245 R2 -NRLF COST SYSTEM EMPLOYING PRINTERS PRICE LIST FOR PRINTING AND BINDING DAVID RAMALEY Lm^r■ +* re V sciioo'. > 8§§g J § ._ c lO d d d c ) d ■0 •^ *- 00 c ) 00 c o£ 6 Z ^ CO "^ 00 h 1-^ "O T3 ^ ^ T3 1. s: •4-1 a 05 §§8i 5 § V « ^ d d d c ) d Ja SO d CO CM C' '1 q d Q. re Z > O q «§ 8§Sg > ) »»- sl CO d d d c 1 ow CSJ c ' -« ♦J c 6 Z CO i» B c 0) « i €«• 03 E u Q (/) re C ) S > CM c d d d c > > d .0 c « 00 6 CJ t^ c T- T- > o> ■ CM "(5 Z cvT «> ^ 4) x: > c 4-» C u 000c > "" q q c » q 0) c « §5 '" d d If) c id fa 6 to CO w ^ A ^ > CO 5^ Z ^ ,S £ « a ■a £ (0 x: ■** •«-• V. < t E re a. B a «> s: 0) ■4-» E *^ E E E is 'SS T 'tl E O) C3. — « Q. *•> (0 Q.h >" n > E E B 9> (0 N E re t -^ c s £ ^ ^ (0 (0 (0 J3 4^ • 4-1 -M re re re « t- O) E +j .j: .- ^ c woo h r- ■♦^ «j 4) V u t. u H ■C E ^ V Q. a (/I .— m 1- +- 0) 4J 000000000 qqqqqqooo ddooQOoQd ooooooooomo (O CO to LO 00 CO 000000000 qqqqqqoqq SSddddddd CM CO O CO T- 000000000 qqqqqqqqq inddddddSd CMCM-^OOOOlOlf) CM CM to CM r- i; -M't; E re 9i O i;^ £qq I « 1- o o o « ? : QC Q. CQ DQ w H - E o in 00 1^ 00 o o o 00 o o o d CO in Hi' ^ .J. o c -o ^ L. r- ^ ^ j^ ja •— o w - .E ** •OB » o "I— 00 CO in o a u « T3 -O ^ O ^ u 3 V O £ a o ~ (0 (« 73 (0 ^ *^ C OS 4^ 3 s: (0 o o E CB a. X > C C c« cc fU 2 = " N^ « c *- « S o (Q 3 ♦- «> 4- (0 >s a> 3 £ rs &> > ^ 3 O 3 Si 5s (0 o o ?* >* > c L. o o X (0 t_ a> c > CO £ V) 4-« «> OJ a> Q. o > 3 4-» o o o >» -¥» CQ (C >% « a. C > a> (C fiQ A H « o o j: o 3 .5 H g >• 9 c £ .2 3 4^ (0 COST SYSTEM EMPLOYING PRINTERS PRICE LIST FOR JOB PRINTING AND BINDING BY DAVID RAMALEY ELEVENTH EDITION Copyrighted 1913 By DAVID K.A*MALEY ^ ; Ramaley Printing Co. St. Paul, Minn. 1913 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Introductory to the Eleventh Edition In 1873, (forty years ago) I pub* lished my first Price List for Em- ploying Printers, since which time I have issued ten editions including the present one. My personal record in the print- ing business, commenced in 1839, as an apprentice. In 1845 I was fore- man on a daily newspaper in Pitts- burgh. Pennsylvania, before cylin- der presses were introduced west of the Allegheny Mountains. In 1856 I was located in St. Paul, connected with the largest concern in the state, passing through all the grades of management for six years, and in 1862 started an independent job printing plant, which has been continued up to the present writing for fifty -one years, making a total printing service of seventy-four j^ears. When the first edition of the Employing Printers Price List was published, there was no uniform stan- dard of types; consequently no point system. Printing through- out the East was figured by the ream for the paper, and by the token for press work, meaning 240 impressions on type, to cor- respond with the 480 sheets of paper as a standard ream. In the West printers were breaking away from the conventional ream and token figures, substituting hundreds and fractions thereof. All figures in the 1873 price book were based on hundreds, and all type forms were measured by the square inch, and a table for the different sizes of type was published to facilitate calculations as to the number of ems in a given space. During all this time of service. I have been more or less a student; and particularly for the last five years I have given the most c^r^ful^attentipn to all the literature appearing on the subject of hour costs, and wjth tji^practical experience of a fairly large printing office, a well conducted linotype plant, and an up-to-date bihdei*y. believe I have acquired the practical education necessary to help others. DAVID RAM A LEY July, 1913. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS Explanation of the Char^eabl<^ Hour The chargeable hour, which is the foundation of the cost system, is the result obtained from a systematic distribution of the expenses incident to the printing and delivery of a job of work. The assumption is that you have a general office, a composition room, a press room and, perhaps, a stock room and bindery or the necessary space therefor, and the equip- ment of type and fixtures and machinery. The first items are rent, heat and janitor services; the next are valuation expenses, depreciation, interest on investment, insurance and taxes; fol- lowed by salaries of manager, clerks, postage and telephones, stationery and supplies, interest and discount, organization dues, etc., all of which in due proportion are divided between the different departments, according to their valuation, and the rental space they occupy. Then there are the special de- partment expenses charged up to each department — and the footings made of the department totals — to which is added the pay roll by departments, the whole representing a month's expenses. The time tickets, from which the pay roll is made up, show the chargeable hours that can be legitimately placed against a job, and the noa-chargeable hours, which go into distribution or cleaning up, etc. The total of the chargeable hours is then divided into the total department figures, giving us the cost of the chargeable hour in each department under consideration. All this explanation may be of no avail to the printer who declines to apply the system to his business. But if he is as- sured that tests of the system by hundreds of print shops, large and small, show a uniform average of the cost of a chargeable hour for composition and for presswork and other departments, he would be foolish, indeed, in not accepting and availing himself of the figures which have been elaborated with so much care. Distribution and hunting for sorts is no part of the charge- able hour in the composing room; nor is the washing of rollers and cleaning and oiling of machinery a proper charge for hour time on a job of presswork. Time noted on these items is properly classed as non-chargeable. COST STSTSM PRICE LIST THE UNIT OF COST Accepting- the general proposition that the unit of cost is found in tlie chargeable hour of labor, it will be necessary to work out the problem of the chargeable hour by each individual plant, or to accept the aggregate results of a large number of investigators, and by combining them, obtain an average that can be safely used. There is one serious difRcuity to be overcome, and that is the possible overloading of equipment, more than is necessary for the work to be done. Assuming an equal equipment or one in proportion to the output, and an equal or proportional ex- pense in the management of business the cost hours should be verj' nearlj^ uniform. After a careful investigation of the figures available from the Ben Franklin Clubs, and the results of personal investiga- tion, it is apparent that the hour cost of composition and stone- work under the eight-hour daj' and average wages in the large cities, cannot safely be figured at less than $1.30 for the cost hour of chargeable time. The unlocking of forms and the dis- tribution of type, and all overhead expense, and the renewal of material, the bookkeeping, the general management, the collec- tion of accounts, are all included in this cost hour, and do not appear on the time ticket in any other form than as non- chargeable time. The same rule will apply to the pressroom, where the charge- able hours are only make-ready and running time, and by the same experience, it is safe to assume that in most offices, with a sufficient amount of equipment for their output within the eight hours, the average hour cost Is equal to $1.50 for cylinder presses and 80 cents for job or platen presses. These fig- ures to include the ordinary amount and quality of ink for com- mercial work. On high-priced and half-toned papers in large runs, it will be necessary to make a special charge for ink. The cost of handling paper has been determined to be equal to ten per cent, and this charge is barely the cost, when consid- ering the stock room necessary, and the general care of the supply. On high-priced stock in large quantities, it may be advisable to modify the handling charge. In the earlier investigations, the cost hour was figured at 20 per cent less than the above figures. In 1910, after two years of investigation, it was thought that Si. 10 was about the average cost of the composition room, and $1.35 the average cost of cylinder presswork, and 80 cents an hour for platen presswork. In the Price List of 1911 these prices were raised to $1.20 for composition, and Si. 40 for cylinder presswork. And now after three years additional experience, the cost figures are again raised, and the present edition of the Price List is based on $1.30 per hour for composition, and $1.50 for cylinder presswork. The platen scale seems to be satisfactory at 80c. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS PAPER IN 1000 COPIES FOR BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. With five per cent, allowance for waste, in forms of the number of pages on one side of the paper, as noted at the top of the columns. Mo. of pages. 4pp. 8pp. 12pp. 16pp. 24pp. 32pp. 48pp. 64pp. 4 525 263 175 132 88 66 44 33 8 1,050 525 350 263 175 132 88 66 12 1,575 788 525 394 263 197 132 99 16 2,100 1.050 700 525 350 263 175 132 20 2,625 1,313 875 657 438 329 219 165 24 3,150 1,575 1,050 788 525 394 263 197 28 3,675 1,838 1,225 919 613 460 307 230 32 4,200 2,100 1.400 1.050 700 525 350 263 36 4,725 2,363 1,575 1,182 788 591 394 296 40 5,250 2,625 1,750 1,313 875 657 438 329 44 5,775 2,888 1.925 1,444 963 722 482 361 48 6,300 3,150 2,100 1,575 1,050 788 525 394 52 6,825 3,413 2,275 1.707 1,138 854 569 427 56 7.350 3.675 2,450 1,838 1,225 919 613 460 60 7,875 3,938 2,625 1.969 1,313 985 657 493 64 8,400 4,200 2.800 2,100 1,400 1,050 700 525 68 8,925 4,463 2,975 2,232 1,488 1,116. 744 558 72 9,450 4,725 3,150 2,363 1,575 1,182 788 591 76 9,975 4,988 3,325 2,494 1,663 1,247 832 624 80 10,500 5,250 3,500 2,625 1,750 1,313 875 657 84 11,025 5,513 3,675 2,757 1,838 1,379 919 690 88 11,550 5,775 3,850 2,888 1,925 1,444 963 722 92 12,075 6,038 4,025 3,019 2,013 1,510 1,007 755 96 12,600 6,300 4,200 3,150 2,100 1,575 1,050 788 100 13,125 6,563 4,375 3,282 2,188 1,641 1,094 821 By consulting the above table the amount of paper neces- sary for any given job may be readily and surely determined. If on a given size of paper 24 pages can be printed on one side of the sheet, the paper necessary for 1000 copies of a 100 page book will be 2188 sheets, and if the book should be 196 pages, you add the 2100 additional sheets, making the total 4288 sheets. Figuring in the usual way, a book of 196 pages has 4 full sheets and a fraction of one-twelfth, 4,084 sheets, and adding 5 per cent, brings the same result, 4,288. The table saves the time of figuring and avoids possible mistakes. Mistakes in figuring amounts of paper are liable to occur even with experienced estimators. Consult tiie table and have sure figures. COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST FLAT WRITING PAPERS. Cost of 1000 full sheets of paper of the weight per ream of 500 sheets at top of column. -Weigkt per i BiyiiiC Price 16 lb. 181b. 201b. 24 lb. 281b. 30 lb. 321b. 2cts.alb, $ ,64 $ ,72 $ .80 $ .96 $1.12 $1.20 $1,28 3 96 1.08 1.20 1.44 1.68 1.80 1.92 4 1.28 1,44' 1.60 1.92 2,24 2.40 2.56 5 1.60 1,80 2,00 2.40 2,80 3.00 3.20 6 1.92 2.16 2,40 2,88 3.36 3.60 3.84 7 2.24 2,52 2.80 3.36 3,92 4.20 4.48 8 2,56 2.88 3.20 3.84 3.48 4.80 5.12 9 2.88 3.24 3,60 4.32 5.04 5,40 5,76 10 3.20 3.60 4.00 4.80 5,60 6.00 6.40 11 3.52 3.96 4.40 5.28 6.16 6,60 7.04 12 3,84 4.32 4.80 5,76 6.72 7,20 7,68 13 4,16 4,68 5,20 6,24 7.28 7,80 8.32 14 4,48 5.04 5,60 6,72 7.84 8,40 8.% 15 4,80 5.40 6.00 7.20 8.40 9,00 9.60 16 5.12 5.76 6,40 7,68 8,96 9,60 10,24 17 5.44 6.12 6.80 8,16 9,52 10.20 10.88 18 5.76 6.48 7.20 8,64 10.08 10.80 11,52 19 6,08 6.84 7.60 9.12 10.64 11,40 12,16 20 6,40 7,20 8.00 9.60 11,20 12.00 12,80 21 6.72 7.56 8.40 10.08 11.76 12.60 13.44 22 7.04 7.92 8.80 10.56 12.32 13.20 14,08 23 7.36 8,28 7.20 11.04 12.88 13.80 14.72 24 7.68 8.64 9.60 11.52 13.44 14.40 15.36 25 8,00 9,00 10.00 12.00 14.00 15,00 16.00 26 8.32 9.36 10.40 12.48 14.56 15.60 16.64 27 8,64 9,72 10,80 12.96 15.12 16,20 17.28 28 8.96 10.08 11.20 13.44 15.68 16,80 17.92 29 9.28 10,44 11,60 13,92 16.24 17,40 18.56 30 9.60 10.80 12,00 14.40 16.80 18.00 19 20 The above figures represent the purchase price of full reams of paper. The International Cost Congress has gone on record to add 10 per cent, to the first cost or warehouse price to reach the printer's cost price. Paper dealers are agreed that in selling broken packages they will add 20 per cent, to the selling ream price. Much of the commercial work sold by printers is in less than ream quantities, and it seems necessary for self- protection that this ten per cent, on warehouse cost should be added to reach first cost. The 10 per cent, is not added into the above figures, ne price of 100 sheets is reached by cottiag off the right hand figure, and addiag •fte cent where the figure is above 5. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS COST PRICE OF FLAT WRITING PAPERS Ten per cent, is added to the buying price, which represents the cost of handling, or waste, that cannot well be charged to individuals, the charge. of general expense following the cost of merchandise brought from one dealer and sold to another, independent of its final use for manufacture. Buying Printers' Cost of 1000 fall sheets with ten per cent, added. Price 14 lb. 161b. 181b. 201b. 241b. 28 lb. 301b. 321b. 2c $ .62 $ .70 $ .79 $ .88 $ 1.06 $ 1.23 $ 1.32 $ 1.41 2K .77 .88 .99 1.10 1.32 1,54 1.65 1.76 3 .92 1.06 1.19 1.32 1.58 1.85 1.98 2,11 SYz 1.07 1.24 1.39 1.54 1.84 2.16 2.31 2.46 4 1.23 1.41 158 1,76 2.11 2.46 2.64 2.82 4K 1.38 1.59 1.78 1.98 2.37 2,77 2.97 3.27 5 1.54 1.76 1.98 2.20 2.64 3.08 3 30 3,52 5K 1.69 1.94 2.18 2,42 2.90 3.39 3.63 3.87 6 1.85 2.11 2.38 2.64 3.17 3.70 3.96 4,22 6K 190 2.29 2.58 2,86 3.43 4.01 4.29 4.57 7 2.16 2.46 2.77 3.08 3.70 4.31 4.62 4.93 'A 2,31 2.64 2.97 3.30 3.96 4.62 4.98 • 5,31 8 2,46 2.82 3,16 3.52 4.22 4.92 5.28 5.63 8K 2.61 3.00 3.36 3.74 4.48 5 23 5.64 6.01 9 2.77 3.17 3,56 3.96 4.75 5.54 5.94 6.34 9K 2.92 3.35 3,76 4.18 5.01 5.85 6.27 6.69 10 3.08 3.52 3,96 4.40 5.28 6.16 6,60 7.04 lOK 3.23 3.70 4,16 4.62 5.54 6,47 6,93 7.39 11 3.39 3.87 4.36 4.84 5.81 6.78 7.26 7.74 iiK 3.54 4.05 4,56 5.06 6.07 7,09 7.59 8.09 12 3,70 4.22 4,76 5.28 6.34 7,40 7.92 8.44 nyz 3,85 4.40 4.96 5.50 6.60 7,71 8.25 8.79 13 4,01 4.57 5,16 5.72 6.87 8,02 8.58 9.14 nvz 4.16 4.75 5,36 5.94 7.13 8,33 8.91 9.49 14 4.32 4.92 5.54 6.16 7.40 8,64 9.24 9.84 14M 4.47 5.10 5.76 6.38 7.66 8,95 9.57 10.19 15 4.63 5.27 5.94 6.50 7.93 9,26 9.90 10.54 15K 4.78 5.45 6,16 6.82 8.19 9.57 10.23 10.89 16 4.92 5.64 6,34 7.02 8.44 9.84 10.56 11.24 16>f 5.09 5.80 6,56 7.26 8.72 10.19 10.89 11.59 17 5.23 5,99 6,72 7.46 8.97 10.37 11,22 11.94 17K 5.40 6,15 6,96 7.70 9.25 10.81 11,55 12.29 18 5.54 6.34 7.12 7.90 9.50 11.08 11,88 12.64 18K 5.71 6.50 7,36 8.14 9.78 11.43 12,21 12.99 19 5,85 6.69 7.52 8,34 10.03 11.70 12.54 13.34 19M 6.02 6.85 7.76 8.58 10.31 12.05 12.87 13.69 20 6.16 7.04 7.92 8.80 10.56 12.32 13.2* 14.08 21 6.47 7.39 8.32 9.24 11.09 12,94 13.86 14,78 22 6.78 7.74 8.72 9.68 11.62 13.56 14.52 15,48 23 7.09 8.09 9.12 10.12 12.15 14,18 15.18 16.18 24 7,40 8,44 9.52 10.56 12.68 14.80 15,84 16.88 25 7.71 8.79 9.92 11.00 13.21 15,42 16.50 17.58 26 8.02 9.14 10.32 11.44 13.74 16.04 17.16 18,28 27 8.33 9.49 10.72 11.88 14.27 16.66 17,82 1898 28 8.64 9.84 11.12 12.32 14.80 17.28 18.48 19,68 29 8.95 10.19 11.52 12.76 15.33 17.90 19.14 20,38 30 9.26 10.54 11.92 13.20 15.86 18.52 19.80 21.08 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST COST OF PAPER IN LESS THAN REAM ORDERS. Cut to sizes as noted, with the warehouse charge of 20 per cent, for broken reams. Weight Costing Whole - 100 Sheets Half Quarter Eighth Twelfth of Paper per poond Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet 12 lb. at. . . . 3 cents $ 8,6 $ 4.3 $2.2 $ 1.1 $0.8 12 lb. at.. . . 4 cents 11.5 5,8 2,9 1.5 1.0 12 1b. at.. . . 5 cents 14.4 7.2 3,6 1.8 1,2 12 1b, at.. . . 6 cents 17.4 8,7 4,4 2,2 1.5 14 lb, at.. . . 3 cents 10.0 5.0 2.5 1.3 0,9 14 lb. at.. . . 4 cents 13.4 6.7 3.4 1,7 1.1 14 lb. at.. . . 5 cents 16.8 8.4 4,2 2.1 1.4 14 tt). at.. . . 6 cents 18.2 9.1 4.9 2,3 1,6 16 lb. at.. , . . 3 cents 11.5 5,8 2,9 1,5 1.0 16 lb. at.. . . 4 cents 15,3 . 7.7 3,9 2.0 1,3 16 lb. at.. . . 5 cents 19.2 9.6 4.8 2.4 1.6 16 lb. at.. , . . 6 cents 23.0 11.5 5.8 2.9 2,0 18 1b. at.. . . 3 cents 13.0 6,5 3.3 1.7 1,1 18 1b. at., , . . 4 cents 17.3 8.7 4.4 2.2 1.5 18 1b. at.. . . 5 cents 21.6 10.8 5.4 2,7 1.8 18 1b. at.. . . 6 cents 26,0 13,0 6,5 3.3 2.2 20 1b, at.. . . 4 cents 19.2 9.6 4.8 2.4 1.6 20 lb. at.. . . 5 cents 24.0 12.0 6.0 3.0 2.0 20 1b, at.. . . 6 cents 28.8 14.4 7.2 3.6 2.4 20 1b. at.. ... 1 cents 33.6 16.8 8.4 4,2 2,8 24 1b. at.. . . . 6 cents 34,4 17,2 8,7 4.4 2.9 24 1b. at.. . . 7 cents 40.4 20,2 10.1 5.1 3.4 24 1b. at.. ... 8 cents 46.1 23.1 11,6 5,8 3.9 24 lb. at.. . . 9 cents 51.8 25.9 13.0 6.5 4.4 24 1b, at.. . . 10 cents 57.6 28.8 14.4 7,2 4.8 28 1b. at.. , . . 6 cents 40.3 20.2 10.1 5,1 3.4 28 1b. at.. ... 1 cents 47.0 23.5 11.8 5.9 4.0 28 1b. at., ... Scents 53,7 26,9 13.5 6.8 4.5 28 1b. at.. . . . 9 cents 60.5 30.3 15.2 7.6 5,1 28 1b. at.. , . . 10 cents 67,2 33.6 16.8 8.4 5,6 32 1b. at.. . . . 10 cents 77,0 38.5 19.3 9.7 6,5 32 1b. a^:: . . . 20 cents 154.0 77.0 38,5 19.3 13.0 32 lb. . . . 30 cents 230.4 115.2 57.6 28,8 19.2 36 1b, at.. , . . 10 cents 86.4 43.2 21.6 10,8 7,2 36 lb. at.. . . . 20 cents 172.8 86,4 43,2 21.6 14.4 36 lb. at., . . . 30 cents 259,2 129.6 64.8 32,4 21.6 40 1b. at., . . . 10 cents %.o 48.0 24.0 12.0 8.0 40 tb. at.. . . 20 cents 192.0 96.0 48.0 24.0 16.0 40 lb. at., . . . 30 cents 288.0 144.0 72.0 36,0 24.0 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS COST PRICE OF PRINT, BOOK AND COVER PAPERS. With the warehouse loading. The warehouse cost of broken reams is now 20 per cent, added to the ream cost of paper. If it is necessary for the paper dealer to make that charge, it is also necessary for the printer to make the same charge, and as very many of his jobs require only parts of reams, the figures in this table have the 20 per cent, loading. If larger quantities are used than a full ream, this cost price may be reduced 10 per cent, but no more. ^ PRINTERS' COST OF 100 FULL SHEETS— 20 per cent, added for broken reams. Buying Price 251b. 30 lb. 331b. 401b. 501b. 60 lb. 701b. 23^cts, alb$ ,15 18.0 21.0 24,0 30.0 36.0 42.0 3 18 21.6 25.2 28.8 36.0 43.2 50.4 3K 21 25.2 29.4 33.6 42.0 50.4 58-8 4 24 28.8 33.6 38.4 48.0 57.6 67,2 iVi 27 32,4 37,8 43.2 54,0 64,8 75,6 5 30 36.0 42.0 48.0 600 72.0 84.0 5M 33 39,6 46.2 52.8 66.0 79.2 92,4 6 36 43.2 50,4 57.6 72,0 86,4 100,8 6'A 39 46,8 54.6 62.4 78.0 93,6 109,2 7 42 50,4 58.8 67.2 84,0 100,8 117,6 TA 45 54,0 63.0 72.0 90,0 108.0 126.0 8 48 57.6 67,2 76.8 96.0 115.2 134.4 8M 51 61,2 71,4 81.6 102.0 122.4 142,8. 9 54 64,8 75,6 86.4 108.0 129,6 151.2 9!/! 57 68,4 79,8 91.2 114,0 136,4 159,6 10 60 72,0 84.0 96.0 120,0 144,0 168,0 lOK 63 75.6 88,2 100,8 126.0 151,2 176,4 11 66 79.2 92.4 105.6 132.0 158,4 184.8 llK 69 82.8 96.6 110,4 138.0 165,6 193.2 12 72 86,4 100,8 115,2 144,0 172,8 201,6 12M 75 90,0 105,0 120,0 150.0 180,0 210,0 13 78 93.6 109.2 124.8 156,0 187,2 218,4 13>^ 81 97,2 113,4 129,6 162.0 194,4 226.8 14 84 100,8 117,6 134.4 168,0 201.6 235,2 15 90 108,0 126.0 144,0 180.0 216,0 252,0 16 96 115,2 134.4 153.6 192,0 230.4 268,0 17 1.02 122,4 142.8 163.2 204.0 244.8 1285,6 18 1.08 129.6 151.2 172.8 216.0 259.2 302,4 19 1.12 136.8 159.6 182.4 222,0 273.6 319.2 Keep in mind the fact that in these time-saving tables we are dealing with cost figures. 10 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Ledger and Record Papers The so-called first class Ledger Papers are still put up in ream packages of 480 sheets. The figures below are the cost of 100 sheets at the list price per ream. Price 100 Sizes Weight Sheets 16x21 Demy 28 lbs. $1.80 16x21 Demy 30 " 1.98 17x28 Dauble Cap 36 " 2.10 17x28 Double Cap 40 " 2.33 18x23 Medium 36 " 2.50 12x23 Medium 38 " 2.71 18x23 Medium 40 " 2.92 19x24 Royal 44 " 3.13 . 20x28 Super Royal 54 " 4.17 23x31 Imperial 72 " 5.07 21x32 Double Demy 56 " 3.55 21x32 Double Demy GO " 3.97 16x42 Double Demy 56 " 3.55 16x42 Double Demy 60 " 3.97 23x36 Double Medium 72 " 5.00 23x36 Double Medium 80 " 5.84 18x24 Double Medium 72 " 5.0o 18x46 Double Medium 80 " 5.84 24x38 Double Royal 88 " 6.25 28x34 Double Double Cap 73 '' 4.20 Loose Leaf Sizes 19Hx24H 36 lbs. 1.75 22x34 56 " 2.80 22!4x23^ 39 " 1.95 24x24 44 " 2.20 24x38 70 " 3.50 28x34 72 " 3.60 The national cost congress has determined that on all pa- per a 10/to charge should be made for handling. This addition makes no provision for the warehouse charge of broken reams, the presumption being that the printer should be forehanded enough to bu5^ full reams. From the above figures in full reams, the printer can usual- ly obtain a discount of ten per cent, which will equal the 10 per cent charge of handling. As these expensive and heavy papers, are by most printers used in small quantities, it will be necessary to add tothea]x)ve figures the 20 per cent, broken ream charge, in figuring cost. The city printer has much the advantage Of printers in small towns, in the handling of paper, because he can buy when he needs it for work in hand: and in such quantity as will complete his job. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 11 Paper for 1,000 Copies at 10c a Pound Flat Writing Papers. Size of No. of sheets sheets 16 lb. 18 lb. 20 lb. 24 lb. 28 lb. 2s 515 $1.64 1.86 2.05- 2.45 2.87 3s 341 1.09 1.43 1.58 1.64 1.91 4s 256 .83 .94 1.02 1.23 1.43 5s 205 .66 .74 .82 .98 1.25 6s 171 .55 .62 68 .82 .96 8s 128 .42 .47 .51 .62 .72 9s 114 .37 .41 .47 .55 .64 10s 103 .33 .37 .41 .49 .58 12s 86 .28 .31 .34 .41 .48 14s.-.. 73 .23 .26 .28 .35 .41 16s 64 .21 .23 .26 .31 .36 18s 57 .19 .21 .23 .27 .32 20s 53 .17 .19 .21 " .25 .29 24s 43 .14 .16 .17 .20 .24 PAPER FOR l.OOO COPIES AT lOc. A POUND. Book and Cover Papers. Size of No. of sheets sheets .30 lb. 40 lb. 50 lb. 60 lb. 70 lb. 80 lb. 2s 513 $3.08 4.10 5.13 6.15 7.18 8.20 3s 341 2.05 2.73 3.41 4.09 4.77 5.46 4s 256 1.54 2.05 2.56 3.07 3.59 4.10 5s 205 1.23 1.64 2.05 2.46 2.87 3.28 6s 171 1.03 1.37 1.71 2.05 2.39 2.74 8s 128 .77 1.03 1.28 1.54 1.80 2.06 9s 114 .68 .91 1.14 1.37 1.60 1.82 10s 103 .62 .82 1.03 1.24 1.40 1.64 12s 86 .52 .69 .86 1.04 1.20 1.38 14s 73 .44 .58 .73 .88 1.02 1.16 16s 64 .39 .51 .64 .77 .90 1.02 18s 57 .34 .46 .57 .68 .80 .92 20s 53 .32 .42 .53 .64 .74 .84 24s 43 .26 .35 .43 .52 .60 .69 These are warehouse cost fig-ures without loading. Cutting and handling- are additional charges. Suppose, in consulting this table for 1,000 6s of 24 lb. folio, you have 171 sheets at 82c per 1,000, equal to $1.40: and you de- sire to use 6-cent paper, you multiply the $1.40 by 6, and the price is 84 cents; so with any other price up or down. 12 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST COST OF 100 CARDS. Of the sizes noted at the head of columns. C«st for 100 cards Is 2s 3s 48 5s 6s At$ 1.00 SI. 10 .55 .69 ,83 ,97 1.10 1.28 1.38 1,52 1.65 1.79 1.93 2,07 2.20 2,48 2.75 2.98 3,30 3,55 3,85 4.00 4.95 5,50 .40 ,50 .60 ,70 .80 ,90 1.00 1,10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1,60 1.80 2.00 2,20 2,40 2.60 2,80 3.20 3.60 4.00 .30 .38 ,45 .53 .60 .68 .75 .83 .90 .98 1,05 1,13 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.95 2.10 2,40 2,70 3,00 2i .30 .36 .42 .48 .54 .60 .66 .72 .78 .84 .90 .96 1.08 1,20 1.32 1,44 1.56 1.68 1.92 2.16 2.40 .20 .25 ,30 .35 ,40 .45 ,50 ,55 ,60 .65 .70 ,75 ,80 .90 1.00 1,10 1.20 1.30 1,40 1,60 180 2.00 15 At 1.25 1.35 10 At 1.50 1.65 23 At 1.75 1.93 27 At 2.00 2.20 30 At 2.25 2.48 .35 At 2.50 2.75 38 At 2.75 3.03 .41 At 3.00.... . ... 3.30 45 At 3,25 3.58 ,49 At 3.50 . . . . . 3.85 53 At 3.75 4.13 ,57 At 4.00 . 4.40 60 At 4.50 4.95 ,68 At 5.00 5.50 75 At 5.50 5.95 .85 At 6.00 . 6,60 90 At 6.50 7.10 .98 At 7.00 .. 7.70 1 05 At At 8.00 9,00., 8.80 9.90 1.20 1 35 At 10.00 11.00 1,50 The above figures have a loading of 10 per cent, on whole and half-sheet cards, and 20 per cent, on all other sizes, made necessary for the absolute cost of handling and cutting into sizes and waste and are a legitimate cost charge. COST OF CUT CARDS IN THOUSANDS. As per sizes and cost of card board per 100 sheets. Cards tD 1000 11 13 16 18 21 24 29 No. to a sheet 91 77 63 56 48 42 35 Costing $1.00 $.36 ,38 ,41 .43 .46 ,49 ,58 Costing 1.25 39 .42 ,45 ,48 .51 .55 .61 Costing 1.50 42 .45 .49 ,52 .56 .61 .69 Costing 1,75 44 .48 ,53 .57 .62 ,67 .76 Costing 2.00 47 .51 ,57 ,61 ,67 .73 .83 Costing 2.25 50 .54 .61 ,66 .72 .79 ,90 Costing 2.50 53 ,58 ,65 .70 ,77 ,85 .98 Costing 2.75 55 .61 ,69 ,75 ,83 ,91 1.05 Costing 3.00 58 .64 .73 .79 ,88 .97 1,12 Costing 3.25 60 .67 ,77 ,83 ,93 1.03 1.19 Costing 3.50 64 .71 ,81 .88 ,99 1,09 1.27 Costing 4.00 69 .77 ,89 .97 1.09 1,21 1.41 Costing 4.50 75 .84 ,99 1.06 1.20 1,33 1.56 Costing 5.00 80 ,90 1.05 1,15 1.30 1,45 1.70 Costing 6,00 91 1,03 1.21 1,33 1,51 1,69 1,99 The figures for cut cards, as packed by the paper dealers, have a load- ing of five per cent, for handling and waste. The dealers have a 20 cent charge attached to the absolute cost of cut cards, for the cutting and packing, and the printer must reckon his cost by this addition to the price of the whole sheets, if he does the cutting and packing. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 13 DIVISIONS OF COVER PAPER AND CARD STOCK. Cover and Card Stock, 20x25 Inches. Pieces to Size. one sheet. 2Mx8M 24 2XxlO 18 2Xxl2X 14 3Kx6K 24 3KxlO 14 3Kx6X 24 3Kx8M 18 4x6>i 20 4xl2K 10 4Xx5 24 4Kx6>i 18 5x5 20 5x6K 16 5x8M 12 5x10 10 5xl2K 8 5x25 4 e'Axe'A •....12 6KxlO 8 6Xx20 4 6Kx8M 9 6Kxl2K 6 6^x25 3 8MxlO 6 syiXllA 5 8Mx20 3 10xl2X 4 10x14 3 10x25 2 12^x20 2 Cover and Card Stock, 22x28>^ Inches. Pieces to Sixes. one sheet. 2Mxl4X 18 2Xx9X 24 3xl4X 14 3>ix7K 24 3Xxll 18 3Xx7M 24 3Kx9M 18 4Kxl4M 10 4Kx7X 20 4f^x5K 24 4Xx7M 18 SViXbA 20 5Kx7K 16 5Xx9K 12 bVixWA 8 5Mx28M 4 5^x11 10 7x22 4 7Mx28X 3 7Xx7M : 12 7Kxll 8 7Mx9X 9 VAxUA 6 9Kxll 6 9Axl2y2 5 9Mx22 3 llxl4X 4 llxl7X 3 llx28K 2 14x22 2 The above table will be found convenient for determining the most suitable sizes of cover papers, or cardboard, to use for either booklet covers, programs or leaflets. The only reason for offering the numerous tables in this book. Is to facilitate estimating, and if they are carefully studied and referred to when making estimates they may be the means of detecting errors, that otherwise would not be noticed. 14 COST STSTEM PRICE LIST HAND COMPOSITION In the 1911 edition of the Price List, the statement was made that the type-setting- machines, witii their cheaper product, were demoralizing the prices for hand comiX)sition. The demand for machine men has taken a larg-e number of the best printers, and the necessities of the newspaper proprietors have forced the scale of wages to a point more than 25 per cent in advance of the floor men. The effect of the advanced wages must, without question, gradually bring the wage of the floor men to a point more nearly equal to the machine men. Even at the present time, the journeyman who can make good, easily commands 10 per cent above the scale. On the eight hour basis of work, with the price of S21.00 a week, the actual labor cost is 44 cents an hour. The amount of chargeable time for each hand compositor is reduced 25 pei cent, on account of distribution, leaving six chargeable hours, which makes the labor cost of each man on job composition 58 cents an hour; the incidental expenses of the department will raise this cost hour to 60 cents. In the first edition of this price list (1873) thisstatement was made: "Composition in this book is based upon the supposition that 60 cents is the average cost of all measurable matter, in offices where the compositor is paid from 39 to 40 cents per 1000. or from S15 to $20 per week. All composi- tion costs the emploj'ing printer one-half more than he pays for it as composition, in wear of type, foremanship, proof-reading, etc. Job composition costs twice the actual time of the compo- sition, in wear of type, distribution, alterations, making-up and proofs." Forty years ago it was estimated that the expense of doing business was about 25 per cent on the sales. Now, with the re- duced hours and added labor cost, the commercial or overhead expense cannot safely be figured less than 45 per cent. The Reason Why The present necessary equipment for a hand composition room for the best efficiency may be figured at $800 for each com- positor, with the addition of S600 for extra contingencies. Bas- ing figures on three compositors, we have an equipment of S3000. We have for direct overhead expense — Interest at 6 per cent $180.00 Depreciation of type 400.00 Rent of room 500.00 Taxes and insurance 80.00 Incidentals for one year 60.00 Total direct overhead expense — Sl.220.00 To this amount must be added the direct payroll expense, to obtain the total expense of job composition. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 15 Some Actual Figures We have before us the careful figures of a three men shop for one year, which show the working hours to have been 6,670 out of a possible 7.200, a loss of 530 hours, mostly following- from the half day on Saturday afternoon. The sold or chargeable hours were 4.520, giving us 67^2 per cent of labor efficiency. The labor cost was §2,833.00, to which we add the direct expense above noted, $1,220.00, giving a total cost of S4.053.00 for the 4,520 sold hours, equivalent to 90 cents an hour as the direct cost ih the composi- tion room. To this direct cost hour we must add for overhead or com- mercial expense 45 per cent, which brings the cost hour up to $1.3034. As to the 45 per cent commercial overhead, there may be a question raised. If the office is so situated that work comes in without solicitation sufficient for the full capacity of the plant, this overhead may be lowered; but such offices are exceptional, and when added to the greater number hustling for work, have but little effect on the average. From the general information available, we assurn^hat 45 per cent is a safe assumption of the overhead cost, when considered in connection with the fact that in the general distribution of overhead, machine composition bought from a machine plant, has been taxed with at least a ten' per cent profit; and also, that the paper purchases cannot safely be taxed with any overhead beyond the ten per cent expected' and urged to be added to the price cost for handling. MACHINE COMPOSITION Machine composition is becoming more and more a special- ized industry, and the employer is wise who can purchase his machine composition by the hour or by the measured ems, rather than to install a machine plant, unless he has an abundance of work for two machines and two shifts daily for each machine. In a book office equipped with unitype machines, with auto- matic distribution, it might be possible to deliver to the stone- man composition at 90 cents per 1000 ems, without considering the commercial expense. With regular book fonts of type, equipped to the amount of $800 for each compositor, composition on type forms ready for the stone-man, without considering the commercial expense, will average a cost of $1.00 per 1000 ems. With the monotype style of machine, the cost of composition, cannot be safely figured at less than hand work; but there is some advantage in the new type face and lessened distribution. In a printing office engaged largely in commercial work, and miscellaneous printing outside of book and newspaper composi- tion, machine set matter should not enter into the question of a reduced cost, unless there are 5«000 ems from one set of matrices. 16 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST On account of the initial cost, it is much better for the job printer to depend upon the machine plant to furnish his machine composition unless he has a regular amount of work equal to three or four shifts daily, which means the equipment of two machines. Most machine composition is sold by the 1000 ems, the price rangring from 30 cents net and up. The output of corrected work is variable, according to the intelligence and ability of the operator. The average of 3000 ems of 8 point corrected slugs, seems to be 25 per cent below what the swift operators can produce: but if the swift can turn out 25 per cent beyond the ordinary, he naturally expects an abvance in pay of the same equivalent above the scale. Cost of Installing One Slu^ Typesetting Machine Excluding the purchase of a second-hand machine from this estimate, the progressive printer who is expanding his plant, is or should be interested in this estimate of the cost of running one machine. The simplest and best machine now on the mar- ket is a two letter machine. For the purpose of this calculation, and considering the possible reduction in the first cost of ma- chines, the equipment of one machine with a fair complement of magazines and faces will be considered at the minimum cost of S3500.00 The interest on the plant for one year will be 210.00 Depreciation, ten per cent including mats 350.00 Gas and light, and power for one year 200.00 Interest on metal equipment one year 40.00 Loss of metal by remelting per year 70-00 Rent for one year 300.00 Total overhead cost for one year 21170.00 Labor Element Operator, 300 days at 825.00 per week $1250.00 Extra time for night man 500.00 Owner's time and extra help on proof-reading 1200.00 Incideneal expenses and delivery 400.00 Total expense one year S4.350.00 Possible hours of composition 3000 Showing a cost hour of chargeable work at $1.50, and if the aver- age output is 3000 ems to the hour the cost per ICOO ems will be 50 cents, and if the average output is 4000 ems. the cost per 1000 will be 38 cents. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 17 Running a Two Machine Plant Inventory of first machine and equipment $3500.00 Add for cost of second machine 2300.00 Interest on capital for one year — 348.00 Depreciation one year including- mats 480.00 Loss of metal by remelting", etc 100.00 Gas, lig-ht and power for one year 300.00 Rent for the year 300.00 Total overhead charges for one year $1528.00 Labor Element Owner's salary for one year 1500.00 Chief operator for 300 days 1500 00 Operator and overtime for second machine 1500.00 Incidental expenses, proofreading", delivery, etc 1000.00 Total expense for two machines, 3 tricks $7,028.00 Possible hours of composition 5,500 Showing- a cost hour of $1.28 It is evident from these flg-ures that the owners of machine plants must use the utmost dilig-ence to get full efficiency from their operators : and that where the time is limited to one trick a day, whether of one or two machines, there will be but little money to the owner beyond the payroll of his personal services. But there is an uncertainty about the number of chargeable hours, as well as the output of measured composition. For this reason, and to avoid confusion and differing- cost figures, we have assumed a standard average of the amount of measured and corrected machine composition at 3000 ems of 8 point to the hour; and the standard hour cost of running a two machine plant at one dollar and forty cents per hour for each hour of running time. The table following these remarks, logically worked out, makes a selling price to the printer of 6 point at 40.6 cents per 1000: 8 point at 47 cents; 9 point at 50 cents; 10 point at 54 cents; and 11 point at 56 cents. And at these figures the printer can afford to buy his composition, rather than to load himself with a machine plant. The machine managers, most of them, claim a higher cost hour than $1.40; but as the composition figures per 1000 ems, now being sold to printers, are no higher, and in some instances lower than the averages worked out in the table, it is evident they are basing their output at more than 3000 an hour for 8 point. But there is no possibility that the ruling prices of machine composition can be materially increased beyond these figures, and hold printers as direct customers. COST PYSTE:vr PRICE LIST Ems In Square Inches of Type Square 6pt 7pt Bpt 9pt. 10 pt llpt. 12 pt Inches, Nonp, Min. Brev, Bourg, L. P. S. P. Pica 1 144 106 81 64 52 44 36 2 288 212 162 128 104 88 72 3 432 318 243 192 156 132 108 4 576 .424 324 256 208 176 144 5 720 530 405 320 260 220 180 6 864 636 486 384 312 264 216 7 1.008 742 567 448 364 308 252 8 1,152 848 648 512 416 352 288 9 1,296 954 729 576 468 396 324 10 1,440 1,060 810 640 520 440 360 11 1,584 1,166 891 704 572 484 396 12 1,728 1,272 972 768 624 528 432 13 1,872 1,378 1,053 832 676 572 468 14 2,016 1,484 1.134 896 728 616 504 15 2,160 1,590 1,215 960 780 660 540 16 2,304 1,696 1,296 1,024 832 704 576 17 2,448 1,802 1,377 1,088 884 748 612 18 2.592 1,908 1,458 1,152 936 792 648 19 2,736 2,014 1,539 1,216 •988 836 684 20 2,880 2,120 1,620 1,280 1,040 880 720 21 3,024 2.226 1,701 1,344 1,092 924 756 22 3,168 2.332 1,782 1,408 1,144 968 792 23 3,312 2.438 1,863 1,472 1,196 1.012 828 24 3,456 2,544 1.944 1,536 1.248 1.056 864 25 3,600 2,650 2,025 1,600 1,300 1,100 900 26 3,744 2.756 2,106 1,664 1,352 1,144 936 27 3,888 2.862 2,187 1,728 1,404 1,188 972 28 4,032 2.968 2,268 1.792 1,456 1.232 1.008 29 4,176 3.074 2,349 1.856 1,508 1,276 1.044 30 4,320 3,180 2,430 1,920 1,560 1,320 1,080 31 4,464 3,286 2,511 1.984 1,612 1.364 1.116 32 4.608 3,392 2,592 2,048 1,664 1,408 1,152 33 4,752 3,498 2,673 2.112 1,716 1.452 1.188 34 4,8% 3.604 2,754 2.176 1,768 1,496 1,224 35 5,040 3,710 2,835 2,240 1,820 1,540 1,260 36 5,184 3,816 2,916 2.304 1,872 1.584 1.296 37 5,328 3,922 2,997 2,368 1,924 1,628 1.332 38 5.472 4,028 3,078 2,432 1.976 1,672 1368 39 5,616 4,134 3,159 2,496 2,028 1,716 1.404 40 5,760 4,240 3,240 2,560 2,080 1,760 1,440 41 5,904 4.346 3.321 2,624 2,132 1,804 1,476 42 6,048 4,452 3.402 2,688 2,184 1,848 1,512 43 6,192 4,558 3.483 2.752 2,236 1.892 1,548 44 6,336 4,664 3,564 2.816 2.288 1,936 1,584 45 6,480 4,770 3.645 2,880 2,340 1,980 1.620 46 6,624 4,876 3,726 2,944 2,392 2.024 1.656 47 6,768 4,982 3,807 3.008 2,444 2.068 1.692 48 6,912 5,088 3,888 3.072 2.496 2.112 1.728 49 7,056 5.194 3,969 3.136 2.548 2.156 1.764 50 7,200 5,300 4,050 3,200 2,600 2,200 1.800 60 8,640 6,360 4,860 3,840 3.120 2.640 2,160 70 10,080 7,420 5,670 4.480 3.640 3.080 2,520 80 11,520 8,480 6,480 5.120 4.160 3.520 2.880 90 12,960 9,540 7,290 5,760 4,680 3.960 3.240 100 14.400 10,600 8.100 6.400 5.200 4,400 3,600 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 19 Ems in One Running Inch of the Measures Noted Measure 6 pt. 7 pt. 8 pt. 9 pt. 10 pt. 11 pt, 12 pt. 13 ems 312 230 176 139 113 95 78 14 336 248 190 150 122 102 84 15 360 265 203 160 130 110 90 16 384 283 217 171 139 117 96 17 408 301 230 182 148 124 102 18 432 319 244 193 157 132 108 19 ......... 456 336 257 203 165 139 114 20 480 354 271 214 174 146 120 21 504 372 284 225 183 153 126 22 528 389 298 235 191 161 132 23 .. 552 407 311 246 200 168 138 24 576 425 325 257 209 175 144 25 600 442 338 267 217 183 150 26 624 460 352 278 226 190 156 26^2 ......... 636 469 359 284 231 194 159 27 648 478 366 289 235 197 162 28 672 496 379 300 244 205 168 29 696 513 393 310 252 212 174 30 720 531 406 321 261 219 180 To find the number of ems in a given number of running* inches, of a certain widtli, say 24 ems wide, 8 point, we have 325 ems in one inch, and 7 inches long", we have 2275 ems total. The starting point of 13 ems, is the trade minimum for all measures under that number. Beyond 30 ems the machine trade measure is one half more because of malting- two slu^s; and printers must consider this trade custom in estimating machine composition for long- measures. In the measurement of hand or monotype composition, over thirty ems measure, the same rule should apply, for all sizes up to and including- 10 point, because of the lost time in handling- a larger stick, with increased weight, and tlie more care in spac- ing to prevent bulging and pieing lines. All table and figure work on machines must be measured as price and half and double price, the same as for hand work. 20 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST HAND COMPOSITION— Cost Figures Cost of Measured Hand Composition Without Make up or Lock up Based on 800 ems Per Hour Cost of $1.30 Square in. in 1000 ems.. 7 12.5 15.6 19.9 22.6 28 6pt. 8pt. 9pt. 10 pt. 11 pt. 12 pt. Sq. in. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. 1 23 12.5 10.4 8.2 07 06 2 46 25.0 20.8 16-4 14 12 3 69 37.5 31.2 24.6 21 18 4 92 50.0 41.6 32-8 28 24 5 .. 115 62.5 52.0 41.0 35 30 6 138 75.0 62.4 49.2 42 36 7 161 87.5 72.8 57.4 49 42 8 184 100.0 83.2 65.6 56 43 9 207 112.5 93.6 73.8 63 54 10 230 125.0 104.0 82.0 70 60 11 253 137.5 114.4 90.2 77 66 12 276 150.0 124.8 98.4 84 72 13 299 162.5 135.2 106.6 91 78 14 322 175.0 145.0 114.8 98 84 15 345 187.5 156.0 123.0 105 90 16 36S 200.0 166.4 1312 112 96 17 391 212.5 176.8 139.4 119 102 IS 414 225.0 187.2 147.6 126 108 19 437 237.5 197.6 155.8 133 114 20 460 250.0 208.0 164.0 140 120 21 483 262.5 218.4 172.2 147 126 22 506 275.0 228.8 180.4 154 132 23 529 287.5 239.2 188.6 161 138 24 552 300.0 249.6 196.8 168 144 25 575 312.5 260.0 205.0 175 150 26 598 325.0 270.4 213.2 182 156 27 621 337.5 280.8 221.4 189 162 28 644 350.0 291.2 229.6 196 168 29 667 362.5 301.6 237.8 203 174 30 690 3'<5.0 312.0 246.0 210 180 40 920 500.0 416.0 328.0 280 240 50 1150 625.0 520.0 410.0 350 300 60 1380 750.0 624.0 492.0 420 360 70 1610 875.0 728.0 574.0 490 430 80 1840 1000.0 832.0 656.0 560 480 90 2070 1125.0 836.0 738.0 630 540 100 2300 1250.0 1040.0 820.0 700 600 These tables are placed opposite each other to remind the estimator of the wide difference of cost between the two forms of plain composition. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 21 MACHINE COMPOSITION-Cost Figures Based on $1.40 an hour. The unit of 3000 ems of 8 pt. to the hour, first corrections and delivered to printer. Type size 6 pt. 8 pt. 9 pt. 10 pt. 11 pt. 12 pt. Average hour output.. 3300 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 Cost of 1000 ems 401/3 47 50 S4 56 64 Square in. in 1000 ems.. 7.0 13.5 15.6 19.9 22.68 28.0 1 Cts. 5.8 11.6 17.4 23.2 29.0 34.8 40.6 46.4 52.2 58.0 63.8 69.6 75.4 81.2 87.0 92.8 98.6 104.4 110.2 116.0 121.8 127.6 133.4 139.2 145.0 150.8 156.6 162.4 168.2 174.0 232.0 290.0 348.0 406.0 464.0 522.0 5^0.0 Cts. 3.5 7.0 10.5 14.0 17.5 21.0 24.5 28.0 31.5 35.0 38.5 42.0 45.5 49.0 52.5 56.0 59.5 63.0 66.5 70.0 73.5 77.0 80.5 84.0 87.5 91.0 94.5 98.0 101.5 105.0 140.0 175.0 210.0 245.0 280.0 315.0 350.0 Cts. 3.2 6.4 9.6 12.8 16.0 19.2 22.4 25.6 28.8 32.0 35.2 38.4 41.6 44.8 48.0 51.2 54.4 57.6 60,8 64.0 67.2 70.4 73.6 76.8 80.0 83.2 86.4 89.6 92.8 96.0 128.0 160.0 192.0 224.0 256.0 288.0 320.0 Cts. 2.7 5.4 8.1 10.8 13.5 16.2 18.9 21.6 24.3 27.0 29.7 32.4 35.1 37.8 40.5 43.2 45.9 48.6 51.3 54.0 56.7 59.4 62.1 64.8 67.5 70 2 72.9 75.6 78.3 81.0 108.0 135.0 162.0 189.0 216.0 243.0 270.0 Cts. 2.46 4.92 7.38 9.84 12.30 14.76 17.22 19.68 22.14 24.60 27.06 29.52 31.98 34.44 '36.90 39.36 41.82 44.28 40.74 49.2 51.66 54.12 56.58 59.04 61.50 63.96 66.42 68.88 71.34 73.8 98.4 123.0 147.6 172.2 196.8 221.4 246.0 Cts. 2.3 2 4 6 3 6 9 4 5 9.2 11 5 6 7 13.8 16.1 8 18,4 9 20 7 10 23.0 11 25.3 12 27.6 13 29.9 14 15 32.2 34.5 10 ir 18 36.8 39.1 41.4 19 43.7 20 21 46.0 48.3 22 50.6 23 52.9 24 25 26 55.2 57.5 59.8 27 62.1 28 29 30 40 50 60 70 80 64.4 66.7 69.0 92.0 115.0 138.0 161.0 184.0 90 100 207.0 230.0 Machine composition is mainly sold by the 1000 ems and not by the hour. Thirty ems is the limit of sing-le slug's. The machine plant has a possible 10 per cent in these figures. 22 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Imposing and Locking Up Forms This department, whether in the hands of a stone man or the foreman or compositor, requires a competent man. and careful work. In estimating- it is one of tlie guessing- problems, and often neglected in making figures. The special overhead is an abundance of stone room, and plenty of furniture and chases, and the space occupied. All this is a part of the equipment of a job composing room, and there is no make-shift that will justify a charg-e less than the cost hour of composition. In the 1911 Price List, in making up the cost of machine com- position ready for the press we suggested a lock-up charge of five cents per 1000 ems. This is not a correct method for charg- ing-, as it costs practically no more to lock up a form of 6 point than of 10 or 12 point. We have, therefore, made new tables, so as to make imposition and lock-up a special item for estimat- ing, and providing for a special time record of lock-up, at the same cost hour as for composition. We submit the following table of actual time records as standard fig-ures, with the understanding that there may be exceptional reasons for making an extra charge, but that in estimating the figures here g-iven should be counted as standard. Standard Imposing and Lockup Time Cost Figures 6 minute Cost * units hour SI. 30 Jobbers— Any form up to 50 square inches From 50 square in. to 100 square in Single form up to 200 square inches Two or four page programs up to 200 in . . Cylinders- Book heading form up to 28 inches long Book heading form up to 46 inches long Book forms up to 28x42 paper Book quarter sheet 4 page forms Book quarter sheet 8 page forms Book half sheet 4 page forms Book half sheet 8 page forms Book half sheet 16 page forms Book half sheet 32 page forms Book whole sheet 4 page forms Book whole sheet 8 page forms Book whole sheet 16 page forms Book whole sheet 32 page forms 1 S .13 2 .26 3 .39 4 .52 5 .65 7 .91 5 .65 8 1.04 12 1.58 16 2.08 20 2.60 30 3.90 16 2.08 20 2.60 28 3.64 45 5.85 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 23 CYLINDER PRESSWORK To determine the cost of Cylinder Presswork, it will be necessary to ascertain the commercial charges as well as the de- partment direct expense. For this purpose, we present the fig- ures representing- two equipments, one of S5,000 for two presses, and the other of S10,000 for four presses. With two presses the direct labor help will be one foreman pressman and two feeders, and for the larger equipment, we will at the least require an ad- ditional pressman and one feeder. The figures are presented in parallel columns. AVERAGE ONE YEAR EXPENSE EQUIPMENT- $5,000 $10,000 TWO PRESSES FOUR PRESSES Interest for one year S 300.00 $600.00 Depreciation 500.00 1000.00 Rent, power, heat and light 150.00 250.00 Taxes 48.00 96.00 Insurance .^ 50.00 100.00 Rollers, oil, waste.. 125.00 200.00 Incidental items 50.00 80.00 $1,223.00 $2,326.00 ADDING LABOR- Foreman pressman $1,250.00 $1,500.00 Second pressman 1,050.00 Feeders 1,250.00 1,750.00 $3,723.00 $6,626.00 Commercial expense (which embraces office rent and equip- ments, superintendents, solicitors, clerks, postage, telephones, stationery and office supplies, bad accounts, interest and dis- counts, organization dues, donations and miscellaneous) equal to the proportion of 40 per cent of the cost output of the cylinder presses, based on a 75 per cent of productive hours figured at a cost of $1.40 per hour $2,262.40 $3,195.20 Making a total cost of $5,985.40 $9,821.20 Total estimated productive hours 4,040 7,200 Actual hour cost $1.48 $1.36 The figures for the two press plant are actual results, with more than the average amount of standard publications to keep the wheels in motion. The experience of many printers with heavy press facilities, verges very closely to a 66 per cent pro- ductive time, and if figured on that basis, would bring the four press cost fully up to the cost hour of the two press plant. The experience of printers, generally, who have given care- ful attentien to press production, as voiced in the trade publica- tions and in cost congresses, is to make the average cost hour fully equal to $1.50 ; and in accordance with that general opinion, the table following this article has been constructed on the $1.50 basis as nearer the standard of cost. 24 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST A Single Cylinder Press A Demonstration of the Estimated Cost of Runnini^. Costing- Costing Costing Pressoutfit S500.00 $1100.00 $1500.00 Motor equipment 50.00 GO. 00 70.00 Total initial expense $550.00 1060.00 1570.00 Two days running- Interest on investment 33.00 63.60 94.20 Depreciation, 2 days average run 16.50 31.80 47.10 Rollers, 100 days use 12.00 15.00 20.00 Proportion of space and rent 140.00 160.00 160.00 Pressman and feeder 260.00 300.00 350.00 Incidental expenses 20-00 30.00 40.00 Total expense for 2 days running $481.50 8600.40 8711.30 Proix)rtion of expense doing business 600.00 600.00 600.00 Total cost of 2 days running $1081.50 1,200.40 1,311.30 Total efficiency in hours 700 7 CO 700 Hour cost of 2 days running $1.54 $1.71 $1.88 Three days running — Interest on investment $33.00 63.60 94.20 Depreciation 3 days running. .... 25,00 48.00 70.00 Ptollers, 150 days 18.00 22.00 30.00 Proportion of space and rent 140.00 160.00 160.00 Pressman and feeder 500.00 500.00 500.00 Incidental expenses 30.00 40.00 50.00 Total expense for 3 days running $746.00 833.60 904.20 Proportion of expense doing business 700.00 700.00 700.00 Total cost of 3 days running Si ,446.00 1.533.20 1,604.20 Total efficiency in hours 1000 • 1000 1000 Hour cost of 3 days running $1.45 81.53 $1.60 Four days runninfS — Interest on investment 33.00 63.60 94.20 Depreciation, '4 days running 33.00 63.60 94.20 Rollers, 200 days 24.00 30.00 40.00 Proportion of space and rent 140.00 160.00 160.00 Pressman and feeder 700.00 700.00 700.00 Incidental expenses 40.00 50.00 60.00 Total cost of four days running. . $970.00 1,067.20 1,148.40 Proportion of expense doing business 800.00 800.00 800.00 Total expense for four days $1,770.00 1,867.20 1,948.40 Total efficiency in hours 1300 1300 1300 Hour cost of 4 days running $1 .36 81.43 $1.50 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS A Single Cylinder Press— Continued A Demonstration of the Estimated Cost of Runnind- Costing" Costing Costing" Press outfit $500.00 $1000.00 $1500.00 Motor eauipment 50.00 60.00 70.00 Total permanent expense $550.00 1,060.00 1,570.00 Five days running- Interest on investment 33.00 63.60 94.20 Depreciation 5 days running 41.25 79.55 117,75 Rollers 250 days 32.00 40.00 50.00 Proportion of space and rent 140.00 160.00 160.00 Pressman and feeder 950.00 950.00 950.00 Incidental expenses 50.00 60.00 70.00 Total cost of 5 days running $1,246.25 1,353.15 1,441.95 Proportion of expense doing: business 900.00 900.00 900.00 Total expense for five days 2,146.25 2,253.15 2,341.95 Total efllciency in hours 1500 1500 1500 Hour cost of five days running".. . 1.43 1.50 1.56 Six days running— Interest on investment 33.00 63.60 94.20 Depreciation six days running",.. 55.00 106.00 157.00 Rollers 300 days 40.00 70.00 70.00 Proportion of space and rent 140.00 160.00 160.00 Pressman and feeder 800.00 1000.00 1000.00 Incidental expenses 60.00 70.00 80.00 $1,128.00 1,469.60 1,561.20 Proportionate expense doing business 900.00 900.00 900.00 Total expense for six days 2,028.00 2,369.60 2,461.20 Total efficiency in hours 1700 1700 1700 Hour cost of full week $1.14 $1.40 $1.45 The Reason Why The printer who has but lately started a small printing- of- fice is usually a journeyman, with but limited experience on the most vital subject of running a successful business. It is for his benefit that the tables showing the cost of running" a cylinder press have been prepared and incidentally to show the cost hour on a group of presses. He is ambitious to take in all the work his friends and low prices will bring him: and if he is called on once or twice a week to figure on a job larger than his press outfit, it is possible he may think he can work up enough trade to burden his business with a cylinder press. These figures are to set him thinking, and that is the reason why they are collated into a table for thoughtful examination. Until he has a cer- tainty of enough cylinder work at the hour cost of doing it, it is best to farm it out to another office. 2 b COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST COST FIGURES-Cylinder Presswork Based On An Average Cost Hour of $1.50 Pony Size of sheet 18x25 22x32 25x38 32x44 SSxoO Average make-ready - . . . 1 hr. 1 :30 2 :00 2 :30 3 :40 Average impressions..... 1500 1300 1100 1000 900 Cost of ink per 1000 § .25 .30 .40 .45 .60 Cost of average make-ready 1.50 2.25 3.00 3.80 5.40 Average running, 1000 1.00 1.15 1.35 1.50 l.CO Totallst 1000 S2.75 3.70 4.75 5.75 7.60 Added 1000 impressions SI. 20 1.40 1.70 1.90 2.20 100 copies S1.65 2.40 3.25 4.00 5.50 200 " 1.80 2.55 3.45 4.20 -300 '' 1.95 2.70 3.60 4.10 400 " 2.10 2.85 3.80 4.60 500 " 2.25 3.00 4.00 4.80 '^00 •■ 2.35 3.15 4.15 5.00 7uO •• 2.45 3.30 4.30 5.20 SCO " 2.55 3.45 4.45 5.40 900 " 2.65 3.60 4.60 5.60 lOlK) "' 2.75 3.70 4.75 5.75 2000 " 3.95 5.10 6.45 7.65 3000 •' 5.15 6.50 8.15 9.55 4000 '• 6.35 7.90 9.85 11.45 5000 " 7.55 9.30 11.55 13.35 6000 " 8.75 10.70 13.25 15.25 7000 " 9.95 12.10 14.95 17.15 8000 " 11.15 13.50 16.65 19.05 9000 " 12.35 14.90 18.35 20.95 lOM " 13.55 16.30 20.05 22.85 1000 Add 1.20 1.40 1.70 1.90 Slip Sheelinii- Sl.OO Sl.20 Sl.50 Sl.SO 82.00 If make ready or half tone requires more time add tlie excess to the cost total. Colored Ink— Washing up, Sl.OO extra and 20 per cent added to the running figure for extra S. and S. C. Enamel Paper— Add 25^ for black and 30^ for colored ink on the scale price of press work. The cost of presswork is graded for the size of sheet to be printed and not on the size of the press; consequently, if an office has no pony press, the custxjmer is entitled to the figures for that scale if the work is of a common character; but where registered book work is printed, it should be figured on the next highest scale for the size of the sheet. So a registered medium sheet of 19x25, should be figured at the 22x32 scale, etc. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 27 U PLATEN PRESSWORK Estimated Cost Figure of Impressions Based on the Hour Cost of Eighty Cents Sizeof Press., 8x12 10x15 14x20 Averag-e impressions per hour 1400 1200 1000 Ink per 1000 impressions .10 .15 .20 Average cost of make-ready .25 .35 .50 Cost of running 1000 55 .70 .90 Total cost of 1000 impressions 90 1 .20 ''1.60 Added 1000 with ink 60 .80 1.05 100 impressions $ .40 .50 .70 200 " 46 .60 .80 300 " 53 .70 .90 400 " 59 .80 1.00 500 " 65 .90 1.10 600 " 70 1.00 1.20 700 " 75 1.05 1.30 800 " 80 1.10 1.45 900 " 85 1.15 1.50 1000 " 90- 1.20 1.60 2000 " 1.50 2.00 2.65 3000 " 2.10 2.80 3.70 4000 " 2.70 3.60 4.75 5000 " 3.30 4.40 5.80 6000 " 3.90 5.20 6.85 7000 " 4.50 6.00 7.90 8000 " 5.10 6.80 8.95 9000 '• 5.70 7.60 10.00 10000 " 6.30 8.40 11.05 Added 1000 impressions 60 .80 1.05 Slip-slieeting........ 60 .60 .80 If make-ready or half-tone requires more time add the excess. Colored Ink should add to the above figures 50 cents for wash- up and 15c per 1000 for press work. Half-tone work on enamel or fine grade stock, should add 25 per cent for black, and 30 per cent for colored ink. The presswork figures are to be taken as cost figures. and when the cost of paper, together with the cost of composition, the cost of presswork, and other work going into a job, are assembled together, you then add a percentage for the profit of doing business, and this should be not less than 20 per cent. In estimating, use these tables, rather than guessing the hour time. 28 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST The Press Make-Ready Make-reaclj' figures have not been available to any extent, until within the last four or five years. In previous editions of the Price List, it was assumed that the first 1000 impressions of a job of presswork should be loaded with the same expense as the running, that is, if the cost of running 1000 impressions was $1.00, the make-ready should be rated at Sl.OO, making the first 1000 cost $2.00, and subsequent 1000s, Sl.OO. Now, in the cost sys- tems properly kept up, the make-ready time is registered separ- ately, and from a number of jobs, figured in this manner we ob- tain a standard average for the size of the form, and the figures at the head of the press tables are offered as standard, because thej'- represent average actual everj- day results. To the printer using the cost system and basing his figures on the time unit, this table is invaluable, because if his time units run short of the price per 100s or lOOOs, he should make his cost entry the same as the book figures; and because they are mathematically correct. The use of photographic reproductions, having superceded wood engravings for practical results in book-printing, and the fine mechanical screen work of the etching processes for the back-ground and shadings of a finished or vignetted illustration plate for printing purposes on cylinder presses, have forced printers to buy more expensive machinery, and by the use of coated papers and high priced inks, a few printers have under- taken to rival the high-class finished productions of the photo- grapher. Consequently the make-ready of such engravings has required so much more skill as to place the labor cost from two to five times higher than necessary for ordinary type printing. Therefore, it is proper that such fine work should be specialized, and sold on its merit; and not in any way be placed on a com- petitive basis. The table of presswork on the preceding page is calculated on the basis of $1.50 as the cojt hour of cylinder presswork from the pony size up to a size large enough to print a seven column quarto newspaper. Forty Years A^o It may be interesting to printers to note by comparison the prices in this edition of the price list and the first edition printed in 1873, forty years apart. Most of the large presses used for job printing were drum cylinders, printing one side of a sheet 25x38. Qnarter Half Donble Nediam Nediam Nediam Nediam $7.80 10.00 11.00 16.50 SELUNG PRICES 1873—5000 impressions 10 hour day. 1913-5000 impressions 5.50 7.25 9.43 14.00 8 hour day. And even with this showing, there will be thousands of print- ers who will scoff at the 1913 figures, as being extravagantly high. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 29 Presswork on a Weekly Newspaper Without Fi^urin^ Paper or Composition 4pps 8pps 4pps 8pps 6 cols 6 cols 7 cols 7 cols 1 form 2 forms 1 form 2 forms Column rules, stone room and chases investment $50.00 $100.00 $65.00 S120.00 Interest and depreciation, one year 7.50 15.00 10.25 18.00 Per week .15 .30 .21 .3d Figures for lOOO coijies— Make-up 3.00 6.00 4.00 8.00 Lock-up .50 1.00 .60 1.20 Make-ready on press 1.50 3.00 1.80 3.60 Total cost of above 5.15 10.30 6.01 13.16 Running 1000 copies 1.60 3.20 2.00 4.00 Folding 88 .88 .88 .88 Cutting: 20 .20 .20 .20 Mailing 1.50 1.75 175 2.00 Total cost 9.33 16.33 11.44 20.24 Adding 10 per cent .97 1.67 1.16 2.01 Selling valae first 1000 $10.30 $18.00 $12.60 $22.05 Additional 100s— Running .16 .32 .20 .40 Folding .9 .0 .0 .9 Mailing _ .15 .18 .18 .VO Totallabor 40 .59 .47 .09 Adding 10 per cent .4 .6 .5 .7 SeUing value 100s 44 .65 .52 .86 Cost of Presswork for Outside Parties Forms being brought in ready for press. Make ready $1.50 3.00 1.80 3.60 Running per 100 .16 .32 .20 .40 Costof presswork for first 1000 $1.66 3.32 2.00 4.00 Added 100s .16 .32 .20 .40 500 copies $2.30 4.60 2.80 5.60 1000 copies $3.10 6.20 3.80 7.60 Added 100 .16 .32 .20 .40 These newspaper cost figures for first 1000 may be reduced 20 per cent by using a soft blanket; but the reduction will mainly come off the make-ready. The above figures are subject to a ten i»er cent increase for selling values. COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST PAMPHLET BINDING From a careful consideration of the hour time and output in the Bindery, as g-iven out by individuals and the averag-e cost fig-ures, this reconstructed table shows more than a ten per cent increase in the cost of binding- labor. The cost fig-ures here g-iven may be lessened in large editions, where folding machines may be used instead of hand labor. Conditions of trade make it im- possible to put any portion of the work on a piece scale, and with the normal differences of ability between g-irls in delivering work, there will be great variations in the time tickets. There are urgent demands for increasing wages, and coupled with the growing demand for female help in all branches of trade, there is no question but that cost of labor must continue to advance. As soon as bindery managers will seriously take up the cost Question of operating expenses, there will be a marked advance beyond present prevailing rates. In the meantime the printer who adheres to the cost figures herein set forth, may reap a little advantage from the present ignorance ; and is only anticipating but a short time, when the binder will be wise to his costs. COST FIGURES— Pamphlet Binding, Side Stitch Folded forms of TV^xlOV^ inches or under, the drawn-on cover figure including folding of cover. (^ Gather- Cover Wire Forms of Pages Pages Folds Folding ing and Fold Stitch Trim Total 4 4 1 .40 2.00 1.00 .50 $3.90 8 8 2 .80 2.00 1.00 .50 4.30 8-4.... 12 3 1.20 .70 2.00 1.00 .55 5.45 16 16 3 1.20 2.00 1.00 .55 4.75 8,8 16 4 1.60 .70 2.00 1.00 .55 5.85 8,8,4, 20 5 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 .60 6.60 16,4 20 4 1.60 .70 2.00 1.00 .60 5.90 8,8,8 24 6 2.40 1.00 2.00 1.00 .70 7-10 16,8 24 5 2.00 .70 2.00 1.00 .70 6.40 8,8,8,4 28 7 2.80 1.30 2.00 1.00 .75 7.85 16,8,4 28 6 2.40 1.00 2.00 1.00 .75 7.15 32 32 4 1.60 2.00 1.00 .75 5.35 8,8,8,8 32 8 3.20 1.30 2.00 1.00 .75 8.25 16,8,8 32 7 2.80 1.00 2.00 1.00 .75 7.55 16,16 32 6 2.40 .70 2.00 1.00 .75 6.85 16,16,4 36 7 2.80 1.00 2.05 1.05 .85 7.75 8,8,8,8,4 36 9 3.60 1.60 2.05 1.05 .85 9.15 32,4 36 5 2.00 .70 2.05 1.05 .85 6.65 32,8 40 6 2.40 .70 2.05 1.05 .90 7.10 8,8,8,8,8.... 40 10 4.00 1.60 2.05 1.05 .90 9.60 16,16,8 40 8 3.20 1.00 2.05 1.05 .90 8.20 16,8,8.8 40 9 3.60 1.60 2.05 1.05 .90 9.20 16,16,16 48 9 3.60 1.00 2.10 1.10 1.00 8.80 8,8,8,8,8,8 48 12 4.80 1.90 2.10 l.lO l.CO 9.90 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 31 Pamphlet Binding, Side Stitch — Continued Gather- Cover Wire Forms of Pages Pages Folds Folding ing and Fold Stitch Trim Total 8,8,8,8,8,8,8 56 14 5.60 2.20 2.15 1.15 1.10 12.20 16,16,16,8......... 56 11 4.40 1.30 2.15 1.15 1.10 10.10 16,16,16,16 64 12 4.80 1.30 2.20 1.20 1.20 10.70 8 forms of 8 64 16 6.40 2.50 2.20 1.20 1.20 13.50 4 forms of 16 and 8 72 14 5.60 1.60 2.25 1.25 1.25 11.95 9 " 8 72 18 7.20 2.80 2.25 1.25 1.25 14.75 5 " 16 80 15 6.00 1.60 2.30 1.30 1.30 12.50 10 " 8 80 20 8.00 3.10 2.30 1.30 1.30 16.00 5 " 16and8 88 17 6.80 1.90 2.35 1.35 1.S5 13.75 11 " 8 88 22 8.70 3.40 2.35 1.35 1.35 17.25 6 " 16 96 18 7.20 1.90 2.40 1.40 1.40 14.30 12 " 8 96 24 9.60 3.70 2.40 1.40 1.40 18.50 6 " 16and8 104 20 8.00 2.20 2.45 1.45 1.45 15.55 7 " 16 113 21 8.40 2.20 2.50 1.50 1.50 16.20 8 " 16 128 24 9.60 2.50 2.60 1.60 1.60 17.90 9 " 16 144 27 10.80 2.80 2.70 1.70 1.70 19.70 10 " 16 160 30 12.00 3.10 2.80 1.80 1.80 21.50 11 " 16 176 33 13.20 3.40 2.90 1.90 1.90 23.30 12 " 16 192 36 14.40 3.70 3.00 2.00 2.00 25.10 13 " 16*. 208 39 15.60 4.00 3.10 2.10 2.10 26.90 Additional signatures of 8 pages, add $1.25; for 16 page signatures, add $1.80. SIDE STITCHING Extra Stitches Over Two— 20 cents per 1000. Enamel Paper— Add 15^ to above cost figures. Quarto Forms— On pages 8x11 and over, add 10 per cent. Cover Stock— Heavier tlian 20x25-65, add 25c per 1000 covers. Cover Scoring— First 1000, $1.50; add. 1000s, $1-00. Covering With Glue— Add 40c per 1000. Oblong Forms— Add 10 per cent to scale figures. TippinfS in Single Leaves— On outside of section, $1.00 per 1000; in center of section. $1.25 per 1000; if cut in and tipped $1.75 per 1000. Re-enforcing- Front and back, 1000 books, $7.00. Flush Cloth Backs— Add for under 8 inches, $3.50 per 1000; copies; leatlierette backs, $2.50. Over 7 inches to 12 inches; cloth, $5.00 for 1000, and leatherette, $3.50. Without Cover— Deduct the price in cover column, and 65c less for gathering, inserting and trimming. String Pamphlets— Punching one liole and stringing $2.20. COST SYSTE^vI PRICE LIST COST FIGURES— Pamphlet Binding, Saddle Stitch Folded forms of 7^x10^ inches or under, the cover figure in- cluding" folding of cover. Insert- Cover Wire Forms of Pages Pages Folds Folding ing and Fold Stitch Trim Total 4 4 8 8 8-4.... 12 16 16 8,8 16 8,8,4, 20 16,4 20 8,8,8 24 16,8 24 8,8.8,4 28 16,8,4 28 32 32 8,8,8,8 32 16,8,8 32 16, 16 32 16,16,4 36 8,8,8,8,4 36 32.4 36 32, 8 40 8,8,8,8,8 40 16,16,8 40 16.8,8,8 40 16,16,16 48,8,8 48,8.8,8 56 16.16,16.8 56 16,16.16.16 64 8 forms of 8 64 Beyond 64 pages, the saddle stitch is not available, except on thin paper. The notes under side-stitching tables are applicable, except for re-enforcing and covering with glue. The chaotic condition of bindery figures, makes one fear to make a cost table that will satisfy any considerable number of printers. We believe a critical examination of our bindery tables, with the advancing prices, will average more nearly correct than any yet presented. They are safe for cost figures. 1 .40 1.00 1.00 .50 $2.90 2 .80 1.00 1.00 .50 3.30 3 1.20 .70 1.00 1.00 .55 4.45 3 1.20 1.00 1.00 .55 4.75 4 1.60 .70 1.00 1.00 .55 5.85 5 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .60 5.60 4 1.60 .70 1.00 1.00 .60 4.90 6 2.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 .70 6.10 5 2.00 .70 1.00 1.00 .70 5.40 7 2.80 1.30 1.00 1.00 .75 6.85 6 2.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 .75 6.15 4 1.60 1.00 1.00 .75 4.35 8 3.20 1.30 1.00 1.00 .75 7.25 7 2. SO 1.00 1.00 1.00 .75 6.55 6 2.40 .70 1.00 1.00 .75 5.85 7 2.80 1.00 1.05 1.05 .85 6.75 9 3.60 1.60 1.05 1.05 .85 8.15 5 2.00 .70 1.05 1.05 .85 5.65 6 2.40 .70 1.05 1.05 .90 6.10 10 4.00 1.60 1.05 1.05 .90 8.60 8 3.20 1.00 1.05 1.05 .90 7.20 9 3.60 1.60 J. 05 1.05 .90 8.20 9 3.60 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.00 7.80 12 4.80 1.90 1.10 1.10 l.CO 8.90 14 5.60 2.20 1.15 1.15 1.10 11.20 11 4.40 1.30 1.15 1.15 1.10 9.10 12 4.80 1.30 1.20 120 1.20 9.70 16 6.40 2.50 1.20 1.20 1.29 12.50 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 33 Miscellaneous Bindery Figures Selling Figures to Customers AddressinfS Wrappers or Envelopes from printed mail list, per 1000. $1.00. From addressog-raph. plates, 60c per 1000. Wrapping for mail, per 1000, $1.25. Eyeletting, first 100 50 Additional 100s 40 Inserting in envelopes. No. 10 and under per 100 $ .15 Numbering, single 500 40 Additional 100s 05 Double numbers, 500 75 Additional 100s 10 Triplicate numbers. 500 1.20 Additional 100s 15 Perforating— First cut per 100 sheets '. 20 Additional for each time through, 100 sheets 05 Paging, per 100 05 Punching of loose leaf, one round hole, 500 sheets or less. .60 Additional 100s 06 Two holes, 500 leaves 70 " " additional 100s 06 For order blanks, two holes, 1000 30 Additional 1000'. 20 One slotted hole, 500 or less ,60 Additional 100 sheets 06 Two slotted holes, 500 or less 75 Additional 100 sheets 10 Round Cornering, pamphlets, 2 corners up to 100 pages, first 100 20 Additional 100 books 05 Cards, four corners, first 100 20 Additional 100s 05 Tableting, 5YqxSVz and under, each 02 SV^xll " " " 03 11x14 " " " 04 12x18 " " " 05 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST BINDERY COST WORK. There is not enough cost information in connection with the output of independent binderies to g-ive other than approximate figures. The figures here given, most of them, were used in the 1912 price list, and were supposed to carry a profit. After two years of trial, we believe they are available for cost figures,' and are recommended to printers as fairly reliable for estimating purposes. Ruling for Blanks and Blank Books Demy or smaller— Sheets of Paper— Times Through Under 20 down Added pens. 100 250 500 1000 100 One run S0.90 1.00 1.10 1.40 0.05 Two runs 1.50 1.70 2.00 2.50 .08 Three runs 2-00 2.25 2.75 3.25 .12 Four runs 250 2-80 3.30 4.00 .15 Double Cap or smaller— Under 40 down pens. One run 1.00 1.25 1.60 2.00 .06 Two runs l.SO 2.10 2.50 3.10 .12 Three runs 2.50 2.85 3.50 4.25 .15 Four runs 2.75 3.50 4.10 5.00 .18 Double Demy or smaller — Under 60 down pens. One run 1.50 2.00 2-75 3.25 .10 Two runs 2.25 2.75 3.50 4.25 .20 Three runs 3.00 3.50 4.25 5.25 .25 Four runs 3.75 4-25 5.00 6.25 .30 Double Medium or smaller — Under SO down pens. One run 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.75 ,10 Two runs 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 .20 Three runs 4.00 4-50 5.00 6-25 .25 Four runs 5.00 5.50 6.00 7-50 .30 The charges for ruling should be governed by the number of down pens, and not by the size of paper designated. Fancy Border Ruling on Printed Blank Books, for 100 pages, Sl.25; added 100 pages, 20 cents. Time ruling. $1.20 an hour. Printers will do well to consider that these cost prices are just reasonable for good work. The ruling machine is a regular equipment for the binderj', and printers without binderies should not cut these figures. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 35 Cost Printing of Book Headings Not exceeding three lines of type. > Pa^es or Impressions- Added Double Medium 300 400 500 600 100s Composition $4.00 $4.00 S4.00 S4.00 Presswork 3.25 3.35 3.45 3.55 .10 Total Double Demy ( Composition . . . $7.25 or Super R< $4,00 $7.35 >yal. $4.00 2.50 $7.45 $4.00 2.60 $7.55 $4.00 2.70 $0.10 Press worlv 2.40 .10 Total 86.40 Double Cap or Royal. Composition $3.00 Pressworlc 2.40 $6.50 $3.00 2.50 $6.60 $3.00 2.60 $3.70 $3.00 2.70 .10 **".i6 Total Medium. Composition... Press worlv $5.40 $2.00 2.00 $5.50 $2.00 2.10 $5.60 $2.00 2.20 $5.70 $2.00 2.30 .10 '"".io Total Demy. Composition... Presswork $4.00 $1.75 2.00 $4.10 $1.75 2.10 $4.20 $1.75 2.20 $4.30 $1.75 2.30 .10 .io Total Cap. Composition. . . $3.75 $1.50 $3.85 $1.50 2.10 $3.95 $1..50 2,20 $4.05 $1.50 2.30 .10 Pressworlv 2.00 .10 Total $3.50 $3.60 $3.70 $3.80 .10 Estimated Cost of Binding E. and B, Blank Books Without ruling, printing- or paper Cap 300 pagres $ 4.20 Additional 100 pages 30 Demy 300 pages 5.15 Additional 100 pages 35 Medium 300 pages 6.10 Addition al 100 pages 40 Double Cap 300 pages 7.00 Additional 100 pages 45 Double Demy 300 pages 8.25 Additional 100 pages 50 Double Medium 300 pages 10.00 Additional 100 pages 55 Three quarter binding will reduce the cost per 100 pages on Cap, 30c; on Demy, 40c; on Medium. 50c; on Double Cap, 50c; on Double Demy, 60c; on Double Medium, 70c. Half binding will reduce the cost per 100 pages on cap, 50c; on Demy, 70c; on Medium 90c; on Double Cap, $1.00; on Double Demy. $1.20; on Double Medium, $1.40. COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST BLANK BOOKS-RECORDS, JOURNALS, ETC. Printed Headings, E. and B. Binding 300 Pages. Cap Demy Medium IS lb. 28 1b. 361b. 90sheetsof paper at 30c $.97 $1.51 $2.19 Handling" cost .15 .20 .25 Ruling estimated 1.50 1.75 2.00 Composition and press work 3.50 3.75 4.00 Leather and other stock 1.00 1.50 2.00 Folding, gathering and sewing 1.20 1.40 1.60 Forwarding and finishing 2.00 2.25 2.50 Cost figures for 300 pages $10.32 12.36 14.54 Adding 20 per cent 2.06 2.47 2.91 Selling price of 300 pai{es §12.38 14.83 17.45 Added 100 pages 1.60 1.70 2.40 Added Books in Same Order Paper, ruling and presswork $1 .40 $2.05 $2.90 Folding, gathering and sewing 1.10 1.20 1.40 Leather and other stock .90 1.30 1.80 Forwarding and finishing 1.50 1.75 2.00 Cost of added books $4.90 7.35 8.10 Adding 20 per cent 98 1.47 1.62 Sellinii added books $5.88 7.82 9.72 Extras— To add to selling price of blank books Index in front, cut with gothic flush tabs, paper and rul- ing. Cap, $1.50; Demj% SI. 60; Medium and Double Cap, $1.70; Double Demy, $1.80; Double Medium, $2.00. Index, through with extension metal or leather tabs Paper and ruling. Cap, $1.50; Demy, $1.60; Medium and Double Cap, $1.70; Double Demy, S1.80; Double Medium, $2.00. Canvas covers. Cap, $1.50; Demy, $1.75; Medium, $2.; Double Cap, $2.25 ; Double Demy, $2.50 ; Double [Medium, $3,00. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS Blank Books— Records, Journals, Ledgers, Etc. Printed heading-s, full bound ends and bands Double Double Double 300 pages Cap Demy Medium 361b. 561b. 72 1b. 90 sheets of paper $1.94 3.00 4.38 Handling cost 19 .30 .44 Ruling- estimated 3.00 4.00 5.00 Composition and presswork 5.40 6.40 7.2.3 Leather and other stock 2.00 3.00 4.00 Folding-, g-athering- and sowing 1.50 1.75 2.00 Forwarding and finishing- 3.50 3.50 4.00 Cost of 300 pages S17.53 21.^5 27.07 Adding 20 per cent 3.51 4.39 5.41 Selling price of 300 paiies $21.04 26.34 32.48 Adaed 100 pages 1.70 2.35 3.10 Omitting the Printing Selling price of 300 pages S14.65 Added 100 pages 1.60 Three-quarter binding will reduce the price per 100 pages 30 Half-binding smooth back will reduce the price per 100 pages- 50 Extras— To add to selling price of blank books Index in front, cut with gothic flush tabs, paper and rul- ing. Cap. $1.50: Demy, $1.60; Medium and Double Cap, 11-70; Double Demy, $1.80; Double Medium, $2.00. Index through with extension metal or leather tabs. Paper and ruling, Can, Si. 50; Demy $1.60; Medium and Double Cap, Si. TO; Double Demy, $1.80; Double Medium, $2.00. Canvas covers. Cap, Si. 50; Demy, $1.75; Medium, $2.: Double Cap. S2.25; Double Demy. 82.50; Double Medium. $3.00. The foregoing figures are far in excess of any other price list issued, and the main dilierence is in the cost of composi- tion and presswork, the only items of profit to the printer. The quotation of $2.00 for the composition and presswork on a 600 page Medium or Double Cap. has no excuse for appearance in any price list. 18.65 22.80 2.20 2.90 .40 .50 .70 .90 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST JOB COST BINDING Without numbering and one perforation. Quarter Cap or up ^...ll 11 12 11K...13 12 13 12K...14 13 14 13K...15 14 15 143^.. .16 15 16 15K...17 16 17 16^.. .18 17 19 17K...19 18 20 18K...20 19 21 193^.. .21 20 22 20K...22 2X 23 21K...23 22 24 22K...25 23 25 23>^...26 24 26 24K...27 25 27 25K...28 26 28 26K...29 27 29 27K...30 28 31 28M...31 29 32 29K...32 30 33 10 9 pc. pt. 13 14 13 15 14 15 14 16 15 17 16 17 16 18 17 19 17 19 18 20 19 21 19 21 20 22 20 23 21 23 22 24 22 25 23 25 23 26 24 27 25 27 25 28 26 29 26 29 27 30 28 31 28 31 29 32 29 33 30 33 31 34 31 35 32 35 32 36 33 37 34 37 34 38 35 39 35 39 36 40 8 7 6 pt. pt. pt. 16 18 21 17 19 22 17 20 23 18 21 24 19 21 25 20 22 26 20 23 27 21 24 28 22 25 29 23 26 30 23 27 31 24 27 32 25 28 33 26 29 34 26 30 35 27 31 36 28 32 37 29 23 38 29 33 39 30 34 40 31 35 41 32 36 42 32 37 43 33 38 44 34 39 45 35 39 46 35 40 47 36 41 48 37 42 49 38 43 50 38 44 51 39 45 52 40 45 53 41 46 54 41 47 55 42 48 56 43 49 57 44 50 58 44 51 59 45 51 60 II Pica. pt. 30>i...33 31 34 31K...34 32 35 32K...35 33 36 33K...37 34 37 34K...38 35 38 35K...39 36 39 36>f...40 37 40 37K...41 38 41 38K...42 39 43 39K...43 40 44 40>^...44 41 45 41K...45 42 46 42K...46 43 47 43K...47 44 48 44K...49 45 49 45M...50 46 50 46>^...51 47 51 47X...52 48 52 48K...53 49 53 493^... 54 50 55 7 pt. 37 41 38 42 38 43 39 43 40 44 40 45 41 45 41 46 42 47 43 47 43 48 44 49 44 49 45 50 46 51 46 51 47 52 47 53 48 53 49 54 49 55 50 55 50 56 51 57 52 57 52 58 53 59 53 59 54 60 55 61 55 61 56 62 56 63 57 63 58 64 58 65 59 65 59 66 pt. 46 52 61 47 53 62 47 54 63 55 64 65 66 50 57 67 51 58 68 52 59 69 53 60 53 61 48 49 56 50 57 70 71 54 55 63 56 63 62 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 73 85 56 64 57 65 58 66 59 67 59 68 60 69 61 69 62 70 62 71 63 72 64 65 74 65 75 66 75 88 67 76 89 68 77 90 68 78 91 69 79 92 70 80 93 71 81 87 71 72 82 73 83 94 81 95 82 96 97 98 99 75 86 100 74 84 74 85 Fractions less than one-half an em are omitted while those of one-half or over are counted a full em. 40 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Printing on One Side — Paper 1 7x28 0£KKK3000 DOOOOOOQ OQUOQOaa [>Q£K3£K3QO OOOaOOOO C-3CK3-DOOO 000x30000 DOOCJOOOO DOODOOOO 3 2 Type Form, 15x26 Inches g 1 390 Square Inches g g I I This diagram provides for hand set full length lines, g g and may be separated, part of the space to g-o nearer the g I middle. | D These panels may be in two or three columns, the | g second measure 7 inches, and if set on machine will g ° be double slug, adding one half more to measurement. | c If the lower diagram can be used the measure will g □ be 3M inches, and a good width for V2 point display. g § The 12 point type surface of this form is 14,000 ems, | r and allowing for large display type should not be rated g g at less than $15.00 for hand composition. If one half of g § the space can be machine set the cost would be $5.40, and § g hand set for the balance, the entire cost of composition i § would be about $12,00. g D £H>OOOOOa OOO OOOCK3 CH30CKJO€K3 D 00£K3O0€K3 QO DO C r-OOOQOOO OOCKKKJOQ 0CH3OOOOG OQOOCOOO 5 S 000€3a00a DOOOOOOO DC}aOCH3€K3 DOQOOOOOoa£H300€H3 D00CHKH30 OOOOOOOQ D 0£HH3Q€K3a£HHJO S £raO€KH300aQOOCQOanCOOOOOO(3QQOOOOODaOOOOGaOOOOOGGaDOGO€H3QOQOOQOaOaDOa£«K»00 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS $ 1.18 $ 1.18 $ .59 .20 .20 .02 13.70 10.60 • ••• 3.00 3.00 , ,,, 2.55 2.55 .14 S20.63 17.53 .75 4.13 3.41 .15 0.94 .90 23.64 .90 28.14 .90 .90 .90 Double Gap Whole Sheet, Printing One Side Paper size 17x28 inches, type form 15x26: 390 square inches, printing- one side only. Paper 28 lb. at lOc, $2.80 per ream; 50c per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate . 200 Copies Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 210 sheets at 56c Handling and cutting Machine composition, 390 sq. in . . Makeup and locltup Pressworlc Cost of 200 copies Adding 20 per cent rSellin^ price of 200 copies $24.02 •• -500 *• 26.72 •• " 1000 " 31.22 Added 100 copies .90 If in two colors add for the first 200 $7.00, and for the added 100s, 30 cents. Don't imagine for one minute that the makeup is too high, because tliere are liable to be a number of lines hand set. Handbill or Poster—on Double Cap, with two halftones, type form 15x22 inclies, madeup machine border, 330 sq. inches, 12.000 ems 12 pt., in two colors red and black, on enamel paper, lb. at 8c, $2.40 per ream, costing 48c, per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate 200 Copies Added 10-Pt. 100 220sheets , $1.05 $.53 Handling and catting .20 .04 Coaip. actual hand time 123^ hours 16.00 .... Makeup and lockup ■. 2.50 ..-. Presswork in two colors 7-00 .30 Red ink : 1.50 .05 Cost of 200 copies $28.26 .03 Adding 20 per cent 5.65 .18 Selling price of 200 copies $33.91 I.IO "500 " ; 37.21 1.10 " "1000 " 42.71 1.10 AddedlOOs I.IO l.lO COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Four Pa^e Form of Double Cap OQOOOOOQ D£HKKHKKJD€3O000OO£3O€3G0OOCt53C£K30£H>0Q£K3O00£KMH3CK3D£KHK}0000£KKJDC>£H3OO0a Hi c3 >* H 5 -" 0£M30D£KK3D£HH33CKKK}OOOrC2tH}EH30€KK3SG£H2QO€KH3QtH:H3C30Gf'OCOa£KKKJCDOOOOC-G^ Newspaper form 5 cols. 15 ems wide o B S en s O 50OCKKH3a0OCKKK}0CHKXmD000O£KK3DO0€KKH3O0OOOOO0OCH30£KKKH30£^^ FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 43 Double Cap Whole Sheet— Four Pa^e Form Paper size 17x28 inches; paper page 14x17, type page 12x15: one page 180 sa. in.: 4 pages 720 sq. in. : using double size paper for form. Paper 28 lb. at 10c. 56c per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 210 sheets at 56c Handling and cutting ^lachine comp. 720 sq. in. . . Makeup and lockup Presswork Folding 1 fold Cost of 200 copies Adding 20 per cent. $ 1.18 $ 1.18 S .59 .20 .20 .oa 25.20 19.40 4.00 4.00 3.45 3.45 .17 .20 .20 .10 34.23 28.43 .88 6.85 5.64 .17 Sellinil price of 200 copies $41.08 34.12 1.05 " " 500 " 44.23 37.27 1-05 " "1000 " 49.48 4252 1.05 Added 100 copies 1.05 1.05 1.05 Hand Composition * Paper, presswork and stitching 5.03 5.03 .88 Hand composition 100.80 59.00 Makeup and lockup : 6.00 6.00 Cost of 200 copies 111.83 70.03 .88 Adding 20 per cent 22.32 14.00 .17 84.03 1.05 87.18 1.05 92.43 1.05 1.05 1.05 Seilinii price of 200 copies $134.20 " " 500 " 137.35 " 1000 " 142.60 Added 100 copies 1.05 The above estimate for presswork is to use paper 28x34, an unusual size outside of large cities; and if printed in two forms would increase the selling price of presswork $2.00 for the first 200 copies, and for added 100s 20 cents. The diflference between hand and machine composition is so great that figuring for hand work is out of the question on straight composition. 44 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST tKKJQDCeaQt3£H3QtKK3QOOQQ€K30£HH30 £H3£)OD£JOOOO£H300€JOOD£300QOQOaOO DOa£300£30QGC-OOQOaOGGQDDCK300£>0 DOOCKH300DO£K3£300QGGOCDO£KH>0£}a fix ^ ^ :^ 12 PICAS c« r^ ri CHKH300CQOa£K}OaOOOOGaaOOO£H3£H3 EHK}OOO0Q£3O00€HKKK3OD0£JQ£}OOGOO ^ C rt D S S g ~ e3 OS g g gl^ -^ ^ S i I £"5! Ir^S g g g 1 H S £ 2 ^ a c o CD -— 2 '^ £K?C-CH?000£KHHjOO£JQOO£jDOOOOOOOa OOO€KJGCGa0OOOOQCKK3G0i3C-G£H?GGO O •« c = r •-" ^ " ^ CUT rt OX 3 ^ ^ DOOaO€H300£KK}D£3€HHK)OOEK}CKKK>DO DQDO£KKH30DOOGt3000QOOOO€H3GOOO ^ 5 -7 § i ^ ^ ' H 2 a I § .33^ on = fl ^ a 3 5 Ur" a 5 9 ft) ~ c 5 5 o '/ 0-2 12 PICAS = -p OOOCC£HH}QO£KK}000{H30a £30000000 DaOaOCK30DOOQOOCK3aOOi30£K3aOQOa '^ g go a ] he g ^ g ?^ £KKMKKH3QDG0QDT>3CG00a00O0O€H3O LJSOOQOGa0GOaDQOO0O003OC*OOC£M3 t^ Eifiht Pajie Oblong— Imposed from Center 000000£30:>ODaOOOO CM3OO0€?O00aOQ0OQO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DOO€MIOOOO€3QOO-300 ""^ ~ is t ii c ° OQOOOQOGDOOOOOOa CH3000QOOQOOOQOOO 0000C300C OOQOOOGO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OQO000O0GOO€3OOOO OOOOOOCBOOOOCKKKJO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOODOOOGOOQ g L g g 2 R g 1 § OOOOOOOOOOeOOGOQ OGOOOQQOOOOOOOOa DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 45 Double Cap Whole Sheet— Ei^ht Pa^e Form Paper size 17x28 inches; paper page 8^x14, type page 63^x12 inches— one page 78 sa. in.— 8 pages 624 sa. in: using double size paper for form. Paper 28 lb. at lOc— 56c for 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8- Ft. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 210 sheets at 56c $1.18 $1.18 $.59 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Macliinecomp. 624sa. in 21.84 16.85 Makeup and lockup 4.00 4.00 Press work one form 3.45 3.45 .17 Folding and stitching .72 .72 .24 Cost of 200 copies $31.39 26.40 1.02 Adding 20 per cent 6.28 5.28 .20 Selling price of 200 copies $37.67 31. 6d 1.22 " " " 500 " 41.33 35.34 1.22 " " 1000 " 47.43 41.44 1.22 Added 100 copies 1.22 1.22 1.22 Hand Composition Paper, presswork and stitcliing.... $5.55 $5.55 1.02 Hand composition 87.36 51.17 .... Makeup and lockup 6.00 6.00 Cost of 200 copies $98.91 62.72 1.02 Adding 20 per cent.... 19.78 12.54 .20 Selling price of 200 copies... $118.69 75.26 1.22 " "500 " 122.35 78.92 1.22 " " 1000 " 128.45 85.02 1,22 Added 100 copies 1.22 1.22 1.22 The above estimate for presswork is to use paper 28x34, an unusual size outside of large cities; and if printed in two forms would increase the selling price of presswork $2.00 for the first 200 copies, and for added 100s 20 cents. The difference between hand and machine composition is so great that figuring for hand work is out of the question on straight composition. 46 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Twelve Page Form Without Cutting Paper for this form, double size, 28x34 Paper page, 7x11^ inches OC3CKKJOOODCKK3 OQOQOOOOCKHJO OOOCKKJOOGOOa D€KKKK3OOa0Da 0€3GOGOGOC-GDa Q00CH3000CJG0Q OOOOQCKjaOGOO £KK3£3O0OD3DO0 DO£HJOOOaQOCK3 C3CKKH300a DODO DOOOOOOODOOO OOOQOOOQOOOO ts i^i i^^i s^§ OQOOGODOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO DQOOGOOQDOCKJ 000000000000 OOOOGOOOOOGO CJQOOOOQO£H30a O0€K}O0OOD£3G0 OQOOOODOEKHIO DOoooooBoooo oootJooQODOfjQ oaaaanaaoaao Type page 5x9 inches One page 45 square inches Twelve pages 540 square inches FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 47 Double Cap— Full Sheet— 12 Pa^e Form Paper size 17x28 ; paper page 7x11^— type page 5x9 inches, 45 sa. inches, 540 sa. inches for 12 pages. Paper 28 lb. at 10c. Per •ream $2.80; per 100 sheets 56c. Cost Estimate f 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 210 sheets at 56c $1.18 S 1.18 $.59 Handling and cutting 20 .20 .02 Machinecomp. 540sa. in 18.90 14.60 Makeup and lockup 6.00 6.00 Presswork 3.45 3.45 .17 Folding and stitching 85 .85 .35 Cost of 200 copies S30.58 26.28 1.13 Adding 20 per cent 6.12 5.26 .23 Sellinii price of 200 copies $36.70 31.54 1.36 " "500 " 40.78 35.62 1.36 " .. 1000 " 47.58 42.42 1.36 Added 100 copies 1.36 1.36 1.36 Hand Composition Paper, presswork and stitching.... $5.68 5.68 1.13 Hand composition 75-60 44.30 Makeup and lockup 6.00 6.00 Cost of 200 copies $87.28 55.98 1.13 Adding 20 per cent 17.46 11.20 .23 Sellinii price of 200 copies $104.74 67.18 1.36 " "500 " 108.82 71.26 1.36 " "1000 " 115.62 78.06 1.36 Added 100 copies 1.36 1.36 1.36 Cover Forms ^oi. Included The above estimate for presswork is to use paper 24x38, an unusual size outside of large cities ; and if printed in two forms would increase the selling price of presswork $2.00 for the first 200 copies, and for added 100s 20 cents. The difference between hand and machine composition is so great that figuring for hand work is out of the question on straight composition. 48 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Double Cap — Sixteen Paj^e Form Paper pa^e 7x8% inches. 28 inches 0C3OOOOCXK30g COOOOCKHJCOD g 91 g gO£300aOOG03 OOOGOCQQOOa OOOGOOOOOOa OOOOOQOOQOg COQOCJOOOOGi DOGOOOGOGD3 12 PICAS CEHHJOOOOOCa 00000000003 DOQOOOGOGDa CEKJOOOQOOOC < < COOOOOOGOOQ § 10 I OQOOOOOGODO § 11 I DDOOOOOOOC: 0QOOOGOGGO3 CUT ^ QOQQQOOOQOO OOOOOOGOOQ3 < 30000000000 p SI i 3E3GO€3OOOOO0 ODOOOOOOOOO noOOQOOOGG3 £oooaoo€>oo3 C0QOOGOG03 =J 12 PICAS CDOOOOOGOOa COOOOOOQOO CDOOOOOOOOO 300000€HH33g OOCMJQOOOOOa SOOOOOOOOCi^ 60t3G£HK30a^3 Type page 5x7 inches— 35 sq. inches. 560 sq. inches in 16 pages. I FOR EMPLOY ING PRINTERS 49 Double Cap— Full Sheet— 16 Pa^e Form Eight pages on each side— paper page 7x8^ inches, type page 5x7 inches— one page 35 sq. inches— 16 pages 560 sq. inches Using double size paper for form. Paper 28 lb. at lOc. 56c for 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 210 sheets at 56c S 1.18 $1.18 S.59 H andling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Machine composition 560 sa. in 19.60 15.22 Makeup and lockup 6.00 6.00 Presswork 200 copies 3.45 3.45 .17 Folding and stitching .75 .75 .25 Cost of 200 copies S31.18 26.80 1-03 Adding 20 per cent 6.24 5.36 .21 Selling price of 200 copies $37.42 32. 16 1 .24 " "500 " 41.24 35.88 1.24 " " 1000 " 47.44 42.08 1.24 Added 1000 copies 12.40 12.40 1.24 The composition figures are for ordinary form of book or pamphlet, work, and without cover. Table work will add to either set of composition figures one half more or double price. Hand Composition Add to any number of copies $70.56 36.80 An Extra Color Form Makeup and lockup % 4.00 $ 4.00 Presswork 200 copies 4.75 4.75 .20 Cost of 200 copies 8.75 8.75 .20 Adding 20 per cent 1.75 1.75 .04 Adding for first 100 copies 10.50 10.50 Price for added 100s .24 .24 -24 The presswork is based on using a double size paper. If printed in two forms the presswork will add $2.00 to the first 200 and 23 cents for each added 100. 50 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST C OOCKKHXXSOaoaOCKlO I DD€KH300fK3£H30QOGQGg gOOCJOOOOOOCKKKJOOOC 0Q€KKK)OOODO€KH3OOOQ C-3OCGC5G0GC3OOCJQOQG5 DOOCHKJQCHJOQGCKKH3CC 0£3QOOOQOG£3OOO€KKH3! • " CaDOCKHH30QOOOaa£3Gt (L o I (8 c 1 A C£>D£K3£XKK)OOOOOOOOI 5 30aOOO£>DOD0EH3O0O0( ■2 § i I a I C - i w 0£KKKKHHH3C3OOOOaOO£ h ^ 0DO€Kl€KM3ODD£KKKKK3l * I "i i 3 : DOGQGQ€H3D£KM3£HHJQ : 0£3€KJOOOOOOEK30£}Oa D ; a 3 CCHJOOOOOODOOOCJOQaS 0D£KHMHH3ODi3€}OtMKH3a OC3QCH30QQOQ€3€JOOQOOa 00OCK3OO£>Oa£HK3QOCK3g 0O€HKKKKKJOOQO€JO£jag COO£KH300a£3€K>OCKKH30 CEXKHJGOOQOQOOOQQDO 000000000000000000 ODOOOOOOaQOCMKHJOOO FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 51 Double Cap— Full Sheet— 24 Pa^e Form Twelve pages on each side— paper page 4Hx93^ inches— type 2VfiX"H inches— one page 18 sq. inches— 24 pages 432 sa. inches. Using double size paper. Paper 28 lb. at 10c. 56c for 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 210 sheets 17x28, at 56c $ 1.18 1.18 .59 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Machine composition 432 sq. in. . . Makeup and lockup Presswork 200 copies 3.45 3.45 .17 Folding and stitching 1.05 1.05 .35 Cost of 200 copies $28.40 24.54 1.13 Adding 20 per cent 5.68 4.90 .23 \ 1.18 1.18 .20 .20 15.52 11.66 7.00 7.00 3.45 3.45 1.05 1.05 29.44 1.36 33.52 1..36 40.32 1.36 Selllnii price of 200 copies $34.08 " "500 " 38.16 " " 1000 " 44.96 The makeup and lockup charge provides for hand set title or display lines. All hand composition will add to the above figures $53.95 28.51 If cover to be added Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper and handling for 100 Comp. one page and lockup.. . Presswork 100 copies Folding and stitching Cost of 100 copies Adding 20 per cent. $ .13 .13 .13 1.50 1.50 • . . .50 .50 .08 .07 .07 .07 $2.20 2.20 .28 .44 .44 .05 Selling price first 100 copies $2.64 2.64 .33 Added 100 copies .33 .33 .33 The above estimate for presswork is, to use paper 28x34, an unusual size outside of large cities : and if printed in two forms would increase the selling price of presswork S2.00 for the first 200 copies, and added 100s 20 cents. The difference between hand and machine composition is so great that figuring for hand work is out of the question on straight composition. COST SYSTE:\r PRICE LIST aaoooQocaaao OQOQGCGC £3£JDO "^n OOODOOODOOOU OODCH3GGG DOGO s g 0DCK3OOO0 DODO ooootHMSoaaoo oo a i s a DoooDOOcaoooa OOC- D D CC-G OQ-3 a 10 oooaoooooooa o i ^i QOOa EHHHKHHjG PICAS C3Q£M30GCG£H3-30 o a §- § DQD D g g O D oa DCH3COO DD DO CGGC DGC-DGQGQ DOOODGGO OGDQ DOOOODOCGGGO U 11 PICAS D0£K3O0O0DGO0 X D£KH}OiKK3CH3C-0 < § s o g ^i§ oDoaaoooDcoa < g O gjo CO tSOOOGCCCOGDO CHHKJDOOODQOa t— OGOQGGOOCKKK) 10 OaaaCH3€KJE3i>ja GC0GGGGCCK3G0 3 3 □ i g s § 3CJ a D — D □ a a »-o Ci 00€HXHH3G£HH:-i-' PICAS DODOCGOODGOZ- t- £KHMMH1CGQOOO D£Hk:-G£Hh:- dgoo i § OC3O0E3OO0OGGQ OGGGQOGQGGDa GGOC'CKJOOOGGO OOOGOGGC- GGDQ aOOOC30DG OGGO H I QQOGCJQCKKJGGQ 12 PICAS D£30DOOOO£HHK3 X Bm go oooaoooooooa j □ I J S 1—0 OOC-COOOOOOOCt 10 PICAS GCGQC-G-GG GGGG QQOOOOOC OGGO CKHHKH3GCOODO ooooooecoooG OOGOGGGCDCHJQ OeGGGGC-G oao-3 a OQO£KMKH3aaGO I— GC-GQC-GC-GGGGO OGGQQGGGGGDO y2 5 s < iro g o GC-C-eDDOGOOOiJ t>- OGGC-GGCH3DGGU 11 PICAS 000€3GOOOOaOO = OTO 9 O OQG DOOOQOOa oDooooooccro GGC-GC-GCCGGGG i 4 g e 3 ; C G QOQGGCG Q QQOOGC-GGC30O DOOCKHJODGGDO 10 PICAS OO£KHKH3ao0D3 QGG-GGGGCGOGa GODOOGOtl-CGO' 233 3 OQC-GGC-Gt.-! C3OGQCOGG-33G0 GOOOOOOOOOOO OG CG DOOOCKJCH3 OGGGDOOOOOOQ OOOC DOCJE-OGOO FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 53 Double Cap— Full Sheet— 32 Pa^es 16 pages on each side, paper pages 4Mx7 inches— type page 2^x5^, 14 SQ. inches— total 448 sq. inches. Using double size paper for form. Paper 28 lb. at 10 cents, 56 cents per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate / 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 210 sheets at 56c $1.18 $1.18 $.59; Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Machine composition 448 sa. in 15.68 12.10 Makeup and lockup 7.80 7.80 Presswork 200 copies 3.45 3.45 .17 Folding and stitching 1 .05 1.05 .35 Cost of 200 copies S29.36 25.78 1.03 Adding 20 per cent 5.87 5.16 .21 Selling price of 200 copies $35.23 30.94 1.24 " '• 600 " 38.95 34.66 1.24 " "1000 " 45.15 40.86 1.24 Added 1000s 12.40 12.40 1.24: The makeup and lockup charge provides for hand set title or display lines. All hand composition will add to the above figures $57.16 $31.17 If cover to be added Paper and handling for 100 $.10 $.10 $.10 Comp. one page and lockup 1.50 1.50 Presswork 100 copies .50 .50 .08 Folding and stitching .07 .07 .07 Cost of 100 copies $2.17 2.17 .25 Adding 20 per cent .43 .43 .05 Selling price first 100 copies $2.60 2.60 .30 Added 100 copies 30 .30 .30 COST SYSTE:\r PRICE LIST Four Paiie Form of H«lf-Sheet Double Cap OOOCH30O0OCHMJCKHM3 D{3£jQ DO€KH3GeO OOOOCKHKJ 0OOCKKK3O DCHHHKKH3 DCK3€KK>OQ OCK>^ W 08 a 5 CM30a 0C)£>0 C30DO CKKMJQGOOr C C C-GCK3 OOCH3 5 CHBOOOCKJO OOeO QODT' lKJOQ 00£Ki C D 0€>30 QC-£K} O Newspaper form 3 cols. 14 ems wide O xi H raoOOOOQOOOOOOO€>OQ£30QOO€K>OEKraOQ€H3QOO£H30£KK3D£K>000000£K>DOOOT FOR EINIPLOYING PRINTERS 55 Half Sheet of Double Cap Printingr on one side only. Paper size 14x17, or 8Hx28 inches. —Type form 7x26 or 12x15 inches, a totalof 180 square inches. Paper 24 lb. at 10c, 48c per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , ^00 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 105 sheets of paper at 48c S .50 $.50 S.25 Handlingr and cutting 20 .20 .02 M achine comp. 180 sq. inches 6.30 4.90 Makeup and lockup 1.95 1.95 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 2.55 .14 Cost of 200 copies $11.50 10.10 .41 Adding 20 per cent 2.30 2.02 .08 Selling price of 200 copies.. $13.80 12.12 .49 " "500 " 15.31 13.59 .49 " "1000 " 17,76 16.04 .49 Added 1000 copies 4.90 4.90 .49 Add for all hand composition to anyorder 22.68 12.08 With the machine composition above and a number of handset lines, the price of the first 200 might be increased $2.00. The hand composition supposes the work to be solid eight or ten point. If the job was large display, the composition time would be about eight hours, a cost of $10.40. Additional Color Form To be added to above figures in giving prices. Cost Estimate t ^^^ Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 . Makeup and lockup $3.00 3.00 Presswork for 200 copies 3.55 3.55 .17 Cost figures for 200 copies $6.55 6.55 .17 Adding 20 per cent 1.31 1.31 .03 Sellinf{ price of 200 copies $7.86 7.86 .20 Added 1000 copies 2.00 2.00 .20 56 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Half-sheet of Double Cap — Four Pa^e Form Paper size 14x17— Papei page 834x14— Type page 7x12—84 sa. Inches each page— 336 sq. inches four pages. Paper 28 lb. at 10c. 56 cents for 100 sheets of d. c. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. TOO Paper 105 sheets at 56c $ .59 6.59 $.29 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Machine comp.. 336 sy. inches 11.76 9-07 Makeup and lockup 2.60 2.60 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 2.55 .14 Folding .20 .20 .05 Cost of 200 copies $17.90 15.21 .50 Adding 20 per cent 3.58 3.04 .10 Selling price of 200 copies $21.48 18.25 .60 " "500 " 23.28 20.05 .60 " " 1000 " 26.28 23.05 .60 If one, two or three page less than 4 pages, reduce for each page less $3.44 2.50 Additional forms of eight pages will double the prices. Hand Composition Composition 336 sq. inches $47.04 27.65 Makeup and lockup 6.00 6.00 Paper, presswork and folding 3.54 3,54 .50 Cost price of 200 copies S56.58 37.19 .50 Adding 20 per cent 11.32 7.44 .Iq Selling price of 200 copies $67.90 " ^'500 " 69.70 " " 1000 " 72.70 Added 1000s 6.00 44.63 .60 46.43 .60 49.43 .60 6.00 .eo FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 57 Half-Sheet of Double Cap— Ei^ht Pa^e Form Form size 17x28— paper page 7x8^— type page 5x7, 35 sq. in. for one page, 280 sq. in. for eight pages. Paper 28 lb. at 10 cents. 56 cents for 100 sheets of double cap. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies 8-Pt. 10-Pt. Paper 105 sheets at 56 cents. . . Handling and cutting Machine comp. 280 sa. in Makeup and lockup Presswork 200 copies Folding and stitching Cost of 200 copies Adding 20 per cent Selling price of 200 copies $20.27 17. 6^ " " 500 " ........ 22.82 20.18 " " 1000 " 27.04 24.43 Added 1000s 8.50 8.50 Added 100 S .59 $ .59 .20 7.60 $.29 .20 .02 9.80 3.00 3.00 ... 2.55 2.55 .14 .75 .75 .26 . $16.89 14.69 .71 3.38 2.94 .14 .85 .85 .85 .85 Paper for form 17x28 Paper page 7x8!4 g t i pOooootHJOog DOCH3QOQQaC}3 caoEKJoooEjoa DDOOOOQODaa DCHKK3-EHH50DD pO£HHMMHJOGg nc3ooaooooog QpDCQtHJDOtg noOOCHKKKKJg COOEKHJOOaoS SotJOa-DQODoS DOCHJOOOOOaa g 2 g D£3O£}CMHKK3D0 Type page 5x7 35 square inches 3 square inches in form of 8 pages COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Half-Sheet of Double Cap — Sixteen Pa^e Form Form size 17x28— paper page 4Mx7 type page 3x5?£— 17 sq. in. for one page— 272 sq. In. for 16 pages. Paper 28 lb. at 10c— 56c for 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 105 sheets at 56c $.59 $.56 $.29 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Machine composition 272 sq. in 9.52 7.34 Makeup and lockup 3.00 3.00 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 2.55 .14 Folding and stitching .75 .75 .26 Cost of 200 copies $16.61 14.43 .71 Adding 20 per cent 3.32 2.89 .14 Sellfnii price of 200 copies $19.93 17.32 .85 " "500 " 22.48 19.87 .85 " " 1000 " 26.73 24.12 .85 AddedlOOOs 8.50 8.50 .85 If cover to be added Paper for 100 $ .14 $ .14 H andling and cutting .20 .20 Composition and lockup 2.00 2.00 Presswork 100 copies .50 .50 Folding and inserting .07 .07 Cost of 100 copies $2.91 2.91 Adding 20 per cent .58 .58 Sellinii price of 100 covers $3.49 3.49 " " 200 " 3.86 3.86 •* " 500 " 4.97 4.97 " " 1000 " 6.82 6.82 AddedlOOOs 3.70 3.70 One Third Hand and Two Thirds Machine Composition Add to the selling price $11.60 6-12 The difference between hand and machine composition is so great that figuring for hand work is out of the question on straight composition. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 59 Threes of Double Cap Size 53^x28, or 93^x17 in— Type form 4x26 in., or 7x15, 104 sa. inches. Paper 24 lb. at 10c. , 48c per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate t 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 70 full sheets for 200 copies S .34 $ .34 $.17 Handling and cuttinfiT .20 .20 .02 Machine composition 104 SQ 3.62 2.80 Makeup and lockup 1.95 1.95 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 2.55 .12 Cost of 200 copies $8.66 7.84 .31 Adding 200 per cent 1.73 1.57 .06 Sellinfi price of 200 copies $10.29 9.41 .37 " "500 " 11.50 10.52 .37 " " 1000 " 17.05 16.07 .37 Q QOQOOOOOiXHIOCKKSOg I I Paper 934x17 inches— type form 7x15 o 5 S inches — 105 square inches. o S g C 2 2 1-1 S P pDO€H3€>O€K3OOOOD£}CH3OO£K3€JOOOQOOOOOQOO0O£KHHHKM3D ^ I DootKJDOoaaooaoQoca ScKicjooooaDoooooooEiooafjaoQoacKHKKtoooDOoooooGo 60 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Quarter-sheet of Double Cap Printing on one side— Paper size 8^4x14 inches— tj-pe form 654x12 inches— 78 sq. in. Paper 24 lb. at 10c. —48c per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 54 sheets at 48c $.27 $.27 $.14 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Machine composition 78 SQ. in 2.73 2.11 Makeup and lockup 1.38 1.38 Presswork .73 .73 .08 Cost of 200 copies $5.31 4.69 .24 Adding 20 per cent 1.06 .94 .05 Sellinif price of 200 copies $6,37 5.63 .29 " "500 " 7.24 6.50 .29 " " 1000 " 8.69 7.95 .29 Added 1000s 2.90 2.90 .29 This is a common form for many kinds of blanks, and often should be figured as hand set. If all Hand Composition Paper and presswork $1.20 1.20 .24 Composition, hand 10.92 6.40 Makeup and lockup .85 .85 Cost of 200 copies $12.97 8.45 .24 Adding 20 per cent 2.59 1.69 .05 Sellin|{ price of 200 copies $15.56 10.14 .29 " "500 " 16.43 11.01 .29 " "1000 " 17.88 12.46 .29 AddedlOOOs 2.90 2.90 .29 Blanks— Printing on Two Sides With one fold backing, add to any order $1.30 1.30 .02 with one half backing 2.00 1.60 .02 With full form both sides 3.35 2.60 .02 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 61 Eights of Double Cap Paper 8^x7 in. Type form 7x5^—38 sq. in— Paper 24 lb at 10c —48c per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. too Paper 26 sheets at 48c $ .13 $ .13 S.07 Handling and cutting- .20 .20 .02 Hand composition 38. sa- in 5.32 3.12 Makeup and lockup .55 .55 Presswork .60 .60 .08 Cost of 200 copies 6.80 4.60 .17 Adding 20 per cent 1.36 .92 .03 Selling price of 200 copies $8.16 5.52 .20 " "500 " 8.76 6.13 .20 " " 1000 " 9.76 7.12 .20 Added 1000 copies 2.00 2.00 2.00 Printing on both sides: Cost fig-ures one side 6.80 4.60 .17 Hand composition one side 5.32 3.12 Makeup and lockup .30 .30 Cost figures two sides. 12.42 8.02 .17 Adding- 20 per cent 2.48 1.60 .03 Selling price of 200 copies $14.90 9.62 .20 "500 " 15.50 10.22 .20 " " 1000 " 16.50 11.22 .20 In the re- arrangement of the tables that are here formu- lated for estimates on the many divisions of the standard sizes of flat writing papers, the calculations have been made on two sizes of type only, eight and ten point, because the larger part of printing to be estimated, is done on those sizes. The esti- mator, or ofRceman, who has this book in hand, is supposed to have given it a thorough study, and should have learned from the tables formulated for hand and machine composition the difference in the cost of labor in using the different sizes of type. Bearing in mind, always, that the cost of labor is figured from long experience on the average out put, reduced to dol- lars and cents. WHEN CALLED UPON FOR ESTIMATES REMEMBER Hand composition costs $1.63 per 1,000 ems without makeup, based on $1.30 cost per hour, and 800 ems of corrected type. Machine compositisn costs per 1,000 ems 41 cents for 6 point, 47 cents for 8 point, 54 cents for 10 point and 56 cents for 11 point, one proof reading, without makeup, on an average of 3,300 ems of 6 point and 2,800 ems of 11 point on the cost hour of $1.40. 62 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Royal Whole Sheet— Printing One Side Paper size 19x24 inches, type form 17x22; 374 square inches, printing one side only. Paper 28R> at 10c, S2.80 per ream, 56c per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper210 sheets at 56c $1.18 1.18 .59 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Machine composition 374 sq. in 13.09 10.10 Makeup and lockup 3.00 3.00 Presswork 2.55 2.55 .14 Cost of 200 copies $20.02 17.03 .75 Adding 20 per cent 4.00 3.40 .15 Selling price of 200 copies $24.02 20.43 .90 " " 500 " 26.72 23.13 .90 « « ^(^ u .... 3122 27.63 .90 Added 100 copies .90 .90 .90 If in two colors, add for first 200, S7.00; and for the added 100s 30 cents. Printing on one side for a handbill, 1 9x24 Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Using 5 cent paper $.26 .26 .13 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 General display 9.00 7,00 Makeup and lockup 3.00 3.00 Presswork 2.55 2.55 .14 Cost of 200 copies 115.01 13.01 .29 Adding 20 per cent 3.00 2.60 .06 SelliniS price of 200 copies $18.01 15.61 .35 ** " 500 " 19.06 16.66 ,35 1000 " 20.81 18.41 .35 The figures for composition are liable to be too low. If in two colors, add for the first 200, $7.00, and for added 100s 30c. The combination of hand and machine composition in one form makes it diflScult to determine before hand the cost time; therefore it is best for the estimator to consider fully whether the figures of straight composition and makeup are too low. Never for a moment think they are too high. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS Royal Whole Sheet, in Four Pa^e Forms Paper size 19x24 inches— Paper page 12x19 inches— type page 10x17 inches— one page 170 square inches, four pages 680 square inches, using double size paper for form. Paper 28 lb. at 10c. 56c per 100 sheets Cost Estimate. , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 210 sheets at 56c $1.18 $1.18 $.59 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 M achine composition, 680 sq. in . . 23.80 18.40 Makeup and lockup 4-00 4.00 Presswork 3.45 3.45 .17 Foldinglfold .20 .20 .10 Cost of 200 copies $32.83 27.43 .88 Adding 20 per cent 6.57 5.49 .17 Sellinf{ price of 200 copies $39.40 32.92 1.05 "500 " 42.55 36.07 1.05 " " 1000 " 47.80 41.32 1.05 Added 100 copies 1.05 1.05 1-05 Hand Composition Paper, presswork and stitching $5.03 5.03 Hand composition 95.20 55.80 Makeup and lockup 6.00 6.00 Cost of 200 copies $106.23 66.83 .88 Adding 20 per cent 23.25 13.37 .17 80.20 1.05 83.38 1.05 88.63 1.05 1.05 1.05 Sellinii price of 200 copies $127.47 " " 500 " 130.65 " " 1000 " 135.00 Added 100 copies 1.05 The above estimate for presswork is to use paper 24x38, an unusual size outside of large cities; and if printed in two forms would Increase the selling price of presswork $2.00 for the first 200 copies, and for added 100s 20 cents. The difference between hand and machine composition is so great that figuring for hand work is out of the question on straight composition. 64 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Royal Whole Sheet— Ei^ht Pa^e Form Paper pa^e 9V^xl2, type pa^e 8x10— 80 square inches, total inches in 8 pag-es 640 Paper 28ft at 10c, 56c per 100 sheets. Paper to be used. Double Royal. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 210 sheets royal at 56c $1.22 1.22 ,61 Handling and cutting .2') .25 .02 Machine comp. 640 sq. in 22.40 17.28 Makeup and lockup .,.. 4.00 4.00 Presswork one form 3.45 3.45 .17 Folding and stitching. .72 .72 .24 Cost of 200 copies $32.04 26.92 1.04 Adding 20 per cent 6.41 5.38 .21 Selling price of 200 copies $38.45 32.30 1.25 " "500 " 42.20 36.05 1.25 " " 1000 " 48.45 42.30 1.25 Added 100 copies 1.25 1.25 1.25 Paper for form 24x38 Paper page 9^x12 C0OG€3OOOOOn Di3QOOOO€H3Da COGCQODaGDa DOG£H30OOOGa COOGQOOOGDO CaoCKHKKJOGg zaaaaoaoaaQ P0Ot3O£K3OOCP qoaaaaooaaq CDOO€>DOOOo3 OQGOODtKHBOa Type page 8x10 80 square inches 640 squ are inches in form of 8 pages The presswork is based on using a double size paper. If printed in two forms the presswork will add $2.00 to the first 200 and 23 cents for each added 100. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 65 Royal Whole Sheet — Sixteen Pa^e Form Paper for form, Double Royal 24x38, 50 lb. Paper page 6x9% ; type page 4x7, 28 square inches, total, 448 square inches. Paper 28fl> at 10 cents. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 210 sheets royal at 56c S 1.22 1.22 .61 Handling and cutting .25 .25 .02 Machine comp.. 448 sq. inches 15.68 12-10 Makeup and lockup 5.20 5.20 Press work 200 copies 3.45 3.45 .17 Folding .75 .75 .26 Cost of 200 copies $26.55 22.97 1.06 Adding 20 per cent 5.31 4.59 .21 SeUind price of 200 copies....... $31.86 27.26 1.27 " " 500 " 35.07 31.07 1.27 " " 1000 " 42.02 37.42 1.27 The makeup and lockup provides for subheads and occa- sional display lines. If cover to be added Cost Estimate 26 sheet of 8c stock Handling and cutting Composition and lockup. Press work for 100 Folding and gathering Cost price of 100 copies Adding 20 per cent Extrafor cover for 100.... $3.64 3.64 .51 The value of these estimates, is to compare the actual cost hour figures with job entry tickets on similar work. The la- bor cost of composition may be less or more. The presswork is a fair average for the full form on double size paper. If printed in two forms the pressWork will add $2.00 to first 200 and 25 cents for each added 100. For lay out of form see 16s double cap. . 100 copies V Added 8-Pt. 10 ■Pt. 100 $ .26 .26 .26 .20 .20 .02 2.P0 2.00 ... .50 .50 .07 .07 .07 $3 03 3.03 :43. .61 .01 •08 66 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Royal Whole Sheet— Thirty-two Pa^e Form Paper for form. Double Royal, 24x38, 561b. Paper page 42ix6 inches; type page Z'%xi% inches, 16 square inches to the page, total 512 square inches. Paper costing 10c, 28B> for royal. Cost Estimate ^ 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 105 sheets at 56c $1.22 1.22 Handling and cutting .25 .25 Machine composition 512 sq. in 17.92 * 13.82 Makeup and lockup 7.80 7.80 Presswork 200 copies 3.45 3.45 Folding and stitching 1.05 1.05 Cost of 200 copies S13.69 27.59 1.15 Adding 20 per cent 6.34 5.52 .23 Selling price of 200 copies $38.03 33.11 1.38 " "500 " 42.17 37.25 1.38 ** ** 1000 " 49.07 44.15 1.38 .61 .02 .17 .36 If Cover to be added Paper and handling Composition and lockup Folding and inserting Presswork for 100 copies Cost of 100 copies Adding 20 per cent Selling price of first 100 copies. Added 100s / 100 copies- Added 100 $ .25 .25 .15 1.50 1.50 .40 .40 .06 .07 .07 .07 S2.22 2.22 .28 .44 .44 .05 $2.66 2.66 .33 .33 .33 .33 The diagram as laid out for full sheet of double cap 32 page on a previous page will apply except as to margins. Thousands of dollars of really earned monej^— money paid out for labor— are given daily by the printers of the United States to their customers because most of them are badguessers, as to the labor cost, and are negligent as to using a cost system. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 67 Royal Third-Sheet Size 8x19, or 6Mx24, type page 5x22, or 6V^x 17 inches, 110 s Inches. Paper 24fi) at 10c, coslingr 48c per 100 full sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 70 full sheets for 200 copies S .34 S .34 $.17 Handling and cuttinfiT .20 .20 .02 Machine composition 110 sq. in 3.90 3.00 Makeup and lockup 1.30 1.30 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 2.55 .14 Cost of 200 copies $8.29 7.39 .33 Adding 20 per cent 1.66 1.48 .07 Sellinii price of 200 copies $9.95 8.87 .40 « "500 " 11.15 10.07 .40 " " 1000 " 13.15 12.07 .40 Royal Third-Sheet in Ei^ht Pa^e Booklet Paper page 3x63^ inches, size of paper for form 6Kx24 inches —type page 23^x5 inches, 12 square inches in each page, total 96 square inches. Paper 28 B) at 10c, costing 56c for 100 full sheets— 19 sheets for each 100 copies. Cost Estimate Paper 38 sheets for 200 copies $ .21 Handling and cutting Hand composition 96 sq. inches Malceup and lockup Presswork Folding / 200 copies . Added 8pt. 10 pt. 100 $.21 .21 .11 .20 .20 .02 13.44 7.87 .90 .90 ... 2.55 2.55 .14 .20 .20 .10 Cost of 200 copies $17.50 11.93 .37 Adding 20 per cent 3.50 2.39 .07 Sellinif price of 200 copies $21.00 14.32 .44 " "500 " ........ 22.32 15.64 .44 " " 1000 " 24.52 17.84 .44 If machine composition the price of any order can be reduced $9.11 4.46 68 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Royal Half-Sheet Paper 12x19. or 9^x24; one inch margins; type form 10x17. or 7%x22 inches, equal to 170 square inches- Paper 245) at 10 cents Cost 4Sc per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 105 sheets at 48 cents $ .50 .50 .25 Handling- and cutting .20 .20 .02 Machine comp. 170 sq. in 6.00 4.60 Makeup and lockup 1.95 1.95 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 2.55 .14 Cost of 200 copies Sll.20 9.80 .41 Adding 20 per cent 2.24 1.9ii .08 Selling price of 200 copies $13.44 11.76 .49 " "500 " ........ 14.91 13.23 .49 " « 1000 " 17.36 15.68 .49 Added 1000s 4.90 4.90 .49 Add for all hand composition to anyorder 21.36 11.19 P OOOOOOOODOOOOOOOO 2 yj B Paper 12x19 inches— type form 10x17 ^ § g< g inches— 170 square inches. *!J^ 5 > D nDO£MKHHK3DQDQOQQODO£K2€H3€3aaOODQOCaoCOO€5a£H3QOa " § ^ S 8 i S § fee g § S- a 3QOOOCGG C30GQCK3C-a 5 ODOOOOOQ 00£K300aD D G i300O0£HK3 DOOOOCKK3 OGOOOOQQ FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 69 Half-Sheet Royal— Four Pa^e Form Paper page 934x12, type page 8x10, 80 sa. inches. Paper 28B> 10c. Full size sheet of royal to be used for form. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 105 sheets at 56c $ .59 S .59 $.30 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Machine composition 320 SQ. in 11.20 8.60 Makeup and lockup 2.21 2.21 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 2.55 .14 Folding one fold 15 .15 .05 Cost of 200 copies $16.90 14.30 .51 Adding 20 per cent 3.38 2.86 .10 Selling price of 200 copies........ $20.28 17.16 .61 " "600 " 22.11 18.99 .61 " " 1000 " 25.16 22.04 .61 Half-Sheet of Royal— Ei^ht Pa^e Form Paper page 6x9^ inches; type page 4x7 inches. 28 square Inches. Paper 28 lb at 10c; per 100 sheets 56 cents. Cost Estimate / 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. J 00 105 sheets o f paper at 56c $ .59 .59 Handling and cutting .20 .20 Machine composition 224 SQ. in 7.84 6.05 Makeup and lockup 2.62 2.62 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 2.55 Folding and stitching .66 .66 Cost of 200 copies $14.46 12.67 Adding 20 per cent 2.89 2. 53 Selling price of 200 copies $17.35 15.20 .82 500 " 19.81 17.66 1000 " 23.91 21.76 82 Any one of these forms will be adapted to using folio paper, with a slight reduction in margin, the prices being the same with a heavier paper. COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Half-Sheet of Royal— Sixteen Pa^e Form Paper page 45ix6 inches; type page 3x45^ inches, 14 sq. inches for each page, 224 sq. inches. Paper 28tt> at 10c 56c per 100 full sheets. Full sheet of royal for form. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ 8-Pt. 10- Pt. 105 sheets of paper at 56c $.59 .59 Handling and cutting .20 .20 Machine comp. 176 sq. inclies 7.84 6.05 Makeup and lockup 2.60 2.60 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 2.55 Folding and stitching .75 .75 Cost of 200 copies $14.53 12.74 Adding 20 per cent 2.91 2.55 Seliinii price of 200 copies $17.44 15.29 " " 500 - 20.02 17.87 " "1000 " 24.32 22.17 If cover to be added Paper for 100 covers $.14 .14 Handling and cutting .20 .20 Composition and lockup 2.00 2.00 Presswork 100 copies .50 .50 Folding and inserting .07 .07 Cost of 100 covers Adding 20 per cent. . Selling price first 100 copies $3.49 3.49 Added 100 copies .37 .37 S2.91 2.91 .58 .31 .58 .06 ^THEIN CAl-LED UPON FOR ESTIMATES REMEMBER Hand composition costs S1.63 per 1,000 ems without makeup, based on S1.30 cost per hour, and 800 ems of corrected type. Machine composition costs per 1,000 ems 41 cents for 6 point, 47 cents for 8 point, 54 cents for 10 point and 56 cents for 11 point, one proof reading, without makeup, on an average of 3,300 ems of 6 ix)int and 2,800 ems of 11 point on the cost hour of $1.40. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS Quarter-Sheet Royal Paper size 9y&xl2, type form 7^x10 inches, 75 sa. inches. Paper 24B) at 10c; per 100 sheets 48c. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 52 sheets at 48c $ .25 .25 .13 Handling and cutting 20 .20 .02 Hand composition 10.50 6.15 — Malceup and lockup -75 .75 — Pressworlc .60 .60 .08 Cost of 200 copies $12.30 7.95 .23 Adding 20 per cent 2.46 1.59 .05 Sellind price of 200 copies $14.76 9.54 .28 " "500 " 15.60 10.38 .28 " " 1000 " 17.00 11.78 .28 Machine Composition Paper and handling $.45 .45 .15 Machine comp. 75 sa. in 2.63 2.03 Makeup and loclcup 1.36 1.25 Presswork .60 .60 .08 Cost of 200 copies $5.04 4.33 .23 Adding 20 per cent 1.01 .87 .05 Sellinii price of 200 copies $6.05 5.20 .28 •* "500 " 6.89 6.04 .28 " " 1000 " 8.29 7.44 .28 The difference between a quarter sheet of Polio and Royal is one inch; and if Folio paper is used, the same amount of compositiom will go on the smaller sheet with half inch mar- gins. We again call attention to the great difference between the cost of machine and hand composition, The cost of the former is figured at 47c for 8 point and 54c for 10 point for 1,000 ems delivered to the printer by the machine operator; and the cost hour of hand composition at $1.30 per hour, or $1.62 per 1000 ems. COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Quarter-Sheet Royal — Four Pa^e Form Paper size 9Hxl2 inches; paper for form 12x19; paper pag-e 6x9^ ; type pag-e 4x7^ ; 30 square inches for one page, total 120 square inches for four pages. Paper 2SB) at 10c. Per 100 sheets 56 cents. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 52 sheets at 56c S .29 .29 .15 Handling- and cutting .20 .20 .02 Hand composition, 120 sq. in 16.80 9.80 Makeup and lockup 1.00 1.00 Presswork 1.80 1.80 .12 Folding 1 fold .15 .15 .05 Cost of 200 copies S20.24 13.24 .34 Adding 20 per cent 4.05 2.65 .07 Seliinii price of 200 copies $24.29 15.89 .41 "500 " 25.42 17.12 .41 " " 1000 *" 29.52 23.27 .41 MacKine Coxnposition Paper, presswork and folding $2.44 2.44 Machine composition 4.20 3.20 Makeup and lockup 1.00 1.00 Cost of 200 copies $7.64 6.64 .34 Adding 20 per cent 1.53 1.33 .07 Selling price of 200 copies $9.17 7.97 .41 " " 500 " 10.40 9.20 .41 " 1000 " 12.45 11.25 .41 In the price list edition of 1912, machine composition was figured on the basis of 80c per 1000 ems including forms ready for press. In the present list machine-set matter is figured on the basis standard cost of the different sizes of type faces, the base being 3,000 ems of 8 point to the hour, reference being made to the tables of machine and hand comi)osition on other pages. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 73 QUICK FIGURES The Quick Figures are a resume of the Cost Estimates, show- ing only the selling- prices. The selling prices are arranged as nearty as possible in alpha- betical form, for more ready reference; and immediately following" the name of the article priced, the page notation indicates where the detail figures may be found. In a few cases there are no detail figures, the prices being a repetition of the figures in a previous edition. The pages giving selling figures for the various divisions of Double Cap and Royal flat papers, are arranged according to the folding or cutting sizes, the figures in front representing the square inch measurement of the full form or of the size of the page, followed by the number of square inches in the whole form, and the figures in parenthesis (42) indicate the page where the cost figures are in detail. The tables of Labor Cost of Hand and Machine Composition, by square inch measurement up to 100 inches, including all the elements of a job of printing except the paper, are offered as a ready answer for any inquiry, within the range of 100 inches, and the parallel pages of machine and hand composition make it possible to get an intelligent and quick estimate. These are entirely new tables, and will be readily understood by any intelligent printer or cost clerk. The tables of Quick Figures for Small Work, take up the cost price from the Labor Cost tables, and add the paper and the 20 per cent profit, giving the total selling prices, of both hand and machine composition, by simply ascertaining the number of square inches of type in the printed job, and show that if a type form has, say 100 square inches of ten point, the selling value of 1000 copies printed is $14,12 for hand set and $7.92 for machine composition. The estimated cost composition is for solid forms. Slugging out and only parts of forms should be considered in making figures. It is not out of place to remind employers that we are dealing entirely with cost figures in this book. The printers outside of the cities not operating under union labor, may think they need not add to these figures for a profit— but if a thousand or more city printers have agreed on cost figures, such as we are pre- senting, it is not worth while to go beyond their judgment. A 20 per cent advance will do no injustice to your customer, and certainly cannot do you any harm. 74 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST WAGES BY THE DAY AND HOUR. ferWeek. PoUtri. 8 Hoars. Per Day. Per Hoar. Cfats. Cents. 3.00 50,00..... 6,25 3.50 58,33 7.29 400 66,66 8.33 4.50 75.00 9.37 5.00 83.33 10,41 5,50 91.66 . 11.45 6.00 .... 100.00 12 50 6.50 108.33 13,54 7.00 11666 14.58 7.50 125,00 15,62 8,00 13333 16,66 8.50 141.66 17,70 9.00 150.00 18,75 9.50 158,33 19.79 10.00 166.66 20,83 10.50 175,00 21.87 11.00 183.33 22.92 11.50 191,66 23.96 12,00 ; . . . . 200,00 25,00 12.50 ... . 208.33 26,04 13,00 216,66 ..27,08 13.50 225,00 28,12 14.00 233,33 29.16 !4,50 241,66 30,20 :5.oo 250,00 31,25 15,50 258, 33 32, 29 16,00 266.66 33.33 16.50 275,00 34,37 17.00 283,33 35, 41 17.50 291.66 ...36.46 Decimal figures are used for convenience. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 75 WAGES BY THE DAY AND HOUR. Per Week. Per Day. Dollars. Ceats. 18.00 300,00... 18,50 308.33... 19.00 316.66... 19.50 325.00... 20.00 333.33... 20,50 341,66... 21.00 350.00... 21.50 358.33... 22.00 366.66... 22,50 375.00... 23.00 383,33... 23.50 391.66... 24,00 400.00... 25,00 416,66... 26.00 433.33... 27,00 450.00... 28.00 466.66... 29.00 483.33... 30,00 500.00... 31.00 516,66... 32.00 533,33... 33.00 550.00... 34.00 566,66... 35,00 583 33... 36.00 600.00... 37.00 616.66... 38.00 633,33... 39.00 650,00... 40.00 666.66... Decimal figures 8 Hoars. Per Hoar. Cents. 37.50 38.54 39.58 40.62 41.66 42.70 43,75 44.79 45.83 46.87 ,. 47,91 48.95 50.00 52.08 54,16 56,25 58.33 60,41 62,50 64,58 66,66 68,75.: 70,83 72,91 75,00 77,08 ......79,16 81,25 83,33 are us( id for convenience. 76 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Labor Cost of Machine Composition Eigrht Point Square Inch Labor Cost of Machine Composition, Makeup, Lockup, Make-ready and Running, 100 Copies and Added 100s — Paper Not Included. 3Iach. Comp. and L( [>cknp Presswork Cost Added Sq. In. A 100 Cts. 100 Cts. Cts. ( Cts. cts. ^ Cts. Cts. 10 35 28 15 -5 25 1.28 .06 810 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 11 39 28 15 2 5 2 5 1.32 .06 12 42 29 15 25 25 1.36 .06 13 46 29 15 25 25 1.40 .06 14 49 40 15 25 25 1.54 .06 15 53 40 15 25 25 1.58 .06 16 56 41 15 25 25 1.62 .06 17 60 41 15 25 25 1.66 .06 18 63 42 15 25 25 1.70 .06 19 67 42 15 25 25 1.74 .06 20 70 43 15 25 25 1.78 .06 1020 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 21 74 53 20 30 25 2.02 .08 22 77 54 20 30 25 2.06 .08 28 81 54 20 30 25 2.10 .08 24 84 55 20 30 25 2.14 .08 25 88 55 20 30 25 2.18 .08 26 91 56 20 30 25 2.22 .08 27 95 66 20 30 25 2.36 .08 28 98 67 20 30 25 2.40 .08 29 1.02 67 20 30 25 2.44 .08 30 1.05 68 20 30 25 2.48 .08 2430 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 31 1.09 68 25 35 25 2.6 2 .08 32 1.12 69 25 35 25 2.66 .08 33 1.16 69 25 35 25 2.70 .08 34 1.19 70 25 35 25 2.74 .08 35 1.23 70 25 35 25 2.78 .08 36 1.26 71 25 35 . 25 2.82 .08 37 1.30 71 25 35 25 2.86 .08 38 1.33 72 25 35 25 2.90 .08 39 1.37 72 25 35 25 2.94 .08 40 1.40 83 25 35 25 3.08 .08 3240 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 41 1.44 83 SO 35 25 3.17 .08 42 1.47 84 30 35 25 3.21 .08 43 1.51 84 30 35 25 3.25 .08 44 1.54 85 30 35 25 3.29 .08 45 1.58 85 30 35 25 3.33 .08 46 1.61 86 30 35 25 3.37 .08 47 1 65 86 30 35 25 3.41 .08 48 1.68 87 30 35 25 3.45 .08 49 1.72 87 30 35 25 3.49 .08 50 1.75 88 30 35 25 3.53 .08 4050 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 51 1.79 89 30 35 25 3.58 .08 52 1.82 89 30 35 25 3.61 .08 53 1.86 90 30 35 25 3.65 .08 54 1.89 90 30 35 25 3.69 .08 55 1.93 91 30 35 25 3.74 .08 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 77 Labor Cost of Hand Composition Eight Point Square Inch Labor Cost of Hand Composition, Makeup, Locliup, Malte-ready and Running, 100 Copies and Added 100s — Paper Not Included. Hand Comp. and Lockup Presswork Cost Added Sq. In. A 100 Cts. 100 Cts. Cts. Cts. ct.^ ^ Cts. Cts. 10 1.40 20 15 25 25 2.25 .06 810 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 11 1.54 20 15 25 25 2.39 .06 12 1.68 20 15 25 25 2.53 .06 13 1.82 20 15 25 25 2.67 .06 14 1.96 20 15 25 25 2.81 .06 15 2.10 20 15 25 25 2.95 .06 16 2.24 20 15 25 25 3.09 .06 17 2.38 20 15 25 25 3.23 .06 18 2.52 20 15 25 25 3.37 .06 19 2.66 20 15 25 25 3.51 .06 20 2.80 25 15 25 25 3.70 .06 1620 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 21 2.94 • 25 20 30 25 3.94 .08 22 3.08 25 20 30 25 4.08 .08 23 3.22 25 20 30 25 4.22 .08 24 3.36 25 20 30 25 4.36 .08 25 3.50 25 20 30 25 4.50 .08 26 3.64 25 20 30 25 4.64 .08 27 3.78 25 20 30 25 4.78 .08 28 3.92 25 20 30 25 4.92 .08 29 4.06 25 20 30 25 5.06 .08 30 4.20 25 20 30 25 5.20 .08 2430 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 31 4.34 30 25 35 25 5.49 .08 32 4.48 30 25 35 25 5.63 .08 33 4.62 30 25 35 25 5.77 .08 34 4.76 30 25 35 25 5.91 .08 35 4.90 30 25 35 25 6.05 .08 36 5.04 30 25 35 25 6.19 .08 37 5.18 30 25 35 25 6.33 .08 38 5.32 30 25 35 25 6.47 .08 39 5.46 30 25 35 25 6.61 .08 40 5.60 30 25 35 25 6.75 .08 3240 ems— Labor Cost Except Paper. 41 5.74 35 30 40 25 7.04 .08 42 5.88 35 30 40 25 7.18 .08 43 6.02 35 30 40 25 7.32 .08 44 6.16 35 30 40 25 7.46 .08 45 6.30 35 30 40 25 7.60 .08 46 6.44 35 30 40 25 7.74 .08 47 6.58 35 30 40 25 7.88 .08 48 6.72 35 30 40 25 8.02 .08 49 6.86 35 30 40 25 8.16 .08 50 7.00 35 30 40 25 8.30 .08 4050 enas— Labor Cost Except Paper 51 7.14 40 30 45 25 8.54 .08 52 7.28 40 30 45 25 8.68 .08 53 7.42 40 30 45 25 8.82 .08 54 7.56 40 30 45 25 8.96 .08 55 7.70 40 30 45 25 9.10 .08 78 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Labor Cost of Machine Composition Eight Point Square Inch Labor Cost of Machine Composition, Makeup, Lockup, Make-ready and Running, 100 Copies and Added 100s — Paper Not Included. Mach. Cc >mp. and L [)ckup Presswo rk Cost Added Sq. In. -j^ j^ 100 Cts. 100 Cts. Cts. Cts. Ctsl " Cts. Cts. 56 1.96 91 30 35 25 3.77 .08 57 2.00 92 30 35 25 3.82 .08 58 2.03 92 30 35 25 3.85 - .08 59 2.07 93 30 35 25 3.90 .08 60 2.10 93 30 40 25 3.98 .08 4^60 ems — Labor Cost 2.14 94 Except Paper. 61 30 40 25 4.03 .08 62 2.17 94 30 40 25 4.06 .08 63 2.21 95 30 40 25 4.11 .08 64 2.24 95 ' 30 40 25 4.14 .08 65 2.28 96 30 40 25 4.19 .08 66 2.31 97 30 40 25 4.23 .08 67 2.35 97 30 40 25- 4.27 .08 68 2.38 98 30 40 25/ 4.31 . .08. 69 2.42 98 30 40 25 ■ 4.35 .^8 TO 2.45 99 35 40 25 4-4 4 .08 5(i00 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 71 2.4 9 99 35 40 25 4. 48 -.08 72 2.52 1.00 35 . 40 25 4.52 .08 73 2.56 1.00 35 40 25 4.56 .08 74 2.59 1.01 35 40 25 4.60 .08 75 2.63 1.01 35 40 25 4.65 .08 70 2.66 1.02 35 40 25 4.68 .08 77 2.70 1.03 35 40 25 4.73 - .08- 78 2.73 1.03 35 40 25 . 4.76 .08 79 2.77 1.04 35 40 25 4.81 .08 SO 2. SO 1.04 35 40 25 4.84 .OS 6480 ems — La bor Cost Except Paper. 81 2.84 1.05 35 40 25 4.89 .08 S2 2.87 1.05 35 40 25 4.92 .08 83 2.91 1.06 35 40 25 4.97 .08 .84 .2.94 1.06 35 40 25 5.00 .08 85 2.98 1.07 35 40 25 5.05 .08 86 3.01 1.07 35 40 25 5.08 .08 87 3.^5 1.08 35 40 25 5.13 .08 88 3.08 l.OS 35 40 25 5.16 ..08 89 3.12 1.09 35 40 25 5.21 .08 9 3.15 1.09 ■ 35 40 25 5.24 .08 7290 cm.s — Labor Cost Except Paper. .91 3.19 1.10 35 40 25 5.29 .08 92 3.22 1.10 35 40 25 .5.32 -.08 93 3.25 1.11 35 40 25 5.36 .08 .94 3.29 1.11 35 40 25 5.40 .08 95 3.32 1.12 35- 40 25 5.44 ^08 96 3.36 1.12 35 40 25 5.48 .08 97 3.40 1.13 35 40 25 5.53 - .08- 98 3.43 1.13 35 .40 _ 25 5.56 .08 99 3:47 1.14 35 40 25 5.61 .08 100 3.50 " 1.14 35 40 25 5.64 .08 8100 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 79 Labor Cost of Hand Composition Eight Point Square Incli Labor Cost of Hand Composition^ 3Iakeup, Lockup, Make-ready and ' Bunning:, 100 Copies and Added 100s — Paper Not Included. Hand Comp. and L Dckup Presswork Cost Added Sq. j^ 100 100 ( ~ ■ ■ > r In. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. 56 7.84 40 30 45 25 9.24 08 57 ■ 7.98 40 30 45 25 9.38 08 58 8.12 40 30 45 25 9.52 '08- 59 8.26 40 30 45 25 9.66 08 60 8.40 40 30 45 25 9.80 08 4860 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 61 8.54 45 35 50 25 10.09 "08 62 8.68 45 35 50 25 10.23 08 63 8.82 45 35 50 25 10.37 08 64 8.96 45 35 50 25 10.51 08 65 9.10 45 35 50 25 10.65 08 66 9.24 45 35 50 25 10.79 08 67 9.38 45 '35 50 25 10.93 08 68- 9.52 4 5 35 50 25 11.07 08 69 9.66 4 5 35 50 25 11.21 .08 70 9.80 50 35 50 2 5 11.40 08 5600 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 71 9.9 4 50 35 50 25 11.54 ~08 72 10.08 50 35 50 25 11.68 .08 73 10.22 50 35 50 25 11.82 .08 74 10.36 50 V 35 50 25 11.96 .08 75 10.50 50 35 50 25 12.10 .08 76 10.64 50 35 50 25 12.24 .08 77 10.78 50 35 50 25 12.38 .08 • 78 10.92 50 35 50 25 12.52 .08 79 11.06 50 35 50 25 12.66 .08 80 11.20 55 40 50 25 12.90 08 6480 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 81 11.34 55 40 50 25 13.04 ~M 82 11.48 55 40 50 25 13.18 .08 83 11.62 55 40 50 25 13.32 .08 84 11.76 55 40 50 25 13.46 .08 85 11.90 55 40 50 25 13.60 .08 8>6 12.04 55 ■ 40 50 25 13.74 .08 87 12.18 55 40 50 25 13.88 . .0,^ 88 12.32 55 40 50 25 14.02- .0« 89 12.46 55 40 50 25 14.16 .08 90 12.60 60 40 50 25 14.35 08 7290 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 91 12.74 60 40 50 25 14.49 "08 92 12.88 60 40 50 25 14.63 08 93 13.02 60 40 50 25 14.77 08 94 13.16 60 40 50 25 14.91 08 95 13.30 65 40 50 25 15.10 08 96 13.44 65 40 50 25 15.2 4 08 97 13.58 65 40 50 25 15.3^ 08 98 13.72 65 40 50 25 15.52 08 99 13.86 65 40, 50 25 15.56 08 100 14.00 65 . 40 50 25 15.80 08 8100 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 80 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Labor Cost of Machine Composition Ten Point Square Inch Labor Cost of Machine Composition, 3Iakeup, Lockup, Make-ready and Running:, 100 Copies and Added 100s — Paper Not Included. Mach. Comp. and L< >ckup ] Presswork Cost Added Sq. In. A^ 100 Cts. 100 Cts. Cts. ( Cts. ct.l '' Cts. Cts. 10 27 28 15 25 25 1.20 .08 520 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 11 30 28 15 25 25 1.23 .08 12 32 29 15 25 25 1.26 .08 13 35 29 15 25 25 1.29 .08 14 38 30 15 25 25 1.33 .08 15 41 30 15 25 25 1.36 .08 16 43 31 15 25 25 1.39 .08 17 46 31 15 25 25 1.42 .08 18 49 32 15 25 25 1.46 .08 19 51 32 15 25 25 1.48 .08 20 54 33 15 25 25 1.52 .08 1040 ems-^Labor Cost Bxcept Paper. 21 57 43 20 30 "Ti 1.75 .08 22 59 44 20 30 25 1.78 .08 23 62 44 20 30 25 1.81 .08 24 65 45 20 30 25 1.85 .08 25 68 45 20 30 25 1.88 .08 26 70 46 20 30 25 1.91 .08 27 73 46 20 30 25 1.94 .08 28 76 47 LO 30 25 1.98 .08 29 78 47 20 30 25 2.00 .08 30 81 48 20 30 25 2.04 .08 1560 ems— Labor Cost Except Paper. 31 84 48 25 35 25 2.17 .08 32 86 49 25 35 25 2.20 .08 33 89 49 25 35 25 2.23 .08 34 92 50 25 35 25 2.27 .08 S5 95 50 25 35 25 2.30 .08 36 97 51 25 35 25 2.33 .08 37 1.00 51 25 35 25 2.36 .08 38 1.03 52 25 35 25 2.40 .08 39 1.06 52 25 35 25 2.43 .08 40 1.08 53 25 35 25 2.46 .08 2080 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 41 1.11 63 30 35 25 2.64 .08 42 1.13 64 30 35 25 2.67 .08 43 1.16 64 30 35 25 2.70 .08 44 1.19 65 30 35 25 2.74 .08 45 1.22 65 30 35 25 2.77 .08 46 1.24 66 30 35 25 2.80 .08 47 1.27 66 30 35 25 2.83 .08 48 1.30 67 30 35 25 2.87 .08 49 1.32 67 30 35 25 2.89 .08 50 1.36 68 30 35 25 2.94 .08 2600 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 51 1.38 68 SO 35 25 2.96 .08 52 1.40 69 30 35 25 2.99 .08 53 1.43 69 30 35 25 3.02 .08 54 1.46 70 30 35 25 3.06 ' .08 55 1.49 70 30 35 25 3.00 .08 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 81 Labor Cost of Hand Composition Ten Point Square Inch Labor Cost of Hand Composition, Makeup, Lockup, Make-ready and Running:, 100 Copies and Added 100s — Paper Not Included. Hanii Comp. and Lockup Presswork Cost Added Sq. -j^ 100 100 \ r~ In. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. Cts. 10 82 20 15 25 25 1.67 08 520 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 11 90 20 15 25 25 1.75 08 12 98 20 15 25 25 1.83 08 13 1.07 20 15 25 25 1.92 08 14 1.16 20 15 25 25 2.01 08 15 1.23 20 15 25 25 2.08 08 16 1.31 20 15 25 25 2.16 08 17 1.39 20 15 25 25 2.24 08 18 1.48 20 15 25 25 2.33 08 19 1.56 20 15 25 25 2.41 08 20 1.65 20 15 25 25 2.50 08 1040 ems— Labor Cost Except Paper. 21 1.72 25 20 SO 25 .2.72 08 22 1.80 25 20 30 25 2.80 08 23 1.89 25 20 30 25 2.8D 08 24 1.97 25 20 30 25 2.97 08 25 2.05 25 20 30 25 3.05 08 26 2.13 25 20 30 25 3.13 08 27 2.21 25 20 30 25 3.21 08 28 2.30 25 20 30 25 3.30 08 29 2.38 25 20 30 25 3.38 08 30 2.47 25 20 30 25 3.47 ii 1560 ems— Labor Cost Except Paper. 31 2.54 30 25 35 25 3.69 "08 32 2.62 30 25 35 25 3.77 08 33 2.71 30 25 35 25 3.86 08 34 2.79 30 25 35 25 3.94 .08 35 2.87 30 25 35 25 4.02 .08 36 2.95 30 25 35 25 4.10 .08 37 3.03 30 25 35 25 4.18 .08 38 3.12 30 25 35 25 4.27 .08 39 3.20 30 25 35 25 4.35 .08 40 3.28 30 25 35 25 4.43 .08 2080 ems— Labor Cost Except Paper 41 3.36 35 30 40 25 4.66 T08 42 3.44 35 30 40 25 4.74 .08 43 3.53 35 30 40 25 4.83 .08 44 3.61 35 30 40 25 4.91 .08 45 3.69 85 30 40 25 4.99 .08 46 3.77 35 SO 40 25 5.07 .08 47 3.85 35 30 40 25 5.15 .08 48 3.94 35 30 40 25 5.24 .08 49 4.02 35 SO 40 25 5.32 .08 50 4.10 35 30 40 25 5.40 .08 2600 ems— Labor Cost Except Paper 51 4.18 40 30 45 25 5.58 T08 52 4.26 40 30 45 25 5.66 .08 53 4.85 40 30 45 25 5.75 .08 54 4.43 40 30 45 25 5.87 .08 55 4.51 40 30 45 25 5.91 .08 S2 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Labor Cost of Machine Composition Ten Point Square Inch Labor Cost of Machine Composition, ^Makeup, Lockup, Make-ready and Running, 100 Copies and Added 100s — Paper Not Included. Mach. C 'omp. and Lc ckup Presswork Cost Added Sq. In. 100 cts. 100 Cts. Cts. Cts. ct,l ^ Cts. Cts. 56 1.51 71 30 35 25 3.12 .08 57 1.54 71 30 35 25 3.15 .08 58 1.57 72 30 35 25 3.19 .08- 59 1.59 72 30 35 25 3.21 .08 60 1.62 73 30 40 25 3.30 .08 3120 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 61 1.65 83 30 40 -5 3.43 .08 62 1.67 84 30 40 25 3.46 .08 63 1.70 84 30 40 25 3.49 .08 64 1.72 85 30 40 25 3.53 .08 65 1.76 85 30 40 25 3.56 .08 66 1.73 86 30 40 25 3.59 .08 67 1.81 86 30 40 25 3.62 .08 68 1.84 87 30 40 25 3.66 .08 69 1.86 87 30 40 25 3.68 .08 70 1.89 88 35 40 25 3.77 .08 3r»40 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 71 1.92 88 35 40 25 3.80 .08 ■72 1.94 89 34 40 25 3.83 .08 73 1.97 89 35 40 25 3.86 .08 74 2.00 SO 35 40 25 3.90 .08 75 2.03 90 35 40 25 3.93 .08 76 2.05 91 35 40 25 3.96 .08 77 2.08 91 35 40 25 3.99 . .08 78 2.11 92 '35 40 25 4.03 .08 79 2.13 92 35 40 25 4.05 .08 80 2-.16 93 35 40 2 5 4.09 .08 4100 em.s — Labor Cost Except Paper. SI 2.11^ 1.03 35 40 25 4.22 .'OS 82 2.21 1.04 35 40 25 4.25 .08 83 2.24 1.04 35 40 25 4.28 .08 84 2.27 1.05 35 40 25 4.32 .08 85 2.30 1.05 35 40 25 ■4.35 .08 86 2.32 1.06 35 . 40 25 ■ 4.38 .08 87 2.35 1.06 • 35 . , 40 25 4.41 .08 88 2.38 1.07 35 40 25 4.45 .08 89 2.40 1.07 35 40 25 4.47 .08 90 2.43 1.08 35 40 ■ 25 4.51 .08 46S0 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. bl 2.46 l.OS 35 40 25 4.54 .08 92 2.48 1.09 35 40 25 4.57 .08 93 2.51 1.09 35 40 25 4.60 .08 94 2,54 1.10 35 40 25 4.64 .08 95 2.56 1.10 35 40 25 4.66 .08 96 2.59 1.11 35 40 25 4.70 .08 97 2.62 1.11 35 . 40 •25 ■ 4.73 • .OS- . 98 ^ 2.65 1.12 35 40 25 4.77 .08 9-9 2.67 1.12 35 40 25 4.79 .08 100 2.70 1.13 35 40 25 4.83 .08 5200 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 83 Labor Cost of Hand Composition Ten Point Square Inch Labor Cost of Hand Composition, Malieup, Lockup, 3Ialie-reacly and Running, 100 Copies and Added 100s— Paper Not Included. Sq. In. 56 57 58 59 60 Hand Comp. and Locliup Presswork Cts. 4.59 4.67 4.76 4.84 4.92 Cts. 40 40 40 40 40 Cts. 30 30 30 30 30 Cts. 45 45 45 45 45 Cts. . 25 25 25 25 2 5 Cost 100 Cts. 5.99 6.07 6.16 6.24 6.32 Added 100 Cts. 08 08 08 08 08 3120 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 5.00 5.0§ 5.17 5.25 5.33 5.41 5.49 5.58 5.66 5.75 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 71 72. 73 74 75 76 77- 78 79 80 5.82 5.90 5.99 6.07 6.15 6.23 6.31 6.40 6.48 6.56 50 50 50 50 50 .5a 50 50 50 50 35 35 35 35 35 35.. 35 35 35 35 50 50 50 50 5.0 . 50 50 50 50 50 ■ 25 25 25 ..25 25 25 25 6.55 6.63 6.72 6.80 6.88 6.96 7.04 7.13 .7.21 7.29 7.50 7.59 7:67 7.91 8.00 8.08 8.16 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 3640 ems — Labor Cost E^xeept Paper. .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 4160 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 81 6.G4 55 40 50 25 8.3 4 08 82 6.72 55 40 50 25 8.42 08 83 6.81 55 40 50 25 8.51 08 84 6.89 55 40 50 25 8.59 08 85 6.97 55 40 50 25 8.67 08 .86 7.05 .55- 40... ...50 2& 8.75 08 87 7.13 55 40 50 25 8.83 08 88 7.22 55 40 50 25- 8.92 .08 89 7.30 55 . 40 50. 25 9.00 08 90 7.38 60 40 50 . 25 9.13 08 4680 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 91 7.46 ■ 60 4 50 25 9.21 08 92 7.54. 60 40 50 25 9.29 08 93 7.63 60 40 50 25 .9.38 08 94 7.71 60 40 50 25 9.46 08 95 7.79 65 40 50 . 25 9.59 08 96 - 7.8T 65 40 ■■ "-50 2-5 9.67 .08 97 7.95 65 40 50 25 9.75 08 98 8.04 65 40 5"0 25 9.84 08 99 8.12 65 40 50 • 25 9.-92 08 100 8.20 65 40 50 25 10.00 08 5200 ems — Labor Cost Except Paper. 84 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST gCXHKKKX]OCKK3O{KH300CKKHKH300000OQ0£3OO0{HKM3aO{H3GOO0oaoOOCKX3D0OC>£K3DO0^^ I Quick Figures for Small Work I g This time-saving table provides all the data for figuring 3 § off-hand any job running up to 100 square inches, to be run on I Quarter-medium press. Each of the spaces enclosed in this g page represent three square inches or eighteen inches, of type S in the printed page. S The whole page with the margins equals 26 sq. inches. g The two pages across represent 52 square inches. S A sheet of paper the size of this paper page is figured as g costing 44 cents per 1000 slieets of cut paper, and will contain I up to 35 square inches of type. I See next page for further explanation. I HAND AND MACHINE PRICES FOR COMPLETE WORK. Eight Point Measurement. 1 »q. In. hand set 12.5 cto.— 1 8q. In. machine set 3.5 cts. Square Cost Price Percentage Sales Price Added Indies 1000 Copies Added 1000 Copies 100s Paper cost at 44 cents per lOOO cut. 10 Hand . . . $3.23 $0.65 $3.88 $0.13 10 Machine 2.26 .45 2.71 .13 15 Hand. .. 3.93 .79 4.72 .13 15 Machine 2.56 .51 3.07 .13 20 Hand. .. 4.86 .97 5.83 .15 20 3Iachine 2.94 .59 3.53 .15 25 Hand. .. 5.66 1.13 6.79 .15 25 3Iachine 3.34 .67 4.01 .15 30 Hand... 6.36 1.27 7.63 .15 30 Machine 3.64 .73 4.37 .15 35 Hand. .. 7.21 1.44 8.65 .15 35 3Iachine 3.94 .79 4.73 .15 Paper cost at 72 cents per 1000 cut. 40 Hand. .. 7.91 1.58 9.49 .15 40 Machine 4.24 .85 5.09 .15 45 Hand. .. 9.07 1.81 10.88 .16 45 3Iachine 4.80 .96 5.76 .16 50 Hand. .. 9.77 1.95 11.72 .16 50 55 55 60 60 65 65 Machine Hand. .. 3Iachine Hand. .. Machine Hand. .. 3Iachine 5.00 10.57 5.21 11.27 5.45 12.12 5.66 1.00 2.11 1.04 2.25 1.09 2.42 1.13 6.00 12.68 6.25 13.52 6.54 14.54 6.79 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 85 iaOCKKKKK}eH30CKKKK3CKKKKKKH30lKXXK}OQOOO{KH300C}0£K>000000€K300C}aDO{KKK>0^ Quick Figures for Small Work i The first column represents square inches in sequences of | I five. I The second column is the calculated co.5t price of composi- I tion, makeup and lockup, make-ready, press-running and paper I for 1000 copies, I The third column is the per cent of profit to be added. The fourth column is the total price for 1000 copies of the I completed work. And the last column is the selling price of added or re- ! duced 100s. HAND AND MACHINE PRICES FOR COMPLETE WORK. Ten Point Measurement. 1 sq« In. hand set 8.2 cts.— 1 sq. tn. machine set 2.7 cts* ' Square Cost Price Percentage Sales Price i Inches 1000 Copies Added 1000 Copies j Paper exist at 44 cents per lOOO cut. \ 10 Hand . . . $2.65 $0.53 $3.18 1 10 Machine 2^8 .44 2.62 Added 100s >.13 .13 15 Hand. .. 3.00 .61 3.67 .13 15 3Iachine 2.34 .47 2.81 .13 20 Hand... 3.66 .73 4.49 .15 20 Machine 2.68 .54 3.22 .15 25 Hand... 4.21 .84 5.05 .15 25 3Iachine 3.04 .61 3.65 .15 30 Hand... 4.63 .93 5.56 .15 30 Machine 3.17 .63 3.80 .15 35 Hand. .. 5.18 1.04 6.22 .15 35 Machine 3.46 .69 4.15 .15 Paper cost at 72 cents per lOOO cut. 40 Hand . . . 5.59 1.12 6.71 .15 40 Machine 3.62 .72 4.34 .15 45 Hand... 6.46 1.29 7.75 .16 45 Machine 4.24 .85 5.09 .16 50 Hand. .. e.S7 1..^7 8.24 .16 50 Machine 4.41 55 Hand... 7.38 55 Machine 4.56 60 Hand. .. 7.79 60 Machine 4.77 65 Hand... 8.35 65 Machine 5.03 .88 1.48 .91 1.56 .95 1.67 1.01 5.29 8.86 5.47 9.35 5.72 9.02 6.04 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 .16 86 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST DQQOCOCGaCK3DGC£K3DOOOtK>0O£HHK3O£HK30GOOO£H3QOOOOOOiK}IKHHMKH300£3{KKK3£^ i Quick Figures for Small Work I g This time-saving table provides all the data for figuring § I off-hand any job running up to 100 square Inches, to be run on | I quarter-medium press. Each of the spaces enclosed in this | Q page represent three square inches or eighteen inches, of type o g in the printed page. g g The whole page with the margins equals 26 sq. inches. S 1 The two pages across represent 52 square inches. 1 A sheet of paper the size of thts paper page is figured as costing 44 cents per 1000 sheets of cut paper, and will contain j up to 35 square inches of type. See next page for further explanation. I HAXD AND MACHIXE PRICES FOR C03IPL.ETE S \%'ORK. I Eight Point Measurement. 5 1 eq. In. hand set 12.5 cts.— 1 8q. In. machine set 3.5 cts. § Square Cost Price Percentage Sales Price Added I Inches 1000 Copies Added 1000 Copies 100s I Paper cost at $1.05 per lOOO cut. g 70 Hand... 13.17 2.63 15.80 ^ 70 Machine 6.21 1.24 7.35 .22 75 Hand. .. 13.S7 2.77 16.64 .22 75 3Iachlne 6.42 1.28 7.70 .22 SO Hand. .. 14.67 2.93 17.60 .22 SO Machine 6.61 1.32 7.99 .22 85 Hand. .. 15.37 3.07 1S.44 .22 S5 Machine 6.S2 1.36 S.IS •>«> 90 Hand... 16.12 3.22 19.34 .22 90 3Iachlne 7.01 1.40 8.41 .22 95 Hand... 16.87 3.37 20.24 .22 95 3Iachine 7.21 1.44 8.65 .22 100 Hand... 17.57 3.51 21.08 .22 100 Machine 7.41 1.48 8.89 .22 The Use of the Labor Cost Tables § The estimator, whether the boss, the foreman, the journey- r S man. or a special hired to keep the wheels moving, has here I ready to his hand the most complete tables ever originated for g determining the labor cost of hand or machine composition. o I They are made to cover & and 10 point only, and up to 100 sq. § inches, they ought to be considered standard for cost estimates. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 87 Quick Figures for Small Work I j The first column represents square inches in sequences of g I five. I i The second column is the calculated co^t price of composi- | I tion, makeup and lockup, make-ready, press-runningr and paper | I for 1000 copies. I I The third column is the per cent of profit to be added. g The fourth column is the total price for 1000 copies of the § I completed work. § And the last column is the selling price of added or re- 1 ducedlOOs. I HAND AND MACHINE PRICES FOR COMPLETE S V^ORK. Ten Point Measurement. 1 8q. in. hand set 8.S cts.— 1 sq. in. machine set 2.7 cts. I Square Cost Price Percentage Sales Price Added I Inches 1000 Copies Added 1000 Copies 100s Paper cost at $1.05 per lOOO cut. 70 Hand . . . 9.00 1.81 10.S7 .22 70 Macliine 5.54 1.11 6.65 .22 75 Hand . . . 9.52 1.90 11.42 .22 75 Machine 5.70 1.14 6.84 .22 80 Hand. .. 9.93 1.99 11.92 .22 SO 3Iachine 5.86 1.17 7.03 .22 85 Hand... 10.44 2.09 12.53 .22 85 Machine 6.12 2 o«> 7.34 .22 90 Hand... 10.90 2.18 13.08 o*> 90 Machine 6.28 1.26 7.54 .22 95 Hand. .. 11.36 2.27 13.63 .22 95 Machine 6.43 1.29 7.72 .22 100 Hand. .. 11.77 2.35 14.12 .22 100 Machine 6.60 1.32 7.92 .22 The Use of Quick Figures lor Small Work i With ttie aid of a foot rule, the boss, the foreman, the l \ journeyman, or the customer himself can figure the labor and \ \ paper cost of any job of printing within the limit of 100 square I ] inches. | \ The prices are for 1000 copies and added 100s, and if there [ I are less than 1000 copies, reduce the selling- price by sub- t I tracting the number of hundreds less than 1000. 1 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST QUICK FIGURES. Abstracts of Title. 200 Added Page 105. Copies 100 One page, machine, 8 pt $ 7.02 .32 Added pages. 8 pt 7.00 .32 One page, machine, lO pt 5.82 .32 Added pages, 10 pt 5.80 .32 Advertising Programs. 200 Added Pages 105 to 109. Copies 100 Four pages, 8x11. machine, 8 pt $ 37.51 Four pages. 8x11. machine, 10 pt 26.59 Four pages, 934x1 2>^, machine, 8 pt 44.12 Four pagss, 9^^x1234. machine, 10 pt 30.86 Four pages, 10^x14. machine, 8 pt 57.92 Four pages, 10^x14, machine, 10 pt 40.19 Eight pages, 8x11. machine, 8 pt 66.46 .68 Eight pages, 8x11, machine, 10 pt 44.62 .68 Eight pages, 9^x12%, machine, 8 pt 83.50 .72 Eight pages. 9Hxl2H, machine. 10 pt 56.88 .72 Eight pages, 1034x14, machine, 8 pt 107.92 .82 Eight pages, 10)^x14, machine, 10 pt 73.16 .82 Announcemeiits. 200 Added Pages 110 and 111. Copies 100 On cards up to 4x5 inches, 8 pt $ 3.42 On cards up to 4x5 Inches. 10 pt 2.82 In good style with envelopes. 8 pt 9.42 In good style with envelopes. 10 pt 7.68 Four pages. 4Hx5H, 8 pt 8.92 Four pages, 4Hx5K, 10 pt 5.86 Announcements, Weddin^i. 50 Added Page 110 Copies 50 Invitations, 53^x634, envelopes, type $ 4.35 1.25 Invitations, 6x7Ji, envelopes, type 4.S0 1.60 Bank Printing. Pages 112, 113. Check Books for Depositors, printed in bulk in lots of 5,400 115.98 In lots of 11,000 23.04 There is a charge for plates in this order of $5.50. Counter checks without stubs. 4.300 $ 6.96 Added 1000s 58 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 89 QUICK FIGURES. Bank Prlntlnil Page 113. Checks with vouchers attached, 250 in one book $ 9.75 With 500 in book 10.78 Private Check Books for firms, 1000 10.45 Added books of 1,000 5.56 Deposit Slips, 5000, in stock form $ 3.69 10,000 6.91 20,000 13.34 Page 114. 500 in one boolc 3x8H 3x12 Individual, lodge, or society check books $ 4.16 Added books of 100 29 4.98 1000 Checks 10 bks. Checks, drafts or orders in single books S 6.29 Added 1000s 3.17 On Bankers' Safety paper add $1.00 per 1000 checks. 20 bks. 5.81 2.69 Added 1,000 Bills of Fare. 1,000 Eights of folio $4.17 1.35 Eights of royal 4.90 1.45 Two-ply card 8.90 2.35 Restaurant 7x11, 4 ply card 10.38 3.30 500 Bill Heads, Ruled Stock. Page 115. 6s, 14-lb. cap at 10c $ 3.27 4s. 14-lb. cap at 10c 3.39 3s, 14-lb. cap at 10c 3.50 2s, 14-lb. cap at lOc 3.80 Added 1,000 1,000 3.96 I.Q2 4.20 1.86 4.50 2.00 5.05 2.50 500 assorted per 100, 6s, 66c; 4s, 68c; 3s, 70c; 2s, 76c. Bill Heads. 5,000 Added 1,000 For grocers, etc., 4x5 $ 5.34 For grocers, etc., 4Kx8 7.14 .62 .91 Blanks wltb Rulini^ and Backing. 1,000 Added 1.000 Half-folio $ 13.80 5.10 Halfcap 11.20 4.00 Quarterfolio 8.05 3.12 90 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST QUICK FIGURES. Blank Forms, Without Ruling Added Pages 116 and 117. 200 lOO H alf cap, 8Hxl4, handset, one page $ 10.42 .37 Half cap, 8Hxl4, handset, two pages 19.86 .37 Qr. cap, 8Kx7, handset, 10 pt 4.60 .32 Qr. folio, SKxll, handset, 10 pt 7.27 .36 Full cap, 14x17, machine, 3 pages 19.26 .78 Full cap, 14x17, machine, 4 pages 23.15 .78 Half cap, 8Hxl4, machine, 1 page 6.85 .41 Half cap, 834x14. machine, 2 pages 12.18 .41 Half folio, 11x17, machine, 1 page 11.63 .6Q Half folio, 11x17, machine, 2 pages 19.40 .66 Folio, 17x22, machine, 3 pages 28.14 1.16 Folio, 17x22, machine, 4 pages 34.72 1.16 Blank Books with Duplicates. Added Pages 119 and 120 1000 1,000 One form on a sheet, H cap or ar. royal $ 9.92 6.98 Two forms on a sheet, % cap or qr. royal 8.09 4.80 Three forms on a % sheet, cap or Qr. royal 7.97 4.45 One form on a sheet, full cap or royal 19.23 10.93 Two forms on a seeet, full cap or royal 14.68 7.54 Three forms on a sheet, full cap or royal 13.52 6.74 Four forms on o sheet, full cap or royal 12.83 6.41 Blank Books with Carbon Duplicates. 1,000 Added Page 120. Forms 1.000 One form on a half sheet of D. C S 27.38 17.18 Two forms on a half sheet of D. C 21.37 12.13 Three forms on a half sheet of D. C 18.35 10.05 Four forms on a half sheet of D. C 17.80 9.28 Blank Books. Added Pages 36 and 37. 300 pps. 100 pps No. 1 Ledger paper. Ends and bands Flat cap, with printed headings $ 12.38 1.60 Demy, with printed headings 14.83 1.70 Medium, with printed headings n.45 2.40 Double Demy, with printed headings 26.34 2.35 Double Medium, with printed headings 32.48 3.10 Index and canvas covers to be added, pages 36 and 37. See FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 91 QUICK FIGURES Blotting Pads. 1,000 Added Page 121. ^_ i;O0O 12 to a sheet (4x934) inches 801b. stock $4.30 2.35 1001b. stock 4.63 2.70 1201b. stock 5.00 3.05 120 lb. enamel one side 6.56 4.10 18 to a sheet (3x8 inches) 801b. stock $ 3.48 1.68 1001b. stock 3.73 1.93 1201b. stock 3.92 2.12 120 lb. enamel one side 4.65 2.95 iBonds and Loan Notes, Printed Forms. 100 Added Page 122. 100 Half sheet folio or less, 10 coupons $15.78 2.^ Bonds and Loan Notes, Lithograph form— With ten coupons $33.00 6.00 With twenty coupons 36.00 6.00 With thirty coupons 39.00 6.00 With forty coupons 42.00 6.00 With sixty coupons 48.00 6.00 Books or Pamphlets. 200 Added Pages 123 to 133. 100 Type page 2>^x4 inches, 3 point, machine — lOpages $17.36 .73 24 pages 22.76 .88 32pages 28.10 1.54 Cover to be added 3.53 .32 Type page 3x5 inches, 8 point, machine— 8 pages $11.29 .53 16 pages 20.01 .70 32 pages 37.54 1,18 Cover to be added 3.56 .34 Type page 334x6 inches, 8 point, machine— 16 pages S 25.13 .73 24 pages 36.58 1.02 32 pages 46.63 1.71 Cover to be added 8.70 .41 Type page 4x53^ inches, 10 point, machine— Spages $12.00 .55 16 pages 21.40 .73 32 pages 44.44 1.44 Cover to be added 3.67 .38 ♦ 92 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST QUICK FIGURES Pagres 123 to 133 200 Added Type page 4x7 inches, 10 point, machine— 100 Spaces $15.20 .65 IGpag-es 26.80 .94 32 pages 53.05 1.90 Cover to be added 4.39 .44 Tsrpe pag-e 5x8^ inches, 10 point, machine— 8 pagres $ 19.48 .68 16 pages 34.76 32 pages ! 68.00 Cover to be added 4 .75 Type page 634x9H inches, catalogue page 1,000 Page 133. Copies 8 p ages $ 54.35 . I6pages 107.68 Added 8 pages 51.89 Cover to be added 15.30 8 pages $ 61.04 16 pages 121.07 Added 8 pages 58.22 Cover to be added 17.81 Type page 8 1-6x12 inches, catalogue page— 8 pages $ 74.82 16 pages 148.62 Added 8 pages 71.46 Cover to be added 19.02 Type page 4x6^, special estimate for 32 pages two forms of 16s on both sides of a sheet of 22x32 enamel book, 60 lb., costing 10 cents. 200 Page 127. Copies 32 pages 8 point $ 80.04 32pages 10 point 72.05 Cover not figured in these prices. Ma^zlne Monthly. Page 133. 1.000 Type page 6%x9V^ inches 16 pages 8 point, machine $ 63.72 16 pages 10 point, machine 55.27 A four page cover will add to first 1,000, $10,00, and added 1,000s. $5.00 Type page, 9xl2V^ inches 16 pages 8 point $105.10 16 pages 10 point S9.25 A four page cover will add to first 1,000, $21.50, and for added 1000 $6-20 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 93 QUICK FIGURES Gardis Businose and Eatertainment. ($2.00 Stock.) Added No. of Cards Stock 500 1.000 100 to a sheet Cost No. 72 S .55 $2.49 2.49 .13 No. 0:3 .38 2.42. 2.96, .13 No. 55 AQ 2.48 3.03 .14 No. 43 .50 2.51 3.10 .15 No, 42 .58 2.55 3.17 .16 No.ar. .70 2.60 3.27 .17 Cards* , Btislnees. ($3.00 Stock.) No.r2 $.54 $2.52 3.12 .15 No. 63 .58 2.54 3.16 .16 No. 55 .68 2.60 3.26 .17 No. 48 .76 2.65 3.34 .18 No. 42 .86 2.70 3.44 .19 N0.35 1.04 2.80 3.62 .20 Cards, Business. ($4.00 Stock.) No. 72 $.72 $2.59 3.30 .17 No. 63 .77 2.62 3.35 .18 N0.55 .91 2.70 3.49 .19 No.48 1.01 '2.76 3.59 .20 No.42 1.15 2.84 3.73 .21 N0.35 1.39 -2.67 3.27 .24 Cards, Busiaese. ($5.00 Stock.) No 72 $.90 S2.67 3.40 .19 No. 63 .96 2.70 3.55 .20 Wo. 55 1.14 2.80 3.78 .21 No.48 1.26 2.87 3.90 .23 No.42 1.44 2.97 4.08 .24 No. 35 1.74 3.13 4.38 . .27 Cards, Business, Round Corner, Extra Grado. Added (Page 136) 500 1000 lOOO No. 88, selling' $0.72 $2.58 3 30 1.44 No. 63, selling- .IK) 2.67 3.48 1.62 No. 55, selling 1.02 2.73 3.60 1.74 No. 48, selling' 1.14 2.79 3.73 1.86 No. 36. selling 1.26 2.85 3.84 1.98 For colored ink add 50 cents to any order. Printing- in two colors add for 50J, $2.00. and added 100s. 10c. Printing both sides add for 500, $2.00 and added lOOs, 8 cents- COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Added 100 1.26 1.32 1.38 1.44 1.56 1.74 Added 100 4.00 200 1.25 .97 .78 .60 Added 100 QUICK FIGURES Gar«l8f Business, Round Gorn«r, Fair Quality. 1,000 No. 88, selling $0-54 $2.48 No. 70, selling .60 2.52 No. 63, selling .66 2.56 No. 55, selling .72 2.58 No. 48, selling .84 2.64 No. 36, selling 1.02 2.73 Cards, Lar^e Display, 6 Ply. (Page 137) 100 Full sheet 22x28 $12.30 Half sheet, 14x22 8.36 Third sheet, 9Hx22 6 48 Quarter sheet, llxli, 6 ply 4.48 Sixth sheet, 9^x11, 6 ply 3.95 Eighth sheet, 7x11 3.62 Certificates of Stock. 100 Lithographed borders $9.18 Certificates of Deposit. 1000 Fours of royal $9-36 Cbeclc Blanks for Depositors (Page 112) • 11000 Held in stock S23.04 Private Cbeck Books for Firms 1000 Checks Two on $10.45 Four on , 11.05 Cbecks Book for Lodges and Societies 500 (Page 117) Checks Size 3x8^, in single books S4.16 Size 3x12, in single books 4.98 Checks with Voucher Attached (Page 113) Size 7x11 Checks or Drafts in Single Books 20 books S6.29 10 books .... 5.81 1.68 Added 1000 4.74 Added 1000 1.37 Added 1000 5.56 5.56 Added 100 .29 .32 250 500 $9.17 10.78 Added 1000 1000 $3.17 2.69 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 95 QUICK FIGURES circulars Added (Pa^e 149) 1000 1000 Haif-letter, or J^ of folio, 8 pt. hand set S11.34 2.40 Half-letter, or 14 of folio, 10 pt. hand set 8. 12 2.40 Folded note, machine set, 1 page 4.98 2.75 Folded note, machine set, 10 pt., 2 pages 0.96 3.06 Folded note, machine set, 10 pt., 3 pages 8.40 3.06 Folded note, machine set, 10 pt., 4 pages 9.84 3.06 Folded letter, machine set, 10 pt., 1 page 9.66 4.50 Folded letter, machine set, 10 pt., 2 pages 15.06 4.50 Folded letter, machine set, 10 pt., 3 page.s 10.26 4.50 Folded letter, machine set, 10 pt., 4 page.i 23.46 4.50 Typewriter, hand set, 1 page • 5.82 2.50 Typewriter, hand set, 2 pages 9.24 2.70 Typewriter, hand set, 3 pages 15.30 4.40 Typewriter, hand set, 4 pages 18.18 4.44 Goitimutation Tickets. Added Page 137. 1,000 l.COO For restaurants, etc ' $ 4 00 2-30 GontplalntSp Contracts* etc. Added, (Page 143) 100 Copies 100 One page, machine, 10 pt $6.89 .65 Two pages, machine, 10 pt 12.70 .72 Three pages, machine, 10 pt 20.46 1.40 Four pages, machine, 10 pt 26.03 1.40 Delivery Books* In Duplicate. Added Page 144. 10 bks. 10 bks. 16s Manilla, for carbon $ 5.29 2.17 16s Manilla, 6x9, in duplicate 5.32 2 48 Delivery Sheets. Added Page 144. 1,000 1,000 M royal or folio, duplicate $ 5.44 2.72 H royal of folio, triplicate 6.54 3.96 Dodgers— See Hand Bills. Envelopes. Added Page 145. 1,000 1,000 6H No. 2, XX wood $ 2.52 1.56 6HNo. 2, rag 3.12 2.16 6H Linen. XX 3.36 2.40 10 No. 2. XX rag 3.84 2.88 llNo.2, XXrag .' 4.56 3.60 6 Manilla, XXX50 2.40 1.44 6H Manilla, XXX50 2.52 1.65 96 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST QUICK FIGURES. Envelopes Folders (Page 141) 1000 One pag-e hand set, 8 pt. (634 env.) S4.36 One page both sides, 8 pt. (634 en V.) 6.50 One page hand set, 10 pt. (634 env.) 3.20 One page both sides. 10 pt. (6H env.) , 4.40 Four pages, machine, 8 pt. (QVz env.) 7.80 Four pages, machine, 10 pt. (634 env. ) 7.24 Six pages, machine, 8 pt. (634 env.) 9.23 Six pages, machine, 10 pt. (634 env.) 7.79 Eight pages, machine, 8 pt. (634 env.) 12.02 Eight pages, machine, 10 pt. (634 env^) 10.64 Four pages, machine, 8 pt. (10 env,) 8.03 Four pages, machine, 10 pt. (10 env.) 6.83 Six pages, machine, 10 pt- (10 env.) 9.23 Eight pages, machine, 10 pt. (10 env.) 12.14 Ten pages, machine, 10 pt. (10 env.) 16.54 Handbills, (24x36 print) Added Page 149. 1,000 1.000 6x9 $ 3.28 1.05 9x12 5.65 1.55 12x18 9.02 2.30 18x24 19.61 3.30 Handbills, (28x42 print) Page 149. 1,000 7x1034 $ 4.68 934x1034 5.75 10^x14 7.75 9Hx21 10.50 8Hx28 13.08 14x21 14.66 21x28 25.94 Handbills, 28x42 (colored print) Added Page 150. 1.000 1,000 7x10^ 5.34 1.50 10Hxl4 7.68 2.20 14x21 14. 52 3.10 21x28 25.08 4.60 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 97 QUICK FIGURES. Hotel Registers, Interleaved, One Book. 100 pages 9.84 200 pages 11.40 200 pag-es 13.08 100 pages, with advertising cards 19.80 200 pages, with advertising cards 22.50 Label Printlnii. Added Page 151. 1,000 1,000 7x1034 $ 5.94 1.86 5%x7 3.96 1.20 3^x534 3.18 1.02 Laundry Lists. Added Page 151. 1.000 1.000 4^x8% S.5.34 1.02 Law Gases, Paper Books, Cases 75c. per page. Briefs, 90c. per page. etc. Leaflets or Folder. (See under Envelopes) Letter Heads and Memos. Page 146. 101b. at 10c 101b. atl2c 101b. at 14c 10 lb. at 16c 101b. at 18c 10 1b. at 20c 10 lb. at 22c 5 lb. at lOc, memo size 5 lb. at lOc, memo size 5 lb. at 12c, memo size 5 lb. at 14c, memo size 5 lb. at 16c, memo size 5 lb. at 18c, memo size 5 lb. at 20c, memo size Loan Applications Half cap, machine set, 8 pt., 2 sides. Half cap, machine set, 10 pt., 2 sides. Added 500 1,000 1,000 $3.42 4.44 2.40 3.54 4.68 2.64 3.04 4.92 2.88 3.78 5.16 3.12 3.90 5.40 3.36 4.02 5.64 3.60 4.14 5.88 3.84 3.50 3.06 1.50 2.67 3.30 1.50 2.73 3.42 1.62 2.79 3.54 1.74 2.85 3.66 1.86 2.91 3.78 1.98 2.97 3.92 210 Added 1,000 1X03 S 24 82 364 14.62 3.64 98 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST QUICK FIGURES. Merchandise Orders or Receipts. ICO 200 leaves leaves In duplicate, 10 books $ 4.00 5.28 Added single books .25 .38 Mtlk Tickets-In Books. 50 100 Books of 25 leaves $ 7.02 10.44 Added books .07 .07 Mortgage Blanks. Added 1,000 1,000 Half cap. 16 lb S 16.30 3.58 Half folio. 241b 24.62 4.70 Half cap, 10 pt., 1 page 10.82 4.64 Half cap, 10 pt., 2 pages 14.42 4.64 Half folio, 10 pt.,1 page 16.72 6.34 Half folio, 10 pt.. 2 pages 23.92 6.34 Monthly Statements. Added Page 148. 500 1,000 1,000 Qem.3%x5% S 2.25 2.S2 1.26 Sauare, 5Hx5^ 2.30 2.93 1.37 Yankee, 3>^x8H 2.32 2.95 1.39 Pony, 4^x8H 2.34 3.00 1.44 Royal Yankee, 4x9H 2.35 3.02 1.46 Regular, 5Vix8H. 5 lb 2.40 3.12 1.56 Regular. 5Hx8^. 61b 2.49 3.30 1.74 Long. 5^x11 2.61 3.54 1.98 Ruled to order, add $1.2') to first 1,000, and 25c. for added 1000. Money or Rent Receipts. 1.000 Added 1,000 In tabs of 100 $ 3.30 In 10 books with stubs 4.64 1.78 2.65 Newspapers. See under Advertising and Newspaper Programs, under Monthly Publications, also Nltfbt and Holiday Work. "When necessary to complete rush orders, under the direct request of the customer, should be charged for the extra labor. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 99 QUICK FIGURES. Note and Memorandum Headings. Added Page 147. 500 1,000 1,000 51b. at 10c $2.67 3.30 1.50 51b. at 12c 2.73 3.42 1.6i 51b. atl4c 2.79 3.54 1.74 51b. at 16c 2.85 3.66 1.86 51b. at 18c 2.91 376 1.98 51b. at 20c 2.97 3-92 2.10 Numbering and Perforating. Added Page 33. 1,000 1.000 Selling, single numbers Selling, double numbers Selling, triplicate numbers Perforation— Selling Order Blanks. Page 152. Single sheets, 34 folio Duplicates Triplicates Single sheets, Va of folio Single sheets, % of royal Single sheets, U of cap Posters and Show Bills. Page 153. Whole sheet. 28x42 $ 17.30 Half-sheet, 14x21 Third sheet, 14x28 Quarter sheet, 14x21 Posters on Glotli. Page 153. Size 9x18, 13 yds Size 12x18, 17 yds Size 12x36, 35 yds Post Card Folders. Page 153. 3Hx6, 2pages $ 3.41 1.25 7x6. 4 pages 4.94 1.60 10^x6, 6 pages 6.88 2.45 14x6, 8 pages 9.16 3.09 $ .65 .50 1.25 1.00 1.75 1.50 .65 .50 Added 1,000 1.000 6.46 3.00 9.02 5.40 11.66 7.00 3.65 1.37 3.68 l.»2 4.08 1.92 Added 1,000 1.000 $17.30 8.90 11.00 5.35 9.16 4.18 7.72 3.34 100 Added Copies 100 $ 6.00 2.25 7.20 2.75 17.80 5.50 Added 1.000 1,000 100 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST QUICK FIGURES. Postal Cards. Added Page 155. 100 100 Printing one side $ 2.50 1.15 Stamped Envelopes, 1 cent 2.53 1.20 Postal Cards— Double for Reply. Added Page 155. 100 100 10 point composition $ 4.70 2.30 One cent envelopes and printing 2.53 1.20 Two cent envelopes and printing 3.50 2.26 Programs, Entertainment. Added Pages 155. l5d, 157. 1.000 1.000 Paper 6x9 book. 1 page. 8 point, machine set 8 4.61 6x9 book, 1 page, 10 point, macliineset 3.77 5x8 cover, 4 pages, 8 point, hand set 8.69 5x8 cover, 4 pages, 10 point, hand set 6.29 5x10 cover, 4 pages, 8 point, hand set 10.92 5x10 cover. 4 pages, 10 point, handset 7.80 5Hxll book, 4 pages, 8 point, hand set 12.97 5Hxll book, 4 pages, 10 point, hand set 9.28 QHxlO cover, 4 pages, 8 point, hand set 14.52 6Mxl0 cov'er, 4 pages, 10 point, hand set 9.24 6Hxl2V^ book. 1 page. 8 point, hand set 6.42 6Hxl2H book, 1 page, 10 point, hand set 4.14 12^x19 book, 3 pages, 8 point, hand set 17.30 12Hxl9 book, 3 pages, 10 point, hand set 10.28 12Hxl9 book. 4 pages, 8 point, hand set 21.98 12Mxl9 book, 4 pages, 10 point, hand set 12.68 ReoelptSy Money or Rent. / 1,000 In tabs of 100 $ 3.30 In ten books, witli stubs 4.64 Shipping Tags. E Tags Page 157. Added 1.000 1,000 No. 1 Dennison $ 2.15 1.07 No. 2 2.25 1.17 No.3 2.35 1.27 No.4 2.45 1.37 No. 5 250 1.42 No. 6 2 65 1.57 No. 7 2.80 1.72 T Tags Added 1.000 1.000 2.30 1.22 2.40 1.32 2.55 1.47 2.70 1.62 2.90 1.82 3 15 2.07 3.30 2.27 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 101 FLAT PAPERS rDi visions o£ Double Gap Paper, I7xi^& incited. 200 8 point 200 Added 10 point 100 15x26, 390 SQ., one side, 8 pt. (42) $ 24.02 15x22. 330 sa., comp. 12V^h. 2 colors 33.91 12x15, 4pps., machine comp. 720 sq., (41) 41.08 6^x12, 8pps.. 624 sQ., machine comp. (45) 37.67 5x9, 12pps., 540 SQ., machine comp. (47).. 36.70 5x7, 16PPS., 560 sa-, both sides, (49) 37.42 2%x7J^. 24pps , 432 sq., both sides, (51) .. 34.08 2%x5H, 32pps., 448 sq., both sides, (53). . . 35.23 Half Sheet of Double Gap, 14x17 inches. 7x26, or 12x15, 180 sq., one side, (55) $ 13.80 7x12, 4pps., 336 sq., machine comp. (56).. 21.48 3x53i, 16pps., 272 sq., machine comp. (58) 19.93 7x5, 8pps., 280 sq., machine comp. (57) .. 20.27 3x5J4, 16pps., 272 sq., machine comp. (58) 19.93 " " " Vs liand and % machine 31.53 Threes of Double Gap. 4x26 or 7x15, 104 sq., machine comp. (59) $ 10.29 Eights of Double Gap. 7x534, 8 pages, 38 sq , hand comp. (61) .. $ 8.16 7x5%, 38 sq. , printing both sides, (61) . . . 14.90 Royal Whole Sheet. 17x22, 374 sq., printing one side, (62) .... $ 24.02 17x22, printing handbill, (62) 18.01 10x17. 4pps., 680 sq., machine comp. (63). 39.40 8x10, 8pps., 640 sq., machine comp. (64) . 38.45 4x7, I6pps., 448 sq., machine comp. (65). 31.86 3Mx451£, 32pps.. 512 sq., mach. comp. (66) 38.03 Royal Third Sheet. 5x22 or 634x17, 110 sq., mach. comp. (67) 2Mx5, 8pps., 96 sq., hand comp. (67) 2Mx5, 8pps., 96 sq., machine comp. (67) . Royal Half Sheet. 7%x22or 10x17, 170 sq.. mach. comp. (68) 8x10. 4pps. 320 sq., machine comp. (69) .. 4x7, 8pps. 224 sq., machine comp. (69)... 3x4%, 16pps. 224 sq., machine comp. (70) 7%xlO, 75 sq., hand comp. (71) 7%xlO, 75 sq., machine comp. (71) 4x7%, 120 sq.. machine comp. (71) 4x7%, 120 sq., machine comp. (72) $ 9.95 21.00 11.89 $ 13.44 20.28 17.35 17.44 14.76 6.05 24.29 9.17 20.94 34.12 31.68 31.54 32.16 29.44 30.94 12.12 18.25 17 32 17.63 17.32 23.44 9.41 5.52 9.62 20.43 15.61 32.92 32.30 27.26 33.11 8.87 14.32 11.76 17.16 15.20 15.29 9.Q4 520 15.89 7.97 .90 1.10 1.05 1.22 1.36 1.24 1.36 1.24 .49 .60 .85 .85 .85 .85 .20 .20 .90 .35 1.05 1.25 1.27 1.38 .40 .44 .44 .49 .61 .82 .86 .28 .28 .41 .41 102 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST A Blackboard Demonstration. The Pay Roll and the Productive Unit If we are paying to the compositor a minimum wage of twenty-one dollars weekly for fortj^-eiffht hours of Cents working time, reduced to an hour cost is 43.75 and if we are using a 6 minute unit, the unit cost of actual pay roll time is 4.37 cents. When the compositor commences work in the morning-, he is handicapped by two hour^ of non-pro- ductive time in clearing away forms and distribu- tion, whether by himself or another, which brought to the equivalent in cents is 11.25 Making an absolute cost hour of 55.0 A unit cost of 5.5 cents. Non-ChariSeable Time in Excess of Distribution I give you the pay roll for three men for three months, a working foreman, a journeyman above the scale and a two-thirder— the total of pay Hours roll hours from Oct. 1. to Dec. 31, 1912, were 16S1 and the chargeable hours were 1078 Nonchargeable hours 603 The handicap above of two hours is provi- ded for in the first calculation 280 Leaving to be accounted for 323 These unproductive hours have cost us $141.31— and add to the labor cost. 16.5 We have now the actual labor cost per hour of 71.5 And a unit cost of 7.15 cents. Forwarded to next page. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 103 Labor cost, per bour, brought forward 71.5 The Necessary Equipment I will now give you the figures necessary for the eaulpment of a job composition room, which you will note have not been as yet considered. There was a time, thirty years ago, when' the equipment necessary for six compositors, was equal to $2,000 per man in the proper supply of type. To-day with the advantage of machine composition, a $3,000 equipment will serve the purpose of three men. This is the investment $3,000.00 If you have money to pay for it well and good. If you borrow the money, the interest is worth to you or some one else $180.00 Depreciation of type 400.00 Rent of room, heat and light 500.00 Taxes and insurance 80.00 Incidentals for the year 60.00 Total direct overhead for one year $1,220.00 For three months $305. 00 The pay roll hours 1681, being divided into the equip- ment expenses of $305.00— amount to 18.2 Added to the labor cost gives 89.7 As an actual cost hour of the compositor, and a unit cost of 9 cents. Proportional Commercial Expense We here give actual figures for 3 months of $2,082.00 The earnings of the composition room were $982.00, exclusive of the cost of machine composition, The amount of commer- cial expense charged up against the composition room was. $731.22 And again dividing the 1681 paid hours Into this overhead expense the added cost is 42.8 And now we have the whole cost hour in one office of moderate size, without any unnecessary loading in the commercial expense, or overloading of the de- partment, making the hour cost of composition 132.5 And this result is closely on the average of three years figures. Q 104 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST ENGRAVING AND ELECTROTYPING Printers are often called upon to g-lve figures on Engraving: and Electrotyping. We cannot Quote a standard price, but for Quick Figures and selling prices, we offer the following. ENGRAVERS SCALE Minimum Charge Per Sq. In. Not Over Sq. In. Line work or zinc etchings 7c $ 1.00 14 Halftones, on zinc- No screen finer than 100 line. Square finish 12c Finished in outline 18c Halftones, on copper- Square finished 18c Cut out and vignetted 25c Duographs 60c Three-color process plates 11.50 Four-color process plates 1-75 Line etching on copper 35 Mortises, inside. 15c: outside, 10c. (Large and difficult mortising charged according to time required.) Blocking small plates, each. I5c. Making halftones, oval shape, each. 35c. Reproductions from lithograph copy, script, penmanship, shorthand. 50 per cent extra. Block measurement on all engravings. Time work ?1.50 per hour. net. ELECTROTYPING 1.50 12 2.00 12 2.50 14 3.50 14 7.25 12 35.00 23 40.00 23 3.50 10 Electrotype scale Mounted " " 5 square inches S.60 " " 10 square inches 70 " " 15 square inches 80 " " 20 square inches 90 " " 25 square inches 1.00 " " 30 square inches I.l5 " " 35 square inches 1.30 " " 40 square inches 1.45 " *' 45 square inches 1.60 *' " 50 square inches 1.75 " " 55 square inches 1.90 Electrotype scale Mounted " " 60 squ are inches $2.05 " " 65 square inches 2.20 " " 70 square inches 2.35 " " 75 square inches 2.50 " " 80 square inches 2.65 " " 85 square inches 2.80 " " 90 square inches 2.95 " " 95 square inches 3. 10 " " 100 square inches 3.25 " " 105 square inches 3.40 " " 110 square inches 3.55 Unmounted 25 per cent less. Metal cored base double price. Electrotypes from half-tones 25 per cent added. Mortising on wood, outside 10 cents; inside l5c: on metal outside 15 cents: inside 25 cents net. Time work $1.20 per hour net. The above are list prices. You may buy for less, but selling for less is not advised. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 105 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Printed on half sheet of 16B) cap, usually set in ten point. Paper size 8V4xl4— type size 7x12 inches, 84 sq. inches. Paper 16a at 10c. 32c per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate Paper 105 sheets Handling and cutting- Machine composition one page Makeup and lockup Presswork Cost of 200 copies Adding 20 per cent.... Selling price of 200 copies 1 pa^e Additional pages, Cover and backing add Additional 100s of each page. Advertising or Pamphlet Program Quarter-Sheet of 22x32 Book Four pages— paper page 8x11— type page 7x10 inches— 70 sq. inches to each page— 280 sq. inches in form. Size of paper for form, 16x22 inches. Paper 40 S) at 5c, Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 •, 200 Copies , 8-Pt. 10-Pt. Added 100 $ .34 .34 .12 3.40 .39 .60 .17 .12 .02 4.40 .39 .60 .08 $5.85 4.85 .97 .27 1.27 .05 B $7.02 $7.00 5.82 5.80 2.00 .32 .32 .38 2.00 .32 .70 .32 Paper 66 sheets at 40c $ .26 $ .26 $.13 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Composition, one half machine.... 4.90 3.80 " hand 19.60 11.60 Makeup and lockup 4.00 4.00 Presswork 1.80 1.80 .12 Folding one fold .50 .50 .04 Cost of 200 copies $31.26 22.16 ,31 Adding 20 per cent 6.25 4.43 .06 Sellinii price of 200 copies $37.51 26.59 .37 " "500 " 38.62 27.70 .37 " " 1000 " 40.47 29.55 .37 106 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST ADVERTISING PROGRAM Half-Sheet of 22x32 Book Eight pages— paper page 8x11 inches— type page 6^x9H. plain rule border, 64 square inches in each page, three columns wide— 512 square inches. Paper 22x32 book, 50 S> at 5c, costing 5Gc per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate ^ 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 105 sheets at 56c S .53 .53 .26 Handling and cuttinpc .20 .20 .02 Composition one half machine 9.10 6.80 " hand 36.40 20.50 Makeup and lockup 6.00 6.00 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 2.55 .14 Folding and stitching .60 .60 .15 Cost of 200 copies S55.38 37.18 .57 Adding 20 per cent 11.08 7.44 .11 Selling price of 200 copies $66.46 44.62 .68 " " 5G0 " 68.50 46.66 .68 " " 1000 " 71.90 50.06 .63 Actual Time Figures as per Opposite Page For l.OOO Copies Paper as above $ 3.00 Machine composition 3H hours 4.90 Hand composition and correcting 13.00 Makeup 8 page form 5.:? hours 6.63 Lockup 1% hours at $1:30 1.95 Presswork 2 hours at $1 .50 3.00 Binding folding and trimming 1.80 Cost of 1.000 copies $34.28 Adding 20 per cent .^ 6,56 Selling value of 1,000 copies $41.14 It is a matter of judgment whether the eight or ten point measurement be used. You are sometimes expected to take an advertisement, and on general principles the eight point scale will more likely be nearer the cost expense. Hand composition on advertising programs is generally more expensive than on straight matter, because of its run on sorts, and it is well to consider carefully the copy when it is handed in, as to whether it can be figured as ten point, without losing money. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 107 f. W. Dale 2075 T. S. 5195 ^ouis Schwalen COAL AND WOOD Feed of All Kinds EXPRESSING 535 NORTH GROTTO STREET THE LITTLE GOLDEN RULE Dliy GOODS AND NOTIONS m D. N. WAGNER, Prop. m 547 University Ave. STRAIGHT BRO Pharmacy Corner Rondo and tirotto St». St. Paul. Minn. and South St. Paul. F.W.TOPEL FLORIST m 'resli Cut Flowers at all times Cor. Dale and Charles . W. Dale 1566 T. S. 43S4 Program Continved 5. Reading, "The Polish Boy," Miss Norma Badger 8. Violin Solo, "Melancholie," Albert E. Wier Mr. Bert Bailey 7. Vocal Solo, "When The Heart Is Young" ...Miss Winifred vonWald T. S. Tel. 5479 W. ETTTER'S Baki M 678 LA FOND STREET Satisfaction and Purity ou Specialty iOHLER BROS DEALERS IN vieats and Provisions HOME MADE SAUSAGE BOTH TELEPHONES Corner Dale and Edmund Streets You will enjoy the sermo more after eating Ed. Eisenmengen Meats We give the S. and H. Ore Trading Stamps and Security Stamps Roth Pliones 554 St. Anthony Avenue A NEW MODERN HOTEL unch Room open Day and Night Free Baths. High Class Cafe Phones in Roojns THE LENOX All kinds of Jobbing, Sheet Metal Works, Stove and Fur- nace Repairing JOSEPH BOSSARD BUILDERS' HARDWARE AND TINSHOP 610 University Ave. T. S. Tel. 4810 St. Paul, Minn. T S. Tel. 4306 Ira Enmark Excelsior Avlo-Cy( Bicycles, Sundries an^ Repairing 608 University Ave. ST PAUL W. O. WILLIAMS, Prop. Center of Business District 1 ST. PAUL 108 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST ADVERTISING PROGRAMS Quarter-Sheet 25x38 Book Four pages— paper page 9^x12^ inches— type pageSxlOH inches— 84 square inches for one page— 336 square inches for four pages. Size of paper for form 19x'^5 inches, 50ft) at 5c. Per 100 sheets 50c. Cost Estimate i 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 52 sheets at 50c $ .26 .26 .13 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Composition, one half machine 5.85 4.54 " hand 23.52 13.78 Makeup and lockup 5.00 5.00 Presswork 200 copies 1.80 1.80 .12 Folding 15 .15 .04 Cost of 200 copies $36.78 25.73 .31 Adding 2a per cent 7.34 5.13 .06 Selling price of 200 copies $44.12 30.86 .37 500 " 45.23 31.97 .37 " "1000 " 47.08 3382 .37 Half -Sheet of 25x38 Book Eight pages— 934x12^ inches— type page SxlOH — 84 square inches in one page— in eight pages 072 sq. inches. Paper for form 25x38 inches, 50B) book at 5c— 100 sheets costing 50. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 105 sheets at 50c $ .53 $ .53 $.26 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Composition, one half machine 11.76 9.07 " hand 47.04 27.55 Makeup and lockup 6.00 6.00 Presswork 3.45 3.45 .17 Folding and stitching .60 .60 .15 Cost of 200 copies $69.58 47.40 ,60 Adding 20 per cent 13.92 9.48 .12 Selling price of 200 copies $83.50 56.88 .72 " "500 " 85.66 59,04 .72 " " 1000 " 89.26 62.64 .72 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 109 ADVERTISING PROGRAM Quarter-Sheet of 28x42 Book Four pag-es— paper page lOYzxU inches— type page 9xl2V^ inches— 113 sauare inches— in four pages 448 sauare inches" Paper for form, 21x28 inches, 60© book at 5c. 100 sheets 60c. Cost Estimate ^ 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 53 sheets of paper at 60c $ .32 .32 Handling and cutting .20 .20 Composition, one half machine 7.84 6.05 " hand 31.36 18.37 Makeup and lockup 5.50 5.50 Presswork 2.55 2..55 Folding and stitching .50 .50 Cost of 200 copies 48.27 33.49 Adding 20 per cent 9.65 6.70 Selling price of 200 copies $57.92 40.19 .48 " "500 " 59.36 41.63 .48 " " 1000 " 61.76 44.03 .48 Haif-Sheet of 28x42 Book Eight page form— lOV^xU in.— type page 9^x12 in.— 112 sa. inches— in 8 pages 896 sa. inches. Paper for form 28x42 inches— 60S> book at 5c— 100 sheets for 60c. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 105 sheets at at 60c $ ,63 .63 Handling and cutting .20 .20 Composition, one half machine 15.08 12.10 " hand 62.72 • 36.74 Makeup and lockup 6.50 6.50 Presswork 4.20 4.20 Folding and stitching .60 .60 Cost of 200 copies $89.93 60.97 Adding 20 per cent 17.99 12.19 Selling price of 200 copies $107.92 73.16 .82 " " 500 " 110.38 75.62 .82 " " 1000 " 114.48 79.72 .82 110 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST ANNOUNCEMENTS Wedding Invitations Folded note with inside and outside envelopes, in cabinets of 50. bHxQYs Added 6x7M Added 50 50 50 50 Cabinet of 50 costing S .70 .70 1.00 1.00 Handling. 50 .25 .50 .25 Composition, script or text 1.50 ... 1 50 Makeup and lockup 50 ... .50 Presswork 50 .10 .50 .10 Cost figures S3.70 1.05 4.00 1.35 Adding 20 per cent 65 .20 .80 .25 Selling price of 50 copies $4.35 1.25 4.80 1.60 " "100 " 5.'30 ... 6.40 Added 100s 1.25 ... 1.60 The conventional folded white paper, with inside and out- side envelopes will doubtless continue as the proper style. The work must be handled with great care, and the use of the finest script or text type kept especially for the work. Under these conditions the finished product closely resembles the engraved forms. Announcement Circulars in Four Pa^es Size SVsxoYi inches. Paper page 4Mx5H. Type page 3x3^, equal to 11 square inches, 44 square inches in 4 pages. Paper for form 8V^xll inches. Cost Estimate ^ 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper 24 lb. at 15c S .37 .37 .19 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Four-page forms 6.16 3.61 Presswork .60 .60 .08 Folding, one fold .10 ,10 .05 Total cost figures S7.43 4.88 .34 Adding 20 per cent 1.49 .98 .07 Selling price of 200 copies $8.92 5.86 .41 " "500 " 10.15 7.09 .41 " " 1000 " 12.20 9.14 .41 The above figures are for hand composition. If machine composition could be used in part there would be a reduction of S2.00 on 8 pt. and Sl.OO on 10 pt. on the first 200. Each page less of composition will reduce the selling price of eight point $1.85, and of ten point $1.08. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 111 ANNOUNCEMENTS IN GOOD STYLE Professional and business announcements on folded papers, are subject to whims of customers, and prices sliould be made to cover a good duality of paper. The manufacturers of fine papers and envelopes, have introduced some novelties of various colored papers and envelopes to match, using* a special envelope (7^x3%) and a folded sheet of paper (7Mxl4%) put up in handsome boxes. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. too 200 copies including envelopes. Comp. one page 25 sq. inches. . . Makeup and loclvup Pressworli on both Re-foldingr Cost of 200 copies Adding 20 per cent SelliniE price of 200 copies $9.42 " "500 " 13.00 " " 1000 " 21.95 If machine composition can be used for the major part a reduction can be made from the selling price 2,00 1.00 If an announcement extends over to tlie second page the composition should b6 added, if on the first and third pages, a second presswork must be added, not forgetting the 20 per cent on the increase. ANNOUNCEMENTS ON CARDS Card stock up to 4x5 inches. $2.50 2.50 1.25 3.50 2.05 .40 .40 1.20 1.20 .14 .25 .25 .10 £7.85 6.40 1.49 1.57 1.28 .30 7.68 1.79 11.26 1.79 20.21 1.79 / 1 00 Copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 28 cards from one sheet $.20 .20 .20 Handling and cutting .15 .15 .03 Composition 2.00 1.50 Presswork .50 .50 .08 Total cost figures $2.85 2.35 .31 Adding 20 per cent .57 .47 .06 Selling prices $3.42 2.82 .37 112 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST BANK PRINTING CHECK BOOKS FOR DEPOSITORS Paper 6 on a half sheet of royal— 28 B) costing 15 cents. Cost Estimate Checks Checks Added 5,400 11.000 1.000 Paper in sheets 500 1-000 85 Cost of 28 a> at 84 cents per 100 $4.20 8.40 .71 Handling and cutting .52 1.00 .07 Composition and 6 plates 5.50 5.50 Lockup 35 .35 Presswork 2.75 3.05 .36 Total cost figures S13.32 19.20 1.14 Adding 20 per cent 2.66 3.84 .23 Selling price of above $15.98 23.04 1.37 1,000 checks 2.96 2.02 1.37 Binding, perforation and numbering not included in above figures. Bindery charge with numbers for books of 500 $1.50: for books of 1,000 $2.00; cheap half binding. COUNTER CHECKS WITHOUT STUBS Size 2%xl% inches, 18s of 20 ft) folio at 10c. Paper per ream $2.00; per 100 sheets. 40c- Checks Checks Added Number of checks 4,300 8,600 1,000 Sheets of paper 250 500 44 Paper at 40c Sl.OO 2.00 .22 Handling and cutting 50 .60 .05 6 plates and makeup 3.00 3.00 Presswork 1.10 1.60 .16 Gluing .20 ^0 .Qb Total cost figures $5.80 7.60 .48 Adding 20 per cent 1-16 1.52 .10 Selling price. $6.96 9.12 .58 If plates are not available, two forms should be set and printed 637 9.05 .74 These figures will apply to any forms of similar size, each form containing about 14 square inches. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 113 BANK PRINTING iPRlVATE CHECK BOOKS FOR BUSINESS FIRMS 24 lb folio eight to full sheet— paper size for one check iHxll inches, four on each half sheet—type forit forone check 3x93^ inches, 28 sq. inches. Paper 24 5t» at 15c, 72c for IOC full 1 ,000 checks . sheets 2 on 4 on Added Number of sheets for 1,000 134 134 1.000 Paper at 72c $ .96 .96 .90 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Composition estimated 2.00 2.00 Lockup and makeup .30 .30 Cylinder presswork and shifting.. 2.75 3.00 1.40 Numbering perforating, binding . 2.50 2.75 2.25 Total cost of 1000 checks $8-71 9.21 4.63 Adding 20 per cent 1.74 1.84 .93 Selling price 1,000 checks $10.45 11.05 5.56 CHECKS WITH VOUCHERS ATTACHED Paper 24 lb Royal— cutting eight, paper 6x9, voucher on in- side; paper cut 6x19, so that sheet may be sewed for binding. Paper 24 lb royal at 15c, per ream $3.60. 1 on 2 on Number of check vouchers 250 500 Full sheets of paper. 33 m Paper at 72c per 100 sheets $.24 .48 Handling and cutting , .10 .10 Ruling for voucher.. .75 1.00 Composition two sides, 5x7 3.00 3.00 Makeup and lockup .40 .40 Presswork 1.90 2.25 Numbering, perforating and binding 1.25 1.75 Total cost price $7.64 8.98 Adding 20 per cent 1.53 1.80 Selling price $9.17 10.78 These prices are for sewed books, the paper being cut double length, requiring cylinder presswork. and a more satisfactory binding. 114 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST CHECK BOOKS Individual, Lodge or Society special check books— On Royal 28B) at 15c. Paper 82c per 100 sheets; 63 sheets for 16s and 88 sheets for 12s for 1,000 500 Cost Elstimate 3x8^ 3x12 Paper for 500 $.26 $.36 Handling and cutting .20 .20 Composition 1.60 2.00 Makeup and lockup .39 .39 Presswork .60 .70 Binding in single books .30 .30 Cost of 500 checks $3.47 4.15 Adding 20 per cent .69 .83 Sellinii price of 500 checks $4.16 4.98 Added books of 100 .29 .32 CHECKS, DRAFTS OR ORDERS In single books of 50 or 100 checks, with stubs, and without numbering, on 28 fl> royal, at 10 cents, 12 to a sheet. 1 ,000 . 20 Added 10 Added Books 20 Books 10 88 sheets of paper $.49 .49 .49 .49 Handling and cutting .15 .15 .15 .15 Composition, one form 2.00 2.00 .... Presswork 1.20 .80 1.20 .80 Binding 1.40 1-20 1.00 .80 Total cost figures $5.24 2.64 4.84 2.24 Adding 20 per cent 1.05 .53 .97 .45 Selling prices $6.29 3.17 5.81 2.69 On Bankers* Safety paper add $1.00 per 1,000 checks. DEPOSIT SLIPS Size 3%x5%, cutting 12 from 14-lb. cap at 8c 5,000 10,000 20,000 Sheets of paper 470 94') 1,880 Paper at 23c per 100 $1.08 2.16 4.32 Handling and cutting .60 1.20 2.40 Presswork 1.40 2.40 4.40 Total cost figures $3.08 5.76 11.12 Adding 20 per cent 61 1.15 2.22 Selling prices $3.69 6.91 13.34 Added 1,000 .66 .64 .64 Composition is omitted, because of stock forms. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 115 BILL HEADS The usual sizes of stock ruled bill heads are 6s, 4s, 3s and 2s of flat cap. The figures are for ruled paper, costing- the prices named, for 1.000. If special ruling- is required, add to the gross fig-ures $1.00 on the first 1,000 and 20 cents on added 1,000s. Labor Cost > 1,000 Copies ^ Composition ,. $1.00 1.30 1.50 Makeup and lockup .25 .25 .25 Presswork 1.20 1.20 1.20 Tablets .10 .10 .10 Total cost figures $2.55 2.85 3.05 Adding 20 per cent .51 .57 .61 Selling price of labor $3.06 3.42 3.66 500 copies 2.65 3.00 3.25 250 copies 2.40 2.75 3.00 Stock Adding ' 1,000 Copies— — ^ Added Cost 20 7o Labor $3.06 3.42 3.66 1,000 68 45 54 $3.60 3.96 4.20 1.62 50 60 3.66 4.02 4.26 1.68 55..., 66 3.72 4.08 4.32 1.74 60 72 3.78 4.14 438 1.80 4» 65 78 3.84 4.20 4.44 1.86 75 90 3.96 4.32 4.56 1.98 85 02 4.08 4.44 4.68 2.10 95 1.15 4.21 4.57 4.81 2.23 ' 500 Copies Added Selling price of labor $2.65 3.00 3.25 100 500 6S 27 2.92 3.27 3.52 .16 " " 30 2.95 3.30 3.55 .17 " " 33 2.98 3.33 3.58 .18 " " 36 3.01 3.36 3.61 .19 500 48 39 3.04 3.39 3.67 .19 " " 45 3.10 3.45 3.71 .20 " " .51 3.16 3.51 3.77 .21 " " 58 3.23 3.58 3.84 .22 lOO 3s 15 2.45 2.70 3.05 .20 lOO 2s 25 2.55 2.80 3.15 .25 The above figures have no loading for handling paper which is understood to be stock ruled, and bought cut and ready for printing. 116 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Blanks— Le^al and Commercial Forms One and Two Sides Paper— Half-sheet Cap or quarter-sheet double cap. Size 8Hxl4 in.— type form one side 6^x12 inches, 78 sq. inches. Pa- per 28 S) at 10c— 100 sheets costing 56 cents. Cost Estimate-Half- Cap 200 copies Added 10-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 1 side 2 sides Paper 54 sheets at 56 cents S .30 .30 .15 Handling- and cutting .20 .20 .02 Hand composition 6.40 12.80 Makeup and lockup .85 1.35 Presswork 200 copies .83 1.80 .12 Tabbing. .10 .10 .02 Ck)st of 200 copies $8.68 16.55 .31 Adding 20 per cent 1.74 3.31 .06 Selling price of 200 copies $10.42 19.86 .37 " "500 " 11.20 20.97 .37 " " 1000 " 13.45 22.82 .37 Added 1000 copies 3.70 3.70 .37 The hand composition on tliis form is on the basis of solid matter, which means for 10 point about 4,000 ems, or in 12 point 3,000 ems for each side. If machine composition is available one side can be done for S3.00 less, and two sides for $6.00 less. One side and backing only for 200 copies $14.00, and for added 100s 37 cents. In no case should the estimator figure less than S2. SO for front side of blank, on account of open matter. OTHER SIZES-SELLING PRICES f 200 Copies ^ Added Quarter-Cap $4.60 .32 Quarter-Folio 7.27 .36 The estimator may forget that the printed face does not represent all the labor on the job. The blank spaces and adjusting take time that shows on the job ticket, and is a part of the necessary cost. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 117 BLANKS WITHOUT RULING Full sheet of Cap, for Leases, Mortgages, Contracts, etc. Type pag-e 6^^x12 inches, equal to 80 square inches. Paper 28 B> double cap, costing 15c per pound. Machineset type rated as price and half on account of double slug. Half Sheet of Cap Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 1 pa^e 2 pa^es 100 53 sheets double cap $.44 .44 ,22 Handling and cutting.. .15 .15 02 Composition machine double slugr- 3-24 6.48 Makeup and lockup 1.28 2.28 Presswork 60 .80 .10 Cost of 200 copies $5.71 10.15 .34 Adding 20 per cent 1.14 2.03 .07 Selling price of 200 copies $6.85 12.18 .41 " "500 " 8.08 13.41 .41 " "1000 " 10.13 15.46 .41 Hand composition will increase the price $3.00 6.00 A job entry ticket on 2 pages, front and back, showing 160 square inches of measurement gives an hour cost of S6.00 ex- tra for hand composition. Full Sheet of Cap Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 3 pa^es 4 pa^es 100 105 sheets double cap $.88 .88 .44 Handling and cutting .15 .15 .02 Composition machine double slug. 9.72 12.96 Makeup and lockup 2.60 2.60 Presswork 2.55 2.55 .14 Folding one fold 15 .15 .06 Total cost figures $16.05 19.29 .65 Adding 20 per cent 3.21 3.86 .13 Selling price of 200 copies $19.26 23.15 .78 " "500 " 21.60 25.49 .78 " " 1000 " 25.50 29.39 .78 Ruled blanks will add from $1.50 to $3.00 to an order. 118 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST BLANKS WITHOUT RULING Half sheet of Folio 1 1x17 Full sheet of folio (17x22) for leases, deeds, mortg-ages, con- tracts etc. In four page form. Paper page 11x17 inches. Type page 9x15 inches, containing 135 square inches. Paper 24 lb at 15c, per ream $3.60, per 100 sheets 72 cents. Ten Point Cost Estimate t 200 Copies ^ Addefl 1 page 2 pages 100 210 sheets of paper $.76 .76 .38 Handling and cutting 15 .15 .02 Composition machine double slug. 5.48 10.96 Makeup and lockup 1.50 2.50 Press work 200 copies 1.80 1.80 Cost of 200 copies $9-69 16.17 .52 Adding 20 per cent 1.94 3.23 .14 Selling price of 200 copies $11.63 19.40 .66 " "500 " 13.61 21.38 .66 " "1000 " 16.91 24.68 .66 Full Sheet of Folio 17x22 Ten Point Cost Estimate 210 sheets of paper Handling and cutting Composition machine double slug. Makeup and lockup Presswork 200 copies Folding one fold f 200 Copies ^ Added 3 pages 4 pages 100 Cost figures Adding 20 per cent. $ 1.51 1.51 76 .20 .20 03 16.44 21.92 2.60 2.60 2.55 2.55 .14 .15 .15 .05 $23.45 28.93 .97 4.69 5.79 .19 Selling price $28. 14 34.72 1.16 In most forms of blanks there is a wide range of guessing. The figures here given are for full square inch measurements, showing the cost of machine composition, by reason of the double slug: but if hand set, and nearly full measurement the cost would be nearly or altogether double the machine price for composition. These and other tables are worked out, not so much for fix- ing a price, but to show the necessary formula to figure up a job of work; and to keep the estimator in touch with the actual time of turning it out. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 119 BLANK BOOKS WITH DUPLICATES Numbered, Perforated and Half Bound The figures here g"iven provide that wheie there are two or more blanks on a leaf, that the form shall be shifted on the press, for which a charge of 20 cents is made for each shift. Half Cap or H Royal, 28 lb. at lOc. / 1,000 Forms > No. of forms on a sheet 12 3 4 No. sheets of d. c. paper 263 132 88 66 Cost Estimate ■ Paper 5Gc per 100 sheets $1.47 .74 .49 .37 Cutting and handling .25 .20 .15 .15 Composition 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Presswork 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 Perforations and numbers 1.20 1.20 1-20 1.20 Binding (* in 2 books) *1.75 .80 .80 .80 Total cost figures $8.27 6.74 6.64 6.73 Adding 20 per cent 1-65 1.35 1.33 1.34 Selliii|{ figures $9.92 8.09 7.97 8.06 Added 1.000 6.86 4.80 4.43 4.28 BLANK BOOKS WITH DUPLICATES OR STUBS Full Sheet of Cap Cap 14x17, 16 lb. at 10c. 1,000 Forms in a Book . No. of forms on a sheet 12 3 4 Sheets for 1,000 forms 1.050 525 350 263 At 32c per 100 $3.36 1.68 1.12 .84 Cutting and handling 45 .30 .20 .20 Ruling 2.00 2.00 2.C0 2.00 Composition 4.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 Presswork and shifting form... 2.65 2.85 3.05 3.25 Perforation and numbers 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 Binding (* in two books) *2.00 1.00 100 1.00 Total cost figures $15.86 12-23 11.27 10.69 Adding 20 per cent 3.34 2.45 2.25 2.14 Selling prices, 1,000 $19.23 14.68 13.52 12.83 Additional 1,000 forms Paper and handling $3.81 1.98 1.32 1.04 Ruling 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Presswork 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Perforations and numbers 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Binding (* in 2 books) *2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total cost figures $9.11 6.28 5.62 5.34 Adding 20 per cent 1.82 1 . 26 1.12 1.07 Selling added 1,000 $10.93 7.54 6.74 6.41 120 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Blank Books With Carbon Duplicates Printing, Numbering, Perforating and Binding. D. C. full sheet 32 lb. at 10c. 1000 Forms in a Book ^ No. of forms on a half -sheet. 12 3 4 Sheets of double cap. 1.050 525 350 263 At 64c per 100,.. ...., S6.72 3..36 2.24 1.68 Cutting and handling .80 .45 .35 .25 Ruling 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Composition 5.00 4-00 3.00 3.00 Presswork and shifting forms 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 Perforations and numbers 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 Binding (♦ in 2 books) *3.00 2.50 2 00 2.00 Total cost figures $22.82 17.81 15.29 14.83 Adding 20 per cent 4.50 3.56 3.06 2.97 Selling prices, lOOO $27.38 21.37 18.35 17.80 Additionall.OOO forms 17.18 12.13 10.07 9.28 Omitting numbers reduce the price of each 1.000 forms 70 cents. The owners of previous editions of the Price List will be sur- prised to note the effect a shorter workday has had upon the prices heretofore quoted or the proper charges for work of simi- lar character. With the exception of paper, all the elements of a completed job of printing are composed of labor. The prices for composition, ruling and binding are given as average. They may be lower than actual time may show, but the estimator maj^ safely assume that thes' are not too high. The items of guessing in these tables are ruling and compo- sition. If there Is no ruling the reduction from selling prices will be S2.40. The composition is changeable, as hour cost may require, keeping in mind the 20 per cent to be added to the in- crease or decrease of hour cost. The other items may be ac- cepted as reasonable cost figures. Triplicates will add for perforating and numbering Sl.OO for each 1,000 forms. There is no provision for printing on the back, which would be an extra charge in composition and makeup. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 121 BLOTTING PADS 12 to a sheet— 4x9 H inches Cost Estimate 1,000 Copies v 88 sheet for 1,000. Costing 7c, enamel lie. 80 lb. 100 lb. 120 lb. Enamel Stock $ .9S 1.23 1.48 2.32 Cutting and handling 20 .23 .28 .35 Composition 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.60 Presswork 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Total cost figures $3.58 3-86 4. 16 5.47 Adding 20 per cent 72 .77 .84 1.09 Selling prices $4.30 4.63 5.00 6.56 Addedl.OOO 2.35 2.70 3.05 4.10 In lots of 10,000 22.32 25.68 29.28 40.20 If in colored ink, other than black, add 25 cents to the first 1,000, and 20 cents for additional 1,000s. If in two colors, add $2.50 for the first 1,000 and $1.00 for the additional 1,000s. 18 to a sheet— 3^x8 inches Cost Estimate 58 sheets in 1,000. Costing 7c. enamel Uc. Stock $ .65 Cutting and handling Composition Presswork -1,000 copies- , 80 1b. 100 lb. 120 lb. Enamel . $ .65 .81 .99 1.53 .15 .20 .20 .25 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 .90 .90 .90 .90 Total cost figures $2.90 3.11 3.27 3.88 Adding 20 per cent 58 .62 .65 .77 Selling prices $3.48 3.73 3.92 4.65 Addedl.OOO $1.68 1.93 2.12 2.95 If in colored ink, other than black, add 25 cents to the first 1,000. and 20 cents for additional l.OOOs. If in two colors, add S2.00 for the first 1,000, and $1.00 for the additional l.OOOs. Get the habit of consulting the price list in connection with your estimating and you will find it a grand nerve tonio. 122 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Bonds and Loan Notes With Coupons Township. Village, City and School Bonds and Loan Notes are called for in small orders. Long-time bonds, issued by cities and counties, are usually on lithographed forms. Printed bonds run from five to ten years, with ten to twenty coupons. The following are approximate figures for printed forms: 50 100 Added Bonds with 10 coupons. Copies Copies 100 Half sheet folio or less $0.25 .50 .50 Cutting and handling 10 .15 .10 Composition with 10 coupons 10.00 10.00 Presswork 1.00 100 .10 Numbering , 75 1.50 150 Total cost figures $12.10 13.15 2.20 Adding 20 per cent 2.42 2.63 .44 Sellini{ prices $14.52 15.78 2.64 Backing and transfer will add $2.50 to the first 100 or less, and 15 cents for added 100. Bonds and Loan Notes Lithographed Blank Forms, filled in with printing. 50 100 Added Bonds Bonds 100 Lithographed stock forms . S5.00 10.00 5.00 Comix>sition on lx)dy 7.00 7.00 Presswork on 2 sides 2.50 2.50 .30 Total cost figure S14.50 19.50 5.30 Adding 20 per cent 2.90 3.90 1.06 Sellinii prices without coupons $1 7.40 23.40 6.36 SelliniJ prices: With 10 coupons 27.00 33.00 6.00 With 20 couix)ns 29.00 36.00 6.00 With 30 coupons 31.00 39.00 6.00 With 40 coupons 33.00 42.00 6.00 With 60 coupons.. 37.00 48.00 6.00 WHEN CALLED UPON FOR ESTIMATES REMEMBER Composition costs §1.30 per hour. Cylinder time work costs $1.50 per hour. Platen press time work costs 80 cents per hour. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 123 BOOKS OR PAMPHLETS Paper Page 4x5% Inches. Type Page 2V^x4 Inches Thirty-two pages on one side of a sheet of 22x32 book paper. Ten square inches of type in each page— in 16 pages 160 square inches. Paper 40 B) book at 5c.— 40 cents for 100 sheets. El^tat Point Estimate ' 200 Copies v 16 pps. 24 pps. 32 pps. Sheets of paper for 2C0 copies 33 80 195 Paper for 200 copies at 40c I .22 ^32 A2 Handling and cutting 15 .20 .25 8 point machine comp 5.60 8.40 11.20 Makeup and lockup 5.20 6.50 7.80 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 2.55 2.55 Folding and stitching .75 1^00 1.20 Cost of 200 copies $14.47 18.97. 23.42 Adding 20 per cent 2.89 3.79 4.68 Selling price of 200 copies $17.36 22.76 28.10 " " 500 " 19.28 25.46 31.64 " " 1000 " 22.48 29.96 37.54 Added 100 copies 73 .88 1.54 6 pt. composition will add 4.42 6.60 8.80 10 pt. composition will deduct 1.54 2.31 3.08 Cover to be Added Cover stock will be 534x8 Inches, cutting 12 covers out of 22x28!4. Weight 60 ft> at 7 cents. 84 cents for 100 sheets. 200 copies Added Sheets of paper for 200 cepies 18 sheets 100 Paper for 200 copies at 40c $.15 .08 Handling and cutting 10 .01 Composition average 1.50 Makeup and lockup .39 Presswork 200 copies .60 .08 Bindery additional 20 .10 Cost of 200 covers 12.94 .27 Adding 20 per cent .59 .05 Selling price of 200 copies $3.53 .32 " "500 " 4.49 .32 " " 1000 " 6.09 .32 By-laws and Constitutions for Societies can be figured in accordance with this table. 124 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST BOOKS OR PAMPHLETS Paper Page 4Hx6^ Inches. Type Page 3x5 Inches Thirty-two pages on one side of a sheet of 25x38 book paper. Fifteen square inches in one page, 240 square inches in 16 pages. Paper 25x38 60 B) book at 5c, 60c per 100 sheets. Eight Point Estimate 200 Copies ^ 8 pps. 16 pps. 32 pps. Sheets of paper for 200 copies 27 54 105 Paper at 60c per 100 $.16 .32 .63 Cutting and handling 15 .15 .20 Machine composition 8 pt 4.20 8.40 16.80 Makeup and lockup 2.50 4.50 9.00 Presswork 200 copies 1.80 2.55 3-45 Folding and stitching 60 .75 1.20 Cost of 200 copies 9.41 16.67 31.28 Adding 20 per cent 1.88 3.34 6.26 Selling price of 200 copies $11.29 20.01 37.54 "500 " 12.88 22.11 41.08 " " 1000 " 15.53 2561 46-98 Added 100 copies 53 -70 1.18 6 point will increase each eight pages $3.31. 10 point will reduce each eight pages 96 cents. Hand composition will increase the price of each eight pages $12.96. Cover to be added Cover stock will be 6Hx9 in., cutting eight out of a sheet of 20x25, 50 B) at 7c, costing 70c per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate ■ 200 Copies Added Sheets of paper for cover 26 slieets 1 00 Paper for 200 covers $ .18 .09 Handling and cutting. .10 .01 Composition estimate 1.50 Makeup and lockup .39 Presswork 200 copies .60 .08 Bindery additional .20 .10 Cost of 200 covers S2.97 .28 Adding 20 per cent .59 .06 Selling price of 200 covers $3.56 .34 " "500 " 4.58 .34 " " 1000 " 6.28 .34 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 125 BOOKS OR PAMPHLETS Paper Page 5^x8 Inches. Type Page 3V^x6 Inches Sixteen pages on one side of a sheet of 22x32 book paper— Twenty-one square inches of type in each page— in 16 pages of eight point 336 sqiuare inches. Paper 50 B> at 5c— 50 cents per 100 sheets. Ei^tat Point Estimate • 200 Copies- 16 pps. 24 pps. 32 pps. Sheets of paper for 200 copies 105 158 205 Paper for 200 copies $ .53 .79 1.03 Handling and cutting 15 .20 .25 Spoint machine composition 11.76 17.64 23.52 Malveup and loclcup 5.20 6.50 7.80 Pressworlc 290 copies 2.55 4.35 5.10 Folding and stitching 75 1.00 1.20 Cost of 200 copies $20.94 30.48 38.90 Adding 20 per cent 4.19 6.10 7J8 Selling price of 200 copies $25. 13 36.58 46.63 " "500 " 25.13 39.64 51.89 " " 1000 " 30.97 44.74 60.44 Added 100 copies 73 1.02 1.71 6 pt. composition will add 9.28 13.92 18.56 10 pt. composition will deduct 3.23 4.85 6.46 Cover to be Added Cover stock will be 8x11 inches, cutting 5 out of 20x25, weight 50 fi> at 7c; 70c per 100 sheets— cutting five. Cost Estimate Paper for 200 covers; 42 sheets. Handling and cutting Composition average Makeup and lockup Press work 200 copies Bindery additional Cost of 200 covers Adding 20 per cent Selling price of 200 covers i " " " 560 " " 1000 " ... , 200 Copies -^ Added 100 $ .29 .15 .10 .01 1.50 ... .39 .60 .08 .20 .01 $3.08 .34 .62 .07 $3.70 .41 4.93 .41 6.98 .41 126 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST BOOKS OR PAMPHLETS Paper Page 5^x7 Inches. Type Page 4xSM Inches Thirty-two pagres on one side of a sheet of 28 by 42 book. Twenty-two square Inches for one page— 176 square inches in 8 pagres. Paper 70 fi> book at 5c. 100 sheets costing 70c. Ten Point Cost Estimate 200 Copies > 8 pps. 16 PP8. 32 pps. Sheets of paper in 200 copies 27 54 105 Paper at 70c $.19 .38 .73 Cutting and handling 13 .15 .20 Machine composition 10 point 4.75 9.50 19.00 Makeup and lockup 2.50 4.50 9.00 Press work 200 copies 1.80 2.55 6.90 Folding and stitching 60 .75 1.20 Cost of 200 copies $9.99 17.83 37.03 Adding 20 per cent 2.01 3.57 7.41 Selling price of 200 copies $12.00 21.40 44.44 " "500 " 13.65 23.59 48.76 " ** 1000 " 16.40 27.24 55.96 Added 100 copies 55 .73 1.44 6pointcomposition will add.... 6.55 13.10 26.20 8pointcompasition will add.... 1.69 3.38 6.76 Cover to be Added Cover stock will be 7xlOH inches: cutting 8 out of a sheet of 22Hx28H, 70 B) stock at 7c. $4.90 per ream and 98c per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 100 Paper for 200 covers $ ,27 .13 Handling and cutting .10 .01 Composition estimated 1.50 Makeup and lockup .39 Presswork 200 copies .60 .08 Bindery additional .20 .10 Cost of 200 covers $3.05 .32 Adding 20 per cent .61 .06 Sellinii price of 200 covers $3.67 .38 " "500 " 4.81 .38 •* "1000 - 6.71 .38 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 127 Pamphlet, Prospectus or Booklet on Enameled Stock Thirty-two pages, printing- on both sides, of a book sheet 22x32. Paper page, size 5^x8 inches; type page 4x6>^, 26 sq. inches, 32 pages, 832 sq. inches. Paper— enamel stock, 60ft) at 10c, $1.20 per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate , 200 Copies ^ Added 8-l»t. 10-Pt. 100 215sheets'22x32at$1.20 $2.58 2.58 1.29 Handling and cutting .30 .30 .13 Machine composition 29.12 22.46 Makeup and lockup two forms 12.00 12.00 .... Presswork two forms 10.00 10.00 .40 Colored ink 2.00 2.00 .10 Paper for cover, 42 sheets .50 .50 .25 Composition and makeup, 4 pages . 6-00 6.00 Presswork 2.20 2.20 .14 Binding 2.00 2-00 .70 Cost figures for 200 copies $66.70 60.04 3.01 Adding 20 per cent 13.34 12.01 .59 Sellinii price of 200 copies $80.04 72.05 3.60 " "500 " 90.84 82.85 3.60 " " 1000 " 108.84 100.85 3.60 Extra color forms to be added Makeup and lockup 8.00 8.00 Ink and running 1000 10.00 10.00 .40 Cost figures 18.00 18.00 .40 Adding 20 per cent 3.60 3.60 .10 Selling of first 1000 $21.60 21.60 .50 Added 1000s 5.00 5.00 .50 These figures are carefully considered for a booklet of the size mentioned. If there is a large run of presswork, double size paper may be used, but not to very great advantage, be- cause all the preliminary lockup and make-ready are abso- lutely double, and often largely increased by the extra size in handling chases, stone room and paper feeding and handling, fully equal in expense to the saving by the reduced time of press running. REM ARKS— The main value of the figures given for books is in the determined prices for all the work and stock, except composition. It is worth while to the estimator to know, with- out figuring, that a book with a given number of pages, re- quires a certain number of sheets, and that the value of the paper, presswork and binding are all carefully and uni- formly figured. 128 COST STSTEJI PRICE LIST BOOKS OR PAMPHLETS Paper Page 6V^x9K inches. Type Page 4xT inches Sixteen pages on one side of a sheet of 25x38 book paper. Twenty-eight square inches to one page. 224 square inches in an eight page form, paper 25x38 book, 60 lb. at 5c, 16 pages on one side. Ten Point Cost Estimate 200 Copies » 8 pps. 16 pps. 32 pps. Sheets of paper for 200 copies 52 105 210 Paper at 60c per 100 32 63 1.26 Handling and cutting 15 .20 .25 Machine composition, 10 point 6.05 12.10 24.20 Makeup and lockup 3.00 5.20 10.40 Press work, 200 copies 2.55 3.45 6.90 Folding and stitching 60 .75 1.20 Cost of 200 copies 12.67 22.33 44.21 Adding20^ 2.53 4.47 8.84 Selling price of 200 copies $15.20 26.80 53.05 500 copies 17.15 29.62 58.75 1000 copies 20.40 34.32 68.25 Added 100 copies 65 .94 1.90 Eightpointcomposition will add.. 2.15 4.30 8.60 C«ver to be Added Cover stock will be 91^^x13 inches, cutting 4 out of 20x25 stock, 50 lb. at 7c, costing 70c for 100 sheets of cover. Cost Estimate Sheets for 200 covers Paper for 200 covers H andling and cutting Composition average Makeup and lockup Presswork, 200 copies Bindery, additional Cost of 200 covers Adding 20 per cent SeIIinf{ price of 200 covers... " " 500 '• ... " " 1000 " .... 200 Copies -^ Added 100 52 26 $ .37 .18 .10 .01 2.00 .39 .60 .08 .20 .10 S3.66 .37 .73 .07 $4.39 .44 5.71 .44 7.91 .44 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 129 BOOKS OR PAMPHLETS Paper Page 7x1 0% Inches. Type Page Sx8% Inches Sixteen pages on one side of a sheet of 28x42 book. Forty- two square inches in 1 page, 336 square inches for 8 page form. Paper 28x42, 70 Tb at 5c, and 70c per 100 sheets. -200 Copies- 34.76 68.00 37.76 73.70 42.76 83.20 1.00 1.90 8 pps. 16 pps. 32 pps. Sheets of paper in 200 copies 52 105 210 Paper at 70c per 100 $.36 .73 1.47 Handling and cutting 15 .20 .25 Machine composition 10 point 9.07 18.14 36.28 Makeup and lockup 3.50 5.70 11.40 Presswork 200 copies 2.55 3.45 6.90 Folding and stitching 60 .75 1.20 Cost of 200 copies $16.23 28.97 57.50 Adding 20 per cent 3.25 5.79 11.50 Sellinii price of 200 copies $19.48 " "500 " 21.52 " " 1000 " 24.92 Added 100 copies 68 Cover to be Added Cover stock will be 10Hxl4 inches, cutting in fours from a sheet of 2234x28V^, 70 B) stock at 7c, $4.90 per ream and 98 cents for 100 sheets. Cost Estimate Paper 53 sheets for 200 Handling and cutting Composition estimated Makeup and lockup Presswork 200 copies Bindery additional Cost of 2')0 copies Adding 20 per cent. . . Sellinii price of 200 covers . " " 500 " " 1000 , 200 Copies -^ Added 100 $ .52 .28 .20 .02 2.00 .39 60 08 .25 .15 $3.96 .51 .79 .10 $4.75 .61 6 58 61 9.63 .61 130 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST BOOKS OR PAMPHLETS Catalogue Pages— Paper Page 8x1 1 Inches. Type Page 6%x9H Inches Eight pagres on one side of a sheet of 22x32 book paper— One page 62 square Inches— 8 pa^es 493 sgiuare inches. Paper 70 B) enamel book at 6c— $5.60 per ream SI. 12 per 100 sheets. Eigbt Point Estimate ^—1,000 Copies — ^ Added 8 pps. 16 pps. 8 pps. 540 sheets at $1.12 $6.05 12.10 6.05 Handling and cutting .70 1.30 .70 Composition 8 pps. 496 sq. in 17.36 34.72 17.36 " extra for figure work. 8.68 17.36 8.68 Makeup and lockup 5.20 10.40 4.20 Press work 1,000 copies 5.00 10.00 5.00 Binding without cover 2.30 3.85 1.25 Cost of 1,000 copies $45.29 89.73 43.24 Adding 20 per cent 9.06 17.95 8.65 Selling price of 1000 copies $54.35 107.68 51.89 " " 500 " 47.96 95.35 Added 1000 copies 12.78 24.66 11.52 Cover to be Added Cover stock will be 11x16 inches, cutting three from a sheet of 22^x28H. 70 B) at 8c; $5.60 a ream, and $1.12 per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate for Cover . 1000 Covers Added 1000 350 sheets of paper at $1.12 $3.92 3.92 H andling and cutting .49 .49 Composition average 3.00 Makeup and lockup .39 Presswork 1000 copies 2.75 1.20 Bindery additional 2.20 2.20 Cost of 1000 covers $12.75 7.81 Adding 20 per cent 2.55 1.58 Selling price of 200 covers $15.30 9.37 These figures are providing for a good job of work, with machine composition costing $3.25 per page. No allowance be- ing made for cuts. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 131 BOOKS OR PAMPHLETS Catalogue Pages— Paper Page 9^x12^ Inches. Type Page 7Hxl 1 Inches Eight pages on one side of a sheet of 25x38 book. Eighty square inches in 1 page, 640 square inches for 8 page form. Paper 25x38, S. and C. 60 B) at 5c— ream $3.00; 60c per 100 sheets. Ei^ht Point Estimate ^1,000 Gopies-> Added 8 pps. 16 pp8. 8 pps. Paper at 60c per 100 $3.12 6.24 3.12 Handling and cutting 40 .70 .40 Composition 8 pages 640 sq. in 22.40 44.80 22.40 added for figures.... 11.20 22.40 11.20 Makeup and lockup 6.70 13.40 6.70 Press work 1,000 copies 4.75 9.50 4.75 Binding without cover 2.30 3.85 1.25 Cost of 1.000 copies $50.87 100.89 48.52 Adding 20 per cent 10.17 20.18 9.70 Selling price of 1000 copies $61.04 121.07 58.22 " " 500 " 56.59 112.62 54.40 Added 1,000 copies 8.90 16.91 7.64 Cover to be Added Cover stock will be 12^x19 inches, cutting two out of a sheet of 20x25, 70 lb stock at 8 cents, $5.60 per ream and $1.12 for 100 sheets. Cost Estimate for Cover 1,000 Covers Added 1000 Paper 520 sheets for 1,000 $5.82 5.82 Handling and cutting .68 .68 Composition 1 page estimated 3.00 ... Makeup and lockup .39 Presswork 1000 copies Bindery additional Cost of lO'K) copies , Adding 20 per cent Sellinii price of 1000 covers $17.81 11.88 These tables are worked out for reference mainly. Within the number of pages figured, they are safe in making up an estimate, providing the cost of composition is nearly cor- rect. All the other figures are worked out on an average cost basis, and will stand the test of normal hour costs. 2.75 1.20 2.20 2.20 $14.84 9.90 2.97 1.98 132 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST BOOKS OR PAMPHLETS Catalogue Pages— Paper Page 10^x14- Inches. Type Page SHx.12 inches Eight pages on one side of a sheet of 28x42 book paper- one pagre 100 square inches, 800 square inches in an eight page form. Paper 28x42, 70 lb. S. and C. at 5c. per ream S3.50, per 100 sheets 70c. Eifiht Point Cost Estimate ^1,000 Copies-^ Added 8 pps. 16pi)s. 8 pps. Paper 520 sheets at 70c per 100 $3.64 7.28 3-64 Handling and cutting 46 .82 .36 Composition 8 pps. 800 sq. in 28.00 56.00 28.00 added for figures.... 14.00 28.00 14.00 Makeup and lockup 8.00 16.00 6.40 Press work, 1000 copies 5.75 11.50 5.75 Binding without cover 2.50 4.25 1.40 Cost of 1000 copies 62.35 123.85 59.55 Adding 20^ 12.47 24.77 11.91 Sellinfi price of 1000 copies $74.82 148.62 71.46 Selling price of 500 copies 67.47 134.37 65.97 Added 1000 copies 14.70 28.50 10.98 Cover to be Added Cover stock will be 14x21 inches, cutting two out of 22x28^, 80 lb. at 8c, $6.40 per ream and $1.28 for 100 sheets. Cost Estimate for Cover 1000 Covers n Added 1000 520 sheets of paper at SI. 28 $6.65 6.65 Handling and cutting .76 .76 Composition average 3.00 Makeup and lockup .39 Presswork, 1000 copies 2.75 1.20 Bindery, additional 2.30 2.30 Cost of 1000 covers S15.85 10.91 Adding 20 per cent 3.17 2.18 Selling price of 1000 covers $19.02 13.09 The estimatoi may think he has a better formula for get- ting at the cost of making a catalogue. He will be a better guesser, however, if he will take a lesson from this book before giving his final figures- FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 133 A MONTHTLY MAGAZINE Sixteen Pages on a Full Sheet of 30x44 Sixteen pages, eight on each side of a sheet of 30x44 book. Page size 11x15; type page 9x12^ inches, four columns to a page, 112 square inches. Paper 65 fi> at 5c— 13.25 per ream, per 100 sheets 65 cents. Cost Estimate ' — 1,000 Copies — > Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 1,050 sheets of paper $6.82 6.82 .68 16 pages 8 point at $3.92 62.72 16 pages 10 point at $3.02 48.32 Makeup and lockup 12.00 12.00 Presswork 11.50 11.50 ^8 Folding and stitching 2.50 2.50 .25 Costfigures $95.54 81.14 1.31 Adding 10 per cent 9.56 8.11 .26 Selling price 1,000 copies $105.10 89.25 ^ 1.57 Additional 100 copies 1.57 1.57 1.57 AddedSpages 57.08 48.48 .85 A cover of four pages added will increase the price of 1000 copies about $21.50 for the first 1000, and $6.20 for added 1000s. Sixteen Pages on One Side of a Sheet of 32x44, Paper page 8x11 inches; type page QVsxdYs, equal 60 square inches. Paper weighing 70 B> at 5c. $3.50 per ream. 70 cents per 100 sheets. Cost Estimate > — 1,000 Copies — * Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 525 sheets of paper at 70c $ 3.68 3.68 .27 Handling and cutting .40 ,40 .40 Eight point machine composition.. 33.60 Ten point machine composition 25.92 Makeup and lockup 12.00 12.00 Presswork 5,75 5.75 .19 Folding and stitching 2.50 2.50 .25 Cost figures $57.93 50.25 1.01 Adding 10 per cent 5.79 5.02 .10 Selling price 1,000 copies $63.72 55.27 1.11 Additional 100 copies 1.11 1.11 1.11 A cover of four pages will increase the selling price about S20.00 for the first 1000, and for added 1000s $5.00. 134 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST -^ OD ?S O ^ 15 -w *^ c; X g rr^f J5HOKT WAY en — 1 ♦^ ^ ^r S to en en A 1 ^ ^ »S9 CO «D CO 00 ^ g •-c^ p B S A l!^J?H CD ^. < -- S- S p 5* 1- r. ^ 3. 2. ^ ® 2 S 90 ^' ^ p p g. jq .. ^ ^ 3 2- S' ^ ^ .^ -^ s- s ? :; c. 3 =^ 3 1 g ^ c ft »5 ^ f; s »») ill Sheet. 22x2 corner fitruros s ires after the dasl res show the num suring from B. I { longwise at 8, th o > d cr O ® "^ g* ^ =" OB 1» BS 2 ^ ^ > « rt o f5 3 r Che num num f ca ard et w1 m ber of ber in rds to measu 111 cut •*^ S p 2 w 2 "^ 2. § o S "-h cr g cc S <^ cr «/^ 3 ^ o ^ FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 135 Cards, Business and Entertainment Using- the card scale on the opposite pag-e, the stock figures are based on the cost of 100 sheets, of the size 22x28 inclies. Stock figured as 4 ply or other cards at prices named at $2.00 per 100 full sheets. Add. 250 S'K) 1000 1000 15 sheets at 2 cents 08 .15 .30 .30 Cutting and handling- 15 .20 .25 .20 Composition and lockup.... 1.00 1.00 1.00 Presswork 50 .65 .90 .60 Total cost figures $1.73 2.00 2.45 1.10 Adding 20 per cent , 25 .40 .49 .22 Sellinf{ Prices- Sheets Cutting Cost of Add. for 1000 to 1 Shest 1000 250 500 1000 1000 15 72 .36 1.98 2.40 2.94 1.30 16 62 .38 2.00 2.42 2.96 1.32 19 55 .46 2.02 2.46 3.03 1.40 21 48 .50 2.04 2.51 3.10 1.48 24 42 .58 2.06 2.55 3.17 1.56 29 35 .70 2.10 2.60 3.27 1.66 At $3.00 per 1 OO Sheets 15 72 .54 2.13 2.52 3.13 1.50 16 63 .58 2.15 2.54 3.16 1.54 19 55 .68 2.18 2.60 3.26 1.64 21 48 .76 2.21 2.65 3.34 1.72 24 42 .86 2.24 2.70 3.44 1.82 29 35 1.04 2.30 2.80 3.62 2.00 At $4.00 per lOO Sheets 15 72 .72 2.17 2.59 3.30 1.68 16 63 .77 2.19 2.62 3.35 1.73 19 55 .91 2.24 2.70 3.49 1.87 21 48 1.01 2.27 2.76 3 59 1.97 24 42 1.15 2.32 2.84 3.73 2.10 29 35 1.39 At $5.00 2.39 • per 2.97 lOO Sheets 3.97 2.34 15 72 .90 2.21 2.67 3.49 1.86 16 63 .96 2.24 2.70 3.55 1.92 19 55 1.14 2.30 2.80 3.78 2.10 21 48 1.26 2.34 2.87 3.90 2.22 24 42 1.44 2.40 2.97 4.08 2.40 29 35 1.74 2.48 3.13 4.38 2.70 136 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Cards, Business and Entertainment — Cont. At $6.00 per 100 Sheets. Sheets Cutting Cost of Add. for 1000 to 1 Sheet 1000 250 500 1000 1000 15 72 1.08 2.26 2.77 3.66 2.04 16 63 1.15 2.28 2.81 3.73 2.11 19 55 1.37 2.34 2.93 3.95 2.33 21 48 1.51 2.38 3.10 4.09 2.47 24 42 1.73 2.44 3.22 4.31 2.69 29 35 2.09 2.50 3.40 4.67 3.05 At $7.00 per 100 Sheets 15 72 1.26 2.30 2.86 3.84 2.12 16 63 1.34 2.33 2.90 3.92 2.20 10 55 1.60 2.40 3.04 4.18 2.46 21 48 1.76 2.45 3.12 4.34 2.62 24 42 2'02 2.52 3.25 4.60 2.86 29 36 2.44 2.63 3.46 5.00 3.26 Two colors add to any price 1.62 1.80 2.10 1.00 Round Comer Die Cut Cards Extra Translucent. Cards Cards 1,000 500 1,000 Added Composition anfi lonkun... $1.25 1.25 Presswork, .60 .90 .60 Total labor cost Adding 20 percent. $1.85 .37 2.15 .43 Sellinii labor $2.22 Selling prices: No. 63— Selling .72 No 63 " .90 No. 55 " 1.02 No. 48 " 1.14 No. 36 " 1.26 2.58 No. 88- No. 70 No. 63 No. 55 No. 48 No. 36 For 2 colors add to above price. .72. .84. 1.02. .12 .72 $2.58 $3.30 $1.44 2 67 3.48 1.62 2.73 3.60 1.74 2.79 3.72 1.86 2.85 3.84 1.98 i Comer $2.48 8.12 1.26 2.52 3.18 1.32 2.56 3.24 1.38 2.58 3.30 1.44 2.64 3.42 1.56 2.73 3.60 1.74 1.80 2.10 .70 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 137 Card Display Announcements This class of work usually requires more care and taste than the ordinary hand bill. * , 100 Copies Prices for Black Ink 8s 6s 4s Card board. 22x28 inches 7x11 9%xll 11x14 Sheets of stock 14 118 27 Card stock $.42 .54 .84 Handling- and cutting,. .15 .20 .20 Composition 1.75 1.75 2.00 Presswork .70 .70 .70 Total cost fig-u res. $3.02 3.29 3.74 Adding 20 per cent .60 .66 .74 Selling prices first 100.... $3.62 3.95 4.48 AddedlOOs .60 .78 .97 If colored ink. add for first 100, $1.00 and 5 cents for added 100s. For two colors of ink add $1.50 for first 100 and 15 cents for additional 100s. CARD DISPLAY ANNOUNCEMENTS Cost Estimate . 100 copies » 3s 2s Is Prices for black ink. 9Hx22 14x22 22x28 Card board 22x28, 6 ply. 33 55 llO Coated at $3.50 per 100. Cards. Cards. Cards. Card stock $1.15 192 3.85 Handling and cutting 25 .30 .40 Composition 3.00 3.50 4.50 Presswork 1.00 1.25 1.50 Total cost figures $5.40 6.97 10.25 Adding 20 per cent 1.08 1.39 2.05 Selling prices first 100 $6.48 8.36 12.30 AddedlOO 1.25 2.00 4.00 COMMUTATION TICKETS For Restaurants, Boarding houses and Barbers. 100 250 500 1,000 Card stock $.06 .15 .30 .50 Handling and cutting.... 14 .15 .20 .25 Composition 1.20 1.20 1.20 1,20 Presswork 40 .50 .65 .90 Numbering .10 .15 .30 .50 Total cost figures... ..$1.90 2.15 2.65 3.35 Adding 20 per cent .38 .43 .55 .65 Selling prices ..$2.28 2.58 3.20 4.00 AddedlOOs .23 .23 .23 .23 138 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Cards — Mailing and Advertising Cutting from 24x36 tag stock, 140 pounds to ream, size 6x9, 16s; and 7x11. cutting 8s from 22x28 sheets, 110 lbs, to ream, cost-» ing 5 cents a pound. No. sheets of card board. 66 66 132 130 Composition on front $1. 6x9 > . 7x11 . on reverse 35 sq. inches 1,000 Added 1,000 Added for smaller card $2.50. Copies l.aM) Copies 1,000 Card stock at 5c $0.92 0.90 1.45 1.43 Handling and cutting 20 .15 .25 .20 Composition on both sides.... 3.00 .... 3.50 Presswork 1.20 .80 1.60 1.05 Total cost figures $5.32 1.85 6.80 2.68 Adding 20 per cent 1.06 .37 1.36 .54 Selling prices $6.38 2.22 3.16 3.22 Added 100s 23 ... .33 If in colored ink add 75 .15 1.00 .15 In two colors add 2.00 1.08 220 1.10 If there is no composition on the address side there would be a proper reduction of f 1.20 from selling price of the first 1,000. ESTIMATE WORDS Estimate words, counting 100 equal to 300 ems solid eight point— 9 lines of 24 em pica measure. In ten point, same mea- sure— 11 lines. There are 250 words in 25 lines of typewriter copy. Twenty- five lines of typewriter set in any measure, eight point, equal to 900 ems, or eleven square inches of type. 45 lines, 24 ems, 8 point, omitting heading or page number has 500 words. WORDS IN TEN SQUARE INCHES OF TYPE Words Ems 12-point solid 140 360 12-point leaded 110 360 11-point solid 170 440 11-point leaded 140 440 10-point solid 210 520 10-point leaded 160 520 9-pointsolid 280 640 9-point leaded 214 640 8-pointsolid 320 810 8-point leaded 230 810 7-point solid 380 1060 7-point leaded 270 1060 6-pointsolid 470 1440 6-point leaded •••. 340 1440 5-pointsolid 690 1760 5-pointleaded 500 1760 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 139 Folded Letter Circulars CJsing half or whole sheet of folio for forms. The paper page 8>fxll inches, with a % inch marg-in, gives a type page of 7x9H inches, equal to 66 square inches. Using 20 lb. paper at 10c. < 1000 Copies > 12 3 4 page pages pages pages Cost of paper $2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 Handling and cutting 30 .30 .30 .30 Composition, 10 pt. machine 2.70 5.40 8.10 10.80 Makeup and lockup 80 1.60 2.40 3.20 Presswork 1.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 Folding, one fold 50 .50 .50 .50 Total cost figures $8.05 12.55 16.05 19.55 Adding 20 per cent 1.61 2.51 3.21 3.91 Selling prices $9.66 15.06 19.26 23.46 Added 1000 copies 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 500 copies 7.41 12.81 17.00 21.20 Add or deduct 100 copies 45 ,45 .45 .45 Folded Note Circulars Using quarter or half sheet folio for forms. The paper page 5^x8^ inches, with a % inch margin, gives a type page 4x7 inches, equal to 28 square inches. Using 20 lb. paper at 10c. / 1,000 Copies » 263 sheets at 40c per 100 12 3 4 page\ pages pages pages Cost of paper $1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 Cutting and handling 20 .20 .20 .20 Composition. 10 pt. machine 1.20 2.40 3-60 4. SO Presswork 1.20 1.65 1.65 1.65 Folding, one fold 50 .50 .50 .50 Total cost figures $4.15 5.80 7.00 8.20 Adding 20 per cent 83 1.16 1.40 1.G4 Selling prices $4.98 6.96 8.40 9.84 Added 1.000 2.75 3.06 3-06 3.06 500 copies 3.65 5.45 6.87 8.31 Add or deduct 100 copies 28 .30 .30 .30 The vital points of the cost system are, first, a time ticket for each employe, and a complete record of the day's work; second, the transfer of the time intelligently on the job entry sheet and the final cost charge of aH the work, and a reason- able profit added for the selling price. 140 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST CIRCULAR LETTERS Half Letter or Quarter Folio Circulars No form rated at less than $2.00 for composition. Paper 20 fl) folio at 10c 1000 Copies . Added 263 sheets per 1,000. 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 100 Paper at 40c per 100 $1.05 1.05 .10 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .02 Comp. handset, full page 7.00 4.32 Presswork 1.20 1.20 .08 Total cost figures $9.45 6.77 .20 Adding 20 per cent 1.89 1.35 .24 Sellinii prices $11.34 8.12 .24 500 copies would be $1.20 less than 1,000. Keep In mind the fact ttiat hand composition on the hour basis of $1.30 produces only about 800 ems of measured type. CIRCULARS ON TYPEWRITER Fours of Folio 20 B) at 10c, full page with 6 point slugs, 33 lines to one page, equal to 1,500 ems of 10 point matter, or near- ly two hours work on a full page of composition, which ought to be full time for proof and lockup. . 1,000 Copies » Estimated Cost One Two Three Four Page. Pages. Pages. Pages. Paper 40c per 100 sheets $1.05 1.05 2.10 2.10 Handling and cutting 20 .20 .30 .30 Composition. 33 lines each 2.40 4.80 7-20 9.60 Presswork 1.20 1.65 2.65 2.65 Folding .50 .50 Total cost figures $4.85 7.70 12.75 15.15 Adding 20 per cent 97 1.54 2.55 3.03 SelliniE prices $5.82 9.24 15.30 18.18 AddedlOOs 25 .27 .44 .44 If a solid form of 10 point, the composition would increase the price per page $2.50. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 141 CIRCULAR FOLDERS ENVELOPE SLIPS AND FOLDERS Paper page SYzxQH inches, type pag-e 2%x5% inches, equal to 15 square inches. Using card stock at $1.00. ^1,000 copies-^ Added One Pa^e. 8 pt. 10 pt. 1.000 40 sheets of cardboard $.40 .40 .40 Handling and cutting .25 .25 .15 Composition hand-set 2.08 1.12 Presswork .90 ^90 .60 Total cost figures $3.63 2.67 1.15 Adding 20 per cent .73 ^53 ^ Selling prices, 1,000 copies $4.36 3.20 1.38 Printing on both sides 6.50 4-40 1.40 FOLDERS OR LEAFLETS Four PaiEes for 6V2 envelopes, type page 3x534, equal to 16 square inclies, paper form for four pages 634x14 or 7x1234 inches, cutting 10 out of 25x38 book, 20 leaflets to a sheet, 60 ft at 5c. Cost Estimate ^1.000 Copies-^ Added 8 pt. 10 pt. 1.000 Paper at 60c per 100 sheets $.32 .32 .32 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .20 Composition, part machine 4.28 3.80 Presswork 1.20 1.20 .80 Folding .50 ^50 ^ Total cost figures $6.50 6.02 1-62 Adding 20 per cent 1.30 1^2 ^2 Selling prices. 1,000 $7.80 7.24 1.94 Some of these forms may be largely hand-set, for which prices should if possible be increased. Tlie quality of paper may make an increased price, which should be considered in making prices. For GVfi Envelopes Six Paies— Paper for form 10x14 inches; 8s of 28x42 book, 80 B). Type page 3x534 inches, equal to 96 sq. in. for 6 pages. 64 sheets for 1,000 copies. 1,000 Copies Added 8 pt. 10 pt. 1.000 Paper at 84c per 100 sheets $ .64 .64 .64 Handling and cutting .25 .25 .20 Composition machine set 4.40 3.20 Presswork 1.60 1.60 1.05 Folding 2 folds .80 ^80 ,00 Total cost figures $7,69 6.49 2.49 Adding 20 per cent 1.54 1.30 .51 Selling prices $9.23 7.79 3.00 Added 1,000s 3.00 3.00 3.00 142 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST CIRCULAR FOLDERS FOLDERS OR LEAFLETS— For 6K Envelopes. Eirfht Pa^es— Paper 13x13, cutting 6 out of 28x42. 70 lb. book, taking 88 sheets for 1,000. Type page 3x5% inches, equal to 17 square inches. Paper at 5c, ;0c per 100 sheet, Cost Estimate 1,000 Copies Added 8 pt. 10 pt. 1,000 88 sheets at 70c $.62 .62 .62 Handling and cutting 20 .20 .20 Composition machine 6.75 5.60 Presswork 1.65 1.65 1.05 Folding 2 folds .80 ^0 ^ Total cost figures $10.02 8.87 2.47 Adding 20 per cent 2.00 1.77 .49 Selling prices $12.02 10.64 2.96 Added 1,000s 2.S6 2.96 2.96 Folders or Leaflets— For No. lO Envelopes. Paper page 3%xd inches, type page 2>3x8 inches, equal to 21 square inches. Four Paies— Paper for form 9x14 inches, cutting 9 from a sheet of 28x42—70 2> book, costing 5c. 56 sheets of paper. 1,000 Copies Added 8 pt. 10 pt. 1,000 Paper 70c per 100 $.39 .39 .39 Handling and cutting .20 .20 .20 Comp. machine 84 square inches. . . 4.00 3.00 Presswork 1.60 1.60 1.05 Folding one fold 50 .50 .30 Total cost figures 6.69 5.69 1.94 Adding 20 per cent 1.34 1.14 .39 Selling prices $8.03 6.83 2.33 Added 1,000 2.33 2.33 2.33 Sellinii prices, 6 paiies $10.52 9.30 2.96 Sellinii prices, 8 pai{es..... $13.72 12.14 3.44 Sellinii prices, 10 paies $18.58 16.54 4.54 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 143 COMPLAINTS, CONTRACTS. ETC. On 32 fi> Double-Cap, when over two pag-es, so as to fold like le^al cap, type pag-e Q%xl2 inches, equal to 80 square inches. These are usually in small numbers, composition 80 square inches to a page. , 100 Copies . One Pa^e 8 pt. 10 pt. 12 pt. Paper at lOc $.35 .35 .35 Handling- and cutting" .15 .15 .15 Composition machine 4.20 3 24 2.95 Makeup and lockup 1.40 1.40 1.40 Presswork 60 .60 .60 Cost figures $6.70 5.74 5.45 Adding 20 per cent 1.34 1.15 1.09 Selling prices $8.04 6.89 6.54 Added 100 65 .65 .65 Two Pa^es Paper and handling" $ ,50 .50 .50 Composition and lockup 11.20 9!28 8.70 Presswork .80 .80 .80 Costfig-ures $12.50 10.58 10.00 Adding 20 per cent 2.50 2.12 2.00 Selling prices $15.00 12.70 12.00 Added 100 copies 72 .72 ,72 Three Pa^es — Paper and handling $ .85 .85 .85 Composition and lockup 16.80 13.80 13.05 Presswork 2.40 2.40 2.40 Cost figures $20.05 17.05 16.30 Adding 20 per cent 4.01 3.41 3,20 Selling Prices $24.06 20.46 19.50 Added 100 folded 1,40 1.40 1.40 Four Pa({es Paper and handling $ .85 .85 .85 Composition and lockup 22.40 18.44 17.40 Presswork 2.40 2.40 2.40 Cost figures $25.65 21.69 20.65 Adding 20 per cent 5.13 4 34 4.13 Selliii{{ prices $30.78 26.03 24.78 Added 100 folded 1.40 1.40 1.40 144 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST DELIVERY BOOKS AND SHEETS In duplicate for Carbon. 16s Manila Royal and print; 43ix6 inches, canvas back and wire-tied. Paper at 4 cents. 130 sheets for 10 books. 10 20 Added Books. Books. 10 Books. Paper at 16c perlOO $.21 .42 .21 Handling and cutting 15 .20 .10 Composition.... 1.00 1.50 Presswork 1.50 2.00 .40 Binding 1.55 2.70 1.10 Total cost figures $4.41 6-82 1.81 Adding 20 per cent 88 1.36 .36 Selling prices... $5.29 8.18 2.17 Delivery Books in Duplicates. Without carbons, 200 in a book. 6x9, 263 sheets royal in 10 books. 10 20 Added Books. Books. 10 Books. Paper 20 ft) Manila at 5c $.53 1.05 .52 Handling and cutting .20 .25 .15 Composition 1.00 1.50 Presswork 1.50 2.00 .40 Binding 1.20 2.20 1.00 Total cost figures $4.43 7.00 2.0? Adding 20 per cent 89 1.40 .41 Selling prices $5.32 8.40 2.48 Delivery Sheets in Duplicate and Triplicate Using Carbons, Roj^al or Folio Papers. 16 and 14 lb. weight. 250 Sheets 375 Sheets Estimated to use 5c paper. Duplicates Triplicates 250 sheets for duplicates and 425 1,000 Added 1,000 Added sheets for triplicates 1.000 1.000 Paper $.53 .52 .75 .75 Handling and cutting .30 .25 .40 .30 Composition 1.20 .... 1.20 Presswork 2.00 1.10 2.40 1.65 Punching and gathering .50 .30 .70 .60 Total cost figures $4.53 2 27 5.45 3.30 Adding 20 per cent 91 .45 109 .66 Selling prices $5.44 2.72 6.54 3.86 It will be noted that the selling prices are for 1,000 dupli- cates, or 2,000 sheets and 1,000 triplicates, or 3,000 sheets. No provision for down rules, or ruling. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 145 ENVELOPES LABOR COST ESTIMATE Added Comp. and presswork only... 250 500 1,000 1.000 Composition corner card $0.50 0.50 0.50 Presswork and opening up 50 .65 .90 .60 Total cost figures for labor.... 1.00 1.15 1.40 .60 Adding 20 per cent 20 .23 .28 .12 Selling price for labor $1.20 1.38 1.68 .72 Customers furnishing envelopes, there should be an extra charge of 10 per cent to these figures. SELLING PRICE FOR ENVELOPES COMPLETE Selling price Added Pay, drug and coin, costing 250 500 1000 1000 56c $1.40 1.72 2.35 1.39 Bond XX, at $1.40 1.80 2.22 3.36 2.40 Linen XXX, at 1.60 1.85 2.34 3.60 2.64 CostingeOc 1.40 1.75 2.40 1.44 Costing 70c 1.45 1.80 ?.52 1.56 Costing 80c 1.50 1.90 2.64 1.68 Costing 90c 1.55 1.95 2.76 1.80 Costing $1.10 1.60 2.00 2.88 1.92 Costing 1.15 1.65 2.05 8.00 2.04 Costing 1.20 1.70 2.10 3.12 2.16 Costing 1.30 1.75 2.16 3.24 2.28 Costing 1.40 1.80 2-22 3.36 2.40 Costing 1.50 1.80 2.28 3.48 2.52 Costing 1.60 1.85 2.34 3.60 2.64 Costing 1.70 1.85 2.40 3.72 2.76 Costing 1.80 1.85 2.46 3.84 2.88 Costing 1,90 1.85 2.52 3.96 3.00 Costing 2.00 1.85 2.58 4.08 3.12 Costing 2.10 1.85 2.64 4.20 3.24 Costing 2.20 1.86 2.70 4.32 3.36 Costing 2.30 1.89 2.76 4.44 3.48 Costing 2.40.. 1.92 2.82 4.56 3.60 Costing 2.50 1.95 2.88 4.68 3.72 Costing 2.60 1.98 2.94 4.80 3.84 Costing 2.70 2.01 3.00 4.92 3.96 Costing 2.80 2.04 3.06 5.04 4.08 Costing 2.90 2.07 3.12 5.16 4.20 Costing 3.00 2.10 3.18 5.28 4.32 In colored ink, will add 50 cents to the first 1000 or fraction. In two colors, add for form 50 cents, and 12 cents per 100 for extra presswork; and for extra 1000s, after the first add $1.00. 146 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST LETTER HEADS The hour cost of composition being uncertain, the figures of each column are suggestive as to cost. Cost Estimate of Labor 1,000 Copies » Composition and lockup $1.30 1.60 1.90 Presswork 1.20 1.20 1.20 Tablets 10 .10 .10 Total $2.60 2.90 3.20 Adding 20 per cent. 52 .58 .64 Selling price of labor $3.12 3.48 3.84 Selling price of completed work Paper . 1,000 Copies > Composition costing $1.30 1.60 1.90 Paper 10c, 10 5> S1.32 4.44 4.80 5.16 Added 1.000 2.40 2.40 2.40 500 copies 3.42 3.78 4.14 AddedlOOs .24 .24 .24 Paperatl2c 1.56 4.68 5.04 5.40 Added 1.000 2.64 2.64 2.64 500copies. 3.54 3.90 4.26 AddedlOOs .26 .26 .26 Paper at 14c '. 1.80 4.92 5.28 Added 1,000 2.88 2.88 SOOcopies 3.64 4.02 AddedlOOs .29 .29 Paper at 16c 2.04 5.16 5.52 Added 1.000 3.12 3.12 500 copies 3.78 4.14 AddedlOOs .31 .31 Paper at 18c 2.28 5.40 5.76 Addedl.OOO 3.36 3.36 500 copies 3.90 4.26 AddedlOOs .34 .34 Paperat20c 2.52 5.64 6.00 Addedl.OOO 3.60 3.60 500 copies 4.02 4.38 AddedlOOs .36 .36 .36 Paper at 22c 2.76 5.88 6.24 6 60 Addedl.OOO 3.84 3.84 3.84 500copies 4.14 4.58 5.86 AddedlOOs .38 .38 .38 For colored ink other than black add 50 cents to the first 1,000, and 6 cents for added l,OuO. For two colors add $2.50 for the first 1,C00. and $1.00 for additional 1,000. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 147 Note and Memorandum Headings Cost Estimate of Labor for 1,000 Copies. -1,000 Goptes- Composition and lockup $1.00 1.20 1.40 Presswork .90 .90 .90 Tablets 10 .10 .10 Total cost fig-ures $2.00 2.20 2.40 Adding 20 per cent. .40 .44 .48 Sellini^ price of labor, 1 ,000 $2.40 Selling- price of labor, added 1,000. Selling price of completed work Paper ^ Composition costing Paper at 10c, 5-tt> $ .66 Added 1,000 copies 500 copies AddedlOOs .... Paper at 12c, 5- ft 78 Added 1.000 500 copies Added 100s Paper at 14c, 5- B) 90 Added 1,000 500 copies AddedlOOs Paper at 16c, 5-ft 1.02 Added 1,000 500 copies AddedlOOs Paper at 18c. 5-B) 1.14 Added 1,000 500 copies AddedlOOs Paper at 20c. 5-B) 1.26 Added 1.000 500 copies AddedlOOs Colored ink will add 22 cents per 1.000; 2 colors of ink will add to first 1,000 $1.50, and to added 1,000s 75 cents. $2.40 2.64 2.88 .90 .90 ►O Goples- .90 1,U1I $1.00 1.20 1.40 3.06 3.30 3.54 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.43 2.67 2.91 .16 .16 .16 3.18 8.42 3.66 1.62 1.62 1.62 2.49 2.73 2.97 .17 .17 .17 3.30 3.54 3.78 1.74 1.74 1.74 2.55 2.79 3.03 .19 .19 .19 3.42 3.66 3.90 1.86 1.86 1.86 2.61 2.85 3.09 .20 .20 .20 3.54 3.78 4.12 1.98 1.98 1.98 2.67 2.91 3.15 .21 .21 .21 3.66 3.92 4 25 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.73 2.97 3.21 .22 . .22 .22 148 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST MONTHLY STATEMENTS 500 Cost of all items except paper. Composition $1.00 Presswork 60 Tablets .10 1,000 1.00 .90 .10 Total cost figures $1.70 Adding 20 per cent 34 2.00 .40 Sellinii price of labor $2.04 Completed Work. 1.000 $.35 .40 Gem3%x55^ $2.25 .... 2.28 .42 .... 2.29 .44 .46 Sauare bViXoVs Yankee 3)^x8H .... 2.30 2.32 .48 .... 2.33 .50 Pony 4%\8i4 2.34 .52 .54 Royal Yankee 4x0^ .... 2.35 .... 2.37 .56 .... 2.28 .58 .... 2.39 .60 D-lb- reg at 10c .... 2.40 .65 .... 2.43 .70 .... 2.46 .75 6-lb. reg. ot 10c .... 2.49 .60 2.52 .85 .... 2.55 .90 .... 2.58 .95 bYzll .... 2.61 1.00 .... 2.64 2.88 2.90 2.93 2.95 2.98 3.00 3.02 3.05 3.07 3.10 3.12 3.16 3.24 3.30 3.36 3.42 3.48 3.54 3.60 Special ruled statements will add $1.25 to first 1.000, and 20 cents per 1,000 additional. Merchandise Orders or Receipts Size 334x8^ inches Half original and half duplicate. White and manila paper Handling and cutting Composition Presswork Gathering, perforating, binding. .. Total cost figures Adding 20 per cent 10 Books 100 Leaves 10 Books 200 Leaves S .20 .40 .15 .90 .20 .90 .90 1.50 1.20 1.40 $3.35 4 40 .65 .88 Selling prices Added single books . $4.00 .25 5.28 .38 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 149 HANDBILLS AND POSTERS HANDBILL SIZES ON 24x36 PRINT There is a great difference to be noted between a handbill, with a larg-e amount of type composition, and a poster where the aim is to use but eight or ten lines for a whole sheet of paper. Using a 24x36 sheet, 35 B) print at 4c a pound. Handbills / 1,000 Copies » Regular size. 6x9 9x12 12x18 18x24 Number to a sheet. 16 8 4 2 Number of sheets for 1,000. 66 132 263 525 Paper 28 cents for 100 sheets $ .18 .36 .72 1.44 Handling and cutting 15 .15 .20 .25 Composition handset 1.50 3.00 5.00 12.00 Presswork 90 1.20 1.60 2.65 Total cost figures $2.73 4.71 7.52 16.34 Adding 20 per cent 55 .94 1.50 3.27 Selling price, 1 ,000 $3.28 5.65 9.02 19.61 Added 1,000 1.05 1.55 2.30 3.30 The composition is based on pica measurement, allowingr some time for open matter. But an investigation into costs will bring us to the conclusion that heretofore we have made no money on jobs of 1,000 in either of the above sizes. HANDBILLS. ON 28x42 PRINT 50 B) stock, costing 4 cents, with moderate display. 1,000 Copies » 7x10^ 93^x1034 10^x14 9>^x21 16s 12s 8s 6s Paper at 40c per 100 $.33 .44 .66 .88 Handling and cutting 15 .15 .20 .20 Composition 2.30 3.00 4.00 5.00 Presswork 1.20 1.20 1.60 2.65 Total cost figures $3.98 4.79 6.46 8.73 Adding 20 per cent 70 .96 1.29 1.77 Selling prices $4.68 5.75 7.75 10.50 Added 1.000s 1.30 1.40 1.75 2.10 5,000 copies 9.88 11.35 14.75 18.90 The guessing element in this table is composition, and if the copy is made up to any extent of prices, the estimate may not be large enough. There will be much gained, however, to printers, if they will hold closely to these figures. Ordinarily these forms must be hand set, there is no other way to cheap- en the price. 150 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST HANDBILLS ON 28x42 PRINT 50 t), costing 4 cents. Paper at 40c per 100 sheets Handling" and cutting Composition Presswork Total cost figures $10.90 Adding 20 per cent 2.18 Selling prices, 1,000 $13.08 1,000 Goples- Long 5s 4s 2s 8Hx28 14x21 21x28 $1.05 1.32 2.62 .20 .25 .35 7.00 8.00 15.00 2.65 2.65 3.65 12.22 2.44 21.62 4.32 14.66 25.94 These tables serve one good purpose, in drawing attention to the fact that the prices are nearly exact for all items except composition, and for this the estimate cost is the minimum. HANDBILLS ON 28x42 COLORED PRINT 50 B> stock at iVa cents Cost Estimate Sheets of paper in 1,000. At 45c per 100 sheets $ .30 Handling and cutting • Composition estimated 2.80 Presswork Total cost figures $4.45 Adding 20 per cent. 89 Selling price, 1 .000 $5.34 Added 1,000 1.50 500 copies 3.39 Added 100 15 -1,000 Copies— 16s 8s 4s 2s 7xlOV^ 10^2X14 14x21 21x28 66 132 263 525 . $ .30 .60 1.20 2.40 .15 .20 4.00 .25 8.00 .35 . 2.80 18.00 . 1.20 1.60 2.65 2.65 6.40 1.28 12.10 2.42 23.40 4.68 7.68 14.52 28.08 2.22 3.06 4.62 6.59 13.99 25.77 .22 .31 .46 If the copy is tuch that machine composition can be used, the prices for fours and twos can be materially reduced. The above composition figures are based on 12 point, with a 20 per cent discount for larger type for display. These figures are fairly safe for sale bills of merchandise, where price figures are larger than the body. There should be no discount from the prices, except on the most mature judgement. The margin of profit is small, on the stock and presswork, and customers will have no cause of com- plaint at the full selling prices. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 151 LABEL PRINTING Outside of specialized work there are many forms of direc- tion labels, and special forms in black or one or two colors of ink that can be successfully printed. White label paper coated on one side, size 28x42, 70 lbs. to the ream, should be fig-ured as costing 2 cents a sheet in less than ream orders, Non-curlingr gum lable paper, not above royal size, will cost in small quanti- ties IH cents a sheet. On label paper— not gummed. / l.OOO Copies » Size of printed sheet 7x1034 5Mx7 334x5H Number of lables to sheet 16 32 64 Paper and cutting $.75 .40 .25 Composition with border 3.00 2.00 1.50 Presswork 120 .90 .90 Total cost figures $4.95 330 2.65 Adding 20 per cent .99 .m .53 Belling price, 1,000 $5.94 3.96 3-18: Added 1.000 1.86 1.20 1.02 Gum Label Paper will add ten per cent to either size. LAUNDRY LISTS Twelves of 24-lb. double cap; 4^x8% inches. Added Eighty-eight sheets of paper. 1,000 1.000 Paper at 7 cents $ .30 30 Handling and cutting .15 .10 Composition and one plate 3.00 Presswork .90 .40 Gluing 40 .05 Total cost figures $4.45 85 Adding 20 per cent .89 17 Sellingprices $5.34 1.02 On tens of 16 folio at 6", with five plates furnished by custo- mer, the selling price should be not less than 75c per 1,000 in 25,000 lots. Prices for large Quantities on the offset press, now down to 50 cents per 1,000, and even lower. At prices lower than 50 cents they are simply fillers. LAW CASES, PAPER BOOKS, BRIEFS Briefs and Arguments of Lawyers, and Paper Books or Cer- tified cases, to Supreme Courts, are now entirely confined to machine composition, and are in the larger cities specialized The general printer cannot compete with the specialist- The price of Pai)er Books should not be less than 75 cents per page, and for Briefs 80 cents a page. 152 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST ORDER BLANKS OR SHIPPING RECEIPTS Form and rules printed in black ink. Cost Estimate 1,000 Copies- 8s 8s Bond 16 folio at 7c. Folio Royal oYsxSVs 6x9% Paper, 31 sheets S .29 .37 Handling and cutting 20 .20 Composition 1.50 1.70 Presswork 90 .90 Tablets 15 .15 Total cost figures S3.04 3.32 Adding 20 per cent 61 .66 Selling prices $3.65 3.98 Added 1,000 1.37 1.82 D. C. 7xSH .45 .20 1.70 .90 .15 3.40 .68 4.08 1.92 ORDER BLANKS— SINGLE SHEETS Loose leaf quarter sheet 16-lb. folio, feint line ruling and printing one side. Paper costing, 7 cents Duplicate paper at iHc Tissue paper Cutting and handling Ruling feint line Composition, estimated One presswork Second presswork Third presswork Gathering Punching Tableting Total cost figures S5.38 Adding 20% 1.08 Selling prices 1,000 $6.46 Added 1,000 3.00 -1.000- Single Dupli- Trip. Sheets cates licates S.58 .58 .58 .34 .34 .50 .20 .30 .40 .40 .50 .50 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.20 1.20 1.20 .... .90 .90 .90 .30 .50 .30 .60 .90 .20 .30 .50 1.50 9.72 1.94 9.02 5.40 11.66 7.00 These figures are so far in excess of the prices now charged by specialists that the general printer can get no orders in competition. The table Avill be useful, in saving the estimator his time in figuring, and to show all the elements of labor in forms of this character. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 153 POSTERS AND SHOW BILLS Using- 50 lb. 28x42, costing iVz cents. The cost of 100 sheets being 45 cents. Quar- Whole Half Third ter Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Cost Estimate --1,000 Paper $4.72 2.36 1.58 1.18 Handling and cutting 60 .40 .30 .25 Composition, under 12 lines... 4.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 Black ink extra 1.50 .75 .60 .35 Presswork 3.60 2.65 2.65 2.65 Total cost figures $14.42 9.16 7.63 6.43- Adding 20 per cent 2.88 1.84 1.53 1.29 Selling prices 1000 $17.30 11.00 9.16 7.72 Added 1000 8.90 5.35 4.18 3.34 100 copies 9.29 6.14 5.38 4.66 AddedlOO 89 .54 .42 .34 Red or blue ink, 100 copies 10.10 7.15 6.05 4.95 AddedlOOs I.IO .65 .55 .45 The only Question in these figures is, whether composition is estimated high enough. It certainly should not be lower. The figures may look large for a three or four line poster, but there must be some charge for the use of expensive types that are seldom called for. POSTERS ON CLOTH Usually made from coated muslin, 36 inches wide, costing 8 cents per yard. 9x18 12x18 12x36 100 copies 13 yds. 17 yds. 35 yds. Stock, cutting and handling $1.35 1.85 3.80 Composition 2.00 2.50 3.00 Presswork 1.50 1.50 2.00 Total cost figures 4.85 5.85 8.80 Adding 20 per cent 97 1.17 1.76 Selling price $5.82 7.02 10.56 AddedlOOs 2.00 2.50 5.20 Colored ink will add 1.00 1.25 1,50 The figures on this page are not as high as they ought to be, because in the large cities there is usually an office making a specialty of poster work. In towns where there is no such com- petition, the prices should be at least ten per cent higher. 154 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST POSTAL CARDS AND STAMPED ENVELOPES Postal Cards Single Double Postals Postals Added Added 100 100 100 100 Post office charge $1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 Purchase expense 10 .05 .15 .10 Composition and lockup 1.00 1.50 Presswork 40 .08 .60 .15 Total cost figures 2.50 1.13 4.25 2.25 Adding 20 per cent to labor. .30 .02 .45 .05 Selling prices $2.80 1.15 4.70 2.30 STAMPED ENVELOPES. One Cent Postage— Cost at postoffice $11.00 per 1.000 for No. 6U ; $11.56 for No. 8 (same as No. 10.) Two Cent Postage— No. 5 white or amber, $21.00; No. 8, $21.56. 100 Added Printing Only Env. 100 Purchase expense $ .15 .05 Composition .GO Presswork .40 .08 Total cost figures $ l.lo 0.13 Adding 20 per cent to labor .23 .03 Selling price of labor $1.38 .16 Selling price with envelopes, 2c 3.50 2.26 Selling price with envelopes, Ic 2.53 1.20 PROOFS AND ALTERATIONS This is a perplexing subject to adjust properlj^ The com- positor and the customer may not agree as to style, and when- ever possible it is advisable to get the customer's ideas, if he has any that he would like carried out. For manifest changes of copy, often on revised proofs, the charge ought to be made at the rate of $1.60 an hour, net. The price charged by machine owners is $1.50 per hour for time work. If you have reasonable prices for your work, ordinarily light changes should be made without charge. But if competitive figures are given, a distinct proviso should be added that alterations in style and copy are subject to extra charge of $1.60 per hour for anj' class of work. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 155 POST CARD FOLDERS With Return Order. On 24x36 tag 120 lb. stock. 1 ,000 Copies 2 pps. 4 pps. 6 pps. 8 pps. Size for mailmg- 3^2x6 7x6 10^x6 14x6 Number of slieets 26 52 84 112 At $1.10 per 100 $.29 .57 .92 1.23 Handling- and cutting .15 .15 .20 .25 Composition, estimated 1.50 2.50 3.50 4.50 Presswork 90 .90 I.JO 1.65 Total cost figures $2.84 4.12 5.82 7.63 Adding 20 per cent 57 .82 116 1.53 Selling prices $3.41 4.94 6.98 9.16 Added 1000 1.25 1.60 2.45 3.U0 Program on Fancy Cover Stock ' — 1,000 Copies — ^ Added Four pages— Type page ZVzxSVi 8 pt. 10 pt. 1,000 Paper page 4x5 inches. Paper 8x5 ; 12s of 20x25 ; 50 B) $ .84 .84 .84 Handling and cutting .20 . .20 .15 Composition, 36 sq. in. hand 5.00 3.00 Presswork 1.20 1.20 .80 Total cost figures $7.24 5.24 1.79 Adding 20 per cent 1.45 1.05 .36 Selling price $8.69 6.29 2.15 Four pages— Type page 334x3^. Paper 5x10; 10s of 20x25; 50 lb $1.05 1.05 1.05 Handling and cutting .25 .25 .20 Composition, 48 SQ. in. hand 6.60 4.00 Presswork 1.20 1.20 .80 Total cost figures $9.10 6.50 2.05 Adding 20 per cent 1.82 1.30 .41 Selllngprice $10.92 7.80 2.46 Four pages— Type page 3%x4J^. Paper 5%xll; 10s of 22x28, GO lb $1.26 1.26 1.26 Handling and cutting .25 .25 .25 Composition, 56 sq. in. hand 7.70 4.60 Presswork 1.60 1.60 1.16 Total cost figures... $10.81 7.71 2.56 Adding 20 per cent 2.16 1.54 .51 Sellingprice $12.97 9.25 3.07 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST PROGRAMS On fancy cover stock, paper 50 lb., costing- 8 cents, one- eighth sheet of 20x25, paper 6^x10 inches, in four page forms, type page SYiXb inches. Four Page Forms —1,000 copies > Added 8-Pt. 10-Ft. 1 ,000 Paper 80 cents per 100 sheets $1.05 105 1.05 Handling and cutting 20 .20 .20 Comp., S2.30 and $1.20 9.20 4.80 Presswork 1.65 1.65 .80 Total cost figures $12.10 7.70 2.05 xidding 20 per cent 2.42 1.54 .41 Selling price $14.52 9.24 2.46 500 copies 13.29 8.01 2.46 This form is figured for hand set and full pages. Folding will cost 50 cents extra. If there is only the eauivalent of three pages the price on the first 1,000 would be reduced $2.30 for 8 point and $1.20 fop 10 point. PROGRAMS ON BOOK PAPER Sixteens of 25x38, paper page 6J4x9M ; tj^pe page 4x7 inches. One pa{{e 1,000 copies Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 1,000 Paper 60 !b at 5c ..■• $.40 .40 .40 Handling and cutting .15 .16 .15 Composition 3.90 2.00 Presswork 90 .90 .60 Total cost flg-u res $5-35 3.45 1.15 Adding 20 per cent 1.07 .69 .23 Selling price $6.42 4.14 1.38 Two pages backed Sll.64 6-90 1.62 Two pages, first and third 12.14 7.40 1.62 Three pages 17.30 10.28 1.92 Four pages 21.98 12.68 1.92 These figures look high fop the composition, but experience shows that an open page, with three or more varieties of type, with names and subjects, generally measures up in time equal to a solid measurement. If machine type can be used, the ex- pense would be reduced S2.25 on eight point, and $1.00 per page on ten ix)int. FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 157 PROGRAMS-SINGLE PAGE Paper 6x9, sixteens from a sheet of 25x38 book ; type page 43^x7 inches, equal to 30 square inches. Paper at 6c, 60 lb. book. / 200 copies ^ Added 8-Pt. 10-Pt. 1000 Paper 66c per 100 sheets $ .44 .44 .44 Handling- and cutting 20 .20 .15 Composition machine. 2.00 1.30 .... Presswork 1.20 1.20 .80 Total cost figures $3.84 3.14 1.39 Adding 20 per cent 77 .63 .2? Selling prices $4.61 3.77 1.66 Printing on two sides 7.00 5.35 1.70 SHIPPING TAGS Added Labor cost. 500 1,000 1,000 Composition $.60 .60 Presswork 00 .90 .90 Labor cost $1.20 1.50 .60 Adding 20 per cent 24 .30 .12 Selling labor. $1.44 1.80 .72 Selling Price of Dennison E Tags, Mrith Labor added. No. 1 at $ .35 list $1.64 2.15 1.07 No. 2 at .45 1.69 2.25 1.17 No. 3 at .55 1.74 2.35 1.27 No. 4 at .65 1.79 2.45 1.37 No. 5 at .70 1.84 2.50 1.42 No. 6 at .85 1.89 2.65 1.57 No. 7 at l.OO 1.99 2.80 1.72 No. 8 at 1.20 2.09 3.00 1.92 Selling Price of Dennison T Tags, witH Labor added. No. 1 at $ .50 list $1.74 2.30 1.22 No. 2 at .60 1.79 2.40 1.32 No. 3 at .75 1.84 2.55 1.47 No. 4 at .90 1.94 2.70 1.62 No. 5 at 1.10 2.04 2.90 1.82 No. 6 at 1.35 2.14 3.15 2.07 No. 7 at 1.55. 2.24 3.30 2.27 The tags above quoted are supposed to be the list price. If the above is the net price of stock, there should be 20 Per cent added on the stock used. 158 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST I N D e: X Page Abstracts of title 1C5 Account or record books- Double medium 39 Double demy 38 Double cap 37 Medium 36 Demy 36 Flat cap 36 Advertising programs — Quarter sheet, 22x32 105 Quarter sheet. 25x38 108 Half sheet, 25x38 108 Quarter sheet, 28x42 109 Half sheet, 28x42 109 Half sheet, 22xr>2 106 Alterations and proofs 155 Announcements 110, HI In good style • HI Circulars 4 pages 1 10 On cards. 1 page Ill Wedding 110 Bank printing 112, 113, 114 Billheads 115 Bindery job work 38 Ruling for blanks 34 Binding blank books 35 Binding pamphlets 30, 31, 32 Saddle stich 32 Sidestich 30. 31 Enamel paper, add 15% 31 Reinforcing 31 Tipping in 31 Flush cloth backs 31 Stringing 31 Quarto form, add 10% 31 Bindery Miscellaneous 33 Addressing envelopes 33 Addressing wrappers 33 Eyeletting 33 Inserting 33 Perforating 33 Paging 33 Page Bindery Miscellaneous 33 Punching loose leaf 33 Round cornering 33 Tableting 33 Blackboard demonstration 103, 104 Blanks, without ruling 117 Legal, commercial 116 Half cap 117 Full sheets of cap 117 Halffolio 118 Full sheet of folio 118 Blank account and record books- Ruling 34 Printing headings 35 Binding without ruling, printing or paper 35 Printed headings 36, 37 Blanks, ruling 34 Blank books wiih duplicates 119 Double cap 120 Flat cap 119 Half cap 119 Blotting pads 121 Bonds and loan notes 122 Bonds with coupons 122 Briefs and paper books 121 Book and cover paper at 10c 9 Book and cover papers with ware- house loading 9 Books or Pamphlets. Type page— 2Xx4 inches 123 to 133 3x5 inches 124 3^x6 inches 125 4x5% inches 126 4x6M incnes 1 27 4x7 inches 128 5x8M inches. 129 6Kx9M inches 130 7Kxllinches 131 8Kxl2 inches 132 9x12)^ inches 133 FOR EMPLOYING PRINTERS 159 Page Books or Pamphlets. Catalogue sizes 133 6Mx9M inches 133 9xl2K inches 133 Paper in 1000 copies 11 Card stock, value 12 Card stock, divisions of 13 Cards, by sizes and cost 12 Cards, cut to business sizes 12 Cards, business 135, 136 Cards, mailing and advertising — 138 Cards, large display 137 Cards, round-corner 136 Card scale 134 Catalogues, see books. Checks 114 Checks for business houses 113 Checks with vouchers 113 For depositors books 112 Without stubs 112 Cloth posters 153 Cost, unit of 4 Cost figures, hand composition — 20 Cost figures, machine composition. 21 Cost figures, cylinder presswork. . . 28 Cost figures, platen presswork 29 Circulars — Advertising 105 to 109 Half note or 8s folio 139 Folded note 139 Half letter or quarter folio 140 Folded letter 139 Folders.... 112 Typewriter 140 Envelope slips 141 Envelope folders— 1, 4 and 6 pages for 6M env . . 141 No. 10 envelope 142 Comparative type scale- 39 Composition, square inches 18 Composition, hand 14, 15, 18, 20 Machine 15, 16, 17, 19,21 Constitutions, etc 93 Complaints, contracts, etc 143 Cover paper, divisions 13 Cylinder cost average 23, 24, 25 Page Cylinder cost figures 28 Cylinder average cost hour 27 Delivery books and sheets 144 Deposit books 114 Divisions of card stock 13 Divisions of cover paper 13 Dodgers and handbills 149, 150 Ems by square inches 18 Ems by running inc h 19 Envelopes 145 Envelopes, stamped 155 Envelope slips 141 Envelope folders— 4. 6 and 8 pps for 6K env 141 For No. 10 envelope 141 Estimating— Hand composition cost 61 Machine composition cost 61 Explanation 61 Estimate words 138 Flat Papers, divisions of 102 Folders 141.152 Half-tone presswork 26 Hand composition ... 14, 15, 17, 20 Cost by sq. inch 20 Handbills on 24x36 print— 6x9 and 9x12 149 Handbills on 24x36 print — 12xl8and 18x24 149 Handbills on 28x42— 7xlOM and 9MxlOM 149 10^x14 and 9Kx21 149 8Mx28and 14x21 149 Handbills on colored print 28x42 2s. 4s, 8s, 16s 150 Hotel registers, interleaved 35 Imposing and locking up 22 Imposing book forms 44 Eight page diagram 44 Eight page oblong diagram. 44 Twelve page diagram 46 Sixteen page diagram 43 Twenty-four page diagram. 50 Thirty-two page diagram 52 160 COST SYSTEM PRICE LIST Page Invitations, wedding 110 Job binding 38 Labor cost of hand comp 89 to 99 Labor cost of machine comp . . 88 to 98 Label printing 151 Labels on gummed paper 151 Laundry lists 151 Law cases or paper books 151 Leaflets (see folders). 141. 142 Ledger and Record papers, values 10 Letter circulars 140 Letter heads 146 Loose leaf punching 132 Loose leaf papers 10 Machine comp., value of 15,16,17,18,19 Cost of measured 21 Machine plant, cost of 15, 1^, 17 Memorandum heads 147 Merchandise orders 148 Milk tickets in books 98 Money receipts 98 Monthly statements 148 Monthly publications 133 Mortgages • 93 Note heads 147 Numbering and perforating 33 Order blanks 152 Pamphlet binding 30, 31. 32 Pamphlets ...123 to 133 Papers, book and cover 9 Papers, printers' value 6, 7, 8, 9 Loading for expense ..... 9 Papers, flats at 10 cents • • 11 Papers, ledger and loose leaf 10 Paper books and briefs 151 Perforating 33 Paper in 1000 sheets 5 Flat writing, cost 6 With warehouse loading 7 Without warehouse loading 8 Typodraphical Errors-The cost figures in this book represent many hours of menlallabor that are not visible to the reader, Just as the printed page fails to show to the eye one-fourth of the labor in placing the individual types and „ the spacing out of the lines. With the handling of nearly a million f^ff^'-ent Jetters and spaces, there must have been some not properly corrected, that have escaped final revision. The figures have been gone over several times, and it is h^Ded there are no errors that cannot be explained by the context. Page Pay roll table 74, 75 Pay roll and productive unit- 103 Pony cylinder presswork 26 Postal cards 154 Postcards, folders 155 Posters and show bills 153 Cloth 153 Presswork scales 26, 27 Cylinder cost average, 23 Forty years ago 28 Make-ready 28 Enamel paper add 25^ 26 Slip sheeting 26 Colored Ink 26 Weekly newspapers 29 For outside parties 29 Platenscale 21. Make-ready and running 2?j Print, book and cover papers 8r With warehouse loading 9 Programs, with ads 105 to 109 Programs 156, 157 Proofs and alterations 155 Punching for loose leaf 33 Quick figures 73 to 103 Running inch table 19 Square inch table 18 Receipt books 93 Ruling for blanks and blank books 34 Slipsheeiing. cylinder..... . 28 Stamped envelopes 154 Shipping tags 157 Tableting 33 Typewriter circulars .'.... 140 Typesetting machines 16, 17 Wages by day and hour 74 Wedding invitations 110 Weekly newspaper presswork 29 Window cards HI. 112 Words in ten sq. inches of type. . . . 138 T' ' U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDS13MS1flS Roles for Estimating Correctly. I ' I ' ■ 3 U o < c c CL kind ot wc entry ticke along with YB m^bd SUGGESTIONS FOR CO-OPERATION 1. Printers are advised that a careful examination of the cost hour of labor in printing- offices, as developed by the actual time results in nearly every city of the United States and Canada and by hundreds of printers usingr cost records on individual jobs, may be safely determined as equal to SI .30 for hand com- position and stone woi'lt: and if estimates are being made on the cost hour, that this rate should at least be the minimum rate. 2. The necessity for machine composition follows whenever it is possible to supplement hand work and the cost hour should not be fig-ured at less than $1.50 per hour. This to include the delivered product, ready for combination with the hand work. 3. That the cost hour of platen presses should be estimat- ed at not less than 80 cents per hour. 4. That the cost hour of cylinder presses should be estimated at not less than SI. 50 per hour. 5. That in a general way it is best in estimating to use the Sduarelnch measurement, and determine the cost of work on the size of type, the intricacies of the composition and the ability of the workman, and that the figures on pages 20 and 21 of this book are a fair equivalent of the cost of the hour time. 6. That in the same way it is the best method to accept the tables on pages 26 and 27, with their modifications as the cost price of presswork by the 1,000 impressions. 7. That the cost of paper is the paper dealer's selling price by the ream or by fractional parts of a ream, to which must be added 10 per cent for the cost of handling (except in orders where the cost price is over $40.00. when the cost of handling shall be 5 per cent, on all sums over $40.00). That the cost of cutting should be added to the paper cost at 11.30 per hour, and that for orders under 10,000 thecost should be 10 cents per 1,000 delivered sheets, and for orders over 10.000 the added price should be from 5 to 8 cents per 1,000, according to the size of printed sheets. 8. That the cost of ruling and binding should be equiva- lent to the prices in this book. 9. That all other items going into an estimate, if figured in this book, may be accepted as equivalent to the cost hour. 10. After all the items of cost are thus assembled, and the total amount ascertained, that to all jobs under $200 in value, the percentage of profit to add should not be less than 20 per cent, and for sums over $200, that a reduction of profit to 16 per cent may be made.