-NRLF t i , M 4- ^ s e/iv INTRODUCTORY .ENCH PROSE COMPOSITION 1 t 1 P Osi L5] m ?! Csi FRANCOIS ^B2MS]ySRM5lS!p55l ^ t t I t t f t f t f t f f f ^ I 3$ Vg 1 I NEW YORK -CINCINNATI -CHICAGO g AMERICAN - BOOK ~ COMPANY | UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA FROM THE LIBRARY OF PROFESSOR FELICIEN VICTOR PAGET BY BEQUEST OF MADAME PAG.ET NO. F*, COMPLIMENTS AMERICAN BOOK CO. A. F. QUNN, Gen'l Ag% 2O4 PINE STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. INTRODUCTORY FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION BY VICTOR E. FRANCOIS INSTRUCTOR IN FRENCH IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NEW YORK : CINCINNATI . : CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY V. E. FRANCOIS. INTROD. FRENCH PROSE COMP. W. P. 3 PREFACE THIS book is supposed to be used with students who have already gained some knowledge of French grammar; that is to say, after the first year in the high school or the first semester in college, although it may be employed sooner with satisfactory results. It may be advisable, in the interests of young teachers, to say a few words of the method to be pursued with this book. First, it will' be noticed that any grammar may be referred to. Suppose the teacher assigns the first exercise for the next day. At the beginning, he may indicate the paragraphs to be reviewed, but the student himself may, at all times, find them in the table of contents of his gram- mar. The day the teacher gives out the lesson, he should read aloud the French text and have the students repeat it after him, in order to be sure that they know the cor- rect pronunciation of every word. At home, they must prepare aloud the transposition and questions with an- swers and write out the exercise on Grammar and the translation. Transposition. The second lesson is to begin with transposition, which will be found the best possible exer- cise for the quick and intelligent mastering of French yerbs. The teacher assigns different forms to different students. He himself reads the French text, sentence 3 4 PREFACE after sentence, the students repeating it after him with ail the required changes. For example : The Teacher: Mme. S. compte visiter 1' Europe 1'ete pro- chain. Student No. I : Comptes-tu visiter 1' Europe 1'ete prochain ? Student No. 2 : Oui, je compte visiter 1'Europe 1'ete pro- chain. Student No. 3 : Comptez-vous visiter 1' Europe 1'ete pro- chain ? Student No. 4 : Oui, nous comptons visiter T Europe 1'ete prochain. Student No. 5 : Comptent-ils visiter 1' Europe 1'ete pro- chain ? Student No. 6: Oui, ils comptent visiter 1'Europe 1'ete prochain. and so on with every sentence. The other students may be requested to correct their classmates' mistakes. Questions. At the start, the teacher himself will ask the questions, but soon he may select a student to do it. The teacher ought to be careful to require a full answer to every question and, after the fifth exercise, to oblige his scholars to use personal pronouns as subjects and objects as often as possible. Of course all books should be put aside. When Part II. is reached, the students may be asked to form questions themselves. Grammar Drill. This work must be done with the help of the grammar, after a thorough review of the sub- jects indicated at the head of the French text. Translation. The student is now expected to know the equivalents of words, forms, and idioms which will be PREFACE 5 met with in this part. Therefore, he should never write out his translation before he has been carefully through the preceding parts of the exercise. To prevent this, some teachers may find it wiser to have the transposition work and the answers to the questions written out The cor- rection of written exercises may be made in class on the. blackboard or at home by the teacher. He may also, from time to time, dictate his own translation and have the students spell in French the most difficult words. If an exercise is considered too long for one lesson, it may be easily divided. For the third lesson, besides a new exercise, the scholars must study the corrected ^vork and be able to render it into French without the least hesi- tation. Frequent general reviews should be given, so that every member of the class may be perfectly familiar- ized with all important words, constructions, and idiomatic expressions. As to the text on which the exercises are based, the story in Part II. is taken from an Italian grammar by G. Simler (Frankfort on the Main, 1874), but has been considerably shortened and altered to suit the purposes of this book. The text of Part I., however, which presents a systematic review of the elements of the French gram- mar, is original. The vocabulary which will be found at the end of the book is intended to contain all the French words used in both parts. V. E. F. PART I EN ROUTE! EXERCISE I 1. Text Formation of tenses, . Present indicative, past indefinite or perfect and future of to be, ; of to have, ; of regular verbs, . Definite and indefinite articles, . Feminine and place of adjec- tives, . Interrogatives, , and formation of questions in French, . Madame S. compte visiter 1' Europe 1'ete prochain. Elle a envie de passer une anne"e en France, en Angleterre, en Allemagne, en Suisse et en Italic. Elle desire voyager par eau et par terre, en paquebot, en voiture, en chemin de fer, en omnibus, a pied, a cheval ou a bicyclette. Quel beau voyage! Elle traversera 1' Ocean Atlantique sur un grand bateau. Elle a deja demande le plan de La Tou- raine a la Compagnie Generale Transatlantique. Elle a Tintention de choisir une cabine de premiere. Elle a aussi achete une malle, une petite valise et une belle couverture de voyage. 2. Transposition 1. Replace Mme. S. by tu and use the interrogative form. 2. Replace Mme. S. byje and use the affirmative form. 3. Replace Mme. S. by vous and use the interrogative form. 4. Replace Mme. S. by nous and use the affirmative form. 5. Replace Mme. S. by Us and use the interrogative form. 6. Replace Mme. S. by Us and use the affirmative form. 7 8 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION 3. Questions 1. Mme. S., que compte-t-elle visiter? 2. Quand compte-t-elle visiter 1'Europe? 3. Ou a-t-elle envie de passer une annee ? 4. Comment desire-t-elle voyager ? 5. Quel ocean traversera-t-elle ? 6. Qu'a-t-elle deja demande a la Compagnie Generate Transatlantique ? 7. Quelle cabine a-t-elle 1'intention de choisir? 8. Qu'est-ce qu'elle a aussi achete ? or Qu'a-t-elle aussi achete ? 4, Grammar Drill Masculine Singular. The trip; the summer; the rail- road; a steamer; the omnibus; the foot; a horse; the ocean ; a plan ; a great trip ; the beautiful summer ; the Atlantic Ocea*n ; a fine boat ; a general plan ; a small foot ; next summer. , Feminine Singular. The land; Europe; Italy; Switzer- land; Germany; France; England; the water; a carriage; the bicycle; a company; the cabin ; a/ftunk; x the year ; a lap robe; the intention; the valise; the Email trunk ; a beau- tiful bicycle ; a large company; the general intentiorf; next year, 5. Translation Do you intend to travel ? Yes, 1 I intend to travel in Europe ; I wish to cross the Atlantic Ocean. What steamer shall you take 2 ? It is my intention 3 to ask the General Transatlantic Company for the plan of La Touraine. La Touraine is a fine boat. What cabin shall you have ? I shall choose a first cabin. When 4 you visit 5 Europe next summer, how 4 do you intend to travel, by EN ROUTE! 9 rail or on a bicycle ? I have bought a beautiful wheel, but 6 I have also a mind to travel on horseback, on foot, in the omnibus, by rail, and in a carriage. Shall you spend a year in Europe ? Shall you visit Switzerland and Italy ? Yes, I wish to visit England, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. What a great trip ! Have you already bought a large trunk ? No, 7 I have chosen a small trunk, but I have bought a large valise and a lap robe. * 1 Oui. 3 / have the intention. 6 mais. 2 choisir. 4 See 3. 5 Use the future. EXERCISE II 6. Text Repetition and omission of the definite article, . Plural of nouns, , and of adjectives, . Plural of compound nouns, . Use of the infinitive after French prepositions, . Use of en and dans, . Peculiarity of verbs ending in cer, . Quand le moment de partir approchera, la servante de madame S. placera dans la malle le linge, les vetemens, les jolies robes, les manteaux, les bottines, les chapeaux, ' les mouchoirs de dentelle, etc. Pour visiter les pays etrangers, Mme. S. demandera un passeport avec le si- gnalement suivant : taille moyenne, visage ovale, teint frais, cheveux chatains, front haut, sourcils noirs, yeux bleus, nez aquilin, bouche et oreilles petites, etc. 7. Transposition Replace la servante de Mine. S. and Mme. S. by the pronouns je, tu, nous, vous, and elles : ist, with the present indicative; 2d, with the future. 10 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION 8. Questions 1. Qu'est-ce que la servante de Mme. S. placera dans la malle ? or la servante de Mme. S., que placera-t-elle dans la malle? 2. Quels pays Mme. S. a-t-elle 1'intention de visiter ? 3. Pour visiter les pays etrangers, que demandera-t-elle ? 4. Quel est le signalement de Mme. S. ? 9. Grammar Drill Masculine Singular. The linen ; the beautiful cloak ; a hat ; the small handkerchief ; a foreign country ; the following description ; a Roman nose ; the complexion ; an oval face ; the forehead. Feminine Singular. The maid ; a blue dress ; the boot ; a pretty lace ; the height ; a large mouth ; the ear ; the large ear ; the fresh water. Masculine Plural. The clothes ; the cloaks ; the lajge countries ; the beautiful hats ; the omnibuses ; the black horses ; the eyes ; the hair ; the noses ; the dark-brown eyebrows; the fresh complexions. Feminine Plural. The beautiful dresses ; the large trunks ; the small valises ; the pretty bicycles ; the waters ; the following carriages ; the foreign laces ; the large lap robes. 10. Translation Do you intend to travel next summer? Do you wish to visit Europe ? Yes, it is my intention a to visit the foreign countries. In what foreign countries do you intend to travel? I have a mind to travel in England, in Germany, in France, in Italy, and in Switzerland. I have chosen a first cabin on the large steamer La Touraine. I have also EN ROUTE! II bought a trunk, a valise, and a lap robe. The maids have put the linen in the large valise and in the trunk the dresses, fine cloaks, lace handkerchiefs, boots, pretty hats, etc. I have asked for a passport with the following description: "I am of average height; 2 I have a small mouth, 3 blue eyes, a high forehead, dark-brown eyebrows, a Roman nose, black hair, a fresh and oval face, a beauti- ful complexion, large ears, small feet," etc. 1 I have the intention. 2 / have the height average. 8 I have the mouth small, and so on with the rest of the exercise. EXERCISE III 11. Text Present indicative, past indefinite, and future of recevoir, . Pos- sessive adjectives, . Translation of it when subject, . The indefinite pronoun and adjective tout, . Use of the nega- tion, . Peculiarity of verbs ending in ger, . Mme. S. est sur le point d'executer son projet. Elle arrange ses affaires. Elle visite tous ses parents, ses freres, ses soeurs, son oncle et sa tante, ses cousins, ses cousines et ses amis. Elle regoit leurs souhaits de bon voyage. Enfin, 1'heure de son depart arrive: tout est pret. Un fiacre attend la voyageuse a la porte. Elle embrasse les membres de sa famille. Elle ne pleure pas. Adieu ! 12. Transposition Replace Mine. S. by the pronouns ta, VOMS, and Us (present indica- tive and future in the interrogative form) and by the pronouns je* nous* and Us (same tenses in the negative form). The answers should alter- nate with the questions as in Exercise i. 12 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION 13. Questions 1. Qu'arrangez-vous quand vous etes sur le point de voyager ? 2. Qui visitez-vous ? 3. Que recevez-vous ? 4. Quand 1'heure de votre depart arrive, tout est-il pret ? 5. Ou le fiacre attend-il ? 6. Qui est-ce que vous embrassez ? 7. Pleurez-vous ? (Negative answer.) 14. Grammar Drill Masculine Singular. My departure ; her foot ; their cab ; your nose ; his friend ; our uncle ; your a trip ; her complexion. Feminine Singular. Your height ; our trunk ; my cabin; his wheel; her ear; my intention; your 1 family; his friend. 2 Masculine Plural. My relatives ; your large steam- ers; her blue eyes; their hats; your 1 good friends; their cousins; our projects; his wishes. Feminine Plural. Your business matters; his boots; their pretty dresses; her ears; your good friends; your 1 aunts ; our intentions ; my handsome cousins. 1 Replace by thy. 2 amie. 15. Translation Summer a approaches ; we wish to carry out our plans, and we settle all our business matters. Do you visit your uncles, aunts, brother and sister, cousins 2 and friends when you intend to travel in foreign countries a ? Yes, EN ROUTE! 13 we visit all the members of our family, and they bid us good-by. 3 When the hour of yo.ur departure arrives, are you ready ? We are ready ; our trunks and valises are also ready. We are about to depart. We are waiting for the carriage ; at last it arrives. We embrace our relatives, but we do not weep. Farewell ! 1 Use the definite article. 2 Masculine and feminine forms. 3 We receive their wishes for a good trip. EXERCISE IV 16. Text Formation of tenses, . Present participle, imperfect indicative, and conditional of regular verbs, ; of recevoir, ; of to be, ; and of to have, . Peculiarity of verbs ending myer, . Definite article used with of 'or from, to or at, . Use of the past infini- tive after apres, . Formation and place of adverbs, . Mme. S. quitte la maison et arrive au fiacre. Le cocher saute du siege pour ouvrir la portiere. La voyageuse place le pied sur le marchepied et monte dans la voi- ture. Le cocher ferme la portiere. Au revoir! Et les chevaux galopent rapidement vers la gare. Bientot elle arrive a destination. Le cocher arrete ses chevaux. Elle descend du fiacre et apres avoir paye le cocher, elle entre dans la salle d'attente. 17, Transposition Replace the present indicative 1. by the imperfect indicative, 2. by the future, 3. by the conditional. 14 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION 18. Questions 1. Mme. S., que quitte-t-elle ? 2. Ou arrive-t-elle ? 3. D'ou saute le cocher? 4. Pourquoi saute-t-il du siege ? 5. Sur quoi la voyageuse place-t-elle le pied ? 6. Dans quoi monte-t-elle ? 7. Ou'est-ce que le cocher ferme ? 8. Les chevaux ne galopent-ils pas ? 9. Bientot, ou arrive-t-elle ? 10. Ou le cocher arrete-t-il ses chevaux ? 11. Apres avoir paye le cocher, ou Mme. S. entre-t-elle ? 19. Grammar DriU Masculine Singular. At the moment of the departure; to the plan of the steamer ; to the farewell of the friend. Feminine Singular. At the door of the house; to the dress of the maid ; to the ear of the friend. Plural. To the business of the companies ; at the hats of the coachmen ; to the eyes of the relatives. Mixed Forms. To the wishes of the family ; to the waters of the ocean ; to the cabins of the steamers ; at the seats of the carriages ; at the waiting room of the station ; at the feet of the horses ; to the station of the railroad ; to the wheel of the friend ; to the clothes of the traveler (fern.); at the hour; to the foreign countries; to the ocean. 20, Translation The carriage is waiting at the door of the house ; the coachman is on the box of the cab. " Are you about to leave your country to a visit Europe ? Yes, we are EN ROUTE! 15 leaving our family and country." You go down, you reach 2 the carriage; everything is ready. You step quickly into the carriage. Good-by ! Your coachman will shut the door of the cab ; he will climb on his box, and his horse will gallop toward the station. You will soon arrive at the door of the waiting room. The coach- man, after stopping his horse, will jump from his seat to l open the door of the carriage. You will put one foot on the step ; you will alight from the cab ; after paying the coachman, you will enter 3 the waiting room of the station. 1 in order to. 2 arrive at. 3 Supply into. EXERCISE V 21. Text Adverbs of quantity followed by de, . Numbers, . Agree- ment of vingt and cent, . Comparatives, . Demonstra- tives, . Relatives, . Mme. S. demande a I'homme qui est au guichet un billet de premiere classe pour New York. " Combien ? Quinze dollars, quatre-vingts cents." Elle tire son porte- monnaie de sa poche et paie ce billet. Elle demande aussi a cet employe : " Le train est-il en retard ? Quelle heure est-il ? " elui-ci respond que le train qu'elle attend, est toujours a Theure et qu'il ne tardera pas a arriver. Cette dame regarde quelle heure il est a sa montre. II est onze heures moins vingt minutes. II y a beaucoup d'autres voyageurs qui attendent 1'arrivee de ce meme train. Elle examine ces futurs compagnons de voyage, ceux qui sont assis sur les banes de la salle d'attente et ceux qui marchent sur le quai. 1 6 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION 22. Transposition 1 . Use in the principal clauses the interrogative form. 2. Replace Mme. S. by je and use the present indicative in the affirma- tive form. 3. Replace Mme. S. by ///, the present indicative by the imperfect indicative, and the future by the conditional. 4. Replace Mme. S. by je and /'/, and the present indicative by the future. 23. Questions 1. Cette dame, que demande-t-elle ? 2. Que tire-t-elle de sa poche ? 3. Combien paie-t-elle son billet ? 4. Quelle question adresse-t-elle a 1'employe? 5. Que repond celui-ci? 6. Le train tardera-t-il a arriver ? 7. Quelle heure est-il a la montre de cette dame ? 8. Qui attend Tarrivee de ce meme train ? 9. Qui cette dame examine-t-elle ? 10. Ou sont assis beaucoup de voyageurs? 1 1. Qui marche sur le quai ? 24. Grammar Drill Masculine Singular. This ticket office; this man; this small man ; that train ; that ocean. Feminine Singular. This watch; this water; this good water ; that hour ; that trunk. Plural. Those five benches ; these four carriages ; those two men ; these ten hours ; these oceans. This pocket-book is that of your brother. That wheel is his sister's. This horse is larger than that of your friend. That watch is smaller than this. EN ROUTE! 17 These hats are my uncle's. Those houses are their mother's. These steamers are larger than those of the General Company. Those dresses are finer than these. Two trains are approaching ; this one is late, that one is on time. 3, 13, 28, 51, 66, 76, 81, 84, 99, 117, 679, noo, 1492, 1777, 3269, iS,45i> 398,271, 6,821,746. 25. Translation These men intend to travel in 1 1 899.2 O n 3 June 2 1 st, 4 at the hour of departure, these future traveling companions will step into the same cab and will arrive at the station at 25 minutes past 7. 5 They will enter the waiting room. Many travelers will be waiting for the train : some 6 will be seated on the benches of the platform; others 7 will be walk- ing about 3 in the waiting room. ly There are always five or six employees in that station. Our friends will ask the one 8 who is seated at the ticket office: "What time is it?"- This one will take out his watch and will answer : " It is 28 minutes past 7 ; you are on time, but this train is always late this summer. How many tickets do you want ? " "Three." One of these travelers, taking his purse out of his pocket, will pay for his own 3 ticket and those of his friends. " How much ? " "80 dollars." While 9 wait- ing for the coming of their train, they will examine the station; it is smaller but prettier than that at 10 New York. The train for which they wait is not long in coming. 1 en. 4 the 21 June (juin). 8 a celui. 2 Do not use figures in this exercise. 5 7 o'clock, 25 minutes. g en. 3 Omit. Q these. 10 of. 7 tfiose. FR. PROSE COMP. 2 1 8 AX "^ FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION : v* \ EXERCISE VI 26. Text Peculiarity of verbs of the first conjugation in which the last syllable of the infinitive is preceded by e mute, . Imperative of regular verbs, ; of to be, ; and of to have, . Pronoun on, . Possessives, . Personals, disjunctives, , and conjunctives, . Place of personal pronouns, . Present and imperfect indicative, future, and conditional of pronominal or reflexive verbs, .1 Tout a coup un employe leur annonce 1'arrivee du train. Alors ceux qui ont accompagne a la station leurs parents et leurs amis, se preparent a leur faire leurs adieux. On se serre la main ; on se parle ; on echange beaucoup de com- pliments. "Ayez 1'obligeance de presenter mes respects et ceux de ma famille a Madame votre m&re. Depechez- vous ; voici votre train. Ne manquez pas de nous rappeler au bon souvenir des votres. Occupez-vous de vos bagages : comptez-les. Aimez-vous ces jolies fleurs ? Acceptez-les." "Je vous remercie; vous etes bien aimables." 27. Transposition 1. From the beginning to Ayez: a. Use the imperfect indicative. b. Use the future. c. Use the conditional. 2. From Ayez to the end : Use the second person singulai of the imperative. N.B. Madame is dropped before ta. 28. Questions (Answers in the Future) 1. Qui annoncera 1'arrivee du train ? 2. A qui 1'employe l'annoncera-t-il ? EN ROUTE! , 1 9 3. Ceux qui vous auront accompagne a la station, que se prepareront-ils a faire ? 4. A qui serrerez-vous la main ? 5. Qu'echangerez-vous avec vos parents et vos amis? 29, Grammar Drill Here are two trains : the first is mine ; the other is theirs. Here are two flowers : this one is his ; that one is yours. My dresses are blue and theirs are black. His hair is black and yours is dark -brown. Your foot is large and hers is small. I speak to you ; I do not speak to him ; speak to her ; do not speak to them. Here is a ticket; I give 1 it to you ; I do not give it to her; give it to me; do not give it to hlm - i donner. V 30. Translation Your relatives and friends escort you to the station. You are late ; you hurry. You ask the man who is seated at the ticket office for your ticket. 1 He gives it to you. You ask him: "How much?" He answers you: "81 dollars." You take your pocket-book out of your pocket and pay him for it. 2 Then you attend to your luggage. 3 Suddenly the employees announce to those who are wait- ing for the train that it is coming. Then you get ready to depart ; you thank those who have had the kindness to accompany you. You shake hands with 4 them, you accept the flowers which they present you and exchange many compliments with them. They bid you good-by 5 and you answer them : " You are all very kind to 6 have accom- panied me to the train. I thank you very 7 much. I shall 20 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION not fail to pay your respects and your family's to my mother. I shall remember you to my 8 relatives." 8 1 you ask your ticket to the man ... 6 See 15, note 3. it to him. 6 de. 8 Plural. 7 Omit. See 28, 4. 8 mine (plural). EXERCISE VII 31, Text .eview the same rules as for 26. Superlatives, . Translation of it is and they are, . ' Peculiarity of some verbs of the first conjugation in which the last syllable of the infinitive is preceded by e, . Use of rfest-ce pas, . Les parents et les amis des voyageurs continuent a les accabler de conseils et de commissions : " Nous esperons que vous vous amuserez tres bien ; ne vous ennuyez pas trop ; portez-vous aussi bien que possible ; ayez soin de votre sante et de celle de votre petite sceur. Donnez-nous souvent de vos nouvelles, n'est-ce pas ? Nos meilleurs compliments a votre cousine et a la notre; saluez-les pour nous. Pensez a nous tous les jours. Rapportez- nous beaucoup de cadeaux. Avez-vous votre parapluie? Ou est le sien ? Ne les oubliez pas dans le wagon ;^ce sont vos plus beaux. ) Envoyez-nous votre photographic. Nos meilleures amities a vos voisins. Telegraphiez-nous des votre arrivee chez vous. Voila votre train. Encore une poignee de main ! Bon voyage ! " " Merci." 32. Transposition From " Nous espeYons . . ." to the end, replace the first and second persons plural respectively by the same persons in the singular, with all. the required changes. EN ROUTE! 21 33. Questions 1. Vous amusez-vous en voyage ? 2. Vous ennuyez-vous quand vous voyagez ? 3. Vous portez-vous bien ? 4. Avez-vous soin de votre sant6 ? 5. Donnez-vous souvent de vos nouvelles a votre f amille ? 6. Pensez-vous a vos amis tous les jours ? 7. Oubliez-vous quelquefois votre parapluie dans le wagon? 8. A qui envoyez-vous votre photographic ? 34. Grammar Drill There is an umbrella. Whose l umbrella is it ? It is my umbrella. No, it is not yours. Yes, it is mine ; it is my finest umbrella. Here are many photographs. Whose 1 are they ? These are my sister's, and those are mine. I send them to him. Do not send them to us. Send them to me. 1 to whom (is this umbrella} ? 35. Translation You go on : " Do not overwhelm me with too many errands. I will present your best regards to my cousins l and to yours. I will greet them for you, and will give them the pretty presents which you send them. I like your beautiful photographs, and I accept them. Thanks. I shall think of you every day. I shall not fail to give your love to our kind neighbors. I have forgotten my umbrella and hers ; they are at your house. You will have the kindness to send them to us, will you not? I shall write to you often this summer, but I hope you 2 will not delay in answering us. One more hand shake ! I shall be well; I shall enjoy myself as well as I can; 3 I 22 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION shall not have too dull a time. I shall not count the hours. I shall take care of my health, and I hope you 2 will take the greatest care of yours and his. I thank you for 4 your good advice. I intend to telegraph to you as soon as I reach home. You will not forget to 4 send us our umbrellas, will you ? They are our prettiest ones. 5 We thank you for 4 your kindness." "Pleasant journey!" 1 Feminine. ,-> * de - c . ,, , 3 it will be possible to me. , 2 Supply that. 5 Omit. EXERCISE VIII 36. Text Partitive article or some and any, . Relatives after prepositions, . Apercevoir like recevoir, . Past definite or preterit of regular verbs, ; of reflexive verbs, ; ^irece'voir^ ; Qitobe, ; and of to have, . Mme. S. montre son billet a 1'employe qui est debout a la barriere. Le train arrive a toute vapeur : il s'arrete. En voiture ! Elle se hate de monter dans le wagon et choisit une bonne place. Le train s'ebranle lentement. En route pour New York ! Mme. S. regarde par la fenetre et admire les campagnes dans lesquelles beaucoup de pay- sans et de paysannes travaillent. Elle apergoit aussi de hautes montagnes, des lacs, des collines aux pentes douces, des ruisseaux serpentant dans des pres fleuris, de nom- breux troupeaux et de longues routes sur lesquelles voy- agent des bicyclistes et des pietons. Tantot le train passe dans de longs tunnels et sur de hauts ponts au-dessus de rivieres larges et profondes ; tantot il traverse des champs, de grandes villes, de pauvres villages, des hameaux, des forets et de belles vallees. EN ROUTE! 23 37. Transposition 1. Replace Mme. S. by nous. 2. Replace Mme. S. by elles and the present by the imperfect indica- tive (interrogative form). 3. Replace the present by the preterit. (The verbs of the relative sentences must then be used in the imperfect indicative.) 4. Replace Mme. S. by je and the present by the future. 5. Replace Mme. S. by vous and the present by the conditional. 38. Questions (Answers in the Preterit) 1. A qui Mme. S. montra-t-elle son billet? 2. Qu'est-ce qui arriva a toute vapeur ? 3. Le train s'arreta-t-il a la station? 4. Que crirent les employe's ? 5. Mme. S., ou monta-t-elle ? 6. Quelle espece de place choisit-elle ? 7. Le train s'ebranla-t-il rapidement ? 8. En route, qu'est-ce que cette dame admira ? 9. Qui travaillait dans les campagnes ? 10. Mme. S., qu'apergut-elle ? 1 1. Qui est-ce qui pedalait sur les routes ? 12. Au-dessus de quoi le train passa-t-il? 1 3. Que traversa-t-il ? 39. Grammar Drill Masculine Singular. Some linen; some fine linen; coffee 1 ; good coffee; black coffee; milk 2 ; good milk; fresh milk ; I do not wish any milk. Feminine Singular. Some water ; good water ; fresh water; there is no water; lace; pretty lace; blue lace; she has no lace. 24 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION Plural. Some hats ; some fine hats ; round 3 hats ; some dresses ; fine dresses ; black dresses ; oceans ; large oceans; horses; fine horses; waters; slopes; numerous slopes ; gentle slopes ; they have no tickets ; there are no travelers in this car. 1 cafe. 2 lait. 3 rond. 40. Translation Our train is not long in coming ; we show our tickets to the man at the gate and leave the waiting room. We are standing on the platform. The train stops : all aboard ! The cars have wide steps. We hasten to get into the cars, in which there are already numerous passengers. We select good places. The train soon starts. 1 We are on our way to New York. I/The car in which we are travel- _* ing has numerous seats and large windows. We examine our future traveling companions. The ladies have cloaks, fine dresses, and pretty hats. The passengers look out. 2 We also look out. Now we perceive roads on which many bicyclists are pedaling 3 swiftly 3 and many pedestrians are walking slowly, numerous forests, blue lakes, and large fields in which country people 4 are standing or sitting 5 ; now we admire meadows in which there are small flocks, deep valleys in which pretty brooks are slowly meander- ing, rivers over which there are many bridges, mountains on the flowery slopes of which arise 6 poor hamlets, cities the houses of which 7 are very high, small villages and tun- nels in which the trains pass at full speed. ^ 1 is not long in starting. 4 Masc. and fern, forms. 2 Supply of the window. 5 seated. 8 See 38. 6 show themselves. 7 of which the houses. EN ROUTE! 2$ EXERCISE IX 41, Text Indefinites, . Use of de after some indefinites, . Agreement of past participles, used without auxiliary, , and with to be, . Passive voice, . Use and place of/, , and of en, . Idio- matic use of the verb avoir, . Mme. S., fatiguee, se procure un journal quelconque ou un roman nouveau, quelque chose d'interessant. A chaque passage a niveau, tout le monde entend sonner a toute volee la cloche de la locomotive. Aux heures des repas, quiconque a faim, se rend dans le wagon-restaurant et y mange. Telle est la rapidite avec laquelle les voyageurs sont emportes a travers la campagne que quelques per- sonnes en ont peur ; le soir, tout y est obscur ; personne n'y remarque plus rien, ni arbres, ni maisons. La nuit, quand quelqu'un a sommeil et a envie de se coucher, il se dirige vers le wagon-lit. Aux grandes stations, le train s'arrete pour laisser monter ou descendre les voyageurs ; pres de chaque petite gare, il ralerrtit sa marche pour eviter les accidents. Enfin on approche de New York. Sans aucun doute, chacun semble content d'arriver a desti- nation sain et sauf. 42. Transposition 1. Replace the present by the future. 2. Replace the present by the imperfect. 3. Replace the present by the conditional. 4. Replace the present by the preterit. 43. Questions 1. Est-ce que Mme. S. n'est pas fatigue" e ? 2. Que se procure-t-elle ? 3. A chaque passage a niveau, qu'est-ce que tout le monde entend ? 26 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION 4. Comment la cloche de la locomotive sonne-t-elle ? 5. Qui se rend dans le wagon-restaurant aux heures des repas ? 6. Y a-t-il des personnes qui ont peur en chemin de fer ? 7. Que remarque-t-on le soir dans la campagne obscure ? 8. La nuit, a-t-on sommeil ? 9. Ou se dirige-t-on quand on a envie de dormir ? 10. Pourquoi le train s'arrete-t-il quelquefois? 11. Pourquoi ralentit-il sa marche a chaque petite gare ? 12. Chacun semble-t-il content d'etre arrive a New York sain et sauf ? 44. Grammar Drill Qs^e^jjiA ,*JJ&U*^ * EXERCISE XXXV 120. Text La sant6 de la baronne commen^a a souffrir de tant de fatigues et de privations. Peu a peu, ils vendirent ce qui leur restait de bijoux. Edmond ne comprenait que trop bien la position de ses parents et il cherchait sans cesse les moyens de leur venir en aide. Cependant leur pauvrete" augmentait de jour en jour. Un soir, Edmond LES QUATRE LANGUES 69 rentra moins triste que de coutume et dit au baron : "Ah ! mon pere, si je pouvais vous etre utile ! " Le lendemain, il sortit de meilleure heure qu'a Fordinaire et dirigea ses pas vers le magasin d'un libraire bien connu, M. Pietri. 121. Translation When the exiled family reached Rome, they 1 met with a great disappointment ; for, after many useless steps, the baron gave up all hope of finding a situation. However, one evening, Edmund, returning earlier and more cheerful than usual, said to his parents : " Do you know Mr. Pietri ? He is a very well-known bookseller ; his store is the largest in 2 town ; it is, besides, the largest I have ever seen. Well, this morning I went out early and walked toward his store. I must tell you that I have but too well understood our sad position. I know you have sold little by little the rest of your jewels, because our long journey through the greater part of Italy has exhausted our resources. Our poverty is increasing daily. Destiny has overwhelmed us with so many fatigues and privations that I fear your health will suffer from it. 3 I have always looked for the means of helping you without giving up all hope, and now I have the consolation of telling you that I think I can 4 soon be useful to you." 1 she. 2 of the. 8 en. 4 Use the infinitive. EXERCISE XXXVI 122. Text II y entra et demanda a parler au maitre de la maison. On Fintroduisit dans son cabinet. Le libraire jeta les yeux 70 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION sur ce jeune gargon qui se presentait avec un air de con- fiance modeste et lui demanda : " Que voulez-vous, mon enfant? " " Monsieur," repondit celui-ci, " en passant hier devant votre librairie, il m'est venu une idee. Je me suis dit : ' qui sait si Ton n'a pas besoin de quelqu'un qui sache traduire en italien des livres anglais, frangais ou allemands et rediger des lettres de commerce ? ' . . . Alors, Monsieur, j'ai pris la liberte de venir vous parler aujourd'hui." 123. Translation The baron asked the boy: "What do you mean 1 ? Edmund, has a good idea struck you to-day ? " " Yes," replied the latter ; " as I was passing before the well-known bookstore of Mr. Pietri, I said t6 myself: 'Who knows whether that bookseller might 2 not give me a situation ? ' Confidence returned to me at once ; I took the liberty to present myself in the store, where I asked to be shown 3 into the private office of the master of the house. I entered there with a modest air, and the bookseller, casting his eyes on me, asked : ' What can I do for you, my boy ? Why do you ask to speak to me? Can I be useful to you?* 'Sir,' I answered him, 'yesterday I happened to 4 pass before your store and an idea struck me. My father, who is a French emigrant, has been unable to find employ- ment. I understand but too well the position of my parents, whose poverty is daily increasing, and I am look- ing continually for the means of helping them. I know four languages : French, Italian, English, and German. I came to speak to you, with the hope that you may need somebody who knows 5 how to write business letters. 1 wish to say. 3 that one should introduce (subj.) me . . . 2 Conditional. 4 venir 3u 5 Subjunctive. LES QUATRE LANGUES 71 EXERCISE XXXVII 124. Text Le libraire lui posa quelques questions et ayant appris Thistoire des malheurs de sa famille, il lui dit d'une voix emue : " Vous etes un brave enfant que Dieu benira ; revenez demain matin et je vous emploierai chez moi." Le lendemain, il ne manqua pas de se rendre chez M. Pietri qui lui dicta en italien quelques lettres de commerce pour ses clients a 1'etranger. Edmond les traduisait en frangais, en allemand ou en anglais au fur et a mesure qu'il entendait 1'italien. Le libraire lui donna en outre a traduire des livres qu'il voulait publier en plusieurs langues. 125. Translation "Mr. Pietri answered me: ' God blesses good l children. The story of your parents' misfortunes has moved me very much. You have done well to 2 present yourself in my store and to 2 ask to be shown into my private office. I do not need to question you, for I have confidence in 3 you. If I cannot employ you in my house, I shall try all means of helping you 4 and your parents. Do not fail to come back to-morrow morning early. I will dictate to you a few business letters for my clients abroad, and you will trans- late them into English, German, or French as fast as you hear 5 the Italian. I shall see whether you can be useful to me, for I need in my bookstore somebody who knows foreign languages to translate a few Italian books that I intend to publish. Besides, you will answer the ques- tions of foreign customers who come every day into my store and cannot speak Italian.' I answered him with a faltering voice : l Sir, I thank you very much. How /2 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION happy my parents will be ! I shall not fail to come to-morrow morning very early.' ' 1 the. 3 4 Use you twice: before and after the verb. 2 de. 5 Use the future. EXERCISE XXXVUI 126. Text Pour ces divers travaux, il lui alloua un traitement de cent francs par mois : ce qui suffit pour mettre ses parents a 1'abri du besoin et meme pour leur permettre de faire quelques epargnes. On ne peut se figurer la felicite d'Edmond. II ne se passait pas de jour qu'il ne s'ecriat avec emotion: "Que je suis heureux d'avoir appris les langues etrangeres ! " 127. Translation The next morning, very early, Edmund went to Mr. Pietri's store and he wrote many business letters for abroad. Several customers who did not speak Italian came into the bookstore, and he answered their questions with an air of modest confidence. You cannot imagine his happiness when he returned in the evening to his parents' home. He exclaimed with emotion : " Dear parents, Mr. Pietri, the bookseller, has allowed me a salary of one hun- dred francs a month for my various services. Are you not happy that I have 1 learned foreign languages? A hundred francs a month ! Twelve hundred francs a year ! That is enough ; that will place us above want. We shall even be able to save some money. Allow me to tell you what I have done to-day ; I have translated into English, French, or German several business letters for clients LES QUATRE LANGUES 73 abroad as fast as Mr. Pietri dictated them to me. Besides, I have answered the questions of many customers who do not know a single word of Italian. A salary of one hundred francs a month for those services ! Is that not enough ? Imagine my happiness ! You are now above want. Not a day will pass without my thanking you for 2 having made me learn foreign languages." 1 Subjunctive. 2 de. EXERCISE XXXIX 128, Text Au bout de quelques annees d'exil, nos emigres virent arriver le terme de leurs maux. Un gouvernement plus doux s'etait etabli en France. Quelques amis etaient parvenus a faire rayer le nom de M. de Grandpre" de la liste de proscription et a recouvrer une grande partie de ses biens qui n'avaient pas te vendus. Les exiles allaient enfin revoir leur patrie apres tant de souffrances. 129. Translation At the end of a few months, Edmund's parents were sheltered from want. They even succeeded in saving something. But they were not happy; they could not give up all hope of seeing again their country. Several years elapsed without 1 their seeing the termination of their exile. Finally, one day, the baron received from a friend of his the following letter : DEAR FRIENDS : The termination of your trials has come ; you will at last be able to see again your fatherland after so many privations and sufferings. A milder form 74 FRENCH PROSE COMPOSITION of government has been established in France. Your pos- sessions have not been sold and you will succeed in get- ting back the greater part of them. Besides, you know that we never gave up the hope of having your name erased from the list of emigrants : after many steps, we have succeeded in doing it. How happy we shall be to see you again after so many years of exile ! Sincerely yours, V. de L. 1 sans que (subjunctive). EXERCISE XL 130. Text Us revinrent en France et en foulerent le sol avec ravissement. Le baron et la baronne ne pouvaient se lasser de dire et de redire comment leur fils avait ete leur interprets, leur soutien, leur sauveur. Edmond n'en conut pas d'orgueil. Mais on assure que, plus tard, marie lui- meme et devenu pere de famille, lorsque ses enfants se de- courageaient a cause des difficultes que leur offrait 1'etude des langues, il se plaisait, pour relever leur courage, a leur raconter son histoire. 131. Translation Can you l imagine the rapture and the happiness of our poor emigrants ? How happy they were ! The baron said to his son : " To-morrow morning we must go and thank Mr. Pietri for having helped us ; we shall tell him that the end of our trials has come and that we are at last able to see again our dear country. In a few days we shall return LES QUATRE LANGUES 75 to France. With what rapture we shall tread her soil ! We shall see again our good friends and we shall delight in relating to them your story without ever getting weary of it. I know you will not grow vain on that account. 2 Later, when you are married and 3 have become the head of a family, your children must learn foreign languages, and I assure you that if they get disheartened by the diffi- culties this study may offer to them, I shall renew their courage by 4 telling them again and again how you have been our interpreter, our support, our savior! May 5 God bless you ! " 1 on. 2 of it. 3 Supply that you ... * en. 6 que (subjunctive). ABBREVIATIONS adj. = adjective imp. = imperfect pi. = plural adv. = adverb imper. = imperative prep. = preposition art. = article ind. = indicative pres. = present cond. = conditional irr. = irregular pret. = preterit conj. = conjunction in. = masculine pron. = pronoun f. = feminine p. = past sing. = singular fut. = future part. = participle subj. = subjunctive 76 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY a, pres, ind. of avoir ; il y a, there is, there are ; ago. a, at, to, in, on, of, by, with, below. abandon, m., unconstraint. abattue, see bride, ^abord (d') at first. abri, m., shelter ; mettre a Pabri de, to shelter from, to place above. absolument, absolutely. accabler, to overwhelm. accepter, to accept. accident, m., accident. acclimatation, see jardin. accompagner, to accompany, to escort. acheter, to buy. activer, to hasten. adieu, m., farewell. admirer, to admire. adresse, f., address. adresser, to address, ask. affaire, f., affair, business ; pi., busi- ness matters, things. age, m., age. agiter, to excite. aide, f., help ; venir en aide, to help. ailleurs (d'), besides. aimable, amiable, kind. aimer, to like. ainsi, thus. air, m., air. aise, f., ease ; a notre aise, with per- fect freedom. ait, pres. subj. of avoir. Allemagne, f., Germany. allemand, m., German. aller, irr., to go ; aller mieux, to feel better. aller, m., single ticket ; aller et re- tour, return ticket. allouer, to allow. allure, f., gait, pace. alors, then. ami, m., friend. amities, f. pi., regards, love. amusement, m., diversion. amuser (s'), to enjoy oneself. an, m., year. anglais, -e, English. Angleterre, f., England. anne"e, f., year. annoncer, to announce. apercevoir, irr., to perceive, to see. aperc.oit, pres. ind. of apercevoir. aperc.ut, pret. of apercevoir. aperc.urent, pret. of apercevoir. appartenir, irr. (like tenir), to belong. appartiendra, fut. of appartenir. appeler, to call. appetit, m., appetite. apporter, to bring. apprendre, irr. (like prendre}, to learn. 77 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY appris, -e, p. part, of apprendre. approche, see lunette. approcher, to approach. apres, after, for ; apres que, after. aquilin, -e, aquiline, Roman. arbre, m., tree. arc de triomphe, m., triumphal arch. argent, m., money. arme, f., arm, weapon, armer, to arm. arranger, to settle. arret, m., stop. arreter, to stop; s'arreter, to stop, arrive^ m., comer, arrival, arrived, f., arrival, coming, arriver, to arrive, to come, ascenseur, m., elevator, assassin, m., murderer. assassiner, to murder. asseoir (s 1 ), irr., to sit down, assez, enough, assied, pres. ind. of s asseoir. assis, -e, p. part, of s 'asseoir. assurer, to assure. atlantique, Atlantic. atteindre, irr. (like craindre), to reach. atteint, -e, p. part of atteindre. atteler, to hitch up. attenant, close to, adjoining, attendre, to await, to wait for. attente, see salle. attenti-f, -ve, attentive. attraper, to catch. au = a + le (art.). aube, f., dawn, auberge, f., inn. aubergiste, m., innkeeper, aucun, -e, any, no. au-dessus de, over, beyond. augmenter, to increase. aujourd'hui, to-day. auraient, cond. of avoir. aurez, fut. of avoir. auriez, cond of avoir. auront, fut. of avoir. aussi, also, as. aussitot que, as soon as. autour de, around. autre, other. aux = a + les (art.). avait, imp. ind. of avoir. avant, before. avantageu-x, -se, advantageous, good. avec, with. avenir, m., future. avertir, to warn, to notify. avez, pres. ind. of avoir. avoir, irr., to have; avoir sommeil, to be sleepy; avoir besoin, to need; avoir raison, to be right; avoir tort, to be wrong; avoir chaud, to be warm; avoir beau . . ., to do something in vain. ayez, imper. of avoir. B bagages, m. pi., luggage. bah ! pshaw ! baisser, to pull down. baleine, f., whale. ballotter, to toss about. bane, m., bench. bandit, m., bandit. baron, m., baron. baronne, f., baroness. barridre, f., gate. bas, -se, low. bas, adv.; see mettre. bateau, m., boat, ship ; bateau a vapeur, steamer ; bateau a voiles, sailing boat. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 79 beau, bel, -le, beautiful, fine; avoir beau . . ., to do something in vain. beaucoup, much, very much, a great deal, many. belle, f. of beau. b6nir, to bless. besoin, m., need, want ; avoir besoin de, to need, to be in need of. bibliotheque, f., library. bicyclette, f., bicycle ; a bicyclette, on a bicycle. bicycliste, m., bicyclist. bien, adv., well, very ; bien que, although ; bien des, many, bien, m., possession. bientot, soon, bijou, m., jewel, billet, m., ticket, blesser, to wound, bleu, -e, blue. boire, irr., to drink. bois, m., wood. bon, -ne, good, comfortable, bonte, f., kindness. bottine, f., boot. bouche, f., mouth. boulevard, m., boulevard, bouleverser, to upset. bourg, m., town, bourgeois, -e, see pension. Bourse, f., Stock Exchange, bout, m., end ; mettre a bout de ressources, to exhaust somebody's resources. bouteille, f., bottle. brave, good. bride, f., bridle ; a bride abattue, at full speed. brigand, m., robber. brouillard, m., fog. bruit, m., noise, sound, clatter. buffet, m., dining hall. bureau, m., office. but, m., goal. buvaient, imp. ind. of boire. C> = ce (pron.). cabine, f., cabin, berth. cabinet, m., private office. cadeau, m., present. calme, calm. campagne, f., country, fields. capitaine, m., captain. car, conj., for. carabinier, m., soldier. cas, m., case ; au cas que, in case. Catacombes, f. pi., Catacombs. cause, f., cause; a cause de, on ac- count of. ce, cet, -te, adj., this, that. ce, pron., that, it, he ; ce qui, that which (subject); ce que, that which (object). cela, pron., that. celle, f. of celui. celui, pron., this, that. celui-ci, this one, the latter. cent, hundred. centime, m., centime. central, -e, central. cependant, however, meanwhile, yet. ces (pi. of adj. ce), these, those. cesse, see sans. cesser, to stop. cet, see adj. ce. cette, f. of adj. ce; cette . . . -ci, this; cette ... -la, that. ceux, pron., these, those. chacun, -e, each one, every one. chaise, f., chair. chale, m., shawl. chambre, f., room. 8o FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY champ, m., field. changer, to change. chanter, to sing. chapeau, m., hat. chaque, each, every. charger, to intrust. chariot, m., cart. charmant, -e, charming. chatain, -e, dark -brown. chateau, m., castle. chaud, -e, warm; avoir chaud, to be warm. chaudement, warmly, chemin, m., road; chemin de fer, railroad; en chemin de fer, by rail. chemise, f., shirt. cher, chere, dear, chercher, to look for. cheval, m., horse; a cheval, on horseback. chevaux, pi. of cheval. cheveu, m., hair. chez, to, at, or in the house of; chez vous, to, at, or in your house. choisir, to choose, to select, chose, f., thing, ciel, m., sky. cimetiere, m., cemetery, classe, f., class. Clef, f., key. client, m., client, customer, cloche, f., bell, cloison, f., partition; cloison en planches, board partition. cocher, m., coachman, coin, m., corner. colis, m., package. colline, f., hill, colonne, f., column. combien, how much, how many. come"die, f., comedy. comme, conj., as. commencement, m., beginning. commencer, to begin. comment, how. commerce, m., business. commission, f., errand. commun, -e, common, general. compagnie, f., company. compagnon, m., companion; com- pagnon de voyage, traveling com- panion. compartiment, m., compartment. compliment, m., compliment, regard. comprenant, pres. part, ot comprendre. comprendre, irr. (like prendre), to understand. compris, -e, p. part, of comprendre. compter, to count, to intend. concevoir, irr. (like recevoir}, to con- ceive; concevoir de 1'orgueil, to grow vain. congut, pret. of concevoir. conduire, irr., to conduct, to lead, to take. conduisaient, imp. ind. of conduire. confiance, f., confidence. connaissent, pres. ind. of connaitre. connaitre, irr., to know, to be ac- quainted with. connu, -e, p. part, of connaitre. conseil, m.,. advice. consolation, f., consolation. contenaient, imp. ind. of contenir. contenir, irr. (like z/iV),to contain; se contenir, to restrain oneself. content, -e, pleased, glad. contenter, to satisfy. contint, pret. of contenir. continuer, to continue, to go on, to keep on. contraindre, irr. (like craindre), to oblige, to force. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 81 contraint, -e, p. part, of contraindre. contraire (au), on the contrary. centre, against. conversation, f., talk. cote, f., coast. cote", m., side; a cote and a cote de nous, in the next room, coucher (se), to go to bed. coucher, m., setting. couchette, f., bed. coude, m., bend, coup, m., blow, shot; coup de pis- tolet, pistol shot; tout a coup, suddenly. cour, f., court. courage, m., courage. couramment, fluently. courez, pres. ind. and imper. of courir. courir, irr., to run. cousin, m., cousin. cousine, f., cousin. couter, to cost. coutume (de), usual, couvert, -e, p. part, of convrir. couverture, f., covering; couverture de voyage, lap robe. couvrir, irr. (like ouvrir}, to cover, craindre, irr., to fear, to be afraid of. Grains, pres. ind. and imper. of craindre. craint, pres. ind. of craindre. cri, m., cry; a grands cris, loudly. crier, to cry, to make an outcry, to shout. croire, irr., to believe. cruel, -le, cruel. d' = de. d'abord, see abord. d'ailleurs, see ailleurs. dame, f., lady. FR. PROSE COMP. 6 dans, in, into. danser, to dance. Dauphine", m., Dauphine, an old French province. de, prep., of, from, to, for, with, on, about. de, partitive art., some, any. debarcaddre, m., landing place. debarquer, to land. debout, adv., standing. declarer, to declare; quelque chose a declarer, anything dutiable, decourager (se), to get disheartened. decret, m., sentence. defendre, to defend. de"ja, already. de" jeuner, to breakfast. de" jeuner, m., breakfast. demain, to-morrow. demander, to ask, to ask for, to call for. demarche, f., step. demi, -e, half, dentelle, f., lace. depart, m., departure. de"pecher (se), to hurry up. de"pouiller, to rob. depuis, since ; depuis longtemps, long since, for a long while, depute", m., deputy, representative. derni-er, -dre, last. des = de + les (art.), of the, from the; some, any. dds, from ; dds votre arrived, as soon as you arrive; ds le commence- ment, from the very first; dds que, as soon as. de'sappointement, m., disappointment. descendre, to alight, to go down, to stop. description, f., description, desirer, to desire. 82 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY destination, f., destination. detour, m., turn. deux, two ; tous deux, both. devaient, imp. ind. of devoir. devant, before. devenir, irr. (like venir), to become. devenu, p. part, of devenir. devient, pres. ind. of devenir. deviner, to guess. devoir, irr., must, to be obliged to, to have to, to be to. devoir, m., duty; see mettre. dieter, to dictate. Dieu, m., God. difficult^ f., difficulty. diner, m., dinner. dire, irr., to say, to tell ; dire et re- dire, to tell again and again. direct, -e, direct, through. directement, directly. diriger, to direct ; se diriger, to direct one's steps ; se diriger a tatons, to grope one's way. disait, imp. ind. of dire. disaient, imp. ind. of dire. disparaitre, irr. (like parattre], to disappear. disposer (se), to prepare, to get ready, to make ready. disposition, f., ability. dit, pres. ind. of dire. dit, pret. of dire. dit, -e, p. part, of dire. divers, -e, various. doit, pres. ind. of devoir. done, then. donner, to give ; donner de ses nou- velles, to write ; se donner du courage, to raise one's courage. dont, of which, of whom. dormir, irr., to sleep. douane, f., custom-house. douanier, m., custom-house officer. douce, f. of doux. doue, -e, gifted ; etre doue de, to be endowed by nature with. doute, m., doubt. dou-x, -ce, gentle, mild. drame, m., drama. droite, f., right side. du = de + le (art.), of the, from the ; some, any. duquel, of whom, of which. durent, pret. of devoir. dut, imp. subj. of devoir. eau, f., water. Sbranler (s'), to start. ^changer, to exchange. chapper, to escape. - e"clater, to break out. 6cole, f., school. Scouter, to listen to. 6crier (s'), to exclaim. e"crire, irr., to write. Edmond, Edmund. Education, f., education, effets, m. pi., things, clothes. e"gal, -e, equal ; 6gal a, as great as. Sglise, f., church. eh! well! eh bien ! well ! elle, she, her, it (subject). e*loge, m., praise, embarcadere, m., pier. embarquer (s'), to embark. embarras, m., embarrassment, diffi- culty. embrasser, to kiss. embuscade, f., ambuscade. emigre, m., emigrant. emotion, f., emotion. emouvoir, irr., to move. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY (s') de, to take possession of. emploi, m., employment, situation. employe, m., employee, clerk. employer, to employ. emporter, to carry away, to sweep away. ^-empresser (s'), to hasten, emu, -e, p. part, of emouvoir. en, prep., in, into, by, while ; en un mot, in short. en, pron., some, any ; of it ; of them ; on account of it. encore, still ; encore un, one more, endormir (s'), irr. (like dormir}, to fall asleep. endroit, m., place, spot. enfant, m., child, enfin, at last. ennuyer (s>), to have a dull time, enorgueillir (s j ), to feel proud, to boast. enregistrer, to check, ensuite, afterwards. entendre, to hear, enthousiaste, enthusiastic. entrefaites (sur ces), meanwhile, entrepont, m., steerage, entreprendre, irr. (like prendre), to undertake. entrer, to enter, entretenir (s>) (like tenir), to talk together, entrevoir, irr. (like voir),to catch a glimpse of. envahir, to throng, envelopper, to wrap up. envie, f., desire; avoir envie de, to have a mind to. environs, m. pi., suburbs. envoyer, irr., to send. epargne, f., saving ; faire des 6par- gnes, to save money. Spouvanter, to frighten, to terrify. eprouver, to meet with. escalier, m., stairs. espece, f., kind, sort. esperer, to hope. esplanade, f., esplanade. espoir, m., hope. essayer, to try. est, pres. ind. of etre. estimer, to consider. et, and. Stablir, to establish. etat, m., state ; etre en e*tat de, to be able to. Etats-Unis, m. pi., United States. etc. = et cetera, and so forth. e"te", m., summer. Ste", p. part, of etre. tes, pres. ind. of etre. e"toile, f., star. etrang-er, -e"re, adj., foreign. etranger, m., n., stranger; a 1'^tran- ger, abroad. etre, irr., to be. e"tude, f., study. Studier, to study. eu, p. part, of avoir. eurent, pret. of avoir. Europe, f., Europe, eux, them. eVeiller, to awaken; s'e*veiller, to awake. ' eViter, to avoid. examiner, to examine. exe"cuter, to carry on. exiguite, f., slenderness. exil, m., exile. exile, m., exile. exiler, to exile. express, m., express, expression, f., expression. exprimer, to express. 8 4 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY fable, f., fable. fabrique, f., factory. facilement, easily. faille, pres. subj. of falloir. faim, f., hunger; avoir faim, to be hungry. faire, to make, to do, to have, to cause; faire ses adieux, to bid farewell; faire appeler, to send for; ne faire que (infinitive), to contribute to. fais, pres. ind. of faire. fait, pres. ind. of faire. fait, -e, p. part, of fairs. faites, pres. ind. and imper. of faire. falloir, irr., to be necessary. fallut, pret. vi falloir. fameu-x, -se, well-known. famille, f., family. fatigue, f., fatigue. fatiguer, to tire. faut, pres. ind. of falloir. faute, f., mistake. felicite, f., happiness. fe"liciter, to congratulate. femme, f., wife. fenetre, f., window. fer, m., iron; see chemin. fera, fut. of faire. fermer, to close, to shut. ferons, fut. of faire. fiacre, m., cab. figurer (se), to imagine. filet, m., rack. fils, m. son. finir, to end. fit, pret. of faire. fixer (se), to settle. fleur, f., flower. fleuri, -e, flowery. fleuve, m., river. fois, f., time; une fois, once; deux fois, twice. force armee, f., armed force, police, foret, f., forest. foule, f., crowd, fouler, to tread. fourneau, m., stove. fournir, to supply, to provide with. frais, fraiche, fresh. franc, m., franc. francais, -e, French, frangais, m., French. Francois, m. , Frenchman. France, f., France, franchise, f., freedom. frapper, to strike, to rap, to knock. frere, m., brother. froid, -e, cold; faire froid, to be cold, front, m., forehead. frontiere, f., frontier. fuir, irr., to fly. fur; au fur et a mesure que, as fast as. f urent, pret. of etre. fus, pret. of etre. fut, pret. of etre. futur, -e, future. gagner, to gain. galoper, to gallop. garc,on, m., boy, waiter. garder, to keep; se garder bien de, to take good care not to. gare, f., station, gauche, f., left side; a gauche, on the left. gener, to inconvenience, to be in the way. general, -e, general. gong, m., gong. gouvernement, m., government. grand, -e, large, loud. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABUlJ f A^' TY grave, great. guerre, f., war. guichet, m., ticket office. habile, skillful, able. habiller, to dress. habit, m., coat. *halle, f., market. *hameau, m., hamlet. harmonieu-x, -se, harmonious. *hate, f., haste; en toute hate and a la hate, hastily, in haste. *hater (se), to hasten. *haut, -e, high. *haut, adv., loud. *Havre (Le), a French seaport. *heros, m., hero, heure, f., hour, o'clock, time; a Theure, on time; de bonne heure, early. heureu-x, -se, happy. hier, yesterday. histoire, f., history, story. homme, m., man. honorable, honorable. hopital, m., hospital. horizon, m., horizon. note, m., host. hotel, m., hotel; h6tel de ville, City Hall. hotesse, f., hostess. *Hume, Hume (1711-1776). ici, here; par ici, this way. idee, f., idea. SAI IFO ignorer, not to kntfw. il, he, it (subject); il y a, there is, there are; ago. ils, they. immobile, motionless. impatience, f., impatience. importer, to matter ; qu'importe ? never mind. impression, f., impression, indicateur, m., guide. indiquer, to indicate, to assign. installer, to install. instant, m., instant. instruction, f., instruction. intention, f., intention, interessant, -e, interesting. intSret, m. , interest. interieur, m., inside. interlocuteur, m., speaker. interprete, m., interpreter. introduire, irr. (like conduire)^ to show. into. introduisit, pret. of introduire, inutile, useless. ira, fut. of aller. irons, fut. of aller. Italic, f., Italy, italien, -ne, Italian. italien, m., Italian. jamais, ever, never, jardin, m., garden; jardin d'acclima- tation, zoological garden. je,I. Jeter, to throw, to cast. jeune, young. joli, -e, pretty. * The initial h of these words was formerly aspirate ; therefore no elision takes place before it. 86 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY jouer, to play; jouer du piano, to play on the piano, jouir de, to enjoy. jour, m., day; tous les jours, every day; de jour en jour, daily. journal, m., newspaper, journellement, daily. jusqu'a, to, as far as. justice, f., justice ; see palais. r - le, la; Ton = on. la, f. art., the. la, pron., her, it; la voila, there she is. lac, m., lake. laine, f., wool. laisser, to let, to allow. langage, m., language. langue, f., language, tongue. laquelle, f. of lequel. large, wide; de long en large, up and down. lasser (se), to get weary. le, m. art., the. le, pron., him, it. lec.on, f., lesson, lendemain, m., next day. lent, -e, slow. lentement, slowly, lequel, pron., which, les, pi. art., the. les, pron., them, lesquelles, f. pi. of lequel. Lessing, Lessing (1729-1781). lettre, f., letter. leur, adj., their. leur, pron., them, to them. leurs, pi. of adj. leur. lever (se), to get up. lever, m., rising. libert^, f., liberty. libraire, m., bookseller. librairie, f., bookstore. lier, to tie. lieu, m., place; au lieu de, instead of. lieue, f., league. linge, m., linen. lire, irr., to read. lisait, imp. ind. of lire. lisidre, f., edge. liste, f., list. lit, m., bed; wagon-lit, sleeping car. livre, m., book. locomotive, f., engine. long, -ue, long; de long en large, up and down; le long de, along, longtemps, a long time, longue, f. of long. lorsque, when. lui, him, to him, her, to her. lunette (f.) d'approche, field glass. lyrique, lyric. M., Mr. ma, f. of mon. macaroni, m., macaroni. madame, madam, Mrs. magasin, m., store. magnifique, magnificent, fine. main, f., hand. maintenant, now. mais, but. maison, f., house. maitre, m., master, teacher. mal, m., trial; avoir le mal de mer, to be seasick. malade, sick. malheur, m., misfortune. malle, f., trunk, manche, f., sleeve. manger, to eat. manquer de, to fail, to lack. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY manteau, m., cloak. marche, f., speed. marchepied, m., step (of a carriage or a car). marcher, to walk, to walk about. marier, to marry. marin, -e, marine, sea ; see pied. matelas, m., mattress. matelot, m., sailor. maternel, -le, native. matin, m., morning. mauvais, -e, bad, poor, miserable. maux, pi. of mat. me, me, to me. medecin, m., physician. medicament, m., medicine. meilleur, adj., better, best. membre, m., member. meme, same, self. meme, adv., even; quand meme, even if. mer, f., sea. merci, m., thanks. mere, f., mother. mes, pi. of mon and ma. messieurs, pi. of monsieur. mesure, f., measure ; a mesure que, in proportion as. met, pres. ind. of mettre. Me"tastase, Metastasio (1698-1782). mettre, irr., to put; mettre habit has, to take off one's coat; mettre a Pabri de, to shelter from, to place above; mettre a bout de res- sources, to exhaust the resources of; se mettre a, to begin to; se mettre en mouvement, to start; se mettre en devoir de, to set about; se mettre au lit, to go to bed, to lie down. mien (le), m., mine. mienne (la), f., mine. mieux, adv., better; du mieux qu'il put, as well as possible. milieu, m., middle, midst. mince, thin, minute, f., minute. mis, -e, p. part, of mettre. miserable, m., wretch, rascal. mit, pret. of mettre. Mme., Mrs. modeste, modest. moi, I, me, to me. moins, less; le moins, the least, mois, m., month. moment, m., moment; d'un moment a 1'autre, at any moment, mon, ma, my. monde, m., world, people; tout le monde, everybody. monsieur, m., Mr., sir, gentleman. montagne, f., mountain. monter, to mount, to climb, to go up, to step into, to get into. montre, f., watch. montrer, to show, monument, m., monument. mot, m., word; en un mot, in short. mouchoir, m., handkerchief. mouette, f., sea gull, mouvement, m., motion; see mettre. moyen, -ne, average, moyen, m., means. musee, m., museum. musique, f., music. N n'= ne. national, -e, national. naufrage, m., shipwreck. ne, not; ne . . . pas, not; ne . . . pas de, no; ne . . . plus, no longer, no more; ne . . . que, only; ne . . . aucun, aucun ne, no; rien ne, ne 88 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY . . . rien, nothing; ne . . . personne, personne ne, nobody; ne . . . ni . . . ni, neither . . . nor. neanmoins, however, yet. ne*cessaire (m.) de toilette, dressing- case. nez, m., nose. ni . . . ni, neither . . . nor. niveau, m., level; see passage. noir, -e, black. nom, m., name. nombreu-x, -se, numerous. non, no. nos, pi. of notre. note, f., bill. notre, our. nous, we, us, to us. nouveau, nouvel, -le, new. nouvelles, f., news; see donner. nuit, f., night. nul, -le, no, any. obligeance, f., kindness. obscur, -e, dark. observer, to observe, to watch. occuper, to occupy; s'occuper de, to attend to. ocean, m., ocean. ceil, m., eye. officier, m., officer. offrir, irr. (like ouvrir), to offer. omnibus, m., omnibus; train omni- bus, slow train. on, pron., one, they, people. oncle, m., uncle. ont, pres. ind. of avoir. onze, eleven. ordinaire (d*), usually. oreille, f., ear. orgueil, m., self-conceit; see conce- voir. OU, or. ou, where, oublier, to forget, oui, yes. outre (en), besides, ouvrez, imper. of ouvrir. ouvrir, irr., to open. ovale, oval. paille, f., straw. palais, m., palace; palais de justice, Court House. panorama, m., panorama. paquebot, m., steamer. par, by, out of, a. paraitre, irr. (like connaitri), to ap- pear. parapluie, m., umbrella. pare, m., park. parce que, because. pardon, m., pardon; excuse me. parent, m., parent, relative. Paris, m., Paris. parler, to speak, to talk. parole, f., word. part, pres. ind. of partir. parti, m., resolution, plan. partie, f., part. partir, irr., to depart, to start, to go away, to leave. parvenir, irr. (like venir), to succeed. parvenu, -e, p. part, of parvenir. pas, m., step. pas, not; ne . . . pas, not; ne . . . pas de, no. passage (m.) a niveau, crossing. passager, m., passagere, f., passenger. passeport, m., passport. passer, to pass, to spend ; se passer, to go on, to pass, to elapse. passerelle, f., gang plank, FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 8 9 patrie, f., country, fatherland. pauvre, poor. pauvrete, f., poverty. payer, to pay. pays, m., country, fatherland. paysan, m., paysanne, f., peasant; pi. m., country people. pedaler, to pedal. peine, f., trouble ; grand'peine, great trouble ; a peine . . . que, scarcely . . . when, no sooner . . . than, pendant, during. penser, to think, pensi-f, -ve, thoughtful, pension (f.) bourgeoise, family board- ing house. pente, f., slope, perdre, to lose ; perdre de vue, to lose sight of. pere, m., father; pe*re de famille, head of a family. permettre, irr. (like mettre), to allow, personne, f., person, personne, pron., nobody, anybody. petit, -e, small, peu, adv., little ; peu a peu, little by little. peu, m., little. peur, f., fear ; avoir peur, to be afraid ; de peur que, lest, peut, pres. ind. of pouvoir. photographic, f., photograph. piano, m., piano, piece, f., room, pied, m., foot; a pied, on foot; avoir le pied marin, to have one's sea legs. Pie*mont, m., Piedmont, piston, m., pedestrian. pistolet, m., pistol. place, f., place, seat ; square. placer, to place, to put. plaindre (se), irr. (like craindre), to complain. plaint, pres. ind. of plaindre. plaire, irr., to please ; se plaire, to delight ; s'il vous plait, if you please. plaisait, imp. of plaire. plait, pres. ind. of plaire. plan, m., plan. planche, f., board. plante, f., plant. pleurer, to weep, plus, more, most ; ne . . . plus, no longer, no more ; de plus en plus, more and more. plusieurs, several. plutot, rather. poche, f., pocket. poete, m., poet. poigne"e, f., shake. point, m., point ; etre sur le point de, to be about to ; au point du jour, at daybreak. poisson, m., fish, police, f., police. politique, political. pont, m., bridge, deck. port, m., harbor. porte, f., door, gate. porte-monnaie, m., purse, pocket- book. porter, to carry ; se porter, to be ; se porter bien, to be in good health. portidre, f., carriage door. poser, to ask. position, f., position, posseder, to possess, to own. possible, possible. poste, m., station. poster (se), to place oneself, to take one's stand, to lie in ambush. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY pour, in order to, to; pour que, in order that, pourquoi, why. pourra, fut. of pouvoir. pourrait, cond. of pouvoir. pouvait, imp. ind. of pouvoir. pouvons, pres. ind. of pouvoir. pouvoir, irr., can, may, to be able. pre, m., meadow, precaution, f., precaution, preferer, to prefer. premi-er, -ere, first. premiere, f., first ; first-class ticket. prendre, irr., to take, to adopt, prenons, pres. ind. of prendre. preparer, to prepare ; se pre"parer, to get ready, pres de, near ; etre pres de, to be about to. presenter, to present, to pay ; se pre"- senter, to present oneself, to arise. presque, almost. pret, -e, ready. preter, to lend ; preter une oreille attentive a, to listen attentively to. pris, -e, p. part, of prendre. prise, f., capture. prison, f., prison. prisonnier, m., prisoner, privation, f., privation, prochain, -e, next. procurer (se), to get. profiter de, to profit by. profond, -e, deep, projet, m., project, plan. promener (se), to walk, promptement, quickly. promptitude, f., speed, readiness. proscription, f., proscription. proscrit, m., exile. Prusse, f., Prussia. pu, p. part, of pouvoir. publier, to publish. puis, then. put, pret. of pouvoir. qu' = que. quai, m., platform. quand, when ; quand meme, even if. quart, m., quarter. quatorze, fourteen. quatre, four. quatrieme, fourth. que, adv., how, only. que, conj., that, as, than, when. que, pron., what, which, that, whom ; qu'est-ce qui ? what ? (subject) ; qu'est-ce que ? what ? (object) . quel, -le, adj., what, what a. quelconque, any . . . whatever, quelle, f. of quel. quelque, adj., some, quelquefois, sometimes. quelques-uns, pron., some, quelqu'un, some one, somebody, question, f., question, qui, who, which, that ; qui est-ce qui ? who ? qui est-ce que ? whom ? quiconque, whoever. quinze, fifteen. quitter, to leave. quoi, pron., what. raconter, to relate, to tell. raison, f., reason; avoir raison, to be right. ralentir, to slacken, ranger, to set in order, rapidement, quickly, fast. rapidite", f., speed. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY rappeler, to recall; rappeler au bon souvenir de, to remember to. rapporter, to bring back. ravissement, m., rapture. rayer, to erase. recevoir, irr., to receive. re9oit, pres. ind. of recevoir. recommander, to recommend. recouvrer, to get back. regu, -e, p. part, of recevoir. recueillir, irr. (like cueillir) t io shelter. re"diger, to write. redire, irr. (like dire], to repeat; see dire. reflechir, to reflect, to consider. regarder, to look, to look at. relever, to renew. remarquer, to notice. remercier, to thank. remonter, to go up again. remplir, to fill. rencontrer, to meet. rendormir (se), irr. (like dormir), to fall asleep again. rendre, to render, to pronounce; se rendre, to betake oneself. renoncer, to give up. renseignement, m., information. rentrer, to return. repas, m., meal. repondre, to answer. reposer (se), to rest. reprendre, irr. (like /r*