1864-65 14 57 56 64 ^45 222 1865-66.... 17 54 51 44 54 203 1866-67 16 49 44 62 70 225 1867-68.... 16 4i 61 69 73 244 1868-69.... 18 57 58 7i 65 251 1869-70. . . . 19 53 64 63 75 255 1870-71. . . . 20 65 49 76 7i 26l 1871-72.... 21 49 65 68 62 244 1872-73.... 29 59 67 60 82 268 1873-74.... 20 66 57 86 94 303 1874-75.... 23 50 80 ^87 108 325 1875-76.... 21 74 79 98 84 335 1876-77.... 20 79 86 80 75 320 1877-78.... 23 82 77 81 85 325 1878-79.-.. 23 76 75 90 9 2 333 1879-80 23 72 83 79 in 345 1880-81 24 79 69 107 82 337 1881-82 27 65 96 86 96 343 1882-83 28 94 79 97 82 352 1883-84 28 81 86 83 7i 321 1884-85 31 83 78 70 103 334 1885-86 32 77 74 IOI 105 352 1886-87.... 31 70 98 94 68 330 1887-88 32 90 99 66 93 348 1888-89 31 98 70 94 93 355 1889-90 30 66 86 88 103 343 1890-91 .... 32 84 90 100 73 347 1891-92. . . . 32 84 91 70 84 329 1892-93. . . . 34 88 73 87 134 382 1893-94.... 36 70 80 119 134 403 1894-95.... 36 81 124 119 no 434 * Special and graduate students are not included. A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. 301 *d c bo 45 o a 3 S 73 S T3 Pn 1 I o g"" ,0 - g C C ^> O T3 ' : Jg'i f 2]*S i CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO COCOCOCOCOCOCOCO 302 A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. MEMBERSHIP OF FRATERNITIES IN RECENT YEARS. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895- A. A. $... . 32 36 36 37 38 1Q 40 *. Y 37 33 38 34 39 42 37 A. K. E 37 34 35 47 42 16 3-2 A. T 33 34 31 25 29 35 35 X. * 25 22 18 22 22 24 2Q X. 4> 36 33 33 29 2Q 20 ^6 B. 9. n 26 28 32 32 34 34 37 e. A. x 35 33 34 31 32 34 1^ 4>. A. e 29 27 ?8 ?6 31 34 38 4>. T. A. (Established 1893) . . 10 10 Total in fraternities.. 289 280 785 783 2q6 317 320 Non-society men 69 fy 67 51 9 115 114 Total in college 358 54.4. -3C2 a-34 -386 412 414. TUITION FEES PER ANNUM FROM 1821 TO 1895. 1821 to 1833 $10 to (i>n* 1864 to 1868 $4^ 1833 to 1834 27! 1868 to 1871 75 1834 to 1836 30 1871 to 1875 90 1836 to 1847 33 1875 to 1886 IOO 1847 to 18^^ 10 1886 to no 1855 to 1864