<:Zt^-o-€:4.^». meeting, interview. aT)OCar, va. {pret. ABOQUE : snhj. aboque) to take or catch with the mouth : abocar arti- lleria, to bring the guns to bear : abocar tin estrecho, to enter the mouth of a channel or strait. — vr. to meet by agreement. abocardado, da, a. wide-mouthed, like a trumpet. abocardar, va. to countersink ; to widen the mouth. abocardo, m. (min.) countersinking drill. abocliornado, da, a. out of countenance, flushed, mortified.— p/». of abochornar. abOChomar, va. to overheat; to shame. — vr. to blush. abofeteador, ra, m- &f. buflFeter, one who insults. abofetear, va. to slap ; to insult. abogacia,/. profession of a lawyer or advo- cate. abogada,/. mediatrix; counsellor's wife. abogadear, vn, to play the advocate : used in contempt. abogado, m. lawyer, advocate, counsellor, barrister ; mediator.—^, of abogar. abOgar, vn. {pret. abogu^: subj. abogue) to advocate, plead ; to intercede. aboleZLgO, m. ancestry, lineage ; inheritance. abOlicion, /. abolition, abrogation, extinc- tion. abolicionista, vi. abolitionist. abolir, va. and defective {only those modes and persons are used having the letter i in their terminations) to abolish, annul, revoke, re- peal, abOlsadO, da, a. puckered, purse-shaped. aboUado, a. & m. V, alechugado.— ^j?. of ABOLLAR. abolladura, /. unevenness, dent, emboss- ment, bruise. abollar, va. to emboss ; to dent ; to stun and confound ; to bruise. aboUonar, ra. to emboss. abominable, a. detestable, execrable, odious. abominacibn, /. abomination, detestation, execration. abominar, va. to detest, to abhor. abonado, da, m. & f. subscriber, commuter, holder of a season-ticket. — a. creditable, rich; fit.— pp. of abonar. abonador, ra, m. &f. person who goes bail or surety. abonamiento, m. V. abono ; bail, security. abonanzar, vn. {impersonal verb : subj. abo- xanck) to grow calm ; clear up. abonar, va. to bail ; to insure ; to improve ; to guarantee, indorse, answer for ; to ma- nure ; to give credit; allow; (com.) to in- demnify, compensate, pay. — vr. to subscribe to; to buy a season-ticket (for a theatre, etc.).— ^n. V. ABONANZAR. abonar6, m. promissory note ; due-bill. V. PAGAR^. abonO,m. security, guarantee; subscription ; allowance, discount, receipt, voucher ; mar nure, fertilizer. aboque, etc. {irr. from abocar). abordador, m. (naut. ) boarder ; intruder, abordaje, TO. (naut.) the act of boarding a ship. abordar, va. (naut.) to board a ship ; to run foul of a ship. — vn. to put into a port. abordo, m. v. abordaje. aborigenes, m. pi. aborigines, the earliest native inhabitants of a country. aborrachado, da, a. high-coloured, flushed, aborrascarse, vr. to become tempestuous or stormy. aborrecedor, ra, m. &/. detester, hater. aborrecer [ah-boi^ray-therr'], va. {irr. ind. ABO- RREZco : subj. aborrezca) to hate, abhor ; to desert (of birds). abOrreCible [ah-bor-ray-thee'-blay], a. hateful ; detestable, forbidding. aborrecimientO, m. abhorrence ; detest^c tion, dislike, hate, grudge. aborrezco {irreg. V. aborrecer). abortamiento, m. abortion, abortar, va. to miscarry, abort ; to fail. abortivamente, adv. abortively ; untimely.- abortive, va, a. abortive ; producing abor: tion. abortO, m. miscarriage, abortion ; a monster. abort6n, m. the abortion of a quadruped ; unborn lamb's skin. abomjar, va. to make lumps. — vr. to muffle^ up. abotagarse, vr. to become swollen, inflated. abotinado, da, a. shaped like a gaiter. abotonador, m. button-hook. abotonar, va. to button. — vn. to bud ; ger- minate. abovedado, da, a. arched, vaulted.— ;fip. of abovedar. abovedar, va. to arch, to vault. aboyado, da, a. farm rented, with oxen for ploughing.—^, of ABOYAR. aboyar, va. (naut.) to lay down buoys. abozalar, va. to muzzle. abra, /. bay, haven; cove, creek; dale, val- ley ; fissure, gorge. abrac6 {irr. v. abrazar). abracijO, w. dim. (coll.) an embrace, a hug.. abrahonar, va. (coll.) to hold one fast by' the garment. abrasador. ra, m. &f. burner ; inflamer. abrasamiento, m. act of burning; inflam- mation; excess of passion. abrasar, va. to bum ; fire ; to squander ; to provoke. — vr. to glow ; to be agitated by any violent passion. abrasiladO, da, a. Brazil-wood, colour. abrazadera, /. clasp, clamp, band, cleat; (print.) brace or bracket {. — a. V. sierra ABRAZADERA. abrazador, ra, m. & f. embracer ; bolster used in the Philippines. abrazamlentO, m. embracing. abrazar, va. {pret. abrao6 : subj. abrace) to embrace, nug, caress ; to clasp, clamp, cleat ; to contain, comprise, surround ; to accept, follow, take charge of. abrazo, m. hug, embrace. kbregO, m. south-west wind. abrenunciO, int. (Lat.) far be it from me; fie! abrevadero, m. watering-place for cattle ; drinking-trough. abrevador,m. he who waters cattle ; waterer. V. abrevadero. abrevar, va. to water cattle ; to irrigate ; to soak skins. abreviaci6n, /. abbreviation ; abridgment ; shortening ; contraction ; reduction ; ac- celeration ; hastening. abreviadamente, adv. briefly, in short. abreviador, ra, «. one who abridges or shortens. — m, pontifical oflScer who issues briefs and bulls. abreviaduria, abreviaturia, /. office of the pontifical abbreviator. abrevlamiento, m. V. abreviaci6n. abreviador, ra, m. &/. abridger ; breviator ; pontifical officer. abrevlar, va. to abridge, cut short, contract, reduce ; to accelerate, hasten. g (before e, i) and j as h in hot; b, silent; 11 in brilliant; 1, ny in casyon; r (initial) and rr triUed; a, hissed. ABB ABU abrevlatura, /. abbreviation ; contraction ; shorthand : en abreviatura, in abbreviation ; (coll.) hastily. abribanaxse, vr. to become lazy, to loa£ abridero, m.. sort of freestone peach.— a. easily opened ; freestone, freeshell. abridor, m. (hot.) nectarine, peach-tree; opener, grafting-knife: abridor de liminas, engraver : abridor es haeco, die-sinker : abridor de guantes, glove-stretcher : abridor de latas, can-opener. abrigadero, m. sheltered place. abriga.tiO, m. shelter for cattle. abrigar, m. to shelter, protect ; to cover ; to warm: to lodge; to patronize; (met.) to nourish ; to cherish. — vr. to take shelter ; to put on a wrap. abrigO, m. shelter ; protection ; overcoat, wrap; aid, support; cover; (naut.) har- bour, haven. abril, m. April.— j?/. (met.) years: nifia de diez y seis abriles, sweet sixteen. abrillantar, va. to cut a diamond into fac- ets ; to make sparkle ; to impart brilliance ; to glace, polish, brighten. abriSnienio, m. opening. abrir, va. {pp. abierto) to open, unlock, unfasten, uncover^ unseal ; to begin, in- augurate ; to remove obstacles ; to engrave ; to expand, separate, distend ; to cut open, ■cleave, rend, dig. — vn. to open ; unfold ; unclose ; extend ; display. — vr. to open, ex- pand; to chink, crack, cleave, yawn ; (met.) to communicate, unbosom one's self. abrocbador, m. buttoner ; button-hook. V. ABOTONADOR. abrochadura,/. abrochamlento. m. lacing or buttoning on. abrochar, va. to clasp, buckle, button on, fa.stcn with hooks and eyes. abrogacldn,/- abrogation, repeal. abrogar, va, (pret. ABROGuft : subj. abrogue) to abrogate, annul, repeal. abrojal, m. thistly ground. abroiO, m. (bot.) thistle, thorn, prickle; frnil.) caltrop ; crowfoot; thorny appendage to a scourge.— p/. hidden rocks in the sea. abromado, da, a. (naut.) hazy, foggy; worm-eaten.— ;W>. of abromarse. abromarse, rr. (naut.) to be worm-eat«n. abroquelar (ah-broi.-kay-iar'], va. (naut.) to boxhaul.— rr. to shield one's self. abrotano, m. (bot.) southernwood. abrumado, da, a. weary, abrumador, ra, a. teaser ; oppressor ; weari- .some. abnimar, va. to crush, overwhelm, oppress ; to weary, annoy. — vr. to become foggy ; to worry. abrupto, ta, a. craggy, rugged, abrutado, da, a. brutish, bestial, absceso ai^-thay'-so], m. absccss. absclsion,/. (med.) incision, absentlsmo, m. absenteeism, ^bside, m. &f. (arch.) presbytery, absit. inter}. (Lat.) God forbid! absolucldn la^so-ioo-tue on], /. absolution, pardon, acquittal, absoluta,/". dogma, universal proposition, absolutamente, adv. absolutely, absolutismo, m. despotism, absoluto, ta, a. absolute, unconditional, im- perious, despotic. abSOlutoriO, a, a. absolutory, absolving, absolver, va. (pp. absuelto: ind. ABsuEiy- vo : stihj. absuelva) to absolve ; to acquit absorbcCSn,/. imed.) absorption, absorbencla, /■ absorbing. absorbente, m. (med.) absorbent.—^, ol ABSORBER. absorber, va. (pp. absorbido, absorto) to absorb ; imbibe. V. empapar. absorto, ta, a. amazed ; absorbed in thought. —pp. irr. of ABSORBER. abstemiO, mla, a. abstemious, abstenclbn,/. forbearance, self-denial abstenerse, vr. {ind. me ap.stengo : prvL MK ABSTUVE : subj. ME abstekga) to a'fls'wdn, forbear. abstergente, abstersivo, va, a. detergent; cleansing ; abstergent. absterger, va. to cleanse ; to sterilize. abstersi6n,/. abstersion, purification, abstinencia [abs-te-nen'-the-hai/. forbearance, abstinence : dia de abstinencia, fast-day. abstinente, a. abstinent, abstemious, abstracclbn [abs-trac-the-on'j /. abstraction, concentration. abstractivo, va, a. abstractive. abstractO, ta, a. abstract.—^, irr. of abs- TRAER. abstraer, va. {pp. abstraido, abstracto: ind. abstraigo : pret. abstraje : subj. abstraiga) to abstract. — vn. abstraer de, to do without, leave aside. — vr. to con- centrate one's mind. abstraido, da, a. retired.— «p. of ABSTRAER abstraigo, yo abstraje (irr. from abs- traer). abstruso, sa, a. abstruse, difficult absuelto, ta, a. acquitted.—^, irr. of ab- solver. abSUelVO {irr. from absolver). absurdo, m. absurdity, nonsense. absurdo, da, a. nonsensical, absurd, abubilla, /. (orn.) hoopoe. abuela,/. grandmother. abuelO, m. grandfather ; ancestor, abllltado, da, a. bulky, massive, \Ag.—pp. ol ABULTAR. abultar, va. to augment ; to enlarge. — vn, to be bulky or large. abundamiento, m. v. abundancia. abundancia, /. abundance, fruitfulness ; opulence, plenty. abundante, a. abundant, plenty. abundantemente, adv. abundantly. abundar, m. to abound, to have plenty. abundosamente, adv. abundantly, plenti- fully. abundOSO, sa, a. abundant, plentiful. abufiolado, da, abu&uelado, da, a. fried eggs turned over ; shaped like a fritter. abufluelar, va. to turn eggs over in frying; to shape like a fritter. abur, interj. V. agvr. aburar, va. to bum ; scorch. aburelado, da, a. dark red. aburricibn, /. v. aburrimiento. aburrido, da, a. weary.— /jp. of aburbir. aburrimiento, m. annoyance ; tediousness ; weariness. aburrir, va. to vex, annoy, tire, perplex, weary, bore ; to venture, hazard, spend.— vr. to grow tired, weary of- to l^e bored. aburujado, da, d. pressed together ; per- plexed. — pp. of ABURt'JAR. aburiljar, ra. &. vr. to make lumps ; to clot aburujarse, vr. to muflfle up. abusar, vn. to abuse ; impose upon, abusibn,/. abuse; superstition. abusionero, ra, a. superstitious ; fortune" teller. abusivamente, adv. abusively, abusivo, va, a. abusive. abUSO, m. misuse, abuse. a M in far ; « in eh I ; i in police : O in for ; • in bnll ; c (before e, i) and S as til iu thick ; b and d, soft; ABY AbyecCivlXl [ab-yek-thton'j, /, abjection, abject- ness. abyecto, ta, a. abject, dejected. aca, adv. here, hither, this way, this side : ide cuando ac4? since when? vcn ac&, come here : ac4 y all4, here and there. acabable, a. what may be finished, achiev- able. acabadamente, adv. completely, perfectly. acabado, da, a. perfect, complete, fault- less ; old ; ill-dressed ; dejected.— ^p. of aca- BAR. acabador, ra, m. &f. finisher, completer, acabaJar, va. to complete, to finish. acaballadero, m. time and place when horses cover mares. acaballado, da, a. like a horse.— pp. of aca- BALLAR, covered. acaballar, va. to cover a mare. acaballerado, da, a. gentleman-like.— f>p. of ACABALLERAR, acaballerar [ah-cah-bal-lyay-rar'l, va. tO render genteel ; to make a person behave as a gen- tleman. acabamiento, m. end, completion, death, consummation. acabar, ta. & vn. to finish, end, conclude, com- plete, make up, achieve ; to determine, re- solve ; to harass, exhaust : acabar con, to ob- tain ; to destroy : acabar en, to terminate or end in ; to die ; consume ; extinguish ; lail : acabado de salir, just fresh from. — vr. to grow feeble or less ; to diminish : se acaba el pan, we are short of bread. acabellado, da, a. light chestnut colour. acabestrillar, vn. to fowl with a stalking- horse or ox. acabildar, va. to unite persons by persuasion to do something. acacia,/, acacia. acadeniia,/. academy; university; literary society : Diccionario de la Academia, Dic- tionary of the Royal Academy of Madrid ; nude study from lature. acad^micamente, adv. in an academic sense. academiCO, m. academician. — a. academical. acaecedero, ra, a. eventual, contingent. acaecer, vn. def. {subj. acaezca) to happen, to come to pass. acaeclmiento, m. event, incident. acahual, m. (Amer.) (bot.) sunflower. acal, m. Mexican canoe. acalabrotar, va. (naut.) to make a cable by intertwining three ropes containing each three strands. acalenturarse, vr. to be feverish. acalia,/. (bot.) marshmallows. acaloradamente, adv. warmly. acaloramiento, m. ardour, 'heat, excite- ment. acalorar, va. to warm ; to inflame, overheat ; to urge on ; to forward, promote. — vr. to grow warm, excited. acallar, va. to quiet, hush ; to mitigate, assuage. acamar, va. to lay plants flat by storm. acaxnado, da, a. laid flat. acambrayado, da, a. cambric-like. acamellado, da, a. camel-like. acampamentO, m. (mil. ) encampment, camp. acampanado, a, a. bell-shaped. acampanar, va. to shape like a bell. acampar, va. to encamp. acampo, m. common pasture. d.cana,/. a hard reddish wood of Cuba. acanaladO, da, a. passing through a chan- nel ; striated, fluted, corrugated. — pp. oi acanalar. ! ACA acanalador, m. chamfering-plane, grooving. plane. acanaladOS, m. pi. ridge of a horse's back, acanalar, va. to make a channel ; to flute, corrugate, groove, chamfer. acandllado, da, a. shaped like a three-cor- nered hat ; dazzled. acaneladO, da, a. cinnamon colour. acanillado, da, a. ribbed, striped cloth. acantalear, vn. d^. to hail large hailstones. acantilado, da, a. bold, steep : costa acan- tilada, approachable coast. acantO, m. (bot.) prickly thistle; (arch.) acanthus leaf. acantonamientO, m. cantonment acantonar, va. to quarter troops. acafiaverear, va. to wound with sharp- pointed canes. acailonear, va. to cannonade. acaparador, ra, a. monopolizer. acaparar, va. to monopolize ; to corner, coa- trol the market. V. acopiar. acaparrarse, vr. to close a bargain. acaparrosado, da, a. copperas-hued. acapizarse, vr. (coll.) to grapple; clinch, acaponado, da, a. capon-like. acaracolado, da, «. spiral-shaped, acaramelado, da, a. (coll.) spoonj.—pp. acakamelar. acaramelar, va. to make caramels. acarar, or acarear, va. to confront ; to face ; to brave. acardenalar, va. to beat black and blue. — vr. to be covered with wales, acareamiento, wi. faciug; confronting acariciador, ra, m. &f. one who fondles and caresses. acariciar, va. to fondle, caress, hug; to cherish. acarnerado, da, a. said of horses having the head shaped like sheep. &caro, m. (zool.) acarus: icaro de queso, cheese mite. acarralar, va. to skip a thread in weaving. acarrarse, vr. to seek the shade : applied to sheep. acarreadizo, za, a. portable. acarreador, ra, m. &/. carrier; porter. acarreamlento or acarreo, m. carrying, cartage. — pi. supplies : cosas de acarreo, freight. acarrear, va. to carry, cart, transport, con- vey, forward; (met.) to occasion, cause. — vr. to bring upon one's self. acartonado, a. pasteboard-like. acartonar, va. to give a thing the appear- ance or consistence of pasteboard.— o-. (coll.) to become dried up by age. acasamatadO, da, a. (fort.) having or re- sembling a casemate. acaso, m. chance, casualty. — adv. bv chance, by accident ; may be, mayhap, perliaps. acastorado, da, a. beavered. acatable, m. &/. worthy of respect. acatadamente, adv. respectfully. acatamientO, m. esteem, veneration, re- spect, reverence ; obeisance. acatailte,i>a. one who respects. acatar, va. to respect, revere, do homage. acatarrarse, vr. to catch cold. acaudalado, da, a. rich, opulent.—^, of ACAUDAI.AR. acaildalar, va. to hoard up riches ; (met.) to acquire a reputation. acaudlllador, m. commander of troops, acaudillamiento, act of commanding troops. acaudillar, va. to command troops. g (before e, I) and j as h In hot; b, eHent ; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled; «, ACA ACE acaule, m. &f. (bot.) short-stemmed. accedente, j>a. accediug. acceder, vn. to accede, agree, consent. accesible, o. accessible; attainable; ap- proachable. accesi6n, / accession ; accessory ; (med. ) paroxysm of a fever. acceso, m,. access; carnal communication; accession; (med.) access. accesoria, /. outbuilding. accesoriamente, adv. acct accesorlO, a, a. accessory, additional : obras accesorias, (fort.) outworks of a fortress, accessit m. (Lat.) second prize or award, accldentado, da, a. affected with fits.— ^. of ACCIDENTARSE. accidental, «. accidental, casual, fortuitous, coutingeut. accidentalmente, adv. accidentally. accidentarse, vr. to be seized with a fit accidente, m. accident, chance, hap-hazard ; sudden fit ; casualty. acclbn, /. action ; feat ; lawsuit ; gesticula- tion, gesture ; battle ; action in drama, plot; (art) posture; (com.) stock, share: acci6n de gracias, thanksgiving. accionar, va. to gesticulate. acclonista, m. stockholder, shareholder. acebadamiento, m. disease of animals sur- feited with barley. acebadar, va. v. encebadar. acebal, m. acebeda, /. acebedo, m. plan- tation of holly-trees. acebo, m. (bot.) holly-tree. acebollado, da, a. tree or plant damaged by acebolladara. acebolladura, /. damage to a tree from splity- tiug of the woody layers. acebuchal, m. plantation of wild olive-trees. — a. belonging to wild olives. acebuche, m. (bot.) wild olive-tree. acebucheno, na, a. belonging to the wild olive. acebuchlna, /. wild olive. aceclnar, va. to salt and dry meat. — vr. to grow old, dry, withered. acecbador, ra, m. & /. one who lies in am- bush ; observer, lookout ; intruder, prier. acecbar, va. to waylay, lie in ambush, lurk ; to pry. acecbo, m. waylaying, lying in ambush : al acecho or en acecbo, a. in wait, in ambush. acecb6n, na, m. &f. (coll.) V. acechador. acedamente, adv. sourly, bitterly. acedar, va. to sour ; to displease, vex. acedera,/. (bot.) sorrel. acederaqiie, m. (hot.) bead-tree. acederilla,/. (bot.) wood-sorrel. acederbn, m. (bot) variety of sorrel. acedia, /. acidity, heart-burn, sourness; roughness ; asperity of address. acedO, da, a. acid, sour ; harsh, unpleasant. acefalia, /. acefalismo, m. acephalism: lack of a head. ac6falO, la, a. headless, acephalous.— ^pZ. ACEPHALl. aceitada, /. oil spilled : cake kneaded with oil. aceitar, va. to oil ; to rub with oil. aceitazo, m. aug. V. aceit6n. aceite, m. oil ; essential oil : aceite de comer, olive, sweet-oil : aceite de ballena, train-oil : aceite de palo, balsam copaiba : aceite de car- b6n, aceite mineral, coal-oil, petroleum : aceite secante, seccative oil : aceite de vi- trlolo, sulphuric acid. aceitera, /. woman who sells ail : oil-jar, oil- cruet, oil-horn.— p/. aceiteras, casters. aceiteria,/. oil-shop. aceitero, ra, m. & /. oiler, oil-seller ; oil- horn. aceitillO, m. (hot) satin-wood. aceitdn, m. lubricating olive-oil. aceitOSO, sa, a. oily, greasy. aceituna, /. olive : aceltuna gordal or de la Eeina, Queen olive: aceituna manzanilla, manzanilla olive : aceituna zorzalena o\ plcu- dilla, crescent olive : aceituna zofair6n, baby Queen olive : aceituna zapatera, stale olive. aceitunado, da, a. olive colour. aceltunero, m. olive-dealer. aceituni, m. arabesque work. aceitunil, a. olive-coloured. aceitunillo, m. (hot.) satin-wood. V. ACEI- TILLO. aceituno, m. (bot) olive-tree. F, olivo. acelajado, da, a. showing clouds of various hues. aceleraci6n,/. acceleration, haste. aceleradamente, adv. speedily, swiftly, hastily. aceleramiento, m. V. aceleraci6k. acelerar, va. to accelerate, hasten, hurry, rush, expedite. aceleratriz, /. a. fuerza aceleratriz, accel- erative power. acelga,/. (bot.) salt-wort ac6inila,/. mule, beast of burden. acemilar, a. belonging to mules and mule- teers. acemileria,/. mule-stable. acemilero, ra, m muleteer. acemita,/. bran bread, Graham bread, acemite, m- tine bran, middlings ; pottage. acendradO, da, a. purified, refined, staix/' \e&s.^pp. of acendrar. acendrar, va. to purify or refine metals ; to free from stain or blemish. acensuar, va. to tax a property, acento lah-then'-to], TO. accent, inflection ; or« thoepic mark. acentuacidn,/. accentuation. acentuar va. to accentuate, acefla,/. water-mill. acefiiero, m. water-mill keepei-. acepar, vn. to take root acepcion,/. acceptation, meaning, acepilladura,/. planing; wood shavings. acepillar [ah-thay-iHl-lyar], va. tO plane, t« brush ; to polish. aceptabilidad,/. acceptability, aceptable, a. acceptable, admissible, aceptablemente, adv. acceptably. aceptaci6n lau thep-tah-tiie-on'], /. acceptation ; approbation; (com.) acceptance of a draft aceptador, ra, /«. &f. acceptor. aceptante,/>a. he who accepts. aceptar, va. to accept : aceptar una letra, (com.) to accept or honour a bill. aceptO, ta, a. acceptable, agreeable. acequia (aii-ttiay'-kia', /. canal, trench, drain, dike. acequiado, da, a. intersected by canals. — pp. of acequiar. acequiador, m. canal or dike-maker, acequiar, va. to construct canals or drains, acequiero, m. canal or dike-keeper. &cer, in. (bot.) maple-tree. acera, /. sidewalk ; row of houses on either side of a street. acerado, da, a. made of steel.— pp. of ace- ra r. acerar, va. to steel ; to impregnate liquors with steel : to strengthen. acerbamente, adv. cruelly, rigorously, se. verely, harshlj'. a M In far : e in eb I ; i in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as tb in thick ; b anU d, toft] ACE acerbidad, /. acerbity, asperity, harshness ; rigour, crueltj acerbo, ba, a. t^rf , Harsh, severe, cruel. acerca, prep, about, concerning : acerca de, with regard to. acercamiento, m, approximation, acercar, va. {fret, acerque : suhj. acer- QiE) to approach. — vr. to accost, to come near to. JLCere, m. maple-tree. acerico, acerlllu, in. pin-cushion ; small pillow. acerino, na, «. (poet. ) steel-like or of steel. acero, m. steel ; sword ; pointed or edged ami. — pi. (met.) spirit, courage; appetite: acero fundido, cast steel. acerola,/. azarole, haw. acerolO, m. (bot.) hawthorn. ac6rrimamente, adv. vigorously ; strongly. ac^rrimo, ma, a. sup. very vigorous and strong. acerrojar, ta. to bolt ; to lock. acertadamente, adv. opportunely, fitly. acertado, da, «. fit, proper.— j:;^. of acertar. acertador, ra, m. &f. right guesser, acertar, va. {ind. acierto : subj. acierte) to hit the mark ; to hit by chance ; to suc- ceed ; to conjecture right. — vn. acertar &, to happen unexpectedly ; (agr.) to take root. acertljO, m. riddle, conundrum. aceruelO, m. small pack-saddle. acervo, m. a heap ; undivided estate. acescencia iahtiiayg-tiiane'-thie-ahj,/. acescence ; inclination to acidity. acet^bulO,"i. cruet; Roman measure; (anat.) acetabulum. acetatO, m. acetate. ac^tico, ca, a. acetic. acetin, m. (bot.) satin-wood. acetificar, va. to acetify, acetileno, m. gas acetlleno, acetylene gas. acetimetro, m. acetimeter. acetona,/. acetone. acetosa,/. (bot.) sorrel. acetOSidad,/. acidity; acetosity. acetosilla,/. v. acederilla. acetoso, sa, a. acetous, acetre, m. small bucket : holy-water j)Ot. acezar [ah-thay-tliar'j, vn. {pret. ACECK : Subj. acece) to pant. aCeZO [ah-thay'-thawl, m. pant. acezOSO, sa, a. panting. aclagO, ga, a. unfortunate, melancholy, sad, acial, aciar, m. barnacle, twitch. aciano, m. (hot.) corn-flower. acibar, m. aloes ; aloe-tree ; harshness, bit- terness ; displeasure. acibarar, va. to put aloes into anything ; to imbitter. aciberar, va. to grind very fine. acicalado, m, act of polishing any weapon ; polish. acicalador, ra, a. polisher, burnisher, fur- bisher.— m. burnishing tool. c-cicaladura,/. acicalamieuto m. burnish- ing; polish, glossiness. acicalai', va. to polish, burnish ; to dress, adorn, embellish. — rr. (met.) to dress in style, to make an elaborate toilet. acicate, m. long-pointed Moorish spur ; in- ducement. acicular, a. aciculate;. needle-shaped. aciche, m. paving-hammer ; brick hammer. acidez [ah-thie-death'], /. acidity, soumess, tart- ness. acidia,/. laziness; weakness, acidimetro, m. acidimeter. acidiOSO, sa, «. lazy ; weak ; lax. AGO acldificacibn,/. (chem.) acidification. acidificar, va. to acidify, acldo, m. (chem,) acid, — a. acid, sour, tart; harsh. acidular, va. to acidulate, make sour. acidulo, la, a. (chem.) acidulous, tart, acierto [au-the-er'-ro], m. a good hit ; ability ; tact ; knack ; dexterity, acierto, yo acierte {irr. from acertar). aciguatadO, da, a. jaundiced.-^fip.of acigua- TARSE. aciguatarse, vr. to be seized with jaundice. acijado, da, a. copper-coloured ; of the colour of acije. acije, m. V. caparrosa. acQosO, sa, a. brownish. acimbOga,/. citron-tree. acidn,/. stirrup-leather. acionero, m. maker of stirrup-leathers. acipadO, da, a. well-milled : said of woollens. acirate, m. landmark, boundary. acitara, /. zither ; partition wall ; rail of bridge ; chair or saddle cover. acitr6n, m. candied citron, aclaxaacion, /. acclamation: por aclamacldu, unanimously. aclamador, ra, m. & f. applauder. aclamar, va. to shout, applaud, acclaim. aclaracibn, /. illustration, explanation. aclarador, ra, a. explanatory. — m. comb in looms. aclarar, va. to make clear ; to illustrate ; ex- plain ; to widen ; to clarify ; to rinse. — vn. to clear up ; to recover brightness. aclaratorio, ria, a. that makes clear. aclimataci6n, /, acclimation ; acclimatiza- tion. aclimatar, va. & vr. to acclimatize, aclocado, da, a. stretched.—^, of aclo- CARSE. aclocar, vn. (ind. ACLUECO : pret. ACLOQU^ : subj. aclueque) to brood, to hatch eggs. — vr. to stretch one's self, lie down. acobardar, va. to daunt, intimidate, ter- rify. acobrado, da, a. copper-hued. acoceador, ra, a. horse that kicks ; kicker. acoceamiento, m. kicking. aCOCear [ah-co-thay-ar'l, va. tO kick, wince, flinch ; to oppress, ill-treat, debase. acocotar, va. v. acogotar. acOCOte, m. lon^ gourd, used in Mexico for extracting the juice of the maguey. acocharse, vr. to squat ; stoop down. aCOChinar, va. (coll.) to murder, I nate ; to humble ; to corner a checker. acodado, da, «. elbowed. acodadura, /. bending the elbow; (agr.) layering. acodalamientO, m. (arch.) propping; stay- ing. acodalar, va. to prop ; to shore ; to stay. acodar, va. to lean the elbow upon ; to plant cuttings; to implant; (arch.) to prop; to stay ; (carp.) to square timber. acoderamlento, m. (naut.) bringing the broadside to bear. acoderar, va. (naut.) to put a spring on a cable ; to bring the broadside to bear. aCOdlciar lah-co-de-tlie-ar'l, va. tO long for, CO- vet something. — vr. to become covetous. acodillar, va. to bend into an elbow or angle. — vr. to sink down under a burden. acodo, m. a shoot, scion. acogedizo, za, o. collected or gathered pro- miscuously. acogedor, fa, m. &f. harbourer, protectoi. aCOger, va. {ind. ACOJO : stibj. acoja) to re- g (Jbefore e, J) and J as li in hot; h. silent • 11 in brilliant: ft, ny in canyon; r (Initial) and rr trilled; «, AGO ceive, accept: (met) to protect, shelter. — vr. to take refuge, resort to. acogeta,/. shelter, cover, place of safety. acogida,/. reception; place of meeting, con- fluence ; asylum : dar acogida k una letra, (com.) to honour a draft. acogido, m. collection of breeding mares fiven to the owner of the principal steed, to eep them at a certain price ; temporary admission of flocks into pasture-ground, — pp. of ACOGER. acogimlento, m. V. acogida. acogollar, va. to cover up plants. — vn. to bud forth. acogombradura, /. hilling of plants, vege- tables, etc. acogombrar, va. to cover plants with earth, V. APORCAR. acogotar, va. to kill by a blow on the neck. aconombrar, a. (agr.) v. aporcai;. acojlnamiento, m. (mech.) cushioning of the piston. acoiinar, va. (Mex.) to quilt. acolar, va. (her. ) to unite two coats of arms under the same crown, shield, etc. acolchar, va. to quilt ; (naut.) to intertwine. acdlttO, ni. acolyte, assistant. acolladores, m. ;>;. (naut.) lanyards. acollar, va. Und. ACUELLO : subj. acuelle) (agr.) to hill up earth around the base of a trunk ; (naut.) to caulk a ship. aCOllarado, da, a. pi^jaroB acollarados, birds having about their necks a ring of feathers of a different colour. acollarar, va. to yoke or harness horses, oxen, etc.; to couple hounds. acollonar, va. (coll.) v. acobardar. acombar, va. to bend ; to warp. acometedor, ra, a. aggressor ; enterpriser. acometer, va. to attack, assault ; to under- take ; to overtake. acometida, /. acometimiento, m. attack, assault ; outlet in a sewer. acomodable, a. easily arranged. acomodaclbn,/. accommodation. acomodadamente, adv. commodiously, suit- ably. acomodadiZO, za, a. accommodating. acomodado, da, a. convenient, fit; rich, wealthy ; fond of comfort ; moderate, rea- sonable. — pp. of ACXiMODAR. acomodador, ra, m. & /. one who accom- modates : usher in a theatre. acomodamlentO, m. accommodation. acomodar, va. to arrange, to accommodate ; to set to rights, to place ; to reconcile, compound, compromise; to furnish, sup- ply ; to take in, shelter, lodge. — vn. to fit, to suit. — vr. to condescend, to conform one's self, to put up with. acomodaticio, Cla, a. accommodating, com- pliant. acomodo, m. employment, place, situation ; loiigiugs. acompa&adO, da, a. accompanied, fre- quented. — m. assistant judge, surgeon, phy- sician, etc.— pp. of acompaSar. acompa&ador, ra, m. &/. chaperon, attend- ant; companion; (mus.) accompanist. aCOnipafi.aJIlieiltO, m. attendance ; retinue ; (mus.) accompaniment; supernumeraries at a theatre ; (tier.) ornament around a es- cutcheon. acompaflante, pa. v. acompaSador. acompallar, va. to accompany, attend, con- duct, follow ; to lead along; to join, unite, enclose ; (mus. ) to play an accompaniment. — vr. to hold a consultation. AGO acompasadamente, adv. rhythmically. acoxapasado, da, «. measured by the com- pass ; (coll.) monotonous and slow in tone; of fixed, regular habits. acompasar, va. v. compasar. acomplexionado, da, a. of good complex- ion. acomunarse, vr. to confederate ; to league for a common purpose. aconchabarse, t7-. (coll.) V. acomodarse. aconchar, va. to push to a place of shelter ; (naut.) to run aground. acondlcionadO, da, a. of good (or bad) dis- position (persons), or condition (goods). — pp. of acondicionar. acondicionar, va. to dispose, prepare, ar-. range, fix.— rr. to acquire a certain quality or condition. acongdjadamente, adv. with sorrow and afHictlon. aconi^ojar, ra. to vex, to oppress, to afflict. acbnito, m. (bot.) aconite. aconse^able, a. advisable. aconsejador, ra, w. &f. adviser, counsellor. aconsejar, va. to advise, to counsel. — vr. to take advice. aconsonantar, va. to make a word rhyme with another ; to use rhymes in prose. — vn. to rhyme. acontecedero, ra, a. eventual, probable. acontecer, v. impers. {subj. acoxtezca) to happen, come about, fare. acontecimiento, m. event, incident, casual- ty, occurrence. acontezca {irr. V. acontecer). acopado, da, a. shaped like a cup or vase.— pp. of ACOPAR. acopar, vn. to trim a tree in cup form ; to hollow. acopetado, da, «. tufted. acopiador, m. (com.) one who comers up goods. acopiamiento, m. gathering goods. acoplar, va. to gather, store up, forestall, corner up, garner. acopio, m. gathering, storing, assortment. acoplado, da, a. fitted, adjusted ; coupled ; scarfed.— p/>. of acoplar. acopladura, /. (carp.) coupling; junction ; scarfing. acoplar, va. to accouple, join, adjust, fit, connect ; to hitch, yoke ; to frame timber ; to settle differences. — vr. to make up mat- ters, to be agreed. acoqulnamientO, m. intimidation. acoquinar, va. to intimidate; terrify. — vr. to be afraid, timorous. acorar, va. to afliict, to cause grief. acorazado, m. armoured ship ; ironclad, acorazamiento, m. armouring, acorazar, va. ( prei. acorack : subj. acopace) to armour. acorazonado, da, a. heart-shaped, acorchaniiento, m. shriveMing. acorcliarse, vr. to shrivel ; to become stale (fruits) ; to become torpid. acordada,/. (for.) resolution, decision, acordadanieilte, adv. by common consent, jointly ; with mature deliberation. acordadO, da, a. agreed ; done with mature deliberation.— pp. of acordar. acordar, va. {ind. acuerdo : subj. acuerde) to resolve by common consent ; to agree ; to remind ; to tune musical instruments ; to dispose figures in a picture; to make flush, level, smooth. — tm. to agree, level. — vr. to remember, recollect ; to come to an agreement. a M in tar ; e in «h t ; 1 in police ; O in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and S aa th in thick ; b and d, noft* AGO acorde, a. cojformable, according; coincid- ing in opinion.— 7«. chord ; harmony of sounds or colours. acordelar, va. to measure with a cord. acordemente, adv. by common consent. acorde6n, m. accordion. acordonado, da, a. surrounded ; in the form of a cord.— pp. of acordonar. acordonamiento, m. act of lacing ; milling ; cording ; shirring. acordonar, va. to lace (shoes, corset, etc.) ; to mill a coin ; to cord, shirr, twine ; to surround. acores, m. pi. (med.) achor, scald-head. acornar, or acornear, r«. to butt. acorneador, ra, a. butting beast; a but- ter. acoro, m. (hot.) sweet flag. acorralamienio, m. corralling. acorralar, ra. to shut up cattle ; to corral ; to surround ; to intimidate ; to silence. acorrer, va. to help, succour. — vn. to run to ; hasten. — vr. to take shelter. acorrucarse, vr. v. acurrucarse. acortamiento, m. shortening; (ast.) differ- ence in the distance frohi the centre of the globe to the ecliptic and centre of a planet in its orbit. ACOrtar, va. to shorten ; lessen ; reduce ; to obstruct : acortar la vela, (naut. ) to shorten sail.— tT. to shrivel ; contract ; shrink ; to be bashful ; to fall back. acorullar, va. (naut.) to bridle the oars. acorvar, va. V. encorvar. acosador, ra, m. &f. pursuer, persecutor. acosamlento, m. persecution, molestation. acosar, va. to pursue close ; to vex, molest, harass. acostado, da, a. stretched, laid down, retired in hed.— pp. of acostar. acostamiento, m. stretching or laying down ; emolument. acostar, va. {ind. acuesto : subj. acueste) to lay down, to put one in bed ; to approach ; (naut.) to stand inshore; (naut.) to lie along ; to have a list. — vr. to lie down ; to go to bed. acostumbradamente, adv. customarily. acostumbrar, va. to accustom, to use. — vn. to be accustomed, to habituate. — vr. to get used to. acotaci6n /. bounds, limit ; annotation, marginal note. acotamiento, m. limitation. acotar, va. to limit, set bounds ; to fix, to mark, make marginal notes; to accept for a certain price ; to witness ; to prune trees. acotillo, TO. sledgehammer. acoyundar, va. to yoke oxen. acre a. sour ; acrimonious ; tart ; hot ; mor- dant ; keen. — rn. an acre. acrecencia, /. acrecentamiento, m. in- crease, augmentation, growth. acrecentador, ra, m. &/. one that increases. acrecentar (ind. acreciexto: subj. acre- ciENTE), acrecer, ra. (ind. acrezco: .subj. acrezca) to increase ; to promote, advance. acredltado, da, «. accredited, distinguished. —pp. of ACRKDITAR. acreditar, va. to assure, affirm ; to verify, prove; (com.) to credit, to recommend, to answer for, to guarantee; to accredit, to au- thorize ; prove. acreedor, ra, a. meritorious, deserving. -^m. creditor.—/, creditrix, creditress. acremente, adv. sourly, bitterly. acrezca, co (irr. v. acrecer). acrlbador, ra, a. one who sifts. ACU acribadura/. sifting.— pz. siftings. acribar, va. to sift | to pierce like a sieve. acriblllar, va. to pierce like a sieve; (met.) to molest, to torment. acriminacibn, /. crimination, accusation, acriminador, ra, m. &/. accuser, informer. acriminar, ra. to accuse, to impeach, to im- pute ; (law) to aggravate. acrimonia, /. acrimony, sharpness, sour- ness ; (met.) asperity. acrisoladamente, adv. in a pure way. acrisolar, va. to assay metals ; to refine, to purify, to cleanse ; (met.) to make evident by proof or witnesses. acristianar, va. (coll. ) to baptize, to christen. acritud, /. v. acrimonia. acr6bata, m. &/. acrobat. acrobatico, ca, a. acrobatic. acromatico, ca, a. (opt.) achromatic. acromatisnw), m. achromatism. acromatizar, va. to achromatize. acromio, TO. (auat. ) acromion. acrdnico, ca, a. acronycal. acr6poliS, TO. (mil.) acropolis. acr6stiC0, ca, a. acrostic. acrostollo, to. (naut.) acrostolium. acrotera,/. (arch.) acroterium. acta,/, act or record of proceedings ; certifi- cate of election.— />/. the acts or records of communities, chapters, councils ; papers, file, etc. : libro de actas, minute-book : acta notarial, notarial certificate : levantar acta, to draw up and execute an afl[idavit or cer- tificate. actinlCO, ca, a. actinic. actinio, to. actinium, metallic element. actinom^trico, ca, a. (opt.) actinometric. actinbmetro, TO. (opt.) actinometer. actitud,/. attitude, position, posture. activamente, adv. actively. activar, va. to push, make brisk, hasten, hurry ; rush. actividad, /. activity, quickness, liveliness, nimbleness, hustling : en actividad, in opera- tion. activo, TO. (com.) assets, outstanding claims. — a. active, quick, diligent. acto, TO. act or action ; public function ; com- mencement in colleges, etc. ; act of a play ; thesis defended in universities ; carnal com- munication : acto continue, immediately afterward : en el acto, at once. actor, TO. performer, player ; plaintiff, claim- ant ; proctor, attorney. actora,/. parte actora, prosecution ; plaintiff. actriz,/. actress. actuacibn,/. actuation, moving. actuadO, da, a. actuated ; skilled, experi- enced.— 2:>/). of ACTUAR. actual, a. actual, present. actualidad,/. the actual or present state of things. actuaimeilte, adv. actually, at present. actuante, pa. defender of a thesis in col- leges. actuar, vn. to act, to perform or discharge a duty ; to perform judicial acts ; to take the aflSrmative side in a university debate. — va. to put a thing in action. actuario, to. clerk of a court of justice. acuadrmar, ra. to collect or head a band of armed men. acuantiar, ra. to determine a quantity. acuarela,/. painting in water-colour. acuarelista, m. painter in water-colours. aCUarlO,TO. Aquarius (in zodiac) ; aquarium. acuarteladO, da, a. (her.) divided into quar- ters.^^. of ACUARTELAR. g (before e, i) aud J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; S, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trlUe i ; ■, ACU 10 ADA acuaxtelamiento, m. quartering the troops ; quarters. acuartelax, va. to quarter troops : acnartelar las velas, (naut.) to flat in the sails. acuartillar, imAo bend in the Quarters un- der a heavy load (beasts of buraen). acu^tico, ca, acuitil, a. aquatic. acubado, da, a. resembling a pail or bucket. acucla [ttb-coo'-the-ah], /. zeal, diligence, haste; longing, eagerness. acuciador, ra, va. stimulator. acuciamientO, m. stimulating, urging, has- tening. acuciosamente, adv. actively ; diligently ; eagerly. acuciar [ah-coo-the-ar'], va. to stimulate, to has- ten. F. CODICIAR. acucioso, sa, a. zealous, hasty, eager. acuclillado, da, a. cowering, squatting. acuclillarse, vr. to crouch, squat. acucharado, da, a. spoon-like. acuclllllado, da, a. slashed, stabbed ; (met.) schooled by practice and experience ; slashed, applied to garments.— f>p. of acu- CHILLAR. acucMllador, ra, m. &f. a slasher ; a bully. acucMllar, va. to cut, hack, slash, cut open. IT. to fight with knives or swords. acudimiento, m. aid, assistance. acudir, va. to assist, attend ; to succour, sup- port ; to run to, repair to ; to apply to. acueducto, m. aqueduct. acuellO {irr. from acollar). ^cueo, a., a. watery. acuerdado, da, a. constructed by line or rule. acuerdo, m. resolution ; determination ; opinion, report, advice ; remembrance, rec- ollection ; concurrence, accord ; body of the members of a tribunal assembled in the form of a court: de acuerdo, unanimously. acuerdo, yo acuerde {irr. from acordar). acuesto, yo acueste {irr. from acostar). acuitar, va. to atflict, to oppress. — vr. to grieve. acular, va. (coll. ) to make a horse back up. aculebrlnado, da, a. in the form of a cul- verin. aculla, adv. on the other side, vonder ; oppo- site : aqui y acalli, here and there. acumulacibn,/. accumulation, gathering. acumulador, ra, m. &f. accumulator; elec- tric storage battery. acumular, va. to accumulate, hea^ together, treasure up, hoard, lay up ; to impute, to upbraid with a fault ; to file records. acumulativamente, adv. (law) by way of prevention ; by way of precaution ; jointly, accumulatively. acullaci6n, /. coining, milling, minting; wedging. acu&ador, ra, m. & /. coiner ; wedger ; (print.) shooting-stick. acufiar, va. to com, mint ; to wedge, or fasten with wedges ; to key, lock ; (print. ) to quoin, acuosidad,/. wateriness. acuoso, sa, a. watery, aqueous, acupimtura, /. (surg. ) acupuncture, acurrucarse, vr. to fold one's self up, from cold, fear, etc. acusacibn, /. accusation, impeachment, charge. acusado, da, a. defendant, acusador, ra, m. & /. accuser ; informer ; prosecutor. acusante, pa. accusing, prosecuting, acusar, va. to accuse, blame, criminate, charge, denounce, prosecute, indict; to acknowledge the receipt of; at cards, to hht uounce in due time that one holds certain cards that win so many points. — vr. to acknowledge sins to a confessor. acusatlvo, »*. accusative, fourth case of La- tin nouns. acusatorio, ria, a. accusatory. acuse, m. at cards, each of the cards duly an- nounced in certain games. V. acusar. acnse de recibo, acknowledgment of receipt- acusdn, na, a. (coll.) one who habitually accuses or denounces. acustlca,/. acoustics. acustico, ca, a. acoustic. acutangulo, cr. (geom.) acute-angled. achacar, ra. to impute ; to blame. achacosamente, adv. sickly. achacoso, sa, «. sickly, unhealthy. achaflanar, va. to chamfer, bevel. achantarse, vr. (low) to hide during danger. achaparrado, da, a. shrub-sized tree : hoxn- bre achaparrado, short and lusty man. achaque [ah-ciiah'-kay], m. habitual indisposi- tion ; monthly courses ; pregnancy ; sub- ject matter ; excuse, pretext ; frequent lapse or failing. achaquiento, ta, a. V. achacoso. acharolado, da, a. resembling enamel or japan. acharolar, va. to japan ; enamel, achatamiento, m. flattening. achatar, va. to flatten. acMcadO, da, a. diminished. V. aniSado, childish.— p/>. of achicar. acMcador, ra, m. &f. diminisher ; reducer ; (naut. ) scoop for baling boats. acnlcadura, /. diminution, reduction ; (naut.) baling. acMcamiento, m. v. achicadura. achicar, va. to diminish, lessen ; to hum- ble, belittle ; to bale a boat or drain a mine : achicar nn cabo, to shorten a rope : achicar el agna del navio, to free the ship. — vr. to humble one's self; to feel small. acMcoria,/. (hot.) chicory. achicharrar, va. to fry meat too much ; to over-heat. achicMnque [a-chi-chin'-kei, VI. (min.) scooper. acllinar, ra. (coll.) to intimidate; terrify. acMnelado, da, a. slipper-shaped. achiote, achote, m. (hot.) amotto-tree; (com.) annatto. acnique, m. scooping, baling or draining. acMspado, da, a. tipsy. acMspar, va. (coll.) to make a person tipsy., — vr. to get tipsy. achocadura,/. knock against an object. achocar, va. to throw one against the wall ; to knock asunder ; (coll.) to hoard monev. acholado, da, adj. half Indian ; half-breeiJ. achorlzado, da, a. slashed ; made into sau- sages. achubascarse, vr. (naut.) to get squally and showery. achuchar, achuchurrar, va. (coll. ) to crush with a blow ; to thrust ; push roughly ; jostle. achucllbn, m. (coll.) a push, a squeeze. achulado, da, a- (coll.) rough ; tough. adacilla,/. (hot.) variety of the panic-grass, adafina,/, stew used by the Jews in Spain. adagio, m. proverb ; maxim ; saying; (mu.s.) adagio, slow time. adala,/. (naut.) pump-dale. adalld, m. chief, chieftain, commandes, champion, leader. adamadO, da, a. effeminate. adamantino, na, a. adamantine. It u la far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; a in boll ; c (before e. i) and z aa th In thick ; b and d, toft ; ADA 11 ADI adamarse, vr. to become effeminate. adamascado, da, a. damask-like.— ^;>. of ADAMASCAR, adamascar, va. to damask. adamiCO, ca, a. said of sand accumulated by the tide. adamita, m. adamite. Adan, -ni. Adam ; slovenly man. adaptable, a. capable of being adapted, ^ adaptacion,/. accommodation, adaptation. adaptadamente, adv. fitly, justly adapted, adaptante, i>a. adapter. adaptar, va. to adapt, fit, apply ; to fash- ion. — vr. to adapt one's self to ; get used to. adara^a, /. (arch.) projecting stones left to continue a wall. adarce, m. dry sea-froth. adarga,/. oval shield made of leather. adargar, *'«. to shield, protect, defend. adarguilla,/. small shield. adarme, m. half a drachm, sixteenth part of an ounce, 179 centigrams. adarvar, va. to stun ; to bewilder. adarye, m. flat top of a wall. adatar, va. to open an account ; to credit, adaza,/. (hot.) panic-grass. adecenamlento, m. forming by ten. adecenar, va. to form by ten abreast; to count by tens. adecentar, va. to render decent. adecuaci6n,/. fitness. adecuadamente, adv. fitly, properly. adecuado, da, a. adequate, fit, competent. — pp. of ADECUAR, adecuar, va. to fit, to accommodate, adefagia,/. voracity, ad^fagO, ga, a. voracious. adefeslo, m. (coll.) nonsense, absurdity; queer person, a guy ; ridiculous attire, adeflna,/. v. adafina. adehala,/. gratuity, perquisite, tip. adehesado, m. place converted into pasture. — ^p. of ADEHESAR. adenesamiento, m. pasturage. adehesar, va. to convert land into pasture. adelantadamente, adv. beforehand. adelantado, m. an appellation formerly given to the governor of a province. — a. anticipated, advanced, precocious, bold, forward ; early fruit or plants.— pp, of ADELANTAR. adelantador, ra, m. &f. one that advances, extends, or amplifies. adelantajnlento, m. progress, improvement, increase ; growth, furtherance ; cultivation; anticipation ; betterment, promotion. adelantar, va. & vn. to progress, advance, accelerate, forward ; to grow, to keep on ; to anticipate ; to pay beforehand ; to im- prove ; to go fast. — vr. to take the lead, to overrun, to oome forward ; to excel, outdo. adelante, adv. ahead; farther off; higher up; forward, onward: en adelante, de hoy •en adelante, or de aqui en adelante, hence- forth, in future, or for the future : i adelan- te ! go on ; or I understand, or come in, adelantO, m. advance, progress ; (com.) ad- vance peyment. adelfa,/. (hot.) rose-bay. adelfal, m. plantation of rose-bay trees. adelgazado, da, a. made slender or thin, — pp. of ADKT.GAZAR. adelgazador, ra, m. & f. one that makes thin or slender. adelgazamiento, m. slendemess, thinness. adelgazar lah-d«l-g«h-thar'], va. (pret. ADEL- GACT&: subj. adelgace) to attenuate, to make thin^ slender; to lessen; to refine; to taper; (met.) to discuss with subtil ty. — vr. to become slender. adema, /. ademe, m. (min. ) shore ; strut ; prop. ademador, m. (min,) mine carpenter who places props. adem^n, m. gesture, look, manner ; attitude. ademar, va. (min.) to shore. adem&S, adv. moreover, likewise, further ; short of this ; besides. adenitis, /. adenitis. adenologia, /. (anat.) description of the glands. adenoso, sa, a. glandular, adentellar, va. to bite, to catch with the teeth : adentellar una pared, to leave tooth- ing-stones or bricks to continue a wall, adentro, adv. within, internally, inside.—^/, the innermost thoughts. adeptO, 7)1. adept ; initiated. aderezamiento, A', embellishing; dressing. aderezar, va. {pret. aderec^ : subj. adere- ce) to dress, embellish, adorn ; to prepare ; to cook, season ; to dress salad ; to clean ; repair ; to mix drinks ; to blend wines ; to gum silk • to size stuffs. aderezo, m. dressing and adorning ; finery ; gum, starch, used to stiffen cloth with ; set of jewelry ; trappings or caparisons of a saddle-horse ; furniture ; hilt, hook, and other appendages of a sword, aderra,/. rush rope. adestrado, da, «. (her, ) on the dexter side of the escutcheon,— ^^, of adestrar, adestrador, ra, m. & /. teacher; censor, critic. adestramiento, m. v. adiestramiento. adestrar, va. {ind. adiestro : subj. ames- tre) to guide, to lead; to teach; to train. — JT. to exercise one's self. adeudado, da, a. indebted.— pp. of adeu- DAR. adeudar, va. to owe ; to be dutiable ; (com.) to charge ; debit. — vr. to run into debt. adeudo, m. indebtedness ; custom-house duty; (com.) debit; charge. adherencia, /. alliance ; adherence ; rela- tionship ; friendship. adherente, a. adhesive, adherent. — m. fol- lower. adherir, vn. {ind. adhiero : suM. adhiera) to adhere, to stick to. — vr. to stick fast. adliesidn, /. adhesion ; cohesion, attach- ment. adhesivo, va, a. adhesive. adhiero, yo adhiera (from adherir). ad hoc, (Lat.) expressly. adiafa, /. tip given to seamen at end of a voyage. adiamantadO, da, a. adamantine. adicibn, /. addition, extension; remark or note put to accounts: adici6n de la heren- cia, acceptance of an inheritance. adicionaaor, ra, m. &f. one who adds. adicional, a. supplementary, additional. adicionar, va. to make additions, to add to ; to extend, prolong. adicto, ta, a. addicted, attached. adiestrador, ra, «. v. adestrador. adiestrar, va. V. adestrar. adiestro, yo adiestre {irr. from ades- trar). adietar, va. to diet. adinamia,/. debility, prostration. adinerado, da, a. rich, wealth v. adintelado, da, a. (ar«h.) falling from an arch gradually into a straight line. adids, interj. good-bye, adieu. g (before e, I) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (inltUi) and rr trilled ; ■, bisMd ADI 12 ADO adipocira,/. adipocere. adipOSidad,/. adiposity. adiposo, sa, a. (med.) fat, adipose: tcjido adipoBo, adipose tissue. adlr, va. to accept an inheritance. adltamentO, m. addition. adiva,/- adive, w. jackal.— pi. adlvas, (vet.) vives, fives. adlyiiiaci6ii, /. divination. adivinador, ra. m. &/. diviner, soothsayer. adlvinaja,/. riddle, puzzle, conundrum. adivinajnlento, m. V. adivinaci6n. adiyinanza, /• prophecy, prediction; enig- ma, riddle, conundrum ; guess. V. adivi- NAC16N. adivlnar, va. to foretell future events, to soothsay ; to conjecture, divine, guess ; to solve a riddle. adivlno, na, rn. & f. soothsayer ; foreboder, fortune-teller; wizard- guesser. adjetivaci6n,/. concordin^, ad etivadamente, adv. adjectively. ad, etival, a. adjectival. ad etivar, va. to concord. adjetivo, va, a. (gram.) adjective. — m. nom- bre adjetivo, noun adjective : verbo adjetivo, any and all Spanish verbs, except ser: ad- jetivo calicafttivo, qualifying adjective: ad- jetivo comparativo, comparative adjective: adjetivo gentilicio, proper adjective : adjetivo determinatlvo, limiting adjective. adjudicacldn,/. adjudgment, adjudication. adjudicador, ra, a. adjudger, adjudicator. adjudicar, ra. to adjudge, adjudicate. — vr. to appropriate to one's self. adjudlcativo, va, a. adjudicative. adjudicatario, ria, m. &f. grantee. adluncidn,/. (law) adjunction. adjunta,/. (com.) letter inclosed in another. adjunto, ta, «. joined, annexed, inclosed, adjunct. — »n. adjective ; addition. adjutor, ra, a. & n. adjuvant ; helper, as- sistant. adminicular, t-a. (law) to increase the power of a thing by collateral aids. admlniculo, m. prop, support, aid, administraclbn, /. administration, man- agement ; office of an administrator : admi- alstracidn milltar, commissariat : administra- ci6n econdmica, treasury department : admi- niitracidn pdblica, public administration : por adminiitracidn, by the government: en administraclin, in trust. admlnlstrador, ra, m. & /. administrator, manager; steward, director, trustee: admi- nlBtrador de adnanai, collector of the customs. admlnlstrador ClllO, m. dim. a petty man- ager. admlnlstrar, va. to administer, govern, manage ; to serve an office ; to apply a rem- edy. admlnlstratlvamente, adv. administra- tively. admlnlstratlvo, va, a. administrative; managerial. admlnlstratorlo, rla, a. (law) belonging to an administration or administrator. admirable, a. admirable, excellent. admirablemente, adv. admirably. admiracl6n,/. admiration, wonder ; point of exclamation, i !. admirador, ra, m. &f. admirer. admlrando, da, a, worthy of admiration. admlrar, va. to admire, marvel, contem- plate.— rr. to wonder. admlratlvamente, adv. admiratively. admlratlvo, va. a. admiring, wondering. adnxlsible, a. admissible. admlsl6n,/. admission, acceptance. admltlr, va. to receive ; to concede ; to ac- cept ; to admit ; to permit. admonlclbn, /. admonition, warning, coun- sel, advice. admonltor, m. monitor, in some religious communities. adnata,/, (anat.) adnata, the external white membrane of the eye. adnato, ta, a. adnate. adobado, m. pickled pork. — a. pickled ; cur- ried, dressed.— /ip. of adobar. adObador, ra, m. &f. dresser, preparer. adobar, va. to dress, to prepare ; to pickle pork or other meat ; to cook ; to tan hides. adobe, m. unburnt brick dried iu the sun. adobera,/. mould for making bricks ; Mexi- can cheese. adOberia,/. brick-yard. V. TENERfA. adobio, m. front wall of a blast-furnace. aidobo, m. repairing, mending ; pickle-sauce ; dressing for seasoning ; ingredients for dressing leather or cloth ; pomade, cos- metic. adocenado, da, a. common, ordinary, y\i\- ga.T.—^jp. ADOCENAR. adocenar, va. to count or sell by dozens ; 10 depreciate, underrate. adoctrinar, va. to instruct. V. doctrinar. adolecente, adOleclente, pa. sutferer ; pa- tient. adolecer, vn. {ind. adolezco : subj. adolez- ca) to be seized with illness; to suffer; be subject to. — vr. to condole. adolescencla,/. adolescence. adolescente, a. adolescent, young. adolezco {irr. from adolecer). adolorado, adolorldo, a. v. dolorido. adomlcillarse, va. V. domiciliarse. Adonai, «. one of the names of Deity. adonde,arft'. whither? to what place? where^ adondequlera, adv. wherever. addnlCO, adonlo, m. a Latin verse consist- ing of a dactvl and a spondee. Adonis, vt. Adonis, handsome youth. adopclbn,/. adoption. adopclonlsmo, m. adoptionism, ancient. Spanish sect. adopcionlsta, a. adoptionist, sectarian. adoptable, a. adoptable. adoptador, ra, m. &/. adopter. adoptante, pa. adopter. adoptar, m. to adopt, to father ; to embrace an opinion ; adopt a resolution. adopt! vo, va, a. adoptive. adoquin, m. paving-stone. adoqulnado, m. pavement. adoqulnar, va. to pave. ador, 7n. time for watering land, where water - is othcially distributed. adorable, a. adorable, worshipful. adoracldn,/. adoration, worship. adorador, fa, m. &f. one who adores ; wor- shipper. adorante.pa. adorer; worshipper. adorar, t-c. to adore, worship, idolize, idola- trize ; to love excessively. adoratorlo, m. temples of idols in America ; . teocalli. adoratrlz, /. nun of a religious order that befriend reformed women. adormecedor, ra, a. soporiferous, soporific. adormecer, vr. {ind. adormezco : subj. ador- mezca) to cause drowsiness or sleep ; to lull asleep; to calm, lull. — vr. to fall asleep; to grow benumbed ; (met.) to persist in vice. adormecldo, da, a. mopish; sleepish, drow- sy.— />/». of ADORMECER. « u in far ; • in eb 1 ; i In p«lice ; o in for ; u in bnll ; c (before e, 1) and s m tb in thick ; b and d, wfl ; ADO 13 AER AdorxnecilOieiltO, m, drowsiness, slumber, sleepiness, numbness, mopishness. adormezco {irr. from adormecer). adormidera,/. (bot.) poppy. adormilarse, vi: v. adormitarse. adormir, vn. to fall asleep. adormitarse, vr. to doze, drowse. adornado, a, a. ornamented, adorned. adornador, ra, m. &f. adorner, decorator. adornamiento, m. embellishment. adornante, pa. one who adorns or embel- lishes. adomar, va. to beautify, embellish, grace, decorate, ornament; to furnish, garnish; to accomplish ; adorn with talents. adornista, m. painter, decorator. adomo, m. adorning, accomplishment ; orna- ment, finery, decoration, habiliment ; gar- niture, furniture. adquirente, adquiriente, a. p. acquirer. adquiridor, ra, m. &/. acquirer, adquirir, va. {ind. adquiero : subj. adquie- ra) to acquire, to obtain, to get. adquisicibn [ad-key-see-thie-on'],/. acquisition ; attainment. adquisidor, ra, «. v. adquiridor. adqulsitiVO, va, adj, acquisitive. adra,/. turn, time, successive order; portion of the inhabitants of a town. adragantO, m. tragacanth. adrales, m. pi. hurdles in carts. adrazo, m. alembic for distilling sea water, adrede, adredemente, ado. purposely, adrian, m. bunion : nest of a magpie. adrizar, tja, (naut.) to right. adscribir, va. (pp. adscripto) to appoint a person to a place or employment. adscripcibn, /. nomination ; appointment ; adscnption. adscripto, ta, irr. pp. adscript. aduana,/. custom-house : arancel de adtianas, tariff": corredor de aduana, custom-house broker : derecho de aduana, duty. aduanar, va. to enter goods at' the custom- house ; to pay duty. aduanero, ra, a. belonging to the custom- house. — m. custom-house oflScer ; revenue officer. aduar, m. horde, a migratory crew ; village of Arabs ; horde of gipsies. aducar, m. coarse sort of silk from outer part of cocoon ; the stuff made from that silk. «,dUCCi6n,/. adduction. aducir, va. (ind. ADUZCO : subj. ADUZCA ipret. aduje) to adduce, to cite. ftductor, «i. (anat.) adductor (muscle). aduendado, da, a. ghost-like. adueSiarse, vr. to take possession of, to seize. adufe, m. timbrel or tambourine. adufero, ra, m. &f. tambourine-player. adugadas, adujas, /, pi. (naut.) coil or a coiled cable, adular, va. (naut.) to coil a cable. adma,/. v. dui-a. adulaci6n,/. flattery, fawning, coaxing. adulador, ra, m. & f. flatterer, fawner, soother. adtQar, va. to flatter, soothe, coax, court, compliment ; to fawn, creep, crouch, grovel. adulatoriO, ria, a. flattering, honey- mouthed. adulero, m. v. dulero. adul6n, na, a. gross flatterei'. adultera,.f. adulteress, adulteraci6n, /. adulteration, sophistica- tion. adulterado, da, a. sophisticated, adulter- ated.— ^j). of ADULTERAR. adulterador, ra, m. & /. one who adulter- ates ; falsifier. adnlterante,pa. adulterating, adtllterar, va. to adulterate; to corrupt. — vn. to commit adultery. adulterinamente, adv. in an adulterou.s manner. adulterino, na, a. adulterous • begotten in adultery ; adulterated, falsified, forged. adulterio, m. adultery. adiiltero, ra, m. &f. adulterer, adultO, ta, a. adult, grown up. adulzar, va. to render metals more ductible, adumbracibn, /. adumbration, shade in a picture, adunar, va. to unite, join ; unify, adunco, ca, a. aduncous ; curved ; warped, adunia, adv. abundantly. adustO, ta, «. gloomy, austere, untractable, sullen, aduzco, aduzca, aduje (irr. from aducir). advenedizo, za, a. foreign, stranger, new- comer, immigrant ; parvenu. advenidero, ra, a. v. venidero. advenimiento, m. arrival ; advent. advenir, V7i. to come, to arrive. adventicio, Cia, a. adventitious, accidental ; (law) acquired by industry. adverbial, a. adverbial. adverbialmente, adv. adverbially. adverbiO, m. adverb, adversameute, adv. adversely, unfortu- nately, adversariO, m. opponent ; antagonist ; foe. adversativo, va, a. (gram.) adversative, adversidad,/, calamity, misfortune, adverso, sa, a. adverse, calamitous, afflic- tive ; opposite, averse. advertencia, /. admonition, warning, ad- vice ; remark, notice. advertidamente, adv. advisedly, delibei^- ately. advertidO, da, a. noticed ; skilful ; intelli- gent ; expert ; clever.—^/), of advertir. advertimlento, m. v. advertencia. advertir, va. {ind. advierto : subj. AD- VIERTA :pre<. kl advirti6) to take notice of, to observe ; to instruct, advise, give notice or warning ; to acq-uaint ; to mark, to note. adviento, m. advent, the four weeks before Christmas. advierto, advierta, 61 advirtid {irr. from advertir). advocacibn, /. appellation given to a church, chapel, or altar, dedicated to the holy Vir- gin or a saint. adyacente, a. adjacent ; contiguous. aechadero, m. place where grain is sifted, aecbador, ra, m. &/. sifter; sieve. aechaduras, /./>/. the refuse of grain, chaff, aecbar, va. to sift grain. aecbo. m. sifting of grain. aeracibn,/. (chem.) aeration, charging with gas or with air; (med.) action of atmos- pheric air in the treatment of disease. aereo, rea, a. aerial ; (met.) airy, fantastic aerifero, a, a. air-conducting. aerlficar, va. (chem.) to gasify, aerify. aeriforme, a. (chem.) aeriform, gaseous. aerodln^mlca, /. aerodynamics. aerdforo, a, a. air-conducing. aerografla,/. aerography. aeroiitO, m. aerolite, meteoric stone. aerologia,/. aerology, aeromancla,/. aeromancy, aerom&ntlCO, m. professor or student of aeromancy, aerometria,/. aerometry. g (before e^ 1) and J as h In hot ; b, silent ; 21 in brilliant ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; «, A£B aerbmetro, m. (chem.) aerometer. aeronauta, m. aerouaut. aeronautica,/. aeronautics. aeronautico, ca, «. aeronautic. aeroscopia,/. aeroscopy. aerostacion,/. aerostation. aerostatica,/. aerostatics. aerostaticOjCa, a. aerostatic. aer6statO, >n. aerostat, air balloon. aeta, »i. tribe of mountaineers in the Philip- pines ; their language. afabilidad, /. affability, graciousness, cour- teousness. afable, «. affable, agreeable, courteous, civil. afablemente, adv. aff"ably, good-naturedly. afaca,/. (bot.) yellow vetch. afamado, da, a. celebrated, noted, famous. af&n, in. anxiety, solicitude, eagerness. afanadamente, afanosamente, adv. anx- iously, laboriously, eagerly. afanador, ra, m. &f. eager for riches ; pains- taker; hustler. afanar, vn. & vr. to toil, to labour ; to be over- solicitous. — vr. to toil, etc., too much. afanita,/. v. anfibolita. afanoso, sa, a. solicitous ; laborious, pains- taking. afarallonado, da, a. steep, cliffy. afasia,/. aphasia. afeador, ra, m. &/. one vrho or that which deforms or makes ugly. afeamientO, m. defacing ; ugliness. afear, va. to deform, disfigure, deface, to mis- shape ; to make look ugly ; to decry, to con- demn. afeblecerse, vr. to grow feeble or delicate. afeccibn taii-fec-twe-on'l, /. affection, inclina- tion, fondness; (med.) chronic disease. afectacidniati-fec-ta-thie-on'],/. affectation, arti- ficial appearance, daintiness, finicalness. afectadameute, adv. affectedly. afectado, da, a. affected, formal, conceited, finical, foppish.— ^j?. of afectar. afectador, ra, m. &f. one who acts affectedly. afectar, va. to make a show of something, to feign, to affect, influence, make an impres- sion ; (law) to charge, impose, encumber. — IT. to be moved, to reel some emotion. afectjvo, va, a. affective. afecto, m. affection, love, fondness, fancy, concern : afectos desordenados, inordinate de- sires. — a. affectionate, fond, inclined ; (law) subject to some charge or encumbrance. afectuosamente, adv. fondly, affectionately. afectuosidad,/. fondness. afectuoso, sa, «. loving, fond. afeitar, va. to shave ; to beautify, embellish, make up ; to trim a plant or tree ; to trim the tails and manes of horses. — vr. to shave one's self; to use paints or rouge. afeite, m. paint, rouge, cosmetic. afelio, m. (ast.) aphelion. afelpado, da, a. plush or velvet-like. afeminaci6n, /. effeminacy, emasculation. afeminadamente, adv. effeminately. afeminado, da, a. effeminate.— ^p. of afe- MIXAR. afemlnamlento, m. v. afeminaci6n. afeminar, va. to effeminate, to unman, aferesis,/. (gram.) aphaeresis. aferrado, da, a.headstrong.— pp.of aferrar. aferrador, ra, m. & f. one that grapples or Krasps. aferramlentO, m. grasping, grappling, seiz- ing or binding : aferramiento de las velaa, (naut.) the furling of the sails ; headstrong- ness. aferrar, va. to grapple, to grasp, to seize 14 AFL fnaut.) to furl, to moor, to anchor. — it. (naut.) to grasp one another strongly; (met.) to persist obstinately in an opinion. aferruzadO, da, a. angry, irate. afestonado, a, a. festooned. afianzamlentO, m. security, guarantee, bail ; prop, support. afianzar, va. {pret. afiance : suhj. afiance) to become bail or security, to guarantee ; to prop ; to make fast, clinch. aficion [ah-fe-thie-on'], /. affection, fondness ; eagerness, attachment, aficionadamente, adv. fondly, with liking, amateurishly. aficionado, da, m. & /. an amateur.— pp. of AFICIONAR. aficlonar, va. to cause or inspire affection or fondness. — vr. to fancy, to grow fond of. afijO, ja [ah-fee'-hoe], a. (gram.) affix, suffix, prefix. afiladera,/. whetstone. afiladisimo, ma, a. sup. extremely sharp. afilado, pp. of AFiLAR. — a. sharp, keen. afiladura,/. sharpening, whetting. afilamlento, m. slenderness of the face, nose, or fingers. V. afiladura. afilax, va. to whet, grind ; to render keen ; to taper, sharpen. — vr. to grow thin. afiliado, pp. & a. affiliated ; adopted. afiliar, va. to adopt ; to affiliate. — vr. to join a bodj"^ or society. afiligranadO,da,«. filigree, fillgreed; (met.) slender, thin, delicate, neat. afillgranar, va. to make filigree work; (met. ) to polish, embellish. afilO, la, a. (bot.) leafless. afildn, m. steel, knife-sharpener, razor- strop. afilOSOfadO, da, a. applied to the person who sets up as a philosopher or savant. aflll; a. close by, contiguous, adjacent. — m. re- lation by affinity. afinaCibn [ah-fe-na-tliie-on'], /. completion, last touch, refining ; tuning of instruments. afinadamente, adv. completely, perfectly. afinado, da, a. well-finished, perfect, com- plete ; well tuned. — pp. of afinar. afinador, ra, m. & f. finisher ; piano-tuner ; tuning key. afinadura, m. V. afinaci6n. aflnamiento, m. r. afinaci6n. Refinement. V. FINURA, afinar, va. to complete ; to polish ; to trim (binding) ; to tune : afinar los metales, to re- fine metals. — vr. to become polished, civi- lized. afincar, va. to buy up real estate. afine, a. related, affinal, adjoining. afinldad, /. analogy^ resemblance ; relation- ship ; (chem.) affinity. afino, TO. refinement of metals. aflrmacidn, /. affirming, assertion. afirmadamente, adv. firmly. afirmador, ra, m. &/. one who affirms. aflnnante,/>«. the person who affirms. afirmar, va. to make fast, secure, clinch ; to affirm, assert, contend. — vr. to hold fast> make fast ; to maintain firmly. afirmativa,/. v. afirmaci6n. aflrmativamente, adv. affirmatively. afirmativo, va, a. affirmative. afistolar, va. to render fistulous. aflechada, a. arrow-shaped ; said of leaves. aflicclbn/. affliction, sorrow, grief, anguish. afllctiVO, va, a. afflictive, distressing, griev- ous : pena afllctiva, corporeal punishment. afllctO, ta, pp. irr. of afligir. afligidainente, adv. grievously. a as in f ar ; e in eh I ; i In police ; o in for ; n in bull : c Cbefore «. i) and i as th In thick. ; b and i, son ; AFL 15 Afli^ixaiento, m. V. aflicci6n. Afligir, Id. {ind. AFLIJO: s-iibj. aflija) to afflict, to cause pain. — vr. to grieve, lan- guish, repine. anojadura, /. aflojamiento, m. relaxation, loosening or slackening. aflOjar, va. to loosen, slacken, relax, let loose; to relent, debilitate: (naut.) afloJar loB obenqnes, to ease the shrouds. — vn. to grow weak, to abate. — vr. to grow cool in fervour or zeal ; to lose courage. aflorado, «. v. floreado. afloramiento, »J. (min.) cropping out, aflorar, vn. to crop out. afluencia,/. plenty, abundance ; fluency, vol- ubility. afluente, a. aflluent, copious, abundant ; loquacious. — m. affluent, a tributary. afluir, va. {ind. afluyo : subj. afluya) to congregate, assemble ; to discharge into an- other stream. aflujo, ni. (med.) afflux, Effluxion. afogarar, va. v. asukar. afollar, va. to blow with bellows. afondar, va. to put under water; (naut.) to sink, to founder. afonia,/. (med.) loss of voice. af6nlco, ca, afono, na, a. aphonic. aforado, a. privileged person.— pp. of afo- rar. aforador, m. ganger, appraiser. aforamientO, m. gauging ; appraisement. aforar, va. to gauge, measure vessels or quantities ; to appraise ; to give privileges. aforisma, /. (farr.) swelling in the arteries of beasts. aforismo, m. aphorism, maxim. aforistiCO, ca, a. aphoristical. aforo, m. gauging; appraisement. aforrador, ra, m. &/. one who lines clothes. aforrar, va. to line clothes : aforrar una casa, to ceil a house ; (naut.) to sheathe : aforrar un cabo, (naut.) to serve a cable. — vr. to put on heavy underclothing ; to gorge. aforro* m. lining; (naut.) sheathing; (naut). waist of a ship. afortunadamente, adv. luckily, afortunado, da, «. fortunate, happy, lucky. —pp. of AFORTUNAR. afortunar, va. to make happy. afosarse, vr. (mil.) to defend one's self by making a ditch, afoscarse, vr. to become hazy, afrailar, va. (agr.) to trim trees, afrancesado, da, a. Frenchified, French-like. pp. of AFRANCESAR. arrancesar, m. to Gallicize, to give a French termination to words. — vr. to imitate the French ; to be naturalized in France. afrecho, m. bran. afrenillar, vn. (naut.) to bridle the oars. afrenta, /. affront, dishonour, outrage, in- sult, abuse, infamy, disgrace, stigma. afrentar, va. to affront, to insult. — vr. to be affronted ; to blush. afrentosamente, adv. ignominiously. afrentOSO, sa, a. ignominious, outrageous. afretar, va. to scrub and clean the bottom of a vessel. afrlcano, na, or afro, a. African. ifrico, m. the south-west wind. V. abrego. afrisonado, da, a. resembling a Friesland draught-horse. afrodisiaco, «. aphrodisiac. afrontar, vn. to confront ; to face. afta,/. (med.) aphthae, thrush. aftOSO, sa, «. (med.) aphthous. afuera, adv. outside, outward, in public. — AGE f. pi. suburbs, environs; lafaeral clear the wav. afufa,/. (coll.) flight. afufar, vn. amfarse, vr. (coll.) to run away, to escape. afusidn,/. affusion, shower-bath. afUSte, m. gun-carriage: afuste de mortero. mortar-bed. agachadiza, /. (zool.) snipe: hacer la aga- chadiza, (coll.) to conceal one's self. agachar, va. to lower, bow down. — vr. to stoop, squat, crouch, cower: agachar las orejas, (coll. ) to be humble ; to be dejected, dispirited, chopfallen. agalbanado, da, a. v. galbanoso. agalerar, va. (naut.) to tip an awning. agMocO, m. (Dot.) aloes wood, agalla, /. (hot.) gall-nut: agalla de cipris, cypress gall ; tonsils; wind-gallsof a horse : beaks of a shuttle ; the side of the head of birds corresponding to the temple.— pZ. (coll.) courage, cheek, gall. agalladO, da, a. steeped in an infusion of galls. agallato, m. gall ate. agalliCO, a. gallic. agall6ll, TO. large gall-nut: agallones, pi. strings of hollow silver beads ; wooden beads put to rosaries. agalluela,/. dim. small gall-nut. agamitar, va. to imitate the voice of a fawn, agamuzado, da, a. chamois-coloured, agangrenarse, vr. to gangrene. agarbado, da, a. V. garboso.— ?>p. of agar- BARSE. agarbarse, vr. to bend, stoop down, crouch. agarbillar, v. agavillar. agareno, na, a. Mohammedan. ag^rico, m. (bot.) agaric, fungus. agarrada,/. (coll.) altercation, wrangle. agarradero, m. hold, haft, handle; (coll.) protection, Wtronage ; (naut.) anchorage.' agarrado, da, a. miserable, stingy, close- fisted.— pp. of AGARRAR. agarrador, ra, a. one that grasps or seizes. — m. sadiron-holder ; catch-pole ; bailiff. agarrafar, va. (coll.) to grapple hard in a scuffle. agarrama, /. v. garrama. agarrar, va. to grasp, seize, lay hold of; (coll.) to obtain; to come upon. — vr. to clinch, grapple, hold on. agarro, m. grasp. agarrochador, to. pricker, goader. agarrocbar, agarrocbear, va. to prick with a pike or spear ; to goad. agarrotar, va. to compress bales with ropes and cords. agasajador, ra, to. & /. officious, kind, ob- liging person. agasajar, va. to receive and treat kindly ; to fondle ; to regale ; to entertain. agasajo, to. graceful and affectionate recep- tion ; attention shown ; friendly present ; afternoon refreshment or collation, d.gata, /. agate, a precious stone. agavanzo, to. or agavanza, /. (bot.) V. es- CARAMUJO. agave, to. v. pita. agavillar, va. to bind or tie in sheaves. — vr. (coll.) to associate with a gang of sharpers. agazapar, va.{ coll.) to nab a person. — vr. to hide one's self. agenda, /. agency ; ministration, commis- sion ; agent's bureau, office ; diligence. agenciar, va. to solicit, promote, negotiate, agencioso, sa, a. diligent, active. agenda, /. note-book ; memorandum. g (before e, j) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initUl) and rr triUed ; s, hisseC AOE 16 AGE agenesia,/, (med.) impotence. agente, m. ageut, actor, ininisterj solicitor, attorney : agente de cambios, bill-broker : agente de negocios, promoter : agente fiscal, assistant attorney : agente de policia, police officer, detective. agerasla, /. old age free from indispositions. ag^ratO, m. (bot. ) sweet milfoil or maudlin. agestadO, da (blen 6 mal), a. well or ill fea- tured. agibillbUS, m. (coll.) application and in- dustry to obtain the conveniences of life. ag^ble, a. feasible, practicable. agigantado, da, a. gigantic, extraordinary, uncommon. agil, n. nimble, ready, fast, light. agilidad, /. agility, nimbleness, activity, lightness, liveliness, sprightliness. agilitar, va. to render nimble ; make active. agilmente, adv. nimbly, actively. agio, agriotaje, m. (com.) exchange of paper money for coin, or coin for bills ; premium ; stock-jobbing ; usury ; jobbing. agiotador, »«. v. agiotista. agiotista, m. money-changer , bill-broker, stock-jobber ; usurer. agitable, a, agitable ; that can be shaken. agitaci6n, /. agitation, flurry, flutter, fluc- tuation, fidget, fretting, excitement. agitador, ra, m. &f. fretter, agitator. agitanado, da, a. gipsy-like, bewitching. agitar, ra. to agitate, shake up, ruffle, dis- cuss. — ;■;•. to flutter, palpitate. aglomeracidn, /. agglomeration, heaping up. aglomerado, m. brick made with coal-dust and tar, used for fuel. aglomerar, va. to heap upon. aglutinacibn, /. agglutination. aglutinante, a. agglutinating.— ;ja. of AGLU- TiNAR. — m. (med.) sticking-plaster. aglutinar, va. to glue together, to aggluti- nate. aglutinatiVO, va, a. agglutinative, agnaci6n, /. (law) relation by blood on the father's side ; from male issue. agnado, da, a. (law) related to a descendant of the same paternal line. agnaticiO, Cia, «. belonging to the agnado. agnici6n, /. (rhet.) recognition of a person in a poem or drama ; agnition. agnocasto, m. v. sauzgatillo. agnosticismo, m. agnosticism. agnbstico, ca, adj. agnostic. agnus-dei, m. agnus, wax cake blessed by the Pope ; part of the service of the mass ; ancient Spanish coin, of smallest value. agobiar, va. to bend the body down ; (met.) to oppress, grind. — vr. to bow ; to couch. agobio, m. bending down ; (met.) oppression, dejection, load. agojia, /. water outlet in mines. agolar, va. (naut.) to furl the sails. V. amainar. agolpamiento, m. crowding, a rush. agolparse, vr. to crowd, to rush. agonales, a. pi. games in honour of Janus. agonia, /. agony, pangs of death ; violent pain of body or mind j vehement desire. agonioso, sa, adj. anxious, eager. agonistica, /. athletics ; science of combat. agonizante, pa. a dying person; a monk who assists a dyin^ person ; in some univer- sities, he who assists students in their ex- aminations. agonizar, va. to assist dying persons ; (met.) to annoy, to importune. — vn. estar agonizan- do, to be in the agony of death. &gOra,/. agora, public place in Greek cities. I agorar, ra. to divine, to prognosticate. agorero, ra. m. & /. diviner. agorgojarse, vr. to be destroyed by grubs. applied to corn. agOStadero, nu summer pasture. agOStamientO, m. parching up. agOStar, ca. to parch. — vn. to pasture cattle on stubbles in summer. agostero, m. harvest-man ; religious men- dicant who begs corn in August. agOStiZO, za, a. person born in August ; colt foaled in that month ; weak. agOStO, m. August ; harvest-time, harvest. agotable, a. exhaustible. agOtamientO, m. exhaustion. agotar, va. to drain off waters; (met.) to oeat out one's brains ; to run through a for- tune ; to exhaust : agotar la paciencia, to tire one's patience. agracejO [aii-grah tiiay'-hoel, w. unripeued grapc; unripe olive that falls ; a kind of shrub. V. MAROJO, a Cuban tree. agrace&O, fla, laU-Kraii-thay'-nyo], a. resembling verjuice. a^acera, /. verjuice cruet. — a. vine yield- ing unripening fruit. agraciado, da, a. graceful, genteel.— /tj?. of AGRACiAR.— ju. a grantee. agn^aciar, va. to adorn, embellish ; to favour ; to grace ; to give employment. agracillo, m. v. agracejo. agradabilisimo, ma, a. sup. most agreeable. agradable, «. agreeable, pleasing, pleasant, enjovable. agradablemente, adv. agreeably. agradar, va. to please, gratify, humour ; to like. — vr. to be pleased. agnradecer, va. {md. agradezco : subj. agra- dezca) to acknowledge a favour ; to thank ; show gratitude. agradecido, da, a. acknowledged ; grateful, thankful.— p/». of agradecer. agradecimiento, m. gratefulness. agrradezco (*>?•. from agradecer). agrado, w«. affability, agreeableness, pleasure, liking : esto no es de mi agrado, that does not please me. agramadera, /. brake ; scutch. agramador, ra, m. &f. flax or hemp breaker. agramar, ca. to dress flax or hemp with a Drake. agramllar, va. to point and colour a brick wall. agramiza, /. the stalk of hemp ; hemp, tow. agraudamientO, m. enlargement. agrandar, ca. to enlarge, aggrandize, in- crease. agranujado, da, a. grain-shaped ; filled with grain. agrario, ria, «. agrarian, rustic. agravacidn, f. aggravation. agravador, ra, »«. &/. oppressor. agravamiento, m. the act of aggravating. agravantemente, adv. aggravatingly ; with ourden. agravar, vn. to add to a load ; to oppress with taxes and public burdens ; to aggrieve; to exaggerate. — vr. to become "Jnore grave. agravatoriO, rla, a. (law) compulsory, ag- gravating. agraviadainente, adv. injuredly; in an offeuded manner. agraviador, ra, m. & f. injurer, wronger, offender. agraviamiento, m. wrong, offence, injury. agraviante, pa. aggravating, ofteuding. agfravlar, va. to wrong, offend, injure, narm. — vr. to be aggrieved, piqued. a M In far ; e in eh I ; i in volice : o /. agrios, sour fruit-trees. agridn, m. (far.) callosity in a horse's knee, agrisadO, da, a. grayish. agrisetado, da, a. flowered silks. agronomia, /. theory of agriculture. agrbnomo, m. a writer on agriculture. agropilaj yn. German bezoar. agrupacibn, /. cluster, crowd ; group. agrupar, va. to group, to cluster. agrura,/. acidity, acerbity ; orchard of sour fruit-trees. agua, /. water, liquid, fluid, rain ; the sea ; (chem.) liquor distilled from herbs, flowers, or fruit; lustre of diamonds; (naut.) leak- (arch.) slope of a roof: agua rica, scented water, in Peru : agua llovediza, rain-water : agua dulce, fresh, drinking water : agua fuer- te, nitric acid ; an etching : agua da nieve, ice-water : agua viva, running water : ; hom- bre al agua ! man overboard.—^/, mineral waters in general ; clouds in silk and other stuffs ; gloss in feathers, stones, etc.; urine; tide; (naut.) agua del pantoque, bilge-wa- ter : agua del timon, wake of a ship : agua de cepas, (coll.) wine. aguacatal, m. plantation of aguacates. aguacate or agualate, m. (bot. ) the avocado- tree and its fruit; alligator-pear; pear-shaped emerald. agnacatillO, m. (bot.) variety of the avocado- tree. agruacero, m. heavy shower. aguacibera, /. ground sowed when dry and then irrigated ; water used for such irrigar tion. aguachar, m. pool ; puddle. aguachar, aguacliaruar, aguacMnar, va. r. ENAGUACHAR. aguachirle, /. inferior wine ; slipslop ; any Dad liquor. aguada,/. watering-station ; flood in a mine ; (naut.) water on board a ship: hacer agua- da, to water ; (art) water-colour ; aquarelle. aguaderas, /. pi. frames for jars of water carried by horses. aguadero, m. watering-place for cattle or ships. aguadija, /. humour in pimples or sores. aguado, da, a. watered ; abstemious, like a teetotaller.— py). of aguak. aguador, ra, m. & f. water-carrier: (mil.) aguador del real, sutler ; water-wheel bucket. aguaducllO,m. water-course ; stall for selling water. aguadura, /. surfeit of water in cattle. aguafiestas, m. &f. one who mars another's pleasure. aguagoma,/. gum-water. aguaitar, va. to spy, watch, detect. aguajaque [aii-gwah-iia'-kay], m. a sort ot am- moniac gum. aguajas, /. pi. ulcers above the hoofs. aguaje [ah-gwah'-iiay], m. tidal wave; (naut.) sea current or stream ; wake of a ship. aguamanil, m. water-jug, laver ; wash-stand. aguamanos, m. water for washing the liands ; wash-stand. aguamarina, /. precious stone, pale green ; beryl. aguamelado, da, a. washed over with water and honey. aguamiel, /. hydromel, honey and water, mead ; unfermented juice of the maguey. aguana, /. wood used in canoe-making in South America. aguanieve, /. magpie ; sleet, snow. aguanosidad, /. serous humours. aguanoso, sa, a. extremely moist. aguantar, va. to sustain, suffer, bear, en- dure, abide; to maintain ; (naut.) to carry a stiff sail. — vr. to forbear. agruante, m. fortitude, firmness ; patience, tolerance: (naut.) navio de aguante, a stiff ship. aguafl6n, wi. constructor of hydraulic ma- chines. aguapi^, m. small wine. V. aguachirle. aguar, va. to dilute with water; (met.) to mar pleasure. — vr. to be filled with water. aguardar, va. to expect, await; to grant time, extend^ e. g. to a debtor. aguardenteria, /. liquor-shop. aguardentero, ra, m. &f. retailer of liquors. aguardentOSO, sa, a. mixed with liquor ; narsh (said of the voice). aguardiente, m. spirituous liquor: aguar- diente de cana, rum : aguardiente de cabeza, the first spirits drawn from the still. aguardo, m. lurking-place for a sportsman. aguarr^S, m. oil of turpentine. aguatocha, /. pump. aguaturma, f. (bot.) Jerusalem artichoke. aguavientos, m. (hot.) yellow sag©-tree. aguaza, /. aqueous humour ; sap from trees. aguazal, m. marsh, fen. V. pantano. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, client ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; •, AGU 18 AHO aguazarse, vr. to become marshy. aguazo, painting in gouache. aguazoso, sa, «. aqueous. agruazur, m.. kind of dark green large-leaved barilla plant. agudeza, /. sharpness, acuteness, subtilty, fineness ; witty saying, repartee ; smart- ness. agudo, da, «. sharp-pointed, keen-edged ; smart, sharp ; high-pitched ; (met. ) acute, witty; brisk, ready, active; (med.) acute, of rapid development : palabra aguda, word accented on the last syllable. agtiera, /. trench for irrigation. agliero, m. augury, prognostication, omen. agriiero, yo agiiere {irr. from agorar). aguerrido, da lah-gay-rree'-cioc', a. inured to war; veteran.^pp. of aguerrir. agUerrir [ah-gay-rreer'], va. (defective) tO aCCUS- tom to war. agUijada lah-gle-ha'-dah], /. spur, goad. aguijador, ra, m. & f. one that goads or stimulates. aguiiadura, /. spurring ; the act of exciting, aguijar [aii-Kie-har'i, va. to prick, spur, goad ; to incite, stimulate. — vn. to march fast. aguijatorio, ria, a. (law) stimulating. aguljdn [aii-gie-hon'], TO. Sting of a bee, wasp, etc.; prick, spur, goad; (met.) stimulus: dar coces contra el aguijdn, to kick against the spur or goad. agUljOnaZO [ah-gle-hoe-nah'-thaw], TO. thrust with a goad. aglUJOneadOr, ra [ah-gie-hoe-nay-ah-dor'], TO. & f. one who pricks or goads. agUljOnear [ah-gle-hoe-nay-ai-'j, va. tO prick, thrust. V. AGUIJAR, to incite. ^guila [ah'-gie-iah], /. eagle ; Roman emblem ; a gold coin ; (astr.) constellation. aguilando, to. v. aguinaldo. agllileflO,na[ah-gie-iay'-nyo],a. aquiline; hawk- nosed. agUllilla [ah-gle-le«l'-lya], /. dim. V. CABALLO aguillila. agnildn, to. boom of a crane. — aug. of Iguila. aguilucno, to. young eagle, eaglet. aguinaldo [ah-gie-uai'-/. tip given to post-boys or driv- ers ; pains from fttigue. agujeteria, /. shop where agtjjetai are made or sold. agujetero, ra, m. & /. maker or seller of agojetai. agu16n, TO. aug. a large needle. agujuela, ./". brad. aguosidad, /. lymph. agUOSO, sa, a. aqueous. agrur, adv. (coll.) adieu, farewell, good-bye. agusanarse, vr. to be worm-eaten. agustlniano, na, m. & /. v. agustino, be- longing to the order of St. Augustin. agusiino, na, to. & f. monk or nun of the order of St. Augustine. aguzadera, /. whetstone. agUZadero, m. haunt of wild boars. aguzado, da, «. sharp, pointed, keen.— f»p, AGUZAR. aguzador, m. a. sharpener. agruzadura, /. whetting or sharpeniag. aguzanieve, j'. wagtail, a small bird. aguzar, va. {pret. aguce: subj. aguce) to whet or sharpen; (met.) to stimulate, ex- cite : aguzar el ingenio, to sharpen the wit : aguzar las orejas, to cock up the ears : agu- zar la vista, to sharpen the sight. aguzonazo, m. v. hurgonazo. j ah ! fall , i)i/f>rj. ah ! V. i AY ! ahetirado, da, a. thread-like, fibrous. ahelear, va. to gall, embitter. — vn, to taste bitter. aherro:)amiento, to. putting in irons. aherrojar, va. to chain, put in irons. alierrumbrar, va. to impart the taste and colour of iron. — vi: to have the taste and colour of iron (as water) ; to be ferru- ginous ; to rust. ahervorarse, vr. to be heated. aM [ah-ee'] adv. there, in that place ; yonder. ahidalgadO, da, «. gentlemanly. ahijadO, a, m. &/. godchild ; protege. aMjadOr, to. one who puts a young animal to suck. Sibi^&T, va. to adopt; (met.) to impute. — vn. to bring forth young ; to bud ; shoot out.- ahilarse, vr. to be faint, weak ; to grow sour ; to grow thin. ahilo, TO. faintness, weakness. aMncO, to. earnestness, eagerness, ardoui. ahitar, va. {pp. aiuto) to surfeit, cloy, sa- tiate. — vr. to be surfeited. ahitera,/. (coll.) violent or continued indi- gestion. amtO, ta, «. gorged, satiated, full; (met.) disgiisted, bored. — pp. irr. of ahitar. aMtO, TO. indigestion, surfeit, repletion. ahOCicar, vn. (naut.) to pitch or plunge. sihocinarse. vr. to run precipitately (a stream). ahogadero, m. hangmay's rope ; place diffi- cult to breathe in ; throat-band ; halter. ahogadizo, za, o. harsh, unpalatable: cam* ahogadiza, flesh of drowned animals. ahogado, da, «. suffocated ; drowned ; close, unventilated : carncro ahogado, stewed mut- ton : estar ahogado or verse ahogado, to be overwhelmed with business or trouble.— /»jo. of ahogar. ahogador, ra, to. &/. hangman, ahogamlento, to. suffocation. V. ahogo. abOgar, va. {pret. AHOGU^ : subj. ahogue) to choke, throttle, smother; to drown; (met.) to oppress ; (met.) to quench, extinguish • to water plants to excess; (naut.) to founder. — vr. to be suffocated ; to drown one's self, be drowned. ahogo, TO. oppression ; anguish ; pain ; severe affliction. ahoguijo [ah-o-gie'-ho], TO. (vet. ) quinsy, swelled throat. ahoguio [ah-o-gie'-oii], to. oppression in the breast. ahombradO, da, a. (coll.) mannish. V. HOM- BRUNO. ahondar, va. to sink. — vn. to go deep, pene- trate; (met.) to advance in knowledge; to investigate. ahonde, to. act of sinking; depth to which a mine ought to reach to acquire title. ahora, «<"■. now, at present : por ahora, fof the present : ahora bien, now, then : hasta ahora, hitherto. — conj. whether, or. ahorcadO, to. hanged man. — pp. of AHORCAB. a ab iu far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o ia for ; u In bull ; c (before e, i} aii7J. of aho- RRAR. ahorrador, ra, m. &f. emancipator. ahorramientO, m. emancipation, enfran- chisement. ahorrar, va. to enfranchise, emancipate, free a slave ; to economize, save, spare ; to shun labour, danger, or difficulties. ahorrativa, /. (coll.) v. ahorro. allOrrativO, va, a. frugal, thrifty, saving. ahorro, m. parsimony, economy, saving: banco or caja de ahorros, savings-bank. ahoyadura, /. making holes in the ground. ahoyar, va. to dig holes for trees. ahucliador, ra, m. &f. hoarder, miser. ahuchar, va. to hoard up. ahuecamlento, m. hollowing. ahuecar, va.{prei. ahueque: subj. ahueque) to make hollow ; scoop out ; to inflate ; to loosen close pressed or matted things. — vr. to grow haughty, proud. aliue]iu6 or ahuenuete (hot. ) tree of Mex- ico. ahmnadO, da, a. smoky, smoked.—/, smoke signal from the coast ; sea-fish. ahmnar, va. to smoke ; to cure in smoke. — vn. to fume ; to emite smoke. — vr. to be smoked ; to look smoky. ahusado, da, a. spindie-shaped.— ^I?. of ahu- sar. ahusar, va. to make slender as a spindle. — vr. to taper. ahuyentador, ra, m. &f. scarecrow. ahuyentar, va. to drive away, put to flight ; (met. ) to overcome a passion ; banish care. aijada, /. goad. V. aguijada. airadamente, adv. angrily, in an angry manner, hastily. airado, da, a. angry, wrathful, furious. airamiento, m, wrath, anger. airar, va. to anger, to irritate, — vr. to grow angry. Vire, m. air, atmosphere, wind ; briskness (of a horse); (met.) air, carriage, demean- our, gait, aspect, countenance, look ; musi- cal composition ; frivolity : aire colado, a cold draught : creerse del aire, to be credu- lous : al aire libre, in the open air, outdoors : 4 qui aires le traen & Vd. por ac& 1 what good wind brings you here? tomar el aire, to take a walk : en el aire, in suspense. airear, va. to give air, ventilate ; to aerate : charge with gas. — vr. to take the air ; to cool one's self. aireciCO, llO, to, m. dim. a gentle breeze. airdn, m. aug. violent gale ; ornament of Slumes ; crest ; the crested heron, egret ; eep Moorish well. airosamente, adv. gracefully, lightly, airosidad, /. graceful deportment. %iroso, sa, a. airy, windy ; graceful, genteel ; lively ; successful. aisladamente, adv. isolately^ singly. AJIJ alsladO, da, a. isolated.— p^, of AISLAR, aislador, ra, «. insulator. aislamiento, m. isolation ; (met.) loneliness. aislar, va. to surround with water ; to iusu. late. 1 aja ! interj. aha ! also i ajaji ! ajada, /. garlic sauce. aqado, da, a. garlicky.— pp. of ajar. ajamiento, m. disfiguration, crumpling, rumpling. ajaquecarse [ah-iia-kay-car'-say], vr. to have a headache. a^ar, m. garlic-field. ajar, va. to spoil, crumple, rumple : ajar la va- nidad k alguno, to pull down one's pride, ajarafe, m. table-land. V. azotea. aje, i>i. chronic complaint. ajea,/. brushwood for fuel. ajear, va. to cry like a pursued partridge. ajedrea,/. (bot.) winter savory. ajedrez [aii-iiay-. oialborotar. alborotador, ra, a. agitator, rioter. alborotapueblos, in. mover of sedition; (coll.) good-natured person; promoter of gaieties. alDorotar, va. to disturb, agitate, excite. — vr. to get excited ; fuss ; riot. alborotO, »». disturbance, tumult, riot ; out- cry, clatter, noisiness, hubbub. alborozador, ra, m. &f. promoter of mirth. alborozar, va. {pret. alborock : subj. albo- roce) to exhilarate, promote mirth. alborozo, m. merriment, exhilaration, gai- ety, Joy. albotm, m. V. terebinto. albricias, /. pi. reward for good news ; (Mex.) top-holes in casting-moulds: j al- bricias I {inierj. ) joy ! joy ! albudeca,/. (bot.) watermelon. V. sandIa. albufera,/. large lagoon by the sea, albugineo, nea, a. entirely white; (anat.) albuminous. albugo, m. leucoma, a disease of the eye. albunera, /. fresh-water lake or reservoir. ^bum, m. album. albumen, m. (bot.) albumen, albtunina. /, (chem,) albumin, albumlnoideo, a, adj. albuminoid. albuminOSO, sa, a. albuminous. albur, m. dace, river fish ; first draw at " monte" ; (meL) risk, chance : corremn al- bnr, to venture, chance, risk.— pi. albures, a game at cards, albura,/. whiteness; (bot.) V. alborno, alburero, m. player at albures. albumo, m. (hot.) v. alborno, alca, /, razorbill, a bird. alcaoala,/. excise : alcabala del vlento, duty paid by a visiting merchant, alcabalatoriO, m. book of alcabala rates; tax-register. alcabalero, m. tax-gatherer, revenue officer. alcacel, alcacer, m. green barley. alcachofa, /. (bot.) artichoke; instrument to stop blood ; fluted mallets. alcacbofado, da, a. like an artichoke.— m, dish of artidaokes. alcachofal, m. artichoke-bed. alcachofera, /. artichoke-plant. alcacbofero, ra, a. producing or selling ar- tichokes. alcabaz, m. large bird-cage. alcabazada, /. number of birds in a cage. alcabazar, ra. to shut up birds in the alcahaz. alcahuete, ta, m. &f. pimp, procurer, bawd. alcabuetear, va. t» bawd, pander ; to pro- cure wmnen. alcahueteria,/. bawdry, concealing persons; (coll.) dodge. alcalceria, /. raw silk exchange. alcaico, a. (poet ) alcaic verse in Latin, 22 ALC alcaide, m. governor of a castle, jailer, war. uen. alcaidesa, /. wife of a governor or jailer. alcaidia, /. office of a governor, warden, or jailer ; duty for passage of cattle, alcaldada, / abusive action of an alcalde. alcalde, m. mayor, justice of the peace ; leader ; game at cards : alcalde de barrio, select-man. alcaldear, vn. (coll.) to play the alcalde. alcaidesa, /. the wife of an alcalde. alcaidia, /. office and jurisdiction of an al- calde. alcalescencia, /. (enem.) F. alcalizaci6n. alcalescente, a. (chem.) of alkaline prop- erties. ^Icali, m. (chem.) an alkali. alcalificable, a. changeable into an alkali. alcaligeno, na, a. alkaligenous, producing alkali. alcalimetro, m. alkalimeter. alcalinidad, /. alkalinity. alcalino, na, alcalizado, da, a. alkaline : ai- calizado, d&, pp. of alcalizar. alcalizacibn, /. (chem.) alkalization. alcalizar, va.'{pret. alcalice: subj. alca- lice) (chem.) to render alkaline. alcaloide, m. alkaloid, an organic base. alCaller [al-kaliMyen-'l, m. potter. alcam, m. (hot.) bitter apple. alcamonias, /. pi. various aromatic seeds for seasoning. — m. V. alcahuete, alcana,/, v. alheSa. alcance, m. reach ; overtaking ; balance ; arm's length ; range of fire-arms ; capacity ; ability ; fathom ; compass ; supplement, extra edition; postscript; (print.) copy. alcancia,/. money-box^ earthen balls stuffed with flowers for missiles; (mil.) inflamed combustible balls. alcanciazO, m. blow with an alcancia. alcandia,/. (bot.) Turkey millet. V. zahina. alcandiai, m. ground sown with millet, alcandora, /. beacon, bonfire ; white tunic, alcanfor, m. camphor, alcanforada, /. (oot.) a shrub that smells ol camphor. alcanforado, da, a. camphorated. alcanforar, va. to camphorate. alcanforero, m. camphor-tree. alc^ntara, /. cover for velvet in the loom. alcantarilla, /. small bridge; culvert; a drain ; sewer under ground. alcantarilladO; m. sewerage. alcantarillar, va. to make sewers, alcanzadizo, za, a. easily reached. alcanzado, da, a. necessitous, impecunious. — pp. of alcanzar. alcanzador, ra,"wi. &f. a pursuer. alcanzadura,/. (vet.) tumour in the pastern. alcanzar, va, {pret. alcance : subj. ALCANCE) to follow ; overtake, come up ; to reach ; to acquire, obtain, attain ; to comprehend ; to be creditor of a balance ; to be contempora- neous. — vn. to share ; to suffice ; to reach.— vr. to wound the pasterns with the feet. alcaparra, /. alcaparro, m. (bot.) caper- busn, caper. alcaparrado, da, a. dressed with capers, alcaparral, m. caper-field, alcaparrbn, m. aug. large caper, alcaparrosa, /. v. caparrosa, alcarav&n, w. (orn.) bittern, alcaravanero, m. havrk trained to pursu* the bittern. alcaravea,/. (bot.) caraway-.seed, alcarce&a,/. (bot.) bitter-vetch. alcarcefial, w. officinal tare-field. • u in far : •(■•hi; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in ball : c (before e. i) and s as tb in thick : b and 4, aeft} ALC 23 ALE alcarracerb, ra, m. & f. potter ; shelf for earthenware. alcarraza,/. unglazed and porous jar, alcartaz, m. v. cucurucho. alcatJfa,/. fine carpet or rug ; layer of earth. alcatraz, m. pelican. V. CUCURUCHO. alcaucil, m. wild artichoke. V. alcachofa. alcayata,/. spike, v. escarpia. alcSiZar, wi. castle ; fortress; (naut.) quarter- deck. alcazuz, m. v. orozuz, licorice. alee, m. (zool. ) elk or moose ; "cut," at cards. alcino, m. (bot.) wild basil. alci6n, m. Chinese swallow. V. martin pes- CADOR. alcista,/. bull (stock speculator). alcoba, /. alcove ; bed-room ; case for the tongue of a balance; place for public weighing. alcobilla, ita,/. dim. small alcove. alCOCarra,/. gesture, grimace. alcohol, m. antimony ; galena ; alcohol' spirit of wine ; cosmetic for pencilling eye-brows. alCOllOlaaO, da, a. of a darker colour around the eyes. ^pp. of alcohot^ar. alCOhOlador, ra, m. &/. rectifier of spirits. alCOholar, va. to paint or dye with antimony ; to rectify spirits ; to pulverize. alCOholera,/. vessel for antimony or alcohol. alcohblico, ca, a. alcoholic, alcoholimetro, m. alcoholimeter. alcoholismo, m. alcoholism. alcoholizacidn, /■ (chem. ) alcoholization. alcoholizar, va. (pret. alcoholice: siibj. alcoholice) to alcoholize. V. alcoholar. alcor, m. V. cerro, hill. Alcoran, w. the Koran, alcoranista, m. a Koran expounder, alcornocal, m. plantation of cork-trees, alcornoque ai-cor-no'-kay), m. (bot.) cork-tree; (met.) blockhead. alCOrnOqueiiO, fiia [al-cor-no-Uay'-nyo], a. be- longing to the cork-tree. alcorque [ai-cor'-kay], m. cork-wood clogs or soles ; hollow for water around trees. alcorza, /. sugar paste for frosting. alCOrzar, va. to frost with sugar. alcotan, m. lanner, bird of prey, alcotana. /. pickaxe, gurlet, mattock, alcotancillo, m. dim. young lanner. alerebite, m. sulphur, v. azufre. alcrlbis, m. tuyere ; tweer. alcubilla, /. reservoir; basin, mill-pond, alcucero, ra, m. &/. maker of tin oil-bottles, cruets, etc. — a. belonging to an oil-bottJe. alCUCilla, /. dim, small oil-can. alcuaa, alcurnia, /. ancestry, lineage. alcuza, /. oil-bottle or cruet ; oil-can, oiler. = A CK ITER A. alcuzada, /. oil contained in a full cruet. alcuzazo, m. blow with an oil-can. alCUZCUZ, m. balls of flour, water, and honey. alcuz6ll, m. aug. large oil-can. aldaba, /. knocker, clapper ; door-handle, latch ; cross-bar to secure doors and win- dows. aldabada, /. rap with the knocker ; sudden fear ; stings of conscience. aldabazo, aldabonazo, m. knocking. aldabear, vn. to rap or knock at the door. aldabia, /. horizontal cross-beam. aldabilla,/. dlTn. small knocker, latch. aldab6n, m. aug. large knocker ; iron trunk- handle. aldea, /. small village, hamlet. aldeana,/. villager, countrywoman, lass. aldeanamente, adv. in village style, coun- try fashion. aldeaniegO, ga, a. belonging to a hamlet aldeano, m. villager, a countryman, —a. rustic, uncultured. Aldebar^n, m. (ast.) Aldebaran or Bull's* Eye, a fixed star. ald'ehida, /. aldehyde, aldehuela, aldeilla,/. dim. little viJage. aldeorriO, ?«. small, unpleasant village. aldiza, /. small reed without knots. aldran, m. one who sells wine to shepherds. aleacidn, /. art of alloying metals ; alloy. aleador, m. alloy er. alear, vn. to flutter ; to move the arms quick' ly ; to recover from sickness or fatigue.-^ ra. to alloy. alebradO, da, a. hare-hearted.— p;i. ol ale- BRARSE. alebrarse, alebrastrarse, alebrestarse. rr. to squat ; to cower. alebronarse, vr. to be dispirited. aleccionar, va. to teach, instruct, coach. alece, )n. ragout offish-liver. alecrin, m. (Cuba) a fish. alectoria, /. stone in a cock's liver. alechigar, va. to soften. — vr. to turn milky. alechugado, da, a. curled like lettuce; fluted, plaited.— jop. of alechugar. alecbugar, va. to curl like the leaf of let- tuce, to plait, flute. aleda, /. cera aleda, propolis or bee-glue. aledafLo, m. & a. common boundary, border, limit. alefanglnas, /. pi. purgative pills of spices. alefris, alefriz, m. mortise, rabbet. alefrizar, va. {pret. alefrice: subj. ALE- FRiCE) to rabbet, mortise. alegacidn,/. allegation, argument. alegar, va. {pret. aleguk: subj. alegue) to allege, affirm, quote, maintain, adduce. alegatO, m. (law) allegation. alegoria, /. allegory.' aleg6rlcamente, adv. allegorically. aleg6rico, ca, a. allegorical. , , alegorista, m. allegorist. alegorizar, va. {pret. alegorice : tiibj. alk gorice) to turn into allegory. alegrado, da, a. delighted.— j^p. of ai.egrar. alegrador, ra, m. &/. who or what causes merriment ; slip of paper to light cigars ; (mech.) reamer, riming bit. alegrrar, va. to make merry, gladden, com- fort, exhilarate; (met.) to enliven, to beau- tify ; (mech.) to round, make a bore, reara^ widen. — vr. to rejoice, congratulate ; to exult ; to get tipsy. alegre, a. merry, joyful, content, light- hearted, full of gaiety, gleeful ; lightsome, comic, ludicrous, facetious; gay, showy, fine : an cielo alegre, a clear, beautiful sky ; brilliant, pleasing : applied to colours ; lucky, fortunate, genial. alegremente, adv. merrily, gladly, gaily ; facetiously, mirthfully, laughingly, good- humouredly, ale^ria, /. mirth, merriment, exhilaration, gaiety, glee, rejoicing, festivity, lightsome- ness, ecstasy, joy, pleasure ; (bot.) sesamum, oily grain, paste of sesamum and honey.— pi. rejoicings, public festivals. alegrlllo, a. sprightly, gay. alegro, m. (mus.) allegro, a sprightly motion ; a movement or division of a sonata. alegrbn, m. (coll.) sudden, unexpected joy ; a flash. alejamientO, m. elongation, removal to a distance, distance, strangeness. alejandrino, na, a. veno al^andrlno, Alexaa- drine. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ii, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; s, hiss**- ALE 24 ALF Alejar, va. to remove to a distance ; to sepa- rate. alejijas. f. pi. porridge made of barley, cleaaed and roasted. alelarse, vr. to become stupid. aleli, »'• (bot.) the winter gilliflower; name for violets. aleluya, /. hallelujah, joy, merriment, East- er-time.— ju/. small prints thrown among the people on Easter-eve; (bot.) wood-sor- rel. V. ACEDERILLA.— p/. (coll.) dull, pOOr verses, doggerel. alema, /. allotted quantity of water for irri- gating. alemim, na, «. & m. German ; German lan- guage. alemana or alemanda, /. ancient Spanish dance of German origin. alemanisco, ca, a. Germanic ; cloth made in Germany ; huckaback ; damask table-linen. alenguamientO, m, agreement relative to pasture. alenguar, va. to agree respecting sheep-walks or pasturage. alentada, /. a long breath. alentadamente, adv. bravely, gallantly. alentado, da, a. spirited, courageous, valiant. —pp. of ALKNTAR. alentador, ra, m. & f. one who inspires courage. — a. encouraging, cheering. alentar, vn. {ind. aliento : subj. aliente) to breathe. — va. to animate, encourage, com- fort, cheer. alepin, m. kind of bombazine. alerce, m. (bot.) larch-tree. alero, m. projecting part of a roof; eaves, gable-end, corona; hood moulding; water- table ; splash-board of a carriage.— j»/. snares for partridges. alerta, /. (mil.) watchword. alerta, alertamente, adv. vigilantly, care- fully : estar alerta, to be on the watch. alertar, va. to render vigilant; to put on guard. alerto, ta, a. vigilant, alert, guarded. alesna, /. awl. v. lesna. alesnado, da, a. awl-shaped, pointed. aleta, /. dim. small wing, fin of a fish : aletas, inaut.) fashion pieces; (arch.) aletta; mech.) leaf of a hinge, teeth of a pinion : sleta de la h^lice, blade of the screw. aletada, /. motion of the wings. aletargado, da, a. lethargic— p/i. of ale- ta rg a rsk. aletargamiento, m. lethargy. aletargarse, vr. to fall into lethargy. aletazo, m. stroke of the wing, flapping. aleteado, da, a. finlike, finned.-^_p. of ale- tear. aletear, vn. to flutterj flap wings, flit. aleteo, m. clapping of wings. aletO, m. (orn.) (Peru) falcon. V. halieto. aletdn, m. aug. largo wing. aletria, m. (prov.J vermicellL V. fideos. aleudarse, vr. to become fermented. aleve, a. treacherous, perfidious, guileful. alevilla, a. white motn resembling the silk- worm. alevosa,/. (vet.) tumour under the tongue of beasts. V. rInula. aleyosamente, adv. treacherously, guile- fully. alevosia,/. perfidy, breach of trust. Alevoso, sa, a. treacherous. aleXif&rmaCO, ca [ah-lex-«-fsr'-mah-co], a. (med.) antidotal. alfa,/. alpha, first letter of the Greek alpha- bet; (met.) the beginning. alfi,bcga,/. r. albahaca. alfab^ticamentc, adv. alphabetically. alfab6tiC0, ca, a. alphabetical. alfabe'''>ista, m. one that studies the alphabet. alfabetO, m. alphabet. alfaguara,/. copious stream, alfanar, ^..Ifabarero, v. alfar, alfarero. alfahareria, r. alfar, ALFARERfA. alfajia,/. wood frame for windows and doors, alfajor, m. v. alaj^j. alfalfa./, alfalfe, m. (hot.) lucerne, alfalfa. alfalfal, alfalfar, -n. lueeme-field. alfana,/. strong and spirited horse. alfaneque [ai-rah-nay'-kay], m. white eagle ; tent or booth. alfanjado, da, a. shaped as a cutla.ss- |e> m. hanger, crtlass. ieie, m. dim. small cutlass. azo, ni. wound with a cutlass. |6n, m. aug. large hanger or cutlass. Jonazo, w. a cut with a large hanger. alfaqUC, [al-fah'-kay], m. shoal or bar. alfao[Ui, lai-fah-kee'j, m, a Mussulman doctor of laws. alfar, m. pottery. V. arcilla. — a. horse that raises the head too much. alfar, vn. to raise the forehead too much, alfaraz, a. Moorish horse for light cavalry. alfarda,/. (prov.) duty paid for the irriga- tion of lands ; thin beam. alfardero, m. (prov.) collector of duty for irrigation. alfardilla, /. silk, now called galloon ; (dim. prov.) small tax for cleaning culverts. alfardon, m. (prov. ) washer of a wheel ; duty paid for irrigation. alfareria,/. the art of a potter ; pottery. alfarero, m. a potter. alfarje, in. lower stone of an oil-mill ; ceiling adorned with carved work ; waiuscot. alfarjia [al-far-hee'-ahi, /. V. ALFAJIA alf6izar, m. splay of a door or window ; em brasure. alfe&icado, da, a. weakly, delicate, alfefiicar, va. to frost with sugar. alfe&lcarse, vr. to become thin; (coll.) to aftect peculiar delicacy. alfefLique [al-fay-nyee'-kay], m. Sugar paste J (met. ) delicate i)erson. aiferecia,/. epilepsy. alf6rer, m. ensign. alfll, m. bishop in the game of chess. alfiler, m. pin, scarf-pin, jeweller's brooch : .-".Ifilcres de gancho, hair-pins : alfileres, pin- money : de veinte y cinco alflleres, in full dress, dressed in style. alfilerazo, m. prick of a pin ; large pin. alfllerera, /. alfileria, seed of the geranium. alfilerero, m. maker or seller of pins. alflletero, m. pin-case, needle-case, pin- cushion. alfitete, m. past« made of coarse wheat flour. alfoli, m. granary ; magazine of salt. alfolicro, alfolinero, m. keeper of a granary or magazine. alfombra, /. floor-carpet* (poet.) field adorned with flowers ; (med.) measles. alfombrar, va. to spread with carpets. alfombrero, ra, m. &/. carpet-maker. alfombrllla, /. small carpet, rug; (med.) measles. V. alfombra. alfbncigO, m. pistachio ; pistachio-tree. alfondoque, w. paste made with molasses, cheese, and ginger. alfonsearse, vr. (coll.) to mock, banter. alfbnsiETO, m. v. alf<5ncigo. alfonsin, no, na, «. belonging to the Span- ish kings called Alphonso. « as in far ; e in eh I : 1 in police ; O in n In bull ; c (before e, I) and S as tki in thick : b and d. soft ; ALF 25 ALl Alfonsina, /. solemn act held in the Alphon- sine college of Alcala. alforf6n, m. buckwheat. alforia,/. saddle-bag, knapsack. alforjero, m. maker or seller of saddle-bags ; lay brother who begs alms ; one who carries the bag with provisions ; sportsman's dog. alforjilla, ita, uela, /. dim. small saddfle- bag ; small knapsack. alforza,/. plait, tuck. alga,/, (bot.) sea-weed, sea-wrack. algadonera, /. (bot.) cudweed. algaida, f. ridge of shifting sand ; sand-dune. algaido/ac, a. (prov.) thatched. algalaba,/. (bot.) white briony, wild hops. algalia,/. civet, a perfume; catheter. algaliar, va. to perfume with civet. algara, /. thin integument which covers an egg, onion, etc. ; foraging party of cavalry. algarabia,/. the Arabic tongue ; (met.) gab- ble, jargon; (met.) confused noise; (bot.) centaury. al^arada, /. loud cry ; sudden attack ; an- cient battering-ram. algarero, ra, a. prating, chattering, talka- tive. algarrada, /. driving bulls into the pen ; bull-baiting; battering-ram. algarroba,/. (bot.) carob bean* the honey- mesquit. algarrobal, m. carob-tree plantation. algarrobera, /. algarrobo, m. (hot.) carob- tree. algazara,/. huzza ; shout of a multitude. algazul, m. sea-weed which produces barilla. Algebra,/, algebra; art of setting joints. algebra! CO, ca, a. algebraic. algebrista, m. algebraist ; bone-setter. algidez,/. (med.) icy coldness. ^IgidO, da, a. algid, icy. algO,/^/o. somewhat, something, aught. algO, adv. somewhat. algOdbn, m. cotton ; (bot.) the cotton-plant: algodon en rama, raw cotton : algodones, V. CEN dales; algodonado, da, a. filled with cotton. algodonal, m. cotton-plantation. algodonar, va. to cover or fill with cotton. algodoneria, /. cotton-factory ; cotton-trade. algodonero, m. cotton-plant ; cotton-dealei ; the Cottonwood poplar. algodonoso, sa, a. cottony, covered with thick down ; woolly ; tasteless (of fruits). algorin, m. place in oil-mills for receiving olives. algorltmo, m. algorithm ; arithmetic. algOSO, sa, a. weedy, full of sea-weeds. alguacil, m. constable, peace ofl[icer, bum- bailiff; short-legged spider. alguacilazgO, m. office of an alguacil. alguarin, m. store-room ; flour-mill bucket. alguaza,/. (prov.) hinge. alguien lar-gie-en], pro. somebody, some one. al^tm, pro. V. ALGUNO : algan tiempo, some- time : algtn tanto, a little, somewhat. jiguno, na, «. some person, something, any one • alguna vez, sometimes, now and then. Silll&bega, /. (prov.) V. albahaca. 9lliadidia, /. (chem.) saffron or burnt copper. V. MALAQUITA. alhaja [ai-ah-ha], /. jewel, gem ; showy furni- ture. albajar, va. to adorn, to furnish, fit up. alhajuela,/. dim. little jewel. albamel, m. (prov.) a beast of burden ; a porter ; muleteer. amana,/. alhanna, Tripoli earth. albandal, m. (phami.) coloeynth, apple. aUiaraca, /. clamour ; angry vociferation, alliaraquiento, ta [ai-ah-rah-ue-en'-toe], o. noisy, clamorous, grumbling. aUi^rgama, alliarma,/. (hot.) wild rue. albasa, /. hydroa, disease of the skin. albeli [al-a-lee'], V. ALELI, gilliflower. alhe&a [ai-a'-nya], /. (bot.) privet, flower of privet ; privet powder. V. azumbar ; the blasting of corn. V. roya. aUiefi.ar, va. to dye with privet. — vr. to be mildewed : applied to corn. V. arroyarsk. albola [ai-o'-ha],/. bird resembling a lark. alholva,/. (bot.) fenugreek. alll6lldiga, /. public granary. V. p6sito. aUlOndiguerO, m. keeper of a public gran- ary. alhorma, /. Moorish camp or royal tent. alhorre [ai-or'-ray], m. meconium, first dis- charge from an infant's bowels ; eruption in the skin of infants. alhOZ [ai-oth'j, m. limit or lot of land. albucema [au-ioo-thay'-mah], /. (bot.) lavender. V. ESPLIEGO. aUmmajo [ah-ioo-mah'-ho], TO. pine-needles. allabierto, ta, a. open-winged. aliac^n, m. jaundice. V. ictericia. aliacanado, da, a. jaundiced. ali^ceo, a, a. aliaceous : like garlic. aliado, da, a. &, n. ally, allied, confederate, leagued.—^, of aliarse. allaga,/. (bot.) furze, whin. aliagar, m. place covered with furze. alianza, /. alliance, league, coalition, con- federacy, consociation, agreement, conven- tion, covenant ; alliance by marriage. aliara, /. goblet made of a cow's horn. aliaria, /. (hot.) garlic hedge-mustard. aliarse, vr. to be allied, leagued, or coalesced^ alias, adv. (Lat.) otherwise, alias. alible, a. nutritive, nourishing. alica, ta, /. dim. small wing. alica,/. pottage of corn, wheat, and pulse. alicaido, da, a. drooping, weak, extenuated (met.) discouraged, depressed. alic&ntara,/. alicante, m. venomous snakit alicantina, /. (coll.) artifice, stratagem, cuu ning. alicantino, na, a. of Alicante. alicatado, to. work inlaid with Dutch tiles, alicates, to. pi. pliers. alicientc, to. attraction, incitement, induce- ment. alicuanta, a. aliquant. aliCUOta, a. parte alicnota, aliquot number, alidada,/. alidade, index of a quadrant, alienacibn, /. alienation (of mind) ; transfet of title to property. alienar, va. v. enajenar. alienista, to. alienist. aliento, to. breath, vigour of mind, spirii manfuiness, courageousness: de un aliento', in a single breath. aliento, aliente {irr. from alentar), alicr, TO. (naut. ) a rower ; marine on watch, alifaie, to. callous tumour on a horse's buck j (coll. ) chronic complaint. alifar, va. fprov.) to polish, to burnish, alifara, /. (prov.) collation, luncheon. alifero, ra, a. aliferous, bearing wings. aliforme, a. aliform, wing-shaped. aligacibn,/. alligation, tying together, aligamientO, to. alligation, binding together. aligar, va. {pret. aligue: stibj. aligtje) to tie ; to unite ; (met. ) to oblige : to lie down. aligeramientO, to. alleviation, lightening, aligerar, va. to lighten ; (met.) to alleviate,' to ease ; to hasten ; to shorten, aligero, ra, a. (poet.) winged, fast, fleet. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, Bilent; 11 in brilliant; fi, n/in canyon; r (Initial) and rr triUed; M, blM««V ALI 2 . tUjador, ra, m. &/. smuggler; (naut.) one M'ho lightens : lancbdn alljador, a lighter ; he who separates the seed from cottcn. telljdX, va. (naut.) to lighten ; to separate cot- ton from the seed ; to smuggle. alijar, m. waste, stony ground. alJoa-rar, va. to divide waste lands for culti- vation. alljarero, m. sharer of waste lands to till. alijares, m. pi. royal pleasure resort of Gra- nada. alijariegO, ga, o. relating to waste lands. al^O, m. (naut.) lightening of a ship: embar- cacidn de alijo, (naut.) lighter; alleviation; smuggled goods. alilla, /. dim. a small wing; fin of a fish. allmafi.a, /. animal which destroys game. alimentaclbn, /. act of nourishing ; nutri- tion. alimentar, va. to feed, nourish, nurse, fat- ten ; to supply a person with the necessaries of life ; to nurture, fondle, sustain, foment, cultivate, tend, encourage. alimentario, alimentista, m. & /, one who enjoys a maintenance. alimenticio, cia, a. nutritious. alimentO, m. nourishment^ food, nutriment ; (met.) encouragement, incentive.—^/, al- lowance, pension, alimony. alimentOSO, sa, «. alimentary, nutritious. alimo, m. (hot.) V. orzaga. alimoche, m. bird of prey. alimonarse, vr. to turn yellowish from dis- ease, said of tree leaves. alindado, da, a. affectedly nice or elegant. — np. of ALINDAR. alindar, va. to mark limits ; to embellish ; adorn. V. lindar. allude, m. (obs. ) quicksilver for mirrors, alllieacl6ll, m. laying out a line. allnear, va. to lay out by line ; to fall in line. allflador, ra, m. & f. one who embellishes ; one who prepares, seasons, dresses victuals. allflar, va. to arrange, adorn ; to dress or cook victuals ; to season. allflO, m. dresSj ornament, decoration, clean- liness ; dressing or seasoning for victuals ; preparation. almoso, sa, a. dressed, decked out, deco- rated. alioli, m. (proT.) V. ajiaceite. allonln, m. the blue-feathered duck. allpata, m. tree in the Philippines whose shade is harmful. alipede, a. (poet.) with winged feet, swift, nimble. alipedO, da, a. (zool.) cheiropterous. allquebrado, da, a. broken-winged ; de- jected. allsador, ra, m. & f. polisher, planisher, smoothing-iron ; silk stick ; tool to make wax candles round and tapering. 4llsadura,/. planing, smoothing, polishing. allsaduras, /. pt. shavings, cuttings. alisar, va. to plane, make smooth, polish, burnish, mangle. {lllsar, m. allseda, f. plantation of alder- trees. allslos, m. pi. east winds, trade- winds. alisma,/. (hot.) water-plantain. allso, m. (hot.) alder-tree. alistado, da, a. enlisted ; striped.— j^p. of alistar. allstador, m. one who enrols or enlists. AllstamientO, m. enrolment, conscription, levy. alistar, va. &vt. to enlist, enrol, recruit ; to get ready. 5 ALM allteracl6n, /. v. paronomasia. allvlador, ra, m. &/. assistant; labour-sa\^- ing, helper ; spindle to raise or lower the running mill-stone. alivlar, va. to lighten, help, loose; (met.) to assuage, soothe, relieve, exonerate ; to has- ten ; to move with swiftness. alivlO, m. alleviation, ease ; mitigation of pain ; relief, improvement, comfort. allzace, m. trench for foundations. alizar, m. dado or wainscotting of tiles. aliaba,/. quiver. aljafana,/. v. aljofaina. aljama, /. assembly of Moors or Jews ; syna- gogue. allamia, /. (obs.) corrupted Arabic spoken by the Moors ; Moorish name of the Spanish language. aljarafe, m. roof or terrace. aJjarfa, /. aljarfe, m. aljerlfe, m. tarred net with small meshes. a]j6vena,/. (prov.) v. aljofaina. alqez, m. crude gypsum, plaster of Paris. alqezar, m. pit of gypsum. V. YESAR. aljezdn, m. gypsum, plaster of Paris. V. yes6n. aljlbe, m. cistern, reservoir of water ; (naut. ) tank-boat for supplying vessels with water. aljlbero, m. one who' takes care of cisterns. al; Imlerado, a. shaved, trimmed. al; Ofalna, /. wash-bowl, basin. alj6far, m. misshapen pearl ; (met. poet. ) drops of water or aew. aljofarado, da, a. (poet. ) full of little drops or jpeaxls.— pp. of aljofarar. aljoiarar, va. to adorn with pearls ; to imi- tate pearls. al Ofifa, /. mop for floors. al, Ofifar, va. to rub with a cloth, to mop. al, onle, m. V. ajonje. al on, era, /. v. ajonjera. aljon, ero, a. v. ajonjero. aljoiuoli, m. V. ajonjoli. al or, m. gypsum in its crude state. aljorozar, va. to level, render smooth ; to plaster. aljorra, »i. (Cuba) a very small insect which, carried by the wind, destroys plantations. aljuba, /. Moorish garment. alina, /. soul, spirit, mind ; human being ; vigour and strength ; substance, main point, staff, frame; (mech.) attic ridge, scaffolding pole; (arm.) bore; core (ol rope, of a casting) ; (naut.) body of a mast ; ghost, phantom, apparition ; sounding-post m a fiddle, etc. : alma mia, mi alma, my dear, my love : alma de c&ntaro, silly fool : alma de Dios, good-hearted person : romperse el alma, to break one's neck in a fall. almac6n, m. store, shoo, warehouse ; maga- zine, naval arsenal, or aock-yard ; (naut. ) al- macto de agna, water-cask ; (naut.) almac^n de una bomba de agua, chamber of a pump. almacenado, da, a. warehoused, stored, bonded. almacenador, m. warehouseman. almacenaje, m. warehouse rent, storage. almacenar, ra. to lay up, hoard ; to store. almacenero, m. warehouse-keeper. almacenista, m. warehouse owner ; sales- man ; (Cuba) wholesale grocer. alm^clga, /. mastic ; nursery of trees. almacigado, da, a. perfumed with mastic. almacigar, ra. to perfume with mastic. almacigo, m. collection of plants for trans* planting ; mastic-tree. V. lentisco. alinaciguero, ra. a. relating to mastia almadana, ena, ina,/. stone-hammer. M in t»T ; e in eh I ; i in police ; • in for :' n in boll ; c (before e. 1) and t as th In thick : b and d, aoft ; ALM 27 ALM almad6n, m. mine or mineral. almadia, /. canoe used in India ; raft. almadiero, m. a raft-pilot. almadraba, /. tunny-fishery ; ' net used in the tunny-tishery ; (obs.) brickyard. almadrabero, m. tunny-fisher. V. TEJERO. almadraoLue ai-mah-arair-kayj, TO. (obs.) quilt- ed cushion, mattress. almadre&a, /. wooden shoes or sabots. V, ZUECO. almaganeta, /. v. almadana or almadena. almagesto, m. almagesta. almagra,/. v. almagre. almagrral, m. place abounding in ochre. almagrar, va. to colour with red ochre ; (low) to draw blood. almagre, m. red ochre, red earth, Indian red. alTTiar73.I, aJmaizar, m. gauze veil worn by Moors ; sash worn by priests. alma1aneq.ue, m. (mil. ) battering-ram. almajara, /. (prov.) forcing-bed, hot-bed. almajO, m. sea^weed yielding barilla. almaleque [ai-mah-iay'-kay],/. long robe worn by Moors. alinaiiac, almanaque [ai-mah-nah'-kay],,m. al- manac, calendar: hacer almanaques, (met.) to muse, to be pensive. almanaquero [ai-mah-nah-kay'-ro], m. maker and vender of almanacs. almancebe, m. fishing-net. almandina, /. (min.) red garnet; alman- dine. almanguena, /. v. almagre. almanta,/. space between rows of vines and olive-trees ; ridge between two furrows. almarada, /. triangular poniard ; needle for making rope sandals. almarcna, /. town on marshy ground. almario, m. v. arm arid. almarial, m. plantation of glass-wort; marsny ground. almarjO, m. (hot.) glass-wort. almaro, m. (bot. ) common clary. almarr^, m. cotton-gin. almarraja, almarraza, /. sprinkling glass bottle. alm^rtaga, alm^utega, alm^rtiga, /. litharge ; a sort of halter ; massicot. alnUlStlga, /. v. almaciga, mastic. almastlgado, da, a. containing mastic. almatrero, m. one fishing with shad-nets. almatriche, m. canal for irrigation. V. re- GUERA. almazara, /. (prov. ) oil-mill. almazarero, m. oil-miller. almazarrbn, m. V. almagre. almea,/. Oriental poetess and dancer; bark of the storax-tree ; (bot.) star-headed water- plantain. annear, m. stack of hay, corn, or straw. almeja, /. mussel, shell-fish. almejar, m. mussel-bed. almejia,/. small cloak used by poor Moors. almena, /. merlon of a battlement. almenado, m. v. almenaje. almenado, da, a. embattled.— jip. of alme- na r. almenaje, m. series of merlons ; battlement. almenar, va. to crown with merlons. almenar, m. cresset. almenara, /. beacon ; channel which conveys back the overplus water in irrigation. almendra, /. almond ; kernel ; almond- shaped diamond ; cut glass drop ; fine co- coon : almcndras garapinadas, sugar al- monds : almendras confitadas, pralines : al- mendraa de cacao, cocoa beans ; chocolate nuts. almendrada, /. almond milk. almendrado, da, a. almond-like. almendradO, m. macaroon. almendral, m. plantation of almond-tr-ies. V. almendro. almendrera, /. almendrero, m. V. alm^n. DRO. almendrero, ra, a. almond salver. almendrica, ilia, ita,/. dim. small almond. almendrilla, /■ almond-shaped file: alnen- drillas, almond-shaped diamond ear-rings. almendro, m. almond-tree. almendrdn, m. a Jamaica tree and its fruit. almendruco, m. green almond. almenilla, /. dim. small merlon ; merlin- shaped fringe. almete, m. a helmet ; soldier wearing a hel- met. almez, almezo, m. lote-tree or Indian n( ttle- tree. almeza, /. (bot. ) fruit of the lote-tree. almlar, m. haystack, almibar, m. simple sirup : almibares, pre- served fruit. almlbarado, da, a. (met.) soft, endearing, effeminate.— pp. of almibarar. almibarar, va. to preserve fruit in si/gar; (met.) to conciliate with soft words. almicantAradas, /. i>/. (ast.) circles pai illel to the horizon. almlddn, m. starch ; amylum, fecula. almidonado, da, a. starched ; (met. ) dressed with affected nicety ; spruce ; stiff.— y^. of almidonar. almidonar, va. to starch. Hara,/. oil-tank (in the Almaden mines). arero, m. keeper of the almijara. la, /.under waistcoat; short militaiy jacket ; tenon ; breast of pork. almimbar, «i. pulpit of a mosque. alminar, w. minaret, turret of a mosqu \ almiranta, /. (naut.) vice-admiral's ship, flag-ship ; admiral's wife. •antazgo, m. (naut.) ty ; admiralty court ; admiral's dues ; duty almirantazgo, m. (naut.) board of admiral •alty of an admiral. almirante, m. admiral, commander off fleet : contraalmirante, rear-admiral ; headgear for women ; swimming-master ; species of shell. almlrez, m. brass mortar ; wood-engraver's tool of tempered steel. almir6n, m. wild chicory. almizclar, va. to perfume with musk. almizcle, m. musk. almizclefia, /. (bot.) musk, grape-hyrx:inil. almizclefiO, fla, a. musky. almizclera, /. musk-rat. almizclero, ra, a. musky. — m. musk-deer. almo, ma, a. creating, vivifying ; venorablt^ holy. almocad6n, m. commander of a troop o^ militia. almocafrar, ra. to dibble. almocafre, m. gardener's hoe, dibble. almocirabes, almocarbes, m.pi. (arch, and carp. ) bow-shaped ornaments. almocatracia, /. duty on broadcloths and woollens. almoceda,/. impost on water for irrigation ; right of irrigation upon fixed days. almocela, /. ancient hood. almocrate, m. sal ammoniac. almocri, m. reader of the Koran in a mosque. almodi, m. v. almudI. almod6n. m. baking flour. almodrote, m. sauce for the egg-plant ; hodge-podge. almofar, m. mail head-cover under helmet. g (before e, 1) and t as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, &y in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; «. lUMed. AIM 28 ALP almofia,/. v. aljofaina. almofrej, m. travelling canvas or leather bag for mattress. almogama, /. (naut.) stern-post of a ship. almogirabe, almogavar, yn. expert for- ager : almogivares, ancient light troops who harassed the Moors. alzaohada, /. pillow, bolster, cushion; pillow- case ; (naut.) piece of timber on which the bowsprit rests : dar almohada, court function when a lady of rank is presented to the queen. AUnoliadilla, /. dim. small bolster or pillow ; working case ; sewing cushion ; pads of a harness ; projecting wall-stone ; callous ex- crescence on the backs of mules. almohadUlado, da, «. cushioned. ftlmoliadbll, m. aug. large cushion. almohatre, almojatre, m. sal ammoniac. almohaza, /. curry-comb. almohazado, da, a. curried.— f>p. of almo- haza r. almoliazador, m. a groom. alxaohazar, va. to curry with a curry- comb. almojabana, /. cake made of cheese and flour ; cruller. almojarifadgo, almojarifalgo, or almo- JanfazgO, m. ancient duty on imports or exports. almojarife, m. tax-gatherer for the king; custom-house officer. almojaya, /. putlog. almona, /. public stores ; shad-fishery ; soap- manufactory. almbndiga, almondiguilla, /. V. alb6n- DIGA and ALBONDINGUILLA. almoneda, /. public auction. almonedear, va. to sell by auction. Almoradux, m. (hot.) sweet marjoram, almoravldes, a. pi. ancient Moorish tribe. almorejo, m. species of grass. almori, almuri, m. sweetmeat or cake. almoronia, /. v. ALBORONfA. almorranas, /. J?/, (med.) piles. almorraniento, ta, n. suffering from piles, almorrefa, /. triangular tile, almorta,/. (hot.) blue vetch. almorzada, /. as much as may be contained in the hollow of both hands placed together. V. ALMUERZA. almorzado, da, a. one who has breakfasted. —pp. of ALMORZAR. almorzador, m. breakfast-case. Hlmorzar, va. {ind. ALMUERZO: pret. al- MORCK : subj. almuerce) to breakfast. Almotac^n, m. inspector of weights and measures ; inspector's office. almotacenazgo, m. office of an inspector, almotacenia, /. fee paid to the market-clerk or insi>ector. aimozarabe, m. Christian subject to the Moors. almud, m. measure of grain and dry fruit : almnd de tierra, about half an acre, almudada, /. ground which takes one almnd of seed. almudejo, m. each of the weights kept by the alsudero. almudero, m. keeper of weights for grains, almudl, almudin, m. (prov. ) V. alhondiga ; mea.surR containing six cahic«i or bushels, almuecin or almuedano, m. muezzin. almil6rdagO, m. bird-lime. V. MUibRDAGO. almuertas, /. p/. duty on cereals sold. almuerza,/. double-handful. almuerzo, almuerce (from almorzar). almuerzo, m. breakfast, breakfast-cover. almunia, /. orchard, vegetable-garden. almutazaife, m. (prov.) v. ALuoTAciN. alnabi, m. Moorisn pr jphet. alnado, da, m. &f. step-child. V. HijASTRa alo, m. (Mex.) large cockatoo. aloarla, f. vault, v. pechina. alobadado, da, n. bit by a wolf; (vet.) la' bouring under morbid swellings. alobtmado, da, a. resembling a wolf lu colour. alocadamente, adc. rashly, inconsiderately alocado, da, a. half-witted, cranky, wild. alOCUCion, /. allocution, address, speech, harangue. alodial, a. (law) allodial, free, exempt. alodio, m. possession not held by tenure. moe, m. (hot.) aloes-tree, aloes; palo &loe. aloes-wood. alo6tico, ca, a. aloetic. alolna, /. aloin, active principle of aloes, aloia, /. metheglin, mead. alo^amlento, m. lodging, quartering sol- diers; (naut.) steerage. alojar, va. to lodge, let lodgings; to dwell, reside; to quarter troops. — vr. (mil.) to station. alojeria, /. metheglin canteen. alojero. m. metheglin mixer and seller ; box near the pit in theatres. alomado, da, a. having a curved back.— pp. of ALOMAR. alomar, va. to distribute equally the load on a horse ; to cover with a seed-ploujih. — vr. (far.) to grow strong and vigorous. al6n, m. plucked wing of any fowl, alondra,/. (orn.) a lark, alongadero, a. dilatory. V. LARGA. alongamiento, m. delay, alongar, va. to enlarge, prolong, stretch, ex« tend. alonso, a. trigo alonso, bearded wheat, aldpata, m. allopath (ist). alopatia, /. allopathy. alop&tico, ca, a. allopathic. alopecia,/, (med.) alopecia, baldness, alopiado, da, a. opiate. aloque [ah-io'-kay], a. clear white wine, or mix ture of red and white, aloquin [ah-io-keen], m. stone inclosure in s wax bleachery. alosa,/. shad. V. siBALO. alosna,/. (hot. prov.) wormwood, alotar, va. (naut.) V. arrizar: alotar lai anclas, (naut.) to stow the anchors. alOtropia/. (chem.) allotropy. al0tr6plC0, ca, a. (chem.) allotropic. alpaca or alpaga, /. alpaca and llama ; febric made from the wool of this animal • alloy, white metal. alpaflata, /. piece of chamois-skin, alpargata, /. alpargate, m. sandals made of hemp. alpargatadO, da, a. wearing hempen san- dals.—/)/), of ALPARGATAR. alpargatar, va. to make hempen sandals, alpargatazo, m. blow with an alpargata. alpargateria, /. manufactory of hempen sandals. alpargatero, m. manufacturer of hempen sandals. alpargatilla, /. dim. small hempen sandal ; (met.) crafty, designing fellow. alpecMn, m. juice which oozes from a heap of olives. alpende, m. shed for mining tools, alpestre, alpino, na, a. Alpine. alpiCOla, «. growing in the Alps. alpiCOZ, m. (prov.) V. alficoz. -« as in far : e is eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; C (before e, i) and s as th in thick ; h and d, •oft{ ALP 29 ALT aljpiste, m. canary-seed : quedarse alpiste, to be disappointed. elpistela, alpistera, /. cake made of flour, eggs, sesamum, and lioney. alpistero, m. sieve for canary-seed. alcLuequenje [ai-kay-kane'-imy], m. Barbadoes winter-cherry, used as diuretic, alqueria [ai-kay-ree'-ah],/, grange, farm-house. alquenues [ai-ker'-mes', m. kermes, cordial ; (pharm.) medicinal sirup. alquerque [ai-ker'-kay], m. place in oil-mills for laying the bruised olives. alQUez [ai-keth'i m. wine measure containing twelve cintaras. alqulbla [ai-kee'-biaiii, /. point toward which Mohammedans look when praying. alquicel, alqulcer [ai-ke-theri, m. Moorish cloak ; cover for bencheSj tables, etc. alquifol [ai-ke-forj, m. (mm.) alquifou, pot- ter's ore. alqUiladlZO, Za [al-ke-Uh-dee'-tho], a. that which may be let or hired, aquiiador, ra [ai-ke-uh-dor'], m. & f. one who lets coaches on hire ; hirer. jdqUilamlentO [al-ke-Uh-me-en'-to], m. the act or hiring or letting. llquilar [ai-ke-iar"], va. to let, hire, rent ; to fee. — vr. to serve for wages. alqililate [ai-ke-uu'-tay], m. duty paid in Mur- cia on sales. !Ll(miler lai-ke-ierr"], m. wages or hire ; the act of hiring or letting : alquiler de una casa, house-rent, rental. Olquildn, na [ai-ke-ione'], a. that which can be let or hired. al(]^Ullona [ai-ke-io'-nah), /. woman hired occa^ sionally for odd work. alqUimialal-kee'-me-ah],/. alchemy. alquimiCO, ca [ai-kee'-me-co], a. relating to al- cnemy. alquimila [ai-ke-mee'-iah], /, (bot. ) ladies' man- tle. alqUimlSta [al-ke-mees'-teh], to. alchemist. alquinal [ai-ke-nahr], TO. veil or head-dress for women. alqUitara [al-ke-tah'-rah]/. V. ALAMBIQUE. alquitarar [al-ke-tah-rar'l, va. to distil. alqUitlra [al-ke-tee'-rah],/. tragacauth. alquitr^n [ai-ke-trahn'l, TO. tar Or liquid pitch ; (naut.) stuff composed of pitch, grease, res- in, and oil : alquitr&n mineral, coaKtar. alqUitranadO [al-ke-trah-nah'-doi, TO. (naut.) tarpaulin, tarred cloth : cabos alqnitranados, (naut.) black or tarred cordage: alquitra- nado, da, pp. of ALQUITRANAR. alqUltranar [al-ke-trah-nar] va. to tar. alrededor, adv. around -. alrededor de, about. alrededores, to. pi. environs. alrota,/. coarse tow. V. arlota. alsaciano, na, a. Alsatian. alsine, m. (bot.) scorpion-grass. alta, /. sort of court dance ; dancing exer- cise ; fencing bout ; return of the effective men of a regiment ; certificate of discharge from a hospital, as being cured altabaque [ai-tah-bah'-kayj, 771. needle-work bas- ket. altabaqUlllO [al-tah-bah-keer-lyo], TO. (bot.) small bind-weed. V. correhuela. altamente, adv. highly, strongly ; (met.) in a distinguished manner. altaneria, /. hawking ; (met.) haughtiness, loftiness, contcmptuousness. altanero, ra, a. soaring, towering; (met.) haughty, arrogant, proud. altar, to. stone for sacrifices ; altar, commu- nion taWle : altar mayor, main altar ; (ast.) -southern constellation. altarero, m. altar maker or dresser, altarreina, /. v. milenrama. altea,/. (bot.) marsh-mallow. altearse, vr. (naut.) to rise above the sur« rounding land. alterabilldad, /. changeableness, mutabil" ity. alterable, a. changeable, alterable. alteracibn, /. alteration, mutation; uneven* ness of the pulse ; strong emotion ; disturb- ance, tumult, commotion. alteradO, da, a. alterative: caldo alterado, medicated broth.— ^pp. of alterar. alterador, ra, m. &f. alterer, alterante, ^Jrt. (med.) alterative. alterar, va. & vr. to alter, change, trans- form ; to disturb, stir up. alterative, va, a. alterative. altercacidn, /. altercado, m. controversy, contest, strife, quarrel, wrangle. altercador, ra, m. &f. one who argues ob- stinately. altercar, va. to contend, dispute obsti nately, debate, quarrel, bicker, expostulate, wrangle. alteniaci6n, /. alternation. altemadamente, adv. v. alternativa- MENTE. altemar, va. to alternate ; perform by turn* ; change one for another. — rw. to succeed rv ciprocally. alternativa, /. alternative, option, choice; service by turn. altematlvamente, adv. alternatively. altematiVO, va, a. alternate. — m. rotation of crops. altemo, na, a. alternate. alteza, /. elevation, sublimity, highness, height ; highness, a title. altibajo, TO. embossed velvet ; downright blow in fencing.— p/. uneven ground ; (met.) vicissitudes. altillo, 11a, a. dim. rather high. — m. hillock. altilOCUencia, /. grandiloquence, altilocnente, a. (poet. ) pompous in language, altimetria, /. art of measuring heights. altimetro, tea, a. relating to altinietry. altisimo, ma, a. aug. extremely lofty. Altisimo, to. the Most High, God. altisonante, altisono, na, a. high-sounding, altitonante, a. (poet.) thundering, altltud,/. (geog.) V. altura, elevation, altivamente, adv. highly, loftily, haughtily, altivarse, vr. to put on airs. Sdtivez, altlveza,/. haughtiness, arrogance, pride. altivo, va, a. haughty, proud, arrogant, lofty ; high-minded ; overbearing. altO.'ta, a. high, elevated: alta mar, (naut.) high seas; tall; (met.) arduous, difficult; (met. ) eminent ; enormous ; deep ; late : altai horas, late at night, alto, TO. height, elevation, hill, terrace ; story : caia de tres altoB, three-story house ; (naut.) depth or height of a ship ; (mil.) halt ; com- mand to stop ; place or time of rest : pasai por alto, to overlook, alto, inteH. alto ahi, stop there : alto de aqui move off. alto, adv. loud ; high : de lo alto, from above se me pasi por alto, I forgot. altozano, m. height or hill. altramuz, to. (hot.) lupine: altramuces, vot ing black balls. altiura, /. height, loftiness; summit; altir tude, tallness, stature ; (naut.) the latt tude; (met.) exaltation of spirits: altoraf the heavens. It (before e. i) and 4 as b In kot; h. lilent: 11 In brilliant; ft, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; a, biaaed ALU 30 AMA aluar or tomarpor la lua, vn. (naut.) to bring under the lee. alubia,/. (bot.) French bean. V. JUDfA. aluciar, va. to polish, burnish, brighten. alucinacidn,/. alucinamiento, w. halluci- nation. alucinadamente, adv. erroneously. aluclnar, va. to deceive, fascinate, delude. aluc6n, m. the barn owl. alud, m. avalanche. aluda, /. (ent. ) winged ant or emmet. aludei, in. (chem. ) subliming pots. aludlr, vn. to allude, refer to. aludo, da, a. winged, large-winged. stluengar, va. v. alongar. alumbrado. da, a. aluminous, relating to alum; (coll.) flustered with vrine.—pp. of ALUMBRAR. alumbradO, m. illumination : alnmbradoi, illuminati, a sect. alumbrador, ra, m. &f. lighter ; link-boy. alumbramientO, m. supplying with light ; (met.) child-birth. V. parto. alumbrar, va. to light, shed light, illuminate ; to enlighten, instruct ; among dyers, to dip cloth into alum-water ; to dig about the roots of vines. — vr. (coll.) to get tipsy. alumbre, m. alum : alumbre catino, alkali from glass- wort : alumbre de rasurai, salt of tartar : alumbre sacarino, alum-whey, alumbrera, /. alum-mine : alumbrera artifi- cial, alum-works. alumbrOSO, sa, a. having alum. alumina,./', (chem.) alumina or alumine, aluminado, da, «. (chem. ) mixed with alum. alumlnio, m. aluminium or aluminum. aluminita, /. aluminite. aluminoso, sa, a. aluminous. alunmo, na, m. & f. foster-child ; disciple, pupil, scholar, student. ^lunado, da, a. lunatic ; spasmodic, jerky, from constipation (of horses) ; long-tusked vboar) ; tainted (meat). llusidn, /. allusion, reference, hint. alusivamente, adv. allusively. alusivo, va, a. allusive, hinting at. alustrar, va. to five lustre to anything. alutaci6n,/. (min.) stratum of grains of gold. alutrado, da, a. otter-coloured. aluvial, a. alluvial. aluvidn,/. alluvion, wash-out, alveario, m. (anat.) alveary. alveo, m. bed of a river. alveolar, a. alveolar alvbolo, m. alveolus, alveole, small cavity. alverja, alverjana,/. (bot.) common vetch. alvino, na, a. (med.) alvine. alza, /. piece of leather put round the last to make the shoe wider; instrument used in rope-walks ; advance, rise in price ; (typ. ) overlay, frisket sheet. alzacuellO, m. neck-stock. alzada, /. height, stature (of horses) ; ap- peal : Jnez de alzadat, judge in appeal causes. alzadamente, adv. for a lump sum. alzado, m. (arch. ) plan of a front elevation ; lump sum ; fraudulent bankrupt.— pp. oi AIvZAR. alzadura, /. elevation. alzamlento, m. lifting or raising up ; higher ]>ul. alzapafl.0, m. curtain sash. alzapi6, m. snare, alzaprima, /. lever ; wedge ; (naut.) heaver ; (mech.) fulcrum. alzaprimar, va. to raise by means of a lever ; (naut.) to move with handspikes ; to incite, spur on. alzapuertas, m. dumb player ; supemumo rary. alzar, va. {pret. ALC]& : suhj. alce) /. go-carts. andadero, ra, a. easy ground ; runner. andadO, m. step-child. V. ALNADO. andado, da, a. beaten, trodden ; worse foi use, threadbare ; common, ordinary / elapsed.— jsp. of andar. andador, ra, a. fast walker or runner J swift. — m. messenger of a court; (naut.) fine sailer ; leading-string ; garden-walk. andadura, /. gait ; pacing ; amble, andaluz, za, a. Audalusian. andaluzada, /. boasting; exaggeration; (coll.) fish story, yarn, andamiada, /. scaffolding. andamlo, m. scaffold, platform, footgeai j (naut.) gang-board. andana,/. row, line, tier: llamarse Andana, (coll.) not to fulfil a promise. andanada, /. (naut.) broadside; grand stand for spectators ; reproof, reprimand ; tirade. andaniflo, m. go-cart in which children learn to walk. V. pollera. andante (pa. of andar) , m. walking; (mus.) andante. andantesco, ca, a. belonging to knight-er- rants. andantino, m. (mus.) andantino. andanza,/. (obs.) occurrence, event: bnena or mala andanza, good or bad fortune. andar, va. {pret. anduVe: mbj. imp. 2d and 3d ANDUVIERA, ANDUVIESE : /«<. ANDUVIE- re) to walk, pace, go, come, move along; to act, behave; transact; to elapse, pass; a M In far ; e in eh t ; 1 la police ; o in for ; n )a bnll : c (before e. i) and % as th in thick ; b and d, loft ; AND to ivn (machines) ; to be; andar en coche, to ride. 35 ANG to get along; andar, m. V. andadura. I andar ! interj. all right, go ahead. andaraje, m. the wheel of a well. andariegO, ga, a. restless, roving ; fast walker, runner. andarin, m. professional walker, runner. andarivel, m. ferry-cable; safety-ropes on board ships. andarriO, m. (om.) the white wagtail. 'eindas, /. pi. stretcher, litter, bier with shafts. and^n, m. horse-path in a mill or canal ; side- walk by a road, wharf, or bridge ; platform of a railway station. andero, m. litter-bearer, bier-bearer. andilll, m. shoemaker's burnishing-stick. andino, na, «. of or belonging to the Andes. ^nditO, m. gallery or path around a building. andolina, andorina, andarina, /. v. go- LONDRINA. andorga, /. (coll.) belly: llenar la andorga, to gorge. andorra, andorrera,/. street-walker. andorrear, vn. to gad about. andorrero, m. gaddish, rover, tramp. andOSCO, ca, a. two years old (sheep). andrajero, ra, m. &/. rag-picker. audrajO, vi. rag, tatter; despicable person. audrajosamente, adv. raggedly. andrajOSO, sa, a. ragged, in tatters. andrlna,/. sloe. V. endrina. andrino, m. (hot.) sloe-tree, blackthorn. andr6ginO, m. hermaphrodite, androgyne. androide, m. automaton, shaped as a man. andr6mina,/. (coll.) trick, fraud, artifice. androsemo, m. (bot.) parkleaves. andularlOS, m. pi. (coll.) long wide gown. andullO, m. (naut.) canvas shield on harp- ings and blocks; plug tobacco (Cuban). andnrriales, m. pi. by-roads, retired places. anduve, anduvlera, etc. (im from andar). anea,/. (hot.) cattail. V. ESPADANA. aneaje, m. alnage, ell measure. anear, va. to measure by ells. aueblar, va. {ind. anieblo: subj. anieble) to cloud, darken, obscure. an6cdota,/. anecdote. anegacl6n,/. overflowing, inundation. anegadizo, za, a. liable to be overflowed. anegadO, da, a. overflowed : navio anegado, (naut.) water-logged ship.— pp. of anegar. anegamlento, m. v. anegacion. anegar, va. to inundate, flood ; to submerge ; drown. — vr. to be inundated ; to drown, sink. anegoclado, da, a. full of business. anejln or anejir, m. popular proverb which may be sung. anejo, m. church depending on another. — a. annexed, joined. V. anexo, xa. anel6ctrlco, ca, a. non-electric an^lido, m. (zool.) anelid. anemia,/, (med.) anxmia. an^miCO, ca, a. anaemic. anemografla,/. anemography. anemogriflco, ca, a. anemographic. anem6grafo, m. one who studies anemog- raphy ; anemoscope. anemometria,/. anemometry. anem6metro, m. anemometer. an^mona or anemone, /. (bot) anemone or windflower. anemoscqpio, m. anemoscope. aneplgr&nco, ca, a. without title or inscrip- tion. V. medalla. anequin (6,) or de anequin [«h-n«y-veen'], adv. so much a head (shearing of sheep). aneroide, a. &m. aneroid ; barometer. anestesla,/. anaesthesia. anest^SiCO, ca, a. anaesthetic. aneurisma, m. &. f. (med. ) aneurism. anexar [ah-uek-sar'], va. to annex, join, unite. aneXidadeS [ah-nek-Bee-dah'-<*«t^ ANG 30 ANS anjftQAT, a. angular : piedra angular, corner- stone. angularmente, adv. angularly. anfftilema, /• hemp stuff.— pi. (coll.) fulsome flatteries. V. ZALAMERfAS. ^gulo, m. angle ; corner, nook. angulOSO, sa, «. angular, cornered. angustia, /■ anguish, afliiction, pang. angustiadamente, adv. painfully. angustiado, da, «. painful, worried, sorrow- ful ; (iiK't. ) narrow-minded, miserable.— p/>. of AMGUSTIAR. angustiar, va. to cause anguish, afliict, wor- ry, distress. angUStiOSO, sa, a. full of anguish ; causing anguish or worry. anhelacWn,/. panting; longing. anhelar, vn. to breatne with difficulty ; to desire anxiously, long, covet. anhelitO, m. difficult respiration. anhelo, m. vehement desire ; eagerness. anlielOSO, sa, «. anxiously desirous. anhidrico, ca, a. v. anhidro. anhldrlta, /. anhydrite. anMdro, dra, a. anhydrous. anhlnga,/. (orn.) aquatic bird, called darter. ani, m. (orn.) (S. A.) pretty creeping bird. anidar, vn. to nestle; (met.) to dwell, re- side : to cherish ; shelter. aniebiar, va. to darken, obscure ; mystify. anilina,/. (chem.) aniline. anilla,/. curtain ring- hoop. anilladO, da, a. annulated.— p^. annelids. anillar, va. to form rings or hoops ; to fasten with rings. anillejo, anillete, m. dim. small ring. anillO, m. small hoop, finger ring ; circlet ; ring of a turbine; circular band; (naut.) hank or grommet : venir como anillo al dedo, to come in the very nick of time; (arch.) astragal. inima,/. soul. v. alma ; (mech.) bore of a gun : anlmas, ringing of bells at sunset. anlmable, a. susceptible of animation. antxnacidn,/. animation ; bustle. anlmado, da, a. lively, animated ; manful. —pp. of ANIMAR. animador, ra, m. &f. one who animates or enlivens. anlmadyersl6n, /. animadversion, remark. animal, m. animal, rational or beast ; brute : (met.) dunce, blockhead. — a. animal, anlmalizacion, /. animalization. anlmalizar, va. to animalize. animalazo, anlmalote, m. aug. big animal. anlmalejO, iCO, illO, m. dim. small animal, animalcule. animalucllO, m. nglj, hideous animal, anlmar, va. to animate, enliven, comfort, revive ; to incite, excite | to give power or vigour to Inanimate things. — vr. to grow lively ; to feel encouraged, energetic. anime or goma anime,/. resin resembling myrrh. aniinero, m. one who asks charity for the souls in purgatory. animismo, m. animism, Stahl's doctrine, ^mimo, m. spirit ; courage, valour, fortitude, manfulness : hardiness ; mind, intention, meaning, will ; thought, attention : \ 4iiimo! — inter), cheer up ! animosamente, adv. courageously, animosldad, /. animosity, valour, courage; active enmity. anlmoso, sa, a. brave, spirited, courageous, gallant. amfladamente, adv. in a childish, puerile manner. anlfiado, da, n. childish. anlflarse, vr. to grow childish. aniqullable LHi'-i'ee-kee-uii'-i.ie;, a. annihllable, destructible. aniqullacidn [at.-me-kee-lah-the-on'],/. annlhUa* tion, extinction. aniquilador. ra, m. &f. destroyer, aniquilamiento, m. v. aniquilaci6n. aniquilar lah-nee-kee-lnrr'], va. tO annihilate, destroy, overthrow, crush, ruin. — vr. to de* cline ; decay ; humble ; consume. anis, m. (bot.) anise, anise-seed; sugar- coated anise-seed. anisadO, da, a. anise-seed spirit : agiiardient« anisado, cordial. — pp. of anisar. anlsar, va. to tincture with anise. — m. patch sowed with anise-seed. anisete, m. anisette. aniversariO, ria, a. annual, yearly.— m. an- niversary ; holiday ; annual funeral service. anjeo, m. coarse linen. ano, m. the anus. anoche, adv. last night. anochecedor, ra, a. person who retires lat<.' at night. anocliecer, vn. {ind. anochezco : subj. ano chezca) to grow dark : al anochecer, at nightfall. — vr. (poet. ) to grow dark. aXLOCheclda, /. dusk, nightfall. anodinar, ?'a. to administer an anodyne. anodino, na, «. (med.) anodyne. ^nodo, m. (electr.) positive pole of a bat- tery. anomalia, /. anom'*ly; (ast.) distance of a planet at its aphelion. an6inalO, la, a. (gram. ) anomalous. an6n, w. (bot.) custard apple-tree. anona, /. annona or custard-apple ; store of provisions. anonadacl6n, /. anonadamiento, m. an- nihilation ; self-contempt. anonadar, va. to annihilate; (met.) to dU minish. — vr. to humble one's self. an6nimain.ente, adv. anonymously. andnimo, ma, a. anonymous ; nameless. anormal, a. aonormal. anotaci6n,/. annotation, note. anotador, ra, m. &f. commentator. anotar, va. to write notes ; to comment. anquera [an-kay'-r«hi,/. (Mex.) round cover- ing for the hind quarter of a horse. anqueta [an-Uay'-taU] : estar de media anqneta^ to be incommodiously seated. anqulalmeildradO,da,a. having an almond- shaped croup. anquiboynno, na [an-ke-bo-yoo-no], a. having a croup like an ox. anquilosis [an-ke-io'-eis],/. fanat.) stiff joint. anqulrredondo, da, a. navlng a rounded croup. anqniseco, ca [an-ke-8*y'-coi, a. lean crouped. ansa, /. commercial bond among the free cities of Germany. ^nsar, m. goose : iniar macbo, gander. ansareria,/. place where geese are reared. ansarero, m. goose-herd. ansarino, na, a. (poet.) belonging to geese. — m. gosling. ansaron, m. v. Insar. anse^tlco. ca, a. Hanseatlc. ansi, (obs.) V. Asf. ansia, /• anxiety, anguish, eagerness, ardent desire ; longing, hankering ; greediness. ansladamente, adv. anxiously, earnestly. ansiar, va. to desire anxiously ; to long ; to hanker. ansledad, f. state of anxiety. V. ansia. ansiosamente, adv. anxiously, eagerly. a aa m far ; e in eh I ; 1 In police ; o in for : n in ball : c (before e, i) and z as th in thick : b and d, soft | ANS 37 ANT AnsiOSO, sa, a. anxious, eager, greedy ; hot. anta, /• elk; obelisk; needle.— pi. (arch.) antes, pillars of a building. a,ntaceo, m. (icht.) large sturgeon. antagallas,/./>/. (naut. ) sprit-sail reef-bands. antagoniCO, ca, a. antagonistic. antagonismo, w. antagonism, antipathy. jMltagOnista, m. antagonist, opponent ; com- petitor ; opposer, foeman. B-ntana, llamarse antana, V. ANDANA. antaflazo, adv. (coll.) a long time since. antaflO, adv. last year ; long ago. antartico, ca, a. antarctic. ante, m. elk. V. ANTA ; dressed buck or buf- falo skin, buckskin, chamois ; spicy bev- erage in Peru ; first dinner course. ante, prep, before : ante mi, before me, in my presence : ante todo, above all. anteado, da, a. buff-coloured, antealtar, m. chancel, anteanoche, adv. night before last. anteanteanoclie, adv. three nights ago. K TRASANTEAKOCHE. anteanteayer or anteantier, adv. three days ago. V. teasanteayEr. anteayer, adv. day before yesterday. antebrazo, m. fore-arm. antecama, /. carpet laid in front of a bed. antecamara, /. antechamber ; lobby ; hall. antecapilla, /. room before a chapel. antecedente, m. antecedent. antecedentemente, adv. previously, before- hand. anteceder, va. to precede, go before. antecesor. ra, m. & f. predecessor, forefa- ther : antecesores, ancestors. anteco, ca, a. antlscii. antecoger, ta. (ind. anteco jo: subj. ante- coja) to forereach ; to gather in too soon. antecolumna, /. (arch.) column of a porch. antecoro, m. entrance leading to the choir. AntecristO, m. Antichrist. antedata, /. antedate. antedatar, va. to antedate. antedecir, va. (for in: v. decir) to predict, foretell. antedicho, cha, a. foresaid. ante diem, (Lat.) the preceding day. antediluviano, na, a. antediluvian. anteflrma, /. address before the signature. anteiglesia, /. porch of a church ; parochial church and district in Biscay. antelaci6n, /. precedence in order of time. antemano, adv. de antemano, beforehand. antemeridiano, na, a. in the forenoon. antemural, m. antemuralla, /. or ante- muro, m. fort, rock or mountain, which serves for the defence of a fortress ; (met. ) a safeguard. antena,/. (naut.) lateen yard ; (ent.) antenna or feeler of insects.—;?/, antennae. antenallas, /. pi. pincers. antenoche, adv. night before last. antenombre, m. title before a proper name. antenula,/. antennule. antenupcial, a. before marriage, anteojera,/. spectacle-case; eye-flap. anteojero, m. spectacle-maker. anteojo, m. spy-glass ; eye-glass ; telescope ; opera-glass.—^/, spectacles ; goggles ; ,wink- f ers. antepagar, va. to pay beforehand. antepasado, da, a. passed, elapsed. antepasadOS, m. pi. ancestors, predecessors. antepecho, m. balcony, bridge-rail, sill, rail- ing ; breastwork, parapet, battlement : foot- f step of a coach ; poitrel (harness) ; breast roller of a loom. antepentiltimo, ma, a. antepenultimate, anteponer, va. {for irr. v. poner) to prefer j to place before. anteportada, /. fly-leaf bearing the title only of a book. anteportal or antep6rtico,?rt. vestibule or porch. anteproyectO, m. preliminary plans for aa architectural or engineering work, antepuerta, /. portiere; (fort.) anteport. antepuertO, in. (naut.) anteport. antera,/. (bot.) anther. anterior, «. anterior, former. anterioridad, /. priority ; preference, anterlormente, adv. previously. antero, m. worker in buckskin. antes, prep, before, ahead of: antes de or antes' que, before, prior to. antes, a*>. first, before, beforehand ; hereto- fore : antes que, sooner than, rather than, antesacristia, /. room before the sacristy, antesala, /. antechamber: hacer antesala, to dance attendance in an antechamber, antestatura, /. (mil.) small intrenchment of palisadoes and sandbags. antetemplO, m. portico of a church, antever, va. (for irr. V. ver) to foresee, antevispera,/. two days before. a:itia,./'. mutton-fish. V. LAMPUGA. antiafrodisiaco, ca, a. anaphrodisiac. antiapoplectico, ca, a. antapoplectlc. antiapbstol, m. &f. antiapostle. antiaro, m. the upas-tree. antiartritiCO, ca, a. (med.) antiarthritic. antiasmiitlCO, ca, «. (med. ) antasthmatlc. antlbaquiO, m. antibacchic, poetic foot. antlbillOSO, sa, a.antibillous. anticardenal, m. schismatic cardinal, anticimico, ca, a. antizymotic. anticipaci hyena. afl.acal, «*. wheat-carrier t« mills; baker's board to carry bread. afi.ada, /. good or bad season in a year; moiety of arable laud. afLadidO, m. hair-switch. aaadidura, /. afladimiento, m. addition. afiadir, va. to add, join ; to exaggerate, afl.afea,/. papel de anafea, brown paper. afl.afi.1, m. Moorish musical pipe. afLafilerO, m. player on the anafil. aflagaza [aii-nyah-gah'-tiiaii], /. call, hire, or de- coy ; (met. ) allurement, enticement. a&al, «. annual : cordero anal, yearling lamb. aflal, m. anniversary funeral. a&alejO, m. ecclesiastical almanac. a&ascar, va. ( pret. anasquk : subj. anasque) (coll.) to collect by degrees small trinkets. a&ejax, va. to make old. — vr. to grow old ; to become stale. a&ejo, ja [ah-nyay'-ho], a. old. Stale, musty. aMcos, m. pi. bits or small pieces of any- thing: haccrse anlcos, to take too much painR. afi.ll, ra.. (hot.) indigo plant; indigo dyestuflf; ina?50 blue ; ball-blue. afiilar, va. to blue laundry clothes. afiilena, /. indigo plantation. afilnero, m. dealer in lambskins. SLfiinos, m. pi. the fleecy skins of yearling lambs ; lamb's wool. afiO, m. yean- ; cavalier ; valentine drawn by lot on New-year's day ; crop.— p/. birthday ; long ago ; old age : ano bisiesto, leap-year : ano economico, fiscal year : estar de buen ano, to be healthy and fleshy. afiojal, m. fallow land. afiOJO, ja, m. &f. yearling calf. afioranza, /. homesickness. afiOSO, sa <^- old, stricken in years. afiubladO, da, a. blindfolded.— />p. of aSu- BLAR. afiublar, afiublarse, v. anublar. afiublo, m. mildew. V. tizon. afiudador, ra, m. &/. one who knots or ties. afi.Udar, va. v. anudar, to make fast, knot, unite, tie close. afiUSgar, vn. to choke; (met.)' to be dis- pleased, vexed. aojado, da, a. bewitched, hoodooed.— pp. of AOJAR. aojador, ra, m. &f. hoodoo, evil-eyed. aojadura, /. aojamiento, vi. witchcraft, lascination, evil-eye. aojar, va. to charm, bewitch, hoodoo. aojO, m. bewitching, fascination, evil-eye. aoniO, nla, a. relating to the Muses. aoristO, m. (gram.) aorist, past tense. aorta,/, (anat.) aorta, aorteurlsmo, m. aneurism of the aorta. a6rtico, ca, a. aortic. aovado, da, a. oviform, in the shape of an egg.— pp. of AOVAR. aovar, va. to lay eggs. aovillarse, vr. to crumple one's self up into a knot or like a clew. apabllar, va. to trim the wick of a candle. apabullar, va. (coll.) to flatten, crush. apacentadero, m. pasture, apacentador, m. herdsman. apacentamlento, m. the act of tending graz- ing cattle ; pasturage. apacentar, va. (ind. apaciento: stibj. APA- ciente) to tend grazing cattle; to graze; (met.) to t«ach, instruct spiritually ; to in- flame the passions. apacibllidad, /. affability, mildness, meek- ness. 39 APA apacible, «. affable, meek, gentle, inoffen- sive ; placid, still, quiet ; pleasant, calm. apaciblemente, adv. mildly, gently. apaciento, apaciente (from apacentar). apaciguador, ra, m. &f. pacifier. apaciguamiento, m. pacification. apaciguar, va. to appease, pacify, calm, compose. — vn. (naut.) to abate. apacbeta, /. (Amer.) devotional heap of stones on hills : hacer an apacheta, to have made a fortune ; to make one's " pile." apacburrar, va. (Amer.) to crush, squeeze, flatten. V. despachurrar. apadrinador, ra, m. & /. patron, defender, protector ; second, in a' duel. apadrinar, va. to act as second in a duel ; to act as godfather ; (met.) to support, favour . patronize, protect. apagable, a. extinguishable, quenchable. apagado, da, a. humble-minded, submis- sive, pusillanimous; dull, faded (colours) — pp. of apagar. apagador, m. one who extinguishes ; dampei . extingui.sher : damper (in pianos). apa^aiUCendlOS, m. fire-engine, fire-extin- guisher. apagamientO, m. extinguishment. apagapenoles, m. pi. (naut.) leech-ropes, leech-lines. apagar, va. {pret, apague: subj. apague) to quench, put out, extinguish ; (met. ) to efface, destroy ; (art) to soften coL^urs ; (mech.) to deaden: apagar la cal, to*slake lime : apagar la voz, to put a mute on musi- cal instruments : apagarse la lumbre, la luz, to go out. apag6giC0, ca, a. apa^ogical. apainelado, da, a. elliptical arch. apaisado, da, a. painting or frame broader than it is high. apalabrar, ra. to agree by word of mouth ; to bespeak, to engage beforehand. apalancar, va. {pret. apalanqu^: subj. apalanque) to move with a lever. apaleador, ra, m. &/. cudgeller. apaleamiento, m. drubbing, beating. apalear, va. to cane, drub, cudgel, maul, Deat ; to horsewhip. apaleo, m. moving or shovelling grain. apalmada, a. (her.) mano apalmada, stretched palm of the hand. apanalado, da, a. honeycombed. apancora, /. the sea-hedgehog. apandar, ra. (coll.) to pilfer, to steal, rob. apandlllar, va. & vr. to form a league, a party, or a faction. apanojado, da, a. (hot.) paniculate. apantanar, va. to flood ; to inundate. apantuflado, da, a. shaped like a slip- per. apafiado, da, «. resembling woollen cloth In Dody ; dexterous, skilful; (coll.) suitable. —pp. of apaSar. apafiador, ra, m. & f. one who grasps or seizes ; pilferer. apafiadura,/. the act of seizing, snatching; trimming on counterpanes. apaflamlento, m. v. apano. apafi.ar, va. to grasp or seize ; (met.) to carry away ; to pilfer ; to dress, clothe ; to fit close, wrap; to patch, mend. — vr. (coll.) to be handy at something. apafi.0; m. act of seizing or grasping ; knack of doing a thing ; patch, mending, repair. apafiuscador, ra, m. & /. (coll.) one who crumples a thing. apafl.U8Car, va. {pret. APASusQtrfi : svij. apa- nusque) to rumple, crush, crumple. g (before e, 1) and J as b In hot : h. silent : 11 lu brilllaat ; fi, ny in canyon : r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed APA apapagayado, da, a. parrot-like ; aquiline nose. aparador, m. side-board, cupboard, dress- er ; workshop of an artisan ; show-window. aparadura, /• (naut.) garbel, garboard- plank. aparar, va. to stretch out the hands or skirts for catching anything ; (agr. ) to dress plants ; (shoe) to close the uppers ; to pre- pare, arrange ; to dress with an adze, dub : aparar un navio, (naut.) to dub a ship. aparasolado, da, a. (hot.) umbelliferous. aparatado, da, a. prepared, disposed. aparatO, m. apparatus ; preparation ; pomp, ostentation, show • circumstance ; signs, symptoms ; elaborate scenic display ; appli- ance, engine, machine ; collection of surgical instruments ; number of associated organs. aparatOSO, sa, a. pompous, showy. aparceria,/. partnership. aparcero, m. partner, associate. apareamiento, m. matching, mating. aparear, va. to match, mate, form couples.— vr. to be paired, matched, mated, aparecer, vn. & vr. {md. aparezco: subj. aparezca) to appear, show up, turn up. aparecidO, m. ghost. — aparecldo, da, pp. of APARECER. apareclmientO, m. apparition, appearing. aparejado, da, a. apt, fit, ready.— ^ja. of apa- REJAR. aparejador, ra, m. &/. one who prepares or gets ready ; overseer of a building ; (naut. ) rigger. aparelar, va. to get ready ; to saddle or har- ness norses; (naut.) to rig a ship; to fur- nish ; to size work before painting or gild- . ing ; to prepare the timber and stones for a building. — vr. to get ready, to equip. aparejO, m. preparation, disposition ; har- ness, gear; (pict.) sizing canvas or board ; (naut.) tackle and rigging on a ship ; furni- ture : apareJo real, main-tackle ; pack sad- dle.— p^. apparatus, tools, instruments or materials necessary for a trade. aparejiielo, m. dim. small apparatus. aparentar, va. to make a false show. aparente, a. apparent, not real ; convenient, fit, suited ; conspicuous, evident. aparentemente, adv. apparently, outwardly. aparlcl6n, /. apparition. aparlencla, /. appearance, outside; face, looks, likeness, resemblance ; vestige ; out- ward show ; pageant ; probability, Conjec- ture'.— o/. scenic effects. aparrado, da, a. shrubby, vine-like. aparroq,UladO, da, a. parishioner.— ;)p. of APARROQUIAR. aparroquiar, va. to bring customers. aparta^6n,/. (chem.) separation of compo- nent parts. apartadamente, adv. privately, apart. apartadero, m. parting-place, cross-roads, crossway, side-track, siding, railroadswitch ; shunting ; sorting-room. apartadljo, m. small part, share, or portion. apartadlZO, m. recluse ; small room ; parti- tion. apartado, da, a. separated ; distant, retired ; distinct, different.— /)p. of apartar. apartado, m. retired room ; smelting-house ; mail separated for early or special delivery : P. O. letter-box ; separation of cattle ; board of cattle ranchers. apartador, ra, m. &f. one who divides or separates ; sorter in paper-mills ; separator of cattle : apartador de metales, smelter. apartaxnientO, m. separation ; retirement ; 40 APE distant, retired place or room ; apartment, flat, habitation ; formal renunciation of a claim, right, or action. apartar, va. to part, separate, divide ; to dis- suade ; to remove, to dislodge ; to sort let- ters. — vr. to withdraw, hold off; to divorce; to desist from a claim, action, or plea. aparte, m. break in a line, paragraph; (theat.) an aside. aparte, adv. separately ; aside (on the stage). aparvar, va. to heap grain for thrashing. apasionadamente, adv. passionately. apasionado, da, a. passionate ; affected with pain ; devoted, passionately fond. — pp. of apasionar. — m. admirer. apaslonamiento, m. inspiring or suffering a. passion. apasionar, va. to inspire a passion.— rr. to Decome passionately fond : apasioaarse de, to dote upon. apasturar, va. to pasture, forage. apatan, m. (Philip.) dry measure, .094 litre. apatia,/. apathy. apatiCO, ca, a. apathetic, indifferent. apatUSCO, m. (coll.) ornament, dress. apea, f. rope fetter for horses. apeadero, m. landing, alighting-place, horse- block ; small railway station. apeador, m. land surveyor. apeamiento, m. V. apeo. apear, va. to alight, step down, dismount ; to measure lands, tenements, buildings ; to set landmarks ; to fell a tree ; to block or scotch a wheel ; (arch.) to prop a building ; to take- a thing down from its place ; to dissuade ; (met.) to remove difficulties; to shackle a horse. — vr. to alight. apechugar, va. {pret. apechuguS: subj. ape- chugue) to pusn with the breast ; (met.) to undertake with spirit. apedazar, va. {pret. apedac^ : subj. apeda- ck) to patch, mend, repair. apedemalado, da, a. flinty. apedreadero, m. place where boys stone each other. apedreado, da, «. stoned, pelted; variegated; pitted with the small-pox.— />p. of ape- drear. apedreador, m. thrower of stones. apedreamiento, m. lapidation. apedrear, va. to stone ; to kill with stones. ^—vn. to hail. — vr. to be injured by hail. apedreo, rn. stoning. apegadamente, adv. devotedly, apegarse, vr. to attach one's self to. apegO, m. attachment, fondness, apelable, a. appealable, apelacion,/. appeal. apelado,da, a. (law) successful in an appeal : of the same coat or colour (horses).—^, of APELAR. apelambrar, va. to steep hides in lime-water.- apelailte,pa. appellant. apelar, m. to appeal, have recourse to ; to be of the same colour ; to match a pair of horses. apelativo, a. (gram.) nombre apelativo, ap- pellative name. apeldar, vn. (coll.) to flee, run away. apelde, m. (coll.) flight, escape. apelmazado, da, a. compressed, compact.— jrj). of APELM.\ZAR. apelmazamiento, m. compactness. apelmazar, va. {pret. apelmac6 :*?(&/. apel- MACE) to compress ; to render less spongy, apelotonar, va. & vr. to form ballb. apellar, ra. to dress leather, apellidado, da, a. named.— ^p. of apelli- DAR. a as in far ; e In eh t ; i in police ; o In for ; v in ball ; e (before e, i) and z aa til in tUck ; ■» and d, toft; APE 41 lPL apeUidamieiltO, m. giving a name. apoUidar, va. to call one by his name ; to proclaim ; to call to arms. apellidO, m. surname ; peculiar name given to things ; nickname, epithet. apenar, va. to cause pain, grief, sorrow. — vr. to grieve. apenas, adv. scarcely, hardly ; with trouble ; no sooner than, as soon as. a.peiicar, vn. {pret. apexque : subj. apenque) to accept with repugnance. ap6ndlce, m. appendix^ supplement. apenino, na, a. Apennme. apeo, m. survey, mensuration of lands or buildings; props, stays, etc., put under a building during repairs. apeonar, va. to walk or run swiftly (birds). apepsia,/. (med.) apepsy, indigestion. aperadof, m. farmer; wheelwright; foreman in a mine. aperar, va. to carry on the trade of a wheel- wright. apercibimiento, m. the act of providing or getting ready ; arrangement; order, advice, warning; summons. apercibir, va. to provide ; get ready ; to warn; advise; (law) to summon. aperci6n,/. opening. V. abertura. apercollar, va. (coll.) to collar ; to snatch. aperdigar, va. V. perdigar. apergaminado, da, a. dry and yellow like parchment. aperitive, va, a. aperitive. apernador, m. dog which seizes the game by the legs. apernar, va. {ind. apierno : subj. apierne) to seize by the ham. apero, m. implements used on a farm ; tools necessary for a trade ; sheep-fold. aperreadO, da, a. harassed.-^, of ape- rrear. aperreador, ra, m. &f. (coll.) importunate ; intruder. aperrear, va. to throw to the dogs. — vr. to toil, overwork. apersogar, va. (Mex. ) to tether. apersonarse, vr. (law) V. comparecer. apertura, /. calling to order of assemblies, corporations, etc. ; reading of a will. apesadumbrado, da, a. anxious, vexed, mourn (ul.^pp. of apesadumbrar. apesadiunbrar, va. to vex ; to cause afflic- tion. — vr. to grieve. apesaradamente, adv. mournfully, griev- ously. apesarar^ va. V. apesadumbrar. apesgamiento, m. sinking under a burden. apes|;ar, va. {pret. apesgu6: subj. apesgue) to sink under a load. — vr. to be aggrieved. apestado, da, a. pestered, annoyed ; sati- ated, full, overstocked.—^, of apestar. apestar, va. to infect with the plague. — vn. to emit an offensive smell; (met.) to cor- rupt, turn putrid ; to pester, cause displeas- ure, sicken, nauseate. apestOSO, sa, a. foul-smelling, sickening, nauseating. apetalo, la, a. (bot.) apetalous. apetecedor, ra, m. &/. one who longs for a thing. apetecer, va. {ind. apetezco : subj. apetez- ca) to long for ; crave, hanker. apetecible, a. desirable, apetencia, /. appetite, hunger ; desire, apetezco, ca {irr. from apetecer). apetite, m. sauce, appetizer, inducement. apetitivo, va, a. appetitive. apetito, m. appetite, hunger ; desire. "- -tit .Ox. h} JtOSO, sa, a. savoury, palatable. .^. tnado, da, a. nipple-shaped. ■oe (iflar, vn. to tread firm on the hoof. a,^.'.;:dador, ra, m. &f. one who pities. apiadarse, vr. to pity, have mercy. apiaradero, m. shepherd's account of the sheep. apiario, a, a. bee-like. apicarado, da, a. roguish, knavish, impu- dent. apicararse, vr. to become roguish. ^pice, in. apex, summit, utmost height, top, pinnacle, ascent; (met.) small thing, insig- nificant point ; most intricate and pointed part of a question. apiculO, m. small, keen point. apilador, m. piler of the wool at shearing. apilar, va. to heap up, pile up. apimpollarse, vr. to germinate. t«,pinadO, da, a. pyramidal, pine-shaped. — ]jp. of apinar. apifladura, /. apiflamiento, m. pressing together, crowd, jam. api&ar, va. to press together, join, unite. — vr. to clog ; to crowd. apiO, m. (bot.) celery. aplolar, va. to gyve a hawk ; to tie beasts by the legs ; (met. coll. ) to seize, apprehend ; to kill, murder. apiparse, vr. (coll.) to gorge. apiretiCO, ca, a. apyretic. apirexia,/. apyrexia. apisonar, va. to ram with a rammer, apitonamiento, m. putting forth the tender- lings ; passion, anger. apitonar, vn. to put forth the tenderlings ; to bud, germ. — va. to break with bill or horn ; shell. — vr. to abuse each other. apizarrado, da, a. slate-coloured, aplacable, a. placable. aplacacion, /. aplacamiento, m. appeas- ableness. — m. stay of execution. aplacador, ra, m. &/. one who appeases. aplacar, va. {pret. aplaque : subj. api^aque) to appease, pacify, mitigate, calm down, aplacer, va. {for irr. V. placer) to please. aplacerado, da, a. (naut.) level and not very deep ; (Amer.) open, cleared of trees, aplacible, a. pleasant, aplaciente, pa. appeasive. aplacimiento, m. pleasure, aplanadera, /. roller for levelling ; beetle, rammer. aplanador, m. leveller; (mech.) battledoor, , orusher, riveter ; ingot hammer ; cylinder roller ; (typ. ) planer, planishing mallet, aplanamiento, m. levelling. aplanar, va. to level, make even, flatten ; to terrify or astonish. — vr. to tumble down ; to weaken ; dismay, aplan^tico, ca, a. aplanatic. aplancbado, m. V. planchado. aplanchadora, /• v. planchadora. aplancbar, va. to iron linen, aplantillar, va. to adjust or fit stones, aplastado, da, a. caked ; dispirited.— f»p. of aplastar. aplastar, va. to cake, flatten, crush, smash j to floor an opponent. — vr. to become flat, aplaudidor, ra, a. one who applauds, aplaudir, va. to applaud, extol. aplauso, m. applause, approbation, praise, aplayar, vr. to overflow the banks. aplazamientO, m. convocation, citation ; de- ferring, postponement. aplazar, va. (pret. aplac6 : subj. aplace) to convene, invest, concert, summon ; to dfv- fer, adjourn, postpone. t^ (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; ■, APL aplegar, va. {pret. apleguk : subj. aplegue) (prov.) to join, unite, aplicable, a. applicable. aplicaci6ll, /. application, assiduity, labori- ousuess, close study. aplicado, da, «• studious, industrious, labo- rioUS.^pp. of APLICAR. aplicar, va. (pret. APLiQui : subj. aplique) to apply ; to clap ; (met. ) to attribute or im- pute : (law) to adjudge. — vr. to study assid- uously. aplomado, da, a. of the colour of lead, lead- en ; heavy, dull, lazy.^pp. of aplomar. aplomar, va. to overload, crush. — vn. to plumb. — vr. to tumble, fall to the ground. aplomo, >n. tact, prudence, self-possession ; (mus.) exactness in time; (pict.) due pro- portion.— a. plumb, perpendicular. apnea, /. want of respiration. apocado, da, a. pusillanimous, mean-spirit- ed, cowardly ; of mean, low extraction. — pp. of APOCAR. apocador, ra, m. &f. lessener, dirainisher. apocalipsl, apocalipsis, m. Apocalypse, apocaliptico, ca, «. apocalyptical, apocamiento, >». bashfulness, diffidence. apOCar, va. {pret. APOQUK : subj. apoque) to lessen ; to cramp, contract. — vr. to humble, undervalue one's self. apbcema, apdclma, /. (med. ) apozem. apOCOpar, va. to employ apocope. apocope,/, (gram.) apocope. apdcruamente, adv. apocryphally. ap6crifO, fa, a. apocryphal. apocrlsiarlo, m. Greek ambassador. apodador, m. wag, scoffer. apodar, va. to give nicknames, scoff. apodencado, da, a. pointer-like. apoderado, aa, a. empowered, authorized. ^iw. of APODERAR. — m. proxy, attorney. apooerar, va. to empower ; to grant power of attorney. — vr. to possess one's self of a thing. apodictiCO, ca, a. convincing. apodo, m. nickname. apodo, da, a. (zool. ) apodous, without feet. apbdOSiS,/. (rhet.) apodosis. apbfise, ap6fisis, /. (med. ) prominent part of bones. apoflegmAtlCO, ca, a. apophlegmatic. apogeo, m. apogee ; highest degree of gran- deur, power, etc. apdgrajO, m. apograph, transcript. apoilllado, da, a. moth-eaten, worm-eaten. —pp. of APOLILLAR. apolllladura, /. hole eaten by moths. apolillar, va. to gnaw or eat clothes. — vr. to oe moth-eaten. apolinar, apolineo, nea, a. (poet.) belong- ing to Apollo. apolinarista, m. Apollinarian. apolog^tiCO, ca, a. apologetic, excusatory apologia,/- apology, defence, eulogy. apol6glCO, CS^ a. relating to an apologue. apologlsta, m. an apologist. ap610gO, m. apologue, fame, moral story. apoltronarse, vr. to grow lazv ; to loiter. apomazar, va. {pret. apomace: subj. apoma- CE) to glaze ; burnish with pumice-stone. aponeurosis,/, (med.) aponeurosis, fascia. aponeurbtico, ca, a. aponeurotic. apoplelia,/. apoplexy. apoplelico, ca, a. apopletic. aporcadura,/. hilling around plants. aporcar, va. {ind. apuerco: pret. APORQufi: subj. apuerque) to hill plants. aporisma, m. (surg. ) ecchymosis. aporismarse, vr. to become an ecchymosis. 43 APO aporracear, va. (prov.) to pommei. aporrar, vn. (coll.) to stand mute.—;/-. (coll.| to become importunate. aporreado, da, a. cudgelled ; dragged along —in. Cuban dish.— yyv. of aporrk.\r. aporreamientO, m. beating or pommelling. aporreante, ;v'/. (coll.) cudgeller. aporrear, v, APU 44 ABC apuiiar, va. to seize with the fist. — n. to tighten the fist. ap'QL&eax, va. (coll.) to strike with, the fist. apuracasOS, m. caudle-safe ; save-all. apuracldn, /. investigation. V. apuro, trouble, misfortune. apuradamente, (uiv. at the nick of time, punctuallv, exactly ; with difficulty. apuradO, da, a. needy, exhausted ; difficult, dangerous.—/)/), of apurar. apurador, m. refiner, purifier ; candle-safe. apuramientO, m. research, inquiry, verifica- tion, purification. apurar, va. to purify ; to clear up, verify, in- vestigate minutely ; to consume, drain, ex- haust ; to tease, push, hurry, annoy. — vr. to worry, fret, grieve ; to exert one's self. apurativo, a. (med.) detersive. apuro, m. want, strait, stringenQy;, anguish, affliction ; gripe. aquejar i«ii-kay-har'], va. to complain, lament, grieve ; to fatigue, afflict. aquel, m. aquella, /. aquello, neul [ah-ker, ati-kel'-ly«h, ali-kel'-lyol, pron. derti. he, she, that.—/)/, aqnelloi, m.,»ay'-nyahl,/. (bot.) columbine. aquilifero, m. Roman standard-bearer, aquillno, na [ah-ke-iee'-no], a. aquiline. aqtlil6n [ah-ke-ion' I, m. north wind, north point. aqUllOnal, aqUilOnar (ah-ke-lo-naW, ah-ke-lo- iiar'i, a. northern, northerly. aquillado, da lah-keeiiyatr-doi, a, keel-shaped, aquistar (au-kees-tar", va. to acqliire. ara,/. altar, communiou table. iralie, arkblgO, m. Arabic, Arabian, arabesco, m. arabesque, moresquer^oyk. ar^blco, ca, w go, ga, a. Arabi»o.^ arabiga,/. stone resembling spotted ivory, arablsxno, m. Arabism. arabista, m. &f. Arabian scholar^ aracacha, /. plant of Colombia having an edible root. aracnidO, da. a. (zool.) arachnid, aracnoides,/. (anat.) arachnoid membrane, arada,/. (agr.) ploughed ground, husbandry. arado, m. plough. arador, m. ploughman ; (ent.) harvest mite. aradro, m. (prov.) v. arado. aradura, f. the aet or practice of ploughing ; land ploughed in a day. aragonds, esa. a. Aragonese. aragonitO, m. aragonite. arambel, m. rag, tatter. arana,/. imposition, trick ; Cuban grass. aranata,/. prairie dog. arancel, m. tariff of duties, fees, etc. arancelarlO, ria. «. referring to the tariff. arandanedo, m. cranberry patch. ar^dano, >n. (hot.) cranberry. arandela,/. the socket-pan of a candlestick ; (mech.) wa.sher, axle-guard; rivet-plate, collar-plate ; guard around the statt of s» lance ; nave-box of a gun-carriage ; (naut.) half-ports ; glass candelabrum. arandlllO, m. bird ; (prov.) hip pad. aranero, ra, a. deceitful, tricky. aranzada, f. measure of land. arafla,/. (ent. ) spider ; (zool.) common wea- ver; chandelier, girandole, sconce; (bot.) crowfoot. araflador, ra, m. &/. scratcher, scraper. ara&amientO, m. the act of scratching. ara&ar, va. to scratch, claw, scrabble ; to scrape up (as money). araiiazo, /«. aMg. long, deep scratch. arafi.0, m. scratch, nipping. arafl.uela,/. dim. small spider ; flower plant. arafLuelO, m. small spider ; fold-nei. arapende, m. ancient measure : 120 sq. feet* arar, va. to plough, labour. arar, m. African coniferous tree. araucaria, /. araucaria, a tall pine. arau^a,/. (Brazil) creeping plant. araza, m. (Uruguay) fruit-tree. arbalestrllla, /. surveying instrument. arbelldn, m. (prov.) gutter to drain roads. arbitrable, a. arbitrable. arbitraclbn, /. arbitration. arbitrador, ni. arbitrator, umpire, referee. arbitradora, .r. arbi tress. arbitraJe, arbitramento, arbitramien- to, m. arbitration, arbitrament. arbitral, a. v. arbitratorio. arbitrar, va. to arbitrate, adjudge ; to aet unharaplered ; to contrive ways and means, arbitrariamente, adr. arbitrarily. arbitrariedad, /. arbitrariness. arbitrario, ria, arbitrativo, va, a. arbi- trary ; (law) arbitral ; arbitrative. arbitratorio, ria, a. arbitral. arbitriO, m. free will ; means, expedient -^ arbitration, bond, compromise. — pi. arbl- trios, excise taxes. arbitrista, m. schemer, projector, contriver. Iirbitro, m. arbitrator, arbiter. krbol, )". (bot. ) tree ; (uaut.) mast. V. palo -. in machines, upright post; (mech.) arbor, upright shaft, wheel, .spindle, drill ; body of shirt ; crown post of winding stairs. arboladO, da, a wooded ; woodland ; mast- ed.—/)/), of ARBOLAR. — m. Woodland. arbOladura, /. (naut.) masts and spars. arbOlar, va. to hoist ; set upright : arbolar el navio, (naut.) to mast a ship. — vr. arbolarse, to rear on the hind feet. arbolario, m. v. hkrbolario, madcap. arbolecico, arbolecillo, arbolico, arbo- litc, m. dim. arboret, small tree. arboleda,/. grove, plantation of trees. arb0l6l0, m. dim. small tree. arbolete, »«. branch to fasten lime-twigs on, arbolillo, »i. side of a blast-furuace. arbOlista, »». arborist. arbOll6n, m. flood-gate, sluice, outlet. arb6reO, rea, a. relating to trees. arborescencla, ./. arborescence. arborescente, a. arborescent. arboricultura, /. cultivation of trees. arboriforme, a. tree-like in shape. arborizado, da, a. stones having the appear- ance of foliage. arbotante, «». vault-supporting arch. arbUStO, m. shrub. arbUStillO, m. dim. small shrub. area,/, chest, safe, coffer ; tempering oven for blown glass : area cerrada, a reserved per- son : area de agna, reservoir, cistern. arcabucear, ra. to shoot a criminal. a M In far ; • in eh I ; 1 In police ; o in for ; n in bnll ; c (before e, 1) and z •« th in thick : b and d, Xk; ABC 45 arcabuceria,/. troop of harquebusiers ; num- ber of harquebuses ; fusillade of harque- buses ; factory of harquebuses. axcabucero, m. harquebus-maker. arcabuco, m. (Amer.) craggy spot. arcabUZ, m. harquebuse. arcabuzazo, m. harquebus-shot, anc. the wound intiicted. arcacil, m. (bot.) species of wild artichoke. arcada,/. retching; (arch.) row of arches. arcade, a. Arcadian. arcadio, dia, a. Arcadian. arcaduz, m. conduit or pipe ; bucket ; (met.) . channel for obtaining a thing. arc&iCO, ca, a. archaic, ancient, antiquated. arcaismo, m. archaism. arcaizar, it. to use archaisms. arcaugel, rn. archangel. arcang^lica, a. archangelical. arcano, m. arcanum. — a. secret, recondite. arcar, va. v. arquear. arcaza/. aug. large chest. arcazon, m. arbuscle, osier, willow-plot. arce, m. (bot.) maple-tree. arcedianatO, m. archdeaconshlp. arcediano, m. archdeacon. arcedo, m. maple-grove. arcen, »i. borcfer, brim, edge. arcilla,/. argil, clay. arcilloso, sa, a. clayey, argillaceous. arciprestazgo, m. archpriesthood. arcipreste, m. arch priest. arco, m. arc, arch, bridge ; bow, fiddle-bow ; hoop : arco Iris, rainbow. arcbn, m. aug. large chest, bin, bunker. archi-, arch-, a prefix. archicofradia,/. privileged brotherhood. arcbidiacono, m. archdeacon. archiducado, m. archdukedom, archduchy. arcbiducal, «. archducal. arcbidiiq.ue iar-che-doo'-kay], m, archduke. archiduquesa,/. archduchess. archilaud, //*. large lute. arcbimandrita, m. Oriental abbot. arcbimillonario, ria, a. multimillionaire. arcbipampano, m. imaginary dignity. arcbipielago, m. archipelago. arcbivar, va. to file ; deposit in an archive. arcbivero, archivista, ~^. archivist. arcbivo, m. archive, archives. arda, /. squirrel. V. ardilla. ardalear, va. to make thin. V. ralear. ardea,/. bittern. V. alcaravan. ardentia,/. heat ; phosphorescence; blink. ardeola,/. small kind of heron. arder, vn. to burn, blaze, glow ; to be agitated by any passion. ardero, ra, a. squirrel-hunter, do^. ardld, /». stratagem, artifice, cunning. ardido, da, a. heated.— jo;?. of ARDER. ardiente, pa. & a. ardent, flagrant, burning, passionate, hot, fervent, fiery, feverish. ardientemente, adv. ardently, flagrantly, fervidly ; fearlessly. ardilla,/. (zool.) squirrel. ardimiento, m. conflagration ; undaunted courage. ardincillO, m. (vet.) inflamed swelling on the back. ardite, m. ancient coin of little value. ardor, m. great heat, hotness, flagrancy ; valour, vigour ; fieriness, fervency ; life. ardoroso, sa, a. fiery, restless. arduamente, adv. arduously. arduo, dua, a. arduous, difficult. d.rea, /. area ; are, square decametre. areca, /. palm-tree of the Philippine Islands, arefaccion, /. act of drying ; extenuation. AEG arel, m. large sieve. arelar, va. to sift corn with the arel. arena,/, sand, grit; arena, circus. arenaceo, ea, «. arenaceous, gravelly. arenal, »*. sandy ground, sandy beach. arenalejO, m. dim. snmll sandy place. arenar, va. to sand ; to rub with sand. arencar, va. (prel. arenque :*«6/. arenque) to salt and dry sardines, etc. areiic6ll, m. aug. large herring. arenero, m. dealer in sand ; sand-box. arenga,/. harangue, speecu, address. arengador, »t. speech-maker. arengar, vn. {pret. arenguk: mbj. AREK.> GUE) to harangue, deliver a speech, arenilla,/. moulding sand: powder to dry writing.-^/, granulated saltpetre, arenisca, /.(miner.) sandstone. arenisco, ca, arenoso, sa, a. sandy, grav- elly, gritty. arenque [aii-reir-kay], m. herring. ar6ola,/. areola, circle around the aipple. aredmetro, m. areometer. areopagita, m. Areopagite. areopagO, m. Areopagus. are6stiIo, m. arseostyle. areotect6nica, /. areotectonics. arepa,/. (Amer.) griddle-cake- pancake. arepita, /. (Amer.) maize and cheese pan- cake. arestin, m. (vet.) fmsh. arestinado, da, a. afflicted with frush. arete, »i. ear-drop, ear-ring. arfada,/. (naut.) pitching of a ship. arfar, vn. (naut. j to pitch (a ship). argadijO, argadlllO, m. reel, bobbin, wind- er. V. DEVANADERA ; (met. ) blustering, noisy, restless person ; large wicker basket. argado, m. prank, trick, artifice. argal, m. argol, crude tartar. argalia,/. v. algalia. argallera, /. saw for cutting grooves ; fork- staff plane, reed-plane. argamandel, m. rag, tatter. argamandijo, m. collection of trifling im- plements. argamasa, /. mortar, cement for building. argamasar, va. to make mortar ; to cement. argamasdn, m. large dry piece of mortar. argamula,/. (bot. prov.) golden starwort. ^rgana,/. £rgano, m. (mech.) crane. arganas, /. pi. wicker baskets on a horse. arganel, m. ring in an astrolabe. arganeo, m. (naut.) anchor-ring. argano, m. monk's woollen cloak. argel, a. horse whose right hind foot is white, argelino, na, a. Algerine. argema, argembn, m. (med.) argema. argemone, / (bot.) prickly or horned poppy. arg^n, m. (her.) white or silver colour, ar. gent. argentada,/. ladies' cosmetic. argentado, da, a. silvered ; slashed shoes.— pp. of argentar. argentador, m. silversmith. argentar, va. to plate, to adorn with silver ; to polish like silver. argentario, argentero, m. silversmith,- master of the mint. arg6nteo. a, a. silvery ; silver-plated. argenteria, /. embroidery in gold or silver. argentifero, ra, a. silver-bearing. argentlfodina,/. silver-mine. argentina,/. (bot.) satin cinquefoil. argentlno, na, a. silvery, argentine ; belong- ing to the Argentine Republic. — m, Argen- tine gold coin. argento, m. (poet.) silver. g (before e, i) and J ae h in hot ; b, silent ; U In >>Tilliant ; fi, ny in canTon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; hun** AEG 46 AEIT argentOSO, sa, a. mixed with silver. argila, argilla,/. clay. V. arcilla. argiritas, m- pi. marcasites, white pyrites, argolla, ;". large ring, collar, staple, hoop ; riug iu bowling game ; pillory, argolleta, ica, ita, /. dim. small staple, small ring. argoUdn, m. aug. very large ring, large staple. irgoma,/. (bot.) furze. V. aulaga. argomal, m. furzen plantation. argombn, m. aug. large prickly furze, gorse. argonauta, m. one of the Argonauts. ArgOS, in. (myth.) Argus; (met.) a very ob- servant person. argUCia./. subtilty, sophistry. argiie ar'-gway], m. windlass, capstan. argiiellarse, vr. (prov.) to be emaciated. argtiello ar-swa\ r-iyoi, m. lack of health. arguenas, argue&as,/. jp^. v. angarillas. arguerita lar-gay-ree'-tah;,/, (miner.) argyrite or argeutite. argiilr, vn. {ind. arguyo : stibj. arguya) to argue, dispute, oppose. — va. to infer, imply. argumentacl6n, /. argumentation. argumentador, ra, m. &/. arguer, reasoner. argumentar. vn. to argue, dispute. argumentativo, va, «. argumentative. argumentillo, >n. dim. slight argument. argumentO, m. argument ; plot of a play ; summary ; indication, sign, token. arguyente, pa. arguer ; opponent. aria,/, (mus.) song for a single voice. aribar, va. to reel yarn into skeins. aribO, m. reel for making skeins. aricar, va. to plough across sown ground. arldecer, va., vn. & vr, {ind. aridezco : subj. aridezca) to render or become arid. arldez,/. drought; barrenness, aridity. ^rldO, da, a. arid, dry, barren. arienzo, m. an old coin of Castile. Aries, m. Aries, sign of the zodiac. arieta,/. dim. (mus.) arietta, short tune. ariete, m. battering-ram. arietlno, na, a. resembling a ram's head. arlgue lah-ree'-gayj. m. Philippine timber. arijO, ja, a. (agr.) light, easily tilled. arulo, m. dim. ear-ring ; neck-stock frame. arlmez, m. extension oi a building. arindajo, m. (om.) jay. ario, ia, a. Aryan. arisblanco, ca, a. white-bearded wheat. arisaro, m. (bot.) wake-robin. arisco, ca, a. churlish, shy, cross, surly. sirisnegro, arlsprieto, a. wheat with black- ish beard. arista, /. beard or awn grains; (geom.) in- tersection. — pi. (mil.) salient angles. aristado, da, a. awned, bearded. aristarco, m. severe censurer. aristocracia, /. aristocracy. aristdcrata, m. aristocrat. aristocrktico, ca, a. aristocratical. aristoloquia, /. (hot.) birth wort. aristOSO, sa, a. having many beards or awns. ari8tOt61iCO, ca, a. Aristotelian. aritmancia, /. arithmancy. aritm^tica, /. arithmetic. aritm6ticamente, adv. arithmetically. aritm^tiCO, m. arithmetician, accountant. aritm6tiC0, ca, a. arithmetical. aritmo, a. (med.) arrhythmic. aritm6metro, m. calculating machine. axior^, m. (bot.) V. ciclamor. arlequin, m. harlequin, buffoon ; mixed ice- cream, called Neapolitan. irlequinada, /. harlequin's trick or joke. rlo, m. (bot.) barberry. iXlOta, /. tow of flax or hemp. arma, /. weapon, arms; (rail.) technical di. vision of military forces; arma de infanteria, infantry : arma de caballeria, cavalry, etc. : arma falsa, false alarm : arma arrojadiza, missile weapon : arma de fuego, fi re-arm s_ gun : arma bl.inca, steel arms.— p/. troops', armies; annorial ensigns, coat of arms: armas de agaa, (Mex.) water-proof skins for riding : hombre de armas, military man : maestro de armas, fencing-master : pasar por las armas, to shoot a criminal; (met.) means, power, reason. armada, /. the navy ; fleet, squadron. armadera, /. (naut.) main timber of a ship armadia,/. raft, float. armadijO, ni. trap, snare for game. armadillo, m. (zool.) armadillo. armado, da, a. weaponed, armed; (mech.| mounted, set.— pp. of armar. armado, m. man in armour in processions. armador, m. outfitter, ship-owner ; priva- teer, cruiser ; one who outfits whale-boats ; (mech.) framer, adjuster, fitter, jacket. armadura,/. armour ; framework, shell of a building; (mech.) setting, fitting; truss; armature (elec.) ; skeleton, frame of a roof; framing, mounting, trestle. armajal, m. moor, bog. v. almarjal. armamento, m. armament, warlike prepara- tion, equipment, accoutrements. armar, va. to arm ; to man ; (carp.) to bind ; mount; truss; put together; (mech.) toad- just, set, frame, piece, mount, make true, rig up ; (naut.) equip, fit out, put a ship in commission : armar en corso, to privateer : armar caballero, to knight. — vr. to prepare one's self; to arm one's self: armarse de pa- ciencia, to prepare one's self to sutfer. armario, m.. clothes-press, cabinet, book- case, wardrobe, closet. armatoste, «t. hulk; unwieldy machine; cumbersome piece of furniture. V. arma- DiJO ; corpulent, worthless person. armaz6n, /. framework, skeleton, frame ; hulk of a ship. — m. skeleton of body. armelina,/. ermine skin. armella, /. staple, box staple, screw-eyes. armelluela,/. dim. small staple or ring. armenio, nia, a. >xmenian. armeria, /. armory, arsenal ; gunsmith trade or shop. armero, «». armorer, gunsmith ; keeper of arms ; (mil.) rack or stand for fire-arms. armifero, ra, armigero, ra, a. warlike. armilar, «. esfera armllar, annillary sphere. armilla,/. part of the base of a column. armiflado, da, a. trimmed or lined with er. mine fur ; ermine-white. armiliO, m. (zool.) ermine. armlpotente, a. (poet. ) mighty in war. armlsticio, m. armistice. armoisin, m. thin silk or taffety. arm6n. m. (ordn. ) limber. armonia,/. harmony; number, chord, con- cordance, concord, peace, friendship. arm6niC0, ca, a. narmonical. harmonious, proportionate, musical, rhythmical. armoniO, m. harmonium, reed organ. armoniosamente, adv. harmoniously. armoniOSO, sa, a. harmonious, sonorous, pleasing to the ear, consonous. armonlsta,/. harmonist. armonizacidn, /. harmonization. armonlzar, va. {prei. armonic£: suhj. ar.- MONICE) to harmonize. armuelle, m. (bot.) orach. ama, /. (prov. ) bee-hive. amachO, w». (bot.) rest-harrow. T. gatuSa. m In far ; • in eli I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before e, 1) and z aa th in thick - b and d, soft; AEN 47 AEE arn6s, m. harness ; coat of mail, armour.—;)/, arne-as, harness, trappings ; necessary tools, iite_.^ils, etc. Arnica, /. arnica, medicinal plant, arnilla, /. dim. (prov.) small bee-hive. aro, ni. hoop of wood or metal, staple, hoop- poles ; (hot.) V. YARO. aroma,/, flower of the aromatic myrrh-tree. — m. (chem.) volatile spirit of plants; any aromatic gum, balsam, wood, or herb ; per- fume, fragrance. aromaticidad,/. aromatic quality, perfume. aromatiCO, ca, a. aromatic, fragrant. aroiIiatizaci6n, /. aromatization. aromatizador, >n. aromatizer, atomizer. aromatizar, va. {pref. aromatice: subj, aromatice) to aromatize, perfume. aromo, m. (bot.) aromatic myrrh-tree. aromoso, sa, a. aromatic, fragrant. aroza, //'. foreman in iron-works or forges. arpa,/. (mus.) harp, lyre. arpado, a. serrated, toothed; (poet.) singing bird.^yp. of arpar. arpador, m. v. arpista. arpadura,/. v. arano. arpar, va. to tear to pieces, rend, claw. arpegiO, m. (mus.) arpeggio. arpella,/. (orn.) harpy. arpeo, m. (naut.) grappling iron. arpia, .f". (poet.) harpy; fiend; ugly shrew. arpillador, m. (Mex. ) packer. arpilladura, /■ packing with sack-cloth. arpillar, va. (Mex.^ to pack with sack-cloth. arpillera, /. sack-cloth. arpista, /". (mus.) harper, harpist. arp6ll, m. harpoon, harping-iron. arpouado, da, a. harpooned. arponear, va. to throw the harpoon. aponero, w. harpooner. arqueada [ar-kay-ali'-dah], /. stroke with the fiddle-bow. arqueador [ar-kay-ah-dor'l, m. shlp-gauger ; wool-beater. arqueaje rar-kay-ah'-hayl, m. gauging of a ship. arqueamlento, m. v. arqueo. arqnear [ar-kay-ar'i, va. to arch ; to beat wool ; (naut.) to gauge ships. arqueo iar-kay'-oi, m. the act of arching; (naut. ) tonnage or burden of a ship ; (com.) verifica- tion of money and papers in a safe. arqueologia [ar-kay-o-io-hee'-au],/. archaeology. arqueblogo :ar-kayo'-io-go], m. archaeologist. arqueria lar-kay-ree'-ah], /. series of arches ; (Mex.) aqueduct. arquero [ar-kay'-roi, m. treasurer, cashier ; archer, bow-maker. arqueta Jar-kay'-tah],/. dim. small chest. arquetipo lar-kay-tee'-poi, m. archetype. arquet6ll ^a-.-kay-tone'], m. aug. large chest. arquibanCO [ar-ke-bahn'-co], m. bench with drawers. arqUlepiSCOpal [ar-ke-ay-pls-co-pahr], a. archi- episcopal. V. arzobispal. arquifi.l6sofO, m. archphilosopher. arquilla, ita lar-keer-iyahi,/. dim. little chest. arqulllo [ar-keer-iyo], m. dim. small bow. arqulmesa [ar-ke-may'-sah], /. (prov. ) Writing- desk, escritoire. arqUisinagOgO [ar-ke-se-nah-go'-go], m. princi- pal in the synagogue. arquitecto ;ar-ke-tec'-toi, m. architect. ar quite ctbnico, ca, a. architectural. arquitectura [ar-ke-tec-too'-rau],/. architecture. arquitrabe ai-ke-trah'-bay], m. architrave. arrabal, m. suburb.—^/, environs. arrabalero, ra, a. suburban ; ill-bred. arrabio, m. cast-iron fused for making steel. arracada, /. ear-ring with pendant. arracimado, da, a. clustered.— p/.. of arsa. CIMARSE. arracimarse, vr. to cluster. arracl^n, m. v. aliso, aider-tree. arr&ez, m. captain or master of a ship. arraigadamente, adv. fixedly, securely. arraigadas, /. i>;. (naut.) futtock-shrouds. arraigadO, da, owning real estate; fixed, inveterate ; rooted. arraigar, vn. to root; to pledge land. — m to settle down. arraigO, m. settling in a place ; landed prop- erty. arraJar, vn. V. ralear. arraiublar,f a. to cover with sand and gravel; to sweep away. arranca-clavos, m. nail-puller. • arrancada, /. (coll.) sudden departure, vio- lent sally. arrancadera,/. leading bell for cattle. \ arrancadero, m. starting-point; thickest part of a gun-barrel. arraucadO, da, a. poor, penniless.— jo/>. of ARRANCAR. arrancador, ra, m. &f. extirpator. arrancadura,/. arrancamiento, TO. extir- pation, pulling out. arrancapinOS, m. nickname for little per- sons. arrancar, va. (pret. arranqu^: subj. arran- que) to root out, extirpate, force out, wrest, pull out, draw out, carry off"; to force up; to start, begin ; (naut.) to set sail. arrancasiega, /. poor grain half mowed, half pulled up ; quarrel or dispute. arranciarse, vr. to grow rancid. arrancharse, vr: to mess together. arranque [ar-raim'-kay],??j. extirpation, wrench; fit of passion, impetuousness ; sudden start, sudden impulse ; springer of an arch. arrapar, va. (low) to snatch away, carry off. V. ARREBATAR. arrapiezo, arrapo, m. tatter or rag; (met.) worthless youngster. arras,/, pi. consideration of a contract ; coins which the bridegroom gives to the bride at thewedding; dowry; earnest-money, pledge, handsel : arras de la bodega, (naut. ) wings of the hold. arrasado, m. satin-face stuff.— ^. of arra- SAR. V arrasadura, /. v. rasadura. arras amiento, m. demolition, levelling. arrasar, va. to level ; to destroy, raze, de- molish ; obliterate ; to fill up to the brim. — vn. & vr. to clear up. arrastradamente, adv. imperfectly ; pain- fully, wretchedly. arrastraderas,/.^/. (naut.) lower studd'ng- sails. arrastradero, m. (naut.) careening-place ; road by which logs are dragged ; spot whence dead bulls are taken off. arrastrado, da, a. dragged along ; rascally, knavish; destitute; (coll.) harlot.— f>p. of arrastrar. arrastramiento, m. dragging along. arrastrante, m. claimant of a degree in col- leges. arrastrar, va. & vn. to creep, crawl ; to drag along ; to convince ; to lead a trump. arrastre, m. dragging, haulage, drayage; leading a trump ; slope in a mining shaft ; claiming a degree ; (Amer.) mining mill. arrate, m. pound of sixteen ounces. arratonadO, a. gnawed by mice. arraykn, m. (hot.) myrtle. arrayanal, m. plantation of myrtles. g t.betore e, i) and j as h In hot; h, silent; 11 In brilliant; ii, ny !» canyon; r (inUi-l) and rr triUed; «, Wsbb* ARE 48 ARk I axre ! interj. gee, get up ! arreador, m. muleteer. arreala,/- herdiug the grazing flock. arrear, va. to drive horses, mules, etc. arrebaflador, ra, m. &f. gleaner, gatherer. arrebanadura,/. gleaning, picking up. arrebafiar, ra. to glean, gather, scrape up. arrebatadamente, adv. precipitately, head- long ; violently. arrebatado, da, a. rapid, violent ; precipi- tate, rash, impetuous. ^fi;>. of arrkbatar. arrebatador, ra, rn. &f. violent snatcher. arrebatamientO, m. carrying away by vio- lence; fury, rage; rapture, ecstasy. arrebatar, va. to carry off: snatch; to at- tract (as the attention, etc.). — vr. to be led away by passion. arrebatma, /. struggle of several persons to snatch a thing, sculfie. arrebatO, /«. surprise, sudden attack, par- oxysm, lit, rage : rapture. arrebol, m. red sky or clouds ; rouge. arrebolar, va. to paiut red. — vr. to rouge. arrebolera, /.rouge-box ; rouge-seller; (bot.) four-o'clock or marvel of Peru. arrebollarse, vr. to precipitate; fall head- long. arrebozar, va. ( pret. arreboc^ : subj. ARRE- boce) to overlay meat with jelly. — vr. to muffle or wrap one's self up ; to swarm. arrebozo, m. v. rebozo. arrebujadamente, adv. confusedly. arrebujar, va. to jumble together ; to huddle. —vr. to wrap one's self up. arreclar, vn. to increase in strength or in- tensity. — vr. to grow stronger. arreciie, m. road paved witn stone; (naut.) reef of rocks. arreclrse, vr. to grow stiff" with cold. arrecbucno, m. tit of anger ; sudden and passing indisposition. arredllar, va. to fold the sheep. arredomado, da, a. v. kedomado. arredondar, arredondear, va. to round. arredramlentO; m. removing to a greater distance ; backing out ; fear. arredl'ar, va. to remove, separate ; to terrify. — 17-. V. atemorizarse. arregazado, da, a. with the point turned up. —pp. of arregazar. arregazar, va. {pret. arregack : subj. arre- GACK) to tuck up the skirts. BTregladamente, adv. regularly, orderly.. arreglado, da, a. regular, moderate.-^f»p. of ARKEGLAR. arreglador, m. (com.) surveyor, valuer (of averages). arreglar, va. to regulate, guide ; frame ; (com.) to arrange, settle, adjust. — vr. to conform to law. arreglo, m. rule, order ; (com.) arrangement, settlement : con arreglo i, according to. arregostarse, vr. to relish a thing. arrejaca, /. v. arrejaque. arrejacar, va.{pret. arrejaqu^ : suhf. arre- jaque) to plough across for clearing weeds. arrejaco, m. (om.) swift, martin. V. ven- CEJO. arrelada,/. (agr.) paddle of a i)lough. arrejaq.Ue lar-ray-hacU'-ay], TO. fishing-fork with three prongs. arrejerar, va, (naut.) to make a ship fast by casting two anchors fore and one alt. arrel, arrelde, m. weight of four pounds. arrellanarse, vr. to sit at ease ; to be satis- fied with (H)e's employment. arremangado, da, a. lifted upward.— f>p. of arremangar. arremangar, ra. {pret. arremangue: mbj. arremakgue) to tuck up the sleeves or petticoats.— r/-. to be determined. arremangO, m. tucking up the clothes, arremetedero, m. place through which a fortress may be attacked. arremetedor, //*. assailant, aggressor. arremeter, ra. to assail, attack. — vn. to launch forth ; to shock. arremetida, /. attack, assault, invasion ; start of horses. arxemolinado, da, a. whirled. arremolinar, ra. & vr. to eddy ; to form 3 crowd. arrempujar, va. (obs.) v. rempujar. arrendaDle, a. rentable,farmable,tenautable arrendaci6n, /. renting, lease. arrendadero, m. ring to tie horses to. arrendadO, da, a. obedient to the reins ^ rented, leased.— jop. of arrendar. arrendador, m. landlord, lessor, hirer, ten- ant, lessee, holder ; farmer. V, arrenda- dero. arrendadorcillo, m. dim. petty tenant. arrendaJO, m. mocking-bird ; (coll. ) mimic. arrendamlentO, m. renting, letting, hiring, lease, rental. arrendante, pa. lessor, renter. arrendar, va. {ind. arrien^o : mbj. arriex- de) to rent, let, lease, hire ; to bridle, tie a horse ; to train a horse ; to mimic. arrendatario, ria, m. &/. lessee, tenant. arrentado, da, receiving large rental. arreo, m. dress, ornament, decoration.— /j/. appendages, trappings. arreo, adv. successively, uninterruptedly, arrep^palO, m. sort of fritters or buns. arrepentida, /. reformed, penitent woman. arrepentido, da, a. repentant.— />p, of arre- PENTIRSE. arrepentlmientO, m. repentance, contrite- ness, compunction; lock of hair. arrepentirse, vr. {ind. me arrepiento: subj. me arrepiexta : pret. el se arrepix- Tio: subj. imp. me arrepintiera, tiesk, tiere) to repent, rue, regret. arrepistar, va. to grind rags into pulp. arrepistO, m. grinding or pounding rags. arreptlcio, cla, a. possessed by the devil. ' arrequeSOnarSe [ar-ray-kt-y-so-uar'-say], vr. to curdle. arrequife [ar-ray-kee'-feyj, TO, singelog-iron Id cotton gins. arrequiveS [ar-ray-kee'-ves^ m. pi. dreSS trim^ mings ; ornaments adornments ; circum- stances ; requisites. arrestado, da, a. intrepid, bold, audacious. — pp. ARRESTAik,. arrestar, va. to arrest, confine, imprison.— vr. to be bold and enterprising, arresto.wi. detention ; (mil.) prison, arrest ; spirit, enterprise, arretin, m. v. filipichin. arrezafe, »*. place full of brambles. arrezagar, va. to raise, v. arrehakoar. arria, 7. drove of beasts. arriada, /. (prov. ) flood, wash-out. arrianismo, m. Arianism. arriano, na, a. Arian. arrlar, va. (naut.) to lower, to strike : »rrl»r la bandera, to strike the colours. — vr. to l)« flooded. arriata, /. or arrlate, vi. border, edge in ' gardens ; trellis ; causeway, anriaz, arrial, m. hilt-bar of a sword. arriba, adv. above, over, up, high, on high, overhead ; upstaifs ; (naut.) aloft : de arriba abajo, from head to foot. a M lu rar ; • in eh I ; i in ooltce ; o in for ; v in boll ; c (t>efore e, i) and s aa th In t^^k ; b and d. loft ' ARR 49 arribada, /. arrival: (naut.) de arribada, putting into a port by stress. arribaje, m. (naut.) arrival. arribar, vn. to arrive ; (naut.) to put into a harbour in distress ; to fall off to leeward ; to reach ; recover, convalesce. arribe&O, fia (Mex. ) highlanders. arrlbO, m. arrival. arricete, m. shoal, sand-bank. arriceses, m. pi. buckles of the stirrup- straps. arriendo, m. v. arrendamiento. arriendo, arriende {irr. from arrendar). arrieria./. driving of mules. arrierico, illo, ito, m. dim. of arriero. arriero, m. muleteer. arriesgadamente, adv. dangerously, haz- ardously. arriesgado, da, a. perilous, dangerous, haz- ardous, risky ; daring.— jap. of arriesgar. arriesgar, va. {pret. arriesguk : subj. arriesgue) to risk, hazard, jeopard, jump. — vr. to be exposed to danger ; to dare. arrimadero, m. scaffold, stool, stand. arrimadillO, m. mat, wainscot, dado. arrimadizo, za, «. designed to be placed against or joined to a thing ; sponger. arrimado, da., pp. of arrimar. arrimador, »i. oack-log in a fire-place. arrimadura, /. approaching. arrimar, vn. to approach, place near, join one thing to another f (naut.) to stow; (met.) to lay a thing aside, put by, reject ; to lay down ; to fling, dismiss. — vr. to lean against ; to join others. arrime, m. proximity to the goal in bowling. arrimo, m. joining 'one thing to another ; staff, stick, crutch ; (met.) protection ; sup- port, help ; idle wall. irrim6n, ?». loafer, idler who leans against a wall : estar de arrim6n, to keep watch. arrlnconado, da, a. distant, out of the way ; neglected, put away, forgotten.— pp. of ARRINX'ONAR. arrinconar, va. to corner, lay aside, put away, reject ; to remove one from a trust ; to neglect, forsake. — vr. to live secluded. arrifionadO, da, a. kidney-shaped, arriostrar, ra. to brace a frame, arriscadamente, adv. boldly, audaciously. arriscado, da, «. forward, bold, brisk, easy, free ; craggy ground.— ;pp. of arriscarse. arriscador, m. (prov.) olive-gleaner. arriscar, t;a. {pret. arrisquk: subj. arris- que) to risk. — vr. to be vain, conceited ; to plunge over a cliff (flocks). arritranca, .f. v. retranca. arrlzafa,/. v. ruzafa. arrlzar, va. {pret. arriciS: siibj. arrice) (naut.) to reef, stow, lash. arroba, /. weight of twenty-five pounds ; a quarter = 11.5 kilos ; liquid measure, thirty- two pints, about four gallons. arrobadizo, za, a. (coll.) feigning ecstasy. arrobado,pp. of arrobar. arrobador, ra, a. enchanting, entrancing, arrobamiento, m. ecstatic rapture, bliss, trance, ravishment, amazement, arrobarse, vr. to be enraptured, entranced, arrobero, ra, m. & f. weighing an arroba ; ))aker for a community. arrobo, m. v. arrobamiento. arrocabe, m. wooden frieze. arrocero, m. rice planter or dealer. arrocinado, da, a. hack-like ; worn-out horse.— pp. of arrocinarse. arrocinar, ra. to brutify. — vr. to become foolishly enamoured ; to become stupid. ARR arrodajarse, rr. (Costa Eica) to sit upon the ground. arrodelado, da, m. of arrodelarse, bear- ing a round shield or buckler. arrodelarse, vr. to be armed with a buckler. arrodilladura, /. arrodillamiento, m. kneeling. arrodillar, m. to make one kneel down. — vr. to kneel down. arrodrigar, arrodrigonar, va. to prop vines. arrogacibn, /. arrogation ; child adoption. arrogador, m. one who claims arrogantly. arrogancia, a. arrogance, haughtiness ; valour, courage ; stately carriage. arrogante, a. spirited, haughty, proud. arrogantemente, adv. arrogantly, proud- ly- arrogar, va. {pret. arroguk: subj. arro- gue) to adopt ; to arrogate. — vr. to usurp. arrojadamente, adv. audaciously, boldly. arrojadizo, za, a. easily thrown or darted", missile. arrojado, da, a. rash, forward, dashing, bold, fearless.— pp. of arrojar. arroiador, m. thrower, flinger. arrojar, t^a. to dart, launch, fling, hurl, jerk, dash; to shed, emit; to shoot, sprout; (naut.) to drive or cast on rocks ; to make red-hot ; to turn away, dismiss. — vr. to launch ; to throw one's self; to venture. arroje, m. man who drops as counterweight to raise the curtain in a theatre. arroiO, m. intrepidity, fearlessness. arrollador, m. roller. arrollar, va. to roll up, roll round, wrap, twist ; to carry off, sweep away ; to defeat, rout, confound. arromadizarse, vr. to catch cold. arromar, va. to blunt ; to dull. arronzar, va. {pret. arronc^: subj. aerok- ce) (naut.) to haul a hawser. arropado, da, a. mixed with must.— ^. of ARROPAR. arropamientO, m. wrapping, covering, dress- ing ; mixing with boiled wine. arropar, va. to cover, wrap, clothe, dress ; to mix with boiled wine. arrope, m. grape juice boiled to a sirup; boiled honey. arropea,/. irons, fetters, shackles. arropera,/. vessel for boiled must, etc. arropia,/. taffy, v. melcocha. arropiero, m. maker or seller of arropia. arrostrar, va. to set about dauntlessly ; to encounter— tr. to fight face to face. arroyada,/. arroyadero, m. valley ; chan- nel of a stream. arroyar, va. to inundate sown ground. — vr. to be affected with rust. arroyico, arroyuelo, m. dim. rill, brook. arroyo, m. rivulet, small stream, gutter. arroz, m. rice. arrozal, m. field sown with rice. arrozar {pret. arroce : stibj. arroce), to ic^ a liquid. arruar, vn. to grunt like a wild boar. arrufado, da, pp. of arrufar, sheered^ curved. arrufadura,/. (naut.) sheer of a ship. arrnfaldado, da, a. with clothes tucKed up. V. ARRUFIANADO. arrufar, va. (naut.) to incurvate, to form the sheer. — vr. to snarl, amifianado, da, a. ruffianly, impudent. arrufo, m. v. arrufadura. arruga /. wrinkle, corrugation, rumple, fold, g (before e,l) and J as bin hot; b.sUent; 11 in brilliant ; 2, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed. ABB arrugacidn,/. axrugamiento, m. corruga- tion, wrinkling. amigar, va. {prel. arruguk : stibj. ARRU- GUE) to wrinkle, corrugate, constrict, crum- ple ; to rumple, fold, gather, crease, pleat : arrngar la frente, to frown. arrugia,/- (min.) goldmine. amigbn, m. decoration of carved work. arruinaaor, ra, m. & /. ruiner, demolisher, destroyer. arruinamientO, m. destruction, ruin. amiinar, va. to demolish, ruin, destroy. arrullador, ra, a. luller, rocker, flatterer. arrullar, va. to lull ; to court, coo and bill. arrullo, '«. cooing and billing; lullaby. arruinaco, m. caress, fondling demonstra- tion. arrumaje, m. (naut.) stowage of the cargo. arrumar, va. (naut.) to stow cargo. arrumazbn, /. (naut.) stowing ; horizon overcast. , arrnmbadas, /. pi. (naut.) wales of a row- galley. arrum'bad.or, ra, m. & f. heaper, piler ; steersman. amunbamlentO, m. (naut.) relative bear- ing. amimbar, va. to put away ; to range casks of wine in a cellar ; to refute ; to remove one from a trust ; (naut.) to steer the proper course. — vr. (naut.) to take bearings. arnuiflarse, vr. to have a flush of cards. arrurruz, m. arrow-root. ars^fraga,/. v. bkrrera. arsenal, m.ship-yard, dockyard, navy-yard ; arsenal. arseniato, m. (chem. ) arseniate. arsenical, «. (chem.) arsenical. ars^nico, m. (chem.) arsenic; ratsbane. arsenlOSO, a. arsenious. arsenitO, m. arsenite. arsolla,/. v. arzolla. arta,/. (bot. ) English plantain ; rib-wort. artalejo, m. artalete, m. a sort of tart. artanica, artanita,/. (bot.) sow-bread. arte, m. &,/. art, skill, craft, cunning ; trade, profession ; artifice, machine ; intrigue ; fishing-net: bellas arteB, fine arts. artefacto, m. manufacture, handiwork. artejo, m,. joint or knuckle of the fingers. artemlsa, artemlsla,/. (bot.) mug-wort. artena,/. aquatic fowl. artera,/. iron bread-stamp. arteramente, adv. craftily, fraudulently. arteria,/. (anat.) an artery. arteria,/. artifice, stratagem, cunning. arterial, a. arterial. arteriografia,/. description of the arteries, arteriola,/. dim. small artery ; arteriole. arterioso, sa, a. v. arterial. arteriotomia, f. (anat.) arteriotomy. artero, ra, a. dexterous, cunning, artful. artesa,/. kneading-trough ; canoe. artesano, m. artisan, mechanic. arteslano, a. pozo arteslano, artesian well. artesilla, /. trough at a draw-well ; game on horseback. artesdn, m. kitchen tub; (arch.) carved panel on ceiling. artesonado, da, a. panelled (ceiling). artesuela,/. dim. small kneading-trough. art^tico, ca, a. arthritic. irtico, ca, a. (ast.) arctic, northern. articulacl6n, /. articulation ; ioint ; distinct pronunciation; (bot.) genicuiation. artiCUladamente, adv. distinctly, articu- lately. artiCUladO, da, a. articulate. 50 ASA artlClQar, *«. to unite, join; to articulate; pronounce distinctly ; (law) to question, interrogate, examine. articular, artlculario, ria, a. articular. artiCUlista, m. &/. writer of articles. articnlO, m. article, section, clause, coudi- tion, stipulation ; word soj>arately defined in a dictionary ; plea; essay ; (gram.) arti- cle; (bot.) genicuiation ; (anat.) joint.— /.'. articles, things. artifice, >n. artificer, artisan, maker. artificial, «. artificial. artificialmente, odr. artificially. artificio, //*. workmanship, craft ; artifice, euuniug, cinitrivauce, device, trick, guile. artificiosamente, adc. artificially, craftily. artificiOSO, sa, «. skilful, ingenious ; artful, crafty, cunning. artiga,.r'. land newly broken up. artigar, ra. to break and level land. artillar; ra. to mount cannon. artillena, /. gunnery, artillery, cannon ordnance ; army corps. artillero, >». gunner, artillery-man. artimafia,./. trap, snare, device, stratagem. artimdn, m. (naut.) mizzen-mast. artina,/. fruit of the box-thorn. artista, m. artist, artisan, tradesman, crafts master, art student. artisticamente, adr. artistically. artistiCO, ca, a. artistic. artolas,/. p/. padnier; pack-saddle. art61itOS, m. concave spongy stone. artOS, m. species of thistles ; box-thorn. artritiCO, ca, a. arthritic, arthritical. artritiS, m. (med. ) arthritis, gout. artrografia, /. description of the joints. artrologia, /. (anat.) arthrology.. artufia,/. ewe whose lamb has perished. Arturo, m. (ast.) Arcturus, fixed star. arugas,/. (bot.) v. Matricaria. irula,/. dim. small altar. arufiar, ra. v. aranar. arufiazo, m. V. araSazo. anifio. m. V. araSo. ardspice, m. augurer, soothsayer. aruspicina, /. aruspicy. arveja,/. (bot.) carob-tree: the fruit. arvejal, arvejar, m. field of carob-trees. arve, O, m. (bot:) bastard chick-pea. arve] 6n, m. (bot.) chickling-vetch. arvejona,/. v. arveja. v. algarroba. arvense, «. any plant growing in sown fleldn arza,/. (naut.) tall of a tackle. arzobispadO, m. archbishopric. arzobispal, a. archiepiscopal. arzobispo, m. archbishop. arzolla, /. (bot. ) lesser burdock ; milk-thistle. arz6n, m. saddle-tree. as, m. ace ; Roman copper coin. asa,/. handle, haft ; juice from certain plants* asa dalce, gum benzoin. asacibn,/. (pharm.) decoction. asadero, ra, a. fit for roasting.— wi. (Mex.) small, flat cheese. asado, da, a. roasted ; dressed.— p;>. of asar. asador, m. spit, roasting-jack. asadura, /. entrails, chitterlings : asadnra d« pnerco, haslet. asaeteador, m. archer, bow-man. asaetear, va. to attack, kill with arrows. asaetinado, da, a. like satin, asaf^tida,./' asafoetida. asainetado, da, a. farcical, asalariar, ra. to fix a salary. asalmonado, da, «. v. salmonado asaltador, m. assailant, assaulter ; Highway A M Id far ; • iu eh 1 ; 1 In police ; o in tor ; n in bull ; c (before e, 1) and s an th in thick ; L .nd d. ■otb ASA 51 asaltar, va. to assault, storm, assail, surprise ; to occur suddenly. asaltO, m. assault, violence: asalto de armas, I'eucing bout ; sudden gust of passion. asamblea, /. assembly, meeting, congress, junta, congregation, convention, gathering, asar, va. to roast. — vr. to be excessively hot. asarabacara, asaraca,/. (bot.) asarabacca. asarero, //*. (bot.) K endrino. asargado, da, a. serge-like, twilled. asarina,/. (bot.) bastard asarum. asaro, //«. (bot.) asarum. asatiVO, va, «. (pharm.) dressed or boiled in its own juice. asaz, adv. (poet.) enough, abundantly. asbestino, na, a. belonging to asbestos. asbesto, m. asbestos. ascalonia,/. (bot.) shallot. asc^rides,/. i)/. ascarides. ascendencia,/. line of ancestors, origin. ascendente, m. ascendant, ascending. ascender, vn. {ind. asciendo: subj. ASCIEN- DA) to ascend, mount, climb; to be pro- moted : ascender k, (com.) to amount to. ascendiente, m. & /. ancestor, forefather. — m. ascendency, influence, power. ascensi6n,/. ascension. Catholic feast, exal- tation. ascensional, a. (ast.) ascensional. ascenso, m. promotion. ascensor, m. lift, hoist, elevator. asceta, m. ascetic, hermit. asceticismo, ascetlsmo, m. asceticism. ascetico, ca, a. ascetic. asciendo, ascienda (irr. from ascender). asciOS. i/i.pl. (geog.) ascii. asciro, /'*. (bot.) St. Andrew's cross. ascitis,/, (med.) ascites. ascitico, ca, a. (med.) ascitic. asclepiada, /. (bot.) swallow-wort. asclepiadeo, m. Latin verse of four feet. asco, III. nausea, loathing; despicable thing. ascua,/. red-hot coal. FI brasa. i ascuas ! interj. (joe.) how it pains ! aseadamente, adv. cleanly, neatly, tidy. aseado, dag a. clean, neat, tidy.— pp. of asear. asear, va. to adorn, embellish, polish, clean. asecbador, rw. insnarer, wavlayer. asecbamiento, m. asecbanza, /. waylay- Jg, artifice, snare, trap, stratagem. asecbar, va. to waylay ; watch insidiously ; to ambush. asecboso, sa, a. waylaying, intriguing. asedado, da, o. silky.— pp. of asedar, asedar, va. to work flax soft as silk. asediador, ra, m. &f. besieger. asediar, va. to besiege, blockade. asediO, m. siege, blockade. aseglararse, vr. to secularize himself. asegundar, va. to repeat an act. asegurable, a. insurable. aseguracidn,/. insurance. asegurado, da, a. assured, guaratnteed, de- cided, fixed, anchored. — m. the insured. asegurador, ?«. insurer, underwriter. aseguramientO, m. securing, security ; in- surance. asegurar, to. to secure, insure, fasten, fix ; to aftirm, assert; (com.) to insure.— it. to verify ; make sure ; hold fast ; get insured. aseidad!, /. self-existence, attribute of God. asemeiar, va. to assimilate ; to copy ; to re- senibft. asendereado, da, a. beaten ; frequented.— pp. of ASENDEREAR. asenderear, va. to open a path ; to persecute, asengladura,/. F. singladura. ASl asenso, m. assent, consent ; credence, asentada,/. session ; sitting. asentaderas,/. p/. buttocks, v. nalgas. asentadillas, /. pt. k asentadillas, adv. riding woman-fashion. asentadO, da, a. seated ; settled ; perma- neni.^pp. of asentar. asentador, m. razor-strop ; turning chisel. asentadura, /■ asentamiento, m. (law) possession of goods given by default ; estab- lishment, settlement, resideace. asentar, va. {pp. asentado : ind. asiento ; subj. ASiENTE) to seat, place, fix, secure, affirm ; adjust ; to stop at ; settle ; note down ; strike ; found ; establish ; hone ; es- timate. — vn. to fit ; sit down ; settle. — vr. (arch.) to sink ; settle. asentii]^ento, m. assent, v. asenso. asentir, vn. {ind. asiento : mbj. ASIENTE) to coincide, acquiesce, concede. asentista, m. contractor. aseo, m. cleanliness, neatness,*tidiness. asequible, a. attainable, obtainable. aserci6n,/. assertion, affirmation. aserradero, m. saw-mill, saw-pit, saw-horse, aserradizo, za, proper to be sawed. aserrado, da, «. serrate, serrated, dented. — pp. of ASERRAR. aserrador, m. sawer or sawyer. aserradura, /. sawing, kerf: aserradnras, saw-dust. aserrar, va. {ind. asierro : mbj. asierre) to saw. aserrin, m. saw-dust. asertivamente, adv. affirmatively. asertivo, va, a. assertive. V. afirmativo. aserto, vi. assertion, affirmation. asertorio, a. V. juramento, affirmatory. asesar, vn. to become prudent, brainy. asesinar, va. to assassinate, to murder. asesinato, m. assassination, murder. asesino, m. assassin, murderer, cut-throat. asesor, ra, m. &f. counsellor, legal adviser. asesorar, va. to give legal advice. — vr. to take legal advice, consult. asesoria, /. office, pay and fees of an as- sessor. asestador, m. gunner. asestadura, /. taking aim. asestar, va. to aim, point ; to strike ; to dis- charge, to fire. aseveraci6n,/. solemn affirmation. aseveradamente, adv. affirmatively. aseverar, va. to asseverate, affirm, assert. asfaltar, va. to asphalt. asfaltico, ca, a. of asphaltum ; bituminous. asfaltO, 7n. asphaltum ; kind of bitumen. asfictico, ca, a. asphyxial or asphyctic. asfixia,/. (med.) asphyxia. asfixiar, va. to asphj'xiate, suffocate. asfddelo, w. asphodel, day-lily. V. gam6n. asgo, tu ases, yo asga {irr. from asir). asi, adv. so, thus, in this manner ; therefore, so that, also, equally : asi, followed by h verb in the subjunctive mood, is translated, would that: asi, asi, so so; middling: asi qne, as soon as : asi como asi, any way. asiatico, ca, a. Asiatic. asidero. m. handle ; occasion, pretext : aii- deros, (naut. ) tow-ropes. asidO, da, pp. of asir ; seized, grasped. — a fastened, tied, attached. asiduamente, adv. assiduously. asiduidad,/. assiduity, assiduousness. asidUO, dua, «. assiduous, laborious. asiento, m. chair, stool, bench, seat; spot^ site ; solidity ; settling ; bottom ; sediment ; treaty ; contract ; entry ; registry ; judg- < (before e, i) ami J »8 h in hot; h, Bilent; 11 ia brilliant; fi, ny in canron; r (initial) and rr trilled; •, bisMd. ^ ASI 52 ment, prudence ; stability ; permanence ; mining district in South America; list, roll ; collar and cuff-band ; indigestion, aslento, yo aslenta {irr. from asentir). asiento, yo aslente {irr. from asentar). aslerro, yo asierre [irr. from askrrar). asignable, a. assignable. asigaacl6n, /. assignation ; distribution, partition ; destination. asignadO, m. assignat.— ^p. of asignar. asignar, vo. to assign, devote, appoint ; ascribe. aslgnatura,/. curriculum, course of study. asilO, >n. asylum, refuge, harbour; (met.) protection, shelter, asilla, /. dim. small handle ; slight pretext. —pi. collar-bones, asiiaieilto, m. grasp ; attachment, affection, aslmilable, a. capable of assimilation, asimilacibn, /. assimilation, aslmilar, rn. to resemble.— ra. to assimilate. asimllatiVO, va, «. assimilating. asimlsmo, adv. exactly so ; likewise. aslmpladO, da, a. like a simpleton. asinaeton, m. (rhet.) asyndeton. asinlno, na, a. asinine ; ass-like. asintOta,/- (geom.) asymptote, asir, va. & vn. {ind. asgo : subj, asga) to grasp or seize ; to hold ; to take root. — vr. to dispute ; to avail one's self of. asirlano, na, or asirio, ria, «. Assyrian. aslstencia, /. actual presence ; reward ; as- sistance, favour, aid, help : asiBtencias, al- lowance ; alimony. asistenta, /• handmaid ; servant-maid to court ladies. aslstente, pa. & m. assistant, helper ; chief officer of justice at Seville ; orderly. aslstir, vn. to be present ; to assist ; to follow suit (cards). — va. to accompany ; minister, serve ; to attend a sick person. asma, /. asthma. asm^tico, ca, a. asthmatic. asna, /. she-ass, jenny.— jjZ. ^carp.) rafters. asnacho, m. (hot.) v. gatuna. asnada, /. foolish action. asnado, m. side-wall timber in mines. asnal, «. asinine; beastly. asnalmente, adv. foolishly ; mounted on an ass. asnallo, m. (bot.) V. gatuSa. aanaU3llO, m. sharp pepper of South America. asneria, /. stud of asses : foolish action. asniCO, ca, m. &f. dim. little ass. asnilla,/. stanchion or prop. asnlllO, 11a, m. & /. dim. little ass ; (zool.) lield-crioket. asnlno, na, a- resembling an ass ; asinine. asno, m. an ass ; (met.) ounce. asobarcar, va. {pret. asobarqu6: subJ. ASO- harqite) to take a bundle under the arm ; to tuck up the skirts. asoblnarse, vr. to fall down with the head between the fore feet. asocarronado, da, a. crafty, cunning, wag- gish. asoclacidn, /. aBOCiamiento, m. associa- tion, fellowship, copartnership, union. asociadO, m. associate, comrade, partner. — pp. of ASOCIAR. asoclar, va. to associate, take a partner, con- join. — vr. to accompany, consociate, join, form a partnership. asolacibn, asoladura, /. desolation, devas- tation. asolador, ra, m. &f. destroyer, desolator. asolamiento, m. depopulation, destruction, havoc. ASP asolanar, va. to parch, dry up. asolar, va. {ind. ASUELO : subj. asuelk) to level, destroy, waste, harrow, pillage, devas- tate. — vr. to settle, get clear (wine). asoldar or asoldadar, va. (ind. asvfa.voi gubj. ASUELDE) to hire ; to fix wages. asolear, va. to sun. — it. to be sunburnt. asomadia, /. appearance, apparition, first point of view. asomado, da, «. fuddled.— pp. of asomab. asomar, vii. to begin to appear, peep. — va. to show, put out. — vr. to be flustered with wine. asombradizo, za, a. timid, shy. asombrador, ra, a. shader; frightener; wondrous. asombramiento, m. V. asombro. asombrar, ra. to shade, darken, obscure; to frighten, terrify ; to astonish, amaze.— i-r. to wonder. asombro, m. dread, fear, terror, amazement j astonishment, wonderment. asombrosamente, adv. amazingly, wonder- fully, marvellously. asombroso, sa, a. wonderful, wondrous, astonishing, marvellous. asomo, m. indication, sign, conjecture. asonada./. tumultuous crowd. asonancia, /. assonance, consonance, har- mony ; peculiar kind of rhyme. asonantar, ra. (poet.) to mix assonant with consonant verses ; compose agonaates. asonante, a. assonant word or verse. asonar, vn. {ind. asueno : subj. ASUENE) to be assonant ; to accord. asordar, va. to deafen with noise. asosegar, va. asosegarse, vr. v. sosegar. asctanar, va. to vault ; make cellars. aspa, /. cross ; reel ; wings of a wind-mill cross-stud. aspadera,/. (mech.) reel. aspado, da, a. having both arms extended —pp. of ASPAR. aspador, ra, m. &/. reeler.— m. reel. aspalato, m. (bot.) rosewood. aspalto, m. V. ESPALTo. aspar, va. to reel ; to crucify ; (met.) to vex aspavlento, m. exaggerated dread, aston. ishment, wonder. aspecto, m. sight, appearance, look, aspect, countenance; (arch.) outlook; (ast.) rela- tive position. Itsperamente, adv. rudely, harshly, gruffly. asperear, r?*. to taste acrid. asperete, m. v. asperillo. aspereza, asperidad,/. asperity, acerbity, gall ; keenness ; roughness, ruggedness, gniffness, harshness, snappishness. asperges, m. aspersion or sprinkling. asperiegO, ga, a. sour pippin. asperilla,/. (hot.) perennial plant. asperillo, w. sourish taste of unripe fruit. asperillo, 11a, a. dim. tart, sourish. asperjar, va. to sprinkle. &spero, ra, a. rough, rugged, craggeo^ grained, knotty, harsh, severe, rigid, gruff. asper6n, m. grind-stone ; flag-stone. asp^rrimo, ma, a. svp. of jtsPERo. aspersibn./. aspersion; sprinkling. aspersorio, m. water-sprinkler. 6,spid, aspide, m. asp, aspic. aspillera.y'. loophole, embrasure, orenel. aspiracibn, /. aspiration ; desire ; inspira^ tion ; (miis.) short pause. aspiradamente, adv. with aspiration. aspirante,i>a. aspirant, neophyte, aspirar, ra. to inspire, draw breath ; aspire ; covet ; a.spirate. far ; • in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before t, i) and i ■• th In thick ; b and d, •oft«. ASQ 63 ATA ASQUear [ao-Kay-ar'], va. to loathe, to be nau- seated. aSqUerOSamente [as-kay-ro-sah-men'-tay], adv. nastily, nauseously, foully. aSq,UerOSidad [as-kay-ro-se-dahd'], /. filthiness, foulness ; fulsomeness, mawkishness. aSC[Uer080, Sa [as-kay-ro'so], a. nasty, filthy, nauseous, loathsome, disgusting, asquiaiahs'-ke-ah],/. (icht.^ fresh-water fish. asta, /. lance; staff, pole, flagstaff; horn, antler; shank • shaft, spindle. kstaCO, m. crayfish or crawfish. astado, astero, m. Roman pikeman. astatico, ca, a. astatic. astenla,/. (med.') asthenia. ast^nlco, ca, a. (med.) asthenic, asteria,/. star-stone; cat's-eye. asteriaco.yn, asterisk (*) ; (hot.) oxeye. asteroide, m. asteroid." astll, handle of a tool ; shaft ; beam of a balance. astilejos, m. pi. v. astillejos. astilla,/. chip, splinter. astillar, va. to chip. astillazo, m. blow ; stroke of a flying chip ; damage, injury, astillejos, m. pi. (ast.) Castor and Pollux. astillero, m. rack for lances, spears, pikes, etc. ; ship-yard, dockyard. astillOSO, sa, a. wood easily splintered. astrd,galO, m. (arch.) astragal; (mil.) moulding on a cannon; (bot.) milk-vetch; (anat.) astragalus ; round moulding; beads. astral, a. astral. astrancia, f^ (hot. ) master-wort. astriccl6n, astringencia,/. astriction. astrlctlVO, va, «. astrictive, styptic. astrictO,ta, a. contracted ; determined.—^. irr. of ASTRINGIR. astrifero, ra, (poet.) starry. astringencia,/. astringency, constriction. astringente, a. astringent. astringir, a. (ind. astrinjo : subj. astrin- ja) to astringe, contract, compress. astro, m. heavenly body, sun, moon, star. astro^afia, /. astrography. astroite, m. astroite, radiated fossil. astrolabio, m. astrolabe, sextant. astrolOgia,/. astrology. astrolbgico, ca, go, ga, a. astrological. astr61Og0, 771. astrologer. astrolbgicamente, adv. astrologically. astronomia,/. astronomy. astron6micamente, adv. astronomically. astrondmico, ca, a. astronomical. astrOnomo, m. astronomer. astrosamente, adv. slovenly, sluttish. astroso, sa, a. vile, loathsome. astucia, /. cunning, craft, finesse, sly- ness. astucioso, sa, a. v. astuto. astxir, ra, or asturiano, na, a. Asturlan. asturidn, m. pony; (zool.) V. SOLLO. astutamente, adv. cunningly, craftily. astute, ta, a. astute, cunning, sly, crafty. asubiar, vn. to guard against the rain. asueldo, yo asuelde (17^. from asoldar), asuelo, yo asuele {trr. from asolar). asueno, yo asuene {irr. from asonar). asueto, m. school holiday, vacation. asumir, va. to assume ; to raise, elevate. — V7: V. arrogarse. asunci6n,/. assumption; elevation, ascent; postulate. asuntO,77i. subject ; affair, businesg.— pf, asun- tos, effects, business, stock. asnramiento, m. burning food when cook- ing ; parching. asurarse, vr. to bum in the pan ; to become parched. asurcano, na, a, neighbouring. asurcar, va. {pret. asurquj^ : subj. asurqueV to furrow ; to plough. asustadiZO, za, a. easily frightened, asustar, va. to frighten, scare; to terrify.— vr. to be frightened. atabaca, /. (bot.) groundsel. V. olivard^ atabacado, da, a. tobacco-colour. atabal, m. kettle-drum. atabalear, vn. to clatter like kettle-drums. atabalejo, atabalete, atabalillo, m. dim^ small kettle-drum. atabalero, m. kettle-drummer. atabanado, da, a. spotted white. atabardilladO, da, a. of the nature of spotted fevers. ata.be, m. small vent in water-pipes. atSbbemadO, da, a. retailed in taverns. atabillar, va. to fold cloth with seivages out. atabladera, /. roller to level sown land. atabl&r, va. to level sown land. atacadera,/. blaster's rammer. atacaxio, da, a. (met.) irresolute, undecided; close, miserable.—^, of atacar. atacador, m. aggressor ; ramrod or rammer. atacadnra,/. atacamiento, m. tightening.' atacamita, /. (min. ) native oxychloride of copper. atacar, va. {pret. ataqu^: : subj. ataque) to button, close, fit tight; to ram, attack, as- sail, provoke ; to corner. atacir, m. (astrol.) divisioa of the celestial arch into twelve parts. ataderas,/. pi. ataderos, m. pi. garters. atadero, m. cord or rope ; place or object where a thing or an animal is tied to. atadijo, itO, m. dim. (coll.) ill-shaped parcel, atadO, m. bundle, parcel. — a. pusillanimous, good for nothing. --pp. of atar. a'to.dor, m. tier, binder j bonnet-string. atadnra, /. tie, fastening, binding; union, connection ; knot, loop, lace. atafagar, va. to stupefy: to tease. atafetanado, da, a. taffeta^like. atabarre, m. broad crupper of a pack-saddle. atabona,/. v. tahona. ataborma,/. (om.) osprey. ataifor, m. deep di^h ; Moorish round table. atairar. vc^ to mould panels and frames. ataire, n> moulding in panels and frames. atajadero m. sluice-gaie. atajadizo, m. partition. atajador, m. intercipient ; (mil.) scout; (min.) lad who tends the work-horses. atajar, vn. to go the shortest way. — va. to in- tercept, stop, overtake ; to partition off.— vr. to be confounded with shame or fear. atajea, atajia,/. v. atarjea. atajo, TO. short cut ; interception, stoppage. atalajar, va. to harness and hitch horses to a carriage. atalaje, m. breast harness ; draft. atalantar, v. aturdir. atalaya, /. watch-tower ; height.— m. guard ; lookout, atalayador, ra, m. &f. guard, sentry, look- out, prier. atalayar, va. to watch, guard ; to spy or pry. atalayero, m. advance scout. atalYina. /. v. talvina. atamienio, m. pusillanimity, meekness. atanasia,/ (hot.) costmary or alecost ; type named English (14-point). atanor, m. siphon, water-tube. atanquia, /. depilatory ; silk refuse. ata&er, v. imp. to belong, appertain. X (b^ore e. O and j as h In hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; fi, n^ in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trlHed ; ■, hisMd ATa 54 ATI AtaQUe fah-tah'-kayi, TO. attack, ODset ; trenches ; tit (of illness); wrangle. ataquiza i«ii-tah-kee'-thahj, /, layering or lay- ing a vine. ataquizar (ah-tah-ke-thar'i, va. to lay a vine. atar, va. to tie, bind, fasten, knot, lace ; to deprive of motion, stop. — vr. to be embar- rassed. ataracea,^'. marquetry, inlaid work. ataracear, oa. to checker ; inlay. atarantado, da, a. bitten "by a tarantula; restless ; wild ; astonished, amazed. a.tarazaiia,/- arsenal; spinner's shed. atarazar, va. to bite ; wound with the teeth. atareado, da, a. busied, occupied.—^, of ATAKKAK. atar ear, va. to task ; exercise. — vr. to be ex- ceed i ugly busy. atarjea,/. culvert; conduit; small sewer. atarO[Ulaar, va. to bemire. — vr. to be covered with mire. atarraga,/. (bot.) v. olivarda. atarragar, va. (farr.) to fit a horse's shoe. atarrajar, va. to form the thread of a screw. r. ATERRAJAR. ataxraya,/. cast-net. atanigado, da, a.^pp. of atarugar. atarugamiento, m. wedging. atarugar, va. {pret. atarugue : subj. ATARU- GUE) to fasten; wedge; to plug, bung; (coll.) to silence. AtasaJadO, da, a. stretched across a horse. — pp. of ATASAJAR. atasajar, va. to "jerk" beef. fttascadero, atascamlento, m. deep miry place; obstruction; impediment, atascar, va. {pret. atasque : subj. atasque) to stop a leak ; to stop up, obstruct. — vr. to stick in mire ; to get stopped up ; to lose the thread of a speech. Atasco, in. barrier, obstruction. ataud, m. coffin, casket ; grain measure. ataudado, da, «. coffin-shaped. ataujia, /. damaskeening. ataujiaido, da, a. damaskeened. ataviado, da, a. ornamented, decked.— pp. of ATAVIAR. ataviax, va. to dress out ; deck ; trim ; adorn ; eml>ellish. ax^aviCO, ca, a. relating to atavism. atavlO, m. dress ; finery, gear. atavlBmo, m. atavism. Ataxia,/, (med.) ataxia, ataxy. atAxlcO, ca, a. ataxic. atedlar, va. to disgust. — vr. to be bored. ateismo, m. atheism. aieista, m. atheist, infidel. atele, m. hardwood tree (Cuba). atelaje, v. atalaje; also a team. atemorizar, va. {pret. atemoric^: subj. A tkmorick) to cause fear ; to daunt. atemperaci6n,/. tempering. atemperante, a. tempering, mollifying, soothiiif?, cooling. atemperar, va. to temper, soften, mollify, assuage, cool ; accommodate. atenacear, atenazar, va. to tear off the flesh with nippers. atenci6n,/. attention, heed; clyility ; kind- ness ; deal in wool.— p/. affairs, busi- ness. Atender, vn. ( pp. atendido and atento : 'nd. ATlENDo: subj. atienda) to attend, mind, heed, hearken ; to take care of. Atendible, a. meriting attention. ateneo, m. athenieum. ateneo, a, or ateniense, adj. Athenian. atenerse, vr. {ind. me atengo : pret. me ATTJVE : subj. me atenoa) to stick to; t« abide by. atenta,/. (com.) »u atenta, your favour. atentacion, /. (law) illegal'procedure atentadamente, adv. contrary to law. atentado, da, a. discreet, prudent, moder- ate ; noiseless.— pp. of atentar. atentado, m. (law) unwarranted proceeding, transgression, offence. atentamente, adv. attentively ; politely. atentar, ra. ( i?trf. atiento : subj. ATIEXTEi to attempt a crime ; to proceed illegally. atentatorlo, ria, «. contrary to the laws. atento, ta, «. attentive, listful, heedful ; po- lite, civil, courteous.— pp. irr. of atender. atenuaclbn, /. attenuation, extenuation, di- minution ; (rhet.) litotes. atenuante, a. attenuating ; extenuating (cir- cumstances). atenuar, va. to attenuate, extenuate, dimin^ ish, lessen ; make lean. ateO, TO. V. ATEISTA. atepocate, TO. (Mex.) frog spawn. atercianado, da, a. afflicted with tertiaa fever. aterciopelado, da, a. velvet-like. aterido, da, a. stiff with cold.— pp. of atk- RIRSE. aterimientO, m. growing stiff with cold. aterino, to. atherme, sand-smelt. aterirse, vr. {ind. me ATIERO : subj. me atie- ra) to grow stiff with cold. aternerado, da, a. calf-like. ateroma,/. atheroma. aterrador, ra, a. frightful, terrible, dread- ful. aterrajar, va. to thread a screw ; to tap with tne aie. aterramientO, to. ruin, destruction, terror; (naut. ) landing-place. atierrar, va. {ind. atierro : subj. atierre) to destroy , pull down, demolish. — vr. (naut. ) to stand inshore. aterrar, va. {this verb is regular in the follow-' ing acceptations) to terrify, to awe, to ap- pal. — vr. to be tilled with terror, to be awed or appalled. aterronar, va. to clod.--vr. to grow lumpy. aterrorizar, va. to frighten, terrify. atesador, to. (meoh.) stretcher, line-tighten- er, tensor, take-up ; brace-pin. atesar, va. {ind. atieso: subj. atikse) to brace, tighten ; (naut.) to haul taut. atesorador, to. hoarder. atesorar, va. to treasure, hoard up, possess. atestacibn, /. attestation, testimony, affida- vit. atestado, da, a. attested, witnessed. V. tes« TARUDO.— pp. of ATESTAR. atestados, to. pi. certificates, testimonials, atestadura, /. cramming or stuffing ; must for soaking casks. atestamiento, to. cramming, stuffing. atestar, va. {ind. atiesto : subj. ATIESTE) to cram, stuff, crowd; to fill up wine casks; attest, witness. atestiguacl^n,/. atestiguamiento, m. affi' davit. atestiguar, va. to depose, witness, attest; give evidence. al^tado, da, a. mammiform.— pp. of atetak. atetar, va. to suokle. atetillar, va. to trench around roots. atezado, da, black.— pp. of atezar. atezamiento, to. bl-ackenia^ atezar, va. { pret. atec6 : "subj. atece) to blacken. — vr. to grow black. atlborrar, va. to stuff, cram, gorge. * aa iB far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before e, i) and c m th in thick ; b sad d, soft-* ATI 65 ATE atlcismo, m. Atticism ; witticism, joke. atiCO, ca, «. Attic, elegant. — m. attic. atiendo, yo atienda {irr. from atender). atiento, yo atlente (tVr. from atentar). atierre, m. deals ; caving in ; run ; (mining) attle, heap of waste ore. atierro, yo atierre (i/r. from aterrar). atiesar, va. to stiffen. , atifle, ni. potter's trevet. atigradO, da, a. tiger-coloured. atildadura, /. atudamiento, m. punctua- tion, censure, tidiness, nicety. atildar, va. to put a dash or tilde over a let- ter ; to censure ; to adorn. atL'aadamente, adv. cautiously ; pertinently. atinar, vn. to hit the mark ; guess ; find out. atincar, m. tincal, borax. atinconar, va. (min.) to prop the side walls. atiplar, va. to raise the pitch of a musical instrument. — vr. to grow very sharp. atirantar, va. (arch. ) to truss, to stay. atiriciarse, vr. to grow jaundiced. atisbadero, m. peephole. atisbador, ra, m. &f. prier, observer. atisbaidura,/. prying, observing cautiousjy, atisbar, va. to scrutinize ; pry, watch. atisbO, m. V. atisbadura. atisuado, da, a. tissue-like. atizadero, m. atizador, ra, m. &/. inciter ; poker ; snuffer ; feeder. atizar, va. {pret. ATicfe: subj. atice) to poke; snuff; dress; trim; rouse; incite. atizonar, va. to riprap. — vr. to be smutted. atlantes, m. (arch.) atlantes or telamones. AtliintICO, a. Atlantic. atlas, TO. atlas, book of maps; (anat.) first cervical vertebra ; (com.) rich satin. atleta, m. athlete, wrestler, gymnast. atletiCO, ca, a. athletic ; robust. atlll6sfera,/. atmosphere, the air; space of influence ; measure of force. atmosferiCO, ca, a. atmospherical. atoaje, to. towage, warping. atoar, va. (naut.) to tow a vessel. atocinado, da, a. corpulent, fat, fleshy.— pp. of ATOCINAR. atocinar, va. to cut up a pig j make bacon ; assassinate. — vr. to swell with anger and rage ; become violently enamoured. atOCha,/. tough feather-grass, bass-weed. atochal, atocnar, m. bass-weed field. atocliar, va. to fill with bass-weed. atochdn, to. panicle of tough feather-grass. atole or atol, to. gruel made of corn flour. atoleria,/. place where atole is sold. atolero, ra, a. maker and vender of atole. atolondrado, da, a. hare-brained, thought- less, giddy, careless.— :pp. of atolondrar. atolondramiento, to. confusion, perplex- ity, amazement ; giddiness. atolondrar, va. to confound, confuse, amaze, perplex, rattle. — vr. to be confused, giddy, rattled. atoUadero, to. deep miry place ; obstacle, impediment. atollar, vn. to fall into the mire ; to stick in the mud. — vr. to be involved in difficulties. atbmico, ca, a. atomic. atomismo, to. atomism. atomista, m. atomist. atomiatico, ca, a. atomical. ^tomo, TO. atom ; corpuscle ; ace ; mote ; anything extremely small. atondar, va. to spur a horse. atonia,/. (med.) atony; debility. atbnlto, ta, a. astonished, amazed. ^tono, na, a. unaccented ; a-tonic. atontadamente, adv. foolishly, stupidly. atontado, da, a. mopish, foolish, stupid.— pp. of ATONTAR. atontamiento, m. stupefaction. atontar, va. to stun, stupefy, confoundf confuse. — vr. to grow stupid, dull. atorar, va. to obstruct ; to jam ; to choke ; to cut branches for fuel. — vr. to stick in the mire ; fit the bore closely ; choke. atoimentadameute, adv. anxiously, tor- meuiiugly. atormentado, da, a. painful, beset with af- fliction.— />p. of ATORMENTAR. atormentador, ra, to. & f. tormentor. atormentar, va. to torment, give pain, cause affliction, harass, rack, atornlllar, va. to screw. atorozonarse, vr. to suffer gripes or colic, atortolar, va. to confound, intimidate. — vr. to be intimidated. atortorar, va. (naut^) to frap a ship, atortujar, va. to squeeze, make flat. atosigador, w. poisoner. atosigamiento, to. poisoning. atOSigar, va. {pret. ATOSiGufe : subJ. ATOSI- gue) to poison, harass, press. atOXicar, va. to poison. atbxiCO, ca, a. poisonous. atrabancar, va. {pret. atrabanquk : stibj. atrabanque) to huddle ; perform in a hurry. atrabancO, m. huddling, acting hurriedlv. atrabiliario, rla, atrabilioso, sa, a. atra- bilarious. atrabilis,/. black bile. atracable, «. approachable. atracadero, TO. (naut.) landing-place. atracar, va. {pret. atraquk : subj. atraque) (naut.) to overtake, approach; to cram; pamper. — vr. to be pampered. atraccidn,/. attraction. atracdn, to. over-eating, gluttony. atractivo, va, a. attractive, magnetic, en- gaging. — TO. charm, grace, inducement. atractrlz, a. fuerza atractriz, attractive power. atraer, va. {Ind. atraigo -. pret. atraje : subj. atraiga) to attract, draw, allure, in- vite, charm. atraiiagadO, da, a. much occupied ; labori- ous.— pp. of atrafagar; fidgety. atrafagar, vn. to toil, work hard. — vr. to fid- get, fuss. atragantarse, vr. to choke ; to be cut short in conversation. atraible, a. attractable. atraldorado, da, a. treacherous, perfidious. atraigo, atraje, atraiga {irregular from atraer). atraillar, va. to leash ; to follow game guid- ed by a dog in leash. atramento, to. black colour. atramparse, vr. to be trapped, snared; locked out ; choked ; blocked up ; involved in difficulties. atramuz, to. (bot.) lupine. II ALTEAMuz. atrancar,t'a. {pret. atranquf. -. subj. atran- que) to bar a door ; to obstruct ; to stride ; to read hurriedlv. atrapa-moscas,/. (bot.) Venus' s fly-trap. atrapar, va. to overtake, nab, catch, grab ; to trap, insnare, deceive. atris, adv. backward, behind, back ; past : hacerse atr&s, to fall back. atrasado, da {pp. of atrasar), «. short of means, poor ; behind. atrasar, va. to retard, delay, detain. — vn. to go slow (as a watch). — vr. to remain behind ; to be in debt, atraso, to. backwardness.—^;, arrears. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed. aTE 56 AUM atravesadO, da, a. squint-eyed ; oblique ; mongrel.^^>p. of atkavesak. atravesador, m. traverser. atravesafio, m. cross-timber ; cross-piece. atravesar, va. {ind. atbavieso : stibj. atra- viesk) to place across, lay athwart ; to run through, pierce; to cross over, go over, go through ; to bet, wager ; (naut.) to lie to. — vr. to be thrown, placed amongst or across ; to interfere, interrupt, mingle, dispute ; (naut. ) to cross the course of another vessel. atravleso {Irr. from atravesar). atrayeilte,i>«. atrahent, attractive. atreguado, da, a. foolish, deranged ; under truee. atreguar, va. to conclude a truce; give an extension. atrenzo, m. conflict, difficulty. atresia, f. (med.) atresia. atresnaiiar, va. to collect sheaves into heaps. atreverse, vr. to dare ; to venture. atrevidaiueilte, adv. audaciously, daringly, boldly. atrevidO, da, a. bold, audacious, daring, fear- less ; forward, insolent. — -pp. of atreverse. atrevimiento, m. boldness, audacity, effront- ery, insolence. atrlbucibn,/. attribution; attribute. atribuir, va. {ind. atribuyo : pret. 61 atri- BUYO : subj. atribuya) to attribute, ascribe, impute. — vr. to assume. atribular, va. to vex, afflict. — vr. to suffer tribulation. atributivo, va, a. attributive. atributO, m. attribute. atribuyo, ya {irr. from atribuir). atrici6n, /. contrition ; grief for sin ; (farr.) contraction. atril, m. lectern, music-stand. atrilera,/. ornamental cover for a lectern. atrincheramiento,m.intrenchment,mound. atrincherar, va. to intrench, mound. — vr. to intrench one's self. atrio, m. porch, portico, courtyard. atripedo, da, a. (zool.) black-footed. atrirrostro, tra, a. black-beaked. atrltO, ta, «. contrite through fear. atro, ra, a. (poet.) dark, black, obscure. atrocidad, /. atrocity, atrociousness, hein- ousness, cruelty, wickedness, excess. atrochar, vn. to go by cross-paths. atrofia,/. atrophy. atrofiarse, vr. to waste away. atr6fi.C0, ca, a. affected with atrophy. atrojarse, vr. (Mex. coll.) to be stumped. atrompetado, da, a. trumpet-like. atronadamente, adv. precipitately. atronado, m. blunderer ; wild. — a. precipi- tate.— ^^yj. of ATRONAR. atronaaor, ra, m. &/. thunderer. atronadura,/. crack or split in wood ; (farr.) tumour iu the pastern. ^.tronaiuieilto, m. thundering, stupefaction ; (farr.) crepane or ulcer. fctronar, va. (ind. atrueno : subj. atruene) to thunder, stun, stupefy ; stop the ears of horses ; to kill a bull. — vr. to be thunder- struck. Ittronerar, va. to make embrasures. atropado, a. grouped, clumped.— pp. of atro- PAR. atr.opar, va. to assemble in groups, atropelladamente, adv. tumultuously, hel- ter-skelter. atropellado, da, a. hasty, precipitate.— pp. of ATKOPKLLAR. atropellador, ra, m. & f. trampler, trans- gressor, violator. atropellamientO, m. trampling under foot; confusedness. atropellar, va. to trample under foot ; knock down ; push through ; insult ; to violate the law. — vr. to be very hasty. atropellO, m. trampling, upsetting; abuse, insult, outrage. atropina,/. atropyie. atrOZ, a. atrocious, cruel, inhuman, heinous; huge, vast, enormous. atrozar, va. (naut. ) to truss a yard, atrozmente, adv. atrociously ; excessively, atruendo, atuendo, m. pomp, ostentation, atruhanado, da, a. scurrilous, rascally. atrueno, atruene {irr. from atronar'). atufadamente, adv. peevishly, morosely. atufar, va. to vex, irritate, plague. — it. to fret (liquors) ; to be angry. atufo, m. vexation, annoyance. atun, m. tunny-fish. atunara, /. place where tunny-fishes are caught. atunera,/. tunny-fish hook. atunero, m. tunny fisherman or dealer. aturar, va. to act judiciously ; to close tight, aturdido, da, a. hare-brained, giddy, rat- tled.— ;«>. of ATURDIR. aturdimiento, w. bewilderment, confusion, amazement. aturdir, va. to perturb, confuse, bewilder, amaze, rattle, perplex, stun. — it. to be dazed, bewildered, rattled, stunned. aturrullar, va. to confound, confuse, per- plex, bewilder. atusador, m. hairdresser ; one who trims plants. atusar, va. to cut and trim the hair or the plants ; to comb and smooth the hair. — vr. to dress one's self with too much care. atutia,/. tutty. auca, /. goose. V. oca. audacia,/. audacity, boldness. audaz, a. bold, audacious, fearless. audible, a. audible. audiencia, /. audience, hearing, reception ; audience-chamber ; court of oyer and ter« miner. auditivo, va, a. auditive, auditory. auditor, m. judge. auditoria,/- place and office of an auditor, auditorio, m. auditory, audience. auditorio, ria, a. auditory, v. AUDITIVO. auge, m. acme ; (ast.) apogee. augur, in. augur, augurer. auguraci6n,/. auguration. augural, a. augurial. augurar, va. to augur. augiirio, m. V. agOero. augusto, ta, a. august, magnificent. aula,/, lecture-hall; (poet.) palace. aulaga, /. furze, whin, gorse. &ulico, ca, a. aulic. aulladero, m. place where wolves howl. aullador, ra, »«. &/. howler. aullar, vn. to howJ, yell, cry. aullido, auUo, m. howl, cry of horror. aumentable, a. that may be augmented. aumentacibn, /. augmentation, increase; (rhet. ) climax. aumentado, da, a. increased, augmented. -« . pp. of aumentar. aumentador, ra, a. enlarger, amplifier. aumentar, *a. & vr. to augment, increase, enlarge. aumentatiVO, va, a. increasing, enlarging. aumentO, m, augmentation, increase, en- largement ; access, accession ; growth : »«• mentoi, promotion, advancement. « M In far ; e in eh t ; i in police ; o in for ; n Iu bull ; c (before e, 1) and K as th in thick ; b and d, uottt AUN 67 aim, adv. yet, as yet, nevertheless, notwith- standing. V. TODAvfA and tambi^n ; still, even, further. aunax, va. to unite, join ; assemble ; incor- porate ; mix. — I'r. to be united or confed- erated. aunque, adv. though, notwithstanding, how- soever. aupa, up, up (to children). aupar, va. to help a child get up. aura, /. vulture of Mexico and Cuba ; gentle breeze : aura popular , popularity ; (med. ) epileptic, aura. aurancl^ceo, ea, a. orange-like. &ureO, m. ancient gold coin ; weight ot four scruples. &TireO, rea, a. golden, gilt, gold: iureo nu- mero, golden number, the lunar cycle. atireola or aureola,/, aureola. auricalCO, m. aurichalcum ; brass. auricula,/, auricle; (bot.) bear's-ear. auriciQar, a. auricular ; auricularis. auriculato, ta, a. auriculate. aurifero, ra, aurigero, ra, a. auriferous. auriga, m. coachman; (ast.) charioteer. aurivoro, ra, «. avaricious of gold. aurista, m. aurist, specialist. aurora, /. dawn of day ; first appearance ; beverage; roseate hue; (naut.) morning watch-gun. aurragado, da, a, badly tilled and culti- vated. auruspice, v. artjspice. auscultaci6n,/. (med.) auscultation. auscultar, va. (med. ) to auscultate. ausencla,/. absence. ausentarse, vr. to absent one's self. ausente, a. absent, distant. ausplcio, m. presage, prediction ; protection, patronage. austeramente, adv. austerely, frowningly. austeridad,/. austerity, severity. austero, ra, a. harsh, astringent, acrid; re- tired, mortified, and penitent ; severe, rigid. austral, austrino, na, a. austral. austriaco, Ca, a. Austrian. austro, m. south wind ; notus. aut6ntica,/. a certificate, attestation. autenticaci6n. /. authentication. autenticamente, adv. authentically. autenticar, va. (jpret. autentiquk : subj. autentique) to authenticate ; attest. autenticidad,/. authenticity. aut6ntlC0, ca, a. authentic, genuine. autillo, m. particular decree of the Inquisi- tion ; (orn.) the barn-owl. auto, ra. judicial decree or sentence ; writ, warrant ; edict, ordinance : auto de fe, pub- lit punishment by the Inquisition : auto sacramental, allegorical or religious play. — pi. autos, proceedings in a lawsuit. autObiOgrafia,/. autobiography. autobiograflco, ca, a. autobiographical, autocracia,/. autocracy. - aut6crata, m. autocrat. autocratico, ca, a. autocratical. aut6ctono, na, a. autochthonous. autografia,/. autography. autogr^fico, ca, a. autographical. aut6grafO, m. autograph. autbmata, m. automaton ; weak person. automatico, ca, a. automatical. automotor, ra, triz, a. & n. self-motor. autombvil, m. automobile. autonomia./. autonomy, home-rule. autonbmico, ca, a. autonomic. autonomista, m. & /. autonomist. autbnomo, ma, a. autonomous, free. AVE autoplastic/, (surg.) autoplasty. autopsla,/. autopsy, post-mortem. autdpsldO, da, a. having a metallic lustre. autor, m. author, inventor, maker, composer, writer ; theatrical manager ; (law) perpe* trator or abettor of a crime, autora,/. authoress. autorciUO, m. dim. bad writer. autoria, /. business management of a theatre. autorldad,/. authority, power, merit, credit ; ostentation, display ; quotation. autoritariO, ria, a. assuming authority, or upholding it. autorizable, a. that can be authorized, autorlzacibn, /. authorization. autorizadamente, adv. authoritatively. autorizado, da, a. respectable, commend' able.— pp. of AUTORIZAR. autorlzador, ra, a. authorizer. autorizamiento, m. v. autorizaci6n. autorizar, va. {pret. autoric^: subj. AUTOr rice) to authorize, empower; to attest legalize ; prove bv quotation ; approve qualify, exalt, extol. autorzuelo, m. v. autorcillo. autumnal, a. autumnal. auxiliador, ra, a. helper, protector, saver. auxiliante, pa. helping, aiding. auxiliar, va. to aid, help, assist; attend a dying person. auxiliar, a. auxiliar, auxiliatory, helping^. assistant. auxiliatoriO, ria, a. (law) auxiliary. auxilio, m. aid, help, assistance. ava-ava,/. (bot.) kava. avacado, da, a. cow-like. avadarse, vr. to become fordable. avahar, va. to warm with breath or vapotw- — vn. to v?pour, fume. aval, m. (com ; indorsement. avalcntado, da, a. bragging, boasting. avalentonado, da, a. braggart. avalO, m. slight movement; earthquake. avalorar, va. to estimate, value, price ; to in- spirit, encourage. avaluacidn,/. valuation, rate, appraisement. avaluar, va. to value, appraise, estimate. avalUO, m. valuation, appraisement. avambrazo, m. armlet. avampi^S, m. spatterdashes. avance, m. advance, attack, assault ; (com.) payment in advance ; balance-sheet. avantr^n, m. limbers of a gun-carriage. avanzaAa,/. outpost, reconnoitring body. avanzado, da, a. advanced, onward.— /m>. oi avanzar. avanzar, vn. {pret. avanc^ : subj. avance) to advance; attack; (coll.) vomit; have a balance in one's favour. — va. to advance, push forward, avanzo, m. (com.) balance-sheet, avaramente, adv. avariciously, miserably, avaricia,/. avarice, cupidity, avariciosamente, adv. greedily, covetously, avaricioso, sa, a., v. avariento. avariento, ta, a. avaricious, niggard, miser* ly, miserable, close. avaro, ra, a. V. avariento. avasallar, va. to subdue, subject, enslave.— vr. to become a subject, vassal. ave, /. bird, fowl: ave de rapifta, bird (A prey. avecica, ilia, ita,/. dim. small bird, avecinar, va. & vr. to get near, approach, avecindamiento, m. citizenship. avecindar, va. to make a denizen — vr. to become a denizen ; to approach ; be neigh- bourly. g (before e, 1) and J as h in hot; h, eilent; 11 In brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr triUed; ■, hlasedi , AVE avecllUCllO, m. ugly bird ; sparrow-hawk ; ragamuffin. avejentado, a. old in appearance.— pp. of AVEJENTAR. avejentar, va. & vr. to appear old. aveligar, i^a- to produce pimples ; blister, avellajia, /■ filbert, hazel-nut. avellanadO, da, o. nut-brown : coco avella- nad*, dry cocoanut.^pp. of avellanarse. ayellanador, m. countersink bit, rose-bit ; rimer. avellanal or avellanar, m. plantation of ha'els. avellanar, va. to countersink. avellanarse, vr. to shrivel. avellaneda, /. avellanedo, m. plantation of hazels. avellanera, /. V. avellano. avellanero, ra, m. &/. dealer in filberts. avellanica, /. dim. small filbert. avellano, m. hazel-nut tree ; filbert-tree. avemaria, /. Ave Mary, the angel's saluta- tion ; rosary bead : al avemaria, at dusk. i Ave Maria ! interj. gracious goodness ! avena,/- oats; (poet.) pastoral pipe. aven^ceo, cea, a. oat-like. avenado, da, a. relating to oats ; lunatic. — ^p. of avenar. avenal, m. oat-field. avenamlento, »«. draining off water. avenar, va. to drain or draw off water. avenate, m. oatmeal-gruel ; fit of madness. avenenar, va. v. envenenar. avenencia, /. agreement, compact, bargain ; conformity ; compromise. aven^o, yd avine {trr. from avenir). aveniceo, cea, a. oaten. avenida,/. flood, inundation, freshet; coun- try road or lane ; concurrence, agree- ment. avenido, da, a. agreed.— w>. of avenir. avenidor, ra, »*. &/. mediator. avenimientO, m. convention ; agreement. avenir, va. {ind-. avengo : pret. avine : subj. avenga) to reconcile. — vr. to settle differ- ences ; to join, unite, accord, agree ; com- promise. aventadero, m. winnowing-place. aventado, da, a.— pp. of aventar. aventador, m. fanner, blowing fan, venti- lator ; (arch.) scutcher; (gas) bat-wing; (agr. ) winnower; pitchfork. aventadura, /. (vet.) wind-gall: aventadu- ra de estopa, (naut.) a leak. aventajadamente, adv. advantageously, conveniently, exceedingly well. aventajado, da, a. advantageous, profit- able, notable, remarkable; bettered.— pp. of AVENTAJAK. aventajar, va. & vr. to surpass, excel, ex- ceed ; to advance ; to give advantages, me- liorate, improve. aventamientO, m. winnowing, fanning. aventar, va. {ind. aviento : subj. aviente) to fan, air, winnow, expel. — tm. to breathe hard. — vr. to be inflated or puffed up ; escape, run away ; be tainted. aventura, /. adventure, event, incident, casualty, chance, venture, hazard, risk. aventurado, da, pp. of aventurar. aventurar, va. to venture, hazard, risk. aventureramente, adv. by chance. aventurero, m. adventurer ; knight-errant ; free-lance. aventurero, ra, a. voluntary, undisciplined, adventurous. V. advenkdizo. avergonzar, avergoflar, va. (ind. aver- gCenzo : pret. AVEROoNcfe : subj. aver- 58 AVI gOence) to shame, abash, confound.— rr. to shame, blush for. averia, /. aviary, poultry-yard; damage; average : averia grueia, general average. averiado, da, a. averaged, damaged.— pp. of averiarse. averlarse, vr. to sustain damage. averiguable, a. investi^able. averiguaci6n, /. investigation, inquiry, in- quest. averiguadamente, adv. certainly, surely. averiguador, ra, a. investigator, inquirer. averiguamiento, m. v. averiguaci6n. averiguar, va. to inquire, investigate, ascer- tain, find out. averio, m. flock of birds, aviary. avemo, m. (poet.) hell. averrugadO, da, a. having many warts. averrugarse, vr. to show warts. aversi6n,/. aversion, opposition, dislike, ab- horrence, loathing. avestruz, m. (orn.^ ostrich. avetado, da, a. veined, streaked. avetarda,/. v. avutarda. avezar, va. {pret. avec6 : subj. avece) to ac- custom, habituate. aviado, m. (Amer.) one supplied with money to work a mine. aviador, m. provider ; calking-auger ; one who supplies money to work mines. aviar, va. to provide articles for a journey, accoutre, prepare, furnish money ; to has- ten. — vr. to get readv. aviciar, va. to give bloom to plants. avldez,/. covetousness, avidity. 4vid0, da, a. eager, anxious, covetous. aTiiejarse, vr. to grow old. aviento, m. pitchfork. V. BIELDO. aviento, aviente {irr. from aventar). aviesamente, adv. sinistrously, perversely. avieso, sa, a. crooked, irregular ; mischiey ous, perverse. avigorar, va. to invigorate ; revive. avilantez, avilanteza,/. forwardness, bold- ness, audaciousness ; insolence. avillanado, da, a. rustic, clownish, mean. — pp. of AVILLANAR. avulanar, va. to viUanize ; debase. — vr. to grow mean ; degenerate. avinadO, da, a. wine-coloured ; bibulous, avinagradamente, adv. harshly. avlnagrado, da, a. harsh, crabbed, peevish. —pp. of AVINAGRAR. avinagrar, va. to sour, acidulate. avio, m. preparation, provision ; money ad- vanced for working mines.— p/. avios de pea- car, fishing-tackle: |al avio I interj. make ready; hurry up! avidn, «i. (orn.) martin, martlet, swallow. avisadamente, adv. prudently. avisado, da, a. prudent, cautious, sagacious, clear-sighted: mal aviiado, ill-advised.— pp. of AVISAR. avisador, m. adviser, adraonisher ; announ- cer, informer. avlsar, va. to inform, announce, give no- tice ; warn, advise^ counsel, admonish. aviso, m. information, intelligence, notice, announcement ; advice, warning ; prudence, care, attention ; (naut.) advice-boat. avispa,^/". wasp. avispado, da, a. lively, brisk, clever.— pp. of AVISPAR. avispar, va. to spur, lash, incite, rouse.— rr. to fret, worry. avispero, m. wasp's nest, comb ; (med.) car- buncle. avisp6n, m. hornet. . ft M In far : e in eb I ; i iu police ; o in for ; « lu ball ; c (before e, i) and Z as th in tbick ; b and A, loftj AVI avistar, va. to descry at a distance. — vr. to have a business interview. avitar, va. (naut.) to bitt the cable. avitelado, a- vellum-like. avituallar, t'a. (mil.) to victual. avivadamente, adv. lively, briskly. avivador, ra, m. & /. enlivener ; hastener ; rabbet-plane ; fluting-plane ; perforated pa- per for raising silk-worms ; (arch.) quirk. ayivamiento, m. enlivening, quickness. avivar, va. to quicken, enliven ; encourage ; hasten ; to heat, inflame ; to vivify, re- vive ; to heighten colours ; to rabbet. — in. to revive ; cheer up : avivar el ojo, to be watchful. avizor, adj. ojo avlzor, sharp lookout, — m. one who watches. avizorador, ra, a. one who watches. avizorar, va. to watch : keep a sharp look- out ; to spy. -avo, va,TO. &/. termination denoting a frac- tion, as quinceavo, one-fifteenth. avocaci6n, /. avocamiento, m. (law) re- moving a lawsuit to a superior court. avocar, va. {pret. AVOQU^: subj. avoque) (law) to remove a lawsuit to a superior court. avoceta,/. avocet, a wading bird. avolcanado, da, a. volcanic. avucasta,/. widgeon, wild duck. avugO, m. very small, early pear. avuguero, m. kind of pear-tree. avulsibn,/. (surg.) forcible separation. avutarda,/. bustard, wild turkey. avutardado, da, a. bustard-like, axil [ak-eedrj, a. (bot.) axial ; (zool.) axillary. — m. axil. axila[ak-8ea'-iah],/. armpit; (bot.) axilla. axilar [ak-sea-iahr'], a. axillar ; (bot.) axillary. axinita [ak-sea-nee'-tah],/. axinite. axloma [ak-sea-oh'-mRh], m. axiom, maxim. axi01IlktiC0,ca[ak-fle-o-mah'-te-co], a. axiomatic. axibmetro [ak-eea-oh'-may-tro], TO. (naut.) axi- ometer. axis [ak'-sigi TO. (anat.) second vertebra; (zool. ) Indian deer. i ay ! interj. alas ! | ay de mi I woe is me 1 aya,./". governess, instructress. ayate, m. stuff made of pita. ayer, adv. yesterday, lately. i ayni6 ! inteTj. V. j ay de Mf ! ayo, rn. tutor or governor ; teacher. ayocote, (Mex.) kidney-bean. ayocuantoto, to. mountain bird of Mexico. ayuda,/. help, aid, assistance, support, suc- cour : ayuda de parroqaia, chapel of ease ; injection, enema, or clyster; syringe; (naut.) preventer-rope: aynda de c4mara, valet. ayndador, ra, m. &f. assistant, helper. ayudante, m. assistant; (mil.) adjutant, aide-de-camp. ayudar, va. to aid, help, favour, assist. — vr. to adopt measures to obtain success. ayuga,/. (hot.) ground-pine. ayimador, ra, a. ayunante, pa. faster. ayunar, vn. to fast. ayunas (en), adv. fasting before breakfast; without knowledge : quedarse en asrunas, to miss the point. ayuno, na, a. fasting, abstemious; unin- formed. — m. fast, abstinence. ayunque iahyoon'-kayl, to. anvil. V. YUNQUE. aytmtable, a. joinable. ayuntamientO, to. municipal government; carnal copulation : casa de ayontamiento, city hall, town-hall, ayustar, ra. (naut.) to splice. 59 AZO ayuste, m. (naut.) splicing; scarf, scarfing, azabachado, da, a. black as jet. azabache iah-tiiah-bah'-chayj, TO. jet : azabachei^ trinkets of jet. azabara,/. common aloe, azacan, m. water-carrier, azacaya,/. (prov.) water-pipe, azache, a. inferior silk, azada [ah-thah'-dah], /. (agr.)hoe; spade. azadada,/. blow with a hoe. azadica, ma, ita,/. dim. small hoe. azad6ll iah-tuah-don'], TO. large hoe : azadon d« peto 6 de pico, pickaxe. azadonada, /. blow with a hoe. azadonar, va. to hoe, to dig with a hoe. azadonazo, m. stroke with a hoe. aZadOnCillO (ah-thah-don-thier-lyol, TO. dim. Small hoe. azadonero, to. digger. azafata,/. lady of the queen's wardrobe, azafate, m. low, flat basket, tray. azafr^, to. (bot.) safifron : azafr&n del tim6ii, (naut.) after-piece of the rudder. azafranado, da, a. saffron-like.— /jp. of aza- FRAJJAR. azafranal, m. saffron plantation. azaftanar, va. to dye with saffron. azafranero, to. dealer in saffron. azagador, to. path for cattle. azagaya, /. javelin, spear, half-pike. azagayada,/. cast of a javelin, azanar, to. orange or lemon flower : agaa de azahar, orange-flower water. azainadamente, adv. perfidiously. azal^, m. Mohammedan prayer. azalea,/, (bot.) azalea, azamboa, /. kind of citron. azambOO, boero, m. zamboa-tree ; citron. azanahoriate, m. preserved carrot. azanca, /. subterranean spring. azanorla, azenoria, /. carrot, v. zanaho- RIA. azar [ah-thar"], TO. unforeseen disaster ; acci- dent ; disappointment ; losiug card or throw at dice ; impediment • hazard, chance ; cush- ion sides of a billiard-pocket. azarado, da, a. & pp. of azarar, coufused, rattled. azarar, va. to confuse, stagger, bewilder, rattle. — vr. to get rattled, bewildered. azarbe, m. trench for irrigation, azarbeta, dim. small trench for irrigating. azarcbn, to. minium ; orange-colour. azaria,/. kind of coral. azarja [ah-thar'-ha], /. instrument for winding raw silk, azarolla,/. (bot.) V. acerola. azarollO, to. true service-tree. azarosamente, adv. unfortunately. azaroso, sa, a. unlucky, unfortunate. azcdn, to, azcona, /. dart, javelin, ^zimo, ma, a. azymous, unleavened, azimilt, TO. (ast,) azimuih, azimiltal, a. relating to the azimuth, , aznacbo, aznallo, to. Scotch fir ; species o1 rest-harrow. azoato, TO. nitrate, azoe, m, (chem.) nitrogen. azofaifa,/, v. azufaifa, azbfax, to. brass, latten, V. lat(5n. azogadamente, adv. quickly, restlessly. azogado, da, a. restless, trembling. azogasiientO, to. overlaying with quicksil- ver ; restlessness, azogar, va. {pret. AZOGui : snhj. azogue) tp, of azucarar. azucarado, to. cosmetic for ladies. azucarar, va. to sugar, sweeten ; soften ; coat or ice with sugar. azucarero, to. sugar-master ; sugar-bowl ; confectioner. — a. relating to sugar. azucarlllo, to. sweetmeat of egg-white, sugar, and a flavour. azucena, /. white lily. azuche, to, pile shoe, pile ferrule. azud, azuda, /, dam with a sluice ; irriga- tion water-wheel, azuela,/. adze: azuela de constmccibn, ship- wright's adze: azuela curva, hollow adze, azufaifa,/. jujube or jujubes. azufaifo, "azufelfo, to. jujube-tree. azufrado, da, «. fumigated with sulphur, sul- phureous, Bulphur-hued.— -wp, of azufras, azufrador, to. machine for drying linen ; in- strument for sulphuring vines. azufrar, va. to bleach ; to sulphur. azufre, m. sulphur, brimstone. azufrera, /. sulphur-mine, azufr6n, to. pyrites in powder. azufroso, sa, a. sulphureous, azul, a. blue: azul celeite, sky-blue: azul turqui, indigo. aztQado, da, pp. of azular. azured, bluish. azulaque laii-thoo-un'-kavi. to. v. zulaque. azular, va. to dye or colour blue. 60 BAC azulear, vn. to have a bluish oast. aZUlejado, da [ah-thoo-lay-hah'- tion, oscillation, rolling, recking, swing-? ing, see-saw; equilibrium; balance-sheet; (Cuba) rocking-chair. balancear [bahlan-thay-ar'], Vffl., vn. & vr. tO balance, oscillate, poise, roll, rock, waver; (com.) settle accounts. balanceo, m. balancing, oscillation, rocking balancero, m. V. balanzario. balancin [bah-ian-theen'i^ m. splinter-bar , swing! bar ; whipple-tree, single-tree, whiffle-tree ; (mech.) walking-beam, balance-beam} minting mill ; poy, a repe-dancer's pole : balancines, (naut.) lifts: balanciaes de la brnjula, (naut.) brass rings of the compass. balandra,/. (naut.) bilander; sloop. balandr^n, m. cassock. balandro, m. (Cuba) fishing-smack. balano, m. (anat.) balanus. balante, pa. (poet. ) bleating. balanza [bah-iahn-thah], /. scale; balance? comparative estimate, judgment. balanzario, m. weigh-m aster in the mint. % (before e, 1) and J m h In hot ,- h, nilent ; 11 in brilliant ; &. K" in o nyon : r ( ( nitinO and rr trilled ' a. BAL 62 BAN balanzOn, m. (jewel.) eleaning-pan. balar. vn. to bleat : balar por, to crave. balasiar, va. to ballast a track. balastO, m. ballast, layer of gravel. balata, /. dancing song. balate, "*. terrace ; border of a trench ; slug, balaustra, tria,./". wild pomegranate, balaustrada, balaustreria, /. balustrade, balaustrado, da, tral, a. balustered, balaustre, >n. baluster. balay .uh-iie-], m. wicker basket. balazo [bau-lah'-thawj, TO. shot ; gunshot wound. balbucear [bai-boo-tiiay-«r'], vn. to speak indis- tinctly ; stutter, stammer. balbUCenCla Ibal-boo-then'-the-ahl, /, stuttering speech. tialbaciente [bai-boo-the^n'-tay], a. stammering, stuttering. balbUCir Ibal-boo-theer'], vn. V. BALBUCEAR. balcdn, m. balcony ; open gallery. balconaje, m. balconeria, /. range of bal- conies. balconazo [bai-co-nah'-tiiaw], m. aug. large bal- cony. balCOncillO [bal-con-theer-lyo], TO. dim. small balcony. balda,/ trifle. baldadura,/. or baldamiento, m. the effect of being crippled. baldaquin, baldaquino [bai-dah-keen'i, m. canopy, dais. baldar, va. to cripple ; trump ; obstruct. balde, ni. bucket : balde (de), adv. gratis, free ■of cost: ea balde, in vain, to no purpose. bmldear, vn. (naut. ) to wash the deck. baldeo, «». (naut.) washing the decks. bald6s, m. soft dressed skin for gloves, etc. baldiamente, adv. vainly. baldio, dia, a. untilled, uncultivated ; unap- firopriated : los baldioa, the commons ; waste and ; idle, lazy ; vagabond. bald6n, m. affront, reproach, insult. baldonar, baldonear, va. to insult, affront, stiematize. baldosa, .f- ancient string instrument ; fine square tile ; flat paving-stone, flag. baldoein, m. small square tile. baldnqne [bai-doo'-kay], m. narrow red tape. bale^co, ca, baleario, ia, a. Balearic. baleOj TO. round mat. balexia,/. (arti.) pile of balls or shot. balero, m. ball-mould. baleta, /. dim. small bale of goods. balido, m. bleating, bleat. balin, m. small bullet. balines, m. pi. mould-«hot, buckshot. baUsta,/. ballista. balistlca,/. (avti.) ballistics. balitadera, /. call, reed instrument for call- ing fawns. baliza, /. buoy. OalnearlO, riEL, a. pertaining to baths. bal6ll, m. large foot-ball ; game of foot-ball ; large bale ; bale of paper (24 reams). balota, /. ballot. balotada, /. balotade, leap of a horse. balotar, <•«. to ballot. balsa,/, pool; pond; (naut.) raft or float; ba!f a butt of wine. balsadera, f. balsadero, to. ferry, balsamera, /. flask for balsam, balsamerita, /. small flask for balsam, bals^unico, ca, c balsamic, balmv. balsamina, /■ 0>ot.) balsam-apple, balsamita mayor, (bot.) V. atanasia: bai- Bamit» menor, (bot.) maudlin, tansy. bUsamo, »«. balsam, balm ; (raed.') purest part of the blood. balsar, to. marshy ground with brambles. balsear, va. to ferry on rafts. balsero, to. ferry-man. balSO, TO. rope with loops for raising men or goods on board ship ; sling. balsopeto, to. large pouch carried neht the breast ; bosom. Biltico, TO. the Baltic Sea. b^lteo, TO. oflScer's belt. baluairte, to. bastion, bulwark ; defence, balumba,/. bulk, heap. baliunbo, balume, m. huge heap of things, ballena, /. M'hale ; train-oil ; whalebone ; a northern constellation. ballenato, to. young whale, ballener, to. ancient vessel, ballesta/. cross-bow ; ballista ballestada,/. shot from a cross-bow. ballestazo, w. blow from a cross-bow. ballesteador, to. cross-bowman, arballster. ballestear, va. to shoot with cross-bow. ballestera, /. loopholes for cross-bows. ballesteria, /. archery ; number of cross- bows or bowmen ; armory for cross-bows. ballestero, to. archer, arbalister, cross-bov- man ; cros.s-bow maker ; king's armorer ; mace-bearer ; king's porters. ballestilla, /. cross-bow ; small whiflae-tree ; fleam ; cross-staff; (naut.) fore-staff. ballest6n, w. aug. large cross-bow, arbalet. ballestrinque, to. (naut.) clove-hitch. ballico, TO., (bot.) rye-grass. ballueca, /. wild oats. bambalear, bambanear, vn. v. bambo- LKAR. bambalina, /. fly in theatrical scenerv. bambarria, to. lucky stroke at billiards; fool, idiot. bambocbada, /. painting representing a spree. bambocbe, to. (coll.) thick, short person with bloated face. bambolear, bambonear, vn. to reel, stag- ger, totter. bamboleo, bamboneo, m. reeling, stagger- ing, tottering. bambolla, /. (coll.) ostentation, boast, hum- bug, sham. bambtl or bambUC, m. bamboo. bambuco, m. a popular dance in Colom- bia. banana,/, banano, to. v. plXtano. v. cam- bur. V. GUINEO. banas,/. pi. (Mex.) matrimonial banns. banasta, /. large basket. banastero, to. oasket-maker or dealer. banastO, m. large round basket. banca,/. form, oench : banoa dt plaza, mar- ket-stand ; washing-box ; Philippine canoe ; game of chance at cards ; (com.) banking. bancada,/. bench in cloth factories ; piece o£ masonry. bancal, m. oblong orchard or garden plot; terrace ; bench-cover. bancalero, m. weaver of bench-covers. bancariO, ria, a. banking; financial. bancarrota./ bankruptcy, failure. • bancaza,/. bancazo, m,aug. large bench. banco, to. form, bench ; settee ; pew ; (mech.) bed, table, frame, horse ; planing-bench ; bench for rowers ; cheeks of the bit of a bridle ; pedestal ; school of fishes ; shoal ; (com.) bank : banco de liqaidaci6n, clearing- house. banda, /. sash, scarf, ribbon ; band, party, gang, crew ; military band ; brass band ; covey; bank, border, edge ; side of a ship; felloe, of wheel; cushion (billiards). a aa hi far ; • in eh t ; i in police ; o in for ; « in bnll ; c (before e, 1) and Z as th In thick ; b and d, aoft | BAN 63 bandada,/. covey ; flock of birds. bandarria,/. (naut.) iron maul. bandazo, m- (naut.) breaking of a wave on the side of a ship. bandeado, da, a. striped. bandear, va. to conduct. — rn* to band. — vr. to shift for one's self. bandeja,/. waiter, tray. bandera, /. banner, standard, flag, ensign, colours of a regiment ; infantry : bandera de popa, (naut.) ensign: bandera de proa, (naut.) jack: bandera blanca or de paz, flag of truce : arriar la bandera, to strike the col- ours ; surrender : con banderas desplegadas, with flying colours. bandereta, /. dim. banneret, small flag: banderetas, (mil.) camp colours. banderia, /. band, faction. banderica. ilia, dim. banneret, small flag. banderilla,/. small dart with a bannerol for baiting bulls : poner & uno una banderilla, to taunt, revile, vex. banderillear, va. to put banderlUas on bulls. banderillero, m. he who sticks banderlllas in a bull's nape. banderin, m. camp colours ; flag ; railway signal : recruiting post. banderizar, va. v. abanderizar. banderizo, za, a. factious, given to party. banderola, /. bannerol ; camp colours ; streamer, pennant. bandido, m. bandit, highwayman, outlaw, bandin, m. (naut.) seat in a row-galley. bandO, m. proclamation, edict ; faction, party : echar bando, to publish a law. bandola, /. bandolin, m. pandore, mando- lin; (naut.) jury-mast. banaolera, /. bandoleer ; bandit's wife. bandolero, m. highwayman, robber. bandolina,/. bandoline, hair fixative. bandol6n, m. mandola. bandullo, m. (vulg.) belly ; the bowels. bandurrla, /. banaurria, bandore. b^nova,/. bed-quilt, bed-cover. banquera [ban-keh' rahi, /. (prov.) open bee- house ; frame for bee-hives. banCLUero [ban-keh'-ro], m. banker, exchanger. banqueta [ban-keh'-tahi, /. three-legged stool, foot-stool ; (mil. ) banquette or footbank ; sidewalk: banqueta de cnrena, (arti.) gun- carriage bed: banqueta de calafate, (naut.) calking-stool. banquete [ban-keh'-tehi, m. banquet. banquetear, vn. to banquet, to feast. banqulUO [ban-Ueer-lyo], m. dim. little stool. banqUitO [ban-kee'-to], TO. dim. stOOl, footstool. banzo, m. cheek of an embroidering-frame. bafladera,/. (naut.) skeet; bath-tub. bafladero, m. puddle ; bathing-place. ba&ado, m. v. bacin.— /)p. of banar. bafi.ador, ra, m. & f. one who bathes : bana- dor, m. dipping-tub for candle-makers. bailar, va. to bathe, wash, lave, water, irri- gate ; dip : glaze, coat, ice with sugar. bafiera,/. bath-tub. bailero, m. bath-owner ; bath-keeper. baflil, TO. pool in which cattle bathe. baflista, m. bather in mineral waters. ba&O, m. bath ; bathing ; bathing-place ; bath-tub, foot-tub ; coat of sugar, wax, paint, silver, etc. ; (chem.) bath. ba&uelO, to. dim. little bath. bao, m. (naut.) beam, cross-timber. baptlsteriO, m. baptistery. baque [bah'-kehi, TO. blow in falling ; thud. baqueta [bah-keh'-tah], /. ramrod ; switch used in breaking in young horses.— pi. drum- sticks ; gantlet. BAR baquetaZO [bah-keh-t«h'-thaw], m. blow with th« ramrod. baqiieteado, da [bah-keh-teh'-ah-do], a. inured, habituated.— 7>p. of baquetear. baquetear [bali-keh-teli-ar], va. to inflict tht- punishment of the gantlet ; to vex. baquiano, na, a. mountain and road guide. b^quiCO, ca ibaii'-ke-co;, a. bacchanal. baquiO [bah'-key-o], TO. (poet.) metrical foot. bara1a[bah-rah'-hah],/. complete pack of cards ; decK ; game of cards. bara^adura,/. shuffling of cards ; dispute. "bSXa^AT [bah-i-ah-har'], va. to shufile the carda ; jumble together ; entangle. baranda, /. railing, banister; cushion of billiard-table : ecbar de baranda, to exagjjer- ate ; boast. barandado, daje, m. balustrade. barandal, m. upper and under-piece of a bal- ustrade ; railing. barandllla, /. dim. balustrade, small railing. baraXLgay [bah-rau-guy'J, Filipino vessel, worked with oars ; ward of fifty families* into which a Philippine village is divided. barangay&n, to. v. guban. barata, /. barter ; reduction sale ; bargain. baratador, m. barterer. baratar, va. to barter, traflSc. baratear, vn. to cheapen, undersell. barateria,/. barratry, fraud, deception. baratero, m. he who obtains money from winning gamblers. baratiias, /. pi. trifles, toys, trinkets. baratulero, m. peddler ; seller of second- hand goods or articles. baratiUO, m. second-hand shop ; cheap John ; bargain counter ; heap of trifling articles, baratista, m. barterer, tralficker. barato, ta, a. cheap, low-priced : de barato, gratuitously. barato, m. reduction sale ; bargain sale ; money given by winning gamblers to the bystanders. — adv. cheaply. baratro, m. (poet. ) hell, sheol ; abysm. baratura, /. cheapness, little value. baratmda, /. noise, hurly-burly, confus-on. barba,/. chin ; beard ; goat's whiskers ; first swarm of bees ; top of bee-hive ; player who acts old men's parts: barba cabruna, (bot.) yellow goat's-beard : barba de Aaron, (bot.) green dragon arum : barba & barba, face to face : en «ub barbas, to his face : por barba, a head, apiece.^9^. head of a comet ; slender roots • fibres ; rough edges of paper ; vanes of a quill : barbas de ballena, whalebone : barbai de gallo, wattle : barbaa honradas, honoura- ble man : hacer la barba, to shave : subirse 4 las barbas, to fly in one's face : tener pocat barbas, to be young or inexperienced. barbacana, /. (mil.) barbican; a church- yard wall. barbacoa,/. (Amer.) barbecue. barbada, /. jaw of a horse ; bridle-curb ; dab, small flat fish. barbadamente, adv. strongly, vigorously. oarbado, da, a. bearded, barbed, barbated. —pp. of BARBAR. baroadO, m. full-grown man ; vine or tree transplanted ; shoot ; sucker. barbaja,/. (bot.) cut-leaved viper's grass.— pi. (agr.) first roots of plants. barbar, vn. to grow a beard; to rear bees; to strike root. b^bara, /. santabirbara, (naut.) powder-- magazine. b^rbaramente, adv. barbarously, savagelyj. rudely, coarsely. barb^icamente, adv. like barbarians. * (beiora e, 1) and J as h in hot ; h, ellent ; 11 In brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, blM«vli BAB 64 barb^iriCO, ca, a. barbarous, barbarian. barbaridad, /. barbarity, barbarism, cruel- ty ; rashness, temerity ; rudeness ; wild ex- pression or action. barbarie,/. barbarousness, incivility of man- ners ; rusticity ; cruelty. barbSTismO, in. barbarism ; barbarousness. V. barbakie; (poet.) crowd oi" barbarians, barbarizar, va. {nret. barbaric]^ : subj. BAR- babice) to baroarize. — vn. to make wild statements. bdxbaro, ra, a. barbarous, barbarian, fierce, cruel ; rash, rude, unpolished. barbarote, m. aug. great barbarian. barbato, ta, a. bearded comet. barbaza,/. aug. long beard. barbear, vn. to reacn with the chin ; to be almost as high. barbechar, va. to fallow. barbecbera, /. series of ploughings ; fallow- ing season ; act of ploughing. barbecbo, m. fallow. barbera,/. barber's wife. barberia, /. barber's shop or trade. barberil, a. pertaining to a barber. barberito, illo, m. dim. little barber. barbero, m. barber ; mutton-fish. barbeta, /. (naut.) rackline, gasket; (artL) barbet-battery. barbiblanco, ca, a. gray or white-bearded. tarbicacllO, m. ribbon tied under the chin. barbicano, na, a. gray beard. barbiespeso, sa, a. having a thick beard. barbibechO, Cba, a. fresh shaved. barbilajnplfLO, fi.a, «. smooth-chinned. barbilindO, da, a. well-shaved and trimmed ; effeminate and pretty. barbilucio, Cia, a. smooth-faced, pretty, gejrteel. barbilla,/. point of the chin; (carp.) rab- bet : (vet.) tumour under the tongue. barbillera, /. tuft of tow ; chin bandage. barbineg^O, gra, a. black-bearded. barbiponiente, a. having the beard grow- ing: apprenticed. barbiauejo li)ar-be-keh'-ho], m. bonnet-string ; guard-riobon for a hat ; curb-chain ; (naut.) bobstay. barbirrublo, bla, a. blond-bearded. barbimiciO, cia, a. gray-bearded. barbitabeilo, ila, a. having a rough beard. barblteaido, da, a. having a dyed beard. barbo, /«. (zool.) barbel, river fish. barbbn, »i. full-bearded man ; Carthusian lay brother ; buck. bar'boquejO [bar-bo-keti'-uo], m. chin-strap, hat- guard! barbotar, vn. to mumble, mutter. barbate, m. beaver of a helmet. V. babera. barbudo, da, a. having a long beard. — m. vine transplanted with the roots. barbulla,/. loud, prattling noise. barbullar, vn. to talk loud and fast. barbullon, na, a. loud, fast prattler. barca, /. (naut.) boat, barge, bark: barca chata, ferry-boat. barcada, /. passage in a ferry-boat ; boat- load. barca,1e [bar-cah'-h«y], TO. ferriage. barcal, m. wooden vesseL barcarola, /. barcarolle. barcaza,/- barge, lighter; privilege of load- ing and unloading. barcelonds, sa [bar-tbay-lo-Qess'], a. of Barce- lona. barceno, na, a. v, barcino. barceo [b«r-ttiay'-o], m. dry bass or sedge for mats, ropes, eta BAK barcia,/. chaff". barclna,/. grass net ; large truss of straw. barcinar [Uar-the-nar'], va. to load with sheaves. barcino, na [bar-thee'-noj, a. ruddy, auburn. barco, m. boat, barge, vessel, ship; hot* tom. barcolongo, barcoluengo, m. oblong boat with a round bow. barc6n, barcote, m. aug. large boat. barcMlla,/. measure for grain, barcbildn, m. hospital nurse. barda, /. bard, horse-armour; thatch; reed bardado, da, a. barded, caparisoned. b^dagO, m. (naut.) pendant. bardaguera [bRr-ar-ke-neh'-roi, TO. bellows-maker. barqUlnO lbar-ke«'-iio], TO. wine-bag. V. ODRE. barra, /. iron crow or lever ; metal bar or ingot ; sand-bank at the mouth of a har- bour ; gross-spun thread in cloth ; mould for small candles ; (mech.) lever, rod, cross- bar ; cha.se-bar ; shaft of a carriage, thill ; (her.) third part of a shield ; country gamo » ai In far ; • In «b I ; i In police ; 3 in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and t as th in tliick ; b and d, toftf BAR 65 in Spain ; (naut.) spar ; railing in a court- r«ova.— pi. mining shares. barrabasada, /. serious mischief ; bold ac- tion. barraca,/. barrack, cabin, hut. barraco, m. boar ; spume of fermenting must : ancient ship gun ; snag. barrado, da, a. corded ; ribbed ; striped ; (her.) barred.-^pp. of barrar. barrag^n, 7«. barracan, camlet; waterproof woollen stuff; waterproof overcoat. barragana,/. concubine; morganatic wife. barraganeria, /. concubinage. barraganete, m. (naut.) top-timber, fut- tock. barral, m. large bottle containing twenty- five pints. barranca, /. barrancal, m. deep hollow ; gorge, ravine. barranco, m. V. barranca; cleft, gorge, ravine ; great difficulty. barrancoso, sa, a. broken, uneven, full of breaks and holes. barranquera [bar-ran-keh'-rah], /. V. BARRAN- CA ; obstruction, embarrassment. barraquillo [bai-rah-keei'-iyoi, m. (arti.) short light field-piece. barrar, va. to daub, smear ; bar, barricade. barrate, m. little joist or rafter. barrear, va. to bar, barricade ; to cancel, cross off. — vn. to graze a knight's armour with a lance. — vr. V. atrincherarse. barreda, /. v. barrera. barrederas,/. pi. (naut.) studding-sails. barredero, ra, a. that drags along : redbarre- dera, drag-net. — m. baker's mop. barredura, /. sweeping.— pZ. sweepings, re- mains, residue, refuse, chaff. barrena, /. barrena grande, auger, borer : barrena peque&a, gimlet : barrena de gusano, wimble ; rock-drill : barrena de diminnci6n, taper auger : barrena de guia, centre-bit. barrenado, da, a. pp. of barrenar. barrenador, m. (naut.) auger or borer. barrenar, va. to bore, auger, drill : barrenar nn navio, (naut.) to scuttle a ship : barrenar ana roca or mina, to blast a rock or a mine ; to defeat one's intentions. barrendero, ra, m. &f. sweeper, dustman. barrenero, m. maker or seller of augers and drills ; blaster, driller, barrenillo, m. insect that gnaws through the bark of trees. barreno, m. large borer or auger; bored hole, blast-hole ; vanity: dar barreno, (naut.) to sink a ship. barrefia, /. barreflo, m. earthen pan ; tub. barrer, va. to sweep, carry off everything ; (naut.) to rake: al barrer, (com.) on an average. barrera,/. barricade, barrier, parapet, fence ; clay-pit ; mound of earth ; cupboard for crockery ; bar, toll-gate, turnpike. barrero, m. potter ; eminence ; ridge of hills ; clay-pit. barreta,/. small bar; shoe lining. barretear, va. to fasten with bars ; line a shoe. barretero, m. in mining, one who works with a crow, wedge, or pick, barrlada, /. city ward, district, precinct, suburb. • barrial, m. v. lodazal ; muddy spot. barrlca, /. cask containing sixty gallons, barricada, /. barricade. barrido, m. sweep.— ^. of barrer. barriga, /. abdomen, belly ; pregnancy ; belly of a flask. BAS barrig6n, na, barrlgudo, da, «. big-belUed pot-bellied. barrlguilla, /. dim. little belly. barril, m. barrel ; jug; (naut.) water-cask. barrllame, m. barrueria, /. stock of casW or barrels ; barrel factory. barrilejO, m. dim. rundlet, small barrel. barrilero, m. barrel-maker, cooper. barrilete, m, holdfast, dog, clamp; (naut.) mouse; (zool.) crab covered with prickles ; keg ; kite ; piece of a clarinet. barrilico, illo, ito, m. dim. keg, rundlet, small barrel, firkin. barrilla,/. little bar; rod; (hot) salt-wort,. glass-woTt. barrillar, m. barilla plantation ; barilla-pits. barrio, m. city district or ward ; suburb. barrita,/. dim. small bar. barrlzal, m. clay-pit, muddy place. barro, m. clay, mud ; earthenware ; drink- ing-vessel made of sugar-clay : barro oocido, terra-cotta.— p/. pimples in the face ; (vet.) fleshy tumours. barrocbo, m. v. birlocho. barroso, sa, a. muddy, full of mire ; pim- pled ; reddish. barrote, m. short and thick iron bar ; (carp.) brace: barrotes, (naut.) battens, scantlings. barrotines, m. pi. barrotlnes de los baos, (naut.) carlines: barrotines de la toldilla, (naut.) carling knees. barrueco, m. pearl of irregular form. barmmbada,/. extravagant expense ; boast- ful saying. barruntador, ra, m. &/. conjecturer. barruntamiento, m. conjecturing, guessing. barruntar, va. to foresee, conjecture, guess. baminto, m. conjecture. bartola,/. & la bartola, carelessly. bartO''illO, m. three-cornered little meat pie, b^rtulOS, m. pi. household goods ; tools. baruca,/ artifice, cunning, deceit. barul^, m. upper part of the stockings roUecl over the knee. barnllo, m. confusion, disorder, tumult. barz6n, m. idle walk ; ring of a yoke. barzonear, vn. to loiter about. basa, /^ pedestal, base ; basis, foundation. basada,/. stocks for snip-bulldicg. basacula,/. locker of the thumb-plate in a stocking-frame. basaltico, ca, a. basaltic, of basalt. basalto, m. basalt, basaltes. basamentO, m. (arch.) base and pedestal. basar, va. to fix, establish upon a base ; rest upon ; set up a theory ; start from a fixed base-line. bas^Ulde, /. (Mex.) bassaris, species of ra- coon. V. cacomixtle. basca,/. squeamishness, nausea; swoon. bascosidad, /. nastiness, filth. bascula,/. platform-scale. base, /. base, basis; ^ound, foot, footing; groundwork; base-line; (chem.) electro- positive element. basilica,/, royal palace ; public hall ; (anat.) basilica ; privileged church. basilic6n, m. (med.) basilicon, ointment. basiliO, lia, a. basihan monk or nun. basiliSCO, y.i. basilisk, cockatrice; ancient cannon. basquear [bas-keh-ar'], vn. to be squfcftmish or nauseated. basquilla [bas-keei'-iyah], /. disease in sheep. baSqUiHa [bas-kee'-nyah], /. Upper skirt. basta, adv. enough ; halt, stop. basta,/. basting: bastas, mattress tufting bastaje [bas-taii'-hay], m. portcr, carrier. g (before e, i) and / as h in bot; h, eUent; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (inlUal) and rr trlUed; >, hlsaed BAS 66 BAU bastante, adv. sufl&cient, enough ; compe- 'teul; not a little. bastailtear, va. (law) to acknowledge the validity of a power of attorney. bastantemente, adv. sufficiently. bastanteo, m. acknowledging a power of at- torney. lt)aa*tantero, m. (law) officer who examines powers of attorney. bastar, vti. to suffice ; to be enough. bastarda,/- bastard file ; piece of ordnance ; (iiaut.) lateen main-sail. bastardear, vn. to degenerate : bastardize. bastardelO, m. notary's draft-c)ook ; blotter. bastardia,./*. bastardy; meanness. bastardilla, f. kind of flute ; (print. ) italic. bastardO, da, a. bastard, spurious, illegiti- mate ; (print. ) bastard type. bastardO, m. bastard ; a kind of snake ; kind of saddle ; (naut.) parrel rope. baste, m. stitch ; saddle-pad. bastear, va. to baste. bastero, m. maker or seller of pack-saddles. bastida, /. ancient warlike engine. bastidor, rn. embroidery-frame ; stretcher for canvas ; wing of stage scenery ; window- sash ; frame of a screw propeller ; (phot.) plate-holder.— pZ. bastidores, (naut.) frames ft>r canvas bulkheads. bastilla,/. hem. bastillar, va. to hem. bastimentar, va. to victual ; to provision. bastlmentO, m. supply of provisions ; build- ing, structure; mattress tufting; (naut.) vessel. bastibn, »». v. baluarte. basto, m. pack-saddle; pad; ace of clubs: bastos, clubs (cards). basto, ta, a. coarse, rude, unpolished ; gross ; home-spun. bast6n, m. cane, stick, gad, truncheon ; staflf of command ; roller of a silk-frame. bastonada, /. bastonazo, m. bastinado. bastonclllo, m. small cane or stick ; narrow trimming lace. bastonear, va. to stir must with a stick. bastonero, m. cane-maker or seller; man- ager of a ball ; cotillon leader ; assistant jailer. basura, /. sweepings, manure, ordure, refuse. basurero, m. dustman ; dust-pan • dunghill. bata, /. dressing-gown ; smokmg-jacket ; wrapp<»r ; woman's frock ; refuse or silk. bata, ni. (Philip.) half-breed minor. batacazo, m. violent contusion from a fall. batabola, /. hurly-burly, bustle, clamour, clutter, hubbub. batalla, /. battle, contest, conflictj engage- ment, struggle, fight, combat ; fencing bout ; joust, tournament; (art) battle-piece. batallador, ra, w. & f. battler, combatant, warrior, fighter, fencer. batallar, vn. to battle, fight, combat, strug- gle, fence, contend, argue, dispute. batallola,/. (naut.) v. batayola. batallbn, m. oattalion, formerly troop. batallona, /. a. caestlon batallona, much de- bated question. batim, wi. fulling-mill : batanei, boyish play. batanado, da, a. fulled, milled.— ;>p. of ba- tanar. batanar, va. to full cloth. batanear, va. to drub, thrash, beat. batanero, m. fuller, clothier. batansa, /. bamboo outrigger In boats in the Philippine Islands. l^atata, /. sweet potato. latatin, m. dim. small sweet potato. bitavo, va, a. Batavian. batayola,/. (naut.) rail. batea, /. painted tray; foot-tub; flat-bot. tomed boat, punt. batebuela,/. dim. small hamper or tray. batel, m. small vessel. bateo, m. V. bautizo. batena,/. battery: bateria 4 barbeta, barbette battery : bateria enterrada, sunk battery : bateria 4 rebote, ricochet battery : bateria cmzante, cross battery: bateria *de cocina, kitchen metal utensils; (naut.) range of guns, broadside; (met.) repeated importu- nities ; battering. batero, ra, m. & /. mantaarmaker, dress- maker, laaies' tailor. batey, m. (Cuba) sugar-house and machin- ery. batlborrillo, m. V. baturrillo. baticola,/. crupper. batida, /. hunting-party ; battue. batldera, /. beater, in masonry ; stirrer in glass-making ; batlet ; batting arm ; scutch- er ; flap of a churn ; instrument for cutting honey-combs. batidero, m. continuous striking or beating ; collision ; craggy ground ; (naut. ) wash- board. batido, da, a. shot, chatoyant (silks) ; beaten, trodden, as roads.— -«p. of batir. batido, m. batter of flour, eggs, etc. batidor, m. beater ; scout ; ranger ; life- guard rider before a royal coach ; out- rider ; leather-beater ; stirring-rod ; hair- comb ; hemp-dresser : batidor de oro 6 plata, gold or silver beater. batlente, »». jamb or post of a door ; leaf of a door ; port-sill ; damper of a pianoforte ; spot where the sea beats against the shore : batlente de la bandera, (naut.) fly of an ensign : batlente de un dique, apron of a dock.— pa. of BATIR. batifolla, m. v. batihoja. batiboja, m. gold-beater ; artisan who works metals into sheets ; warp. batiaiento, m. beating. batin, m. smoking-jacket. batlntin, m. Chinese gong. bationdeo, m. fluttering of a banner or cur- tain. batiportar, va. (naut.) to house a gun. batlportes, m. pi. port-siiis. batir, va. to beat, dash, strike, clash, clout, clap ; demolish, raze, pull down ; flap ; pound ; stir ; comb ; adjust reams of pa- per ; vanquish ; reconnoitre : roll a drum : batlr banderaa, to salute with the colours : batlr moneda, to coin money : batir lai olaa, to ply the seas: batlr hoja, to foliate. — it. to fight ; engage in a duel ; lose courage ; decline in health. V. abatirse. batista, /. batiste, finest cambric. IsatO, m. rustic, simpletoo. batojar, va. to beat down the fruit of a tree. batOlOgia,/. battology, needless repetition. batraciOS, m. pi. batrachians. batnda, /. spring-board jumping contest baturrillo, m. hodge-podge, mash, salma- gundi ; pot-pourri ; medley. batuta, /. conductor's wand ; baton : Ucvar la batata, to lead ; preside: manage. batll, m. trunk, chest ; belly : bail maado, Saratoga trunk. baulito, m. dim. small trunk. bauprds, m. (naut.) bowsprit. baUB&n, na, m. & f. manikin, effigy; fool, idiot. bautismal, a. baptismal. '•• in far ; • in ek I ; i in police ; s in for ; n in bull ; c (.before e, 1) and s u th in tbick ; b and d, soft ', BAU 67 bautismo, m. baptism, christening. bautisteriO, m. baptistery. bautizante, pa. baptizer or christener. bautizar, va. {pret. bautick : subj. bautice) to baptize, christen ; mix water with wine. bautiZO, m. baptism, christening party. bavaro, ra, a- Bavarian. baya, /. berry, any small globular fruit. bayadera, /. Oriental dancer. bayal, a. nax not steeped or soaked. baySjil, m. lever used in raising mill-stones. bayeta, /. baize, thick flannel ; blanket in typography : arrastrar bayetas, to claim a degree in superior colleges. bayetdn, m. coating, cloth for coats. bayo, ya, a. bay, yellowish white (horse). — VI. silk-worm butterfly used in angling. bayOCO, m. Italian copper coin ; unripe or withered fig. bayon, m. (Philip. ) sack of matting for baling, bayoneta, /. bayonet : bayoneta calada, fixed bayonet. baybnetazo, m. bayonet thrust. bayoque Ibah-yo'-kay], m. V. BAYOCO. bayuca, /. tippling-nouse, tavern. baza Ibah'-thah],/. trick at Cards : no dejar meter baza, not to let one put in a single word. bazar [bah-thar'j, bazaar, market-place. bazo bah'-thoi, m. spleen or milt. bazo, za, a. brown inclining to yellow : pan bazo, brown bread. bazofia,/. offal, waste meat, refuse, remnants, hogwash. bazucar, va. {pret. bazuqu]£ : suhj. bazu- que) to stir liquids by shaking ; to dash. bazudueo [bah-thoo-kay'-o], m. Stirring liquids by shaking ; jumble. be, m. baa, cry of sheep.— /. name of the sec- ond letter, B. beata, /. woman engaged in works of charity ; pious, devotee, bigot, fanatic, hypocrite. beateria, /. act of affected piety ; oigotry. beaterio, w. house inhabited by pious women, beatiflcacldn, /. beatification. beatificamente, adv. beatifically. beatlficar, va. to beatify ; to render respect- able ; to make happy. beatiflco, ca, a. (tlieology) beatific. beatJlla, /. sort of fine linen. beatisimo, ma, «. sup. beatlsimo padre, most holy father (the Pope). beatitud, /. beatitude, blessedness, holiness. beatO, ta, a. happy, blessed ; beatified ; wear- ing a religious habit for piety ; devout. — m. & f. pious person ; one who lives in pious retirement. beat6u, na, m. &f. hypocrite, bigot, bebedero, m. drinking vessel for domestic animals ; trough for beasts ; spout ; place whither fowls resort to drink.— ;p/. strips for lining clothes ; facing. bebedero, ra, bebedizo, za, a. drinkable. bebedizo, m. medicinal potion ; draught ; philter or love potion ; poisonous draught. bebedo, da, a. drunk, intoxicated. bebedor, ra, m. &/. tippler, toper. beber, va. & vn. to drink, swallow ; pledge, toast : beber i. la salad de algnno, to drink to another's health : beber los pensamientos k algnno, to anticipate one's thoughts : beber lo8 vientoi, to solicit with much eagerness : beber como una cuba, to drink as a fish. bebible, m. &/. pleasant to drink. bebida, /. drink, beverage, potion ; time al- lowed to workmen for drinks. bebido, da, pp. of beber. — a. intoxicated. bebistrajo, m. queer mixture of drinks. BEL beborrotear, va. to sip often. beca,/. collegian's sash worn over the gown • fellowship ; pension ; fellow, alumnus, colle- gian ; tippet worn by dignitaries of the church : beca de merced, scholarship : becas, velvet or satin facings of cloaks. becabunga,/. (bot.) brook-lime. becada, j. woodcock, v. chocha, becafigO, m. (om.) fig-pecker : becafigo raro, (om.T red-headed linnet. V. papafigo, becardbn, m. snipe. V. agachadiza. becerra,/. (bot.) snap-dragon. becerril, a. bovine ; calf, as adjective. becerrillo, ilia, ito, ita, m. &f. dim. calf. becerro,raibeh-therr'-ro], m. &/. yearling calf ; calf-skin tanned and dressed ; church reg- ister ; various books in Spain, bound ia calf-skin : becerro marino, sea-calf, the seal. becoquin [ijeh-co-keen'J, m. cap tied under th«- chin. becnadradO, m. first property in plain song;, or Gregorian mode. becuadro, m. (mus.) the sign t[, deaoting ai natural tone. bedel, m. beadle, warden. bedelta,/. beadleship, wardenship. bedelio, m. bdellium, an aromatic gum, bedulno, na, a. Bedouin ; harsh, uncivil. befa,/. jeer, scoff, mock, taunt. befabemi, m. musical sign. befar, va. to mock, scoff, ridicule, jeer, laugh at ; to move the lips, and endeavour to catch the chain of the bit (horses). befo, fa, a. blubber-lipped ; knock-kneed. befO, m. lip of a beast ; kind of monkey. begardO,aa,7n. &f. Beghard, ancient heretic. begonia,/, (hot.) begonia. begoniitceo, a, a. relating to the begonia. beguino, fia, m. &/. Beguin, ancient heretic. benetlla, /. town whose inhabitants were free from the subjection of any lord ; confu- sion, disorder. bejin, m. (hot.) common puff-ball, fuzz-ball ; whining, peevish child. bejinero, m. one who extracts oil from th« lees, bejucal, m, place where reeds grow. bejUCO, m. tnin or pliable reed ; rattan ; fila- ments growing on some trees in America. bejUquillO [bay-hoo-key'-Iyo1, Mt. gold chain made in China; (bot.) ipecacuanha; thin rattan. belchO, m. (bot.) horsetail-tree. beldad, /. beauty : una beUad, a beauty, a belle, belemnita, /. belemnites, arrow-head or fin- ger-stone, Bel6n, m. Bethlehem ; group of figures repre- senting the birth of the infant Jesus for cele- brating Christmas ; confusion, bedlam. bele&O, m. (bot.) henbane, poison. bel6riC0, m. (bot.) kind of myrobalan. beleZ, /. beleZO, m. [bay-leth', bay-Uy-tho'], jar for oil or wine ; furniture. belfo, fa, a. blob-lipped or blubber-lipped. belfo, m. thick under lip of a horse. belga, m. &/. Belgian. b61glC0, ca, a. Belgic, Belgian. b61lC0, ca, a. warlike, martial, beliCOSidad, /. warlike state. military. bellcoso, sa, o. warlike, martial, military ; quarrelsome, pugnacious, aggressive. beligerante, a. belligerent. beligero, ra, a. (poet. ) warlike, belligerent, belisono, na, a. with martial, warlike sound, belitre, «. low, mean, vile, vulgar '^ roguisk. bellacada, /. nest of rogues ; knavish act. bellacamente, adv. knavishly, roguishly. g (before e, i) and J as ta in hot; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed; 8. hia BEL liellACO, ca, a. artful, sly, cunning, roguish, deceitiul. — m. rogue, villain, swindler, knave, feellacbn, na, bellaconazo, za, m. &f. aug. great knave, arrant rogue. beUacuelO, m. dim. artful, cunning little fellow. belladama, belladona, /. (bot.) deadly nightshade, belladonna, dwale. beUamente, adv. prettily, gracefully, fairly. bellaauear, vn. to cheat, swindle ; play knavish, roguish tricks. bellaqueria lbel-lyah-ka>-ree'-ah], /. knavery, roguery, cunning ; vile act or speech. 'belleza, /. beaptyj fairness, handsomeness ; flourish ; decoration, ornament. bello, Ua, a. beautiful, handsome, fair, fine ; perfect. ■bellorio, ia, a. mouse-coloured, bellorita, /. (bot.) primrose, cowslip. bellota, /. acorn ; carnation bud ; perfume box. bellote, m. large round-headed nail. bellotear, vn. to feed upon acorns. bellotera, /. season for gathering acorns. bellotero, ra, m. & /. one who gathers or sells acorns. — m. oak tree. bellotica, ilia, Ita, /• dim. small, acorn. bemol, ni. (mus. ) flat; the sign \}. 'bemoladO, a. flat(ted), lowered a semitone. bemolar, va. (mus.) to flat. ben, bell6ll, m. fruit of the size of a filbert which yields a precious oil. benarri'za, ./". savoury bird, benclna,/. benzine. bendecidor, ra, a. one who blesses. bendeCir iben-same place ; to knock down at one blow ; to kill at one shot ; to snatch away an employ- ment or sweetheart from another; to rob, pilfer. burlibirloque, m. por arte de birlibirloqve, (coll.) by occult and extraordinary means. blrlOCha, /. paper kite. birlocho, m. two-seat light waggon without top. a M ta far ; • in ch I ; i in police ; o in for ; « in boll ; c (before e, i) and i u th In thick ; b and d, soft; BIK VI 6lrl6% TO. jack pin in bowling. birlonga, /. mode of playing ombre : i. la birlonga. carelessly. "birrectAngulO, a. having two rectangles. birreme, «. two-oared : applied to a bireme. ■birreta, /. cardinal's red cap. birrete, ni. cap. V. gorro or bonete, birretina,/. grenadier's and hussar's cap. bia, f>iJ!, Latin word meaning twice. bisabuela, /. great-grandmother. bisabuelO, m. great-grandfather. bisaf^a, /. hinge ; shoemaker's box-wood polisher : bisagras y pernos, hooks and hinges. bisanuo, nua, a. (hot.) bisannual. bisayo, ya, a. native of or pertaining to the Bisayas Islands in the Philippines, bisbis, m. game resembling baccarat. bisblsar, va. to mutter. biseccidn, /. bisection. bisector, triZ, a. (geom.) bisecting. bisel, m. bevel, bevel edge, chamfer; (coop.) sloping tool. bisextil, bisiesto, a. bissextile. bisilabo, ba, a. consisting of two syllables. )islingua, /. (bot.) butcher' s-broom. bismuto, m. bismuth. bisnieto, ta, m. &f. v. biznieto. bisojO, ja, «. squint-eyed, cross-eyed. bisonte, m. bison. biSOftaaa, biSOfleria, /. rash and incon- siderate speech or action. bisoilO, iia, «. raw. undisciplined recruit, novice, tyro. bisp6n, m. roll of oil-cloth. bistOla, /. V. BESTOLA. bistorta, /. (bot.) great bistort, snake-weed, bisturi, m. (surg.) bistoury. bisulco, ca, «. bisulcous, cloven-footed, bisunto, ta, a. dirty or greasy. bitacora,/. (naut.) binnacle.' bitadura, /. (naut.) cable-bitt ; a turn of the cable, bitas,/. pi. (naut.) bitts: contrabitas, stand- ards of the bitts. bitones, m. pi. (naut.) pins of the capstan. bitongo, a. m. overgrown boy. bitoque [be-to'-kay], m. bung, stopple. bitor, m. (orn.) rail, king of the quails. bltuminOSO, sa, a. bituminous. bivalvo, va, a. bivalve, bivalvular. biza [bee'-thah], /. fish belonging to the family of tunnies. V. bonito. bizantlno, na, a. Byzantine, bizarramente, adv. courageously, gallantly. bizarrear, vn. to act spiritedly, gallantly. bizarria ibe-thar-ree'-ahi, /, gallantry, valour, mettle, liberality, generosity, splendour. bizarro, rra [bo-thahr'-ro], a. gallant, brave, high-spirited, generous, liberal. bizaza li^-thah'-thah], /. saddle-bag. bizcacha [wtii-cah'-chah], /. rabbit-like animal in Peru. bizcar [buh-cai'], vn. {pret. bizque : mbj. biz- que) to squint. biZCO, ca Ibeetn -co], a. V. bisojo. bizcochada ibitb-oo-chah'- dos, in tournaments. bobordo, in. blade of flag, water-plant ; short spear ; dart used in tournaments ; (bot, ) scape. boil, m. ox-3tall. V. boyera. bolna, /. flat, round woollen cap generally worn in Navarre and Biscay. boj, m. box-tree, box-wood ; shoemaker's box- wood tool. boja,/. southern-wood. V. abrotano. bOjar or bojear, va. (naut.) to sail round and measure an island or cape ; scrape off the stains of leather. — vn. to measure around ; contain. bojedal, m. plantation of box-trees. bojeo, bOJO, m. (naut.) sailing round and measuring an island or head-land. bojeta [bo-hay'-tah], /. kind of herring. bOliganga, .f. company of strolling players. bol, m. punch-bowl ; Armenian bole, red earth. bola, /. ball, globe, pellet; marble, bolus; game of bowling; (coll.) lie, falsehood, humbug, hoax, fib ; (naut.) truck, ball for signals; blacking for shoes; billiard ball: ruede la bola, let well enough alone: bola de Jab6n, wash-ball : bacer bola, to play hookey. bolada,/. stroke in billiards. bOladO, m. V. AZUCARILLO. bolazo, m. violent blow with a bowl : de bo- lazo, a. hurriedly. bolear, vn. to play, practise games at bil- liards ; to bowl ;' to boast, lie, fib. — va. to dart, launch. boleo, m. bowling ; bowling-green, place where balls are thrown. bolera, /. bowling-alley ; dancer of bolero. bolero, m. Andalusian dance ; the person who dances it on the sta^e. bolero, ra, a. truant, fibbing, lying. boleta, /. admission ticket ; lodging billet ; pay order ; small package of tobacco. boletar, va. to put up packages of tobacco. boletero, m. ticket-agent. boletin, m. pay warrant ; pay-bill ; lodging billet : admission-ticket ; bulletin, of news ; (com.) price-list; price-current. bolicbada, /. game of bollche ; fish caught in a net: de una bolichada, by chance at one throw. bollcbe, m. jack; small ball for bowling, small drag-net ; small fish caught in a drag- net near the shore : juego de bollche, pigeon- holes, old game ; troll-madam : bolichet, g (before e, i) and J as b in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, n; in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; ■, biased BOL 74 (naut.) fore-top bowlines aud top-gallant bowlines ; furnace for lead-smelting ; toy called cup aud ball. bolichero, ra, «»• & f. one who keeps a pigeon-hole or troll-madam table. bolidO, m. fiery meteor, shooting-star. bolilla!,/. dim. small ball. bolillO, m. bobbin for lace-making ; iron pin in the game of trucks • mould for stiffening lace cuffs; bone joined to skull of horses. — pi. paste-nuts ; starched lace cuffs. bOlin, TO. jack ; small bowl : de bolin, de bol4n, at random, taoughtlessly. bolines, m.pl. (Amer.) mould-shot. boUna,/- sounding-line ; punishment on ship- board ; noise, turmoil; (naut.) bow-line: navegar de bolina, to sail with bowlines hauled: cchar de bolina, (met.) to make idle boasts. bolinear, va. to haul up the bowline. bolisa, /. embers, hot cinders. bolivar, m. silver coin of Venezuela. boliviano, m. silver coin of Bolivia, — a. of or pertaining to Bolivia. bolo, TO. one of the nine-pins ; cushion for lace-making; axis or core of a winding staircase ; idiot, stupid ; bolus, large pill ; game of nine-pins or ten-pins ; large knife, like a machete, used in the Philippines. bolones, m.pl. (naut.) square bolts or mor- tar-bed pintles. bolonio, TO. ignorant, rattle-brained fellow. bOlOfl.6s, esa, a. Bolognese ; of Bologna, bolsa, /. purse, money, exchange. V. lonja ; pouch, game-bag, hair-bag, foot-bag ; in a gold-mine, pocket; (med.) morbid swelling full of matter; (anat.) scrotum: bolsa de pastor, (hot.) shepherd' s-purse. bolsear, vn. to purse up, pucker. bolsera, /. hair-bag or net for ladies. bolseria, /. place where purses or bags are made or sold. bolsero, to. manufacturer or seller of purses. bolsica, ita, Ula, /. dim. small purse. bolsico, TO. poke, pocket. bolslllO, TO. dim. purse, pocket ; money. bolsin, TO. gathering of brokers out of ex- change hours. bolsista, TO. stock-broker, speculator. bolso, m. purse of money, money-bag. bolsdn, m. aug. of bolso ; large purse ; large iron ring to hold braces of arches ; in oil- mills, board lining of the oil-reservoir. bolla,/. duty on woollens and silks formerly levied in Catalonia; tax on the manufac- ture of nlaying-caras ; in South America, great ricnness of an ore. bolladura,/. v. abolladura. bollar, va. to put a leaden seal on cloths to indicate their manufactory ; to emboss, raise figures. bOlleria,/. bakerv, pastry-shop. bollero, ra, to. & /. pastry-cook, seller of sweet cakes. bolllCO, itO, TO. dim. small loaf or roll. bOllO,TO. small loaf or roll, penny loaf; small biscuit or cake; puff in dress ; tuft in uji- holstery ; bruise made in metal : bollo mai- m6n cake filled with sweetmeats ; morbid swelling; lump; in Peru, bars of silver: bollos de relieve, embossed or raised work. boll6n, TO. brass-headed nail ; button or bud on a plant, vine-bud j button ear-ring. bollonado, da, a. having brass-headed nails. bolluelo, TO. dim. of bollo. bomba, /. pump, pumping-engine, fire-en- gine : bomba alimenticia, l^ed-pQmp : bomba aspirante, suction-pump : bomba impelente. BON force-pump : bomba centrifuga, centrifugal pump : bomba rotatorio, rotary pump : bomba deguimbalete, (naut.) common pump : bomba de carena, bilge-pump: cargar la bomba, to fetch the pump : dar k la bomba, to pump ship ; shell, bomb-shell ; carcass : bomba marina, water-spout ; piece of wind-instru- ments ; lamp globe ; earthen jar or firkin for skimming oil from water : ; bomba 1 listen ! calling attention to a toast. bombacbO, a. pantal6n bombacho, wide, bal- loon trousers. bombarda,/. bombard, ancient thick piece of ordnance; (naut.) bomb-ketch or bomlj- vessel ; ancient wind-instrument; stop of a pipe-organ. bombardear, va. to bombard. bombardeo, to. bombardment. bombardero, to. bombardier. bombasi, m. bombazine, dimity. bOIUbazo, m. report of a bursting bomb. bomb^, TO. light two-wheeled carriage open in front. bombear, va. v. bombardear. bombero, to. fireman ; pumper ; howitzer. bombilla, /. (Amer.) small tube for drink- ing the mate ; (naut.) hand-lantern. bombillO, to. lamp chimney ; water-closet trap ; small pump ; sample or thief-tube. bombo, TO. large drum ; player on bass-drum ; (naut.) barge or lighter; leather pouch in billiards, for numbered balls. bombo, ba, a. astonished; (Amer.) tepid. bombdn, to. bonbon, candy ; vase or cup made of cane in the Philippines ; carboy. bombonaje, to. screw-pine. bombonera, /. box for bonbons. bonachbn, na, a. good-natured, kind. bonaerense, a. of Buenos Ayres. bonancible, «. moderate, calm, fair, serene. bonanza, /. fair weather ; prosperity, suc- cess : ir en bonanza, to be prosperous. bonaparbismo, to. Bonapartism. bonapartista, a. Bonapartist. bonazo, za, a. good-natured, kind-hearted. bondad, /. goodness, excellence, kindne.s8, kindliness, goodwill, graciousness, clemen- cy, frankness, courtesy, suavity. bondadOSO, sa, a. kind, generous, bounti- ful. boudoso, sa, a. v. bondadoso. bonetas,/. pi. (naut.) bonnets. bonetada, /. salutation made by taking «f{ the hat. bonete, to. bonnet, college cap; secular clergyman ; bonnet of a fortress ; preserve jar; reticulum, of ruminants. boneteria, /. bonnet or factory shop. bonetero, ra, to. &/. one who makes or sells bonnets; (hot.) prick-wood, gatheridge. bonetillo, to. small cap or bonnet ; ornament which women wear over their head-dress. bonga,/. palm in the Philippines. V. aeeca. bongo, HI. canoe used in Central America. boniatO (bunlato or moniato), m. sweet potato. bonicamente, adv. prettily, neatly, slyly. bonico, ca, a. dim. of BUENO. bonificacibn, /. (com.) allowance, discount, bonus. bonificar, ra. {pret. B0NIFIQU6: siihj. BONI- fique) to credit ; to meliorate ; to improve. bonina,/. (hot.) ox-eye chamomile. bonisimo, ma, a. sup. of bueno, very good. bonitalo, to. v. bonito, a fish. bonitamente, orfr., prettily, neatly. bonitillO, iUa, «. dim. somewhat pretty. bonito, TO. sea-fish, striped tunny. bonito, ta, a. dim. of BLENO, "pretty good. « u la far ; e in <)h I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; U in ball ; C (before c, i) and z as tb in thick ; b aud d. soft; BON passable ; pretty, graceful, minion, elegant, i>eat, nice, dainty. l)Onizal, m. corn-lield. "bonJZO, m. corn grown wild in Asturias. bono, m. (com.) bond, certificate, due-bill. bonote, m. cocoanut fibre; (naut. ) coir. bonzo, m. bonze, a priest of Buddha. bOlLlga, /. cow-dung, casings. bOfilgar, rt. kind ot round white fig. bOOtes, m. Bootes, a northern constellation. bOqueada [bo-kay-aU'-aah], /. gasp, gasping. boquear [bo-kay-ar'i, vn. to gape, gasp; to brea*.he one's last; to expire; (met.) to end, terminate. — va. to pronounce ; to utter. boquera [bo-kay'iahl, /. sluice made in a canal for irrigating lands ; door of hayloft ; open- ing in inclosures for cattle ; cesspool ; ex- coriation of the angles of the lips ; ulcer in the mouth of beasts. boqiier6n [bo kay-rone'l, TO. wide opening, large h«le ; (icht.) anchovy. boquete [bo-kay'-tay], TO. gap, narrow entrance. lX>4Ulabiert0, ta [bo-ke-ah-b«-err-toj, a. with open mouth ; gaping. boquiancb.0, cna Ibo-ke-ahn'-cUo], a. wide- mouthed. boquiangosto, ta [bo-ke-«n-go8'-to], a. narrow- mouthed. bOqUiCOnOJUHO, na [bo-ke-co-nay-hoo'-Ho], a. rabbit-mouthed; hare-lipped (as horses). boquiduro, ra [bo-ke-doo'-ro], a. hard-mouthed. boquifresco, ca [bo-ko-fies'-co', a. fresh- mouthed (horses); frank, outspoken. boquifnmcido,da[bo-ke-froon-thee'-do], a. puck- ered mouth. bOqUlhendidO, da [bo-ke-en-dee'-do], a. large- mouthed, Hewed. bOqulIlUndidO, da [bo-ke-oon-dee'-do], a. having a sunken mouth. boquilla [bo-keer-iyah], /. divi. little mouth ; opening of breeches at the knees ; opening in a canal for irrigating lands ; chisel for mortising ; mouth-piece of a wind-instru- ment ; cigar-holder; (mas.) verge, course; (mech.) bushing, bush; bomb-hole; gas- burner ; mouth of a scabbard. boquimuelle [bo-ke-moo-ei'-iyay], a. tender- mouthed ; unwary, easily imposed upon. boquin [i)o-keen'], ni. coarse sort of baize. boqulnatural [bo-ke-nah-too-rahr], a. well- mouthed. boquinegro, gra [bo-ke-iiay'-gro\ a. black- mouthed. — TO. &f. blackish sort of snail. bOqUirraSgadO, da [bo-keer-ras-gah'-do], a. deep- mouthed. boquirroto, ta [bo-keer-ro'-to\ a. loquacious, garrulous. bOquirrUbiO, bia [bo-keer-roo'-be-o], a. simple, artless ; conceited youth. boquiseCO, ca [bo-ke-say'-c^], a. dry-mouthed. bOqUlSUmidO, da [bo-ke-soo-mee -do], a. V. BO- QLIIHUNDIDO. boqilita [bo-kee'-tah], /. dim. small mouth. boquitorcldo, da, boquituerto, ta [bo-ke- toi-thee'-do, bo-ke-too-err'-to], a. wry-mouthed, having a crooked mouth. boraclco, ca, a. boraclc. V. b6rico. borato, m. borate. b6rax, m. borax ; sodium biborate. borbollar, borbollonear, vn. to bubble out, gush out. borboll6n, borbotdn, to. bubbling, gushing up of water ; flash : (met. ) k borbollones, im- petuously. borbdniCO, ca, a. relating to the Bourbons. borborigmo, to. rumbling in the bowels. borbotar, vn. to gush out with violence ; to boil over. 75 BOB bOrcegUi [bor-thay-gee'l, TO. buskin, half-boot ,' laced shoe. bOrCegrUlneria [bor-thay-gee-nay-ree-ali], /. shop where laced shoes are made or sold. bOrCegUlnerO, ra [bor-thay-gee-nay'-i-o], m. &.J. maker or retailer of laced shoes. borcellar [bor-thei-iyar'], TO. brim of a vessel. borda, /. hut, cottage; (naut.) gunwale. bordada, /. (naut.) board, tack: dar una bordada, to tack ; (met.) to promenade. bordadlllO, to. double-flowered tatfeta. bordado, to. embroidery.— pp. of bordar. bordador, ra, to. &/. embroiderer. bordadura, /. embroidery ; (her.) border of an escutcheon. bordaje, m. (naut.) side planks of a ship. bordar, va. to embroider ; to perform a thing prettily and artistically : bordar & tambor, to tambour. borde, w. border, outer edge, margin, verge, fringe, ledge • hem of a garment ; brim of a vessel ; board, the side of a ship : k borde, on the brink ; on the eve. — a. wild, savage, uncultivated ; bastard. bordear, vn. (naut.) to ply to windward. bordel^S, sa, a. of Bordeaux. bordo, m. board, the side of a ship ; border, outer ^dge ; tack : 4 bordo, on board ship : al bordo, alongside the ship : de alto bordo, large sea-going vessel : dar bordos, to tack : rendir el bordo en, to arrive at. borddn, to. Jacob's staff, pilgrim's staft"; bass- string ; bass of an organ ; vicious repetition of words • refrain, burden of a song ; (met. ) staflf, guide, or support of another : bordones, (naut.) shores, out-riggers. bordoncico, illo, to. dim. small staflf, bordoneado, da.i>i>. &a. (her.) pommelled. bordonear, vn. to try the ground with a staff or stick ; to beat, club, cudgel ; to rove or wander about. bordoneria,/. wandering idly about, on pre- tence of devotion. bordonero, ra, to. & /. vagrant, vagabond, tramp. bordura,/. (her.) V. bordadura. boreal, a. boreal, northern. b6reas, to. boreas, the north wind. borgOfi.a, to. Burgundy wine. borgOfiiin, na, a. of Burgundy. borgO&Ota, /. sort of ancient helmet: i la borgoBota, in the Burgundy fashion. bbllCO, ca, a. boric. Borinquen, /. applied to the island of Port* Rico. borinque&o, fla, a. of or belonging to the island of Porto Rico. borla, /. tassel, tuft, lock, flaunt ; in univer- sities, doctor's bonnet, doctorship : tomarla borla, to graduate. borllca, ilia, ita,/. dim. small tassel. borlilla,/. (bot.) anther. borldn, m. aug. large tassel ; napped stuff, made of thread and cotton yarn. borne, to. end of a lance; (bot.) cytissus ; binding-i>ost of an electrical apparatus. bomeadero, m. (naut.) berth of a ship at anchor ; swinging berth. bomeadizo, za, a. pliant, easily warped. bomear, va. to bend, turn, twist; (arch.) to model and cut pillars all round ; to hoist, move, and set down building blocks, etc. — vn. to edge, sidle, warp, turn; (naut.) to swing round the anchor. bomeo, to. turning or winding a thing; swinging motion in dancing ; (naut. ) swing- ing round the anchor. bornera, a. blackish mill-stone. % (before e, i) and J as h la hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, BOB 76 BOT bornero, ra, «• ground by a bomera. borni, m. (om.) lanuer, kiud of falcon. boro, tn. boron, one of the chemical elements. borona, /. grain resembling Indian corn ; bread made from this grain. boronia, /. dish of apples, jpumpjcins, and green pepper. V. alboronia. borra, /. yearling ewe ; thick wool, goat's hair ; nap ; floss, burl ; tax on sheep ; lees, sediment, waste ; idle talk ; borax : borra de lana, flock wool : borra de seda, floss silk. borracba, /. (coll.) leather bottle for wine. borrachear, vn. to be often drunk. borrachera, borracberia, /. drunkenness ; hard-drinking, carousal, revelry, drunken feast; (met.) madness, great folly. borracbero, m. shrub of South America : the seed ingested causes delirium. borrachez, /. intoxication ; perturbation of the judgment or reason. borracbO, Cba, a. drunk, intoxicated; (met.) inflamed by passion ; applied to fruits and flowers of a violet colour : sopa borracLa, wine cake. borracb6n, borracbonazo, m. aug. great drunkard, tippler. borrachuela, /. (bot.) bearded darnel, borrachuelo, la, w. &/. dim. little tippler. borrador, m. rough draft ; blotter. borradura,/. erasure, scratch. borra^, m. v. atincar and borax. borraja,/. (bot.) borage. borrajear, vn. to scribole, scrawl. borrajo, m. V. rescoldo. borrar, va. to cross out, strike out; scratch, blot, efface, erase, rub out, obliterate ; (met.) to cloud, darken, obscure. borrasca, /. storm, tempest, squall ; barren rock ; (met.) hazard, danger, obstruction. borrascOSO, sa, a. stormy, boisterous, gusty, tempestuous. bOrrasqUerO, ra [bor-ras-kay'-ro], a. reveller. borregada, /. large flock of sheep or lambs. borrego, ga, tn. A/, lamb not yet a year old ; (met.) simpleton. borreguero [bor-ray-gay'-roj, m. shepherd who tends lambs. bOrregHltO [bor-ray-gee'-to], m. dim. little lamb. borr6n, vi. saddle-tree. borrica, /. she-ass ; ignorant woman, borricada, /. drove of asses ; cavalcade on asses ; silly or foolish word or action. borriCO, m. ass, jument ; fool ; (carp.) trestle- horse. borrlc6n, borrlCOte, m. aug. large jackass ; plodder, laborious man ; sawyer's horse. borrllla, /. downy matter enveloping fruits. bOrXlque&O, fta [bor-re-kay'-nyol, a. asinine. borriquero [bor-re-kay'-roj, m. One who keeps or tends asses. boiTiquete [bor-re-kay'-tay], m. (carp.) trestle- horse : (naut.) de proa, foretop-mast. bOrriquillO, ilia, itO, ita [bor-re-keer-lyo], m. &/. dim. little ass. borrlqulllos [bor-re-keer-iyoe], m. pi. cross-bars of a table-frame. borro, TO. wether not two years old ; (coll. ) dolt ; duty on sheep, borrdn, to. blot of ink, blur; rough draft; first sketch ; blemish, stigma. borronazo, m. aug. great blot or blur. borroncillo, to. dim. small blot or stain. borronear, va. to sketch ; to waste paper by scribbling on it. borroso, sa, a. full of dre^, thick, muddy : letra borrosa, illegible writing, borrufalla,/. empty sounds or words. bomunbada,/. v. barrumbada. boruca,/. noise, hubbub, uproar. borujO, m. pack, bundle ; bagasse of olive* pits ; oil-cake. boruj6n, m. V. buruj«5n. borusca, /. withered leaf. V. seroja. boscaje [bos-cah'-hay], TO. boscage, cluster of trees, grove ; (pict.) boscage, landscape. b6sforO, TO. Bosphorus, channel by which two seas communicate. bosque Ibos'-kay], TO. wood, forest, grove. bOSquecillO [bos-kay-theer-lyo], m. dim. small wood, coppice, grove. bosquejar iboa-kay-har'j, va. to make a sketch of a painting ; to plan, draw, design or project ; to explain a thought or idea in a rather ob- scure manner ; to make a rough model of a figure, or bas-relief. bOSI^ejO [bo8-kay'-ho], TO. sketch of a painting ; any unfinished work, writing or composi- tion : en hoiqucjo, in an unfinished state. bosquete [bos-kay'-tay], TO. artificial grove. bOSta,/. dung, manure. bostezador, ra, to. &/. & a. gaper, yawner. bOStezante, pa. gaping, yawning. bOStezar [boa-tay-thar'], vn. {pret. BOSTECi : subj. bostece) to yawn, gape. bostezo [bos-tay'-thol, m. yawn, yawning. bOta, /. small leather wine-bag ; butt or pipe for wine or other liquids; liquid measure equal to about 125 gallons ; boot : bota de montar, riding boot ; (naut.) water-cask. botabala,/. kind of ramrod. botador, m. thrower, pitcher ; punch, instru- ment for driving out nails ; nail set ; dent- ist's crow's bill or pelican ; (naut.) starting- pole, boat-hook; (mech.) furnace-bar, fire- iron; bolt-driver; (med.) refractor. botafuego, TO. linstock, match-staff; irri- table, quick-tempered person. botague&a [bo-taii-gay'-nyah], /. sausage made of pigs' haslets. bOtalbll, TO. (naut.) boom: botal6n del foqne, jib-boom. botamen, to. (naut.) all the water-casks on board a ship ; all the pots and jars in a drug- store. botana, /. plug to stop up a hole in wine leather bag or cask; plaster on a wound; scar. botanica, /. botany. botanico, ca, «. botanic, botanical. botanico, botanista, to. botanist. bOtanomancia, /. botanomancy, supersti- tious divination by herbs. botantes, m.pl. (naut.) shores, out-riggers. botar, va. to cast, pitch, throw, fling, launch ; to bound, rebound ; (Amer.) to squander, misspend ; (naut.) to shift the helm : botar al agua, (naut.) to launch a ship. botaratada,/. rash, thoughtless action. botarate, a. & m. (coll. ) madcap, thoughtless, blustering person. botarel, to. (areh.) buttress, abutment, spur, counter pillar. botarga, /. loose breeches, galligaskins ; mot- ley dress ; harlequin, buffoon ; kind of large sausages. V. dominguillo. botaslua,/. (mil.) bugle signal for the cav- alry to saddle. botavante, m. (naut.) boarding pike. bOtavara, /. (naut. ) small boom or pole, gaff, sprit ; boat-hook : botavara de cangreja, gaff- sail boom. b0t6, m. l|irust with a pike, lance, or spear; rebound of a ball ; frolicsome bound of a horse ; gallipot ; toilet-box ; pot or jar ; chuck-farthing : bote de tabaco, snuff-canis- ter ; (naut.) boat: bote de la«tre, bailast- a u la far ; e in eh t ; i in police ; o In for ; a la ball ; c (before e, i) and i as tli in thick : b and d, aoA i BOT 17 lighter : estar de bote en bote, to be full of people : de bote yvoleo, instantly. bOteciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. canister ; skiff. botella, /. bottle, tiask ; also the liquor con- tained in a bottle. Iiotellazo, m, blow with a bottle. 1301611611, m. demijohn. bOteqUin [bo-tay-Ueen'J, OT. (naut.) COg, SCUll. boteria, /• in ships, collection of casks of wine. botero, m. one who makes leather bags and bottles for wine; boatman, wherryman. botica, /. apothecary's shop ; medicine in general. boticaria,/. apothecary's wife, boticario, m. apothecary. bOtiga, /. (prov. ) shop. botiguero, m. (prov.) shopkeeper. bOtigU.ilia[bo-te-{,'eer-lyali),/. dim. of BOTIGA. botlja, /. earthen round, short-necked jug; fat person. botijero, m. one who makes or sells jars. bOtyilla, juela,/. dim. small jar. bOtijO [bo-tee'-iio), m. round earthen jar with a spout and a handle ; plump little child. botiibn, m. aug. large earthen jar ; fat child. bOtUla, /. dim. small wine-bag; woman's half-boot. botiller, m. V. botillero. botilleria, /. ice-cream saloon ; (naut.) stew- ard's room and stores. botillero, m. one who prepares or sells ice- cream and refreshments. botillo, m. dim. small leather wine-bag. bOtln, TO. buskin, half-boot; spatterdash, leggings ; booty, spoils of war. botina,/. modem gaiter ; woman's boot. botinero, m. cattle having black feet ; shoe- maker ; soldier who takes care of and sells the booty. bOtlniCO, illO, itO, m. dim. little gaiter or spatterdash. botlquln [bo-te-keeii'], TO. travelling medicine- chest. botito, TO. gaiter with elastics or buttons. bOtiVOleO) m,. recovering a ball at the re- bound. boto, ta, a. blunt ; dull of understanding. — TO. wine-skin ; large gut fillegl with butter. b0t6n, TO. sprout, bud, gem; button; (feu.) tip of a foil ; knob of doors or windows ; an- nulet of balusters, and of keys ; piece of wood which fastens a fowling-net; crank- pin ; dowel ; handle : boton de fuego, cautery in the form of a button : bot6n de oro, (bot.) creeping double-flowered crow-foot botonadura,/. set of buttons. botouazo, TO. (fen.) thrust given with a foil. botoncito, to. dim. small button. botoneria, /. button-maker's shop. botonero, ra, m. &f. button-maker ; button- seller. bototo, TO. gourd or calabash to carry water. botuto, TO. stem of the papaw fruit; war- trumpet of the Orinoco Indians. bou, TO. joint casting of a net by two boats. bovage, bovd.tl00, to. ancient duty on horned cattle. bbveda, /. arch or vault ; cave or cavern ; vault for the dead in churches. bovedllla, /. (arch.) small vault, cove.— pi. (naut.) counters : subirse & las bovediUas, to be nettled. bovino, na, a. belonging to cattle. box, TO. (bot.) V. BOJ. boya, /. (naut.) beacon; buoy; net-float. boyada, /. drove of oxen. boyal, a. relating to cattle. BEA boy ante, pa. buoyant, floating. — a. (naut.) light, sailing well ; prosperous, successful. boy ar, vn. (naut. ) to buoy ; to float. boyazo, m. aug. large ox.' boy era, boyeriza, /. ox-stall, cow-house. boyero, to. oxherd, ox-driver, cowherd. boyezuelO, to. dim. young or small ox. boytino, na, a. bovine. boza, /. (naut.) rope with one end fast in a bolt-ring: bozas, (naut.) stoppers. bozal, TO. muzzle ; bells on a harness. bOZal, a. applied to negroes lately imported ; novice, inexperienced, greenhorn ; stupid, foolish ; wild, not broken in, untamed. bozalejo, to. small muzzle. bozo, TO. down, which precedes the' beard; mouth around the lips ; head-stall of k horse. brabante, to. Brabant or Flemish linen. brabanzbn, a. native of Brabant. braceada, /. violent extension of the arms. braceaje [Uiah-thay-ah'-hay], TO. coinage ; beat- ing the metal for coining in the mint; (naut.) bracing of the yards; depth of water. bracear [braU-thay-ar'], vn. to move or swing the arms. — va. (naut.) to brace ; to measure by fathoms. braceo, to. repeated swinging of the arms. braCerO [brah-tlmy'-ro], TO. one who Oft'crs his arm to a lady : ir de bracero, to walk arm in arm; day-labourer; strong-armed man. — a. said of weapons thrown, as a dart. bracete adv. de bracete, arm in arm. braciUo, itO, to. dim. little arm. bracillO [braii-theer-iyo], TO., branch of the mouth-bit of a horse's bridle. bracnid.n, to. Brahmin, Hindu priest. braco, ca, a. perro braco, pointer dog ; pug- nosed. brictea,/. (bot.) bract. bract6ola, /. bractlet. bradipepsia, /. slow digestion. brafonera, /. rerebrace ; brassart. braga, /. breeches, knickerbockers ; child's clout, diaper ; hoisting-rope ; (mil.) breech- ing, lashing-rope. bragada, /. flat of the thigh in beasts, from the flank to the hough. bragadO, da, a. having the flanks of a dif- ferent colour from the rest of the body ; (met.) ill-disposed, of depraved senti- ments ; energetic, firm. bragadura,/. part of the body where it be- gins to fork, crotch ; fork of a pair of breeches ; flat of the thigh in beasts. bragazas,/.p;. aug. wide breeches. — m. (met.) man easily ruled ; hen-pecked. braguero [braii-gay'-ro], TO. truss, bandage for a rupture, brace: braguero de can6n, (arti.) breeching of a gun ; (Peru) martingale. bragueta Ibrah-gay'-tah],/. front Opening or flap of Dreeches. braguetero [brah-gay-tay'-ro], TO. (low) lecher. — a. lecherous. bragUillaS [brah-geer-lyasl, /. pi. dim. little breeches ; child breeched for the first time ; ugly, dwarfish person. Brama,/. Brahma, deity of the Hindus. brahman or bramin = bracman. brahmanismo, to,. Brahminism. brabbn, m. fold which, in ancient apparel^ surrounded the upper part of the arm. brama,/. rut, the season of copulation of deer and other wild animals. bramadera./. rattle; call or horn used by shepherds and keepers of plantations. bramadero, to. rutting-place of deer and other wild amimals. g(b«foree.l)andJ as b ia hot; h. silent; U in brilliant: fi. ny in can^'on ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; •, Mssed. BRA 78 bramador, ra, m. &f. roarer, brawler. bramante, m. pack-thread, hemp-cord, twine ; bramant linen,— pa. roaring. bramar, vn. to roar, groan, bellow, storm, bluster ; (met.) to fret, rage, cry. bramidO, m. cry uttered by wild beasts ; howl ; tempestuous roaring of the elements. bramil, m. chalk-line used by sawyers. bramin, m. v. bracman. bramona, /. soltar la bramona, to use foul language. bran de Inglaterra, m. ancient Spanish dance. branca, /. point of a horn. brancada, /. drag-net or sweep-net. brancauTsina, /. (bot.) bear's-breech. brancbas,/. pi. gills of a fish. brandales, m. pi. (naut.) back-stays, lad- der-ropes. brandis, m. great-coat used formerly. branque, m. (naut.) stem. branqUia Ibrahn'-kee-ah],/. gill of a fish. branquiado, da [bran-ke-au'-do], a. branchiate. branquial bran-ke-ahi'], a. branchial. branqulfero, ra, a. gill-bearing. brafla,/. summer pasture ; brushwood. braqulal, a. brachial, belonging to the arm. brasa, f. live coal ; red-hot coal or wood : estar hecho anas brasas, to be red-faced : es- tar en brasas, to be on pins and needles. braseritO, m. dim. small pan to hold coals. brasero, m. brazier, pan to hold coals ; fire- Ean ; place where criminals were burnt ; earth, fire-place (Mex.). brasil, m. (bot.) braziletto: palo brasil. Bra- zil-wood ; rouge, used by ladies. brasiladO, da, a. of a red or Brazil-wood colour ; ruddy. brasilefLO, lla, a. Brazilian. brasilete, m. Jamaica-wood, braziletto. brasilina, ./■. braziliu. brasmologla, /. science which treats of the tides. brayamente, adv. bravely, gallantly ; cruel- ly, barbarously ; finely, extremely well ; plentifully, copiously. bravata, /' bravado, boast, brag. braveador, ra, m. &f. bully, hector. bravear, vn. to bully, hector, menace. bravera, /. vent or chimney of ovens. braveza,./". bravery, valour, vigour, ferocity ; lurv of the elements. bravillo, ilia, o. dim. rather wild, not yet lamed. bravio, via, a. ferocious, savage, wild, un- laraed ; not cultivated, coarse, unpolished. DraviO, m. fierceness or savageness of wild ueasts. Dravo, va, a. brave, valiant, strenuous, man- lui. hardy, fearless; bullying,hectoring; sav- age, wild, fierce; severe, untr actable ; rude, unpolished, uncivilized ; sumptuous, expen- sive ; excellent, fine : i bravo I interj. bravo ! bravonel, m. brave ; hector, braggart. bravosidad, /■ v. gali.ardia. bravucbn, na, o. boastful, braggart. bravura, /. ferocity, fierceness ; courage, manliness ; bravado, boast, brag. braza li>rair-thaii], /. fathom, measure of six feet; (naut.) brace. brazada, /. uplifting of the arms ; armful, brazadO, m. an armful. brazaje [bmh-thah'-hay], m. (naut.) depth of water. V. braceajr. brazal, m. bracer, brassart ; bracelet ; ditch from a river or canal, to irrigate lands ; ; scoop-like . armlet for playing balloons ; (naut.) rail, JEI brazalete, m. armlet, bracelet. V. Manilla, PULSERA.^)/. (naut.) brace pendants. brazazo, m. aug. large or long arm. brazo, m. the arm ; by extension, arm of a lever, of a balance beam ; each half of a yard, etc.: fore leg of a quadruped ; branch of a chandelier • arm of a chair ; bough of a tree; (met.) valour, strength, power: brazo de mar, arm of the sea : & brazo partido, with- out weapons ; arm to arm : hecho un brazo d6 mar, gorgeously attired. brazolas,/.^}/. (naut.) coamings of the hatch- ways. brazuelO, m. dim. small arm ; shoulder o^ fore thigh of beasts ; branch of the mouth bit of a bridle. brea, /. pitch, tar ; coarse canvas ; sackcloth. brear, va. to pitch, tar ; vex, plague, thwart; (met.) to cast a joke upon one. brebaje, m. -beverage, potion, draught, medi cine; (naut.) grog. breca, /. bleak or blay ; river fish. V. albur. br6coi, m. brecolera,/. (bot.) broccoli brecha, /. breach, opening; (met.) impres- sion made upon the mind : batir en brecha, (fort.) to batter a breach ; to persecute. brega, /. strife, contest, affray ; (met.) pun> jest, or trick : dar brega, to play a trick : andar i, la brega, to work arduously. bregar, vn. {pret. breguk: subj. bregue) to contend, struggle; (met.) to struggle with difficulties. — va. to work dough with a rolling-pin. bren, m. bran. V. salvado. brenca, /. (bot.) maiden-hair; sluice-post. brenga,/. nlament, one of the three cristated anthers of saffron. brefia, /. breflal, breflar, m. craggy and brambled ground. bre&OSO, sa, a. craggy and brambled. breqae [bray'-kay], TO. small river fish, bleak, bresca,/. honeycomb. brescar, va. (pret. bresqu^: subj. bresque) to extract honeycombs from a bee-hive. bretador, m. call, whistle, or pipe to call birds, bretaiia, /. fine linen made in Brittany ; (bot.) hyacinth, brete, m. fetters, shackles ; perplexity, diffi- culties : estar en un brete, to be hard put to . (Philip.) a food made of leaves of betel. bret6n, m. Briton; (bot.) borecole, kale, breva,/, early fruit of a fig-tree ; early largfe acorn ; choice cigar, rather flat; (coll.) any valuable thing obtained easily. breval, m. (bot.) early fig-tree. breve, m. apostolic brief.—/, breve, longest note in music, breve, a. brief, short, concise, laconic, com pact, compendious, close : en breve, shortly in a little time. brevedad, /. brevity, briefness, shortness conciseness, compendiousness. brevemente, adv. briefly, concisely, shortly brevete. m. v. membrete. breviariO, m. breviary ; abridgment, epit ome ; brevier, small size of type. brezai, m. heath, place planted with heathfS. breZO [bray'-thaw], TO. (bot. ) heath, heather, briaga,/. rope made of bass-weed, brial, m. rich silken skirt. briba,/. truantship, idleness. bribar, t>n. to lead a vagabond life. brlbia, /. beggar's tale of woe : echar la brJ bia, to go a-T^gging. bribdn, na, m. A..f. & a. vagrant, impostoi knave, scoundrel, rascal. brlbonada, /. knavery, petty villainy, mi» chievous trick or practice. * AS in far : e in eh I ■ i in police ■ o in for ; n in ball ; o (before e, i) and e as th in thick ; b and d, soft ; BEI 79 BRO bribonazo, m. aug. great cheat, impudent impostor, big rascal. briboncillO, m. dim. little gull, young im- postor, little rascal. brlbonear, vn. to loiter about ; to loaf. briboneria, /. life of a vagrant or vaga- bond. bribonzuelo, m. dim. v. briboncillo. brlcho, m. spangle, used in embroidery. brlda, /. bridle of a horse ; reins of a bridle ; horsemanship ; curb, restraint, check ; rail coupling ; tisn-plate ; flange ; clamp, staple (watch-making). bridecu, m. v. biricC, sword-belt. bridda, m. horseman ridiug a bur-raddle ; horse accoutred with a bur-saddle ; small bridle ; (poet. ) fine horse. brigada, /. brigade ; a certain number of soldiers ; beasts of burden for an army. brigadero, m. man who tends beasts of bur- den in the army. brigadier, m. (mil.) brigadier or general of brigade ; otficer of the navy, who commands a division of a fleet. brigola,/. (mil.) battering-ram. 5rijd.Il, m. saber a&s que BrJij&n, to be very wise and cautious. brillador, ra, a. brilliant, sparkling, radi- ant, glittering. brillante, a. brilliant, bright, shining, spark- ling, radiant, fulgent ; glossy, resplendent, golden, lustrous, light, lucid, glittering, gaudy, gorgeous, gay, grand. — m. brilliant, a diamond cut in triangular faces. brillantemente, adv. brilliantly, brightly, resplendently, splendidly. brillantez,/. brilliance. V. BRILLO. brillar, vn. to shine, sparkle, glisten, glitter, gleam, flare, ^lare ; (met.) to outshine in talents or merits. brillO, m. brilliancy, brilliantness, bright- ness, luminousness, lustre, splendour, glit- ter, resplendence. brin, m. (prov. ) fragments of the stamens of sSaff"ron ; sail-cloth. brincador, ra, m. & f. leaper, jumper, brincar, vn. {pret. brinque: subj. brinque) to leap, jump, frisk, skip, gambol, hop, bounce ; (met.) to step over others in point of promotion ; omit a subject on purpose and pass to another; fling, flounder, flounce; to fret ; to fly into a passion. brincho, m. mode of playing at a game of cards called reversi. brinco, m. leap, jump, frisk, hop, jerk, bounce, bound ; small jewel fastened to a spring, worn by ladies in their head-dress. brindar, vn. to drink one's health ; to toast, offer cheerfully, invite, allure, entice. brindls, m. drinking the health of another ; a toast. brinqu^ {irr. from brincar). brinquillo, brinquiflo, m. gewgaw, small trinket ; sweetmeat from Portugal. brinza,/. blade, slip, sprig, shoot. brio, m. strength, force, vigour, manliness, spirit, resolution, courage, mettle. brlol, m. (naut.) bunt-line. briolin, n*. (naut.) slab-line. brionia,/. (hot.) briony. bri6s, i voto & bri6« ! interj. by the Almighty ! briosamente, adv. spiritedly, courageously, vigorously, lively. briOSO, sa, a. vigorous, spirited, high-mind- ed, courageous, lively. brisa, /. hreeze, light wind ; bagasse of l>ressed grapes. V. orujo. brisca, /. game at cards. briscado, da, a. mixed with silk ; appliec] to gold and silver twist.— pp. of briscar. briscar, va. to embroider with gold or silver twist. brisera, /. brisero, m,. glass screen for the candle. britltnica, /. (bot.) great water-dock. britano, na, a. Briton. brizar, va. to rock the cradle. brizna,/. fragment, filament, splinter, chip. briznoso, sa, a. full of fragments or scraps. briZO, m. cradle which is rocked. broa, /. biscuit or cracker used in the Philip^ pines; (naut.) cove of shallow depth. broca,/. reel for twist, silk, or thread ; drill for boring holes in iron ; shoemaker's tack. brocadillo, m. brocade of inferior quality. brocado, m. gold or silver brocade. — a. em- broidered, like brocade. brocal, m. curb-stone of a well ; metal ring of the scabbard of a sword : brocal de bota, mouth-piece of a leathern wine-bottle. brocamantdn, m. diamond brooch worn by ladies. brocatel, m. stuff made of hemp and silk ; Spanish marble with white veins. broculi, m. broccoli, a sort of cabbage. brocha,/. painter's brush ; cogged dice used by gamblers : de brocha gorda, painting poor- ly done ; painter of doors and windows. brochada, /. each stroke of the brush made in painting. broc^ado, da, «. relating to brocade. brocbadura, /. set of hooks and eyes. brochazo, m. v. brochada. broche, m. clasps ; hooks and eyes ; locket ; hasp; brooch. brocueta,/. (cook.) skewer. brocbdn, m. aug. large brush, whitewash- brush. brochuela,/. dim. small brush. brodio, m. v. bodrio. brodista, m. poor student who comes for his portion of bodrio or hotch-potch. broma, /. gaiety, jollity, merriment ; noisy gathering ; jest ; ship-worm ; oatmeal- gruel ; (mas.) riprap. bromado, da,i>p. & «. worm-eaten bottom. bromar, va. to gnaw, like the ship-worm called wood-borer. bromato, w. (chem. ) bromate. bromico, a. (chem.) bromic. bromear, vn. to droll, joke, make fun, jest. bromista, m. merry fellow; practical joker. bromo, m. bromine, one of the elements ; ( bot. ) brome grass. bromuro, w. (chem.) bromide. bronca,/. practical joke ; wrangle, quarrel. broncamente, adv. peevishly, morosely. bronce [bron'-thay], m. bronze, brass; (poet.) trumpet, bell, or cannon ; anything strong and hard. bronceado, m. brassiness ; bronzing. bronceado, da, pp. &a. brass-paved, brazen. bronceadura, /. v. bronceado. broncear, va. to bronze ; to adorn with brass. bronceria, /. collection of bronze or brass articles. broncineo, a, m. &f. resembling bronze. broncista, m. worker in bronze. bronco, ca, a. rough, coarse, unpolished ; J fcrusty ; sturdy; morose, crabbed; rude ; hard ; abrupt, harsh ; hoarse. broncotomia, /. (surg.) bronchotomy. broncba, /. short poniard ; jewel ; white- washing brush. bronquedad, /. harshness, roughness, rude- ness ; brittleness. g (before e, anU J aa h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 Id brlUiant ; n, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■. BEO 80 bronC[Uial [bron-ke-ahri, a. (anat.) bronchial. 'broiiq.uina [bron-kee'-uah], /. dispute, conten- tion, quarrel. bronquiO [bron'-ke-o], OT. (anat.) bronchus. bronquitiS [bron-kee'-ti*!, /. bronchitis, broquel [broker], m. shield or buckler ; (met.) support, protection. broquelazo [bro-kay-iah'-tho], m. stroke with a shield or buckler; (aug.) large shield or buckler. broquelero [bro-kay-iay'-ro]. m. one who makes or wears shields or bucklers : wrangler, dis- putes broquelete, m. dim. small buckler. brOqUelillO Ibro-kay-leel-lyo], m. dim. small shield ; small ear-rings. broqueta [bro-kay'-tahj, /, skew. V. BROCHETA. brosqull Lbro«-keei'], TO. sheep-fold, sheep-cote. brota, /. vine-bud. V. brote. brotadura, /. budding. brbtano, m. (hot.) southern-wood. brotar, vn. to bud, germinate, put forth shoots or germs ; come out, gush, flow or rush out ; issue, break out, appear. brote, broto, m. germ of vines ; bud of trees ; fragment, crumb, bit. brot6ll, m. lar^e clasp ; shoot, tender twig. broza. /. remains of leaves ; thicket, brush- wood ; chaflf, rubbish, farrago; (print.) brush. brozar, va. (print.) to brush the types. brOZOSO, sa, a. full of rubbish. brucero [broo-thay'-ro], TO. brush and broom maker or seller, bruces [broo'-thes], adv. k braces or de bruces, with the mouth downward : caer de bruces, to fall headlong. brucita,/. fmiu.) brucite, go, m. vine-grub, plant-louse, la,/, witch, hag, sorceress; owl. jear, vn. to practise witchcraft. jeria[broo-hay-ree'-ah], /. witchcraft, hagship. jldor [broo-he-dor'], TO. glaziers' nippers, jidura, /. bewitching, casting spells. _ Jir [broo-heer'], v(u to pare off the corners and edges of panes of glass. brujO [broo'-ho], TO. sorcerer, conjurer, wizard. brUjUla [broo'-hoo-iah], /. magnetic needle ; (naut.) sea-compass; sight, small hole to point a gun, peep-hole, brujulear [broo-hoo-uy-ar"], va. at cards, to ex- amine one's hand by the top of cards ; (met.) to discover by conjectures. brnjuleo [broo-hoo-uy'-o], TO. examining one's hand by the top of cards; close examina- tion ; guess, conjecture. brulote, to. (naut.) fire-ship; warlike ma- chine of the ancients, bruma, /. mist rising from the sea, haziness. brumador, ra, a. v. abrumador, brumal, a. brumal, foggy. brumamiento, to. weariness, lassitude. brumar, va. V. abrumar. brumazdn, to. thick fog or mist at sea. bnuno, m. refined wax, for polishing tapers. brumoso, sa, a. foggy, hazy, misty, bruno, na, a. dark brown, blackish. brnno, m. black plum ; plum-tree. bruflido, TO. polish, burnish.— p/). of bruSir. bniflidor, ra, a. burnisher, polisher. — m. burnisher: (shoe.) collish. bruflimlento, m. polishing or burnishing ; polish. bru&ir, va. to burnish, polish ; (coll.) to put on rouge ; to fard. brusca,/. (naut.) bevel, sweep, or rounding of masts ; brushwood. bruscamente, adv. abruptly, peevishly. BUE bruscate, m. hash made of milt and lambs' livers. bmsco, TO. (hot.) kneeholly, butchers's* broom ; trifling remains ; retuse shearings. bruSCO, ca, a. rude, peevish, forward, rough. brusela,/. (hot.) lesser periwinkle. brutal, a. brutal, brutish, churlish, currish, savage, ferocious. — »/i. brute. brutalldad,/. brutality, savageness, brutish- ness- brutal action ; roughness, hcggishness. brutalmente, adv. brutally, churlLshly, bru- tishly, ferociously. brutesco, ca, a. grotesque. bruteza, /. roughness, want of polish ; bru- tality. brutO; TO. brute, beast ; (met. ) ignorant, rude, and immoral person. brutO, ta, a. coarse, beastly, brutish, gross, unpolished, rough : en bruto, in a rough state : diamante en bruto, rough diamond : peso bruto, gross weight. bruza, /. horse-brush ; stove-brush ; scrub- bing-brush ; printer's brush. bruzar, va. to orush with a bruza. bu, TO. word used to frighten children. bua,/. pustule. V. BUBA. buaro, buarillO, m. (orn.) buzzard. buba,/. pustule, small tumour.— p/. buboes. bubalO, TO. bubaliS, African antelope. bub&tlco, ca, «. having buboes or glandular tumours. bubilla, /. dim. small pustule, pimple. bubdn, TO. morbid tumour, full of matter. bubbniCO, ca, a. bubonic. bubOSO, sa, a. afflicted with pustules or bu- boes. bucal, a. relating to the mouth, buccal. bucaral, m. plantation of bncares. bUCardJl, m. buckram. V. bocaci. bucare, to. tree iniVenezuela planted to shade coffee and cocoa plants. bucarlto, to. dim. small earthen vessel of odoriferous earth. bticaro, to. vessel made of an odoriferous earth of the same name. buccino, to. buccinum, whelk. bucear [boo-thay-ar'], vn. to dive, to go unde* water in search of anything. buc^falo, [boo-tiiay'-faii-io], to. bucephalus i (met.) stupid, dull man. buceo [boo-thay'-o], TO. diving ; searching under water. bucero, ra [boo-thay'-roi, a. black-nosed (ap* plied to a dog). bucle, m. rin^et, curl, lock of hair. bUCO, TO. opening, aperture, gap; (zool.) buck. bucbllca,/. bucolic, pastoral poetry ; food. bUC611C0, ca, a. bucolic, relating to pastoral poetry. bUChada,/. mouthful, v. bocanada. bucbe, m. craw or crop ; maw ; stomach ; mouthful of a fluid ; young sucking ass, foal ; purse, wrinkle, or pucker in clothes ; bosom, the place where secrets are pretendeq to be kept. buchete, to. cheek puffed with wind. budare, to. (Venez.) large baking-pan. budiCO, ca, a. Buddhic, Buddhistic budln, to. pudding. budibn, m. (icht. ) peacock-fish. budismo, to. Buddhism. budista. TO. &f. Buddhist. buega, /. landmark. buen, a. contr. of bueno, good ; used only be^ fore a substantive masculine, as buen hombre, good man, and )>efore a verb in the infini- tive, used as a substantive, as el buen decir, the correct way of si>eaking. • MiDiar; ftlnehl; iln police ; o in for ; n in bull ; e (before «. 1) and s m tb In thick : b and d, soli; BUE 81 BUE buenaboya, m. seaman who volunteered to serve on board a galley. buenamente, adv. freely, spontaneously ; conveuieutly, easily, commodiously. buenandanza, /. v. bienandanza. buenaventura, /. fortune, good luck ; pre- diction of fortune-tellers. bueno, na, «. good, kind ; upright ; virtuous ; simple ; fair ; plain ; fit or proper for some- thing ; useful, serviceable ; sociable, agree- able, pleasant, loving, gracious ; great, strong, violent ; sound, healthy ; savoury, palatable, delicious: bnenos dias, good-day, good-morning: buenas tardea, good-after- noon or evening : buenas noches, good-night : j, & donde bueno ? where are you going? ide donde bueno 7 where do you come from ? de buenas & primeras, suddenly : & buenas, will- ingly. dueno, adv. enough, sufficiently. buenparecer [boo-en-pah-ray'-therr], m. pleasing aspect. buenpasar, m. independent situation, com- fortable subsistence. buera, /. pustule or pimple in the mouth. buey, m. ox, bullock : buey marine, sea-calf : buey de caza, stalking-ox. bueyazO, m. aug. big ox. bueyecillo, bueyezuelo, m. dim. little ox. bueyuno, na, «. belonging to neat cattle. bufado, da, a. blown, applied to glass drops blown extremely ihm.— pp. of bufar. bufalino, na, «. belonging to buffaloes. bufalO, m. buffalo. bufanaa,/. muffler, comforter. bufar, vn. to puff and blow with anger ; to snort. bufete, m. desk or writing-table; lawyer's office ; bureau ; side-board. bufetillo, m. dim. small desk or writing-table. bufi, m. kind of watered camlet. bufido, m. bellow, roar, snort. bufO, fa, a. comic, farcical : opera bnfa, comic opera. — m. &/. comic singer. bufbn, m. peddler, street vender; buffoon, harlequin, merry-andrew, mimic, fool, clown, jester. buf6n, na, «. funny, comical. bufonada,/. buffoonery, waggery, jest, mim- icry, raillery. bufonazo, m. aug. great bliffoon. bufoncillo, m. dim. little merry-andrew. bufonearse, vr. to jest ; to turn into ridicule. bufoneria, / V. bufonada. bugada,/. v. bogada. bugalla,/. gall-nut growing on oak leaves. buglosa, /. (bot.) alkanet ; bugloss. bllharda, /. dormer-window ; garret. buhardllla,/. dim. small garret. bubarro, m. (om.) eagle-owl. buhedera,/. embrasure, loop-hole. buhedo, m. marl, kind of calcareous earth. bubero, m. owl-keeper. bnblo, m. V. boh!o. buho, m. (orn.) owl ; (met.) unsocial man. buhoneria, /. peddler's box ; peddlery. buhonero, m. peddler, hawker. buir, va. to polish, burnish. buitre, m. vulture. buitrera, /. place to catch vultures. buitrero, m. vulture-fowler. buitrero, ra, a. vulturine. buitr6n, m. osier basket to catch fish ; par- tridge-net; furnace where silver ores are smelted ; snare for game. buja [boo'-hah], /. chuck (in watch-making), bularasol, m. fig of reddish pulp, bujarrdn, w. (vul.) V. sodomita. bujC) "i- axle-box, bush-box, iron ring ; pit bnjeda, /. bnjedal, bujedo, m. plantation of box-trees. bnjeria,/. gewgaw, bauble, toy, knick-knack. bujeta, /. box made of box-wood ; perfume- box ; case for smelling-bottle. bulla [boo-iiee'-ah], /. wax-candle ; stearine can- dle ; candlestick. bujieria, /. office at court where wax-candles are kept. bula, /. papal bull. bulailo, TO. collection of papal bulls, bulbo, TO. (bot.) bulb. bulboso, sa, a. bulbous. bulero, to. one charged with distributing bulls of crusades. buleto, TO. brief granted by the Pope, or by his legate. bulgaro, raj a. Bulgarian, bull, TO, (Philip.) palm-tree. V. burL bulimia,/, (med.) voracious appetite. bultltO, TO. dim. little lump ; small bundle. bulto, TO. bulk, anything which appears bulky ; any oDject not clearly seen ; pro- tuberance ; tumour, swelling ; massiness ; bust ; bundle, parcel, package ; pillow-case j flgura 6 imagen de bulto, figure or image in sculpture ; high-relief: & bulto, indistinctly, at guess-work : escurrir el bulto, to run away. bululu, TO. strolling comedian. bulla, /. noise, bustle, fuss, clatter, shout ; noisy stir, crowd, mob : meterlo k bulla, to carry off the matter with a joke : meter bu- lla, to make noise. bullaje, TO. noisy crowd. bullanga,/. tumult, riot. bullangUerO, ra [bool-lyan-gay'-ro], TO. & f. rioter, turbulent person. bullar, va. V. bollar. bullebulle, to. busybody, bustler, hu?tler. bulllcio [booi-iyee'-the-o], TO. bustle, noise, tu- mult, uproar ; sedition ; heat. bulllclosamente; adv. noisily, tumultuous- ly, merrily. blQllclOSO, sa [booi-iye-the-oh'-8o], a. lively, rest- less, merry, playful, noisy, clamorous, busy; seditious, turbulent, boisterous (the sea), bullldor, ra, a. v. bullicioso. bullir, vn. to boil, bubble up ; move about, bustle, hustle, fluster. — va. to move, stir. bull6n, TO. dye bubbling up in a boiler; metallic ornament for large books ; puff in sewing. bunetO, m. (om.) hedge-sparrow. bungo, TO. Nicaraguan flatboat, buniato, to. v. boniato. bunio, m. sort of earth-nut or pig-nut. buftolada, /. platter of bans or waffles*, botch work. buAoleria, /. bun-shop. buflolero, ra, to. &/. maker or seller of crul- lers or waffles. bufluelo, TO. fritter, pancake, bus, cruller, waffle ; anything poorly done or spoiled ; a failure. buque [boo'-Uay], w. (naut.) bulk, capacity, or burden of a ship ; hull of a ship ; vessel, ship : buque de guerra, man-of-war. burato, m. Canton crape ; cyprus, worn for ■ if of light silk, burba, /. African coin of small value. mourning ; tran.sparent veil burbuja,/. bubble, bleb. burbujear, vn. to bubble. burbujita,/. dim. small bubble. burcbaca,/. v. burjaca. burche, m. tower (fort). burcbo, TO. (naut.) large sloop or barge. B (before e, 1) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; «, libidi- m. (^Philip.) palm-tree. I, a. reddish, dark red. BUB burdas, /. pi. (naut.) back-stays. burd^gano, »». hinny, mule. burdel, m. brothel, brothel-house. nous. burdinalla,/. (naut.) sprit-top-sail-stay. burdo, da, «• coarse, common, ordinary, burel, m. (her.) bar, the ninth part of a shield; (naut.) tid, marline-spike.—/)/. (uaut.) pointed wooden rollers. burengue, w*. mulatto slave. bureo, »«. court of justice ; entertainment, amusement, diversion, spree. bureta,/. burette, drop-measurer. burga, / spa, hot springs. burgal6s, m. native of Burgos ; ancient coin made at Burgos. burgu6s, sa [i)oor-Kes8'], a. burgess, citizen of a town of the middle class. bUrgUeSia Ibooi-Kay-see'-ah], /. burgess-ship ; yeomanry buri, m. buriel, buriel, m. kersey, coarse cloth ; rope-walk. buril, in. burin, engraver's tool ; graver. burllada,/. line or stroke of a burin ; silver taken by "an assayer for testing. buriladura, /. engraving with a burin. burilar, va. to engrave with a graver. iDUTJaca,/. pilgrim's leather bag. buria, /. scoff, flout, mockery, fling, sneer ; jest, fun, trick; jeer, gibe, hoax; deceit, cheat: burla pesada, biting jest: burl* bur- lando, in an easy way, without effort : burlas aparte, joking aside : de burlas, in jest. burladero, m. narrow doorway in the bull- ring, for escape of the fighter." burlador, ra, m. & /. wag, jester, scoffer, mocker, jeerer, practical joker ; libertine, seducer ; conjurer's cup. burlar, va. to ridicule, mock, scoff, hoax, gibe, abuse, deceive, frustrate, disappoint, evade. — rr. to jest, laugh at, make fun of, gibe, dally, chaff, banter, take off. burleria,.'. fun, pun, artifice ; drolling; fish- story, yarn, fairy-tale; deceit, illusion ; de- rision, reproach ; chaff, banter, ridicule. burlescamente, adv. comically, ludicrously. burlesco, ca, «. burlesque, jocular, ludicrous, comical, funny. burleta, /. dim. little trick, fun, or joke. burlete, m. weather-strip. burldn, na, a. banterer, jester, scoffer, mocker. buro, »t. (prov.) chalk, marl. buro, w. bureau, writing-desk. burooracia, /. bureaucracy ; political influ- ence. burocr^tlCO, a. bureaucratic. burra, /. she-ass ; dirty, ignorant, and un- teachable woman ; laborious woman of much patience. burrada, /. drove of asses ; stupid or foolish action or saying; play contrary to rule in the game of burro. burrajO, m. dry stable-dung for fuel. burrazo, za, m. &/. aug. large or big ass. burrero, »*. ass- keeper, who sells asses' milk. burrillo, m. (coll.) V. aSalejo. burrito, >«. dim. little ass. burro, m. ass, jument ; a stupid, ignorant being ; sawyer's jack or horse ; wheel of a reel ; game at cards ; windlass : burros de la mesana, (naut.) mizzen-bowlines. burrumbada, ./■ v. b.vrrumbada. bursktil, «. relating to the bour.se c- ex- change. burujo, w». lump of pressed wool or other 2 CA matter ; parcel, package ; bagasse frojB olives, grapes, etc. burujbll, in. lump in the head caused by « blow ; badly made parcel. burujoncillb, //*. dim. little lump or bundle. busardas, /. pi. (naut.) breast-hooks, com« pass-timbers. bUSCa, /. search, research ; pursuit; terrier j hunting-party.—/*/, perquisites. buscada,.f'. search, research. buscador, ra, «. searcher, investigator. — m. fiuder, an optical appliance. buscapl^, "I. (met.) hint dropped in conver- sation or in writing to lead to a research. bUSCapi^B, m. sing, squib-cracker; serpent lire-cracker. buscar, va. {pref. BUSQUK: subj. busque) to seek, search, look after, look fbr, look out. hunt after : buscar tres pies al gato, to pick a quarrel. — r?: to bring upon one's self. buscarruidos, m. &f. (coll. ) restless, quarrel- some ]>ersou. buscavidas, m. & f. busybody, gossip-mon- ger ; hustler ; thrifty person. bUSCO, m. threshold of a sluice-gate. buscbn, na, m. &/. searcher •, cheat ; pilferer, filcher, petty robber. bUSlliS, m. (coll.) question, knotty point, riddle : dar en el busllls, to hit the mark. busqud {irr. from buscar). busqueda, /. search. V. blscada. bUStO, m. (art) bust. bustrbfedon, m. method of writing contin- uously from left to right, and back vice versa, and so on, like the trail of oxen ploughing. butaca, /. arm-chair, easy-chair, orchestra- chair in a theatre. butifarra, /. sort of sausage made in Cata- lonia ; gaskins, gallikins ; in Peru, ham sandwic'li. butifarrero, TSl. a. maker and seller of bati- farras. butiondO, a. fetid, goatish, lustful. butiriceo, cea, '■. butyraceous. butirico, ca, «. butyric. butrino, butr6n, m. fowling-net. butUCO, in. thick, stumpy plantain. buyador, m. brazier. F. latonero. buyo, m. (Philip.) compound of bonga-fruit, betel-leaves, and lime, for chewing. buz, m. kiss of respect and reverent regard: hacer el buz, to do homage or pay respect. buzamientO, m. (geol.) dip of a stratum. buzano, m. diver ; kind of culverin. a buzar, ra. (geol.) to dip downward. buzardas, /. p/. (naut.) breast-hooks, fore- hooks. bUZCOrona,/. blow on the head in fun while kissing the hand. bUZO [boo'-tiioi, m. diver ; ancient kind of shin buzdn [i>oo-thone'\ m. (arch.) conduit, canal- letter-drop, letter-box, drop-box ; lid or cover of cisterns, ponds, jars, etc. ; in foundries, hooks to take off the lids of melting-pots; sluice of a mill. buzonera,/. drain or gutter in a courtyard. C [thay], third letter of the alphabet ; before ► and i has the sound of the English th it. thick ; before a, o, m, /, and r it sounds like A ; it is also a numeral, as C, 100 ; Ij, 500 ; and CIo, 1,000. ca, conj. (obs.) because, for. -^aainftur; e\nehl: iin police ; o In for : n In boll ; e (before e, i) ana B as th In thick ; b snd d, m0 ; K.A. 83 CAB ( C& ! inferj. oh, no I no, indeed ! V. \ quia ! cabal, a. just, exact ; perfect, complete, ac- complished, full, faultless, consummate, clever: por bus cabales, exactly, perfectly, according to rule aud order. Cd.bala, /. cabala, superstitious divination ; secret science of the Hebrew rabbins; ca- bal, intrigue, complot, combination, con- federacy, junta. cabaJgada, /. foray, cavalcade ; booty. Cabalgadero, "i. mounting-block. cabalgador, m. rider, horseman in proces- siou ; horse-block. cabalgadura, /■ sumpter, beast of burden. Cabalgar, vn. {pret. cabalguk: subj. CA- balgue) to horse ; to get on horseback ; to mount on horseback ; to ride ; to parade on horseback ; to go in a cavalcade. — ua. to cover a mare. cabalgata, /. cavalcade. cabamuste, »«. ancient saddle with high semicircular pommel and cantle. Cabalista, m. eabalist. CabalistiCO, ca, a. cabalistic. cabalmente, adv. exactly, completely, per- fectly, fully, precisely. caballa, /. horse-mackerel. caballaje, m. place where mares and she- asses are served by stallions or jackasses ; money paid for that service. caballar, a. belonging to or resembling horses, equine. caballear, va. to ride horseback often. caballejO, m. dim. little horse, nag; (farr.) shoeing-frame. caballerato, m. ecclesiastical benefice granted by the Pope to a married layman ; privilege of gentleman or esquire, in Cata- lonia. caballerear, vn. to set up for a gentleman. caballerescamente, adv. knightly, cavalier- ly, gentlemanly. caballeresco, ca, a. knightly, chivalrous ; belonging to or having the appearance of a gentleman. Caballerete, m, dim. (coll.) spruce young gentleman. S^alleria, /. riding beast : caballeria mayor, saddle-horse or mule : caballeria menor, ass ; cavalry, horse-troops ; art of riding, horse- manship ; chivalry, order of knights, mili- tary order, knighthood, martialism ; share of spoils given to a knight ; (Cuba) tract of land about thirty-three and one-third acres : libros de caballeria, books of knight-errant- ry : caballeria andante, knight-errantry. CaballeritO, m. dim. young gentleman. Caballeriza, /. stable ; number of horses, mules, etc., standing in a stable ; stud of horses; staff of grooms, hostlers, etc. caballeriZO, m. head groom of a stable : caballerizo del rey, equerry to the king : caba- Uerizo mayor del rey, master of the horse to the king. caballero, m. knight, cavalier, nobleman, gentleman ; rider, horseman ; a sort of for- tification ; old Spanish dance; (orn.) red- legged horseman, gambet : caballero andan- te, knight-errant : caballero de indnstria, a defrauder, a knave. «aballero, ra, n. riding. Caballerosamente, adv. generously, nobly, in a gentl(Muan-like manner, knightly. taballerosidad, m. & f. condition, quality of a gentleman, nobleness, honourable be- haviour, generosity. Caballeroso, sa, a' noble, generous, gentle- man-like, urbane, polished. caballerote, m. (coll.) graceless, unpolished gentleman. caballeta,/. (ent.) field cricket. caballete, m. ridge of a gable-roof; carpen- ter's horse, trestle-horse, bench, trestle ; horse, an instrument of torture ; brake, for dressing hemp and flax ; ridge between fur- rows ; cap of a chimney ; bridge of the nose ; gallows of a printing-press : caballete de ase- rrar, saw-buck, saw-horse : caballete de col. char cabos, (naut.) rope-laying truss, a stake-head ; (art) painter's easel. caballiCO, itO, m. dim. little horse, pony ; hobby-horse, rocking-horse. caballista, m. horseman, connoisseur oi horses, good rider. caballo, m. horse : caballo padre, stallion : caballo de montar or de silla, saddle-horse: ca- ballo de carga, pack-horse : caballo castrado or capado, gelding : caballo frison, draught- horse : caballo de guerra, charger : caballo de albada or de regalo, sumpter or state horse : caballo de batalla, battle horse, charger* hobby, a favourite idea ; special accomplish- n^ient ; leading topic : caballo de caza, hunt er : caballo de carrera or corredor, race-horse : caballo rabon, docked horse : caballo de es- cuela, horse well broken in at the man&ge : caballo de vara, shaft-horse : caballo agui- lilla, (Sp. Amer.) a very swift horse : caba- llo de alquiler, hack, hackney : caballo de tiro, draught-horse : caballo de mano, led horse : caballo de posta, post-horse : caballo espantadizo'ormedroBo, skittish horse : caballo bayo, bay horse : caballo bayo castafio, chest- nut bay horse : caballo bayo dorado, bright bay horse : caballo picazo, pied horse : caballo moro, piebald horse : caballo mcio rodado, dapple gray horse : caballo tordo rodado, dap- ple bay horse : caballo pardo, gray horse : caballo alaz&n, sorrel horse : caballo alaz&n toBtado, dark sorrel horse : caballo overo, white and red spotted horse : caballo rubi- c&n, speckled white horse : caballo retinto, shining black horse : caballo matado, a galled horse : caballp deBbocado, runaway horse : ik caballo, on horseback : caballo ke frisia, (mil.) chevaux-de-frise, hersillon : caballo de palo, any vessel fit for sea ; rack for crim- inals ; (tannery) tanner's beam : caballo marino, river-horse ; pipe-fish, sea-horse : caballo de vapor, horse-power ; figure on horseback, equivalent to the queen, in a Spanish pack of cards ; trestle, for masons and plasterers ; knight in the game of chesB. —pi. caballoB, horse, cavalry ; bubo, tumour in the groin. caballdn, m. large, clumsy horse ; ridge be- tween two furrows. CaballuelO, m. dim. little horse. caballuno, na, a. belonging to a horse. caba&a, /. shepherd's hut, cottage, cot, cabin, hole, hovel, mean habitation ; flock of ewe» or breeding sheep ; drove of mules for car- rying grain ; balk-line in billiards. caoa&aJ, a. applied to the road for flocks of travelling sheep and droves of cattle ; a vil- lage of huts. cabafLeria, /. rations for a week allowed to shepherds. Cabailero, ra, a. belonging to a cabana, in any of its acceptations. — m. a keeper of a cabafta. Cabafiil, a. belonging to a shepherd's hut. — m. man in charge of a cabafia of mules. Cabafluela, /. dim. small hut or cottage ; weather prognostication made in Au^ist for the following year : cabafinelas, festival of the Jews of Toledo. [ (befure e, i) auU J as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; 8. hissed. CAB 84 cabe, rn. stroke given by balls, in the game of argoUa: dar «n cabe al boliiUo, (met.) to hurt one in his business, fortune, etc. cabe, p^ep. (poet.) near, nigh, by. cabeceafniento, m. v. cabeceo. cabecear, vn. to nod in sleep; to nod in as- sent ; to shake the head in disapprobation ; to raise or lower the head, applied to horses ; to incline to one side, to hang over, applied to a load , (naut.) to pitch ; to lurch, used of carriages. — va. in writing, to give the let- ters a thick loop ; among bookbinders, to put the head-band to a book ; to bind cloth or rugs ; to cauterize a vein ; to head wine. cabeceo, m. nod of the head; (naut.) pitch- ing. CabeCera [cah-bay-thay'-rahl /. beginning Or principal part of something; upper end; nead or head-board of a bed ; seat of hon- our ; head-waters ; capital of a province, district, or nation ; fortified point of a bridge ; head-piece or vignette ; each ex- tremity of the back of a book ; pillow or bolster. cabeciancbo, clia, a. broad-headed. cabecica, ita, /. dim. small head. cabecilla !cah-ba.v-theer-iy«h], m. wrong-headed person ; leader of rebels ; ringleader. cabellar, vn. to hair ; to put on false hair. cabellejO [cah-bei-iyay'-hoe], TO. di7n. little hair. cabellera, /. long hair ; switch of hair ; tail of a comet. CabellO, m. hair of the head : aiirse de nn cabello, to adopt the slightest pretext.— pZ. large sinews in mutton ; corn-silk : cabe'ioi de 4ngel, sweetmeat made with cidracayote : traer alguna cosa por los cabellos, to say something inappropriate or illogical. CabelludO, da, a. hairy ; fibrous. cabelluelo, m. dim. thin and short hair. caber, wi. {ind. quepo, cabe, cabemos : pre/. CUPE ; subj. QUEPA^ QUEPAMOS) to be able or capable to contain, or to be contained ; to fit ; to have room, or right of admission ; to be entitled to a thing ; to fall to one's share : no caber de gozo, to be overjoyed : no caber de piea, to have no room to stand : no caber en tl, to be very conceited : todo cabe, it is all possible : todo cabe en falano, he is capable of anything: no cabe m&s, nothing more to be desired. — va. to contain ; comprise, in- clude. cabero, m, maker of handles for tools. cabestraje, m. halter ; fee paid to a drover. cabestrante, ■w. v. cabrestante. cabestrar, va. to halter. — vn. to fowl with a stalking-ox. cabestrear, vn. to follow one who leads by a halter, applied to beasts. cabestreria, /. shop where halters and col- lars are made and sold. cabestrero, m. halter and collar-maker or seller. — a. so tame as to be led by a halter. cabestrlllo, m. sling: gold or silver chain. cabestro, m. halter ; oell-ox. cabeza icah -bay'-thah], /. head, extensively ap- plied also to persons ; chief, leader ; under- standing, mind, judgment ; talents ; begin- ning; extremity: topor upper part of many things ; principal town of a province, dis- trict, etc. ; head of cattle : cabeza mayor, head of neat cattle : cabesa menor, head of sheep, goats, etc. ; (naut.) head of a ship. — pi. cabezai, principal parts of a vessel ; an equestrian game : hacer cabeaa, to be the leader: levantar cabeza, to retrieve one's health or fortune: no tener piea ni cabeza algnna cota, to have neither head nor tail : CAB perder la cabeza, to lose one's senses ; to be rattled : poner las cosai piet con cabeza, to jumble things together , to put them topsy- turvy r de cabeza, from memory ; headlong. cabezada./. headshake ; stroke or butt given with the head, or received upon it ; nod ; halter, collar ; head-stall of a bridle ; pitch- ing of a ship ; head-band of a book : instep of a boot : dar cabezadas, to nod in sleep. cabezai, m. small pillow ; compress used by surgeons ; long round bolster ; post of • door ; fore part of a carriage ; narrow maU tress used by labourers. cabezalejo, ico, illo, ito, m. dim. little piW low or bolster ; small compress. cabezalero, ra, a. executor of a will. cabezazo, m. stroke with the head. cabezo, to. summit of a mountain, hill ; reef > shirt-collar or falling-band. Cabez6n, na, a. big-headed ; obstinate. — m, tax-list or register ; collar of a shirt ; open- ing of a carmen t for the head ; cavesson or nose-band, used in breaking in a horse. cabezorro, m. aug. large disproportioned head. Cabezota, m. & /. nug. (coll.) big-headed, club-headed, obstinate person. cabezudO, to. (icht.) chub, mullet. cabezudo, da, a. large-headed ; headstrong, obstinate, stubborn. Cabezuela, /. dim. small head ; coarse flour ; rose-bud from which rose-water is distilled ; hare-brained fellow, simpleton : (hot.) ervp.- go, ragwort^leaved centaury. caibezuelo, m. dim. of CABEZO, little head or top of anything. Cabida,/. content, space, capacity ; influence, cabidO, TO. landmark.— pp. of CABE»t. cabildada,/. hasty, ill-advised prf»ceeding oJ a corporation. Cablldear, vn. to lobby ; to influence or win votes in a corf>oration. cabildeo, m. lobbying. cabildero, a. lobbyist. cabildo, m. chapter of a cathedral or col- legiate church ; meeting of a chapter ; place where the meeting is held ; corporation of m town. cabilla, /. (naut.) dowel; tree-nail; belays ing-pin. cabUleJO, to. dim. (hot.) partial flower stalk. cabillO, TO. (hot.) flower-stalk ; fruit-stem.— dim. small end of a rope. cabimlento, to. right of claiming a com- mandery in the order of Malta. V\ cabida. cablO, TO. flooring joist ; breastsummer of a chimney. cabio, TO. top and bottom pieces of a window or door frame ; kind of rafter. cabitO, TO. dim. the small end of a candle or butt of a cigar. V. cabo, cabillo. cablzbajo, ja, a. crestfallen ; thoughtful, pensive ; melancholy. cable, TO. cable; cable's length, measure of 120 fathoms. cablear, c&blegrafiar, va. (neo.) to cable. cablejgrafiCO, ca, a. pertaining to the aub- marine telegraph ; cablegrammic. cablegrama, to. (neo.) cablegram. cabo, m. extreme, extremity ; tip ; bit ; stub,, stump; cape, headland, foreland; handle,, haft, holder ; rope, cord ; thread ; lowest card in the game called revertno ; chief, head, commander ; end, termination, fin- ish ; at the custom-house, a parcel or packagt smaller than a bale.— p/. tail and mane oi horses ; loose pieces of apparel, as stockings,, shoes, nats, etc. ; divisions of a discourse .- « OS In far ; e In eh I ; 1 ia police ; o In for ; a In ball ; c (before e, I) an>l z •■ th In tbick ; b »oJ d. soft.* CAB 85 CAC j»bo de afio, annirersary funeral : cabo de escnadra, (mil.) corporal: cabo de presa, prize-master : segnndo cabo, second military chief of a province . cabo de maestranza, fore- man of a workmen's brigade : atar cabos, to collect and examine together di ' ers circum- stances bearing on a case : cabos negros, black hair, eyes, and eye-brows of a woman : al cabo, at last : dar cabo 4 alguna cosa, to fin- ish a thing : de cabo 4 rabo, from head to tail : cstar al cabo de, to be thoroughly con- versant with, or well-informed. cabotaje, '«. (naot.) coasting-trade; pilotage. cabra,/. goat ; engiue formerly used to throw stones : cabra monies, wild goat.— pi. small white clouds . piel de cabra, goat-skin. Cabrahigadura, r. eaprificatlon. cabranigal, cabraMgar, m. grove or plan- tation of wild fig-trees. cabrahigar, va. to caprificate. cabrablgO, m. the male wild fig-tree ; its fruit. cabreria, /. herd of goats ; goat's milk dairy. cabreriza, /. hut for goatherds ; goatherd- ess. cabreriZO, za, a. goatish, hircine. — m. goat- herd. cabrero, ra, m. goatherd.—/, goatherdess. cabrestante, m. (naut. ) capstan. cabria, '■. crane, wheel and axle, winch, wind- lass, hoist; axle-tree; (naut.) sheers. cabrllla, /. luisance. cabronazo, '. a -k no wledged cuckold. cabronciUo, aelO, m. dim. easy hus- band ; fetid li cabruno, na, ■■■■ - '-b, goat-like, hircine. Cabruilar, «. i" • );»rpeu a scythe by ham- mering the edge. cabmfi.0, m. sharpening the scythe. cabu16n, m. rough, unpolished ruby. Cabnila,/'. (hot.) cotuinun American agave ; aloe-plant ; sisal lu'uip ; cord or rope made of hemp : dar cabt^lla, to tie, to bind. cabullero, m. (Amer.) ship-chandler. cabulleria, /. (Amer.) ship-chandlery. caca, .'". excrements of a child ; word used by children who wish to go to stool ; fault ; de- fect ; vice ; scandal ; dishonesty. Cacabual, cacaotal, m. cacao plantation. cacahuate, cacabu^, cacahuete. or caca- buey, m. (bot.) peanut. V. man!. Cacalote, m. (Mex.) raven. cacao, TO. (hot.) cacao-tree; cacao-nut, ch(v colate-nut : manteca de cacao, cocoa-butter, cacaotal, m. cacao orchard. cacarafi.a, /. pit caused by the small-pox. cacarailado, da, a. pock-marked, pitted. cacareador, ra, m. & /. cackler ; cock tha* crows ; hen that cackles ; boaster, braggart. cacarear, vn. crow, cackle ; brag, boa.st. cacareo, m. crowing, cackling; boast, brag, cacarizo, za, a. (Mex.) pock-marked, cacatua,/. (om.) cockatoo. cacaxtle [kat-kacs'-tiay], TO. (Mex.) crate to carry fruit. CacaXtlerO [kah -kacs-tlay'-ro], TO. (Mex.) Indian who carries a cacaxtle on his shoulders. uacear, va. to stir with a dipper or ladle. cacera, /. irrigating canal ; channel, conduit* Caceria [cah-thay-ree -ah], /. hunting party. cacerilla, /. dim. small drain or canal. cacerina, /. cartridge-box or pouch. cacerola [cah-thay'-ro-uh], /. stew-pan, sauce- pan, Caceta, /. dim. small pan used by apothe- caries. cacica [cah-thee'-cah], /, wife Or daughter of a cacique. CacicatO or cacicazgO, m. dignity of a chief or cacique and his territory. cacillo, itO, /". dim. small dipper or ladle. cacimba, /. hole dug on the sea-shore for drinking water. cacique icah-tiiee'-kayi, TO. cacique, Indian chief; political leader or " boss."' CaCiqUismO [cah-tWe-keys'-ino], m. political boss- ism. cacle, TO. (Mex.) leather sandals worn by friars, Indians, and soldiers. caco, TO. pickpocket ; coward ; poltroon. cac6fag(^ ga, a. cacophagous. cacofOQla, /. cacophony, harsh sound. cacofbnico, ca, a. having a harsh sound. cacografia, /. bad spelling. cacomite, to, Mexican plant which produc(*< handsome flowers. cacomixtle, TO. (Mex.) cacomistle. CaCOqUimia [cah-co-kee'-me-ah], /. cacochymy. CaCOqUimiCO, ca [cah-co-kee'-me-col, a. CacC chymical. CaCOqUiZnlO [cah-co-kee'-me-ol, TO. he who sufFerji melancholy ; a cacochymic. C^CteO, ea, a. cactaceous, relating to cactL • cactO, TO. (bot.) cactus. « cacumen, to. top, height ; head, understand- ing, acumen. cacha, /. each of the two leaves of a razor or knife handle : hasta las cachas, up to the handle. cachada, /. stroke of one top against another, when boys play at tops. cacbalOte, to. the sperm whale.^ cachamarin, to. v. cachemarik. cacbapa,/. (Venez.) corn-bread with sugar, cacbar, va. to break in pieces ; to divide a plank in two lengthwise by a saw or axe. cacbarpari, to. (Peru) farewell supper. cacharreria, /. crockery-store; collection ol earthen pots. cacbarrero, ra, to. & f. maker or seller of crockery. cacbarro, to. coarse earthen pot ; also a piece of it ; useless, worthless thing, cachava, /. children's sport resembling hockey or golf ; stick for driving the ball. cacbavazo, to. stroke of the cachava in drivi ing the ball. cachaza, /. slowness, tardiness ; forbear. ance; (Amer.) rum; first froth on can©« juice when boiled to make sugar. ' fbefore e. i) and J as h ia hot ; h. silent ; 11 ia brilliant ; i., ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; s, his* a CAC 86 CAa. cachazudO, da, a. slow, calm, phlegmatic. cachemarin, m. v. qi;echemarin. cachemlr, m. cachemira,/. cashmere. cacheo, »«. search for arms and Aveapons in prisons. cacliera,/. coarse shagged cloth or baize. cachetas, /. pi. teeth or wards in a lock. cachete, m- olow on the face with the palm of the hand ; fat cheek. cachetero, >«. short poniard ; bull-fighter who kills the bulls with the poniard. cachetina, /. hand-to-hand tight. cachetudo, da, «. plump-cheeked, fleshy. cadncamo, m. (Amer. ) armadillo. cacMc^, m. overseer of a farm; smart, clever man. cachlcuerno, na, a. having a handle or haft of horn. cachidiablo, m. hobgoblin ; one disguised in a devil's mask. cachifoUar, va. (coll.) to disappoint, vex, humble, banter, sit upon. cachigordete, eta, ito, ita, a. squat, thick, and plump. cacMllada,/. litter. V. lechigada. caclilmba, /. cacMmbo, m. (Amer.) smok- iug-pipe : chupar cachimba, (Venez.) to smoke a pipe ; to suck one's thumb. cacMpolla, /. (ent.) day-fly or May-fly. cachiporra, /. cachiporro, m. stick with a big knob ; club, cudgel. cacMporrazo, m. blow with a club. cacMnilO, m. earthen, glass, or tin pot for preserving brandy or other liquors •, head ornament formerly worn by women ; (Mex.) lining of cloth or chamois placed in the seat and legs of trousers for riding ; small three- masted vessel. Cacllivaclie, m. pot, ut«nsil ; stuff, trash j broken crockery ; trumpery ; worthless fel- low. CacMzO, a. madero cacMzo, log. cacho, m. slice, piece ; game at cards ; (icht.) surmullet; (Amer.) horn. cacho, Cha, a. bent, crooked, inflected. cacholas, /. ;.»/. (naut.) cheeks of the masts. cacll6ll, ni. a breaker ; small waterfall. cachondez, /. sexual appetite. cachondo, da, o. ruled by sexual appetite ; in heat, rutting. Cachones, 7/1. pi. breakers fwaves). CacllOpO, m. (naut. )»gulf ; dry trunk, stump. cachorrenas, /. pi. (prov.) sort of soap, made of oil, orange, bread, and salt, cachorrillo, ito, m. dim. little cub or whelp ; pocket pistol. cacliorro, ra, m. & f. whelp or puppy, cub ; pocket pistol, cachu, 711. catechu, cutch, V. cato. cachaa, /. Indian dance in Peru, Bolivia, etc. cachucha, f. row-boat ; man's cloth or fur cap ; Spanish dance in triple measure. cacnuchero, ra, a. maker or seller of caps ; maker or seller of pin or needle cases. cachncllO, m. oil-mea: i.re, containing the sixth part of a p^nnd ; pin or needle case ; cjun.sy earthen pot. cachuela, / fricassee oi rabbits' livers and lights ; gizzard. cacnuelO, m. (icht., small river fish resem- bling an anchovy cactiulera, /. cavern .'Jing-place. cachumbo, m. har^ shei.. of cocoanut and other fruit. cachunde,/. aromatic pasTf. munched by the Chinese ; cachou, cachunde. caclllipin, «». Spaniard who settles in Mexico or South America. V. gachupin. C&ddi, pron. every, every one, each : cada unp or cada cual, every one, each : cada vez, every time : cada vez que, every time that: cada y cuando, whenever, as soon as. cadahalso, m. shed, cabin, shanty. cadalecho, m. bed made of branches of trees. cadalSO, m. j)latform, stage, stand ; scatt'old for capital punishment. cadaflal, fiego, ga, flero, ra, a. annual : mu. jer cadanera, woman who bears every year. cadarzo, rn. coarse, entangled silk, which can not be spun ; cover of the cocoon • nar- row silk ribbon. Cildava,/. burnt stump of furze. cadavai, m. place where many c4davas re« main standing. cadaver, m. corpse, cadaver. cadav^riCO, ca, a. cadaverous, cadaveric. cadejO, m. entangled hair ; small skein :. threads put together to make tassels. cadena,/. chain, series of joined links ; bond • tie; fetters; series of events ; number of malefactors chained together to be con- ducted to the galleys ; imprisonment for life ; (arch.) buttress : cadena de rocas, ledge or ridge of rocks : cadena de puerto, boom of a harbour: cadena de montaiias, range of hills : balas de cadena, chain-shot. cadencla, /. cadence ; fall of the voice ; rhythm ; measure ; flow of verses or periods ; in dancing, harmony of motion and music , (mus.) cadenza. CadenclOSO, sa, a. rhythmical. cadeneta,/. lace or needle-work wrought iu form of a chain ; chain-stitch ; work put upon the heads of books for security of the sewing. cadenilla, ita, /. dim. small chain ; pearls ol a certain size. cadente, a. decaying, declining; going to ruin ; rhythmical. cadera, /. hip, the joint of the thigh. caderillas,/. i^/. bustle. cadetada, /• injudicious, thoughtless action cadete, m. (mil.) cadet. cadi, m. cadi, magistrate among the Turks and Moors. cadillar, m. place where bur-parsley grows. cadillo, m. (bot.) great bur-parsley ; prickly bur-weed ; common burdock. cadillOS, pi. m. thrum ; warp-ends. cadmia,/. calamine, V. calamina ; tutty cadmio, m. (chem.) cadmium. cado, m. ferret-hole. V. huronera. cadoce, m. (icht. prov.) gudgeon. cadOSO, cadOZO, m. deep place in a river caducamente, adv. weakly, feebly. caducante, pa. doting, one who dotes. caducar, vn. to dote ; to be worn out by serv' ice ; to fall into disuse ; to become super- annuated ; extinct ; (com.) to lapse. cadnceador, m. king at arms, who proclaims war and peace. caduceo or caduceo, m. caduceus or caduce, caducidad, /. (law) caducity, decrepitude. caduco, ca, a. worn out : senile ; enfeebled by age ; decrepit ; perishable ; frail. caduquez [caii-doo-ketii'],/. caducity, senilitv. caedizo, za, a. ready to fall; (bot.) deciiJu- ous. caedlira, /. loose threads dropping from the loom. caer, m. Hnd. CAIGO : pret. ^1 cay6 : mbj. caiga) to fall, drop, tumble down ; lighten ; fall off; hang down, droop; fitj become; lose one's situation, fortune, or influence, fall into an error or danger ; deviate from the right path ; fall due ; decrease, decline ; as iu far : • in eh I ; i la police , ' for ; n in bnll ; c (before e, i) and z aa th in thick ; b and d. soft : CAP 87 CAL fall to one's lot ; befall, happen to ; come to pass; die; (mil.) to fall, yield, surrender: caer k esta parte, to be situated on this side : las yentanas caen al rio, the windows over- look the river: caer el plazo, to arrive (the fixed time) : caer en la cuenta, to bethink one's self; to see the point : caer bien, to fit, to suit, to become : caer de la gracia de al- gtino, to lose one's favour : caer ea cama or caer enfermo, to become sick : caer en alguna cosa, to remember or understand a thing : caer en falta, to fail in the performance of one's engagements : caer en gracia, to please, lio be agreeable : al caer de la hoja, at the fall of the leaf. — vr. {h,^ all the meanings of the active form) cadfsele k uno la cara de vergiienza, to blush deeply with shame : caerse uno redondo, to fall senseless : caerse muerto de risa, de sueno, etc., to shake with laughter ; to be very sleepy : caerse (una cosa) de su peso, to be evident. caS6 [cah-fay'], m. cofifee (tree, berry, and bev- erage) ; coffee-house, cafe. cafeina,/. caffeiu. caferia,/. village, cafetal, m. plantation of coffee-trees. cafetera, /. coffee-pot ; woman who gathers coffee-berries ; woman who makes andserves coffee. cafetero, m. one who makes or sells coffee ; (bot.) coffee-tree. cafetin, m. small cafe. cafeto, m. coffee-tree. cafetucho, m. small and untidy cafe. cafila, m. multitude of people, animals, or things ; caravan. cafre, a. savage, inhuman, belonging or relat- ing to the Caffres : clownish, rude, uncivil. cagaaceite, m. little bird whose excrements are oily. cagachin, m. small reddish mosquito. cagada,/. excrement; ridiculous action. cagadero, m. public water-closet : latrine. cagadillo, m. dim. sorry little fellow. cagado, a. mean-spirited, chicken-hearted fellow : cagado, da., pp. of cagar. cagafierro, m. scoria, dross of irbn. cagaj6n [cahgaii-hone'], TO. horse-dung ; dung of mules or asses. cagalaolla, m. masquerader who dances in processions. cagalar, TO. F. tripa; (anat.) csecum. cagalera,/. looseness of the body, diarrhoea. cagar, va. (prel. CAGUE : subj. cague) to go to stool ; to soil, stain, defile ; make a botch of a thing. cagarrache, to. one who washes the olive- pits in an oil-mill ; bird. I', cagaaceite. cagarria, /. edible mushroom, called St. George's agaric. cagarropa, m. V. cagachin. cagarruta, /. dung of sheep, goats, and mice. cagatinta, m. pettifogger ; nickname given in contempt to attorneys' clerks. cagatorlo, to. v. cagadero. cagdn, na, to. & f. person afflicted with diarrhcea ; cowardly, timorous person. cahiz, TO. nominal measure of twelve bushels. Cahizada,/. land suflScient for one cahiz of seed. Caida, f. fall ; falling ; tumble ; downfall ; lapse ; drop ; falling off ; droop • diminu- tion ; declination ; declension ; dedivity ; descent ; (geol.) dip ; landslip ; interior gal- lery iii houses of Manila, with views upon the court yard : (naut.) caida de una vela, aepth or crop of r sail : Ir or andar de capa "aida. to deo.lne in icrtune and credit : i. la caida de la tarde, at the close of the even- ing : k la caida del sol, at sunset.— y/. coars« wool cut off the skirts of a fleece ; witty re> marks ; repartee ;' (sew) re vers. caido, da, pp- &■ a. languid ; downfallen. caidOS, ni.pl. arrears of taxes or rents ; s,\o\r ing lines to show the proper slant In writ* ing. caigo, caiga (*>?•. from caer). caiman, m. cayman, alligator, American croc- odile ; cunning man. caimientO, m. fall, drop; droop, lowness of spirits, languidness. caique [cah'-ee-kay], TO. (naut.) skiff, small boat. cairel, to. false hair or wig worn by wome» to embellish their head-dress ; fringe trim ming of a dress ; silk threads to which wi| • makers fasten the hair of wigs. cairelado, da, a. fringed.— pjj. of cairelar. cairelar, va. to fringe. caja,/. box or case ; coflSin. V. ataud ; chest, cash-box or safe ; (com.) cash, funds ; cash- ier's otfice ; sheath ; socket ; frame ; drum : printer's case ; portable writing-desk ; well or cavity in which a staircase is raised; wooden case of an organ : caja alta, caja baja, (typ. ) upper case, lower case : caja de ahorros, savings-bank : cajas en ternos, nest of boxes : caja de escopeta, stock of a fire- lock : caja de brasero, wooden stand for the brasier : caja de coche, body of a coach : caja de agua, (naut.) manger of a ship: caja de balas, shot-locker : libro de caja, cash-book : caja del cuerpo, thorax : echar con cajas des- templadas, to turn away in a harsh manner: no estar en caja, to feel out of sorts. cajel, a. naranja cajel, blood orange. cajeras,/. pi. cavities in blocks which contain the sheaves. cajero, to. box-maker ; cashier, treasurer, cash-keeper ; reservoir in irrigation canals. cajeta, /. little box ; poor-box : cajetas, (naut.) caburns; (Mex.) box of jelly. cajetazo, to. blow with a cajete. cajete, to. (Mex.) flat earthen pulque bowl. cajetiila,/. package of cigarettes. cajetin, to. dim. very small box; (typ.) fount-case, letter-case. cajilla, ita, /. dim. small box ; (bot.) capsule. cajiga, /. cajigal, to. v. quejigo, quejigau cajista, to, compositor (in printing). cajo, TO. bookbinder's groove. Caj6n, TO. box, case, chest, drawer, till, locker, money-drawer ; mould for casting ; space between the shelves of a bookcase ; wooden stand or shed for selling provisions ; (Mex. } dry-goods store ; crib, caisson : ser de cajon, to be a matter of course : cajon de sastre,. confused mass ; odds and ends. cajonada,/. (naut.) lockers. cajoncito, to. dim. small box or drawer. cajonera, /. chest of drawers in a vestry. cajoneria, /. set of drawers in a. piece of fur- niture, tall-boy or chiffonier. Ca^Uela,/, dim. small box. cal,/. lime : cal viva, quick or unslaked lime r pared de cal y canto, wall of rough stone and mortar : ser de cal y canto, (met.) to be very strongly built : cal hidriulica, cement. cala, /. cove, small bay ; lishing-ground ; small piece cut out of a melon or other fruit to try its flavour ; hole made in a wall to try its thickness; (med.) suppository; (naut.)- hold of a ship ; (bot.) calla-lily. calaba, to. calaba-tree. V. calambuco. calabacera, /. (hot.) pumpkin or gourd- plant. V. CALABAZA. calabacero, w. retailer of pumpkins. ''befor. M)an * as ii hot; h, -^t: 11 in brilliant; fi, ny in canyon - r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hisseii CAL 88 CAL ^al&bacica, ilia, ita,/. dim. small pumpkin. C&labacllla, /. core of gourd-shaped tassel ; ear-ring made of pearls in the shape of a gourd. CSdabacin, m. small, young, tender pump- kin ; dolt, silly person, calabacinate, m. fried pumpkins, -calabacino, m. dry gourd, calabash bottle. -ealabaza. /. (bot.) pumpkin, squash, gourd ; ^met.) a stupid, ignorant person: ealabaza vinatera, bottle gourd or calabash : dar cala- bazas, to reprove, in examination ; also to give the mitten. Ciuabazada, f. knock with the head against something: darse de calabazadas, (met.) to labour in vain to ascertain something. Calabazar, m. pumpkin orchard. calabazate, m, preserved pumpkin candied ; piece of a pumpkin steeped in honey. ralabazazo, m. blow with a pumpkin. 2alabaz6n, m. aug. large winter pumpkin. ealabobOS, m. drizzle ; mizzle. Salabocero, m. jailer I warden, calabozaje, m. fee paid by prisoners to the jailer. calabOZO, m. dungeon ; cell ; calaboose ; jail ; pruning-hook or knife. Calabr^S, sa, a. Calabrian. calabrlada, /. mixture of different things ; mixture of white and red wine ; balderdash. calabrote, »i. (naut. ) stream-cable. <:alacanto, wt. (bot.) flea-baue. . ofcALAR. \;alador, m. perforator ; borer ; one who makes open-work; (naut.) calking-iron ; surgeon's otfice. caladre,/. bird of the family of larks, calafate, calafateador, m. calker. calafateadura, /. calking. calafatear, calafetear, to. (naut.) to calk. Calafateo, m. calking. calaf ateria, /. the act of calking, calafetin, m. calker' s boy or mate, calafraga,/. (bot.) saxifrage. calagOZO, m. bill or hedging-hook. calagra&a, /. table grape, not fit for wine. calaguala,/. (Peru, botj calaguala. calanorra, /. public office where bread is distributed in times of scarcity. calaita, /. turquoise. calaie, m. chest, trunk, or coffer. calaluz, m. (naut. Philip.) kind of vessel. calamaco, m. calamanco, woollen stuff. calamar, m. calamary, squid, or sea-sleeve. calambac, m. (hot.) calamba; eagle-wood. calambre, m.. spasm, cramp. calambuco, m. (bot.) calaba-tree. — a. (Cu- ba) Pharisaical, hypocritical. calamento, m. calamlnta, /. (bot.) moun- tain balm or calamint. Calamidad,/. misfortune, calamity, misery, grievousness. calamillera, /. pot-hook «f a crane. calamina or pi«dra calamlnar, /. cala- mine. calamita, /. loadstone ; magnetic needle. calamlte, m. the little green tree-frog. calamitosamente, adv. unfortunately, dis- astrously. CalamltOBO, sa, a. calamitous, unfortunate, wretched. •- M In far ; • in •& t ; i in police : o in for ; a in bull ; o (bei»re e, i) and s u th in thick ; b and AjtiOtx cUamo, m. (bot.) sweet-flag; (poet.) pen; ancient flute. calamocano, a. fuddled ; tipsy ; unsteady. calamoco, m. icicle. calambn, m. (orn. ) purple water-hen or gal« linule; round-headed nail ; stay which sup* ports the beam of an oil-mill. calamorra, /. (coll.) the head. calamorrada, /. butt of horned cattle. calamorrar, va. to butt. calandraca,./. (naut.) mess of hard-taek. calandrajo, in- rag hanging from a garment; ragamuttin. calandrla, /. (orn.) bunting, calendar lark ; calender ; clothier's press ; oeetle mill ; roll- ing-press ; mangle. C&lanis, m. (bot.) sweet-flag. CSllafi.a, /. pattern ; sample ; model, form ; character ; quality. calaa.6s, G. native of Calanas ; sombrero cala< n^B, Andalusian hat. cMao, m. large bird with serrated bill in the Philippines : feeds on small birds. calapatillO, m. (zool.) weevil, or its grub. calar, va. to penetrate, soak through, perme- ate, drench ; go through, pierce, perforate, plug; (met.) to discover a design, compre- hend ; make open-work in metal, wood, linen, or paper ; (mech.) to wedge : calar el melon or la sandia, to tap (or plug) a water- melon to try its flavour : calar el puente, to let down a drawbridge : calar la bayoneta, (mil.) to fix the bayonet: calar el sombrero, to press the hat down : calar tantos pies, (naut.) to draw so many feet.— rr. to enter, introduce one's self, insinuate one's self into ; to be wet through, soak, imbibe ; stoop ; dart down on prey. calar, a. calcareous. calato, ta, a. (Peru) nude, naked. calavera,/. skull; madcap, hot-brained fel- low, calaverada, /. ridiculous, foolish, or ill- judged action ; tomfoolery, calaverear, vn. to act foolishly, and without judgment or prudence. calaverillii, ita, /. dim. little skull.— «i. youth who sows his wild oats. calaverdn, m. aug. a dissipated man, a d&> bauchee. calcado, m. counter-drawing, tracing. calcamar, m. sea-fowl on the coast of BraziL calcaflal, calca&ar, m. heel, heel-bone. calckneo, m. (anat.) calcaneum. calca&uelo, m. disease of bees. calcar, va. {pret. CALQu6 : subj. calque) to counter-draw, trace ; trample on. calckreo, rea, a. calcareous. calce, m. tire of a wheel ; piece of iron or steel added to the coulter of a plough, when it is worn ; wedge ; wheel-shoe, form of brake; (^naut.) top. calcedoma, /. chalcedony. calces, m. (naut.) mast-head. calceta, /. hose, stocking; (met.) fetters worn by criminals : hacer calceta, to knit. calceteria, /. hosier's shop and trade ; hO' siery. calcetero, ra, m. &f. one who makes, mends, or sells thread stockings ; hosier. CalCetin [cal-thay-teen'], WJ. half-hose, SOck. calcet6n [c«i-tha.v-tone'], m. aug. cloth stocking worn under boots. CklCiCO, ca, a. belonging to calcium, calcina rai-the«'-niih ,/. mortar. calcinacidn, /. (chem.) calcination. Calcinar, va. & vr. to calcine. calCinatoriO, a. calciuatory. CAL 89 calciO (cahi'-the-o], m. calcium. calCO, m. counter-drawing ; a tracing. calCOgrafla, /. chalcography ; place where engravings are engraved. Calc6graf0, m. engraver. calcomania, /. decalcomania. calculable, a. calculable. calculaci6ll,/. calculation, estimation, com- putation. calculador, m. calculator, accountant. -calcular, va. to calculate, reckon, compute, count, estimate. calcullsta, m.. schemer ; rapid accountant. C&lCUlO, m. calculation, computation, esti- mate, count, account; conjecture j (med.) calculus, gravel, stone. calCUlOSO, sa, a. calculose, calculous. calda,/. act of warming or heating: caldas, natural hot mineral-water baths. caldaico, ca, a. v. caldeo. caldaria, /. ley caldarla, water ordeal. caldear, va. to warm, heat; to weld. iron. caldeo, a, a. Chaldaic. Caldera,/. caldron, boiler, sugar-kettle : cal- dera de vapor, steam boiler : caldera tubular, tubular boiler ; brass shell of a kettle-drum. calderada, /. caidronful. caldereria, /. brazier's shop and trade. calderero, m. brazier ; coppersmith ; boiler- maker ; tinker. Calderetar/- dim. small caldron, kettle, pot ; holy-water pot ; stew of fish ; lamb stew ; (Mex.) chocolate-pot; (C. Amer.) thunder- storm. calderico, ica, illo, ilia, m. &/. dim. small kettle. calderilla,/. holy-waterpot; any copper coin. caldero, m. semi-spherical caldron or boiler ; a copper ; a caidronful. calderdn, m. copper, large caldron or kettle ; mark of a thousand 3 ; (print. ) paragraph ^ ; (mus. ) a sign (T) denoting a pause ; hold. calderuela, /. dim. small kettle ; dark-lan- tern, used by sportsmen to drive partridges into the net. caldillo, caldito, m. sauce of a ragout or fricassee ; light broth. caldo, m. broth ; beef-tea ; bouillon ; salad dressing ; sauce ; gravy : caldo de came, con- somme : caldos, (com.) wine, oil, and all spirituous liquors. caldOSO, sa, a. having plenty of broth, thin. Calducho, m. ill-seasoned broth ; hog-wash. calecer, va. to become heated, caleciCO, m. dim. small chalice. calefaciente, a. (med.) heating. calefaccibn, /. calefaction, heating. calefactorio, m, place in convents for warm- ing. calenda, /. part of the martyrology which treats of the acts of the saints of the day : calendas, calends : calendas griegas, never. salendario, m. almanac; calendar: hacer calendarioB, (met.) to muse. Cal6ndula,/. (hot.) marigold. isalentador, m. heater ; warming-pan ; (coll.) large, clumsy watch. CalentamientO, to. calefaction, warming, heating ; disease incidental to horses. Oalentar, va. {ind. caliento : sub). CALIEN- TE) to warm, heat, glow, calefy ; to roll and heat a ball in one's hand before it is played ; to urge ; press forward ; despatch speedily. — vr. to be in heat, rut ; to mow- burn ; to grow hot ; become angry ; dispute warmly. ealentdn, m. darge un calent6n, to taks a bit of a warming. CAL, calentura,/. fever. calenturiento, ta, a. feverish. calenturilla, /. dim. slight fever. calenturbn, m. aug. violeilt fever. calenturoso, sa, a. feverish. calepino, m. (coll.) Latin dictionary. calera, /. lime-kiln ; lime-pit ; fishing smack^ iu Biscay. caleria,/. house or place where lime is burnt and sold. calero, ra, a. calcareous. — m. lime-burner, lime-maker, or seller. calesa, /. two-wheeled calash, chaise. calesera,/. bolero-jacket. calesero, to. driver of a calash. calesin, m. light chaise. calesinero, to. owner or driver of a calesin. caleta, /. (naut.) cove, creek, small bay o» inlet; (Venez. ) trade of carriers. caletero, TO. (Venez. ) a carrier. caletre, to. understanding, judgment, dis- cernment, acumen. call, TO. (chem. ) V. Ilcali, calibeado, da, a. (med.) chalybean ; chaly- beate. calibrar, va. to examine the calibre of a ball or fire-arm ; to gauge, size. calibrador, to. calibre-gauge. calibre, to. calibre, capacity ; quality, sort. callcantO, to. (bot.) allspice. calicata,/. (min.) trial-pit calic6, TO. V. PERCAL. caliCUd, caliCUt, /. silk stuff from India. caliche, to. pebble burnt in a brick ; crust ot lime which flakes from a wall ; (Peru and Chile) native saltpetre. calidad, /. (juality, condition, character; kind or particular nature ; nobility ; rank ; stipulation ; requisite.— p/. calidades, condi- tions in playing a game ; personal qualifica- tions; "'"- '■■- c^lido, crafty, artful. calidoscopio, m. kaleidoscope. callente, a. warm, hot, calid, scalding ; fiery: feverish ; vehement : hierro callente, red-hoi iron : en callente, piping hot ; immediately; estar callente, to be in heat, rut. caliento, yo caliente (from oalentar). califa, TO. caliph. califatO, to. caliphate. calificable, m. &/. qualifiable. calificaci6n, /. qualification; judgment, censure; proof; habilitation. calificado, da, a. qualified, authorized, com- petent.— pp. of CALIFICAR. calificador, to. qualifier ; censor. calificar, va. {pret. CALIFIQU^ : subj. califi- que) to qualify; discriminate; determine the quality of a person or thing ; authorize ; empower; certify, attest; illustrate, en- noble. — vr. to prove one's noble birth and. descent according to law. califlcatiVO, va, a. (gram.) qualifying. calif6riliC0, ca, a. relating to California. californio, ia, a. native of California. ckliga,/. sandals worn by Roman soldiers^ caligine, /. mist, obscurity, darkness. caliginoso, sa, a. caliginous ; dark ; dinu Caligrafia, /. caligraphy, penmanship. caligrd,fiC0, ca, a. relating to caligraphy. caligrafO, to. expert penman. calilla,/. dim. a slight suppository. calima, calina, /» thick vapour; ligh* mist,, haze, calinda,/. (Cuba) a popular creole dance. calinOSO, sa, a. vapoury, misty, hazy, calio, m. kalium or potassium. gifts, parts. da, a. warm ; hot ; piquant ; calid ; g (before «, I J and J as h In hot : h, sUent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled : S, hU**»«. CAL 9C CAL calipedes, w. slow-paced animal. calisaya,/. (bot.) calisaya. C^liZ, in- chalice ; communion cup ; bitter cup of grief and afttfction ; (bot.) calyx. callza, /. calcium carbonate. caliZO, za, «• calcareous ; limy ; calc (spar). calma, /. (naut.) a calm ; calmness, tran- quility ; composure ; slowness ; tardiness ; stillness ; suspension of business ; cessation of pain : calma chicha, (naut.) dead calm. ^almadamente, a^v. quietly, calmly. calmado, da, «. quiet, calm.— pp. of calmar. calmante, pa. & m. & f. mitigating, miti- gaut; (med.) narcotic, anodyne, sedative. calmar, va. to calm, quiet, compose, pacify, still, hush ; alleviate, allay, mitigate, lull, moderate, soothe, soften. — rn. to mil calm ; to be tnecalmed. — vr. to be pacified. ;aIino, ma, a. uncultivated, untilled; tree- . less ; barren. calmOSO, sa, a. calm ; slow ; tardy ; tran- quil ; soothing. caimuco, m- kalmuck. oal6, m. cant, slang of gipsies and ruflBans. calOC6falO, la, a. liaviug a beautiful head. calofilo, la, a. having handsome leaves. calofriado, da, a. chilly, shivering with cold.— pp. of CALOFRIARSE. calofriarse, calosfrlarse, vr. to shiver with cold ; to feel a chill. calofrio, calosfrio, m. chill, shiver. calomel or calomelanos, m.pi. (med.) calo- mel. 'ialofla,/. fine or damages for slander. 3al6ptero. ra, a. handsome-winged. calor, m. heat, hotness, calidity, glow ; ex- candescence, warmth, ardour, fervour, fieri- ness ; fever, excitement, feeling; brunt of a battle ; favour, kind reception. caloria, /. unit of heat, calory. calbrico, m. (chem.) caloric. calorifero, ra, a. giving heat. calorifero, m. stove, heater, furnace : calori- fero de aire, hot-air register: calorifero de vapor, steam radiator. calorlficacidn, /. calorification. CalOriflCO, ca, a. calorific. calorimetria, /. calorimetry. calorimetrico, ca, a. calorimetric. caJorimetro, m. (chem.) calorimeter. calorosamente, adv. v. calurosamentk caloroso, sa, a. v. caluroso. CalOStro, >n. colostrum. caloyo, m. unborn Iamb or kid. calpamulO, la, a. (Mex.) half-breed. calplsque, calpixque, or calpizque [cai- iK-ftii -kiiv!, m. (Mex. ) rent-gatherer, a steward. calseco, ca, a. cured with lime. calta,.'' caltha, marsh marigold. calumbarse, vr. to plunge, dive. calumbO, m. plunge, divmg. calumnia, /. calumny, slander. calumniador, ra, m. &/. calumniator, slan- derer. calumniax, ra. to caluminate, slander. calumnlosamente, adv. calumniously, slan- derously. calumniOSO, sa, a. calumnious, slanderous. calurosamente, adv. warmly, ardently, hotly ; excitedly, pa.ssionately. caluroso, sa, a. warm, hot; heating, ardor- ous, excited ; vehement, enthusiastic. oalva, /. bald crown of the head, bald pate ; game among country people ; bare spot in a grove : calva de alme'te, crest of a helmet. calvar, va. to hit a stone in the game of calva. calyarlo, m. Calvary, Golgotha ; debts ; tally ; score. calvatrueno, m. baldness of the whole head ; a wild jierson. calvaza, /. aug. large bald pate. caJverizo, za, a. having many barren or bare spots. calvero, calvljar, calvitar, m. barreu ground among fruitful lauds ; bare spot in a grove. caJvete, m. dim. little bald pate, when only part of the head is bald. CalveZ, CalViCie [cal-vetir, cal-vee'-thie-eh], /. baldness. calvliar, m. v. calvero. calvllla, /. dim. little baldness. calvinismo, m. Calvinism. calvinista, m. Calvinist. calvo, va, a. bald, without hair ; barren, un- cultivated ; threadbare. calza, /. long, loose breeches, trousers ; hose, stockings ; garter or ribbon tied on some animals ; wedge.— pZ. fetters : calza de arena, sand-bag : calzas acuchilladas, slashed trou- sers : medias calzaa, stockings reaching to the knees : tomar las calzas de Villadiego, to make a precipitate flight or escape. calzacaJzbn, m. galligaskins. calzada, /. causeway ; paved highway, high- road, avenue. calzadera, /. hempen cord ; net twine. caJzadillO, itO, m. dim,, small shoe. calzado, da, pp. & a. calceated, shod. calzado [cai-tiiah'-— ^^ CSUnbronal, m. thicket of briers, brambles, and thorns. cambronera, /. (bot.) box-thorn. cambuj [cam-booh'], m. child's Cap tied close to its head to keep it straight ; mask. cambuiO, ja, a. Indian mestizo; half-breed. cainbull6n, m. (Peru) imposition, swindle. oambur, m. one of the family of banana-trees and its fruit: cambur amarillo or criollo, yellow or Johnson banana : cambur higo or titiaro, very small and tine variety of ba- nana : cambur manzano, small and fine ba- nana with apple flavour : cambur morado, red banana. V. banana, guineo, and platano. cambuy, m. American myrtle-tree. <5amedame,/. (bot.) dwarf-bay. camedrlo and camedris, m. (hot.) wall germander. camelar, va. to flirt ; pay attentions, court, woo : seduce, deceive. cameiea, /. (hot.) widow-wail, a shrub. camelete, m. (obs.) kind of great gun. camella,/. (bot.) camellia. camelo, m. flirtation, gallantry, courtship; joke, jest; disappointment; deceit. camelote, m. camlet ; (hot.) tropical weed. camelotillos, camelloncillos, m. light or thin camlets. camella, /. she-camel ; ridge in ploughed land; milk-pail; yoke. camellejO, m. dim. small camel. camelleria, /. stable or stand for camels; employment of a camel-driver. camellero, m. keeper or driver of camels. camellO, m. camel; ancient cannon ; engine for setting ships afloat in shoal water: ca- mello pardal, V. girafa. 'Camellbn, m. ridge turned up by the plough or spade ; drinking-t rough for cattle ; car- penter's horse ; bed of flowers; camlet. -camero, m. upholsterer ; one who lets beds on hire. — a. belonging to a double bed. Camilla) /• dim. small bed, pallet, cot ; lit- ter, stretcher; clothes-horse; cloth-shear- er's frame. caminada,/. (obs.) V. jornada. •caminador, m. good walker. oamlnante, m,. traveller, walker. camlliar, vn. to travel, walk, go, march, move along ; act : caminar con pies de plomo, to act with prudence: caminar derecho, to act uprightly. caminata, /. long walk for exercise ; prome- nade ; excursion, jaunt, outing. •camino, m,. beaten road, high-road, way, path, pass ; passage, trip, journey ; profes- sion, station, calling ; manner or method of doing a thing; (min.) drift, gait; (naut.) ship's way, rate of sailing : camino cnbierto, (mil. ) covert-way : camino de heiradnra, path, bridle-road : camino carretero, road for carriages and wagons : camino vecinal, coun- try road : camino real, high-road, highway : camino de hierro, railway : ponerse en ca- mino, to set out, start off. ^aml6n, m,. dray, truck. 'Camlsa, /. shirt, shift, chemise ; thin skin of almonds and other fruit ; coat of whitewash ; slough of a serpent; (mil.) chemise; (obs.) catamenia ; jacket, case, casing, in steam- engines ; internal lining of a furnace : ca- mlsa alquitranada, embreada or de fuego, (naut.) fire-chemise: camlsa de fuerza, strait-jacket: camlsa de una vela, (naut.) body of a sail : meterse en camlsa de once varas, to interfere in other people's affairs : no Uegarle 4 uno la camlsa al cuerpo, to be frightened ; to be anxious. 2 CAM camiseria, /. shirt-store, haberdashery. camlsero, shirt-maker, haberdasher. camiseta, /. undershirt. V. ELASTICA ; shor* shirt or shift with wide sleeves ; chemisette. Camisilla,/. dim. small shirt. CamlSOla, /. ruffled shirt ; dicky. camisolin, m. shirt-front ; tucker ; wimple. camls6ll, m. aug. long and wide shirt : night< shirt ; (Amer. ) gown ; (Cuba) chemise. camiSOte, w. ancient hauberk. camita, /. dim. small bed, pallet, cot. camomila, /. v. manzanilla, chamomile. - Cam6ll, «4. aug. large bed ; portable throne j glass partition ; oriel window.— ^p/. round pieces forming the frame of a water-wheel ; oak tires of cart-wheels ; lath frame of au arch. camonclllo, m. seat in a drawing-room. camorra, /. quarrel, dispute, wrangle. camorrear, vn. to dispute often. Camorrista, com. noisy, quarrelsome person. camote, m. (hot. Mex.) variety of sweet po- tato. campal, a. belonging to the field and encamp' ments : batalla campal, pitched battle. campamento, m. encampment ; camp. campana, f. bell ; anything bell-shaped • (met.) parish church, parish ; bottom of a well shaped as a bell ; (arch.) drum, corbel . campana de chlmenea, mantel of a chimney : campana de buzo, diving-bell : campana de rebato, alarm-bell : olr campanas y no saber donde, to have heard of a fact, but not to be well informed of its true nature. campanada,/. stroke of a l)ell ; (met.) scan- , dal ; sensational report. campanario, m. belfry ; noddle, head ; rack in looms. campanear, va. to ring the bell frequently ; chime ; divulge ; noise about. campanela, /. fancy step in dancing. campaneo, m. bell-ringing ; chime. V. con- ton eo. campanero, m. bell-founder ; bellman ; bird of Venezuela. campaneta,/. dim. small bell. campanil, m. small belfry. — c. metal campa- nll, bell-metal. campanula, /. dim. small bell ; hand-bell ; small bubble; (anat.) uvula; little tassel for ladies' gowns ; (naut.) cabin-bell ; (bot.) bell-flower. campanillazo, m. violent ringing of a bell ; sitciiul a. excelling, surpassing ; buoy- ant, cheerful, contented. campanudo, da, a. puffed up ; bell-shaped ; (bot.) campanulate ; pompous, lofty, high- sounding. campa,nula, /. (hot.) bell-flower. campanulado, da, a. (hot.) campanulate. boll-shapod. campa&a,/. campaign ; level country ; cam- paign of au army: campafta naval, (naut.) cruise: vlveres de campana, (naut.) sea pro- visions, stores : batlr or correr la campafia, . to reconnoitre. campafiola, /. water-rat. campar, ru. to excel in ability, talent, or posi- tion ; to surpass ; to encamp ; to be en- camped. campeador, m. surpassing in valour. campear, wt. to be in the field; pasture* frisK about ; to crop out ; grow ; to b€ eminent ; excel. CampeciCO, illO, ItO, m. dim. small field. •• M in far ; e in eh t ; i in police : O In for : « in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soA ; CAM 93 CAl^ caBipechano, na, a. frank ; hearty ; cheer- ful ; generous ; native of or belonging to Campeche. campeclie, m. Campeehe-wood, logwood. uampedn, m. champion ; combatant ; defend- er ; hero. fampero, ra, a. exposed to the weather in the open field ; (Mex.) having a gait like gentle trotting, pacing. — m. friar who super- intends a farm ; field-guard. campesino, na, campestre, a. rural ; campestral ; rustic. — m. & f. countryman ; countrywoman. Campil^U, m. long, straight sabre used in the Philippines, broadening toward the point. campillo, m. dim. small field. Cainpifi.a, /. flat tract of arable land, field ; country ; landscape. kiampo, m. country ; any tract of flat and even country ; field ; space ; range of things ; crops ; trees, plantations ; ground of silks and other stuffs ; camp, ground on which an army is drawn up ; ground of a painting : campo santo, burial-ground, cemetery : cam- po abicrto, plain, an open country : batir or descnbrir el campo, to reconnoitre the enemy's camp ; to investigate : k campo raso, in the open field, outdoors : hombre del campo, a countryman : ir i campo travieso, to make a short cut : dar campo 4 la fantasia, to give free range to one's fancy : quedar en el cam- po, to be killed : salir al campo, to go out to fight a duel : campo i. campo, (mil.) force to force. camuesa,/. pippin, an apple. camueso, m. (bot.) pippin-tree; dunce, fool. camunas,/. pi. all seeds, except wheat, bar- ley, and rye. camuza, /. chamois goat. V. gamuza. camuzdn, m. aug. large chamois-skin. can, m. dog ; (arch.) bracket ; shoulder ; mo- dillion ; corbel; (ast. ) dog-star. V. cani- CULA ; trigger of guns, etc. ; ancient piece of ordnance. Cana,/. gray hair; long measure, about two ■ ells : peinar canas, to be old : echar nna cana al aire, to drive dull care away. '.anadlense, a. Canadian. canal, m. channel, canal, any artificial wa- terway ; inlet, strait.—/, natural waterway under earth ; long and narrow dell ; gutter, conduit, duct, leader, pantile ; any duct of the human body ; body of an animal killed and dressed for food ; comb of the loom ; hemp once hackled ; front edge of a book ; drinking-trough ; crease, slot in metal- work ; bed of a hot-press; (tel.) copper pole : abrir en canal, to cut from top to bot- tom : canal de la Mancha, British Channel. pi. candados, cavities around the frog of norses' feet. Candamo, m. ancient rustic dance. candar, ?w. to lock, shut. C^ndara,./"- sifting screen, sieve. cande, «. "sugar-candy. 9 fbnfora n. i) and J u h in hot ; h, atlent ; U in brilliant ; fi, nj in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled : s, hiaaad. CAN eandeal, a. trlgo candeal, white wheat, sum- mer wheat : pan candeal, bread made of the white wheat. jandela, /. candle, taper; flower or blossom of the chestnut-tree ; inclination of the balance-needle to the thing weighed ; (coll. ) light, fire: arrimarse i, la candela, (prov.) to draw near the fire : en candela, (naut.) in a vertical position, said of masts. vandelabro, m. candelabrum ; bracket. candelada, /. v. hoguera. candelaria, /. Candlemas; (bot.) mullein. r. (iORDOLOBO. candelecho, m. hut built on piles for watch- ing a vineyard. candelerazo. m. blow with a candlestick. candelero, m. candlestick ; student's lamp ; fishing-torch: estar en candelero, (met.) to be high in office ; to hold an exalted station. — pi. candeleros, (naut.) stanchions or crotches. caudelica, ilia, ita,/. dim. small candle. candelUla,/'. (surg.) bougie, catheter; blos- som of poplars and other trees ; catkin, anient: le hacen candelillas los ojos, (coll.) his eyes sparkle with the fumes of wine. candelizas,/. jp/. (naut.) brails. candelizo, m. (coll.) r. carambano. candencia,/. incandescence, white-heat. candente, «. incandescent, red-hot : caesti6n candente, burning question. candi, a. aztcar candi, sugar-candy, rock- candy. candial, a. v. candea/,. c^ndidamente, adv. candidly. candldato, m. candidate. candidatura, /. candidacy ; list of candi- dates ; (U. S. pol.) slate. candidez, /. whiteness ; candour, sincerity, candidness, ingenuousness, simplicity. C^ndldO, da, a. white, snowy ; candid, guile- less, simple. candiel, m. sweetmeat of white wine, eggs, sugar, etc. uandil, m. kitchen or stable oil-lamp • Greek lamp; (coll.) cock of a hat; (coll.) long irregular fold in petticoats; (Mex.) chan- delier ; top of a stag's horn : baile de candil, a ball by the light of a poor lamp : puede arder en an candil, said of a strong wine, or of a smart person or saying. candilada,/. (^coll.) oil spilt from a lamp. candllazo, »i. blow with a kitchen lamp. candileja, /. oil receptacle of a lamp.— ^/. foot^lights of a theatre ; (bot.) willow-herb, deadly carrot. candilejo, m. dim. small kitchen la^np ; (bot. ) V. LUCKR.XULA. candilera,/. (hot.) lamp-wick. candUbn, m. aug. large open lamp. candiOta, »i. &. f. of or belonging to the is- lan ing plaster made with the blLstering fly blister, raised by the blistering plaster. cantarlllo, »«. dim. small jar or pitcher y (bot.) oval-leaved androsace. cantarin, ^i. (coll.) songster; professionil singer. cantarina, /. songstress. cantaro, //'. large, narrow-mouthed pitcher, and the liquid contained in it ; wine meas- ure ; vessel into which votes are put : Hover & cAntaros, to rain by bucketfuls, to pour. cantata,/, cantata. cantatriz,/. v. cantarina. cantazo, m. wound given by flinging a stone. canteles, m. pi. (naut.) ends of old ropes put under casks to keep them steady. cantera, /. quarry ; talents or genius. canteria, /. art of hewing stone ; building made of hewn stone ; parcel of hewn stone. cantero, m. stone-cutter; extremity of & hard substance which can be easily sep- arated from the rest : cantero de pan, crust of bread : cantero de heredad, piece of ground. canticio, m. (coll.) constant or frequent sing- ing. C&ntiCO, m. canticle. cantidad, /. quantity ; amount ; measure ;; number ; (gram.) time used in pronouncing, a syllable ; sum of money ; large portion ; cantidad continua, continued quantity : can- tidad discreta, distinct or separate quantity^ cantiga,./*. poetical composition for a song. cantil, m. steep rock. cantilena,/, v. cantinela. cantiinplora,/. siphon ; water-cool«r. cantina, /. wine-cellar ; canteen ; case used to cool wine on a journey. cantinela, .f. ballad ; irksome repetition of a subiect. cantinera,/. yivandifire. cantinero, m. butler ; sutler. cantifla,/. (coll.) popular song. cantizal, m. stony ground, place full of stones. canto, m. singing; short poem, of heroic type ; canto, division of a long poem ; chant or canticle: al canto del gallo, (coll.) at the break of day; end, edge, border ; extremity, point ; crust (of a loaf) ; thickness of any- thing ; back of a kniie ; front edge of a book ; dimension less than square : i. canto, very near : al canto, by the side of : de canto, on edge ; stone, pebble ; game of throwing the stone (duck on a rock); quarry-stone> block, dressed ashlar: canto rodado, bould' er : con nn canto k los pechos, with pleasure, with alacrity. cant6n, m. corner ; canton, region. cantonada, /. corner : dar cantonada, to dis- appoint or evade a person. cantonal, a. cantonal. Cantonalismo, m. (pol.) cantonalism. cantonar, va. V. acantonar. cantonearse, vr. v. contonearse. cantoneo, m. v. contoneo. cantonera, /. plate nailed to the corners of « chest, etc. ; corner-plate, clip; angle-iron, corner bracket ; wench, a street-walker. cantonero, ra, a. loafer. cantor, ra, m. & /. singer ; minstrel ; on& who composes hymns or psalms ; small sing>- ing-bird. cantorcillo, m. dim. petty, worthless singer cantorral, m. stony ground. CantOSO, sa, a. stony ground. cantuariense, a. of or belonging to Catit«i> bury. g (before e, l) itv^ J an h in hot ; h, silent ; in brilliant ; ft. ny in canyon : r (initial) and rr triUed ; s. CAN 96 CAP cantueso, "'. (bot.) French lavender, spike. canturia, /. vocal music ; musical composi- tion ; monotonous singing ; method of per- forming musical compositions. canturrear, canturriar, vii. to hum, sing in a low voice. C&nula, /• (med.) canula. canutero, m. v. canutero. canutillo, m. v. caSutillo. canuto, m. V. caSuto. cafla, /. cane, reed, bamboo ; stem, stalk: walking-sticK, cane : cana comun, cultivated reed : cana dulce or de azucar, sugar-cane ; bone of arm or leg ; subterraneous passage in mines ; shaft of a column or pillar ; mar- row ; (naut.) helm, tiller : i la cana & babor I f»ort the helm ! lever drill ; ratchet drill ; ong and narrow tumbler for manzanilla wine ; Andalusian song ; flaw in a sword's blade; glass-blower's pipe; (carp.) shank; reed of wind-instruments : cana de la media, leg of a stocking : caila de pescar, fishing- rod : cana de un cafion, chase of a gun : canaa de cebadera, (naut.) sprit-sail sheet-blocks: canas, haber or correr ca&as, equestrian ex- ercises with reed spears. ca&ada, /. glen or dale between mountains ; glade, dell ; sheep-walk for flocks ; measure of wine ; (Amer.) rivulet, brook. cafladllla, /. edible mollusk, variety of pur- ple murex. cafiafistula, /. cassia fistula. CaflaflStTllO[can-iiyah-fee8'-toolo], TO. (bot.) purg- ing cassia-tree ; cassia fistula. ca&aheja, cailaheria, cafLajelga, /. (bot.) common fennel-giant. cailahuate, m. species of lignum-vitae which grows in Colombia. CS^al, m. cane or reed plantation ; weir or wear for fishing, made of canes or reeds ; small sluice or channel, for catching fish. C&fiama, /. assessment of taxes. ca&amar, m. hemp-field. ca&ainazo, m. coarse canvas ; canvas for em- broidery ; embroidered canvas ; burlap. caflamelar, m. plantation of f ugar-cane. caflameno, fla, a. hempen, made of hemp. ■caflamiel, /. (bot.) sugar-cane. CallamiZa [cah-nyah-mee'-thah], / bagasse Of hemp ; bun. V. argramiza. CdjQ.aniO, TO. (bot.) hemp; cloth made of hemp : cinamo en rama, undressed hemp. caiLamdn, to. hemp-seed. caflar, to. v. caSal. ca&areja, /. v. caSaheja. cailarlegO, ga, a. pellcjoa caaarlegos, skins of sheep that die on the road. cailarroya, /. (bot.) pellitory, wall-wort. ca&avera, /. (bot. ) common reed-grass. -ca&averal, m. plantation of canes or reeds. cafLaverear, va. V. acaSaverear. 'Caflayereria, /. place where reed-grass or reeds are sold. oa&averero, m. retailer of canes or reeds. caCazO, m. blow with a cane : dar cailazo, to confound one; rum (Peru). ca&edo, m. v. caSavkral. rtune of a husband at his marriage ; (com.) capital stock ; (mil.) capital of a oastion. — /. capital city. capital, a. capital, relating to the head; principal; leading; essential; great; ex- cellent ; unsurpassed : enemigo capital, mor- tal enemy : pecado capital, deadly sin : pena. capital, capital punishment. capitalidad, /. condition of a city being a capital. capitalista, eom. capitalist. capitalizacibn, /. capitalization. capitalizar, va. {pret. capitalic6 : sxibj. ca- pitalice) to capitalize ; to add interest or g (betore e, 1) «nd J as li in hot; h, eUent; II 5n brilliant; ft, nv in caUTon : r (Initial) «^ rr trilled; «. hissed CAP 98 CAE dividends to the capital stock, in order to obtain increased interest. capltalmente, adv. capitally, mortally. capitan, m. (mil.) captain; ringleader of a band of robbers ; leader ; commander of a ship of war or merchant vessel : capitin de baadera, (naut. ) captain of the admiral's ship: capitin de fragata, navy officer rank- ing as lieiitenant^colonel : capit4n de navio, navy officer ranking as a colonel : capitin general de eJ6rcito, field-marshal : capit&n general de previncia, commander-in-chief of a military district : capitin del puerto, (naiit.) port-captain; harbour-master. Papitana,/. admiral's ship ; captain's wife. capitanear, tvi. to have the command of an armed corps ; to head a troop of people. capltania, /. captainship, captainry ; (mil.) company commanded by a captain • tax paid to the port-captain by ships anchored in the harbour : capitania general, rank of a captain-general ; residence and oflSce of a captain-general. capitel, m. (arch.) capital of a column or pilaster ; spire over the dome of a church. capitolino, na, a. belonging to the capitol. capitOliO, m. capitol ; any lofty or majestic public building. capitdn, m. (zool.) pollard, chub. capitlQa,/. part of the prayers read at divine service. Capltulaci6n, /. capitulation, stipulation, agreement : capitalacion de matrimonlo, ar- ticles of marriage ; (mil.) capitulation, sur- render of a place. sapltulante, pa. capitulator. capitular, m. capitular, member of a chap- ter.— a. capitulary, belonging to a chapter. capitular, vn. to conclude an agreement; draw up the articles of a contract ; com- pound ; sing prayers at divine service ; (mil.) to capitulate. — va. (law) to impeach. capitulariO, m. book of prayers for divine service. capitularmente, adv. capitulary, according to the rules of a chapter. capitulO, wi. chapter of a cathedral ; meeting of the prelates of religious orders, and place where they meet ; meeting of a secular com- munity or corporation ; chapter of a book or other writing ; charge, reproof, repri- mand : capitnlos matrimoniales, articles of marriage. capolado, pp. & m. hash, minced meat. capolar, va. to hash, mince, or chop meat ; to behead, decapitate. capdn, a. castrated, gelded.— »i. eunuch ; gelding ; capon ; (coll. ) fillip on the head ; fagot, bundle of brushwood; (naut.) an- chor-stopper at the cathead. Capona, /. epaulet without fringe ; shoulder- knot: Have capona, key worn by a lord of the bed-chamb?r. caponado, da, a. tied together, as branches of vines. — pp. ofc.\PONAR. .faponar, va. to tie up the branches of vines. caponera,/. coop, inclosure to fatten poultry; (coll.) place where one lives well at other people's expense; (coll.) a jail; (mil.) ca- jKjnier. V. yegua caponera. <;apOTal, m. chief, ringleader ; (Mex. ) keeper of horned cattle. 'Capota. /• head of the teasel or fuller's thistle ; light bonnet for women's wear ; leather top of some vehicles ; cape without a hood. tapote, m. sort of raglan or cloak with sleeves to keep off rain ; short cloak of bright col- our, used by bull-fighters ; (met.) browbeat- ing ; (coll. ) thick cloud or mi&t over a moun- tain : dar capote, to leave a guest without dinner, for coming late ; to win all the tricks at cards : dije para mi capote, I said to my- self. capotear, va. to trick a bull with a capote ; to wheedle, bamboozle ; to evade cleverly diffi- culties and promises. capotero, m. one who makes or sells cloaks. capotillo, rn. cape, mantelet : capotillo de dot faldas, short, loose jacket. capotin. m. dim. small cloak or capote. capotudo, da, a. frowning. V. cknudo. caprariO, ria, a. belonging to the goat. capricoruio, m. (ast.) Capricorn. caprichO, m. caprice, whim, fancy, mood- humour, conceit ; great desire ; (mus. ) irreg» ular but pleasing composition ; (art) inven tion or design of a painting. caprichosamente, adv. fancifully, humor- o'usly, moodily, whimsically. ■ jnoso, sa, a. capricious, fanciful, caprici whimsical, caprichudo, da, a. obstinate, stubborn, ca- pricious. caprino, na, a. (poet.) goatish, v. cabruno. Cd.psula, /. metal cap on bottles; (mil.) cartridge-shell; (bot., anat., .chem., ana pharm. ) capsule. capsular, a. capsular, capsulary. captar, va. to captivate, attract, win. captura,/. (law) capture, seizure. capturar, va. (law) to apprehend ; to arrest. capuana,/. (coil.) a spanking. capucha, /. hood of a woman's cloak ; cow.' or hood of a friar ; (print. ) circumflex ( ^ ). an accent. capucMna, /. Capuchin nun ; (bot.) nastur tium : capuchinas, (naut.) crotches anti knees; small lamp with extinguisher •, con- fection of yolk of egg. capucMnO, m. Capuchin monk. capucllino, na, a. relating to Capuchin friars or nuns. capucho, «). cowl or hood. Capucll6n, «t. aug. ofcAPUCHO; lady's cloak with hood, short domino. capuli, (Mex.) capulin, m. (bot.) American fruit resembling a cherry. capullitO, m. dim. small pod of a silk-worm ; small bud. capullo, m. cocoon of a silk- worm; flax knotted at the end ; (com.) bunch of boiled flax ; germ or bud of flowers ; coarse stuff or spun silk : seda de capnllos, ferret-siiik, grogram yarn ; cup of an acorn ; bur of i chestnut ; prepuce. capuz, m. act of ducking a person. V. cha- puz ; old-fashioned hooded cloak. Capuzar, va. capnzar tin bajel, (naut.) to sink a ship by the head. V. chapuzar. CaC[U6ctiC0, Ca [cah-cake'-tea-co], a. cachectical, cachectic. caquexia [cah-cake'-8ea-rthl, /. (med.) cachexia. car, m. (naut.) larger end of the mizzen- yard and mizzen. cara, /. face, visage, mien, countenance; base of a sugar-loaf; fac^ade, front, surface, facing: buena cara, cheerful mien: mala cara, frown : cara de Pascua, smiling face : cara de acelga, pale, sallow face : cara de pocoa amigoB, churlish look, froward countenance : cara de vaqueta or de bronce, brazen face • cara de viernes, sad, lean, meagre face ; cara de cart6n, wrinkled face : cara empedrada, apedreada, face pitted by the small-pox : A cara deicubierta, openly, plainly : cara 4 cara, face to face : de cara, opposite, facing: dar k » M IB far * • In eh t ; i in poUee ; • in fov ; U in bull : c (before e. \) &nd < as th In thick ; b knd d, Mft; CAE 99 CAE alguno con las pnertas en la cara, to shut the door in one's face : jugar a cara 6 cmz, to toss up a coin : dar en cara, to reproach, upbraid : dar el aol de cara, to have the sun in one's face : decirselo en su cara, to tell one to his face : hacer cara, to face danger: hombre de dos carai, double-dealer, insidious, artful fel- low : lavar la cara 4 algnno, to flatter : gnar- dar la cara, to hide ; to evade : sacar la cara por otro, to sustain or defend another : no volver la cara atr&s, not to flinch. Ciraba, /. (naut.) vessel used in the Archi- pelago. carabae, vi. gray buflFalo used as a draught- beast in the Philippines. O^abe, m. amber. carabela, /. (naut.) carvel or caravel ; large basket or tray for provisions. Carabel6n, m. (naut.) brig or brigantine. carabina, /. fowling-piece ; carbine or cara- bine : carabina rayada, rifle carabine : la ca- rabina de Ambresio, a harmless weapon ; a worthless thing. carabinazo, m. report of a carabine ; effect of a carabine-shot. carabinero, m. carabineer ; internal revenue guard. carabo, m. small Moorish vessel ; (zool.) sort of a crab or cockle ; (orn. ) large horned owl. V. AUTILLO. carabu, m. handsome tree of India. caracoa, /. (Philip.) small row-barge. caracol, m. (zool.) snail : caracol marine, peri- winkle ; winding staircase ; prancing of a horse ; night-dress used by women in Mex- ico ; cochlea of the ear. caracola,/. small snail with a whitish shell ; conch-shell used as a horn. caracolear, vn. to caracole. caracolejo, m. dim. small snail or snail-shell. caracoleo, m. the act of caracoling. caracolero, ra, m. & /. one who gathers or sells snails. i caracoles ! inteij. V. caramba. caracolllla, /. dim. small snail-shell. caracolillO, m. dim. small snail ; (hot.) snail- flowered kidney bean ; veined mahogany : caf6 caracolillo, pea-bean coffee. — -pi. cara- colillos, trimming on the edgings of clothes. caracolitO, m. dim. small snail. caracter, m. written sign, mark, letter, handwriting, character, type ; brand on cattle; character, personal qualities, hu- mour, manners, temper, nature, disposi- tion ; loftiness of soul, firmness, energy ; style of speaking or writing.— ^p/. caracteres de imprenta, printing types. caracteristlca, /. c-haracteristic : (math.) logarithmic number preceding the period that divides the decimal fraction ; actress who plavs the parts of old ladies. Caracteristlcamente, adv. characteristi- cally. CaracteristiCO, ca, a. characteristic, typi- cal. caracterizado, da, pp. & a. characterized, distinguished ; apt, competent. caracterizar, ra. {pret. caracteric:^ : subj. caracterice) to characterize, distinguish by peculiar qualities ; to confer a distin- guished employment, dignity, or oflBce ; to mark, point out ; to act a part properly. Caracba,/. or earache, m. itch, mange, scab of the llamas. Carado, da, a. faced ; this adjective is always joined to the adverbs bien or mal — e. g., biencarado, pleasant, cheerful : malcarado, frowning, harsh. caraguata, /. kind of hemp in Paraguav. caraja, /. sail used by fishermen at Vera Cruz. Caramanchel, m. fixed or movable shed over the hatchways of ships. caraniancli6n, m. garret. V. camarax- ch6n. i caramba! interj. (coll.) hah, strange!—/, ancient head-gear for women. carambano, m. icicle, a shoot of ice. carambanado, da, a. forming icicles, carambillo, «<. (bot.) salt- wort, carambola, /. carom, in billiards ; method of playing the game at cards called revesiao ; (coll.) device or trick to cheat or deceive ; (bot.) fruit of the carambola-tree: por ca- rambola, (coll.) indirectly. carambolO, m. (hot.) carambola-tree. carambolear, va. to carom. carambolero, m. player at carambola. carambu, m. (bot.) willow herb. caramel, m. (icht.) kind of pilchard or sar- dine. caramelizaci6n, /. reduction of sugar to candy by heat. caramelo, m. caramel ; in the Philippines, azncarillo, q. v. caramente, adv. dearly ; exceedingly, high- ly ; (law) rigorously. caramlellO, m. kind' of hat worn by women in the Asturias and Leon. caramillar, vn. salt-wort plantation. caramilleras,/. pi. pot-hooks. caramlllO, m. flageolet; small flute; (bot) salt-wort ; confused heap of things ; deceit ; trick ; gossip ; tale-carrying. caramuzal, m. vessel used by the Moors. carangue, m. caranga, ./i (Amer.) kind of flat-fish in the West Indies. carantamaula, /. (coll.) hideous mask or visor ; ugly, hard-featured person. carantOfia, /. (coll.) old ugly woman, who style.- soft words and acts of endearment to whee- paints and dresses in . — pi. caresses, die or coax a person. carantoflera, /. coquette. caranto&ero, m. flatterer, wheedler, cajoler. carafi.a, /. kind of resinous American gum. car^Ota,.^. (Venez.) bean. carapa, /. oil of an American nut. said tc cure the gout. carapacbo, m. carapace, shell, as of turtles, crustaceans, etc. caraquefiO, fLa, a. of or relating to Caracas. carasol, m. sunny place ; sun gallery. caratula, /. pasteboard or wire mask ; title- page of a book ; (met. ) the histrionic art. caratulerOim. one who makes or sells masks. carava,.f. holiday meeting of country people caravana^. caravan ; company of'traders, pilgrims, etc ; camel-train m the desert. caray,TO. tortoise-shell. V. carey ; (Amer.) interj. V. caramba. caraza,/. avg. broad large face. C^basO, m. kind of fine flax ; (poet.) sail of a ship ; ancient tunic. Carb621,m. carbon, coal, charcoal, fuel, cinder : carbon de piedra, coal or pit-coal : carbon vege- tal, charcoal : carbon de arranque, root char- coal ; crayon ; carbon-pencil ; wheat-rust ; black-rust. V. carboncillo. carbonada, /. coal charge into a furnace: broiled chop or steak ; grillades ; kind of pancake. carbonariO, m. individual of a secret society formed to destroy absolutism. carbonatadO, da, a. carbonated, carbonato, m. (chem.) carbonate. ^ Cbeiore e, 1) an hair ; (coll.) to pull the hair. V. repelar ; to win another's money at play. carmes, m. kermes, the cochineal insect. carmesi, m. cochineal powder. — m. & a. crim- son , bright red/ carmin, »». colouring matter of cochineal ; carmine-colour : carmin bajo, pale rose- colour ; (bot.) pokeweed, Phytolacca. carminativo, m. (med. ) carminative, reliev- ing wind. carnada,/. bait. camale, m. salt beef. carnal, a carnal, fleshv, sensual, lustful, worldly, earthly; united by kindred : primo carnal, cousin-german. — m. time of the year in which meat may be eaten, opposed to Lent and other fast-days. carnalldad,/. carnality, lustfulness. carnalmente, adv. carnally, sensually. carnaval, m. carnival, feast held before Shrovetide. V. carnestolendas. carnavalesco, ca, a. belonging to or resem- bling carnival. camaza, /. fleshy side of a hide or skin ; (coll. ) abundance of meat. carne, /. flesh, meat or flesh-meat; pap, the pulp of fruit ; material part of man, as dis- tinguished from the spiritual ; flesh, one of the evil temptations ; kin ; boyish play with a hollow bone : carne ahogadiza, meat of » drowned animal : carne cediza, tainted meat : carne de membrillo, preserved quinces: carne de pelo, flesh of small quau- rupeds. hares, rabbits, etc. : carne de pluma, flesh of fowls : carne de gallina, (met.) goose* flesh, goose-skin: carne momia, (toll.) choice meat without bouos : carne asada en homo, baked meat: carne asada en parrillas, broiled meat: carne fiambre, cold meat: carne moUar or carne magra, lean : carne sin hueso, (met.) much profit and little trouble : carne y sangre, flesh and blood, near kin-" dred : carne viva, quick flesh in a wound : carne trifa, meat cut by a Hebrew butcher : echar carnes, (coll.) to grow fat : ni es carne ni pescado, (met.) he is neither fish nor flesh, an insipid fellow : ser una y carne, (met.) to be hand and glove, to be intimate or fa- miliar : ser carne y hueso de alguno, to be flesh and blood of any one, to be part and parcel of the same thing : en carnes, naked : envuelto en carnes, fleshy, plump, buxom. carneceria, carnesceria, /. (obs.) F. car nicerIa. carnecilla [rar-neh-theer-iyahi, /. Small excres- cence in some part of the body ; caruncle. carnerada, f. flock of sheep. carneraje, »*. tax or duty on sheep. carnerario, m. (prov.) charnel-house. camereamiento, m. poundage, penalty for the trespass of sheep. camerear,va. to fine the proprietor of shjep for damage done. camerero, m. shepherd. V. PASTOR. cameril, m. sheep-walk, pasture for sheep. camero, »rt. sheep, mutton, flesh of sheep dressed for food ; sheep-skin dressed or tanned ; family vault, burying-place ; char- nel-house : carnero manso para guia, bell- wether : carnero de simiente, ram kept for breeding : carnero cicl4n, ridgil or ridgeling: carnero marine, seal : no hay tales carneros^ (coll.) there is no such thing. carneruno, na, «. resembling or belonging to sheep. carnestolendas, /. vl. three carnival days before Ash-Wednesday. Carnet, m. bank-book ; memorandum-book. carniceria,/. meat^market, slaughter-house, butcher's shop ; carnage, havoc, slaughter. carnlcero, m. butcher. carnicero, ra, «. carnivorous, applied to ani- mals ; bloodthirsty, sanguinary ; applied to pasture-grounds for cattle to be slaughtered ; (coll.) applied to a person who eats much meat ; belonging to shambles. carnlcol, »». hoot of cloven-footed animals. V. TABA. carnlficaclbn,/. carnification. carnlficarse, rr. to camify ; to breed flesh. CamiVOrO, ra, a. carnivorous. carniza, /. (coll.) refuse of meat; cats' or dogs' meat ; decayed flesh. carnosidad, /. carnosity,» proud flesh ; fat- ness, fleshiness. camoso, sa, a. fleshy, carnous, fleshed ; fuU of marrow ; pulpous, applied to fruit. carundo, da, a. r. carnoso. carnuza, /. abundance of meat, producing loathing. caro, ra, a. dear, high-priced, costly ; dearj beloved, affectionate : lo barato es caro, cheap things are dearest. • caro, adv. dearly, at a High price; at too great a price. caroca,/. decoration in public festivities ; far- a u In far ■ • la eh I : i in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; C (before e, i) and t as th in thick ; b ami d, soft. CAR 103 CAR cical piece ; (coll.) caress, endearing action or expression made with a sellish purpose. carocha,/. v. carrocha. •carochar, va. v. carrochar. C^rolUS, III. ancient Flemish coin. caromomia, /. the dry flesh of a mummy. carona, /. padding of the saddle, which touches the animars back ; part of the ani- mal's back on which the saddle lies : esquilar la carona, to shear the back of a mule, a cus- tom in Spain : blando de carona, (coil.) ap- plied to a person very feeble or lazy, or who falls in love easily. caro&OSO, sa, a. old, galled, and cast off, ap- plied to beasts of burden. caroquero, ra [ca-ro-ueh'-io], a. wheedler, flat- terer ; caressing ; honey-worded. carbtida,/. (anat.) the carotid artery. carOZO, m. core of an apple, pear, etc. ; cob of maize. carpa, /. (icht.) carp, fresh-water fish ; part of a bunch of grapes which is torn off; (Peru) canvas teut. carpanel, «i. (arch.) basket-handle arch. carpanta,/. (coll.) keen appetite, hunger. carpe, m. (hot.) common horn-beam tree, witch-hazel. oarpedal, in. plantation of common horn- beam trees. carpelO, m. (bot.) carpel. sarpeta, /. table-cover ; portfolio, letter-file, case or envelope for filing documents; docket- writing-desk; small curtain or screen oefore the door of a tavern. -•tarpetazo, m. blow or stroke with a carpeta : dar carpetazo, to lay by ; to lay on the table ; to j)igeou-hole. carpintear, V7i. to do carpenter's work. carpinteria, /. carpentry, carpenter-shop. carpintero, m. carpenter, joiner: carpintero de bianco, joiner : carpintero de prieto or de carretas, cartwright, wheelwright : carpin- tero de obras de afuera, carpenter who timbers or roofs houses : carpintero de ribera or de navio, ship-carpenter, shipwright : maestro carpintero de remos, master oar-raaker: se- gundo carpintero, carpenter's mate : p^aro carpintero, (orn.) woodpecker: carpintero real, ivory-billed woodpecker. carpir, vn. to quarrel, wrangle ; scrape, scratch. carpo, m. (anat.) carpus, wrist. carpob^lsamo, m. carpobalsamum. carquesa [rat-keh'-sah], /. in glass-houses, the annealing furnace. CarqUeXla [car-kek'-se-ah], /. (bot.) specieS of broom-plant. carraca, /. carack, large and slow-sailing ship of burden ; rattle ; ratchet brace ; the navy-yard in Cadiz. carraco, ca, a. old, withered, decrepit. carral, m. barrel, butt, vat ; pipe for trans- porting wine in carts and wagons. carraleja, /. black beetle with yellow stripes ; oil-heetle, meloe ; Spanish blistering beetle. carralero, »». cooper. carra6n, m. short-stemmed wheat. carranque [car-raim'-kehj, m. Peruvian bird re- sembling a crane. carrasca, /. carrasco, m. (bot.) pin-oak, swamp-oak. V. cx)sco.ta. carrascal, carrascalejo, m. pin-oak plan- tation. carrascdn, m. aug. large pin-oak. .carraspada, /. negus, beverage made of red wine, noney, and spice. carraspera, /. (coll.) hoarseness; frog-in- the-throat ; sore throat. carraspique, 7/i. (bot.) candytuft. carrasque&o, fla [car-ia»-keh -nyo], a. belong* ing to the pin-oak ; harsh, sharp- carrera, / run, sprint, race, course ; race- track ; high-road ; in Madrid, broad and long street ; row of things, ranged in a line ; range of iron teeth in combing-cards ; line, parting of the hair ; girder, in a floor ■ broken stitch in a stocking ; course aad du- ration of life ; career, profession ; course, method of life ; conduct, mode of action ; course of a pageant or procession ; route of a line of steamers ; coach or stage line ; Spanish step in dancing. V. carrerilla : carrera de Indias, trade from Spain to South America : carrera del imbolo, stroke of the piston : carrera de v&lvula, travel of a valve : poner & uno en carrera, to provide one with an employment : no poder hacer carrera con algnno, not to be able to bring one to rea- son : & carrera abierta, at full speed : de ca- rrera, swiftly, inconsiderately, rashly : ca- rrera de baquetas, gantlet, a military punish- ment : partir de carrera, (met. ) to act in a rash and inconsiderate manner. carrerilla, ta,/. dim. small race, sprint or course ; rapid motion in a Spanish dance ; (mus.) rise or fall of an octave. carrero, m. v. carretero. carreta, /. long narrow cart. carretada, /. cartful, cart-load; fMex.) measure for lime, equivalent to 3,000 pounds. —pi. great quantity: k carretadas, (coll.) copiously, in abundance. carretaje, in. cartage ; trade with carts. carretal, m. rough, ragged ashlar. ^ carrete, m. spool, bobbin, reel ; small reed for winding silk or gold and silver twist ; reel of a fishing-rod; (elec.) bobbin, wire- coil. carretear, va. to cart, to convey in a cart ; to drive a cart. — vr. to draw unevenly, ap- plied to oxen or mules. carretel, m. spool, reel, bobbin ; fishing-reel, line-reel ; (uaut. ) log-reel ; spunyaru winch ; rope-walk reel : carretel de carpintero, car- penter's marking-line. carretela,/. caleche, calash. carretera,/. high-road. carreteria, /. number of carts ; trade of a carman ; cartwright's yard ; wheelwright's shop. carretero, m. cartwright ; carman, carrier, carter, ox-cart driver, truckman. carretil, o. belonging to a cart. carretllla, /. dim. small cart ; wheel-barrow, push-cart, trolley cart, hand-cart; (r. w.) truck : carretilla de equipaje, baggage truck; go-cart ; squib, fire-cracker ; small wheel : saber de carretilla, (coll.) to know by heart. carretdn, m. cart ; go-cart : carreton de lim- para, pulley for raising or lowering lamps. carretonciilo, m. dim. small go-cart. carretonero, m. drayman, truckman. carriCOChe, m. ancient cart with a box like a coach ; old-fashioned coach, wagonette ; muck-cart, dung-cart. carricurefla, /. (mil.) carriage of a light field-piece. carriegO, m. osier fishing-basket ; rough basket for bleaching flax-yarn. carril, m. rut, cart-way, cart-rut; narrow road ; furrow ; rail of a railway. carrillada, /. oily or medullar substance of a hog. carrillera, /. the jaw ; chin-stay, chin-strap. carrillO, m. dim. small cart; cheek ; (naut.) hoisting tackle. R (before e, i) and J as h lu hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; fi, ay iu canyon; r (initial) ana rr trilled ; B, CAB 104 CAB e&rrillTUlO, da, a. plump or round cheeked. C&rriOla, /. trundle-bed ; small chariot, cur- ricle. canixal, m. land which is full of reed-grass. carriXO, »n. (hot.) common reed-grass. caiTO, w». cart ; car • running gear of a car- riage without the Dody ; (ast.) the Greater Bear, the Dipper ; (naut.) manufactory for cables and other ship cordage ; measure for wood ; a cart-load ; bed of a printing-press : utar el carro, (met.) to bribe, to wheedle : carro nrbaito or tranria, street car : carro de riego, sprinkling car: carro de Tolteo, tip car, tilt car, dump car. earroceria, /. shop where carriages are made, repaired, or sold. carrocilla [car-nvthw-iyml, /. dim. small coach. caXTOCin, m. chaise, curricle. eaiTOClia, /. seminad substance in bees and other insects ; eggs. carrochar, m. to lay eggs, applied to bees and other insects. carromatero, m. carter; charioteer; car- man. CarromatO, m. long, narrow cart with two wheels and tilt, for transporting goods, etc. carronada, /. (arti) short gun of large calibre. carro&a, /. carrion, putrid flesh. carro&ar. ra. to infect sheep with the scab. carrofiO, fla, a. putrefied, putrid, rotten. carroza,/. large coach ; superb state coach ; caroche; (nauL) awning. eaznu^e [e«r^«o-iUi'-ii«h], m. ail sorts of Tehicles gsthered for a trip ; any kind of a rehicle. camiajero ftaM^scMifc-beh'-roj, m. carrier, cart- er, wagoner, driver, coach-driver. carruco, w». small cart used in mountains. carrucha./. v. garrucha. carrajado, da [car-nm-hah'-do}, a. corrugated, wrinkled. T. excarrujado. carta, /. letter, epistle ; (com.) favour; royal ordinance; map, chart; card for playing; written constitution, charter : carta de na- r«ar, sea-chairt : carta blanca, carie-blanche, fall powers given to one : carta eertillcada, registered letter: carta cveata, bill or ac- count of sale : carta credeacial or de creen- cia, credentials : carta de crMlto, letter of credit : carta de dote, articles of marriage : carta de eaeomlenda, letter of safe-conduct : carta de esyera or moratoria, (law) letter of respite given t« a debtor : carta de ftetamea- t«, (com. ) (barter-party : carta de gxda, pass- port : carta de ezaBen,'license granted to a person to exercise his trade or profession : carta de horro, letters of enfranchisement : carta de libre, (law) guardian's discharge: carta de aatvralesa, letters of naturalization : carta d« pago, acquittance, receipt, discharge in fall : carta ordea, mandatory letter : carta de preMBtacite, letter of introduction : carta de legvrldad, safeguard, protection : carta de uoidad, bill of health : carta de venta, bill of sale : carta de vaelta, dead-letter : carta •B llsta, letter " to be kept till called for " ; general delivery letter : carta receptorla, warrant, voucher : carta de veclndad, bur^h- er-brief : carta re^aisltoria, letters requisi- torial : pecar por carta de mis 6 de menoe, to have either too much or too little : carta caata, it may be proved by written docu- ments: easeftar las cartas, to show one's game or purpose. eutabto, m. carpenter's square ; rule ; shoe- maker's slide, size-stick ; quadrant, gun- ner's square. carta^enero, ra, a. of Carthagena. cartaginense, a. Carthaginian ; of Carthage cartama./. cirtamo, m. (bot.) r. alazor. cartapaclO, m. memorandum-book; stu, dent's note-book ; book-satchel. cartapel, m. memorandum tilled with usei less matter. cartazo, »«. (coU.) letter or paper containing a severe reprehension. carteado, da, a. said of a card game when tricks are taken up. cartear, rn. to play low cards in order tfi try how the game stands. — ra. (naut.) to steer bv the sea-chart. — vr. to correspond by let- ter. cartel, m. placard, hand-bill, poster; cartel, written agreement made by belligerent powers relative to the exchange of prison- ers ; challenge sent in writing. cartela, /. slip of paper, piece of wood, oi other materials on which a memorandum is made; (arch.) modillion, console, brack- et ; iron stay, which supports a balcony. cartelera, /. bill-board. carteldn, m. aug. long edict ; show-bill. carteo, m. frequent intercourse by letters. cartera, /• portfolio : writing-case ; pocket- book ; note-book ; letter-case, letter-box ; portfolio, the ofl5ce of a cabinet minister ; pocket flap of a coat. carteria, /. employment of letter-carrier ; distributing-room in a post-oflice. carterista, m. pick-pocket. cartero, m. letter-carrier, postman. carteta,/. game at cards. V. parar. cartica, ita,/. dim. small letter or note. cartila^ineo, a, a. (zool.) cartilaginous. Cartilaginoso, sa, a. relating to a cartilage. cartilagO, m. (anat.) cartilage, gristle, parchment. V. tersilla. Cartilla,/. dim. small or short letter or note ; first book of children, primer ; certificatt of a clergyinan duly ordained : leerle 4 aa* la cartilla, (met.) to give one a lecture: ne saber la cartilla, (met.) to be extremely ig- norant. V. aSalejo. carto^afia, /. chartography, art of ma{^ drawing. cartOgrafiCO, ca, a. chartographic. cartdgrafO, m. chartographer. cartomancia, /■ fortune-telling by cards cart6n, m. pasteboard ; binders' board ; met al ornament, imitating the leaves of plant- cartoon, painting, or drawing on stroii paper: carton piedra, (art) staff; papier- mach^. cartonera, /. paper-making wasp; social wasp. — pi. pasteboard oases for filing papers. cartonero, m. one who makes pasteboard. cartucliera, /. cartridge-box or pouch. cartnchO, m. cartouch ; cartridge ; metallic cartridge ; roll of coins ; (Sp. Amer.) paper comet. cartnja, /. Carthusian order. cartnjano, na, a. Carthusian. cart^}0, m. Carthusian monk ; (coU.) a taci- turn man, a recluse. cartulariO, m. archives or registry ; archi- vist ; coucher, register-book in monasteries. cartlllina, /. bristol-board, card^)oard : car- talina coman, millboard : cartnlina en hojae, sheet-card : cartnlina de porcelana, enamelled card. cartmcula, /■ caruncle: carAacnla lagrlaaal, lachrvmal caruncle. carvajal. carrallar, or carvalledo, m. place where oaks grow. caxvajO or carvallO, m. (hot.) common Brit* ish oak. M IB &r : e Ui ek I ; 1 la police : o in for ; « im tall ; • (befon e. ii end a as th in tkiek ; b ead d, Mft: CAE 105 CAS eaxvi, w. (bot.) common caraway ; caraway- seed. easa, /• house, edifice, building, dwelling ; home, private dwelling, household ; family residing in a house; line or branch of a family ; checkers, or squares of a chess or draught-board : casa de campo or dc placer, country-house : ca«a de socorro, emergency hospital : casa de tocame Roqne, a house where many live, not well directed, and in consequent disorder : ca>a de vecindad, tene- ment : casa de locos, mad-house ; noisy bouse : casa de moneda, mint : casa de posada, cata de huespedes, or casa de pupilos, lodg- ing-house, or lodging and boarding-house: casa de beneficencia, asylum, poor-house : casa de banca, banking house : casa de vacas, dairy : easa real, royal palace : caaa aolarie- ga, manor, ancient mansion-house of a fam- ily : no tener casa ni hegar, to have neither house nor home : poner casa, to begin housekeeping: levantar casa, to break up housekeeping. casabe, m. cassava. V. cazabe. casaca, /. coat, dress-coat; (coll.) marriage, wedding : Tolver casaca, to become a turn- coat. Casaci6n,/. (law) cassation, abrogation, re- peal. casacbn, m. great-coat ; cassock. casadero, ra, a. marriageable, fit for mar- riage. casalicio, m. house, edifice. casamata.,/. (mil.) casemate. oasamentero, ra, »». &/. match or marriage- maker, marriage-broker. casamiento, »<. marriage, marriage con- tract ; matrimony, match, wedding. casamuro, »i. (mil.) single wall without a terreplein. casapuerta, /. porch, entrance of a house. casaqnUla,/. kind of sho t jacket, casar, «». & vr. to marry — va. to marry, to join in wedlock, to cour ^e, to unite in mar- riage ; (met. ) to match things or colours, to mate, to suit ; (law) to repeal, abrogate, an- nul ; (paint.) to blend ; (typ.) to impose. casar. //*. hamlet, small village. casaron, »». aug. large old house. casatienda, /. tradesman's shop and dwell- ing combined. casea,/. skins of grapes after the wine has been pressed out ; bark for tanning leather ; kind of fruit-cake. ^scabel, wj. hawk-bell, sleigh-bell, jingle; knob at the eud of the breech of a cannon, eascabel ; rattle of a rattlesnake : poner el cascabel al gato, to undertake a riskr thing : ser un cascabel, to be a rattle-brained fellow. cascabelada, /. jingling with small bells ; (^coll. > iuconsiderate speech or action. Cascabelear, va, to feed one with vain hopes ; to bamboozle. — m. to act with levity, or little forecast and prudence. Cascabeleo, »*. jingling of hawk-bells or sleigh-bells. cascabelero, ra, a. light-wi'tted. cascabelUlO, //>. dim. small black plum. cascabillO, m. hawk's bell. V. cascabel ; glume of cereals, chaff, husk ; cup of an acorn. cascaciruelas, m. (colK) mean, despicable fellow. cascada, /. cascade, water-fall. cascado, da, a. broken, burst, decayed, in- firm ; crazy.— pp. of cascar. Cascadura, /. act of bursting or breaking asunder. cascaJa^ or cascajar, m. place full of grave and pebbles ; place in which the husks oi grapes are thrown. cascajo, m. gravel ; fragments of broken ves> sels ; rubbish ; (coll. ) old and useless fur- niture ; dry fruit : estar liecho on caaci^e, to be very old and infirm. cascaJOSO, sa, a. gravelly. cascamajar [cas-cab-ma-bar'!, t^. to break, crush, or pound a thing slightly. cascamientO, m. breaking or bruising, cascanueces m. nut-cracker. CaSCapiflOneS ;cas-cah-pe-nyo'-ne«], m. one who shells hot pine-nuts and cleans the seed ; pine-nut cracker. cascar, ra. (pret. CASQCfi : subf. casque) to crack, burst, break into pieces ; to crunch ; (coll.) to lick, beat, strike; (coll.) to talk much. — rr. to be broken open. C^cara, /. rind, peel, shell, hull, ©r husk of various fruits, etc. ; egg-shell ; bark of trees ; lansquenet, game of cards : ciscara sagrada, (med.) bark of the Californian buckthorn : ser de la cascara amarga, to be sportive, gay, full of mischieC i Cascaras ! interj. gadzooks ! cascarela, /■ lansquenet, game at cards. cascarilla, cascarlta, /. dim. small thin shell ; Peruvian bark, Jesuit's bark ; thin metal shell ; powdered egg-shell for cos- metic. cascarillero, m. gatherer of Peruvian bark. Caacarbn, »«. aug. egg-shell of a fowl or bird ; (arch.) arch or vault ; calotte ; niche for the sacrament in churches ; trick in lansque- net ; (Mex.) egg-shell filled with confettL cascarrablas, com. (coll.) testy, irritable person. I', paparrabias. cascarr6n, na, a. (coll.) rou^h, harsh, rude. cascanidO, da, a, hully, having a thick rind or shell. cascaruleta, /. (coll.) noise made by the teeth when chucked under the chin. casco, m. skull, cranium ; potshei^, frag- ments of an earthen vessel ; quarter of an orange, lemon, or pomegranate ; coat or teg- ument of an onion ; crown of a hat ; helmet, casque, head-piece of ancient armour ; tree of a saddle ; (com.) cask, pipe, vat, or other wooden vessel in which wine is preserved : casco de on navio, (naut) hull or bulk of a ship : casco y qnilla, bottomry • printer's ink- ing-ball ; sheep-skin stripped of the wool ; hoof of a horse : casco or tapa d« nn barril, the head of a cask.^p/. cascos, heads of sheep or bullocks without the tongues and brains : ligero 6 alegre de cascos, feather- brained person. cascol, m. resin of a tree of Guayaquil. cascolote, m. (Mex.) thick bark of oaks, etc. cascote, m. rubbish, rubble, ruins of build- ings. cascudo, da, a. large-hoofed. caseacidn, /. coagulation of milk to form cheese. caseina,/. casein. caseoso, sa, a. caseous, cheesy. casera,/. housekeeper. caseraznente, adv. homely, informally. caseria,/. manor's lodge; out-building for farm-hands. caseriO, m. series of bouses ; village, settle- ment. casema./. (mil.) casem; barracks. casero, ra, m. A /. landlord ; house agent : caretaker. casero, ra, a. domestic, homelv, home-made home-bred ; familiar ; housekeeping : b»U« g (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, sUeat; 11 in brilliant; &, ny in canyon; r OniUat) aad rr mUed; i. lUnad CAS 106 CAS eater*, family-dance : mujer casera, good housewife : remedio casero, domestic medi- cine : pan caBero, home-made bread ; lienzo casero, home-spun linen. caserbn. »«. aug. large, ill-proportioned house. caseta, f. dim. small house, cottage, hut : caseta de bafios, bathing-house. casi, adv. almost, nearly, somewhat more or less ; just : casi que or casi casi, very nearly. casia,/. (bot.) bastard cinnamon, cassia. casica, Ilia, ita,/. dim. small house, cabin. caslcontrato, m. (law) V. cuasicontrato. casllla, /. ticket-otiice ; hut of a railway guard or flagman ; keeper's lodge.— p/. pi- geon-holes ; ruled columns in accounts ; points of a backgammon table ; checkers of ' a chess-board : sacarle & ono de sus casillas, (coll.) to make one change his habits: to vex one beyond patience : salir de sus casi- llas, to forget one's self. caslller, m. in the royal palace, servant who empties the close-stools. caslllero, m. desk or board with pigeon-holes. casillO, m. dim. trifling or slight case. casimbas, /. pi. (naut.) buckets for baling. casimlr, m. casimira,/. or casimiro, cassi- mere, kerseymere. casino, m. casino, dancing-hall, public resort, club-house ; social or political club. casiopea, /. (ast.) Cassiopeia, northern con- stellation. casiterlta,/. cassiterite, oxide of tin. caso, m. event, case, occurrence, contingency, ca.sualty, accident; occasion, opportunity; case stated to lawyers, physicians, etc. ; (gram.) case : en tal caso, in such a case : en todo caso, at all events : hacer caso de una persona, to esteem or respect a person : hacer caso de una cosa, to take notice : esto no bace or no viene al caso, this is irrelevant: no hacer caso, not to mind : vamos al caso, let us come to the point : pongo por caso, let us as- sume, for example : caso que, in case that : dado caso or demos caso, supposing that : de caso pensado, deliberately. cas6n, m. aug. large house. casoiio, 771. (coll.) inconsiderate marriage ; informal wedding. caspa,/. dandruff, scurf. caspera,/. fine comb for dandruff. caspla, /. core of an apple. caspiO, "la, a. Caspian. i Capita ! interj. wonderful ! casposo, sa, a. full of dandruff; lentiginous. CasqUetaZO [cas-keh-tah'-thaw], m. blow given with the head. Casquete [cns-keh'-teiil, m. helmet, casque, skull-cap, cap ; skull, wig, periwig ; (mech. ) cap; (arch.) calotte; helmet shell; cata^ plasm to take off the scurf, CaSG[UiaCOpadO, da Icahs-key-ah-co-pah'-doh], O. cup-hoofed (horses). CaSqUiblandO, da [cas-keh-blahn'-dob], a. soft- hoofed. CaSCLUidOrramadO, da [cas-ke-der-rab-mah'-doh], a. wide-hoofed. casquljo [c«»-kee'-hoe], m. gravel ; ballast-ma- terial. casquilla [ca« keei-yah], /. cell of the queen- bee. casqilillo [cas-keei'-iyo], m. dim. little helm ; tip, cap ; ferrule, socket ; iron arrow-head ; (Amer. ) horse-shoe. CasqUiinUlellO, lla [c«»-ke-moo-leh'-nyo], a. nar- row-hoofed like mules, applied to horses. casquivano, na [cas ke-v«h -no], a. feather- brained ; foolishly conceited. casta, /. cast, race, generation ; lineage, par* ticular breed, clan; offspring, kindred; kind or quality of a thing : hacer casta, t« get a particular breed of horses or other ani. mals : cruzar las castas, to cross breeds. Cast^idas,/. pi. surname of the Muses. castallO, lia, a. belonging or relating to Casi talia. castamente, adv. chastely. castafla, /. (bot.) chestnut; bottle, jug; jar, in the shape of a chestnut; club ot haii, chignon; abandoned mine; (Mex. ) valise, satchel : castana pilonga or apilada, driej chestnut: castana regoldana, wild or hors«>. chestnut: dar k uno la castafta, to play 4 trick on one. castaaal, castaflar, m. grove or plautatiow of chestnut-trees. castafiazo, m. blow from a chestnut. castafieda, castaHedo, m. chestnut-grove. castafiera, /. woman who sells chestnuts { country abounding with chestnut-trees. castafiero, m. dealer in chestnuts. casta&eta, /. snapping of the fingers ; casta/ net. V. castaSuela. CaStafi.etaZO [cas-ta-nyay-tah'-thaw], vi. blow with a Castanet ; sound of a chestnut bursting in the fire ; cracking of the joints. castaiLete, m. dim. small chestnut-tree. castafieteado, ^. <& m. sound of castanets. casta&etear, vn. to rattle the castanets ; to- clutter the teeth ; to crackle, clack the knees ; to cry, applied to partridges. castailO, m. (bot.) common chestnut-tree; chestnut^wood : castano de Indias, horse-^ chestnut-tree : castano regoldano, wild chest- nut-tree : pasar de castano oscuro, (coll.) to be beyond reason or endurance. castafLO, lla, «. hazel, hazelly. castafi.Ola,/. large Mediterranean sea fish. castafluela, /. castanet; (bot.) round tuber- ous-rooted cyperus : estar como unas casta- nuelas, (coll.) to be very gay: castanuelas, (naut.) cleats fastened to the'yard-arnis. castafLuelO, la, «. dim. of a light chestnut colour, applied to horses. castellan, m. castellan, governor or warden of a castle. castellana, /. mistress of a castle ; stanza in old Spanish poetry. castellania, /. castellany, district belonging to u cattle. Castellanizar [cas-tel-Iyah-ne-thar'], I'flf. to Castil- ianize. castellano [ca8-tei-lyaJi'-no\ m. the Castilian or Spanish language ; ancient Spanish coin, fif- tieth part of a gold mark ; castellan, lord, or warden of a castle. castellano, na^ a. castilian, applied to a mule got by a jackass and a mare : 4 la cas- tellana, adv. in the Castilian fashion. castellar, vi. (hot.) St. John's wort, tutsan, park-leaves. castidad, f. chastity^ continence, honour. Castigaci6n, /. castigation, punishment ; re- vision and correction of a written work. castigadera, /. strap or rope for tying the- clapper of a wether's bell ; small cord with which the ring of a stirrup is tied to the- girth. castif ador, ra, vi. &. f. punisher, chastlser. castigator. castigar, va. {pret. CASTIGU6: sitbj.CK%T\- GUE) to chastise, punish, castigate; to scourge, afflict, put to pain, grieve; to re- vise and correct proof-sheets or writings. Castillo, m. chastisement, punishment, cor- rection, penalty, penance ; censure, auimad- % •■ in far ; e in eh I ; 1 in poHce ; e in for ; n in bull ; c (before e. i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, •otti CAS 107 CAT version, reproach ; alteration or correction made in a work : castigo de Dios, God's judg- ment : castigo ejemplar, exemplary punish- ment. Castilla, /. Castile: ancha Castilla, (coll.) as you please ; without hinderance. castillaje, m. castle-toll. V. castillerI a. castillejo, m. dim. small castle ; go-cart ; scaffolding. castilleria, /. transit toll over castle prop- erty. Castillo, m. castle, fort ; wooden tower on the back of an elephant ; mounting of a velvet^loom ; cell of the queen-bee : castiUo de proa, (naut.) forecastle: castillo roquero, castle built on a rock : hacer castillos en el aire, (met.) to build castles in the air ; cas- tillo de naipes, a flimsy structure ; castles in the air : castillo de fuego, fireworks. castllluelO, m. dim. castlet, small castle. castina,/. (chem. and metal) flux, castiZO, za, a. of a noble descent ; of a good breed ; pure-blooded ; pure, applied to lan- guage : caballo castizo, blood-horse : estilo castizo, a chaste, pure style. castO, ta, a. pure, chaste, honest, modest, continent, clean. castor, m. (zool.) castor, a beaver; beaver, overcoating ; (Mex. ) fine red baize. Castor, w. (ast.) a star in the constellation Gemini: CAstor y Polux, (naut.) corposant; St. Elmo's fire. CastOrcillO [cas-tor-tbeer-ljo], m. kind of rough serge like cloth. castorefi.0, fla, o. made of beaver: sombrero castoreno, beaver hat. castoreo, m. castoreum. castra, /. act of pruning trees or plants ; pruning season. castracion,/. castration, gelding, spaying. castradera, /. iron instrument with which honey is taken from a hive. castrado, m. eunuch. castrador, m. gelder, castrator. castradura, /. castration ; scar which re- mains after castration. castrametacidn,/. encamping. castrapuercas, m. sow-gelder's whistle. Castrar, va. to geld, castrate, spay ; to cut away the proud flesh about a wound ; to prune trees or plants ; to cut the honey- combs from bee-hives. castrazbn,/. act of cutting honey-combs out of hives; season when it is done. castrense, a. belonging to the military pro- fession. castro, m. game played by boys ; act of tak- ing honey-combs out of hives ; headland ; hilltop with castle in ruins. Castr6n, m. castrated goat. casual, a. casual, accidental, contingent, fortuitous, occasional. casualidad, /. chance, casualty, hazard, contingency, accident, coincidence. casualmente, ndv. casually, accidentally, contingently, haply. CasuarlO, »j." (zool.) cassowary. casuca, casucha, /. (cgll. ) miserable hut or cottage ; crib. casucho, m. V. CASUCHA. casuista, vi. casuist. casuistica, /. casuistry. casuistico, ca, a. casuistical. Casulla, /. chasuble, vestment worn by priests. 3asullero, m. one who makes chasubles and other vestments for priests. casus belli, (Lat.) cause for war. cata, /. act of trying a thing by the taste; sample, trial ; plummet for measuring heights. cata, adv. (coll.) mark, beware, lo and be- hold I— imp. of CATAR. catabre, m. (naut.) sheep-shank. catacaldos, m. taster of wine, liquors, soup, etc. ; sampler. Catacllsmo, m. cataclysm, deluge, inunda- tion, upheaval, catastrophe, appalling dis- aster ; great social or political turmoil. catacresis,/. (rhet.) catachresis. catacumbas, /. pi. catacombs. catacustica,/. catacoustics. catadi6ptriC0, ca, a. catadioptric. catador, m. taster, sampler. catadura, /. act of tasting; (coll.) gesture, face, countenance : mala catadura, repulsive face. catafalCO, m. temporary cenotaph, cata- falque. Catalan, na, a. Catalan, of or belonging to Catalonia. — m. the language of Catalonia. catal6ctico, ca, catalecto, ta, a. (poet.: catalectic. catalejO [cau-tah-ieh'-ho], m. telescope. catalepsia,/. catalepsy, trance. catal6ptiC0, ca, a. (med.) cataleptic. catalic6ll, m. (pharm.) catholicon, universa medicine. catalina,/. r. rueda catalina. catalogar, va. to catalogue, list. catalogo, m. catalogue, inventory, table, list, schedule, roll, file. catalpa,/. (hot.) catalpa. catalufa,/. kind of floor-carpet. catdn, m. Indian sabre or cutlass! catante, pa. one who tastes or looks. cataplasma,/. cataplasm, poultice. catapulta,/. catapult, military engine. catar, va. to taste, sample, try by the taste : • to view, inspect, inquire, investigate, ex- amine ; to judge, form an opinion ; to esteem, respect ; to bear in mind ; to cut the combs out of bee-hives. catara&a,/. (orn.) sheldrake. catarata, /. cataract, water-fall, cascade ; cataract of the eye : abrirse las cataratas del cielo, to rain heavily, to pour : batir la cata- rata, (surg.) to couch a cataract: tener ca- taratas, (coll.) not to understand clearly. catarral, a. catarrhal. catarribera, m. falconer; (joe.) lawyer ap- pointed to examine into the proceedings ol magistrates. . catarro, m. catarrh: catarro epidimico, in- fluenza. catarroso, sa, a. catarrhal ; subject to or troubled with a cold. catartiCO, ca, a- (med.) cathartic, purging. catastral, a. relating to the census. catastro, m. reyal tax formerly imposed on real estate ; census or list of real property of a county or state. cat&strofe, /. catastrophe; denouement of a tragedy. catavientO, m. (naut.) dog-vane; weather- cock. catavlno, m. small jug or cup for tasting wine ; small hole at the top of wine-vesseis for tasting the wine. — p/. tipplers who run from tavern to tavern to drink. catavlnOS, m. wine-ta.«!ter, expert sampler. V. catacaldos. cate, m. a weight, common in the Philippine Islands, equivalent to 1 lb. 6 oz. Spanish, or gm. 6.32.60. CateClsmO [calMeh-thees'-nio], »». catechism. •; (betore e, i) aud J as h in hot; h, eileut: ^' in brilliant; n, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled: s, hissed CAT 108 CAtr eatec^, m. catechu. V. CATO. catecum^nit o, ca, a. catechumenical, catecumeno, na, m. & f. catechumen. Cktedra, /. seat or chair of a professor ; pro- fessorship, professorate ; branch of study- taught by a professor; lecture-room in a university : c&tedra del Espiritu Santo, pul- pit : c4tedra de San Pedro, the Holy See. Catedral, a. &/. cathedral. catedralidad, /. dignity of a cathedral church. catedr&tiCO, m. professor in a university, or any other literary establishment ; contribu- tion paid to bishops and prelates. catedrllla, /. dim. small or poor professor's chair ; in some universities, lecture by an aspirant to a professorship. categorema, /. (log.) the quality by which an object is classified in a certain category. categoria, /. (phil.) predicament or cate- gory ; class, condition ; character of a per- son : hombre de categoria, a man of rank. categdricamente, adv. categorically. categ6riC0, ca, a. categorical, categoric. catenaria, a. festooned curve. cateauesis [cah-teh-keh'-sis], /. brief and simple explanation of a doctrine. catequismo [cah-teh-kees'-mo], TO. catechizing, instruction in religious doctrine; art of teaching by questions and answers. CateqUista'[cah-teh-kee8'-tah], TO. catechist. catequistico, ca[cah-teh-kee8'-te-co], a. catechet- ical, catechetic, catechistical. catequizante [cah-teh-ke-thahn'-teh], pa. cate- chiser, catechist. CateqUizar [cah-teh-ke-thar'l, va. {prei. CATE- QUicE : subj. catequice) to catechise ; to instruct in the Christian faith ; to persuade, induce. cater6tiC0, ca, a. (med.) erosive, catheretic. oaterva, /. multitude of persons or things ; a swarm, a throng, a crowd. cat6ter, TO. (surg.) catheter. cateterismo, to. catheterism. cateterizar, va. to catheterize. catetO, TO. (arch.) cathetus ; (geom.) each of the sides of a right-angled triangle. catet6metro, to. cathetometer. catUinaria, /. said of Cicero's -orations against Catiline, and, by extension, of any severe censure. catite, TO. loaf of the best refined sugar. cato, TO. Japan earth. V. CATECtr. V. cachiJ. catOChe, to. (Mex. coll.) bad humour. catdllcamente, adv. in a catholic manner, catoliclsmo, TO. Catholicism ; orthodox faith of the Catholic church. cat611C0, ca, a. catholic, general or univer- .sal ; true, infallible : no eitar muy catolico, (coll.) to feel under the weather. cat61iC0, ca, m. & f. a Roman Catholic. — m. (chem.) chemical furnace. catollcdn, to. catholicon ; a panacea, catdn, TO. reading-book for children ; (met.) a severe censor, catonlano, na, a. Catonian, relating to Cato. cat6ptrica,/. catoptrics. cat6ptrico, ca, a. catoptrical. catorce, a. fourteen ; fourteenth, catorcena, /. the conjunction of fourteen units. catorceno, na, a. fourteenth. V. paSo. catorzavo, va, a. one of the fourteen parts ->f a unit, a fourteenth. Catre, TO. small bedstead, cot: catre de mar, hammock or cot : catre de tijera, field-bed. CatriCOfre, to. press-bed which shuts up ; a folding-bed, bed-lounge. cauc^ide, TO. (bot.) v. cadillo. cauc&seo, ea, cauc&sico, ca, a. Caucasian. cauce, TO. bed of a river ; trench for convey- ing water to fields, gardens, etc. Cauci6n,/. caution, warning, precaution, pre- vention, care ; security or pledge given for the performance of an agreement ; gage, surety, guarantee; (law) bailbond : cauciba Juratoria, parole. caucionar, va. (law) to guard against an evil or loss ; to bail. cauchil,TO. small basin or reservoir ot water, caucho, TO. caoutchouc, gum elastic, India-- rubber. Cauda,/, train or tail of a bishop's robe. caudal, m. property, fortune, wealth, means, fund; capital or principal sum, stock; plenty, abundance: hacer caudal de algnna cosa, to hold a thing in high estimation. caudal, a. (zool.) caudal : ignila caudal, re<^ tailed eagle. caudalejO, to. dim. middling fortune. caudalosamente, adv. copiously, abundant, ly, opulently. caudalOSO, sa, a. carrying much water; co- pious, abundant ; rich, wealthy. caudatariO, m. clergyman who carries the train of an officiating bishop's robe. caudatO, ta, a. having a tail, applied to a comet ; bearded, hairy. Caudatr6mula, /. (orn.) the wagtail. caudillO, TO. commander of an armed troop; chief, leader, director, head man. caud6n, to. bird of prey. V. alcaud6n. caulicolo, cauliculO, to. (arch.) ornament of the capital of columns. Cauro, TO. northwest wind. causa, /. cause, occasion, consideration, mo- tive, causality ; cause, side, party ; affair in which one takes an interest ; lawsuit, trial, case ; criminal cause or information : cania pnblica, public weal : 4 cauia de, consider- ing, owing to. causador, ra, m. & /. occasioner, causator, causer. causal, a. causal, ground on which some«- thing is done. causalidad,/. causality. causante.^a. &to. occasioner, causer ; (law) the person from whom a right is derived ; constituent, principal. causar, va. to cause, produce, generate, cre» ate, gender, make ; bring about ; to sue, en- ter an action ; to occasion, originate. causidiCO, to. advocate, counsellor. causidlco, ca, a. (law) causidical, forensic caus6n, to. burning fever of short duration. C&UStlCO, TO. (med. ) caustic. ckustico, ca, a. caustic, caustical, burning, biting, aggressive. cautamente, adv. cautiously. cautela,.f. caution, care, prudence, foresight, prevention, precaution, reserve; heed i guard ; artfulness, craft, cunning. cautelar, va. to take the necessary precau- tion, to proceed with prudence. cautelosamente, adv. cautiously, warily, guardedly. cautelOSO, sa, a. cautious, heedful, wary. cauteriO to. (med.) cautery : cauterio actual, actual cautery, burning with hot iron : cau» terio potencial, potential cautery procured by chemicals. caiiterizacidn, /. cauterization, cauterizing. cauterizador, m. he who or that which cau- terizes. cauterizante, pa. cauterizing. cauterizar, va. {pret. cauteric6: s^ibj. cai> | M In ff : • to ah t : J in ooU«* i o in for ; n in buU : c (before •, i) aad s m th in thick ; b uid d, acttf CAU 109 CEB terice) to cauterize ; to correct or reproach with severity ; to reproach ; to blame. cautivax, va. to make prisoners of war ; to imprison ; to captivate, charm, subdue. cautiverio, m. cautividad,/. captivity, con- tinement. OautiVO, va, m. &f. captive among infidels ; captive, one charmed oy beauty. cautO,ta, n. cautious, wary, prudent, heedful. cava,/, digging and earthing of vines; wine cellar in the royal palace. cavacote, m. mound made with the hoe. cavadiza, a. dugout of a pit (as sand). cavador, m. digger. cavadura,/. digging. cav&n, m. measure used in the Philippine Islands equivalent to seventy-five quarts. cavar, va. to dig, excavate; to paw, applied to horses. — vn. to penetrate far into a thing ; to think intensely or profoundly. Cavatina, /. (mus.) cavatina. cavaz6n, /. digging. caverna, /. cavern, cave ; hollow or depth of wounds. cavernilla, /. dim. small cavern. Cavernoso, sa, a. cavernous, caverned. Cavi, m. Peruvian root, called oca. Cavia, /. circular excavation at the foot of a tree to collect water. cavial or caviar, m. caviar, roe of the stur- geon. cavldad,/. cavity, excavation. cavllacibn,/. cavilling. cavilar, va. to cavil ; t-hink deeply ; find fault. cavilosamente, adv. cavillously. cavUosidad, /. captiousness, cavilling. cavllOSO, sa, a. captious, cavillous. cayada, /. cayado, m. shepherd's hook, crook ; crozier of a bishop ; walking-staff'. cayan, m. v. tapanco ; awning of matting in some Philippine boats. cayente,iJa. from caer, falling. Cayeputi, m. cajuput-tree : cajuput-oil. cayo, m. rock, shoal, islet; key. cayote, m. (hot.) v. cidracayote. cajruco, m. (naut.) small fishing-boat used in Venezuela. caz [cathj, TO. canal, trench, ditch, near rivers for irrigation ; mill-race, conduit. Caza [cah'-thAii], /. chase, hunting, fowling, field-sports; game; (naut.) chase, pursuit of a vessel at sea : casa mayor, hunting wild- boars, stags, wolves, etc. : caza menor, shoot- ing or fowling ; chasing hares, rabbits, par- tridges, etc. : andar & caza de alguna cosa, (met.) to go in pursuit of a thing : alborotar or levantar la caza, to start the game : dar caza, to pursue; (naut.) to ^ive chase to a vessel : trompa de caza, hunting-horn : par- tida de caza, hunting party. Sazabe, m. (hot.) manioc, cassava; flour of the cassava-plant ; the bread made with it. cazadero, m. chase ; hunting-grounds. Cazador, m. hunter, huntsman, sportsman, cha.ser : cazador de alforja, one who sports with dogs, snares, and other devices. Cazadora,/. huntress; hunting-jacket. cazamoscas, TO. (orn.) fly-catcher. Cazar, va. {pret. CACE : subj. cace) to chase, hunt, fowl ; (coll.) to attain a difficult ob- ject by dexterity and skill ; (coll.) to charm and captivate by caresses and deceitful tricks; (naut.) to chase a ship: cazar una vela, (naut.) to tally a sail: haul the sheet aft. cazcalear, vn. (coll.) to fidget and fuss. cazcarria,/. splashings of mud on clothes. cazcarrlento, ta, a. (coll.) splashed, b©- mired. Cazo, m. dipper, ladle ; founders' scoop; size- kettle ; glue-pot ; melting-pan. CaZOleja, eta [cah-thawleli'-hah', /. dim. small saucepan ; pan of a musket-lock ; perfum- ing-pan. cazolero, wi. (coll.) man who does women's work in the kitchen. V. cominero. Cazoleta, /. pan of a musket-lock ; boss or defence of a shield ; hand-guard or languet of a sword ; kind ol perfume. cazol6n, m. aug. large earthen pot or stew- pan. cazbn, m. (icht.) dog-fish or small shark. cazonal, m. fishing-tackle for the shark-fish- ery. cazonete.m. (naut.) toggle. cazudo, da, a. having a thick back, spoken of knives. cazuela, /. earthen pan to dress meat in ; ste wing-pan, crock ; meat dressed in an earthen pan ; the gallery of play-houses in Spain reserved for women. cazumbrar, va. to join staves with hempen cords. cazumbre [cah-thoom'-breh], TO. hempen cord to join staves. cazumbrbn, m. cooper. cazurro, ra, a. (coll.) taciturn, sulky, sul- len. CaZUZ [cah-thooth'], TO. (bot.) ivy. ce [theh], /. name of the third letter of the al- phabet : I ce 1 intei-j. hark, here, come hither : ce por be or ce por ce, minutely, circumstan- tially : por ce 6 por be, somehow or other. cea [theh'-ah], /. thigh-bone. V. cf A. Ce&,tica [theh-ah'-te-cah], /. (med.) sciatica. ce&tiCO, ca, a. (med. ) sciatical. V. ciatico. ceba [theh'-bahl, /. the fattening of fowls or other domestic animals. Cebada [theh-baU'-dah], /. (bot. ) barley : cebada perlada, i>earl barley. cebadal, m. field sown with barley. CebadaZO, Za [theh-bah-dah'-tbaw], a. belonging to barley. cebadera, /. nose-bag, barley-bin ; (naut.) sprit-sail; (metal) furnace-charger. cebaderia,/. barley-market. cebadero, m. place where game or fowls are fed ; breeder and feeder of aawks ; mule car- rying the feed ; bell-mule : (metal) mouth for feeding a furnace ; dealer in barley. cebadilla, /. (hot.) Indian caustic barley; (bot.) sneeze-wort; (bot. prov.) prickly ox- eye : hellebore powdered and used as snufF. CebadO,pjo. &a. (her.) ravening. cebador, m. one who fattens animals ; prim- ing-horn, powder-horn. cebadura,/. act of feeding or fattening do- mestic animals. cebar [theh-bar'], va. &. vTi. to fatten animals ; to stuff", cram ; to feed a furnace, a fire, a lamp ; to prime a fire-arm ; to start a ma^ chine or apparatus by hand ; to light » rocket or pyrotechnic piece ; to remagnetize a needle ; to excite and cherish a passion or desire ; to bait a fish-hook. — vn. to pene- trate; take hold of; stick fast. — vr. to be firmly bent upon a thing; to prey upon; gloat over a victim. cebelllna,/. (zool.) sable; sable-fur. cebO, m. food given to animals, fodder ; fat- tening of fowls and other animals ; bait for wolves and birds of prey ; incentive ; kind of monkey. V. cefo : cebo de pescar, fish- ing-bait, bob ; (arti.) priming of guns: cebo fulminante, percussion-cap. ft (before e, 1) and J as li In hot; h. silent; 11 in brilliant; &, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; I, hisaeA CEB 110 CEL Cebolla [thay-bor-iyah],/. (bot.) onion ; bulb of the oniou ; every kind of bulbous root; round part of a lamp into which oil is put : ceboUa albarrana, (bot.) squill : ccbolla asca- lonia, (bot.) shallot garlic. CebOUana [tliay-bol-lyah'-nah], /. (bot.) threc- toothed globularia ; chives. CebOUar ithay-bol-lyar'J, VI. patch of Onions. ceboUero, ra, m. &f. onion-seller. CeboUeta,/. dim. tender onion. ceboUino [timy-boi-iyee'-no], m. young onion fit to be transplanted; onion's seeds; (bot.) chive or cive. Ceboll6ll ftiiay-boi-iyone'], TO. aug. large onion. CebOlludO, da [thay-bol-lyoo'-doh], a. bulboUS, having a big bulb. Ceb6ll, TO. fattened bullock or hog. CebOUCillO [tliay -bon-tlieer-lyo], TO. dim. fatling. cebra,/. (zool.) zebra. cebrado, da, a. having stripes resembling the zebra. cebratana,/. v. cerbatana. Cebruno, na, a. having the colour of deer. CebUrrO .tliay-boor'-rol, a. V. CANDEAL. ceca,/. mint for the coining of money. — m. .name of the mosque whicn the Arabs had in Cordova, the most venerated after Mecca : de Ceca en Meca or de la Ceca 4 la Meca, to and fro, hither and thither. Cecear [thaytiiay-ar'], vn. to pronounce the s as c ; to call one by the word ce-ce ! to lisp. ceceo [thay-tiiay'-o], TO. lisping, lisp ; act of call- ing any one by the word ce-ce, which corre- sponds to / say. CeCeOSO, Sa [thay-thay-o'-so], to. & f. lisper. — O. lisping. Cecial itiiay-the-ahr], TO. hake, haddock, or other like fish cured and dried. cecina [Uiay-thie'-nahj, /. comed beef, dried beef, jerked beef, hung beef. V. tasajo. CeCinar [tliay-thie-nar'], va. (obs.) V. ACECINAR. ceda,/. last letter of the alphabet. V. zeda. Cedaceria [tlmy-dali-thay-ree'-ah], /. shop where sieves or cribs are made or sold. cedacero [thay-dah-thay'-ro], m. maker or seller of sieves, cribs, etc. CedaCillO, itO [th«y-er. cedulon, m. aug. large bill ; long edict ; proc- lamation ; public notice. cefalalffla(timy-fah-iahi'-he-ah],/. (med.) cephal- algia, headache. cefalea, /. violent headache, migraine. Cef&,li60, ca, a. cephalic. C6fal0, //*. (zool.) mullet, a kind of perch. cefalbpodo, m. (zool.) cephalopod. cefalotomla,/. cephalotomy. cefeo, TO. Cepheus, a constellation. C6fir0, TO. zephyr. cefO, TO. large African monkey. cegajo [thay-ffah'-ho], TO. he-goat, two years old CegajOSO, sa [thay-gah-ho'-soj, a. blear-eyed. Cegar [Umy-garJ, vn. {ind. CIEGO : prei. CEOUfil subj. ciegue) to grow blind. — va. to blind • to make blind : to darken the light of reason ; to obfuscate ; to wall up a door or window ; to close up a well ; to stop up chan- nels, passages, or roads : cegar una via d» agua, (naut.) to fother a leak. cegarra, a. coll. for cegato. cegarrita, to. (coll.) one who contracts the eye to see at a distance : k ojos cegarritas, having the eyes half-shut. cegato, ta, a. (coll.) short-sighted. cegatoso, sa, a. v. cegajoso. CegUeCillO, CegUeZUelO [thay-Kay-tI.eer-lyo, thay-gay-tiioo-a>-'-io], TO. di7n. little blind fellow. ceguedad [tii«y-gay'-dahdl, /. blindness, igno- rance, intellectual darkness ; obfuscation. ceguera Ithay-gay'-rah], /. disorder iu the eye > absolute blindness ; obfuscation. ceiba [tiiay'-e-bah], /. (bot.) god-tree, West In- dies ; silk-cotton-tree ; sea-moss, alga. ceja fthay-hah], /. eye-brow : edging of clothes ; projecting part, as in the binding of books i bridge of stringed instruments ; summit of a mountain ; circle of clouds round a hill ; cloud-cap; (arch.) weather-moulding; rim ; (carp.) rabbet; (naut.) opening in the clouds : dar entre c^a y ceja, to tell one tO' his face unpleasant truths : hasta las c^as, to the utmost, to the extreme : tener k una entre ceja y ceja, to take a dislike to any one ; quemarse las c^jas, (met. ) to study with in- tense application. CejaderO [thay-haU-Uay'-ro], TO. hold-back Strap of a harness. cejar [ti»ay-har'], vn. to retrograde, go back- ward ; hold back ; to slacken, relax. cejljunto, ta [tiiay-iie-hoon'-to], a. having eye- brows that meet. cejo [tiiay'-hoi, TO. fog which rises from rivers ; cord tied around a bundle of esparto-grass, made of the same. cejudo, da [thay-hoo'-doh], a. having heavy and long eye-brows. Celuela [thay-hoo-eh'-lah], /. dim. Small eve-brow. Celada, /. sallet ; helmet : celada borgonota, helmet without visor ; ambuscade, ambush ; snare ; lurch ; artful trick ; part of the key of the cross-bow ; horse-soldier with helmet. Celadilla [thay-iaii-er-iyah:, /. dim. Small hel- met. celador, ra [thay-uh-dor", TO. & f. one who watches, caretaker ; curator ; monitor in a school ; warden. celaje |tii«y-iaii'-hi-h' m. aspect of the sky with clouds of varied hues ; cloud scenery ; cloud » M In far : • in eh I ; 1 )d ooUce ; o in for ; a la boll ; C (before e, 1) «nd k as th in thick ; b and A, soft; CEL 111 CEIS effect ; painting that represents the rays of the sun brealcing through clouds ; presage, prognostic ; sky-light ; sky of a picture : celaje*. light, swiftly moving clouds ; scud. celandes, sa, o. of or belonging to New Zea- land. ^elar, va. k va. to fulfil the duties of an office with care ; to watch any person's motions from fear ; to cover, conceal. V. recelar ; to engrave ; to carve. fcelda, /. cell in a convent ; cell in bee-hives ; prison-cell. { eldica, ilia, ita, /. dim. cellule. celdilla [thei-deer-iyah], /. cell in bee-hives ; ( bot. ) cell ; capsule. celeb^rrimo ina, a. sup. most celebrated. Celebracidn Ithay-Iay-brali-thie-on'], /. celebra- tion, solemn performance; praise, ap- plause, acclamation. celebrador, ra, w. &, f. applauder, praiser ; celebrator. celebrante, m. celebrator; priest celebrating the mass. -iieel'], TO. garter. cenopeglas [thay-no-peh'-iie-a8],/.jpZ. the feast of tabernacles among the Jews. cenotafiO, m. cenotaph, a monument. cenote, m. deposit of water found in America, generally at a great depth in the centre of a cavern. Censal, m. &f. &a. v. censo and censual. censallsta, to. v. censualista. censatario, censero, to. one who pays an annuity out of his estate ; lessee. censo [thane'-so], to. agreement for settling an annuity upon a person ; annual ground rent ; lease ; rental ; income ; census ; poll- tax among the Romans : censo al quitar or redimible, quit-rent or annuity which can be paid at once by a certain sum : censo de por vida, life annuity : censo de agua, water-tax. CenSOntll, CenSOntle [tlien-sou'tlee, then-son'- tiay], TO. (Mex.j mocking-bird. censor [tJiane-sor'j, TO. censor, critic ; censorious person. censoriO, ria, «• censorian. censual [thane-soo aiiri, a. belonging to a lease, annuity, or rent ; rental ; belonging to law- ful interest. censualista [thane-8oo-n'-teh], pa. Sparkling, flashing. centellar, centellear [thane-tei-iyar' thari«'-t«». lyeh-ar'], vn. to Sparkle, flash, twinkle. centelleo [thane-tei-iyeh'-o], TO. sparkle, scintil- lation. centellica, ita,/. dlvi. small flash or spark. centellbn, m. aug. large spark or flash. centen, to. Spanish gold coin worth twenty- pesetas (100 reals). centenaittiane-teh'-iiaii], /. hundred, centenary. Centenadas, adv. k centenadas, by hundreds. centenal, »i. a rye field ; centenary. centenar [timne-teh-nar'j, TO. hundred, cente- nary; rye field : & centenares, by hundreds. centenario, ria ithane-teii-imu'-re-oj, a. cente- nary ; secular. — m. centennial. CentenaZO, za [ttiane-teh-nair-tlmw], a. belonging to rye : paja ceutenaza, rye-straw. centeno ttiiane-teh'-no], to. (bot.) common rye. Centeno, na, a. numeral adjective whick signifies hundred. centenoso, sa, a. mixed with rye. cent6simo, ma [thaue-teb'-se-moj, a. centesimal, hundredth. centl&rea [tiiane-te-ar'-eh-ah], /. centiare. Square metre. centigrade, da [thane-tee'-grah-do], a. centi- grade. centigramo [thane-te-grah'-mo],7n. centigramme, about one-sixth of a grain. centilitro [tiiane-te-iee'-tro], in. centUitre. centiloquio [th«ne-te-io'-ke-oi. VI. a work divided into a hundred parts or chapters. centimano, na ithane-tee'-niai.-no], a. (poet.) having a hundred hands. centimetro [tiiane-tee'-may-troi, TO. Centimetre, about four-tenths of an inch. C6ntini0 [thane'-te-moi, TO. copper coin, centime ; the one one-hundredth part of a monetary unit, whether real, peseta, escudo, or peso. — a. the one-hundredth. CeHtinela [thane-te-neh'-iaiil, com. (mil.) sentry or sentinel ; person on watch : centinela de vista, prisoner's guard : centinela avanzada, advanced guard : centinela i. caballo, vi- dette, sentinel on horseback : centinela per- xlida, forlorn hope : hacer centinela or estay de centineJa, to stand sentry, to be on guard. Centinodia, /. (bot.) knot-grass, persicaria. centiplicado, da, a. centuple, a hundred- fold. centola, centOlla, /. centre-fish, marine crab with spotted scales. centdn, to. crazy-quilt; coarse covering o* warlike machines in ancient times ; cento, literary composition. centrado, da, a. (her.) globe placed on the centre. central [thane-trahr], a. central, centric. centralismo, w. centralism. centralista, to. &/. centralist. ^ _ centralizacidn [thane-trah-ie-tiia-thie-oii'i,/. cen* I tralization. ". centralizar, va. (prei. centralic£: subj. cknthai.ice) to centralize. centralmente, adv. centrally. c6ntrlC0, ca, a. central, focal. centrifuge, ga, a. centrifugal.—/, centrifugal machine. centripeto, ta, a. centripetal. " centre [timne'-trol, TO. centre, middle, midst ; innermost part, core; nucleus, origin; -j (geom.) centre; (mil.) centre of an army; height and depth of a thing; main office, , headquarters ; political party whose repre- sentatives sit in' the centre of the house ; , principal object of desire and exertion ; so- j ciai circle in which a person moves ; (bot.) disk of flowers ; short flannel dress which ] ftMinftt; •laclil; lln police ; o in for ; a In boll ; c (before e, i) and s m til la thick ; b and 4, toftf CEN 113 CER /ndian women and half-breeds use in Ecua- dor : estar en su centro, (met.) to be satisfied with one's fate. centrobarico, ca, a. centrobaric. IJentunviratO, m. centumvirate. centunviro, m. centumvir. centun viral, m, &f. centum viral. oentupllcar [timue-too-pie-car'j, va. to centupli- cate. i6ntuplo, pla, a. centuple. centuria ttimue-too'-re-ah], /. century ; among the Romans, one hundred soldiers. i;eilturi6n, m. centurion. centurionazgo, m. office of a centurion. cenzalino, na, «. pertaining to a cinzalo. TenZalO Ithane'-tha-lo], m. (CUt.) mOSquitO. ?efl.idO, daitiiay-nyee'-do], a. moderate in pleas- ure or expense ; narroTt-waisted ; beelike- waisted.— p». of cenir. CefLldor, m. belt, girdle, cest, sash. ceMdura, /. act &f girding. cefiiglo, in. (bot.) white goose-foot, summer- cypress. Cefi.ir [tliay-nyeer'], va. {ind. CiSo : suhj. CINA) to gird, surround, circle, girdle ; to environ, hem in ; to reduce, abbreviate, contract : cenir espada, to wear a sword : ce&ir el viento, (naut. ) to haul the wind. — it. to reduce one's expenses ; to confine one's self to. ceilO [thay'-nyo], m. frown ; browbeating ; su- percilious look; ring, hoop, band; (farr.) circle round the upper part of a horse's hoof; (poet.) gloomy aspect, as of the sea, clouds, etc. Ce&OSO, sa, a. hoof surrounded with rings. V. CENUDO. ce&udo, da [thay-nyoo'-do], a. frowning ; brow- beating; supercilious; grim, gruff". ceo, TO. (zool.) doree or dory. cepa,/. Dutt-end of a tree-stem, underground ; stump, stub ; vine-stock ; stock or origin of a family ; bud or root of the horns and tails of animals; (arch.) pier of an arch; (agr.) sole of a plough ; (car. ) tongue of a pole. CepacaballO, m. (bot. ) cardoon. cepeda [thay-peh'-daii] or cepcra, /. land over- grown with heath. Cepej6n [timy-peh-hon'i, TO. butt-end of a branch torn from the trunk. Cepell6n, to. earth left around the roots of a plant for transplanting. cepilladura,/. v. acepilladura. cepillar, va. v. acepillar. cepillO [thay-peei'-iyoi, TO. dim. charity-box ; (carp.) plane: cepillo bocel, fluting-plane ; modelling-plane ; brush : cepillo para ropa, clothes-brush : cepillo para la cabeza, hair- brush : cepillo de dienteg, tooth-brush. Cepo, TO. bough or branch off' a tree ; stock of an anvil; stocks, for punishment; (naut.) bilboes ; reel for winding silk ; trap, snare ; charity-box; (mil.) stocks of a gun-carriage; (mech.) block, socket, clasp, olamp, joining- press ; shoemaker's horse ; (zool.) F. cefo : cepo del ancla, (naut.) anchor-stock : cepo An maniguetes, (naut.) cross-piece ot the kevel: cepo de molinete, (naut.) knighthead of the windlass.— pZ. cepog, notched cleats : cepos quedos, (coll.) hands off"; stop. €ep6n, TO. aug. large stub of a tree or vine- stock. Ceporro, to. old vine pulled up for fuel. cequi [thay-kee'], TO. ancient gold coin. Cera [thay'-rah], /. wax, beeswax ; wax-tapers and candles. — ^l. ceras, honey-comb : cera aleda, propolis, bee-glue : cera virgen, virgin wax : cera de higos, drum of figs : cera de dorar, gold-size : cera de los oidoi, ear-wax, cerumen : no hay m&s cera que la que arde, there is nothing more than what you see: ser una cera, or como una cera, to be of a pliant or gentle disposition : melar las ceras, to fill the combs with honey. Ceraceo, ea [timy-rah'-tiiay-o], a. of the consist- ency of wax. ceraci6n [thay-rah-tiiie-on'],/. ceration. CeraChateS [tlmy-rah-cJmli'-tfs],/. pi. wax-stones. CerafOliO,TO. (bot.) common chervil. V. peri- FOLLO. ceramica,/. ceramic art; ceramics. ceramiCO, ca, a. ceramic, relating to pottery. cerapez [thay-rah-petii'j,/. cerate, plaster of wax and pitch. cerasina,/. cerasin. cerasta, /. ceraste, cerastes, m. horned serpent. cerastio de granada, TO. (bot.) white mouse- ear chickweed. cerato [tiiay-raii'-toh], TO. (pharm.) cerate. cerbatana, /. blow-gun, popgun, pea-shoot- er : acoustic trumpet for the deaf; small culverin. certoero, to. v. cancerbero. cerca [therr'-cah], /. inclosure, hedge. cerca, adv. near, at hand, not far off", close by, nigh ; preceding a noun or pronoun, it demands the preposition de : aqui cerca or cerca de aqui, just by : cerca de, close to, near to, about : cerca de un millon, about a mil- lion : tocar de cerca, to strike home : embaja- dor cerca de Su Majestad Catolica, ambassador to His Catholic Majesty. cercado, m. garden or field fenced in. ; inclos- ure ; lock : cercado, da, a. inclosed, fenced in, walled in.— pp. of cercar. cercador, to. hed^er, fencer, inclosurer; iron graver ; marking-iron ; blunt chisel for repousse work. cercanamente, adv. nigh, nighly, nearly. cercania, /. proximity, neighbourhood, vi- cinity, environment, surroundings. Cercano, na [ther-cah'-noj, a. near, close by, neighbouring, adjoining, approximate. cercar, fa. (^reZ. cerque: «M6y. cerque) to inclose, environ, hem, circle, compass, gird ; to fence in, hedge in, wall in ; pale ; (mil.) to invest a town, lay siege to; to crowd about a person. Cerc6ll [ttier-tiiane'] adv. k cerc6n, at the roof. cercenadamente, adv. in a clipping manner, with retrenchment. cercenadera,/. clipping-knife used by wax- chandlers. cercenador, to. clipper. cercenadura, /. clipping, retrenchment.— pi. cuttings. cercenar [tiier-thay-narM, va. to pare, retrench, clip ; to lop off the ends or extremities ; to lessen, reauce expenses ; to curtail, cut away, abridge. cercera, /. air-tube of a vault. cerceta,/. (orn.) widgeon, garganey, species of duck.— pZ. first growth of a deer's antlers. cerclllo [ther-theei'-iyo], to. tendril of a vine. V. TIJERETA. cerciorar [ther-thie-o-rar'i, va. to assure, affirm. — vr. to ascertain, make sure. cerco, TO. inclosure, that which encompasses ; hoop or ring ; rim, border, edge ; halo ; (mil.) blockade of a place ; circular motion ; circle of people ; frame or case of a door or win- dow : poner cerco, to lay siege, blockade; alzar or levantar el cerco, to raise a block* ade. Cercha [tuerr'-chah], /. flexible wooden rule for measuring convex or concave objects ; % (bafore e, i) and J m h in hot; h, silent; 11 In brilliant: &. ny In canyon ; r (Initial) and rr triUed; a, hissed. CER 114 CER (arch.) skeleton pattern or frame for build- ing vaults or arches; (carp.) each segment of a rim. cerchar, va. v. acodar. cerch^n, m. v. cimbria. cerda, /■ horse's hair, bristle; (zool.)sow; new-mown cereals ; bundle of flax broken but not yet hackled : cerda de puerco, hog's bristle : ganado de cerda, herd of swine : cer- das, snares for birds. Cerdamen, m. bristles prepared for making brushes. cerdear, vn. to be weak in the fore-quarter ; to emit a harsh and inharmonious sound, applied to stringed instruments; (coll.) to decline a request or demand. cerditO, m. dim. little pig. cerdO, m. hog or pig : cerdo de muerte, pig lit to be killed : cerdo de vida, pig not old enough to be killed. cerdoso, sa, cerdudo, da, a. bristly, applied also to men whose breasts are hairy, cereal [tim.v-iehaiiri, a. cereal. — m.pl. cereals. cerebelO, m. (anat.) cerebellum. cerebral [tuay-reh-brahr), a. cerebral. cerebro, m. cerebrum ; brain ; head ; talent, cereceda, /. v. cerezal. cerecilla, /. dim. v. guindilla. cerecita ithay-r«h-thee'-tah],/. dim. small cherry. Ceremonia [thay-reh-mo'-ne-ali], /. ceremony, outward rite, solemnity, pomp, outward show, display ; formality ; ceremonious- ness ; course ; compliment : gnardar ceremo- nia, to stick to ancient ceremonies and es- tablished customs : do ceremonia, with . all ceremony or pomp: por ceremonia, out of compliment. ceremonial [thay-rehmo-ne-aiii'], TO. book of cer- emonies for public occasions. — a. ceremo- nial, ceremonious. ceremonialmente, adv. with all ceremony. ceremoni^ticamente, adv. ceremoniously. ceremoniatico, ca, a. ceremonious. ceremoniosamente, ailv. ceremoniously. ceremonloso, sa, a. ceremonious, polite, formal. C6re0, TO. (hot.) torch-thistle. cereollta,/. soft, waxy-looking lava. Cereria, /. wax-chand'er's shop ; chandlery in the royal palace. cerero, m. wax-chandler : cerero mayor, royal chandler. Cereza [thay-reh'-tiiah], /. cherry : cereza garra- fal, large white-heart cherry, bigaroon. cerezal, m. cherry orchard. cerezo [thay-reir-tho], TO. (bot.) cherry-tree ; cherry-wood: cerezo BllveBtre, dog-cherry tree. cergazo, m. (hot.) rock-rose, cistus. C^riCO, ca, a. eerie, relating to cerium. Cerlflor, /. (hot.) honey-wort, honey-flower. cerllla [thayr-eeryaui, /. wax tapers in rolls ; wax match ; kind of cosmetic, cold-cream ; wax tablet ; wax of the ear. cerillera,/. lamp-lighter with a taper. CerillO, »». (Mex.) wax match. cerina [timy-ree'-nahi. /. a variety of wax (or wax-like material) extracted from the cork- tree. cerinto, m. (bot.) wax flower, honey-wort. cerio, cererlo, m. (chem.) cerium or cere- rium. cerita,/. (min.) cerite. cerme&a,/. small early pear : muscadine. cerme&O, m. (bot.) muscadine pear-tree. cemada, /. cinder ; leached ashes ; size on canvas for painting; (farr.) plaster of ashes and other ingredients cemadero, m. coarse linen strainer for the lye to buck clothes with ; thread aud silk stuff formerly used for collars. Cernedero, m. apron worn in sifting flour: place for sifting flour. cernedor, m. sifter. uerneja, /. fetlock of a horse. cernejudo, da, a. having large fetlocks. cerner, va. {ind. cierno: subj. cierxa) t9 sift ;. to bolt. — vn. to bud and blossom ; to drizzle ; to mizzle. — vr. to waggle, wiggle, waddle ; to soar. cemicalo, m. (om.) kestrel, sparrow-hawk, wind-hover; person of scanty abilities: coger or pillar un cemicalo, (coll.) to be fuddled, tipsy. cemldillo, /«. mizzle, drizzle ; short and waddling gait. cernido, pp. & to. sifting ; the flour sifted. cernidura,/. sifting. cernir, va. v. cerner. CerO, TO. zero ; cipher ; naught : ser un cero or un cero 4 la izquierda, to be a mere cipher. ceroferario, m. acolyte who carries the cirial. cerografia, /. cerography. ceroUo, Ua, «. reaped when green and soft. ceromancia,/. ceromancy. cerbn, m. dross of wax. cerote. m. shoemaker's wax ; shoe-blacking^ (coll.) panic; fear. ceroto, m. (pharm.) soft cerate of oil aud wax. cerquillo [ther-keer-iyo], m. dim. Small circle or hoop ; seam or welt of a shoe ; ring ol hair or tonsure ; hair bangs. cerC[Uita [ther-kee'-taiil,/. dim. small inclosure. — adv. at a small distance ; very near in point of time or place : aqui cerquita, just by. Cerrada, /. hide or skin which covers the backbone. cerradera, /. cerradero, m. bolt staple; catch of a lock ; catch, clasp; purse-strings. cerradero, ra, a- applied to the place lockedi and to the thing with which it is locked: echar la cerradera, to lend a deaf ear ; to re* fuse point-blank. CerraaiZO, Za Itlier-rah-dee'-thaw], a. that which may be locked or fastened. cerrado, m. v. cercado. cerrado, da, a. incomprehensible, obscure, occult; close, reserved; dissembling; se- creted, concealed; obstinate; inflexible, cloudy, overcast ; thick, dense ; barba cerra- da, heavy, thick beard : k ojos cerradof, without examination : k puerta cerrada, pri- vately, secretly.— />!/). of cerrar. Cerrador, m. shutter ; locker ; lock ; any con trivance that shuts or locks. Cerradnra [tlier-rah-elonging to a deer : miedo cerval, great timidity. cervantesco, ca, cervS,ntico, a. in the style of Cervantes. , Cervantista, a. admiring Cervantes. cervario, rla, 't. v. cerval. eervatica,/. v. lasgost6n. . tervatico, illo, /«. dim. small deer. cervato, m. a fawn. Cerveceria [ther-veh-theli-ree'-ati], /. brewhous^ brewery ; ale-house, beer-saloon. cervecero [tiier-veh-their-roj, in. brewer; beer- seller. cerveza [ther-veh'-thah], /. beer or ale, malt liquor. cervicabra, ./". gazelle. cervical, a. (anat.) cervical. cervlgudo, da, a. high or thick-necked. cerviguillo [tiier-ve-gu'-iyo:, m. thick nape ol the neck. cervillera, /. helmet, cervino, na, a. resembling a deer, cerviz Ither-veeth'i,/. cervix, nape of the neck : ser de dura cerviz, to be incorrigible : doblar or bajar la cerviz, to humble one's self: le- vantar la cerviz, to be elated, to grow proud. cervuno, na, a. resembling or belonging to % deer ; of the colour of a deer. cesaci6n,/. cesamiento, m. [thay-Mh-ti.ie-on'], cessation, discontiuuance, stopping, pause: cesacion & divinis, suspension from religious functions. cesante m. dismissed public officer, in some cases with pension ; retired official.^^o. ceasing. cesantia,/. the state of being a cesante, and the pension he receives. cesar, vn. to cease, stop, discontinue, end ; to desist, C^sar [theh'-sari, TO. Csesar. Cesd.reO, rea, a. imperial : operaci6n ces&rea, (surg.) Cesarean operation. cesariano, na, a. relating to the Caesar. cesarismo, m. Csesarism, despotism. cese itiieh'-sayi, TO. cease ; stop of pension. cesible, a. (law) that which may be ceded. Cesi6n [theii-se-on'], /. cession, transfer, con- veyance, assignment ; resignation ; conces- sion : cesion de bienes, surrender of propertv. cesionario, cesonarlo, ria, m.&f. cession- ary, grantee, assignee, tra,nsferree. ceslonista m. transferrer, assigner, grantor. C6sped, c6spede, to. turf, sod, clod, sward, grass ; grass plot, lawn ; rind of a vine where it has been pruned. cespedera, /. field where green sods are cut. cespitar, vn. to hesitate. cesta., /. basket, pannier, hamper ; scoop or racket fastened to the arm for playing pelota. cestada,/. a basketful. cesteria, /. basket factory or shop. cestero, m. basket maker or seller. cestica, ilia, ita, /. dim. of cesta ; small basket, hand-basket. cestiCO, illo, itO, to. dim. of cesto; little basket. cestiaro, m. Koman pi^ilist who fought with the cestus. CestO, TO. hand-basket, maund, hutch ; ces- tus used by Eoman boxers : estar hecho un cesto, (coll. ). to be overcome by sleep or liquor : quien hace un cesto har& ciento, he that steals a pin will steal a pound : ser al- guno un cesto, (coll.) to be ignorant and rude : coger agua en cesto, to labour in vain. cestbn, m. aug. large pannier or basket; (mil.) gabion.— pZ. corbeils. cestonada,/. range of gabions. cesura,/. caesura, pause in poetry. cet^ceo, cea [theh-taii'-tiieu-o], a. cetaceous, of the whale kind. cetis, TO. old Portuguese coin. cetra, /. leather shield formerly used by Spaniards. cetre, >n. assistant acolyte. , y(b«fi>ree, t)andj as h in hot; h, silent ; 11 ir brilliant ; fi ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; s. hiase4 GET 116 CIE eetreria,/. falconry, hawking ; fowling with falcons. cetrero, m. verger, falconer, sportsman. cetrino, na, a. citrine, lemon - coloured ; (met.) jaundiced, melancholy; belonging to citron. cetro, m. sceptre ; reign of a prince ; verge borne by dignified canons on solemn occa^ aions ; wand or staff borne by the deputies of confraternities ; perch or roost for Dirds. Ceugma,/. (rhet.) zeugma, Cia,/. hip-bone, huckle-bone. Ciaboga,/ (naut.) putting a row-galley about with the oars: hacer ciaboga, to turn the back, to flee. Cianita,/. (rain.) cyanite. ciandgeno, m. cyanogen. ClanOSiS,/. cyanosis. Clanuro, m. (chem.) cyanid. Ciar, va. to back up, retrograde; (naut.) to hold water^ to back off, to go astern ; (met.) to slacken in the pursuij of an affair. Cl&tlca,/. (med.) sciatica. Ci&tlCO, ca, a. sciatic, sciatical. ClatO, m. (bot.) tree-fern of tropical regions. CibaxlO, ria, a. cibarious, relating to lood. Cib61eo, lea, a. (poet.) belonging to the god- dess Cybele. Cibera,/. quantity of wheat put at once in the hopper ; all seeds or grains fit for animal subsistence; bagasse of grain and fruit, husks, etc. ; hopper in a corn-mill. Cibica, /• clout ; hurter of a wooden axle- tree ; (naut.) staple, cramp. ClblCdn, m. large kind of clout. CibOlO, la, m. & f, Mexican bull, apparently the bison. Clbrtl, m. Peruvian name of the cedar-tree. Clcatear, vn. (coll.) to be sordidly parsimo- nious. Cicateria,/. nigardliness, parsimony. ClcaterillO, 11a, m. & a. dim. sordid or avari- cious little person. Clcatero, ra, a. niggardly, sordid, parsimo- nious. CicateruelO, m. dim. an avaricious or nig- gardly little fellow ; little miser ; a curmud- geon. ClCatrlCera [thie-cah-tree-theU'-rahi, /. a woman who used to follow troops and care for wounds. Clcatrlcilla [thie-cah-tre-theel'-lyah],/. dim. Small cicatrice or scar. Cicatrlz Itiiie-cahtreeth'], /. cicatrice or cica- trix, scar, gash, mark of a wound, CiCatriZaClOn [thie-tah-tree-thah-thle-on'],/. cica- trization. Cicatrizal, a. belonging to a cicatrice or scar, cicatrizante, pa. cicatrisaut. CiCatriZar Ithle-cah-tree-thar], ra. {pret. CICA- TRICE: subj. CICATRICE) to cicatrize; to heal. cicatrizativo, va, a. cicatrisive. clc6rcula, clcercha,/. v. almorta. Cicero [thie'-Uieh-roi, m. (print.) pica; (print.) unit of measurement tor type bodies, equiv- alent to 12 points. ciceronlano, na [thie-theh-ro-ne-ah'-no], a.Cicero- nian, applied to style. Clclamor, m. an ornamental tree. Cicl&n, m. ridgel, having only one testicle ; cryptorchid. Ciclat6n, m. tunic once used by women. Cicllco, ca, a. cyclical, belonging to a cycle. CicUsmO, m. wheeling as a sport. Clcllsta, m. &/. cyclist, rider on a bicycle. CicliO, m. cycle, round of time. Ciclodiatomla, /. (arti.) calculation of the direction of a projectile. cicloidal, a. cycloidal. Cicloide,/. (math.) cycloid. ciclometria,/. cyclometry. ciclometrico, csi, a. cyclometric. Ciclometro, m. cyclometer. Cicl6n [thie-cione'l OT. hurricane, cyclone. Ciclope, m. Cyclops. Cicl^peo, ea, a. Cyclopean. Ciclorama, m. cyclorama, Cicuta (bot.) cicuta; water-hemlock ; spotted cowbane. Cid [tiieed], 771. word taken from the Arabic signifying chief: el Cid, surname of the Spanish hero Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar. Cidra,/. (bot.) citron. Cidracayote, /. (bot.) American gourd OT calabash. cidrada, /. preserve made of citrons. CldraJ, m. plantation of citron-trees. cidria, m. v. cedria. Cidro, ni. (bot.) citron-tree. cidronela,/. (bot.) common balm. ciegamente, adv. blindly. CiegO, ga, a. blind ; obfuscated ; swayed bj violent passion : ciego de Ira, blind with passion ; choked or shut up, applied to a passage : k ciegas, blindly, in the dark ; thoughtlessly. — m. & /. blind person. ciego, m. (anat.) caecum or blind gut ; large black-pudding. V. morc6n. Ciego, ciegue («r. from cegar). cieguecico, ica ; illo, ilia ; ito, ita ; cie^ guezuelO, ela, a.&m.& /. dim. little blind person. CielitO, TO. tune and dance of South America j endearing term to a child or sweetheart. CielO, TO. sky, firmament, heaven (s) ; atmos- phere, climate ; heaven, the habitation of God ; the supreme power, the sovereign of heaven ; roof, ceiling; glory, felicity, para- dise : cielo raso, flat roof or ceiling : el cielo de la cama, tester or cover of a bed : el cielo de la boca, the roof of the palate : Uovido del cielo, agodsend: dormir&cielora8o,tosleep in the open air : escnpir al cielo, bad deeds turn against those who commit them : estar hecho un cielo, to be splendid, brilliant : tomar el cielo con las manos, (met.) to be transported with joy, grief, or passion : venirse el cielo abajo, to pour, to deluge : ver el cielo abier- to, to find an unforeseen opportunity. V. CIENTOPlfe ; poor literary work. Ciempi^S, m. centipede. Cien [thie-en'], a. one hundred, used before nouns instead of ciento, as, cien hombrei, a hundred men : cien mnjeres, a hundred women. V. ciento. Ci^naga, /. marsh, moor, a miry place, r. CENEGAL. Ciencia [thie-en'-thie-ahl, /. science ; knowledge ; certainty : gaya ciencia, art of poetry : cien- eias exactas, the mathematics : k ciencia y paciencia, by one's knowledge and permis- sion : i ciencii cierta, with certainty, know- ingly. cienmil^simo, ma, a. the hundred thou« sandth. cienmilmiUcn^simo, ma, a. the hundred thousand millionth. Cienmillon^simo, ma, a. the hundred mil* lionth. Cieno, TO. mud, mire, slime ; slough, bog. cientiflcamente, adv. scientifically. CientificO, ca, a. scientific. ciento, a. one hundred ; hundredth : call* ciento, One Hundredth Street. V. cien. — m. a hundred : un ciento de huevos, a hundred eggs; a hundred-we4ght. V. quintal. — pi. fta*i«ter; einelll: iin poliM ; o in tor ; n in boll ; c (before e, i) and s as th In tbick : b and d. soft ■ 11 CIE 117 CIN tax assessed at so much per cent. ; piquet, a game at cards. cientopi^s, m. (zool.) centipede. Cierna, /. the staminate blossom of vines, corn, and some other plants. Cierne : en cleme, in blossom : estar en cierne, (coll.) to be in its infancy. cierno, cleme (irr. from cerner). i Cierra Espaila ! interj. war-ciy of the an- cient Spaniards. Cierre, m. act and mode of closing some things, as a letter or fan ; shutting, locking, fastening ; snap, clasp, plug of a valve. Cierro, wi. inclosure : cierro de cristales, glass- covered balcony or veranda. cierro, cierre (irr. from cerrar). Ciertamente, adv. certainly, forsooth, surely. MertO, ta, a. certain, doubtless, evident, sure, positive ; when used in an indeter- ' minate sense, as clerto Ingar, certain place, it always precedes the substantive : por clerto or de cierto, certainly, surely ; in truth. — adv. V. ciertamente. Cierva,/. hind, female stag. Ciervo, m. deer, hart, stag. ciervo volante, m. stag-beetle. Cierzo [thie-ef'-thaw], m. cold northerly wind, Cifra, /. a numerical character ; a figure, a number ; cipher, code, cryptography, cryp- togram ; monogram, device, emblem ; sum total ; contraction, abbreviation ; music written with numbers : en cifra, secretly, mysteriously, briefly, shortly. CiA:ar, va. to write in ciphers ; to abridge : cifrar en, to place ; to make a thing depend on another. Cigarra,/. (ent.) cicada, harvest-fly. Cigarral, m. in Toledo, orchard or fruit- garden. cigarrera,/. woman cigarette-makerorseller; cigar-cabinet or show-case ; pocket cigar- case. cigarrero, ra, m. &f. cigar-maker or seller, cigarreria, /. cigar-shop. cigarrillo, m. cigarette. Cigarrista, m. person who smokes many cigars. Cigarro, m. cigar : cigarro de papel, cigarette : cigarro puro, cigar. Cigarr6n, m. aug. of cigarra; large cicada. CigomatiCO, ca, a. zygomatic. cigofial, m. well-sweep. CigOfLiUO, m. (orn.) young stork. CigOiiuela, /. (orn.) small bird resembling a stork. Cigua, /. (hot.) tropical tree. ciguatarse, w. v. aciguatarse. ciguatera, /. (Mex.) kind of jaundice, from eating diseased fish. Ciguato, ta, a. sufiering from ciguatera. CigUefia thie-gweh'-nyahi, /. (orn.) white stork, crane ; bell-crank ; (mach.) crank, winch. cigiieflal, m. v. cigoSal. CigiieflUela 'thiegway-nyway'-lalil, /. dim. Small crank or winch : cignefinela de la cana del timon, (naut.) goose-neck of the tiller. Cigiiete, /. variety of white grape. Cija, /. building for sheltering sheep ; dun- geon ; granary. Cilanco, m. pool left by a river on the shore. Cilantro, m. (hot.) coriander. V. culantro. ciliado, da, a. ciliated. Ciliar, «. ciliary. Cilicio (thie-iee'-thie-o], m. cilice or clllclum ; (mil.) hair-cloth. F. cent6n. CilindradO, pp. of cilindrar ; rolled ; cal- endered. Cilindrar, va. to roll ; calender ; bore. Cilindrico, ca, a. cylindrio or cylindrical, Cilindro, m. cylinder , roller, press-roll ; chamber. Cilia [theei'-lyah],/. granary; tithe. CillazgO [theei-iyath'-go], m. store-house fec8 paid on tithes. Cillerero, m. cellarist or butler of a mon- astery. CilleriZa[theel-lyay-ree'-thah],/. nun who directs the domestic affairs of the convent. CilleriZO [theel-lyay-ree'-tlio], TO. keeper of a granary. Cillero, m. keeper of a granary or store- house for tithes ; granary ; vault ; cellar ; store-room. Cima, /. summit, height, crest, peak ; top of trees ; apex, cap, head ; finish, completion ; heart and tender sprouts of cardoons : por cima, at the uppermost part, at the very top : dar cima, to conclude happily. CimaciO [tine-mah'-tiiie-o], TO. (arch.) cymatium, gola, ogee. Cimarrbn, na, a. (Amer.) wild, unruly. — m. &/. runaway slave ; maroon. cimbalaria, /. (bot.) ivy-wort, Cimbalillo, to. dim. small bell. CimbalO, m. small bell ; cymbal. cimbanillo, to. v. cimbalillo. cimbara,/. a large sickle. Cimbel, m. decoy-pigeon ; rope to tie decoy- pigeons. cimborio, cimborrlo, to. (arch.) dome. V. CfjPULA. Cimbra, /. (carp.) cradling; (naut.) cmrva- ture ; bending of a board. Cimbrado, to. quick movement in a Spanish, dance. — cimbrado, da, ^p. of cimbrar. cimbrar, cimbrear, va. to brandish ; shake, sway, bend; (carp.) to place cradlings; (arch.) to arch : cimbrar & algnno, (coll.) to give one a drubbing. — vr. to bend ; vibrate. cmibre, to. subterranean gallery or passage, ciinbrefi.0, fla, o. pliant, flexible. Cimbreo, m. act of bending, brandishing, swaying, vibrating. cimbrico, «. Cimbric. Ciinbro, bra, a. Cimbriau. cimbronazo, w. stroke with the flat of a sword. V. cintarazo. Ciinentaci6n,/. laying of a foundation. CimentadO, pp. &. m. refinement of gold. Cimentador, to. he who lays the foundatiou of a thing. cimentar, va. (ind. cimiento: subj. ci- miente) to lay the foundation of a build- ing ; to found ; to ground ; to establish the fundamental principles of religion, moral*, and science ; to refine metals. cimenterio, m. v. cementerio. CimentO, to. cement. V. cemento. Cimera, /. crest of a helmet, or coat oi arms. CimeriO, ria, a. Cimmerian. cimero, ra, a. placed at the height of some elevated spot ; apical. cimiento, to. foundation of a building; ground-work, bed ; basis ; base, root, origin : cimiento real, royal cement : abrir los c^ mlentoB, to make the trenches for laying foundations. cimiento, cimiente (irr. from cimentar). Cimillo, TO. flexible twig on which a decoy* pigeon is tied. cimitarra,/. cimeter, falchion. cimbfana,/. cymofane, cat's-eye. Cimorra,/. (farr.) glanders, Cinabrio, to. cinnabar, vermilion. Cin&miCO, a. (chem.) eynamic. ? (heforee. OandJ ar h In hot; h, silent; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; ■, CIN 118 CIB Cinamo/no, m. (bot.) the bead-tree; (Philip- pines) privet. CillC [think], TO. zinc. Cinca, /. any infraction of the rules of the game of nine-pins (ten-pins). Cincel [thin-ther], m. chisel j engraver ; scorper ; burin ; drove. Cincelador, m. engraver ; sculptor ; stone- cutter. dncelar [twn-thay-iar'], va. to chisel, engrave, emboss, carve, chase, sculpture, cut. CillC6litO, Tti. dim. small chisel. Cinco [theen'-co], TO. & a. five ; fifth : el cinco de mayo, the fifth of May ; five-spotted card ; (Venez.) five-stringed guitar: decir cuintas ■on cinco, to threaten with reproof or pun- ishment : no Babe cu&ntas son cinco, (coll.) he does not know beans.— p/. /. las cinco, five o'clock. dnccenrama./. (bot.) common cinquefoil. Clncografla, /. zincography. cincomesino, na, a. five months old. Cincuenta, m. & a. fifty ; fiftieth : calle cin- cuenta, liftieth Street. CincuentavO, a. the one-fiftieth part. Clncueaten, to. piece of timber, fifty palms iu leogth (50 X 3 X 2). Cincuentena, /. fifty things of a kind. cincuenteno, na, a. fiftieth. cincuent6n, na, a. fifty years old. Cincha, /. girth, cinch. Cinchadura, /. cinching, girthing. dnchar, va. to girt, cinch up. Clnchera, /. girth-place ; (farr.) soreness of the part where mules are girted. CinchO, m. belt, girdle, sash or belly-band ; iron hoop ; tire of a wheel ; cheese-mould ; (Mex. ) cinch ; (arch. ) transverse rib ; (farr.) disorder in the hoofs of horses. Cinchdn, m. aug. broad cinch ©r girth, Cinchuela, /• dim. small cinch or girth ; nar- row ribbon. Clneg^tica,/. cynegetics, art of hunting with dogs. Cineg6tiC0, ca, a. cyne^etic. cinemiitica, /. kinematics. cinematdgrafo, to. kinetoscope. clneraci6n, v. incinekaci6n. Clnerarlo, ia, a. V. cin6reo ; cinerary. cin6reo, cinericio, cia, a. ashy. v. cbni- CIENTO. Cingal68, sa, a. of or belonging to Ceylon. dngaro, ra, to. &/. gipsy, v. gitano. Cingleta, /. rope with a cork to buoy up a net. CinglllO, TO. cingulum, girdle, cordon ; an- cient military badge. Cinicamente, adv. cynically. Cinlco, ca, a. cyiiic, cynical ; satirical ; impu- dent, barefaced. — m. a cynic. Cinife, TO. mosquito. Cinismo, TO. cynicism ; shamelessness, bare- facedness, impudence, ribaldry. Cinoc^falO, m. kind of monkey or baboon. Clnoglosa,/. (bot) hound's-tongue. cinosura, /. (ast.) Cynosure, the Lesser Bear. Cinqu6n, to. ancient Spanish coin. clnqueflo, cinauillo, m. game of ombre, played among five persons. Cinta,/. ribbon, tape, band, strip, sash : cinta de seda, ribbon : cinta de hilo or algod6n, thread or cotton tape: cinta de hiladillo, ferret ribbon ; strong net used iu the tunny- fishery ; lowest part of the pastern of a horse; (arch.) fillet, belt; first course of floor tiles ; (top.) measuring tape : cintai de navio, (naut.) wales: cintas galimas, bow- wales or harpings : en cinta, under su1:j»a tion : estar en cinta, to be pregnant. Cintadero, to. part of a cross-bow to whicK tlie string is fastened. Cintagoroa,/. coarse net for the tunny-fisii. ery. CintaJOS, to. pi. knot or bunch of tumbled ribbons ; tawdrv ornaments in female dress. Cintarazo, to. slap with a sword or some- thing flat. Clntarear, va. (coll.) to slap with a sword. CinteadO, da, a. adorned with ribbons. Cinteria, /. trade in ribbons ; shop where rib- bons are sold ; collection or heap of ribbons. Cintero, to. one who weaves or sells ribboMS ; belt, girdle, truss ; hoisting rope. Cintilla Ithin-teei-iyah], /. dim. small ribbon, narrow tape. CintillO, TO. hat-band ; ring set with precious stones. Cinto, TO. belt, girdle. V. cintura and cIn- GULO, waist. Cintrel, to. (arch.) guide-rule or line for arching. cintura, /. waist, girdle, or belt ; throat of 8 chimney: meter en cintura, (coll.) to keep one in a state of subjection. cinturica, ilia, ita, /. dim. gmal) girdie; small or delicate waist. Clntur6n, to. aug. large waist ; broadsword belt, girdle, cest; that which encircles or surrounds. CiflO, Ciila, Clfl6, CilLera {irr. from CESfiR). CipaJlSO, m. (poet.) cypress. Cicayo, to. sepoy. CipO, TO. cippus, short stone pillar. Cipr6s, TO. ( Dot. ) cypress-tree : baya del cipris, cypress nut or berry. Cipresal, m. cypress grove. Cipresino, na, a. resembling or belonging to cypress. ciprino, na, oiprio, ia, a. Cyprian. CiCIUiricata::hie-key-re-cah'-tah],/. (coU.) caress, flattery. Circasiano, na, a. Circassian. Circense, a. circensial or circensian. Circo, w. circus; amphitheatre; (orn.) the moor-buzzard. Circ6n, to. zircon. circonio, to. zirconium. Circulcidn, /. act of surrounding or encir- cling. Circulr, va. {ind. ciRCUYO': subj. circuya^ to surround, compass, encircle. CircuitO, to. circuit, circle ; extent ; circum- ference, compass. CirCUlaCibn [theei-coo-lah-tlUe-on'], /. circula tion; currency: trafllc; movement. Circulante, i>a. &a. circulatory, circling, cir- culating. circular [theernjoo-iar'], vn. to circulat-c, travel round, move on, pass around, go about. circular, a. circular, circulatory, circling: carta circular, circular letter. circularmente. adv. circularlv. CirCUlatOriO, ria, a. circulatory. CirculO [theer'-coo-io], 7?i. circle, orb, circlet • compass, circumference ; ring ; circuit, dis- trict ; social circle, club, casino : circulo vi- cioBo, (log. ) argument in a circle. Circumambiente, a. circumambient, sur- rounding. Circumcirca, adv. (Lat.) about, thereabout ^ almost. Circumpolar, a. circumpolar, near the pole. circuncidante, to. &pa. circumciser. circuncidar, va. (pp. circunciso) to circum* cise ; to diminish, curtail, clip, modify. a a« iu fai : e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for : u in bull : C (before e. i) and 8 as th In thick ■ b and d. aoft; CIB 119 CIV CirC11IlCiSi6ll [theer-coon-thle-Be-ou'], /. circum- cision, religious festival celebrated on New Year's day. circunciso, sa, pp. irr. of circuncidar ; cir- cumcised. Circundar, va. to surround, circle, compass, circumvest. CirCUnferencia [theer-coon-feh-ren'-thle-ah],/. cir- cumference. Circunferenclal, a. circumferential, circu- lar, surrounding circunferencialiaeiite, adv. in a circular manner. ClrcunflejO, la, a. acento circanflejo, circum- flex accent ( ^ )- CirCUnlOCUCidn [tlieer-coon-lo-coo-thle-on'], /. cir- cumlocution, periphrasis, roundabout ex- pression. CirCUnlOquiO [theer-coon-lo'-ke-o], m. circumlo- cution, circle. Circunnavegacidn, /. circumnavigation. circunnavegar, va. to circumnavigate, sail round the world. circunscribir, va. {pp. circunscripto and ciRCUNSCRiTO) to circumscribe, inclose, en- circle. Circunscripci6n, /. circumscription. CircunscriptiVO, va, a. circumscriptive, in- closing a superficies. Circunscripto, ta, circunscrito, ta {irr. S). from CIRCUNSCRIBIR). CUnspeCCidn [theer-coons-pec-thle-on'], /. cir- cumspection, prudence, watchfulness, atten- tion, decorousness. circunspectamente, adv. circumspectly. circunspecto, ta, a. circumspect, cautious, judicious, grave. CirCUnstanCia [th««er-coo»v8-tahn'-tWe-ah], /. cir- cumstance, incident, event ; position, con- dition ; state of affairs, particulars, details. circunstanciadamente, adv. circumstan- tially, minutely. CircunstanciadO, da, a. circtvmstantiated ; with all minute details.— pp. of circunstan- CIAR. Circunstancial, m. &/. circumstantial. Circunstante, a. circumstant, surrounding ; present, actually attending, circunstantes, m. pi. bystanders, persons present. CirClinvalaCibn [theer-coon-vah-lah-thle-on'], /. circumvallation ; surrounding a place. Circimvalar.ta. to surround, encircle; (mil.) to circumvallate, surround with trenches. CirCUnVeCinO, lia [theer-coon-vay-thle'-no], a. neighbouring, adjacent, contiguous. CirCUnVOlUCidn [theer-coon-vo-loo-thle-on'], /. cir- cumvolution. Cirial, m. processional candle-holder. cirigafia, /. flattery. cirineo, m. (coll.) mate, assistant. CiriO, m. thick and long wax candle: cirlo pascual, paschal candle. ClXOlerO, m. plum-tree. Cirro, m. (med.) schirrus ; (hot.) short root- lets of creepers; (meteor.) cirrus. ! Cirrosis, /. cirrhosis. Cirroso, sa, «. scirrhous, fibrous, cirrhose. Cimela, /. plum, prune: cirnela paia, dried plum, a prune : cimela verdal, green-gage : cimela de fraile, long green plum : cimela de yema, yellow plum. I Cimelar, m. large plantation of plum-trees. : ciruelica, ilia, ita, /. dim. small plum. ' CimieliCO, illO, itO, m. dim. dwarf plum-tree, i CiruelO, m. (hot.) plum-tree. ' Cinigia,/. surgery, chirurgery. ! Cimjano, m. surgeon, chirurgeon. Cisalpino, na, a. cisalpine. Cisca, /. reed for roofing huts and cottage^ V. CARRIZO. Ciscar, va. {pre(. ciSQufi : subj. cisque) (coll.) to besmear, to dirty. — vr. to ease nature. Cisco, m. coal-dust, culm, slack; breeze; (coll.) noisy wrangle, hubbub, hue and cry. Cisi6n, /. incision. V. cisura or incisi6n. Cisma, m. schism ; disturbance in a comma* nity ; discord. cismAtico^ ca, a. schismatic ; applied to the author of disturbances in a community. Cismontano, na, a. living on this s5de of the mountains. Cisne, m. (orn.) swan; (ast.) Cygnus, the Swan, a constellation ; good poet or musi- cian. Cisoria, a. arte ciBoria, art of cutting open- work in paper. Cispadano, na, a. situated between Rome and the river Po. cisoLuero [tiiies-kay'ro], m. coal-dust seller; pounce-bag. Cistel, clster, m. Cistercian order of St. Ber- nard. Cisterciense, a. Cistercian. Cistema,/. cistern, reservoir, water-tank. CistiCO, a, (surg.) cystic. CiStitiS, /. cystitis. CistO, m. (bot.) cistus, rock-rose. Cistotomia, /. (surg.) cystotomy. V. lito- TOMIA. cisura,/. incisure, incision. cita, /. appointment, engagement, summons, assignation, rendezvous; citation, quota tion. citable, a. worthy of being cited, quotable. Citaci6n[thie-tah-thie-on'J,/. citation, quotation; summons, judicial notice. citador, ra, m. & /. citer. citano, aa, m. &/. (coll.) v. zutano. Citar, va. to make a business appointment ; to convoke, convene, cite ; to quote ; to sum- mon before a judge ; to give judicial notice : citar i junta, to call a meeting. citar a, /. zither or cithern, musical instru- ment; (mas.) partition-wall of the thick- ness of a brick. Citarilla, /. dim. small zither; (mas.) thin partition-wall. Citarista, m. & /. player of the cithern. CitatoriO, ria, a. (law) citatory, applied to a summons. Citerior, a. hither, nearer, toward this part • Espafia citerior, the higher or northeastern part of Spain. CitiSO, m. (bot.) shrub-trefoil, cytisus. CitOla,/. in corn-mills, clack or clapper. Citote, TO. (coll.) summons, citation. citramontano, na, a. on this side the moun- tains. CitratO, «. (chem.) citrate. CitriCO, ca, a. (chem.) citric. Ciudad, /. city, town ; civic body. ciudadania,/. citizenship. Cindadano, na, a. of or belonging to a city civil ; city-like. — /«. citizen, freeman, in habitant of a city. Ciudadela,/. (mil.) citadel, fortress; (Amer.) tenement-house. civeta, /. civet-cat. V. gato de algaua. CivetO, TO. civet, the perfume. civico, ca, «. civic, v. dom^stico. civil, a. civil, polite, courteous, gentleman- like ; civil, not military or ecclesiastical ; (law) civil, not criminal. Civilidad, /. civility, politeness, urbanity, sociability. C (before e, I) and J as h In hot : h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, blaaed < CIV 120 CLA Sivllista, m. attorney skilled in the civil law, especially the Roman law; (Amer.) partisan of civil government, opponent of militarism. CiVlllZaCidll [thie-ve-Ie-thalitlne-on'], /. civiliZEr tion, culture, enlightenment. CiVllizar [thie-ve-le-thar], va. {pret. CIVILICi : siibj. civilice) to civilize. ■Civmnente, adv. civilly, courteously, po- litely ; according to the common law. Civismo, m. patriotism, zeal for one's coun- try. Cizalla [tiue-tiiahr-iyah],/. shears, clipper, plate- shears ; tilings, metal clippings. Cizallar, va. to shear metal. OizafLa Itine-thah'-nyah], /. (bot.) darnel; cor- rupting vice ; discord, disagreement ; pollu- tion. Cizafiador, ra, a. one who sows discord or enmity. cizallar, va. to sow discord, to provoke en- mity. Ciza&ero, ra, a. one who habitually sows discord. Clac, rii. opera-hat. damar, ra. to utter loud outcries ; to whine ; to clamour, vociferate ; to want, require, demand. Clilinide, /. short cape, the chlamys of the Greeks. clamor, m. clamour, outcry, scream, shriek, cry, whine, plaint; toll of bells, knell. •Olamoreada, /. outcry, shriek, clamour, whine, plaint. clamorear, va. to clamour ; implore assist- ance!, appeal. — vn. to toll the passing-bell. Olamoreo, m. repeated or prolonged clam- our ; knell ; (coll.) importunate appeal. clamorosamente, adv. clamorously. Clamoroso, sa, a. clamorous, loud, noisy. V. VOCINGLERO. clandestinamente, adv. clandestinely, se- cretly. clandestinidad, /. clandestinity, privacy, secrecy. Clandestino, na, a. clandestine, secret, pri- vate. olanga, /. v. planga. clangor, m. (poet.) sound of a trumpet. Clara,/, white of an egg; piece of ill-woven cloth ; bald spot ; (coll. ) short interval of fair weather on a rainy day. Claraboya, /. sky-light; bull's-eye; t»-:.a- som. Claraxnente, adv. clearly, openly, mani- festly, conspicuously, obviously, fairly. clarar, va. v. aclarar. clarea,/. mulled wine, rambooze, mulse. Clarear, va. to give light. — vn. to dawn, to grow light, to clear up. — vr. to be transpar- ent, translucent ; to give one's self away. Clarecer, vn. {subj. clarezca) to dawn, to grow light. Clarete, m. claret. — a. vino clarete, claret wine. Claridad, /. clarity, brightness, splendour, light ; clearness, distinctness ; glory of the blessed ; celebrity, fame.— ;>/. piece of one's mind. Clarificaci6ll,/. clarification, refining. Clarificar, va. (pret. clarifiqu6 : subj. CLA- rifiql'e) to brighten, to illuminate; to clarify, purify, retine. Clarificativo, va, a. purificative or purifi- catory. Clarilla,/. lye of ashes. clarlxnente, m. ancient lotion used by ladies. Clarin, m. bugle, clarion ; organ-stop ; bu- gler ; fine cambric; (orn.) American song bird. Clarinada, /. (coll.) uncalled for, tart re- mark. Clarlnado, da, a. (her.) applied to animals with bells. clarinero, m. bugler. clarlnete, m. clarinet ; clarinet-player. Clari6n, m. white crayon, chalk. Clarlsa, /. Clare, nun of the order of St. Clara. Clarisimo, ma, a. sup. of claro; most illus- trious. Claro, ra, a. clear, bright, transparent, light, nitid ; neat; pellucid, crystalline, limpid, clear, thin ; rare, sparse ; cloudless, serene, fair ; light, not deeply tinged : azul claro, light blue ; clear, perspicuous, intelligible ; obvious, explicit, evident, manifest, indis- putable, apparent : una verdad clara, an un- deniable truth; open, frank, ingenuous; celebrated, illustrious ; sagacious, quick of thought. claro, m. sky-light ; break in a discourse ; gap, lacune, void, interval ; bald spot ; glade ; light spot : claro otcuro, chiaroscuro or claro-obscuro ; (arch.) space between col- umns ; (naut.) clear spot in the sky : poner or sacar en claro, to make plain and clear : pasar la noche de claro en claro, to have not a wink of sleep all night : de claro en claro, evidently, manifestly : por lo claro, clearly, manifestly, conspicuously : claro esti, in- deed; evidently. claro, adv. V. CLARAMENTE. claror, m. V. resplandor. Claroscuro, m. combination of fine and heavy strokes in penmanship ; monochrome, a painting in one colour ; chiaroscuro, light and shade. Clarucho, Cha, a. (coll.) too watery, too liquid. clase, /. class, rank, caste ; class in school ; lecture ; order ; classis ; kind, kin ; generical class ; set of beings or tnings ; division, cate- gory, species, family ; (com.) sort, descrip- tion, line, quality, rate. cl^sicamente, adv. classically. Clasicismo, m. classic style, classicism. fj^j Clasico, ca. a. classical, classic; principal; remarkable : error cl&aico, a gross error : autores clisicos, classics. Claslficaci6n, /. classification. Clasificar, va. {pret. CLASiFiQufi : subj. CLASI- FiQUE) to classify, to arrange, to class. Claudlcacibn, /. claudication, halting or limping, crookedness. Claudicante, a. &pa. claudicant, claudicat- ing, halting, limping. Claudicar, vn. {pret. CLAUDlQui : subj. CLAU- dique) to claudicate, halt, limp ; to proceed in a bungling manner, without rule or order. Claustral, a. claustral. Claustro, m. cloister ; piazza ; gallery around the court of a convent ; faculty of a univer- sity ; monastic state. Cl&USIlla, /. (gram.) period, sentence ; clause of a discourse ; (law) clause, condition, arti- cle, stipulation, proviso. Clausulado, da, «. (rhet.) written jn short sentences. Clausular, va. to close a period, terminate a speech. Clausillilla, /. dim. short or little clause. clausura, /. cloister, inner recess of a cotfc* vent, sanctum ; clausure, confinement, re- tirement ; clotwre, closure : vivir en claaiora, to lead a monastic or retired life. a M in far : • in eh I ; 1 In polio* ; o In for ; tt in btill ; c (before e, i) and b *■ th la thick ; b aoa d, soft: CLA 121 CLU clava,/. club, cudgel ; (naut. ) scupper. ^lavado, da, a. nailed, adorned with nails, hobnailed ; exact, precise : venlr clavada una cosa a otra, to tit exactly.— jap. of clavar. Clavador, m. nail-driver. Clavadura, /. nailing, driving a nail to the quick in horse-shoeing. clavar, w. to nail, to fasten with nails; to fasten in, drive in, stick in, force in ; to stick, prick, gore, pin, pierce; to set in gold or silver ; (coll. ) to cheat, to deceive : clavar ik un caballo, to prick a horse in shoeing : clavar la artilleria, to spike, to nail up guns : clavar los ojos or la vista, to stare, to look with fixed eyes; (mil.) to ground: clavar las armas, to ground the arms, clavaria,/. v. clavera. clavario, m. V. clavero. Clavaz6n, /. set of nails. clave, m. clavichord.—/, key or code ; (arch.) keystone of an arch ; in music, clef: echar la clave, to close a speech, an affair. Clavel, m. (bot. ) pink, carnation. ClavelitO, m. dim. (hot.) plant which bears a small variety of pink. Clavel6n, m. aug. (bot.) marigold. Clavellina,/. (hot.) the pink, carnation : the name comprises several varieties; (mil.) vent stopple. Claveque [ciah-veh'-keh], m. rock crystal, cut like a diamond. clavera,/. nail-mould; heading stamp ; nail- hole ; nail-bore ; screw-hole ; boundary where landmarks are set up. Claveria, /. office and dignity of the key- bearer in military orders ; (Mex.) treasury of a cathedral. Clavero, ra, m. &/. keeper of the keys, treas- urer, cashier : key-bearer of some military orders; (bot.) aromatic clove-tree. Clavete, m. dim. tack, small nail. Clavetear, va. to nail ; to garnish with nails ; to point or tag a lace. ClavicordiO, m. clavichord, harpsichord. Clavicula,/. (anat.) clavicle, collar-bone. clavicular, c. (anat.) clavicular. Clavija [ciah-vee'-hahi,/. pin, peg, tree-nail, nog, pintle, tack ; peg of a stringed instrument : clavija maestra, the fore axle-tree pintle : apretar & uno las clavijas, to push home an argument ; put on the screws. Clavijera,/. water-hole in walls. Clavijero, m. bridge of a clavichord. Clavillo, ito, m. dim. small nail, spill, brad, tack, pin : clavillo de hebilla, rivet of a buckle : clavillos, cloves. clavi6r^ailO, m. clarichord, instrument hav- ing strings and pipes. Clavo, m. nail, spike : clavo de herradura, hob- nail : clavo trabadero, keyed bolt ; corn, hard and painful excrescence on the feet ; (surg. ) lint for wounds or sores ; tent : clavo de especia, clove ; (naut.) rudder of a ship ; severe grief or pain ; (farr. ) tumour between the hair and the hoof of a horse; (min.^ bunch of rich ore: clavo romano, (Amer.) curtain knob, picture nail : dar en el clavo, to hit the mark : an clavo saca otro clavo, one excess cures another. ClenUltide, /. (bot.) traveller's-joy, virgin's- bower, clematis. clemencia icieh-men'-twe-ah], /. clemency, mer- cy, forbearance. Clemente, «. clement, merciful. clementemente, adv. mercifully, clemently. Clementina, /. canons of Pope Clement V. clementisimo, ma, a. sup. of clemente. Clepsidra,/. clepsydra, water-clock. ClereCia [eleh-reh-thie'-ah], /. clergy. clerical, a. clerical. Clericalmente, adv. in a clerical manner. ClericatO, m. state and dignity of a clergy- man. cleric atur a, /. clergy, ecclesiastical state. Cl6rigO, m. clergyman, a cleric, a clerk : cl«- rigo de misa, a presbyter : clirigo de misa j olla, an unlearned priest. Cleri^illO [cieh-re-geer-iyo], m. dim. petty cler- gyman, term of contempt. Clerizbn [cleh-re-thone'l, m. chorister. CleriZOnte [cleh-re-thon'-teh], TO. layman who wears a clerical dress ; ill-dressed or ill- mannered clergyman. Clero, m. clergy. Cleuasmo, »". (rhet.) prosopopoeia. cliente, m. &f. client. Clienteia, /. protection or patronage ; a fol'. lowing, clientele, clientship ; condition of a client. Clima, m. climate, clime. Climat^rico, ca, a. climacteric, climacter- ical ; (coll.) ill-humoured. ClimatOlOgia, /. climatology. ClimatOl6giCO, ca, a. climatological. climax, m. (rhet.) climax. Clin, /. V. cRiN. Clinica,/. clinic I clinic wards of hospitals. Clinico, ca, a. clinic, clinical, clinico, m. (eccl.) clinic. clinom6trico, ca, a. clinometric. clindmetro, m. clinometer. ClinopodiO, m. (bot.) calamint. Cliper, TO. (naut.) clipper. Clisado, 7n. stereotyping. Clisar, va. to stereotype ; to make a cliche or stereotype plate. Clis6, TO. stereotype plate, cliche; (print.) cut. clistel, clister, m. clyster. V. ayuda. clitoris, TO. (anat.) clitoris. Clivoso, sa, a. (poet.) declivous, sloping. ClO, ClO, TO. cackle of a hen. cloaca, /. sewer ; large intestine of fowls. clocar, va. to cluck. V. cloquear. Cloque [cio'-kay], TO. (naut. ) grapnel, grappling* iron ; harpoon, cloquear [cio-kay-ar'], vn. to cluck, cackle. — VOa to angle. cloqueo [cio-kay'-o], TO. cluck, chuck, cackle. ClOquera [clo-kay'-rah], /. State of hatching in fowls. Cloquero [cio-kay'-ro], TO. harpooner in thv tunny-fishery. Cloral, m. chloral, clorato, TO. chlorate. ClorllidratO.TO. hvdrochlorate, chlorhydrate. ClorMdriCO, to. chlorhydric, hydrochloric. ClbricO, a. chloric, cloris,/. (orn.) greenfinch. Clorita,/ (min.) chlorite. Cloro, TO. chlorin or chlorine. Clordfila, /. chlorophyll, green colouringw matter of plants. CloroflliCO, ca, a. chlorophyllaceous, chloro- phyllian. Clorofdrmico, ca, a. chloroform ic. Cl0r0f0rmiZaCi6n [clo-ro-for-me-thah-thie on*], /. chloroformization. ClOrOfOrmiZar [clo-ro-for-me-tliar'l, va. {pret. CLOROFORMIC^ : subj. CLOROFORMICE) tO chloroform. Cloroformo. to. chloroform. Clorosis,/. (med.) chlorosis, green-sickness. clordtico, ca, a. chlorotic. Cloruro, to. cnloride. club, TO. club ; social or political association. t (before e, i) and J u h In hot ; h, silent; U In brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, bi«e*4i CLU 122 COC Clueco, ca, a. broody ; (coll.) decrepit ; worn out with age.—/, brooding hen. COa, /. sharp stick used by Indians to till the land ; (Mex. ) a kind of hoe. COaccibn [co-ac-twe-on'], /. coaction ; compul- sion. coacervar [co-ah-ther-var'j, va. to coacervatc, heap together. COactivO, va, a. coactive, coercive, compul- sive. coacusar, va. (for.) to accuse jointly with another or others. coadjutor ico-ad-hoo-tor'l, TO. coadjutor, assist- ant, associate, coworker. coadjutora, /. coadjutrix. coadjutoria [co-ad-hoo-to-ree'-aii],/. coadjuvancy , help, assistance ; coadjutorship. coadministrador, m. coadministrator. COadunaclon, /. coadunition. coadunamieato, to. v. coadunaci6n. COadtmar, va. to join things closely together. coadyutor, w. V. coadjutor. Goadyutorio, ria, a. co-operative, coadju- tant. COadyuvador, to. fellow-helper, assistant. coadyuvante, a. & pa. coadjuvaut, helper, assistant, co-operative, auxiliary. coadyuvar, va. to help, assist, aid, co-operate. coagente ico-ah-hen-teh), TO. coageut, associate. coagulable, a. coagulable. coagulaci6n, /. coagulation. coagulador, ra, a. coagulatory, coagulator, coagulative. coagulante, pa. coagulant. COagUlar, va. to coagulate, to curd. — vr. to coagulate, condense, clod, curdle. COagUlatiVO, va, a. coagulative. CO&gUlO, TO. coagulum, coagulated blood, clot, coagulation ; body formed by coagula- tion. C0alr6ll, TO. piece of timber. C0allCi6n [co-ah-ie-thie-on'j, /. coalition, confed- eracy. COalla, /. (orn.) woodcock. V. chocha. COap6stol, TO. co-apostle. C0aptaci6n, /. (surg.) coaptation. COarmador, to. part-owner of a vessel. COarrendador, to, joint-partner in renting anything. COartacidn, /. limitation, restriction ; (law) obligation to be ordained within a certain time. COartada, /. alibi : probar la coartada, to prove an alibi. COartadO, da, a. slave who has paid his mas- ter a partial sum to obtain freedom. COartar, va. to coarct, limit, restrain. coate, ta, «. (Mex.) v. cuate. COautor, ra, to. &/. co-author, joint author. COba, /. (coll.) funny yarn. CObaltifero, ra, a. cobalt-bearing, cobaltif- erous. CObaltO, TO. cobalt. CObarde, a. coward; timid, fearful, faint- hearted. CObardear, vn. to be a coward ; to be timid or fcurful. cobaxdemente, adv. cowardly. CObardia, /. cowardice, dastardy, dastard- ness, abjectness. GObertera, /. cover, pot-lid ; bawd ; procur- ess ; white water-lily. V. nenCfar.— pi. coberteras, the two middle feathers of a hawk's tail. CObertlzo lc«-ber-tee'-thaw], TO. shed-roof, shed, hut. CObertor, to. coverlet, bed-«pread, comforter, quilt, counterpane. CObertura,/. cover, wrapper, covering, corer- let : act of a grandee of Spain covering him- sell the first time he is presented to the king. CObija [co-be'-hah], /. imbrex-tile ; short man- tilla: fine feather; cover; (Mex.) shawl,— pi. (Mex.) bed-clothes. CObilador, ra, a. covering, protective. cobijamiento, cobijo, to. act of covering ; lodging. CObijar (co-be-iiar'], va. to cover, overspread, shelter, protect, lodge. cobra, /. rope for yoking oxen ; a number ol mares (not less than rtve) for treading out the corn. cobrable, a. collectable. CObradero, ra, a. that which may be recov- ered or collected. cobrado, da, a. & pp. of cobrar. CObrador, ra. collector, receiviag teller ; con- ductor (r, w,) : perro cobrador, retriever (dog). obi CObranza, /. recovery or collection of money ; retrieval of game. CObrar, va. to recover, collect, receive what is due, recover what is lost ; to retrieve, recu- perate, regain ; to feel, gain ; to pull, draw in ; to win, obtain : cobrar 4nimo or corazbn, to take courage : cobrar fuerzas, to gather strength : cobrar carnes, to become fat. — vr. to recover ; to return to one's self. CObratoriO, ia, a. belonging to collection of money ; collectible. CObre, to. copper ; kitchen brass utensils ; (mus.) the brass instruments of an orches- tra : cobre de cecial, pair of dried hake 01 haddock: batir el cobre, (coll.) to pursue with spirit and vigour. CObre&O, fla, a. made of copper. CObrlzO, za [co-bree-thaw' j, a. coppery, cupreous, copperish. CObro, TO. V. COBRANZA ; receptacle ; place of safety. coca, /. (hot.) coca; coca leaves; juice from the same : coca de Levante, moonseed yield- ing the India fish-berries ; (prov.) bugbear. V. TARASCA ; (naut.) sort of small vessel; side-hair of women put back from forehead ; (coll.) head; (coll.) rap with the knuckles on the head ; cake. COCador, ra, a. wheedling, coaxing, flatter- ing. cocaina,/. cocaine, COCal, TO, coconut grove. COCar, va. (coll. ) to coax ; to gain by wheed- ling and nattering ; to flirt. COOiUl, TO. (Peru) breast of a fowl. COCarar, va. to gather coca-leaves. coccineo, nea tcoc-tiiie'-neii-o], a, of a purple colour. C0CCl6ll [coc-tlile-on'1, /. COCtion. CdCClX [cok'-thicksi, m. (anat.) the coccyx. coceador, ra [co-ti.eh-ah-dor'i, to. &/. kicker. ^ coceadura, /. coceamiento, w. kicking. COCear (co-theh-ar' i, va. to kick, fling out. V, ACOCEAR ; (coll.) to repugn, resist. COCederO, ra, a. easily boiled. cocedero, to. place where anything is cooked or baked, COCediZO, za [co-theh'-dee-thawl, a. V. COCEDERO. COcedor, to, boiler of must and new wine; baking-oven, COCedura,/. act of boiling ; coctios, COCer [co-therr'), va. {ind. CUEZO : subj. CUEZA) to boil, cook, dress victuals ; to bate bricks, tiles, earthenware; to digest. — vn. to boil, cook, ferment; to seethe, ferment, without fire, as wine. — it, to suffer intense and con« tinned pain. » as in far ■ e in eh I ; 1 in police ; • lu for ; a ia bull ; e (before e, i) aud B as th in thick : b and d, aott ,' COG 123 COE COCidO, da [co-thee'-doh], a. & pp. of COCER ; boiled, baked, cooked : came bien cocida, meat well done ; skilled, experienced. — m. Spanish dish of boiled meat and vegetables. COCiente, m, quotient. V. cuociENTE. COClmientO, m. coction, decoction ; bath or mordant for dyeing, COCina [co-thie'-nah], /. kitchen, cookerv ; pot- tage of greens : cocina econ6mica, cooking- range. COCiuar, va. to cook or dress victuals ; (coll.) to meddle in other people's affairs. cocinero, ra [co-tiiie-neh'-ro], m. &/. cook, chef. COCinilla, ita, /. diin. small kitchen ; cook- ing-stove ; fire-place. Cbclea, /. ancient machine for raising water ; endless screw. COClearia, /. (bot.) common scurvy-grass. COCO, m. (bot.) coconut-tree; coconut; coco- nut-shell ; vessel made of coconut-shell : agua de coco, coconut^milk : coco nacido, sprout : coco vano, dry : coco zarazo, rot : coco de embarqae, select : coco pequeno, cull : worm or grub bred in seeds and fruit ; coc- cus ; scale insect ; coccus, a bacterium of spherical form ; bugbear for frightening children ; phantasm ; cocos, India berries from which rosaries are made ; gesture, grimace ; flattering gesture : hacer cocob, (coll.) to flatter, wheedle, gain one's affec- tions ; to flirt, coquet. COCObOlO, VI. (bot.) hardwood-tree ; cocobolo. COCOdrilO, m. crocodile. COCOliste, m. in Mexico, an epidemic fever. c6cora, m. &f. an impertinent and annoying person, a bore. COCOSO, sa, a. worm-eaten ; gnawed by grubs. COCOtal, m. clump of coconut-trees. COCOte, m. occiput. V. cogote. COCOtero, m. (bot.) coconut-tree. V. coco. COCUyO or cucuyo, m. glow-worm of the West Indies. COClia, /. in mines, small reservoir of water. COChambre, m. (coll.) greasy, dirty, stink- ing thing. cochambreria, /. (coll.) heap of filthy things. cochambrero, ra, cocbambroso, sa, a. (coll.) nasty, filthy, stinking. COCbaiTO, m. wooden or stone dish, cup, or platter. COCbastrO, m. little sucking wild boar. COCbe, m. coach, carriage : coche de alqniler or coche Biin6n, hack or hackney-coach : coche de plaza or de punto, hack licensed at a cus- tomary stand : coche de tranvia, street car : coche salon, parlour car ; coche dormitorio, sleeping car : coche parado, balcony over a street full of persons. COChear, vn. to drive a coach. COCbera, /. coach-house ; coachman's wife : paerta cochera, carriage-door. COCberil, a. (coll.) relating to coachmen. COCbero, m. coachman. — a. easily boiled. C0Cber6n, m. aug. large coach-house ; engine- house ; round-house. cocbevira,/. lard. COcbevis, m. the crested shore-lark. COCbifrito, m. fricassee of lamb, mutton, etc. COCbigatO,m. bird of Mexico. cocbina, /. sow. COCbinada,/. herd of swine ; (coll.) hoggish- ness ; any mean, dirty action. cocbinamente, adv. foully, hoggishly, filth- ily, nastily, meanly, basely. COChinata,/. (naut.) rider. COCbineria, /. dirtiness, foulness, filthiness, nastiness, meanness, niggardliness. COCbinero, ra, «. used of fruits poor in qual* ity, given to hogs. COCblnllla, /. woodlouse, small insect ; coclw ineal, insect of commercial value. COCbinillO, ilia, m. & /. dim. sucking pigt cochinillo de Indias, guinea-pig. COCbino, na, m. & /. dirty, nasty, filthy, mean ; vile person. cocbino, m. pig. v. puERco, cocbiquera [co-chi-keh'-rah], /. (coll.) hog-sty; small and filthy room. cocbite hervite, (coll.) helter-skelter. COCbltrll, m. (coll.) pig-sty ; filthy room. COCbura, /. coction; boiling; dough for a batch of bread. coda, /. tail. V. COLA ; (mus.) coda, ending, finale. COdadura,/. layer of an old vine. COdal, m. elbow-piece of ancient armour; short and thick wax candle ; shoot of vine ; frame of a hand-saw : codales, carpenter's square ; prop, shore, stay, strut ; stay-bolt. COdal, a. cubital, one cubit long : palo codal, stick hung round the neck as a penance. COdaste, m. (naut.) stern-post. COdazo, m. blow with the elbow ; a hunch, codear, vn. to elbow. COdeina, f. codeia, codein. COdelincuencia, /. association in crime. COdellncuente, m. & /. associate, partner in crime, pal. COdera, /. itch or scabbiness on the elbow ; piece re-enforcing the elbows of jackets ; elbow-rail ; (naut.) breastfast. COdesera, /. spot grown over with hairy cytisus. COdesO, m. (bot.) hairy cytisus. C6dlce, m. old manuscript ; codex. COdicia [co-dee'-thie-ah], /. covetousness, cupidi- ty, greediness, ardent desire of good things. codlclable, a. covetable. codiciador, m. coveter. codiciante, pa. coveting, codiciar, va. to covet. COdicilar, a. pertaining to a codicil. COdicilO [co-de-ttiee'-lo], m. COdicil. codiciosamente, adv. covetously, greedily. COdiciOSO, sa [co--Ko<>-ho-neii'-io\ a. pointed, as the corners of mattresses or bolsters. COgulla,/. cowl, monk's habit. coguUada, /. v. papada de puerco. conabltaci6n [co-ah-be-tau-thie-on';, /, cohabita- tion. COhabitar, vn. to cohabit, live together, CObecha [co-a'-chah], /, (agr.) last tillage be- fore sowing the crop. CObechador, m. briber, suborner. CObecbar [co-a-char'i, va. to bribe, suborn, hire, daub, fee; (agr.) to plough the last time before sowing. CObecbO [co-a'-cho], m. bribery; (agr.) season for ploughing the ground. C0b6ll [co-en], m. & f. soothsayer ; procurer, pimp. COberedera, /. coheiress, joint-heiress. COberederO, m. coheir, fellow-heir, joint- heir. COberencia [co-a-ren'-tiiie-air, /. coherence, con- nection, adhesion of molecules. COberente (c<>-a-ren'-teh], o. coherent, consist- ent, cohesive. coberentemente, adv. cohesively. cobesibn [coa-ae-on'], /. cohesion, cobesivo, va, a. cohesive. CObete [co-a'-tehl, m. rocket or sky-rocket. CObeteria,/. fire-works shop. CObetero, m. maker or seller of fire-works. CObibicibn [co-«-be-thie-oii'], /. prohibition, re- straint. CObibir [co-e-Wrr*], va. to cohibit, prohibit, re- strain. CObObacibn,/. (ehem.) cohobation. CObobar, va. to redistil, cohobate. cobombral [co-om-braiii'j, m. cucumber-bed. CObombrillO, m. dim. gherkin. CObombro [co-om'-bro', VI. cucumber; fritter cut into pieces like a cucumber. CObonestar [co-o-nes-tar'J, va. to give an honest appearance to an action. COborte [coor'-teii],/. cohort. COlma, /. perquisite received by the keeper of a gaming-taole. COime, COimerO, m. keeper of a gaming- table ; scorer at billiards. COinCidenCia [co-ln-tlile-den'-tliie-ali], /. coinci- dence, concurrence. COincidente, pa. coincident, concurrent, consistent, COincidir [co-in-tuie-dirr'], vn. to concur, coin- cide. COinqUlnarSe [co-ln-key-nar'-Beh], vr. to be stained. V. mancharsk. cointeresado, da, a. jointly interested. COitO, TO. coition, carnal coi)ulation. cola [co' -hah], /. (ooll.) lewd wouiau. COiear [co-hehar'], r?i. to liiup, halt, hobble ; to deviate from virtue. COjcra Ico-heh'-rah], /. lameness, halt, hobble, limp. COJijO [co-hee'-ho\ to. complaint of some slight injury ; grub or insect. COJijOSO, sa [co-he-ho'-so', a. peevish, irritable. COjin[ot>-heen'l,j;i. cushion, pillow, saddle pad. COJlnete, COjinlUo,' wj. dim. cushionet, small cushion, small pillow, pad; rail chair; (niech. ) journal bearing ; shaft bearing ; pil- low block. * •• 1 tax ; e in eb I ; 1 In police ; o in for ; u in ball ; c (before e, 1) and z as tli In thick ; b and d, loit ; COJ 125 COL COJitranco, ca, «. nickname for evil-dis- posed lame persons. COJO, ja [co'-hoj, n. & a. lame, cripple, halt. coi 6n [co-hone'], m. (low) testicle. F. testiculo. coi udo, da, a. entire, not gelt or castrated. COmelO, ela, a. dim. a small cripple. cok, m. coke. V. coque. col, /. cabbage : this name is given to several varieties. cola, /. tail, cue ; tail end ; hind portion of anything ; extremity ; trail of a comet ; ap- pendage ; tail of a kite ; line of people await- ing turn ; end seat in a row ; lowest place ia a school class ; (arch.) inside joint : cola de milano, (carp.) swallow-tail, fan-tail: cola de golondrina, (fort. ) horn-work ; (mus. ) prolonged note at end of a song : cola de ca- ballo, (bot.) horse-tail : cola de rata, (mech.) rat-tail file: tener or traer cola, (coll.) to be followed by serious consequences ; (sew. ) train of a gown. <:Ola>, /. glue; cola clara, transparent glue: cola de pescado, isinglass: cola de retazo or ratal, size used by painters : cola de boca, lip glue. COlaboracibn, /. collaboration, working to- gether. COlaborador, ra, m. & /. fellow-labourer, collaborator, coworker. colaborar, va. to collaborate. COlacidn [co-iah-thie-on'i, /. collation, critical comparison ; act of bestowing an ecclesias- tical benefice, or conferring degrees in uni- versities ; conference on spiritual affairs ; slight repast, luncheon ; sweetmeats given to servants on Christmas eve ; precinct or district of a parish : sacar 4 colacion, to make mention of a person or thing : traer & colaci6n, (coll.) to produce proofs or reasons ; to introduce, in conversation, something ir- relevant. colacionar, va. to collate. colact^neo, nea, m. & /. foster brother or sister. COlada,/. wash, buck, bucking; common, an open ground ; road for cattle over a com- non ; (met.) tap of a furnace; (coll.) a good sword. COladera, /. strainer, colander; wax-chan- dler's sieve ; (Mex.) perforated sink cover. COladero, m. colander, strainer, drainer, fil- tering bag; narrow passage; (min.) hole for dumping ore. COlador, m. colander. V. coladero ; col- lator ; (print. ) leach-tub. COladora, /. woman who bucks clothes. COladura, /. eolation, straining, filtration : coladuras, wax dregs. COlaire, m. place through which a current of air passes. colambre, /. (tan.) v. corambre. COlanilla,/. small sliding-bolt ; sash-bolt. COla&a, /. low partition in stairs or grana- ries ; joist about twenty palms long and six inches broad. colapez, colaplscis, /. isinglass, v. cola DE PESCADO. COlapsO, m. (raed.) collapse, prostration. COlar, va. & vn. (ind. CUELO : subj. cuele) to strain, drain, pass through, percolate, filter ; to bleach clothing after washing ; to collate ; (coll. ) to spread false news ; to pass counter- feit money ; to pass through a strait place ; (coll.) to drink wine. — vr. to strain, be fil- tered; to steal into a place; (coll.) to be displeased with a jest. COlateral, a. collateral. colateralmente, adv. collaterally. COlativO, va, «. collative ; that which can strain or filter. C0lc6tar, m. (chem.) colcothar ; rouge ; jew- ellers' red, COlcha,/. coverlet, quilt, counterpane. COlchadura, /. quilting ; (naut.) laying or twisting ropes. COlchar, va. to quilt. V. ACOLCHAR : colchar cabos, (naut. ) to lay or twist ropes : carro de colchar, rope-maker's sledge. COlchero, m. quilt-maker. c61chlC0, m. (bot.) colchicum, meadow saf- fron. C0lcll6ll, m. mattress : colchon de pluma, feather-bed : colchon de muelles, spring-mat- tress : colchon de viento, air cushion, air-bed. COlchonciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small mat- tress. COlcllOIiero, ra, m,. & f. mattress-maker, feather-bed-maker : agnja colchonera, tufting needle. COlchoneta, /. quilted covering for a lounge. COleada, /. wag of the tail; (Sp. Amer.) act of felling a bull by a twist of the tail. COleadura, /. wagging of the tail, wriggling. COleador, m. (Sp. Amer.) man who fells a bull by twisting its tail. COlear, V7i. to wag the tail, wriggle, to wig- gle-waggle. — va. (Mex.) in bull-fights, to take the Dull by the tail, while on horseback, and, by suddenly starting the horse, to overturn him ; (S. Amer.) to fell a bull by twisting his tail. C0lecci6ll,/. collection, aggregation, accumu- lation ; set ; suit ; array ; gathering. COlecta, /. ass0lgar, va. {ind. CUELGO : pret. coLGufi : stibj. cuelgue) to hang up, suspend, hoist; to adorn with hangings ; (coll.) to kill by hang- ing. — vn. to hang from, to be suspended; dangle ; flag, hover, droop : colgar loi li4bi- toi, to doff the cassock. ^Oliblanca, /. (orn.) an eagle of South America. *" t«dL COlirlO, '«. GoUyrium^, eye-wash, COlisabr/- (aotL..) swivel gun. COliseo,."^. theatre, oppTa-house,.plaiy-hou8e-> COlislbn, /. ooUision, jrush, clash;, bnujae. ehaie, soneuess isow cubbing.; oppositiony claah oi' ideas, COliti^^ante,. m. op* ^ carries- on. a^ la.w»uit with another.. COlmadamenter adv. abundantly,, plentit- fully. COlmado^ <*a,. a^. &Ued,. heaped.r— m^. fine {pM>^ eery. — *» oicotM^AR. COlxaa" a. tO' iMsujf. upv fill to ' the- boimi;, to- fulfil jJteup.. V. iA.KS^^^•, tobest-owlib. erally. colmena, /. bee-hive. COlmenar, /. apiary, colmenero, m. bee-keeper,, bee^uastes :: oso- colmmero, hooey-eating, bean. COlmenilla, /. (sot.) morel or mocil,. edfibls mushroom^ COlmillada, /. injury made by an eye«4i(»otlu COlmillar, a., belnioging to the eye-tootlu COlmillaZO [colrn»eel-ly«h'-thaw], m. augt. larga eye-touth ;. woaud mode by aUi eye-tooih or fang. COlnullejO, m... dim. saiaXi eye-t400th^ £aJi^ oc tusk. ColndBo,,™. eye-tooth, caoine-tootli,. fang^ l(Hig tusk : eBonpir por eL oomillo,. ^colL ) to> bragr bea&t : mostrar los colmiUoB,. (coll. ) toi showspixil; and resolution: tenat aalmUlos^ (colL) to. be- qjuick-sighted, not easily im.- posed upon. COlmilludOr dx a. bavimg eye-teeth, fajig^ or tusks ; sagacious, quick-sighted. COlmOy m. heajfk,. complement ; finishing, cenif- pletion, cro-wii ; overraiea.sure ; fill ; thatchedl roof^ height: llegar k. eolmo,. to reach per- fection : ^.ealsio, abundantly,, pfentifully. COlmo,. ma^ «- heaping full. COlOcacidn,./. employmient, pl>a«e, office. sit»- ation, position ]. locatiotk,. placement ;, olstiri* bution of parts. COlOCar, ta. {pret. cOLOQufi.: subj. coloque) to arrange, put in due place or ordev ; to place, provide one with a situation or em* ployment ; to collocate, locate, lay. COlOCasia,/, (hot.) Egyptian bean. colocutor, ra, m. &f. collocutor. COlodl6n, 7n. collodion. COlodra, /. milk-pail ; a kit ; a pailftil ; wood- en can for measuring wine ; drinking can with a handle ; drinking horn with a cork bottom ; whetstone ease : mf vna colodra. (coll.) to be a toper or tippler. COlodrazgO, m. tax on wine sold in small quantities. colodrillo, m. occiput, hind part of the bead. COlof6n, m. (print.) colophon. COlOfonia, /. colophony ; resin. COlofonita, /. garnet of a light-green or rosy- red colour. COlombiano, na, a. of or belonging to Co- lombia. COlomblno, na, a. pertaining to Columbus or his family. colon, m. colon, the largest of the intestines ; (gram.) principal part or member of a period; (gram, and print.) colon (:): colon imperfecto, semicolon (;) ; a gold coin in C. America. COlonatO, m. system of colonization. COlonche, "). (Mex.) intoxicating drink from the sap of the cactus and sugar. COlonia, /. colony, colonized country ; a plan- « as iQ far ; e in eh 1 ; i in police ; O In for ; n in boll ; C (before e, 1) and z as th in thick ; b and d, aill| COL 127 COM tation ; silk riLbou two fingers wide: meiia colonia. silk ribbon one finger wide. colonial, a. colonial. colonizacibn, /. colonization. colonizador, ra, «. colonizer. colonlzar, va. {pret. cx)i.0Nic]6: subj. COLO- NICE) to colonize, settle. COlono, m. color ist, settler, planter, farmer. COlofiO, m. load of wood which a person car- ries on his back. COloquintida, /. (bot.) colocynth or colo- quintida ; bitter apple or gourd. COloquiO [co-io'-ke-o], w. colloquy, conversa- tion, talk. color, m. colour, hue ; dye, paint, rouge ; pre- text, pretence, false show or appearance ; colouring, tint, complexion ; flush, blush, aspect : color vivo, bright colour : color muer- to or quebrado, wan or faded colour : sacarle los eolorcB i. una persona, to make a person blush : 80 color, on pretence, under pretext : de color, coloured : colores nacionales, na- tional flag. (;Oloracl6ll,/. colouring, coloration, painting. Colorado, da, a. ruddy, florid, red; indeli- cate, smutty ; coloured, specious : ponerse Colorado, to blush with shame : poner k al- guno Colorado, to put one to the blush.— ^. of COLORAR. COlorante, pa. colouring. COlorar, va. to dye, paint, stain, tint, tinge, colour, lay on colours. COloratiVO, va, a. colorific, tingeing. COlorear, va. to make plausible, palliate, ex- cuse. — vn. to redden, grow red. COlorete, m. rouge. COlorido, m. colouring or colour ; pretext, pretence. COlorido, da, a. colorate.— pp. of colorik. coloridor, ra, m. & f. v. coix>rista. OOlorin, m. (om.) linnet ; bright, vivid, loud ' colour. COlorlr, va. to colour artistically ; to make plausible, V. colorear. COlorista, m. colourist. COlOSal, a. colossal, huge, gigantic. COloSO, m. colossus, a great man ; a mammoth thing. COlpa, /. whitish sort of copperas ; a flux. c61quiC0 [coi'-ke-co], m. colchicum, meadow saffron. COlumbino, na, a. dove-like, innocent, can- did. COlumbrar, va. to spy, perceive, discern at a distance, to see afar oft ; to trace a thing by conjectures. columelar, m. incisor. COllunna /. column, round pillar, support ; supp>orter, protector • pile of things ; column of air or water ; body of soldiers ; newspa- per column; (arith.) row: colnmna milia- ria, milestone : eolumna vertebral, spine : co- lumna salombnica, twisted column. COlmnnariO, ria, a. columnar, applied to the money coined in Spanish America, with the impressions of two columns. columnata, /. colonnade. COlumpiar,va. to swing. — vr. to swing; (coll.) to waddle. COlumpiO, m. a swing ; meritot. coluna, /. V. column a. COlunita, /. dim. small column. COlurlbn, m. (orn.) lesser butcher-bird, flusher. COlurO, m. (ast.) colure. colusidn,/. collusion. COlusoriamente, adv. collasively, fraudu- lently. COlUSOriO, ria, a. collusory, collusive. COlutoriO, TO. (pharm.) gargle. COluvle, /. gang of rascals ; sewer, sink. colza, /. (bot.) colza, summer rape. COlzal,/. cole wort-seed. COlla, /. collet, piece of ancient armour; (Philip.) continuous squalls preceding the monsoons ; a channel of an auger ; last oakum placed in a seam. collaci6n,/. v. colaci6n. COUadO, m. height, fell, hillock, collar, TO. necklace ; chain or cord from ■which hang certain insignia of honour^ collar, collet. COllarcitO, m. dim. small necklace. COllaxejO, to. dim. small collar or necklace. COllarin, m. black neck-stock edged with white, worn by the Roman Catholic clergy. V. ALZACUELLO ; collar of a coat. COllarlnO, m. (arch.) half round, torus. V. ASTRAGALO. COllazO [coi-lyah'-thaw], w. ploughman, farm- hand, hired man. COlleja[«^ol-lyeh'-hah], /. (bot.) lamb'S-lcttuCC OF corn-salad : coUejas, slender nerves in a sheep's neck. COllera, /. collar, breast^harness for draught- cattle ; horse-collar ; (naut.) stay of the dead-blocks, C0ller6ll, m. harness collar, hame. COlleta, (bot.) small kind of cabbage. C0ll6n, TO. (coll.) coward, a poltroon, meair fellow. coUonada/. (coll.) cowardliness. colloneria, /. (coll.) cowardice. coma, /. comma ( , ) ; (mus.) each of the parts' into which a tone is divided. coma, TO. (med.)coma, profound insensibility. COmadre, /. midwife ; godmother ; (coll. ) a gossip. comaorear, vn. to gossip, tattle. comadreja,/. weasel. comadrero, ra, a. one who gossips from house to house. C0madr6n, to. man-midwife, accoucheur. COmal, TO. (Mex.) flat earthenware pan for cooking maize cake. comalia, comalicidn, /. epizootic disease among sheep. comandado, da, pp. & a. (mil. ) officered. COmandancla,/. command; office of a com. mander ; province or district of a com- mander : comandancia militar, military com- mand : Comandancia general de Marina, The High Court of Admiralty. COmandanta, /. commander's wife. COmanda.nte, to. & pa. commander, chief, commandant, leader ; (mil.) officer of rank equivalent to the Anglo-Saxon major. COmandar, va. (mil.) to command, govern. COmandita, /. (com.) silent partnership; ir Louisiana called partnership in commen* dam. COmanditariO, a, a. (com.) belonging or re- lating to a silent partnership. COmanditariO, to. (com.) silent partner; ii» Louisiana, partner in commendam. COmandO, to. (mil.) command. V. mando. COmarca,/. territory, district ; border, boun dary, limit. comarcano, na, a. neighbouring, near, bor dering upon. comarcar, va. {pret. comarqu^: subj. CO" marque) to plant trees in a straight line, sc as to form walks. — vn. to border, to confin* upon. COmatOSO, sa, a. (med.t comatose. COmba,/. curvature, warp, bend, bulge, bilge, t (beiek'-8o], a. arduous, difficult, complicated, complex, not simple; (anat.) applied to one of the muscles of the head.— m. a complex. C0mpllCaCi6n [com-ple-cah-thle-on*],/. complica- tion, complexure. complicadamente, adv. v. complicado. complicado, da, pp &a. complicate. COmplicar, va. {pret. complique: subj. COiX' plique) to complicate, jumble things to- gether. c6mpllce, com. accomplice, co-operator, as- sociate, complice, abetter, accessory. COmpliCidad [com-i)lea-thie-dahd'), /. accCSSOri- ness, complicity. COmplot, m, plot, conspiracy. componedor , ra, m. & /. composer, writer, author, contriver, mender, repairer, arbi- trator. — m. (print.) composing-stick. COmponenda, /. fees paid for bulls and li- censes ; arbitration, compromise. COmponente, pa. component. componer, va. (/jp.compuesto: inrf.coMPON- Go : pret. COMPUSE : subj. componga) to com- pose ; to compound ; to construct ; to sum up, amount to ; to frame, devise ; to invent ; to mend, repair, heal, restore ; to strengthen, fortify ; to furnish, trim, fit up, garnish ; to compose, reconcile, accommodate, adjust ; ar- bitrate, compromise, settle, compose differ- ences ; to ward off a danger ; (mus.) to com- pose ; to compile a book ; to write verses ; (print. ) to compose tyj>es : componer el wm- blante, to put on a calm or sedate appear- ance : componer tanto de renta, to have so much a year. — vr. to clothe one's self; to compose, calm, quiet one's self: componirse- la», to shift for ones self: componte, secret order by which an obnoxious person is done away with. ft M in far : e in eh t : i In police ; o in for ; » In bull ; e (^fore e, l) and 8 as th in thick ; b and 'd, aolt; <30M 131 COM eomponlble, «. •eoaiii;pouiMla:bi-tiiie-on'i,/. conception, act of conceiving ; idea, comprehension, con- ceit, fancy ; among Catholics, the immacu- late conception of uie Holy Virgin ; religious feast on Dec. 8 ; picture representing the Holy Virgin : la Concepcl6n de Morillo, Mu- rillo's Madonna. % as :d far ; • In eh I ; i tn police ; O in for ; a ta boll ; e (before e, 1) and z as th In thlr.lL ; b and d, soft ; CON 1»3 OON COnceptear, m. to give smart repartees. COnceptible, «. couceivable, that may be imagined. ^Onceptlsmo, m. literary style abounding in witty sentences and epigrams. COnceptista, m. a wit, epigrammatizer. eoncepto, m. conceit, thought, idea, or con- ception expressed in words ; sentiment ; pithy sentence, epigram, flash of wit, pun, judgment, opinion, estimation, favourable opinion. COnceptualismo, m. conceptualism. •COnceptualista, «. conceptualist. COnceptuar, va. to conceive, judge, tbuiK, form an opinion. couceptuosamente, ado. ingeniously, wit- tily, pithily expressed. COnceptuoso, sa, a. witty, sententious, epi- grammatic. COncernencia, /. concernment, relation, in- fluence. COnCemiente [con-ther-ne-en'-teh], pa. concern- ing. COncemir, v. def. {ind. ello CONCIERNE : subj. ello co»^cierna) to regard, concern, belong or appertain to. V. ataner. COncertadamente, adv. regularly, orderly, methodically, concertedly ; by agreement or appointment. COncertador, m. regulator, adjuster, expe- diter. COncertante, a. (mus.) concerted, arranged for two or more voices or instruments. COnCertar [con-ther-tar], va. {ind. CONCIERTO : subj. concierte) to concert, arrange by agreement, adjust, harmonize, accord ; to settle the price of things ; to bargain, cove- nant, conclude an agreement, close a deal ; ■(mus.) to harmonize musical instruments ; to compare, estimate the relative qualities of things ; to beat about the bush ; start or rouse the game. — vn. to agree, accord, suit one another. — vr. to go hand in hand ; to concert, covenant, contrive, design. COncertista, m. &/. person who manages or performs in concerts. 50ncesi6n [con-tiieh-se-on'], /. concession, grant, acknowledgment. COncesionariO, m. (law) grantee, conces- sionary. COncia,/. prohibited part of a forest. concibo, conclba {irr. from concebir). conclencla [con-tiue-en'-twe-Rh], /. conscience, scrupulosity, conscientiousness, conscious- ness : k conciencia, conscientiously : en con- clencla, in good earnest, in truth : ancho de conclencla, not overscrupulous, not too con- scientious : eatrecho de conciencia, overscru- pulous, narrow-minded. concienzudamente, adv. conscientiously, scrupulously. COncienzudO, da [con-thle-en-thoo'-doh], a. con- scientious, scrupulous, exactly just ; assidu- ous. COnciertO [con-thie-err'-toh], m. good order and arrangement of things ; concert ; bargain ; agreement ; contract, accommodation ; act of beating the wood with hounds to start the game ; musical concert ; concerto, a musical composition : de conclerto, by agree- ment. concierto, concierte (irr. from concer- tar). COnclliable, a. reconcilable, capable of con- ciliation. COnclllAbulO, m. conventicle ; unlawful as- sembly or meeting. C0IlCiliaCl6n [con-thie-le-ah-tliie-on'], /. concilia- tion ; act of settling disputes ; affinity ; act of obtaining esteem, friendship, or favour. COnciliador, ra, m. & /. conciliator, peace- maker, iiRconciler. COncillar, va. to conciliate or compose differ- ences ; to conciliate, gain, win the affection or esteem of others ; reconcile ; to accord ; reconcile two or more doctrines or proposi- tions seemingly contraries : conclliar el sueno, to induce sleep : conclliar las amlstades, to make friends. conclliar, a. conclliar, relating to councils. — m. member of a council. COnciliativO, va, a. conciliatory. COnciliO, m. council, meeting, congress ; as- sembly of bishops ; collection of decrees. COncisamente, adv. concisely, briefly, short- ly, laconically. COncisibn, /. conciseness, brevity, terseness. COnciSO, sa, a. concise, brief, short, laconic. COnCitaCibn [con-tliie-tah-thie-on'],/. COncitation, act of stirring up. COncitador, m. instigator, inciter. COncitar, va. to excite ; to stir up commo- tions. COncitatiVO, va, a. inciting; stirring up commotions. conciudadano, m. fellow-citizen, townsman, countryman. conclave or c6nclave, m. conclave ; place in which the cardinals meet to elect a pope ; meeting held by the cardinals ; close meet- ing or assembly. COnclavista, m. conclavist; domestic of a cardinal. concluir, va. (pp. concluido and concluso: ind. CONCLUYO: subj. cx)NCLuya) to con- clude, end, terminate, finish, close, com- plete, make up, despatch ; to convince with reason, make evident, silence by argument ; to decide finally, determine ; to infer, de- duce; to close judicial proceedings; to sub- mit to a final decision ; (fenc.) to disarm an adversary by engaging the guard of his sword. COnclUSidn,/. conclusion, end ; close or clos- ure ; date ; issue ; conclusion of the proceed- ings in a lawsuit ; conclusion, inference, de- duction, consequence ; thesis in schools : en conclusion, finally. COnclUSiVO, va, a. conclusional, conclusive, final. COnclUSO, sa, a. concluded, closed, termi- nated.— p^. irr. of CONCLUIR. COncluyente, pa. concluding, concludent, conclusive, conclusional. concluyentemente, adv. conclusively. concluyo, concluya (irr. from concluir). COncofrade, m. he who belongs to the same brotherhood with another. COncoideo, a, a. conchoidal, resembling a shell. COncolega, m. fellow-collegian. concomerse, vr. (coll.) to shrug the shoul- ders. concomimiento, concomido, m. (coll.) shrugging of the shoulders. COncomitancia, /. concomitance, circum- stantial evidence. COncomitante, pa. concomitant, concurrent- acoom))anying, accessory. COncordable, a. concordant, conformable, agreeable, accommodable, consistent with. COncordacibn, /. co-ordination, combina- tion, conformation, conformity. COncordador, m. conciliator,' peacemaker, moderator. COncordancia, /. concordance, concord, f (before e, 1) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny iu canyon ; r (liMtUl) and rr triUed ; I, Ufi-seO. 10 CON 134 CON agreement, conformity ; harmony, concord of sounds ; concordance of text or words ; grammatical concord.— p/. index. COncordante, pa. concordant, agreeing. COncordar, va. Mnd. concuerdo : subj. CON- cuerde) to accord, regulate ; to make agree, compromise. — vn. to accord, agree, comport, conform, comply, tally, concord ; to be con- genial, be in accord. concordata, /. concordato, m. concordat, covenant made by a government with the Pope. Concorde, a. concordant, agreeable, agreeing, tallying. ccncordemente, adv. with one accord. Concordia, /• concord, conformity, union, narmouy ; agreement, settlement out of court : de concordia, jointly, by common con- sent. concorpdreo, rea, «. concorporeal, of the same body. concreci6n, /. concretion. concreclonar, vn. to fonn concretions. OOnCreSCenCia [con-cres-thane'-thle-ah],/. (phys. ) concrescence. concretamente, adv. concretely. COncretar, va. to combine, unite, concrete. — rr. to be reduced to speaking or treating of one subject only. COncretO, ta, a. (logic) concrete, not ab- stracted. — m. concrete, formed by concre- tion. concubina, /. concubine, mistress. concubinaiio, m. one who keeps a mistress. concubinato, m. concubinage. COncubitO, m. coition. concuerdo, concuerde {irr. from concor- DAR). conculcar, va. {pret. conculquk: subj. con- culque) to trample under foot. COncu&adO, da, m. & /. brother or sister-in- law, term confined to persons who are mar- riea to two brothers or sisters. COnCUplSCenCia [con-coo-pis-thane'-thle-ahlj/. con- cupiscence, lust, cupidity ; avarice, inordi- nate desire. concuplscible, a. concupiscible, impressing desire. COncurrencia, /. convention or assembly of persons ; concurrence, coincidence ; compe- tition in trade. COncurrente, pa. concurrent, coincident. COncurrir, vn. to concur; to meet in one point, time, or place ; assist, attend ; to con- tribute ; to coincide, agree with or agree to- gether ; to compete in trade. COncursar, va. (law) to lay an injunction on the goods and chattels of an insolvent debtor. COncursO, nu concourse, confluence of per- sons; conflux, crowd, congregation, assem- bly; aid, assistance ; competitive contest be- tween candidates for a professorship, curacy, etc. : concorio de acreedores, meeting of cred- itors. COncusidn, /. concussion, shaking, shock ; exaction, extortion, blackmailing: concuil6n violenta, concussation. COncusionariO, ia, a. concussive, shaking ; extortioner, blackmailer. concha, /. shell, case, carapace ; a mollusk, shell-fish, oyster ; tortoise-shell ; any object that has the shape of a shell ; prompter's box • bay in the shape of a horse-shoe ; basin ; fixed grindstone in mills ; ancient copper coin, worth about three farthings: concha de nicar, mother-of-pearl shell ; (arch.) vol- ute ; conch ; the external ear ; shell of a dagger or cutlass ; shell-shaped covering of the spike of Indian corn : concha de cabrei- tante, (naut.) socket of the capstan: con- chas de escobenes, (naut.) navel-woods or na- vel-hoods : tener muchas conchas, to be very reserved, artful, cunning : meterse en sn con- cha, to become a recluse. concnabanza [con-cimh-bahn'-thah], /. manner of making one's self easy and comfortable ; (coll. ) plotting, conspiracy. COnchabar, va. to join, unite, meet ; to mix inferior wool with the superior at shearing- time. — vr. to unite for some evil purpose ; to plot, conspire. conchado, da, a. scaly, crustaceous, shelly. concbal, a. v. seda conchal. conchil, m. rock-shell ; murex. conchilla, ita, /. dim. small shell. COnchudO, da, a. shelly, scaly, crustaceous, ostraceous ; cunning, crafty, close, reserved. conchuela,/. dim. v. conchilla. COndadO, m. earldom, county ; dignity of a count or earl. COndal, «. relating to the dignity of an earl or count. conde, m. earl, count ; overseer ; elected head or chief of the gipsies. condecente, a. convenient, fit, proper. COndecoraci6n, /. decoration, embellishing or decorating ; jewelled insignia of knight- hood, medal, badge. COndecorar, va. to ornament, adorn, embeK lish ; to honour, reward ; to bestow a medal or insignia ; to knight. COndena, /. the clerk of the court's attesta- tion of the sentence of a condemned crimi- nal ; sentence, term of imprisonment, pen- ance. COndenable, a. condemnable, blamable, cul- pable, damnable. C0ndenaci6n, /. condemnation, sentence to nunishmeut ; punishment, mulct, fine ; eter- nal damnation. condenado, da, m. & /. one condemned to eternal punishment. condenado, da, a. & pp. of condenar ; con demned, damned, sentenced. COndenador, ra, m. &/. cocdemner, blamex censurer. COndenar, va, to sentence, pronounce judg ment; to damn, to condemn, censure, blame, to refute, disapprove ; to nail or wall up a door, window, or passage ; to condemn a structure as unsafe. — vr. to condemn one's self, acknowledge one's fault; to incur eter- nal punishment. COndenatoriO, ria, a. condemnatory, dam- natory. COndensabUldad, /. the quality of being condensable. condensable, a. condensable. C0ndensaci6n,/. condensation, compression. COndensador, ra, »». & f. condenser, air- compressor : condensador de faerzaa, accumu- lator : condensador eUctrico, storage batt«ry. COndensante, i>a. condensing, compressing. COndensar, va. to thicken, condense, com- press.— cr. to be condensed ; to gather. condensativo, va, a. condensative. COndensidad, /. condensity, condensation. COndesa, ./". countess, heiress to an earldom. COndeSCendencia [con-des-tliaue-den'-thle-aJi), /. condescendence, condescension, condescend- ing, compliance, complacency. C0ndeBCender[con-a. public lecturer. ti (before e, 1) and J as h in bot ; b, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, biased. CON 136 CON COnferenclax, va. to confer, consult together, take counsel, hold an interview ; to give a public lecture. COnferir, va. {ind. confiero : subj. CONFIE- ra) to confer ; to compare, deliberate, com- mune ; to give, bestow, confer, award. COnfesa, /. nun who was a widow. confesado, da, a. & pp. of confesar ; con- fessed. — m. &f. (coll.) penitent. confesante, pa. he who confesses before a judge. confesar, va. {pp. confesado and confeso : . ind. confieso : stibj. confiese) to manifest or assert one's opinion ; to confess, ac- knowledge, own, avow, grant ; to confess, hear or receive confessions ; to confess to the priest : confesar de piano, to confess plainly or openly. — vr. to confess or make confession ; to shrive. C0llfesi6n, /. confession, avowal, acknowl- edgment ; confession to a priest; plea of guilty or not guilty by a defendant. C(mfesionariO, m. treatise with rules for con- fessing ; confessional. confeslonera or confesionariera, /. nun having the care and keys of confession- als. confesionista, m. a Lutheran. confeso, sa, m. &/. (law) one who confesses a crime ; converted Jew. — m. lay-brother. — pp. irr. of confesar. COnfesonariO, m. confessional. COnfesor, m. father confessor* title given to holy men by the Roman Catholic Church. COnfiable, a. trusty. COnfiadamente, adv. confidently, safely. COnfiadO, da, a. confident, secure, unsus- f)icious, trusting; presumptuous, arrogant, brward.— ^. of confiar. COnflador, m. (law) joint-surety, fellow- bondsman. COnfianza, /. confidence, trust, reliance, firm belief, faith ; courage, honest boldness, firmness of opinion ; presumptuousness, for- wardness, assurance ; familiarity, intimacy: en conflanza, privately, secretly, confiden- tially : de conflanza, informally, unceremo- niously. confiar, vn. to hope, to feed with hope ; to confide, to trust in. — va. to confide, intrust, credit ; commit to the care of another. COnfidencla, /. trust, confidence. V. con- fxanza ; secret information. confidencial, a. confidential. confidenclalmente, adv. confidentially. confidence, m. confident, intimate, counsel- lor ; detective, informer, secret agent, spy ; settee for two persons, t6te-d-t6te. — a. true, faithful, trusty. confidentemente, adv. confidently, fiducial- ly, faithfully. confiero, confiera (irr. from conferir). confieso, confiese {irr. from confesar). C0nfiguraci6n,/. configuration. configurado, da, pp. & a. configurated. COnfigurar, va. to configure, conform ; to configurate. COnfLn, m. limit, boundary, confine, border. COnfin, COnfinante, a. bordering upon, con- terminous, limitaneous. — conflnante, pa. of CONFINAR. COnfinar, va. & vn. to banish, exile ; to con- fine, imprison oi> immure ; to border upon, abut. COnflnglr, va. {ind. CONFINJO: subj. CON- finja) (pharm. ) to mix ingredients into one mass. C0nfirmaci6n, /. confirmation, corrobora- tion, attestation, evidence, additional proof; (eccl.) confirmation, a sacrament. COnfirmadamente, adv. firmly, safely, as- suredly. conflrmador, ra, m. & f. confirmator, at- tester, confirmer. COnfirmante, pa. confirmer. COnfirmar, va. to confirm, corroborate, for- tify, verify ; to strengthen, support, ratify ; to confirm, as a Christian, by tne solemn im- position of hands. confirmativamente, adv. confirmingly. COnfinnatOriO, ria, a. confirmatory, con- firmative. confiscable, «. confiscable, forfeitable. C0nfiscaci6n,/. confiscation, forfeiture. COnfiscadO, da, a. & pp. of confiscar ; con- fiscate, confiscated. confiscar, va. {pret. cONFlSQui: sulyj. CON- FisQUE) to confiscate. COnfitar, va. to confect, candy with melted sugar ; to make up into sweetmeats, to make preserves ; (met.) to dulcify, to sweeten. COnfite, m. comfit, sugar-plum : morder en nn confite, to be hand and glove, to be intimate and familiar : confitei, dainties, sugar- plums, bonbons. confitente, a. v. confeso. confitera, /. vessel for comfits, box for can- dies. COnfiteria, /. confectionery ; confectioner^s shop. confitero, ra, m. & /. confectioner ; tray for sweetmeats. COnfitiCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small comfit; caraway comfit.— p/. ornaments in the shape of comfits wrought on coverlets. confitura, /. confiture, confection, sweet- meats, candied fruit, preswve. C0nflaci6n, /. fusion, melting metal?, smelt- ing. COnnagracibn, /. conflagration ; sudden and violent perturbation of towns and nations. COnfiitil, a. fusible. COnflictO, m. conflict, struggle, strife, combat or contest ; (met.) struggle, agony, pang. COnfiuencla, /. confluence, conflux, nux. confiuente, pa. confluent. COnfiuir, vn. {ind. 61 CONFLUYE : prel. CON- FLUY6 : subj. confluya) to join or meet, ap- Slied to rivers and sea currents ; to assem- le in one place. conformacibn, /. conformation. COnformador, m. shaper ; hat conformator ; boot crimper. COnformar, va. to conform, adjust, fit.— tn. to suit, fit, conform, cohere, level. — vr. to comply with, to agree, to yield, submit, re^ sign one's self. COnfonne, a. alike, corresponding, coaform- able, correspondent, suitable, congruent, consonant, convenient, accordant ; eonsit^t^ ent, similar ; compliant, resigned : conforme A, consistent with, agreeable to. conforme, adv. in due proportion ; agreeably, according to. COnformemente, adv. conformably, unani- mously, ct)rrectly, agreeably. COnformidad, /. similitude, resemblance, likeness, conformity ; agreement, consist- ence, consonance, congruence; union, con- cord, concordance ; symmetry ; close at- tachment of one person'to another ; affinity ; submission, acquiescence, patience, resigna- tion : de conformldad, by common consent ; correctly : en conformldad. agreeably, suita- bly, according to. COnfermlsta, m. conformist. a M In far ; e in eh t ; i in police ; e In for ; n in bull ; c (before e, t) and z m th in tUck ; b and d, soft ; CON 137 CX)N €Onfortacl6n, /. comfort, consolation, en- couragemeut. confortador, ra, m. &f. comforter, consoler, strengthener. OOnfortamientO, m. comfort, consolation, encouragement. COnfortante, pa. comforting, soothing.— -m. calmative, stomachic— pZ. mitts. COnfortar, va. to comfort, strengthen, en- liven, invigorate; to encourage, console, cheer, solace. eonfortatlVO, va, «. comfortable, corrob- orative, cordial; encouraging, cheering, strengthening. conforte, m. v. confoktaci6n. COnfraccion,/. fraction, breaking. COnfraternidad, /. confraternity, brother- hood. COnfricacldn,/. rubbing, friction. confricar, va. to rub, COnfrontaclbn, /. confrontation, confront- ment ; comparing one thing with another ; sympathy, natural conformity. COnfrontante,i>a. confronting; confronted COnfrontar, va. to confer, collate, confront ; to compare one thing with another. — vn. to agree in sentiments and opinion ; to border upon. confundlr, va. {pp. confundido and con- Fuso) to confound, jumble ; to perplex, con- fuse, darken, throw into disorder; to con- fute by argument ; to abase, humiliate. — vr. to be bewildered, perplexed, confounded, rattled, mixed up ; to be ashamed and humbled. COnfasamente, adv. confusedly, mingledly, helter-skelter. COnfuslbn, /. confusion, tumult, disorder, misrule ; perplexity, perturbation, entan- glement, confusedness ; obscurity ; humilia- tien, shame, ignominy, reproach. COnfUSO, sa, a. confused, mixed, confounded, jumbled together; obscure, doubtful, un- intelligible ; blurred, indistinct ; fearful, timorous, perplexed: en confaso, confused- ly- COnfutaclbn,/. confutation, disproof. COnfatar, va. to confute, disprove, falsify, convict. congelable, a. congealable. C0ngelaci6n, /. congelation, freezing, con- gealing; couglaciation, congealment. OOngelador, m. freezer. congelamiento, m. v. congelaci6n. COngelar, va. & vr. to congeal, to freeze. COngelatiVO, va, a. having the power of con- gealing. cong6nere, congen6rico, ca, a. congeneric, of like kind. congenial, «. congenial, analogous. congenlar, vn. to be congenial, to sympa- thize. COng^nitO, a. congenital, connate. COngerie,/. congeries, heap, mass. COngestibn, /. (med.) congestion. COngiariO, wi. congiary. COngiO, m. ancient Roman liquid measure. C0ngl0baci6n, /. conglobation, acquired sphericity ; mixture and union of immate- rial things ; (rhet.) accumulation of proofs. COnglObar, va. to conglobate, heap together. COnglomeracibn, /. conglomeration, hetero- geneous mixture, conglomerado, da, pp. & a. conglomerate. COnglomerar, va. to conglomerate. COnglutinacibn, /. conglutination, glutina- tion ; gluing together. conglutinado, da, pp. & a. conglutinate. COnglutlnar, va. to conglutinate, cement, re- unite. — vr. to conglutinate. conglutinatlvo, va, conglutinoso, sa, a. viscous, glutinous. COngOJa,/. anguish, dismay, anxiety of mind. COngOjar, va. to oppress, afflict. V. acongo- JAR. COngOJOSamente, adv. anxiously, painfully. COngOJOBO, sa, a. afflictive, painful, torment- ing, distressing, afflicted. COngolefiO, fla, «. of or relating to the Congo. COUgOStO, m. narrow pass, canyon. COngraciador, ra, m. &f. flatterer, fawner, wheedler, congratulator. congraciamlento, m. flattery, false praise, mean obsequiousness. COngraciar, va. to ingratiate, flatter.— t-r. to get into one's good graces. C0ngnratulacl6n, /. congratulation, gratular- tion, felicitation. COngratular, va. to congratulate, compli- ment, greet. — vr. to congratulate one's self, rejoice. congratulatorio, ria, a. congratulatory, congratulant. C0ngfegaci6n, /. congregation, meeting, as- sembly ; fraternity, brotherhood ; assembly met to .worship God: congregacion de los fleles, the catholic or universal church. COngregacionalismo, m. Congregational- ism. COngregacionalista, com. Congregational- ist. COngregante, ta, m. &f. member of a con- gregation, fraternity, or brotherhood. COngregar, va. (pret. congregue : subj. CON- GREGUE) to assemble, meet together, con- gregate, collect, gather. COngresO, m. congress, consistory, conven- tion, assembly ; carnal union of man and woman : Congreso de los Diputados, in Spain and some Spanish American republics, the House of Representatives. COngfllO, m. (zool.) conger-eel or sea-eel. COngma,/. competent sustenance to one who is to be ordained a priest. COngruamente, adv. conveniently ; becom- ingly. COngfuencia, /. convenience ; fitness ; con- gruence. COngruente, a. congruent, agreeing, corre- sponding. COngruentemente, adv. suitably, congru- ously. COngruismo, m. congmism, a religious doc- trine. COngrulsta, m. supporter of congruism. COngruo, ua, a. congruous, apt, fit, suitable. con£orte, m. v. conforte. COnicidad,/. conicity. c6niC0, ca, a. conical or conic. COniferO, ra, a. (hot. ) coniferous. COniforme, a. conical, coniform. COnivalVO, va, a. (zool.) having a conical shell. COniza [co-nee-tiiaii'], /. (bot.) great flea-bane. V. ZARAGATONA. COnjetnra,/. conjecture, surmise, guess. COnjetlirable, a. conjecturable. conjeturador, ra, m. & /. conjecturer, guesser. COnJetural, a. conjectural. COnjeturalmente, adv. conjecturally, guess- ingly- conjeturar, va. to conjecture, to guess. conjuez [coTi-iioo-eth'i, m. a cojudge. C0n]UgaCi6n [con-hoo-gah-thie-onj, /. conjuga- tion. g (before e, i) and J as h in bot; h, silent ; U In brilliant ; ft, ny \a canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; com 138 CON COnJUgadO, da [oon-hoo-gah'-do], a. & pp. of CONJUGAR ; conjugated, inflected, connect- ed; germinate: nerrioB conjugadoi, (anat. ) conjugate nerves: eje conjagado, conjugate or minor axis of an ellipse. CODjUgar [cou-hoo-gar'], va, {pret. CONJUGUE : subj. conjugue) (gram.) to conjugate or inflect verbs. COnJunCidn. [con-hoon-thie-on'l, /. conjunction, union, association, league ; couju^atiou ; copulation ; act of coupling or joining to- gether; consolidation ; (gram.) conjunction, a part of speech ; (ast.) conjunction of two planets. COnjuntamente, adv. conjunctly, jointly. COSjuntiva, /. conjunctiva, mucous mem- brane of the eye. conjuntivo, va, a. conjunctive, copulative, connexive. COnjuntivitiS, /. (med.) conjunctivitis. CODJuntO, ta, a. to conjunct; united, con- nected, conjunctive, contiguous ; allied by kindred or friendship ; mixed or incorpo- rated with another thing. — m. the whole, aggregate, entirety, ensemble. CO^jUra, COnJUraCidn [con-hoo-rah-tWe-on'], /. conspiracy, conjuration, plot, complot, machination. conjiirado, da, m. &/. conspirator, leaguer, covenanter. — pp. of conjurar. COBJurador, m. conspirator ; conjurer, exor- cist. conloramen'Uu:, va. to take au oath to an- other. — vr. to bind one's self by an oath. V. JURAMENTARSE. COnlliraitte, pa. conjuring ; conspiring. conjurar fcon-hoo-rar'], vn. to conjure ; con- spire, plot ; to hatch or concert treason ; to join in a conspiracy. — va. to exorcise ; to conjure: to entreat, implore; avert, ward off. COnJuro, in. conjuration ; exorcism, incanta- tion ; entreaty. conllevador, m. helper, assistant. COnllevar, va. to aid or assist another in his labours ; to bear with any one. COnineinoraci6n,/. remembrance, commem- oration ; anniversary. conmemorar. va. to commemorate. coninemoratiyo, va, a. commemorative. conmemoratorio, ria, a. commemoratory. COnmensal, m. messmate, fellow-boarder. conmensalia, /. commensality. eonmensurabilldad, /. commensurability. conmensurable, a. commensurable. COnmensuracibn,/. commensuration. conmensurar. va. to commensurate. COnmensurativO, va, a. commensurable. COnmic^O, pron. pers. with me, with myself. conmilitdn, m. comrade, fellow-soldier. COnmlnacldn, /. commination, threat. COnminar, fa. to threaten ; (law) to de- nounce punishment. conminatorlo, ria, a. comminatory, denun- ciatory, threatening. conminuta, a. (surg.) comminuted. V. FRACTURA. conmiseraclbn,/. commiseration, pity, sym- pathy, compassion. conmlBtibn, conmlstura,/. commixion. conmisto, ta, or conmixto, ta, a. mixed, mingled, incorporated. COmnocion [con-mo-thie-on'], /. commotion, ex- citement, stirring up, flurry, fretting, tu- mult, disturbance, convu-lsion. COnmonitoriO, m. written narration of an event; (law) reminder from a superior to an inferior judge. COnmovedor, m. disturber, fretter; affect* ing, harrowing. conmover, va. (inrf. conmuevo: subj. cox- mueva) to commove, disturb, affect. conmutabilidad, /. commutability. COnmutable, «. commutable. C0nmutaci6n,/. commutation, exchange. COnmutador, yn. commuter, electric switch, telegraph key, cut-out, commutator. COnmutar, va. to commute, exchange, barter. COnmutatiVO, va, a. commutative. connatural, a. connatural, inborn. C0nnaturalizaci6n, /. naturalization, ac- commodation to new conditions, acclimati- zation. connaturalizarse, vr. to accustom one's self to labour, climate, or food; to inuk^j to become acclimated. COnnaturalmente, adv. connaturally. connivencia [ton-ne-i-n'-thie-aii],/. connivance, act of plotting. COnnotacidn, /. connotation, distant rela- tionship. COnnotadO, pp. & m. relationship, kindred. COnnotante, pa. connotative. COnnotar, va. to connote, imply. COnnotatiVO, va, a. (gram.) connotative 01 connotive. COnnOViciO, Cia, m. & f. fellow-novice. connubial, a. connubial, matrimonial, con- jugal. COnnubiO, m. (poet.) matrimony, marriage, wedlock. connumerar, va. to enumerate, include in a number. cono, m. (geom.) cone; (bot.) cone, fruit of the pine family. COnocedor, ra, m. &f. connoisseur, judge or critic in matters of taste, expert ; chief herdsman. COnocer, va. {ind. CONOZCO : subj. conozca) to know ; to experience, observe, perceive, comprehend ; to be acquainted with ; to conjecture, sui-mise ; to know carnally: (law) conocer de nna causa or pleito, to try a cause, applied to a judge. — vr. to know each other ; to appreciate one's ow^n good or bad qualities. conocible, a. cognoscible, knowable. COnOCldamente, adv. knowingly, evidently, confessedly. conocido, da, m. &/. acquaintance. —a. emi- nent, well known.— pp. of conocer. COnOCimientO, m. knowledge, understand- ing, skill, cognition, cognizance, compre- hension, notice, experience, expertness, ac- quaintance, person with whom we are ac- quainted ; slight friendship ; (com. ) bill of lading ; note of identification, voucher ; (Amer.) a check for baggage.— pi. accom- plishments, science: venir en conocialento de una co»a, to learn of something. COnOidal, a. conoidal, conoidical. conoide, /. conoid. COnopial, COnopiO, m. (arch.) ogee arch. conozco, conozca (irr. from conocer). COnque [con-keh'], coni. so then ; now, then ; well, then. — m. (coll.) wherewithal. COnqUifOrme [con-ke-for'-meh], a. conchifomi. COnqulliOlOgria [con-key-leoh-lo-he-ah], /. (zool.) conchology. COnquista [con-UeeB'-tah], /. conquest, subjec- tion, acquisition by victory ; the thing gained : act of winning another's affections. COnqulstable [con-kee«-tah'-biehJ, a. conquera- ble, attainable, accessible. conquistador, ra [con-kee«»-uii-dor'], a. con- queror. a *■ (q far : e la eh I ; 1 in police ; «.1d for ; « In to«U ; C (b«for« e, l) and s as th in thick ; b and d, soft.; CON 139 CON COnquistaxrcon-kees-tar'JiVa. to conquer, over- come, subdue; to acquire, win another's affections. COnrear, va. in manufactories, to grease wool ; (agr.) to hoe the soil. V. bixar. COnregnaute, «. reigning with another. COnreUiar, m. to reign with another. COnsabldO, da, a. already known, alluded to, in question, before mentioned, afore- said.— -po. of CONSABKK. COnsabldor, ra, m. & /. one who possesses knowledge jointly with others. COnsagracibn, /. consecration. consagrado, da, a. &, pp. of consagrak; consecrate, consecrated, sacred, devoted. COnsagrante, m. &pa. consecrator. COnsagrrar, va. to consecrate, hallow, make sacred : among the Romans, to deify their emperors ; to consecrate, devote, dedicate ; to erect a monument. consanguineo.uea, a. consanguineous, cog- nate, kindred. GOnsangUlnidad [con-san-gee-ne-daUd'], /, con- sanguinity. consclente [cons-thie-en'-teh], a. conscious ; of sound mind ; compos mentis. conscientemente, adv. consciously. eonscriptO, a. padre conscripto, conscript father ; a Roman senator. COnsectariO, m. corollary. — a. consectary, consequent. consecucidn [con-seh-coo-thie-on'], /. attainment of a desirable object. COnSeCUencla [con-seh-coo-en'-thle-ah], /. conse- quence, conclusion, inference: en conse- cuencia, consequently, therefore, in conse- quence of: por consecuencia, therefore; re- sult or effect of a cause, issue ; consistence, firmness, coherence : guardar consecuencia, to be consistent ; consequence, importance, moment, concern, matter, consideration, note : ser de consecuencia, to be very impor- tant. COnsecuente, m.' (logic and math.) effect, issue, consequent, consequence. — a. conse- quent, following, consistent, coherent. consecuentemente, adv. consequently, by consequence, necessarily, inevitably. consecutlvamente, adv. consecutively. COnsecutiVO, va, a. consecutive, consequen- tial. CQnsegUiinieiltO [con-seh-gee-me-en'-to], m. at- tainment, obtainment. V. consecuci6n. COnSegUir Icou-seh-geer'], Va. {ind. CONSIGO : subj. consiga) to attain, get, gain, obtain, succeed. COnseja, /. story, fairy-tale, fable. consejera, /. counsellor's wife ; woman who gives advice. COnseJero, m. counsellor, member of a coun- cil, adviser ; anything which may give warn- ing : conseJero de la corona, crown minister. COnsejO [con-seh'-ho], TO. counsel, advice, opin- ion, monition; council, court, assembly of magistrates, advisory board, consulting body ; council-house : conseJo de ministros, in Spain, cabinet of ministers: presidente del conseJo, prim* minister: conseJo de guerra, court-martial; council of war. COnsenciente, />a. consenting; conniver. COnsenso, m. general assent; agreement of opinion, consensus. consensual, a. (law) consensual. COnsentidO, «. applied to a spoiled child ; ap- plied to a cuckold by his own consent.^-con- sentido, da, pp. of COXSENTIR. , OOnsentidor, ra, m. &/. compiler, conniver. COnsentimientO, ««. consent, connivance, compliance, acquiescence, concurrence, con- senting, acknowledgment; (med.) consent. consentix, va. {ind. consiento: subj. con- sienta) to consent, agree, allow, permit, tolerate, comply, acquiesce, accede, conde- scend ; to believe for certain, rely, depend, accept, admit, suffer; to concur; to coddle, spoil, overindulge children or servants. — V7i. (mech. ) to flag, give way, relax, weaken, become loose. — vr. to spring, crack, begin to break. conserje, m. keeper or warden of a royal palace, castle, or public building; janitor. COnserjeria, /. wardenship of a royal palace or castle ; warden's dwelling, janitor's office. COnserva,/. conserve, preserve, jam, marma- lade ; pickles ; fleet of merchantmen under convoy of a ship of war: navegar en con- serva, to sail under convoy.—^/, conservas alimenticias, canned goods. C0nservaci6n, /. conservation. COnseryador, to. conservator, preserver, cu- rator : juez conservador, person appointed to defend the rights of a community : partido conservador, conservative party. conservadora,/. conservatrix. conservaduria, /. dignity in the order of Malta. COnservante, pa. conserving, conserver. COnservar, va. to conserve, maintain, pre- serve, keep, hold, take care of; to guard, observe, continue; to preserve or pickle fruit ; to can goods. conservativo, va, a. conservative, preserva- tive. COnservatoria, /. place and office of a Juez conservador ; grant to communities to choose their own conservators : conservatorias let- ters patent granted by conservatory judges. COnservatoriO, m. conservatory ; place for instruction in the fine arts. COnservatoriO, rla, a. conservatory ; having a preservative quality. conservero, ra, m. &/. conserver, a preparer of conserves. considerable, a. considerable, great, large, plentiful. considerablemente, adv. considerably. COnsideracidn, /. consideration, regard, no- tice, sake, account; reflection, contempla- tion, meditation ; importance, claim to no- tice, worthiness of regard ; urbanity, re- spect: ser de consideraci6n, to be of great moment: en consideracidn, considering, in consideration, in proportion. consideradamente, adv. considerately, calmly. COnsideradO, pp. & a. prudent, considerate ; esteemed, respected, distinguished. COnsiderador, ra, w. & f. considerer, con- siderator. COnsiderante, pa. considering. COnsiderar, va. to consider, meditate, cogi- tate, think over ; to treat with urbanity, re- spect, consideration. consciento, conscienta {irr. from consen- tir). COnslervO, m. fellow-slave. COnsigna,/. (mil.) watch-word, countersign. C0nsignacl6n, /. consignation, assignationf apportionment; (com.) consignment, cargo of goods. COnsignador, TO. (com.) consignor. COnsignar, va. to consign, assign, make over ; to set apart, devote ; to yield, intrust, lay to ; to state in writing ; to lay by, to de- posit; (com.) to consign goods or merchan- aise ; (law) to deposit in trust. efore e, i) and J a? b la hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; 8, hissed. CON 140 CON COnslgnatariO, m. trustee; (law) mortga- gee, who enjoys the property mortgaged un- til the debt 'be paid out of the proceeds ; (com.) consignee. COnslgO, pro. pers. with one's self, with him- selfTnerself, themselves, yourself, or your- selves : consigo mismo, consigo propio, or conaigo »olo, alone, by one's self. consigo, conslga {irr. from conseguir). COnSigUlente Icon-se-Kee-en'-telil, 7ft. (log.) COn- sequeuce, result. — a. consequent, consecu- tive, consequential : de consigaiente, por con- ■iguiente, or por el consigiiiente, consequent- ly, by consequence, pursuantly : aer consi- guiente, to be consistent. consiguientemente, adv. consequently. COnsinariO, /». counsellor ; assistant to head of a corporation. V. consejero. COnsintiente, pa. consenting, agreeing. COnsistencia, /. consistence, consistency ; stability ; duration ; coherence ; conformi- ty ; firmness, solidity. COnsistente, a. consistent, firm, solid. COnsistir, vn. to consist, subsist, continue fixed ; lie ; to be comprised, contained ; to be made of, composed of: conslatir en, to consist in. COnslstorial, a. consistorial, belonging or relating to an ecclesiastical court : casa con- sistorial, senate-house, guildhall, town-hall, court-house. COnsiStOrialxnente, adv. in or by a consis- tory. COnslstoriO, m. consistory, ecclesiastical court ; pontifical senate ; in some Spanish towns the municipal council, and the town- house or town-hall : consistorio divlno, the tribunal of God. COnsOCiO, m. partner, associate, companion, fellow-partner. COnsol, m. (Peru) V. consola. COnsola,/. console pier-table; bracket-shelf. COnsolable fpon-so-iah'-biehj, a. cousolable, re- lievable, comfortable. COnsolablemente, adv. consolably, comfort- ably. COnsolaci6n,/. consolation, comfort; in some card games, a forfeit. COnsoladO, da, pp. & a. consoled, comforted. COnsolador, ra, m. & /. consolator, com- forter, soother. COnsolante, pa. comforting, consoling, com- fortable, soothing. COnsolar, va. {ind. CONSUELO : snbj. CON- SUELE) to console, comfort, cheer, soothe. consolatlvo, va, consolatoiio, ria, a. con- solatory, comfortable. C0ns611aa,/. (bot.) V. consuelda: consollda real, larkspur. consolidaci6n, /. consolidation. consolidado, da, p/». & a. consolidated.— p/. consolidated annuities, consols, government securities. COnsOlldar, va. to consolidate, compact, close, harden, strengthen. — vi\ to consolidate, grow firm, hard, or solid ; (law) to unite the in- terest with the principal. COnsolidatiVO, va, a. consolldant, consoli- dative. COnsonancla, /. consonance, harmony, ac- cord of .sound, rhyme ; consistency, congru- ence, consent ; conformity. COnsonante, ««. word that rhymes with an- other ; (mu.s.) consonous or corresjwndiug sound.—/, (gram.) a consonant. COnsonante, pa. & a. consonant, agreeable, consistent, concordant, conformable: letras consonantes, the consonants. COnsonantemente, adv. consonantly, agree- ably. consonar, m. (ind. consuexo : subj. coN> SUENE) (mus.) to make harmonious sounds ; (poet.) to rhyme; to agree, resemble, har- monize. c6nsones, m. pi. (mus.) concordant sounds^ chords. c6nsono, na, a. consonous, harmonious, con- .sonant. COnsorciO, m. consortion, partnership, so- ciety ; marital union ; friendly intercourse ; mutual affection. COnsorte, com. consort, companion, partner,, mate ; one who enters or defends an action jointly with another. COnsplbuo, CUa, «. conspicuous, obvious, evi- dent, visible, notorious ; eminent, famous^ distinguished. Conspiraci6n, /. conspiracy, plot, complot, conjuration, conspiration. consplrado, pp. & m. V. conspirador. COnsplrador, m. conspirator, complotter, traitor. COnsplrante, ^a. conspiring: faerzas conspi- rantes, conspiring powers. COnspirar, m. to conspire, plot, complot ; to agree together, co-operate, combine. constancla, /. constancy, steadiness, imrnu- tability. COnstante, a. constant, firm, unalterable, im- mutable; loyal, constant, manifest, appar- ent, clear. — m. & f. one who is constant. — pa. composed of, consisting in. constantemente, adv. constantly, firmly, unalterably ; evidently, undoubtedly. constantinbpolitano, na, a. of or belonging to Constantinople. COnstar, v. imp. to be clear, evident, certain ; to be recorded, entered, registered ; to be composed of, to consist in ; of verses, to have the proper measure and accent. C0nstelacl6n, /. constellation, cluster of fi.ved stars ; climate, temperature : corre tin* constelacion, an epidemic disea.se prevails. C0nsternaci6n, /. consternation, amaze. nuMit, liorrur, distress, panic. COnsternar, ra. to terrify, strike with horroj or amazement ; to cause a panic. C0nstlpaci6n, /. a cold : constlpaclon de Tien- tre, constipation, costiveuess. constipado, pp. & m. a cold.- constipar, ra. to cause a cold ; to obstruct the perspiration. — vr. to catch cold : consti- parse el vientre, to be costive. constipativo, va, a. constrictive. C0nstltuci6n [conH-te-too-tiiie--oti!, /. constitu- tion, corporeal frame, temper ; established form of government ; system of laws and customs; particular law or established usagf; rules and by-laws of a corporation ; statute. COnstitUCional, m. constitutionalist, consti- tutionist. — (I. constitutional. constitucionalidad,/. constitutionality. constitucionalismo, //*. constitutionalism. COnstitUCionalmente, ostatical.— /«. A /. constituent. cojistituyente, m. constituent, i'. /•. from constre- NIR). C0nstrucci6n [cons-trooc-thie-<>n'', /. construc- tion ; act and art of constructing ; archi- tecture ; building ; fabrication : construc- cion de buqnes, ship-building, naval archi- tecture ; (gram.) syntax. a. tempering, moderator. contemperar, va. to temper, moderate. V. ATEMl'KKAR. contemplacidn, /. contemplation, medita- tion ; compliance, complaisance, contemplador, m. contemplator, contemplar, va. to contemplate, examine, study ; to view, behold, look upon ; to med- itate, muse : to be lenient or condescending. contempla-tiyamente, adv. attentively, thoughtfully. contemplativo, va, a. contemplative, stu- dious ; lenient ; condescending : vida con- templativa, life spent in study. — m. contem- plator ; pious devotee. contemporaneamente, adv. at the same time, contemporaneously. contempor^eo, nea, a. contemporary, co- etaneous, coeval. COntemporizaci6n,/. temporizing, compli- ance. contemporizador, m. compiler. V. tempo- RIZADOK. contemporlzar, vn. {pret. contemporic^ : subj. contemporice) to temporize, comply with the will and opinion of another. COntencibn, /. contention ; emulation ; con- test, dispute, striie, struggle. contencioso, sa, a. contentious, concerta- tive, contradictious, quarrelsome, disputa- tious ; (law) being tne object of strife or dis- pute, contestable, litigious. contendedor, m. V. contendor. contender, vn. (ind. contiendo : s^ibj. cx)n- tienda) to fight, combat, contend, strive, struggle, contest, conflict, debate, litigate, dispute ; to argue, discuss, expostulate. COntendiente, pa. fighter, disputant, liti- gant. contendor, m. fighter, contender, antago- nist, opponent. contenedor, ra, m. & f. holder, a tenant. contenencia, /. suspension in the flight of birds ; peculiar movement in the Spanish dance ; (law) demurrer. contener, va. {ind. contengo: pret, CON- TUVE: sufyj. CONTENGA) to contain, com- prise, hold, embrace, inclose, comprehend ; to refrain, curb, restrain, coerce ; to repress, check, stop, detain. — vr. to keep one's tem- per, refrain, hold. Contenido, da, a. moderate, prudent, tem- perate, modest.— p/>. of contener. contenido, m. tenor, contents, context ; in- closure. conteniente, pa. containing, comprising. COntenta, /. (com.) indorsement. V. endo- so ; satisfactory treat or present; (mil.) certificate of good conduct. COntentadiZO, Za, a. blen contentadizo, easily contented : mal contentadizo, hard to please. contentamlento, m. contentment, joy, sati*. faction, content. COntentar, ta. to content, satisfy, gratify, please, fill ; (com.) to indorse. V. endosar. — vr. to be contented, pleased, or satisfied : ser de buen 6 mal contentar, to be easUy pleased, or difiicult to be pleased. COntentible, a. contemptible. COntentiVO, va, a. containing, comprising. COntentO, ta, a. glad, pleased, full of joy, mirthful ; contented, satisfied, content. COntentO, m. contentment, joy, satisfaction^ content, mirth; (law) release, discharge: 4 contento, to one's satisfaction : no caber d« contento, to be overjoyed. COntera, /. ferrule of a cane or umbrella: chape of a scabbard ; button of the cascabel of a gun ; refrain of a song : por contera, ul- timately, finally. Cont6rmino, na, a. contiguous, bordering upon. conterraneo, nea, m. & f. countryman, countrywoman. contertiiliano, na, or oontertulio, lia, a. belonging to the same social circle, of the same set. contestable, a. contestable, disputable, con- trovertible. COntestacidn, /. answer, reply; contestation, the act of contesting, debate, strife, alterca- tion, disputation, contention. COntestar, va. to answer, to reply ; to con- firm the deposition of another; to prove; to attest ; to plead to an action. — vn. to agree, to accord. COnteste, a. (law) confirming the evidence of another. COntextO, m. intertexture ; context of a dis- course. contextura, /. contexture ; context ; frame and structure of the human body. COnticlniO, m. dead of the night. COntlenda, /. contest, dispute, debate, ex- postulation, conflict, contention, clashing, strife, fray, struggle, battle, fight, jarring. contiendo, contienda (irr. from conten- der). C0ntignaci6n,/. (arch.) contignation. COniigO, pron. vers, with thee. contiguamente, adv. contiguously, closely. contigUidad [con-te-goo-e-dadj, /. contiguity, closeness. COntigUO, gua, a. contiguous, close. contlnencia, /. continence, self-command ; abstinence from carnal pleasures ; modera- tion in lawful pleasures ; graceful bow in a dance ; act of containing : contlnencia de la causa, (law) unity which should exist in every judgment or sentence. continental, a. continental. COntinente, m. continent; that '^jhich con- tains anything ; countenance, air, mien, gait ; continent, large extent of land, main- land. — a. continent, chaste, abstinent, mod- erate in pleasures, abstemious. contineniemente, adv. moderately, abste- miously, chastely. contingencia, /. contingence or contingency, possibility, risk. contingente, a. contingent, fortuitous, a (naut.) boatswain. contramalla, contramalladura, /. double net for catching fish. COntramallar, va. to make nets with double meshes. COntramandar, va. to countermand, contraman^as, /. pi. oversleeves, contramaniobra, /. counter-manoeuvre, contramarca, /. countermark ; duty to be paid on goods which have no custom-house mark. contramarcar, va. {pret. contramarqu6 « subj. contramarque) to countermark. COntramarco, m. (carp. ) counter-frame. COntramarcha, /. countermarch, retroces-r sion ; partof a weaver's loom. 1'. vi.^dera ; (rail, and naut.) evolution. COntramarchar, va. to countermarch. contraroarea, /. (naut.) counter-tide. contramesana, /. (naut.) mizzen-mast. COntramina, /. countermine; (min.) drift- way, heading. COntramlnar, va, to countermine, to coun- ter-work. COntramolde, m. counter-mould. COntramotivo, ?». (mus. ) counter-subject. COntramufelle, m. (mech. ) duplicate spring. contramuralla, /. contramuro, m. (mil.) countermure, low rampart. COntranatural, a. counternatural, contra- natural, utinatural. contraorden,/. countermand. contrapalanquin, /n. (naut. ) preventerclew- garnet. COntrapares, m. pi. (arch.) counter-rafters COntraparte,/. counterpart, duplicate copy of a deed. COntrapks, m. step in dancing. contrapasamlento, m. act and eflfect of pass- ing to the opposite side or party. COntrapasar, vn. to join the opposite party. COntrapaso, m. back step; (mu.s.) counter- note. COntrapelO (i), adv. against the grain. COntrapesar,va. to counterbalance; tocouu^. tervail, offset. COntrapesO, m. counter-weight, counterpoise, equiponderance, counterbalance, counter- vail ; plummet, balance-weight ; poy, rope- dancer's pole ; equipollence, equivallence of power; addition of inferior quality thrown to complete the weight of meat, fish, etc. COntrapeste, m. remedy against pestilence. COntrapilastra, /. (arch.) counterpilaster ; (carp. ) door-strip. ■ contraponedor, m. he who compares on* thing with another. contraponer, va. {pp. contrapuksto : imL • M in far ; « in efc I ; t In police ; o In for ; U in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th tn tbick ; b and d, aoft' CON 145 CON CONTRAPONGO : prct. CONTRAPUSE : subj. contraponga) to compare ; to oppose. COntraposici6n,/. contra-position ; counter- view ; contrast. COntrapozo, v/i. (fort.) counter-blast. C0ntrapresi6n, /. counter-pressure, back- pressure. centraprineipio, m. assertion contrary to a principle known as such. coiitrapro- pose, obstruct, baffle, countermine. contraventana, /. window-shutter, outside shutter. COntraTentor, ra, m. & f. transgressor, of- fender ; contravener, he who opposes an- other. contra vidrlera,./'. second glass window, to keep off cold or heat. COntravlrar, va. to turn in the opposite di- rection. contra VOluta, /. (arch.) inner volute. COntray, m. sort of fine cloth. g (before e, i) and j as h in hot ; h. illent ; 11 In brilliant ; fl, ny In p (inltlaO and rr trilled; ■, CON 146 CX)N COntrayente, pa. contracting, used of mat- rimony only. COntrechO, Cha, a- crippled, maimed. COntrete, m. (naut.) breast-shore; crochet; angle-iron ; stay ; gusset ; face wheel in watches. COntribUCibn [con-tree-boo-thle-on'l, /. contribu- tion ; tax, impost : contribucion territorial, land tax. contrlbuidor, ra, m. &/. contributor. contribuir, va. {ind. contribuyo : subj. coxtribuya) to contribute ; to pay tax ; to give, furnish, supply in aid of some object ; to bear a share of expenses, or in eflFecting a result. contribulado, da, a. grieved, afflicted. COntributariO, m. contributor, tax-payer. COntribuyente, pa. contributing ; contribu- tor ; co-operative ; contributory. COntrlcibn, /. contrition, penitence, com- punction. COntrin, m. weight used in the Philippines, 0.39 gramme, about six and a half grains. COntlincante, m. competitor, rival, oppo- nent. COntristar, va. to afflict, to sadden. COntritO, ta, a. contrite, compunctious, peni- tent. controversial/, controversy, debate. COntroverslsta, w. controversialist, dispu- tant, coutrovertcr. controvertible, «. controvertible, disput- able, litigious. controvertir, va. {ind. controvierto : subj. CONTROVIERTA^ to coutrovcrt, dispute, dis- cuss, argue against. COntubemiO, m. cohabitation, rooming to- gether, concubinage. contumaciam/, obstinacy, perverseness, stub- bornness ; (law) contumacy, non-appear- ance, contempt of court ; default. COntuinaz [con-too-math'], a. obstinate, stub- born, perverse ; contumacious, disobedient. COntumazmente, adv. contumaciously, ob- stinately. contumelia, /. contumely, reproach, contu- meliousnesif, jiersonal abuse. contumeliosamente, adv. contumeliously, reproachfully. contumelioso, sa, a. contumelious, reproach- ful, sarcastic COntundente, pa. producing a contusion, ap- Slied to weapons ; impressing the mind eeply : argumeato contundente, clinching ar- gument. contundir, va. {pp. contuso) to contuse, contund, bruise, pound, conturbacidn, /. perturbation, uneasiness of mind. COnturbadO, da, a., turbulent, troublesome. —pp. of CONTURBAR. COnturbador, w». perturber, disturber. conturbar, va, to perturb, disquiet, disturb, trouble, conturbativo, va,a. that which perturbs or disquiets, troublesome. COntU8i6n,/. contusion, bruise. contuso, sa, a. bruised.—^, irr. of contun- dir. contutor, m. assistant tutor, fellow-tutor. COnuCO or cimuCO, m. (Amer.) patch of ground given to slav&s ; maize-field. convalecencia, /. convalescence, recovery from disea.se. convalecer, vn, {ind. convalezco : subj. convalezca) to recover from sickness; to recover lost prosperity and power. convaleciente, pa, convalescent. COnvalidar, ra. (law) to confirm. COnvecinO, na, a. neighbouring. convelerse, vr. (med. ) to twitch ; to be eon* tracted. convencedor, ra, m. &/. conviucer. COnvencer [con-ven-therr'], va. {pp. CX)NVEN- ciDO and convicto: tnrf. convenzo: subj. convenza) to convince, convict, demon- strate. — IT. to be assured. COnvencible, «. convincible, convictible. convencido, da, pp. & a. convinced. convencimiento, m. conviction. convencibn [con-ven-thie-on'], /. convention, contract, agreement, pact, composition ; convenience, conformity ; convention, con- gress, assembly. convencional [con-ven-thie-o-naw], a. conven- tional, couventionary. convencionalmente, adv. conventionally. convengo, convenga {irr. from convenir). COnvenible, «. docile, tractable, compliant. convenido, da, a. & pp. of convenir ; set- tled by consent, agreed, done. COnveniencia, /. conformity, congruity, con- sistence ; utility, profit, advantage, comfort ; Xement, convention, adjustment; em- . , service ; a servant's place ia a house or family ; convenience, ease, commodious- ness, accommodation, commodity ; fitness, expedience.— p^. conveniencias, emoluments, perquisites ; income, property. COnveniente, a. useful, profitable, advanta- geous, good ; accordant^ conformable ; fi,t, suitable, agreeable ; convenient, expedient, correspondent, opportune ; commodious ; timely ; decent, discreet. convenientemente, adv. conveniently, fitly, suitably, expediently. COnveniO, m. convention, contract, agree- ment, pact, concert, consent ; contrivance. convenir, vn. {ind. convengo: pret. con- vine : subj. convenga) to agree, coincide, cohere ; to agree, fit, harmonize, comport, suit ; to correspond, belong to ; to assemble, convene. — v. imp. to suit, to be to the pur- pose, to be meet. — vr. to compound, agree. close, make a deal, suit one's interests : con* viene & saber, that is, to wit. COnventazO, m. aug. large convent or mon- astery. conventico, illo, ito, m. dim. (coll.) tene- ment inhabited by persons of ill repute. conventicula,/. conventiculo, m. conven- ticle. COnventO, m. convent of monks or nuns, monastery, nunnery ; community of relig- ious men or women. conventual, a. conventual, monastic. — m. conventual, a monk; member of landed Franciscan order. COnventualidad, /. state of living in a con- vent or monastery ; assignment of a monk to a determined convent. conventualmente, adv. monastically, re- elusely. convenzo, convenza {irr. from conven- cer). convergencia [con-ver-hen'-the-«h], /. conver- gence. convergente, a. convergent, converging. converger, convergir [con-ver-heer'j, vn. to converge ; to agree in opinions. conversable, a. conversable, sociable, tract- able. Conversaci6n fcon-ver-«ah-the-on'i, /. conversa- tion, easy talk, chat, converse, conference, communication, colloquy ; commerce, inter- course, society, company ; illicit intercourse. ft M In for ; • in ch t ; 1 in police ; o in for ; a in ball ; e (before e, i) pnd s m tli in tlUck ; b and d, aeA; CON 147 COP COnversar, vn. to converse, discourse famil- iarly, commune, talk together ; to live to- gether in the company of others ; to have so- cial intercourse; (mil.) to change front, wheel. COnversibn, /. conversion, change, transfor- mation, reform ; (rhet.) apostrophe; (mil.) wheel, wheeling: cuarto de conTersion, quar- ter-wheeling. COnversiVO, va, a. having the power of con- verting or changing one thing into another, converse, m. convert ; lay-brother.— ^j). in: of CONVERTIR. convertibilidad, /. convertibility. convertible, a. convertible ; movable, trans- ferable. convertido, da, a. & pp. of convertir ; con- verted, changed, transformed. Convertir, va. {pp. convertido and con- verso : i?ld. CONVIERTO : subj. convierta) to convert, change into another substance, transform ; permute ; to change from one religion or opinion to another ; to reform from a bad to a good life ; to apply things to a use fior which they were not intended ; to direct ; appropriate. — vr. to be converted, reformed. COnVeXldad [con-vek-se-dahd'], /. COnvexity. COnvexO, xa [con-rek'-so!, a. convex, convexed. convlccibn [con-vic-the-on'i, /. conviction, con- vincement. convicto, ta, pp. irr. of convencer; (law) convicted, guilty. COnvlctor, m. (prov.) boarder; pensioner in a college. COnvlctorio, m. among the Jesuits, college of pensioners. Convidada, /. invitation to drink, treat. COnvidante, m. &f. one who invites; host. COnvldadO, da, a. & pp. of convidar; in- vited. — m. invited guest. tjonvldador, ra, m. &f. inviter. convidar, va. to invite, bid, treat ; to stand treat ; to allure, entice, offer, induce. — vr. to offer one's services spontaneously. convierto, convierta (from convertir). COnvincente, a. convincing, convincible. convincentemente, adv. convincingly, con- victively. COnvite, m. invitation ; feast to which per- sons are invited ; treat. convivencia, /. act of living together. conviviente, a. living together. C0nV0Caci6n, /. convocation. COnvocador, ra, m. &/. convener, convoker. COnvOCar, va. {pret. convoquk: gubj. CON- voque) to convene, convoke, call together, summon, congregate ; to shout in triumph or exultation. convocatoria, /. letter of convocation, edict, summons; notice of meeting. convocatorio, ria, a. that which convokes. C0nv61ut0. ta, a. convolute. COnvolvulaceO, cea, a. convolvulaceous. COnvblvnlO, m. vine-inchworm ; (hot.) con- volvulus. convoy, m. convoy, conduct, escort or guard ; property under convoy ; (coll.) reti- nue ; railway train. convoy ante, ija. convoying. convoy ar, va. to convoy, escort, guard. COnvulsibn, /. convulsion. convulsivamente, adv. convulsively. COnvulsivo, va, a. convulsive. COnvulsO, sa, n. convulsed. COnyugal, >i. cocjugal, connubial. COnyugalmente, adv. conjugally, matri- mouiallv. C6nyuge8, m. pi. married couple, husband and wife. cooperaci6n [cana, to go stark naked. COrdob6s, sa, /. of or belonging to Cordova. C0rd6n, w. cord, twist, round cord; girdle with which monks tie up their habits ; mili- tary cordon, formed by a line of troops; (naut.) strand of a cable or rope; (fort.) cordon; (arch.) torus moulding; string course, V. bocel; milled edge of coined metal.— «/. (mil.) aglets or aiguillettes ; har- ness-coras of a velvet-loom. COrdonazO, m. aug. large cord ; stroke with a. cord or rope : cordonazo de San Francisco, first storm in October. COrdonciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small cord. COrdoncillO, m. twisted cord, round lace, lacing, braid; milling round the edge of coin. COrdoneria, /. work of twisters ot lace-mak- ers ; lace-maker's shop. COrdonerO, ra, m. & f. lace-maker, lace-man or woman ; rope-maker. cordula,/. v. cordilo. COrdura, /. prudence, practical wisdom, sanity. COrea,/. dance, accompanied with a chorus j (med.) chorea, St. Vitus's dance. COrear, va. to compose chorus music : music* coreada, chorus music. COreciCO, illO, m. dim. of cuero ; V. CORK- ZUELO. coreo, m. foot in Latin verse ; a trochee ; con- nected harmony of a chorus. COreOgfrafia, /. art of dancing ; choreogra- phy, writing dance-music. COreogrd,fiCO, ca, «. choreographic. COrebgrafO, m. choreograph. COrezuelO, m. dim. small hide ; sucking pig; small roasted pig. COri, m. Montpellier cons, St. John's-wort. COrikceO, cea, a. coriaceous, leathery. COri^mblCO, ca, a. Latin verses written witl" coriambics. COriambO, m. coriambic, a foot of prosody. COriandro, m. (hot.) coriander. COribante, m. Corybantes, priests of Cybele. COribantismo, m. kind of frenzy accompa- nied by many contortions. Corifeo, m. Corypheus, leader of the ancienf dramatic chorus ; leader of a sect or party. COrimbC, m. (bot.) corymb. C0rind6n, m. corundum. COrintiO, tia, a. Corinthian. COrion, m. (anat. ) chorion. COrista, m. &/. chorister, chorus singer. COritO, a. naked ; timid, pusillanimous. — m, workman who treads grapes in the wine- press. COriza [co-ree'-thaii], /. leather sandal worn by peasants in some parts of Spaiu ; coryza. V. romadizo. corladura, /. gold-vamlsh. COrlar, COrlear, va. to put on gold-varnish. COrma,/. the stocks ; trouble, unejisiness. COrnaC or COmaca, m. keeper of domesti. cated elephants. COrnada,/. thrust with ahora ; upward thrusi with a foil, in fencing. COmadillO, m. dim. small coin. COmadO, m. old copper coin, mixed with a little silver : no vale tin cornado, not worth a farthing. cornadura,/. horns. COrnal, m. strap or thong with which oxen are tied to the yoke by the horns. COmalina, /. (miu.) cornelian. COmaxaenta, /. homs of auy animal. COmamusa, ./". cornemuse.'sort of bagpipe ; (mus.) sort of brass horn; (naut.) belaying cleat. COmatillO, m. kint of olive. t (befora e, i) and j as h in hot; h. sUent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; k. hteaed. COE 150 COE Cdmea, /• (anat.) cornea: cornea opaca, the sclerotic. COmeador, ra, m. &/. butting animal, comear, va. to butt v. acorneak. COmeclCO, illo, ito, m. dim. cornicle, small horn. COrneja,/. (orn.) crow; fetlock; dow. COrnejal, m. collection of dogwood-trees. ■COmejalejO [cor-neU-hah-leU'-hoJ, m. kind of pod in which is contained some seed or fruit. comejo [cor-neh'-ho], 7/1. (bot.) hound-tree or cornel-tree, dogwood. comelina or cornerina, /. V. cornalina. c6rneo, ea, a. horny, corny, callous. COmerO, ?». corner© de pan, crust of bread. COmeta,/. bugle ; horn used by swine-herds : cornet, ensign of horse ; banderole carried by horse troops; troop of horse; (naut.) broad pennant ; rear-admiral's flag : come- ta de posta, post's horn : corneta de monte, ijuntsman's horn : corneta de Haves, cornet. —m. bugler. COmete, m. dim. small bugle-horn. COrnetlUa,/. dirn. plmlento de cornetiUa, chili. COmetin, m. dim. cornet ; cornettist. COrnezuelO, m. dim. ergot of rye ; (farr.) in- strument for bleeding horses ; (bot.) V. CORNICABRA. COmlablertO, ta, a. having wide-spread horns. COmlal, a. in the shape of a horn. eorniapretado, da, a. having horns close- set. COrnlca'bra, /. (bot. ) turpentine-tree, pista- chio-tree, wild fig-tree; sort of crescent olives. COmiforme, a. horn-shaped. COmlgachO, Cha, a. having the horns turned slightly downward. COmigero, ra, a. (poet.) horned, comiger- ous. COrnlJa, /. (arch.) cornice. COrnljal, m.. angle or corner of a mattress, building, etc. * cornyamento, comljamlento, m. (arch.) V. COKXISAMENTO. C0mij6n, cornis6n, m. (arch.) entablature; street corner of a building. 'Cornil, w. V. coRNAL. COmiOla, /. V. CORNALINA. •COrnisa,/. (arch.) cornice, cornisamento, comisamiento, m. (arch.) entablature. comlsica, ilia, ita, /. dim. small cornice. corniveleto, ta, a. having horns turned strongly upward. cornizo, corno, m. v. cornejo. cornucopia,/, cornucopia, sconce, pier-glass. cornudico, illo, ito, m. dim. little cuckold. COrnudO, da, a. horned. — m. cuckold. corntipeta, a. (poet.) attacking with the horns. COro, m. choir ; chorus in old tragedy ; sing- ing chorus ; assembly unanimous in senti- ment ; choir-loft ; choir of angels ; memory : de coro, from memory, by rote : hablar 4 coroB, to speak alternately. COrocna, /. vine-fretter or vine-grub ; ancient loose coat. COrOgrafLa,/. chorography. corogr^flcamente, ddv. choro^aphically. corogr&fico, ca, «. chorographical. C0r6graf0, m. chorographer. coroideo, a, «. choroid. coroides,/. the choroid coat of the eye. corojo, m.'tropical palm bearing an oily nut ; the nut itself. COrola,/. (bot.) corolla. COrolariO, m. corollary, inference, dedao» tion. corona, /. crown, diadem, wreath, garland for the head ; halo ; aureola of saints ; coro- net ; top of the head ; clerical tonsure : old Spanish gold and silver coin ; crown, Eng- lish silver coin ; Portuguese coin ; crown, regal power, royalty, sovereignty ; king- dom, monarchy ; reward, distinction, hon- our ; splendour, ornament, decoration ; end of a work ; glory, triumph ; rosary of seven decades; (asi.) corona; (naut.) pendant; (bot.) corona, crown; (mil.) crown-work; (arch.) corona, crown; (geora.) crown; (farr.) pastern of horses: corona de ft-aile, (hot.) three-toothed globularia. V. cabo- llana: corona de rey, (bot.) common meli- lot trefoil: corona real, (bot.) annual sun- flower. coronaci6n [co-ro-nah-thie-on'], /. coronation J end of any work ; (arch.) crown. COronadO, pp. & m. Roman Catholic clergy- man who has received the tonsure. COronador, ra, m. & f. crowner, finisher. coronal, m. &f.&a. (anat.) frontal bon^, belonging to the frontal bone. COronamientO, m. end of a work : (arch.) top ornament, capping; (naut.) talFrail. COronar, va. to crown • to cap, to top ; to complete, perfect ; to decorate the top of % builaing ; to crowd on a roof or on the ton of a hill. coronaria,/. crown-wheel of a watch. COronariO, ria, a. coronary; (bot.) coro- nary ; extremely refined gold. corondel, m. (print.) column-rule; reglet; water-mark in paper. COronel, m. colonel; top-mouldiag ; (her.) crown. coronela, /. colonel's wife. — a. applied to the company, flag, etc. , supposed to belong to the colonel of a regiment. coronelia,/. coionelship. v. regimiento. COronilla, /. dim. small crown ; top of the head ; coxcomb ; cap ; chaplet ; ear of a bell ; (bot.) coronilla: coronilla joncal, rush coro- nilla : coronilla de rey, niue-leaved coronilla : coronilla de ftaile, French daisy. coroza, /. cone-hood of pasteboard worn as a mark of infamy ; straw cape used by farmers. C0rpancll6n, COrpazo, m. mtg. very big body or carcass : corpanchbn de ave, carcass of a fowl. corpecico, illo, ito, corpezuelo, m. dim. little or small body, or carcass; under- doublet ; waist • corset-cover. COrpi&O, COrpineJO, m. dim. small body; under-doublet ; waist ; corset-cover. COrporacibn, /. corporation, guild; com- munity. corporal, a. corporal, belonging to the body : castigo corporal, corporal punishment. — m. (eccl.) corporal-cloth. corporalidad, /. corporality ; any corporeai suDstauce. corporalniente, adv. corporally, bodily. corporativo, va, «. corporate. corpbreo, rea, «. corporeal, corporeotis. corps, m. {Ft.) corps: guardias ae corps, life- guards : samiller de corps, lord chamberlain. COrpudO, da, a. corpulent, bulky. COrpulencia, /. corpulenc*, corpulency, COrpulentO, ta, «. corpulent, fleshy, fat. Corpus, //I. Corpus Christi, ^religious festival and j)roc'ession. corpuscular, «. corpuscular. COrpuscullsta, m. atomist. » M tn far ; e In eh 1 ; 1 In police ; o in for ; a in bull ; C (before e, i) and Z as th In thick ; b and d, son , COE 151 COE COrpilSCUlO, m,- corpuscle, atom, molecule. corral, m. corral, yard, iuclosure ; poultry- yard, pen, fold, stock-yard ; lish-pond ; an- cient play-house ; blank left by students in writing the lectures : corral de madera, tim- ber-yard : hacer corrales, to play hooky. COrridera, /. Andalusian song and dance; brazen-faced, impudent woman. COrralerO, m. keeper of a dung-yard, COrralillO, itO, m. dim. small yard. corraliza, /. yard, court. COrralbn, m. aug. large yard. COrrea, /. leather strap ; tether, leash ; flexi- ble toughness of some things; (mech.) leather belting ; hand-strap.— jj/, correas, duster made of straps: correa de zapatos, shoe-string, lace, latchet: besar la correa, (coll.) to be obliged to humble one's self to another: tener correa, to bear wit or rail- lery without irritation ; to be strong and hardy. COrreaJe, m. heap of leather straps or thongs. correal, m. dressed deer-skin, reddish. COrrear, va. to draw out wool and prepare it for use. COrreazO [cor-reh-ah'-thaw], m. blow with a leath- er strap or thong. C0rrecci6n [coi-rec-thie-on'], /. correction, repre- hension, lecture, amendment ; emendation, correctness, proper demeanour. correcclonal [coi^rec-tiiie-o-naiii'], a. correction- al, corrective. correccionalmente, adv. correctively. correctamente, adv. correctly. corrective, va, a. corrective. — m. corrective. COrrectO, ta, a. exact, correct, conformable to the rules.— pp. irr. of corregir. corrector, m. corrector, amender ; (print.) proof-reader ; superior, or abbot, in the con- vent of St. Francis de Paula. corredentor, ra, rn. & f. one who redeems from captivity, jointly with another. COrredera, /. race-ground ; small wicket or back-door ; runner or upper grinding-stone in a corn-mill ; street ; procuress ; (naut. ) log or log-line : echar la corredera, to heave the lead ; roller, metal cylinder for rolling plate-glass : cockroach. V. cucakacha ; • (St. -engine) slide-valve; (print.) track, slide, rail ; (mech.) tongue, rail, guide, run- ner ; (mint) milling-machine. COrredlzo, za [cor-reh-/>. of correr. COrriente,/>a. runner, running. — a. current, present month or year, instant : plain, easy ; generally received, admitted, uncontra- dicted; ordinary, regular, common, general; fluent, applied to style ; marketable, mer- chantable : moneda corriente, currency : cuenta corriente, account current: precios corrientes, price current : gineros de consumo corriente, staple commodities.—/, course of rivers, current, flow, running stream, tend- ency, course, progression : corriente de aire, air-draught : corriente elictrica, electric cur- rent : corriente del Golfo, Gulf Stream.— p^. sea currents. — adv. corriente, all right. corrientemente, adv. currently. corrijo, corriia {irr. from corregir). corrigendo, da, a. person serving a term in a reformatory. COrrillerO, m. idler, lounger, loafer. COrrillO, m. group of loungers or gossipers. COrrimientO, m. act of running, melting ; (med.) running sore ; landslide; shyness. COrrinchO, w. meeting of low, vulgar people. corrivacidn, /. diversion of brooks and stor- ing their water in a reservoir. COrro, '«. group of gossipers or spectators ; circular space : hacer corro, to clear the way. COrroboraci6n, /. corroboration. COrroborante, m. & pa. corroborative, cor- roborant. corroborar, va. to corroborate, strengthen, fortify, confirm. corroborative, va, a. corroborative. corrobra, /. treat to close a bargain. corroer, va. to corrode. corrompedor, ra, m. & f. corrupter. corromper, va. {pp. corrompido and co- RRUPTO) to corrupt, vitiate, mar ; to seduce a woraau ; to bribe. — vn. to stink. — vr. to rot, become putrid ; to l)eeome immoral. corrompidamente, adv. corruptly. corrompido, da, a. corrupt, spoiled, un- sound. — pp. of CORROMPER. COrrOBible, a. corrosible. C0rrosi6n, /. corrosion, exulceration. corrosive, va, a. corrosive, acrid, corrodent, acrimonious. COrroyente, pa. corroding, corrodent. COrroyera, /. kind of sumac which is em- ployed in tanning. COrrUgaCibn [cor-roo-Kah-thle-on'], /. corruga- tion, contraction into wrinkles. COrrugador, m. (anat.) corrugater. COrruUa, /. (naut.) room under deck in a row-galley. COrrumpente, a. corrupting, vitiating; (coll.) teasing, vexatious, wayward. COrmpcibn Icor-roop-twe-on'],/. corruption, pu- trefaction, corruptness, pollution, filth ; sob- rious alteration in a nook or writing ; "de- pravity ; perversion of manners or princi- ples ; complete disorganization of any sub- stance ; stench. COrruptamente, adv. corruptly, viciously. COrruptela, /. corruptiouj depravation, cor- ruptness ; (law) baa habit or practice con- trary to law ; abuse, corruptibilidad, /. corruptibility. corruptible, a. corruptible. corruptive, va, a. corruptive. COrruptO, ta, a. &pp. irr. of CORROMPER. corrupter, m. corrupter, misleader ; one who taints or vitiates. corrusco, m. (coll.) broken bread. V. men- DRUGO. corsario, ria, a. privateer authorized t» cruise against the enemy. — m. corsair, pri- vateer, pirate. cers6, corset, stays for women. corsear, va. to cruise against the enemy. corsetera, /. woman who makes or sells cor- sets. corse, m. cruise, cruising, privateering. corse, sa, «. Corsican. COrta,/. felling of wood ; said also of reeds. cortabolsas, m. (coll. ) pickpocket, filcher. COrtadera, /. chisel for cutting hot iron; knife used by bee-keepers. COrtadere, ra, a. cutting readily ; easily cut. COrtadillO, m. small drinking-glass, tumbler ; liquid measure, about a gill ; clipped piece of money : echar cortadlUos, to speak in an affected manner ; to drink wine. certado, da, pp. of cortar.— a. adapted, proportioned, accommodated, fit, exact ; (her.) parted in the middle; confounded, abashed ; written in short sentences. — m. (danc.) caper, cabriole. cortader, ra, m. & f. cutter ; that which cuts ; splitter. — m. butcher. V. carnicero ; slicing-machine, cutter j (tel.) interrupter; (zool.) scissor-bill. — pi. incisor teeth. cortadora,/. cutting-ooard in a velvet loom. COrtadura, /. cut, cutting, abscission, inci- sion, tissure, slit, slash ; (fort.) parapet with embrasures and merlons ; work raised in narrow passes.— «/. cortadnras, shreds. COrtafriO, vi. cold-chisel ; cutting-iron. COrtafuegO, m. (agr.) clear space to prevent tire from spreading; (arch.) fire-wall. COrtal^piz, m. pencil-sharpener. COrtamente, adv. sparingly, frugally, scant- ily ; curtly. certante,prt. cutting, edged, sharp, biting. — m. butcher. • cortapapel, m. paper-cutter, paper-knife. COrtapies, m. (coll.) thrust made at the legs in fencing. certapisa, /. obstacle, hindrance, impedi- ment ; elegance and grace in speaking ; re- striction with which a thing is given. COrtaplumas, m. penknife, pocket-knife. cortar, va. to cut, cut up, cut off. cut out, curtail ; to disjoin, separate, hew, sever, cleave, chop, hack, carve, fell, whittle ; to dock ; pare, prune ; (mil.) to cut off part of the enemy's army ; to cut in card-playing ; to interrupt, stop progress, cut snort; to abridge ; to take a short cut ; to suspend, restrain, keep back ; to shape by cutting, as a garment ; to pronounce or enunciate ; to read poetry ; to cut or trim a quill, make a pen ; t© arbitrate or decide : cortar la co- rriente, (elec.) to break contact: aire qne corta, cutting, piercing, or nipping wind ; cortar 4 algnno, (met.) to put one to the ft M lo far : e in eh ! ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in boll ; c (before e, 1) and Z as th in thick ; b and d, ■'Vt ; COE US COS blush. — IT. to be daunted, ashamed, con- founded ; abash ; to curdle ; to chap ; to fret ; to fray ; (geom.) to cross, intersect, tsortavapor, m. cut-olr of a steam-engine. eortayldriOS; m. glazier's diamond. eorte, m. cutting edge ; exsection, abscission, act of cutting ; cut, effect of a cutting in- strument ; felling of trees ; arbitration, com- promise, settlement; measure, expedient, step taken in an affair ; notch, hack, slot ; in tailoring, cut, fit, also the stuff necessary lor a garment, as an corte de cbaleco, a vest pattern : un corte de pantalon, the stuff re- ?uired for a pair of trousers ; edge of a book ; inin.) shaft; cross opening; (arch.) sec- tional view of a building.—/, place where the sovereign resides ; a monarch's retinue ; levee ; retinue, suite ; yard ; courtship ; art of pleasing, civility : corte celestial, heaven : hacer la corte, to court, to woo ; to pay court in palace ; stable for cattle ; sheep-fold ; ancient tribunal of chancery. — pi. f, senate and congress of deputies of Spain. AiOrtedad, /. smallness, littleness, minute- ness ; dulness, stupidity, want of intellect or instruction ; pusillanimity, timidity, dif- fidence, bashfulness : cortedad de medios, poverty, indigence. cortelador, ni. wooer, COrtejante, pa. courting ; courtier, gallant, beau. COrtejar [cor-teh-har'l, va. to accompany, escort, attend ; to court, woo, make love : cort«jar una dama, to pay one's addresses to a lady. COrtejO [coi^teh'-ho], m. court ; homage paid to another, courtship ; gift, present ; gallant, beau, lover, sweetneart ; paramour. COrt^S, a. courteous, gentle, mild, civil, com- plaisant, complacent, gracious, courtly, mannerly, genteel, polite. cortesanamente, adv. courteously, politely. COrtesanazo, za, a. aug. awkwardly or ful- somely polite. COrtesania, /. courtesy, civility, politeness, complaisance, good manners. COrtesanO, na, a. courtier, court-like, cour- teous, gentle, mild, obliging, courtly : dama cortesana, courtesan. — m. courtier. COrtesia, /. courtesy, civility, obeisance, courteousness, good manners ; compliment ; attention ; gift, present ; days of grace for payment ; mercy, favour : hacer una corte- sia, to courtesy. COrt^smente, adv. courteously, civilly, gen- teely, politely, obligingly. COrteza [cor-t«h-thaiii, /.bark of a tree; peel, skin, rind, crust of bread, pies, etc. ; wild fowl of the family of widgeons ; outward ap- pearance of things ; rusticity, want of po- liteness, crustiness. COrtezdn, m. aug. thick bark, rind, or crust, COrtezudO, da, a. corticose, barky ; rustic, unmannerly, unpolished. COrtezuela, /. dim. thin bark, skin, or rind. cortical, a. cortical. cortijada fcor-te-hah'-dah],/. collection of houses about a grange. COrtyo [cor-tee'-hoi, TO. farm-house, grange, manse : alborotar el cortijo, (coll. ) to cause excitement. COrtil, m. V. CORRAL. COrtina, /. curtain, shade, screen, portiere ; (fort.] curtain ; bot.) cortina. COrtinale, m. set o. curtains for a house. COrtinal, to. inclosure near a village or farm- house. COrtinllla, /. small screen, shade ; carriage curtain. COrtindn, to. aug. large heavy curtain. COrtifLa [cor-tee'-nyahj, /. garden plot. COrtO, ta, a. short, scanty, narrow, curt, small, little, brief; dull, stupid, weak of in- tellect ; timid, pusillanimous, shy, bashful, backward, laconic, concise ; imperfect, de- fective : corto de vista, short-sighted : corto de oido, hard of hearing : corto de alcances, stupid : corto de genio, of a diffident char- acter : & la corta 6 i la larga, sooner or later, COrtdn, m. mantis, an orthopterous insect. corulla, /. in galleys, place for the stoppers of cables. corundo, w. V. corind6n. COrufL^S, sa, a. of or belonging to Coruun»- COniacacibn,/. coruscation, brilliancy, flash- ing. coruscante, corusco, ca, a. (poet.) corus- cant, glittering, brilliant. COmscar, va. (poet.) to shine. COrva,/. bend of the knee, ham, hock ; (farr,) curb. COrvadura, /. curvature, crookedness, in- flexion, gibbousness; (arch.) bend of an arch or vault. COrval, a. applied to long olives. COrvatO, to. young crow or rook. COrvaza,/. (farr.) curb, COrvecitO [cor-veh-thie'-to], TO, dim. young little crow or rook, C0rvej6n [cor-veh-hone'], to, gambrel, hock ; spur of a cock ; (zool,) cormorant. COrVeJOS [cor-veh'-hos], to, pi. hock-joint of quaarupeds, COrveta, /. curvet, corvetto ; leap or bound of a horse, corvetear, vn. to curvet, bound, leap, COrvillO,TO, hooked bill; pruning-knife ; shoe- maker's paring-knife; small sickle in velvet looms : miircoles corvillo, Ash-Wednesday, COrvilia, /, variety of conger-eel in the Medi- terranean ; white sea-bass of California. COrvlno, na, a. rook-like, belonging to a rook. COrvo, va, a. bent, crooked, arched ; stingy, mean. COrvO, TO. (zool.) variety of mullet; pot- hook. COrzo, za, to. & /. roe-deer, fallow-deer. COrzuelO [cor-thoo-eh'-io], TO. wheat left in the husks by the thrashers. COsa,/. thing, substance, object, article : cosa de entidad, an important thing : cosa de rlsa or cosa ridicula, laughing-stock : cosa de ver, a thing worth seeing : cosa de oir, a thing worth hearing: es faerte cosa, it is very hard : no es cosa, it does not matter, it is a trifle : no hay tal cosa, no such thing : no vale cosa, it is not worth a rush : cosa del otro Jueves, (coll.) a mi/vellous thing or something out of date: ique cosa? (coll.) what's the matter? poqaita cosa, (coll.) a pusillanimous person. cosa de, adv. aoout, nearly, little more or less : cosa de media legna, half a league, mori or less. COSaco, ca, a. Cossack. cosario, to. carrier, expressman ; huntsman by profession. cosario, ria, a. belonging or relating to car- riers ; frequented, applied to roads. COSCarana, /. (prov.) cracknel, crisp cake. coscarse, vr. (coll.) v. concomersk. COSCOja [co8-co'-hah],/. (bot.) kermes or scarlet- oak ; dry leaves of the kermes oak ; ring or knob on the cross-bit of a bridle. COSCOJal, COSCOjar, m. plantation of kerme» or scarlet-oaks. g (belore e, 1) and J as h In hot; h, slleat; II in brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; ■, COS 154 COT tOSCOJO [coH-co'-ho], w. kerraes herry.— pi. co»- cojos, chain of a horse's bridle. .^OSCOn, na, a. crafty, sly. coscorron, m. contusion ; bump on the head. cosecante, m. (geom.) co-secant. 90Seclia, /. harvest, crop, yield ; harvest- time ; harvest gathering ; reaping ; collec- tion of immaterial things, as virtues, vices, etc. : cosecha de vino, vintage : de sn cosecha, of one's own invention. COsechar, va. to crop, reap, gather the har- vest. COSechero, m. owner of the crop or harvest, harvester. COSelete, m. corselet, ancient coat of armour ; pikeman ; thorax of insects. COSeno w. (math.) cosine: coseno verso, co- versed sine. COSer, va. to sew, to stitch, join and unite things ; (naut. ) to lash, nail, fix, frap, seize : coser un moton, (naut.) to lash or seize a block : coserse con la pared, to stick close to a wall : coser & pu&aladas, (coll.) to stab re- peatedly : coser y cantar, to otfer no difficul- ties : coserse la boca, not to speak a word. fOSera,/. piece of ground which can be irri- gated at once. COSetada, /. race, quick run, sprint. COSlble, a. that which may be sewed. COSita, /. dim. small thing, trifle; (Cuba) luncheon. eosicosa,/. v. quisicosa. COSidO, T(n. needlework ; action of sewing : cosido de cama, quilt and blankets stitched together : cosido, da, pp. of coser, and o. devoted to ; wedded to. «osiduras, /. p^. (naut.) lashings. DOSm^tiCO, m. cosmetic. c6siniC0, ca, a. cosmic. liosmogonia,/. cosmogony. COsmog6nlco, ca, a. cosmogonic. aosmografia, /. cosmography. BOSmOgrafiCO, ca, a. cosmographicaL COSm6grafO, m. cosmographer. COSmolOgia, /. cosmology. 0O3inol6glCO, ca, a. cosmological. COSmopolita, com. cosmopolite. COSmorama, m. cosmorama. cosmos, m. the universe. COSO, m. place or square for bull -fights or other public entertainments ; timber " worm. fiOSpeL m. coin blank, in the mint. COSpillO, »i. bagasse of the olive. COSqUilLaS [cos-keel'-lyas], /. pi. tickling, titil- lation : hacer cosquiUas algana cosa, to be tickled by anything ; to excite desire, curi- osity, or suspicion : bnscarle k uno las cos- quillas, (coll.) to tease and irritate a per- son : tener malas cosquiUas, (coll.) to be easily offended ; to be ill-tempered. * tiiOSquille)as, /. pi. dim. little tickling. COsquilleo [cos-keei-iyeh'-o], m. sensation of ticlcling. ^OSquillOSO, Sa [coe-keel-lyo'-so], a. ticklish ; susceptible, easily offended. eosta,/. cost, price paid for a thing, charge ; expense, expensiveness ; labour, expense, fatigue : k costa de, at the expense of : itoda costa, at all hazards, at all events : k mi costa, at my expense ; coast, shore, beach, strand ; heel-shiner ; sole-polisher.— p/. costa of a lawsuit : condenar en costa, to sentence a party to pay the costs. OStadO, m. side. V. lad( a body of troops ; side of a ship.— p/. costa- ); (mil. a ship.- ) flank of dos, race, lineage, succession of ancestors. tfOStal, m. sack or large bag ; brace of frame for making adobe walls. — a. costal, belong* ing to the ribs. costalada, /. costalazo, m. fall flat on the ground. COStalejO, w. dim. small sack. COStalero, w. porter, who carries goods. COStalitO, m. dim. small sack. COStanera,/. slope.— pi. (carp.) rafters. COStanero, ra, a. belonging to a coast ; de- clivous, sloping: buqne costanero, coasteri navegacion costanera, coasting trade. COStanllla, /. dim. gentle slope j steep street COStar, vn. (ind. cuesto : subj. cueste) to cost, to be had at a price ; to cause or occa- sion detriment or loss : costar la torta un pan, (coll.) to pay dear for one's whistle. costarriquefio, fla [cos-tar-re-keh -nyo], a. Costa Rican ; of Costa Rica. COSte, m. cost, expense, price paid for a thing : k coste y costas, at cost, without profit. COstear, va. to pay the cost, to bear all charges. — vr. to pay ; to produce sufficient to repay its cost ; (naut.) to coast. COSte&O, a. barco costefio, small coasting boat. COStera, .f. side of a bale of goods ; time of fishing for surmullets ; outside quire of a ream ; slope of a hill. COStero, m. first plank cut from a pine-tree. COStero, ra, a. belonging to the coast ; out- ward : papel costero, outside quires. COStezuela, /. dim. slight declivity or slope. COStilla, /. rib : costilla falsa, false or floating rib J chop, cutlet ; (coll.) a wife ; rung of a chair : staveof a barrel ; (carp.) fur ; (arch./ rib or a cupola, springer; (coll.) property, support, wealth; (bot.) rib of a leaf.— p/. (coll.) shoulders, back; (agr.) wooaea strips to which horses are tied in plough- ing; (mech.) cramp-irons, chimney ties: medirle k uno las costlllas, to cudgel Slim: costillas de un navio, (naut. ) ribs of a ship. costlllaje, costillar, m. the whole of the ribs, and their place in the body ; (naut.) frame of a ship. COStllludO, da, a. (coll.) broad-shouldered. COStino, na, a. belonging to the costus-root. COStO, m. cost, price ; charges, expense ; la hour, fatigue; (bot.) sweet and bitter cos tus ; costus-root : k costo y costas, at cost. COStosamente, adv. costly, expensively, ex travagautly. COstoso, sa, «. costly, dear, expensive ; diffi- cult to be obtained ; sad, grievous. COStra, /. crust, scab ; broken biscuit ; In- crusted part of a wick ; crust of casting. COstrada,/. candied seed-cake. COStrOSO, sa, a. crusty, covered with crust or scab. COStumbre,/. custom, habit, habitude, usa^e, fashion, conventional manner ; catamenia, courses.— pZ. customs, characteristic man- ners and habits of a nation or a person. COStura,/. sewing, needlework, seam, stitch- ing; (surg.) suture ; (mech.) cease, ridge, joint; (naut.) splicing of a rope; (carp.) joint. COSturera,/. seamstress, dressmaker. COSturero, m. lady's work-box or work-table. COSturdn, m. aug. big seam ; coarse suture ; large scar. , COta, /. coat of mail, coat of arms, t&bard- coat ; (top. ) number indicating the height of a point above a level ; quota, share ; back and callous part of a boar's h'de. COtana, /. mortise, morti e-hole. cotangente, /. (geom.) jo-tangent. COtanza,/. sort of linen, medium fineness. a aa in far ; e ia eb I ; 1 lu police ; o in for ; n In bull l C (before «. i) and S as tb in tbick. ; b and d, soft; COT <50tarrera, /. (coll.) gadding woman. uotarro, m. charity-nut to shelter beggars ; side of a pit : andar de cotarro en cotarro, to go sauntering about : alborotar el cotarro, to cause disturbance. COtejax [co-teh-har'], vu. to compare, confront, confer. COtejO [co-teh'-ho], m, comparison, collation, parallel. COtense, m. (Mex.) coarse brown linen wrap- per. COti, m. ticking for mattresses. cotldianamente, adv. daily. COtidiano, na, a. daily, each day ; quoti- dian. ^*)0tiled6n, m. (bot.) cotyledon, seed-leaf. cotlled6neo, ea, a. cotyledonous. COtilla,/. stays, corsets. COtillero, ra, a. stay-maker. COtillO, m. face or flat surface of a hammer. C0till6n, m. cotillon, COtin, m. back stroke given in the air to a ball. COtiza [co-tee'-thah], /. (her.) cotise ; (mech.) dents for the warp ; (S. Am.) Indian sandal. COtizable, a. quotable ; valued at. C0tlzaci6n [co-te-thah-thie-on'], /. (com.) quota- tion ; price-current, price-list. COtlzadO, da, a. (com.) quoted, listed ; (her.) cotised. COtlZar [co-tee-thar'], va. {pret. coTicfi : stibj. cotice) to quote prices ; to cry out the cur- rent prices in the exchange. COtO, m. inclosure of pasture-grounds ; land- mark, boundary, territory ; combination among merchants ; measure of a hand- breadth ; billiard contest; fine or mulct; chub; rate or price limitation; (med.) goitre. V, papera : poner coto i. una coBa, to put a stop to a thing. COtObelO, m. opening in the branch of a bridle. C0t6n, m. printed cotton. COtona, /. (Mex.) chamois jacket. COtonada, /. cottonade ; calico, prints. COtOnCillO [co-ton-theel'-Iyo], m. button of a maul-stick or painter's staff. COtonia, /. dimity, fine fustian. COtorra, /• parrot, magpie; (coll.) loqua- cious woman. COtorrear, vn. to chatter, to gabble. COtorreo, m. chattering, gossiping. COtorrera, /. hen-parrot; (coll.) prattling woman. (COtral, m. old worn-out ox, set to graze. COtufa, /. (bot,j Jerusalem artichoke; tid- bits ; delicate rood : pedir cotnfas en el golfo, to require impossibilities. COtuferO, ra, a. producing tid-bits or deli- cate food. COtuntO, m. (Cuba) night-bird. COturnO, m. cothurnus, buskin. COVacha, /. small cave or hollow under ground ; grot or grotto. COvaclmela. /. dim. small cave or grot; (coll.) office of a crown minister, formerly in the vaulted corridors of the royal palace. covachuelista or covacliuelo, m. (coll.) clerk in one of the covachuelas. COVadera, /. (Peru) guano-bed. covanilla, /. covanillo, m. dim. basket for gathering grapes, COVeZUela [co-ve-thweh'-lah], /. dim. small cave. COXalgia [coc-sahi'-he-ah], /. hip-joint disease, eoxalgia. COXCOjilla, ita Icox-co-heel'-lyah], /. childr«»^'s play, hop-scotch. COXCOJ {k) or COXCOJita (&) [ah oox-coh Ol ah 155 CEE cocs-co-hee'-tah], adv. lamely, haltingly, hip* pety-hoppety, COXiS [coc'-sees], m, (anat.) the coccyx. coy [co'-e], m, (naut,) hammock, cot, a sailor's bed : afuera coys, all hammocks up. coya, /. (Peru) queen, wife, and sister of the inca. coyote, a. (Amer.) native, domestic: as cldra- coyote, indio coyote, — m. (Mex.) coyote; (coll.) curbstone broker. COyimda, /. strap for yoking oxen ; shoe- string ; dominion ; matrimonial union. COyimtura, /. joint articulation ; occasion, conjuncture, juncture; nick of time; oppor- tunity. COZ, /. kick ; drawback ; recoil of a gun ; flowing back of a flood ; back of a pistol. V, CULATA ; (coll.) churlishness, un- provoked brusqueness: coz de mast^ero^ (naut.) heel of a mast. cozcojllla, /. V. COXCOJILLA. crabrdn, m. hornet. crameria, /. krameria, rhatany. , cran, m. (print.) nick of a type. craneo, w. skull, cranium. craneolOgia,/. craniology, phrenology. CraneosCOpia, /. cranioscopy. Cr^pula, /. inebriation, intoxication, cTapu- lence. CrapulOSO, sa, a. drunken ; gluttonous*, sur- feited ; dissolute, dissipated. crasamente, adv. grossly, rudely. crascitar, vn. to crow ; to croak. crasiento, ta* a. greasy. V. grasiekto. crasitud, /. latness, corpulency, cra?6itude, obesity ; ignorance, stupidity, dulnejs. craso, sa, a. fat, greasy, oily, un^uous; thick, gross, crass: ignorancia craaa, gross ignorance : error craso, gross error. crater, m. crater of a volcano. cratiCUla, /• small wicket through which nuns receive the communion. Crea, /. linen stuff. creaole, a. creative, creatable. creaci6n [creh-ah-thie-on'], /. creation. creado, da, pp. &a. created, begotten, made. Creador, m. the Creator, God. creador, ra, a. one who produces oi' «stalv lishes. crear, va. to create, make, cause to er^st ; to institute, establish ; to compose; to appoint. cr6bol, m. (bot. ) holly-tree. V. acefo. crecedero, ra, «• able to grow, increasable. Crecer [creh-therr'], vn. {ind. CREZCO : subj. crezca) to grow ; to bud forth ; to become larger or taller ; to increase ; to swell ; to augment the extrinsic value of money. — vr. to swell with pride or with authority. creces [creh'-thes], /. pi. .augmentation, in- crease, excess ; additional quantity of corn by a farmer to a public granary, be- sides what he borrowed from it. CreCida [creh-thle-dah],/. freshet. V. AVENIDA. crecidamente, adv. plentifully, copiously, abundantly. crecldltO, ta, a. dim. somewhat grown. crecldo, da [creh-thie'-eness, rawness ; rudeness, severity, cruelty; (coll.) vapour, vain boasting.— pZ. crudez»8 del estomago, crudities or indiges- tions of the stomach. crudo, da, a. raw, crude ; green, unripe ; rude, cruel, pitiless, grievous; rough, un- finished, immature; hard of digestion; blustering, hectoring person; (med.) un- ripe, not mature : agua cmda, hard water : lienzo crado, unbleached linen : tiempo cru- do, bleak, raw weather : punto crudo, criti- cal moment or juncture. liniel, a. cruel, hard-hearted, intolerable, in- sufferable ; hard, oppressive, bloody, vio- lent, murderous, merciless, fierce, fiend- like : un frio cruel, an intense cold : dolores crueles, severe pains. Crueldad, /. cruelty, inhumanity, savage- ness, mercilessness, ferociousness ; hardness, oppression ; barbarous action, outrage. Cruelmente, adv. cruelly, mercilessly. cruentamente, adv. bloodily, with effusion of blood. cruentO, ta, «. bloody, cruel, inhuman. crujia [croo-hee'-ah], /. (naut.) midship gang- way of a galley ; large open hall, corridor or passage in a building, with rooms at either sidfe ; great hall of a hospital ; aisle of a ward ; in cathedrals, passage between rails from choir to altar : crnjia de plezaa, fligkt of rooms one after another: pasar cr^ia, to run the gantlet ; to suffer great trroubles. Cru^ldero, ra, a. creaking, crackling, rus- tling. crujldo [croo-hee'-do], m. crack, creak, clash, crackling, rustle; (metal) flaw in a blade. crujldor, to. glass-trimmer. crujiente, pa. of crujir ; cracking, creak- ing, rustling. cruju: (oroo-heer'l, vn. to crackle, rustle, cr«ak. cruor, TO. cruor, gore, congealed blood ; col- ouring-matter of the blood ; biood-globules. crudrico, ca, a. bloody. crup, TO. (med.) croup, membranous or true cronp. crupaJ, a. (med.) croupal, croupous. cmraJL, a. crural, belonging to the leg. crust&ceo, cea, a. crustaceous, shelly. crtistula, f. V. cortezuela. cruz [crooth],/. cross, emblem of Christianity; ancient instrument of torture ; intersection of two lines ; badge of honour ; trial of pa- tience ; toil, trouble, vexation ; tail of a coin ; (farr.) withers ; (print.) dagger ; obe- lisk : cruz de las bitai, (naut. ) cross-tree of the bitts: cruz y boton, (naut.) frapping ; (ast.) Southern Cross: en cruz, crosswise: cruz y raya, no more of this : de la cruz k la fecha, from beginning to end.—/)/, crucei, wings of a reel. cruzada [croo-thaU'-dah], /. crusade ; tribunal of the crusade ; cross-roads. Cruzado, da, pp. & a. crossed, crucial, cross- wise, transverse, twilled : estarse con lot brazos cruzados, to be idle. — to. old Spanish coin ; Portuguese coin ; crusader ; knight of some military order ; manner of playing on the guitar ; figure in dancing. cruzamen de imavela, to. (naut.) square or width of a sail. cruzamiento, to. crossing. CrUZar [croo-thar'], va. {pret. CRUC6 : subj, cruce) to cross ; to lay, place, pass, or go across ; to honour with a oadge ; fnaut.) to cruise ; to cross the breed ; to twill : cruzar la cara i, algnno, to hack one's face. — vr. to be knighted ; to cross each other. CU [coo], TO. name of the letter q ; ancient Mex> ican temple. Cuaderna, /. double fours, in backgammon ; fourth part of anything; (naut) frame; cuaderna maestra (naut.) miaship-frame. cuadernal, to. (naut.) block, tackle. cuademalete, to. (naut. ) short double block. CUadernillO, to. quire of paper ; clerical di- rectory. cuaderno, to. writing-book, memorandum- book, composition-book; (print.) four printed sheets placed within each other; chastisement of collegians ; pack of cards ; cuaderno de biticora, (naut.) log-book. Cuadra, /. large hall ; stable ; ward in hos- pital, barracks, or prison ; quarter of a mile : (Amer.) block of houses ; (naut.) quarter of a ship. cuadradamente, adv. exactly, completely. CUadradillO, to. dim. little cube; block of sugar ; quadrille paper. uadrado, da, a. square, qu without defect.—^, of cuadrar.- cuadrado, da, a. square, quadrate ; perfect, square, quadrate ; square ruler ; clock, in stockings ; gusset of a shirt-sleeve ; die. K troquel; (arith.) square number; (ast.) quadrate; (carp.) square ; (print.) quadrat, quad : de cuadrado, face to face ; perfectly. cuadragenario, ria, a. forty years old. cuadragesima, /. Lent. v. cuaresma. CUadragesimal [ooo-ah-drah-heh-ge-mahl'], a. quadragesimal, Lenten. CUadragdslmO, ma [coo-ah-drah-heh'-se-mo], a, fortieth. cuadral, m. (carp.) angle-brace, truss; shoulder-tie. cuadrangular, a. quadrangular. CUandrangUlO, w. & a. quadrangle. CUadrantal, a. (math.) quadrantal. CUadrante.TO. fgeom.) quadrant; (ast.) quad- rant ; sun-dial ; clock face ; face of a watch ; (law) fourth part of an inheritance ; ancient copper coin.-— pa. of cuadrar; squaring. cuadrar, va. & vn. to square ; to form into or reduce to a square ; to square timbers ; Tarith.) to multiply a number by itself; (pict. ) V. cUADRlcui AR ; to square, fit, tally, suit, regulate, adjust ; to please, accommo- date. — vr. (mil.) to salute ; (coU.) to assume a very serious attitude. a as in far ; e in eh I ; 1 in p«lice : o In for : n in bull : c Cbefor* «, i) and z as th in thick : b «nd d. soft' CUA 159 CUA CUadratin, m. (print.) quadrat. Cuadratura, /. squaring, square; quadia- ture; (ast.) quadrature. CUadxete, m. dim. small square. CUadricenal, a. done every forty years. CUadriCUla, /. quadrlcle; quadrille. CUadriCUlar, va. (pict.) to graticulate. CUadricular, a. in squares. CUadrienal, a. quadrennial, comprising four years. cuadrienio, m. time and space of four years. cuadriforme, a. four-faced. Suadriga,/. quadriga. CUadril, m. haunch-bone in beasts. CUadrll^tero, ra, a. quadrilateral. Cuadlillteral, a. consisting of four letters. CUadrilongO, ga, a. oblong.— m. right- angled parallelogram. CUadrilla, /. meeting of four or more per- sons ; gang ; crew ; herd ; troop ; band of armed men ; patrol of the Inquisition. CUadrillero, m. chief of a band ; patrolman of the Inquisition ; (Philip.) rural guard. CUa4rillO, m. dim. small square; Moorish dart. cuadrimestre, m. space of four months. Cuadringent6simo, ma, c. one four-hun- dredth. euadrinonilo, m. (alg.) quadrinomial. CuadrinietO, ta, m, & /. great-grandchild. Cuadrlpartido, a. quadripartite, divided in four. CUadriplicadO, da, a. quadrupled. CUadrisilabO, ba, a. quadrisyllable. cuadrivio, m. a quadrivial place ; quadrivi- um in the Pythagorean system. CUadrivista, m. expert in the quadrivium. eUadriyUgO [coo-aU-dree'-yoo-gol, m. cart with four horses ; quadriga, cuadro, dra, a. V. cuadrado. CUadrO, ml square : en cuadro, squared, in a square form ; picture, painting ; picture- frame; window-frame; flower-bed; (mil.) square body of troops; (print.) platen; scene, tableau, division of a play ; touching or impressive spectacle ; vivid description. CUadruinailO, na, a. quadrumanous, four- handed. — m. pi. the quadrumana. CUadrupedal, a. quadrupedal, four-footed. cuadrupedante, «. (poet.) quadrupedant. cuadrupede, cuadrupedo, da, a. quadru- ped, having four feet. CU4,druple, a. quadruple, fourfold. CUadrupliCaCl6n [coo-ah-droo-ple-cah-thle-on'], /. quadruplication. cuadruplicar, va. to quadruplicate. CU4,druplO, pla, «. quadruple, fourfold, quadripartite : al ca4dniplo, quadruply. cuajada [co whom ; when expressing a question or doubt, which ; when repeated, means some- one or some people : todos dieron, cnal m&s, cnal menos, they all gave — some more, others- less; in some cases it stands for such as,, same, like, such ; one, other, partly : cada cnal, each one. — adv. as. — interj. how then. cualesquier, pi. of cualquier, q. v. cualesquiera, j)^. of cualquiera, q. v. CUalidad,/. quality. V. CALiDAD. CUalltatiVO, va, a. qualitative ; (chem.) ani- lislB cnalitativc, qualitative analysis. cualquier [coo-ai-ke-eir'], pron, any or any one : used only before a noun, as cnalqnier hombre, any man. cualquiera [coo-ai-ke-«h'-rah], pron. any one,^ some one, either one or tLe other, whichso- ever, whoever: nn hombre cnalqniera, any sort of man : ser nn cnalqniera, to be of no account. CUan, adv. contr, of cuanto, how, as: used, only before adjectives and adverbs. CUandO, adv. when, in case that, if; though, although, even ; sometimes : de cnando en cnando, from time to time, now and then : cnando mkn or cnando mncho, at most, at best : cnando menos, at least : cnando qnlera, when you please, whensoever : i hasta cn&n- do? when shall I see you again? literally, until when ? i de cn&ndo aci ? since when ? CUantia^ /. amount, quantity. V. cantidad ; rank, distinction, importfjice, degree. CUantiar, va. to estimate, appraise ; to fix s price. cuantidad, /. quantity : word especially use^ by mathematicians. V. cantidad. cuantim&s, (coll.) V. cuanto mas. cuantiosamente, adv. copiously. CUantiOSO, sa, a. numerous, copious-, rich. CUantitatiVO, va, a. quantitative, estimable, according to quantity ; (ohem. ) an&UsU cnantitatlTO, quantitative analysis. cuanto, ta, a. containing quantity or relat' ing to it, susceptible of quantity : i cn&nto T how much? icnintos? howmaoy? as many as, as much as, the more ; correlative ot tanto : cnanto Vd. qnlera, as much as you like; all, whatever; excessive, great ia some way. — adv. respecting", whilst : cnanta antes, immediately, as soon as possible : cnanto mi.s, moreover, the more as : en cnanto 4, with regard to, as to, in the mean- time : por cnanto, inasmuch as. CUaquerismO, m. Quakerism. CU&querO, ra, a. Quaker, Quakeress^ CUarangO, m. Peruvian bark tree. CUarenfa, a. & m. forty, fortieth : aensar lai cnarenta, to give a piece of one's mind. CUarentavO, va, a. one-fortieth. cuarentena, /. space of forty days, months, or years ; fortieth part ; Lent. V. cuarbs- MA ; suspension of assent to anything ; the number 40 in general ; (naut. ) quarantine r haoer cnarentena, (naut.) to perform quar» antine. cuarentdn, na, a. & m. & /. person forty years old. ( (before e, i) and J ap h In hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr triUed; ■, CUA 160 CUB •Cuaxesma,/. Lent, the forty days' fast ; col- lection of Lent sermons. CUaresmaJL, a. Lenten. CUarta, /. fourth, fourth part, a quarter ; quadrant, fourth part of a circle; (naut.) quarter, point of the compass ; sequence of four cards in the game of piquet; (fen.) •quart, or carte ; lineal measure, about 8 inches ; quart, liquid measure ; (mil.) quar- ter of a company of soldiers ; (mus.) a fourth; (carp.) piece of timber square in section ; (prov. ) guide-mule ; (Mex. ) short whip. €UartagO, m. nag, pony, hack. Cuartal, m. bread weighing the fourth part of a loaf ; quarter, dry measure, fourth part of a fanega. 3Uart^, >n. grain measure (18 litres 8 cen- tilitres) ; oil measure (4 litres 15 centili- tres). cuartana,/. quartan, an ague which returns every four days. cuartanal, «. intermittent. cuartanario, ria, a. labouring under a quartan. CUartar, va. to plough the ground the fourth time. Cuartazo [coo-ar-tah'-thaw], m. aug. large room ; (Mex.) blow with a whip. — pi. cuartazos, coarse, corpulent person. Oliartear, va. to quarter, to divide into four parts : to bid a fourth more at public sales ; to make a fourth person at a game ; to zig- zag up steep places ; (Mex.) to whip with a cnarta. — vr. to split, crack, rift. CUartel, m. quarter, fourth part ; district ; ward of a city ; barracks ; duty imposed on villages for the quartering of soldiers ; (coll. ) dwelling, habitation, tenement ; quar- ter, remission of life granted by victorious troops; flower-bed; (poet.) quatrain ; (her.) quarter; (naut.) hatch : cuartel de la salud, . safe place, shelter : cnartel maestre general, (mil.) quartermaster-general. CUartelar, va. (her. ) to quarter. cuartelero, m. (mil.) soldier who keei>s the ward clean. CUarteO, m. act of dodging ; crack, rift, fis- sure. s;uartera, /. dry measure (about 70 litres) ; surface measure (about 36 ares) ; piece of square timber. cuarterada, /. surface measure (about 7 sq. metres). cuartero, ra, a. collector of the rents of the grain of farms. cuarterola, /. quarter cask. Cuarter6n, m. quartern, quarter, fourth part ; quarter of a pound ; upper shutter of windows ; (carp.) door or wainscot panel. Cuarter6n, na, a. (Amer.) quadroon. CUarteta,/. (poet.) quatrain. GUartete, CUartetO, m. (poet.) quatrain; (mus.) quartet. CUartllla, /. fourth part of an arroba; grain measure (about L38 litres) ; liquid meas- ure (quarter of a cintara^ ; fourth part of a large sheet of paper ; (print. ) sheet of copy ; pastern of horses. CUartillO, m. pint, fourth part of a pottle in liquids ; fourth part of a peck in grain ; fourth part of a real. CuartiUudo, da, «. horse with lone pasterns. CUartitO, ?/*. dim. small room, hallroom. CUartO, ta, a- fourth, fourth part, quadrant, quarter.— m. habitation, chamber, dwelling, room, apartment, flat. V. aposento ; cop- per coin worth four mt /avedli ; series of paternal or maternal ancestors ; crack in horses' hoofs ; quarter of clothes ; quartet of animals or of criminals whose body is quartered ; quarter of an hour ; each of the moon quarters ; service in the royal palace.— pi. cuartoB, cash, money ; well-proportioned members of an animal's body : cuarto k caarto, in a mean, miserable manner: de tre« al caarto, of little moment : poner caarto, to take lodgings ; to furnish apartments : caarto principal, first floor; no tener an caarto, not to be worth a farthing: en caar- to, (print. ^ quarto. CUaxiog^nitO, ta, a. the fourth-bom child. CUartdn, m. quarter ; large joist or girder ; a beam sixteen feet long; oblong patch of farming land ; liquid measure. CUarzO [coo-ar'thaw], m. quartz : caarzo citrinOf Occidental topaz. cuarzoso, sa [coo-ar'-thaw-so], a. quartzose. CUasi, adv. almost. V. CASI. cuasicontrato, m. (law) quasi-contract. CUasimodO, m. first Sunday after Easter. Cuate, m. (Mex.) twin. V. gemeoo : eso no tiene cuate, (coll.) that has no match. CUaterna, /. union of four things. V. cua- DERNA ; four points in the game of lotto. cuaternario, rla, a. quaternary. CUaternldad, /. quaternity, quaternary. CUaterno, na, a. consisting of four numbers. Cuatezon, na, a. (Mex. ) hornless ox or sheep. cuatralbo, ba, a. having four white feet. — m. commander of four galleys. CUatratUO, ua, a. quadroon. CUatrero, m. horse thief, cattle thief. cuatriduano, na, a. lasting four days. cuatrienio, m. V. cuadrienio. Cuatrillo, m. game at cards, sort of treslllo, played by four persons. Cuatrimestre, a. lasting four months. — m. the space of four months. CUatrin, m. ancient small coin.— pi. caatrines, (coll.) cash in general. CUatrlnca, /. union of four persons or things ; four cards of a kind in the game of b&ciga. cuatrisilabo, ba, a. K cuADRisiLABo. CUatro, a. four, twice two ; fourth : el caatro de jaIio,the fourth of July. — to. character or figure 4 ; one who votes for four absent per- sons ; (mus.) quatuor, quartet; card with four marks.— pi. f. las caatro, four o'clock : m4B de cuatro, a great number, many. CUatrocientOS, tas, a. four hundred. cuatrodoblar, va. to quadruple. CUatropea, /. duty on horse-sales. CUatropeadO, m. step in dancing. cuatrotanto, m. (coll.) quadruple. Cuba, /. cask; big-bellied person; (coll.) toper, drunkard ; tub, coop, vat, back, guile, trough. cubano, na, a. Cuban. CUbeba,/. (bot.) cubeb or cubebs. CUberia,/. cooperage, cooper's shop. cubero, to. a cooper. eubertura,/. cover, covering. V. coBKRTURA. CUbeta,/. dim. of cuba ; small barrel or cask, keg, tub, pail, trough, basin, tray : cabet* or bib6n dende se come, (naut.) mess-bucket : cabeta para alqaitrAn, (naut.) tar-bucket. CUbetllla, ita,/. dim. small bucket. CUbetO, TO. dim. of CUBO ; small pail, tub, ot vessel, li J Ctlblca, /. cubica, fine worsted fabric. ■ . • cubicacidn, /. measurement of solids, cuba*' j ture ; act of cubing. . ii/>| ctibicamente, adv. cubically. ..ii-ftl CUblcar, va. (math.) to cube; to determi]lteople's atf'airs. CUCbareterO, m. maker or retailer of wooden spoons; spoon-rack; petticoat fringe. CUCbarilla, /. liver disease in swine ; (surg.) scoop: cncharilla de barrenero, (min.) scra- per. CUCharita, ilia, /. dim. small spoon, tea- spoon, coffee-spoon. CUCbardn, m. aug. large spoon ; soup-ladle kitchen-ladle, dipper, CUCbarro, m. (naut.) harping: tablones de cucharros, (naut.) serving-planks; watering vessel made from a gourd, CUCbi, m. (Peru) hog. cucbicbear, vn. to whisper, CUChicbeO, m. whisper, whispering. CUCbicbiar, vn. to call like a partridge, CUCbllla, /. large choppiug-knife ; cleaver ; any knife ; ancient poniard ; (poet.) sword. CUCUUlada, /. cut or slash with a knife; gash, deep wound.— pZ. cuchilladas, slasb^ cut in cloth ; wrangles, quarrels. CUObillar, a. belonging or relating to a knifci cucbillela, cucbillejo, m. dim. small knife ; paring-knife (of horse-shoers). CUCbillera, /. knife-case or scabbard. CUCbilleria, /. cutler's shop, cutlery. cucbillero, m. cutler. CUCblllo, TO. knife; gore, ti 'angular piece in a garment; right of governing; any object or place ending in a point or acute angle; (arch.) gable frame; (naut.) cant piece; triangular sail; goring of a sail; (carp.) beam, girder : cucbillo de monte, hunter's- cutlass : pasar & cuchillo, to put to the sword, — ffl^. chief feathers in a hawk's wing. CUCnilldn, to. aug. large or big knife, CUCbipanda, /. (coll.) cheerful dinner shared by several persons. CUCbltril, TO. narrow hole or corner; very small room ; hut. CUCbO, TO. fertilizer of manure and vegetable matter. cucbucbear, vn. v. cuchichear, CUCbufletaicoo-choo-fleh'-tah],/. joke, jest, fun. CUdria, /. flat woven bass-rope. cu6bano, v. cu^vano. 1 (bef*re e, 1) and J as h in hot ; li, Bileut ; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr ti iUed ; ■, hlMed cvt 162 CUE 'Cu^le'bre, m. v. drag6x. -CUelga, /. cluster of grapes or other fruit hung up for use : cnelga or riitra de ceboUai, bunch of onions ; (coll.) birthday present. CUelgacapas, m. cloak-hanger, rack. cuelgo; cuelgue {irr. from colgar). CUelmO, m. can die- wood. V. tea. CUelllCOrtC, ta, a. short-necked. ■CUelliergUidO, da [coo-el-lyee-er-gee'-do], a. Stiff- necked ; elated with pride. cuellilargo, ga, «. long-necked. CUellO, m. neck, throat ; collar of garments ; neck of a bottle : neck-stock ; small end of a wax candle ; thinnest part of a mast, pole, cane, etc. ; collar of a beam in oil-mills : le- vantar el cuello, to be prosperous. ciielo, cuele {irr. from colar). cuenca, /. wooden bowl ; socket of the eye ; basin of a river ; deep valley. CUenco, m. earthen bowl ; sifting basket. vClienda, /. end of pack-thread ; tie of a skein ; end of a skein : madeja sin cnenda, an en- tangled affair. Cuenta, / computation, calculation, count, reckoning; account, bill, note; statement, narrative, report; obligation, care, duty; a bead of a rosary : cuentas de iimbar, amber beads ; answerableness, reason, satisfaction : consideration, merit, importance: ca&a de cuentas, (bot.) common Indian-shot or In- dian-reed : cuenta corriente, (com.) account current: cuenta de venta, (com.) account sales : cuenta simulada, pro forma account : por cuenta y mitad, joint account : k buena cuenta or 4 cuenta, on account, in part pay- ment : de cuenta y riesgo de, for account and risk of : 4 esa cuenta, at that rate : dar cuenta, to answer, report, give account : dar cuenta de algo, (coll. iron.) to waste or destroy anything : cuentas del Oran Capit4n, account overcharged : hacer cuentas alegres, to feed one's self with vain hopes of success: la cuenta es cuenta, business is business : tribu- nal de cuentas, exchequer : tener en cuenta, to take a thing in consideration : tener cuenta alguna cosa, to answer ; to be profitable or advantageous : tomar por su cuenta, to take anything upon one's self: vamos 4 cuentas or estemos 4 cuentas, let us attend to this : en resumidas cuentas, (coll.) in short; in a word. — interj. \ cuenta I take care, look out ! •CUentadante, m. one who renders an account of moneys received. <;'uentaliilos, m. thread counter; linen- prover ; weaver's glass. •cuentapasos, vi. odometer. <;uentero, ra, m. &f. & a. V. cuentista •Cuentezuela, /. dim. small account. -cuentista, m. tale-bearer, informer. CUentO, m. relation of an event, tale, story ; product of one hundred thousand multi- f>lied by ten, a million ; a million of mil- ions ; fable, fairy-tale : cuento de vlejas, old women's stories, idle story ; variance, dis- agreement between friends : andar en cuen- tos, to fall to loggerheads ; to carry tales ; to breed quarrels ; articulation of the wing ; account ; number : venir 4 cuento, to the pur- pose, seasonably, opportunely ; ferrule of a pike, cane, or tool ; prop, shore, support. -cuento, cuente {irr. from contar). cuent6n, na, a. story-teller, tale-bearer. -cuera,/. leather jacket. CUerdSL, /. cord, rope, halter, string ; (fishing) line ; string for musical instruments ; com- pass of a voice; (geom.) chord; match for firing a gun ; chain of a watch or clock ; surface measure in the Antilles ; number of galley-slaves tied together. — ^/. human nerves : cuerdas vocales, vocal chords : cuer- das de las cubiertas, (naut.) deck-streaks or strakes : por debajo de cuerda or bajo cuerda, underhand, privately, cuerdamente, adv. prudently, advisedly, deliberately. cuerdecica, ilia, ita, cuerdezuela,/. dim. funiele, a small cord. Cuerdo, da, a. prudent, discreet, sensible, judicious ; in his senses, not mad. cuerecico, ItO, m. dim. small hide or skin, cuerezuelo, m. sucking pig. V. coREzuE< LO. cuerna, /. horn vessel ; stag's or deer's horn ; sportsman's horn. CUemeciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. cornicle. CUernezuelO, m. dim. cornicle, small horn ; farrier's paring-knife. CUerno, m. horn ; feeler, antenna of insects ; pointed end of the moon ; button of a manu- script roll; huntsman's horn; (bot.) spur or outgrowth resembling a horn; (naut.) outrigger; (farr. ) disease of horses; cal- losity : cuerno de ciervo, hart's-horn : obra 4 cnerno, (mil.) horn-work: cuerno de abun- dancia, horn of plenty. CUerO, m. pelt, fell, raw-hide ; also a tanned skin, leather; goat -skin dressed entire, which serves as a bag to carry wine or oil ; toper, a great drinker: cuero cabelludo, scalp : cuero exterior, cuticle : cuero interior, skin : cuero de suela, sole-leather : cueros al pelo, raw hides, undressed hides : de cuero, leath- ern : en cueros or en cueros vivos, stark naked : entre cuero y came, between skin and flesh. — pi. cueros, hangings or drapery of gilded or painted leather. cuerpecico, illo, ito, cuerpezuelo, m. dim. small body ; small carcass. cuerpo, m. body, matter, opposed to spirit ; body of an animal ; also more narrowly, the trunk ; figure and build of a person ; corpse ; corporation, guild; (geom.) body, a solid; size, thickness; (arch.) entire part of a building up to a cornice or entablature ; volume, book, whole of a book, except pref- ace and index; (law) body, collection of laws ; degree of thickness of silks, woollens, or cottons ; strength, thickness of liquids : vino de mucbo cuerpo, strou g-bodied wine ; col- lective mass; body, in several other senses, as a body of a musical instrument, of ore, oi scientific or diplomatic persons, etc. : cuerpo de ejercito, main body of an array : cuerpo de reserva, corps of reserve : cuerpo de ba- talla de una escuadra, the centre division of a fleet: cuerpo del cabrestante, (naut.) bar- rel of a capstan : cuerpo 4 cuerpo, hand to hand, in single combat: 4 cuerpo descubier- to, without cover or shelter ; manifestly : en cuerpo de camisa, in shirt-waist : en cuer- po, without cloak or wrap : cuerpo del delito, corpus delicti : cuerpo de goardia, guard- room : tratar 4 cuerpo de rey, to feast like a king : hacer del cuerpo, to go to stool : tomar cuerpo, to increase, enlarge : en cuerpo y alma, (coll), totally, wholly : estar de cuerpo presente, to be actually present ; also to lio in state : misa de cuerpo presente, mass said while the corpse is in the church. cuerria, /. circular space fenced in, wher« chestnuts are thrown to ripen, CUerva,/. (om.) crow, rook. cuervecico, illO,'itO, m. dim. little rook. CUervo, »». (orn ) raven, crow, rook : ottervc marine, cormorant; (ast.) a southern con- stellation. « as In far ; e in eli I ; 1 iu police : o in for ; u iu bull ;' c (b«fore e, i) and z as th In tUck ; b and d, soft; CUE 163 CUL CUesCO, m. stone of pulpy fruit ; mill-stone of an oil-mill ; wind from behind. CUesOLUillO [coo-es-keei'-iyo], m. dim. small stone of fruit. CUesta, /. hill, mount, slope, grade ; petition or collection of money for charitable or pi- ou£ purposes : cueita abajo, down hill : caesta • arriba, up hill ; painfully, with great trouble and difficulty : 4 cnestas, on one's shoulders or back ; to one's charge or care. Cuestacidn, /. petition, solicitation or collec- tion for a charitable purpose. CUestero, »«. alms collector. CUestezuela, /. dim. easy slope, light grade. CUestibn, /. question, inquiry, dispute, quar- rel ; problem, affair, business: cuestion de gablnete, state atfair that may cause a change in the cabinet. CUestionable, a. questionable^ doubtful. Cuestionar, va. to question, dispute, argue. cuestionario, m. collection of questions. CUestor, m. questor ; solicitor of alms. cuesto, cueste {irr. from costar). cuestuarlo, ria, cuestuoso, sa, a. lucrar five, productive. CUestura, /. questorship. cueto, m. (fort.) lofty place, defended tor. CUetzale [coo-et-thah'ieh], m. (orn.) large Mexi- can bird of golden green plumage. V. QUETZAL. CUeva,/. cave, ^otto, cellar : cueva dc ladro- nes, nest of thieves : cueva de fieras, den of wild beasts. CU^vano, m. basket, hamper; (min.) sump basket. CUevero, m. maker of caves and grottoes. CUeza,/. CUezO, m. mortar-hod. cuezo, cueza {irr. from cooer). cuguiada [coo-goo-hah'-dah], /. (orn.) common fiela-lark, sky-lark. CUgUlla [coo-gool'-lyah],/. COWl. CUlcacoclie,/. (Mex.) song bird. CUida, /. in ladies' seminaries, young lady who takes care of another of tender age. CUidadO, m.. care, solicitude, attention, heed, heedfulness, keeping, custody, charge, trust, caution, fear, apprehension, anxiety, exact- ness, accuracy, nicety : estar de cuidado, to be dangerously ill : estar con cuidado, to be anxious, worrying about something : no paae Vd. cuidado, do not worry. — interj. i cuidado ! mind ! stop ! beware ! Cllidadosamente, adv. carefully, attentive- ly, heedfully, mindfully, cautiously, provi- dentlv, accurately. CUldadoso, sa, a. careful, solicitous, vigi- lant, heeaful, mindful, painstaking, curi- ous, observing. CUldante, pa. of cuidar ; caretaker. CUidar, va. to heed, to care ; to execute with care, diligence, and attention ; to keep ; to mind ; to look after ; to tend, attend to, as- sist ; to nurse a sick person. — vn. cuidar de, to take care of. CUidO, m. caretaking. CUita,/. care, grief, aflOiiction, trouble : contar SUB cuitas, to tell one's troubles. euitadamente, adv. slothfully, afflictedly. CllltadO, da; a. unfortunate, wretched, inis- erable, timid. CUitamlentO, m. bashfulness, timidity. cnja icoo'-hah], /. lance-bucket ; bedstead. CUjazo [coo-hah'-thaw], m. (Cuba) blow with a withe. cuje [coo'-heh], TO. (Cuba) withe, each of three twigs, of which a kind of crane is made for suspending tobacco.— pZ. cujes, hop-poles. CUji) "*• (bot.) sponge-tree. CUilsal, TO. plantation of sponge-trees. culada, /. stroke with the butt-end of any* thing. — pi. culadas, (naut.) shocks and roll* ings of a ship. CUlantrillO, m. (hot.) maiden-hair fern. CUlantrO, to. (bot.) coriander. OUlata, /. buttock, haunch ; breech of a gun, butt-end ; screw-pin, which fastens the breech of a gun to the stock ; rear part of anything. CUlatada,/. kick ; recoil of a fire-arm. CUlatazo, to. recoil of a gun ; blow with the butt-end of a fire-arm. CUlazo, TO, aug. large backside. CUlCUSidO, TO. botch-work. CUlebra, /. snake : trick, fun, joke, hazing. V. CULEBRAZO ; distil worm ; cock of a fire- arm ; sudden disorder in a peaceful assem- bly : sabe m&s que las culebras, (coll.) he is very crafty and cunning : culebra de casca- bel, rattlesnake. CUlebrazo, m. whipping given by jail prison- ers to newcomers ; hazing. CUlebrear, vn. to wriggle (as a snake) ; to wind (as a rivulet). CUlebrilla, /. tetter, ring-worm ; cutaneous disease; rocking-staflf of a loom ; fissure in a gun-barrel. ClQebrina, /. (mil.) culverin; ondulated meteor. culebrino, na, a. snaky. ClQebrdn, to. aug. crafty fellow, double dealer ; an intriguing woman. CUlera,/. stain of urine in swaddling-clothes .; patch on the seat of trousers. Clllero, TO., clout, diaper, breech-cloth ; dis* ease in birds. culero, ra, a. slothful, lazy. CUlinariO, ia, a. culinary. CUlitO, TO. dim. small breech or backside. CUlminaci6n,/. act of reaching the highest position or degree; (ast.) culmination^ (naut.) high tide. ddminar, vn. to attain the highest point or degree ; (ast.) to culminate. CUlO, TO. breech, backside, rump, buttock f bottom ; socket ; anus ; bottom of anything. CUlombiO, to. (elec. ) coulomb. cul6n, TO. (coll.) retired soldier. culpa, /. fault, offence ; negligence, failure to perform one's duty ; guilt ; sin. culpabilidad, /. culpability, guilt. CUlpabilisimo, ma, «. super, guilty or cul- pable in the highest degree. culpable, a. culpable, blamable, faulty, coh- demnable, accusable, guilty. culpablemente, adv. culpably. CUlpacibn, /. inculpation, blame. culpadamente, adv. culpably. culpado, da, n. & a. guilty.- -pp. of cuLPAR. culpar, va. to blame, impeacu, accuse, con- demn, reproach. CUltamente, adv. neatly, genteelly, affect- edly, politely ; with culture. CUlteaad, /."(hum.) affected elegance and purity of style ; fustian. CUlteranismO, to. high-flown style ; fustian. CUlterano, na, to. & /. purist with affecta- tion ; fustianist. — a. relating to fustian. CUlterO,ra, a. (hum.) using high-flown style. CUltiparlar, vn. to speak with affected ele- gance. CUltiparlista, a. speaking much with af- fected elegance and purity of language. CUltipicaflO, lla, a. (hum.) speaking witb affected elegance and in a jeering manner. cultivable, a. cultivable, arable. CUltlvaclbn, /. cultivation, culture. 7 (beiore e, i) and J as ii in hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed; S, hisM^ CUL 164 CUE eultivador, m. cultivator, tiller ; husband- man, planter ; light plough ; hand culti- vator. CUltivadora, /. cultivating machine. CUltivar, va. to cultivate the soilj to farm, to husband, to till, to raise, to improve, to manure, to labour ; to dress a garden ; to nurse a plant ; to preserve ; keep up, speak- ing of friendship, etc. ; to exercise the mem- ory, etc. ; to cultivate the arts or sciences: tierra sin cultivar, unimproved land. CUltiVO, wi. cultivation, farming, tillage, im- proving the soil ; cultivation, improvement ; keeping up an acquaintance or friendship; culture of the mind ; elegance of manners. cUltO, ta, o. improved, cultivated ; nursed (plants) ; pure, elegant, correct (style and language) ; affectedly elegant ; polished, en- lightened, civilized. cultO, m. worship, adoration, act of rever- ence to God ; respect or veneration for su- perior men ; homage to loftv ideals : culto divino, public worship in cnurches : culto externo, external religious demonstrations, processions, sacrifices, offerings, etc. : liber- tad de coltoB, freedom of worship. CUltura, /. cultivation of the soil or of the mind ; urbanity, politeness, culture. culturar, va. to cultivate. V. CULTIVAR. cuma,/. (S. Amer.) godmother; crony, cumanagoto, ta, a. of or belonging to Cu- mana (Venez.). Ciunaru, m. Tonka bean. cumb6, m. dance among the negroes. cumbre, cTimbrera,/. top, summit, crest; peak 01 a mountain ; acme ; greatest height of favour, fortune, science, etc. ; (carp.) ridge-pole, tie-beam, roof-tree. Ciunplase, m. decree or countersign for an order or appointment ; term used by the executive of Spanish- American republics over his signature in approval of an act of Congress. CUmiueaflOS, m. birthday. cumplidamente, adv. completely. cumplidero, ra, a. that which must be ful- filled or executed ; convenient, fit, suit- able, accomplishable. CUmplidO. da, a. full, complete, thorough ; large • plentiful, ample ; fulfilled, lapsed, passed ; due ; polished, courteous.—^, of CUMPLIR. — m. compliment ; attention, cour- tesy • present. cumpiidor, m. one who executes a commis- sion or trust. CUmplimentar, va. to compliment, congrat- ulate, extend some courtesy, fulfil a social duty ; to fill or carry out orders. cumpltmentero, ra, a. & n. (coll.) full of compliments ; excessively courteous or for- mal : officious, ceremonious. CUmplimientO, m. accomplishment, com- pletion, perfection, performance, fulfil- ment, lapse, expiration ; compliment j com- plaisance, civility, courtesy ; expression of civility, formality, ceremony ; complement. Cumplir, va. to execute, discharge, perform, obey, fulfil, comply ; keep a promise: cum- plir a&os, to reach one's birthday : hoy cum- ylo veinte afiot, I am twenty years old to-day. — vn. to perform one's duty ; to fulfil a social engagement : cumplir por otro, to per- form a duty in the name of another : to have served the time reauired in the militia ; to mature, expire, fall due : to behoove ; to be fit or convenient. — vr. to be realized, verified. ^imqnlhiiB [c(H»m-kee'-boo«), m. (Lat. coIL) cash ; money possessions. cumulador, m. v. acumulador. CUmular, va. to accumulate. cumulativamente, adv. in heaps. CUmulativO, va, a. cumulative. CUUlulO, m. heap or pile ; congeries ; throng of business, trouble or difficulties ; cumulus, clouds. CUna, /. cradle ; foundling hospital ; place of birth ; family, lineage ; origin, sourc«. CUnasiri, m. Peruvian aromatic tree. CUncuna,/. caterpillar of Chile. CimcllOS, VI. pi. indigenous int^ependent race in Chile. CUn^dO, TO. provision of oil, vinegar, and salt given to shepherds ; honey or cheese given to boys. — cundido, da, m>. of CUNDIR. CUndi;, *n. to spread, applied to liquids or news ; to yield abundantly ; to grow, ex- pand, propagate. CUnear, va. to rock a cradle. — vr. to swing ; to rock. cuneiforme, a. cuneiform, wedge-shaped. CUneO, TO. (mil.) triangular formation of troops: space between the passages in an- cient theatres. CUneO, TO, rocking motion ; (naut. ) rolling, pitching. cunera,/. rocher, woman appointed to rock the infantas ii. the royal palace. CimerO, ra, to. & /. foundling : dipntado cu- nero, (coll.) congressman who owes his elec- tion to the influence of the government. CUneta,/. (mil.) small trench; side culvert • gutter, road drain. CUfia,/. wedge, quoin ; paving stone. CUfladia, /. kindred by affinity. CUZladO, da, to. &/. brother or sister-in-law. cu&ar, va. V. acuSar. CUflete, TO. keg ; firkin. CUflO, TO. coin ; die for stamping money ; the device stamped ; mark on silver ; (mil. ) tri- angular formation of troops. CUOCiente lquo-thie-«n'-teii], m. quotient. cuodlibetal, cuodllb^tico, ca, a. quodii- betic. CUOdlibetO, to. argument ; debatable point thesis; subtilty ; pungent saying. CUOta,/- quota, contingent, fixed share. cnpano, to. (Philip.) great tree, the bark yielding a ayestuff and the wood fit for building. CUp6, TO. coup5, cab ; banquette of a coach. CUpidO, TO. gallant, lover. CUpltel: tirar de cupitel, to throw a bowl arch- wise. CUpo, TO. quota, share ; tax-rate. CUpbn, TO. (com.) coupon. cupreslno, na, a. (poet.) made of or belong- ing to the cypress-tree. CtipriCO, ca, a. cupric, belonging to copper. cuprifero, ra, a. cupriferous. CUprOSO, sa, a. like copper. cupnla, /. cupola, dome, vault ; turret of 9 monitor; (bot.) cupule, cup. cupulifero, ra, a. cupuliferous, cup-bearing. CUpullnO, TO. (arch.) sky lantern. CU(lUillO [coo-keel'-lyo], TO. (orn.) CUCkoO. V. CUCLILLO. CUra, TO. parish priest, rector, curate ; any clergyman, priest, or parson.—/, cure, heal- ing ; parsonage. curable, a. curable, healable. curaca, TO. (Peru) governor, potentate ; ma* ter, boss. Ciiracl6n, /. cure, healing. CUradero, in- bleaching-place. CUradillO, to. (icht.) codfish, ling-fish. curado, da, w. d pp. of curar; cured, <^ M iu far ; e iu eh I ; i in itolice ,* o la for : u ia bull ; c (.before e, 1; ana a us tu >u tbic- ; b airl d, soft i CUR 165 CH strengthened, restored to health ; hard- ened, tanned, cured, salted. CUrador, m. overseer, caretaker : curador de lienzo, bleacher of linen cloth: curador de bacalao, cod-salter ; healer ; (law) guardian, . curator, administrator. Curadora, /. curatrix, guardianess ; female doctor. CUraduria,/. guardianship. CUrandero, m. quack, medicaster, artful and tricking practitioner. CUrar, vn. & vr. to recover from sickness ; fol- lowed by de, to take care of. — va. to cure, heal, restore to health ; to administer medi- cines, to prescribe for a patient ; to salt, cure meat or fish, preserve ; to bleach fab- rics ; to season timber; to soothe, subdue passion. curare, m. curare or woorari. Curasao, m. cura^oa. coratela,/. (law) V. cuRAouRfA. CUrativo, va, a. curative. CUratO, m. curacy, parish. curbaril, m. (bot.) locust-tree; courbaril. curculibnido, da, «. curculionid. ctircuma,/- (bot.) curcuma, turmeric, curciun^ceo, cea, a. resembling turmeric. Curcumlna,/. (chem.) curcumin or turmeric yellow. curcusilla, /. v. rabadilla. CUrdO, da, o. Kurd, Kurdish. Curefia, /. gun-carriage ; stay of a cross-bow ; gun-stock in the rough : k curefia rasa, (mil. ) without a parapet or breastwork; (coll.) without shelter or defence. CUre&aje [coo-reh-nyaU'-heh], m. collection of gun-carriages. CUresca, /. shear-wool from the cloth. curia, /. ecclesiastical tribunal ; bar, the legal profession ; care, skill, nice attention ; ancient Roman division of the people. CUrial, a. curial. — m. member of the Roman curia ; curialistic agent ; officer of a court ; attorney. curiana,/. cockroach. V. cucARACHA. Clirlara,/. (Sp. Amer.) long canoe. CUriOSamente, adv. curiously, neatly, clean- ly ; in a diligent, careful manner. «l£riOSear, vn. to pry into others' affairs. CUXiOSidad, /• curiosity, inquisitiveness, cu- riousnesa ; neatness, cleanliness ; object of curiosity, rarity, curio. CUrlOSO, Sa, a. curious, inquisitive, meddle- som«, prying ; neat, clean ; careful, atten- tive, diligent ; odd, quaint, rare. " curried, »«. spinning-tackle. CUiTO, rraj a. (coll.) showy, tawdry, loud, said of persons ; (coll.) a native of Cadiz. CUrruca,/. (om.) linnet, babbling warbler. CUrrutaco, ca, a. ultra-fashionabie, dudish, affectedly nice, exquisite. CUrsadO, da, a. accustomed, habituated, in- ured.— pp. of CURSAR. CUrsante, pa. frecpienting ; assiduous ; stu- dent, scholar. CUrsar, ta. to frequent a place ; to do a thing repeatedly ; to follow a course of lectures in a college ; to transmit, expedite. CUrsi, a. pretentious, vulgar, shoddy, shabby- genteel. CUrsillO, m. dim. short course of lectures in a university. snrsivo, va, a. letra cursiva, running hand ; (print.) cursive, script. CUrsO, m. course, direction, career, progress, progression ; turn, run, route, travel, cur- rent ; course of lectures in universities ; term of tuition in schools ; collection of the principal treatises used in instruction ia some branch ; series of methodical proce- dure ; lapse; succession; (com.) current T2ite.—pl. laxity or looseness of the body : cur«o de la corriente, (naut, ) current's way. cursor, m. (mech.) slider, slide. CUrtacidn,/. (ast.) curtation. CUrtidO, da, pp. of curtir.— a. tanned, cur- ried ; accustomed, expert ; weather-beaten. — m. leather ; tanning. CUrtidor, m. tanner, currier, leather-dresser. cnrtldOS, m. pi. tanned leather. CUrtiduria, /. tan-yard, tannery. CUrtlente, a. tanning matter. CUrtlmientO, m. tanning. curtir, va. to tan leather ; to tan the com- plexion, commonly used' in its reflective sense ; to inure to hardships, to harden : estar curtido, (coll.) to be habituated or in- ured. CUrtO, ta, a. short, dock-tailed. CUru, m. (Peru) clothes moth. curuca, curuja,/. (orn.) eagle-owl. curucuctl, m. disease caused by the bite of a certain South American snake. curul, a. curule ; edile. curva, /. curve, curvature, bend; (naut.) knee : curva de bao, (naut.) spur. curvatbn, m. (naut.) small knee, bracket. curvatura, curridad, /. curvature, curva- tion, curvity, bend, warp, sagging. CUrvilineo, nea, a. (geom. ) curvilinear. curvo, va, a. curve, curved, crooked, bent. — m. inclosed pasture-ground. cuBCulia,/. V. coscojA. CUSCUrro, m. end piece of bread. CUSCUta, /. (bot.) common dodder. CUSir, va. (coll.) to sew clumsily. C^spide,/. cusp, apex, tip, top, summit, peak ; (geom.) vertex. CUSpideO, dea, a. (bot.) cuspidate. CUBtOdia, /. custody, safe-keeping, hold, care, guardianship ; monstrance ; custodia ; shrine ; guard, keeper, guardian, custodian ; tabernacle. CUStOdiar, va. to guard, take care of. CUStOdiO, m. guard, watchman, custodian : Angel custodio, guardian angel. cut&neo, nea, «. cutaneous, of the skin. cuter, m. (naut.) cutter. CUti, m. bed-ticking, crash. CUtiCUla,/. pellicle, cuticle, epidermis. cuticular, a. cuticular. v. cutaneo. CUtiO, in. labour, work : dla de cutio, work- day. CUtir, va. to knock, strike, pound, beat, ham- mer. cutis, m. &f. skin of the human body. CUt6, m. (naut.) dirk. CUtral, com. old worn-out ox or cow. CUtre, m. miser. CUyO, ya {pi. cuyos, cuyas), pron. pos. «t which, of whom, whose, whereof. CUyO, m. (coll.) beau, lover, wooer, sweet- heart. cuzma [cooth'-mah], /. (Peru) sleeveless shirt. czar [thar], m, V. ZAR. CZareVitZ [thah-reh-veeth*], TO. V. ZAREVITZ. CZarianO, na [than-re-ah'-no], a. V. ZARIANO. czarina [thali-i-ee'-naU],/. V. ZARINA. Ch Ch [chehl, /. fourth letter of the Castilian al- phabet, double in character, single in value ; sounds always as ch in church. K (before e, i) and J as h in bot ; h, sUeat ; U ia brilliant ; 12 i, ny iu canyon; r (iuitial) aad rr trilled: ■, CHA lee CHA Cha, /. tea, Chinese name preserved in the Philippine Islands. chabacanamente, adv. bunglingly. chabacaneria, /. bungle, muddle; vulgar expression or action. shauacano, na, a. awkward, clumsy. — m. (Mex. ) variety of apricot. Chacal, m. jackal. ch&cara,/. v. chacra. chacarero, ra, a. (S, Amer. ) field labourer. chacarracliaca,/. loud wrangle. chaclna, /. perk seasoned with spice for sausages and balls. Cliac6, m. military cap, shako. Chacoli, m. light red wine made in Biscay. Chacolotear, vn. to clatter, said of a loose horse-shoe. Chacoloteo, m. clapping of a loose horse- shoe. Cliac6ll, m. (Philip.) large lizard. Chacona,/. old Spanish dance, chaconne. chSLConk, 111. chaconada, /. jaconet. CliaCOta, /. noisy mirth : echar & chacota, (coll.) to carry off with a joke: hacer cha- cota de alguna cosa, (coll.) to turn a thing into ridicule. ChaCOtear, vn. to indulge in noisy mirth. Chacotero, ra, a. (coll.) waggish, ludicrous, acting the merry-andrew. chacra,/. (Amer.) small isolated farm. Chacuaco Ichah-coo-ah'-co], m. (Mex. min. ) small smeltiug-furnace. — a. (coll.) rustic, boorish, clownish. Chacha, /. (coll.) familiar abbreviation of muchacha, little girl. CliaClialaCa[chah-cha-lah'-cah],/. (MeX.) grouse, bird which cries continually while liying; (coll.) chatterbox. — a. chatterer. Ch^Chara, /. (coll.) prate, prattle, chit-chat, idle talk, garrulity. chacharear, vn. (coll.) to prate, chatter, prattle. chacharera, /. & a. talkative woman, chacharero, cliacliar6n, m. & a. prater, gabbler, prattler. ChacMtO, ta, m. & /. dim. of CHACHO, -CHA. ChachO, in. (coll.) pet name, abbreviation of muchacho, little boy ; stake at the game of ombre. Chafaldetes, m. (naut.) clew-lines, Chafaldita, /. (coll.) chaflf", raillery, merry jest, banter. Cliafalditero, ra, a. (coll.) chaffer, person given to banter. cliafalmejas, m. & f. (coll.) dauber, chafalonia,/. (Peru) old plate. Chafallar, va. to botch, to mend clumsily. ChafallO, m. coarse patch, botch, mending clumsily done. chafalldn, na, m. & /, (coll.) botcher. Chafar, va. to flatten grass, plants, pile of velvet, etc. ; to crease, rumple, crumple clothing; (coll.) to cut one short in nis discourse. Chafarote, m. cutlass ; (coll.) broad-sword, chafarrinada, /. blot, spot, or stain, chafarrlnar, va. to blot, to stain. Cliafarrill6n, m. blot, stain : echar an chafa- rrin«n, (coll.) to disgrace one's family by a mean or dishonourable action ; to bespatter another's reputation. chaflin, m. bevel, chamfer. Chaflanar, va. to bevel ; to chamfer ; (carp.) to cant. chagra, m. a rustic in Eksuador. ChaCTin, m. grained morocco, chair [chah-eer'i m. (tan. ) inner side of a skin. Chaira, /. steel for sharpening. Chal, m. ladies' shawl. Chala,/. (Peru) green corn-husk. ChaladO, da, a. addle-pated, light-witted. Chal£n, na, m. &/. hawker, huckster, horse- dealer ; (Peru) horse-breaker. Chalana, /. scow, lighter, wherry. Chalanear, va. to buy or sell dexterously ; to deal in horses ; (Peru) to break horses. Chalaneria^ /. artifice and cunning used by dealers in buying and selling. Chalate, m, (Mex.) small, lean horse. chaleco, m. waistcoat, vest. chali, m. mohair ; challis, shalli ; delaine. Chalina,/. cravat, scarf. ChalOte, m. (hot.) shallot garlic. Challipa, /. (naut.) sloop, shallop, launch, small light vessel, long-boat; (Mex.) small canoe; (Mex. ) corn pancake. Chalupero, m. boatman, canoe-man. Chama,/. (low) barter, trade. Chamada, /. chips, brushwood, brush-fire. ChamagOSO, sa, a. (Mex.) greasy, filthv ; ill- performed ; applied to things low, vulgar. cnamar, va. (low) to barter, trade off. Chamarasca, /. brushwood, brush-fire. chamarillero, ra, m. &/. gambler ; dealer in second-hand goods. chamarilldn, m. bad player at cards. Chamariz, m. (orn.) bl"e titmouse. Chamarbn, m. (orn.) long-tailed titmouse. Chamarra, /. garment of very coarse frieze, chamarreta, /. short loose jacket. chamba,/. v. chiripa. Chambellin, m. chamberlain, chamberga, /. long and wide cassock, chambergo, a. slouch hat. chambbn, na, a. (coll.) awkward, unhandy ; bad player of billiards or cards. Chamoonada, /. (coll.) blunder made in playing any game, cnambra,/. dressing sack ; matinee. Chambrana, /. door-case, jamb-dressing. ChamelOte, m. camlet : chamelote de agaat, clouded camlet. ChameldtOn, m. coarse camlet. Cbamicera,/. half-burnt woodland. chamicero, ra, a. belonging to scorched wood. chamiza,/. (bot.) chamiso. Chamizal, m. chamiso thicket. CbamiZO, m. half-burnt log. chamorra,/. (coll.) a shorn head, chamorro, ra, a. shorn, with hair cropped; trigo chamorro, (bot.) winter or bearaless wheat. Champ^n, m. (naut.) pink-stern, champafia, /». champagne wine, champola,/. (Cuba) refreshment made from guanibana. ChampurradO, wi. mixture of liquors; (Mex. ) chocolate made in atole instead of water. — pp. of CHAMPURRAR. cnampurrar, va. (coll.) to mix liquors, chamucMna, /. (Peru) populace, rabble, chamuscado, da, a. (coll.) tipsy; tinged, inclined, addicted to vice ; smitten, scorched. —pp. of CHAMUSCAR. chamuscar, va. {pref. chamusqu^: mbj. chamusque) to singe or scorch ; to sear. cbamusco, m. v. chamusquina. ClianiUSCbn, m. aug. large singe or scorch. chamusquina [chah-iiiH-kee'-iintii, /. scorching or singeing; (coll.) scolding, wrangling, high words : oler k cttamusqaina, (coll.) said when a dispute threatens to end in a tight. Chanada,/. (coll.) trick, joke; deceit, Chanate, m. (Mex.) blackbird, chancaca, /. raw sugar. a M In far ; e In eh I ; 1 in police :' O in for ; n in bull ; r (before » J) and Z aa th in thick ; b and d, aoft; CHA 167 CHA chancear [chan-theh-ar'j, vn. & vr. to jest, to joke, to fool. cnancero, ra, a. jocose, sportful, merry, cbanciller, »*. chancellor. F. canciller. Chancilleria, /. chancery ; right and fees of a chancellor. 'Chancla, /. old shoe with worn-down heel. <;lia>licleta,/. slipper, v. chinela : a&dar en chancleta, to go slipshod. chaneletear, vn. to go slipshod. Xiliaiicleteo, m. clatter of slippers. ChanclO, m. patten, clog, galosh, overshoe. Chancllllllero, ra, a. trickster, sharper ; smuggler. ehancnullO, m. sharp practice, vile trick ; (Amer.) contraband. Chanfaina, /. ragout of livers and lights. dianflbn, na, m. & f. awkward, coarse, gawky. — m. copper coin beaten out. Changa, f. (Cuba) jest. V. CHUNGA. Changador, m. (S. Amer.) porter, carrier. Changam^, m. (orm) thrush of Panama, change, a, m. &/. (Sp. Amer.) monkey. ChangOte, m. (min.) bloom ; iron bloom. changuear [chao-geh-ar'], vn. to be jocose with others. Changiii [chan-goo-ee'L TO. (coll.) jest, trick: used with dar; (Cuba) country-dance. ChanguitO, ta, m. &f. dim. little monkey. ChantadO, ♦«. wall or fence of upright flags. Chantar, va. to dress, put on ; (coll.) to give a piece of one's mind ; to build a fence with upright flag-stones ; to pave with flag-stones. ChantO, m. flag-stone. Cliantre, m. precentor. Chantria, /. precentorship. Chanza,/. joke, jest, fun: chanza pesada, sar- castic taunt, oflensive joke : hablar de chan- za, to joke, to speak in jest. ^hanzoneta, /. ballad, chansonette; (coll.) joke, jest ; little merry song. chanzonetero [chan-thaw-ueh-teh'-ro], TO. writer of ballads, petty poet. Chapa, /. veneer ; plate, metal sheet ; foil ; cap ; leather chape ; rosy spot on the cheek, flush ; rouge ; transom and trunnion plates in gun-carriages ; judgment, good sense : chapas de caoba, mahogany veneers.— ^i. game of tossing up coins. ChapadO, da, a. chapado k la antigua, old- fashioned. chapalear, va. v. chapotear. chapaleo, m. splash, splatter. Chapaleta, /. flap-valve, clack-valve ; cap ; clapper. Chapaleteo, m. continuous splashing of the waters on the shore. Chapapote, m. (Cuba) mineral tar, variety of asphalt. Chaparra, /. species of oak. V. CHAPARRO ; ancient low-roofed carriage ; bramble-bush. chaparrada, /. shower, v. chaparr6n. chaparral, m. (Amer.) chaparral; planta- tion of evergreen oaks. chaparrear, m. to shower, to pour. chaparreras,/. pi. chaparejos, leather over- alls for horseback riders. Chaparro, m. (bot.) evergreen oak. Chaparrbn, »*. violent shower, downpour. Chapatal, m. mire ; muddy place. Chapear, va. to veneer : inlay ; cover with metal plates. — vn. to splash, splatter. chapelete, m. ancient cover for the head. chapeo, m. hat. chapera, /. inelined plane. Chaperia,/. ornament of metal plates. Chaperbn, m. chaperon ; ancient hood or cap. chapeta, /. small metal plate ; red spot on the cheek. chapetbn, na, a. European lately arrived in America. — m. V. chapetonada ; (Mex.) sil* ver plate on a riding harness. chapetonada, /. (Peru) disease incident to Europeans before acclimating in America. Chapin, m. woman's clog with a cork sole. Chapinazo, m. blow with a clog or patten. Chapineria,/- shop where clogs and patten» are made and sold ; art of making them. Chaplnero, m. clog maker or seller. Ch&piro, TO. word used only in the phrases, por vida del ch&piro (verde) ! ivoto al chA- piro ! about equal to "good gracious ! " Chapitel, to. (arch.) spire; capital of a col- umn ; (naut.) agate socket of the needle. Chaple, TO. graver. Chap6, TO. four-handed billiard game. Chapodar, va. to lop trees and vines. Chapodo, TO. lopping, branch lopped off. Chap6n, TO. great blot of ink. chapona,/. v. chambra. Chapote, to. black wax for cleaning the teeth. chapotear, va. to wet with a sponge or wet cloth. — vn. to paddle in the water, to dabble. Chapoteo, m. splash, splatter. Chapucear, va. to botch, bungle, cobble. Chapuceramente, adv. fumblingly, clumsi- ly, bunglingly. Chapuceria,/. bungle, botch ; clumsy fib. Chapucero, ra [chaii-poo-theii'-ro], a. rough, un- polished, clumsy, bungling, rude, botcher. — TO. blacksmith, who makes nails, trivets, shovels, etc. ; nailer- junk-dealer. Chapurrar, va. to splatter or jabber a lan- guage ; to speak it brokenly : to mix liquors. Chapurrear. va. to jabber a language. chapuz, TO. ducking ; clumsy performance. — pi. chapaces, (naut.) mast pars. Chapuzar, va. [pret. CHAPUCK : subj. chapuce) to duck. — vn. & vr. to dive, draggle, duck. Chaqu^, m. cut-away coat. Chaqueta [chah-keh'-tau], /. jacket ; sack-coat ; (mech.) case, casing, jacket. chaquete [ciiah-keh'-teh], TO. game of checkers. Chaquetear, vn. (Cuba) to run away with fright. Chaquetbn, m. aug. pea-jacket ; (Cuba) over- coat. Chaquira [chah-kee'-rah], /. (Peru) fine mock- pearl or glass beads of all colours. ' Charada,/. charade. charadrio, m. (orn.) common roller. Charal, to. (Mex.) lake fish. charamusca, /. (Mex. ) twisted candy ; (Peru) brushwood. V. chamarasca. CharamUSqUerO [chah-ra-moos-keh-ro], TO. (Mex.) seller of twisted ^andy. Charanga,/. military brass band ; fanfare. CharangUerO, ra [chah-ran-seli'-ro], a. clumsy, unpolished, artless, bungler, botcher. — m. peddler, hawker ; small coast-trading ship. Cuarca, /. pool, basin, pond, CharcO, to. pool, puddle : pasar el charco, to cross the seas. Charla, /• idle chit-chat or prattle, garrulity, gossip, loquaciousness ; (orn.) Bohemian chatterer, silk-tail. Charlador, ra, m. &f. gabbler, prater, chat- terbox, endless talker. Charladuria, /. garrulity, gossip, prattle. Charlante, m. &pa. gabbler, chatterer. Charlantin, to. (coll.) mean prattler, gossip. Charlar, vn. to prattle, babble, chatter, prate, gabble, gossip, jabber, clack, chat. Charlatiin, na, to. & /. prater, babbler, idle f (before e, i) and J ae li In bot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; S, hlaaeA CHA 16o CHI talker, gabbler; charlatan, quack, humbug, mountebank. charlatanear, vn. V. charlar. Charlataneria,/. garrulity, verbosity; char- latanry, quaokery, humbug. charlaianlsnio, m. charlatanry, quackery, empiricism, verbosity. Charneca, /. (bot.) mastic-tree. Cliarnecal, m. plantation of mastic-trees. Cbaraela, /. hinge, chape of a buckle, hinge- joint, knuckle. Cliarneta,/. (coll.) hinge-joint. Charol, m. varnish, japan ; patent leather. Charolar, va. to varnish, polish, enamel. Charolista, in. gilder, varnisher. Charpa, /. leathern belt with compartments for pistols ; sling for a broken arm ; (naut.) sling. Charpar, va. to scarf; to lap, Cliarq[Ue Oi- CharqUl [cUar'-keh, char-kee'], TO. jerked beef. V. tasajo. Charquear va. to jerk or dry beef. Charaueo [ciiarkeh'-o], m. (min.) cleaning of the drains ; cleaning holy-water fonts. CharqUillO [char-keer-lyo], TO. dim. small pOol or puddle. Charrada, /. speech or action of a peasant ; country-dance; (coll.) tawdriness, tinsel, gaudiness. cnarramente, adv. tawdrily, gaudily, taste- lessly, flashy. Charfkn, a. rascally, knavish. charranada, /. knavish, roguish action. charraiiear, vn. to play the knave. Charraneria,/. rascality, knavery, roguery. Charrasca, /. (coll. hum.) dangling sword. charreria, /. tawdriness, gaudiness. Charretera, /. strap on tne bottom of trou- sers ; the buckle of the strap; (mil.) the lower part of trousers to fasten them with a buckle ; the buckle ; epaulet : charretera mocha, shoulder-knot ; (coll. ) shoulder-pad for carrying loads. charro, ra, m. & /. churl ; coarse, ill-bred person ; tawdry, showy, flashy, loud : traje charro, (Mex. ) showy ridine costume. Chascar, vn. to crackle, crack, sputter. ChascarrillO, to. (coU.) spicy anecdote. ChasCO, in. practical joke, jest, trick, sham; frustration, disappointment : dar nn chasco, to play a merry trick : dar chasco, to disap- point : Uevarse chasco, to be disappointed. Chasi, in. photographic plate-holder. Chasponazo, to. mark made by a spent ball. ChaSQUear (chnskeii-ar'], ra. to crack or snap a whip or lash ; to fool ; to play a waggish trick ; to disappoint, fail, fall short, cheat. — vn. to crack, as timber at the approach of dry weather ; to snap ; to crepitate. chasqai, to. (Peru) post-boy, foot messenger. ChasquidO [cha»-kee'-doii], TO. crack of a whip or lash ; crack, noise made by timber when it breaks or splits. Chata, /. (naut.) flat-bottomed boat: chata alijadora, lighter: chata de arbolar, sheer- hulk : chata de carenar, careening hulk. chatedad,/. flatness. ChatO, ta, a. flat, flat-nosed. cliat6xi, TO. bezel that holds a gem ; large gem set in. Chatre, a. (Ekjuador) richlv decked out. CbatQ, TO. blue Chinese silk. Chaval, la, a. among the common people, lad, lass. Chaveta, /. bolt, forelock, pin, key, pivot: perder la chaveta, to become rattled, '^•hayote, m. (Mex.) pear-shaped fruit with a large stone. Chayotera, /. (Mex.) climbing plant yielding the chayote. Chaza,/. point where the ball is driven back, or where it stops, in the game of pelota ; mark where the ball stops; (naut.) be- tween ports : hacer chazas, to walk on the- hind feet (horses). Chazador, to. person employed to stop the ball and mark the game. Chazar, va. to stop the ball before it reaches the winning point; to mark the point whence- the ball was driven back. Cheira, table steel. V. CHAiRA. dielin, to. shilling, English coin. Chepa, /. (coll.) hump, hunch. cheque, to. (com.) check, sight draft. cherna, /. (zool.) ruflle, fish resembling a. salmon. clierva, /. (bot.) castor-oilplant. cheurrbn, to. (her.) chevron. cMa,/. short black mantle, cowl ; white me- dicinal earth ; (bot.) lime-leaved sage. cMbalete, to. (print.) cabinet, composing- frame. cMbclia [cheeb'-chah], TO. dweller in the ele- vated territory about Bogota. Chibuqili [che-boo-kee'l, TO. Turkish chibouk. Chicada, /. herd of sickly kids ; childish, action. cMcalote, to. Mexican argemone. CMCO, ca, a. little, small.— to. &/. little boy or lad, little chap ; little girl or lass ; dear lad, dear fellow ; dear lass. cMcolear, va. (coll.) to compliment a lady. cMcOleo, TO. (coll.) flattering compliment to« a lady. chiooila,/. V. ACHicoRiA. chicoiTOtico. ca, llo, 11a, to, ta, a. dim. (coll.) very little or small (child). Chicorrotin, a. (coll.) very small. Chicotazo, to. (Mex.) blow with a whip. CMcOte, ta, TO. &/. (coll.) fat strong boy or girl ; (naut.) end of a rope or cable ; junk ; (Mex.) whip; (coll.) cigar. CMcotear, va. (Mex.) to whip. Chlcozapote, TO. (hot.) sapodilla. V. zapo- TILI.O. ChlCUelO, la, a. dim. little boy ; little girl. Chlclia, /. (coll.) meat, used only to chil- dren ; (Cuba) beverage made of pine-apple rinds, sugar, or molasses : calma chicha, dead calm. cMcliaro,/. (hot.) pea. Chicharra, /. harvest-fly, jar-fly, otcada ; talkative woman ; kazoo, a plaything: can- tar la chlcharra, (coll.) to be scorching hot. cMcarrar, va. V. achich-arrar. cMcharrear, vn. to creak ; to chirp, said of the cicada. cMcharrero, ra, w. &/. maker or seller of kazoos. — m. (coll.) very hot place or climate. CMcharrO, to. young tunny-fish, horse- mackerel. Cllicliarr6n, to. crackling, fried lard-scrap, cracknel; overroasted meat; (coll.) person sun-burnt or tanned. cMche, TO. (Amer. ) potted and devilled fish. — /. (Mex. vulg.) teat of the female. Chichear, va. to hiss in sign of displeasure. Chlclieo, TO. act of hissing. ChiClierla, /. tavern where chicha is sold. CMchigUSl [che-chee'-goo-ah], /. (Mex. vulg.j. wet-nurse. cMcMmeca, to. (Mex.) Chichimec, name or a tribe of aborigines. cMchlmeco, ca, a. belonging to the Chichi- mecs. cMchisbeador, to. gallant, wooer. • M in far ; e In eh I ; 1 In polie* ; o In for ; m In ball ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft; CHI 169 CHI chiclilsbear, va. to woo, to court. cMcMsbeO, m. court paid to a lady ; cicisbeo, gallant who dangles after a married woman. Chiclldll, m. bump on the head, bruise. cMchoncillO, CitO, m. dim. small bump. ChicllOIiera, /. tumbling-cap ; wadded hood worn by children. cMcllOta, /. used only in this phrase : sin fal- tar chichota, it wants not an iota. cMfla, /. whistling, hissing ; paring-knife. Chiflacayote, /«. large kind of pumpkin, cJiifladera, /. whistle. cMfladura, /. hissing, whistling; (coll.) crankiness, whim, crotchet, fad; hobby- horse. CMflar, va. to pare leather; to hiss ; (coll.) to tipple. — vn. to whistle. — vr. (coll. ) to be- come mentally unbalanced. ChlflatO, m. whistle. Chlfle, m. whistle, call ; instrument to decoy birds ; (naut.) priming-horn ; powder-flask. CMflete, m. whistle. cMfiidO, m. shrill whistling sound. ChiflO, III. whistling. Cllifl6n, m. (Araer.) air-draught; (Mex.) water-spout ; (min. ) caving of loose stone. Chilaba, /. Moorish hooded garment. cMlacayote, m. (bot.) bottle-gourd. cMlanco, m. V. cilanco. Chilar, m. spot planted with chillies. chile, f. (bot.) chilli, red pepper. cMlerio, na, chileflo, fla, a. Chilean. chilindrina, /. (coll.) trifle, thing of little value ; (coll.) joke, fun, witticism, anecdote. cMlindrlnero, ra, a. (coll.) trifler. cMllndrbn, m. game at cards. Chilote, m. (Mex.) V. jilote. Chlltlplquin, m. (Mex. ) small and hot chilli. cMUa, /. call for foxes, hares, or rabbits ; (carp.) clapboard. CMUadO, pp. & m. roof of clapboards. Cblllador, ra, m. &f. person who shrieks or screams ; thing that creaks. Chillante, pa. shrieking, screeching. cMllar, vn. to screech, scream, shriek; to crackle, creak ; to imitate the notes of birds ; to hiss, to sizz, when frying. cMlleras,/. pi. (naut.) shot-lockers for balls ; row-locks, Chillido, m. screech, scream, shriek, shrill sound ; bawling of a woman or child : dar Tin chillido, to utter a scream. cMUo, m. call. V. chilla. cMlldn, m. lath nail : chillon real, spike. Cllill6n, na, a. (coll.; screamer, bawler; screechy, shrill, harsh ; showy, tawdry. Chimenea,/. chimney, smoke-stack ; hearth, H re-place ; kitchen range, cooking stove. Chimpanc^, m. chimpanzee. china, /. pebble, small stone; (bot.) China- root ; porcelain ; China silk or cotton stuff: media china, cloth coarser than the china ; game of shutting the hands, and guessing which contains the pebble ; (P. Rico) sweet orange. Chinampa, /, small garden tract in lakes near Mexico, Chinampero, m. tiller of a chinampa. Chinanta,/. (Philip.) common weight (about 1:^5 lbs.). chinarro, m. large pebble, ChinateadO, m. stratum or layer of pebbles. Chinazo, m. mig. blow with a pebble. chincharrazo, m. (coll.) V. cintarazo. Chincharrero, m. place swarming with bed- bugs; fishing-smack. Chinche, /. bed-bug, bug; thumb-tack; (coll.) tedious person, a bore, ChincherO, m. bug-trap made of twigs, chinchilla,/. Peruvian rodent, and ite fur. Chinchin, m. (Cuba) drizzling rain. Chinchorreria,/. (coll.) nuisance, vexation; (coll.) mischievous tale. cninchorrero, ra, m. &f. insidious and pes- tering tale-teller. Chinchorro, m. small drag-net; smallest rowboat on board a ship. ChinchOSO, sa, a. (coll.) querulous, tiresome. Chinela,/. slipper ; pattens, chopines, or clogs worn by women in dirty weather. Chinero, m. china-closet, cupboard. Chinesco, ca, a. Chinese ; relating to China. — m. pi. chinescos, (mus.) bell-tree. chinito, ta, o. (Amer.) endearing term, Chino, na, a. of or belonging to China, — m. Chinese language. Chinquirito, m. (Mex,) rum from lee&%f sugar. Chipichipi, m. (Mex.) mist; drizzle. Chiplr6n, m, calamary, ChlpriO, a, a. belonging to Cyprus. ChipriOta or chipiiote, a. native of Cyprus. chiqueadores [che-keti-ah-doh'-res], m. pi. aisks of tortoise-shell formerly used in Mexico as a feminine ornament ; small plasters for headache. cMquero [che-keh'-ro], m. pigpen ; hut for goats ; place where bulls are shut up, Chiquichaque [che-ke-chah'-keh], m. (coll,) saw- yer ; noise of things rubbing against each other. ChiquichUite [che-ke-choo«e'-teh], m. (Mex.) willow basket, CMqUilicnatrO [che-ke-le-coo-ah'-tro], TO, (coll,) daobler, meddler, V. chisgarabIs. ChiqUillada tche-keel-lyah'-dah], /. childish speech or action, CmqUilleria [che-keel-Iyeh-ree'-ah], /. (coll.) great number of small children, ChiquillO, ilia, m. &/, dim. small child. chiquirritico, ica, illo, ilia, ito, ita [che- keer-re-tee'-co], a. dtm. very Small. chiqnirritin, na, chiquitin, na [che-keei-re- teen'l, TO, (coil.) baby boy ; baby girl, chiquitico, ca, chiqiiitiilo, 11a [che-ke-tee'-co], a. dim. very small, ChiqnitO, ta [che-kee'-to], a. dim. little: lia- cerse chiqoito, (met, ) to be modest, to con- ceal one's knowledge or power : andarse en chiquitas, to be lenient, condescending, Chiribitas,/. pi. (coll,) particles that wander in the eyes and obscure the sight. Chiribitil, to, crib, narrow and low hole or corner ; small room, Chirlgaita, /. kind of gourd. chirigota,/. (coll.) jest, joke, fun, chirimbolos, TO, pi. (coll.) odds and ends; utensils, traps, chirimia, /. (mus,) flageolet.— to, flageolet- player. chirimoya, /. (hot.) cherlmoyer, tropical fruit, Chirimoyo, to. tree that yields the chirimoya. Chirinola, /. bowling, boys' game ; trifle : estar de chirinola, (coll.) to be in good spirits. Chlripa, /. in billiards, fluke; (coll.) fortu- nate chance. Chirlpear, va. to make flukes at billiards. Chiripero, w. poor player who wins by flakes ; lucky person. Chirivia, /. (bot.) parsnip; (cm.) wagtatL V. auuzanieve. chirla, /. mussel. V. almeja. chlrlador, ra, to. &/. (coll,) clamorous prat- tler. g (before e,i) and J as h in hot; h, silent; II In brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; s, hissed CHI 170 CHO chlrlar, vn. to talk fast and loud. Chirle, a. (coll.) insipid, tasteless. — m. dung of sheep and goats. cMrlo, rii. large wound in the face and the scar it leaves. cMrona, /. (coll.) prison. cMrrladero, ra, cnirriador, ra, a. hissing ; sizzing, when frying ; creaking, as a hinge ; chirper. Chlrrlar, vn. to hiss ; to sizz ; to creak, to squeak ; (coll. ) to sing out of tune or time. Cll^rldO, m. chirping of birds; chattering; any shrill sound. chirriO, m. creaking noise made by carts. Chirridn, m. tumbrel, muck or dung cart that creaks, chlrrionero, m. scavenger, dung-cart driver. dxirumeil, m. (coll.) common sense. I chis ! inierj. hush ! silence ! clliscll4s, m. (coll.) clashing of side-arms. cMs^arabis, m. (coll.) meddler, dabbler; insignificant, noisy fellow, chisguete Ichis-Keh'-tehl, m. (coll. ) Small draft of wine ; small spout of any liquid, squirt : echar on chisgnete, to drink, chisme, m. tale of a gossip-monger; (coll.) jigger, any household utensil or trifle. cMsmear, va. to tattle, gossip. chismero, ra, chismoso, sa, a. tale-bearer, gossiper, mischief-maker. chismografia, /. (coll.) gossip, tattle. Chlspa, /■ spark, ember ; sparkle ; flake ; very small diamond ; small particle of anything ; penetration, acumen, orightness : »er una chispa, to be all life and spirit : echar chispas, (coll.) to be in a passion : de cbispas, flint- lock : coger ana chispa, (coll.) to get drunk. cMsparse, vr. (Sp. Amer.) V. ACHISPAR. I cMspas ! inter), fire and tow ! blazes ! cMspazO, m. flying off of a spark, damage it does; (coll.) tale mischievously circulated. cMspeante, pa. of chispear ; sparkling, Chlspear, vn, to sparkle ; to scintillate ; to rain gently. Chlspero, m. blacksmith ; spark-catcher ; (coll.) Madrileau ruffian. Chispero, ra, a. emitting sparks. Chispo, a. (coll.) tipsy. — m. short drink. Cllisporrotear, vn. (coll. ) to sputter sparks. Chisporroteo, m. (coll.) sputtering sparks. ClllspOSO, sa, a. sputtering, sparkling. chisiar, vn. to mumble, mutter. cMste, m. fine witty saying ; facetiousness, jest : dar en el chiite, to guess right. cnistera, /. hand fish-basket ; (^coll. ) silk hat. CllistOSaniente, adv. facetiously, gaily. ChlstOSO, sa, a. gay, cheerful, funuv, witty. Chita, /. ankle-w>ne in sheep and bullocks ; game with this bone: i la chita callando, very quietly, by stealth. chiticalla, m. (coll.) discreet person. cMtlcallandO, ;>. of CJIORREAR. Chorreadura, /. dripping, welling. chorrear, vn. to spout, to outpour, to drip; to be dripping wet ; to come out one by one. ChorreO, to. spouting, dripping. Chorrera, /. spout or place whence liquids drop ; mark left by dripping or running water ; ornament formerly appended te badges ; shirt frill. a u la far ; • tn eh I ; i in daUc* ; o In for ; a in bull ; e (before e. And s as th in thick ; h and d. eoa; CHO 171 CHU Chorretada, /. (coll.) squirt, spurt, jet. ChorrillO, m. dim. small spout; (coll.) con- tinual coming in and out-going of money. ChOrritO, m. dim. small spout. Chorro, m. jet, spurt ; stream ; anything is- suing, entering, flowing, or passing : chorro de voz, voice of large volume ; (coll.) i, cho- rroB, abundantly : hablar k chorros, to speak fast, chorroborro, m. (coll.) flood, inundation. Cliorrdn, m. dressed hemp. Chortal, m. fountain or spring. ChOta,/ sucking kid ; heifer calf. Chotacabras, /. (orn.) goat-sucker, churn- owl. CllOte, m. (Cuba) V. CHAYOTE. Cbotear, va. (Cuba, coll.) to banter, gibe. CbOteo, m. (Cuba, coll.) chaffing, jeering. CbOtO, m. sucking kid, calf. CbOtuno, na, a. sucking (young goats or kids) ; poor, starved (lambs) ; goatish : oler ik chotuna, to smell like a goat. Chova,/. (orn.) jay, chough ; jackdaw, crow. ChOZ,/. stroke, blow ; suddenness. CbOZa, /. hut, hovel, cabin, shanty. Chozna, /. great-granddaughter. Cbozno, m. great-grandson. CbOZO, m, small hut or cabin. Cbozpar, vn. to gambol, to caper. Chozpo, m. gambol, leap. ChOZp6n, na, a. frisky, capering. CbOZUela, /. dim. small hut or shanty. Cbual, m. (bot.) pig-weed or goose-foot. Cbualar, m. spot abounding in pig-weed. Cbubarba,/. (bot.) stone-crop. Chubasco, m. squall, flurry, shower. ChubascOSO, sa, a. squally, gusty. i;liuca, /. concave part of the knuckles with which children play. Cbucero, m. (mil.) pikeman. Chucha,/. female dog; (Peru) opossum. Cbucliear, va. to fowl with calls, gins, and nets. — vn. to whisper. V. cuchicheab. CbUCheria, /. gewgaw, trinket, small toy, tit-bit; mode of fowling with calls, gins, and nets. Chucbero, ra, a. bird-catcher; (Cuba) switch- tender. CbucbO, m. (coll.) dog; (Cuba) whip; rail- road swit«h, side track. CbUCbumeco, m. contemptible little fellow. Cbueca,/. head of a bone ; small ball for play- ing hockey; the game; (coll.) fun, joke, trick. V. CHASCO ; soap-maker's paddle. Cbuecazo, m. stroke given to a ball at hockey. Cbufa,/. (bot. ) chufa, edible tuber of a sedge : horchata de chafas, orgeat made from the chufa : granizado de chafas, sherbet of chu- fas : echar chnfas, (coll. ) to act the bully. Chufar, vn. to mock, to burlesque. Cbuferia, /. place where the orgeat and sher- bet of chufas are made or served. Cbufero, ra, a. seller of chufas. Cbufeta,/. (coll. ) jest ; chafing-dish ; fire-pan. chufleta,/. (coll.) taunt, scoff. Cbufletear, vn. (coll. ) to show contempt. ebufletero, ra, a. (coll.) taunting, sneering. CblQadSl, /. droll speech or action ; pleasant conversation ; action sliowing bad breeding. Cbulear, va. to jest, to poke fun at. Cbuleria, /. pleasing manner. Cbuleta, /. chop, cutlet; (carp.) chips for filling joints. cbulillo, ilia, ito, ita, m. &/. dim. little wag. CbulO, la, m. & /. punster, jester ; funny person ; sly, deceitful person. — m. rascal, knave ; man kept by a woman ; bull-fighter's assistant ; butcher's mate.—/, woman of low class loud in dress and manners ; (Mex.) a. pretty, nice, graceful, attractive. Cbulla, /. slice of bacon, Chumacera, /. (mech. ) pillow-block ; jour- nal bearing, cushion; (naut.) row-lock. Cbumbera,/. (hot.} opuntia, prickly pear. CbumbO or bigO cntunbO, prickly pear, In- dian tig. Cbumpipe [choom-pee'-peh], m. (C. Amer.) a tur- key. cbuncaca, /. (C. Amer.) V. CHANCACA. cbunga, /. (coll.) jest, fun, banter: cstar de chunga, to be in good-humour, Cbunguearse [choon-geh-ar'-geU], vr. (coU.) to chaff, gibe, jest. Cblipa, /. waistcoat ; undercoat with sleeves : poner k uno como chupa de domine, (coll.) to ^ipe the floor with a person; (Philip.) liquid measure (0.735 litres) ; dry measure (0.37 litres). Cbupada, /. suck, suction. cbupaderito or cbupadorcito, m. dim. used in the phrase, andarse con or en chupaderitos, ineffective means for difficult tasks. cbupadero, ra, dor, ra, a. sucking, sucker, absorbent. — m. baby's coral or teething ring; (mech.) suction tube; (Sp. Amer.) tippler. Cbupado, da,p/>. &a. (coll.) lean, emaciated. cbupadorcito, m. dim. of CHUPADOR. Cbupadura,/, act and effect of sucking. cbupaflores, cbupamiel, cbupamirtos, m. (orn.) humming-bird. Cbupalandero, m. snail that lives on plants. Cbupar, va. to suck ; to draw, sip ; to absorb ; to imbibe moisture (vegetables) ; (coll.) to hang upon others for subsistence ; to fool : chuparse los dedos, to eat with pleasure ; to be overjoyed: chnpar la sangre, (coll.) to stick like a leech. CbupatiVO, va, a. of a sucking nature. Cbupeta, ilia, ita, /. dim. short waistcoat : chnpeta, (naut.) round-house. ebupetear, va. to suck gently and by starts. Cbupeteo, m. gentle sucking. Cbupetin, m. man's inner garment. Cbupet6n, m. violent suction. Cbup6n, na, a. (coll.) sponge, human para- site. — m. (hot.) sucker, shoot; (mech.) sucker, plunger piston, valve bucket. Cburd6n, m. raspberry jam. Cburla, /. CburlO, m. serin, seroen ; spice- bag. Cbu^rat /• little pin-tailed grouse; heifer one year old. Cburrasco, m. (Sp. Amer.) piece of broiled meat. cburrascdn, m. act and effect of scorching. Cburre, m. (coll.) thick, dirty, oozing or dripping grease ; anything dirty and greasy. Cburrea,/. Califomian grouse. cburriburri, m. v. zurriburei. cburriento, ta, a. greasy. cburrigueresco, ca, a. (arch.) overloaded, tawdry, loud. Cburro, ra, a. applied to sheep that have coarse wool, ana to their wool.— m. sort of fritter. cburruUero, ra, m. &f. tattler, gossip. cbnrrupear, vn. to sip. cburruscarse, vr. to be scorched. Cburrusco, /". bread too much toasted. Cbunuubeia,/. reed instrument resembling a flageolet. cbununen, m. V. chirumen. Cburumo, m. (ooll.) juice or substance. CbUS ni mus : (coll. ) no declr chus ni mus, not to say a word. ( (betore e, i) and J as h ia hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; >.. hissed. CHU 172 DAE ChUSCada,/. pleasantry, joke. Chusoamente, adv. in a droll manner. ChUSCO, ca, a. pleasant, droll, merry, funny. Clmsima, /. crew and slaves of a row-galley ; rabble, mob, crowd, chuspa, /. (S. Amer. ) leather bag for coca. CllUZa,/. (Mex.) stroke at billiards knocking all the pins with one ball. Chuzazo, m. large pike ; blow or stroke with a pike. Chuzo, m. pike; (naut.) boarding-pike: & chnzoi, abundantly, impetuously : echar chu- zos, (coll.) to brag. ChUZ6ll, na, m. & f. crafty, artful person ; wag, punster, jester. — m. aug. large pike or spear. D d [deh] is the fifth letter of the Spanish alpha- bet, fourth of the consonants. For the cor- rect pronunciation of this letter, see the Rules for Pronunciation at the beginning of this book. D. is an abbreviation for don. dable, a- possible, practicable. daca (word formed by the verb da and the adv. aca), give here, give hither, give me. daciO, Cla, «. Dacian. — m. tribute, tax. dacidn, /. (law) dedition, yielding or giving up ; delivery. , dactillCO, ca, a. dactylic. dactilo, m. dactyl, a poetic foot. dactil6grafO, fa, a. type-writer.— w. type- writing machine. dactilologia, /. talking by manual signs. d^diva,/. gift, gratification, grant, keepsake. dadlvosamente, adv. liberally, bountifully. dadiVOSidad, /. liberality, magnificence, bounty. dadlvoso, sa, a. bountiful, liberal, frank. dado, m. die {pi. dice) ; block, bushing ; pivot collar ; coin : dado falso, false dice : dado de la roldana, (naut.) coke of a sheave; bush of a block ; (arch.) dado. V. keto : dados, (mil.) case or grapeshot : dados de las velas, (naut.) tablings of the bowline cringles: correr el dado, (coll.) to be in good luck: estar como un dado, to fit exactly.— m9. of DAR ; given : dado que, conj. provided ; so long as ; assuming that. dador, ra, m. &/. giver. — m. (com.) drawer of a bill of exchange ; bearer (of a letter). daga, /. dagger ; line of bricks in a kiln : llegar 4 las dagas, (coll.) to reach the most difficult point. dagdn, m. aug. large dagger. daguerrotipar, m. to make a portrait by the daguerreotype process. daguerrotipla,/. making daguerreotypes. daguerrotlpo, m. daguerreotype. daguilla,/. dim. small dagger. V. palillo. daifa, /. mistress, concubine. dala,/. (naut.) pump-dale of a ship. i dale ! interj. expressive of displeasure at obstinacy. dalla,/. (bot.) dahlia. dAlmata or dalmatiCO, ca, a. Dalmatian. dalmktica, /. dalmatica, wide-sleeve tunic. daltoniano, na, a. colour-blind. daltonlsmo, m. colour-blindness, daltonism. dallador, m. grass-mower. dallar, ra. to mow. dalle, '". scythe, sickle. dama,/. lady, dame; noble or distinguished woman ; lady courted by a gentleman ; lady of honour at" court ; mistress or concubine; queen in chess ; king in checkers ; old Spanish dance: dama cortesana, courtesan t tablero de damas, checker-board ; (theat. ) pri< mera dama, leading lady : segunda dama, walking lady : dama Joven, juvenile lady ; (min.) plate of a furnace: jnego de damas, fame of draughts : soplar la dama, to hutf a ing in the game of draughts ; (coll. ) to car- ry off and marry a lady who was courted by another. damajuana, /. demijohn. damas cado, da, a. v. adamascado. damasceua,/. damson, plum. damasceno, na, a. Damascene. damasco, m. damask, figured silk stuffy Brussels apricot ; damson, plum. damasina, .^'. silk stuff resembling damask. damasqUillO [dah-mas-keel'-lyol, m. silk or wool- len stuff resembling damask ; apricot. damasquinadO, da [dah-mas-ke-uah'-doe], «. damaskeened. damasaulno, na [dah-mas-kee'-nol, a. damas- keened; Damascene: k la damasquina, Da- mascus fashion. dameria,/. excessive nicety in conduct, pru- dery. damlsela, /• young gentlewoman ; (coll.) courtesan. danmlflcar, va. {pret. damnifique : subj. damnifique) to hurt, to damage, to injure. danchado, da, a. (her.) dentate, indented. danes, sa, a, Danish. dkniCO, ca, a. Dane, Danish. dangO, m. (orn.) species of eagle. dauta,/. (zool.) tapir. dante, Pfl. giving; he who gives. dantelladO, da, «. dentated, serrated, dantesco, ca, a. Dantesque. danza, /. dance ; set, or number of dancers ; entangled affair : meter en la danza, (coll.) to involve another in some business or dis- pute : danza de espadas, (coll.) quarrel, fight ; (Cuba and P. Rico) slow dance and its tune. danzador, ra, m. &f. dancer. danzante, ta, m. &/. dancer; (coll.) active person, hustler; (coll.) fickle, airy person. danzar, vn. {pret. danc6: subj. dance) to dance; to whirl; (coll.) to introduce one's self into any business. danzarin, na, vi. & f. fine dancer; (coll.) giddy, meddling person. danzbn, m. (Cuba) slow dance and its tune. dailable, «. prejudicial, condemnable. da&ado, da, a. bad, wicked, eternal^ damned. — pp. of danar. da&ador, ra, m. & /. injurious ; one who hurts or harms. da&ar, t'a. to hurt ; to damage ; to impair ; to harm, to injure ; to spoil ; to weaken. da&ino, na, «. noxious, mischievous, harm* ful, hurtful, injurious. daflO, m. damage, hurt, loss, nuisance, hin^ drance : danos y perjnlcios, (com.) damages: dafio emergente, (law) damage caused by non-payment. da&osamente, adv. hurtfully, mischievous* ly- da&OSO, sa, a. hurtful, noxious, injurious. dar, ra. {ind. DOY : pret. Dl : subj. dk) to give ; to contribute freely ; to hand, to deliver ; to confer, to grant ; to transfer ; to inspire, to suggest; to administer, to apply (as a rem* edy) ; to supply, to afford ; to comiuunioat«, to impart (as news, or advice) ; to represeni (as a play) ; to emit (as heat, light) ; to re turn, to render (as thanks) ; to proffer, ti. extend (as the hand) ; to suppose, to as- sume, to consider; to allow, auniit, concede »i M In far ; e In eb I : i In police ; o in for ; u in ball ; c (hefnre e, I) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft DAK 173 DE (a proposition) ; yield (as fruit, crops, i^ • come, etc.); to surrender, submit; to ex- cite, to cause (as pain, sorrow) ; to hold, maintain ; to deal (cards) ; to manifest, ex- hibit (as signals) ; to enable, to allow ; to paint, to coat ; when joined to some nouns, it expresses the action implied by the noun as dar saltos, to jump: dar un abrazo, to embrace : dar un grito, to scream ; to strike hours (a clock) ; to entertain with ; to strike, to affect physically {as pain, cold).— ?;«. when followed by the prep, en, it expresses : 1, to persist in doing a thing ; 2, to fall into (as an error) ; 3, to contract, acquire (as a onstom) ; 4, to guess, find out (as a joke, puzzle) ; 5, to hit, to strike (as dar en el bianco, to hit the mark) ; when followed by the prep, i: to be situated, look toward (as isi ventana da al parque, my window over- looks the park) ; when followed by the prep, de : 1, to fall down, to fall on (as dar de es- paldac, to fall on one's back) ; 2, to offer, to serve (as dar de comer, to feed) ; followed by the prep, con : to meet, to find (as per fin di con 61, at last I found him) ; followed by the prep, contra : to knock or hit against. — iv. to yield, surrender, submit ; when followed by the prep. & and a noun or a verb in the in- finitive, to devote one's self to ; when fol- lowed by the prep, por, to consider (me doy por perdido, I consider myself as lost). Phrases : dar que hacer, to give trouble : dar memorias, to give one's regards : dar fiado, to give on credit: dar en rostro or en cara, to reproach : dar licencia, to give leave : dar cuenta de, to account for: darla de, (coll.) to brag of, to set up for : dar de si, to give, stretch, extend (as cloth, rubber) : dar en vacio or en vago, to fail in any attempt : dar mal, to have poor luck at cards : dar razon, to give information : dar prestado, to lend : darculadas, (naut.) to strike repeatedly : dar fondo, (naut.) to cast anchor: dar caza, (naut.) to chase : dar al traste, to give up a thing ; to lose, to destroy : dar golpe, to as- tonish : dar garrote, to strangle : dar grima, to strike with terror : dar largaa, to prolong an affair : dar gana, to excite a desire, to have a mind to : dar punto, (com.) to become insolvent : dar que sentir, to hurt one's feel- ings : dar que decir, to give occasion to cen- sure : dar de barato,to allow it for peace' sake : dar calle, to clear the way : dar k la bomba, to pump: dar el nombre or el santo, (mil.) to give the watchword : dar el si, to grant any- thing ; to consent to marry : dar poder, to em- power, authorize: dar en un bajio, (naut.) to strike ground, to get on shore : dar fiador or flanza, to find bail, to give security : dar el espiritu, to expire : dar guerra, to wage war ; to torment : dar Mga, to miss fire : dar la cara, to go to the defence of some one : dar los dias, to congratulate one on his birth- day : dar los buenos dias, to wish good-day : dar parte, to report : dar vez, to give one his turn : dar voces, to call or scream : dar zapa- tetas, to leap with joy : dar diente con diente, to shiver with cold : d* donde diere. in- considerately : dar de mano, to depreciate or despise : dar & luz, to be delivered of a child ; to print, to publish : andar en dares y to- mares, to dispute, to dilly-dally : dar de baja, to dismiss from the army : no dar pie con bola, not to do a thing right : darse 4 la vela, (naut.) to set sail : darse & merced, (mil.) to surrender at discretion ; in hunting, to halt fatigued : no se me da nada, it gives me no concern : darse las manos, to shake hands : darse maiiia, to manage ably : darse prlesa, t, aside from this, in other respects. demasia,/. excess, surplus, su{>erabundance ; boldness, audacity, insolence; badness, in- iquity, guilt ; affront ; (min. ) space between two claims : en demaila, excessively. demasiadamento, adv. excessively ; too. demasiado, da, a. too, excessive, more than enough. demasiado, adv. enough, suflaciently, excesi sively, too much. demencla, /. dementia, insanity, dementar, va. to dementate, to render in sane. — vr. to become demented. demente, «. demented, mad, distracted, in fatuated, insane. demerito, m. demerit, ill desert; act of de meriting. demeritorio, ria, a. without merit, un. deserving. demisi6n, /. submission, humility. democracia, /. democracy. dembcrata, m. democrat, democraticamente, adv. democratically, democratico, ca, «. democratic, popular, democratizar, va. to democratize, demografia, /. demography. demogr^fiCO, ca, a. demographic. demoledor, ra, a. demolisher. demoler, va. {ind. demuelo: subj. DEMUE* la) to demolish, overthrow, tear down, raze, dismantle. demolici6n, /. demolition, destruction, demonche, m. (coll.) little devil. V. d& MOXTRE. demoniaco, ca, a. demoniacal, devilish} demonian. demonio, m. demon, evil spirit, devil : i da- monio 1 interj. the deuce ! demontre, m.. v. demonio; used as an ex- clamation : the deuce ! demofLejo, demo&uelo, m. dim. little demon or devil, imp. demora, /. delay, procrastination, protrac- tion, demurrer; (naut.) bearing; (com.) demurrage; (Amer.) lapse of eight moaths, in which Indians are obliged to work in the* mines : sin demora, without delay. demorar, va. to delay, retard, hinder. — vn. to delay, tarry, protract; (naut.) to bear: la costa demora norte, the coast bears north. demostrable, a. demonstrable, manifestable. demostrablemente, adv. demonstrably. demostracidn,/. demonstration ; manifesta- tion, proof, evidence; verification; (mil.) demonstration. demostrador, ra, m. &f. demonstrator. demostrar, va. {ind. demuestro : subj. dk- mukstre) to demonstrate, prove, manifest, lav open, make evident ; to teach. demostrativamente, adv. demonstratively. demostratiVO, va, a. demonstrative. dem6tico, ca, a. demotic, said of Egyptian writing. demudacidn,/. change, alteration. demudar, va. to alter, change, vary ; to cloak, disguise. — vr. to be changed ; to change colour suddenly, or the expression of countenance. demuelo, yo demuela (»Vr. from demoler). demuestro, yo demuestre {in: from de- mostrar). demulcente, a. & m. (med.) demulcent, emollient. denante, denantes, adv. (obs.) V. antes. denario, m. Roman denarius. denario, ria, a. tenth, containing ten. dendrita,/. (min.) dendrite, fossil. dendritiCO, ca, a. dendritic. dendrografia, /. dendrology. dendrbmetro, m. (math.) dendrometer. denegacibn, /. denial, refusal, denegation. dene^ar, va. {ind. denieoo : prel. DKNEGuft; subj. deniegue) to deny, reiuse, denegate. a M iB far ; e in eh 1 ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n (n bull ; c (before e, 1) and S as th In thick ; b and d, soft; DEN 179 DEP tfene^ecer, va. {ind. denegrezco : subj. denegrezca) to blacken, darken. denegrido, da, a. blackened, denigrated. — pp. of DENEORIR. denegrir, va. V. denegrecer. dengOSO, sa, a. finicky, fastidious, jvernice. dengue, m. fastidiousness, prudery ; sort of woman's cape with long points ; boat used in the sardine-fishery ; dengue, or break- bone fever ; affectation. denguero, ra, a. prudish, affected. V. den- GOSO. deniego, yo deniegue {irr. from denegar). denigracion, /. denigration, stigma, dis- grace. denigrar, va. to denigrate, revile, calum- niate, defame, expose, censure ; to insult, affront. denigrativamente, adv. injuriously, in- famously. denigratiVO, va, a. blackening, stigmatiz- ing. denodadamente, adv. boldly, resolutely. .ilenodado, da, a. bold, intrepid, audacious. .ienominacibn, /. denomination. ^ienominadamente, adv. distinctly, defini- tively. ilenomiliador, m. (arith.) denominator. denomlnar, va. to denominate, to give a name. denomlnatiVO, va, a. denominative. denostadamente, adv. ignominiously, in- sultinglv. denostador, m. vilifier, railler, reviler. denostar, va. {ind. denuesto : subj. de- nueste) to insult with foul language, to re- vile, to abuse. denoiacl6n,/. designation, denotation. denotar, va. to denote, signify, express ; to explain. denotative, va, a. denoting, denotative. densamente, adv. closely, densely. densidad, /. density, closeness, compactness, grossness ; obscurity, confusion, darkness. densimetro, m. densimeter. denso, sa, a. dense, thick : close, compact. dentado, da, a. furnished with teeth ; den- ticulated, dentated, serrated, toothed ; cre- nated, indented; cogged, pronged.— ^p. of DENTAR. dentadura,/. set of teeth, false or natural. dental, a. dental, belonging to the teeth ; (gram. ) dental. — m. bed to which the plough- share is fixed ; (agr. ) teeth of a rake ; fork, used to separate the straw from corn. dentar, va. {ind. diento : subj. diente) to tooth ; to furnish with teeth, clogs, or prongs ; to indent ; to cut into teeth. — vn. to teeth, to cut teeth. dentarla, ./". (hot.) tooth-wort. denteclllo, m. dim. small tooth. dentejbn, m. yoke for oxen. dentellada, /. gnashing of teeth ; bite, nip, seizure with the teeth , impression made by the teeth : k dentelladas, with the teeth. dentelladO, da, a. denticulate, deatilated, dented, serrated, toothed ; bitten or wound- ed with the teeth.— ^. of dentellar. dentellar, vn. to gnash, to grind or snap the teeth. denteUear, va. to bite, to fix the teeth in any- thing. dentelldn, m. piece of a door-lock; (arch.) dentil. dentera,/. tooth edge ; (coll.) envy : dar den- tera, to set one's teeth on edge ; to cause great desire or longing. dentezuelo, m. dim. little tooth. dentici6n[cien-te-thie-oii'],/. dentition teething. denticular, a. dentiform, tooth-like, den« tigerous ; denticulate, toothed. denticulo, m. (arch.) denticle, dentil. dentifrico, ca, a. dentifrice. dentirrostros, m.pi. (zool.) dentirostres. dentista, m. dentist. dentivano, na, a. having long and large teeth (horses). dentOlabial, a. (gram.) dentilabial. dentdn, na, a. (coll.) having large uneven teeth. — m. sea-fish of the sparus family. dentrambOS, contraction of de entramboB, ol both, from both. dentro, adv. inside, within : por dentro or por dedentro, in the interior : hacia dentro, into the interior, toward the centre : k dentro, inside : de dentro, from inside ; with en and de forms prepositions : dentro en, in the in- terior of: dentro de, inside of: dentro del afio, in the course of the year : dentro de poco, shortly. dentudo, da, a. having large uneven teeth. denudacidn, /. (geol.) denudation, laying bare. denudar, va. (geol. ) to denude. denuedo, m. boldness, audaciousness, cour« age, intrepidity. denuestO, m. affront, insult. denuesto, denueste {irr. from denostar). denuncia, /. denunciation, arraignment, ac- cusation ; announcement, declaration, proc- lamation ; (min. ) act of denouncing a mine. denunclable, a. fit to be denounced. denunciacibn [deh-noon-thie-ah-thie-on'], /. de- nunciation, denouncement. V. denuncia and delaci6n. denunciador, m. denunciator, accuser, an- nouncer, denouncer. denunciar [^ manners ; despondency, lowness of spirit* ; recoil of fire-arms. desabrir, va. to impart a bad taste to food ; to vex, plague, torment, harass. desabrochax. va. to unclasp, to unbutton, to unfasten, open ; burst open. — vr. to un- bosom, to reveal in confidence, to disclose. desacalorarse, vr. to cool off. desacatadamente, adv. disrespectfully. desacatado, da, a. acting in a disrespectful manner. — pp. of desacatar. desacatador, ra, m. &f. irreverent, uncivil, or disrespectful person. desacatamiento, /». disrespect. desacatar, va. to treat in a disrespectful manner ; to desecrate, profane, dishonour. desacatO. m. disrespect. Incivility, want of reverence ; desecration^ profanation. desaceitado, da, a. lacking oil. desaceltar, va. to take off oil or grease. desacerar, va. to unsteel. desacsrbar, va. to temper, sweeten, take away harshness and bitterness. desacertadamente, adv. wrongly, errone- ously. desacertado, da, pp. & a. wrong, mistaken. desacertar, va. {for irr. v. acertar) to err, commit a mistake. desacldificar, va. to remove acidity ; to neu- tralize an acid. uesacierto, m. error, mistake, blunder. desacobardar, va. to remove fear ; to en- courage. desacollar, ra. {for irr. V. acollar) to dig up the ground about vines. desacomodadamente, adv. incommodious- ly, inc<»nveniently. desacomodado, da, a. destitute of conven- iences ; out of employment ; out of serv- ice ; troublesome. ^pp. of desacomodar. desacomodamlento, m. inconvenience, trouble. desacomodar, va. to incommode, molest ; to deprive or ease or convenience ; to dis- charge, turn out of place. — vr. to lose one's place (servants). desacomodO, m. discbarge ; loss of a place or position. desacompaflXJQlieiltO, m. want of company or society. ^.^sacompaflar, va. to leave the company, to retire. desaconsejadO, da, a. inconsiderate, ill-ad- vised, imprudent. — pp. of desaconsejar. -desaconsejar, va. to dissuade, to dehort. desacoplar, m. to unfasten, disconnect, un- couple. desacordadamente, adv. inconsiderately, unadvisedly. desacordadb, da, pp. & a. (art) discordant. desaccrdante, pa. discordant. desacordar, ra. {for irr. V. acordar) to un- tune : said of musical instruments. — vr. to be forgetful. desacorde, n. discordant, disagreed. desacorralar, va. to let the flock or cattle out of the penfold ; to bring a bull into the ring or open field. desacostumbradamente, adv. unusually. desacostumbrado, da, a. unusual, unac- customed.— />/?. of DKSACOSTUMBRAR. desacostumbrar, va. to disuse, to drop or lose the custom. desacotar, va. to lay open a pasture-ground ; lo take down fences ; to raise or withdraw a prohibition ; to withdraw from an agree, ment ; among boys, to play without condi- tions or rules ; to reject, refuse. desacotO, m. taking fences off a pasture* ground ; raising a prohibition. desacreditar, va. to discredit ; to injure the credit or reputation of; to cry down, to dis- parage. desacuerdO, m. discordance, disagreement : error, mistake, blunder ; forgetfulness, ob- livion ; mental derangement. desacuerdO, yo desacuerde (irr. from DESACORDAR). desacufLador, m. (print.) shooting-stick. desacuflar, va. (print.) to unwedge. desaderezar, va. to ruffle, to disarrange. desadeudar, va. & vr. to pay one's debts, desadorar, va. to cease to worship or love. desadormecer, va. {for irr. V. adormeceri to wake, to rouse from sleep ; to rouse froK. mental stupor. desadomar, va. to divest of ornaments oc decorations. desadorno, m. want of embellishments and charms. desadvertldamente, adv. inadvertently, in- considerately. desadvertido, da, a. inconsiderate, impru- dent ; unnoticed.— p^. of desadvertir. desadvertimiento.OT. want of prudence and reflection. desadvertir, va. {for irr. v. advertir) \k give no heed, not to notice. desafear, va. to remove or diminish ugiio ness. desafeccibn [des-ah-fec-twe-on'], /. disaffecti >n. desafecto, ta, disaffected ; opposed. — m. dis- affection, disaffectedneas. desaferrar, va. (naut.) to weigh anehor; to unfurl, unmoor, heave out ; to loosen any- thing that was fastened ; to make one change his opinion. desafladero, m. private dwelling-grouno desafiador, ra, a. challenger, duellisi. , one who dares or defies. desaflanzador, ra, m. & f. one who with- draws security. desafiar, va. to challenge, to uery, to dare; to rival, oppose, struggle, compete, race. desaficion,/. disaffection. desaficionar, va. & vr. to destroy or lose one's desire, wish, or affection for a thing. desafijar, va. to disown as a son. desaflnacidn,/. discordance, effect of being out of tune. desafinadamente, acfi'. dissonantly, discord- antly. desannar, vn. to be inharmonious, to be out of tune; to speak irrelevantly. — vr. to get out of tune. desafio, m. challenge, duel ; struggle, eon- test, combat, rivalry, competition, race. desaforadamente, adv. disorderly, exces- sively, outrageously, impudently. desaforado, da, a. disorderly, lawless, im- fmdent, outrageous ; huge, uncommonly arge.— /)p. of de.saforar. desaforar, va. to encroach upon one's rights, to infringe one's privileges ; (mil.) to cash- ier ; to be outrageous or disorderly. desaforrar, va. to take off the lining ; (naut.) to unserve, to unsheath. desafortunado.da, a. unfortunate, unlucky. desafuero, m. excess, outrage, open violence, downright injustice, infraction of law. desagarrar, va. (coll.) to release, to let loose. r* inSKt : • in eb I : i la police ; O In for : ate bnll ; C (before e, '' vai z as tb In thick ; b and 4. aoft; DES 185 DES desagitadera, /. instrument used in remov- ing noney-com b. desagitar, va, to remove honey-combs from the hive. desagraciado, da, a. ungraceful, inelegant. —pp. of DKSAGRACIAR. desagraciar, m. to deform, disfigure, make ungraceful. desagradable a. disagreeable, unpleasant, uucefactiun. desatorar, va. (naut.) to break out the hold ; (min.) to clear a gallerv from rubbish. desatornillar, ra. to unscrew. desatracar, va. (for mut. V. atracar) (iKiut.) to sheer off, to bear away. desatraer, ra. {for irr. V. TRAER) to disjoin, separate. desatraillar, va. to uncouple hounds, desatrampar, t'o. to clear a conduit, sink or sewer. V. desatascar. desatrancar, ra. {for mut. V. atrancar) to unbar ; to clear a well or spring, desatufarse, vr. to go out from a close room ; to grow calm, to allay one's passion. desaturdir, ra. to rouse from a state of diz« ziness or stupor. desautoridad, /. want of authority. desautorizadamente, adv. without author- ity. des'autorizadO, da, a. unauthorized. desautorlzar, va. {for mut. V. autorizar) to disauthorize. desavabadO, da, a. clear, free from fogs, clouds, or vapours.— p/). of desavahar. desavauamientO, m. uncovering a hot thing to let it cool. desavahar, va. to expose to the air, to evap- orate, to let cool off; to air, ventilate. — vr. to grow lively or sprightly. desaveclndado, da, a. deserted, unpeopled. —pp. of DESAVECINDARSE. desaveclndarse, vr. to change one's domi- cile, to move. desavenencia,/. discord, disagreement, mis- understanding, misintelligence. desavengo, yo desavenga (irr. from de* AVENIR). desavenldo, da, a. discordant, disagreeing. —pp. of DESAVENIR. desavenir, va. {for irr. V. VENIR) to dis- compose, disconcert, unsettle. — vr, to dis- agree, to quarrel. desaventajadamente, adv. disadvanta- geously, unprofitably. desaventdjado, da, a. disadvantageous, un- profitable. desavlar, va. to mislead, to lead astray ; to strip of necessaries or conveniences. — rr. to go astray ; to lose the means of acquiring necessaries. desaviO, m. leading or going astray ; wan*, of necessary means for attaining some end. desavisado, da, a. ill-advlsed, unadvised, misguided.— pp. of desavisar. desavlsar, va. to contradict former advice ; to countermand. desayudar, va. to prevent one from being aided. desayunado, da, a. one who has breakfast- ed.— pp. of DESAYUNAR. desayunarse, vr. to breakfast ; to have first intelligence. desaynno, m. light breakfast. desazogar, va. {for mut. V. azogar) to take off the quicksilver from a looking-glass. — vr. (Peru) to become unquiet, restless. desaz6n, .f. insipidity, want of taste or fla- vour ; disgust, displeasure ; disquietness. uneasiness, restlessness ; unfitness of a soil for agricultural purposes. desazonadO, da, pp. &a. (agr.) unfit for cul- tivation; peevish, ill-humoured ; indisposed. desazonar, va. to render tasteless ; to disgust, vex, ruffle. — vr. to become indisposed. desbabar, vn. to drivel, to slaver. desbagar, ta. {pret. desbagu6 : subj. DES- bague) to extract the flax-seed from th« capsule. desballjamieiltO, m. plundering of a port- manteau. desbalijar, va. to plunder a portmanteau of its contents. desbancar, va. {pret. desbanqu* : mbj. des- banque) to clear a room of benches, etc. ; among gamblers, to break the bank ; to cir- cumvent one in the friendship and affcctiot of another. desbandada, /. disbandment : i la desban dada, in great disorder, helter-skelter. desbandarse, tT. (mil.) to disband; to . of DESBARATAR. desbaratador, ra, m. & /. destroyer, con- founder, disturber ; debaucher, desbaratamiento, m. perturbation, commo- tion, discomposure. desbaratar, va. to destroy, break to pieces, smash, spoil, ruin ; to waste, misspend, dis- sipate, squander ; to cross, impede, disturb, prevent, thwart; (mil.) to disperse, rout, break up. — vn. to talk nonsense. — vr. to be unbalanced. desbarate, desbaratO, m. smash, breakage, destruction ; (mil.) rout, defeat ; waste, dis- sipation : desbarate de vientre, loose bowels. desDarbadO, da, pp. & a. beardless. desbarbar, va. to trim, to cut off filaments ; (coll.) to shave. desbarbillar, t;a. (agr.) to prune the roots which spring from the stems of young vines. desbardar, va. to remove thatch. desbarrar, vn. to throw an iron bar without taking aim ; to sneak, steal away ; to act foolishly ; to say irrelevant things, to talk nonsense. desbarretar, va. to unbar, to unbolt. desbarrigado, da, pp. & a. little-bellied. desbarrigar, va. (for mui. V. abrigar) (coll. ) to rip open the belly. desbarro, m. foolish action ; nonsensical talk ; aimless throw of the bar (sports). desbastador, m. dressing-chisel, paring- tool, hewer. desbastadura, /. planing, trimming, hew- ing. desbastar, va. to hew, pare, dress, trim, plane, smooth ; to waste, consume, weaken ; to educate and polish a rustic. desbaste, m. hewing, rough dressing, trim- ming. desbastecido, da, «. unprovided. desbautizarse, vr. (coll. ) to be irritated, to fly into a passion ; (coll. ) to fall from a height and break one's head. desbazadero, m. humid, slippery place. desbeber, va. (coll.) to urinate. desbecerrar, va. to wean young animals. desblanqueCidO, da Ldes-Wan-keh-thie'-doli], a. blanched, bleached. deSblanquifi.adO [des-blan-ke-nyah'-dohl, m. V, DESBLANQUECIDO. desbocadamente, adv. impudently, un- governedly. desbocado, da., pp. &a. (arti.) wide-mouthed (cannon); runaway horse; broken-lipped or mouthed (as a jar) ; broken-faced (as a tool) ; foul-mouthed, indecent. desbocamiento, m. impertinence, impu- dence; act of running away (horse). desbocar, va. {pret. desboqu^: subj. des- boque) to break the brim of a mug, jar, etc. — vn. to disembogue. V. desembocar. — vr. to run away (horse) ; (coll.) to use injurious or abusive language. desbonetarse, vr. (coll.) to take off the cap or bonnet. desboauillar [des-bokeeMyar'i, va. to break a mouth-piece or a cigar-holder. desbordamiento, m. inundation, overflow- ing. desbordar, vn. to overflow. desborrar, va. to burl ; (agr. ) to lop off"shoots. desbragado, da, a. (coll.) unbreeched ; very poor. deSbragUetadO[de8-brah-geh-tah'-dohl, a. having the fore-part of the breeches unbuttoned and open. desbravador, ?«. mustang-breaker. desbravar, desbravecer, va. to tame, to break in (horses). — vn. to lose some part of the fierceness ; to diminish the strength or force of anything, to mollify, moderate, abate. desbrazarse, vr. to stretch out the arms violently. desbrevarse, vr. to evaporate, to lose body and strength (wine). desbridamiento, in. (surg.) dividing bands of adhesion. desbridar, va. (surg.) to divide bands of ad- hesion. desbriznar [des-hrith-nar'], va. to chop or mince meat ; to cut or divide into small parts ; to pluck the stamens of saffron or the filaments of vegetables. desbroce, desbrozo, m. clippings, cuttings from pruning trees; clearing of lands or trenches. deSbrOZar [deB-bio-thar'], va. {for mut. V. RO- ZAR) to clear away rubbish. desbruar, va. to clean cloth of grease, to put it in the fulling-mill. desbrujar, va. v. desmoronar. desbuchar, va. to disclose one's secrets ; to ease the stomach (birds). V. desainar. desbuUa,/. oyster-shell. desbullar, va. to extract an oyster from its shell. desca,/. (naut.) tar-pot. descabal, a. imperfect, incomplete, descabalamlento, /. diminution, impair- ment of a thing. descabalar, va. to take away some necessary part ; to chop off, impair, damage, maim^ cripple ; to pilfer. descabalgadura, /. dismounting or alight- ing from a horse. descabalgar, vn. {for mut. v. cabalgar) to dismount, to alight from a horse. — va. to dismount a gun. descabelladamente, adv. without order or regularity. descabelladO, da, a. dishevelled, disor- dered, disarranged, disproportional ; out of all reason, illogical, preposterous, absurd. —pp. of DESCABELLAR. descabelladura, /. tossing or dishevelling the hair. descabellamiento, m. v. desprop6sito. descabellar, va. & vr. to disorder and un- dress the hair. — va. to kill the bull by prick' ing it in the back of the neck with the sword, descabello, m. killing the bull properly. V. dh:scabellar. descabestrar, va. to unhalter. V. desenc cabestrar. descabezadamente, adv. v. descabellada. mente. descabezado, da, a. beheaded ; light-headed, injudicious, void of judgment, giddy.— /jp. of descabezar. descabezamiento, m. act of beheading; quandary, puzzling predicament. descabezar, va. (pret. descabec^: subj. descabece) to behead ; to revoke an a.ssess- ment which towns have made ; to cut the upp" • parts or points of some things ; to heau, to top; to poll; to lop off; to get over the. first difficulty ; (naut) to break a mast through its neck; (mil.) to have the f (belore e, I) and J as ll in bot; h, sUent; 11 in brilliant; &, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr triUvd; S, biMOt, DES 188 DES head of a column pass over an obstacle : de»- cabezar el Bueno, to take a nap. — vn. to ter- minate, to join a neighbour's property. — vr. (coll.) to screw one's wits, to batter one's brains ; to shed the grain (cereals). -descabritar, va. to wean goats. ^escabullirse, vr. to sneak off, to steal away, to scamper ; to elude the strength of an ar- gument. 'descacilar, va. to trim the bricks. tlescaderar, va. to hip, to sprain or dislocate the hip. descadillador, ra, a. one who cuts off" the fag-end of the warp. descadillar, va. to cut off the loose threads or fag-end of the warp. descaecer vn. {for irr. V. acaecer) to de- cline, droop, languish, decay ; to grow less by degrees ; (naut.) to edge away. 4lescaecido, da, a. weak, feeble, languishing. —pp. of DKSCAECER. 4e8caecimiento, descaimlento, m. weak- ness, debility, decay ; despondency, lowness of spirits, languor. descaezco ( irr. from descaecer). p. of DESCERCAR. descercador, to. one who forces the enemy to raise a siege. descercar, m. {for mut. v. cercar) to de- stroy or pull down a wall, a fence, etc. ; to raise a siege ; to oblige the enemy to raise a siege. descerco, m. the act of raising a siege. descerezar, va. to pulp the coffee-berry. descerrajado, da [des-ther-rah-hah'-doh] ^jp. &a. (coll.) corrupt, vicious, wicked, ill-disposed. deSCerrajadura [des ther-rah-hab^oo'-i-ah],/. tak- ing off locks or bolts. deSCerrajar [des-ther-rah-har'], va. to take off the lock of a door, chest, trunk, etc. ; to discharge fire-arms. descerrumarse, vr. (farr.) to be wrenched or distorted at the joints. desciendo, yo descienda {irr. from des- cender). descervlgamiento, m. act of twisting the neck. descervlgar, va. to twist the neck. descifrable, a. decipherable. desclfrador, to. decipherer. descifrar, va. to decipher, to unravel, to io- terpret, to unfold, to translate. descimbramiento, m. (arch.) removing the centring. descimbrar, va. (arch.) to remove the cen- tring. descimentar, va. to demolish the founda- tions of a building. descinchar [des-thia-char'], va. to ungirt a horse. descinto,pp. irr. of desceSib. desclavador, to. carpenter's chisel; nail- puller, claw-wrench. desclavar, va. to draw out nails, to unnail, to unpeg. deSCOagUlable [deg-co-ah-proo-lah'-Wehl, a. redis- solvable after coagulation. Z (beft?; '>. <;^ 'uad J as h ia hot ; h, silent; 11 iu brilliaBt; ft, ny In canyou ; r (initial) and rr trilled; «, hlBs«4. DES 190 DES descoagiilaci6ii, /. solution, liquefaction of a clot or curd. descoagrulante.pa. liquefying. desCOafTUlar, va. to liquefy, to dissolve. descobajar, va. to pull the stem from a grape. descobijar, va. to uncover, to undress. descocadamente, adv. impudently, boldly, biazeu-faeedly. descocado, da, a. (coll.) bold, excessively free and forward.— jt>/>. of descocar. descocar, va. {for mut. V. chocar) to clean, to clear trees from insects. — vr. (coll.) to b'^ impudent, saucy, or petulant. descocedura, /. digestion. descocer, va. {for irr. V. cocer) to digest, to concoct in the stomach. Aesooco, m. barefacedness, impudence, bold- ness, sauciness. lescodar, va. to rip, to unstitch. descoger, va. {for irr. V. coger) to unfold, extend, spread, expand. descogollar, va. to strip a tree of shoots ; to take out the heart of vegetables. descogotado, da, pp.&a. (coll.) low-necked. descogotar, va. to cut oflf the horns of a stag. descolar, va. {for irr. V. colar) to dock or crop an animal's tail ; to cut off the fag-end of a piece of cloth ; (carp. ) to unglue. descolcbar, va. (naut.) to untwist a cable. descolgar, va. (for irr. V. colgar) to take down, to let down; to unhang; to take down curtains or tapestries. — vr. to come down gently, to slin down (by a rope, etc.), to descend ; to make an unexpected remark or sally ; to come on suddenly (as a cold snap). descoligado, da, a. not belonging to a league, non-union. descolmar, va. to strike off the heaping corn in a measure ; to diminish. descolmillar, va. to pull out or break the eye-teeth. descoloramiento, descolorlmiento, m. paleness, discoloration. descolorar, va. & vr. to discolour, to pale. descolorido, da, a. discoloured, pale, col- ourless, pallid. — J>D. of DESCOLORIR. descolorlmlento, .... decoloration, discol- oration, paleness, fading. descolorir, va. & vr. to discolour, to pale, to bleach, to fade. descolladamente, adv. loftily, haughtily. descollamiento, m. v. descuello. descollar, vn. & vr. {for irr. V. acollar) to overtop, excel, surpass, exceed, outdo. descombrar, va. to disencumber ; to clear a place. descombro, m. disencumbrance. lescomedidamente, adv. rudely, coarsely, unmannerly; haughtily; excessively, im- moderately. iescomedido, da, a. excessive, dispropor- tionate, immoderate; rude, impudent, inso- lent.— /.»;*. of DESCOMEDIRSK lescomedimiento, m. rudeness, incivility. descomedlrse, vr. {for irr. see below) to for- get one's self; to he rude or disrespectful. descomer, vn. (coll.) to ease nature, to go to stool. descomido, me descomida {irr. from des- (•OMKDIKS!;). descomodidad, /. incommodity, inconven- ience. descompadrar, va. (coll.) to cause estrange- njent of friends. — vn. (coll.) to disagree, to fall out with one. descomp&S, m. excess, redundance, want of measure or proportion. descompasadamente, adv. v. descomkdi* damkntk. descompasado, da, pp. & a. excessive, ex- travagant, beyond rule and measure, dis« proportionate ; out of tune or time. descompa^arse, vr. to exceed all rule and measure, to trangress all bounds and pro^ portions ; to be out of tune or time ; to in- sult a person. descomponer, vn. {for irr. V. componer) te discompose, to disarrange, to unsettle, to derange, disturb; to disable; to destroy harmony, to set at odds, to disconceii ; to decompound ; (chem.) to decompose bodies. — vr. to decompose, mortify, become tainted or putrid ; to be indisposed or out of order ; to forget one's self, to lose one's temi)er ; to change for the worse (as weather) • to get out of gear, to get deranged; to become stale. descompongo {irr. from descomponer). descomposicidn, /. discomposure, disagree- ment; disorder, confusion, derangement; corruption, mortification; (chem.) decom- position, analysis. descompostura, /. disagreement, discom- posure, disorder, confusion, perturbatioi), derangement ; slovenliness, uncleanliness ; forwardness, impu.dence, want of modesty, disrespectful conduct. descompuestamente, adv. audaciously, im- pudently, insolently. descompuesto, ta, «. audacious, impudent, insolent ; out of temper ; immodest ; out or order.— «7). irr. of descomponer. descomiUgado, da, a. perverse, nefarious, wicked.— ;>/). of descomulgar. descomulgador, m. excommunicator. K EXCOMULGA DOR. descomulgar, va. {for mut. V. comulgar) to excommunicate. descomunal, a. extraordinary, monstrous, enormous, huge, colossal. descomunalmente, adv. uncommonly, im- moderately, extraordinarily. descomuni6n, /. excommunication. V. EX- COMrNl6N. desconcertadamente, adv. disorderly, con- fusedly, disconcertedly. desconcertadO, da, pp. & a. disorderly, slov- enly ; inconnected, disconcerted, baffled. descbncertador, m. disturber, disconcerter descoucertadura, /. discomposure, disturb- ance, confusion. desconcertar, va. {for irr. v. cokcertar) to discompose, disturb, confound, confuse ; to disconcert, to thwart, to baffle; to dis- joint, dislocate. — vr. to disagree; to fail ot an arrangement, to fall through ; to act or speak discomposedly. desconcierto, m. disconcert, discomposure, disagreement ; disorder, confusion ; de- rangement (as of machinery) ; want of pru- dence and circumspection ; maladministra- tion, mismana«cement ; flux, or looseness of the body. desconcierto ytrr. irom desconcertar). desconcordia, /. discord, disagreement, rtk- riance, disunion. desconcliadura, /. removal of varnish, stucco, etc. ; peeling, scaling. desconcliar, va. to strip off a surface of var- nish, stucco, plaster, etc. — vr. to peel off, scale off. desoonfiadajnente, adv. diffidently, mis< trustfullv. desconfia'do, da, a. diffident, distrustl'ulf mi.strustful, jealous.— pp. of desconfiaeu ft fit In far : e In eh I ; i In police ; o In for ; n in bull ; c (before e, 1) and z as th In thick. ; b and d, wft; DES 191 DES desconfianza, /. diffidence, distrust, mis- trust ; discredit, jealousy, suspicious fear. desconfiar, vn. to distrust, to have no confi- dence in ; to mistrust, to discredit ; to sus- pect, to doubt ; to have little hope of attain- ing an aim. desconformar, vn. to dissent, disagree, differ in opinion.— 17-. to discord, to disagree, not to suit with. desconfonue, a. discordant, disagreeing, contrary. desconformidad, /. disagreement, opposi- tion, contrariety of opinion, nonconformity; inequality, dissimilitude, unlikeness. desconocer, va. {for irr. V. conocer) to fail to recognise ; to forget what was known ; to deny recognition ; to disown, to disavow ; to be unacquainted with ; to be ungrate- ful. desconocidamente, adv. ignorantly, un- knowingly ; ungratefully. desconocldo, da, a. ungrateful, unthankful ; unknown.— jy/). of DESCONOCER. desconocimlentO, m. ungratefulness, in- gratitude ; ignorance. desconozco {irr. from desconocer). desconsentlr, va. {for irr. V. consentir) to dissent, to disagree, not to acquiesce. desconsideradamente, adv. inconsiderate- ly, rashly. desconsiderado, da, a. inconsiderate, im- prudent, thoughtless, rash. desconsiento {irr. from desconsentir). desconsolacibn, /. disconsolateness, grief, affliction. desconsoladamente, adv. Inconsolably, dis- consolately. desconsolado, da, a. disconsolate, hapless, comfortless ; grief-stricken, heart-sick, sor- rowful, mylaucholy.— ;>/>. of desconsolar. desconsolar, va. {for irr. V. consolar) to afflict, to put in pain, to treat rudely.— -i>r. to lose one's cheerfulness ; to become low-spir- ited or afflicted. desconsuelO, m. affliction, trouble, discon- solateness, mourn fulness ; disoi*der in the organs of digestion. desconsuelO {irr. from desconsqlar). descontagiar, va. to purify, to disinfect. descontar, va. {for irr. V. contar) to dis- count, to deduct, allow, rebate, take off; to abate, lessen, diminish ; to detract from merit or virtues.— rr. to miscount. descontentadizo, za, a. fastidious, too nice, § articular ; easily disgusted, discontented, ispleased, squeamish. descontentamiento, m. discontentment, displeasure, grief. descontentar, va. to discontent, dissatisfy, displease. descontentO, ta, a. discontent, dissatisfied, uneasy, displeased. — m. discontent, uneasi- ness, dissatisfaction, disgust, grumbling. descontinuaclbn, /. discontinuation, dis- continuance, cessation. descontinuar, va. to discontinue, leave off, cease, suspend, forbear, give over. descontinuo, ua, a. disjoined, discontinued. desconvenible, a. discordant, disagreeing, dissimilar. desconveniencia, /. inconvenience, incom- modity, disadvantage. desconvenlente, pa. inconyenient ; discord- ing, incongruous. desconvenlr, vn. {for irr. V. convknir) to disagree, to discord; to be unlike or dis- similar ; not to suit, match, or mate. desconversable, a. unsocial, retiring. desconvidar, va. to disinvite, to recall an is. vitation ; to break one's promise. descopar, tu. to lop off the branches of * tree. descorazonadamente, adv. dejectedly, spir- itlessly. descorazonamiento, m. lowness of spirits, depression, dejection. descorazonar, va. to tear out the heart ; t« dishearten, to discourage. descorchador, m. uncorker. descorchar, ra. to decorticate a cork-tree 5 to uncork ; to break a bee-hive to steal th.? honey ; to uncork bottles, etc. ; to breal oi)en a chest or trunk. descordar, va. to uncord an instrument. descorderar, va. to wean lambs. descornar, va. to dishorn, to knock off the horns of an animal. — it. to break the skull by a fall. descoronar, va. to take away the top or crown from a thing. descorrear, vn. to loosen the skin that covers the tenderlings of a deer. descorregldo, da, a. incorrect, disarranged. descorrer, va. to run back over the same ground j to draw (as a curtain). — vn. to flow (as liquids). descorrimiento, m. fluxion of any liquid. descort^S, a. impolite, uncivil, unmannerly^ ill-bred, coarse, misbehaved, impudent. descortesia,/. incivility, impoliteness, chur- lishness. descortesmente, adv. uncivilly, discourte* ously, rudely. descortezador, m. one who strips off the bark ; decorticator. descortezadura,/. descortezainiento, m. decortication, excortication, bark taken off. descortezar, va. {pret. descortecM:: mbj. descortece) to decorticate ; to flay ; take off the crust of bread ; strip off the bark of trees, etc. ; to hull, to shell (as fruits) ; to rough hew ; to polish or civilize. — vr. to be* come civil and polite. descortlnar, va. (fort.) to demolish or de- stroy a curtain, descosedura, /. ripping, unseaming. descoser, va. to rip, to unseam, to unstitch ; to separate, to disjoin : no descoser los labios, to keep a profound silence ; (naut.) to un- lash. — vr. to give a loose to one's tongue; (coll.) V. ventosear. descosldamente, adv. excessively, immod- erately. descosido, da, a. &pp. of descoser ; ripped, unseamed, unstitched ; disjointed, discon- nected, deranged.— ?rt. babbler, teller of s«^ crets : comer 6 beber como an descosido, to eat or drink immoderately. descostarse, vr. to draw away from an oil • jeet or a coast. descOStlllar, va. to knock any one on thi ribs ; to take out the ribs ; to break the ribs — vr. to fall flat on the ground. desCOStrar, va. to take off the crust. deSCOtar, va. to remove a restriction from the use of any road, boundary, or property. — vr. to expose the neck and shoulders. descote, m. exposure of the neck and shoul- ders ; low cut of a waist. V. escote. descoyuntado, da, pp. of dkscoyuntar; disjointed, disconnected, out of gear. descoyuntamiento, m. luxation, disloca- tion, derangement ; pain or uneasiness in consequence of overexertion. descoyuntar, va. to luxate or disjoint bone.^ ; to vex, molest, displease. — vr. to experience g (before e, i) aad J u b In hot; h, sUeut ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canvon ; r (initial) and rr triUee ; i, hisMA r)ES 192 DES some violent motion : descoyuntarse de risa, to split one's sides with laughing. descoyunto, m, v. descovuntamiento. descrecencia,/. decrement, decreasing, descrecer, va. & vn. {for irr. V. crecer) to decrease, diminish, grow less ; to fall, to subside (tides and rivers) ; to grow short (days). descreclmientO, m. decrease, diminution, decrement. 4escr6ditO, m. discredit, loss of reputation. descrser, va. to disbelieve ; to deny due credit to a person ; to disown or abjure. descreidamente, adv. incredulously. descreido, da, a. unbeliever, one who has lost faith ; incredulous, infidel, miscreant. —pp. of DESCREER. descreimiento, m. infidelity, unbelief, want of religious faith. descrestar, va. to take off the crest. descriarse, vr. to weaken ; to extenuate ; to pine with desire or anxiety. describir, va. {pp. descrito, descripto) to sketch, design, draw, delineate ; to describe ; to relate rainately. descripcibn, /. sketch, draught, delineation, design ; description, word-picture, narra- tion, account, relavion ; (law) inventory, schedule. descriptivo, va, a. descriptive. descripto, ta, pp. iir. of describir ; de- scribed. descriptor, ra, m. & y. describer, narra- tor. descrismar, t'fl. to remove the chrism; (coll.^ to give one a blow on the head. — vr. (coll. ) to lose patience, to lose one's temper. descristianar, va. v. bescrismar. descrito, tSi,pp. irr. of descuibir; described. descruzar, va. {for mut. V. ckuzar) to un- cross. descuadernar, va. to unbind (books) ; to discompose, disconcert, disordo.i. — vr. to get disjointed, loose. descuadrillado, da, jap. &«. sepaiated from the rank or lines.— »i. (vet.) sprain in the haunch of animals. descuadrillarse, vr. to be sprained in the haunches, applied to animals. descuajado, da, a. dispirited, disheartened ; liquefied. — pp. of descuajar. descuajar, va. to dissolve, to liquefy ; to eradicate, to grub ; to extirpate, uproot ; to dishearten, discourage. descuajaringarse, vr. (coll.) to be broken down by excessive fatigue. descuaje, descuajo, vi. (agr.) grubbing up >oeds ; clearing ground of underbrush. desct«\rtelar, to remove troops from winter quarters ; (naut.) to undo the quartering of the sails. descuartizar, va. {for mut. V. atizar) to (luarter ; to carve, to cut food at the table. descubierta, /. pie without an upper crust; (mil.) reconnoitring; (naut.) scanning of the horizon at sunrise and sunset : & la des- cubierta, openly, clearly. descubiertamente, adv. manifestly, openly. descubiertO, ta, a. patent, manifest, un- veiled, bareheaded. — m. solemn exposition of the sacrament ; shortage, deficiency, over- draft : al descubiertO, openly, manifestly : en descubiertO, (com.) uncovered; over- drawn ; owing a balance : estar or quedar en descubiertO, (com.) to owe a balance ; to have overdrawn a bank account.—^, of descu- brir. descubretalles, m. small fan. descubridero, m. eminence commanding as extensive view ; lookout. descubridor, ra, m. & /. discoverer, finder, descrier ; investigator, searcher, seeker ; (mil.) scout, spy; vessel on a voyage of discovery. descubrimientO, vi. discovery, find, inven- tion, disclosure ; country or thing discov- ered. descubrlr, va. {pp. descubierto) to dis- cover, disclose, show, bring to light ; to un- cover, make visible, expose to view, lay open ; to discover, to find out, ascertain : to reveal, communicate, make known ; to find or discover things or places before un- known ; to expose the sacrament to public adoration or worship: (mil.) to overlook any place in a fortification : descubrlr la- tierra, (naut. ) to make the laud : descubrlr el campo, (mil.) to reconnoitre: descubrlr por la popa or per la proa, (naut.) to descry astern or ahead : descubrlr su pecho, to un-* bosom, to communicate secrets to another : descubrlr el cuerpo, to expose to danger any part of the body. — vr. to uncover one's self, to take off the liat to any one. descuelgo, yo descuelgue {irr. from des- COLGAR). descuello, yo descuelle {irr. from des. collar). descuello, m. excessive stature or height ; pre-eminence, superiority, loftiness, haugh- tiness. descuento, m. discount, deduction, rebate, allowance ; diminution, decrease. descuento {irr. from descoxtar). descuernacabras, m. cold north wind. descuerno, wi. (coll.) slight, affront. descuidadamente, adv. carelessly, negli- gently, idly. descuidadd, da, a. careless, negligent, thoughtless, heedless, absent, listless, for- getful ; unprepared ; slovenly, unclean. V, DESPREVENIDO.— ;;|p. of DESCUIDAR. descuidar, vn. to neglect, forget, overlook, lay aside ; to lack attention or diligence ; make one's self easy: desculde Vd., make yourself easy. — va. to relieve from care, to make easy, to divert one's attention. — vr. to be forgetful of duty, to become negligent. descuido, m. carelessness, indolence, negli- gence, omission, forgetful ness, heedlessness, abstraction, absent-mindedness, oversight, want of attention ; incivility, coldness, dis- esteem ; improper or disgraceful action ; imprudence, immodesty : al descuido or al descuido y con cuidado, studiously careless. descuitadO, da, a. living without trouble ot care. descular, va. to break the bottom (as of a jar). descbuponar, ra. (agr. ) to strip a tree of its shoots or suckers. desde, prep, from, since, after, as soon as : desde aqui, hence, from this place : desde alii, from there, thence: desde luego, thereupon, immediately : desde entonces, from that time forward, ever since: desde nino, from or since one's childhood. desdecir, vn. {for irr. V. decir) to degen- erate, to fall from its kind ; to differ, to dis- agree ; to he unworthy of or unbecoming. — rr. to gainsay, to retract, to recant. desd6n, m. disdain, slight, scorn, contempt, neglect : al desd6n, affectedly careless. desdentado, da, a. toothless. — m.pi. (zool.) edentates. ^/>/>. of desdentar. desdentar, va. to draw teetn. desdeflable, a. contemptible, despicable. • M ckr) to tame, to domesticate. desembravecimiento, m. taming or re- claiming from wildness. g (beioree. iWndJ as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; &, ny in canyon: r (initial) and rr triUed; ■, DES 194 DES desembrazar, va. {/or mut. v. abrazab) to take anything off the arms ; to dart or throw weapons ; to throw from the arms. desembrlalrajr, ^a- Uor mut. v. embria- GAR) to sober, to cure from intoxication.— vr. to grow sober, to recover from drunken- ness. desembridar, va. to unbridle a horse. desembroUar, va. to unravel, to disentan- gle, to clear, to extricate. desembrozar, va. v. desbrozar. desembuchar, va. to disgorge, to turn out of the maw (birds) ; (coll.) to unbosom, to dis- close one's sentiments and secrets. desemeiante, a. dissimilar, unlike. desemejantemente, adv. dissimilarly. desemejanza, /. dissimilitude, unlikeness, dissimilarity. desemejar. In. to be dissimilar or unlike. — va. V. DESFIGURAR. desempacar, va. {for mut. v. empacar) to unpack. — vr. (coll.) to grow calm, to be ap- peased. desempachar, va. to make the stomach dis- <;harge crudities or undigested material. — vr. (coll.) to grow bold, to lose all bashful- ness. desempacllO, m. ease, forA'ardness. desempalagar, va. & vr. {for mut. V. empa- lagar) to remove nausea or loathing, to re- store the appetite. — va. to clear a mill of stagnant or detained water. desempaliar, va. to clean a glass, looking- glass, or anything which is tarnished ; to take away the clouts and swaddling-clothes of children. desempapelar, va. to unwrap, to unfold any- thing wrapped in paper ; to take paper- haugings on a wall. desempaque, m. act of unpacking. desempaquetar [.Jes-em-pah-keh-tar'j, va. to un- pack, to open a packet. desemparejar Itles-em-pah-i-eh-har'], va. to un- niatch, to make things unequal or uneven. desemparentado, da, «. without relatives. desemparvar, t«. to gather mown wheat in heaps. desempastelar, va. (print.) to distribute pi or mixed letters. desempatar, va. to make unequal or un- even ; to decide a tie-vote ; to run, play, or shoot off a tie. desempedrador, m. one who unpaves. desempedrar, va. {for irr. v. empedrar) to unpave: ir deaempedrando la calle, (coll.) to go very rapidly. desempegar, va. {for mut. V. pegab) to un- glue ; to take off the pitch. desempeflado, da, a. & pp. of desempeSar : freo or clear of debt. desempeflar, va. to redeem, to recover what wa:* pledged, to take out of pawn ; to clear or extricate from debt ; to perform any duty or promise, to discharge (as an office), to transact ; to accomplish, to carry out (as an undertaking) ; to act (as a part in a play) ; to acquit, to free from an obligation ; to dis- engage from a difficult or arduous affair. — rr. to extricate one's self from debt, to pay all debts ; in bull-fighting, to disengage one's self from the attack of a bull : desem- pefiarse de la tierra or costa, (naut.) to claw off, to stand off shore. desempe&O, m. the act of redeeming apledge ; performance of an obligation or promise ; flilfilmcnt, discharge; acting of a part. desempeorarse, rr. to recover from sick- ness, to regain health and vigour. desemperezar, vn. {for mut. v. euperezar) to relinquish habits of laziness and indo- lence. desempernar, va. to take out the bolts or spikes. desemplomar, va. to remove a leaden seal placed on goods (by custom-house or other- wise). desemplumar, va. v. desplumar. desempobrecer, va. {for irr. v. empobre- CER) to relieve from poverty. — vr. to extri- cate one's self from poverty. desempolvar, va. to remove dust or powder. desempolvoradura, /. dusting. desempolvorar, va. to dust, to remove dust. desemponzofiar, va. to heal from the effects of poison, to expel poison. desempotrar, va. to remove the stays or props which support anything. desempulgadura, /• unbending of a bow. desempulgar, va. {for mut. V. comulgar) to unbend a bow. desenalbardar, va. to take off a pack-saddle. desenamorar, va. to destroy love or affec- tion. — cr. to lose love or affection. desenastar, va. to remove the handle or haft of a tool or weapon. desencabalgar, va. {for mut. V. cabal- gar) (mil.) to dismount cannon. desencabestradura, /. disentangling of a beast from the halter. desencabestrar, va. to disentangle the feet of a beast from the halter. desencadenar, va. to unchain, to break the chain, to break loose ; (met.) to dissolve all bonds, ties, connection, or obligation. — vr. to break loose, free one's self from chains ; to become infuriated, said of persons, pas- sions, and the elements. desencajadO, da, «. having a changed coun- tenance.—/)/;, of desencajar ; out of joint, out of gear. desencajiadura, /. unjointing, disjointed- ness, disconnection. desencajamiento, desencaje, m. disjoint- eduess ; luxation. desencajar [des-en-cah-har'J, va. to disjoint, tO unjoin, to disconnect, to throw out of gear ; to disarticulate ; to luxa^«. — vr. to change countenance ; to get disjointed, disconnect- ed, out of gear. desencajonar, va. to unpack, to take out of a box. desencalabrlnar, va. to remove dizziness ; to free from stupidity; to remove wrong impressions. desencalcaX; va. {for mut. v. calcar) to loosen or dissolve what was caked, or close pressed. desencallar, va. (naut.) to set a ship afloat, desencaminar, va. to misguide, mislead, lead astray. desencantamiento, m. V. desencanto. desencantar, va. to disenchant, disillusion, counter-charm, to break a spell. desencantaraci6n, /. act and effect of draw- ing lots or balloting for anything. desencantarar, va. to draw lots for candi- dates out of a c&ntaro ; to withdraw a name on account of incapacity or privilege. desencanto, m. disenchantment, disillusion. desencapillar, va. (naut.) to unrig, to take ort' the rig^Miig. desencapotadura, /. stripping off a cloak or a great-<-oat. desencapotar, va. to strip one of his cloak or great-coat; (coll.) to uncover, to make manifest ; to raise and keep up the head of a aa In far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, I) and x aa th in thick ; b and d, soft ; DES 195 DES a horse. — vr. to clear up (the sky) ; to lay aside frowns ; to put on a pleasing counte- nance. desencaprichar, va. to dissuade from error or prejudice ; to cure one of conceit. — vr. to desist, yield, get over a whim. desencarcelar, va. to disincarcerate, release from confinement, set at liberty. desencarecer ['les-en-cah-reh-therr'], va. {forirr. V. CARECER) to reduce, to lower the price. desencarnar, va. to prevent dogs from eat- ing game ; to lose an affection for anything, or to divert the mind from it. desencastillar, va. to expel or drive out of a castle ; to manifest, make appear, reveal. desencepar, va. (naut.) to clear the anchor. desencerrar [des-en-ther-rar], va. {for irr. V. cerrar) to free from confinement ; to open, to unclose ; to disclose what was hidden or unknown. desencintar, va. to untie, loosen, take oflf the ribbons. desenclavar, va. to draw out nails. V. DES- CLAVAR ; to put one violently out of his place. deSenclaVljar [des-en-clah-ve-har'l, va. to take out pins or pegs (as of a musical instrument). deSenCOger [des-en-co-hen'], va. (for irr. V. coger) to unfold, to spread open. — vr. to lay aside bashfulness or reserve, to grow bold. desencogimiento, m. disembarrassment, freedom from perplexity, ease. desencoladura, /. act or effect of ungluing. desencolar, va. to unglue, to unsize. desencolerizarse, vr. to grow calm, to be appeased. desenconamientO, m. act and effect of al- laying an inflammation or appeasing anger. desenconar, va. to allay an inflammation ; to moderate, check, or appease one's anger ; to make mild end benign. — vr. to become milder, to be appeased, to forget injuries. desencono, m. mitigation of anger or pas- sion. desencordar, va. {for irr. v. acxjrdar) to unstring a musical instrument. desencordelar, va. to loosen, to untie or take away strings or cords. desencorvar, va. to straighten, to untwist, to unwarp, to unbend. desencrespar, va. to uncurl, to unfrizzle. desencrudecer [deR-en-croo-deh-therr'], va. {for irr. V. encrudecer) to prepare silk or thread for receiving the dye ; to clean fab- rics with lye. desencrudeclmiento, m. cleansing of silk (with lye). desencuademar, va. to unbind, to take off the binding of a book. desendemonlar, desendiablar, va. to ex- orcise, to drive out an evil spirit. desendiosar, va. to humble vanity. desenfadadamente, adv. without embar- rassment. desenfadaderas,/. /)^. tener desenfadaderas, (coll.) to take means to extricate one's self from difficulties. desenfadado, da, pp. & a. free, unembar- rassed ; wide, spacious, capacious. desenfadar, va. to abate anger, to appease passion. — vr. to be entertained or amused. desenfado, m freedom, ease, facility ; relax- ation, diversion, entertainment. desenialdar, va. to let fall the train of a gown. ' deaenfangar, va. to cleanse, to clear from mud, mire, or filth. desenfardar, desenfardelar, va. to unpack bales of goods. desenfllada, a. (mil.) under cover from fire. — /. (fort.) defilading. desenfilar, va. to put the troops under coTer from flank fire ; (fort.) to defilade. desenfrailar, vn. to leave the monastic life, become secularized; (coll.) to come out from subjection ; to rest from business for a time. desenfrenadamente, adv. ungovernably, licentiously. desenfrenado, da, a. & pp. ungoverned, unbridled, outrageous, licentious, wanton. desenfrenamiento,™. unrullness, ra.shness, wantonness, licentiousness, boundless lib- erty or license ; libidinousness. desenfrenar, va. to unbridle. — vr. to give loose rein to one's passions and desires ; to* fly into a violent passion ; to be mad or wild. deseufreno, m. v. desenfrenamiento : des- enfreno de vientre, sudden and violent loose- ness. desenfundar, va. to take out of a bag, bol- ster, pillow-case, sheath, etc. desenfurecerse, vr. to grow calm or quiet, to lay aside anger. desengalanar, va. to remove trappings or adornments. desenganchar, va. to unhook, unclasp, un- pin, unfasten; to disengage; to unhitch, unharness. desengafiadamente, adv. truly, clearly, in- genuously ; awkwardly, without care or ad- dress, scurvily. desenga&ado, da, a. undeceived, disabused, schooled by experience ; despicable, ill-exe CUted.— p;>. of DESENGANAR. desengaflador, m. undeceiver. desengafLar, ra. to undeceive, to free from error, to disabuse, to set right. desenga&ilar, va. to free or disengage a per- son or animal held by the throat. desengafi.0, m. detection or discovery of an error ; undeceiving, disillusion ; censure, re- proof, reproach, upbraiding.—^/, sad teach- ings from experience. desengarrafar, va. to unfasten or disengage from claws or clinched fingers. desengarzar (des-en-gar-tharl, va. to take out of a setting ; to loosen from clasps or links. desengastar, va. to take a stone out of its setting. desengomar, va. to ungum ; to unsize silk. desengoznar, va. to unhinge; to disjoint. V. DESGOZNAR. desengranar, va. to uncog ; to ungear ; to uncouple ; to disengage. — vr. to get out of gear. desengrane, m. disengaging gpar. desengrasador, m. wringing-machine ; scourer ; wiping clout. desengrasar, va. to clean from grease ; i» scour. desen^ase, m. removal of grease ; cleaning, scouring. desengrosar, va. {forirr. r. engrosar) to extenuate, make lean, debilitate; to mak« thin or fine. desengrudamiento, m. rubbing off of stick- ing paste. desengnnidar, m. to scrape or rub off paste, desengrueso {irr. from desengrosar). desennebrar, va. to unthread, desenhornar, ra. to take out of the oven. desenjaezar |de8-«n-liah-a-thar'], tVl. {for tntU. V. enjaezar) to unharness ; to unsaddle. g (befor? 8, i) and J as h in hot; h, silent. ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled : t, hiesed. DES 196 DES desenjalmar [deg-en-hai-mar'], va. to take off a pack-saddle from a beast of burden. desenjaular [des-en-hah-oo-lar'l, va. to uDcage ; (coll.) to remoTe some one from jail. desenlabonar. va. to unlink. desenlace, m. (poet. ) catastrophe of a play or dramatic poem ; denouement, unravelling of a plot or an affair ; conclusion, end. desenladrlllar, va. to take up floor-tiles or bricks. desenlazar, va. {for mut. v. enlazar) to unlace, to untie, to loose ; to unravel a dra- matic plot. desenlodar, va. to remove, clean off mud. desenlosar, va. to take up a floor made of flags ; to unpave. desenlutar, va. to leave off mourning ; to banish sorrow. desenmarafLar, va. to disentangle ; to sleave (as a skein) ; to straighten up a complicated affair ; to unravel or make clear an intricate point. desenmascarar, va. to unmask ; to expose one's true character. desenmoliecer [aes eu-mo-a-therr'], va. (for irr. F. enmohecer) to clear from rust. desenmudecer, va. {for irr. v. enmude- CER) to remove an impediment of speech ; to break a long silence. desenojar [des a-no-har'], va. to appease anger, to allay passion.— ^r. to recreate, to amuse one's self. desenojo [des-a-no'-ho], m. reconcllableness, ap- peasableness. desenojOSO, sa, a. appeasing, reconciling, desenredar, va. to disentangle, to free trora perplexities, to outwind, extricate, loose ; to clear ; to put in order, to set to rights.— vr. to extricate one's self from diffioulties. desenredO, w. disentanglement ; (poet.) ca- tastrophe or denouement of a play or poem. desenroUar, va. to unroll, v. desarbo- LLAR. desenronar, va. to remove debris. desenronquecer [des-en-ron-keh-therr'], va. to free from hoarseness. desenroscar, va. {for mut. V. enroscar) to untwine, untwist; to unscrew, desensabanar, va. (coll.) to change or take off the sheets. desensaftar, va. to appease, to pacify, desensartar, va. to unthread, to unstring. desensebar, va. to strip of fat. — vn. to change occupation or exercise in order to render one's work more endurable ; to draw breath ; to take away the taste of fat (with an olive or sweets). desense&ado, da, pp. & a. untaught. desenseflar, va. to make one forget what he had bwii taught; to unteach. desensillar, va. to unsaddle. desensoberbecer, va. {for irr. V. ensober- BKCER) to humble, take away pride. — it. to become humble, to moderate one's pride. desensorbijado, da, a. dislocated, displaced. desentablar, va. to rip up or off planks or boards ; to discompose, disturb, disarrange, derange, confuse ; to embroil an affair ; to break off a bargain ; to interrupt friendly intercourse. desentallngar, va. (naut.) to unbend a ca- ble. desentarimar, va. to remove a platform or stand. desentarqulnar [denen-tar-ke-nar'l, va. to free a ditch or trench from mud, mire, or filth. desentenderse, vr. {for irr. v. entendeb) to feign not to understand a thing ; to pass by a thing without taking notice of it; t« shirk. desentendido, da, a. unmindful, pretending or feigning ignorance.— ^/>y>. of desenten- derse : hacerse el desentendido or darse por desentendido, (coll. ) to wink at a thing ; t« pretend not to have taken notice, or to be ignorant of it. desenterrador, m. he who disinters or digs up. desenterramlento, m. disinterment. desenterrar, va. {for irr. v. enterrar) to disinter, to unbury, exhume, to dig up, to unearth ; to recall to one's memory things forgotten ; to discover and take up a rare book or article. desentiendo {irr. from desentenderse). desentierramuertos, m. (coll.) calumnia- tor of the dead. desentierro {irr. from desenterrar). desentoldar, va. to take away an awning ; to strip a thing of its ornaments. desentonaci6n, /. dissonance. desentonadamente, adv. unharmoniously. desentonado, da, «. & pp. of desentonak : out of tune, inharmonical, discordant. deseutonamiento, m. dissonance. desentonar, va. to humble, to wound the Eride of any one. — vn. to be out of tune, to e inharmonious. — vr. to be of a coarse ad- dress, to be rude or uncouth ; to raise the voice in disrespect. desentono, m. excessive, harsh, rude tone of voice ; musical discord ; false note. desentornillar, va. to unscrew. desentorpecer, va. {for irr. v. entorpecer) to free from torpor ; to restore motion to torpid limbs. — vr. to be freed from torpor ; to be restored from numbness ; to become lively, smart, or pert. desentrampar, va. to free from debts. desentranamiento, m. giving away one's beh>ugiugs as a proof of love. desentra&ar, va. to eviscerate, to disem- bowel ; to penetrate or dive into the most hidden and difficult matters ; (naut.) to re- move loops, twists, from ropes. — vr. to give away one's all out of love. desentristecer, va. {for irr. V. entristeckr) to banish sadness and grief. desentronizar, va. {far mut. v. entronizar) to dethrone ; to deprive ot power or author- ity. desentumecer, desentumir, vr. to be freed from numbness. — va. to free from torpor. desenvainar, va. to unsheath (as a sword) ; (coll. ) to expose to view anything which was hidden or covered ; to stretch out the claws or talons. desenvelejar, va. (naut.) to strip a vessel of her sails. desenvendar, va. to take off fillets or bands. desenvenenar, va. to extract, remove poi- son ; to destroy the poisonous qualities of a substance. desenvergar, va. {for mut. V. envergar) (naut. ) to unbend a sail. desenvlolar, va. to bless or purify a holy place which has been desecrated. desenvoltura, /. sprightliness, cheerfulness, ease, assurance: impudence, effrontery, boldness, forwardness ; lewd posture or ges- ture in women ; graceful and easy delivery in conversation or in acting. desenvolvedor, vi. unfolder, investigator. desenvolver, va. {for irr. V. ENvoLVER) to unfold, unroll ; to unwrap ; to decipher, discover, unravel ; to develop (as a theme) ; • M iu fur : e in eh I : i in police ; o in for ; n in ball ; c (before e, 1) «ad s m til in thick ; b aud d, soft; DES 197 DES to evolve; to grow. — vr. to be forward, to behave with too much assurance. deeenvolvlinientO, m. unfolding, develop- ment, evolution. desenvueltamente, adv. in a free and easy manner ; clearly, expeditiously. desenvueltO, ta,/>p. & a. forward ; free, easy. desenvUelVO (irr. from DESENVOLVER). desenyesar, m. to remove plaster. — vr. to fall or scale off (plaster). desenzarzar [-a. to disinherit; to cut off from an hereditiiry right. — vr. to degenerate. desbenuanar, va. to unmatch. — vr. to vio- late the love due to a brother. desberradura, /. (farr.) surbating. desberrar, '•«. {for irr. v. herrar) to un- chain ; to rip off the shoes of horses. desberrumbrar, va. to clear a thing of rust. desbldratar, va. to dehydrate. desbielo, m. thaw. desbielO {irr. from desiielar). desbilacbar, va. to ravel, to uncord. — vr. to fuzz. desblladiz, rn. V. filadiz. desbilado, m. open-work, drawn work. desbilado, da, pp. & a. marching in a file : k la desbilada, in file, one after another, stealthily ; deceitfully, dissemblingly. desbiladura, /. ripping, ravelling out. desbilar, va. to ravel ; to scrape lint ; to dis- tract bees ; to carve a fowl in thin strips. — vr. to grow thin ; to fuzz. desbilo, m. obstructing the communication of bees, to get them into a new hive. desbilvanadO, da,j3p. & a. disjointed, dis- connected ; without any sequence. desbilvanar, va. to remove the basting- threads. deSbinCadUra [dee-in-cah-doo'-rah], /. act of drawing out anything nailed or fixed. desbincar Ides-in-car'], va. to draw a nail, to remove what is fixed. desblncbadura, /. act of abating a swell- ing. desbincbar [deBinchar'], va. to reduce a swell- ing ; to let out the air, or fluid, with which anything is inflated ; to appease anger or an- noyance. — vr. to contract, decrease, shrink, shrivel (applied to anything swollen or puffed) ; (coll. ) to abate presumption. desbojador [des-oh-hah-dor'J, m. stripper of leaves. desbojadura, /. stripping a tree of its leaves. desbojar, va. to strip off the leaves. desboje Ides-oh'-hay], m. the fall of leaves. desboilejar [des-oi-iyay-har'i, vo. to peel, to pare, to skin (as grapes) ; to shell (as beans). deSbOllinadOr (deg-ol-lyee-nah-dor'l, m. chim- ney-sweeper ; any instrument for sweeping chimneys ; (coll.) he who examines and in- spects carefully and curiously. deSbOllinar [des-ol-lyee-nar'), va. tO sweep Or clean chimneys ; to clean ceilings and walls with a turk's head ; (coll.) to view and ex- amine with attention. desbonestamente, adv. dishonourably, dis- gracefully ; lewdly, lustily. desbonestarse, vr. to be indecorous or lewd. desbonestidad, /. immodesty, indecency, lewdness. desbonestO, ta, a. immodest, lewd, unchaste, libidinous, lustful ; dishonest, crooked, not upright. desbonor [dee-o-nor'], m. dishonour, disgrace ; injury, insult, affront. desuonorar, va. to dishonour, to disgrace; to deprive of oflSce or employ. desbonra, /. dishonour, discredit ; disgrace or infamy, obloquy, opprobrium ; seduction or defloration of a woman : tener i desbonra algnna cosa, to consider a thing unworthy. deshonrabuenos, com. calumniator,libeller, slanderer, degenerate. desbonradamente, adv. dishonourably, shamefully, disgracefully. desbonrador, m. dishonourer, violator of chastity, disgracer. desbonrar Ides-on-rar'], va. to affront, insult, defame ; to dishonour, to disgrace ; to scorn, to despise ; to seduce an honest woman. desbonrible, n. (coll.) shameless, despicable. desbonroso, sa, a. dishonourable, indecent, disgraceful, low. desbora, /. unseasonable or inconvenient time : k desbora or k desboras, untimely, un- seasonably ; extemporary. desbornar, va. to take out of the oven. desbOSpedamlentO, rn. inhospitality, act of refusing strangers a lodging. desbuesar ldeR-way-«ar'], va. to bone an ani- mal ; to take the pits out of fruits. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brUliant ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trlUed ; t, DES 200 DES desHmnanizax, va. to render less human, or less true to life. deshumailO, na [des-oo-mah'-uo], a. inhuman. deShUDiedeCer [des-oo-meh-deh-therr'], va. {for mut. V. humedecer) to exsiccate, to de- prive of humidity. — vr. to dry or grow dry. desiderable, a. desirable. desldla,/. idleness, laziness, indolence. desidiosamente, adv. indolently, idly. desldiOSO, sa, a. lazy, idle, indolent, heavy. desiertO, ta, a. deserted, uninhabited, lone- some, solitary. — m. desert, waste, wilder- ness : predicar en desierto, (coll.) to preach to deaf people. designacibn, /. designation. d^slgnar, va. to design, to purpose, to intend anything ; to designate, name, appoint. designlo, m. design, purpose, intention, con- trivance, mind. desigual, a. unequal, dissimilar, unlike, mis- mated, mismatched; uneven, uulevelled, broken, craggy, cragged ; arduous, difficult, perilous ; changeable, variable ; abrupt ; ex- cessive, extreme. deslgualar, va, to make unequal or dissim- ilar, to mismatch. — vr. to excel, to surpass. desigualdad [aes-e-goo-ai-dahd'], /. inequality, odds, dissimilitude, difference ; variable- ness, levity, inconstancy ; wrong, injury, injustice ; knottiness, unevenness, cragged- ness, cragginess. deslgiialmente, adv. unequally, oddly. desilusibn, /. disillusion. desiluslonar, va. to destroy an illusion, to disillusion, disenchant ; to undeceive. — vr. to lose an illusion ; to be disabused, unde- ceived. desimaginar Mes e-mah-he-nar*], va. tO blot OUt or obliterate in the mind. desimanar, vr. to lose magnetism, become demagnetized. desimantar, va. to demagnetize. desimantaci6n,/. demagnetization. desimpresionar, va. to undeceive. desinclinar, va. to disincline. desincorporaci6n, /. disincorporation, end of corporate existence. desincorporar, va. & vr. to separate what was before united or incorporated ; to disin- corporate. desinencla, /■ (gram.) declension, inflection, desinence; (rhet.) ending of a sentence. deslnfeccidn [des-in-fec-tiiie-on'],/. disinfection, act of disinfecting or sterilizing. deslnfectante, pa. & m. disinfectant, disin- fecting ; antiseptic. desinfectar, va. to disinfect, to sterilize, to render antiseptic. desinficionamiento, m. disinfection. desinficionar, va. to free from infection, to disinfect. desinflamar, va. to cure or remove an in- flammation. deslnflar, va. to let out the air, or fluid, with which anything is inflated. desinsaculacibn,/. act of drawing lots. desinsacular, va. to draw lots or names from an urn or balloting-box. deslnter^S, m. disinterestedness, indiffer- ence to profit. deslnteresadamente, adv. disinterestedly. desinteresado, da, a. disinterested, impar- tial. deslnvernar, vn. (mil.) to leave winter quarters. deslrvo [irr. from deservir). desistencia, /. desistimiento, m. desist- ance, act of desisting. desistir, vn. to desist, to cease, to give up, t« go back ; to leave, to abandon ; to flinch ; (for. ) to abdicate a right. deSJarretadera [des-har-ray-tah-day'-rahj, /. hooked knife for hocking or hamstringing cattle. desjarretar [. of desmedirse. desmedirse, vr. to forget one's self, to be im- pertinent or saucy ; to lose self-control. desmedrar, vn. to decrease, to decay. — va. to impair, to deteriorate. desmedro, m. diminution, decay, detriment. desmedular, va. to remove marrow from bones. desme'ora, /. deterioration, depreciation, diminution, loss. desmejorar, va. to debase, to make worse. — vr. to decay, to decline, to grow worse. desmelancolizar, va. to cheer, to enliven, to gladden. desmelar, va. to take the honey from a hive. desmelenar, va. to dishevel, to disarrange the hair. desmembraci6n, /. dismemberment, ampu- tation, division. desmembrador, ra, m. &f. divider; one who dismembers or divides. desmembrar, va. {for irr, v. sembrar) to dismember, to divide limb from limb, to tear asunder, to curtail; (surg.) to ampu- tate ; to separate, to divide. desmemorlarse, vr. to be forgetful, to for- get. desmenguar, va. to lessen ; to diminish (things not material). V. menguar. desmentida,/. act of giving the lie. desmentidor, ra, m. &f. one who gives the lie. desmentir, va. [for irr. V. mentir) to give the lie ; to convince of a falsehood ; to con- tradict, to deny ; to counterfeit, conceal, dissemble ; to do things unworthy of one's birth, character, or profession. — vn. to devi- ate from the right line.— vr. to recant, re- tract, to belie. desmenuzable, a. friable, brittle, crisp, crimp, easily crumbled. g (b«fore e, i) and J as h iu hot -, h, silent; il in brilliant; fi, 117 in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled: S, DES ^02 DES desmenuzador, ra, m. &/. oue who crum- bles ; scrutator or investigator ; purifier. desmenuzamlento, m. act or crumbling, breaking or tearing into small pieces. desmenUZar IJes-may-noo-thar'], va. {pret. DES- MENCC^: subj. desmenuce) to crumble, comminute, crum ; to shred ; to break or tear into bits ; to chip, to mill, to fritter ; to sift, to examine minutely.— i>r. to crumble, to fall into small pieces. desmeollamientO, m. taking out the mar- row. desmeollar, va. to take out the marrow or pith. desmerecedor, ra, a. unworthy, undeserv- ing. desmerecer, va. {forirr. v. merecer) to de- merit, to become unworthy or undeserving of a thing. — vn. to lose part of its worth ; to grow worse, to deteriorate. desmerecimiento, m. demerit, unworthi- ness. desmesura, /. excess, lack of measure. desmesuradamente, adv. immeasurably, excessively. desmesurado, da, a. immeasurable, exces- sive.— pyj. of desmesurar. desmesurar, va. to disorder, discompose, perturbate. — vr. to be forward, impudent, saucy, rude. desmiembro {irr. from desmembrar). desmiento («>/*. from desmentir). desmlgajar, va. to crumble, to comminute (as bread). — vr. to crumble. desmigar, va. ( pret. desmigu^ : subj. des- MIGUE) to crumble bread. desmlrriado, da, n. (coll.) lean, extenuated, exhausted ; melancholy. desmocha, desmocliadura, /. obtrunca- tion, lopping or cutting off; diminution or destruction of a great part of a thing, desmocliar, va. to lop or cut off the top of a thing (as a tree) ; to unborn, desmoche, m. v. desmocha. desmocho, m. heap of things lopped or cut off. desmogar, m. to cast the horns, as deer, desmogue, m. act of casting the horns, desmografia, /. desmography. desmolado, da, a. toothless, having no grinders. desmoldamiento or desmolde, m. removal of a casting from the mould. desmoldar, va. to remove from the mould, to "strike the frame." desmologia, .f. desmology. desmonetizar, va. to convert money into bullion for other purposes ; to demonetize. desmonta,/. v. desmonte. desmontado, da, pp. & a. unmounted, dis- mounted ; (mech.) Knocked down. desmontador, ra, m. & f. one who fells wood ; dismounter, desmontadura, /. felling timber, clearing from shrubbery. desmontar, ra. to clear a wood ; to remove a heap of dirt or rubbish ; to grub, to fallow ; to uncock fire-arms; to take apart (as a machine) ; to dismount a troop of horse ; to dismount cannon : desmontar el tlmbn, (naut.) to unhang the rudder. — vn. to dis- mount, to alight from a horse, mule, etc. desmonte, m. grubbing or clearing of trees and undergrowth; timber remaining on the spot. desmo&ar, ra. (coll.) to undo the chignon or hair-knot. desmoralizaci6n, .f. demoralization, cor- ruption, depravation of morals, depravity. desmoralizado, da, a. & pp. of desmora> LiZAR ; demoralized, depraved, corrupted. desmoralizar, ta. {/ormut. v. moralizar) to demoralize, corrupt, deprave. — vr. (mil.) to relax the discipline of an armv. desmoronadizo, za, a. easily mouldered. desmoronamiento, m. crumbling. desmoronar, ra. to abrade, to destroy by little and little, to ruin by insensible de- grees. — rr. to moulder, fall, decay, crum- desmostar, va. to separate the must from the grapes — vn. to ferment. desmotadera, /. woman who burls cloth ; burling-irou. desmotador, ra, m. & J. burler ; cloth-nip- per, burling-iron. desmotar, va. to burl, to gin. desmuUir, va. to discompose anything soft or bland. desmurador, m. a mouser (cat). desmurar, m. to exterminate rats from any place. desnarigado, da, a. & pp. noseless. desnarigar, va. to cut off the nose. desnatar, va. to skim milk ; to take thw flower or choicest part of a thing. desnaturalizacibn, /. expatriation, denat- uralization, denationalization. desnaturalizado, da, «. denaturalized.— pp. of DESN'ATIRALIZAR. desnaturalizar, va. {for mut. v. naturals zar) to denaturalize, to denationalize ; to banish, exile, expatriate ; to disfigure, per. vert (as a fact). — rr. to abandon one's coun- try. desnegamiento, m. denial, contradiction ; retraction, retractation, recantation. desnegar, va. (for irr. V. NEGAR) to deny, gainsay, contradict. — vr. to unsay, to re- tract, to recant. desnervar, va. to enervate. desnevado, da, a. thawed, free from snow. —pp. of DESNEVAR. desnevar, va. {for irr. V. NEVAR) to thaw, to dissolve. desnivel. ?». unevenness, slope, gradient. desnivelaci6n,/. unlevelling, unevenness. desnivelado, da, pp. & a. unlevelled. desnivelar, va. to unlevel,— t?r. to lose i^? level. desnucamiento, m. breaking the neck. desnucar, va. {pret. desnvquA: stibj. DKS- NUQUE) to break the neck, to disjoint the nape ; to kill by a blow upon the nape. desnudador, m. one that denudes. desnudamente, adv. nakedly ; manifestly, plainly. desnudar, va. to strip, undress, denudate. denude, uncover; to fleece; (naut.) to un- rig. — vr. to undress, to strip, to take off one's clothes ; to deprive one's self of; to rid one's self of. desnudez I'leB-noo-dethM,/. nudity, nakedness. desnudo, da, a. nude, naked, bare, uncov* ered ; ill-clothed ; plain, evident, apparent; empty-handed; destitute of merit, interest, etc. — m. nude figure in art. desobedecer, va. {for irr. v. obedecer) to disobev : desobedecer el tim6n, (naut.) to fall off! desobedezco (irr. from desobedecer). desobediencia,./^. disobedience, lawlessness. desobediente, pa. disobedient. desobedientemente, adv. disobediently. desobligar, ra. {for mut. V. obligar) tore- lease from an obligation ; to disoblige, to offend ; to alienate one's goodwill! A M in far ; • in «h I ; i in police ; o in for ; a in bnll ; e (before e, I) And z an th In thick ; b and d, eoft; DES 203 DES desobstniCCi6n, /. act of removing obstruc- tions. desobstruir, va. (for irr. V. obstkuir) to remove obstructions ; (med.) to deobstruct. desocupacibn, /. leisure, want of occupation. desocupadamente, adv. deliberately, lei- surely. desocupar, va. to evacuate, to quit ; to empty.— -t7r. to disengage one's self from a business or occupation. desoir, va. to pretend not to hear, not to heed. desojar ideB-o-har'], va. & vr. to break or burst the eye (as of a needle). — vr. to strain one's sight'; to look intently. desolaci6n, /. desolation, destruction, havoc, extermination ; fall ; intense grief or afflic- tion. desolado, da, pp. & a. desolate, disconsolate. desolar, va. {for irr. V. asolar) to desolate, to lay waste ; to harass. — vr. to suffer great grief. desoldar, va. to unsolder. — vr. to lose the sol- der. desolladamente, adv. (coll.) impudently, petulantly. desoUaderO, m. abattoir, slaughter-house. desollado, da, a. (coll) forward, impudent, insolent.— p/>. of desollar. desollador, ra, a. flayer, extortioner,— m. butcher-bird. desoUadura, /. act and effect of flaying or skinning, excoriation ; extortion. desollar, va. {for irr. V. resollar) to flay, to skin, to strip off" the skin, to excoriate ; to fleece ; to cause great harm or injury : de- sollar & uno vivo, (coll.) to extort an immod- erate price ; (coll.) to roast, speak ill of one. desollbn, m. v. desolladura. desonce [des-on -thayl, m. discount of an ounce or ounces in each pound. desonzar, va. to discount or deduct an ounce or ounces in the pound. desopilar, va. to clear away obstructions ; (med.) to remove retention or suppression of menstruation. desopilativo, va, a. deobstruent. desoplnadO, da, a. one who has lost his repu- tation. —/>/<. of DESOITNAR. desopinar, va. to detract one's character, to defame. desoprimir, va. to free from oppression. desorden, m. disorder, confusion, irregu- larity, displacement, mess; lawlessness, li- cense, excess, abuse ; turmoil, disturbance, riot : en desorden, helter-skelter. desordenadamente, adv. disorderly, irregu- larly, confusedly. desordenado, da, «. disorderly, irregular, disordered, orderless, lawless, licentious.- pp. of DESORDENAR. desordenar, va. to disorder, to throw into confusion, to disarrange, disturb, confound, confuse. — vr. to exceed or go beyond all rule ; to be out of order, to be irregular ; to get unruly, be unmanageable (as a horse). desorejadO, da, a. (coll.) licentious, disso- lute, degraded : un plUo desorejado, an ar- rant rogue. desorejador, ra, m. & f. one who crops off the ears. desoreiamiento, m. cropping the ears, desorejar. m. to crop the ears. desorganizacidn, /. disorganization. desorganizador, m. disorganizer. desor^anizar, vn. {for mut. V. organizar) to disorganize, to break up, to disperse ; (chem.) to decompose ; (mil.) to disband an army ; to relax discipline. — vr. to become disorganized, to separate, to be dispersed ; (med.) to be altered, disorganized. desorientar, va. & vr. to disorient, to disori- entate ; to lose or cause to lose one's bear- ings ; to lose the way ; to confuse, to lead into error. desorillar, va. to cut off the selvage of cloth , to cut the border off. desortijado, da, pp. & a. (farr.) sprained. desortijar, va. to noe or weed plants the first time. CLesOSBX, va. {ind. DESHUESO: subj. deshue- se) to bone. V. deshuesar. desovar, va. to spawn. desove, m. spawning, spawning season. desovillar, va. to unclew, to unravel, disen- tangle, clear up. desoxidaci6n[de8ok se-dah-thie-on'],/. deoxydi- zation. desoxldar (des ok-se-dar'], va. to deoxydize. deSOXigenaciOn [dee ok-se-bay-nah-tbie-on-],/. d«- oxydation. deSOXigenar [des-ok-se-hay-nar'], va. tO deoxy- dize. despabiladeras, /. pi. snuffers. despabilado, da, a. &pp. snuffed (candles) ; watchful, vigilant, lively, active, smart. despabilador, ra, m. & f. candle-snuffer; he who snuffs.' despabiladura,/. snuff of the candle. despabUar, ra. to trim or snuff" a candle ; to cut off a superfluity ; to flnish a thing briefly or quickly (as a dinner or a fortune) ; to rouse, to enliven ; (coll. ) to rob, to plunder ; (coll.) to kill: despabilar los ojos, (met.) to keep a sharp lookout : despabilar el ingenio; to sharpen the wits. — vr. to rouse, to wake from slumber. despaciO, adv. slowly, leisurely, gently, in- sensibly, by little and little ; deliberately. I despaclO ! interj. softly, gently. despacito, adv. very gently, softly, leisurely, very slowly. I despacito ! interj. gently ! stop a little ! despachaderas, /./)/. (coll.) surly rejoinder. despacbado, da, a. (coll.) impudent, bold- faced, brazen.— j)p. of despachar. despacbador, m. expediter, one who de- spatches. despacbar, va. to despatch ; to expedite, abridge, facilitate ; to pack, to send, to for- ward, to express ; to perform a business with despatch ; to cut off delays ; to sell goods and merchandise ; to dismiss, dis- charge : despachar nn barco, (com.) to clear a vessel at the custom-house : despachar g6ne- ros or mercaderias en la adnana, to clear, or take out goods or merchandise at the cus- tom-house. — vr. to accelerate, to make haste. — vn. in offices, to carry papers drawn up for the signature of the principal ; (com. ) to expend, to let goods go for money or barter ; (coll.) to attend on customers in a shop. despacbo, m. expedient, determination ; de- spatch, expedition ; custom , application from buyers • cabinet, department or office, bu- reau, library, counting-house, depot: despa- cho de adnana, clearance : despacho de billetes orboletos, ticket-office: despacho de localida- des, box-office ; sale of goods, trade, demand ; commission, warrant, patent ; official com- munication or despatch : despacho telegr&flco, cablegram, telegram: despacho universal, state department : secretario del despacho, secretary of state. despacburradO, da, a. smashed, squashed, crushed : dejar & uno despachurrado, (coll.) g (before e, t) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; fl, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; •, hissed. DES 204 DES fall with split legs ; to make a split ; to b«i stupefied ; to remain motionless. despatillar, va. to tenon ; (uaut.) to break ofl the arm of an anchor. — vr. (coll.) to shave off one's whiskers. despavesadura, /. act of snuffing the caa die. despavesar, va. to snuff the candle. despavorldo, da, a. terrified, aghast. despavoridamente, adv. terrifiedly, aghast, despavorir, vn. & vr. {def. : a has only the moods and persons having the letter i in the declension) to be terrified, to be frightened, to be aghast. despeadura,/. despeamiento, m. bruising the feet with travel; (farr.) surbating. despearse, vr. to bruise the feet (or hoofs) or make them sore by much walking espectivc ecu tempt. to leave one stupefied.— /)p. of dkspa- CHURRAR. despachurrar, va. (coll.) to squash, smash, crush ; (coll.) to make a jumble of an ex- planation ; (coll.) to disconcert one by a smart repartee : detpachurrar el cuento, to in- terrupt a story and prevent its conclusion. despaja-dor, ra, m. &/. one who winnows. despajadura,/. winnowing. despajar ides-pah-iiar], va. to winnow or sepa- rate grain from chaff. despajO ides pah-hoj, ni. winnowing or clean- ing grain. despaldar, despaldillar, va. &vr. to dislo- cate or break the shoulder of an animal. despaldilladura, /. act and effect of break- ing or dislocating an animal's shoulder. despaldillar, va. to remove the stems f/om raisins ; to strip tobacco, etc. despalmador, m. (naut.) careening-place, dockyard : hoof-paring-knife. despalmadura, /• or despalme [aes-paw- niav], m. calking, paying the bottom, despalmar, va. (naut.) to, grave, to calk ; to pare off a horse's hoof, despampanador, TO. pruner of vines, despampanadura, /. act of pruning vines. . despampanar, va. to prune vines ; (coll.) to astound a person by a piece of news. — vn. (coll.) to unbosom, to give vent to one's feelings.— i;r. (coll.) to be injured by a fall. despamplonador, ra, m. &/. one who sepa- rates (vine-) stems. despamplonar, va. to separate the shoots of plants.— yr. to sprain the hand. despanar, va. to remove the reaped corn from the field. despancijar, despanzurrar, va. (coll.) to burst the belly. despapar, im. to carry the head too high (a horse). desparecer, v». to disappear. V. desapare- CER. desparejar, va. to break a pair. desparpajado, da, a. & pp. of desparpa- JAR ; pert, petulant, garrulous. desparpajar, va. to undo in a disorderly manner ; (coll.) to rant, to prattle. desparpajO, m. (coll. ) pertness of speech or action. desparramado, da, a. wide, open, spread, scattered.— pD. of desparramar. desparramador, ra, to. & f. disperser, di- lapidator ; prodigal, waster, spendthrift. desparramamlentO, to. squandering, ex- travagance, dissipation. desparramar, va. & vr. to spill, scatter, dis- seminate, overspread ; to squander, dissi- Sate, lavish.— vr, to amuse one's self; to be issipated. despaxtidor, m, one who separates or di- vides. despartimientO, to. act of separating or di- viding. despartlr, va. to dispart, to part, to divide. desparvar, va. to undo the sheaves and spread the stalks of grain on the floor. despasar, va. (naut.) to unsling, to fleet, to unreeve, to shift. despatarrada, /. (coll.) split of the legs; variety in the Spanish dance : hacer la des- patarrada, (coll.) to affect disease or pain ; to feign death. despatarradO, da, a. quedar or dejar k nno deipatarrado, (coll.) to leave one astonished, aba-shed , or stupefied. — pa. of despatarrar. despatarrarse, vr. (coll.) to straddle; to » M In far ; • in eh I ; i in police ; O in for ; m In b«U : • (kefore c, i) and K as til in tbiok : b and d, aoA j or make tnem sore Dy mucn waiKing. despectivo, va, a. depreciatory ; denoting despechadamente, adv. angrily, spitefully. despechar, va. to enrage, to excite indigna- tion ; (coll.) to wean an infant. — vr. to n-et; to despair. despecno, m. spite, hatred, malevolence, grudge, petty ill-will; dejection, dismay, despair : & despecho, despite, in spite of, in defiance of. despechugadiira, /. cutting off the breast of a fowl ; uncovering one's breast. despechugar, va. (formut. v. apechugar) to cut off the breast of a fowl. — vr. (coll.) to uncover the breast; to walk with bare breast. despedazador, ra, to. & /. dissector, lacer^ tor, mangier. despedazamiento, m. laceration, dissection, cutting to pieces ; mangling. despedazar, va. {jor mut. v. apedazar) to cut into bits, to tear into pieces, to cut asunder, to limb, to claw ; to lacerate, t» destroy, to mangle ; to torment, to harrow (as the feelings): despedazarse de rlsa, to burst into a fit of laughter. despedida, /. leave-takiug, farewell, leave, parting ; seeing a person off ; discharge, dismissal. despedimlento, m. v. despedida. despedlr, va. {for irr. V. pedir) to emit, dis- charge, dart, fling, throw off, flash ; to dis- miss from office, discharge, discard ; to see a person off on a journey ; to escort a ^uest to the door ; to dismiss (as from the mind). — IT. to take leave, to say good-bye ; to quit a place ; to renounce something ; to go out from service, to leave one's occupation : dee- pedirse k la francesa, to sneak away. despedregar, va. to clear the ground of stones. despegable, a. that may be unglued or dis- joined. despegadamente, adv. unconcernedly, un- afiectionately. despegadO, da, a. &pp. of despegar; un- glued; (coll.) sour of temper ; unpleasant, harsh, distant, indifferent. despegador, ra, a. that which unglues or despegadura, /. ungluing, detaching, sepa- rating. despegamlento, m. v. desapego. despegar, va. (for mut. v. pegar) to unglue, detacn, separate, disjoin : despegar loe la- bloa or la boca, to speak. — vr. to come off ; to withdraw one's affection ; to become dis- tant, indifferent. ■ despegO, »». asperity, coyness; aversion; coldness, indifference. DES 205 DES despeinar, va. to entangle or to disarrange the hair. despejadamente, adv. expeditiously, readi- ly, freely. despejadO, da, a. sprightly, smart, quick, vivacious, sagacious, dexterous, clean ; clear, serene, cloudless; unobstructed, clear, free. —pp. of DESPEJAR. despejar, va. to remove impediments, to sur- mount obstacles, to clear away obstructions : despejen la sala, clear the room ; (math.) to discover the unknown. — vr. to become bright and smart ; to amuse one's self; to be re- lieved of pain, said of a patient: deapejarse el clelo, el dia, el tiempo, to become clear, serene weather. despejO, m. act of removing obstacles or clearing away impediments ; sprightliness, smartness, liveliness, vivacity, briskness ; grace, ease. despelotar, va. to dishevel the hair. despeluzamiento, m. entanglement or dis- arrangement of the hair ; making the hair stand on end, horripilation. despeluzar, despeluznar, va. & vr. to make the hair stand on end ; to be horrified. despeluznante, pa. making the hair stand on end. despellejadura, /. scratch, slight wound ; skinning. despellejar, va. to flay, to skin : despellejar un Gonejo, to uncase a rabbit. despenador, ra, m. & f. one who relieves pain. despenar, va. to relieve from pain ; (coll.) to kill. despendedor, ra, m. &f. spendthrift, prodi- gal, lavisher, waster. despender, va. to spend, to expend, to waste, to squander. despensa, /. pantry, larder ; store of provi- sions for a journey ; butlership ; provisions for daily use ; marketing ; contract for a yearly supply of fodder; (naut.) steward's room. Jespenseria, /. office of steward. despensero, ra, m. & f. butler, caterer, dis- pen-ser, distributer; (naut.) steward. despefLadamente, adv. precipitately. despeiladero, ra, a. steep, precipitous, head- long. — m. precipice, crag ; dangerous under- taking. despefladlzo, za, a. steep, precipitous ; glib, slippery. 4espefLar, va. to precipitate, to fling down a precipice. — vr. to throw one's self headlong; to lead a riotous life. despe&o, despe&amiento, m. precipitate fall ; loss of fortune and character ; diar- rhoea. despepitador, m. stoner, corer (for fruit). despepitarse, vr. to give license to one's tongue, to vociferate ; to speak or act rashly and inconsiderately. despercudir, va. to clean or wash what is greasy. despefdiciadamente, adv. profusely, waste- fully. desperdiciado, da, a. & pp. of desperdi- ciAR ; wasted, destroyed, squandered. desperdiciador, ra, m. & /. spendthrift. squanderer, lavisher. desperdiciar, va. to squander, misspend, fling away ; to lose, not to avail one's self of, not to "utilize. desperdlciO, m. prodigality, profusion, waste ; residuum, refuse, offal, remains, gar- bage: desperdicios de caero, furrier's waste. desperdigar, va. to separate, disjoin, scatter. desperecerse, vr. to crave, to long, to desire eagerly. desperezarse, vr. to stretch one's limbs. desperezo, m, V. esperezo. desperfecto, rn. deterioration, wear and tear, slight injury or damage, blemish. desperfilar, va. (pict.) to soften the lines of a painting. despernada, /. motion in dancing. despemado, da, a. weary, fatigued, tired. —pp. of despernar, despemar, va. {for irr. V. APERNAR) to maim, cripple, or cut off one's legs. — vr. to be worn out, crippled from walking. despertador. ra, a. awakener.— m. alarm- bell in clocks ; alarm-clock ; warning, ad- monition, hint that causes worriment. despertamiento, m. awakening. despertar, f a. &vr. {pp. despertado, des- PIERTO: ind. despierto: subj. despierte) to awake, to awaken ; to enliven ; to remind, recall; to excite, sharpen (as the appetite). — vn. to awake ; to revive. despesar, m. displeasure, aversion, dislike. despesta&ar, va. to pluck out the eye-lashes. — vr. to look intently, to inspect closely, to study hard. despezar, va. to diminish, to taper (said of tuoes or pipes) ; (arch.) to bond stones. despezo, m. diminution of one end of a tube or pipe.— pi. despezoB, (arch.) faces of stone, where they join each other. despezonar, va. to cut oft' the nipple (as of a lemon) ; to break off the stalk (as of fruit) ; to divide, to separate. — vr. to break off (the stalk of fruit or the arm of an axle-tree). despiadadO, da, a. impious, cruel. V. DESA- piadado. despicar, va. {for mut. V. piCAR) to satisfy, to gratify. — vr. to take revenge. despicarazar, va. to pick the figs (said of birds). desplcliar, va. to expel or discharge mois- ture or humour ; to pick the berries of grapes. — vn. (coll.) to die. despidida, /. gutter, passage for water. despido {irr. from despedir). despierno {irr. from DESPERNAR). despiertamente, adv. acutely, ingeniously, cleverly. despierto, ta, a. awake ; vigilant, watchful, diligent; brisk, sprightly, lively, smart; clear-sighted. despierto {irr. from DESPERTAR). despiezo, m. ^arch.) bonding. despilar, va. (min.) to take away the pillars of ore-bearing rock. despilfarradamente, adv. wastefully ; slo- venly. despilfarradO, da, a. ragged, in tatters; prodigal, wasteful.— pp. of despilfarrar. despilfarrador, ra, a. spendthrift, wasteful. despilfarrar, va. to waste, squander. despilfarro, m. slovenliness, uncleanliness ; waste, mismanargement, lavishment ; mis- government, maladministration. despimpollar, va. to prune away useless stems. despinces, m. pi. tweezers. V. despinzas. despintar, va. to blot or efface what is painted ; to disfigure ; to mislead. — vn. to de- generate. — vr. to fade, wash off, lose colour ; to forget the appearance of a person or thing. despinzadera, /. woman that burls.— ^pf. burling-iron. despinzar [des-pln-thar'], va. {pret. DESPINC* : suoj. despince) to burl. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, ailent ; 11 in brilliant : fi, ny in canyen ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, 15 hissad. DES 206 DES desplnzas, /. pi. burling-iron. despiojar, va. & vr. to cleanse from lice ; (coll.) to relieve from misery. despiq.ue ides-pes'-keii), TO. vengeance, revenge. desplstax, va. to turn from tne right trail. despizcar, va. {for mut. v. pizcar) to com- minute, triturate, crush ; break or cut into small bits. — vr. to make the utmost exer- tions. desplacer, va. {for irr. V. PLACER) to dis- please, to disgust. desplacer [deg-piaii-therr'], m. displeasure„ dis- gust, disobligation. desplantacibn,/- eradication, displantation. desplantador, ra, m. & f. eradicator.— »». trowel, scoop trowel. desplantar, vr. to lose one's erect posture in fencing or dancing. desplante, m. oblique posture in fencing; injudicious action or speech. desplatar, va. to separate silver from other metals. desplate, m. act of separating silver from other metals. desplayar, vn. to recede from the shore (as the tide). desplazamiento, m. (naut.) displacement of a vessel. desplazco {irr. from desplacer), desplegadura, /. unfolding, spreading out ; elucidation, explication. desplegar, va. {for irr. V. plegar) to unfold, display, expand, spread, lay out, lay before ; to explain, to elucidate; (naut.j to unfurl: deiplegar la bandera, to hoist tne flag. — vr. to open, unfold (as flowers) ; to spread out (as troops) ; to execute a manoeuvre. despleguetear, va. (agr. ) to remove the folds from the tendrils of vines. despliegue Ides-piea-eh'-geii], 7ft. unfurling, un- folding ; (mil.) change from the ordfer of march to that of battle, or to form in line fronting a given position. desplomar, va. to make a wall, building, etc. , lose its plumb. — vr. to get out of plumb, to sag ; to tumble down, fall to the ground, to collapse. desplome, m. bulging or sagging ; collapse, tumbling down. desplomo, m. out of plumb. desplumadura,/. deplumation. deaplumar, va. & vr. to deplume, to pluck, to strip oflF feathers ; (coll.) to despoil or strip one of his property. — vr. to moult. despoblacibn, /. depopulation. despoblado, m. desert, uninhabited place. despoblado, da, a. & pp. depopulated. despoblador, ra, a. depopulator, dispeopler. despoblar, va. to depopulate, to dispeople ; to despoil or desolate a place. — vr. to depop- ulate, to become deserted. despojador, ra, a. despoiler, spoiler. despojar, va. to despoil or strip one of his property ; to deprive of, to cut off from, ju- dicially ; to dismiss, to turn out of a place or employment. — vr. to undress, to strip ; to relinquish, to forsake. «espojO, m. despoliation, spoliation ; plunder, spoils ; slough, the cast-off skin of a serpent ; head, pluck, and feet of slaughtered ani- mals.— p/. leavings, scraps of the table ; gib- lets of fowls ; dfibris ; second-hand building materials. despolarizaci6n, /. depolarization. despolarlzar, va. {for mut. V. polarizar) to depolarize. despolvar,. va, to dust. V. desempol- VAR. despolvorear, va. to dust; to cast away, scatter, dissipate ; (coll.) to sprinkle. despopularlzar, va. & vr. {for mut. V. POPU- larizar) to make or become unixjpular. desportillar, va. to chip off the corners or edges ; break the neck of a bottle, pot, etc. ; (arch.) to splay. desposado, da, a. newly married ; hand- cuffed.— pp. of DESPOSAR. desposar, va. to marry, to perform the mar- riage ceremony. — vr. to be betrothed or mar- ried. desposeer, va. to dispossess, to oust, desposeimiento, to. dispossession. desposorlo, to. betrothal ; mutual promise to contract marriage, used mostly in the plu- ral. d^spota, m. despot, absolute sovereign ; ty- rant. despdticamente, adv. despotically. desp6tlco, ca, despotic, despotical. despotismo, to. despotism, absoluteness. despotricar, vn. (coll.) to talk inconsider- ately. despreciable, a. contemptible, despicable or despisable, worthless, abject, mean, paltry ; miserable, lowly, insignificant. despreciador, ra, m. &. f. depredator, as- perser, despiser, scorner, contemner. despreciar [(lesprphtiiie-ar'], va. to depreciate, despise, scorn, contemn, reject, lay aside, neglect. despreciatlVO, va, a. depreciative, depre- ciatory ; offensive. despreciO [iies-preh'thie-ol, TO. disregard, scorn, contempt, despising, disdain, slight, neglect, contumely ; dispraise. desprender, va. to unfasten, loose, disjoin, separate ; to let loose, to emit, give out. — vr. to give way, to fall down ; to issue from, come out of; to extricate one's self; to dis-. possess one's self, give away ; to be deduced, to be inferred. desprendidO, da, pp. & a. disinterested, gen- erous, uncovetous; unfastened, loose, desprendimientO, m, act of loosening ; alien- ation, disinterestedness ; landslide, land- slip, desprensar, va. to remove from the press. despreocupacibn, /. non-prejudice, freedom from bias, enlightenment, free thought. despreocupado, da, a. & pp. unprejudiced, unprepossessed, unconventional, liberal, broad-minded, freethinker. despreocupar, va. to unprepossess, to un* preoccupy. — vr. to be disabused of a preju- dice or error ; be set right. desprestigiar, ^^^4& vr. to remove or lose reputation. preTO^. desprestigio Ides-pree-tee'-he-o], TO. loss of repu- tation or prestige, desprevencidn, /. improvidence, improvi- siou, want of caution, desprevenidamente, adv. improvidently. desprevenido, da, a. unprovided, unpre- pared, improvident. desproporcibn, /. disproportion ; want of symmetry, disparity ; aisproportionable- ness. desproporcionadamente, adv. dispropor- tionately. desproporclonado, da, a. & pp. of despro- porcionar; disproportionate, dispropor- tional, unsymme,trical, unsuitable, unbe- coming. desproporcionar, va. to disproportion, ta . mismatch things, to misproportion. despropositado, da, a. absurd. • M Id fkr ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; O in for ; n in bull ; c (bafore e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft; DES 207 despropbsitO, m. absurdity, oddity, non- DES desproveer, va. {pp. desproveido, despro- visTO) to deprive of provisions or the nec- essaries of life. desproveidamente, adv. improvidently. desproveido, da, a. unprovided, unpre- pared.— po. of OESPROVEER. desprovlsto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of DESPRO- VEER. V. desproveIdo. despueble or despueblo, m. depopulation. despueblO (irr. from despoblar). despu6s, adv. after, posterior in time, loca^ tion and order ; afterward, next, then, later. despulir, va. to tarnish, to frost, to grind (glass). despulsarse, vr. to be violently aflFected with any passion ; to desire eagerly. ^espumacidn, /. despumation, skimming. despumadera,/. v. espumadera. tespumar, va. V. espumar. despuntadura, /. blunting or taking off the point. 'lespuntar, va. to blunt, to crop, cut off, wear out a point ; to cut away the dry combs in a bee-hive; (naut.) to double a cape. — vn. to advance or make progress in knowledge ; to manifest wit and genius ; to begin to sprout or bud ; to surpass, excel, morally ; to begin to dawn. desquejar [iieskeh-iiar'l, va. to pluck up a shoot near the root of a plant. desqueje [(ie8-keh'-iieh\ m. pulling up a shoot near the root of a plant. desquerer, va. to lose affection , to cease to love, to get over a fondness. desquiciamientO, m. unhingeing, disjoin- ing. desquiciador, ra, m. & f. he who or that which unhinges or unsettles. desqulciar (iies-ke thie-ar'l, va. to unhinge, to disjoint ; to unsettle, discompose, disorder ; to deprive of favour or protection. deSquijaramientO [des-ke-ha-rah-me-en'-to], m. act of breaking the jaws. desquijarar [. Deuteronomy. deut6xidO, m. (chem.) deutoxyde. devalar, »•«. (naut.) to deviate, to drift. devanadera, /. reel, spool, bobbin, winding- frame : devanadera de gelpe, clock-reel, snap- reel ; (naut.) log-reel. devanador, ra, m. &f. winder, spool, quill, reel ; anything on which yarn is wound : devanador de lanzadera, shuttle-winder. devanar, va. to reel, spool, wind, as yarn : devanarse los sesos, to screw one's wits. devanear, vn. to rave, to talk nonsense ; to dote, to be delirious. devaneo, m. delirium, alienation of mind, giddiness; frenzy; idle or mad pursuit; dissipation. devantal, m. apron, v. DELANTAL. devastacidn, /. devastation, destruction, desolation, waste, ruin. devastador, ra, m. &f. desolator, harasser, destroyer. devastar, va. to desolate, to lay waste, to destroy, to ruin. deveng'ar, va. {for mut. v. vengar) to gain» to earn (as salary, interest, etc.). devlacibn,/. v. desviaci6n. devocidn ida-vcHthie-mi'],/. devotion, piety, god- liness, devoutness, prayer ; strong affec- tion, ardent love ; constant and faithful at- tachment. a B8 in far ; e In eh 1 : 1 in police ; o in for ; a in bull ; e (before e, i) and S m th in ; b and d, soft t DEV 211 DIA devocionariO, rn. prayer-book. devoclonero, ra, a. devotional. devolUCidn,/. (law) devolution, restitution : devolacion de derechos, (com.) drawback ; debenture. devolutivo, a. (law) returnable, restitutive, restorable. devolver, va. {for irr. V. volver) to return a thing to its former possessor ; to restore a thing to its former state ; to refund, to pay back. devorador, ra, m. & f. devourer. devorar, va. to devour, swallow up, consume ravenously, glut. devotamente, adv. devoutly, piously, de- votedly. devotO, ta, a. devout, pious, devotional, re- ligious, godly ; exciting devotion, strongly attached, devoted. devueltO, ta, pp. irr. of devolver ; re- turned, restorea. devuelvo {irr. from devolver). dexiocardia [dek-Be-o-car'-ue-ah], /. dexiocar- dia. dextrina,/. dextrine. dextro, m. area around a church. deyeccidn, /. (geol.) debris; (med.) dejec- tion. dezmable, a. tithable. dezmar, va. v. diezmar. dezmatorlo, m. place in which tithes are collected, tithing. dezmeao, fla, dezmero, ra, a. belonging to tithes. — in. a tither. dezmeria,/. tithe-land. difpret. irr. of DAR : imperat. irr. of decir. dia, m. day, daylight, sunshine : dias canicu- lares, dog-days : dia de anos or cnmpleanos, birthday : dia de ayuno or de vigilia, fastiug- day or fast-day : dia de viernes, Meager-day : dia de besamanos, court-day : dia de came, meat-day : dia util, or laborable, or de traba- Jo, working-day: dia quebr ado, half-holiday : dia de fiesta or festivo, holiday : dia natural, from sunrise to sunset : i, dias, at times, once in a while : al dia, up to date : al otro dia, on the next day : el otro dia, the other day : dia de descanso, day of rest, Sabbath- day : dia del juicio, doomsday : de dia, by day : de un dia para otro or de dia en dia, from day to day : un dia si y otro no, or cada tercer dia, day about, every other day : hasta tfl dia de hoy, to this day : el dia de boy or hoy en dia, the present day : el mejor dia, some fine day : el dia menos pensado, wlieu one least expects : en su dia, at the proper time : luz del dia, daylight : entre dia, in the daytime : en dias de Dios, never : hombre de dias, a man in years : jefe de dia, (mil.) offi- cer of the day : tener dias, (coll.) to be old, to be moody : de hoy en ocho dias, this day week : dias de gracia, (com.) days of grace : dias ha, it is a long time since.: buenos dias, good-morning : en los dias de lit vida, never : los dias de uno, a person's saint's-day or birthday : dar los dias, to send birthday congratulations. diabetes,/, diabetes. diab6tico, ca, «. diabetic. dlabla, /. (coll.) she-devil : k la diabla, adv. carelessly ; rudely : cosido & la dlabla, (b.b. ) bound in paper. diablazo, /«. atig. great devil. diablear, vn. (coll.) to commit deviltries, play pranks. diablejo, w. little devil, imp. diablesa,/. (coll.) she-devil. diablillo, rn. dim. deviling, devilkin, little devil, imp; (coll.) smart, clever, misehiev- ous fellow. diablo, m. devil, Satan ; person of a perverse temper ; hideous person ; cunning, subtle person : ser de la piel del diablo, to be a limb of the devil : diablo cojuelo, artful, deceiving devil : eso es el diablo, (coll.) that is the di^ ficulty : no valer un diablo, (coll.) to be good for nothing: como un diablo, exceedingly, excessively : i como diablos — 7 or i qu6 dia- blos — 7 (coll.) why, or what the deuce—? 1 un diablo 1 interj. (coll. ) the devil ! diablura, /. diabolical undertaking, devil- ishness, deviltry, mischief, wild prank. diabblicamente, adv. diabolically, devil- ishly. diabolico, ca, a. diabolical, devilish. diacatalic6ll, m. diacatholicon. diacitr6n, m. lemon-peel preserved in sugar. diaconado, diaconato, m. deaconship. diaconal, a. diaconal. diaconia,/. deaconry. diaconisa,/. deaconess. diacono, m. deacon. diacritlco, ca, a. (gram.) diacritic, diacrit^ ical ; (med.) diagnostic. diacustica, /. diacoustics. diadema, /. diadem, crown, glory, halo. diademado, da, a. (her.) diademed. diadO, a, «*. dia diado, appointed day. diafanidad, /. diaphaneity, transparency, pelluciduess. di^fano, na, a. transparent, pellucid, clear, lucid, diaphanous. diaforesls, /. (med.) diaphoresis, perspira- tion. diaforetiCO, ca, a. (med.) diaphoretic. diafragma, m. (anat.) diaphragm, midriff; (meeh. ) diaphragm. diafragmatlco, ca, a. diaphragmatic. diagnosis,/, (med.) diagnostics. diagnosticar, m. {pret. diagnostiqu^: subj. DIAGNOSTIQUE) to diaguose, to diagnosti' cate. diagn6stiC0, ca, a. (med.) diagnostic— m. diagnosis. diagonal, a. diagonal, oblique. diagonalmente, adv. diagonally, obliquely. diagrafO, m. diagraph. diagrama, /. diagram. dialaga,/. (min.) diallage. dial6ctica,/. logic, science of dialectics. dial^CtiCO, ca, a. dialectic, dialectical, logi- cal. — m. dialectician, logician. dialecto, m. dialect, peculiar language. dialogal, a. colloquial, dialogic, dialogical. dialogar, vn. to dialogue, to dialogize. dialogismo, vi. (rhet.) dialogism. dialOgistlCO. ca, a. colloquial, dialogistic. dialogrizar, vn. to dialogize, to dialogue. dialogo, VI. dialogue. dialOgUista [de-ah-lcv-Kees'-tah], m. dialogist. dialtea, /. marsh-mallow ointment. diamantado, da, a. diamond-like. diamante, m. diamond ; adamant : diamant* en bruto, rough or uncut diamond ; (coll.) an uncultured person of sterling quali- ties. diamantino, na, a. adamantine, diaman- tine. diamantista, m. diamond-cutter, jeweller. diametral, a. diametrical. diametralmente, adv. diametrically. diametro, m. (geom.) diameter. diana,/. (mil.) reveille; (poet.) the moon. diancbe, diantre, m. &. inia-j. (coll.) deuce, the devil. diapas6n, m. (mus. ) diapason, pitch, accord ; S (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, Dileut ; H iu brilliant ; ii, ny la canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; *, hisMd. DIA 212 DIE regular octave : diapason normal, standard pitch ; tuning-fork. diapente, m. (mus. ) perfect fifth. diaprea,/. sort of round plum. diaqullbn. [de-ah-ke-ion'], m. diachylon, plas- ter. diariamente, adv. daily. diario, ria, «. daily. — m. journal, diary ; daily newspaper ; daily household expense : libro diario, (com. ) day-book, journal : diario de navegacion, log-book. diarista, com. journalist, diarist, diarrea,/. diarrh(ea. disS,pero, diaspro, m. jasper. dls^poro, m. (min.) diaspore. diastasia,/. diastase. diastilO, «. (arch.) diastyle. diastole, m. (anat. and rhet.) diastole. diat6rmano, na, .f. diathermanous. diatesarbn, m. (mus.) diatessaron. diatesico, ca, a. (med.) diathetic, diatesis, /. (med.) diathesis. dlatbnicamente, adv. diatonically. dlatbnlCO, a. (mus.) diatonic. diatrlba,/. diatribe. dibujadof, ra, «. delineator, designer; graver. dlDUJante, pa. sketching. — m. designer, draughtsman. dlbujar, va. to draw, design, delineate, sketch ; to describe vividly. — vr. to throw a shadow upon a surface. dlbUJO [de-boo-ho'l, m. design, drawing, sketch, draught : delineation, description. dicacldad,/. pertness, sauciness, banter. dicaz (tie-cath'l, a. keen, biting (said of speech). diCCibn Idic-thie-on'], /. diction, style, language, expression. dlccionario, m. dictionary, lexicon. diciembre [de-thie-em'-bray], m. December, dicente, dlciente, pa. of decir ; saying, talking. dicotiledbn, dicotiled6neo, a, a. (bot.) dicotyledonous, dicotomia, /. dichotomy. dicotbmico, ca, or dlc6tomo,Ima, a. di- chotomic, dichotomous. dictado, pp. & m. title of dignity or honour ; dictation.— ^>^. dictates, promptings. dictador, m. dictator. dictadura, /. dictatorship, dictature dictamen, m. opinion, report ; sentiments, notion, judgment, mind; suggestion, insin- uation, dictate, advice. dictamo, m. (bot.) dittany: dictamo bianco or real, white flaxinella: dictamo critico, marjoram -. dictamo bastardo, shrubby-white horehound. dictar, va. to dictate ; to command, prescribe, direct ; to inspire, suggest, prompt. dictatorial, «. dictatorial. dictatorialmente, adv. dictatorially. dictatoriO, ria, a. dictatorial. dicterio, m. sarcasm, taunt, keen reproach, insult. dicha, /. happiness, felicity, fortune, good luck, good fortune : por dicha or k dicha, adv. by chance. dicharachero, ra, a. (coll.) one who uses slang. diCharaCllO [de-chah-rah'-cho], m. (coU.) vulgai, low, or slang expression. dicbero, ra, a. witty converser. dlcbo, m. saying, saw, proverb, expression, sentence; witty remark, repartee; declara- tion, deposition ; promise of marriage : dicho de lat gentei, gossiping: dicho 7 hecho, no sooner said than done: lo dicho, dicho, I mean what I say. — dicho, cha, pp. irr. of db- CIR. dicbosamente, adv. happily, fortunately, luckily. dicbOSO, sa, a. happy, fortunate, prosperous^ successful, lucky. didJLCtica, /. didactics. didacticamente, adv. didactically. didictico, ca, didasciilico, ca, a. didactic* didactical, preceptive. didelfo, fa, a. (zool.) didelphys (as the kan garoo or the opossum]. didimio, m. (chem.) didyraium. didimo, ma, a. (bot.) didymous. diecinueveavo, va, a. nineteenth part. dieciOCbavo, va, a. & m. an eighteenth part. dieciocbeno, na, a. eighteenth ; a kind of cloth. dieciseisavo, va, a. a sixteenth part, dieciseiseno, na, a. sixteenth, diecisieteavo, va, a. a seventeenth part, diedro, dra, a. dihedral, diel^ctrico, ca, a. dielectric. diente, m. tooth : diente incisivo, incisor, fore- tooth : diente molar, molar tooth : dientea postizos, artificial teeth ; fang or tusk of wild boars or elephants; tooth (of a saw, comb, rake, file) ; cog (of a wheel or pin- ion) ; tine or prong (of a fork) ; tongue (of a buckle) ; clove (of garlic) : diente de perro, sculptor's dented chisel ; (bot.) dog-tooth violet : diente de lobo, burnisher, spike : diente de le6n, (bot.) dandelion or lion's tooth. — pi. indented edges of tools or orna- ments, indentations : aguzar los dientes, tc whet the appetite : hablar or decir entre dien- tes, to mumble, to mutter : hincar el diente, to appropriate property to one's self; (coll. > to censure, to grumble at : k regana diente*. adv. most unwillingly. dientecico, lUo, ito, m. dim. little tooth. diuresis,/, diseresis. diesi,/. (mus.^ diesis ; a sharp. diestra,/. rignt hand ; favour, support. diestramente, adv. dexterously, cleverly, neatly. diestro, tra, a. right, dexter, dexterous, skilful, handy, expert ; sagacious, prudent, knowing, learned; sly, artful, cunning; favouraole, propitious : k diestro y siniestro, right or wrong : llevar del diestro, to lead a beast by the halter or bridle. — m. skilful fencer ; bull-fighter ; halter or bridle for horses. dieta, /. diet, prescribed or regulated regi men ; diet, legislative assembly ; (law) on« day's journey of ten leagues by land ; daily salary of judges and other officers of the ; law ; daily fees paid to a physician.— p/. ' dietas, (naut. ) provisions for the sick and wounded. diet^tica,/. (med.) dietetics. diet6tiC0, ca, a. dietetic, dietetical. diez [de-eth'], in. ten ; tenth, in- some cases, as diez de abril, tenth of April : diez de bolos, pin standing alone in front of the nine- pins.— »/./. las diez, ten o'clock. diezmadof, m. v. diezmero. diezmal, a. decimal, tenth. diezmar, va. to decimate, to tithe; (mil.) to punish one in ten. diezmero, m. tither. diezmesino, na, a. ten months old, diezmil^simo, ma, a. each of ten thousanil equal part*. diezmilmillon^simo, ma, a. each of i«n thousand million equal parts. a u In far ; • in •& I ; i in police ; o in for ; n lii ball ; c (before «, I) and s as th in thick ; b and d, aoti: VIE il3 DIL diezmillon6siino, ma, a. each of ten million equal parts. diezmo, m. tithe, tenth part ; duty often per cent ; decimation. dlfamacidn, /. defamation, libelling. dlfamador, m. defamer, libeller. difamar, va. to defame, to discredit ; to libel. difamatorlO, ria, a. defamatory, scandalous, calumnious, coutumelious, libellous. di^rreaci6n,/. (obs.) diflFarreation. diferencia [de-fn-ren -thie-ah!, /. diflFerencc, dis- similarity, dissimilitude; controversy, con- trariety, mutual opposition : & diferencia, with the diflFerence. dlferencial, a. dififerential, different. diferenciar, va- to difference, to differen- tiate ; to change or alter the use or destina- tion of things.— vn. to differ, dissent, dis- agree.— t>r. to differ, to be distinguished from ; to distinguish one's self. diferente, a. different, dissimilar, unlike. diferentemente, adi>. differently, diversely. diferir, va. (ind. difiero: subj. difiera) to defer, postpone, delay, put off; to adjourn, suspend ; to protract, prolong, extend.— wi. to differ, to be different ; (naut.) to remove the gaskets of a sail. •llflCU Ide-fee' theeil, a. difficult, arduous, hard. dificilmente, adv. difficultly, hardly, dificultad,/. difficulty, embarrassment, hard- ness ; obstacle, impediment, objection. dificultador, ra, a. one who raises difficul- ties. dificultar, va. to raise difficulties ; to render difficult ; to impede. dlficultosamente, adv. difficultly. difiCUltOSO, sa, a. difficult, hard, trouble- some, tiresome, laborious, painful; (coll.) ugly, homely. dlfldaci6n, /. declaration of war. difidencia,/. distrust, doubtfulness. difidente, a. disloyal, distrustful, diffident, difiero, difiera (irr. from diferir). difiuir, vn. {for mut. V. HUIR) to be diffused, spread out, shed. difraccibn, f. diffraction. difteria,/. (med.) diphtheria. dift6riC0, ca, a. diphtheritic. difteritis, /. (med. ) diphteritis. difundido, da, a. &pp. of difundir; diffuse, diffused, scattered. difundir, va. (pp. difundido, difuso) to dif- fuse, extend, outspread ; to divulge, to pub- lish. difuntO/ta, a. defunct, deceased, dead ; late ; decayed, withered : dia de los difuntos, All- soul's Day. — m. &f. corpse. difusamente, adv. diffusely, diffusedly. difusible, a. diffusible. difusi6n, /. diffusion, diffusiveness, disper- sion ; exuberance of style. difUSivO, va, a. diffusive. difuso, sa, a. diffuse, diffusive, wide-spread. dig^strico, ca, a. digastric. digerible, a. digestible. digerir, va. {ind. digiero: subj. digiera) to digest; to be patient; to examine care- fully ; to digest, adjust, arrange methodi- cally in the mind ; (chem.) to digest. digestible, a. digestible. digesti6n [de-hajs-te-on'],/. (phys. and chem.) digestion. digestivo, ■"«. o. (phys.) digestive.— m. f«u»«r ^ c>':;?*tiTe, vulgarly drawii%. lUirestO [de-hay«'-toi, m. (law) digest; syste- matic compilation of laws. <^lgestor, m. digester (apparatus). digiero (irr. from digerir). digitaCi6n [de-he-tah-thle-on'],/. fingering. digitadO, da, a. (hot. and zool.) digitate. digital (de-he-tahi'], a. digital.—/, (bot.) digi' talis, foxglove, digitalina, /. digitalin. digitigrado, da, a. digitigrade. digitO ilee -he-to), ?U. (ast. ) digit. dignacidn,/. condescension, accommoflation. dignamente, adv. worthily, justly. dignarse, vr. to condescend, deign, vouch- safe. dignatario, m. dignitary. di^idad,/. dignity, high rank, office rr po- sition ; honour, greatness ; grave or noulto bearing ; an archnishop or bishop. dignificante, i>a. (theol.) dignifying. dignificar, va. to dignify. digno, na, a. meritorious, worthy, deserve ing; condign, suitable, fit, fitting, appro- priate. digo, diga, dije (irr. from decir). digresion, /. digression, deviation, diver- geuce ; (ast. )"digression. digresivamente, adv. digressively. digresivo, va, a. digressive. dije(o>dij) [deehay', m. amulet, charm, or trinket; watch-charm ; any small piece of jewellery; (coll.) person of sterling qual- ities; one gorgeously attired: diJe, Istpera sing, past tense of decir, I said. dilaceracibn,/, dilaceration. dilacerar, va. to dilacerate, tear asunder. dilacibn [de-iah-tiiie-on';,/. delay, dilation, prO' crastination, suspense. dilapidacibn,/. dilapidation. dilapidador, m. dilapidator. dilapidar, va. to dilapidate, to waste. dilatable, a. dilatable. dilataci6n, /. dilatation, expansion, disten- tion ; prolongation, enlargement ; diffuse- ness, prolixity ; calmness, serenity in sor- row. dilatadamente, adv. diiatediy. dilatado, da, a. & pp. of dilatar ; large, numerous, great; prolix, long drawn outj spacious, extensive, vast. dilatador, ra, a. dilatator. — m. dilator, stretcher. dilatar, va. & vr. to dilate, widen, expand, enlarge, lengthen, prolong; to swell, spread out; to defer, retard, delay, put off, pro«r tract; (met.) to comfort, to cheer up. — vr to be diffuse, to extend, expatiate. dilatativo, va, a. dilative. dilatoria,/. delay, waste of time. dilatorio, ria, «. dilatory, delaying, long. dileccibn, /. dilection, love, affection. dilecto, ta, a. loved, beloved. dilema, m. (log.) dilemma. dilem^tiCO, ca, a. dilemmatic. diligencla [8- borious, active ; prompt, swift, ready. diligentemente, adv. diligently, amid- uously. dllogia,/. ambiguity, double sense, dilucidacibn,/. elucidation, explanation, dilucidador, m. elucidator. dilucidar, ra. to elucidate, to explain, dilucidario, m. explanatory writing. f (before e, 1) and J as h in hot: b, lUent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, DIL 2U DIE dilUCidn [de-Ioo-thie-on'],/. dilution. diluente, pa. diluent. diluir, va. & vr. (for mut. V. HUiR) to dilute ; to weaken. dlluviano, a. diluvian. dlluvlar, vn. impers. to rain like a deluge. dlluyiO, m. deluge, overflow, inundation, flood ; (coll.) vast abundance. dlniaiiacl6ll,/. springing or issuing from. ilTna.Tin.n t.ft, pa. springing from, originating, dimanar, vn. to spring or proceed from ; to originate ; to flow. dimensidn, /. dimension, extent, capacity, magnitude, bulk ; size, measure, measure- ment. dimensional, a. dimensional. dimes, pt. m. andar en dimes y diretes, to hig- gle, chaffer, quibble, argue. limldiar, va. to dimidiate, to halve. diminUCi6n [de-me-noo-tliie-on'], /. diminution, reduction, lessening ; contraction : Ir en di- minncion, to taper (as a pole) ; to diminish (as credit). diminuir, va. {for mut. v. huir) to diminish. diminutamente, adv. diminutively, mi- nutely, by retail. diminutivamente, adv. (gram.) diminu- tively. diminutiVO, va, a. diminishing, diminutiv- al. — m. (gram.) a diminutive. diminuto, ta, a. diminute, diminutive, lit- tle, small, very short. dimisi6n. /. resignation (of membership, office, etc. ). dimisorias, /. pi. letters dimissory ; (coll.) ungracious dismissal or discharge. dimitir, va. to resign, give up, relinquish. dimorflsmo, m. (min. ) dimorphism. dlmorfo, fa, a. (rain.) dimorphous. din, m. (coll.) money. dinamarques, sa, a. Dane, Danish. dinamia,/- dynam, a foot-pound. dinimica,/. dynamics. din^UniCO, ca, «. dynamic. dinamita, /. dynamite. dinamo, m. a dynamo. dinam6metro, m. dynamometer. dinasta, m. dynast, sovereign, monarch. dinastia,/. dynasty, sovereignty. din&StiCO, ca, a. dynastic, dynastical. dinastismo, »*. fealty to a dynasty. dinerada,/. large sum of money. dineral, m. large sum of money ; set of troy weights. dinerillO, m. small copper coin ; (coll.) small sum of money. 4inerO, m. currency, coin, money ; gold, coinage ; ancient Spanish silver coin ; stand- ard of silver, 24 grains ; Peruvian silver coin ; wealth, fortune, capital : dinero con- tante or efectivo, ready money, cash. dineroso, sa, a. moneyed, rich. dineruelO, m. dim. small coin. dintel, m. (arch.) lintel, door-head. dintelar, va. to make lintels. dintomo, m. (art) within the contour. diocesano, na, a. diocesan. — m. diocesan, a bishop. didcesl, didcesis,/. diocese. dibico. ca, a. (bot.) diceeious. dionisia,/. blood-stone; hematites, dioptra,/. diopt«r. v. pInula. didptrlca,/. dioptrics. di6ptriC0, ca, a. dioptric. diorama, m. diorama. dior&miCO, ca, a. dioramic. diorita,/. diorite. DiOS, m. God ; false god, idol : Dioi hombre. Our Lord and Saviour: i Dios or anda co« Dios, farewell, adieu : vaya Vd. con Dioi, good-bye : por Diot, for God's sake : no lo qniera Dios, God forbid : qniera Dioi or plegn* 4 Dios, please God : sea como Dios quiera, God's will be done : Dios lo qniera or lo haga, God grant: mediante Dios, God willing; I v&lgame Dios I bless me ! | vilgate Dios I God preserve you or bless you. diosa,/. goddess. diOSted6, m. (S. Amer.) a bird. diploma, m. diploma; bull, patent, license; title, credential. diplomacia, /. diplomacy; (coll.) tact, shrewdness. diplom^tica, /. (archseol.) diplomatics ; di« ploraacy. diplom&tico. ca, a. (archaeol.) diplomatic diploraatical ; (coll.) astute, shrewd. — m. diplomatist, a diplomat. diplopia,/, (med.) diplopia. diptero, ra, a. (arch.) having two wings or a double colonnade ; (en to.) dipterous.— m. pi. the diptera. diptica, /. diptico, m. diptych. diptongaci6n, /. (gram.) formation of a diphthong. diptongar, va. to form a diphthong. diptongo, m. diphthong diputacibn, /. deputation, committee ; ob- ject of a deputation. diputado, m. deputy, representative, dele- gate : diputado k Cortes, congressman ; (com.) assignee.— diputado, da, p/». of diputar. diputador, ra, a. constituent. diputar, va. to depute, delegate, commission : to constitute ; to empower. dique [dee'-kay], m. dike, dam, mole, jetty, bank, or mound to prevent inundations ; (naut.) dry dock; (met.) check, bar, stop; (min. ) crop. direcci6n [de-rec-thie-on'l, /. direction, course, aim, tendency, route, way, trend, turn ; guidance, direction, management, superin- tendence ; government, administration ; or- der, command, prescription, instruction ; relative position ; address (for letters, etc.) ; executive board ; editorship of a newspa- per ; managership of a theatre ; office of s director. directamente, adv. directly, rectilineally. directive, va, a. directive, managerial.—/, la directlva, the governing board. directO, ta, a. direct, straight, clear, open, apparent, evident. director, ra, a. one who airects ; that which guides or points out.— m. director, manager, conductor, controller, guide, corypheus ; president ; editor (of a newspaper) ; princi- pal (of a college) : director de escena, stage manager: director de orqnesta, conductor, leader of an orchestra : director esplrltual, father confessor.-/, directress, governess. V. DIRECTRIZ. directorial, a. directorial. directorio, ria, a. directive, directorial. — m. directory (book of addresses or directions) ; body of directors, directorate. directriz,/. (geom.) directrix. dirigir, ra. {ind. DIRIJO: subj. dirua) to direct, to aim, to lead or drive in a straight line: to level (as a gun) ; to guide, direct, conduct; to dedicate a work ; to address (a letter, Jtc.) ; to regulate, to head, to govern, to control, manage ; (naut. ) to steer. — vr. to address, apply, resort to ; to go toward. dirimente, pa- breaking off, dissolving. dirimible, a. that may oe broken off. a M Id far : « in eh I ; i in ;>olice ; o in for ; a in bull ; C (before e, 1) and 8 as th in thick ; b and d, softt DIE 215 DIS dirlmir, va. to dissolve, disjoin, separate ; to annul, to declare void; to adjust or accom- modate differences. dirrulr, va. to ruin, to destroy. V. derruir. dlsantO, m. a holy-day. discantax, va. to chant, to sing ; to compose or recite verses ; to descant, to discourse copiously ; (mus.) to sing in counterpoint. discante, m. small guitar ; concert, especial- ly of stringed instruments. lisceptacion,/. argument, controversy. disceptar, >a. to dispute, to argue. discernidor, m. discerner. discernimiento, m. discernment, judgment, penetration, insight, discrimination; (law) appointment of a guardian. dlscernir, va. {md. discierno: subj. dis- cierna) to discern, distinguish, compre- hend, judge, discriminate ; (law) to appoint a guardian. disciplina, /. discipline ; education, instruc- tion ; systematic training ; any art or sci- ence taught ; rule of conduct, order ; cor- rection, punishment, chastisement.— -p/. dis- ciplinai, scourge, cat-of-nine-tails ; flagella- tion. disciplinable, a. disciplinable. disciplinadamente, adv. with discipline. disciplinadO, da, a. marbled, variegated (as flowers).— pp. of DisciPLiXAR, diSCiplinal, a. disciplinal. diSCiplinante, pa. Flagellator.— m. Disci- plinant. disciplinar, va. to discipline, educate, in- struct, train, bring up; (mil.) to drill; to chastise, to correct. — vr. to scourge one's self as penance. disciplinario, ria, a. disciplinary. disciplinazo, m. lash. discipulado, m. discipleship ; education, in- struction. discipular, a. belonging to a disciple. discipulo, la [dis-thee'pooiol, m. & f. disciple, scholar, learner, follower, adherent. disco, m. disk ; a quoit ; solid wheel ; circular plate (glass, metal, etc.) ; face of the sun or moon: disco de seiales, (r. w.) signal-disk; semaphore. discolo, la, a. ungovernable ; wayward, peevish, froward. diSCOloro, ra, a. (bot.) colourless. disconforme, -midad, v. desconforme, -MIDAD. discontinuacibn, /. discontinuation, discontinuar, va. to discontinue, to stop, discontinuo, a, a. discontinued, suspended. disconveniencia, -niente, -nir, v. des- CONVENIENCIA, -NIENTE, -NIR. discordancia, /. disagreement, discordance. discordante, pa. & a. dissonant, discordant. diSCOrdar, v«. to discord, to disagree. diSCOrde, a. discordant, contrary, disagreed ; (mus.) dissonant. diSCOrdia,/. discord, disagreement, discord- ance, contention, opposition, clash. discrasia,/. (med. ) cacochymia. discreci6n, /. discretion, prudence, judg- ment ; acuteness of mind, sagacity ; liberty of action and decision : i. di8creci6n, at will, ad libitum ; (mil.) without conditions. discrecional, a. discretional, discretionary. discrecionalmente, adv. discretionally, dis- cretion aril y. discrepancia, /. discrepancy, difference, contrariety. discrepante, pa. disagreeing, discrepant. discrepar, tm. to differ, to disagree. discretamente, otiv. discreetly. discretear, rm. to affect discretion. discreteo, m. affected wittiness, repartee. discrete, ta, a. discreet, circumspect, con- siderate, prudent, discriminating ; inge- nious, sharp, witty- (math.) discrete (as a quantity) ; (med.) distinct, segregate (as in small-pox). discrimen, m. hazard, risk, peril ; difference, diversity. disculpa,/. apology, excuse, exculpation. discnlpabilidad,/. excusability, palliation, pardon ableuess. disculpable, a. excusable, pardonable. disculpablemente, adv. pardonably, ex- cusably. disculp'adamente, adv. excusably. disculpar, va. & vr. to exculpate, excuse, palliate, apologize. discurrir, vn. to roam, to gad, to ramble about ; to flow (as a river) ; to reflect, think ; to reason ; to discourse upon a subject, to discuss. — va. to invent, plan, contrive, scheme ; to conjecture, infer, deduce. discursante, pa. discourser, lecturer. diSCTirsar, V7i. to discourse, treat upon ; to lecture. discursista, m. argufier. discursivo, va, «. discursive, reflective; cogitative. discurso, m. discourse; cogitation, ratio- cination, reasoning ; speech, sermon, lec- ture ; dissertation, treatise, tract ; conver- sation, talk ; space of time. diSCUSibn, /. discussion, argument, dispute, debate. discutible, a. discussable, controvertible. diSCUtidor, ra, m. &/. discusser, argufier. diSCUtir, va. to discuss, argue, debate. disecacibn, /. dissection, anatomy. disecador, m. dissector, anatomist ; taxi- dermist. disecar, t'a. {for mut. v. secar) to dissect; to make an autopsy ; to stuff" dead animals. diseccidn, /. dissection, anatomy. disector, m. dissector, anatomist. diseminacidn, /. dissemination, publishing; scattering, spreading, sowing. diseminador, ra, m. & /. disseminator, spreader. diseminar, va. to disseminate, propagate, spread, sow or scatter about. disensi6n, /. dissension, misunderstanding, contention, contest, strife. disenso, m. dissent, disagreement. disenteria,/. (med.) dysentery. disent^riCO, ca, a. dysenteric. disentimiento, m. dissent, disagreement dissension. disentir, vn. {for irr. V. sentir) to dissent, to disagree, to differ in opinion. disefiador, m. designer, delineator. dise&ar, va. to draw, to design, to sketch. diseflO, m. design, sketch, draft, plan ; delin- eation, description ; picture, image, pat- tern, model. disertaci6n, /. dissertation, discourse, dis- quisition, lecture. disertante, pa. discourser, lecturer. disertar, va. to discourse, debate, argue ; to lecture. disertO, ta, a. eloquent, fluent. disfagial'iis-fah'-he-ah],/. (med.) dysphagia. disfamacidn,/. defamation, slander. disfamador, ra, m. & f. defamer, detractor, slanderer. disfamar, va. to defame, to slander. disfamatoriO, ria, a. defamatory, calumni- ous, libellous. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in biilllant; fi, ny in caayon; r (InitUl) and IT triUed; *. UsceA DIS 216 DIS disfavor, m. disregard, discountenance. disformar, va. v. deformak and afear. dlsforme, a. deformed, ugly, monstrous, hideous • huge, big. disformidad, /. deformity, excessive big- ness. disfraz, m. mask, costume, disguise ; dissim- ulation, dissembling. disfrazar, va. {for nuU. v. abkazar) to dis- guise, to conceal ; to cloak, dissemble, cover ; to misrepresent. — vr. to masquerade, to travesty. dlsfnitar, va. to gain fruit, profit, or advan- tage ; to reap benefit from a thing ; to enjoy health, convenience, comfort ; to avail one's self of, to profit by ; (min.) to work a mine. disfrute, m. use, enjoyment. disgregable, a. separable, segregable. disgregacidn, /. separation, disjunction ; disintegration, dissociation. disgregar, f a. {formut. V. agregar) to sep- arate, disjoin, disperse. disgregativo, va, «. disjunctive. disgustadamente, adv. disgustingly. disgnstar, va. to disgust, to offend the taste ; to disgust, displease, disgruntle, offend. — vr. to be displeased, to fall out ; to get tired, fatigued ; to be bored. disgustlllo, m. dim. displeasure, slight dis- gust, unpleasantness. diSgUStO, m. disgust, loathing ; ill-humour ; offence conceived; vexation, annoyance; grief, sorrow : & disgusto, adv. against one's will. disidencia,/. dissidence, nonconformity. disidente, a. & m. & f. dissident, dissenter, nonconformist, schismatic. disidlr, vn. to dissent, to disagree in opinion. disilabo, ba, a. dissyllable. 4isimil, a. dissimilar. disimilar, a. unequal, dissimilar. disimilitud, /. dissimilitude. dislmulable, a. what may be dissembled ; excusable. diSimulacidn,/. dissimulation dissembling; simulation, hypocrisy, mask, feint ; reserve, reservedness. disimuladamente, adv. dissemblingly; re- servedly. disimulado, da, a. dissembling; reserved, sullen ; dissembled, sly, cunning.— />p. of disimulak: hacer la disimulada, (coll.) to feign ignorance. dislmulador, ra, m. &/. dissembler. disimular, va. to dissimulate, dissemble, to feign or pretend ; to conceal (as fear) ; to tolerate, overlook, let pass; to colour, to misrepresent; to pardon, excuse, condone. dislmulO, m. dissimulation, pretence, deceit ; tolerance. dislpable, a. dissipable, easily scattered. dlsipacl6n, /. dissipation ; dispersion, scat- tering, evanescence ; dissolute living ; licen- tiousness ; extravagance, waste. disipadO, da, a. dissipated, prodigal, lavish- er ; licentious, dis.solute. — pp. of disipar. dislpador, ra, m. &/. spendthrift, a prodigal, a lavisher. disipaj:, va. & vr. to dissipate, to disperse, to scatter (as clouds). — va. to squander, mis- spend, lavish ; to drive awav, put to flight. dislate, m. nonsense, absurdity. V. dispa- RATK. diBlocaci6n, dislocadura, /. dislocation, luxation, sprain ; (min.) slide. dlslocar, va. &vr. {for mut. V. colocar) ; to dislocate, displace, sprain, luxate, disjoint. dlsmembraci6n, /. v. drsmembraci6n. dismenorrea, /. dysmenorrhoea. disminucidn, /. v. diminucion; (farr.) di*. ease in horses' hoofs. dlsmlnuir, va. {for mut. V. huir) to dimin- ish, lessen, lower, shorten, reduce, decrease, abridge, cut short ; to detract from. — vr. to lessen, to lower, to grow less. disnea,/. dyspnoea. diS0Claci6U [de-ao-thie-ah-thie-on'], /. disjuno tion, separation, dissociation. disociar, va. to dissociate, disconnect, sepa- rate. disoluble, a. dissoluble. diSOlUCidll; /. dissolution, disintegration ; (chem.) dissolution, and the resulting solu- tion ; dissoluteness, dissipation, libertinism, lewdness, licentiousness : disolucion de socle- dad, (com.) dissolution of partnership. disolutamente, adv. dissolutely, licentious- ly- disolutivo, va, a. dissolvent, solvent. dlSOlutO, ta, a. dissolute loose, licentious, lewd, libidinous, libertiae. disolvente, m. dissolvent, dissolver. diSOlver, va. {forirr. V. absolver) to loosen, untie ; to dissolve (as a meeting) ; to sepa- rate, disunite; (phys. and chem.) to dis' solve, melt, liquefy. — vr, to dissolve ; to be melted. dls6ll, m. (mus.) discord. disonancia, /• harsh sound; (mus.) disso- nance ; disagreement, discord. disonante, «. dissonant, inharmonious, dis- crepant ; discordant, unsuitable. disonar, fn. {forirr. V. SONAR) to disagree in sound, to be disharmonious ; to discord, to disagree ; to be contrary or repugnant. disono, na, a. dissonant, inharmonious. dispar, '/. unlike, unequal, unmatched. disparadamente, adv. hurriedly. disparador, m. shooter ; trigger ; ratchet or ratchet-wheel, in clockwork ; (naut. ) anchor- tripper. disparar, va. & vn. to shoot, discharge, fire off; let off; to cast or throw with violence.— vn. (coll.) to talk nonsense, to blunder. — vr. to run headlong; to run away (as a riding- horse) ; (naut.) to turn violently (as the capstan) ; to go off (as a gun). disparatadamente, adv. absurdly, nonsen- sically. disparatadO, da, pp. & a. inconsistent, ab- surd, extravagant, silly, foolish. disparatador, ra, «. nonsensical talker. disparatar, ra. to act absurdly ; to talk non- sense ; to blunder. disparate, vi. nonsense, blunder, absurdity, extravagance. disparatorio, m. speech or discourse full of nonsense. disparidad, /. disparity, inequality, dissim- ilitude. disparo, m. discharge, explosion ; nonsense, absurdity. dispendiO, m. excessive expense; excessive waste of time, fortune, etc. dispendiosamente, adv. expensively. dispendiOBO, sa, a. costly, expensive. dispensa, /. dispense, privilege, exemption, dispensation ; diploma granting a dispen- sation. dispensable, a. dispensable. dispensacibn, /. disiiensation, exemption. dispensador, ra, ni. ^ f. one who grants a dispensation ; dispenser, distributor. dispensar, va. to dispense, deal out, grant, distribute ; to dispensate, exempt, excuse from ; to acquit, absolve, forgive. » u In far ; e in eh I ; i In police ; O in for ; u in bull ; e (bafore e, 1) and z as th In thick ; b vnd d. kAJ DIS 217 DIV dispepsia,/. (med.) dyspepsia. disp6ptiC0, ca, a. dyspeptic. d.1spersar, va. to disperse, scatter, put to flight ; to dissipate. dispersi6ii, /. dispersion. disperse, sa, «. dispersed, separated. dispertador, ra, m. &/. v. despertIdor. dispertar, va. v. despertar. displacer, va. V. desplacer. dlsplicencia,/. displeasure, discontent, dis- like. dlsplicente, a. displeasing, unpleasing, pee- vish, fretful. disponedor, ra, m. &/. disposer, distributer. disponente,i>a. disposing. disponer, va. & vn. {for irr. V. poner) to dispose, arrange, place in order, settle, pre- pare, lay out ; to dispose of, to give, to dis- tribute ; to deliberate, resolve, direct, regu- late, order, command. — vr. to prepare one's self, to get ready ; to make a will. dispongo, yo dispuse (from disponer). disponiDle, a. disposable. disposicion,/. disposition, arrangement, dis- posal ; aptitude, inclination, natural fitness, capacity ; state of health, condition ; ele- gance of carriage ; temper ; ability and ex- pediency ; proportion, symmetry, measure ; resolution, order, command, regulation, prescription; power, authority; (naut.) trim of a ship : h, la disposicion de usted, I am (or it is) at your disposal. dispositiyamente, adv. dLspositively, dis- tributively. dispositivo, va, a. dispositive. dispuestO.ta, a. disposed, fit, ready, minded ; comely, genteel, graceful : bien dispuasto, quite well : mal dispnesto, indisposed, ill. — pp. irr. of DISPONER. disputa,/. dispute, controversy, argument ; contest, conflict; contention, clash, fray, odds : sin disputa. undoubtedly. disputable, a. disputable, controvertible, contestable. disputador, m. disputant, disputer. disputar, va. & vn. to dispute, controvert, contend, debate, contest; to question, to reason about ; to debate, to argue ; to quar- rel, wrangle, jar, or clamour ; to strive ; to resist, to fight for. disputativamente, adv. disputingly. diSqUiSiCibn [Uia-ke-se-thie-on'], /. disquisition, examination. distancla, /. distance, interval of time or place ; remoteness, length ; room, space ; range ; difference, disparity. distanciar, va. to place at a distance. distante, a. distant, far, remote ; (naut.) off. distantemente, adv. distantly. distar, vn. to be distant or remote ; to be different, to vary. distender, vn. {for irr. V. TENDER) (med.) to distend, to swell. distensidn, /. distention, expansion. distiCO, m. (poet.) distich, couplet. distincidn, /. distinction, difference, diver- sity ; prerogative, privilege ; honourable note of superiority ; order, clarity, preci- sion : persona de distincidn, person of supe- rior rank : i di8tinci6n, in contradistinction. distinguible, a. distinguishable. distinguido, da, a. & pp. of distinguir , distinguished, conspicuous. distinguir [dis-tin-seer'j, va. {for mut. V. EX- TiNGuiR) to distinguish, diflFerentiate, dis- cern, discriminate ; to see clearly and at a distance; to esteem, appreciate; to clear up, explain. — vr. to distinguish one's self, to excel ; to diflFer, to be distinguished from. distintamente, adv. distinctly, diversely. distintiVO, va, a. distinctive. — m. distinc- tive mark (as the badge) ; particular at- tribute, characteristic feature. distinto, ta, a. distinct, different, diverse ; clear, intelligible. distraccibn idiB-trac-thie-on'], /. distraction, heedlessness, absent-mindedness ; diver- sion, amusement, pastime, sport ; licentious- ness, want of constraint. distraer, va. {{or irr. V. TRAER) to distract, to harass the mind ; to perplex, bewilder, confuse ; to divert, amuse, entertain ; to lead astray. — vr. to muse, to be absent of mind, inattentive ; to amuse or enjoy one's sell. distraidamente, adv. distractedly, licen- tiously. distraido, da, vp. & a. inattentive, heedless, absent-minded ; dissolute, licentious. distraigo, distraje {irr. from distraer). distraimiento, m. v. distracci6n. distribUCibn, /. distribution ; division, ap- portionment ; proper collocation, arrange- ment; ^print. ) distribution of type. distribUldor, ra, m. &f. distributer, divider. distribuir. va. {for mut. v. huik) to dis- tribute, divide, deal out, allot, apportion, share or parcel out ; to dispose, range ; to sort (as mail matter) ; (print.) to distribute type. distributive, va, a. distributive. distributor, ra, m. &f. distributer. distribuyente, pa. distributer, giver. distritO, m. district, ward, precinct, circuity province, canton, region, territory. disturbar, va. to disturb, interrupt. disturbio, m. disturbance, outbreak. disuadir, va. to dissuade, to deter. disuasidn,/. dissuasion, determent disuasiVO, va, a. dissuasive. disuelvo, disuelva (irr. from disolver). disuelto, ta, a. &pp. irr. of disolver ; dis« solved, melted. disuria, / (med.) dysuria. disyunci6n (awyoou-tiiie-on'], /. disjunction, separation ; (gram.) a disjunctive particle. disyunta,/. (mus.) change of the voice. disyuntivamente, adv. disjunctively, sepa- rately, singly. diSyuiltiVO, va [(Hs-yoon-tee'-vo!, a. disjunctive. —f. a disjunctive proposition ; a dilemma. dita,/. surety, bondsman ; security, bond. dit&j m. (Philip.) tree yielding ditaina. ditaina,/. alkaloid used as a febrifuge. ditir^mbico, ca, a. dithyrambical. ditirambo, m. (poet.) dithyramb, exagger- ated eulogy. ditono, m. (mus.) ditone. diuretiCO, ca, a. (med.) diuretic. diumo, na, a. diurnal. — m. diurnal, prayer- book.— /.^i. butterflies, lepidoptera. — m. pi. day-flies. diuturnidad, /. diuturnity, long duration. diuturno, na, a. diuturnal, lasting. diva, /• (poet.) goddess; great songstress. divagacidn,/. wandering, digression. divagador, ra, a. roamer, rambler ; digres- sor. divagar, vn. {for mut. V. VAGAR) to roam, to ramble ; to digress. div^n, TO. divan, supreme council among the Turks ; place of its meetings ; divan, low, cushioned sofa ; collection of Oriental poems. divergencia, /. divergence ; diversity or dif- ference in opinions. g (before e, i) and .1 as li in hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; A. ay in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; *, bH^mt* DIV 218 DOC . of doblar. — m. measure of the fold in cloth. doblador, ra, a. doubler, bender, folder. dobladura,/. fold, crease. doblamientO, m. doubling, bending, folding. doblar, va. to double, make double ; to fold, to crease ; to bend, to crook ; to subdue ; to induce or influence some one : doblar la rodilla, to kneel: doblar an cabo, (naut.) to double or round a cape.— vn. to toll the passing-bell. — vr. to bend, bow, stoop ; s *- mit, acquiesce, give in, yield. doble, a. double, twofold, duplicate ; thick, heavy (as cloth) ; thick-set, robust, strong ; artful, deceitful, tricky: (chem.) binary: al doble, doubly. — m. fold, crease ; toll of the passing-bell ; step in a Spanish dance. doblegable, a. pliable, pliant, flexible, flex- ile ; easily folded. doblegadizo, za, a. easily bent or folded. doblegar, va. {for mut. V. entregar) to fold, twist, bend, incurvate, inflect ; to gain by persuasion, to dissuade. — vr. to bend, to be incurvated ; to ply ; to yield, submit, acquiesce. doblemente, adv. doubly, deceitfully, art- fully. doblero, m. (carp.) piece of timber. doblete, a. of medium thickness. — m. doub- let (gem) ; stroke in billiards. doblez, m. crease, ply, fold ; duplication, duplicature. — m. &/. duplicity, doubleness, double-dealing. dObl6n, m. doubloon, ancient Spanish gold coin. doblonada, /. heap of doubloons or money • echar doblonadas, (coll.) to exaggerate one's revenues. doce [doe' thay], a. twelve.— m. twelfth, as el doce de abril, the 12th of April.—/, pi. lai doce, twelve o'clock. dOCena, /. dozen : docena de fraile, baker's dozen : idocenas, abundantly, in great quan- tities. docenal, a. that which is sold by dozens. docenario, ria, a. containing a dozen. docente.pa. teaching. doceno, na, a. twelfth.— ni. & a. cloth, oi twelve hundred threads. docientos, a. v. doscientos. d6cil, a. docile, mild, yielding, tractable, gentle ; obedient, pliant, governable ; duc- tile, pliable, malleable, flexible. dOCiUdad, /. docility, gentleness, meekness: flexibleness, compliance ; manageableness , tractableness. d6cilmente, ndv. mildly, meekly. docimasia, docimiisti'ca. /. docimacy. dOCim6,StiCO, ca, a. docimastic. doctamente, adv. learnedly. dOCtO, ta, a. learned. doctor, ra, m. &f. doctor in divinity, law, physic, or philosophy ; teacher of anv art or science; (coll.) a physician.—/, (coll.) a blue-stocking; (coll.) wife of a physician or doctor. «Hln far; • in In police ; « in for v .« in boll ; o (before e, 1) and s m th in thick ; b and d, aotif DOC 219 DOM doctorado, m. doctorate, doctorship. doctoral, a. doctoral. dOCtoramientO, m. act of conferring or tak- ing the degree of doctor. dOCtorandO, m. graduand as doctor. dOCtOrar, va. to doctorate. dOCtorclllO, m. dim. (coll.) little doctor; quack, petty physician. dOCtrina,/. doctrine, instruction, lore; sci- ence, wisdom ; principles of any sect or master; preaching of the Gospel; Sunday- school; catechism; (Sp. Amer.) a curacy: nifios de la doctrina, charity children. dOCtrinador, ra, m. &f. instructor, teacher. doctrinal, m. catechism.— a. doctrinal. doctrinante, pa. instructor. doctrlnar, va. to teach, to instruct. doctrinarlo, ria, a. doctrinarian. doctrinero, m. teacher of Christian doctrine; (Sp. Amer.) curate or parish priest. doctrino, m. charity pupil. documentado, da, a. having the necessary documents or vouchers. documental, a. documental, documentary. documentalmente, adv. with proper docu- ments. documento, m. document, writing, record, deed, title, instrument, indenture, voucher, schedule ; instruction, advice to avoid evil ; (com.) collateral security. dodecaedro, m. dodecahedron. dodecagono, m. dodecagon. dodecasilabO, ba, a. having twelve sylla- bles. dogal, m. halter, noose, slip-knot, hangman's rope. dogma, m. dogma. dogm^ticamente, adv. dogmatically. dogmatico, ca, a. dogmatical or dogmatic. — 7u. dogmatist. dogmaiismo, m. dogmatism. dOgmatiSta, m. dogmatist. dO|:matizador, dogmatizante, m. dogma- tizer, dogmatist. dogmatizar, va. to dogmatize. dOgO, ga, a. bulldog. dogre, m. dogger, Dutch boat. doiadera, a. cooper's adze. dolador, m. joiner ; stone-cutter. doladura, /. shavings, splinters, chips. dolaje, m. wine imbibed by pipe-staves. dolamas, /. pi. dolames, m. pi. (vet.) hid- den vices and defects (of horses). dolar, va. to hew (wood or stone). d61ar, m. dollar (U. S. money). dolencia,/. aching, ache, disease. «10ler, vn. & vr. (ind. DUELO: subj. DUELA) to feel pain ; to ache or be in pain ; to hurt ; to loathe, to feel repugnance or aversion ; to regret, be sorry, repent ; to feel for, sympa- thize, condole ; to lament, complain, deplore. doliente, a. aching, suffering; sorrowful, patient.— ni. pall-bearer ; mourner. dolmen, m. (archseol.) dolmen. dolO, in. fraud, deceit, trick, humbug. dOlobre, m. stone-hammer. dolomia,/. (min.) dolomite. dolomitiCO, ca, a. dolomitic. dolor, m. pain, aching, ache; sorrow, afflic- tion, anguish, grief, painfulness ; regret, re- pentance, contrition.— p/. throes of child- birth : estar con dolores, to be in labour. dolorcillO, ItO, m. dim. slight pain. dOlorldO, da, a. doleful, afflicted, painful, aching; heart-sick. — m. chief mourner, pall- bearer. dolorosamente, adv. painfully, sorrowfully, miserably. dolorOSO, sa, a. sorrowful, painful. dolosamente, adv. deceitfully. dOlOSO, sa, a. deceitful, knavish. doma,/. breaking in a horse. domable, a. tamable, conquerable. domador, ra, m. & /. tamer, subduer ; horse breaker. domadura,/. act of taming or subduing. domar, va. to tame ; to break in ; to subdue, overcome, master, conquer. dombo, 7«. dome, cupola. dome&ar, va. to reclaim, to make tractable: to tame, domesticate, master, subdue. domesticable, a. tamable. domesticamente, adv. domestically. domesticar, va. (/or mut. V. dedicar) to render gentle, to domesticate. — vr. to grow tame. domestlcidad, /. domesticity, affability. dom^stiCO, ca, a. domestic, domestical, do- mesticated, tamed. — m. &/. family servant. domestlquez Ido-mes-tc-keth'), /. meekness, tameness. domiciUado, da, a. &pp. of dohiciliarse; domiciliated. domiciliar, va. & vr. to domicile, domiciliate. domlciliariO, ria, a. domiciliary, inhabi- tant, citizen. domiciliO Ido-me-thee' le-o], m. habitation, abode, domicile, home, dwelling-house. dominaci6n, /. dominion, domination, au- thority, rule, command, power; (mil.) commanding ground.— p/. dominations, an- gelic beings. dominador, ra, m. &f. dominator. dominante, a. dominant, domineering, dic> tatory, ascendant; prevailing, excelling- dominative, imperious, masterful, overl)ear- ing; commanding, towering; (mus.) domi, nant. dominar, va. to dominate, govern, rule, con- trol, oversway ; to master, lord, lead, com- mand ; to domineer, subdue, repress. — vr. to rise above, command, tower above. dominatlVO, va, a. dominative. dbmine, »«. dominie. domin^O, m. Sunday : Domingo de Resurrec- cion, Laster Sunday : Domingo de Cuasimodo. Low Sunday. dominguero, ra [do-min-gay -ro], a. done or worn on Sunday. domingulllo [do-min-geer-iyo], m. tumbler (a toy). dominica, /. the Sabbath. dominical, a. dominical : oraeion dominical. Lord's prayer ; manorial tribute.—/. Sunday function in universities. dominicano, na, dominico, ca, a. Domini- can, native of Santo Domingo. dominico, m. Jacobin friar. dominicatnra, /. duty of vassalage. domiuio, m. dominion, domination, power, rule, authority ; dominion, territory, re- gion, domain, possession, estate. dbmino, m. game of dominoes. domin6, m. domino, a hooded robe ; game of dominoes. dompedro, m. (bot.) morning-glory. don, m. Don, title for a gentleman, equivalent to Mr. in English, but used only before Christian names, as Don Juan or Don AlfonBo. don, m. gift, present, donation ; ability, nat- ural gill, faculty, dexterity, knack : don de gentes, winning manners : don de acierto, tact: don de errar, (coll.) knack fordoing things wrong. donacidn, /. donation, gift, grant : donacidn piadosa, donary, pious donation. C (before e, 1) and J u h in bot ; h. silent ; 11 in brilliMit ; ft, nj in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; •, htaeed DON 220 DBA donadiO, m. property derived from royal grants. donado, da, m. &/. lay-brother or lay-sister. —pp. of DONAK. donador, ra, m. & /. donor, bestower, giver. donaire, m. grace, elegance, gentility ; witti- cism ; graceful carriage. donairosamente, adv. gracefully. donairoso, sa, a. graceful, elegant ; witty. donante, pa- donor, giver. donar, va. to give, bestow, contribute. donatario, m. donee, grantee. donatlsta, a. donatist. donatiVO, m. donative , donation, gift. doncel, m. king's page , man who has not carnally known a woman : pino doncel, tim- ber of young pines without knots.— a. mild, mellow in flavour (as wine). doncella [(ion-thayr lyauj, /. maid, virgin, maid- en, lass; lady's-maid, waiting-maid ; (icht.) snake-fish. doncelleja, /. dim. little maid. doncelleria,/. (coll.) maidenhead, virginity. doncellez ;d<)n-thei-iyeth'],/. maidenhood. doncellica, ita,/. dim. young maid, a girl. doncellueca, /. (coll. ) old maid. doncelluela, /. dim. young maid. donde, adv. where, wherein, in which, wher- ever : idonde? where? in what place' whither? i donde vas ? whither goest thou ? ide ddnde 7 from what place? whence? dondequiera, anywhere, wherever . donde no, on the contrary ; i hacia donde ? toward what place? ipor donde? whereabouts? by what way or road? by what reason or cause? (Sp. Amer. ) to the house of: voy donde (vive) Juan, I go to John's house. dondiego or dondiego de dia, (bot.) morn- ing-glory.— dondiego de noche, m. (bot.) jalap, marvel of Peru. dong6n, TO. (Philip.) tree of very hard wood used in ship-building. donillero, m. roper-in, decoy. donju^n, m. ( bot. ) v. dondiego. donosamente, adv. gracefully, pleasing, coraelily. donosidad, /. gracefulness, wittiness. donOSO, sa, a. gay, witty, graceful. donosura, /. gracefulness, grace, elegance, gentility, wittiness. do£La [do' nyah], /. title given to a married lady, equivalent to the Lnglish Mrs., but used only before Christian names, as Dona Isabel ; formerly, a duenna or a nun. — pi. present made every year to the miners in the irou- mines in Spain. dofiiear, va. (coll.) to converse much with women. floflegal, dofligal, a. variety of fig. doquier, doquiera, adv. V. dondequiera. jlorada, doradlUa, /. (icht.) gilt-head, gilt- poll. Uoradllla, /. (hot. ) common ceterach. doradillo, m. fine brass wire: (orn.) wag- *.ail j satin-wood. dorado, da, pp. & a. gilt, gilded.— m. gild- ing. dorador, m. gilder. doradura, /. gilding. doral, m. (orn.) fly-catcher. dorar, va. to gild ; to palliate, to excuse ; (poet.) to illume (as sunshine). dbrlCO, ca, a. Done. dorm&n, m. dolman, huzzar's jacket. dormida, /. sleep of the silk-worm ; place where animals repose ; (Amer.) alcove, bed. dormldera, /. (bot.) garden-poppy.— /:>/. (coll.) readiness to sleep. dormidero, ra, a. soporiferous, narcotic— TO. place where cattle repose. dormiente, pa. v. durmiente. dormil6n, na, m. & /. (coll.) sleepy head.— /. pi. screw ear-rings. dormir, vn. (ind. duermo: prei. el durmi6: subj. duerma) to sleep; to be inattentive, to neglect one's business ; (naut.) to be calm or still : dormir ipierna suelta, (coll.) to be fast asleep. — vr. to be overcome by sleep, to fall asleep ; to become indolent. dormirlas, to. child's play, hide and seek. dormitar, vn. to dose, to nap, to mope. donultiVO, m. dormitive. dormltorio, to. dormitory, bed-room. dornalo, to. small trough ; tray; lool. domlllo, TO. small trough, wooden bowl. dorsal, a. dorsal, belonging to the back. dorso, TO. the back ; dorsum. dOS, a. two. — TO. second, as dos de mayo, the 2d of May.—/, pi. las dos, two o'clock. — m. deuce : dos k dos, two to two or two by two ; & dos por tres, inconsiderately, rashly, sud- denly: de dos en dos, two abreast, by couples • aqui para entre los dos, between you and me; en un dos por tres, iu a twinkling. dosalbo, ba, a. having two white stockinga (of horses). dOSafLal, a. biennial, of two years. dosclentos, tas, a. pi. & n. two hundred. dosel, TO. canopy, dais ; portiere. doselera, /. valance, drapery of a canopy. dosixnetria, /. (med. ) dosimetric system. dosis, /. dose (of medicine) ; quantity. dOtaci6n, /. dotation, endowment, founda- tion, settlement, dowry; (naut.) comple- ment of a crew ; (mil.) munition and gar- rison of a fortress; (Cuba) workmen on a plantation. dotado, da, a. &pp. of dotar ; dowered, por- tioned : dotado de, endowed with. dotador, ra, to. & /. endower, donor, insti- tutor. dotal, a. dotal, relating to a dowry. dotar, va. to portion, to endow, to give a dowry ; to gift, to eudow with powers oi talents ; to settle a rum for a purpose. dote, TO. &f. dowery, dowry ; stock of count- ers to play with.— /n. pi. gifts, blessings, tal- ents received from nature ; endowments. dovela, /. (arch.) key-stoue, extrados and iutrados surface of an arch-stone. dovelaje, to. series of stones for an arch. dovelar, ra. to hew a stone for an arch. doy, yo d6, vo di, yo diera (irr. from dab). dozavado, da, o. twelve-sided. dozavo, va, to. &j. the twelfth part. dracma, /. (pharm.) drachm; Greek silTcr coin. draconlano, na, a. Draconian, cruel. dragado, to. dredging. draga, /. dredge, dredger, drag-boat. dragar, va. {for mut. V. tragar) to dredge; to deepen a channel. dragante, to. (naut.) bowsprit, pillow. dragO, TO. (bot.) dragon-tree. dragoman, m. v. trujaman. drag6n, to. dragon, fabulous monster ; (Phil- ip!) kind of lizard; (bot.) ornamental shrub; (mil.) dragoon, a soldier; (vet.) white spots in the pupils of horses' eyes; kind of exhalation or vaf>our; (ast.) a con- stellation. dragona, /. (mil.) .shoulder-knot; female dragon. dragoncillo, to. drake, ancient gun; little dragon or dragoon. dragonero, to. v. dracena. « M In far ; e In eh I ; 1 In police ; o in for ; a In bull ; c (befor^ e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft : DRA 221 DUE dragontea, dragontia, /. (bot.) common dragon. dragontino, na, a. dragonish. drama, m. drama, play. dramatica, /. dramatic art. dramiiticaniente, adv. dramatically. dram^tiCO, ca, «. dramatical, dramatic, dramatizar, va. to dramatize, dramaturgia, /. dramatic art. dramaturgo, ga, m. &/. playwright. dr^stiCO, ca, a. (med.) drastic. drecera ioUc« : o in for ; a la bull ■ c (before e, 1) «nd B as th In thick ; b and d, soft: ECH 223 EJE speaking of horses, coaches, clothing, to use them, put into service. The verb 'schar is a verb of general utility. It serves frequently to assist the meaning of another verb, and enters into many phrases : echar carnes, to become fat : echar de menoB, to miss : echarse k perder, to lose its good taste, to spoil : echar los higados, to be very much fatigued : echar bando, to publish a law or edict: echar k fondo or i, pique, (naut.) to sink a vessel : echar abajo, en tierra, por tie- rra, or por el luelo, to throw down, to de- molish : echar bravatai or baladronadas, or plantas, to boast, to brag of : echarla de bra- vo, de majo, or de grande, to swagger : echar carrilloi, to grow plump in the cheeks : echar coche, to set up a coach : echar el bofe or los bofes, to labour excessively ; to solicit anx- iously : echar tierra & algiina cosa, to bury an affair in oblivion : echar al mundo, to create, to bring forth : echar un remiendo k la vida, (coll.) to take a little refreshment: echar con cajas destempladas or enhoramala, to dismiss one roughly and contemptuously : echar saertes, to draw lots : echar & correr, to run away : echar en cara, k la cara or en la cara, to reproach to one's face : echar de ver, to remark, to observe, to perceive : echar el cnerpo fnera, to withdraw from an affair : echarlo todo k rodar, to spoil or mar utterly an affair : echar mano, to lay hold of a thing ; to make use of it : echar el guante, to arrest one : echar la corredera, (naut.) to heave the log: echar el escandallo, (naut.) to take soundings: echar en tierra, (naut.) to land, to disembark : echar raices, to take root. — vr. to lie, to rest, to stretch one's self at full length ; to hatch ; to throw one's self down ; to apply one's self to a business. echazon,/. (law) jetson or Jettison. vdad, /. age, epoch, era, time : cdad media, the middle ages : mayor edad, majority : mayor de edad, of age : menor edad, minority : menor de edad, a minor. edecto, m. (mil.) aide-de-camp. edema, /. oedema. edematOSO, sa, a. cedematous, edematose. Ed^n, m. Eden, paradise. edicibn, /. edition, issue, publication. edicto, m. edict, proclamation, placard. edificacibn,/. construction, building; edifi- cation. edificador, ra, m. & /. edifier ; constructor, builder. edificante, a. edifying :• erecting. edificar, va. {for mut. V. aplicar) to edify ; to build ; to edify, instruct. ediflcativo, va, a. edifying. edificatoriO, ria, a. edificatory. edificio, m. edifice, building, structure. edil, m.. edile, Roman magistrate. edilidad, /. edileship. edltar, va. to publish. editor, TO. publisher, editor. editorial, a. editorial. edred6n, m. eider-down ; feather-pillow. " educacidn,/. education, instruction, tuition, training ; good breeding, politeness. educador, ra, m. &f. instructor, educator. educando, da, m. &/. pupil, student. educar, va. (pret. eduqu:i6: subf. eduque) to-educate, instruct, nourish, raise, train. edUCCibn [ay-dooc-thle-on'],/. eduction. educir, va. to educe, extract, bring out. edulcoracidn,/. edulcoration. edulcorar, va. (chem.) to sweeten, efe, /. Spanish name of the letter F. efectismo, m. (art) striving aftereffect. efectista, a. (art) sensational. efectivamente, adv. effectually, powerfully ; certainly, actually. efectivo, va, a. effective, true, certain ; effec- tual ; (com.) specie, cash: en efectivo, in coin : efectivo en caja, cash on hand : hacer efectiva una letra, to cash a draft. efectO, TO. effect ; consequence ; end, purpose, meaning ; general intent ; in billiards, Eng- lish.— p7. assets, merchandise, chattels, wares, goods, movables ; (com. ) drafts : efec- toB pnblicoB, public securities : efectos en car- tera, securities in hand : efectoB k pagar, bills payable: efectos k recibir, bills receivable: con or en efecto, in fact, in truth, actually. efectuaci6n, /. accomplishment. efectuar, va. to accomplish, to effect, to carry out. efem6rides,/. p^. ephemeris, a journal. ef^mera, a. ephemera, a fever. ef6mero, to. (bot.) iris. efervescencia, /. effervescence, ebullition ; ardour, fervour. eflcacia,/. efficacy, activity, efficiency. eficaz, a. efficacious, active, powerful, effec- tive. eficazmente, adv. efficaciously, actively, ef- fectively. eficiencia, /. efficiency, effectiveness. eficiente, a', efficient, effective. eficientemente, adv. efficiently. efigie [a-fee'-he-al, /. effigy, image. eflmera, /. (med.) ephemera; (ent.) day-fly or May-fly. efimero, rk, a. ephemeral, ephemerous, diur- nal. eflorecerse, vr. (chem.) to effloresce. efiOreSCenCia [a-flo-res-then'-thie-ahl, /, efflores- cence. eflorescente, a. (chem.) efflorescent. efluvio, TO. effluvium or effluvia ; exhalation, emanation. efugio |a-foo'-he-ol, TO. subterfuge, evasion, shift. efundir, va. (pp. efundido, efuso) to effuse, to pour out, to spill. efusibn, /. effusion, efflux; confidential dis- closure of sentiments. efuso, sa, a. & pp. m\ of EFUNDIR ; effused. 6gida [a'-he-dah], egis ; protection, defence. egilope,/. (bot.) wild bastard oat. egipciaco, eglpciano, egipcio, egiptano la-hip-thie-ah'-co], a. ICgyptian. egiptblogo, TO. Egj'ptologist. 6gira [a'-he-rahl, /. hegira. 6gloga,/. eclogue, pastoral poem. egoismo, to. selfishness, self-love ; egoism. egoista, «. selfish, egoistic. — to. egoist. egn^egiamente, adv. egregiously. egregio, gia, a. egregious, eminent. egrena,/. iron clamp. egreso, to. expense, debit.— p^. discharge. egrisador, to. box for diamond dust. egrisar, va. to polish diamonds. i eh ! interj. eh ! here ! eje [a'-hay], TO. axis ; axle-tree or axle ; shaft, spindle, arbor ; centre. ejecucibn la-hay-coo-thie-on'], /. execution, com- pletion, fulfilment, performance; capital punishment; (law) execution ; (mus.) tech- nique. ejecutable, a. executable, performable. ejecutante, to. & a. performer; (law) one who compels another to pay a debt by legal execution. ejecutarj va. to execute, perform, make, do, act; to inflict capital punishment ; to impel, urge, importune, incite ; (law) to oblige one to pay what he owes. g(beforen, i)«Dd J as h '" hot; h.sileni; 11 In brilliant; ft. ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trlUed ; ■, tiissed. EJE 224 ELE ejecutlvamente, adv. executively, prompt- ly- ejecutivo, va, a. executive, active ; execu- tory. — 7«. the executive. ejecutor, ra, m. & /. executor or executer ; (law) officer who serves executions : ejecu- tor de la Jttstlcla, executioner. ejecutoria,/. (law) writ or decree of execu- tion ; judgment ; letters patent of nobility, pedigree ; executorship. Cjecutoria, /. office of an executor. ejecutorial, a. (law) applied to the execu- tion of the sentence of an ecclesiastical tri- bunal. ejecutoriar, va. to obtain a judgment in one's favour ; to establish the truth of a thing. ejecutorio, ria, a. (law) executory. ejemplar, m. exemplar, pattern, model ; original, prototype ; precedent, example ; specimen, sample ; copy of a work ; exam- ple, warning. — a. exemplary, worthy of imi- tation : sin ejemplar, without precedent. ejemplarmente, adv. exemplariiy ; edify- ingly. ejemplificacidn, /. exemplification. ejemplificar, va. to exemplify. ejemplo, »>,. example, precedent. Instance ; comparison ; pattern, copy; exemplar: dar ejemplo, to set an example. ejercer (a-her-therr'l, va. (ind. EJERZO : subj. ejerza) to exercise, exert, practise, per- form, ply. ejercicio [a-her-twe'-thie-o], m. exercise, activi- ty , exertion ; employment, office, task ; min- istry ; training, practice, profession ; fiscal year ; military drill : hacer ejercicio, to drill troops ; to use exercise ; to take a walk : ejercicio esplrltual, spiritual retreat. ejercitacibn [a-her-thie-tah-thle-on'], /. exercita- tion, practice. ^ercitante, m. one who is in a spiritual re- treat.— pa. exerciser, exercising, training. Ojercitar, va. to exercise, to put into practice ; to drill troops ; to train. — vi-. to practise. ejercltativo, va, a. that which may be exer- cised. e.]6rcitO, m. an army. ejido, m. common, public land. ejidn [a-he-oii'], m. (arch.) corbel piece, purlin, bracket. ejotes [a-ho'-tes], m. pi. (Mex.) string-beans. el, art. masc. sing. \pl. los) the. 61, pron. masc. sing. {pi. ellos) he. elaboracidn,/. elaboration. elaborado, da, a. elaborate, manufactured, wrought.— pp. of ELABORAR. elaborador, ra, m. &/. elaborator, manufac- turer. elaborar, va. to elaborate, manufacture. alacibn, /. elation, haughtiness, pride ; mag- nanimity, generosity ; inflation of style. alaBtlCid'ad, /. elasticity, resiliency, springi- ness ; adaptability. el&stiCO, ca, a. elastic, elastical.— /*. under- shirt. — m. an elastic (webbing) ; wire spring. — m. pi. suspenders. 6lche, m. apostate, renegade. ele,/. Spanish name of the letter L. el^boro, elebor, m. (hot.) hellebore. «leccl6n(a-iec-thie-on'],/. election, choice, selec- tion, option. elective, va, n. elective. electo, ta, a. & pp. irr. of elegir; elect, chosen. — m. elect, person chosen or ap- pointed. elector, ra, a. elector, one who elects. — m. elector, German prince. electorado, m. electorate. electoral, a. electoral. electricidad [eh-iec-tree-thie- vexation, obstruction, obstacle; confusion, perplexity ; pregnancy. embarazosamente, adv. diflScuitiy, cumber. somely. embarazoso, sa, a. difficult, intricate, en- tangled, cumbersome, troublesome, vexa- tious, obstructive. embarbascado, da, pp. & a. difficult, intri- cate, involved, complicate. embarbascar, va. to throw hellebore, mul- lein, etc., into water, to stupefy fish ; to per* plex, confound, embarrass. — vr. to become entangled among roots (a plough). embarbecer, vn. {ind. embarbezco: 5t/6/. EMBARBEZCA) to have 3 beard appearing. embarbillar, va. (carp.) to join. embarcacibn,/. vessel or ship of any size or description ; embarkation ; navigation: em- barcacion menor, small craft. embarcadero, m. wharf, quay, pier, ferry; (r. w.) freight station. embarcador, m. (com.) shipper, loader. embarcar, va. {for mut. v. abarcar) to embark, to ship; to embark or engage an- other in an enterprise. — vr. to embark, to ^o on shipboard : embarcar agua, (naut. ) to ship a sea. embarco, m. embarkation (of persons). embardar, va. to thatch. embargador, m. one who lays an embargo. embar^ante, pa. arresting, impeding, re- straining : no embargante, notwithstanding, nevertheless. embargar, va. {for mut. v. alargar) to im- pede, restrain, suspend; (law) to embargo, seize, attach. embargo, m. indigestion; (law) embargo, sequestration, seizure, attachment: sin em- bargo, notwithstanding. embarnizadura, /. varnishing. embamizar, va. to varnish, japan, glaze. embarque lem-bar' kayl, m. shipment (of goods). embarrador, m. plasterer, dauber, fibber, mischief-maker. embarradura, /. smear, plastering; mud stain. embarrancar, vn. to run aground.— vr. to be stranded. embarrar, va. to plaster roughly; to stain or smear with mud ; to bedaub. — vr. to colleet or mount upon trees (as partridges) g (before e, i) and .1 aa h in liot; h, Bllent: 11 in brilliant ; &, ny In canyon : r (initial) and rr triUed ; a, hiMed EMB 226 EMB 6mbaxrilad0r, m. packer in barrels, embarrllar, i>a. to barrel, embarrotar, va. v. abarrotar. embarullador, ra, a. one who makes a mess of things. embarullar, va. (coll.) to mix things, to make a mess ; to act without order or plan. embasamlentO, >n. (arch.) foundation. embastar, va. to baste, to stitch. embaste, m. basting. embastecer, vn. (for trr. v. abastecer) to grow fleshy.— t)r. to become gross. embate, m. dashing of the waves ; sudden impetuous attack : embates, sudden reverses of fortune. embaucador, m. sharper, impostor. embaucamiento, m. deception, illusion. embaucar, va. (for mut. v. caducar) to de- ceive, to trick, humbug. embaillar, va. to pack in a trunk ; (coll.) to cram with food. embausamientO, m. amazement, astonish- ment. embazador, m. one who or that which dyes a thing brown. embazadura, /. brown dye or tinge; (met.) amazement, astonishment. embazar, va. (for mut. v. cazar) to dye, tinge, or shade brown ; to astonish, to strike with amazement. — vn. to be paralyzed with amazement. — vr. to become tired, disgusted, or satiated. embebecer, va. (ind. embebezco; subj. em- bebezca) to entertain, to amuse. — vr. to be struck with amazement. embebecidamente, adv. amazedly. embebecimlento, m. amazement, astonish- ment. embebedor, ra, m. &f. imbiber. embeber, va. to imbibe, drink in, absorb ; to soak, drench, saturate ; to contain, inclose, include ; to sink in, enchase, introduce, in- sert ; to incorporate ; to shrink, shorten, reduce, squeeze. — vn. to shrink, to contract itself. — vr. to be enraptured or ravished ; to be wrapt up in thought ; to learn thorough- ly, to retain firmly in the mind. embecadura, /. (arch.) spandrel. embelecador, ra, m. &f. impostor, sharper. embelecar, va. (for mut. v. ahuecar) to im- pose upon, to deceive, to humbug. embeleco, m. fraud, delusion, imposition, humbug. embeleilado, da, a. & pp. of embeleSar ; enraptured, ravished ; stupefied, besotted. embelefiar, va. to narcotize witn henbane ; to charm, fascinate. embelesamiento, m. rapture, ecstasy, embelesar, va. to charm, enchant, fascinate. — vr. to be charmed, ravished, or delighted. embeleso, m. rapture, ecstasy, fascination, ravishment ; charm, charmer. embellaquecerse lem-lwl-lyah-kay-therr'-Bay], vr. to become a knave. embellecer, va. (ind. embellezco : subj. embellkzca) to beautify, embellish, adorn, decorate, flourish. embellecimlento, m. act of beautifying or embellishing. embermejar, embermejecer, va. {ind. em- bermejezco: mbj. embermejezca) to dye red ; to put to blush, to shame.— ?m. to blush, emberrenchinarse, emberrincharse, vr. (coll.) to fly into a violent passion (as chil- dren). embestida, /. assault, violent attack, onset ; (coll.) importunate demand by way of char- ity, loan, etc. eznbestidor, ra, a. rusher. — m. importunate solicitor or beggar. embestidura, /. attack, assault, onset. embestir, va. (ind. embisto: suhj. embista) to assail, attack, rush against; (coll.) to importune with unseasonable demands ; (naut.) to collide, fall in, run foul ; (mil.) to attack. embetunar, va. to bituminate. embicar, va. ( pret. embiqu]^ : subj. embique^ (naut.) to top the yards. embljar, va. to paint with nunium. embisto, yo embista (irr. from embestir). emblandecer, va. (ind. emblandezco: subj'. emblandezca) to soften, to mollify. — vr. to be moved to pity, emblanquecer [em-blan-keh-therr'l, va. (ind. emblanquezco : subj. emblanquezca) to bleach or whiten. — vr. to grow white, to be bleaching. emblanqueclmientO, m. whitening, bleach- ing. emblema, m. emblem, device, symbol, al- legory. emblematicamente, adv. emblematically. emblematiCO, ca, a. emblematic. embObamlentO, m. admiration, astonish- ment, enchantment, gape-gaziug. embobar, va. to amuse, to entertain ; to en- chant, to fascinate. — vr. to be in suspense ; to stand gaping or gazing, to muse. embobecer, va. (ind. embobezco : subj. em- bobezca) to stultify, stupefy. — vr. to be- come stupefied or stultified. embobecuniento, m. stultification. embocadero, embocador, m. mouth of a channel. embocado, d&,pp. & a. tasty (wine). embocadura, /. entrance by a narrow pas- sage ; (mus. ) embouchure, mouth-piece; mouth-piece of a bridle ; taste (of wine) ; mouth of a river ; (arch.) proscenium arcn. embocar, va. (prel. emboqu6: subj. EM- boque) to put into the mouth ; to enter by a narrow passage; (coll.) to swallow in haste, to cram food ; to hoax. embocinado, da, «. v. abocinado. embodegar, va. to store in a cellar (as wine). embojar, va. to prepare sheds for silk-worms. embOJO, »». shed for silk-worms. embolar, va. to put balls on the tips of bulls' horns ; to apply the gilding-size. embolia,/. (med.) enibolism. embolismador, ra, m. & /. & a. detractor, reviler. embolismal, a. embolismic. embolismar, va. (coll.) to gossip, to carry tales. embolismo, m. embolism, intercalation ; confusion, entanglement, embarrassment, maze; (coll.) falsehood. 6mbOlO, m. (mech.) embolus, piston, plunger, forcer. embolsar, va. to put (money) into a purse; to reimburse ; to im burse. embolso, m. act of putting (money) into a purse. embonar, va. to make good, improve, to re- pair ; (naut.) to sheathe. embono, m. (naut.) doubling, lining, stiffen- ing, sheathing. embo&igar, va. to plaster with cow-dung. emboque lem-bo'-kayi, m. passage through the inoutn or a narrow place (as a ring or a channel); (coll.) deception, cheat, fraud. embOqUillar [em-bo-keel-lyar'l, va. tO put a tip on a cigarette ; (min. ) to make the entrance of a shaft in mines or of a drill for blasting. • s8 in far ; e in ek I ; 1 in police ; o in for : a in bull ; o (before e, i) and z aa th in thick ; b and d, Mft; EMB 227 EMB embomal, m. (naut.) scupper-rhole. emborracliador, ra, a. intoxicating. emborrachamiento, m. (coll.) intoxica- tion, drunkenness. emborracbar, va. to intoxicate, inebriate, fuddle. — vr. to overdrink one's self ; to be- come tipsy. emborrar, vn. to stuff, to wad, to pad ; to card the wool a second time ; (coll.) to cram food. emborrazamiento, m. basting a fowl while roasting. emborrazar, va. {pret. emborrac6: subj. emborrace) to tie pieces of pork on a fowl, as basting. emborricarse, vr. (coll.) to be stupefied, emborrizar, I'a. {pret. emborrice; subj. em- borrice) to give the first combing to wool. emborrullarse, rr. (coll.) to dispute noisily. embOSCada,/. ambuscade ; (mil.) ambush. emboscadura, /. ambush, ambuscade. embOSCar, va. {pret. embosque: subj. em- BOSQUE) (mil.) to place in ambush. — vr. to retire into a forest ; to lie in ambush. embOSqUeCer [em-bos-kay-therr'], vn. tO become covered with woods. embotado, da, pp. & a. blunt, dull. embotador, m. he who blunts the points or edges of swords, etc. embotadura,/. bluntness or dulness of wea- pons. embotamiento.m. blunting edged weapons; obtusion ; bluntness, obtuseness, dulness. embotar, va. to blunt, to dull an edge or point : to enervate, to debilitate ; to dull, to stupefy, to place (tobacco) in a jar. — vr. to dull, to become dull; (coll.) to put on the boots. embotellador, ra, a. bottler. embOtellar, va. to bottle wine or liquors. embotijar, va. to set jars under a tile flooring for draining ; tofill jars. — vr. (coll.) to swell, to expand ; to be in a passion. embovedar, va. V. abovedar, emboza,/. inequalities in the bottom of bar- rels or casks. embozadamente, adv. dissembilngiy. embozado, da, a. muffled, covered, involved. — pp. of EMBOZAR. — m. un embozado, one witn his face covered by his cloak. embozar, va. {pret. emboce: subj. emboce) to muffle ; to cloak, to dissemble ; to muz- zle. — vr. to muffle one's self up. exnbOZO, m. muffler ; fold in upper part of bed-clothing ; artful way of expressing one's thoughts : qnitarse el embozo, to make a clean breast. embrace, m. curtain-clasp. embraciladO, da, a. (coll.) carried about in the arms, as children. embragar, va. {formut. v. bkagar) (naut.) to sling. embragUe [em-brah'-gay], m. clutch, coupling. embravecer, va. {ind. embravezco : subj. embravezca) to enrage, to irritate.— vn. to become strong (plants). — vr. to become furi- ous, to be enraged; (naut.) to swell (the sea). embravecimiento, m. fury, rage, passion. embrazadura, /. clasp of a shield or buck- ler ; grasp, clasping, embracing. embrazar, va. { pret. embrace : subj. embra- ce) to clasp a snield ; to grasp, to buckle.— vn. to gear. embreado, m. embreadura, /. (naut.) pay- ing with pitch, tarring. embrear, va. (naut.) to pay with pitch. embregarse, vr. to quarrel, wrangle, embrefiarse, vr. to hide among brambles, embriagado, da, o. & pp. of embeiagar; intoxicated, drunk, embriagar, va. {pret. embriagu^: subj. embriague) to intoxicate, inebriate- to transport, to enrapture. — vr. to get tipsy. embrlagUeZ |em-bre-ali-geth'], /. intoxication. drunkenness, inebriety ; rapture. embridar, va. to bridle; (met.) to govern restrain. embriologia, /. embryology. embridlOgO, ga, m. &/. embryologist. einbri6ll, m. embryo, germ ; rudiment ; as- semblage of confused ideas : en embri6n, in embryo. embrlonario, ria, a. embryonal, rudimen- tary. embroca, embrocacibn, /. (med.) embro- cation. embrocar, va. {pret. embroqu6: subj. EM- broque) to pour out of one vessel into an- other by joining the mouths; (med.) to embrocate ; to wind thread on a bobbin or quill ; (shoe.) to tack to the last ; to toss be- tween the horns. embrocbado, da, a. embroidered. embrocbalar, va. (carp.) to sustain beams with a cross-piece. embrolla,/. (coll.) v. embrollo. embroUadamente, adv. tangiinglv. embrollador, ra, m. & /. entangler, con- founder. embrollar, va. to entangle, twist, cumber ; to insnare, confound, embroil: embrollar la bandera, (naut.) to waft the ensign. embrollo, m. tangle, confusion, jumble, trick- ery, deception ; embroiling ; involved plotor story. embrolldn, na, m. & /. liar, tale-bearer • mischief-maker; entangler. embroUoso, sa, a. tangled. embromado, da, a. vexed, annoyed ; (naut.) misty, hazy, foggy.— ^. of embromar. embromador, ra, m. & /. & a. one who is tumultuously merry ; banterer, chaffer , wheedler, trickster. embromar, va. to excite tumultuous mirth ■ to cajole, to wheedle ; to chaff, to banter ; tt vex, annoy ; (naut.) to chinse. embroquelarse, vr. v. abroquelarse. embroquetar lem-bro-kay-tar'i, va. to skewer the legs of birds. embrOSqUilar lem-bros-key-lan-'l, va. to put cattle into a fold. embrujar [em-broo-har'i, va. to bewitch. embrutecer [eni-broo-tay-then-'l, va. {ind. EM- BRUTEZCO: subj. embrutezca) to stupefy. — vr. to grow stupid, to become brutish. embrutecimieutO, m. act of making or be- coming brutish ; stupefaction. embucnado, pp. & m. kind of sausage. embucbar, va. to stuff with minced meat ; to cram the maw of animals ; (coll.) to swallow food without chewing. embudador, m. filler (with a funnel). embudar, va. to put a funnel into a vessel : to trick ;. to scheme, to insnare. embudista, m. trickster, intriguer. embaditO, m. dim. little funnel. embudo, m. funnel ; wax-candle mould water-closet basin ; trick ; fraud : ley del em- budo oppressive law, one-sided agreement. embullarse, vr. (Cuba) to get ready for a ball, sport, etc. ; to revel, to be gay. embullo, m. (Cuba) excitement, anticipa- tion ; gaiety, revelry. . emburujar,"t'a. (coll.) to jumble, to mix con- fusedly, g (before e, i) and J as Ii in hot; h, eilent ; 11 iu brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; S, bisMd. EMB 228 EMP embuste, m. artful tale ; fib, lie, fiction ; trick, fraud, imposition.— p/. embuates, gew- gaws, baubles, trinkets. embustear, vn. to fib, lie, impose upon, gab. embusteria, /. deceit, imposture, trick. embustero, ra, m. & /. liar, tale-bearer, tale-teller ; trickster, impostor, cheat ; hypo- crite, dissembler ; (coll.) cajoler. embusterbn, na, a. aug. big liar. embusteruelo, la, «. dim. little liar, fibber. embutidera, /. rivet-knob. embutidO, m. inlaid work, marquetry ; saus- age.— embutldo, da, j9p. of EMBUTIR. embutidor, m. rivet set, a punch. embutldura, /. (naut.) worming. smbutir, va. to inlay, to enchase ; to insert; to stuff, to make sausages ; to pack tight ; to force; to imbed; (coll.) to cram, to eat much ; '^naut.) to worm. eme,/. Spanish name of the letter M. emenagogo, m. (med.) emmenagogue. emendable, a. amendable, corrigible. emendacibn, /. emendation, amendment, correction ; satisfaction, amends. emendador, m. emendator. emendar, va. v. enmendab. emergenCia [eh-mehr-hen-thie-ah'], /. act of emerging; emergency, accident; (opt.) emergence. emergente, a. emergent, resulting, issuing. em^ritO, a. emeritus. emersidn,/. (ast.) emersion. em^tlco, ca, m. & a. emetic. — m. tartar emet- ic. emienda,/. v. enmienda. emlgracibn, /. emigration ; number of emi- grants j periodical migration of animals. emigrado, m. emigrant, immigrant. emigrado, da, a. & m. &f. emigrated, immi- grated.— pp. of emigrar. emigrante, m. an emigrant. emigrar, vn. to emigrate. emiuencia, /. eminence ; prominence, height, hill ; excellence, conspicuousness, greatness, power ; eminence, title given to cardinals ; con eminencia, eminently. eminencial, a. eminential. eminencialinente, adv. eminently. eminente, a. eminent, high, lofty; promi- nent, surpassing, eximious, conspicuous. emlnentemente, adv. eminently, conspicu- ously. emlnentislmo, ma, a. title of the Komish cardinals. emir, m. emir or ameer. emisariO, m. emissary, spy ; outlet, dis- charge ; (med. ) emunctory. emislon, /. emission, vent ; issue of paper money, bonds, etc. ; (med.) emission : nueva emision, reissue. ^mitlr, va. to emit, spread, throw out, send forth; to issue (as bonds, etc.); to utter, declare, manifest an opinion. £mOCi6ll leh-mo-thle-on'l,/. emotion. emoliente, m. & a. emollient, softening. emolumento, m. emolument, fee, perquisite. empacar, va. (prel. empaqu6: subj. empa- quk) to pack, to bale. empac6n, a. (S. Am.) obstinate, stubborn. empacbado, da, a. & pp. of empachar ; awk- ward, timid, bashful ; surfeited, glutted; (naut.) overloaded. empachaXi va. to impede, embarrass ; to overload, cram, encum.ber ; to cause indi- gestion ; to disguise.— -rr. to be ashamed, bashful ; to surfeit. empacho, m. bashfulness, timidity ; embar- rassment, obstacle ; surfeit, indigestion. empacboso, sa, a. v. vergonzoso. empadronador, m. enroller, census-taker. empadronamiento, m. census ; tax-list. empadronar, va. to take the census ; U register tax-payers. empajar, va. to cover or stuff with straw. empalagamlento, m. loathing, surfeit, cloy, ing. empalagar, va. (pret. empalagu6: gubj. empalague) to loathe, to pall, to cloy ; to disgust, vex, bother. empalago, rn. v. empalagamiento. empalagOSO, sa, a. cloying, loathsome ; too sweet ; troublesome, wearisome, annoying empalamiento, m. empalement, empaling. empalar, va. to empale. empaliada,/. hangings of bunting. empaliar, va. to adorn with hangings. empalizada,/. palisade, stockade, pale fence. empalizar, va. to palisade, to stockade. empalmadura, /. clamp, joint, coupling, dovetailing. empalmar, va. to scarf, to dovetail; to clamp, couple, fit, join; (naut.) to splice cables. — vn. (r. w.) to branch, to join. empalme, m. scarf, join, connection ; splic- ing ; (r. w.) junction. empalomar, va. (naut. ) to sew the bolt-rope. empalletadO,m. (naut.) mattress barricade. empamparse, vr. (Sp. Am.) to get lost on a pampa. empanada, /. meat^pie ; fraudulent muddle or concealment of an affair : agua empanada. panada. empanadilla, / dim. small pie; movable footstep in carriages. empanada, da, a. room receiving light from another room.— pp. of empanar. empanar, va. to bake in paste ; to sow grain. — vr. (agr.) to be choked by too much seed. empandar, va. to bend, to sag, to warp. empandillar, va. (coll.) to cheat at cards. empantanar, va. to submerge; to swamp; to bemire ; to embarrass ; to obstruct. empa&adura, /. swaddling of children. empaflar, va. to swaddle ; to dim, blur, tar- nish ; to soil, blemish, sully one's honour. empa&icar, va. (naut.) to hand or furl. empapar, va. to imbibe, saturate, soak, drench. — vr. to imbibe ; to be soaked ; to im- bue one's mind ; (coll.) to surfeit. empapelador, m. paperhanger. empapelar, va. to wrap up in paper ; to paper a wall. empapirotar, va. (coll.) to adorn, to deck. empapujar, va. (coll.) to make one eat too much. empaque [em-pah'kay], m. packing; air, sem- blance, mien, appearance, look. empaquetador, m. packer. empaquetadura, /. packing, gasket, gask- ing. empaquetar, va. to pack, to bale, to sack; to stuff. emparamentar, va. to adorn, to l)edeck. emparcbar, va. to cover with plasters. emparedado, da, m. & f. a recluse.— m. a sandwich.— ^yp. of emparedar. emparedamlento, m. confinement ; cloister, religious retirement. emparedar, va. to immure, to shut up be- tween walls. emparejador, m. matcher, fitter. emparejadura, f. equalization. emparejamiento, m. matching or making eijual. emparejar, va. & vn. to level ; to make even ; to match, to fit, to equal ; to put abreast. ft u In far; • in all I ; i in police ; O !n for ; n tu bull ; e (before e, i) and B as th in thick ; b and d, aoft; EMP 229 EMP emparentar, vn. to become related by mar- riage. emparentado, da, a. & pp. of emparentae ; related by marriage. emparrado, pp. & m- vine arbour or bower. emparrar, va. to embower. emparrillado, m. (arch.) grillage, emparrillar, va. to broil on the gridiron. emparvar, va. to lay grain for thrashing. empastado, da, a. (b. b.) bound in calf. empastador, ra, a. painter who impastes.— m. paste-brush ; bookbinder. empastar, va. to paste ; to clam ; (art) to impaste; (b. b.) to bind in sheep or calf- skin. empaste, m. (art) impasto. empastelar, va. & vr. (coll.) to compound, compromise ; (print.) to pie. empatadera, /. (coll.) checking, impeding. empatar, va. to equal ; to be a tie (as in vot- ing) ; to check, to suspend. empate, m. tie, equal number of votes ; stop, suspension. empavesada, /. (naut. ) waist-clothes; arm- ings ; hammock cloth ; boat's cloth : empa- ves&das de las cofas, top armour. empavesado, da, a. covered with a large shield. — m. soldier with large shield ; dress- ing of a ship. empavesar, va. (naut.) to dress ships; (naut.) to spread waist-clothes. empavonar, va. v. pavonar. empecatado, da, a. very wily, evil-minded, incorrigible. empecer, va. {ind. empezco : mhj. empezca) to hurt, offend, damage, injure. — vn. to pre- vent. empecimiento, m. damage, obstacle. empecinado, m. v. pegueko ; (Peru) stub- born, inexorable, incorrigible. empedernido, da, a. hard-hearted. empedemir, va. {def. : only those modes are used that have i in their termination) to indu- rate, to harden.— rr. to be petrified, to grow hard-hearted. empedrado, da, pp. & m. pavement. empedrador, m. paver or pavier. empedramiento, m. paving. empedrar, va. to pave. exnpega, /. varnisn of pitch ; mark of pitch. 6XnpegadO, m. tarpaulin. empegadura, /. coat of pitch. empegar, va. {for mut. v. pegar) to pay with pitch ; to mark sheep with pitch. empegO, m. marking sheep with pitch ; (Amer.) pitchy taste of some wines, etc. empeguntar, va. to mark sheep with pitch. empeme, m. groin ; instep ; hoof ; tetter, ringworm ; cotton-flower. empeinoso, sa, a. full of ringworms. empelar, vn. to begin to be hairy, empelazgarse, vr. (coll. ) to become involved in a quarrel. emoelecliar, va. to marble ; to join marble blocks. empelotarse, vr. to get into a wrangle, empeltre, m. small shoot or sapling. empella, /. vamp of a shoe. cmpellar, empeller, va. to push.^sjiove, jostle. -/T- ' empellejar, va. to cover or line witli skins. empell6n, m. push, shove: k empellones, rudely, with pushes. empenachado, da, a. plumed, empenachar, va. to adorn with plumes, empenta, f. prop, stay, shore. empeiiadamente, adv. strenuously. empe&ar, va. to pawn, to pledge, to gage ; to engage, to oblige. — vr. to bind one's self; to persist; to intercede, to mediate; (mil.) to begin an action. empefLO, m. pledge, pawn, binding ebliga- tion ; engagement, contract; earnest desire, determination, firmness ; protection, fa- vour, recommendation ; recommender : con empeno, eagerly. empeoramlento, m. deterioration. empeorar, va. to impair, to deteriorate.— 1'». to grow worse. empequeflecer [em-pay-kay-nyay-therr'], va. {ind. EMPEQUENEZCO : Subj. EMPEQUESEZCA) tO make smaller, to diminish, emperador, m. emperor, emperatriz, /. empress, emperchar, va. to suspend on a perch, emperdigar, va. V. perdigar. emperejiiar, va. & vr. to dress elaborately, emperezar, vn. & vr. to be lazy, indolent.— ra. to retard, delay, obstruct, emperifollar, va. & vr. v. emperejilar. empergamiuado, da, a. (b. b.) bound in parchment. empernar, va. to bolt, to nail, to spike, to peg. empero, conj. but, yet, however, notwith- standing. emperrada, /. game at cards, emperramiento, m. obstinacy, emperrarse, vr. (coll.) to be obstinate or stubborn. empesador, m. warp-evener. empetro, m. (hot.) crow berry. empezar, va. & vn. {ind. EMPiEZO : pret. em- PEc6 : subj. EMPiECE) ,to begin. empicarse, vn to become too fond of. empicotadura, /. act of pillorying. empiCOtar, va. to pillory ; to picket, empiedro, empiedre (tVr. from empedrar). empiema,/. (med.) empyema. empiezo,v3^p j^mpiece {irr. from empezar). empilonar, va. (Cuba) to pile up leaves of tobacco. empinado, da, a. steep, high. empinador, ra, m. &./. (coll.) toper. empinadura, /. empinamiento, m. erec- tion, elevation, raising, exaltation. empinar, va. to raise, to exalt; (coll.) to drink much. — vr. to stand on tiptoe ; to stand on the hind legs ; to tower, rise high. emplBgorotado, da, pp. & a. haughty, stuck up. empingorotar, va. (coll.) to raise a thing and put it upon another. empino, m. (arch.) summit of a curve, empiolar, va. v. apiolar. empireo, a, a. empyreal ; celeistial, divine.— m. empyrean. emplreuma, /. (chem.) empyreuma. empireuin6,tico, ca, a. (chem.) empyrou- matic. empiricamente, adv. empirically, empirico, ca, a. empiric, empirical.— ^». quack, empiric, medicaster. empirismo, m. empiricism, quackery. empizarrado, pp. & m. slate roof. empizarrar, va. to roof with slates. emplastadura, /. emplastamiento, m. plastering. emplastar, va. to apply plasters ; to paint the face ; (coll.) to suspend, to obstruct. — vr. to get smeared, emplastecer, va. (art) to level the surface for painting. emplastO, m. plaster or em plaster. eiIipld,StriCO, ca, a. glutinous, sticky, emplazador, m. (law) summoner. g (before e, i) and J as li In hot; h, silent: 11 in brilliant: ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr trtUed; ■, 1i» EMP 230 ENA emplazamiento, m. (law) summons. emplazar, va. (pret. emplac^ : siibj. EM- PLACE) (law) to summon ; (sport) to set the hunting party. empleado, da, m. &/. employee, office-holder. empleado, da, pp. of emplear. emplear, va. to employ, to give occupation, to engage, to commission ; to appoint one to a public office; to in vest, to spend (as money); to utilize, employ, pass, or spena (as lime). — rr. to be employed, to follow business. empleita, /. v. pleita. empleltero, ra, m. &/. one who plaits and sells bass-weed. emplenta, /. piece of mud-wall made at once. empleo, m. employ, employment, business, occupation ; public station, office ; calling, vocation, profession ; aim or object of our desires ; investment. empleomania,/. (coll. ) rage for public office. emplomado, pp. &m. roof covered with lead. emplomador, m. plumber. emplomar, va. to lead ; to line with sheet lead ; to put lead seals. emplumar, va. to feather ; to adorn with plumes ; to tar and feather. — vn. to mew, to moult. emplumecer, vn. Und. emplumezco : subj. emplumezca) to fledge. empobrecer, va. (ind. empobrezco : subJ. empobrezca) to impoverish.— t>n. to become poor. empobreclmientO, m. impoverishment, de- pauperation. empolvar, empolvorar, empolvorizar, va. & vr. to cover with dust, to powder. empolvoramientO, m. covering with dust, powdering. empoUador, ra, a. & m. &/. hatcher ; hatch- ing apparatus, incubator. empolladura, /. brood of bees. empollar, va. to brood, to hatch. — vn. to breed (bees). emponzofLador, ra, m. &/. poisoner. emponzofiLamiento, m. poisoning. emponzoflar, va. to poison, to taint, to cor- rupt one's morals, empopar, va. (naut.) to poop. emporcar, va. {ind. empuerco : pret. EMPOR- Qu6: subj. empuerque) to soil, to dirty, to foul. emporiO, m. emporium, mart. empotramientO, m. (arch.) embedding. exnpotrar, va. (arch.) to engage, to embed, to fix in a wall ; to scarf, to splice ; to put bee- hives in a pit ; (naut.) to fasten cannon. empozar, va. {pret. empoc6: subj. empoce^ to throw into a well ; to soak flax. — vr. (coll.) to be pigeon-holed. empradizar, va. to turn into a meadow.— vr. to become meadov*. emprendedor, m. enterpriser ; enterprising. emprender, va. to undertake, to engage in an enterprise ; to venture upon : emprender 4 or con alguno, to address or accost one. empreflar, va. to impregnate ; to beget. empresa, /. enterprise, undertaking ; device, motto ; design, intention, purpose ; man- agement of a theatre. empresario, m. one who undertakes some business or enterprise ; contractor ; manager of a theatre. empr^StitO, m. loan : emprittito pAblico, gov- ernment loan. emprima, /. v. primicia. emprimado, pp. & m. last combing to wool. emprlmar, ra. to give the last combing to the wool ; (coll.) to deceive. empringar, ra. v. pringar. empucliar, ra. to buck skeins of thread. empuerco, empuerque {irr. from empor. car). empujar, va. to push, propel, impel, drive, shove ; to push away, shove off. empuje, empujO, m. push, impulsion, pres- sure. empuJ6n, m. push, violent shove : 4 empn- joneB, pushing, jostling. empulgadura, /. drawing the string of a cross-bow. empulgar, va. to draw the string of a cross- bow. empulcrueras, /. pi. wings of a cross-bow ; thumb-screws. empufliador, ra, a. grasper. empuiladura, /. hilt of a sword ; beginning of a story. empu&ar, va. to clinch, clutch, grasp, gripe with the fist. empuflidura, /. (naut.) earing. emulacibn, /. emulation, envy, jealousy. emulador, ra, m. emulator, rival. emular, va. to emulate, rival, contest. emiilgente [eh-mooi-hen'-tay], a. emulgent. 6mulO, la, a. competitor, rival, emulator. emulsidn [eh-niool-se-on'l, /. emulsion. emulsivo, va, «. emulsive, emulsifying. emuntorio, m. (med. ) emunctory, excretory. en, prep, (denoting time, place, or maimer) in ; as : en dos aftos, in two years : en Manila, in Manila : en broma, in fun ; for: en adelante, for the future ; on : en la mesa, on the table ; upon : en domingo, upon Sunday ; of: en una tarde, of an afternoon ; into: el agna pnede convertirse en hielo 6 en vapor, water is con- vertible into ice or steam ; when it precedes a gerund is equal to upon or after; as: en diciendo esto, upon or after saying this ; be- fore adjectives it gives them adverbial sig- nification ; as : en alto, on high. enaceltarse, vr. to become oily or rancid. enagruacliar, va. to load with water. enaguas, /. pi. underskirt, petticoat; (iu some places) skirt. enagUazar leh-nah-gwah-thar], va. tO flood. enajenable, a. alienable. enajenaCi6n leli-nah-hay-nah-thle-on'l, /. 6118^6- namlento, m. alienation (of property) ; ab- sence of mind ; rapture, overjoy : enajena- ci6n mental, mental derangement. enajenar, va. to alienate, to transfer (prop- erty) ; to transport, enrapture. — vr. tobeen- raptured, ravished. en&lage, /. (gram.) enallage. enalbardar, va. to saddle beasts of burde» , to cover fritters with a batter. • enalmagrado, da, «. & pp. of enalmag,»ak ; coloured with ochre ; vile, despicable. enalmagrar, va. to cover with ochre. enalmenar, va. to crown with battlements. enaltecer, ra. K. ensalzar. enamarillecer, ra. & vr. to dye yellow. enamoradamente, adv. lovingly. enamoradizo, za, a. inclined to love. enamorado, da, a. & pp. of enamorar ; 'h love, enamoured, love-sick. enamorador, ra, a. one who excites love. enamoramiento, wt. act of enamouring, love- suit, love-sickness. enamorar, ra. to excite or inspire love ; to make love, to woo, to court, to enamour.— vr. to fall in love. enamoricarse, vr. (coll.) to be slightly la love. * enanchar, va. (coll.) to widen, to enlarge, enangostar, ra. v. angostar. r M in far : • in eh I ; 1 in police ; » in for ; n in bnll ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft) ENA 231 ENC enanito, ita, a. dim. little, minute ; midget. enano, na, a. dwarfish, low, small, little. — to. &/. a dwarf, enante, TO. (hot.) water-dropwort. enarbolar, va. to hoist, raise high, hang out : enarbolar la bandera, (naut.) to hoist the colours. — vr. V. encabritarse. enarcar, va. to arch ; to hoop barrels. enardecer, va. (ind. enardezco : subj. enar- DEZCA) to fire with passion, to kindle, to inflame. — vr. to be kindled, inflamed (with passion). enardecimiento, to. act of inflaming or being inflamed with passion. enarenacibn, /. plastering a wall before painting it. enarenar, i^a. to sand ; to gravel. — it. (naut.) to ground. enarmonar, va. to raise, to rear. — vr. to rise on the hind feet. * enarmdnico, ca, a. enharmonic, enastado, da, a. horned, ^jnastar, va. to put a haft or handle, encabalgamiento, to. gun-carriage, ancabalgar, vn. {pret. encabalgu^: subj. encabalgue) to rest upon (as a beam on a joist).— I'a. to provide horses. encaballadura, /. (mas.) lapping over, encaballar, va. to lap over, to imbricate (as tiles). encabellecerse, vr. to begin to have hair. encabestrar, va. to halter ; to force to obedi- ence.— t'r. to be entangled in the halter, encabezador, m. header, reaping-machine, encabezadura, /. scarfing, heading. encabezamiento, encabezonamiento, to. census-taking ; tax-roll ; act of enrolling taxpayers ; tax rate ; head-line, heading : encabezamiento de factura, bill-head. encabezar, encabezonar, va. to draw up a tax-roll ; to put a heading or beginning to a writing ; to strengthen wine with alcohol ; (carp.) to scarf, to join. — vr. to compound for taxes ; to compound, to compromise. encabillar, va. (naut.) to scotch, pin, bolt. encabrabigar, va. v. cabrahigar. encabriar, va. (arch.) to put the rafters in place. encabritarse, vr. to rise on the hind feet. encachado, m. (hyd.) concrete lining. encachar, va. (hyd.) to line with concrete. encadenacibn, encadenadura, /. enca- denamiento, m. chaining, enchainment: concatenation, linking, connection. encadenar, va. to chain, link, fetter, en- chain, shackle ; to concatenate, link together (as thoughts); to subject, 'subjugate, op- press ; to captivate, to entrance ; to paralyze one. 3ncajador, to. one who chases or inserts ; chasing-tool. encaladura, /. act of chasing, inserting or inclosing ; socket, groove. encajar, va. to chase, infix, drive in, fit in, insert ; to push or force one thing into an- other ; (carp.) to rabbet, to join ; (mech.) to gear ; to fit closely (as a lid) ; to make a remark; to throw (a hint); to fire off; throw at, hurl (as a missile) ; to administer (as a scolding) ; to pa.'js off" (as a spurious coin). — vn. to fit. — vr. to thrust one's self into some narrow place ; to intrude. encase, to. act of adjusting or fitting ; socket, cavitv, groove ; enchasing ; joining ; lace ; inlaid work, mosaic. encajera, /. woman who makes lace. encajerado, da, a. (naut.) fouled on the sheave encajonado, pp. & m. (mas.) packed work, enca^onamiento, to. packing, boxing, encajonar, va. to box up ; to case ; to pack in a box. encalabozar, va. (coll.) to put one into a dungeon. encalabrinado, da, a. headstrong, stubborn, obstinate.—^, of encalabrinar. encalabrinar, va. to affect the head with some unpleasant smell or vapour. — vr. (coll.) to become stubborn. encalada, /. metal piece of a harness. encalador, to. lime pit or vat. encaladura, /. whitewashing. encalar, va. to whitewash, to lime ; to thrust into a pipe or tube. encalmadura, /. (vet.) disease in horses oc- casioned by great heat. encalmarse, vr. (vet. ) to be overheated ; (naut.) to be becalmed. encalostrarse, vr. to become sick by suck- ing the first milk. encalvecer, vn. (ind. encalvezco: suft/. bn- CALVEZCA) to grow bald. encalladero, to. (naut.) shoal, sand-bank. encalladura, /. (naut.) grounding, strand- ing. encallar, vn. (naut.) to run aground ; to be checked in the progress of an enterprise. encallecer, vn. (ind. encallezco : stibj. en- CALLEZCA) to get coms. — vr. to harden. encallecidO, a. & pp. of encallecer ; hard- ened in wickedness. encallejonar, va. to enter or put anything into a narrow street. encamacibn, /. (min.) stuU. encamarar, va. to store up grain, encamarse, vr. (coll.) to keep one's self in bed; to lie down (game) ; to be lodged by rain, wind, etc. (as corn). encambjjar, va. to conduct water, encambrar, va. v. encamarar. encambronar, va. to hedge with brambles ; to strengthen with iron. encaminadura, /. encamlnamiento, to. act of putting in the right road. encaminar, va. to guide, to put in the right road ; to direct, to manage an affair ; to forward. — vr. to take a road, to go toward. encamlsada, /. (mil.) camisado; night masquerade. encamisarse, vr. to put a shirt over one's clothes for a camisado. encampanado, da, a. bell-shaped, encanalar, encanalizar, va. to convey through pipes or conduits. encanallarse, vr. to associate with ruflians, or to become one. encanarse, vr. to stiffen from rage (infants). encanastar, va. to pack up in baskets, encancerarse, vr. v. cancerarse:. encandecer, va. to incandesce. encandelar, m. (agr.) to bud (trees). encandiladera, encandlladora, /. (coll.) procuress, bawd. encandilado, da, a. high-cocked (hats).— pp. of encandilar. encandilar, va. to dazzle ; to daze, bewilder ; (coll.) to stir the fire. — vr. to inflame one's eyes, as with drink ; to be dazzled. encanecer, vn. (ind. encanezco -. subj. en- canezca) to grow gray ; to mould ; to grow old. encanijamiento, to. weakness, meagreness ; extenuation. encanljar, va. to weaken a baby by poor nursing. — vr. to pine, to be emaciated. encanillar, va. to wind on a quill or spool. ^fbeforee, OttDclJ as b in hot; b, silent; 11 in brilliant : ft. ny in canyon; r (inftiai/ana rr trtiled; s.hiMed ENC 232 ENC encantacibli, /. incantation. encantado, da, a. absent-minded ; haunted ; enchanted, charmed.— pp. of encantar. encantador, m. enchanter, sorcerer, con- jurer ; charmer. encantadora, /. sorceress, enchantress; charming, bewitching. eucantamleilto, m. enchantment. encantar, va. to enchant, charm, conjure, bewitch ; to fascinate. encantarar, va. to put into a jar or ballot- box. encante, m. auction, public sale. encantO, m. enchantment, charm, spell ; fas- cination. encantorio, m. (coll.) enchantment. encantusar, va. (coll.) to coax, to wheedle. encailado, pp. &■ m. conduit of water ; hedge or trellis of reeds. enca&ador, ra, m. &f. spool-winder. enca&ar, va. to hedge with reeds ; to convey water through pipes ; to drain ; to wind silk on quills. — vn. to form stalks (cereals). enCaftiZadalen-cah-nye-thali'-dah', /. (fish.) weir. enca&onar, va. to put into pipes ; to plait, to fold ; to wind on quills.— rn. totfted'ge out. encafiutar, ra. to flute, encapacetado, da, a. wearing a helmet, encapacliadura, /. number of bags of olives to be pressed. encapachar, va. to put into a frail; (agr.) to protect grapes with the shoots. encapado, da, a. cloaked, encapazar, va. to collect into a basket, encaperuzado, da, a. hooded. encaperuzarse, vr. to put on a hood. encapllladO, pp. & n. clothes worn on the person. encapilladura,/. (naut.) top-rigging. encapillar, va. (naut.) to rig the yards; (min.) to start a new gallery. — vr. to put on clothes over the head, encapirotado, da, pp. & a. wearing a hood, encapotadura, /. encapotamlento, m. frown. encapotar, va. &vr. to cloak ; to muffle. — vr. to become cloudy ; to lower the head too much (horses). encapricliarse, vr. to indulge in whims ; to become obstinate or stubborn ; (coll. ) to be enamoured. encapuchar, va. to cover with a hood. encapuzar, va. to cover with a cowl. encaradO, da, pp. & a. faced : blen or mal en- carado. well or ill faced ; haughty. - encarainar, va. & vr. to raise ; to elevate ; to extol ; to climb ; to reach a high post. encaramiento, m. act of facing or aiming. encarar, vn. to face, to front. — va. to aim, to point. encaratularse, vr. to mask. encarcelacibn,/. incarceration. encarcelar, va. to imprison ; (carp.) to clamp, to jam; (mas.) to embed with mortar; (naut.) to woold. encarecedor, m. praiser, extoUer. encarecer, va. & vn. & vr. (ind. encarezco : subj. encarezca) to raise the price ; to over- rate ; to extol ; to enhance ; to recommend. encarecidamente, adv. exceedingly, highly. encareclmiento, m. enhancement, exagger- ation : eon encareclmiento, ardently, ear- nestly. encargado de negocios, m. charge d'affai- res; (Mex. ) agent, attorney. encargar, va. (pret. encargi'^: mbj. EN- caroue) to recommend, charge, commis- sion, commit — vr. to take charge. encargO, m. charge, commission, request; oflice, place, employ ; (com.) order. encarl&ar, va. to inspire aflection, fondness, or love. — vr. to become fond of. encarna, /. giving entrails of game to dogs. encarnaci6n, /. incarnation ; carnation, flesh-colour ; adhesive cement ; (surg. ) in- carnation. encarnadino, na, a. incarnadine. encarnado. da, a. &pp. of encarnar; in* carnate ; flesh-coloured ; red. encarnadura, /. (surg.) natural state of flesh ; effect produced by an edged weapon on the flesh. encarnamlentO, m. (surg.) incarnation. encarnar, vn. to incarn, to incarnate ; to wound, to pierce the flesh with a dart ; to make a strong impression upon the mind.— ra. to incarnadine ; to fill a wound with new flesh ; to embody ; to feed sporting dogs.— vr. to unite or incorporate one thing with another. encarnatiVO, m. &a. (surg.) incarnative. encarne, »». entrails given to dogs. encarnecer, vn. to grow fat and fleshy. encarnizado, da, a. blood-shot, inflamed.— Jip. of encarnizar. encarnizamiento, m. act of fleshing (dogs) ; cruelty, rage, fury. encarnizar, va. {pret. encarnic^: snhj. ex- CARNiCE)'to flesh; to provoke, irritate. — vr. to be glutted with flesh ; to be cruelly bent against one. encaro, m. stare ; blunderbuss ; aim ; level- ling a musket. encarrilar or encarrlllar, va. to put in the right track; to set right. — vr. (naut.) to ba fouled on the sheave. encarro&ar, va. to infect, corrupt. — vr. to be infected or corrupted. encarrujado, da, pp. & a. curled ; corruv gated ; fluted. — ?n. ftuting, shirring, gather- ing. encamijarse, vr. to curl, twist, coil, kink. encartaci6n, /. enrolment under a charter ; vassalage, tenure at will ; village under vassalage. — pi. charter-lands, especially those adjoining the province of Biscay. encartamientO, m. outlawry, proscription ; charter. encartar, va. to ban, to summon ; to pro- scribe ; to enrol ; to register in a tax-list ; to serve (in card games). — vr. to be unable to discard (in card games). encarte, m. fortuitous order in wuich the cards remain at the close of a hand. encartonadoi", m. (b. b.) one who applies boards. encartonar, va. (b. b.) ±o apply boards; to bind in boards. encasar, va. (surg.) to set a dislocated bone. encascabelado, da, a. adorned with bells. encaslUadO, m. set of pigeon-holes. encasquetar, va. to clap on one's hat close to the head ; to convince. — vr. to persist, to be headstrong. encasquillador, m. (Sp. Am.) farrier. encasquillar, va. to shoe horses. encastar, m. to improve a race of animals by crossing. — vn. to breed. encastillado, da, pp. & «. lofty, haughty. encastillador, ra, m. & f. one who shuts himself up in a castle ; a headstrong per- son. encastlllamientO, m. act of shutting up in a castle or sustaining an opinion. encastillar, ra. to fortify with ca.stles. — rn. I to make the cell of the queen-bee in bee- ' aa In far ; e in eh I ; i In police ; o In for ; a in ball ; e (before e. i) and s as th in thick ; b and d, toft} EXC 233 ENC hives. — vr. to shut one's self up in a castle ; to be headstrong. encastrar, va. to chase, clamp, embed. encastre, '». fitting in ; groove ; socket. encatarrado, da, «. having a cold. encatusar, va. v. kngatusar. encaucliado, m. India-rubl>er poncho. •ncaucliar, va. to cover with rubber. encausar, va. to prosecute, indict. enc&U^tiCO, ca, a. encaustic. encaustO, m. (art) encaustic painting. encauzamientO, m. channeling. encauzar, ra. to channel ; to conduct water through channels ; to guide, lead, direct. encavarse, 'r. to hide in a cave. enceljadamiento, wj. (vet. ) surfeit. enoebadar, va. (vet.) to surfeit. — vr. to be surfeited (horses). enceboUadO, m. beef stew with onions. encef^liCO, ca, «. encephalic cncefalitis, /. (med.) encephalitis. enc^falO, /«. encephalon, the brain. encelamlento, m. jealousy. encelar, va. to excite jealousy. — vr. to be- come jealous. encella, /. cheese-basket or mould. encellar, va. to mould curds or cheese. encenagado, da, a. mixed or filled with mud.— ^;;. of encekagause. encenagamlento, m. wallowing in dirt or mire. encenagar, va. {pret. encenagu^: suhj. ENCENAGUE) to niud, to mire. — vr. to wal- low in dirt or mire, or in crimes and vices. encencerrado, da, «. carrying a wether- bell. encender, va. {ind. enciendo: subj. en- CIENDA) to kindle, to light, to set fire to ; to heat, to glow ; to inflame, inspirit, incite. — vr. to take fire, to be kindled. encendidamente, adv. ardently. encendido, da, a. & pp. of engender ; in- flamed ; lired ; red. encendimiento, m. incension, kindling, lighting ; incandescence, glow ; ardour, eagerness. encenlzar, >a. to cover with ashes. encentador, m. one who begins to use things. encentadura, /'. encentamiento, m. act of beginning the use of a thing. encentar, va. to begin the use of a thing. — vr. to contract bed-sores. encepador, m. stocker, gun-stocker. encepadura, /. (carp.) tie-joint. encepar, ta. to put in the stocks ; to stock a gun; (uaut.) to stock the anchor; (carp.) to join with ties. — vn. to take root; (naut.) to foul the anchor. 3ncepe, m. (agr.) taking firm root. 31icerad0, da, pp. of encerar.— a. wax-col- oured ; like wax ; thick, hard (as a boiled egg). — m. oil-cloth, oil-skin; (naut.) tar- paulin ; sticking-plaster ; black-board in schools. enceramiento, m. act and effect of waxing. encerar, va. to wax ; to inspissate lime. encemadar, va. v. acernadar. encerotar, va. to wax thread. encerradero, m. sheepfold ; pen. encerrador, ra, a. one who locks up. — m. driver of black cattle. encerradura, /. encerramiento, m. act of locking up ; cloister, retreat ; prison, jail, dungeon, lock-up. encerrar, va. {ind. encierro: mbj. en- cierre) to lock or shut up, to confine ; to include, embrace, contain. — vr. to live in se- clusion ; to be locked up, to be closeted. encerrona, /. (coll. ) voluntary retreat. encespedar, va. to cover with sod. encestar, va. to put in a basket. encia, /. gum (of the mouth), enciclico, ca, a. encyclic—/, encyclical, enciclopedia, /. encyclopaedia, cyclopaedia. enciclop^dico, ca, a. encyclopedic. enciclDp6dlsta, a. & 7i. encyclopedist. enciendo, enclenda (in: from engender). encierro, m. act of closing or locking up; closure, confinement, closeness ; inclosure ; cloister, religious retreat ; prison, lock-rup ; folding (cattle). encierro, encierre {irr. from encerrar). encima, adv. above, over ; at the top ; over- head ; over and above, besides : encima de, on, upon : por encima, superficially. encimar, va, to place on top ; to raise high.— - vr. to rise above. encina,/. (hot.) evergreen oak, holm-oak. encinal, encinar, m. holm-oak grove. encinta, a. pregnant. encintar, va. to ribbon, encismar, va. (coll.) to sow diseord. encisto, m. encysted tumour. encizaflar, va. v. gizanar. enclaustraci6n, /. entering or shutting one in a cloister or convent. enclaustrado, da, a. cloistered. enclavaci6n, /. nailing or fixing, enclavadura, /. (carp.) groove; embedding. enclavar, va. to nail; to embed; (farr.) to prick horses in shoeing ; to piercethrough. enclavljar, va. to join, to spike, to pin ; to peg (as a guitar). enclenque, m. & a. weak, feeble, sickly. enclitiCO, ca, a. (granj^.) endlitic. enclocar, encloquecer, encoclar, vn. &vr. to cluck. encobar, vn. to cover or hatch eggs. encobijar, va. V. cobuar. encobrado, da, a. coppery. encocorar, va. (coll.) to vex, to annoy. encofradO, m. (min.) plank lining, timb«r- ing. encofrar, va. (min.) to plank, to timber. encoger, va. {ind. encojo : subj. encoja) to contract, shorten, shrink ; to discourage, to dispirit. — vr. to be low-spirited, dismayed, or bashful ; to shrink, to shrivel, encogidamente, adv. abjectly, encogido, da, pp. & «. bashful, timid, encogimiento, m. contraction, shrinkage ; constriction, pusillanimity, bashfulnesa ; humility, submission. encojar, va. to cripple, to lame.— 4;r. to grow lame ; (coll.) to feign sickness. encolado, m. encoladura, /. encola' mientO, m. gluing ; priming, sizing. encolar. va. to glue, to stick. encolerizar, va. {pret. encolericiS: subj, ENCOLERiCE) to provoke, anger, irritate. — vr. to be in a rage. encomendable, a. commendable. encomend^a, m. one under a knight com- mander. — encomendado, da, pp. of ENCOMEN- DAR. encomendamiento, m. v. encomienda. encomendar, va. (ind. encomiendo : *«6/. ENCOMiENDK) to recommend, commend, commit, charge ; to knight. — vn. to hold a knight commandery.— ?•;•. to commit one's self to another's protection ; to send com- pliments. encomendero, m. agent ; commissionaire. encomiador, ra, m. &f. one who praises. encomiar, va. to praise, eulogize, extol. encomiasta, m. panegyrist. C (before e, I) and J «8 h <» b»%*. h. sUent ; 11 In brilliamt ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (inlUal) and rr trilled ; •, ENC 234 ENC encoml&StiCO, ca, o. encomiastic. encomienda, /. commission, charge ; mes- sage, compliment sent ; knight commandery ; land or rent belonging to a commandery ; badge of a knight commander ; patronage, protection, recommendation ; compliments, respects. encomio, m. praise, encomium, eulogy. encompadrar, vn. (coll.) to contract affinity by godfather ; to be close friends. enconamientO, m. inflammation, morbid swelling ; animadversion, anger. enconar, va. to inflame, irritate, provoke ; to increase the inflammation in a wound. — vr. to rankle, to fester. encono, m. malevolence, rancour, iU-will. enconoso, sa, a. obnoxious, hurtful, preju- dicial, malevolent. enconrear, va. to oil wool before carding. encontradamente, adv. contrarily. encontradizo, da, a. one who or that which may be met on the way. encontrado, da, a. opposite, in front ; hos- tile, opposed.— »p. of ENCONTRAR. encontrar, va. & vn. {ind. encuentro : subj. ENCUKNTRE) to meet, to encounter ; to hit upon, to find by chance. — vr. to meet, to en- counter, to clash ; to be of opposite opin- ions ; to happen to meet ; to be congenial ; to feel, as i c6mo se encuentra Vd. 7 how do you feel ? encontrdn, m. collision, clash, push, shock. encopetado, da, «. presumptuous, haughty. — pp. of ENCOPETAR. encopetar, va. to raise the hair high, as in a toupee. encorachar, va. to put in a leather bag. encoralar, va. to encourage ; to inflame. — vr. to be furious, in a rage. encorar, va. (ind. encuero: stibj. encuere) to cover with or wrap up in leather (wounds). — vn. & vr. to heal the skin; to get a skin. encorazado, da, a. covered with a cuirass ; covered with leather, encorchar, va. to hive bees, encorchetar, va. to put on hooks or clasps ; to hook, to clasp. encordar, va. (ind. encuerdo: subj. en- cuerde) (mus.) to string instruments; to lash or bind with ropes. encordelar, va. to string ; to bind with strings. encordonado, da, a. corded ; adorned with cords.— pp. of encordonar. encordonar, va. to cord ; to tie with cords, encorecer va. (ind. encx)rezco: subj. en- coREZCA) to hepJ the skin.— i;n. to get a skin (as wounds). eiicoriacibn, /. healing a wound, encornado, da, a. homed, encornadura, /. disposition of the horns, encomudar, vn. to begin to get horns (cat- tle).— ra. to cuckold. encorozar, va. to put a coroza on a criminal's head. encorralar, va. to corral cattle. encorrear, va. to strap cattle, encortlnar, va. to hang curtains. encorvada, /. act of bending the body ; gro- tesque manner of dancing; (bot.) hatchet wetch coronilla. encorvadura, / encorvamiento, m. act of bending ; curvature, crookedness, hooked- ness. encorrar, va. to bend, arch, incurvate, crook, curve. — vr. to bend, to swerve, to warp. encostradura, incrustation, crust. encOStrar, va. to crust, to incrust. encovadura, /. act of placing in a cellar. encovar, va. (ind. encuevo : subj. encueve}, to put in a cellar ; to keep, lock up, conceal. — vr. to hide one's self. encrasar, va. to fatten ; to thicken. encrespador, m. crisping - iron, curling- tongs. encrespadura, /. act of curling the hair. encrespamlentO, m. effect of the hair stand- ing on end. encrespar, va. to curl, crisp, frizzle, crimp. — vr. (naut.) to become rough and boister- ous (the sea) ; to be agitated (by passion) ; to wrangle ; to become entangled (an affair). encrestado, da, a. & pp. of encrestarse ; adorned with a crest or comb ; haughtv. lofty. encrestarse, vr. to stiffen the crest or comb (as a cock) ; to be proud or haughty. encrucijada, /. crossway, cross-road. encrudecer, va. (ind. encrudezco : subj. encrudezca) to make a wound worse or raw ; to exasperate, to irritate. — vr. to be enraged. encruelecer, va. (ind. encruelezco: subj. encruelezca) to excite to cruelties. — it. to become cruel. encuadernacidn, /. (b. b.) binding. encuadernador, m. bookbinder. encuadernar, va. (b. b.) to bind ; to recon- cile : sin encuadernar, unbound. encuarte, m. extra horse to draw a coach uphill. encubar, va. to cask liquids ; (obs. ) to put a crimiual into a butt. encubertar, va. (ind. encubierto -. subj. en- cubierta) to caparison, trap (as a horse).— vr. to put on armour. encublerta, /. fraud, deceit, imposition. encubiertamente, adv. hiddenly, secretly ; deceitfully, fraudulently. encubierto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of encubrik (also irr. ind. from encubertar). encubridor, ra, m. & /. concealer, har- bourer. encubrimiento, m. concealment. encubrir, va. (pp. encubierto) to hide, con. ceal, cloak, mask, palliate. encuentro, m. collision, knock, stroke, shock, clash ; encounter, unexpected meet- ing; find, finding- (mil.) encounter, fight; opposition, difficulty; joint (in fowls) • ia quadrupeds, points of the shoulder-blades ; (arch.) angle, nook, corner : talir al encuen- tro, to go to meet a person ; to encounter ; to check a person. — pi. temples of a loom. encuentro, encuentre (irr. from encon- trar). encuerdo, encuerde (irr. from encordar) encuitarse, vr. to grieve. enculatar, va. to cover a bee-hive. encumbrado, da, a. high, elevated, lofty, stately.— ;>/>. of encumbrar. encumbramientO, »«. act of raising or ele- vating ; height, eminence. encumbrar, va. to raise, to elevate. — im. to ascend a height. — vr. to be raised or ele- vated ; to be proud, to rate himself high. encunar, va. to put in the cradle ; to catcb between the horns. encure&ado, da, a. put into the carriage (as cannon). encurtidos, m. pi. pickles. encurtir, vu. to pickle. encbabetar, va. (naut.) to forelock. encbancletar, va. to put on slippers. encbapar, va. to veneer. • M iB Car ; • ia eh I ; i in police : o in for : a in boll ; c (before e, i) and b as th in thick ; b and d, sofV ENC 235 ENF enchapinado, da, a. built upon a vault. encharcada, /. pool of water, puddle. encharcarse, vr. to form puddles. encMlada, /. (Mex.) pancake of maize with ohilli. enchiquerar, va. to shut the bull in the cbiqnero ; (coll.) to imprison. enchuctiar, va. (Cuba) (r. w.) to switch. enchufar, vn. to fit a tube into another. enchufe, m. pipe coupling, pipe joint. ende, adv. por ende, therefore. endeole, a. feeble, weak, flimsy, frail. endeblez,/. feebleness, flimsiness. end6cada, /. eleven years. endec&gono, m. hendecagon. endecasilabo, ba, a. hendecasyllable. endecha,/. dirge, doleful ditty. endecbadera, /. v. plaSidera. endechar, va. to sing funeral songs. — vr. to grieve, to mourn. endemia, /■ (med.) endemia. enddmlCO, ca, «. (med.) endemic. endemoniado, da, pp. & a. possessed with the devil ; devilish, bendish, perverse. endemonlar, va. to possess with a devil ; (coll.) to irritate, provoke, enrage. endentadO, da, a. (her.) serrated. Sndentar, va. {ind. endienta : subj. ENDIEN- TE) to gear, engage, mesh. endentecer, vn. {ind. endentezco: subj. endentezca) to cut teeth, to teeth. enderezadamente, adv. rightly, enderezado, da, a. fit, appropriate. •nderezador, ra, a. good manager. enderezamientO, m. straightening, unbend- ing, setting right. enderezar, va. {pret. endereck: subj. en- DERECE) to straighten, unbend; to raise, erect; to right, rectify, set right; to ad- dress, to dedicate ; to manage well. — vn. to take the direct road. — vr. to erect, to rise upright. enaeudarse, vr. to contract debts. endevotado, da, n. pious ; devoted, fond. endlablada, /. boisterous masquerade. endlabladamente, adv. devilishly, horri- bly. endiablado, da, a. & pp. devilish, diabolical ; ugly, defonned ; perverse, wicked. endiablar, va. to pervert, to corrupt. — vr. to be furious. endiadis,/. (rhet.) hendiadys. endibia,/. (bot.) endive, succory. endilgador, ra, a. (coll.) pander. endilgar, va. (pret. endilgu^ -. subj. ENDiL' GUE) (coll.) to pander, induce, persuade; to procure, facilitate, accommodate ; to di- rect, dedicate, administer. endiosamienio, m. haughtiness, pride ; ec- stasy, abstraction. endlosar, va. to deify.— t>r. to be elated with pride ; to be devoutly abstracted. endocardio. m. (anat.) endocardium. endocarditis,/, (med.) endocarditis. endocarpo, m. (bot.) endocarp. endorsar, endosar, va. to indorse (as a draft) ; to transfer. endorsQ, endose, endoso, m. (com.) In- dorsement. endosador, endosante, m. indorser. endoselar, va. to hang ; to make a dais. endbsmosis,/. endosmosis, transudation. endriagO, m. fabulous monster. endrina, /. sloe, fruit of the sloe-tree. endrino, m. (bot.) blackthorn, sloe-tree. endrino, na, a. of a sloe-colour. endulzadura, /. sweetening. endulzar, va. {pret. endulcK: subj. ENDUL- CE) to sweeten ; to soft«n ; to soothe; (art) to soften, to tone down. endurador, ra, m. & /. & a. parsimonious, niggardly. endurar, va. to harden ; to economize, to spare ; to endure, to bear, to suffer ; to de- lay, to put off. endurecer, va. {ind. endurezco : subj. en- durezca) to harden, indurate, stiffen, toughen ; to cake ; to inure ; to exasperate^ irritate. — vr. to grow hard or tough ; to grow cruel. endurecidamente, adv. pertinaciously. endurecido, da, a. & pp. of endurecer ; hard, hardy ; indurated, hardened, obdu- rate ; tutored by experience, iuured. endurecimientO, m. hardness ; obstinacy, tenacity ; cruelty. ene,/. Spanish name of the letter N. enea,/. (hot.) cat's-tail, reed-mace, rush. enekgono, m. (geom.) enneagon. eneasilabO, ba, a. of nine syllables. enebral, m. plantation of juniper-trees. enebrina, /. fruit of the juniper-tree. enebro, m. (hot.) common juuiper. enelar [a-nay-iiar'], va. to put on an axle. eneldo, m. (bot.) common dill. enema,/, enema, injection, clyst«r. enemiga,/. enmity, hatred, iU-will. enemigamente, adv. inimicaily. enemigO, ga, a. inimical, hostile, contrary, unfriendly, adverse. — m. & f. enemy, an- tagonist, foe, foeman. enemistad,/. enmity, hatred. enemistar, va. to make an enemy. — vr. to become an enemy. 6neO, ea, a. (poet.) brazen, brass. energia (eh-natr-he'-ah), /. energy, power, vig- our, strength, force, expressiveness. en6rgicamente, adv. energetically. en^rgiCO, ca (eij-nair'-he-co], a. energetic, active, vigorous, expressive, lively. energtimeno, na, m.&/.' person possessed with a devil. enero, m. January, first month. enervaci6n,/. enervation. enervar, va. to enervate, to unnerve ; to de- bilitate, weaken. — vr. to grow weak, to lose force. enfadadiZO, za, a. irritable, irascible, pee- vish. enfadar, va. to vex, molest, offend, incense., anger. — vr. to fret, to become angry. « enfado, m. vexation, crossness, anger ; trouble, drudgery. enfadosamente, adv. vexatiously. enfadOSO, sa, a. vexatious, annoying. enfaldar, va. (agr. ) to lop off the lower branches. — vr. to tuck up the skirts. enfaldo, m. act of tucking up one's clothes. enfangar, va. {pret. enfanuue: .subj. EN- fangue) to soil with mud. — vr. (naut. ) to ground in the mud; (coll.) to do a disrep- utable thing. enfardar, va. to pack, bale, fardel. enfardelador, m. packer. enfardeladura, /. packing, baling. enfardelar, va. to bale, pack, fardel. 6nfasis, m. emphasis. enfkticamente, adv. emphatically. enf&tico, ca, «. emphatioal, emphatic. enfebrecido, da, «. siigiitiy feverish. enfermar, vn. to fall ill.— «<. to make sick; to weaken, to enervate. enfermedad, /. infirmity, indisposition, ill- ness, complaint, malady, distemper, sick- ness. enfermeria, /. infirmary, sanitarium. a (before e, i) and J as li in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brillUnt ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; I, hissed ENF 236 ENQ •nfsrmero, ra, m. &f. nurse (for the sick). enfermlZO, za, «. iatirm, sickly ; morbifical, unhealthy. enfexmo, ma, n. in, sick, diseased, infirm, indisposed, unhealthy ; weak, feeble. — m. & /. invalid, patient. enfervorizar, va. to heat, to inflame, to in- cite. — w. to overheat one's self. enfeudaci6n, /. infeudation, enfeoffment. enfeudar, va. to feoff', to enfeoff". enflelar, va. to put in a balance. enfllar, va. to place in a row or line ; to pierce or string in a line; (mil.) to enfilade: en- filar el cuTBo, (naut.) to direct the course, to bear to. enfisema, m. (med.) emphysema. enfistolarse, vr. to become' a fistula. enfiteusis, m. &/. (law) emphyteusis. enfiteuta, m. (law) emphyteuta. eilflt6utiC0, ca, a. emphyteutic. enflaqUeCer[eu-Uali-kay-therr'l, va.JiimL, ENFIiA- QUEZco: subj. ENFLAQUEzcA.)'va. to thin; to make thin and lean ; to extenuate, to fade. — vn. & vr. to grow thin. — vn. to weak- en, to dismay. enflaquecimiento, m. thinness, extenuation, attenuation, debilitation. enflautado, da, a. (coll.) inflated. enfiautador, ra, m. &/. (coll.) procurer. enflautar, va. (coll.) to procure; (coll.) to deceive. enflechado, da, a. ready to discharge. enfOSCar, va. ( pret. enfosquk : subi. enfos- quk) (^mas.) to fill up holes in walls. — vr. to be ill-numoured ; to be immersed -in, busi- ness ; to be cloudy. enfraUar, va. to make one a monk or a friar. — I r. to become a friar. enfranquecer, va. to frank, to free. eufrascamiento, m. act of beinnf^entangled between brambles. , ■ enfrascar, va. (pret. enprasquk : .sji6y'. en- FRASQUE) to put liquid in a flask or pottle. — vr. to be entangled in a thicket ; to be in- volved in difficulties ; to be deeply engaged in work. > , . ,. .r enfrenador, TO. bridler. enfrenamiento, m. act of bridling a horse, enfrenar, va. to bridle ; to govern by the bridle ; to curb, to restrain, i-*;,- enfreute, adv. over against, opposite, in front, facing. ♦enfriadera, /. bottle-cooler, refrigerator. enfriadero, enfriador, m. cooUng-place ; refrigerator ; cold storage. enfriamlento, m. refrigeration, act of cool- ing ; cold, chill. enfriar, va. to cool, to refrigerate ; to calm a passion. — vr. to cool off, to CQol down. enfallar, va. (coll.) to cheat at cards, enfundadura, /. casing, putting into cases. enfundar, va. to case, to put into a case (as a pillow) ; to fill up, to stuff. enfurecer, va. (ind. enfurezco : subj. EN- furezca) to irritate, enrage, make furious. —vr. to rage, to grow boisterous or furious (man or the elements). enfurruflarse, w. (coll.) to grow angry, to tiff, to frown, enfurtir, va. to full cloth, to felt. engabanadO, da, a. wearing an oveFcoat. engace, m. catenation, connection. engafar, va. to bend a cross-bow ; to hook ; to set a gun at half-cock. engaitador, ra, m. &/. (coll.) wheedler. engaltar, va. (coll.) to coax, to wheedle. engalanar, va. to adorn, to deck; (naut.) to dress a ship. engalgar, va. to pursue ciosely, not to lose sight of (as greyhounds) ; tj scotch a wheel ; (naut.) to back an anchor. engallado, da, a. erect, upright; haughty. engallador, m. martingale. engalladura,/. v. galladura. engallarse, vr. to draw one's self up in a haughty manner ; to keep the head near the chest (as horses). enganchador, m. hooker. enganchamiento, enganche, m. accroach- ment, hooking ; enlisting in the army ; de- coying any one to make him enlist. enganchar, va. to hook, clasp, hitch, ac- croach ; to entrap, to insnare ; to decoy into the military service ; to couple, link, con- nect ; to harness a horse to a carriage. — vr. to engage ; to enlist in the army ; to bo caught on a hook. engandujo, m. twisted thread of a fringe. engafiabObOSiTO. (coll.) trickster ; fool-trap. engafiadizo, za, a. easily deceived. engaflador, ra, «». >Sij. impostor, deceiver. engaflapastor, wi. (om.) wagtail. engafiar, va. to deceive, cheat, mislead, de- lude, impose upon, swindle, trick, fool, hoax, abuse, gull ; to wile away (as time). — vr. to be deceived ; to make a mistake. engafilfa,/. (coll.) deceit, trick, catchpenny. engaflO, m. deceit, fraud, imposition, false- hood ; hoax, lure ; mistake, misunderstand- ing, misapprehension, misconception. engaiLOSameilte, adv. deceitfully, fraud- fully, guilefully ; mistakenly. engahoso, sa, a. deceitful, artful, fallacious, false, fraudulent, mendacious. engarabatar, va. (coll.) to hook. — vr. to grow crooked. engarabltarse, vr. (coll.) to climb, ascend. engarbarse, vr. to perch high on a tree. engarbuUar, va. (coll.) to entangle, in- volve ; to make a mess. engarce, m. catenation, link ; close union or connection ; chasing of jewellery. engargantar, va. to put anything into the throat.— VT?. to thrust the foot into the stir- rup ; to gear, to mesh, to interlock. engargolar, va. to join pipes. engaritar, va. to fortify, to adorn with sen- try-boxes ; (coll.) to trick, to fool. engarrafador, m. grappler. engarrafar, va. (coll.) to grapple. engarzador, m. one who links or enchains; stringer of beads. engarzar, va. {pret. engarc^: subj, EN- . GARCE) to enchain, to link ; to curl. engastador, m. enchaser, setter. engastar, va. to set (as diamonds) ; to en- chase. engaste, m- setting (of stones) ; enchasing: pearl flat on one side. engatado, da, a. & n. petty robber, pilferer. -^p. of ENGATAR. engatar, va. (coll.) to cheat, to wheedle. engatilladO, da, a. thick, high-necke& (horses and bulls). — pp. of engatillar. engatillar, va. (arch.) to bind with a cramp- iron. engatusador, ra, m. A. /. coaxer, wheedler. engatusamlento, m. (coll. ) deception, cheat, coaxing. engatusar, va. (coll.) to inveigle. engavillar, va. V. agavillar. engazador, ra, a. v. engarzador. engazamiento, m. v. engarce. engazar, vn. to enchain, to link; (naut.) t« strap blocks ; to dye in the cloth. engendrable, a. that may be engendered. % as in f»r ; e fn eh I ; i tn police ; o in for : a in bull ; c (befor* e, i) and I at th in thick ; b and d, eoA ENG 237 ENJ engendramientO, m. begetting, generating. engendrador, ra, m. &/. eugenderer. engendrar, va. to beget, engender, breed, generate ; to produce, bear fruit ; to create. engendro, m. foetus, shapeless embryo ; abor- tive : mal engendro, perverse youth. englobar, va. to englobe, inclose, include. engOladO, da, a. collared. engolfar, vn. (naut. ) to enter a gulf or deep bay.— rr. to be engaged in arduous affairs : to "be absorbed in meditation. engOlilladO, da, «. wearing the golilla. engolondrinarse, rr. (coll.) to be elated with pride ; to fall in love. SngOlOSlnar, va. to whet a person's desire for a thing with allurement. — i;*-. to become fond of. SngoUetadO, da, a. (coll.) conceited, haughty.— /)p. of encoiletarse. sngoUetarse, vr. (coll.) to be conceited. engomadura, /. first gumming; coat which bees lay over their hives. engomar, va. to gum, to glue, to size. engorar, va. to addle. V. enhuerar, engordadero, m. sty to fatten hogs. engordador, ra, a. fattening, pampering. engordar, va. to pamper, to fatten, to lard. — vn. to grow fat ; to grow rich. engorde, m. fattening (hogs, etc.). engorro, m. embarrassment, 'nuisance. engorrOSO, sa, a. troublesome, vexatious, cumbersome, annoying. engoznar, va. to hinge ; to put hinges. engranaje, m. (mech.) gear, gearing, mesh. engranar, vn. to gear, to interlock. engrandar, va. v. agrandar. engrandecer, va. (md. engrandezco: subj. engrandezca) to augment, aggrandize; to enlarge ; to exalt, extol ; to exaggerate, magnify. engrandecimientO, m. increase, aggran- cuzeraent, ; aggrandization, enlargement; exaggeration. engranerar, va. to store the grain. engranujarse, vr. to be covered with pim- ples. engrapar, va. (mas. and carp.) to cramp. engrasaci6n,/. lubrication, oiling, greasing. engrasador, m. oiler, lubricator. engrasar, va. to grease, to oil, to fat, to lubricate; to staiu with grease; to dress cloth ; to manure. engredar, va. to clay, to chalk ; to full. engreido, da, a. & pp. of engreir; con- ceited, i)etulant. engreimiento, m. conceit, presumption, vanity. engreir, va. {ind. exgrio: subj. engria) to encourage one's pride, to make one vain or conceited ; to elate. — vr. to become vain or conceited. angrescar, va. & vr. to pick a quarrel ; to make one join in merriment. engnrifar, va. & vr. to curl, crisp, crimp ; to make the hair stand on end (from fright). engrosar, va. {ind. engrueso : subj. en- gri'ese) to swell, enlarge, augment ; to thicken, broaden, expand; to increase the bulk or number. — vn. & vr. to grow strong or corpulent ; to increase in size or number. engrudador, m. paster. engrudamlento, m. pasting. engrudar, ra. to paste. engrudO, m. paste. engrueso, engijuese {>rr. from eingrosar). engruesar, va. V. engrosar. engrumecerse, vr. to clot, to curdle, engualdrapar, va. to caparison. enguantado, da, pp. & a. wearing gloves. enguantarse, vr. to put on gloves. engUedejadO, da ien-gay-day-hali'-doe], a. wear- ing long hair. engUijarrar len-gee-har-rar'l, va. to pave with pebbles. engUillar [en-geel lyar'l, va. (naut.) tO wind a thin rope around a thicker one. enguirnaldado, da, a. garlanded. engUirnaldar [en-geer-nal-aar'], va. to garland. enguizgar [en-geeth-gar'], va. to excite, incite^ set on, stimulate. engullldor, ra, m. & /. devourer, gobbler. engnlllr, va. to devour, gobble, glut, gorge. engurrio, m. sadness, melancholy. engurrufiarse, vr. (coil.) to be melancholr (birds). enharinar, va. to cover with flour. enhastiar, va. to disgust, cloy, bore. enhastillar, va. to put arrows in a quiver. • enhatijar, va. to cover hives with bass-weed. enliebrar, va. to thread ; to string. enhenar, va. to cover with hay. enherbolar, va. to poison with herbs. entiestador, /». he who erects. enhestadura, /. erection. enliestar, la. {pp. e^hiesto: ind. enhies- To : svbj. enhieste) to erect; to raise, to set upright. — vr. to rise upright. enhielar, m. to mix with gall or bile. enhiesto, ta, «. & pp. irr. of enhestae ; erect, upright, erected. enhllado, da, «. well-arranged, in good or- der, in line.— p/>. of enhilar. enhilar, va. to thread ; to direct, to trend ; to place in line. enhoratouena,/. congratulation, felicitation. — adv. well and good ; all right. enhoramala, adv. in an evil hour : vete en- lioramala, (coll.) go to blazes ! enhornar, va. to put into an oven. enhuecar, va. v. ahuecak. enhuerar, va. to lay addle eggs, to addle. enigma, m. enigma, riddle. enigmaticamente, adv. enigmatically. enigm^tico, ca, a. enigmatical, dark, ob- scure. enigmatista, m. enigmatist. enjabonadura, /. v. jabonadura. enjabonar, va. to soap ; to wash with soap ; (coll.) to soft-soap one. enjaezar, va. {pret. enjaec6 : subj. enjaece) to trap a horse. enjagiie (en-hah'-gway], m. adjudication re- quired by the creditors of a ship. enjalbegador, ra, m. &f. whitewashes enjalbegadura, /. whitewashing. enjalbegar, va. to whitewash ; to paint (the enjalma,/. kind of light pack-saddle. enjalmar, va. to pack-saddle a horse ; to make pack-saddles, enjalmero, m. pack-saddle maker, enjambradera, /. queen-bee. V. casquilla. en; ambradero, m. place where bees form tneir hives. enjambrar, va. to hive bees. — vn. to breed a new hive ; to produce abundantly. enjambraz6n, /. swarming of bees. en ambre, ni. swarm of bees ; crowd. enjarciadura, /. act of rigging a ship. enlarciar, va. to rig a ship. en. ardinar, va. to trim trees as in gardens, en^ aretado, m. grating, lattice-work. enjaretar, va. to run a string through a hem ; (coll. ) to speak or act hurriedly and inconsiderately. enjaular, va. to cage, to imprison, confine. « tbefore », i) a^ct j as h in hot; h, stient ; il in brilll»&t ; 6, ny iu canvon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; ■. bUaed I? ENJ 238 ENN enjebar, va. to steep in lye, to buck. enjebe, m,. lye ; act of bucking. enjergax, va. (coll.) to start and direct a . business. enjertaci6n, /. grafting ; insertion ;' inocu- lation • budding. enjertal, m. nursery of grafted fruit-trees, enjertax, va. v. injertar. enjertO, m. v. injerto ; mixture of diverse things. — pp. irr. of enjertar. enJOrgHinaX leh-hor-gee-narl, va. tO smear with soot.--ur. to be blackened with soot. enjoyax, va. to adorn with jewels ; to set with precious stones ; to adorn, embellish. enjoyeladO, da, a. gold or silver worked into jewels ; covered with jewels. enjoyelador, m. setter, jeweller. enjuagadlentes, ra. (coll.) water for rins- ing the iiKJiUh. enjuagadura, /. rinsing the mouth. e^uagar, '«. to rinse (mouth, cups, etc.). enjuagatorio, enjuague len ii(K.«i.'-ga.v], m. act of riu.siug ; water for rinsing the mouth ; finger-bowl : enjuague, plot to obtain an ob- ject. en.iue'ador, ra,»». & F. drier; drum for dry- ing linen. €11 jUerar enlioo-snr'], va. ( pret. ENJUGUfe : subj. ENJU->>o»>n' kay], m. (naut.) heavy bal- last or cargo ; kentledge. enjuta,/. (arch.) spandrel. enjutar, va. (mas.) to dry (plaster, etc.). enjutez (tn-hooteth'i,/. dryness, aridity. e^UtO, ta, a. &pp. irr. of enjutar ; dried ; lean, slender ; austere. — m. pi. brushwood ; tit-bits to excite thirst. enlabiador, ra, m. &f. wheedler. enlablar, va. to wheedle, cajole, entice by soft words. enlablO, m. suspension, persuasion, enchant- ment by the power of speech. enlace, m. connection, coherence, continuity; interlocking; link, lacing; wedding; rela- tionship; atfinity. enlaclar, va. to fender lax or languid. — vr. to wither, to deca}^ enladrlllado, pp. & m. brick pavement. enladrillador, m. bricklayer. enladrilladura, .f. brickwork. enladrillar, va. to pave with bricks. enlamar, va. to cover with slime. enlanado, da, a. covered with wool. enlardar, va. to baste, v. lardar. enlargues, m. pi. (naut.) rope-ends. enlazable, a. that can be joined. enlazador, ra, m. &/. binder, uniter. enlazadura, f. enlazamiento, m. connec- tion, binding, uniting, linking, coupling; lacing. enlazar, va. {pret. enlace: subj. enlace) to lace, bind, join, unite, connect.— 4w. to be joined in wedlock ; to become related by marriage. enlechueuillado, da, «. wearing a ruff round the neck. . enlegajar, va. to tie up papers. enlejiar, va. to buck clothes ; to make into enlenzar, va. to strengthen a cracked piece of carving with adhesive strips of cloth. enligarse, vr. to be caught with bird-liu)e. enlizar, va. to provide a loom with leashes. enlodadura, /. act of soiling with mud. enlodar, va. to bemire, to soil with mud ; to tarnish one's reputation ; to lute. enloquecedor, ra, a. maddening. enloquecer, va. {ind. enloquezco: subj. enloquezca) to madden ; to render insane. — vn. or vr. to become demented, to be in- sane ; to be vexed, annoyed ; (agr. ) to grow barren (trees). enloquecimlento, m. going mad. enlosado, pp. & m. flagging. enlosar, va. to lay a tloor with flags, enlozanarse, vr. to make a show of vigoui and strength. enlucido, da, a. (mas.) pargeted.— w. (mas.) pargeting. enlUCidor, m. (mas.) pargeter. enlUCimientO, m. (mas.) pargeting; metal polishing. enlucir, va- {ind. enluzco: subj. enluzca) (mas.) to parget; to polish plate. enlustrecer, va. to cleau, brighten, polish. enlutar, va. to put in mourning; to veil ; to darken. enllantar, va. to rim, to shoe a wheel. enllentecer, va. to soften, to blandish. enmaderamiento, m. enmaderacidn, /. woodwork ; wainscotting. enmaderar, va. to plank, to board ; to roof with timber ; to floor with boards. enmagrecer, vn. to grow lean. enmallarse, vr. to be caught in meshes by the tins or scales. enmantar, va. to cover with a blanket — vr. to be melancholy (birds). enmara&amientO, m. entanglement, per- plexity. enmara&ar, va. to tangle (as hair, etc.) ; to entangle, perplex, involve in difficulties ; to puzzle, confound. enmararse, vr. (naut.) to take sea-room. enmaridar, vn. to take a husband. enmarlllecerse, vr. to become yellow. enmaromar, va. to tie with a rope. enmascarar, va. to mask. — vr. to mas- querade. enmasillar, ra. to putty, to cement. enmelar, va. to bedaub with honey ; to sweeten. enmendacidn, /. emendation, correction, enmendadamente, adv. accurately, exactly. enmendador, m. corrector, emendator. enmendadura, /. r. enmienda. enmendar, va. {ind. enmiendo: subj. en- MiENDE) to amend, alter, correct, im- prove, reform ; to repair, compensate, make amends. — vr. to mend, grow oetter, lead a new life. enmienda,/. emendation, correction, amend- ment ; reward, premium; (law) satisfac- tion, compensation, indemnity. enmoliecer, va. & vr. {ind. enmohezco : subj. enmohkzca) to mould, mildew, must, rust. enmohecido. da, wj. & a. musty, rusty, mouldy, mildewed. enmoliecer, va. to soften, to mollify. enmondar, va. to clear cloth from knots. enmordazar, va, to gag, to muzzle. enmudecer, va. {ind. enmudezco: subj. enmudkzc:a) to hush, to impose silence.— vn. to grow dumb ; to be silent, to be still. ennegrecer, vk. (itm^.' eKnegrkzco: subj. • M Id f»r ; e In ch I ; 1 In police ; o In for ; n in bull ; C (before e, t) and z m th In thick ; b and d. soft; ENN 239 ENS exxegrezca) to blacken ; to darken, to ob- scure. ennegrecimiento, m. act of blackening. ennoolecer, va. {ind. ennoblezoo : subj. exnoblezca) to ennoble; to adorn, embel- lish. ennoblecimiento, m. ennoblement. ennudecer, m. v. anudarse. enodio, m. fawn, a young deer. enojadlZO, za, a. fretful, peevish. enojadO, da, a. angry, fretful, peevish, cross. —pp. of ENOJAR. enojar, ?•«. to vex, irritate, anger, fret ; to tease, molest, annoy, trouble ; to offend, displease.— cr. to be fretful or .peevish ; to be angry, cross, offended, displeased. enojO, m. fretfulness, peevishness ; anger, choler, passion. enojosamente, adv. angrily, crossly. eno; OSO, sa, a. offensive, vexatious. eno' uelo, m. dim. slight peevishness. enologia,/. oenology, art of wine-making. enol6giCO, ca, a. (enological. enbmetro, m. cenometer. enor^llecer, va. (ind. ekorgullezco : sitbj. enorgullezca) to make proud.— rr. to swell with pride. enorgullecimiento, m. arrogance, haughti- ness. enorguUecldO, da, a. haughty, very proud. enorme, a. enormous, vast, huge, mighty, exorbitant ; horrible, grievous ; wicked ; heinous. enormemente, adv. immoderately, enor- mously, hugely, horridly. enormi'dad,/. enormity, enormousness, mon- strousness, exorbitance ; grievousness, hor- ridness, gravity ; enormous deed. enormismio, ma, «. most horrid. enotecnia,/. technical knowledge of oenology. en0t6cniC0, ca, a. relating to enotecnia. eiiquiciar, va. to hinge, to put on hinges. enqulllotrarse, vr. to grow conceited; (coll. ) to fall in love. enquirididn, m. manual, book. enrabiar, va. to anger, enrage. enramada, /. bower, arbour ; grove. enramar, va. to embower or decorate with branches of trees. enramblar, va. to tenter cloth. enrame, m. act of embowering. enranciarse, vr. to grow rancid, stale. enrarecer, va. {ind. enrarezco : subj. en- rarezca) to thin, rarefy. enrareclmiento, m. rarefaction. enrasar, va. (mas.) to make even or level, to flush. enrase, m. (mas.) levelling course. enrastrar, va. to string silk cocoons. enrayar, va. to fix spokes in a wheel. enredadera, a. twining (plant).—/, (bot.) hind-weed, bell-bind ; vine. snredado, da, pp. of enredar.— a. entan- gled, matted, involved. enredador, ra, m. & /. entangler ; tattler, busybody, intermeddler. enredar, va. to entangle, insnare, hamper, lime, knot; to confound, perplex, puzzle; to involve in difficulties ; to catch in the net; to lay snares for birds; to sow dis- cord; to fumble, to be frisky (as boys) ; to coil. — vr. to tangle or to be entangled ; (coll.) to live in concubinage ; (naut.) to foul the anchor. enredo, m. tangle, entanglement, insnaring ; perplexity, embarrassment, puzzle ; com- plexity, complicateness ; falsehood, mis- chievous lie ; plot of a play. enredOSO, sa, a. full of snares, difficulties, or knotty points. enrehojar [en-ray-o-har'], va. to bleach wax leaves. enrejado, pp. & m. railing, grating ; trellis,- lattice ; grille-work, open-work. enrejalar, va. to range bricks in criss-cross tiers. enrejar, va. to fence with railing or grating ; to fix a grating to a window ; to make a trellis, to grate, to lattice ; to fix the plough- share to the plough ; to wound cattle's feet with a ploughshare. enrevesado, da, a. frisky ; difficult. enriado, m. retting of flax or hemp. enriador, m. one who rets flax or hemp. enriar, va. to ret hemp and flax. enrielar, va. to make ingots or rails. enripiar, m, (mas.) to till with riprap. enriquecedor, ra, m. &/. one who enriches enriquecer, va. (ind. enriquezco: subj. enriquezca) to enrich, to aggrandize; to adorn. — vr. to grow rich. enriscado, da, a. mountainous, craggy ; full of cliffs.— p/). of enriscar. enriscamlento, m. act of raising; taking refuge among rocks. enriscar, va. to lift, to raise. — vr. to take refuge among rocks. enristrar, va. to couch the lance ; to string (onions, etc.) ; to go direct to a place; to overcome a difficulty. enristre, m. act of couching a lance. enrocar, va. at chess, to castle the king ; to place flax or wool on the distaff. enrodeladO, da, a. armed with a shield. enrodrigonar, va. to prop vines with stakes. enrojar, enrojecer, va. (ind. enrojezco; subj. enrojezca) to redden ; to make red- hot ; to put to the blush. — vr. to blush. enrolecido, da, pp. & a. red ; red-hot. enroilar, va. to roll, coil, wind, wrap. enromar, va. to blunt, to dull. enrona, /. rubbish, refuse, debris. enronar, va. to throw rubbish in a place. enronquecer, va. (ind. enronquezco : subj. enronquezca) to make hoarse.— -m. to grow hoarse. enronqueclmiento, m. hoarseness. enro&ar, va. to fill with scabs or scurf. enroscadamente, adv. curlingly. enrOBCadlira, /. act of twisting ; convolu- tion, sinuosity, twist, curlicue. enroscar, va. (pret. enrosqu^: subj. en- rosque) to twine, to twist. — vr. to curl or twist itself. enrubiador, ra, a. that turns the hair blond. enrubiar, va. to dye the hair blond. ennibio, m. act of dyeing blond and the dye- ing ingredient. enradecer, va. (ind. enrudezco: subj. en- rudezca) to make dull. — vr. to become dull enniixiecer, vn. to become vile, ensabanar, va. to wrap up in sheets. ensacador, ra, a. sacker, bagger. ensacar, va. ( pret. ensaqu^ : subj. ensaque) to sack, to bag. ensaimada,/. light coffee-cake. ensalada, /. salad ; hodge-podge, medley. ensaladera, /. salad-dish or bowl. ensaladilla,/. assortment of dry sweetmeats; jewel made up of different precious stones. ensalinador,.ra, m. &f. bone-setter; quack. ensalmar, vd. to set dislocated bones ; to en- chant ; to cure by spells. ensalmo, m. enchantment, spell, charm. ensalobrarse, vr. to become salty. ensalzador, m. exalter, praiser, extoller. % (ii«iore«, t> and J as h In hot; h, silent; U In brilliant; ft, ny in canyflii; r (iniUal) and rr trilled; s, ENS 240 ENT ensalzamientO, m. exaltation, praise. ensalzar, ta. ( pret. ensalck : suOJ. knsalce) to extul, exalt, aggrandize ; to praise. ensamblador, m. joiner. ensambladura, / joinery ; act of joining. ensamblaje, «*. joining, searting, coupling. ensamblar, ra. to join, couple, house in, con- nect, brace, scarf, dovetail, mortise. ensamble, »«. v. ensamblaje. ensancha, /. extension, enlargement. ensanchador, ra, m. &/. stretcher, widener, expander, reamer; glove-stretcher. ensanchamientO, m. widening, enlarging; dilation, extension, expansion, stretch. ensanchar, va. to widen, extend, enlarge; to stretch : ensanchar el corazon, to cheer up. — n: to assume an air of importance. ensanche, »«. dilatation, enlargement, wid- ening, extension expansion, stretch ; mar- tenal turned in in seams of garments. ensandecer, vn. to grow stupid, to turn mad. ensangrentamiento, m. bloodiness. ensangrentar, va. & vr. (ind. ensangeien- TO: subj. ensangriente) to stain with blood. — vr. to be too irritated, vexed, in a dispute. enS£L&ainientO, m. ferocity, cruelty. ensailar, va. to irritate, enrage. — vr. to gloat ; to vent one's fury ; to be merciless. ensarnecer, vn. to get the itch. eusartar, va. to string (as beads) ; to thread ; to link ; to talk rigmarole. ensay, m- assay, trial, proof. ensayador, m. a-ssayer ; rehearser. ensayar, va. to test, try, practise, rehearse ; to assay precious metals. — vr. to exercise one's self, to train, to practise. ensay e, »*. assay, test (of metals). ensayo, m. assay, trial, touch, test, examina- tion , experiment, proof ; rehearsal of a play ; exercise, preparatory practice; (com.) sam- ple, test, trial. ensebar, on. to grease, to tallow. enselvado, da, pp. & a. wooded. enselvar, ra. to place in a wood. ensenada, /. cove, inlet, small bay. ensenado, da, a, having the form of a cove or inlet. — pp. of ensenar. ensenar, va. to put in one's bosom. — vr. (naut.) to embay. ense&a, /. standard, colours, ensign. ensenador, ra, "*. A/, teacher, instructor. enseflamiento, m. ehseflanza, /. teaching, instruc-tion, tuition, education; doctrine; method of teaching, training, schooling. ense&ar, ca. to teach, instruct, educate, train ; to show, to point out ; to lead. — vr, to school one's self; to be inured. ensefl.0, m. (coU. ) education, tuition. ensefioreador, m. he who domineers. ensefl.Orear, m. to lord, to domineer. — vr. to possess one's self of a thing. enserar, va. to cover with matting. enseres, vi. pi. chattels, fixtures, imple- ments, household goods. ensiforme, a. ensiform, sword-shaped. ensllar, va. to ensilage. ensillado, da, a. saddle-backed (horses). — pp. of ENSILLAR. ensilladura, /. part on which a saddle is placed on a horse. Onslllar, va. to saddle, to harness. ensixolsmarse, v. to be absorbed in thought or abstracted. ensoberbecer,ra. {ind. ensoberbezco: subj. ensoherbkzca) to make proud.— rr. to be- come proud and haughty, to be arrogant ; (naut.) to become boisterous (the sea). ensoberbecimlento, m. haughtiness. ensogar, ra. to fasten with a rope. eusolerar, va. to fix stools to bee-hives. ensolver, va. ( pp. ensuelto : ind. ENSUEi^ vo : sicbj. ENSUELVA) to inclose, include ; to contract, abridge ; (med.) to resolve. ensopar, va. to steep bread in wine ; to drench. ensordecedor, ra, a. deafening. ensordecer, va. {ind. ensordezco : suhj. ensordezca) to deafen. — v7i. to grow deaf; to become silent. ensordecimiento, m. deafness. ensortijaiIlientO,»J. curling, crimping, crisp- ing ; ringlet, curlicue, kink. ensortijar,' va. & vr. to curl, to form ring- lets ; to kink ; to put on rings. ensotarse, vr. to go into a thicket. ensuciador, ra, m. &f. stainer, defiler. ensuciamiento, m. act or effect of staining, soiling, or polluting. ensuclar, va. to stain, soil, smear, daub, sul- ly, foul ; to defile, pollute. — rr. to soil one'f bed, clothes, etc. ; (coll.) to be dishonest. ensueiLO, m. dream ; illusion, fantasy. entablaclbn, /. act of flooring or boarding up ; register in churches. entablado, da, pp. of entablar. — m. boarded or ])arquetted floor. entabladura, /. act of flooring or boarding up ; planking. entablamentO, m. (arch.) entablature. entablar, va. to floor or cover with boards; to board up ; to plank ; to initiate, start, be- gin (as a negotiation) ; to bring (a suit or action) ; to place the men on a chess-board : (surg.) to splint. — vr. to settle (as the wind). entable, m. position of men on a chess-board. entablillar, va. (surg.) to splint. entalamadura, /. awning of a cart, etc. entalamar, va. to cover with awning. entalegar, va. (com.) to put in a bag. entalingar, va. (naut.) to clinch the cable. entailable, a. capable of being oarved. entallador, m. sculptor, cutter in wood or stone ; engraver ; carver. entalladura, /. entallamiento, m. sculp ture, carving ; (carp.) mortise, groove, notch. entallar, ra. to sculpture, to carve ; to en- grave. — vn. to fit to the body (as a waist). entallecer, vn. (agr.) to shoot, to sprout. entapizar, va. to hang tapestry. entarascar, va. (coll.) to overdress. entarimado, m. parquetry, inlaid floor.— entarimado, da., pp. of entarimar. entarimar, va. to floor with boards. entarquinamiento, m. fertilizing with slime. entarquinar, ra. to manure with slime ; to bemire ; to reclaim swamp-lands. Entasis, m. (arch.) entasis. ente, m. entity, being; (coll.) a guy. entecado, da, enteco, ca, a. infirm, weak, languid. entelequia, /. (phil.) entelechy. entelerido, da, a. motionless from cold or fright. entena, /. (naut.) lateen yard. entenada,/. stepdaughter. entenado, m. stepson. entenallas, /. pi. (mech.) pincers; hand- vise. entendederas, /. p/. (coll.) understanding. entendedor, ra, w. &/. understander. entender, va. & m. {ind. entiendo: siibj. entienda) to understand, comprehend, conceive ; to know, believe, reason, think, a as lu far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; a In bull ; c (before e, i) anU z as th in thick ; b and d, soft j ENT 241 ENT judge, infer, conclude ; to decipher, inter- pret, grasp a meaning: entender de, to be familiar with : entender en, to be in charge of an affair : 4 mi entender, in my opinion. — vr. to have some motive for doing a thing ; to agree or to understand each other. entendldamente, adv. knowingly. entendido, da, a. wise, learned, prudent, knowing : darse por entendido, to take a hint. entendimientO, m. intellect, mind ; under- standing, knowledge, judgmeat, reason, conceiving ; comprehension. entenebrecer, va. to obscure, to darken. enteramente, adv. entirely, fully, com- pletely, full ; clear, clean ; quite. enterar, va. to inform, report, acquaint, in- struct, advise. entereza, /. entirety, completeness : integ- rity, rectitude, uprightness ; perfection ; fortitude, firmness; presence of mind: en- tereza virginal, virginity. entericimo, ma, a. most complete. enteritis,/, (med.) enteritis. enterizo, za, a. of one piece; whole. enternecedor, ra, a. pitiful, touching. enternecer, va. (md. enteknezco: subj. knternezca) to soften, to make tender, to melt, to affect ; to move to compassion. — vr. to be moved to pity, to be afftected. enternecidamente, adv. compassionately. enternecimiento, m. compassion, pity. entero, ra, a. entire, whole, complete ; sound, perfect ; just, honest, upright ; pure, uncorrupted ; strong, robust, vigorous ; in- formed, instructed ; uncastrated : caballo entero, stud-horse ; strong, thick (dry- goods) ; (arith.) whole: por entero, entirely, fully, completely. enterocolitis, /. (med.) enterocolitis. enterrador, m. grave-digger ; sexton. enterramientO, m. interment, burial, fu- neral. enterrar, va. (ind. entierro: subj. en- tierre) to inter, to bury ; to survive. enterronar, va. to cover with clods. entesamientO, m. stretching, making taut. entesar, va. to extend, stretch, tauten. entestado, da, «. obstinate, stubborn. entibador, m. one who shores up mines. entibar, vn. to rest, to lean upon. — va. to prop, to shore up mines. entibiadero, m. cooling-room or bath. entibiar, ra. to make lukewarm ; to cool ; to temper, to moderate the passions. — vr. to cool down, to slacken. entibO, TO. stay, prop, shore ; foundation. entidad, /. entity ; consideration, estima- tion, value, moment, consequence, import, matter, importance. entiendo, cntienda {irr. from entender). entierro, m. burial, interment, funeral ; tomb, grave, sepulture. entierro, entierre (it-r. from enterrar). entigrecerse, vr. (coll.) to be furious as a tiger. entimema,/. (log. ) enthymeme. entinar, va. to put into the dyeing-vat. entintar, va. to ink ; to stain with ink ; to tinge or dye. entiznar, va. to stain ; to revile, to defame. entoldado, pp. & m. large tent. entoldamiento, m. covering with awnings. entoldar, va. to cover with an awning ; to adorn with hangings. — vr. to dress gorgeous- ly ; to swell witli pride ; to grow cloudy. entomizar, va. to tie bass cords around posts or laths that the plaster may stick to them. entomolOgia, /. entomology entOmol6gicamente, adv. entomologically. entomol6gico, ca, a. entomological. entomdlogo, m. an entomologist. entonacibn, /. modulation ; intonation j blowing the bellows of an organ. entonadera, /. blow-lever of an organ. entonado, m. (phot.) process of toning. entonado, da, a. &pp. of entonar; haugh- ty, puffed with pride. entonador, ra, a. one who sings in tune ; (phot.) one who or that which tones. — to. organ-blower. entonamiento, to. Intonation. entonar, va. to tune, modulate, intonate; to sing in tune; (art) to harmonize colours; (phot.) to tone prints ; to blow the bellows of an organ; (med.) to tone the system.-^ vr. to assume grand airs. entonatorio, »i. book of sacred music. entonces, adv. then, at that time, on that occasion. entonelar, va. to put in casks or barrels. entono, to. act of intoning; arrogance, haughtiness. entontecer, va. (ind. entontezco: «m6/. en- tontezca) to mope, to fool. — vn. & vr. to grow foolish. entente cimiento, to. act of growing foolish or stupid. entorcnado, m. bullion fringe ; bullion em- broidery on the uniform of Spanish gener- als ; (nius.) bass-strings. entorcbar, va. to make a torch by twisting candles; to make bullion fringe; (mus.) to cover a cord with wire. entorilar, va. to stall the bull. entomar, va. to close a door or window. entomillar, va. to form a screw or spiral. entorpecer, va. {ind. entorpezco: svbj. entorpezca) to benumb, to render torpid ; to stupefy ; to interrupt, disturb, clog, ob- struct, delay. entorpecimiento, to. torpor, numbness, stu- pefaction, dulness, stupidity ; obstruction, delay. entortadura, /. crookedness, curvity. entortar, va. to bend, to make crooked ; to pull out an eye. entosigar, va. to administer poison. entozoario, to. entozoan, a parasite. entrada, /. entrance, door, gate, ingress ; entree, admission ; entry ; arrival ; number of people in a theatre, as : entrada Uena, full house ; admission ticket ; beginning (of a book, speech, etc.) ; familiar access, inti- macy ; good hand at cards ; entree (course at dinner) ; commencement (of a season, etc.); (com.) entry (in a book); cash re^ ceipts : derechos de entrada, import duty. — pi. entradas, temples (of the head). entramado, to. (carp.) frame-work, stud- work, bay-work. entramar, va. to make stud-work, frame- work. entrambos, bas, pron. pi. both. entrampar, va. to entrap, insnare : to trick, deceive, impose upon ; to entangle a busi- ness ; to encumber an estate with debts. — vr. (coll.) to become indebted; to be in- volved in difficulties. entrante, pa. entering; coming: el mes en- trante, next month: ingulo entrante, (fort.) re-entering angle. entra&a, /. entrail.— p/. entrails, bowels ; (met.) mind, affection; disposition; idio- svncrasy ; the inmost recess of anything. enirafiable, n. intimate, affectionate. entrailablemente, adv. affectionately. e, J) and J as h iu hot; h, aileut ; 11 In brilliant ; 4, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trlUed ; s g(l>efo ENT 242 ENT entrafLar, vn. to penetrate to the core; to contain, carry within.— wr. to contract in- timacy and familiarity. entrapada, /• coarse crimson cloth. entrapajaj^) ^«- ^^ bandage with rags. entrapar, ta. to powder the hair for a drv shampoo; (agr.) to manure the vine with rags. — vr. to become as dirty as a rag. entrar, va. & vn. to enter, go in or into, march in, come in ; to penetrate, go through ; to take in ; to have the entree (as in a pal- ace) ; to commence, to begin ; to begin a trick at cards ; to undertake ; to disem- bogue ; to enter or become a member of ; to fill a space ; to take possession of a place by force of arms ; to enrol, register, or enter in i book ; to attack a person ; to be taken in (as money) ; in fencing, to advance a step. entre, prep, between, among, amongst: entre dos y tres, between two and three : entre hombrei, among men : estaba entre ninos, he was amongst children : entre tanto, in the interim, meanwhile: entre manos, in hand; within : entre mi, within myself. entreabierto, ta, pp. irr. of entreabrir. — o, half-opened, ajar. entreabrir, va. {pp. entreabierto) to half open a door, to leave it ajar. enireactO, m. entr'acte, intermission ; small cigar. entreanchO, Cha, a. neither wide nor nar- row. entrecalle, m. (arch.) clear between two mouldings. entrecanal, /. (arch.) fillet between flutes. entrecano, na, a. grayish (hair or beard). entrecasco, m. v. entrecorteza. entrecava, /. very shallow digging. entrecavar, va. to dig shallow. entrecejo, m. space between the eye-brows ; frowning. entrecerca, /. space between inclosures. entreclaro, ra, a. slightly clear. entrecogedura,/. act •of catching. entrecoger, va. (formu. V. coger) to catch, to intercept; to compel by arguments or threats. entrecoro, m. chancel. entrecortadura, /. cut that does not sever. entrecortar, va. to cut a thing without divid- ing it. entrecorteza, /. imperfection in timbers. entrecriarse, vr. to be reared among others (plants). entrecuDiertas, m. &f.pl. (naut.) between decks. entrecuesto, m. backbone. entredlcho, »«. interdiction, prohibition. entredoble, a. of medium thickness. entred6s, m. insertion ; (print.) size of type called long primer. entrefino, na, a. middling fine. entrega,/. delivery, conveyance; series o/'a publication ; (mil.) surrender. entregadero, ra, a. (com.) deliverable. entregador, m. deliverer ; executor. entregamlento, m. delivery. entregar, va. {pret. entregu6: subj. km- TREGUE) to deliver, to hand over, to give up; (com.) to transfer, to pay; to insert, introduce, embed. — vr. to deliver one's self up, to surrender, submit: entregarie k, to abandon one's self to or to devote one's self wholly to something: entregarie de, to re- ceive, to take charge or possession of : 4 en- tregar, (com.) to be supplied or delivered. entrejuntar, va. (carp.) to join the panels of a door to the frame. entrelazar, va. {for muUV. lazar) to inter . lace, intermix, interweave, braid, entwine entreliflO, m. (agr.) space between rows of trees. entrelistado, da, a. striped or variegated. entrelUCir, vn. {for irr. V. LUCIR) to shoT» through. entremedlas, adv. in the meantime ; be twixt, half-ways. entrem^S, m. interlude, farce ; side-dish, entremesear, va. to act in a farce. entremesista, m. writer or player of farces, entremeter, va. to place between ; to insert. — vr. to intrude, obtrude ; to intermeddle to meddle, to pry, to interpose officiously. entremetido, da, pp. of entremeter.— /?i, &f. meddler, obtruder, intruder, interme4- dler ; busybody ; go-between. entremetimientO, m. intrusion, intermed* dling, meddlesomeness, obtrusion ; inte*** position. entremezcladura, /. intermixture. entremezclar, va. to intermingle, inter mix. entremiclie, w. (naut.) capstan, chock. entremorir, vn. to flicker (as a flame). entrencar, ra. to put rods in a bee-hiv«. entrenzar, va. { v. trenzar) to plait )iair. entreoir, va. {for irr. V. oiR) to hear indis- tinctly. entreordinario, ria, a. middling, fine. entrepalmadura, /. (vet.) disease in hoofs. entrepanes, ni.pl. pieces of unsown grouud entrepa&ado, da, a. composed of panels. entrepa&O, m. (arch.) intercolumniation t pier; (carp.) panel, shelf. entreparecerse, vr. to be transparent, to show through. entrepaso, m. rack pace (hor&es). entrepechuga, /. flesh within the wish-bone of birds. entrepelnes, m. pi. comb-wool. entrepeladO, da, a. pied ; variegated. entrepelar, va. to variegate hair. entrepernar, vn. to put the legs betweeo those of others. entreplernas, /. pi. inner surface of the thighs ; pieces put into the fork of a pair of breeches. entrepiso, m. (min.) space between galleries. entrepretado, da, a. (vet.) horse' with a weak breast or shoulder. entrepuentes, m. pi. (naut.) between decks. entrepunzadura, /. pricking pain of ac un- ripe tumour. entrepunzar, va. to prick slightly. entrerrengl6n, m. interline. entrerrenglonadura, /. interlineation. entrerrenglonar, va. to interline. entresaca, entresacadura, /. thinning o4 wood; pruning of branches. entresacar, va. [for mut. v. sacar) to pick or choose; to sift, cull, garble; (agr.) to make a clearing ; to thin out hair. entresijO, «t. mesentery ; anything occult, hidden. entresuelO, m. entresol, mezzanine. entresurco, m. space between furrows. entretalla, entretalladura, /. bas-relief. entretallar, va. to carve in bas-relief; to engrave ; to make open-work on any ma- terial ; to intercept. entretantO, adv. meanwhile. entretejedor, ra, a. interweaver. entreteiedura, /. intertexture. entretejer, va. to interweave, intermix, in- tertwine ; to tissue, to variegate ; t^ insert, mix, mingle. ft aa iu far ; e in eh I ■ .in police : o iu U iu ball ; C ^befurt: e, i; and s as ta tn tnicK ; D aor d. ENT 243 ENV entretejimiento, m. intertexture, interweav- ing ; variegation. entretela,/. (sew.) interlining. entretelar, va. to insert an interlining. entretenedor, m. entertainer. entretener, va. (for irr. v. tener) to amuse, to entertain ; to keep in hope or expectation ; to allay pain, to make less troublesome ; to delay, put off, postpone. — it. to amuse one's self. entretenido, da, a. & pp. of entretener ; entertaining, pleasant, amusing. — m. aspir- ant to an office. entretenimientO, m. amusement, entertain- ment, sport, pastime. fintretiempo, m. spring or autumn. entreuntar, va. to anoint slightly. entrevenarse, vr. to diffuse through the veins. entreventana,/. (arch.) window pier. entrever, va. to see imperfectly. entreverado, da, pp. of entreverar,— a. intermingled, intermixed. entreverar, va. to intermix, intermingle. entrevia./. railway gauge. entrevista, /. interview, meeting, congress, conference. 6IltripadO, da, a. contained in the intestines ; dead animal from which the intestines have not been removed.— th. (coll.) dissembled anger or displeasure. entristecer, va. {ind. entristezco : subj. entristezca) to sadden, grieve, afflict, make melancholy. — vr. to grieve, to grow sad. entristecimlento, m. gloominess, sadness, sorrowfulness ; fretting. entrojar, va. to garner grain. entrometer, va. & vr. v. ENaREMEXER. entrometimientO, m. intermeddling. entronar, va. to enthrone. entroncar, vn. to be descended from the same stock ; to contract relationship ; (r. w.) to make a junction. entronerar, va. to pocket a ball. entronizacibn,/. elevation to a throne. entronizar, va. (pret. entronick: subj. entronice) to enthrone- to exalt. — vr. to be elated or puflFed up with pride. entronque, m. cognation ; railway junction. entruchada, /. -do, m. (coll.) plot, intrigue. entruchar, va. (coll.) to decoy, lure, entice. entnichbn, na,m. &/. decoyer, plotter. entrujar, va. to store up olives ; (coll.) to re- imburse. entuertO, m. wrong, injustice, injury.— p/. after-pains. entullecer, va. {ind. entullezco : subj. EN- tullezca) to stop, check, obstruct. — vn. to be crippled or maimed. entumecer, va. {ind. entumezco: subj. en- tumezca) to benumb. — vr. to swell, to surge. entumeciniieiito, m. torpor, deadness, numbness ; swelling. entuxnirse, w. to become numb. entunlcar, va. to plaster a wall for fresc<~ painting. entuplr, va. to obstruct, to block up ; io "'im- press, tighten, press. enturbiar, va. to muddle, to make muddy or turbid ; to obscure, to confound. — vr. to be- come muddy (water) ; to get disordered or deranged. entusiasmado, da, a. &pp. of entusiasmap.; enthusiastioal, enthusiastic. entusiasmar, va. to transport, to enrapture. — vr. to become enthusiastic. entUSlasmo, m. enthusiasm. entusiasta, m. &f. enthusiast. entusi^stico, ca, a. enthusiastic. 6nula campana,/. (hot.) elecampane. enumerable, a. numerable. enumeracibn, /. enumeration. enumerar, va. to enumerate. enunciacl6n, /. enunciation, declaration. enunciar. va. to enunciate, to state. enunciativo, va, a. enunciative. envainador, ra, a. sheathing. envainar, va. to sheathe (as a sword). envalentonamlento, m. encouragement. envalentonar, va. to encourage, to inspirit, to make bold. — vr. to become courageous. envanecer, va. {ind. envanezco: subj. en- vanezca) to make vain. — vr. to become vain or conceited. envanecimiento, m. conceit. envaradO, da, a. &pp. stiff, benumbed. envaramientO, m. stiffness, numbness. envarar, va. to benumb, stiffen. envasador, m. filler, packer- funnel. envasar, va. to tun, to cask, to barrel, to bottle; to fill a vessel; to drink liquor to excess ; to sack grain ; to run one through the body. envase. m. filling, bottling; cask or vessel containing a liquid for transportation; (com.) packing. envedljarse, vr. to get entangled ; (coll.) to wrangle. envejecer, va. {ind. envejezco : svhj. EN- vejezca) to make old ; to make look old. — — vn. to grow old. — vr. to become old or old- fashioned ; to hold out a long time. envejecidO, da, a. & pp. grown old, old-look- ing ; accustomed, habituated. envejecimiento, m. oldness, age. envenenador, ra, m. &/. poisoner. envenenamlento, m. poisoning. envenenar, va. to envenom, to poison ; to re- proach, to criminate. enverar, vn. to look ripe. enverdecer, vn. to grow green. envergadura, /. breadth of the sails; breadth of a spread bird, from tip to tip. envergar, va. (naut.) to bend the sails. envergues, m. pi. (naut. ) rope-bands, envero, m. colour of ripe grape. env6s, m. wrong side of anything, as cloth, etc. ; back, shoulders. envesadO, m. fleshy part of hides. envestidura,/. investiture. envestlr, va. to invest. V. INVESTIR. enviadizo, za, a. missive. enviadO, m. envoy ; messenger. envlador, m. a sender. envlajado, da, a. (arch.) oblique, sloped. enviar, va. to send ; to forward, transmit, convey ; remit, despatch : enviar k pasear, (coll. )* to send any one about his business ; to give one his walking-ticket : enviar en- horamala, (coll.) to send one to the devil. onvlclar, va. to vitiate, corrupt. — vn. to have luxurious foliage and little fruit. — vr. to be immoderately addicted to. , envldador, m. challenger at cards by staking I a sum. I Bnvidar, va. to open a game at cards by stak-< ing Ji sum. envidia, /. envy ; emulation. env^diable, a. enviable. envldiar, vn. to envy ; to grudge ; to malign ; to covet. envldlosamente,re e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, toft: EQU MB ERtJ anee, ance. equipoise, counterpoise, counterbal- 8q.Uilib}:ista, m. balancer, equilibrist. equimosis, »i. (med. ) ecchymosis. equino, na, a. (poet.) equine. — m. (zool.) echinus; (arch.) echinus. equinoccial, a- equinoctial. equinoccio [ay-ue-noc -thie-oj, m. equinox. equipaje [ay-ke-pah'-hayl, m. baggage, luggage, equipment; (naut.) crew; (mil.) baggage- train. equipar, va. t> lit out, equip, furnish. equiparacidn, /. comparison, collation. equiparar, ru. to compare, to match. equipo, //*. (mil.) fitting out, accoutrement, equipmeut, trappings. equipolencia, /. (log.) equipollenee. equipolente, a. equivalent, equipollent. 8quiponj{ierante, /v«. ographical error : erratas or fe de erratas* list or table, of errata. err&tiCO, ca, a. wandering, vagabond, va* grant, erratic or erratical. erratil, a. (coll.) wavering, not firm ot, steady. erre [er'-ray], /. name of the double letter Rt. erre que erre, pertinaciously, obstinately, errbneamente, adv. erroneously, mistaRer' ly, falsely. err6neo, nea, a. erroneous, mistaken. erronia, /. opposition, dislike, grudge. error, m. error, mistake, misstatement, mi:.». construction, misapprehension, misbelief^ misconception, hallucination; miscalculjH tion ; mispersuasion, misguidance; defi- ciency, fault, defect. erubescencia, /. erubescence, blush. eructaci6n,/. eructation, belching, eructar, vn. to belch, to eructate. eructO, m. belching, eructation. erudici6n,/. erudition, learning, knowledge. . ff (before e. i ) and .1 as h in hot : h. silent. ; 11 iu brilliant ', ft, ny iu canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; •. liisMd ^ JiiKU 240 i<^ •raditamente, adv. learnedly. crudito, ta, a. erudite, learned, lettered. cruginOSO, sa, a. rusty, musty. erupcl6n, /. eruption, outbreak, bursting forth. eruptivo, va, a. eruptive. erutaclbn, /. eructation, belching. erutar, vn. v. eructar. eruto, m. V. ERucTo. ervatO, m. (bot.) sea sulphur-wort. ervilla,/. (bot.) bitter vetch-seed. €Sa, «. f- that : *8a, dem. pron. /. that (one). esbatiinentar, va. (art) to delineate a shad- ow.— rw. to oast a shadow. esbatlmentO, m.. shade in a picture. esbeltez, esbelteza, /. tall and elegant i stature. esbelto, ta, a. tall, genteel, and well-shaped. esbirro, ?«. bailiff, apparitor ; myrmidon. esbOZO, m. sketch, outline ; rough draught. escabechar, va. to souse, to pickle; (coll.) to stab and kill. escabeche, m. souse, pickle ; pickled fish. escabel, m. foot-stool ; small seat ; bench. escabiosa, /■ (bot.) field-scabious. escabiOSO, sa, a. (med.) scabious. escabro, m. scab, itch, or mange in sheep ; roughness, like mange, upon the bark of escabrosamente, adv. roughly, ruggedly. «SCabrosidad, /. inequality, unevenness, roughness ; craggedness or cragginess ; hardness, asperity. escabroso, sa, a. rough, uneven ; cragged or craggy, crabbed, rugged, clifted ; rude, unpolished. escabulliniientO, m. evasion, slipping away, escabuUirse, vr. to escape, to evade ; to slip or sneak away. escaoado, da, a. (her.) checkered. 63Cafaildro, m. scaphander, diving-dress. escafilar, va. to trim a brick or tile. escaf6ides, a. (anat.) scaphoid bone. escala, /. ladder, step-ladder ; scale ; gradu- ated rule or instrument ; seaport, stopping- place : escala franca, free port ; (mus. ) scale ; (mil.) army register : i escala viata, openly. escalada,/.' (mil.) escalade, scalado. escalado, da, a. cut open (fish) to be salted or cured. — pp. of escalar. escalador, ra, a. climber, scaler. escalafbn, m. army regiaier. escalamlentO, m. (mil.) scaling. escillaino, /'•• vQaut.) thole, thole-pin ; row- lock. escalar, vc, (mil.) to scale ; to enter surrep- titiously. escaldada, /. loose and lewd woman. escaldadO, da, a. cautious, suspicious, wary. —pp. of ESCALDAR. escaldar, va. to burn, to scald ; to make iron red-hot. sscaleno, a. (geom.) scalene. escalentamlento, m. (vet.) inflammation of the feet. escalera, /. stair-case ; stair ; sloats of a cart : escalera de caracol, winding stair : escalera de mano, ladder : escalera de costado or esca- lera real, (naut.) quarter-deck ladder. escalereja, escalerilla, /. dim. small lad- der; step-ladder; (mech. ) rack; drenching instrument: en escalerilla, in degrees. escalerdn, m. aug. large stair-ca.se. escaleta, /. frame for raising carriages. escalfado, da, pp. & a. whitewashed walls full of blisters ; poached (eggs). 9SCalfador, m. barber's pan ; water-heater ; chafing-dish. escalfar, ra. to poach eggs. escalfarote, m. wide boot lined with hay. escalfeta, /. small pan for live coals ; chafing^ dish ; dish-heater, escalinata, /. (arch.) perron, hi^h stoop, escalio, m. land abandoned for tillage, escalmo, m. bar-lock, row-lock. escalO, //(. breaking a way into or out of a place. escalofriado, da, «. shivering. escalofrio, m. chill, shiver, shivering. escaldn, ?«. step or a stair ; stepping-stone ; grade, degree of dignity ; (mil.) echelon. escalonar, ra. (mil.) to' form in echelon. escalOfi.a, /. (bot.) eschalot, shalot, scallion. escalpelO, m. (surg.) scalpel, dissecting«^ knife. escalplo, m. currier or tanner's knife. escama, /. fish-scale ; small scaly piece in an- cient armours ; scale (any scale-like forma- tion or exfoliation) ; resentment, grudge. escamada, /. embroidery in figure of scales. escamado, da, a. & pp. tutored by experi- ence. — m. work wrought with the figure of scales. escainadura, /. scaling (a fish) ; arousing suspicion. escamar, va. to scale fish; (coll.) to cause mistrust. — vn. to embroider scale or shell fashion. — vr. to be tutored by painful expe- rience. escamel, m. sword-maker's anvil. escamochear, m. to breed (bees). escamocllO, m. remnants of a meal; (apL) after-swarm. escamonda, /. (agr.) pruning. escamondadura, /. pruned branches. escamondar, va. to prune or lop trees : to trim or clear a thing from superfluities. eSCamOUdo, m. pruning or clearing iiecs. escamonea, /. (oot.) scammony. escamoneado, da, a. relating to scamnionv. —pp. of i:.S( AMONEARSE. escamonearse, vr. (coll.) to resent, tc bo mistrustful. escamoso, sa, a. scaly, squamous, escamotar, ta. in jugglery, to palm, escamoteador, ra, m. & /. juggler, presti. digitator, conjurer. escamotear, ra. V. escamotar. escamoteo, m. jugglery, sleight of hand. escampada, /. stan:ped-e. escampado, da, pv. & a. open, olear. escampar, vn. to clear up (the sky) ; to leave off working. — va. to clear out a place. escampavia, /. (naut.) tender; revenue cutter. escampo, m. clearing out a place ; clearioa up. escamudo, da, a. full ojf scales. escamujar, va. to prune olive-trees. escamujO, m. lopped-off olive branch ; timfe of pruning olive-trees. escancla, /. pouring or serving wine. escanciador, ra, m. &/. cup-bearer. escanciar, va. to pour, serve, or drink wine. escanda, /. (bot.) spelt-wheat. escandalar, m. (naut.) room for the com- pass. escandalizador, ra, m. & /. one who makes scandal. escandalizar, ra. ( pret. escandalic6 : subj. escandalick) to scandalize. — vr. to be scan- dalized ; to be irritated. escandalizativo, va, a. scandalous. esc&ndalo, w. scandal; licentiousness; ta- mult, commotion ; astonishment, wonder- ment. •B in far ; e In eh I ; i in police : o In for ; u to boll -, c (t<)Rr« e, t) and s as th in tUck ; b and d, sofk ESC 247 ESC escandalosa, /. (naut.) gaff-sail. escandalosamente, adv. scandalously, shamefully. escandalOSO, sa, a. scandalous, shameful, disgraceful ; turbulent. escandallar, va. (naut.) to sound. escandallo, m. (naut.) deep-sea lead; proof, trial, experiment. escandia,/. (bot.) Cienfuegos wheat. escandinavo, va, a. Scandinavian. escandir, va. (poet.) to scan verses. escanilla, /. cradle. escantillar, va. to gauge ; to measure from a point ; to hew by patterns. escantillbn, m. gauge, pattern, templet, rule. escaila,/. (bot.) St. Peter's corn. escaflero, m. seat-keeper. escaiLO, m. bench with a back ; (naut.) sheer- rail. escafluelo, m. foot-stool. cscapada, /. escapamiento, m. escape, flight, escapade. escapar, va. to drive a horse at great speed. — vn. & vr. to escape, to flee ; to run away ; to make one's escape : escapar en una tabla, to have a narrow escape. escaparate, m. press, glass-case, cupboard, cabinet, wardrobe ; show-window. escaparatiCO, m. dim. little cupboard, cabi- net CT wardrobe. escapatoria,/. escape, flying, flight ; excuse, evasion, subterfuge, loophole. escape, m. escape, flight, escaping; subter- fuge, evasion ; escapement (of a watch) : & todo escape, at full speed. escapo, m. (arch.) shaft of a column. esc^pula, /. (anat.) scapula, shoulder-blade. escapular, va. (naut.) to double or clear a cape. escapiUariO, m. scapulary. escaque les-caii' kay], m. any of the squares of a chess-board ; (her.) any of the squares of a coat of arms.— pi. the game of chess. escaqueado,da,p;>. &a. checkered. esclara,/. (surg.) eschar, scab, slough. escarabajear, vn. to crawl to and fro like insects ; to scrawl, to scribbe. — va. (coll.) to worry, harass. escarabajo, m. (ent.) black-beetle; short, ill-shaped person ; flaw in a cast.— pi. scrawl. escaraba.juelo, m. dim. (ent.) vine-beetle. escaramucear, vn. to skirmish. escaramujO, m. (bot.) dog-rose, hep-tree; hep; (zool.) goose-barnacle. ascaramuza, /. (mil.) skirmish; slight en- gagement ; contest, dispute, quaiTel, conten- tion. escaramuzador m. skirmisher ; disputer. escaramuzar, vn. to skirmish. escarapela, /. cockade, badge ; dispute end- ing in blows. <«scarapelar, vn. & vr. to dispute, wrangle, quarrel (women). — vr. (S. Am.) to have the hair stand on end. escarbadero, m. place where boars, wolves, and other animals scratch the ground. escarbadientes, m. tooth-pick. escarbador, m. scratcher, scrawjr. escarbadura, /. scratching. escarbaorejas, m. ear-pick. escarbar, ra. to scrape or scratch the earth (as fowls) ; to dig, dibble ; to poke the fire ; to inquire minutely, to investigate. escarbo, m. scraping, scratching. escarcela,/. large pouch ; game-bag; cuish ; kind of head-dress for women. escarceo, m. small broken waves occasioned by currents. — pi. escarceos, bounds and windings of spirited horses. escarcina,/. kind of cutlass. escarclnazo, m. blow with a cutlass. escarcuflar, va. v. escudrinar. escarcha, /. white frost, rime ; frost-work. escarchada,/. (bot ) ice-plant, fig marigold. escarchado, da, o. & pp. of escarchar; Id or SUV frosting upon cakes. frosted. go Iver embroidery ; escarchador, m. freezing tool. escarchar, vn. to freeze, to frost. — va. to put frosting on cakes ; to dilute potter's clay with water. escarcbo, m. (icht.) red surmullet. escarda, /. weed-hook, grubbing-hoe ; weed- ing. escardadera, /. woman weeder; gardener's hoe. escardador, ra, m. & f. weeder, a man or woman who weeds corn-fields. escardadura, /. or escardamiento, m. weeding. escardar, escardillar, ra. to weed corn- fields ; to weed out, root out vice. escardillo, Ua, m. & f. small weed-hook, gardener's hoe ; thistle-down. escariador, m. drilling-bit, reamer. escarlar, va. to ream. escarificaci6n, /. (surg.) scarification. escarificador, m. (agr.) scarifier, harrow, cultivator ; (surg. ) scarificator. escarificar, va. (surg. and agr.) to scarify. escarlOSO, sa, a. (bot.) scanous. escarizar, va. (surg. ) to clean a sore by tak ing away the scurf or scab. escariador, m. comb polisher. escarlata, /. scarlet, red ; cloth of a scarl«>^t colour; (med.) scarlet-fever. escarlatina, /. (com.) red or crimson wool len fabric; (med.) scarlatina, scarlet-fever. escarmenador, m. comb for wool, etc. escarmenar, va. to comb wool, silk, etc. ; to disentangle ; to cheat. escarmentar, vn. {ind. escarmiento : subj, escarmiente) to be tutored by experience, to take warning. — va. to correct severely, to inflict an exemplary punishment. escarmiento, m. warning, fine, chastise- ment. escarnecedor, ra, m. & f. scoflTer, scorner, jeerer, giber, mocker. escamecer, va. (ind. escarnezco : subj. es' carnezca) to scoff", mock, ridicule, jeer, gibe. escarnecidamente, adv. scornfully. escarneclmiento, w. scofling, derision. escarniO, m. scoff, gibe, jeer, mock. escaro, m. (icht.) kind of mutton fish. escaro, ra, a. having crooked feet. escarola,/. (bot.) endive, succory; ruff, frill. escarolado, da, pp. & a. curled, frilled. escarolar, va. to frill, to ruffle. escarbtiCO, ca, a. (surg.) escharotic, caustia escarpa,/. declivity, slope, bluff, cliff; (mil.) scarp. escarpado, da, a. steep, sloped, craggy, rugged. — pp. of escarpar. escarpadura,/. slope, bank, bluff, cliff. escarpar, va. to rasp works of sculpture ; (mil.) to escarp, to slope down. escarpe, m. declivity, bluff ; (arch. ) scarf of a wall ; (carp.) scarf-joint. escarpelo, m. rasp; (surg.) scalpel. escarpia, /. tenter-hook, meat-hook. escarpidor, m. large-toothed comb. escarpin, m. thin -soled shoe, dancing- pumps ; woollen slippers. g^beforee, l)andj aa h in hot; h, silent; U in brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r (kiitlal) and rr trilled; « biaMA ESC 248 ESC 'escarpi6n (en), adv. in the form of a tenter- hook. escarza,/. (farr.) sore in the hoofs. escarzano,na, «. (arch.) segment arch, escarzar, va. (api. ) to remove honey-combs. escarzo, m. (api.) black comb without honey; operation and time of removing honey from a hive ; floss silk. escarzo, za, «. (farr.) lame on account of sores in the hoof. escasamente, adv. scantily, sparingly; hard- ly, scarcely. escasear, va. to give sparingly ; to spare, to live in a frugal manner. — vn. to grow less, to be wanting. escasez, /. scarcity, want, lack, scantiness, niggardliness, meagreness ; poverty. escaso, sa, a. small, short, limited ; little ; sparing, parsimonious, niggardly ; scarce, scant V, defective, narrow, escatiinado, da, pp. & a. little, scanty. escatimar, va. to curtail, lessen, clip ; to haggle ; to misconstrue. €scatimosamente, adv. maliciously. escatimOSO, sa, a. cunning, malicious. escaupll, III. (Mex. ) ancient padded armour, escavanar, va. (agr.) to loosen and weed the ground with a grub-hoe. escayola,/. stucco parget, scagliola. escena, /■ the stage, scenery, scene ; sight, view; incident; display of passion. escenariO, «*. the stage, the boards. esCeniCO, ca, a. scenic, belonging to the stage. escenografia, /. scenography. escenograflcamente, adv. scenographically. escenografico, ca, «. scenographic. escenografo, //;. scenographer. esc6pticainente, adv. sceptically. escepticismo, /«. scepticism. €Sc6ptico, ca, «. sceptic, sceptical. escinco, m. (zool.) skink, a lizard, escila,/. (hot.) squill. escirro, m. (med. ) scirrhus. escirroso, sa, a. (med.) scirrhous. escisi6n, /. division, schism. esclarecedor, ra, «. lighter ; enlightener. esclarecer, va. to lighten, illuminate ; to enlighten, make clear ; illustrate, ennoble. — vn. to dawn. eBclarecidamente, adv. illustriously. esclarecido, da, pp. &. a. illustrious, noble, conspicuous, eminent, honourable. esclarecimientO, m. enlightening; dawn; ennol)lenieut, illustriousncss. esclavina, /'. pilgrim's cloak ; collar worn by priests ; tippet ; cape. esclavista, «. proslavery. esclavitud, /. slavery, bondage, servitude ; brotherhood, con-gregation ; servile subjec- tion of passions. esclavizar, va. (pret. ESCi.AVlcfi: subj. ES- CLAVICE) to en.slave ; to drive, overwork. esclavo, va, a. slave, captive. — to. &/. mem- ber of a brotherhood ; fag, drudge. escler6tica, /. sclerotic. esclusa, /. lock, sluice, flood-gate, mill-dam. escoa,/. (naut. ) bend of a ship's rib. escoba, /. broom, a besom; (hot.) Spanish broom. escobada, /. sweep, sweeping. escobadera, /• woman sweeper. escobajo, m. old broom ; stalk cf a bunch of grapes. escobar, ra. to sweep with a broom. escobar, m. place where broom grows. escobazar, va. to sprinkle water with a broom. escobazo, m. stroke or blow with a broom. escob6n, m. (naut.) hawse-hole. escobera, /. (bot. ) Spanish broom. escobero, m. broom-maker or seller. escobeta./. small brush. escobiUa, /. brush; whisk, small broom; (bot.) bur of the teasel; gold or silvel sweepings. escoblll6ll, m. (mil.) merkin ; swab, escobina, /. chips made in boring, escobo, in. brushwood, briers, brambles. escob6n, m. aug. large broom ; Turk's head; scrubbing-brush ; swab. escocedura, /. burning pain, escocer, vn. {ind. escuece: subj. escueza) to feel a sharp, burning pain ; to smart. — vr, to smart ; to chafe. escOC6s, sa, a. Scotch. escocia,/. (arch.) scotia; (com.) cod-fish, escocimiento, m. smart, pungent pain, escoda, /. stone-cutter's hammer, escodar, m. to hew or cut stones. escofla, escofleta,/. coif, head-tire, escofiar, va. to dress the head with a coi£ escoflna, /. rasp, file ; wood-rasp. escoflnar, va. to rasp, escogedor, ra, m. &/. selecter, chooser. escoger, va. {ind. ESCOJO: subj. escoja) to choose, select, pick out, sort ; elect. escogidamente, adv. choicely, selectly; nicely. esCOgimlentO, m. selection, choosing. escolar, m. scholar, student. — a. scholastic, scholastical. escol^sticamente, adv. scholastically. escolasticismo, m. scholasticism. escolastlCO, ca, a. scholastic, scholastical.— m. professor of theology. escoliador, escoliasta, m. scholiast. escoliar, va. to gloss, explain, comment. escolimadO, da, a. (coll.) weak, delicate, esoolimoso, sa, a. (coll.) difficult, fastidious. escoliO, m. scholium ; gloss, commentary. escolopendra, /. (ent.) scolopendra, centi- pede ; a marine worm ; (bot.) spleen wort. escolta, /. escort, convoy, guard. escoltar, va. to escort, to convoy, to guard, escollera,/. breakwater, jetty ; cliff, escollo, m. a reef; difficulty, danger. escombra, /. purgation, removal of obsta- cles. escombrar, va. to remove the rubbish ; to clear ; to clean. escombro, m. rubbish, debris ; riprap ; small raisin ; (icht.) mackerel, escomerse, vr. to wear out. esconce, m. corner, angle. escondedero, m. hiding or lurking-place. esconder, va. to hide, conceal ; to disguise, dissemble ; to include, contain. — vr. to hide, to be concealed ; to skulk, escondidamente, adv. secretlv. hiddenljr. escondidas ik) or ^ escondidillas, adv privately, in a secret manner. escondimlentO, >n. concealment. escondite, /". lurking-place, hiding-place . jugar al escondite, to play hide and seek. escondriio, »». hiding or lurking-place. esconzado, da, ". angular, oblique. escopeta,/". shotgun, fowling-piece: escopetk de viento, air-gun : escopeta de dos caikon«B, double-barrel gun. escopetar, va. to dig out gold-mines. escopetazo, »». gunshot ; gunshot wound, escopetear, ra. to fire a gun repeatedly, escopeteo, m. frequent gunshots. escopeteria, /- infantry armed with guns; repeated gunshots. « u in &ir ; • in eh I ; i in Dolic* ; o In for ; o in ball : o Cbuf->Te e. ii and z as th in tlilck ; b and d. ESC 249 ESC escopetero, in. gunner, musketeer ; gun- smith. escopetilla, /. dim. small gun. escopetdn, m. aug. large fowling-piece. escopleadura, /."mortise-hole. escoplear, va. to chisel} mortise, notch. escoplillo, itO, m. dim. small chisel. escoplo, m. (carp.) chisel. escora,/. (naut.) stanchion, bilge-head, prop, outrigger; (naut.) central line of a vessel; (naut.) tilt. • escorar, va. (naut. ) to prop, to shore up. — vn. (naut. ) to list, to heel. ^SCorblitiCO, ca, a. scorbutic, scorbutical. escorbuto, m. (med.) scurvy. escorchapin, m. passage-boat, ferry. escorchar, va. to flay, to skin. escordiO, '". (bot. ) water germander. escorla, /. dross, slags, scoria ; lee ; mean or worthless thing.— /><. scoriae, volcanic ashes. escorlaceo, cea, a. scoriaceous. escoriacidn,.^'. v. excoriaci6n. escorial, m. dumping-place for dross ; heap of slags. escoriar, va. v. excoriar. escorpena, escorpina,/. (ieht.) grouper. escorpioide, /. (bot.) v. alacranera. esC0rpi6n, m. (ent.) scorpion; (ieht.) fish resembling a grouper ; ancient ballister ; (ast.) Scorpion ; cat-o'-nine-tails'with metal points. escorrozo, m. (coll.) pleasure, enjoyment. escorzado, pp- &■ m. (art) foreshortening. escorzar, va. (art) foreshorten. escorzo, m. (art) foreshortening. escorz6ii m. bull-frog. escorzonera, /. (bot.) viper-root or garden viper-grass. escota, /. stone-cutter's hammer; (naut.) sheet. ^SCOtadO, pp. & m. V. ESCOTADURA. eSCOtadura, /. low cut in the neck (of a dress) ; arm-hole in armour ; large trap- door of a stage. escotar, va. to cut (a dress) low in the neck ; to club, contribute to a common expense ; to draw water by a trench. escote, m. low neck, decollete ; tucker ; share, scot, quota. escotera,/. (naut.) sheet-hole. escotero, ra, a. free, disengaged. escotilla,/- (naut.) hatchway. escotill6n, m. scuttle, trap-door ; stage trap. escotin, /ft. (naut.) top-sail-sheet. escotismo, m. Scotism. eSCOtlsta, m. Scotist. escoznete, m. (prov.) nut^pick. escozor, n. smart pungent pain ; grief, afflic- tion. escriba, m. scribe, among the Hebrews. dscribania, /. office or employment of an actuary or scrivener ; escritoire, scrutoire ; portable writing-case; ornamental ink- stand. escribano, m. actuary, scrivener : escribano de c&mara, clerk of a high court of justice : escribano de numero or del niimero, one of a certain number of notaries public : eaeribano del agua, (ent.) water-skater. escribido, />/). reg. of ESCRiBiR,.used only in the idiom leido y escribido, (coll.) a learned person. escribientc, m. amanuensis, a clerk. escribir, va. {pp. irr. ESCRiTO) to write.— w. to enrol one's self; to keep up an epistolary correspondence : m&quina de escribir, type- writer. escrlflO, m. straw hamper ; jewel-box, casket. escrita,/. (ieht.) spotted skate-fish. escritillas, /.;)/. lamb's testicles. escritO, m. writing ; manuscript ; lit-erary composition ; (law) writ ; brief. — escrito, ta, pp. irr. of ESCRIBIR. escritor, m. writer, author, composer. escritorcillO, m. dim. a petty writer. escritorillo, m. dim. small scrutoire. escritorio, m. writing-desk, scrutoire ; count- ing-house, oflace, study, library. escritorzuelO, la, m. &/. dim. poor writer. escritura, ./". writing, handwriting, penman- ship ; deed, indenture, contract: escritura de segaro, policy of insurance. escriturar, va. (law) to bind by deed ; to in- denture ; to engage (as an artist). — vr. to sign articles. escriturario, ria, «. (law) scriptory, scrip- torian. — m. scripturist. escr6fula, f. (med.) scrofula. escrofularia,/. (bot.) figwort. escrofulariaceo, cea, a. scrophulariaceous. escrofulismo, m. (med.) scrofulism. escrofulOSO, sa, a. scrofulous. escrotO, m. scrotum. escrupulillo, m. dim. slight scruple ; jinglet. escrupulizar, vn. to scruple, doubt, hesitate. escrupulO, m. doubt, scruple, hesitation ; scrupulosity, conscientiousness; (pharm.) scruple, small weight (20 gr.). escrupulosamente, adv. scrupulously ; pre- cisely, minutely. escruipulOSidad, /. scrupulosity, conscien- tiousness ; preciseness, exactness, nicety. escrupulOSO, sa, «. scrupulous, conscien- tious, nice, precise, exact ; hypercritical, squeamish. escrutador, m. examiner, scrutator, inquir- er, searcher ; inspector of an election. escrutar, va. to count votes ; to scrutinize. escrutinlo, m. scrutiny, investigation ; elec- tion returns. escrutifLador, m. scrutator, censor. escuadra,/. carpenter's square ; knee, angle tie : escuadra de agrimensor, surveyor's cross escuadra falsa, bevel; (mil.) a squad; (naut. squadron, fleet: k escuadra, square. escuadraci6n, /. squaring. escuadrador, m. squaring tool ; groover. escuadrar, va. (carp.) to square. escuadreo, m. squaring, quadrature. escuadria,/- scantling of timber. escuadro, m. v. escrita. esCTiadr6n, m. (mil.) squadron, troop of horse. escuadronar. va. to form in squadrons. escuadroncillo, cete, m. dim. small troop. escuadronista, m. (mil) tactician. escualidez, /. squalor, wretchedness. escualido, da, a. weak, languid ; squalid. filthy. escualO, m. (ieht.) spotted dog-fish , shark. escualor, m. squalor, filthiness. escucha, /. (mil.) scout; vedette; sentinel sentry ; in convents, a chaperon ; listening; hole. escuchador, ra, a. hearer, listener. escucbante, pi. & m. &/. listener. escucbar, va. to listen, hearken, hear; to mind, to heed. — vr. to hear one's self with complacency. escudar, va. to shield, protect, defend, guard from danger. — v?-. to depend on some meani of evading danger. escuderaje, m. service of a page or footman^ escuderear, m. to serve as a page or squire, escuderia, /. service of a page or footman. CSCUderil, «. belonging to a page. g (before e, i) and.i i? h in hot: h. silent; 11 iu brilliant; &, ny in canyon ; r (iniUal) and rr tri«. v. desliz. escurrlr, m. to drain the rinsings off a ves- sel ; to wring (as cloth-^s). — vr. to drop, seep, ooze, leak, trickle ; to 3lip, slide, glide ; to escape, to slip out, sneak away. €8CUyer, m. purveyor of meat to the palace. «BdnijlQo, la, a. (gram.) a.\y word ar^- cented on the antepenultira tp syllable: ver»o esdr^Julo, verse ending with such a word. ■we [eh'-seh],/. name of the letter S ; link of a chain of the figure of this letter.— p/. eses, reeling of a drunken man. ^se, m. esa, /. {pi. esos, esai), a. when pre- ceding the naun] that {pi. those), as ese hombre, that man : esas mqjeres, those women. 6se, m. 6sa,/. {pi. i*os, esas), dem. pron. that (one) {pi. those), as tengo *se, I nave that one : dame esas, give me those, esecilla, /. dim. small link of a chain. esencia, /. essence ; being ; (chem. ) essence, perfume : quinta esencia, quintessence. esencial, a. essential, necessary, constitu- ent ; substantial, important, principal. esenciHmente,a(Z('. essentially, principally. esfenoldes, m. (anat.) sphenoid bone. esfera, /. sphere, ball, globe, orb ; clock-dial ; quality, condition, rank ; (poet,) heaven. esferal, a. v. esfkrico. esf6ricamente, adv. spherically. esferlcldad, /. (geom.) sphericity, rotun* dity. esfkrico, ca, a. spherical, globular. esferoldal, a. spheroidical, spheroidal. esferoide,/. spheroid, esflnge,/. sphinx, fabulous monster. esfingidO, da, a. sphinx-like. esfillter, /». (anat.) sphincter. esforrocinar, va. to remove the esfcrrocinot from a vine, esforrocino, m. sprig shooting from the trunk of a vine. esforzadamente, adv. strenuously, vigor- ously, valiantly. esforzado, da, a. strong, vigorous, valiant. —pp. of ESFORZAR. esforzador, ra, m. &f. exciter, animater, esforzar, va. {ind. esfuerzo : pret. ESFORcfi: subj. esfuerce) to strengthen, invigorate; to encourage. — vr. to exert one's self, to make efforts. esfuerzo, m. courage, spirit, vigour, heart, manfulness ; effort, strong endeavour, exer*^ tion, contention, labouring. esfumado, da, pp. & a. (art) sfumato. esfumar, va. (art) to stump. esfumino, m. (art) stump (for shading). esgrima,/. fencing (the art). esgrimldor, m. fencer or fencing-master. esgrimidura, /. fencing (the act). esgrimir, va. to fence. esguazable [es-goo-ah-thah'-way], a. fordable. esguazar, va. to ford (as a river). esguazo [es-gwali'-tiiaw], m. fording. esgucio, m. (arch.) projecting quarter round. esguin les-geen'], m. young Salmon before en- tering the sea. eSgUince [es-geen'-thayl, m. twist of the body tO avoid a blow ; frown ; twist or sprain of a joint. esguizaro [es-gee'-thah-ro], a. ragamuffin. eslabdn, m. link of a chain ; steel for strik- ing fire with a flint ; table steel ; a very poi- sonous scorpion. eslabonador, m. chain-maker. eslabonamieil'to, m. linking, uniting; chain, concatenation. eslabonar, va. to link, to interlink ; to join, unite. eslinga,/. (naut.) sling, span, eslingar, va. (naut.) to sling up, hoist. eslora, /. (naut.) length of a ship.— p^, eflo- ras, l)inding strakes of the deck. esmaltador, m. enameller. ^«inaltadura, /. enamelling; enamel work. esmaltstr, va. to enamel ; to adorn, embeU lish. esmalte, m. enamel ; enamel work ; smalt. esmaltin, m. smalt. esmaltina, /. (min.) smaltite. esmeradamente, adv. nicely, carefully, ac* curately. «M Id far; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for: n in bull : c (before e, i) and z as th In thick : b and d, soft; ESM 251 ESP esmerado, da, a. high-finished, executed with care.— />/>. of esmerar. esmeralda, /. emerald. esmerar, va. to polish, to brighten. — vr. to do one's best. esmerejdn, m. (om. ) merlin ; small piece of artillery. esmeril, m. emery; small piece of ordnance, esmerilar, va. to burnish, to polish with emery. esmero, m. careful attention, niceness. esmoladera,/. whetstone. esmuciarse, vr. to slip from the hands. esil6ll, m. (naut. ) spencer-mast, try-sail mast. eso, dem. pron. neut. that : eso es, that is it : no es eso, it is not that : k eso de, toward, about : eso mismo, the very thing. esOf^giCO, ca, a. esophageal. es6fagO, m, (anat.) esophagus, gullet. esot6riCO, ca, a. esoteric; confidential, se- cret. esotro, m. esotra, /. dem. pron, this or that other. — pi. esotros, to. esotras,/. those others. espabiladeras, /. pi. snuffers. espabllar, va. to snuff a candle. V. des- PABILAR. espaciar, va. to space, set apart, distance ; to expatiate, diffuse, expand, dilate, spread ; (print.) to lead, to space. — vr. to walk to and fro ; to amuse one's self; to cheer up. espaciO, m. space, room, place, capacity ; dis- tance between objects ; interval of time ; slowness, delay, procrastination ; (mus.) in- terval ; (print.) space. espaciosamente, adv. deliberately, spa- ciously. aspaciosidad,/. spaciousness, capacity. espaclOSO, sa, «. spacious, capacious, wide, roomy, ample, large, extensive ; slow, delib- erate. espada, /. sword ; blade, rapier ; swordsman ; ace of spades, or any card in the suit of spades ; (ieht.) sword-fish ; bull-fighter who kills the bull with a swofd. espadachin, m. dexterous swordsman ; bullv, hackster. espadadero, m. braking-floor. espadador, m. hemp-beater. espadafla, /. (bot.) reed-mace, great cat- tail ; belfry. espaaafiada,/. regurgitation ; spewing. espadafial, /«. place where reed-mace grows. espadafiar, va. to spread out the tail-feath- ers. espadar, va. to brake, scutch, swingle. espadaiie, m. (icht.) sword-fish. espaderia,/. sword-cutler's shop. espadero, m. sword-cutler, blade-smith. espidice, m. (bot.) spadix. espadiUa,/. red insignia of the order of San- tiago; swingle, hemp-brake; (naut.) scull, oar used as helm ; ace of spades ; hair bodkin ; (bot.) corn-flag. .SSpadillar, va. to brake, scutch, swingle, espadillazo, to. adverse fortune at cards. espadin, m. small gala sword ; rapier. espadlta, /. dim. small sword. espadbn, to. aug. spadone, large sword, broadsword ; eunuch. espadrapo, m. v. esparadrapo. espagirica,/. metallurgy. espagiriCO, ca, a. metallurgic. espai, TO. (mil. ) spahi. espalda, /. (anat.) back, shoulders; (fort.) shoulder of a bastion. — pi. espaldas, back or back part; (mil.) rear-guard. espaldar, m. backplate of a cuirass ; back of a seat ; espalier in gardens. — pi. espaldares. tapestry hangings against which chair*- lean. espaldarazo, to. accolade ; light blow on thft shoulders. espaldarcete, to. palette in ancient armour. Cspaldar6ll, m. backplate in armour. espaldear, va. (naut.) to dash against thfr poop. espalder, to. stern rower in a galley. espaldera,/. espalier, trellis-work. espaldilla, /. scapula, shoulder-blade ; hind quarter of a waistcoat or jacket. espalditendido, da, a. (coll.) stretched ca one's back. espalddn, m. (carp.) tenon ; (fort.) intrench- ment, barrier; (naut.) a hawse-piece. espaldudo, da, a. broad-shouldered. espalera,/. espalier, trellis-work. espalmadura, /. (farr.) parings of hoofs. espalmar, va. v. despalmar. espalto, TO. dark-coloured paint ; spalt. espantable, a. frightful, horrid, terrible. espantablemente, adv. horribly, terribly. frightfully. espantadizo, za, a. timid, skittish, shy. espantador, ra, to. &/. bugbear, frightener, espantalO, m. scarecrow ; a fright. espantalobos, .to. (bot.) bladder or bastard senna, espantamoscas, TO. fly-net; fly-flap. espantanubladOS, to. rake, vagabond. espantar, va. to scare, frighten, terrifr, daunt ; to chase or drive away. — vr. to be astonished, to marvel. espantavillanos, m. gaudy stuff or trinket espantO, m. fright, consternation ; threat j wonder ; horror ; hideousness, grimness. espantosamente, adv. dreadfully. espantOSO, sa, a. frighful, drea4ful, horri* ble ; fearful ; wonderful. espa&Ol, la, a. & m. &/. Spanish ; Spaniard - i. la espafiola, Spanishly. — m. Spanish lan>> guage. espaiLolado, da, a. Spanish-like; Spanio) ized.— ^^. of espaSolar. espa&olar, va. (coll.) v. espaSolizar. espailOleta,/. ancient Spanish dance. espa&OllSino, to. love, devotion to Spain. espafLolizar, va. to Spaniolize.— t;j-. to adoplt tne customs and manners of Spain. esparadrapo, to. court-plaster (sparadrap). esparav^, to. (vet.) spavin ; esparav&n seco, swimmer : esparavin huesoso, bone-spavin j (orn.) sparrow-hawk, esparavel, to. casting-net. esparciata, «. Spartan. esparcidamente,adr. distinctly, separately. esparcido, da, a. scattered ; merry, festive, gay.— ^». of ESPARCIR. esparcidor, ra, «. scatterer, spreader. esparcimientO, to. scattering, dissemina« tion ; amusement, outing, recreation, mer- riment ; frankness, openness. esparclx, va. {ind. ESPARZO: subj. esparza) to scatter, disseminate ; to divulge, to spread abroad. — vr. to amuse one's self, to make merry. esparragado, m. dish of asparagus. esparragador, ra, «. asparagus-grower. esparragamiento, to. cultivation of aspara- gus. esparragar, va. to grow asparagus. esparragO, to. (bot.) asparagus ; pole of an awning; (min.) peg-ladder. esparragdn, m. corded silk stuff. esparraguera, /. asparagus plant ; aspar&> gus-bed. esparraguero, ra, m. & /. asparagus-seller. % (before e, 1) and J as h in hot ; b. silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed ESP 252 ESP esparragnina, /. (min.) asparagin. esparrancado, da, «. wide-legged, divari- cated.— />jy. Ot ESPAERANCARSE. esparrancarse, vr. (coll.) to spread the legs wide apart. €Spartstl, m. mat-weed field. espartano, na, a. Spartan. esparte&a, /. rope-sole sandal. esparteria, /. shop where mat-work is made or sold. espartero, ra, m. & /. maker and seller of mat-work. 'espartilla, /. mop of esparto-grass, espartizal, >n. field on which esparto-grass is gr()wiug. esparto, "/. (hot.) esparto-grass, mat-weed. espasmo, m. v. pasmo; (med.) spasm. espasm6dico, ca, a- spasmodic, convulsive. espata./- (hot.) spathe. espatafrada,/. v. despatarkada. espatarrarse, vr. v. despatarrarse. espatiCO, ca, «. (min.) spathic, laminata. espatO, /". (min.) spar, espatula, /. spatula; (art) palette-knife, espaviento, m. v. aspaviento. espavorido, da, a. v. despavorido. especeria,/. r. ESPEciERfA, spicery. especia,/. spice.— »Z. medicinal drugs. especial, «. special, particular : en especial, sj>ecially. especlalidad, /. speciality or specialty. especialista, «. & m. specialist. especlaltaente, adv. especially, especiar, id. to spice broth or food. especie, ,/'. species, class, kind, sort ; event, incident ; case, aff"air, business ; piece of news, statement ; pretext, show, ^specieria,/. grocery, spicery, drugstore. ispeciero, vt. spicer, druggist, grocer. «'Speci£Lcaci6ll, f. specification. trspecificadamente, adv. specifically, especificar, va. {pret especifiquk: subj. kspe(IF:que) to specificate, specify, par- ticularize, itemize. especiflcativo, va, a. speciflcal, specifving. especifico, ca, a. specific, speciflcal, — m. (metl. ) specific. esp6cimeil, m. specimen, sample. especioso, sa, ". neat, beautiful ; apparent, specious, deceiving. especiOta,/. (coll.) hoax, fake news. espectaculo, »». spectacle, show, pageant. espectador, ra, a. sjiectator, looker-on. espectro, «/. spectre, phantom, ghost, hab- goblin ; (opt. ) spectrum. espectroBCOpia, /. (opt.) spectroscopy, espectroscopico, ca, a. spectroscopic, espectroscopio, m. (opt.) spectroscope. especulacion, speculation, contemplation ; (com.) venture. especulador, ra, m. &f. speculator. especular, va. to behold, view, inspect ; to speculate, meditate, contemplate; (com.) to speculate, dabble in stocks, etc, especulativa, /. understanding. ispeculativamente, adv. speculatively, especulativo, va, a. ^!i>eculative, thoughtful. esp^CUlO, 111. spetulum. espejadO, da, «. mirror-like. espejear, vn. to reflect as a mirror. espejeo, m. v. espejismo, espeleria, /. shop where mirrors are made and sold. espejero, m. mirror maker or seller. espejico, lllO, itO, m. dim. little mirror, espejismo, m. mirage ; illusion. espejO, m. looking-glass, mirror; (naut.) stern frame : esp^o nstorio, burning-glass. espejuela, /. curve of the bit: espcjuela abierta, snaffle. espejuelO, m. dim. small looking-glass ; specular stone, selenite ; leaf of mica ; lark mirror; candied citron; (vet.) wart on pastern,— pZ. espejuelos, spectacles, glasses. espelta,/. (bot.) spelt, a cereal. esp61teO, ea, a. belonging to spelt. espelunca,/. dark, gloomy cave. espeluzar, va. v. despeluzar. espeluznante, pa. (coll.) setting the hair on end. espeluznar, vr. to dishevel the hair ; to set tne hair on end (from fright). espeque, m. handspike ; pump-brake. espera, /. expectation, expectance or expec- tancy, wait, stay, pause ; (mus.) stop, inter- val ; restraint, prudence ; (law) respite, ad- journment ; ancient piece of ordnance ; (carp.) notch, esperador, ra, a. expectant, esperanza,/. hope, expectancy ; (coll.) pros- pect : no hay esperanza, there is no chance, esperanzar, va. to give hope. esperar, va. to hope ; to expect ; to stay, wait for, await, look for ; to fear. — vr. to expect, wait, stay, esperezafse, vr. to stretch one's self, esperezo, m. stretching one's arms and legs, esperma, /. sperm, v. semen : esperma de ballena, spermaceti, espermaceti, m. (com.) spermaceti. espermatico, ca, a. spermatic, seminal, espermatorrea, /. spermatorrhoea. espernada, /. split end link of a chain. esper6n, m.mig. long wait ; (naut.) V. espo- l6n. espesar, wt. to thicken, inspissate, coagulate, curdle, concrete ; to mass, assemble ; to make closer (as knitting), — vr. to conden- sate, to grow thicker, espesativo, va, a. thickening, espeso, sa, a. thick, condensed, dense, gross, crass ; curdy ; close, contiguous ; frequent, often repeated ; slovenly, dirty ; dull, heavy. espesor, m. thickness. espesura, /. thickness, density, closeness ; tnicket, elo?e wood ; abundant head of hair ; slovenliness. espetar, va. to spit, to skewer ; to pierce, run tnrou^h ; (coll.) to tell, to relate — vr. to be stiff" with pride; (coll,) to thrust one's self into place. espetera,/. kitchen rack, scullery. espetdn, m. spit, poker, rake, iron prong, large pin; blow given with a spit; (zool,) sea-pike, espia, m. &f. spy ; (naut,) warp, chest rope. espiar, va, to spy, to lurk, to lie in wait. — vr. (naut.) to warp. espibia,/. espiblo, espibi6n, m. (vet.) dis- location in the nape of the neck. espicanardo, /. (bot.) spikenard. espiciforme, a. (hot.) spicate. espichar, va. to prick ; (coll.) to give up the ghost, to die. espiche, m. sharp-pointed weapon ; meat- spit ; spile, spigot. espicn6n, m. wound with a pointed weapon. espiga,/. spike or ear of grain ; (carp.) tenon, Qowel, peg; (mech.) pin, tongue, shank, treenail, stem ; tangof a sword ; brad, head- less nail ; (oran.) fiise of a bomb or shell; (naut.) mast-head. espigadera, .f. gleaner,, leaser, espigado, da, a. tali, grown: (agr.) eared, ripe.— 7>/>. of espigar. espigadora, /, v. espigadera. ft as is far ; e tn eh I ; i tn police ; O in for * " -% ball ; c (b«fv,re e, 1) and z as th In thick ; b and d, softf ESP 253 ESP «spigar, vn. (pret. ESPIGU^ : subj. espigue) to glean ; (carp.) to tenon. — vn. (agr.) to ear (as wheat) ; to grow tall. espigbn, m. sting (as of bees) ; point of a sharp tool or dart ; bearded spike ; ear of corn ; peak ; breakwater or pier. espiguilla, ta, /. dim spikelet ; small edging of lace, tape, or inkle. espin, m. puerco espin, porcupine. espina, /. thorn ; fish-bone ; spine, back- bone ; splinter; scruple, doubt, suspicion: espina blanca, (bot.) woolly-cotton thistle. espinaca,/. (bot.) spinage. espinadura, f. pricking with a thorn. SSpinal, «. spinal, dorsal. SSpinar, va. to prick with thorns ; to sur- round trees with thorn-bushes ; to nettle, to provoke. espinar, m. place full of thorn-bushes ; dan- gerous undertaking, an arduous enterprise. espinazo, m. spine, back-bone. esplnel, m. fishing-line with many hooks. espinela, /. (poet.) ten-line stanza; spinel- ruby. espineo, ea, «. made or full of thorns. espinera, /. (bot.) v. espino. espineta,/. (mus.) spinet. esplngarda, /. small piece of ordnance ; long Moorish musket. espingardada, /. wound from an esplngarda. espinica, ita, ilia, /. dim. small thorn. espinilla, /. shin-bone ; black-head, comedo. espinillera, /. (arm.) greave, jambe. espino, m. (bot.) hawthorn, buckthorn. espinosismo, m. Spinozism. espinoso, sa, a. spiny, thorny ; arduous ; dangerous. espinzar, va. to burl. V. despinzar. espiocha, /. pickaxe. espion, m. spy. V. ESPf A. espionaje, m. espionage, spying. espira, /. spiral line, helix ; spire, steeple ; (arch. ) surbase of a column. espiracidn, /. expiration, respiration. esplrador, m. he who expires or breathes. esplral, «. spiral, winding, helical.—/, spiral line. espiralmente, adv. spirally. espirante, pa. expiring, respiring. OSpirar, va. to expire, breathe, exhale ; to move, animate ; to infuse a divine spirit. — vn. to expire, breathe. espiratiVO, va, a. that which infuses spirit. vjspiritado, da, a. (coll.) extremely thin. espiritar, va. v. endemoniar. — vr. (coll.) to be agitated, to fret. espiritismo, »«. spiritualism, spiritism. espiritista, m. &f. spiritualist. espiritosamente, adv. spiritedly. espiritOSO, sa, a. spirituous ; spirited, lively, active. espiritu, m. spirit; soul; genius; energy, strength ; ardour, courage, life, manhood ; inclination, turn of mind; spirit, liquor; true sense or meaning : el Espiritu Santo, the Holy Ghost : espiritu maligno, the devil.— p/. spirits, demons, hobgoblins ; (chem.) spirits, ether. espiritual, n. spiritual ; ghostly. , espiritualidad, /. spiritualitv, incorporal- ity. espiritualismo, m. (philos.) spiritualism. espiritualista, m. aclherent or the spiritual philosophy. espiritualizar, va. to spiritualize. espiritualmente, adv. spiritually. espirituoso, sa, a. spirituous ; ardent ; vivid, lively. espirbmetro, m. spirometer. espita, /. faucet, stop-cock, spigot, spout ; tap; (coll.) tippler, a drunkard. espltar, va. to put a faucet ; to tap. espitO, m. (print.) peel, hanger. esplendente, pa. (poet.) shining, glittering, resplendent. esplender, vn. (poet.) to shine, to glitter. espl6ndldamente, adv. splend,idly, magnifi- cently. esplendidez, /. splendour, magnificence, grandeur ; abundance ; liberality. espl^ndido, da, a. splendid, magnificent, grand, sumptuous ; liberal ; (poet.) resplen- dent. esplendor, m. splendour, brilliancy, lustre, magnificence, grandeur; fulgency, radi' anee ; nobleness. esplendorosamente, adv. with splendour. esplendoroso, sa, a. splendid, radiant. esplenico, ca, a. splenic. espleniO, m. (anat.) splenium. esplenitiS, /. (med. ) splenitis. espliegO, m. (bot.) lavender. esplin, m. (coll.) spleen, melaneholf, esplique les-piee'-kay], m. bird-snare. espolada, /. prick with a spur : espolada da vino, (coll.) large draught of wine. espolazo, m. violent prick with a spur. espoleadura,/. wound made with a spur. espolear, va. to spur ; to instigate, incite. espoleta, /. fuse, fusee (of a bomb) ; wish- bone. espolin, m. dim. small goad-spur ; shuttle for brocading or flowering ; silk brocade. espolinado, da, pp. & a. flowered ; brocaded. espolinar, va. to brocade ; to flower. espoliO, m. property left by a prelate. espolique, m. running footman. espolista, m. running footman ; one who farms an espolio. espol6n, m. cock's spur; ridge, crag of a mountain; (arch.) spur, buttress; (eng.) mole, breakwater, jetty, groin, starling; (naut.) ram of a man-of-war; (naut.) fen- der-beam. espolonada, /. sudden onset of horsemen. espolvorear, va. to powder ; to dust ; to scat- ter. espolvorizar, va. to scatter powder. espondaico, ca, «. (poet.) spondaic. espondeo, m. (poet.) spondee. espondil, m. v. vertebra. espondilitis, /. (med.) spondylitis. esponja,/. sponge; (coll.) sponger. espon^ado, da, pp. toon. espora, /. esporo, m. (bot.) spore. espor^diCO, ca, a. sporadic, isolated. esporocarpio, /«. (bot.) sporocarp. g (before e, 1) and J as h in hot; h. silent; 11 in brilliant; fi, nyin canyon: r (initiaO and rr trilled: ■. hissed ESP 254 EST «rfportada,/. frailful, basketful. esportear, va. to carry in frails, panniers, or baskets. esportilla, /. dim. small frail. esportillero, w. porter, carrier. esportillO, m. pannier, frail, basket. esportdn, m. aug. large pannier or frail. esposa, /. spouse, wife, consort.— y/. mana- cles, handcuffs, fetters, shackles. esposo, 111. spouse, husband, consort. espuela, /. spur, rowel ; stimulus, incite- ment: espuela de caballero, (bot.) larkspur. espuenda, /. bank of a canal. espuerta, /. two-handled frail. espulgadero, m. place where beggars clean themselves from tleas. espulgador, ra, m. & f. one who cleans oflf lice or fleas. espulgar, ra. {pret. espulguk: subj. espioi^ GUE) to clean from lice or fleas ; to examine closely. 6spulgb, m. act of cleaning from lice or fleas. espuma,/. froth, lather, spume, foam, scum : eapama de plata, litharge of silver : espuma de nitro, aphronitrum : espuma de mar, meer- schaum : espuma de la sal, sea-froth. espumadera,/. skimmer, colander. espmnador, ra, «. skimmer. espumajear, m. to froth at the mouth. espumaqo, m. froth. V. ESPUMARAJo. espumajOSO, sa, a. foamy, frothy, spumous. espumaXLte, pa. foaming, frothing, lathering. espumar, ra. to skim, to scum. — V7i. to froth, to foam. espumarajO, m. foam or froth from the mouth. espumero, m. place where salt water crys- tallizes. espumescente, a. spumescent. espumilla, /. Oriental crape, gauzy fabric. espumill6n, »i. heavy silk crape. espumosidad, /. frothiness, foaminess. espumoso, sa, «. spumy, spumous, frothy, foamy, nappy ; sparkling (as wine). espundia,/- (vet.) cancerous ulcer. espurio, ria, a. false, counterfeit, bogus, spurious, adulterated ; bastard, illegitimate. espurrear, espurrlar, va. to spurt, sputter. espurrir, ra. to stretch out (as the feet). esputo, m. spittle, saliva ; sputum. esquebrajar, va. V. resquebrajar. esquele [es-Uay'-hay], m. (agr.) cutting, slip. esquela,./*. billet, note. 3Squeletb, m. skeleton ; very thin person ; (naut.) carcass, framework of a snip: en •squeleto, uutinished. esquellta, /. dim. small note, billet. esqudma, m. symbol ; scheme, plan. esquem^ticamente, adv. schematically. esquematico, ca, a. schematic. esquematismo, m. schematism. esquena, /. spine of fishes. esquero [es kay'-ro'. rn. leather bag or pouch. es<^lliciar, ra. to sketch, outline, trace, de- lineate. esquiclo fes-kee'-twe-oi, m. sketch, outline. eSi^Uifada, /. sldir or boat load ; vault of a cistern. OSquifar, va. (naut.) to fit out a ship. «sqnifaz6n, /. (naut.) boat's crew. esquife, m. skiff, small boat; (arch.) cylin- drical vault. esquila, /. small bell ; cattle-bell ; sheep- shearing ; (icht.) prawn; (ent.) water- spider ; (bot.) squill. esqullador, m. sheei>-shearer, clipper. esquilar, ra. to shear, crop, clip ; to fleece : sin esquilar, unshorn. esqulleo, vi. sheaFing, esquilimoso, sar a, (eeiL) fastidlem,. over' nice. esquilmar, va. to harvest -^ to impoTeriBh, esquilme&O, !la, a. fruitful, inroductive, esquilmo, m. harve»t 'f piroduee of viaeSy eat* tie, etc, esquil6n, m. small bell ^ eattle>-belk esquimal, a. Eskimo^ Esquiinau. esquina, /, corner, nook,, coin, edge, angle, esquinadar da, pp. & a. cornered, wigled, esqulnal, vk corner plate;, ajigie iron ;. iroa knee. esqulnanter to, m. (bot.) aromatic rush. esqulnazo, vt, (colL> corner ; dodge, evw sion. esquinco, m. »kink, lizard, esquinelJL /. (arm.) greave,.jaTabe. esquinzador, m. rag-roooik ia paper-mdllsH; rag-engine. esquinzar, va. to cut rags in pa.per-millav esquirla,/. (surg.) splinter of a bone, esquirol, m. rprov.) v. ardilla. esqulstO, «». (mia,) schist ; »late, esquitar, va. to pardon, to remit a debt, esqulvar, va. to shun, elude, avoid, evaidev escape. — vr. to disdain, withdraw, coy. esqulvez [es-ke-vetii'],/. disdain, asperity ,.eold- ness. esquivo, va, a. elusive, evading,, shy, re- served, coyish, cold. esquizado, da, a. mottled (as marble), estabilidad, /. stability, duration, perma- nence, constancy, firmness, consistence, fix- edness. estabilisimo, adv. sup. very stable or firm. estable, a. . stable, permanent, durable^ steady, firm, fast, consistent. establear, va. to tame, accustom to the stable. establecedor, m. founder. establecer, va. {ind. establezco: snhf. ES- tablezca) to establish, to found ; to de- cree, enact, constitute. — vr. to establish or settle one's self in a place. estableciente, pa. establisher, estabHshint^. establecimientO, m. statute, law, orumance, decree; establishment, foundation, settle- ment; institution, store, shop, manufac- tory. establemente, adv. stably, firmly. establero, m. hostler, groom, horsekeeper. establO, m. stable ; bam for cattle. estabulaci6n, /. stabling. estaca,/- stake, picket, pile, pole ; stick, cud- gel, bludgeon ; (agr.) grafting-twig ; (carp.) clamp nail. estacada,/. (mil.) palisade, stockade ; paling, fence-work ; pile pier ; place for a duel. estacar, va. {pret. estaqu^: subj. estaque) to stake ; to fence with stakes ; to tie to a ntake. — vr. to remain stiff as a pole. estacazo, m. blow with a stake. estacidn, /. state, condition, situation, posi- tion ; season of the year ; hour, moment, time; (r. w.) station, depot; devotional, visit to a church ; stay, stop ; telegraph or police station ; apparent motion in the stars ; partv of persons posted at some place. estacional, a. belonging to the seasons ; (ast.) stiitioiiary. estacionainiento, m. station ariness. estacionario, rla, a. stationary, fixed, estacionarse, vr. to remain stationary. estacionero, ra, a. one who prays before stations in church. estac6n, m. aug. large stake, estacte, m. oil of myrrh. a as in far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; a in boll ; c (before e, i) and 8 m tli in thick ; b and d EST 255 EST estaclia,/. (uaut. ) tow-line, hawser ; harpoon rope for whaling. estada, /. stay, sojourn, residence. estadal, m. length measure (about 10 ft. 9 in.) ; blessed ribbon worn at the neck. estadia,/. (com. and naut.) stay, detention ; demurrage ; cost of such stay. estadiO, m. race-course ; stadium (road meas- ure). estadlsta, m. statist, statesman, politician. estadistica,/. statistics. estadiStiCO, Ca, «. statistical, statistic. estadiZO, za, «. stagnant (as water). estado, m. state, stage, condition, circum- stances, footing, class, rank, quality ; profes- sion ; condition (whether single, married, or widowed); state, nation, commonwealth ; statement, account, report ; length measure (1.85 yds.) : estado general or llano, commu- nity or peasantry : estado mayor, (mil.) staff: hombre de estado, statesman : materias de es- tado, state affairs.— p/>. of estar. estadojo, estadonio, m. stake of a cart. estafa,/. swindle, trick, deceit; stirrup. estafador, ra, wi. &f. impostor, swindler. estafar, va. to swindle, deceive, defraud. estafermo, m. wooden movable figure of an armed man ; idle fellow. estafeta,/. courier, post, express ; post-office. estafetero, /«. post-master. estafetil, a. belonging to a courier or post. estafisagra, /■ (bot. ) stavesacre, lousewort. estala,/. seaport, stopping-place. estalacion,/. class, rank, order. estalactita, /. stalactite. estalagmita, /. stalagmite. estallante, pa. bursting, exploding. estallar, vn. to crack, explode, Durst ; to break out into fury or rage. estallidO, estallO, m. crack, crackling, crashing, snap, outburst; report (of fire- arms). estambor, m. (naut.) stern-post. estambrado, m. worsted cloth. estambrar, va. to spin worsted. estambre, w. worsted, woollen yam ; ^bot. ) stamen of flowers. estamenara, /. (naut.) futtock. estamentO, m. each of the estates composing the Cortes in Aragon (clergy, nobility, and commons). estameila, /. tammy-cloth, serge. estame&ete, m. kind of serge. estamineo, nea, a. made of worsted. estamlnifero, ra, a. (bot.) staminate. estampa, /. print, stamp, cut; engravijig; first sketch ; printing, press ; track, impres- sion, foot-step. — m. impression, stamping. estampado, da, pp. & a. cotton print, calico. — m. impression, stamping ; cloth printing. estampador, m. stamper ; stamp, puncheon. estampar, va. to print, stamp, emboss ; to impnnt (as a kiss) ; to impress, fix (as in the mind). estampeiia, /. office for printing or selling prints. estampero, m. maker or seller of prints or stamps. estampida, /. stampede: (coll.) dar una es- tampida, to run away in debt. estampidO, «i. report of a gun ; crack, crash, crashing. estampilla, /. dim. small print ; rubber stamp; signet, seal; (Amer.) postage- stamp. estampita, /■ dim. small print or stamp. estancacidn, /. estancamlento, m. stagna- tion, stagnancy. estancar, va. (pret. estanqu^: subj. ESTAN- QUE) to stanch, stop, check, stem a current ; (naut.) to fother a leak; (com.; to corner, to monopolize, to interdict, suspend. estancla, /. stay, sojourn, continuance in a place ; mansion, dwelling, habitation ; sit- ting-room, living-room; (poet.) stanza; (Amer.) small farm. estanclero, m. small farmer. estanco, ca, a. (naut.) water-tight.— m. fore- stalling, monopoly ; store for special goods ; stop, stay ; repository, archives. estandarte, m. standard, flag, banner, col' ours. estangurria, /. strangury ; catheter. estanqud, .>*. pond, basin, reservoir. estanquero, w. keeper of reservoirs ; retailer of monopoly goods; tobacconist. estanquillero, m. tobacconist. estanquillo, m. cigar-store. estanquito, m. dim. small pond or dam. estantal, m. (arch.) buttress. estante, pa. being, existing, extant. — a. fixed, permanent. — >n. shelf, stand, book- case; (print.) cabinet: estantea, (naut.) props of the cross-beams. estanteria,/. shelving. estantigua, /. phantom, vision, hobgoblin j (coll.) a guy, a fright. estantlO, tia, a. standing still, stationary ;- dull, slow. esta&adera, /. soldering receiver or holder of tin-plate. estafLador, m. tinner, tinman, pewterer. estafladur a, /. ti n n in g. estaflar, va. to tin, blanch ; to solder: esta&ero, m. tinner; seller of tin-ware. estafl.0, m. (chem.) tin. estaquero, m. year-old buck or doc. estaquilla, ita, /. (shoe.) peg ; wooden pin ; spike, long nail. estaquillador, m. (shoe.) pegging-awl. estaquillar, va. to peg, to fasten with pegs. estar, vn. {ind. ESTOY : pret. estuve : subJ. ESTE) to be (in a place, state, or condition) ; when followed by a gerund, or a passive par- ticiple, it is an auxiliary verb, denoting to be in the condition expressed by the princi- pal verb, as estar escribiendo, to' be writing: est& escrito, it is written ; when followed by a reflexive verb, it sometimes takes the pro- noun from the verb, as estarse muriendo, in- stead of estar muriindose, to be in a dying condition : estar i, to be (the day of the week or month that follows), as: estamos & Innes, this is Monday : estamos & cinco, this is the fifth : estar de, to be in the condition or doing the act indicated by the following noun, as : estoy de mndanza, I am moving : estoy de prisa, I am in a hurry : estar en, (a) to understand or comprehend : estoy en 1» que Vd. me dice, I understand what you tell me ; (b) to be of opinion : estoy en que, I am of opinion that; (c) to stand, to cost: esta vestido me est4 en veinte doblones, these clothes cost me twenty doubloons; (d) to depend on : en eso est&, oH this it depends : estar con, (a) to live in company with ; (b) to be engaged or talking with some one: estar sobre si, to be tranquil or serene: 1 donde estamos I an expression of admira- tion or disgust at what we see or hear : estar bien una cosa, to suit, agree, fit; estar en grande, to live in luxury: ^esti Vd. 7 or i estamos ? do you understand ? estar con el pie en el aire, to be unsettled : estar 4 1ft capa, (naut. ) to lie to, to lie by. — vr. to stay : estarse parado or quieto, to stand still. g (before e, It and J as h In hot; li, aUent; 11 in briUlMit; ft, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; s, EST 256 EST estarcidO, m. pounced drawing ; stencil. estarcir, va. to stencil. estarna,/. (orn.) small partridge. estatica,/. (mecn.) statics. estatico, ca, «. static, statical. estatua, /. (art) statue ; carved figure. estatuar, va. to adorn with statues. estatuaria, /. (art) statuary, sculpture. estatuariO, ria, a. belonging to statuary. — m. statuary ; sculptor. estatuir, va. to establish, ordain, enact. estatura, /. stature, height of a person. estatutO, m. statute, law, ordinance. estay, m. (naut. ) stay. este, m. (geo. and naut.) east. este, m. esta, /. a. {when preceding a noun) this, as este ni&o, this boy : esta nina, this giT\.—pl. estoB, estas, these. ■§Ste, m. 6sta, /. pron. dem. this, this one.— pi. 6sto8, in. estaa, /. these. este^rico, ca, «. stearic: bujias esteiricas, stearine candles. estearina, /. (chem.) stearine. esteatita,/. (min.) steatite, soap-stone, mas- sive talc. est6ba, /. prickly plant growing in swamps ; stevedore's pole. estebar, va. to put cloth into the dye-kettle. esteja, /. (naut.) wake, track of a ship; (arch.) stela. estelar, a. sidereal, stellar. estelaria, /. (bot.) silvery lady's-mantle. estelifero, ra, a. (poet.) stelliferous, starry. estelibn, m. (zool.) stellion ; toad-stone. estelionatO, m. (law) stellionate. estel6n, m. toad-stone. esteluladO, da, a. stellular, star-shaped. estemple, m. (min.) steraple. estenografia, /. stenography, short-hand. estenografiar, va. to stenograph. estenograflcamente, adr. stenograph ically. estenOgraflCO, ca, «. stenographic. esten6grafO, fa, m. & /. stenographer. estentbreo, a, «. stentorian. esiepa, /. (bot.) rock-rose; steppe, barren plain. estepar, m. place filled with rock-roses. estepilla,/. (bot.) white-leaved rock-rase. estera,/. mat, matting. esterar, m. to cover with matting. — vn. (coll.) to wear winter clothes before time. estercoladura, /. estercolamiento, m. stercoration, manuring, estercolar, va. to dung, muck, manure. — vn. to void the excrements. estercolero, >«. driver of muck-cart ; dung- yard, muckhill. estercoUzo, za, a. stercoraceous. estercbreo, a, «. stercoral. estercuelO, m. stercoration, manuring. 8St6reo, m. (arith.) stere, one cubic metre. estereografia, /. stereography. estereografico, ca, a. stereographic. esterebgrafo, w. stereographer. estereometria,/. stereometry. estere6metro, m. stereometer. estereoscopio, »k stereoscope. estereotlpa, /. v. estereotipia. estereotipador, m. stereotyper. estereotipar, va. to stereotype ; to print from stereotypes. estereotipia, /. stereotypography, stereotyp- ing ; place where stereotypes are made. estereotipico, ca, «. stereotypic. estereotomia, /. stereotomy . estereria, /. shop where mat-work is made and sold. esterero, m. mat-maker, mat-seller. est^ril, a. sterile, barren, unfruitful, unprok ductive, fruitless. esterilidad, /. sterility, barrenness, unfruit* fulness; scarcity, want of crops. esterllizador, ra, a. sterilizer. esterilizar, va. to sterilize. esterilla, /. dim. small mat ; straw plait , narrow gold or silver braid. est^rilmente, adv. barrenly, unfruitfuUy, meagrely. esterlin, m. v. BocAcf. esterlina, a. libra esterllna, pound sterling. esternbn, m. (anat.) sternum, breastbone. estero, m. inlet, estuary ; matting, covering with matting ; matting season. esterquiliniO, m. dunghill, heap of dung, estertor, m. rattle in the throat ; stertor. estertoroso, sa, a. stertorous. est6tica, /. aesthetics. esteticamente, adv. aesthetically. estetiCO, ca, a. aesthetic, estetoscopia,/. (med.) stethoscopy. estetbscopo, m. (med.) stethoscope, esteva,/. plough-handle ; reach of a carriage estevado, da, a. bow-legged, estevdn, m. v. esteva. estezado, m. v. correal, estiaje, m. low-water mark, estiba, /. rammer; (naut.) stowage; place where wool is compresised, estibador, m. stevedore, longshoreman, estibar, va. to compress wool; (naut.) to stow a cargo. estibia,/. (vet.) luxation. V. espibia. estibio, ni. antimony, stibium, estibina, /. (min,) stibine. estiercol, m. dung, excrement, manure. estigiO, gia, a. Stygian. estigma, m. birth-mark ; stigma, brand, mark of infamy; atlront, disgrace; (bot.) stigma. estigmatizador, ra, a. stigmatizer. estigmatizar, va. to stigmatize, to brand; to affront. estilar, vn. &va. to use, to be accustomed ; to draw up a document in regular form. — vr. to be in fashion, estilicidio, w. stillicide, dropping, estilista, w. elegant writer. estilO, ni. style (writing instrument) ; eno- mon or style of a dial; (arch, and lit.) style; use, custom, fashion ; (bot.) style. estil6batO, m. (arch.) stylobate. pedestal, estima, /. esteem, respect; (naut.) dead reckoning. estimabilldad,/. estimableness. estimabilisimo, ma, a. sup. most estimable, estimable, a. estimable, valuable, credit- able ; computable. estlmacibn, /. estimation, esteem, regard; estimate, valuation, appraisement : estima- cion propla, self-love. estimador, ra, m. &/. esteemer, estimator, estimar, va. to estimate, value, appraise: to esteem, respect, regard, honour ; to judge, to form an opinion ; to thank, estimativa, /. power of iudgiug ; instinct, estimulante, pa. stimulating, exciting. — m. stimulant. estimular, va. to sting, stimulate, irritate, excite, goad ; to incite, encourage. estimulo, »i. stimulus ; incitement ; stimula» tion, encouragement. estinco, «*. skiuk, kind of lizard, estio, 111. the summer. . estiomenar, va. (med.) to corrode, mortify. esti6meno, m. (med.) mortification, gan< grene. a as iQ far ; e iu eb 1 ; i !u police ; o iu for ; n ia ball ; c (before e, )) and i aa th la thick ; b and d, aottj EST 257 EST estipendiar, va. to give a stipend. estipendiario, m. stipendiary. estipendio, m. stipend, salary, pay, wages, fee. estipite, m. (arch.) pilaster in form of a re- versed pyramid. estipticar, va. (med.) to apply a styptic. estipticidad, /. (med.) stypticity. estiptiCO, ca, a. styptic, astringent ; costive ; (met.) miserly, avaricious. estipula, /. (bot ) stipule. estipulaci6ll,/. stipulation, promise, clause, covenant, bargain, agreement. estipulante, pa. stipulator, stipulating. estipular, va. to stipulate, contract, bargain, covenant. estira,/. knife used by curriers. estirac^ceo, Cea, a. styracaceous. estiradamente, adv. scarcely ; difficultly ; violently, forcibly. estirado, da, pp. & a. extended, dilated, stretched ; grave, stiff, proud. — m. stretch- ing, drawing. estirador, ra, «. stretcher, drawing-frame. estirjijar, estirazar, va. (coll.) v. estirar. estiraj6n, m. (coll.) v. estir6n. estiramiento, »«. stretching, pulling. estirar, va. to dilate, stretch out, lengthen ; to pull, draw, tighten. — vr. to stretch; to grow haughty. estirdn, m. strong pull, stretch; pluck, haul or hauling ; rapid growth, x estirpe,/. race, origin^ stock. estitico, ca, a. v\ estiptico. estivada, /. burning of undergrowth. estival, VO, va, a. estival, summer. estO, pron. dem. neut. this : & esto, hereto, hereunto ; con esto, herewith : en esto, at this juncture, herein, hereinto : sobre esto, here- on, hereupon : por esto, hereby ; that is why ; for this reason : esto es, that is, that is so. estOCada, /. stab, thrust, tilt, lunge. estOCaflS, m. (com.) stock-fish. estofa, /. quilted silk stuff; quality, con- dition. estofadO, da, pp. & a. quilted ; ornamented ; stewed. — m. stew. estOfador, m. quilter. .(iStofar, va. to quilt ; to paint relievos on a gilt ground ; to size carvings before gilding ; to stew meat. estOfO, m. quilting; painting on gilt; sizing. estoicamente, adv. stoically. estOiCidad, /. imperturbability. estoicismo, m. stoicism. estoico, ca, a. stoic, stoical. — m. stoic. estola,/. stole, worn by priests. estolidez,/. stupidity, incapacity. estdlido, da, a. stupid, foolish. estOl6ll, m. aug. large stole ; (bot.) stolon. estomacal, a. stomachic. estomagar, vn. & va. ( pret. estomagu^ . suhj. ESTOMAGUE) to bore. annoy, disgust, enrage, make angry. estbmago, ru. stomach. estomaguero, m. stomacher. estomatical, a. stomachic, estomaticon, vi. stomach-plaster. estopa, /. tow; burlap; (naut. ) oakum. estopada, /. quantity of tow for spinning. estopear, va. (naut.) to calk with oakum. estopefio, fia, a. of tow ; tow. estoperol, m. (naut.) scupper-nail; tow wick. estopilla,/. finest part of hemp or flax ; lawn , batiste, cheese-cloth. estopin, m. (arti. ) priming-tube, quick- match. estop6n, m. coarse tow. estopor, m. (naut.) stopper. estoposo, sa, a. tow-like, filaceous. estoque, m. estoc, rapier ; (hot.) corn-flag. estoqueador, m. thruster (oull-fighter). estoquear, va. to thrust with a rapier. estoqueo, m. thrusting or stabbing. estoraque, m. (bot.) officinal storax ; gum of the storax-tree. estorbador, ra, m. &f. hinderer, obstructer. estorbar, va. to hinder, impede, obstruct, cumber, hamper, forbid ; to be in one's way. estorbo, rn. impediment, hiuderance, ob- struction, nuisance. estomija,/. linch-pin ; washer; boys' play. estornino, m. (orn.) starling. estornudar, vn. to sneeze. estomudo, m. sternutation, sneeze. estornutatoriO, m. sternutatory. estotro, tra, compound pronoun of esto and otro, this other. estovar, va. v. rehogar. estoy, VO est6, estuve {in: from estar). estrabismo, m. (med.) strabismus, squint. estracilla,./". small rag ; coarse brown paper ; blotting-paper. estrada, /. causeway, paved road : estrada encubierta, (mil.) covert-way. estradiota,/. riding with long stirrups and stiff legs; kind of lance. estradiote, a. estradiot, Greek horseman. estrado, m. drawing-room ; drawing-room furniture ; dais for a throne ; baker's table; lecturing platform.— p^ court-rooms. estrafalariamente, adv. (coll.) carelessly, slovenly ; extravagantly, wildly, queerly. estrafalario, ria, a. (coll.) slovenly, ex. travagant, wild ; odd, queer, eccentric. estragadamente, adv. depravediy. estragador, ra, a. corrupting, destroying. estragamiento, m. disorder, depravation. estragar, va. ( pret. estragi:e : suhj. estra- gue) to deprave, vitiate, corrupt, spoil. estragO, m. ravage, waste, ruin, havoc ; car- nage, destruction, damage; wickedness. estrag6n, m. (bot.) tarragon wormwood. estrambote, m. burden of a song. estramb6tlcamente, adv. .oddly, queerly. estramb6tiC0, ca, a. odd,tiueef, strange, ir- regular ; eccentric, eccentrical. estramonio, m. (hot.) common thorn-apple. estrangol, m. (vet.) inflammation in a horse's tongue. estrangul, m. (mas. ) mouth-piece. estrangulacidn, /. strangling, choking v strangulation ; (hyd.) stoppage. estrangulador, ra, a. strangler. estrangular, va. to strangle, choke, throttle ; (med.) to strangulate. estratagema,/. stratagem ; trick, artful de« ception ; craftiness ; finesse ; fetch. estrategia, /. (mil.) strategy. estrat^gicamente, adv. strategically. estrat6giC0, ca, a. (mil.) strategic, strateg- ical. estratificacidn,/. (min.i stratification. estratificar, va. (min.) to stratify. estratiforme, a. stratiform. estratigrafia, /. stratigraphy. estratigrafiCO, ca, a. strati graphical. estratO, m. (geol.) stratum, layer, bed ; stra- tus (cloud). estrave, m. (naut.) stem-knee. estraza,/. rag, fragment of cloth : papel do estraza, brown paper, straw paper. estrechamente, adv. narrowly, tightly, closely, fast, compactly, close; nearly, hardly ; exactly, punctually ; strongly, for- /; (before e, I) and J an h lu hot : h, silent ; 11 in brilUaut : A, ny ia eanyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled EST 258 EST cibly ; strictly, rigorously ; scantily, penu- riously. estrecbdmiento, m. tightening, tightness, narrowing. estrechax, va. to tighten ; contract, con- stringe, constrict, curtail, compress ; con- fine ; constrain, compel ; restrain, obstruct. — vr. to bind one's self strictly ; reduce one's expenses ; become related or intimate with ; act in concert. estrechez, /. straitness, narrowness, com- pactness, closeness ; intimacy, friendship ; austerity, penury, poverty. — m. strait, pass, narrow passage ; peril, danger, risk. estrechO, Cha, a. narrow, close, dense ; straight, tight; intimate, familiar; rigid, austere ; exact, punctual ; narrow-minded, illiberal, mean-spirited ; poor, indigent, penurious, needy, necessitous. — m. Valen- tine ; predicament, fix ; (geog. ) strait, chan- nel : al estrecho, necessarily, forcedly. e str e ch6ii, ni. (naut.) V. socoLLADA. estrecliura, /. narrowness, straitness ; nar- row passage ; austerity ; distress, predica- ment ; straits ; intimate familiarity. estregadera, /. scrubbing-brush, mop. estregadero, m. place where beasts ru d them- s». estrupar, va. estrupo, m. V. E.STUPRADOR, ESTIPRAR, ESTUPRO. estuaci6n, /. flow of the tide. estuante, a. hot, boiling, glowing. estuario, »«. estuary, inlet, estucador, m. stucco-plasterer. estucar, va. (mas.) to stucco. estUCO, in. stucco ; plaster, scagliola. estUClie, m. case (as for jewelry, etc.) ; box, casket ; etui, sheath (for scissors ,etc. ) ; cab- inet ; small comb ; in card games, certain combination of cards ; a clever, handy fellow. estudiador, ra, a. (coll.) very studious. estudiante, m. scholar, student. 9Studiantil, a. (coll.) scholastic. estudiantillo, m. dim. little student. estudiantina,/. strolling band of students. estudiantino, na, a. (coll.) belonging to a scholar or student : k la estudiantina, (coll.) in the manner of students. estudiantbn, m. aug. assiduous but slow stu- dent. estudlar, v«. to study ; to attend the classes in a university ; to muse, ponder, contem- plate, commit to memory ; (art) to copy a model or nature. estudio, m. study, learning ; college, school ; library, reading-room ; studio ; attention, meditation, contemplation. — pi. sciences, letters : estndios mayores, the higher sciences. estudiosamente, adv. studiously. estudiOSidad, /. studiousness. estUdiOSO, sa, a. studious. estufa, /. stove ; heater ; hot-house ; drying- chamber, dry bath ; sweating-room, suda- tory ; small brasier. estufador, m. stew-pan. estufero, estufista, m. stove-maker. estufilla, /. hand muff; foot-stove; chafer. estultamente, adv. foolishly. estulticia,/. foolishness, silliness. estultO, ta, a. foolish, silly. estllOSldad, /. burning, hotness, glow. estUOSO, sa, «. hot, ardent, glowing. estupefaccibn,/. stupefaction, numbness. estupefactiVO, va, a. stupefying. estupefactO, a. motionless, stupefied. estupendamente, adv. stupendously, estupendo, da, «. stupendous, wondrous, wonderful, marvellous, estupidamente, adv. stupidly. estupidez, /. stupidity, dulness, stupidness, estupldo, da, a. stupid, dull, slow, heavy. estlipor, m. (med. ) stupor; amazement, estuprador, m. ravisher, deflowerer, vio- lator. estuprar, va. to ravish, violate, deflower. estupro, m. ravishment, rape, constupration. estuque, m. v. estuco. estuquista, m. plasterer, stucco-worker. esturar, va. to dry by fire ; overcook. esturgar, ra, to polish delft ware, estliri6n, m, (icht.) sturgeon. 6siQa./. (hot.) leafy-branched spurge. esvlaje, m. (arch.) obliquity. etapa,/. (mil.) ration given to troops in the field ; (mil.) stage, station, stop. etcetera,/, et cetera, etc., or Ac. 6ter, TO, (chem.) ether ; (poet.) the sky. et6reo, rea, «. ethereal, etherous; (poet.) heavenly. eterizaci6n, /, (med,) etherization. eterizar, va. (med.) to etherize, eternal, a. eternal, eternalmente, adv. eternally, everlastingly. eternamente, adv. eternally, forever, ever- lastingly, evermore ; (met,) for a long time. eternidad /. eternity, eternlzar, va. ( ]^ret. eterniciS : subj. eter- nice) to eternize, perpetuate ; to prolong indefinitely. etemo, na, a. eternal, endless, never-end- ing, everlasting ; durable, lasting. etesio, a. etesiau, recurring yearly. 6tica,/. ethics, morals, morality. ^tico, ca, a. ethical, moral ; moralist ; (med.) hectic, consumptive. etimologia, /. etymology. etimolbgicamente, adv. etymologically. etimol6giCO, ca, a. etymological. etimologicto, etimdlogo, m. etimologl- zante,y''f. etymologist, etymologer, etimologizar, ra. to etymologize. etioiogia,/. (philos. and med.) etiology. etiope, etidpico, ca, etiopio, a, a. Ethi- opian. etibpide,/. (bot.) clary, Ethiopian mullein. etiqueta, /. etiquette, "ceremony, formality: traje or vestldo de etiqueta, full dress, even- ing dress ; (com.) label. T. marbete. etiquetero, ra, «. ceremonious, formal, ex» act, prim, punctilious, etites,/, (min. ) eagle-stone, aetites. etmoides, m. (anat.) ethmoid. 6tnico, ca, ethnic. V. gentil. etnografia,/. ethnography, etnogrkfiCO, ca, a. ethnographic. etn6grafO, ethnographer. etnologia, /. ethnology. etnol6gico, ca, a. ethnologic. etndlOgO, m. ethnologist. etrusco, ca, a. Etruscan. eubolia,/. discretion in speech. eucalipto, TO. (hot.) eucalyptus. eucaristia, /. eucharist. eucaristico, ca, a. eucharistical, eucharistlc. eucolOglO, TO. (eccl.) euchologion. eacrasia,/. (med.) eucrasy, sound health. eucr^tlCO, ca, a. (med.) euchratical. eudibmetro, to. (chem.) eudiometer. eufemismo, m. (rhet.) euphemism. eufonia, /. euphony, euf6nico, ca, a. euphonic, euphonious. euforbi^ceo, cea, a. (bot.) euphorbiaceous. euforbiO, to. (hot.) officinal spurge. eufrasia,/. (hot.) eye-bright. eunUCO [eh-oo-noo'-co], in. eunuch. eupatorio, to. (hot.) eupatorium. euritmia,/. (arch.) eurythmy. euritaniCO, ca, a. having eurythmy. euro [ay'-oo-ro], TO. eurus, east wind : •uro aus- tro or noto, south-east wind, europeo, a, a. European, 6uscaro, ra [eh'-oos-cahro], a. Basque ; Basque language, ^ustilo, TO. (arch.) eustyle. eutanasia, /. euthanasia, eutiquianismo, m. Eutychianism. eutiquiano, na, a. Eutychian. eutrapelia, eutropelia, /, moderation in pleasures ; pastime, sport, eutrap61ico, ca, eutrop^lico, ca, a. mod- erate, temperate, evacuacibn,/. evacuation, exhaustion. evacuante, pa. & a. evacuant, evacuating. evacuar, va. to empty, evacuate ; to quit, vacate, leave : evacuar un negocio or una di- ligencia, to transact a business ; to do an errand. evacuativo, va, torlo, a, a. evacuative. g (before e, i) and J as b in hot ; ta, silent ; 11 in brllUant ; ft, ay in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; t, hissed. EVA 260 EXC evadiX, va. to evade, shirk, escape, elude, avoid.— i-r. to evade, escap*^, slip away, 8neak away. evaluaci6n,/. v. valuaci6n. evaluar, va. V. valuar. evangeliario, m. evangelistary. evangelicamente, adv. evaugehcally. evangelico, ca, a. evaugehcal. evangelic, m. gospel.—/;/, evangelios, go.spel relic-booklet worn by children. evangelismo, m. evangelism. evangelista, >ii. evangelist ; gospel chanter, evangelistero, m. gospeller. evangelizador, ra, a. evangehzer. evangelizar, va. to evangelize. evaporable, «. evaporable. evapcracibn,/. evaporation. evaporador, ra, a. evaporator.— w. & /. evaporating apparatus. evaporar, ra. to evaporate, vaporize. — vr. to evaporate, steam away, pass otf, grow vapid. evaporatoriO, a. evaporative. evaporizar, va. & vr. (pret. evaporic^: subj. evaporice) to evaporate, vaporize. evasidn, /. evasion, escape, subterfuge, evasiva, /. subterfuge. evasivamente, adv. evasively. evasiVO, va, «• evasive, elusive. eveccion, /. (ast.) evection. eventO, //*.' event, accident, contingency.- eventual, ". eventual, fortuitous. eventualidad, /. contingency. eventualmante, adv. eventually. eversion, /. eversion, destruction, ruin, eviccion [cii-vic-thie-on'i, /. eviction. evidencia, /. evidence, proof, obviousness, certainty. evidenclar, va. to evidence, prove, make clear. evldente, a. evident, clear, manifest, obvi- ous, plain, certain. evidentrimente, adv. evidently, plainly, clearly, manifestly, notoriously. evitabie, «. avoidable, extricable, evitable. evitaci6n./. evltation, act of avoiding. evitar, ta. to avoid, elude, escape, forbear; to rty, shirk, shun, decline ; to save, spare. eviterno, na, «. imperishable, lasting. evo, w. age, long time ; eternity, endless du- ration. evocacidn,/. evocation, evoking. evocar, »•«. ( pret. evoque : subj. EvoQUE) to call out, evoke. evolucion, /. evolution, gradual develop- ment; (mil. and naut.) evolution, manoeu- vre. evolucionar, vn. (mil. and naut.) to perform evolutions or manoeuvres. evolutive, va, a. evolutive. ex, pre]), prefix, out, out of, off; formerly, ex abruptO, adv. abruptly, violently. exacci6n tek-8Hc tiiie-oii'], /. exaction; impost, tax, contribution, levy. exacerbacidn 'ek sah-ther Uh-thie-on],/, (med.) exacerbation, paroxysm, exacerbar [ek sah-ther-bar'], va. to irritate, ex- as|)erato, exacerbate. exactamente ek «ac t«h-nien'-tayi, adv. exactly, just, justly, accurately, faithfullv, circum- stantially, minutely, critically, nicely. exactitud (ek sac te-tooiV ", /. exactness, exacti- tude, punctuality, accuracy, correctness, justness, niceness. exactO, ta (ek-sahc'-toi, a. exact, punctual, as- siduous, nice, heedful, faithful, observant, critical, just. exactor [ek-sac-tor'j, m. tax-gathcrer. exaedro, m. (geora.) V. hexahedro. eXageraCi6n [ek-sah-hey-rah-thle-on'], /. exagger- ation, overstatement, hyperbole. exagerador, ra, a. exaggerator. exagerante, pa. exaggerating. exagerar lek-sah-hey-rar'i, va. to exaggerate, amplify, magnify, overstate ; to overact a part. exagerativamente, adv. exaggeratively. exagerativo, va, a. exaggerating, exaggera- tory. exagonal, ex^gono, na, a. hexagonal. exaltacibn [ek-Bai-taii-thie-on'i, /. exaltation, elevation ; (chem.) sublimation. exaltadO, da [ek-sai-tah'-doh , a. (neol.) ultra- radical in politics ; hot-headed. exaltamientO, m. exaltation ; ultra-radical- ism. exaltar [ek-sai-tar'], va. to exalt, elevate, lift ; to praise, extol. — vr. to be carried away by passion. examen [ek-sah'-menl, m. examination, disqui- sition, consideration ; trial, inquiry ; inter- rogatory ; inspection, investigation, search ; exploration, survey. exametro, w. V. HExiMEXRo. examinador, ra, a. examiner, examinator. examinando, m. examinant. examinante, pa. examining. examinar [ek-sah-ine-nar'i, va. to examine, in- vestigate, question ; inspect, go over, re- view ; scan, search; to consider, look into, look up ; fathom ; feel, consult. exangiie [ek-8aiiu'gooe':i;, a. bloodless, exsan- guious ; (met.) weak. exanimaci6n, ./*. exauimation. exanime [ek-Kiir ne men., a. spiritless, exani- mous, M'cak, lifeless. exantema [ek sau teir mah\ /. exanthema. exantematico, ca, a. ex anthem atous. exarca, exarco lok sar'-ca], m. exarch. exarcado, m. exarchate. exasperacidn [ek sas-peh-rah-thie-on'], /, exas- peration. exasperar {ek-pas-peh-rar'i, va. to exasperate, irritate, vex, enrage, offend. eXCandeCencia [ex-can-da-tliane'-thle-ahl, /. an- ger, passion. excandpcer [ex-can-da-therr'1, va. {ind. EXCAN- DEZCO: subj. excandezca) to irritate, pro- voke, enrage. ^»'r. to be in a passion. excarcelacidn, /. act of setting a prisoMer free. excarcelar [ex-car-thay-iar'i, va. to set a prisoner free. excava, /. (agr.) pit around the root of a plant. • excavaci6n [ex-cah-vahthie-on']./. excavation. excavar, va. to excavate, dig, hollow out, scoop. exceaente [ex-tiia-den'tehi, pa. ii a. excessive, exceeding. — m. (com.) surplus. exceder [ex-tha-derr'i, va. to exceed, surpass, excel, go beyond. — it. to exceed, overgo. excelencia [ex tha-ien'tiiie-aii',/. excellence, su- periority ; excellency, title of honour : por excelencia, (coll.) par excellence. excelente (ex-tim len'teh', a. excellent, exqui- site, surpassing. — /«. ancient gold coin. excelentemente, adv. excellently. excelentisimo, ma, a. swperl. most excel- lent. excelsamente, adv. sublimely. excelsitud, /. excelsitude, loftiness. excelSO, sa [ex-tiiei'-so], a. elevated, sublime, lofty. exc6ntrlcamente, adv. eccentrically. eXCentriCidad [e.x-thane-tree-tlile-dahd';, /. eccen- tricity. a as !n far ; e in eh I : i in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; c (befure e. i) and z as ih in tUck ; b and d, noft. EXC 261 EXC QZC^ntriCO, Ca [ex-thane'-tree-co], a. eccentric, eccentrical ; extravagact, odd, queer.—/, (mech. ) eccentric wheel. excepci6n [extiiep-tiiie-on'],/. exception, exclu- sion ; (law) demurrer, exception. excepcional, a. exceptional, unusual. excepcionar, va. (law) to except, object, de- mur. exceptO [ex-tiiep'-to], adv. except that, besides that, excepting. exceptuaci6n/ V. excepci6x. exceptuar [ex-theivtoo-ar'], va. to except, ex- empt, exclude, leave out. excerta, /. excerpt, extract, citation. excesivamente, adv. excessively. excesivo, va [extiia-see'-vo], a. excessive, im- moderate, exorbitant, overgreat, extreme. exceso lextha'-soi, 771. excess, overmuch ; su- perfluity, excessiveness, exuberance ; in- temperance, irregularity, transgression ; wickedness, crime; (com.) surplus: en ex- ceso, excessively. excipiente, t. (pharm.) excipient. excitabilidad, /. excitability. excitable ex-thie-tah'-bieh], a. excitable. eXCitacibn [ex-thie-tan-thie-on'], /. excitation, act of exciting, excitement. excitador, m. (elec.) discharging rod. excitante, pa. &.m. &f. exciting, excitant. excitar lex-thie-tarM, va. to excite, move, stim- ulate, stir up, rouse, animate, fire, flame. excitative, va, a. exciting, excitative. exclamaci6n, /. exclamation, shout, cla- mour. exclamar, vn. to exclaim, shout, cry out, clamour, to holler. exclamativo, va, torio, ria, a. exclama- tory. exclaustraci6n,/. secularization of monks. exclaustradO, m. secularized monk. exclaustrar, va. to secularize monks. excluir, ra. ( pp. EXCLUIDO, excluso : hid. EXCLUYO: sitbj. EXCLUYA) to exclude, shut out, expel, eject, reject, debar, deny admis- sion. CXClUSibn,/. exclusion, shutting out, denying admission, rejection, ejection ; exception. exclusiva, /. refusal ; rejection, exclusion ; sole right, special privilege. exclusivamente, exclusive, adv. exclu- sively. exclusive, va, a. exclusive. excluso, pp. irr. from excluir. excogitable, a. imaginable, reasonable. excogitar, ra. to excogitate, meditate ; find, invent, devise. excomulgadO, da, pp. & a. excommuni- cated, accursed. excomulgador, m. excommunicator. excomulgar, m. {for mut. V. coMULGAR) to excommunicate ; to anathematize, accurse. excomunidn, ./'. excommunication : excomu- nion mayor, anathema. excoriacion, /. excoriation, flaying. excoriar, m. (med. ) to excoriate, to flay. excrecencia,/. excrescence or excresceucy, excreci6n,/'. excretion. excremental, a. v. excrementicio. excrementar, va. to excrementlze, to void by stool. excrementicio, Cia, a. excrementitious, ex- cremental. excremento, m. excrement, flux ; excretion, excrete. excrementOSO, sa, a. excremental, excre- mentitious. excretar, m. to excrete ; eject the excre- ments. excreto, ta, a. excreted, ejected. excretorio, ria, a. excretory, excretive. excrex [ex-crex'J, m. {pi. excrez) (law) increase of dower. exculpacibn, /. exculpation, exoneration. exculpar, va. & vr. to exculpate, exonerate. excursi6ll, /. excursioa, trip, tour; (law^ excussion, liquidation. excusa, /. excuse, apology, plea ; allowance, excusableness, colour, cloak, loophole. excusabaraja, /. basket with a cover. excusable, a. excusable, pardonable. excusaci6n, /. V. excusa. excusadamente, adv. uselessly. excusadO, da,;)p. & a. exempted, privileged \ superfluoHs, useless, unnecessary ; reserved, set apart. — m. ancient privilege of exemp- tion from the payment of tithes ; Ingar excu- Bade, privy, water-closet, toilet-room. excusador, ra, a. excuser. — m. substitute, vicar ; (law) excuser. excusall, m. small apron. excusar, va. to excuse, exculpate, palliate ; to exempt from taxes or obligations ; to pre- vent, avoid, shun. — vr. to excuse one's self, apologize ; to send regrets ; to decline or re- ject a request. excusi6n,/. (law) excussion, attachment. execrable, a. execrable, accunsed. execrablemente, adv. execrably. execracion, /. execration, cursing. execrador, ra, a. execrater. exc^rando, da, a. execrable. execrar, va. to execrate, accurse, abhor. execratorio, ria, a, execratory. ex6gesis lek-seii'-iieh-sis], /. exegesis. ex6geta [ek-seir-heh-tah], m. exegete. exeg6tiC0, ca, a. exegetic, explanatory. exenci6ll [ek-sen-thie-on'], /. exemption, im- munity, privilege, franchise. exentado, da, pp. & a. exempt, exempted. exentamente, adv. freely ; frankly, clearly, simply, sincerely. exentar, va. to exempt, to privilege, to fran- chise ; to acquit, to excuse. — vr. to except one's self. exento, ta, a. exempt, free, freed, disen- gaged, privileged ; clear, open, isolated, un- obstructed.— pp. irr. of EXIMIR. — m. oflicer in the Spanish life-guards. exequias [ek-seh'-ke-as], /. pZ, exequies, funeral rites, obsequies. exequible [ek-seh-kee'-biehl, a. attainable. exergO [ek-sen-'-go], m. exergue. exfoliaclbn [ex-fo-ie-ati-thie-on'], /. exfoliation, scaling or peeling ott'. exfoliar, va. to exfoliate. — vr. to scale off. exlialaci6n [ex-ah-iah-ti.ie on', /. exhalation ; bolt of lightning ; shooting star ; effluvium, fume, vapour. exbalador, ra, a. exhaler. exbalar, va. to exhale, breathe forth, emit. — vr. to exhale, evaporate ; to be exhausted by violent exercise. exbausto, ta, a. exhausted. exheredacidn, /. disinheritance. exheredar, va. to disinherit. exhibicidn,/. exhibition, exposition. exhibir, vn. "to exhibit, expose, display. exbortacibn,/. exhortation, admonition. exhortador, ra, m. &/. exhorter, monitor. exbortar, ra. to exhort, admonish, warn. exbortatorio, ria, a. exhortatory. exborto, ni. (law) letters. requisitorial. exbumacibn, /. exhumation, disinterment. exhumar, va. to disinter, exhume, unbury. exigencia ek-se-heii'-tiiie-ah',/. exigency, want, requirement, demand. g (before e. i Vand J as h In hot ; h, sUeHt ; 11 In brilliant ; ft. uy In canyon ; r Miiitial ) ani rr trilled ; •, bisM4, 18 EXI 262 EXP exlgente,pa. & a. exigent, exacting, exigible [ek-w-hee'-biay , a. exigible. exigidero, ra, a. exigible. eXigir lek-se-heer'J, va. (intl. EXIJO : subj. EXI- ia) to exact, demand, require, need ; to • urge. exigiiidad [ek-se-goo-e-daiid';,/. exiguity, small- ness. exigUO, gua, a. exiguous, small. eximiO, mia [ek-see'-me-oj, a. eximious, fa- mous, very eminent. eximir [ek-se-meer'l, va. {pp. EXIMIDO, EXEN- TO) to exempt, to free from, clear from ; to privilege, excuse, except. exinanici6n, /. inanition; debility. exinanidO, da, a. debilitated, very ^eak. existencia [ek-8i8-ten'-tiiie-ahi,/. existence, life, hehig.—pl. (com.) st»ck in hand, goods. exlstente, pa. & a. existing, extant, existent ; (com.) on hand. existimaci6n, /. estimation, opinion. eXistimar lek-8i8te-mar'], va. to hold, to form an oi)iiiion, to judge. eXiStir lek-sis-teer'), vn. tO exist, tO be. 6xitO [ek'-se-tol, m. issue, result, accomplish- ment, end, termination. 6X0d0, m. Exodus, second book of Moses. eX0neraCi6n [ek-soneli-rali-thle-on'], /. exoner- ation, disburdening. exonerar |ek-8o-nay-rar'l, ra. to exonerate, un- load, disburden, release, relieve, acquit. exorable, a. exorable. exorar, va. to exorate, beg, entreat. eXOrbitancia [ek-sor-be-talm' tlie-ali], /. exorbi- tance. exorbitante, a. exorbitant, excessive, exorbitantemente, adv. exorbitantly. eXOrcismO (ek-8or-thie8'-mo], m. exorcism, exorcista, m. exorciser, exorcist. eXOrciZante [ek-aor-thle-thahn'-tayj, pa. exorcis- ing. — in. exorciser. exorcizar lek-sor-tiiie-thar'], va. to exorcise, ad- jure. exordio [ek-Bor'-«. {for irr. v. traer) to extract, draw out, remove; to export; (math.) to extract (the root) ; (law) to draw a copy from any document. extraigo, extraje, etc. {irr. from extraer). extrajudicial, a. extrajudicial, extraiudicialmente, adv. extrajudicially, extralimitarse, vr. to overstep one's power or authority. extra muros, (Lat.) without the walls of a town. 'extranjerla, /. alienship. extranjerismo, m. fondness for foreign cus- toms. extranjero, ra, «. foreign, outlandish, exo- tic. — m. &f. stranger, foreigner, alien. extranjia, /. (coll.) alienship, extranjis (de), (coll.) foreign, strange or un- expected. extrailaci6n, /. extra&amiento, m. aliena- tion ; expulsion, banishment; exile, emi- gration. extra&amente, adv. queerly, oddly. extra&ar, va. to alienate, to banish ; to cut, ignore (a person) ; to wonder at ; to censure, chide, reprimand ; to refuse, decline. extrafieza,/, oddity, queerness, strangeness ; surprise, wonderment ; alienation of affec- tion. extraflO, fia, a. strange, odd, queer ; foreign, extraneous, outlandish ; rare, singular ; ex- travagant, irregular, wild. extraordlnariamente, adv. extraordinari- ly, uncommonly, remarkably. extraordinariO, a. extraordinary, uncom- mon, special, rare, odd.— »t. extra dish at dinner; special courier. extravagancia, /. extravagance, irregulari- ty, oddiiess, folly, freak. extravagante, a. extravagant, eccentric, wild, freakish, queer, odd, grotesque.— /. j)/. (eccl. ) extravagants. extravagantemente, adv. extravagantly. extravasacibn, /. (med.) extravasation. extaravasarse, vr. to extravasate, exude. extravenado, da, pp. & a. extravenate. extravenarse, vr. to exude through the veins. extravlado, da, pp. & a. gone astray ; mis- laid, miscarried, missing ; of unsound mind. extravlar, va. to mislead, to misguide; to misplace, mislay; to embezzle. — vr. to go astray ; to miscarry (as a letter) ; to deviate, to err. extraviO, m. deviation ; aberration ; mis- conduct ; misplacement. extremadamente, adv. extremely. extremadas,/. pi. time of making cheese. extremado, da, pp. & a. extreme, consum- mate (in good or bad). extremamente, adv. extremely, exceeding- ly, mightily. extremar, va. to carry to an extreme. — vr. tA surpass one's self. extreniaiinci6n, /. extreme unction. extremeflo, fla, a. Estremenian, extremidad, /. extremity, end ; edge, brink, border, or brim of anything ; extreme or re-< motest part. — pi. extremities of animals. extreme, ma, a. extreme, last ; terminal ; furthest; greatest, of the highest degree, excessive, utmost ; extreme, utmost point, highest degree ; apex ; furthest end, ex- tremity ; greatest care in doing a thing: con extremo, en extremo, por extremo, ex- tremely, in the utmost degree: hacer ex- tremes, to express with vehemence, to gush ; de extremo k extremo, from one end to the other. extremoso, sa, a. extreme, impassioned, ve- hement, gushing. extrinsecamente, adv. extrinsically. extrinseco, ca, a. extrinsic, outward, for-r eign. exuberancla, /. exuberance,- abundance. exuberante, a. exuberant, overabundant^ luxuriant. exudacion,/. exudation, sweating. exudar, m. to exude, to ooze out. exulceracidn, /. (med.) exulceration. exulcerar, va. (med.) to exulcerate, ulceN ate. — vr. to become ulcerated. exultacidn,/. exultation, great joy. exutorio, m. (med.) exutory, issue. exvoto, m. (Lat,) votive offering. F f [eh'-feh], seventh letter of the Spanfth alpka- bet ; pronounced as in English ; it was for- merly used instead of h, as fablar for hablar, fa, OT. (mus. ) fourth note, fa ; F. fabada, /■ in Asturias, pork and beans. fabrica, /. fabrication ; fabric, structure, building, edifice; factory, works, mill, manu- factory. fabricaci6n, /. fabrication, construction ; manufacturing; manufacture, make. fabricador, ra, m. &f. fabricator, schemer. fabricante, pa. & m. builder, constructor, maker, manufacturer, master-workman, ar- tificer. fabricar, va. ( pret. fabriquk : subj. FABRi- QUE) to build, construct, frame ; to manu* facture ; to fabricate, contrive, devise. fabrll, a. manufacturing. fabriquero, m. manufacturer ; churchwar* den. fabUCO, m. (hot.) beech-mast. fibula,/, fable, fiction, legend, story, fairy- tale ; rumour, report, common talk ; lie> falsehood. fabtilador, m. fabulist, author of fables. fabulilla, ita,/. dim. little fable. fabulista, m. fabulist, writer of fables, fabulosamente, adv. fabulously. fabuloso, sa, a. fabulous, fictitious, legen- dary ; marvellous, incredible. faca, /. jack-knife used by seamen. faccldn,/. faction, turbulent party, tumult, uprising; (mil.) battle; any act of military service: facci6n de testamento, (law) faculty of testating. — pi. features, lineaments, phys- iognomv. faccionario, rla, a. faction ary. faccioso, sa, a. fractious, turbulent, unruly, mutinous. — ni. a rebel. facer, va. (obs.) V. hacer. * M In far ; e in eb I ; 1 in police ; o In for ; n lu bull ; c (before e, l) and z as th In thick ; b and d, aofti FAC 265 FAL faceta,/. (jewel) facet of a gem. facial, «. facial ; intuitive. facialmente, adv. intuitively. f^Cil, ". easy, light, facile; pliant, flexible, compliant, docile, handy ; easily persuaded or seduced. facllldad, /. ease, easiness, facility ; ready compliance.— «/. accommodations. facilillO, ilia, itO, ita, a. dim. rather easy. facilitaci6n,/. facilitation. facilitar, va. to facilitate, expedite ; to sup- ply, deliver. facillt^n, na, a. (coll.) one who assumes to make everything easy. facilmente, adv. easily, without diflSculty. facinerOSO, a. wicked, facinorous. facistol, m. chorister's desk ; lectern. facsimile, m. fac-simile. factible, a. feasible, practicable. facticiO, Cia, a. factitious, artificial. factor, m. (com.) factor, agent, commis- sioner; (mil.) victualler; (r. w.) baggage- master; (math.) factor. factoraje, m. factoria,/. factorage ; agency ; factory ; trading in a foreign country ; en- trepot. factorial, a. (math.) factorial. factdtum, m. factotum, man of all work ; busybody. factlira,/. (com.) invoice, bill ; (art) hand- ling. facturar, J'a. (com.) to invoice, to bill; fac- tura simulada," proforma invoice; (r. w.) to check baggage. facula, /. (ast. ) facula. facultad, /. faculty, power, capacity, au- thority, right to do a thing ; science, art ; faculty (in a university); (med.) physio- logical power or ability ; license, permis- sion.—/)/, fortune, wealth : facultades del alma, powers of the mind. facultar, va. to empower, authorize, com- mission. facultativamente, adv. facultatively. facultativo, va, a. facultative ; optional ; belonging to a faculty. — m. physician. facundia, /. facundity, eloquence. facundo, da, a. eloquent, fluent, facund. facha, /. (coll.) appearance, aspect, look, mien, face : facha & facha, adv. face to face : en facha, (uaut. ) lying to. fachada, /. (arch.) facade, face, front, front- age ; frontispiece of a book; (coll.) figure, build (of a person). fachenda, /. (coll.) vanity, conceit. — m. (coll.) vain, conceited fellow. fachendear, va. (coll.) to brag, boast of. fachendista, d6n, na, doso, sa, a. con- ceited, vain, ostentatious. fada, /. fairy, enchantress, witch; (bot.)' small pippin apple. faena, /. work, labour, task, toil.— p^. busi- ness affairs. faet6n, m. omnibus, carry-all. ' fagOCitO, m. (biol.) phagocyte. fa§^Ot, m. (mus.) bassoon, fagotto. fais^n, na, m. &f. (orn.) pheasant, a bird. faia, /. band, bandage, roller, tillet ; swathing- band ; belt, sash, girdle ; border ; (geog. ) zone; newspaper wrapper; (arch.) fascia, belt, fillet; (mil.) a general's sash; (naut.) reef-band. faiadura, /. swathing, swaddling; (naut.) band round a rope. fajamientO, m. rolling or swathing. fajar, r«7. to swathe, swaddle ; to band, belt, girdle: fajar con, (coll.) to fall on, to at- tack. fajardo, m. meat pie, patty ; vol-au-vent. fajeado, da, a. banded, fasciated. fajero, m. crochet swaddling-band. fajin, m. dim. small band or sash ; a general's sash. fajina,/. toil, task, work ; (agr.) shock, stook, rick of sheaves ; fagot of brushwood ; (mil.) bugle-call; (fort.) fascine. fajinada, /. (fort.) fascine-work or revet- ment. fajo, m. bundle; sheaf.— p/. swaddling-clothes, faj6n, m. aug. large band, roller, or sash. faluela,/. dim. small bandage or roller. falacia, /. fallacy, fraud, sophism. falange,/. (mil.) phalanx; (anat.) phalanx. — pi. phalanges. falangia,/. falangio, m. (ent.) phalangium, or daddy-long-legs. falangiano, na, a. (anat.) phalangeal. falansterio, vi. phalanstery. falarica, /. phalaric, fire-dart. falaris, /. (om. ) coot, scoter. falaz, a. deceitful, fallacious. falazmente, adv. fallaciously. falbal^, m. flounce, furbelow ; flap on the skirt of a coat. falca, /. small wedge; (naut.) wash-board. falcado, da, pp. & a. hooked, curvated, fal- cated ; scythed chariot. falcario, m. soldier armed with a falchion. falce, f. sickle, reaping-hook ; falchion. falcidia,/. (law) Falcidian. falCinelO, m. (orn.) glossy ibis. falcdn, m. ancient small cannon ; falcon. falconete, m. falconet, small cannon. falda,/. skirt, train, flap ; the lap ; brow of a hill, slope; loin of beef, mutton, etc. ; tas- set, tuilles, in armour : perrillo de falda, lap- dog. faldamenta, faldamento, m. skirt, train. faldar, m. tasset, tuille, in armour. faldear, va. to skirt a hill. faldellin, m. overskirt ; underskirt. falderillO, ilia, a. dim. little lap-dog. faldero, ra, a. belonging to the lap : perrillo faldero, lap-dog; fond of being among women. faldeta, /.'dim. small skirl. faldicorto, ta, a. having short skirts. faldillas,/. dim. pi. skirts; coat-tails. faldistoriO, m. fold for bishop's stool. fald6n, m. aug. long flowing skirt, flap ; coat- tail ; shirt-tail ; hanging drapery ; nap of a saddle; top mill-stone ; (arch.) gable ; tym- panum. faldriquera, .f. pocket. V. faltriquera. falencia, /. misstatement, mistake. falibilidad, /. fallibility. falible, «. fallible, falimiento, m. untruth, deceit, falsehood. falordia,/. storj, fairy-tale, fable. falsa, /. garret; guide-lines; (mus.) disso- nance. falsaamarra,/. (naut.) preventer-rope. falsabraga, /. (fort.) low rampart. falsada, /. irregular flight of birds. falsamente, adv. falsely, untruly. falsario, ria, a. falsifying, forging, counter- feiting.— m. &/. forgev, counterfeiter, falsi- fier. falsarregla, /. bevel-square, bevel-rule. falseador, ra, a. forger, counterfeiter, falsi- fier. falsear, va. to falsify, adulterate, counterfeit, forge ; to pierce, to penetrate an armour ; (carp.) to bevel. — v?i. to slacken ; (mus.) to be false (a string). falsedad,/. falsehood, falsity, untruth, men- g (before e, i) and J as h ia bot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rt trilled ; a, bSneS FAL 266 FAR dacity, fiction, fable, fib; (law) deceit, ma- licious dissimulation. falseo, m. (mas. and carp.) bevelling. falsete, m. spigot; small door; (mus.) fal- setto voice. falsia, f. y. FALSEDAD, falsificaci6n,/. falsification, forgery. falsiflcador, ra, «. falsifier, counterfeiter, forger. falsmcar, va. ( pret. falsifiquk : subj. fal- siFiQUE) to falsify, counterfeit, forge, adul- terate. falsilla,/. guide-lines for writing. falsiO, m. (cook.) kind of stuffing. falSO, sa, a. false, untrue, erroneous ; lying, falsifying; incorrect; hypocritical, deceit- ful, disloyal, treacherous," perfidious ; spuri- ous, forged, counterfeit, adulterated ; feint, mock, sham, artificial, unreal ; vicious (horses or mules) ; defective, false (weights or honey-combs); (mech.) temporary, un- substantial. — m. (sew.) facing; skirt bind- ing : de falso, falsely, deceitfully : en falso, without due security. falta,/. lack, want, absence, deficiency, short- age ; fault, offence, faultiness, misdoing, failure ; defect, imperfection, blemish, flaw ; failing, shortcoming ; deficiency in the weight of coin ; (law) default; stoppage of the catamenia in pregnant women: sin falta, without fail : i falta de, in want or for want of: hacer falta, to be absolutely necessary: (com.) falta de aceptacion, de pago, non-acceptance, non-payment. faJtante, pa. wanting, lacking. faltar, vn. to be deficient, to be wanting; to fall short ; to fail, falter, fault, flinch ; not to fulfil one's promise, not to perform one's engagement; to need, lack, be in want of; to offend, to sin ; to be absent or missing ; to die ; (naut.) to break, part, give way. faltO, ta, a. wanting, lacking, deficient, de- fective, jejune ; short, scarce ; unsound. faltrero, ra, pickpocket, petty thief. faltriquera, /. pocket, as in clothes. falua, /. (naut.) small boat, tender. falucno, m. (naut.) felucca, lateener. falla, /. fault, failure ; fallal, sort of head covering; (Philip.) fine paid by Indians for leaving work; (naut.) defect, deficiency; (geol.) fault, break, slide. fallar, ra, (law) to give sentence, to judge; to ruff (at cards).— rn, to fail, to miss, to be deficient or wanting. falleba,/. shutter-bolt. fallecer, fn. (ind. fallezcO : subj. FALLEZ- ca) to die ; to fail, run out, expire. falleclmientO, m. decease, death, demise, fallidO, da, a. deceived, disappointed, frus- trated ; (com.) bankrupt. fallO, Ua, «. at cards, lacking a card of the suit played. — m. (law) sentence, judgment, decision ; lack of a card of the suit played. fama, /. fame, report, rumour ; reputation, repute, name ; glory. fam61ico, ca, «. nungry, ravenous. famllia, /. family ; household ; clan, kin. familiar, a. familiar, domestic ; common, frequent ; conversant, well known, well ac- quainted with ; plain, home-like, uncere- monious : Mtilo familiar, colloquial style.— m. domestic member of the household ; serv- ant, especially of the clergy ; college-servi- tor ; bosom friend ; oflScer of the Inquisi- tion ; demon, a familiar spirit. — m. pi. at- tendant's, suite. familiaridad, /. familiarity, Intiraacv. familiarizar, va. {pret. familiarick: subj. familiarice) to familiarize, make intl» mately known. — vr. to accustom, habituate one's self; to become familiar. familiarmente, adv. familiarly. famosamente, adv. famously, excellently. famoso, sa, a. famous, celebrated, renowned, noted, notorious ; (coll.) great, excellent, re- markable. f&mula, /. (coll.) maid-servant. famnlar, a. famular, domestic. famulatO, famuliciO, m. servautship. f^UUUlO, m.. famulus ; (coll.) servant. fanal, m. lighthouse ; lantern ; bell-glass ; candle-screen. fan^ticamente, adv. fanatically. fanatico, ca, «. fanatic, fanatical. fanatismo, m. fanaticism. fanatizador, ra, a. one who spreads fanati cism. fanatizar, va. to spread fanaticism. fandango, m. fandango, Spanish dance ; the music for this dance. fandanguero, ra, a. frequenter of balls. faneca,/. (icht.) pout, whiting pout. fanega, /. grain measure (about 1.60 bushel) ; quantity of grain contained in a fanega : fa- nega de sembradura, ground necessary to sow a fanega of seed : fanega de tierra, land meas- ure (about 1.59 acre) : fanega de cacao, 116 lbs. of cocoa. fanegada, /. same as fanega de tierra : k fanegadas, in great plenty or abundance. faner6gamo, ma, a. (bot.) flowering. fanfarrear, vn. to bully, brag, swagger. fanfarria, /. (coll.) swagger, bluster. fanfarr6n, na, a. (coll.) blusterer, swag- gerer: trigo fanfarron, (bot.) variety of wheat. — m. swaggering boaster, a bully. fanfarronada, /. fanfaronade, boast, brag, rodomontade. fanfarronear, vn. to fanfaronade, brag. fanfarroneria, /. fanfaronade, braggartism. fanfarronesca, ./■. swagger, lanfaronading. fanfurriaa,/. (coll.) fit of the sulks. fangal, fangar, m. slough, fen, marsh, bogL swamp, quagmire. fangO, in. mire, mud, slime, slush, silt. fangOSO, sa, a. muddy, miry, oozy, slushy. fantasear, vn. to fancy, to imagine. fantasia,/, fantasy, fancy, imagination; ca- price, humour, whim, conceit ; fiction, con- ception, image ; (coll.) presumption, vanity; (naut.) dead reckoning; (raus.) fantasia.— ;>/. string of pearls. fantasioso, sa, a. (coll.) conceited, vain. fantasma, m. phantom, spectre, ghost, appa- rition, vision; vain, conceited man.—/, scarecrow. fantasmagoria,/. phantasmagoria. fantasmagbrlco, ca, a. phantasmagoric. fantasm6n, na, a. aug. (coll. ) supinely con- ceited. — m. presumptuous coxcomb. fantkstlcamente, odv. fantastically. fant&StiCO, ca, a. fantastic, whimsical, fan- ciful, imaginary, unreal ; conceited, vain, presumptuous. fafLadO, da, a. one year old (boasts). faquin, m. porter, carrier, labourer. faquir [fah-keer'J, m. fakir. fara,.f. (zool.) serpent of Africa. farachar, va. to beat hemp. V. ESPADAR. faradiO, m. (elec.) farad. faral&, m. flounce, ruflaet, frill. farall6n, m. (naut.) headland; cliff, faramalla,/. (coll.) cajolery.— m. A/, (coll.) cajoler. faramallero, ra, 116n, na, a. (coll.) ca}ollng tattler. » M tD far ; e in eli I ; 1 m police ; O in for ; a in boll ; c (before e, I) *nd z m tb In thick ; b and d, Mft; FAR 267 FAU faxdJldula, /. profession of a low comedian ; strolling troupe of players ; (coll.) cajole- ment. farandulero, m. comedian, player; (coll.) cajoler. faranduliCO, ca, «. relating to the strollers. faradn, »t. Pharaoh, title of ancient Egyptian kings : faro, game at cards. faraoniCO, a. Pharaonic. faraute, m. trusted messenger ; player who recites the prologue; (coll.) meddling fellow, busybody. farda, /. "ancient tax ; bundle of clothing ; (carp.) notch. fardactio, w. (zool.) lizard. farda]e> '"• fardage, dunnage. fardar, va. to furnish or supply with clothes. fardel, m. bag, knapsack ; parcel, bundle. fardelillO, lejO, m. dim. small bundle. farderia, f- collection of packages, luggage. fardO, in. bale, parcel, bundle, pack, package. farell6ll, m. rocky headland, cliff. farfal^..^'. Hounce, furbelow, farfallOSO, sa, «. stutterer, stammerer. farfante, farfantbn, m. (coll.) boasting babbler. farfantonada, farfantoneria, /. idle boast. f&rfara,/. (bot.) colt's-foot ; shell membrane (of au egg) : en firfara, immature, as an egg without a shell ; unfinished, half done. farfuUa, /■ (coU.) gibberish, gabble, jabber. —m. &f. (coll.) jabberer, gabbler. farfulladamente, adv. stammeringly. farfullador, ra, «. (coll.) stammerer, mum- bler, jabberer. farfuilar, ra. (coll.) to gabble, to jabber, to gibber ; (coll.) to act hurriedly. farfullero, ra, «. gabbier, jabberer. fargallbn, na, a. (coll.) careless, bungler, botcher; slovenly, untidy. farill6n, m. cliff, 'v. farall6n. farin&ceo, cea, a. farinaceous, mealy. farlnetas, /. p/. (pro v.) porridge. farlnge,/. (anat.) pharynx. faringeo, gea, «. pharyngeal. faringitis,/. (med.) pharyngitis. farlsaicamente, adv. pharisaically. farisaiCO, ca, a. Pharisaical, pharisaic. farisalsmo, m. pharisaism. fariseo, /». pharisee; hypocrite; (coll.) tall, lean, ugly person. farmaclutico, ca, a. pharmaceutical. — m. pharmacist, apothecary, druggist. farmacia, ./". pharmacy, drug-store. farmacologia, /. pharmacology. farmacolbgico, ca, a. pharmacological. farmacopea, /. pharmacopoeia. iarmacbpola, m. (coll.) apothecary, phar- maceutist, pharmacopolist, druggist. farmacop61iCO, ca, a. (coll.) pharmaceu- tical, pharmaceutic. faro, m. Pharos, lighthouse ; beacon. farol, m. lantern, light ; street lamp ; cresset ; conceited fellow: farolea de sefLales, (naut.) signal lanterns. farola, /. big lantern ; lighthouse. farolazo, m. blow given with a lantern. farolear, vn. (coll.) to strut, show off. faroleria, /. boast, bragging, vulgar display to show off. farolero, m. lantern-maker; lamplighter; (coll.) strutting coxcomb. farolico, itO, iUo, m. dim. small lantern : farolillo de jardin. (bot.) Indian heart-seed. far6l0Il, m. aug. (coll.) coxcomb, boaster; large lantern. farota,/. brazen-faced woman. farotdn, na, a. (coll.) brazen-faced, cheeky. farpas,/. p/. pointed scallops on the edge of draperies. farpado, da, a. scalloped, notched. farra,/. (icht.) kind of salmon. farrago or farrago, m. farrago, medley. farraguista, m. &/. pedantic scholar. farro, //*. peeled barley ; spelt wheat. farsa, /. farce ; company of players ; a badly constructed play ; sham, humbug. farsanta,/. an actress. farsante, m. anciently, a player ; pretender, deceiver. farsetO, m. quilted jacket. farslsta, m. &/. writer of farces. fas (por) 6 por nefas, adv. justly or un- justly. fascal, m. (agr.) shock, stook, rick. fasces,/, y/. fasces, bundle of rods. fasclnacidn,/. fascination, enchantment. fascinador, ra, a. fascinating. — m. & /. fas- cinator, charmer. fasclnante, pa. fascinating, charming. fascinar, va. to fascinate, bewitch, enchant ; to deceive, allure. fase,/. (ast. ) phase ; stage, aspect, view. f^SOles, «i. ;>/. (bot.) French beans, kidney- beans, phasels. V. frejol. fastial, m. (arch.) crowning pyramid. fastidiar, ca. to excite disgust ; to loathe ; to grate, offend, vex, annoy, bother, bore ; to disappoint. — vr. to weary, to be weary, bored or disgusted. fastidlo, m. squeamishness j distaste, dis- gust, fastidiousness ; loathing ; weariness, lassitude, fatigue, ennui; nuisance, bother. fastldiosamente, adv. fastidiously. fastidiOSO, sa, «. vexing, annoying, bother- ing, importunate ; fastidious, squeamish, overnice ; tedious, disgusted. fastigiO, m. (arch.) fastigium ; pinnacle, apex, tip, top, summit. fastO, ta, a. happy (day or event). — m. pomp, pageantry, show.— pi. faBtos, fasti ; annals. fastosamente or fastuosamente, adv. pompously, gaudily, magnificently. fastOSO, sa, fastUOSO, sa, a. proud, haughty, ostentatious ; gaudy. fatal, «. fatal, ominous ; deadly, mortal, de- structive ; unfortunate. fatalidad,/. fatality ; mischance, ill-luck, ill- fortune. fatallsmo, m. fatalism. fatalista, m. fatalist, predestinarian. fatalmente, adv. fatally, ominously ; badly, awfully. fatidicamente, adv. fatidically. fatidico, ca, a. fatidical, oracular. fatiga,/. toil, hard labour, fatigue, lassitude, weariness ; hardship, oppression ; anguish, anxiety ; hard breathing. fatigadamente, adv. difliculty, with toil. fatigador, ra, a. molester. fatigar, t'a. {pret. FATiGufi: subj. fatigue) to fatigue, tire, weary, \ex, molest, harass, gall.— fr. to tire, be tired out, fatigued, weary. fatigosamente, adv. painfully, wearisomely, tediously. fatigOSO, sa, a. tiresome, troublesome, weari- some ; anxious, painful. fatllldad, /. fatuity, foolishness; stupid speech or action ; conceit, vanity. fatUO, tua, a. fatuous, stupid, foolish, cox- combical, foppish, conceited. fauces,/, pi. (anat.) fauces, gullet. fauna,/, fauna; treatise upon fauna. fausto, ta, a. happy, fortunate, prosperous, successful. — m. splendour, pomp, pageantry, g (before e, i) ami J as h in hot ; h. silent : 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s. FAU 268 FER ostentation, gaudiness, gaiety ; grandeur, greatness, luxury. faustOSO, sa, «. fastuous, haughty, proud ; luxurious, ostentatious, gaudy. fautor, ra, a. countenancer, abetter, helper, furtherer, favourer, supporter. fautoria, /. aid, favour, auxiliary. favila, /. (poet.) ashes of an extinguished tire. favoniO, m. westerly wind, zephyr. favor, m. favour, protection, support, coun- tenance, help, aid, service, kindness granted, good turn, gift, grace ; comfort ; compli- ment ; love-token : 4 favor de, in behalf of, on account of. favorable, a. favourable, propitious, kind, friendly. favorablemente, adv. favourably, favorcillo, m. dim. small favour or service. favorecedor, ra, a. favourer, helper. favorecer, va. {ind. favorezco : subj. FA- vorezca) to favour, protect, help, befriend, countenance; to accredit, abet; to flatter (as a portrait). favoritismo, m. favouritism, nepotism. favoritO, ta, «. favourite, beloved, pet, dar- ling. — 711. tkf. favourite ; court minion ; best friend ; pet, darling. faz, /. face; (arch.) front: faz i faz, face to face : i primera faz, at first sight. fe, /. faith ; faithfulness ; testimony, credit, credence, confidence, trust ; promise given ; assertion, asseveration; certificate, testi- monial : fe de erratag, (print.) errata: dar fe, to att«st, to certify : de buena fe, honestly and sincerely : & fe, in truth, in good ear- nest : 4 fe mia or por mi fe, upon my honour : en fe, consequently : de malafe, craftily, de- ceitfully. fealdad,/. ugliness, homeliness; deformity; hideousness ; turpitude, foulness. feamente, adv. uglily, deformedly ; brutally, inordinately. • febeo, bea, a. (poet.) relating to Phoebus. feble, a. weak, faint, feeble; (jewel) defi- cient in weight or quality. — m. light coin. feblemente, adv. feebly, weakly. febO, m. (poet.) Phoebus, the sun. febrero, m. February. febricitante, a. (med.) slightly feverish. febrifugO, ga, a. & m. (med.) "febrifuge. febril, a. (med.) febrile, feverish. febronlano, na, a. Febronian. fecal, a. (med.) feculent, faecal. fecial, m. one of the fetiales. f6cula, /. fecula; starch. feculencia, /. feculence, dregs, lees. feculentO, ta, «. containing fecula ; feculent, foul, dreggy. fecundable, «. capable of fecundation. fecundaclbn, /■ fecundation, fertilization. fecundamente, adv. fertilely, fruitfully. fecundante, «. &pa. fecundating. fecundar, va. to fertilize, fecundate. fecundatiVO, va, «. fecundating, fertilizing. fecundidad, /. fecundity, fertility, fruitful- ness, productiveness; abundance. fecundizar, va. to fecundate, fertilize, fruc- tify, impregnate. fecundO, da. a. fecund, fruitful, fertile, pro- lific ; abundant, copious. fecba, /. date of a letter or writing; stand- ing : de la cruz k la fecha, from the beginning to the end. fecbar, m. to date (a letter, etc.). fecbo, Cha, (obs.) pp. Irr. of facer; used only in official documents, meaning done, issued, or executed. fechoria,/. misdeed, misdemeanour. federacidn,/. federation, confederation, federal, a. federal.— ?«. federalist, federalismo, m. federalism, federativo, va, a. federative, fehaciente, a. (law) authentic. feldesp^tiCO, ca, a. (miu.) feldspathic. feldespatO, m. (min.) feldspar. felibre, m. modern Provengal poet. felice, a. (poet.) happy. V. feliz. fellcidad, /. felicity, happiness, success^ luckiness, blissfulness, blessedness. felicitacidn,/. congratulation, felicitation. felicitar, va. to congratulate, compliment,, felicitate. feligr6s, sa, m. &f. parishioner, feligresia, /. district of a parish, and its in- habitants. feliz, a. happy, fortunate, lucky, prosperouSf- felicitous. felizmente, adv. happily, fortunately, luck- ily, felicitously. fel6ll, na, a. (law) felon, criminal, felonia,/. treachery, disloyalty, felony. felpa, ./". plush; (coll.) reprimand, drubbings felpadO, da, a. plushy, shaggy, villous. felpilla,/. chenille, felposo, sa, a. felted ; plush-covered, felpudo, da, a. plushy.— ?«. door-mat. femenil, «. feminine, womanish, femenilmente, adv. etfeminately, womanly, wonumishly. femenino, na, a. feminine, female, fementidamente, adv. falsely. fementidO, da, a. false, unfaithful. femineidad, /. (law) quality of belonging to a woman. feminismo, m. (neo.) feminism, modern tendency to widen woman's sphere, feminista, m. &/. (neo.) one who upholdi> feminismo. femoral, a. (anat.) femoral. f6miir, w. (anat.) femur. fenda, /. crack in the bark of trees. fendiente, m. gash, a deep cut or wound, fenecer, va. (ind. fenezco : subJ. fenezca) to finish, conclude, close. — vn. to die ; to ter^ minate, to be at an end. fenecimlento, m. close, finish, termination > end. fenianismo, m. Fenianism. feniano, m. FerAan. feniciO, Cia, a. Phoenician. f6niC0, a. icido ficico, phenol, carbolic acid. f6nix, 711. phoenix ; exquisite or unique, fenogreco, w. (hot.) fenugreek, fenol, 71. phenol, carbolic acid. fenomenal, a. phenomenal. fen6meno, m. phenomenon, feo, ea, a. ugly, homely, deformed, hideous, haggard, grim ; causing horror or aversion. — //*. slight, affront, feote, ta, a. aug. very homely. feot6n, na, a. mig. exceedingly homely, feracldad, /. feracity, fecundity, ffuitful- uess, fertility. feral, «. cruel, bloodthirsty. feraz, a. fertile, fruitful,' feracious ; abun- dant, copious, plentiful. f6retrO, n*. bier, coffin, hearse. feria, /. market, fair, bazaar; (eccl.) any week-day (excepting Saturday or a feast day) ; holiday, rest, repose. feriado, da, pp. & a. (law) day in which the tribunals are shut, ferial, a. ferial. — >n. market, fair. feriante, m. trader at fairs, feriar, va. to sell, buy, trade, barter; to pur- ft as in far ; e iu eh I ; i tn police ; o iii for ; u in bull ; c (before e, I) and z as th in thick ; b au4 d, p-a* FER 269 Fib chase at a fair ; to give fairings. — vn. to sus- pend work ; to keep holidays. ferino. na, «. ferine, wild, savage, ferocious : tos ferina, (med.) whooping-cough. fermata, /. (mus.) pause or hold (T). fermentable, a. fermentable. fermentacibn, /. fermentation. fermentante, pa. fermenting. fermentar, m. & la. to ferment. lermentativo, va, a. fermentative. fermento, m. ferment, leaven, leavening. fernambuco, m. dyewood of Brazil. fernandiua, /. kind of linen stuff. feroce, «. (poet.) ferocious. V. feroz. ferocidad, /. ferocity, wildness, ferocious- ness, tierceness, savageness, fury. ferbstiCO, ca, a. (coll.) irritable, wayward. feroz, rt. ferocious, cruel, savage, fell, fierce, ravenous, heathenish. ferozmente, adv. ferociously, felly. ferra, /; variety of salmon. V. fakra. ferrada,/. iron-knobbed club. ferrado, da, a. ferrate, iron-bound. — m. corn measure (about i bushel) ; land measure (about 12 yds. square). ferrar, va. to garnish with iron. f6lTeo, rea, a. ferreous ; iron, made of iron ; harsh, stern, severe. ferreria, /. iron-works, foundry. ferreruelO, m. short cloak without cape. ferrate, m. sulphate of copper used to colour glass; (gl.) ferret; marking-iron. ferretear, va. to bind, fasten, mark, or work with iron. ferreteria, /. hardware ; hardware-store. f6rriC0, ca, a. containing iron ; (chem.) fer- ric. ferrificarse, vr. to be converted into iron. ferrizo, za, a. ferreous, iron, of iron. *erro, wi. (naut.) anchor. Vdrrocarril, »i. railroad, railway : ferrocarril de sangre, horse-railroad, tramway : ferro- carril portAtil, portable railroad : ferrocarril funicular, inclined cable railroad : ferrocarril aireo, elevated railroad : ferrocarril de niAua, train-road : ferrocarril subterr&iieo, under- ground railway. ferr6ll, m. workman in iron-works. ferroso, sa, a. (chem.) ferrous. ferrovia, m. & f. railway. ferrovial, ferroviario, ria, a. pertaining to railroads. ferrugientO, ta, «. irony, containing iron. ferrugineo, nea, ferruginoso, sa, a. fer- ruginous. fertil, a. fertile, fruitful, copious, plentiful. fertilidad, /. fertility, copiousness, plenty, fruit fulness. fertilizar, va. (pret. fertilic^ : suhj. ferti- LicE) to fertilize, enrich, make the soil fruit- ful. i^rtilmente, adv. fertilely. f6rula, /. ferule; (met.) rule, yoke, authori- ty ; (surg. ) splint; (bot.) ferula. ferul&,ceo, ea, a. femlaceous. ferventisimo, ma, a. sup. very fervent or pious. f6rvido, da, a. fervid, ardent. ferviente, a. same as fervoroso. fervor, /«. fervour, violent heat, warmth ; fcrvidness, zeal, ardour, eagerness, ferven- cy, ardour of piety. fervorcillo, m. dim. slight and brief fervour. fervorizar, wf. to heat, inflame, incite. fervorosamente, adv. fervently. fervoroso, sa, a. fervent, ardent in piety, warm in zeal ; active, oflEicious, efficient. festejador, ra, «. feaster, entertainer. festejante, pa. feasting, entertaining ; woo- ing. festejar, va. to entertain, to feast ; to court, to woo, to make love : k) celebrate. festejO, m. feast, entertainment ; obsequious- ness ; courtship. festero, m. director of church music. festin, m. feast, entertainment, banquet. festinacl6n, /. speed, haste, hurry. festival, »«. (neol.) festival. festivamente, adv. festively. festlvidad, /. festivity, rejoicing, gaietyj merry-making ; holiday ; witticism. festiVO, va, a. festive, gay, joyful, lig;ht- hearted ; witty ; festival, festal, pertaining to feasts : dia festivo, holiday. fest6n, m. garland, wreath, festoon. festonar, festonear, va. to festoon. fetal, a. fetal. fetiche, m. fetich, idol among savages. feticMsmo, m. fetichism. feticMsta, a. fetichistic— m. & /. fetichisL fetidez, /. fetidity, fetidness. fetido, da, a. fetid, stinking, foul. feto, m. foetus. fetor, m. same as fetidez. feuco, ca, cho, cha, a. ugly, repulsive. feudal, a^ feudal, feodal. feudalidad, /. feodality, feudality, feudalismo, m. feudalism. feudatario, ria, a.&m.& J. feudatory, feu- dary. feudista, m. (law) feudist. feudo, m. (law) fief, fee, feu, feoflF, feod, feud, manor. fez, VI. fez, Turkish cap. fiable, a. trustworthy, responsible. fiado, da, pp. & a. al flado, (com.) on trust: comprar al fiado, to buy on credit : dar fiado to give credit: (law) en fiado, upon bail. fiador, ra, m. &/. bondsman, guarantor, sure- ty, bail. — VI. cloak-fastener; (mech.) stop, catch, stay, locknut, catch-bolt, grip, pawl, click, trigger, safety catch, ratchet, detent, tumbler of a lock; (falc.) creance : dar fia- dor or salir fiador, to procure or go surety for one. fiambrar, va. to cook meat for cold cuts. fiambre, a. cold-served (as victuals) ; (coll.) old joke or piece of news, " chestnut." fiambrera,/. lunch-basket; dinner-pail. flancilla, /. (car.) binding-ring. fianza,/. surety, bail, bond, caution, guaran- tee, security ; suretyship : dar fianza, to give bail or security : fianza de aduana, custom- house bond. fiar, va. to guarantee, warrant, answer for ; to bail, to go surety ; to trust, sell upon trust, give credit ; to intrust, confide. — vn. to con- fide. fiasco, TO. failure. fiat, TO. consent ; (law) fiat. flbra,/. fibre, filament, staple, fibril ; energy, firmness, vigour; (min.) vein of ore. flbrina,/. (chem.) fibrin, fibrine. fibroma, w. (surg.) fibroma. fibrOSO, sa, a. fibrous. ficcibn, /. fiction, figment, invention; tale, fable, story ; falsehood. flee [fee'-thay], VI. (icht. ) whiting. flCtiCiO, Cia, a. fictitious, fabulous. ficto, ta, pp. irr. of fingir.— a. feigned, coun. terfeited, artificial. ficha, /. chip, counter, marker ; each of th< 28 dominoes. fidedigno, na, a. trustworthy, creditable. fideero, ra, w. &/. maker of Italian paste. fideicomisario, m. trustee, fiduciary. g (before e,i) and J as h in hot: b, silent; U in brilliant; ft, ny i a canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hlssedi FID 270 FIL fidelcomiso, m. trust ; feofifment to use. fidelidad, /. fidelity, honesty, faith, con- stancy, honour; fealty, loyalty; punctu- ality. fidelisimo, ma, a. sup. of piel. fideos, m. pi. vermicelli, spaghetti. fiduciarlo, ria, a. fiduciary. — m. (law) trus- tee, fiduciary, fiebre, /. fever ; intense excitement, heat of passion : fiebre paladlca, malaria : fiebre amarilla, yellow fever: fiebre perniciosa, pernicious intermittent fever. fiebreclUa, /. dim. slight fever. flel, a. faithful, honest, loyal, upright^ de- voted ; true, exact, accurate. — m. public in- spector, especially of weights and measures ; needle of a balance ; pivot of a steel-yard : pin of the scissors : flel contraste, ofliciai who weighs and stamps metals : flel de ro- mana, inspector of weights : flel medidor, in- spector of measures : flel de mnelle, wharf- inger : en flel, equal weight, even balance. fielato or fielazgo, m. office of the fiel ; octroi, at a city's gates. fieldad, /. public inspectorship ; surety, se- curity, guarantee. fielmente, adv. faithfully. fieltro, m. felt ; hat, surtout, or rug made of felt. fiemo, m. (prov.) dung, manure. fiera,/. wild beast; inhuman or excessively choleric man. fierabr&S, m. (coll.) bully, blusterer; way- ward, froward child. fieramente, adv. fiercely, savagely, fero- ciously. fiereza, /. fierceness, cruelty, ferocity; de- formity, ugliness. fiero, ra, a. fierce, cruel, bloodthirsty ; fero- cious, fiery ; ugly, deformed ; rough, rude ; great, huge, enormous; furious, terrible; wild, savage. — m. pi. fierce threats and bravadoes. fierro, m. iron ; brand. fiesta, /. feast, entertainment, rejoicing, feasting, merriment; festivity, festival, holiday ; caress, act of endearment.— pi. holidays, vacations : bacer flesta, to quit work, to take a holiday : bacer fiestas k uno, to caress, to wheedle, to fawn: aguar la flesta, to mar one's pleasure. figle, m. (mus.) ophicleide. fig6ll, m. eating-house, chop-house. figonero, m. keeper of an eating-house. figullno, na, «. made of terra-cotta. figura,/. figure, shape, form; conformation, make, build; face, mien, countenance; statue, image, picture, cut (representing a figure) ; ill-shaped person, a guy ; face- card or court-card ; (law) form, mode ; (mus.) musical note; (gram, and rhet.) figure; (geom.) figure. — m. stiffly pompous person. figurable, a. figurable, imaginable. figuracibn, /. figuration. figuradamente, adv. figuratively. figurado, da, pp. & a. figurative ; rhetorical, ornate, florid. figurante, ta, m. figurant.—/, figurante. figurar, va. to figure, form, shape, fashion ; to draw, design, sketch; to represent; to feign. — vn. to figure, be conspicuous. — vr. to fancy, imagine. figurativamente, adv. figurativelj^. flgurativo, va, a. figurative, typical ; sym- Dolical, emblematic. figureria,/. gprimace, aflFected gesture. fignrero. ra, a. Am. & /. (coll.) person who « ma In far ; e Id eh 1 : 1 in police ; o in for ; n «- ^nII ; makes grimaces or affected gestures ; makei of St'8.tt'6S figurilla, ita, /. divi. (coll.) little insignifi- cant person ; (art) figurine, statuette. figurin, m. fashion-plate ; lay-figure. figurbn, m. aug. huge figure of a ridiculous appearance ; (coll. ) pretentious nobody : figuron de proa, (naut. ) figure-head. fija,/. door-hinge; (mas.) trowel. fijacidn, /. fixation, stability, firmness ; bill- posting; fixing. Qjador, ra, a. (phot.) fixing, fixative. fijamente, adv. firmly, assuredly ; intensely, attentively; fixedly, steadfastly. fijar, va. {pp. FIJADO, FIJO) to fix, fasten ; to make fast, firm, or stable ; to determine, settle, establish, clinch ; to post (as bills) • to fix (the eyes, the attention, etc.) ; (phot.) to fix ; to set (a date). — it. to fix or settle in a place ; to determine, resolve ; to rivet one's attention on something. fijeza,/. firmness, stability. fijO, ja, a. &pv. irr. of fijar; fixed, firm, se- cure ; settlea, permanent. fil, m. fil de roda, (naut.) right ahead: estar en fil, to be in line : fil derecho, leap-frog. fila, /. tier, row, line, range; (mil.) rank: primera fila, front rank : ultima fila, rear rank: en fila, in a line, in a row; (mil.) abreast; (theat.) row. filacteria,/. phylactery. filadiz, m. floss silk, ferret. filagrama,/. wire mould for a water-mark. filamento, m. filament, fibre, thread. filamentoso, sa, a. filamentous. filandria,/. filander, back-worm. filantropia,/. phllauthropy, good-nature. filantrbpicamente, adv. Humanely, philan- thropically. filantr6pico, ca, a. philanthropical, philan- thropic. filantropo, w. philanthropist. fllarete, m. (naut.) waist-netting. fllarmonia,/. love of music. fllaxinbniCO, ca, a. philharmonic. fil^stica, /. (naut.) rope-yarn. filatelia,/. (neo. ) philately. filateliCO, ca, a. philatelic. filatelista, m. &/. philatelist filateria, /. verbosity. filatero, w. verbose speaker. filatura,/. spinning. fllban, in. rough edge of a tool. filderretor, m. superfine camlet. fileli, m. suj)erfine flannel. fileno, na, a. (coll.) delicate, small. fllete, TO. (arch.) fillet, listel ; (sew.) narrow hern; small spit for roasting ; welt of a shoe ; snaffle bit ; (mech.) edge, border, ring, rim : (print.) ornamental line ; tenderloin, loin of beef. filetear, va. to fillet ; to crease : to tool. filet6n, TO. aug. (arch.) large fillet or listel; heavy bullion for embroidering. filfa, /. (coll.) fib, hoax, fake. filiaci6n, /. filiation ; connection, relation- ship; personal description; (mil.) regi* mental register. filial, a. filial, befitting a son. fllialmente, adv. filially. filiar, va. to register the pedigree and deecrip- tion of a person. — vr. to be enrolled in a mili- tary register. filibote, TO. flv-boat, light vessel. filibusterlsmo, to. fiUbjusterism. filibustero, to. filibuster. filiforme, «. filiform, thread-like. flligrana, /. filigree, fillgrane; spun work; ^etore e, i) and s as th in thick •■ b and d, soft; FIL 271 FIS water-mark in paper ; delicate, fanciful thing. filili, m. (coll,) fineness, neatness, delicacy, filipendma, / (bot.) dropwort spiraea^ filiplca, /. philippic, invective. filipicMn, in. moreen, woollen cloth. fllipino, na, a. Philippine. fills, in. knack of doing a thing perfectly ; trinket, charm. filisteo, tea, m. & /. Philistine. — m. (coll.) very tall and corpulent man. fllo, m. (cut.) cutting edge; dividing line; (arch.) arris. filocartista, m. &/. (neo.) collector of postal cards. fil6fagO, ga, a. (ent.) phyllophagous. filologia, filoldgica,/. philology. filOldglCO, ca, a. philological. fil610gO, m. philologist. fllomania,/. (bot.) phyllomania. filomela, filomena, /. nightingale, philomel. filbn, in. (geol.) vein, lode. filoniO, ?». (pharm.) kind of opiate. fllopOS, m. pi, pieces of linen used to drive game. Qloseda, /. vesting ; silk and worsted or cot- ton cloth. filosrfador, ra, a. philosophizer. filOSOfal, a. piedra filosofal, philosopher's stone. filOSOfar, va. to philosophize; (coll.) to muse ; to moralize, assume the critic. filOSOfastro, m. philosophe, philosophaster. filOSOfia, /. philosophy : fllosofia moral, ethics or moral philosophy : fllosofia natural, phys- ics or natural philosophy. filOSdficamente, adv. philosophically. fllOS6fiCO, ca, a. philosophical, philosophic. filOSOfismo, m. philosophism, sophistry, free- thinking. filOSOfiSta, m. philosophist, sophist. fildsofo, fa, a. philosophic, philosophical. — m. philosopher. filoxera [fe-ioc-aa'-rahi,/. phylloxera. flltracidn,/. filtration. filtrador, a. filterer.— m. filter. filtrar, va. to filter. — vn. to percolate, filter. filtro, m. filter ; philter, love-potion : flltro- prenaa, filter-press for refining sugar. fiUos, m. pi. sort of fritters. fimbria, /. border of a skirt. fimo, m. dung, manure. flmosis,/. (med.) phimosis. fin, m. & f. end, ending, finish, conclusion, close, termination. — m. limit, boundary ; end, object, purpose ; goal : al fln, at last : en fin or por fin, finally, lastly, in fine: dar fin, to die, to finish : dar fin & una cosa, to finish, to conclude a thing: dar fin de una cosa, to destroy a thing completely : & fin de, in order that : sin fln, innumerable, endless. inado, da, pp. & a. dead, deceased. — m. & /. person dead. final, a. final, ultimate, conclusive. — m. end, termination, conclusion. finalldad,/. finality , end pursued or attained. finalizar, va. to finish, conclude. — vn. to end, to be finished or concluded. finalmente»a(iv. finally, at last, in fine, ulti- mately, lastly. finamente, adv. finely, nicely, delicately. finamiento, m. death, disease. financiero, ra, a. financial.— w. financier. finar, vn. to die. — vr. to long for. finca,/. real estate, land orliouse property. fincar, vn. &vr. (pret. FiNQufi: subj. finque) to buy real estate. finchadO, da, a. swelling with pride. fin^S, sa, a. Finnic or Finnish. fineza, /. fineness, goodness, purity, perfeo- tion ; kindness, expression or friendship or love ; friendly activity and zeal ; keepsake, friendly gift, a favour. fingidamente, adv. feignedly, fictitiously, counterfeitly. fingido, da, pp. & a. feigned, dissembled, false. fin^idor, ra, o. dissembler, simulator, feigner. fingimiento, m. simulation, deceit. fingir, va. & vr. {pp. FINGIDO, FICTO: ind. FiNjo: subj. finja) to feign, dissemble, counterfeit, pretend, affect, sham ; to fancy, imagine. finlble, a. capable of being finished. finiquitar, va. to settle and close an account. finiqulto, m. settlement of accounts ; adjust- ment, release, quittance. finitimo, ma, a. bordering, contiguous, near. finito, ta, a. finite, limited, bounded. finland^S, sa, a. of Finland, Finnish. fino, na, a. fine, perfect, pure ; thin, slender, subtle; delicate, nicej excellent; affection- ate, true ; acute, sagacious, cunning, shrewd; sharp (as a point) ; urbane, courteous, pol- ished; refined (as gold) ; (naut.) sharp. finta,/. ancient tax ; feint in fencing. finiira,/. fineness, purity, delicacy ; urbanity, courtesy, fine manners. fifiana, m. black-bearded wheat. fique, m. fiber of the agave. firma, /. signature, sign-manual, hand (as hand and seal) ; subscription ; act of sign- ing ; (com.) firm, firm-name : buena firma, a house of standing, solvent : dar or llevar la firma, to empower or be empowered to sign the firm-name. firmamento, m. firmament, sky, heaven. firm&n, m. firman. firmante, pa. signer, subscriber. firmar, va. to sign, to subscribe. — vr. to sign an assumed name. firme, a. firm, stable, solid, strong, secure, fast, hard, compact; unswerving, steady, stanch, unyielding, unshaken, constant, con- sistent, resolute. — m. groundwork, bed, foun- dation ; ballast or gravel bed on a road. — adv. firmly, strongly. firmemente, adv. firmly, strongly, unmov- ably ; faithfully, steadily, constantly. firmeza,/. firmness, stability, hardness, com- pactness, solidity, steadiness, constancy, resoluteness, courage, fiscal, a. fiscal. — m. attorney-general ; district attorney, prosecutor; (coll.) intermeddler, prier. fiscalia,/. office and business of the fiscal. fiscallzaci6n,/. discharge of a fiscal 's duties. fiscalizador, ra, a. acting as a fiscal ; prier, censurer. fiscalizar, va. {pret. fiscalic^: subj. fisca- LiCE) to act as a fiscal, to prosecute ; to criti- cise, censure. fiSCO, m. national treasury, exchequer. fisga,/. fishgig ; raillery, banter, chaff; grain of spelt-wheat ; bread of spelt-wheat. fisgador, ra, r». &/. harpooner; banterer. fisgar, va. to chaff, banter; to fish with a fishgig ; to peep, to pry. fisgbn, na, m. & /. banterer, chaffer, jester ; prier. fisgonear, va. to pry habitually, fisgoneo, m. habitual or frequent prying. fisica,/. physics, natural philosophy, fisicamente, ad»;. physically; corporeally; really, materially. 8 (before e, i) and J as h iu hot ; h, oHent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (iaitial) and rr trilled ; t, hisaed. FIS 272 FLO flsiCO, ca, a. physical ; natural, material.— tn. naturalist, physicist; physician; mili- tary or naval surgeon ; physical organiza- tion, build, or constitution of a person ; (colL) face. fisiocracia,/. physiocracy. fisiocrata, rn. &/. physiocrat. fisiologia,/. physiology. ., . „ flsiol6gicamente, adv. physiologically. flsiol6giCO, ca, a. physiological. fiSiOlOgista, m. physiologist. fisiblOgO. m. physiologist. fisionomia or fisonomia, /. physiognomy, lineameuts, features. fisipedo, da, a. fissiped. fison6miCO, ca, a. physiognomical. fiSOnomiSta, fisbnomo, m. physiognomist. fiStOl, m. crafty person ; shrewd gambler ; (Mex.) scarf pin. flStola, fistula, f. water-pipe or conduit ; (mus.) reed or pipe ; (surg.) fistula. fistular, a. (med.) fistular, fistulous. fistulOSO, sa, a. fistulous. fisura, /. (geol.) fissure, cleft; (surg.) fissure of bone, or "green-stick" fracture; (surg.) fissure in ano. fitdfagO; ga, a. phytophagous. fitografia,/. phytography. fitOgrafiCO, ca, a, phytographic. fitbgrafO, m. phytographer. fitologia,/. phytology, botany. fitonisa,/. same as pitokisa. fitOtOmia,/. (bot.) phytotomy. fla'belicornlo, «. having flabellate antennae. flabelifero, ra, a. flabellum carrier. flabeliforme, a. flabelliform. fiacamente, adv. languidly, weakly, feebly. fl^CCidO, da, a. flaccid, limber, lax. flaccidez [iiac-tuie-deatu'j, /. (med.) flaccldity, laxity, limberness. flaco, ca, a. thin, lank, lean, meagre, flaccid ; feeble, languid ; frail, weak of resolution : flaco de memoria, short of memory. — m. fee- ble point, weakness. flacucho, Cha, a. rather thin or lank. fiacura, /. meagreness, leanness, weakness. flagelaci6n, /. flagellation, scourging. flagelador, fa, m. &/. flagellator. fiagelante, m. flagellant ; flagellating. flagelar, va. to lash, scourge, flagellate, whip. flagelo, m. lash, scourge, chastisement ; fla- gelluin. flagrancia, /. flagrancy, flagrantness. flagrante, a. & pa. flagrant, resplendent ; ■ actual, now going on : en flagrante, in the very act. flagrar, vn. (poet.) to burn, glow, flame,. fla- grate. flama, /. ftame, excessive ardour. flamante, a. flaming, bright, resplendent; brand-new, fresh, spick and span." fiamear, vn. to flame, to blaze; (naut.) to shiver, to flutter (sails). flamenco, m. (orn.) flamingo. flamenco, ca, a. Flemish, relating to Flan- ders. flamenquilla, /. small platter; (bot.) mari- gold. fl&meo, m. ancient bridal veil. flamero, m. torch-holder. flamigero, ra, a. (poet.) flammiferous. flamula, /. (naut.) streamer, pennon. flan or fla6n, m. flawn, rich custard. flanco, m. side; (mil, and fort.) flank, flanker ; (naut. ) side of a ship. flanela,/. v. franela (proper spelling). flanqueado, da, a. having both flanks pro- tected. ' flanqueante, pa. flanking. flanquear, va. (mil. and fort.) to flank. flanqueo, m. (mil.) flank attack. flaquear, vn. to flag, weaken; to slacken; swag, sway ; to dismay, be disheartened. flaqueza, /. leanness, thinness, meagreness, laukness, attenuation; feebleness, faiut- ness ; weakness, frailty, foible ; flagginess. flatO, m. flatus, windiness. flatOSO, fiatUOSO, sa, a. flatuous, windy. fiatulencia, /. flatulency, windiness. fiatulentO, ta, a. flatulent, windy. flauta,/. (mus.) flute. flautado, da, a. fluted. — m. flute stop in ait organ. flautero, m. maker of flutes. flautillo, m. same as caramillo. flautin, m. (mus.) octave flute, piccolo. flautista, m. &f. flute-player. fiautOS, m.pl. pitos flautos, frivolous pastimes. fl^bU, a. mournful, deplorable, lamentable, tearful. flebotomia,/. phlebotomy, blood-letting. flebotomiano, m. phlebotomist. fleco, m. fringe, purl, flounce. flecha, /. arrow, dart; (fort.) work of two faces and two sides ; (naut.) front piece of the cutwater. flechador, m. archer. flechaduras,/.i>/. (naut.) ratlines. flechar, va. to dart, to shoot an arrow or dart ; to strike with an arrow ; (coll.) to in- spire sudden love ; (Mex. ) to point out, with- out fear, in gambling. — vn. to have a bow drawn ready to shoot. flechaste, m, (naut.) ratline. flechazo, m. stroke with a dart or arrow. flechera,/. (S. Am.) long, sharp canoe. flecberia,/. shower of arrows. flecbero, m. archer, bowman ; arrow-maker, fletcher. flegmasia,/. (med.) phlegmasia, fleje, ni. hoop ; strap : flejes para aroa, hoop- poles : flejes de hierro, iron hoops. flema, /. phlegm; apathy, coolness, dulness, sluggishness. flemaiico, ca, a. phlegmatic, slow, dull, cold, sluggish. fleme,/. (vet.) fleam. flembn, m. phlegmon ; gum-boil. flemonoso, sa, a. phlegmonous. flemoso, sa, a. mucous, phlegmy. flemudo, da, a. slow, dull, sluggish. flequezuelo, m. dim. narrow fringe, fletador, m. (com.) freighter, charterer. fletamentO, m. (com.) charter, charterage charter-party. fletar, va. to' freight or charter a ship, ts charter. flete, m. freight, freightage : falso flete, dead freight. flexibilidad,/. flexibility, pliability, pliance, ductility, flexibleness. flexible, «. flexible, ductile, pliant ; lith^i. supple ; manageable, docile. flexion,/, flexion, flexure. flexor, ra, a. (anat.) flexor; bender. flexuOSO, sa, a. (hot.) flexuose. flictena,/. (med.) phlycteua, s^nall blister. flin, w*. (cut.) polishing-stone, flocadura,/. (sew,) fringe trimming, flogistico, ca, a. (chem,) phlogistic. flOgistO, m. phlogiston, flogosis,/, inflammation, phlegmasia, flOjamente, adv. slowly, carelessly, laxly. floiear, m. to slacken, to grow weak. fiojedad, /. weakness, feebleness, laxity, sloth, laziness, negligence, slackness. a u in far ; e in eh I ; i in polic* • « in for : n In bull ; c (before e, i) and z aa th lu thick ; b and d, soft; FLO 273 FOG flojel, m. "wool shorn from cloth ; down, soft feathers. flojera, /. (coll.) weakness. F. flojedad. flolo, ja, a. loose, lax, slack ; feeble, weak, flaccid ; remiss, lazy, slothful, negligent, spiritless : vino flojo, thin wine : seda floja, soft, untwisted silk. flOqueadO, da, a. fringed. flor, /. flower, blossom ; down of fruits newly gathered j prime, bloom ; film on the sur- face of liquors; (chem.) floss; virginity, maidenhood ; complimentary remark to a lady ; grain, outside of tanned leather ; cheating trick of gamblers : flowers or fig- ures of rhetoric ; the best of a kind : flor de la edad, youth, bloom of youth : flor de la harina, superfine flour : flor de lis, flower-de- luce; (bot.) jacobea lily, amaryllis: flor del Bol, (bot.) V. CORONA REAL : k flor de agua, (naut.) awash. 4ora, ./■. (bot.) flora, description of the plants. floraci6n,/. (bot.) flowering, florescence. florada,/. season of flowers with bee-masters. floral, a. (bot.) floral. florales, a. pi. Floralia, floral feasts or games. ^Orar, vn. to flower, blossom, bloom. flordelisadO, da, pp. &. a. (her.) fleurette. flordelisar, va. (her.) to flourish with irises. floreadO, da, «. &pp. flowered, figured goods ; made of the finest flour. florear, va. to flower ; to bolt flour ; to flour- ish, brandish; (mus.) to flourish on the guitar ; to pay compliments. florecer, vn. {Ind. florezco: subj. FLOREZ- c'A) to flower, bloom, blossom, bud • to flour- ish, thrive, prosper. — vr. to mould, to be- come mouldy. florecica, ilia, ita, /. dim. floweret, floret. floreciente, pa. &, a. flourishing, blossoming, flowery ; prosperous, thriving. florentin, tino, tina, a. Florentine. florentisimo, ma, a. sup. very prosperous. floreo, m. witty but idle talk ; (fenc. ) flourish of foils ; (mus. ) flourish on the guitar ; cross caper, in dancing. florero, ra, a. complimenter, flatterer. — m. & f. florist. — m. flower-pot ; flower-vase ; flower-stand, jardiniere ; (art) flower piece. — /. flower-girl. flores blancas,/. jo/. (med.) leucorrhoea. florescencia,/. (bot.) florescence, flowering, efflorescence. floresta, /. forest where trees, shrubs, and flowers grow in abundance ; a delightful, rural place ; collection of fine things pleas- ing to the taste. florestero, m. forester. floreta, /. leather border on the edge of f girth. florete, a. (com.) first quality, superfine. — m. fencing foil. floretear, va. to garnish with flowers. floretista, m. expert fencer. floricultor, ra, to. & f. floriculturist. floricultura, /. floriculture. floridamente, adv. elegantly, floridly, flour- ishingly. floridez,/. floridity, floridness. florido, da, a. florid, flowery ; full of flowers ; choice, elegant, select. florifero, ra, florigero, ra, a. floriferous. flOrileglO, m, florilegium, anthology. florin, m. florin, silver coin. floripondiO, m. (bot.) floripondio. florista, m. &/. maker of artificial flowers. florbn, m. aug. large flower; (arch.) fleuron, rosette. fi6sculO, m. (bot.) floscule, floret. flota, /. (naut.) fleet of merchant ships; (obs.) squadron. flotable, a. floatable ; navigable. flotacibn, /. flotation, flotage, floating,- (naut.) linea de flotaci6n, water-line. flotador, ra, a. floater.— m. float. flotadura, /. flotamiento, m. flotation, flo- tage ; Hoating. flotante, pa. & a. floating. flotar, vn. to float (on a liquid or in the air). flote, m. floating : & flote, afloat. flotilla,/, dim. flotilla; small fleet. flUCtuacidn, /. fluctuation ; wavering, un- certainty, indetermination, irresolution. fluctuante, i^a. &a. fluctuating, fluctuant. fluctuar,^w. to fluctuate, waver, undulate, os- cillate; to be in danger; to hesitate, vacillate. flUCtuOSO, sa, a. fluctuant, wavering. fluente, pa. & a. fluent, flowing. fluidez,/. fluidity, fluidness, liquidity : fluidez de estilo, fluency. fluidO, da, a. fluid, liquid or gaseous ; fluent fas speech). — m. fluid, a liquid or gas ; (med.) fluid. fluir, wi. {gerund, fluyendo: ind. fluyo : subj. FLUYA) to flow, issue, run, ooze. flujo, m. flux, flow, flowing; (med.) flux, haemorrhage; (naut.) flow, rising tide; (chem.) flux: flujo bianco, the whites: flujo de palabras, flow of words, volubility : flujo de risa, fit of laughter : flujo de reir, habit of laughing : flujo de sangre, haemorrhage : flujo de vlentre, diarrhcea. fluor, m. (chem.) fluorine; (chem.) flux. fluorescencia, /. (phys.) fluorescence. flUOrescente, a. fluorescent. fluorhidrico, ca, a. fluorhydric, hydroflu- oric. flu6riC0, ca, a. (chem.) fluoric. fluorina, fluorita,/. fluor(-spar), fluorlte. fluvial, a. fluvial, fluviatile. flux [flooes], m. flush, at cards: hacer flux, (coll.) to spend one's whole fortune without paying a debt. fluxidn [flooc-se-on'J, /. (med.) fluxion; a cold, catarrh. foca,/. (zool.) fur-bearing seal. focal, a. (geom. and phys.) focal. foceifiza tfo-thay-e-fee'-tiwii], /. kind of Arabic mosaic. focino [fo-thie'-nol, m. goad for elephants. fOCO, m. focus; centre of action, origin, source ; (med. ) core or centre of an abscess ; (mil.) touch-hole of a gun : foco de luz el6c- trica, bunch of electric lights. f6culO, m. small fire-place. fodoli, a. meddlesome, intrusive. fOfO, fa, a. spongy, soft, bland. fogaje [fo-gaJi'-imyj, m. hearth-money. fOgarada,/. blaze, bonfire. fOgaril, m. cresset, moon, cage. fogarin, m. common hearth for field hands. fOgarizar, va. to build bonfires. fogata,/. bonfire, blaze; fougade. fOg6n, m. hearth, fireside ; cooking-stove, kitchen-range ; vent or touch-hole of a gun ; (naut.) caboose, cuddy. fogonadura,/. (uaut.) mast-hole. fogonazo, m. powder flash ; flaah in the pan. fogonero, m. fireman, stoker. fOgOSidad, /. excessive vivacity, fierceness, heat of temper. fOgOSO, sa, a. fiery, vehement, ardent ; fer- vent, hot in temper, impetuous, lively ; spirited (as a horse). fogote, m. fagot, bundle of twigs. fogueacibn ifnh-Keh-ah-thie-oH'i, /. enumeration of hearths or fires. g (before e, )) and J as li in hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; i, hlsaedi FOG 2Y4 FOR focrueax [fon-geh-ar'], fa. to habituate to the discharge of fire-arms ; (artL ) to scale a gun. fO^eZUelO [foh-geh-thweh'-lo], m. dim. small hre. foja, /. (law) leaf of manuscript or folio; (orn.) coot, scoter. fole, m. leather bag, especially of the, bagpipe. fOlgO, m. foot-warmer, foot-mulf. folias,/. pi. kind of merry dance. foli^ceo, a. (bot.) foliaceous. fOliaci6n, /. foliation, act of numbering the Sages of a book ; (bot. ) foliation. lar, va. to page, to folio a book. foliatura,/. numbering the pages of a book ; numeration of the pages of a book. foliCUlariO, m. pamphleteer. foliCUlO, m. (bot.) follicle, pericarp ; (anat.) follicle, membranous sac. folijones, m. pi. ancient Castilian dance. folio, m. folio, leaf of a book ; size of a book- leaf: libro en folio, a folio book : de & folio, (coll.) anything very bulky : al primer folio, at first sight : folio indico, (bot.) Indian leaf; folio de Descartes, (geom.) a looped curve. folidn, m. (prov.) fire-works. foluz, /, small ancient copper coin. folia, /. irregular conflict in a tournament ; medley, variety show ; olio. follada, /. puff-paste patty. foUaje, m. foliage, frondage ; leafiness ; leaf- age ; gaudy ornament ; superabundance of | figures of rhetoric in a speech or writing. ! foliar, va. tp blow with bellows ; to form in leaves. — vr. (low) to discharge wind with- out noise. follero, folletero, m. one who makes or sells bellows. folletin, /«. feuilleton, serial story in a news- paper. folletinista, m. &f. writer of folletines. foUetista, m. &f. pamphleteer. folletO, m. pamphlet, booklet, tract. fOll6n, na, a. lazy, indolent, laggard. — m. rogue, coward, conceited fellow ; noiseless rocket; (low) wind voided without noise. fomentaci6n,/. (med.) fomentation. fomentador, ra, a. fomenter. fomentar, va. to foment, to impart warmth ; to protect, favour, patronize, countenance, encourage, promote, excite, instigate, abet ; (med.) to foment ; (agr. ) to improve. fomentO, vi. fomentation ; warmth, fuel ; patronage, protection, support, encourage- ment, improvement, development; (med.) fomentation, lotion : Ministerio de Fomento, Department of Public Works, Education, Agriculture, Commerce, and Manufactures in Spain. fomes, m. (med.) femes; any cause of ex- citement. fonacldn, /. phonation, emission of the voice ; pronunciation. fonas,/. pi. (sew.) gores, gussets. fonda,/. notel, inn, restaurant. fondado, da, a. (coop.) re-enforced in the heads. fondeadero, m. (naut.) anchoring-ground ; haven. fondear, va. (naut.) to sound ; to raise from the bottom of water ; to search a ship ; to examine closely. — vn. to cast anchor. fondeo, m. (naut.) searching a ship ; casting anchor. fondillbn, m. dregs and lees ->{ a cask of liquor ; old Alicante wine. fonoillOS, m. pi. seat of trousers. fondista, m. & f. innkeeper, hotel-keeper. fondo, m. bottom ; depth ; rear part, furtlies* end ; ground (of stuffs) ; (art) background ; thickness of a diamond ; extent of a man's capacity ; disposition, nature (of a person) ;. principal or essential part of a thing ; stock, ?[uantity, store (of virtues, vices, etc.) ; und, capital : fondo de reserva, reserve fund : fondo de amortizaclon, sinking fund ; (mil.) space occupied by a rank: diez de fondo, ten abreast; (mech.) bed, bottom plate, foundation; (coop.) head; (naut.) oottom : dar fondo, to cast anchor : echar 4 fondo, to sink a vessel : Irse 6. fondo, (naut.) to founder; (fenc.) to thrust: 4 fondo, per- fectly, completely, deeply : articulo de fondo, leading article, editorial : seccion de fondo, editorial page.— p/. funds, resources, stocks; fondos publicos or del Erario, public funds : limpiar los fondos, (naut.) to hog a ship's bottom : fondos vitalicios, life-annuities. fond6n, /». v. foxdill6n ; ground of silk or velvet; brocade; (min.) fondon. foneldOSCOpiO, m. phoneidoscope. fon^tica, /. phonetics. V. FONOLOGf A. fon^tico, ca, «. phonetic. fdnlCO, ca, «. phonic, acoustic, fonll, »i. (naut.) wooden funnel. fonje, a. bland, soft, spongy. fonografia,/. phonography. fonografiCO, ca, a. phonographic. fonbgxafO, m. phonograph. fonolita, /. (min.) clinkstone, phonolite. fonologia, /. phonology. fonsadera, /. ancient war tax. fonsadO, m. (fort.) foss or ditch. fontal, a. fontal ; original, main. fontana, /. (poet.) fountain, spring, water- jet. fontanal, a. fontanel. — m. source or spring of water ; place abwindiug in springs. fontanar, m. spring of water. fontanela,/. (anat.) fontanel ; (surg.) seton- needle. fontaneria,/. hydraulic engineering ; water- works. fontanero, ra, a. hydraulic engineer. fontezuela,/. dim. small fountain. fontegi, m. variety of wheat. fonticulo, m. (sur^.) fonticiilus, issue. foq.ue, m. (naut.) jib : foqne mayor or foqwe de caza, standing jib : foqne segnndo, fore-stay- sail. forajldO, da, a. highwayman, outlaw. forai, a. (law) belonging to the statute law: bienes forales, leasehold estate. foralmente, adv. judicially. foramen, m. (mill.) hole in the nether stone. foraneo, nea, a. stranger, foreign. forastero, ra, a. strange, outsider ; exotic. — m. &f. stranger, guest, visitor (of a town). forcejar [for-timy-uar'] or forcejcar, fw. to struggle, strive, labour ; contest, contend. forcejo, m. struggle, struggling, strife, striv- ing, contention. forcejdn [for-thay-hon'j, m. violent effort or struggle. forcejudO, da, a. strong, robust. fbrceps [tor-Uiepsl, m. (surg.) forceps. forchma,/. (mil.) fork-like weapon, forense, a. (law) forensic; stranger. forero, ra, a. conformable to the statute law of a country. — m. owner of leasehold estate ,' forestal, a. forestal. forlllo, m. backing, in theatrical scenery. foria [for'-hah], /. smeltihg-furnace ; chafery : bloomery, smithy ; forge, forging ; (mas.> mortar. » M Id far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police : O in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th In thick ; b ant* d, loH; FOE 275 FOB fOllador, m. forger; iron-master, smith, blacksmith ; gold-beater. fOXJadlira [forhah-doo'-rali], /. forging. fOIjar [for-har'l, va. to forge, to hammer or stamp metal into shape ; to framCj form, fabricate ; to counterfeit, falsify ; to invent, concoct (as a falsehood). fOTl6n, m. ancient two-seat chaise. forma, /. form, shape, cast, figure ; frame, make, fashion ; regularity, method, order ; established practice, ritual, ceremony, man- ner of doing something ; hand, form or cast of writing; model, pattern, mould, matrix; (print.) form ; size of a book ; (hat.) block ; (eccl.) host for the communion of the laity : de forma que, in such a manner that: en forma, truly, certainly ; seriously, in earnest: en forma or en debida forma, in due form, correctly : dar forma, to regulate or arrange that which was disordered : tener bnenas formas, to be of fine figure ; to be polite. formable, a. that which may be formed. fOnnacl6n, /. formation, forming; form, shape, figure; twisted cord for gold em- broidery; (geol.) formation, system ; (mil.) array of troops. formador, ra, a. former. formate, m. rfieese-vat ; cheese. formal, ji. formal, regular, methodical ; proper, ""genuine ; serious, grave, steady, sedate; truthful, reliable. formalldad, /. formality ; exactness, punc- tuality ; ceremony ; gravity, seriousness, solemnity ; requisite, requirement ; red tape ; established practice ; legal precedent : con formalidad, in earnest. formalismo, m. formalism. formalista, a. &m. &f. formalist. formalizar, va. to formalize. — vr. to grow formal, to affect gravity. formalmente, adv. formally ; seriously. ibrmar, va. to form, shape, fashion, frame, make up, cut out ; to mould, model ; to de- vise, conceive, form (as ideas) ; to train, educate, develop (as the mind) ; to consti- tute (as a corporation) ; (mil.) to combine, arrange. — vn. to adjust the edges of em- broidery work; (mil.) to draw up. — vr. to take shape, grow, develop. formatiVO, va, a. formative. formatriz, a. {/em. only) forming ; former, maker, producer ; same as formadora. formejar, va. (naut.) to clear the ship; to trim the hold. formero, m. (arch.) side arch of a vault. formicante, a. (med.) formicant (pulse). fdrmiCO, m. (chem.) formic (acid or ether). formidable, a. formidable, dreadful, tre- mendous, terrific ; uncommonly large. formldablemente, adv. formidably. formidolOSO, sa, a. timorous, timid, fearful ; dreadful, frightful, horrible. formilldn, m. hat-block, hat-form. form6ll, m. (carp.) firmer-chisel: formon de punta corriente, skew-chisel ; punching- press for cutting wafers. fdrmula, /. formula ; (med.) recipe; (math, and chem.) formula; (eccl.) profession of faith. formulario, m. formulary. fomaceo, cea, a. (poet. ) like a furnace. fornelo, m. portable little oven or furnace. fomlcacibn, /. fornication. fomlcador, ra, «. & m. &/. fornicator. fomicar, va. to fornicate. fomicariO, ria, «. relating or addicted to fornication. fomicio, m. fornication. fomldo, da, a. robust, lusty, stout. fornitura,/. (mil.) furniture; (print.) types cast to complete sorts. foro, m. forum ; court of justice ; bar, th« legal profession ; back, in stage scenery ^ leasehold ; rental : por tal foro, on such con- ditions. forrado, pp. & a. lined, doubled. forraje, »i. forage, fodder; foraging; (coll.^ abundance of things of little value. forrajeador, m. forager, fodderer. forrajear [for-iah-hay-ar'], va. to forage, to col- lect forage or fodder. forrajera,/. (mil.) shako guard. forrar, va. to line (as clothes) ; to cover with a case (as a book or an umbrella) ; (aaat.) to sheathe, to fur. forro, m. lining, doubling, inside, backing ; (naut. ) furring, planking, sheathing ; cover of a book: forro de cabos, (naut.) service, serving ropes : forro sobrepnesto de cable, (naut. ) keckling, rounding. fortach6n, na, a. (coll. ) powerfully strong. fortalecedor, ra, m. &/. fortifier. fortalecer, va. (ind. fortalezco : subj. for- talezca) to fortify, strengthen, corrobo- rate ; to fortify a place ; to aid, encourage, to support. fortalecimientO, m. fortifying, strengthen- ing; fortification, defences of a place. fortaleza, /. fortitudCj firmness ; valour courage; strength, vigour, nerve, force, manhood ; stronghold, fortress, fortified place. i forte ! interj. (naut.) avast !— a. (mus.) loud. fortepiano, m. (mus. obs.) pianoforte:, fortezuelO, la, a. dim. not very strong.— nj. small fort. fortlficable, a. fortifiable. fortificacibn, /. fortification ; military archi- tecture ; works raised for the defence of a place : fortiflcacibn de campa&a, field-fortifi- cation. fortificador, m. fortifier. fortificante, pa. fortifying. fortificar, va. ( pret. F0RTIFIQU6 : subi. FOR- tifique) to strengthen, fortify, corroborate, invigorate ; (mil.) to fortify a place. fortin, m. dim. fortin, fortlet, small fort. fortuitamente, adv. fortuitously. fortuito, ta, «. fortuitous, accidental, unex- pected. fortuna,/. fortune, chance, fate; good luck, success ; wealth, capital ; storm, tempest ; accident of the sea : por fortnna, luckily t prebar fortuna, to take one's chances. fortundn, m. aug. great fortune, immense riches. fbrunculo, m. (med.) boil. V. furunculo. forzadamente, adv. forcibly, violently, force- fully. forzado, da, pp. & a. forced, compelled, con- strained. — m. criminal sentenced to the gal- leys. forzador, m. ravisher ; forcer. forzal, m. solid part of a comb. forzamientO, m. act of forcing. forzar, va. ( ind. FUERZO : pret. FORCfi : subj. fuerce) to force, overpower by strength, break in (as a door) ; to compel, constrain, enforce, urge ; to subdue by force ; to ravish. forzosa, /. decisive move at the game of draughts ; compulsion : bacer la forzosa, (coll.) to compel one to act against his will. forzosamente, adv. forcibly, necessarily : violently, forcedly. forzoso, sa, a. indispensable, necessary, needful, requisite, obligatory. g (before «, i) and J as b In bot ; b, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; 8, liissed, FOR 2 76 FRA forzudamente, adv. with great power and strength. forzudO, da, n. strong, vigorous, potent, lusty, stout, able-bodied. fosa,/. grave, sepulture , (anat.) fossa. fosar, va. (fort.) to make a pit ; dig a trench, ditch, or foss. fosca, /. haze, thicket, jungle. fOSCO, ca, n. frowning. V. uosco, fOSfatiCO, ca, «. (chem. ) phosphatic. fOSfatO, in. (chem.) phosphate. fOSfltO, in. phosphite. fosforado, da, a. phosphated. fosforera, f. match-box. fosforero, ra, m. &/. vender of matches. fosforescencia, /. phosphorescence. fosforescente, a. phosphorescent. fosforescer, vn. (ind. FosFORESco: subj. FOSFORKscA) to phosphorescc. fOSforiCO, ca, a. phosphoric. fosforita,/. (min.) phosphorite. fosforo, m. phosphorus ; friction match ; morning star. fosforoscopio, m. (phys.) phosphoroscope. fOSfurO, m. phosphid, phosphuret. f6sll, a. fossil, petrified. — m, fossil, petrifac- tion, organic remains. fosilifero, ra, a. fossiliferous. fOSiliZaCidn [fo-se-le-thah-tlne-otr], /. fossiliza- tion. fOSilizarse [fo se-le-thar'-sehl, V?: tO fossilize. fOSO, m. pit, hole in the ground ; (theat. ) cel- lar under the stage ; (fort.) moat, ditch, foss, lotofobia, /. (med. ) photophobia. fot6fono, m. (phys.) photophone. fOtOgeniCO, ca, a. photogenic. fOtOgrabadO, m. photoengraving, photo- gravure. fotografia, /. photography ; photograph. fotografiar, va. to photograph. fOtOgraflcamente, adv. photographically. fOtOgrafiCO, ca, a. photographic. fOtbgrafO, m. photographer. fotolitografla, /. photolithography ; photo- lithograph. fOtOlitOgraflar, va. to photolithograph. fotoUtOgrilficamente, adv. photolithograph- icallv. fotolitOgr^fiCO, ca, a. photolithographic. fDtometria, /. photometry. fotometrico, ca, a. photometric. fotbmetro, m. (phys.) photometer. fotOSfera, ./'. (ast. ) photosphere. fototerapia, /. (med.) phototherapeutics. fototerapiCO, ca, n. phototherapeutical. fototipografia, f. phototypography. fOtOtipOgrafiCO, ca, «. phototypographic. f6tula, /. (Amer. ) cockroacli. fOtutO, m. (Cuba) whistle; trumpet, horn. foya,/. oven full of charcoal. frac, in. dress-coat ; swallow-tailed coat. fracasar, vn. (naut.) to crumble, to break in Eieces (ships) ; to fail in an undertaking, to e abortive, fall through, come to naught. fracaso, m. downfall, ruin, destruction ; ca- lamity, unfortunate event ; failure, abor- tiveness. fraccidn (rrac-thie-on'\ /. fraction, breaking into parts ; (math.) fraction. fraccionamlento, rn. division into fractions. fraccionar, va. to divide into fractions. fraccionario, rla, a. fractional. fractnra, /. fracture, breach, breaking, breakage ; (surg. ) fracture. fracturar, va. to fracture, break, rupture. fraga, /. species of raspberry ; thicket of brambles. fragancla, /. fragrance, scent, perfume, aroma, sweet odour ; good name, repute fw virtues. fragante, a. fragrant, odoriferous; flagrant, notorious : en fragante, in the act itself. K FLAGRANTE. fragaria, /. (hot.) strawberry. V. fresa. fragata, /. (naut.) frigate: fragata de aviso, packet-boat : fragata ligera, light fa.st-sailiug vessel. fr^gil [frah'-hiiij, a. brittle, fragile, frangible, frail, weak, breakable, perishable, fragilidad ifraii-he-ie-daiHi'i/. fragility, brittle^ ness, fraugibility ; frailty, fragilmente, adv. frailly. fragmentO, m. fragment, piece, bit. fragor, m. noise, clamour, crash, fragoroso, sa, a. (poet.) noisy, obstreper- ous. fragOSidad, /. roughness of the road ; i»"per- viousness of a forest ; craggeduess, craggi- ness. fragOSO, sa, a. craggy, rough, uneven : full of brambles and briers ; noisy. fragrancia, /. K fragancia. fragrante, a. v. fragante. fragua, /. lorge, as for iron, fraguador, m. schemer. fraguar, va. to forge. V. forjar; U plan, plot, contrive, brew, hatch. — vn. (maa.) to unite in a mass, fragura,/. v. fragosidad. frailada,/. (coll.) rude or unbecoming j^cticD of a monk. fraile, m. friar, monk, brother ; fold turned up at bottom of a skirt ; (arch. ) hood p\ er a hearth; (print.) friar, badly inked spot; (b. b.) fold in a leaf; upright post of a flood-gate; (Cuba) bagasse of a sugar-«"nne. frallear, va. (agr.) to prune a tree close to the trunk. fraileciCO, CillO, m. dim. little friar; (orn.^ lapwing; wedge securing the spindle oi a silk-reel. frallecito, m. boyish sport with the husk oi Lima beans. frailengo, ga, leilo, fta, a. v. frailescp- fraileria,/. (coll.) assembly of friars. frailero, ra, a. very fond of friars, frallesco, ca, a. monkish, friary, frailia, /. monkery ; regular clergy, frailote, ?«. aug. big and coarse friar. frailUCO, m. despicable friar, frailuno, na, a. (coll. ) friary, frambuesa,/. (hot.) raspberry. frambueso, m. (hot.) raspberry-bush, framea, f. Javelin, dart, franc achela, /. (com.) r. comilona. francalete, m. leather strap with a buckle, francamente, adr. frankly, openly. franc6s, sa, a. French. — m. the French lan- ?:uage : & la francesa, after the Frencri ashion : despedirse k la francesa, (coll.) to take French leave. — m. & f. Frenchman, Frenchwoman. francesilla, /. (hot.) common yard crowfoot. franciscano, na, a. Franciscan ; gray-col- oured. francisco, ca, «. Franciscan. francmasbn, m. Freemason, mason. francmasoneria, /. Freemasonry. franco, m. franc, French coin ; fair-time, when merchandise is sold free of duty.— p/. Franks, Oriental appellation given to west- ern Europeans. franco, ca, a. frank, open, generous, lilwral, open-hearted, bountiful ; free, clear, dis- engaged ; exempt, privileged ; ingenuous, plain, sincere, fair : (com. ) duty free : franco a ao III far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, t) and E as th in thick ; b aii'. coldly, frigidly, coolly; flatly. frlatiCO, ca, a. foolish, graceless, silly. fricacibn, /. friction, frication. frlcandd, m. (cook.) fricandeau. fricar, va. to rub two things together. fricase, m. (cook.) fricassee. friCCidn irric-tiUe-ou'],/. friction, rubbing. friega Ifre-ay'-gaU], /. frlction, rubbiug will) flesh-brush, etc. friego, yo friegue {in: from fregar). friera,/. chilblain on the heel. frigidez,/. frigidity, coldness. V. frialdab. frigido, da, a. (poet.) cold, frigid. frigiO, kia, a. Phrygian. frigorifico, ca, a. frlgorific, refrigerating, refrigerative, freezing. friisimo, ma, a. mp. extremely cold. frijol, m. kidney-bean. V. frejol. frlngilagO, m. (orn.) titmouse. V. paro. frio, ia, a. cold, frigid, chilly ; iced (as water) ; impotent ; indifferent, unmoved, passionless, unsympathetic, heartless ; dull, graceless, witless. — m. cold, coldness, fri- gidity, chilliness ; cool, fresh air. Lolento, ta, a. chilly ; very sensible of cold. friolera,/. trifle, bauble, gewgaw. friolero, ra, a. V. friolento. frisa,/. frieze; (fort.) palisade. frisadO, pp. &. m. curly silk plush or shag. frisador, ra, a. frizzier. frisadura,/. frizzling or shagging. frlsar, va. to frizzle or frizz cloth ; to rub , (naut.) to line, to pack. — vn. to resemble, to be like ; to approach, to be near. frlso, w. (arch.) frieze; wainscot, dado, mop- board. frisol, m. (bot. ) kidney-bean. V. fri£jol. fris6ll, na, a. Friesian. — m. large draught- horse. '' frisuelo, m. kidney-bean. V. frIsol. — p/. fritters. frita,/. (gl.) frit, ferretto. fritada,/. fry ; dish of anything fried. fritillas,/. jp^ fritters, pancakes. frito, ta, pp. irr. of FREiR ; fried. — m. fry. fritura,./: fry, fritter. V. fritada. friVOlameHte, adv. frivolously, triflingly. friVOlidad, /. frivolity, frivolousness, tri- flingness, frothiness. friV0lit6,/. tatting fancy work. frivolo, la, a. frivolous, trifling, vain, empty, frothy, light, futile. fronda, /. (bot.) leaf of a plant; frond; (surg. ) funda,— y/. frondage, foliage, ver- dure. fronde, m. (bot.) frond, fern leaf. frondosldad, /. frondage, luxuriant growth, foliage. flrondOSO, sa, a. leafy, luxuriant. firontal, a. frontal, relating to the forehead.— TO. (eccl.) frontal, altar hanging. ftontalera,/. brow-band (of a bridle) ; brow- pad under a yoke; (eccl.) trimmings of an altar frontal ; place where frontals are kept. firontera, /. frontier, boundary, limit, con- fine, border ; binder of a frail-basket ; (arch.) facade ; side of a soft-brick mould. fronteriZO, za, a. limitaneous ; frontier ; fronting, opposite. firontero, ra, a. opposite, placed in front.— TO. governor or commander of frontier forces ; frontlet or orow-pud for children.-- adv. in front. a as iu far ; e ia ah I ; i in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before e, i) and t a« th iu thick ; b and d, soft r FEO 27VJ FUE frontll, m. yoke-pad for draughi-oxen. frontiuo, na, a. animal marked in the face. frontis, m. (arch.) frontispiece, facade. CrontispiciO, m. front; (arch.) frontispiece, fagade; (coll.) face, visage; title-page of a book. front6n, m. main wall of a hand-ball court ; fives-court; (arch.) pediment. frontudo, da, «. broad-faced animal. frontura,/. front of a stocking-frame. frotaci6n, frotadura,/. friction, rubbing. frotador, ra, m. &/. one who or that which rubs. frotamlentO, m. rubbing, friction. frotante, pa. rubbing. frotar, va. to rub, to perfricate. frote, m. friction, rubbing ; attrition. fructiferamente, adv. fruitfully. fmctifero, ra, a. fructiferous, frugiferous, fruit-bearing, fruitful. fructiflcaci6n,/. (bot.) fructification. fructiflcador, ra, «. fertilizer. fructificar, vn. {preL FRUCTiFiQu:^ : subj. fructifique) to fructify, to produce, bear or yield fruit; to profit or give profit, to benefit. fructuario, rla, a. (law) usufructuary. fructuosamente, adv. fruitfully, profitably. fructUOSO, sa, a. fruitful, fructuous, useful, profitable. fruente, pa. of fruir ; enjoying. frugal, a. frugal, parsimonious, sparing, thrifty. frugalidad, /. frugality, parsimony, thrift, economy. frugalmente, adv. frugally, sparingly, thriftily. frugivoro, ra, a. fruglvorous. fruicidn,/. fruition, enjoyment, satisfaction, gratification, relish. ftuir, vn. {for irr. V. HUIR) to enjoy. fruitiVO, va, a. fruitive, enjoyable. frumentario, rla, a. cereal, frumentaceous. frumenticio, cia, «. (bot.) frumentaceous, cereal. frunce, m. (sew.) shirr, shirring, gather. ftuncido, da, pp. & a. shirred, gathered; contracted. ftuncidor, m. (sew.) gatherer. ftuncimientO, m. shirring, gathering; fic- tion, deceit, imposture. rruncir, va. {ind. FRUNZO : subj. frunza) (sew.) to gather, to shirr; to pucker; to contract, reduce; to conceal or twist the truth. — vr. to affect modesty and composure ; fruncir las cejas, to knit the eye-brows : frun- cir lo8 labioB, to curl or pucker the lips. fruslera,/. brass turnings or clippings. frusleria, /. trifle, bauble, tidbit. fruslero, ra, a. trifling, frivolous, insignifi- cant, futile. ftustrd,neO, nea, «. vain, useless, nugatory. frustrar, va. to frustrate, disappoint, balk, defeat, thwart, deprive, prevent, annul. — vr. to miscarry, fail, fall through. fnistratorio, ria, a. frustrative, defeating. fruta,/. fruit, fruitage; consequence, result: fruta de sart^n, pancake, fritter ; fruta nueva, anything new : fruta del tiempo, fruit eaten in season ; anything incident or peculiar to a season. jbrutaje, m. (art) painting of fruits and flow- ers. frutal, a. (bot.) fruitful, fruit-bearing. — m. fruit-tree. frutar, vn. to hit or labour ; benefice, profit, advantage, —pi. (com.) produce, commodities: fruto dt ben- dicion, child lawfully begotten : dar frnf •>, to yield frcit. fu, interj, of disgust; sound imitating the snarling of a cat. fClcar, m. rich, opulent man ; nabob. fucilar, vn. (poet.) to flash, to glisten. fucilazo, m. fulguration, heat, lightning. fUCSia,/. (bot.) fuchsia. fUCSina,/. (chem.) fuchsine. fuegO [fweh'-go], m. fire, conflagration, blaze^ beacon-fire, bonfire, watch-fire; force, life^ vigour, animation ; eruption in the skin j firing of fire-arms ; hearth, fire-place : esa aldea tiene cincuenta fuegos, that village coH" tains fifty hearths or houses ; ardour, heat oi an action ; (vet.) cautery ; fuegode SanTelmo, (naut.) Castor and Pollux : fuegofatuo,jack- a-lantern, will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus : d^r faego i. un navio, (naut.) to bream a ship: dar fuego & los tablones, (naut.) to heat planks for the purpose of bending then? : fuego griego, Greek or wild fire : fuego«, (naut.) lights ; lighthouse ; hacer fuego, (mil.) to tire: pegar fuego, to set on fire; fuego graneado, (mil.) successive or inces^ sant firing : fuegos artificiales, fire-works : ' fuego y sangre, with fire and sword. 1 fuego ! j fuego de DiOS ! interj. bless me I fuego ! military command to shoot. fueguecillO, CitO, ZUelO, m. dim. small fire fuellar, m. bright talcum ornament on wa3 tapers. fuelle [foo-ayi'-iyay], m. bellows ; blower ; (car.j hood, top ; clouds over mountains ; (sew.' puckers in clothes ; (coll.) tale-bearer. fuente, /. spring of water ; fountain, fount jet, water-spout ; originating cause, prima source; dish, platter; (surg.) setou, issue beber en buenas fuentes, to be well-informed fuenteclca, cilia, cita, zuela, /. dim. smal fountain. fuer, m. contr. of fuero : & fuer de, adv. as a in the manner of: k fuer de caballero, as > gentleman. fuera, adv. out, not in, without, outside away, off; over and above: fuera de si, de ranged, aghast : de fuera or por fuera, exte- riorly, outside : fuera de, out of, forth : fuer* de eso, besides, moreover : fuera de esto, short of this; aside from this : faera deque, besides. hacia fuera, outward. I fuera ! interj. away, get off, clear the way, put him out ! fuerarropa (hacer), command used in thi galleys lor the rabble to undress. fuero, m,. statute law of a country ; jurisdic- tion, judicial power ; privilege or exemption granted to a province ; compilation of laws : fuero exterior or externo, canon and civil laws : fuero de la cenciencia, fuero interior or fuero interno, the tribunal of conscience ; heart of hearts : i, fuero, according to law : de fuero, of right, by right of law. fuerte, a. strong, potent, vigorous, able, hardy, lusty, stout, healthy, hale; secure, % (before e, i) and J as h iu hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; ,r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed. FUE 280 FUN fast, impregnable ; solid, tough, hard, sub- stantial ; firm, compact ; powerful, forcible, cogent, efficacious ; active, intense ; thick, heavy ; proficient, surpassing ; loud ; manly, determined, unswerving ; hard, not mal- leable ; terrible, grave ; excessive ; having excess of weight — m. fort, fortress, fortifi- cation, intrenchment, hold; strong point, forte; (mus.) forte, loud (marked/). — adv. strongly, hard, copiously, abundantly, ex- cessively. ruertecico, cito, cillo, zuelo, m. dim. small fortress, block-house. fuertemente, adv. strongly, lustily, firmly, fast, forcibly, vehemently. fuerza [foo-err -timu], /. force, strength, might, vigour, cogency, stress ; toughness, solidity, firmness, stanohness, efficacy ; fortitude, valour, courage, manliness, constancy ; violence, coercion, compulsion, constraint; defloration, rape ; virtue, efficiency, mental power; (phys.) force, energy, agency, mo- ment, impulsive weight; (mech.) power; resistency ; (fort.) fortress, a strong place; strongest part of a thing ; proneness, strong Propensity ; the third of a sword next the ilt ; (sew) stiffening piece in garments.—^/, (mil.) soldiers, armies: fnerzas de mar y de tierra, naval and land for^^es : fuerza ani- mal or de Bangre, animal power: fuerza de agua, water power : f'ierza de vapor, steam power : fuerza electromotriz, electromotive force : fuerza de inercia, vis inertia : & fuerza de, by dint of, by force of: por fuerza or de por fuerza, by force, violently, forcibly ; necessarily : hacer fuerza de velas, f naut.) to crowd sail, to carry a press of sail ; (met.) to make a strenuous effort : hacer fuerza de remos, (naut. ) to pull hard with the oars: & viva fuerza, with great resolution, by main force : fuerza mayor, (law and com. ) superior force, such as war, pestilence, or the fury of the elements. faerzo, yo faerce (irr. from forzar). fuete, rn. (Cuba) a whip. faftl, m. (Cuba) mass made of yam, plantain, etc., and pounded. fuga, /. flight, escape, runaway, elopement ; leak, leakage, issue, escape of gas; (mus.) fugue ; (mil.) flight : fuga preclpitada, stam- pede. fugacidad, /. fugacity, volatility, fugitive- ness, fugaciousness, brevity, fugar, vr. {prel. me fugu6: subj. me fugue) to escape, to fly, to run away. fugaz ifoo-gahth'], a. fugacious, volatile, apt to fly away ; fugitive, running away ; brief, fleeting. fugazmente, adv. fleetingly. fugitivo, va, a. fugitive, runaway ; brief, perishable, unsteady, unstable. fidna, /. V. garduSa. fulanitO, ta, m. & f. dim. little master, little miss. fulano, na, m. & f. such a one ; so-and-so : Fulano de tal, John Doe : Fulano, Sutano y Mengano, Tom, Dick, and Harry, fulcro, m. (mech.) fulcrum, fulgente, a. (poet.) refulgent, brilliant. ftllgldo, da, a. bright, resplendent. fulgor, /«. fulgency, resplendence, brilliancy, fulgurante, pa. & a. resplendent, shining, fcilgurar, vn. to fulgurate, to flash, shine with brilliancy. fulguroBO, sa, a. fulgurous. milca, /. (orn.) fulica, coot. follginoso, sa, a. fuliginous, dark, obscure, sooty, smutty fulnilliaci6ll, /. fulmination, thundering. fulminado, pp. & a. struck by lightning. fulminador, ra, a. thunderer ; fulminating; fulmlnante, pa. & a. fulminating, fulminant, fulminatory, thundering ; exploding, ex- plosive ; (med.) violent, deadly. — m. (arti.) cap, percussion cap. fUlminar, va. to fulminate; to emit light- ning ; to cause to explode ; to throw oni ja as an object of terror ; to express wrath. fulmlnato, m. (chem.) fulminate. fulminatriZ, a. {fevi.) fulminaUng. fulmineo, nea, a. fuimineous. fulminico, a. (chem.) fulminic (acid). fulminOSO, sa, a. fulminatory. fulleresco, ca, a. belonging to sharper*. fulleria, /. cheating at play ; cunning artt used to deceive. fullero, ra, m. & /. sharper, cheater at play. fullona,/- (coll.) dispute, quarrel, wrau.gle. fumada,/. puff, whiff (of smokej. funiadero, m. smoking-room. fumador, ra, m. & /. smoker. fiunante, pa. smoking, fuming fumar, va. to smoke. fumarada,/. puff, whiff, or blast of smoke ; a , pipeful of tobacco. fumaria,/. (bot.) fumitory. fumarola,/. (geol.) fumarole. fumifero, ra, a. (poet.) smoking. fumifugo, ga, a. smoke-disf/ersing. fumigacidn,/. fumigation. fumigador, m. fumigator. fumigar, va. ( pret. FUMlGuifc : subj. fumigue) to fumigate, to fume. fmnigatorio, ria, a. fumigatory.— m. per- fuming pan. fumivoro, ra, a. smoke-consuming. fumorola,/. v. fumarola. fumosidad,/. smokiness. fumoso, sa, a. fumv, smoky. fun&mbulo, la, m.'& f. funambulist, a rope- dancer. funcidn [foon-thie-on'], /. function. Operation, working ; discharge of a duty, offico, or em- ployment; (med.) function, vital action; solemnity, festival, feast, social party, en- tertainment ; religious ceremony, public demonstration; (math.) function; (mil.) fight, engagement, battle. funcional, a. (physiol.) functional. funcionar, vn. to work, perform, operate, act, functionate. funclonariO, m. functionary, public official. funda, /. case, sheath, cover, covering, wrajp- per, envelope, slip: funda de almohada, pil- low-case, flindacidn,/. foundation, founding or estab- lishing ; erection, raising, building ; rise, beginning, origin : endowment, endowed institution ; (arch.) base, ground-work. fundadamente, adv. with good foundation. fundador, ra, rn. & f. founder. fundamental, a. fundamental, cardinal, es. sential, principal. fundamentalmente, adv. fundamentally. fundamentar, va. to found ; to establish on a basis ; to ground ; to base ; to set firm. fundamento, m. foundation, ground-work^ ground, basis; reason, cause, principle; source, origin, root; (weav.) weft. woof. fundar, va. to found, raise, erect, build, put up ; to establish, institute, endow ; to origi- nate, start, set up ; to base, ground. — vr. to base one's opinion on or upon. fundente, 2>a. (chem.) fusing, melting, smelt- ing. — m. (chem.) flux; (med.) dissolvent. funderia,/. foundry, v. fundici6n. M 'n flU' ; e In eh I ; 1 Id policy ; o in for ; u in bull : C (before e, i) and S as th in thick ; b and d, -toll. FUN 281 GAB landible, a. fusible. fandibulariO, m. Roman soldier armed with a sling. 1011(111)1110, m. ancient warlike machine for throwing stones. fundicidn, /. fusion, melting of metals, cast- ing ; foundry, smeltery ; cast ; (print.) font. fundldor, m. founder, melter, smelter.-^ fundir, va. to fuse or melt metals, to smelt ; to east, to found, — vr, to fuse, combine, blend, unite. fundo, m. (law) rural property. ftoebre, «. mournful, sad, lamentable; fu- neral, funereal, mourning; dark, lugubri- ous. tiinebreinente, adv. mournfully, sorrowful- ly, latmentably. funeral, a. funeral, funereal. — m. funeral, funerala {k la), adv. (mil.) inverted arms. funerario, ria, a. funeral, funereal. fun^reo, rea, «. mournful, sad, funereal. fiinestamente, adv. sadly, dolefully. funestar, va. to blot, tarnish, stain, profane. foncstO, ta, a. funest, doleful, lamentable, untoward ; mournful, sad, dismal. fungiforme [foou-iie-for'-nieii]. a. fungiform. fungible, a. consumable, fungible. fungir Uoon-heer'], vn. (Sp. Am.) to act in some capacity. fungO, m. (surg.) fungus. fUngOSidad, /. (surg.) fungosity, excres- cence. ftingOSO, sa, a. fungous, excrescent, spongy. funicular, a. funicular : ferrocarril funicular, funicular railway. funiculo, m. (bot.) funicle or funiculus. ftirente, a. furious, raging, frantic. furgbn, m. ^mil.) transport wagon; (r. w.) baggage-car, freight-car, express-car, box- car; van. furia, /. fury, rage ; tit of madness ; a choleric person ; the fury of the elements ; hurry, velocity, and vigour ; zeal, ardour : 4 toda ftaria, with utmost speed. furibundo, da, a. furious, enraged, frantic, raging. furlenie, a. v. furente. furlerlsmo, m. Fourierism. furierista, m. & /. Fourierist. furlosamente, adv. furiously. furioso, sa, a. furious, mad, frantic, fierce, raging, violent ; very great, excessive. furlbn, m. F. forl6n. faro, ra, a. shy, unsociable, reserved ; un- tamed, wild. — TO. (Cuba) orifice of the sugar mould : hacer furo, to conceal a thing with the design of keeping it. furor, m. furor, fury, madness, choler, fren- zy, franticness, rage, anger; (poet.) enthu- siasm, exaltation of fancy : furor uterino, (med.) nymphomania. Turriel or furrier, m. (mil.) quarter-master ; clerk of the king's mews. furriela, furriera, /. place of keeper of the keys of the king's palace. ftirtivamente, adv. by stealth, clandestinely. furtiVO, va, a. furtive, clandestine. furunculo, m. (surg.) furuncle, boil. furunculOSO, sa, a. furunculose. fusa,/. (mus.) demlsemiquaver. fusado, da, fuselado, da, a. (her.) charged with fuyils or spindles. fUSCa,/. (orn.) dark-coloured duck. fUSCO, ca, a. fuscous, brown, dark. fusente, a. receding tide. fusibUidad,/. fusibility. fusible, fusil, a. fusible. fUSiforme, a. fusiform, spind lt»-6haped. fusil, m. rifle, gun, musket : ifttail de a^uja, needle-gun : fusil de chUpa, aiut-lock mus- ket : fusil de percusidn o** de pis&dn, musket : fusil rayado, rifle gun : fusil de retrocarga, a breech-loader. fUSilamientO, m. (mil.) shooting by mus- ketry. fusilar, va. to shoot (malefactors) ^y mus- ketry. fusilazo, m. musket-shot, r'fle-shot. fusileria, /. (mil. ) musketry ; body of fus'* leers or musketeers. fusilero, m. fusileer, muske*«er. fusidn, /. fusion, liquation, melting; lique- faction, alliance, union. fUSiOnista, m. &f. fusionist. fusique [foo-see'-keii], m. bottie-shaped snuf^ box. fUSOr, TO. smelting ladle or vssel. fusta, /. brushwood ; woollen stuff; whip- lash ; (naut.) lateen-rigged Ughter. fust^, TO. fustian ; (Sp. Am. ) petticoat. fustanero, m. fustian manufacturer. fuste, TO. wood, timber ; tree and bows of a saddle ; (poet. ) saddle ; shaft of a lance ; foundation of anything not material ; sub- stance, nerve, importance; (arch.) fust, shaft of a column. fustero, ra, a. belonging to a fust, founda- tion, etc. — m. turner or carpenter. fustete, TO. (bot.) Venetian sumac; its wood ; fustic, yellowwood. fUStigante,j9a. fustigating. fustigar, va. to whip, lash, fustigate. fustina,/. place for fusing metals. futesa,/. trifle, bagatelle, bauble, gewgaw. f^til, a. futile, trifling, worthl/>. of GANAR. ganador, ra, m. & /. gainer, winner. ganancia,/. gain, profit, advantage, gainful- uess, lucre: gananclai y p^rdldas, (com.) profit and loss : ganancia liquida, net profit. gananclai, a. lucrative : bienet ganancialet, property acquired during marriage. gananclOSO, sa, a. lucrative, gainful, profit- able. ganap&n, m. porter ; drudge ; rude, coarse man. ganapierde, m. mode of playing draughts, where he who loses all his men wins the game. ganar, va. to gain, to win ; to profit, to clear, to make ; to earn, to attain, obtain, acquire ; to win over, deserve, conquer ; to surpass. ganchero, m. conductor of a raft of timber. gancbillo, ItO, ni. dim. little hook or crotch. gancbO, m. hook, crook, crotch; hair-pin; shepherd's crook ; sheep-hook; (coll.) aa allurer, roper-in ; pimp, procurer, pander : (coll. ) attractiveness, especially of a woman ; (naut.) hook. gancbOSO, sa, a. hooked, curved. gancbuelO, m. dim. V. GANCHILLO. g^ndara, /. low, rough, uncultivated ground ; jungle. gandaya, /. laziness, idleness ; kind of coif : andar k la gandaya, to gad, loaf, lounge. gandldO, da, a. (Sp. Am.) glutton, sweet- mouthed. gandlnga, /. (min.) small, cleaned ore; (Cuba) liver stew. gandir, va. to eat. gandujado, pp. & m. accordion plaiting. ganduiar, va. (sew) to plait, shirr, fold. gandm, la, m. & f. (coll.) idler, lounger, loafer, vagabond, vagrant, tramp. gandulear, vfi. to loaf, lounge, gad. ganduleria, /. idleness, laziness, lounging. ganeta,/. (zool.) v. gineta. ganforro, ra, m. &f. (coll.) rogue, rascal. ganga, /. (orn.) little pin-tailed grouse; (min.) gangue, vein-stone; (coll.) bargain, anything valuable acquired with little la- bour. gangarilla,/. company of strolling players. gangliO, m. (anat.) ganglion. ganglionar, a. (anat.) ganglionic. gangOSO, sa, a. snuffling, speaking with a twang. gangrena, /. (med.) gangrene, mortification. gangrenarse, vr. to become gangrenous o> mortified. gangrenoso, sa, a. gangrenous. gangueat [^ahn-geii-ar"), vn. to snuflfle, to speak with a twang. g^guil [gahn'-geei], m. (naut.) fishing-barge ; dump-scow. ganoso, sa, a. desirous, wishing, longing after. gansada,/. (coll.) stupidity. gansar6n, m. (orn.) gosling; tall, thin, gawky man. ganso, sa, m. & f. (om.) gander, goose ; slow, lazy person ; silly person, a ninny : ganto bravo, wild-goose. gante, m. linen manufactured in Ghent. ganzua (gan-thoo'-Rt.l, /. picklock, false key, skeleton key ; picklock, burglar. gafi&n, m. day-labourer ; farm hand ; team- ster, rustic. gaflania,/. gang of labourers ; lodge for the same. ga&ldO, pp. & m. yelping or howling. gafliles, m. pi. cartilaginous larynx ; gills of the tunny-fish. gafiir, va. to yelp or howl (as a dog) ; to croak, cackle, crow ; (coll. ) to talk hoarsely. gafi.6n, gafiOte, m. (coll. ) the throat ; kind of fritters. ga6n, m. (naut.) substitute for the oar in In- dian vessels. garabatada,/. (coll.) hooking. A M Id far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in a in ball ; c (before e, 1) and B as th in thick ; b and d. mA; GAR 285 GAR garabatear, va, to hook, to catch with a hook ; to scrawl, to scribble ; (coll.) to beat around the bush. garabateo, m. hookiug -, scribbling, scrawl- ing. garabatillO, m. dim. small hook. garabatO, m, pot-hook ; grapple, grapnel, creeper, claw-oar, hand bale-hook ; meat- hook or gambrel ; scrawl, scribble ; muzzle ; winning ways in a woman.— p/. scrawling letters or characters ; pot-hooks ; hand- gestures. garabatoso, sa, a. full of scrawls ; elegant, charming, attractive. garabltO, m. market stall. garambaina,/. flamboyancy in dress or or- namentation ; (coll.) ridiculous affectation or mannerism ; illegible scrawl, garante, «. responsible. — m. & f. (com. and law) warranter, guarantor, surety ; bonds- man, bail. garantia,/. (com. and law) warranty, guar- anty, security, surety bond ; indorsement, collateral ; bail. garantir, va, & def. {only those modes and persons are used that have the letter i in their terminatiom) to guarantee. Pf. garanti- ZAR. garantizar, t7a. (pret. garantic6: siibj. GA- rantice) to guarantee, warrant ; to indorse, answer for, vouch for, secure. garafi.6n, m. stallion jackass ; male breeding camel. garapacho, m. tortoise, v. galIpago. garapifia,/. congealed particles of any liquid : scalloped galloon or lace ; (Cuba) fermented pine-apple juice. ' garapifiadO, da, pp. & a. candied, sugar- coated ; (jew. ) frosted : almendrai garapina- das, sugar-almonds, pralines. garapi&ar, va. to ice, to freeze cream, sirup, etc. ; to candy, garapiflera,/. ice-cream freezer; wine-cool- er. garapita,/- net for small fishes. garapitO, m. small insect, like a tick. garapuUo, m. paper dart ; shuttle-cock. garatura,/. (tan.) scraper. garatusa, /. sort of game at cards ; (coll. ) caress, cajolery. garay, m. (Philip.) ancient sail-boat. garba, /. sheaf, as of wheat. garbanzal, m. ground sown with chick-peas. garbanzo, m. (hot.) garavance, gram or chick-pea. garbanznelO, m. dim. small chick-pea: (vet.) disease in horses' feet. V. espara- vIn. garbar, va. (agr.) to sheaf or sheave. garbear, va. (agr.) to sheaf. — vn. to affect an air of dignity and grandeur, garbera,/. (agr.) shock of sheaves. garbias, m,, pi. omelet of herbs, cheese, and flour. garblllador, ra, a. sifter ; riddler ; garbler. garbillar, va. (agr.) to sift grain ; (min.) to riddle ; to garble. garblllO, m. coarse sieve for grain; (min.) riddle ; riddled ore. garbin, m. coif made of net-work. garblno, m. south-west wind. garbo, m. gracefulness, gentility, elegant carriage, jauntiness ; grace ; clever knacK of doing things ; frankness, disinterestedness, generosity. garbosamente, adv. nattily, generously. garb6n, m. (orn.) male partridge, garboso, 8a,a. natty, spruce, genteel, grace- ful, elegant, comely, gallant, sprightly ; lib- eral, generous. garbullo, m. garboil, melee of children. garcero, ra, a. (orn.) heron-hawk. garceta, /. (orn.) little egret; side locks of hair.— -pZ. tenderlings. gardenia,/ (hot.) gardenia. gardUja,/. barren stone in quicksilver mines. garduila,/. (zool.) marten. garduilo, fla, a. (coll.) filcher, petty thief. garete, m. al garete (^naut.) adrift. garfa, /. claw, of a beast or bird ; hand, in contempt; ancient tax; cchar la garfa, t» claw or seize anything with the nails. garfada, garfiada, /. clawing or seizing with the nails. garfear, vn. to hook, to seize with a hook. garfio, m. hook, drag-hook ; gaff". V. gan- CHO. V. GARABATO. gargajeada, /. gargajeo [gar gai. t.eh o], m. ejecting phlegm. gargajear, vn. to expectorate phlegm. gargajientO, ta, a. continually expectorat- ing phlegm. gargaJO [gar-gali -ho], m. phlegm. gargajoso, sa, a. v. gargajiento. garganch6n, m. v. garguero. garganta,/. throat, gullet; instep; canyon, gorge, ravine; (agr.) sheath of a plough; Tarch.) shaft of a column or balu.strade; (mech.) collar, neck, throat, gullet, waist, froove of a sheave : tener buena garganta, to e a good singer. gargantada, /. liquid or blood ejected from the throat. V. espadaSada. gargantear, vn. to quaver, to warble; (naut.) to staap a dead-eye. garganteo, m. quavering', warbling. gargantll, m. cut in basins formerly used by barbers. gargantilla, /. necklace worn by women ; (Philip.) water-jug. - gd,rgara, /. gargle. gargarlsmo, 7n. gargarism, gargle ; gargling, gargarizar, va. to gargle, to gargan/.e. g&rgOl, o. empty, addle (eggs).— ^/t. (mech.) groove, furrow, channel, mortise. g^rgola,/- (arch.) gargoyle; linseed. gargUerO, garguero l^ai-goo-eh'-ro, sar-geh'-ro], m. the gullet ; windpipe, garifalte, TO. (om.) v. gerifalte. garlfo, fa, a. v. jarifo. garlofllea, /. (hot.) common avens or herb ben net. garita,/. sentry-box ; porter's lodge; water- closet, privy. garitero, m. master of a gaming-house; gamester, gambler. gaxitO, TO. gaming-house, gambling-den ; profits of gaming, garla,/. (coll.) talk, chatter. garlador, ra, m. &j. (coll. ) babbler, prattler, garlante, pa. (coll.) babbling, prater. garlar, va. (coll.) to babble, prattle, chatter. garlitO, TO. fish-trap; snare, trap, or gin: caer en el garlito, (coll.) to fall into a trap: coger en el garlito, to detect a person in wrong-doing. garlocna,/. goad-stick, r. garrocha. garlopa,/. (carp.) jack-plane, long plane. garma, /. steep slope. gamacba, /. judge's robe or gown ; variety of purple grape, and the wine raaouch anciently in use. garza, /. (orn.) heron: garza real, purple heron. garzo, za, a. blue-eyed.— m. agaric, mush- room. garz6n, m. lad, boy ; stripling ; adjutant in the life-guards. garzota, /. (orn.) night-heron; plumage, aigrette ; crest of a helmet. garznl, m. species of wheat. gas, m. (chem.) gas, fluid; vapour, emana« tion, fume; (coll.) gas-light: gas del alua> brado, illuminating gas. gasa,/. gauze. gasc6n, na, n6s, nesa, a. Gascon. gasconada, /. gasconade, boast, bravado. gaseiforme, a. aeriform, gaseous. gaseoso, sa, a. gaseous. gasificable, a. convertible into gas. gasificacidn,/. gasification. gasificar, va. to gasify. gas6geno, m. gasogene. gasoleno, m. gasolina,/. gasoline. gasometria,/. gasometry. gas6metrO, m. gasometer; gas-meter. gas6n, m. V. yes6n ; large clods of unbroken earth ; sod. gastable, a. that may be wasted or spent. gastadero, m. (coll.) place where anything is wasted or spent ; wasting, spending. gastado, da, j^P- ^ «• worn-out, useless; blas6. gastador, ra, a. wasteful, lavish, extrava- gant. — m. &jf. spender, waster, spendthrift: prodigal; (mil.) pioneer, sapper; criminal sentenced to hird labour. gastamlentO, r.i. consumption of anything; wearing out. gastar, va. to spend, expend, disburse, lay put money ; to waste, use, consume, wear but, fret ; to have or wear habitually ; to own, disport, keep (as cart-iages, etc.); to plunder, pillage, sack ; to digest : gastarlas, (coll.) to act, behave, conduct one's self — vr. to grow old or useless ; to be wasted, con- sumed, worn out ; to fray. gasterbpodo, da, a. (zool.) gasteropod. gasto, m. expenditure, expense, disburse- ment, charge, outlay, cost, consumption* spending, consuming, waste, use, wear and tear: gastos, (com.) charges, disbursements: gastos de oflcina, oflice expenses: gastos de explotacion, working expenses. gastoso, sa, a. v. gastador. gastralgia, /. (med.) gastralgia. gastrico, ca, a. gastric. gastritis, /. (med.) gastritis. gastroenteritis, (med.) gastroenteritis. gastronomia, /. gastronomy, epicurism. gastronbmico, ca, a. gastronomic. gastrbnomo, m. epicure, gastronomer. gastrorrafia,/. (surg.) gastrorraphy. gastrorragia, /. gastrorrhagia. gastrotomia, /. (surg.) gastrotomy. gata, /. she-cat, puss ; (coll.) a woman native of Madrid; (bot.) V. gatuSa ; (mil.) cat- castle; (naut.) cat-head: gata del ancla, (naut.) cat^tackle : i, gatas, on all-fours. gatada,.f. cat trick ; clawing ; turn of a hare when closely pursued; (coll.) artful dodge, scurvv trick. gatall6n, m. (coll.) rogue, cheat, scamp. gatatumba, /. (coll.) aflfected civility or submission. gatazo, TO. aug. large cat; (coll.) artful trick, cheat, deception. gateado, da, pp. & a. feline, catlike.— w. very compact American striped wood. gateamientO, m. scratching; clambering; going on all-fours. gatear, m. to climb up, clamber ; to go upon all-fours. — va. (coll.) to scratch or claw ; to steal, to rob. gatera, /. cat's hole; (bot.) common cat- mint ; (naut.) cathole. gateria, /. number of cats together; (coll.) gang of toughs or ill-bred boys. gatero, ra, a, frequented by cats. % a8 in far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o In for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, aoft ; GAT 287 GEI^ gatesCO. ca, a. (coll.) feline, cat-like. gatica, ilia, ita,/. dim. little she-cat, pussy. gabiClda, m. (coll.) cat-killer. gatiCO, itO, m. dim. little cat, pussy. gatillazo, m. noise made by a trigger at tiring. gatillO, w. dim. pelican, dentist's forceps ; (arti.) trigger of a gun; nape of a bull or ox ; (arch. ) cramp-iron ; filcher, petty thief. gatO, m. cat, tom-cat ; money-bag, and the money kept in it; (coop.) hooping tong ; (mech.) jack, lifting-jack, screw-jack; (arti.) gun-searcher; (coll.) pickpocket, petty thiefj filcher ; (coll. ) shrewd fellow ; Tcoll.) native of Madrid: gato cornaqui, (naut.) jack-screw: gato de algalia, (zool.) civet-cat : gato months, mountain cat : dar or vender gato por liebre, (coll.) to cheat, misrepresent. gatuna, gatufla,/. (bot.) rest-harrow, cam- mock. gatunero, m. seller of smuggled meat. gatuno, na, a. cat-like, feline. gatuperlO, m. hotchpotch; (coll.) fraud, snare, intrigue. gauchada, /. (S. Am.) artifice; act of a gaucho. gauchO, Cha, m. &/. herdsman, or Indian of the pampas of the Argentine Eepublic ; rus- tic, rude man. gaudeamus, TO. (coll.) feast, entertainment, merrymaking. gavanza,/. flower of the dog-rose. gavanzo, m. (bot.) dog-rose. V. escara- MUJO. gaveta,/. drawer, till, locker. gavetilla,/. dim. small desk drawer. gavia, /. (naut.) main-top-sail; top (in gal- leys) ; place where madmen are confined ; ditch for draining or as a boundary ; (min.) gang of basket passers; (orn.) V. gaviota. —j)l. (naut.) top-sails of the main and fore mast. gavial, TO. crocodile of the Ganges. gaviero, to. (naut.) top-man, mast-man. gavleta,/. (naut.) scuttle, bowsprit bee. gaviete, m. (naut.) davit in a long-boat. gavil^n, m. (orn. ) sparrow-hawk ; fine hair- stroke in penmanship ; either nib of a pen ; (arm.) quillon of a sword ; brad or pin of a goad-stick; (naut.) iron hook ; (bot.) this- tle flower; (naut.) tholes. gavilancillO, to. dim. young hawk ; incur- vated point of an artichoke leaf. gavilla,/. (agr.) gavelorsheaf of grain ; bun- dle of vine-shoots ; gang of suspicious per- sons. gavillero, to. (agr.) place where gavels of grain are collected. gavina,/. (orn.) v. gaviota. gavibn, m. (mil.) gabion ; (coll.) large hat. gaviota,/. (orn.) gull, sea-gull. gavitel, TO. (naut.) small buoy. gavota,/. gavot, French dance. gaya,/. stripe on stuff's, etc. ; badge given to victors in Roman games ; (orn.) magpie. gayado, da, pp. & a. motley, striped. gayadura, /. garniture, trimming of various colours. gayar, va. to streak, stripe ; to trim with rib- bons of various colours ; to variegate. gayata, .f. crook, sheep-hook. gayo, ya, a. gay, festive, merry; showy: gaya ciencia, poesy, minstrelsy. gayola /. (naut.) cage; (coll.) jail; (prov.) raised hut for watching vineyards. gayomba,/. (bot.) white single-seed broom. gayuba,/. (hot.) red-berried arbutus. gayubal, m. place where gayubas abound. gaza, /. loop of a bow ; (naut.) strap, loop, collar, splice, noose. gazafatbn, gazapaWn, m. nonsense, foolisb talk, balderdash. gazapa,/. lie, fib, falsehood. gazapera, /. warren for rabbits ; (coll.) deu where suspicious characters meet; (coll.) wrangle, c^uarrel. gazapiCO, lllO, itO, m. dim. small rabbit; l)unny. gazapina, /. assembly of ruffians ; wran- gling, quarrelling. gazapo, TO. cony, young rabbit; shrewd, art- ful fellow ; (coll.) a great lie. gazap6n, to. aug. V. GARiTO. gazmlar, va. to steal and eat tid-bits. — vr. (coll.) to complain, to resent. gazmol, TO. kind of cancer on the tongue of hawks. gazmoflada, gazmofleria, /. hypocrisy, prudery. gazmo&ero, ra, gazmo&o, fla, a. prude, priggish, dissembling, hypocrite. gaznapiro, ra , a. & m. &/. churlish, simple- ton, booby. gaznar, vn. v. graznar. gaznatada, /. blow or stroke on the throttle. gaznate, m. throttle, windpipe, gorge ; kind of fritters. gaznat6n, to. blow on the throat ; pancake, fritter. gaZOfia [gah-thaw'-fe-ah], /. V. BAZOFIA. gazpachero, to. maker of gazpacho. gazpachO [gatii-pau'-cho], m. Andalusian disb made of biscuit, oil, vinegar, onions, and garlic ; crumbs of bread fried in a pan. gazuza[gah-thoo'-thah],/. (coll.) keen appetite, hunger. ge [hey],/. Spanish name of the letter G. gea,/. aggregate inorganic matter in a coun^ try or district, and the work describing it. geatO, TO. (chem.) geate or humate. gehena [hey-a'-nah], m. hell (Heb.), geiCO, ca [hey'-e-co], a. (chem.) geic. gelatina,/. gelatine, jelly. gelatinlforme, a. gelatiniform, like gelatine, gelatlnOSO, sa, a. gelatinous, glutinous. gelatinudo, da, a. (Sp. Am.) gelatinous; phlegmatic, lazy, gelfe [hei'-feh], TO. black slave. g61idO, da, a. (poet.) gelid, frigid, gema [heir-mah], /. (jew.) gem; (carp.) slab, flitch : (bot.) bud: sal gema, rock-salt. gemacibn,/. (bot.) gemmation, gemela, /. (hot.) Arabian jasmine. gemelO, la [heh-meh'-lo], TO. & /. twin. — m. pi. binocular telescope ; opera-glass, field or marine glass ; sleeve-buttons, pair of studs. gemido [iieii-me'-doh], pp. & m. groan, lamenta- tion, moan ; howl, gemidor, ra, «. lamenter, mourner ; howler. g^minls, TO. (ast.) Gtemini ; (pharm.) kind of plaster. gemir [heh-meer'l, vn. to groan, moan, grieve; to howl ; to roar, whistle (as the sea or wind) ; to grunt, genciana [hen-twe-ah'-nah], /. (bot.) gentian, gencianeo, ea, a. gentianaceous. gendarme (hen-dar'-men], TO. (mil.) gendarme, gendarmeria, /. (mil.) gendarmerie. genealogia [neh-neu-ah-io-he'-ah], /. genealogy, lineage. geneal6gico, ca, a. genealogical, neraldio. genealogista, to. genealogist, geneatico, ca, a. genethliacal. geneo Iheii-neii'-o], TO. a banana of Peru, generable, a. generable. fore 6, 1) and J aa h in bot ; h, 8Uent; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed; 8, t>i8Be<:k GEN 288 GEO reneracidn [heh-neh-rah-tWe-on'], /. generation ; progeny, race, oflfepring; age; succession, lineage. genera4or, ra. a. generator; generating.— m. (mech. and elec.) generator.-/, (math.) V. GENERATRIZ. general [heh-neh-rahr], a. general ; common, usual, customary, prevalent. — m. (mil.) gen- eral (officer) ; (eccl. ) superior of a religious order; lecture-hall in a university ; (prov.) custom-house : en general, generally, in gen- eral. generala, /. (mil.) the general (a roll of the drum) ; wife of a general. generalato, m. (eccl. and mil.) generalship. generalero, m. v. aduanero. generalidad, /. generality, great majority ; vagueness, lack of precision ; (prov.) com- munity, corporation ; (prov.) custom duties. generalisimo, m. generalissimo, command- er-iu -chief. ^eneralizacidn [heh-neh-rah-le-thah-tMe-on'], /. generalization.- g^eneralizar [lieti-neh-rah-le-thar'], va. {pret. GE- neralick: subj. generauce) to general- ize. — vr. to become general, usual, or pop- ular ; to spread. generalmente, adv. generally. generante, /»«. & a, generating, engender- ing ; generant. generar, va. to generate, produce. generative, va, a. generative. generatriz, a. (math.) generatrix. generic amente, adv. generically. gen6rico, ca, a. generic. g^nero [iieir-neh-roi, m. genus ; class, species, kin : g^nero humano, human nature, man- kind ; manner, way, kind, sort, style or mode of doing anything; (gram.) gender; cloth, stuflf, material, goods.— p^. gineros, dry goods; (com.) goods, merchandise, wares, produce, commodities: de ginero, (art) genre. generosamente, adv. generously. generosidad, /. hereditary nobility ; gener- osity, unselfishness, magnanimity, liberal- ity, frankness, munificence, open-hearted- ness ; valour and fortitude. generoso, sa, a. noble, generous, magnani- mous, honourable, free-hearted, unselfish, liberal, frank, open-handed, munificent; excellent, fine (wines) ; strong, vigorous. genesiaCO, ca, a. genesiacal. genesico, ca, a. genesial. genesis, m. Genesis.—/, origin, beginning; cause. genetliaca,/. genethliacs, astrology. genetliaco, ca, a. genethiiacaL — m. genetb- liac. ge: ful. genlalidad, /. habits or disposition of a per- son produced by his natural temper. genialmente, adv. genially. geniazo, m. aug. strong temjjer. genio [iieh -ne-o], m. genius ; creative intellect ; nature, peculiar character, disposition, tem- per, inclination, humour ; representative type, embodiment; angel, spirit: senlo del mal, evil spirit ; (art) little angel. genista,/, (hot.) genista. V. retama. genital, a. genital.— m. V. TESXicuLO: irga- nos genitalea, genitals. genitive, va, a. generative, — m. (gram.) genitive or possessive case. genizaro, ra, a. composed of different spe- cies ; (Mex. ) half-breed. — m. pi. janizaries. mgibre [hen-hee'-breh], m. V. JENGIBRE. mial [heh-ne-ahr], a. genial ; pleasant, cheer- genol, m. (naut.) futtock. genov^S, sa, a. Genoese. gente [hen'-teh], /. people, folk, crowd, any number of persons ; army, troops ; gang ; retinue; gens, clan, race^ nation; (coll.) a family : gente baja, rabble, mob : gente de bien, honest people : gente com6n or gente vulgar, common folk : gente delbronce, merry crowd : gente de capa parda, villagers, coun- trymen, rustics : gente de la garra, thieves, pickpockets : gente de la cuchilla, butchers : gente de la vida airada, a debauched set of people : gente de traza, well-behaved people : gente de paz, a friend or friends : gente prin- cipal, the nobility or gentry : gente flna, well-educated persons : gente de pelo or de pelnsa, people of property : gente de trato, tradesmen, dealers : gente de color, coloured people : gente menuda, children : de gente en gente, from one to another, from generation to generation. gentecilla, /. shabby genteel people. gentil iiien-teei], a. genteel, elegant, graceful, handsome ; excellent, exquisite. — m. gen- tile, pagan, heathen. gentlleza [heu-te-ieh'-thah\ /. gentility, grace- fulness, elegance, refinement, exquisite- ness ; easiness, sprightliness ; nattiness ; ostentation, pageantry; courtesy, polite- ness, genteelness. gentilliombre, m. fine fellow; my good man ; gentleman, the servant who" waits about the person of a man of rank ; person sent to the king with important despatches : gentilhombre de c&mara, lord of the bed- chamber : gentilhombre de manga, nobleman who attends the princes of Spain when they are children. gentiliCiO, ia [hen-te-lee'-thle-o], a. gentilitious ; national, tribal ;• hereditary : adjetivo gen- tilicio, (gram.) adjective denoting nation- ality. gentilico, ca, a. heathen, gentile, pagan, heathenish, Hellenic. gentilidad, /. gentilism, heathenism, pagan- ism ; the body of heathens or gentiles. gentilismo, ni. v. gentilidad. gentilizar, vn. to observe the rites of gentiles or heathens. gentilmente, adv. gently, genteelly ; hea- thenishly. gentiO, m. crowd, multitude. gentualla, gentuza,/. rabble, mob. genuflexion [tieii-noo-Hec-se-on'j, /. genuflexion. genuine, na [heh-noo-ee'-noj, a. 'genuine, pure, real, legitimate, natural, good, geOCentriCO [heh-o-thane'-tree-co], a. (ast.) geo- centric. geoda,/. (geol.) geode. geodesia,/. geodesia; land-surveying. geod6siCO, ca, a. geodetical. ge6fagO, ga, a. & m. &f. geophagous, eartlK eating. geodesta, m. geodesist. geogenia,/. (geol.) geogeny. geog6nico, ca, a. geogenic. geognosia,/. (geol.) geognosy, geognosta, m. geognost, geologist, geognbstico, ca, a. geognostic. geogonia./. F. GEOGENi.\, geogbnico, ca, a. geogenic. geografia,/. geography. geograficamente, adv. geographically, geograftco, ca, a. geographical. ge6grafO, m. geographei-. geologia,/. geology. geolbgico, ca, a. geological. geblOgO, m. geologist. a M In far ; e in eh I ; i in police : o in tor ; n in bnll ; c (before e. I) and z as th in thick : b and d. eoft ; GEO 289 GIE geomancia,/. geomancy. geom^ntlco, ca, a. geomantic. — m. geo- mancer. ge6metra, m. geometer, geometrician. geometral, a. v. geometrico. geometria, /. geometry. geom^tricamente, adv. geometrically. geometrico, ca, «. geometrical, geometric. geomorfla,/. (geol.) geomorphy, geonomia,/. (geol.) geonomy. geonbmico, ca, a. geonomic. geoponia or geoponica, /. geoponics, agri- culture ; gardening. geop6llicO, ca, a. geoponic, agricultural. georama,/. georama. georgiano, na, o. Greorgian, relating to Georgia. gebrglca,/. georgic, poem upon husbandry. gerani&ceo, cea. a. geraniaceous. geranio, »«. (bot.) crane's-bill ; geranium. gerbo, m, (zool.) jerboa. gerencia, /. (com.) managership, manage- ment. gerente [iieh-ren'teU], m. (com.) manager. gericaya,/. (Mex. cook.) custard. gerifalco, gerifalte, ■»>,. (orn.) gerfalcon. germanesco, ca, a. belonging to the jargon of the gipsies. germania, /. jargon or cant of the gipsies, thieves, etc. ; slang ; concubinage ; faction in Valentia during the dayw of Charles V. germ^nico, ca, «. Germanic, German; of Germany. germanismo, m. Germanism, a German idiom employed in another language. germano, na, a. V. germanico. germen [herr'-men], m. germ, bud, shoot, sprout ; gem ; spring, source, origin ; (bot.) germ or germen. germiiiaci6n, /. (bot.) germination, germinar, vn. to germinate, to bud. germinatiVO, va, a. germinative. gernndense, a. ofor belonging to Gerona. gerundiada, /. (coll.) emphatical, pompous, and unmeaning expression. gerundlano, na, a. pompous, high-sound- ing, empty (style or phrase). gerundlo, m. (gram.) gerund, a verbal noun ; (coll.) pompous and emphatical preacher or lecturer. gesolreut, m. (mus.) first of the signs which serves as a clef to music, G or soprano clef. geSta,/. V. CANTAR. gestacibn, /. (med.) gestation; exercise among the Romans for the health. gestatoriO, ria, a. gestatory, portable. gestear, va. to gesticulate, make grimaces, gestero, ra, a. & m. &, /. making grimaces ; a gesticulator. gesticulacibn,/. gesticulation, gesture. gesticular, vn. to gesticulate, make gestures or grimaces. gesticular, a. gesticulatory. gesti6nihe8-te-oir I,/, conduct ; exertion, effort, step ; negotiation, agency, management. gestionar, vn. to procure, deal, promote, ne- gotiate, manage, hustle. gestO, m. face, visage ; grimace, gesture : estar de buen gesto, to be in good humour : hacer gestoB, to make wry faces or grimaces ; to gesticulate. gestor, »». (com.) superintendent, manager, agent, promoter, proxy, representative, at- torney. gestudo, da, a. (coll.) ill-humoured, cross. giba [hee'-bah],/. hump, crooked bapk, hunch, S'bbosity ; (coll.) nuisance, annoyance. ado, az.,pp. & a. crooked, humpbacked. gibar [he-bar'], va. V. CORCOVAB ; (coU.) tO molest, annoy, vex. gibellno, na [he-beh-iee'-no], a. Ghibelline. gibOSO, sa, a. gibbous, crook-backed, hump- backed. glbraltareilO, fla, a. of or belonging to Gibraltar. gicama, /. (Mex.) root resembling yucca. glganta, /. giantess; (bot.) sunflower. gigantazo, za, m. &f. aug. huge giant. gigante, a. gigantic, huge.— m. giant ; one superior in courage, talents, or virtues. gigantea,/. (bot.) sunflower. giganteo, tea, gigantesco, ca, a. gigantic^ giant-like ; surpassing, excelling. gigantez,/. gigantic tallness. gigantilla, /. large-headed figure. gigant6n, na, m. &f. aug. giant of enormous- size : gigantones, gigantic figures of paste- board : echar & alguno los gigantones, (coll.) to reprehend severely. gijonense, gijones, sa, a. of or belonging to Gijon. gllVO, va, a. honey-coloured or pinky. gimeiga,/. (naut.) fish, paunch. ginmasla,/. v. gimnastica. gimnaslO, m. gymnasium ; school, Mademy. gimnasta, in. gvmnast, athlete. gimn6,8tica,/. gymnastics. glmnistiCO, ca, a. gymnastic, gymnastical. gininiCO, ca, a. gymnastical. ginmosofista, m. gymnosophist. gimo, yo gima {irr. from gemir). gimotear, vn. (coll.) to be always crying or moaning. glmoteo, m. frequent crying or moaning. ginebra, /. Moorish rattle: gin (liquor); confusion, disorder ; bedlam ; game at cards. ginebrada,/. sort of puff-paste tart. ginebr6s, sa, or ginebrino, na, a. Genevan, relating to Geneva. glneceo, m. gyneceum. ginecocracia,/. gynecocracy, gynarchy. ginecologia,/. (med.) gynecology. ginecol6gico, ca, a. gynecological. ginesta, /. genista. V. HiNiESTA. gineta, /. genet, a kind of weasel. gingidlO, m. (bot.) wild spinach. girada,/. (danc.) gyration ; pirouette. glrado [he-rah'-doi, in. (com.) drawee. glrador, girante, m. (com.) drawer. giralda, /. vane or weather-cock in the form of a statue, from such a vane on the spire of the cathedral of Seville; common name of this tower. giraldete, m. surplice without sleeves. giraldilla, /. dim. small vane or weather"- cock ; popular dance in Asturias. gir^ndula, /. (pyr. and hyd. ) girandole. girar, vn. to revolve, rotate, gyrate, turn: round, wheel round; turn, spin, wheel* (com.) to remit, by bills of exchange : glrar contra or 4 cargo de, to draw on. girasol, m. (bot.) sun-flower. glratorio, ria, c revolving, rotary, rotatory, gyrating, turning. girlfalte, w. (om.) V. gerifalte. girino, m. embryo of a frog. gfiro [he'-ro], m. gyre, gyration, circumgyra- tion, turn, revolution, rotation ; course or turn of affairs ; bend, tendency ; bias, trend ; turn of a sentence ; menace, bravado ; (com.) draft, exchange, circulation ; bulk of busi- ness ; specialty or line of business : tomar otro giro, to take another shape ; to change one's mind. girondino, na, m. &f. Girondist, Girondin. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; s, GIR 290 GOB girbvago, ga, a. v. vagabundo. gis liiees , ///. (art) crayou. gitanada, /. mean, contemptible trick ; blandishment, wheedling, caress, tiattery. gltaJiamente, adv. in a sly, winning manner, gitanear, ru. to flatter, wheedle, cajole, gitaneria,/. wheedling, flattery, cajolery. gitanesco,"ca, a. gipsy-like, gipsy. gitanillO, 11a, m. &f. dim. little gipsy, gitanismo, m. gipsyism, gipsy life, gitano, na, n. gipsy-like ; gipsy ; sly, artful, hoydeuish, honey-mouthed. — m. &/. a gipsy, glacial, rt. glacial ; frost, freezing, glacialmente, adv. glacially. glacis [u'lah'-thiess], in. (fort.) glacis. gladiador or gladiator, m. gladiator. gladiatoriO, ria, a. gladiatorial, gladiatory. gladio, gladiolo, m. (hot.) gladiolus. lelande, m. (anat.) glans penis. glandifero, ra, gero, ra, a. glandiferous. glandula,/. (anat. and bot.) gland. glandular, a. glandular. glandulilla, /. dim. glandule, a small gland. glanduloso, sa, «. glandulous, glandular. glas6, "'. glace or glace silk. glaseado, da, a. glossy, glace-like. glasear, va. to calender (paper). glasto, "/. (bot.) woad or dyers' weed. glauberita, /. glauberite. glaucio, w. (bot.) celandine. glauco, ca, «. (bot.) glaucous, sea-green, pale bluish green. glauco, in. species of mollusc without shell. glaucoma, /». (med.) glaucoma, gleba, /. lump or clod turned up by the plough. glera,/. v. cascajar, glicerina, /. glycerine. gliconio, m. kind of Latin verse. gliptica, /. glyptics, stone engraving. gliptografip., /. glyptography. globo, /". globe, sphere, ball, orb ; the earth : globular lamp-shade : globo aerost&tico, aero- stat, balloon : globo celeste, celestial globe ; globo terrestre or terriqueo, terrestrial ^lobe ; the earth: en globo, in a nutshell, without details ; (com.) in bulk, in the lump. glObOSO, sa, a. globose, spherical, globy. globular, a. globular, globical, globate, spherical. globulari^ceo, a, a. (hot.) globularia. gl6bulo, VI. dim. small globe; (biol.) globule. globulillo, m. dim. globulet, little globule; (med.) homeopathic pill. globulOSO, sa, a. globulous, globulose. gloria, /. glory, honour, fame, renown ; ex- altation, heavenly state, bliss, blessedness, beatitude ; majesty, splendour, brilliance, magnificence; pride, boast, illustriousness ; transparent gauze, gossamer, tissue ; kind of cream tart or cake ; (art) opening in the 3ky representing angels, splendours, etc. — m. (eccl.) gloria, doxology. Jloriarse, 'r. to glory, boast in, be proud of, take a delight in anything. glorieta, /. summer-house, bower, arbour; circle or square at intersection of streets. glorificacion,/. glorification; praise. glorificador, fa, a. glorifier.— m. God. glorificante. pa. & m. & f. glorifying ; glori- fier. glorificar, va. (pret. GT,0RIFIQU6 : subj. GLO- RiFiQUE) to glorify, adore, worship ; to ex- alt ; to praise, honour, laud, extol. — vr. V. GLORIARSE. glorlosamente, adv. gloriously. glorioso, sa, a. glorious, excellent, illustri- ous, exalted, celebrated, honourable ; enjoy- ing the bliss of heaven, blessed; boastful, ostentatious, proud, elate. glosa, /. gloss, scholium ; comment or com- mentary ; marginal or foot note ; (com, and law) explanatory annotation in accounts; (poet.) kind of rondelet ; (mus.) variation of a theme. glosador, ra, m. &f. commentator, glosser, glossarist ; (com.) auditor. glosalgia,/. (med.) glosalgia. glosar, va. to gloss, annotate, interpret, ex- plain by comment ; (com.) to audit ac- counts ; (poet.) to compose rondelets; (mus.) to vary a theme. glosario, m. glossary ; special lexicon. glose, m. glossing or commentating. glosilla, /. dim. short gloss, comment, or note: (print.) minion type, 7-point. glOSitlS,/. (med.) glossitis. glotis, /. (anat.) glottis. glOt6n, na, a. gluttonous, — m. & f. glutton, gormandizer. glotonamente, adv. gluttonously. glotonazo, za, m. & /. aug. great glutton, voracious eater, gormandizer. glOtoncillO, ilia, m. &f. dim. little glutton. glotonear, vn. to act the glutton, gonnandiza glotoneria, ./■. gluttony. glucina, /. (chem.) glucina. glucinio, m. (chem.) glucinum, beryllium. glucosa, .^. (chem.) glucose, grape-.>^ugar. glucosuria, ./'. (med.) glucosuria, diabetes. gluma, /. (bot.) glume. gluten, //'. gluten ; gliadine, glutin ; glue. gluteo, tea, «. gluteal. glutinosidad, /. glutinousness, viscosity. glutinoso, sa, a. glutinous, viscous, mucous. gneis iieh'-is], VI. (geol.) gneiss. gnet^ceo, a [neh-taii'-tiia-oii;, a. (bot.) gneta^ ceous. gndmico, ca [no'-me-coi, a. gnomic. gnomo itio'-nio], m. gnome, fabulous being. gnomon [no'-mon], m. ipiomon, azimuth dial ; bevel square. gnombnica ino-mo'-ne-cah',/. gnomics. gnombniCO, ca, «. gnomonic, gnomonical. gnOSticismO [noste tlieep'-mo], in. gnosticism, gnbstico [ii<.i»'-te-(oi, in. A a. gnostic. goa li-'o' aiii,/. pig-iron bloom. gObernacibn, /. government: Ministerio de la Oobernacibn, Department of the Interior. gObernador, ra, a. governing.— t?^ governor, ruler, master.—/, governor's wife ; female ruler. gobernadorcillo, m. (Philip.) justice of the peace. gobemalle, m. (naut.) rudder, helm. gObernante, pa. & m. governing ; (coll.) per- son assuming the management of a thing. gObemar, ra. & m. {ind. GOBIERXO : subj, gobierne) to govern, to rule ; to regulate, command, leaa, head, control, manage ; to guide, direct; (naut.) to steer, to helm, to head, to bear. — vn. (naut.) to obey the helm. gobemativo, va, a. v. GrBERNAxivo. gObemOSO, sa, a. (coll.) methodical, sys- tematic, loving good order, gobierna,/, weather-vane, gObiemo,w. government, public administra- tion, executive power ; ministers composing a cabinet ; dignity, office, and term of a gov- ernor ; district or province under a govern- or ; control, guidance, conduct, manage- ment, direction; (naut.) helm, rudder; steering, conning : para an gobierno, for your guidance : sirva de gobierno, let this be a warning: mnjer de gobierno, housekeeper: gobierno de casa, household. ft as In /»r : • in ell t ; i in police : o In for : a in bull ; c (beiore e, i) and z as th In thick ; b and d, GOB 291 GOR gobierno, yo gobierne {irr. from gober- nar). gObiO, m. (icht.) gudgeon. goce [go'-tha], TO. enjoyment ; fruition ; posses- sion. gocete, m. neck-guards in ancient armour. gociano, na, a. Goth, Gothic. gOCha Iso'-chahl, /. (coll.) SOW. gOChO !ko'-c1io], To. (coll.) pig, hog. godesco, ca, or godible, «. joyful, cheerful. godo, da, (I. & TO. &/. Gothic ; a Goth. gofio. TO. (Cuba) roast corn-meal or maize, gofo, fa, a. stupid, ignorant, rude ; (art) dwarfy figure. gofrador, to. leaf-marker, florist's tool. gofrai', va. to mark leaves for artificial flow- ers. gola, /. gullet, throat, esophagus ; gorget in ancient armour; (mil.) gorget, crescent- shaped insignia of duty; (fort.) gorge; (arch.) gula, gorge, cyma, cymatium, ogee moulding. gOldre, TO. quiver for shafts or arrows. goleta,/. (naut.) schooner. golf^n, TO. (bot.) water-lily. V. NEKtrFAR. gOlfillO, TO. dim. small gulf; urchin. golfin, TO. (icht.) dolphin. V. delbIn. golfo, TO. (geog.) gulf; sea, main; (poet.) gulf, abyss; faro, game at cards; (neo.) in Madrid ," ragamuffin. gOlilla,/. (sew.) gorget, ruff; collar worn by some magistrates in Spain; (mas.) joints pipe; (mech.) rim of a pipe. — to. (coll.) magistrate wearing a golilla. gOlillero, ra, to. & /. collar-maker. golmalo, ja, n. (prov.) gormandizer, golondnna,/. (orn.) swallow; (icht.) flying gurnard, swallow-fish: golondrina de mar, (orn.) tern. golondrinera, /. (bot.) swallow-wort, celan- dine. golondrino, to. (om.) male swallow ; va- grant, deserter ; (med.) large tumour in the arm -pit. golondro TO. (coll.) desire, longing: campar de golondro, (coll.) to live at another's ex- pense : andar en golondroB, (coll.) to feed on vain liopes. golosamente, adv. daintily. golosear, va. V. golosinar. golosina, /. dainty, delicacy, sweet morsel, tid-bit ; daintiness, sweet tooth ; cupidity, desire. golosinar, golosinear, golosmear, va. to look for and eat tid-bits, dainties, or sweet- meats ; to taste and relish nice things. goloso, sa, a. & TO. & /. one who has a sweet tooth, fond of dainties, niceties, or sweet- meats. golpazo, TO. nug. great blow, stroke, or knock. golpe, TO. blow, stroke, hit, knock, dash ; wound, hurt; shock, clash; action, push, act ; crowd, throng of people ; abundance ; sudden mishap, fit, or accident ; heart-beat ; spring bolt of a lock ; (sew.) passementerie trimming; pocket-flap (of a coat); move- ment of attack in fencing ; admiration, sur- prise ; witty sally or remark ; timely and fitting action ; with gardeners, hole for planting; also number of cuts planted in one hole ; (mech.) stroke, travel, throw; (naut. ) sweep ; (mus. ) action of striking a string, key, etc. : golpe de arco, bowing of a violin: golpe de mar, (naut.) surge, a heavy sea : golpe de remo, stroke in rowing : golpe de fortuna, a fortunate event, a jump : golpe del reloj, tick of the watch or clock : de golpe, plump, all at once : de golpe y porrazo, unex- pectedly, unawares : de nn golpe, once, all at once : golpe de estado, a stroke of policy, coup d'etat : errar el golpe, to fail m any attempt. golpeadero, w. place much beaten ; repeated strokes. golpeador, ra, m. & /. striker, beater. golpeadura, /. percussion ; act of beating, hammering, or striking. golpear, va. to beat, strike, hit, knock, ham- mer, give blows ; to bruise ; to tick (as a watch). gOlpeciCO, illO, itO, to. dim. slight blow. golpeo, TO. repeated striking or beating. golpete, TO. door-catch (to keep it open). golpeteo, TO. lively and continued striking; constant hammering. gOlleria, gOlloria, /. dainty, delicious mor- sel ; (coll.) delicacy, superfluity, excess. gOllete, TO. throttle, upper part of the throat ; neck of a bottle ; neck-band of some religious habits: estar hasta el goUete, (coll.) to be full, to be in difficulties, to have lost pa- tience. golllzo, TO. narrow passage of mountains or rivers, goma, /. gum : goma adragante, alqnitira, or tragacanta, gum tragacanth : goma ar&biga, gum-arabic : goma elastica, India-rubber ; (surg. ) gumma, a kind of syphilitic tumour. gomecillow w,, v. lazarillo. gomia, /. bugbear to frighten children ; (coll.) glutton, voracious eater: gomia del caudal, spendthrift. gomifero, ra, a. gummiferous. gomorresina/. gum-resin. gomosldad, /. gumminess, viscosity. gomoso, sa, a. gummy, productive of gum ; full of viscous humours. — m. (neo.) a aude, dandy. gOnCe [gon'-tha], TO. hinge. V. GOZNE. gdndola, /. gondola, Venetian boat; (car.) omnibus, stage, carry-all. gondolero, TO. gondolier, rower of a gondola. gonela,/. skirt formerly worn in Aragon. g0Ilfal6n, TO. banner, gonfalon, pennant, gonfalonier, niero, to. v. confalonier, gongorino, nk, a. (poet.) euphuistic. gongorismo, TO. (poet.) euphuism, gongorista,/. (poet.) euphuist. goniometria,/. goniometry. goniom^trlco, ca, «. goniometric, goni6metro, m. goniometer. gOnOCOCO, TO. (biol.) gonococco. gonorrea, /. (med. ) gonorrhcea, urethritis. gonorreiCO, ca, a. gonorrhoeal. gorbidn, m. v. gurbi6n. gordal, a. fat, big, fleshy. gordana,/, oJl extracted from the testicles ol oxen. gordazo, za, a. aug. verv fat and big. gordlco, ica, illo, illa.ito, ita, to. &j. dim. not very fat, rather plump. gordiflbn, na, gordinflbn, na, m.&f. (coll. ) chubby, flabby person. ' gordo, da, a. fat, corpulent, full-fed, plump, fleshy, stout, obese ; fat, rich, greasy, oily : tocico gordo, fat pork ; coarse, thick, stout : lienzo gordo, coarse linen ; great, large, big: mentira gorda, a gross falsehood : hablar gor- do, to speak thicK. — m. fat, suet, lard. gordolODO, TO, (bot.) great-mullein. gordbn, na, dote, ta, a. aug. (coll.) very fat and corpulent. gordura,/. grease, fat ; fatness, corpulence. gorfe [gor'-fayi, TO. a deep hole in a river form- ing a whirlpool or eddy, gorga,/. food of hawks; whirlpool. g Cbefore e, 1) and J as li in hot; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; •, hiase^ GOE 292 6BA gorgojaxse, vr. v. agoroojasse. gorgojo [6or-K«'-ho], m. grub, miU, ■weevil ; (coll. ) dwarfish person. gorgojoso, sa [?or-go-ho'-B<4 a. full of grubs or weevils. gorgona, /. gorgonia, sea-faUj a zoophyte; (Amer.) whirlpool near the island of this name, S. W. of the coast of Colombia. gorgoran, m. sort of silk grogram. gorgorita,/. rain bubble.— p/. trill, shake. gorgorltear., vn. (coll.) to warble, trill. gorgoritos, m. pi. (coll.) trill, shake. gorgorotada, /. swallow (as of water). gorgoteo, m. gurgle, gurgling sound. gorgotero, m. peddler, hawker. gorguera, /. (sew.) gorgeret, ruflf; (ami.) gorget. gorguerin,/. dim. small neck ruff or frill. gorguz (gor-gooth'], m. javelin, shaft. gorigori, m. (coll. and hum.) chant at fu- nerals. gorila, m. (zool.) gorilla. gOXja [Kor'-hah], /. thi oat, throttle ; rejoicing, merry-making ; (naut.) head of the keel. goxjal [jjor-hahl'], m, collar of a doublet ; (arm. ) gorget. gorleador, ra, m. & f. warbler, modulator. gOljear [tfor-heii-ar'], tm. to warble, trill, qua- ver, sing (persons and birds). — vr. to gab- ble (as a child). goxjeo [Kor-iieh'-o], m. warble, trilling, quaver ; gabble of a child. goimar, va. to vomit. gorra, /. cap, bonnet: gorra de sefiora, Ifdy's hat or bonnet; hunting-cap; (mil.) bear- skin cap ; (coll.) intrusion at feasts without invitation. — m. parasite, sponger : de gorra, (coll.) at other people's expense. gorraaa,/. V. gorretada. gorrero, ra, a. cap-maker. — m. parasite, sponger, deadhead. gorretada,/. salute with a cap. gorrete, m. dim. small cap. gorrlca, ilia, ita, /. dim. small cap or bon- net. gOrriCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small round cap. gorrin, gorrlno, m. small pig, sucking pig. gorrinada, /. (coll.) dirty, hoggish action. gorrinera, /. pig-sty, pig's pen. gOrrinillO, itO, m. dim. small suiting' pig. gorribn, m. (orn.) sparrow. gorrioncillO, m. dim. small sparrow. gorrionera, /. (coll.) den of rogues. gorrista, m. parasite, sponger. gorro, «i. cap, ooif : gorro de dormir, night-cap : gorro frigio, Phrygian cap, cap of liberty. ^orrdn, na, m. &. f. sponger, parasite. — m. routtd, smooth pebble; (mech.) spindle, pivot, or gudgeon of a gate or door ; pillow, swing-block ; lazy, unhealthy silk-worm ; man given to debauchery and lewdness. gorrona, a. pata gorrona, large-size raisin. — /. prostitute. gorronal, m. place full of pebbles or coarse gravel. gorronazo, m. aug. great lecher or rake. ^orullO, m.. lump or ball (as of wool). gorupo, m. (naut.) granny's bend. gOSiplno, na, a. of a cottony surface. gOta, /. drop of liquid ; (med.) gout ; (arcli.) gutta: gota k gota, drop by drop : gota coral or caduca, (med.) epilepsy, falling-sickness: gota terena, (med.) amaurosis: gotas amar- gas, bitters. goteado, da, pp. & a. guttated, sprinkled, spotted, speckled. ;gOtear, vn. to drop, drip, dribble, leak ; to measure by drops, to give by dribblets. gOtera, /. leak, leakage, drip, dripping; (arch.) gutter, valley ; valance of a canop/ or tester; (agr.) disease in trees caused bj infiltration ; chronic ailing. gOter6n, m. large rain-drop; (arch.) throat ing. gOtica, ilia, ita, /. dim. droplet, small drop g6tiC0, ca, a. Gothic : letra gdtica, Gothit . characters. gOt6n, na, a. & m. &/. pi. Goth. gOtOSO, sa, a. gouty. gozador, ra, m. &/. enjoyer. gozante, pa. enjoying ; enjoyer. gozar, ra. to enjoy, to have possession or fruition of. — vr. to rejoice. gOZne [Koth'-neh], m. hinge. gOZO [go'-thaw], m. joy, pleasure, satisfaction, glee, merriment, mirth, gladfulness, glad- ness, cheerfulness ; sudden blaze of dry chips of wood.^pZ. couplets with a burden, in praise of the Virgin : no caber de gozo or •altar de gozo, to be in high spirits, to be very merry : j el gozo en el pozo I my illu- sions have vanished ! gOZOSamente, adv. joyfully, cheerfully. gOZOSO, sa, a. joyful, cheerful, content, glad, festive, mirthful, merry. gozque [Koth'-keh], m. a cur-dog. gozquejo [goth-keh'-ho], m. dim. small cur." grabaoo, ;>p. &a. engraved, carved, cut. — »». engraving ; art of engraving ; print, cut, picture, illustration : grabado en madera, wood-cut: grabado al humo, half-tone plate or process. grabador, ra, m. &/. engraver, carver, chis- eller, cutter, sinker : grabador en hueco, punch or die sinker : grabador al agaa faerte, etcher : grabador en madera, wood-engraver, wood-cutter, carver in wood: grabador en matrices, (typ.) form-cutter. grabadura, /. act of engraving, sculpture. grabar, va. to engrave, to grave, to cut, carve ; to impress upon the mind : grabar al agua faerte or de agua faerte, to etch : grabar en haeco, en bianco or relieve, to emboss ; to sink a die. grabazdn,/. engraving, sculpture. gracejar igrah-theh-har'j, vn. to write or speak wittily. gracejo [grah-theh'-ho]- m. graceful, cheerful, and witty way of speaking. gracia [grah'-tiiie-ah], /. grace, gracefulness, gentility, elegance of mien or manner; cleverness; (theol.) divine grace by exten- sion, free gift, benefaction, kindness, grant, concession ; graciousness, condescension ; benevolence, courtesy, pleasing manners ; pardon , mercy ; remission of a debt ; witty saying or expression ; joke, jest, mirth ; comicalness ; brightness, cuteness of a child ; (coll. ) name of a person.— p/. thanks ; (myth.) the Three Graces : i Gracias ! thank you : dar gracias, to thank or to give thanks : I gracias k Dios I thank God : la gracia de Dios, bread ; sunshine : Oracia y Jasticia, V. MINISTERIO : caer en gracia, to please, to bo liked : caer de la gracia de algano, to lose one's favour, to be disliked : de gracia, gratis, for nothing : decir dos gracias, to tell home truths: en gracia de, for the sake of: ellu tiene machas gracias, she has many accom- plishments : golpe de gracia, finishing stroke. graciable, a. good-natured, affable; easily granted. gr&cil ' irrah'-theei], a. graicile, slender, small. graciola, /. (bot.) hedge hyssop. graciosamento, adv. graciouslv, gracefully, gratefully, kindly ; gratuitously. • M in fto ; e in eb t ; 1 ia police ; O In for ; U in boll ; C (before e, 1) and l as th In thick : b and 4, soft i GEA 293 GEA graclosldad, /. gracefulness, beauty, perfec- tion, elegance, excellence. l^aclOSO, sa, a. graceful, pleasing, accom- plished ; facetious, witty, fimny, entertain- ing ; benevolent, liberal, gracious ; gratui- tous, free. — vi. (theat.) low comedian, fooL — /. (theat.) soubrette, chamber-maid. ^ada,/- step of a stair-case ; gradin (as of an amphitheatre) ; stand or gallery having gradins ; superaltar ; (eccl.) locutory; (agr.) harrow, brake : grada de cota, bush-harrow : grada de dientes, harrow with teeth: grada de astlUero or de diqae, (naut.) &\iai.—pl. (arch.) perron, gradatory. gradacidn,/. (mus.) gradation; (rhet.) cli- max. gradado, da, pp. & a. having gradins or steps. gradar; va. (agr.) to harrow. gradena, /. series of gradins or superaltars. ^adilla, /. dim. tile or brick mould ; small step-ladder. gradinar, fa. (art) to chisel with a gradine. gradino, m. gradine, sculptor's chisel. gradlolo, m. (hot.) V. gladiolo. gradO, m. step of a stair-case ; degree of kin- dred, order of lineage ; degree, academical title, (mU.) rank: (math, and geog,) de- gree; (com.) grade, class, graduation of value or quality ; (gram.) de^ee of com- parison ; (law) stage of proceedings ; (met.) will, pleasure : de grado or de lu grado, will- ingly, with pleasure : mal de sa grado, un- willingly : de grado en grado, gradually, by degrees, in regular progression: grado de longitud 6 latitnd, degree of longitude or lati- tude : grado de calor, degree of heat : en gra- do supcrlativo, in the highest degree.— pi. gradoE, minor orders. *^aduaci6n, /. graduation ; admission to a degree; (mil.) rank; (math.) scale of de- "^raduado, da, pp. & a. (mil. ) brevet ; grad- uated. — TO. graduate. ;raduador, to. graduator, gauger. "^adual, a. gradual, proceeding by degrees. —TO. (eccl.) response sung at mass. gradualmente, adv. gradually, by degrees. graduando, m. candidate for academical de- grees. graduar, va. to gauge, measure, compare or classify ; to graduate, to dignify with an academical degree ; to give military rank ; to divide into degrees ; (com.) to gauge, to appraise. — vr. to graduate, to take an aca- demical degree. gr&flcameilbe, adv. graphically. gr&fico, ca, a. graphic, graphical ; clear, vivid. gr^fila, /. milled edge of coin. grafiO, TO. graver for graffito or scratch-work. grafloles, m. pi. biscuits in the form of an S. grafitO, TO. (min.) graphite, plumbago. grafOlita, /. grapholite. grafdmetro, m. graphometer, circumferen- tor. gragea, /. minute coloured bonbons. graja [gmh'-hah],/. (om.) female jackdaw ; jay. STBjBl [j?rah-haui'], o. belonging to crows, rar vens, or magpies. grajear [grah-heh-ar'l, vn. to caw, as crows ; to chatter, as magpies. graiero, ra, a. applied to rookeries. grajO [gi-ah'-ho], TO. (orn.) jackdaw. grajuelO, to. dim. small jackdaw. grama, /. (bot.) creeping cynodon ; couch- grass, dog's-grass, grama-grass. gramal, to. place where couch-grass or dog's- grass grows. gramalla, /. long scarlet gown ancientlf worn in Aragon ; coat of mail. gramdJlera, /. pot-hangej-, v. llares. gramar, va. to knead the dough of bread. granUltlca, /. grammar ; study of the Latin language: gramitica parda, (coIL) horse- sense, shrewdness. gramatical, a.^grammatical. - gramaticalmente, adv. grammatical^. gramiltiCO, ca, a. grammatical. — m. gram- marian. gramatiqueria, /. (coll.) anything belong- ing to grammar. gramil, to., (carp.) joiner's marking-gauge. gramilla,/. bed of the hemp-brake. gramineo, ea, a. (bot.) gramineous, grassy. graminivoro, ra, a. graminivorous. gramo, m. gramme, unit of weight in th« metrical system. gram6metro, «*. (print.) type-gauge. gramoso, sa, a. ground where couch-grass grows ; belonging to couch-grass. grampa,/. staple, clamp, cramp. graJL, a. contr. of Grande {used only in sinfj. and before to. or f. nouns) , large, big, grand, f;reat : una gran cosa, a big thing : gran casa, arge house: gran palacio, grand palace: gran fliosofo, great philosopher. grana./. (agr.) act of seeding; seeding-time ; (ent. ) cochineal ; kermes ; kermes-berry ; scarlet grain ; scarlet colour ; fine scarlet cloth ; fresh red colour of the lips and cheeks ; small seed of some plants : grana del paraiso, (bot.) V. cardamomo. granada,/. (hot.) pomegranate ; (mil.) hand- grenade, grenade, shell. granadera,/. (mil.) grenadier's pouch. granadero, to. (mil.) grenadier ; (coll.) very tall person. granadilla, /. (bot.) passion-flower, grana- dilla. granadillO, m. (bot.) West India red ebony. granadino, na, a. native of or belonging to Granada (Spain), or the U. S. of Colonrbia, formerly New Granada. — to. flower of the pomegr an ate-tree. granadO, da, pp. &. a. r^uarkable, notable principal, illustrious ; select, choice ; seedy. — TO. (bot.) pomegranate-tree. g^anador, m. (pyr.) granulating sieve; spot destined for this operation. granalla, /. (found.) granulated metal. granar, vn. (agr.) to seed, to kern, to ear out. — va. (pyr.) to grain, to granulate. granate, to. garnet, precious stone. granatin, to. kind of ancient cloth. granaz6n,/. seeding, shedding the seed. granc6 [gran-theh'L a. madder-coloured. grande, a. large, big, extensive, huge ; grand, great. — m. grandee. grandecico, ica, illo, ilia, ico, ita, a. pretty large or big. grandemente, adv. greatly ; very well ; ex- tremely ; grandly. grandevo, va, a. (poet.) of advanced age. grandeza, /. greatness, bigness ; grandeur, magnificence, grandness, nobleness ; gran- deeship ; the grandees collectively. grandezuelo, la, a. dim. V. grandecico. grandilocuencia,/. grandiloquence. grandilocuente, grandilocuo, cua, a. grandiloquent. grandilldn, na, a. aug. excessively large and big. grandiosamente, adv. magnificently. grandlOSidad, /. greatness, grandeur ; mag- nificence : abundance. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; li, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; ■, hined. 20 GRA 294 GEA grandiOSO, sa, a. grand, great, magnificent, splendid. grandor, m. size, tallness, bigness, magni- tude. grandote, ta, a. aug. (coll.) big, bulky. grandulldn, na, a. overgrown. graneadO, da, pp. & «• grained, spotted, granulous ; (Peru) select, choice. graniador, m. (art) stipple-graver. granear, va. (agr. ) to sow or shed grain in the earth ; (art) to stipple ; to grain a litho- graphic stone. granel, »«. heap of grain : 4 granel, in aheap ; (com.) in bulk. granelar, va. (tan.) to grain leather. graneo, m. (agr.) act of shedding or sowing seed ; (art) stippling. granero, m, granary, barn, grange, corn-loft ; grain-producing country. granete, m. (mech.) countersink punch. gran^vano, m. (hot.) goat's-thom. granguardia,/. (mil.) grand-guard. graniCO, m. dim. granule, small grain. granilla,/. nap on wrong side of cloth. granillero, ra, a. hog that feeds on fallen acorns. granillO, w. dim. granule, small grain ; gain or profit frequently obtained ; pimple on the rump of canary-birds and linnets. granillOSO, sa, a. granulous, granular. granitiCO, ca, a. granitic. granito, m- dim. small grain ; small pimple ; (min.) granite; (pharm.) granule; small egg of a silk-worm. granivoro, ra, a. granivorous. granlzada,/. hailstorm ; multitude of things which fall in abundance. granizadO, da, pp. & a. grandinous^ fall of hail ; destroyed by hail.— 7«. water-ice. granlzar, vh. to hail ; to pour down with violence. granlZO [Krau-nee'-thaw], m. hail ; hailstorm ; cloud or web in the eyes. granja [graim'-hah], /. grange, farm, farm- house : granja modelo, model farm. granjear, tJO. to gain, earn, profit: granjear k barlovento, (naut.) to gain to windward. — va. & vr. to get, obtain, win (as the good- will of another). granjeo, m. act of getting or acquiring ; gain, profit, advantage, advancement in interest, influence, "etc. granjeria,/. gain, profit, advantage. granjero, ra, >». & f. farmer, husbandman, granger, cattle-rancher ; dealer in profitable commoaities. grano, vi. grain, cereal ; each single seed ; any minute particle ; grain of san<|, wood, or fibrous matter ; (pharm. ) grain (20 make an English scruple, and 24 a Spanish one) ; (arti.) bushing (or bouching) of a cannon ; pimple, pustule on the skin ; (jew.) unit of weight (.05 g.).—pl. (com.) cereals, corn, breadstuff: granos del paraiso, (hot.) V. AMOMO : ir al grano, (coll.) to come to the point. granoso, sa, a. granulous, grainy, granular, granulated (as leather) granuja, /. loose berries of grapes ; grape- stone ; group of roving boys.— tie rogue, waif, gamin, urchin, (col m granujado, da, a. V. agranujado. granujiento, ta, a. full of pimples. grranujo, m. (coll. ) pimple or tumour in the fiesh. granuloso, sa, a. full of pimples. graiiulaci6n, /. (chem. and med.) granular tion. granulador, ra, m. & f. granulating ma- chine. granular, va. to granulate. — vr. to be covered with granules or pimples. granular, a. granular, full of pimples. granule, m. dim. granule, grauula; pellet. granulOSidad, /. granularity. granulOSO, sa, a. granulous, grauular. granza [fcraiin'-thair, /. (bot.) madder; garan- iiiuQ.— pi. siftings, chaff"; dross of metals. granz6n, m. screenings of ore.— pi. refuse of straw left by the cattle. granzOSO, sa, a. full of chaff" or screenings. grafi.6n, m. pap made of boiled wheat ; boiled grain of wheat. grao [sraii'-o], m. strand, shore. grapa, /. damp, clasp, clutch, cramp-iron ; (carp. ) holdfast ; (vet. ) mangy ulcers in the joints of horses. grap6n, m. aug. (mech.) brace, hook, ram, iron dog. grasa,/. grease, fat, suet, kitchen-stuff": grasa de ballena, whale-oil, blubber : grasa de pea- cado, fish-oil; train oil; gum of juniper- trees ; grease of clothes ; pounce; (naut.) slush ; slag of metals ; base of an ointment or pomade. grasera, /. vessel for fat or grease ; slush- tub ; dripping-pan. g^aseria, .f. tallow-chandler's shop. gnrasero, m. (min.) slag-dumper. graseza [grah-seh'-thahj, /. quality of fat or grease. grasientO, ta, a. greasy, oily ; filthy. grasilla, /. pounce. graso, sa, a. fat, oily, unctuous, lardy. — m. fat, grease. grasones, m. pi. wheat porridge. grasoso, sa, a. v. grasiento. grasura, /. v. grosura. grata, grataguja, /. burnisher, smoothing chisel, wire-brush ; rasp. gratamente, adv. graciously, gratefully. gratar, ra. to. brush or burnish plate. gratificacidn,/. i-eward, recompense, gratu- ity, fee, tip. gratificador, ra, m. &f. rewarder ; one who fees or tips. ,^ gratlflcar, va. {pret. ORAXiFiQufi: subj. gra- tifique) to reward, recompense; to tip, to fee ; to gratify, please, delight. gratil, m.-^ (n«»t.) edge of a sail ; luff", leech. gratis, adv. gratis, free, for nothing. gratlsdatO, ta, a. gratuitous, given away. gratitud,/. gratitude, gratefulness. gratO, ta, a. graceful, pleasing, pleasant, luscious ; acceptable ; grateful ; gratuitous : gu grata, (com.) your favour. gratonada,/. (cook.) chicken-ragout or fric- assee. grratultamente, adv. gratuitously. gratuito, ta, a. gratuitous, gratis; un- founded, uncalled-for. gratulaclbn, /. congratulation. gratular, m. to congratulate. — vr. to rejoice. gratulatoriO, ria, a. congratulatory. grava, /. gravel, coarse sand. gravamen, m. charge, obligation, hardship, load, inconvenience, nuisance ; encum- brance, burden ; (law) mortgage, lien. gravar, va. to burden, oppress, fatigue, mo- lest ; (law) to encumber a piece of property. gravativo, va, a. grievous, injurious, bur- densome. grave fgrah'-veh]. a. weighty, ponderous, heavy ; grave, important, momentous, seri- ous, grievous, dangerous ; mortal, deadly ; great, huge, vast ; circumspect , formal. a «• In far ; • in eh I ; i in polict ; o in for ; n In bull ; c (before e, i) and z at th in thick ; b and d. Boft' GEA 295 GEO haughty, lofty ; troublesome, vexatious ; arduous, diificult; (mus.) grave tone; (gram.) grave accent; word having the in- flection on the penultimate syllable : delito grave, heinous crime: enfermedad grave, dangerous disease. gravear, vn. to weigh, gravitate, sink. gravedad, /. (phys.) gravity, weight, heavi- ness ; composure, circumspection ; grave- ness, seriousness, sobriety of behaviour ; gravity, enormity, atrociousness ; danger- ousness. gravedOSO, sa, a. haughty, self-important. gravemente, adv. gravely, seriously, dan- gerously. gravidez,/. pregnancy. gravidO, da, a. (poet.) gravid, pregnant. gravimetro, TO. (phys.) gravimeter. ?ravitaci6n, /. (phys.) gravitation. jravitar, va. to gravitate, weigh down. ^avoso, sa, a. grievous, offensive, aflSictive, painful, onerous ; unbearable. graznador, ra, m. & f. croaker ; cawing, cackling. graznar igratu-nar'], vn. to croak, caw, cackle. graznidO, m. croak, caw, cackle ; croaking. greba, /. (arm.) greave(s) or jambe(s). greca, f. Grecian fret. greciaho, na, or grecisco, ca, a. Grecian. grecismo, »*. Grecism, Hellenism. grecizante fsreii-tine-thabn'-teh], pa. Grecianiz- ing, Hellenizing. grecizar [xreh-thie-thar'], va. & vn. to Grecize. greco, ca, a. Grecian. — m. &/. Greek. grecolatino, na, a. Greco-Latin. grecorromano, na, a. Greco-Roman. greda, /. clay, chalk, marl, potter's clay. gredal, m. marl-pit, loam-pit. — a. chalky, loamy. grtsdOSO, sa, a. chalky, marly, cretaceous. :grefier, m. keeper of the rolls in the house of Burgundy. gregsil, m. north-east wind in the Mediterra- nean. — a. gregarious, going in flocks. gregarlO, ria, «. gregarian, ordinary. gregoriano, na, a. Gregorian. gregorillo, m. ueckclotn formerly worn by women. gregorito, m. (Mex.) disappointment; prac- tical joke. gregueria [greii-seh-ree'-ah], /. outcry, confused clamour, hubbub. gregiiescos fKreh-gwess'-cos], m. pi. Grecian wide breeches. greguiSCO, ca fgreh-gees'-co], a. Grecian. gregUizar [greh-gee-tbar'], va. tO Grecize. gremial, a. belonging to a guild or trade- union. — m. member of a ^uild ; (eccl.) lap- cloth Hsed by bishops at divine service. grenaio, m. lap ; body, society, company, guild, corporation ; fraternity. gienchudO, da, a. having long mane (as a lion). grefia [greh'-nyaii', /. long entangled or matted hair; anything entangled : andar i la grefia, to pull one another by the hair; (prov.) heap of grain laid to be thrashed; (prov.) first leaves of a vine-shoot. gre&udo, da, «. dishevelled. — m. shy horse. greflUela [greh-nyoo-eh'-lah], /. first shootS Of a vine. gresca fgreh8'-cah\ /. carousal, revelling, clat- ter ; wrangle, quarrel. grey fgray'-ei, /. flock, herd ; congregation of the faithful ; people, race, nation. grlal [gre-ahr], m. grail, legendary holy chal- ice. griegO, ga [gre-eh'-go], a. Greek, Grecian. — m. the Greek language; (coll.) card-sharp, hablar en griego, to talk gibberish. grleta,/. crevice, crack, cleft ; chink, fissure, cranny, flaw ; split, vein, shake, rent ; scratch or fissure in the skin : grietas en las manos chapped hands. grrietado, da, a. fissured, cleft, showing flaws. grietarse, vr. to crack, split, cranny; to part in clefts or fissures .• to become chapped. grietecilla, /. dim. small fissure or scratch. grletOSO, sa, a. crannied, flawy. grifa,/. (print.) script. grifado, da, a. script (type). grlfaltC, m. small kind of culverin. grlfo, fa, a. (print.) script; kinky, entan- gled (as hair). — m. griffin or griffon, a fabled animal; (Amer.) child of a negro and an Indian ; (mech.) faucet, cock, spigot: grlfos, frizzled hair. grifon, m. aug. fountain faucet. grigallo, m. (orn.) variety of francolin. grilla,/. female cricket : esa es grilla, (coll.) that is a fake. grillarse, vr. to shoot, to sprout. grillera, /. cricket-cage. grillero, m. he who puts on and takes off" the irons of prisoners. grillete, m. dim. shackle, fetter. * grille, m. (ent.) cricket; (hot.) shoot, sprout. —pi. fetters, irons, gyves, shackles or chains for the feet ; any impediment which pre- vents motion. gfrlma,/. fright, horror, astonishment, grim- ness. grimpola, /. (naut.) pennant, streamer: huso de la grimpola, spindle of a vane. grinalde, w. ancient form of grenade. gringo, m. corrup. of griego : hablar en gringo, to talk gibberish; (Sp. Am.) nick- name given to foreigners, especially English and Americans. griflbn, m. wimple worn by nuns ; apricot ingrafted in a peach-tree. gripal, a. (med.) relating to la grippe. gripe,/, (med.) grip or grippe, influenza. gripo, m. (naut.) vessel formerly used for trade, gris [grees], a. grizzled, gray. — m. (zool.) min- ever, Siberian squirrel and its fur; (coll.) cold, sharp air or weather. grisalla,/. (art) grisaille, caraaieu. griseo, a, «. grayish, grizzly. griseta,/. flowered silk stuff; (agr.) disease of trees caused by infiltration ; (neol.) a French grisette. g^riSU, m. (min.) fire-damp. grita, /. clamour, outcry, hubbub, uproar, shouting, vociferation ; halloo : grita foral, (law) summons, citation. gritador, ra, m. & /. clamourer, ex claim er ; bawler. gritar, vn. to shout, cry out, clamour, clatter, halloo, hoot, whoop, exclaim ; to talk very loud ; to bawl ; to shriek. griteria, /. outcry, clamour, shouting, screaming; hooting, tumult, nurly-burly, hullabaloo, hue and cry. grltO, m. cry, scream, howl, shriek, shout, hoot, whoop : i. voz en grito, at the top of one's voice : alzar or levantar el grito, to talk loud and haughtily : hablar k gritos, to shout : estar en un grito, to be in continual pain : k grito herido, in a loud voice, with a clamorous cry. grit6n, na, a. (coll.) vociferous, clamorous. gro, ni. grosgrain, twilled silk fabric. groenlandes, sa, a. & 7». & f. Grcenlander. » (before e, 1) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; ft, ny In canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; ■, GEO 296 GUA groera,/. (naut.) rope hole. gromo, m. (bot.) leafy bud, young shoot. gropos, m. pi. cotton put in inkstands or ink- horns. gros, m. ancient coin of small value. grosamente, adv. grossly. grosella, /. (bot.) berry of the red currant: grosella blanca, gooseberry. grosellero, m. (bot.) currant. groseramente, adv. grossly, coarsely, rude- ly, bunglingly. groseria,/. grossness, rudeness, Hi-breeding, discourtesy, ill manners, coarseness, clumsi- ness, shameless word or action. grosero, ra, a. gross, coarse, rough, plain, homely, homespun, not elegant not fine ; thick, fat, bulky ; rude, unpolished, dis- courteous, churlish, clownish, uncivil, rough, brutal, indelicate, indecent, smutty. grosezuelo, IsL, a. dim. rather stout. grosislmo, ma, super, of gkueso ; exceed- ingly stout, very bulky. grOSO, a. coarse snufF, badly powdered. grosor, m. thickness, bulk, size, density, closeness, compactness. grosularia, /. (min.) grossularite. grosularieo, a, a. (bot. ) grossulaceous. grOSUlina, /. (chem. ) grossulin. grosura, /. fat, suet, tallow ; meat diet, in opposition to fasting. grotescamente, adv. grotesquely. grotesco, ca, a. grotesque, ridiculous, ex- travagant, uncouth, farcical. grtia,/. crane, derrick, gin, hoisting machine ; ancient military machine; (naut.) bend: grua de la cuadema maeitra, midship bend : k la grua, in and out. gniero, ra, a. trained to pursue cranes (birds of prey). gruesa, /. gross, twelve dozen ; (eccl.) chief part of a prebend ; (law) bottomry. gruesamente, adv. grossly, coarsely. grueso, sa, a. bulky, corpulent, thick, fleshy, fat, full-fed, plump, gross ; large, great, big ; coarse, plain, home-spun, not fine^ dense, compact; (met.) heavy, dull, stupid, dim, slow. — m. thickness, bulk, corpulence, den- sity ; main part, main bodjr of an army ; down stroke in penmanship : en grueso, (com.) in gross, in the gross, in bulk, by wholesale. gruir [groo-eer'], vn. {for irr. V. HuiK)to cry like a crane. grulidor [groo-he-dor'], m. glazier's nippers. grujir [groo-heer'l, vc. (gl.) to trim or pare ragged edges with a grujidor. grUlla[Krool'-lyah],/. (om.) CraUC. gruUada, /. (coll.) gang or crowd of idlers ; (coll.) patrol of constables or police oflicers. gnillero, ra, a. applied to falcons or birds of prey in chase of cranes. grumeie, m. (naut.) cabin-boy, ship-boy. grumlllO, m. dim. small grume, clot, or curd, gfrumo, m. grume, clot : grumo de leche, curd ; cluster, bunch ; (agr.) bud of trees ; tip of a fowl's wing. grmnoso, sa, a. grumous, clotty. grUflidO [Kroo-nyee'-». plantation of bamboo-canes. guagua Icwaii'-gwahi, //). &f. (Peru) baby. — »/. (^lex.) insect that destroys fruit.—/. (Cuba)- omnibus, street car : de guagua, free, gratis. guagiiero, ra [gwaii-gweii'-.-o], m. &f. (Cuba) bargain-driver ; deadhead. guaic^n, »*. (icht.) V. r6mora. gUalnambi [gwah-e-nRm-bee'], m. (Mex, C. A.) (orn.) humming-bird. guaira [gwah'-e rati, /. (S. Am.) smelting fur- nace; (naut.) leg-of-mutton sail. gualrc iKwah'-e-m:, m. (naut.) (S. Am.) smiill two-masted coaster. erualta [gwah-e-tah], /. (mil.) night watch or sentinel. gualalote or guajolote [gwah-h«b-io*-teh], m^ (Mex.) turkey. « M In far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; a in bull ; c f before e, :) and z as til in tUck ; b and d, soil) GUA 297 GUA 'guajamdn, na, a. (Cuba) orange-coloured. gu&jar [gwah'-har], m. &f. or gukjaras, f.pl. fastnesses, roughest part of a mountain. guaje [gwah'-heh], TO. (Mex.) calabash for learn- ing to swim. gu^jete por gudjete, idiom, tit for tat. guajiro, ra [gwah-he -ro]^ a. & m. &. f. (Cuba) rustic, rural ; rude, boorish. i gualk ! interj. a.ssuredly ; by God ! gualatina, /. dish made of boiled apples, milk of almonds, and broth, and beaten up with spice and rose-water. gualda, /. (bot.) weld, wild woad, dyer's weed, reseda. gualdado, da, a. weld-coloured, yellowish. gualdera, /. (arti.) trail, bracket; (carp.) string-board; (naut.) whelp, check. gualdo, da, a. weld, yellow or gold colour. gualdrapa, /. horse-trappings, sumpter- cloth, housing, foot-cloth; (coll.) tatter, rag hanging from clothes. gualuxapazo, m. (naut.) flap of a sail ; jerk. gualdrapear, va. to put one thing inverted upon another. — vn. (naut.) to flap (as sails). gualdrapeo, m. flapping of the sails. gualdrapero, m. ragamuffin, ragged fellow. gualdrin, m. weather-strip. guama, /. fruit of the gaamo. guamo, TO. tall tree planted to shade the coflee-tree. guanilbana, /. (bot.) bullock's heart, cus- tard-apple. guanabano, m. (bot.) fruit-tree of the Anona family. guanaco, m. (Chili) guanaco, kind of llama or alpaca. guanajo fgwah-nah'-boj, m. (Cuba) a turkey ; (coll.) simpleton. guancne, a. ancient inhabitant of the Ca- naries. guanera, /. place abounding in guano. guanina,/. (bot.) (Amer.) leguminous plant. guano, m. (Sp. Am.) any palm-tree; palm- tree leaves used for thatching ; guano, sea- birds' dung, used as fertilizer. guantada, /. guantazo, m. slap or blow with the open nan d. 'guante, w». glove ; collection for charity.— pr. extra pay, fee, or tip : gnantes de cabritilla, kid gloves : gnantes de ante, buff gloves : echar el guante, to challenge ; (coll. ) to seize, grasp ; to imprison : echar un gnante, to make a collection for charitable purposes : poner i, nno como nn gnante, to render one as pliable as a glove; (coll.) to abuse one: salvo el gnante, (coll.) excuse my glove: calzarse or descalzarse los gnantes, to put on or to take oft' one's gloves. guantelete, m. gauntlet. guantena,/. glover's shop or trade. guantero, to. glover, glove-maker, guailin, a. base gold. guaflir, vn. to grunt like pigs. guao (Kw«h'-o], TO. tree of the island of Santo Domiago whose smell is fatal. guapamente, adv. (coll.) bravely, cour- ageously. guapear, vn. (coll.) to boast of courage; (coll.) to take a pride in tine dress. guapet6n, na, a. aug. brave, daring, resolute. guapeza,/. (coll.) bravery, courage; osten- tation in dress. guapinal, m. (C. A.) resin-yielaing tree. .guapo, pa, a. (coll.) stout, courageous, val- iant, bold, daring, resolute, enterprising ; spruce, neat, elegant, ostentatious, vain ; gay, sprightly. — m. gallant, beau, sweet- heart ; a bully. guapote, ta, a. (coll.) good-natured and goLid-looking person. guaquero [gwah-keh-ro], TO. vessel for drinking chicba found in ancient Peruvian tombs. guaracha, /. kind of Spanish clog-dance ; Cuban song; (Mex.) sandal. guarand,,/. (bot.) paullinia ; paste and stim- ulating drink made from its seeds. guarangO, m. shrub used for dyeing; spe- cies of prosopis (Ecuador). guarani, a. Guaranian.— m. Guarani. guarapo, to. juice of the sugar-cane ; fer- mented cane-liquor. guarda, m. & /. guard, keeper.—/, custody, trust, wardship, guard, safe-keeping ; ob- servance of a law or ordinance ; nun who accompanies men through convents ; outside rib or guard of a fan ; (b. b.) fly-leaf, blank sheet ; ward of a lock or of a key ; (raech. ) guard-plate, shoe ; sheath of a pruning- knife : gnarda de la adnana, officer of the custom-house: gnarda banpris, (naut.) knight-heads, bollard-timbers : gnardaca- denas, (naut.) laths of the chain-wales: gnarda de coto, game-keeper : gnardainfantes, (naut.) capstan whelps. i gnarda ! interj. take care I beware ! look out! guardaagnas, m. (naut.) spurn-water; (carp.) flashing-board ; (car) splash leather. guardaagujas, to. (r. w.) switchman, guardaamiac6n, to. store-keeper. guardaamigo, to. prop placed under the " chin of criminals while they are flogged. guardabanderas, m. (naut.) yeoman of signals. guardabarrera, m. (r. w.) gate-keeper, guardabosque, m. keeper of a forest, game- keeper. guardabrazo, m. (arm.) brassard, guard abrisa, m. glass shade for candles, guardacabras, m. goat-herd. guardacalada,/. opening in eaves. guardacantbn, to. spur-stone, check-stone. guardacartuchos, m. (naut.) cartridge- case. guardacostas, to. (naut.) revenue cutter, guardacufi.08, rn. keeper of the dies in the mint. guardadamas, m. officer who escorted la- dies of the court. guardadamente, adv. guardedly, guardado, da, pp. & «. guarded, reserved. guardador, ra, m. & f. very careful, watch- ful, and provident man ; faithful keeper ; law-abiding person; miser; (mil.) keeper of the spoils. guardafrenos, m. (r. w. ) brakeman. guardafuegO, »i. (naut.) breaming-board. guardabumo, m. (naut.) smoke-sail. guardainfante, m. farthingale, ladies' hoop. guardaia,/. v. guedeja. guardajoyas, to. keeper of the crown jewels ; place where the crown jewels are kept. guardalado, m. battlement of a bridge. guardalobo, m. (bot.) poet's caasia, guardamalleta, /. lambrequin. guardamancebo, to. (naut.) man-rope, guardamano, /. guard of a sword. guardamateriales, m. buyer of bullion and other necessaries for a mint. guardamonte, m- (arti.) guard of a gun- lock ; forester, keeper of a forest. guardamuebles, to. store-room for furni- ture ; guard over the furniture of a palace. guardamujer, /. servant of the queen. guardapapo, to. (arm.) gusset. guardapelo, to. locket. :X(bcroree,l)andJ as b i» ^ot; h, silent; U In brilliant ■ ti, ny In canyon ; r (inltiaO and rr trilled; i, blsseO, GUA 298 GUB guardapi6s, m. skirt. guardapolvo, m. dust-guard, dust wrapper, duster, case, cap, lid. guardapuerta, /. storm-door. guardar, va. to keep, guard, protect, watch over, defend, take care of; preserve from damage ; to lay up, store, retain, lay by, re- serve, conserve, keep back, maintain ; to hold for another ; to observe, respect ; to fulfil one's duty. — vr. to be upon one's guard, to avoid, abstain from, guard against, fence. guardarraya, /. (Cuba) avenue between cane or cotfee plantations ; (min.) boundary of a drill-hole. guardarrio, m. (orn.) kingfisher. guardarropa, /. wardroom, coat-room. — rn. keeper of a wardrobe ; wardrobe, clothes- press ; (bot.) lavender-cotton. guardarropia, /. (theat.) wardrobe. guardarruedas, m. v. guard acant6n. guardasol, m. V. quitasol. guardatimon, m. (naut. ) stern-chaser. guardavaiilla, /. room for keeping the (royal) plate or table-service. guardavela, m. (naut.) small purchase rope to secure the sails. guardavla, m. (r. w.) signal-man, line- keeper. guardera, /. female keeper. guarderia, /. keepership. guardia [gwahr'-ae-ah], /. guard, body of armed men to watch by way of defence ; defence, custody, watch, protection, assist'' ance ; (naut.) watch; turn of persons in watching or of officers on duty; (fenc.) guard. — ^JHi soldier belonging to the guards, guardsman : cuerpo de guardia, guard-room : gnardia de babor, larboard-watch : guardia de estribor, starboard-watch : guardia del tope, masthead lookout; (mil.) eatar de guardia, to be on duty : estar en guardia, to be on one's guard, alert : montar la guardia, to mount guard : mudar la guardia, to relieve the guard: salir de guardia, to come off guard : guardia de corps, life-guard : guardia marina, midshipman: guardia civil, (1) /. body of rural police in Spain ; (2) m. a mem- ber of said guard: guardia municipal, (1) /. city police ; (2) m. policeman : en guardia, (fenc.) on guard. guardiiin, na, m. &/. keeper, guardian, war- den,, watchman. — m. local superior of con- vents of the order of St. Francis ; (naut.) boatswain's mate ; quarterman ; gunner's yeoman; (naut.) strong hawser. gliardlania,/. guardianship of a convent and the district assigned to it. guardilla [Kwar-deei-iyah], /. garret, attic ; (sew.) guard, welt; each of the two ex- treme thick teeth of a comb. guardln, m. (naut.) tiller-rope, tiller-chain; (naut.) port-lanyard. guardOSO, sa, a. frugal, parsimonious ; nig- gardly, stingy. gUareCer [gwah-reh-then-'l, va. {ind. GUAREZCO : subj. guabezca) to shelter, guard, protect, preserve ; to cure. — vr. to take refuge or shelter. gUarentlgiO, gia [gwah-ren-tee'-he-o], a. (law) applied to a contract containing a warranty clause. ' guarida, /. den, cave, or couch of a wild beast ; shelter, lurking-place, cover, haunt. guarim&n, m, (bot.) (Amer.) tree of the mag- nolia family, with aromatic bark used as spice. guarin, m. suckling pig. guarismo, m. (arith. ) figure, a digit, a cipher, or a combination of figures or numerals. guarne, m. (naut.) each turn of a cable or tackle. gruarnecedor, ra, a. gamisher, furnisher, trimmer. guarnecer, t'a. (ind. guarnezco: subj. guar- nezca) to garnish,' adorn, embellish, beauti- fy, decorate, furbish, deck, dress, array ; (sew.) to trim, bind, edge, face, border^ line, welt ; (jew. ) set in gold, silver, etc. ; (mas.) to plaster ; (arm.) to put a guard on a sword; to harness horses or mules ; (mil.) to garrison a town or other place. guarnecido, pp. of guarneckr.— w». (mas.) plastering ; stucco-work. guarneS; m. harness-room. V. guadarn^is, guamicibn, /. (sew.) trimming, binding, edging, valance, welt, flounce, furbelow, f;arniture, garnish, any ornamental hem, ace, or border; (jew.) setting; (mech.) packing; (arm.) guard of a sword; (mil.) garrison.^?/, gears or traces of mules and horses ; harness. guarnicionar. m. (mil. ) :o garrison. guarnicioneria,/. shop of a harness-maker, guarnicicnero, m. harness-maker, guarniel, m. leather pouch with divisions used by carriers ; (Mex.) powder-flask. griiarnig6n, w. (orn.) young quail, guamimiento, m. (naut.) lines or ropes for reeving. guarnir, va. V. guarnecer; (naut.) to reeve ; to rig. guaro, m. small, very talkative parrot. gliarra[gwar'-rah],/. a sow. guarrillO, m. dim. small pig. gUarrO [gwar'-ro], m. hog, pig. i guarte ! interj. contr. of guIrdatk ; take care ! beware ! look out ! guaruba, /. (orn.) American parrot with a red neck; (zool.) howling monkey. guasa,/. (coll.) jest, fun, joke; satire, irony ; dulness; (W.I.) (icht.) jewfish. guasanga, (Cuba) noisy mirth, guasanguero, ra, a. (Cuba) jolly, merry, noisy. guasca, /. (Peru) cord, thong, whip; dar guasca, to whip, to scourge. guaso, in. V. gaucho^ lasso. guas6n, na, a. (coll. ) jocose, witty, satirical ; dull, uninteresting. guasquear, va. (Amer.) to whip, to scourge, guataca, /. (Cuba) spade; (coll.) a large ear. guataquear, va. (Cuba) to spade, guatemalteco, ca, a. Guatemalan, guateque, //*. (Cuba) country-dance. guatequear, va. (Cuba) to dance (as in the country). guatini, m. (Cuba) V. tocororo. guau, m. bowwow, the bark of a dog. i guay ! interj. alas ! alack ! guaya, /. grief, sorrow, aflfliction. 0- guayaba, /. fruit of the guava-tree: jalea d* guayaba, guava jelly: pasta de guayaba, gua- va sweetmeat : casqnitos de guayaba, guava preserve. guayabal, m. orchard of guava-trees. guayabO, m. (hot. ) guava-tree. guayacin, guayaco fKwah-yah'-co], m. (bot.) lignuni-vitaj tree, guaiacum. guayacana, /. (bot.) date-plum, guayapil, guayapin, m. V. huipiu guban, m. (Philip.) large clinker-built canoe, gubernamental, a. governmental. gubernativamente, adv. by act of the goy- tkM in far ; e in eb I ; i la police ; o tn for ; u in boll : c (before e, 1) ana z as tb in thick ; b and d, nottt GUB 299 GUI gubernatlyo, va, a. administrative, govern- mental, gubernatorial. gubia, /. (carp. ) gouge, centring-chisel ; (arti.) vent-searcher. gubiadura, /. (naut.) notch, channel. guedeja [geh-deu'-hah], /. long lock of hair ; foi'elock ; lion's mane. guedejUla, /. dim. small lock of hair. guedelbn, na, joso, sa, judo, da, a. having long nair. glieldo, m. shrimps, clams, etc., used as bait. guelfO, fa, a. & m. &f. Guelph. guelte, gueltre, m. money, cash ; wealth. giiepil, giiipil, m. (Mex.) V. huipil. ^6rmeces, m. morbid swelling in the throat of birds of prey. guerra [sUer'-rahj, /. war, warfare ; hostility, strife, dissension, struggle, light, conflict, opposition ; V. ministerio (de la guerra) : guerra k maerte, war without quarter, re- lentless war : guerra de bolas, guerra de palos, two different games of billiards : armar en guerra, (naut.) to fit or equip a ship for war : dar guerra, to cause annoyance : bacer la guerra, to war, to wage war. . guerreador, ra, m. &/. warrior, fighter. guerreante, i>a. &in. &f. warrior, warring. guerrear, va. to war, to wage war, to fight ; to oppose, resist, argue. guerreramente, adv. warlikely. guerrero, ra, a. martial, warlike. — m. war- rior, fighter, soldier, military man. guerrilla, /. dim. band of guerrillas ; body of partisans, skirmishers, or light horse- men ; skirmish, light engagement ; game of cards. guerrillear, vn. to engage in guerrilla war- fare. guerrillero, m. (mil.) guerrilla. guia [?ee'-ah], m. &f. guide, cicerone, conduct- or, leader, director, regulator, adviser. — m. (mil.) guide.—/, guide, guide-sign ; guide- book ; (mech.) guide, rule, guide-bar, guide-pin, guide-screw, guide-tube, etc. ; (com.) custom-house permit, cocket; driv- ing-shaft of a noria; (agr.) young shoot left on a vine or tree for training others ; young sheot or sucker of a vine; (naut.) guy, leader, span, hauling-line, preventer- rope ; (min. ) leader ; handle-bar of a bi- cycle ; guard of a fan ; leader, foremost horse ; (pyr.) fuse : guia de forasteros, court- guide. — pi. guide-lines, reins for controlling the leader horses : a guias, driving four-in- hand. guiadera, /. guide or conductor in mills. — pi. upright guides in oil-mills, lifts, etc. guiado, da, pp. & a. guided ; having a guide or a permit. guiador, ra, m. &f. guide, director, leader. JUiar [see-ar'l, va. to guide, lead, conduct, show the way ; to counsel, advise, teach, direct ; to drive ; to pilot ; (agr.) to train a plant. — vr. to be led, to go by, to follow. UigUi [Ke squirrel. gUigUi [Kee-gee'], m. (Ph SVf' (zool.) flying gUija[Kee'-hah],/. pebble, pebble-stone, coarse gravel; (hot.) V. almorta.— pZ. (coll.) strength, force, vigour: «er de pocas guijas or tener pocaa guijas, to be very weak. guljarral [gee-har-rahr], m. place abounding in pebbles. gUijarraZO [gee-har-rah'-thaw], TO. blow* with a pebble or a cobble. guijarreflo, fla [gee-harmy'-nyoi, a. pebbly, gravellv ; hardv, strong (a person). ^uijarrillo, ito.'TO. dw». small pebble. guJjarro [gee-har'-ro], jn. small boulder, cobble- stone. guijarroso, sa [gee-har-ro'-so], a. full of cob- bles. guijefi,0, &a [gee-heu'-nyo], a. belonging to or resembling pebbles ; hard, relentless. guljo [gee'-ho], TO. gravel for roads, blinding. gUij6n [gee-hon'], TO. V. NEGU1J6n. guiloso, sa [gee-ho'-so], a. gravelly, pebbly. guilalO [gee-iah'-io], TO. (^Philip. ) coasting ves- sel with sails of matting. guilla [geei'-iyah],/. plentiful harvest. gUillame [geel-lyah'-mehj, TO. joiner's rabbeting plane. guillote [geei-lyo'-teh], TO. husbandman who enjoys the produce of a farm ; (naut.) tree- nail or iron pin ; vagrant, sponger ; idle fellow ; novice gambler. guillotina [geei-iyo-tee'-nah],/. guiHotine ; card- board-cutting machine. guillotinar, va. to guillotine. gulmbalete, to. (naut.) pump brake, pump handle. guimbarda,/. ancient dance ; (carp.) groov- ing plane. gUincbar [geen'-char], va. to prick, to goad. guincho [geen'-cho], TO. goad, pike ; (Cuba) sea-gull. guinda [geen'-dai.], /. (bot.) berry of the mazard; (naut.) height of the masts. (and top-masts) : echar guindas & la tarasca, (coll.) to be very easy. guindado, da, pp. & a. hoisted, set up ; gar- nished with mazard-berries. guindajjos [geeu-dau'-hos], TO. pi. (Cuba) hang- ings, fringe or tassels. guindal, to. (bot. ) mazard-tree. gUlndalera [geen-dah-leh-ral.], /. plantation of mazard-trees. guindaleta,/. crank-rope; (jew.) fulcrum of a balance. gUindaleZa [geen-dah-leh'-thali], /. (naut.) haw- ser. gUindamaina [geeB-dah-my'-nah], /. (naut.) sa- lute by dipping the flag. gulndar, ta. to Bang a thing on high ; (coll.) to pbia^^ or procure in concurrence with bthets^ (coll. ) to hang a person. — vn. to be suspended, to hang by or on anything. guindaste, to. (mech.) horse, frame ; (naut.) timber head-jeer, knighthead of the jeers. gulndilla, /. dim. pod of the Cayenne or red pepper. gulndillo de Indias, to. (hot.) shrub of the capsicum family ; red pepper. guindo, m. (bot.) mazard-tree : guindo griego, large mazard cherry-tree. guindOla, /. (naut.) triangular hanging stage ; life-buoy. guinea,/, guinea, English gold coin. gUineo, a, a. Guinea, of Guinea : galUna gui- nea, Guinea-hen. — m. dance used amongst negroes ; (Cuba) banana. V. cambur. guinga,/. gingham. guinja,/. guinjo, to. jujube. V. azufaifa. guinjo, guinjolero, to. (hot.) jujube-tree. T'. AZUFAIFO. guiflada, guifladura,/. wink ; (naut.) yaw, lurch. guifiador, ra, to. &/. winker. guiiiapiento, ta, guifLaposo, sa, a. ragged, tattered, torn. ^ guifiapo, TO. tatter, rag ; ragamuffifi, tatter- demalion. , guiflar (gee-nyar'l, va. to wirfk ; (nartit.) to yaw, to lurch. gUiflO [gee'-nyo], TO. V. GUISaDA. gui6n, TO. cross, standard carried before prel- C (before e, 1) and J as b iu hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) auJ rr trilled ; •» GUI 300 GUZ ates and corporations ; gonfalon in proces- sions ; royal standard ; master or cere- monies ; leader of a dance ; hyphen or divi- sion in writing ; explanatory text or refer- ence table; (mil.) guidon; (mus.) mark of repetition, repeat ; (naut.) loom of an oar. guionajo, m,. oflSce of the guide or conductor. guipar, va. (coll. and vulgar) to see. guipuzcoano, na, a. native of or belonging to the province of Guipnzcoa. gilira lgwee'-r»], /. (bot.) calabash-tree. guirgiiesco, ca, «. v. greguisco. guirigay [gee-re guy'], 7ft. (coU.) gibberish; jargon. guirindola, /. frill of a shirt. guirlache, m. roast almond ca^^amel ; brittle. guirnalda, guirlanda, .;". garland, wreath ; (uaut.) puddening; (mil.) light ball. g\lirnaldeta, /. dim. small garland. gliiro ■Kweero], 111. bottle-gourd, fruit of the calabash-tree ; (Cuba) gourd used as an in- strument to accompany dance music. guirre, m. (prov. Canaries) vulture. guisa,/. a gnisa de, as, like, in the manner of. guisado, pp. & m. stew or made dish ; ra- gout, fricassee. guisador, ra, guisandero, ra, m. & /. a cook ; one who cooks. gulsantal, m. patch planted with pease. guisante, m. (bot.) pea: gaisante de olor, sweet-pea. guisar, va. to cook or dress victuals ; to ar- range, prepare, adjust. glliSO, in. cooked dish ; seasoning, condiment. gUiSOpiUO, m. V. HISOPILLO. gulsote, m. dish of meat dressed country- fashion. guita, /. pack-thread, twine; (coll.) money. guitar, va. to sew with pack-thread. gultarra,/. (mus.) guitar ; (mas.) muller for pulverizing gypsum. gllitarrazo, m. dIow with a guitar. guitarrear, vn. to play the guitar, on the guitar. guitarrero, ra, m. &f. guitar-maker; player gultarresco, ca, a. (coll.) belonging to the guitar. guitarrillo, 11a, m. &f. dim. small guitar. guitarristai, m. player on the guitar. guitarro, m. (mus. ) small four-string guitar. gUitarr6n, m. aug. large guitar; (coll.) an acute knave. guitero, ra, m. &f. twine-maker. guito, ta, a. treacherous, vicious (as a mule). gultdn, na, m. &f. mendicant, vagrant, vaga- bond, tramp.— Tft. ancient coin. guitonear, vn. to loiter, loaf, or idle about. guitoneiia,/. idleness; vagabond life. guizazo, m. (Cuba) (bot.) a weed. gulzgar [geeth-gar'], va. to excite, invite. guizque [geeth'-kehj, m. hook of a hanging lamp. guia [jjoo'-hah], /. (arm.) vouge or voulge. guia,/. gluttony, inordinate appetite. gules, m. pi. (her.) gules, red. guloso, sa, a. gluttonous, greedy. gulusmear, vn. (coll.) r. golosineak. gulleria,/. dainty. V. gollerIa. gulloria, /. (om.) kind of lark. F. golle- RiA. gumena,/. (naut.) cable, gumeneta,/. dim. (naut.) small cable. gtunia,/. kind of dagger or poniard. gtunifero, ra, a. gum-producing, gummif- erous. gura, /. (om.) (Philip.) crested wild pigeon. gurbion, ;»». coarse twisted silk extracted from sourge. gura-resin gurdo, da, a. silly, simple, nonsensical. gurriatO, m. nestling sparrow. gfurrufero, «*. (coll.) deformed and vicious nag. gurrumina, /. (coll.) uxoriousness, unbe- coming submission to a wife. gurrumino, m. (coll.) henpecked husband. gurullada,/. (coll.) v. gkullada. gurullo, in. lump or knot. V. burujo. gurullon, m. a knot of wool in cloths. gurumete, m. ship's boy. V. grumete, gurupa, /. croup of a horse. V. grupa. gurupera,/. crupper. V. grupera. gurupetin, m. dim. small crupper. gurviO, a, a. curved (said of tools). gusanear, vn. to itch. r. hormiguear. gusanera, /. place where worms or microb«s are bred ; (coll.) ruling passion. gUSaniCO, itO, m. dim. small worm. gusaniento, ta, a. grubby, full of vermin, maggoty, worm-eaten. gusamllo, w. dim. small worm or grub; (sew.) gold, silver, or silk twist; twist- stitch embroidery ; (mech.) bit of a gimlet or auger. gusauo, m. (zool.) worm, grub; caterpillar ; thread-worm, pin-worm ; meek, dejected person • distemper among sheep : gnsano de seda, silk-worm : guiano de luz, V. lucikr- naga : gusano de San Anton, gray grub : gu- sano de la conciencia, worm of conscience, remorse : gusano revoltdn, vine inch-worm. gusarapiento, ta, a. wormy, grubby ; cor- rupted. gusarapillo, itO, m. dim. small water-worm. grusarapo, m. water-worm ; any annelid found in liquids, especially vinegar. gUStable, a. tastable, gustable. gUStadura,/. gustation, tasting.- gUStar, va. to taste ; to try, experience, ex- periment. — vn. to please, to be agreeable, to satisfy, to be liked, to cause enjoyment: guitar de, to like, love, enjoy, relish, be pleased with. gustativo, a. lingual (as a nerve). gustazo, '01. aug. (coll.) great pleasure. gustillo, m. dim. peculiar savour, flavour, or relish. gusto, m. taste and sense ; sensation of tast- ing, gust ; savour, flavour, relish, season ; pleasure, delight, gratification, compla- cence, contentment ; liking, mind ; one's own will and determination ; election, choice ; discernment ; caprice, fancy, whim, diversion : de buen gusto, in good taste : el gusto del dia, prevalent taste or fashion : cosa de gusto, tasty, fancy article : con mncho gusto, with great pleasure : viste con mucho gusto, she dresses very tastefully : dar gusto, to gratify. gustosamente, adv. tastefully, fain, gladly, acceptably. gUStOSO, sa, a. savoury, gustable, dainty, pleasing to the taste ; tasty ; cheerful, merry, blithe, content, joyful ; pleasing, pleasant, entertaining ; willing, ready. gutagamba, gutUunbar, m. gamboge. gutapercba, /. gutta-percha ; caoutchouc^ India-rubber. gutifero, ra, a. (bot.) guttiferous, gum- yielding. gutural, a. guttural. guturalmente, adv. gutturally. guzla,/. (mus.) one-string instrument among the Greeks. guzmto, m. nobleman who formerly served as midshipman or cadet. guzpatarra,/. ancient play of boys. a M in far ; e in eb > : 1 in pol'•• from HABER. j ha ! [aiil, interj. ah, alas ! naba,/. (bot.) plant of the bean family, called vicia faba, and the large edible bean from the same, mazagan : haba comnn caballar, (bot.) horse-bean : haba tonca, Tonca bean : haba de Egipto, Egyptian bean : haba de las tndias, sweet-pea : haba de San Ignacio, St. (gnatius's bean : haba marina, navel-wort, kidney-wort ; (vet.) tumour in the palate of horses; (min.) prill.— p/. white and black balls used in voting : esas son habas conta- das, a thing clear and manifest. habadO, da, a. (vet.) having a tumour called haba; dappled (as ahorse). habanera, /. slow Cuban dance, and the tune. habanero, ra, a. Havanese, of Havana. habano, a. of Havana (tobacco). — m. Ha- vana cigar. habar, m. bean-field. habascbn, m. (S. Am. ) parsnip-like root. h&ber [ah'-berr], m. doctor of the law among the Jews ; title inferior to rabbi. haber [ah-berr'], va. (ind. HE : pret. HUBE : fut. HABR6: subj. haya) to have, own, possess ; to catch, to get, to lay hands on ; (haber is rarely used as an active verb, but mostly as an auxiliary and also as impersonal) : el ladrbn no pudo ser habido, the thief could not be apprehended : el nifto lee caantos libros puede haber, the boy reads as many books as he can get. — V. auxil. to have : haber Bido, to have . been : habiendo visto, having seen : haber ha- bido, to have had ; it is also used as an aux- iliary verb when followed by de and an in- finitive, as : he de escribir, I have to write : habremoB de cantar, we shall have to sing. — V. impers. (in this sense haber has two inflec- tions in the 3d pers. sing, ind., i. e. ha and HAY ; ha is used to express lapse of time, • and hay in most every other case) to hap- pen, occur, befall ; to exist, to be : ayer hubo junta, there was a meeting yesterday : ma- i&ana habr& parada, there will be a parade to- morrow : trcB a&oB ha, three years ago : poco tiempo ha, a little while ago : hay hombres may torpeB, there are very stupid men : no hay pan, there is no bread : hay que, it is necessary : no hay de qn6, you are welcome. — vr. habirselaB con alguno, to contend, dis- pute, face, have it out with some one. aaber, m. property, income, fortune, assets ; in book-keeping, credit, Cr. haberio, m. beast of burden. habichuela,/. (bot.) French-bean or kidney- bean : habichuelas verdeB, string beans. habiente, pa. (law) having, possessing. h^bil, a. capable, intelligent, learned, able ; clever, skilful, dexterous, expert, knowing, cunning ; agile, active, ready ; apt, fit, handy : (law) dia hibil, lawful day. habilidad, /. ability, ableness, dexterity, clevern&ss, expertness, mastery, knowledge, talent ; cunning ; nimbleness, quickness, speed ; instinct.— pi. accomplishments. habilidoso. sa, a. accomplished, clever. habllitacion, /. habilitation^ qualification ; outfit, equipment; (mil.) office and bureau of a paymaster : habilitacibn de bandera, con- cession to a foreign vessel to engage in the coasting trade. habilltado, da, pp. & a. qualified. — m. pay- master. habilitador, ra, m. & /. qualifier ; outfitter. habilitar, va. to qualify, to enable ; to pro- vide, supply ; fit out, equip, furnish means. h^bllinente, adv. dexterously, ably, know- ingly, cleverlv. habitable, a. habitable, lodgeable. habltaci6n, /. dwelling, residence, habita- tion, abode, lodging ; room, chamber, suite of rooms, apartments j (law) caretaking, habitat. habltd,CUlO, m. dwelling, residence, abode. habitador, ra, m. & /. inhabitant, resident, dweller, abider^ habitanie, pa. inhabiting. — m. & f. inhabi- tant or habitant, dweller, resident. habitar, va. to inhabit, live, dwell, reside, lodge, or lie in a place. h&bitO, m. dress, habit, habiliment, garment ; habit, habitude, custom, customariness ; robes of the military orders : caballero del h&blto de Santiago, knight of the military order of Saint James.— pi. hibitos, dress of ecclesiastics : colgar lot h&bitos, (coll. ) to throw off the cowl. habltuacl6n, .f. habitude, custom. habitual, a. habitual, usual, accustomed, in- veterate, customary, common, frequent. habitualmente, adv. habitually, customari- ly, usually. habituar, va. to accustom, habituate, inure. — vr. to become accustomed, to accustom one's self. habitud,/. habitude, respect or relation. habla, /. speech, language ; idiom, dialect ; discourse, argument, address ; talk, conver- sation : eBtar en habla, to talk about a mat- ter : estar sin habla or perder el habla, to be speechless : negar or qnltar el habla, to refuse speaking to a person: al habla, (naut.) within speaking distance. habladO, da, pp. & a. blen hablado, using choice language : mal hablado, using vile or slanderous language. hablador, ra, m. & /. talker, gabbler, prat- tler, chatterbox, gossiper. habladorcillO, 11a, m. & /. dim. babbling dandiprat. habladuria, /. impertinent speech ; gossip, empty talk. hablante, pa. speaking, talking. hablanchin, na, haolantin, na, (coll.) talkative person. hablar, vn. to speak ; to talk, converse, com- mune, reason ; to harangue, address, make a speech ; to advise, admonish ; (naut.) to hail a ship : hablar de, to discuss, refer to, talk about, mention : hablar i, to address, speak to: hablar con, to speak with, to court, to woo : hablar por alguien, to speak for, to in- tercede. — va. to speak a language : hablar ingl*fl, to speak English ; to utter, give ex- pression to : hablar dlBparates, to talk non- sense. — vr. to speak to each other : Be vieron J Be hablaron, they met and spoke to each other : hablar al alma, to speak things that touch the quick : hablar alto, to talk loud : hablar en plata or hablar claro, to speak clearly, without ambiguity : hablar por ha- blar, to talk for the sake of talking : hablar k tontas y & locaB, to talk foolishly : hablar entre dientes, to mutter, to mumble : hablar por boca de ganso, to speak by hearsay : ha- blar de la mar, to talk on an endless subject : hablar por los codot, to talk incessantly, to ? (before e. l) and .1 a* h tn hot : h. sltent ; U in hvilliaBt ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; B, bleawt HAB 302 HAC chatter : ese retrato esti hablando, that is a speaking likeness, hablilla, /. rumour, gossip, report, little tale. habllsta, m. &f. elegant speaker or writer. liablistail, «. (coll.) prattler, chatterer. habbn, m. aug. wheat, whelk. haca,/. pony, pad, small horse. hac^n, "t. learned man among the Jews. hacanea,/. nag, small horse. haceciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small sheaf; fas- cicle : haceclUo de rayos lumlnoBos, pencil of rays. hacedero, ra, a. feasible, practicable. Hacedor, m. Maker, applied in this sense only • to the Creator ; steward, manager of a farm. hacendado, da, a. & pp. acred, landed, own- ing real estate. — m. landholder, farmer, planter. )acendar, va. to transfer or make oirei the property of an estate. — vr. to purchase real estate. hacendeja, /. dim. small farm. hacendera, /. public work, at which all the neighbourhood assists. hacendero, ra, a. industrious, laborious, sedulous. hacendilla, duela, /. dim. small farm. hacendista, /«. (pol.) economist; financier. hacendOSO, sa, a. assiduous, diligent. haCer [ah-tlierr'l, va. {pp. HECHO : ind. JO HAGO, 61 HACE : pret. yo hice, el Hizo : ftit. hark: subj. haga) to create (as Dlos hizo al bombre, God created man) ; to make, manufacture, produce, build, construct, form, shape, fashion (either by hand, tool, or machinery); to conceive, devise, con- trive, invent, compose, deliver, utter (as a Slan, a poem, a speech) ; to arrange, prepare, ispose, make up (as a bed, a valise) ; to cook, dress (as dinner or a dish) ; to shed, project (as a shadow) ; to draw, design, paint, carve (as a work of art) ; to raise, produce (as dust, smoke) ; to do, practise, execute, carry out, eflfect ; to cause, occa- sion, impart, accomplish, turn out ; to make up a number, amount to, be equal to, com- plete ; to gain, earn ; to accustom, habitu- ate, inure ; to assemble, convoke, recruit ; to act, perform (as a play, a part) ; when followea by certain nouns it gives them a verbal signification : i. e. hacer estimacion or aprecio, to esteem or prize : hacer mofa, to mock ; hacer pedazos, to tear into pieces : hacer sefias, to motion : hacer inimo, to mean, to purpose : hacer dafto, to hurt : ha- cer fuego, to hre ; when followed by an in- finitive verb, to order, compel, force, induce, as : le hice firmar, I made him sign : le hari pagar, I will force hiin to pay ; when the im- perfect indicative refers to a person, it de- notes supposition or belief, as : yo hacia k Juan en Paris, I thought John was in Paris : le haciamos muy rico, we supposed he was very rich ; followed by con or de, to provide, supply, furnish, as : te hari con dinero, I will provide thee with money : nos hicimos de libroB, we supplied ourselves with books. — vn. to matter, signify, fit the case, as : iqu6 le hace 7 what does it matter? eso no hace al caio, this has nothing to do with the case ; to agree, accord, match, as : e«to no hace con aquello, this does not agree (or match) with that ; when followed by de and a name of a trade or profession, to act in such capacity, as : hacer de notario, to act as a notary : hago de carpintero, I am doing carpenter-work ; joined with per or para and an infinitive verb, to endeavour, to try, to make an effort. as : har6 por venir, I will endeavour to come : hacer per or para salvarse, to strive tu save one's self; joined with el or del, either as a neuter or a reflexive verb, it sometimes means to represent, feign, counterfeit, ap- pear what is not, as : hacer del bobo or ha- cerse el bobo, to counterfeit an idiot : hacerse el valiente, to set up for a brave man ; fol- lowed by como que or como si, to act as if, i. e. hice como que no (or como si no) lo queria, I acted as if I did not want it. — vr. to grow, develop, reach maturity or perfection, as: el nifio 86 hizo hombre, the boy grew to he a man ; to be converted, transformed, as : el Judio se hizo cristiano, the Jew became a Christian; to move, shift, recede, draw aside ; to inflict upon one's self (as a wound, a scratch) : hacerse 4, to become accustomed or inured to. — r. iinpers. when it refers to the state of the weather or to a lapse of time, to be, as : hace calor, it is warm : hacia mal tiempo, the weather was bad : hace un afio, it is now one year : ayer hizo un mes, it was one month ago yesterday : se hace tarde, it is getting late. The following are a few of the many idioms in which this verb enters : hacer diligencia, to try, to endeavour, to take measures : hacer hacer, to cause to be made, to order a thing to be made : hacer buen ter- cio, to do a good turn to one : hacer venir, to order an article to be brought or sent : hacer presente, to remind one : hacer ver, to show, demonstrate : no hacer caso, not to mind, to pay no attention : hacer la vista gorda, to wink at, to connive at : hacer antesala, te dance attendance, to be kept waiting : hacer alarde, to muster; to boast of: hacer a uno perder los estrlbos, to make any one lose his temper : hacer bancarrota, to fail, to become , bankrupt : hacer cara or hacer frente, to face, resist, oppose : hacer chacota, to ridicule, to turn into ridicule : hacer del cuerpo, to go to stool : hacer de tripas corazon, to pluck up courage or heart: hacer fiesta, to take a holiday : hacer fiestas, to fondle, endear, pat, caress, cajole, fawn ; hacer gasto, to spend : hacer por la vida, to eat something : hacer juego, to be well matched : hacer limosna, to give alms: hacer la barba, to shave, to be shaved; (Mex. ) to flatter: hacer la cuenta sin la hu^speda, to reckon without the host : hacer las amistades, to make it up : hacer mal de ojo, (coll.) to fascinate: hacer memoria, to recollect, to remember : hacer milagros, to do wonders : hacer morisquetas, to play pranks : hacer P&pel, to cut a figure : hacer que ha- cemos, to affect doing some business : hacer por hacer, to act to no purpose : estar una cosa por hacer, something to be made, done, or acted upon: hacer saber, to acquaint, to make known : hacer su agosto, to make hay while the sun shines : hacer agua, (naut. ) to leak or spring a leak : hacer vela or hacerse 4 la vela, (naut.) to set sail : hacer fuerza de vela, (naut.) to crowd sail: h&game Vd. el favor, please, pray : hacerse de miel, to be sweet, lenient, or obliging: hacerse tortilla, to fall down flat : hacerse chiquito, to pretend to be modest; to conceal one's knowledge; hacerse de rogar, to like to be coaxed : hacerse olvidadizo, to feign forgetfulness : hacerse rico, to become rich. hacera, /. sidewalk. V. acera. haceZUelO [ah-tl.t!h-thweh'-lol, m. dim. of HAZ. hacia lah'-thie-ah], prep, toward, in a direction to, near to, about : hacia adelante, forward : hacia atr4s, backward : hacia ac4, hither : hacia alii, thither : hacia donde, whither, a M in far ; e in eh 1 ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; e (before e, i) and z «■ th in thick. : b and d, soft; HAC 303 HAK toward which, to what place, where : hacia casa, hacia su pais, homeward : hacia el cielo, heavenward: hacia popa,(naut.) abaft : hacia proa, (naut.) afore : hacia el mar, seaward. Jbacienda, /. landed property, plantation, farm, ranch • estate, fortune, wealth ; finance.— ?jZ. domestic work, household du- ties : real hacienda, exchequer : ministro de hacienda (in Spain) and secretario de ha- cienda, (in Spanish America) Secretary of the Treasury or Chancellor of the Ex- chequer : hacienda publica, public treasury, finances: hacienda de beneficlo, (Mex. min.) reduction works. liacina,/. (agr.) shock, stack, or rick; pile, heap. hacinador, ra, m. &/. (agr.) stack-maker. hacinamlento, m. accumulation, heaping or hoarding up ; acervation, heaping together. liacinar, va. (agr.) to stack or pile up sheaves ; to hoard ; to cumulate ; to coacer- vate. Jiacha,/. large taper with four wicks : hacha de viento, flambeau, torch; (naut.) link: paje de hacha, link-boy ; axe or hatchet : hacha de armas, battle-axe, twibill ; ancient Spanish dance. hachazo, m. blow or stroke with an axe. bache [ah'-cheii],/. name of the letter H. hachear, va. to cut with an axe ; to hew. — vn. to strike with an axe. bachero, m. torch-stand; (mil.) axeman; woodman, wood-cutter, lumberman. hacheta,/. dim. small axe or hatchet ; small torch or link. hacho, m. torch or link ; beacon hill. Iiacll6n, m. large torch or link ; cresset. hachote, m. aug. large axe. hachuela, /. dim. small hatchet or axe; hand-axe, adze. hada,/. fairy. hadar, va. to divine, to foretell future events ; to enchant. liadO, m,. fate, destiny, doom. hagiografia,/. (eccl.) hagiography. 3iagi6grafO, «t. hagiographer. hago, naga (mt. from hacer). baitiano, na li-te-aU'-no], a. Haytian. i hala ! Interj. (naut.) pull ! haul ! halagador, ra, m. &/. cajoler, flatterer. halagar, va. {pret. halague : subj. hala- gue) to cajole, to flatter; to dandle, coax, coy, allure, wheedle, fondle, to treat with tenderness. halago, m. cajolery, flattery, caress, petting, aduiation ; cooing. halagUefiamente, adv. endearingly, flatter- ingly. lialagUefLO, fla, «. endearing, attractive, al- luring, fawning, flattering, honey-mouthed. halar, va. (naut.) to haul, to pull, to tow. — vn. to pull ahead. halc6n, m. (orn.) falcon, trained hawk. halconado, da, a. falcon or hawk-like. halCOnciCO, iUo, itO, m. dim. jashawk. halconear, va. (coll.) to inveigle, to allure men (as harlots). halconera,/. place where falcons are kept. halconeria, /. falconry. halconero, m. falconer, hawk-trainer. halda, /. skirt, v. falda ; a lapful ; pack- ing-bag : haldas en cinta, (coll. ) disposed and ready for anything : de haldas 6 de mangas, (coll.) justly or unjustly, with good or ill will, in any way. haldada, /. skirt full of anything. haldear, vn. to run along with the skirts fly- ing loose. haldica, ilia, ita, /. dim. small skirt. haldudo, da, «. full-skirted. haleche, TO. (icht.) anchovy. V. boquer6n. halietO, to. (orn. ) sea-eagle. halito, TO. breath ; vapour, eflluvium ; (poet.) soft air. halo, halbn, to. (ast.) halo. hal6filO, la, «. (hot.) halophilous. lial6geno, na, «. (chem.) halogen. halOgrafia, /. (chem.) halography. haloldeo, a, a. (chem.) haloid. haloque, in. (naut.) ancient small vessel. haloza,/. wooden shoe. V. galocha. hallado, da, pp. & a. found : bien hallado, welcome, easy, contented : mal hallado, un- easy, constrained. hallador, ra, to. &/. finder, discoverer. hallar, va. to find, come across, hit on, hit • upon, meet with, fall upon ; to find out after searching • to discover, invent, excogi- tate ; to remark, observe, note, compare, verify ; to detect, catch ; to understand, solve, interpret, decipher, comprehend. — vr. to happen to be (in a place) ; to reside ; to feel (as to health) ; to fare, to be pleased or content in a place. hallazgO, to. act of finding or recovering anything lost ; thing found ; trove ; reward for finding anything lost. hallulla [ai-iyooi-iyaii], /. hallullo, to. cake baked on or under cinders. hamaca,/. hammock; hammock-carriage. hamaquero, to. hammock-maker; ham- mock-bearer ; hammock-hook. hambre, /. hunger, appetite ; scarcity and dearth of provisions, famine ; greediness, eagerness, longing, desire. hambrear, va. to hunger, to starve, to fam- ish ; to subdue by famine. — vn. to hunger, to be hungry. hambrientainente, adv. hungrily. hambrientO, ta, a. hungry, starved, greedy, ravenous ; eager, longing, vehemently de- sirous. hambrdn, na, to. &/. (coll.) hungry person. hamez, /. distemper in falcons which makes them lose their feathers. hamo, TO. fish-hook. hampa, /. life of a company of rogues and vagabonds formerly in Andalusia. bampesCO, ca, a. vagabond, villainous. bampo, bamp6n, to. a rowdy, a bully. hanega,/. dry measure. V. fanega. banegada, /. land sown with a fianega of corn. bansa, /. v. ansa ; commercial league be- tween various free German cities in the 15th century. banse6,tiC0, ca, a. Hanseatic. barag^n, na, m. & f. & a. idler, loiterer, lingerer, loafer, lounger, lubbard ; an idle, lazy person. — a. idle, slothful, inactive, in- dolent. baraganamente, adv. idly, lazily, slothful- ly, indolently. baraganear, vn. to lead an idle life, to be lazy, to act the truant; to lounge, idle, loiter, loaf, gad. baraganeria, /. idleness, laziness, sluggish- ness, inactivity, slothfulness. barapo, m. tatter, rag. barapiento, ta, baraposo, sa, a. ragged, tattered. barem, bar6n, to. harem, Turkish seraglio. barija laii-ree'-iiaii],/. mill-dust, stive. barina, /. flour, meal ; farina ; breadstuff's ; powder, dust. barinadO, to. flour dissolved in water. g (before e, 1) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; U In brilliaat ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed. HAE 304 HEC haxinero, ra, a. made of or belonging to flour. — m. meal-man, flour-dealer; flour- chest. haxinOSO, sa, a. mealy, farinaceous. harmonia, /• harmony. V. ARMONiA (its derivatives may also be spelled either with or without initial h). harnerico, illo, ito, «*. dim. small sieve, harnero, m. sieve, sifter, bolt V. criba : estar hecho *n harnero, to be covered with wounds. harbn, na, a. slow, inactive, sluggish ; balky. haronear, vn. to dawdle, move sluggishly ; to be tardy or slow ; to balk. liaronia,/. sluggishness, laziness, idleness. harpa, /. harp. v. arpa. harpado, da, a. v. arpado. harpia, /'. harpy. V. ARPiA. harpillera, /. burlap, sack-cloth. V. arpi- LLERA. hartada, /. v. hartazgo. hartar, va. &vr. {pp. hartado and harto) to glut, stuflf, gorge : to sate, satiate, gratify desire ; to satisfy, cloy, fill to excess. hartazgo, hartaz6n, m. satiety, glut, fill. ta[ar'-t<'ii], a- &pp. irr. of hartar ; sa- suf- harto, laiar'-tohj, a. &pD. tiate, satiated, glutted, full of satiety ficient, full, complete. — adv. enough. hartura, /. satiety, fulness beyond desire or Sleasure, glut, fill ; plethora, superabun- ance ; full gratification of a desire. hasta, prep, till, until ; up to, down to ; as far as : hasta no m&s, to the utmost : hasta ahora, hasta aqui, hitherto: hasta luego or hasta despnis, good-bye, until we meet again. — conj. also, even : rift6 hasta con su madre, he quarrelled even with his mother. hastial, m. (arch.) gable-wall; coarse, rude man ; (rain.) side face of a gallery. Iiastlar, va. to loathe, disgust ; cloy, sate. hastio , m. loathing, disgust ; tedium, weari- someness. aataca, /. large wooden ladle ; rolling-pin. hataJar [aii-tah-har'], va. to divide cattle into flocks or herds. hatajo [ah-tah'-ho], m. small herd or flock ; (coll.) lot, collection: hatajo de disparates, lot of nonsense. hatear, vn. to collect one's traps when trav- elling ; to supply shepherds with provisions. hatena, /. allowance of provisions and clothes for shepherds. hatero, ra, a. applied to the animals that carry the shepherd's baggage. — m. carrier of provisions to shepherds ; (Cuba) cow- boy, herder of cattle. hatyo [ah-tee'-hoj, m. covering of straw or feather-grass over bee-hives. hatillo [ah-teei'-iyo], to. dim. small bundle : a few clothes: echar el hatillo al mar, (coil.) to lose one's temper : coger or tomar su or el hatillo, (coll.) to quit, to pack and go. hau). herd of cattle ; flock sheep : (Amer.) farm or cattle-ranch; shepherds' lodge ; provisions for shepherds ; clothes, wearing apparel ; heap, lot, cluster ; gang, band or meeting of suspicious people. haxix [ak-gix'l, TO. hasheesh. hay [aii'-«ei, impers. irr. form, from haber ; there is, there are. .haya,/. (hot.) beech-tree. hajral, hayedo m. beech forest. » hayo, VI. (Sp. Am.) (hot.) coca; coca leaves prepared for chewing. hayuco, m. beech-mast, fruit of the beech. haz laiith'l, m. fagot, fascine, bundle, bunch ; (agr. ) gavel, sheaf; (mil.^ file of soldiers, also troops arranged in divisions.—/, face, visage ; ri^ht side or outside of cloth ; (arch.) facing, facade.— p/. fasces: sobre la haz de la tlerra, upon the face of the earth : k sobre haz, apparently, at first view : ser d« dos haces, to be double-faced. haza [ah -tiiah],/. piece of cultivable land. hazaleja [ah-tlmh-leh'-hah], /. towel. haza&a [aii-thah'-nyah],/. exploit, achievement, heroic feat. haza&eria, /. affected show of fear or ad- miration. hazafLero, ra, a. prudish, affectedly grave and scrupulous. hazafi.osamente, adv. valorously. hazafiOSO, sa, a. valiant, courageous, heroic. hazmerreir [Htii-meii-reh-eer'), w. ridiculous person, laughing-stock, guy. he [ehl, interj. generally followed by the ad- ver'bs aqui or alii, or by a pronoun, to in- troduce or call attention to : he aqui, here is : heme aqui, here I am : helos alii, there they are. V. irr. moods of haber. hebd6mada, /. hebdomad, week, seven days ; seven years. hebdomadario, rla, a. weekly.— »». & /. (eccl.) hebdomadary. heh^n, a. white grapes like muscatels. hebllla [eh-beer-iyan], /. buckle, clasp. hebillaje, m. set of buckles. heblllero, ra, m. &f. buckle maker or seller. hebilleta. hebilluela,/. dim. small buckle: no faltar hebilleta, to be complete. heblUdll, m. aug. large buckle. hebra [eir-biahi, /. fibre, thread, filament; staple ; grain (of wood) ; needleful of thread ; pistil of the blossom of saffron ; (min.) vein, layer, stratum.—^/, (poet.) hair : ser or estar de buena hebra, to be strong and robust. hebraico, ca, o. Hebrew, hebraismo, m. Hebraism, hebraista, m. Hebraist, Hebrew scholar, hebraizante, m. Hebrician, Hebraist, hebreo, ea, a. Hebraic, Judaical.— to. & /. & a. Hebrew. — to. Hebrew language; (coll.) trader, pawnbroker ; (coll.) usurer. hebrero, m. esophagus of ruminants. hebrica, ilia, ita, /. dim. small needleful of thread. hebroso, sa, a. fibrous, filaceous. hecatombe, /. hecatomb. hectkrea, /. hectare, measure of surface. h^CtiCO, ca, a. hectic. V. h6tico. hecto, m. Greek prefix, signifying one kun- dred. hectiquez,/. (med.) phthisis. hect6grafO, m. hectograph, copy graph, hectogramo, m. hectogramme, hectolitre, m. hectolitre. hect6metro, m. hectometre, hect6reo, ea, a, belonging to Hector, hecha,/. (obs. ) date ; irrigation tax: de est» hecha, from this time. hechiceresco, ca, a. relating to witchcraft- hechiceria, /. witchcraft, witchery, en, chantment ; charmingness, fascination. hechicero, ra leh-chi-theh'-io], m. &. f. & a. witch, wizard ; hag ; charmer, enchanter, bewitcher ; entrancing, charming, bewitch- ing, fascinating. heCniZar (eh-<-hi-thar'], va. (pret. HECHIcfi: subj. hechice) to bewitch, enchant, en- trance ; to charm, fascinate. hechizo [ehrhee'-thaw], TO. bewitchment, fasci- nation ; trance, enchantment; delight, bliss. hechizo, za, a. artificial, feigned; made to order ; portable, easily mounted. S u in far ; e in eh I ; i in police -, o in fov ; u fn bull ; C (before e, i) and S as th In thick ; b and d, soft; HEC 305 HEN hecllO, ChSi, pp. irr. of HACER ; made, done ; ready-made, finished ; fully matured, ripe or developed ; accustomed, inured, used. — »i. ^action, act, feat; fact, event, incident ; sutJject or matter discussed ; (law) point litigated: hecho un Icon, like a lion, furi- ously angry : k lo hecho, pecho, we must make the best of what we have done : de hecho y de derecho, by act and right : de hecho, in fact, actually, effectually : en hecho da verdad, in truth : hecho y derecho, perfect, absolute, complete ; right : bien hecho, well done, all right : mal hecho, that's wrong. becliura,/. making, make, form, cut, shape, fashion, figure or form given to a thing; build of a person ; workmanship ; work done and price paid for it ; creature, hench- man. hedentina,/. stench, stink, fetidness. heder, vn. {ind. HiEDO : subj. hieda) to stink, to emit an offensive smell ; to vex, annoy, bore. hediondamente, adv. stinkingly. hediondez, /. strong stench or stink ; fetid- ness. liediondO, da, a. fetid, mephitical, stinking ; annoying, wearisome, intolerable ; dirty, repulsive ; lewd, obscene. liedor, m. stench, stink, fetor. liegemonia, /. (pol. ) hegemony, supremacy. hegira, /. Hegira, Mohammedan epoch. IiegUelianismO [heli-geh-le-ah-nees'-mo], m. He- gelianism. liegueliano, na, a. Hegelian. (Note.— The h is sounded in this and the preceding word. ) Jielable, a. congealable. lielada, /. frost ; nip : helada blanca, hoar- frost. heladiZO, za, a. easily congealed. lieladO, da, a. & pp. gelid, frigid ; frozen, congealed, frost-bitten, glacial, icy ; cold, chilly in affection, indifferent ; astonished, astounded. — m. ice-cream, water-ice. helamientO, m. congelation, frostiness. helar, va. & vn. {ind. hielo : stibj. hiele) to congeal, to ice, to turn to ice, to freeze j to chili, astound, astonish, amaze ; to dispirit, discourage, dissuade. — vr. to freeze, to be frozen ; to glacia^te, nip, congeal, to be co- agulated ; to grow motionless, to be stupe- fied, dispirited: se me held la aangre, my blood curdled. hele, hetele, aqui, interj. behold it. V. he. helecho, m. (bot.) fern. lielena,/. (naut.) jack-with-a-lantern. liel6niC0, ca, a. Hellenic, Greek. helenio, m. (bot.) sneeze- weed. helenismo, m. Hellenism ; Greek idiom. helenista, m. Hellenist. heleno, na, a. Hellenic, Grsek. helera, /. pip, disease in fowls. helero, m. snow-cap on mountains. helgado, da, a. jag-toothed. helgadura, /. space between or irregularity of the teeth. heliaco, ca, a. (ast.) heliacal, rising or set- ting of a star. h^lice (eh'-iee-tiiehl, /. (ast.) northern constella- tion of Ursa Major ; (geom.) helix or helical line; spiral; (naut. ) screw-propeller. lielioc6ntllCO, ca, a. (ast.) heliocentric. helicoidal, a. helicoidal, spiral. helicoide, m. (geom.) helicoid. helic6n, hellcona, m. (myth.) Helicon. Iielic6nides, /. pi. (myth.) the Muses. heliconio, nia, n. (myth.) Heliconian. heliograbado, m. photogravure. Iieli6graf0, m. heliograph. heli6metro, m. heliometer. heliOSCOpiO, m. helioscope. heliostato, m. hellostat. heliotropio, heliotrope, m. (bot.) turnsol, heliotrope; (min.) bloodstone; (ast.) helio- trope, an instrument. helmlnto, a. helminthic. — m. helminth, worm. helveciO, Cia, a. Helvetian, Swiss. lielv6tiC0, ca, a. Helvetic, Swiss (used of persons). liematemesis, /. (med.) hsematemesis. hematites,/, (min.) hematites. hematbmetro, m. (med.) hematinometer. hematosis,/. (physiol.) hiematosis. hematuria, /. (med.) hsematuria, blood ia the urine. hembra, /. female of animals or plants ; woman ; (sew.) eye of a hook ; (mech.) nut of a screw ; bolt clasp, staple : hembra del tim6n, (naut.) gudgeon of the rudder. hembrear, vn. to be inclined to females ; to generate or produce females only, or chiefly. hembrica, ilia, ita, /. dim. little female. hembrillSL, /. (mech.) small piece into which another is fitted (as a nut, staple, etc.); ring or eye-bolt. hemiciclo, m. (geom.) semicircle. hemicranea, .f. (med.) hemicrania, megrim, hemina,/. liquid and surface measure. hemiplejia, /. (med.) hemiplegia. hemiptero, ra, a. hemipterous. — m. pi. the hemiptera ; true bugs. hemisf^rico, ca, a. hemispheric, hemi- spherical. hemisferio, m. (geom. and ast.) hemisphere. hemisferoidal, a. hemispheroidal. hemistiquiO, m. (poet.) hemistich. hemoglODina, /■ (med.) haemoglobin. hemoptisis,/. (med.) haemoptysis. hemorragia, /. (med.) hemorrhage, flux of blood. hemorr&gico, a. hemorrhagic. hemorroida, hemorroide, /. (med.) piles, hemorrhoids. hemorroidal, a. hemorrhoidal. hemorroo, m. (zool.) serpent. V. ceraste. hemost^tico, ca, a. hemostatic. henal, m. hayloft. henar, m. meadow of hay. henchidor, ra, m. &f. filler, satiator. henchidura, ./". repletion, fill, filling. henchimiento, «*. abundance, repletion. — pi. (naut.) filling timbers. henchir, va. {gerund, hinchiendo : ind. HINCHO: pret. el hinchi6: subj. hincha) to fill up, blow, cram, stuff, fill ; to farce ; to sow discord, to produce mischief. — vr. to fill one's self. hendedor, ra, m. & /. divider, splitter, cleaver. hendedura, /. fissure, crack, rent, chink, cleft, cranny, crevice, cut. hender, va. (ind. hiendo : subj. hienda) to chink, crack, flaw, break, fissure, cleave, split ; to go through ; move swiftly on the water or through the air • to elbow or open a passage through a crowd. hendible, a. fissile, cleavable. hendido, da, a. &pp. crannied, full of chinks, cleft. hendidura,/. v. hendedura. hendiente, m. down-stroke of a sword. henequ6n [eiMieh-keii'i, m. (Mex.) (bot.) Mex- ican agave ; fibre of this plant. henil, wt. hayloft, bam. heno leii'-iio\ in. (bot.) hay. g (betore e, 1) and J aa h in hot; h, silent; U ia brllllaat; ft, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled; s. HEX 306 HEE henojil, m. garter. V. liga. liefilr [eh-nyeer'], va. {for irr. V. TES'IR) tO knead dough: hay macho que he&ir, (coll.) there is much to do. hepitica,/. (bot.) liverwort. hep^tiCO, ca, a. (med.) hepatic, hepatical. heptacordO, m. (mus.) heptachord. heptagonal, «. (math.) heptagoual. heptagono, na, a. (geom.) heptagoual. heptarquia, /. heptarchy. heptasilabo, ba, «. coutainiug seven sylla- bles. heptateuco, m. heptateuch. heraidica,/. heraldry. lierd.ldlC0, ca. i. heraldic. heraldO, w. herald ; harbinger ; king-at- arms. her!>&ceO, cea, n. herby, herbaceous. herbajar, herbajear, va. to put flocks to graze, to pasture. — vn. to pasture, graze, browse. herbaje [er-tau'-heh], m. herbage, grass, pas- ture, feed ; pasturage fee ; coarse cloth made of herbs. berbajero, m. one who rents meado>vs or pastures. kerbar. va. to dress skins with herbs. berbario, ria, a. herbal. — m. herbalist, her- bariau ; herbarium. herbaza, /. aug. large weed. berbazal, m. herbous place ; pasture-ground. berbecer, vn. to begin to grow (herbs or grass). berbero, m. esophagus of a ruminant. berbivoro, ra, a. herbivorous. berbolado, da, a. poisoned with juice of plants. berbolar, va. v. rnherbolar. berbolariO, m. herbist, herbman, he who sells herbs ; (coll. ) nonsensical, extravagant man. herborizaci6n, /. herborization, botanizing. berborizador, berborizante, m. herbalist, herbarist, herborizer. berborizar, vn. to herborize, botanize. berbOSO, sa, a. herbous, herby, grassy. berculeo, ea, a. herculean ; very strong. Hercules, m. man of great strength; (ast.) northern constellation. heredad,/. improved piece of ground ; coun- try place, farm, property. heredado, da, w- & a. landed, owning real estate. — m. &/ heir to property. beredamiento, m. landed property, lands, tenements. heredar, va. to inherit, to heir ; to deed prop- erty to another ; to institute as heir ; to pos- sess the disposition or temperament of the progenitors. heredero, ra, m. &f. heir, heiress, inheritor ; possessing the same propensities as his pre- decessors : heredero forzoso, general heir : heredero presuntivo, heir-apparent. heredipeta, m. &/. legacy-seeker. hereditariO, ria, a. hereditary ; entailed on a family. herele [eh-reh'-hehl, m. &f. heretic. berejia [eh-reh-he'-ah], /. heresy ; gross error ; injurious expression : la estampa de la here- jia, (coll.^ a hideous face. berejote, ia, m. &f. (coll.) great heretic. Iier6ii, m. (bot.) vetch. herencia,/. inheritance, hereditament, heri- tage, heirship, heirdom. beresiarca, m. heresiarch. heretical, a. heretical. ber6tiC0, ca, a. heretical. heria,/. life of vagrancy. V. hampa. berida, /. wound ; stab ; aflaiction ; injury, outrage, mischief. berido, da, a. & pp. wounded -. mal herido, dangerously wounded. heridor, ra, a. stabber, wounder, striker. berimientO, m. act of wounding; (gram.) conjunction of vowels in a syllable ; elision. berir, va. {gerund, hiriexoo : iud. hiero: pret. el hirio : subj. hiera) to wound, stab ; to hurt, harm; to shine upon ; to knock, strike, rap ; to affect, touch, move ; to finger the keys or strings of a musical instrument ; to otteud the senses ; to pique, to irritate. bermafrodita, bermafrodito, a. & m. (zool. aud bot.) hermaphrodite, androgyne. bermafroditismo, m. hermaphroditism. bermana, /. sister ; sister-in-law. V. her- MANO. bermanable, a. fraternal, brotherly. bermauablemente, adv. fraternally. bermanadO, da, pp. & a. mated, matched. bermanamiento, m. mating, matching, joining. bermanar, va. to mate, match, suit, propor- . tion, fellow, pair, harmonize ; to own for a brother. — vn. to fraternize, join, match, agree. — vr. to love one another as brothers. bermanastro, tra, m. &/. step-brother, step- sister. bermanazgO, m. fraternity, brotherhood. bermandad, /. fraternity, brotherhood, con- fraternity; conformity, resemblance; amity, friendship : santa hermaadad, ancient rural police and judicial organization in Spain, i. bermanear, va. to treat as a brother. bermanecer, vn. to have a little brother just born. bennanita, /. dim. little sister. bermanitO, m. dim. little brother. bermano, na, a. mate, companion, twin ; matched (speaking of objects) ; kindred, germane, akin, similar. bermano, m. brother : hermano carnal, brother by the same father and mother: hermano de padre, brother by the same father, but not the same mother : hermano ntcrino, brother by the same mother, but not the same father : hermano de leche, fos- ter-brother: hermano politico, brother-in- law: medio hermano, half-brother, step- brother.— jaZ. members of the same religious confraternity ; lay-brothers of a religious order. bermanuco, m. name given in contempt to lay-brothers of some religious orders. bernien6utica, /. (eccl.) hermeneutics. bermen6utico, ca, a. hermeueutic. berm^ticainente, adv. hermetically. berm^tlco, ca, a. hermetical, air-proof, air- tight. bermosamente, adv. beautifully, hand- somely, lovely ; perfectly, properly. bermoseador, ra, m. &/. beautifier. bermosear, va. to beautify, embellish, ac- complish, adorn. bermoso, sa, a. beautiful, handsome, grace- ful, lovely, comely, neat, goodly, tine, beau- teous, fair. bermosnra, /. beauty, handsomeness, fine- ness, loveliness, fairness, freshness; har- mony of lines and proportions ; a belle, a beauty. bernia,/. (med.) hernia, rupture. berniariO, a. (med.) hernial. berniOSO, sa, a. (med.) herniated. bemlsta, m. specialist in herniotomy. berodiano, na, a. Herodian. b^roe leh'-io-eh), m. hero, champion. a M in ter ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; m In hmll ; c (before e. 1) and S a« th in thick ; b and d, sottj HEE •601 HID heroic amente, adv. heroically. lieroicidad, /. heroic action. beroico, ca, a. heroic, heroical. heroina,/. heroine. heroismo, w. heroism. lierpe, m. or/, (med.) herpes, tetter. lierpetiCO, ca, o. (med.) herpetic. herpetismo, m. (med.) herpetism. lierpil, m. bag or esparto netting with wide meshes, for carrying melons, etc. lierrada, a. applied to water in which red- hot iron has been cooled.—/, pail, bucket. lierradero, m. branding cattle ; place where cattle is branded. herrador, m. farrier, horse-shoer. lierradora, /. (coll.) farrier's wife, lierradura, /. horse-shoe ; anything shaped like a horse-shoe. herraj , m. stones of pressed olives. V. krra j. lierraje, m. iron-work, pieces of iron used for ornament and strength. V. herraj. lierramental) ?«. & a. tool-bag ; tool-chest. berramieuta, /. tool, implement, instru- ment ; set of tools or instruments ; horns of a beast ; (coll.) teeth, grinders. herrar, va. {ind. hierro : subj. hierre) to shoe horses ; to brand cattle ; to garnish or bind with iron. berren, m. meslin, mixed grain for horses. ber renal or herreflal, m. piece of ground in which meslin is sown. herrera,/. (coll.) blacksmith's wife. berreria, /. iron-works ; smith's shop, smithy ; forge ; smith's trade, smithery ; clamour, confused noise. berrerico, herrerillo, m. small bird. herrero, in. smith : herrero de grueto, black- smith. lierrerbn, m. clumsy smith. herreruelo, m. (om.) wagtail. herrete, m. tag, ferrule, aiguillete. lierretear, va. to tag a string or ribbon. herrezuelO, m. light piece of iron. lierrlal, a. large black grapes. herrin, m. rust of iron. lierrdn, m. quoit; washer; iron prop for young trees. herronada, /. violent blow with a quoit; blow with a bird's beak. berrumbre, /. rust of iron ; irony taste. bermmbroso, sa, a. rusty, drossy, scaly. berventar, va. to boil anything. bervidero, m. ebullition, boiling; small spring whence water bubbles out ; rattling in the throat ; multitude, crowd. bervlente, pa. boiling, seething. bervir, vn. {for in: V. servir) to boil, to seethe ; (naut.) to become choppy (the sea) ; to bubble, eflFervesce, be fervent, vehement ; surge (as a crowd). bervor, m. ebullition, boiling ; fervour, heat, vigour ; fret ; noise and movement of wa- ters : hervor de sangre, rash. V. sarpulli- DO. bervorOSO, sa, a. fiery, ardent, impetuous. besitacibn,/. hesitation, doubt, hesitancv. besp6rlde, besp6rido, da, a. relating to the Pleiades; (poet.) western.— pZ. hesp^rides, Hespe rides. besperldio, dia, a. (bot.) hesperidium. H6spero, /«. (ast. ) Venus, as evening star. beterbclito, ta, a. (gram.) heteroclite; ir- regular, abnormal. beterodoxia,/. heterodoxy, misbelief. beterodoxo, xa, «. heterodox. beterogeneidadj/.heterogeneousness, heter- ogeneity. beterog^neo, nea, a. heterogeneous. beteromancia,/. superstitious divination by the fligdt of birds. beterbnomo, ma, a. heteronymous. beterbpsido, da, a. (metals) in a state of alkaline earth. beterosciOS, m. pi. (geog. ) heteroscians. betico, ca, a. hectic, hectical, consumptive, betiquez,/. (med.) phthisis, consumption, bexacordo, m. (mus. ) hexachord. bexaedro, m. (geom.) hexahedron, a cube, bexagonal, bexigono, na, «. hexagonal, bexagono, w. (geom.) hexagon, bexametro, m. hexameter, bexapeda, /. v. toesa. bexasilabO, ba, a. (gram.) containing six syllables. bez [eth],/. scum, lee, bottom, sediment, dregs of liquors ; dross of metals ; grains of malt : laliez del pueblo, the scum of the people. — pi. heces, faeces, excrements. bi [e], m. (obs. ) used for hljo, son, in hidalgo and the vulgar phrases hi de puta. hi de pe- rro. biadas, blades, f.pl. (ast.) v. pl6yades. bialino, na, a. hyaline, transparent. bialitis,/. (med.) hyalitis. bial6ideo, dea, a. vitreous, glass-like. bialoides,/. hyaloid membrane. biante, «. verse with a hiatus. biatO, in. hiatus, pause, or cacophony. bibernal, bibernizo, za, a. hibernal, win- try. bibern6s, sa, a. Hibernian, Irish. hibierno, m. winter. V. invierno. bibridacibn, /. hybridization, hybridism. bibridO, da, a. hybridous, hybrid. bice, biciera {in: from hacer). bidalgamente, adv. nobly, gentlemanly. bidalgO, ga, a. noble, illustrious, excellent, exalted. — m. & /. hidalgo, noble man or woman : hidalgo de bragueta, one entitled to nobility from being the father of seven suc- cessive sons. bidalg6n, na, gote, ta, «i. & /. aug. old ceremonious hidalgo. bidalgUejo, ja, guelo,la, guete,ta,guillo, Ua, in. &/. dim. petty hidalgo. bidalgUeZ [e-/. poison given in food ; among the clergy, greens, garden- stufT; grass, pasturage : otrasMerbas, (hum.) and so forth : crecer como la mala hierba, to grow like weeds. K yerba. hierbabuena,/. (bot.) peppermint, mint. hierofanta, te, m. hierophant. hierogliflco, ca, a. v. jeroglIfico. hieros, m.iji. (bot.) V. yeros. Meroscopia,/. v. aruspicina. blerosolimitano, na, «. native of or belong- ing to Jerusalem. hierrezuelO, m. dim. small piece of iron. hierro [yer-r..], m. iron ; auy iron tool or in- strument ; brand, stamped with a hot iron ; iron head of a shaft, arrow, or dart ; any pointed weapon, as a sword or goad. — pi. fetters, shackles, handcuffs ; (naut.) bilboes: hierro albo, red-hot iron : hierro colado or fandldo, cast-iron : hierro forjado, forged iron : hierro dulce or de ftagna, wrought iron : hierro cuadrillado, square iron : hierro lamlnado or en planchas, sheet-iron : hierro varilla, round iron : es de hierro, he is iade> fatigable, or as hardy as steel : machacar es hierro frio, to labour in vain. hierro, yo hierre {irr. from herrar), hiervo, 61 hirvi6, hierva {irr. from her- vir). higa lee'-Kah], /. amulet, charm hung about a babe's neck ; method of pointing derisively at a person ; ridicule, derision : dar higa la escopeta, to hang fire : dar higas, to despise a thing : no dar por una eosa dos higas, not to value a thing at all. higadilla, /. Ho, m. dim. small liver ; liver of birds, fishes, and other small animals. higadO [ee'-gah-doh], m. li\eT.—pl. (coll.) cour- age, valour, bravery : echar los higadoi, to be very tired or fatigued : echar los higado* por alguna cosa, (coll.) to desire anxiously : malos higados, (coll.) ill-will: hasta lot hi-, gados, to the heart. higate, m. pottage of figs, pork, etc. higiene [e-he-eh'-nehl, /. (med.) hygiene. higi6nicamente, adv. hygienically. higi6lLiC0, ca, a. hygienic. higienista, m. hygienist. higO [ee'-go], TO. (bot.) fig: higo chumba or d« pala, prickly pear: pan de higos, fig-cake: de higos k brevas, in a long while : no d&rMl* un higo, not to care a fig. higrometria, m. hygrometry. higrom6trico, ca, a. hygrometric. higrdmetro, wi. hygrometer. higrOSCOpia, /. hygroscopy, hygrometry. higrOSCOpiO, m. hygroscope. higuera [e-geh rah], /. (hot.) fig-tree: hlguera infernal, castor-oil plant : higuera chomba, nopal, or de Indias, Indian fig-tree, prickly- pear cactus : sal de higuera, V. sal. higueral, m. plantation of fig-trees. higuereta,/. (hot.) v. bicino. hignerdn [e-gay-rone'], TO. large tree in America. higllitO [e-gee'-to], TO. dim. Small fig. hija [ee'-hah],/. daughter : hija politica, daugh- ter-in-law. V. HIJO, JA. hijadalgo,/. F. hidalga. hijastro, tra [e-haiig'-tro], m. &/. step-child. h^itO, ita le-iiee'-to], TO. & /. dim. little child, Tittle dear. hijo [ee'-ho], TO. son : hijo politico, son-in-law. hijO, ja, m. & f. child, scion ; young of all animals; son or native of a place; (bot.) shoot; sucker; (met.) child, issue, any- thing which is the product or effect of another : hijo adoptivo, adopted child : hlJo de bendici6n, legitimate child : hijo bastardo, hijo natural, hijo de ganancia, or hlJo de su madre, (coll.) bastard: hijo de familia, a minor: hijo del agua, a good sailor, a good swimmer : hijo de la piedra, foundling : hijo de leche, foster-child. hilOdalgO, VI. V. HIDALGO. hijuela [e-hoo-eh'-iahl, /. dtm. little daughter ; (sew.) gore or piece for widening a gar- ment; small mattress, put between others, to make the bed even; (eccl.) pall, chalic* cover ; small drain ; estate of a deceased person ; (law) schedule ^ven to an heir of nis share in the partition of the estate; cross-road ; postman of a rural mail-route ; palm-seed ; fascine of kindling viiiod ; leader for fish-hooks. hiJuelO, la, TO. & f. dim. young child ; (bot) shoot, sucker. hila, /. row, line. V. hilera ; tnin gut ; spinning: hila de agua, small trench for irrigation.— p/. (surg.) lint: hilas raspadat, scraped lint: k la hila, in a row, single file. a u In far ; • in eh I ; i In police : • In for ; a In bull ; c (before e, I) *nd c at th i« tklck ; b and d, soft r HIL 309 HIP hllacha, /. llilaclio, m. filament or thread ravelled out of cloth, hilachOSO, sa, a. filamentous, Mlada, /. row or line; (mas.) course, hori- zontal range, layer, bed-course. MladillO, m. ferret silk ; narrow ribbon or tape, MladO, pp. & rn. spinning ; spinstry ; yarn, thread. hilador, ra, m. &f. silk-spinner. hilandera,/. woman spinner, spinster, hilauderia, /. spinnery, spinning-mill; spin- stry. Mlandero, ra, m. &f. spinner. — m, spinning- room, spinnery. Mlanderilla, /. dim. spinning-girl. hllanderuelO, la, m. & /. dim. spinning boy or girl. hilar, va. to spin ; to argue, discuss, infer, de- duce : hilar delgado, to handle a subject in too subtile and nice a manner. hilaraclia, /. filament, v. hilacha. Mlaridad,/. hilarity, laughter, jollity. hilaza, /. yarn ; fibre ; uneven thread. hilera,/. row, line, tier, range, file; (metal) wire-drawer ; fine yarn ; slit or catch of a spindle; (arch. ) ridge-pole ; (mil.) file. hilero, m. thread of the river or stream. hilete, m. dim. of HILO ; small thread. llilo [ee'-io], m. thread, yarn ; filament, fibre ; wire ; edge of a sword or razor ; slender thread, formed by falling liquids; (min.) seam ; fine thread of spiders or silk-worms ; continuation, series : hllo de palomar, hilo bramante or de acarreto, pack-thread, twine : hilo de velas or volatin, sail-maker's yarn : hilo de perlas, string of pearls : hilo de una corriente, (naut.) thread of a current: i. hllo, successively, one after another : al hilo, (sew.) along the thread: de hilo, di- rectly, instantly, hUv^n, m. (sew,) tacking, basting : hablar de hilvin, (coll,) to speak very fast, Mlvanar, va. (sew,) to tack, to baste; to plan ; to act in a hurry. himen, m. (anat,) hymen. hlmeneo, m. marriage, matrimony ; epithala- mium, MmenbpterOS, m. pi. (ent,) the hymenoptera, himno [eem'-no], to, (poet, and mils.) hymn. uimplar, vn. to roar or bellow (as the panther and ounce). Mn, m. whinny, neigh, hincadura, /. thrusting into ; prick. hincapl^, m. affirming the foot on the ground: hacer hincapii, to insist ; to dwell upon, hincar [In-car'], va. {nret. HINQUE : subj. HIN- que) to thrust in, drive into, nail one thing to another ; to prick : hincar la rodilla, to kneel down ; to plant : hincar el diente, to bite ; to censure, to calumniate. llillc6nlin-con'], m. ferry-post, hitching-post. hincha,/. (coll.) hatred, displeasure, enmity. hincliaaamente, adv. haughtily, loftily. MnchadO, da, a. & pp. swollen, tumefied, swelled , vain, arrogant, presumptuous ; in- flated, high-flown (style), Mnchar [iu-cimi'], va. to inflate, to swell. — vr. to swell ; to grow arrogant. hinchazblL, m. swelling, tumefaction ; osten- tation, vanity, pride ; inflation, euphuism, Mniesta,/. (bot.) genista. V. retama. Mnnlble [in-nee' -bieh], a. capable of neighing. hlnojal [e-iio-hahi'], 7ii. fennel bed. hinOjO [e-no'-ho], 7/1, knee ; (hot,) fennel : hinojo marino, (bot.) samphire: de hinojos, on bended knees. Mntero, m. bakers' kneading-table. hifio, yo hifla {irr. from heSir). M6ides, a. (anat.) hyoid. hipar, V7i. to hiccough ; to pant, desire eager- ly, be anxious ; to be overfatigued. Mper, prep. Greek prefix denoting excess, hiper 'baton, to, (rhet.) hyperbaton, Mperbola,/, (geom.) hyperbola, Mperbole,/. (rhet.) hyperbole. Iiiperb61icamente, adv. hyperbolically. lliperbolico, ca, a. hyperbolical. Mperbolizar, vn. to use hyperboles. hiperboloide, /. (geom.) hyj^erboloid, Mperbdreo, rea, a. hyperborean. hipercritico, ca, a. hypercritical, censo- rious. hiperdulia,/. (eccl.) hyperdulia. Mperemia, /. (med.) hypersemia, cougestioa of blood. lliper6iniC0, ca, a. hypersemic, congested. Mpericineos, as, to, &.j.pi. Hypericacea-. llip6rico, m. (bot.) hypencum. Mpermetria,/. (rhet.) hypermeter. Mpertrofia, /. (med.) hypertrophy. Mpertrofiarse, vr. to hypertrophy. Mpertr6fiC0, ca, a. hypertropliic. Mpico, ca. a. equine, relating to horses. hipil, TO, (Sp, Am.) loose garment worn by Indians, Mpual, m. kind of serpent said to occasion sleep. llipn6tiC0, ca, a. &m. (med,) hypnotic. Mpnotlsmo, m. (med.) hypnotism, mes- merism. hipnotizar, va. to hypnotize. hipo [ee'-i)o], TO. hiccough; wish, desire, anx- iety ; anger, displeasure, fury, hipocampo, to, hippocampus, sea-horse. hlpOCaustO, m. hypocaust. hipocentauro, m. hippocentaur. MpociclOide,/. (geom.) hypocycloid. Mpocondria, /, (med,) hypochondria, mel- ancholy. hipOCClldriaCO, ca, a. hypochondriacal, melancholy. — to. & /. hypochondriac, mel- iuicholist. llipoc6ndriCO, ca, a. hypochondriac, hypo- chondriacal. MpocondriO, to. (anat.) hypochondrium. bipocras, m. hippocras, medicated wine. bipocr^tiCO, ca, a. Hippocratic. bipocrenides, /.;;/. (poet.) the Muses. bipocresia, /. hypocrisy, dissimulation. bipocrita, a. hypocritical, dissembling, in- sincere.— to. &/. hypocrite, a dissembler. bipbcritamente, adv. hypocritically. bipocritilla, /. dim. sly hypocrite, bipocritbn, na, a. aug. extremely hypocrit- ical or dissembling, blpod6rmiCO, ca, a. hypodennic. bip6dr0II10, to. hippodrome, circus. bipofOSfltO, TO., hypophosphite. bipOgastriCO, ca, a. hypogastric. bipogastro, m. (anat.) hypogastrium, bipOg^niCO, ca, a. (geol.) hypogene. bipogeo, v«. (arch.) hypogeum. bipogrifo, m. (myth.) hippogriff". bipomanes, to. (vet.) vaginal discharge n^om the mare when in heat. hipomocliO, Cll6ll, to. fulcrum of a lever. biponitrato, m. (chem.) subnitrate. biponitriCO, ca, «. hvnonitrous. bipop6taino, m. (zool.) hippopotamus, bipOSO, sa, «. having hiccough. bip6stasis, f. (theol.) hypostasis. bipostaticamente, adv. hypostatically. blpOStatiCO, ca, a. hypostatical. bipOSUlfatO, furo, ntO, m. (chem,) hypo- sulphate, dithionate. f. (before e, 1) and J aa h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 in briUiant ; &. ay in canyon ; r (initialj and rr triUed ; >, hissed.. HIP 310 HOL llipoteca, /. mortgage, pledge ; (law) hypoth- ecation, hypothec. Mpotecable, a. mortgageable. Jlipotecar, va. {pret. HiPOTEQufe : subj. Hi- POTEQUE) to hypothecate, pledge, mortgage. JllpotecariO, ria, a. belonging to a mort- gage ; hypothecary. iipotenusa, /. (geom.) hypothenuse. Ilip6tesis, /. hypothesis, supposition. Mpot6tiCO, ca, a. hypothetic, hypothetical, conditional. Jtlipotiposis,/. (rhet.) vivid description. Mpsometria, /. hypsometry. Mpsom6triCO, ca, a. hypsometric. llipsdilietro, m. hypsometer. hirco [oer'-co], m. (zool.) wild goat. Mrma, /. selvage of cloth. MrsutO, ta, a. hirsute, hairy, bristly. Mnmdinaria, /. (hot.) v. celidonia. llirviente, pa. boiling, seething, ebullient. Msca [ees'-cah],/. bird-lime. Mscal, m. esparto rope of three strands. Msopada, /. water sprinkled with an asper- gilf Msopear, va. to sprinkle holy water with an aspergill. lliSOpillO, »«. dim. small aspergill ; bit of soft linen at the end of a sticky used to wash and refresh the mouth of a sick person; (hot.) winter-savory. MsopO, in. (bot.) hyssop; (eccl.) aspergill, asperges, sprinkler : hisopo humedo, (pharm.) grease collected in washing fleeces of wool. Mspalense, a. native of or belonging to Se- ville. llispaniCO, ca, a. Spanish. tlispanismo, m. Spanish idiom. Mspanizado, da, a. &p^. v. ESPASfoLADo. Jiispanizar, va. V. espanolizar. Mspano, na, a. Spanish. — m. &. f. (poet.) Spaniard. MspidO, da, a. bristly, birsute. Mspir, va. & vn. to swell, make, or become spongy. Mst6riC0, ca, a. hysteric, hysterical. — m, hyste-Ics. llist'Srismo, m. (med.) hysteria. hlsterotomia, w. (surg.) hysterotomy. llistologia, /. ranat.) histology. llistOl6giCO, ca, a. histological. Ilist6l0g0, ra. histologist. Wstoria,/. history ; tale, story ; fable ; (art) history-piece : dejarse de historiaB, to come to the point : plcar en historia, to gain im- portance. historiado, da, pp. & a. (coll.) excessively adorned; (art) well-composed figure-paint- ing. historiador, ra, wi. & f. historian, histori- ographer, cnronicler. Mstorlal, a. historical, historic. Mstorialmente, adv. historically. Mstorlar, va. to historify, to record in his- tory ; (art) to represent historical events in paintings or tapestry. Mst6licamente, adv. historically. MstdriCO, ca, a. historical, historic. hlstorieta, /. dim. short story or tale, short novel or anecdote. hlstoribgrafO, »«. historiographer, historian. historidn, m. tedious^ long-winded story. Illstrl6n, m. actor, player; buffoon, juggler. Mstrl6niC0, ca, a. histrionic, histrionical. Mstrionisa, /. actress or danseuse. Mstrlonlsmo, m. histrionism ; theatrical profession. Mta iee-tah), /. headless nail, brad, wire-nail ; guide-post. MtO, ta, a. adjoining (used only for a house or a street) ; fixed, firm ; black (horse). — m. landmark, guide-post ; mile-stone ; hob and quoits; (arti.) target: i. hito, fixedly, firmly : mirar de hito en hUo, to fix the eyea on an object, to stare : dar en el hito, to hit the nail on the head, to see the point. Ilit6ll, m. large cut nail. MZO {from hacer). hobaclidn, na, a. sluggish, fat, and lazy. hocicada,/. blow with the snout of a beast. hOCicar, va. to root (as hogs).— t'w. to fall headlong with the face to the ground ; to knock one's face against an object; (coll.) to get into difficulties ; (naut.) to pitch. hOCiCO [o-thie'-co], TO. snout, muzzle, muffle ; big-lipped mouth of a man ; pouting ; (coll.) the face : meter el hocico, to stick one's nose into some people's business : de hocicos, by the nose upon the face : estar con or de hocico, to be ill-humoured, sulky. hocicudo, da, or hocicdn, na, a. long- snouted; blubber-lipped, flap-mouthed. hOCinO, m. (agr.) bill, bill-hook; glen, dell; narrow gorge or canyon.—^/, gardens on glens. hOCiquillO, itO, m. dim. little snout. hogaflazo, hogafio, adv. (coll.) this present year ; in this epoch. hogar lo-gar'], m. hearth, fire-place; house, residence, home. hogaza [o-gah'-thah], /. large loafof bread. llOgliera [o-geh'-rah],/. bonfire, blaze. hoja [o'-iiah], /. leaf (of trees and plants, of a book, of a door) ; petal : Ip^f foil, sheet, cr thin plate of rrielai ; blade of a sword or knifa ; by extension a sword ; sheet of pa- per ; veneer ; half of each of the principal parts of a garment ; window shutter ; ground cultivated one year, and lying at rest for another: hoja de 8er-.-icio8, (mil.) certificate setting forth the rank and serv- ices of a military officer: hoja de lata, tin- plate : hoja de tocino, side of a hog : hoja de estafio, tinfoil : hoja volante, fly-sheet, hand- bill, supplement, extra : doblemos la hoja, nf> more of that ; let us change the subject : volver la hoja, to turn over a new leaf.— pj. (arch.) leaf ornaments, foliation. hojalata,/. tin-plate, v. hoja de lata. hojalateria, /. tin-plate, tin-ware ; a tin- sh^^. ho^alatero, m. tinman, tinsmith. tiojaldrado, pp. & a. resembling puff-paste, lamellar, foliated. hojaldrar, va. to make puff-paste. hojaldre lo-imhi'-dreh], m. X)r/. puff-paste: qui- tar la hojaldre al pastel, (coll.) to detect any fraud, to discover a plot. hojaldrista, m. &/. puff-paste baker. holarasca,/. withered leaves ; frondage, re- dundancy, trash, excessive foliage. hojear [o-iieh-ar'], va. to turn the leaves of a book, to scan a book. — vn. to exfoliate, scale off. hojica, ilia, ita,/. dim. small leaf. hojoso, sa, hojudo, da, a leafv, fronded. hojuela [owiiey'-iah',/. diJH. Small leaf, leaflet ; pancake ; gold or silver flat thread for em- broidery ; skins of pressed olives. jhola! ititerj. hello! ho, ho! (naut.)hoy ! ahoy! nolan, hOl^n batista, m. cambric ; batiste. holanda, /. fine Dutch linen, cambric. hOland^S, sa, n. Dutch, Ilollandish. holandeta, holandilla, /. brown holland: tabaco holandiUa, tobacco of poor quality. holgacli6n, na, a. (coll.) fond of ease and little work. « 88 in far ; e tn eh t ; i la police ; o In for ; u in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th In thick ; b and d, loA i HOL Z holgadamente, adv. wideiy, amply, fully, loosely, easily ; quietly, carelessly. hOlgadO, da, a. &pp. loose, lax, easy ; large, commodious; disengaged, at leisure; well ott'. holganza [oiKaim'-tiiaiii,/. repose, rest, leisure, ease, quiet ; diversion, recreation, amuse- ment, entertainment. hOlgar [ol-sar'l, vn. {ind. iiuelgo : subj. huel- gue) to rest ; to quit work ; to be idle ; to be needless or useless ; to take pleasure or satisfaction in. — vr. to sport, to dally, to tri- fle, to idle, to amuse one's self. holgaz&n, na [oi-Kah-thainrj, a. idle, lazy, sloth- ful, inactive, indolent. — w. &/. idler, loiter- er, vagabond, lounger. holgazanear, im. to idle, to lead an idle life, to be lazy, to loiter, to lounge. holgazaneria, /. idleness, laziness, sluggish- ness, slothfulness, inactivity, indolence. holgoriO [hoi-go"-re-o], m. (coll. ) boisterous frolic or spree. holgueta,/. (coll.) feast, merry-making. holgnra, /. frolic, spree, merry-making ; width, breadth ; ease, repose ; laxity, loose- ness. holocausto, m. holocaust, burnt sacrifice. Il0l6graf0, fa, a. (law) holographic, holo- graph. llOl6inetro, m. bolometer. llOlOSt^rlCO, a. barometro holost^rico, aneroid barometer. holladura, /. trampling ; duty paid for the run of cattle. hollar, va. {ind. huello : subJ. huelle) to tread upon, trample under foot ; to humble, depress. bollejo [oi-iyay'-ho], m. grape-skin, bean-pod, peel, husk. hollejuelo, m. dim. small pod or rind. hoUin [oi-iyeeu'l, m. soot, lampblack. hoUinlentO, ta, a. fuliginous, sooty. homarraclie, m. clown. V. moharrache. hombracllO, m. square thick man. hombracbbn, m aug.i&ll, square, thick man. hombrada,/. manly action; impulse. hombrazo lom-brah'-tiiawl, TO. aug. large man. hombre lom'-brehl, TO. man ; mankind ; (vulg.) husband ; ombre, game at cards : bombre bueno, (law) arbiter, arbitrator, referee: hom- bre de bien, an honest man : hombre de cora- z6n, a courageous man : hombre de pro or de provecho, a worthy, useful man : hombre de negocios, business man : hombre de dinero, moneyed man : hombre aeco, thin and spare man : hombre de au palabra, a man of his word : ser muy hombre, to be a man of spirit and courage : hombre de cabeza, a talented man: i hombre! an exclamation of surprise : I hombre al agua I man overboard ! hombre de armas tomar, a resolute man. hombrear, vn. to assume the man before the time. — vn. & vr. to vie with another. hombrecico, cito, cillo, zuelo, m. dim. little man ; youth, hombrecillos, m.pl. (hot.) hops. hombrera, /. (arm.) pauldron. hombria de bien,/. probity, honesty. hombrillo, TO. (sew.) yoke of a shirt. bombro, m. shoulder : hombro con hombro, cheek by jowl: encogerse de hombros, to shrug up the shoulders : 6, hombro or sobre lo8 hombroB, on the shoulders : llevar en hombros, to support, to protect : arrimar el hombro, to work with a will ; to lend a hand : echar al hombro, to shoulder, to become re- sponsible for : mirar lobre el hombro, to cast a contemptuous look. Il011lbr6n, to. aug. big, lusty man, ;ii HON hombronazo, to. aug. huge, strong man. bombruno, na, «. mannish, virile. bomenaje, w. homage ; obeisance ; fealty, respect, veneration. home6pata, to. homoeopath (ist). homeopatia, /. (med.) homoeopathy. homeopiitiCO, ca, a. homoeopathic, homerico, ca, a. Homeric. homicida, a. homicidal, murderous. — m. & f. murderer, homicide. bomicidio, to. murder, homicide ; ancient tribute. homilia,/. (eccl.) homily, bomiliario, to. collection of homilies, bomilista, to. author or writer of homilies, hominal, a. relating to man. bominicaco, to. (coll.) paltry fellow, whip- ster. homocentrico, ca, a. homocentric. hom6fono, na, a. homoplionous. bomogeneidad, /. homogeneity, homoge- neousness. homog^neo, nea, a. homogeneous. bombgrafO, fa, a. homonymous. homolOgacidn,./'. (law) homologation, homologar, va. (law) to homologate. bom610gO, ga, a. (geom.) homologous ; (log.) synonymous. boiinonimia, .f. homonyray. boni6nimo, ma, a. homonymous, equivocal ; namesake. bonda, /. sling: honda y precinta, (naut.) parbuckle. bondable, a. (naut.) sou-ndable. bondamente, adv. deeply, profoundly, bondarras, /. pi. dregs, lees, sediment, bondazo, to. cast or throw with a sling, bondear, ra. (naut.) to sound; to unload a vessel. bondero, to. slinger. bOndijO [on- ing of rain and winds against a wall. hostil, a. hostile, adverse, inimical. hostilldad,/. hostility, enmity, antagonism ; armed aggression. hostilizar, va. (prei. wosrivid: subj. hosti- lice) to commit hostilities. bostilmente, adv. hostilely. hotel, TO. (neol.) hotel ; villa, mansion. bOtentOte, ta, m.&f.& a. Hottentot. hovero, ra, a. v. overo. hoy [ofc'-e], adv. to-day ; now, the present time : hoy dia or hoy en dia, nowadays : hoy por hoy, this very day : de hoy en adeiante or de hoy m&s, henceforward, in future : de hoy it, ma- fiana, before to-morrow ; when you least ex- pect it. hoya[oh'-yah1,/. hole, cavity, pit ; pitfall ; the grave ; valley, dale, glen ; bed of a river. hoyada,/. low dale. boyanca,/. potter's field in cemeteries. hoyitO, TO. dim. small hole, cavity, or pit. boyo [o'-yo], TO. hole, pit, excavation ; dent, indention, hollow ; pock-mark ; the grave. hoyoso, sa, a. pitted, full of holes. boyuela. /. dim. of hoya ; hollow in the neck under Adam's apple. hoyuelo roii-yoo-eu'-io], to. rfm. of hoyo ; little hole ; dimple ; a boy's play. bOZ [<>th], /. sickle, reaping-hook : defile, ra- vine ; narrow pass : de hoz y de coz, (coll.) headlong. hozadero, to. place where hogs root. hozadura,/. rooting (as hogs). bozar lo-timr'], ta. to root (as hogs). S (before e, 1) and J aa h in hot ; h, silent ; II in brilliant ; fi, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; s, hlaaed. HUA 314 HUM huaca /. (Peru) ancient Indian tomb. buacal [oo-ah-c»hi'], m. crate ; (Mex. ) hurdle- basket. lluaCO, m. idol found in huacas. liuaquero ['-ro], a. empty, addle, void; (Mex.) fair, blonde. huerta [werr-tah], /. large vegetable or kitchen garden ; irrigated laud. huertezuela,/. dim. small kitchen-garden. huertezuelO, in. dim. small orchard. liuerto, m. orchard, fruit-garden. liuesa [weh'-sahl, /. grave, sepulture. Imesarrbn [weu-sar-roir], m. aug. large bone. hUeSeCiCO, illO, itO [weh-seh-thle'-co], m. dim. little bone. hueso [weii'-8o], m. bone; -stone, core; part of a limestone which remains unburnt in the kiln ; drudge, drudgery : &haeso, (mas.) dry stone : la sin hueso, (coll.) the tongue. llUesOSO, sa, a. bony, osseous. huesped, da [weiis'-pedi, m. & /. guest, lodger ; liost, innkeeper, tavern-keeper. hueste,/. host, army in campaign.— p^. hosts, armies. huesudo da, a. bony, having large bones. huevaiweh'-vahi,/. spawn of tishes, roe. huevar [weh'-vari, vn. to lay eggs. huevecico, illo, Ito, zuelo, /. dim. small egg- huevera, /. ovarium of birds; egg-stand, egg-cup. huevero, ra, m. &f. dealer in eggs. huevo [weh'-vg], m. egg; (shoe) hollow piece of wood for shaping the sole : huevo de Col6n or de juanelo, anything which appears diffi- cult to do, but when tried and known seems easy : huevos de faltriqaera, candied yolks of eg^ : huevoB estrellados fried eggs : huevot pasadoB por agua, soft-ooiled eggs : huevoi escalfados, poached eggs : hnevos hilados, thread-like sweetmeat made of eggs and sugar : huevos moles, yolks of eggs, made up with pounded almonds and sugar: huevos revueltos, scrambled eggs : huevos y torreznos, collops and eggs : sorbete or chnpate ese huevo, (coll.) put that in your pipe and smoke it. hugonote, ta, m. &/. & a. Huguenot. huida ;o<)ee'-(iah],/. flight, escape ; outlet. huidero, m. cover, shelter ; labourer in quick- silver-mines. huidizo, za, a. fugitive, fleeing. huir [oo-eer'], vn. & vr. {gerund, HUYENDO: ind. HUYO: pret. 61 huy6: subj. huya) to flee, to escape : to run away, elope ; to slip away, flit away, fly ; to shun, avoid ; dis- appear, scatter. hule foo-ieh], m. oil-cloth, oil-skin ; (Sp. Am. ) India-rubber. hulerc, m. rubber-gatherer. hulla, /. pit-coal, bituminous or soft coal. hullero, ra, a. containing or pertaining to soft coal.—/, colliery. humada, /. v. ahumada. liuinanamente, adv. humanely, Kindly, mercifully ; humanly : eso humanamente no se puede hacer, that cannot possibly be done. humanar, va. to humanize, to soften. — vr. to become man, applied to the Son of God. humanidad, /. humanity, humankind, man- kind ; human weakness ; benevolence, ten- derness, kindness, benignity; (coll.) cor- pulence, fleshiness. — pi. philology, gram- matical studies. humanista, m. & f. humanist, philologer, grammarian. humanitariO, ria, a. humanitarian, philan- thropic. humanizar, ta. & vr. V. humanar. liuiuano, na, a. human ; humane, kind, mer- ciful, benevolent. — m. man. humarazo, m. V. humazo. humareda, /. great deal of smoke. luimazga, /. hearth-money, fumage. humazo [oomah'-tiio], m. dense smoke. humeante, pa. smoky, fuming, fumant. humear, m. to smoke, emit smoke, fumes, or vapours. — va. (Amer.) to fumigate. Iiumectaci6n, /. humectation, dampening; (med.) action of fomentations. humectante, />a. (med.) moistening. humectar. va. (med.) to moisten, to wet. humectativo, va, a. humective. humedad, /. humidity, moisture, dampness, nioistuess. humedal, m. humid soil, a marsh. humedecer [oo-mch-deh-therr'], fa. {ind. HUME- DKZco : suhj. humedezca) to moisten, wet, soak, steep, dampen. humedo, da, a. humid, wet, moist, damp, humera,/. (coll.) fit oi drunkenness, humeral, a. (anat.) humeral, humero, m. (anat.) humerus, humero, m. smoke-pipe, chimney-flue, fun- nel, shaft of a chimney. humido, da, a. damp. V. hOmedo. humildad, /. humility, modesty, meekness; lowliness, meanness ; submission. humilde, a. humble, modest, submissive, meek ; low, base, ignoble. humlldemente, adv. humbly, submissively ; modestly, meekly. Iiumillaci6n, /. humiliation, submission ; abjectuess, humbling. A u in far ; e in eh I ; i in pollci ; o in for ; u in bull : e (before e, 1) and K u th in thick ; b and d, soAi HUM 315 IDA humilladero, m. road chapel or shrine, humillador, ra, m. &f. humiliator. humillante, ;9a. & a.- humiliating, humbling, indecorous, unbecoming, degrading, humillar, va. to humiliate, humble, lower ; to bend, to bow ; to humble, crush, subdue, degrade, depreciate, frown down. — vr. to humble one's self, huinillo, m. dim. thin smoke or vapour ; vanity, petty pride ; disease of sucking pigs, humita,/. (Peru) cake of maize and sugar, humo [oo'-nio], m. smoke ; vapour, steam, fume.—/)/, families or houses in a town or village ; vanity, haughtiness, presumption. humor [oo-nu.r], m. humour, blitheness, dis- position ; (med. ) humour : buen humor, good- nature, jovial disposition : mal humor, ill- temper : estar de buen humor, to be in good- humour, to be gay. humorada,/, pleasant joke, witty saying, humorado, da, a, full of humours ; well or ill disposed. humoral, a. humoral. humorciCO, illo, itO, m. dim. little temper. humoristico, ca, a. merry, humorous, face- tious. humorosidad, /. copiousness of humours. humoroso, sa, a. watery, containing fluid. humoso, sa, «. smoky, fumy, humus [oo' moos], m. vegetable mould ; humus, hundible, a. sinkable, hundlmientO, m. submersion, immersion, sinking; downfall, collapse, cave-in, hundir loon-fUrr'l, va. to submerge, immerge, sink; stave in, crush, overwhelm, beat down ; pull or bear down, destroy, ruin ; to refute, confound. — vr. to sink, fall down, crumble, collapse; (coll.) to hide, to lie hid ; not be found. htmgaro, ra, a. Hungarian. hUHO, na [oo'-nol, a. Hun. — m. pi. the Huns, hupe foo' peh], /, punk, touchwood, amadou. hura loo'-raii],/. carbuncle on the head. huracd,n, m. hurricane, cyclone. huraflamente, adv. intractable. hurafleria, huraflia,./". intractability. hurailO, fla, a. shy, diffident ; intractable. hUrgar [oor-Kar'l, va. {prei. HURGUK : subj. hurgue) to stir, to poke ; to stir up, excite . peor es hurgallo, let well enough alone. hurgbn, m. poker, fire-rake ; (coll.) thrust in fencing. hurgonada,/, poking the fire ; (coll.) thrust with a sword, hurgonazo, m. blow with a poker; (coll,) thrust with a sword, hurgonear, va. to poke the fire; (coll,) to make thrusts with a poker or a sword. hurgonero, w, fire-poker. hUnioo-ree'],/. houri. hurdn, na, m. & f. (zool.) ferret ; (coll.) fer- reter, prier.— a. cold-hearted, loveless, shy. Intractable, disdainful. huronear, va. to hunt with a ferret ; (coll. ) to pry, to ferret out secrets, huronera, /, ferret-hole; (coll,) lurking- place ; small dark room, huronero, ni. ferret-keeper, I hurra ! interj. hurrah ! hurraca,/, (om.) magpie, hurtadillas (6,), adv. by stealth, slyly, art- fully, privately, unbeknown. hurtadineros, m. money-box, toy bank. hurtador, ra, m. & f. robber, thief, hurtagua, /. watering-pot, hurtar, va. to steal, rob, make away with ; to cheat in weight or measure ; to eat away land (aa the sea or a river) ; to alienate. separate ; to plagiarize : hurtar el cuerpo, U ■ flee, — vr. to withdraw, to hide, move away, hurtO, m. theft, jobbery, stealing ; the thing stolen; (min.) driftway, heading: 4 hurto. by stealth, husada,/, spindleful of yarn. husar, TO, (mil.) hussar. husero, m. beam of an antler. husUlero, m. one who attends the spindle iik oil-mills. husillo, rn. dim. small spindle ; (mill) wheel- spindle or shaft ; screw-pin.—/^/, drains. husita, m. Hussite. husma, andar & la husma, (coll.) to explore itt a prying manner. husmeador, ra, m. & /. scenter, smeller, prier. husmeadorcillo, 11a, m. & /. dim. little smeller ; little prier. husmear, va. to scent, to smell, to wind; (coll.) to pry, peep, nose about.— rw. to be- come tainted, gamy, or high (meat). husmeo, m. scenting, smelling ; prying. husmo, m. taint of meat : estar al husmo,. (coll.) to be upon the scent; to watch a favourable opportunity. huso [oo'-8o], VI. spindle ; cop-tube ; bobbin ; drum of a windlass. huta,/, hut, huntsman's blind, hutia [oo-tee'-aii], /, Cuban rat. i huy ! foo'-e], interj. of surprise, astonishment,, or grief. i [ee], tenth letter of the Spanish alphabet, sounded like the English long e or like I in machine, ih^rlco, ca, iberio, ria, a. Iberian, ibero, ra, m. &/. & a. native of or belonging to Iberia, ibice, m. ibex, kind of goat, ibidem, Latin word, meaning in the same place. ibis, /. (orn, ) ibis, wading bird. ib6n, m. lake or basin on the slopes of the Pyrenees. icaco, m. (hot.) West Indian cocoa-plum. icnografla, /. (arch.) ichnography, ground- plan. icnOgr&fiCO, ca, a. ichnographical. iconoclasta, «*. iconoclast, image-breaker. iconografla, /. iconography, iCOnogr^fiCO, ca, a. iconographical. icon6Iatra, m. iconolater. iCOnolOgia, /. (art) iconology. iconbmaco, a. v. iconoclasta. iconostario, m. (eccl.) iconostaris. icor, m. (surg.) gleet, ichor, watery humour. icoroso, sa, a. ichorous, serous. icosaedro, m. (geom.) icosahedron. ictericia, ./■. (med.) jaundice. ictericiado, da, ict6rlco, ca, a. icterical, jaundiced. ictineo, m.. submarine vessel. icti6fagO, ga, a. fish-eating.— w. &f. ichthy- ophagi.st. ictlOlOgia, /. ichthyology. ictiOl6giCO, ca, a. ichthyologic. icti6l0g0, m. ichthyologist. ictiOSauro, m. ichthyosaurus. ida [ee'-dahl, /. departure, outgoing ; impetu- osity ; rash proceeding ; sally ; trail of game : Ida del humo, departure never to re^ turn:, Idas, frequent visits: en dos Idas y venidas, (coll.) in a jiffy : ida y vuelta, out ff (before e, 1) and J *a b In hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, biised IDE 316 ILI and home, round-trip, excursion : j la Ida del cueryo \ he's off, good riddance ! idea [e-deii-aii'J, /. idea, notion, conception ; contrivance, design, intention, plan, proj- ect, scheme ; thread of a discourse ; model, example; genius, talent; fancy, conceit, judgment, opinion ; impression ; brief out- line, suggestion. Ideal [e-deh-aiii], a. ideal, mental, intellectual, imaginary, notional. — m. an ideal. idealldad,/. ideality; the ideal. idealismo, wj. idealism. Idealista, «. & »i. &/. idealistic. Idealizav, va. to idealize. idealmente, adv. ideally, intellectually. idear, va. to form or conceive an idea ; to think, Contrive, invent, imagine, plan, scheme, meditate. ideni; pron. (Lat.) idem, ditto, the same. identicamente, adv. identically. identiCO, ca, a. identic, identical, congener- ous, the same. Identidad, /. identity, sameness, identical- ness. tdentlficacldn, /. identification. identificar, va. {pret. identifiqu6: subj. identifique) to identify. — vr. to identify one's self with. Ideo, ea, «. belonging to Mount Ida. ideografia, /. ideography. ideografico, ca, a. ideographic. Ideologia, /. ideology. ldeol6giCO, ca. a. ideological. ideblogo, m. ideologist. IdiliCO, ca, a. idyllic. Idilio, m. (poet.) idyl, pastoral poem. idioma, ?». language, dialect, idiom, par- lance. Idlomatico, ca, a. idiomatic, proper to a language. iosinc Idiosincrasia,/. idiosyncrasy. idiOSincr^siCO, ca, a. idiosyncratic. IdiOta, a. idiotic, foolish, nonsensical. — m. & f. idiot, a fool. idiotez,/. idiotism, silliness, idiocy, idiotismo, m. idiocy, folly, imbecility ; idiom, idiotism. id61atra, a. idolatrous ; heathen, paganish. — in. idolater; (coll.) ardent lover. idolatradamente, adv. idoiatrously. idolatrar, va. to idolatrize ; to idolize. idOlatria,/. idolatry; inordinate love. idolktriCO, ca, a. idolatrous, idolish. idolo, III. idol; (coll.) person or thing ex- travagantly loved. idololog^a, /. science dealing with idols. idoneidad,/. aptitude, fitness, capacity. ld6neo, nea, «. fit, convenient, proper, meet. idUS i<-e -ti^os], m. ides. iglesla, /. church ; temple ; ecclesiastical state ; clergy, chapter ; diocese ; right of immunity enjoyed in churches. ignaro, ra, «- ignorant, unlearned. ignavia,/. idleness, laziness, carelessness. igneo, ea, a. igneous, fiery. ignicion,/. ignition, setting on fire. ignifero, ra, a. igniferous, iguifluous. Ignipotente, a. (poet. ) ignipotent. ignito, ta, a. ignited, in named, red-hot. ignivomo, ma, a. (poet.) vomiting fire. ignografia, /. v. icNOGRAPiA. ignominia, /. ignominy, infamy, disgrace. Ignominiosamente, adv. ignominiously, op- probriously, disgracefully. ignominiOSO, S£L a. ignominious, oppro- brious, reproachful, disgraceiul. IgrnoradO, da, a. & pp. unknown, occult, faraeless. ignorancia, /. ignorance. ignorante, pa. & a. ignorant, stupid, un- learned, uninstructed. — m. ignoramus. ignorantemente, adv. ignorantiy. ignorantdn, na, a. auy. grossly ignorant. ignorar, «•«. to be ignorant of, not to know. ignOtO, ta, a. unknown, undiscovered. igorrote, m. (Philip.) name of a savage tribe of the island of Luzon, and of their language. igual le-^wahi'l, a. equal, similar, alike; fel- low, coequal; level, even, flat; uniform, equable; constant, firm, unchangeable, con- sistent. — m. the sign of equality, viz. = : en igual de, instead of, in lieu of: al ignal, equally : no tiene igual, he has not his like ; it is matchless : por igual or por un igual, equally, with equality : sin igual, not to be equalled, matchless : me es igual, it is all the same to me. Iguala, /. agreement, convention, stipulation, contract, commutation ; equalizing, equal-, ling; (mas.) level; stipend or gratuity on agreement : & la iguala, equally. igualacibn, /. equalling, equa'lizing, equal-r ization, levelling; matching; agreement, stipulation, contract; (math.) equation; (carp.) counter-gauge. igualado, da, pp. & a. equalled (said of birdi with even plumage). igualador, ra, m. & /. equalizer, leveller, eveuer. igualamlentO, m. equalizing, equalization, levelling. igualar, i^a. to equalize, match, mate, pair: to even, smooth ; to size, face, adjust, fit ; to hold in equal estimation ; to flatten, level, make even (as roads or fields) ; to adjust differences, to agree upon. — vn. to be equal. — vr. to place one's self upon a level with others. igualdad, /. equality, similitude; conform- ity, consimilitude, likeness ; leveluess, even- ness ; regularity, uniformity : igualdad de inimo, evenness of mind ; constancy, equa- bility, equanimity. igualmente, adv. equally, uniformly, evenly; likewise ; constantly. igUeina,/. (zool.) iguana, kind of lizard. iguanodonte, »«. iguanodon. igiiedO le-gweh'-do], in. buck. V. CABRON. ijada[e-hair-/. (naut.) ways, sliding planks. imagen [e-mah'-heni, /. image, figure, imagery, statue, effigy ; show, appearance, fancy, con- ception ; (opt.) spectrum ; (rhet.) picture or lively description. imaginable [e-mah-he-nah'-weh], a. imaginable, eontrivable, conceivable. imaginaCidn [e-mah-he-nah-tWe-on'], /. imagina- tion, fancy ; imagining, conception, image ; conceit, fantasy. imaginar [e-maiihe-nar], vn. to imagine, fancy, image. — va. to suppose, scheme, contrive, conceive. — vr. to fancy, imagine, suppose. imaglnaria, /. (mil.) reserve guard. imaginariamente, adv. in a visionary man- ner. imaginariO, ria, a. imaginary, fancied, vi- sionary. imaginativa, /. imagination, fancy. imaginative, va, a. imaginative, fantastic, fanciful. imagineria, /. imagery, fancy embroidery in colours ; (art) statuary. imaginero, m. painter or sculptor of religious images. im^ [emahn'] 771. (min.) loadstone, magnet; charm, attraction ; electro-magnet. imanacibn,/. v. ima?jtaci6n. imanar, va. to magnetize. V. imantar. imantacibn, /. magnetization. imantar, va. to magnetize. imbecil, a. imbecile, simple, silly. imbecilidad, /. imbecility, simplicity, silli- ness. imbele, a. feeble, weak ; unfit for war. imberbe, m. beardless youth. imbibicibn,/. imbibition. imbornal, m. (naut.) scupper-hole. imbricacidn, /. imbrication. imbricado, da, a. imbricated. imbuir, va. {ind. imbuyo: subj. imbuya) ta. including. Inclosing. incoado, da, a. &pp. inchoate, begun, com- menced. incoagulable, a. incoagulable, uncoagulable. incear, va. {only the infinitive and pp. used) (law) to commence, begin. incoative, va, a. inchoative, inceptive. incobrable, a. irrecoverable, irretrievablo ; (com.) uncollectable. inceercible, a. incoercible. inc6gnitO, ta, a. unknown : de iiic6gnito, in- cog or incognito ; hiddenly or clandestinely. — /. (math. ) unknown quantity. incognoscible, a. imperceptible. incolierencia,/. incoherence. incoberente, a. incoherent, inconsistent. incela, m. inhabitant, resident. incolere, ra, a. colourless. inc61ume, a. sound, safe, unharmed. incolumidad,/. security, safety. incombinable, a. uncombinable. incombustibilidad, /. incombustibility. incombustible, a. incombustible, fire-proof. incomerciable, a. contraband, unlawful, prohibited ; unsalable, unmarketable. inc6medamente, adv. incommodiously, un- comfortably. incemodar, va. to incommode, disturb, in- convenience, trouble. — vr. to be vexed or angered ; to be disturbed. incomedidad, /. incommodiousness, incon- venience; nuisance, annoyance; vexation, anger. inc6mede, da, a. incommodious, inconven- ient, uncomfortable, troublesome, unhandy, cumbersome. incomparable, a. incomparable, matchless. incomparablemente, adv. incomparably. incomparado, da, «. V. in' com parable. incompartible, «. indivisible. incompasible, incempasivo, va, a. un- conipassionate, pitiless. incompatibilidad, /. incompatibility, con- trariety ; uncongeniality, discordance. incompatible, a. incompatible; uncongenial. incompensable, a. incompensable. incompetencia, /. incompetency, unfitness. incompetente, a. incompetent, incapable, uulit ; (law) unqualified. incomplejO, ja, a. incomplex, simple. incompletamente, adv. incompletely. incomplete, ta, a. incomplete. incomplexo, xa, a. disunited, disconnected, disjointed. incomponible, a. incompoundable. incomportable, a. intolerable, unbearable. incomposibilidad, /. incom possibility. incompOSible, a. incompossible. incompOSicibn, /. want of proportion. incomprebensibilidad, incomprensi- bilidad, /. incomprehensibility. incomprehensible, incomprensible, a. incomprehensible. incomprensiblemente, adv. inconceivably, incomprehensibly. incomprimible, «. incompressible. incomunicabilidad, /. incommunicability. incomunicable, a. incommunicable. incomunicadO, da, a. incommuuicated ; isolated; having no intercourse. — m. pris- oner deprived of intercourse with any one. incomunicar, ra. {pret. iNCOMUNiQufi: subJ, incomunique) to deprive of intercourse or communication ; to isolate. inconcebible, a. inconceivable. inconciliable, a. irreconcilable. inconcino, na, a. disordered, disarranged. inconcusamente, adv. certainly, indubita- bly. inconcuso, sa, a. incontrovertible, incon- testable. incondicional, a, unconditional, absolute unrestricted. incondicionalmente, adv. unconditionally, inconducente, a. unconducive. inconexi6n, /. incoherency, incongruity, im- connection. inconexo, xa, a. unconnected, incoherent, inconsequential. inconfeso, sa, a. unconfessed. inconfidencia, /. distrust, mistrust, diffi- dence. incongruamente, adv. incongruously. incongruencia,/. incongruence, incongruente, «. incongruous, incongruent. incongruentemente, adv. incongruously, incompatibly. incongruo, grua, a. incongruous, dispro- portionate, unsuitable. inconjugable, «. inconjugable. inconmensurabilidad, /. incommensura- bility. g (before e, i) and J a8 h In bot; b, silent ; II in brilliant ; A, n]r in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; i. iiiw«4. INC 322 INC Inconxnensurable, a. incommensurable, im- measurable. Inconmutabilidad, /. immutability, un- changeabk'uess. Inconmutable, a. immutable ; that cannot be commuled. Inconqulstable, a. unconquerable, impreg- Bable, inexpugnable ; invincible ; incor- ruptible (persons). IXLCOnsclente, «. unconscious, unknowing, ignorant. inconsclentemente, adv. unconsciously, un- knowingly, unwittingly. Inconsecuencia, /. inconsequence, incon- sisteucv. Inconsecuente, «• inconsequent, change- able, inconsistent. inconservable, a. unpreservable. inconsideracidn,/. inconsideration, thought- lessness, inattention, inadvertency. inconsideradamente, adv. inconsiderately, thoughtlessly. inconsiderado, da, a. inconsiderate, thoughtless, inattentive. Inconsiguiente, a. inconsequent, inconsist- ent, contradictory. Inconsistencla, /. unsubstantiality, inco- herence, incongruity, unsteadiness, unsta- bleness. Inconsistente, a. unsubstantial, unstable, unsteady, incongruous. Inconsolable, a. inconsolable, Inconsolablemente, adv. inconsolably. Inconstancla, /. inconstancy, fickleness, un- steadiness, levity, lightness, frailty. Inconstante, a. inconstant, changeable, mu- table, unsteady, variable, fickle. Inconstantemente, adv. inconstantly, un- steadily, fickly, giddily. ■ inconstitucional, a. unconstitutional. Inconstruible, a. that cannot be built or constructed. Inconsutll, a. seamless, having no seam. incontable, a. innumerable. incontaminado, da, a. undefiled, uncon- tarainated. incontestable, a. incontestable, indispu- table, incontrovertible. Incontestablemente, adv. incontestably. incontinencia, /. incontinence or inconti- nency ; unchastity, lewdness : incontinencia de orina, (raed.) incontinence of urine. Incontinente, a. incontinent ; unchaste. incontinente, incontinent!, adv. instantly, immediately, incontinently. Incontrastable, a. insurmountable, irresist- ible, incontroUable, insuperable ; inexpug- nable, unconquerable ; inconvincible, in- controvertible. Incontratable, a. V. intratable. incontrovertible, a. incontrovertible, in- disputable. Inconvencible, a. inconvincible. Inconvenible, a. inconvenient. inconvenlencia, /. inconvenience, incom- modity, trouble; incongruence, unsuitable- ness ; "unlikeliness ; impropriety. inconveniente, «. inconvenient, incommo- dious, unsuitable, troublesome, improper, unbecoming.— m. difficulty, obstacle, ob- struction, objection, impediment, inconversable, a. unsociable, incommuni- cative, surly, grouty. inconvertible, a. inconvertible. incordio, m. (med.) bubo; (vulg.) nui- sance. incorporacidn,/. incorporation. incorporal, a. incorporeal. incorporalmente, adv. incorporeally, in- corporally. incorporar, va. to incorporate, unite, em- body ; to mix : to raise or to make a patient sit up in his bed. — vr. to incorporate, join, mingle ; to form a corporation ; to sit up in bed ; (naut. ) to sail in company. incorporeidad, /. incorporeity, incorporal- ity, immateriality. incorp6reo, rea, a. incorporeal, immaterial, unbodied. incorporo. m. v. incorporaci6n. incorrecci6n,/. incorrectness, inaccuracy. incorrectamente, adv. inaccurately, incorrectO, ta, a. incorrect, inaccurate, incorregibilidad, /, incorrigibleness, hope- less depravity. incorregible, a. incorrigible, froward, incorrupci6n, /, incorruption, incorrupt- ness, integrity, honesty. incorruptamente, adv. incorruptly. incorruptibilidad, /, incorruptibility. incorruptible, a. incorruptible. incorrupto, ta, a. incorrupt, uncorrupt, or uncorrupted ; chaste, pure. incrasante, pa. incrassating, inspissating, incrasar, va. to inspissate, thicken, incras- sate. increado, da, a. uncreated, increate. incredibilidad, /. incredibility, incredible- ness. Incredulidad, /. incredulity, incredulous- ness. incr6dul0, la, a. incredulous. — m. & /. un- believer, increible, a. incredible. increiblemente, adv. incredibly. incrementO, m. increment, increase. increpacibn, /. increpation, reprehension, chiding, reproach. Increpador, ra, m. & f. chider, rebuker, scolder, increpante,pa, chiding, scolding. increpar, va. to chide, reprehend, scold, re- proach, rebuke, incriminacibn,/. incrimination. incriminar, va. to incriminate ; to exagger- ate a fault or defect. incristalizable, a. uncrystallizable. incruento, ta, a. bloodless. incrustaci6n, /, incrustation ; scale in boil- ers ; (geol.) sinter ; (art) inlaying, incrustar, va. to incrust or incrustate, en^ chase, inlay, incuartacion,/, (chem.) quartation. incubacibn,/. incubation, hatching; (med. J incubation. incubador, ra, m. &f. incubator. incubar, va. to incubate, to hatch. incubO, m. incubus, male demon. incuestionable, a. unquestionable. inculcaci6n, /. inculcation, enforcing I (print.) binding or wedging in a form. inculcar, va. (pret. iNCULQUfi: subi. IN- culque) to inculcate, impress, teach, en- force ; to make one thing tight against an- other; (print.) to lock up types, — vr. to be obstinate, inculpabilidad, /, inculpableness, unblara- ableness. inculpable, «. inculpable, unblamable. inculpablemente, adv. inculpably. inculpacion, f. inculpation, inculpadamente, adv. faultlessly. inculpar, ra. to accuse, inculpate, blame, incultamente, adv. rudely, without culture. incultivable, a. inarable, uncultivable. incultO, ta, a. incult, uncultivated, untilled, « ms In far ; e in ell I ; i In police ; o in for ; u in bvll ; e (before e, i) and s m th in thick ; b and d, soft ; INC 323 IXD unimproved ; uncivilized, unpolished, un- refined, uncultured. incultura, /. Inculture. incumbencia, /. incumbency ; obligation, duty, concern. incumbir, vn. to concern , pertain, relate. incumpUdO, da, a. unfulfilled. incunaMe, m. A a. (print.) incunabula. Incura'ble, a. incurable, hopeless. incuria,/. negligence, carelessness. InCliriOSO, sa, a. negligent, careless, incu- rious, iuattentive. incurrimientO, m. act of incurring. incurrir, m. [pp. incurkido, incurso) to incur, become liable, deserve, bring upon one's self. incursidn, /. (mil.) incursion. incurso, sa, pp. irr. of inxurrir. incusar, va. to accuse, impute, charge. inCUSO, sa, a. incuse (as some coins). indagaci6n, /. investigation, search, in- quiry, examination, inquest. indagador, ra, m. &/. investigator, inquirer, examiuer. inda^^ar, va. {pret. indagu^ : subj. indague) to investigate, search, inquire, examine into, indagatoriO, ria, a. (law) indagatory. indeDidamente, adv. unduly, illegally. IndebidO, da, a. undue, illegal, unlawful. Indecencia, /. indecency, indecorum, ob- scenity ; nuisance. indecente, a. indecent, obscene ; foul. indecentemente, adv. indecently. indecible, a. inexpressible, unutterable. indeciblemente, adv. inexpressibly. indecisamente, adv. irresolutely. indecisibn, /. irresolution, indecision, hesi- tation, hesitancy. indeciSO, sa, a. irresolute, indecisive, un- decided, hesitating. indeclinable, a. unavoidable, undeclinable ; (gram.) indeclinable. indecoro, m. indecorum, indecorousness, in- decency. indecorosamente, adv. indecorously, inde- cently. indecoroso, sa, a. indecorous, indecent, un- becoming. indefectibilidad, .f. indefectibility. indefectible, a. indefectible, unfailing. indefectiblemente, adv. indefectibly. indefendible, a. indefensible. indefensable, indefensible, a. indefen- sible. indefenso, sa, a. defenceless, indefensive. Indeficiente, a. indefectible, unfailing. indefinible, a. indefinable. indefinidamente, adv. indefinitely. indefinido, da, a. indefinite, indeterminate, vague ; undefined. indehiscente, a. (bot.) indehiscent. indeleble, «. indelible, ineffaceable. indeleblemente, adv. indelibly. indeliberacibn,/. unpremeditation, indelib- eration. indeliberadamente, adv. indeliberately. indeliberadO, da, a. indeliberate or indelib- erated, unpremeditated. indenine, n. undamaged, unhurt. indemnidad, /. bond of indemnity. indemnizable, a. what can be indemnified. indemnizaci6n, /. indemnification, re- imbursement. indemnizar, va. {pret. indkmnic:6: sulri. rs- DEMNicE) to indemnify, compensate, inake good. Indemostrable, a. indemonstrable. independencia,/. independence. independiente, a. independent, free : pendiente de eso, independent of that, be- sides that. independientemente, adv. independently, iudescifrable, a. undecipherable. indescribible or indescriptible, a. inde- scribable. indesignable, a. that which cannot be desig- nated. indestructibilidad, /. indestructibility. indestructible, a. indestructible, imperish- able. indeterminable, a. indeterminable ; irreso- lute, undecided. indeterminacibn, .f. indetermination, ir- resolution, hesitancy. indeterminadamente, adv. indeterminate- ly. indeterminado, da, a. indeterminate ; un- determined, irresolute, hesitating; pusil- lanimous, chicken-hearted ; (gram. ) indefi- nite. indeV0Ci6n, /. indevotion. indevoto, ta, a. indevout, irreligious, indezuelo, la, m. &/. dim. of ixdio. Indiana,./', printed calico. indianista, m. &/. Indianist. indiano, na, «. native or resident of America or the West Indies; Indian, East Indian, belonging to India. — m. nabob, one who re- turns rich from America: indiano de hilo. negro, (coll.) skinflint, miser. indicacibn, /. manifestation, prediction,, warning, hint ; indication, mark, token, sign, symptom. indicador, m. indicator, pointer, recorder, gauge, detector, index, register. indicante, pa. indicating. — m. (med.) indi- cant. indicar, va. {pret. indiquiS: snbj. indiqve) to indicate, suggest, hint, show, point out. indicativo, va, a. indicative, pointing. — m. (gram.) indicative. indiccibn, /. convening of a synod, council, etc. ; indiction ; manner of computing time. indice, m. index, mark, sign, indication; hand of a watch or clock ; pointer on a sun- dial: index, table of contents to a book; forennger : indice ezpurgatorio, catalogue of books prohibited by the Inquisition. indiciado, da, pp. & a. suspected of a crime or vice. — m. &f. suspicious character. indiciador, ra, m. &f. one who suspects an- other ; informer. indiciar, va. (law) to give reasons to suspect or surmise ; to discover offenders to the magistrates. V. indicar. indiciO, m. indication, mark, sign, token; (chem.) trace: indicios vehementei, (law) circumstantial evidences. indiCO, ca, a. East Indian. indiferencia, /. indifference, incuriosity ; neglect, unconcern, coldness, lukewarm- ness, listlessness. indiferente, a. indifferent, neutral ; uncon- cerned, inattentive, regardless ; lukewarm, cool, frigid, listless : eso es indiferente, (coll.) that is immaterial, that makes no difference. indiferentemente, adv. indifferently, imr partially. indiferentismo, m. indifferentism. indigena, «. indigenous, native.— ni. &f. in-t digene, a native. indigencia, /. indigence, want, penury, povr erty, need. indigente, a. indigent, necessitous, poor; needy. f (before e^ t) and J as h ]n hot; h, silent; U in brilliant; fi, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; a, hisseA IND 324 IND indigestible, a. indigestible. indigestibn, /. indigestion. indigesto, ta, a. indigestible ; confused, dis- ordered ; surly, grouty, harsh. indignacidn, ./I indignation, anger. Indignado, da, a. & pp. provoked, teased, indignant, angry. indignamente, adv. unworthily, unsuitably. indignante, pa. indignant, irritating. indignar, va. to irritate, anger, provoke. — rr. to become angry or indignant. indignidad, /. indignity, unworthy action, meanness. indigno, na, a. unworthy, undeserving ; un- becoming, incongruous, unsuitable ; dis- graceful, vile, mean, despicable. indigo, m. (bot.) indigo-plant. V. anil. indiligencia,/. indiligence, carelessness. indiO, ia, a. Indian ; blue, azure. — m. &/. an Indian.— 7?i. (chem.) indium. indirecta, /. innuendo, oblique hint, cue, surmise : indirecta del Padre Cobos, a broad hint. indirectamente, adv. indirectly, obliquely. indirectO, ta, a. indirect, oblique. indisciplina, /. lack of discipline, insubor- dination. indisciplinable, a. indisciplinable. indisciplinado, da, a. lax, undisciplined. indiscrecibn, /. indiscretion, imprudence, rashness, iuconsideration, folly. indiscretamente, adi. indiscreetly. indiscreto, ta, a. indiscreet, imprudent, in- cautious, foolish ; injudicious, inconsider- ate. Indisciilpable, a. inexcusable. Indiscutlble, a. unquestionable, beyond per- ad venture. indlsolubilidad, /. indissolubility, indis- solubleness. indisoluble, a. indissoluble, indissolvable. indisolublemente, adv. indissolubly. indispensable, a. indispensable, needful. indispensablemente, adv. indispensably, necessarily. indisponer, va. {for irr. V. poner) to dis- able, indispose, render unfit ; to disincline, prejudice against ; to make ill. — vr. to be in- disposed, to grow ill ; to fall out with a per- son. indisposicidn, /. indisposition, disinclina- tion, dislike ; slight disorder in health. indisposicioncilla, /. dim. slight indispo- sition. indispuesto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of indisponer ; indisposed ; at variance. indisputable, a. indisputable, incontrovert- ible. indisputablemente, adv. indisputably. indisfincibn, /. indistlnction, indiscrimina- tion. indistingnible, a. undistlnguishable, indis- tinguishable. indistintamente, adv. indistinctly. indistintO,ta, a. indistinct, confused, vague, not clear. individuacidn, individualidad, /. indi- viduality. individual, a. individual, peculiar. individualismo, m. individualism. individualista, a. individualistic. — m. & f. individualist. individualizar, va. to individualize. inalvidualmente, adv. individually, insep- arably. individuar, va. to individuate, distinguish, particularize, individualize. individuo, dua, n. individual, indivisible, inseparable.— »i. & f. vidual : member, fellow, associate. a person. indi- indivisamente, adv. indivisibly. indivisibilidad,/. indivisibility. indivisible, ject ; (com.) common, low, poor in quality. inferioridad, /. inferiority, subjection. inferir, va. {ind. infiero: suhj. INFIERA) to infer, deduce, draw conclusions; collect, gather ; to inflict (as a wound) ; to offer (as an affront). — vr. to follow, to be consequen- tial. infern&CUlO, m. boyish play, hop-scotci.. infernal, a. infernal, hellish; extremely hurtlal : m&quina infernal, internal ma- chine: piedra infernal, lapis infernalis. ni- trate of silver in sticks. infernalmente, adv. (coll.) hellishly, infer- nally. infernar, va. {ind. infierno : svbj. INFIER- NE) to damn ; to irritate, vex, provoke. inferno, na, a. (poet.) infernal. infestacidn, /. infestation, annoyance. infestar, va. to infest, overrun, harass; to infect, to fill with stench. g (before e, 1) and J as h In Jiot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; •. INF 326 INF infestO, ta, a. (poet.) prejudicial, dangerous. infeudax, va. infeudacibn, /. v. e>fkudar, etc. inficionar, va. to infect, spread contagion ; to poison ; corrupt, delile, pervert, vitiate. infideHdad, /. iilfidelity, unfaithfulness, treachery, deceit, faithlessness ; miscre- ance, unbelief, want of faith, disbelief of Christianity ; whole body of inlidels. infidelislmo, ma, a. super, of infiel. infidencia, j. unfaithfulness, faithlessness ; treason ; \ld-w) misfeasance. infidente, a. unfaithful. infiel, a. unfaithful, infidel ; faithless, dis- loyal ; godless ; pagan ; inaccurate, inexact. — m. unbeliever, infidel. infielmente, adv. unfaithfully. infierno, m. hell ; limbo ; place or state of extreme torment, evil, or misery ; refectory or eating-room in some convents; (chem.) large retort ; cave of a baking machine ; tank in oil-mills : vete al inflerno, go to blazes. infigurable, a. that which cannot be repre- sented by any figure. infiltracibn, /. infiltration, percolation. infiltrar, ta. & vr. to infiltrate, percolate, fil- ter ; to imbue, infuse. Infijno, ma, a. lowest, lowermost, under- most, least ; most abject, vilest ; (com. ) most inferior in quality. infinidad, /. infinit>. infiniteness, immensi- ty, boundlessness ; endless number. Infinitamente, adv. infinitely, immensely. infinitesimal, a. (mat.) infinitesimal. infinitiVO, m. (gram.) infinitive. infinitO, ta, a. infinite, unbounded, unlim- ited, immense ; numberless, excessive. — adv. infinitely, immensely. infinitud, /. v. infinidad. infirmar, va. (law) to invalidate. inflacibn, /. inflation ; swelling, distension ; conceit, vanity, haughtiness. inflamaole, a. inflammable, combustive ; phlogistic. infiamacidn, /. inflammation, ignition, com- bustion ; blaze; (med.) inflammation. infiamar, va. to inflame, kindle, burn, set on fire ; to excite the passions. — vr. to become red-hot, to blaze, ignite; (med.) to become inflamed. inflamatorio, ria, a. inflammatory. inflar, va. to inflate, blow, puff, distend ; to elate, puff up with pride. — vr. to swell ; to strut. inflativo, va, a. that which inflates. infiexibilidad, /. inflexibility, stiffness, ri- gidity ; inflexibleness, obstinacy, inexora- bility, inflexible, a. inflexible, unbending ; immov- able : contumacious, inexorable. inflexiblemente, adv. inflexibly, inexorably. infiexidn, /. inflection, bending, warping; (gram.) inflection ; accent, modulation. infligir, va. {for mul. V. afligir) to inflict, impose, condemn. inflorescencia, /. (bot.) inflorescence. infiuencia, /. influence, prestige, efficient power ; inspiration of divine grace. influente,;ja. &a. influencing, influential. influir, va. {ind. INFLUYO : subj. INFLUYa) to influence • to modify ; to prevail upon, per- suade, induce ; to interfere ; to inspire with grace. influjo, m. influx, influence, power, credit ; (naut.) rising tide. inflnyente, pa. influencing, influential. infoliO, m. book in folio form. inforciado, m. second part of the digest or pandects of Justinian. informaci6n, /. information, account, re- port ; inquiry, investigation ; judicial in- quiry and process ; (law) brief. informador, ra, a. informer, reporter. informal, «. informal, irregular; unreliable; unconventional. informalidad, /. informality, unconvention- ality ; breach of etiquette. informante, pa. informing, instructing. — m, informant, informer, detective. informar, va. to inform, advise, state, com- municate, impart, acquaint, report; to give form to, animate, shape, substantiate. — in. (law) to plead. — vr. to inquire, investigate, find out. informatiVO, va, a. instructive ; animative, informative. informe, a. informous, shapeless, formless, irregular, out of shape. — »«. information ; report, account, statement, advice ; refer- ence ; (law) plea, pleading. informidad, /. informity, shapelessness. infortificable, a. that cannot be fortified. infortuna, /. (astrol.) sinistrous influence of the stars. infortunado, da, a. unfortunate, unlucky, unhappy. infortunio, m. misfortune, ill luck, calamity, mischance ; misery ; fatality. infOStira, /. (vet.) disease in horses. infracci6n, /. infraction, breach, contraven- tion, infringement, violation of a compact; misdemeanour, trespass. infractO, ta, a. steady, not easily moved. infractor, ra, m. & f. infractor, breaker, violator, transgressor. in fraganti, adv. V. en flagrante. infrangible, a. infrangible ; inviolable. infranqueable, a. unsurmountable, inex"- tricable. infrascripto, ta, or infrascrito, ta, a. un- derwritten, undersigned ; subscriber ; herfc-> inafter mentioned. infrecuente, a. unusual, infrequent. infringir, va. (ind. infrinjo : subj. infrin- ja) to infringe, violate, break. infructifero, ra, infrugifero, ra, a. un- fruitful, unproductive, unprofitable, useless. infructUOSidad,/.,unfruitfulness, unproduc- tiveness, uselessness. infructUOSamente, adv. unfruitfuUy, fruit- lessly, uselessly. infmctuOSO, sa, a. fruitless, unproductive, unprofitable, gainless, abortive, unsucees* ful. infulas, /. pi. (ecel.) infulae, head-dres.s; mitre ; conceit, haughtiness, boasting. infundadamente, adv. groundiessiy. infundado, da, a. groundless, baseless. infundible, a. infusible. infundibuliforme, a. (bot.) funnel-shaped. infundir, va. (pp. infundido, infuso) to in- fuse, to inspire with ; to imbue, to instil. infurcidn, /. ancient ground-lease. infurcioniego, ga, «. subject to ground- lease. infurtir, ra. V. enfurtir. infusibilidad, /. infusibility. infusible, a. infusible. infusibn, f. infusion ; inspiration, imbu©» ment; (pharm.) infusion; (eccl.y baptism by sprinkling. infilSO, sa, a. & pp. Irr. infundir ; infused (as the grace of God). infasorio, ria, a. (zool.) Infusorian.— p/. in- fusoria. • «■ la far : • in •!< 1 : 1 in poUee: o in for ; « i« bull ; c (before e. i) and x as th in thick • ^ and d. soft; ING 327 INJ Ingenerable, a. ingenerable. ingeniax, va. to conceive, contrive, devise. — IT. to endeavour and manage skilfully ; to find means to obtain or do anything. ingeniatura, /. (coll.) ingenuity, subtilty, acuteness, skilful management; (Amer.) engineering. ingenieria, /. engineering. ingeniero, m. engineer: ingeniero naval, de la armada or de marina, naval engineer : in- geniero millibar, military engineer : ingeniero civil, any engineer who is not a naval or a military engineer : ingeniero agronomo, agri- cultural engineer : ingeniero de caminos, ca- nales y puertos, civil engineer : ingeniero de minas, mining engineer ; ingeniero de montes, forest engineer : ingeniero quimico or indus- trial, chemical engineer : ingeniero mecanico, mechanical engineer : ingeniero electricista, electrical engineer : ingeniero hidr^ulico, hy- draulic engineer. mgenio, m. talent; mind, creative or invent- ive faculty ; cleverness, skill, smartness ; talented person, especially an author ; en- gine, machine, mechanical apparatus ; de- vice, contrivance; any engine of war ; (b. b.) plough-cutter, plough-press ; ingenio de azu- car, sugar-work, sugar-mill, sugar-planta- tion : ingenio de polvora, powder-mill. mgeniosamente, adv. ingeniously. ingenlosidad, /. ingenuity, iugeniousness, invention. ingeniOSO, sa, a. ingenious, inventive ; clev- erly made. ingenito, ta, a. unbegotten ; innate, inborn, ingenerate, ingenite. Ingente, a. very large, huge, prodigious. ingenuamente, adv. candidly, ingenuously. -^ngenuidad, /. ingenuousness, candour, frankness, openness, opeu-heartedness. ingenuo, nua, a ingenuous, open, candid, fair, open-hearted ; (law) ingenuous, free- born. ingerencia, /. interference, intermeddling. ingeridor, m. grafting-knife. ingeridura,/. grafting. ingerir, va. (ind. ingiero: subj. ixgiera) to insert, introduce, inclose ; (agr.) to graft. — vr. to interfere, intermeddle. ingina, /. v. quuada. ' ingle,/, groin, part next the thigh. Ingl6s, sa, a. English: k la inglesa, in the English fashion.— m. Englishman ; the Eng- lish language.—/. Englishwoman. Inglesar, va. & vr. to Anglicize. Inglesismo, m. Anglicism. Inglete, m. diagonal ; angle of 45°. inglosable, a. admitting no gloss or com- ment. IngObernable, a. ungovernable, unmanage- able, unrulv. ingratamerite, adv. ungratefully. Ingratitud, /. ingratitude, ungratefulness, unthankfulness. ingratO, ts^ a. ungrateful, unthankful ; thankless, ingrate ; harsh, disagreeable. Ingrediente, m. ingredient. Ingresar, va. to enter ; (com.) to incase. ingn^eso, m. ingress, entrance ; commence- ment ; (com. ) entry, money received ; (ecel. ) surplice-fees : derechos de ingreso, entrance {ee.—pl. (com.) revenue, receipts, earn- ings. Inguinal, inguinario, ria, a. (med.) in- guinal. Ingargitaci6n,/. (med.) ingurgitation. Ingurgitar, va. to ingurgitate, swallow. Ingustable, a. unsavoury, unpalatable. inbabil, a. unable, incapable, incompetent ; uiitit, unskilful ; unqualitied, disquaMlied. inhabilidad, /. inability, incompetency, in- capacity, unskilfulness, unfitness. inliabilitaci6n, /. disabling or disqualify- ing ; disqualification ; disability. inbabilitar, va. to disqualify ; to disable, render unfit. — vr. to lose a right ; to become disabled. inhabitable, a. uninhabitable. inhabitadO, da, a. uninhabited. inbabituadO, da, a. unhabituated, unaccus- tomed. inhalador, ra, a. inhaler. inlialacidn, /. (med.) inhalation. inbalar, va. (med.) to inhale. inberencia, /. inherence or inherency. inberente, a. inherent. inbestar, va. V. enhestar. in,bibici6n,/. (law) inhibition, prohibition. inbibir, va. (law) tof inhibit an inferior court from proceeding further. inbibitoriO, ria, a. inhibitory. inbiesto, ta, a. steep. V. enhiesto. inbonestamente, adv. immodestly. inbonestidad, /. immodesty, indecency. inbonestO, ta, a. immodest, indecent. inbospedable, inbospitable, inbospital, inbospitalario, ria, a. inhospitable, re- luctant to entertain guests ; unsheltering. inbospitalidad, /. inhospitableness. inbumanamente, adv. inhumanly. inbumanidad, /. inhumanity, cruelty. inbumano, na, a. inhuman, savage, cruel. inbUmar, va. to bury, inhume, inter. iniciacibn, /. initiation, introduction. iniclal, a. initial, elementary : letras inicla- le8 or las iniciales, initials. iniciador, ra, a. initiator, starter. iniciar, va. to initiate ; to commence, begin, start — vr. to be initiated ; (eccl.) to receive first orders. iniciatiVO, va, a. initiating, initiatory.-/, initiative, the right of proposing laws, etc. : tomar la iniciativa, to be first in doing or saying something. inicuamente, adv. iniquitously. iniCUO, CUa, a. iniquitous, wicked, unjust. inimaginable, a. unimaginable, inconceiv- able. inimicisimo, ma, a. sup. irr. of enemigo ; very inimical. inimitable, a. inimitable. ininteligible, a. unintelligible. iniquidad,/. iniquity, injustice, unrighteous- ness. iniquisimo, ma, a. sup. of inicuo. injertar, va. {pp. injertado, ikjerto) (agr.) to ingraft, to graft. injertera,/. orchard of grafted trees. in^jertO, pp. irr. of injertar.— ??i. graft, graft- ing tree ingrafted. il^JTiria,.f. injury, offence, wrong, insult, out- rage, aflront; annoyance, hardship, con- tumely, mischief, daiinage, harm. injuria'dO, da, a. & pp. injured, wronged. injuriador, ra, m. & f. aggressor, injurer, wrong-doer. injuriante, pa. injuring, offending, injurer. injuriar, va. to injure, insult, wrong, out- rage, offend, annoy, harm, or hurt. injuriosamente, adv. injuriously, offensive- ly, hurtfuily. injuriOSO, sa, a. injurious, outrageous in- sulting, offensive, hurtful, opprobrious. inlustamente, adv. unjustly. ilnUSticia,/. injustice, iniquity, wrong, i^UStificable, a. unjustifiable. e (before e, i) and J as b In hot ; h, silcat ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny ia'casyon ; r (iaitial) aud rr trilleJ ; s. bUsed. INJ 328 INO Injustificadamente, adv. unjustifiably, injustiflcado, da, a. unjustified. Inlusto, ta, a. unjust, wrongful. imegible, a. illegible. Inllevable, «. insupportable, unbearable. inmaculadameilte, adv. immaculately. inmaculado, da, a. immaculate, holy, pure, spotless. inmanejable, «. unmanageable ; unruly. inmanente, a. immanent, inherent. ininarcesible, a. unfading, unwithering. inmaterial, a. immaterial, incorporeal. inmaterialldad, /. immateriality. inmaturo, ra, a. immature. Inmediaci6n,/. contiguity, contact.— jjZ. en- virons, suburbs, outskirts. inmediatamente, adv. contiguously ; im- mediately, forthwith. inmediato, ta, a. contiguous, nigh, close, adjoining, hard by, next. imnediCSlDle, a. incurable, irremediable. ' inmejorable, a. unimprovable, unsurpass- able. inmemorable, a. immemorable, immemo- rial. inmemorablemente, adv. immemorably. imneiuorial, «. immemorial. inmensamente, adv. immensely, infinitely, hugely. inmensidad, /. immensity, vastness ; infin- ity ; great multitude or number. inmenso, sa, a. immense, unlimited, un- bounded, infinite ; countless. inmens'lirable, a. immensurable, measure- less. inmerecidamente, adv. undeservedly. inmerecido, da, «. unmerited, undeserved. inm^ritaniente, adv. unmeritedly. inmerito, ta, a. undeserved, unmerited. InmerltoriO, ria, a. immeritorious, unde- serving. imuersidll, /. immersion. Inmigracl6n, /. immigration. inniigrailte, m. immigrant. Imzilgrar, vn. to immigrate. inmlnencia, /. imminence, nearness. inminente, a. imminent, impending, near. inmisculr, va. to mix. — vr. to interfere in, to intermeddle. imnoble, a. unmovable, immovable, fixed ; motionless ; unshakable, constant. inmoderaclbn, /. immoderation, immoder- ateness ; excess. Inmoderadamente, adv. immoderately. inmoderado, da, a. immoderate, excessive. imnodestamente, adv. immodestly. inmodestia, /. immodesty, indecency, in- delicacy. inmodestO, ta, a. immodest, indelicate. imnolacibn, /. immolation, sacrifice. inmolador, ra, m. &/. immolator. ininolar, va. to immolate ; to sacrifice. iniUOral, «. immoral ; licentious. inmoralldad, /. immorality, licentiousness, vice, corruption. inmortal, «. immortal ; endless. inmortaJidad, /. immortality. inmortalizar, va. to immortalize, perpetu- ate. inmortalxaente, adv. immortally. inmortlflcaci6n, /. immortification, licen- tiousness. inmortlficado, da, a. unmortified. inmotivado, da, a. without reason or cause. ImnotO, ta, a. unmoved. inmovible, a. immovable. Inm6vil, a. motionless, set, fixed ; constant, unshaken. inmovilidad, /. immobility, fixedness ; firm- ness, constancy. inmudable, «. immutable. inmueble, a. (law) immovable (property).— m. (law) immovable. Inmundicia, /. filth, dirt, garbage; nasti. uess, dirtiness, filthiness ; uncleanuess, im» purity. inmundO, da, a. unclean, filthy, dirty ; oh- scene, unchaste. inmune, a. free, exempt ; immune. inmunidad, /. immunity, privilege, exemp- tion, frauciiise, freedom ; liberty. inmutabilidad, /. immutability. imnutable, a. immutable, unchangeable. inmutacibn, /. change, alteration. inumtar, va. to change, to alter. — vr. to change countenance from some emotion. inmutativo, va, a. that which changes or causes alterations. innatismo, m. (phil.) system of those who claim that ideas are innate. innatO, ta, a. innate, ingenite, inborn. innavegable, «. innavigable, unseaworthy. innecesario, ria, a. unnecessary. innegable, «. undeniable. innoble, a. ignoble, meau of birth. innocuo, ua, «. innocuous, harmless. innominadO, da, a. nameless : hueso Innomi' nado, iuuominate.bone. innovacibn, /. innovation. innovador, ra, m. &/. innovator. innovamiento, m. innovation. innovar, ra. to innovate. innumerabllidad, /. innumerabllity, in* numerableness. innmnerable, a. innumerable, numberless, countless. innumerablemente, a4v. innumerably. innumero, ra, a. numberless, countless. inobediencia, /. disobedience. inobediente, a. disobedient ; unmanageable. inobservable, uuobservable, iuobservable. inobservancia, /. neglect, inobservance. inobservante, «. inobservant. inocencia, /. innocence, guilelessness ; guilt* lessness ; harralessness, innocuousness ; can- dour, simplicity. inocentada, /. (coll.) simple or silly speech or action ; practical joke or trick. inocente, a. innocent, pure, candid ; guilt- less ; harmless, innocuous ; simple, easily duped : dia de inocentes, the 28th of Decem- ber. inocentemente, adv. innocently, guiltlessly, harmlessly, innocuously. Inocentbn, na, a. aug. very simple and cred- ulous. inocillacidn, /. inoculation ; vaccination. inoculador, »*. inoculator. inocular, va. (med.) to inoculate; to con«» taminate, pervert. inodoro, ra, «. inodorous, odourless. — »». sanitary water-closet. inofensivo, va, «. inoflfensive. inoficlOSO, sa, (lawj inofficious (will). inolvidable, a. unforgetable, not to be for- gotten. inoperable, a. (med.) inoperable. inopia, /. indigence, poverty, penury. inopinable, a. indisputable, incontroverti- ble. inopinadamente, adv. unexpectedly. inopinado, da, «. inopinate, unexpected, unforeseen. inoportunamente, adv. inopportunely. inoportunidad, /. inopportuueness, unsea* sonableness, inconvenience. « M in i»r : • in «li I ; i la police ; o In for ; Q in bull ; c (before •, i\ and z as th in tblok ; b and d, soft ; INO 329 INS inoportuno, na, a. inopportune. Inordenadamente, adv. inordinately. inordenado, da, inordina^o, da, a. inor- dinate, irregular, disorderly. inorganiCO, ca, a. inorganic. inoxida'ble, a. inoxidizable. in partiljus, (Lat.) adv. (coll.) having a nominal appointment. V. obispo. in pectore, (Lat.) adv. (coll.) said of a reso- lution not yet made known. inpromptu, (Lat.)ad«;. off hand, impromptu, extempore. in puribus, (Lat.) adv. (coll.) in a state of nakedness. inquebrantable, «. inviolable, irrevocable. inquietador, ra, m. &f. disturber. inquletamente, adv. disquietly, uneasily. inquietar, va. to disquiet, trouble, disturb ; to molest, vex, tease, harass ; to stir up or excite disturbances. — i;;-. to become uneasy or restless, to fret, worry. inquleto, ta, a. restless, turbulent ; noisy, troublesome, clamorous ; anxious, solici- tous, uneasy, fidgety, disquiet. inquietud, /. inquietude, restlessness, un- easiness, vexation, anxiety. inqullinatO, m. (law) lease, leasehold. inquilino, na, m. & /. tenant, inmate, lodger; (law) lessee. inquina,/. (coll.) aversion, hatred. inquinaihento, m. infection. inquinar, va. to contaminate. inquiridor, ra, m. & f. inquirer, inquisitor, investigator. inquirir, va. {ind. inquiero : subj. iNQuiE- ra) to inquire, look into, search, investi- gate, explorate, examine. inquisicidn, /. inquest, examination, in- quiry ; (eccl.) Inquisition ; Holy Office. inqulsidor, ra, m. & /. inquirer, examiner. — m. (eccl.) inquisitor. inquisitorial, a. inquisitorial, inquisito- rious. Insabible, a. that can never be known. insaciabilidad,/. insatiableness, greediness. insaclable, a. insatiable, greedy. insaciablemente, adv. insatiably. insaculaci6n, /. (law) balloting for names. insaculador, m. (law) balloter. insacular, va. to ballot, to vote by ballot. insalivacibn, /. insalivation. insalivar, va. to insalivate. insalubre, a. insalubrious, unhealthy. insalubridad, /. insalubrity, unhealthful- ness. insanable, a. incurable, irremediable. insania,/. insanity. V. LOCURA. insano, na, a. insane, mad, crazy. inscribir, va. {pp. inscrito, inscriptoJ to inscribe, register, record, book ; (geom.) to inscribe ; (law) to record (deeds). inscripci6n,/. inscription ; record, register, entry ; registration ; government bond. inscripto, ta, pp. irr. of inscribir. inscrito^ ta, pp. irr. of inscribir. insculpir, va. to insculp, engrave, cut. insecaole, a. (coll.) that cannot be dried. insecticida, a. insecticidal. insectil, a. insectile, insectean. insectivoro, ra, a. insectivorous. insectO, m. (ent.) insect. inseguridad, /. insecurity, uncertainty. inseguro, ra, a. insecure, unsafe, uncertain, dubious. insenescencia, /. quality of not becoming old. insensatamente, adv. madly, stupidly. insensatez, /. nonsense, stupidity, folly. insensate, ta, a. insensate, nonsensical, meaningless ; stupid, mad, fatuous. insensibilidad,/. insensibility, unconscioug- ness ; hard-heartedness. insensible, «. insensible, senseless, uncon- scious ; callous, stupid ; imperceptible, un- feeling, obdurate, cold-hearted. insenslblemente, adv. insensibly. inseparabilidad, /. inseparableness, insep- arability. inseparable, o. inseparable. inseparablemente, adv. inseparably. insepultO, ta, a. unburied, uninterred. inserei6n, /. insertion, ingrafting. inserir, va. to insert, to graft. insertar, va. {pp. insertado, inserto) to insert, to introduce. — vr. (zool. and bot.) to be inserted or attached. inserto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of insertar ; in- serted. inservible, a. unserviceable, useless. insidia,/. ambush, snare, contrivance. insidiador, ra, m. &/. plotter, waylayer, In- sidiator. i^Sidiar, va. to plot, waylay, ambush. insidiosamente, adv. insidiously, guilefully. insidiOSO, sa, a. insidious, sly, guileful. insigne, a. notable, remarkable, flagrant, noted. insignemente, adv. notably, signally, con- spicuously. insignia,/, decoration, device, medal, badge, standard; (naut.) pennant.—/)/, insignia. insignificancia, /. insignificance. insignificante, a. insignificant, unimpor- tant. insi^niflcativo, va, a. insignificant ; insig- nifacative. insinuacidn, /. insinuation, innuendo, hint, suggestion ; (law) exhibition of a public instrument before a judge ; (rhet.) kind of exordium. insinuante, pa. & a. insinuant, insinuating. insinuar, va. to insinuate, hint, suggest. — vr. to insinuate, ingratiate, wheedle ; to get in, creep in, steal into (the mind). insipidamente, adv. insipidly. insipidez,/. insipidity, insipidness. insipidO, da, a. insipid, tasteless, unsavoury, spiritless, vapid, flat. insipiencia,/. ignorance, lack of judgment, insipiente, a. ignorant, uninformed. insistencia, /. persistence, steadiness, con- stancy, obstinacy. insistir, vn. to insist, persist ; to dwell upon. insitO, ta, a. ingrafted, natural. insOCiabilidad, /. unsociability, unsociable- ness. insociable, insocial, a. unsociable. insolaci6n, /. (med.) insolation, sun-stroke. insolar, va. to insolate. — vr. to become over- heated in the sun. insoldable, a. that cannot be soldered. insolencia, /. insolence, impudence, effront- ery, frowardness, effrontery, barefacedness. insolentar, va. to make bold. — vr. to become insolent. insolente, a. insolent, impudent, froward, haughty. insolentemente, adv. insolently, haughtily, insultingly. in s61iduni, adv. (law) jointly. ins61it0. ta, a. unusual, unaccustomed. insolubilidad, /. insolubility. insoluble, a. indissoluble, insoluble; fast, strong ; unsolvable. insolvencia. /. insolvency. insolvente, a. insolvent. g (before e, 1) and J as h in hot ; b, silent; U in brilliant; ft, ny in canyon; r (initial) »n>l rr trilled; s, hieBed. INS 330 INT insomne, a. insomnious, sleepless. insomnio, m. insomnia, sleeplessness. insondable, a. unfathomable, fathomless ; inscrutable, unsearchable ; abysmal. insonoro, ra, a. insonorous, not clear. insoportable, a. insupportable, intolerable. insostenible, a. indefensible. inspecci6ll, /. inspection, survey ; superin- tendence ; control ; inspector's office. inspeccionar, va. to inspect, examine, over- see. inspector, ra, m. & f. inspector, examiner ; supervisor, superintendent, controller, over- seer, surveyor. ilispiraci6n, /. inspiration ; (med. ) inhala- tion. inspirador, ra, m. & f. inspirer. insplrante, pa. inspiring. inspirar, va. to inspire, inhale ; to infuse into the mind, instil, induce. inspiratiVO, va, a. inspiratory. instabilldad, /. instability, inconstancy, fickleness, mutability. Instable, «. unstable, inconstant, changing, mutable, fickle. Instalacidn, /. installation, instalment ; set- tling; induction.— ;»;. pipe-laying : inatala- cidn elictrica, electric plant : instalacion de gas, gas-fitting. ; Instalar, va. to stall, place, set up ; (law) to instal ; to induct. instancia,/. instance or instancy ; memorial, petition ; prosecution or process of a suit ; pressing argument : de primera instancia, in- stantly, on the first impulse ; first, in the first place. V. juez and juzgado. Instantiineamente, adv. instantly, instan- taneously. lnstantd.neO, nea, a. instantaneous.—/, (phot.) snap-shot. instante, pa. & a. instant, pressing, urgent. — m. instant, a moment : al instante, imme- diately : por instantes, incessantly, every moment. instantemente, adv. instantly. tnstar, va. to press, urge ; in schools, to im- pugn the solution of a question. — vn. to be urgent. instaiiraci6n, /. instauration, restoration, Instaurar, va. to renew, re-establish, rebuild. InstauratlVO, va, a. restorative. Instigaci6n, /. instigation, incitement. instigador, ra, m. &/. instigator, abetter. instigar, va. {prel. instigu^: sulij. INSTI- GUE) to instigate, incite, provoke, urge. Instllacibn, /. instillation. Instilar, va. to instil, infuse, insinuate. InstintlVO, va, a. instinctive. instintivamente, adv. instinctively. instintO, tn. instinct ; divine inspiration : por Instinto. instinctively., instituci6n, /. institution, establishment, settlement; education, instruction : institu- ci6n de cridito, (com.) bank.— ^^. institutes of any science. instltuente, pa. instituting ; founder. Instituidor, ra, m. &/. institutor, founder. institulr, va, {ind. instituyo : subj. insti- tuya) to institute, establish, found ; to teach, instruct ; to nominate, appoint. instltuta, /. (law) institutes. instltuto, m. institute, established law ; set- tled order ; institution of learning. institutor, ra, m. &f. institutor. institutrlz, /. governess, instructress. instituyente, pa. institutor ; founder. instrucci6n, /. instruction, tuition, teach- ing ; lesson ; knowledge ; learning, lore ; (law) court proceedings : instmccion prima- ria, primary education ; instruccion pi&blica, public education.— p/. instructions, direc- tions, orders. instructivamente, adv. instructively. instructivo, va, a. instructive. instructor, ?u. instructor, teacher. instructora, /. instructress. instruir, va. {ind. instruyo: subj. instru- ya) to instruct, teach, train, eoach ; to in- form, report, advise; (mil.) to drill ; (law) to instruct, to model a cause according to established rules. instrumentacibn, /. (mus.) instrumenta- tion, orchestration. instrumental, a. (mus.) instrumental; (law) belonging to legal instruments : causa instrumental, (law) test case. instrumentalmente, adv. instmmentally. instrumentar, va. (mus.) to instrument, to orchestrate. instrumentista, m. (mus.) instrumentalist; music. instrumento, m. instrument, tool, imple- ment, appliance, utensil ; engine, machine, apparatus ; agent or means of doing any- thing; (law) instrument, indenture, deed; (mus.) instrument. insuave, a. unpleasant, disagreeable. insubordinacldn, /. insubordination. insubordinado, da, a. & pp. insubordinate^ rebellious. insubordinar, va. to incite to resist au- thoritj. — vi: to rebel against authority. insubSlStencia, /. instability. insubsistente, a. unable to subsist, instable j groundless, baseless. insubstancial, a. unsubstantial, inane, pointless. insubstancialidad, /. inanity. insubstancialmente, adv. inanely. insudar, vn. to toil, drudge, work hard. insuficiencia, /. insufficiency, inadequat«- ness. insuficiente, a. insufficient, inadequate. insuficientemente, adv. insufficiently. insuflacibn, /. (med.) insufflation. insuflar, va. (med.) to insufflate. insufrible, a. intolerable, insuflferable, un- bearable, insupportable. insufriblemente, adv. insufferably. insula,/, (archaic) isle, island. V. isla. insular, insulano, na, a. insular. insulsamente, adv. insipidly. insulsez,/ insipidity, flatness. insulSO, sa, a. insipid, tasteless ; dull, heavy. insultador, ra, m. &/. insuiter. insultante,i>a. insulting, insuiter. insultar, va. to insult.— vr. (coll.) to have a fit. insulto, m. insult, affront ; outrage, assault ; sudden fit of illness. insume, a. costly, expensive. insumergible, a. insubmergible. insuperable, a. insuperable, insurmount- able. insupurable, a. that cannot suppurate. insurgente, «. insurgent. — m. rebel. insurrecci6n, /. insurrection, rebellion. insurreccionar, va. to promote an insurrec- tion. — !•/-. to rebel. insurrecto, ta, a. & m. &f. insurgent, rebel. insustancial, a. v. insubstancial. intacto, ta, «. untouched, intact, whole, en- tire ; pure. intacnable, a. uncensurable, unexception- able, blameless. intangible, a. intangible ; not to be touched. a u In far : e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before e, i) and e as th In thick ; b and d, cofk* INT 331 INT iMteg^rrimo, ma, a. super, upright. integracion,/. integration. integral, «. integral, whiole. Integralmente, adv. integrally, wholly. iutegramente, adv. entirely, wholly. llltegrfante, a. integral, integrant. integrar, ra. to integrate; (com.) to reim- burse ; (mat.) to integrate. integridad, /. integrality, wholeness, com- pleteness ; integrity, honesty, uprightness; virginity. Integro, gra, a. integral, entire, complete ; eandid, upright, honest, disinterested, just. tntelecci6n, J. intellection. intelectiva, /. intellect, intelligence. intelectivo, va, «. intellective. intelecto, m. intellect, understanding. intelectual, a. intellectual, mental, ideal. intelectualmente, adv. intellectually, men- tally, ideally. iutellgencia, /. intellect, mind, spirit; in- telligence, comprehension, knowledge, un- derstanding, skill, ability, experience ; sense, meaning: en la inteligencia, in the understanding, suppositively. inteligenciadO, dst, a. (coll.) instructed, in- formed. inteligeute, a. intelligent, talented, skilful, clever, learned, knowing. inteligible, a. intelligible. illteligiiJx3mente, adv. intelligibly. intemperancia, /. intemperance, excess. intemperante, a. intemperate. intemperie, /. rough weather : & la intem- perie, in the open air, out-doors. intempesta, a. (poet.) the dead of night. intempestivamente, adv. unseasonably. intempestivo, va, a. unseasonable. intenci6u, /. intention, design, purpose ; meaning, mind, view ; violent instinct of brutes: segunda intencion, afterthought, double meaning, double dealing: cura de primera intencion, first aid to the injured. intencionadamente, adv. designedly. intencionado, da, a. inclined, disposed. intencional, «. intentional, designed. intencionalmente, adv. intentionally. intendencia, /. administration, manage- ment ; place, employment, or district of an intendente. intendenta, /. wife of an intendente. intendente, m. inteadant, sub-treasurer of the government: intendente de ejercito, quarter-master general : intendente de ma- rina, commandant of a navy-yard Intensamente. ad,\ intensely. intensidad,.;'. intensity ; vehemence. intension, /'. in tenseness, vehemence, ar- dency ; earnestness. intensive, va, intense, sa, a. intense, in- tensive, vehement, ardent, lively. intentar, va. to try, attempt, endeavour ; to intend, purpose, mean, design ; (law) to enter an action, to commence a lawsuit. intentO, m. intent, purpose, design : de In- tento, purposely, designedly, knowingly. intentona,/. (coll.) chimerical attempt. inter, prep, prefix meaning between. — m. (Peru) substitute of a curate. intercadencia, /. interruption, interposi- tion, unevenness, inconstancy; (med.) in- termission or inequality of the pulse. intercadente, a. changeable, variable. intercadentemente, adv. changeably. intercalacidn, /. intercalation. intercalar, ra. to intercalate. intercalar, «. intercalary. intercambiO, m. interchange. interceder, vn. to intercede, interceptacibn, /. interception, stoppage, interceptar, va. to intercept, cut off. intercesi6n, /. intercession, mediation, intercesor, ra, m. & /, intercessor, inter- cedes interciso, sa, a. half-holiday, interclusion, .f. interclusion. intercolumnio, intercolunio, m. (arch.) intercolumniation. intercostal, a. intercostal, intercurrencia, /. intercurrence. intercurrente, a. intercurrent, intervening, intercutaneo, nea, a. intercutaneous. interdecir, va. to interdict, prohibit. interdentario, ria, a. interdental. interdiccidn, /. interdiction, prohibition ; interdict. interdictO, m. prohibition, interdiction; (law) judgment of summary possession. interdigital, a. interdigital. interns, m. interest, gain, profit ; share, con- cern, advantage, concernment; (com.) in- terest, premium, money paid for the use of money ; attraction, inducement, inclina- tion, desire.— pZ. money matters, business affairs. interesable, a. avaricious, mercenary. interesado, da, a. & pp. interested, con- cerned ; selfish, mercenary. — m. & /. asso- ciate, partner. interesante, a. interesting, attractive. interesar, vn. & vr. to be concerned or in-, terested in. — va. to invest ; to give an inter- est; to interest, concern, attract. interesencia, /. assistance, attendance. interesente, a. present, concurring. interesillo, m. dim. slight interest. interfectO, ta, m. & /. (law) murdered per- son, victim. interferencia, /. (opt.) interference. interfoliar, va. to interleave a book. intexln, m. interim, office pro tempore. — adv. meanwhile. , interinamente, adv. in the interim, mean- time, provisionally, pro tem. interinidad, /. office pro tempore. interino, na, a. provisional, temporary ; pro tempore. interior, a. Interior, internal, inward, inner, inside. — m. the interior, inside, inner part ; mind, soul; in coaches with three «om- partments, the middle one.— ^/. entrails, in- testines. interloridades, /. pi. family secrets. interiormente, adv. internally, ihwardly, interiorly, inter1eeci6n,/. (gram.) interjection. interline a, /. (print.) lead, space line. interlineacidn, /. interlineation; (print.) leading. inter lineal, a. Interlineal. interlinear, va. to write between lines; (print.) to lead, to space. interlocucibn,/. interlocution, dialogue. interlocutor, ra, m. &f. interlocutor. interlocutoriamente, adv. (law) interme- diately. interlocutorio, ria, a. (law) interlocutory intermediate. interlope, a. interloping. interlunio, to. (ast.) interlunar period. intermediar, va. to interpose, mediate. intermediario, ria, w. & /. (law) interme- diator. intermedio, dia, a. intermediate, interven- ing, interposed. — m. interval, intermedium; interim ; (theat.) interlude, intermission. g(bfelbree,i)andj as h in hot; h, silent: U in briUlant; fi, ny in canyon; r (initial) ani4 rr trilled ; b, hissed. INT 332 INT interminable, a. interminable, endless. intermisibn, /• intermission, interruption. intermitencia, /. (med.) intermission. intermitente, a. intermittent. intermitir, va. to intermit, discontinue. internaci6n, /. importation : derechos de in- ternacion, importation duties. internaclonal, a. international. internamente, adv. internally. internar, va. to penetrate into the interior of a country. — vtu to pierce, go through. — vr. to insinuate, to probe. interno, na, a. interior, internal, inward, intern. — m. &f. boarding-pupil. internodio,™. (bot.) intemode. inter nos, adv. (Lat.) between you and me. internuncio, m. interlocutor; (eccl.) inter- nuncio. interpaginar, va. (b. b.) to interleave. interpelaci6n,/. interpellation, summons. interpelar, va. to appeal to, to implore the aid of; to interpellate ; (law) to summon, to cite. interpolacidn, /. interpolation. interpoladamente, adv. in an interpolating manner. interpolar, va. to interpolate, intermix, in- termit ; to interpose, interrupt. interponer, va. {for in: v. poner) to inter- pose, place between ; to appoint as a medi- ator ; (law) to present a petition to a court. — vr. to go between, to interpose. lnterposici6n,/. interposition, interference, mediation, meddling. interp6sita persona, (Lat.) (law) inter- mediary, agent. interprender, va. (mil.) to take by sur- prise. interpresa, /. (mil.) taking by surprise. interpretable, a. interpretable. interpretaci6n, /. interpretation, transla- tion, elucidation, explanation, exposition, construction, commentary, deciphering: in- terpretacion de lenguas, translation bureau in the State Department of Spain. Interpretador, ra, w. &/. interpreter, trans- lator. interpretante, pa. & m. & f. interpreting, translator. interpretar, va. to interpret, explain, ex- pound, translate, construe, decipher ; (theat.) to act a part. interpretativamente, adv. interpretatively. interpretatiVO, va, a. interpretative. int6rprete, m.. &, f. interpreter, expounder, translator ; indication, sign. interpuesto, ta, a. & pp. irr. ixterpoxer ; interposed, intervening, placed between, mediate. interregno, m. interreign, interregnum. interr0gaci6n, /. interrogation, question, inquiry ; (print.) the mark i?. interroganie, a. interrogative ; mark of in- terrogation.— j>a. interrogating. — m. & f. interrogator. interrogar, va. {pret. interrogu^: subj. iNTERKOfJUE) to questiou, to interrogate. interrogativamente, adv. interrogatively. interrogativo, va, a. interrogative. interrogatorio, m. interrogatory; (law) c^os^^-exam^nation. interrumpidamente, adv. interruptedly. interrumpido, da, a. & pp. imerrupted, broken. intemunpir, va. to interrupt, hinder, ob- struct, shut off, cut off, cut short, break, discontinue. interrupcidn, /. interruption, interpella- tion, discontinuance, obstruction, stoppage^ break, check, hinderance. interrupter, m. (elec.) interrupter. interseccibn,/. intersection. intersideral, a. (ast.) interstellar. intersticio, m. interstice, interval. intertropical, a. intertropical. interusurio, m. interest for a time. intervale, m. interval, stretch, interlapse; (mus.) interval: claro or lucido interval©, remission of madness ; lucid interval. intervencidn, /. intervention, supervision, superintendence, mediation, interposition ; auditing accounts ; (law) intervention. intervenir, vn. {for irr. v. venir) to inter- vene, come between, mediate, intercur, in- termediate ; to supervise, superintend ; (law) to intervene. — va. to audit accounts ; (com.) to financier, to float. — i'. impers. to occur, happen. interventor, ra, m. &f. comptroller, super* visor, inspector, superintendent, auditor. intervertebral, a. invertebral. interyacente, a. interjacent, intervening. intestado, da, a. intestate. intestinal, a. intestinal. intestine, na, a. intestine, internal ; civil, domestic. — m. intestine; gut; bowels. intima, intimaci6n, /. intimation, hint. intimamente, adv. intimately. intimar, va. to intimate, indicate, suggest, liint. — cr. to pierce, penetrate ; to insinuate, become intimate. intimatorio, ?:ia, a. (law) intimating. intimidaci6n, /. intimidation. intimidad,/. intimacy, close friendship. intimidar, va. to intimidate, daunt. intimo, ma, a. internal, innermost ; inti- mate, familiar. intitiQar, va. to entitle ; to confer a title.— vr. to use a title. intolerabilidad, /. intolerableness. intolerable, a. intolerable, insufferable. intolerancia,/. intolerance. intOlerante, a. intolerant. intense, sa, a. (poet.) unshorn; ignorant, unpolished; (b. b.) bound with uncut leaves. intorsion,/. (bot.) intortiou. intoxicacibn, /. (med.) intoxication. intoxicar, va. {pret. intoxiqu6: subj. in' toxique) (med.) to poison. intradds, m. (arch.) iutrados. intradUCible, a. untranslatable. intramuros, odv. within the city. intranquilo, la, a. uneasy, restless. intransferible, a. not transferable. intransigente, a. intransigent, irreconcil- able. intransitable, a. impassable. intransitivo, va, a. (gram.) intransitive. intransmisible, a. untransmissible. intrasmutabilidad,/. immutability. intrasmutable, a. intransmutable. intratable, «. intractable, ungovernable, un- ruly, unmanageable ; unsociable, rude, grouty ; impa.ssable. intrepidamente, adv. intrepidly, fearlessly, intrepidez, /. intrepidity, courage, boldness, fearlessness, dauntle-ssness, hardiness. intr6pidO, da, a. intrepid, daring, fearless, courageous, dauntless, gallant, hardy. intriga, /. intrigue ; entanglement, embroil- ment ; (complicated) plot of a play. intrigante, m. intriguer. intrigar, vn. {pret. intriouA: subj. in- TRKiUE) to intrigue, plot, scheme. intrincable, «. intricate, perplexed ^ rr Z. trappings. jaf6tlC0, ca, a. Japhetic, Indo-Grermanic. jagrua, /. (bot.) inaja-palm and fruit. jaguar or jaguarete, m. (zool.) jaguar. jaguarzo, m. (bot.) helianthemum. jagUey (iia'.i sweh-e), m. (S. Am.) large pool or basin; (Cuba) (hot.) liana. jaharrar [hah-ar-rar], va. to plaster. labarro, m. (mas.) plaster, plastering. jaiba,/. (Cuba) (icht.) crab. jaique ;iiigii'-keii), m. cape with a hood. jaira,/. bezel of a plane-bit. lalrar, va. (shoe.) to bevel leather. jaire, m. (shoe.) bevel cut. iJa, ja, jal interj. denoting laughter. lalapSL, /. (bot.) jalapa; jalap. jalbegar, va. to whiten, whitewash. jalbegue, m. whitewash, whitewashing. jaldado, da, jaldo, da, jalde, a. bright yel- low, crocus-coloured. Ialdre, m. yellow peculiar to birds. alea, /. jelly: hacerse una jalea, (met.) to love with excessive fondness : jalea del agro, conserve of citron. Jaleador, ra, a. one who encourages hounds or dancers. jalear, va. to encourage hounds to follow the chase ; to animate dancers, by clapping hands ; to quaver the voice. jaleco, m. Turkish jacket. jaleo, m. clapping of hands to "encourage dancers; Andalusian dance; (coll.) jest, aletina, /. calfs foot jelly • gelatine, alma,/, kind of pack-saddle, almeria, /. pack-saddler's trade, almero, m. maker of pack-saddles. al6n, m. levelling pole, rod, or staff. aloque, m. south-east wind. V. siROCO allullo, m. bread toasted in the ashes. amaicano, na, a. Jamaican, amar, ra. (prov.) to eat. am^S, adv. never, at no time : Jamis, par ja- mas or nunca Jam4s, never, nevermore. ; amba,/. (arch.) door-jamb, window-post, jambaje, m. door or window-case. jambiCO, ca, a. iambic. V. YAM B ICO. jamelgO, m. (coll.) jade, sorry nag. ; amerdana, /. sewer of a slaughter-house. jamerdar, va. to clean the guts of animals; to wash hastily, jamete, m. rich silk stuff, jameteria, /. v. zalameria. j^mila,/. V. ALPECHiN. jam6n, m. ham, salted thigh of a hog. jamona, a. & f. (coll.) buxom middle-age'- woman. jamuga o/'jamu^as, /. mule-chair. j^ndalO, la, a. nickname given to Andalu- sians and those who give the h a strong gui« tural sound. jangada, /. (coll.) silly sally; (naut.) raf*- float. Jangua, /. small armed vessel, jansenismo, m. Jansenism, jansenista, '/*. Jansenist. jap6n, na, japonense, japones, sa, a. Jap- anese. jaque [imU'-keh], vi\ check, in chess : Jaque mate, checkmate ; braggart, boaster ; saddle-bag ; smooth combing of the hair, "aquear, va. to check at chess, aqueca [hah-kfh'-caiii, /. megrim, hemicrany. aquel [iiah-keiir], m. (her.) square, aquelado, da, a. checkered, aquero, vi. fine-toothed comb, aqueta, /. jacket, short, loo.se coat, aquetilla, /. dim. small jaqueta. aquet6n, m. aug. large, wide coat ; great swaggerer, boaster. JS,quiina, /. headstall of a halter. Jaquimazo, m. stroke with the headstall of a halter; (coll.) displeastire ; disappointment. Jara, /. (hot.) cistus or rock-rose; kind of dart or arrow, jarabe, m. sirup ; any sweet mixed drink ; Jarabe de pico, empty talk, jarabear, va. to prescribe sirups very often. — vr. to take sirups frequently. Jaraiz, m. pit for pressing grapes. jaral, >». bramble, brake ; intricate or puz- zling point. laramagO, w. (hot.) hedge-mustard, jarameno, fla, «. reared on the banks of thT Jarama (cattle). jaramugo, ««. small fish used as bait, jarana, /. (coll.) carousal, revelry, romping,* (coll.) scuffle, quarrel. jaranear, vn. (coll.) to jest ; to carouse. jaranero, ra, c fond of jests or sprees, jolly, jarano, m. Mexican sombrero. a aa Id ttkt : • in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; a in ball ; c (before e, i) ao.l z as th in thick ; b and d, toft; JAE 337 JIL jarapote, m. (prov. ) V. jaropeo. jarapotear, vu. to stuff with drugs. jarazo, m. blow or wound with a dart. jarcia, /. accoutrements ; heap of things ; (uaut.) tackle, rigging, and cordage; the shrouds ; fishing-tackle. jardin, m. flower-garden ; spot which dis- figures an emerald ; (naut.) privy. jardincitO, jardinitO, m. dim. small gar- den. jardineria, / gardening. jardinero, ra, m. & f. gardener,—/, flower- stand, jardiniere ; basket carriage. jareta, /. (sew.) fold or tuck for gathering; (naut.) netting, harpings. jaretera, /. garter, v. jarretera. jarife, m. v. jerife. jarifO, fa, a. showy, spruce, nobby, natty. laro, ra, «. resembling a wild boar. jaroclio, m. (Mex. coll.) rough, stout coun- tryman. jaropar or Jaropear, va. to stuff with sirups or drugs. jarope, »t. sirup ; nasty draught or potion. jaropeo, m. the drug habit. iaroso, sa, o. full of brambles, jarra, /. earthen jar ; ancient order of chiv- alry : en jarra or de jarras, akimbo. iarrear, vn. (coll.) to use a wine jar often. jarrero, »?. vender or maker of jars. jarreta, ilia, ita,/. divi. small jar. jarrete, m. hock ; gambrel. jarretera,/. garter ; Order of the Garter. jarrito, m. dim. small jug or pitcher. jarro, m. pitcher, jug, pot, ewer ; chatterer. jarrdn, m. aug. large jar, urn, flower-vase. iaspe, m. (min.) jasper. jaspeado, da, a. & pp. spotted, marbled, mottled, variegated. jaspeadura, /. marbling. iaspear, ra. to marble, vein, speckle, jastial, m. (arch.) facade of an edifice. jateo, tea, a. fox-hunter (dogs). jatO, ta, m. &/. calf. V. BECERRO. i jau ! [how'], inter/, to incite animals, especial- ly bulls. jaula [how'-iah], /. bird-cage ; cell for insane persons; (min.) miner's cage. jaulon, m. aug. large bird-cage, aviary. jauria, .^. pack of hounds. jautO, ta, a. insipid, flat, tasteless. javanes, sa, javo, va, a. Javan, Javanese. J ay an, na, m. &/. tall, robust person. jayanazo, m. aug. huge, big fellow. jazmin, m. (bot.) jessamine or jasmine. jaamilieo, a, a. (bot.) jasminaceous. jea,/. ancient duty on Moorish goods. jebe, m. rock-alum ; (S. Am.) India-rubber. iedive, m. khedive, Viceroy of Egypt. lefatura, /. dignity and office of a chief jefe, fa, m. &f. chief, head, superior, leader; (mil.) commanding officer : jefe de escuadra, (naut.) rear-admiral : jefe politico, governor of a province. JehOvS,, Hebrew word for God. jeja [heh'-hah], /. white wheat. i je, je, je ! inlerj. denoting laughter. jejen, m. (Cuba) gnat, gall-midge. jema, /. badly squared part of a beam. iemal, a. having the length of ajeme. jenie, m. distance from the end of the thumb to the end of the forefinger (both extended) ; (coll.) woman's face. jemoso, sa, a. badly squared beam. jenabe, jenable, m. mustard. jengibre [hen-nee'-breh], m. ginger. jeniquen, m. sisal hemp. V. henequ^n. jeque, m. Moorish chief. Jera, /. ground which can he ploughed in a day with a pair of oxen ; present, gift. ierapellina,/. old ragged garment, lerarca, m. (eccl.) hierarch, qerarquia,/. (eccl.) hierarchy. jer^rquiCO, Ca, a. hierarchical. jerezano, na, a. & w. &/. of or belonging to Jerez. jerga, /. coarse frieze ; jargon, gibberish. T^ JERIGONZA ; straw bed. jerg6n, m. straw bed ; misfit clothes ; ill- shaped person ; (jew.) zyrcon. JergUilla, /. silk or worsted serge. jerife, m. Moorish title of honour. jerlfiano, na, a. pertaining to the jerife. jerigonza, /. (coll.) jargon, gibberish, slang; strange and ridiculous action : andar en jeri- gonzas, to quibble, to cavil. jeringa, /. syringe, clyster ; sausage-stuffer. jeringar, va. {pret. jerixgu^: snhj. JERIN- GUE) to syringe, inject ; to vex, annoy, tease. jeringazo, m. syringing, injecting; clyster, injection. jeringuilla, /. dim. little syringe; (bot.) syringa, mock-orange. jerogliflco, m. hieroglyph. jerogliflCO, ca, a. hieroglyphical. jerosolimitano, na, a. native of Jerusalem, jerpa, /. sterile shoot of a vine. jerricote, w. pottage of almonds, sugar, sagie, and ginger. jervllla,/. kind of short boot. jesuatO, ta, a. child dedicated to Jesus when born. JesucristO, m. Jesus Christ, jesuita, in. Jesuit; (coll.) hypocrite, jesuiticamente, adv. Jesuitically. jesuitiCO, ca, a. Jesuitical. jesuitismO, m. Jesuitism. Jesus [lieli-soos'l, m. Jesus : en nn dcclr Jes6a, in an instant i Jesas mil vecea I good God ! no saber ni el Jeans, not to know even the alphabet. jesusear, vn. to repeat often the name of Jesus. jeta, /. thick, heavy lips; blobber-lip; hog's snout; (coll.) person's face. jetar, va. to dilute, dissolve, liquefy. jetO, m. empty bee-hive rubbed with honey to attract bees. jetudO, da, a. thick-lipped. jibaro, ra, a. (P. Rico) rustic, rude, wild.— TO. countryman. iibla,/. (zool.) cuttle-fish. ibi6n, m. cuttle-fish bone. iCara [lie'cah-rali], /. chocolate-CUp. IcarazO, m. aug. stroke with a chocolate-cup : dar un Jicarazo, (coll.) to give poison to a person. icar6n, m. aug. large chocolate-cup. iCOtea,/. (Amer.) tortoise. ifa,/. refuse of slaughtered l^easts. iferada, ./". stroke with a butcher's knife, iferia,./". slaughtering. ifero, ra, a. belonging to the slaughter- house. — m. butcher's knife : butcher. jifia, /. (icht.) xiphias, sword-fish. ] iga Ihee'-Kah],/. jig (dance and tune). ]igOte, m. (cook.) hash, broth ; minced meat. Jiguilete [he-gee-ieir-teii', TO. indigo-plant. ] ijallar [iie-har-iyar], TO. bramble. ; ijallo [he-hahi'-iyo], TO. (hot.) prickly broom. jijene [lie-heli'-neli], TO. (S. Am.) sand-fly. ji, ji, ji ! interj. denoting laughter. jijona, /. variety of flinty wheat : tnrrdn d« Jijona, sweet-almond paste, jilgriiero (heei-Keh'-roi, to. (om.) linnet. g (before e, i) and J u li in hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; fi, ny In canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; s, biiMd. JIM 338 JUD iima^ua, m. &f. (Cuba) twin, imelga, /. (naut.) fish of a mast. imenzar, va. to npple flax or hemp, inestada, /. sauce made from milk, dates, jineta, /• art of horsemanship ; short lance anciently used ; sergeant's shoulder-knot ; ancient tribute upon cattle: tener los cascos k la jineta, to be hare-brained, wild, giddy. Jinete, m. trooper, cavalryman ; horseman, cavalier, rider, equestrian. Jinetear, va. (Mex.) to tame wild horses by riding them ; to ride on horseback for show. inglar, vn. to swing, vibrate, oscillate. injol [heen'-hol], m. jUJube. V. AZUFAIFA. ipijapa, /. very fine woven straw. iquilete, m. (hot.) Indigo-tree. ira, /. strip, slip of cloth ; picnic, outing. irafa,/. (zool.) giraffe. irapllega, /. purgative confection. irasal, /. (hot. ) fruit of the lac-tree. irel, in. rich caparison for a horse. iride, /. (bot.) v. lirio hediondo. Irofina, /. kind of sauce or gravy. irofl^, m. clove-tree. ir6n,*m. (sew.) facing of a skirt; piece torn from clothing; pointed banner, pennant; small part of any whole ; !ong street. jironadO, da, «. torn into or garnished with strips or tatters. jirpear, va. to dig about vines, jiste ihees'-tehi, m. froth of beer. jltar, va. (prov.) to emit, vomit, throw out. i jo ! [iio], interj. whoa ! iobo, m. (bot.) tree of the terebinth family. 0C6 [ho-co'l, m. jocko, an ape. ocosamente, adv. jocosely, jocularly, wag- gishly, humorously. Jocoserio, ria, «. jocoserious. jOCOSidad, /. jocularity, jocoseness, jocosity, waggery. JOCOSO, sa, a. jocose, jocular, waggish, face- tious, humorous, comical. OCOyote, m. (Amer.) youngest child, pet. Ofaina, /. wash-basin, wash-bowl. Ojoto (iio-ho*-toi, m. (Venez.) maize in the milk. .OlgoriO, m. V. HOLGORio, correct spelling. OlfiiO, m. rest, leisure; (naut.) calm. Oloano, na, a. of or belonging to Sulu (Philip.). J6nico, ca, jonio, nla, a. of or belonging to Ionia: ordten J6iiico, (arch.) Ionic style. — m. foot in poetry. jopo ! interj. (coll.) out of here ! be off I OrCar [lior raKl, va. V. AECHAR. Orco, m. licentious feast and dance. ord^n, m. anything which purifies, revives, or gives a fresh bloom. lorfe Ihor'-feh], wi. dry stone wall ; steep rock ; a tor. iorgruin [hor->:een'\ TO. wizard, sorcerer. jorgulna, f. witch, sorceress. jcrgulneria, /. witchcraft, spell. Jornada, /. one-day march ; stage, journey, travel, trip; (mil.) expedition; king's stay in a royal country residence ; opportunity, occasion, circumstance ; span of life ; transit from life to eternity ; act of a play; (print.) number of sheets printed off in a day : k grandes or k largas Jornadas, by forced marches: al fin de la Jornada, (met.) at the end, at last. Jomal, m. day-work, journey-work, day- wages: & Jomal, by the day; (com.) jour- nal, diary. jornalero', m. day-labourer, journeyman. joroba,/. hump; (coll.) importunity, annoy- ance, nuisance. jorobado, da, pp. & a. crooked, gibbous, humpbacked, or crook-backed. — m. &, f. hunchback. jorobar, va. (coll.) to importune, worry, tease, harass, annoy.. jorrar, va. to haul a sweepy-seine. "jorro, TO. (Cuba) bad tobacco: red de Jorro, sweep-seine. Josa, /. orchard of vines and fruit-trees. JOStradO, da, a. round-headed shaft or dart. jOta (ho'-tahi, name of the letter j ; iota, jot, tittle; Aragonese dance and tune; pottage of greens and spices : no saber una jota, to be very ignorant of anything: sin faltar ana jota, not a jot missing. Jovada, /. ground tilled by a pair of mules in one day. joven [ho'-ven], a. young, youthful, juvenile.-' TO. & /. youth, a stripling; young mau{ young woman ; young person. iovenado, m. (eccl.) juniorate. OVencUlO, ilia, to. &/. dim. youngster. OVial, a. Jovian ; jovial, gay, merry, cheerful, blithe. Jovialidad, /. joviality, jollity, mirth, merri- ment, gaiety. joya [ho-yahi, /. jewel, gem ; piece of jewellery ; a valued person or thing; present, gift; (arch, and arti.) astragal.— p/. jewels, trin- kets ; wedding outfit. ioyante, a. extremely glossy (silk). oyel, m. small jewel, valuable trinket. oyelero, to. jewel-case, jewel-box. joyera, /. woman who keeps a jeweller's shop* iOyeria [ho-yeli-ree'-alil, /. jeweller's shop. oyero [ho-yeh'-ro], 7ft. jeweller ; jewel-casket. jOyita [hoyee'-talil,/. dim. V. JOYUKLA. joyo, TO. (bot.) bearded darnel, darnel-grass. J0y6ll, TO. aug. large jewel. joyuela, /. dim. jewel of small value. juaguarzo m. (bot.) Montpellier rock-rose. Juan iiioo-ahn'], TO. John : buen Juan, poor, silly fellow : Juan Lanas, simpleton, pliant fellow. juanete [iioo-ah-neh'-teh], TO. bunion ; prominent cheek-bone; (naut.) gallant-sail: juanete mayor, main-top-gallant sail : juanete de Bobremesana, niizzen-top-gallant sail. juanetero, to. marine apprentice in, care of the top-gallant sails. juanetudo, da, a. having bunions. juarda, /. stain in cloth, before carded and spun. juardOSO, sa, a. stained, spotted (cloth). jubete, TO. doublet covered with mail. jubeteria,.^. shop where jubstes were sold. jUbetero, to. maker and seller of jubetes. jubllacldn,/. pensioning off or superannuat- ing a placeman ; exemption from duty, with reduced pay; pension or reduced "salary thus paid. Jubllar, va. to pension off; to superannuate; to exempt from duty, with reduced pay ; to place on the retired list ; (coll.) to lay aside as useless. — vr. to become a pensioner, to be retired. — vn. to jubilate, rejoice. Jubileo, TO. jubilee, public festivity; (eccl.) concession of plenary indulgence : por jubi- leo, rarely, happening seldom. jtlbllo [hoo' be-ioi, TO. glee, joy, merriment, re- joicing, festivity, hilarity,'mirth. JtibilOSO, sa, a. gleeful, joyful, merry, gay. jubdn, TO. doublet, jacket; waist in female dress: jubon de azotes, (coll.) public whip- S'ng. oncito, m. dim. sniall doublet or waist. ubonero, to. maker of doublets or waists. UdaiCO, ca, a. Judalcal, Jewish. Udaismo, to. Judaism. ft as tn far ; e In eh I ; 1 is police ; o in for ; a In bull ; c (before e, i) and * as th in tbiek ; b and d. saft JUD 339 JUN iudaizante,/*^. Am. Judaizing, Judaizer. udaizar, va. tojudaiiie. Udas thoo'-aasj, m, an impostor, traitor ; silk- worm tiiat does not spin ; efBgy of Judas burnt in the streets during Lent. iuderia,/. Jewry ; tax on Jews. Udia, /. (bot.) French bean, kidney-bean: Judia de careta, small spotted French beans ; Jewess. judiada, /. inhuman action ; usurious profit, judicante, m. judge appointed to try im- peachment cases. jlldicatura, /. judicature ; dignity of a judge. Judicial, n. judicial, juridical. judicialinente, adv. judicially. {udiciariO, ria, «. astrological. — m. astrol- oger.—/, judicial astrology. Judiega, /. inferior kind of olives. judihuelo, la, m. & /. young Jew or Jewess. — ;/". small French bean. jlldio, dia, a. Judaical, Jewish, Hebrew ; usu- rious. — m. Jew : judio de senal, converted Jew, wearing a distinguishing badge. judibn, m. large variety of French beans. iuegO |h(>o-eh'-j,'oi, VI. play, amusement, diver- sion, sport, game ; gaming, gambling ; game of cards ; set of good cards ; movement,work, working (of a mechanism) ; set, suit, suite ; ability, artfulness, cunning ; (car. ) running gear of a vehicle : juego de azar or de suerte, game of chance : juego de cartas or de naipes, card game : juego de palabras, a pun, a quib- ble : juego de bocbas, a bowling alley : Juego •de bolos, nine-pius : juego de manos, juggling feat, legerdemain : juego de pelota, handball game, fives; fives court: Juego de nlnos, play-game, child's play : Juego de prendas, forfeits : Juego de cajones, nest of boxes or drawers : juego de velas, (naut.) set of sails : Juego de babitaciones, suite of rooms : Juego de te or de cafe, tea-set, coffee-set : tener jue- go, (naut.) to have fetched way; not to be firm or steady : por Juego or por modo de Jue- go, in jest, in joke, in fun : entrar en Juego, to come in play : hacer Juego, to match, to suit, to fit : Juego limpio, fair play. — ^l. pub- lic feasts, exhibitions, or rejoicings. Juego, yo juegue {irr. from .JUGAR). juegUeCiCO, illO, itO Ihoo-eh-gelithee'-co], TO. little game, bit of play. iuera,/. sieve made of esparto. ueves Ihoo-eh'-ves], m. Thursday : cosas del otro jueves, something very unusual. Juez [hoo-^th"], m. judge, justice ; juror, jury- man ; expert,- connoisseur, critic: Juez ir- bltro, arbitrator, umpire : Juea de hecho, lay judge : Juez de paz, justice of the peace : Juez de primera inatancia, judge of the primary court of claims. /Ugada, /. play, act of playing, a throw, move, stroke ; ill turn, wicked trick. JUgadera,/. shuttle for network. Ugador, ra, m. & /. player ; gamester, gam- bler : Jugador de manos, juggler, prestidigi- tator. tugar (hoo-sBr'l, va. & vn. {ind. juego : pret. JUGUE- subj. .TUEGUE) to play, sport, frolic, trifle, toy, romp, gambol ; to game, gamble, stake ; to make a move in a game ; to move a part of the body ; to make use of weapons ; to move on joints or hinges ; to intervene ; to take an active part in an affair, to exercise ; to mock, to make game of: jugar & cara 6 cruz, to bet on the toss of a coin : Jugar k la bolsa, to dabble in stocks : Jugar al alza, (com.) to bull the market : Jugar k la baja, to bear the market. jUgarreta, /. (coll.) bad play; bad turn, nasty trick. ju^landeo, dea, a. (bot.) of the walwut family. juglar, m. juggler, mountebank, buffoon, juglara, juglaresa,/. female buffoon. juglaresco, ca, a. belonging to jugglers, juglaria, jugleria, /. jugglery, buffoonery, mimicry. jugo [hoo'-go], TO. sap, juice ; marrow, pith, sub* stance. jugosidad, /. sappiness, succulence, juici- JugOSO, sa, a. sappy, juicy, succulent. jUguete [iioo-Keh'-teh], to. toy, plaything, gew- gaw, trinket ; jest, joke ; carol ; (theat.) comedietta : por Juguete, jestingly. juguetear, vn. to toy, frolic, sport, gambol. JUgueteria,/. toy-shop, toy-trade. juguetero, to. toy-dealer ; etagere, what-not. juguetbn, na, a. playful, frolicsome, play- some. juicio [hoo-ee'-thie-o], TO. judgment ; act of judg- ing, decision reached; sense, criterion, no- tion, opinion, report ; prudence, wisdom; forecast of yearly events by astrologers ; (law) trial : pedir en Juicio, to sue at law • no estar en su Juicio, to be out of one's senses : tener mucbo Juicio, to be sedate, steady, well- behaved : no tener Juicio, to be wild, to be a harum-scarum fellow. juiciosamente, ndv. judiciously, wisely. juiciOSO, sa, a. judicious, wise. julepe, TO. (pharm.) julep; game at cards; (coll.) reprimand, punishment. ^Uliano, na, a. Julian. JuliO, TO. the month of July; (elec.) joule, volt-coulomb, watt-second. iulo, TO, bell-mule, bell-cow. jumenta,/. female ass, jennie. jumental or jumenttl, a. belonging to the ass. jumentillo, ilia, ito. ita, m. & f. dim. little ass or beast of burden. jumento, m. ass, jument ; stupid person. juncaceas, /.;>/. (bot.) juncacea?. juncada, /. (cook.) kind of fritters: (vet.) medicine against the glanders. juncagO. TO. (bot.) bastard rush. juncal, juncar, to. ground full of rushes. junceo, a, «. rush-like.—/, pi. (bot.) rush family. juncia, /. (bot.) cyperus, a sedge: Juncia olorosa, galangal. junciana,/. (coll.) brag, boast. junciera,/. earth vessel with perforated lid, for aromatic roots. juncino, na, a. rushy ; made of rushes. junCO [hoon'-co], m. (bot. ) rush : Junco de Indias, (bot.) rattan : Junco florido, flowering rush : Junco Oloroso, (bot.) camel grass; (naut.) Chinese junk. uncOSO, sa, «. rushy ; juncous. unio, to. the month of June, unlor, TO. (eccl.) junior. unipero, to., (bot.) juniper. V. enebro. unquera,/. (hot.) rush, unqueral, to. v. juncal. unquillo (hoon-keer-iyoi, TO. (bot.) jonquil ; reed, rattan ; (arch.) boltel moulding. junta fhoon'-tahi, /. junta or junto, meeting, conferen(*fe, congress, assembly, council, convention; session, sitting; a whole, en- tirety; conjunction, union, junction, con- cession, fraternity; (carp.) joint, joining, seam; (mech.) coupling; (mas.) coursing joint: Junta de medicos, (med.) consulta- tion : Junta de comercio, board of trade . Junta g (before e, ]) And J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; S, hissed JUN 340 KUE de sanidad, board of health : Junta de accio- nistas, stockholders' meeting : junta de acree- dores, (com.) meeting of creditors ; junta dircctiva, managing board, executive board. juntamente, adv. jointly, together. Juntar, va. {pp. juntado, junto) to join, at- tach, connect, unite, couple ; to associate, congregate ; to amass, collect, heap, gather, lay up; (carp.) to join, clamp, fit. — vr. to join, meet, assemble, gather, concur; to be closely united ; to copulate. iuntera,/. (carp.) jointing-plane. junterilla, /. dim. (carp.) small joiner's plane. junto, ta, a. n. (bot!) cystus. V. lada. ladra, /. barking. ladrador, ra, «*. &/. barker, ladrante, i^a. barking, latrant; barker, ladrar, vn. to bark, howl, or cry like a dog ; (coll.) to use empty threats; to clamour; to upbraid, iadrido, w. barking, bow-wow ; outcry ; cal- umnv, slander. ladriliado, m. brick floor. ladrlUador, w. F, enladrillador. ladrillar, va. to lay bricks. ladrillal, ladrillar, vi. brick-yard. ladrillazo, m. blow with a brickbat. ladrillejO, m. dim. little brick ; boy's amuse- ment of knocking at doors with a brick. /adrlllero, »». brick-maker. ladrillO, m. brick, tile : ladrillo de chocolate, cake of chocolate. ladrlllOSO, sa,a. bricky. ladrbn, na, m. & /. thief, robber, highway- man, cut-purse. — m. lock, sluice-gate; snuff of a candle that makes it melt. .adronamente, adv. thievishly. ladronclllO, m. dim. petty thief, filcher. ladronera, /. nest of rogues, den of robbers ; filching, extortion ; sluice-gate in a mill ; mouey-DOX. V. alcancI a. Aaroneria,/. v. ladronicio. ladronesCO, ca, a. (coll.) belonging to thieves, thievish.—/, set of thieves. fadroniciO, m. larceny, theft, robbery. V. LATROCINIO. ladronzuelo, la, vi. & f. dim. petty thief, young filcher, pickpocket, lagafia,/. blearedness. V. legaSa. lagafloso, sa, «. v. legaSoso. lagar, m. wiue-pre.ss. lagarejO, m,. small wine-press. lagarero, m. wine-presser ; olive-presser. lagareta,/. small wine-press; puddle, pool. lagarta, /. female lizard; (coll.) sly, cun- ning woman. lagartado, da, a. v. alagartado. lagartera, /. lizard-hole, Lagartero, ra, a. lizard-catcher, lagartija,/. eft, newt, small lizard, lagartljero, ra, a. efts-catcher. lagartillo, m.. dim. small lizard, lagarto, m. lizard ; large muscle of the arm ; (coll.) sly, artful person. iagO, m. lake : lago d« leones, den of lions. lagOStin, m. crayfish. V. langostIn. lagotear, vn. (coll.) to flatter, wheedle, ca- jole. lagOteria,/. (coll.) flattery, adulation. lagOtero, ra, «. (coll.) flattering, wheedling, honey-mouthed. l&grima, /. tear ; drop of any liquid ; drop- like exudation from a tree ; wine that drips from the grape without pressure: 14- grima de David or de Job, (bot.) Job's-tears ; l&grimas de S. Pedro, pebbles, stones thrown at any person : liigriiaag de Batavia or de Ho-- landa, Prince Rupert's drops, glass glo- bules. lagrimable, a. worthy of tears. lagrimal, a, lachrymal. — m. lachrymal car- uncle. lagrimar, lagrimear, vn. to weep, shed tears. lagrimeo, m. shedding tears. lagrimon, m. aug. large tear. lagrimOSO, sa, a. tearful, lachrymose; wv- tery (eyes) ; (bot.) exuding. laguna, /. pond, lagoon, basin; hiatus, gap in a book or writing. lagunajo, m. puddle, pool, plashet. lagunar, m. (arch.) lacunar. lagunero, ra, a. belonging to a lagoon, lagunoso, sa, «. marshy, fenny, swampy. laical, a. laical, laic. lalCO, ca, a. laic. V. LEGO. lairen, a. kind of grapes and vines. laja, /. flag-stone, slab; (naut.) rock at the entrance of a port. lama, /. mud, slime, ooze ; seaweed ; lama (gold or silver cloth) ; fine sand used for mortar ; dust of ores in mines. — m. & /, lama, Tibetan monk or nun. lamaismo, m. Lamaism. lamaista, m. &/. Lamaist. lambel, m. (her.) lambel, label. lambrequines, m.pl. (her.) mantelets. lambrija, /. worm bred in the human body, V. LOMBRiz ; (coll.) meagre, slender person. lamedal, m. musty, miry place. lamedero, m. salt-lick. lamedor, ra, m. & f. licker ; (pharm.) loch ; wheedling: dar lamedor, to leign losing at play in order to insure greater success. lamedura, /. act of licking. lamentable, a. lamentable, deplorable. lamentablemente, adv. lamentably. lamentacibn, /. lamentation, wail. lamentador, ra, m. &/. lamenter, weeper, mourner, coraplaiuer. lamentar, va. to lament, regret, mourn, be- wail, moan. — vn. & vr. to lament, grieve, wail ; to complain, cry. lamento, m. lamentation, lament, moam, wail, mourning, cry. lamentoso, sa, a. lamentable, mournfu), lameplatOS, m. (coll.) glutton, gorger; ont who feeds on lick-plate. lamer, va. to lick ; to lap ; to touch slightly. Iamer6n, na, a. (coll.) fond of dainties or sweets. lamia, /. lamia, a fabulous monster ; shark. lamido, da, a. &pp. worn out with use. lamiente, pa. licking, licker. lamin, m.. dainty tid-bit. litmina, /. plate, sheet, lamina, flake, eiii* graved copper-plate ; engraving, print, pic- ture, illustration, plate. laminado, da, a. lamellated or laminated. laminador, m. rolling-press, plate-roller, laminar, va. to roll or beat metal into sheets ; to lick, to guzzle dainties. laminar, a. laminar' lamellar ; in sheets, laminera, /. bee advanced before its com- panions. laminero, ra, a. fond of sweets. — m. & f. » as in far ; • In ell I ; i in police ; O in f6r ; a In bull ; c Cbefore e. l\ and z as th in thick : b and d. soft ; LAM 343 LAP manufacturer of metal plates ; one who makes shrines for relics. lamiscar, va. (coll.) to lick with haste and great eagerness. lamoso, sa. a. oozy, slimy, muddy. lampa,/. (Amer.) (agr.) shovel for grain. lampaceax, va. (naut.) to swab. lampar, vn. &vr. v. alampar. Ijunpara, /. lamp (oil, gas, or electric) ; light, luminous body ; spot or stain of oil or grease ; bough placed at the door on festivals or re- joicings : atizar la limpara, (coll.) to retill the glasses. lampareria, /. lamp-factory, lamp-store. lamparero, ra, m. &/. lamp-maker or seller ; lamp-lighter. lamparllla,/. dim. small lamp ; night-taper ; sort of camlet ; aspen or trembling poplar. lamparin, m. lamp-holder. lamparista, in. &/. V. lamparero. lampardn, m. auy. large grease-spot ; king's- evu ; (vet.) disease of horses. lampatan, m. Chinese plant. lampazo, m. (bot.) burdock; (naut.) swab, mop. iampiflO, fla, a. beardless. iampi6u, m. large lantern, lampote, m. (Philip.) domestic cotton cloth, lamprea, /. (icht.) sea-lamprey. lamprear, va. to dress or season with wine and sour gravy. lamprehuela, lampreilla,/. river lamprey, lamprey. l^onpsana, /. (bot.) common nipplewort. lampuga, /. (icht.) yellow mackerel. lana, /. wool, fleece ; hair of some animals ; woollen manufacture in general : perro de lanas, poodle. lanada,/. (arti.) sponge. lanado, da, a. (hot.) lanate. lanar, a. woolly (applied to sheep). lanaria,/. (bot.) cudweed. lancdH, m. (Philip.) barge. lance, m. cast, throw ; casting of a fish-net ; catch in a net ; critical moment ; incident, episode (of a play or novel) ; chance, acci- dent, occurrence ; transaction ; quarrel, dispute ; move or turn of a game : lance de honor, duel : de lance, cheap, at second hand : & pocos lances, in a short time : tener pocos lances, to be uninteresting. lanceado, da, a. (bot.) lanceolate. lancear, va. to wound with a lance. lanceola, /. (bot.) rib-grass plantain. lanceolado, da, a. (hot.) lanceolate. lancera, /. lance-rack in an armoury. lancero, m. pikeman, lancer ; maker of pikes. lanceta,/. (sure.) lancet; (vet.) fleam. lancetada, /. lancetazo, m. opening or wounding with a lancet. lancetero, m. case for carrying lancets. lancita, /. dim. small lance. lancinante, a. lancinating. lancnrdia, /. small trout. lancha,/. flag-stone, slab ; (naut.) boat, gig; lighter, launch ; snare for partridges : lan- cha dc Socorro, life-boat : lancha cafionera, gun-boat : lancha de pescar, fishing smack. lanchada, /. lighter-load. lanchaje. m. (com.) ferriage; lighterage. lancliar, w. flag-stone quarry. lanchazo, m. blow with a flag-stone. lanchero, m. bargeman, boatman, oarsman. lanchdn, m. aug. (naut.) lighter, barge, scow. lanchonero. m. lighterman. bare«man. IpTi/'orave. m. landgrave , German title . landgraviatO, m. landgraviate. Iaild6, m. (car.) landau. landre, /. swelling of the glands ; purse con- cealed in the clothes. i landrecilla,/. round lump among the glands.' landrero, ra, a', hoarder of money iu a lan- dre. landrllla, /. (vet.) tongue-worm. laneria, /. shop where wool is sold. lanero, ra, a. woollen. — m. dealer in wool; warehouse for wool. langa,/. small dry codfish. langarutO, ta, a. (^coll.) tail, lank, ill-shaped. langOSta, /. (ent.) locust; (icht.) spiny lob- ster. langOStera,/. name of a fishing-net. langostin or laiigostlno,»<. (icht.) crawfish or crayfish. langOStbn, m. aug. (ent. ) green grasshopper. languidamente, adv. languidly, languish- ingly. languidecer, vn. to languish. languidez, languideza [lahn-Khee-aetii'], /. languishment, languidness, languor, weak- ness, weariness, faintness. langllidO, da, a. languid, faint, weak, lan- guishing, feeble, heartless. lanifero, ra, a. (poet.) laniferous, woolly. laniflcacidn, /. lanlficiO, m. woollen manu- facturing ; woollen goods. lanilla, /. nap of cloth, down ; swan-skin ; tine flannel ; (naut.) bunting. lanio, a, a. woolly. lanosidad,/. (bot.) down of leaves. lanoso, sa, a. woolly, v. lanudo. lantaca,/. (Philip.) small culverin. lantano, J«. (chem.) lanthanum. lanteja,/. lentil, v. lenteja, lanteiuela, /. v. lentejuela. lanudo, da, a. woolly, fleecy. lanuginoso, sa, «. (hot.) lanigerous, downy. lanza,/. lance, spear, pike ; pole of a coach or wagon ; nozzle ; pikeman ; free lance : lanza en ristre, ready for action.— />/. duty for- ' I lieu of mili- tary services. merly paid by the nobility in lanzada,/. blow or stroke with a lance. lanzadera,/. shuttle, weaver's instrument. lanzadO, da, pp. &■ a. (naut.) rakiug, over- hanging. lanzador, ra, m. &/. thrower, ejecter. lanzafuego, m. v. botafuego. lanzamiento, m. launching, casting, or throwing ; jaculation ; (law) dispossessing, ejectment; (naut.) flaring of the bows ana knuckle-timbers ; rake of the stem and stern-post.— ^Z. length of a ship from stem to stern-post. lanzar, va. {pret. lanc^: subj. lance) to lance, throw, dart, launch, hurl, bolt, fling; to spout, throw up, vomit, let loose ; (law) to eject, dispossess. — vr. to rush or dart upon ; to launch forth ; (com.) to engage ok* embark in. lanzaZO [lalm-tliah'-tlmw], m. V. LANZADA. lanzbn, m. aug. short and thick goad. lanzuela, /. dim. small lance or spear. lafla iiaii -iiyah], /. brace, clamp, cramp or crami>-iron ; green coconut. lafLar, va. to cramp, to clamp ; to open and gut fish. lapa, /. vegetable film on the surface of a liquid ; barnacle ; (bot.) goose-grass, cleav- ers. lapachar, m. swamp, marsh, morass. ld,pade,/. lepadid, barnacle. lapicero, m. pencil-case ; pencil-holder. l^pida, /. tablet, memorial stone : lipida mor- tnoria, grave-stone. g (before e, i) and J as h tn hot; h, silent : II In brilliant - fi. ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; s, biMed. LAP 344 LAT leipidacl6ll,/. lapidation, stoning to death. lapldar, va. to stone to death. lapidario, ria, a. lapidary, — m, lapidary. lapideo, dea, «. lapideous, stony, lapidificacion, /. petritication, lapidifica- tiou. lapidificar, i'«. (chem.) to petrify. lapidoso, sa, «. lapideous, stony, lapila,/- (bot.) hound's-tongue. lapislazuli, m. (min.) lapis-lazuli, 14piZ iirtii-i'itii], m. (min.) black-lead, graphite, plumbago ; lead pencil, crayon : lipiz rojo, red ochre ; (coll.) censor's blue pencil. lapizar, m. black-lead mine. lapizar, va. to pencil ; draw with pencil. lapo, m. (coll.) blow with a cane. Iap6n, na, a. & m. &/. Laplander. lapso, »t. lapse or course of time ; fall, lapse, slip. lar, III. {pi- LARES, mostly used) Lar, tutelar god.^/j/. home. larariO, m. lararium. lardar, lardear, va. to baste meat on the spit ; to scald with boiling oil. lardero (jueves), a. Thursday before Lent. lardo, m. lard, fat of animal. larddn, m. (print.) marginal addition ; also a piece of paper clinging to the frisket and preventing the impression of some part of a sheet. lardOSO, sa, a. greasy, oily, smearing. larga, /• (shoe.) lengthening piece put to a last ; longest billiard-cue.— jo^. dar largas, to delay, protract, procrastinate. Ifeirgamente, adv. largely, copiously ; com- pletely ; liberally, frankly ; for a long time. largar, va. (pret. larguk : subj^ largue) to loosen, slacken; let go, set free; to expel, to shed ; to give (as a slap) ; to heave (as a sigh); (naut.) to loosen a sail, to ease a rope: largar las velas, (naut.) to set sail. — vr. (coll.) to go off, quit, leave, pack away ; (naut.) to set sail. largo, ga, a. long, extended, prolonged ; con- tinued, protracted, lasting ; large, generous, free, liberal ; prompt, expeditious ; shrewd, astute, cunning ; copious, abundant, exces- sive.— p/. many, quite a number. — m. length; (mus. ) largo. — adv. largely, profusely. — inlerj. \ largo ! or i largo de ahi I away ! be- gone ! largo de lengua, too free and un- Euarded with the tongue : largo de anas, ght-fingered : de largo i, largo, from one end to the other, lengthwise : navegar 4 lo largo de la costa, (naut.) to navigate along the coast : pasar de largo, to pass by without stopping : i. la corta 6 & la larga, sooner or later : & la larga, at length, slowly ; in the long run : & lo largo, at a distance ; length- wise : largos anos, many years, long life. larger, m. length. largueado, da, a. striped, v. listado. larguero, w. (carp.) jamb-post; bolster. largueza liar-ffeh'-tiiah;,/. length, extent; lib- erality, generosity. larguirucho, Cha, a. (coll.) long and thin. larguitO, ita, a. not very long. largura,/. length, stretch, extent. lirice, m. (bot.) larch-tree. laricino, na, a. belonging to the larch-tree. larije iiaii-ree-heh], o. kind of red grapes. laringe fiaii-reen'-heh], /. (anat.) larynx. laringeo, gea, a. laryngeal. larlngitis,/. (med.) laryngitis. larlngologia, /. laryngology. larlngOSCOpia, /. laryngoscopy. larlngOSCOplO, m. laryngoscope. larlngotomia, /. (surg.) laryngotomy. larva, /. mask; (ent.) larva, grub: larvas, hobgoblins ; lemures. larvado, da, a. (med.) larvate, masked. larval, a. pertaining to a larva. las, definite art. J. pi. the (as las mujeres, the women).— -7)e/v>. jL»?orj./. jLi/. in the accusative case, them (as las tengo, I have them) ; it is used sometimes in the nominative case, as 4 hay cartas ? — las hay, are there any letters ? — there are some (las should never be used for the dative case, which calls for les). lasa&a, /. fritter shaped like a leaf. lasca, /. chip from a stone. lascar, va. (naut.) to ease away, slacken, pay out. lascivamente, adv. lasciviously, lustfully. lascivia,/. lasciviousness, lewdness, lust. lasciVO, va, a. lascivious, lewd, lustful, lib- idinous ; merry, sportive. laserpiciO, m. (bot.) laserwort. lasltud,/. lassitude, weariness, faintness. laso, sa, a. weary, tired, exhausted ; lax, flaccid. lastar, va. to pay, answer, or suffer for an- other. l&Stima,/. sympathy, compassion, pity, con- dolence, grief; pitiful object ; plaint, lamen- tation, tale of woe : es listima, it is a pity. lastimadura, /. sore, hurt. lastimar, va. to hurt, injure, damage, wound, offend ; to pity, to sympathize.— ^i;/-. to grieve, regret, be sorry for ; to complain. lastimeramente, adv. sadly, sorrowfully. lastimero, ra, a. sad, doleful, mournful, miserable, moving, lamentable, grievous. lastimosamente, adv. pitifully, grievous- ly- lastlmoso, sa, a. doleful, v. lastimero. lasto, m. voucher given to him who has paid for another. lastra, /. flag-stone, slab. lastrar, va. (naut. and r. w.) to ballast. lastre, m. ballast, lastage ; stone slat ; weight, motive, judgment. Iastr6n, m. aug. large stone slat. lasim, m. (icht.) V. locha. lata, /. small log ; tin-plate or tinned iron- plate ; tin can; lath, ledge, batten; an- noyance, nuisance; (coll.) protracted and tedious visit or performance : hoja de lata, tin-plate. latamente, adv. largely, amply. latania, /. (hot.) lataniapalm. latastro, m. (arch.) V. PLINTO. lataz,/. (zool.) sea-otter. latebra,/. cave, den, hiding-place. latebroso, sa, a. hiding, furtive, secretive. latente, a. latent, dormant ; concealed, hid- den. lateral, a. lateral. lateralmente, adv. laterally. l9,tldo, pp. & m. palpitation, pulsation, beat or throb of the heart ; howling of a dog. latiente, pa. palpitating, fluttering. latigadera, /. strap or thong for lashing the yoke. latigazo, m. lash, whipping ; crack of a whip ; jer^ ; unexpected offence ; harsh reproof. l&tlgO, m. whip ; lashing cord for weighing objects with a steel-yard ; cinch-strap ; long plume around a hat. latiguear, vn. to smack or crack a whip. latiguera,/. cinch-strap. latiguero, m. maker or seller of whips. latigUillO (lah-te-Keer-lyoi, m. dim,. Small whip; (theat.) mannerism. latin, m. Latin ; Latin tongue. latinajO, wt. (coll.) Latin jargon. « a» in far ; e in eh t ; i in police ; O In for : « in ball : o (lierorfi e. i) and x u tb in thick : b and d, soft: LAT 345 LEB latinamente, adv. in Latin, Latinly. latinar, latlnear, vn. to speak or write Lat- in ; to use Latin phrases often. latinidad, /. Latiuity, the Latin tongue. latinismo, »«. Latiuism. latinizar, va. to Latinize. — t-n. to use words borrowed from the Latin. latino, na, a. Latin ; the Western Catholic Church, opposed to the Greek : vela latina, lateen sail.— m. & /. Latinist ; native of Latium. latir, vn. to palpitate, pulsate, throb, beat ; to yelp, howl, bark. latitud, /. breadth, width, latitude, stretch, extent;" (eeog. and ast. ) latitude. latitudinal, a. latitudinal. latitudinario, ria, a. latitudinarian, lib- eral. lato, ta, a. large, diflFuse, extensive. laton, ill. brass : laton en hojas or planchas, latten brass ; sheet brass. latoneria, /. brass-trade; braziery, brass- works ; brass-ware. latonero, m. brazier, worker in brass. latria, /. Latria, worship of God. latrocinio, m. systematic robbery. laud, ni. (mus.) lute; (naut.) catboat ; striped turtle. lauda, .f. tombstone. laudable, «. laudable, praiseworthy. laudablemente, adv. laudably. laudano, >n. (pharm.) laudauuiy. laudar, ro. (law) to render a decision as an arbitrator or umpire. laudatOXlO, ria, a. laudatory, full of praise. — /. laudatory, panegyric. laude, /. inscribed tombstone.— pi. (eccl.) lauds. laudemio, m. (law) dues paid to the lord of the manor on all transfers of landed prop- erty, within the manor. laudo, ni. (law) finding of an arbitrator or umpire. launa, f. lamina, thin plate of metal ; schis- tose clay for roofs. laur^ceo, cea, a. laurel-like; (bot.) laura- ceous, laurineous. laurea, f. laurel wreath. laureado, da, a. &pp. laureate. laureando, m. scholar about to graduate. laurear, va. to crown with laurel ; to hon- our, reward ; to confer a degree. lauredal, m. plantation of laurel-trees. laurel [lah-oo-rei-], m. (bot.) laurel; laurel wreath, honour, distinction, reward to merit: laurel cerezo, (bot.) cherry-laurel. laurente, m. workman in paper-mills. laur6ola,/. laurel wreath ; diadem: laur^ola hembra, (bot.) mezereon daphne: laur^ola macho, spurge laurel. laurifero, ra, a. (poet.) lauriferous. laurineo, nea, o. (bot.) laurineous. laurino, na, a. belonging to laurel. lauro, m. (bot.) laurus ; glory, honour, fame, triumph. lauroceraso, laurorreal, m. (bot.)*cherry- laurel. lautamente, oiiv. splendidly. lautO, ta, a. rich, wealthy. lava,./", lava; (min.) washing of metals. lavabo, m. wash-stand ; lavabo. lavacaras, m. (coll.) a flatterer. lavacidn,/. (pharm.) lotion, wash. lavadero, m. washing-place, laundry ; lava- tory ; (tan.) vat or pit for washing hides; (min.) huddling tank. lavado, m. wa.sh, washing; laundry-work; (art) aquarelle in a single tint. lavador, ra, a. washer, cleaner. — m. (arti) burnisher. lavadura, /. wash, washing, lavation ; com- position for dressing glove-leather ; slops. lavaie, m. washing of wools. lavajO, m. pool where cattle go to drink ; mo- rass. lavamanOS, m. stationary wash-stand, lavamientO, m. washing, ablution. lavanco, m. kind of wild duck. lavandera,/. laundress, washerwoman. lavandero, m, launderer, laundry-man. lavaplatOS, m. &f. dishwasher. lavar, va. to wash, lave, launder, scour^ cleanse, rinse; (mas.) to whitewash or kal- somine ; (art) to paint in water-colours ; to purify, clear from blemish. lavativa, /. clyster, injection ; clyster-i>ipe ; syringe; (met.) vexation, annoyance. lavatorio, m. lavation, washing; lavatory, wash-stand; (pharm.) lotion; (eccl.> maundy. lavazas./.p/. foul water, slop? lave, m. washing of ores in mines. lavotear, va. &vr. (coll.) to wash hurriedly and poorly. lavo'teo, m. washing hurriedly and poorly l>erformed. Iaxaci6n [lac-sah-tine-on'], /. looseniug, luxa- tion, slackening. laxaniientO[iac-8ah-me-en'-to], m. laxation, lax- ity, laxuess, loosening. laxante [lac-sahn'-teii], pa. & a. loosening, soft- ening. — m. (med.) laxative. laxar liac-sar'], va. to loosen, to soften. laxative, va, a. & »». laxative, lenitive. laxidad, laxitud luc-se-tood'], /. laxity, lax- ness. laxo, Xa [lac'-so], a. lax, slack. lay [lie;, m. (poet.) lay, ballad. laya, /. (agr.) spade, spud; quality, nature, kind, class. layador, m. spadesman. layar, va. (agr.) to spade. lazada, /. bow-knot; (sew.) bow; true- lover's knot. lazador, m. lassoer. lazar, va. to lasso, capture with a lasso. lazaretO, m. lazaretto ; pest-house. lazarillO, m. blind person's guide. lazarino, na, a. leprous, lazar-like, lazarly. — m. &f. lazar, leper. lazo [lah'-thaw], VI. (sew.) bow, loop, true- lover's knot; snare (for game); trap or snare (for persons); lasso, slip-knot; tie, bond, chain ; (arch. ) knot or ornament.— p/. (danc. ) figures. lazullta, /. lazulite, lapis-lazuli. le [ieii\ pers. pron. si7ig. (m. or f. for the dative case) to him, to her, to it, as: iqu6 le di6 Vd. ? what did you give to him (or to her) ? I qu6 le afiadii Vd. ? what did you add to it ? (le is also used for the accusative case, hut then only in the masc. gender arid applied to per- sons) him, as : ayer le vi, I saw him yester- day. leal, a. loyal, true, faithful. lealmente, adv. loyally, faithfully. lealtad,/. loyalty, fidelity, fealty. lebrada,/. fricassee made of hare. lebratico, illo, ito, m. dim. young hare, lev eret. lebrato or lebrat6n, m. young hare. lebrel, m. greyhound. lebrela,./". greyhound bitch. lebrero, ra, a. good at hunting hares. lebrillo, m. glazed earthenware tub. lebrbn, m, large hare ; (coll.) poltroon. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; », himf^ LEB 346 LEI lebronclllo, m. young hare. lebruno, na, a. leporine, of the hare kind. leccibn liec-thie-on'], /. lesson ; tuition ; lecture ; reading ; lection ; warning, admonition, example : dar leccl6n, to give a lesson to a scholar : dar la lecci6n, to say a lesson before a teacher : dar una lecclon, to teach some one a lesson, reprimand him : tomar la leccidn, to hear a lesson from a scholar : tomar lecclon, to take a lesson from a teacher. leCClonariO, »«. (eccl.) lectionary. leCCiOnCita [lec-thie-on-thle'-tah], /. dim. short lecture or lesson. leccionista, »*. &f. private tutor. lectistemio, m. banquet of the heathen gods. lectiVO, va, a. lecture days in universities. lector, ra, m. & /. reader ; lecturer ; (eccl. ) instructor of the Gospel. lectorado, /«. (eccl.) lectorate. lectoral, /. (eccl.) a prebend. — m. preben- dary. lectoria,/. (eecl.) lectureship. lectura,/ reading, perusal ; lecture ; (print.) pica. lecturita, /. (print.) small pica. lecha, lechaza, /. seminal fluid of fi§hes ; each of the two sacs which contain it. lechada, /. whitewash ; pulp for making paper. lechal, a. sucking; (bot.) lactiferous, milky. — 7/1. (bot.) milky juice of plants. lechar, «. v. lechal ; nursing ; promoting the secretion of milt in female mammals. leche, /. milk ; (hot.) milky juice : cochinillo de leche, sucking pig: vaca de leche, milch cow : leche de canela, oil of cinnamon dis- solved in wine : leche de gallina or de piijaro, (bot.) common star of Bethlehem : hermano de leche, foster-brother : leche de tierra, mag- nesia : leche crema, custard : estar con la le- che en loB labios, to lack experience : leche quemada, sweetmeat made of simmered milk. lecliecillas (leh-cheh-tiiier-iyas], /. pi. sweet- bread ; livers and lights. lechera, «• milch (applied to animals).—/, milkmaid, dairymaid ; milk-can ; milk-pot, milk-ewer. lecheria, /. cow-house, dairy, lactary. lechero, a. milky.— ?». milkman. Ieclier6ll, m. milk-pail, milk-vessel ; flannel wrap for new-born infants. lechetrezna, /. (bot.) spurge. lechigada, /. breed*, litter ; gang of rufllans. lechin, m. variety of olive-tree and the rich olive it yields ; (vet.) tumour in horses. lecMno, m. (vet.) tent; small tumour in horses. lechO, m. bed, couch ; lay, litter ; bed of a river; tier, row, layer, stratum, founda- tion, base. leclMin, m. sucking pig ; by extension, pig ; (coll.) dirty fellow. lechona, /. sucking female pig ; (coll.) dirty woman. lecllOnciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. very young pig. lechOSO, sa, a. (bot.) having a milky juice. — m. (S. Am.) (bot.) papaw-tree.— /. papaw. lechuga, /. (bot.) lettuce; (sew.) frill. lechugado, da, a. resembling lettuce. lechuguero, ra, m. &f. retailer of lettuce. lechugullla, /. dim. small lettuce ; frill, ruff. lechuguina, /. (coll.) stylish young lady. lechuguino, m. lettuce sprout ; plot of small lettuces ; (coll.) dandv, dude. lechuza,/. (om.) owl, barn-owl. lechUZO, za, a. suckling mule colt. — m. nick- name for a bill-collector or summons-server ; also for a man resembling an owl in face or habits. ledamente, adv. (poet.) merrily, cheerfully, ledo, da, a. (poet.) gay, merry, cheerful, glad. leedor, ra, m. & /. reader, peruser. leer [leh-err'j, va. to read ; to peruse ; to lecture, instruct ; to divine one's thoughts. lega,/. (eccl.) lay-sister. legacia, /. legateship ; message intrusted to a legate ; province and duration of a legate- ship. Iegaci6n, /. legation, legateship; embassy. legadO, m. (law) legacy ; deputy, ambassa- dor, legate: legado & litere, (eccl.) Pope's legate ; commander of a Roman legion. legador, m. labourer who ties the feet of sheep for shearing them. legadura,/. tie ; binding cord or strap. legalO, m. file, docket, bundle of papers. legal, a. legal, lawful, legitimate, constitu- tional ; loyal, true, faithful. legalidad,/. legality, lawfulness, legitimate- ness, fidelity, punctuality. Iegalizaci6n, /. legalization. legalizar, va. to legalize, authorize. legalmente, adv. legally, lawfully ; faith- fully. legamente, adv. ignorantly. legamo, m. slime, mud, clay left by water. legamoso, sa, a. slimy, oozy. legafla, /. gummy secretion of the eyes. legaflOSO, sa, a. blear-eyed. leffar, va. {pret. LEGufe: subj. legue) to aepute, to send a legate ; (law) to bequeath. legatario, ria, m. &/. (law) legatee. legenda,/. (eccl.) legend, history of .saints. legendario, ria, a. legendary. — m. legenda- ry, book of legends. legible, a. legible, readable. legion, /. legion, multitude ; (mil. ) legion. legionario, ria, a. legionary. legislacibn, .'". legislation. legislador, ra, a. & m. & f. legislator, law- maker. legislar, va. to legislate, to enact laws. legislatiVO, va, a. legislative, law-making. legislatura,/. term of a legislature. legisperito, m,. v. jurisperito. legista, m. legist ; professor of laws. legitima, /. (Taw) legitime. legitimacidn, /. legitimation. legitimamente, adv. legitimately, lawfully legitimar, va. to legitimate, to legalize. legitimidad, /. legitimacy, legalitv. legitimista, a.&m.& f. legitimist. legitimo, ma, a. legitimate, legal, lawful, authentic, genuine. lego, ga, a. laical, lay, laic ; ignorant, illiter- ate. — m. layman ; lay-brother or lay-friar. Ieg6n, m. (agr.) hoe. legra,/. (surg.) periosteotome. legracibn, legradura, /. (surg.) periosteot- omy. legrar, va. (surg.) to perform periosteotomy. legua [ieh'-s:w«hi, /. league, measure' of dis- tance : k legua, & la legua, b, leguas, de cien leguas, de muchas leguas or desde media legua, very far, at a great distance. leguariO, ria, a. relating to a legua. leguleyo, m. petty lawyer, pettifogger. legumbre, /. pulse, legume ; by extension, vegetables, garden-stuff. le^rtmiinoso, sa, a. (hot.) leguminous. leible, a. legible, readable. leido, da, pp. &. a. well-read, book-learned : leido y escribido, (coll.) one who affects learn- ing- leila, /. nocturnal Moorish dance. a aa in far ; e in eh 1 ; i in police ; ^or ; U ic bull ; c (before e, i) and z aa th in thick ; b and d, aoftj LEI 347 LES wife leima, m. (mus.) limma. leiania,/. distance, remoteness. lejano, na, a. distant, remote, far. lei as, a. pi. de lejas tierras, from far away lands. lejia, /. lye; (coll.) severe reprimand. lejiO, m. among dyers, lye. leiitOS, adv. dim. rather far or distant. lejOS Lieii'-hos], adv. far, far away, far off. — m. perspective, distant view, background ; sim- ilarity, resemblance : buen lejos, looking l)est at a distance : & lo lejos, de lejos, de muy lejos or desde lejos, at a great distance. leiuelOS, adv. dim. at a little distance. lelili, m. war-whoop of the Moors. lelo, la, a. stupid, dull. — m. &f. ninny. lema, m. lemma, theme, text ; motto, device. Ujgianita,/. (min.) jade. lamnkceo, a, a. (bot.) lemnaceous. lemosin, na, a. Languedocian. — m. Langue- docian ; Provengal, langue d'oc. len, a. soft, flossy (thread or silk). lena, /. spirit, vigour. lencera, /. woman who deals in linen of a linen-draper. lenceria,/. linen goods ; linen-draper's shop ; linen-hall ; linen-room ; linen trade. lencero, ra, «*• &/. linen-draper, linen mer- chant. lendel, m. track ; mill-horse. lendrera,/. close comb for taking out nits. lendrero, m. place full of nits. lendrOSO, sa, a. nitty, full of nits. lene, a. soft (to the touch) ; sweet, kind, pleasant ; light, not heavy. If^ngua,/. (anat. ) tongue; language, idiom; Jnlbrmation, advice ; clapper of a bell : len- gua del agaa, at the edge of the water : len- gua de tierra, strip of land running out into the sea : con la lengua de an palmo, or con un palmo de lengua, with great anxiety or eager- ness : tener algo en la lengua, to have any- thing at the tongue's end : lengua canina or de perro, (bot.) hound's-tongue : lengua de buey, (bot.) bugloss, alkanet : lengua cerval, (bot.) hart's-tongue: lengua de vaca, (bot.) sanseveria, fibre-plant : de lengua en lengua, from mouth to mouth : irse la lengua, to give a loose rein to one's tongue : no morder- se la lengua, not to mince words : hacerse lenguas, to speak in praise. lenguado, m. (icht.) sole, flounder. l^nguaje [len-Kwaii'-heii], TO. language, idiom, speech ; parlance ; vernacular, tongue ; style. lenguaraz, a. languaged ; free-ton gued. lenguaz, a. garrulous, talkative, loqua- cious. lengiiecica, ilia, ita, /. dim. small tongue. lengueta lien-Rweh'-tahl,/. dim. Small tongue; (anat.) epiglottis; languet, barb; (mu.s.) languette ; needle of a balance ; (b. b.) cut- ting-knife ; (mech. ) feather, wedge, tongue, bit, bore, awl ; catch of a trap or snare ; (arch.) buttress; moulding. lengiietada,/. act of licking. lengiieteria, /. reed-work of an organ. lengiiezuela, .A dim. small tongue. lenldad,/. lenity, mildness, favour. lenlficar, va. to lenify, to soften. V. SUAVI- ZAR. lenificatlVO, va, «. mollifying, softening, lenitivo, va, a. lenitive, assuasive, lenient, mitigant. — m. emollient ; mitigator, lenient, lenociuio, m. pimping, pandering. lentamente, adv. slowly ; lingeringly. lente, m. or/, (opt.) lens; monocle. — m. pi. eye-gli lentecer, vn. to grow soft or tender. lenteja,/. (bot.) lentil ; dj^k of a pendulum? lenteja da agua, (bot.) gibbous duck-weed. lentejuela, /. spangle. lenticular, a. lenticular. lentiscal, m. thicket of mastic-trees. lentiSCO, TO. (bot.) mastic-tree, lentiscus. lentitud, /. slowness, sluggishness. lento, ta, a. slow, sluggish, tardy, heavy, long, lingering; (pharm.) glutinous ; (mus.) slowly. lentor, TO. (pharm.) viscidity. lenzuelO, to. (agr.) sheet for carrying straw. lefla, /. fire-wood, kindling-wood; (coll.) drubbing, beating: Uevar lena al monte, to carry coals to Newcastle : echar lena al fue- go, to foment discord. lefiador, ra, to. &/. woodman, wood-cutter ; dealer in kindling-wood. leflame, m. wood ; provision of kindling- wood. lefLar, va. to cut wood. leflera,/. wood-shed, wood-bin. leflero, to. wood-dealer ; logman. lefl.0, TO. log; (naut.) ancient galley ; (poet.) ship, vessel ; (coll.) dull, thick-witted per- son. lefLOSO, sa, a. woody, ligneous. leo, TO. (ast. ) Leo, constellation ; sign of the zodiac. Ie6n, TO. (zool.) lion ; (ent.) ant-lion ; (rept.> boa; brave and commanding man; (ast.) Leo : leon marino, sea-lion. leona, /. lioness ; brave, undaunted woman, leonado, da, a. lion-coloured, tawny. leoncico, illo, ito, m. whelp of a lion. leonera, /. cage or den of lions; (coll.) gambling-den. leonero, m. keeper of lions ; master of » gambling-house. leon^S, sa, a. of or belonging to Leon. Ie6nlca, /. (vet.) vein under the tongue. leonino, na, a. leonine ; (law) one-sided, unfair; (poet.) leonine (verse).—/, (med.) leontiasis. leontina,/. (jew.) watch-chain. leopardo, m. leopard, panther. leopoldina,/. (jew.) fob-chain : (mil.) Span- ish helmet. Lepe, m. saber m&s que Lepe, to be very smart and shrewd. 16perO, ra, a. &m. &f. (Mex.) applied to one of the rabble. lepidio, «i. (bot.) pepper-grass. lepiddptero, ra, a. (ent.) lepidopterous.— TO. pi. lepidoptera. lepisma, /. (ent.) lepisma; bristle-tail, sil- ver-fish. leporino, na, a. like a hare : labio leporine, nare-lip. lepra, / leprosy. leproso, sa, a. leprous, leperous. — m. & / leper. lercha, /. reed for hanging fishes and birds. lerda,/. (vet.) V. lerd6n. lerdamente, adv. slowly, heavily. lerdO, da, a. slow, heavy ; dull, obtuse. Ierd6n, to. (vet.) tumour in a horse's pastern. les, pers. pron. dative, case, m. &f. pi. to them, as : les di pan 4 todos, I gave bread to them all. lesbiO, tola, a. Lesbian, of Lesbos. lesibn, /. hurt, damage, wound ; injury wrong. lesiVO, va, a. prejudicial, injurious. lesna,/. awl. v. lkzna. lesnordeste, m. (naut.) east-north-east wind. leso, sa, a. wounded, hurt, damaged ; per- S (before e, 1) and J as h in h. silent; 11 In brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r (intti.in and rr trilled ; s. hlseed. LES 348 LlB verted- lesa majestad, leze-majesty, high treasoa leste, m. fnaut.) east wind, east. lesueste, wi. (naut.) east-south-east wind. letal, a. mortal, deadly, destructive, lethal. letame, m. mud for fertilizing. letania, /. (eccl.) litany ; (coll.) list of things. — pi. supplicatory procession. let^giCO, ca, a. lethargic, lethargical. letargO, m. lethargy, drowsiness. letargOSO, sa, a. causing lethargy. leteo, a, «. (poet.) Lethean. letificante, pa. exhilarating. letificar, va. to rejoice, make merry ; to ani- mate, cheer. letifico, ca, a. cheering, bringing joy. letra, /. letter, character of the alphabet ; hand, penmanship, chirography ; (print.) type ; motto, inscription ; literal meaning of a phrase ; (poet.) kind of rondeau ; words of any song ; arithmetical character, figure : letra de cambio, (com.) bill of exchange : le- tra abierta, (com.) open credit: & la letra, literally, punctually, entirely : tener mucha letra, to be very artful and cunning.— pZ. letters, learning ; the iearned professions. letradO, da, a. learned, erudite, lettered ; (coll.) vain, presumptuous: i, lo letrado, as a lawyer. — m. lawyer, advocate, counsellor. — /, (coll.) lawyer's wife. letrero, w. sign, label, notice, placard, poster. letrilla,/. rfi'ft. small letter ; (mus.) roudelet. letrlna,/. privy, water-closet, latrine. letrbn, m. aug. large letter. — to. pi. placard? posted at the doors of churches. letuariO, in. kind of marmalade. leucina,/. (chem.) leucine. .'"euoocitemia, /. (med.) leucocythemia. leucocitO, m. leucocyte, white blood-corpus- cle. leucbptero, ra, a. leucopterous. leucorrea, ./". (med.) leucorrhoea; whites. leudar, va. to leaven. — vr. to yeast. leudO, da, «. fermented, leavened (bread). iBVa,/. (naut.) act of weighing anchor ; (mil.) levy, press; (mech.) lever, cog, tooth, cam, wiper ; play of a piston ; (naut.) swell of the sea : hay mar de leva, there is a swell in the offing. ^jZ. tricks, artful devices. levada, /. moving silk-worm ; (fenc.) salute or flourish with the foil. ievadero, ra, «. to be collected or demanded. levadizo, za, a. that can be lifted or raised, as a draw-bridge. levador, m. in paper-mills, pilar; (mech.) cam, cog, tooth. Xevadura, /. ferment, leaven, yeast, barm ; (carp.) sawed-ofF plank. levantadamente, adv. highly, loftily. levantado, da, pp. & a. raised, elevated, lofty. levantador, ra, m. & f. one who raises or lifts up ; disturber, rioter. levantamientO, m. elevation, raising ; sub- limity ; insurrection, revolt, uprising ; set- tlement of accounts. levantar, va. to raise, lift or lift up, heave, set up, hold up, hang up, mount, set up- right; to build up, erect a building; to rouse, excite, stir up ; to impute or attrib- ute falsely ; to elevate, aggrandize, pro- mote ; to start game ; to cut the cards ; (mil. ) to levy, press for service ; to in- crease, enlarge ; to raise the voice ; to cause, occasion ; to begin. — vr. to rise, get up, stand up ; to be higher than some other thing ; to rise in arras, to rebel ; to start suddenly (as game) : levantar un piano. mapa, etc., to draw the sketch of a place: levantar falso teBtimonio, to accuse falsely : levantar la cabeza, to retrieve one's fortune, to take courage : levantar la casa, to break up housekeeping : levantar la mesa, to clear the table : levantarse con algo, to take un- lawful possession of anything. levante, to. Levant, east ; east wind : estar de levante, to be ready to depart. levantlno, na, a. Levantine. levantisco, ca, a. turbulent, restless ; Le- vantine. levar, va. (naut.) to weigh anchor. — vr. to set sail. leve, a. light; of little weight; trifling. levedad, /. lightness, levity ; inconstancy. levemente, adv. lightly, gently ; venialfy. leviatan, to. leviathan. levigacibn, /. levigation, elutriation. levigar, va. to levigate, to elutriate. leviratO, to. levirate. Mosaic marriage. levita, TO. Levite ; deacon.—/, frock-coat, Prince Albert coat. levitiCO, ca, a. Le v it ical, priestly.— m. book of Leviticus; (coll.) ceremonial used at a festival. levitdn, m. great-coat, like a frock-coat. 16xiC0 or lexicbn, m. lexicon, dictionary ^ glossary, vocabulary. lexicografia, /. lexicography. lexicograflco, ca, «. lexicographic. lexicbgrafO, to. lexicographer. lexicologia/. lexicology. lexicol6gico, ca, a. lexicological. Iexic6l0g0, TO. lexicologist. ley [leh'-e], /. law, enactment, ordinance, de- cree, statute : religion, the Scriptures ; rule of action; loyalty, faithful attachment; legal standard of quality, weight, or meas- ure ; principle or universal property ; pre- cept, rules, and regulations.—^/, body or col- lection of laws ; study and profession of the law : i la ley, with propriety and neatness : k toda ley, perfectly, according to rule : de buena ley, sterling: ley escrita, revealed laws, decalogue : ley antlgua, law of Moses : k ley de caballero or de cristlano, on the word of a gentleman or a Christian: ley de la trampa, trickery, fraud : ley del embndo, se- verity for others, indulgence for ourselves. leyenda, /. reading ; legend ; superscription, inscription, device, motto. leyente, pa. reading, reader. lezda, /. ancient tax on merchandise. lezna, /. (shoe, and sad. ) awl. lia, /. plaited bass-rope ; husk of pressed grapes: estar hecho una lia, (coll.) to be tipsy. liar, va. to tie, bind, bundle, fagot, do up; (coll.) to embroil, draw into an entangle- ment. — vr. to contract an alliance: liarlas, (coll. ) to elope ; to die. liaza,/. collection of hoops used by coopers. libacidn,/. libation, pounng out wine. libamen.libamiento, m. offering in ancient sacrifices. llb&Q., «i. rope made of esparto. libar, va. to suck, sip, extract tae juice ; to taste ; to perform a libation. libatorlo, m. libatory cup. libelar, ra. (law) to petition. llbel&tico, ca, a. applied to the Christians who, to evade persecution, renounced th« Christian religion in a written declaration. libellsta, m. author of.a libel. libelO, TO. libel, lampoon ; (law) petition. lib^lula, .f. libellula, dragon-fly. liber, to. "(bot.) bast, liber, or inner bark. » M in far ; • in eh t ; i to police ; O in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft j LIB 349 LID liberaci6n, /. liberation ; (law) quittance. liberal, «. liberal, generous, free, munificent, open-hearted; quick, brisk, active; (pol.) liberal, advanced; liberal (arts). liberalidad, /. liberality, generosity, large- ness, raunificence, open-heartedness. llberalismo, m. (pol.) Liberalism; Liberal ur* )eralizar, va. to liberalize. liberalmente, adv. liberally, expeditiously, generously, freely. lib6rrimo, ma, a. sup. most free. libertad, /. liberty, freedom ; exemption, privilege, immunity ; license, assumed fa- miliarity, relaxation of restraint ; freedom, agility, address ; independence, unconven- tionality ; ransom : libertad de comercio, free- trade : libertad do cultos, freedom of worship : libertad provisional, liberation on bail. libertadamente, adv. freely, impudently. llbertado, da, pp. & a. audacious, free, un- governed. libertador, ra, m. &f. deliverer, liberator. libertar, va. to free, set at liberty, liberate ; to exempt, excuse ; to acquit ; to rid from, clear from. liberticida, m. liberticide. libertinaje, w- libertinism, licentiousness. libertlno, na, m. &f. child of a freed man. — a. libertine, dissolute, licentious, lewd. UbertO, ta, m. & f. freed or emancipated slave. libidine,/. lewdness, lust. libidinosamente, adv. libidinously. llbldlnoso, sa, a. libidinous, lewd, lustful. Ubra, /. pound, ancient weight; coin, vary- ing in value : libra esterlina, pound sterling ; (ast.) Libra. .braci6n, /. libration. ilbraco, libracbo, m. (coll.) old, trashy book. libradO, m. (com.) drawee. librador, ra, m. & f. deliverer; (com.) drawer of a check or draft ; store-keeper of the king's stables ; grocer's scoop. libramientO, m. delivery, delivering; war- rant, order of payment. Ubrancista, m. (com.) holder of a draft. libranza,/. (com.) draft, bill of exchange. librar, va. to free, deliver, extricate, ex- empt ; to preserve from ill ; to pass (sen- tence) ; to issue (a decree) ; to engage (bat- tle) ; (com. ) to draw. — vn. to receive a visitor in the locutory (said of nuns). — vr. to escape, avoid, be free from, get rid of; (surg.) to extrude the after-birth : librar en, to depend on. libratorio, m. locutory. llbrazo, m. blow with a book. llbre, a. free, uncumbered, unrestrained ; in- dependent; unembarrassed, vacant, disen- gaged ; clear, open, unobstructed ; exempt, privileged ; innocent, guiltless ; single, un- married ; libertine, loose, licentious ; impu- dent ; rash, bold, forward, thoughtless ; iso- lated, alone : libre cambio, free trade : llbre & bordo or Lib., free on board or f. o. b. : libre de derechos, duty free : entrada libre, free admission. librea,/. livery, uniform. llbrear, va. to weigh or sell by pounds. librecamblsta, m. &/. free-trader. UbrejO, m. dim. little book ; worthless book. libremente, adv. freely ; boldly. libreria, f. book-store, book-seller's shop; book-trade ; library ; large collection of books. Ubreril, a. relating k> the book-trade. librero, m. bookseller. libreta, /. troy pound ; loaf of bread weighs ing one pound ; memorandum-book ; Dote> book ; pass-book ; small blank-book. librete, m. dim. small book ; foot-stove. libretin, m. dim. small book, booklet. libreto, m. (mus.) libretto. librUlO, m. earthen tub ; small book of ciga^. rette paper: librillo de cera, folded wax taper : librillo de oro, gold-leaf book. libro, m. book ; (mus.) libretto : libro bece- rro, doomsday-book : libro borrador, blotter : libro de caja, cash-book : libro de asiento oi libro de cuentas, account-book : libro de fac- turas, invoice-book : libro diario, journal : ' libro en bianco, blank-book : libro mayor, ledger: libro de memoria, memorandum- book: libro talonario, check-book, stub- book: libro verde, (coll.) book for notes about places and persons ; also the compiler of such memoranda. librote, m. aug. large book. licantropia,/. (med.) lycanthropy. lic&ntropo, a. lycanthrope. liceista, m. &/. member of a lyceum. licenclai, /. permission, leave, license, lib- erty ; (mil.) furlough; licentiousness, looseness, wantonness ; degree of licentiate ; (poet.) license: licencia absoluta, (mil.) dis- charge. licenciadlllO, m. (coll.) ridiculous little man in clerical robes. licenciado, da, «. &pp. licensed ; presuming knowledge. — m. licentiate ; (coll.) any uni- versity scholar; (coll.) title given to law- yers ; (mil.) discharged soldier. llcenciamientO, m. act of taking the degree of licentiate ; (mil.) discharge of soldiers. licenciar, va. to permit, allow ; to license ; to licentiate; (mil.) to discharge. — vr. to be- come dissolute ; to become a licentiate. licenciatura, /• degree of licentiate ; act of receiving it. llcenciosamente, adv. licentiously. licenciOSO, sa, a. licentious, dissolute. liceO [lee-theh'-o], m. lyceum. licio [lee'-thie-o], m. (bot.) box-tlioru. Ilcitaci6n, /. bid at auction. llcitador, m. bidder at auction. licltamente, adv. lawfully, justly, licitly. llcitante, pa. bidder or buyer at auction. llcltar, va. to bid at auction. licitO, ta, a. licit, lawful ; just. llcnobio, bla, »*. &f. one accustomed to be up late at night, lychnobite. liCOpodiO, m. (hot.) lycopodium. llcor, m. any liquid ; liquor, cordial, strong drifik, spirits. licorera, /. liquor-case, bottle-case. licorista, m. &/. liquor distiller or dealer. licoroso, sa, a. generous, spirituous (wine). lictor, m. lictor, in ancient Rome. llcuable, a. li^uable, liquefiable. licuacibn,/. liquation, liqiiefaction, melting licuante, pa. liquefying, dissolving, melting. licuar, ra. to liquefy, dissolve, melt. licuefaccibn, /. liquefaction. licuefacer, va. & vr. {/or irr. V. SATISFACER) to liquefv. licuefactible, a. liquefiable. lichera,/. woollen cover of a bed. lid, /. conflict, contest, fight ; dispute, argu- ment. lidia, / battle, fight, contest ; bull-fight lidiadero, ra, a. in fighting condition. lidiador, ra, »>. & f. combatant; fighter; arguer. lidiar, vn. to fight, oppose, contend ; to deal if';h«foree,l)andJ as hJn hot; li. gjlent; 11 In brilliant; n, ny in canyon; r (initial) *nd rr trilled; s, himed. LID 350 LIM with annoying, rexing persons. — va. to run or fight bulls. lidlO, a. Lydian. lielBrastbn, liebratico, liebratdn, m. young hare, leveret. liebre, /. hare ; coward, poltroon : coger una liebre, to fall flat.— i>/. (naut.) racks, ribs; dead-eyes. liebrecica, ilia, ita, /. dim. young or small hare. liebrecilla,/. (hot.) blue-bottle. liebrezuela, /. dim. young or small hare. liencecico, illo, ito, m. dim. little linen cloth. liendre, /. nit, egg of a louse : cascar k uno las liendres, (vul.) to give one a severe drubbing, lientera, lienteria,/. (med.) lientery. lienterico, ca, a. lienteric. lientO, ta, a. damp, moist. lienza,/. narrow strip of cloth. lienzo, m. linen cloth; (art) canvas; (fort.) curtain ; (arch.) face or front of a building ; stretch of a wall. liga, /. garter; (bot.) mistletoe; bird-lime; league, coalition, confederacy, combination, alliance ; alloy for gold and silver. ligacidn, /. ligation, binding, tying; union, mixture. ligada, /. ligature, binding, tying. ligado, da, a. & pp. tied, bound ; leagued, confederate. — m. (mus.) legato. ligadura, /. ligature, ligation, binding ; sub- jection ; (mus. ) ligature, syncopation, tie ; (arch.) arcs made by cross-timbers ; (naut.) seizing, lashing. ligamaza, /. viscosity on some fruits or plants. llgamen, m. malefic spell supposed to cause im potency. ligamento, m. bond, tie; (anat.) ligament. ligamentOSO, sa, a. ligamentous, ligamental. ligamientO, m. act of tying or binding; union, concord. llgar, va. ( prei. LiGufi : subj. ligue) to tie, bind, fasten ; to alloy ; to join, link, knit together ; to render impotent by malefic spells. — vn. to combine cards of the same suit. — vr. to league, confederate ; to bind or obligate one's self. llgazon, /. tie, fastening, bracing, linking union, connection, attachment, bon'- ; (naut.) futtock-timbers. llgeramente, adv. swiftly, lightly, easily; slightly. ligereza, /. lightness, celerity, fle.tness, swiftness, agility, nimbleness ;' levi.y, un- steadiness, inconstancy, fickleness. ligero, ra, a. light (as a feather) • thin (as gauze) ; swift, active, nimble, iieet ; gay, airy, unsteady, giddy ; unimportant, tri- fling ; easily digestible ; easily disturbed (as sleep): ligero de dedoi, light-fingered: k la ligera, lightly, expeditiously : de ligero, rashly ; easily. ligenielo, la, a. dim. applied to early grapes. ligiO, a, a. liege. llgnitO, m. lignite, brown coal. ligua,/. (Philip.) battle-axe. lignllla iie-Keet'-iyah], /. narrow garter. ligula,/. (bot.) ligule. Ugustre, m. (bot.) flower of privet. lignstrino, na, a. relating to privet. ligustro, m. (bot.) privet, prim, ligustrum. lija, /. (ieht.) dogfish; shark-skin, dogfish- skin ; saud-paper. lljar, va. to sana-paper. Ilia,/, (bot.) lilac-tree ; lilac flower; lilac colour. lilaila, /. bunting ; artifice, trick, wile. V. LIULf. lill^ceo, cea, a. (bot.) liliaceous. lillli, 7H. war-whoop of the Moors. lillputiense, a. Liliputian. lima,/. ( bot. ) lime-tree ; lime (fruit); (mech.J tile ; (met. ) correction, finish, polish ; (arch.) valley-rafter. limadiira,/. filing; limature.— pZ. filings. limalla,/. filings. limar, va. to file ; to polish ; to give the fin- ishing stroke to literary productions. Iiiuat6n, m. coarse round file, rasp. limazo, m. viscosity, sliminess. limbo, m. limbo; (ast.) limb; (phys.) limb of a quadrant. limen, wi. (poet.) V. umbral. limefLo, fla, a. of or belonging to Lima. limera, /. shop-woman who sells files or limes ; (naut.) rudder-hole. limero, m. seller of files or limes; (bot.) lime-tree. limeta,/. vial, small bottle. limitacidn, /. limitation, restriction ; limit, district. limitadamente, adv. limitedly, finitely. limitado, da., pp. & a. limited, short-witted ; scant. limitador, ra, m. &f. circumscribe r. limitaneo, nea, a. limitary ; limitaneous. limitar, va. to limit, confine, bound, set boundaries ; to restrain, constrain, restrict, circumscribe ; to reduce expense. limite, m. limit, boundary, bound, border, confine. llmitrofe, a. limiting, bounding, contermi- nous. limo, m. slime, mud. Iim6n, m. (bot.) lemon (fruit) ; lemon-tree; (car. ) thill or shaft. limonada, /. lemonade : limonada de vino, wine lemonade, sangaree: limonada pur- gante, citrate of magnesia. limonado, da, a. lemon-coloured. limonar, vi. plantation of lemon-trees. limoncillO, m. dim. small lemon. limonero, ra, a. applied to the shaft horses in carriages, etc. — m. & /. dealer in lemons. — m. (bot.) lemon-tree.—/, (ear.) shaft, thill. limosidad, /. sliminess ; foul matter between teeth. limosna,/. alms, charity. limosnero, a. charitable. — m. almoner.—/, alms-bag, alms-box. limoso, sa, a. slimy, muddy, limose. llmpia, /. cleaning, cleansing ; dredging. limpiabarros, m. foot-scraper. limpiabotas, wi. boot-black. limpiachimeneas, m. chimney-sweeper. limpiadera, /. clothes-brush ; comb-orush ; plough-cleaner. limpiadientes, m. toothpick. limpiador, ra, m. & /. cleaner, cleanser, scourer. limpiadura,/. cleaning, cleansing.-^/, dirt, rubbish, refuse, waste. limpiamente, adv. cleanly, neatly ; purely ; sincerely, faithfully. limpiamiento, m. act of cleansing. limpiaplumas, m. pen-wiper. limpiar, va. to clean, scour, cleanse ; to brush, sweep, dust, swab, scrub ; to purify, clear ; to rid a place of some nuisance ; (coll.) to steal : limpiar las faldriqueras k uno, to pick one's pockets ; (coll.) to win from (at gam- ing). — vr. to clear one's self from imputed guilt. limpiauflas, m. nail-cleaner. • aa in far ; e Jn eh I ; i in police ; e in for ; u In bull ; c (before e, 1) and z as th In thick ; h and d. soft LfM 361 LIS UmpidO, da, a. (poet.) limpid, crystal-clear. limpieza, /. cleanness, cleanliness, neatness, purity, limpidness ; chastity, purity of mor- als ; integrity, honesty, rectitude ; disinter- estedness ; purity of blood ; correctness, neatness of execution : limpieza de bolsa, emptiness of the purse. lixnpio, pia, a. clean, stainless, spotless, im- maculate, untarnished ; cleanly, limpid ; neat, elegant ; pure, unmingled ; free, clear, net : jaego limpio, fair play : poner en limpio, to make a fair copy : en limpio, in substance ; clearly. llmpidil, m. hasty cleaning. lin^ceas, a. &f.pl. (hot.) linaceae. linaje, ?«. lineage, race, progeny, offspring, family, house, kin, extraction, generation ; class, condition : linaje hamano, mankind. linajista, m. genealogist, writer of pedigrees. linajudo, da, m. &f. & a. one who boasts of his noble descent. iinaloe, m. (bot.) aloes, V. aloe. linar. m. flax-field. linaria,/. (bot.) wild flax, yellow toad flax. linaza,/. (bot.) linseed, flax-seed. lince, m. (zool.) lynx ; very keen person. — a. sharp-sighted, keen-sighted ; observant. lincear, va. (coll.) to note what is not easily seen. linceo, a, lyncean ; sharp, keen. llnchar, va. to lynch. linches, m. pi. (Mex.) saddle-bags made of pita. lindamente, adv. prettily, neatly, elegant- ly- lindante, pa. bordering, contiguous. llndar, vn. to be contiguous, to border, abut. linde, m. &f. landmark, boundary, limit. lindero, ra, a. contiguous, bordering upon. — m. limit, boundary. lindeza,/. neatness, elegance, prettiness.— pZ. (iron.) improprieties, insults. Undo, da, a. pretty, nice, neat, fine, genteel ; complete, perfect. — m. beau, coxcomb, min- ion : de lo Undo, perfectly, wonderfully ; greatly. Ilnd6n, m. (agr.) ridge between asparagus- beds. lindura,/. v. lindeza. linea, /. line ; lineage, progeny ; equator ; boundary, limit; class, order; (r. w.) line, way, track ; (fort.) trench or intrenchment ; (mil.) rank, file; twelfth part of an inch: linea telegr&fica, telegraph line : linea de va- pores, steamship line. lineal, linear, a. lineal. lineamento, llneamiento, m. lineament, feature. linear, va. to draw lines, to form with lines. lineo, a, a. (hot.) linaceous. Unfa,/, lymph; fpoet.) water. UnfatiCO, ca, a. lymphatic, lingote, m. (min.) ingot, lingot, pig. Ungual, a. lingual, llnguete [iin-geh'-teh], m. pawl ; ratchet. UngUista run-gwees'-tah], TO. linguist. UngUistica, /. linguistics. Unguistico, ca, a. linguistic. Unlmento, Unlmlento, m. (pharm.) lini- ment. UnlO, m. row of plants. V. LifJo. lino, TO. (bot.) flax; linen; sail-cloth, can- vas ; (poet.) sail. llndn, TO. lawn. Untel, TO. lintel of a door. V. dintel. lintema,/. lant«rn ; (raech.) lantern-wheel ; (arch.) lantern : lintema migica, magic lan- tern : lintema torda, dark lantern. Unternazo, to. blow with a lantern or other instrument. llntemero, to. lantern-maker. Ilntern6n, m. aug. big lantern ; (naut.) poop lantern. liflo, TO. row of trees or plants ; ridge between furrows. li&uelo, TO. rope, cord. liO, TO. bundle, parcel, pack; (coll.) imbro- glio, scrape ; liaison, intrigue. Uoma,/. (coll.) uproar, hubbub, confusion. Upemania, /. (med.) melancholia, lypema- uia. lipemaniaco, ca, «. (med.) melancholic. Upls, /. (chera.) blue vitriol, copper sulphate. lipoma, TO. (med.) lipoma, liparocele. Upotlmia, /. (med.) faint, swoon, liquen llee'-ken], (bot.) lichen, Uquldable [le-kee-tiah'-bieii], o. liquable ; (com.) adjustable. Uquidacidn, /. liquation, liquefaction ; (com.) liquidation, settlement. liquidambar, w. liquidambar. liquidamente, adv. in a liquid manner, liquidar [le-kee-dar'l, va. to liquefy, liquate, melt, dissolve; (com.) to liquidate, settle accounts. — vr. to liquefy, liquate, become liquid, liquidez [le-kee-deth'l, /. liquidness fluiditv. liquido, da [lee'-ke-do], a. liquid, fluid, fluent ; evident, clear; (com.) net. — to. a liquid; (com.) balance, net profit.—/, (gram.) a liquid consonant, lira, /. (mus.) lyre; (poet.) a lyric poem; (ast.) Lyra. liradO, da, a. shaped like a lyre, liria,/. bird-lime. V. liga. liriCO, ca, a. lyric, lyrical.—/, lyric poetry. liriO, TO. (bot.) lily : lirlo bianco, V. azucena : lirio de Florencia', orris, Florentine iris : lirio de los valles, lily of the valley ; V. muguete : lirio de agna, calla-lily : lirio hediondo, giad- wyn. lirdn, to. (zool.) dormouse; (bot.) alisma; (coll.) sleepy head ; (naut.) jack-screw. lirismo, to. abu.se of lyricisms. lirondo, da, a. pure, clean, neat: mondo y lirondo, (coll.) pure, unmixed. Us,/, (bot.) lily; flower-de-luce, iris. lisa, /. smooth stone for polishing paper; (icht.) river fish. lisamente, adv. smoothly, plainly: lisa y Uanamente, openly and franklv. lisbonense or Usbon6s, sa, a', of or belong- ing to Lisbon. lisera,/. (fort.) berm. lisiado, da, pp. & a. (poet.) lamed, injured, hurt. lisiar, va. to lame, hurt, cripple, injure. lisimaquia, /. (bot.) loosestrife. liso, sa, a. smooth, even, flat; plain, un- adorned : bombre llso, plain-dealing man : liso y llano, plain, clear, evident. llsonja, /. adulation, flattery, fawning, cora- gliment, coaxing; (her.) lozenge. lisonjado, da, a. (her.) lozenged ; rhombic, liso^eador, ra, to. &/. flatterer. lisonjear, va. to flatter, wheedle, fawn ; to delight, please ; to pav compliments. Usonjeramente, adv. "flatteringly, fawning- ly- Usbnjero, ra, to. & /. flatterer, fawner. — o. flattering, fawning; pleasing, agreeable, complimentary. lista, /. slip of paper ; shred of linen ; strip of cloth ; selvage ; list, stripe, line, band ; list, schedule, catalogue; (law) docket; (mil.) roll, muster: lista del equipaje, (naut.) mus- 8 (before e. 1) and J as h In hot ; h, silent : 11 in brilliant ; ft, ay in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; i, his LIS 352 LOG ter-book of the ship's company : pasar lista, to call the roll : lista de platoi, bill of fare, menu. listadlllO, m. (Amer.) striped gingham. listado, da, pp. & a. striped, listed. listar, va. to enter in a list. listeado, da, a. v. listado. listel, in. (arch.) fillet, listel, tringle. listo, ta, a. ready ; diligent, prompt, active, clever. Iist6n, m. ribbon ; ferret, tape ; (carp.) lath, cleat, strip; (arch.) listel, fillet: listones, (naut.) battens. llstonadO, da, a. (carp.) made of laths. llstonar; va. (carp. ) to batten, to lath. listoneria, /. parcel of ribbons, tapes, and inkles ; ribbon-store ; ribbon-manufactory. llstonero, ra, m. &/. ribbon-maker. listura, /. smartness, quickness. lisura, ./■" smoothness, evenness, flatness ; sin- cerity", candour. lita, .^"- tongue-worm of dogs. litacidn,/. sacrificing. litagogo, ga, a. (med.) lithagogue; (surg.) lithoniriptic. litar, va. to sacrifice to the divinity. litarge, litargirio, m. litharge. lite,/, (law) lawsuit, process. litera,/. litter; (naut.) berth. literal, «. literal. literalmente, adv. literally. literariO, ria, a. literary. literate, ta, «. literary. — m. & f. litterateur, literary person, writer. literatura, /. literature, learning. literero, wi. litter-maker, seller, or driver. litiasis, /. (med.) lithiasis, gravel. Iitigaci6n,/. litigation, lawsuit. litigante, pa. &n. (law) litigating; litigant. litigar, va. {pret. litigue: subj. litigue) (law) to litigate ; to contend, dispute. litigiO, in. litigation, lawsuit ; dispute, con- test. litigiOSO, sa, a. litigious, contentious. litina, /. (chem.) lithia, lithium oxide. litio, m. (chem.) lithium. litis, /. (law) lawsuit. V. lite. litis consorte, m. & f. (law) associate in a lawsuit. litiscoiltestaci6ll, /. (law) answer to an al- legation. litisexpensas, /. »/. (law) costs of suit. litispendencia, /. (law) state of a pending lawsuit. lltocalamo, m. petrified or fossil reed. litOClasa, /. (geol.) fissure in a rock. litOCOla, /. iithocolla, lapidary's cement. Iit6fag0, ga, a. rock-consuming. litofotografia, etc.,/. V. FOTOLiTOGRAriA. litogenesia, /. (geol.) lithogenesy. litografia, /. lithography. litOgrafLar, va. to lithograph. litOgrafiCO, ca, a. lithographic. litdgrafO, m. lithographer. litologia, /. lithology. litol6giCO, ca, a. l?thological, mineralogi- cal. Iit6l0g0, m. lithologLst. litoral, a. littoral. — m. littoral, coast, shore. litote,/ (rhet.) litotes. litotomia,/. (surg.) lithotomy. litotricia, /. (surg.) lithotrity. litotritor, m. (surg.) lithotrite. litrariCO, a, a. (hot.) lythraceoi^s. litro, m. liter, litre, unit of capacity. litUO, m. (raus. ) ancient military instrument ; lituus, augur's staff. liturgia,/. (eccl.) liturgy, form of prayers. liturgiCO, ca, a. liturgical, liturgic. livianamente, adv. licentiously; lightly; superficially. liviandad, /. lightness, want of weight ; lev- ity, frivolity ; lewdness, libidinousness. liviano, na, «. light (not heavy) ; incon« stant, fickle ; frivolous ; slight ; lewd, libid- inous. — m. leading jackass.— />/. lungs. lividez, /. lividity, lividness, lividO, da, a. livid ; black and blue. lixiviar, va. (chem.) to lixiviate, leach. liza, /. (icht. ) skate ; jousting field, lists. lizo [lee'-thaw], m. warp-thread ; heddle. lO, def. art. neut. sing, the, i. e. : lo barato resnl- ta lo m&8 caro, the cheapest is the xnost ex- pensi\e.—pers. pron. for tJie accusative, via^e. sing, him, it. loa, /. praise ; prologue of a play ; shoit dramatic panegyric. loable, a. laudable, praiseworthy. loablemente, adv. laudably, commendably. loader, ra, m. &/. praiser, lander. l0d,n, OT. (Philip.) land measure (2.79 ares). loanda, /. kind of scurvy. loar, va. to praise, eulogize. loba, /. she-wolf ; ridge between furrows ; long gown worn by clergymen and stu- dents. — ?/t. (vet.) morbid swelling (horses and cattle). lobado, a, a. (zool. and bot.) lobate. lobanillo, m. wen, encysted tumour. lobato, m. wolf cub, wolfkin. lobero, ra, a. relating to wolves ; wolfish.—. /. thicket where wolves make their lair. lObeznO [lo-beth'-no], TO. wolfcub; wolfkin. lObina, /. (icht.) striped bass. lObO, m. wolf; (anat. and bot.) lobe; (icht.) loach; (ast. ) constellation ; (coll.) intoxica- tion, inebriation ; iron instrument for de- fending or scaling walls : lobo marino, seal. lobO, ba, a. (Mex. ) half-breed. lObOSO, sa, a. full of wolves. IbbregO, ga, a. murky, obscure, sad, mirk •, lugubrious. lobreguecer, v«. to grow dark. — va. to make dark. lobreguez, /. obscurity, darkness. lobulado, da, a. (zool. and bot) lobulate. 16bulO, TO. lobe or lobule. lobuno, na, a. wolfish. locacidn, /. (law) lease: locacidn y conduc* cion, agreement to let. local, a. local. — m. place, site, premises. localidad,/. locality, location. localizaci6n, /. localization. localizar, va. to localize. locamente, adv. madly ; immoderately, ex- travagantly ; fondly. lOCidn,/. lotion, wash. loco, ca, a. mad, insane, crazy, crack-brained; fool; abundant, plentiful, excessive: & ton- tai y k locas, inconsiderately, without reflec- tion : estar loco de contento, (coll.) to be mad with joy. — m. &f. insane person. lOCOmocibn/. (phys.) locomotion. locomotiva /. (Sp. Am. incorrect form) V. LOCOMOTORA. locomotor, ra, a. locomotor, locomotive.—/. (r. w.) locomotive, engine. lOCOmotriZ, a. &/. locomotive. locomovible, locom6yil, a. locomotive, portable, movable. locro, TO. (Sp. Am.) kind of stew. locuacidad, /. loquacity, talkativeness, gar- rulity, flippancy. locuaz, a. loquacious, talkative, garrulous, flippant. 10CUCi6n,/. locution, idiom, phrase. « u in far ; e in «li t ; i ia police ; o in for ; n in >>all ; c (before e, i) and s as th In thick ; b and d, soft; LOG 353 LUB lOCIielO, la, m. & f. madcap, giddy youth. — /. peculiar mode of speaking of each person. locura,./". madness, frenzy, lunacy, craziness ; fury ; folly, absurdity. lOCUtoriO, m. locutory in monasteries. lOCha,/. lOChe, m. (icht.) loach. locho, Cha, a. (Amer. coll.) red-bearded. lodachar, lodazal, lodazar, m. muddy place, quagmire, bog. lodo, m. mud, mire. lOdOiLero, m. (bot.) guaiac, lignum-vitae-tree. lOdOSO, sa, a. muddy, miry. logaritmico, ca, a. logarithmic, logarith- mical. logaritmo, m. logarithm. logia, /. lodge. Idgica, /. logic, dialectics. 16glcamente, adv. logically. IbgiCO, ca, a. logical. — m. logician, dialec- tician. logogfrifo, TO. logogriph, riddle. logomaqilia, /. logomachy, dispute about words. lograr, va. to gain, obtain, succeed, procure, attain, compass ; to possess, enjoy ; to avail one's self of. — vr. to reap the benefit of one's labour and exertions. logrear, vn. to borrow or lend on Interest. . logreria, /. dealing in interest, usury. logrero, fa, m. &/. lender at interest, usurer. logro, TO. gain, profit, benefit; success, ac- complishment ; attainment ; interest ; usu- ry : dar & logro, to lend at usurious in- terest. loma,/. little hill, hillock. lombarda,/. Lombardy gun ; (bot.) red cab- bage. lombardada, /. shot from a Lombardy gun. lombardear, va. to discharge Lombardy guns. lombarderia,/. park of Lombardy guns. lombardero, m. soldier appointed to Lom- bardy guns. lomb^rdico, ca, lombardo, da, a. Lom- bard, belonging to Lombardy. lombriguera,/. hole made by worms ; (bot.) southern wormwood. lombriz, /. earthworm : lombriz intestinal, intestinal worm : lombriz solitaria, tape- worm. lomear, vn. to yerk or move the loins (horses) in a circular manner. lomera, /. (sad.) main strap of a harness; (b. b.) backing; (arch.) ridge of a roof. lomillo, TO. dim. small loin; (sew.) cross- stitch; (sad.) cantle. — pi. pads of a pack- saddle. lominlllestO, ta [lo-min-yes'-tohl, a. high- cropped- (coll.) conceited, haughty. lomo, TO. loin ; back of an animal ; chine of pork ; back of a book or cutting tool ; double of a cloth, crease ; ridge between furrows : llevar or traer h. lomo, to carry on the back : Jugar de lomo, to be idle and lascivious.—^;, ribs ; loins. lomudo, da, a. broad-backed. lona, /. canvas: lona para hacer velas, duck- canvas, sail-cloth. loncha, /. slat, slab, flag-stone ; thin slice of meat. 16ndiga, /. alh6ndiga. londlnense, a. of London, Londonese. londrina, /. woollen cloth from London. loneta,/. ravens' duck, sail-cloth. .Tonga,/, (mus.) long note. longanlmldaa, /. longanimity, forbearance. long^nlmo, ma, a. forbearing, generous, magnanimous. longaniza, f. choice pork sausage. longar, a. long honey-comb in the hive, longazo, za, a. aug. very long. longevidad,/. longevity. longevo, a. longeval, long-lived, longincuo, cua, «. distant, remote, longislmo, ma, a. sup. of luengo ; longest. longitud, /. length ; longitude. longitudinal, a. longitudinal. longitudinalmente, adv. longitudinally, lengthwise. longuera, /. long and narrow strip of land. longuetas, /. pi. (surg. ) bandages. longuisimo, ma, a. sup. longest. lonja, /. (com. ) exchange ; grocer's shop ; warehouse, sale-room; (arch.) stoop; slice (of meat); strip; leather strap, lonjeta, /. dim. small slice; small strap; bower, summer-house.' lonjista, to. &/. grocer. lontananza, /. distance, background, loor [lo-or'], m. (poet.) praise, lopigia,/. (med.) V. alopecia. loquear, vn. to act the fool, 'to talk nonsense ; to revel, frolic. loquero, ra, m. &' f. keeper of a madhouse. — /. madhouse. loquesco, ca, a. madlike ; funny, jesting. loquillo, ilia, itO, ita, a. dim. wild, frisky. loquiOS, m. pi. (med.) lochia. lorant^ceo, a, a. (bot.) lauraceous. lorclia, /. (China) junk-rigged coaster. • lord, TO. {pi. lores) lord, English title. loriga, /. cuirass of scale armour; (car.) nave-box. lori^ado, da, a. armed with a coat of mail, loricate. loriguillo, TO. shrub used by dyers. loro, ra, a. tawny, dark brown. — to. (orn.) parrot; (bot.) cherry laurel. lOS, def. art. to. pi. the, i. e. : los hombres, the men.— ^ers. pron. m.pl. in the accusative case them, 1. e. : los tengo, I have them ; it is used sometimes in the nominative case, i. e. : i hay libros? — los hay, are there any books? — there are some ; los should never be used for the dative case, which calls for les. losa,/. slab, flag-stone ; trap made of tiles. losado, pp. & TO. tiled floor. losanje, to. (her.) lozenge; rhomb, losar, va. to tile. V. enlosar. losica, ita, /. dim. small flag-stone ; flooi tile. loseta, losilla,/. dim. small slab ; tile ; smalJ trap. lote, TO. lot, fortune, chance, loteria,/. lottery ; raffle ; game lotto. lotero, ra, to. &/. dealer in lottery tickets. loto, TO. (bot.) lotus; lotus-flower; lote-tree, or nettle-tree. lotdfagO, ga, a. lotus-eating. lOXOdromia,/. (naut.) loxodrome. 10XOdr6miCO, ca, a. (naut.) loxodromic. loza, /. chinaware, porcelain, delft, crockery *. ande la loza, (coll.) noisy mirth and jol- lity. lozanamente, adv. luxuriantly. lozanear, vn. to look fresh and" luxuriant. lozania, /. luxuriance ; freshness ; vigour, lustiness. lozano, na, a. luxuriant ; sprightly. lua, /. esparto glove for cleaning horses; saff'ron-bag; (naut. ) lee. lubricacidn, /. lubrication. lubricador, ra, a. lubricating, lubricator, lubric^n, to. dawn of day. lubricante, pa. lubricant, lubricating. lubricar, va. to lubricate. g (before e, 1) and J as h in ^lot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, bisse^, LUB 354 LUN lubricatiVO, va, a. lubricant, lubricative. lubricidad, /. lubricity, slipperiness ; lewd- ness. itlbriCO, ca, a. slippery ; lubricous ; lewd. lucentisimo, ma, a. super, brightest. lucerna,/. chandelier; (icht.) V. milano. lUC^rnula, /• (hot.) lucern, lucerne, alfalfa. lucero, rii. morning star ; any bright star ; light hole ; star on the forehead of horses; brightness, splendour. — p/. (poet.) eyes. luciaamente, adv. brightly, splendidly. lUCidez,/. brilliancy, brightness. lucldo, da, pp. & a. magnificent, splendid, brilliant. llLCldO, da, a. lucid, clear; brilliant, shin- ing. lucldor, ra, a. shining, brilliant. lUCidura,/. (coll.) whitewashing. lUCiente, pa. shining, lucid, luminous, bright. Iuci6rnaga,/. glow-worm, fire-fly. Lucifer, m. Lucifer, Satan ; proud and wicked man ; morning star. luclferino, na, a. Luciferian, devilish. lucifero, ra, «. (poet.) resplendent, shining, luciferous. — m. morning star. lucifugo, ga, a. avoiding the light, lucifu- gous. lUCillO, m. tomb ; sarcopha^s. lUCimientO, m. lucidity, brilliancy, splen- dour, lustre, applause : qucdar con lacimien- to, to be eminently successful. lueiO, Cia, a. lucid, bright. — m. (icht.) com- mon pike, luce. lUCir, vn. {ind. LUZCO : subj. luzca) to shine, glitter, gleam, glow; to outshine, exceed; to look, appear. — re. to light, illuminate; to show, display, exhibit, disport. — vr. to shine, to be orilliant ; to dress to advan- tage : lncirlo, (coll.) to dash away, to sport. lucrarse, vr. to get gain or profit from a business. lucratlvamente, adv. profitably, lucrative- ly. lucratlvo, va, a. lucrative, profitable. lucro, in. gain, profit, lucre : lacros y dafios, (com.) profit and loss. lucroso, sa, «. lucrific, gainful, profitable. luctuosa, /. feudal death tax. luctUOSamente, adf . mournfully, sorrowful- ly- lUCtuOSO, sa, a. sad, mournful. (UCUbracibn,/. lucubration. iucubrar, va. to lucubrate. lucha, /. struggle, battle, strife, contest, wrestle ; dispute, argument. luchador, ra, m. &/. wrestler, fighter. luchar, va. to fight, wrestle, contend, strug- gle ; to discuss, debate. luchamiego, ga, a. dogs that catch hares at night. ludla, /. ferment, yeast. ludiar, va. & vr. to ferment. ludibrio, m. mockery, derision, scorn. ludlmientO, m. friction, rubbing. Iudi6n, m. (phvs. ) Descartes' devil. ludir, va. to rub, waste by friction. lue,/. infection. luego, rto-hoo'-re-ahl, /. lewdness, lubricity, lust ; profuseness, lavishness. luluriante, i>a. lusting. — a. luxuriant, exu- berant. lujuriar, vn. to be libidinous, to lust ; to couple together (animals). lujuriosamente, adv. lecherously, lustfully, voluptuously. luiurioso, sa, a. lustful, voluptuous, lewd, luliano, na, a. & m. &f. Lullian. lulismo, TO. system of Raymond LuUy. lulista, m. &/. Lullist. lumaquela, /. lumachelle, fire-marble. lumbago, m. (med.) lumbago. lumbar, a. lumbar, lumbary. lumbrada, lumbrerada, / great fire. lumbre,/. fire ; light ; splendour, brightness, lucidity, clearness; sky-light, transom, lights hole ; hammer of a flint-lock ; fore-part of horse-shoes.— pZ. tinder-box: & lumbre mansa, on a slow fire : k lumbre de pajas, (coll. ) very swiftly : ni por lumbre, by no means : lumbre del agua, level with the water. lumbrera, /. luminary; sky-light, light- shaft. luminar, m. luminary. lUJninarla, /. illumination, festival lights ; (eccl.) lamp kept burning before the sacra* ment.— p/. money paid for illuminations. luminico, m. (phys.) light. luminoso, sa, a. luminous, shining. luna, /. (ast.) moon; satellite; glass plate, mirror-plate; (opt.) lens of a spy-glass; effect of the moon upon lunatic people : media luna, (fort.) half-moon : luna creciente, crescent: luna menguante, waning moon: luna Uena, full moon : estar de buena or mala luna, (Amer.) to be in good or bad humour * quedarse k la luna de Valencia, to be left in the cold. lunacidn,/. lunation. lunado, da, a. lunated, formed like a half< moon. ft as in far : e In eh 1 ; 1 in police ; o in for : a °.n bull ; e (before e, 1) and s as tb '.n thick ; b and d, soft; LUN 355 LLA lunanco, ca, a. having one quarter higher than another (animals). lunar, a. lunar, lunary. — m. mole, beauty- spot ; flaw, blemish, stain : lunar postizo, patch. lunario, rla, a. lunarian. — m. calendar. lunatico, ca, a. lunatic, moonstruck, mad, lunecilla,/. crescent-shaped jewel. lunes, m. Monday. luneta, /. (opt. ) spectacle lens ; (theat. ) or- chestra chair ; crescent-shaped ornament ; (arch.) lunette. V, bocateja ; saddler's knife, leather knife. lunetO, m. sky-light in a vault, lunette. lunula,/, (geom. ) crescent ; (opt.) meniscus. lupanar, m. brothel, bawdy-house. lupanario, ia, a. belonging to a brothel. lupla, f. (med.) wen, encysted tumour. lupicia, /. (med. ) V. alopecia. lupino, na, a. wolfish. — m. (hot.) lupine or lupin. lupulina/. lupulin. ItipulO, m. (hot.) hops. luquete [loo-keh'-teh], m. slice of orange or lem- on thrown into wine ; zest ; sulphur match. lurte, m. avalanche, landslide. lusitanismo, m. Portuguese idiom. lusltano, na, a. Lusitanian, Portuguese. lustracibn, /. lustration ; lustrum. lustrador, m. hot-press, mangier; mirror- polisher. lUStral, a. lustral ; lustrical. lustramientO, m. act of decorating or hon- ouring some one. lustrar, va. to lustrate, expiate, purify ; to polish, lustre, gloss ; to wander, roam. lustre, m. gloss, lustre, polish, glaze ; shoe- polish ; brightness, brilliancy, nobleness, splendour, glory. li^StrlCO, ca, a. lustrical ; lustral. lustro, m. lustrum, period of five years ; lamp, chandelier. lustrosamente, adv. brilliantly, splendidly, glitteringly. lustroso, sa, a. bright, brilliant, lustrous, shining, glossy. I'Dtea,/. (orn.) oriole; cazique. ''ft'Jeo, tea, «. miry, muddy. luteranismo, m. Lutheranism. luterano, na, a. &m. &/. Lutheran. lutO, m. mourning ; gnef, bereavement, af- fliction, sorrow.— pZ. » i)urning draperies. lutrla, /. V. NUTRIA. lUXaCidn [looc-sah-thie-on*:,/. luxation. J.UZ flooth'], /. light, clearness, clarity ; day- light ; flame (as of a candle) ; lighted can- ign lie. die, taper, or lamp ; gaslight, electric light ; beacon ; lighthouse : luces, windows, loop- !^oles; notice, information, hint; inspira- tion ; knowledge ; brightness, lustre, splen- dour ; luminary, eminent man ; (art) lighting. — pi. culture, enlightment: & buena lua, carefully, after due examination : & primera luz, at dawn : entre dos luces, in the twilight: i todas luces, everywhere, any way : luz de luz, reflected or borrow. d light : luz de la raz6n, intuitive reason : dar k luz, to give birth to; (print.) to publish: dar luz, to light. luzbel, m. Lucifer Satan. lUZCO, yo lUZCa (im from LUCIR). never divided. See Rules for Pronuncikc tiou at the beginning of this book. ll^bana,/. smooth, slippery flag-stone. Uaga, /. ulcer, sore, wound ; prick, thora, tormenting thought ; (mas.) seam or crack, llagar, va. {pret. llaguk: subj. llague) to wound, to hurt, to injure. llama, /. flame, blaze ; violent passion ; marshy ground. — in. or/, (zool.) llama, gua- naco. llamada, /. call, knock ; motion or sign to call attention; (print.) index-mark, fist; (mil.) drum or bugle call ; chamade ; (com.) notice, entry. llamadera, /. goad-stick. llamador, ra, m. & /. caller ; beadle, mes- senger ; knocker of a door. llamamientO, m. calling, call ; convocation : inspiration, divine vocation ; attraction of humours to one part of the body. llamar, va. to call, summon, cite; to call upon, invoke, appeal to ; to name, denom- inate ; to incline ; to attract. — V7i. to excite thirst ; to knock or rap at the door ; to ring a door or call bell.— r;-. to be called or named ; as : se llama Lopez, his name is Lo- pez ; (naut.) to veer (wind). llamarada, /. sudden blaze, flash; burst ot wit ; sudden flush of the face. UamatiVO, va, a. exciting thirst ; showy. llamazar, m. swamp, marsh. llambria, /. steep face of a rock. llaineante,/)a. blazing, flaming. llamear, vn. to blaze, to flame. liana, /. (mas.) trowel ; page of a book or writing ; plain, flatland. llanada,/. plain, flatland, level ground. llanamente, adv. ingenuously, simply, sin- cerely ; homely; plainly, clearly, flatly. llanero, ra, m. &f. (Amer.) one who lives on a plain. llaneza, /. plainness, sincerity, simplicity ; familiarity ; uncultivated style. llano, na, a. plain, even, level, smooth, flat ; easy ; meek, homely, affable ; unmannerly, uncivil ; open, honestly rough, simple, un- adorned, unaffected ; clear, evident, discern- ible: palabra liana, (gram.) having the ac- cent on the penultimate : verso llano, (poet.) verse ending with a palabra liana : 4 la lia- na, simply, sincerely, candidly : de llano, clearly, openly. — m. plain, flat, level field. llanta, /. (hot.) variety of cabbage; (,car.) wheel tire. Ilant6n, m. (bot.) plantain, rllvgrass : Uan- tin de agua, water-plantain, alisura. llanto, m. flood of tears, crying, weeping. llanura,/. evenness, equality ; flatness, levels plaltt field, prairie. llaoa, /. (min.) quicksilver for amalgama- tion. llapar, va. (min.) to add quicksilver to ore for reduction. liar, m. hearth, range.—/, pi. chain with pot- hooks. Uatar, m. post-and-rail fence. llave, /. key ; (mech.) wrench ; faucet, cock, spigot, spout, tap; bolt, pin, tightening wedge, cotter; (print.) braces ; tuning- key ; clock-winder ; (arch.) keystone ; winch of a stocking-frame ; lock of a gun ; key, explanation of anything difficult ; introduce tion to knowledge; (naut.) knee; (mus.) clef, key ; piston of musical instruments : Have inglesa, monkey wrench : Have LL |l[«r-iyehl,/. fourteenth letter of the Spanish alphabet ; as a digraph consonant it is g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny la canyon: r (Initial) and rr trilled ; •, hissed tra, master-key, pass-key : debajo de Have, under lock and key : ecbar la llave, to lock : LLA 356 MAC Have de la mano, span of the hand : Have del pie, distance from heel to instep. Uavero, ra, m. &f. keeper of the keys. — m. key-ring.—/, housekeeper. llayln, m. night-key, latch-key. lleco, ca, a. (agr.) virgin (as soil). llega,/. gathering, collecting. llegada,/. arrival, coming. Uegar, vn. {pret. LLEGUifi : subj. llegue) to arrive ; to come ; to reach ; to last, to con- tinue ; to attain a purpose ; to suffice, be enough ; to amount to. — va. to approach, to bring near to ; to gather, collect. — vr. to ap- E roach, to draw near ; to go to some neigh- ouring place ; to unite, adhere, stick : no Uegar a uno la camisa al cuerpo, to be terri- fied and anxious : Uegar k las manos, to come to blows, to fight : Uegar k saber, to find out, to be informed of. llena,/. aJluvion, flood, overflow. (lenameute, adv. fully, copiously. ilenar, va. to fill, fill up, stuff, replenish, Eack ; to pervade ; to occupy (as an incum- ent) ; to satisfy, content, convince ; to make up a number ; to beget young. — vr. (coll.) to feed gluttonously; (coll.) to be irritated after having suffered long • to be crowded, packed. — v7i. to be full (the moon). llenero, ra, a. (law) full, complete, abso- lute. Ueno, na, a. full, filled, replete ; complete : lleno de bote en bote, brimful, full to the brim : de lleno or de lleno en lleno, entirely, totally.— m. glut, fill, plenty, abundance, fulness; perfection, completeness; full m6on ; (theat) full house. Uenura, /. fulness, plenty, copiousness, abundance. Hera,/, v. cascajal. lieta,/. (bot.) sprout. lleudar, va. to leaven. V. leudar. lleva or llevada, /. carriage, transport, car- rying. llevadero, ra, a, tolerable, light. llevador, ra, m. &f. carrier, conductor. lievar. ra. to carry, convey, transport ; to bear, wear, don ; to take, take away, carry away; to demand, ask or set a price; to bear, yield, produce ; to excel, exceed ; to suffer, endure; to lead, guide, conduct; to manage a horse ; to cut off, dismember ; to have spent or devoted (so much time) ; to be the senior by (so long) ; to induce, to bring to any opinion ; to introduce ; to gain, attain, obtain; (arith.) to carry in accounts ; with a past participle it means to have, as : Uevo andadai diez millas, I have walked ten miles : Uevar calabazas, to be given the mitten ; to fail in examination : Uevar consigo, to carry along with, to have attached : Uevar una caida, golpe, porrazo, to get a fall or blow : levarse chasco, to be dis- appointed : Uevar la proa al nordoeste, (naut. ) to stand to the north-west : Uevar k cnestas, to carry on one's shoulders or back ; to sup- port: Uevar la delantera, to lead, to be ahead : Uevarse bien or mal, to be on good or bad terms : no llevarlas todai consigo, to be suspicious, to be afraid : Uevar i, cabo, to carry through: Uevar los libros, (com.) to keep books : Uevar la caja, to keep the cash : Uevar al cr«dlto, to place to the credit. BOica,/. (orn.) robin redbreast, thrush. oradera, /'. weeping from slight motives. llorador, ra, m. &f, weeper. lloraduelOB, m. (coll.) weeper, mourner. llorar, vn. to weep, to cry ; to mourn, la- ment, bewail ; to affect poverty and distress ; to drip. Uoriquear, vn. to be constantly crying. lloro, in. a weeping, a cry. llorbn, na, a. crying with little cause. — m. Sc f. weeper, mourner. — m. sauce llordn, (bot.) weeping-willow. Uorosamente, adv. weepingly. lloroso, sa, a. mournful, sorrowful, tearful. llosa,/. fenced-in field. llOVediZO, za, a. leaky : agua Uovediza, rain< water. llOVer, vn. impers. {ind. LLUEVE : subj. LLUK- va) to rain; to pour down as rain, to shower, to come in abundance (as troubles). — vr. to penetrate the roof with rain : Hover k c&ntaros or k chorros, to rain bucketfuls : Hover chnzos, to rain pitchforks : llneva 6 no, rain or shine : como Uovido, unexpectedly. UovidO, pp. & m. stowaway. llovioso, sa, a. V. lluvioso. Uovlzna,/. mist, drizzle, mizzle. lloviznar, vn. to drizzle. Uueca, /. brooding hen. V. clueca. Uuvia,/. rain, shower; abundance, copious- ness. lluvloso, sa, a. rainy, wet, showery. M m [eh'-meh], /. fifteenth letter of the Spanish alphabet ; it has the same sound as in Eng- lish. maca, /. bruise in fruit, flaw, blemish, spot, stain ; deceit, fraud, trick. macaco, ca, m. &f. (zool.) macaque ; (Mex.; hobgoblin, bogie. — a. ugly, ill-shaped, squat. macadam, m. macadam, pavement. macadamlzar, va. (neol.) to macadamize. macagua, /. (orn.) macaw; (Venez.) (rept.) poisonous snake. macagiiita, /. (Venez.) (hot.) thorny palm. tree. macana, /. Indian wooden sabre edged with sharp flint. macanaZO, m. blow with a macana. macareno, na, a. & m. & /. (coll. ) bragging, boasting; gaudily dressed in Andalusian garb. macarr6n, m. macaroni ; macaroon ; (naut.) stanchions. macarronea, /. macaronic poem. macarr6nlcamente, adv. in a macaronic style. macarr6niC0, ca, a. macaronic. macarse, vr. to begin to rot (fruit). macaurel, /. (Venez.) poisonous snake. maceador, m. one who mauls, macear, va. to maul. — vn. to importune, macelo, m. slaughter-house, abattoir. maceo, m. act of mauling. maceraci6n,/. maceramiento, m. macera- tion, steeping, infusion ; mortification of the flesh. macerar, va. to macerate, soak, steep ; (chem.) to digest; to mortify with cor* poreal hardships. macerina, /. v. mancerina. macero, m. mace-bearer. maceta,/. dim. small mace, mallet, or maul ; flower-pot ; flower-vase ; haft of tools , stonecutter's hammer; (naut.) maul, mal- let. macetdn, m. aug. of maceta. macias or maciis,/. mace, a spice. maCiCeZ [mah-thle-theth'l, /. solidity. % M Id far ; e In eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; n in bull; e (b*«»re e, :) and z aa tb in thick ; b and d, aoB' MAC 357 MAD tnacilento, ta, a. lean, extenuated ; with- ered. UacillO, m. hammer of a piano. tnacizamente, adv. firmly, solidly. tnaCizar [mah-tlile-tliar'], va. to fill up, Stop Up. tnacizo, za, a. solid, massive, compact, close ; firm, tertain. — m. massiveness, bulk ; (mas.) solia wall ; flower-bed. macla,/. wooden flail ; (hot.) water-caltrops. macoca, /. large early fig. macollsi, /. (bot.) bunch, cluster. macdn, m. dry, brown honeycomb. macona, /. large basket or hamper. macrobidtica, /. art of living long. xnacroc^falO, la, a. macrocephalous. macrocosmo, m. macrocosm. macsura, /. reserved precinct in a mosque. macuache, m,. (Mex. ) ignorant Indian. macuba, /. Martinique tobacco. macuca, /. (bot.) wild pear or pear-tree. mkcula,/. stain, spot, blemish ; (ast. ) macula. knaculatura, /. (print.) maculature, spoiled sheet. tnacuquero, m. unlawful worker of aban- doueu mines. macuqulno, na, a. cut or edgeless coin. macuteno, m. (Mex.) petty thief. macuto, m. (Amer.) bag made of palm-leaves. machaca, m.&f. (coll.) a bore, tiresome per- son.—/. V. MACHACADERA. machacadera, /. pounder, beater, crusher. machacador, ra, a. & m. & f. pounder, beater, crusher ; bruiser, mauler. macbacar, va. {pret. machaquk : Eubj. MA- chaque) to pound, crush, bruise. — vn. to importune ; to harp on a subject. macnacdn, na, a. monotonous, importunate. macbada, /. flock of he-goats; (coll.) stu- pidity. macbado, pp. & m. hatchet. macbaqueo, m. pounding or crushing. macbaqueria, /. (coll.) importunity, insist- ence. macbar, va. to pound, hammer, maul : & macha martillo, firmly, strongly ; in a solid manner. tnacbear, vn. to beget more males than fe- males. tnacbera,/. plantation of cork-trees. macbero, m. young cork-tree. macbetazo, ra. stroke with a machete. macbete, m. cutlass ; (agr.) cane-knife, macbetear, va. to wound or cut with a ma- chete. tuacbetero, m. one who cuts cane with a machete. macbica,/. (Peru) roast Indian meal. macbiega, a. v. abeja machiega. macbibembrar, va. (carp.) to dovetail ; to tenon. inacblna, /. crane, derrick, sheers ; pile- driver. tnacblnete, m. v. machete, OiacbO, a. masculine, vigorous, robust ; male. — m, male animal ; specifically a he-mule or a he-goat; masculine plant; piece of some instrument which enters into another; hook to catch hold in an eye ; screw-pin ; (arch.) spur, buttress, abutment; (mech.) sledge-hammer ; block on which a smith's anvil is fixed ; square anvil; ignorant fel- low: machoB del timon, (naut.) rudder-pin- tles : macho cabrio, he-goat, buck : macho de aterrajar, screw-tap. macbdn, m, (arch.) buttress, spur; piece of timber. macborra,/. barren ewe ; barren woman. tnacbota,/, macbote, m. maul, mallet. macbote, m. (Mex. min.) boundary stone, macbucadura, /. macbucamiento, m. pounding or bruising, macbucar, va. {pret. machuquk: subj. MA- chuque) to pound, to bruise, macbucbo, Clia, a. mature, ripe of age, ju- dicious, macbuelO, m. dim. small he-mule ; clove of garlic. macbuno, na, a. mannish, masculine, madama,/. madam, madamisela,/. damsel, madapol&n, m. madapollam, percale. madeja, /. hank or skein ; lock of hair : (coll.) weak, lazy person : madsja sin cuenda, tangle ; disordered person : hucer madeja, to be ropy. madejeta, jita, juela, /. divi. small skein. madera, /. wood ; timber, lumber ; horny part of a hoof: madera del aire, horn of ani- mals : madera de constmccion, timber for ship-building: madera de Elerra, lumber, stufi*: madera de corazon, all heart-wood. madera, m. Madeira wine, maderable, a. timber-tree, timber forest. maderada,/. raft, float. maderaje, maderamen, w, timber, madereria, /, timber-yard, lumber-yard. maderero, m. timber-merchant, lumber dealer; carpenter. maderista, m. v. maderero, madero, m. beam, scantling; ship, vessel; (coll,) stupid or unfeeling person: madero barcal or rollizo, log : madero cachizo, tim- ber fit to be sawed : maderos de cuenta, main timbers, maderuelo, m. dim. small piece of timber. madia,/, (bot.) oily plant of Chile. i madids ! interj. v. PARDiEz. madrasta, /, step-mother; anything dis- agreeable. madraza, /. (coll.) excessively indulgent mother.* madre, /, mother ; dam ; title given to nuns ; matron in an hospital ; (coll,) old woman ; basis, foundation, origin ; matrix, womb ; bed of a river ; main sewer ; main irrigating ditch; mother (of vinegar), lees, dregs; (carp.) main piece, spindle ; (naut.) gallows- beam : madre de leche, wet-nurse : madre po- litica, mother-in-law, madrecilla, /. dim. V. madrecita ; ovary of birds, madrecita, m. dim. little mother, dear mother, madreclavo, m. clove of two years' growth, madreiLa, ./l v. almadrena. madreperla, /, mother-of-pearl, madr6pora,/, madrepore, white coral. madrepbriCO, ca, a. madreporic, madrero, ra, a. (coll.) fondling, caressing a mother ; attached to one's mother, madreselva, /. (hot.) honey-suckle, madrigada, a. twice married (woman), madrigado, da, a. practical, experienced; bull that has been a sire, madrigal, m. (poet,) brief poem expressing a delicate conceit, madriguera, /, burrow; den, lurking-place- madrileiiO, fia, a. Madrilenian, madrilla,/, (icht,) river fish, V. BOG A. madrillera, /. instrument for catching small fish, madrina, /. god-mother ; bridesmaid ; pa- troness, protectress ; prop, stanchion ; straps for yoking two horses ; (Venez,) small herd, madrona, f. main irrigating ditch ; over- 'ndulgent mother. 9 (tefore e. i^ vnd J as h in hot ; h, sileut ; 11 la brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (ii^itial) and rr trilled ; s 24 MAD 358 MAG madroncillO, m. strawberry. madrofial, m. madroilera, /. grove of ma- drofia-trees. madroflero, m. (bot.) madrona, or straw- berry-tree. madrofi.0, m. (bot.) madrona, or strawberry- tree; fruit of the madrona; berry-shaped tassel. madrO&uelO, m. dim. small madro&o. madrugada, /. dawn ; early rising : d* madrugadft, at break of day. madrugador, ra, m. &/. early riser. iXiadrugar, vn. ( pret. madrugu^ : subj. ma- DRUGUK) to rise early ; to anticipate, to be beforehand. madrugbn, m. (coll.) rery early rising. maduracidn, /. ripeness, maturity. maduradero, m. place for ripening fruits. madurador, ra, a. that which matures or ripens. maduramente, adv. maturely, prudently, considerately. xnadurante, va. maturing, ripening. madurar, va. to ripen, mature, mellow ; (surg. ) to maturate. — vn. to ripen, to grow ripe ; to attain the age of maturity. maduratlVO, va, a. maturative. — m. any- thing that matures; inducement; (med.) maturant. madlirez, /. maturity, mellowness, ripeness ; prudence, wisdom. madurlllO, ila, a. beginning to ripen. maduro, ra, «. ripe, mature, perfect, mellow, full-grown ; prudent, judicious. maesu, m. v. maestril. maesillas,/. pi. cords which serre in making passementerie to raise or lower tne skeins. maestra, /. teacher, instructress, school- mistress ; master's wife in all trades and professions ; queen-bee ; whaterer instructs ; (mas.) guide-line. maestrai, a. relating to a grand-nmster of a military order ; north-west (wind* — m. cell of the queen-bee. maestralizar, vn. (naut.) to decline (the needle) to north-west (in the Mediterra- nean). maestramente, adv. masterly. maestrante, m. member of a maeitranza. inaestranza, /. riding club of noblemen ; (arti. ) arsenal, armory ; (naut.) navy-yard ; all the workmen in an arsenal or navy-yard. maestrazgO, m. dignity or jurisdiction of a grand-master of a military order. maestre, m. grand-master of a military order; (naut.) master of a merchant-ship: maeitrs d« racionet, purser. maestrear, va. to act as an expert; to lop vines ; to level the surface of a wall. — vn. (coll. ) to domineer, to act the master. maestresala, m. chief waiter and taster at a nobleman's table. maestrescolia, /. dignity of a maestreicnela. maestrescuela, m. (eccl. ) formerly teacher of divinity ; chancellor in some universi- ties. maestria, /. mastery, mastership ; dignity or degree of a master. maestril, m. (api.) queen-cell. maestrillO, m. dim. little master. maestro, tra, a. masterly, principal, first, main ; learned, trained. — m. master, teacher, professor ; expert ; master-workman, boss ; title of respect in monastic orders ; scholas- tic, title; (mus.) composer; (naut.) main- mast : maestro de capiUa, choir-master : mavitro de obra prima, shoemaker : maeitro d« obrai, contractor, builder : maeitre de ar- mas or de eigrima, fencing-maater : pared maeitra, main wall. magall^UllCO, ca, a. Magellanic. maganel, m. (mil.) battering ram. magantO, ta, a. spiritless, dull, faint, lan- guid. magaiia, /. (arti.) honey-comb, flaw in tbe bore of a gun; (coll.) cunning artifice, stratagem, tricJr. magarza, /. (hot.) downy chamomile. magarzuela, /. (hot.) stinking chamomile. magdalena, /. sort of biscuit. magdaledn, TO. (pharm.) roll of plaster. magia, /. magic ; black art, necromancy. magiar or magyar, a. & n. Magyar ; their language. m^gicamente, adv. magically. magiCO, ca, a. magic, magical, necromantic; marvellous, wonderful. — m. &f. magician, magin, m. (coll.) fancy, idea, imagination. magisterial, a. magisterial. magisterio, »i. mastery ; mastership ; scho- lastic degree ; teachers as a class ; (coll.) af- fected solemnity ; (chem.) precipitate. magistrado, m. 'magistrate ; magistracy. magistral, «. magistral, magisterial, master* ly, oracular; (eccl.) special prebend; (med.) magistral or magistralia. — m. (min.) magistral. magistralia,/. (eccl.) special prebendary. magistralmente, adv. magisterially, m"as- terly. magistratura, /. magistracy, judicature, judgeship. magn^nimamente, adv. magnanimously bravely ; generously. magnanimidad, /. magnanimity, fortitude greatness. magn^nimo, ma, a. magnanimous, heroic. generous ; honourable. magnate, m. magnate, grandee. magnesia,/, (chem.) magnesia. magnesiano, na, a. magnesian. magn6siC0, ca, a. magnesic. magnesiO, m. magnesium. magnesita,/. meerschaum. magn6tico, ca, a. magnetic, magnetical ; at^ tractive. magnetismo, m. magnetism. magnetlzacidn, /. magnetization. magnetizador, ra, a. & m. &/. magnetizer; mesmerizer, hypnotizer. magnetizar, va. {pret. magxeticS: subj. magnetice) to magnetize ; to mesmerize, hypnotize. ma'gnificamente, adv. magnificently. magniflcar, va. to magnify, extol, exalt. magnificat, »». (eccl.) Magnificat, a hymn. magniflcencia, /. magnificence, grandeui, splendour ; gorgeousnees. magniflcentisimo, ma, a. sup. of magnIfi- co. magnifico, ca, a. magnificent, splendid, grand, costly ; gorgeous, gaudy ; title o* honour. magnitud, /. magnitude, greatness, gran- deur. magno, na, a. great (used as an epithet). magnolia,/, (bot.) magnolia. magO, ga, a. magian. — 7u. &/. magus; magi clan, necromancer.— p/. magi : loi reyee ma« goB, the three wise men from the Ea:si. magOStar, vn. to roast chestnuts at a picnic magOStO, m. picnic and chestnut roast. magra, /. rasher, slice of ham. magrez, magrara,/. thinness, leanness. magro, gra, a. meagre, lean. — rn. lean slice of pork. ft •■ iB far : • In eh I ; 1 in police ; « in for ; a in buU ; e (before e, 1) and s m tli In tUck ; b aod d. aotti MAG 859 magua,/. (Cuba) jest, joke. magller, magiiera, conj. (obs.) although. magtletO, ta imah-gweh'-to], m. &/. young steer or heifer. maguey [mah-gay'-e], m. (bot.) agave, century plant. maguillo [mah-geer-iyo], m. wild apple-tree, maguio niah-fe-oo'-ho], w. (naut.) rave-hook. maguiladura, /• bruise, contusion, hurt. magullamientO, m. bruising ; contusion, magullar, ra. to bruise, to mangle. xnagruntillO, na, a. of the city Mentz or May- euce. mahaiTana, /. fresh bacon, mahometano, na, mahom^tico, ca, a. Mohamiuedau. mahometismo, m. Mohammedanism, matiometista, m. &f. Mohammedan, maliometizar, vti. to Mohammedanize. mallbll, /«. nankeen, cotton goods. maliona, /. Turkish transport vessel. mahon^S, sa, a. &m. &/. of or belonging to Port Mahon. maido, »«. mewing. V. maullido. Iliaiin6n, m. monkey.— j?/. soup made with oil. maimona,/. spindle beam of a horse-mill, maimonetes, m. J)/, (naut.) belaying-pins. maimoilismo, m. doctrine of Maimomdes. maitlnante, m. priest with matinal duties, maitlnes, m.pl. (eccl.) matins, maiz [niah-eeth'], m. (bot.) maize, Indian corn : maiz machacado, hominy. maizal [mahe-thahr], m. Indian corn-field, majil ;"'»»'-h«h'], m. (Cuba) thick-bodied snake. majada, /. sheep-cot, sheep-fold ; dung of animals. tnajadal, in. land improved by the manure of a flock. majadear, vn. to take shelter in the night (sheep) ; to manure, maj aderia, /. absurd, offensive speech. majaderiCO, m. old-fashioned trimming. XnajaderillO, 11a, «. dlvi. rather peevish and bothersome. — m. bobbin for lace. majadero, ra, a. silly, peevish, obtrusive, querulous. — m. whipper-snapper ; a bore ; pestle, pounder.— p/. bobbinsformakinglace. majador, ra, m. &/. pounder, bruiser. majadura, /. pounding or bruising. majagranzas, m. (coll.) stupid bore, majagua,/. (Sp. Am.) (hot.) tree of the lin- den family, majal, m. school of fishes. majamiento, m. V. majadura. majano, m. heap of stones as a landmark, majar, va. to pound, bruise, break in a mor- tar ; (coll.) to importune, vex, molest, majarete, m. (Cuba) com-pudding. magencla,/. (coll.) v. majeza. majestad, /. majesty, dignity; grandeur, loftiness ; gravity ; royalty ; title of mon- archs : 8n Divina Majestad, God. majestoso, sa, a. v. majestuoso. maj estuosamente, a;>. & a. spotted, speckled. mancbar, va. to stain, soil, spot, dirt, spatter ; to foul, pollute, corrupt, contaminate ; to tarnish, defile ; (art) to speckle, daub ; to darken , to cloud : manchar papel, to scribble. mancbegO, ga, a. of or belonging to a region in Spain called La Mancha. mancbita, cbuela,/. dim. small stain. mancbbn, m. aug. large blot or stain ; patch where vegetation is thickest. g(beforee, i)and J as h in hot; ll. silent; 11 In brilliant; 2, ny In cabyon; r (initial) and rr triUed; ■, hlBMd MAN 362 MAN manda, /. offer, proposal ; legacy, bequest. mandaaera, /. K demaxdadera. mandadero, ra, m. & /. porter, messenger ; errand boy or girl. V. demandadero. mandadO, pp. & m. mandate, order, precept, command ; errand, message. mandamientO, m. mandate, precept, order, command ; (eccl.) commandment : (law) writ; mandamus.— p/. (coll.) the nre fin- gers of the hand : mandaaiieBtoi de la ley de Dios, the ten commandments. mandante, pa. commanding; (law) constit- uent, mandator. mandar, va. to command, order, direct, de- cree, ordain, enact ; to will, leave, bequeath ; to send, forward, transmit ; to offer, prom- ise. — va. & vn. to gOTern, command, head.— vr. to communicate (as rooms) ; to move about unaided (said of patients) ; to go from one room to another : blen or mal man- dado, well or ill behaved. mandarin, m. mandarin; (coll.) petty offi- cial. mandarlna, a. A/, the polished Chinese lan- guage ; mandarin orange. mandarria, /. iron maul, sledge-hammer. mandatarlo, m. (law) attorney, agent ; man- datary. mandate, m. mandate, command, precept, injunction, order, ordinance, charge ; (law^ mandate, contract of bailment; (eccl.) maundy. mandibula,/. jawbone, mandible. mandibular, a. mandibular. mandil, m. leather or coarse apron ; fine mesh fishing net ; clout for cleaning horses. mandilar, va. to wipe a horse with a clout. mandilejo, m,. dim. small apron. mandilete, m. (fort.) door of a port-hole. mandil6n, m. (coll.) coward. mandioca,/. (bot.) manioc or cassava; tap- ioca. mando, rn. command, authority, power, do- minion, rule. mandoble, m. two-handed blow with a sword ; severe reprimand. mandolina,/. (Amer.) V. BANDOLtN. mand6n, na, a. imperious, domineering. — m. & f. imperious, haughty person. — m. (min.) boss or foreman. mandrachero, m. keeper of a gaming-table. mandracbo, m. gambling-house. mandr6,gora./.'(bot.) mandrake. mandria, a. & m. coward, poltroon. mandril, m. (zool. ) mandrill, baboon ; (mech.) mandrel, chuck, spindle of a lathe. mandrbn, m. stone ball used as a missile. manducacibn, /. (coll.) manducation. manducar, va. (coll.) to manducate, chew. manducatoria,/. eatables, food. manea, /. ( farr. ) fetter-lock, hopple. manear, va. to hobble a horse. manecica, ita, /. dim. small hand. manecllla,/. dim. small hand ; (print.) mark JSSf or index ; book-clasp ; hand of a clock or watch. manelable, a. manageable, tractable. maneladO, pp. & a. (art) handled. manejar. va. to manage, wield, handle ; to drive, nde, train a horse. — va. & vr. to con- duct, govern, contrive, engineer, to carry on. — vr. to move about after having been deprived of motion. maneiJO; m. handling ; management, conduct, administration; horsemanship, manage; cunning, trick, stratagem, intrigue, device- manejoi da corte, court intrigues : man«Jo do- ■ittlc*. household. maneota, /. shackles, hobbles, Ifetters. manera, /. manner, form, figure ; method, way, mode, kind, guise: (art) manner, style ;. behaviour, manners, deportment ; fore part or fall of breeches ; side opening in a skirt ; quality, class of persons : 4 manera or k la. manera, in the style of, like : d« manera or por manera, so then, in such a manner : en gran manera, greatly, highly, very much : de mala manera, botchingly, roughly, gruf- fly, reluctantly : sobre manera, extremely, excessively. manero, ra, a. tame (in falconry). manes, m. pi. manes ; ghost of the dead. manezuela, /. dim. small hand ; book clasp ; haft or handle. manfla,/. (coll.) concubine; old sow. manga,./', (tail.) sleeve ; arm of an axletree ; kind of cloak-ba^ or portmanteau ; hose for water ; purse-seine ; net-bag or fish trap ; bag strainer or Hippocrates sleeve ; (mil. ) body of troops in a line; (eccl.) manga; (naut.) breadth of beam ; wind-sail : manga^ marina, (naut.) water-spout; (Mex.) pon- cho. — pi. profits, gains : manga de viento, whirlwind : manga de agna, squall, shower : andar manga por hombro, to be very careless in domestic affairs : en mangas de camisa, in shirt sleeves : tener manga ancba, to be broad-minded. manga,/, variety of mango (tree and fruit). mangachapuy, m. (bot.) (Philip.) a dip- terad-tree. mangajarro, m. (coll.) long, ill-shaped sleeve. mangana,/. lasso, lariat. manganear, va. (Amer.) to lasso manganeo, m. lassoing, sport. manganato, m. (chem.) manganate. manganesa or manganesia, /. $min.) pei, oxide of manganese. manganeso, m. (min.) manganese. manganilla,/. trick, stratagem, artful dodge, chicanery ; pole for gathering acorns. manganOSO, a. manganous. mangla,/. gum from the rock-rose. manglar, m. plantation of mangrove-trees. mangle, m. (bot.) mangrove-tree. mango, m. handle, haft, heft ; helve ; tiller; (bot.) Indian mango-tree and fruit : mango de pinma, pen-holder : mango de escoba, broomstick. mang6n, m. retailer ; second-hand dealer. mangonada,/. push with the arm. mangonear, vn. (coll.) to waoder about, loiter, loaf; to intermeddle ; to pry. mangoneo, m. intermeddling, prying. mangonero, ra, a. fond of nosing or prying. mangorrero, ra, a. rough-hafted (knife) ; worthless, useless. mangorrillo, m. plough-tail. V. mancera. mangosta,/. (zool.) mongoos. mang08t6,n, m. (bot.) mangosteen. mangote, m. (coll.) large and wide sleeve; oversleeve. mangual, m. war-flail, morning-star. manguardia, /. (civ. eng.) buttress of a bridge. manguera, /. hose; (naut.) wind-sail; wa- ter-spout ; tarred canvas bucket. manguero, m. hose-man. mangueta, /. bag-syringe ; iamb-post of a f;la8s-door or window; tie-beam; (mech.) ever ; neck of a water-closet hopper. manguita, f. dim. small sleeve ; sheath, case, manguiteria, /. furrier's shop, manguitero, m. muff-maker, furrier. mangUitO [ni«n-Bee -tol, m. niuff ; Wristlet, hose a u In far ; • in eh I ; i ia police ; o la for : a la bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, loft; MAN 363 MAN' muffler for the arm ; large coflfee-cake ; over- sleeve ; (mech.) muff, coupler, collar. maul, m. (Amer.) pea-nut. V. cacahuete. mania, /. mania, frenzy, madness ; whim, fad, hobby ; inordinate desires. maniaco, C&, a. maniac, mad, frantic. — m. & f. a maniac. niailiatar, va. to manacle, to handcuff. znaniatico, ca, a. v. maniaco manlcomio, m. insane asylum. jnanicordiO, m. (mus.) manichord, clavi- chord. Znanicorto, ta, a. illiberal, parsimonious. manicuro, ra, m. & /. manicure. manida, /. resort, abode, nest : manida 4e picaros, nest of thieves. manldo, da, pp. & a. hidden, concealed ; (cook.) high, gamy. manifacero, ra, a. (coll.) intriguing, med- dlesome, intrusive. manifactura, /. make ; manufacture. IIianifestaci6ll, /. manifestation, declara- tion, statement; public demonstration; (law) writ resembling habeas corpus. manlfestador, ra, m. & /. discoverer, pub- lisher. manifestar, va. {pp. manifestado, mani- FiESTO : ind. manifiesto : siibj. manifies- te) to state, declare, manifest, lay before, produce, exhibit ; (eccl.) to expose the eu- charist for public adoration. manifiestamente, adv. manifestly, overtly. manifiesto, ta, a. manifest, plain, open, ob- vious, clear, overt.— p». irr. of manifestar. — m. manifest or manifesto, public protesta- tion or declaration ; (eccl.) act of exposing the eucharist ; (com.) custom-house mani- fest : poner de manifiesto, to manifest, make public, expose, display, produce. manigua,/. (Cuba) thicket, jungle. manlgueta, /. haft, handle.— p/. (naut.) kev- els. manija, /. handle, haft ; crank ; hopple, fet- ters; (mech.) ring, brace, clasp, clamp. manijero, m. foreman of a gang of labour- ers. manllargO, ga, a. having long hands ; prone to fisticuffs, pugilistic. manllense or manileflo, fla, a. &m. &, f. of or belonging to Manila. manlluvio, m. bath for the hands, as a rem- edy. manilla, /• dim. small hand ; (jew. ) bracelet ; manacle, handcuff. maniobra, /. handiwork ; handling, artifice, trick, stratagem; (rail.) manoeuvre, evolu- tion ; (naut.) working of a ship ; gear, rig- ging, tackle, purchase : maniobras de corn- bate, preventer rigging. maniobrar, va. & vn. to make handiwork ; (naut.) to work a ship; (met.) to seek the means of effecting anything; (mil.) to manoeuvre troops. maniobrero, ra, a. gaid of manoeuvring troops. maniObTista, m. (naut.) skilful naval tacti- cian. maniota,/. hopple, fetter-lock. manipulacidn, /. manipulation. manipulante, m. (coll.) administrator, ne- gotiator. manipular, va. to work, manipulate, handle ; (coll.) to manage one's own business or to meddle with that of others. manipulo, m. (eccl.) maniple; standard; division of the Roman army ; (med.) hand- ful. maniC[Ueismo, m. Manicheism. maniqueo, a, a. Manichean. maniquete, m. black lace mitten. manlqui, m. puppet ; manikin, figure ; (coll.) subservient person. manlr, va. {defec. : only those moods are used having the letter i in their terminations) to keep meat until it becomes gamy. manirroto, ta, a. lavish, extravagant, waste- ful. manivacio, Cia, a. (coll.) empty-handed. manjar, m. food, victuals; tit-bit, morsel, delicacy ; recreation, entertainment : man- Jar bianco, dish made of shredded chicken with sugar, milk, and rice flour ; blanc- mange. manjarejO, m. dim. savoury dish, tit-bit. mamSXria,/. (Cuba) driving beam of acane- manielin, m. diamond weight ; carat. manjOlar, va. to carry a hawk in the hand, in a basket or a cage. manjorrada,/. abundance of ordinary vict- uals. manlieva,/. taxed levied in haste, and col- lected from house to house. manlieve, m. confidence game ; swindle. mano, /. hand ;, fore foot ; feet of cattle after being cut off; trunk of an elephant ; side, right or left ; hand of a clock or watch ; pestle ; long cylindrical stone for grinding cocoa; quire of paper; command, power reprimand, censure; musical scale; firs hand at cards ; round of any game ; power or means of making or attaining something ; each time or turn in a work by hand ; coat of paint or varnish ; industry, workman- ship, handicraft, handiwork ; aid, help, favour, protection: 4 mano, by hand; near by : 4 la mano, near, at hand, easy : man* de gato, ladies' make-up ; correction of a writ- ing by a superior hand : ; manos 4 la obra I (naut.) bear a hand ! to work ! manos libres, perquisites : manos limpias, honesty, integ- rity ; fair perquisites : manos muertas, mort- main, an unalienable estate : 4 manos llenas, liberally, abundantly, copiously : 4 mano salva, without risk : untar las manos, to bribe : mano 4 mano, in company, familiarly ; equal match : bajo mano or de mauo, underhand- edly, secretly : de bnena mano, on good au- thority : de manos 4 boca, suddenly, unex- pectedly. manobra, /. raw material. manobre, m. hodman, hod-carrier. manobrero, m,. keeper of irrigating ditches. manojillO, itO, to. dim. small bundle or fagot. manojo, m. handful, bunch, fagot, bundle : 4 manojos, abundantly. manoluelO, m. dim. small bunch. manoiO, la, m. &/. Madrilenian of low class, loud in dress and manners. manom6trlco, ca, a. manometric. manbmetro, m. (phys.) manometer. manopla,/. gauntlet; coachman's whip. manosear, va. to handle, touch, feel ; tc muss, rumple clothes. manoseo, m. handling. manota,/. aug. large, ugly hand. manotada,/. manotazo, m. cuff, slap, box. manotear, va. to cuff, buffet. — im. to gesticu- late. manoteo, to. manual gesticulation. manotbn, m. v. manotada. manquear, vn. to affect the cripple. manquedad or manquera, /. lack of one or both arras ; defect, imperfection. mansamente, adv. meekly, gently, quietly. g(beforee, l)aaclj as bin hot, h. sUent; U in brilliant- «. ny tn canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; s, hissed MAN 364 MAN mansedtunbre, /. meekness, gentleness, mildness. inansej6ll, na, a. very tame. mansera,/. (Cuba) vat for the cane-juice in a sugar-mill. mansidn, /. stay, sojourn, residence ; habita- tion, mansion, abode, home : tacer mansion, to stop over. mansito, adv. V. mansamexte. manSO, sa, a. tame ; meek, gentle, tractable ; soft, quiet, mild, lamblike. — m. bell-wether ; manse, farm. manta, /. woollen blanket ; travelling rug ; men's shawl ; horse-Wanket; (Mex.) coarse cotton cloth : manta blanca, bleached cot- ton : manta prieta, unbleached cotton ; (fort.) mantelet, movable parapet ; thrashing, drubbing ; (min.> bag of agave for carrying ore ; game of cards resembling ombre : man- ta de algod6n, wadding : & manta de Dios, (coll.) copiously, plentifully. mantalona, /. (Philip.) cotton stuff for sails. mantaterilla. /. coarse hempen cloth for horse-blankets. manteador, ra, m. &f. tosser (in a blanket.) manteamiento, m. tossing in a blanket. mantear, va. to toss in a blanket.— vn. to gad (women). manteca, /. lard, fat ; pomatum ; butter ; oily substance of cocoa and other fruits. mantecada, /. buttered toast and sugar ; kind of cooky. mantecadO, m. biscuit kneaded with lard ; French ice-cream. mailtecdn, m. milk-sop ; sweet-tooth, dainty person. mantecoso, sa, a. buttery, mellow. mantelsta, m. student in universities. mantel, m. table-cloth ; altar-cloth : levantar los mantelei, to clear the table. manteleria,/. table-linen. manteleta, /. mantelet, ladies' shawl. mantel ete, m. (eccl.) mantelet; (fort.) man- telet; (her.) mantling. mantelo, m. very wide apron. mantelllna, /. sort of mantilla. mantenedor, m. president of a tournament or contest. r«i . mantener, va. {ind. mantengo : pret. man- TVXE-.fut. MANTENDRl£: subj. MANTENGa) to maintain, support, keep up, hold up; to support life, nourish, feed ; to continue, persevere, persist ; to pursue ; to hold out, defend or sustain an opinion : mantener co- rrespondeacia, to keep up a correspondence. — vr. to continue residing in a place ; to re- main firm, steady ; to nourish or gain nour- ishment : mantenerse flrme, to stand one's ground. mantenlente, m. violent blow with both hands : i mantenlente, with all one's might ; firmly. mantenimientO, m. maintenance, suste- nance, subsistence ; livelihood, living. manteo, m. tossing in a blanket ; long cloak or mantle ; sort of woollen skirt. mantequero, ra, a. & m. & f. one who sells butter ; dairy-man, dairy-maid.—/, churn ; butter-dish or bowl. mantequilla, /. butter ; hard-sauce. mantero, ra> m. &/. one wlko sells or manu- factures blankets ; raaatna-maker. mantes, sa, a. (coll.) vogue, scoundrel. mantilla, /. mantilla, veil, or head-shawl ; housing, saddle-cloth; (print.) blanket; slip, infant's frock ; birth present from one prince to another : estar en mantillas, to be in a state of infancy. mantilleja,/. dim. small mantilla. mantillo, m. vegetable earth ; short dung^ rotten and well mixed. mantlll6n, na, a. dirty, slovenly. mantisa, /. (math.) mantissa. manto, m. cloak, mantle, manteau ; large mantilla ; robe of state ; mantelpiece of a chimney; (min.) layer or stratum; (met.) cloak, cover. mantdn, m. aug. large cloak or mantle; (Cuba.) mantilla. mantudo, da, a. having wings drooping. manuable, a. easy to handle, handy. manual, a. manual, handy ; domestic, home- made ; easy ; tractable, pliant. — m. manual, portable book; note-book, account-book; (eccl.) ritual ; (com.) old name of the jour- nal.— />/. fees to priests for assisting in the choir. manualmente, adv. manually. manubrlo, m. handle, crank, winch, manu- brium. manucodiata, /. (orn.) bird of paradise. manuela,/. in Madrid, open hack. manuella,/. (naut.) capstan bar. manufactura, /. manufacture. manufacturero, ra, a. manufacturing. manumisibn,/. manumission. manumiso, sa,;)p. irr. of makumitir ; eman- cipated. — a. free, disengaged. manumlsor, m. (law) liberator. manumltir, va. {pp. manumitido, manu- miso) to manumit, emancipate. manuscritO, ta, a. manuscript. — m. manu- script. manutencidn, /. maintaining ; maintenance^ support ; protection ; conservation. manutener, va. (law) to maintain, support manutisa,/. (bot.) v. minutisa. manvacio, a, a. v. mamvacIo. manzana,/. (bot.) apple; block (of houses)^ square ; knob of a sword. manzanal, manzanar, m. apple orchard. manzanera,/. (hot.) v. maguillo. manzanil, a. like an apple. manzanllla, /. dim. (bot.) common chamo* mile: manzanllla fina, golden cotula: man- zanllla hedionda, T'. magarzuela ; knob at the top of coaches, bedsteads, etc. ; medium- sized olive ; white sherry wine ; lower part of the chin ; pad, or cushion, of the fe^ of animals having claws. manzanlllo, ito, m. dim. (bot.) manchineel, poison-tree : olivo manzanlllo, olive-tree yielding the manzanllla olive. manzanita, /. dim. little apple : manzanlt* de dama, V. ACEROLA. manzano, m. (bot.) apple-tree: goineo man- zano, (Cuba) V. cambur. V. guineo. mafia,/, handiness, skill, dexterity, clever- ness, knack ; cunning, craftiness, artifice, craft ; habit or custom ; bundle or bunch (a» of hemp or flax) : darse mana, to contrive, to mdnage. ma&ana,/. morning, morrow, forenoon ; (Sp. Am. ) morning drink, usually gin i tomar la. mafiana, to drink liquor before breakfast : de mafiana, in the morning : may de mafiana or de gran mafiana, very early. — adv. to-mor- row ; soon, ere long, by-and-bye ; in time to come. ma&anear, vn. to rise early habitually. ma&anica, ita, /. break of day. ma&ear, va. &. vn. to manage or act with craft and cunning. ma&eria, /. sterility ; feudal right of suc- ceeding to the possessions of those who died without legitimate succession. a lis in far ; e in eh t : 1 in police ; o In for : a in boll ; e (befvre e, I) and z as tb In thiek ; b and d, soa; MAN 365 MAE tnafiero, ra, a. clever, dexterous, skilful, art- ful ; handy, easy ; meek, tractable. mafiO, fl.a, m. & /. endearing term, brother, sister. maflOCO, m. tapioca ; Indian-corn meal. mafiosamente, adv. dexterously, neatly, handily, cleverly; "subtly ; maliciously, craftily. ma&OSO, sa, «. dexterous, skilful, handy, clever ; cunning. mafluela, /. low cunning, mean trick : ma- nnelas, m. &f. artful, cunning person. xnapa, m. map, chart.—/, (coll.) anything excellent and prominent in its line : llevarse la mapa, to excel, to take the prize. mapaclie, m. (zool.) raccoon. mapamundi, »«. map of the world. mapanare, /. (Veuez.) poisonous snake. mapuritO, m. (C. Am.) (zool.) skunk. maque, m. (Mex.) sumac lacquer. maquear, ra. to lacquer with maque. maqui inia'>-kee'], m. kind of ginger. maquiav^liCO, ca, a. Machiavelian. maquiavelismo, m. Machiavelism. maquiavelista, »«. Machiavelian. maquila, /. toll-corn ; corn-measure. maquilar, ra. to measure and take the mill- er's toll-corn. maquilero, maquildn, in. measurer and re- ceiver of milling toll-corn. m^qulna [mah'-key-nah], /. machine, engine ; apparatus, contrivance ; machination, proj- ect, scheme; (coll.) sumptuous structure; (coll.) great number, multitude of things: m&qQina de vapor, steam-engine : m&quina nenm&tica, air-pump: m4qdina de escribir, type-writer: m&quina de coser, sewing-ma- chine. maqulnacidn, /. machination, artifice, con- trivance. maquinador, ra, m. &f. contriver, schemer, machinator ; plotter. maquinal, a. machinal ; mechanical. maquinalinente, adv. mechanically ; unde- -signedly. maquinar, va. to machinate, plan, contrive, hatch, concoct, conspire. maquinarla, /. applied mechanics; engi- neering ; enginery, machinery. maquillista[niah-ke-nee8'-tah], m. &f. engineer ; machinist; mechanician, mechanist. mar, m. or /. sea ; flood ; any large quantity ; swell of the sea : alta mar or mar ancha, the high sea : mar alta, rough sea : mar bonanza, calm sea : mar de fondo, swell : de mar & mar, copiously, excessively ; in the extreme of fashion : baja mar, low-water, ebb-tide : mar llena or plena, plea mar, high-water : correr con la mar en popa, to scud before the sea : correr los mares, to follow the seas : arar en el mar, to labour in vain : meter el mar en el pozo, to attempt the impossible: mar de trav«B, sea on the beam : hablar de la mar, to attempt an impossibility ; to speak on an inexhaustible subject: jla mar! interj. (coll.) to denote a multitude of persons or things. marabli, m. (orn.) marabou: plamas de ma- rabu. marabou-plumes, comercolly-feathers. maracure, m. (bot.) tropical loganiad from which curare is extracted. maragatO, ta, m. & f. of or belonging to a region in Spain called Maragateria. marafia,./'. jungle ; tangle, entanglement of a skein ; silk waste and stuff made from it ; perplexity, puzzle ; fraud, imposition ; in- trigue, plot. marafLado, da, a. entangled, perplexed. maraflero, ra, flOSO, sa, a. entangling, in- snaring, perplexing. mara&bn, m. (Cuba) (hot.) cashew ; cashew- nut. marasmo, m. (med.) consumption, maras- mus, wasting. maravedi, m. maravedi, old Spanish coin. xnaravllla, /. wonder, marvel ; (bot.) mari- gold : maravilla de noche or maravilla de In- dias, (bot.) marvel of Peru, four-o'clock: k las mil maravlUas, uncommonly well ; ex- quisitely : k maravilla, marvellously : por maravilla, very seldom. maravillar, va. to admire. — vr. to wonder, to marvel. marayillosamente, adv. wonderfully, mar- vellously. maravilloso, sa, a. wonderful, marvellous, admirable. marbete, m. label, tag, ticket; (r. w.) bag- gage-check ; border, fillet. marca,/. mark, stamp, impress ; sign ; stand- ard (of size) ; gauge or rule for measuring ; marker, stencil, label, tag, ticket ; province, district ; sea-mark, landmark : marca de f4brica, trade-mark : papel de marca, plate paper: de marca, excellent of its kind: dem&s de marca or de marca mayor, very superior. inarcaci6n, /. (naut.) bearing; taking a ship's bearings. marcadamente, adv. markedly, notably. marcador, ra, a. marker. — m. marker; as- say-master ; index ; book-mark. marcar, va. (pret. marque : subj. marque) to mark, stamp, impress, brand ; to em- broider initials ; to observe, note, designate ; to label; (naut.^ to take bearings: marcar el comp&s, (mus.) to beat time, keep time. marcasita, /. (min.) inarcasite, white py- rites. marcear, va. to shear animals. — vn. to be (the weather) rough as in March. marceador, ra, a. shearer, shearing. marceo, m. trimming honey-combs in spring. marcero, ra, a. v. marceador. marcescente, a. (bot.) marcescent, wither- ing. marcial, a. martial, warlike • frank, uncere- monious ; (pharm.) martial, chalybeate. — m. aromatic powder for dressing gloves. marcialidad, /. martialness, martialism ; frankness. marcionista, m. &/. Marcionite. marco, vi. frame, door-case, window-case ; picture-frame ; mark, gold and silver weight ; standard (of weight) ; scantling and length of timber ; model, archetype ; mark, German coin. m^rcola,/. pruning-hook. marcha, /. march ; progress, turn, course, run ; (naut.) speed : (mil.) marchas forzadas, forced marches; (mus.) march, two-step; movement of a watch ; working-order of a machine ; bonfire : sobre la marcha, off- hand, on the spot : batir la marcha, to strike up a march : & largas marchas, with celerity, ^ speedily. marchamar, va. to mark goods at the cus- tom-house. marchamero, m. custom-house oflScer who marks goods. marclianio, »». custom-house mark on goods. marcliante, a. mercantile, commercial, trad- ing. — TO. shop-keeper, dealer ; customer, buyer; (Cuba) sharper, trickster. marchapie, m. foot-board; (naut.) horse, foot-rope. g (before e, i) and J ai 2S b in hot; h. silent; 11 In brilliant; 2, ny in canyon; r initial) and rr trilietl: s, hissed. MAR 366 MAR marcliar, vn. & it. to go, go away, go oflF, depart, quit ; to walk ; to progress, proceed, go ahead ; to work (as a machine) ; to go (as a clock) ; to move (as a carriage) ; to pace (as a horse) ; (mil.) to march; (naut.) to have speed. marchitable, a. perishable, liable to wither. marcMtamientO, m. withering or fading. marcMtar, ra. to wither, fade, wear away. — vr. to wither, fade, shrivel, decay ; to pine away. marcMtez, /. withering, fading, marcid- ity. marchitO, ta, a. faded, withered, decayed, marcid. mare& , /. tide ; beach ; soft sea-breeze ; dew, mizzle ; street dirt washed away : marea alta, high-tide, high-water : marea baja, low- tide, ebl) : marea creciente, flood-tide : marea mengnante, ebb-tide. mareado, da, pp. & a. sea-sick. mareaje, m. navigation, seamanship ; course of a ship. mareamiento, m.. sea-sickness. mareante, pa. navigator, skipper, sailor, marear, va. to navigate a ship ; to sell goods ; (coll.) to vex, importune, bother. — vr. to be sea-sick : to be damaged at sea. marecanita, /. (min.) marekanite. marejada, /. swell, head sea, surf; (met.) commotion, excitement, perturbation. mare magnum, m. (Lat.) (coll.) abundance ; confusion, disorder. mareo, m. sea-sickness ; (coll. ) molestation, vexation. marebgrafo, m. mareograph. marero, a. sea-breeze. mareta, /. (naut. ) surge of the sea ; growing or decreasing excitement. maretazo, m. dashing of a wave, mlurfaga or marfega,/. ticking ; straw bed. marfi.1, m. ivory. marflle&O, ila, a. of or resembling ivory. marfuz imar-footh'], a. repudiated, rejected ; fallacious, deceitful. marga, /. marl, loam, clay-marl ; ticking ; burlap. marg£Uita,/. (min.) white pyrites. margal, m. marlv ground, marl-pit. margallbn, m. (bot.) palmetto. margar, va. to fertilize with marl. margaratO, m. (chem.) margarate. marg^riCO, a. f chem. ) mar gar ic. margarlna, /. (chem.) margarine, margarlta, /. pearl; (bot.) common daisy; marguerite ; periwinkle. margen [mar'-henl, m. & /.. margin, marge, border, edge, verge ; fringe ; marginal note : dar margen, to give an opportunity : andarse por las mirgenes, to go about the bush, margenar, va. V. marginar. marginado, da, a. &pp. marginated. marginal, a. marginal, marginar, va. to make marginal notes ; to leave a margin. margOSO, sa, a. marly, loamy, margrave, m. margrave. Grerman title. marguera [mar-Kch'-rahi, / marlpit. marnojo, m. V. malhojo. maria,/. (coll.'> (eccl.) whji« wax-taper; old silver coin ; lAxry, a pTKptnr name : Arbol de maria, balsam of tolu-tree : bafio de maria, (chem. and cook.) water-bath. marlal, a. (eccl.) books in praise of the Holy Virgin. mariano, na, a. (eccl.) Marian, marica,/. dim. (ora.) magpie; knave of dia- monds.— m. milksop, effeminate man. Maricastafia, f. proverbial character signi- fying remote times. maric6n, m. (coll.) coward, poltroon; cot- quean ; sodomite. maridable, a. conjugal, matrimonial, con- nubial, marital. maridablemente, adv. conjugally. maridaje, m. marriage, conjugal tie ; inti- mate connection or union. maridanza, /. treatment of a wife. maridar, vn. to marry ; to live as man and wife. — va. to unite, to join. marldazo, m. (coll.) v. gurrumino. maridillo, m. dim. sorry, pitiful husband ; brasier. marido, m. husband, married man. marimacho, m. (coll.) virago, mannish woman. marimanta,/. (coll.) bugbear, hobgoblin. marimba,/, kind of drum used by negroes of Africa; (Amer.) xylophone. marimofia,/. (bot.) v. fran-cesilla. marimorena, /. (coll.) quarrel, row. marina,/, shore, sea-coast; (art) sea-piece; seamanship, nautical art, marine : marina mcrcante, sea craft, shipping: marina d« gaerra, navy : loldados de marina, marines : ministerio or departamento de marina, naval department. marinaje, m. seamanship ; sailors. marinar, va. to marinate, to salt tish ; (naut.) to man a ship. marinear, va. to be a mariner. marineradO, da, a. manned, equipped. marineria,/. seamanship; body of seamen ; ship's crew. marinero, ra, a. ready to sail ; seaworthy, sea-going, stanch. — ?«. mariner, seaman, sailor : i la marinera, in a seamanlike man- ner. marinesCO, ca, a. belonging to sailors : k 1» marinesca, in a seamanlike manner, ship- shape. marino, na, a. marine, nautical. — m. mar- iner, seaman, seafaring man. mari6n, mar6n, m. (icht.) sturgeon. marip6rez,/. servant-maid. mariposa, /. (ent.) butterfly; night-taper; (Cuba orn.) song-bird. mariposear, vn. to flit like a butterfly ; to be fickle and capricious. mariquita,/. (ent.) lady-bug, lady-bird. marisabidilla,/. (coll.) blue-stocking. mariscal, m. (mil.) marshal; farrier, black- smith : mariscal de campo, fleld-marshal. mariscala,/ marshal's wife. mariscalato, m. mariscalia, /. marshal- ship. marlscar, va. to gather shell-fish on ther strand. marlsco, m. any of the invertebrata, espe- cially a mollusc or a shell-fish. marisma,/. marsh, swamp, morass. marismo, m. (hot.) v. orzaga. marital, a. marital. maritime, ma, a. maritime, maritimal, ma- rine. maritornes, /. (coll.) homely, ungainly maid of all work. maijal [mar-iiahrj m. fen, marsh, moor, moor- land ; land measure. marjoleta,/. v. majuela. marjoleto, m. (bot.) white hawthorn. marlota,/. kind of Moorish gown. marmatita,/. (min.) marmatite. marmella, /. V. mamella. marmellado, da, a. mammillate. marmita,/. (cook.) kettle, pot. » M In far ; « in eh I ; 1 In police ; o In for ; a In ball ; c (before e, i) and z as th In thick ; b and d, soft ; MAE 367 MAS marmitdn, m. scullion. m^rmol, m. marble ; (art) marble sculpture ; (gl. ) inarver ; (print.) imposiug-stoue. marmolejO, w. dim. small marble column. marmolefiO, fia, a. marbly. marmoleria, /. marble-work ; marble- works. marmolillo, m. dim. fender stone; (met.) unfeeling person. marmolista, m. marbler, sculptor. mannoracibii, /. marbling. V. estuco. marmdreo, ea, marmoroso, sa, a. marbly, marbled, marmorean. marmorete, «*. (print.) vignette, small cut. marmota,/. (zool.) marmot; worsted cap. maro, m. (bot.) germander, marum. marojo, m. /. masquerade. mascarada, /. masquerade, mummery. mascarero, ra, m. &/. dealer in masks. mascarilla, /. dim. half mask ; death-mask. mascarbn, m. aug. hideous mask; (arch.) grotesque face: mascardn de proa, (naui.) tigure-head. mascujar, vn. (coll. ) to masticate with diflB- culty ; to mumble. mascullnidad,/. masculinity, manhood. masculino, na, «. masculine, male, virile ; (gram.) masculine. mascullar, va. to mumble. masecoral, masejicomar, w. sleight of hand, legerdemain. masera, /. kneading-trough ; cloth for cover- ing the dough. maseria, masia, /. farm-house. masetero, m. (anat.) masseter. maslca./. (C. Am.) bread-nut tree. masicoie, m. (chem.) massicot, maslliense, «. of Marseilles. maslUa, /. dim. little mass : putty ; mastic, maslta,/. pittance retained for providing a soldier with shoes, etc. maslo, m. root of the tail of quadrupeds. masbn, m. aug. mess of dough given to fowls ; Freemason. masoneria,/. Freemasonry. inas6lllco, ca, a. Masonic, masora,/. Masora. masoreta, m. Masorite. masor^tico, ca, a. Masoretic. masovero, m. farmer. mastelerillo, m. dim. (naut.) top-gallant and royal mast. mastelero, m. (naut.) top-mast: maateleros de respeto, spare top-masts. mastlcacidn, /. mastication. masticador, m. v. mastigador. masticar, va. {pret. mastiqu6 : subj. masti- que) ; to masticate, chew ; to ruminate, meditate.' masticatoriO, ria, a. masticatory. mastigador, m. bit for a horse. md.stil, m. (naut.) mast; upright post of a bed or loom ; stanchion ; shank of an auger ; trunk or stem of a tree j wide breeches worn by Indians ; neck (of violin, guitar, etc.). mastin, na, m. &f. mastiff, bulldog. mystique, m. mastic. masto, m. stock into which a scion is grafted. . mastodonte, m. mastodon. mastoides, m. (anat.) mastoid process. mastranto, mastranzo, m. (bot.) round- leaved mint. mastuerzo, m. (bot.) common-cress; dolt, simpleton. masturbacidn, /. masturbation. masturbarse, vr. to masturbate. masvale, m. v. malvasI a. mata, /. plant, bush, shrub ; sprig, blade ; grove, copse ; orchard ; mastic-tree ; wom- an's hair ; matte, regulus, white metal : mata parda, young evergreen oak ; game at cards. V. matarrata. Xnatacim, m. poison for killing dogs; (bot.) dog's-bane ; nux vomica ; hare previously hunted- pebble, stone; (fort.) machicola- • tion gallery ; deuce of clubs in some card matacandelas, /. candle extinguisher. matacandil, m. (prov.) lobster. matacia,/. slaughter, death. matachin, m. merry-andrew, jack-pudding; dance performed by grotesque figures ; slaughterman, butcher. matadero, m. slaughter-house ; drudgery. matador, ra, a. killer, killing, mortal.— Hi. murderer ; a card in the game of ombre.—/. murderess. matadura,/. (vet.) sore, gall. matafuego, m. fire-engine, fire-extinguisher; fireman, matagallina, /. (bot.) r. torvisco. matanambre, m. (Cuba) marchpane, matahombres, m. v. carraleja. matajudio, m. (icht.) r. MtjjoL. mataiahuga, matalabuva, /. (bot.) V. ANiS. matalObOS, m. (bot.) wolfs-bane, aconite. ixiatalbn, matalote, m. old worn-out horse. matalotaje, »i. (naut.) ship-stores; (coll.) heap, mess, jumble. miitancero, ra, m. & f. of or belonging to- iitatanzas. ma^anza, /. slaughter, massacre, butchery ; hog-slaughtering and the season when it is doae; swine kept for slaughter; (coll.) ob^ stiaacy, eagerness of pursuit. mataiOalO, m. (bot.) (Sp. Am.) tree yielding caoufchouc and a fibre for sackcloth. matap^rrada, /. boy's mischievous prank. matape'^rros, m. (coll.) street-lounging ur- chin. matapieditabundo, da, a. pensive, musing, thoughtful. *neditaci6n,/. meditation, cogitation. 'tieditar, ra. to meditate, cogitate, muse. Uiediterr4neO, nea, «. Mediterranean, mid- land. medium, m. spiritualistic, medium. medo, da, a. Mede. medra, /. thrift, success, improvement, medrana,/. (coll.) fear. medrar, vn. to thrive, prosper, improve ; to grow vigorous (persons and plants). medriftaque, m. Philippine stuff for lining and stifftning women's skirts ; short skirt. medro, m. v. medra.^d/. progress, improre- ment. medrosamente, adv. timorously, faintly. medroso, sa, a. timorous, faint-hearted, cowardly ; terrible, dreadful. medula 'or m6dllla, /. marrow, medulla ; (bot.) pith; substance, essence. medular, a. medullar, medullary. meduleso, sa, a. marrowy ; pithy, medusa,/, (ieht.) medusa, jelly-fish. mefitiCO, ca, <» mephitie, foul, noxious, megafono, m. megaphone. megalitiCO, ca, a. megalithic. m6gano, m. dune. V. medano. megaterio, m. megatherium, megO, ga, a. gentle, mild, meek, peaceful, mejana,/. islet in the middle of a river. meJLCano, na [may-iie-cah'-uo], a. Mexican, — m. Mexican language, Aztec, mejido, da, a. beaten up with sugar and water (yolk of eggs). mejillaimay-heel'-lyah],/. cheek. mejilldn, m. variety of mussel. mejor [may-hor'], a. comp. of BUENO ; better, finer, superior, preferable: lo meJor, the best : el mcjor dia, some fine day : mejor poa- tor, highest bidder. — adv. better ; more ex- actly ; rather, sooner : 4 lo mejor, when least expected : mejor que mejor, much bet- ter : tanto mejor, so much the better. mejora,/. improvement, melioration, better- ment ; advance, increase, enhancement ; higher bidj (law) appeal to a superior court ; special bequest to a lawful heir. mejorable, a. improvable. mejoramiento, m. improvement, meliora- tion. me^orana,/. (bot.) sweet marjoram. mejorar, va. to improve, meliorate, heighten, better, enhance ; to outbid ; (law) to leave to a sou or grandson a special bequest be- sides his legal share. — vn. to recover from a disease or calamity ; to improve, grow bet- ter, reform. mejoria,/. improvement, melioration, en- hancement, betterment ; advantage ; supe- riority ; improvement in health. mejuille [may-hoon'-hay], m. medicinal mixture, stuff. melada, /. toast soaked in honey. meladO, da^ i>p. & a. of the colour of honey. — m. cane-juice sirup ; honey-cake. meladora, /. ^shlrd sugar boiliug-pan in a triple effect apparatus. meladucha, /. coarse, mealy apple. meladura,/. concentrated sirup, treacle. melafldo, m. (geol.) melaphyre. melampo, «t.'(theat.) candle with shade. melancolia, /, melancholy, gloom, blues. melauc61iC0, ca, a. melancholy, sad, gloomy, blue, hypochondriacal. melancolizar, va. to affect with melancholy, to render gloomy and dejected, to dispirit. melandro, m. (zool.) badger. melanita, /. (min. ) melanite. melanosis,/, (med. ) melanosis, black cancer. melapia,/. variety of apple. melar, vn. in sugar-works, to boil clear; (api.) to fill the combs with honey. melar, a. honey-sweet. melaza,/. molasses; dregs of honey, melca,/. v. zahina. melcoclia,/. molasses candy, taffy. melcocliero, «». taffy maker or seller. melena,/. long locks of hair in men; loose hair in women; mane ©f animals; fleecy skin put under a yoke ; (med.) melaena, in- testinal hemorrhage : traer 4 la melena, to C (before e, i) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 iu brilliant.; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s. MEL 372 MEN compel one to execute a, thing against his will. tneleno, m. (coll.) rude, unkempt man. melenudO, da, a. having bushy hair. melera,/- woman who sells honey ; state of melons spoiled by rain ; (hot.) V. buglosa. melero, m. dealer in honey ; place where honey is kept. melgacho, m. (icht.) dog-fish. melgar, m. patch of wild alfalfa. xneluiceo, a, a. (bot.) melia^eous.— pZ. /. me- liaceae. m^liCO, ca, a. lyrical, melic. melifero, ra, «. (poet.) melliferous. melificado, da, pp. & a. mellifluous, mellifi- cent. melificar, va. & vn. to make honey (bees). mellfluamente, adv. mellifluently. mellfluldad, /. mellifluence, suavity, deli- cacy. meliflUO, flua, a. mellifluous, mellifluent, honeved, honey-mouthed. mellldtO, ta, a. & m. & /. silly, stupid.— 7?i. (bot.) melilot, sweet clover. mellndre, m. sort of fritters ; lady-fingers ; narrow ribbon; namby-pamby; fastidious- ness. mellndrear, vn. to act the prude. mellndreria, /. prudery, fastidiousness. melindrero, ra, v. melindroso. melindrillO, m. ferret, narrow tape. melindrizar, vn. V. melindrear. melindroso, sa, a. finical, namby-pamby. melisa,/. (bot.) melissa, balm. mellto, m. (pharm.) melissic sirup. melOCOt6n, m. (hot.) peach-tree; peach, melOCOtonero, m. peach-tree; vender of peaches. melodia,/. (mus.) melody, melodiousness. melodlosamente, adv. melodiously. melOdlOSO, sa, «. melodious. melodrama, »«. melodrama. melodramatlcamente, adv. melodramati- cally. melodramatlco, ca, a. melodramatic. melodre&a, a. piedra melodre&a, whetstone. melografia, /. art of writing music. meloja,/. metheglin, mead. melOjar, m. white oaks plantation. melOjO, m. (bot.) variety of white oak. melomania, /. melomania. meldmano, na, m. &/. melomaniac. mel6n, m. (bot.) melon-vine; musk-melon; cantaloupe : melon de agua, water-melon. V. sandIa ; (zool.) F. meloncillo. melonar, m. field or bed of melons. meloncete, m. dim. small melon. melonclllO, m. dim. small melon; (zool.) kind of mongoos. melonero, ra,n». &/. one who raises or deals in melons. melopeya, /. melopoeia. melosidad, /. sweetness, lusciousness ; meek- ness, gentleness. meloso, sa, a. honeyed, honey-like, sweet ; mellow ; gentle, mil^. melote, m. dregs of molasses ; preserve made with honey. melsa,/- spleen ; phlegm, lentor, slowness. mella, /. notch, nick, tooth, jag in edged tools ; dent, indention, hollow ; gap : hacer mella, to make an impression upon the mind. mellado, da, a. & pp. dented, jagged, notched ; toothless. mellar, va. to ja^, indent, notch ; to injure (as honour, credit). melliza,/. kind of sausage made with honey. mellizo, za, «. twin, t'; gemelo. mell6n, /". torch made of straw. membradO, da, a. (her.) membered. membrana, /. membrane, thin skin ; cauL membranaceo, cea, «. membranaceous. membranoso, sa, «. membranous, filmy. membrete, m. memorandum, note ; card ol invitatioti ; address ; letter-head ; heading. membrilla, /. (bot.) variety of quince. membrillar, /". plantation of quince-trees. membrillero, membrillo, m. (hot.) quince- tree ; (luiiice. membrud amenta, adv. robustly, strongly. membrudo, da, a. strong, robust, corpulent ; membered. memento, »'. (eccl.) part of the mass. memo, ma, «. silly, foolish. memorable, memorando, da, a. memor- able, commcniorable, notable, famous. memorablemente, adv. memorably. memorandum, m. note-book ; memorandum, dii)lomatic note. memorar, va. to remember, recollect. memoratislmo, ma, a. sup. worthy of eter- nal memory. memoria, f. memory ; reminiscence, recol- lection, remembrance, souvenir ; mtmorial, memento, monumental record ; report, statement; treatise; memorandum, note, reminder ; codicil : hacer memoria, to re- member, to put in mind : de memoria, by heart : hablar de memoria, to talk at random. —^l. compliments, regards ; memoranda ; rings used as reminders. memorial, m. memorandum-book; memo- rial, petition ; (law) brief. memorlalesco, ca, a. (hum.) relating te » memorial. memorialista, m. amanuensis. memori6n, w. aug. strong memory. memorioso, sa, a. mindful, thoughtful. mena, /• (icht.) small sea-fish; (min.) ore : (naut.) size of cordage; (Philip.) size and shape of a cigar. m^nade, /. bacchante ; woman in a frenzy. menador, ra, m. &f. winder of silk. menaje, m. household furniture, movables, house-stuff. menar. va. to wind silk on a jenny. mencion, /. mention, reference, notice. mencionar, va. to mention, name, state, mendaz, «. mendacious, false, untrue. mendlcacidn, /. begging, r. MENDi<;rEz. mendicante, a. mendicant, begging.— m. mendicant, beggar. mendlcidad, /. mendicity, mendicancy, ^g- gary. mendigante, ta, m. &/. mewdicant, beggar. mendigar, va. {pret. mexdigi;^ . snbj. men- digue) to beg, mendicate ; to crave, en- treat. , mendlgo, ga, »». &/. mendicant, beggar. mendiguez (men-rte-gheti.], /. beggary, indi- gence, mendicancy. mendosamente, adv. falselv, erroneously, mendOSO, sa, a. false, mendacious. mendrugo, m. broken bread given to beg- gars. mendrugrulllo, »>. dim. small bit of bread. meneador, ra, m. &/. stirrer, shaker. menear, ra. to stir, shake ; to wag, waggle ; to manage, direct. — vr. (coll.) to hustle, be active, stir about ; to wriggle, waggle, wad- dle : peor es meneallo, let well enough alone. meneo, m. shake, shaking ; wagging, wrig- gling, waddling; (coll.) drubbing, beating. menester, m. necessity, need, want ; employ- ment, business, occupation, oflice: «er me- » M in far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for : u in bull : e (befbre e, i) and i m tk in thick ; b and d, soa . MEN 373 MEN neater, to be necessary, to be wanting.-- p/. natural or corporal necessities ; implements, tools of trade. menesteroso, sa, a. needy, necessitous, menestra,/. pottage ; vegetable soup. menestral, m. mechanic, handicraftsman, workman, menestrete, w. (naut.) nail-puller, menfita, m. & f. native of Memphis.—/. (min.) onyx. mengajo, m. trailing rag. mengano, na, m. & f. such a one ; so and so (used after Fulano). menguaimen'-goo-ah', /. diminution, wane, de- cay, decline; lack, want; shortcoming; poverty, indigence ; disgrace, shame. mengruadamente, adv. ignominiousiy. menguadO, da, pp. & a. diminished, irr.- paired, stunted; cowardly, pusillanimous; foolish ; mean, miserly : hora menguada, fatal moment. — m. &/. poltroon ; silly per- son ; miser. — m. deorease, narrowing of stockings, in knitting. menguamiento, m. v. mexgua. menguante, pa. decreasing, diminishing.— /. ebb-tide, low-water, neap-tide ; decline, decay ; decrease of the moon. menguar, vn. to diminish, decrease, wane, decay, decline, fall off; to narrov • stock- ings. mengue, m. (coll.) the deuce, the dc il. menEir [men-eer'], TO. menhir, obelisk fflenina, /. young miss in attendaif ;e upon the queen or infantas. meninge,/. (anat.) meninges. menlngrltiS [may-neen-hee'-tis], /. meningitis. menlno, m. noble page of the queen and in- fantas of Spain ; little coxcomb, menique, a. little finger. V. MENiQUE. menisco, m. (phys.) meniscus, menisperm&ceo, a, a. (hot.) menisperma- ceous. menjUi [men-hoo«e'], TO. V. BENJUf. menjunje, menlurje, to, v. mejunje. menolOgriO, m. (eccl.) menology. menopausia, /. (med.) menopause, change of life in women. menor, a. compar. of PEQUENO ; smaller, less- er, minor, younger; (mus. ) minor: menor edad, minority, under age : hermano menor, younger brother: por menor, by retail ; mi- nutely. — TO. & /. a minor; (log.) minor premise; (mus.) minor; Minorite, Francis- can ; (arch.) small block.— p/. third class in a grammar school ; (eccl.) minor orders. menorete, a. dim. (coll.) al menorete or por el menorete, at least. menoria, /. inferiority, subordination ; un- der age. menorista, m. student of grammar in the third class. menorquin, na, a. of or belonging to the island Minorca. menorragia, /. (med.) menorrhagia. menos, adv. less, not so much ; not quite ; least; except, but, barring: menos de or menos que, less than : al menos, & lo menos or por lo menos, at least, however : & menos que, unless : poco mis 6 menos, little more or less, about: de menos, less, wanting, missing: venir & menos, to decay, to grow worse ; to become poor : ni m&s, ni menos, neither more nor less, just so : todo menos e«o, all but that : lo menos posible, the least possible. xnenoscabador, ra, m. &f. detracter, less- ener. menoscabar, ««. to impair, lessen, deterio- rate. menoscabO, m. impairment, injury, damage deterioration, loss. menOBCUenta, /. discount ; payment on ac^ count. menospreciablemente, adv. contemptu- ously. menospreciador, ra, m. &f. coatemner, de- spiser. menospreciar, va. to underrate, under- value ; to despise, contemn. menospreciativo, va, a. despising, menosprecio, to. undervaluation ; eontompt,. scorn. menostasia,/. (med.) amenorrhea. mensaje, to. message, despatch, errand ; offi- cial communication between the legislative and the executive power. mensajeria,/. stage line ; steamship line. mensajero, ra.'TO. &/. messenger, carrier, errand boy or girl ; (naut.) bull's-eye trav- eller, wooden thimble. menstruacibn, /. menstruation. menstrual, a. menstrual. menstrualmente, adv. monthly, menstru- allv. menstruante, a. menstruating. menstruar, vn. to menstruate. menstruo, a, a. menstruous, monthly, men- strual. — m. menses, catamenia, courses ; (chem.) menstruum. menstruoso, sa, a. menstruous.—/. (med.) applied to a female menstruating. mensual, a. monthly, mensual. mensualldad, /. a month's pay ; mo»ythlv salary. mensualmente, adv. monthly. ni6nsula, /. (arch.) bracket, mensura,/. measure. niensurabilidad,.f. mensurability. mensurable, a. mensurable. mensurador, ra, to. &/. measurer, met^r. mensural, a. mensural. mensurar, ra. to measure, menta,/. (bot.) mint; peppermint. mentadO, da, pp. & a. famous, celebrated^ renowned. mental, a. mental, intellectual, ideal, mentalmente, adv. mentally, Intel lectually^ ideally. mentaf, va. {ind. miento : snbj. MIENTE) to mention, to name, mentastro, to. (bot.) v. mastranzo. mente, /. mind, understanding- intellectual power ; sense, meaning ; will, disposition, mentecatada, mentecateria, menteca- tez, /. foolishness, silliness, nonsense. mentecatO, ta, a. silly, foolish, stupid, crack-brained. — to. &/. fon|. mentecatdn, na, a. aug. very silly. mentidero, to. (coll.) place where people meet and gossip. mentido, da, jsp. &a. false, delusive. mentir, va. and. miento -. svhj. mienta) to lie, to fib ; to disappoint, frustrate ; to deceive, delude, feign ; to falsify, misrepresent. mentlra, .f. lie, falsehood, mendacity, fib; error, mistake in writing ; (coll. ) white spot on human nails. mentirtiillas (de), ^rfr. jokingly, in fun. mentlrilla, /. dim. little fib : de mentirillas, in jest. mentirdn, m. avg. great lie. mentirosamente, adv. falsely, deceitfully, lyin^ly. mentirbsito, ta, a. dim. little fibber. mentiroso, sa, a. lying, mendacious ; decep- tive, deceitful ; erroneous, full of errors op misprints. « (before e, i) and .t an h in hot ; h, ailent ; 11 in brilliant; fi, ny in canyoB : r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hi8se<*. MEN 374 MER mentis, m. you lie (term of insult). mentol, in. (pharm.) menthol. mentor, w. mentor, counsellor, guide. menuceles, m. pi. tithe of the lesser fruits. menudamente, adv. minutely, particularly. menudear, va. to do a thirg over and over again ; to repeat. — vn. to occur frequently ; to go into details ; to describe little things ; (com.) to sell by retail. menudencia, /. trifle, littleness ; minute- ness, minute accuracy.— pZ. small matters ; pork sausages. menudeo, //'. act of repeating minutely; (com.) retail. menudero, ra, m-. & f. dealer in tripes, gib- lets, sausages, etc. menudillo, m. extremities of animals.—^/, giblets of fowls. menudo, da, a. small, little, slender ; mi- nute ; insignificant, worthless ; common, vulgar ; small money, change ; exact, scru- pulous : hombre menudo, mean, miserable fellow: k menudo, repeatedly, frequently, continually, often : por menudo, minutely ; by retail. — m. intestines, viscera; tithe of fruits.—/)/, giblets of fowls ; copper coin. mefiique Imay-nyee'-keh], a. little finger ; (coll.) very small. meollada,/. fry of brain. meoUar, m. (naut.) spun-yarn, meollO, m. brain ; marrow ; kernel, pith ; judgrbent, understanding; substance or es- sential part of anything. mebn, na, a. (coll.) continually making water.—/, (coll.) new-born female infant. meple, m. (bot.) maple; maple-wood: meple moteado, bird's-eye maple. mequetrefe, m. whipster, whipper-snapper, jackauapes, coxcomb. meramente, adv. merely, solely, purely. merar, m. to mix liquors, or wine and water. merca, /. (coll.) purchase. F. c^mpra. mercacMfle, m. peddler, hawker, huckster ; petty jobber. mercadante, m. v. mercader. mercadear, vn. to trade, deal, traffic. mercader, m. merchant, dealer, trader, shop- keeper : mercader de grueso, wholesale dealer. mercadera, /. shopkeeper's wife, trades- woman. mercaderia, /. commodity, merchandise ; trade.— />/. goods, wares. mercado, m. market, mart ; market-place. mercaduria, /. merchandise, trade. mercal, m. ancient Spanish copper coin. mercancia, /. tfade, traffic; merchandise, salable goods, wares. mercante, m. &, a. dealer, trader; mercan- tile, commercial : buque mercante, trading- vessel. mercantil, a. commercial, mercantile. mercantllismo, m. mercantilism. mercantilmente, adv. commercially. mercantivo, va, a. v. mercantil. mercar, va. {pret. merque: subj. merque) to buy, trade. F. comprar. merced [mer-thed'}, /. gift, favour, grace, mercy ; wages to labourers ; will, pleasure ; courteous 'appellation given to untitled per- sons, as : vueBtra or vaesa merced, your hon- our, your worship, sir (in abbreviation V. or Vd. ; the latter preferred) ; a religious mili- tary order : merced de agua, free distribution of water for irrigation : merced de tierra, grant of land: estar 4 merced, to live at an- other's exi)ense : muchas mercedes, many thanks: hkgame Vd. la merced, do me the favour. mercenario, rla, a. mercenary, hired, hire- ling. — m. &/. member of the religious order of la Merced. — w). mercenary soldier; day- labourer, farm-hand ; substitute. merceria, /. small wares, mercery, haber- dashery, Yankee notions; (Amer.) dry- goods store. mercero, m. haberdasher, mercer. mercurial, «. mercurial. — m. (bot.) all good^ mercury. merciirico, a. mercuric. mercuric, m. mercury, quicksilver; (ast.) Mercury : mercurio dulce, calomel. merchante, m. jobber. — a. trading. V. mer« CANTE. merdell6n, na, m. &/. (coll.) slovenly serv- ant. merdoso, sa, a. (low) nasty, filthy. merecedor, ra, a. deserving, worthy. merecer, va. {ind. merezco: subj. merezca) to deserve, to merit ; to obtain, attain ; to be worth; to be worthy of; to owe, to be indebted for. — vn. to strive to deserve some- thing: esti por merecer, said of a young unmarried woman. merecidamente, adv. worthily, meritorious- ly, condignly. merecido, da, pp. & a. meritorious, condign, desferved. — m. condign punishment. mereciente, 7>a. deserving, meritorious. merecimiento, m. merit, desert. merendar, vn. (ind. meriendo: subj. ME- riende) to lunch ; to dine at noon ; to pry into another's writings or actions. — va. to lunch on. merendero, ra, a. picking up the seeds in corn-fields (crows). — m. lunch-room. merendilla, ita, /. dim. light luncheon. merendona,/. aug. splendid collation. merengue, m. kiss, sugar-plum, meringue. meretrlcio, cia, a. meretricious, harkt, lustful. meretrlz,/. strumpet. V. ramera. merey,/. (bot.) cashew-ti-ee. merezco, yo merezca {irr. from merecer). merg^nsar, m. (orn.) goosander, merganser. mergO, m. (orn.) diver. meridiana, /. litter, cot-bed. meridiano, a. meridional, noon. — m. merid- ian, noon : k la meridiana, at noon. meridional, a. southern, southerly, merid' ional. merienda, /. lunch, luncheon, collation, noon meal; (coll.) humpback: merienda de negroB, hodge-podge, disorder, confusion. meriendo, yo meriende {irr. from meren- dar). merindad, /. district of the jurisdiction oi a merino. merino, na, a. merino. — m. royal judge and superintendent of sheep-walks; shepherd of merino sheep ; merino sheep, wool, and "loth. meritamente, adv. V. merecidamente. meritisimo, ma, a. sniper, most deserving. m6ritO, m. merit, desert, worth ; excellence^ virtue, value: miritos del proceio, (law; merits of a case. meritoriamente, adv. meritoriously. meritorio, ria, «. meritorious, worthy, de- serving. — m. employee without salary. merla, /. (om.) blackbird, merle. merlin, m. (naut.) marline. merlin, m. merlin : saber mis que Merlin, tO be very shrewd or keen. merlO, m. (icht.) sea-fish. merlin, m. (fort.) merlon. merluza,/. (icht.) hake, merluce. •- u in f&r ; e in ell 1 : 1 in police ; O in for ; n kt bull ; C (before e, i) and s as tb in thick ; b and d. «oft : MEE 375 MET merma, /. waste, leakage, soakagCj loss, shrinkage, diiumutiou. merniar, m. to waste, wear away, be con- sumed, shrink, diminish, dwindle, lessen. — va. to lessen, diminish, reduce. mermelada, /. marmalade. mero, ra, «. mere, pure, simple. — m. (icht.) variety of Mediterranean sea-bass. merodeador, m. marauder, pillager. merodear, vn. to pillage, to maraud. merodeo, m. pillaging, marauding. merodista, m. &f. pillager, marauder. merOVingiO, gia, «. Merovingian. mes, m. month ; catamenia, menses, courses ; monthly wages : meses mayores, last month of pregnancy ; months immediately preced- ing harvest. mesa,/, table ; table-land, plateau; landing- place of a stair-case ; executive board ; busi- ness section of a public office or department ; rents of cathedral churches, prelates, or dig- nitaries in Spain ; billiard table ; billiard game ; flat of a blade ; (jew.) face of a gem ; (eccl.) communion table; fare, viands set on a table: mesa de altar, altar: mesa de cambios, bank : poner la mesa, to set the table : alzar or levantar la mesa,- to take away the cloth : mesa franca, open table : 4 mesa puesta, without care or expense : mesas de guarnicion, (naut.) channels: mesa redon- da, round table: table d'hote: media mesa, second table ; lower-priced or servants' table : mesa de noche, night commode. mesada,/. monthly pay, wages, or allowance. mesadufa, /. tearing the hair. mesana, /■ (naut.) mizzen-mast or sail. mesar, va. to tear the hair or beard. mescolanza,/. medley. V. MEzcoLANZA. mesegueria, /. harvest watch ; money paid by farmers for watching the harvest. meseguero, ra, a. relating to the harvest. — m. harvest or vineyard watchman. mesent^rico, ca, a. mesenteric. mesenteriO, w. (anat.) mesentery. meseraiCO, ca, a. mesenteric. , mesero, m, journeyman who works for monthly wages. meseta, /. landing or foot-rest of a stair-case ; table-land, plateau : meseta de guarnicion, (naut.) backstay stool. Mesias, m. Messiah, Jesus Christ. mesiazgo, m. dignity of Messiah. mesilla, /. dim. small table ; side-board ; board-wages ; censure by way of a jest ; window-sill : mesilla corrida, quarter pace of a stair-case : mesilla quebrantada, half pace, foot-rest. mesillo, m. first menses after parturition. mesita,/. dim. small table ; stand. Zaesmedad, /. por su mlsma mesmedad, (coll. ) by the very fact. mesmerismo, m. mesmerism, hypnotism. mesmo, ma, a. (obs.) v. mismo. mesnada, /. armed retinue of a king or feudal lord. mesnaderia, /. wages of a mesnada. mesnadero, m. member of a mesnada. mesocarpiO, m. (hot.) mesocarp. mesocracia, /. mesocracy. iues6n, m. inn, hostelry, tavern. mesonaje, m. street or place which contains numerous inns. mesonero, ra, a. relating to an inn. — m. &f. innkeeper, host, hosiess. mesonista, a. relating to an inn. tnesta, /. union of cattle-raisers : el bonrado j>n<:ejo de la mesta, the honourable board of mestal, m. brake of prickly oaks. mesteflO, fla, a. belonging to the mesta j mustang. mestizar, va. to cross breeds. mestizo, za, a. half-breed, hybrid, hybrid- ous ; (Amer.) mestee. mestO, m. (bot.) large, prickly oak; turkey oak. V. REBOLLO. mestura, /. mashlin, mixed whegit and rye. mesura, /. grave deportment, serious co'un- tenance ; civility, politeness ; moderation. mesuradamente, adu. gently, prudently^ measurably. mesurado, da, pp. & a. moderate, circum- spect, temperate, regulated. mesurar, va. to inspire reverence. — vr. to control one's self. meta, /. boundary, limit ; goal. metacarpo, >«- (anat.) metacarpus. metacentro, m. metaceutre. metafisica, /. metaphysic, ontology, metafisicamente, adv. metaphysically. metafisico, ca, a. metaphysical, ab.stract, obscure. — m. metaphysician, ontologist. metafora, /. metaphor, rhetorical figure. metaf6ricameiite, adv. metaphorically, figuratively. metaf6ricb, ca, a. metaphorical. metaforizar, va. to use metaphors. metagOge,/. (rhet.) a kind of metaphor. metal, m. metal ; brass, latten ; tone or timbre of the voice ; (mus.) brass orchestral instruments ; quality, nature, or condition of a thing. metalario, metUico, metallsta, m. metal- list, metallurgist. metalepsis, /. (rhet.) metalepsis. metalica,/. metallurgy. V. metalurgia. met^iCO, ca, a. metallic, metalline ; medal-, lie— r/j. specie, hard cash : metalico en caja, . (com. ) cash on hand. metalifero, ra, a. (poet.) metalliferous. metalizaci6n, /. metallization. metalizar, va. {pret. metalici^ : subj. MET At lice) to metallize. — vr. to be converted into or impregnated with metal; (met.) to ba controlled by love of money. metalografia, /. metallography, metalOlde, m. (chem.) metalloid. metaloterapia, /. (med.) metallotherapy. metalurgia,/. metallurgy. metalurgiCO, ca, a. metallurgic, metallur" gical. — m. metallurgist. metalla, /. scraps of gold-leaf for mending. metamorfosear, va. to metamorphose, trans- form. metam6rfico, ca, a. (geol.) metamorphic. metamorflsmo, m. (geol.) metamorphism. metamorfosear, va. & vr. to metamorphose, transform, transmute. metamorfosi, metamorfosis, /. metamor- phosis, transformation ; change, modifiea- tion. motaplasmo, m. (gram.) metaplasm. metastasis,/, (med.) metastasis. metatarso, m. (anat.) metatarsus. metate, m. (Mex.) curved stone for grinding maize or cocoa. metd,tesis, /. (rhet.) metathesis. metedor, ra, m. &/. one who puts or intr< duces one thing into another ; smuggler.- m. clout of new-born children. meteduria, /. smuggling. metempsicosis or metempsicosis, /. met empsychosis. metemuertOS, m. (theat.) stage-hand ; busj body. metebriCO, ca, a. meteoric, meteorous. g(beroree,i)aiia J as h ill bot; b, Hjiuiit; U in brilliant; fi, ny in canyon; r (; sUent : U in b;'illlaxit ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) an/. minutiae. minuciosamente, adv. minutely. minuciosidad,/. minuteness of detail. minuciOSO, sa, «. minutely precise. minue, minuete, wj. (danc. and mus.) min- uet. minuendO, m. (arith.) minuend. minuscula, a. (print.) lower-ca«e letter. minuta, /. minute, first draft ; memoran- dum ; lawyer's bill ; list of employees, roll; bill of fare : libro de minatas, minute-book. minutar, va. to make a draft, to minute, minutariO, m. minute-book. minutero, m. minute-hand. minutisa,/. (hot.) sweet-william pink. minuto, ta, a. minute, small, fine, little. — m. minute ; moment. mifl.6n, m. light infantry, rural guard ; min- ion, scoriae of iron ore. miflona,/. (print.) minion, 7-point type. mio, mia, mios, mias, poss. pron. my, mine : lo mio, what belongs to me : soy mio, I am my own master: de mio, by myself; of my own accord. V. mi. mio, m. puss, pet name for a cat. miocardio, m. (anat.) myocardium. miocarditis,/. (med.) myocarditis. mioceno, na, a. (geol.) Miocene. miodinia, /. (med.) myodinia, muscular pain. miografia,/. (anat.) myography. miologia,/. (anat.) myology. miope, a. myopic, near-sighted, — tn. &/, my- ope. miopia./, (opt.) myopia, near-sightedness. miosis, /. (med. ) myosis. miosota,/. (hot.) forget-me-not. miquelete [me-keh-ieh'teiii, m. (mil.) miquelet. mira,/. sight (of fire-arms and mathematical instruments) ; levelling pole, rod, or stafi'; (fort.) watch-tower; (mas.) rule; care; vigilance; design, purpose, intention, view. — pi. miras de proa, (naut.) bow-chasers: estar & la mira, to be on the look-out, to be OTi the watch. ; mira ! Interj. look ! lo ! behold ! take care I mirabel, m. (bot.) summer cypress goose- foot ; sunflower. mirabolano, m. (hot.) myrobalan. mirada,/. glance, view, gaze, look. miradero, »*. watch-tower, look-out, observa- tory ; cynosure. mirado, da, pp. &■ a. (when preceded by mny, tan, m4s, menos) considerate, circumspect, prudent, thouglitful ; (when preceded b\' bien, mal, mejor, peor) considered, reputed, thought of. mirador, ra, m. & f. spectator, looker-on. — m. belvedere, oriel, bay-window, observa- tory. miradura, /. act of looking, v. mirada. miraguano, »«. (hot.) fan-palm. miramamolin, m. among Moors, "prince of tlio lu'lievers." miramiento, m. consideration, reflection ; circumspection, prudence ; attention, cour- tesy. mirante, J9a. looking ; one who look.s. mirar, va. to look, look at, look upon o» toward, to give a look, to iiehold ; to gaze, » as In far ; c In eh I ; i In police ; o in fn'^« uln bnU- ?• 'betore e, {) and z as tb in tblck ; b and d, soft; MIR 379 MIT gaze upon, contemplate, view, survey, ob- serve, scan, watch, see, regard, glance ; to respect, have regard for, esteem, appreciate ; to have some private end, aim at, have in view ; to front, face, overlook ; to observe, watch, spy ; to notice ; to think, consider, reflect, meditate ; to inquire ; to take care, attend, protect : mirar de hito en hito, to stare at : mirar al rededor, to look about : mirar por uno, to take care of, to look after : mirar de traves^ to squint : mirar or mirarae en ello, to reflect seriously : mirar por en- clma, to examine slightly. mirasol, m. (hot.) turnsol, sunflower. miriagramo, m. myriagramme. miriametro, m. myriametre. miriapodOS, a. & m. pi. myriapods, centi- pedes. mirifico, ca, a. marvellous, wonderful. mirilla, /. dim. peep-hole in doors. miriflaCLUe, m. trinket, bauble, gewgaw ; hoop-skirt, crinoline. miri6podO, m. centipede, myriapod. miristica, /. (bot.) nutmeg-tree. mirla,/. (om.) blackbird. mirlamlento, m. affected gravity. mirlarse, vr. (coll.) to put on airs. mirlo, m. (orn.) blackbird ; (coll.) air of im- portance, affected gravity. mirobalano, m. (bot.) myrobalan, tree and fruit. mlrbn, na, m. & /. spectator, looker-on, by- stander ; prier, busybody, gazer. mirra, /. myrrh, resinous gum. mirrado, da, a. myrrhic. mirrauste, m. (cook.) timbale of pigeons. mirrino, na, a. myrrhic. mirt^ceo, cea, a. (bot.) myrtaceous. mirtidauo, m. myrtle tiller or sprout. mirtiUO, na, a. resembling myrtle. mirto, m. (bot.) myrtle. V. arrayIn. mlruellO, 11a, m. &/. (orn.) blackbird. misa, /. (eccl. ) mass ; (mus. ) music composed for a solemn mass : misa del gallo, midnight mass : misa mayor, high mass. misacantano, m. priest who is o^rdained and says the mass ; priest who celebrates the first mass. mlsal, TO. (eccl.) missal, mass-book; (typ.) two-line pica, misantropia, /. misanthropy. misantrbpico, ca, a. misanthropic(al). misantropo, m. misanthropist. misar, vn. (coll.) to say mass ; to hear mass. misariO, m. (eccl.) acolyte. miscelanea, /. miscellany, mixture, med- ley. miscel^neo, a, a. miscellaneous, mixed. mlscibUidad, /. miscibility. misclble, a. miscible. miserabilisimo, ma, o. super, most miser- able. miserable, a. miserable, wretched, hapless, unhappy ; exhausted, dejected ; covetous, avaricious, niggard, close-fisted. miserablemente, adv. miserably, unhap- pily, covetously, sordidly. miseraci6n, /. V. misericordia. miseramente, ndv. meanly, wretchedly. miserear, im. (coll. ) to be niggard ; to act penuriously. miserere, m. (eccl.) psalm miserere ; solemn Lenten service ; (med.) volvulus, iliac pas- sion. miseria, /. misery, miserableness, wretched- ness, forlornness ; need, straitness, penury, poverty ; covetousness, avariciousness, nig- gardliness, stinginess, meanness ; trifle. 3omi)assion-' misericordia, /. mercy, mercifulness, clem- ency, compassionateness, pity. misericordiosamente, adv. mercifully, pitifully. misericordioso, sa, a. pitiful, ate, merciful. misero, ra, a. V. miserablk. misero, ra, a. (coll.) mass-loving; church-^ goer ; said of a priest who says mass very often. miserrimo, ma, a. super, very miserable. misi6n, /. mission ; errand ; embassy, lega- tion ; commission; (eccl.) missionary sta- tion, residence, preaching, etc. ; money and victuals allowed to reapers during the har- vest. misionario, misionero, m. missionary^ missioner. misivo, va, a. missive. mismisimo, ma, a. super, very same. mismo, ma, a. same, similar, equal, self- same, like : yo mismo, myself: el mismo, him- self: ella misma, herself: Vd. mismo, j'our- self: nosotros mismos, ourselves: ellos or ellas mismas, themselves : Yds. mismos, your- selves : asi mismo, likewise : lo mismo, the same thing. misoneismo, m. (neol. ) misoneism. misoneista, m. &f. hater of novelty. mistamente, adv. (law) v. mixtamente. mistar, va. to speak or mumble. mistela,/. v. mixtela. misterio, m. mystery ; mysteriousness ; enig- ma; secrecy. misteriosamente, adv. mysteriously, se- cretly. misteriOSO, sa, a. mysterious, enigmatical, mystic, mystical. mistica,/. mysticalness. misticamente, adv. mystically ; spiritually; emblematically. misticismo, m. mysticism. mistiCO, ca, a. mystic, mystical ; emblemat- ical ; ascetic, spiritual. — m. a mystic ; (naut.) mistic, small coasting vessel. mistic6n, na, a. (coll.) atfectedly ascetic. mistifori, a. hotch-potch. V. MixTiFOR{. mistilineo, nea, a. (geom.) v. mixtili^ko mistidn, misto, mistura, misturar, v. MIXTI6N, MIXTO, MIXTURA, MIXTIRAR. misturera,/. (Sp. Am.) flower-girl. mita, /. (Sp. Am.) enforced service of In* dians. mitad,/. half, moiety, middle, centre ; (coll.) husband or wife, as mi cara mitad, my betto half: por mitades, by halves : mitad y m5t»4^ half and half: cnenta y mitad, (com.) joint account. mitayo, in. (Sp. Am.) Indian serving hi« mita. mitiCO, ca, a. mythical. mitigaci6n, /. mitigation, moderation, ex- tenua^'on. mitigaaor, ra, m. &f. mitigator, moUifier. mitigante, pa. mitigating, allaying. mitigar, va. {pret. mitigu^: subj. mitiguEj to mitigate, soften, allay, alleviate ; to soothe, mollify, lull, ease; to quench, as- suage, appease. mitigativo, va, mitigratorio, ria, a. leni- tive, mitigant, mitigative. niito, ni. myth, allegorical fiction. mitolOgia,/. mythology. mitOl6^iCO, ca, «. mythological. — to. my- thologist. mitolOgista, mit610gO, m. mythologlst. mitbn, m. mitt, lace glove without fingers. mitote, TO. Indian dance; (Amer.) house* g (before e, i) and J as b In hot ; h, silent : 11 in brilliant : n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, MIT 380 MOD hold festival ; fastidiousness, affectedness ; riot, uproar, disturbance. jnitotero, ra, «. &n. (Amer.) finical, daipty, fastidious ; jolly, rollicking. mitra, /. (eccl. ) mitre ; bishopric. mitrado, pp. & a. mitered, mitred. mitral, «. vAlvula mitral, mitral valve. mitrar, vn. to be mitred. mitridatO, /». mithrldate, antidote, mitulo, m. mussel. F. mejill6n. miztamente, adv. (law) belonging to both ecclesiastical and civil courts. mixtela, /. refreshing beverage. mixtifori, a. (law) amenable to either eccle- siastical or secular courts ; entangled, com- plicated.— m. medley, hotch-potch. miXtUineO, nea, a. (geom.) mixtilinear. mixtidlL, /. mixtion, mixture, commixture. laixtO, ti a. mixed, mingled : composite ; mixtiform ; half-breed; cross-breed; mon- grel. — m. sulphur or parlour match ; (arti. ) explosive compound. mixtura, /. mixture, compound; meslin, mixed corn ; (pharm.) mixture. mixturar, va. lo mix, to mingle. mixturero, ra, a. mixing, one who mixes. jniz [ineetii]. III. puss, name for a cat. mizcalo, m. kind of mushroom. mizo, za, m. &/. (coll.) V. micho, cha. ■luneindnica or mnemotecnia, /. mnemon- ics. Umemot^cniCO, ca, a. mnemonic. tnOar6 [nioah-reir], to. molre. V. MUARfi. mobiliario, ria, a. movable ; applied to chattels, especially unre^stered bonds or securities.— TO. furniture, titment, household goods and chattels. moblaje, ni. household furniture. moblar, va. to furnish, provide with furni- ture. moble, a. V. m6vil. moca, /. Mocha coffee. mocador, pocket-handkerchief. mocarro, m,. mucus (vulgarly, snot). mocear, va. to act as a boy ; to revel, to rake. mocedad, /. juvenility, youth fulness ; reck- less mode of living; gay, frolic. paocero, a. lascivious, lewd. mocetdn, na, m. &/. strapping youth. baiOCidn, /. motion, movement; leaning, in- clination, tendency ; divine inspiration ; motion, proposition to an assembly. mocito, ta, a. dim. juvenile, youthful. — m. & /. very young person. moCO, m. mucus ; any viscid, glutinous mat- ter ; snuff of a lamp or candle; candle drip- )>iags ; slag of iron; (naut.) martingale- ooom, dolphin-striker : moco de pavo, crest of a turkey; worthless thing, trifle; fbot.) love-lies-bleeding; (Mex.) amaranth: 4 moco de candil, by candle-light; carefully: Uorar & moco tendido, (coll.) to weep copi- ously. mocosidad, /. mucousness, viscosity. mOCOSO, sa, «. snivelly ; full of mucus ; des- picable, worthless.— m. & /. inexperienced youth. mocOSUelO, la, m. &f. dim. thoughtless, in- experienced youth ; child. mocnada,/. butt (as of a goat). mochar, va. to cut, lop off. V. desmochar. mochazo, m. blow with a musket's butt. moclieta,/. thick edge of some tools ; (arch.) quoin ; sconcheon. tnochete, m. (om.) sparrow-hawk. (nocllil, m. farmer's boy. mochila, /. (mil.) knapsack, haversack; kind of caparison ; gunning-bag ; provisions given to each soldier for a number of days. mochllero, «t. one who carries the baggage of soldiers. mOCMn, m. executioner. V. verdugo. mocho, cha, a. cropped, shorn, lopped, cut off; maimed, mutilated; (Mex. coll.) hypo- critical. — m. butt-end. mocliuelo, m. (orn.) red owl: cargar con el mochuelo, to get the worst part of an under- taking. moda,/. fashion, mode, style, form, custom. modal, a. (log. ) modal.— j^/. m. manners of a person. modelado, m. (art) modelling, modelar, va. (art) to model. modelo, m. model, pattern, standard, copy, exemplar, paragon, rule. — m. or /. (art) life model. moderaci6n, /. moderation, temperance, fru- gality, abstemiousness, circumspection, con- tinence. moderadamente, adv. moderately, temper- ately, reasonably, measurably. moderado, da, a. moderate, temperate, ab- stemious, abstinent, considerate ; gentle ; (pol.) conservative. moderador, m. moderator : poder moderador, in constitutional monarchies, the sovereigp. moderadora, /. moderatress, moderatrix. moderante, pa. & m. moderator, presiding officer. moderantismo, m. (pol.) conservatism. moderar, va. to moderate, regulate, adjust, restrain, curb, repress. — v7: to calm down, become moderate, refrain from excesses, moderatiVO, va, a. moderating. moderatorio, ria, «. that which moderates. modemamente, adv. recently, lately, newly, freshly. modernismo, m. modernism. modernista, a. modem. — ///. &/. modern- ist. modernizar, va. to modernize. moderno, na, a. late, recent, modern, new-, novel. modestamente, adv. modestly, decently. modestia,/. modesty, decency, chastity ; de« corousness ; diffidence, coyness ; humility. modestO, ta, a. modest, decent, pure, chaste, maidenly, unpretending, unassumipg. mddicamente, adv. moderately, sparingly, meanly. modicidad, /. moderateness, cheapness, meanness. mddiCO, ca, a. moderate in price. modificable, a. modifiable. modificacidn, f. modification. modiflcador, fa, m. & j: mudifier. modiflcante, jLio. modifying. modificar, va. {prel. modiuqve: suhj. jt(»- difique) to modify, change, alter ; qualify. modificatiVO, va, a. moditicative. modificatoriO, ria, a. modificatory. modill6n,m. (arch.) modillion, bracket. modio, m. Roman dry measure. modismo, m. (gram.) idiom. modista, /. dressmaker, raantua-maker : mo- dista de sombreros, milliner. modistilla, /. dim. (coll.) young, inexperi- enced dressmaker or milliner ; seamstress. modo, ni. mode, method, way, sort, manner, form; moderation, temperance; civility, urbanity; (gram.) jnode or mood: (mus.) mode : del mismo modo que, k mode de, or al modo de, in the same manner a.s, like, in the fashion of: de modo, so that : sobre modo, ex- tremely. » as in far ; e in «h I ; 1 In police ; o in for : m in boll; c (before e, t) end s m th In thick ; b anU 4, eott ; MOD 381 MOL modorra, /. drowsiness, heaviness; (vet.) sturdy. modorrar, va. to drowse, make sleepy. — vr. to become flabby (fruit). modorrilla, /. (coll.) third night-watch. modorro, ra, a. drowsy, sleepy, heavy ; dull, stupid ; suffering from sturdy (sheep) ; flabby (fruit). xnodoso, sa, a- temperate, well-behaved. modregO, m. (coll.) awkward fellow. inodulaci6n, /. (mus.) modulation. modulador, ra, m. & /. modulator. modlQante, pa. modulating. modular, vn. (mus.) to modulate. mbdlllO, m. (arch.) module; (mus.) modula- tion; (hydr.) unit of measure of running water ; size of coins and medals. mofa,/. mockery, jeer, scoff, ridicule, sneer. mofador, da, m. & /. scoffer, scomer, jeerer, jester, mocker. mofadura,/.jeer, scoff, scorn, jesting. mofante, pa. sneering, scoffing, mocking. mofar, vn, & vr. to deride, jeer, scoff, mock, ridicule, sneer. mofeta, /. mofette, gas spring, mephitis ; (zool.) skunk or polecat. moflete, m. chub-cheek, mofletudo, da, a. chub-cheeked. mogate, m. varnish, glazing : & medio mogate, carelessly, heedlessly. mogato, ta, a. v. mojigato, mogol, la, mogblico, ca, a. Mongolian: gran mogol, grand mogul. mogoUdn, »*. hanger-on, sponger, parasite: comer de mogollon, to sponge upon others. mOg6n, na, a. having one horn missing or broken. mogote, m. hummock, hillock; (agr.) stack or rick of corn ; brocket's antler. mogroUo, wi. parasite, sponger; (coll.) clown, rustic. moliada, /. wetting, v. mojada. moharra, /. head of a spear. moharraclie, moharracho, m. jack-pud- ding, nierry-andrew, clown. moliatra,/. sham sale ; fraud. mohatrar, ra. to make a sham sale. mohatrero, ra, m. & /. trickster, swin- dler. mohatrdn, m. extorter. mohecer, va. to moss, to mildew. moMeutO, ta, a. mildewed. V. mohoso. moMn, m. grimace, gesture. mohina, /. animosity, animadversion. moMno, na, a. fretful, peevish ; sad, mourn- ful ; begotten by a stallion and she-ass (mules) ; black (horses, mules, etc.). — m. one who plays alone against several others. moho, m. (bot. ) moss ; mould, mildew, must ; rust, verdigris. mohoso, sa, a. mouldy, musty, rusty, mossy, mildewed. moj&bana,/. v. almojIbana. mojada, /. wetting, drenching, dampening ; sop ; (coll.) stab. mojador, ra, m. &f. wetter, moistener. mojadura, /. drenching, moistening, wet- ting. mojama, /. dry salt tunny-fish. mojar fmo-har'l, va. to wet, drench ; moisten, damp ; (coll.) to stab, interfere. — vn. to be immersed in any business. mojarra [moiiar'-rah], /. sea-fish; (Amer.) heart-shaped dagger. mojarrilla, m. & f. (coll.) gay, jolly per- son. moje [nio'-hay], m. (cook.) gravy, sauce. mojeles, m.cl (naut.) blocks, pulleys. moji m.sponge-cake;r>,e. mojicdn, m. (coll.) blow in the face with' clinched fist ; sponge-cake ; pie. mojiganga [mo-he-Kahn'-sahi, /. morris-dance •,. masquerade, mask, mummery. mOjigateria [mo-lie-gali-teh-ree'-ah], /. hypocrisy,, religious fanaticism. moligatez,/. bigotry. V. MOJiGATERfA. mo]igatO, ta, m. &/. dissembler, hypocrite ;; bigot, fanatic. — a. deceitful, hypocritical;, prude; bigoted. mojdn, m. landmark • heap, pile ; milestone ^ wine-sampler ; kind of play, like pitching ; solid excrement. mojona, /. excise tax on wine ; survey of land ; setting up of landmarks. mojonaci6n,/. v. amojonamiento. mojonax, va. V. amojonae. mojonera,/. landmark. moionero, m. ganger. mola,/. (med.) mole ; flour with salt used in sacrifices. molada,/. colours ground at once. molar, a. molar. molcajete, «i. mortar for pounding. moldar, va. to mould. molde, m. mould, pattern, form, model, block ; (print.) form ready for printing: de molde, in print, printed or published ; fit- ting, to the purpose. moldfeador, m. moulder, cast-maker. moldear, va. to mould ; to cast ; to make moulds or mouldings. moldura,/. moulding. moldurar, va. to make a vnoulding. mole, a. soft, mild.—/, huge mass or bulk. — m. (Mex.) chili gravy for turkey. mol6cilla,/. molecule, atom. molecular, a. molecular. moledera,/. (coll.) botheration. moledero, ra, a. that is to be ground. moledor, ra, m. & f. grinder ; powdering mill ; crushing cylinder in a sugar-mill ; bore, tiresome person. moledura,/. grinding. V. MOLiENDA. molendero, ra, w. &f. miller, grinder ; choc- olate manufacturer. moler, va. {ind. MUELO : subj. muela) to grind, pound, pulverize, mill ; to overtire ; to vex, molest ; to waste, consume ; to mas- ticate, chew : moler & palos, to give a severe drubbing. molero, m. maker or seller of mill-stones. molestador, ra, m. &f. vexer, molester. molestamente, adv. troublesomely, vexa' tiously ; uncomfortably. molestar, va. to vex, disturb, molest, trouble tease. mplestia,/. molestation, annoyance, bother, ^^convenience ; discomfort ; hardship, grievance, nuisance. molesto, ta, a. annoying, bothersome ; un- comfortable'; vexatious. moleta, /. dim. muller ; polisher ; (print. ) ink-grinder. moletdn, m. canton or cotton flannel. molibdeno, w. molybdenum. molicie, f. softness,'effeminacy. molido, da, a. &pp. ground ; fatigued. molienda, /. milling, grinding ; grist ; weari- ness, fatigue ; season of grinding sugar-cane or olives. moliente, pa. grinder, grinding. molificable, a. mollifiable. molificacl6n, /. mollification. mollficar, va. {pret. MOMFiQui : snhj. MOLI- fique) to mollify, soften, mitigate. moliflcativo, va, a. mollifying, lenitive. g (before e,l) and J ash In hot; h, silent; 11 In brilliant; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trill«t; «. MOL 382 MON molimientO, m. grinding, pounding; fa- tigue, weariness, lassitude. moUnar, m. place where there are mills. molinejO, m. dim. small mill. molinera, /. miller's wife ; woman , who works in a mill. Inolineria, /. collection of mills. teolinero, ni. miller, grinder. ^Olincste, m. dim. little mill ; pin-wheel ; ventilating wheel ; (mech.) friction roller ; fifth wheel of a vehicle ; tmoke dispeller ; hioulinet, swing of sabre ; drum of a capstan or winch. molinillO, m. dim. hand-mill ; coffee-grinder ; chocolate-beater. ■molinismo, m. Molinism. molinista, m. &f. Molinist. ■moliniitO, m. dim. small mill. teolilKS ifu mill ; restless, noisy fellow ; (coll.) /. plump cheeks. molletero, ra, «i. & /. baker or seller of rolls. molletudO, da, «. having chubby cheeks. moUina, molllzna, /. mist, drizzle. moUiznar, molliznear, V7i. to drizzle, mizzle. moma,/. (Mex.) blindman's-buff. momentkneamente, adv. instantly ; mo- mentarily. moment&heo, nea, a. momentous ; momen- tary. momento, m. moment ; consequence, mo- mentum, weight, importance; (mech.) l>ower, force : al momento, in a moment, im- mediately : por momentos, successively, con- tinually, every minute. momeria,/. mummery. momero, fa, m. &f. mummer. Xnomla,/. mummy. tnomiflcar, va. to mummify. — vr. to resemble a mummy. i40miO, mla, a. meagre, lean. — m. extra al- lowance : de momio, gratis. Daomo, w. funny^ grimace. xuombrdlga, ./'. (bot.) V. balsamina. mona, /. female monkev ; (coll.) ludicrous imitator ; in jocular style, drunkenness and drunkard ; at cards, old maid ; Easter cake with whole eggs ; iron plate worn for pro- tection on the right leg l)y bull-fighters on horseback : dormlr la mona, to sleep off a drunk. monacal, a. monachal, monastic, monkish. monacalmente, adv. monastically. monacatO, m. monkhood, monacbi»m. monacillo, m. acolyte, acolithe. acolotist. monacordio, m. (mus.) clavichord. monada, /. grimace ; monkeyism, monkey* shine ; fawning, flattery ; pretty child. mdnada,/. monad ; (zoo'l.) a monadid. monadologia,/. monadology. monago, monaguillo, m. v. moxacillo. monaquismo, vi. monachism, mouasticnesa monarca, »<. monarch, king, sovereign. monarquia, /. monarchy, kingdom. monarquico, ca, a. monarchical. monarquismo, m. monarchism. monasterial, «. monastic. monasterio, m. monastery ; convent, min- ister ; cloister. mon^Sticamente, adv. monastically. mon^stlCO, ca, a. monastic, monastical, monachal, monkish. monda, /. pruning of trees ; pruning season. mondadientes, m. toothpick. mondador, ra, vi. &f. cleaner, purifier. mondadura, /. cleaning, cleansing.— p/. par ings, peelings. mondaoidos o;mondaorejas, m. ear-»poon. mondar, va. to clean, cleanse ; to trim or prune trees ; to hull, husk, peel, decorticate ; to deprive of money ; to cut the hair. mondejo, m. belly of a pig or sheep stuffed with minced meat. mondO, da, a. neat, clean, pure, unadulter- ated: monde y lirondo, (coll.) pure, without any admixture. II10Ild6ll, m. barkless trunk of a tree. mondonga,/. in contempt, kitchen-wench. mondongO, vi. tripe ; intestines. mondong^uero, ra, m. &/. one who sells or cooks tripe. mondonguil, a. (coll.) relating to tripes. monear, vji. (coll.) to monkey. moneda, /. money, specie, coin, coinage: mo- neda corriente, currency : casa de moneda, mint: moneda sonante, hard money, specie: moneda suelta, small change. monedaje, m. coinage, seigniorage. monedar, monedear, va. to coin. monederia, /. mintage. monedero, m. coiner, moneyer: monedero falso, counterfeiter. moneria, .f. grimace, mimicry, monkey- shine ; cunning action of a child. jnonesco, ca, a. (coll.) apish. monetariO, ria, a. monetary, financial. — m. cabinet or collection of coins and medals. monetizacibn, /. monetization. monetizar, va. to monetize. monfl, m. Moorish highwayman. moniato, m. (hot.) v. boniato. monicaco, m. whipster, v. HOMiNicAco. moillcl6n,/. admonition. monlgOte, m. lay-brother; (coll.) a bump- kin; puppet, grotesque figure. monlllo, vt. (sew.) waist, bodice. monlpodiO, vi. (coll.) combine. monis, /. kind of fritters ; any pretty little thing. — /)l. monises, (coll.) money. mbnita, /. artifice, cunning suavity. monitor, «». monitor, adviser ; (naut.) moni- tor. monitorio, ria, a. n^.onitory, admonitory. — in. &f. ecclesiastical monition. monja [inoii'-imhl, /. nun. — pi. sparks in burned papers. monje [mon'-hay], w. monk ; recluse, anchoret; (orn.) brown peacock. monjia [mon-hee'-ali], /. mOnkhood. as in far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (;befure e, i) and z as th In thick ; b and d, soft^ MON 383 MON monjil [mon-heei'l, TO. nun's dress ; mourning- dress. mon^iO, m. nunnishness ; taking the veil. monjlta [mon-hee'-tah], /. dim. little nun. mono, na, a. (coll.) neat, pretty, nice; fun- ny. — m. monkey, ape; mimic; nincom- poop. monoceronte, monocerote, m. unicorn. monOCOrdiO, m. (mus.) monochord. monocotilea6neo, ea, a. (bot.) monocoty- ledonous. monocrom^tiCO, ca, a. monochromatic. mondcromo, ma, a. monochrome. mondculo, la, a. monocular, one-eyed. — m. (opt.) monocle; (surg. ) mouoculus. mondfilO, la, a. (hot.) monophyllous. monogamia,/. monogamy. mon6gamo, ma, a. monogamous. monografia,/. monograph. monOgr^flCO, ca, a. monographic. monop^rama, m. monogram. monoiCO, ca, a. (bot.) monoecious. monolitlCO, ca, a. monolithic. monolito, m. monolith, obelisk. monblogo, m. monologue, soliloquy. monomania, /. monomania. monomaniaco, ca, a. monomaniac. monomaquia, /. monomachy, a duel. monomiO, m. (math.) monomial. monona, a. (coll.) graceful and pretty (girl). monopastos, m. sheave. monop6talo, la, a. (bot.) monopetalous. monopoliO, m. monopoly. monopolista, m. &/. monopolist, forestaller. monopolizar, va. (pret. monopolici^ : subj. moxopolick) to monopolize, forestall. monbptero, ra, a. (arch.) monopterous. monorquidia, /. (med.) monorchism. monosepalo, la, a. (bot.) monosepalous. monosilabico, ca, a. monosyllabic. monosilabo, ba, m. &f. monosyllable. monospermo, ma, a. (hot.) monospermous. monbstrofe, /. (poet.) monostrophe. monote, w. (coll.) dum founded person. , monoteismo, m. monotheism. monoteista, a. monotheistic. — m. or/, mono- theist. monotelismo, m. Monothelitism. monotelita, a. Monothelitic. — m. or/. Mono- thelite. monotonia, /. monotony. mon6tono, na, a. monotonous, monotonic. monse&or, m. Italian and French title. monserga,/. (coll.) gabble, gibberish. monstruo, m. monster ; huge thing ; hideous or wicked person. monstruosamente, adv. monstruously. monstruosidad, /. monstrosity ; monstrous- ness. monstniOSO, sa, a. monstrous ; huge : ex- traordinary ; hideous ; hateful ; shocking. monta, /. act of mounting ; raising or cross- ing (as horses, etc.) ; amount, sum total ; value, worth, price ; (mil.) signal for mount- ing. montacarga, m. hoist, winch, windlass. montada, /. scatch-mouth. V. DEsvENo. montadero, »j. mounting-block. montado, da, pp. & a. (horse) ready for being mounted. — m. trooper or horseman, montador, m. mounter ; mounting-block. montadura, /. mounting; (jew.) setting; (sad.) mountings of a riding horse ; mount. montaje, m. (arti.) act of mounting. — pi. (arti.) mounting. montanera, /. oak forest ; feeding of hogs with acorns. montanero, m. forester. montanismo, m. Montanism. montanista, m. or /. Montauist. montano, na, a. mountainous. montantada, /. braggadocio ; multitude, crowd. montante, pa. & m. (fenc.) broadsword; (carp, aild mech.) upright, standard, montant, jamb; (arch.) transom; (min.) stempel ; (com.) amount, footing.—/, (naut.) flood-tide. montantear, m. (fenc.) to wield the broad- sword ; to vaunt, brag ; to intermeddle. montantero, m. tighter with a broadsword. montafia, /. mountain, mount.— p?. high- lands. montail^S, sa, a. mountain ; mountainous, highlandish.— TO. & /. mountaineer, high- lander ; native of the province of Santan- der. montafleta, monta&uela, /. dim. small mountain. montaflOSO, sa, n. mountainous, hilly. montar, vn. to mount, get on top ; to go on horseback ; to be of importance. — va. to ride, straddle a horse ; to cover (as a horse, etc.); to amount to, foot up (as a bill); (mech.) to mount, set up (as a machine) ; (jew.) to .set (as diamonds) ; to cock (as a gun) ; to wind (a clock, etc.) ; to impose a line for trespassing ; (mil. ) to mount guard ; (naut.) to command (a ship) ; to carry or be equipped with (as guns) ; to round a cape or headland. — vr. to get into (as a passion) : traje de montar, riding-habit : montar en pelo, to mount an animal bareback. montaraz, a. born or raised in the moun~ tains; wild, untamed, haggard. — m. for- ester. montar aza,/. forester's wife. montazgar, va. to levy or collect montazgo. montazgO, to. toll for cattle passing from one province into another ; cattle pass. monte, to, mountain, mount ; wood, forest, woodland ; diflSculty, obstruction ; bushy head of hair ; talon, cards that remain after the hands have been dealt ; at cards, monte : monte alto, lofty grove or wood : monte bajo, copse, brake, thicket : monte de piedad, pawn- shop controlled by the state : monte pio, gratuity fund for widows and orphans. montea, /. beating a wood for game ; stone- cutting ; (arch.) working drawing; versed sine of an arch. montear, va. to beat a wood, to hunt ; to make a working drawing ; (arch.) to vault, to arch. montecillo, to. dim. small forest ; hillock, hummock. montera, /. cloth cap ; sky-light ; receiver, condenser of a still or alembic ; (naut. ) sky- sail, sky-scraper ; hunter's wife. montereria, /. cap-factory or store. monterero, ra, cap maker or seller. monteria,/. hunting, hunt, chase. montero, ra, to. &. /. in hunting, beater. monterbn, m. mig. big cloth cap. monterrey, m. (cook.) meat pie. monteruca,/. ugly cap. months, sa, «. montigenous ; wild. montesino, na, a. montigenous. monticulo, to. monticle, mound. monto, TO. amount, sum. mont6n, m. heap, pile ; big lot, mass ; mound : monton de gente, crowd, multi- tude : i. montones, abundantly, by heaps. montonera, /. (Sp. Amer.) group of revolu* tionary horsemen. montonero, to. bushwhacker, guerrilla. % (before e, i) and J aa b in hot ; b, eilent ; U In brilliant ; &, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr. triUed; •, biased. MON 384 MOE montuno, na, a. montigenous, highlandish ; rustic. montUOSidad, /. (prov.) mountainousness. montUOSO, sa, o. mountainous, hilly. montura, /. riding-horse, mount ; saddle and trappings of a horse ; setting up a machine ; (jew.) setting. monuelO, m- dim. coxcomb, silly fop. monumental, a. monumental. monumentO, m- monument. monz6n, m. or /. monsoon. mo&a, /. lay-tigure for dressmakers ; doll ; fancy cap for infants ; ornament of ribbons for the head ; elaborate badge on a bull's neck in the ring; (coll.) drunkenness. mo&O, m. chignon ; top-knot ; cop, tuft, egret. mo&6n, na, mo&udo, da, a. crested, topped (as fowls). moquear, vn. to snivel ; to run at the nose. moquero, m. pocket-handkerchief. moqueta [mo-kay'-tahl, /. moquette, moquete, m. blow on the nose. mopLUetear, vn. (coll.) to discharge mucus or blow the nose frequently. — va. to give blows in the face. aioquillo [mo-keer-lyo], m. dim. little mucus ; pip (in fowls). moqulta,/. snivel, running from the nose. mora,/, (law) delay, mora; (hot. ) blackberry, bramble-berry ; bramble-bush ; mulberry. morabitO, m. Mohammedan hermit. moracho, clia, a. light purple. morada,/. habitation, abode, residence, man- sion ; stay, sojourn. morado, da, a. purple ; murrey. morador, ra, m. &/. resident, inhabitant. moraga,/- morago, m. glean, bunch. moral, a. moral. — m. (hot.) blackberry-bush ; black mulberry-trees.—/, ethics ; morality. moraleja, /. moral maxim or precept. moralidad,/. morality ; virtue. morallsta, ?«. moralist. moralizaci6n, /. moralization. moralizador, fa, m. &/. moralizer. moralizar, i«. & vn. {pret. moraliciS : snbj, MORALiCE) to moralize. moralmente, a» er, porter ; (coll.) fellow : mozo de caballoB, groom, horse-boy : mozo de paja y cebada, hostler at an inn : mozo de cordel or de esqui- na, porter in the street. mozuela,/. dim. young lass. mozuelo, m. dim. young man or lad. mu [niooi, m. lowing of cattle, moo.—/, child's word for sleep. muar^, m. moire, watered silk. mucamo, ma, m. & f. (Sp. Amer.) servant. muceta, /. short cape worn by doctors; (eccl.) mozetta. mucilaginOSO, sa, a. mucilaginous, slimy. mucilagO or mucJla^O, m. mucilage ; slime. mucosidad, /. mucosity, mucousness. muCOSO, sa, «. mucous, slimy, viscous. mucronatO, ta, a. mucronate. mucura,/. (Venez. ) pitcher, ewer, gurglet, muchacnada, /. boyish or girlish trick. muchachear, vn. to act like a boy. muchacheria, /, boyish trick ; crowd of boys. mucliacliez,/. childhood, boyhood, muchacho, Cha, «. boyish, girlish, childish. — m. boy, lad.—/, girl, lass, child. mucliedumbre,/ multitude, crowd ; plenty, abundance, much. muchisimo, ma, a. super, of mucho ; very much. — adv. a very great deal. mucho, cha, a. much, plenty ; great, big, large ; long ; abundant, plentiful : no ha mu- cho, not long since : no ei mncho, it is no wonder. — adv. much, a great deal, in a great degree; excessively, by far, often, long; certainly : ni mncho menos, nor anything like it: por macho que, no matter how much. muda,/. change, alteration ; change of linen ; moult, moulting ; cliange of voice in boys ; roost of birds of prey ; cosmetic, » M in far ; e In eh I ; tin police ; o in for ; u in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, tott '. MUD 387 MUN mudable, a. changeable, Tariable, mutable, tickle. mudamente, adv. silently, tacitly, mutely. mudanza, /. alteration, change; mutation, commutation; removal; inconstancy, fickle- ness ; (danc.) figure, motion. mudar, va. to change ; to remove, deviate ; to vary, alter ; to moult ; to change the voice (as boys) ; to change clothes. — vr. to ^form, mend, change ; to put on fresh Hnen or clothes ; to move into another house. HlUd^jar, a. & m. Mohammedan who became a subject of Christian sovereigns. mudez [moo-aeth'],/. dumbness. :mudO, da, «. dumb, silent, still, mute. IUU.6 or muer, m. moire, watered silk. mueblaje, m. household furniture. mueble, a. movable. — m. piece of furniture. — pi. chattels, furniture, household stuff. mueca,/- grimace, wry face, grin. muedin, m. muezzin. muela, /. runner, upper mill-stone ; grind- stone, whetstone ; grinder, molar teeth ; water sufficient to set a mill in motion ; hill, hillock ; track or circle : muela cordal or del Juicio, wisdom tooth. muellaje, m. wharfage, dockage. muelle, «• tender, delicate, soft ; licentious, luxurious. — m. spring (metal or rubber) ; (jew.) chatelaine; reguliAor, watch-spring ; (naut.) mole, pier; jetty; quay, wharf; (r. w.) freight platform. muellemente, adv. tenderly, gently, softly. muerdagO, m. (bot.) mistletoe. muerdo, yo muerda {irr. from morder). muerino, m. (vet.) glanders. muermoso, sa, a. (vet.) glanderous. muero, yo muera {irr. from morir). muerte, /. death, decease, demise ; homicide, murder, assassination ; a skeleton repre- senting death ; (met.) violent affection, se- vere affliction ; ruin, havoc, destruction ; ending: muerte chiquita, (coll.) nervous shudder or shiver : estar i, la muerte, to be at death's door. muertO, ta, a. & pp. irr. of MORIR and ma- tar ; dead, deceased, lifeless; languid, faded ; slaked : manos muertas, mortmain : obra muerta, (naut.) gunwale. — m. corpse. muesca, /. groove, notch, indentation, hack, nick, mortise; dovetail scarf. muestra, /. specimen , sample ; shop sign ; placard, bill ; design, model, pattern, copy ; end of a piece of goods bearing the manufac- turer's name ; clock dial or face ; clock or watch ; sign, indication, proof, demonstra- tion ; (mil.) muster-roll. muestrariO, m. collection of samples ; speci- men-book. muestro, yo muestre {irr. from mostrar). muevo, yo mueva {irr. v. mover). muevedo, m. aborted foetus. mufla,/. muffle, furnace. . mufti, m. mufti, high-priest. muga,/. landmark, boundary. mugido, m. lowing of cattle, moo. milgil, m. (icht.) mullet. V. MtJJOL. mUgir [nioo-lieer'i, vn. {ind. MUJO : subj. muja) to low, bellow, mugre,/. grime, dirt, filth, grease. mugrientO, ta, a. greasy, dirty, filthy, grimy. mugrdn, m. sprig, shoot, sucker, tiller, muguete, m. (bot.) lily of the valley. mimarra,/. v. moharra. mujer [moo-hen-'l, /. womau ; wife, mate : tomar mujer, to marry : mnjer de gobierno, house- wife ; housekeeper : mujer perdida, publica or mundana, prostitute, strumpet. mUJerCilla [moo-her-theer-lyahj, /. dim. little woman ; worthless woman ; strumpet. mujeriegO, ga [moo-hay-re-a'-gol, a. feminine, womanly ; womanish, fond of women. — vi. women collectively : k la mujeriega, woiuaa fashion. mujeril a. womanish, womanly, feminine, mu^erilmente, adv. effeminately, mujerio, m. gathering of women. mujerona,/. aug. stout woman ; matron, mujerzuela,/. dim. little woman. mujol [moo'-hoi], m. (icht.) mullet. mma, /. she-mule ; shoe used by the Pope. V. MfTLEO. mulada, /. (Sp. Am. ) drove of mules. muladar, w. dung-heap; rubbish heap. muladi, a. renegade Christian among the Moors. mulante, m. muleteer ; mule-boy. mular, n. belonging to mules. miQatero, m. muleteer, mule-driver. mulato, ta, a. mulatto, tawny. — m. &f. mu- latto, mulattress. mMeo, mul^OlO, m. ancient shoe with up- turned point. muleque, n. (Cuba) newly arrived negro boy. mulero, a. (horse) fond of mules.— »i. mule- boy. muleta, /. crutch, prop, support ; red flag used by bull-fighterg ; light luncheon. muletada,/. drove of mules. muletero, m. muleteer, mule-driver. muletilla, /. dim. cross-handle cane ; word or phrase often repeated inadvertently in talking ; red flag used by bull-fighters ; frog or toggle ; (min.) crutch. muletO, m. young mule not yet broken. mulilla, /. dim. smaH mule. V. m^tleo. mulO, m. mule. mulso, sa, a. sweetened with honey or sugar. multa,/. mulct, fine, forfeit, penalty. * multar, va. to mulct, to fine. multicaule, (bot.) multicauline. znulticolor, «. many-hued, many-coloured. multifloro, ra, a. many-flowered. multiforme, a. multiform. multilatero, ra, a. multilateral. multimillonario, ria, a. & m. & f. muiti- millionaire. multiple, a. multiple, complex. multiplicable, o. multiplicable, multipli- able. multiplicaci6n, /. multiplication. multiplicador, ra, w. &. f. multiplier ; mul- tiplicator. multiplicando, m. (math.) multiplicand. multiplicar, va. & vr. ( j>ret. MULTiPLiQufi : sxibj : multiplique) to increase, multiply. multiplice, a. multiple ; multiplex. multiplicidad, /. multiplicity. multiplo, pla, «. multiple. multitud, /. multitude; crowd; the masses. mulla,/. digging around vines. muUidO, m. soft stuflSng for cushions, etc. mullidor, ra, m. &/. one who fluffs (as wool or feathers). V. muSidor. mullir [niooi-iyeer'], va. to fluff", make soft, liiollify : mullir la cama, to beat up the bed ; to engineer an affair ; to dig around vines and trees. muUo, m. (icht.) surmullet; (Amer.) beads, glass bugle. mundanal, a. worldly, mundane. mundanalidad, /. woridliness. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; S, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; s, hisaed. MUN 388 MUT mundano, na, a. mundane, worldly : mi^er mundana, fast woman. mundificacibn,/. act of cleansing. mundificante, pa. cleansing, purifying. mundificar, va. to cleanse, purify. mundificativo, va, a. mundificant, cleans- ing. mundillo, m. dim. arched clothes-dryer ; cushion for making lace ; warming-pan ; (bot.) viburnum. mundmovi, mundonuevo, m. raree-show. mundO, m. world ; terrestrial sphere, globe ; the earth; mankind; (coll.) great multi- tude, great quantity ; social life ; dissipated iife ; experience : baul mundo, Saratoga trunk : ver mundo, to travel : medio mundo, many people : ecbar al mundo, to create, give birth to : echarse al mundo, to plunge Into dissipatioh : tener mundo or mucho mun- do, to be acute, not easily deceived. Iliunici6n, /. munition or ammunition ; small shot ; charge of fire-arms : municiones de boca, provisions, victuals : municiones de gnerra, war stores : de mnnicidn, supplied by the government ; done hurriedly. mimicionar, va. to store, to supply with am- munition. nmnlcipal, a. municipal. — m. policeman. municipalidad,/. municipal government. muJliclpe, m. citizen, denizen. jnunlciplo, m. municipality, township ; municipiura. jnunificencia, /• munificence, liberality. munificentisimo, ma, a. super, of muni- FICO. — ■ munifico, ca, a. piunificent, liberal. munitoria, /. art of fortification. mufleca [nioo-nyay'-cah],/. (anat. ) wrist ; doll; figure for dressmakers ; (mech.) puppet; sugar teat ; pounce-bag ; polishing-bag. mu&eco, m. puppet, manikin ; boy doll ; soft, effeminate fellow. mufleira, /. popular dance of Galicia. mUilequear [moo-nyay-kay-ar'], va. (fenc.) tO play with the wrist. lll'UlleQ'Ueria[moo-nyay-kay-ree'-ah], /. doll-shop ; (coll.) excessive finery, overdressing. muMdor, m. beadle, apparitor, messenger; (Araer. ) undertaker. mUflir [nioo-nyeer'], va. tO SUmmon. mufldniinoo-nyone'l, TO. stump of an amputated limb ; (arti.) trunnion ; (mech.) gudgeon, bearing-necK, journal, pivot. muflonera, /. trunnion-plate; (mech.) gud- geon-socket, journal-box, bearing. murajes, m. pi. (hot.) medicinal herb. mural, ». mural, belonging to walls. muralla,/. (fort.) rampart; wall. murall6n, m. aug. (fort.) strong wall. murar, va. to wall, surround with a rampart. murceguillo, murci6galo, to. v. murci^ LAGO. murCi61agO[inoor-thie-a'-lah-go], TO. (om.) bat. murena,/. (icht.) kind of eel. miirete, m. dim. small wall. murga, /. lees of olives; (coll.) band of street musicians. murg6n, m. (icht.) parr, smolt. V. ksguIn. mnruitlco, ca, a. (chem.) muriatic. muriatO, m. (chem.) muriate. murice, m. murex snell-fish ; (poet.) purple. murmulear, va. to murmur, to whisper. murmuilo, m. whisper, whispering; mur- muring, murmur, ripnle, purl ; rustle. murmuracibn, /. backbiting, slander, gos- sip. murmurador, ra, m. & f. murmurer, de- tractor, backbiter. murmiirante, pa. murmuring, purling. murmurar, t«. to purl, ripple (as streams); to rustle (as leaves); to murmur, grudge, grumble, mutter ; to whisper ; (coll.) to gos- sip, backbite. murmuriO, to. murmur. V. MURMULLO. muro, TO. (mas.) wall ; (fort.) rampart. murria, /. (coll.) fit of blues, surliness, sul- leuness ; (pharm.) astringent lotion. murrino, na, a. murrine, made of murra. murriO, ria, a. sullen, surly, sulky. murta,/. (bot.) myrtle; myrtle-berry. murtal, to. murtera, /. myrtle grove. murtilla, murtina, /. (bot.) myrtus;its berry ; liquor made from this berry. murtdn, to. myrtle-berry. murucuya, /. (hot.) purple passion-flower. murueco, to. v. morueco. mus [moos], TO. game at cards : no hay muB, cannot be granted. V. tits. musa, /. muse ; poetic genius ; poetry.— pt fine arts. mus^ceo, a, a. (bot.) musaceous. musarafla, /. fetid shrew-mouse ; by exten- sion, any small animal, insect, or vermin ; (coll.) ridiculous puppet or stuffed figure; floating speck in the eye : mirar k or penaar en las musaranas, to be absent-minded. muscaria or muscicapa, /. (om.) fly- catcher. musco, ca, a. dark brown. — to. (bot.) moss. muscular, a. muscular. musculatura,./*. musculature. musculo, TO. muscle, brawn ; (icht, ) huge whale. > musCUlOSO, sa, a. muscular, brawny. musellna,/. muslin, fine cotton cloth. museo, TO. museum. muserola,/. nose-band of a bridle. musgaiio, to. (zool. ) shrew-mouse. musgO, ga, a. dark brown. — m. (bot.) moss: musgo marino, sea-coralliua. musgOSO, sa, «. mossy ; moss-covered. musica,.f. music, harmony, or melody ; bodj of performing musicians ; musical composi- tion ; sheet music : musica de campanai, chimes : musica ratonera, harsh music. V. CELESTIAL. musical, a. musical. mtlSlCO, ca, a. musical. — to. &/. musician. musitar, vn. to mumble, mutter, whisper. muslVO, a. oro musivo, tin sulphid. muslera,/. cuish, armour for the thigh. muslime, a. Moslem. muslimico, ca, a. Moslem, Mohammedan. muslo, TO. thigh. musmdn, to. (zool.) moufflon, wild sheep. musquerola, /. muscadine pear. mustaco, to. cake made with must. mustelo, TO. (icht.) selachian fish. mustiamente, adv. sadly, languidly. mustio, tia, a. withered ; sad, languid. musulmiin, to. Mussulman. muta, /'. pack of hounds. mutabllldad, /. mutability, fickleness. mutacidn, /. mutation, "change ; (theat.) change of scene ; unseasonable weather, mutilaclbn, /. mutilation, maimedness. mutilar, va. to mutilate, dock, maim, cripple, mangle ; to cut short, reduce ; to deiace, mar. mtltilo, la, a. maimed, crippled. mutiS, TO. (theat.) exit. mutismo, m. mutism, muteness, mutual, a. mutual, reciprocal, mutualidad, /. (neol.) mutuality; (com.j system of mutual insurance. mutuamente, adv. mutually, reciprocally. ^ M in far ; • In eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; « in ball : c (before e, i) and x as tb in thick ; b and A, Mft; MUT 389 NAR mutuantej m. &/. (com.) lender, leaner. mutuataxiO, ria, rn. &/. (law) mutuary. mutUO, tua, a. mutual, reciprocal. — m. (law) loan, mutuum. muy [nioo'-e], adv. very ; greatly, most : muy iluBtre, most illustrious : xnny macho, (coll.) very much : soy muy de Vd. , I am entirely yours. muz [niootii], m. (naut.) extremity of the cut- water. muz^abe, a. v. mozarabe. N a :eh'-neh], sixteenth letter of the alphabet ; has the same pronunciation as in English. N in Spanish stands for some proper name un- known, or not wished to be expressed. naba,/. (bot.) rutabaga, Swedish turnip. nabab or nababO, «k nabob, nawab. nabal, nabar, a. belonging to or made of turnips. — m. turuip-field. maberia, /. turnip-pottage ; heap of turnips. nabi, m. Moorish prophet. nabillO, m. dim. small turnip. nabina,/. rape and turnip seed. nabiza, /. (bot.) turnip rootlets ; turnip greens. nabla,/. (mus.) kind of psaltery. nabo, m. (bot.) rape, turnip (plant and root); any bulb ; stock of a tail ; cylindrical timber, spindle, newel, king-post ; (naut.) mast : nabo gallego, V. naba. naboria, m. &/. free Indian servant. 'il^car, m. mother-of-pearl, nacre. nacarado, da, nacareo, rea, nacarino, na, a. nacreous. nacardn, m. pearl shell of inferior quality, nacela, /. (arch.) scotia. nacencia, /. tumour, outgrowth, naceriiiali-tlierr'], W. {pp. NACIDO, NATO: ind. NAZCO : subj. nazca) to be born, come into the world ; to flower, blossom, bud, shoot, grow (as plants) ; to rise, come out, appear (as the sun) ; to spring, flow from (as water) ; to begin, originate, start, issue ; to infer one thing from another: nacer de cabeza, to be born to wretchedness : nacer de pies, to be born to good luck.— ?'r. to sprout (as seeds) in the open air ; to split near a seam (as clothes). aacldO, da, pp. & a. born ; proper, apt, fit, connate. — m. living man; pimple, boil, fur- uncle ; sprout, V. coco : bien or mal nacido, well or ill bred. naciente, pa. & a. growing ; very recent ; (her.) naissant. — m. Orient, East. nacimientO, m. birth, nativity ; growing of plants ; beginning of a thing ; place of birth ; (ast.) rising; origin, issue; descent, lin- eage ; head of a river or spring ; scene rep- resenting the Nativity at Yule-tide ; de nacimientO, from birth. naclbn, /. nation; country, people; (coll.) birth; (Amer.) race, tribe of Indians.— /h. (coll.) foreigner: de nacion, native of. nacional, a. national, native ; domestic, home : produccion nacional, home products : induBtria nacional, domestic manufactures. — m. native ; militia-man. nacionalidad,/. nationality ; citizenship. nacionalismo, m. patriotism, nationalism. nacionalmente, adv. nationally. nacrita,/. variety of talc. nacbo, Cha, a. flat -nosed, pug-nosed. nada,/. nothing, nothingness, naught; non^ entity. — inde/.pron, nothing, not anything; little or very little. — adv. nothing, not, not at all, by no means. nadadera, /. gourd or bladder for swimming. nadadero, m. swimming-place. nadador, ra, a. swimming. — m. & f. swim- mer. nadante,i>a. (poet.) natant, swimming. nadar, vn. to swim ; to float ; to have an abundance of. naderia,/. nothing, a trifle. nadie, indef. pron. nobody, no one, none. nadir, m. (ast.) nadir. nado (S,), adv. swimming; afloat. nafa, /. agna de nafa, orange-flower water, napha-water. nafta,/. naphtha. nafbalina, /. naphthalin or naphthalene. naguas,/.jo/. petticoats. naguatlatO, »i. (Mex.) Indian interpreter. nanuatle, »*. (Mex.) Indian language. naife, m. diamond of the first water. naipe, m. playing-card : dar el naipe para nna cosa, to be very skilful or dexterous : dar (i nno) el naipe or tener bnen naipe, to have good luck in cards. naire, m. elephant-keeper. nalga, /. buttock, rump. nalgada, /. ham ; blow on the rump, spank, nalgar, «. gluteal. nalgatorio, vi. (coll.) seat, posteriors, nates. nalgudO, da, a. having big posteriors. nalguear, vn. to shake the posteriors in walking. nana,/, (coll.) grandma; slumber song; (Mex. coll.) child's nurse. nanquin [nan-keen'i m. nankeen. nansa,/. fish-pond ; fish-trap. nao, /. ship, vessel. V. nave. naonato, ta, «. bom on board ship. napea, /, wood-nymph, napelO, m. (bot.) monk's-hood, wolfs-bane. napOle6n, m. silver five-franc piece. napolitana, /. in some card games, combi- nation of cards. naque, m,. two strolling comedians. naranja, /. (bot.) orange: media naranja, (arch.) cupola; well-mated spouse. naranjada, /. orangeade ; rude saying or deed. naranjadO, da, a. orange-coloured. naranjal, m. orange grove. naranjazo, m. blow with an orange. naranjerO, ra, a. canon naraojero, (artJ ) cannon carrying ballsof the size of oranges : trabnco naranjero, blunderbuss with a mouth of the size of an orange.— w. &f. one who sells oranges. — m. orange-tree. naranjilla, /. dim. small green orange for preserve. naranjO. m. (bot.) orange-tree; (coll.) boo- by, noodle. narciSO, m. (bot.) daiFodil; narcissus; fop, coxcomb. narc6tlC0, ca, a. narcotic, narcotical. narcotina,/. narcotine. narcotismo, m. narcotism. narcotizador, ra, a. narcotic, naroose. narcotizar, va. to narcotize. nardino, na, a. made of spikenard. nardo, m. (bot.) spikenara, nard, tuberofce. narguile [tiar-Kee'-iayl, m. narghile, nang6n, na, narigudo, da, a. nasute, large- nosed : narigon, m. aug. large nose. — m. & /. large-nosed person. narigueta, narigruita, /. dim. small nose. nariz [naii-reetii'l, /. nose ; nostril ; sense of smelling ; bouquet (oi wine) ; socket of a g (before e, 1) and J m h ia hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant ; il, ny m canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled se NAE 390 NEB door-knocker ; nozzle ; cut-water : nariz aguilefia, Roman nose : nariz respingada, re- trousse nose : nariz chata, fiat or pug-nose : dar en las narices, (coll.) to smell or per- ceive a thing at a distance : meter la nariz en todas partes, to be a busybody, to nose about. naxizota,/. aug. large ugly nose. narra,.^'. (Philip.) tree and its wood. narrable, a. capable of being narrated. narracidn,/. narration, account, relation. narrador, ra, a. &m. &/. narrator. narrar, va. to narrate, relate, recite, re- hearse. narrativa, /. narrative; relation, history. narrative, va, narratorio, ria, a. narra- tive, narratory. narria,/. sledge, sled ; heavy, bulky woman. narval, m. (icnt.) narwhal, sea-unicorn. navaro, m. corn-stalks (as fodder). nasa, /. fyke, fish-trap, bag-net ; bow-net ; fisherman's basket, kipe ; basket or jar for bread, flour, etc. nasal, a. nasal, relating to the nose. nasardO, m. (mus.) nasard, organ-stop. nata, /. cream ; prime or choice part of a thing ; skim, scum.— jl»/. whipped cream with sugar. natacidn,/. art or act of swimming. natal, a. natal, native. — m. birth, birthday. natalicio, Cia, a, & m. & /. natal ; nativity, birthday. natalldad, /. natility, birth-rate. natatil, a. able to swim, floating. natatorlO, a, a. swimming, natatorial. — m. natatorium. naterdn, m. second curd. natillas,/. pi. custard, natiO, «. native : oro natio, native gold. — m. birth ; sprouting. natlvidaa,/. nativity ; Yule-tide, Christmas. natiVO, va, a. indigenous ; domestic ; na- tive, natal ; natural born ; inborn, cognate, vernacular. natO, ta, pp. irr. of NACER ; implied by or in- herent to an office or position. natrdn, m. natron I barilla. natura, /. nature; genital organs; (mus.) major scale. natural, a. natural ; native ; common, usual, regular, unadulterated j^ plain, artless, in- genuous, unaffected ; spontaneous, unstud- ied ; (mus.) natural. — m. temper, disposi- tion ; instinct of brutes : al natural, without art or affectation : del natural, (art) from life, from nature. naturaleza, /. nature ; complexion, consti- . tution ; sex, genitals, especially the female ; species, kind ; naturalization ; temperament, disposition : n%turaleza hnmana, mankind : naturaleza muerta, (art) still life. naturalidad, /. naturalness ; plainness, artlessness, ingenuity, candour ; birth- right, nationality. naturalismo, m. naturalism ; realism. naturalista, m. &f. naturalist. naturalizacidn, /. naturalization. naturalizar, va. {pret. natukalic^: subj. NATURA mck) to naturalize. — vr. to be ac- customed ; to be naturalized. naturalmente, adv. naturally, natively, by nature ; humanly ; plainly, artlessly, in- genuously, frankly. naufcagante, pa. sinking, perishing. naufragar, vn. {pret. naufragu^: subj. NAU- . frague) to be stranded or shipwrecked ; to sink ; to perish at sea ; to fail, to be un- successful, to fall through. naufragio, rii. shipwreck ; disaster, mis« carriage, disappointment, calamity, heavy loss. nd,UfragO, ga, a. & m. & f. wrecked ; ship- wrecked person. — m. shark. naumaquia, /■ naumachy, mock sea-ficht. nausea, /. nauseousness, squeamishness . nausea. nauseabundo, a. nauseous, loathsome, nausear, vn. to feel nausea, to loathe, to be. come squeamish. nauseativo, va, a. nauseous. nauseoso, sa, a. V. nauseabundo. nauta, m. mariner, seafaring man. n^Utica, .f. navigation. nautiCO, ca, a. nautical, nautilo, m. nautilus, cephalopod mollusc, nava, /. plain surrounded by mountains, navacero, ra, m. & /. one who cultivates a navazo. navaja,/. razor; clasp-knife, folding-knife; razor-clam; tusk of a wild boar; (coll.); tongue of backbiters : navajas de gallo, cock* spurs. navajada, /. navajazo, m. thrust or gash with a clasp-knife or razor, navagero, m. razor-case ; shaving doily, navajita,/. dim. small clasp-knife or razor. navaio, m. V. lavajo. navai6n, m. aug. large clasp-knife or razor, navajonazo, m. gash or wound made with a large clasp-knife or razor, navajuela,/. dim. small clasp-knife. naval, a. naval : armada naval, royal navy, royal fleet. navarro, rra, a. of or belonging to Navarre, navazo, m. kitchen-garden upon a sandy shore. nave, /. ship, sailing vessel ; (arch.) nave: nave de San Pedro, the Roman CathoJ^o Church. naveclUa,/. dim. (eccl.) censer, thurible, navegable, a. navigable. n&vegaci6n, /. navigation ; passage, voyage, navegador, ra, a. navigating.— /n. nav.'ga- tor. navegante, pa. & m. navigator ; navigating. navegar, vn. (pret. naveguk : subj. NAVE- GUE) to navigate, sail, steer ; to travel. — va to make (as speed). naveta, /. (eccl.) censer, thurible; small drawer. navicula,/. dim. small ship ; (hot.) navicula, navicular, a. (anat.) navicular. navlcliuelo, la, m. &f. dim. (naut.) small vessel. navldad, /. Nativity ; Christmas-day : tiene muchas navidades, he is aged. navide&O, fla, a. pertaining to Yule-tide, navlero, m. ship-owner. navio, m. war-ship ; armour-clad vessel : na- vio de guerra, ship of war, man-of-war : na- vio de linea or de alto bordo, line-of-battle ship : navio de transporte, transport : navio de aviso, despatch-boat : navio de tres pnen- tes, three-decker. n^yade, /. naiad, water-nymph, nayuribe, /. (hot.) amarantaceous herb, nazareno, na, a. & m. &f. Nazarene ; Naza- rite ; Christian. — m. penitent who goes in processions in Passion Week, nazareo, ea, «. Nazarite. nazco, yo nazca {irr. from nacerI. nazula, /. second curd. n6beda, /. (hot.) nepwita, catmint, nebladura,/. (agr.) datnage from mist nebli, m. (orn.) falcon gentle. neblina, /. mist, fog. *M In far ; e in eb I ; i in police ; O In for ; n in ball; c (before e, i) ana s as tb In thiclL ■ b and d, soft; NEB 391 NEE nebreda, /. plantation of juniper-trees. nebrina, /. juniper-berry. nebulosa, /. (ast.) nebula. nebulOSidad, /. nebulosity, nebulousness. nebulOSO, sa, a. misty, cloudy, nebulous, foggy, hazy. necear, vn. to talk nonsense, to play the fool. necedad,/. stupidity, foolishness, idiocy. necesaria,/. privy, water-closet. necesariamente, adv. necessarily. necesario, ria, a. necessary, requisite, need- ful : si fuere necesario, if need be. neceser, m.. dressing-case, toilet-case : nece- ser de costura, sewing-case, hussy. necesidad, /. necessity ; need, want ; co- gency, extremity, constraint ; emergency ; evacuation of the body by stool or water. necesitadO, da, pp. & a. necessitous, poor, needy.— »n. &/. poor or needy person. necesitar, va. to necessitate, constrain, com- pel. — vn. to want, need, lack. neciamente, adv. Ignorantly, stupidly, fool- ishly. neciO, Cia, a. ignorant, stupid, idiotic, fool- ish ; imi)rudent, injudicious. — m. &/. fool. necrologia,/. necrology. necrologico, ca, a. necrological. neordpolis, /. necropolis, burying-ground. necropsia o/- necroscopia, /. necropsy, au- topsy, post-mortem examination. necrOSCdpiCO, ca, a. uecroscopic. necrosis,/, (med.) necrosis. nectar, /«. nectar ; any delicious drink. nectareo, rea, nectarino, na, a. nectareal, nectarean. nectario, m. (bot.) nectary. nefandamente, adv. nefariously, abomina- bly. nefando, da, nefario, ria, a. nefarious, abominable, heinous. nefas. adv. v. fas. nefasto, ta, a. sad, ominous, unlucky. nefritiCO, ca, a. nephritic : piedra nefritica, (mill. ) nephrite, kidney-stone, jade. nefritis, /. (med.) nephritis. negable, a. that may be denied. negaci6n, /. negation, denial ; want or total privation of anything ; (gram.) negative particle. negado, da, pp. & a. incapable, inapt, unfit. negador, ra, m. &f. denier, disclaimer. negante, pa. denying ; refusing. negar, va. {ind. niego : pret. negue : suhj. niegue) to deny, contradict ; to refuse, gainsay ; to forbid, prohibit, hinder, oppose ; to disown, disclaim ; to disregard ; to hide, conceal, dissemble : negar el saludo, to cut a person. — vr. to decline, refuse ; to be denied to visitors : negarse 4 si mismo, to govern one's passions and appetites. iiegativa,/. negative, refusal. negativamente, ad", npgativelv. negative, va, a. negative, contradictory ; (law) denier; (elec. and math.) negative. — /. (phot.) negative. negligencia, /. negligfence, neglect, heedless- ness, carelessness. negligente fna-siee-tten'-tehi, a. negligent. Care- less, heedless, neglectful. negligentemente, adr. negligently, neglect- fully, carelessly, heedlessly. negociable, a. (com.) negotiable. negOCiacibn,/. negotiation ; business trans- action. negociado, pp. & m. bureau, division or sec- tion in official departments ; business, em- plovment, affair. negOCiador, m. business agent ; negotiator. negOCiante, pa. & m. negotiating, trading; trader, dealer, merchant, business man. negOCiar, V7i. to trade; (pol.) to negotiate (as a treaty) ; (com. ) to negotiate (as drafts). negOCiO, m. occupation, employment, busi- ness; affair, transaction, negotiation, con- cern ; trade, bargain, commerce ; utility or interest in trading.— p/, business, commer- cial transactions. negOCiOSO, sa, a. active, diligent. negozuelo, m. dim. petty business. negra,.f. foil for fencing; negress. negrada,./". (Sp. Am.) collection of negroes. negral, a. blackish. negrear, vn. to grow black, to appear black. negrecer, vn. {for irr. v. merecer) to blacken, to become black. negrero, ra, a. & m. &f. trafficker in slaves ; slaver. negreta,/. (orn.) coot, kind of duck. negriUa,/. (icht.) black conger eel. negrillera, /. plantation of black poplar. negrillo, m. dim. (min.) black silver ore, stephanite ; (bot.) poplar. negritO, ta, m. &/. young negro ; pet name. negro, gra, a. "black; jetty; blackish; gloomy, dark, dismal ; unfortunate, wretch- ed ; (her.) sable; (Amer.) endearing term. — m. & f. negro, negress : negro de humo, lampblack : negro animal, boneblack : boda or merienda de negros, (coll.) noisy carousal. negror, m. negrura, /. blackness. negruzco, ca, «. blackish, dark brown. neguiidn [nay-gee-iion'], m. caries of the teeth. neguilla [nay-geei'-ijaii], /. (bot. ) fennel-flower, love-in-a-mist ; age-mark in horses' teeth ; obstinate denial. nets,/, (geol.) V. gneis. nema,/. seal or sealing of a letter. nemeo, mea, a. nemsean. nomine discrepante, (Lat.) unanimously, nemorOSO, sa, «. woody, nemorous. nene, nena, m. &f. (coll.) infant, baby ; en- dearing term. — m. a hector. nenufar, m. (bot.) white water-lily. ne6fitO, m. neophyte, a convert ; novice. neogranadino, na, a. & m. &f. of or belong- gin to U. S. of Colombia. neolatino, na, a. Neo-Latin, Romanic. neol6gico, ca, a. neological. neologismo, m. neologism. nedlOgO. ga, m. &f. neologist. neomenia, /. (ast.) neomenia. neoplasma, m. (med.) neoplasm. neoplatonicismo, m. Neopiatouism. neoplat6nico, ca, a. Neoplatonic. neorama, w. panorama. neoyorctuino, na, a. &m. & f. New Yorker, belonging to New York. nepote, m. privileged relative of the Pope. nepotismo, m. nepotism. neptuneo, a, a. Neptunian. neptunico, ca, a. (geol.) Neptunian. neptunismo, m. (geol.) Neptunian theory. neptunista, a. & m. &f. (geol.) Neptunlst. neptuno, m. (ast.) Neptune; (poet.) the sea. nequaauam, adv, (Lat.) (coll.) by no means. nequicla [im-kee'-thie-aii\ /. perversity. nereida, /. nereid, sea-nymph. nerita, /. nerita, a gastefopod. Ner6n, m. (met.) very cruel man. nervadura,/. (arch.) nervure, a rib ; (carp.) feather; (min.) leader. n6rveO, a, a. nerval. ne'rvezuelo, nervlecillo. w. dim. nervule. nervino, na, w. &f. nervine. nervio, m. (anat.) "nerve; tendon, cord; en- g (before e, i) and J as b in hot; b, silent; 11 in brilliant; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; s, hissed. NEE 392 NIQ ergy, vigour, strength ; string of a musical instrument; (b. b.) rib, fillet; (naut.) span rope, stay ; (bot ) nerve. nervlosidad, /. v. nervosidad. nerviOSO, sa, a. nervous ; vigorous, strong ; (bot.) nerved. nervosamente, adv. nervously. nervosidad, /. nervosity, nervousness ; strength, vigour ; flexibility. neryoslsmo, m. (med. ) nervosism. nervOSO, sa, a. nervous ; strong, vigorous. nervudo, dJl, a. strong-nerved, vigorous. nervura, /. (b. b.) ribs. nesciencia, /. ignorance, nescience. nesciente, a. ignorant, foolish. nescientemente, adc iguorautly. nesga, /. (sew.) gore; triangular piece. n^spera, /. medlar. V. kispero. nestorianismo, m. Nestorianism. nestoriano, m. Nestorian. netezuelO, la, m. &/. dim. little grandchild. neto, ta, a. neat, pure, clean, unadulterated ; net, clear, genuine : en neto, purely ; pro- dacto neto, (com.) net produce: peso neto, net weight. — m. (arch.) naked pedestal. neuma, m. expression by signs or nods ; (mus.) neuma, neumiltlCO, ca, a. pneumatic.—/, pneumat- ics ; rubber tire of a bicycle. neumatdgrafO, m. (med.) pneumograph, stethograph. neumonia, /. (med.) pneumonia. neumdniCO, ca, a. pneumonic ; pulmonar. neuralgia,/, (med.) neuralgia. neur^-lgico, ca, a. neuralgic. neurasienla,/. (med.) neurasthenia, nervous prostration. neurast^nlco, ca, a. neurasthenic. neurisma, / (med.) V. aneurisma. neuritis,/, (med.) neuritis. neurolOgia, /. (anat.) neurology. neuroma, m. (med.) neuroma. neuropatia, /. (med.) neuropathy. neur6ptero, ra, a. (ent. ) neuropterous. neurosis,/, (med.) neurosis. neur6tiC0, ca, a. (med.) neurotic. neurotomia, /. (surg.) neurotomy. neurbtomo, m. (surg.) neurotome. neutral, a. neutral, neuter, indifferent. neutralidad, /. neutrality ; indifference. neutralizaci6n, /. neutralization. neutralizar, va. {pret. neutralic^: subj. neutkalice) to counteract; (chem.) to neutralize. neutro, tra, a. neutral, neuter; (gram.) neuter. nevada, /. snowfall; (hot.) V. nevadilla. nevadilla,/ (bot.) whitlow-wort. nevado, da, pp. & a. white as snow, nevar, vn. impers. ( ind. nieva : subj. NIEVE) to snow. — va. to make white as snow. nevasca,/. snow-fall ; snow-storm. nevatilla, nevereta,/. (orn.) wagtail. nevera, /. ice-house, ice-box ; woman who sells ice. neveria, / ice-house, place where ice is sold. nevero, m. iceman ; place of perpetual snow, nevisca,/. gentle fall of snow. neviscar, vn. to snow lightly. nevoso, sa, a. snowy ; nival, niveous. nexo luek'-8o], TO. nexus, bond, tie, union. ni [nee], coni. neither, nor: ni eato, ni aquello, neither this nor that : ni aiquiera, not even. niara, / rick or stack of straw. nicalo, m. mushroom. V. NiscALO. nicaragua,/. (bot.) garden balsam. niceroblno, a. ancient precious ointment. nicle, TO. species of chalcedony. niCOCiana,/ (poet.) tobacco, nicotia. nicotina,/. nicotine. nictagineo, a, «. (bot.) nyctaginaceous. nictalope, wt. (opt.) nyctalops. nictalopia, /. (opt.) nyctalopy. nicllO, m. niche ; recess in a wall. nidada,/. nestful of eggs; brood, covey. nidal, m. nest ; nest-egg ; basis, foundation motive ; haunt, nidiflcar, vn. {for mut. V. modificar) i/ nest, to build nests. nidito, »rt. dim. small nest. nidO fnee'-do], TO. nest ; eyry ; home, habitation, abode, residence; haunt; den. niebla, /. fog, mist, haze ; film which dim* the sight; mental obscurity ; (agr.) mildevf which blasts. niegO, a. new-born (falcon). « niego, yo niegue {irr. from negar). niel, m. (art) niello-work. nialar, va. (art) to niello. niespera,/. (bot.) medlar, a fruit, nieta,/. grand-daughter, grandchild. nietO, TO. grandson, grandchild; descent^ ant. nietro, m,. measure for wine, nieve, /. snow ; (poet. ) extreme whiteness, nigromancia, /. necromancy. nigromante, m. necromancer, conjurer. magician. nigromiUltiCO, ca, a. necromantic. — m. V NIGROMANTE. nigua [nee'-gwah], /. chigoe, jigger flea. nihilismo, m. nihilism ; Russian anarchism nihilista, m. nihilist, anarchist. nilad, m. (Philip.) (bot.) shrub. nimbo, m. halo ; nimbus. nimiamente, adv. excessively, minutely. nimiedad,/. superfluity, prolixity ; excess. nimio, a, a. prolix, excessive. ninfa,/. nymph; young lady ; (ent.) pupae ninfea,/. (bot.) water-lily. ninfeaceo, a, a. (bot.) nymphseaceous. ninfO, TO. (coll.) effeminate fop, a dude. ninfomania, /. (med.) nymphomania. ningun, a. {contr. 0/ NiNGUNO) no, not onoj {used only before masculine nouns) ningAa hombre, no man : de ningan modo, in no manner, by no means. ninguno, na, a. no, none, not one, not any : de ninguna manera, by no meaus, in no man- ner : ninguna cosa, nothing. — indef. pron. none, no one, not one, nobody. ni&a [nee'-nyah], /. girl : nifia del ojo, pupil of the eye : ninas de lbs ojos, (coll.) darling. nifLada, /. puerility, childishness. ni&ato, TO. calf found in the belly of a cow. nifLear, vn. to act like a child. nifiera, /. nurse-girl, nursery-maid. niileria, /. puerility, childish action ; child'* play ; plaything ; trifle. ni&ero, ra, a. &f. fond of children ; dandier. nifiieta,/. small pupil of the eve. niflez [ne-nyeth'],/. childhood, infancy ; begin- ning, commencement. niSlita, /. dim. baby girl ; infant. niilo, &a, a. childish, child-like, puerile * young and inexperienced. — to. child, in- fant, boy : desde nino, from infancy, from ; child : nifio de tela, infant, babe : nifio de It piedra or ezp68ito, foundling. niobio, m. (chem.) niobium. nioto, TO. V. caz6n. nipa,/. (Philip.) (hot.) nipa-palm. nipe or nipis, m. (Philip.) fabric made fron tne fibres of nipa. niquel fnee'-kei), TO. (chem.) nickel. niquelado, pp. & a. nickel-plated. a M in far ; e in eh I ; 1 In po^ce ; o In for ; n in boll ; c (before e, 1) and z as th In thick ; b «nd d, soft ; NIQ 393 NOE niquelar, va. to nickel-plate. nlqUiSCOClO [ne-ki8-co'-tliie-« , m. trifle. niscalO, m. non-poisonous mushroom. nispero, m. (bot.) medlar-tree. nispola, /. fruit of the medlar-tree. nitidO, da, a. (poet.) bright, nitid, neat. nitO, m. (Philip.) (bot.) fibrous fern or brake used in making hats and cigar-cases. nitOS, m. (coll.) nix, nothing. nitral, m, nitre-bed. nitrato, TO. (chem.) nitrate. nitreria, /. saltpetre-works. nitriCO, ca, a. (chem.) nitric. nitrlto, m. (chem.) nitrite. nitro, m. (chem.) nitre, saltpetre. nitrdgeno, »«. (chem.) nitrogen, azote. nitroglicerina, /. uitro-glycerine. nitrosidad, /. nitrous condition. nitrOSO, sa, a. nitrous, nitrj\ nivel, ni. level ; levelness ; water-mark ; (mas.) level, plummet: k nivel, perfectly- level, true. nivelaci6n, /. levelling, grading. nlvelador, ra, a. leveller, grader. nivelar, va. to true, to level, to grade ; to make even ; to observe equity and justice. niveo, ea, a. (poet.) snowy, niveous. nizardo, da, a. of or belonging to Nice. no, adv. no, not, nay : no bien, no sooner : no mis, only, no more : no, que no, most cer- tainly : no tal, no such thing : no ya, not only : no, sino, not only so : no, sino no, it cannot be otherwise : pues no, but no, not so : no sea que, lest. nObiliariO, ria, a. nobiliary. nobllisimamente, adv. super, most nobly. nobUisimo, ma, a. super, most noble. noble, a. noble, high-born ; illustrious, emi- nent ; generous, honourable, respectable : es- tado noble, nobility. — to. nobleman ; ancient gold coin. noblemente, adv. nobly, generously, mag- nanimously. nobleza, /. nobleness ; nobility ; noblesse ; gentility, dignity, greatness, generousness, magnanimity, worth ;' stateliness ; fine da- mask silk. noca, /. variety of crab. nocedal, m. v. nogueral. nocente, a. noxious ; guilty. nocidn, /. notion, idea. noclonal, a. notional. nocivo, va, a. noxious, hurtful, injurious. noctiluca, /. glow-worm, noctiluca. nOCtivagO, ga, a. (poet.) noctivagaut. nocturnal, a. nocturnal, nightly. nocturno, na, «. nocturnal, nightly ; lonely and sad. — ?«. (eccl.) nocturn ; (mus.) noc- turne, serenade. noche, /. night; (poet.) death; (met.) ob- scurity, confusion, ignorance : noche toleda- na, restless night : anoche or ayer noche, last night : prima noche, evening : de noche, after sunset, at night: de la noche k la manana,^ suddenly, unexpectedly : noche y dia, night and day, always, constantly : quedarse 4 buenas nochcs, (coll.) to be left in the dark about something, also to be disappointed. nochebuena, /. Christmas-eve. nocbebueno, m. Christmas cake ; Yule-log. nochecita,/. (Amer.) twilight, dusk. nocbizo, TO. (bot.) r. avkllano. nodacl6n,/. (med.) impediment caused by a node. 3lOd^tll, a. (anat.) nodal. nodo, TO. (med.) node; (ast.) node. nodriza, /. wet-nurse. nddulo, TO. nodule, small node. nogada, /. sauce made of pounded walnuts and spice. nogal, TO. (bot.) walnut-tree and its wood. nogueraino-gay'-rah],/. (bot.) walnut-tree. noguerado, da, a. of a walnut colour. nogrueral, m. plantation of walnut-trees. noguerdn, m. aug. large walnut-tree. nolicibn,/. nolition, unwillingness. noli me tan^ere, 7». (Lat.) (med.) nolime- tangere, malignant ulcer. nbmada or ndmade, a. nomad, nomadic. nombradamente, adv. namely, expressly. nombradia, /. renown, fame, reputation, credit. nombramientO, to. nomination, naming ; appointment, commission ; brevet. nombrar, va. to name, to mention ; to nom- inate, appoint. nombre, to. name ; title ; fame, reputation, credit ; nickname ; power by vthich any one acts for another; (gram.) noun; (mil.) countersign ; watch-word : nombre apelatl- vo, (gram.) appellation : nombre colectivo, collective noun : nombre de pila, Christian name : nombre y apellido, full name : poner nombre, to fix a price : en el nombre, in the name of God. nomenclador, to. nomenclator; gazetteer, glossary, vocabulary. nomenclator, to. nomenclator. nomenclatura, /. catalogue; nomenclature, terminologv. nomeolvides, /. (bot. ) forget-me-not. n6mlna, /. catalogue, list of things or per- sons ; pay-roll. nominacidn, /. nomination, appointment. nominador, ra, to. &/. nominor, appointer. nominal, a. nominal ; titular. — m. nominal- ist. nominalismo, to. nominalism. nominalista, a. nominalistic. — TO. &/. nom- inalist. nominalmente, adv. nominally. nominar, va. to name. V. nombrar. nominativo, va, a. (com.) personal, regis- tered (as bonds). — to. (gram.) nominative. — pi. (coll.) elements, rudiments. nominilla, /. pay warrant, voucher. nomino, to. nominee. nomparell, f. (print.) nonpareil, six-point. non, a. odd, uneven. — m. an odd number.^pA repeated negation or denial : digo que nones, I say no : quedar de non, to be or remain quite alone : andar de nones, to be idle : estar de non, to serve for nothing: (coll.) pares y nones, even or odd. nona, /. (eccl. ) nones. nonada,/. trifle, little or nothing. nonagenariO, ria, a. nonagenarian. nonag^Simo, ma, a. ninetieth, nonagesi- mal. nonagonal, a. enneagonal, nine-sided. non^gono, to. (geom.) nonagon. nonato, ta, a. not naturally born, but ex- tracted from the mother's womb by Cesare- an section. noningent6simo, ma, a. nine hundredth. nonio, to. nonius, vernier, sliding gauge. nono, na, a. ninth. V. NOVENO. non plus ultra, (Lat.) unsurpassable. nopal, «i. (hot.) nopal, cochineal fig-tree, prickly Indian pear-tree. noque [no'-kayl, TO. tan-pit, tan-vat ; heap or basket of bruised olives. noquero, m. tanner, currier, leather-dresser. norabuena, /. congratulation. V. ENHORA- BUENA. noramala, adv. v. enhoramala. 8 (before e, i) and J «s h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; S, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; >, NOE 394 NOV noray, m. (v^ut.) bollard, niooriug. nordestal, «- uorth-east, north-easter, nordeste, m. north-east. nordestear, -w. (naut.) to decline to north- east. nordovestear, vn. (naut.) to decline to north-west. norla, /. uori^, chain-pump, draw-well. norlal, «. relating to the noria. norma,/- standard, norma ; pattern, square, rule, templet, gauge, mould, set-square. normal, «. normal; model, standard: escuela normal, normal school.—/, (geom.) normal, a perpendicular. normalldad, /. normality. normando, da, normario, na, a. Norman. nomordeste, //*. uorth-uorth-east. nornoroeste, nomorueste, m. north-north- west. noroeste, tn. north-west. noroestear, v«. (naut.) v. noruestear. nortada, /. north gale, norther. norte, /«." north; north wind; pole-star; rule, law, guide, clew, direction. norteamericano, na, a. North American. — wi. &/. an American. nortear, va. (naut.) to steer or stand to the northward ; to decline to the north. noruegO, ga, a. Norwegian. norueste, m. north-west. noruestear, vn. (naut.) to decline to the north-west. nos, pers. pron. pi. m. & f. us; it is placed either berore or after the verb, as nos dicen or dicennos, they tell us: v&monos, (Mex. ) all aboard ; it is sometimes used as we, in- stead of I, in an authoritative style, as nos, el arzobispo de Toledo, I, the archbishop of To- ledo. nosogenia,/. (med.) nosogenia. nosografia, /. (med.) nosography. nOSOlOgia,/. (med.) nosology. n0S0l6giC0, ca, a. nosological. nOSOtros, tras, pers. pron. pi. m. & f. we, ourselves ; us ; used by some writers instead of I. nostalgia, /. nostalgia, home-sickness. nOSt^lgiCO, ca, a. nostalgic. nostramo, 'H. (naut.) title given by sailors to the boatswain. nota, /. note, mark, sign ; annotation ; re- mark, imputation, censure, reproach, stig- ma ; renown, fame, repute ; style, manner of writing ; memorandum ; official commu- nication from one government to another; (com.^ account, bill, statement, schedule, price-list; (mus.) note.— pZ. records of a notary. nota bene, (Lat.) take notice ; N. B. notabilldad,/. notability; a notable. notabllisimo, ma, «. super, of notable. notable, a. notable, remarkable, noteworthy, noticeable, conspicuous ; distinguished, eminent. notablemente, adv. notably, observably, notedly, noticeably. notacldn, /. note, annotation ; (math, and mus.) notation. notar, va. to note, to mark ; to remark, ob- serve ; to heed, notice, take notice of, to mind; to annotate, comment, expound- to dictate what another may writ« ; to find fault, censure, criticise ; to reprehend. notaria, /. profession of a notary ; notary's office. notarlado, m. profession of a notary. notarial, a. notarial. notariato, m. title or practice of a notary. notario, m. notary public ; amanuensis. noticia, /. news, intelligence, tidings ; no- tice, knowledge, information, note, light ; (com.) advice: noticia remota, vague re- membrance : atrasado de noticias, behind the times. noticiar, va. to notify, give notice, inform, coinmuuicate, make known. noticiero, m. news-agent, reporter. noticiOSO, sa, «. informed ; knowing, learned, iustruoted. •notlcibn, m. aug. (coll.) sensational news. notiiicacibn, /. (law) notification, official not ice. notiflcadO, da, pp. & a. (law) notified. notificar, va. {pret. notifique: suhj. NOTi- FiQU*^ ) (law) to notify (judicially), to make known, inform, announce. notita, /'. dim. short note, memorandum, etc. noto, ta, a. known, notorious ; illegitimate, bastard. — m. south wind, notus. notomia,/. skeleton. notoriamente, adv. notoriously, manifestly, glaringly. notoriedad,/. notoriety, notoriousness. notorio, ria, «. notorious, publicly known, n6umeno, m. (philos. ) noumenon. novaciano, na, >«. &/. Novatian. novacidn,/. (law) novation. novador, ra, m. &/. innovator. noval, a. newly broken up (land), and the fruits it produces. novar, ra. (law) to renew by novation, novatada, /. hazing (in colleges). novato, ta, a. & m. & /. novice, beginner, tyro. novator, ra, m. &/. innovator, novator. novecientOS, tas, s. & a. nine hundred. novedad, /. novelty ; newness, modernnes's ; surprise, recent occurrence, latest news or fashion ; fad ; change, innovation ; danger, trouble : sin novedad, as usual : no hay nove- dad, there is no change. novel, a. new, inexperienced. novela, /. novel, story, tale; falsehood, fic- tion ; (law) novel. novelador, ra, m. & /. novelist, novel- Wright. novelar, vn. to write novels, novelize ; to tell stories. noveleria, /. fondness for novels, fads, and novelties. novelero, ra, a. fond of novels, fads, and novelties ; new-fangled ; fickle, wavering, unsteady.— //i. &/. newsmonger, gossip. novelesco, ca, a. novelistic. novelista, w. &/• novelist, writer of novels, novena,/. (eccl.) novena. novenario, m. (eccl.) novenary. novendial, a. (eccl.) novendial. noveno, na, a. ninth, ninthly.— m. ninth part of tithes. noventa, vi. A a. ninety : ninetieth. noventavo, va, o. ninetieth part. novent6n, na, a. ninety years old. — in. non- agenarian. novia, /. bride; woman betrothed, fiancee. noviazgO, m. engagement, betrothal. noviciado, m. (eccl.) novitiate: noviceship, apprenticeship. novicio, m. (eccl.) novice, probationer ; nov« ice, freshman, apprentice, tyro, raw hand. novlciote, m. (coll.) overgrown novice, noviembre, m. November, novlluniO, m. new moon. novilla, /. young cow ; heifer. novillada, .f. drove of young bulls or steers, baiting of'young bulls. • M in far ; e tn eb I ; 1 In police ; O in for ; a in bnll ; C (before e, t) and z as th in thick ; b ana d, aoft; NOV 395 NAP novillejO, eja, m. &f. dim. young bull, steer, or heifer. novillero, »<• herdsman who attends young cattle ; stable for young cattle ; pasture ground for weaned calves ; truant, idler. HOViUo, m. young bull or steer ; (co!!.) cuck- old : hacernovillos, (coll.) to play truant or hooky. novio, '«. bridegroom ; fiance ; (coll.) suitor ; one new to some dignity or state. novisimo, ma, «. newest, most recent ; lat- est.— »i. each of the four last incidents of mankind. ilOy6, m. noyau, a cordial, nubada, niibarrada, /. shower of rain; plenty, abundance. uubado, da, nubarrado, da, a. clouded, figured like clouds. nubarrbll; m. large threatening cloud. nube, /. cloud ; crowd, multitude; (med.) film which obstructs the sight ; cloud or shade in precious stones : por las nubes or & las nubes, very high (praise or price). nubecita, f. small cloud. JlUbiferO,ra, a. (poet.) cloud-bringing. Xl'^bil, a. nubile, marriageable. nubllidad, /. nubility, marriageable age. nubiloso, sa, a. (poet.) cloudy, nubilous. HUbladO, da, pp. & a. cloudy, nebulous. — m. clouded sky ; gloominess ; impending dan- ger ; multitude of things. nublar, nublarse, ra. & vr. v. anublar. nublO, bla, a. cloudy. — m. V. nublado. nublOSO, sa, a. cloudy, dark, overcast; gloomy, ill-fated. nuca,/. nape of the neck, nucha. nucleo, m. kernel of a nut, nucleus ; stone, putamen of fruit ; nucleus, centre of devel- opment ; (ast.) nucleus of a comet. HUdamente, adv. nakedly ; plainly. nudillO, rn. knuckle ; small knot in stock- ings ; (mas.) plug, dowel, dook ; nodule. tlUdO, da, a. nude, naked. — m. knot ; burl, tangle; (hot.) node; joint; snag;, tie, union, bond ; (med.) node, tumour ; knotty point, intricacy, difliculty ; crisis of a drama; (naut.) knot of the log-line, nau- tical mile : nudo gordiano, Gordian knot, in- superable diflBculty, ring puzzle : nudo en la garganta, lump inone's throat, great afflic- tion. HudOSO, sa, a. knotty, nodous, knotted. nuecero, ra, m. &f. vender of walnuts. nu^gado, m. paste of flour, honey, and nuts. nuera,/. daughter-in-law. nuestramo, ma, /. contr. from nuestro amo ; our master, our mistress. nuestro, tra, poss. pron. m. & f. our, ours ; used sometimes instead of niy, mine, by persons in authority or by writers : los nuestros, our friends or colleagues, ours. nueva,/. news, tidings. nuevamente, adv. newly, recently, fresh- ly- nueve, a. nine ; ninth.— m. number nine ; the ninth : el nueve de enero, the ninth of Jan- uary.— -p/./. las nueve, nine o'clock. nuevecitO, a. dim. quite, new, fresh. nuevo, va, «. new ; novel, modern, fresh ; newly arrived, inexperienced, not habit- uated, not familiar : nuevo llamante, spick and span, brand-new : de nuevo, anew, re- cently, of late : 4 qui hay de nuevo ? what is the news ? Uuez [iioo-eth'l, /. walnut ; nut or meat of some fruits (as coconuts); Adam's apple: nuez moscada or de especia, (hot.) nutmeg: nuez dura, hickory-nut : nuez v6mica, (bot.) n«x •vomica, strychnos. nueza,/. (bot.) briony. nugatorlO, ria, a. nugatory, futile, deceit- ful. nulamente, adv. invalidly, ineffectually. nulldad, /. (law) nullity ; defeasance ; ina- bility, incompetency ; insignificant or in- competent person, a nobody. nulo, la, a. null, void ; incapable, numen, m. divinity, deity ; inspiration. numerable, a. numerable. numeracion, /. numeration, numbering. numerador, «'. numerator, numberer. numeral, «. numeral. numerar, va. to number, enumerate, numer- ate, calculate, reckon, cipher ; to page. numerario, ria, a. numerary.— m. cash, coin, specie. num^ricamente, adv. individually, numer- ically. num6rico, ca, a. numerical, individual, numeral. numero, m. number, figure, character; a numeral ; quantity, aggregation, multitude/, poetical or musical measure, rhythm'; (gram.) number; singular or plural.— »/. num hers, fourth book of the Pentateucn : numero uno, number one, one's self: sin nd- mero, numberless, innumerable. numerosamente, adv. numerously. numerosidad, /. numerosity, num'erousness. numerOSO, sa, a. numerous, several, great many, multitudinous ; harmonious, rhyth- mical. numisma, m. coin, money. numismatica,/. numismatics. numismiitico, ca, «. numismatical. — m. nu- mismatist. numulario, m. banker, money-broker. nunca, adv, never, at no time : nnnca Jam&s, never, never more. nunciatura,/. nunciature. nuncio, w. messenger ; Papal nuncio ; (met.) forerunner, harbinger. nuncupative, va, a. (law) nuncupative, oral. nuncupatorio, ria, n. nuncupatory. nupcial, a. nuptial, hymeneal. nupcias,/. j3/. nuptials, wedding, marriage. nutaci6n, .f. (ast. and bot.) nutation. nutra, nutria, /. otter, and its fur. nutriciO, Cia, a. nutritious, nourishing, nu- tritive. nutricidn,/. nutrition, nourishing; (pharm.) preparation of medicines. nutrimental, a. nutrimental, nourishing. nutrimentO, m. nutriment, food, aliment, nourishment ; nutrition. nutrir, va. to nourish, fatten, feed; to en- courage, foment, support. nutritive, va, a. nutritive, nourishing. nutriz,/. wet-nurse. sr fl fa'-nyay], seventeenth letter in the Spanish alphabet. See Rules for Pronunciation at the beginning of this book. flagaza,.^. bird-call, decoy. F. aSagaza. flame Inyah'-mayi, m. (bot.) yam. fiandtl [nyan-doo'], m. American ostrich. fl^fligO, |fa, m. & f. (Cuba) member of a se- cret society of negroes. flapa inyah'-pah], /. (Amer.) boot, allowance: de napa, to boot. g (before e, i) and J as h In hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, biased. NAQ 396 OBS liaque [nyair-uay], m. odds and ends. fligUa[>>yee'-gwah],/. K NIGUA. fliquinaque [nye-kee-nyah'-kay], m. (coll.) whip- per-snapper ; folderol. fLoclO iiiyo'-cio], m. kind of macaroon. fLOfieria Inyo-nyay-ree'-ahl,/. dotage, drivcl. floaez,/. dotage, senility; shyness. HOfiO, Ha., a. (coll.) timid, shy; dotard, fee- ble-minded. flora,/, (prov.) V. NORiA. llUdO [nyoo'-doh], W. (obs.) V. NUDO. O [oh], eighteenth letter in ihe Spanish alpha- bet. See Rules for Pronunciation at the be- ginning of this book. 6, conj. or, either : 6 rico 6 pobre, either rich or poor. Cf. u. i o ! inlerj. V. | oh ! oasis, m. oasis, fertile spot in a desert. ol)cecaci,6n. [ob-tiiay-cah-tiite-ou'],/. obfuscation, blindness. obcecadamente, adv. blindly. ObcecadO, da,jwp. &a. blind, obfuscated. obcecar. fa. ipret. obcequk: subj. obceque) to bliua, obfuscate, to darken or obscure. 0bdiiraci6n, /. obstinacy, obduracy. obedecedor, ra, m. &f. obeyer. Obedecer, va. {ind. obedezco: subj. OBE- dezca) to obey, yield to. obedeclmiento, m. obedience. Obediencia, /. obedience, submission ; obse- quiousness, pliancy, ilexibility ; docility : & la obediencia, your most obedient. Obediencial, a. obediential. Obedlente, a. obedient, obsequious, com- pliant, submissive. obedlentemente. adv. obediently. ObeliSCO, m. obelisk; (print.) dagger, this mark f. obelo, m. obelisk. Obencadura, /. (naut.) shrouds in general. Obenques, m.pl. (naut.) shrouds, shifters. oberbura,/. (mus.) overture. Obesidad,/. obesity, corpulence. Obese, sa, a. obese, fat, corpulent. 6bice, m. obstacle, impediment, hinderance. ObispadO, m. bishopric ; episcopate. Obispal, a. episcopal, belonging to a bishop. Obispalia, /. palace of a bishop; bishopric, diocese. Obispar, vn. to be made a bishop. ObispillO, m. dim. boy-bishop ; large pork sausage ; rump or croup of a fowl. Obispo, m. (eccl.) bishop: large blood pud- ding ; (icht.) raioid selachian. 6bito, m. (law and eccl.) death, decease, de- mise. ObituarlO, m. obituary. Objecidn [ob-hay-thie-on'j, /. objection, opposi- tion, exception. Objetante, pa. objecting, objector. objetar, va. to object, oppose, remonstrate. obletivamente, adv. objectively. Objetivar, va. to objectify or objectivate. Objetivo, va, a. objective.— /«. (opt.) objec- tive. ObletO, m. object, thing, article ; purpose, dfesigu, end, aim ; subject-matter. Oblacibn.,/. oblation, offering, gift. Oblada,/. (eccl.) funeral offering of bread. Oblata, /■ (eccl.) oblate; contribution for church expenses. Obiea,/. wafer for sealing letters. Obleera, /. wafer-holder, case for wafers. Oblicuamente, adv. obliquely, glancingly, OblicuangulO, a. oblique-angled. Oblicuar, va. &.vn. to cant, slant ; (mil.) to oblique. ObliCUidad, /. obliquity, slant, cant, rake, bias ; deviation. ObliCUO, CUa, a. oblique, slanting, bias, in- clined, traverse. Obligacidn, /. obligation, duty ; bond, de- benture ; debt; charge; provision office. — pi. family which one is obliged to maintain ; engagements; (com.) liabilities. Obligacionista, m. &/. (com.) bondholder. ObligadO, m. contractor for supplying provi- sions to a city; (law) obligor; (mus.) ob- bligato. Obligante, /)«. obligating, obliging. Obligar, va. {pret. OBLiGUK : subj. oblioue) to obligate, compel, bind, constrain, neces- sitate ; to oblige. — vr. to obligate or bind one's self. ObligatoriO, ria, a. obligatory, binding, coercive. obliteracidn,/. (med.) obliteration. obliterar, va. (med.) to obliterate. oblongo, ga, a. oblong. obnoxio, xia [ob-nok'-se-o], a. obnoxious. oboe [«-b<) -a], TO. (mus. ) oboe ; oboist. 6bolO, TO. obol, obolus ; obolo ; mite ; (pharra.) obole. Obra, /. work ; book, volume, writings ; building, fabric, construction ; repairs in a house ; means, virtue, power, influence ; agency ; toil, labour, employment : obrss piaa, charitable funds or establishments : obra de romanos, great work requiring time and toil: obra prima, shoemaking: hacer mala obra, to do a bad turn : poner por obra, to set at work : obra de or k obra de, about, more or less : obras de marea, (naut.) grav- ing, calking and paying a ship's bottom : obras muertas, (naut.) upper-works of a ship: obras vivas, (naut.) quick or lower works. Obrada,./". day's work ; land measure. Obrador, ra, to. &f. workman or workwom- an ; workshop. Obradura,/. charge of an oil-mill. Obraje, m. manufacture, handiwork ; work- shop, wool-mills. Obrajero, to. foreman, overseer, superintend- ent. Obrante, pa. acting, working. Obrar, va. to work ; to make, manufacture; to operate, to act, perform, execute ; to con- struct, build. — V7i. to ease nature ; to be in such a place, or in the hands of. Obrepcidn,/. (law) obreption. obrepticio, cia, a. (law) obreptitious. Obreria, /. task of a workman ; money for church repairs. Obrero, ra, m. & /. worker, workman, day- labourer. — m. churchwarden ; missionary. Obrita, /. dim. small or little work ; book- let. ObriZO, za, a. pure, refined (gold). Obscenamente, adv. obscenely. obscenidad, /. obscenity, lewdness. obscene, na. a. obscene, lewd, lustful. obscuracibn, /. V. obscuridad. obscuramente, adv. obscurely, darkly, faintly ; confusedly ; humbly, modestly. Obscurantismo, to. obscurantism. obscurantista, /«. &.f. obscurant. Obscuras ik), adv. in the dark. obscurecer, va. (ind. obsccrezco : .tubj. obscurkzca) to ob.scure, darken ; to dim. tarnish ; to cloud, confu.se ; (picl.) to shade. a s8 In far ; e in eh I ; i m police ; o in for ; n in bnll ; c (before e, I) and z ax th in thick ; b ana d, aott; OBS 397 OCT — V. impers. to grow dark. — vr. to cloud over ; to disappear. obscurecunlento, m. obscuration, darken- ing- Obscuridad, /. obscurity, darkness ; cloudi- ness, gloominess, opacity, density ; abstruse- ness, confuseduess ; humbleness, lowliness of origin ; retired, private life. Obscuro, ra, «. obscure, dark, gloomy ; dusky ; unintelligible, confused, abstruse ; little known, unknown ; (art) heavily shaded. — m. (art) shade : & obscuras, in the dark. Obsecuente, a. obsequious, obedient. obsequiador, ra, a. & m. & /. one who treats, entertains, or makes presents. Obsequiante, jya. obsequious ; courtier, gal- lant. Obseqular, va. to treat, entertain, pay at- tentions, make presents ; to court, woo. ObsequiO [ob-say'-ke-oi, m. obsequiousness, treat, courtesy, attention shown, gift, pres- ent : en obsequio de, for the sake of, out of respect to. Obsequiosamente, adv. obsequiously, flat- teringly, gallantly. ObsequiOSO, sa, a. obsequious, obedient, compliant, obliging, attentive. observable, a. observable, notable. Observacidn, /. observation, remark, note. Observador, ra, m. &/. observer, remarket ; observant, watchful. Observancia, /. observance, respect, rever- ence, regard : poner en observancia, to exe- cute punctually. Observante, pa. & a. observant, abiding, obedient. Observar, va. to observe, examine, scruti- nize ; to notice, mind, heed, note, remark; to obey, keep, follow, abide by, execute ; to pry, look into, watch : observar la altura, (naut. ) to take the meridian altitude. ObservatoriO, m. observatory. Obsesi6n,/. obsession. Obseso, sa, a. beset, tempted. obsidiana,/. (geol.) obsidian. Obsidloual, a. (mil. ) obsidional. ObstaculO, TO. obstacle, impediment, ob- struction, clog, check, hinderance. obstante, pn. withstanding : no obstante, notwithstanding, nevertheless. Obstar, vn. to oppose, obstruct, hinder, with- stand. Obstetricia, /.(med.) obstetrics, midwifery. Obstinacibn, /. obstinacy, stubbornness, ob- duracy. obstinadamente, adv. obstinately, stub- oornly, intiexibly. obstinado, da., pp. &a. obstinate, obdurate, headstrong, opinionated. obstinarse, vr. to be obstinate. Obstruccion, /. obstruction, stoppage. Obstruccionismo, m. obstructionism. Obstruccionista, a. & m. &/. obstructionist. Obstruir, m. {for irr. V. CONSTRUIR) to ob- struct, block or stop up, bar, check, hinder, choke. — vr. to be obstructed or choked. obtemperar, va. to obey, to assent. Obtencibn, /. attainment, obtainment. Obtener, va. {for irr. V. TENER) to attain, obtain, procure ; to preserve, to maintain. ObtentO, m. (eccl.) benefice, prebend. Obtentor, m. (eccl.) one who obtains a preb- end. Obtestacibn, /. obtestation, protestation. obturacibn, /. obturation. Obturador, trlz, a. serving to stop up or plug.— w. plug, stopper ; breech-block ; (.surg.) obturator; gas-check; (phot.) shut- ter. Obturar, va. to stop up, plug, obturate. Obtus^ngUlO, TO. & a. obtusangular. ObtuSO, sa, a. obtuse, blunt, dull. Obue, m. (mus.) oboe and oboist. ObUS, m. (arti.) howitzer, shell-gun. Obusera, a. (naut.) boat carrying a how- itzer. Obvenclbn, /. perquisite. Obviar, va. to obviate, remove, prevent. — vn. to hinder, oppose. Obvio, via, <*. obvious, evident. ObyectO, to. objection, reply. OC, TO. lengua de oc, V. LENGUA. oca,/, (orn.) goose; (bot.) oca oxalis ; game called royal goose. OCal, TO. double cocoon of silk. — a. applied to some delicious fruits. OCalear, vn. to make ocals (silk-worms). 0Casi6n, /. occasion, chance, opportunity, juncture, convenience ; danger, risk : de ocasion, second-hand. OCasionadO, da, pp. & a. provoking, vexa- tious, insolent ; perilous. ocasionador, ra, to. &f. occasioner. OCasional, a. occasional, chance, casual. OCasionallliente, adv. occasionally. OCasionar, va. to cause, occasion ; to move, excite ; to jeopard, endanger. OCaso, TO. setting of any heavenly body ; Oc- cident, west ; decadence, ending. occidental, a. occidental, western. OCCidente, to. Occident, the west. OCCidUO, dua, a. occidental, occiduous, occipital, a. occipital. OCCipUCiO [oc-tlile-poo'-thie-o], m. OCCiput. OCCisibn, /. murder, killing. OCCiso, sa, a. murdered, killed. OCeaniCO, ca, a. oceanic. OC^ano, TO. ocean ; sea ; vast expanse. OCena,./". (med.) foul breath. OCiar, vn. to loiter, be at leisure. OCiO, TO. leisure, idleness ; pastime, diversion. OCiOSamente, adv. idly ; uselessly. OCiOSidad,/. idleness, laziness, leisure. OCiOSO, sa, rt. idle, Ij^zy, fruitless, useless. OClOCracia, /. (pol.) ochlocracy. OCluir, va. {for irr. -V. INCLUIR) (med.) to shut up or close. 0ClU.si6n,/. occlusion, obliteration. OCOSial, TO. (Peru) lowland, morass. OCOtal, TO. (Mex.) grove of ocotes. OCOte, TO. (Mex.) (bot.) okote-pine, torch- pine. OCOZOal, TO. (Mex.) species of rattlesnake. OCOZOl, TO. (bot.) sweet-gum, liquidambar- tree. Ocre, TO. ochre, brown or yellow earth. OCtaedrO, to. (geom.) octahedron. octagonal, «. octagonal. OCtagOUO, na, a. eight-sided, octagonal. — m. an octagon. octante, to. octant. OCtava, /. (eccl.) octave, eight days ; (mus.) octave ; (poet.) eight-line stanza. OCtavar, vn. to form octaves on stringed in-^ strumeuts ; to deduct the eighth part. OCtavariO, to. (eccl.) festival lasting a week. OCtavin, to. (mus.) piccolo flute. octavo, va, a. eighth ; octave, octonary : en octavo, (print.) in octavo. — m. an eighth; octoroon. octingentesimo, ma, a. eight hundred, octogenario, ria, a. octogenary. OCtOg^simo, a. eightieth. OCtOgonal, a. octagonal. octdgono, na, a. V. octagono. H (before e, i) andj m h In hot; h, 27 silent ; U in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) an>i rr trilled ; s. GCT 398 OHM OClOSil&blCO, ca. OCtOSllabO, ba, a. octo- syllabic. OCtUbre, m. October. ocular, a. ocular : testigo ocular, eye-witness. —m. eye-glass, ocular, eye-.piece. ocularmente, adv. ocularly. OCUlista, m. oculist ; eye specialist. OCTlltacidn, /. concealment, hiding; (ast.) occultatiou ; wrongful silence. OCUltador, ra, m. &f. hider, concealer. OCUltameute, adv. secretly, hiddenly. OCUltar, va. to hide, conceal, disguise, se- crete, mask, hoodwink, cloak ; .to withhold, keep secret. OCUltO, ta, a. hidden, concealed, occult, se- cret, clandestine : de oculto, incog, incogni- to : en octdto, secretly, in secret. 0CUpaci6ll,/. occupation ; business, concern ; employment, office, pursuit; action ; (rhet.) prolepsis. OCUpada, a. (coll.) pregnant, enceinte. OCUpador, rn. occupier, possessor, occupant. OCUpante, pa. occupant ; actual landowner. OCUpar, va. to occupy, take possession of; to hold an employ, to fill a public station ; to fill a space ; to employ, give work, keep busy ; to disturb, interrupt, obstruct ; to dwell, inhabit; to engage the attention, preoccupy. — vr. to busy one's self, attend to. OCUrrencla, /. occurrence, accident, incident, occasion ; witty sally or conceit : ocnrrencia de acreedores, meeting of creditors. OCUrrente, pa. & a. offhand, original, bright, witty. OCUriir, V7i. to happen, take place ; to coin- cide ; to meet, anticipate ; (law) to have recourse to ; to apply to ; to occur ; to strike one (as an idea). OCUTSO, rn. (Mex.) petition, claim. OChava, /. eighth part of anything ; (eccl. ) octave : ochavas del molinete, (naut.) whelps of the windlass. OCbavadO, da, pp. & a. eight-sided. OCbavar, va. to form an octagon. OChavO, m. small brass coin ; anything oc- tagonal. OChenta, a. & m. eighty u eightieth. OChentavO, va, «. one-efghtieth part. 0Client6n, na, a. & m. . irr. o/OMiTiR & a. neglectful, remiss, heedless, careless. omitir, va. {pp. omitido, omiso) to omit, neglect, leave out, drop. bmnibUS, m. omnibus, stage-coach. omnimodamente, adv. by all means, omnimodo, da, a. entire, total. omnipotencia, /. omnipotence. omnipotente, «. omnipotent, almighty. omnipotentemente, adv. omnipotently, omnipresencia,/. omnipresence. omnisapiente, «. omniscient. omniscencia,/. omniscience. omniscio, ia, a. omniscient, omnivoro, ra, a. omnivorous, omoplato, m. (anat,) omoplate, shoulder- blade, scapula, 1 onagra,/. (hot.) onagra, evening primrose. onagro, m. wild ass, onager. Onanismo, m. onanism. once [oii'-timy], a. eleven ; eleventh. — m. figure 11 ; the eleventh (day),—/, pi. las once, eleven o'clock : hacer or tomar las once, to take a lunch about noon. oncear, va. to weigh out by ounces. oncejera, oncijera,/. small snare for catch- ing birds. OnCejO [on-thay'-ho], m. (orn.) V. VENCEJO, Onceno, na, a. eleventh : el onceno no estorbar, (coll.) thou Shalt not disturb busy people. onda, /, wave ; ripple ; undulation ; flicker ; (sew.) scallop, Ondeado, pp. & a. undulated, scalloped, wavy. — m. scalloping. ondeante, pa. waving, undulating. ondear, vn. to wave, waver, ripple, undulate, fluctuate ; to flicker ; to scallop, — vr. to swing, soar. ondeo, m. waving, undulating^ fluctuating. Ondina,/. Undine, water-sprite. ondisonante, a. v. undIsono. ondulacidn, /. v. undulaci6n. Ondulado, da, pp. & a. undulated, rippled; scalloped, wavy. ondulante, pa. waving, undulating. ondular, va. v. undular and ondear. Oneroso, sa, a. burdensome, onerous. Onfacino, a. omphacine (oil). Onfacomeli, m. (pharm.) oxymel. 6nice, m. 6nique,/, 6nix, vi. (miu.) onyx. onocrotalo, m. (orn,) white pelican, onomancia, /. onomancy. OnomastiCO, Ca, a. onomastic : dia onom&s- tico, a person's saint's day. onomatopeya, /. onomatopoeia. onomatopeyico, ca, a. onomatopeic. onoquiles,/. (bot.) dyer's bugloss, klkanet. ontologia,.^'. ontology, metaphysics. OntolOgico, ca, a. ontological, OntblOgO, in. ontologist. Onza [on' thahi, /. ounce ; (zool.) ounce: onza de oro, Spanish doubloon : por onzas, spar^ iugly. Onzavo, va, a. eleventh. — m. eleventh part. Opacamente, adv. obscurely, darkly. Opacidad,/. opacity, cloudiness, darkness. opaco, ca, «. opacous, opaque ; dark, gloomy. opalino, na, a. opaline, opalescent. 6palO, >ti. (miu.) opal, precious stone. opcidn [op tiiie-ou', /. option, choice; right. 6pera,.^. opera, musical drama. operable, ". operable, practicable ; capable of operating. Operaci6n, /'. operation, action, working; (chem.) process; (surg.) operation ; (com.) transaction, venture : operaciones de baneo, banking business: operaciones maritimas, shipping trade or business.— ^/. (mil.) opera- tions. Operador, m. (surg.) operator; (min.) pros- pector. operante, pa. operator ; operating. Operar, t;a. (surg.) to operate. — wi. to oper- ate, act, work. operario, ria,w. &f. working man, working woman, hand ; operator. — m. priest who as- sists sick or dying persons, operatiVO, va,' ". operative, 0p6rcul0, m. operculum, lid, cover, Opereta,.^ operetta, light opera, Operlsta, /». or/, opera-singer, OperOSO, sa, a. laborious, operose, opladO, da, o. opiate, narcotic. opiatO, ta, o. opiate. — m. & /. opiate, nar- cotic, anodyne. opilacibn, /. (med.) oppilation, emphraxis ; amenorrhoea. Opllarse, vr. to contract amenorrhoea. opllatiVO, va, a. obstructive, oppilative. Opimo, ma, a. rich, fruitful, abundant. Opinable, a. disputable, questionable. ppinante, /'o. & «. arguing. — ni. arguer, Opinar, vn. to argue, judge, hold, opine, OplnatiVO, va, a. opinionative, opinative. oplni6n, /, opinion, view, judgment ; esti- mate, sentiment, opiO (o"-pe-oi, m. opium, opiparamente, adv. opiparously. Opiparo. ra, a. opiparous, sump'tuous. Oploteca, /. museum of rare weapons. Opob&lsaino, m. opobalsam, balm of Gilead. Oponer, va. & rr. {for irr. V. PONER) to op- pose, countervail, hinder, bar, resist, with- stand ; to dispute, .controvert ; to object, act against, be contrary^ ; to front, face, be opposite to ; to atand in competition with another. • u in far ; • in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; n in boll ; c (before e, i) and z as th In thick ; b and d. soft; OPO 401 ORE oponible, a. opposable. opopanax, opop6naco, opopdnax, m. opopauax. opopdnaca, opop6nace, /. (bot.) rough parsnip. •portunamente, adv. opportunely, timely, convenieutly. oportunidad, /. opportunity, convenience. oportimismO, m. (pol.) opportunism. Oportunista, a. &m. (pol.) opportunist. Oportuno, na, a. convenient, seasonable, opw portune. Oposlcibn, /. opposition ; resistance, antag- onism ; contradiction, counterview ; (pol.) opposition ; competition for a professor- ship, etc. ; (ast.) opposition. opositor, ra, m. & f. opposer, opponent ; competitor. OpOSlCionista, rn. (pol.) oppositionist. Opresl6ll, /. oppression, severity, coercion, hardship ; pressure. opresivamente, adv. oppressively, over- whelmingly. OpresiVO, va, a. oppressive, overwhelming. opreso, sa, pp. irr. of OPRIMIR ; oppressed. opresor, m. oppressor ; extortioner. oprimir, va. {pp. oprimido, oprkso) to op- press ; overbear, overpower, overwhelm , subdue ; to crush, press, squeeze ; to lie heavy upon, weigh down, dispirit. Oprobiar, va. to defame, revile. oprobio, m. opprobrium, ignominy, infamy. oprobiOSO, sa, a. opprobrious, disgraceful. optar, va. to choose, select. optante, pa. one who chooses. optative, in. (gram.) optative. dptiCO, ca, a. optic, optical, visual. — m. opti- cian, opticist.— /. optics ; stereoscope. <>ptimamente, adv. in the best way, per- fectly. Optimismo, m. optimism. optimista, m. or /. optimist. dptlmo, ma, a. best, eminently good. optdmetro, m. (opt.) optometer. Opuestamente, adv. oppositely, contrarily. opuesto, ta, a. opposed ; opposite, contrary, adverse.^)/*, irr. of oponer. 0pugnaci6n, /. oppugnancy, opposition. Opugnador, m. oppugner, opposer. opil^nar, va. to oppugn, impugn, attack, resist, contradict. Opulencia,/. opulence, wealth, aflluence. opulentamente, adv. opulently. opulento, ta, a. opulent, wealthy, rich, af- fluent. opusculO, m. booklet, tract, treatise, essay. Oquedad [o-keh-dari'l,/. hollow, cavity. oquedal, m. plantation of lofty trees. oqueruela,/. kink in a sewing-thread. ora, conj. (contr. of ahora) whether, either, now, then : tomando ora la espada, ora la plama, taking now the sword and then the l)en. Oracidn, /. oration, speech ; orison, prayer, supplication; (gram.) sentence.— p^. first part of catechism ; the angelus : oraci6n do- minical, the Lord's Prayer. oracional, m. prayer-book. or^CUlO, m. oracle. orador, ra, m. & f. orator, public speaker ; preacher. oral, a. oral ; vocal. — m. soft breeze. orangutan, m. (zool.) orang-outang. Orante, pa. praying. Orar, vn. & a. to harangue ; to pray ; to ask, request. orate, m. &f. lunatic, madman : caia de ora- tes, mad-house. oratorla, /. oratory, eloquence. Oratoriamente, adv. oratorically. oratorio, ria, a. oratorial, rhetorical, orator- ical. — m. oratory; (mus. ) oratorio ; (ecol. ) congregation of presbyters. Orbe, m. orb, sphere ; the earth ; any celestial body ; (icht.) globe-fish. orbicular, a. orbicular, circular. Orbicularmente, adv. orbicularly. 6rbita, /. (ast.) orbit; (anat.) orbit of the eye. orca,/. (icht.) grampus, orca. orcaneta,/. (hot.) dyer's bugloss, alkanet. OrcO, m. hell ; (icht.) grampus. ordaJia, /. ordeal, trial by fire or water. Orden, m. order, regularity, system, regime, method, course, successive series, rotation ; class, group ; proportion, relation of one thing to another ; order of architecture. — pi. (eccl.) sacrament of ordination, clerical oflBce.— /. order, mandate, command, direc- tion ; order of knighthood and the insignia ; (com.) order : en orden, in an orderly man- ner ; with regard to : por sn orden,' in its turn; successively: & la orden, (com.) tc order : & la orden de, to the order of. Ordenaci6n, /. methodical arrangement ; disposition, array ; edict, ordinance ; cleri- cal ordination ; auditor's office ; (arch, and art) ordinance, ordonnance. ordenada,/. (geom.) ordinate. ordenadamente, adv. orderly, methodically. ordenado, da, pp. & a. ordained, ordinate ; methodical ; tidy. ordenador, ra, vi. &f. ordainer: orderer; auditor. OrdenamientO, m. ordaining, regulating; law, edict, ordinance. ordenancista, a. disciplinarian, martinet. ordenando, m. ordenante, pa. &m. (eccl.) ordinand. ordenanza, /. method, order ; l^w, statute, ordinance ; command ; ordination. — m. (mil.) orderly ; (arch, and art) ordinance, ordonnance. ordenar, va. to arrange, put in order, clas- sify, assort ; to order, command, enact ; or- dain, regulate, direct ; to confer holy or- ders. — vr. (eccl. ) to be ordained. . ordefladero, m. milk-pail. ordeflador, ra, m. &/. milker. ordeflar, va. to milk animals ; to pick olives. ordinal, a. ordinal. ordinariamente, adv. frequently -, ordinari- ly ; customarily ; rudely. ordinariez,/. rough manners, grossness. ordinarlo, ria, a. ordinary, common, usual, customary, familiar ; coarse, mean, vulgar. — m. daily household expense; mail, post, or courier; (eccl.) ordinary (judge); a bishop : de ordinario, regularly commonly. Ordinativo, va, «. ordering, regulating, or- dinative. orea, or6ada, or^ade, /. oread, wood- nymph. 0reante,j9a. cooling, refreshing, airing. orear, va. to air, expose to the air, aerate, ventilate. — vr. to take an airing. Or^gano, m. (hot. ) wild marjoram. Oreja [o-ray'-haii\/. auricle, ear; hearing; flap of a shoe; flatterer, tale-bearer; (mech.^ lug, flange, ear: oreja de un ancla, (naut.) fluke of an anchor : orejas de mercader, deaf ear: con las orejas caidas, crestfallen, de- jected : apearse por las orejas, to give an al>- surd answer : bajar las orejas, to yield, to humbl« one's self: calentar & alguno las ore- jas, to chide or reprove a person severely : g (before «, i) and J as h in bot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and n triUed ; », tiissed. OKE 402 ORO ver las orejas al lobo, to be in great peril : oreja de abad or monje, (bot.) Venus navel- wort: oreja de raton, (bot.) mouse-ear: ore- ja de oso, (bot.) primrose: oreja marina, (conch.) a gasteropod. orejano, na, «. uubranded or motherless (a calf). orejeado, da, pp. &■ a. informed, advised, warned. orelear, vn. to shake or prick the ears ; to act with reluctance ; to whisper, Orejera, /. ear-mutf, ear-cap ; oreillette ; ear- hoop ; mould-board of a plough. orejeta,/. dim. small ear, lug, or flange. Orejita,/. dim. small auricle or ear. orejdn, m. pull by the ear ; (Peru) privileged noble, inca ; (S. Am.) countryman, clown; (fort.) orillon. orejudo, da, a. flap-eared, long-eared. OreO [o-ray'-ul, in. breeze, fresh air. orfandad, /. orphanage. Orfebre, m. goldsmith, silversmith. orfebreria,/. gold or silver work. orfebn, m. singing society. Orfeonista, m. member of a singing society. 6rfi.C0, ca, a. Orphean. organero, m. organ-maker, organ-builder. organicamente, adv. organically. organlCO, ca, a. organic, organical ; harmo- nious. ' organlllo, m. dim. barrel-organ, hand-or- gan. Organlsmo, m. organism ; social organiza- tion. organista, m. &f. (mus.) organist. organizable, a. organizable. organizacidn, /. organization, construction ; order, arrangement. organizado, da, pp. & a. organized, consti- tuted. organizar, va. {pret. organick : suhj. orga- N'lCE) to ©rganize, constitute; to tune an organ. 6rgano, m. (mus.) organ, pipe-organ; pipe- refrigerator; (physiol.) organ, medium, in-; strument, or agency : organos de Mostoles, said of persons or ideas that disagree. Organografia,./". organography. organograflco, ca, «. organographic. organologia, /. organology. orgasmo, /«. (med.) orgasm. orgia, orgia, /. orgy, frantic revel. OrgullO, m. pride, haughtiness, loftiness. OrguUosamente, adv. proudly, haughtily. OrgullOSO, sa, a. proud, haughty, lofty. Orientacibn, /. orientation, situation ; bear- ings. oriental, a. oriental, eastern. — m. an orien- tal. orlentalista, m. &/. orientalist. orientar, va. to orientate, to orient : orientar una vela, (naut. ) to trim a sail. — vr. to find one's bearings ; to consider the course to be taken. Oriente, m. Orient, the east ; the Levant ; east wind ; source, origin ; vouth. orlflcacibn,/. (dent.) gold fining. oriflcador, m. dentist's plugger. OXlficar, va. (dent.) to fill with gold. orifice, m. goldsmith. orificio, m. orifice, hole, mouth, aperture ; anus ; (arti.) vent-hole ; (mach.) port. oriflama,/. oriflamme; flag, banner. origen [oree'-henl, m. Origin, genesis, cause, source, fountain ; natal country ; family, lineage, extraction ; beginning. orlgenismo, va. Origenism. origenista, m. &/. Origenist. original, a. original, primitive ; first ; new, novel ; quaint, odd. — m. original, first copv, archetype ; (print.) copy ; manuscript ; tfie person represented in a portrait; an odd person. origlnalidad, /. originality. originalmente, adv. originally. Originar, va. to originate, create, invent. — vr. to originate, arise, or spring from. Originariamente, adv. primarily, original- Ori^inariO,ria, a. originary, primary, prim- itive ; native of, descendent from. Orilla,/. limit, extent, border, margiti ; edge, selvage : bank of a river ; shore ot liio .sea ; sidewalk ; fresh breeze : k la orilla, i.tar a place, on the brink : aalir k la orilia, lo over- come difficulties. orillar, va. to arrange, conclude, expedite, ultimate ; to disentangle difficult matters. — vn. to leave a selvage on cloth ; (sew.) to border. — vr. & vn. to reach the shore. OrillO, m. selvage or list of cloth. Orin, m. rust of iron.— pi. urine. orina,/. urine. orinal, m. urinal, chamber-pot. orinar, vn. to urinate, to make water. orinientO, ta, a. rusty, mouldy. Orinque, m. (naut.) buoy-rope. oriol, ra. (orn.) golden oriole or thrush. Ori6n, VI. (ast.) Orion. oriundO, da, «. native of, coming from. Orla, /. list, selvage, bordeir, fringe, trim- ming ; (her.) orle; (typ.) ornamental bor- der. orlador, ra, m. &f. borderer. orladura,/. border, edging, list. orlar, va. to border, to garnish with an edg- ing. orlo, TO. Alpine horn; (mus.) organ-stop; (arch.) plinth. Ormesi, m. kind of silk stuff. ormino, m. (bot.) v. gallocresta. ornadamente, adv. ornamentally. ornado, da, a. &pp. ornamented, ornate. ornamentacidn, /. ornamentation. Ornamentar, va. to adorn, embellish, orna- ment, bedeck. OmamentO, m. ornament, embellishment, decoration, adornment ; accomplishment. — pi. (eccl.) sacred vestments; (arch.) frets, mouldings, etc. ; mo^al qualities. Ornar, va. to adorn, embellish, garnish. ornate, m. ornament, decoration, embellish^ meut, adornment. ornitologia, f. ornithology. ornitolbgico, ca, a. ornithological. ornitblOgO, m.. ornithologist. Omitomancia, /. omithomancy. oro, in. gold ; gold colour ; gold specie, by- extension money, wealth, riches; orna- ments or trinkets made of gold.— />/. dia- monds, in Spanish cards : oro batido, leaf- gold : oro en pasta, bruto or virgen, bullion : oro en libritos, or libritos de oro flno, gold- leaf : oro en polvo, gold-dust : oro mate, gold- size : de oro y azul, gorgeously attired : po- ner (i uno) de oro y azul, (colL) to give one fits : de oro, golden. , orotoanca,/. (bot.) broom-rape. orobanc&ceas, /. j92. (bot.) orobanchacese. Orobias, »«. finesort of incense. orogenia,/. (geol.) orogeny, 0r0g6niC0, ca, «. (geol.) erogenic. orografia, /. orography. Orogr&fico, ca, «. orographic. OrondO, da, a. pompous, showy ; hollow, oropel, in. tinsel ; brass foil ; glitter. « as in far ; « in eh I ; 1 In police ; o In for ; u in bull; c (before e, i) and z aa th in thick ; b and d, soft i OEO 403 OTO Oropelero, m. brass-worker. orop6ndola, /. (orn.) loriot, golden oriole. Oropimente, m. (miu.) orplment. Oroya,/. (Amer.) haDgiug basket for carry- ing passengers over rope bridges. OrOZUZ, m. (bot.) licorice or liquorice. Orquesta,/. (mus.) orchestra; (theat.) place for the orchestra. orquideo, dea, a. (bot.) orchidaceous. orquitis [Dr-Uee'-tis], /. (med. ) orchitis. Orre (en), adv. loose, in bulk. Ortega,/, (orn.) hazel-grouse. Ortlga, /• (bot.) nettle: ortigade mar, (icht.) sea-nettle : ser como unas ortigas, to be as cross as a bear. OrtiVO, va, a. (ast.) oriental, eastern, ortive. OrtO, m. rising of the sun or a star. ortodoxia, /. orthodoxy. ortodoxo, xa [or-todok'-so], a. orthodox. OrtOdromia, /. (naut.) orthodromy. Ortodrbmico, ca, a. (naut.) orthodromic. OrtOgonal, «. orthogonal, rectangular. Ortogonio, «. orthogonal, right-angled. OrtOgrafia,./". orthography. ortograficamente, adv. orthographically. ortOgraflCO, ca, a. orthographical. Ortdgrafo, in. orthographer. Ortologia,/. orthoepy, art of pronunciation. OrtOl6giCO, ca, «. orthoepic. Ortopedia, /. (med.) orthopedia. ortopedico, ca, a. (med.) orthopedic. Ortopedista, m. &/. orthopedist. ortbptero, «. orthopterous. — m. pi. orthop- tera. oruga,/. (bot.) rocket; (ent.) caterpillar. ^rujo [o-roo'-ho], m. bagasse or refuse of grapes and olives ; mure. ttrvalle, m. (bot.) v. gallocresta. ^TZSi,/. gallipot, preserve-jar, crock; (naut.) luff: orza k la banda, (naut.) hard a-lee : i. orza, (uaMt.) luff, luff. Orzada, .f'. (naut.) luflang, hauling. orzaderas, /. jj/. (naut.) lee-boards. orzaga,/". (bot.) orach; mountain spinach. orzar, en. (naut.) to luff. orzaya,/. nurse. F. niSera. orzuelO [or-thoo-a'-iol, m. (med.) sty: hordeo- lum ; snare (for birds) ; trap (for wild beasts). orzura, /. (chem. ) minium. OS, pers. pron. you or ye. It is placed before and after verbs, and used instead of vob. OSa,/. (zool.) she-bear: Osa mayor, (ast.) the Great Bear, the Dipper : Osa menor, the Lit- tle Bear. asadamente, adv. boldly, daringly. osadia,/. audacity, daring, boldness. OSado, da, j>p. &. a. daring, bold, audacious. osambre, n,. osamenta,/. a skeleton. osar, in. to dare, venture, outdare. OSar, OSariO, m. charnel-house ; ossarium, ossuary. OSCilacion, /. oscillation, vibration. OSCilante,/>«. oscillating, vibrating. OSCilar. vn. to oscillate, vibrate, waver. oscilatorio, ria, a. oscillatory. OSCitancia, /. carelessness, heedlessness. ^SCUlO [os' coo-io], m. kiss. V. beso. OSCUrantismO, m. and other der. of OSCURO. V. OBSCUKANTISMO, CtC. osecico, cillo, cito, zuelo, dim. of HUESO ; small boue. 6seo, a, osseous, bony. OSera, f. den of bears. osezno, m. whelp or cub of a bear. OSiflcacidn, /. ossification. OSificarse, rr. to ossify. OSifiCO, ca, a. ossiflc. osifraga, /. osifrago, m. (ord.) osprey, os- sifrage. OSXaazomo, m. osmazome. OSmio [os'-nie-oj, m. (chem.) osmium. OSO, m. (zool.) bear: oso bianco, polar bear: oso hormiguero, ant-eater : oso colmenerc, bear that robs bee-hives : eso marino, fur-seal : hacer el oso, (coll.) to make a fool of one's self ; to aat as a sentimental lover. OSOSO, sa, /. osseous, bony. OSta,/. (naut.) lateen brace. OStaga, /. (naut.) tie, runner. i OSte ! interj. V. oxte. osteitis,/, (med.) osteitis. ostensible, a. ostensible, apparent. ostensiblemente, adv. ostensibly. OStensibn,/. show, manifestation. OStensiVO, va, a. ostensive, showing. 0Stentaci6n, /. ostentation, exhibition, am- bitious display, vain show. OStentador, ra, m. &f. boaster, ostentator. OStentar, va. to make a show of, to exhibit. — vn. to boast, to brag ; to be fond of vain shows. ostentativo, va, «. ostentatious. OStentO, m. portent, prodigy. OStentOSamente, adv. ostentatiously. OStentOSO, sa, a. sumptuous, ostentatious. OSteolOgia,/. (anat.) osteology. OSteolbgicO, ca, a. osteologic. ostiario, wi. (eccl.) ostiary, door-keeper. 0Sti6n, m. large oyster. OStra,/. oyster. OStracismo, m. ostracism. OStrail, in. oyster-farm, oyster-bed. OStreria,/. oyster-shop, oyster-house. OStrero, ra, a. ostreaceous. — m. oysterman. — /. oyster-farm ; oyster-woman. OStriCUltura, /. oyster-farming, ostricul- ture. OStriferO, ra, a. ostriferous. OStro, m. large, coarse oyster ; south wind ; any mollusc that yields purple ; purple from mollusca. OStrOgOdO, da, a. Ostrogothic.--rft. & f. Os- trogoth. OStron, m. aug. large, coarse oyster. OStugO, m. piece, part, bit ; corner. OSUdO, da, a. bony. Osuno, na, a. bear-like, bearish. Otalgia,/, (med.) otalgia, earache. Otaflez [o-taU'-nyeth], w. (coll. ) old squire who escorted a lady as chaperon. Oteador, ra, m. &f. spy, sly observer. Otear, va. to observe, examine, pry into. Otero, m. hill, hillock, knoll. OteruelO, Jn. dim. hummock, knoll, mound. otitis,/, (med.) otitis. OtO, m. (orn.) bustard, otis. OtOba, /. (bot.) variety of nutmeg-tree. OtOlOgia,/. (med.) otology. OtOmano, na, a. & m. & /. Ottoman.—/, otto- man, divan. OtofLada, /. autumn season; pasturage. Otoflal, a. autumnal. OtO&ar, vn. to spend the autumn season ; to grow in autumn (weeds). — vr. to be sea- soned (earth after rain). OtoilO, m. autumn, fall ; aftermath. otorgador, ra, m. &f. grantor. OtorgamientO, m. grant, license ; (law) ex- ecuting an instrument. Otorgante, pa. authorizing ; m. &f. grantor, maker of a deed. Otorgar, va. {pret. OTORGufi: subj. otor- gue) to consent, agree to, condescend ; (law) to covenant, stipulate, execute : quien calla otorga, silence gives consent. X (before e, 1) and J as h in hot; h, silent; U In brilliant; fi, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; s, hissed. OTO 404 PAE OtorgO, m. (law) marriage contract. Otorrea, /. (med. ) otorrhcea. OtOSCOpia,/. (surg.) otoscopy. Otoscopio, m. (surg.) otoscope. Otramente, adv. otherwise, differently. Otro, tra, a. another, other : otro que tal, (coll. ) another such : j otra ! encore, bis ! (interj.) again ! Otrosi, adv. besides, moreover. — m. (law) every petition made after the principal, ova,/, (bot.) sea-lettuce, laver. Ovacidn,/. ovation. ovado, da, a. & pp. fecundated by the male bird ; oval, egg-shaped. oval, ovalado, da, a. egg-shaped, oval. Ovalar, va. to make oval. bvalo, m. an oval, ovante, a. victorious, triumphant. ovar, vn. to lay eggs. OV6,riCO, ca, «. ovarian. OvariO, m. (anat.) ovary; (bot.) ovarium, ovary ; (arch.) egg ornament. ovariotomia, /. (surg.) ovariotomy, ovaritis,/, (med.) ovaritis. OVas, /. p/. roe. F. HUEVAS. ovecico, ovezuelo, m. dim. of huevo ; small egg. oveja,/. ewe, female sheep. ovejero, ra, m. &/. shepherd, shepherdess. OVejuela, /. dim. young ewe, hoggerel. ovejuno, na, a. relating to ewes or sheep. Overo, ra, a. blossom-coloured (horse) ; bul- ging (eyes) with large sclerotica.— /. ovary of fowls. ovil, m. sheep-cot. V. redil. ovillar, vn. to wind (thread) in a clew, to clew. — vr. to shrug one's self into a bunch. OVillejO, m. dim. small clew ; (poet.) kind of rondel. OVlllO, m. clew, ball of yarn ; ball or heap of mixed or tangled things : hacerse nn ovillo, to shrug one's self into a bunch. OViparO, ra, a. oviparous. OVOlde, a. ovoid, egg-shaped. 6volo, TO. (arch.) ovolo; quarter-round. OVOSO, sa, a. full of roe. ovoviviparo, ra, a. ovoviviparous. dvulo, m. ovule, i ox ! foks], interj. shoo ! begone I OXalatO, m. (chem.) oxalate. OX^liCO, a. (chem.) oxalic, oxalideas,/. p/. (bot.) oxalidaceae. OXaLlme [ok-«aiii'-mav], m. acidulated brine. OXear 'ok-say-ar'l, va. tO shoo fowls. OXiacanta, /. (bot.) white-thom, hawthorn. OXidaMe, a. (chem.) oxidable. OXidacibn, /. (chem.) oxidation. OXidante, pa. (chem.) oxidant. OXidar, va. & vr. to oxidate, oxidize. 6xido [ok'-se-do], m. (chem.) oxide; oxid. oxigenable, «. (chem.) oxygenizable. 0Xigenaci6n, /. (chem.) oxygenation. OXigenadO, da, pp. &. a. oxygenated, oxy- genized. oxigenar [ok-se-hay-nar'], vo. & vr. oxygenate, oxidize. OXigeno (ok-8ee'-hav-no], TO. (chem.) oxygen. oxigonio, «. (geom.) acute-angled. oximel, oximiel, to. v. ojimiel. •Xlp6talO, TO. (bot.) Brazilian vine. OXizacre, to. bitter-sweet beverage. ;OXte! (ox' tay], interj. keep off! begone! sin decir oxte nl mozte, (coll.) without saying a word. Oyamel, m. (bot.) Mexican sacred fir. Oyente, pa. hearing ; hearer. ozona,./". ozono, m. (chem.) ozone. ozondmetro, to. (chem.) ozonometer. P [pay], nineteenth letter of the alphabet, is pronounced as in the English language. pabellbn, TO. pavilion; (mil.) bell-tent: es- parver, dais, bed canopy ; summer-house ; national colours, flag ; bell of a wind instru- ment ; (anat.) external ear, pinna : pabell6n de armas, (mil.) stack of arms. pabilo or p^bllo, to. wick ; snuff of a candle pabildn, to. bunch of flax or wool hanging from the distaff. P&blQo, TO. pabulum, nourishment, food. paca,/. (zool.) spotted cavy ; bale of goods. pacana,/. (bot.) pecan ; pecan-nut. pacatO, ta, a. pacific, quiet, tranquil, mild. pacedero, ra, a. pasturable, fit for pasture. pacedura, /. pasture. pacer, vn. (/or irr. V. nacer) to pasture, to graze. — va. to gnaw, nibble, eat away. paciencia, /. patience, endurance ; forbear- ance ; kind of cooky or cracker. paciente, a. patient, forbearing ; consenting (cuckold). — TO. & f. patient, sufferer, sick person. pacientemente, adv. patiently, tolerantly. pacienzudo, da, a. patient, tolerant. pacificaci6n, /. pacification ; peace of mind. pacificador, ra, to. &/. pacificator, pacifier, peace-maker. pacificamente, adv. pacifically. pacificar, va. {pret. PACIFIQU6 • subj. PACI- fique) to paciiy, reconcile, appease. — vn. to treat for peace. — vr. to become calm or quiet. pacifiCO, ca, a. pacific, peacefu' ; tranquil, undisturbed ; mild, gentle. paco, TO. (zool.) paco, alpaca; (Chile) police force ; (min.) paco. pacotilla, .f. (com.) venture: de pacotilla, of poor quality. pactar, va. to covenant, contract, stipulate. pacto, TO. compact, agreement, covenant, pact. pacul, TO. (Philip.) (bot.) wild plantain, pachamanca./. (Peru) barbecue. pachdn, to. phlegmatic man ; pointer (dog). pachorra,/. sluggishness, slowness. pachorrudo, da, a. (coll.) sluggish, slow. padecer, va. {ijid. padezco : subj. padezca) to suffer, feel deeply ; to lie under ; to be injured or damaged. padecimientO, to. suffering, sufferance. padilla,/. small frying-pan ; small oven. padrastro, to. step-father ; obstacle, impedi- ment ; hang-nail. padrazo, to. aug. indulgent parent. padre, to. father; ancestor; stallion, sire; source, origin, principal author; (eccl.) father: Padre Eterno, God Almighty: padre nnestro, Lord's Prayer : Santo Padre, Father of the Church : Padre santo, the Pope. — pi. parents, father and mother ; ancestors. padrear, vn. to resemble one's father ; to breed. padrenuestro, to. Lord's Prayer. padrinazgO, to. compaternity ; title or charge ofa godfather ; patronage. padrlno, m. godfather ; second, in a duel ; groora's-man ; patron, protector. padrbn, to. poll, census or tax-list ; pattern,, model ; column or post with an inscription ; mark or note of infamy; (coll.) indulgent parent. paella,/, (cook.) dish of rice with meat or chicken. » M in far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; a in ball ; c (before e, i) am) z k!^ tb in thick ; b and d, irAF 405 PAL ipaf! interj. onomatopoeic, expressing the noise of a fall, blow, etc. pafl6ll, »«■• (arch.) sofl&t. paga, /. payment ; fee, wages, salary ; satis- faction, amends ; sum or fine paid ; requital of love or friendship : buena or mala paga, person who pays promptly, or the reverse. pagadero, ra, ali ■ palidecer, i«. to grow pale. palidez, /". paleness, pallor, ghastliness. palidO, da, a. pallid, pale, ghastly. palillero, m. tooth-pick maker or seller ; tooth-pick case. palillo, m. dim. small stick ; knitting-needle case ; tooth-pick ; bobbin for net-work or lace; drum-stick; tobacco stem; (coll.) chit-chat.— p/. small pins put on the bil- liard-table in certain games ; rudiments, first principles ; (coll.) trifles ; castanets. palimpsestO, «<. palimpsest. palinodia,/- palinode, public recantation. paliO, m. cloak, mantle; (eccl.) pallium; pall ; dais, canopy ; prize for racing. palique, m. (coll.) chit-chat, small talk. palisandro, m. rosewood, palisander. palitO, m. dim. little stick. palitoque, palitroque, m. rough, little stick. paliza,/. cudgelling, caning, bastinado. palizada, /. palisade or palisado ; paling ; (fort.) stockade. palma,/. (bot. ) palm-tree ; leaf of a palm-tree; palmetto ; palm of the hand ; ( farr. ) under surface of a hoof; emblem of victory or of martyrdom ; pre-eminence : ganar or Uevar- se la palma, to carry the day : andar en paU mas, to be universally applauded : palma brava, (Philip.) (bot.) fan-palm. palmacristi, /. (bot.) castor-oilplant. palmada, /. slap ; hand, applause. palmadilla, /. kind of dance. palmar, vn. to measure by palmos ; (coll.) t* die. palmar, a. palmar ; measuring a palmo ; clear, obvious, evident. — m. palm-grove j fuller's thistle. palmario, ria, a, clear, obvious, evident. palmatoria, ./". ferule; small candlestick. palmeadO, da, pp. & a. (orn.) palmiped, wtb-fiMjted, palmated ; (bot.) palmate. palmear, va. to clap hands, applaud. palmejar, m. (naut.) thick stuff. palmeo, m. measuring by palmos. palmera,/. (bot.) palm-tree. v. palma. palmero, m. palm-keeper ; palmer, pilgrim. palmeta,/. ferule ; slap with the ferule : ga« nar la palmeta, to get ahead of. palmetazo, m. blo# with a ferule. palmiche, vi. fruit of a palm-tree. palmifero, ra, a. (poet.) palmiferous. « as iu far ; e in eh 1 ; 1 in police ; o in for ; a In buiri ; c (before e, i) and Z as thin thick, ; b and d, softi PAL 407 PAN palmilla, /. blue woollen cloth ; (shoe. ) in- ner sole. palmipedo, da, a. web-footed, palmiped. palmitieso, a. hard-hoofed horse. palmitO, «». (hot.) dwarf fan-palm ; palmet- to ; its root; woman's face; (Cuba) sprout of a palm-tree. palmo, m. span, measure of length (8 inches) : palmo menor, palm, baud, hand- breadth (4 inches) ; span-fart liiiig (boy's game) : palmo k palmo, inch bv inch : dejar & uno con an palmo de narices, to disappoint one. palmotear, va. to clap hands, applaud. palmoteo, m. hand clapping, applause. palO, m. stick, cudgel ; wood, timber, log ; blow with a stick ; whack ; execution on the gallows ; suit at cards ; stalk of fruit, pedicle; hook of a letter; (her.) pale; (naut.) mast : pale mayor, main-mast : palo de trinquete, fore-mast: palo de mesana, miz- zen-mast : palos de marca, spar-buoys. — pi. billiard pins. V. palillo ; blows, cudgel- ing : palo iloe, (hot.) aloes-wood; eagle- wood : palo Campeche or de tinte, logwood : palo de jab6n, quillai, soap-bark : palo de ro- sa, rosewood, tulip-wood : palo santo, lig- num-vitse : palo del Brasil, brazil : palo dul- ce, licorice : & palo aeco, (naut.) under bare poles : dar de palos, to drub, thrash. paloma,/. pigeon, dove ; meek, mild person ; (ast.) Columba; (naut.) sling of a yard. — pi. (naut.) white-caps: paloma torcaz, ring- dove : paloma zorita, wood-pigeon : paloma brava or silvestre, rock-dove : paloma bu- chona, pouter. palomadura,/. (naut.) bolt-rope tie. palomar, «. hard-twisted twine. — m. pigeon- house, dove-cot. palomariegO, ga, a. domestic (pigeons). palomear, vn. to shoot or breed pigeons. palomera,/. small dove-cot; bleak place. palomeria,/. pigeon-shooting. palomero, ra, a. applied to arrows with long iron points. — m. pigeon seller or fancier. palomllla,/. dim. young pigeon; grain-moth; little butterfly ; chrysalis ; back-boue of a horse ; peak of a pack-saddle ; milk-white horse ; journal bearing ; wall bracket ; (print.) galley-rack; (bot.) common fumi- tory.—;?/, (naut.) white-caps. palomina,/. pigeon-dung; (bot.) fumitory; variety of black grape. palomino, wi. young pigeon; (coll.) stain of excrements upon the shirt. palomo, m. cock-pigeon. palbn, m. (her.) guidon. palotada, /. stroke with a drum-stick : no dar palotada, not to do or say a thing right. palote, w. drum-stick ; down-stroke in pen- manship. p-aloteado, pp. & m. rustic stick-dance ; noisy scuf3e. palotear, vn. to strike sticks against one an- other ; to wrangle. paloteo, m. fight with sticks. palpable, «. palpable, perceptible, obvious, plain, evident, clear. palpablemente, adv. palpably, evidently. palpadura, /. or palpamiento, m. palpa- tion ; feeling, touching, palpableness. palpar, va. to feel, to touch ; to grope in the dark ; to know positively. pdlpebra, /. eye-lid. V. PARPADO. palpebral, n. palpebral. palpitacidn, /. palpitation ; throbbing. palpitante, />a. vibrating, palpitating. paJpitar, vn. to palpitate, beat, throb, thrill, quiver. palpo, m. palpus, palp, feeler. palta,/. (bot.) alligator-pear. K aguacate, palto, m. (bot.) alligator-pear tree. paludamentO, m. paludamentum. , paludiCO, ca, a. paludal, miasmatic ; ma- larial. paludismo, m. (med.) malaria. paludOSO, sa, a. fenny, marshy, swampy. palumbario, a. dove-hunting (goshawk). palurdo, da, a. rustic, clownish, rude. — m. clown, churl, rustic. palustre, a. marshy, fenny, boggy.— m* trowel. palustrillo, m. (mas.) angle-float. pallador, m. (S. Am.) minstrel, roving singer. pallaquear, pallar, va. (Peru) to extract the richest metallic part of minerals. pallete, wi. (naut.) fender, paunch-mat. pall6ll, m. assay button of gold. pamandabuan, m. (Philip.) large dueout, pamenia,/.(coll.) trifle, bagatelle, folcferol. pampa, /. (S. Amer.) extensive plain. pampana, /. vine-leaf: tocar or zurrar la pim- pana, (coll.) to thrash. pampanada, /. juice of vine-shoots. pampanaje, m. abundance of vine-shoots ; vain show. pampanilla, /. trunks, loin-cloth. pampano, m. young vine-branch or tendril ; (ieht. ) pompano. pampanoso, sa, a. full of tendrils. pampero, ra, m. & /. & a. dweller on the pampas. — m. (S. Am.) violent south-west wind. pampirolada, /. garlic sauce; (coll.) silly thing. pamplina, /. (hot.) chickweed; pimpernel: yellow poppy; (coll.) futility, trifle. pamporcino, m. (hot.) cyclamen, sowbread. pamposado, da, a. lazy, idle ; cowardly. pampringada,/. v. pringada; (coll.) non- sense. pan, ni. bread* pie-crust; anything in th& shape of a loai, cake, etc. ; food in general ; staff of life; wheat; wafer; leaf of gold or silver. — pi. breadstufls: pan izimo, unleav- ened bread: pan de la boda, honeymoon; wedding-cake : pan de cera virgen, white wax, in cakes : pan de azucar, loaf-sugar : pan de jabon, cake of soap : pan y quesillo, (bot.) shepherd's-purse : pan de flor, teiuse- bread : pan tierno, fresh bread : pan aeco o^ duro, stale bread : pan de oro, gold-leaf. pana,/. velveteen, corduroy ; (naut.) limlier- board. p^nace,/. (hot.) opopanax. panacea,/, panacea; (pharm.) catholicon. panadear, va. to make bread for sale. panadeo, »*. baking bread. panaderia, /. bakery ; baker's shop. panadero, ra, m. & /. baker, kneader.— /. baker's wife.— p/. m. kind of dance. panadizo, pan^rlzo, m. whitlow, felon ;: (coll.) pale-faced, sickly person. panado, da, m. &/. panada or panado. panal, m. honey-comb ; hornet's nest ; sponge sugar ( V. AZUCARILLO). panamericano, na, a. Pan-American, panarra, m- (coll.) dolt, simpleton, panatela,/. sponge-cake. pan^tica,/. (naut.) provision of bread. panca,/. (Amer.) corn husk; (Philip.) fish- ing-boat, pancada./. sale in the lump ; kick, pancarpia,/. garland of flowers, pancarta,/. panchart. pancera,/. (arm.) belly-plate. ff (before e. and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; PAN" 408 PAP pancista, (pol.) one who is on the fence. panco, m. (Philip.) coasting vessel, p^creas, m. (auat.) pancreas. pancreatico, ca, a. pancreatic. pancho, m. (icht.) spawn of the sea-bream ; (coll.) paunch, belly. panda,/, gallery of a cloister. pandear, vn. to bend, warp, belly, bulge out. pandectas, /. J)/, (com.) index-book; (law) pandects. pandeo, m. bulge, bulging. panderada, .f. number of tambourine play- ers ; stroke with a tambourine ; (coll. ) non- sense. panderazo, m. blow with a tambourine. pandereta, /. dim. tambourine. panderetazo, m. blow with a pandereta. panderete, m. dim. small tambourine. panderetear, vn. to play on the tambourine. pandereteo, m. beating the tambourine; merriiuent. panderetero, ra, m. &/. tambourine maker, seller, or player. pandero, m. pandera, /. (mus.) tambour- ine ; paper kite ; (coll.) silly talker. pandilia, /. league, party, faction ; gang, set ; picnic party. pandillador, pandillero, pandillista, m. fomenter of factions ; leader of a gang. pando, da, «. bulged ; slow -of motion. paildorga,.r. (coll.) fat, bulky woman; kite. panecico, illo, itO, »». French roll. panegirico, ca, a. panegyrical.— m. pane- gyric, eulogy. panegirista, m. panegyrist, eulogist. panegirizar, vn. to panegyrize. panela, /. small biscuit; (Colom.) brown sugar; (her.) panel. panera,/. granary; pannier, bread-basket. panero, m. baker's basket. paneteia, /. panada; (Amer.) sponge-cake; long Havana cigar. paneteria,/. pantry of the royal palace. panetero, m. pantler. pinfllo, m. slow, sluggish, heavy person. pangelin, m. (hot.) angelin-tree. pangolin, m,. (zool.) pangolin. paniaguado, m. servant ; employee ; pro- tege. p4niC0, ca, a. panic. — m. panic, fright. paniculo, m. panicle, pellicle, membrane. paniegO, ga, a. eating or yielding much bread. — m. burlap bag for charcoal. panificaci6n, /. panification, making ef bread. panificar, va. {pret. panifiqu^: subj. pani- fique) to make bread ; to convert pasture- land into corn-fields. panilla,/. oil measure (i lb.). paniZO, m. (bot.) panic-grass ; panicum ; In- dian-corn ; (Amer.) mineral bed. panocha, panoja, /. (bot.) ear of grain; panicle ; bunch of anchovies. panoplia,/. panoply ; collection of arms. panopticd, ca, «. & m. panopticon. panorama, m. panorama. panoramico, ca, a. panoramic. panoso, sa, a. mealy. panspermia, /. panspermatism. pantal^, m. (Philip.) wooden or bamboo pier. pantal6n, m. pair of trousers. pantalla, /. lamp-shade ; fire-screen ; person or object that obstructs the view ; pall, cover. pantano, m. swamp, fen, moor, marsh, bog, morass: reservoir, dam ; hindrance, obsta- cle, difficulty. pantanoso, sa, a. swampy, marshy, fenny, boggy ; full of difficulties. pantanal, m. swampy, marshy ground. pantasana,/. fishing-seine. panteismo, m. pantheism. panteista, m. &/. pantheist. panteistiCO, ca, a. pantheistic. pantebn, m. pantheon, mausoleum. pantera, /. (zool.) panther; (min.) yellow agathe. pant6grafo, m. pantograph. pantometra, /. pantometer. pantomima, /. pantomiue, dumb show. pantomimico, ca, a. pantomimic. pantomimo, m. mimic, pantomimlst. pantoque, m. (naut.) bilge or flat of the ship. pantorra,/. (coll.) fat calf of the leg. pantorrUla,/ calf of the leg. pantorrillera, /. padded stocking. pantorrilludo, da, a. having thick calves. pantufla, pantuflO, /. m. slipper, baboosh. pantuflazo, m. blow with a slipper. panza, /• belly, paunch ; belly of a vase ; rumen or paunch of ruminants. panzada, /. (coll.) bellyful; push with the belly. panzbn, na, a. big-bellied. — m. paunch. panzudo, da, a. big-bellied. pa&al, ni. swaddling-clout or cloth ; tail of a shirt.— pZ. swaddling-clothes ; infancy : es- tar en panalei, to have little knowledge of anything. pa&albn, m. (coll.^ one who has part of his clothes always falling off". paiieria, /. drapery ; clothing store. pa&ero, m. woollen-draper, clothier. paiiete, m. dim. thin or inferior cloth.— pi. trunks worn by fishermen ; linen attached to the crucifix below the waist. paMtO, paMzuelO, m. ditn. small cloth ; handkerchief. paiLO, m. cloth, woollen stuff"; by exten- sion, any woven stuff", tapestrv, drapery, hanging ; kitchen-cloth, rag ; blearedness ; livid spot on the face ; spot in looking- glasses, crystals, or precious stones ; (naut.) canvas, sail-cloth; (sew.) breadth^p/. clothes, garments: panos menoreB, small- clothes, under-garments ; dishabille : panos calientes, inefficient eff'orts or means : al pano, (theat. ) outside, without: pano burdo or pardillo, shoddy-cloth : pano de li- grimas, one who sympathizes and consoles : pano de manos, towel : pane de mesa, table- cloth. paiiol, m. (naut.) store-room : paiiol de p61vo- ra, magazine : pafiol de proa, boatswain's store-room : panol de las velas, sail-room : panol del condestable, gunner's room. paflolero, m. (naut.J yeoman. pafioleta, /. triangular shawl. pailolbn, »«. large square shawl. pa&OSO, sa, a. ragged, tattered.—/, cloak. pailuelo ipah-nyoo-a'-io], m. handkerchief, ker- chief, hand-cloth ; shawl. papa, m. (eccl.) Pope; (coll.) papa.—/, fib, fake, hoax ; (Amer.) potato; (Peru) lump of native silver ; (orn.) goldfinch or yellow warbler.— p/. pap ; food. papd., m. (coll.) papaj dad, daddie. papada, /. double chin ; gill ; dew-lap. papadilla,/. dim. flesh under the chin. papado, m. popedom, pontificate, papacy. papafigO, m. (orn. ). fig-pecker, beccafico. papagaya, /. female parrot. papagavo, m. (om.] parrot; (icht.) rock- bass ; (Dot.) three-coloured amaranth ; white % M In Car ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; O in bull ; c (before e, i) and l as til in tUck ; b and d, soft ; PAP 409 PAR arum, calla; (C. Am.) violent north-east wind. papahlgo, m. winter-cap; (naut.) course, lower sail. papahuevOS, m. (coll.) simpleton, clodpoll. papaina,/. (chem.) papain. papal, a. papal, papistical : zapatos papales, clogs. papalina, /. cap with flaps ; coif; (coll.) fit of drunkenness. papalmente, adv. in a papal manner. papalote, m. (Cuba) kite. V. cometa. papamoscas, m, (om. ) fly-catcher ; (coll.) ninny. papanatas, m. (coll.) dolt, simpleton, ninny. papandujO, ja, a. (coll.) too soft, over- ripe. oapar, va. to swallow soft food without '" chewing ; (coll.) to eat ; to pay little atten- tion to important things : papar moscas or viento^ to gape. P^paro, ra, m. & f. ancient Indian of Pana- ma ; gawk, gump. paparrabias, m. &f. (coll.) testy, fretful person. paparrasolla, /. hobgoblin, bugbear. paparrucha, /. (coll.) fake, hoax, humbug, . silliness. papasal, m. play among boys ; trifle, baga- telle. papaver^ceo, a, a. (bot.) papaveraceous. papaya,/, (bot.) papaw. papayo, m. (bot.) papaw-tree. p^paz, m. Christian priest, so called in Africa. papazgO, m. popedom, pontificate. papel, m. paper ; sheet or piece of paper ; letter, any document ; writing, treatise, dis- course, pamphlet, tract ; (theat.) part, role ; character, figure ; (com.) bill, document ; obligation.— pf. personal documents for identification; (naut.) ship's papers : papel moneda, paper-money, currency, bills : hacer papel, to cut a figure, to play a part, to per- sonate : papel jaspeado, marbled paper : pa- pel de estraza, brown straw or rag paper : papel sellado, stamped paper : papel pintado, stained paper ; paper-hanging : papel mar- qnilla, card-paper, bristol-paper : papel vite- la, vellum-paper : papel reactivo or de tor- nasol, test-paper, litmus-paper : papel marca mayor, royal ; marquilla, medium ; marca, regular, demy : papel de seda, tissue-paper : papal viejo, waste-paper : papel de lija, sand- paper : papel volante, small pamphlet : papel continuo, endless paper : papel chupon, secan- te or teleta, bibulous, blotting paper : papel esmerll, emery-paper : papel de entapizar, wall-paper, paper-hanging: papel para excu- gados, toilet-paper : papel majado, papier- mache : papel de fnmar, cigarette paper : pa- peles moJadoB, worthless documents. papelear, vn. to search or look over papers ; (coll.) to cut a figure. papeleo, m. act of looking over papers. papelera, /. writing-desk, scrutoire, paper- case ; number of papers. papeleria, /. stationery ; heap of papers. papelero, m. paper-maker ; stationer. papeleta, /. card, ticket, check, slip ; paper- bag for money or sweetmeats. papelillo, m. dim. bit of paper ; cigarette. papelina,'/. wine goblet; poplin; (coll.) fit of drunkenness. papelista, m. keeper of documents ; paper- maker ; stationer ; paper-hanger. papelito, m. dim. small paper ; curl-paper. papel6n, na, a. boastful, ostentatious. — m. aug. poster, bill ; paper-board ; boaster ; (Cuba) raw sugar. papelonear, vn. (coll.) to boast, pretend, papelote, papelucho, m. scurrilous article, papera, /. goiter ; mumps. papero, m. pot in which pap is made. papialblUO, m. (zool.) weasel. papila,/. (med. and bot.) papilla. papilar, a. papillary, papillate, papillose, papilla,/, pap; gui'le, deceit, artifice. papl6ll, m. kind of large monkey. papiro, VI. (bot.) papyrus or paper-tree. papirolada, /. garlic-sauce. V. PAMPiROLA- DA. papirotada, /. papirotazo, papirote, m. fillip. papista, m. &f. Papist, Roman Catholic. papo, m. double chin ; a fowl's gizzard ; thistle-down; pufl" in garments: papo de viento, (naut.) small sail. papudO, da, a. double-chinned. papujadO, da, a. full-gorged (fowls) ; swol- len, puffied up. papula,/, (med.) papula. paquebote, m. (naut.) packet or packet- boat. paquete, m. small packet, parcel ; bundle of papers ; (coll.) dandy, dude ; (naut.) packet- boat : paquete de duelas, shooks. paqueteria, /. (com.) retail trade or shop. paquldermo, ma, a. thick-skinned, pachy dermatous. — m. pi. (zool.) pachydermata. par, a. equal, alike, on a par, even. — m. pair, couple; team ; peer of the realm ; (arch.) angle rafter ; (elec. ) cell.— pZ. /. V. placen- ta : par de pistolas, brace of pistols : par de perdices, brace of partridges : pares y nones, odd or even; a game: & la par, jointly, equally; (com.) at par, without discount: i, pares, by pairs, two and two : de par en par, wide open (a door), openly, unob- structedly . ir i la par, to go halves, to have an equal share in the business. para, prep, for, to, in order to, toward, wherefore, to the end that, about: para entre los dos, between us both : tengo para mi, I really believe : dije para mi capote, I said to myself: leer para si, to read to one's self: ipara qui? what for? what is the use? para que, so that, in order that: para siempre, for ever : para eso, for that, for that matter : sin qu6 ni para qui, without motive, without rhyme or reason. parabi^n, m. congratulation, felicitation. parabola,/, parable; (geom.) parabola. parabolano, m. he who uses parables. parabbliCO, ca, a. parabolical, parabolic. paraboloide, m. (geom.) paraboloid. paracaidas, m. parachute. paracentesis,/ (surg.) paracentesis. paracleto, par^clito, m. paraclete. paracronismo, m. parachronism. parada, /. stop, stand, stay, saspension, pause : (mil.) halt, halting ; parade, review ; stall, lold for cattle ; relay of horses ; dam, bank ; stakes, set, bet ; (fenc.) parry : para- da en firme or en seco, dead stop : doblar la parada, to double the stake or bid: Uamar de parada, to hold the game at bay. paradera,/. sluice, flood-gate ; fishing-seine. paradero, in. halting-place; (r. w.) .station, depot ; landing, terminus ; stand, address, whereabouts. paradeta, ilia, /. short stop.— pi. kind of dance. paradigma, m. example, instance, para* digm. paradina,/. round inclosure. g (before e, i) and 1 as h in hot; h, silent: 11 in brilliant ; 3, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hisMd. PAR 410 PAR i/ttradisiaC0, ca, a. paradisaical. I^aradislero, m. huntsman in wait; news- monger, paradO, da, pp. & a. slow, spiritless, remiss, careless, indolent, cold, inactive ; unoccu- pied, not busy ; stopped (as a clock) ; closed (as a factory). paradoja,/. paradox. paradojo, ja, ddjico, ca, «. paradoxical. parador, m. one who sto|)S or halts ; heavy bettor ; hostelry, inn, road-house. parafernales (bienes), a. & m. pi. (law) paraphernalia. parafina,/. paraffin. parafraseador, ra, >n. & f. paraphraser. parafrasear, va. to paraphrase. parafrasis,/. paraphrase, paraphrasis. parafraste, »i. paraphrast, expounder. parafrasticamente, adv. paraph rastically. parafrastlCO, ca, «. paraphrastic, paragoge,/. (rhet.) paragoge. paragonar, va. to compare, to hold equal, paragrafo, m. v. paurafo. paraguas, m. umbrella. Paraguay, m. (om.) species of parrot. paraguayano, na, guayo, ya, a. of Para- guay. paragiiero, ra, m. & f. maker or seller of umbrellas. paraiSO, m. garden of Eden ; paradise ; heaven ; (theat.) family circle, gallery : pa- raiso de bobos, imaginary pleasures, paraje, in. place, spot, residence ; condition, disposition. parsu, m. scaffolding pole, prop, or post; (naut.) launching-ways. paralacticO, ca, a. parallactic. paralaie, lasis, laxi,/. (ast.) parallax. paralelepipedo, m. (geom.) parallelopiped, paralelismo, m. (geom.) parallelism. paralelO, la, a. parallel ; similar, correspond- ent. — 111. parallel, resemblance, comparison ; (geog.) parallel,—/, (geom, and fort,) paral- lel. paralelogramo, m. (geom.) parallelogram. paralipbmeiios, m. pi. paralipomena, Book of Chronicles. paralisis,/. (med.) paralysis. paralitico, ca, a. paralytic. paralizacibn, /. paralyzation ; (com.) stag- nancy, stagnation. paralizado, da, a. (com,) dull, stagnant, flat. paralizar, va. {pret. paralick: subj. para- lAvK) to paralyze, palsy ; to impede, stop, paralogismo, m. (logic) paralogism. paralogizar, vw. to paralogize. paramentar, va. to adorn, bedeck, embel- lish. paramentO, m. ornament, hanging ; trap- pings, caparison; (arch.) facing: paramen- tos sacerdotales, (eccl.) robes and ornaments, paramera, /. desert, moorland, moor; bleak place, par^metro, m. (geom.) parameter. p^amo, m. paramo. parancero, m. bird-catcher. parangdll, m. paragon, model, comparison. parangona, /. (print.) paragon type. parangonar, va. to compare. paraninfico, a. (arch.) having statues of nymphs. pafaidnfO, »». paranymph ; harbinger of fe- licity ; salutatorian'; hall for college exer- cises. paranza, /. hut or blind for huntsmen. parao, »«. (Philip.) large passenger vessel. parapara,/. fruit of the paraparo. paraparo, m. (Venez.) (hot.) soap-bark tree. parapetarse, vr. to hide behind a parapet. parapetO, m. (mil.) parapet, breast-work; rails or battlements on bridges and quays, paraplegia,/, (med.) paraplegia. parapOCO, m. & /. (coll.) numskull; timid person. parar, va. to stop, detain, check, restrain, bring to a standstill ; to prepare, get ready ; to stake (at cards) ; to point at game (as pointers) ; to treat or use ill ; to place, fix (as the attention) ; (fenc.) to parry a trust. — vn. to land at, reach, go as far as ; to go from one to another ; to devolve, come to the possession of; to happen, fall out; to come to an end, finish ; to become, end in, be transformed into ; to stop, lodge, live, reside. — vn. & vr. to stop, halt, cease from motion, come to an end, discontinue. — vr. to be ready to face a danger ; to desist, waver, pause before an obstacle : no pararse en pe- lillos, not to stop at trifles : parar mientes, to consider carefully : sin parar, instantly, without delay. parar, m. lansquenet, game at cards, pararrayOS, m. lightning-rod. parasceve, m. parasceve, Jewish Sabbath eve. paraselene,/, paraselene, mock-moon. paraseino, /. figure-head of a vessel, parasismo," m. paroxysm, a fit, parasitico, ca, a. parasitic. parasito, ta, m. & f. & a. parasite, sponger ; toad-eater. parasol, m. parasol, sunshade. parastade, m. (arch.) anta, pilaster. parata, f. built terrace. parausar, va. to drill with a brace-drill. parauso, m. brace-drill. parazonio, m. parazonium, Greek dagger. parca,/. fate, death. parcaineilte,arfj'. sparingly, parsimoniously. parce, m. premium card in schools. parcela,/. parcel of land. parcelar, va. to measure and bound land. parcelariO, rla, a. pertaining to parceled lauds. parcial, a. partial, not general, incomplete ; partisan, one-sided, prejudiced, biased. parcialldad, /. partiality, prejudice, bias; l)arty, faction. parcialmente, adv. partially ; in part. parcidad,/. parsimony, frugality. parcionero, m. partner, participant. parco, ca, a. sparing, scanty ; sober, mod- erate, parsimonious. V. parce. parcisimo, ma, a. sup. of parco, parcha, /. (Amer,) (hot.) common term for passifloraceae, parchazo, m. aug. large plaster; (coll.) de- ception, jest ; (naut.) flapping of sails. parche, »». (pharm.) plaster, sticking plas- ter ; (mil. ) drum-head ; by extension, drum ; (shoe.) patch; botch : pegar un parche, (coll.) to serve a scurvy trick. pardal, a. rustic. — m. (orn.) sparrow, linnet; (zool.) leopard; (bot.) aconite, wolfs-bane^ crafty fellow. pardear, vn. to be grayish or drab. i pardiez ! interj. (coll.) by Jove ! pardlllo, m. (orn.) linnet; kind of grape, wine made from it. — a. grayish, brown (cloth). pardlsco, ca, a. V. pardusco. pardo, da, a. brown ; dark gray ; dark ; cloudy ; (Cuba) coloured (people) : ojospar- doB, brown eyes. — vi. & /. (Cuba) mulatto, mulattress, darkie. — vi. (zool.) leopard. » M in far ; e in ell I ; 1 in police : o in for : a in boll ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, PAR 411 PAR pardUSCO, ca, a. grayish, grizzly. pareax, va. to match, mate, pair, couple. parecer, t'/i. {ind. parezco: sMft/. parezca) to appear, show up, turn up ; to seem. — vr. to resemble, look like : al parecer, seeming- ly, to all appearance : por el bien parecer, to save appearances. parecer, m. opinion, advice, counsel ; coun- tenance, air, mien ; look. parecido, da, «. & pp. appeared, found ; re- sembling, like, similar : bien or mal parecido, good-looking or ill-favoured. — m. resem- blance, likeness. pareciente, «. similar, apparent. pared,/, wall ; close field of barley ; garden- edging or fence of box : pared medianera, party-wall : pared maestra, main wall : entre cuatro paredes, confined, retired ; impri- soned : las partdes oyen, walls have ears. paredafi.0, fla, a. having a wall between. pared6ll, m. aug. thick wall ; standing wall. pareja, /. pair, couple, brace ; match ; coup- ling ; dancing partner ; pair of horses, team, span ; pair of soldiers or policemen. parejo, ja, «. equal, similar, even, flush: por parejo or por un parejo, on equal terms, on a par, evenly. parejura,./". equality, similarity. paremiologia,/. treatise on proverbs. paremiologico, ca, «. relating to proverbs. paremiologO, m. one versed in proverbs. par6nesis, /. admonition, exhortation. parenetiCO, ca, a. admonitory. parenquima, m. (med.) parenchyma. parentela, /. parentage, kindred, kinsfolk, relations. parentesco, m. cognation, kindred, relation- ship ; union, tie, bond. parentesis, m. (gram.) parenthesis; (print.) parenthesis, the character ( ) ; interruption, suspension : entre or por parintesis, paren- thetically, by-the-bye. pareo, m. pairing, coupling, matching. parergdn, m. additional ornament. parezco, ca {irr. from PARECER). pares,/, pi. placenta, after-birth. pargO, «*. (icht.) braize, porgy. parnelia, /. parhelio, m. parhelion, mock sun. parhilera, /. (arch.) ridge-pole, ridge-piece, paria, m. pariah, outcast. parias, /. tribute by one prince to another ; placenta: rendir parias, to submit, to pay homage. paricion, /. parturition (of cattle). parida,/. woman lately delivered. paridad,/. parity, equality, comparison. paridera, a. fruitful, prolific.—/, place where cattle bring forth their young ; parturition. parlente, ta, m. &/. relation, kinsman, kins- woman ; (coll.) appellation given by hus- band and wife to each other. parietal, a. relating to a wall ; (anat.) parie- tal (bone). parietaria, /. (bot.) wall-pellitory. parificaci6n,/. exemplification. parificar, va. to exemplify. parihuela, /. hand-barrow, litter ; stretcher, parlo (m^nnol), a. parian marble. parir, va. to give birth, bring forth young ; to litter, breed ; to spawn ; to produce, to cause ; to explain, clear up ; to publish : po- ner & parlr, to put one to his trumps. parislense, «. & m. or/. Parisian. parla, /. easy delivery, loquacity, gossip, talk. parlador, ra, m. &f. chatterer. parladnria, /. loquacity, talk, gossip. parlaembalde, m. &/. (coll.) chatter-box. parlamentar, vn, to talk, converse; (mil.) to parley. parlamentariamente, adv. parliamentar- ily. paflamentario, ria, a. parliamentary, par- liamentarian. — m. member of parliament; (mil.) flag of truce, cartel. parlamentarismo, m. (pol.) parliamen- tarism. parlamentO, m. parliament; by extension, legislative body ; speech in a public assem- bly ; (mil.) parley, flag of truce; (theat.) speech. parlanchin, na, a. &m. & /. chatterer, jab- berer. parlante, pa. speaking ; a talker. parlar, ra. to speak with ease ; to chatter, talk ; to disclose a secret. parlatorio, m. converse, chat, parley ; par- lour ; locutory. parleria,/. loquacity, garrulity, gossip ; tale, jest ; chirping of birds ; purling of brooks. parlerillo, 11a, ruelo, la, a. dim. of par- LERO, RA. parlero, ra, a. loquacious, talkative ; expres- sive (eyes) ; chirping (birds) ; bubbling (brooks). parleta,/. chat, small talk. parldn, na, «. loquacious, garrulous. parlotear, vn. to prattle, prate, chatter, gos- sip. parloteo, m. chat, prattle, talk. parnaso, m. (poet.) Parnassus, Helicon ; an- thology ; assemblage of poets. parn^S, m. (coll. ) money, cash. paro, m. (orn.) titmouse ; coal-tit ; (coll.) sus' - pension of work ; strike. parodia,/. parody, burlesque, travesty. parodiar, va. to parody, burlesque, take up. par6diC0, ca, a. parodical, burlesque, parola, parollna, /. (coll.) fluency, volubil' ity ; chat, idle talk. p^foli, in. paroli (as at faro). paronimia, /. paronymy. pardnimo, ma, a. paronymous. paronomasia,/, (rhet,) paronomasia. parbtida, /. (anat.) parotid gland; (med.) mumps. paroxismal, m. paroxysmal. paroxism©, m. (med.) paroxysm. parpadear, vn. to wink ; to blink, parpadO, m. eye-lid. parpalla, /. milled copper piece. parpar, vn. to quack (as a duck). parque, m. park ; paddock ; (arti.) park. parquedad,/. parsimony, sparseness. parra, /. grape-vine; honey-jar. parrado, da,^. & a. havine extended vines. pkrrafo, in. paragraph; (print.) a mark, g parragbn, m. standard silver for assayers. parral, m. bower of grape-vines ; vineyaYd having vines with long shoots ; large earth- en jar for honey. parranda,/. (coll.) andar de parranda, to go on a spree. parrar, vn. to spread out in branches. parresia,/. (rhet.) parrhesia. parricida, m. &/. parricide (murderer). parricldio, m. parricide (murder). parrilla, /. earthen jug; gridiron, broiler, toaster ; grate, furnace grating. parriza, /. parron, m. wild grape-vine. parro, m. (orn.) duck. V. pato. p&,rr0C0, m. (eccl.) parson. parroquia, /. (eccl.) parish; parochial iS (before e, 1) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 In brilliant ; ii, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; i, hissed. PAR 412 PAS church ; congregation and clergy of a par- ish ; (com.) good-will, custom. 'parroanial, a. parochial. — /. parochial churcn. parroquialidad,/. parochial right. parroquiano, na, a. parochial. — m. & f. (eccl. ) parishioner; (com.) customer, ha- bitue. pars!, a. & m. Parsee, a Zoroastrian. parsimonia, /. economy, frugality, hus- bandry, temperance. parte, /. part, portion, share, lot, allotment, allowance ; section, division, piece ; place, spot ; right or left side ; direction, way ; in- terest, concern ; cause, party ; sense given to words or acts ; (gram. ) part of speech ; (law) party; (theat.) part, character, role. —f. pi. parts, talents, endowments; (coll.) the genitals ; i)arty faction. — in. royal or offi- cial communication ; despatch, telegram, telephone message. — adv. in part, partly : parte alicnanta or alicuota, aliquant or ali- quot part: parte por parte, part by part, distinctly: k partes or en partes, by parts, or in parts : de algun tiempo 4 esta parte, for some time past : de parte & parte, from side to side, through : de parte de, from, by or- ders, by command ; in favor of : en parte, partly, in part : ir i la parte, to go shares : por todas partes, on all hands, on all sides : en todas partes, everywhere. partear, va. to assist women in childbirth. partenog^nesis, /. (biol. ) parthenogenesis. partera,/. midwife. parteria,/. midwifery, obstetrics. partero, m. obstetrician, accoucheur. partesana,/. partisan ; kind of halberd. partesanero, m. pikeman, halberdier. partible, a. divisible, separable, partible. particl6n, /. partition, division, distribu- tiou, lot. particionero, ra, a. participant. participaci6n, /. participation, share ; ad- vice, announcement, communication ; (com. ) copartnership : cnenta en participa- cion, joint account. participante, pa. participant ; notifying. participar, va. to give notice, inform, notify, announce, communicate. — vn. to participate, partake, share. participe, a. participant, sharing. — m. & f. partner. participial, a. (gram.) participial. participiO, m. (gram.) participle. particula,/. particle, small part; molecule; (gram.) particle. particular, «. particular, peculiar, special ; jMjrsoual, private, individual ; odd, extraor- dinary. — m. private gentleman; topic, point': en particular, particularly. partiCUlaridad, /. particularity, peculiar- ity ; individuality ; friendship, intimacy ; item. ^particularizar, va. to particularize, detail, itemize, specify. — vr. to singularize, to be particular. particulannente, adv. particularly ; pri- vately ; individually ; especially, namely. partida, /. departure ; item in an account, charge, entry, record, annotation ; parcel, lot ; game of cards ; billiard-match ; money staked ; certificate (of birth, marriage, or death); (mil.) squad; guerrilla; factious band, gang; (coll.) conduct, behaviour, turn; (com.) shipment, lot, consignment. — pi. las siete Fartidas, the laws of Castile, jompiled by King Alphonso the Tenth : par- tida deble, (com.) double entry: partida simple, single entry : partida serrana, baA turn : partida de camp», picnic : partida d« caza, hunting-match. partidamente, adv. separately, distinctly. partidario, ria, «. partisan, adherent, ad- dicted. — m. partisan ; party-man ; district physician. partidO, da, »/>. & a. cleft, divided; (her.) party, parted, or parti per pale. — m. (pol.) party ; advantage, profit, utility ; favour, protection, interest ; game, contest, match ; odds, handicap ; persons who play a game ; treaty, agreement ; means to an end; ter- ritorial division or district ; circuit in charge of a physician or surgeon. . partidor, m. parter, divider, cleaver; di- visor. partiia,/. partition, division. partll, a. said of astrological aspects. partimento, partimiento, m. v. parti- ci6n. partir, va. to part, split, divide, sever, dis^ unite, separate, cut, cleave ; to break in two ; to share, allot, parcel out, distribute ; classify ; to crack the stones of fruit : to at- tack in combat or battle ; (arith.) to divide ; to divide a bee-hive in two. — vn. to part, de- part, march, leave, quit, set out on a jour- ney ; to start from, to reckon from. — vr. to be divided in opinion : partirse el corazon or el alma, to be broken-hearted : partir ablerto, (api.) to uncover a bee-hive that it may swarm : partir cerrado, to divide a bee- hive when it is full. partitive, va, a. (gram.) partitive. partitura, ./■. (mus.) score. parto, »(. childbirth, parturition ; new-born child ; any natural production ; any literary composition ; any expected and important event. parturiente, a. parturient. pkruliS, m. (med.) gumboil. parva, /. heap of unthrashed corn ; multi- tude, large quantity ; light breakfast. parvedad, parvidad. /. littleness, minute^ ness ; light breakfast. parvero, m. long heap of corn for winnow- ing. parvo, va, a. small, little. parvulez, /. smallness ; simplicity. parvulico, ica, illo, ilia, ito, ita, a. dim. very little. — m. & f. a tot. p^rvulo, la, a. very small ; innocent ; hum- ble, low. — m. &f. child. pasa,/. raisin, dried grape ; passage of birds ; (naut.) channel; (Amer.) wool or kinky hair of negroes. pasabalas, m. (mil.) ball calibre-gauge. pasacalle, m. (mus.) lively march. pasada,/. passage, passing"; i>ace,step: mala pasada, (coll.) baa turn: de pasada, on the way ; hastily, cursorily. pasadera,/. stepping-stone ; (naut.) furling- line, sea-gasket. pasaderamente, adv. passably. pasadero, ra, a. supportable, sufferable ; passable, tolerably good.— w. stepping-stone. pasadillo, m. two-face embroidery. pasadizo, m. alley, pa.ssage, corridor, hall, aisle. pasado, da, pp. & m. the past: (mil.) de- serter.— p/. ancestors. pasador, ra, m. atiO, m. (arch.) court; yard; cortile ; (theat.) pit. patita, /. dim. small foot or leg : poner de pa- titaa en la calle, to bouuce, to discharge. patitieso, a. (coll.) stiff-legged ; astounded, stupetied, surprised ; stiff; stately, proud. patitO, m. dim. young duck, duckling. patituertO, tat, a. crook-legged, knock- kneed ; crooked, lopsided, patizambo, ba, a. knock-kneed, bow- legged. patO, m. (orn.) drake, duck: pato de flojel, eider-duck : pato negro, mallard : pagar el pato, to suffer undeserved punishment. patOCbada, ./'. blunder, nonsense. patdgeno, lia, «. (med.) pathogenic. patojear, vn. (Cuba) to waddle in walking. patoio, ja, a. waddling, like a duck. patOlogia,/. (med.) pathology. patol6gico, ca, a. pathologic. patblOgO, ni. (med.) pathologist. paton, na, a. large-footed, clumsy-footed. patrafla,/. fabulous story, fake. patrafl.u.ela,/. dim. o/patraSa. patria, /. native country, place of birth, home. patriarca, »i. patriarch : vlvir como un pa- triarca, to enjoy all the conveniences of life. patriarcado, m. patriarchate, patriarcal, ». patriarchal, patriciado, m. patriciate. patriciO, Cia, a. patrician. — m. patrician, patrimonial, «. patrimonial. patrimonialidad,/. (eccl.) birthright. patrimonio, /». patrimony, inheritance, pos- sessions. patrio, tria, a. native ; home ; paternal : amor patrio, patriotism. patriota, m. patriot. patriotero, ra, m. & f. exaggerated patriot. patrioteria, /. exaggerated patriotism ; spread-eagleism. patri6tico, ca, «. patriotic. patriotismo, »«. patriotism. patristica,/. (eccl.) patristics. patristico, ca, a. (eccl.) patristic. patrocinador, ra, a. & m. & /. patron, pat- ron izer. patrocinar, va. to patronize, protect, favour. patrocinio, /«. protection, patronage. patrologia, /. (eccl.) patrology, patristics. patr6ll, na, m. & /. patron, patroness, pro- tector ; host, hostess ; landlord, landlady ; (eccl.) guardian saint of a country, town, etc. — m. lord, master, boss ; pattern, sam- ple, model ; standard, templet, guide ; (naut. ) skipper : patrdn de bote or de lancha, (naut.) cockswain.—/, (naut.) galley which follows immediately that of the commo- dore. patronado, da, «. (eccL) having a patron. — m. V. PATRONATO. patronal, a. patronal, protecting. patronato, patronazgo, m. patronage, guardianship. patronear, ra. to steer a trading vessel. patronimiCO, ca, a. patronymic. — m. (gram.) patronymic, surname. patrono, na, m. &. /. patron, protector, de- fender ; tutelary ; lord of the manor, pa- troon, patroness. patrulla,/. patrol; gang, band, squad. patrnllar, va. to patrol, to go the rounds. patudo, da, a. (coll.) having large feet or paws. patulea, /, (coll.) soldiery or disorderly folks. patullar, vn. to trample, tramp ; to hustle. paiil, m. fen, moor, marsh, bog. paulatinamente, adv. slowly, by degrees, paulatino, na, a. slow. paulina, /. decree of excommunication, in- terdict- (coll.) reproof, chiding; anony- mous offensive letter. paulinia, /. (hot.) (S. Am.) sapindaceous shrub. paulonia,/. (bot.) paulownia. pauperismo, m. pauperism, abject poverty. paup^rrlmo, ma, a. sup. very pdor. pausa, /. pause, stop, intermission ; suspense, delay; rest, repose; (mus.) pause, rest, stop : & pansas, at leisure, by pauses. pausadamente, adv. slowly, deliberately. pausado, da, pp. & a. slow, deliberate ; calm, quiet, paused.— a(Zr. slowly. pausar, v?i. to pause, cease, hesitate. pauta, /. paper-ruler (contrivance); ruled paper, guide-lines ; standard, rule, guide, pattern, example, model. pautada, /. (mus. ) ruled staff. pautador, m. paper-ruler (person). pautar, r«. to rule lines on paper ; to give rules or directions. pava, /. (orn.) turkey-hen; large furnace- bellows : pelar la pava, to carry on a flirta- tion. pavada,/. flock of turkeys ; childish game. pavana,/. Spanish dance and its tune. pavero, ra, vi. &f. one who feeds or sells turkeys. — m. broad-brimmed hat. pav6s, m. large shield, pavise. pavesa,/. embers, hot cinders; snuff of the candle.— pi. ashes. pavesada,/. v. empavesada. pavezno, m. dim. young turkey. pavia, /. (hot.) clingstone peach (tree and fruit). p^vidO, da, a. (poet.) timid, fearful. pavlmentar, va. to pave. pavimentO, m. pavement. paviota,/. (orn. ) mew, sea-gull. V. gaviota. pavipollO, m. young turkev. pavo, m. (orn.) turkey ; (icht.) peacock -fish : pavo Bilvestre, (orn.) wood-grouse : pavo real, (orn.) peacock. pav6n, m. (orn.) peacock ; bluing (for steel or iron); (ast.) northern constellation. pavonada,/. (coll.) short walk ; strut ; out- ward show. pavonar, va. to treat iron or steel with blu- ing. pavonazo, m. (art) dark-red pigment. pavonear, vn. & vr. to strut, to show off. pavor, m. fear, dread, fright, terror. pavorde, m. provost ; professor of divinity. pavordear, va. to swarm (bees). pavordia, /. place and dignity of a provost. pavorido, da, a. intimidated, terrorized. pavorosamente, adv. awfully, fearfully. pavoroso, sa, a. awful, frightful, terrible. pavura,/. fear, dread, terror, fright. payasada, /. clownish ^oke or action. payaso, m. a clown. pay6s, sa, m. &f. Catalan countryman. payo, ya, m. &/. gawk, churl, gump. payuelas, /./>/. chicken-pox. paz, /. peace ; tranquility, ease ; peace of mind, rest, quiet; freedom from debt; (eccl.) ceremony or the mass : a la paz de DioB, God be with you : bandera de paz, flaegging or asking. pediluvlo, TO. (med.) pediluvium, foot-bath. pedimentO, to. petition; (law) claim, bill: 4 pedimentO, at the instance, on petition. pedir, ra. {gerund, pidiexdo : ind. pido : pret. el pidi6 : subj. pida) to ask, petition, beg, supplicate, solicit ; to deman«, claim, call for, exact ; to crave, request ; to in- quire after, to wish for, desire ; to set a price on; (com.) to order; to ask for a woman in marriage : pedir cnenta, to bring a person to an account : k pedir de boca, ac- cording to desire ; pedirselo 4 nno el cnerpo, to desire, long for. pedo, TO. wind from the anus; flatulence: pedo de lobo, (hot.) pufi'-ball. • •■ In far ; « in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; « In boll ; c (before e, i) and s as th in thick ; b and d, soft; PED 417 PEL pedbmetro, m. pedometer, walking-wheel. pedorrear, va. to discharge wind. pedorrera, /. flatulence.— ^;. tights. pedorrero, ra, pedorro, rra, a. flatulent. pedorreta, /. sharp noise with the mouth. pedrada, /. throw of a stone ; lapidation ; blow from a stone ; cockade ; rosette or bow for the hair ; hint ; taunt, sneer : como pe- drada en ojo de boticarlo, pat, apropos, fit- ting. pedrea, /. throwing stones ; lapidation ; fall of hail. pedregal, m. stony tract ; lava-field. pedregOSO, sa, a. stony, rocky; (med.) af- flicted with the gravel. pedrejbn, m. boulder. pedreflal, m. kind of firelock. pedrera,/. quarry, stone-pit. pedreral, m. pack-saddle for carrying stones. pedreria,/. precious stones ; jewellery. pedrero, m. stone-cutter; (arti.) stone-mor- tar ; slinger. pedrezuela,/. dim. small stone, pebble. pedrisca, /. pedrisco, m. hail-storm ; shower of thrown stones ; heap of small stones. pedriscal, m. V. pedregal. pedrisquero, m. hail-storm. pedriza, /. stony tract ; stone fence. pedrusco, m. rough piece of stone. pedunculado, da, a. (hot.) peduncled. pedunculillO, m. dim. (hot.) pedicle, pedicel. pedtmculo, m. (hot.) peduncle, flower-stalk. peer [pay-ayi'i, im. & vr. to break wind. pega,/. joining or cementing things; pitch varnish put on earthen vessels; (min.) firing of a blast ; (coll.) jest, practical joke, deceit; spanking, drubbing* (orn.) mag- pie ; (icht. ) remora, sucking-fish. pegadlllo, m. dim. little patch ; sticking- plaster ; a bore. pegadizo, za, a. sticky, adhesive ; catching, contagious ; attachable, adjustable. pegado, pp. & m. patch, sticking-plaster. pegador, m. sticker, aflixer ; paper-hanger ; (min.) blaster: pegador de carteles, bill- poster, bill-sticker. pegadura,/. pitching; sticking, gluing. pegajOSO, sa, a. sticky, adhesive, clammy, limy, viscous ; catching, contagious ; at- tractive, alluring, tempting. pegamiento, m. joining, sticking, cement- ing. pegante, pa. & a. sticking, adhesive, gluti- nous. pegar, va. {pret. PEGUifi : subj. pegue) to join, glue, stick, cement ; to unite, fasten ; to post (bills); to sew on, pin ; to patch ; to at- tach ; to infect, communicate (a disease); to hit, to beat, to slap; to give (what the noun implies); to impart; to dash against, to clap.— fra. to take root ; to catch (fire); to make an impression on the mind ; to make a hit ; to join, to be contiguous ; to cleave, to cling; to fit, to match ; to be becoming, fitting, or appropriate ; to pass, to be ac- cepted.— w. to intrude ; to stick, adhere ; to cohere ; to grow ; to steal upon the mind ; to take to, become addicted to : pegar fnego, to set fire to : no pegar los ojo«, not to sleep : esa no pega, (coll.) that is too thin : peg&rse- la (i uno), to cheat or deceive one. pegaseo, sea, a. (poet.) belonging to Pega- sus. peg^sides, /. pi. the Muses. pegaso, m. Pegasus ; (ast.) northern constel- lation. pegata,/. (coll.) trick, cheat, swindle, fraud. pegoUo, m. spile, pillar, post. pegote, m. sticking-plaster; coarse patch.; fricassee with a thick, clammy sauce ; spon- ger, toad-eater. pegotear, vn. (coll.) to seek invitations to meals. pegoteria,/. (coll.) practice of seeking free meals. peguera, /. pine-wood for making pitch ; place where sheep are marked with pitch. peguero, m. maker of or dealer in pitch. pegujal, pegnjar, m. peculium ; small hold- ings. pegujalero, pegujarero, m. owner of a small farm or ranch. pegujbn, m. pellet or lump of wool or hair. pegunta, /. pitch-mark on sheep. peguntar, va. to mark sheep with pitch. peinada,/. combing or dressing the hair. pelnado, da, a. & pp. con^bed, dressed (hair); effeminate in toilet ; overuice litera- ry style. — TO. hair-dressing. peinador, ra, m. &f. hair-dresser. — m. dress- ing-gown, wrapper. pelnadura,/. combing or dressing the hair ; combings. peinar, va. to comb or dress the hair ; to comb wool ; to touch or rub slightly ; to ex- cavate or eat away part of a rock or earth. peinazo, m. (carp.) cross-piece of a door. peine, m. comb ; card ; rack, engine of tor- ture ; weaver's reed ; comb of the loom ; comb-broach ; instep : & sobre peine, lightly, slightly, imperfectly. pelneria, /. comb factory or shop. peinero, ra, m. &f. comb maker or seller. pelneta, /. ornamental shell-comb: peineta de teja, tile-shaped shell-comb. peinetero, m. maker of peinetas. peje, TO. fish • cunning, crafty fellow : peje arana, (icht.) sting-bull : peje diablo, (icht.) grouper. pejemuUer,/. mermaid, sea-woman. pejepalo, to. stock-fish. pejerrey, to. (icht.) variety of mackerel. pejesapo, to. (icht.) angler. pejigUera [pay-he-gay '-rah],/, (coll.) bother. pela, TO-. V. peladuka; (Mex.) whipping in school. pelada,/. (tan.) pelt. peladera,/. (med.) alopecia. peladero, to. place where logs and fowls are stripped ; (coll.) sharpers' den. peladilla, /. sugar-almond ; small pebble. peladlllo, TO. (bot.) clingstone peach (fruit and tree).— p^. wool-stripped sheepskin. . peladO, da, a. &pp. plucked ; bared ; decor- ticated ; hairless ; bald, treeless, bare ; pen- niless, broken. — to. (Mex.) penniless In- dian. pelador, to. plucker, peeler, stripper, decor- ticator. peladura,/. plucking, decortication. pelafust^n, TO. (coll.) ragamuffin, vagabond, vagrant. pelagallOS, pelagatOS, w. vagrant ; raga- muffin. pelagianismo, to. Pela^ianism. pelagiano, na, a. Pelagian. pelagico, ca, a. pelagic, oceanic. pelagra,/. (med.) pellagra. pelagroso, sa, a. relating to or suffering from pellagra. pelaire, to. wool-dresser. pelairia, /. trade of a wool-comber. pelaje, to. hairiness, wooUiness ; fell, pelage ; pile ; outward appearance ; covering, cloth- ing. f ibefore e, i) and j as h In hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; »• hieaad. PEL 418 PEL pelambrax, va. (tan.) to flesh (as hides). pelambre, m. (tau. ) batch of hides put into lime-pits ; steeping liquid ; hair scraped from skins ; lack of hair. pelambrera, /. quantity of hair in one /- place ; shedding of hair ; (tan.) lime-pit 4 pelajubrero, m. (tan.) steeper. pelamen, //*. (coll.) v\ pelambee. pelamesa,/. scuffle ; bushy hair, fell. pelandusca, /. (coll.) strumpet. , pelantrin, m. petty farmer. pelar, va. to cut or pull out the hair; to pluck feathers; to skin, peel, decorticate, husk, hull, blanch, shell; to trick, cheat, rob, break (at gambling). — vr. to cast the hair : duro de pelar, extremely difficult. pelarela,/. v. alopecia or peladera. pelarruecas, /. woman who lives by spin- ning. pelaza, a. chopped or beaten (straw).—/, quarrel, affray, scuffle. pelazga,/. (coll.) quarrel, scuffle. peldano, m. step of a stair-case. pelde, m. V. apelde. peldefebre, m. camlet ; camel's hair. pelea,/. battle, action, engagement, combat, tight; scuffle, quarrel, dispute, conflict, row, struggle : pelea de gallos, cock-fight. peleador, m. fighter, combatant. peleante, i>a. combating, fighting. pelear, va. to fight, to combat; to quarrel, con- tend, dispute ; to toil, struggle. — vr. to scuf- fle, to come to blows. pelechar, va. to get hair ; to change the coat (horses); to fledge (birds); (coll.) to im- prove one's fortune, to recover health. pelele, m. stuffed figure ; nincompoop. pelendengue, m. frivolous foppery. pele6n, «. quarrelsome. — m. strong wine. peleona,/. scuffle, quarrel, dispute, row. pelete, m. punter; (coll.) poor man: en pe- lete, nakedly. peleteria,/. furriery ; (Cuba) leather goods ; shop where they are sold. peletero, m. furrier ; (Cuba) dealer in leather goods. pelgar, m. ragamuffin, blackguard. peliagUdO, da, «. downy, furry ; (coll.) ardu- ous, difficult ; skilful. pellblanco, ca, having white hair. peliblandO, da, a. having fine_soft hair. pelicano, m. (orn.) pelican. pelicano, na, a. gray-haired ; hoary. pelicorto, ta, a. having short hair. pelicula,/. i^ellicle; film. pellcular, a. pellicular. peliforra, /. (coll. ) harlot, prostitute. pellgrar, vn. to be in danger or in peril. peligro, m. danger, risk, peril, hazard, jeop- ardy ; distress. peligrosamente, adv. perilously, danger- ously, hazardously. peligroso, sa, «. dangerous, perilyous ; haz- ardous ; unsafe. pelilargO, ga, a. having long hair, pelillO, m. dim. short hair or fiber; trifle, slight trouble : echar pelillos & la mar, to be- come reconciled : no tener pelillos en la len- gua, to speak one's mind openly : pararse or reparar en pelillos, to stop at tri fles. pelillOSO, sa, a. (coll.) peevish, querulous. pelinegro, gra, /. reins of the leading mule. peudoncito, m. dim. pennon, banneret. pendulo, la, a. pendent, hanging, pendulous. — m. pendulum : pendulo sideral, astronom- ical clock. pendura {k la), adv. (naut.) a cock-bill. pene, in. penis, male organ of generation. peneque [pay-nay'-kay], a. (coll.) fuddled. penetrabilidad, /. penetraVility. penetrable, a. penetrable ; pervious ; com- prehensible. penetraci6n, /. penetration, penetrating; intelligence, acuteness, sagacity, clear- sightedness. penetrador, ra, m. & /. discerner, saga^ cious. penetral, m. innermost recess. penetrante, pa. & a. penetrating, piercing ; heart-rending ; clear-sighted, keen ; deep. penetrar, va. to penetrate, pierce, pass through ; to break or force in ; to permeate, pervade ; to fathom, comprehend. penetrative, va, a. penetrative, piercing. penfigO, in. (med.) pemphigus. penigero, ra, a. (poet.) winged, feathered. peninsula, penisla,/. peninsula. peninsular, «. & m. &. /. peninsular. penique, m. penny, English copper coin. penitencia, /. penitence ; penance ; repent- ance ; self-inflicted punishment : hacer peni- tencia, familiar invitation to take pot-luck. penitenciado, da, pp. & a. punished.— 7«. & f. convict. penitencial, a. penitential. peniteneiar, va. to impose penance. penitenciaria, /. penitentiary, reformatory prison ; (eecl.) penitentiary. penitenciario, ria, a. penitentiary. penitente, a. penitent, repentant, contrite. — m. &.J. penitent. penol, »». (naut.) yard-arm, peak. penosamente, adv. painfully, grievouslj'-. penoso, sa, a. painful, grievous, laborious, distressing, tormenting. — m. conceited fop. pensado, da, a. &pp. deliberate, premedi- tated : de pensado, on purpose, designedly. pensador, ra, a. thinking, thoughtful, medi- tative, contemplative. — m. &f. thinker. pensamiento, m. mind ; thought, idea, con- ceit, meditation, contemplation, cogitation ; witty saying, epigram ; resolution, design ; suspicion, surmise ; project, scheme, plan ; (art) first sketch or outline; (hot.) pansy, heart's-ease : en nn pensamiento, in a trice : ni por pensamiento, not even the thoughts of it. g (before •, i) and J as h in hot ; b. silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and tt trilled ; >, biased. PEN 420 PEE p&asSX, vn. {ind. PiKXSO : subj. piense) to think, consider, reflect, cogitate, meditate ; imagine, fancy, muse ; to intend, mean ; to feed cattle : sin pensar, unexpectedly, thoughtlessly. pensativamente, adv. moodily. pensativo, va, «. pensive, thoughtful, penseque, »». thoughtlessness. pensil, a. pensile.— »i. beautiful garden, pensilvauo, na, a. Pennsylvauiau. pension,/, pension, annuity ; price of board and tuition ; toil, drudgery. pensionado, da, pp. & m. & f. pensioner, pensionary. penslonar, va. to impose or to grant annual charges or pensions. pensionariO, ru. one who pays a pension ; pensionary, magistrate. pensionista, m. & f. pensioner ; boarder in a boarding-house or school. pentaedro, ?«. (geom.) pentahedron, pentagonal, a. pentagonal. pentagono, m. (geom.) pentagon, pentagrama, m. musical staff. pentametro, m. pentameter. pentasilabo, ba, a. of five syllables. pentateuco, m. the Pentateuch. pentecostes, m. Pentecost, Whitsuntide, penultlmo, ma, a. penultimate. penumbra,/, penumbra, penuria,/. penury, indigence. peila,/. rock, large stone: por penas, a long time. pefLascal, m. rocky hill or mountain. pe&asco, m. large rock ; strong silk stuff". pe&ascOSO, sa, a. rocky, mountainous. pefi.Ol, m. large rock; (naut.) yard-arm. p6&0la, /. (poet.) pen. pefi.6n, m. aug. large rock, rocky cliff". peon, m. pedestrian; day-labourer; (mas.) hodman ; foot^soldier ; top, spinning-top ; (poet.) foot of four syllables; pawn (in chess); man (in draughts); (mech.) spindle, axle. ^eonada,/. day-work of a labourer. peonaje, rn. gang of labourers. peoneria,/. as much land as can be ploughed in a day. peonia,/. (bot.) peony. peonia, /. land given to a soldier as spoils. V. peonerIa. peonza, f. top, whipping-top, gig; noisy, little fellow. peer, a. comp. of MALO ; worse. — adv. worse : tanto peor, so much the worse : peor que peer, worse and worse. peoria,/. deterioration, detriment, pepian, m. v. pipian. peplnar, m. cucumber-field. pepinazo, m. blow with a cucumber. pepinillos, m. pi. dim. gherkins, pickled cucumbers. pepino, m. (bot.) cucumber: no d&rsele un pepino or tres pepinos, not to give a fig or rush for a thing. pepidn, m. old Spanish gold coin. pepita,/. pip or seed of some fruits (as ap- ples, etc.); (vet.) pip, distemper in fowls; (min.) nugget. pepltoria, /. giblet fricassee ; medley of things ; (Mex.) peanut brittle. pepltOSO, sa, a. abounding in pips or seeds ; applied to fowls with the pip. peplo, m.. peplum. pep6n, m. (bot.) water-melon. pepdnide, /. (bot.) pepo (pumpkin, melon, etc.). pepsina, /. pepsin, digestive ferment. peptona, /. peptone. pequeilamente, udv. in a small degree. pequenez, /. smallness, littleness, minute- ness ; infancy, childhood ; trifle. pequefiitO, ta, a. dim. very little. pequefiO, fla, a. little, small, short, minute ; very young, of a tender age ; low, humble. — 7)1. &f. child. pequeiLuelO, la, a. dim. very little or young, — /u. &/. babe, infant. pera, /. (bot.) pear; goatee, imperial; (coll.) a sinecure : poner las peraa k cuarto or k cuatro, to compel one to do or concede what he does not wish : pedir peras al olmo, t9 look for pears on elm-trees. perada,/. preserve of pears ; pear jam. peral, m. (bot. ) pear-tree. peraleda, /. orchard of pear-trees, peralejO, m. (bot.) malpighia. peraltar, va. to stilt an arch or vault. peralte, m. (arch.) height of an arch. perant6n, m. (hot.) marvel-plant ; large fan ; very tall person. perca,/. (icht.) perch. percal, rn. percale, muslin, calico. percallna,./. percaline, book muslin. percance, w. perquisite ; mischance, mis^ fortune : percances del oficio, V. gajes del OFICIO. percatar, V7i. & vr. to think, consider, be- ware. percebe, m. goose-barnacle. percebimientO, m. prevention, warning. percepci6n, /. perception, notion ; idea, feel* ing. perceptibilidad, /. perceptibility. perceptible, a. perceptible, perceivable. perceptiblemente, adv. perceivably, per- ceptibly. perceptive, va, a. perceptive. percibir, va. to receive, collect ; to perceive, feel, comprehend. perclbO, m. receiving, collecting. percloruro, m. (chem.) perchloride. perCOCeria, /. small silver work. percuciente, a. percutient, striking, percudlr, va. to tarnish, stain, soil. percusi6n,/. percussion, collision. percusor, m. striker, percussor ; (arti.) per- cussion hammer. percutir, va. to percuss, strike, beat. percba, /. perch, pole, staff", slat ; hat or clothes-rack ; roost ; snare for birds ; strip for stringing game; (icht.) perch; (naut.) spar, rough tree ; head rail. percbador, ra, m. &f. napper. percbar, va. to raise the nap on cloth. percberbn, na, a. & m. & /. Percheron (horses). percbbn, m. long shoot left on a pruned vine. percbonar, vn. to pruae vines leaving long shoots ; to lay snares for game. perdedero, m. occasion or motive of losing. perdedor, ra, m. &/. loser. perder, va. {ind. pierdo : suM. pierda) to lose, to be deprived of; to forfeit ; to squan- der away, lavish, misspend ; to mislay, to miss ; to ruin ; to spoil, mar, damage ; to be worsted or defeated. — vn. to fade, lose col- our. — vr. to go astray, miss one's way ; mis- carry ; to be lost, confounded, bewildered ; to forget or lose the thread of one's subject or discourse ; to be spoiled or damaged (as fruit, crops, etc.) ; to fall into disuse ; to be out of fashion ; to cease to be perceived by sight or hearing; to love excessively ; (naut.) to sink, founder, be shipwrecked ; to disap- a u in tar; e in eh I ; i ia police ; o in for ; U In boll; c (before e, i) and z m th in thick ; b and d, soft j PEE 421 PEE pear: perderse de vista, to excel in an emi- nent degree ; to be very shrewd : tener que perder, to be a person of credit, to have much to lose : perder los estribos, to lose pa- tience. perdicidn, /. losing; perdition, destruction, ruin, loss ; unbridled, excessive love jprodi- Jfality, extravagance ; eternal death. rdida, /. loss ; privation ; detriment, dam- age ; waste ; quantity or thing lost ; (com.) leakage, shortage, shrinkage ; damage, loss : ir k p^rdldas 7 ganancias, to share pront and loss. perdidamente, adv. desperately, furiously ; uselessly. perdidizo, za, o. lost designedly or on pur- pose : hacerge perdidizo, to lose designedly at cards. perdldO, da, a. &pp. lost, strayed, mislaid, miscarried ; misguided ; profligate, disso- lute : gente perdida, vagrants, vagabonds : mojer perdida, prostitute : bala perdida, stray bullet : perdido por, passionately fond of. perdidOSO, sa, a. sustaining loss. perdigana,/. young partridge. perdigar, va. {pret. perdigue : subj. perdi- gue) (cook.) to broil partridges slightly ; to brown meat ; to dispose, prepare. perdig6n, m. young partridge ; decoy par- tridge ; squanderer, losing gambler ; hail- shot, small shot, bird-shot. perdigonada, /. shot or wound with bird- shot. perdigonera, /. shot-pouch. perdiguero, ra, a.&m.& f. setter, retriever (dog). — m. poulterer, game-dealer. perdimiento, m. V. perdici6n and, per- dida. perdlz [per-deeth'],/. (orn.) partridge. perd6n, m. pardon, forgiveness, absolution ; mercy, grace ; remission of a debt ; burn- ing drop of oil, wax, etc. : con perdon, with your leave, I beg pardon. perdonable, a. pardonable, forgiveable. perdonador, ra, m. &f. pardoner, excuser. perdonante, pa. forgiving, pardoning. perdonar, va. to pardon, forgive ; to remit a debt ; to exempt ; to spare, excuse : no per- donar, not to omit or spare. perdonavidas, m. (coll.) bully, hector. perdulario, ria, a. reckless, careless. perdurable, a. perpetual, everlasting, con- tinual. perdurablemente, adv. eternally, perpetu- ally. perdurar, vn. to last long. perecear, va. to protract, delay, put oflF. perecedero, ra, a. perishable, not lasting. — m. misery, extreme want. perecer, vn. (md. perezco : subj. perezca) to perish, die, be destroyed, come to an end ; to suffer or undergo damage, toil, or fatigue. — vr. to crave, desire anxiously, pine. pereciente, pa. perishing ; pining. perecimiento, m. loss, decay, decline ; ship- wreck. pereda, /. orchard of pear-trees. peregrinaci6n, /. peregrinaje, m.- pere- grination ; pilgrimage ; course of this life. peregrinamente, adv. rarely, curiously. peregrinante, ;>«. travelling ; roaming. peregrinar, rn. to peregrinate, travel. peregrinidad, /. peregrinity. peregrine, na, a. peregrine, foreign ; travel- ling, migratory ; strange, rare, wonderful, seldom seen ; handsome, perfect. — m. & f. pilgrim, palmer. perejil fpay-ray-heer], m. (bot.) parsley ; (coll.) showy dress or apparel.— p/. (coll.) titles at- tached to a name. perejila, /. game at cards. perencejo, Ja, m. &/. v. perengano. perendeca,/. (coll.) whore, hussy, trull. perendengue, m. ear-ring, ear-drop ; cheap or tawdry ornament. perene, a. v. perenne. perengano, na, m. &/. so-and-so. perennal, a. v. perenne. perennalmente, adv. v. perennemente. perenne, a. perennial, perpetual. perennemente, adv. continually, perpetu- ally. perennidad, /. perennity, continuity. perentoriamente, adv. peremptorily. perentoriedad, /. peremptoriness, great ur- gency. perentorlO, ria, a. peremptory, absolute, decisive. perero, tn. fruit-parer. pereza, /. laziness, tardiness, negligence, idleness, carelessness, sloth ; slowness. perezco, yo perezca {irr. from perecer). perezosamente, adv. lazily, slothfully, neg- ligently, idly. perezoso, sa, a. & m. &/.lazy, careless, indo- lent, slothful, negligent, idle.— -m. (zool.) the sloth. perfecci6n, /. perfection, perfect thing; faultlessness, completeness ; beauty, grace : 4 la perfeccion, perfectly. perfeccionamientO, m. perfecting, improve- ment. perfeccionar, va. to improve, perfect, com- plete, finish. perfectamente, adv. perfectly, completely. perfectible, a. perfectible. perfectlvo, va, a. perfective. perfecto, ta, «. perfect, complete, accom- plished ; faultless, consummate, accurate ; excellent; (gram.) perfect (tense). perflciente, o. perfecting. perfidamente, adv. perfidiously. perfidia,/. perfidy, treachery. p^rfidO, da, a. perfidious, treacherous, dis- loyal. perfil, m. profile, contour, side view, outline; up-stroke of letters. perfilado, da, pp. & a. elongated ; outlined. perfiladura, /. profile drawing ; sketching of outlines. perfilar, va. to profile, to outline ; to make fine up-strokes. — vr. to place one's self sideways ; to make an elaborate toilet. perfoliada or perfoliata, /. (bot.) hare's- ear, thorough-wax. perfoliado, da, a. (bot.) perfoliate. perforaci6n, /. perforation, bore hole ; drill- ing. periolla, /. corn-husk ; shucks. perforador, ra, a. & m. perforator ; driller. — /. drill, rock-drill. perforar, va. to perforate, to bore, to drill. perfumadero, m. perfuming-pan. perfumado, da, a. &. pp. odoriferous, per- fumated. perfumador, ra, a. perfuming. — m. per- fumer, perfuming-pan. perfumar or perfumear, va. to perfume, fumigate, scent. perfume, m. perfume ; odour, fragrance, scent. perfumeria, /. perfumery ; perfumer's shop. perfumero, ra, perfumista, m. & f. per- fumer. perfunctoriamente, adv. perfuactorily. i (before e, i) and J as h in iMt; b, silent; 11 In brilliant; ft. ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; i. 2% PEE 422 PEE perfimctorio, ria, «. perfunctory. pergal, m. leather paring for shoe-laces. pergaminero, m. parchment-maker. pergamino, m. parchment, vellum ; di- ploma. pergeniO, pergeflO [per-hay-nyo], m. (coll.) outward appearance, looks. pergefi.ar, va. (coll. ) to prepare or perform skilfully. peri [pay' re], /. fairy, elf, peri; (gram.) prefix meaning around. periantio, m.(bot.) perianth. pericardiO, m. (anat.) pericardium. pericarditis,/, (med.) pericarditis. pericarpiO, m. (bot.) pericarp. pericia, /. skill, dexterity, expertness. pericial, a. expert, pertaining to an expert. pericialmente, adv. expertly. periCO, m. (orn.) small parrot, parrakeet ; periwig ; horseman (queen) of clubs in the game of truque ; (naut. ) mizzen top-gallant sail : Perico de los palotes, John Doe. pericbn, na, «. fit for all uses (horses). — m. large fan ; horseman (queen) of clubs in the game of quinolas. pericr^neo, m. pericranium. peridotO, m. (min.) chrysolite. periecos, m. pi. (geog.) perioeci, periferia,/. (geom.) periphery. perifollo, m. (hot.) common cherwih— pi. ribbons, tawdry ornaments of dress. perifrasear, va. to periphrase. perifrasi, perifrasis, /. (rhet. ) periphrasis, circumlocution. perifr^StiCO, ca, a. periphrastic, circum- locutory. perigallO, m. skin hanging from the chin of lean persons ; gawdy ribbon worn on the hair ; (coll.) tall, lean person ; slender sling ; (naut.) line, topping-lift. perigeo, m. (ast.) perigee, perigeum. perlgonio, m. (bot.) perigynium, perianth. perihelio, m. (ast.) perihelion. perilUS'^re, a. very illustrious. perilla, /. dim. small pear ; pear-shaped or- nament ; pommel of a saddle-bow, knob ; goatee, imperial ; lobe of the ear: de peri- lla, to the purpose ; in the nick of time. perill&n, na, a. & m. &f. rascal ; sly, crafty fellow. perillo, m. scalloped cookie or maccaroon. perimetro, m. perimeter, extent, contour. perinclito, ta, a. famous, renowned, grand. perineo, m. (anat.) perineum. perineumonia, /. (med.) pneumonia. V. PULMONIA. perineum6iiico, ca, «. pneumonic. perinola, /. teetotum ; pear-shaped orna- ment ; neat little woman. periOCa,/. synopsis, summary. peri6dicamente, adv. periodically. periodicidad, /. periodicity, periodical ness. peri6diC0, ca, a. periodical, periodic. — m. newspaper, periodical, journal : prensa perio- dica, the press. periOdismo, m. journalism. periodista, m. journalist, periodicalist.. periodistico, ca, «. journalistic. periodO, m. period, age, era, cycle, lapse of time ; (rhet.) period, clause, sentence f men- struation ; (raus.) period, phra.se. periOStiO, m. (anat.) periosteum. periostitis,/, (med.) periostitis. peripat6tiC0, ca, a. peripatetic; (coll.) ri- diculous or extravagant (opinions). — m. & /. peripatetic. peripato, m. Peripateticism. peripecia,/. (poet.) situation, incident. periplo, m. voyage around a coast. periptero, ra.'a. (arch.) peripteral, peripuesto, ta, a. (coll.) very spruce in dress. periquete, m. (coll.) jiffy, instant: en un periquete, in a jiffy. periquillO [pay-re-keer-lyo], m. SUgar-plum. periquitO [pay-re-Uee'-to;, m. (orn. ) parrakeet, paroquet; (naut.) sky-sail, sky-scraper. periSCiOS, m.pl. (geog.) periscii. perisologia, /. (rhet.) verbiage. perist^ltiCO, ca, a. peristaltic. per istam, (Lat.) in phrase, quedarse pep istam, to be ignorant of, to be left without food. peristilO, m. (arch.) peristyle, colonnade. perita, /. dim. small pear. perito, ta, a. skilful, able, experienced. — m. connoisseur, expert ; appraiser. peritoneal, a. (anat.) peritoneal. peritoneo, m. (anat.) peritoneum. peritonitis,/, (med.) peritonitis. perjudicador, ra, m. &/. injurer. perjudicante, pa. damaging, injuring. perjudicar, va. {pret. perjuuique: subj, perjudique) to damage, hurt, injure, ma^ lign, prejudice, impair. pei^Udicial, a. prejudicial, hurtful, mis- chievous, pernicious. perjudicialmente, adv. prejudicially. perjniciO [per-hoo-ee'-tiue-o], TO. prejudice, mis- chief, injury, detriment, damage, grievance. perjurador, ra, m. &/. perjurer, forswearer. peijurar, vn. to swear falsely ; to commit perjury ; to swear, to be profane. — vr. to perjure one's self. perjurio, m. perjury, false oath. perjuro, ra, a. perjured, forsworn. — m. &f. forswearer, perjurer. perla, /. pearl ; anything exquisite ; (print.) pearl.— p/. fine teeth : de perlas, much to the purpose ; fittingly. perlada, a. pearled (barley). perl^tlj&p, ca, a. paralytic, palsied. perleria,/. collection of pearls. perlesia, /. (med.) paralysis, palsy. perlezuela, /. dim. small pearl. perlino, na, «. pearl-coloured. perlita,/. dim. small pearl ; phouolite, clink- stone. perlongar, vn. {for mut. V. pkolongar) (naut.) to coast ; to pay out a cable. permanecer, vn. {ind. permanezco: mbj. permanezca) to stay, remain, stand, per« sist, endure, last. permaneciente, pa. & a. permanent. permanencia, permansi6n, /. stay, so- journ ; stability, duration, perraauency, perseverance, constancy, consistency. permanente, a. permanent, durable, last. ing, constant. permanentemente, adv. permanently. permeabilidad, /. permeability. permeable, « permeable. permisible, «. permissible. permisidn, /. permission, leave, consent; permit ; concession, grant. permisivamente, adv. permissivelv. permiaivo, va, a. permissive. permiso, »'. permission, permit, pass, leave, license; difference in weight of coin. permisor m. granter, permitter. permisti6n, /. mixture, concoction, permitente, pa. permitting, allowing. permitidero, ra, a. permissible. permitidor, m. permitter, granter. permitir, va. to permit, allow, let, consent: to enable ; to grant, admit. a as In far ; e In eh I ; i In police ; o in for ; n in bull ; c (before a, i) and z as th In tMcX ; b aud d, soft ; PEE 423 PER /" permuta, /. exchange, permutation, barter. permutable, «. permutable. permutaci6n, /. interchange. V. permuta. permutar, ra. to exchange, interchange, trade, barter, commute, permute, swap. perna, /. flat shell-fish. pernada,/. blow with the leg; shake of the leg; (naut.) leg. pernaza,/. aug. thick or big leg. perneador, a. strong-legged. pernear, vh. to kick, shake the legs ; to hustle, tramp ; to worry, fret. — va. to drive pigs to market and sell them by retail. perneo, m. public sale of hogs. pernera, /. leg of a pair of trousers. perneria,/. (naut.) collection of bolts. pernetas (en), adv. bare-legged. pernete, m. (naut.) small pin, peg, or bolt. perniabierto, ta, a. bow-legged. perniciosamente, adv. perniciously, nox- iously, hurtfully. perniciOSO, sa, a. noxious, hurtful, harm- ful. pernigdn, m. Genoese preserved plum. pernil, m. shoulder, hock, ham. V. pernera ; thigh of breeches; pantalets. pernio, m. door or window hinge. perniquebrar, va. to break the legs. pernituerto, ta, «. crook-legged. perno, m. pin, spike, bolt; hook of a door- hinge ; (mech.) joint-pin, crank-pin ; (naut.) bolt : perno pinzote, main-bolt, king-bolt. pernoctar, vn. to pass the night. pero, m. variety of apple ; apple-tree. pero, conj. but, except, yet. — 7n. fault, defect. perogruilada or verdad de perogrullo, /. (coll.) evident truth. perojimenez, m. variety of grape; wine made from it. perol, ni. (cook.) kettle, copper. perone, m. (anat.) fibula, perone. peroraci6n, /. peroration. perorar, vn. to deliver a speech orjoration; to declaim ; to urge. perorata,/. (coll.) harangue, speech, peroxido, m. (chem. ) peroxide. perpendicular, a. perpendicular, perpendicularidaa,/. perpendicularity, perpendicularmente, adv. perpendicularly. perpendiculO, m. plumb, plummet ; height of a triangle ; pendulum, perpetracibn, /. perpetration, perpetrador, ra, m. & /. perpetrator, ag- gressor. perpetrar, va. to perpetrate, commit a crime. perpetua, /. (hot.) immortelle, cudweed, everlasting. perpetuacidn, /. perpetuation. perpetuamente, adv. perpetually, perpetuan, m. kind of woollen stuff, perpetuar, ra. & vr. to perpetuate, perpetuidad, /. perpetuity, duration. perpetUO, tua, a. perpetual, everlasting. perpiafio, m. (arch.) perpend, bond-stone, perplejamente, adv. perplexedly, confus- perplejidad, /. perplexity, irresolution, em- barrassment, hesitation. perplejO, ja, a. doubtful, uncertain, per- plexed. perpunte, w. quilted under-waistcoat. perqulrir, va. to seek diligently. perra, /. bitch, slut ; drunken state : perra salida or cachonda, bitch in heat. perrada, /. pack of dogs ; mean, base action. perramente, adv. very ill ; badly. perrazo, m. aug. large dog. perrengue, m. (coll.) peevish person, snarler; negro. perrera, /. kennel; toil, drudgery; (coll.) bad pay ; child's fit of temper. perreria, /. pack of dogs ; set or nest of rogues ; angry word. perrero, m. beadle who drags dogs out of the church ; master of hounds or dogs ; dog- fancier. perrezno, na, m. &f. whelp, puppy. perrillO, m. dim. little dog, puppy : perrillo de falda, lap-dog ; trigger of a gun ; piece of a horse's bridle. perritO, m. dim. little dog, puppy. perro, m. dog : perro de aguas or de lanas, poodle : perro de muestra, pointer : perro co- brador, retriever : perro de presa, bull-dog ; perro de ajeo, setter : perro chico, five cen- time copper coin : perro viejo (an old dog), cautious man. perroquete, m. (naut.) top-mast. perruno, na, a. doggish, canine ; currish. — /. dog-bread, dog-cake. persa, a. & n. Persian. perseciici6n, /. persecution ; pursuit ; har- assment ; importunity. perseguidor, ra, m. & f. persecutor, pur- suer. perseguimiento, m. v. PERSEcuci6y. persegUir, va. {for irr. V. SEGUIR) to pur- sue; to dun, importune, beset; to perse- cute, harass. perseo, m. (ast.) Perseus. persevante, m. pursuivant at arms. perseverancia, /. perseverance, constancy. perseverante, a. perseverant, persistent. perseverantemente, adv. constantly, per- severantly. perseverar, vn. to persevere, persist, abide. persiana, /. flowered silk stuff". -^Z. window- blinds. persicaria, /. (bot.) persicaria, lady's- thumb. p6rsiC0, ca, a. Persian.— m. (bot.) peach-tree and its fruit. persignarse, vr. to cross one's self; to show astonishment by crossing one's self; (coll.) to handsel. p6rsigO, m. (bot.) peach-tree and its fruit. persigo, persiga {irr. from perseguir). persistencia, /. persistence, obstinacy. persistente, pa. & a. permanent, firm, pet- sistent. persistir, vn. to persist, persevere. persona,/, person, human being, individual; one's shape and looks; personage; (theol., law, and gram.) person. personada, a. (bot.) personate. personado, m. (eccl.) benefice without juris- diction. personaie, to. personage; (theat.) character. personal, a. personal, private. — m. i>erson- nel ; personal tax. personalidad,/. personality, individuality ; (law) person ; legal capacity. personalizar, va. to personalize ; to l)ecome personal. — it. (law) to show one's self a party at law. personalmente, adv. personally, in person. personarse, vr. to meet on business ; to ap- pear personally ; (law) to appear as an in- terested party. personena, /. solicitorship. personero, ra, to. & /. solicitor, deputy, agent, attorney. personificaci6"n, /. personification. personiflcar, m. (^^re/. personifiqu6: suhj. pkrsoxifique) to personify, personalize. g (before e, i) and J as h In hot; h, silent : 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled : s. hissed PEE 424 PES personilla, /. ridiculous little person. perspectiva, /. (art) perspective; view, vista ; prospect, outlook ; appearance. perspectivo, m. professor of perspective. perspicacia, perspicacidad, /. perspica- ciousuess, perspicacity, acumen, sagacity. perspicaz, a. perspicacious, acute, sagacious, clear-sighted. perspicuamente, adv. perspicuously. perspiCUidad, /. perspicuity, clearness, lu- cidity. persplCUO, cua, a. perspicuous, clear, transparent. persuadldor, ra, m. &f. persuader. persuadir, va. to persuade, induce. — vr. to be persuaded, convinced. persuaslble, a. persuaslble, persuadable. persuasi6lL, /. persuasion, inducement, opinion, judgment. persuasiva, /. persuasiveness, persuasive, persuasion. persuasiVO, va, a. persuasive, inducing. persuasor, ra, m. &/. persuader, inducer. pertenecer, vn. {ind. pektenkzco : subj. pertenezca) to belong, appertain, con- cern ; to behoove, pertain, relate to. pertenecido, pp. & m. v. pertenencia. perteneciente, pa. & a. belonging, appertain- ing. pertenencia, /. ownership, proprietorship, right of possession ; tenure, holding, prop- erty, possession, belonging ; appurtenance, dependence; accessory or appendage; (min.) claim. ' p6rtica,/. perch, linear measure (9.70 feet). p6rtiga, /. pertigal, m. stang, bar, staff, pole or rod. p6rtigO, m. carriage-pole ; plough-beam. pertigueria,/. oflSce of a verger. pertiguero [per-te-f?ay'-roi, TO. verger. pertinacla, /. pertinancy, obstinacy, stub- bornness, doggedness. pertinaz, a. pertinacious, obstinate, opinion- ated. pertlnazmente, adv. pertinaciously. pertlnencla,/. pertinence, fitness, relevancy. pertinente, a. pertinent, apt, appropriate, relevant ; (law) concerning, pertaining. pertinentemente, adv. pertinently, oppor- tunely, congruously. pertrechar, va. &vr. (mil.) to supply, store, equip ; to dispose, arrange, prepare. pertrechOS, m. pi. (mil. ) stores • tools. perturbable, a. easily perturbed. perturbaci6n, /. perturbation, confusion, agitation, excitement. perturbadamente, adv. confusedly. perturba-dor, ra, m. & f. perturbator, per- turber, disturber; perturbatrix. perturbar, va. to perturb, disturb, unsettle ; to confuse, agitate, interrupt, perutno, na, «. & m. &/. Peruvian, of Peru. perv6tano, m. (bot.) wild pear-tree. periilero, ra, a. & m. &/. Peruvian. — m. nar- ro .^'-bottomed and strait-mouthed pitcher. per^ersamente, adv. perversely, wickedly. pei versidad, /. perversity, wickedness, per- verseness. perversidn, /. perversion, perverting; per- verseness, depravation, corruption. perverso, sa, a. perverse, wicked, depraved. pervertidor, ra, m. & f. perverter, cor- rupter. pervertimlento, m. perversion, perverting. pervertlr, va. {for irr. V. vkrtir) to per- vert, distort, garble, misrepresent ; to cor- rupt, debase, mislead, seduce. — vr. to be- come depraved. pervigilio, m. sleeplessness, wakefulness. pervulgar, va. to divulge ; to promulgate. pesa, /. weight ; clock weight ; counter- weight : pesa de una romana, weight of 3 steel-yard. pesada, /. (com.) quantity weighed at once. pesadamente, adv. heavily, weightily, pon. derously, cumbrously ; sorrowfully, griev ously ; slowly, tardily, lazily. pesadez, /. heaviness ; gravity, weightiness\ slowness, sluggishness, drowsiness; moles- tation, importunity; excess, abundance; trouble, pain, fatigue ; obesity, corpulenca pesadilla,/. nightmare. pesado, da, pp. & a. heavy, ponderous, mas* sive, weighty ; deep, profound (sleep) ; cumbersome, cumbrous ; tedious, weari- some, tiresome, dull, fastidious ; offensive, oppressive ; slow, lazy, clumsy, tardy, slug- gish ; fat, gross, corpulent; hard, insuffer- able, importunate, vexatious : dia pesado,. gloomy day. — m. bore, tease. pesador, ra, m. & f. weigher: pesador dfr cartas, letter-scale. pesadumbre, /. heaviness, weightiness, gravity ; grief, trouble, affliction, sorrow, regret, unpleasantness. pesalicores, m. hvdrometer, areometer. p6same, m. condolence, sympathy. pesante, pa. weighing. — m. weight of half a drachm. pesantez,/. gravity, heaviness, weightiness, pesar, vn. to weigh, have weight; to be- weighty, important, or valuable ; to cause regret or sorrow ; to prevail, preponderate. — va. to weigh, find the weight ; to examine, ponder, consider. pesar, m. sorrow, grief, regret ; concern, re- pentance: k pesar, adv. in spite of, notwith- standing. pesariO, m. (surg.) pessary. pesarOSO, sa, a. sorrowful, regretful ; sorry, sad. pesca, /. fishing, fishery, angling ; fish caught. pescada,./". (icht.) hake. V. merluza. pescadera,/. fish-woman. pescaderia,/. fish-market. uescadero, m. fish-monger (by retail). pescadilla, /. small hake. pescaditO, m. dim. little fish. pescado pp. & m. fish (when caught ; in the water, uncaptured, it is a pez) ; codfish when salted. pescador, ra, a. &,m.. &. f. fisherman, fisher, angler. — m. (icht.) the angler. pescante, m. jib of a crane or derrick ; boom ; coach-box ; (naut.) davit ; fish' davit. pescar, va. ( pret. pesque : suhj. pesque) to fish, angle, troll, trawl ; to find or pick up anything; to catch in the act, surprise ; to obtain one's end. p6scola, /". beginning of a furrow. pescozada, /. pescoz6n, m. slap on the neck. pescozudO, da, a. having a thick neck. peSCUeZO [pes-coo ay'-thaw', m. DCCk ; stifF- necked haughtiness, pride. pescuflO, m. wedge of the coulter. pesebre, m. crib, rack, manger. pesebrejO, m. dim. small manger; alveolus of horses' teeth. pesebrera, /. range of mangers in a stable. pesebr6n, m. boot of a coach. peseta,/, silver coin, monetary unit, equiva- lent of a franc : peseta columnaria, silver coin (quarter of a peso). % u In f*r ; • in ell I ; i In police ; o In for ; a In bull; c (before «, i) and z u th in tMck : b ana d. sea ; PfiS 425 PlA p6sete, m. sort of curse or imprecation ; ex- ecration. j pesia ! i pesia tal ! interj. kind of curse or imprecation. pesiar, vn. lo utter curses or execrations. pesillo, m. small scales for weighing gold or silver coin. p^simamente, adv. super, very badly. pesimismo, m. pessimism. pesimista, in. pessimist. pesimo, ma, a. super, very bad. pesita, /. dim. small weight. peso, III. weight, gravity, heaviness ; weigh, weighing, weight ; balance, scales ; impor- tance, consequence, moment; charge, bur- den, load ; place where various victuals are sold at wholesale; judgment, good sense: p«so fuerte or duro, dollar, silver coin weigh- ing one ounce : de peso, of due weight : de su peso, naturally : en peso, suspended in the air ; totally, entirely, in doubt. p6sOl. m. (bot.) pea. pespuntador, ra, m. &, f. (sew.) back- stitcher. pespuntar, ra. (sew. J to back-stitch. pespunte, /«. (sew.) back-stitching. pesquera,/. fishery, fishing-grounds. pesqueria, /. trade of a fisherman ; fishing ; fishery. pesquis, m. acumen, cleverness. pesquisa,/. inquiry, investigation, search. pesquisante, pa. investigating; inquirer. pesquisar, va. to inquire, investigate. .pesquisidor, ra, m. &f. examiner, searcher, inquirer. pestafia, /. eye-lash; (sew.) fag-end, fringe, edging; (mech. ) flange, rim, edge, rib. pestailear, va. to wink, to blink. pesta&eo, m. winking, blinking. peste, /. pest, plague, pestilence ; epidemic, contagion ; corruption of manners ; foul smell; (coll.) great plenty, a drug in the market.—/*^, oflfensive words. pestiferamente, adv. pestiferously, pesti- lently. pestifero, ra, a. pestiferous, noxious, fouL pestilencia,/. pest, plague, pestilence ; foul- uess, stench. pestilencial, a. pestiferous, pestilential, in- fectious, contagious, destructive. pestilenciOSO, sa, a. pestilential. pestilente, a. pestilent, noxious, foul. pestillO, III. a door-latch ; bolt of a lock. pestiilO, m. honeyed fritters. pestorejazo, m. v. pescoz6n. pestorejO, m. fleshy back of the neck. pestorej6n, m. blow on the back of the neck. pesuiia, /. foot of cloven-hoofed animals. pesu&O, m. each half of a cloven hoof. petaca, f. cigar-case; (Sp. Am.) leather trunk or chest ; covered hamper. petalismo, '/*. petalism, banishment. p^talO, m. (bot.) petal, flower-leaf. petaquilla,/. small leather trunk. petar, va. (coll.) to please, gratifv, content. petardear, va. (mil.) to beat down a gate with f>etards ; to cheat, gull, trick. petardero, m. (mil.) petardeer ; cheat, trick- ster. petardista, m. & f. cheat, impostor, swin- dler. petardo, m. (arti.) petard; bomb; cheat, fraud, gull, trick. petate, m. (Sp. Am.) sleeping-mat; (coll.) luggage, baggage ; impostor, swindler ; food-for-nothing fellow; (naut.) sailor's ammock: liar el petate, (coll.) to pack up and go. petenera, /. popular Andalusian song. petoquia,/. (med.) petechia. ijeteva,/. (coll.) wrangle; fit of temper. peteretes, m.pl. (coll.) tit-bits, sweets. peticanon, m. (print.) petit canon type. petici6n,/. petition, demand, claim, request; (law) petition, prayer. peticionario, ria, m. &f. petitioner. petillO, rn. dim. small stomacher; breast jewel. petimetra,/. spruce, stylish lady. petimetre, m. fop, coxcomb, beau, dude. petirrojo, m. (orn.) robin-redbreast. petitoriO, ria, a. petitory, petitionary. — m impertinent and repeated petition.—/ (coll.) V. PETIC16N. petO, m. breast-plate; stomacher; (fenc.) plastron. petral, rn. (sad.) breast-leather. petraria,/. (mil.) petrary. petrarquista, a. & m. follower or Petrarch. petrel, m. (orn.) petrel. p^treo, a, a. rocky ; stony, of stone. petrificaci6n, /. petrifica'tion. petrificante, pa. petrifying. petrificar, ra. & vr. to petrify, change to stone. petrifico, ca, a. petrific. petroleo, m. petroleum, mineral oil. petrolero, ra, m. &/. retailer of petroleum ; incendiary. petroso, sa, a. rocky, fun of stones. petulancia, /. petulance, insolence, flip- pancy, pertness. petulante,a. petulant, insolent, flippant, pert. petulantemente, adv. petulantly, pertly. peucedano, m. (bot.) sulphur-wort. pez [pethi, m. fish (generic term. Cf. pescado) ; catch, haul : pes espada, sword-fish : pez luna, mola, sun-fish : pez martillo, hammer- headed shark : pez sierra, saw-fish : pez vo- lador, flying-fish.—/, pitch, tar : pez blanca, refined galipot, Burgundy pitch : pez grlega or rubia, rosin, colophony. pezolada, /. fag-end threads. pez6n, 111. (bot.) stem of fruits, leaf-stalk, flower-stalk ; nipple of a teat ; axle-end or pivot ; end of a spindle in mills ; cape or point of land. pezonera, /. nipple-shield ; linch-pin. pezpalO, m. (com.) stock-fish. pezpita,/. pezpitalo, m. (om.) wagtail. pezuelo, 711. beginning of cloth in weaving. pezufla,.^. r. pksuna. piache or tarda piache, too late. p'iada, /. chirping, puling. piador, ra, m. &/. puler, chirper. piadosamente, adv. piously, mercifully. piadOSO, sa, a. pious, godly, merciful, clem- ent. piafar, vn. to paw, to stamp (horses). piale, m. (Amer. ) cast of the lasso. piamater,^piainadre, /. (anat.) pia mater. piamente, adv. piously. plan, plan, or plan", piano, adv. slowly, gently, softly. pianino, m. (mus. ) upright piano. pianista, m. & /. pianist. — m. pianoforte maker or dealer. piano or pianoforte, m. pianoforte : piano de cola, grand piano : piano de media cola, baby grand : piano vertical, upright piano : piano de mesa, square piano. piante, j:>a. peeping, puling, cheeping, . . , P " to whine, to crv for. piar, vn. to peep, pui lie. cheep, chirp; (coll.) piara, /. herd of swine ; drove of mares or mules. g i^^ure e, i) aud J m h In bot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny In canyon: x (initial) and rr triUed; s, biased. PIA 426 PIE piariegO, ga, a. owning a herd of mares, mules, or swine. pica, /. pike, lance ; bull-fighter's goad ; stone-cutter's hammer ; (med. )pica: poner una pica en Flandes, to achieve a triumph. picacero, ra, a. inclined to chase magpies (lis hawks). picacureba, /. Brazilian pigeon. picacho, m. top, peak, summit. picada, /. puncture, pricking, bite. picadero, »». riding-school; (naut.) stocks, boat skid ; stamping-ground of a buck in rutting time. ^ picadillO, m. minced meat, hash. picado, da, «. &pp. pricked ; (sew.) pinked. — m. minced meat, hash. picador, m. horse-breaker ; horseman armed with a goad in bull-fights ; block for choii- ping meat ; paper pricker ; pinking iron ; file-cutter. picadura, /. pricking ; pinking ; puncture ; • bite, sting ; nick, cut, slash ; cut tobacco. picafigO, ni. (orn.) V. papafigo. picaflor, »i. (orn.) humming-bird. picajdn, na, picajoso, sa, peevish, easily offended. picamaderos, w. (orn.) woodpecker. picante, pa. & a. pricking, piercing, sting- ing ; piquant, high-seasoned, acrid, hot. — TO. piquancy, pungency, acrimony ; keen satire. picantemente, adv. piquantly. picafLo, fla, a. lazy, vagrant. — m. patch on a shoe. picapedrero, m. stone-cutter. picapleitOS, TO. (coll.) litigious person ; pet- tifogging lawyer. picaporte, m. spring-latch, catch-bolt ; pick- lock, latch-key; (Amer.) door-knocker. piCapOSte, m. (orn.) V. PICAMADEROS. picapuerco, m. (orn.) bird. picar, va. {pret. Piqut : subj. pique) to prick, pierce, puncture ; to sting, bite (as insects) ; to mince, chop, hash ; to peck (birds) ; to nibble, pick, take little bites : to bite or nibble at the bait, as fish ; to begin, to get customers ; to pursue or harass ; to itch, smart, irritate ; to spur, goad, incite, stimu- late ; to prick, perforate a design ; to pink ; to pique, vex, provoke, offend ; to tame a horse ; when followed by en, to be, as picar en poeta, to be a poet ; (art) to stipple ; (naut.) to cut: picar la bomba, to work the pump : el sol pica, the sun scorches : picar muy alto, to aim too high. — vr. to be of- fended, vexed, piqued ; to be moth-eaten ; to stale, sour (as wine) ; to begin to rot (fruit) ; to boast of; to be in heat (ani- mals) ; (naut.) to become choppy (the sea). picaramente, adv. knavishly, roguishly. plcaraza,/. (orn.) magpie. ^ picardear, wn. to play the knave ; to make mischief. picardia,/. knavery, roguery; deceit, malice, foulness; wanton trick, wantonness ; lewd- ness ; meeting of rogues.^?/, offensive words. picardiliuela, /. dim. prank, roguish trick. picaresca, /. nest of rogues ; knavery. picarescamente, adv. roguishly, rascally. picaxeeco, ca, picaril, a. roguish, knavish. picaxlllO, TO. dim. little rogue or rascal. picaro, ra, a. knavish, roguish, vile, low ; mischievous, malicious, crafty, sly. — m. & f. rogue, knave, rascal, loafer : picaro de c«cina, scullion, kitchen-boy. pioardn, a. A m. aug. great rogue, villain. ploarona, /. jade. picaronazo, za, m. & f. aug. great rogue^ villain. picarote, a. &. to. & /. aug. of PICARO. picarrelincho, TO. (orn.) v. picamaderos. picatOSte, m. buttered toast. picaza, /. (orn.) magpie; grubax, mattock: picaza marina, (orn.) flamingo. picazo, TO. blow with a pike; sting; stroke with the beak of a bird ; young magpie. picaz6n, m. itching, prurience, itch ; peevish^ ness, fretfulness. picea, /. (bot. ) hemlock-spruce. piceo, a, a. pitchy, tarry. piCO, TO. beak of a bird, bill, nib ; sharp point of any kind ; pick, pick-axe ; twibill ; spout of a jar or pitcher : beak iron of an anvil ; peak, top, or summit of a hill ; balance of an account, small amount, odd; (coll.) mouth, chin ; loquacity, garrulity; (Philip.) weight of 137| pounds- (orn.) woodpecker; pico verde, green woodpecker : pico de oro, man of great eloquence : jarabe de pico, (coll.) chin music: pico de nnancla, (naut.) bill of an anchor : picos de un sombrero, cocks, of a bat: pico de cigtie&a, (bot.) crane's- bill, geranium : callar el pico. to hold one's tongue: tener mucho pico, to talk too much and divulge secrets : andar & picos pardos, tc loiter ; to go on a spree. picolete, m. bolt staple. picdn, na, a. having the upper teeth project ing over the under ones (animals).— wi. lam poon or nipping jest ; charcoal for brasiers small fresh-water fish ; broken rice. piconero, to. maker of brasier charcoal. picor, in. pungent taste ; itching. piCOSO, sa, (t. pitted with the small-pox. piCOta, /. gibbet, pillory ; top, peak, pointy spire ; (naut.) cheek of a pump. picotada,/. v. picotazo. picotazo, TO. stroke with the beak of a bird. picote, TO. goat's-hair cloth. piCOteadO, da, pp. & a. peaked ; having* many points. piCOtear, va. to strike with the beak. — vn. to gossip; to toss the head (horses). — vr. to wrangle or quarrel. piCOteria,/. loquacity, volubility, gossip. piCOtero, ra, a. chattering, prattling. piCOtillO, m. inferior goat's-hair cloth. pict6riC0, ca, «. pictorial. picudilla, /. crescent olive ; insectivorous bird. picudo, da, a. beaked ; acuminated, pointed , prattling, chattering. pichel, m. pewter tankard ; mug ; pitcher. picheleria,/. factory of tankards or pitchers. pichelero, to. maker of pewter tankards. pichelete, to. dim. small tankard or mug. pichola,/. wine-measure, about a pint. pich6n, TO. young pigeon.— nt. &/. (coll.) dar. ling. pidientero, to. beggar, v. pordiosero. pidO, pida, 61 pi^6 {irr. from PEDIR). pid6n, na, a. (coll.) V. pedigOeSo. pie[pe-ay'], TO. (anat.) foot; leg, stand, support, base ; trunk of trees and plants ; lees, sedi- ment ; last hand or player (at cards) ; (theat.) cue; foot, measure of length; mo- tive, occasion, opportunity ; footing, foun- dation, groundwork ; rule, use, custom ; (poet.) foot, syllable, verse; (print.) foot of a page ; first colour given in dyeing ; foot of a stocking: 4 los pies de Vd., at your service (said to a lady only) : pie de carnero, (naut. ) samson's post: pie derecho, (naut.) stan- chion: pie de roda, (naut.) fore-foot: pie de imprenta, (print.) imprint, printer's mark; a M iB tMX ; e efo i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft' PIE 427 PIM 4 pie, on foot: al pie, near, close to, at the foot of: i, pie enjuto, dryshod: k pie firme, steadfastly: de pies or en pie, standing; up and doing; constantly, firmly; uprightly, erect : dar pie, to give occasion ; pie de amigo, prop, shore: pie de leon, (hot.) V. ALiiVK- WILA VULGAR : pie de cabra, crowbar : pie de banco, foolish remark: de pies & cabeza, from head to foot. piecezuela,/. dim. of pieza ; little piece. piecezuelO, m. dim. of pie ; little foot. piedad,/. piety, godliness ; mercy, pity, com- passion, clemency ; charity. piedra, /. stone ; block ; cobble-stone ; memo- rial stone ; foot-stone ; (med.) gravel ; hail ; place where foundlings are exposed ; gun- flint: piedra fina or preciosa, precious stone, gem : piedra de amolar or afilar, whetstone, grinding-stone: piedra de toque, touch-stone : piedra imin, magnet : piedra fundamental, head-stone : piedra pomez, pumice-stone : piedra infernal, caustic : piedra lipis, copper sulphate : piedra sepulcral, gravestone, head- stone. pledrecica, ilia, ita, piedrezuela, /. dim. little stone, pebble. piel [peel], skin, epidermis; hide,, pelt; leather ; fur ; peel or skin of fruits : piel de gallina, goose-nesh. pielagO, m. high sea; great abundance, pielecita, .r. dim. small hide or skin. pielgO, in. v. PIEZGO. pienso, m. daily feed given to horses: ni por pienso, (coll.) not even by a thought. pienso, yo piense ("t. from pensar). pierdo, yo pierda (irr. from perder). pi^rides, /. ;>i. (poet.) the Muses. pieriO, ria, a. (poet. ) Pierian. pierna, /. (anat.) leg, limb; leg of meat or of fowls ; branch or leg of a compass ; down- stroke of letters ; check of a printing-press ; jar for honey; (mech.) shank, fork; en piernas, bare-legged : pierna de una s&bana, breadth of a sheet : pierna de nuez, lobe of a walnut : a pierna suelta or k pierna tendida, at one's ease ; without care ; soundly. piernitendido, da, a. with extended legs. pieza [pe-a-thaii'l, /. piece, fragment; coin; piece of cloth ; room in a house ; length of time ; distance ; game ; piece of work ; (theat.) play, piece; piece of music; piece or man in the games of draughts, chess, etc. ; (her. ) division of a shield : pieza de artilleria, piece of ordnance: pieza de recibo, parlour, reception-room : pieza de autos, records or pleadings : j buena pieza ! a fine fellow ! (sometimes ironical). piezgO, n>. foot of a hide or skin ; wine-skin. piezometro, m. piezometer. pifano, m. (mus.) fife; fifer. pifla, /. miscue at billiards ; error, blunder. pifiar, vn. to breathe audibly in playing the flute. — va. to make a miscue. pigargo, m. (orn.) ring-tail hawk. pigmentO, m. pigment. pigmeo, a, «. dwarfish.— m. &/. dwarf, pig- my. pignoraci6n, /. pignoration, hypothecation. pignorar, va. to pledge, hypothecate. pignoraticio, eia, a. pignorative. pigre, fi. slothful, lazy, indolent. pigricia, /. laziness, idleness ; place in schools for lazy boys. pigro, gra, n. negligent, careless, lazy. pinua, /'. sandal. F. coriza. pihuela, /. leash ;' obstruction, hindrance, impediment.—/*;, fetters, shackles. piisimo, ma, a. sup. most pious. pijota, .^. (icht.) hake, codling. pijOte, m. (arti.) swivel-gun lor grape-shot. pua, /. stone trough or basin; (eccl.) font, holy water basin ; pile, heap ; shorn wool belonging to one owner; (arch.) buttress, pila; (elec.) pile, battery: nombre de pila, Christian name. pilada, /. quantity of mortar made at once ; cloth fulled at once ; pile, heap. pilar, va. to hull grain by pounding in a pilon. pilar, VI. water basin of a fountain ; pillar, column, post; support, spur, abutment; ped- estal ; milestone, stone post ; bed-post ; ar- bour of a press. pilarejo, pilarito, w.. dim. small pillar. pilastra, /. (arch.) pilaster, square column. pilastr6n, m. aug. large pilaster. pilatero, m. one who assists at fulling cloth. pilchie, m. (Peru) wooden cup or bowl. pildora,/. (pharm.) pill, pellet; (coll. ) aflaic- tion, bad news. pileo, m. pileus ; cardinal's biretta. pileta, pilica,/. dim. of pila. pilocarpina, /. (chem.) pilocarpin. pilocarpo, m. (hot.) jaborandi. pil6ll, m. watering trough ; basin of a foun- tain ; mortar (for pounding) ; loaf (of sugar) ; drop or ball of a steelyard ; coun- terpoise in an olive-press; (mas.) heap of mortar. pilonero, ra, m. &f. newsmonger. pilongo, ga,.«. peeled and dried (chestnut) ; thin, lean, meagre. pil6riC0, ca, a. (anat.) pyloric. piloro, m. (anat.) pylorus. pilOSO, sa, a. pilous, pilose, hairy. pilotaje, m. (naut.) pilotage; pile-work, piling. pilote, m. pile, spile, stake. pilotin, m. (naut.) pilot's mate, second pilot. pilOtO, m. (naut.) sailing-master, navigator; first mate ; mate : piloto de altura, sea-pilot : piloto practice or de costa, coast-pilot : piloto de puerto, pilot. piltraca, piltrafa, /. skinny flesh ; hide parings.— p/. scraps of food. pilla, /. pillage, plunder. pillada, /. (coll.) knavish trick, rascality. pillador, ra, m. & f. pillager,- plunderer, swindler. pillaje, m. pillage, plunder, marauding, foray. pllld;f,'va. to pillage, rifle, plunder, foray ; to catch, grasp, take hold of. pillastre, pillastrbn, m. rogue, rascal. pillear, va. (coll.) to play the rascal. pilleria,/. set of rogues ; piece of rascality. pillO, Ua, a. roguish, knavish ; shrewd, art- ful, sly. — m. knave, rogue, rascal ; petty thief. pilluelO, m. dim. little rogue, urchin. pimental, m. pepper patch. pimentero, "*. pepper-box; (bot.) pepper- j»lant : pimentero falso, V. turbinto. . pimentdn, vi. large pepper ; Cayenne or red pepper ; paprika. ptmienta, /. pepper (black pepper) : pimienta de Tabasco or malagueta, myrtle : pimienta larga, long pepper. pimientO, m.. (bot.) capsicum ; pepper (fruit of the capsicum) ; red or Cayenne pepper: pimientO dulce, sweet pepper: pimiento pl- cante or de cornetilla, hot pepper ; chilli : pimientO morron or de bonete, large, sweet pepper. pimpidO, VI. (icht.) variety of dog-fish. pimpin, m. children's-play, like pizpirigafia. «(befo i) aiui j as h in hot; h. Filpiit ; 11 in brilliant; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) aw.i rr trilled • «. hiwed. PIM 428' PIO pimpinela, /. (bot.) burnet, pimpinel. pimpleo, a, a. belonging to the Muses. plmplbn, m. waterfall, cascade. pimpollar, m. nursery of young plants. pimpollecer, vn. to sprout, to bud. pimpollejo, iCO, ito, m. dim. tender bud, sprout, sucker, or shoot. pimpolio, TO. sucker, sprout, shoot ; rosebud ; spruce, lively youtti. pimpolludO, da, a. full of buds or sprouts. plna, /. conical mound ; jaunt, felloe. pinabete, m. (bot.) fir-tree and its wood. pinacoteca, /. picture-gallery. pin^CUlO, TO. pinnacle, tinial, acme, summit. pinado, da, a. (bot.) pinnate, pinnated. plnar, plnarejo, to. pine grove. pinariego, ga, a. belonging to pines. plnastro, to. wild pine. pinaza,./. (naut.) pinnace. pincarrascal, to. grove of pin-oaks. pincarrasco, m. (bot.) pin-oak, swamp Spanish oak. plncel, TO. artist's brush •. by extension, painter, work painted, and mode of paint- ing ; second feather in a martin's wing. pincelada, /. stroke with a brush, touch. pincelar, va. (art) to paint, portray. plncelero, to. maker or seller of artist's brushes ; brush-box. pincelillO, ito, to. dim. fine brush ; camel's- hair brush. pincelote, to. aug. coarse brush. pincerna, m. Af. one who serves drinks. pinchadura, /. (coll.) puncture, pricking. pinchar, va. to prick, puncture, pierce. pinchauvas, to. (coll.) despicable person. pinchazo, to. prick, puncture, stab. pinche, m. scullion, kitchen-boy. pinctlO, TO. thorn, prickle ; goad ; skewer. pindirlCO, ca, a. Pindaric. pindonga, /. (coll.) gadabout (woman). plndonguear, vn. (coll.) to gad about. plneda, /. braid for garters ; pine-grove. plnga,/ (Philip.) banghy, bamboo for carry- ing loads. plngajo, TO. (coll.) rag, tatter. pinganello, to. v. calamoco. plnganitOS (en), adv. in a high position. plngO, TO. rag.— p/. worthless clothes, duds ; (Amer.) fine saddle horse: aadar, eitar, or ir de pingo, to gad about. pingorote, to. any pointed thing. pingorotudo, da, a. (col!.) high, loftv. pingile (peen'-KwayJ^ a. fat, greasy, oily, pin- guid ; rich, plentiful, abundant. — to. (naut.) pink. pingiiedinOSO, sa, a. fatty, oleaginous, pin- guid. pinguosidad, /. fatness. pinffero, ra, a. (poet.) piniferous. plniUO, TO. (bot.) ground-pine, germander. pinitOS, TO. pi. dim. first steps. V. pino. pinjante. to. (jewel.) pendant; (arch.) boss. pimiipedos, to. pi. (zool.) pinnipedia. plno, na, a. steep. — to. (coll.) first step of a child or of a convalescent ; (hot.") pine : pino alerce, larch, tamarack, hackmatack : pino carr&ico, pin-oak: pino albar, Scotch pine: pino rodeno, bravo, or maritimo, cluster-pine, pinaster : pino pi&onero, stone-pine : pino (de) tea, pitch-pine. pinocha,/. pine-leaf, pine-needK plnocllO, TO. pine-cone. pinola,/. detentof a repeating watcb ; (naut.) spindle. pinole, m. aromatic powder to mix with chocolate ; (Mex.) cereal meal. pinoso, sa, n. producing or belonging to pines. pinta, /. spot, stain, mark ; edge lines on Spanish cards denoting the suit; outward appearance, aspect ; drop ; pint. — pi. spots on the skin in malignant fevers ; basset, game at cards. pintacilgo, pintadillo, to. (om.) goldfinch pintada,/. (orn.) guinea-fowl. pintado, da, a. &pp. painted, mottled ; just tit, exact. pintamonas, to. (coll.) dauber. pintar, va. to paint, colour, picture ; to stair (as glass) ; to dapple ; to describe, delineate, represent ; to fancy, imagine ; to exaggerate. — vn. to begin to ripen ; to show, give signs of. — IT. to paint one's face. pintarrajar, pintarrajear, va. (coll.) to daub. pintarra^o, to. (coll.) a daub. pintarroja, /. v. lua. pintarrojO, to. (orn.) linnet. V. pardillo. pintica, ilia, ita,/. dim. little spot or dot. pintiparado, da, pp. & a. perfectly likev closely resembling ; apposite, fit. pintiparar, va. (coll.) to compare. pintOJO, ja, a. spotted, stained, mottled. pintor, TO. painter : pintor de brocha gorda, house or sign painter ; dauber. pintora,/. paintress ; painter's wife. pintorciilo, to. dim. wretched painter oj» dauber. pintoresco, ca, a. picturesque. pintorreador, to. dauber, miserable ^amter. pintorrear, ra. to daub, paint without .rrill. pintura,/. painting; (art) pictur'^. painting* colour, paint, pigment ; lively ■iescription or representation : pintura 4 la tguada, wa- ter-colour: pintura al oleo, oil-painting: pin- tura figulina, painting on earthenwnre : pin- tura al temple, size-painting. pinturero, ra, a. conceitedly aftected. pinula, /. sight of an optical instrument. pinzas,/. pi. nippers, pincers, tweezers; claws of lobsters, etc. ; forceps ; burling iron. pinz6n, to. (orn.) chaffinch. pinzote, to. (naut.) whip-staff. pi&a, /. cone or nut of the pine-tree ; pine- apple ; cluster, gathering ; pool, in billi&rds ; (naut.) wall-knot ; (min.) virgin silver treated with mercury ; (Philip.) fine fabric made from the leaves of the pine-apple. pijiata, /. pot ; suspended balloon filled with candies at a masquerade ball. piiL6n, TO. pine kernel ; (bot. ) pinon or nut- pine ; (mech.) pinion, small gear-wheel ; spring-nut of a gun ; extreme joint of a bird's wing. piftonata,/. conserve of shredded almonds. piflonate, m. candied pine-nut kernel. pifLonciCO, illO, ito, to. dim. small pine-nut kernel ; last joint of a wing. pi&onear, vn. to click (as a gun being cocked) to cry (as partridges in rut>. pi&Oneo, to. cry of partridges in rut. piiionero, a. v. pino. pi&uela, /. figured silk; nut of cypress, (Amer.) agave. pio, a, a. pious, devout, religious, holy ; mild, merciful ; pied, piebald (horse). — to', puling of chickens ; (coll.) longing, anxious desire. piocha, /. trinket for women's head-dresses ; flower made of feathers. piolento, ta, a. lousy. piojeria,/. lousiness ; misery, poverty. piojillo, TO. dim. small louse (vermin on plants and birds). piOJO [pe-o'-hoi, m. louse ; disease in hawks : piojo pegadizo, (coll.) crab-louse ; trouble- some hanger-on. a as in far : e in eh I : 1 in police : o in for ; U in boll : C (before e, i) and z at tb in thick : b Rnif d. •oft. PIO 429 PIl piOJOSO, sa, a. lousy ; mean, stingy. pioluelO ipe-o-whey'-io], m. dim. small louse. pioia, /. (naut.) housing, house-line. pionia,/. (Venez.)bucare-seed used as beads. piorno, m. (hot.) V. gayomba. V. codeso. pipa, /. cask, butt, hogshead, pipe, puncheon ; tobacco-pipe ; pip of some fruits ; reed of a clarion ; (arti.) fusee. pipar, vn. to smoke a tobacco-pipe. piperkceo, a, a. (bot.) piperaceous. piperia, /. collection of pipes or casks, piperina, /. (chem. ) piperin. pipero, m. cooper, pipe or butt maker, pipi, 111. (orn.) pitpit, honey-creeper. pipian, m. kind of Indian fricassee. pipiar, vn. to pule, chirp, peep. pipila, /. (Mex.) hen-turkey. pipiolo, m. (coll. ) novice, raw hand, beginner. pipirigallO, m. (bot.) sainfoin, forage plant. nrig Jirijs pipirijaina, /. (coll.) band of strolling play- ers. plpiripao, m. (cell.) splendid feast, recep- tion. pipiritaila or pipitafla, /. flute made by boys of green cane. plpo, m. small bird that eats flies. piporro, /ft. (mus.) bassoon. pipote, m. keg. pipotillO, m. dim. small keg. pique [pee'-kay], m. pique, resentment ; term in a card game. V. nigua ; (naut.) crotch : irse & piqae, (naut.) to founder: echar 4 pique, (naut.) to sink a ship: k pique, in danger, on the point of, sharp-cut (cliff). pique [pe-kay'], m. pique, cotton fabric. piquera, /. entrance hole in a hive ; cock- hole in a barrel ; outlet of a smelting fur- nace ; lamp-burner. piqueria,/. body of pikemen. piquero, m. (mil.) pikeman. piqueta, /. pickaxe, mattock ; mason's ham- mer. piquete, m. slight wound from a sharp tool ; (sew.) small hole in a garment ; stake, picket or piquet ; (mil. ) picket. piquetero, m. (min. ) pick or mattock carrier. piquetilla,/. dim. bricklayer's hammer. piquillo Ipe-keei'-iyo], m. dim. small beak or bill ; small amount. piquituertO, m. (orn.) cross-bill, picarin. pira,/. funeral pile, pyre, stake. pirag6n, piral, m. v. pirausta. piragua,/, (naut.) pirogue, canoe; vine. piraguero, m. canoeist. piramidal, a. pyramidal. piramidalmente, adv. pyramidally. pir^unide,/. pyramid. pirata, m. pirate, corsair ; cruel wretch. piratear, vn. to pirate, rob at sea. pirateria, / piracy ; any robbery. piratiCO, ca, a. piratical, piratic. pirausta, /. fabulous fire-fly. pirca,/. (S. Am.) dry-stone wall. pircar, va. to fence with a pirca. plrco, m. (S. Am. ) kind of succotash. i pirenaiCO, ca, a. Pvrenean. piretolOgia, /. (med.) pyretology. pirexia,/. (med.) pyrexia. pirico, ca, a. relating to fire-works. pirita, /. (min.) pyrites, marcasite. piritoso, sa, a. pyritous. pirofilacio, m. subterraneous fire. pir6foro, m. pyrophore. piromancia. /. pyromancy. pirom^ntiCO, ca, a. pyroraantic. pir6metrO, m. pyrometer. pironoinia,.f. pyronomy. piropear, va. (coll.) to pay compliments. piropo, m. variety of garnet; carbuncle; compliment, flattery. pirdscafO, m. steamship. pirOBCOpiO, m. pyroscope. pirbsfera,/. (geol.) pyrosphere. pirosis,/. (med.) pyrosis. pirotecnia, /. pyrotechnics or pyrotechny. pirot6cnicO, ca, a. pyrotechnical. piroxena,/. (min.) pyroxene. pirriquio, m. foot of Latin verse. pirrdnico, ca, a. sceptic, unbeliever. pirronismo, m. Pyrrhonism. pirueta,/. pirouette, gyration. piru^tano, m. v. perubtano. pisa, /. tread, treading ; portion of olives or grapes pressed at once. pisada, /. footstep, footprint; stepping on one's foot. pisador, ra, a. &m. & /. prancer, high-step- per. — m. treader of grapes. pisadura,/. act of treading; footstep. pisapapeles, »«. paper weight. pisar, va. to tread, trample ; to stamp on the ground ; to step ; to beat ; to ram ; to mill ; to cover, lie over ; to despise ; to abandon ; to copulate (birds). pisasfaltO, m. mixture of bitumen and pitch. pisauvas, m. treader of grapes. pisaverde, m. (coll.) fop, coxcomb, popinjay. piscator, m. yearly almanac. piscatoriO, ria, a. piscatory. piSCiCUltor, ra, a. &m. &f. pisciculturist. piscicultura,/. pisciculture, fish culture. pisciform^, a. fish-shaped. piscina,/, fish-pond ; swimming tank ; (eccl.) piscina. piscis, m. (ast.) Pisces, zodiacal sign. piscivoro, ra, a. piscivorous. piSCOlabiS, m. (coll.) luncheon, a bite. piSO, m. floor, pavement, flooring; story or floor, loft, flat, apartment; ground, level; tread, footing, walking ; (min. ) level works : piso bajo, ground-floor. pis6n, m. rammer, paver's beetle. pisonear, va. to ram. V. apisonar. pisotear, va. to trample, tread under foot. pisoteo, m. trampling, treading under foot. pisotbn, m. aug. heavy step on one's foot. pista,/. trail, track, scent ; trace, clew ; race- track, circus-track. pistacnero, pistacho, m. v. alf6nsigo. pistadero, m. pestle, for pounding. pistar, va. to pound with a pestle. pistero, m. feeding cup, called "duck." pistilO, m. (bot.) pistil. pistO, m. expressed fowl juice for the sick ; dish of tomatoes and red pepper. pistOla, /. pistol : un par de pistolas, a brace of pistols : pistolas de arzon, horse-pistols. pistolera,/. holster. pistoletazo,''wi. pistol-shot. pistolete, m. pistolet, pocket-pistol. pist6xi, m. (mech.) piston, embolus, sucker of a pump ; (arti.) percussion-cap, primer ; (mus.) piston of a brass instrument. pistoresa, /. short dagger. pistraje, pistraque, m. unpleasant bever- age. pi8tura,.f. pounding, pestling. pita, ./. (bot.) American agave or century- plant ; fibre of the agave ; term used to call hens. pitaco, m. stem of a century-plant. pitada, /. blow of a whistle. pitag6riC0, ca, a. & n. Pythagorean. pitahaya,/. (bot.) saguaro, tree-cactus. pitanceria, /. place where pittances are dis- tributed ; distribution or ofl5ce of pittances. C (before e, 1) and J ae h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 iu brilliant; &, ny lu canyou ; r (ioUial) aup. &a. silvered; plated. plateador, m. plater, silverer. plateadura, /. silvering, silver-plating. platear, va. to silver, to silver-plate. platel, m. platter ; tray. plateresco, ca, a. (arch.) plateresque, plateria, /. silversmith's shop or trade. platero, m. silversmith ; jeweller: platero de oro, goldsmith. pld.tica, /. talk, chat, conversation ; address, lecture; sermon: libre pl^tica, (com.) pra- tique. platicar, va. ( pret. PLATiQui : subj. plati- que) to converse, talk, chat. platija, /. (icht.) plaice, flounder. platilla, ./". Silesian linen. platillO, in. dim. small dish, saucer ; (cook.) beef-stew ; extra dish in convents ; basin or pan of a balance ; (mus.) cymbal; (mech.) disk or valve of a chain-pump. platina, /. (min.) ore of platinum ; (mech.) plate, platen; (print.) platen, bed-plate; also imposing-table. platino, m. (c-nem.) platinum. plato, m. dish, plate; (cook.) dish, mess, food served in a dish ; daily fare ; basin or pan of a balance ; (arch.) metope : nada en- tre do8 platos, much ado about nothing : pla- to de segunda mesa, makeshift, second-hand, cast-ofl". plat6nicamente, adv. Platonically. platbniCO, ca, a. Platonic. platonismo, m. Platonism. platuja,/. (icht.) V. pfcATijA. plausibilldad, /. plausibility, speciousness. plausible, a. plausible, specious. plausiblemente, adv. plausibly, colourably. plauso, m. applause. plaustro, m. (poet.) cart, wagon, carriage. playa, /. shore, strand, sea-coast, beach. playadO, da, a. having a beach ; beachy. playazo, m. wide or extended shore. playeras, /. jo/. popular Andalusian song. playero, ra, m. &/. fisherman, fishwoman. playdn, m. aug. large shore or beach. playuela, /. dim. of playa ; small beach. plaza fpiah'-thah], /. square, place; market- place; (com.) emporium, market; trade; room, space, stall ; oflSce, position, employ- ment; (mil.) enlisting or enrolling; repu- tation, character, fame: plaza de armas, (mil.) parade-ground: plaza fuerte, (fort.) stronghold, fortress: sentar plaza, (mil.) to enlist : pasar plaza, to be reputed something which one is not : sacar 4 plaza, to publish, to render public : i ^laza, plaza I clear the wav, make room. plazo, m. term, time, date, day of payment; instalment ; duelling-groupd. plazoleta, plazuela,/. dim. small square or place. pie, m. hand-ball game. V. ble. pleamar,/. (naut.) high-water, high-tide. pl^bano, m. curate of a parish. plebe,.f. common people, plebs, populace. plebeyo, ya, a. plebeian. — m. &f. commoner. e (before e, i) and J as Ii in hot; h, silent; 11 In brilliant; &, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; s, hissed. PLE 432 FOB plebiscitaxio, ria, a. plebiscitary, plebiBCitO, m. plebiscitum ; (pol.) plebiscite. pleca,/. (print.) straight line, rule. plectro, m, plectrum, for stringed instru- ments. plegable, a. pliable, folding. plegadamente, adv. confusedly. plegadera,/. (b. b.) folder. plegadlzo, za, a. pliable, folding. plegadO, m. plaiting : folding. plegador, ra, a. folding.— m. & /. folder, plaiter, plaiting-machine, folding-machine ; beam of a silk-loom. plegadnra, /. plait, fold ; plaiting, folding, doubling; crease. far, va. {ind. PLiEGb : subj. pliegue) to "'ftf; fold, plait, double; to do up; to turn the warp on the yarn-beam ; (b. b.) to fold the sheets; (sew.) to plait, wrinkle, pucker, gather, crease. plegaria,/. prayer, supplication ; noon pray- ers. plegueta, m. (bot.) tendril of a vine. pleixa, /. plaited strand of bass. plelteador, ra, m. &/. pleader ; wrangler. plelteante, pa. & m. &/. litigating ; pleader, litigant. pleltear, va. to plead, litigate, contend. pleitista, m. pettifogger. pleitO, m. lawsuit ; litigation, judicial action ; proceedings in a cause ; dispute, contest, con- troversy ; debate, contention, strife: ver el pleito, (law) to try a cause: pleito de acree- dores, proceedings under a commission of bankruptcy. plenamar,/. v. pleamar. plenamente, adv. fully, completely. plenariamente, adv. completely, fully ; (law) plenarily. plenarlO, ria, a. complete, full ; (law) plen- ary. plenilunio, m. full moon. plenipotencia, /. plenipotence, fulness of power. plenipotenciarlo, m. plenipotentiary, plenitud,/. plenitude, fulness, abundance. pleno, na, a. full, complete. V. lleno. pleonasmo, m. (rhet.) pleonasm. pleonisticamente, adv. pleonastically. pleon^stlco, ca, a. pleonastic. plepa,/. (coll.) bother ; person full of defects. plesimetro, m. (med.) pleximeter. pletina,/. small iron plate. pl^tora, f. plethora ; superabundance. pletdricb, ca, a. plethoric. pleura,/, (anat.) pleura. pleuresia,/. (med.) pleurisy: pleuresia falsa, pleurodynia. pleiiritiCO, ca, «. pleuritical, pleuritic. pleuritiS,/. (med.) pleurisy. pleurodinia, /. (med.) pleurodynia, stitch in the side. glexo, m. (anat. and bot.) plexus; network. 16vadas, P16yades, /. pi. (ast.) the Plei- ades, plica,/, (law) escrow; (med.) matted hair; Jalica. lego, m. sheet of paper ; folded paper ; sealed envelope or package containing let- ters or documents: pliego de condicionei, tender, bid. pUegO, pliegue {irr. from plegar). pliegue [piea-a'-gay], m. fold, plait, crease ; ("sew.) gather. pllegueclllo, TO. dim. half-sheet; small plait. plluto, TO. (arch.) plinth of a pillar. plomada, /. artificer's lead-pencil : plumb, plumb-bob, plummet; (naut.) lead for sounding ; fishing-net sinker ; scourge with lead balls. plomar, ra. to put a leaden seal. plomazbn,/. gilding cushion. plombagina,/. plumbago, graphite. plomeria,/. lead roofing; storehouse of lead ware. plomero, to. plumber. plomlzo, za, a. leaden ; plumbean ; plum- beous. plomo, TO. lead (metal) ; any piece of lead; plumb-bob, plummet; bullet; (coll.) dull person, a bore : andar cob pies de plomo, to proceed with the utmost circumspection : k plomo, true plumb : caer k plomo, to fall flat down. plomoso, sa, a. leaden. V. plomizo. pluma,/. feather, quill, plume, down-; writing pen; penmanship; writer, author; style; (coll.) air expelled from the bowels : pluma de agua, measure of running water: pluma viva, eider-down : k vuela pluma, written in haste. plumada, /. brief writing ; stroke of a pen, flourish. plumadO, da, a. feathered, feathery, plumy. plumaje, m. plumage ; plume, crest. plumajeria,/. plumagery; plumery. plumajero, m. plumist, feather-dresser. plumaria (arte), a. art of dressing plumes. plumario, to. plumist, plume-maker. plumazo, TO. feather Hiattress or pillow. plumazdn,/. plumage, plumagery. plumbado, da, «. sealed with a Iqaden seal. plumbagina, /. v. plombagina. plumbaglneo, a, a. (bot.) plumbagineous. plumbeo, bea, a. leaden, plumbean. plumbiCO, ca, «. (chem.) plumbeous. plumeado, m. (pict.) lines in miniature painting. plu _ Lumear, va. (pict.) to shade with a liner. plumeo, mea, a. plumigerous, plumose, feathered, plumed. plumeria,/. plumosity; plumagery. plumero, m. feather-duster ; box for feathers or plumes ; plumage ; aigret, panache. plumifero, ra, a. (poet.) plumigerous. plumilla, /. dim. small feather or plume; (print.) script type ; (bot.) plumule. plumldn, TO. V. plum6n. plumlsta, TO. scrivener or notary ; plumist, plume-maker. f)lumlta,/. dim. small feather or pen. plumbn, TO. down, feather-bed. plumoso, sa, a. feathered, plumy. plumula,/. (bot.) plumule. plural, a. (gram.) plural. pluralldaa,/. plurality.multitude; majority, pluralizar, va. (gram.') to pluralize. plus, TO. (mil.) extra pay. pluscuamperfecto, to. (g^am.) pluperfect tense. pluteo, TO. library shelf. plutocracla, .f. plutocracy. plutOCrd,tiCO, ca, «. plutocratic. plutdnico, ca, a. (geol.) Plutonic. plutonismo, m. (geol.) Plutonism. plutonista, m. Plutonist. pluvial, pluviOSO, sa, a. pluvial, rainy: capa pluvial, (eccl.) cope. plUVimetrO or piuvi6inetrO, to. pluvi- ometer. plUVi0m6triC0, ca, «. pluviometric. plUViOSO, sa, a. rainy, pluvious. poa,/. (naut.) bow-line bridle. pobeda, /. plantation of poplars. P0blaci6n, /. population, populating ; num- ber of inhabitants ; city, town, or village. a as in far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; u In Hull ; c (before e, i) and z as th In thick ; b and d, loft ; FOB 433 POL poblachO, P0blacll6n, m. ugly village. poblado, pp. & a. [)opulated, inhabited. — m. towu, village, settlement. poblador, ra, m. &f. populator, settler. poblar, va. & V7i. {ind. PUEBLO : sttbj. pue- ble) to found, populate, people, colonize, settle ; to stock ; to breed, procreate fast.— rr. to bud, leaf. poblazo, m. large ugly village. poblezuelO, m. dim. small village. pobo, in. (bot.) white poplar. pobre, a. poor, necessitous, indigent, needy ; barren, dry; humble, modest; unhappy, pitiable, wretched; trifling, paltry, unim- portant.— m. poor person, pauper, beggar, tramp. pobrecico, ica, illo, ilia, ito, ita, a. & m. Scf. dim. poor little thing. pobremente, adv. poorly, miserably, need- ily- pobreria, /. poor people, beggars. pobrero, m. distributor of alms, pobreta,/. (coll.) strumpet, prostitute. pobrete, pobreta, m. dim. poor, unfortunate person. pobretear, vn. to pretend poverty. pobreteria, /. poor people, beggars ; poverty, niggardliness. pobretdn, na, a. aug. very poor. pobreza, /. poverty, indigence, necessity, want, need ; poorness, sterility, barrenness ; voluntary vow of poverty ; lowness or little- ness of spirit. pobrezuelo, la, a. dim. rather poor, pobrismo, m. pauperism, beggars. pocero, wi. well borer or sinker ; sewerman. pOCilga, /. hog-sty, hog-pen ; dirty place. pocillO, m. dim. vessel sunk in the ground in oil-mills ; chocolate-cup. pdcima,/. potion, draught, medicinal tea. pOCi6n,/. drink, draught; (pharm.) potion. pOCO, ca, a. little, scanty, limited, small ; few, some. — m. a little, a piece, a bit, a small quantity. — adv. little, in a small degree, quantity, or number, in a scanty manner ; shortly, briefly, in a short time : poco antes or poco despueg, a little before or after : poco lia que, or de poco tiempo aci, lately, a short time since, latterly: poco k poco, gently, softly; gradually; stop! i poco, immediate- ly, shortly after : tener en poco, to set little value on a thing. p6culO, m. drinking cup or glass. pocho, Cha, a. (coll.) discoloured, faded. poda,/. pruning, lopping ; pruning season. podadera, /. pruning-knife, pruning-hook, hedging-bill. podador, ra, m. &f. pruner. podagra,/, gout in the feet. podar, va. to prune, head, lop, trim. podaz6ll, /. pruning season. pOdenco, m. hound. poder, va. {gerund, pudiendo : ind. puedo : pret. pude : fut. podr6 : subj. pueda) to be able, may or can ; to afford ; to be invested with authority or power ; to have force or energy to act or resist : & rnks no poder, to the utmost : no poder ver & uno, to hate the sight of a person. — v. impers. to be possible or contingent. poder, m. power, faculty, authority, domin- ion, command, influence, mastery, force ; military strength of a state ; might ; (law) power or letter of attorney ; proxy, pos- session, tenure ; ability, strength, vigwir, capacity, possibility. — pi. power, authority. poderdante, m. &f. (law) constituent. poderhabiente, m. &/. (law) attorney. poderio, m. power, might, authority, domin- ion, jurisdiction ; wealth, riches. poderosamente, adv. powerfully, mightily. poderOSO, sa, «. powerful, mighty, potent; rich, wealthy; eminent, excellent; active, efficacious ; able, forcible. podiO, »H. (arch.) podium. podofllina,/. (pharm.) podophyllin. podon, in. pruning-hook, bill-hook ; mattock. podre, "(. &f. pus, corrupted matter. podrecer, va. & vn. & vr. v. puorir. podrecimiento, m. v. podredura. podredumbre,/. decay ; pus, putrid matter, corruption ; grief. podredura,/. putrefaction, corruption. podricion,/. r. podredura.- podrida, a. v. olla podrida. podridero, podrlmiento, m. podrir, va. v. PUDRIDERO, PUDRIMIENTO, and PUDRIR. poema, w. poem, metrical composition. poesia, /. poetry, poesy ; poetical composi- tion. ^o/. poesias, poetical works, poeta, m. a poet. poetastro, m. poetaster. po6tica,/. poetry ; poetics. po^ticamente, adv. poetically. portico, ca, a. poetic, poetical. poetisa,/. poetess, female poet. poetizar, vn. (pret. POETICE : .subj. poetice) to poetize, write poems. — va. to render poet- ical, to impart poetry. poino, in. gauntry, stilling, stalder, barrel- stand. polaco, ca, a. Polish. — m. Polish language. — m. &f. Pole. polacra,/. (naut.) polacre. polaina,/. spatter-dashes, leggings. polar, a. polar. polaridad, /. polarity. polarizacidn,/. polarization. polca,/. (danc.) polka. polcar, vn. to dance the polka. polea,/. sheave of a pulley ; (naut.) tackle- block, block pulley. {Cf. aparejo, cua- dernal, garrucha, mot6n, roldana.) poleadas, /. pi. v. gachas or puches. poleame, m. set of pulleys, tackle. polemica,/. polemics ; (mil.) science of for- tification ; literary or political controversy. polemico, ca, a. polemical, polemic. polemista, m. &/. polemic, controvertist. polemistiCO, ca, a. polemic(al), controver- sial. polemonio, m. (bot.) Jacob' s-ladder. polemoscopio. m. (opt.) polemoscope. polen, m. (bot.) pollen. polenta, /. porridge. poleO,m, (bot.) penny-royal ; strutting gait ; pompous style ; stiff, cold wind. poliandria, /. (bot.) polyandria. poliantea, /. polyanthea, budget of news. poliarquia, /. polygarchy. poliarquiCO, ca, a. relating to polygarchy, policarpo, a. (bot.) polycarpous. p61ice, ni. thumb. policia, /. police ; politeness, good-breeding ; cleanliness, neatness. policitaci6n, /. (law) pollicitation. policroismo, m. (min.) polychromatic prop- erty of some minerals. policromo, ma, a. polychrome, many-col- oured. poli6drico, ca, a. polyhedrous, polyhedri- cal. poliedro, m. (geom.) polyhedron. pollf^sico, ca, (elec.) multiphase. poligala,/. (bot.) milkwort. poligaleo, a, a. (bot.) polygalaceous. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled : s, hissed. POL 434 POM* poUgamia, /. polygamy. poligamo, ma, a. polygamous ; several times married. — m. & f. polygamist ; oue who has married several times. poligloto, ta, a. polyglot. — m. & f. linguist. —J. polyglot Bible. poligonaceo, a, a. (hot.) polygonaceous. poligonal, «. (geom.) polygonal. poligOUO, na, «. polygonal, multangular. — m. (geom.) polygon; (bot.) poly; (arti.) pr act ice-grou nd. poUgrafia, /• art of writing in or interpret- ing various ciphers ; polygraphy. poligrafiCO, ca, «. polygraphic. poligrafO, m. expert with ciphers ; poly- graph. polilla, /. moth, clothes-moth ; consumer, waster. polimita, n. made of many-coloured threads (stufl"). polin, m. (naut.) wooden roller, skidding, polinomlO, m. (math.) polynomial. poliorcetica,/. (mil.) poliorcetics. poUperO, in. polypary. polip6talo, la, «. (bot.) polypetalous. poliorama, m. polyorama. pblipo, wt. (zool.) polyp; (icht.) octopus, poulp; (med.) polypus. polipodlO, m. (hot.) polypody, fern. polisarcia,/. (med.) obesity. pollSCOpiO, tn. (opt. and surg.) polyscope. polisilsibo, ba, a. polysyllabic— «t. polysyl- lable. poliS^palO, la, a. (bot.) polysepalous. polisiudeton, m. (rhet.) polysyndeton. pOlispastOS, /. burton, hoisting tackle. pollsta, m. (Philip.) Indian doing service called polo. P0lit6cniC0j ca, a. polytechnic. pollteismo, m. polytheism. politeista, «. & m. &f. polytheist. politica,./'. policy, politics ; politeness, civility. politicamente, adv. politically, civilly. politlcastro, m. politicaster. politico, ca, a. political, politic ; polite, courteous. — m. politician. polltlcdn, na, a. exceedingly polite and ceremonious. pOlitiC[Uear [po-le-te-key-ar'], t'Tl. (coll.) tO talk politics frequently or out of season. poliurla,/. (med.) polyuria. pdliza,/. (com.) policy ; scrip ; check, cheque, draft, pay-bill ; custom-house permit ; en- trance-ticket for some ceremony ; lampoon, anonymous note : pdliza de segiiro, policy of insurance. poUzdn, m. vagrant, lazy vagabond ; stowa- way ; parasite, sponger; (sew.) bustle. polizonte, m. (coll.) policeman, detective. polo, /«. (geog. and ast.) pole; pole of the magnetic needle ; support, foundation ; (Philip.) personal service of forty days in the year to the community by natives ; popular song of Andalusia. polon^S, sa, a. Polish. V. polaco. polonio, m. (chem.) polonium. polonesa, /. fur-trimmed ladies' polonaise. poltr6n, na, a. idle, lazy, lubberly: silla poltrona, easy chair. — m. (coll.) poltroon. poltroneria, /. idleness, laziness, indolence, sluggishness. poltronizarse, vr. to become lazy. polUCion,/. (med.) pollution. poluto, ta, a. polluted, contaminated, de- filed ; unclean, filthy. p61ux, m. (ast.) Pollux, a star. polvareda, /. cloud of dust ; altercation, dis- pute, debate. polvlficar, va. (cell.) to pulverize. polvillO, itO, m. dim. fine dust. polVO, m. dust ; powder, fine dust ; pinch ot snulf or powder.—^/, toilet-powder : polvo» dc cartas, sand for writings : polvos de Jua- nes, red precipitate, red nitrate of mer- cury: polvos para dientes, tooth-powder: polvos de la madre Celestina, (coll.) secret and miraculous mode in which anything is done : sacudir el polvo, to beat out the dust with a stick ; to whip severely : limpio de polvo y paja, without toil or hardship; free from all charges. p61V0ra, /. powder, gunpowder; artificial fire-works ; bad temper, irritable mood ; vi- vacity, liveliness, i)riskuess : polvora sin hu- mo, smokeless powder : gastar la polvora en salvas, to work to no purpose : ser una pol- vora or vivo como la polvora, to be as quick as lightning. polvoreamiento, m. powdering. polvorear, ta. to powder, sprinkle as with dust. polvoriento, ta, a. dusty, full of dust. polvorin, lu. finest powder ; powder-flask, priming-horn ; powder-magazine. polvorista, m. manufacturer of gunpowder; maker of fire-works. polvorizable, «. pulverizable. polvorizacion, /. pulveiization. polvorizar, va. to pulverize ; to powder. polVOrOSO, sa, a. dusty, full of dust. polla, /. pullet, young hen, chicken; (coll.) comely young lass; at cards, pool; (orn.) V. FULICA. pollada, /• flock of young fowls; hatch, co- vey. pollancdn, na, »«. &/. large chicken ; (coll.) overgrown youth. poUastra, / large young hen. pollastre, pollastro, m. large chicken ; (coll.) cunning fellow. pollaz6n, m. hatching ; hatch, brood. pollera, /. woman who raises or sells chick- ens ; chicken-roost ; chicken-coop ; go-cart ; hooped petticoat. polleria, /. poultry shop or market ; (coll.) assemblage of young persons. poUerO, m. poulterer ; poultry-jard. poUlna, /. young she-ass. poUlnarmente, »^t'. (coll.) v. asnalmknte. pollino, m. donkey, ass, jument ; stupid fel- low. pollito, ta, m. & f. chicken ; (coll. ) boy or girl. polio, m. chicken, nestling ; young bee ; (coll.) young man ; artful, clever mau. polluelO, la, w. & f. dim. small chicken, chick. poma, /. apple. V. manzana • perfume-cen ser ; smelling-bottle ; pomander-box. pomada,/. pomatum, pomade ; salve. pomar, m. orchard, especially of apple-trees. pomarada, /. plantation of apple-trees. pomarrosa, /. (bot.) rose-apple. pdmez (piedra),/. pwnice-stone. pomifero, ra, a. (poet.) pomiferous, having apples. pomo, m. pip-fruit ; pomum ; pomander-box ; flask, flagon, .small bottle ; pommel of a sword or of a saddle ; nosegay. pompa, /. pomp, ostentation, stateliness ; splendour, grandeur; grand procession, pa- geant ; bubble ; inflation of clothes raised y the wind ; expanded tail of a turkey or peacock ; (naut.) pump. pompearse, pomponearse, rr. (coll.) to appear with pomp and ostentation ; to strut. » M in far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; O in for ; u in boll ; c (before e, i) and z as tb In thick ; b and d, soft; POM 435 POQ pompeyano, na, a. Pompeian, of Pompeii, pomposamente, adv. pompously. pomposo, sa, «• pompous, ostentatious, magnificent, splendid, majestic ; inflated, swelled. p6inulO, m. cheek-bone. ponci, poncidre, poncil, «. & m. applied to a species of bitter orange or lemon, ponchada,/ punch made at one time. pOUChe ii«iir-chayi, 7«. punch (liquor). ponchera,/. punch-bowl. poncho, Cha, a. soft, mild, careless, heedless. — 7«. military cloak or great-coat; (S. Am.) travelling cloak or blanket. ponderable, «. pondevable ; wonderful. ponderaci6n, /. consideration, deliberation ; exaggeration, heightening. ponderador, ra, »i. &f. ponderer ; one who exaggerates. ponderal, a. ponderal, relating lo weight. ponderar, va. to weigh ; to ponder, consider ; to exaggerate, heighten. ponderatiVO,ya, a. exaggerating, hyperbol- ical. ponderosamente, adv. attentiTely, care- fully. pouderosidad, /. ponderousness, ponder- osity, weightiness. ponderoso, sa, a. heavy, ponderous, weighty ; grave, circumspect, cautious. ponedefo, ra, a. capable of being laid or placed; egg-laying, layer (as a hen). — m. nest, hen's nest ; nest-egg. ponedor, ra, a. & m. &f. one who puts, sets, or places ; egg-laying, layer (as a hen); bet- tor, wagerer ; outbidder ; horse trained to rear on the hind legs. ponencia,/. charge, post, or oflBce of a chair- man of a committee, or of a final judge or arbiter ; the exercise of such office. ponente, a. & m. arbitrator, final judge, ref- eree, chairman of a reporting committee. ponentino, na, tisco, ca, a. occidental, western. poner, va. {pp. puesto : ind. pongo : pret. FUSE : /ut. pondr:^ : subj. ponga) to put, place, lay a thing in a place ; to dispose, ar- range, set (as the table) ; to suppose, as- sume ; to impose, enjoin (as order, peace, etc. ) ; to oblige, compel ; to wager, bet, stake ; to appoint, place in charge, employ ; to bring an example or comparison in con- firmation ; to leave to one's judgment or ac- tion ; to name, to call, give a sobriquet ; to write, set down what another dictates ; to lay eggs ; to bring forth ; to labour for an end ; to add, to join ; to contribute, bear a part ; to enforce ; to adduce ; to concert ; to agree ; to treat one badly.— rr. to apply one's self to, to set about ; to don, put on (as a garment); to object, to oppose ; to under- go a change, grow, become ; to get (as wet, dirty); to set (as the sun) ; to reach, get to, arrive ; to dress, deck out, adorn one's self ; followed by a and an infinitive, to com- mence to, start to : poner por escrito, to put in writing : al ponerse el sol, at sunset : po- ner al sol, to expose to the sun, to sun : po- ner Colorado, to put one to the blush, to shame : ponerse Colorado, to blush, to flush : poner en duda, to question, to doubt : poner miedo 4 nno, to make one afraid : poner pies en polvorosa, to take to one's heels : poner pies en pared, to maintain one's opinion with obstinacy : ponerse en Jarra's, to set one's arms akimbo : ponerse flaco, to fall away : pon^rsele & nno, to take a whim, a fancy : ponerse moreno, to become sunburned : p6n- gase Vd. en la razon, be reasonable : ponerse & escribir, to set about, or devote one's self, to writing : poner en relieve, to carve in re- lief ; to describe graphically : poner de vuel- ta y media, or como nuevo, or como chnpa de ddmine, to humiliate a person, by word or action : poner i, nno como nn guante, to ren- der one as pliable as a glove : poner coto, to stop an abuse ; to put a bound : poner en (tanto), to bid (so much). pongo, m. (S. Am.) narrow and dangerous ford ; Indian servant ; (zool.) orang-outang. ponientada, /. steady west wind. poniente, m. the west ; (naut.) west wind. ponimiento, m. act of putting, or putting on. ponlevi, in. shoe with high wooden heel. pontazgO, pontaje, m. bridge-toll, pontage. pontear, va. to erect bridges. pontezuelO, la, m. &/. dim. small bridge. pontificadO, ?«. pontificate, papacy, pope- dom. pontifical, a. pontifical, papal. — m. (eccl.) pontifical (book and robes) ; parochial tithes. pontificalmente, adv. pontifically. pontificar, vn. (coll.) to govern as pontifl". pontifice, m. Pope, pontiff; archbishop or bishop of a diocese. pontificio, cia, a. pontificial. pontU, m. (glass.) pontil or ponty. pontin, m. (Philip.) (naut.) coasting vessel. pontO, m. (poet. ) the sea. pontbn, m. (mil.) pontoon; hulk serving as store-ship, hospital, or prison-ship; (naut.) mud-scow, lighter, dredge ; log bridge. pontonero, m. (mil.) pontonier. ponzofia, /. poison, venom, toxine. ponzOlLosamente, adv. poisonously. ponzofiOSO, sa, a. poisonous, venomous, toxic ; noxious, corrupting. popa, /. (naut.) poop, stern : & popa, en popa, de popa, aft, abaft : viento en popa, before the wind ; prosperity. popamiento, m. despising or cajoling. popar, vn. to depreciate, despise ; to cajole, flatter, fawn ; to caress, soothe, wheedle. popel, a. (naut.) aftermost, sternmost. popeses, m. j9/. (naut.) stays of the mizzen- mast. popliteo, tea, a. (anat.) popliteal. popote, Til. Indian straw for brooms. populacibn, /. population. V. poblaci6n. populacheria,/. claptrap ; cheap popularity. populachero, ra, a. popular, vulgar, com' men. populacllO,w. populace, mob, rabble, crowd. popular, a. popular, plebeian. popularidad,/. popularity. popularizar, va. {pret. popularick: subj. Porri.ARicE) to popularize, make popular. — rr. to become popular. popularmente, adv. popularly. populazo, m. populace, mob, rabble. popule6n, m. white poplar ointment. populOSO, sa, a. populous, full of people. poquedad [jx) kBy-dai.d], /. parvity, paucity, littleness ; cowardice, pusillanimity ; trifle, mite ; imbecility. pOqUillO, Ua [po-keer-lyol, a. dim. of poco ; small, little ; trifling. poquillO, adv. dim. very little time. p0C[Uisim0, ma, a. super, very little, exces- sively small. poquitico, ica, lllo, Ilia, ito, ita, a. dim. of POQiiTO ; almost nothing. poquitO, ta fpo Uee'-to', a. dim. of POCO ; very little ; weak of body and mind, diminutive : k poquitos, in minute portions: poqnito & poco, gently, slowly. — m. a wee bit. t (before e, i) and J as li la hot ; li, sUent ; 1 In brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; •, hissed POR 436 POR por, prep. 1, by. through, as, across, in, about, uear, at, during, per (according as it denotes agency, manner, cause, means, direction, duration of time, relations of quantity : in this case it corresponds with the Lat. prep. per). 2, for, for the sake of, in behalf of, on account of, in the name of, without, not yet, to be (according as it denotes the reason of an action, an end or object sought, purpose, service, favour, need, requirement, change, substitution or equivalence : in this case it corresponds with the Lat. prep, pro) : (1) pintado por un artista, painted by an artist : pasamoB por un tnnel, we pass through a tun- nel : deiechado por inutil, cast off as useless : se paso la mano por la frente, he passed his hand across his forehead : por la manana, in the morning : por ahi, about that, very near- ly : por Navidad, about Christmas : veiide por mayor, he sells at wholesale : Tolveri por la cnarcsma, he will return .iiuiing I^nt : dos centavoB por onza, tw(i cents n»T ounce : cna- tro por cinco, four by tive : pfis? Jocena, by the dozen. (2) por miedo de la* cs-iseraencias, for fear of consequences : por <:&n8a do enfer- medad, on account of illness : ilrmo por *1, I sign in his name : ruega por ncsotros, pray for us : I por Dio« I for God's sake ! ir por pan, to go for bread : quiere vender su casa por $8,000, he wishes to sell his house for $8,000: "ojo por ojo, y diente por diente," ' ' an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth " : caentas por cobrar, unpaid bills : cartas por contestar, unanswered letters : la casa est4 por acabar, the house is not yet finished : por ahora, for the present : por encima, slightly, superficially ; over, upon : por ende, for that reason : por m&s que or por mucho que, however much ; in vain : por si acaso, if by chance : i si por cierto I yes, in- deed ; yes, forsooth: de por si, by itself: por cuanto, whereas: por tanto, therefore: por entre, through : por supuesto, of course. porcacll6ll, na, a. aug. (coll.) very dirty, hoggish. porcal, «. kind of large plum. porcaso [iwiMiah'-soi, m. the hog-tapir. porcelana, /. porcelain, chiuaware ; jewel enamel. porcelanita, /. porcelainite, jasper. porclno, na, «. hoggish, porcine. — m. young Eig: bruise, bump : pan porclno, (bot.) sow- read. porci6n, /. part, portion, dose; lot; (com.) share, allowance, allotment ; pittance. porcioncica, ilia, ita,/. dim. small portion. porcionero,ra,«. apportioning; participant. porcionista, nt. &, f. shareholder ; school- boarder. porcipelo, r». (coll.) bristle. porciuncula, /. (eccl.) Franciscan jubilee. porcuno, na, a. hoggish, porcine. porcliada, /. stretcher in paper-factories. porche, m. covered walk, porch, portico. pordiosear, va. to beg, to ask charity. pordloseo, m. begging, asking alms. pordioseria,/. beggary, asking charity. pordiosero, ra, m. & /. beggar. porfia, /. obstinacy, insistence, persistence, stubbornness ; importunity : 4 porfta, in competition. porfiadamente, adv. obstinately, pertina- ciously, contentiously. porfiado, da, pp. A a. obstinate, stubborn. porftador, ra, «*. &/. persistent person. porflar, ra. to contend, wrangle, importune, insist, persist. porfidlCO, ca, a. porphyritic. p6rfidO, m. porphyry, jasper. porgadero, m. (prov.) sieve or riddle for corn. pormenor, m. detail, particular. pornografia,/. pornography ; pornograph. pornografiCO, ca, a. pornographic. pornbgrafo, m. pornographer. poro, /". pore, interstice. pororoca, /. tide-rip. porosidad,/. porosity ; porousness. poroso, sa, a. porous, porose. porotO, m. (Amer.) variety of pea. por que [por'-kayi, conj. because, for the reason that, so that, in order that. ipor qu6? [por-kay'J, conj. why? for what reason? wherefore? porqu6 Ipor-kay'], m. (coll.) cause, reason, mo- tive ; allowance, pittance, portion. porqueclUa,/. dim. small sow. porquera, ./■. lair, couch of a wild boar. porqueria [por-kay-ree'ahl, /. nastiness, Utt- cleanliness, filth ; hoggishness, brutishness ; rudeness ; trifle, worthless thing ; dirty, un- genteel action ; nuisance, dirty trick. porqueriza,/. hog-sty. r. pocilga. porquerizo,porquero, m. swineherd. porqueron, m. (coll.) catchpoll, bumbailiff. porqueta, /. woodlouse. porquezuelo, la, m. & f. dim. small hog or sow ; slovenly young person. porra, /. stick, bludgeon, club; maul; last player in boys' games ; (coll.) vanity, boast, presumption; (coll.) dull or importunate person. porr^ceo, cea, a. of leek-green colour. porrada, /. blow or knock; (coll.) foolish- ness, nonsense. porrazo, m. blow, knock, fall. porrear, vn. (coll.) to insist, persist, impor- tune. porreria,/. (coll.) obstinacy; silliness. porreta, ./". green leaf of leeks, garlic, or onions: en porreta, (coll.) stark naked. porrilla, ./'. small forging hammer; (vet.) os- seous tumour in joints. porrillO (k), adv. (coll.) copiously, abun- dantly. porrina, /. state of crops when small and green. porrino, m. tender plant of a leek. porrlZO, m. bed or plot of leeks. porro, rra, a. (coll.) dull, stupid.— wj. (bot.) leek. porrbn, na, a. heavy, sluggish, slow. — m. earthen jug; wine bottle with long side spout. pornido, m. shepherd's crook. porta,/, (naut. ) gun-port; stern-port. portaaguja, f. needle-holder. portabandera,.^. socket for a flag-pole. portacaja, f. carrier of a loom ; (mil.) drum sash or strap. portacarabina, ./". (mil.) carbine-thimble. portacartas, vi. mail-bag for letters. portada,.^". portal, porch ; frontispiece, front, fa<^ade ; (print.) title-page; division of the warp. portadera, /. chest for stores on a horse. portado, da, a. blen or mal portado, well or poorly dressed or behaved. portador, ra, wj. a/, bearer, carrier, porter; (com.) holder, bearer. — m. waiter's tray. portaestandarte, m. (mil.) colour-sergeant portafusil, m. (mil.) .sling of a musket. portagni6n, m. (mil.) guidon (officer). portage, m. V. porta zgq. portal, m. porch, entry, entrance, vestibule; portico, piazza ; town's gate. \ M In far ; e in eh I ; 1 In police ; o in for ; n In bull : c (iiefore e, i) ami z a<< th in thick ; b ami d, Hoft; POR 437 POS portalazo, m. aug. large door or porch. portalejo, m. dim. little porch or portico. portaleHa, /. (fort.) embrasure; plank for doors. portalero, m. octroi officer or guard. portallCO, lllo, ItO, m. dim. small porch. portaldn, m. (naut.) gangway. portamanteo, m, portmanteau, cloak-bag. portamonedas, m. pocket-book, purse. portanarlo, »*. (anat.) pylorus. portante, m. quick pace of a horse : tomar el portante, (coll. ) to go away. portantillo, m. dim. gentle amble, easy pace. portanueyas, m. &/. newsmonger. portanveces, m. coadjutor, assistant. porta&Ola, /. (naut.) port-hole. portafluela, /. (tail.) fly of trousers. portapaz, m. &/. (eccl.) pix. portr^paraguas, m. umbrella-stand. portaplacr.s, portaplanclias, m. (photo.) dark slide, plate-holder, chassis. portaplic :;0S, m. large portfolio. portaplumas, m. pen-holder. portar, va. to carry (as arms). — vr. to be- have, comport, act. — vn. (naut.) to fill (the sails). port&tU, a. portable, easily carried. portavasos, m. glass stand or rack. portaventanero, m. carpenter who makes windows and doors. portaviandas, m. dinner-pail. portavOZ, m. megaphone, speaking-trumpet. portazgO, m. toll, turnpike-duty. portazguero, m. toll-gatherer, collector. portazo, m. slam with a door ; slamming a door in one's face. porte, m. cost of carriage ; freight, portage, porterage ; postage ; dfeportment, demean- our, behaviour, conduct ; nobility ; illus- trious descent; size, capacity ; (naut.) bur- den or tonnage : porte franco, frank, free of postage. portear, va. to carry or convey for a price. — vr. to pass, migrate (birds). portenio, m. prodigy, wonder ; portent. portentosamente, adv. prodigiously. portentOSO, sa, a. prodigious, marvellous, portentous. porteo, TO. carrying, cartage, portage. porterejO, m. iittie porter. porterla, /. porter's lodge or box ; employ- ment of a porter ; (naut.) all the ports in'a ship. porter O, ra, m. & f. janitor, j an i tress ; por- ter, gate-keeper. portezuela, /. dim. little door, carriage- door ; pocket-flap ; ( Mex, ) pass between hills. pdrtiCO, TO. portico, piazza ; porch ; hall ; lobby. portillo, TO. aperture, opening, passage, gap, breach ; wicketj gate ; means to an eua ; cavity in anything broken ; octroi gate of a town ; pass between hills. " . . port6n, TO. court door of a house. POrtorriqueflO, fla, a. Porto Rican. portugues, sa, a. &m. & f. Portuguese. — m. Portuguese language. portulano, to. atlas or charts of ports and harbours. porvenir, to. future, time to come. i porvida ! inteTy. by the living saints. pos (en), adv. after, behind ; in pursuit of posa, /. passing bell ; stop in a flmeral, to sing a response.— /)/. (coll.) buttocks. pOsada, /. lodging or lodging-house ; inn, tavern, hotel ; home, dwelling. posadera,/. hostess, landlady.— p/. buttocks. posadero, m. innkeeper, host ; seat made of flags or bass-ropes. posante, pa. reposing ; smooth sailing. posar, vn. to lodge, to board ; to sit down., repose, rest ; to perch, light, or sit upon.— - va. to lay down a burden. — vr. to settle (a liquid). posaverga,/. (naut.) yard prop. posca,/. mixture of vinegar and water. posdata, /. postscript. poseedor, ra, m. &/. possessor, holder, own- er. poseer, va. {pp. POSEfoo, poseso: gerund, POSEYENDO : prel. 61 posey6 ; subj. imp. po- SEYERA, POSEYESE) to hold, possess, have, own • to master (an art, language, etc.). poseido, da, a. & pp. possessed : estar pouido, to be possessed ; to be thoroughly convinced. — TO. private arable land. P0sesi6n, /. possession, dominion, holding, tenure, tenancy ; property, land, farm, real estate ; possession by evil' spirits. —p^. hold- ings, wealth, laaded property. posesional, a. possessional, possessive. posesionarse, vr. to take possession of. posesionero, to. cattle-keeper owning pas- turage. posesivo, va, a. (gram.) possessive. posesO; sa, a. &pp. irr. of poseer ; possessed by evil spirits. posesor, ra, m. &/. possessor, holder, owner. posesorio, ria, a. possessory. poseyente, pa. possessing, possessive. posfecha, /. post-date. posfechar, va. to post-date. posibilidad, /. possibility, feasibility; likeli- hood ; means, property. posibilitar, va. to render possible, facilitate. posible, a. possible, feasible. — ni. pi. personal means ; best of one's ability. posiblemente, adv. possibly. posicibn,/. position, posture, pose, attitude; placing, placement, location, situation, staudiug, status; (law) question and an- swers of an interrogatory; (math.) posi- tion. posltiyamente, adv. positively, absolutely., certainly, by all means. positlvismo, to. positiveness ; positivisTu, utilitarianism. positivo, va, a. positive, sure, certain, in-, dubitable, true ; absolute, real ; matter-of- fact ; (math., elec. and photo.) positive;, (gram.) positive : de positivo, certainly^ without doubt. p6sitO, TO. public granary. posltura, /. posture, state, disposition. posma,/. (coll.) sluggishness, sloth, dulness. — TO. &/. (coll.) dull, sluggish person. pOSO, TO. sediment, dregs, settlement, lees,, feculence ; rest, repose. posd, TO. (Philip.) cnignon, hair-knot. pOSOlOgia,/. (med.) posology. pos6ll. TO. round matted seat. pospelO (&), adv. against the grain ; relue* tantly. pospiema, /. thigh of an animal. posponer, va. (for irr. V. poner) to post- pone, put off, defer, delay ; to place behind, set back, subordinate. pospositivo, va, a. (gram.) sufllxed, post- positive. pospuesto, ta, pp. irr. of posponer. posta, /. post horses, relay ; post, post stage, post-house, post-office ; chop of meat or fish ; mould-shot ; stake, at cards ; merao» rial tablet. — m. person who travels post. postal, a. postal.—/, postal card. tC^beforee, Oand J «8 h iu h, silent; 11 In brilliant : ft. By in caayoii ; r (initial) ktid rr trilie4 ; a, iiiMe08tlgO, in. wicket ; peep-window ; shutter ; (fort.) sally-port, postern. pOStllsC/. postil, marginal notfl. postllaci6ll, /. marginal annotation. postilador, m. annotator, po.;). &m. (eccl.) prebendary. prebendar, va. to confer a prebend. prebOStal, a. provostal. prebOStazgO, m. provostship. preboste, m. provost; (mil.) provost. precariamente, adv. (for.) precariously. precario, ria, a. precarious, uncertain ; (law) precarious. precaucibn, /. precaution, guard, vigilance. precaucionarse, vr. to be cautious. precautelar, va. to caution, forewarn. precaver, va. to prevent or obviate. — vr. to guard against, to be on one's guard. precavidainente, adv. cautiously. precavido, da, pp. & a. cautious, guarded. precedencia, /. precedence, priority ; pre- eminence, preference ; superiority, pri- macy. precedente, pa. preceding, foregoing. — m. precedent. preceder, va. to precede, go before ; to be superior. preceptlsta, m. & a. one who sets precepts. preceptivamente, adv. preceptively- preceptiVO, va, a. preceptive, didactic. precepto, m. precept, order, injunction, mandate ; rule.— pi. the ten command- ments. preceptor, m. master, teacher, preceptor. preceptora, /. school-mistress. preceptuar, va. to dictate, issue precepts. preces, /. pi. prayers ; devotion ; supplica- tion. precesi6n, /. (rhet.) reticence; (ast.) pre- cession. preciado, da, pp. & a. valued, priced, es- teemed ; valuable, precious, excellent; proud, elated. preciador, ra, m. &/. appraiser. preciar, va. to value, price, appraise. — vr. to boast, brag ; to take a pride in, to glory. precinta,/. strap, band ; (naut.) parcel'ling. precintar, va. to strap, hoop, bind ; to seal. precinto, m. strapping ; sealed strap. precio, m. price, cost, value ; reward ; pre- mium ; estimation, esteem; importance, credit : tener en precio, to esteem : precio fljo, set price, no reduction. preclosa, /. (eccl.) allewanoe to prebend- aries. preciosamente, adv. preciously, richly. preciOSldad, /. worth, excellence, pre'cious- ness ; rich or beautiful object. preciOSO, sa, a. precious, valuable, excel- lent ; rich, beautiful; witty, merry. precipicio, m. precipice, chasm ; violent fall ; ruin, destruction. precipitacidn, /. precipitation, rash baste, precipitancy ; (chem.) i^recipitation. precipitadamente, adv. precipitately, has- tily. precipitadero, m. precipice, steep cliff. precipitadO, d!a, «. &pp. precipitate, hasty, abrupt. — m. (chem.) precipitate: precipitado bianco, sweet precipitate, calomel. precipitante, m. (chem.) precipitater. precipitar, va. to precipitate, cast head- long; to rush, hasten ; (chem.) to precipi- tate. — vr. to act without consideration ; to fall headlong; to haste, rush, hurry. precipite, a. in danger of falling. precipitosamente, adv. v. precipitada- mente. precipitoso, sa, a. steep, slippery, precipi- tous ; rash, inconsiderate. precipuamente, adv. principally. precipuo, pua, a. chief, principal. precisamente, adv. precisely, exactly, nice- ly ; inevitably, indispensably, necessarily ; just at the moment. preclsar, va. to fix, set, determine with pre- cision ; to compel, oblige. precisi6n, /. necessity, obligation ; compul- sion ; preciseness, exactness ; precision, ac- curacy. preclSO, sa, a. necessary, requisite, needful ; precise, exact, punctual, accurate ; distinct, clear; severed, cut off; abstracted, con- cise. precitado, da, a. forecited, aforesaid. precito, ta, «. damned, condemned to hell. preclaramente, adv. illustriously, dis- tinctly. preclaro, ra, a. illustrious, famous, emi- nent. precocidad, /. precocity. precognici6n,/. precognition. preconizacidn,/. eulogy ; (eccl.) preconiza- tion. preconlzader, ra, «. & m. & /. eulogizer ; (eccl.) he who preconizes. preconizar, va. (prtt. preconice r mbj. pre- conice) to praise, eulogize ; (eccl.) to pre- conize. preconocer, va. {for irr. V. conocer) to foreknow. precoz, a. precocious, forward. precursor, ra, a. preceding.— m. precursor, harbinger, forerunner, herald. predecesor, ra, m. & f. predecessor, -ante- cessor, forerunner. t (before e, i) and J as h in hot, h, silent; U iu brilliant; &, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; ■• hisstdk. PEE 440 PEE predecir, va. {/or irr. V. DECIR) to foretell, anticipate, predict. predefinici6n, /. (theol.) predetermination of the Divine Providence. predefinir, va. to predetermine. prede8tiliaci6n, /. predestination, preordi- nation. predestinadO, pp. & o. predestinate. — m. foreordained. predestinante.pa. &m. predestinator, predestinar, vu. to predestine, foredoom, predestinate, foreordain, predetenninaci6ii, /. predetermination, foreordination. predeterminar, va. to predetermine, fore- doom, foreordain. predial, a. predial. pr6dica,/. preachment, sermon. predicate, a. fit to be preached. — m. (log.) predicable. predlcacibn,/. preaching, sermon. predlcadera, /. pulpit.— p/. (coll.) facility of preaching. predlcado, m. (log.) predicate. predicador, ra, >n. & /. preacher, ^orator, honiilist. predicamental, «• predicamental. predicamentrO, m. position, station, stand- ing; (log. ) predicament. predicante, m. sectarian or heretical preach- er. predicar, va. (pret. prediquk: mbj. PRE- dique) to render clear and evident ; to pub- lish ; (eccl.) to preach ; to praise to excess ; to reprehend vice. predicci6n, /. prediction. predicho, cha, pp. irr. of predecir. predigo, prediga, predlje {irr. from pre- decir). predileccibn, /. predilection. predilectO, ta, a. preferred, favourite. prediO, m. landed property, farm, real prop- erty : predio rdstico, piece of arable ground : pre'dio urbano, dwelling-house or building- lot. predlsponer, va. {for irr. V. poner) to pre- dispose, prearrange ; to prejudice. predisposicidn, /. predisposition ; inclina- tion, pro{)€nsity. predispuesto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of predispo- ner ; predisponent, predisposed. predominaci6n, /. predomination, predom- inance. predominancia, /. predominance, predom- ination. predominante, pa. predominant, prevailing. predominar, va. to predominate, overrule, overpower, control, compel ; to exceed in height, overlook, command ; to prevail. predomlnio, m. predominance, superiority. preeminencla, /. pre-eminence, mastery. preeminente, a. pre-eminent, superior. preexcelso, sa, a. illustrious, great, em- inent. preexlstencia, /. pre-existence. preexlstente, pa. pre-existent. preexistir, VT^. to pre-exist. prefaeio, m. preface, prologue; (eccl.) pref- ace. prefaci6ll, /. preface, prologue, introduction. prefecto, m. prefect ; president, chairman. prefectura, /. prefecture. preferencia, /. preference, choice, pre-em- inence. preferente, pa. A a. pre-eminent; prefer- ring, preforaWe. preferentemente, adv. preferably. preferlble, a. preferable. preferiblemente, adv. preferably. preferir, va. {gerund, prefiriendo : ind PREFiERO : pret. 61 prefiri6 : subj. pre> fiera) to prefer. prefiguracibn, /. prefiguration. preftsurar, va. to prefigure. prefijar, va. to predesignate, predetermine. prefijO, ja, pp. irr. of PREFIJAR ; prefixed.— m, (gram.) prefix. prefinicibn, /. previous limitation. prefinlr, va. to prefine, predetermine. prefloraci6n, /. (bot.) prefloration. prefoliaci6n, /. (bot.) vernation, prefolia- tion. prefulgente, a. resplendent, bright. preg6n, m. publication by the crier, cry. pregonar, va. to proclaim ; cry out, make puolicly known. pregoneO; m. crying goods on the streets. pregoneria, /. ofl&ce of common crier. pregonero, ra, a. publishing, announcing. — m. common crier, town crier ; auctioneer. pregunta, /. question, query, inquiry; cate- chism : absolver las preguntas, ( for. ) to an- swer under oath : estar 4 la cuarta pregunta, (coll. ) to be hard up or penniless. preguntador, ra, m. & /. questioner, exam- iner, interrogator, inquirer. preguntante, pa. inquiring. preguntar, va. to ask, question, demand, in- quire. preguntdn, na, m. &/. inquisitive person. prenist6riC0, ca, a. prehistoric, legendary. preinserto, ta, a. previously inserted. prejudicial, a. (law) requiring judicial de- cision before final sentence. prejudicio, prejuicio, m. prejudgment, bias. prejUZgar [pray-hooth-gar'J, va. {for mut. V. juzgar) to prejudge. prelacia,/. prelacy, prelature. prelaci6n, /. preference. prelada, /. prelatess, abbess, mother supe- rior. prelado, m, (eccl.) prelate, superior. prelatura,/. prelacy, prelature. prellminar, a. preliminary, proemial, ex- ordial.— m. peace protocol, prelUCir, vn. {for irr. V. LUCIR) to shine forth. preludiar, vn. (mus.) to play a prelude, preludlO, m. introduction ; (mus.) prelude. prelusidn, /. prelude, prologue, preface. prematuramente, adv. prematurely. prematuro. ra, a. premature, precocious: unripe, unseasonable; (law) impuberal (said of girls). premeditaci6n, /. premeditation, fore- thought. premeditadamente, adv. premeditatedly. premeditado, da, a. & pp. premeditated, prepense, preconceived. premeditar, va. to premeditate. premlador, ra,w. &/. rewarder. premiar, ra. to reward, remunerate, requite. premlO, m. reward, prize, recompense, re- muneration ; (com.) premium, interest: premlo de segnro, rate or premium of insur- ance. premiosamente, adv. tightly, compressedly; by force. premiosidad, /. diflB culty of action or speech. premiOSO, sa, a. tight, close, pinching ; troublesome, burdensome ; strict, rigid ; slow in speaking or writing. premisa, /. (log.) premise ; mark, indication. premiSO. sa, a. premised ; sent in advance. premOCidn, /. previous motion. • In ah I ; 1 In polle* ; o i» for ; « in bvll : e (before e, 1) and s m th In thick ; b a M Id far ; and d, eoll ; PEE 441 PKE premonstratense, premostratense, a. k 111. & f. (eccl. ) Premonstrant, Premonstra- tensian. premoriencia, /. (law) prior death. premoxlente, pa. & w. & /. one who dies be- fore another. premorir, vn. {for irr. V. morir) (law) to die before another. premura,/. urgency, pressure, haste, hurry, preuda, /. pledge, security, pawn, token ; Siece of jewellery ; any garment ; person early loved.— p/. endowments, natural gifts, talents : Jnego de prendas, game of forfeits. prendadO, pp. & «. «>er may prendado, to he very accomplished : cstar prendado, to be taken up with. prendador, ra, m. & f. pledger, pawner. prendamientO, w*. pledging or pawning. prendar, va. to pledge, to pawn ; to please, charm. — it. to take a fancy to. prendedero, m. hook, tilbt, brooch. prendedor, m. catcher; breastpin, shawl- pin, baby-pin. prender, ra. (pp. prendido, preso) to seize, grasp, catch, pin ; to imprison ; to cover (a mare). — vn. to take root ; to catch or take fire. — vr. to make an elaborate toilet (women). prenderia, /. shop where second-hand arti- cles are sold ; jewellery, frippery. prendero, ra, m. & /. second-hand dealer, fripper ; pawnbroker. prendido, pp. & m. dress of women ; pattern for bone-lace. prendimiento, m. seizure, capture. prenocidn,/. prenotion, first knowledge. prenombre, m. prenomen. prenotar, va. to note by anticipation. prensa, /. (mech.) press, vise, clamp; mill ; (print. ) press or printing-press ; daily press, journalism; (photo.) printing-frame: dar i la prensa, to publish : prensa de lagar, wine- press. prensado, pp. & m. lustre, on stuff. prensador, ra, m. &/. presser. prensadura, /. pressing, pressure. prensar, va. to press, calender. prensil, «. prehensile. prension, /. prehension, prenslstai, m. (print.) pressman, prensor, ra, a. (om.) prehensor, said of Psittaci. prenunciar, va. to foretell, prognosticate. prenuncio, m. prediction, prognostication. prefiado, da, a. pregnant, enceinte; full, charged with; sagging or bulging out.— m. pregnancy, gestation. preflez [pray-ii.veth'j, /. pregnancy, gestation ; conception ; impending danger or resolu- tion ; confusion, difficulty, obscurity. preocupacl6n, /. preoccupation, preoccu- pancy ; prepossessioq,, bias, prejudice ; pre- conception ; conventionality, preocupadamente, adv. prejudicedly. preocupar, va. to preoccupy ; to prejudice, prepossess the mind. — vr. to be prejudiced or biased ; to worry. preoplnante, a. & m. predecessor (in a de- bate). preordinacl6n,/. preordination. preordinadamenve, adv. in a manner preor- dained. preordinar, va. to preordain, foreordain. preparacibn, /. preparamiento, m. prep- aration. preparar, vn. to prepare, make ready, — vr. to be prepared, to be in readiness. preparativo, va, «. preparative, qualifying. — m. preparative, preparation, preparatorlamente, adv. preparatorily. preparatoriO, ria, a. preparatory, previous, intruductory. preponderancia,/. preponderance, overbal- ancing, sway. preponderante, a. preponderant, over- whelming. preponderar, vn. to preponderate, out- weigh, overbalance; to prevail; to over- power. preponer, ra. (for irr. V. poner) to put be- fore, to prefer. prepOBicibn,/. (gram.) preposition. prepositiVO, va, a. prepositive, prefixed. prep6sitO, m. president, chairman ; provost. prepositura, f. dignity of a provost. preposteracion, /. reversion of older. prepbsteramente, adv. preposterously. preposterar, va. to pervert, reverse, trans- pose. prepdstero, ra, a. preposterous, absurd, prepotencia, /. preponderance, prepotency. prepotente, a. prepotent, predominant. prepucio, m. (anat.) prepuce, foreskin. prepuestO, ta, pp. irr. ot preponer ; pre- ferred. prerrogativa,/. prerogative, privilege. presa, /. capture, seizure; (mil.) spoils or booty ; catch, hold, prey ; dike, dam, mole, bank; drain, trench, conduit, ditch; slice, bit, morsel ; tusk, fang ; claw ol^a bird of prey ; fowl or bird killed by a bird of prey ; among fishermen, fish weir, stake work: presa de caldo, meat-juice, beef-tea, presada, /. dam, reservoir, presadO, da,/, pale green colour. presaglar, ta. to presage, lorbode, foretell. presagio, m. presage, omen, token. presagloso, sa, pr6sago, ga, a. ominous, presaging, divining, guessing. presbicia,/. far-sightedness, presbyopia. presbite or pr6sbita, a. presbyopic, far- sighted. — m. &f. a presbyope. presbiterado, presbiterato, m. priest- hood. presbiteral, a. sacerdotal. presbiterianismo, m. Presbyterianism. presbiteriano, na, a. & m. & J. Presbyte- rian. presbiteriO, m. presbyterium, chancel. presbitero, m. priest, presbyter. presciencia, /. prescience, foreknowledge. prescindible a. that may be prescinded. prescindir, ta. to prescind, omit, do with- out ; to abstract. prescito, ta, a. v. precito. prescrlbir, va. (pp. irr. PRESCRiroand PRES- CRiPTO) to prescribe, determine; (law and med. ) to prescribe. — vn. (law) to prescribe. prescrlpcldn, /, prescription ; (,law) pre- scription, prescriptible, a. prescriptible, presea,/, jewel, gem, valuable article. presencla, /. presence, coexistence ; build, physique, figure ; show, ostentation : pre- sencia de 4nimo, serenity, coolness, presence of mind. presencial, a. presential. presenclalmente, adv. presentially. presenclar, vn. to be present, witness, at- tend, assist at. presentable, a. presentable, producible. presentacidn, /. presentation, prevsentment, exhibition, display ; personal introduction ; (eccl.) feast-day (Nov. 21st) : & presentacion, (com.) on presentation, at sight. ff (beforee, i)and J as b in hot; Ii, silent; U in brilliant; &, nyiu canyon; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; s, liisMd PEE 442 PEE presentado, pp. &m. & a. student of divin- itj' about to be graduated as master; pre- sentee, person presented. presentador, ra, m. & f, presenter ; intro- ductor. presentalla, /. (eccl.) votive offering. presentante,pa. presenting, introducing. presentar, va. to present, exliibit, display, show, lay before ; to give, make a present of; (eccl.) to offer as candidate. — vr. to ap- pear in a court of justice; to offer one's services. preeente, a. present, actual, instant, current ; (gram.) present.— m. present, gift, keepsake, al presente or de presente, at present, now : tener presente, to bear in mind . hacer pre- aente, to state, to inform, to remind: la pre- «ente, the present writing (these presents) : mejoraadd lo presente, present company ex- cepted. presentemente, adv. presently, at present, now. presentero, m. one who offers as a candidate. presentimiento, m. presentiment, forebod- ing, misgiving. presentir, va. {for trr. V. sentir) to have a presentiment ; to forebode. presepiO, m. stable ; manger. presera, /. (bot.) goose-grass, cleavers. presero, m. keeper of a dam or dike. preservacidn,/. preservation, conservation. preservador, ra, m, &f. preserver. preservaf, va. to preserve, guard, keep, save. preBervativamente, adv. preservatively. preservative, va, a. preservative, preserv- ing. — m. preservative, preventive. presidario, m. V. presidiario. presidencia, /. presidentship ; presidency ; presidential chair ; chairmanship. presidencial, a. presidential. presidenta, /. president's wife ; moderatrix. presidente, m. president ; chairman ; speak- er ; presiding judge ; presiding officer. presldiar, va. to garrison a place. presidiario, m. convict. presidio, in. garrison of soldiers ; fortress, citadel ; penitentiary ; punishment by hard labour. presidir, va. to preside. presiento, presienta (*?•>•. from presentir), presilla, /. loop, shank, eye, noose, bight ; (sew.) buttonhole stitching ; sort of linen. presidn, /. pressure. preso, sa, pp. irr. of PRENDER ; imprisoned. — m. &/. prisoner, convict. prest, in. V. PRE. presta,/. (bot.) mint. prestacibn, /. (law) lending; loan. prestadizo, za, a. that may be lent or bor- rowed. prestado, da, a. &pp. lent, loaned : pedir or tomar prestado, to borrow. prestador, ra, m. &/. lender. prestamente, adv. speedily, promptly, (juickly. prestamera, /. (eccl. ) kind of sinecure. prestameria, /. (eccl.) dignity of a sinecure. prestamero, m. incumbent of a prestamera. prestamista, m. & f. money-lender ; pawn- broker. pr6stamo, m. loan. V. emprestito. prestancia, /. excellence. prestante, a. excellent. prestar, fa. to lend, to loan ; to aid, to as- sist ; to give, communicate. — vn. to oe use- ful ; to expand, extend. — vr. to offer or lend one's self. preste, m. (eccl.) high mass celebrant. . prester, m. hurricane, cyclone ; waterspout. presteza, /. quickness, promptitude, haste, speed, nimbleness. prestidigitacidn, /. legerdemain, sleight of hand, jugglery. prestidigitador, m. juggler, prestidigitator. prestigiador, m. cheat, juggler, impostor. prestigiO, m. prestige, fame, favourable rep- utation ; spell, fascination ; conjuring; jug- gling, imposture ; sleight of hand, legerde- main. prestigiOSO, sa, a. deceitful, illusory, pres- tigious ; eminent, distinguished, famous. prestimonio, m. loan; (eccl.) prestimony. prestifLo, m. v. pestiSo. presto, ta, a. quick, swift, prompt, ready, diligent ; ready, prepared, disposed. — adv. soon, quickly, speedily : de presto, prompt- ly, swiftly. presumible, a. presumable, supposable, presuxaido, da, pp & a. presumptuous, con- ceited. presumir, va. (pp. presumido, presunto) to presume, suppose, suspect, conjecture. — vn. to presume, boast ; to be conceiied. presuilCi6n, /. presumption, supposition, conjecture ; presumptuousness, vanity con- ceitedness ; (law^ presumption. presuntamente, adv. presumptively. presuntivamente, adv. conjecturally. presuntivo, va, «. presumptive, supposed. presunto, ta, pp. irr, of presumir ; pre- sumed : presunto beredero, heir-apparent. presuntuosamente, adv. presumptuously, arrogantly. presuntuosidad, /. presumptuousness. presuntuoso, sa, a. presumptuous, vain, ar- rogant, conceited. preiuponer, va. (for irr. V. PONER) to pre- suppose ; to estimate. presup08ici6n, /. presupposition. presupuesto, ta, pp. irr. of presuponer.— m. motive, pretext, pretence ; estimate, cal- culation ; budget of state. presura, /. oppression^ pressure, anxiety-, hurry, haste, promptitude, eagerness, im- portunity. presurosamente, adv. hastily, promptly. presuroso, sa, a. speedy, prompt, quick ; light, nimble, pretal, m. poitrel, breastplate, breast- leather. pretender, va. {pp. pretendido, pretenso) to pretend, claim, solicit : to try, attempt, endeavour. pretendiente, ta, m. & f. pretender, candi- date, office-hunter, solicitor. pretensi6n,/. pretension, claim. piretenso, sa, pp. irr. of pretender. pretensor, ra, m. & f. pretender, claimant. preterici6n, /. omission ; (rhet. and law) pretention. preterir.vo. {def. only the infin. and pp. used) (law) to omit lawful heirs in a will. pret^rito, ta, a. preterit, past; (gram.) preterit. pretermisibn, /. preterition, pretermission. pretermitir, va. to omit, pretermit, pass by. preternatural, a. preternatural. preternaturalizar, va. to pervert ; torendei preternatural. preternaturalmente, adv. preternaturally pretextar, va. to make use of a pretext ; to feign an excu.se. pretextO, m. pretext, pretence, mask, cover pretil, m. railing, battlement, breastwork. pretina, /. girdle, waistband ; belt. to M In far ; e In eh I ; 1 tn police ; • in for ; a in bull ; C (before e, I) aiid l as tb In thick ; b and d, suA; PRE 443 PRf pretlnazo, m. blow with a girdle. pretinero, m. one who makes girdles. prettnilla,/ dim. ladies' belt or girdle. pretor, m. pretor ; blackness of the waters where tunny-fish abound. pretor a,/ pretorship. V. PRETURA. Pretoria!, pretoriano, na, a. pretorian. pretoriense, a. belonging to the pretor' s palace. pretorio, ria, a. pretorian. — m. pretorium. pretura,/. pretorship preyalecer, vn. {ind. prevalezco: suhf. prevalezca) to prevail, predominate, sur- pass, outshine ; to take root. prevaleciente; pa. & a. prevalent ; prevail- ing. prevalerse, vr. to avail one's self of; to make use. prevaricaci6n, /. betrayal of a trust. prevaricador, ra, m. & f. one who plays false, betrayer ; turn-coat. prevaricar, vn. {pret. prevariqu^ : subj. PREVARiQUE) to play false, betray; (law) to prevaricate. prevaricato, m. (law) prevarication, be- trayal of a trust, prevenciOn, / prevention, foresight, fore- cast, forethought^ disposition, preparation ; supply of provisions ; sustenance, subsist- ence ; warning ; prejudice, prepossession ; police station; (mil.) guard-room, cell; (law) prevenience of a judge in the knowl- edge of a case. prevenidamente, adv. beforehand, pre- viously. prevenido, da, a. & pp. ready, prepared, provided , plentiful, abundant ; forewarned, cautious. prevenienife, va. predisposing, prevenient. prevenir, va. {for irr. V. venir) to prepare, prearrange, make ready, provide ; to fore- see, foreknow ; to forestall ; to warn, ad- vise, caution, notify ; to prevent, impede, hinder ; to prepossess, predispose ; to over- come an objection or obstacle ; to come upon, to surprise. — vr. to be ready, prepared, or on guard. preventivamente, adv. preventively. preventive, va, «. preventive, preservative ; (law) prevenient. prever, va. {for irr. V. ver) to foresee, fore- know prevlamente, adv. previously. previO. via, a. previous, antecedent, prior. previsidn,/. foresight, forecast. previsor, ra, m, & f. one who foresees. previsto, ta, pp. irr. of prever. prez, m. or/, honour, distinction, glory. priapismo, m. (med.) priapism. priesa,/. haste, hurry. prietO. ta, a. blackish, very dark ; narrow- minded, illiberal ; close-fisted, mean ; tight, compressed. prima, /. female cousin ; early morning ; (eccl.) prime; first tonsure; (mil.) first quarter of the night; (mus.) treble (in stringed instruments) ; (com.) premium, bounty. primacia,/. primacy ; primateship. primacial, a. primatial. primada,/. (coll.) trick, sell, swindle. primado, da, a. primatial. — m. primeness ; (eccl.) primate. primal, la, a. yearling (ewe or a goat). — m. silk cord or braid. primariamente, adv. principally, chiefly, primarily. primariO, ria, a. principal, primary ; (geol.) primary. Paleozoic. — m. professor who leo. tures at dawn. primavera, /. spring (season) ; flowered silk ; (bot. ) primrose. primaveral, a. spring, belonging to spring. primazgO, m. cousinship. primearse, vr. to treat each other as cousins. primer, a. contr. of primero ; first ; used be- fore nouns. primera, /. primpro, game at cards ; (fenc.) prime: primera fie cambio, (com.) first of exchange. — pi. first tricks, at cards. primeramente, adv. first ; in the first place, mainly, primely. prlmefizo, za, «. &. m. & f. novice, begin- ner ; firstling.—/, primipara. primero. ra, a. first ; chief, principal, lead- ing ; superior, surpassing ; prior, former : d» bnenaB & primeras, all at once, suddenly : d» primera, (com.) superior quality, highest grade. primero, adv. first, rather, sooner : de pri- mero, at the beginning, before. primevo, va, a. primeval, original. primicerlo, ria, a. principal, first in rank. — m. precentor, chanter. primicia,/. first-fruits; offering of the first- fruits. — -nl. first production, maiden effort. primicial, a. primitial. prlmichdn, m. skein of soft embroidering silk. primigenio, nia, a. primogenial, primitive. primilla, /. (coll.) pardon of the first of- fence. primipara,/. (med.) primipara. primitivamente, adv. originally. primitive, va, a. primitive, original, prime- val. primo,ma, a. first ; superior, excellent : ma- teria prima, raw material. V. obra prima. — m. & f. cousin; (coll.) simpleton, dupe: primo hermano, first cousin, cousin-german. —pi. cousins, appellation given by kings of Spain to the grandees.— primo, adv. first, in the first place. primog^nitO, ta, a. first-born, primigenial. primogenitura,/. primogeniture, seniority. primor, 7n. beauty ; dexterity, ability, ex- quisiteness, excellence, nicety. primordial, a. primordial, original, pri- mal. primorear, vn. to perform with elegance and neatness. primorosamente, adv. finely, nicely, neat- ly, handsomely, exquisitely. primoroso, sa, a. neat, elegant, fine, ex- quisite ; graceful, dexterous. prlmul6,ceO, a, a. (hot.) primulaceous. princesa, /. princess ; pnncesse (gown). prlncipada, /. (coll.) undue assumption of authority. principadO, m. princedom : princehood.* principality ; pre-eminence, primacy.— jo^. princedoms. principal, a. principal, chief, main, capital, essential ; illustrious, renowned, celebrated ; foremost, first : cuarto principal, apart- ments on the first story.— >n. (mil.) main guard; (com.) principal, capital, stock; principal, chief or head of a commercial es- tablishment ; (law) constituent. principalia, /. (Philip.) board of officers in each town. principalidad, /. prlnclpalness. principalmente. adv. principally, mainly, chiefly. principe, ni.. prince-, sovereign, ruler; chief or leader ; young queen-bee : c»mo an prin- 8 (before e, 1) and J M h In hot; h, sUent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, biaaed PRI 444 PRO cipe, princely : principe de Aatnrift*,' Crown Prince of Spain. principela, /. sort of light camlet. prinoipiador, ra, m. &f. beginner. principianta,/. girl apprentice. principiante, pa. & m. beginner, novice, ap- prentice. principiar,«ra. to commence, begin, start. principillo, prlncipito, m. dim. petty prince. principio, m. beginning, commencement, start; principle, element; germ, original cause ; rule of action, motive ; origin, foun- tain, issue ; first position, fundamental truth ; foundation, basis; tenet, axiom; (cook.) entree; (chem.) principle.— -pZ. (print.) in- troductory matter in a book : al principio or i. loB principoB, at the beginning : en prin- cipio, essentially. principote, m. (coll.) one who makes a pre- tentious display. prlngada,/. toasted bread steeped in gravy. pringar, va. {pret. PRiNoui: subj. pringue) to baste meat ; to steep or dip (bread) in grease ; to stain with grease ; to scald with boiling fat ; to tar a person ; to wound ; to slander; to share in a business. — vr. (coll.) to draw unlawful advantage from a thing intrusted to one's care. pringto, na, a. nasty, dirty, greasy. — m. be- greasing one's self; stain of grease. prlngOSO, sa, a. greasy, fat. prlngOtS, rn. mixture of viands. pringue, m. or /. grease, fat, lard, greasi- ness ; grease-stain in clothes. pringuera,/. dripping-pan. prior, a. prior, precedent. — m. (eccl.) prior, superior; (prov.) rector, curate. priora,/. pnoress. prloral, a. belonging to a prior or prioress. priorato, priorazgo, m. (eccl.) prioratej; priory. priorldad, /. priority ; precedence. prioste, m. steward of a brotherhood. prisa,/. hurry, haste, despatch, speed, ur- gency, celerity, promptness ; skirmish, sur- prise, hot fight : 4 tod* prisa, with the great- est speed: darse prisa, to hurry one's self: estar de prisa, to be in a hurry. priscillanisnio, m. Priscillianism. prlacilianista, m. &/. Priscillianist. prisco, m. kind of peach. prlsi6n, /. seizure, capture, apprehension ; firison, jail ; bond, tie. — pi. chains, shackles, etters. prisionero, m. (mil.) prisoner; one capti- vated by affection or passion. prisma, m. (geom.) prism; (opt.) glass prism. prismiitico, ca, a. prismatic. priste, yn. (icht.) saw-fish. pristino, na, a. pristine, first, original. prisuelo, m. muzzle for ferrets. privaci6n, /. privation, want ; lack ; depri- vation, loss; degradation. privada., /. privy, water-closet ; filth thrown into the street, privadamente, adv. privately, privily ; sep- arately. privadero, m. cesspKJol-cleaner. privado, da, a. & pp. private, secret ; per- sonal. — m. ravourite, court minion. prlvanza,/. favour at court, protection. prlvar, va. to deprive, despoil, dispossess ; to debar, degrade ; to prohioit, forbid, inter- dict ; to stun, daze. — vn. to enjoy the pro- tection of a magnate ; to be the accepted fashion. — vr. to deprive one's self priyativamente, adv. solely, privatirely. privatlvo, va, «. privative ; special, particu< lar, peculiar ; exclusive. priyllegiadamente, adD. in a privileged manner. privilegiar, va. to privilege, to grant a priv- ilege. prlVllegiatlVO, va, a. containing a privilege. privilegiO, m. privilege, immunity ; grant, concession ; exemption, grace ; liberty, franchise ; faculty ; patent, copyright. pro, m. or/, profit, benefit, advantage : bnena pro, much good may it do you : en pro, in behalf of, for the benefit of: bombre de pro, worthy man. proa, /. (naut.) bow, prow; steerage. proal, a. relating to the prow ; forward. probabllidad, /. probability, likelihood. probabilisimo, ma, a. sup. most probable. probabilismo, m. (theol.) probabilism. probabilista, m. (theol.) probabilist. probable, «. probable, likely, credible. probablemente, adv. probably, likely. probacl6ll, /. proof, probation, trial. probado, da, pp. & a. proved, tried. probador, ra, m. & f. taster, sampler, trier. probadura,/. trial, tasting, .sampling. probanza, /. proof, evidence. probar, va. {ind. PRUteBO : subj. PRUEBE) to try, examine, experiment, test ; to prove, give evidence, justify, make good ; to taste, sample (as wine) ; to attempt, endeavour, make an effort ; to try on (as a coat). — vn. to suit, to fit, to agree with. probatorio, ria, a. probatory, probationary. —f. (law) time allowed for producing evi- dence. probatura,/. (coll.) trial, test, experiment. probeta, /. manometer, pressure-gauge ; (ordn.) powder-prover ; (chem.) test-tuoe, pipette. probidad, /. probitv, honesty, integrity. problema, m. problem; (geom.) problem, proposition. problematlcamente, adv. problematically. problematico, ca, a. problematical, disput- able, doubtful. probO, ba, a. upright, honest. proboscidio, dia, a. (zool.) proboscidean. procacidad, /. impudence, pertness, sauci- ness, insolence. procaz, a. impudent, bold, saucy, insolent. procedencia, /. origin, place of sailing. procedente, «. coming or proceeding from ; (law) according to law, rules, or practice. proceder, vji. to proceed, go on, follow in order ; to issue, emanate, proceed from ; to behave, conduct one's self; to prosecute a design ; (law) to proceed against, take ac- tion, carry on a judicial process ; to be in conformity with the law, rules, or practice ; to concern. proceder, m. conduct, behaviour, demean- our, management. procedimiento, m. proceeding, process, method, modus operandi ; (law) proceed- ing or legal procedure. procela. a. (poet.) storm, tempest. procelOSO, sa, a. tempestuous, stormy. prbcer, n. tall, lofty, elevated. — m. person in an exalted station,— «/. the grandees and high-titled nobility or Spain, procerato, m. exalted station. proceridad, /. procerity, tallness ; elevation eminence ; vigour, growth. procero, ra, prbcero. ra, o. v. pr6cer. procesadO, da, pp. & a. (law) relating to court proceedings ; prosecuted, indicted. ft M in fbr ; e in ek t ; i in police ; 9 ia fer ; u in bull ; c (before e, 1) ana s as th iu tUck ; b sod d, soft j PRO 445 PRO procesal, a. belonging to a process or law- suit. procesar, va. ^iaw) to institute a suit; to prosecute, indict. procesidn, /. act of proceeding or issuing forth ; procession, train, parade, pageant. procesional, a. processional or procession- ary. proceslonalmente, adv. processionally. procesionario, m. processional book. proceso, m. progress, lapse of time ; (law) criminal process ; proceedings of a lawsuit. proclbn, m. (ast.) Procyon, a star. proclama, /. proclamation, address ; publi- cation, banns of marriage. proclamacldn, /. proclamation ; promulga- tion ; acclamation, public applause. proclamar, va. to proclaim ; promulgate ; to acclaim, cheer. proclitiCO, ca, a. (gram.) proclitic. proclive, a. inclined, disposed. procllvldad, /. proclivity ; propensity to evil. procomun, procomunal, m. public utility. prOCdnS'Tl, m. proconsul. proconstllado, m. proconsulship. proconsular, a. proconsular. procreacibn, /. pi jcreation, generation. procreador, ra, m. &f. procreator, genera- tor. procreante, pa. procreating. procrear, va. to procreate, generate, produce. procura, /. power of attorney. procuraci6n,/. care, diligence, careful man- agement ; power or letter of attorney ; pro- curement, procuring ; office of an attorney. procurador, ra, m. &/. procurer, procuress. — m. (law) attorney, solicitor, proctor.—/, manageress of a nunnery. procuraduria, /. attorney's office ; proctor- ship. procurante, i>a. solicitor, intendant. procurar, va. to procure, solicit, endeavour, try; to manage, transact for another; to act as an attorney ; to get, obtain, secure. procurrente, «*. (geog. ) peninsula. prodici6n, /. treason, treachery. prodlgalidad, /. prodigality, profusion, waste, extravagance, lavishness ; plenty, abundance. pr6digamente, adv. prodigally, lavishly, wastefully, profusely. prodigar, va. {pret. PRODIGUE : subj. PRODI- GUE) to waste, lavish, misspend, squander. prodlgiador, m. prognosticator, foreteller. prodigio, m. prodigy, portent, monster; marvel. prodigiosamente, adv. prodigiously, mar- vellously, wonderfully ; beautifully, charm- ingly. prodigiosidad, /. prodigiousness, porten- tousness. prodigiOSO, sa, a. prodigious, marvellous, extraordinary ; monstrous ; fine, exquisite, excellent. pr6digO, ga, a. prodigal, wasteful, lavish ; liberal, generous, munificent. prodrdmico, ca, a. (med.) prodromic. pr6droniO, m. (med.) prodrome. produccldn, /. production, growth, product ; produce, yield ; crop ; delivery. producente, pa. producing, causing. prodUOlbilidad, /. producibleness, produc- tiveness. producible, a. producible. producidor, ra, w. &/. producer, procreator. producir, va, {pp. producido, producto: ind. PRODUZCO: pret. produje: subj. pro- duzca) to produce, bring forth, engender, generate ; to create ; to publish ; to yield, . bear fruit ; (com.) to bring or yield (as rev. enue) ; (law) to produce, bring as evidence, exhibit ; to cause, to occasion. — vr. toi enounce or explain one's self. prodUCtible, a. productible. productivo, va, a. productive, profitable, fruitful. producto, m. {pp. irr. from producir) prod- uct ; production ; produce, fruit, growth ; (math.) product. proejar, vn. to row against wind or tide. proel, a. (naut.) fore. — m. (naut.) bow hand. proemial, a. proemial, preliminary, intri restless, fretful man. '' pulicd,ll, m. pelican, dentist's forceps. pulicaria,/. (bot.) fleawort. pulidamente, adv. neatly, cleanly, nicely. pulidero, m. polisher, glosser, burnisher. pulidez,/. neatness, cleanliness. pulldo, da., pp. & a. neat, cleanly, nice. pulidor, m. polisher, burnisher, furbisher. pulimentar, va. to burnish, gloss, polish, make bright. pulimentO, m. polish, glossiness. pulir, va. to polish, burnish, furbish ; to adorn, beautify ; to render polite. — vr. to adorn, beautify, embellish, or deck one's self ; to become polite. pulmbn, m. (anat.) lung. pulmonado, da, a. (zool.) pulmonate. pulmonar, a. pulmonary. pulmonaria, /. (hot.) lungwort. pulmonia, /. (med.) pneumonia, lung fever. pulmoniaco, ca, a. (med.) pneumonic. pulpa, /. (anat.) pulp, flesh ; pulp of fruit. pulpejO, m. pulp-like part of the body, as the ball of the thumb or lobe of the ear. pulperia, /. (Amer.) retail grocery store, bodega. pulpero, m. (Amer. ) grocer ; catcher of cuttle-fish. pulpeta,/. slice of stuffed meat. pulpet6n, JH. aug. large slice of stuffed meat. pulpitO, m. pulpit ; office of a preacher. pulpo, m. (icht.) cuttle-fish, poulp, octopus. pulpOSO, sa, a. pulpy, pulpous, fleshy. pulque, m. (Amer.) fermented juice of the maguey : pulque curado, the same liquor, prepared with pine-apple and sugar. pulqueria, /. tavern where pulque is sold. pulsacidn,/. pulsation ; pulse, beating. pulsada, /. any pulse-l)eat. pulsador, ra, m. & /. one who examines the pulse. pulsante, pa. feeling the pulse ; pulsating. pulsar, va. to feel the pulse ; to finger, touch lightly (as a lyre) ; to explore, soUnd, or ex- amine an aflair.— I'n. to pulsate, beat as the pulse. puls6.tll, pulsatlvo, va, a. pulsing, beating. pulsear, vn. to "put down your arm," pulsera, /. (jewel.) bracelet; side lock of hair; (surg.) wrist bandage. pulsimetro, m. (hydr.) pulsometer; (med.) pulsimeter. pulsista, m. & a. skilled in the doctrine of the pulse. pulso, m. Dulse, pulse-wave, pulsation, beat ; part of the wrist where the pulse is felt ; steadiness of the hand ; care, tact : k pulso, with the strength of the hand : tomar el pul- so, to feel the pulse ; to sound one's opinion. a M in far ; « in eh I ; 1 in police ; o lu for ; u in boll ; e (before e, i) and x aa til iu thick ; b and d, soft j 1»UL 451 PUN pululante, pa. pullulating. pululax, vn. to pullulate, germ, bud ; to mul- tiply with great rapidity ; to swarm, to be lively. pulverizable, a. pulverable, pulverizable. pulverizaclbn, /. pulverization, comminu- tion. pulverizador, m. atomizer, spray. pulverizar, va. (pret. pulveric^: subj. pulverice) to pulverize, grind, commi- nute ; to atomize, spray. pulvemlentO, ta, a. pulverulent, dusty. pulla, /. loose, obscene expression ; repartee, witty saying; hint; (oru.) V. planga. pullista, m. or/, one fond of throwing hints. J puin ! interj. bang ! puma, m. (zool.) puma, American panther. pumarada, /• v. pomarada. puna, /. (Amer.) bleak region. punclon,/. (surg. ) puncture. puncha,/. thorn, prickle, sharp point. punchar, va. to prick, pierce, puncture. pundonor, m. point of honour. pundonorosamente, adv. punctiliously. pundonoroso, sa, a. punctilious. punganes, m. pi. oyster-knife. pungente, i^a. pungent. pungimiento, m. punching or pricking. pungir, va. (ind. PUNJO : subj. punja) to punch, to prick ; to sting the mind or heart (as passions). pungltiVO, va, a. punching, pricking. punible, a. (law) punishable. punici6n,/. punishment, chastisement. puniCO, ca, a. Punic. punitiVO, va, a. (law) punitive. punta, /. point, nib, sharp end of a pin, prong, thorn, etc. ; end, tip, extremity ; apex ; cape, headland, promontory ; prong or tine oi an antler; tip of a horn ; stub of a cigar ; taint of acidity or sourness ; touch, turn, tinge, trace, suggestion ; pointing of game by a dog; (typ.) bodkin ; (her.) lower part of a shield.—/;/, point lace : puntas de Paris, wire nails ; (Cuba) tips, top leaves of tobacco : de puntas, on tiptoe, softly : dc punta ea bianco, V. BLANCO : estar de punta, to be on bad terms. puntaclbn, /. punctuation. V. puntuaci6n. puntada,/. (sew.) stitch; hint. puntador, m. v. apuntador. puntal, m. prop, support, shore ; stay, stanchion, pillar ; (naut.) depth of hold. puntapi^, m. kick (with the tip of the shoe). puntar, va. to mark with dots or points. punteada, /. punteadO, m. playing on the guitar. puntear, va. to play upon the guitar ; (art) to stipple, to dot; (sew.) to stitcn. — vn. (naut.) to tack. puntel, m. pontil, snap, glass-blower's rod. puntera,/. (shoe. ) toe-cap or box ; patch over the tip; new toe on stockings; (coll.) a kick. punteria, /. (arti.) aim ; pointing a weapon. puntero, ra, a. taking good aim.— Tw. fescue, pointer; (farr.) punch for horse-shoes; stone-cutter's chisel; (eccl.) cannula in a chrismatory. punterola. /. (min.) poll-pick. puntiagudo, da, a. sharp-pointed, sharp. puntiCO, itO, m. dim. small dot or point. puntilla, /. dim. small point ; narrow lace edging; brad, joiner's nail; carpenter's tracing-point. V. cachette : de puntillas, softly, gently ; on tiptoe. pnntillazo, m. (coll.) kick. puntlllero, m. V. cachetero. puntillo, m. dim. small point; punctilio; (mus.) dot, point. puntill6n, m. (coll.) kick. V. puntillazo. puntilloso, sa, a. punctilious. puntiseco, ca, a. dry at the tips, as plants. puntiz6n, m. (print.) frisket-hole or mark in the sheet. puntO, m. point, dot : period in writing; nib of a pen; sight in fire-arms; (sew.) stitch; loop in knitting ; hole in a stocking ; point in lace ; mesh ; punch-hole in straps ; polka- dot in fabrics ; value ascribed to each dot or spot on dice or cards ; place, spot ; hack- stand ; smallest part of a thing ; detail, particular, minute account; instant, mo- ment, nick of time; chance, favourable op- portunity ; stop, rest, recess ; gist, pith, substance ; end, object, aim ; stage, condi- tion, state, degree ; point of honour, punc- . tilio ; each mistake of a scholar in reciting a lesson ; twelfth part of a line; (shoe.) each number in a size-stick : punto final, full stop, period (.): punto y coma, semicolon ( ; ) : dos puntos, colon ( : ) : puntos suspen- BivoB, leaders ( ) : al punto, immediate- ly : 4 buen punto, opportunely : estar i pun- to, to be ready, to be about to happen : hasta cierto punto, to a certain extent: por punto general, as a rule : 4 punto fijo, exactly, with certainty : punto de apoyo, fulcrum : punto menoB, a trifle less : por puntos, from one moment to another : punto en boca, silence. puntOSO, sa, a. acuminated ; punctilious. puntuaci6n, /. punctuation. puntual, a. prompt, punctual, exact, accu. rate ; certain, sure ; convenient, adequate. puntualldad,/. punctuality, exactness ; cen titude, preciseness. puntualizar, va. {pret. puntualicj^ : subj. puntualice) to imprint on the mind or memory ; to finish, perfect ; to give a de- tailed account. puntualmente, adv. punctually, exactly, faithfully, accurately. puntuar, va. to punctuate, to point. puntUOSO, sa, a. punctilious. puntura, /. puncture; (print.) register point. punzada, /. prick, puncture ; stit-ch, sharp pain ; compunction. punzador, ra, m. & /. pricker, wounder. punzadura, /. puncture, prick. punzante, pa. pricking, sharp. punzar, va. {pret. PUNcfi: subj. PUNCE) to punch, bore, perforate ; to prick, puncture, wound ; to cause sharp pain ; to grieve. punzd or puiiz6ll, a. deep scarlet red. punz6ll, m. punch, puncheon; puncher, driver, point, graver, bodkin, awl, pick ; counter-sink, counter-die ; type-mould ; young horn of a deer. punzoneria, /. set of moulds for a fount ot types. pu&ada,/. fisticuff, box. pu&adO, m. handful ; a few : 4 puiiados, pleo> tifully, abundantly. puflal, m. poniard, dagger. pu&alada, /. stab with a poniard ; suddon shock of grief or pain. pu&alejo, m. dim. small poniard. pu&alero, m. maker or seller of poniards. puiiera,/. double handful ; flour measure. pu&etazo, TO. blow with the shut fist. puflete, TO. blow with the fist ; bracelet. pu&O, TO. fist; grasp; handful; (sew.) cuff, wristband, wristfaU, handruflle ; hilt of a ■ sword ; haft (of a tool) ; handle (of an um- brella, etc.) ; head of a staffer cane; (naut.) g (befDre e, i) and J aa h In bot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; &, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hissed. PUB 452 QUE corner of a sail : hombre de pnfios, strong, valiant man : aer como un pafto, to be close- fisted. pupa, /. pustule, pimple ; childish word to express uneasiness. pupila, /. pupil of the eye; orphan girl, ward. pupilaje, m. pupilage, wardship ; board and lodging ; boarding-house. pupilar, a. (anat. and law) pupillary. pupilero, ra, m- &/■ boarding-house keeper. pupilO, m. pupil, ward ; boarder. pupltre, in. writing-case, writing-desk. pnpOSO, sa, a. pustulous, pustulate. puramente, adv. purely, chastely ; entirely, merely ; genuinely. pur6, m. (cook.) thick soup, puree. pureaa, /. purity ; innocence, chastity ; fine- ness, genuineness ; cleanness, excellence. purga, /. purge, cathartic ; (sugar) draining of molasses. V. miel. purgable, a. that may be purged. pnrgaci6n, /. purge, purgation ; catamenia ; (law) purgation.— p/. gonorrhoea, gleet. pnrgador, ra, a. purgative.— »i. &f. purger. purgamlentO, »*. purgation, purging. purgante, i>a. purging, purgative. — m. purge, cathartic. purgar, v«. {pret. purguk: subj. purgue) to purge, puri^", cleanse ; to atone, expiate ; to refine, clarify ; to drain sugar of molas- ses ; (theol. ) to suflFer the penalties of purga- tory ; to administer a purge ; (law) to clear from guilt or imputation of guilt. — vr. to rid or clear one's self from guilt ; to take a purge. piirgativo, va, a. purgative, cathartic. purgatoriO, m. purgatory ; any place where life is a drudgery. puridad, /. purity : en puridad, clearly, openly ; in secret. purificaclbn, /. purification ; cleansing, ex- purgation ; church festival on 2d February ; (eccl.) cleansing the chalice at the mass. purlficadero, ra, «. cleansing, purifying. purificador, ra, m. & f. purifier; (eccl.) purificator. purificar, va. (joret. PURiFiQui : subJ. puri- fique) to purify, clean, cleanse, clear, clar- ify, fine, refine. — vr. to be purified, cleansed. piirificatorio, ria, a. purificatory, purifica- tive. Plirisima (la), /. epithet of the Virgin Mary, " most pure." purismo, m. purism. pnrista, m. purist. purltanismo, m. puritanism. purltano, na, a. puritan, puritanic(al).— m. &f. a Puritan. puro, ra, a. pure, free, unmingled, sterling, unalloyed ; clear, clean, neat, genuine, net, fine ; chaste, modest ; guiltless, innocent ; incorrupt, spotless, unblemished, unsullied ; mere, only, sheer, absolute ; correct (as lan- guage) : & puro, by dint of: de puro, ex- tremely ; by dint of. — m. cigar. purpura, /. purpura, murex, purple-shell ; purple ; clotn dyed with purple • dignity of a king or cardinal ; (poet.) blood. purpurado, m. a cardinal. purpurante, pa. giving a purple colour. purpurar, va. to purple ; to dress in purple. purpureo, rea, a. purple, puniceous, pur- purate.— /.(bot.) V. lampazo. purpurear, vn. to have a purple tinge. purpurina,/. bronze powder ; (chem.) pur- purin. purpurino, na, a. purple, purpurate. purrela,/. wine of inferior quality. purriela,/. (coll.) despicable iirifle. purulencla, /. purulence, purulency." ' purulento, ta, a. purulent. pus, m. (med.) pus. pusUiinime, a. pusillanimous, faint-hearted. pusilknimemente, adv. heartlessly. pusilanimldad, /. pusillanimity, timorous^ ness. pusttQa,/. (med.) pustule, pimple. pUStulOSO, sa, a. pustulous, pustular. puta,/. whore, prostitute, harlot. putaismo, putanismo, m. whoredom, har- lotry ; brothel. putaiLear, vn. (low) to whore. putaiiero, a. (low) given to lewdness. — m. whoremaster, whoremonger. putatiVO, va, a. putative, reputed. putear, vn. (coll.) v. putaSear. puteria,/. (low) harlotry ; brothel ; meretri* cious arts of lewd women. putero, m. (low) whoremaster, whoremonger. putesco, ca, a. (coll.) relating to harlots. putUla, ita,/. dim. (coll.) young prostitute. putO, m. (low) catamite, sodomite : i puto el postre, (coll.) the devil take the hindmost. putput, 711. (orn.) hoopoe. putrefacci6n,/. putrefaction, corruptness. putrefactive, va, a. putrefactive. putrefacto, ta, «. putrid, decayed, rotten. putridez,/. putridity, rottenness. p^tridO, da, a. putrid, rotten, decayed. putuela,/. (iir/i. young prostitute. puya, /. goad, goad stick. puzol, m. puzolana, /. puzzolana. Q q [koo], twentieth letter of the Spanish alpha- bet; used only in forming the syllables que, qui, proT'Ounced kai, key. que ikai], rei. pron. who, whom, which, that, what, as : el hombre que caata, the man who sings : la mujer que amo, the woman whom I love : el delito de que se le acusa, the crime with which he is charged : el libro que me diste, the book that you gave me : e«to ei lo que vi, this is what I saw ; when preceded by the definite article, it is equivalent to the one who, those who, the one whom, those whom, that which ; it sometimes stands for when, as: el dia que le escribi, the day (whea) I wrote to him ; when used in some exclamations or as an interrog. pron. it stands for how, what, which, and in such cases it has an accent, as : i qu« triite e>ti ! how sad he looks ! i qui terrible deigracia I what a terrible misfortune ! i qui es e»o, qui paia or qui hay 7 what is the matter? ^qui manzana quieree? which apple do you want? — conj. when simply joining two parts it does the ofiSce of to, as qniero que vengai, I want you to come, or is not translated, as antes que Uueva, before it rains : etpero que todo saiga bien, I hope everything will turn out satisfactorily ; as a comparative particle it means than, as mcjor que esto, better than this ; in some cases, when repeated, whether, or : que quiera, que no qulera, whether he wants or not ; sometimes its use is superfluous, as suya es la culpa, que no mia, the fault is his, not mine ; in a few cases it is used for because, since, for ; also for what about, what has become of? and, lastly, for and, as corre que corre, he ran and ran : k menos que, unless : con tal que, • M tn far; • in elil ; 1 In police ; • in for : u in t>«U ; c Ibefore e, 1) «nd S as th in thick ; b and d, sod ,' QUE 453 QUE provided : bo bay de qui (in answer to ; gra- ciai !), don't mention it, you are welcome : ipaes y qu6 7 why not? what then? sin qu6 ni para que, without cause or motive. a. willing; loving. quermes, m. (ent.) kermes: qaermes mineral, (chera.) kermes. querocha,/. V. cresa. querocliar, V7i. to emit the semen of bees. querub, querube, quembin, m. cherub. querva,.^'. (bot. ) spurge; palma-christL quesadlila, /. cheese-cake; sweetmeat. quesear, vn. to make cheese. quesera,/. dairy ; dairy-maid ; cheese-board, cheese-mould, cheese-vat ; cheese-dish. queseria, /. season for making cheese ; dairy. quesero, ra, «. caseous, cheesy, — m. cheese- monger, cheesemaker. queslllo, ito, m. dim. small cheese. quesOikai'-go:, m. cheese : qneio de cerdo, head- cheese : qnego helado, ice-cream brick, moulded ice-cream. quetzal [ket-thahi'], m. (orn.) quetzal, trogon. quevedOS, m. pi. eye-glasses. i qul& ! Ike-ah'], itilerj. come now ! no, indeed ! qUibey [ke-bay'-e], w. (W. I.) (bot.) dog's- bane. qulcial, m. quicialera,/. hinge-post. quiciO [kee'-thie-o], m. eye of a door-hinge; pivot-hole: fuera de qmlclo, unhinged, out of order : »acar de quiclo, to unhinge; to ex- asperate. quichua,/. v. quechua. quid ikidl, m. gist, pith, main point. quidam, m. (coll.) a person ; a nobody. quid pro quo, (Lat.) an equivalent.— m. mis- taken identity ; mistake. qulebra, /. crack, fracture; gaping fissure; loss, damage; (com.) failure, bankruptcy. qulebrahacba, m. (Cuba) (bot.) break-axe. qulebro, m. (mus.) trill ; movement or incli- nation of the body, as in dodging. qulebro, qulebre (tm from quebrar). quieilike-«n'], »ron. {pi. QUiENEs) who, whom, whoever, wnomsoever, which, whichever. (Qf. CUAL and que.) When interrogative it is accented, as : ^qalin ha venldo? who has come ? qulenqulera, pron. (pi. quienesquiera) whoever, whosoever, whomsoever, which- ever. qulero, qulera, qulse (irr. from querer). quletacl6n, /. quieting or appeasing. quletador, fa, »i. &f. quieter, appeaser. quletamente, adv. quietly, calmly. quletar, va. to quiet, appease. — vr. to become quiet. qidete, /. rest, repose, quiet. quletlsmo, m. quietism, sect of mystics. quletlsta, a. & m. quietist. quleto, ta, a. quiet, still ; steady, undis- turbed ; silent, peaceable, pacific ; orderly, virtuous. qoletud (key-a-tood'], /. quietude,* quietness, quiet, rest, repose ; tranquility. quilada [uehah'-dah],/. jaw or jawbone. quijal, quijar, m. grinder, back tooth ; jaw. quilarudo, da, a. large-jawed, quuera, /. cheeks of a cross-bow.— ^Z. straps of the nose-baud. quUero, m. sloping bank of a canal. quilo ikee'-ho], m. (min.) ore. quilones, m.pl. (hot.) dill, aromatic herb. quIjOtada,/, quixotic enterprise. qiUJOte (key-ho'-tehi, m. (arm.) cuisse, thigh- guard, upper part of the haunch ; man who engag^ m quixotic enterprises. qulJOteria,/. quixotry, quixotism. quijOtescO, ca, a. quixotic, qUijOtlSmO [key-ho-tees'-mo], m. quixotism. quuatador, m. assayer of gold and silver. quUatar, va. to assay. V. aqttilatar. qullate, m. (jewel.) carat or karat; ancieat coin ; degree of perfection. qullatera, /. (jewel.) diamond sieve, quillarea,/. v. kiliarea. qullifero, ra, a. chyliferous. qulllficaclbn, /. (med.) chylification, qulliflcar, va. to chylify. qullma, /. v. costal, qullo tkee'-io], m. (med. ) chyle : audar el quilo, to work hard. qullo, qullogrramo, quUbmetro, etc. V. KILO, KILOGRAMO, Ctc. qullOSO, sa, a. chylous, chylaceous, qullla [keei-iyaiij, /. (naut.) keel; (orn.) breastbone. qulllotro, tra, m. &/. (coll.) dearest one, sweetheart; (coll.) thingumbob, qulmbimbulas, /. »/. (Cuba) rough, craggy spots ; hidden nook. qulmbombb, m. (hot.) okra, gumbo. qulmera,/. chimera; dispute, quarrel. qulm^rlco, ca, qulmeriuo, na, a. chimeri- cal, fantastic, unreal. qulmerlsta, m. wrangler, ^brawler ; vision- ary man. qulmerlzar, vn. to indulge in chimeras. qUimlCa [key'-me-cah], /. chemistry, qulmlcamente, adv. chemically, qulmlCO, ca, a. chemical. — m. chemist. qulmlficar, va. to convert into chyme. qulmlsta, m. v. alquimista. qulmo [kee'-mo], m. (med.) chyme. qulmdn, m. chintz ; kimono. qulna, qulnaqulna, /, Peruvian bark, cin- chona. qulnal, m. (naut.) preventer shroud. qulnarlo, rla, a. consisting of five.— »». Ro- man coin. qulnas, /. pi. arms of Portugal ; fives on dice. qulncalla, /. (com.) hardware, small wares, fancy goods. qulncalleria, /. hardware trade, fancy store. qulncallero, ra, m. & /. dealer in hardware or fancy goods, quince [keen-thay], o. & m. fifteen ; fifteenth ; game at cards, qulnceno, na, a. fifteenth. — m. &f. mule fif- teen months old.—/, fortnight ; semi-month- ly pay ; (mus.) fifteenth (interval and organ stop). qulncenal, m. fortnightly, semi-monthly. qulncenalmente, adv. fortnightly. quincuagena,/. fifty things of a kind. quincua^enarlo, rla, a. & m. &. /, having fifty units; quinquagenarian. quincuag^simo, ma, a. fiftieth.—/, Quin- quagesima Sunday, qulncurldn, m. corporal of five soldiers. qulncha. /. (Peru) wall of clay and canes. . qulnd^cimo, ma, a. fifteenth. qulndenlo, m. period of fifteen years. qulnete, m. kind of camlet. qulnsent^slmo, ma, a. five hundredth. qulngombb, m. (hot.) gumbo, okra. qulnffOS, m. (Amer.) zigzag. qulnientOS, a. five hundred. qUlnlna [key-nee'-nah], f. quinine. qulno, m. (bot.) cinchona-tree ; (chem.) qui- novin. qulnolas, qulnollllas, /. pi. at cards, four of a kind ; game at cards, quinolear, va. to prepare t&e,<»rda for ««i- nola. a M In far ; • in eh i ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in boll ; • (before e, i) AUd t as th in thick : b and d. eoft QUI 455 EAB quinqu6 fkeen-kay'], m. table lamp. quinquefolio, m. (bot.) common cinquefoil. quinquenal, a. quinquennial. quinquenervla, /. (bot.) rib-grass plantain, quinquenio, m. quinquennium, lustrum, quinquilleria, /. V. quincalleria. quinauillero [kin-keei-iyay'-ro], m. hawker, peddler. V. quincallero. quinta, /. country-seat, villa, cottage ; manor- house ; (mil.) draft; quint, sequence of five cards; (fenc.) quint; (mus.) fifth. quintador, m. (mil.) one who drafts men. quintaesencla, /. quintessence. quintal ikin-tahr], m. quintal, hundred- weight: quintal m^trico, one hundred kilogrammes. quintalada, /. (naut.) primage or hat-money (2^ per cent, on the freights). quintale&o, ila, lero, ra, a. capable of con- taining a quintal. quintana,/. country mansion. quintante, w. (ast.) sector of 72*. quintafibn, na, a. &m. &f. centenarian. qulntar uin tar'l, va. to draw one out of five ; (mil.) to draft men for service; to plough the fifth time. — vn. to attain the fifth day (the moon). quinteria, /. farm ; grange. qulnterno, m. five sheets of paper ; keno, in lotto. quintero, m. farmer ; farm-hand. qulntetO [kin-tay'-to], m. (mus.) quintet. quintil [kin-teer], m. fifth month in ancient calendars. quintilla, /. stanza of five verses. qulntillo, m. game of ombre with five play- ers. quintO, ta, a. fifth.— w. one-fifth; duty of 20 per cent. : (mil.) conscript. quintuplicaci6n, /. quintuplication. qulntuplicar, va. to quintuplicate. quintuplO, pla, a. quintuple, fivefold. qulfl,6ll, m. share of profit or lands ; (Philip.) land measure. quiftonero, m. part-owner, shareholder, qulnzavo, va, m. &/. (arith.) one-fifteenth. qulOSCO, m. kiosk, pavilion, summer-house. qulpOS, m. j)l. (Peru) quipee. quiqulrlqui [ke-ke-re-kee'i, m. cock-a-doodle- do ; (coll.) cock of the walk. quiragra. /. gout in the hand. quirite [ke-ree' tay], m. Roman citizen. quiromancia, /. chiromancy, palmistry. qulrom^ntiCO, m. palmister, chiromancer, quirbpterOS, m. pi. bats ; the cheiroptera. quiroteca,/. (coll.) glove. quirtirgico, ca, a. surgical, chirurgical, quiriirgO, m. surgeon, chirurgeon. quisiCOSa,/. (coll.) enigma, riddle, puzzle, quisquemenil, m. (Amer.) short cloak. qulsqnllla,/. bickering, trifling dispute. quisquilloso, sa, a. fastidious, precise; touchy, peevish. quiste.'m. (surg.) cyst. quistO, ta, pp. irr. of QUERER ; only used with bien and mal : bien quisto., well re- ceived, generally beloved : mal quUto, dis- liked, quita, /. (law) acquittance, discharge, re- lease (from debt) : de quita y pon, adjusta- ble, removable. i quita ! interj. God forbid ! i quita" de ahi I away with you ! out of my sight ! quitacidn, /. salary, wages, pay, income ; (law) V. QUITA, quitador, ra, m &f. remover. quitaguas, m. V. paraguas. quitaipbn, m. V. quitap6n. quitamanclias, m. clothes-cleaner. quitameriendas, /. (bot.) common meadow saffron. quitamiento, m. (law) v. quita. quitamotas, m. &/. (coll.) servile flatterer, quitante, pa. taking away, removing, quitanza,./". (com.) receipt in full, discharge, quitapelillOS, m, & /. (coll.) flatterer, fawner. quitapesares, m. &/. (coll.) comfort, con- solation. quitap6n, m. ornament of tjie headstall of mules, quitar, va. to take away, take off, remove ; to separate, extract, subtract, take out ; to strip, rob, usurp; to release or redeem a E ledge ; to hinder, disturb; to forbid, pro- ibit ; to abrogate, annul ; to free from an obligation; (fenc.) to parry a thrust. — vr. to abstain, refrain ; to quit, move away, re- tire, withdraw ; to get rid of. quitasol, m. parasol, sun-shade. quite, m. obstacle, impediment, hindrance •, (fenc.) parade, parry. qilitefLO, fla, a. of or belonging to Quito. quitO, ta, a. &pn. irr. obs. of quitar ; quits, quitrin, m. (Cuba) two-wheeled top-wagon. quiz4, quizes [ke-tim)i8'], adv. perhaps, maybe, quizame, m. (Philip.) roof, ceiling. R r [er'-ay or er'-ray], /, twenty-first letter of the Spanish alphabet: it has two sounds, for the correct use of which See Rules for Pro- nunciation at the beginning of this book. raba, /. bait for pilchard-fishery. rabada,/. hind quarter, rump. rabad&n, m. head shepherd. rabadilla, /. coccyx ; rump, croup ; uropyg- ium. rabanal, m. ground sown with radishes. rabanero, ra, a. (coll.) short (skirt) ; for- ward.—/, (coll.) a shameless woman. — m. & f. seller of radishes. rabanete, m. dim. small radish. rabanillO, m. dim. (bot. ) wild radish ; sharp taste of wine on the turn ; (coll.) ardent de- sire, longing ; sourish temper. rabaniza,/. radish seed. r&bano, m. (bot.) radish: r&bano silvestre, wild radish : riibano picante or rusticano, horse-radish : t«mar el r&bano por las hojas, (coll.) to misconstrue. rabazuz, m. inspissated juice of licorice. rabear, vn. to wag the tail. rabel, m,. (mus.) rebec ; (coll.) breech, back- side. rabeo, m. wagging of the tail. rabelejo, m. dim. of rabel. rabera,/. tail end; tang; handle of a cros9~ bow ; chaff, raber6n, m. top of a felled tree, ,bi, m. rabbi, rabbin. la, /. hydrophobia, rabies ; rage, fury. lar, vn. to labour under hydrophobia ; to rage, to be furious ; to suffer racking pain; rabiar por, to long eagerly for. rabiatar, va. to tie by the tail. rabiazorras, m. east wind. . rabican, rabicano, na, a. white-tailed, rabicorto, ta, a. short-tailed ; docked. r&bido, da, a. (poet.) V. rabioso. rabieta,/. dim. (coll.) fit of temper, rabihorcadO, m. (om.) frigate bird. rabil, m. crank ; wheat-husKer. rabilar, va. to husk with a rabil. M (before e, 1) and J as h in hot ; h. silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ii, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; », biised. BAB 466 EAL rabilaxgo, ga, a. long-tailed.— »». (orn.) blue crow. rablUo, m- dim. little tail ; stem ; mildew spots on corn ; darnel. raoinegrro, gra, a. black-tailed. rabiniCO, ca, a. rabbinical. rabinismo, m. rabbinism. rabinista, com. rabbinist. rablno, m. rabbL rablbn, m. rapids of a river. rabiosamente. adv. furiously, outrageously, madly, ragingly. rabiOSO, sa, a. rabid, mad ; furious, raging, fierce. rabisalsera, a. (ooll.) pert, smart, forward. rabito, m. dim. small tail ; stem. rabiza, / point of a fishing-rod ; rocket- stick ; (naut. ) tip, end of a rope ; point, end of a shoal ; tail of a block. rabO, m. tail of quadrupeds ; tail end, back, or hind part ; train ; stem : rabo de gallo, (naut.) stern-timbers: rabo de Jnnco, (orn.) tropic bird : rabo entre piernas, (coll.) crest- falfen, dejected : mlrar con el rabo del ojo, to look askance : falta el rabo por desoUar, the most difla cult part is yet to be done. rab6ll, na, a. dfocked, bobtailed.— /. (Amer.) canteen woman, soldier's wife: hacer rabo- na, to play hooky. raboseada, raboseadura,/. fray, chafe. rabosear, va. to chafe, fray, fret. rabOSO, sa, a. ragged, tattered. rabotada, /. insolent reply. rabotear, va. to crop or dock the tail. raboteo, m. cropping of sheep's tails. rabudO, da, a. long or thick tailed. rd,bnla, m. ignorant, vociferous lawyer. raca,/. (naut.) traveller ; jib-iron. racahut, m,. raccahoot. racamenta, /. racamento, m. (naut. ) par- ral or parrel. racel, m. (naut.) run, rising of a ship. racima,/. grapes left on vines at vintage. racimado, da^ a. clustered, in racemes. racimal, a. having clusters or racemes. racimar, va. to pick the racima. — vr. V. ARRACIMARSE, racimo, m. bunch of grapes ; cluster ; ra- ceme. racimoso, sa, a. full of grapes, racemose. raclmudo, da, a. in large bunches or ra- cemes. TaclOCinaci6n, /. ratiocination, reasoning. raciOCinar, vn. to reason, argue, ratiocinate. raciociuio, m. reasoning, argument. racldn, /. ration ; ration-money ; supply, al- lowance, pittance ; (eccl. ) prebend m cathe- dral. jaclonabilidad, /. rationality. f aclonaJ, a. rational ; reasonable ; (math, and ast. ) rational. — m. rational, pectoral or breastplate. racionalldad,/. rationality, reasonableness. racionalmente, adv. rationally. racionamiento, m. (mil.) distribution of ra- tions. iMI racionar, va. (mil.) to ration, issue ratio ifil' racioncica. Ilia, ita, /. dim. small pittance. racionerO; m. (eccl.) prebendary ; distribu- tor of rations. raclonlsta, m. &f. receiver of a ration or al- lowance I (theat.) utility man. racba,/. naw, gust of wind ; streak of luck ; (min.) fragment of wood used in shoring. rada,/. (naut.) roads, roadstead, bay. radiacidn,/. radiation. radiado, da, a. &pp. radiated. * radial, a. radial. radiantie, a. radiant, brilliant, refulgent. radlar, tn. to radiate. radicaci6n, /. radication, taking root. radical, a. radical ; original, primitive ; fun- damental. — m. (math.) the sign ▼ ; (gram.) root of a word ; (pol.) radical ; (chem.) rad- ical. radicalmente, adv. radically, fundamen- tally. radicar, vn. to take root; to be in such a place. — vr. to radicate, take root. radicicola, n. radicicolous. radicoso, sa, a. radical. radicula,/. (hot.) radicle, radicule. radio, m. radius of a circle ; circuit, district ; (anat.) radius. radiograma, m. radiograph. radidmetro, m. forestaff, radiometer. radiOSO, sa. a. radiant. radioterapia, /. (med.) sun-bath treatment. raedera, /, scraper, raker. raediZO, za, a. easily scraped. raedor, ra, a. scraper, eraser. raedura, /. rasure, erasure ; scrapings, fil- ings, parings. raer, va. {gerund, rayendo: ind. raigo; pret. el ray6 : subj. raiga) to scrape, grate-, to rub off, abrade, fret, fray ; to rase, blot out, erase ; to lay aside entirely ; to efface, as a vice or bad habit. rafa,/. (arch.) buttress; trench or ditch for irrigation ; (farr.) crack in the toe of hoofs ; (min.) cut in a rock for supporting an arch. r^faga, /. gust of wind, flaw ; small cloud ; flasn or gleam of light. rafania,/ (med.) raphania. rafe, m. (arch.) eaves ; (anat. and hot.) raphe. rsifear, va. to secure with buttresses. raliez [rah-«th'], a. vile, low, despicable. raible, a. that may be scraped or frayed. raiceja, cilia, cita,/. dim. rootlet, radicle. raido, da, a. &pp. scraped; frayed, thread- bare, worn out ; barefaced, shameless. raigal, a. radical. — m. foot of a tree. raigambre,/. intermixture of roots. raig6n, m. aug. lar^e strong root ; stump o» a hack tooth or grinder. rail, m. (r. w.) rail. raimientO, m. scraping, rasure ; impudence barefacedness. raiz [rah-eeth'], /. (bot.) root, radix; base, foundation ; origin, original ; (math, and gram.) root: & ralz, close to, immediately, right after : de raiZj from the root ; entirely ; cortar de raiz, to nip in the bud : ecbar rai- ces, to take root, become fixed or settled : bienes raice«, landed property, real estate. raja,/, split, rent, chink, crack, fissure, gap, crevice, cranny ; slice (as of fruit) ; coarse cloth. rajk, m. rajah, Indian prince. ragaole, a. easily split. rajabroqueles, w. (coll.) hector, bullyj brawler. rajadillo, m. sliced almonds, sugared. ra, adiZO, za, a. easily split ; fissile. rat ador, m. wood-sphtter. ra, adura,/. cleft, cnlnk, fissure, crack, split. ra ante, pa. splitting. rajar, va. to split, crack, rend, cleave. — vr. t« split, crack, cleave apart. — vn. (coll.) to boast ; to chatter. rajeta,/. coarse cloth of mixed colours. rajuela,/. dim. small crack or fissure ; (mas.) riprap. ralea, /. race, breed, stock ; genus, species^ quality. ralear, vn. to become thin or sparse (as cloth A M In far ; • In th I ; 1 In police ; o Id for ; « in bull ; C (before e, 1) «nd E as th in tbick : b and d, soft; EAL 457 RAP or hair); (agr.) to yield thin bunches of grapes. raleon, na, a. predatory (bird of prey). raleza, /. thinness, lack of density, sparsity, sparseness. ralO, la, «. thin, sparse, not dense. ralladera,/. rallador, m. (cook.) grater. rSLlladura, /. mark left by the grater ; grat- ings. rallar, va. (cook.) to grate ; (coll.) to vex. rallo, m. grater ; ice-scraper ; rasp. rallbn, m. arrow with cross-head. rama, /. (bot. ) branch, sprig, twig, shoot, bough, limb of a plant ; branch of a family; rack in cloth-mills ; (print.) chase : en rama, unmanufactured; (b. b.) in sheets, un- bound : tabaco en rama, leaf tobacco : seda «n rama, raw silk : andarse por las ramas, to beat about the bush : asirse k las ramas, to seek or make frivolous pretexts. ramada, /. mass of branches ; arbour. ramaje, m. mass of branches ; ramiform de- sign. ramal, m. branch, ramification, division ; (r. w.) branch road; strand of a rope; halter ; (min.) shaft, gallery. ramalazo, m. lash, stroke with a rope ; mark left by a lash ; sudden and acute pain or grief ;"blow ; gust of wind, tail of a cyclone ; spot in the face. ramalla, /. twigs ; brushwood. rambla, /. sandy or dry ravine ; ramble ; tenter, tentering machine. ramblar, m. sandy beach or bed. ramblazo, ramblizo, m. bed of a torrent. rameado, da, a. having a ramiform design. rameal, rameo, a, a. (bot.) belonging to a branch. ramera,/. prostitute, harlot, strumpet. rameria,/. brothel; harlotry. ramero, ra, a. hopping from branch to branch. rameruela,/. dim. little prostitute. ramlal, m. ramie-patch. raxnlficacidn,/. ramification, branching oflf. ramlficarse, vr. to ramify, branch off. ramilla, ita, /. dim. small shoot, sprig, twig. ramillete, m. bouquet, posy, nosegay ; (bot.) cluster, umbel ; centrepiece at table ; col- lection of choice things : ramillete de Cons- tantinopla, V. minutisa. tamilletero, ra, m. &f. maker and seller of bouquets. — m. flower vase. ramiUo, itO, m. dim. sprig, twig, branchlet. ramina, /. ramie fiber. ramio, m. (bot.) ramie. ramlza,/. collection of lopped branches. ramneo, nea, a. (hot.) rhamnaceous. ramo, m. bough or limb ; branchlet ; limb cut off from a tree ; cluster, bouquet ; string of onions ; branch of trade ; concern, line of business ; division or part of an art or science : Domingo de Ramos, Palm Sunday. ramojo, m. brushwood, small wood. ramdzL, m. browse, browsing. ramonear, vn. to lop off twigs ; to browse. ramoneo, m. lopping twigs ; browsing. ramoso, sa, a. branchy, raraous. rampa,/. cramp; (mil.) slope of a glacis. rampante, a. (her.) rampant. ramplflete, m. (arti.) vent gimlet, ramplon, na, a. heavy, coarse (shoe) ; rude, gross, vulgar, unpolished. — m. (farr.) calk of a shoe. rampolo, m. rape, of grapes ; (mil.) caltrop. rampollo, m. (agr.) a cutting for plantiftg. rana,/. (zool.) frog; (r. w.) ixog.—pl. (med.) frog-tongue, ranula: rana marina or pesca- dora, (icht.) angler:' no ser rana, (coll.) to be able and expert. ranacuajo, m. polliwig. v. renacuajo. rancajada,/. uprooting plants or sprouts. rancajado, da, a. wounded with a splinter. rancajO, m. splinter in the flesh. ranciarse, vr. v. enranciarse. rancidez, /. rancidity, rancidness, rankness. rancio, cia, a. rank, rancid, stale ; long kept, old : vino rancio, tine old wine. — m. greasi- ness of cloth before milling. ranciOSO, sa, a. rancid, rank, sour. rancheadero, m. place containing huts. ranchear, va. to build huts ; to plunder. rancheria, /. settlement ; cluster of huts ; hamlet ; horde, camj>. rancbero, m. stewara of a mess ; small farm- er ; (Mex.) rancher. rancbO, m. mess (food and set of persons) ; hut; hamlet; small farm, ranch; (coll.) friendly meeting of persons ; (naut.) mess- room ; mess : rancho de Santa B&rbara, gun- room ; chamber of the rudder ; gang. randa,/. lace trimming. randado, da, a. trunmed with lace. randal, m. sort of ancient stuff. randera,/. lace-worker. rangifero, m. reindeer. V. reno. ran^a,/. pivot collar, shaft socket. ranula, /. dim. frog of the hoof; (vet.) dis- ease in the bowels of cattle. raninas, /. pi. ranulary veins. rlinula,/. (med. and vet.) ranula. ranuncul^ceo, cea, a. ranunculaceous. ranunculo, m. (bot.) crow-foot, buttercup. ranura, /. groove, rabbet, chamfer ; slot. rafla, /. device for catching cuttle-fishes; lowland. rallo, m. oyster-tongs. rapa,/. (hot.) flower of the olive-tree. rapacejO, Ja, m. & /. urchin, child. — m. bor- der, edging. rapaceria, /. childish prank or action. rapacidad, /. rapacity, robbery. rapador, ra, m. &.f. scraper; (coll.) barber. rapadura, /. shaving ; hair-cut ; plundering. rapagbn, m. beardless young man. rapamiento, m. v. rapadura. rapante, pa. snatching, robbing ; shaving ; (Tier.) rampant. rapapids, m. (pyr.) running squib ; chaser. rapapolVO, m. (coll.) sharp reproof. rapar, va. to |shave ; to crop the hair ; to plunder, snatch, rob ; to skin, to peel. rapasa,/. (min.) wax stone. rapaz, a. thievish ; rapacious ; predaceous. rapaz, za, m. & f. young boy or girl. rapazada, /. childish prank or speech. rapazuelO, la, m. &/. dim. little boy or girl. rape, m. (coll.) hurried shaving or hair-cut^ ting : al rape, cropped. rap6, wi. snuff; rappee. rkpldamente, adv. rapidly. rapidez, /. rapidity, velocity, celerity. r&pidO, da, a. rapid, quick, swift. rapiegO, ga, a. rapacious (birds). raplngacUO, m, (Peru) cheese omelet. rapifia,/. rapine, robbery, spoliation : ave d* rapi&a, bird of prey. rapiilador, ra, m. &/. plunderer, robber. rapillar, va. (coll.) to plunder, to rob. rapista, m. scraper; (coll.) barber. rapo, m. round-rooted turnip. rapbncblgO, m. (hot.) rampion. rap6ntico, m. (hot.) V. ruip6ntioo. raposa,/. female fox ; cunning person. raposear, vn. to be foxy. raposera,/. fox-hole, fox-den. << (before e, i) and J as li la hot ; h, silent ; 11 lu brilliant ; 2, ay in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; •, hissed. BAP 458 RAS raposeria, /. cunning of a fox. -aposino, na, a. foxy. rapOSO, m. male fox. raposimo, na, a. vulpine, foxy. rapSOda, a. rhapsodic, rapt. rapsodia, /. rhapsody. rapt£^, «• abducted. raptO, m. snatching away by force ; rape, ab- duction ; rapture, ecstasy, trance ; swoon. raptor, m. abductor. raque [rah'-kai], m. wrecking ; arrack. raquero, ra, a. piratical. — m. wrecker; "dock rat." raqueta, /. racket, battledore; battledores aud shuttlecock, badminton, tennis. raq.ueterO, m. racket maker or seller. raqulalgia, /. (med.) rachialgia. raquis, m. (anat.) backbone; (bot.) stalk. raquitico ca, [rahkey'-te-co], a. (med.) rick- ety ; feeble, flimsy, niggardly. raquitis,/. raqultismo, m. (med.) rickets. raquitOllio, OT. (surg. ) rachitome. rara avis, (Lat.) oddity. raramente, adv. rarely, seldom ; ridiculous- ly, oddlv. rarefa«Cl6ll, /. rarefaction; rarefacer, va. & vr. (little us.) to rarefy. rarefacto, ta, pp. irr. of rarefacer. rareza, /. rarity, rareness, uncommonness, infrequency; fad, queerness ; freak; curio, curiosity ; oddity. raridad, /. rarity ; thinness, subtilty. rarlficar, va, {pret. RARiFiQufe : subj. RARi- FiQUE) to rareiy, make thin.-»t;r. to rarefy, become thin. rariflcativo, va, a. rare, active. raro, ra, a. rare, thin, rarefied ; scarce, un- common, extraordinary ; choice, precious, excellent; extravagant, queer, oad: rara vez, seldom. ras, m. level, even, flush : ras con ras, on a level. rasa, /. tease, in fabrics ; table-land, plateau. rasadura,/. levelling with a strickle. rasamente, adv. publicly, openly, clearly. rasante, j>a. levelling, grazing.—/, grade. rasar, va. to strike or level with a strickle ; to graze, skim, touch lightly. rascacio, m. (icht.) v. escorpena. rascadera,/. scraper; curry-comb. rascador, m. scraper, scaler, scratcher ; rasp ; hat-pin, bodkin ; huUer, sheller. rascadura, /. scratching, scraping, rasping ; scratch. rascallno, m. (bot.) dodder. rascamientO, m. scraping, scratching. rascamoflo, m. women's hat-pin, bodkin. rascar, ta. (pret. rasqu6 : subj. rasque) to scratch, rasp, scrape. rascaz6n,/. pricking, tickling, itching. rascle, m. instrument used in coral-fishing. rascbn, na, a. sour, tart, sharp, acrid. — m. (orn.) rail; marsh-hen. rascu&ar, va. rascuflo, m. v. rasguSar. V. RASOUSO. rasel, m. (naut.] entrance and run of a ship. rasero, m, strickle, strike : por un or por el mismo ratero, to apply the same standard to everything. rasete, m. satinet, sateen. rasgadO, da, a. & pp. rent, open, torn : ojoi rasgados, large or lull eyes : boca rasgada, wide mouth.— m. V. rasg6n. rasgador, ra, m. &f. tearer, ripper. rasgadura,/. rent, ripping. rasgar, va. (pret. rasgu^ : subj. rasguk) to tear, rend, claw, lacerate, rip. V. ras- GUEAR. rasgO, m. dash, stroke, flourish, scroll : ra>ge de ingenio, stroke of wit : ra«go de generosU dad, stroke of generosity.— ^Z. features. rasgbn, m. rent, rip, tear. rasgrn^ado, pp. & a. full of flourishes. — m, making flourishes. rasguear, vn. to flourish, to make scroll- work. — va. to play flourishes on the guitar. rasguillo, m. dim. small dash of a pen. rasgruco, m. forming fine strokes with a pen ; scroll-work ; flourish. rasgufiar, va. to scratch ; (art) to sketch, outline. rasgu&ito, iluelo, m. dim. slight scratch or sketch. rasgruflo, in. scratch, scar ; nip ; (art) sketch, outline. rasiUa, /. serge ; fine tile for flooring. raso, sa, «. clear, unobstructed, open, free ; plain ; flat : cielo raso, clear sky ; flat ceil- ing: Boldado raso, (mil.) private: al raso, in the open air. — m. satin. raspa, /. (bot.) beard of an ear of corn; bunch of graphs ; spine, fin-ray of fish ; hair or thread in the nibs of a writing pen ; (carp.) wood-rasp, scraper, grater ; outer rind of certain fruits (as nuts, almonds, etc.). raspador, m. eraser ; rasp, grater, scraper. raspadura,/. erasure ; filing, rasping, scrap- ing; abrasion ; filings, raspings, scrapings, shavings, paring; (Cuba) pan-sugar. raspajo, m. stalk of a bunch of grapes. raspamientO, m. erasure ; rasping or filing. raspante,pa. & a. rasping, rough (wine). raspar, va. to erase, rub off", scrape, rasp, pare off"; to bite or sting (wine) ; to steal, carry off". raspear, vn. to scratch (as a bad pen). raspilla,/. (hot.) boraginaceous plant. rasqiieta[ra8-kai'-tah],/. (naut.) scraper. rastel, m. lattice, railing. xastillador, rastillar, rastillo, v. rastri- LLADOR, RASTRILLAR, RASTRILLO. rastra, /. trace, track, trail ; sled, sledge, dray; (agr.) harrow, brake; reaping-ma- chine ; act of dragging along ; anything draggling; string of dried fruit, onions, etc. ; (naut.) drag, grapnel. rastrallar, vn. to crack with a whip. rastrallido, m. crack of a whip. rastreador, ra, m. & /. tracer, smeller, fol- lower. rastrear, va. to trace, scent, nose, track, trail ; to harrow or rake on the farm, or drag in fishing ; to inquire into, investi- gate, follow a clew ; to sell carcasses by wholesale. — vn. to skim the ground, to fly- very low. rastreo, m. dragging in the water. rastrero, ra, a. creeping, dragging; trail* ing ; flying low ; abject, grovelling ; humble, cringing. — m. employee of a slaughter- house. rastrillada, /. rakeful. rastrillador, ra, m. & f. hackler ; flax- dresser, hatcheller; raker. rastrlllaje, m. raking ; hatchelling. rastrillar, va. to hackle, dress flax, comb, hatchel ; to rake. rastrillazo, m. blow from a rake. rastrilleo, m. hackling or raking. rastrillo, m. hackle, flax-comb ; (agr.) rake; (fort.) portcullis ; (arti.) hammer of a gun- lock ; ward of a key ; ward of a lock : raa- trlllo de petebre, rack of a manger. rastro, m. track, scent, trail ; trace; (agr.) rake, harrow ; slaughter-house ; sign, tok- » M in far ; • in ah I ; 1 in police ; o in : u in boll : c (before e, i) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft; RAS 459 REA en, vestige, relic- iu Madrid, a market of kaick-kDacks and frippery, rastrojera,/. stubble-field, rastrojo, m. stubble, haulm. rasura,/. shaving, v. raedura.— p/. argol. rasuracibn, /. shaving, v. raedura. rasurar, va. to shave with a razor, rata,/, rat, — m, (coll,) pickpocket. rata parte (Lat.) or rata por cantidad, pro rata. ratafia,/, ratafia, a cordial, ratania,/. (bot.) ratany or ratauhy. rataplkn, m. rubadub (sound of a drum). ratear, va. to lessen or abate in proportion ; to apportion ; to filch.— vn. to creep. rateo, m. apportionment. rater amente, adv. meanly, vilely. rateria,/. larceny, petty theft; (coll.) mean- ness, niggardliness, ratero, ra, a. creeping; flying low, — m. & /. pickpocket. rateruelO, ela, m. &f. dim. little pilferer. ratificacibn, /. ratification ; confirmation. ratlficar, va. {pret. ratifiquk: subj. rati- fique) to ratify, confirm, approve. ratificatoriO, ria, a. ratifying, confirming. ratigar, va. to secure any load on a oartwith a rope. r^tigO, m. cart-load, truck-load. ratinablcibn,/. (law) ratification, ratlna, /. Petersham, ratteen. ratitO, m. dim. little while, short time, rato, ta, a. (for.) firm, valid. — m. short space of time, moment, awhile . buen rato, a good while ; a pleasant time ; a great quantity : mal rato, unpleasantness : k ratos perdidos, in leisure hours : de rato en rato or i ratos, from time to time, occasionally. ratdn, m. mouse ; (naut,) hidden rock which frets cables, ratona, /. female mouse or rat, ratonar, va. to gnaw like mice or rats, — vr. to become sick (as cats) from eating rats, ratoncito, m. dim. little mouse, ratonera, /. mouse-trap ; mouse - hole or breeding-place : caer en la ratonera, to fall into a snare. ratonero, ra, ratonesco, ca, a. mousy.— »». &f. ratter. rauco, ca, a. (poet.) hoarse, husky, raucous, raudal, m. torrent, stream, rapids; plenty, abundance. raudamente, adv. rapidly. raudo, da, a. rapid, swift, impetuous, rauta,/, (coll.) road, way, route, ray a, /. stroke, dash, streak, stripe, line; limit, frontier, term, boundary ; score, mark; parting of the hair; (print.) dash, rule; (arti.) rifle or spiral groove; strip of ground cleared of combustible matter: i raya, within bounds : tener k ano k raya, to keep one at bay : trei en raya, boyish play. —TO. (icht,) ray, skate-fish. rayado, da, pp. & a. streaky, variegated ; striped; ruled; (arti,) rifled, grooved, — m. ruling, stripes, rayadulo, m. striped cotton duck. rayano, na, a. neighbouring, contiguous, bordering. rayar, va. to draw lines, to rule, stripe, streak ; (arti. ) to rifle or groove ; to scratch, strike out, expunge ; to underline, under- score. — m, to excel, surpass ; to border on ; to begin, appear, rayo, m. beam, streak or ray of light ; radius of a circle ; -spoke of a wheel ; thunderbolt ; flash of lightning ; sudden havoc, misfor- tune, or scourge ; lively, ready genius ; great power 01 efficacy of action : rayo teztorlo, weaver's shuttle : rayoi catMlcos or Roent- gen, X-rays. i rayo ! or i rayOS ! interj. fury ! rayoso, sa, a. full of lines or stripes, rayuela, /, dim. small line ; game of draw- ing lines, rayuelO, m. (om,) small kind of snipe, raza, /. race, generation, lineage, family, clan ; breed, brood ; crack, fissure ; lightly woven stripe in fabrics; ray of light; cleft in a horse's hoof razado, a. having lightly woven stripes. r&zagO, m. burlap, sack-cloth, raz6n, /, reason, rational faculty ; ratiocina- tion ; reasonableness, moderation, right, justice, equity ; cause, motive, principle ; reasoning, argument ; consideration ; occa- sion ; account, explanation, calculation ; order, mode, method ; (math.) ratio: raron social, (com,) firm, firm name : tomar raton, to register, take a memorandum or make a record of a thing: raz6n de pie de banco, (coll,) futilej silly allegation: k raz6n de, at the rate of: en raz6n, with regard to : dar raz6n, to inform, give an account: dar la raz6n, to approve, agree with : perder la ra- z6n, to become insane : ponerse en la raz6n, to be reasonable : tener razon, to be right, razonable, a. reasonable ; moderate ; fair ; just. razonablejo, ja, a. (coll,) moderate, fair. razonablemente, adv. reasonably ; moder- ately. razonado, da, pp. & a. rational, prudent, ju- dicious ; detailed, itemized. razonador, ra, m. &/. reasoner, arguer, razonamleiltO, m. reasoning, argument. razonante, pa. reasoning; reasoner. razonar, vn. to reason, argue, discourse, talk converse. — va. itemize, vouch, attest. re, m. (mus.) re, second note of the scale, D. TeSLyf. (little us.) female criminal. Cf. reo. reaccidn, /. reaction, revulsion; rebound; (mech.) resistance, opposition; (med. and chem.) reaction. reaccionar, vn. to react. reaccionariO, ria, a. & m. &f. reactionary , revulsive ; revolutionary ; (pol.) reactionist, conservative, absolutist. reaccionarismo, m. (pol.) tendency and doctrine in favour of retrograde politics. reacio, Cia, a- obstinate, stubborn. reactivo, va, a. reactive. — m. reagent, re- acter. reagravacidn, /. reaggravation. reagravar, va. to aggravate anew. reagudo, da, a. very acute. real, a. real, actual, positive; true, genuine; royal, kingly, king-like; grand, magnifi- cent, splendid ; noble ; handsome. — m. camp, encampment ; fair-grounds ; real, silver coin : real de agna, water running through a pipe the size of a real : real de mlnas, (Mex.) town having silver mines in its vicinity : sentar los reales, to encamp ; to settle in some place : alzar or levantar los reales, to break camp ; to break up housekeeping ; to quit. realce, m. raised work, embossment; lustre, splendour; (art) high light. realdad, /. royal power, sovereignty. realegrarse, vr. to be very joyful. ; .: realejo, m. dlvi. small, real ; hand-organ. realengO, ga, a- royal, kindly ; unappropri-- ated (Tand), — m, royal patrimony, realera,/. y. maestril, realete, m. V. dieciocheno (stuff), realeza,/. royalty, regal dignity. g(beforee, l)aB'U as 1» i'l hot; h, silent •. 11 in brilliant ; n, ny In canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled; BEA 460 REB realidad, /. reality, fact ; truth, sincerity : en realidad or en realidad de verdad, truly, really. realillo, reallto, m. dim. small real. realismo, m. (pol.) royalism, absolutism; (art) realism. realista, a. &m. &/. (pol.) royalist, loyalist; (art) realist. realizable, a. realizable: (com.) saleable, realizacidn, /. realization, fulfilment; (coim)5ale. reallzar, va. {pret. realic^ : subj. realice) to realize, fulfil, perform; (com.) to realize upoD, sell, convert into money. realmente, adv. really, effectually, truly. realzar, va. {for mut. v. alzar) to raise, elevate ; to emboss ; to brighten, heighten the colours ; to make prominent. reanimar, va. to cheer, comfort, revive, en- courage ; reanimate. reanudar, va. to renew, resume. reaparecer, vn. {for irr. V. aparecer) to reappear. reaparlci6n., /. reappearing, reappearance. reapretar, va. {for irr. v. apretar) to press again, to squeeze. rearar, va. to plough again. reasegurar, va. (com.) to reinsure. reasegnuTO, m. (com.) reinsurance. reasumir, va. {pp. reasumido, reasunto) to retake, resume, reassume. reasuncl6n, /. resumption, reassumption. reasunto, pp. irr. of reasumir. reata, /. rope which ties horses to keep them in single file ; drove of horses or mules thus tied; (Mex.) any rope.— ^/. (naut. ) woold- ing: de re«.ta, in single file (beasts) ; sub- missively. reatadura, j. act of retying ; tying beasts in single file. reatar, va. to tie one beast to another with a rope; to retie or tie tightly; (naut.) to woold. reatO, m. (eccl.) obligation of atonement. reaventar, va. to winnow grain a second time. rebaba, /. (mech.) fash, mould-mark, fin, burr, rough seam. rebaja, /. aoatement, deduction, diminution ; (com.) rebate; drawback; reduction. rebajamlento, m. curtailment, abatement; abasement. rebajar, va. to abate, lessen, diminish ; to reduce, rebate, deduct ; to underbid ; (carp. ) to shave off, cut down ; (art) to weaken a high light. — vr. (mil.) to dismiss, muster out ; to humble one's self, stoop down ; to commit low actions. rebaJo, m. (carp. ) rabbet ; groove. rebalaje, m. current or flow of water. rebalsa,/. pool, puddle, pond ; stagnation of humours in a part of the body. rebalsar, va. to dam water ; to stop, detain. rebanada,/. slice (as of bread). rebanadilla, /. dim. small slice. rebanar, va. to slice, cut, divide. rebanco, m. (arch.) second bench or seat. rebailadera, /. grapnel, drag-hook. rebafladura,/. v. arrebaSadura. rebaflar, va. v. arrebaSar. rebaflegO, ga, a. gregarious. reba&O, m. flock, fold, drove, herd ; congre- gation. rebafluelO, m. dim. small flock. rebasadero, m. (naut.) pass. rebasar, va. (naut.) to sail past; to exceed, go beyond, trespass ; to overflow. reoate, m. dispute, contention. rebatible, a. refutable, rebuttable. rebatido, m. (sew.) overhand seam, round 'rebatimientO, m. repulsion, refutation. rebatifla, /. andar & la rebatifia, to grab and snatch things from one another. rebatir, va. to beat or drive back, resist, repel ; to refute, rebut ; (arith.) to rebato. rebato, m. alarm, alarm-bell, call to arms; excitement, commotion; (mil.) sudden at- tack, surprise. rebautizar, va. to rebaptize. rebeco, m. v. gamuza. rebelarse, vr. to revolt ; to rebel, to mutiny ; to resist. rebelde, a. rebellious ; stubborn, unmanage- able. — m. &f. rebel; (law) defaulter. Xebeldia, /. rebelliousness, contumacy, dis- obedience ; stubbornness; (law) default^ non-appearance : en rebeldia, by default. rebelion,/. rebellion, revolt, insurrection. rebeldn, na, a. balky, stubborn (horse). rebellin, m. (fort.) ravelin. rebencazo, m. blow with a port-rope. rebenque, m. lash for flogging galley slaves;, (naut.) ratline; cross-rope; rebi^n, adv. (coll.) very well. rebina,/. (agr.) third ploughing. rebisabuela, /. great-great-grandmother. rebisabuelO, m. great-great-grandfather. rebisnieta, /. great-great-granddaughter. rebisnietO, m. great-great-grandson. reblandecer, va. & vr. {for irr. v. padecer> to soften. reblandecimiento, m. (med.) softening of organic tissues. rebocillo, rebocifLo, m. shawl for women. rebolisCO, m. (Cuba) groundless commo- tion. rebollar, rebOlledO, m. thicket of oak sap- lings. rebollidura, /. (ordn.) honey-comb, flaw in a cannon. rebollo, m. (bot.) turkey oak; trunk of a tree. rebolludo, da, a. firm, strong; rough (dia- mond). rebombar, vn. to make a loud report. reboiiar, m. to stop turning (water-wheel). reborde, m. rim, flange, collar, border. rebosadero, m. place of overflow. rebosadura, /. rebosamiento, m. overflow. rebosar, r«. to run over, overflow ; to abound ; to teem ; to unbosom one's self. rebotacidn, /. rebounding. rebOtadera, /. nap-raiser. rebOtador, ra, m. &f. rebounder; clincher. rebotadura, /. rebounding. rebotar, rn. to rebound. — va. to cause to re- bound ; to clinch a spike or nail ; to raise the nap (of cloth) ; to repel ; to vex, exas- perate. — vr. to change one's opinion, to re- tract ; to change colour, to turu. rebOte, m. rebound, rebounding, resilience: de rebote, indirectly. rebOtica,/. back room behind an apothecary's shop. rebOlin, m. second growth of mulberry- leaves. rebozar, ra. {pret. reboc^ : subj. reboce) t» rauflleup; (cook.) to fry in batter.— rr. to muflle one's self up. rebOZO, m. muffling one's self up; muffler; woman's shawl ; pretext : de rebozo, secret- ly, hiddenly : tin rebozo, frankly, openly. rebramar, »■«. to low and bellow repeatedly. rebramo, »». noise with which deer respond to each other. a as in far : e in eh 1 ; i in poliee ; • in for ; « iu bull; c (before e, i) an«l z as ik In tktck ; k am^d, soft,* KEB 461 SEC rebmliar, vn. to snuffle and grunt (as a wild boari. rebufax, m. to blow or snort repeatedly. rebufo, m. (artL) concussion, recoil. rebujado, da, a. tangled, entangled. rebujal, m. number of cattle in a tlock over even fifties ; small piece of arable land. rebuiax, ta . v. arkebcjar. rebiuina,/. (coll.) wrangle, melee, scuffle. rebujO, m. woman's thick veil or muffler ; clumsT bundle ; portion of tithe paid in money. rebullicio, m. great clamour or tumult. rebullir, vn. to stir, begin to move. reburujax, va. (coll.) to wrap up in bundles. reburujbn, »«. clumsy bundle. rebnsca, /. research, searching; gleaning; refuse, re'mains, relic. rebuscador, ra, m. &/. gleaner : researcher. rebus camiento, m. diligent research. rebuscar, la. {for mut r. buscak) to search carefully ; to glean grapes. rebUSCO, »>. research ; gleaning. rebuznador, ra, a. braying. rebuznar, ra. to bray, as an ass. rebuzno, m. braying of an ass. recabar, va. to obtain by entreaty. recadero, ra, m. &. /, messenger.'errand boy or girl. recado, m. message, errand ; present, gift ; compliments, regards, greeting ; daily pro- vision or marketing ; voucher ; outfit'; pre- caution, security ; (Amer.) saddle and trap- pings of a horse': rec»do da etcribir, writing materials, writing-desk. recaer, vn. (for in-, v. caerj to fall back, re- lapse ; to devolve ; to behoove. recaida,/. relapse ; second offence. recaUro, recaiga {irr. from recaer). recalada,/. (naut.) landfall. recalar, ra. to soak, drench, saturate. — m. (naui. ) to make, sight, or reach land. recalcada./. (naut.) heeling, list. recalcadamente, adv. closely, contiguous- ly ; vehemently. recSLlcadora, /. cramming, pressing. recalcar, ra. (jwe/. recalque : tubj. recal- QCE) to cram, pack, press, push, squeeze in ; to emphasize. — rn. (naut.) to heel, list. — vr. to harp on a subject ; to seat at ease. recalcitrante, a. recalcitrant, obstinate. recalcitrar, m. to wince (as a horse) ; to oppose, resist ; to recede, go back. recalentamientO, m. reheating ; overheat- ing. recalentar, va. (for irr. v. calextar) to reheat ; to overheat ; to warm over ; to ex- cite (as sexual appetite). — vr. to become overheated (as fruit). recalmdn, m. lull of the wind. recalvastro, tra, a. bald-headed. recalzar, m. (for irr. V. CALZAR) (agr.) to hill: (arch.) 'to stren|;then a foundation; (art; to colour a drawing. recalZO. m. (arch.) strengthening a founda- tion : (carr.) outside felloe. recalzbn, m. outer felloe of a wheel. recamado, m. embroidery of raised work. • recamador, ra, m. & f. embroiderer. recamax, va, to embroider with raised work. recimara, /. dressing-room ; boudoir ; (Mex.) bed-room ; household furniture ; (arti.) breech of a gun ; cavity for an ex- plosive charge, mine; (coll.) 'caution, re- serve. recambiar, ra. to re-exchange, rechange ; ( c«m. ) to redraw ; to add re-exchange. recambiO, m. (com.) re-exchange. recamo, m. embroidery of raised work; (sew.) frog. rccancanma, /. hippety-hop; (coll.) em- phasis. recantacidn, /. recantation, retractation. recailtdll, rn. corner-stone. recapacitar, vn. to recall to mind, cogitate recapitulacidn, /. recapitulation, summary. recapltular, vo. to recapitulate, sum up. recarira,/. (arti.) overcharge. recarirar, va. (Jor muL v. cargar) to re- load; to surcharge, overload; to over- charge ; to cram ; to recharge ; (for.) to in- crease the sentence of a culprit. — vr. (med. ) to have an increase in temperature. recargO, m. surcharge, overload ; over- charge ; additional tax ; new charge or ac- cusation ; (law) increase of sentence ; (med.) increase of a fever. recata,/. tasting again. recatadamente, adv. cautiously ; prudent- ly : modestly. recatado, dai, pp. & a. prudent, circumspect ; shy, coy ; honest, candid, modest. recatar, va. to secrete, conceal ; to taste again. — vr. to act modestly ; to be cautious. recateax, m. v. regatear. recateria,/. v. regatoxeria. recato, m. prudence, circumspection, cau- tion ; modestv, bashful ness, coyness. recat6n, na, a. & m. &.f. v. regat6n. recatonazo, m. stroke with a lance. recatonear, recatoneria, v. regatokear, etc. recaudacidn, /. collecting, collection ; col- lector's office. recaudador, m. tax-gatherer; collector. recaudamientO, m. collection ; office or dis- trict of a collector. recandar, ra. to gather ; to collect rents or taxes ; to put or hold in custody." recaudO, m. collection of rents or taxes; precaution, care ; (law) surety, bail, bond, security : 4 bnea recando, well guarded, un- der custody. recayar, ra. to dig a second time. recazo, m. guard of a sword ; back of a knife. recebar, ra. to spread gravel. recebo, m. sand or gravel for a road ; way to even it and make it firm. recelador, a. shy (as a horse). recelamiento, m. v. recelo. recelar, ra. & vr. to fear, distrust, suspect ; to excite a mare sexually (said of a horse). recelo, w- misgiving, fear, suspicion. recelOSO, sa, a. distrustful, suspicious. recentadtira./ leaven for raising bread. recental, a. sucking (lamb or calf). recentar, ra. to put leaven into dough. — «t. to renew. receflir, va. {for irr. V. ce*tr) to regird. recepci6ll, /. reception, receiving, accepta- tion, admission ; (law) cross-examination. recepta, /. record of fines. receptiictllo, m. receptacle; (anat.) recep- taculum ; shelter, refuge, asylum ; (bot.) receptacle. receptador, m. (law) receiver of stolen goods; abettor. receptar, va. (law) to receive stolen goods : to abet— pr. to take refuge. receptiVO, va, a. receptive. receptO, m. asylum, shelter, place of refuge. receptor, ra,' a. &m. &f. receiver ; recip- ient; abettor.— m. (elec.) receiver; (law) receiver. receptoria, /. receiver's or treasurer's of. •fice; (law) receivership. C (before e, i) *nd J m k In hot ; h, aUent ; U iu briUiaat ; ft, By In caayon ; r (inttUl) and rr trni«l ; EEC 462 EEC recercador, ra, a. girding.— m. (jewel.) chaser. recercar, va. v. cekcak. rec68it, ra. vacation, recess. V. recle. receso, m. recession, withdrawal, retirement, retreat; (ast.) deviation; (Mex.) recess. receta, /. prescription ; recipe ; formula ; order for goods ; schedule. recetador, m. prescriber of medicines. recetante, pa. prescribing. recetar. va. to prescribe medicines. recetario, m. physician's instructions for treatment ; book in hospitals in which in- structions are entered ; apothecary's file ; pharmacopoeia. recetor, m. receiver, treasurer. recetoria,/. treasurj^; sub-treasury. recial, w. rapids in rivers. reciamente, adv. strongly, forcibly, stoutly. reclariO, m. retiarius (gladiator). recibl, m. (com.) received payment. recibidero, ra, a. receivable. recibidor, ra, m. & /. receiver ; recipient ; (com.) receiving teller. recibiente, pa. receiving. reciblmientO, m. reception ; receipt ; hospi- tality, greeting, welcome ; vestibule ; hall ; reception-room ; social reception. recibir, va. to receive, to let in ; to take, ac- cept ; to take in, admit ; to greet, meet, wel- come ; to receive calls ; to be the recipient of; to experience an injury ; to face an at- tack. — vr. to graduate ; to be admitted to practise a profession. recibO, m. reception ; (com.) receipt, dis- charge, acquittance: acusar recibo, (com.) to acknowledge receipt : estar de recibo, to be at home to callers : de recibo, fit for serv- ice, acceptable : pieza de recibo, drawing- room : dla de recibo, reception-day. recidiva',/. (med.) relapse. reci^n, adv. recently, just, lately : used be- fore particles instead of reciente. reciennacido, da, a. newly born. reciente, adv. recent, new, fresh ; just made, modern. recientemente, adv. recently, newly, fresh- ly, lately. recinchar, va. to bind with a girdle. recintO, m. inclosure ; ambit : precinct. reciO, Cia, a. stout, strong, robust, vigorous ; loud ; coarse, thick, clumsy ; rude, uncouth, grouty ; arduous, grievous, hard to bear ; severe, rigorous (weather) ; swift, impetu- ous. — adv. strongly, stoutly ; rapidly ; ve- hemently, vigorously : hablar recio, to talk loud : de recio, strongly, violently. r6clpe, m. (med.) prescription; (coll.) dis- pleasure, disgust. reciplente, pa. receiving. — m. (chem.) re- cipient, receiver; bell-glass of an air-pump. reciprocacl6n, /. reciprocation, mutuality. reciprocamente, adv. reciprocally, mutual- ly, conversely. reclprocar, va. {pret. RECiPROgui : subj. RE- CIPROQUE) to reciprocate. — vr. to corre- spond mutually. reciprocldad, /. reciprocity. reciproco, ca, a. reciprocal, mutual : verb© recipreco, reciprocal verb. reclsidn,/. (law) rescission, abrogation. recltacl6n, /. recitation, recital. recltado, />p. Am. (mus.) recitative. recitador, ra, m. &f. reciter. recltar, va. to recite, to rehearse. recltativo, va, a. recitative. rectura, /. strength, force ; rigour of the season. recizalla,/. second filings. reclamacibn, /. reclamation ; objection, re- monstrance ; (com.) complaint, claim. reclamante, pa. claiming. reclamar, va. to claim, reclaim, demand ; to decoy birds; (law) to reclaim; (naut.) to hoist or lower a yard. — vn. to contradict, to oppose. reclaine, m. (naut.) sheave-hole in a top- mast head. reclamo, m. decoy-bird ; lure, call, for birds ; allurement, inducement, enticement; ad- vertisement; (naut.) tie-blodk : (law) rec- lamation ; (print.) catch-word. recle, m. vacation, rest from choir-duties. reclinaci6n,/. reclination, reclining. reclinado, AB.,pp. &a. reclined, recumbent reclinar, va. & vr. to recline, lean back •. «- clinarse en or tobre, to lean on or upon. reclinatoriO, m. praying-desk ; coach, lounge. reclUU', va. {for mut. V. INCLUIR) to shut up, seclude. reclusi6n, /. reciusion, recluseness, seclu- sion ; recess, place of retirement. reclUSO, sa, /)p. irr. of RECLUIR. — a. Sim. & f. recluse. reclUBOrlO, m. recess, place of retirement. recluta,/. (mil.) recruiting.— m. recruit. reclutador, m. recruiting oflScer. reclutamientO, m. (mil. ) recruiting. reclutar, ra. (mil.) to recruit. recobrailte,i>a. recovering. recobrar, va. & vr. to recover, recuperate. regain. recobro, m. recovery, recuperation. reCOCer, va. {for irr. V. cocer) to boil again, to boil too much ; to reburn, neal, anneal ; to reheat. — vr. to consume one's self with rage and indignation. recOCidO, da, m. & a. overcooked ; skilful, clever. — m. & /. annealing, reheating, over- cooking. recocina,/. back kitchen, pantry. recocho, Cha, a. overcooked, overdone. recodadero, m. elbow chair. reCOdar, vn. & vr. to lean with the elbow upon anything; to wind, turn (as a road). recodo, m. turn, winding, bend, corner, angle, elbow. recosedero, m. place where things are gath- ered ; instrument for gathering things. recogedor, m. gatherer, gleaner ; harbourer, shelterer. recoger, va. {for mut. V. coger) to retake, take back ; to gather, pick, collect, hoard ; to pick up, take up ; to shrink ; to contract, jker ; to crop, receive, protect, shelter; to lock up; to tuck, pucker ; to crop, gather, take in ; t» suspend, "withdraw, retire ; to glean, cull. — vr. to take shelter ; to withdraw ; to reform, retrench ; to go home, to retire ; to abstract one's self from worldlv thoughts. recogidamente, adv. devoutly. Jecogldo, da, pp. & a. retired, secluded ; con- tracted.—/, withdrawal, retirement; har- vesting ; inmate of a house of correction ; • (com.) retiral. — m. (sew.) tuck, fold. reCOglmientO, m. concentration, abstrac- tion ; house of correction for women. recolar, va. {for irr. V. COLAR) to str&in a second time. recoleccidn, /. compilation, summary, abridgment; crop, gathering, harvest; col- lection of money or taxes ; retirement, ab- straction. recolectar, va. to gather, .collect, hoard. recolector, m. v. rkcaudador. A u in far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; « in boll ; c (before e, 1) end s u th In thick ; b and d, eofl ; EEC 463 EEC recoleto, ta, a. &m. &f. (eccl.) Recollect. reoomenda'ble, a. commendable, laudable. recomendablemente, adv. laudably. recomendacibn, /. recommendation ; in- junction, request; commendation, praise, eulogy I authority, merit : carta de recomen- dacion, letter of introduction : recomendacion del alma, prayers for the dying. recomendante, pa. he who recommends. recomendar, va. {ind. recomiendo: subj. rkcomiende) to recommend ; to commend ; to charge, enjoin. recomendatorio, ria, a. recommendatory. recompensa, /. compensation ; recompense, reward, remuneration : en recompensa, in return. recompensable, a. deserving reward. recOinpensaci6n, /. compensation, reward, recompense. recompensar, va. to compensate ; to recom- pense, reward. recomponer, va. {for irr. v. componer) to mendi repair. recomposicidn,/. (chem.) recomposition. reCOmpuestO, tB.,pp. irr. frpm RECOMPONER. reconcentracldn, /. reconcentramiento, TO. concentration. reconcentrar, va. to concentre, concentrate ; • to dissemble. — vr. to concentrate one's mind. reconciliacidn, /. reconciliation, reconcile- ment. reconciliador, ra, m. & /. reconciliator, rec- onciler. reconclliar, va. to reconcile ; (eccl. ) to hear a short confession ; to consecrate anew, — vr. to confess offences ; to renew friendship. reconcomerse, vr. to scratch one's back. reconcomiO, m. (coll.) scratching one's back ; suspicion, fear, misgiving ; craving, violent desire. reconditez,/. (coll.) reconditeness. recdndltO, ta, a. recondite, secret, hidden, concealed, abstruse. reconduccibn, /. (law) renewal of a lease. reconducir, va. {for irr. V. coNDuciR) (law) to renew a lease or contract. reconocedor, ra, m. &f. examiner ; inspect- or. reconocer, va. {for irr. V. conocer) to scan, scrutinize, inspect, examine closely ; to recognise ; to own, confess ; acknowledge ; to consider, to contemplate ; to accept or admit ; to comprehend, to conceive ; (mil. ) to reconnoitre, to scout ; (pol.) to recognise the official existence of a country, or to sanction acts done in another land ; (com.) to acknowledge. — vr. to repent ; to confess one's self culpable; to judge justly of one's own self f econocidamente, adv. gratefully, confess- edly. recohocido, da, pp. & a. acknowledged, con- fessed ; grateful, obliged. reconociente, pa. recognising. reconocimientO, m. recognition ; acknowl- edgment, gratitude ; owning, confession ; recognisance ; subjection, submission ; ex- amination, inquiry. Inspection, survey ; (mil.) reconnoitering. reconqulfita, /. reconquest. reconquistar, va. to reconquer. reconstitucidn, /. reconstitution. reconstituir, va. & vr. to reconstitute. reconstituyente, pa. reconstituent. reconstruir, va. to rebuild, reconstruct. recontamlentO, m. relation, narration. recontar, va. to recount ; to relate. recontentO, ta, «. greatly pleased. — m. coa- tentment, deep satisfaction. reconvalecer, vn. {for irr. v. prevalecer) to convalesce anew. reconvencidn,/. charge, accusation ; recrim- ination ; expostulation ; reproach. reconvenir, va. {for irr. F.venir) to charge, accuse, reproach, reprimand, remonstrate ; (law) to countercharge. recopilacldn, /. compendium, summary, abridgment ; compilation, collection ; (law) digest : Novisima Recopilacion, revised code of laws in Spain promulgated July 15th, 1805. recopilador, m. compiler, collector, abndger. recopilar, va. to compile, abridge, collect. recoquin, m. chubby little fellow. recordable, a. worthy of being recorded. recordaci6n, /. remembrance ; recollection. recordador, ra, m. &f. reminder. recordante, pa. reminding. recordar, va. {ind. recuerdo : tubj. RE- cuerde) to remind. — vn. to awaken from sleep. — vr. to remember. recordatiVO, va, a. reminding.— »i. remind- er, remembrancer. recordatorio, m. reminder, remembrancer. recorrer, va. to run over, examine, survey ; to read over, peruse ; (mech.) to travel, go over, traverse ; to mend, overhaul, refit, re- pair ; (print. ) to run over, readjust. — vn. to recur, have recourse to. recorrido, m. run, sweep ; overhauling ; (print.) readjustment. recortado, da, a. & pp. (hot.) notched, in- cised. — m. figure cut out of paper. recortadura,/. clipping.— p/. cutting. recortar, va. to cut away, trim, clip, pare oflF; to cut figures in paper; to outline a figure. recorte, m. cutting, clipping; outline, pro- file.-^;, cuttings, trimmings, parings, clip- pings. recorvar, va. v. encorvar. recorvo, va, «. v. corvo. recoser, va. to sew again ; to mend linen. recosido, m. mending, darning. recostadero, m. reclining or resting place. recostar, va. to lean against, recline. — vr. to go to rest ; to repose or recline. recova, /. dealing in poultry, eggs, etc. poultry-market ; market-place ; shed. recova, /. pack of hounds. recovar, va. to deal in fowls, eggs, etc. recoveco, m. turning, winding ; simulation, artifice. recovero, m. poultry-dealer. recre, m. vacation of choristers. V. recle. recreacl6n, /. recreation, relief, diversion, amusement. recrear, va. to amuse, delight, gladden. — vr. to divert one's self. recreativo, va, a. recreative, diverting, amusing. recrecer, va. {for irr. v. crecer) to aug- ment, increase. — vn. to occur, to happen. — vr. to grow big ; to recover one's spirits. recrecunientO, m. growth, increase, aug- mentation. recreidO, da, a. intractable (a hawk). recrementiciO, Cla, a. recremental. recremento, m. (med.) recrement. reoreo, m. recreation, amusement ; place of amusement. recria, /. repasturing of colts. recriar, va. to improve breeds with new pastures. g ^before e, 1) and J as h In bot ; h, silent ; U Ic brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; S, hisMd EEC 464 RED recriminacidn, /. recrimination, counter- charge. recrimlnar, va. to recriminate, to counter- charge. recrudecer, vn. & vr. {for irr. V. CRECER) to recrudesce, recur, increase. recrudecimiento, m. recrudescencia, /. recrudescence. recrudescente, pa. recrudescent. recrujir, m. to squeak. rectamente, adv. ightly, justly, justifiably, honestly, fairly ; in a straight line. rectangular, «. right-angled. rectangulo, la, a. rectangular ; rectangled. — m. rectangle. rectiflcacidn,/. rectification. rectificador, m. rectifier. rectiflcar, va. {pret. rectifiqu^ : subj. reo- tifique) to rectify, make right ; to correct, amend ; (math, and chem.) to rectify. rectificatlVO, va, a. rectifying. rectilineo, nea, a. rectilinear, rectilineous, rectilineal. rectitud, /. straightness ; rightness ; recti- tude, uprightness ; accuracy, exactitude. recto, ta, a. straight, direct, erect ; right, just, upright, honest ; literal. — m. (anat.) rectum ; (geom.) right angle. rector, ra, m. &f. superior, principal, rector, curat«. rectorado, m. rectorship. rectoral, a. rectorial. rectorar, vn. to attain the office of rector. rectoria,/. rectory, curacy ; rectorship, recua,/. drove of beasts of burden; multi- tude, pack of things. recuadrar, va. v. cuadricular. recuadro, m. (arch.) square compartment. recuaje, m. toll for the passage of mules. recuarta,/. string of a guitar. recudimento, recudimiento, m. power for collecting rents. recudir, va. to pay money in part of wages or other dues. — vn. to redound, return, revert. recuelO, m. strong lye for bucking clothes. recuento, m. recount ; enumeration ; in- ventory. recuentro, m. v. reencuentro. recuerdo, m. remembrance, recollection, re- miniscence ; memory ; souvenir, keepsake, memento ; memorandum. — {irr. ind. from record AR).—p/. compliments, regards. recuero, m. muleteer, driver of a recua. recuesta,/. request, intimation. recuestar, va. to request, ask, demand. recuesto, m. declivity, slope. reculada,/. recoil, recoiling; (naut.) falling astern. recular, vn. to fall back, recoil, recede, back up; (naut.) to fall astern ; (coll.) to yield, give up. reculo, la, a. tailless (poultry). reculones (6,), adv. (coll.) going backward. recuilar, va. (min.) to wedge, dig with wedge. recuperable, a. recoverable. recuperaclbn, /. recovery, recuperation. recuperador, ra, m. & /. recuperator. recuperar, va. & vr. to recover, regain, re- cuperate, retrieve. recuperativo, va, a. recuperative. recura, /. comb-saw. recurar, t»a. to tooth a comb. recurrente, pa. recurrent. recurrlr, vn. to apply to, resort to ; to revert. reCBXSO, m. recourse ; resource, resort ; re- turn, reversion; memorial, petition ; {law) appeal.— pi. resources, means: iln recorto, definitively, without appeal. recusable, a. refusable, exceptionable. recusacibn, /. (law) challenge; recusation, recusante, iJO. refusing; recusant, recusar, va. to decline ; (law) to recuse, to challenge. rechazador, ra, »j. & f. repeller, contradic- ter ; buffer. Techazamiento, m. repulsion. rechazar, va. {pret. rechace: subj. recha- ce) to repel, repulse, drive back ; to contra- dict, impugn ; (com.) to reject. rechazo, m. rebound, rebuff, recoil, rejection. rechifla,/. whistle, whistling ; mockery, ridi- cule. rechlfilar, va. to whistle, to make cat-calls ; to mock, ridicule. recMnador, ra, a. creacking, squeaking, grating. rechinamlentO, m. creaking, squeaking; gnashing of teeth. rechinante, pa. creaking, squeaking ; gnash- ing. rechinar, V7i. to creak, squeak, grate ; to gnash the teeth; to do a thing with reluc- tance. rechinido, recMno, m. v. rechinamiento. rechonclio, cha, a. (coll.) chubby. rechupete (de), (coll.) exquisite. red, /. net, seine; net-work, netting; bag-* net ; grate, railing: snare, wile, fraud: ret- de ferrocarriles, railroad system : red barre dera, drag-net : red de arafia, cobweb : cat" en la red, to fall into the snare. redaccldn, /. wording; editing; editori'^l rooms ; editorial staff. redactar, va. to compile, write, compose, edit, word, draw up. redactor, ra, m. & /. compiler, editor, redada,/. casting a net ; netful of fish, catch, haul. reda&O, m. (anat.) caul, kell, omentum. redar, va. to cast a net. redargucidn, /. retort, refutation, redargUlr [rny-<1ar-goo-eer'], va. {J'or irr. V. AR- GtJiR) to retort, reargue ; (law) to impugn. redecilla,/. dim. small net ; mesh ; bag-net ; reticulum of a ruminant's stomach. rededor, m. surroundings, environs : al rede- dor, roundabout, thereabout. redel, m. (naut.) loof-frame. redenci6n, /. redemption ; recovery ; ran- som ; salvation : redencion de un censo, pay- ing off a mortgage. redentor, ra, m. & /. redeemer : Nuestro Re- dentor. Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. redero, ra, a. reticular, retiform ; reticu- lated.— w,. net-maker ; one who catches fish or birds with nets. redllibici6n,/. (law) redhibition. redhlblr, va. (law) to make use of the right of redhibition. redhibltorio, ria, a. (law) redhibitory. redicibn, /. repetition, reiteration. redicho, cha, a. speaking with affected pre- cision. rediezmar, va. to tithe a second time. rediezmo, m. extra tithe. redil, m. sheep-fold, sheep-cot. redimible, a. redeemable. redimir, va. to redeem, rescue, ransom ; to relieve, extricate, liberate; (com.) to re- deem, pay off. redingote, m. redingote, great-coat. r6ditO, m. (com.) revenue, rent, interest,, yield, profit, proceeds. redltuable, reditual, a. producing rent, benefit, or profit. redituar, va. to yield, to produce. ft at in fMr ; • in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; n in bnU ; c (before e, i) find z oi th in thick ; b and d, aoA ; EED 465 REF redivivo, va, a- redivivus, revived, restored. redobladO, da, pp. & a. redoubled ; double- liued ; stout and thick ; (mil.) quick step. redobladura, /. redoblaxniento, m. redu- plication, redoubling. redoblante, i>a. &m. (mil.) drum ; drummer. redoblar, va. to redouble ; to clinch, rivet ; to repeat often ; (mil.) to roll a drum. redoble, m. redeubling ; (mil. and mus.) roll of a drum. redoble^ar, va. {for mut. v. doblegar) to redouble. redObl6n, m. rivet, clinch-nail. redolente, a. feeling rcdolor. redolino, m. wheel for drawing lots. redolor, m. dull ache remaining after some acute suffering. redoma, /. vial, phial, flask ; (chem.) balloon. redomadO, da, a. artful, sly, crafty, cunning. redomazo, m. blow with a'vial. redonda,/. neighbourhood, district ; pasture- ground ; (naut. ) square sail; (mus.) semi- breve : i la redonda, roundabout. redondamente, adv. around, roundly, clearly, plainly, decidedly. redondeador, m. rounding-tool. redondear, va. to round, make' round ; to settle, ultimate, perfect. — vr. to clear one's self of debts ; to acquire a competency. redondel, n. (coll.) circle; round cloak, a circular; (mech.) flange; bull ring; round mat. redondete, a. dim. roundish, circular. redondez, /. roundness, rotundity, spher- icity : redondez de la Tlerra, face of the earth. redohdilla, /. (poet.) quatrain. redondO, da, «. round, circular ; spherical ; cylindrical: rotund; (print.) Roman; un- encumbered, in easy circumstances ; turned to pasture (land) ; clear, straight, square, decided. V. redonda. — m. (coll.) specie, hard cash ; globe, orb, disk, anything round r de redondo, in round clothes : en re- dondo, all around : negocio redondo, square deal : & la redonda, roundabout. redond6n, m. large circle or sphere. redopelo, redropelo, m. rubbing against the grain ; (coll.) scuffle, affray : al redopelo, against the natural lay of the hair ; against all rule and reason : traer al redopelo, to vex, to drag about contemptuously. redor, m. round mat; (poet.) V. rededor : en redor, roundabout. redro, adv. (coll.) behind, backward. — m. each of the rings upon the horns of goats. redrojo, redruejo, redrojualo, vi. small bunch of grapes remaining after the vint- age ; after-fruit or blossom; (coll.) puny child. Tedlicci6n, /. reduction, diminution, de- crease, retrenchment, contj action, conden- sation, shrinkage ; (mil. J HAutation, altera- tion, exchange; reduction, conquest; (S. Am. ) settlement of ronverted Indians ; {^math. and chem.) red.ucUon ; (com.) re- duction, rebate. reducible, a. reducible, convertible. reducldamente, adv. sparingly, narrowly. reducido, da, pp. & a. /educed, diminished, narrow, close. reduclmiento, m. red'iction, reducement. reducir, va. {ind. reduzco: pret. reduje: subj. reduzca) to reduce ; to diminish, de- crease, retrench, shorten, lessen ; to con- tract, shrink, condense, abridge ; to ex- change, barter, convert, commute ; to re- solve ; to divide into small parts ; to convert a solid body into a liquid ; to comprehend. contain, include, confine ; to reclaim, to bring back to obedience ; to persuade, to convert; (math., chem. and metal) to re- duce; (surg.) to reduce. — vr. to confine one's self to a moderate way of life. reductO, m. (fort.) reduct, redoubt. redundancia, /. superfluity, redundance, overflowing ; excess. redundante, pa. & a. redundant, superflui ous. redundantemente, adv. redundantly. redundar, vn. to overflow ; to be redundant; to redound. reduplicaci6n, /. reduplication. redupllcado, da, a. & pp. reduplicate. reduplicar, va. {for mut. v. duplicar) to re* duplicate, redouble ; to reiterate. reedificable, a. capable of being rebuilt. reedificacibn, /. rebuilding. reediflcador, ra, m. &f. rebuilder. reedificar, va. {for mut. v. edificar) to re^ build. reeleccidn,/. re-election. reelecto, ta, i^p. irr. of reelegir. reelegible, a. re-eligible. reelegir, va. ( pp. reelegido, reelecto : gerund, reeligiendo : ind. reelijo : pret. el REELIG16 : suhj. reelija) to re-elect. reembarcar, va. & vr. {for mut. v. embar- car) to reship, re-embark. reemoarco, reembarque, m. re-embarka- tion, reshipment. reembargar, va. {for mut. V. embargar) to seize or embargo a second time. reembolsable, a. payable. reembolsar, va. to reimburse, refund, repay, — vr. to recover money due. reembOlSO, m. reimbursement, refunding. reempacar, va. {for mut. v. empacar) to repack. reemplazar, va. {for mut. v. emplazar) to replace, restore, substitute, supersede. reemplazo, m. replacement ; substitution ; (mil.) substitute. reencuentro, m. rencounter, collision ; skirmish. reengancbamiento, reengancbe, m. (mil.) re-enlisting; bounty for re-enlisting. reenganchar, va. (mech.) to recouple; (mil.) to re-enlist. reengendrador, m. regenerator. reengendrar, va. to regenerate, reproduce ; to renew, revive. reensayar, va. to re-examine, to try or re- hearse anew. reensaye, m. second assay. reensayo, m. second trial or rehearsal. reenvasar, va. (com.) to repack, refill. reexaminacidn,/. re-examination. reexaminar, va. to re-examine. reexportacibn,/. (com.) re-exportation. reexportar, va. (com.) to re-export. refacci6n,/. refection, repast, luncheon ; ret- ribution, reparation ; boot, allowance (in barters) ; (Cuba) hnancing. refaccionar, va. (Cuba) to finance. refaccionariO, rla, a. pertaining to refac- ci6n. refaccionlsta, m. (Cuba) financial backer. refalo, m. short skirt, flannel skirt. refalsado, da, a. false, deceitful. refecci6n, /. refection, slight meal ; repairs. refectolero, m. v. refitolero. refectoriO, m. refectory, in convents. referencia^ /. reference, relation to ; narra- tion. referendarlo, m. v. refrendario. referente, a. referring, relating. g (before e, ]) and J as h la bot ; h, sileot ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, nj in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; ■, REF 466 REf referible, a. referrible. referir, va. {gerund, REFIRIENDO : ind. RE- FIERO : prel. el refiri6 : subj. refiera) to refer, relate, report ; to direct, submit. — vr. to refer to, have relation to. referbero, ra, a. quarrelsome, wrangling. reflgurax, va- to refigure. refildn (de), adv. obliquely, askance. refinacl6n, /. rectification, refining; refine- ment. refinadera, /. stone roller for refining choco- late. refinadO, da, pp. &■ a. refined,; subtile,^art- ful ; fine, nice, polished. refinador, m. refiner. refinadura,/. refining, refinement. refinamiento, m, refinement, refining; ni- cety, exactness. refinar, va. to refine, rectify, purify, fine ; to make polite or refined ; to bring to perfec- tion. reflneria,/. refinery; distillery. refino, na, «. very fine ; refined. — m. refin- ing, refinement ; fine grocery. refirmar, va. to strengthen, secure ; to rat- ify- refitolero, ra, m. & /. refectioner; (coll.) busybody, intermeddler, cotquean. — a. (Cuba) affectedly, obsequious, fastidious. reflectante, pa. reflecting. reflectar, vn. (opt. ) to reflect. reflector, ra, «. reflecting, reflective. — m. re- flector. refleja,/. reflection, observation, remark. reflejar, vn. (opt.) to reflect. — va. to think, ponder, consider — vr. to be reflected. reflejo, ja, a. reflected, reflective, reflex ; meditative; (gram.) reflexive. — m. reflex, light reflected. reflexi6n, /. reflection ; meditation, thought, consideration, cogitation. reflexionar, vn. to think, reflect, meditate, ponder, consider. reflexivamente, adv. reflexively ; reflec- tively. reflexivo, va, "a. reflexive, reflective ; con- siderate, cogitative; (gram.) reflexive. reflorecer, vn. {/or irr. v. florecer) to re- flourish, blossom again ; to return to former splendour. renuente, pa. & a. refluent ; flowing back. refluir,^v». {for. irr. V. fluir) to flow back, to reflow ; to redound. reflujo, m. reflux, refluence; (naut.) ebb or ebb-tide. refOCilacl6n, / rein vlgo ration, recreation, refOCllar, va. to strengthen, revive, reinvie- orate, recreate, warm up.— t;r. to be strength- ened or revived. refocllo, m. reiuvigoration, pleasure. reforma, /. reform, reformation, alteration, correction, amendment, improvement ; (eccl.) Reformation. reformable, a. reformable, mendable. reformacibn, /. reformation, reform. reformado, pp. & a. reformed. — m. ofl&cer deprived of nis command. reformador, ra, m. &f. reformer, corrector, mender. reformar, va. to reform ; to correct, mend, alter, change, amend, improve ; to recon- stitute, reorganize, reconstruct ; to lessen, reduce, diminish. — vr. to reform, to mend. reformatoriO, ria, a. corrective, reforma- tive, reformatory. reformista, m. &/. reformer, reformist. reforzado, da, a, &pp. strengthened, re-en- forced.—/, narrow tape, list, or fillet. reforzar, va. {/or irr. V. FORZAR) 10 strengthen, thicken, re-enforce, fortify ; to animate, cheer, encourage. refraccidn,/. (opt.) refraction. refractar, va. (opt.) to refract. — vr. to be re- fracted. refractario, ria, a. refractory ; disobedient, rebellious, obstinate. refracto, ta, a. (opt.) refracted. refr^n, m. proverb, saying, adage, saw. refranero, m. collection of proverbs. refregadura,/. v. refreg6n. refregamlentO, m. frication, friction, rub- bing. refregar, va. (for irr. v. fregar) to per- fricate, rub, fray ; (coll.) to upbraid, re- prove. refreg6n, m. rubbing, friction ; attrition, abrasion, chafe, fray. refreir, va. to fry well or excessively. refrenable, a. capable of being refrained. refrenamientO, m. curb ; refrainment, re-> straint, check. refirenar, va. to refrain, restrain, check ; to rein, curb (a horse). refrendaci6n, /. legalization, authentica- tion, vise. refirendar, va. to legalize, authenticate, countersign ; to vise passports. refrendariO, m. one who countei-signs. refrendata, /. counter-signature. refrendo, m. v. refrendaci6n. refrescador, ra, a. refreshing, refrigerat- ing. refrescadura, /. refreshing (act and eflect). refrescamiento, m. v. refresco. refrescante, pa. cooling, refreshing. refrescar, va. {pret. refresque: subj. re- fresque) to refresh, freshen, cool, refrig- erate ; to renew, take up again. — V7i. to get cool (the weather) ; to take the fresh air ; to take a refreshment. — vr. to coOl off. refresco, m. refreshment ; cold beverage ; luncheon at social gatherings : de refi-esco, anew, once more. refrlega, /. affray, skirmish, encounter, scuffle, strife, fray. refrigeracidn,/. refrigeration, cooling. refri^erador, ra, a. refrigerating, freezing, cooling. — m. refrigerator, freezer, ice-box, cooler. refrl^erante, a. refrigerant, cooling, refrig- erative. — /h. (chem.) refrigerator, cooling chamber ; (med.) cooler. refrigerar, va. to cool, refresh, refrigerate. refri^eratlYO, va, a. refrigerative, cooling, refrigerant. refrigerio, m. refrigeration, coolness ; re- freshment, refection ; consolation, comfort. refrlngente, pa. & a. refracting ; refract- ive. refringir, va. & vr. (for mut. V. INFRINGIR) to refract. refrlto, ta, pp. irr. of refreir. refuerzo, m. re-enforcement : backing, brac- ing, strengthening piece ; (shoe.) welt ; suc- cour, aid. refag^r, va. to shelter. — vr. to take refuge. refugio, rn. refuge, shelter, retreat, asylum, harbourage, covert. refulgencia, /. refulgence, splendour. refulgente, a. refulgent. refundici6n,/. (found.) recasting. refundlr, va. (found.) to remelt or recast; to contain, include ; to rearrange, adapt, re- construct. — vn. to redound. refanfuflador, ra, m. A /. grumbler, growler. a M In far : e io vh I ; 1 in poUc* ; O la for ; U )n b«U : e (before e, 1> «nd s u th In tlilck ; b and d, aoft; REF 467 REG refanfufladura,/. growling, grumbling. refunfuflar, va. to snarl, growl, snort, grumble, mutter. refonfU&O, m. grumbling, growl, snort, refatacidn, /. refutation, confutation, refutable, a. refutable. refutador, ra, /«. &f. refuter. refutar, va. to refute, confute. refutatorio, rla, a. refutatory. regadera, /. watering-pot, sprinkler; trench for irrigation ; sparger. regadero, m. ditch for irrigation. regadiO, ia, a. irrigated. — m. irrigated land. regadizo, za, a. irrigable. regador, m. &/. one who waters or irrigates ; comb-makers' §auge. :egadura,/. irrigation, watering. j.*egaifa,/. grooved stone of an oil-mill. V. HORNAZO. regalal, regaJO, m. puddle, pool ; rill, regala,/. (naut. ) gunwale or gunnel. regalada, /. king's stables ; horses kept in tnem. regaladamente, adv. delicately, pleasantly, daintily. regalado, da, pp. & a. delicate, dainty, suave, lickerish. regalador, ra, m. & f. liberal entertainer ; stick for cleaning wine-skins. regalamlentO, m. regalement. regalar, va. to present, to favour with a gift ; to regale, treat, entertain ; to caress, fondle, pet, cajole ; to gratify, make merry, cheer, delight, cherish. — vr. to regale, feast ; to fare sumptuously. regalejO, m. dim. small gift. legalero, m. purveyor of fruit and flowers for the royal family. regalia, /. regalia, royal rights ; privilege, exemption; (Cuba) regalia (cigar).— p/. perquisites. regalicia,/. v. regaliz. regallllo, m. dim. small gift ; muff. regalismo, m. regalism. regalista, m. &.a. regalist. regallto, m. dim. small present. regaliz, m. regaliza,/. (hot.) licorice. regalo, m. present, gift, keepsake ; pleasure, gratification ; dainty ; regalement ; conven- ience, repose, comfort, luxury. regaldn, na, a. (coll.) delicate, fond of ease; spoiled, pampered. regaflado, da, pp. & a. frowning ; applied to a kind of plum or bread which splits. regaflador, ra, a. scolding, grumbling. regaflamientO, m. grumbling, snarling, growl. regaflar, vn. to snarl, growl, murmur, grum- ble ; to quarrel, wrangle- to crack or open like ripe fruit. — va. (coll.) to scold, repre- hend, chide : 4 regafta dieatei, reluctantly, with reluctance. regaflir, vn. to yelp, howl repeatedly. rega&O, m. gesture of annoyance ; sternness of look ; scolding ; reprimand ; scorched bread. rega&6n, na, a. snarling, growling ; grum- bler, murmurer, snarler. regar, va. (ind. riego : pret. regu6 : subj. riegue) to water, irrigate ; to sprinkle ; to shower, bedew ; to strew, scatter ; to wash or water countries (as rivers and clouds). regata, /. irrigating ditch or conduit ; re- gatta, boat-race. regate. m. dodge, dodging. regatear, va. to chaffer, haggle, higgle ; to resell at retail ; to shun, evade, avoid. — vn. to wriggle, dodge ; (naut.) to race. regateo, m. chaffer, bargaining, haggling, higgling. regateria,/. hucksterage. regatero, ra, a. & m. &/. haggler, chafferer. regatO, m. small rivulet, rill ; pool. regat6n, na, m. & f. huckster, regrater; haggler. — m. tip, ferrule. regatonear, vn. to huckster. regatoneria, /. hucksterage ; sale by retail. regazar, va. to tuck up. V. arregazar. regazo, jn. lap. regencia, /. regency ; regentship. regeneracibn,/. regeneration. regenerador, ra, m. &/. regenerator. regenerar, va. to regenerate, reproduce. regenerativo, va, a. regenerative. regentar, va. to rule, govern, manage. regente, pa. ruling, governing.— »n, & f. re- gent. — m. president of a court of justice ; master of theological studies ; in Spanish universities, some supernumerary profes- sors ; manager, director ; (print.) foreman. regentear, vn. to domineer, to rule, to boss. regiamente, adv. royally, regally. regiclda, a. & m.\&/. regicide, murderer of a king. regicidio, m. murder of a king, regicide. regidor, ra, a. ruling, governing. — m. alder- man or councilman.—/, alderman's or coun- cilman's wife. re^doria, regiduria,/. alderman's or coun- cilman's office. regimen, m. regime, regimen, management, rule, conduct, system, rules and regula- tions; (gram.) government; (med.) regi- men, treatment. regimentar, va. to organize a regiment. regimiento, m. ruling, administration, gov- ernment ; municipal council-board ; (mil.) regiment; (naut.) pilot, book of sailing di- rections. , regiO, gia, a. royal, regal, kingly ; stately, sumptuous, magnificent: agiiare(rla,(chem.) aqua regia. regl6n, /. region, kingdom, tract of land, ground, country, district, quarter; space occupied by an element ; (anat and zool.) region. regional, a. regional, sectional, local, home. regionalismo, m. (pol.) home rule; region- alism, sectionalism. regionalista, a. relating to home rule. — m. &f. home-ruler. regionario, ria, a. (eccl.) regionary. regir, va. {gerund, rigiendo : ind. RUO : pret. 61 RIGI6 : subj. rija) to rule, govern, direct ; to control, conduct, manage, lead, command ; to keep the bowels in good or- der ; (gram.) to govern.— tm. to be in force ; to prevail ; (naut.) to obey the helm. registradO, da, pp. & a. inspected ; regis- tered. registrador, ra, a. registering.- m. register, registrar, recorder, master or clerk of rec- ords ; searcher, inspector ; toll-gatherer ; controller. registrar, va. to inspect, to search ; to in- vestigate, examine, control ; to scan, sur- vey ; to register, record ; to mark a book ; ' (m'in.) to prospect. — vr. to be registered or matriculated. re^istro, m. search, inspection, examina- tion ; census, registry, registration, enrol- ment, record, entry ; enrolling office ; cer- tificate of entry ; register-book ; book- mark ;(mus.) register, stop of an organ; air-hole, furnace register; (print.) catch- g (before e,0 and j oab in bot: h. Bllent; 11 in brilliant; fi, ny in canyon; r (initUU aa'< rr triUed ; ■. tilMiit BEG 46a REI word, register; (watch.) regulator ; (b. b. ) directions for binding. regla, /. rule, maxim, precept ; law, statute, canon, fundamental principle ; regulation ; standard, norm, pattern, gauge ; method, norma, order, measure, moderation ; rule or ruler for drawing straight lines ; (arith.) rule ; (print. ) type-measure ; catamenia, courses : k regla, by rule : regla leibia, flex- ible rule : regla flja, standard. regladamente, adv. regularly, orderly. reglado, da, m>. & a. regulated, temperate. reglamentacibn, /. fixing by-laws. reglamentar. va. to adopt by-laws. reglamentario, rla, a. regulative, relating to by-laws. reglamento, m. by-laws, rules and regula- tions, ordinance. reglar, va. to rule, to line by rule ; to regu- late. — vr. to mend, reform. reglar, a. regular : puerta reglar, the regular door for entering nunneries. regleta,/. (print.) reglet; lead. regletear, va. (print. ) to lead, to space. regl6n, m. mason's rule. regniCOla, a. & m. &/. native of a kingdom ; writer ou topics relating to his country. regociladamente, adv. merrily, ioyfully. regocijado, da, pp. & a. merry, joyful, re- joicing, festive. regOCiJador, ra, m. & /. rejolcer, cheerer, gladder. regocijar, vcu to gladden, cheer, delight, exult, rejoice, exhilarate, — vr. to rejoice, be merry. regOCijO, m. joy, gladness, pleasure, satisfac- tion, mirth, merriment, hilarity, exhilara- tion ; rejoicing, demonstration of joy. regodearse, vr. (coll.) to be merry, to re- joice ; to be delighted; to joke, to jest. regodeo, m. joy, merriment, delight ; merry- making, diversion. regOjO, m. piece of bread left on the table after meals ; puny boy. regojuelo, m. dim. small morsel of bread. regoldano, na, a. wild (chestnut). regOldar, vn. {ind. regueldo : subj. RE- GiJELDE) to belch, to eruct. regoldo, m. (bot.) wild chestnut-tree. regolfar, vn. & vr. to flow back, to eddy. regOlfO, m. eddy, whirlpool ; gulf, bay. regona, /. large irrigating canal. regordete, ta, a. (coll.) chubby, plump. regostarse, vr. to delight, to dally. regOStO, m. delight, pleasure, craving. regraciar, va. to show gratitude, to thank. regresar, vn. to return, regress ; (eccl. ) to recover possession of a benefice. regresidn,/. regression, retrogression. regre8iyo,Va, a. regressive. regreso, m. return, regress; (eccl.) retaking possession of a benefice. regruflir, vn. to snarl, to growl. reguardsirse, vr. to take care of one's self. regueldo, m. eructation, belch. reguera [ray-gay'-rah], /. irrigating ditch ; (naut.) moorings. reguero [ray-Kay'-ro], m. trickle, rill, drip ; ir- rigating furrow. reguilete, m. v. rehilete. regUlacldlL /. regulation, adjustment. regulado, da, a. & pp. regulated ; according to rule. regulador, ra, a. regulating, governing.— m. (mech.) regulator, governor, register; throttle valve. regular, va. to regulate, adjust, set right. regular, a. regular, normal, symmetrical ; methodical, orderly ; moderate, sober, form- al ; common, ordinary, frequent; mid- dling, fairly good, so-so ; likely, probable, convenient; (geom. and gram.) regulars por lo regular, commonly, regularly, as a rule.— TO. (eccl.) a regular. regularidad, /. regularity, order, orderli- ness ; common usage, custom ; exact disci- pline. regularizar, va. to regularize, regulate. regularmente, adv. regularly, orderly, or- dinarily, generally, as a rule ; middling, fairly well, so-so. r6gul0, m. chief of a petty state ; basilisk ; (chem.) regulus ; (ast.) Regulus, a star; (orn.) golden-crested kinglet. regurgitacidn. /. (med.) regurgitation. regurgltar, vn. to regurgitate, overflow. renabultacibn, /. rehabilitation. rehabilltar, va. to rehabilitate, reinstate, re- store ; to refit, repair. rehacer, va. {/orirr. V. hacer) to remake, remodel, make over, make anew, do over ; to renovate, mend, repair ; to invigorate, revive. — vr. to regain strength and vigour ; (mil. ) to rally, reorganize. renacimientO, m. renovation, renewal ; re- cuperation. rehala, /. drove of several flocks under one drover. rehalero, m. drover of a rehala. rehartar, va. {pp. rehartado, reharto) to satiate again. reharto, ta, pp. irr. of rehartar ; super- saturated. rehechO, Cha, a. & pp. irr. of rehacer ; re- newed, renovated ; done over again ; squat, broad-shouldered. rehelear [ray-hay-iay-ar'], vn. to be bitter. relieleo, to. bitterness. rell6n [ray-en'], TO. (mil.) hostage. rehenchimlento, to. stuffing, refilling. rehenchir, va. to refill, stuff" anew. rehendija, /. crevice, cleft. reherimiento, m. repulsion. reherir, va. to repel, to repulse. reherrar, va. to reshoe a horse. rehervir, vn. (/or irr. V. KERVIR) to boil again ; to be inflamed with love, to be blinded by passion. — vr. to ferment, grow sour. rehiladillo, to. ribbon, v. HILADILLO. rehilandera, /. pinwheel. rehilar, vo. to twist a thread too much. — vn. to stagger, to reel ; to whiz, whir, as an ar- row in flight. rehilete, rehilero, m. shuttlecock; small arrow ; malicious saying, personal hint, rehilo, to. shaking, shivering. rehogar, va. to dress meat with a slow fire, basting it with butter or oil. rehollar, va. to trample under foot, to tread upon. rehoya, /. rehoyo, to. deep hole or pit. rehOyar [ray-o-yar'l, va. to dig holes anew. rehUlda [ray-wee-dah], /. second flight ; shun- ning. rehuir [ray-oo-eer*], va., vn. & vr. (formut. V. huir) to withdraw, retire ; to shun, evade, avoid ; to reject, decline, refuse. — vn. to run back on the same track (as game). rehumedecer, va. & vr. to dampen well. rehundir, va. & tT. to sink ; to deepen ; to remelt ; to waste, dissipate, lavish. rehurtarse, vr. to take a different route, whence it rose (game). rehusar, va. to refuse, decline, deny, reject. reldero, ra, o. laughable. a aa la o. relapsing, backsliding. relncidlr, vn. to relapse into vice or error ; to backslide. relncorporacl6n, /. reincorporation. reinc*rporar, va. to incorporate a second time. — vr. to re-embody. reingresar, vn. to re-enter. reino, m. kingdom, reign : district which was formerly a kingdom: oivision of natural history ; kingdom of heaven. feinstsuacidn, /. reinstalment. felnstalar, va. to reinstal. feintegrable, a. capable of being reinte- grated ; (com.) reimbursable, returnable. feintegrracibn, /. reintegration, devolution, restitution, reimbursement. teintegrador, ra, m. &/. restorer. telntegrar, va. to reintegrate, restore ; (com.) to reimburse, repay, refund. — vr. to recover, recuperate, collect. lelntegro, m. v. reintegraci6n. reir [ray-eer'], vn. (gerund, RIENDO : ind. rIo : prel. 61 Ri6 : subj. rIa) to laugh ; to giggle, titter; to sneer; to smile (as nature). — vr. to begin to tear or rend (cloth) ; to scoflf, make jest of: relrse de, to laugh at: relr k carcajadat, to laugh excessively and loudly. I"ei8 (ray -is], m. imaginary coin of Portugal. reiteracibn, /. repetition, reiteration. feiteradamente, adv. repeatedly, teiterar, i>a. to reiterate, repeat. reiterativo, va, a. reiterative. reivindicable, a. (law) repleviable. teivlndicaci6n,/. (law) recovery, replevin. teivindicar, va. (law) to regain possession, *^^o replevy. reivindicatorlo, ria, a. (law) replevying, teja, /. plough-share; colter or coulter; ploughing, tillage ; grate, grating, railing. tejacar, va. V. arrejacar. telada,/. v. arrejada. teiado, m. grate, grating, railing, grid. tejaJ., m. pile of bricks laid criss-oross. tejalgar, m. fmin.) realgar, fejero, m. maker of railings and grates, irejilla, /. small lattice or grating; latticed wicket ; cane, for backs and seats of chairs, etc. ; foot-brasier. fejltar, va. to vomit (hawks). tejo, m. pointed bar or spike ; goad-stick ; sting of a bee or other insect ; hob for quoits ; iron frame of a door ; strength, vigour ; (bot.) caulicle. reJ6n, m. spear for bull-fighting; dagger, poniard ; broad knife, rejonazo, m. thrust with a reJ6ii. rejonclllo, m. dim. small spear, rejoneador, m. bull-fighter who uses the reJ6ii rejonear, va. to fight bulls with the rfljfcc. rejoneo, m. fighting bulls with a r«J6n. rejuela,/. dim. small grate; foot-brasier. re^uvenecer, va. (for irr. v. merecer) t« impart youth.— vw. & vr. to grow young again. relaci6ll, /. relation ; report, narrative, me- moir, account, statement ; connection, pro- portion, ratio, bearing ; correspondence, in- tercourse, dealing; (law) report, brief; (mil.) return, report ; (theat.) speech.— «/. relations, connections, acquaintances ; in- tercourse ; courting : relacioa Jurada, sworn statement. relacionar, va. to relate, report, narrate ; to connect, make acquainted. — vr. to get ac- auaiqted, make connections; to be related. aclonero, m. reporter, narrator ; ballad- singer. relaC ni. (Amer.) (elec.) relay. relajaci6n, /. relaxation, extension, dilata- tion ; laxity, looseness ; slackening, relent- ing; strain, sprain; diminution, mitigation (of a penalty) ; release (from an oath or vow) ; delivery of an offender by the eccle- siastical judge to a criminal court of justice, in cases of murder ; (med.) hernia, rupture. relajadamente, adv. with relaxation ; dis- solutely. relajado, pp. & a. (coll.) dissolute, dissi- pated. relajador, ra, a. relaxing, remitting. relajamiento.m. v. relajaci6n. reljgante, i>a. relaxing; loosening. relajar, va. to relax, loosen, slacken ; to re- mit, mitigate ; to release from an obligation ; to deliver a capital offender from an ecclesi- astical to the criminal tribunal ; to weaken j to ease, amuse, divert. — vr. to be relaxed, loosened, dilated, or weakened ; to grow vicious ; to be ruptured. relamer, va. to relick, lick a^ain. — vr. to lick one's lips ; to relish ; to paint ; to boast, to brag. relamldo, da, pp. & c affiected, overnice, prim. rel^mpagO, m. lightning flash, fulguration ; quick person, action or remark; (vet.> blemish in the eyes of horses. relampagueante, pa. lightning, flashing. relampaguear, vn. to lighten, fl^ash, sparkle, gleam. relampagueo, m. lightning, flashing. relance, m. repeated casting of a net ; sec- ond chance or lot ; fortuitous event ; re- peated attempt ; series of lucky or unlucky chances: de relance, unexpectedly, by chance, at a bargain, second-hand. relanzar, va. to repel, repulse; to cast in again the tickets or lots to be drawn. relapso, sa, a. relapsed into error. relatador, ra, m. &/. relater, narrator. relatante,/)a. reporting, narrating. relatar, va. to relate, report, narrate ; (law) to make a report of a lawsuit. relativaxnenie, adv. relatively, compara- tively. relative, va, a. relative, comparative; (gram, and mus.) relative. 818 ■ relato, m. statement, narrative, report, rela- tion, account. relator, m. &f. relater, teller, narrator.— m. (law) relator. relatoria, /. (law) oflBce of a relator. relavar, va. to wash again. relave, rn. second washing of metals.— p<. (metal. ) washings or sweepings. relazar, va. to tie with many bindings. g (befora e, 1) and j m h In ^t: k. silent ; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled', i, btMed 470 2EM releor , va. to read over agr.in, to revise. rel9g&cl6ll, /• relegation, banishment; exile. relegax, va. (for mut. v. LEGAB) to relegate, banish ; exile. relej or releje, m. wheel track, rut; (arti.) narrow chamber in a cannon ; (arch. ) taper- ing talus ; (med.^ s«rdes in the mouth. r6l6j&r, vn. (arch.) to taper or slope. relente, m. uight dew; (coll.) slyness, as- surance. relez^cer, vn. & vr. v. lentecer. relevacl6lL, /. raising, lifting up ; liberation, alleviation, relief; remission, forgiveness, pardon, exemption, release. relevante, a. excellent, great, eminent. relevar, va. to emboss ; to bring into relief; to exonerate, disburden, relieve, felease ; to forgive, pardon, acquit, free ; to exalt, aggrandize ; (mil. ) to relieve, to substitute. — vn. (art) to stand out in relief. releVO, m. (mil.) relief. rellcariO, m. shrine ; reliquary ; locket. relictOS, m. pi. (law) possessions which one leaves at his death. relief, m. (mil. ) rehabilitation. relieve, m. relief, relievo, raised work, em- bossment: bajo relieve, bass-relief: medio relieve, demi-relief.— pZ. offals, scraps, rem- nants, leavings ; broken victuals. religa, /. (jewel. ) second alloy. relifiracidn, /. binding, tying. rellgar, va. {for m%^. V. ligar) to bind more tightly ; to realloy, solder. religi6ll,/. religion ; faith, belief, creed ; de- votion, piety, worship ; any system or re- ligion. relfgionariO, m. religionist; sectary; Prot- estant. religriosamente, adv. religiously, piously ; exactly, punctually ; moderately. religiOSiaad, /. religiosity ; religiousness ; piety, sanctity ; punctuality. religiOSO, sa, a. religious, godly, pious, de- vout ; bound by monastic vows ; conscien- tious, scrupulously exact. relimar, va. (mech.) to file again. relimpiar, vo. to clean a second time. rellmpio, ia, o. (coll. ) ver j^ neat, clean. relincnador, ra, a. neighing or whinnying often. relincliante, pa. neighing, whinnying. reltnchar, vn. to whinny, to neigh. relincho, rellnchido, m. neigh, neighing, whinny. relindo, da, a. very neat and fine. relinga,/. (naut.) bolt-rope. relingar, va. (naut.) to rof>e a sail. — vn. (naut. ) to rustle. relifiuia, /. relic, residue, remains ; relics of saints ; trace, vestige ; habitual complaint. reliz, m. (Mex.) landslide. relOCO, oa, a. (coll.^ raving mad reloj [p»y-io'], m. clock ; watch, time-piece : re- loiJ de agu&, clepsydra : reloj de arena, sand- glass, hour-glass : reloj de boliiUo, watch : releJ de sol or tolar, sun-dial : reloj de repe- ticidn, repeater or repeating-watch : reloj marlno or de longitades, chronometer: reloj deipertador, alarm-clock : estar como an re- loj, (coll.) to be regular and well-disposed. reloiera,/. watch-case; watch-stand. relOjeriSL, /. clock and watch making ; watch- maker's shop. reloj ero, m. watchmaker, clockmaker. reluciente, a. shining, glittering, bright, re- Incent, clinquant. relucir, vn. {for irr. V. lucir) to shine, glow, glisten, glitter ; to excel, to be brilliant. reluchar, vn. to struggle, wrestle, strive. relumbrante,pa. resplendent, relumbrar, vn. to sparkle, shine, glisten, glitter, glare. relnmbrdn, m. lustre, dazzling brightness i flash ; tinsel. rellanar, va. to relevel.— rr. to stretch one's self at full length. rellano, m. landing-place of a stair. rellenar, va. to refill, replenish ; to cram ; to fill up ; (cook.) to force, to stuff; (sew.) to pad. — vr. to resate one's self. relleno, na, a. & pp. satiated; stuffed.- -m. force-meat, stuffing ; repletion, filling, re- filling; (mach.) packing, gasket; (sew.) padding, wadding. remachar, va. to flatten ; to clinch, rivet ; to secure, affirm. remache, m. flattening, clinching, securing ; rivet. rsmacli6n, m. buttress. V. mach6n. remador, ra, m. &f. rower. V. remero. remadura,/. rowing. remallar, va. to mend the meshes of a net remamiento, m. rowing. remandar, va. to order several times. remanecer, vn. (for irr. V. amanecer) to reappear suddenly. remaneciente,pa. &.a. reappearing. remanente, m. remainder, residue ; rema- nent, remnant. remangar, va. v. arremangar. remango, m. V. arremango. remansarse, vr. to stop flowing ; to eddy. remanso, m. back-water; dead water; tar- diness, lentitude. remante, pa. rowing. remar, vn. to row, paddle ; to toil, struggle. remarcar, va. (for mut. v. marcar) to mark again. rematadamente, adv. entirely, totally. rematado, da, pp. & a. ended, terminated ; knocked down (at auction) ; totally lost, utterly ruined: loco rematado, stark mad: rematado 4 galeras or preildio, condemned to the galleys or prison. rematamiento, m. v. remate. rematante, m. highest bidder. rematar, va. to end, complete, close, termi- nate, finish, abut; (com.) to auction, to knock down at auction ; to kill game at one shot; to give the finishing stroke; (sew.) to fasten off a stitch; to finish a seam. — vn. to terminate, end : rematar ni ajuste, to clap up a bargain. — vr. to be ut- terly ruined or destroved. remate, m. end, finish, termination, con- clusion, expiration : remate de cncntat, cloth- ing of accounts; (com.) auction, publie sale ; last or highest bid ; (print.) vignette ; (arch.) finial, pinnacle: de remate, utterly, irremediably, without hope : por remate, finally. remecedor, m. he who beats down olives with a pole. remecer, va. (for irr. V. mecer) to rock, swing, move to and fro. remedable, a. imitable. remedador, ra, m. &/. imitator, mimic. remedar, va. to copy, imitate, mimic, mock, take off. remediable, a. remediable. remediador, ra, m. &f. protector, comforter, helper ; curer. remediar, va. to remedy, mend, repair; to assist, support, help ; to free from danger, liberate, repair mischief; to avoid. remedicidn, /. remeasuring. A M In far ; e in ell I ; i in police ; o in for ; « in bull ; c (before e, 1) and i m th in thick ; b and d, anlt-S EEM 471 EEM remediO, m. remedy, reparation, help : no tener remedio, to be irremediable or un- ayoidable : sin remedio, without fail ; amend- ment, correction ; (med.) remedy, cure ; re- source, refuge ; (law) action. remedibn, m. aug. (theat.) makeshift per- formance. rexnedir, va. to remeasure. remedO, m. imitation, copy ; mockery. remellsido, remelldn, a. unnaturally everted, ectropic. remellax, va. (tan.) to unhair hides. remeiXliOrar, va. to rememberj recall. rememoratiVO, va, a. reminding, recall- ing. remendado, da, pp. & a. patched ; mended ; spotted, tabby. remendar, va. {for irr. V. enmendar) to patch, mend, repair; (sew.) to piece, patch, stitch up, darn. remenddn, na, m. &/. botcher, patcher; one who mends old clothes ; cobbler. remera, /. flight-feather. remero, m. rower, oarsman, paddler. remesa, /. (com.) shipment; remittance of money. remes'ar, va. to pluck out the hair ; (com. ) to ship, send, remit. remeson, m. plucking out of hair; hair {>lucked out ; stopping a horse in full gal- op ; skilful thrust in fencing. remeter, va. to put back, put in. remiche, m. space between benches in gal- leys. remlel, m. the second extract of soft sugar taken from the cane. .remiendO, m. patch, mending-piece, clout ; darning ; amendment, correction, addition ; reparation, repair; brindle ; (print.) job- work : & remiendoB, by patchwork, by piece- meal : echar nn remiendo 4 la vida, to take a light repast. remilgadamente, adv. with aflfected nicety, with prudery, squeamishly. remilf ado, da, a. & pp. affected, ovemice, prudish, finical, fastidious. remilgarse, vr. to be overnice or finical. remilgo, m. affected nicety , prudery, squeam- ishness, finicality. ^-eminiscencia,/. reminiscence, recollection, memory. remiradO, da, pp. & a. prudent, cautious. remirar, va. to revise ; to review. — vr. to do or finish a thing with great care ; to inspect or consider with pleasure. remisamente, adv. remissly, carelessly. remisible, a. remissible. remisibn,/. act of sending or referring to; remission, sending back, remitting, remit- ment ; pardon, forgiveness, grace ; remiss- ness, indolence ; relaxation, abatement. remlslvamente, adv. with remission. remisivo, va, a. remissory ; remissive. remlSO, sa, a. remiss, careless, indolent, slack, slow. remlsoriO, ria, a. remissory : letras remiio- riag, judge's orders, transferring a cause to another court. remitir, va. to remit, send, forward, trans- mit ; to pardon, forgive, acquit, discharge from ; to give up, relinquish, waive, fore- go, suspend, defer, put off; to refer ; (law) to transfer, remit to another court. — va., vn. & vr. to remit, slacken, abate. — vr. to refer, submit ; to quote, cite. remo, m. (naut.) oar ; long and hard labour : pala de an remo, blade or wash of an oar : manual de un remo, handle of an oar. — pi. arms and legs of a person ; hind and foiv legs of a beast ; wings of a bird. remocl6n, /. removal, removing. remojadero, m. steeping-tub. remojador, ra, m. &/. moistener, soaker. remojar, va. to steep, soak, drench, imbrue. ^emOjO, m. steeping, soaking, soakage : echar en remojo, (coll.) to defer a matter for mor» successful treatjnent. remolacha, /. (bot.) beet-root, red beet, remolar, m. oar-maker ; oar-shop. remolcador, ra, a. (naut.) towing.— ni. & tug, tugboat, tow boat. remolcar, va. (naut.) to tow, take in tow. remoler, va. to regrind, grind excessively. remolida, /. (Cuba) regrinding of sugar cane. remolimientO, m. regrinding. remolinante, pa. whirling. remolinar, vn. & vr. to whirl, gyrate, spin^ rotate. — vr. to crowd, throng together, swarm. remolinear, va. to whirl anything about.-« vn. V. REMOLINAR. remolino, m. whirl, whirlwind ; whirlpool, vortex, eddy ; maelstrom ; cowlick, twisted tuft of hair; crowd, throng; disturbance, commotion. remolbn, na, a. soft, indolent, lazy. — ni. up- per tus,k or a wild boar ; sharp tooth in. horses. remolonear, vn. & vr. to lAg, loiter, skulk, shun work. remolque, m. (naut.) towing, towage ; track- age ; tow-line : dar remolqur, to tow : k re- molqne, in tow. remondar,va. to clean (plants) asecondtima remono, na, a. very neat, very pretty. remonta, /. (shoe.) repairing, resoleing, vamping, footing; (sad.) stuvfing; (mil.) remount ; remounting cavalry. remontainiento, m. remounting oavalry. remontar, va. to frighten away (as game) ; (mil.) to supply remounts ; (sad.) to repair a saddle ; (shoe. ) to repair, resole, revamp. — va. &, vr. to elevate, raise, rise, remount.— vr. to soar (as birds). remonte, m. repair, repairing, remounting, soaring. remontista, m. (mil.) eommissioner for the purchase of remounts. reznoque, m. (coll.) sarcastic word. remoquete, m. thump with the fist ; epigram ; satire; (coll.) gallantry, courtship. r^mora,/. (icht.) sucking-fish, remora; hin- drance, obstacle ; cause of delay. remordedor, ra, a. causing remorse. remorder, va. {for irr. v. morder) to bite repeatedly ; to cause remorse, sting, fret. — vr. to show worry or regret. remordimiento, m. remorse, uneasiness, compunction, regret. remosquearse, vr. to show suspiciousness of surroundings; (print.) to be blurred or smeared ; to mackle. remostar, va. to put must into old wine. — vr. to grow sweet (wine). remostecerse, vr. v. remostarse. remosto, m. putting must into old wine; growing sweet. remotamente, adv. remotely, far; vaguely; unlikely to happen. remoto, ta, a. remote, distant, far off; for- eign, alien ; unlikely. remover, va. {for irr. V. mover) to move, re- move, shift, transfer ; to take away ; to dis« charge, displace from office ; to stir. removlmientO, m. removal, revulsion. f (t>etcr« e, 1) and J as b iB hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, hlsMd EEM 472 EEN remozamiento, m. appearing or becoming young. remozar, va. to impart the bloom of youth. — vr. to look young. rempujar, va. to push, jostle ; to impel ; to beat up game. rempujo, in. impulse, push, thrust ; sail- maKer's palm. xempujbn, /». impulse, pugh, thrust. xemuda, J. exchange, re-exchange : remuda de caballos, relay of horses. xemudamiento, m. removal, exchange ; change of clothing. remudiir, va. to move, remove, change, re- place. remugar, va. (pro v.) v. rumiar. remmlir, va. to beat up again, mollify. remunera'ble, a. remuuerable, rewardable. remuneracibn, /. remuneration, recom- pense, reward ; gratuity, consideration. remunerador, ra, m. &f. remunerator. remunerar, ra. to reward, remunerate, rec- ompense. remuneratorio, ria, a. remunerative. remusgar, vn. (coll.) to suspect, presume. remusgo, m. keen, cold wind. xenacer, vn. {for irr. V. nacer) to be born again, spring up again, grow again ; to ac- quire grace by baptism. xenaciente, pa. & a. renascent, springing anew. XenacimlentO, m. regeneration ; new birth ; (art) Renaissance. xenacuajo, m. spawn of frogs or tadpoles, poUiwig ; little, despicable man. XenadiO, m. crop which, after having been reaped in the blade, sprouts again. xenal, a. renal. xencilla,/. grudge; heart-burning. xenclllOSO, sa, a. peevish, quarrelsome, touchy. xenco, ca, a. hipshot, lame. xencor, m. rancour, animosity, grudge. Xencorosamente, adv. rancorously. xencoroso, sa, «. rancorous, spiteful. xencoso, a. applied to a ram with one testicle concealed. xenda,/. second dressing of vines. xendaje, m. (sad.) set of reins or bridles. xendajO, m. mimic. V. ARRENDAJO. xendax, ca. to dress vines a second time. xendicibn, /. rendition, surrendering, yield- ing ; rent, yield, product, profit. xendidamente, adv. humbly, submissively, compliantly. xendido, da, a. & pp. obsequious, devoted ; fatigued, worn out. xendlja. /. crevice, crack, cleft. xendlmiento, m. weariness, faintness, fa- tigue ; humiliation, submission ; obsequi- ousness, humbling compliance ; yield, rent, income ; yearly produce. XendiX, va. {gerund, rindiendo : ind. rindo : pret. 61 RIND16 : subj. rinda) to subject, subdue, conquer, overcome ; to surrender, vield, give up, deliver up ; to render, give back, return, restore; (com.) to produce, yield, bear, bring; to fatigue, tire out; to vomit, throw up. — vr. to be tired, fatigued, worn out; to yield, submit, give way, give up, surrender ; (naut.) to spring (a mast) : rendir la guardia, to set the watch: rendir marea, to stem the tide : rendir el alma k Dioe, to die: rendir el paeito, (mil.) to give up a post, to commit it to another : rendir las armai, to throw down the arms, to sur- render : rendir graciai, to give thanks : ren- dir obuqoios, to pay attention. xenegado, da, pp. &m. & f. renegade, apos^ tate ; wicked person ; ombre, game at cards. renegadOX, ra, m. &f. swearer, blasphemer. Xenegax, va. {for irr. V. NEGAR) to deny, dis- own ; to detest, abhor. — V7i. to apostatize; to blaspheme, curse-, swear. xenegdn, na, m. &f. inveterate swearer. xenglfeiO, m,. (zool.) reindeer. renglbn, m. written or printed line ; (com.) line of business, staple, item.— pi. linea^ writings. renglonaduxa, /. ruling of paper; ruled lines. xengo, ga, a. lame. xeniegO, m. curse, execration, blasphemy. xeniforme, a. reniform, kidney-shaped. renil, a. barren, as a ewe. xenitencia,/. resistance, opposition. xenitente, a. renitent, repugnant. xeno, m. (zool.) reindeer. xenombxado, Asi,pp. & a. renowned, cele- brated, famous. xenombre, m. surname, family name; re- nown, glory, fame. xenovable, a. renewable, replaceable. xenovacibn, /. renovation, renewal ; change, reform. xenovadox, xa, m. & f. renovator, reformer. xenOvante,i>a. renovating, renewing. xenovax, va. {ind. RENUEVO : subj. renueve) to renew, renovate ; to change, replace, re- form ; to polish ; to reiterate, republish. renovexo, xa, m. &f. usurer, fripper. renqueax, vn. to limp, halt. xenta, /. rent, profit, income ; rental ; an- nuity ; tax, contribution ; revenue : k ren- ta, at a rent : renta eitancada, revenue tax, on monopoly articles. xentadO, 6.B,,pp. & a. living on an income. xentax, va. to produce, rent for, bring, yield. xentexa, /. renter's wife. xentexo, m. renter, farmer, lessee. rentllla, /. dim. small rent ; game at cards, game at dice. xentista, m. financier ; bondholder ; annui- tant ; one who lives on a fixed income. xentistiCO, ca, a. financial. rentO, m. annual rent, rental. xentOSO, ^sa, a. yielding income, rent-pro- ducing. xentoy, m. game at cards. xenuencia,/. reluctance, unwillingness. renuente, a. unwilling, reluctant. xenuevo, m. sprout, shoot; renovation, re- newal. xenuncla, /. renunciation, resignation, re- nouncement, abjurement. renunciable, a. that can be renounced or resigned ; transferable. xenunciacibn, /. xenunclamlento, m. v. renuncia. xenunciante, pa. & m. & f. renouncer. re- nouncing, abjurer. xenunclax, va. to renounce, resign ; to dis- own ; to abnegate ; to leave, forego, waive, give up. refuse, reject ; to depreciate, aban- don, relinquish.— vn. to revoke, to renege at cards : renanciarae & li mitmo, to give up one's own will or taste. xenunclataxio, m. he to whom anything is resigned. renunclO, m. revoke, at cards; (coll.) error, mistake, contradiction, untruth. xenvalsax, va. (carp.) to shave off doors. renvalso, m. (carp.) shaving off to make fit. xeiLldamente, adv. quarrelsomely, stub* bornly. xeflidexo. m. cock-pit ; fighting-pit. » aa in far ; e in eh i ; 1 in police ; o in for ; in bull ; c (before e, i) and s as th ia thick ; h and d, soft: REN 473 KEP ii'e&idO, da, pp. &- a. at variance -with another. reiLldor, ra, m. &/. quarreller, scold. r6ilir, va. & vn. {gerund, rinendo : ind. RiSo : pret. el R1S6: subj. riSa) to wrangle, quar- rel, dispute, fight, fall out ; to scold, repri- mand, chide, reproach ; to argue, discuss. reo, m. or/, offender, criminal, culprit ; (law) defendant ; (icht.) ray trout. reoctava, /. v. octa villa. reoctavar, va. to extract the octavilla. redforo, m. (elec.) rheophore. reOJO, ni. mirar de reojo, to look askance. redmetro, m. (elec.) rheometer; (hydr.) water-meter. reorganizaclbn, /. reorganization. reorganizar, va. {for mut. V. organizar) to reorganize. re6statO, m. (elec.) rheostat. Trepacer, va. {for irr. V. pacer) to consume t^e entire grass of pasture-ground. repagar, va. {for irr. V. pagar) to repay ; to overpay. 'epajO, m. inclosure for pasture. .'epantigarse, repancMgarse, vr. to lean back in a chair with the legs stretched out. repapilarse, vr. to eat to excess, with relish. reparable, a. reparable, remediable; objec- tionable ; remarkable, noticeable. reparaci6n, /. reparation, repair, repairing, restoration, mending ; satisfaction, compen- sation, indemnity, amends, atonement. reparada,/. sudden bound of a horse. reparado, da, a. repaired ; restored ; pro- vided. reparador, ra, m. & f. repairer ; observer, carper. reparamiento, m. v. reparo and repara- ci6n. reparar, va. to repair, restore, refit ; to ob- serve, remark, notice ; to consider, reflect, give heed ; to make up, compensate, indem- nify, expiate, atone, make amends, correct, give satisfaction ; to suspend, detain ; to guard, defend, protect, help ; to parry ; to give the final touch to moulds. — vn. to stop, stay over. — vr. to refrain , forbear ; (Mex. ) to rear on the hind feet. reparativo, va, a. reparative. reparo, m. repair, reparation, restoration ; remark, observation, advice, warning, no- tice ; inconveniency, difficulty, doubt, ob- jection ; strengthening cataplasm for the stomach ; defence, protection ; (fenc.) parry. repar6n, m. (coll.) great doubt or difficulty. repardn, na, a. carping, fault-finding, — m. &f. carper, caviller. repartible, a. distributable. reparticibn, /. partition, division, distribu- tion. repartidamente, adv. in divers 'portions or partitions. repartidero, ra, a. that which is to be dis- tributed. repartidor, ra, a. distributing.— m. &/. dis- tributer ; assessor of taxes. repartimientO, m. partition, division, dis- tribution, apportionment ; assessment ; al- lotment of territory made by the conquerors of Spanish America. repartlr, va. to divide, distribute, apportion, allot ; to assess taxes. reparto, m. v. repartimiento ; (theat.) cast of characters. repasadera, /. (carp.) finishing plane. repasadora, /. woman occupied in carding wool. repasar, va. to repass, pass again ; to re- examine, revise, review; to scan, peruse, glance over ; to explain or study again (as a lesson ) ; to clean dyed wool for carding ; tp. & a. affecting learning. resabio, m. unpleasant after-taste ; vicious- ness. resabiOSO, sa, a. (Amer.) vicious. resaca, /. (naut.) surge, surf, undertow; (com.) redraft. resacar, va. (naut.) to underrun, haul ; (com.) to redraw. resalado, da, a. (coll.) very graceful, charm* ing. resalir, vn. (for irr. V. salir) to jut out, project. resaltar, vn. to rebound ; to come off", get loose ; to jut out, project ; to appear, be evident. resalte, m. prominence, protuberance ; pro- jection. resalto, m. rebound, resilience ; promi- nence, projection. resaludar, vn. to return a salute. resalutacidn, /. return of a salute. resalvo, m. tiller, sapling. resallar, va. (agr.) to weed again. resallo, m. (agr.) re-weeding. resanar, va. to regild defective spots. resarcible, a. indemnifiable. resarcimiento, m, compensation, repara-. tion, indemnity. resarcir, va. (ind. resabzo : s^ibj. resarza) to compensate, indemnify, make amends^ repair a damage. resbaladero, ra, a. slippery, elusive.— ??Jv slippery place. t (before e, i) and J aa h In hot; h, silent; 11 In briUUnt ; ft, nj in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; I, blised BES 476 EES resbaladiZO, za, a. slippery, glib ; elusive ; temptiDg, alluring: memoria resbaladiza, treacherous memory, resbalador, ra, m. &f. slider ; backslider. resbaladura, /. slip, slide ; backsliding. :resbalamlentrO, m. v. resbal6n. resbalante, pa. slider ; slipping. resbalar, vn. & vr. to slip, slide, glide ; to err, go astray. resbalo, m. (Amer.) steep slope. resbal6n, m. slip, slipping ; lault, error, of- fence. resbalOSO, sa, a. slippery. rescaldar, va. to heat, to scorch. rescatador, ra, m. &f. redeemer, ransomer. rescatar, va. to ransom, redeem, recover, extricate ; to exchange, barter, commute, (Amer.) to buy ore in mines. rescate, m. ransom, redemption ; ransom- money ; exchange, permutation, barter. Tescatin, m. (Amer.) buyer of ore from In- dians. rescaza,/. v. escorpina. rescindir, va. to rescind, annul, cancel. rescisldn, /. rescission, cancellation, annul- ment. rescisorio, ria, a. rescissory, rescinding. rescoldera, /. pyrosis, heart-burn. rescoldo, >n. embers, hot ashes, cinders ; scruple, doubt, apprehension. rescontrar, va. to offset, set off. rescriptO, m. rescript, order, mandate. rescxiptorio, ria, a. rescriptive. rescuentaro, m. offset, compensation. resecacibn, /. exsiccation, desiccation. resecar, va. & vr. {for mut. V. secar) to dry thoroughly, exsiccate, desiccate. reseccidn,/. (surg.) resection. reseco, ca, a. too dry ; very lean. — m. exsic- cation of trees or shrubs ; dry part of a honey-comb. reseda,/, (bot.) mignonette, reseda; woad. resecar, va. {for irr. V. segar) to mow- again. resegulr, va. {/or irr. V. seguir) to edge swords. f esellante, pa. recoining, restamping. ^esellar, va. to recoin ; to countermark. resello, m. recoinage ; surcharge. resembrar, va. {for irr. V. sembrar) to re- sow. resentidO, da, pp. & a. angry, resentful, dis- pleased. resentlmiento, m. resentment, grudge ; im- pairment. resentirse, vr. to be impaired or weakened ; to resent, express displeasure. resefLa, /. brief description, narration, or review ; signal ; signalment for identifica- tion ; (mil.) review, muster. reseflar, va. to make a review. resequido, da, a. dried up, parched. reserva,/. reserve, reticence, secret; reser- vation, exception ; reservedness, discretion, circumspection, prudence ; modesty ; (law) reservation; (rail.) reserve: fondo de reter- va, (com.) reserve fund: de reierva, extra, spare, in store for future use : 4 reserva de, intending to : ■in reierva, openly, freely. reservacibn, f. reservation. reservadamente, adv. secretly, reservedly. reservado, da, a. & pp. reserved, cautious, circumspect, close ; private, confidential. — m. (eccl.) eucharist kept in the ciborium. f eservar, va. to reserve, spare, save, keep in store ; to retain, preserve, hold ; to defer, postpone ; to privile^, exempt ; to sepa- rate, set aside, lay aside, keep back ; to re- strain, limit, confine ; to conceal, keep se- cret, hide. — vr. to preserve one's self; to beware, be cautious. reservativo, va, a. reservative, reservista, m. (mil.) reservist. resfriado, pp. & m. a cold ; irrigation before tilling. resfriador, ra, a. cooling, refrigerating.— //i. refrigerator. resfriadura, /. (vet.) cold in horses. resfriamiento, m. v. enfriamiento. resflrlante, pa. cooling, refrigerating.— m. V. corbato. resfriar, va. to cool, chill, refrigerate; to moderate ardour or fervour. — vn. to begin to be cold.— vr. to catch cold ; to grow cold or indifferent. resfrio, m. a cold. res^uardar, va. to preserve, defend, protect, shield, screen, shelter, harbour. — vr. to guard against ; to take shelter. resguardo, m. guard, preservation, security, safety; defence, shelter, protection; (com.) security, guarantee, collateral, voucher; watchfulness to prevent smuggling; body of custom-house oflBcers for such service; (naut.) sea-room, wide berth. residencia, /. residence, domicile, abode; dwelling, mansion, lodging, home ; stay, sojourn; (eccl.) residence; (dipl.) function of a resident minister ; (law) impeachment. residenclal, a. residentiary. resldenciar, va. (law) to impeach. resldente, pa. & a. residing, resident, resi- dentiary. — m. (dipl.) resident minister; (eccl.) residencer. resldentemente, adv. constantly, assidu- ously. residlr, vn. to reside, live, dwell ; to be in official residence ; to inhere. residue, m. residue, remainder, remnant, rest; (chem.) residuum. resiembra,/. (agr.) resowing. resigna,/. (eccl.) resignation. resi|riiaci6ll,/. resignation ; submission, ac- quiescence. resignadamente, adv. resignedly. resignante, pa. & m. resigner ; resigning. ' resignar, va. to resign, give up. — vr. to re- sign, submit. resignatario, m. resignee. resina,/. resin, rosin. resinar, va. to draw resin from trees, resinero, ra, a. resinic. resinifero, ra, a. resiniferous. reslnOSO, sa, a. resinous. resisa,/. v. octa villa. resisar, va. to diminish measures already curtailed by excise. resistencia, /. resistance, endurance, strength ; opposition, defence ; (Jaech. ana elec.) resistance. resistente, pa. &. a. tough, substantial ; re- sisting, repelling. resistero. m. hottest part of the day ; heat produced by the reflected sun's rays ; placf where such heat is felt. resistible, a. resistible, endurable, support- able. resistidero, vi. V. resistero. resistidor, ra, m. & f. resister, repeller. resistir, vn. to resist, oppose ; to contradict, antagonize. — va. to endure, tolerate; to stand, withstand, hold, sustain ; to reject, repel. — vr. to struggle, contend. vesma,/. ream of paper. resmilla,/. four quires of letter-paper. resobrar, vn. to be much over and above. » M in far ; • in eh I ; 1 in police ; O in for ; a in btill ; C (before e, 1) and z as th in thick ; b and d, left; EES 477 EES resobrino, na, m. &/. son or daughter of a nephew or niece. resol, rn. sun's glare. resolano, na, a. sunny.—/, sunny place. resoluble, a. resolvable, resoluble. reS0lUCi6n, /. resolution, deliberaiion ; re- soluteness ; determination, courage, bold- ness, firmness, assurance ; decision, solu- tion ; conclusiveness ; quickness, prompti- tude; (med.) resolution: en resolucidn, in short, in a word. resolutiyamente, adv. resolutely, determi- nately. resolutlvo, va, a. analytical.— m. (med.) resolutive. resolutO, ta, pp. irr. obs. of RESOLVER & a. resolute, bold, audacious ; compendious, brief ; prompt, dexterous. resolutoriamente, adv. resolutely. resolutoriO, rla, o. resolute, prompt. resolyente, pa. & a. resolvent, resolving. resolver, va. ( pp. resuelto : ind. RESUEL- vo: subj. resuelva) to resolve, determine, decide, make up one's mind ; to sum up ; to solve, unriddle, find out ; to dissolve, an- alyze ; to dissipate, undo, destroy ; to di- vide a whole into its parts. — vr. to resolve, determine ; to be included or comprised ; (med.) to resolve. resoUadero, >«. vent, air-hole. resollar, vn. {ind. resuello: subj. re- SUELLE) to respire, breathe ; to take breath ; to pant ; (coll.) to show up, break silence. resonacl6n, /. resounding. resonancia, /. resonance : tener resonancia, to be bruited abroad. resonante, pa. & a. resonant, resounding, sonorous. resonar, vn. {ind. resueno : subj. resuene) to resound, ring, echo, clink, chink, clat- ter. resoplar, rm. to breathe audibly ; to snort. rssoplido, resoplo, m. audible breathing ; snorting. resorber, va. to sip again, reabsorb. resorcibn,/. reabsorption. resorte, m. spring, resilience, elasticity ; means, resource, resort. respailar, va. (coll.) to move helter-skelter. respaldar, va. to indorse ; to back ; to answer for, guarantee.— rr. to lean back; (vet.) to dislocate the backbone. respaldar, m. back of a seat. respaldo, m. back of a seat ; leaning stock ; backing ; back of a sheet of paper ; indorse- ment. respectar, »«. impers. to concern, regard, behoove. respectiyamente, respectiye, adv. re- spectively, proportionally. respectlyo, va» a. respective. respecto, m. relation, proportion ; relative- ness ; respect : con respecto or respecto k or de, as regards, concerning ; with respect to, with regard to: al respecto, relatively, re- spectively. respeluzar, va. v. despeluzar. respetabilldad,/. respectability. respetable, a. respectable, considerable. respetador, ra, m. &/, respecter, venerator. respetar, va. to respect, venerate, revere, honour. — vn. imperx. V. respectar. respeto, m. respect, regard, consideration, veneration ; attention ; observance : de res- peto, extra, spare; for ceremony's sake: mastelero de respeto, (naut. ) spare top-masl : velas de respeto, spare sails. respetosamente. adv. respectfullv. respetoso, sa, v. respetuoso. respetuosamente, adv. respectfully. respetuoso, sa, a. respectable ; respectful, ceremonious ; obsequient, dutiful. r^splce, m. (coll.) snort, pert reply; sharp reprQof. respigador, ra, »». & /. gleaner. respigar, va. {formut. v. espigar) to glean. respig6n, m. hangnail; (vet.) sore on the heel of horses. respingada, a. turned up, retrousse. respingar, vn. {pret. respinguk: subj. res- pingue) to kiek, wince; (coll.) to obey re- luctantly. respingO. m. kick, bound, bounce, start, jerk ; reluctance, peevishness. respingona, a. v. respingada. respirable, a. respirable, breathable. respiracibn, /. respiration, breathing ; ven- tilation. respiradero, m. vent, breathing-hole ; (arch.) air-passage, femerell, louver ; (surg.) cupping-glass ; rest, repose ; organ of reS' piration. respirador, ra, a. breathing. respirante, i>a. respiring, breathing, exhal' ing. respirar, vn. & va. to respire, to breathe. — V7i. to rest, take rest or respite ; to get breath ; to breathe freely ; to exhale scents or odours ; tos^ak (used with a negative) : no respir6, he did not open his lips : sin res- pirar, without drawing breath, respiratoriO, ria, a. respiratory. respire, m. breathing ; moment of rest ; re- spite ; (com.) extension, time. resplandecer, vn. to glitter, glisten, gleam, glister, to be brilliant, to glow ; to shine, outshine, excel. resplandeciente, pa. & a. resplendent, shin- ing, bright, glittering ; luminous, light. resplandeclmiento, m. v. resplandor. resplandina, /. (coll.) sharp reproof. resplandor, »». light, splendour, brightness, brilliancy, luminousness, radiance, glim- mer, glare ; shining paint for women. respondedor, ra, m. &f. answerer. responder, va. & vn. to answer, reply, make reply ; to respond ; to re-echo ; to acknowl- edge ; to requite ; to yield, produce ; to have the desired effect ; (com. ) to correspond ; to answer to, answer for, be responsible for, guarantee. respondlente,i>a. & a. respondent ; answer- ing. respondbn. na, a. saucy, pert. responsabilidad,/. responsibility, liability, accoimtableness. responsable, a. responsible, liable, account- able, answerable. responsar, responsear, vn. to repeat the responses. response, m. responsory for the dead. responsorio, m. (eccl. ) responsory. jrespuesta, /. answer, reply ; response ; refu- tation ; repartee. resquebradura, resquebrajadura fres- kay-brali-ha-doo'-ralii, /. crack, cleft, flaw, Split, crevice, fissure, chink. resquebrajadizo, za, a. easily cracked; chinky. resquebralar, va. &vr. to crack, to split, resquebrajo, m. crack, cleft, split, fissure, chink. resquebrajoso, sa, a. easily cracked; chinky. resquebrar, vn. {for irr. V. quebrar) to crack, split ; to burst. t (before e, I) aofi.' as b in hot; h. silent ; 11 la brilliant; ft, ny in casyvn; r (iDltUl) snd rr trilled; i. EES 478 EET resquemar, va. & vn. to bite or ating (as mustard). resquemo or resquemor, m. resquema- Z6n, /. bitingness, pungency of any ali- ment ; disagreeable taste of burnt food ; burning passion or remorse, regret. resqulciO [res-kee'-thie-o] m. chink, slit, cre vice, gap, crack, cleft ; chance, opportunity. resta, /. (arith.) subtraction; residue, re- mainder. restablecer, va. {/or irr. v. establecer) to restore, re-establish, reinstate. — vr. to re- cover, recuperate. restablecimiento, rn. re-establishment, res- toration, resettlement ; recovery. restallar, vn. to crack, as a whip ; to crackle, crack, squeak. restante, pa. & m. remainder, residue ; re- raaiuing. restafiadero, m. inlet, estuary, restafiadura, /. retinning. resta&ar, va. to retin, to tin anew ; to stanch, stop blood.— wi. V. RESTALLAR. — VT. to ro- stagnate, stand without flow. restafiasangre, /. bloodstone. restaiio, m. stagnation ; cloth of gold or sil- ver. restar, va. (arith.) to subtract; to deduct; to return a ball, strike it back. — vn. to be left, remain. restaiiraci6n,/. restoration, redintegration, restoring, repairing, refurbishing. restaurador, ra, m. &f. restorer. restaurante, pa. & m. restoring, restorer, re-establisher. restaurar, va. to restore, retrieve ; to re- pair, renew, refurbish. restaurativo, va, a. restorative. restinga, /. shoal, bar ; ledge of rocks. restlngar, m. place full of rocks or bars. restltuci6n, /. restitution, restoring. restitUible, a. restorable, refundable. restltuldor, ra, m. & f. restorer, refunder. restltuir, vn. {for mut. V. constituir) to restore, return, give up, give back, refund ; to repair. — w.^to return to the place of de- parture. restitutorlo, ria, a. (law) restitutive. restO, m. remainder, residue, balance, rest: limit for stakes at cards ; returning the ball in the game of pelota ; player who returns the ball on its rebound.— p^. remains : 4 reito abierto, unlimitedly : ech&r el reit«, to stake one's all ; to do one's best ; to spare noth- ing. restregadura, /. restregamiento, m. hard rubbing. restregar, va. {for irr. V. freoar) to rub, scrub. restregdn, m. scrubbing, hard rubbing. restribar, vn. to lean upon strongly. restrlCClbn, /. restriction, limitation, modi- fication. restrlctivamente, adv. restrictively. restrlctlvo, va, a. restrictive, restnngent. restricto, ta, a. limited, confined ; restricted. restrlnga,/. v. restinga. restrlngente, pa. & m. restraining ; restrain- er ; restringent. restringible, a. restrainable, limitable. restrlngir, va. {ind. restrinjc : subj. res- trinja) to restrain, restrict, constrain, lim- it, confine ; contract, astringe. restriflidor, ra, m. & /. restrainer, binder. restri&ixD.lentO, m. restriction, costiveness. restriflir, va. to bind, contract, astringe. restrojo, m. v. rastrojo. • resucltador, ra, m. &f. restorer, reviver. resucitar, va. to resuscitate, revive ; to rb- new, renovate, modernise. — vn. to revive, return to life. resudacibn, /. perspiration, transudation. resudar, vn. to transude, perspire, transpire. resudor, m. slight perspiration. resueltamente, adv. resolutely. resuelto, ta, a. &pp. irr. of resolver ; res- olute, audacious, bold, determined, steady, constant, confident; prompt, quick, dili- gent. resuellO, m. breath, breathing: Bin reiaello, breathless, panting. resulta, /. result, effect, consequence ; reso- lution ; vacancy of an office : de r«tBlt»B, ia consequence. resultado, pp. & m. result, issue, conse- quence, outcome, effect ; (math, and ehem.) product. resultancia, /. result, resultance. resiQtante, m. resulting, following.—/. (mech.) resultant. resultar, vn. to result, follow ; to redound, conduce. resumbnmo, na, a. brown (hawk's feath- ers). resumen, m. abridgment, summary, extract, compendium: recapitulation, rfisume: en resumen, briefly, in short. resumidamente, adv. briefly, compendious- ly, siuninarily. resumido, da.p/). & a. abridged : en reiumi- das cuentas, in short, briefly. resmnir, va. to abridge, resume ; to repeat. — vr. to be included or reduced ; to absorb (paper). resurreccidn, /. resurrection, revival, re- suscitation. resurtida, /. rebound, repercussion. resurtir, vn. to rebound, fly back. retablo, m. series of historical pictures: (eccl.) retable, altar-piece, reredos. retacar, va. at billiards, to hit the ball twice- retaceria, /. collection of remnants as for a crazy quilt. retaco, m. short, light fowling-piece ; short cue ; short, thick person. retador, m. challenger. retaguardia, /. rear, rear-guard: picar U retaguardia.to pursue the rear-guard closely. retahila, /. file, range, string, series of thingSL retacar, va. to cut round ; to cut the nib of a quill ; to circumcise. retal, m. remnant, piece, clipping. retallar, vn. to shoot or sprout anew. — va. to regrave, retouch a graving; (arch.) to form a retallo. retallecer, vn. to sprout again. retallo, m. new sprout; (arch.) jut, raised portion of a wall. retama,/. (hot.) genista : retama macho or de olor, Spanish broom : retama negra or de ee- cobae, (bot) furze, whin : retama de tlntee or de tintoreroi, (bot.) dyeweed, dyer's- broom. retamal, retamar, m. place where furze or broom grows. retamero, ra, a. broomy, furzy. retar, va. to challenge : to dare. retardacl6n, /. retardation, delay, deten- tion, loitering. retardar, va. to retard, defer, delay, detain, slacken. retardatriz, a. retardative.. retardo, m. delay, procrastination, retarda- tion, protraction. retasa or retasacibn, /. reappraisement retasar, va. to reappraise. % M in far ; e in eb I ; 1 in police ; o iu v. W boll ; « 'tMf'v* -^ i^ aud z m tb in tblek : b end d, eoR; EET 479 EET Tetazax, va. to tear in pieces. retazo, m. piece, remnant ; cutting ; frag- ment, portion. retelador, m. retiler. retejar, va. to retile a roof; (coll.) to provide with clothes. reteier, va. to weave closely. retejO, m. repairing of a roof, retiling. retemblar, vn. {for xrr. v. temblar) to tremble, shake, quiver, shudder ; to vibrate. f etemblor, m,. repeated shaking, quiver, xet^n, wi. store, stock, reserve ; (mil.) reserve corps ; (mech. ) detent, ratchet, catch. retencibn,/. retention, keeping back ; (med.) retention. retener, va. (Jor irr. V. tener) to retain, withhold, keep back ; to guard, preserve ; to catch, hold, keep ; to arrest, detain, retenida,/. (naut.) preventer rope, guy: re- tenida de proa, headfast. retenidamente, adv. retentively. retenimiento, m. v. retenci6n. retentar, va. to threaten with a relapse or renewal of a disease. retentive, va, a. retentive, retaining.—/. retentiveness, memory. retefiir, va. {jor irr. V. teSir) to dye over again, to double dye. — vn. to tingle. V. re- TlSlR. retesamiento or reteso, m. rebracing, tightening harder. retesar, va. to draw or stretch tighter. reticencia, /. reticence. reticular, a. reticular, reticulate (d), netted. retlculo, m. net-work, reticular tissue ; retic- ulated micrometer. retin, m. v. retintIn. retina, /. retina of the eye. retlnte, m. second dye. V. retintIn. retlntin, m. tinkling, jingle, clink ; tintin- nabulation ; (coll.) sarcastic tone of voice. retlntO, pp. irr. of reteSir^A a. dark, ob- scure, almost black. retlfilr, vn. to tinkle, jingle, ring, clink. retlraclbn,/. (print.) printing the back of a sheet : second form for backing. retlrada, /. withdrawal ; (mil.) retreat ; re- tirement ; place of safety ; privy, closet. retlradamente, adv. secretly, retiredly. retlradO, da, a. &. pp. retired, solitary, iso- lated, cloistered ; close ; remote, distant ; pensioned. — m. retired officer. retlramlento, m. retirement. V. retiro. retlrar, va. to draw aside, put away ; to lay aside, reserve, conceal , hide away ; to re- pel ; to revoke; (com.) to withdraw, call in ; (print.) to print the back of a sheet, to back. — vr. to withdraw, retire ; to recede, move (ft go back ; to retire from active life or from company ; (mil.) to raise a siege or blockade ; to abandon a post ; to retreat. retire, m. retirement, retiracy ; retreat ; re- cess; secluded place; refuge, asylum; (ecel.) retreat; privacy; (mil.) condition and pay of a retired officer. reto, m. challenge ; threat, menace. retobar, va. (Amer.) (com.) to pack with hides. retobo, m. covering of hides. retocamlento, m. retouching, retouchment. retocar, va. {for mut, V. tocar) to retouch ; to mend, touch up, finish. retoilar, retoflecer, vn. to sprout or shoot ; to reappear. retO&O, m. sprout, shoot, tiller, sucker, ratoon. retoque, in. retouch ; finishing touch ; re- peated and frequent pulsation ; symptom or touch of some disease. retor, m. twilled cotton fabric. retorcedura, /. twisting, wreathing. retorcer, va. {for irr. V. torcer) to wring:, twist, contort, convolve ; to retort, reap gue ; to distort, twist, misconstrue. retorcldO, pp. & a. twisted.— m. tutti-frutti» sweetmeat. retorclmlentO, m. twisting, wreathing, con tortion. retdrica, /. rhetoric.—/)?, (coll.) sophistries^ quibbles, subtleties. retdricamente, adv. rhetorically. retbrlco, ca, a. rhetorical, oratorical. — m, rhetorician. retornamiento, m. return. retornante, pa. returning. retomar, vn. to return, come back ; to re« cede, retrograde. — va. to return, restore, re- quite, give back ; to turn, twist, contort ; to cause to go back. retomelO, m. ritomello, burden of a song. retorno, m. return, coming back ; home trip ; return chaise or horse ; repayment, requital, compensation, consideration ; bar- ter, exchange, traffic ; (naut.) leading block. retorsldn,/. retortion; retorsion, retort. retorsiVO, va, a. containing retort ; bending back. retorta, /. (chem.) retort, twilled linen fab- ric. retortero, m. twirl, rotation : andar al re- tortero, to hover about : traer al retortero, (coll.) to twist one around, to deceive with false promises. retortnar, va. to twist, to curl. retortij6n,w. curlicue; twisting: retortijon, de tripas, griping. retostado, da, a. &pp. brown-coloured. retOStar, va. {for irr. V. tostar) to toast again, toast brown. retozador, ra, a. frisky, frolicsome, pranky, retozadura, /. v. retozo. retozar, vn. to frisk and skip about, romp, frolic, gambol, dally with, sport, play ; to hoiden. — va. to tickle, make merry ; to tit- illate amorously. retozo, m. friskiness, frisk, gambol, prank, frolic, romping, wantonness, lascivious gai- ety, dalliance : retozo de la ri»a, giggle, tit- ter. retOz6n,na, a. wanton, rompish, frolicsome, playful, gamesome, coltish. retraccl6n, /. retraction, drawing back. retractable, a. retractable. retractacl6n, /. retractation, recantation. retractar, va. to retract, recant, withdraw, disavow ; (law) to redeem. — vr. to go back from one's word. retractO, m. (law) right of redemption. retractor, m. (surg. ) retractor. retraer, va. {for irr. v. traer) to dissuade^ keep from ; (law) to redeem. — vr. to take ref- uge or shelter ; to withdraw from, shun, keep aloof, retire ; to live a retired life. retraid0,7>p. &a. & m. refugee; lover of sol- itude. retralmlentO, m. seclusion, retirement, privacy ; retreat, refuge, asylum ; private room, sanctum. retranca, /. broad crupper of a pack-saddle j (Amer.) brake, wagon-lock. retranquear, va. (arch.) to hoist, move, and set down building blocks, etc. retranqueo, m. (arch.) setting blocks 01 stones in position. retranquero, m. (Amer.) (r. w.) brakeman. retrasar, va. to defer, put off, dally, delay ; to set back. — vn. to retrograde, go back, de- ( (before e, l) and J 08 h in hot ; h, silent; 11 in brilliant ; S, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled: ■, BET 480 REV dine. — vr. to be backward, behindhand, late, behind time. retraso, m. delay, backwardness, slowness. retratalJle, a. retractable, retractible. retrataXil6n,/. retractation, recantation. retratador, ra, m. & f. v. retratista. retratar, va. (art) to portray, draw portraits, limn ; to imitate, to copy ; to paint, de- scribe ; to photograph. V, retractae ; to sit for a portrait. retratista, m. or/, portrait-painter, limner, photographer. retratO, m. portrait, picture, likeness ; effigy ; copy, resemblance, imitation ; personal de- scription ; (law) V. RETRACTO. retrayente, pa. & m. & f. retracter, recant- er; (law) redeemer. retrechar, vn. to back, move backward. retrecheria, /. (coll.) cunning, evasion. retrechero, ra, a. (coll.) cunningly evasive; attractive, charming, winsome. retrepadO, da, a. leaning or slanting back- ward. retreparse, vr. to lean back ; to recline in a chair. retreta,/. (mil.) retreat; tattoo. retrete, m. private room, sanctum ; alcove, boudoir ; closet, toilet-room, water-closet, privy. retribucidn, /. retribution, recompense, re- ward, tip, fee, remuneration, consideration. retribuir, va. to recompense, remunerate, reward, tip, fee. retribuyente, pa. & a. retributlye, retribu- tory ; retributing. retrillar, va. (agr.) to thrash again. retroactividad, /. retroaction. retroactivo, va, a. retroactive. retroceder, vn. to back, go back, retrograde, move backward, retrocede, fall back ; to grow worse ; to recede from, draw back from. retrocesi6ll, /. motion backward ; (law) re- trocession. retroceso, m. retrocession, motion back- ward; (med.) aggravation; in billiards, draw. retrogradacidn, /. (ast.) retrogradation, re- trogression. retrogradar, vn. to recede; (ast.) to retro- grade. retrdgrado, da, a. retrogressive ; (pel.) re- actionary ; (ast.) retrograde. retronar, vn. (for irr. v. tronae) peal, as thunder. retropllastra, /• pilaster behind a column. retrotraccidn, /. (law) antedating any- thing. retrotraer, va. {for irr. v. traer) (law) to antedate, date back. retrovendendo (contrato de), (law) rever- sion sale. retrovender, va. (law) to revert; to sell back to the grantor. retrovendicidn, /. (law) selling back to the vender. retroventa, /. (law) sale on reversion. retrucar, vn. (pret. retruqu6: subj. ee- TRUQUE) in billiards, to kiss. retruco, retrnque, m. in billiards, kiss. retru^cano, m. pun, quibble, play upon words, antithesis, contrast. retuerto, ta, pp. irr. of eetorcee & a. re- twisted. retumbante, pa. & a. resonant, pompous, sonorous, bombastic, high-flown. retumbar, vn. to resound, sound loudly. retumbo, m. resonance, loud noise, echo. retundir, va. (mas.) to equal or hew stones in a building ; to repel. reuma, m. (med.) rneumatism.— /. rheum, defluxion. reum&tiCO, ca, a. rheumatic. reum^tide, /. (med. ) rheumides. reumatismo, m. (med.) rheumatism. reunlbn, /. reunion, union ; meeting, junta, assembly, congregation ; consolidation*. reunir, va. to reunite, unite, congregate ; to gather ; to join ; to reconcile. — vr. to join, meet, get together, unite, assemble, reuntar, va. to oil or grease again. revacunaci6n, /. (med.) revaccination. revacunar, va. to revaccinate. rev^lida,/. admission int© a higher faculty. revalidaci6n, /. confirmation, ratification. revalidar, va. to ratify, confirm. ^vr. to be admitted into a higher faculty. revecero, ra, a. shiftable.— m. & f. farm- hand who tends relays of oxen. reveedor, m. v. revisor. revejecer, vn. & vr. {for irr. V. ENVEJECER) to grow prematurely old. revejecido, da, revejido, da, a. & pp. pre- maturely old. revelacidn, /. revelation, disclosure. revelador, ra, m. &f. revealer ; (photo.) de- veloper. revelamlento, m. r. revelaci6n ; (photo.) development. revelandero, ra, m. & f. one who pretends to have had a divine revelation. revelante, pa. revealing. revelar, va. to reveal, lay bare, disclose, di- vulge; to impart from heaven; (photo.) to develop. reveler, va. (med.) to cause revulsion. revellin [ray-vei-iyeen'], m. (fort.) ravelin. revendedera, /. v. revendedora. revendedor, m. retailer, hawker, huckster, peddler, ticket speculator. revendedora,/. huckstress, female peddler. revender, va. to resell ; to retail, peddle, huckster. revenimientO, m. (min.) landslide, run. revenlrse, vr. {for irr. v. VENIR) to shrink, waste away ; to turn, grow sour, ferment (as wine and preserves); to exude; to yield, concede, assent. reventa, /. resale ; retail. reventadero, m. rough, raggy ground' drudgery, reventar, vn. {ind, reviento: subj. ee- viente) to burst, break in pieces, crack ; to splash (as waves) ; to burst forth, break loose (as a passion) ; to sprout, shoot, blos- som ; to long for, to crave. — va. to crush, smash, ruin ; to wind a horse ; to tire, fa- tigue, exhaust ; to vex, annoy, molest, har- ass : reventar de rlsa, to burst into laughter. reventaz6n, /. disruption, rupture; (naut.) splash, dashing of the waves. reventbn, a. bursting : clavel revent6n, large carnation : ojoi reventones, bulging eyes. — m. burst, explosion, disruption ; steep de- clivity ; toil, drudgery, uphill work, fa- tigue. rever, va. to review, revise, overlook, to re- survey ; (law) to retry. reverberacldn, /. reverberation; (chem.) calcination in a reverberatory furnace. reverberar, vn. to reverberate, reflect. reverbero, m. reverberation ; reverberator, reflector : horno de reverbero, reverberatory furnace. reverdecer, vn. {for irr. v. veedeceb) to grow green again, re verdure ; to sprouv a M in far ; e in eh I ; i in police ; o In for ; a In bull; c (before e, I) and z as th In thick ; b and d, BoftJ REV 481 REV again; to acquire new freshness and vig- our. reverdeciente, pa. growing fresh and green. reverencia, /. reverence, respect, venera- tion, homage, honour, observance; courtsey, bow, obeisance; (eccl.) reverence (title). reverenciable, a. reverend. reverenciador, ra, m. &/. reverencer. reverencial, a. reverential. reverenciar, va. to venerate, revere, re- spect ; to hallow ; to reverence. reverendisimo, ma, a. sup. most reverend, right reverend. reverendo, da, a. reverend ; worthy of rev- erence: reverendaB, /. pi. prelate's dimis- sory letters ; qualities and titles worthy of reverence. reverente, a. respectful, reverent. reversible, «. (law) returnable, revertible. reversibilidad, /. reversibility, reversible- ness. reversidn, /. reversion, return ; (law) re- version. reverse, m. reverse (in coins) ; hack, rear side : el reverso de la medalla, the opposite in every respect. reverter, vn. {/or irr. V. verter) to over- flow. rev6s, m. reverse, back, wrong side ; slap, box ; back stroke, counterstroke ; misfor- tune, reverse in business ; misadventure ; change of temper and disposition ; (fenc. ) reverse : de reves, diagonally, from left to right : al revis or del revis on the contrary, contrariwise ; wrong side out : revis de la medalla, V. REVERSO. revesa, /. (naut.) back water, eddy. revesado, da, pp. & a. difl&cult, entangled, complicated, laborious, obscure ; mischiev- ous, wayward. revesar, va. to vomit. revesino, m. reversis, game at cards : cortar el revesino, to thwart. revestimientO, m. (mas.) revetment. revestir, va. (for irr. V. VESTiR) to dress, clothe, revest; (mas.) to revet. — vr. to be swayed or carried along by some power or other ; to be invested with ; to be haughty, lofty, proud. revezar, vn. to alternate, work in rotation. revezo, w. alternacy, turn ; gang ; relay. reviejO, ja, a. very old.— m. withered branch of a tree. revlernes, m. each of the first seven Fridays after Easter. revirado, da, a. (hot.) twisted. revirar, va. (naut.) to veer again, retack, revisar, va. to revise, review, examine : re- vlsar las cuentas, to audit accounts. revislbn, /. revision, revisal, revise, review- ing. revisita,/. revision, reinspection. revisor, m. reviser, censor, corrector, re- viewer ; overseer ; auditor. revisoria,/. oflSce of censor or reviser. revista, /. review, revision, revisal, revise; reinspection, re-examination ; (law) new trial; (rail.) review, parade; muster; (print.) review, magazine : suplicar en revls- . ta. (law) to present a bill of review. revistar, va. to review, inspect. revlstO, ta, pp. irr. of REVER. »evividero, m. place for rearing silk-worms. revivificar, va. to revivify. revlvlr, vn. to revive, resuscitate. revocable, a. revocable, reversible. revocablemente, adv. in a revocable man- ner. revOCacWn,/. revocation ; abrogation : revo- cacion de una sentencia, (law) reversal. revocador, ra, a. revoking, cancelling. — m, &f. revoker ; plasterer, whitewasher. revocadura, /. v. revoque ; (art) edge of the canvas turned over the stretcher. revocante, pa. revoking, abrogating. revocar, va. (pret. revoque : suhj. REVO- QUE) to revoke, repeal, annul, abrogate, cancel, reverse, vacate, abolish ; to counter- mand ; to dissuade from ; to repel, draw back ; to dub, dress, or repaint a front wall. revocatorio, ria, a. revocatory, recalling. revOCO, m. v. revoque ; drawing or driving back ; cover of furze on charcoal baskets. revolante, pa. fluttering, hovering. revolar, vn. to fly again ; to fly around. revolcadero, m. weltering or wallowing place for beasts. revolcadura, /. weltering, wallowing. revolcar, va. {for irr. V. volcar) to knock down, tread or trample upon; (coll.) to floor an opponent. — vr. to wallow, welter ; to be stubborn. revolcdn, m. (coll.) v. revuelco. revolear, vn. to fly around. revolotear, vn. to flutter, fly round about, hover. — va. to hurl, fling, pitch. revoloteo, m. fluttering; hovering. revoltijO, revoltillo, m. mess, mass, medley, jumble ; twisted tripes of a sheep : revoltillo de huevos, scrambled eggs. revoltbn, m. vine-fretter, vine-grub. revoltOSO, sa, a. turbulent, seditious ; mis- chievous, prankish. revoltura,/. (min.) mixture of fluxes. revolllCi6ll, /. revolution, revolving, turn, gyration ; (pol.] revolution ; rebellion, dis- turbance, sedition, commotion ; (ast.) revo- lution. revolUCionar, va. (neol.) to revolutionize. — vr. to rise or break into a commotion. revolUCionariO, ria, a. revolutionary.—?/!. &f. revolutionist. revblvedero, m. coursing-place. revolvedor, ra, «. turbulent, seditious, re- bellious. — m. &f. revolter, disturber. rev61ver, m. revolver, pistol. revolver, va. {for irr. V. volver) to turn up, turn over, turn upside-down ; to rum- mage, to stir, shake, shift ; to return, re- trace or go back again ; to wrap up ; to con- volve ; to stir up disturbances, excite com- motions ; to revolve, turn round, gyrate ; to turn over in one's mind, cogitate ; to turn short swiftly (as a horse). — vr. to move to and fro ; to change (as the weather). revolvimientO, m. commotion, perturba^ tion, revolution. revoque, m. whitewashing or repainting a building. revotarse, vr. to reconsider a ballot. revuelco, m. wallowing, rolling. revuelO, m. second flight of a bird ; gyration described when flying ; irregular m<a. laggard, straggler. rezagar, va. {prel. rezaguk: subj. reza- oue) to leave behind ; to outstrip ; to put oflf, defer, dally. — vr. to fall behind, to lag. rezagO, m. remainder, residue, balance. rezar, va. (pret. RECfe: subj. rece) to pray, to saj or read prayers ; (coll.) to announce, predict. — vn. to growl, to mutter : rezar con (uno), to concern, behoove. xezno, m. tick, sheep-tick, dog-tick. V. ricino. rezo, m. prayer, praying, devotions. xez6n, m. (naut.) grapnel, grappling-iron. rezongador, ra, m. & f. grumbler, growler, mutterer. rezongar, vn. (pret. rezongu^ : subj. REZON- gue) to grumble, mutter, murmur, growl. rezongl6n, na, rezong6n, na, a. &m. & f. grumbler ; growler. rezumadero, m. dripping-place. rezumarse, vr. to ooze, exude, percolate; (coll.) to transpire, ria,/. mouth of a river, estuary. riacho, riachuelo, riatillo, m. rivulet, streamlet ; small river. riada,/. freshet, overflow, flood, riba, /. sloping bank, embankment, ribadoquin, m. small gun now disused, ribalderia, /. ribaldry ; coarse abuse. ribaJdO, da, a. & m. &/. ribaldous; ribald; wicked, obscene ; ruffian, rlbazo, m. sloping bank ; mound, hillock. rlbera, /. shore, beach, bank, strand. ribereilO, fia, a. riparian, riparious. riberiegO, ga, a. riparious (as flocks of sheep). — m. grazier of sheep on river-banks. ribero, m. river-wall, levee. ribes,/. (hot.) currant-bush, ribete, »». (sew.) binding, galloon ; pretence; addition, increase ; addition to a tale, for embellishmeat. ribeteador, ra, a. &m. &/. (sew.) binder, ribetear, va. (sew.) to bind, ricacho, cba, a. (coll.) very rich, rlcaduefla, ricafembra, rlcabembra, /. lady, daughter or wife of a noble. ricabombria, /. dignity of the ancient no- bility of Castile. ricamente, adv. richly, opulently ; excel- lently, splendidly. rlcial, a. green (field) or new (pasture). ricino, m. (hot.) Palma:-Christi, castor-oil pAuit. riCO, ca, a. rich, wealthy, opulent ; abun- dant, plentiful : delicious, exquisite, choice, select, noble, illustrious. ricobombre, ricobome, m. grandee, peer of the ancient nobility of Castile. ridiculamente, adv. ridiculously, contempt- ridlculez,/. ridiculous speech or action ; rid- icule, folly, extravagance, oddity, eccen- tricity ; extreme nicety or sensibility. ridiculizar, - va. {pret. RiDicuLici: subj. ridiculice) to ridicule, deride, make fun of, mock at. ridiculo, la, a. ridiculous, odd, eccentric, laughable, queer, outlandish, ludicrous; contemptible ; despicable ; absurd ; exces- sively nice and sentimental. — m. ridicule, mockery ; hand-bag, reticule. riegO, m. irrigation ; {ind. irr. from REGAR), riellre-ci'], TO. ingot, lingot ; (r. w.) rail. rielado, da, pp. &■ «. reduced to ingots. rielar, vn. (poet.) to glisten, glimmer, shine, rielera,/. (found.) ingot mould. rienda, /. rein of a bridle ; moderation, re- straint. — pi. reins, ribbons ; government, direction : k rienda suelta, loose-reined, vio- lently, swiftly : soltar la rienda, to give way to vices or passions : tener las riendas, to hold the reins, to hol^ back a horse : tirar laa riendai, to draw back, to restrain. riente, pa. smiling,;iaughing. riesgo, m. danger, risk, hazard, peril, jeop- ardy. rifa,/. raffle, lottery ; scuffle, wrangle. rifador, m. raffler. rifadura,/. (naut.) splitting a sail. rifar, va. to raffle. — vn. to quarrel, dispute ; (naut.) to split (a sail). rinrrafe, m. (coll.) short quarrel, hasty words.- rifle, m. (arti.) rifle. rigente, a. (poet.) rigid, rigescent. rigidamente, adv. rigidly. rigidez [le-he-deth'], rigidity ; sternness. rigido, da, a. rigid, stiff"; rigorous, inflexible. rigOd6n, m. (danc.) rigadoon ; quadrille. rigor, m. rigour, sternness, severity, inflex- ibility, strictness, rigid exactness, preci- sion ; rigidity, stiff"ness ; power, intensity, keenness, hardness, vehemence; (med.) chill ; muscular rigidity : en rigor, to be precise. rigorismo, m. rigorism, austerity, severity. rigorlsta, n. & to. &/. rigorist. rigorosamente, rigrurosamente, adv. rig- orously ; strictly, severely, scrupulously. rigoros'o, sa, rifuroso," sa, a. rigorous, strict, austere, rigid, severe, exact, narsh ; scrupulously nice. rigurosidad, /. rigorousness, severity. rifa, /. (med. ) lachrymal fistula ; quarrel, scuffle, dispute. rJiador, ra, a. quarrelsome, litigious. rljO, m, concupiscence, lust, sensuality ; {ind. irr. from regir), rijOSO, sa, a. quarrelsome; restless at the sight of the female (horses). rima, /. heap, pile; (poet.) rhyme: rlma im- perfecta, (poet.) assonance.— ^f. lyric poems. rimadO, da, a. & pp. versified. rimador, ra, m. &f. versifier, rhymer. rimar, vn. to rhyme ; to make verses. rimbOznbanciSL, /. resonance, great noise. rimbombante, pa. resounding. rimbombar, vn. to resound, to echo. rimbombe, rimbombo, m. repercussion o( sound. rimero, m. heap, pile. rinc6n, to. oomer, angle, nook ; cosey cor- ner ; lurking-place ; (coll.) house, dwelling ; remote place. rinconada,/. comer. rinconcillo, m. dim. small corner. rinconero, ra, a. transverse, athwart (honey- combs).—/, corner cupboard, stand or bracket. rindo, rinda, 61 rindid {irr. from rendir). ringla, / ringle, m. ringlera, / (coll.) row, file, line, tier ; swath. ringlero, to. line or rule for penmanship ex- ercises. a M In far ; • in eh 1 ; 1 in police : o in for ; n in boll ; e (befoire e, l) and S m th in thick ; b and d, wott; Kl^ 483 ROD ringorrangos, m.pl. (coll.) flourish with a pen ; frills, fripperies. rinoceronte, m. rhinoceros. rinoplaatla,/. (surg.) rhinoplasty. rinoscopia, /. (med.) rhinoscopy. rifla, /. quarrel, scuflae, dispute, fray. riflo, rifta, 61 riflb {irr. from reSir). riil6n, m. (anat.) kidney ; (arch.) spandrel ; (min.) nodule, kidney-ore; central part of a country : tener cnbierto el ri&6n, to be rich. riflonada, /. coat of fat about the kidneys ; dish of kidneys. riO, m. river, stream ; flood : k rlo revuelto, in confusion or disorder : rlo de lAgfrimas, flood of tears ; {ind. irr. from REIR). riolada, /. (coll. ) concourse, affluence. riOStra, /. brace, truss, strut, spur. ripia,/. shingle, for roofing. ripiar, va. (mas.) to riprap. rlpiO, m. debris, rubbish, riprap, residue, rubble ; useless word ; verbiage : no perder ripio, not to miss the least occasion. riqueza [re-kay'-thah], /. riches, wealth, opu- lence ; richness, excellence ; abundance ; fertility, fruitfulness, gor^eousness. risa, /. laugh, laughter; ridicule; derisory smile or laugh : ri«» ■ardonica, sardonic laugh, grin, sneer : caerse, descalzarse, de»- coyuntarse, or detternillarBe de risa, to laugh excessively. risada, /. horse-laugh. rlscal, m. cliffy, craggy place. risco, m. crag, cliff; honey fritter. riSCOSO, sa, a. cliffy, craggy. risibUidad,/. risibility. risible, a. risible, laughable, ludicrous. rislca, ilia, ita, /. dim. feigaed laugh ; gig- gle, titter. riso, m. (poet.) gentle laugh. risotada,/. loud laugh, horse-laugh. rispido, da, a. v. >^pero. ristra,/. string of onions or garlic ; row, file, string. ristre, in. rest or socket for a lance. ristrel, m. (arch.) wooden moulding. risue&O, fla.a. smiling ; pleasing, agreeable. j rita ! /. word used to call sheep. ritmiCO, ca, a. rhythmical. ritmo, m. (poet, and mus.) rhythm. rito, TO. rite, ceremony. ritual, m. (eccl.) ritual, ceremonial. — a. rit- ual. rltualidad, /. ritualism. rival, TO. rival, competitor. rivalidad, /. rivalry ; competition, emula- tion. rivalizar, vn. {pret. rivalic6: subj. RIVA- lice) rival, vie with, compete. rivera, /. brook, creek, stream. riza, /. green stubble; desolation, ravage, destruction. rizado, pp. & m. fluting, crimp, frizzle. rlzador, ra, a. &, m. & f. crimper, frizzier ; curling-iron; (sew.) rufller. rlzal, a. V. RiciAL. rizar , va. ( j)ret. RICK : subj. RICE) to curl, frizzle, crimp, flute, ruffle, corrugate, crinkle ; to ripple (water). — vr. to curl nat- urally. rizo, za, a. naturally curled or ft"izzled. — to. curl, frizzle, ringlet; cut velvet. ^aZ. riios, (naut.) reef-points: tomar rizos, to take in reefs. rlzoma, m. (hot. ) rhizome, rootstock, ro, ro, interj. used as lullaby. roa,/. (naut.) stem. V. roda. roano, na, a. sorrel, roan (horse). rob, TO. (pharm.) rob; fruit-jelly*, robada,/. land measure (400 sq. yds.). robadera,/. (agr.) levelling harrow. robador, ra, to. & /. robber. robaliza,/. (icbt.) female robalo. r6balO or robalo, to. (icht.) robalo ; (com.) haddock. robar, va. to rob, plunder, steal ; to rifle, despoil, pillage, strip ; to thieve, filch, pur- loin ; to abduct ; to sweep or eat away (as banks by a stream) ; in some games, to take in new cards in place of discards ; to gain another's affections; (api.) to take th* honey-comb, after removing the bees. robda, robla, /. ancient pasturage fee. robezo, to.(zoo1.) wild-goat. robin, to. rust of metal. robinla,/. (hot.) locust-tree. robladero, ra, a. fit for riveting. robladura,/. riveting, clinching. roblar, ro. to rivet, clinch ; make strong. roble, TO. (hot.) oak-tree; oak-wood; very strong person or thing. robledal, robledo, to. oak grove. robliZO, za, a. oaken, strong, hard. robl6n, to. rivet. robo, TO. robbery, theft ; plunder ; cards taken in place of discards ; grain measure (i bushel). roboraci6ll, /. corroboration, strengthening. roborailte,i)a. & a. strengthening, corrobo^ rating; (med.) roborant. roborar, va. to strengthen, make firm ; to corroborate. roborativo, va, a. corroborative. robra,/. v. alboroque. robre, robredo, to v. roble, robledal. robustamente, adv. robustly. robustecer, va. to make strong. robustez,/. robustness, hardiness, lustiness, force. robusto, ta, a. strong, robust, vigorous, hale. roca, /. (geol.) rock; boulder; stone; cliff; anything very firm and hard. rocadero, to. knob,' rock or head of a distaff. rocador, to. head of a distaff. rocalla, /. drift of pebbles, talus of rocks ; chippings of stone, riprap ; glass beads. roce, TO. friction, frication, rub, attrition ; familiarity, intercourse. rociada, /. sprinkling, aspersion; (naut.) spray, splash, squall ; dew on plants ; dew- drenched herbs given to animals as medi- cine ; shower of missiles ; slander, asper- sion ; rough reprimand. rociadera, /. v. regadera. rociado, da, pp. & a. dewy ; bedewed. rociador, to. sprinkler, sprayer ; cloth sprinkler. rociadura,/. v. rociada. rociamiento, to. bedewing. rociar, vn. te fall in dew. — va. to sprinkle, to spray ; to strew about. rocin, to. hack, jade, sorry horse ; coarse, ignorant man. rocinal, a. belonging to a hack horse. rocinante, to. v. rocIn ; sorry hack. rocino, TO. V. RociN. rocio, TO. dew; spray, sprinkle, sprinkling; mizzle, drizzle ; brief shower ; (naut.) spoon-drift, rocba,/. ground clear of brambles. rocho, TO. roc, fabulous bird. roda,/. (naut.) stem. V. robda. rodaballO, to. (icht.) turbot, flounder. rodada,/. rut, wheel-track, cart-track. rodadero, ra, a. rolling easily. rodadizo, za, a. easily rolled round. • (before e, 1) and J a« k in hot; k, silent; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) and rr triUed; a, BOD 484 BOM rodado, da, pp- & a- dapple, dappled (horse) ; round, fluent, easy (period) : privilegio ro- dado, round robbin : canto rodado, boulder ; loose ore : venlr rodado, to attain an object accidentally. rodador, ra, a. rolling, rolling down.— TO. roller ; kind of mosquito ; (icht.) sun-tish. rodadura,/- rolling, wheeling ; rut. rodaja, /• small wheel or disk; caster, trundle, truckle ; rowel ; jagging-iron used bv pastry-cooks ; bookbinder's tool. Todaje, m. wheel-works ; set of wheels. rodajuela,/. dim. small wheel, disk, or caster. rodal, m. place, spot, seat. rodante, pa. rolling. rodapelo, m. v. redopelo. rodapi6, m. (arch.) mop-board, skirting; dado, socle ; foot-rail. TOdaplanclia, /. main ward of a key. rodar, vn. {ind. RUEDO: subj. ruede) to roll, revolve, gyrate, rotate, wheel ; to run on wheels ; to wander about ; be tossed about, go about, go up and down ; to lose an employ, station, dignity, or esteem ; to abouna ; to happen accidentally ; to follow, succeed one another. — va. to drive, impel, turn round. rodeabrazo (k), adv. swinging the arm for a throw. rodeado, da, a. &pp. surrounded, encircled. rodeador, ra, m. &/. one who surrounds. rodear, va. & vn. to surround, encircle, en- compass, inclose, girdle, environ ; (mil.) to invest ; to go around ; to make use of cir- cumlocutions : to whirl about. rodela,/. buckl«r, round shield. rodelero, m. soldier bearing a buckler. rodenal, m. clump of red pines. rodeno, na, a. red, reddish (as rocks or trees) : plno rodeno, red pine. rod60, m. turn, winding, roundabout course ; round-up, inclosure for cattle, stock-yard ; delay, protraction, tedious method ; circum- locution, beating about the bush ; evasion, subterfuge. rodedn, m. complete winding round. rodero, ra, a. relating to wheels. — m. col- lector of pasturage fee.—/, rut, cart-track. rodete, m. roundlet or rowel or platted hair ; (hyd.) horizontal water-wheel; (car.) fifth wheel, circle-iron ; ward in a lock ; pad put on the head of women for carrying vi rodezno, m. (hyd.) turbine; (mill.) cog- wheel. rodezuela,/. dim. small wheel. rodilla, /. (anat. ) knee ; ward in a lock ; clout, dusting cloth : de rodiUai, on one's knees: k media rodilla, kneeling on one knee : hinoar or doblar lai rodiUaSj to kneel down.— pi. (naut.) knees of ship-timber. rodillada, /. push with the knee ; kneeling position. rodillazo, m. push with the knee. rodillera, /. knee-cap, knee-boss, knee- guard ; knee-patch ; hurt upon the knees of horses from kneeling; bulging of trousers at the knee. rodlllero, ra, a. belonging to the knees. rodillo, m. roll, roller^ clod-crusher, road- roller; (print.) inking roller, brayer ; (cook.) rolling-pin; (mech.) roller, drum, trundle, barrel. rodilludo, da, a. having large knees. rodio, m. (chem.) rhodium. TOdO, m. roller : 4 rodo, in plenty. rododafne,/. (hot.) rose-bay, daphne. rododendro, m. (bot.) rhododendron. rodomiel, m. juice of roses with honey, rodri^ar, va. {/or mut. v. abrigar) to prop up vines. rodligaz6ll, /. time for propping vines. rodrigbn, m. vine prop; (coll.) old servant who escorts ladies. roedor, ra, m. & /. gnawer ; detractor : f«- ■ano roedor, gnawing worm ; remorse. roedores, m. pi. (zool.) the rodents. roedura, /. gnawing, corrosion. roel, m. (her.) bezant, round. roela, /. button of crude gold or silver. roer, va. & de/ec {gerund, royendo : ind. ROO: pret. 61 roy6: subj. roa) to gnaw, eat, or fret away ; to corrode ; to pick a bone ; to molest, to harass. roete, m. medicinal pomegranate wine. rogacibn,/. request, petition,— p/. (eccl.) ro- gation. rogador, ra, m. &f. supplicant, petitioner. rogante, pa. praying, requesting. rogar, va. {ind. ruego : pret. rogu£ : subj. ruegue) to pray, request, implore, entreat ; to crave, court. rogativa,/. (eccl.) rogation. rogatlVO, va, a. supplicatory. rogatorlo, rla, a. rogatory. rOfTO, m. (poet.) fire, pyre. roido, a. &pp. gnawed ; penurious. rojeante, pa. reddening. rojear, vn. to redden ; to blush. ' rojete, m. rouge for the face. rojez, /. redness, ruddiness. rojizo, za, a. reddish, rubicund, ruddy. rojO, Ja [roh'-ho], a. red, ruby, crimson ; ruddy, reddish : roJo alambrado, bright red. rojura,/. redness, ruddiness. rol, m. list, roll, catalogue ; muster-roll. rolar, vn. (naut.) to veer around. roldana, /. (naut.) sheave, pulley-wheel; caster. rolde, m. circle, group ofjpeople. rolla, /. collar of a draught-horse ; nurse. rollar, va. v. arrollar. rollete, m. dim. small roll or roller. rollizo, za, a. plump, round, robust, strap* ping. — m. log. rollO, m. roll, anjrthing rolled up; rouleau; roller, roUine-pin ; log; round pillar; cy- lindrical boulder ; yoke-pad ; (law) roll. roll6n, m. fine bran. rollona, a. (coll.) nurse. Roma, /. (met.) the Church ; papal authority ; 4 Roma por todo, at all hazards. romadizarse, vr. to take cold. romadlzo, m. nasal catarrh ; hay fever. romaico, ca, a. & n. Romaic, modem Greek. romana, /. steelyard : hacer romana, to bal- ance, to equipoise : venlr k la romana, to be of just weight. romanador, m. weighmaster. romanar, va. to weigh with a steelyard. romance, a. & m. Romance or Romanic. — m* Spanish language ; romance, tale of chival- ry ; historic ballad, brief lyric ; poem in oc- tosyllabic metre, with alternate assonants : en romance, plainly, clearly : hablar en ro- mance, to speak plainly. romanceador, ra, »». &/. one who writes in Romance. romancear, va, to translate into Spanish ; to periphrase. romancero, ra, m. & /. romancer. — m. col- lection of old Spanish ballads. romancesco, a. novelistic, romantic. romanclllo, m. dim. short romance. romanclsta, m. romancist. romanear, va. to weigh with a steelyard. — to outweigh, preponderate. Auuuuuoji, wt. juice ui rustss wiiu uoiiey. vn. lo ouiwtjigii, prtspuiiucraic. ft M in far : e In eh I ; 1 in police : o in for ; « in ball ; c (befor« •, 1) and s m th In tblek ; b sod d, eoft ; ROM 485 ROP romaneo, m. weighing with a steelyard. lt>manero, m. weighmaster. romanesco, a. Roman ; romantic. romania (de), adv. crestfallen. rominiCO, a. (arch.) Romanesque. romanilla, /. ( Venez. ) dining-room screen. romanlllO, 11a, a. round-hand. xomanista, m. or /. one versed in Roman law or in Romance languages. TOmano, na, «. Roman ; tabby : 4 la Komaa», in the Roman fashion. romanticismo, m. romanticism. rom^tiCO, ca, a. romantic. — in. A/, roman- ticist. romanza, /. (mus.) romance, romanza. romanzador, ra, m. A/, v. romanceador. romanzar, va. v. romancear. romaza,/. (bot.) sorrel. rombal, a. rhombic. rombo, m. (geom.) rhomb, lozenge, diamond. romboedro, m. (geom.) rnumbohedron. romboldal, a. rhomboidal. rombolde, m. (geom.) rhomboid. romeraJe, m. v. romerIa. romeral, m. place abounding with rosemary. romeria,/. pilgrimage; picnic, excursion. romero, ra, a. &m. &/. pilgrim, palmer. — m. (bot.) rosemary; (icnt.) pilot-fish; (icht.) whiting. TOmi, romin, m. bastard saflfron. romo, ma, a. obtuse, blunt ; flat-nosed : ma- cho romo, hinny. rompecabezas, m. slungshot; puzzle, rid- dle; (Peru) boys' play. rompecoches, m. prunella, everlasting. rompedera, /. large iron puncher. rompedero, ra, a. fragile, brittle, perish- able. rompedor, ra, m. & f. breaker, destroyer, crusher. rompedura, /. breakage. rompeesguinas, m. comer loafer, bufly. rompegalas,.TO. op/, (coll.) slovenly person. rompeolas, m. breakwater, jetty, mole. romper, va. & vn. {pp. roto) to break, rup- ture, shatter, fracture ; smash, crash ; to tear ; to wear out, destroy ; to rend, break open ; to defeat, to rout ; to break up land ; to pierce, penetrate ; to open the way ; to break off; to fall out, to quarrel ; to dawn, begin, start; to interrupt a speech; to re- solve, determine ; to sprout, bloom ; to break out, spring up; to clear up; to vio- late, infringe, transgress : de rompe y raiga, undaunted, brave, free and easy. — vr. to give way, part, break ; to acquire ease of manner. rompesacos, m. (bot.) long-spiked hard- grass. rompido, m. ground newly broken. rompiente, pa. breaking. — m. surf, breakers. rompimiento, m. break, breakage, smash, rupture ; crack, breach, infraction, infringe- ment, violation; dispute, rupture; (theat.) open drop-scene ; (art) opening in the back- ground ; (rain.) drift, driftway; (agr.) breaking up land. ron, m. rum. r.j - TOnca, /. cry of a buck in rutting-time ; boasting challenge, braggadocio, bullying ; kind of halberd. .. i^ t Toncador, ra, m. & /. snorer.— »i. '(felt.) roncador, little bass. roncamente, adv. hoarsely, coarsely. roncar, vn. (pret. ronqu£ : subj. ronque) to snore ; to roar ; to cry (a buck) in rutting- time ; (coll.) to threaten, to bully. TOnce, m. wheedle, cajolery. roncear, vn. to defer, protract, lag ; ; to wheedle; (naut.) to sail slowly. ronceria, /. sloth, laziness, tardiness; wheedle, cajoling expression; (naut.) bad sailing. roncero, ra, a. slow, stothful, tardy ; grouty, growling: flattering, wheedling, cajoling. ronoo, ca, a. hoarse, husky, harsh, raucous. ronc6ll, m. drone of a bagpi^. roncba, /. wheal, whelk, welt, wale, hives: swelling; loss of money by trickery ; round slice. roncbar, va. to crunch.— vn. to raise welts. roncbdn, m. aug. large welt or swelling. ronda~ /. night patrol ; rounds (by a night watcn), a beat ; clear space between a town and its walls ; last round in a card game ; round of drinks or cigars. rondador, m. patrolman, roundsman, watch- man : rounder, iiight wanderer. rondalla, /V'ftWe, story, tale. rondar, va. &, vn. to patrol, go the rounds ; to walk the streets by night ; to haunt,«> hover about ; to impend ; (mil.) to make the grand rounds. rondel, m. (poet.) rondel. rondeiia, /• popu lar bal J ad of Ron da. rondin, m. round of a corporal on the walls to visit the sentinels ; watchmen in naval arsenals. rondi or rondiz, m. (jewel.) base or face of a precious stone. rond6, m. (mus. ) rondo. rond6n (de), adv. r^hly, suddenly, abrupt- ly ; intrepidly. ronglgata,/. v. rehilandera. ronquear, vn. to be hoarse with cold. ronquedad, /. hoarseness, harshness, rau- city, huskiness. ronquera, ronquez, /. hoarseness. ronquido, m. snore; harsh, raucous sound. ronza, /. (naut.) adrift. ronzal, m. halter ;( naut.) purchase rope. ronzar; vo. to crunch, craunch ; (naut.) to raise or shift with levers. rofia,/. scab (in sheep); crust of filth on per- sons ; bark of pine-trees ; moral infection. rOiLada, /. (naut.) garland; dolphin of a mast. rofleria,/. (coll.) niggardliness, stinginess. rO&OSO, sa, a. scabby, leprous ; dirty, nasty, filthy ; (coll.) mean, niggardly, stingy. ropa, /. dry goods ; stuff, material, fabric ; wearing apparel, clothes, clothing ; costume, dress ; wardrobe, outfit, garments ; robe or gown of office : ropa blanca, linen : ropa de cimara or de levaptar, morning gown : ropa hecha, ready-made clothing: ropa sucla, clothes for the laundry : ropa talar, long, loose gown : ropa vieja, cast-off clothing ; (cook.) boiled meat, afterwards ifried in a pan : k quema ropa, at close range ; sudden- ly, unexpectedly : nadar y gnardar la ropa, to be extra cautious in an undertaking : tentarse la ropa, to consider carefully. ropaje, m. wearing apparel, clothes; robe, gown ; wardrobe, personal outfit ; (art) drapery. ropdliCO, ca, a. (poet.) rhopalic. ropaveleria,/. old-clothes shop. ropavejero, «. fripper, old-clothes man. roperia, /. clothier's trade; store for ready - made clothing; wardrobe, clothes-room, cloak-room ; wardrobe keeper. ropero, ra, w. A/, clothier, dealer in clothes ; wardrobe keeper ; head shepherd, dairy- man: — m. clothes-press, wardrobe, loqker. ropeta, ropilla, /. dim. doublet, close-fit- C (before e, and J as b in hot; h, silent; 32 II in brilliant; S, ny in canyon ; nClnitlal) and rr trilled; ■, biased. BOP 486 BUA tingjacket: d»r una roplIU, to give a friendly reproof. ropita, /. dim. child's clothing. rop6n, m. wide, loose gowc. roque, m. rook, castle (at chess). roqueda, /. roquedal, m. rocky place. roquedO, m. rock, boulder. roqueflo, &a, a. rocky, full of rocks ; hard, flinty : Montaftat B«qae&ai, Rocky Moun- tains. roquero, ra, a. rocky ; built on rocks. roqu^S, a. black (falcon). roqueta,/. turret in a fortress. roquete, m. (eccl.) rochet; barbed spear- head ; (arti.) ramrod, rammer. rorro, m. (coll.) babe in arms. 1*08, w. (mil.) Spanish shako. rosa, /. (bot.) rose ; red spot on any part of the body ; rose diamond ; rosette : rosy or florid aspect ; rose-colour ; flower or saffron ; artificial rose : roia aaatica or d« lot Tientoi, (naut.) traverse board, mariner's compass. rOS&ceo, cea, a. rosaceous, rose-coloured. — /. pi. the rose family. rosada,/. frost, v. bscarcha. rosadelfa,/. (bot.) v. azalea. rosadO, da, a. &pp. rose, crimsoned, flushed ; rosy ; made up with roses : agaa rotada, rose-water : mlel rosada, honey of roses. rosal, m. (bot.) rose-bush. rosariero, m. maker and seller of rosaries. rosario, m. rosary (beads for praying and series of prayers) ; assemblage of people who recite the rosary in procession ; (hyd. ) chain-pump ; (coll. ) backbone : aeabar coiao el rosario de la aurora, to break up in dis- order. rosarse, vr. v. sonrosearse. roabif [roH beef], TO. roast beef. rosea, /. screw and nut ; worm, screw thread ; twist, spiral line or motion ; circular badge of Spanish students ; ring-formed biscuit or loaf of bread ; (naut. ) flake of a cable. r0SC6n, m. aug. large screw ; large circular loaf of bread. rosear, vn. to turn rose-colour. rdseo, sea, o. rosy, roseate. roseola,/, (med.) roseola, rose-rash. rosero, ra, w. &/. collector of saffron flow- ers. roseta, /. dim. small rose ; rosette ; rosy cheek; (metal.) rosette-copper. rosetbn, m. aug. large rosette; (arch.) rose- window ; rosette. rosicler, m. rose-pink; rosct; (min.) ruby silver. roslllo, ilia, a. light red, roan. rosita, /. dim. small rose. rosmarlno, na, a. light red.— m. (hot.) V. ROMERO, rosmaro, m. walrus, rosmarine. roso, sa, a. red, rosy ; threadbare : 4 roao y velloio, without distinction, totallv. rosoli, TO. rossolis, sundew. rosones, m. pi. worms in animals. rosqueado, da, a. twisted. rosquete, ?«. circular cake or biscuit, rosquilla, /. circular fancy cake; vine- fretter. rostrado, da, a. rostrate, rostrlllo, rostral, m. head-dress on images ; small seed pearl. rostrituerto, ta, a. (coll.) showing angry mieu. rostro, m. rostrum, beak of a ship ; bill or beak of a bird ; countenance, haman face ; aspect of affairs : roitro 4 roatro, face to face. rota,/, (mil.) rout, defeat; (naut.) cmirse; (eccl.) rota, Romana ; (bot.) rattan : de rot* or de rota batlda, on a sudden ; with total ruin. rotacibn, /. rotation, ciroumrotation, turn, revolution. rotamente, adv. impudently, barefacedly. rotante, pa. rolling, revolving. rotar, vn. v. rodar. rotativo, va, a. rotary, revolving.—/, rotary printing press. roto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of romper; broken, chipped, shattered ; torn, ragged ; de- stroyed ; leaky, battered, or pierced ; de- bauched, lewd, intemperate. rotonda, / rotunda; rear section of a dili- gence. rdtula, /. (anat.) knee-pan. V. trocisco. rotular, va. to label, ticket, letter, indorse, mark, stamp, inscribe, title. rotulata, /. label, title, mark ; collection of labels or posters. r6tul0, m. label, sign, lettering, mark, in- scription, heading, title; show-bill, poster, show-card, placard: (eccl.) certificate for beatification ; school rota. rotmxda,/. rotunda; (r. w.) round-house. rotundamente, adv. explicitly, categori- cally. rotundldad, /. roundness, rotundity, spher* icity. rotundo, da. a. round, circular, rotund, spherical ; clear, plain, full. rotura,/. rupture, fracture, crack, breakage, smash; (agr.) breaking up ground; (vet.) V. CONTRARROTURA. roturacidn, /. (agr.) breaking up new ground. roturar, va. (agr.) to break up new ground. roya,/. (bot.) rust, mildew, red blight. royo, ya, a. red. V. ROJO. roza, /. (agr. ) stubbing, grubbing up, clear- ing the ground, assart ; ground cleared of brambles. rozadero, m. stubbing-place ; (mech. ) bear- ing-plate, friction-plate. rozado, da, a. & pp. (agr.) stubbed, cleared ; chilled, frapp6 (beverage). rozador, ra, m. &/. stubber, weeder. rozadura, /. friction ; frication ; attrition ; gall, chafing, abrasion ; (bot.) punk-knot. rozagante, a. pompous, showy, trailing on the gronnd (as a gown) ; strapping. rozamiontO, m. friction ; frication ; rub- bing ; clashing. rozar, va. (pret. Rocfi: subj. roce) to stub, grub up, clear the ground, assart ; to nibble the grass, browse ; to scrape or pare off; to gall, to chafe. — vn. to graze, rub against. —it. to interfere (horses' hoofs); to be on inti- mate terms ; to falter, to stammer ; to nave a resemblance or connection with something else ; (naut.) to fret, to gall. roznar, vn. to crunch ; to bray, as an ass. roznido, m. crunching noise ; braying of an ass. rozao, m. little ass. rozo, m. stubbing, weeding ; brushwood. roz^n, m. short and broad scythe. rua, /. village street ; high road. ruiUl, m. linen manufactured at Rouen. ruana, /. (Amer.) V. PONCHO. manete, m. kind of foreign linen. mano, na, a. roan (horses) ; round, circular. ruante, a. walking or riding through the streets. mar, vn. to walk or ride through the streets ; to strut or flirt in the street. % M In far ; m-in eb I ; i in police ; o in for ; a In b«ll ; « (before e, 1) end B m tK In thick ; b and d, eoft; EUB 487 EUM rubefacl6n, /. (med. ) rubefaction. rubefaciente, a. (med.) rubefacient. rubeo, ea, a. ruby, reddish. rubdola, /• (med. ) measles. rubeta,/. toad. rubi, m. ruby ; red colour ; redness of the lips : rabi de Bohemia, rosy quartz : mbi del Brazil, red topaz : rubi espinela, spinel ruby. rubia, /. (bot.) madder; (icht.J small red- coloured river-fish. rubUlceas,/. p/. madder family ; rubiacese nibial, a. reddish (soil or plants) mad- der-field. rubiC^n, a. rubican (horse). rubicela,/. reddish-yellow topaz. nibicundez, /. rubicundity, ruddiness ; ru- bescence. rubicundo, da, a. reddish, rubicund ; gold- en-red ; blonde ; rosy with health. rubidio, m. (chem.) rubidium. rubiflcar, va. to rubify, make red. rubin, rubinejo, m. ruby. v. eubL rublo, bia, a. blonde, golden, fair, ruddy.— m. (icht.) red gurnard. rubidn, a. reddish (a kind of wheat). rublo, m. ruble, Russian silver coin. rubor, m. blush, flush ; shame, bashfulness. ruborizarse, vr. to blush, to flush. ruborosamente, adv. blushingly. ruboroso, sa, a. bashful. rubrica, /. red mark or caption ; mark or flourish added to one's signature; (eccl.) rubric or rules in prayer-books : de ribrlca, according to rules or custom. rubricante, pa. & a. signing, attesting.— TO. junior minister or secretary appointed to sign the proceedings. rubrlcar, va. (pret. RusRiQui: subj. eu- brique) to sign or indorse with one's pe- culiar mark or flourish, without writing the name ; to subscribe, sign, and seal a writing. rubriquista, m. rubrician. rubro, bra, a. red, reddish ; rubric. rue, TO. V. ROCHo. ruclO, Cia, a. light silver gray (horses) ; (coll.) gray ; gray-haired, hoary, — m. don- key. ruchO, TO. donkey. V. polling. ruda, /. ( bot. ) rue. rudamente, adv. rudely, roughly. rudeza, /■ roughness, rudeness, coarseness. rudlmental, «. rudlmental, rudimentary ; embryonic, undeveloped ; elementary, ele- mental. rudimentO, m. rudiment, embryo, germ, element ; vestige. — pi. rudiments, elements. rudo, da, a. rude, rough, unpolished, coarse, churlish ; hard, rigorous, severe ; stupid. rueca, /. distaff for spinning ; twist, wind- ing, (naut.) fish of a mast or yard. rueda, /. wheel ; caster, roller ; circle of per- sons; crowd; round slice (of eatables); tu/n, time, succession; (icht.) sun-fish; rack (a torture) ; hoops for skirts ; spread of a peacock's tail ; three-handed billiard game: raeda del tim6n, (naut.) steering- wheel : hacer la rueda, to cajole, wheedle. ruedecica, cilia, zuela, /. dim. small wheel, caster, roller. ruedo, m. rotation, turn ; circuit ; circum- ferenc*, edge of a wheel or disk ; round plat or mat; rug; (sew.) skirt-lining; bot- tom of a skirt ; valance : k todo ruedo, at all events ; {ind. irr. from RODAR). ruego. m. request, prayer, petition, entreaty, supplication ; {ind. irr. from rogar). ruejO, VI. mill-wheel ; ground-roller. ruellO, TO. (agr.) groundrroller. ruequecilla, /. small distaff. ruflan, m. ruffian ; pimp, pander, ruflancete, m. dim. little ruffian or pinp. ruflanear, va. to play the ruffian ; to pimp. pander, ruflanejo, to. dim. v. rufiancete. ruflaneria, /. ruffianism, v. alcahuete« RtA. rufianesco, ca, a. ruffianly, ruffianish.— :(. ruffianage. nxfO, fa, a. carroty, red-haired ; frizzed, curled. roga, /. wrinkle, corrugation ; fault. rugar, va. to wrinkle. V. arrugar. rugible, a. capable of bellowing or roaring. rugidO, TO. roar ; rumbling in the bowels, rugiente, a. bellowing, roaring, ruginoso, sa, a. rusty. rUgir [roo-heer'J, vn. {ind. RUJO : Subj. RUJA) to roar, bellow ; bawl, howl. — v. impers. to be whispered about, transpire. rugOSidad,/. rugosity. rugOSO, sa, a. rugose, corrugated. ruibarbO, m. (bot.) rhubarb. ruidO, m. noise, clamour, din, clatter ; mur- mur, outcry, uproar ; rumour; report, emp- ty sound or show ; dispute, difference, law- suit. ruidosamente, adv. noisily, loudly. ruidOSO, sa, a. noisy, loud, clamorous, ob- streperous. ruin [roo-een'], a. mean, vile, low, base, des- picable ; little, puny, humble ; decayed ; wicked, malicious ; covetous, niggardly, avaricious ; insidious, treacherous, infa- mous ; vicious (animal). — m. wicked, mean, or vile man ; small nerve in the tail of cats. ruina, /. ruin, decline, downfall, destruction, ravage^ overthrow, fall, perdition.— p/. ruins, debris: batir en ruina, (mil.) to bat- ter in breach. ruinar, va. & vr. to ruin, destroy. V. arrui- NAR. rulndad, /. meanness, baseness, malice; ill turn, base action. ruinmente, adv. basely, meanly. ruinoso, sa, a. worthless, ruinous, baneful, destructive. ruiponce, to. (bot.) v. rap6nchigo. ruipbntico, m. (bot.) rhubarb, pie-plant. ruisellor, wi. (om.) nightingale. rulada, /. heavy shower. rular, vn. to roll. V. rodar. ruleta,/. roulette, game of chance. rulO, m. ball, bowl ; conical stone in oil- mills ; road-roller. rul6, TO. (print.) ink-roller, brayer. rumbadas, /. pi. v. arrumbadas. rumbO, to. rhumb, bearing, course, direction, road, route, way ; (coll.) pomp, ostenta- tion ; liberality, generosity ; (naut.) course ; scuttle ; (her.) rustre. rumbdn, na, a. v. rumboso. rumbosamente, adv. (coll.) pompously, grandly, liberally. nunbosb, sa, a. pompous, magnificent, splen- did, liberal. rumia, /. rumination, chewing the cud. rumiador, ra, m. &f.&a. ruminator ; rumi- nant. rumiadura, /. rumination. runxiante, pa. & a. &m. ruminant ; musing. —pi. Rurainantia. rumiar, va. to ruminate ; to muse, meditate. ruinldn, na, a. ruminating much. rumo, TO. (coop.) first hoop of a cask. f (before e, 1) and J m h in hot ; h, Bllent ; U la brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon : r (inlUal) and rr triBed : f , BUM 488 SAB rumor, m. rumour, report, hearsay ; sound of voices; murmur, nimorcico, illo, ito, m. dim. flying report. rumorOSO, sa, a. causing rumour. runa, /. rune, runic character, runfla, runflada, /. (coll. ) series of things. rtinico, ca, runo, na, a. runic, runrun, ?«. (coll.) rumour, report. ru&a, rufladura,/. (coop.) croze. mfladera,/- cooper's crozer. ruflar, va. (coop.) to croze. rupia,/. rupee, silver coin ; (med.) rupia. rupicabra, /. chamois-goat. ruptura,/. rupture. ruqueta, /. (hot.) V. jaramago. rural, a. rural, country, rustic. ruralmente, adv. rurally. rus, m. (hot.) sumach. V. zumaque. rUBCO, m. (hot.) kneeholly, butcher' s-broom. rusel, m. kind of woollen serge. rusiente, «. turning red-hot. ruso, sa, a. & m. &/. Russian. rusticaci6n, /. rustication. rustical, a. rustical, rural, wiMv k^ .iu;, .- a rusticamente, adv. rustically,. rudely. rustlcano, na, a. wild (said of plants). rusticar, vn. {pret. RUSTiQUfi; subj. RUS- TiQUE) to rusticate. rusticldad, /. rusticity, simplicity ; rude- ness, clumsiness. rtlStiCO, ca, a. rustic, rural ; coarse, clumsy ; unmannerly, clownish: k la or en rnstica, (b. b. ) in paper covers, unbound. — m. rustic, peasant, country clown. rustlquez, rustiqueza,/. rusticity. rustrir, va. to toast bread ; to fry. rustro, m. (her.) rustre. ruta,/. route, itinerary, way. rut^ceo, a, a. (bot.) rutaceous. rutenio. »t. (chem.) ruthenium, rutilanie, a. sparkling, brilliant, flashing. rutilar, vn. (poet.) to twinkle, sparkle, glit- ter, shine. mtilO, la, a. shining red ; sparkling. rutina,/. routine, custom, habit, rut. rutlnario, rla, a. routinary. — m. routinist. rutinero, ra, a. routinist. ruzafa [roo-thah'-fah],/. garden, park. 8 [»y'-«ay], twenty-second letter of the Spanish alphabet ; it has always a sharp, hissing sound, like u in English ; but is never doubled : 8. is a contraction for Seiior. Mr. or Sir : Santo, Saint : Snd or Snr, Soutn : S. 8. 8., in legnro Bflrvidor, your faithful serv- ant. skbado, m. Saturday ; Sabbath among the Jews. sabalar, m. net for catching shad. sabalera,/. fire-grate in furnaces. sabalero, m. shad-fisher. sabSLlO, m. (icht.) shad. S^bana, /. sheet (for a bed); altar-cloth: pegiTMle 4 nno las libanai, to rise late. sabana,/. (Amer.) level land, plain. sabandija, /. small nasty insect or reptile, vermin. sabandijuela, /. dim. very small insect, vermin. sabanear, va. (Amer.) to scour the plain. Babanero, ra, a. & m. & f. dweller on the plains • pertaining to a savannah.— nt. (orn.) bird resembling the starling. Baoanilla, /. dim. small sheet or piece of linen ; altar-K:loth ; napkin ; kerchief wora on the head. sabaiL6ll, m. chilblain : comer como an ia> bafion, to eat greedily, devour. SabatariO, a. Sabbatarian. sab6.tiC0, ca, a. Sabbatical. sabatlna, ./*■ (eccl.) Saturday; mass; Satur*^ day exercise in colleges, sabatino, Ija, «. belonging to Saturday. sabedor, ra, m. &f. one who knows. sabeismo, m. Sabaism, Sabianism. sabellano, na, a. & n. Sabellian. sabelianismo, m. Sabellianism. sab^Uco, ca, a. pertaining to the Sabines or Samnites. sabeo, bea, a. Sabsean, Arabian, of Sheba. saber, va. {Ind. s± -. pret. SUPE : fut. sabr£ : subj. skpa) to know, be cognizant of; t« master ; to be able to, know how to, can, as sabe cantar, he can sing; to be acquainted, conversant, or familiar with a subject. — vn. to be very sagacious and prudent : saber i, to relish, savour, taste, as sabe k limdn, it tastes of lemon : 4 saber, viz., to wit, that is : hacer saber, to make known, to communi- cate : iqni^nsabel perhaps; who knows? saber, m. learning, knowledge, lore. sablamente, adv. wisely, knowingly, learn- edly, sagely, sabiCU, m. (Cuba) (bot.) sabica, horse-flesk mahogany. sabldillO, Ua, a. &m. &f. dim. little pedant, sabldo, da, a. &pp. learned, well-informed, sabiduria, /. learning, knowledge, wisdom, sapience. sabiendas (S,), adv. knowingly, consciously. sablente,^a. sapient, knowing. sabihondez, /. (coll.) false assumption of knowledge. sabibondo, da, a. (coll.) one who pretends- great learning. sabina,/. (bot.) savin or sabine, sabinar, m. clump of sabines. sabino, na, a. sabine; roan (horses), sabio, bia, a. sage, wise, learned, sapient, knowing ; cunning, — m. & /, a sage, wise person, sablaZO, m. stroke with or wound from a sabre; (coll.) act of borrowing from or sponging a person. sable, m. sabre, cutlass ; (her.) sable, black. sablista, m. (coll.) sponger, one who aska petty loans. sabl6n, m. coarse sand, gravel. , saboga,/. (icht.) species of shad. ^ sabogal, m. net for catching shad. saboneta,/. hunting-case watch. sabor, m. relish, taste, savour, smack , fla- vour, dash, zest: 4 sabor, at pleasure.— ^/^ round knobs on the bit of a bridle. saboreamientO, m. relish, relishing. saborclco, illo, ito, saborete, m. dim. oi SABOR, saborear, va. to flavour, give a relish or zest ; to interest, caiole, wheedle, — va. & vr. to relish, enjoy, find delicious, be pleased or delighted. saboyana,/. open skirt; delicious pie, saboyano,'na, a. Savoyard, sabrosamente, adv. deliciou.sly. sabrosico, ica, illo, ilia, ito, ita, a. dim, rather tasty. sabroso, sa, a. savoury, tasty, palatable, de- licious ; pleasant, deligntful ; salted, saltish, sabucal or sabUgal, m. clump of willows. sabuco or sabugo, m. v. saOcc. sabueso, m. hound, bloodhound, beagle, harebound, foxhound. ft M in Car : • la eh t ; i in police : .^ in for ; « In boll ; e (before e, i) and s aa th ia thick ; b and 4, soft; SAB 489 SAC sabulO, m. gravel, coarse sand. ^abulOSO, sa, a. sabulous, gritty, sandy, gravelly. saburra, /. (med. ) saburra, gastric sordes. saburral, a. (med.) saburral. saburroso, sa, «. indicating a foul stomach. saca, /. drawing out, exportation, extraction, large bag or sack of coarse stuff; first au- thorized register of a sale ; first certified copy of a document issued by a notary : estar de saca, to be on sale ; (coll. ) to be mar- riageable. sacaoala,/. (surg.) alphonsin. sacabalas, m. (arti.) bullet-screw, ball-ex- tractor. lacabocado, sacabocados, m. hollow punch, ticket-punch. «acabOtas, m. bootjack. sacabrocas, m. tack-claw, tack-puller. ^acabucbe, m. (naut.) pumping tube or pipe; (mus.) sackbut ; player on the sack- but; nincompoop. «acacorcllOS, m. corkscrew. sacada, /. district separated from a prov- ince. sacadllla, /. noise made to rouse game. sacadlnero, sacadineros, m. (coll.) catch- penny. 4acad6r, ra, m. &/. drawer, extractor, ex- porter. sacadura, /. (sew.) sloping cut. sacafil^sticas,/. (arti.) priming-wir.e. sacalifla,/. v. garrocha. v. socalina. sacamancbas, m. or/, cleaner, scourer. sacamantas, m. (coll.) tax-collector. sacamientO, m. taking or drawing out. sacamolero, sacamuelas, m. tooth-drawer, dentist. BacaiiabO, m. (naut.) pump-hook. sacanete, m. lansquenet, game at cards. sacapelotas, m. bullet-screw. sacapotras, m. (coll.) bad surgeon. sacar, va. ( pret. SAQui : subj. saque) to ex- tract, draw, draw out, remove, take out, take off, pick out, pull out ; to dispossess, put out ; to except or exclude ; to manu- facture, produce, invent, bring out ; to put forth, bring forth ; to imitate, copy, take off; to clear, free, place in safety; to find out, investigate, discover; to make out, solve, interpret ; to eradicate, take, extort, sack ; to get, obtain, attain ; to show, ex- hibit, manifest, lay out; to excite passion or anger ; to lose the judgment ; to deduce, infer ; to ballot, draw lots, elect by ballot ; to draw a lottery prize ; to gain at play ; in the game of pelota, to hit the ball on its re- bound ; to transcribe, make a note or copy ; to draw or unsheath (as a sword) ; to cite, name, quote: lacar de pila, to become spon- sor at baptism : sacar en claro or en limpio, to clear up all doubts, find out, come to a con- clusion : sacar i luz, to print, publish ; to mention or bring out : sacar k la vergnenza, to put a criminal in the pillory ; to bring shame upon one : sacar apodos, to call nick- names: sacar el pecho, to stand up in de- fence of a person : sacar de madre or de qulcio, to make one lose patience : sacar la cara, to present one's self as an interested party : sacar la cara por otro, V. CARA. sacarino, na, a. saccharine.—/, (chem.) sac- charin. sacasillas, m. (coll.) V. metemuektos. sacarimetro, sacardmetro, m. sacchari- meter. Bacatapdn, m. corkscrew ; bung-drawer. sacate, m. (Mex.) grass, herb; hay. sacatrapos, m. (arti.) wad-hook, wormer, swab, wiper. sacerdocio, m. priesthood, ministry. sacerdotal, a. sacerdotal, ministerial. sacerdote, m. priest, clergyman, minister. sacerdotisa,/. priestess. saciable, a. satiable. saciar, la. to satiate, cloy ; to gratify desire. saciedad,/. satiety. sacifla,/. (hot.) kind of willow. saclo, a, a. satiate, satiated. saco, rn. sack, bag; sackful, bagful ; meas- ure ; (tail.) sack, sacque, sack-coat ; Roman sagura ; in the game of pelota, V. saque ; (mil.) pillage, sack, plunder. V. saqueo : & saco, sacking, plundering : aaco de noche, hand-bag, valise, carpet-bag. sacra,/, (eccl.) sacring tablet. sacramentadO, da, pp. & a. (eccL) tran- substantiated ; having received the last sac- raments. sacramental, a. sacramental. — m. &f. indi- vidual or confraternity destined to the wor- ship of the sacrament of the altar. sacramentalmente, adv. sacramentally ; in confession. sacramentar, va. (eccl.) to administer the sacraments. — vr. to transubstantiate Christ into the eucharist. sacramentario, ria, m. & f. sacramen- tarian. •sacramente, adv. v. sagradamente. Sacramento, m. (eccl.) sacrament; Christ transubstantiated in the host: aacramento del altar, the eucharist. . ^..- sacratisimo, ma, a. sup. of sagrado. ^* sacre, m. (cm.) saker; small cannon. sacrlficadero, m. place where a sacrifice is performed. sacrificador, m. sacrificer, sacrificator. sacrificante, pa. & a. sacrificing, hazarding, sacrifical, sacrificatory. sacrificar, ra. ( pret. SACRIFIQU6 : subj. sa- crifique) to sacrifice. — vr. to devote one's self to God ; to submit, yield. sacrificio, m. sacrifice, offering ; submission : sacrificio del altar, sacrifice of the mass : sa- crificio propiciatorio, peace-offering. sacrilegamente, m. sacrilegiously. sacrilegiO, Jn. sacrilege. sacrilego, ga, «. sacrilegious. sacrismocne, cbo, m. in jocular style, a man in a ragged black coat. sacrist&n or sacrista, m. sacrist, sacristan, sexton, clerk ; hoop-skirt, bustle. Bacristana, /. sacristan or sexton's wife ; nun in charge of the sacristy. sacristanejo,:^- dim. little sacristan. sacristania, /. oflBce of a sexton. sacristia, /. sacristy, vestry ; office of a sacristan or sexton. sacro, era, o. holy, sacred. V. sagrado: fuego sacro, St. Anthony's fire, erysipelas : hueso sacro, (anat.) sacrum. sacrosantl)^,. ta, a. sacred, sacrosanct. fiacudida. '/. shake, jerk. sacudldamente, adv. rejectingly. sacudido, da, «. & pp. harsh, indocile, in- tractable ; unembarrassed, determined. sacudidor, »<. shaker; beater. sacudldura, /. shaking, dusting, cleansing. sacudimlentO, »*. shake, shock, jerk, jolt. sacudir, va. to shake, jolt, jerk, shock ; to beat, spank, drub ; to dart, throw off, dis- charge, shake off. — vn. (naut.) to flap (sails) — vr. to reject, drive away, shake off. sacbadura, /. hoeing, weeding. sachar, va. (agr.) to weed. g (before e, i) and J m h in hot ; h, sileot ; U in brilliant ; ft, ny in eanyan ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; a, SAC 490 SAL sacho, m. weeder, weeding-tool. saduceo, ea, a. Sadducean, — m. Sadducee. saeta, /. arrow, dart, shaft ; cock of a sun- dial, gnomon ; hand of a watch or clock ; magnetic needle; bud of a vine; (ast.) Sagitta, the Arrow.— p/. pious ejaculations. saeUlda, /. saetazo, m. cast of an arrow ; arrow-wound. saetear, va. V. asaetkab. saetero, ra, a. relating to arrows : panal laetero, honey-comb made across the hive, — m. archer, bowman, dartman.— /. loop- hole ; small grated window in prisons. saeti, m. kind of sateen. saetia, /• (naut.) settee; vessel with lateen saids : loophole. saetilla, /. dim. small arrow or dart ; small magnetic needle ; hand of a watch ; moral sentence; (hot.) sagittaria. saetin, m. mill-race, mill-run, sluice, flume ; brad, peg, pin, tack ; sateen or satine. saet6n, »». aart for shooting rabbits. safiCO, ca, a. (poet.) sapphic. saga,/, witch; saga (legend). sagacidad, /. sagacity, sagaciousness, pene- tration. sagapeno, m. sagapenum (gum). sagati, in. sagathy ; farmer's satin. sagaz iBah-Kath'j, a. sagacious ; quick of scent (dogs) ; discerning, far-sighted, far-seeing, prescient, keen-witted. sagazmente, adv. sagaciously. sagita,/. (geom.) sagitta. sagital, a. sagittal, sagittated. sagltaria, /. (bot. ) sagittaria, arrow-head. sagitario, m. dartman, archer; (ast.) Sagit- tarius, the Archer. sago, m. loose, wide great-coat. V. sayo. S&goma, /. (arch.) pattern, reglet, rule. sa^radamente, adv. sacredly, inviolably, re- ligiously. sagrado, da, a. sacred, consecrated ; vener- able, holy ; (obs.) incurable, cursed, execra- ble.— m. asylum, haven of refuge, place of safety. sa^ariO, m. sacrarium ; (eccl. ) ciborium or cibory. sagu, rn. sago (farinaceous food). s&gula, /. small frock, V. sayuelo. sanina,/. v. zahina. sahomarse, vr. to chafe, be excoriated. sahorno, m. chafe, chating, excoriation. sahumado, da, a. <& pp. fumigated ; bettered, improved. sahxunador, m. perfumer ; perfuming-pot. sahumadura,/, perfuming; (naut.) fumiga- tion. sahumar, va. to perfume ; to fumigate, smoke, fume. sahuinerio, sahmno, m. smoke, vapour, steam, fume ; fumigation, fuming. sain, m. grease or fat, fatness ; sardine fat used as burning oil ; greasiness on clothes. sainar, va. to fatten animals. salnete, «♦. (theat.) one-act farce; flavour, relish, zest; seasoning sauce; delicious tit- bit ; delicacy ; anything nice and choice ; taste or elegance in dress. sainetear, vn. to act farces. sainetero, m. writer of farces. saino, m. (S. Am.) kind of boar. saJa, sajadura /• (rorg.) scarification. saga4or, m. bleeder, scarifier. saqar, va. to scarify. sajelar, va. among potters, to sift and clean tne clay. sai6ii, na, a. Saxon. sal,/- salt ; wit, facetiousness, grace, winning manners; (chem.) salt: echar en lal, to re* serve for another occasion : aal gema, piedra or de comp&B, rock salt, culinary salt : sal de higuera, Epsom salts. sala,/- drawing-room, parlour, hall ; court ol justice ; tribunal : hac«r sala, to form a quo- rum in a tribunal. salacidad, /. salacity, lechery, lust. salacot, m. (Philip.) helmet-like solar hat. saladamente, adv. (coll.) wittily, facetious- ly ; saltly. saladar, m. salt-marsh. saladero, m. salting-place, saltiug-tub. saladlllO, m. dim. fresh bacon half-salted. salado, da, a. & pp. salted, salty, saltish ; briny, brackish ; witty, facetious'; graceful winsome. — m. (bot.) saltwort; saline land. salador, ra, m. &/. salter, curer. — m. V. sa- ladero. saladura, /, salting, curing; salted provi- sions. salamandra, /. salamander; fire-sprite; anything fire-proof. salamandria, salamanquesa, /. star-iiz- ard, stellion. salangana,/. (om.) swift, esculent swallow. salar, va. to salt, to season or preserve with salt, to cure or corn (meat) ; to brine. salariar, va. to give a salary or wages. salario, m. wages, salary, hire, pay, stipend. salaz, a. salacious, lustful. salazbn, /, seasoning, salting ; salted meats or fish. salbadera,/. sand-box, pounce-box. sal'banda,/. (min.) selvage. salce, 7«. (bot.) willow. V. SAUCE. salceda. /, salcedo, m. salicetum, willow- garden. salcereta, /. dice-box. salchicha, /. sausage ; (fort.) long fascine: (arti. ) saucisse, long fuse. salcMclieria, /. shop in which sausages are sold, salchlcliero, ra, m. & f. maker or seller of sausages. 8alclLich6n, m. aug. large sausage; (fort.) large fascine. saldado, da, pp. & a. paid, settled, balanced. saldar, va. (com.) to settle, liquidate, bal- ance. saldo, m. (com.) balance; settlement; bar- gain-sale. saledizo, za, a. salient. — m. V. salidizo. salegar, m. salt-lick. salema,/. (icht.) gilt-head. V. salpa. salep, »j. salep or salop root. salera, /. saltcat in a salt-lick ; salt-mine. salero, m. salt-cellar ; salt-pan ; magazine ol salt; salt-lick; (coll.) gracefulness, win- ning ways. saleroso, sa, a. (coll.) witty ; graceful, win- some. saleta, /. dim. small hall ; royal antecham» ber ; court of appeal. salgada, salgadera,/. (bot.) v. orzaoa. salgo, saiga, saldr6 (irr. from sALiR). salgar, va. to feed salt to cattle. salguera, /. salgruero, m. (hot.) osier, wiU low. salicaria, /. (hot.) salicaceous shrub. salicilatO, m. (chem.) salicylate. sallciliCO, ca, a. (chem.) sa'licylic. salicina/ (chem.) salicin. sallcineo, a, a. (bot.) salicaceous. sUiCO, ca, a. Salic : ley ailica, Salic law. salicor,/. (bot.) prickly saltwort. sallda,/. start, setting or going out, depart, ure, exit : outset, outlet, outgate ; way out. a M in fte ; • In akl ; i in police ; o in for ; n in buJl; c (befor* «, 1) and s m th in tlilek ; b aad d, aoft; SAL 491 SAL. egress ; environs of a town ; issue, result, conclusion ; projection, prominence; (com.) 3alableness ; expenditure, outlay ; loop- hole, subterfuge, pretext ; means or reasons by which an argument, diflSculty, or peril is overcome; (naut.) headway; (rail.) sally, sortie : paerta de salida, sallyport. salidlZO, m. (arch.) F. saledizo. salido, da, a. &.pp. gone out, departed ; pro- jecting, prominent: salida, in heat, eager for the male. Sallente, a. <& pa. outjutting, salient, pro- jecting. Salifero, ra, a. salt-bearing. salificable, a. salifiable. .salin, m. salt magazine. lalinero, m. salter, salt-maker, salt-dealer. Sallno, na, CI. saline.—/, salt-pit, salt-pan, salt-works, salt-mine. . . lalir, vn. {ind. salgo : fut. saldrS : subj. salga) to go out ; ;to depart, leave, quit, set out, march out, go forth, go away, go abroad ; to get out ; to come out, come forth ; to appear, show up ; to disappear, come off (as a stain) ; to rise (as the sun) ; lo shoot, spring; to grow- to proceed, is- sue from ; to get over difficulties, escape from danger ; to extricate one's self from errors or doubts ; to stand out, project, jut out ; to start ^in a game, dance, etc.) ; to be the first to play ; to sell out, dispose of; to be issued or published ; to result, be the outcome ; to be drawn (as in a lottery) ; to be elected (by ballot) ; to cost, come to ; to lead to, open to; (naut.) to exceed, to ex- cel, to pass another vessel in sailing: to happen, occur, as lo que Baliere, (coll.) happen "What will ; to perform or finish (well or 111) ; to correspond or imply ; to complete a jalculation ; (mil.) to sally, to issue out ; to tcquire ; to become ; to grow common or Vulgar ; to say or do a thing unexpectedly »r unseasonably ; to resemble, appear like ; f.o separate, retire, desist; (theat.) to en- ter : Balir de sua casiUai, to lose one's tem- per : salir de alguno, to get rid of a person : *1 salio herido, he came out wounded : »alir de la diftcnitad, to extricate one's self from a difficulty : hacer lalir los colorei al roatro, to put one to blush. — vr. engagements ; to drop, leak, overflow : salirse con la inya, to accomplish one's end, to have one's way : «allr 4 la padre, to resemble one's father : •alir de in padre, to be released from pa- ternal guardianship: salir con blen, to be successful. Ballslp&n, m. (Philip.) swift boat like the panca. ffalitrado, da, a. impregnated with salt- petre. :£ialitral, a. nitrous. — m. saltpetre bed or works. salitre, m. saltpetre, nitre. salitreria, /. saltpetre-works, salitrero, ra, a. saltpetre-refiner, dealer in saltpetre. salitroso, sa, a. nitrous, salinitrous. saliva,/, saliva, spittle. salivaclbn, /. salivation, spitting out. sallval, a. salivous, salivary. Sallvar, vn. to spit ; to salivate. salivera, /. round knob on the bits of a bridle. saliVOSO, sa, a. salivous. salma,/. ton, twenty hundred-weight. salmantine, na, a. of or relating to Sala- manca. salmear, salmodiar, va. to sing psalms. salmer, m. (arch.) impost of an arch, salmerbn, a. fanfarrou wheat, salmlsta, m. psalmist ; chanter of psalms, salmo, m. psalm. salmodia,/. psalmody; (eccl.) psalter. Salmdn, m. (icht. ) salmon: salmbn peque&o. samlet, parr : salmdn zancado, kelt. salmonado, da, a. tasting like salmon, salmonclllo, ItO, m. dim. samlet, parr, salmonete, m. (icht.) surmullet. salmorejo, m. sauce for rabbits. salmuera, /. brine ; pickle. salmuerarse, vr. to be diseased by eating too much salt (cattle). salobral, a. saltyj briny. — m. saline ground. salol>re, a. brackish, briny, saltish. salobreftO, &a, a. saltish, saline (ground), salol, w. (chem.) salol. saloma,/. (naut.) chantey. salomar, vn. (nant.) to sing chanteys. salom6lUCO, ca, a. Salomon ic : colnmna salo- monici , (arch.) twisted column. sal6zi, m. aug. saloon, salon, large hall or parlour ; assembly room ; salted and cured meat or fish. salpa,/. (icht.) gilt-head, salpa, bighead. - salpicadura,/. splash, spatter, spattering, salplcar, ra. {pret. salpique : subj. salpi- que) to spatter, bespatter, sprinkle, splash ; to jump from one subject to another. salpicbn, m. salmagundi ; farcing ; medley ; bespattering. salpimentar, va. {ind. salpimiento : subj. salpimiente) to season with pepper and salt, salpimienta, /. salt and pepper, salpresar, va. (pp. salpresado, salpreso) to salt, preserve with salt. salpulliao, m. (med.) rash, salpullir, va. (mcd.) to break out. salsa,/, (cook.) saUce, dressing, gravy, con- diment : salsa de San Bernardo, (coll.) hun- . ger. ssusedtunbre,/. saltiness, saltness. salsera,/. sauce, tureen, gravy-dish. salsereta, rllla, ruela,/. dim. small saucer dice-box. salserO, m. (hot.) Lpanish thyme, salslfl, m. (hot.) salsify, oyster-plant. salSOl.4ceO, a, a. (bot.) salsolaceous.— /. p/. saltabancot saltabancos, m. mounte- bank, quack ; trifler. saltabardales, m. (coll.) romp, a wild youth. SsiltabarrancOS, m. (coll.) noisy, turbulent . fellow. $altaca1)allO (en), adv. (arch.) lapping over. saltacidn,/. leaping* dancing, dance. saltacharquillOS, m. youth walking with springy rtep. saltadero, m. leaping-place ; artificial foun- tain, a jet. saltadiZO, za, a. snapping, breaking. saltador, ra, m. & /. springer, jumper, leaper; hoppier. saltadura,/. break of a stone when hewing it. saltaembaneo, m. V. saltabanco. saltamOBtes, m. locnst, grasshopper, saltante, pa. springing, leaping, jumping ; salient. saltaoJOS, m. (bot.) kind of peony. saltaparedes, m. V. saltabardales. saltar, vn. to leap, spring, jump, hop; to frisk, skip ; to bound, rebound ; to daah out (as a geyser) ; to snap, burst, part, S (before e, 1) «Dd J as b in hot; h, silent : 11 in brilliant : &, ny in canyon ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; ■, SAL 492 SAM break in pieces; to fly aaunder, crack, flash ; to come off (as a button) ; to be clear and obvious ; to come to the mind ; to startle, betray emotion ; (naut.) to chop about, shift, change suddenly (the wind) : saltar ea tierrft, to land, debark: saltar de gow), to be highly delighted.— tu. to leap or jump over ; to skip ; to cover the female (^ animals). saltaxelO, m. ancient Spanish dance. saltar^n, m. tune on the guitar ; grasshop- per. saltaxin, na, m. &/. dancer, dancing-mas- ter ; restless young rake. saltarregla, /. bevel-square, sliding-rule. saltaterandate, m. kiad^ of embroidery. saltatras, >n. or/. V. tok:*a,t5as. . saltatriz,/. ballet-girl; dans«|)p; salteador, m. highwayman, looipi pad; salteadora, f. female footpad.^.- salteamientO, m. assault, highway robbery. saltear, va. to assault, attack ; to rob on the liighway ; to hold up ; to fly from one work to another without continuity ; to forestall ; to surprise, take by surprise. Balteo, m. assault ; highway robbery. . salterlO, m. psalter, psalm-book ; rosary ; (mus.) psaltery. saltero, ra, a. highlander. saltiCO, ItO, illO, rn. dim. a little hop or leap. saltimbanco, banqui, m. V. saltabanco. salto, m. spring, jump, leap, bound ; leaping- place ; sudden transition ; skip, omission, gap, hiatus ; promotion to a higher post without passing through the intervening: ■alto de agua, waterfall, falls^iaaiavaeti lalto de maU, flight for fear of punishment : lalto ^e tracha, tumbling : salto mortal, somerset ; ■alto de viento, (naut.) sudden shifting of the wind : 4 saltos, leaping by hops : de ■al- to, on a sudden : de on ealto,.' at one jump : por ■alto, irregularly, by turns : & salto^ y corcoTO^, (coll.) by fits and starts: dap nn •alto, to make a spring over. - . saltdn, na, a. hopping or Jeaping much : ojos ■altone^, goggle-eyes. — m. grassJnopper. salub^rrlmo, ma, a. super. moirt»i»aiubrious. salubre, a. salubrious. V. saludable. salubridad, /. healthfulness, salubrity, salu- tariness, wholesoraeness. salud,/. health; goto send greetings or compliments ; to fire a sa- lute; to proclaim a king or emperor; to apply nostrums ; (naut.) to dip the flag. saludo, m. bow, salute, salutation, greeting ; (mil.) salute: volrer el salado, to return the salute or bow: salado 4 la roz, (naut.) ••beers, hurrahs. salumbre, /. flower of salt. salutacl6n, /. salutation, greeting, salute, J)ow ; exordium of a sermon ; Ave Maria. salute, m. ancient gold coin. salutiferamente, adv. salubriously, salutlfero, ra, a. salutiferous, healthful, salubrious. salva, /. (arti.) salvo; salver, tray; ordeal; oath, solemn promise, assurance ; pregus- tation. salvacidn, /. salvation ; deliverance. salTacbia,/. (naut.) selvagee-strap, salvadO, pp. &. m. bran. Salvador, ra, »'. 4 /. saviour, rescuer, re- deemer : el Salvador or el Salvador del mando, our Saviour, our Redeemer. salvadore&O, Ha, a. & m. &./. of or belonging to Salvador (C. Am.). salvaguardia, m. safeguard, security, pro- tection, shield of friendship, palladium ; guard, watchman.—/, safe-conduct, pass- port. salva^ada, /. brutal action. salvaje, a. savage, barbarous (men) ; wild (plants) ; wild, ferocious (beasts) ; rough, wild (country). — m. a savage. salvajemente, adv. savagely, wildly. salvajeria,/. brutal action ; savageness. salvajez [sai-vah-heth';,/. savageness. salvajina, /. wild beast ; multitude of wild animals ; collection of skins of wild beasts. salvajino, na, a. savage, wild, untamed ; gamy (meat). SSLiyaJisniO, m. barbarism, savagery ; sav- agedom. salvajnelo, la, m. & /. little savage. salvamente, adv. securely, safely. salvamento, salvamiehto, »'«. salvage ^ safety, place of safety ; salvation : derecboa de salTamento, (law) salvage. galvante, pa. saving, excepting. — adv. (coH.) save. salvar, fa. {pp. salvado, salvo) to save, free from danger; to receive into eternal happiness; (naut.) to salve, to save; to avoid (a danger) ; to overcome (a diffi- culty) ; to go over, pass over, jump over (a ditch, creek, etc.) ; to make allowance for, excuse, make an exception of ; to prove ju- dicially the innocence of a person. — vn. to taste, to prove the food or drink of nobles — vr. to escape from danger ; to attain sal- vation. salvavidas, m. life-preserver: bote salvavl* das, (naut.) life-boat. j salve ! interj. hail ! (eccl.) Salve Regina. salvedad, /. excuse, reservation, exception. salvia,/, (hot.) sage. sal villa, /. salver, glass-rack, tray, waiter. salvo, vat, pp. irr. of SALVAB ; saved ; ex- cepted, omitted. salvo, adv. save, saving, excepting, barring: salvo el gaante, excuse the glove : 4 salvo without injury or diminution : oa salvo, safe, with safely. -salvocondactO, m. pa.<«s. safe-conduct, pass* port ; license or permission. salvohonor, m. (coll.) breech, buttocks. salladura,/. (agr.) weeding. sallar, va. (agr.) to weed. sallete, m. (agr.) weeder, weeding-tooL SJunagO, m. sap-rot, dry-rot. sam^, m. (hot.) genisaro, rain-tree. simara,/. (bot.) samara. samaritano, na, a. &m.& f. Samaritan. samamguera, /. fishing-net placed across streams. sambenitar, va. to make infamous, to dis- honour publicly. sambeniio, m. garment worn by penitent convicts of the Inquisition ; placard in churches, containing names of penitents and their penance ; note of infamy ; dis- grace. samblaje, m. joinery. V. ensambladura. a u in far ; • in ok I ; 1 In police ; • In Mr ; « In boil ; c (.before e, Ij «nd i m tb in tblck ; b and 4, soft' SAM 493 SAN sambuca, /. (mus.) sambuca; (mil.) sam- buca. sambumbia, /. (Cuba) fermented drink made from cane-juice, water, and peppers ; (Peru) hubbub, confusion. sambumbieria,/. place where sambambla is made and sold. sampagruita, /• tropical flower resembling the jasmine. sampsuco, m. (bet.) marjoram. samuga, /. mule-chair. San, «. {contr. of santo) saint ; used always in the masculine gender and before the name. V. sajjto. sanable, «. curable, healable, sanable. sanador, ra, m. &f. curer, healer. sanalOtOdO, m. cure-all, catholicon, pan- acea. sanamente, adv. sanely ; sincerely. sanar, va. to heal, cure, restore to health. — vn. to heal, to recover from sickness. sanativo, va, a. sanative, curative. sanatoriO, «». sanatorium, sanitarium, sancidn, /. sanction, ratitication ; (law) sanction. sancionar, va. to sanction, ratify, authorize. sancocbar, va. (cook.) to parboil. sancocbO, m. (Amer.) dish composed of yucca, meat, plantains, etc. saincta, /«. fore part of the tabernacle. sanctasanctdnun, m. sanctum sanctorum. sanctdnim, m. (Philip.) tribute to the church. sanctus, m. (eccl.) Sanctus, Trisagioa. sancbete, m. ancient silver coin. sandalia, /. sandal. sandalino, na, a. pertaining to sandal-wood. S^dillO, m. (bot. ) bergamot mint; sandal- wood or Sanders. sandkraca, /. (min.) sandaracb, realgar; sandarach (gum). sandez, /. folly, simplicity, inanity. sandia, /. (bot.) watermelon. sandiarj m. watermelon-patch. sandiO, dia, a. foolish, nonsensical, inane. sandunga, /. (coll.) gracefulness, elegance; wiusoineness, allurement, fascination. sandunguero, ra, a. (coll.) winsome, grace- ful, alluring, fascinating. saneado, da, pp. & a. drained, free, clear, unencumbered. saneamlento, m. (law) security, surety, bail, guarantee ; indemnification, repara- tion ; drainage. sanear, va. to give security, to give bail ; (law) to indemnify; to save harmless; to drain, improve lands. sanedrin, m. Sanhedrim. sanes, m. pi. por vida de sanei, a minced oath. sanfrancia, ./*■ (coll.) quarrel, dispute, row. sangley, m. (Philip.) Chinese trader. sangradera. /. (surg.) lancet; basin (for blood) ; lock, sluice, drain. sangrador, m. pblebotomist, blood-letter; outlet. sangradura,/. (surg.) bleeding; bend of the arm opposite the elbow ; draining, drain, drainage. sangrar, va. (surg.) to bleed; to drain; (coll.) to extort or borrow money ; (print.) to indent. — vn. to bleed.— rr. to be bled. sangraza,/. corrupt or filthy blood. sangre, /. blood ; gore ; race, family, kindred : i sangre fria, in cold blood : k sangre y faego, without mercy, by fire and sword : sangre de drago, dragon's-blood : sangre aznl, blue blood, nobility. Sangria, /. (surg.) bleeding, blood-letting j present made to a person who bleeds ; drain, drainage; pilfering, pilferage; sangaree,* inside of the forearm ; (print.) indenting a liue. sangrientamente, adv. bloodily, cruelly. sangriento, ta, a. bloody, blood-stained, gory ; cruel, sanguinary, bloodthirstv. sanguaza, /. serous blood ; reddish £uid of vegetables. SangiieflO [sau-goo-ay'-nyo], TO. (bot.) wild COr- nel. sanguesa, /. raspberry. sangUesO, m. (bot.) raspberry-bush. SangUiferO, ra [san-gee-fay'-ro], a. sanguifer- ous. sangiiificacibn,/. (med.) sanguification. SangUifiCar [san-gee-fe-car'j, va. tO sanguify, t« make blood. SangUiJuela [san-gee-hoo-ay'-lah], /. leech ; sharper, a cheat. SangUinaria [san-gee-nah'-re-ah], /. (bot.) blood- root ; knot-grass ; (min. ) bloodstone, hema- tite. sanguinariamente, adv. sanguinarily. sangulnario, ria, a. sanguinary, cruel bloody, bloodthirsty. sanguineo, nea, sanguino, na, a. san- guine, red, blood-colour ; sanguineous, ruddy. sanguinolencia,/. bloodiness. sanguinolento, ta, a. bloody, bloodied. sangUlnOSO, sa, a. sanguine, sanguineous ; bloody, sanguinary, cruel, 8angUlfi.lielO, m. (bot.) wild cornel. S&ngUis [sahn'-goo-is', VI. (Lat.) blood of Christ; consecrated wine. sanguisorba [san-gee-eor'-bah], /. (bot.) great burnet. SangUja [san-goo'-hahl, /. lescb. samcula,.^. (bot.) sanicle. sanidad,/. soundness, health, vigour, sanity; healthfulness, health department: sanidad maritima, quarantine ofiicers : Junta de sani- dad, board of health : en sanidad, in health : carta de sanidad, bill of health : casa de sani- dad, health office. sanidina,/. (min.) sanidine. sanie, sanies,/, (med.) sanies. sanlOSO. sa, a. (med.) sanioas, ichorous. sanltariO, ria, a. sanitary. — m. health offi- cer. sanjacado, saiijacato, m. government of a Turkish province. sanjaco, "*. Turkish governor of a province. S^iuanada, /. picnic on St. John's day. sa^uanero, ra, a. ripe by St. John's day (fruits). sanjuanista, a. & m. knight of St. John of Jerusalem. sanmiguelada, /. Michaelmas. sanmiguelefto, &a, a. ripe at Michaelmas (fruits). sano, na, a. sound, healthy, wholesome, hale, hearty ; salutary ; sane ; secure ; sincere, honest, good ; discreet, wise, steady ; safe, faultless, harmless; entire, complete : sano y salvo, safe and sound. S&nscritO, ta, a. Sanskrit.— m. Sanskrit sansimoniano, na, a. St. Simonian. sansimonismo, m. St. Simonism. Sans6n, m. a very strong mau. santa, /. female saint. santab&rbara,/. (naut.) magazine, powder* room. santalkceo, a, a. (hot.) santalaceous. santamente, adv. saintly, saintlily, piously, religiously ; plainly, simply. % (before e, i) and J aa h in hot ; b, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; 2, ny in cau/on ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; S, 33 SAN 494 SAE santelmo, m. (naut. ) St. Elmo's fire, corpo- sant. santero, ra, a. overmuch devoted to worship of saints. — m. &,/. caretaker of a sanctuary; seller of images. i Santiago ! m. by St. James ; war-whoop of the Spaniards on engaging with Moors. Bantiagrue&O, iia [san-te-ali-gay'-nyo], a. ripe at St. James's day (fruits). santiaguero, ra, a. of or belonging to San- tiago (Cuba). Bantiagu6s, sa, a. of or belonging to San- tiago ((ialicia). Bantiagulno, na, a. of or belonging to San- tiago (Chile). Bantiaguista, a. belonging to the order of Santiago. — m. knight of Santiago or St. James. santiamdn, m, (coll.) instant, moment, twinkling of an eye, jiffy. santico, ca, »«. & /. dim. little image of a saint ; (coll.) good child. Bantidad,/. sanctity, sanctitude, saintliness, piety, holiness, godliness ; (eccl.) Holiness, title given to the Pope. santificable, a. sanctifiable. santificacibn, /. sanctification, making holy: santificacion de las fleitas, feriation, keep- ing holy days. gantificador, n. sanctifier. santificante, pa. blessing, sanctifying. santificar, va. ( pret. santifiqu6 : siibj. san- tifique) to sanctify, hallow, consecrate ; to dedicate to God. — va. & vr. to justify, ex- culpate, clear from guilt, acquit. Santlguada, /. blessing : para mi santigaada, faith, bv this cross. sailtlguad«ra,/. healing by the sign of the cross. santiguadero, ra, dor, ra, m. & f. healer by the sign of the cross. santlgruamlento, m. blessing or crossing. santlguar, va. to bless, to heal by blessing ; (coll.) to slap one. — vr. to bless or cross one's self. santlmonia, /. sanctity, sanctimony, holi- ness; (hot.) corn marigold, chrysanthemum. santislmo, ma, a. sup. most holy : el Santi- Bimo, the holy sacrament. santO, ta, a. saintly, holy, blessed, virtuous ; saint ; sacred, consecrated ; inviolable ; (coll.) simple, plain, artless. — m. &f. saint; saint's day ; image of a saint : taato y tefta, (mil.) watch-word, pass-word, countersign : dar el santo, (mil. ) to set or give the pass- word : ganto y bneno, well and good : todo el •anto dia, the whole day : Todoi lot Santoi, All Saints' day : ganto var6n, a holy Vnan ; a simpleton ; a hypocrite. santon, m. aug. dervish ; hypocrite. BantbnicO, m. (hot.) santonica. santonina, /. santonine. > santoral, m. (eccl.) collection of lives of the saints ; church-choir book. santuario, m. sanctuary. santucho, cha, santurrdn, na, m.&f. & a. (ooll.) sanctimonious, hypocrite, santurroneria, /. sanctimony, hypocrisy. BaSia,./'. anger, passion, rage, fury. saflOBamente, adv. furiously, angrily. sa&OBO, sa, a. furious, enraged. Safludamente, adv. furiously. BaAudO, da, a. furious, enraged. Bao, m. (hot.) V. LABifiRNAGo; grove. Bapa,.f. residue left after chewing buyo. Bapajll [Mh-pa-hoo'l, vi. sapajou. Bapui, m. (bot.) (Philip. ) sapan-wood, sapan- tree. B&pidO, da, a. sapid, savoury. Baplencia,/. wisdom. sapienclai, m. sapiential book. Bapiente, a. wise. v. sabio. Baplentisimainente, adv. most wisely. BapillO, m. dim. little toad. Bapina, /. (hot.) glasswort. Baplnd&ceo, a, a. (hot.) sapindaceous. Bapino, m. (bot.) savin. Bapo, m. large toad. Bapon^ceo, cea, a. saponaceous, soapy. Baponaria,/. (hot.) common soapwort. Baponiflcable, a. sapoaifiable. saponificaci6&,/. saponification. saponiflcar, ta. {pret. saponifiqu^: subj.- saponifique) to saponify.— vr. to become saponified. Baporifero, ra, a. imparting savour. BapOt^CeO, a, a. (bot.) sapotaceous. Baque Isah'-kayJ, m. Striking a ball on its re- bound ; one who strikes the ball ; t*se from which a ball is tossed. Baqueador, ra, m. & /. depopulator, ran< sacker, freebooter. saquear, va. to ransack, plunder, foray, pil- lage. Baqueamiento, Baqueo [sahkay-oj, m. pil- lage, sack, plunder, foray. saqueria [sahkay-ree'-ahj, /. place for Or collec- tion of sacks. saquero, ra, m. &f. maker or seller of sacks. — /. packing-needle. Baquete, m. dim. (arti.) cartridge-ba^. Baquilada, /. small quantity of grain in a sack. saqulllo, ito, m. dim. small sack or bag. BaragUeie [sah-rah-gway'-Uy], m. informal hop. Barampi6n, m. (med. ) measles. BarangOBti, m. (naut.) sarangousty; pitch gum. Barao, m. evening party, hop. Barape, m. (Mex.) men's shawl or blanket BarapiCO, m. (om.) curlew. BarcaBmO, m. sarcasm. Barc&BtlcO, ca, a. sarcastic, taunting. Barcla,/. load, burden. V. carga. BarcocarpiO, m. (hot.) sarcocarp. Barcocele, m. (med.) sarcocele. BarcOCOla, /. sarcocol (resinous gum). saro6fagO, m. tomb, grave ; sarcophagus. Barcolema, m. (anat.) sarcolemma. BarcolOgia, /. (anat.) sarcology. Barcoma, /. (med.) sarcoma. Barc6tlC0, ca, a. sarcotic. Barda, /. (icht. ) horse-mackerel. Bardana,/ Catalonian dance. BardeBCO, ca, a. small (ass or horse^ : (coll.) rude, stubborn. — m. pony ; small ass. Bardina, /. (icht.) pilchard, sardine: eono sardina en banaita or en barrll, packed like sardines. Bardinal, m. sardine-net. sardlnel, m. (mas.) brick-work having the bricks closely placed on edge. Bardlnero, ra, «. belonging to sardines. — m. & f. dealer in sardines. — m. public ^alk near Santander. Bardineta, /. small sardine ; sprat ; part of cheese which overtops the cheese-vat ; (naut.) knittle, laniard. ^p/. (mil.) chev- rons in uniforms. Bardio, Bardo, m. (jewel.) sard, sardius. Bard*, da, a. Sardiiiian. Bardonia, /. (bot. ) crow-foot, spearwort. sard6nlca or Bard<>nice, /. (jewel.) sardo- nyx. BarddniCO, ca, a. sardonic ; insincere, af- fected (laughter). * M in far : • in •& I ; i In 9«Ue« ; • in f«r ; a in boll ; c (before c i) jud s «• th in thick : b and d, soft ' SAE 495 SAX sardonlo, sardbnique, m. v. sard6nice. sar^a, /. silk serge or twill ; (art) fabric painted in distemper or oil, like tapestry ; (bot.) osier or willow. sargadilla, /. (bot.) soda-ash plant. sargado, da, a. serge-like. v. ASARGADo. sargal, m. clump of osiers. sargatillO, m. (bot.) kind of willow. sargazo, m. (bot.l sargasso, gulf-weed. sargenta, /. sergeant's halberd; sergeant's wife. sargentear, va. to perform the duty of a ser- geant ; to take the command; (coll.) to boss, act in an overbearing manner. sargenteria, /. (mil.) sergeant's drill. sargentia,/. eergeantship, sergeantcy. SargentO, m. (mil.) sergeant. sargO, m. (icht. ) sheep's-head. sarguero, ra, a. willowy .—m. painter of sarga. sargueta [ssr-gay'-taii', /. thin, light serge. sanlla,/. (bot.) marjoram. sarmentador, ra, m. & f. one who gathers pruned vine-shoots. sarmentar, va. to gather pruned vine-shoots. sarmentera, /. place where pruned vine- shoots are kept ; gathering pruned vine- shoots. aarmentillO, m. dim. slender vine-shoot. sarmentOSO, sa, a. full of shoots ; creeping, twining. sarmlento, m. (bot.) sarmentum, runner. sarna,/. (med.) itch; mange. sarnazo, m. malignant itch. sarnoso, sa, a. itchy ; scabbed ; mangy. sarpullido, m. rash, eruption. sarpullir, va. & vr. to have a rash. sarrac6nico, ca, a. Saracenic. sarraceno, na, sarracin, na, a. &m. & f. .Saracen, Moor. sarracina,/. scuffle, fight. sarria, /. rope net for carrying straw ; large frail. sarrillo, m. rattling in the throat of a dying person; (bot.) arum. sarrio, a. kind of wild goat. sarro, »«. crust or incrustation in vessels; (med.) sordes ; (dent.) tartar, tophus. sarroso, sa, a. crusty, incrusted. sarta, /. string of beads or pearls ; line, series. sartal, m. string of beads, etc. sartaleJO, m. dim. small string of pearls. sart6n, /. frying-pan : ft-uta de sart^n, fritter, pancake : tener la sartin por el mango, to have the command or advantage in a situ- ation. sartenada, /. as much as can be fried at one time in a frying-pan. sartenazo, m. blow with a frying-pan ; (coll.) blow with anything. sarteneja,/. dim. small frying-pan. sartorio, m. (anat.) sartorius (muscle). sasafrd.S, m. (bot.) sassafras. sastra or sastresa, /. wife of a tailor ; tai- loress. sastre, m. tailor: lastre remend6n, botching tailor, mender of old clothes. sastrecillo, m. dim. petty tailor. sastreria,/. tailor's trade ; tailoring ; tailor's shop. 8atd,n, satan^s, m. Satan. satinicamente, adv. satanically. sat^niCO, ca, a. satanic, devilish. saWlite, m. (ast.) satellite; (coll.) bailiflf, constable, sheriff; follower, henchman, syc- ophant. satto, m. sateen. satinador, ra, m. &/. glazer, calender, pol- ishing tool ; (photo.) burnisher. satinar, va. to calender, glaze, gloss, polish, burnish. S&tira,/. satire, sharp epigram ; (coll.) saucj and witty woman. satirlasis,/. (med.) satyriasis. satirlcamente, adv. satirically. satirlco, ca, a. satirical, censorious. — m. satirist. satlrillo, m. dim. little satyr. satiriO, m. kind of water-rat. satiridn, m. (bot.) orchis which yields salep. 8atirizante,j>a. satirizing. satirizar, va. ( pret. satiric^ : subj. satiri- ce) to satirize, lampoon, libel. S^tiro, m. satyr, sylvan god ; lewd man. Satisdacibn, /. (law) security, surety. satisfaccidn,/. satisfaction, amends, atone- ment, recompense, apology, excuse ; grati- fication, pleasure, fulfilment, settlement ; confidence, conceit : & Batisfaccidn, fully, according to one's wishes : tomar latisfac- cidn, to vindicate one's self, to have satis- faction. Satisfacer, ra. {for irr. V. hacer) to satisfy, to pay in full, settle; to please, content, gratify, humour • to expiate, make amends, atone ; to reward ; to indemnify, repay ; to answer, make reply ; to explain, give a so- lution ; to allay the passions ; to indulge ; to sate or satiate ; to free from debt, per- plexity, or suspense ; to humour a caprice or curiosity ; to convince. — vr. to satisfy one's self; 'to take satisfaction; to be re- venged ; to be convinced : satisfacer una letra, (com. ) to honour a draft. satisfactoriamente, adv. satisfactorily. satisfactorio, ria, a. satisfactory. satisfago, satisfice, satisfaga {irr. from satisfacer). satisfecho, Cha, a. &pp. irr. of satisfacer ; satisfied, confident, content; arrogant, con- ceited. sativo, va, a. sown, cultivated. S&trapa, m. satrap ; (coll.) sly, crafty fellow. satrapia,/. dignity of a Persian satrap. saturacibn, /. (chem.) saturation. saturar, va. to saturate, imbibe, impregnate ; to fill, glut, satiate. saturnal, a. saturnian.— /. saturnalia. saturnlno, na, a. saturnine, melancholy, grave, gloomy, morose; (chem.) sakirnine. saturnlO, nia, «. Saturnian. saturno, rn. (ast.) Saturn; (chem.) lead. sauce, wi. (bot.) willow : sauce cabruno, goat- willow or great sallow : sauce Uoron, weep- ing-willow. sauceda or saucera, /. saucedal, m. plan- tation of willows. F. SALCEDA. sauclllO, m. (bot.) knot-grass. sauco, /. (bot.) elder or alder-tree; second hoof of horses. saU0[UillO, m. (bot.) dwarf elder. sauriOS, m. pi. saurians ; lizards. sauseria, /. larder in a palace. sausier, »». chief of the larder in a palace. sautor, r». (her.) saltier. V. sotner. sauz, w. (hot.) willow. sauzal, m. plantation of willows, sauzgatillo, m. (hot.) agnus castus, chaste- tree. savia. f- sap of plants. saxaftax, /. (hot.) v. saxifraga. sax&til, a. growing among rocks : saxicolous. skxeo, ea !Hak'-«Av-o\ a. stony. saxifraga or saxlfragia,/. (bot.) saxifrage plant. saxifrag&ceo, a, a. (hot.) saxifragaceous. sax6fOI10, m. (mus.) saxophone. t i before e, i) and J «a h in hot: h, sUent ; 11 iu brilliant ; ft, ny in canyon ; r (iuitUl) and XT trilled ; a, blued. SAX 496 SEC aaxoso, sa, a. containing stones, stony. gaya,/. dress skirt, outer skirt ; sum of money which the Queen of Spain gives her maids when they marry ; ancient tunic or gown worn by men. sayal, m. coarse woollen stuff; sackcloth. sayaleria,/. shop for weaving coarse cloth. sayalero, m. weaver of sayal. sayalesoo, ca, a. made of Bayal. sayalete, m. dim. thin flannel for under- garments. sayete, sayitO, m. dim. small frock, short dress. sayo, m. smock-frock ; large coat ; any loose garment ; sayo bobo, tight dress worn by clowns in plays : decir para su sayo, to say in one's sleeve. saydn, m. aug. executioner; ugly-looking fellow. sayuela,/. dim. woollen shift worn by some religious; variety of fig-tree; (Amer.) pet- ticoat. SayuelO, m. dim. little frock. Saz6ll, /. maturity, ripeness ; season, taste, relish, flavour, seasoning; occasion, oppor- tunity, conjunction : & la sazon, then, at that time: en sazon, seasonably, oppor- tunely. sazonadamente, adv. maturely, seasonably. sazonado, da, o. & pp. seasoned, mature, ripe, mellow ; witty, pertinent, expressive. sazonador, ra, m. &/. seasoner. sazonar, va. (cook.) to season, to give a rel- ish ; to mature, bring to maturity. — vr. to ripen, to mature. se [«ai], pron. 5d person, m. or/, sing, or pi. It has SIX functions, to wit: (1) as reflexive pronoun, standing for himself, herself, it- self, themselves, or to himself, to herself, to itself, to themselves : «1 se corto, he cut him- self: las ni&as se vistieron, the girls dressed themselves : ella se dljo, she said to herself; (2) to form a reflexive or intransitive verb, in which case it is invariably used as a suf- fix with the infinitive, as afeitarse, to shave one's self: morirse, to die ; with other modes of the verb it may be used either before or as a suffix : se afeit6 or afeitdse, he shaved himself: se rompid or romplose, it broke ; (3) to give a possessive value to a definite article, as : se corta las nfias, he cuts his nails ; (4) it is used instead of the pers. pron. le, les, when immediately followed by any of the pronouns lo, la, los, las, in order to avoid cacophony, and in that case it stands for to him, to her, to them, as : se lo dlje, I told him so : se las dimos, we gave them to him (or to her or to them) ; (5) as an in- definite subject: se dice, tney say or it is said : no se sabe, no one knows : aqui se ha- bla espa&ol, Spanish spoken here ; (6) to give a passive meaning to a verb : se qnemo la casa, the house was burnt : todos los libros se vendieron, all the books were sold. b6, SUpe, sepa (trr. from SABER). Beb^ceo, cea, a. sebaceous, tallowy, sebastlano, m. (bot.) v. sebestAn. sebe, /. wattle, stockade, or fence. Bebest6n, m. (bot.) sebesten-tree ; its fruit. sebillo, m. white tallow ; toilet soap. BebO, m. tallow, fat, candle-grease : sebo en rama or en bmto, rough tallow, suet. BebOBO, sa, a. tallowy, fat. greasy^ unctuous. Bebuc&n, m. (Amer.) manioc-strainer. Beca, /. drought; dry season; (med.) des- auamation ; infarction of a gland; (naut.) ry sand-bank, ■ecacul, m. (bot.) aromatic root secadal, m. dry, barren ground or sand-bank. secadero,ra, a. good for drying (fruit).— ;«. drying shed, room, or floor ; drier ; fruit* drier. BecadO, da, pp. dried, desiccated : secado al sol, sun-dried. secadillO, m. dry almond biscuit. secamente, adv. dryly, harshly, coldly, niivinly. •» secamiento, m. act of drying, desiccation. secano, m. dry, unirrigated, arable land', dry sand-bank ; anything very dry. secansa,/. at cards, sequence. secante, pa. & m. drier, siccative, exsiccative — /. (geom.) secant. secar, va. ( pret. SEQufi : subj. seque) to dry dry up, dry out, exsiccate, desiccate ; tc parch ; to wipe ; to tease, vex, annoy, bore. — vr. to dry, to parch, to be dried up, li> grow dry ; to become lank, lean, or meagre, to decay ; to be extremely thirsty. secaral, m. dryness, drought. V. sequeral. secatura,/. insipidity, vapidity, dulness. seccidn [Bec-thie-on'], /. act of cutting ; section, division, portion ; (geom.) section; (arch.> section of a building. secclonado, da, />p. &a. (neol.) sectional, in sections. secclonar, va. (neol.) to section. seccionario, ria, a. (neol.) sectional. secesi6ll, /. secession. secesionista, a. & m. or/, secessionist. seceso, m. excrement, stool. Beco, ca, a. dry, dried up ; juiceless, sapless ;. barren, arid ; parched, withered ; lifeless,, jejune, lean, lank, meagre ; bare, only, mere; plain, unadorned, unvarnishea; rude, curt, unsociable ; lukewarm, cold, in- different : vino seco, dry wine : pan seco, dry bread : golpe seco, sharp, quick blow or stroke : en seco, high and dry : i. palo seco, (naut.) under bare poles. secrecidn,/. segregation; (med.) secretion. secreta, /. private examination preceding; the graduation of licentiates ; (eccl. ) se- crets ; Secret investigation ; privy, water- closet. secretamente, adv. secretly, clandestinely. Becretar, va. (physiol. ) to secrete. Becretarla, /. wife of a secretary ; womaa who acts as secretary. Becretarla, /. secretary's office ; secretary- ship. BecretarlO, m. secretary ; actuary ; scribe, amanuensis : secretario particular, private- secretary : Secretario de Estado, Secretary of State. * secretear, vn. (coll.) to spreak in private, to whisper. secreteo, m. (coll.) whispering. secretiCO, illO, itO, m. dim. trifling secret. Becretista, m. naturalist ; dealer in secreta. secretO, ta, a. secret J hidden, obscure, oc- cult; dark; clandestine; confidential, pri- vate. — m. secrecy ; secret, arcanum ; secret knowledgCj key ; nostrum ; caution, silence, dissimulation, concealment ; darkness ; scrutoire, secret drawer : secreto k voces or con chirimias, open secret : en secreto. Id secret, in private. secretorio, ria, a. (med.) secretory. secta, f. sect ; doctrine of a sect. sectador, ra, sectario, ria, a. sectarian.— 7». &/. sectary, sectarian. sector, m. (geom.) sector. secuaz [Hay-coo-ath'], a. sequacious, attendant. — m. or /. follower, sectary, adherent, dis- ciple, sequela. » aa in ter ; • in •& I ;. i m police ; • ia tor ; n in bull ; e (before e, i) and s u tk in tUck ; b and d, sea; SEC 497 SEG secuela,/- sequel, result, upshot. secuencia,/. (eccl.) sequence. secuestrable, a. (law) sequestrable. secuestracidn,/. (law) sequestration. secuestrador, m. sequestrator, receiver. secuestrar, va. (law) to sequestrate, se- quester; to kidnap, abduct. secuestrarlO, ria, a. belonging to seques- tration. secuestro, m. (law) sequestration ; ^ques- ter, umpire, referee ; kidnapping, abduc- tion ; (surg.) sequestrum. secular, a. secular, centenary, centennial ; lasting through ages ; lay, laical. — m. (eccl.) secular. secularizaci6n, /. secularization. secularizar, va. (pret. secularice: subj. secularice) to secularize. secundar, va. to second, aid, favour. secundariamente, adv. secondarily. secundarlo, ria, a. secondary, second-rate, subordinate; subsidiary.— m. (watch.) sec- onds hand. secundinas, /. pi. after-birth and secun- dines. secura, /. dryness, droughtiness. sed, /. thirst ; drought ; eagerness, anxiety ; longing desire. seda, /. silk (fibre, yarn, and fabric) ; wild boar's bristles : seda cocida, soft silk : seda cruda, hard silk : seda en rama, raw silk : seda ^oja, floss silk : seda torcida, twisted silk : seda decoser, sewing-silk : sedajoyante, very glossy silk : seda conchal, finest silk from choice cocoons : de seda, silken : ser una seda or como una seda, to be of a sweet temper. Sedadera, /. hackle for dressing flax. sedal, m. leader, casting-line ; (surg.) seton ; (vet.) rowel. sedante, pa. soothing, allaying. sedar, va. to allay, appease, soothe, quiet. sedative, va, a. (med.) sedative. sede,/. (eccl.) see: Santa Sede, Holy See. sedear, va. to clean jewels with a brush. sedentario, ria, «. sedentary. sedefla,/. fine tow of flax. sedeftO, fla, a. silky, silken ; silk-like. sedera, /. brush made of bristles. sederia, /. silks ; silk stuflF; shop of a silk- mercer. sedero, ra, a. silk, silken. — m. silk-weaver, silk-mercer, silk-dealer. sedicidn,/. sedition, insurrection, mutiny. sediclosamente, adv. seditiously, factious- ly, mutinously. SediciOSO, sa, a. seditious, factious, muti- nous. sediente, a. blenes sedientes, real estate. sedlento, ta, a. thirsty, dry ; eagerly desir- ous, anxious. sedillieiltaci6ll, /. sedimentation. sedimentar, va. "<%. vn. to settle (as dregs). sedimentariO, ria, a. sedimental, sedimen- tary. Sedimento, m. sediment, settlings, dregs, deposit, dross, lees ; feces, grouts, grounds ; (min.) sinter; (mech.) scales or incrusta- tion in boilers. sedOSO, sa, a. silky, silk-like, silken. seduccibn,/. seduction, deceiving; abuse. seducir, va. {for irr. V. deducir) to seduce, corrupt, entice, lead astray ; to charm, cap- tivate. seductivo, va, a. seductive ; enticing. seductor, ra, a. seductive, lascinating. — m. & f. seducer, corrupter, det-eiver ; charmer, delightful person. segable, a. fit to be reaped. segada, /. harvest, v. siega. segadera,/. reaping-hook, sickle. segadero, ra, a. tit to be reaped. segador, ra, m. &f. mower, reaper, harvest* er ; sickle man.—/, mowing-machine. segar, va. {ind. SIEGO : pret. SEGui : subj. siegue) (agr.) to mow, reap, crop, harvest; to cut off, cut down. segazdn,/. harvest season, reaping. seglar, o. worldly, secular, laical, lay. — m. layman. seglamiente, adv. secularly. segmentO, m. segment ; (geom.) segment. segregaci6n, /. segregation, separation. segregar, va. {formut. v. agregar) to segre*- gate, separate, set apart ; (med.) to secrete. segregative, va, a. segregative. segri, m. heavy, raised silk stuff. segueta, /. buhl-saw, piercing saw. seguetear, vn. to make buhl-work with the segueta. Seguida, /. succession ; continuation : de se- guida, successively, without interruption : en seguida, forthwith, immediately. seguidamente, adv. successively, immedi- ately. segllidero, m. guide lines for writing. seguidilla [say-gee deei'-iyah], /. (poet.) stanza of seven lines with peculiar rhythm. — pi. merry Spanish tune and dance ; (coll. ) diar- rhoea. seguido, da, pp. & a. continued, successive ; straight, direct. — m. narrowing a stocking at the foot. seguidor, ra, m. & f. follower.— tw. guide rules for writing. segulmiento, m. pursuit, following, chase ; hunt ; continuation, endeavour, prosecu- tion. seguir [say-geer'l, va. {gerund, siguiendo : ind. sigo : prei. el siGUi6 : subj. siga) to follow, pursue ; to prosecute ; to proceed, continue, go on ; to march after, go behind ; to follow a lead, a trail, etc. ; to dog, hound ; to pur- sue or follow a business or profession ; to carry on (as a lawsuit); to carry out orders or directions ; to agree or conform to ; to copy, imitate. — vr. to ensue, to follow as a consequence ; to succeed, follow in order ; to issue, spring from. seglill, adv. according to ; as ; it depends : segnn y como, just as : segnn y conforme, just as, it depends. segunda,/. double turn of a key. segundar, va. to repeat over again. — vn. to be second, to follow next to the first. segundariamente, adv. secondarily. segundario, ria, a. v. secundario. segundero, ra, a. (agr.) belonging to a sec- ond crop in the same year. segUUdilla, /. call-bell in convents. segimdillO, m. second portion of food dis- tributed at table in convents ; (mus. ) semi- tone. segundO, da, «. second ; favourable : de se. gunda mano, at second hand : segunda Inten- cl6n, duplicity, double meaning. — m. second of time or of a degree. segundog6nito,ta, a. &m. &f. second-born. segundogenitura, /. condition and right of a second-boru. segundbn, vi. any son born after the first. segur, /. axe ; axe in fasces carried by lie- tors ; (agr.) sickle. segurador, m.. security, bondsman. seguramente, adv. securely, surely, certain* ly ; fastly ; safely. g (betorc e, i) and J as h in hot; h, silent ; 11 in brilliaat ; ft. ny In canvon ; r (initial) amd rr trilled: ■. hlsNA SEG 498 SEM segurax, va. v. asegurar. segureja, /. dim. (coop, ) small hatchet. seguridad, /. security, surety, certainty, safety, confidence; fastness; custody; cor- roboration ; surety bond. seguro, ra, a. secure, safe; sure, certain, positive, assured, confident ; firm, constant, stanch, strong, fast, steady, unfailing, infallible, unfaltering. — m. assurance, cer- tainty, confidence ; permit, warrant, license, (mech.) click, stop, detent, pawl, ratchet; tumbler of a lock ; (com.) insurance, assur- ance: leguro sobre la vida, life insurance: compa&ia de seguros, insurance company ; p61iza dt legnro, policy of insurance : i buen •eguro, certainly, indubitably : al seguro, securely : de seguro, assuredly : en seguro, in security or safety : sobre seguro, without risk. segurbn, m. aug. large axe or hatchet. gels, a. & m. six ; sixth : el seis de enero, the sixth of January ; six-spotted card, dice, or domino.— /.p/. las seis, six o'clock. seisavadO, da, a. hexagonal. selsavo, va, o. sixth. — m. one-sixth ; hexa- gon. selscientOS, tas, a. six hundred ; six-hun- dredth. seise isay'e-say], m. one of six choir boys in some cathedrals, who sing and dance in some festivities. sels6ll, m. ancient silver coin. selseno, na, a. sixth, v. sexto. seisillo, m. (mus.) sextolet. seismlco, etc., v. stsMico, etc. sele, m. (bot.) (S. Am.) kind of palm-tree. selacio, Cia, a. (icht.) selachian. — m. j)/. Se- lachii. seleccibn, /. selection, choice, exception. selectas,/. p/. analects. selectO, ta, a. select, choice, excellent. selenlO, m. (chem.) selenium. selenita, m. or /. inhabitant of the moon.— /. (rain.) selenite. selenitoso, sa, a. (min.) selenitic. selenluro, m. (chem.) selenid. selenograHa,/. selenography. selendgrafo, m. selenographer. selva, /. forest, sylva, wood, woodland, thicket. selv^tlCO, ca, a. forestal, sylvan ; rustic, wild. selvatiquez,/. wilderness; rusticity. selvoso, sa, a. forestal, sylvan, woody. sellador, m. sealer. selladtira, /. sealing. sellar, va. to seal ; to stamp ; to conclude, to finish ; to cover, to close up : sellar los labios, to silence. sello, m. seal ; stamp (mark or implement) ; signet ; stamp-office ; (pharm.) wafer: sello de aduana, cocket: sello de correo, postage- stamp: sello de Salom6n, (bot.) Solomon's seal. semafdrico, ca, o. semaphoric. semkforo, m. semaphore. semana,/. week ; week's wages or pay : mala semana, menstruation : semana santa. Pas- sion-week ; book containing the offices of this week : dia entre semana, working-day. semanal, a. weekly, hebdomadal. semanalmente, adv. weekly, by the week. semanarlo, ria, a. weekly.— m. weekly pub- lication ; set of seven razors. semaneria, /. functions performed, or work done in the course of a week, semanero, ra, m. & /. one engaged by the week. semblante, m. mien, countenance, look, ex< pression ; face ; aspect, looks, phase, fea- ture : mudar de semblante, to change colour ; to take a different turn ; a different aspect. semblanza,/. biographical sketch. sembrada,/. (agr.) sown land. sembradera, /. (agr.) sowing-machine, sower, seed-drill, seeder, seeding-machine. sembradiO, dia, «. (agr.) prepared for sow- ing 4 land). sembrado, m. corn-field ; sown ground. sembrador, ra. m. & /. sower, seeder.—/. (Auier. ) seeder, sowing-machine. sembradura, /. sowing, seeding, insemina' tion. sembrar, va. {ind. siembro: subj. siEMBRE) (agr.) to sow, to seed; to scatter, spread, disseminate, propagate, divulge: como sem- br&redes cogeredes, as you sow, so shall you reap. semeja, /. resemblance, likeness ; mark, sign. semejable, a. like, resembling, similar. semejado, da, pp. & a. like, resembling. semejante, a. similar, like, resembling, alike, akin ; such, of that kind. — wi. resem- blance, likeness ; fellow-creature. semejantemente, adv. likewise, similarly. seme^anza, /. resemblance, semblance, sim- ilarity, similitude ; likeness, likelihood. semejar, vn. & vr. to be like, to resemble. semen, m. semen, sperm ; (bot.) seedy semencera, f. sowing, seeding. semencontra, m. (pharm.) vermifuge. semental, a. (agr.) seminal, germinal ; said of stallions. sementar, va. to sow, to seed. sementera, /■ (agr.) sowing, seeding; land sown ; seed-bed, seed-field, seed-garden, seed-plot ; seed sown ; seed-time ; origin, cause, beginning sementero, m. seed-bag, seed-cod, seed-leap, hopper ; seed-bed, seed-plot. sementlno, na, a. belonging to seed or seed- time. semestral, a. semi-annual, half-yearly. semestralniente, adv. semi-annually. semestre, a. lasting six mouths. — m. space of six months, semester ; six-months' pension or pay. semi, prefix, semi, half, partly. Besides the words that are given below, this prefix is found in many other Spanish words, which are self-explaining. semibreve,/, (mus,) semibreve, whole note ( o). 8emicabr6n, semicapro, m. satyr. semicircular, a. semicircular. semicirculo, m. (geom.) semicircle. semicircunferencia, /. semicircumference. semicopado, da, a. (mus.) syncopated. semicorchea, /. (mus.) semiquaver. semicromiitico, ca, a. (mus.) semichro' niatic. semldea,/. (poet.) demigoddess. semideo, m. (poet.) demigod. semldi&fano, na, a. semidiaphanous. semidi^metro, »». semidiameter, radius. semidiapasbn, m. (mus.) semidiapason. semldifuntO, ta, a. half-dead, almost dead, semidibs, in. semidiosa,/, demigod ; demi* goddess. semiditono, m. (mus.) semiditone. semidoble, a. semidouble. semidormido, da, a. half asleep, sleepy. semidragbn, m. semidragon. semieje, m. (car.) half axle-tree. semiesfera, /. hemisphere. a M m far ; • in eh l ; 1 m polle* ; e in for ; « in bnll ; e (before e, i) and l u th in thick ; b and 4, soft; SEM 499 SEN semlesf^rico, ca, «. hemispherical. KeiIllfl68CUlO, m. (bot.) semifloret. semlforme, a. half formed, undeveloped, semifusa, /. (mus. > double demisemiquaver. semigola,/. (fort.) demigorge. seminom'bre, m. half-man, pi^y. semilunar, a. semilunar, semilunary. semilunlO, m. (ast.) half-moon. semilla, /. (bot.) seed ; origin, cause.— p/. garden seeds. ^emlllero, m. seed-bed, seed-plot ; nursery ; hot- bed. veminal, a. seminal, seminary, germinal ; spermatic. seminarlo, m. seed-plot, nursery r seminary, a school; beginning, root, origin, source: lemlnarlo conciliar, theological seminary, seminarista, m. seminarist. semlnifero, ra. a. seminiferous, seminima, y. (mus.) crotchet. semiologia or semibtica, /. (med.) semei- ology, symptomatology. semipedal, n. half foot long. semlpelaglanismo, m. Semi-Pelagianism. semipelaglano, na, m. &j. Semi-Pelagian. semiplena,/. daw) imperfect (evidence;. semiplenamente, adr. half proved. semiqulntil, m. (ast.) semiquintile. semirreoto, a. (geom.) of 45 degrees, semirrubio, bia, a. nearly blonde, semis, m. half a Roman pound, semisalvaje, m. half savage. semlsestil, m. (ast.) semisextile. semita, m. Semite. semitico, ca, a. Semitic. semitono, m. (mus.) semitone, semitransparente, a. almost transparent. semivlVO, va, a. half alive. semivocal, a. (gram.) semivowel. Sdmola, /. semolina, groats or grits, semovlente, a. moving of itself: bienei m- movientes, cattle. sempiternamente, adv. eternally. sempiterno, na, a. eternal, e'verlasting, sempiternal.—/, sort of serge, everlasting. sen, m. sena, /. (hot.) .senna.—/, six marks on dice.— pi. double sixes. senado, m. senate; senate-hall. senadOCOnsoltO, m. senatus-consultum, de- cree of a senate. senador, m. senator. senaduria. / senatorship. senara, /. piece of sown ground, assigned to servants as part of their wages. senarere, m. servant who has a Maara. senarlo, rla, a. senary. senatorio, rla, a. senatorial sencillamente, adv. simply, plainly, can- didlv. sencillez, /. simplicity, plainness, artless- ness, candour, modesty. aencillO, 11a, a. simple, unmixed ; light, slight, thin, of light body (fabrics) ; plain, artless, harmless, guileless, candid : natu- ral, unadorned; single; of less value (coins). senda, /. path, foot-path, way. senderar, va. to make a path. senderear, va. to guide or conduct on a foot-path; to make a path. — vn. to adopt extraordinary means to obtain an end. Sendero, m. path, foot-path, by-way. senderaelO, m. dim. little pathway. sendos, das, a. each of two, either; one for each, respective. Seneca, m. a very learned man. senectud, /. old age, senescence, senescal, m. seneschal. senescalia,/. seneschalship. senil, a. senile; (ast.) fourth quadrant. seno, m. chest, thoracic cavity ; bosom | womb ; lap of a woman ; hole, cavity, si- nus ; gulf, bay ; any cavity in the interior of the human body ; innermost recess ; asylum, refuge; (arch.) spandrel; (surg.) sinus, cavity of a wound ; (naut.) curvature of a sail or line; (math.) sine of an arc: >eno recto, sine : seno Mgundo, cosine : Ma* T«rso, versed sine. senojil, m. (bot.) v. cenojil. sensaci6n, /. sensation, feeling, emotion. sensatez, /. judiciousness, reasonableness, prudence, good sense. sensatO, ta, a. sensible, judicious, prudent, reasonable, wise. sensibilidad, /. sensibility, quickness of perception, sensitiveness. sensibilizar, va. {pret. sensibilic^: subj. SENSiBiLiCE) (photo.) to sensitizc. sensible, a. sensible, perceptible ; sensitive ; grievous, lamentable, regrettable ; (photo.) sensitive, sensitized.—/ (mus.) sensible, seventh note. sensiblemente, adv. sensibly, perceptively ; grievously. sensibleria, /. (neol.) exaggerated senti^ mentality. sensitiva, /. (bot.) sensitive plant, mimo- sa. sensitivo, va, a. sensitive ; sensual : sensi<. ble. sensorio, lia, a. sensory, sensorial. — m. sen- sorium or sensory. sensual, a. sensitive, sensuous ; sensual, lewd, lustful. sensualidad, /. sensuality, lust, lewdness. sensualismo, m. sensualism, sensuality ; (philos.) sensationalism. sensualista, a. sensualistic. — m. or /. sensu- alist. sensualmente, adv. sensually, carnally. sentada,/. sitting, v. asentada. sentadero, m. any place or thing where one can sit. sentadillas it), adv. side-saddlewise. sentado, da, pp. & a. sedate, judicious, grave, prudent ; settled, steady, firm ; (bot.) sessile. sentamientO, m. (arch.) settling. Sentar, vn. {ind. siento: subj. MENte) to fit, to become, to suit; to agree with one (as food or a climate) ; to please, to be agreeable. — va. to set, set up, establish ; set- tle, to seat. V. asentar ; (tail. ) to press the seams of clothes. — vr. to sink, subside, set- tle ; to sit down ; to settle down. sentencia, /. (law) sentence, verdict, deci- sion, judgment; penalty in a criminal case ; (com.) award; opinion, determination; dogma, axiom, maxim; (gram.) sentence: falmln&r or pronanciar la Mutencia, to pass judgment. sentenciador, ra, a. & m. & /. one who passes judgment. sentenciar, va. (law) to sentence, to pass judgment; to condemn; to determine, de- cide. sentenci6n, /. severe, rigorous sentence. sentenciosamente, adv. sententiously, sentencioso, sa, a. sententious, pithy, ax< iomatic. sentenzuela, /, dim. slight sentence. senticar, m. place full of briers and bram- bles. sentidamente, adv. feelingly, painfully, re- gretfully. g (before e, 1) and j as h In hot ; h, lUent ; U in brilliant ; ft, ny Id canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; S, SEN 600 SEP ■entidO, da, pp. & «. felt, experienced ; sensi- ble, feeling, sensitive ; susceptible, touchy ; cracked, split, cloven, relaxed : darse por aentldo, to show resentment.— m. sense, any one of the five senses ; sense-perceptiou, feeling ; understanding, reason ; accepta- tion, signification, import, sense, meaning, construction; direction, course : sentido co- man, common sense : estar sentido, (coll.) to be miffed, to be a little offended : costar nn sentido, to be excessively high-priced. sentimental, a. sentimental, affecting, pa- thetic ; emotional. sentimentalismo, »». sentimentalism. sentimentalmente, adv. sentimentally. sentimientO, m. sentiment, perception ; feeliug, sensation, emotion ; grief, pain, sor- row, regret, concern. Stntina,/ (naut.) bilge; sink, drain; place of iniquity. sentir, va. (gerund, sintiendo : ind. siento . prei. el srNTi6 : subj. sienta) to feel, to per- ceive by the senses ; to hear ; to endure, suf- fer; to grieve, regret, mourn, be sorry for. — vn. to judge, to form an opinion; to fore- see, foreknow ; to fit the action to the word. — vr. to be moved, to be affected, to com- plain ; to resent ; to be sensible of, to feel ; to crack; to be in a ruinous state; (naut.) to spring (yard or mast) : lin sentir, with- out being seen, felt, or known. sentir, m. feeling, opinion, judgment. se&a, /. sign, mark, token, nod, dumb mo- tion ; signal ; (mil.) pass-word, watch-word. — pi. address : senas personales, personal de- scription : 8«fiat mortales, unmistakable signs or proof: por sefias or por mis sefias, as a stronger proof of it. ■eftal,.^- sign, mark, signature, token ; mark or note of distinction ; signal ; landmark ; book-mark, reminder; indication, symp- tom ; trace, vestige, stamp, impression, trail, track, footstep ; scar ; representation, image ; handsel, pledge ; earnest money ; wonder, prodigy, prognostic; (med.) diag- nostic or prognostic symptom ; (tel.) warn- ing, call.^p^. (naut.) signals: se&ales de peligro, (naut.) signals of distress ; (r. w.) danger signals : codigo de sefialei, signal code: en te&al, in proof of: ni sefial, not a trace. seflaladamente, adv. especially, remarka- bly, namely ; signally. sefialado, da, a. & pp. famous, noted. sefLalamientO, m. appointment, date. se&alar, va. to stamp, to mark out; to sig- nalize, point out, make known ; to name, nominate, constitute ; to appoint, fix, de- termine ; to sign decrees or despatches ; to mark with a wound, especially in the face ; (fenc.) to make a feint ; at cards, to mark the points; to make si^nalSj to indicate: Mtalar coh el dedo, to point with the finger. — vr. to distinguish one's self, to excel. seflaleja,/. dim. little sign or mark. seflera,/. ancient signal or pendant. seftero, ra, a. solitary, alone. seflolear, vn. to catch birds with a lure. seflor [B«y-uyor'l, m. sir, mister ; lord, master, owner of a place; God, our Lord; (eccl.) the eucharist: lefter mayor, aged man. seftora (tay nyo'-rah], /, lady, mistress, owner of a place ; madam ; dame, gentlewoman : Naeitra Seftora, the Virgin Mary : ana icfiora mayor, an aged woman. seftorada, /. act of a »eftor or leftora. se&oraje or se&oreale, m. seigniorage. se&oreador, ra, m. & /. domineerer. se&Oreante,pa. domineering. se&orear, va. to master, domineer, lord, rule despotically; to excel, to occupy a higher station ; to overtop, tower over ; to govern one's passions; (coll.) to treat an- other repeatedly with the title of lord. — vr. to put on airs. sefioria, /. lordship j(title and person) ; do- minion, seigniory, a lordship; government of a particular state ; senate ; prince. seHorial, a. manorial, manerial. sefloril, a. lordly, belonging to a lord. seaorilmentC, adv. nobly, grandly, lordly. se&OriO, m. seigniory, seignioralty, domin* ion, command; imperiousness, arrogance ol command; lordship, domain, manor; grav. ity or stateliness of deportment ; freedom and self-control in action. sefLorita [say-nyo-ree'tahl, /. dim. young lady ; mis« ; (coll.) mistress of the house. sefLorltO, m. dim. young gentleman ; master (title) ; lordling ; (coll.) master of the house. sefiiOrdn, na, m. & j. aug. great seignior or lady. se&uelo [say-nyoo-ay'-io], m. lure, decoy ; bait ; enticement, attachment. seo,/. cathedral church. 8e6, m.. seor, ra, m. &f. {contr. of seSor, ra) (coll.) lord, sir; madam, lady. SdpalO, m. (Dot.) sepal. sepancuantOS, m. (coll.) spank, siap, cba8« tisement. separable, a. separable. separaci6n, /. separation ; segregation, dis- gregation, dissociation, disseverance ; ab- straction ; parting ; deposition, dismissal, discharge from office; (pol.) secession. separadamente, adv. separately. separado, da, a. & pp. separate, separated, apart. separador, ra, m. &f. separator, divider. separar, va. to separate, part, divide, cut ; to disjoin, segregate, disgregate, dissever, detach, disconnect ; to set apart, lay aside ; to sort ; to divorce ; to depose, dismiss, dis- charge. — IT. to separate, to part company, to be disunited ; to come ofr, go from, to withdraw, to resign, to drop all communica- tion and intercourse; (com.) to dissolve. separatismo, m. separatism ; (pol. ) seces- sionism. separatista, a. & n. separatist; (pol.) seces- sionist. separatiyo, va, a. separating, separator^. seped6n, m. seps. kind of serpent. sepeliO, m. burial, interment. sepia,/, (icht. ) cuttle-fish; sepia. septena,/. septenary, heptade. septenario, ria, a. septenary, septivalent. — m. septenary, septenate, heptade, hek- domad. septenio, m. septennium, septenate. septeno, na, a. seventh. Septentri6n, m. septentrion, the nortk ; (naut.) north wind; (ast.) the Great Bear or Dipper. septeto, m. (mus. ) septet, septuor. septicemia,/, (med.) septicsemia, septaemisr septentrional, a. septentrional, northern,! north, northerly. sdptico, ca, a. septic, septical. septiembre, m. September. septillo, m. (mus.) septimole or septuplet. s6ptimo, ma, a. seventh.— m. &/. a seventh. — /. sequence of seven cards, in the game of piquet; (mus. ) seventh. septinjrent^Bimo, ma, n. seven-hundreth. — TO. A /. a seven-hundredth. » M Id far : e in eh I ; 1 lu police ; o in for ; n Id ball ; c (b«fore e, i) and x as th la tbick ; b and d, mA j SEP 501 SEE septlsilabo, t)a, a. V. heptasilabo. septO, m. (anat.) septum. septuagenario, ria, a. septuagenary. septuagesimo, ma, a. seventieth ; septua- gesimal.— 'w. & /. a seventieth.—/, (eccl.) Septuagesima. septuplicaci6n,/. multiplying by seven. septuplicar, va. to septuple. septuplO, pla, a. septuple, seven-fold. sepulcral, a. sepulchral, monumental. sepulcro, m. sepulchre, grave, tomb. sepultador, m. burier, grave-digger. sepultar, va. to bury, inter, entomb ; to hide, conceal. sepultura, /. sepulture, interment ; tomb, grave : dar sepultura, to bury, sepulturero, m. grave-digger, sexton, sequedad, /. aridity, dryness; barrenness, sterility; lack of irrigation; asperity, surliness, gruflfness, abruptness ; dryness of style. sequedal, sequeral, m. dry, barren soil. sequero, m, dry, unirrigated land. V. se- CADERO. sequeroso, sa, a. dry, wanting moisture. sequete [say-kay'-tay], m. piece of hard, dry bread or biscuit; stroke, blow, thump, thwack; (coll.) curt reply, gruff answer. SeqUia [say-kee'-ali], /. long drought. sequlUo, m. biscuit, rusk. SequiO [say-kee'-ol, m. V. SECANO. S^quitO, m. retinue, train, suite; popular- ity. sequlZO, za, a. dry (fruits) ; dryish. ser, vn. {gerund, siendo; ind. soy: imp. ERA : pret. Fui : suhj. sea) as a substantive verb, to be (whatever the predicate indi- cates) ; as an auxiliary verb, to be (used to form the passive voice) ; as an intransitive verb, to be, as : soy yo, it is I ; to exist, as : pienso, luego soy, I think, therefore I exist ; to belong to, as : esta casa es mia, this house belongs tome; to ^^ from or a native of, as : soy de Barcelona, I am from Barcelona ; to happen, to occur, to fall out, as: ^como tni eso? how did that happen? to be worth, as: ii como es eso? what is the price of that? joined to nouns that signify employ- ment or occupation, it means to be occupied in them, as : 61 es medico, he is a physician : sea lo que fuere, be that as it may : soy con Vd., I will attend you presently : ser para todo, to be fit for everything ; to be up to everything: si yo fuera que Vd., were I in your place ; had I your means : ciertos son los toros, so then, it is true : un si es no es, something, somewhat ; a little : esto es, that is so : manana seri otro dia, to-morrow may bring better luck : soy muy de Vd. , I am en- tirely yours ; yours very truly ; idioms con- taining the verb ser are numerous. ser, m. existence, life ; being, entity, essence, substance, nature of things. sera,/, large pannier, frail. serado, m. frails, panniers, baskets. seraficamente. adv. seraphically. ser^fiCO, ca, a. seraphic, angelic. serafin, m. seraph, seraphim, angel ; an ex- treme beauty. serafina, /. tine baize, swan-skin. seraje, m. panniers, baskets, frails. serapino, «». v. sagapeno. serba,/. (bot.) fruit of the service-tree. serbal, serbo, m. (bot.) service-tree. serenamente, adv. serenely, composedly, coolly, quietly. serenar, va. & vn. & vr. to clear up. grow fair, become serene (weather) : to settle. grow clear (liquors) ; to pacify, moderate j to be serene ; to cool water in the night air» serenata,/ (mus.) serenade. serenero, m. night-wrap. sereni, m. (naut.) yawl, jolly-boat. serenidad, /. serenity, clearness, calmness ~ placidity, tranquility ; serene highness (title). serenislmo, ma, a. sup. extremely serene, calm, or quiet; most serene (title of princes). sereno, na, a. serene, clear, fair, cloudless ; calm, quiet, unruffled, placid : al sereno or 4 la Serena, in the night air, exposed to the evening dew. — ?«. evening dew, night dew - night-watch, watchman.—/', evening dew ; (mus.) serenade. sergas,/. pi. exploits, achievements. seriamente, adv. seriously, gravely, solemn- ly, in earnest, for good and all. seflciCUltura, /. silk-culture, sericulture. serico, ca, a. silken. serie, /. series, order, gradation, sequence^ suite. seriedad, /. seriousness, gravity ; sternness^ severity ;' earnest, earnestness ; soberness^ plainness, sincerity. serijo, serillo, m. small frail. seringa,/. (S. Am.) India-rubber. serio, ria, a. serious, grave, dignified ; im~ portant, weighty ; grand, majestic, solemn j stern, severe; sober, earnest; plain, true, sincere. sermOn, m. sermon, homily, censure, repre- hension. sermonariO, ria, «. relating to a sermon.— m. collection of sermons. sermonciCO, illO, itO, m. dim. short ad- dress, brief advice. sermonear, va. (coll.) to lecture, censure, reprimand ; to sermonize. sermoneo, m. (coll.) repeated admonition. sema,/. cultivated field. seroja, /. serojo, m. withereu leaf; brush- wood. ser6n, m. seroon, frail, pannier ; hamper, crate : seron caminero, horse-pannier. SerondO, da, a. (bot.) serotinous. seronero, m. maker or s'Jller of seroons, serosidad, / (med. ) serosity. serOSO, sa, a. serous, thin, watery. serotino. na, a. (hot.) serotinous. serpa,/. (agr.) layer; runner. serpear, vn. to wind (as a serpent) ; to wrig» gle, squirm, crawl, creep ; to meander, ser- pentize. serpentaria, /. (bot.) snake-root. serpentario. m. (ast.) the constellatioa Ophiuchus. serpentear, vn. ' to serpentine, meander, wind, wriggle, squirm. serpentigero, ra, «. (poet.) serpen tigerous. serpentin, m. serpentina,/, (min.) serpen- tine ; (arm) cock, hammer of a musket-lock ; (chem.) distil worm ; (ordn.) small cannon. serpentinamente, adv. in a serpentine manner. serpentino, na, a. serpentine, winding about, sinuous, wriggling, zigzag ; snake- like ; belonging to snakes or serpents; slanderous (tongue) ; serpentine (marble), serpentdn, m. aug. large serpent; (mus.). .serpent; trombone. serpezuela, /. dim. of sierpe. serpia,/. viscous matter of a vine-stock. serpiente, /. snake, serpent ; devil, Satan ; (ast.) Serpens: serpiente de cascabel, rattle-, snake. "fbeforee. Oand.1 an h in hot; h.ailent; 11 ia briUUBt; ft, ny la canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s. hissed. SEE 502 SET 4serpiglnoso, sa, a. (med., serpiginous. serpigo, m. (med.) tetter, ring-worm, ser- pigo. serpol, m. (bot.) wild thvme. serpollar, vn. (bot.) to shoot, sprout. serpollo, m. (bot.) shoot, sprout, tiller, sucker, sapling. serradlzo, za, a. fit to be sawed. serrado, as., pp. & a. serrate. serrador, m. sawer or sawyer. serraduras,/. pi. sawdust. V. serrIn. serrallo, «». Turkish seraglio ; bagnio, brothel. serrana, serranilla, /. (poet.) bucolic poem. flerrania, /. ridge of mountains, mountain- ous district. serraniego, ga, a. v. serrano. serranil, m. kind of knife. serrano, na, a. &m. &/. mountaineer, high- lander. serrar, va. to saw. V. aserrar. serr&til, «. (med.) irregular (pulse). serratilla, /. dim. small ridge of mountains. serratO, ta, a. (anat. ) serrated : muscnlo »e- rrato, serratus. serreta, /. dim. of sierra ; cavesson iron used in breaking a horse. serrezuela, /. dim. small saw. serrij6n, m. short chain of mountains. serrin, m. sawdust. V. aserraduras. BerrinO, na, a. belonging to chains of moun- tains • (med.) irregular (pulse). flerrnchO, m. hand-saw : serrucho bragriero, pit-saw. servador, m. (poet.) preserver (Jupiter). servato, m. (bot.) hog-fennel, sulphur-weed. serventesiO, m. (poet.) quatrain (rhyming a, b, a, b). servible, a. serviceable, adaptable. .seryicial, a. obsequious, diligent, obliging, compliant, friendly, accommodating, serv- iceable.— ;r.. (coll.) clyster. servicialmente, adv. obsequiously, service- ably. serviciar, va. to collect the sheep-walk dues, donations to the state, etc. BervlclO, m. service ; condition of a servant : servants of a household ; military or naval service ; favour, kind office ; good turn ; (eccl.) divine service; usefulness, utility, benefit, advantage : sum of money volun- tarily oflTered to the king ; close-stool, privy- chair : service, cover, course ; tea or coffee set : iervicio de mesa, service for the table : flaco servicio, ill turn. aervidero, ra, a. fit for service, useful ; re- quiring personal attendance. servido, da, «. &pp. served, pleased : ler ser- viuo, to please, to deign, to grant. Servldor, m. servant, waiter ; wooer, gallant ; one who politely tenders his services to an- other ; pan of a close-stool : >erv1dor de Vd., your servant!) at your service. servidora,/. maid, female servant; term of courtesy used by women. Seryidumbre, /. attendance, servitude; servants of a household ; slavery, mancipa- tion ; mighty or inevitable obligation to do anything; service, act of serving or attend- ing at command ; (law) right oi way. flervll, a. servile, slavish, fawning ; grovel- ling ; menial ; vile, low, mean, abject; me- chanical. servillsmo, m. servilism, servility. servllmente, adv. servilely, slavishly ; base- ly ; indecently. servllla,/. (shoe.) pump. servilleta, /. table-napkin : doblar la ■erville' ta, (coll.) to die. servuletero, m. napkin-ring. serviola,/. (naut.) cathead, anchor beam. servir, vn. {gerund, SIRVIENDO : ind. SIRVO i prel. 61 SIRV16 : subj. sirva) to serve, to d* duty, to wait on one ; to be useful or fit for< to do, to answer the purpose ; to hold ac employment, to occupy a public station ; to perform another's functions ; to act as a sub- stitute ; to serve (in the army or navy) ; at cards or ball-games, to serve ; to wait at the table ; to heat the oven ; to administer : para ■ervir i Vd., at your service: servir de, to serve for. — va. to worship God ; to do a fa- vour, kind office or good turn ; to court, paf attention fto a lady) ; to pay money volun- tarily to tne king or government; to dress or serve food or drink. — vr. to deign, eon- descend, please, be pleased to : servirse de, to make use of; to employ for some pur- pose : strvase Vd. decirme, pray tell me*: sir- va de aviso, let this be a warning. sesada, /. fried brains. s6samo, m. (bot.) sesame, gingili. sesear, tm. to pronounce the c before e and 1 as ss, which is a great fault in Spanish pro- nunciation. sesenta, «. sixty, sixtieth. sesentavo, va, a. & m. one-sixtieth. sesent6n, na, m. & f. & a. sexagenarian. seseo, m. defect of mispronouncing the c be- fore e, i. sesera,/. brain-pan ; the entire brain. sesga, /. (sew. ) gt)re or goring. V. nesga. sesgadamente, adv. slantingly, on the bias ; askew. sesgado, da, a. & pp. oblique, slanting, bi- ased, skew ; bevelled. sesgadtira, /. biasness, obliquity, bevelling. sesgamente. adv. V. sesgadamente. sesgar, ra. (pj-et. SESGUfi: subj. sesgue) to slope, to slant, to cut on the bias, to bevel ; to skew ; to take or give an oblique direction. sesgO, ga, a. sloped, oblique, biased, bevel ; aslant, skew; calm, placid; severe, grave, stern : al sesgo, obliquely, bevelled, on the bias. — m. bias, bevel, slope, obliqueness, turn ; skew ; mean, medium. sesil, a. (bot.) sessile. sesi6n, /. session, sitting, meeting; confer- ence, consultation : levantar la sesi6ii, to ad<- journ a meeting. sesma, /. sesmero, sesmo, m. ► . sexma, sexmero, sexmo. seso, m. (anat.) brain ; brains, talent, under- standing, prudence, wisdom ; stone put un- der a pot to keep it steady on the fire : no tener seso, not to have common sense : per der el seso, to lose the reason : devanarse lok sesos, to rack one's brains. sesqui, prefix, (Lat.) one and a half sesqui^tero, ra, a. sesquialter, one and a half sesquidoble, a. two and a half times. sesquimodlO, m. a bucket and a half sesqnidxidO, m. (chem. ) sesquioxide. sesquipedal, a. sesquipedal, sesquipedalian. sesteaaero, m. resting-place for cattle. sestear, r/j. to take a nap. B ester clO, m. sesterce, sestertius. sestero, sestil, m. V. sesteadero. sesudamente, adv. maturely, wisely, pru- dently. sesudo, da, a. judicious, discreet, prudent, wise. seta,/, bristle; (bot.) mushroom ; snuff of > candle. a aa in for - e la eh I ; i la police ; o in for ; a in bull : (bsfore e, i) and s as th in thick ; b and d. m(\, SET 503 SIF aete, >«• office in a mint where money is struck with a die. seteclentoS, tas, a. & n. seven hundred, setena,/. heptad. setenta^ «. seventy ; seventieth. setentavo, va, a. & m. one-seventieth. setent6n, na, a. & to, <&/, seventy years old. seto, rit. fence, inclosure ; (P, Rico) wall: seto vivo, hedge, quickset. setuni, >«. v. aceituni, seudo, (1. pseudo, false. seudbnimo, ma, a. pseudonymous, fictiti- ous. — III. pseudonym, pen-name. severamente, adv. severely, sternly. severidad, /. severity, rigour, haishness, austerity, acerbity, sternness, strictness, exactness, gravity, seriousness. severe, ra, a. severe, rigorous, rigid, harsh, stern, grave, serious, exact, strict. sevicia,/. fierceness, excessive cruelty. sevillanas, /. pi. Sevillan dance and tune. sevillano, na, a. of Seville, Sevillan. sexagenario, ria, a, sexagenary.— m, &/. sexagenarian. sexagesima, /. (eccl.) sexagesima. sexagesimal, a. sexagesimal. sexagesimo, ma, a. sexagesimal, sixtieth. sexagonal, n. hexagonal. sexangulO, la, a. sexangular. — m. sexangle. sexcent6simo, ma, a. six hundredth, sexenio, m. space of six years. sexma,/. ancient coin ; sixth part of a yard. sexmero, m. mayor of a township. sexmo, m. township. sexo [se'K' so], m. sex : bello sexo, womankind. sexta,/. (eccl.) sext ; sequence of six cards at piquet ; (mus.) sixth ; ancient division of the day, afternoon. sextante, m. (ast.) sextant ; Roman copper coin. sextario, m. sextarius, ancient measure. sexteto, TO. (mus.) sextet, sextil, a. (ast.) sextile. sextilla,/. (poet.) sextain. sextillo, TO. (mus.) sextolet, sextuplet, sextina, /. Spanish metrical composition, sexto, ta, a. sixth. — TO, book of canonical de- crees. S6xtula, f. Roman copper coin, 8extuplicaci6n, /. multiplying by six, sextuplicar, va. to sextuple. S^XtuplO, pla, a. sextuple, sixfold. sexuaJ, a. sexual ; generative, genital. si [see], TO. (muis. ) si, seventh note of the scale, b. — conj. if, although ; in case that, pro- vided that, unless, when, whether; it is used sometimes for how, as tu sabes si le quiero, you know how I love him ; it is used -it the beginning of exclamations to express doubt or desire, or to give force to a state- ment, as I si MTik verdad I I wonder if it be true: i si yo no lo quiero I irxieed, I don't ' want it ! si blen, although : si acaso or por si acaso, if by chance : un si es no es, some- what, a trifle : si no, if not, otherwise. si, pron. (reflexive form of the personal Sronoun of the third person, in both gen- ers and numbers) ; himself, herself, itself, one's self, themselves : de por si, apart, sepa- rately : de si, of itself, spontaneously : sobre si, attentively, cautiously. — adv. yes, yea, aye ; indeed. — to, assent, consent, permis- sion : dar el si, to say yes ; to promise to marry : por si 6 por no, in any case : si tal. Indeed, certainly. Biamp^n, m. (Philip.) sapan-tree. Sibarlta, m. or /. Sybarite ; epicure, volup- tuary. — a. luxurious, sensuous. SibaritiCO, ca, a. Sybaritical, luxurious, sensual. Sibaritismo, m. sybaritism, Sibil, TO. cave ; cellar, vault. * Sibila,/. prophetess; sibyl. sibilante, a, (poet.) sibilant, hissing, sibilino, na, a. sibylline. sibucao, to. (Philip.) (bot.) sapan-tree. sic [seek], (Lat.) SO, thuS {sic). sicamor, m. (bot.) v. ciclamor. SicariO, m. paid assassin, sicarius. SiCigia, (ast.) conjunction of the sun and tht moon. SiClO, m. shekel, ancient Jewish coin. SiCOfante, m. sycophant, flatterer, parasite. sicomoro, m, (bot.) sycamore; plane-tree, button-wood, sycamore-maple, SiCUlO, la, a. Sicilian. sideral, sid6reo, rea, a. sidereal, sideral, astral, starry, sideritis, /. (min.) siderite; (bot.) irom wort. siderosa,/. (min.) sideritis. Siderurgia, /. siderurgy. siderurgiCO, ca, «. siderurgical, Sidra[8ee'-.iiah],/. cider. siega [se-ay'-gah], /. reaping, mowing, har vest. siego, yo siegue {irr. from SEGAR). siembra,/. sowing, seeding ; seed-time ; sowu field. siembro, yo siembre {irr. from sembrak). Siempre, adv. always, at all times : por or para siempre, forever : siempre jam&s, for ever and ever : siempre que, provided ; whenever. Siempreviva, /. (bot.) everlasting or im- mortelle: siempreviva mayor, house-leek t siempreviva menor, stone-crop. Sien Ise-ane'],/. temple, slento, siente {irr. from skntar), v. acer- TAR. siento, sienta, 61 sinti6 {irr. from sen- tir). Siena,/, sienna. Sienita,/. (min.) syenite or sienite. sierpe, /. serpent, snake. V. serpiekte; ugly or angry person ; anything that wrig- gles ; (bot.) sucker, tiller. sierpecilla, /. dim. small serpent.— pZ. wind- ing sky-rockets. sierra, /. saw ; ridge of mountains, sierra ; (icht. ) saw-fish : sierra de mano, panel-saw or hand-saw : sierra de ingletes, tenon-saw : sierra bracera, buck-saw, frame-saw : sierra de pnnta, compass-saw : sierra de trasd6s, back-saw: sierra de agua, saw-mill. sierrecilla,/. dim. small saw. sierro, yo sierre {irr. from serrar). siervo, va, to. &/. serf, slave ; servant. sieso, TO. fundament, anus. siesta,/, hottest part of the day; afternoon nap ; afternoon music in churches. Siete, a. &. TO. seven ; seventh : el siete de marzo, the seventh of March ; seven-spot card ; a V-shaped rent in a garment ; (carp.) hook-clasp.—/, pi. las siete, seven o'clock : hablar m4s que siete, to talk too much. sieteenrama,/. (bot.) v. tormentila. sietemesino, na, a. born seven months after conception. — to. puny coxcomb. sieteflal, a. seven years old, septennial. Sifllide,/. (med.) syphilide, Sifilis,/. (med.) syphilis. Sifilitico, ca, syphilitic. Sifllografla, /. (med.) syphilographj. sifllOgrilflCO, ca, a. syphilographic, Sif6n, in. siphon ; siphon bottle. g (before •, i) and J as h in hot : h, silent ; 11 in brilliant; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial ) and rr trlUed : s. hiMe4 SIG 604 SIM Sigilacibn, /. seal, stamp, impression, mark, Sigllar, va. to seal ; to conceal. SigllO, «i. seal. V. SELLO ; secret, conceal- ment, reserve : sigilo sacramental, inviolable secrecy of the confessional. sigilosamente, adv. silently, secretly. SigllOSO, sa, a. silent, reserved, Sigla, ./'. abbreviation in initials. SiglO, w. century; epoch; age, very long time, as : un aiglo ha que no te veo, I have not seen you this age ; worldly intercourse : por or en los siglos de los siglos, for ever and «ver: siglo de cobre, brazen age: oiglo de hierro, iron age : siglo de oro, golden age : siglo de plata, silver age, Sign^CUlO, m. seal, signet, Siguar, va. to sign, to mark with a signet. — vr. to make the sign of the cross, signatario, ria, a. signing, Signatura, /. sign, mark ; (print.) signature ; Roman tribunal, Signifero, ra, o. carrying a mark or sign, Signlficacidn, /. signification, meaning ; sig- nificance. Signlficado, pp. & m. signification. slgulficador, ra, m. &f. signifier. Slgnificante, «. significant, expressive. Slgnificar, va. {pret. sigxifiquk: subj. siG- xiKiQUE) to signify, denote, mean ; to indi- cate, represent, express, to make known ; to import, to be worth. significativamente, adv. significative! y. slgnificativo, va, a. significative, expres- sive. Signo, m. sign, mark ; signal, motion, gesture, nod ; symbol, emblem ; (law) signum, scroll or flourish in a notary's signature; fate, destiny ; benediction, sign of the cross ; (ast.) sign of the zodiac; (mus.) character, SigO, yo Siga {irr. from SEGUIR). sigruiente, pa. & a. following, successive, se- quent, next, SMU, m. (W, I,; (orn.) nocturnal bird. Sll, m. yellow ochre, Silaba, /. syllable; (mus.) two or three sounds which correspond with every letter of the gamut. silabar, vn. v. silabear, SilabariO, m. spelling-book, syllabary, silabear, vn. to syllabize, syllabicate. Silabeo, m. syllabication. silabico, ca, a. syllabic(al), SilabO, TO, syllabus : summary, index. Sllanga,/. (Philip.) canal, inlet, strait. Sllba,/. (theat.) hiss, hissing. silbador, ra, m. &f. whistler; hisser, silbar, vn. to whistle; to whiz, as a musket- ball.— ra. &vn. (theat,) to hiss, to catcall. SllbatO, TO, whistl« : silbato de cazador, call - small chink or crack, letting out any liquid or air with a whiz. SilbidO, m. whistle, whistling; hiss; sibila- tion : silbido de oidos, whizzing or ringing in the ear. SilbO, m. whistle, hiss, whistling, whiz, sllbbll, TO, (orn,) kind of hissing widgeon. SllbOSO, sa, a. (poet.) whistling, hissing, silenciario, ria, a. observing profound si- lence. — m. silentiary. silenciero, ra, a. charged with preserying silence, silencio, to. silence ; taciturnity ; secrecy ; reservedness, prudence ; stillness, quiet, repose; (mus.) rest: perpetuo silencio, (law) forever hold his peace. — interj. silence ! hush ! silenciosamente, adv. silently, softly, gen- tly. SilenciOSO, sa, a. silent, still, noiseless ; soli' tary, mute, Silepsis,/, (rhet,) syllepsis. sileria, /. set of subterraneous granaries. Silero, m. (agr.) silo, silflde, /, silfo, m. sylph. Silguero, to. (orn.) linnet. V. jilgukro. SillcatO, TO. (chem.) silicate, Silice,/. (miu. ) silex, silica, quartz, siliceo, ea, a. siliceous, flinty, silicico, ca, «. silicic. silicio, TO. (chem.) silicon. SiliCUa,/. siliqua, carat; (hot.) silique, pod. SiliCUla, /. (hot.) silicle or silicula. silo, in. (agr.) silo ; any cavern or dark place. SilOgismO, m, (log.) syllogism : silogismo cor« nuto, horn of a dilemma. SilOgistiCO, ca, a. syllogistic(al), SilOgizar, vn. {pret. SiLOGici: subj. SILO- gice) to syllogize, reason, argue. silueta,/. silhouette. siluriano, na, a. (geol.) Silurian. Siluro, TO. (icht.) catfish, silurus. Silva, /. miscellany ; metrical composition. silv&tico, ca, a. v. selvatico. silvestre, a. wild, uncultivated ; rustic, sav- age. silvoso, sa, a. V. selvoso. Silla, /. chair, seat; (eccl.) see: silla or silla de montar, saddle : silla de ma::o8, sedan- chair : silla poltrona, arm or elbow chair ; easy chair : silla de posta, post-chaise : silla volante, light gig. V. volanta : silla de re- Jilla or de jnnco, cane or bamboo-bottomed . chair : silla de colnmpio, rocking-chair : silla glratoria, revolving-chair : silla plegadiza, folding-chair, camp-stool : de silla i, silla, tete-d-tete, Sillar, m. squared stone, ashlar, building block ; horseback, SillarejO, m, small ashlar, Slllera, /. place for sedan-chairs, Silleria, /. set of chairs; shop where chairs are made or sold ; stalls or seats in a choir ; stone or ashlar masonry, sillero, to, saddler ; chair-maker. Silleta,/, dim. small chair; hollow stone on which chocolate is ground ; bed-pan.— p/. mule-chairs. silletazo, m, blow with a chair. silletero, m. chairman, one who carries se- dan-ohairs ; chair maker or .sellei. SilliCO, m. basin of a close-stool. Sillin, TO. light riding-saddle ; harness-saddle ; elaborate mule-chair. Sillita,/, dim. small chair, Sill6n. m. aug. arm or elbow chair; easy chair ; side-saddle lor ladies, sima,/. deep cavern ; abyss, gulf, chasm. simado, da, a. deep (land). simbblicamente, adv. symbolically, typi- cally, hieroglyphically. simbblico, ca, «. symbolical, emblematic. simbolismo, to. symbolism. simbolista, to. or/, symbolist. siiubolizaci6n, /. symbolization. simbolizar, vn. {pret. simbolic^ : suhj. siM- bolice) to symbolize, represent, typify. simbolo, TO. symbol, emblem, type; mark, sign, device : simbolo de la fe, creed, belief, articles of faith. Simetria, /. symmetry, proportion, shapeli- ness, harmony. Sim^tricamente, adv. symmetrically. sim^trico, ca,a. symmetrical, proportionate. Simla,/, female ape'. V. mona. simiente, /. seed ; germ. V. semilla ; semen, sperm. ft M in far ; • in eb I ^ 1 in police ; o in for ; n in bull ; c (before e, i) and z as th In thick ; b and d, soft; SiM 505 SIN i^inill, a. simil:ar, resembling, like, alike. — jh. resemblance, similarity. V. semejanza ; (rhet.) simile, comparison. similar, a. (com.) similar, homogeneous, re- sembling. similicadencia,/. rhetorical figure. Similitud, /. similitude, resemblance. similitudiiiario, rla, «. similar, simllltudi- nary. similor, m. pinchbeck, similor. simio, m. male ape. V. mono. Sim6n, m. hack, cab ; hackman, in Madrid. Simonia,/. simony. Bimoniaco, ca, simoni^tico, ca, a. simo- niac or simoniacal. simoniacamente, adv. simoniacally. Simpatia, /. sympathy, fellow-feeling; simi- larity, congeniality ; (med.) sympathy. simp^ticamente, ndc. sympathetically. Simp^tiCO, ca, a. sympathetic, sympatheti- ca!, analogous ; congenial, winsome. siinpatizar, in. (pret. simpatick: subj. SIM- PATiCE) to sympathize, to be congenial. simple, a. single, simple, pure, mere, naked ; silly, foolish, crazy, idiotic; undesigniug, artless, plain, unadorned; easy, clear; mild, gentle ; ingenuous ; insipid, tasteless ; brief; informal, extra-judicial : beneficio simple, sinecure. — m. (pharm.) simple. Simplemente, adv. simply, plainly ; sillily ; absolutely, merely. Simpleza, /. simpleness, silliness, foolish- ness ; rusticity, rudeness. simplicidad, /. simplicity, plainness, artless- ness, candour. simplicisimo, ma, a. sup. extremely simple or easv. Simplificacidn, /. simplification. simplificar, va. {pret. simplifiqu^: subJ. simplifique) to simplify. Simplista. m. simplist, herbalist. Simpl6n, na, m. &f. aug. great simpleton. simulacibn,/. simulation, feigning. simulacro, m. simulacrum, image, idol ; (mil.) sham battle. simuladamente, adv. dissemblingiy. simulador, ra, m. &/. simulator, dissembler. Simular, m. to simulate, counterfeit, pre- tend, sham. simultaneamente, adv. simultaneously. Bimultaneidad. /. simultaneity. aimxiltaneo, nea, a. simultaneous. simun, >n. simoom, sirocco. sin fseenl, prep, without, besides ; joined to a verb it is a negative or privative: sin em- bargo, notwithstanding, nevertheless, how- ever: sin pies ni cabeza, without head or tail, without order : sin un cuarto, penniless. sinagoga, /. synagogue. Sinalefa,/. (gram.) synalepha. sinalagmatico, ca, a. (law) synalagmatic, mutually obligatory. sinamay, m. (Philip.) very light fabric made from abaci or pita. sinamayera, /. (Philip.) woman who sells sinamay. Sinapismo, m. (med.) sir.apism, mustard- plaster. Sinartrosis, /. (anat.) synarthrosis. sincerador, ra, »n. &/. exculpator, excuser. Sinceramente, adv. sincerely, franklv, heartily, cordially. sincerar, va. to exculpate. — vr. to excuse, justify, or vindicate one's self. sinceridad./. sincerity, frankness, truthful- ne.«s, cordiality, good-will. Sincero, ra, a. "sincere, ingenuous, true, hon- est. Sincopa,/. (gram.) syncope ; (mus. ) syncopal tion. sincopadamente, adt'. with syncope, sincopal, m. v. stxcoPE. Sincopal, a. (med.) syncopal, sincopar, va. to syncopate ; to abridge. Sincope, /. (med.) syncope, fainting-fit. K SINCOPA. Sincopizar, va. & vr. (pret. siNCOPiCfi : tubj. sincopice) to swoon, to faint. Sincretismo, m. syncretism. Sincronismo, m. synchronism, simultane- ousness. Sincr6niC0, ca, a. synchronous, synchronis- tic, simultaneous. Sinddresis,/. discretion; good judgment. sindicado or sindicato. pp. & m. body ot trustees : syndicate. Sindicador, ra, m. &f. informer, prosecutor ; syndicator. Sindical, a. syndical. Sindicar, va. (pret. sindiqu*: subj. SINDI- que) to inform, to accuse ; to syndicate. Sindicatura, /. oflice and dignity of a syn- dic. SindiCO, m. syndic; trustee ; (law) assignee, receiver : procurador sindico, attorney-gen- eral. sin6cdoque, /. (rhet.) synecdoche. sinecura, /. sinecure. sinedrio, m. V. sanedrIn. sine qua non, (Lat.) essential. Sineresis,/. (gram.) syneresis. Sinfito, m. (hot.) comfrey. Sinfonia, /. (mus. ) symphony. Sinf6niC0, ca, a. (mus.) symphonic. Sinfonista, m. or /. symphonlst ; player in an orchestra. Singladura,/. (naut.) a day s run. Singlar, ra. (naut.)' to steer, sail over a course. Single, a. (naut.) single. Singl6n, m. (naut.) futtock. singular, a. singular, single, unique ; indi- vidual, particular ; extraordinary, extrav- agant, strange ; (gram.) singular. Singularidad. /. singularity, notability, od- dity. sing^Ularizar, va. (pret. singularic6: subj. singularice) to distinguish, particularize, singularize, single out.— it. to distinguish one's self ; to be or make one's self conspicu- ous. SingUlarmente, adv. singularly. sin^ltO, m. sob ; hiccough, singultus. siniestra./. left hand. v. izquierda. siniestramente, adv. sinistrously, perverse- ly- siniestro, tra, a. sinister, left, on the left side; sinistrous, vicious, froward ; unhap- py, unlucky, inauspicious. — m. perverse- ness, depravity; (com.) shipwreck, dis- aster ; damage, loss at sea. sinnumero, m. no end, numberless quantity. sino isee'-no], conj. but ; except, besides ; sole- ly, only. — m. fate, destiny. Sinoble, a. (her.) vert. V. sinople. Sinocal, Sinoco, ca, a. (med.) synochal (fe- ver). Sinodal, a. synodic, synodal, — m. synods- man. Sinod&ticO, m. synodal, contribution to the bishop. sin6dico, ca, a. synodal, synodical ; (ast.> synodic. sinodo, m. (eccl. and ast.) svnod. sindlogo, ga, m. & f. sinologue. Sinonimia,/. (rhet.) synonymy. C (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny iu canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; t, hissed SIN 506 SOB ginbniniO, ma, «. synonymous. — m. syno- nym. Sinople, a. (her.) sinople, vert. sinopsis, /. synopsis, compendium, epitome. dinbptiCO, ca, a. synoptic, compendious. Slnovia,/. synovia. Sinovial, a. synovial. 8lliraz6n,/. wrong, injury, injustice. Sinsabor, rn. displeasure, unpleasantness, trouble, disgust, pain, uneasiness, offensive- ness. Slnsonte, m. (orn.) mocking-bird. BlntActico, ca, «. (gram.) syntactic. Sintaxis,/. (gram.) syntax. sintesis, /. synthesis. sint^lcamente, adv. synthetically. Sint^tiCO, ca, a. synthetical. Sintetlzar, va. {pret. siNXEXlcfi: suhj. SIN- tetice) to synthesize. sintoma, m. (med.) symptom; sign, token, indication. Bintomaticamente, adv. symptomatically. sintomatico, ca, «. symptomatic(al). Sintomatologia,/. (med.) symptomatology. Sinuosidad, /. sinuosity, sinuousness. sinuoso, sa, a. sinuous, sinuate, wavy. 8lped6n, m. kind of serpent. siquier, siquiera, conj. at least ; though, although ; whether, or ; scarcely ; other- wise : siquiera an poqalto, ever so little : ni siquiera, not even. Sirena, /. syren, mermaid; (naut.) siren, fog-horn; (phys.) siren, for measuring vi- brations. BtrenlO, nia, a. (icht.) sirenian. — m. pi. Sirenia. Sirga, /. (naut.) tow-rope, tow-line; line for hauling seines : i. la sirga, (naut.) tracking from the shore. sirgadura,/. (naut.) trackage. sir gar, va. (naut.) to track. SirgO, m. twisted silk ; silk stuff. Sirguero, m. (orn.) linnet. V. jilguero. siriaco, ca, «. Syrian. — m. Syriac. SiriO, m. (ast.) Sirius or dog-star. Slrle, m. sheep-dung, goat's dung. slrOCO, m. sirocco. sirria, /. sheep-dung. V. sirle. sirte, /. syrtes, hidden rock, sand-bank; peril, danger. Sirvienta,/. servant-girl, maid. Slrviente, pa. & m. serving ; servant, menial. sirvo, sirva, 61 sirvib (hr. from servir). 8isa, /. petty theft, pillering ; (tail.) clip- pings, cabbage; (sew.) dart; size, used, by gilders ; excise. slsador, ra, m. &/. filcher, petty thief. SiSallO, m. (hot.) V. BARRILLA. Sisar, va. to pilfer, 6lch ; (sew.) to take in ; to size, for gilding ; to excise liquors or eat- ables. slsear, vn. to hiss. Slseo, in. hiss, hissing. Slsero, in. excise collector. slsimbrlo, m. (bot.) hedge-mustard. 8i8itOt6, >n. (orn.) tropical song-bird. SismiCO, ca a. seismic. Sism6grafO, m. seismograph. sismologia, /. seismology. SismoldgiCO, ca, a. seismological. aismdmetro, ?». seismometer. 8is6n, na, m. filcher, pilferer, petty thief; (orn.) godart or moor-cock. Sistema, m. system : listema mitrico, system of weights and measures of any country : siistema mitrico decimal, metric system. sistem&ticamente, adv. systematically. SistemktiCO, ca, a. systematic, methodical. sistematizar, va. ( pret. sistematic^ : tubj, sistematice) to systematize. SistilO, TO. (arch.) systyle. sistole,/. (physiol. and rhet.) systole. SiStrO, m. (mus.) sistrum. sitiador, m. besieger. sitlal, m. seat of honour, presiding chair; bench, form. Sitiar, va. (mil.) to besiege, lay siege ; to sur- round, hem in, compass ; to close all ave- nues. Sitlbundo, da, a. (poet.) thirsty. Sitiero, m. (Cuba) petty farmer. SitlO, rn. place, space, spot, room ; stand, sta- tion ; seat; location, site, situation; (mil.) siege, blockade : countrv-house, country- seat, villa ; (Cuba) small farm : real sitio, king's country residence : dejar en el sitio, to kill one outright: quedar en el sitio, to die on the spot. SitO, ta, a. situated, lying, located. situacidn, /. situation, position ; site, loca- tion ; state, standing, condition ; assigna- tion, appointment, assignment, annuity ; (naut.) bearing. SituadO, da, a. &pp. situate, situated, lying, located, placed.— /jp. & in. allowance, pay, annuity assigned upon certain valuables. Situar, ra. to station, place, locate, put, situ- ate* (com.) to remit or place funds. — vr. to settle in a place ; to station one's sell. SO, prep, under ; below : so capa de or so color de, under colour ; on pretence : so pena de, under penalty of.^-prejix, meaning under or sub. I so ! interj. whoa ! stop ! (to horses). soasar, va. to half roast, parboil, underdo meat. SOata, /. ( Venez.) kind of squasn. SOba, /. massage ; kneading ; manipulation ; rubbing; beating; drubbing. SObacal, a. axillary. SObaco, in. armpit, arm-hole, axilla ; (bot.) axil. SObaderO, ra, a. that may be handled. sobado, pp. & m. sobadura, /. v. soba. sobajadura, /. sobajamiento, m. squeeze, pressure, crushing. sobajanero, m. (coll.) errand-boy. SObaJar, va. to squeeze, press, crush. SObanda, /. bottom or end Of a cask. SObaquera,/. (tail.) arm-hole, arm-scye. SObaqulna, /. smell of the armpit. SObar, va. to knead, massage, manipulate, squeeze, soften ; to pummel, to box ; to handle a person with too much familiarity. SObarba. /. nose-band of a bridle. sobarbada, /. sudden check. V. sofrena- DA ; reprimand, scolding. SObarbO, m. (mech.) cam, pallet or pawl, in beating machines. SObarcar, va. {for tnut. V. abarcar) to carry a bundle under the arm ; to draw the clothes up to the arm-holes. SObeo, m. thong for tying the yoke to the pole. SOberanamente, adv. sovereignly, supreme- ly. SOberanear, vn. to lord it, to domineer. SOberania, /. sovereignty, majesty ; domin- ion, rule, sway. aoberano, na, a. sovereign, supreme, royal ; most potent, superior, pre-eminent.— m. A. f. sovereign ; lord paramount ; king or Queen ; liege. SOoerbia, /. pride, haughtiness ; presump- tion ; arrogance ; loftiness ; magnificence, sumptuousness, pomp, pageantry ; anger, passion. a at lu far ; e in eh I ; i m police ; o la for ; a in ball; c (before e. l) an4 z as th in thick ; b and d, ••*•' SOB 507 SOB soberblamente, adv. haughtily, arrogantly, proudly, superbly. BOberbib, bia, a. proud, arrogant, elated, haughty, passionate ; superb, grand, mag- nificent; lofty, sublime, eminent; fiery, mettlesome (horses). soberbiosamente, adv. haughtily. soberbioso, sa, a. v. soberbio. SObina,/. wooden pin, peg. S0b6n, na, a. given to excessive fondling and caressing; (coll.) sly, lazy fellow. SObordO, m. (naut.) manifest, freight-list. sobomacibn, /. v. soborno. SObomado, pp. & m. misshaped loaf of bread. sobornador, ra, m. &f. brioer, suborner. SObornal, m. an overload ; seroon. SObornar, va. to suborn, to bribe. soborno, m. subornation, bribe ; incitement, inducement; (Peru) V. sobornal. BObra, /. overplus, surplus, excess ; grievous offence, injury : sobraa de la comida, offals, leavings, broken victuals : de sobra, over and above ; superfluously : eatar de sobra, (coll. ) to be one too many. SObradamente, adv. abundantly ; super- abundantly ; excessively. SObradar, va. to build a garret. SObradlllO, m. dim. (arch.) pent-house. BObradO, da, pp. & a. excessive, abundant; bold, audacious, licentious ; rich, wealthy. — m. garret, attic. BObrancero, ra, a. disengaged, unemployed ; supernumerary ploughman. BObrante, pa. &m. residue, superfluity, over- plus, surplus ; rich, wealthy. SObrar, va. to exceed, surpass. — vn. to have more than is necessary ; to be over and above ; to be more than enough ; to be in- trusive ; to remain, to be left. sobrasada,/. v. sobreasada. SObrasar, va. to add fire under a pot. BObre, prep, on, upon, over; above, higher; about, more or less ; moreover, besides ; after, beyond ; to, toward, near ; (naut. ) off: estar sobre si, to be on guard, to be self- possessed : Bobre que, besides, moreover : ■obre comida, after dinner : sobre manera, excessively, beyond measure: ir sobre al- guno, to go in pursuit of a person: sobre poco m&s 6 menos, just about, more or less. — prefix, denoting excess ; over, super.— to. envelope (cover) of a letter ; address, super- scription. SObreabundancla, /. superabundance. SObreabundailte,pa. superabundant ; luxu- riant. sobreabundantemente, adv. superabun- dantly. BObreabundar, vn. to superabound; to be exuberant. BObreaguar, vn. to float on water. sobreagudo, da, a. &m. &f. (mus.) treble, highest register. Bobrealiento, m. difficult respiration. sobrealzar, va. to praise, to extol. sobreafladir, va. to superadd, superinduce. SObreaiial, a. more than a year old (ani- mals). sobreasada, /. half-roasted sausage from Majorca. BObreasar, va. to roast again. BObreboya,/. (naut.) marking buoy. sobrebrazal, to. (naut.) false rail. sobreca^a,/. outer case. sobrecalza, /. leggings. V. polaina. sobrecama,/. coverlet, bedspread. BObrecalla,/. (vet.) tumour on a horse's leg. BObrecarga, /. an overload ; packing strap ; additional trouble or vexation ; surcharge^ overburden. BObrecargado, da, a. & pp. overloaded: costura sobrecargada, (sew.) felling. sobrecargar, va. {for mui. v. cargar) tr overload, surcharge, overburden ; over- weight, overtask ; (com. ) to overcharge ; (sew.) to fell. BObrecargO, to, (naut.) purser, supercargo. SObrecarta, /. cover, envelope (of a letter) ; (law) second decree or warrant, repeating a former order. sobrecartar, va. (law) to repeat a former warrant. sobrecebadera,/. (naut.) sprit top-sail. S0brec6dula, /. second royal order. SObreceja, /. part of the forehead over the eye-brows. sobrecejo, to. frown ; supercilious aspect. BObrecefl.0, to. frown. V. sobrecejo. sobrecercar, va. (sew.) to welt. sobrecerco, to. (sew.) welt. Bobrecincbo, cha, to. &/. surcingle. BObreclaustro, m. apartment over a cloister. sobrecoger, va. {for mut. v. coger) to sur prise, to overtake.— vr. to become appre- hensive or timorous. BObrecogimiento, to. fearfulness, apprehen' sion. BObrecomlda, /. dessert. V. postre. sobrecopa, /. cover or lid of a cup. sobrecoser, va. (sew.) to whip, to fell. SObreCOStlira,/. (sew.) whip-stich, fell. BObrecrecer, vn. {for irr. V. creckr) t« grow on top. Bobrecreclente, pa. growing on top. BObrecruces, TO. »/. (carp.) cross-joints. BObrecubierta,/. double cover ; wrap or en* velope; (naut.) upper deck. BObrecuello, to. collar, v. collarIn. BObredichO, Cba, a. above-mentioned, afore- said. BObredlente, to. gag-tooth. SObredorar, ra. to over-gild ; to palliate. SObreedificar, va. to build over anything. BObreempeine, to. (shoe.) covering for tne instep. BObreestadias,/. p/. (com.) extra lay days. B0breexcitaci6n,/. overexcitement. sobreexcitar, va. to overexcite. SObrefaz, /. superficies, surface, outside; (mil.) face prolonged. BObrefino, na, «. superfine, overfine. SObreflor, /. flower growing within auothe: flower. SObreguarda, to. second g^uard. BObrenaz,/. surface; outside cover. SObrebllar, va. (sew.) to overcast. sobrebueso, to. (vet.) splint ; trouble, enr cumbrance, burden. sobrehumano, na, a. superhuman. sobrebusa, .''. stew of fried fish. Bobreialma, /. woollen cover for a pack-sad- dle. sobrejuanete, to. (naut.) royal. SObrelechO, m. under face of a stone. BObrellave,/. double key. — TO. in royal pal- aces, keeper of double keys. • BObrellevar, va. to ease "another's burden ; to carry ; to bear, endure, undergo ; to- overlook, be lenient. SObremanera, adv. beyond measure ; exces- sively. Bobreinano, /. (vet.) splint on the fore- hoofs. BObremesa, .^. table-carpet, table-cloth; des- .sert : de sobremesa, after dinner. BObremesana, .^°. (naut.) mizzen top-srail. g(beforee,i)andjMhin hot; h, silent; 11 la brilliaBt; ft, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr triUed; ■. SOB 508 SOC BObremililonera, /. (arti.) clamp or cap- square. sobrenadar, vn. to swim, float, overfloat. sobrenatural, a. supernatural. sobrenaturalmente, adv. supernaturally. SObrenombre, /«. surname ; nickname. sobrentender, va. & vr. (for irr. V. entkn- DiiK) to uuderstand of course. sobrepa^a, /. extra pav. sobrepano, vi. upper cloth ; wrapper. BObreparto, m. (med.) confinement after parturition. sobrepelne, m. cutting the hair but slightly. —adv. (coll.) slightly, briefly. sobrepelliz,/. (eccl.) surplice. sobrepeso, m-. overweight. SObrepi^, m. (vet.) splint on rear hoofs. SObreplan, m. (naut.) rider. sobreponer, va. {for in'. V. poner) to put over, superpose, overlap. — vr. to be above ; to nia.ster, overcome, overpower. sobreposicidn, /. superposition. sobreprecio, m. extra price, raise. SObrepuerta, /. cornice over a door ; lam- brequin, door-curtain, porti&re. sobrepuesto, ta, a. & pp. irr. of sobre- PONEK ; superposed : costura sobrepuesta, overlapped seam. — m. honeycomb formed ty bees after the hive is full. «ObrepujamientO, m. surpassing, excelling. SObrepujante,/>a. surpassing, excelling. SO')repujanza,/. great strength and vigour. sobrepujar, va. to exceed, surpass, excel. •BObrequilla,/. (naut.) keelson. SObrerronda, /. (mil.) counter-round. sobrerropa, ./■. overcoat j overalls. ment. SOlador, m. tiler, pavier. SOladara, /. paving ; paving materials. SOlamente, adv. only, solely, merely. SOlana, /. strong sunshine ; sunny place ; sun-gallery ; sun-bath. solanaceo, a, a. solan aceous.—/. p(. Sola- nacese. SOlanera, /. sun-bath ; sunburning ; hot sunny place. SOlano, in. easterly wind ; (bot. ) night-shade. SOlapa, /. (tail.) lapel; colour, pretence, pretext ; (vet.) cavity of a small wound. solapadamente, adv. deceitfully. SOlapadO, da, pp. & a. cunning, crafty, art- ful. SOlapadura (Obra de), /. (naut.) clincher- work, clinching; overlapping. SOlapamientO, m. (vet.) cavity of a wound. SOlapar, va. (tail.) to put lapels on a gar- ment ; to overlap ; to cloak, conceal. — vn. to overlap (as a lapel). SOlape, SOlapO, to. lapel ; pretence : i. sola- po, (coll.)sneakingly. solar, va. (ind. SUELO : subj. suela) to floor, to lay a floor, to pave ; (shoe.) to sole. solar, TO. lot, ground-plot ; manor-house, an- cestral mansion. — a. solar. SOlariegO, ga, a. manorial ; (law) held by a full legal tenure ; descending from noble sau- ces tors. solas it mis, tUS, SUS), adv. all alone by myself, thyself, him- or herself, themselves. V. SOLO. SOlaz, TO. solace, consolation, relaxation, comfort ; enjoyment : k solaz, pleasantly, agreeably. SOlazar, va. (pret. solace: subj. solace) to solace, comfort, cheer, amuse. — vr. to b© comforted, to enjoy one's self. SOlazO, TO. aug. (coll.) scorching sun. SOlazosO, sa, a. comforting, delectable, en* jovable. soldada, /. wages, pay, salary. SOldadero, ra, a. stipendiary, receiving wages. SOldadescO, ca, a. soldierly, soldier-like. g (before e, 1) and J as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in brilliant; ft, nyln canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled; B, hlsse<3. SOL 610 SOL military.—;^, soldiery, soldiership ; undisci- plined troops : & la Boldadesca, in a soldierly manner. SOldadO, da, pp- &■ re 4e soleanidad, poor {terson in real dis- tress. BOlemnizador, ra, rn. &f. solemnizer, solenmizar, va. {nret. solemn icfi : subj. soLKMNicK) to soIcmnize, celebrate with Somp ; *,o praise, applaud, extol. SOlenoide, m. (elec.) solenoid. 861eo, m. (anat.) soleus. SOler, vn. {ind. SUELO) (this is a defective verb of which only the present and imperfect tenses are used, always followed by an infinitive) to use to, be accustomed ; be apt to, be wont. BOler, m. (naut.) underflooring. solera, /. (arch.) entablature, string-piece, cross-beam, rib, summer, lintei, breast- summer ; plinth • nether millstone ; lees or mother-liquor of wine: solera de carefia, (ordn.) sole of a gun-carriage. SOlercia, /. industry ; abilities, talents ; shrewdness. SOleria, /. pavement ; paving-stones ; parcel of skins used for soles. SOlero, m. aether millstone. SOlerte, «. shrewd, cunning, sagacious. SOleta,/. new sole in stockings ; (Mex.) cake with sugar icing: tomar soleta, (coll.) to run off. BOletar, soletear, va. to resole a pair of stockings. SOletero, ra, m. & f. one who re-foots stock- ings. soleyaci6n, /. solevamiento, m. v. suble- VACldN. BOleyantado, da, a. & pp. restless, excited, agitated, perturbed. BOlevantamlento, m. upheaval, uprising. SOlevantar, va. to upheave, uplift, raise, ele- vate; to induce, incite, agitate. solevar, va. v. sublevar. solfa, /. (mus.) sol-fa, solfeggio, solmization ; musical annotation, notes ; music, harmo- ny ; (coll.) sound beating or flogging : estar or poner en solfa, to be arranged (or to ar- range) with art and judgment; to appear (or present) in a ridiculous light. BOlfatara,/. (geol.) solfatara. SOlfeador, ra, m. & f. solfaist, one who sol- mi zates. SOlfear, vn. (mus.) to>»olfa, solmizate; (coiK) to cudgel, flog. SOlfeo, m. (mus.) solfaing, solmization, so)< feggio; (coll.) beating, flogging, drubbing, SOlflSta, m. &f solfaist. SOlicltacibn, f. solicitation, importunity, teinptatiou, inducement. SOlicitadO, da, a. (com.) in g;ood demand. SOlicitador, ra, m. &f. solicitor, agent. SOlicitamente, adv. solicitously, diligently. solicitante, pa. V. solicitador. SOllcitar, va. to solicit, search, seek ; to im- portune, entreat ; to woo, to court. SOlicitO, ta, a. solicitous, diligent, careful. SOliCitud, /. solicitude ; importunity; dili- gence; petition, application; (com.) de- mand. S611damente, adv. solidly, firmly. SOlidar, va. to consolidate, establish ; to bard- en, to render firm and solid. solidariamente, adv. (law) in solidum, for the whole. solidaridad, /. (law) solidarity. SOlidariO, ria, a. (law) solidary, jointly lia- ble. SOlldeO, m. (eccl.) calotte. SOlldez, /. solidity, firmness, strength. S0lidificaci6n, /. solidification. SOlidlficar, va. & vr. to solidify. S611d0, da, a. solid, firm, compact, consistent ; built on sound reasons. — /n. (geom.) a solid ; ancient Roman gold coin. SOllloquiar, vn. (coll.) to soliloquize. BOliloquiO [so-ie-io'-ke-o], m. soliloquy, mono- logue. SOlim^n, m. (chem.) corrosive sublimate. SOliO, m. throne with a canopy. SOlipedO, da. a. solipede, solidungulate. SOllsta, m. or/, (mus.) soloist. SOUtaria,/. post-chaise; sulky; tapeworm. SOlitariamente, adv. solitarily, lonesomely. SOlltarlO, ria, a. solitary, lonely, lonesome, isolated, secluded. — m. solitary, recluse, hermit ; solitaire (game) ; (jewel ) solitaire, diamond: p<)J&ro solltario, (orn.) solitary thrush. s61itO, ta, a. wont, accustomed. SOllviadura, ./". lift, lifting, raising. SOliviantar, ra. to induce, incite, rouse, in- stigate. SOliviar, va. to raise or lift up ; to prop up.— vr. to raise one's self. SOlivlO, rn. lift, rising or raising. solo, la, a. alone, single, solitary; only, lonely, lonesome: k solas, alone, unaided: k mis solas or k sas solas, quite alone. Id sol- itude.— m. (mus.) solo ; lone hand in certain games of cards ; game at cards. solo, adv. only, solely. V. solamente. SOlomillO, SOlomo, m. sirloin ; chine ; loin of pork. SOlstlCial, a. solstitial. SOlsticiO, m. (ast.) solstice. SOltadizo, za, a. easily untied ; cleverly loosened. SOltador, ra, m. &f. dropper. SOltar, va. (pp. SOLTADO, suelto : ind. suKLTO : subj. suelte) to untie, unfasten, loosen ; to cast oflF, let go, set free, dis- charge ; to throw down, throw out ; to burst out (into laughter or crying) ; (coll.) to utter ; to give (a slap or kick). — vr. to get loose, to come off; to grow expeditious and handy ; to lose restraint ; to forego all de- cency and modesty, SOlteria, /. celibacy, bachelorship, bachelor- hood. SOlterO, ra, a. single, unmarried. — m. bach- • »8 in far ; e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o la for ; a in bull ; c (before e, 1) and z as tk In tlklck ; b and d, aeft : SOL 511 SON elor, unmarried man.—/, spinster, unmar- ried woman. SOlterbn, >n. old bachelor. Bolterona, /. old maid. SOltura. /. freeing, setting at liberty ; re- lease, freedom ; easiness ; fluency ; agility, activity ; laxity, looseness, licentiousness. SOlubilidad,/. solubility, solubleness. soluble, a. soluble ; resoluble ; solvable. SOlUCidn,/. solution ; loosening or untying; resolution ; dissolution ; climax or de- nouement in a drama or epic poem ; pay, satisfaction : 8olaci6n de continuidad, break, Sap, interruption. UtivO, va, o. (med. ) solutive. solvencia, /. (com.) solvency. solventar, va. to settle debts. SOlvente, pa. & a. solvent, unbinding, dis- solvent; (com.) solvent. solver, va. {/or irr. V. RESOLVER) to loosen, untie ; to solve, find out. SOlladO, m. (naut.) orlop. SOllamar, va. to scorch, to singe. SOUastre, m. scullion, kitchen-boy ; skilful rogue. sollastria,/. scullery. SOUo, m. (icht.) sturgeon, pike. SOllOZar, vn. (pret. SOLLOCJfi : subj. SOLLOCE) to sob. SOllOZO, m. sob; (Mex.) huckleberry. soma, f. coarse flour. BOmarita,/. (coll.) beating, drubbing. SOmat^n, m. armed corps for the defence of a city or province ; one who- serves in such a corps; alarm bell; (coll.) hubbub, row- dedow : i somat^n ! war-cry of Catalans. BOmbra, /. shade ; shadow ; darkness ; spirit, ghost, manes ; shelter, favour, protection ; resemblance, si&ilitude ; sign, vestige ; (ast. ) umbra ; (art) shadow, shade, shading ; umber : ni por sombra, by no means : sombras chinescas, (theat.) shadow pantomime: hacer Bombra, to shade ; to protect ; to outshine : no set ni tn sombra, to be but the shadow of one's former self: tener buena sombra, to be pleasing, popular, agreeable: tener mala som- bra, to exert an evil influence over others ; to be disagreeable. SOmbraJe, m. screen made with branches, mats, etc.. to aftbrd shade. SOmbrajO, m. v. sombra je; (coll.) shadow cast by a person before another who needs light. SOmbrar, va. to astonish. V. ASOMBRAR. SOmbreadO, pp. & m. shading. Bombrear, va. (art) to shade. BOmbrerazo, m. aug. large hat : flap or blow with a hat ; (coll.) doffing the hat as a salute. BOmbrerera, /. hat-box, hat-case , hatter's wife. sombrereria, /. manufactory of hats ; shop where hats are sold. BOmbrerero, m. hatter, hat-maker. BOmbrerete, m. dim. small hat; (mech.) bonnet, cap, cowl ; spark-catcher of a loco- motive ; (arch.) calotte. BOmbrerillO, ItO, m. dim. little hat; alms- basket in prisons; (bot.) navel-wort. sombrero, m. hat ; sounding-board ; canopy of a pulpit. V. SOMBRERETE ; privilege of a Spanish grandee of keeping the hat on in the presence of the king : sombrero de cabres- tante, (naut.) drum of the capstan: som- brero del patron, (naut. ) hat-money, pri- mage: sombrero cala&^s, Andalusian hat: sombrero apuntado, cocked hat : sombrero de tres picos or de tres candiles, three-cornered bat: sombrero Jarano, Mexican sombrero: sombrero jibaro, farmers' straw hat : sombre* ro de copa, silk hat, high hat : sombrero bongo, derby hat : sombrero de muelles, opera hat. V. CLAC : sombrero gacho, slouch hat. BOmbria,/. shady place. BOmbrllla. / parasol, sunshade. SOmbrita,/. dim. slight shade. SOmbriO, bria, «. snady, gloomy, sombre, dark ; hazy, overcast, murky, thick (weath- er) : taciturn, sullen, sulky; (art) shaded^ dark. — m. shady place, BOmbrOSO, sa, d. shady, shadowy. Bomeramente. adv. superficially. SOmero, ra, a. superficial, shallow.—/. (print. ) sleeper of the press. BOmeter, va. to subject, submit,'subdue. — vr. to humble one's self; to submit, acquiesce, comply. SOmetimientO. m. submission, subjection, subduing. BOmnambulismo, m. somnambulism. SOmn^unbulO, la, m. & /. & a. somnambule, somnambulist. BOmnifero. ra, a. somniferous, soporiferous, BOmnilOCUO, CUa, a. somniloquous. somnolencia,/. sleepiness, drowsiness, soAQk nolency. somonte, a. coarse, rough, shaggy. Bomorgujador, m. diver, somorgujar, va. & vr. to dive, to duck. somorgnjo, somorgujbn, somormujo, m. (orn.) dun-diver, merganser: 4 lo somorgujo or k lo somormujo, under water, privatelVt secretly. Bompesar, va. to heft. son, m. sound, noise, report ; spread news ot story ; pretext, reason ; mode, manner, guise: en son de, as, like, in the guise of: en son de gnerra, warlike: sin ton ni son, without rhyme or reason: i4qu6 son or & son de qui? with what motive, for what rea.son ? : X son de, at or to the sound of: bailar k cnalquier son, to be easily moved by affection or passion : bailar uno al son qae le tocan, to adapt one's self to circumstances : bailar sin son, to be exceedingly eager. BOnable, a. sonorous, loud, sounding ; cele- brated, famous. BOnada,/. (mus.) tune; sonata. Bonadera,/. blowing the nose. BOnadero, m. handkerchief. BOnadO, da, pp. & a. celebrated, famous ; bruited about. BOnador, ra, m. &f. noise-maker. — m. band- kerchief. BOnaja,/. jingles; (mus.) timbrel. sonajero, m. baby's rattle. sonajuela,/. dim. small jingles or timbre!. sonambuliBmo, m. v. somnambulismo. sonambulo, la, »*. &/. & a. v. somnAmbulo- BOnante, pa. & a. sounding, sonorous. sonar, va. {ind. sueno : subj. suene) to sound, to ring, to play upon a musical in- strument; to pronounce, enunciate; to like or dislike. — vn. to sound, make a noise; to chink, tinkle, jingle, ring. — v. impers. to be reported, to be bruited about.— rr. to blow one's nose. sonata,/ (mus.) sonata. sonatina,/, dim. (mus.) sonatina. BOnda,/. (naut. ) sounding, heaving the lead ; lead, sounder, plummet ; (geoi.) anular borer; diamond drill; (surg.) catheter^ bougie; sound, probe; (arti.) searcher,, proof stick. BOndable, a. that may be sounded. sondaleza, /. (naut.) lead-line, sounding- line. C (before e, i) a.".;'. .) as h in bot ; b, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; 8, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, bissed. SON 512 SOE Bondar, sondear, m. (naut. ) to sound, to heave the lead ; to try, to sift, to sound an- other's intentions ; to explore, to fathom. SOndeO, m. sounding; exploring, fathoming. BOneclllO, in. dim. slight sound , merry tune. SOnetiCO, m. dim. sound produced by tapping with the fingers. SOnetista, m. one who writes sonnets. aonetO, m. (poet.) sonnet. SOnidO, m. sound, noise ; report ; fame, ru- mour; plionetic sound, pronunciation; lit- eral signification. SOnochada, /. evening; evening watch. BOnochar, in. to watch the first hours of the night. sonometro, m. sonometer. SOnoramente, adc. sonorously ; harmonious- ly. BOhoridad,/. sonority, sonorousness. BOnoro, ra, SOnorosO, sa, «. sonorous, sonif- erous; sounding, clear, loud; emitting an agreeable, harmonious sound. SOnreir, vn. & w. {for irr. V. reir) to smile. sonrisa, /. sonriso, m. smile. BOnrodadura, /. stickingin the mud (wheel). BOnrodarse, vr. to stick in the mud (wheels). sonrojar, sonrojear, va. to make one blush. — vr. to blush, flush. SOnrojO, m. blush ; offensive word which causes a blush. Bonrosar, sonrosear, va. to dye a rose col- our: sonrosearse, vr. to blush. sonroseo, m. blush. sonsaca,/. sonsacamiento, »«. wheedling; drawing one out ; enticement ; pilfering. SOnsacador, ra, m. & f. wheedler, enticer ; pilferer. BOnsacar, va. {formtil. V. sacar) to pilfer; to draw one out ; to entice, allure. sonsaque, m. v. sonsaca. BOnsonete, m. sound produced by rhythmi- cal raps or taps ; siug-song voice. BOflador, ra, m. &/. dreamer; visionary. BOflante.jaa. dreaming. BO&ar, va. {ind. sueSo : subj. SUENE) to dream ; indulge in reverie : ni sofiarlo, I could not dream of it : Boftar despierto, to in- dulge in day dreams. BO&arrera, /. dreaming; heavy sleep; drowsiness. BOftera,/. sleepiness, drowsiness. SOflolencia,/. sleepiness, drowsiness, somno- leuce. BOfloUentamente, adv. sleepily, heavily. BOfl.OlientO. ta, a. sleepy, drowsy ; soporif- erous ; dull, lazy. BOpa. /. sop ; (cook. ) soup. — pi. slices of bread for soup: aopa de vino, (hot.) flower of the small caltrops : sopa de ajo or de gato, meagre soup : Bopa borracha, sort of wine cake : hecho nna lopa, wet through to the skin : 4 la sopa l)oba, (coll. ) living at other people's expense. 30palba,/. fritter steeped in honey. BOpalancar, va. to lift with a lever. sopalanda,/. gown worn by students. BOpanda,/. (car.) brace; (carp.) joist, cross- beam. sopapear, va. (coll.) to chuck under the cnln ; to vilify, to abuse. SOpapO. m. chuck under the chin; (coll.) box, blow, slap; (mech.) valve, stop-valve, sucker. fiopar, va. to sop bread, V. knsopar. 60pear, va. to sop, to steep bread ; to tram- ple, domineer, maltreat. Sopefla,/. cavity under a rock. sopera,/. soup-tureen. sopero, m. soup-plate ; lover of sodps. BopeBar, va. to heft. V. soMPESAR. SOpetear, va. to sop ; to steep bread ; to abuse, maltreat. SOpeteO, m. dipping (bread, etc.). SOpetdn, m. bread toasted and steeped io <>il ; box, cuff', slap : de sopeton, suddenly. SOpita, ./■. dim. sippet, light soup. SOpista, m. or J. one living upon charity, i Bopla ! interj. expressing wonder. SOpladero, m. air-hole from subterraneo*»3 passages. SOpladO, da, a. &.pp. blown ; (coll.) overnice and spruce ; conceited. — m. (min.) deep fis- sure. soplador, ra, m. & /. blower; inciter. — m. ventilator, blowing-fan. sopladura,/. blowing. SOplamocOB, m. (coll.) box or slap on the nose. SOplar, vn. & va. to blow, blow out ; to fan ; to fill with air, inflate ; to rob or steal in an artful manner ; to huff a man in the game of draughts ; to suggest, to prompt ; to inspire. — it, to eat or drink a great deal : Bopl&rsela & alguno, to deceive a person. SOplete, m. (gl.) blow-pipe; soldering pipe. SOpliCO, m. dim. slight puff" or blast. SOplidO, m. blowing, blast. V. SOPLO. SOplillO, m. dim. blowing-fan ; anything ex- tremely thin and light; silk gauze, chillbn; very light sponge-cake. SOplO, m. blowing ; blast, gust, puff of wiod ; breath ; instant, moment ; secret advice or warning ; secret accusation. BOpldn, na, a. & n. tale-bearer, informer S0p6ll, VI. aug. V. sopista. SOponciO, m. fainting fit, swoon, sopor, m. (med.) sopor, lethargic sleep. SOporiferO, ra, a. soporific, soporiferous. BOporosO, Ba, «. soporiferous ; sufferipg from sopor; (med.) soporus. SOportable, a. tolerable, supportable, enrtur- able. soportador, ra, m. &. f. .«upporter. SOportal, m. (arch,) portxco, soportar, va. to suffer, endure, resist, bear, tolerate, abide, SOporte, m. support, supporter, stand, base, cleat, bracket, rest, bearing, hanger. BOpranO, m. (mus.) soprano voice.—/, soprano singer. BOpuntar, va. to undermark a letter or word, aor, /. (eccl.) sister, as Bor Maria, Sister Mary. BOra,/. (Peru) mash made from maize, sorba,/. (hot.) sorb-apple. V. serba. sorbedor, ra, a. sipping. — m. & f. sipper. SOrber, va. to sip, suck ; to sup ; to imbibe- soak, absorb ; to swallow. sorbete, m. sherbet, water-ice. sorbetera, /. ice-cream freezer ; (coll. and hum.) high hat, sorbetdn, »», aug. large draught of liquor, sorbible, o. sorbible. SOrbitO, m. dim. little sip. SOrbO, /". imbibition ; absorption ; sip, sup, draught, swallow, gulp; (Dot.) sorVtree, service-tree. BOrda, .f. (oru.) woodcock; (naut.) stream- cable employed in launching a ship. BOrdamente" adv. secretly, silently. sordera, sordedad, sordez,./. deafness. Bbrdidamente, adv. sordidly, dirtily. BOrdidez, /. sordidness, nastiness ; covetous- ness, avarice. S6rdld0, da, a. sordid, dirty, nasty, licen- tious, impure, indecent, scandalous, SOrdina,./'. (mus.) mute, sordine (for string instruments); sordono (for trumpet); a as In far; e in eii I ; i !■ *M>lice : o In for ; a lu ball ; c (liefore e, I) an.1 Z as til in thick ; b and d, aoft rfOR 513 SUB damper (for piano) : i la sordina, secretly, privately, without noise. sordino, m. (mus.) kit, small fiddle. SOrdO, da, a. deaf; hard of hearing; silent, still, noiseless, quiet ; muffled, stifled, dull ; unmoved, insensible; (math.) irrational. SOrdomudO, da, a. & m. &f. deaf and dumb. SOrdon, m. (mus.) old kind of oboe. SOr^O, m. (bot.) sorghum. V. zahina. SOriasiS, /. (med. ) psoriasis. sorites, m. (log.) sorites, chain argument. soma,/, sluggishness, laziness, slowness. SOrO, m. year-old hawk. soroche, m. (S. Am. ) disease caused by rare- faction of the air at great altitudes; (min.) friable silver ore. soroque,/. (min.) matrix of ores. s6ror,/. (eccl.) sister. V. SOR. SOrprendente, pa. & a. surprising ; aston- ishing; rare, extraordinary, strange. SOrprender, va. to surprise, to take una- wares ; to come upon, overtake ; to aston- ish. SOrpresa, /. surprise ; deceit, imposition ; amazement, astonishment, consternation. SOrra, /. (naut.) ballast of stones or coarse gravel ; side of a tunny-fish. SOrregar, va. {for irr. V. regar) to water in another course. SOrriegO, m. water which deviates from one channel to another. sorteable, a. fit to be drafted. SOrteador, m. one who casts lots ; skilful bull-fighter. sorteamiento, m. v. sorteo. SOrtear, va. to draw or cast lots, to raffle ; to fight bulls with skill and dexterity ; to cleverly elude or shun a conflict, risk, or difficulty. sorteo, m. casting lots, drawing, raffle. SOrtiaria,/. fortune-telling by cards. SOrtija, /. finger-ring; ring, hoop; curl of hair. SOrtijita, juela, /. dim. little ring ; ringlet. SOrtildn, m. aug. large finger-ring. SOrtilegiO, m. sortilege, sorcery. SOrtilegO, ga, m. &/. & a. sorcerer, conjurer, fortune-teller. SOsa,/. (bot.) glasswort, kelp; soda-ash, ba- rilla; sal soda; (chem.) soda. SOsamente, adv. insipidly, tastelessly. sosegadamente, adv. quietly, calmly. SOSegadO, da, pp. & a. quiet, peaceful, pa- cific, calm. sosegador, ra, m. &f. pacifier, appeaser. SOSegar, va. {Ind. SOSIEGO: pret. sosEGUfi: suhj. sosiegue) to appease, calm, pacify, silence, quiet ; to lull, to put to sleep. — vn. to rest, repose ; to grow calm or composed. sosera, soseria, sosez, /. insipidity, taste- lessness ; nonsense. SOSero, ra, a. (bot.) yielding soda. SOSiegO, m. tranquility, calmness. SOSlayar, va. to do or place a thing ob- liquely. SOSlayO, m. al Boslayo or dc soslayo, askew, askance, slanting, on the bias, sidewise, oli- liquely. SOSO, sa, a. insipid, unsalted, tasteless, un- savoury, vapid ; cold ; silly ; uninteresting, dull, inane. SOspecha,/. suspicion, mistrust, jealousy. SOSpechar, va. & vn. to suspect ; to mistrust ; to conjecture. sospechosamente, adv. suspiciously. SOSpechOSO, sa, a. suspicious ; suspecting, mistrustful. SOSpesar, va. to suspend, lift, raise. sosquin, m. slap or blow treacherously given. S08t6n, m. support, sustenance, maintenance j (naut.) steadiness of a ship. sostenedor, ra, m. &f. supporter. SOStener, va. (for irr. V. TENER) to sustaiu, support, maintain, keep, hold out, counte- nance ; to affirm ; to defend ; to bear, en- dure, suffer, tolerate.— 1;?\ to support or maintain one's self. SOStenidO, da, a. & pp. supported, support- ful, sustained. — m. (mus.) sharp (the tone and iflie character ^). SOSteniente, pa. sustaining, supporting. SOStenimientO, m. sustenance, maintenance, support. SOStituir, va. to substitute. V. sustituir. SOta, /. jack, knave, at cards ; hussy, jade. — in. deputy, substitute. SOtabancO, in. (arch.) pediment of an arch over a cornice ; garret, attic. SOtabraga, /. (mil.) axletree band, yoke hoop. SOtaCOla,/. crupper. V. ATAHARRE. SOtacoro, /«. place under the choir. SOtalUgO, m. second hoop of a cask. sotaministro, m. v. sotoministro. SOtana, /. cassock; (coll.) flogging, drub- bing. SOtanear, va. (coll.) to beat, chastise, or re- prehend severely. SOtani, m. short skirt without plaits. S6tan0, rti. cellar under ground. SOtaventar, va. /naut.) to fall to leeward. SOtaventO, m. leeward, lee: & sotaveato, un- der the lee. sotechado, m. shed. SOte&O, fla, a. produced in groves. SOterramientO, m. burying under ground. SOterrar, va. {ind. sotierro : subj. SOTIE- rre) to bury, put under ground ; to hide, conceal. sotil, sotileza, v. sutil, sutileza. SOtilio, m. dim. little grove. SOtO, m. grove, thicket, forest, brake. SOtominlstro, m. steward, in convents of the Jesuits. SOtrozo, ni. (ordn.) linch-pin, axle-pin ; (niech.) key ; (naut.) foot-hook staff. SOtuer, m. (her.) saltier. soy {irr. ind. from ser). SU {contr. of SUYO), pron. poss. 3d pers. m. &f. sing. {pi. sus) his, her, its, their, one's, i. e. : se alaba & un soldado por su valor, k una mujer por su hermosura, k una casa po. su si- tnacion y k los libros por su m^rito, a soldier is praised by his courage, a woman by her beauty, a house by its situation, and books by (heir merit : fui en su busca, I went in search of him, of her, or of them, SUasoriO, ria, a. suasory, suasive. suave, a. smooth, soft, delicate, mellow ; easy, tranquil, unruffled, quiet; gentle, tractable, docile, mild, meek. suavecico, illo, ito, a. dim. of SUAVE. suavemente, adv. gently, sweetly, softly, mildly, kindly. suavidad, /. softness, smoothness, easiness, mellowness, delicacy, sweetness ; suavity, meekness ; tranquility ; gentleness, lenity, forbearance. SUavizador, ra, a. mollifying, smoothing, softening. — m. razor-strop. SUavlzar, va. {pret. SUAVICE : subj. suavice) to soften, smoothe, mellow, mollify, miti- gate ; to ease ; to temper. sub, prefix, (Lat. ) signifying under, below. SUbacido, da, a. (chem.) subacid. g (before e, i) and .1 as h ^n hot ; h, silent ; 11 \n brilliant; fi, ny in canyon : r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, bl« SUB 514 SUB SUbalcaide, vi. deputy warden. subalternante, pa. subaltei-uant. subalternar, < «. to subject ; to subdue. SUbaltemO, na, «. subaltern, inferior, subor- dinate.—///, a subordinate; (mil.) subal- tern. subarrendador, ra, m. &/. underletter. Bubarrendamiento, m. subletting. subarrendar, va. {for in: V. arrendar) to umlerlet, sublet, sublease. subarrendatario, ria, m. &f. undertenant. sabarriendo, m. (law) sublease, underlease. subasta, subastacibn, /. auction, auction sale, i)ublic sale : aacar 4 pnblica subasta, to sell at auction. SUbastar, va. to sell at auction. SUbcarbonatO, m. (chem.) subcarbonate. SUbcinericiO, Cia, a. baked under ashes. aubclase,/. (bot. and zool.) subclass. SUbclavefo, ///. assistant or deputy clavero. SUbclaviO, via, a. (anat.) subclavian. SUbcolector, m. subcollector. SUbCOmendador, m. deputy commander of a military order. subconsefvador, m. judge deputed by a conservator. subcutaneo, nea, a. subcutaneous. sub delegable, a. that which may be sub- dek'irated. subdelegacidn,/. subdelegation. subdelegado, m. subdelegate. subdelegante, pa. he who subdelegates. SUbdelegar, va. {for mut. v. legar) to sub- delegate. subdlaconado, subdlaconato, m. sub- deaconship. Sllbdl&COnO, m. subdeacon. SUbdirector, m. assistant manager or direc- tor. subdistinci6n, /. subdistinction. subdistinguir, va. {for mut. V. distinguir) to make a subdistinction. SUbdltO, ta, a. subject, inferior. — m. subject. subdlvidir, va. to subdivide. subdivisible, a. subdivisible. SUbdivisi6n, /. subdivision, subsection. SUbdominante, /. (mus.) subdomiuant. SUbduplO, pla, a. (math.) subduple. subejecutor, m. subagent. subentender, va. {for irr. V. entender) to understand what is tacitly meant. SUb^riCO, a. suberic. suberina,/. suberin. suberoso, sa, a. suberose, corky. SUbida, /. ascension, going up ; elevation, mounting; ascent, acclivity, rise; accession of a disease ; enhancement, rise of price. SUbidero, ra, a. mounting, raising, climb- ing. — m. ladder, mounting-block ; up grade, uphill road. SUbidO, da, a. &pp. raised on high, mounted ; high, high-priced ; strong, loud (as colour); strong-scented ; finest, most excellent. BUbidor, m. porter ; elevator, lift. aubiente, pa. rising, ascending. — m. (arch.) ascending ornaments. 3Ubilla,/. awl. V. lezna. ■tubimiento, m. rising, climbing, ascending. SUbinquilino, m. undertenant. BUbinspecci6iL, /. subinspectorship ; sub- insf)r('t<)r's office. subinspector, m. subinspector. subintendente, m. assistant intendant. subintraci6n,/. (med. andsurg.) subingres- sion. subintrante, a. (med.) subintrant. subintrar, va. to enter successively one after another. SUbir, vn. to rise, ascend, come up, go up, climb, mount ; to grow ; to swell (as rivers) ; to enter leaves (silk-worms) ; to rise in value or price, dignity or fortune ; to be promoted ; to increase in intensity ; (com. ) to amount to, foot up; (mus. ) to raise the voice or pitch. — va. to raise, place higher, lift up ; to take up, bring up ; to build up, erect: to set up; to straighten from an in- clined position: (com.) to raise the price, advance : sabir k caballo, to mount a horse : subirse k las bovedillas, (coll.) to be violently irritated : subirse el vino or licor k la cabeza, to become tipsy, to be half-seas over. subitamente, subitlineainente, adv. sud- denly, on a sudden. subit^neo, nea, a. sudden, unexpected. SUbitO, ta, a. sudden, hasty, unforeseen, un- expected : snbito or de subito, adv. suddenly, unexpectedly. SUbletlVO, va, a. subjective. SUbjUntiVO, m. (gram.) subjunctife. sublevaci6n, /. sublevamiento, m. insur- rection, sedition, revolt, SUblevar, va. to excite a rebellion. — vr. t» rise in rebellion. subliinaci6n,/. sublimation. sublimado, pp. & m. (chem.) sublimate: sublimado corrosivo, corrosive sublimate. sublimar, va. to heighten, elevate, sublime, exalt; (chem.) to sublimate. SUbllmaioriO, ria, a. (chem.) sublimatory. sublime, a. sublime, exalted, eminent, he- roic, majestic, grand, lofty. sublimemente, adv. sublimely, loftily. sublimidad, /. sublimity, loftiness, gran- deur. sublingual, a. sublingual, subglossal. sublunar, a. sublunar, sublunary ; terres- trial, earthly. submlnistrar, etc. (obs.) F. suministrar, etc. SUbmarinO, na, a. submarine. SUbmaxilar, a. submaxillary. SUbmultiplO, pla, a. & m. &f. (math.) sub- multiple. subordinaci6n,/. subordination, subjection, subordinacy. subordinadamente, adv. subordlnately, subserviently. subordinado, da, pj). & a. subordinate, sub- servient ; subordinated. SUbordinar, va. to subordinate, subject. subpolar, a. under or near the pole. subprefecto, m. subprefect, deputy prefect. subprefectura, /. subprefecture. subrayar, va. to underscore, underline ; to emphasize. SUbrepcibn,/. underhand proceeding ; (law) subreption ; surreption. subrepticiamente, adv. surreptitiously. SUbrepticiO. cia, «. surreptitious, fraudu- lently obtained; clandestine, stealthy. subrigadier, ///. (mil.) sub-brigadier. SUbro^aci6n, /. surrogation or subrogation, substitution. subrogar, va. (law) to surrogate or subro- gate ; to substitute. subsanar, va. to exculpate, excuse ; to mend, correct, repair. subscapular, a. (anat.) subscapular. subscrfbir, va. & vr. {pp. subscripto, subs- CRITO) to subscribe ; to subscribe to, accede, agree to. SUbscripci6n, /. subscription. subscripto, ta, subscrito, ta, pp. irr. ot .SUBSCRIHIK. SUbSCriptor, ra, m. &f. subscriber. » aa in far : e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for ; « in bull ; C (before e, i) an.l z as ih in thick ; b and d, soRj SUB 515 SUD SUbsecretaria, /- office and employment of a Bubsecretario. subsecretario, m. assistant secretary, subsecuente, a. subsequent. V. suBgi- GUIENTE. subseguirse, vr. to follow next. subsiaiariamente, adv. subsidiarily. SUbsidiaiiO, ria, a. subsidiary, auxiliary, ancillary. SUbsidiO, m. subsidy, pecuniary aid ; war- tax. SUbsigUiente, «. subsequent, succeeding. SUbsistencia, /. subsistence, permanence, stability ; competence, livelihood, living. SUbsistente, pa. & a, subsistent, subsisting. SUbsistir, vn. to subsist, to last ; to live, to exist ; to have the means of living. SUbSOlano, m. east wind. SUbstancia, /. nourishment, nutriment, sus- tenance, aliment, pabulum; nutritious sap, juice, or extract; (philos. ) substance^ es- sence, being, nature of things ; property, wealth ; meaning, gist ; importance, value ; (coll.) judgment, sense: en substancia, in a nutshell, briefly. substanciaci6n, /. substantiation. SUbstancial, a. substantial, real, material ; nutritive, nutritious, nourishing ; essential, of prime importance. BUbstancialmente, adv. substantially. BUbstanciar, va. to extract the substance, to abstract, epitomize, abridge ; to substan- tiate, verify, prove ; (law) to try a case. BUbstanciOSO, sa, a. juicy, nourishing, nu- tritive, nutritious ; substantial. BUbstantlvar, va. (gram.) to substantivize. SUbstantivldad, /. substantiveness. SUbstantivo, va, «. (gram.) substantive.— m. noun. 8Ubstituci6n, /. substitution, replacement ; (law) substitution. SUbstituidor, ra, a. substituting.— m. & f. one who substitutes. Bubstituir, va. {pp. substituido, substitu- TO : gerund, substituyendo : ind. SUBSTi- TUYo: pret. 61 substituy6: subj. substi- Tt'YA) to substitute, replace. SUbstituyente, pa. substituting. substitute, »/. substitute. substraccibn,/. subtraction, deducting. SUbstraendo, m. subtrahend. SUbstraer, va. (for irr. V. traer) to sub- tract, remove, take off, deduct. — vr. to with- draw one's self, to elude. BUbSUelO, m. subsoil, undersoil. BUbtender, va. {for irr. V. tender) (geom.) to subtend. subteniente, m. (mil.) second lieutenant. aubtensa,/. (geom.) subtense (chord). subtense, sa, pp. irr. of subtender. subterfugio, m. subterfuge, evasion, trick. subterr^neamente, adv. subterraneously. SUbterr^neo, nea, a. subterraneous, subter- ranean, underground. — m. cellar, subcellar, vault; (geol.) subterrane. SUburbano, na, a. suburban.— m. & /. sub- urban resident. SUburbicariO, ria, a. suburbicarian. BUburbiO, m. suburb, outskirt. BUbvencl6n, /. subvention, subsidy, grant, pecuniary aid. BUbvenclonar, va. to subvention, subsidize. SUbvenir, va. {for irr. V. VENiR) to subvene, aid, assist, succour; to provide, supply, furnish, defray. BUbversl6n,/. subversion, overthrow. subversivo, va, a. subversive, destructive. BUbversor, m. subverter, overturner. subvertir, va. {for irr. V. pervertir) ta subvert, destroy, ruin. subyugaci6n,/. subjugation, subjection. subyugador, ra, a. &m. &f. subjugator. subyugar, w. {pret. subyugu^: subj. sub* YL'GUE) to subdue, subjugate, subject, ovef- come. SUCCiZLO, w. succinite, amber. 8UCCi6n f«ooc-thie-oii'],/. suction, suck. suced&neo, a, a. (med.) succedaneous. — m. succedaneum. SUCeder, vn. to succeed, follow in order ; te- inherit, be the successor of.— r. impers. to happen, come to pass, come about, to fall out: snceda lo que sncediere, happen what may. aVLCedidO, pp. & m. event, happening. SUCediente, pa. succeeding, following. SUCesible, a. capable of succession. SUCesl6n, /. succession, series, concatena- tion ; issue, ofFspring, children ; (law) estate :: Bucesion intestada, heirs-at-law. sucesivajnente, adv. successively. SUCesivO, va, a. successive, following in or- der, consecutive, next : en lo «uce«lvo, here- after. SUCeso, m. event, occurrence, happening, in- cident ; issue, result, outcome ; success ; course of time. sucesor, ra, m. &f. successor, succeeder. SUCiamente, adv. nastily, filthily, foullj^. SUCiedad,/. nastiness, filthiness, obscenity. SUCintamente, adv. succinctly, briefly. SUClntarse, vr. to be terse, precise, brief. SUCintO, ta, a. girded, tucked up ; brief, suc- cinct, compendious, concise. SUCiO, Cia, a. dirty, nasty, filthy, soiled, un- clean, untidy, grimy, foul ; stained with sin, tainted with guilt ; obscene, unchaste, smutty ; uncivil, unpolished; (naut.) foul. SUCO, m. juice ; sap. SUCOSO, sa, a. juicy, succulent. SUCOtrino, a. socotrine (aloes). StlCUbO, rn. succubus (demon). SUCUCbO, m. (naut.) store-room of a ship. SUCUla, /. windlass, winch. SUCUlencia, /. juiciness, succulence. suculentamente, adv. succulently. suculento, ta, a. succulent, juicy. sucumbiente, jo«. succumbent. SUCumbir, vn. to succumb, submit, yield, surrender; to die, perish; (law) to lose a suit at law. BUCUrsal, a. ancillary, subsidiary^ suecursal. — /. (com.) branch of a commercial house. BUCbe, m. (Peru) fragrant yellow flower; best fish of Lake Titicaca. BUd, m. south ; south wind. BUdaderO, m. handkerchief; back ch)th (for horses); sweating-room, sudatory; moist ground ; sweating-place for sheep. sudafricano, na, «. & m. &f. South African. sudamericano, na, a. South American. SUdador, ra, a. & m. &f. sweating ; one who perspires freely. SUdante, pa. sweating. sudar, vn. to sweat, perspire, exude ; to ooze, to distil ; to give with repugnance ; to toil, to labour : hacer sudar la prensa, to print much. sudario, m. sudarium. sudatorio, ria, a. sudorific. sudeste, m. south-east ; south-east wind. SUdoeste, m. south-west ; south-west wind ; (naut.) sou'wester. sudor, m. sweat, perspiration ; labour, toil, drudgery ; gum that distils from trees. SUdorientO, ta, a. sweated, perspiring. S (before e, 1) and J m b in hot; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, bit SUD 516 SUL •udorifero, ra, a. sudorific. SUdorifiCO, ca, «. (med. ) sudorific. — m. su- dorific. SUdorOSO, sa, «. sweatiug, perspiring freely. SUdOSO, sa, a. sweaty, perspiring. SUdsudeste, m. soutii-south-east. BUdSUdoeste, m. south-south-west. sudueste, m. south-west. BUeCO, ca, a. Swedish : hacerse el sueco, (coll.) to pretend not to hear. BUegra, /• mother-in-law ; hard crust of bread. Buegrecita, /. dim. (coll.) little mother-in- law. BUegro, m. father-in-law. BUela, ('. (shoe.) sole; sole-leather; (icht.) sole ; horizontal rafter, laid as the founda- tion for partition-walls; (arch.) base; leather tip of a billiard cue.— pi. sandals : picaro de siete suelas, consummate rascal. BUelda,/. (bot.) comfrey. SUeldacOStilla, /. (bot.) bulbous plant, SUeldO, m. wages, salary, stipend^ sold, pay given to soldiers ; ancient coin ; sou or sol. sueldo, suelde {irr. from soldar). BUelO, in. ground, soil ; land, earth, terra firma ; pavement ; floor, flooring, story ; bottom, sole of anything that touches the ground ; dregs, lees, settlings ; ground-plot ; end; bottom.—/*/, (vet.) sole, plantar face of a horse's hoof; scatterings or leavings of grain : suelo natal, native country : suelo del estribo, rest of a stirrup : dar en el suelo con una cosa, to break a thing or throw it to the ground : venirse al suelo, to fall to the ground : sin suelo, to excess ; without bounds : dar consigo en el suelo, to fall down : medir el suelo, to fall flat, or to stretch one's self on the ground : por los suelos, cast down, in a state of depreciation ; prostrate. suelo, el suele {irr. from soler). BUelta, /. loosening or letting loose ; fetters ; relay of oxen ; place where oxen are changed : dar suelta, to grant a recess for amusement. BUeltamente, adv. loosely, lightly, expedi- tiously ; licentiously ; spontaneously ; laxly. BUeltO, ta, (1. & pp. irr. of soltar ; loose, light, expeditious, swift, able ; free, bold, daring; easy, disengaged ; voluble, fluent- blank (verse). — m. small change; editorial paragraph ; newspaper squib : suelto de len- gua, outspoken ; {irr. ind. from soltar). BUelvO, SUelva {irr. from solver). sueno, suene {irr. from sonar). SUeilO, III. sleep, sleeping ; drowsiness, sleep- iness, heaviness ; aream ; vision ; imagin- ing; any event of short duration: tener ■uefio. to be sleepy : caerse de sueno, to be overcome with drowsiness : conclliar el Buefio, to coax sleep : descabezar el suefio, to take a uap : espantar el suefio, to scare away sleep : en suefios or entre suefios, dreaming, in dreamland: sueno pesado, profound 5leep ; deep sleep : nl por suefio, by no means; never dreamed of; {irr, ind. from soSar). BUerO, m. whey ; serum (of blood). Bueroso, Ba, a. v. skroso. Btierte, /. chance, hazard, lot, fortune, luck, ?;ood-luck, haphazard ; state, condition ; ate, doom, destiny; kind, sort; species; manner, mode, way ; skilful manoeuvre of a bull-fighter; (theat.) trick, feat, juggle; piece of ground separated by landmarks ; (Peru) lottery ticket : de suertis que, so that : caerle or tocarle & nno la suerte, to fall to one's lot: entrar en -.aerte, to take part in a draft or raffle : echar suertes, to cast oi draw lots : por suerte, by chance, luckily. SUertero, m. (Peru) seller of lottery tickets. SUeste, m. south-east. SUevO, va, a. Swabian (Suevian). SUfi, (I. & in. sufi : sufismo, vi. sufisra. SUficiencla,/. sufficiency ; capacity, ability: & SUficiencla, suflScieutly, enough. SUficiente, «. sufficient, enough ; qualified, apt, fit, capable, competent. suficientemente, adv. sufficiently. SUfijO, ja, a. suffixed, affixed. — m. suffix, affix. sufocacibn, sufocar, etc. v. sofocaci6n, SOFOCARj etc. SUfra, /. ndge-band of a harness. SUfraganeo, ea, a. suffragan, auxiliary. — m. (ecel.) suffragan. SUfragar, ca. (pre/, sufragu^: subj. SUFRA- gue) to favour, aid, assist; to defray; to make up. SUfragiO, m. vote, suff"rage, voice ; favour, support, aid, assistance; (eccl.) suff"rage. SUfrible, «. sufferable, tolerable, bearable. SUfrldera, /. smith's tool for punching holes on an anvil. SUfridero, ra, a. supportable, tolerable. SUfrldO, da, pp. & a. enduring, long-sufffer- ing ; consenting, accommodating (as a con- tented cuckold) : mal sufrido, impatient, rude, severe. SUfridor, ra, m. &/■ sufferer, endurer. friente, pa. endui ' lug, bearing. SUfriente, pa. enduring, suffering, tolerat- SU&imientO, m. sufferance, endurance, pa- tience, tolerance. SUfrir, va. to suffer, endure, bear up ; to un- dergo (as a change) ; to bear, carry, sup- port ; to sustain, resist (an attack) ; to per- mit, tolerate, put up with ; to meet with (as a reverse) ; do penance. — V7i. to be in pain. SUfumigaclbn,/. (med.) suff"umigation. SUfUSidn,/. (med.) suffusion; kind of cata- ract. sugerente, pa. suggesting. SUgerir, va. {gerund, sugiriendo : ind. su- giero: pret. el sugiri6: subj. sugiera) to hint, suggest, inspire, insinuate ; to prompt, instigate. SUgestlble, a. suggestible. SUgestl6n, /. suggestion, insinuation, hint; temptation : sugestibn hlpn6tlca, hypnotic suggestion. SUgestionar, va. to suggest by hypnotic power. sugestivo, va, a. suggestive. sulcida, m. or/, suicide, self-murderer. SUicidarse, vr. to commit suicide. SUicidlO, m. suicide, self-murder. suite, 111. dwarf palm used for thatching. SUizo, za, a. Swiss.—/, ancient military sport. SU]eci6n, /. subjection ; coercion, control, obedience, subordination ; submitting, sur- rendering ; connection. sujetar, va. {pp. sujetado, sujeto) to sub- ject, subdue, hold down, overcome, con- quer ; to hold fast, fasten, catch, grasp.— rr. to submit ; to keep to ; to constrain one's self. BUJetO, ta, a. &pp. irr. of sujetar; subject, liable, exposed, chargeable ; amenable. — m. subject, topic, theme, matter; a person, an individual ; a fellow j (log. and gram.) sub- ject. sulfatar, va. to sulphate. sulfate, VI. (chem.) sulphate. SUlfhidrlCO, a. (chem.) sulphydric. SUlfltO, m. (chem.) sulphite. SUlfonal, m. (chem.) sulphonal. • u Id far : • In eb I ; i In police ; o In for ; a in boll ; C (before e, l) and % aa tb in tblcfc ; b and d, aoft; SUL ol7 SUP BUlfurar, va. to sulphur, sulphurate ; to irri- tate, auger, enrage. — vr. to become angry or furious. ^ i "'.STllfureo, rea, a. sulphureous, sulphurous. * tSUlfliricO, ca, a. sulphuric. SUlfuro, rti. (chera.) sulphid, sulphide, sulfid. SUlfurOSO, sa, «. sulphurous. sultan, m. sultan. sultana,/, sultana or sultaness. suma, /. sum ; aggregate ; quantity, number ; amount; (arith.) addition, total, footing; sum of money ; substance, conclusion ; sum- mula, compendium, abridgment: sama y si- gue or suma 4 la vuelta, carried forward : suma del frente or suma de la vuelta, brought forward : en sama, in short ; finally. SUmaca,/. (S. Am.) small coasting schooner. Sumamente, adv. chiefly ; extremely, might- ily, highly. SUmando, m. (math.) each of the quantities which are added together. sumar, va. (arith. ) to sum, to add; to foot up, amount to ; to sum up, recapitulate. SUmaria,/. (law) indictment. SUmariamente, adv. summarily. SUmariO, ria, a. summary, compendious ; plain, brief, cursory; (law) summary. — ni. compendium, abridgment, summary, ab- stract ; (law; indictment. Bumaristtno, ma, a. sup. (law) swift, expe- ditious. sumergible, a. sinkable, submergible. sumergimiento, m. submergence, sinking. sumergir, va. & it. (ind. sumkrjo : subj. su- MERJA) to submerge, sink, immers?, dive, duck, plunge ; to overwhelm. sumersidn,/. submersion, immersion. sumidad, /. top, apex, summit. sumideroi m. sewer, drain, sink, gutter, gully ; (min.) sump. sumido, da, a. &pp. sunk. sumiller, m. chief of each of several offices in the king's household : sumiller de corps, lord chamberlain : sumiller de cortina, royal chaplain. sumilleria,/. lord chamberlain's oflSce. 3uministraci6n, /. v. suministko. suministrador, ra, m. & /. provider, sup- plier, purveyor. suministrar, va. to supply, furnish, provide, afford, purvey, minister. suministro, m. supply, providing, furnish- ing. fcumir, va. & vr. to sink ; to depress, over- whelm. — va. (eccl.) to swallow the elements of the eucharist at mass.— rr. to be sunk (as the cheeks). sumisamente, adv. submissively, low. sumisibn, /. submission, obsequiousness, compliance, acquiescence, obedience ; (law) submission to the rule of another. {SUmiso, sa, a. submissive, humble, resigned, compliant, meek. sumista, m. or/, rapid adder or computer. — m. abridger, writer of sumniulse. sumo, ma, a. highest, loftiest, greatest ; most elevated ; excessive : k lo sumo, at most ; to the highest pitch : de sumo, totally, fully. sumbscapo, /n. (arch.) curved te'rmina'tion of a scape. SUmula,/. summula. sumulista, m. teacher or student of sum- mula?. SUmulistiCO, ca, a. belonging to summulse. suncion,/. (eccl.) partakingof the eucharist at mass. snnsun, m. (Cuba) (orn.) humming-bird. suntuario, ria, sumptuary. suntuosamente, adv. sumptuously. SUntUOSidad, /. magnificence, costliness sumptuousness, gorgeousness, luxuriance. SUntUOSO, sa, sumptuous, gorgeous, expen- sive, luxurious. SUpedaneo, m. pedestal of a crucifix. supeditacibn, /. subjection, oppression. supeditar, va. to subject, subdue, oppress, overpower. super, prefix, (Lat.) denoting (a) over, aoove ; (b) pre-eminence. SUperable, «. superable, conquerable. superabundancia, /. superabundance, ex- cess!, uvertiow. superabundante, pa. & a. superabundant, excessive, luxuriant. superabundantemente, adv. superabun- dantly, excessively. superabundar, vn. to superabound, ove'-- ffow. SUperaditO, ta, a. superadded. SUperante, pa. surpassing, surmounting, rx- ceeding. SUperar, va. to overcome, conquer, surpass, excel, exceed, overpower. SUperavit, ?». (Lat.) (com.) surplus, residue SUpercberia, /. fraud, deceit, cheat, swindle, trickery, wile, craft, guile, cozenage. superchero, ra, a. wily, deceitful, crafty, tricky. SUperdominante, /. (mus. ) superdominant. supereminencia, /. supereminence. SUpereminente, a. supereminent. superentender, i«. (jorirr. f. entender) to superintend, inspect, oversee, supervise. supererogaci6n, /. supererogation. supererogatorio, ria, a. supererogatory. superfetacibn, /. (biol.) superfetation, su- perimpregnation. superficial, «. superficial, shallow, smatter- ing, frivolous, vapid. superficialidad,/. superficiality. superficialmente, adv. superficially. SUperflciariO, ria, a. & m. & f. (law) super- ficiary. superflcie, ./". surface, area; superficies. superfino, iia, «. superfine, extra fine. superfluamente, adv. superfluously. superfluidad, /. superfluity, superabun- dance. SUperflUO, ua, a. superfluous, needless. SUperhumeral, m. (eccl. ) ephod ; super- humeral. SUperintendencia, /. superintendence, su- pervision ; superintendency. superintendente, «*. or /. superintendent, intendant ; inspector, manager ; comptrol- ler, overseer, supervisor. superior, a. superior, surpassing, para- mount, higher, greater; upper; better, finer, grander. — m. superior. superidra, / mother superior, superioress. SUperioratO, vi. ofiice of a superior and the term of such office. superioridad, /. superiority, pre-eminence. superiormente, adv. masterly, superiorly. superlativamente, adv. superlatively. SUperlatiVO, va, a. superlative: en grade superlative, in the highest degree. Superno, na, a. supreme, highest, supernal. supernumerario, ria, a. supernumerary. superponer. va. v. sobreponer. SXiperposicion, /. superposition. 8Upcritici6n,/. superstition. supersticiosamente, adv. superstitiously. supersticioso. sa, a. superstitious. supersubstancial, a. supersubstantial. supervacaneo, nea, a. v. superfluo. f (beforee, OandJ as h fn hot; h, silent; U in brilliant ; ft, ny In canyon; r (initial) tkud rr triUod ; a. 5J SUP 518 sus 8upervenci6n,/. (for.) the taking effect of a new law. superveniencia, /. supervention. superveniente.pa. &a. supervenient, super- vening. SUpervenir, vn. {Jor irr V. venir) to super- vene. V. SOBREVENIR. SUpervivencia, /• survival ; survivorship ; survivance. SUperviviente, a. & m. & f. surviving, sur- vivor. SUplnO, na, a. supine, indolent : ignorancia •uplna, ignorance from negligence. — m. (gram.) supine. suplantacion, /. supplanting. suplantador, ra, m. &/. supplanter. suplantar, va. to supplant ; to forge, alter by fraud, raise fas a check). suplefaltas, m. (coll.) substitute. suplemental, a. supplemental. suplementarlo, ria, a. supplementary. SUplementO, m. supply, supplying; supple- ment. SUplente, pa. & a. substituting, replacing. — m. or/, substitute. SUpleteriO, ria, a. suppletory, supplemen- tal. supllca, /. petition, request, supplication, memorial : 4 suplica, by request. S1ipllcaci6n, /. request, petition, supplica- tion ; rolled waflle ; (law) petition to a high court for a revisal of a decision : k suplica- ci6n, by petition, by request. suplicaclonero, m. waffle-seller. SUplicante, pa. & m. &/. supplicant, peti- tioning ; memorialist, petitioner, suitor ; suitress. BUplicar, va. {pret. suPLlQufi: subj. supli- que) to entreat, implore, supplicate, pray, request, crave : suplicar en revista, (law) to apply for a new trial l suplicar de la senten- cia, to petition against the sentence ; to ap- peal. Bupllcatoria, /. suplicatorio, m. (law) let- ters rogatory. SUpliciO, m. punishment, torture ; place of execution ; grief, suffering, anguish : ultimo luplicio, capital punishment, pain of death. suplldor, ra, m. &f. substitute, deputy. SUplir, va. to supply, provide, afford, furnish ; to act as substitute ; to fill temporarily ; to excuse, overlook; (gram.) to supply men- tally, to imply. suponedor, ra, m. &/. supposer. SUponer, va. {for irr. V. poner) to suppose, assume, surmise ; to take for granted ; to fancy, imagine. — vn. to possess weight or authority. Buportar, va. v. soportar. 8Uportacl6n, /. endurance ; toleration. SUpOSicidn, /. supposition, surmise, assump- tion ; authority, distinction, high position ; imposition, falsehood ; (log.) supposition. BUpOSiticiO, Cla. a. supposititious, supposed, assumed, spuriouw. SUpOSitiVO, va, a. suppositive. BUpositoriO, m. (med.) suppository. BUpraspina,/. (anat.) supra-spinal fossa of the scapula. BUprema, /. supreme council of the Inquisi- tion. BUpremacia, /. supremacy. suprexnamente, adv. ultimately, supremely. supremo, ma, a. supreme ; highest, most excellent, paramount ; last, final. 8Upresi6n, /. suppression, omission, extinc- tion. BUpresivo, va, a. suppress] ve. Supreso, sa, pp. irr. of SUPRIMIR ; sup- pressed. Buprimlr, va. {pp. suprimido, supreso) t* suppress, cut oat, abolish, extinguish ; to> omit, keep back. SUprlor, ra, >n. &f. sub-prior, sub-prioress. aupriorato, wi. office of sub-prior or prioress. SUpuestO, ta, «. &pp. irr. of SUPONER ; sup- posititious, suppositive, supposed : por «u- puesto, of course : supuesto qu«, allowing that ; granting that ; since. — m. supposi- tion ; hypothesis, assumption. SUpuracion, /. suppuration. SUpurante, pa. suppurating. supurar, va. to waste, consume. — vn. (laed.) to suppurate. SUpuratlVO, va, a. & m. suppurative. SUpuratoriO, ria, a. that which suppurates. SUputacibU, /. computation, calculation^ reckoning, supputation. SUputar, va. to compute, calculate, reckon, suppute. SUr, rn. south ; south wind. sural, a. (anat.) sural. surcador, ra, m. &/. ploughman, plowman, plougher. BUrcar, va. {pret. suRQu6: subj. surque) (agr.) to furrow; to cut through: la nave ■urea el mar, the ship ploughs the seas : el ave Burca el viento, the bird cuts through the air. SUrco, m. furrow, rut, groove ; line, wrinkle : k surco, pieces of ground separated by a furrow. surculado, da, a. (bot.) having but one stem. Stirculo, m. (bot.) single stem without branches. surculoso, sa, a. v. surculado. SUXgente, pa. surging, salient. surgidero, m. (naut.) road, port, anchoringj. place. surgidor, m. he who anchors. surgir, v7i. { pp. surgido, surto : ind. sur- JO : subj. surja) to spout, spurt ; to issue, come forth, appear; to sprout; (naut.) to anchor. SUrtida, /. (fort.) sallyport; (mil.-» sally, sortie; backdoor; (naut.) slipway. SUrtiderO, m. conduit, outlet : surtidero d« agua, reservoir, basin. BVLrtidO,pp. &m. assortment, stock, supply : de surtido, in common use. surtidor, ra, m. & /. purveyor, caterer. — m, jet, spout, or shoot of water. surtimiento, w. supply, stock, assortment. surtir, va. (pp. surtido, surto) to supply, furnish, provide, purvey, accommodate, tit out, stock : aurtir efecto, to have the desired effect. — vn. to spout, spurt; (naut) to anchor. surto, ta, pp. irr. of SURGIR and surtir ; anchored. sus, prefix, meaning under, sub. I SUS ! interj. up ! cheer up ! forward ! suscepci6n,/. (eccl.) act of receiving sacred orders. susceptibilidad, /. susceptibility. susceptible, «. susceptible. susceptive, va, a. susceptible, susceptiite. suscitacidn, /. excitation. SUSCitar, ra. to excite, stir up ; to rouse, pro- mote. suscribir, suscricidn, suscritor. etc. v. SUBSCRIBIR, SUBSCRIPCI6N, SUBSCRIPTOR, etc. SUSOdichO, Cba, a. forementioned, aforesaid. suspendedor, ra, m. &/. suspender. A M In far : e In eh I ; 1 in police ; o In for ; n in ball ; c (before e, 1) and Z as th In thick ; h and d. Mlt: sus 619 TAB suspender, va. {pp. suspendido, suspenso) to suspend ; to hang up, to hoist ; to stop, delay, interrupt, dally ; to surprise, amaze, astonish; to suspend from office ; to adjourn (a meeting) : suspender pagos, (com.) to stop payment. — vr. to rear (a horse). 8USpeilsi6ll, /. suspension, detention, inter- ruption, pause; hesitation, suspense, un- certainty, indetermination ; admiration, amazement; privation; (law) suspense; (mus.) suspension : suspension de armas, ces- sation of hostilities : suspension de pagos, (com.) suspension of payment. SUSpensivO, va, a. suspensive.—/./, (gram, and print.) leaders, showing that something has been omitted ; thus . . . suspenso, sa, pp. irr. of SUSPENDER ; hung ; suspended : en suspenso, in suspense. ftuspensorio, ria, a. suspensory. — m. suspen- sory bandage. SUSpicacia, /. suspiciousness, mistrust. SUSpicaz, a. suspicious, mistrustful. suspicazmente, adv. suspiciously. SUSplradO, da, a. expected, desired, longed for. SUSpirar, vn. to sigh : suspirar por, to crave, long for, covet. SUSpirO, m. sigh ; breath ; glass whistle ; (mus.) short pause.— p/. lady's-fingers ; (hot.) V. TRINITAKIA : exhalar el ultimo suspiro, to die. 3USpir080, sa, a. suspiring with difficulty. sustancia, sustancial, sustancioso, etc. V. SL'BSTANCIA, SUBSTANCIAI>, SUBSTANCIO- so, etc. (Sustancia is the more conversa- tional form ; substancia the Academical and strictly etymological spelling.) Bustantivo, etc. v. substantivo, etc. SUStenidO, m. Spanish step in dancing ; (mus.) sharp. V. sostenido. SUStentable, a. defensible, sustainable, SUStentacibn, /. sustentation, support, sus- tenance. SUStent^CUlO, »i. prop, stay, support. sustentador, ra, m. & /. sustainer. sustentamiento, m, sustenance, necessaries of life. SUStentante, pa. sustaining. — m. defender, supporter. SUStentar, va. to sustain, bear up ; to feed or support, to nourish ; assert, maintain. SUStentO, m. food, sustenance, maintenance ; support. &ustltuci6n, sustituir, sustituto, etc. V. SUBSTITUCI6N, SUBSTITUIR, SUBSTITUTO.etC. BUStO, m. scare, fright, shock. sustracci6n, sustraendo, sustraer, v. SUBSTRACC'r6N, SUBSTRAENDO, SUBSTRAER. SUSUrraci6n,/. whisper, whispering. Busurrador, ra, m. & f. whisperer. SUSUXrante, pa. whispering, murmuring. SUSUrrar, vn. to whisper ; to murmur ; to rustle (as leaves) ; to purl (as a stream) ; to hum gently (as the air). — vr. to be whis- pered about, to be bruited about. SUSUrro, m. whisper, humming, murmur, rustle, purling. SUSUrrdn, na, m. &. f. grumbler, malcon- tent. SUtll, a. subtile, thin, slender ; subtle, acute, cunning, keen ; light, volatile. SUtileza, SUtilidad, /. subtilty, thinness, slenderness, fineness, subtileness ; subtlety, cunning, artifice, sagacity ; acumen, perspi- cacity ; nicety : sutileza de manos, sleight of hand. 8Utilizaci6n, f. subtilization, subtilation. BUtilizador, ra, m. & f. subtilizer. SUtilizar, va. ( pret. SUTILIC6 : subj. sutili* ce) to subtilize, make thin, refine ; to file, polish ; to make overminute distinctions. SUtllmente, adv. subtilely, pointedly; nicely, finely, delicately. SUtorio, ria, a. belonging to the shoemaker's trade ; sutorial. SUtura, /. seam; (auat. and hot.) suture; (surg.) suture. suyo, ya {pi. suyos, yas), pron. poss. Sd person, masc. & fern, his, hers, theirs, one's ; his own, her own, its own, one's own, their own : de suyo, spontaneously, of one's own accord. Used also as nouns in both genders and numbers, as, la suya, his (or her) inten- tion or design : salirse con la suya, to carry one's point : i\ hizo una de las suyas, he played one of his pranks : lo suyo y lo ajeno, what belongs to him (or to her) and to others : los suyos, his (or her) family, his (or her) own people, friends, or retinue. t[tay], twenty-third letter of the alphabet ; for correct sound see Rules for Pronunciation at the beginning of this book. I ta ! interj. take care, beware ; stay, I recol- lect : ta, ta, tut, tut. taba, /. knuckle-bone of sheep, astragalus ; cockal, jackstones. tabacai, m. tobacco-field. tabacalero, ra, a. tobacco, as adjective. — n. tobacco grower or dealer. tabaco, m. (bot.) tobacco; leaf tobacco; cigar ; mildew on plants : tabaco en polvo, snuft': tabaco en rama or de hoja, leaf tobacco, wrappers : tabaco de pallllos, snutf made of stems : tabaco rap6, rappee : tabaco Colorado, mild tobacco : tabaco maduro, strong tobacco : tabaco torcido, cigars. V. andullo. tabacoso, sa, a. snuffy.— m. & f. snuff-dip- per. tabalada, /. (coll.) heavy fall upon the breech ; spanking. tabalariO, m. (coll.) buttocks, posteriors. tabalear, va. to rock to and fro.— vra. to drum with the fingers on a table. tabaleo, m. rocking, swinging ; drummlDg with the fingers. tabanazo, m. (coll.) spanking. tabanco, m. stall for selling eatables ; (Mex.) cock-loft. tabanera,/. place full of gadflies. td,banO, m. (ent.) gadfly, horse-fly. tabanque, m. treadle of a potter's wheel. tabaola,/. hubbub, clamour. V. batahola. tabaque, m. ladies' work-basket ; large tack. tabaquera,/. snuff-box ; tobacco-case ; cigar- case ; bowl of a tobacco-pipe. tabaqueria, /. cigar-store. tabaquero, ra, m. &f. cigar-maker. — m. to- bacconist. tabaquista, m. or /. expert on tobacco ; a habitual user of tobacco. tabardete, tabardillo, m. highly adynam- ic fever : tabardillo pintado, spotted fever, tabardo, m. tabard. tabellar, va. to fold cloth in pieces, lea vine the selvage visible ; to mark fabrics with trade-mark. tabema, /. tavern, wine-shop, drinking sa- loon, grog-shop, bar-room. tabern^CUlO, m. tabernacle, tabernarlO, ria, a. (coll,) relating to a tav- ern ; low, vulgar, vile. g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; 1, TAB 520 tAc tabernera, /. tavern-keeper's wife; bar- maid. taberneria, /. business of a tavern-keeper. tabernero, m. tavern-keeper, bar-keeper. tabes,/, (med.) consumption, tabes. tabi, m. tabby, moreen, watered fabric. tabica,/. (arch.) panel. tabicar, va. to wall up ; to close or shut up. tabic6n, m. thick partition- wall. t^bido, da, a. (med. ) tabid, wasted, emaci- ated ; putrid, corrupted. tabifiCO, Ca, a. (med.) tabiflc. tablnete, »*. tabbinet (fabric). tabique, m. thin wall ; partition-wall : tabi- que maestro, chief partition-wall : tabique de panderete, brick-on-edge partition : tabique sordo, double partition-wall. tabla, /. (carp.) board; slab (of marble); tablet, plate (of metal) ; (sew.) full-breadth gore of a skirt ; tablier ; box-plait ; largest face of a piece of timber ; (jewel.) flat dia- mond ; (furniture) table; (print.) table of contents; index, list, catalogue ; (math.) ta- ble ; (art) table, panel ; broadest and most fleshy part of any of the members of the body ; bed or patch in a garden ; strip of land between rows of trees ; revenue oflSice where merchandise is registered as sold at market ; plank or board of a ship to escape drowning in shipwreck ; meat stall ; butch- er's block.— pZ. (theat.) stage-boards ; draw (in a game at chess or draughts); astronom- ical tables ; tables containing the decalogue : tabla de armonla, (mus.) sounding-board: tabla de sembrado, field of corn : tabla de Juego, gambling-house : tabla de chilla, thin board of slit deal : tabla de rio, bed of a river : tabla de manteles, table-cloth : i, la tabla del mundo, in public, before the world : i. raja tabla, energetically : tablas reales, backgammon-board or tables. tablachina, /. wooden shield or buckler. tablacho, >«. sluice or flood-gate. tabladO, m. stage, scaffold, platform, flooring; (theat.) stage-boards ; platform of a cart or truck ; boards or bottom of a bedstead. tablaje, m. pile of boards; planking; gam- bling or gaming house. tablajeria, /. gaming, gambling ; hire of the gaming-table. 3Lbl ■ tablajero, m. scaffold-maker ; carpenter who builds stands and stages ; ancient collector of the king's taxes ; keeper of a gaming- house ; gambler ; butcher ; assistant sur- geon in a hospital. ibl xablar, m. set of garden plots or beds. tablazo, m. blow or stroke with a board ; arm of the sea, sheet of water. tablazdn, /. boards, planks, lumber ; plank- ing, flooring; decks and sheathing of a ship : tablazdn de la cublerta, (naut.) deck planks. tablear, va. to saw wood into boards ; to di- vide a garden into beds or plots ; to make the ground even with a thick board ; to hammer bars of iron into plates ; (sew.) to make box-plaits. tableo, m. sawing wood into boards ; divid- ing a garden into beds ; making the ground even with a board ; hammering iron into plates. tablera, /. she who begs for the hospitals of .St. Lazarus. tablero, »». board, panel ; timber fit for saw- ing into boards ; dog-nail ; stock of a cross- bow ; chess or checker-board, draught- board; gambling-house, gaming-table; shop- counter ; money-table ; (tail.) cutting-table- (carp.) door-panel ; (arch.) panel, compart; ment : tablero contador, abacus : tablero de chaquete or tablas reales or pretera, (Mex.) backgamn*on-board, tables : tablero de coci- na, dressei , kitchen-table : tablero de distri- bucion or de conmutadores, (elec.) switch- board. tableta,/. dim. tablet ; writing-pad ; (pharm.) tablet, pastil, lozenge ; cracknel; clapper: estar en tabletas, to be in suspense. tableteado, pp. &. m. sound produced by rattling clappers. tabletear, vn. to rattle clappers. tableteo, "t. rattling sound of clappers. tablica, ita,/. dim. small board or tablet. tablilla,/. dim. tablet, slab ; bulletin-board ; section of the cushion of a billiard-table be- tween two pockets : tablilla de meson, sign of an inn : tablilla de santero, poor-box of a hermit : tablillas de San Lizaro, clappers used in begging for hospitals : tablillas ne- perianas, logarithm tables : por tablilla, in- directly. tabl6n, m. aup. plank, thick board; beam; St rake: tabldu de aparadura, (naut.) gar- board strake. tabloncillo, m. flooring-board ; in bull-rings, last row of seats. tabloza, /. painter's palette. V. Paleta. tabo, m. (Philip.) cup made from coconut- shell. tabona, /. stagnant pool. tabuco, m. hut, hovel ; narrow room. tabular. «. tabular. tabuquillO, qultO, m. dim. shanty. taburete, m. tabouret; &ioo\.— pi. (theat.) benches in the pit. taca,./". cupboard, small pantry ; plate of the crucible ; stain. tacada, /. stroke, at billiards; (naut.) wedges. tacamaca, tacamacba, or tacamabaca, /. tacamahac, gum resin from various trop- ical trees ; (bot. ) balsam-poplar. tacano, m. (min.) rich gray silver ore. tacaaamente, a. niggardly, miserly. tacaflear, vn. to act the miser. tacafleria, /. niggardness, closeness, mean- ness ; narrowness of mind ; malicious cun- ning ; low craft. tacafLO, iia, «. stingy, niggardly, sordid, close, mean ; malicious, artful, knavish. tacazo, m. stroke with a cue. taceta, /. copper basin or bowl, used in oil- mills. tacica, ilia, ita, /. divi. small cup. tacitamente, adv. silently, secretly ; tacitly, informally. t^cito, ta, a. tacit, silent ; implied, inferred. taciturnidad,/. taciturnity, silence. taciturno, na, «. taciturn, silent, reserved ; melancholy. taclobo, m. (Philip.) giant clam. taco, m. plug, peg, bung, stopper, stopple; (arti.) wad, wadding; rammer; popgun; ■ . -f.) Tight luncheon ; each draught of wine at meals ; billiard cue; almanac pad; (coll.) (Cuba) spruce young fellow, dandy ; volley of oaths: tacos de los escobenes, (naut.) hawse-plugs : echar tacos, (coll.) to swear or speak in a great rage. tacdn, m. (shoe.) heel, heel-piece. taconazo, m. blow with a shoe-heel. taconear, vn. (coll.) to walk or strut loftily on the heels. taconeo, m. noise made with the heels in dancing steps or in walking. td,ctica, /. orderly array; (mil.) tactics; tactica naval, naval tactics. a M In far : e In eh I ; 1 in police ; Ir for; u in bull ; c (before e, I) *nd S m th In thick ; b and d, soft! TAG 521 TAL t^CtiCO, m. tactician. tactO, m. touch, sense of feeling; touching, feeling ; tact, handiness, dexterity. tacuacna,/. (Cuba) dexterous trick. tacha, /. fault, defect, blemish, flaw, imper- fection ; large tack. V, tacho : poner tacha, make objections. tachar, va. to censure, blame, charge with, accuse, tax, find fault with ; reprehend ; to blot, efl'ace, scratch out : tachar testigos, (law) to challenge a witness. tachero, m. (Cuba) one who works at a tacho. tacho, m. (Cuba) sugar-boiler, evaporator, pan ; (Peru) earthen jar for heating water. tachdn, m. scratch, eflacement, erasure ; (sew.) trimming; escutcheon tack, gimp- nail, ornamental nail ; (b. b.) boss. tachonar, va. (sew.) to adorn with trim- ming ; to garnish with gimp-nails. tachoneria, /. ornamental work with gimp- nails. tachOSO, sa, a. faulty, defective, blemished. tachuela,/. tack, small nail. tael, in. (Philip.) silver coin (worth 6.28 pe- setas) ; weight (39 grammes). tafanario, m. (coll.) breech, nates, buttocks. tafet^n, m. taffeta, thin silk.— pZ. flags, col- ours, standard, ensign : tafet4n ingles, ^ourt-plaster ; sticking-plaster. tafia,/. (Venez. ) molasses rum. tafllete, m. morocco leather. tafiletear, va. to adorn with morocco leather. tafileteria, /. art of dressing morocco leath- er ; place where it is dressed. tafurea,/. (naut.) flat-bottomed boat for car- rying horses. tagalo, la, a. belonging to the Tagala. — m. their language.— p/. Tagala. tagarlno, m. Moor who lived among the Christians, tagarnina, /. (bot.) golden thistle; (coll.) bad cigar. tagarote, m. (om.) sparrow-hawk; quill- driver, scrivener ; decayed gentleman who earns a dinner by flattery and adulation ; (coll. ) tall, awkward person. tagarotear, va. (coll.) to write a bold, free, and running hand. tagu^n, m. (Philip.) flying squirrel. tanali, m. shoulder-belt; baldric. taharal, m. plantation of tamarisk-trees. taheflO, a. having a red beard. tahona, /. bakery, baker's shop ; horse-mill ; crushing-mill. tahonera,/. baker's wife; miller's wife. tahonero. wi. baker; miller. tahuUa, ./. plot of arable land. tahur, ra, «. gambling. — m. gambler, game- ster ; card-sharp. fcaliureria, /. gambling ; gaming-house ; fraudulent gambling. taifa, /. faction, party ; (coll.) assemblage of fa-st or foolish people. taimado, da, a. sly, cunning, crafty. talmeria,/. rascality, craftiness, taita,/. (coll.) dad, daddy. taja, /. tree of a pack-saddle ; cut, incision ; dis.section ; tally. tajada, /. slice, sliver, cut ; (coll.) hoarseness. tajadera, /. chopping-knife ; (mech.) round chisel, gouge. V. cortafrIo.— />/. sluice of a mill-dam. taladero, m. chopping-block, trencher. tajadilla, /. dim. small slice; dish of lights in low chop-houses ; bit of confected orange or lemon sold as a relish by retailers of brandy. tajado, da, pp. & a. cut. steep, sheer, walU like; (her.) divided. tajador, ra, m. &/. one who cuts or chops. — 7«. cutting edge. tajadura, /. cut, notch ; section ; cutting, chopping. tajamar, m. (naut.) cutwater, stem; (civ. eug.) cutwater of a bridge-pier. tajamiento, m. v. tajadura. tajaplumas, m. penknife. V. cortaplumas. tajar, va. to cut, chop, cleave, hack, cut ofl^ cut out, hew ; to cut and trim a quill-pen. tajea,/. water-course, channel, V. atarjea; culvert, drain, tajero, »«. v. tarjero. tajO, in. cut, incision, notch; trench, cut; steep clift ; cutting of a quill with a pen- knife ; chopping-block ; cutting, reaping, or digging of labourers in a line ; cut or open- ing in a mountain ; cutting edge ; (fenc.) cut. taj6ll, m. aug. butcher's block ; chopping- block ; vein of white earth in a limestone quarry, tajuela, /. tajuelO, m. rustic seat. tal {pi. tales), a. such, so, as ; equal, similar ; as much, so great ; thus, in such manner ; used before the names of persons not known, and to determine what is not specified : es- taba alii un tal Ramirez, one Ramirez was there ; used as pronoun, such, such a one : no hay tal, there is no such thing: tal cual, middling, so-so ; such as it is : el tal or la tal, that person, such a one, generally used contemptuously : tal cual vez, sometimes, occasionally : tal para cual, two of a kind, a Roland for an Oliver: tal por cual, worth- less, of no importance : con tal que, provided that : otro que tal, another of the same ilk : i qu6 tal 7 how's that ? how goes it ? what do you say? what do you think? tala, /. felling of trees; destruction, ruin, desolation, havoc ; tip-cat (boy's game) ; cat (in the game). talabarte, m. sword-belt, talatoarteria, /, saddlery. talabartero, m. saddler, belt or harness maker. talador, ra, a. perforating, drilling. — m. &f. destroyer, taladrador, ra, m. & f. borer, piercer, per- forator, drill. taladrar, va. to bore, drill, perforate, tap, worm ; to pierce, penetrate (as the ear) ; to comprehend a diflQcult point. taladro, m. bit, drill, borer, gimlet, auger; bore, auger-hole, drill-hole : taladro de ro- eaa, rock-drill, talamera,/. tree used for insnaring birds. talamete, m. (naut.) fore-deck planking, talamite m. galley rower, td.lainO, m. Dride-ch amber ; bridal bed; (bot.) receptacle. talanquera, /. parapet, breastwork of pales ; picket-fence ; defence, safety-place, talante, m. mode or manner of performing anything; mien, countenance, appearaneej aspect ; desire, will, pleasure, disposition: estar de buen or de mal talante, to be in & pleasant or ugly frame of mind, talar, va. to fell trees ; to desolate, to lay waste a country ; to prune olive-trees. talar, a. applied to long robes. talares, m. pi. wings on the heels of Mer- cury ; talaria. talCO, m. (min.) talc ; tinsel. talcoso, sa, a. talcoid, talcose, talcky. talcualillo, Ua, a. (coll.) somewhat above mediocrity • somewhat improved in health. g(beloree, l)and J »8 h In hot; h, Bllent; 11 lu brilliant; &, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, TAL 522 TAN t6Jea,/. stockade or palisade in Romau camps. taled, >ri. tallith (amoDg the Jews). talega, /. bag, sack, moaey-bag ; bagful ; bag for the" hair; diaper; sack containing 1,01)0 dollars in silver : doa talegaB, two thousand dollars. talegO, ni. bag or sack ; clumsy, awkward fellow : tener talego, to have money. talegUllla, /. dim. small bag: taleguilla de la sal, (coll.) daily expenditure. talentO, m. talent ; intellect, understanding ; imaginary Greek money. talentOSO, sa, «. able, ingenious, talented. t^lero, »t. thaler, old (jrerman coin, talio, m. (chem.) thallium, talldn, wt. talion, retaliation. talionar, va. to retaliate, talisman, »*. talisman, charm, amulet, talmente, adv. (coll.) in the same manner. Talmud, m. Talmud. talmudico, ca, «. Talmudic. talmudista, m. Talmudist. tal6n, III. (anat.) heel; (shoe.) heel-piece; (farr.) heel of the hoof; heel of a violin bow; (arch.) heel, cyma-reversa ; (com.) any cheque, draft, note or voucher detached, from a stub-book, coupon; (naut.) heel of the keel, sternson. talonarlO, ria, a. & m. (com.) coupon : Ubro talonario, stub-book. talonear, vn. to walk fast. talonesco, a. (coll.) relating to the heels. talpa, talparia,/. (med.) talpa, wen. talque [tahr-kayi, m. tasco. talquita,/. (min.) talc-schist. talud, in. (arch.) talus; batter; slope talvlna,/. porridge of almond-meal. talla, /. (^ a.) carving, wood-carving, as: obra de talla, carved work ; ancient dues or tax in Arragon ; ransom for a prisoner ; price set on the head of a criminal ; (jewel.) cut, cutting; gurglet, earthen jug; round of a card game; stature, size; (mil.) instru- ment lor measuring a man's height ; (surg.) lithotomy; (naut.) purchase block: media talla half-relief. tallaao, da, a. & pp. cut, carved, engraved : bien or mal tallado, of a good or bad tigure. tallador, m. engraver ; carver ; die-sinker. talladura, /. engraving. tallar, va. to carve in wood : to engrave ; (jewel.) to cut; to prize, value, estimate, appraise ; to deal, at faro, monte, etc. tallar, a. fit for cutting (forest or tree). — m. woodland fit for first cut, tallarin, w. noodle (for soup). tallarola,/. knife for cutting velvet pile. talle, rn. shape, form, figure; waist; (tail.) fit ; waist, bodice : largo de talle, (coll.) long drawn out. tallecer, vn. to shoot, sprout. taller, n. workshop, factory, mill, office, lab- oratory ; atelier, studio ; casters. talleta,/. (Amer.) V. alfajor. talllsta, ni. or/, carver ia wood, engraver. tallO, m. (hot.) stem, stalk ; shoot, sjjrout. talludO, da, o. grown into long stalks ; grown up, tall, slender; overgrown; cal- lous, hardened in vicious habits. talluelO, m. dim. of tallo. tamal, »i. (Amer.) tamale; (Honduras) bun- dle of sarsaparilla. tamalero, ra, m. &/. (Mex.) tamal-seller. tamkndoa, f. (S. Am.) tamandua, ant-eater. tamaflameilte, adv. as great as, tanta- mount. tamaflico, ica, Ito. ita, uelo, la, a. very small ; abashed, ashamed. tama&O, fla, «. so large, or so small (denot- ing size with gesture). — rn. size, bulk, stat- ure, magnitude. t^maras, /./>/. clusters of dates ; chips, fag- ots of brusnwood. tamarindo, m. (bot.) tamarind-tree and fruit. tamariscineo, a, a. (bot.) tamariscineous. tamarisco, tamariz, ?/<. (bot.) tamarisk. tamarrizquito, tamarrusquito, ta, a. (coll.) very small. tambalear, vn. & vr. to stagger, totter, reel, waver, sway. tambaleo, m. reeling, staggering, tottering. tambanillO, m. (arch.) tympanum. tambarillo, m. chest with arched cover. tambero, ra, m. &/. (Peru) innkeeper. tambesco, m. swing. V. coLUMPio. tambi^n, adv. also, too, likewise ; as well, moreover ; even. tambO, m. (S. Am.) inn ; dairy. tambor, m. drum ; drummer: tambor mayor, drum-major ; coffee-roaster, chestnut-roast- er ; bolter or sieve used by confectioners; (sew.) tambour-frame; (mech.) drum, cyl- inder, tumbler, band-pulley, rope-barrel ; (jewel.) barrel, arbcur ; (arch.) drum, tam- bour; screen; small room made by parti- tions; thole, tholus; (fort.) tambour; (naut.) drum or barrel of the capstan; wheel-house, paddle-box : 4 tambor or con tambor batiente, beating the drum : tambor del oido, drum of the ear. tambora,/. bass drum. tamborete, in. dim. timbrel; (naut.) cap of the mast-head, moorshead. tamboril, //*. tabour, timbrel. tamborilada, /. tamborilazo, m. (coll.) fall on the breech ; slap on the face or shoulders. tamborllear, vn. to tabour.— ra. to praise, • extol ; (print.) to plane or level types. tamborilero, m. tabourer. tamborilete, m. dim. tabret ; (typ.) planer. tamborin, tamborlno, / *. tabour. tamboritear, va. tamboritero, m. v. tam- BORILEAR, TAMBORILERO. tamborbn, m. large bass-drum. tam6n, m. (Mex.) Indian porter, carrier. tamiz, m. tamis, sieve, sifter, bolting cloth. tamizar, va. to sift. tamo, m. fuzz ; chaff, winnowings, grain- dust ; dust gatliered under beds, etc. tamojal, m. place covered with tamojo. tamOjO, m. (bot.) salt-wort, glass-wort. tampoco, adv. neither, not either. tamujal, m. thicket of buckthorns. tamujo, m. (bot.) buckthorn, box-thorn. tan, adv. contr. of tanto ; a«, so, so muoh, as well, as much : tan siquiera, even, ever so. tanacetO, m. (bot.) tansy. tanate, m. (Mex. ) seroon made of hide ; frail ; pita bag: cargar con los tanates, to move away. tanatero, «j. (Mex.) tanate carrier. tanato, m. (chem.) tannate. tanda, /. turn, rotation ; task ; gang of work- men, shift, relay ; set, batch ; each game of billiards; Uheat.) each division of a per- formance for which a separate ticket is re- quired. tandeo, m. distribution of irrigating water by turns. tanganillas (en), adv. waverfngly. tanganillO, m. dim. small pron or stay. tdJlgano, m. hob, boys' game ; stick used in this game. tangente, a. (geom.) tangent. » M In far ; e in eb I : 1 in police : o io for ; a io baU; c (before e, i; and s m th lu thiclr * b aud d. TAN 623 TAQ tangible, <1. tangible, tactile. tangrldera, /■ (naut.) stern-fast, cable. tango, m. hob. V. tangano ; negro dance and its tune. tangdn; m. (naut.) outrigger. tanmo, m. (chem.) tannin, tannic acid. tanor, ra, m. &/. (Philip.) Malay who served as domestic to the Spaniards. tanoria, /. (Philip.) domestic service to the Spaniards. tanque [taim-kayl, m. (api.) bee-glue ; (Amer.) vat, tank ; pool, i>ond. tantalatO, »». (chem.) tantalate. tantallO, m. (chem. ) tantalum. tan-tan, m. rubadub, sound of a drum ; tom- tom. tantarant^, m. rub-a-dub-dub, beat of a drum ; (coll.) sounding blow. tanteador, m. measurer, calculator, marker. tantear, va. to try, reckon, calculate, meas- ure, proportion ; to average ; to mark the points of a game with counters ; to consider carefully ; to scrutinize ; (art) to sketch, outline. tanteo, m. computation, reckoning, calcula- tion, average ; number of points made in a game ; outlines of a picture. tantlCO, tantlllO, m. small sum or quantity. tanto, ta, a. so much, as much ; very great. —m. certain sum or quantity ; copy of a writing ; counter, mark, chip ; point (in games) ; (com.) rate: tanto por ciento, per- centage.--/)/, odd, denoting an indetermi- nate number or amount, as : veinte j tantos, twenty odd. — adv. so, in such a manner ; so much ; so great ; so long : algun tanto, some- what, a little : al tanto, for the same price ; on the lookout : tanto mis 6 menos, so much more or less : tanto que, as soon as, so much so, that : tanto mejor, so much the better : tanto peor, so much the worse : tanto monta, it is all the same : tanto m&s cuanto, there- abouts, more or less : en tanto or entre tanto, in the meantime: tanto por tanto, at the same price ; upon a par : tantos 4 tantos, equal numbers : por el tanto, for the same f»rice : por tanto or por lo tanto, therefore, or the reasons expressed : en su tanto, pro- portionably : la mitad y otro tanto, half and as much more : tanto uno como otro, both one and the other ; both of them. "tkjiza,/. leader, casting-line. ~taiiedor, ra, m. & /. player on a musical in- strument. taflente, pa, playing on an instrument. tailer, va. to play a musical instrument. iailido, pp. & m. tune ; sound ; clink, ring. ta&imiento, m. playing on an instrument. tao, III. badge of some orders. tapa, /. lid, cover, cap ; horny part of a hoof; (shoe.) heel-blank, heel-lift; (b. b.) board- case; (Philip.) jerked beef, hung beef: tapa de los sesos, top of the skull. tapaagujeros, m. (coll.) clumsy mason; substitute, makeshift. tapabalazo, m. (naut.) shot-plug. tapaboca, m. (coll.) slap on the mouth; muffler ; choke-pear ; anything that silences one; (mil.) tampion, tamkin. tapaculO, m. (bot.) fruit of the dog-rose. tapada,/. thickly veiled woman. tapadera,/. loose lid, cover of a pot ; cover- cle ; (Mex.) leather cover of a stirrup. tapadero, m. stopper, stopple, cover. tapadlllo, m. concealment of a woman's face with her veil or mantle ; flute-stop of an organ : de tapadillo, secretly, sub rosa. tapadlzo, m. shed, cover. V. cobertizo. tapador, ra, m. & /. coverer. — m. lid, cover, plug, stopper, stopple. tapadursC /• act of stopping, covering, or hiding. tapafOg6n, m. (arti.) cap of a vent-hole. tapafunda, /. (sad.) flap of a holster. tapalo, m. (Mex.) woman's shawl. tapamlentO, »«. stopping or covering. t6,pana,/. (bot.) caper. tapanco, (Philip.) boat tilt or awning tapaOJOS, m. (Amer.) blinders for horses. tapapl6s, m, silken underskirt. tapar, va. to cover, conceal, hide, cover up, mantle, veil ; to hoodwink, dissemble ; to stop up, plug, close up, choke up, obstruct, occlude : tapar la boca, to stop one's mouth. — IT. taparse el caballo, to cover the track of the fore leet with those of the hind ones. tapara,/. (Amer.) gourd for drinking. t¶,/. (bot.) caper. taparrabO, m. breech-clout worn by Indi- ans. tapatin, m. (Philip.) tit-tat-toe. taperujarse, vr. (coll.) to cover one's face with a mantle. tapemjo, m. (coll.) ill-shaped plug or stop- ple ; awkward manner in which a woman covers her face with a mantle. tapetadO, da, a. dark brown. tapete, m. small carpet, rug; cover for a table or chest : tapete verde, card-table : es- tar sobre el tapete, to be on the tapis. tapia, /. mud-wali ; adobe-wall ; wall-fence ; (mas.) wall measure (50 sq. ft.) : tapia real, wail made of earth and lime. taplador, m. builder of mud-walls. taplal, m. mould for adobe-waJls. taplar, ra. to stop up with a mud-wall ; to wall up ; to raise a spite-wall ; to obstruct a view with a wall. taplcerla, /. tapestry ; art of making tapes- try ; upholstery ; shop where tapestries are sold. taplcero, m. one who makes tapestry ; up- holsterer ; carpet-monger, carpet-layer : ta- plcero mayor, tapestry-keeper in a palace. tapldo, da, a. closely woven. taplerla, /■ series of mud-walls. tapln, m. (arti.) vent plug. tapioca,/, tapioca. tapir, wi. (zool.) tapir. taplrujarse, vr. v. taperujarse. tapis, m. (Philip.) sash used by women. taplz [t«h-peeth'i, 7/i. tapestry. taplzar, va. to hang with tapestry. tapdn, m. cork, stopper, stopple, tampion ; plug, bung ; (surg. ) tampon : tap6n de cnba, (coll. ) short, fat person : al primer tapdn, zu- rrapas, (coll.) unlucky from the start. taponamlentO, m. (surg.) tamponage. taponar, va. (surg.) to tampon. taponazo, m. pop of a bottle ; knock or blow with a cork. tap oner la, /. set of corks ; cork factory or snop. taponero, ra, a. cork, as : indnstrla taponera, cork manufacture.—///. & f. cork-cutter, cork-seller. tapsla, /. (bot.) deadly carrot. tapujarse, vr. to muffle one's self. tapUjO, w. muffle to cover the face; (coll.) felse pretext, subterfuge, feigned excuse. taque ftah- k».vl, m. noise made by locking a door ; rap, knock at a door. taquera, / rack or stand for billiard-cues. taqulgraha, /. short-hand, stenography tachygraphy. taqulgr^ncamente, adv. in short-hand. a before e, i) .cd J as h ib bot: h. silent; 11 in brilliant: ii, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; s, blssed. TAQ 524 TAR taquigr^fiCO, ca, a. short-hand, stenograph- ic, tachygraphic. taauigra^, m. stenographer, tachygrapher, short-hand writer. taO[Uilla Ltah-keei-iyaiit, /. letter-tile, closet for papers ; case of pigeon-holes ; ticket-rack, key-rack; (theat.) box-office; booking office; (r. w.) ticket-office. taquimetria, /. tachymetry. taquimetrico, ca, a. tachy metrical. taquimetro, »«. tachymeter. taquin, w. K taba. taqulnero, m. player with a bone. tara, /. (com.) tare; tally (stick): (Venez.) green grasshopper: menos la tara, making an allowance for. tarablUa, /. (mil.) clack, clapper; catch, bolt, latch, sash fastener or holder ; pin or peg for tightening the cord of a buck-saw frame ; (coll. ) chatterbox ; fast and sense- less talk. tarabita,/. (S. Am.) rope bridge. taracea, f. marquetry, checkered work, in- laid work, buhlwork. taracear, va. to inlay, to make buhlwork. taragallO, tarangallO, m. dog or block sus- pended from the necks of beasts. taraje, m. (bot.) tamarisk. V. taray. tarambaiia, »t^- or /. giddy person ; mad- cap. tarando, m. (zool.) reindeer. tarangana, /. coarse sausage. tarantela, /. (dauc.) tarantella. tariintllla, /. tarantula. tarantulado, da, a. V. at ar ant ado. tarara or tarar^, /. sound of a trumpet. tararear, va. & vn. to hum a tune. tararlra, /. (coll.) noisy mirth. — m. or /. noisy person. tarasca,/- figure of a dragon formerly borne in the procession of Corpus Christi day ; ugly licentious woman. tarascada, /. bite, wound with the teeth ; (coll.) pert, harsh answer. tar as car, va. to bite (as dogs). tarascdn, m. aug. of tarasca. tarat^ntara, .f. v. tarara. taray, m. (hot.) tamarisk. tarayal, m. tamarisk plantation. tarazana, /. tarazanal, m. v. atarazana. tarazar, va. to bite ; to molest, harass. tarazbn, m. large slice. tarbea, /. large hall. tardador, ra, m. &/. delayer, deferrer, tar- rier. tardanaos, m. V. rSmora. tardanza, /. slowness, delay, tardiness, de- tention ; dalliance, lingering. tardar, vn. &. vr. to delay, take long, put off, dally ; to tarry, linger : k m&s tardar, at the latest, no later than. tarde, /. afternoon ; evening. — adv. late ; too late, past the time : bnenas tardea, good-after- noon : de tarde en tarde, now and then, oc- casionally ; seldom : tarde, mal y nnnca, slow and unpunctual : bacerse tarde, to grow late : mkt vale tarde que nunca, better late than never : para luego es tarde, by-and-bye is too late; don't put off: algo tarde, back- ward, latish : tarde piache, too late : tarde 6 temprano, sooner or later. tardecer, vn. & impers. (suhj. tardezca) to verge upon evening ; to grow late. tardeclca, ita,/. dim. toward evening. tardecillO, adv. (Amer.) a little late. tardiamente, adv. too late, out of time. tardio, dia, a. late, too late; slow, tardy, dilatory. tardo, da, a. slow, sluggish, tardy ; laggard^, backward ; dull, inactive, lazy. tard6n, na, a. aug. very tardy, phlegmatic j. dull, heavy. tarea, /. task, work to be done, stint, day'*- work ; care, toil, drudgery, exercise. tarlda,/. (naut. ) ancient transport. tarifa, f. tariff, price-list, fare, rate ; list or schedule of charges. tarlma,/. stand, dais, movable platform, low bench, table, foot-stool ; bedstead. tarim6n, m. aug. large stand or platform. tarin, /«. silver real of 8.} cuartos. tarina, /. middle-sized plate for meat. tarin barin.adr. (coll.) barely, pretty close- ly, just about. tarja, /. check, tally ; tally-stick ; target, shield, buckler ; ancient copper coin : beber- Bobre tarja, (coll.) to get drink on tick. tarjador, ra, m. &/. tally-keeper. tarjar [tar-har'J, va. to tally. tarjero, m. tally-keeper. V. tarjador. tarjeta,/. divi. of tarja ; card ; (arch.) labe^ tablet with inscription ; title and imprint on a map or chart: tarjeta de visita, visiting card : tarjeta de correos or postal, postal, card : tarjeta de negocioa, business card : tarjeta de despedida, P. P. C. card. tarjeteo, m. (coll.) social exchange of cards. tarjetero, m. card-case. tarjet6ll, m. aug. large card ; show-card. tar latana, /. tarlatan (fabric). tarquin Itai-kfen], m. slime, mire, mud. tarquinada, /. (coll.) rape. tarraconeuse, a. of or belonging to Tarra» gona. t^rraga,/. ancient Spanish dance, tarraja,/. v. terraja. tarrenas, /. pi. pieces of broken china used as clappers or bones. tarriCO, m. (hot.) salt-wort. tarro, w. jar; (Cuba) horn. tarso, tn. (anat.) tarsus, ankle; gambrel, hock. tarta, /. tart : pan for baking tarts. tartagO, /«. (hot. ) spurge ; (coll.) misfortune^ unfortunate event ; practical joke. tartajear, vn. to stutter, stammer. tartalOSO, sa, a. stammering, stuttering. tartalear, vji. to reel, stagger; (coll.) to be duni founded. tartamudear, m. to stutter, stammer, fal- ter, mumble, halt. tartamudeo, m. tartamudez, /. stuttering,. staniuieriug. tartamudo, da, a. stuttering, stammering. —m. &/. stutterer. tart&n, wt. tartan, Scotch plaid, tartana, /. round-top two-wheeled carriage ; (naut.) tartan. tartanero, m. driver of a tartana. tart^eo, rea, a. (poet.) tartarean, hellish. tartkrlCO, a. tartaric. F. tartrico. tartarizar, ra. to tartarize. t&rtaro, m. argol, cream of tartar; (dent.) tartar; (poet.) Tartarus, hell. tiurtaro, ra, a. Tartarian, of Tartary. tartera, /. baking-pan for pastry ; dinner* pail. tartratO, m. (chem.) tartrate. tartrico, a. tartaric : icido tirtrlco, tartaric acid. taruga,/. (S. Am.) furciferine deer. tarugO, m. wooden i>eg or pin ; stopper, plug, bung. tarUgUiUO [tah-roo-geer-lyo], m. dim. of TA- RlUiO. taruinba, m. volver k nno tarnmba, (coll.) to % M In far : 3 in eh I ; i in polioe ; o in for ; a in boll ; c (before e, i) ami z RR th in thick ; b and d, soft; TAS 625 TEJ confuse one, to get him -".lixed : volverse ta- rnmba, to become rattled. bas, m. small anvil used by silversmiths. tasa, /. measure, rule ; standard ; rate ; as- size ; valuation, appraisement. tasaci6u, /. valuation, appraisement. V. TASA. tasadamente, adv. barely, scantily, scarcely. tasador, m. appraiser, valuer. tasajear, va. (Amer.) to cut meat for making jerked beef; (met.) to slash one with knife- cuts. tasajO, m. jerked beef, hung-beef. tasar, va,. to appraise, price, value, estimate ; to observe method and rule ; to regulate ; to give scantily : tasar judicialmente, to tax, to rate at. Cascador, m. brake, for dressing flax. fcascar, m. (pret. tasque: subj. tasque) to brake, scutcn, or dress flax or hemp ; to nib- ble, crunch, browse, graze: tascar el freno, to bite the bridle ; to resist. tasco, m. refuse of flax or hemp; (naut. ) topping of hemp. tasconio, m. tasco. V. talque. tasquera,/. row, quarrel, wrangle, scuffle. tasquil Ltas-keer], m. chip from a stone. tastara, /. coarse bran. tastaz, m. polishing powder made of old cru- cibles. tastO, m. bad taste of tainted food. tasugO, m. (zool.) badger. V. tej6n. tata, m. (Amer.) (coll.) dad, daddy. tatarabuela, /. great-great-grandmother. batarabuelo, m. great-great-grandfather. tataradeudo, da, m. & f. very old and dis- tant relation. tataranieta, /. great-great-granddaughter tatarauietO, m. great-great-grandson. tatas, ddv. (andar i) to walk timidly ; to go on all-fours. I tate ! interj. take care, beware ; stay, so it is. tatO, ta, a. stammering. — m. & f. stutterer who converts c and s into t. — m. (zool.) hog- headed armadillo; (coll.) younger brother, taugel itah-oo-hei'], m. batten. V. regl6n. taujla,/. damaskeening. T. ataujIa. taumaturgO, m. miracle-worker ; thauma- turgus. taurino, na, a. taurine, bovine. tauriOS, m. pi. Tauria. tauro, m. (ast.) Taurus, sign of the zodiac. tauromaquia,/. art of bull-fighting. tauromaquiCO, ca, a. tauromachian. tautOlOgia, f. (rhet.) tautologj'. taxativamente, adv. limitedly. taxatiVO, va, a. (law) limited to circum- stances. taxidermia, /. taxidermy. taxonomia,/. taxonomy. taxondmiCO, ca, a. taxonomic. taz a taz, adv. this for that ; even ; fair ex- change. taza,/. cup ; cupful ; bowl ; basin of a foun- tain ; cup-guard of a sword. tazafia,/. f. tarasca. tazar, va. & vr. to fray. tazmia,/. share of tithes ; tithe register. taz6n, TO. attg. large bowl, basin. te Itay], m. (hot.) tea; tea (beverage) : te de M6Jico or borde, (hot.) salt-wort.—/, name of the letter T. — pron. thee, oblique case of thou. tea (tay'-ahi, /. candlewood ; torch, firebrand ; (naut.) hawse for raising the anchor, teame, teamide, f. stone said to repel iron, fceatino, na, m. &f. Theatin. teatral, teatrico, ca, a. theatrical. teatralmente, adv. theatrically. teatro, ?«. theatre, play-house ; stage ; the- atrical profession ; dramatic literature of a nation ; collection of plays ; dramatic art ; scene of any incident or event. tebaiCO, ca, a. Thebaic. tebano, na, tebeo, bea, a. Theban. teca, /. (bot.) teak; teakwood. tecali, TO. (Mex.) transparent marble. tecla, /. key of a pianoforte or organ ; deli- cate point: dar en la tecla, to touch the right chord : tocar una tecla, to resort to some expedient. tecladO, to. (mus.) keyboard, manual, cla- vier. tecle, TO. (naut.) single purchase. teclear, vn. to finger a keyboard ; to drum with the fingers. — va. (coll.) to resort to an expedient. t6cnicaniente, adv. technically. tecnicismo, to. technics, technicality. tecnico, ca, «. technical.—/, technics. tecnologia,/. technology. tecnol6gicO, ca, a. technological, techni- cal. tecomate, to. (Mex.) cup made of a gourd. techadO, pp. & to. roof, ceiling ; shed. techar, va. to roof ; to cover with a roof. techo, TO. roof, ceiling ; cover, shed ; shelter, dwelling, abode. techumbre, /. high ceiling ; lofty roof, tederO, m. torch-holder. tedium, TO. (eccl.) Te Deum. tedlar, va. to loathe, hate, abhor, tediO, TO. tediousness, loathing, ennui. tediOSO, sa, a. tedious, loathful, boresome tiresome, disgusting. tegual, TO. ancient tax on fish. tegumentO, m. tegument, covering. teina,/. (chem.) thein. telnada,/. cattle-shed. V. tinada. teismo, to. theism, deism. teista, com. theist, deist. teja itay'-iiah], /. roof-tile ; steel bar shaped into a sword-blade; (naut.) hollow cut for scarfing; (bot.) linden-tree: teja concava, gutter or pan-tile : k teja vana, with a shed cover : de tejas abajo, in a natural order, in this world : teja de la silla, (Mex.) hind bow of a saddle. tejadillO, to. dim. roof of a coach ; card- sharp's method of holding the talon. tejadO, TO. tiled roof; shed. tejamani or tejamanil, to. (Amer.) shin- gle. tejar, va. to tile, to cover with tiles, tejar, to. tile-works, tile-kiln. tejaroz, m. eaves, penthouse, tiled shed. tejazo, TO. blow with a tile. tejedera,/. weaveress; (ent.) water-skater. tejedor, to. weaver; (ent.) water-skipper. tejedora, /. weaveress. tejedura, /. texture, weaving, fabric. tejeduria, /. art of weaving ; mill, factory for weaving. teje maneje, to. (coll.) cleverness in doing things. tejer, va. to weave ; to wattle, inter weave^ plait ; to knit; to make webs (as spiders) ; to regulate, adjust ; to devise, concoct, plot. teiera, tejeria,/. tile-kiln. r. tejar. tejero, m. tile-maker. tejica, ilia, ita,/. dim., small tile. tejidO, pp. & TO. texture, tissue, weaving' fabric, web; (anat.) tissue: tejido adiposo adipose tissue : tejido celular, cellular tissue. tejillo, TO. plaited girdle. g (before e, i) and J ae 35 bin bot; h, siieut; U in brilliant; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; s. TEJ 526 TfiM tejo, m. quoit; game of quoits ; shuffle-board counter; metal disk: coin plate blank; (mech.) bush, pillow-block, socket, socket- plate ; (hot.) yew-tree. tejOCOte, m. (bot. Mex.) fruit resembling a sloe. teloleta, /. broken tile, brickbat; shuffle- Board counter ; clapper. telolote, m. (Mex.) stone pestle. tej6n, III. round gold ingot ; (zool.) badger. telonera, /. burrow of a badger. tejuela /. dim. small tile ; brickbat ; saddle- tree. tejuelo, m. dim. small tile ; (b. b.) binder's title ; (mech.) bush, pillow-block, socket, sole-plate. tela, /. cloth, fabric, stuflf ; chain or warp of cloth ; pellicle, membrane ; film ; quibble, quirk ; cobweb ; web of insects ; argument ; matter ; thread of a discourse ; membrane or opacity in the eye : tela de araiia, V. te- LARA5iA : tela de ceboUa, skin of an onion : tela de Jnicio, mature consideration ; judi- cial proceeding. telamdn, m. (arch.) telamon, atlante. telar, m. loom ; frame; (theat.) gridiron. telara&a, /. cobweb; any flimsy or trifling thing: mirar lai telaraiias, (coll.) to be in a brown study or absent-minded : tener te- laraiias en lo8 ojos, to be blind to one's sur- roundings. telarejo,/. dim. small loom or frame. tdlefiO, m. (bot.) orpine stonecrop. telefonar, va. to telephone. telefonema, m. telephone message, tele- pheme. teiefonla, /. telephony. telefbnicamente, adv. telephonically. telefdnico, ca, a. telephonic. telefont3ta, m. or/, telephonist. tel^fonq. m. telephone. telegrafia, /. telegraphy : telegrafla sin hilos, wireless telegraphy. telegrafiar, va. to telegraph ; to wire ; to cable. telegr6ilcainente, adv. by telegraph, tele- craphically. telegr6,flC0, ca, a. telegraphic. telegrafista, m. or /. telegraph operator. tel6grafO, m. telegraph : teligrafo 6ptico, semaphore: teUgrafo marino, nautical sig- nals; signal service: teligrafo sin hilos, wireless telegraph : hacer teUgrafos, to talk by signs (as lovers). telegrama, m. telegram, telegraphic de- spatch, cablegram. telemetria, /. telemetry. telem^trico, ca, a. telemetric. tel^metro, m. telemeter. teleologia, /. teleologv. teleol6grico, ca, «. teleological. telera,/. plough-pin j cattle-stall, cattle-pen, fold, sty ; (mech.) jaw, cheek (of a clamp, vice, or press) ; (car.) body-transom, cross- frame, tie-beam; (ordn.) transom of a gun- carriage ; (naut.) rack-block ; (min.) pyram- idal mound of copper ore for calcination ; round loaf of brown bread. telero, m. (car.) cart stake. telescbpico, ca, a. telescopic. telescoplo, m. telescope. teleta, /. blotting-paper ; sieve in paper- mills. teletdn, m. strong silken stuff. telilla, /. dim. light woollen stuff; film ; thin crust f<)rmed on the surface of silver when cupelling. telina,/. clam ; mussel. V. almeja. telita, /. dim. of TELA ; thin fabric. teldn, m. (theat.) curtain, drop-curtain; drop, drop-scene : subir or levantar el tel6ii, to raise the curtain : correr or bajar el tel6n to drop the curtain : teldn de boca, drop- curtain : teldn de foro, drop-scene. teloniO, m. ancient tax-office: 4 manera dw telonio, in a jumble, disordered. telurico, ca, a. telluric ; (chem.) telluric. telurio, m. (chem.) tellurium. telllna, /. clam; mussel. telliz, m. caparison, saddle-cover. telliza,/. bed-spread, coverlet. tema, /«. text, proposition, theme, subject, composition.—/, topic of madmen's dis- courses ; hobby ; dispute, contention ; ob- stinacy in argument ; animosity, grudge •, (mus.) theme, motive: tema celeste, (ast. ) map of the heavens : k tema, emulously, ob- stinately. tem&tiCO, ca, a. thematic ; obstinate. tembladal, m. quaking bog, quagmire. tembladera, /. kind of bowl or cup of very thin metal or glass ; (jewel.) hair ornament on a spiral; (icht.) torpedo, electric ray; (bot.) quaking grass. tembladero, m. quagmire, quaking bog. temblador, ra, a. quaking, shaking, quiv- ering, trembling. — m. Quaker, Shaker.—/ Quakeress, Shakeress. temblante, pa. trembling, quavering.— ?u. loose bracelet. temblar, vn. {ind. tiemblo : subj. tiemble) to tremble, shaKe, quake, quiver ; shiver, thrill ; to fear, to be afraid. tembleque, m. (jewel.) hair ornament on a spiral. temblequear, tembletear, vn. (coll.) to tremble, shake, quake, quiver, shiver. teinbl6n, na, «. tremuious, shaking: ilamo tembldn, aspen-tree: bacer la temblona, to affect timidity. temblor, m. trembling, tremor, thrill : tem- blor de tierra, earthquake. temblorcillo, m. dim. slight tremor. tembloroso, sa, tembloso, sa, a. tremu- lous, shivering, shaking. temedero, ra, a. awful, dreadful. temedor, ra, a. dreading, fearing. temer, va. to apprehend, fear, dread ; to sus- pect, misdoubt. — vn. to be afraid. temerariamente, adv. rashly, hastily, in- considerately. temerariO, ria, a. rash, inconsiderate, im- Erudent, daring, overbold, hasty, headlong; aseless, groundless, unfounded : Juicio te- merario, rash conclusion. temeridad, /. temerity, rashness, impru- dence ; foolhardiness ; rash conclusion. temerdn, na, a. affecting courage. temerosamente, adv. timorously, temeroso, sa, a. awe-inspiring; dreadful; timid, timorous; fearful; chicken-hearted. temlble, a. dreadful, frightful, terrible, aw» ful. temor, m. dread, fear, apprehension, fore* boding, suspicion. temoso, sa, a. obstinate, stubborn. tempanador, tn, cutter for the tops of bee- hives. tempanar, va. (api.) to cover the tops of bee« hives. timpano, m. (mus.) kettle-drum; tabour, timbrel ; drumhead, drumskin ; tympan ; ice-drift, ice-floe, ice-field, iceberg; sod» sward, turf; heading of a barrel ; flitch of bacon; (api.) cork dome of bee-hives; (arch.) tympan of an arch. ft M In far ; • In eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; a in bull ; e (before e, i) and z u th in thick ; b and d, soft. TEM 527 TEN ttinperacl6n, /. tempering, l'. atempeka- ci6x. temperadamente, adv. temperately. temperamentO, "*. temperature, 'climate; arbitration, compromise; (physiol.) tem- perament, constitution; (mus.) tempera- ment. temperancia, /. temperance, moderation. temperante, /»«. (med.) tempering. temperar, va. to temper. V. atemperak; (Amer.) V. veranear. temperatura, /. temperature ; climate ; at- mospheric conditions. tempeiie,/. atmospheric conditions. tempero, m. seasonableness. tempestad,/. tempest, storm ; tirade of abu- .sive language. tempestivamente, adv. seasonably, fitly, timely, opportunely. tempestivldad, /. seasonableness, oppor- tunity, titness. tempe'stlvo, va, a. seasonable, opportune, timely. tempestuosamente, adv. tempestuously, turbulently. tempestuoso, sa, a. tempestuous, stormy, turbulent. templa, /. (art.) tempera, distemper.— p/. temples (of the head). templadamente, adv. temperately, moder- ately, abstemiously. tempiadera, /. (hyd.) sluice-gate. templadiCO, ca, a. dim. somewhat temper- ate. templadO, da, pp. a. tending, expanding. tendlnoso, sa, n. tendinous. teild6n, m. (anat.) tendon. tenducha, tenducho, /. & m. wretched shop. tenebrario. m. (eccl. ) tenebrs-hearse. tenebrosamente, adv. gloomily. tenebrosidad,/. darkness, obscurity, gloom. tenebroso, sa, a. tenebrous, dark, gloomy ; obscure in style ; horrid. tenedero, m. (naut.) aachoring-ground. tenedor, m. holder, keeper, tenant ; guar- dian ; table-fork ; lad who picks up the balls at pelota ; (com.) holder: tenedor de libros, book-keeper: tenedor de poliza, poli- cy-holder : tenedor de bastimentos, (naut.) store-keeper of the navy. teneduria, /. position of book-keeper: tene- duria de libros, book-keeping. tenencia, /. tenancy, occupancy, possession, holding; (mil.) lieutenancy, lieutenantship. tener, va. {ind. tengo : pret. tuve : fiit. ten- DRK : subj. tenga) to have, to hold, to take hold of, to grasp ; to gripe', hold fast ; to own, possess, enjoy; to maintain, sustain ; to subject, domineer ; to keep, retain ; to check, detain, stop; to fulfil, keep a prom- ise ; to be adorned or gifted with (as wit) ; to contain, comprise, comprehend, have within ; followed by en, to estimate, price, value, esteem ; followed by que, to be obliged, to have to do ; followed by por, to believe, judge, consider ; with nouns of time, it signifies duration or age ; i. e. : el nino tiene sets meses, the child is six months old : esta casa tiene cien anos, this house is one hundred years old ; with some nouns it means to suffer what the noun signifies, i, e. : tener hambre, to be hungry : tener ■nefio, to be sleepy : tener miedo, to be afraid. — v. auxiliary , to have : tengo enten- dido, I understand. — vn. to be well off, to be rich or wealthy.— vr. to hold fast or steady ; to set on ; to stop, to halt ; to resist, oppose ; to adhere, stand for : tenerae en pie, to keep on foot ; to stand : tenga Vd. la bondad de decirme, pray tell me : tener gana, to have a mind, an inclination : tener raz6n, to be right : tener consigo, to have with or about one : no tenerlas todas consigo, to be wor- ried ; to be afraid. teneria, /. tan-yard, tannery. tenesmo, m. (med.) tenesmus. tenia, ./'. tape-worm ; ( arch. ) fillet. tenienita, /. wife of a lieutenant. tenientazgo, m. (mil.) lieutenancy, lieuten- antship. tenlente, pa. having, owning ; holder.— a. immature, unripe; miserly, mean; (coll.) deaf: tenlente de oidos, hard of hearing. — m. deputy, substitute; (mil.) lieutenant: te- nlente coronel, lieutenant-colonel: tenlente general, lieutenant-general. tenifugo, ga, «. (med.) tsenifuge. tenor, m. tenor, condition, permanent state ; current, drift, purport, literal contents ; (mus. ) tenor, tenorist: i tenor de, (com.) pursuant to, in compliance with. tensi6n, /. tension; tautness, tightness; strain; stress, stretch; (elee.) electric ten- sion ; (poet.) poetical contest on love. tenso, sa, a. tense, tight, taut, stretched, ex- tended, stiff. tentaci6n, ,/". temptation, enticement, allure- ment. tentacioncilla, /. dim. slight temptation. tentaculO, m. tentacle. tentaderp, m. corral for taming calves. tentador, ra, a. tempting, coaxing, alluring, enticing.— m. &/. tempter, enticer.— /«. the devil. tentadlira /. (min.) mercury test of silver ore. tentalear, va. to feel all over, to examine by the touch. tentar, va. {ind. tiento : subj. tiente) to touch, to feel with the fingers, to examine by touch ; to grope ; to tempt, instigate, in- cite, stimulate, coax, entice, allure ; to at- tempt, try, endeavour ; to test, exfieriment, prove ; (surg.) to probe a wound ; to tent. tentativa, f. attempt, trial, essay, test, ex- periment ; in colleges, first examination. tentative, va, a. tentative. tenteempi6, m. (coll.) light luncheon, a bite tenteenelaire, m. or /. mulatto; (Amer.) balf-breed. tentemozo, m. prop, support; pole-prop; tumbler (a toy) ; (sad.) V. quijera. tentdn, m. (coll.) rough handling. tenudo, da, pp. irr. obs. of tener ; held. tenue, «. thin, tenuous, subtle, slender, deli' oate ; worthless, trifling ; soft (consonant) ; (art) faint, subdued. tenuemente, adv. slightly. tenuidad, /. tenuity, thinness, slenderness, subtlety ; weakness ; trifle. tenuta,./". (law) tenure pendente lite. tenutario, ria, a. (law) provisional tenant. tenz6n,/. poetical contest on love. teflidura, /. art of dyeing or tingeing. tefiir, va. {pp. TENIDO, TINTO : gerund, Tl5f EN- DO : pret. el xiSo: subj. tina) to tinge, to dye ; to stain : tenir en rama, to dye in grain, to ingrain ; (art) to darken, sadden a colour. teobroma, m. (poet.) cacao. teo call or teucali, m, ^Mex.) teocalli. teocracia, f. theocracy. teocrktiCO, ca, a. theocratic, theocratical. teodicea,/. (theol.) theodicy. teodOlitO, m. (math.) theodolite. teogonia,/ theogony. teog6nico, ca, «. theogonic. teologal, a. theologic(al) : virtndes teologalea theological virtues (faith, hope, charity). teolOg a,/, theology, divinitv. teolbgicamente, adv. theologically. teol6giCO, ca, a. theologic(a'i). teOlOgizar Itav-o lo-he-thar'l, vn. {prei. TEOI-O' GicE : .subj. teologice) theologize. tedlOgO, ga, a. theological.— »n. theologian, theotogus, a divine, clergyman, teorema, «*. theorem. teor6tico, ca, «. theoretic, teoria, tebrica,.^. theory, speculation, tebricamente, adv. theoVetically. tedrico, ca, «. theoretical, speculative, teoso, sa, a. resinous, teosofia,/. Theosophv. teOS6fico, ca, «. Theosophical. tedsofo, m. Theosophist. tepalcate, m. (Mex.) potsherd, tepe, m. green sod, turf. tepeguaje itay-pay-icwah'-hay], m. (Mex.) very hard and compact wood. — o. (Mex.) set, ob« stinate. % M In far ; e In eh I ; 1 In poln. (Venez.) corn-meal with coco- nut milk and molasses. tequio, m. (Mex.) municipal duty or tax. terap6utica, /. therapeutics. terapeutiCO, ca, a. therapeutic, remedial, curative. teratologia, /. (biol ) teratology. teratologico, ca, «. teratologic{al). terbiO, '". (chem.) terbium. tercamente, udv. obstinately, stubbornly. tercena, /. wholesale tobacco warehouse. tercenal, m, (agr. ) rick of thirty sheaves. tercenista, m. keeper of a tercena. tercer, «. {contr. of tercero, used always before the noun) third. terceramente, ndv. thirdly. terceria, .;. mediation, arbitration ; umpir- age ; temporary occupation of a castle, for- tress, etc. tercerilla, /. (poet.) triplet. tercero, ra, «. third. — m. third person ; me- diator, arbitrator, umpire; collector of tithes; (eccl. ) tertiary; pimp, procurer, bawd; sixtieth of a second (time) : tercero en discordia, umpire, referee, between two disputants.—/, (mus.) third; ditone ; third string of a guitar ; sequence of three cards ; procuress, bawd. tercerol, m. (naut.) third in order. tercerola, /. (arti.) short carbine; (com.) tierce. tercer6n, na, m. &f. (Amer.) mulatto. tercetO, /«. (poet.) tierce, terzet, terza, trip- let ; (mus.) terzetto, trio. tercia, /. one-third ; third of a vara ; store- house for tithes ; among Romans, forenoon; sequence of three cards ; (eccl.) third hour. terciadO, da. pp & a. slanting, tilted, bi- ased, crosswise : aziicar terciado, brown sugar: pan terciado, rent of ground paid in f train, two-thirds wheat and one-third bar- ey.— w, cutlass, broad sword ; broad rib- bon. terciana, /. (med. ) tertian. tercianariO, ria, a. (med.) tertian; caus- ing or suffering tertian fever. — m. & f. per- son affected with a tertian. tercianela,/ heavy silk fabric. terclar, va. to place sidewise or sling diag- onally ; to divide a thing into three parts ; (agr.) to plough the third time; (rail.) to carry arms.— t'/j. to make up the number of three ; to mediate, arbitrate ; to go be- tween ; to join (in conversation) ; to share, take part : terclar una pieza, (arti.) to prove a gun. ^erciario, ria, «. third in order or degree ; (geol.; tertiary.— »i. (arch.) rib of a Gothic arch. terciaz6n, m. (agr.) third ploughing. terciO, Cla, a. third. — m. one-third ; each package of a mule-load ; (mil.) regiment of infantry in ancient Spanish warfare ; di- vision of the Onardia Civil ; third part of a horse-course (start, run, or stop) ; third section in the height of a horse ; third part of the rosary ; third part of a sword : tercio de tabaco, bale of tobacco : tercio de cueros, bundle of hides : tercio y qninto, great ad- vantage : hacer bnen tercio, to do a good turn to a person : hacer tercio, to join and complete a required number of people: hacer mal teroio, to do a bad turn, to serve ill.— pi. robust or strong limbs of a man. terciOd6cuplO, pla, a. & m. product of anj quantity multiplied by thirteen. terciopelado, da, a velvet-like, velvety.^ m. velvet-like stuflF. terciopelero, /«. velvet-weaver. terciopelo. m velvet. terco, ca, a. stubborn, pertinacious, i>\,M\- nate ; hard (as marble). terebintaceo, cea, «. terebin thin ate. terebintO, m. (bot.) terebinth, turpentine- tree. terebrante, a. (med.) boring, piercing (pain). terenciano, na, a. Terentian. tereniabin, m. white, sweetish, purgative matter, resembling mastich, which adheres to the leaves of plants ; liquid mama. terglversacibn, /. tergiversation, misrepre- sentation. tergiversar, va. to tergiversate, to misrep- reiient. teriaca,/. (pharm.) theriaca. V. triaca. teriacal, a. (pharm.) theriac(al). teristro, m. thin veil or shawl. terliZ, m. tick, ticking ; tent-cloth. termal, «. thermal. termas,/. pi. hot baths ; hot springs. t^rmiCO, ca, a. thermic, thermal. terminaci6n, /. termination, conclusion, end, ending, completion ; (gram.) termina- tion. termlnacho, m. (coll.) rude orvulgai word ; jawbreaker. terminador, ra, a. finishing, completing.— 7n. &f. finisher. terminajo, m. (coll.) vulgar expression. terminal, «. final, ultimate. terminante, po. ending, closing, terminat- ing. — a. clear, precise, conclusive, decisive, definite. terminar, va. & vn. to end, close, terminate, finish, complete, consummate. — vn. & vr. to end at ; to abut ; (med.) to come to a crisis. terminatiVO, va, a. terminative, respective, relative to a term. t^rmino, m. end, finish, ending, conclusion, completion ; term, boundary, land-mark ; limit, goal; manner, behaviour, conduct; district of a town or city ; aim, object ; word, expression, technical term; (med.) crisis of a disease ; condition, constitution, state; (math, and log.) term; (arch.) ter- minal, terminus; (law) term ; (mus.) tone, pitch: primer tirmino, (art) foreground: ultimo tirmino, background.— p/. (Tog. and astrol.) terms: tirmino medio, (math.) average; (log.) middle term : medios termi- noa, evasions, subterfuge : en buenos termi- no8, (coll.) in plain language. terminologia,/. (neol.) terminology. terminote, »». aug. uncommon or affected expression. termocauteriO, m. (surg.) thermocautery. termodinamica, /. thermodynamics. termometria, /. thermometry. termometrico, ca, a. thermometric(al). term6metrO, m. thermometer. tema, /. ternary, triad, tern ; three names presented as candidates for selection to fill one ofhce ; game at dice. ternario, ria, «. ternary, ternate.— m. three days' devotion. terrie, m. (coll.) bully, hector. ternecico, ica, ito, ita, a. very tender. ternelal, a. bullying, v. terne. temejbn, na, a. v. terner6n. ternerico, ica, illo, ilia, ito, ita, m. & /. dim. young calf. f (before cOanaJ Mh In hot: h> Bilent: 11 In brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr triUed ; t, hiiaeA TEE 630 TES 6ernero, ra, w. &/• calf; heifer.—/, veal. ternerbn, na, a. sentlmeutal, easily moved. terneruela, /. dim. sucking calf. terneza, /. softness, suavity ; tenderness ; affection, endearment, fondness. temezuelO, la, «. dim. very tender. ternilla, /. gristle, cartilage. ternlllOSO, sa, a. gristly, cartilaginous. ternisimo, ma, a. super, very tender. terno, m. ternary, triad; (tail.) suit of clothes; tern (in lottery); oath, curse; (eccl.) vestments for the high mass ; (jewel.) set ; (print. ) three printed sheets one within another : terno seco, happy and unexpected fortune. ternura, /. tenderness, softness, sensitive- ness, delicacy, fondness. terquedad, /. stubbornness, obstinacy, per- tinacity, contumacy, inflexibility, terrada, /. bitumen made of ochre and glue. terradlllo, m. dim. small terrace. terradO, m. terrace, flat roof of a house. terraja, /. pipe-stock, screw-stock, die-stock ; modelling-board, sweep. terraje, m. rent paid for arable land. terrajero, m. lessee of arable land. terral, m. land breeze. terrapl^n, terrapleno, m. embankment; (fort.) terreplein, banquette. terraplenar, va. to embank ; to fill with earth ; to make an embankment or a terre- plein. terraplenador, m. labourer on embank- ments. terriqueo, quea, a. terraqueous. terrateniente, m. or /. land-owner, land- holder. terraza, /. terrace ; border in a garden ; glazed jar with two handles. terrazgo, m. arable land ; rent of arable land. terrazguero [ter-rath-gay'-roj, m. lessee of ara- ble land. terrazo, m. (art) ground of a picture. terrazuela, /. dim. of terraza. terrear, vn. to show the ground (as thin crops). terrecer, va. to terrify. terregoso, sa, «• cloddy, full of clods. terremotO, m. earthquake. terrenal, a. terrestrial, terrene, earthly, mundane. terrenidad, /. quality of the soil. terreno, na, a. terrene, earthly, terrestrial ; worldly, mundane. — m. land, ground, soil, terrene, earth ; piece of ground, plot, grounds; field, sphere of action; (geol.) terrane or terrain: terreno franco, (min.) tract not yet pre-empted or denounced: terreno abierto, (mil. ) open ground. t6rreo, rea, a. terreous, earthy. terrera /• steep piece of ground; (orn.) lark. terrero, ra, a. earthly, terreous ; abject, humble ; skimming the ground (as birds). — m. terrace ; mound, bank, heap of earth ; al- luvium ; (min.) dump; mark, target; frail for carrying earth : hacer terrero, to court a lady from tne street. terrestre, a. terrestrial, earthly. terrezuela, /. dim,, small piece of ground ; poor soil. teriibllldad, terriblez, terribleza, .f. ter- ribleness, awfulness, ferocity, roughness, asperity. terrible, o. terrible, awful, dreadful, fero- cious, horrible ; rude, unmannerly ; im- mense, huge. terriblemente, adv. terribly, frightfully. terriCOla, ///. or/, inhabitant of the earth. terrifico, ca, a. terrific, frightful. terrigeno, na, «. terrigenous ; earth-born. terrino, na, «. terrene, earthy. territorial, n. territorial. territorialidad, /. territoriality (applied to war-ships). territoriO, /«. territory ; region, district; ground ; land. terrizo, za, a. earthy, earthen. — m. unglazed earthen tub. terromontero, m. hill, hillock. terr6n, m. clod- mound; lump; bagasse o| olives.— p^. landed property : terron de azA« car, lump of sugar : & rapa terron, entirely, completely, from the root. terronazo, m. aug. blow with a clod. terroncillo, »». dim. small clod or lump. terror, «*. terror, dread, fright, consterna- tion : terror pinico, panic. terrorifico, ca, a. terrific, dreadful, awful. blood-curdling. terrorismo, m. terrorism. terrorista, m. terrorist. terrosidad, /. earthiness, cloddiness. terrOSO, sa, a. terreous, earthy ; cloddy. terruca,/. dim. (coll.) native country. terruflo, terruzo, m. piece of ground. tersar, va. to smooth, polish, burnish. tersidad,/. polish; terseness. V. tersura. terso, sa, a. smooth, polished, glossy ; pure, correct, terse, pithy. tersura, /. smoothness, polish, cleanliness, purity ; terseness. tertil, m. ancient tax on silk. tertulia, /. social club meeting, assembly, circle, coterie, conversazione, evening partv ; (theat. ) family circle, gallery. tertuliano, na, tertulio, a, a. member of a club, assembly, or circle of friends, habitug. teruelo, /«. bailotiug urn or box. teruncio. m. ancient Roman coin. terzbn, na, a. & n. three years old (heifer). terzuela, /. distribution gained for attend- ing mass at the hour of tierce. terzuelO, a. third part ; male falcon. tesklico, ca, tesaliense, tesalio, lia, t^ SalO, la, (t. Tlifssaliiiii. tesal6nico, ca, tesalonicense, a. ihessa- Ionian. tesar, va. {pp. teso) (naut.) to haul taut, to tauten. — vn. to back, pull back (oxeQ). tesauro, m. thesaurus, lexicon. tesela,/. tessella, mosaic tile. teselado, da, a. tessellate, tessellated. t6sera, /. tessera, token, countersign. tesis,/. thesis, dissertation. tesitlira,./". (mus.) tessitura. teso, sa, pp. irr. 0/ tesar & a. taut, drawn tight. — m. brow of a hill ; bulge or lump on a flat surface. tes6n, m. tenacity, firmness, inflexibility. tesoneria/- obstinacy, stubbornness. tesoreria, /. treasury, treasurer's office, ex- chequer ; treasurership. tesorero, ra, m. &/. treasurer ; (eccl.) canoa who keeps the relics. tesoro, m. treasure, wealth, riches ; treasury, exchequer; thesaurus, lexicon. tespiades,/. »/. (poet.) the Muses. tesia, /. head ; top or crown of the head 5 front, face, forepart; (coll.) sense, ability, cleverness : testa coronada, crowned heail, monarch : testa de ferro, V. testaferro. test&ceo, cea, a. testaceous. — m. iestacean, testaci6n, /. obliteration, erasure. testada,/. v. testarada. a M ta far ; e in eh I ; i in police *. o in for ; n in bull ; c (beiure e, i) and x m tli in thick ; b and A, soft; TES 531 TIE testado, da, a. & pp. testate. testador, m. testator. testadora, /'. testatrix. testadura, /■ obliteration, erasure. testaferro or testaf6rrea, m. man of straw, dummy. testamentaria, /. (law) testamentary exe- cution ; estate. testamentarlo, ria, a. testamentary. — m. executor.—/, executrix. testamento, »*. (law) last will, testament: testamento cerrado or eacrito, sealed testa- ment : testamento olografo, holographic will : testamento abierto or nuncupativo, oral or nuncupative will : Antiguo or Viejo Testa- mento, Old Testament: Nuevo Testamento, New Testament. testar, m. to will, to make a last will or tes- tament. — va. to erase, scratch out. testarada, /. stroke or blow with the head ; stubbornness, obstinacy. testarrbn, na, «. (coll.) hard-headed. testarroneria, testarudez, /. (coll. ) hard- headedness, stubbornness. testarudo, da, «. obstinate, stubborn, hard- headed. teste, m. testis, testicle. testera, /. front face, fore part ; forehead of an animal ; (sad. ) crown-piece of a harness ; back seat of a coach ; (found.) wall of a fur- nace. testerada, /. v. testarada. testero, m. v. testera; (min.) ore-rock showing two faces. testicular, a. testicular. testiculo, m. (auat. ) testicle. testlficaci6n,/. attestation, testification. testiflcante, jJa. witnessing, attesting. testificar, va. {pret. TESTiFiQufi : subj. TES- tifique) to attest, witness, testify. testiflcata,/. (law) affidavit. testificatlvo, va, a. testimonial, attesting, declaratory. testigO, TO. or /. witness. — m. testimony, proof, evidence ; mound of earth along an excavation : testigo de oidas, auricular wit- ness : testigo de vista or ocular, eye-witness. testimonial, a. testimonial. testimoniales,/. pi. testimonial ; (eccl.) cer- tificate of gooa character. testimoniar, va. to testify, attest, bear wit- ness, aver, avouch. testimoniero, ra, a. bearing fa2se witness ; dissembling, hypocritical. testimoniO, m. testimony, affidavit ; attesta- tion : falso testimonio, false accusation, im- posture. testimo&ero, ra, a. hypocritical. test6n, in. silver coin having a head. bestudO, in. (mil.) tcstudo. ^iCstuz, testuzo, TO. (vet.) nape, nucha; in some animals, crown of the head. iesura,/. stiffness, firmness. V. tiesura. teta, /. mammary gland, breast ; nipple, teat ; dug, udder : teta de vaca, cow's udaer ; conical meringue; (bot.) V. barbaja ; va- riety of grapes: dar la teta, to nurse, to suckle : nifio de teta, suckling babe. tetanico, ca, a. (med.) tetanic(al). t6tano, t6tano8, TO. (med.) tetanus, lockjaw. tetar, va. to suckle. V. atetar. tetera, /. tea-pot, tea-kettle. tetero, to. fAmer.) nursing-bottle. tetica,/. dim. small dug or teat. tetigoriia, /. varietv of katydid. tetilla,/. dim. small nipple or teat (as man's). tet6n, TO. stub of a pruned limb. tetona, a. having large teats. tetracordiO, to. (mus.) tetrachord, fourth. tetraedro, to. (geom. ) tetrahedron. tetragono, TO. (geom.) tetragon. tetragrama, m. (mus.) four-line staff. tetragramaton, to. tetragram ; tetragnun* niaton. ^ tetralogia, /. tetralogy. tetrarca, to. tetrarch. tetrarquia, /. tetrarchate, tetrarchy. tetrasilabo, ba. a. v. cuADRisiLABo. t6trico, ca, a. crabbed, grave, sullen ; dark, gloomy. tetuda, a. having large breasts or teats ; va- riety of olive. teucriO, to. (bot.) germander. teucro, era, «. & n. Trojan. teurgia, /. theurgy, black magic. teuton, TO. {& pL). Teuton. teutdnico, ca, a. Teutonic, Grerman. textil, a. textile, fibrous. texto, TO. text ; quotation ; text of Scripture ; (print.) great primer type. textorio, ria, a. textrine, textorial. textual, a. textual. textualista, to. textualist. textualmente, adv. textually. textura, /. texture; weaving; construction (of a literary work) ; structure, tissue. tez [tethi,/. complexion of the face. tezadO, da, a. very black. V. atezado. tezontle, to. (Mex.) porous building-stone. ti [tee], prow. 2dpers. sing, (oblique case of tu) thee : para ti, for thee. tia, /. aunt; (coll.) good old woman ; (coll.) harlot: cuintaselo k tu tia. (coll.) tell it to your grandmother: no hay tn tia, there is no use. tialismo, to. (med.) ptyalism. tiangue, tianguls, to. (Mex. and Philip.) market, market-days. tiara, /. tiara, Pope's mitre; pontificate, papal dignity ; Persian head-dress. tiberiO, to. (coll.) noise, hubbub, turmoil. tibia,/, (anat.) tibia, shin-bone; (mus.) flute or pipe. tibiamente, adv. tepidly, carelessly, luke- warmly. tibieza,/. tepidity, lukewarmness ; coolness, frigidity, jejuneness, carelessness, negli- gence. tibio, bia, a. tepid, lukewarm, careless, re- miss. tibor, TO. large china jar ; (Amer.) chamber- pot. tiDOrna, /. toast soaked in oil. tibur6n, to. (icht.) shark. tiemblo, yo tiemble {irr. from temblar), m. (bot.) aspen-tree. tiempecillo, tiempecito, to. dim. weathw. tiempo, TO. time ; age, era, epoch ; term, sea* son ; while ; opportunity, occasion ; leisure ; weather, temperature, climate ; (gram.) time, tense; (mus.) tempo: tiempo medio, (ast.) meantime: tiempo cargado, (naut.) thick, hazy weather : tiempo borrascoso, stormy weather : tier po grueso, hazy weath- er : tiempo variable, unsettled weather : taaga bnen 6 mal tiempo, rain or shine : i tiempo, timely, in time : 4 tiempos, at times, occa- sionally : k nn tiempo, at once ; at the same time : k su tiempo, at the propter time : con tiempo, timely, beforehand : de tiempo en tiempo, from time to time, occasionally : en tiempo, on time, at the proper time:'fuer» de tiempo, out of sea?on : por tiempo, for 8om« time : un tiempo, formerly, in other times : tiempo atr&s, some time ago : & tiempo que, just as : abrir or alzarse el tiempo, the weatheo ^(beforoe, i)Rnd J as h in hot; h, sUaiit; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; a, TIE 532 TIM clears up : cargarse el tiempo or la atmdsfe- ra, to cloud ovpr : dar tiempo al tiempo, to await occasion 1 ^r doing something : hacer, matar, or eugafiar el tiempo, to kill time, to while away tedium : tomarse tiempo, to take time, to defer. tienda,/- shop, store ; tent ; (naut.) awning ; tilt: tienda <5 1 campafia, (mil.) tent. tlendo, tlcnda (irr. from tender). tienta, /. (surg.) probe, bougie; cleverness, sagacity in findiur out something" : a tien- tas, in the dark, at random : andar k tientaa, to grope in the dark ; to fumble. tientao.SUJa, /. boring-rod. tientO, wi. touch, act of feeling ; blind man's slick ; halter < f a mill hor? ; ; circumspec- tion, tact ; poy, rope-dancer's pole ; sure- nesc of the hand, steady hand ; (coll.) blow, cuff, box ; (art) mahlstick or maulstick ; (muG.) prelude, flourish; (200I.) tentacle: dar en tlcntc, to make a trial : nor el tiento, by the touch: a tiento, obscurely, doubt- fully. tlent'c {irr. ind. from tentah). tiemamente, adv. tenderlYr compassion- tiernocico, ica, illo, ilia, ito, ita, a. dim. of TIERNO ; rather tender or young. tiemo, na, a. tender, soft, docile ; delicate ; lady-like; affectionate, fond, amiable, mild, oentimental, oensitivc ; recent, modern, youn, - : lierno C.c ojos, tender-eyed : pan tiemo, fresl'. bread. tierra,/. the oartl^ ; earth, land, soil, ground, moulcT; native country ; arable land ; country, region, as Tierra Santa, Holy Land : 4 tierra or en tierra, ashore : de tie- rra, earthen : por tierra, overland : tierra do pan llevar, corn-laud, plough-land : tierra do batin, fuller's-earth : tierra & tierra, (naut.) coasting; cautiously, securely: tierrc adentro, inland : tomar tierra, to anchor; to land: beear la tierra, (coll.) to fall flat on the ground : dar en tierra con una co«o, to throv a thing on the ground : irse or venirsc ana cosa k tierra, to fall down, to be destroyed : echar tierra k alguna cosa, to bury an cfTair in oblivion : echar en tierra, (naut.) to land: echar per tierra, to throw dovn, demolish. tiesamcnte, adv. firoily, stiffly, strongljf. tieso, sa, a. cstiff", hard, firm, solid ; robust, strong ; valiant, animated ; stubborn, ob- Dtinate, inflexible; tight, rigid, taut; too rjravc or circumspect : tenerse tieso or tenir- sclai tlcsas, (coll.) to be firm in one's opinion or resolution. tieso, adv. V. TIESAMENTE. tiecta. /. (coop. ) edge of headings. tiestO, m. potsherd ; flower-pot. bieQUTEL, /. stiff'ness, rigidity ; harshness. t/lf&ceo, a, a. (bot.) typhaceous. liifiCO, ca, a. (raed.) typhous. tifo, m. (med.) typhus, a malignant fever: tifo de America, yellow fever : tlfo asiAtico, Asiatic cholera : tifo de Oriente, the plague. tifo, fa, a. (coll.) satiate. tifoideo, dea, a. typhoid, typhus-like.—/, typhoid fever. tif6n, m. whirlwind ; typhoon. tifus, m. (med.) typhus fever : tifai icterodei, yellow fever. tigre, m. (zool.) tiger; ferocious person. tigridia,/. (bot.] tigridia, tiger-flower. tifa, /. stem of a key. tijera, /. {.usually in pi. ) scissors ; shears ; carpenter's horse ; cooper's mare ; any instru- ment in the form of an X ; saw-buck ; small channel or drain ; sheep-shearer ; backbit er, slanderer. — pi. (car.) side-stringers of a truck frame ; beams across a river to stop floating timber : buena tijera, a great eater ; good cutter ; detracter, murmurer : hacer tijera, to twist the mouth (hoi'ses). tijerada,/. v. tueretaba. tijcreta, J. dim. {usually in pi.) small scis- sors ; small tendril of vines ; (eut.) earwig; (orn.) fork-tail duck. tijeretada, /. tijcretazo, m. cut with scis- sors, clip, snip. tijerotear, va. to cut with scissors ; clip ; to dispose of other people's affairs at one's pleasure. tijereteo, m. act of clipping ; snip-snap noise of scissors. tijerilla, tijeruela, /. diin. small scissors ; small tendril of vines. tila, /. (bot.) lime-tree, lindeu^-tree ; flower of this tree ; tea of linden flowers. tilburi, m. (car.) tilbury. tildar, va. to cross or scratch out anything written ; to put a tilde over the n ; to brand, stigmatize. tilde, /. tilde, diacritical sigu of the letter n, which givco it the sound of ny ; tittle, dash, jot, iota, dot ; bad name. tild6n, m. aug. dash, stroke, or scratch. tilia,/. (bot.) V. TiLo. tili^ceo, a, (hot.) tiliaceous. tilichero, m. (Amer.) peddler, huckster. tiliclies, m. pi. (Amer.) small fancy arti- cles. tilin, m. word imitating the sound of a bell . hacer tilin, (coll.) to please; to become a favourite : tener tilin, to be winsome, attrac- tive. tilma,/. (Mex.) cloak fastened by a knot. tilo, m. (bot.) linden-tree, lime-tree. tilla,/. (naut.) midship, gangway. tillado, m. wooden floor. tillar, va. to floor. V. entarimab. timador, ra, m. &f. swindler. timalo, m. (icht.) grayling. timar, va. to cheat, to swindle. timba, /. (coll.) hand in a game of chance; (Philip.) bucket. timbal, m. kettle-drum. V. atabal. timbalero, m. kettle-drummer. timbirimba, /. (coll.) hand in a game of chance. timbrar, va. to stamp a seal ; to put the crest in a coat of arms. timbre, m. (her.) timbre or tiraraer, crest; seal, device, stamp ; call-bell ; timbre, tone colour ; glorious deed or achievement, timiama, /. sweet perfume. V. almea. timidamente, adv. timidly, fearfully, tim- orously. timidez, /. timidity, shyness, coyness, cbick< en-hearted ness. timido, da, a. timid, shy, coy, timorous, faint-hearted. timo, m. (icht.) grayling; (coll.) «heat, swin- dle : dar nn timo, to swindle. timocracia, /. (pol.) timocracy. timocrktiCO, ca, a. (pol.) timocratic. tim6n, m. beam - a plough ; pole of a coach ; stick of a rocket ; (met. ) management ; con- trol ; (naut.) helm, rudder. timonear, va. (naut) to helm ; to steer. timonel, m. (naut.) helmsman, steersman. timonera, /. (naut.) pilot-house, wheel- house ; (orn.) rectrix, large quill. timonero, m. helmshian, steerscian. timorato, ta, a. full of the fear f Ood. timpa, /. bar of iron in a furnace hearth. \ VI In far ; e in eh I : 1 in p<*'lc« ; o in for ; a in boll ; e (h0«>re e, i) and z ad th in thick : b •d<) <1i solti TIM 633 TIE timp^iCO, C espal- das, to turn a cold shoulder. iornasol, m. (bot.) sunflower. F. girasol ; changeable or shot colour in fabrics ; turn- sole, litmus. tornasolado, da, a. changeable, shot (fab- rics) ; iridescent. tornasolar, va. to cause changes in colour, to iridesce. torn&til, a. turned (in a lathe) ; changeable ; fickle. iornatr^S, m. or/, half-breed. tornavlaje, m. return-trip. tornavirbn, m. slap, box. V. tornisc6n. tornavoz, m. sounding-board, torneador, m. turner ; tilter at tournaments. torneadura, /. lathe shavings. torneante, pv. tilting at tournaments. • tomear, va. to turn (with a lathe). — vn. to make a turn, go around, wind round about ; to tilt art tournaments ; to meditate, muse. tomeo, m. tournament ; contest ^omera, /. doorkeeper of a nunnery. tomeria,/. turning; turnery. tornero, m. turner ; maker of lathes ; mes- senger of a nunnery. tomes, sa, a. applied to money made at Tours : libra tomesa, livre Tournois. tornillero, m. (coll.) ('mil.) deserter. tornlllo, »i. screw, male screw ; vice, clamp ; (mil.) desertion; (naut.) screw propeller. tomiquete, m. turnpike, turnstile ; turn- buckle, swivel ; bell-crank ; (surg. ) tourni- quet. tornisc6n, m. slap, box. torso, 7)1. winch, windla-ss ; whim (vertical winch); lathe; whisket ; revolving dumb- waiter ; brake of a carriage ; turn of a river, spinning-wheel ; spindle ; wheel ; axletree ; circumvolution, gyration : en torno, round about : torno de hilar, spinning-wheel. toro, »i. bull; (ast.) Taurus; (arch.) ogee moulding. — pi. bull-fight : toro mejicano, l)i- son. V. BISONTE : corrertoros, to fight bull?. toronja, /. (bot.) grape-fruit, shaddock, po- melo, pompelraous. toroi^lil, w.toronjina,./". (;bot.) balm-gentle. toronjO, m. (bot.) shaddock-tree. tOrOSO, sa, a. strong, robust. torozbn, m. (vet.) gripes (of animals). torpe, n. slow, dull, heavy ; torpid ; stupid, rude ; lascivious, unchaste, obscene ; inde- corous, disgraceful, infamous. torpedero, m. (naut.) torpedo-boat. torpedo, m. (icht.) torpedo, electric ray, cramp-fish, numb-fish; (naut.) torpedo. torpemente, adv. obscenely, basely ; slowly, torpeza, /. heaviness, dulness, rudeness ; torpidness, torpor ; slowness ; impurity, unchastity, lewdness, obscenity ; want of ornament or culture ; infamy, turpitude, contemptibleness. torpor, m. torpor, numbness. torrado, m. toasted chick-pea. torrar, va. to toast, v. tostar. torre, /. tower; turret; church steeple, bel- fry ; belvedere ; country-house with a gar- den ; castle or rook, in chess : torre de costa, watch-tower : torre de viento, castle in the air: torre de luces, (naut.) lighthouse: torre albarrana, pa. turret, watch-tower. torrear, va. to fortify with towers or turrets. torrefaccibn, /. torrefaction, toasting. torreja,/. (Mex.) fritter. V. torrija. torrej6n, m. ill-shaped turret. torrencial, a. torrential ; overpowering. torrentada, /. sweep of a torrent, impetu- ous current. torrente, m. torrent ; avalanche, rush ; abundance, plenty : torrente de voz, power' ful voice. torrentera, /. ravine made by a torrent. torrebn, m. aug. fortified tower. torrero, m. lighthouse-keeper ; farmer. torreznada,/. plentiful dish of rashers. torreznero, m. (coll.) lazy fellow. torrezno, m. rasher of bacon. tdrrido, da, a. torrid, parched, hot. torrija, /. bread dipped in eggs and milk, and fried. torrontera,/. torrontero, m. heap of earth left by a freshet. torront^S, a. kind of white grapes. torsibn,/. torsion, twist; twisting. torso, m. trunk or body of a statue. torta,/. round cake, pie, short-cake ; (print.) font ; solid matter for distribution : tortai y pan pintado, these are trifles: costar la torta un pan, to pay dear for one's whistle. —pi. (Mex.) (min.) torta, cake of ore. tortada, /. meat or chicken pie. tortedad, /. twistedness. tortera,/. baking pan ; deep dish. tortero, ra, m. &f. whorl of a spindle. tortlcoli, ni. (med.) torticollis, wry neck. tortilla,/, dim. omelet; (Mex.) pan-cake: hacerie tortilla, to break into small pieces, to cake: volver»e la tortilla, to turn the scale ; to take a course contrary to that ex- pected. tortiS, m. letra de torti«, (print.) Gothic type. tortita,/. dim. small loaf or cake. t6rtOla,/. (orn.) turtle-dove. ft u In far ; e In ell I ; i la police ; o ia for ; u In bull ; c (before e, 1) and z as th In thick ; b and d, soft ; TOR 539 TEA tortolillO, 11a, itO, ta, m. &/. dim. small turtle-dove ; sweetheart. tdrtOlO, rn. (orn.) male turtle-dove; beau, lover. tortor, m. pi. (naui. ) fraps. tortOz6n, m. variety of large grapes. tortu^a, /. turtle, green-turtle, chelonian ; tortoise : paso de tortnga, snail-gallop. tortuosamente, adv. tortuously, circuit- ously. tortuosidad, /. tortuosity, tortuousness, si- nuosity. tortUOSO, sa, a. tortuous, winding, sinuous. tortura, /. tortuosity, twistedness, torsion ; rack, torture ; grief, affliction. torturar, va. to torture, torment. — vr. to worry, fret. ■ torvisca, /. torvisco, m. (bot. ) flax-leaved daphne. torviscal, m. place abounding in torvisca. torvo, va, a. fierce, stern, severe, grim. torzadillo, m. thin silk twist. torzal, m. silk twist, machine-twist ; cord. torzdn, m. (vet.) v. toroz6n. torzonadO, da, a. (vet. ) suffering from tor- zon. tOS, /. cough : ton ferina or convnlsiva, hoop- ing-cough. tosca,/. tophus; (dent.) tartar. toscamente, adv. coarsely, rudely, grossly, clownishly, lubberly. tOScano, na, a. of Tuscany ; (arch.) Tuscan. — m. Italian language. tOSCO, ca, a. coarse, rough, unpolished ; un- couth, ill-bred. tosecilla, /. dim. slight cough. tOsegOSO, sa, a. coughing much. toser, vn. to cough ; to challenge, defy. tosidura, /. coughing. tosigar, va. to poison. V. atosigar. t6slgO, m. poison ; grief, anguish. tOsigOSO, sa, a. poisonous, venomous ; cough- ing. tosquedad [tos-kay-dahd'l, /. roughness, coarse- ness ; rudeness ; clumsiness. tOStada, /. toast, toasted bread ; disappoint- ment : dar or pegar una tostada, (coll.) to cheat ; txj disappoint. tOStadlllO, m. homo de tostadiUo, Spanish furnace. tOStadO, da, a. & pp. torrid, parched ; toast- ed ; tanned. — m. toasting. tostador, ra, m. &f. toaster. tOstadura,/. toasting. tostar, va. to toast, torrefy, roast ; to tan (as the sun) : toitar cart, to roast coffee. tostbn, TO. buttered or oiled toast; roasted Spanish pea ; anything overtoasted ; roast pig , testoon, Portuguese silver coin. totSU, «. total, whole, general universal. — m. total, sum, footing; whole, totality, com- plement. totalidad, /. totality, aggregate, complete- ness. tOtalmente, adv. totally, wholly, fully. totilimundi, m. raree-show. V. tutilimun- ~ Dl. totoloque, m. (Mex.) ancient Indian game. totoposte, m. (C. Am.) corn-cracker. totora, /. (S. Am.) cat-tail or red-mace, totoral, TO. place abounding in totoras. totovia, /. (orn.) wood-lark, totuma, /. totumo, to. (Amer.) dish made from a gourd ; chocolate-cup. tOXicar, va. to poison. V. ATOSIGAR. tbxico, ca, a. toxic, poisonous. — m. poison, toxicologia, /. toxicology. toxicol6gico, ca, a. toxicological. toza, /. log ; block of wood ; stump ; piece ef bark. tozal, TO. eminence, bump on a plain surface, tozar, vn. (pret. Tocfi: subj. toce) to but* (with the head) ; to contend foolishly. tOZO, za, a. low, small, dwarfy, stumpy. tozolada, /. tOZOl6n, to. stroke or blow or the neck of an animal. tOZUdO, da, a. stubborn, obstinate. tozuelo, TO. fat part of the neck of an ani' mal. traba, /. tie, bond, brace, clasp ; any instru- ment that binds or keeps together; liga- ment, ligature ; hobble, clog, fetterlock, trammel, fetter, shackle ; obstacle, impedi- ment, hindrance; beam, lintel. trabacuenta, /. error, mistake in accounts j difference, dispute, controversy. trabadero, to. pastern of a horse. trabado, da, a. & pp. connected, joined, braced ; thickened, inspissated ; robust, strong ; having two white fore feet. trabadura, /. bracing, bond, union, junc tion. trabaiadamente, adv. laboriously. trabaladO, da, a. &pp. laboured ; wrought ; tirea, weary. trabalador, ra, «. laborious, painstaking.— TO. & f. worker ; workman, workingman, working-woman, operative, operator, band, labourer. trabajante,/)a. working, toiling. trabajar, va. & vn. to work, labour, maou' facture, shape, form; to busy one's self; travail, toil ; to act, execute ; to endeavour, contend for ; to solicit, procure ; to undergo' a strain, labour (as a ship in a storm); topro' duce (as the earth); to work the ground, to till the soil ; to molest, vex, harass, worry. trabajillO, uelO, m. dim. slight work, toil labour, trouble, or hardship. trabajo, m. work, labour, toil, occupation, business, task, drudgery ; piece of work ; thing wrought ; obstacle, impediment, hin- drance, difficulty ; trouble, hardship.— p/. poverty, indigence, need, want : trabajo de. manoB, manual or handiwork : trabajo de punto, knitting, knitting-work : trabajo dt. zapa, underhand work : dia de trabajo working-day. trabajosamente, adv. laboriously, difficult ly, painfully. trabajOSO, sa, a. laborious, elaborate ; im, perfect, defective ; painful, hard. trabal, a. clasping : clave trabal, clasp-nail. trabamiento, to. bracing, bond, joining. trabanco, to, block attached to a dog's col lar to prevent him from nosing the grouaa. trabar, va. to join, clasp, brace, bind, fasten, unite ; to grasp, grab, seize, take hold of ; to fetter, shackle ; to thicken, inspissate ; to begin, set about ; to dispute, quarrel,, scuffle ; to set the teeth of a saw ; to har- monize, connect, make agree: trabarse de palabras, to become angry in a dispute : trabar batalla, to combat, to fight : trabarse la lengna, to stammer, to speak with un- natural hesitation : trabar conocimiento, to scrape acquaintance : trabar amistad, to be- come friends ; trabar ejecucion, (law) to distrain, to seize judicially. trabaz6n,/. juncture, union, bond, bracing, connection ; coalescence. trabe,/. beam. tr&bea, /. trabea, purple, striped toga. trabilla, /. dim. gaiter-strap ; small clasp ; in knitting, dropped stitch. a (baton e. i) and J as Ii in hot : h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; &, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; TEA 540 TEA trab6n, m. aug. fetlock, hopple ; cross-plank in oil-mills. trabuca,/. (pyr.) fire-cracker. trabucacidn, /. confusion, mistake, blun- der. trabucador, ra, m. &/. blunderer. trabucaire, m. Catalonian guerrilla, armed with a blunderbuss. trabucante, j>a. blundering, confusing. trabucar, va. {pret. trabuquk : subj. TKABU- QUE) to upset, overturn ; to mistake, con- found, mix up ; to derange, perturbate ; to interrupt a conversation. — vr. to equivocate, mistake ; to stumble, stammer. trabucazo, m. shot with a blunderbuss ; re- port of a blunderbuss ; (coll.) sudden fright or affliction. trabUCO, m. catapult ; blunderbuss. trablKluete, m. catapult ; seine. traca,/. (naut.) strake. tr^cala,/. (Mex.) artifice, scheme, trick. tracalero, ra, a. (Mex.) tricky, artful. tracamundana, /. (coll.) barter of trifles; noisy wrangle, hubbub. traceria,/. (arch.) tracery. traccion, /. traction, draught; cartage. tracias, m. north-north-west wind. traciO, Cia, a. Thracian, of Thrace. tracista, m. projector, planner, designer ; schemer ; intriguer. tractO, m. tract, stretch ; lapse ; (eccl.) tract, tractus. tradici6n, /. tradition ; (law) tradition, de- liverv of possession. tradicional, a. traditional. tradicionalismo, m. traditionalism. tradicionalista, m. or/, traditionalist. tradicionalmente, adv. traditionally. traducible, a. translatable. traduccibn, /. translation, version, inter- pretation. traduclr, va. {ind. TRADUZCO : pret. tra- duje: subj. TRADUZCA) to translate, inter- pret. traductor, ra, m. & f. translator. traedizo, za, a. portable. traedor, ra, m. & f. porter, carrier. traer, va. {gerund, trayendo : ind. traigo : pret. traje: subj. traiga) to fetch, bring, carry, conduct hither; to lead (a person) ; to attract, draw towards one's self ; to bring about, cause, occasion ; to come, handle, manage ; to wear (as a dress) ; to assign rea.sons, quote authorities; to bring to, oblige, compel ; to bring over, reduce, bind, prevail upon, persuade; to be en- gaged in, carry on, have. — vr. to be dressed well or poorly ; to carry one's self, have a graceful or ungainly carriage : traer k mal traer, to go hard with one ; to disturb, trouble, vex : traer en bocas or lenguas, to traduce one's reputation ; to censure or speak ill of one's actions : traer perdido k alguno, to be deeply in love ; to be the ruin of a person : traer & nno al retortero, to trouble one by overwork, or to lead him from place to place : traer k uno entre ojo», to be suspicious of a person : traer consigo, to carry along : traer k la mano, to fetch or carry : traer k caento, to turn the conversa- tion to a desired point. traeres, m. pi. dress ornaments. trafagador, m. trafficker, dealer. trafagante,pa. trafficking, trading. trafagar, vn. {formut. V. pagar) to traffic, to trade. tr&fago, m. traffic, commerce, trade, busi- ness, drudgery. trafagdn, na, a active, industrious. — m. * /. hustler. trafalgar, m. cotton lining. trafalme^O, ja, «. bold, forward, saucy, traticacion, /. traffic, trade, commerce, traflcante, pa. &. m. merchant, trader; dealer, traficar, vn. {pret. trafique: subj. TRAF* que) to traffic, deal, barter, trade ; to travel, to journey. trafiCO, in. commerce, traffic, trade, business. tragacanta,/. tragacanto, m. (bot.) goafs- thorn, milk-vetch ; tragacanth, a gum. tragacete, m. javelin, dart. tragaderas,/. pt. gullet : tener buenas traga- deras, to be very credulous. tragadero, m. esophagus, gullet; pit, gulf, vurtex : tragadero del mar, (naut.) the trough of the sea. tragador, ra, m. & f. glutton, gobbler : tra- gador de leguas, V. TRagaleguas. tragahombres, m. (coll.) bully, hector. tragala, »*. title of a political song against the absolutists and in favour of the consti- tution. tragaldabas, m. (coll.) glutton. tragaleguas, m. (coll.) a brisk walker. tragalUZ,/. sky-light, bull's-eye. tragamallas, m. (coll.) glutton, gorman- dizer. tragantada,/. large draught of liquor. tragante, pa. swallowing.— ?/4. (found.) top opening or passage of a furnace; (mill.) sluice, tlurae ; mouth of a dam or sink. tragantdn, na, a. gluttonous, voracious.^^ m. & f. (coll.) glutton.—/, (coll.) plentiful repast; swallowing or forcing down the throat ; (met.) difficult pill to swallow. tragar, vn. {pret. traguk : subj. TRAGUE^ to swallow ; to devour, to glut ; to swallow up, ingulf; to admit, receive, or believu credulously. — vr. to dissemble ; to pocket an affront: tragar el anznelo, to allow one's self to be deceived : no poder tragar k algun:> to abhor or dislike one. tragavenado, /. (Venez.) boa constrictor. tragavirotes, m. (coll.) conceitedly stiff man. tragaz6n,/. voracity, gluttony. tragedia,/. (theat.) tragedy; tragic event. tragicamente, adv. tragically. tr^giCO, ca, a. tragic, calamitous, disastrous. —m &f. tragedian, tragedienne. tragicomedia, /. tragi-comedy. traglc6miC0, ca, a. tragi-comical. tragO, m. draught of liquid, drink, swallow, gulp ; calamity, adversity, misfortune ; (anat. ) tragus : k tragos, by degrees, slowly, gently : echar un trago, to take a drink. tragdn, na, a.'^luttonous, voracious, raven- ous. — m. glutton. tragonear, vn. (coll.) to eat voraciously. tragoneria, tragonia,/. gluttony. tragontina, /. (bot.) arum. traguillo, itO, m. dim. short drink. traiclbn, /. treason, treachery, disloyalty ; faithlessness : alta traicidn, high treason : 4 traicion, treacherously, treasonably. tralcionar, va. to do treason. traicionero, ra, a. treasonous, treacherous. traida, .f. carriage, conduction. traidO, da, a. & pp. brought, fetched, car- ried ; used, worn out, threadbare. traidor, ra, a. treacherous, faithless, disloy- al, perfidious, false, traitorous ; insidious, deceitful (animals). — ni. traitor, betrayer.— /. traitress. tfaldoramente, adv. treacherously, treason- ably, traitorously, perfidiously. a as in far ; e In eh I ; 1 in police ; O In for ; a in ball; C (before e. ij and z aa th in thick : b and d, aofti } TRA 541 TRA traigo, ^ralga (in-, from traer). fcraiUa,/. leash, lash ; pack-thread ; (agr.) lev- elling-harrow, road-leveller, road-scraper. traiUar, va. to level ground. traina or trai&a, /. seine for deep-sea fish- ing ; net for sardine-fishing. trainera,/ smack for fishing sardines. traite, m. raising a bur or nap on cloth. traje [trah'-hayj, m. costunie, dress, suit of clothes ; garb, habit, apparel ; attire ; mask : traje de montar, riding-habit : traje de eti- queta, full dress : traje de luce«, bull-fighter's garb : baile de trajes, fancy-dress ball. trajear, va. to clothe a person. trajin, m. carriage ; going to and fro. trajlnante, m. carrier, expressman. trajlnar, va. to cart goods from place to place. — vn. to travel to and fro; (coll.) to fidget about. trajmeria, /. carrying trade, express. trajlnero, m. carrier, expressman. trajino, m. carriage, cartage, conduction, transportation, tralla,/. cord, bass-weed rope ; lash, snapper of a whip. trama, /. weft or woof of cloth ; tram, shute, twisted silk ; deceit, imposition, fraud, plot, machination ; (theat. ) plot of a play. tramador, ra, m. & /. weaver ; plotter ; hatcher. tramar, va. to weave ; to plot, hatch, scheme. — vn. to blossom (olive-trees). tramilla, /. (Amer.) twine. tramitacidn, /. (law) procedure. tramltar, va. to transact, carry through. tr^unite, »t. transit, passage; business trans- action; step; (law) proceeding. tramo, m. parcel of ground ; flight of stairs ; stretch, space. tramo]0, m. (agr.) band for tying the sheaf; trouble, afliiction. tramontano, na, a. transmontane.— /. north wind ; vanity, pride, haughtiness. tramontar, vn. to pass over a mountain ; to sink beyond the mountains (the sun). — va. to aid one in his flight. — vr. to flee, to escape. tramoya, /. (theat.) trick ; craft, wile, arti- fice. tramoyista, m. (theat.) stage-machinist; stage-carpenter, stage hand, scene-shifter; impostor, swindler, deceiver. trampa, /. trap, snare, pitfall ; trap-door ; falling board of a counter; flap or spring door; fraud, deceit, shift, trick, chicane, stratagem, malpractice; bad debt: caer en la trampa, to fall into a snare: llevarse la trampa un negocio, to fail, miscarry (an affair). trampal, m. quagmire ; bog. trampantOJO, m. (coll.) trick, deception, guile. trampazo, m. last twist of the cord employed to torture an offender. trampeador, ra,m. &/. borrower, swindler, cheat, sharper. trampear, vn. (coll.) to obtain money on false pretences ; to practise trickery, to chicane, to cog; to shift, get along, pull through. — va. to swindle, cheat, deceive. trampcria, /. trickery, chicane, chicanery. trampilla, /. dim. peep-hole ; door of a coal- bin ; (tail.) front flap or fall of trousers. trampista, m.. cheat, trickster, impostor, swindler, sharper. trampolln, m. spring-board. tramposo, sa, a. tricky, deceitful, swin- dling. — m. &f. cheater, swindler, trickster; card-sharp. tranca, /. club, cudgel, stick, truncheon f transverse bar, cross-bar. trancada, /. long stride ; blow with a stick* en dos trancadas, in a trice. trancado, pp. & m. small harpoon for catch'i ing eels. trancallilo, m. stop knot in threads or f^pes. trancanil, m. (naut.) wat'^r-way, stringet plate. trancar, va. {for mut. v. atkancar) to bar (a door).— vn. (coll.) to take long strid"«. trancazo, m. blow with a bar; (coll.) in- fluenza, grippe. trance, >«. peril, danger; critical moment; last stage of life ; (law) legal seizure on an execution : 4 todo trance, resolutely, at any risk : hacer trance, (law) to seize property on an execution. trancenil, m. gold or silver hat-band, gar- nished with jewels. tranCO, m. long stride ; threshold : en 4ob trancoi, swiftly : 4 trancos, in haste, it* a trice. tranchete, TO. (shoe.) heel-knife. trancho, m. (icht.) variety of shad. trangallo, m. v. trabanco, tranquera,/. palisade, palisado. tranquero [tran uay -ro], m. jamb or lintel of a door or window. tranquil, m. (arch.) plumb-line. tranquilamente, adv. quietly, peacefull>, tranquilly, composedly. tranqUilar [tran-kee-lar], va. (com.) to chec*' off". tranquilidad [tran-key-ie-dai.d'], /. tranquility tranquilness, rest, peace, repose, quiet ; re- assurance, easiness, tranquilizar [traii key-le-tliar'], va. to calm, ap pease, tranquillize, pacify, quiet down, re- assure. tranquilO, la [tran-kee'-lo], a. tranquil, calm quiet, pacific, gentle, contented, placid, easy tranqullla [tran-keel'-lyali], /. dim. trap, snar6 stratagem, artifice, dodge. tranquI116nitran-keei-iyone'J, m. mashlin, mes lin, mixed grain. trans, prefix, (Lat.) signifying over, beyond- or across. transaccidn, /. compromise, accommoda' tion, adjustment ; transaction, negotiation transalpino, na, a. transalpine. transatl&ntiCO, ca, a. transatlantic. transar, va. (Amer.) to compromise, com« pound. transbordar, va. to transport; to transfer; (naut.) to transship. transbordO, m. transportation; transfer; transshipment. transcondencia, transcendental, trans- cendente, transcender, v. trascendkn- cia, trascendkntal, etc. transcontinental, a. transcontinental. transcribir, va. {pp. transckito, trans- CRiPTO) to transcribe, copy, recopy ; (mus.) to transcribe. transcripcibn, /. transcription, copying; copy; (mus.) transcription. transcripto, ta, transcrito, ta, pp. irr. of TRANSCRIBIR. transcurrir, vn. to pass away, elapse, transcurso, m. lapse, course of time. tr^nseat, (Lat.) let it pass. transeunte, a. transient ; transitory.— m, or /. sojourner ; passer-by. tfansferencia,/. transference, transfers transferible, «. transferable. transferidor, ra, m. & f. transferrer, trans- feror. g (before e, i) and J as ll in hot; I>, sUeat; 11 in brillUat; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and T trill«d ; a, htM«4. TEA 642 TBA ^Tansferlr, va. {for irr. V. referik) to transfer, carry over, pass over or across, shift, transport; (law) to transfer, convey, make over ; (rhet.) to employ a word figura- tively. transfigurable, a. transformable. transflgruracidn.,/. transfiguration. transfigurar, va. to transfigure, transform. — vr. to be transfigured. transfijo, ja, a. transfixed. transftxl6n, /. transfixion, piercing through. transflor, m. (f. a.) enamel painting. transfiorar, va. (f. a.) to paint or decorate in enamel ; to trace, make a tracing of. — vn. to show through. transflorear, va. to paint in enamel. transformaclbn, /. transformation, change, metamorphosis. trans f or mador, ra, m. & f. transformer ; (elec. ) transformator, transformer. transformamiento, m. transformation. transformar, va. & vr. to transform, trans- mute, transfigure, metamorphose, change, alter. — vr. to assume diflferent sentiments or manners. transformatiVO, va, a. transformative. transfregar, va. {for irr. V. fregar) to rub, scrub, rumple, crumple. transfretano, na, a. transmarine. transfretar, va. to cross an arm of the sea. — vn. to extend, spread. trfijisfuga, m. or/. trtosfUgO, m. deserter; fugitive, runaway ; turncoat. traiisfundlci6n, /. v. transfusi6n. transfundir, va. to pour into ; transfuse ; to coininunicate, transmit. transfuslbn, /. transfusion ; communica- tion, transmission ; (surg.) transfusion. transfusor, ra, m. &f. transfuser. transgredir, va. {defect, only those modes are used having i in their terminations) to trans- gress. transgresidn, /. transgression, law-break- ing, offence, sin, trespass. transgresor, ra, m. & f. transgressor, of- fender. transici6ll, /. transition, change. transido, da, a. worn out, exhausted ; fam- ished ; mean, avaricious. transigente, pa. compounding, compromis- ing. transigir, va. {ind. transijo: subj. TRAN- sija) to accommodate differences ; to com- pound, compromise. transitable, a. passable, practicable. transltar, vn. to travel ; to pass by a place. transitivo, va, a. (law) transferable ; (gram.) transitive. translto, m. transit, passage ; transition ; stopping-place ; road, way ; change, re- moval ; death of holy persons ; (ast.) tran- sit. transitorlamente, adv. transitorily. transitorio, ria, a. transitory, transient ; perishable. translacibn, translaticlamente, trans- laticio, translatlYO, r. traslaci6n, etc translimitaclbn, /. trespass ; (mil.) armed intervention in a bordering state. translimitar, va. (mil.) to cross the boun- dary of a state to exercise armed interven- tion. transllnear, vn. (law) to pass (an entail) to another line of heirs. translucidez, f. translucence. translucido, da, a. translucent. transmarino. na, a. transmarine. transmlgracibn, /. transmigration. transmigrar, vn. to transmierate. transmisltoilidad, /. transmissibility. transmlsible, a. transmissible, transmittal ble. transmisidn,/. transmission, transmittal, transmlsor, ra, a. transmissive.— m. (elec.) transmitter. transmitir, va. to transfer, transmit, make over, convev, forward. transmontaj, transmontano, v. tramon- TAR, TKAMONTANO. transmudacibn, transmutacidn, /. transmudamlento, m. transmutation, transformation, change. transmudar, va. to move, remove, carry to another place ; to change, transform, tranS' mute ; to persuade, convince; transmutable, a. transmutable, convert!' ble. transmutar, va. to transmute, change, transform. transmutativo, va, torio, ria, a. trans- mutative. transpadano, na, a. beyond the Po. ^ transparencia, /. transparency, clearness, diaphaneity. transparentarse, vr. to be transparent ; to show through. transparente, a. transparent, lucid, fine, clear, limpid ; translucent. — m. window- shade ; stained glass window in churches. transpirable, a. perspirable, transpirable. transpiracldn, /. transpiration, perspirar- tion. transpirar, vn. to transpire, perspire. transpirenalCO, ca, a. beyond the Pyre- nees. transponedor, ra, m. &f. transposer ; trans- planter. transponer, va. {for irr. v. poner) to re- move, transfer, transport, transpose ; to transplant. — vr. to set below the horizon; to go oehind ; to be rather drowsy. transportaci6n, /. transportation, convey- ance, carriage. transportador, ra, a. carrying, transport- ing. — ?«. &f. transporter, carrier. — m, semi- circle, graphometer. transportamiento, m. transportation, car- riage ; transport, ecstasy. transportar, va. to carry, transport, con- vej^, remove ; (mus.) to transpose. — vr. to be in a transport, to be carried away. transporte, m. transport, transportation, conveyance ; carriage, cartage ; ferriage ; (naut.) transport-ship; (met.) transport, rapture, fit, ecstasy. transpOSici6n, /. transposition, transposal. transpositlYO, va, a. transpositional, trans- positive. transtermlnante, pa. trespassing. transterminar, va. to trespass. transtiberino, na, a. across the Tiber. transubstanciacldn, /. transubstantistion. transubstanclal, a. converted into another substance. transubstanciar, va. to transubstantiate. transvasar, va. to rack (liquids), to trans- fer from one vessel to another. transverberacidn. /. transfixion. transversal, a. transversal. transversalmente, adv. transversally. transverso, sa, a. transverse. tranvia, m. tramway, street-railway ; street* car : tranvia eUctrico, electric road, trolley line. tranza, /. (law) seizure in an execution. tranzadera,/. knot of plaited cords. « M in far ; t in ah 1 ; 1 in police ; o in for ; a in ball ; c (before e, 1) and z as th in thick ; b and d, mR J TEA 543 TRjx tranzar, va. to cut, truncate ; to auction off. tranzon, »i. clear in a forest. trapa, /. (naut.) spilling-line.— ^^. (naut.) relieving-tackle ; guys. j trapa, trapa! mlei-j. tramp, tramp. trapacear, vn. to cheat, trick, swindle. trapacaria,/. fraud, deceit, cheat. trapacero, ra, a. & m. &/. cheating, deceit- ful, trickster. trapacete, m. (com.) day-book. trapaclsta, m. or/, impostor, cheat, sharper, swindler ; deceiver. trapajo, m. rag, tatter. trapajOSO, sa, a. ragged, tattered. trd.pala, /. tramping of feet ; galloping of a horse ; noise, confusion ; (coll.) sharp trick, deceit, cheat. — m. or /. (coll.) prattler, chatterbox ; deceitful person. — m. garrulity, loquacity, talkativeness. trapalear, vn. (coll.) to prattle, chatter; to be deceitful. trapaldn, na, m. & /. babbler, prater ; fib- ber. trapatiesta, /. (coll.) squabble, row, brawl. trapaza, /. fraud, deceitful trick. trapazar, vn. to cheat, trick, swindle. trape, m. buckram, interlining. trapeclO, m. (geom.) trapezoid; trapeze. trapense, m. (eccl.) Trappist. traperia, /. rags ; frippery, rag-fair, rag- shop. trapero, ra, m. &f. rag-picker ; rag-dealer. trapezoidal, a. trapezoid, trapezoidal. trapezolde, m. trapezium ; (anat.) trapezoid. traplCO, m. dim. little rag. trapiclie, m. sugar-mill, cane-mill ; olive- press ; (Cuba) small sugar plantation; (Mex.) grinding-machine. trapichear, vn. (coll. ) to contrive, shift. trapicheo, m. (coll.) contriving, shifting. traplchero, m. worker in a sugar-mill. traplentO, ta, «. ragged, tattered. trapillo, TO. dim. (coll.) courtier or lady of small means ; amount of money saved and put away : de trapillo, in dishabille or ne- glige. trapiO, TO. (naut.) sails of a ship, canvas; (coll.) sprightly and graceful carriage of a woman ; liveliness and smartness in a fight- ing bull. traplsonda, /. (coll.) bustle, clatter; brawl, scufile ; snare, deception; (naut.) white- caps. trapisondear, vn. (coll.) to foment brawls ; to make use of deceptions. trapitO, TO. dim. little rag: Iob trapitoi de crlstianar, best Sunday clothes. trapo, TO. rag, tatter; sails of a ship ; (coll.) bull-fighter's cloak : k todo trapo, with all the might ; (naut.) all sails set : poner como nn trapo, to reprimand severely : soltar el trapo, (coll.) to burst out (crving or laugh- ^ ing)- traque [trah'-k«y], m. crack, report (of a rocket, etc.) : i. traqne barraqne, (coll.) at all times, with whatever motive. tr&quea, /. windpipe, trachea; (ent. and bot.) trachea. traOLUeal, a. tracheal ; tracbearian. traquear, vn. to crack, to make a loud noise. — va. to shake (as a liquid) ; (coll.) to han- dle roughly. traquearteria, /. trachea, windpipe. traqueo (trah-uay'-ol, m. cracking of fire-works ; shake, shaking, jolt, jerk. traqueotomia,/. tracheotomy. traquetear, va. & vn. to shake, agitate, jolt, jerK, handle roughly ; to crack as fire-works. traqueteo, m. shaking, shake, jolting ; cracL. ing of fire-works. traquiarteria,/. v. traquearteria. traquidO (trBii-kee'-do), m. report of fire-arms, traqulta, /. (min.) trachyte. traquitico, ca, «. trachytic. tras, prep, after, behind, beyond ; besides ; tras una puerta, behind a door : tras de venir tarde, besides coming late ; as a prefix it is equivalent to trans, and usage authorizes ils employment in many cases in place of trans. — 7H. (coll.) breech, bottom. V. trasero: tras, tras, repeated strokes or noise : tras' tris, the last but one, in boys' plays. trasalCOba, /. dressing-room. trasalpino, na, a. v. tkansalpino. trasanteanoche, udc. three nights ago. trasanteayer, adv. three days ago. trasantier, adc. (coll.) three days ago. trasafl.ejO, ja, «. three years old. trasatl^ntico, ca, «. v. TRANSATLiNTico. trasbordar, trasbordo, v. transbordar etc. trasca, /. leather thong. trascabo, w. trip (in wrestling). trascantbn, m. spur-stone, check-stone; street porter : dar trascanton, to hide one's self behind a corner. trascantonada,/. spur-stone, check-stone. trascartarse, vr. to remain behind (as a winning card). trascartbn, m. drawing of a winning card after the game is lost. trascendencia, /. transcendency, result, consequence. trascendental, a. transcendental, far-reach- ing, transcendent, highly important ; (math.) transcendental (curve). trascendentalismo, to. transcendentalism. . trascendentalista, to. & a. transcendental- ist. trascendente, pa. & a. transcendent. trascender, vn. {/or irr. v. ascender) to transcend, to extend itself, pass beyond ; to smell, to emit a strong, good odour ; to be pervasive, to exhale ; to transpire, leak out (as a secret). trascendldo, da, a. & pp. acute; endowed with great penetration. trascocina,/. back kitchen. trascol, TO. (obs.) woman's train. trasCOlar, va. (for irr. V. colar) to strain, percolate ; (coll.) to pass over a mountain. trasconejarse, vr. to squat (as pursued game) ; (coll.) to be missing or mislaid (as a paper, etc.). trascordarse, «r. {for irr. v. acordar) to forget. trascoro, to. space back of the choir. trascorral, to. back court, back yard. trascribir, trascrlpcl6n, trascrito, etc., r. TRAKSCRIBIR, etc. trascuartO, to. back room ; rear apartment. trascurrir, trascurso, v. transcurrir, etc. trasdobladura, /. trebling. trasdoblar, va. to treble, to triple. trasdoblO, to. treble, number. trasdds, m. (arch.) extrados. trasdosear, va. (arch.) to strengthen the back of an arch. trasecbador, to. ensnarer, way layer. trasechar, va. to insnare, waylay. trasegador, to. one who racks wine. trasegar, va. (for in: V. segar) to upset, t« turn topsy-tnrvy ; to rack wine. trase&alador, ra, m & f. one who counter- marks. f (before e, l) and J as h in hot : h, silent ; U in brilliant ; 2 . ny in canTon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; •. biwed. TEA 544 TEA trase&alar, va. to mark anew. trasero, ra, «. hind, hinder, back, rear. — m. bottom, buttock ; rump.— p/. (coll.) ances- tors, predecessors.—:^, back, rear. trasferencia, trasferible, trasferidor, trasferir, v. tkansferencia, transfe- RIBLE, etc. trasfigurable, trasfiguracibn, trasfigu- rar, v. transkiourable, transfigura- CION, transfigurar. trasfijo, trasfixibn, v. transfuo, traxs- FIX16N. trasflor, trasflorar, trasflorear, v. tbans- FLOR, TRANSFLORAR, TRANSFLOREAR. trasfojar, va. v. trashojar. tnasfollado, da, o. (vet.) having a swollen gauibrel. trasfollo, m. (vet.) swelling of the gani- brel. trasformacibn, trasformador, trasfor- iiiamiento,trasformar, trasformativo, V. TRAXSFORMACI6N, TRANSFORMADOR, etc. trasfregar, va. v. transfregar. trasfretano, trasfretar, v. transpreta- NO, transfretar. trasfuga, trasfugo, r. transfuga. trasfundicidn, trasfundir, trasfusi6n, trasfusor, v. transfundici6n, etc. trasgO, III. goblin, hobgoblin, sprite. trasgredir, trasgreslbn, trasgresor, v. TRANSGREDIR, TRANSGRESI6N, TRANSGRE- SOR. trasguear [trahs-gay-ar'], vn. to play the hob- goblin. trasguero, ra, m & f. one who imitates the tricks of hobgoblins. trashoguero, ra [trahs-o-^ay -ro], m. & f. idler, loiterer near the fire-place. — m. back plate of a fire-place ; big log in the fire-place. trashojar [iraiis-o-iiar'l, va. to scan a book. trashumacidn,/. nomadism of flocks. trashumante, pa. & a. nomadic (flocks of sheep). trashumar, vn. to roam as sheep in search of pasture. traslego, m. upsetting things ; racking wine ; {irr. Lad. from trasegab). trasijadO, da, a. lank, meagre ; thin-flanked. traslacidn, trasladaci6n, /. transfer, re- moval ; change of place or position ; ad- journment, postponement ; translation, ver- sion, rendering into another language. trasladador, ra, m. &/. carrier, mover. trasladante, pa. moving, removing ; trans- lating, transcribing. trasladar, va. to move, remove, transfer ; to postpone, adjourn ; to translate ; to tran- scribe. traslado, m. copy, transcript, transcription, transfer; imitation, resemblance, likeness, counterpart; (law) notification, communi- cation. traslapar, va. to overlap, superpose. traslapo, m. overlapping. traslaticiamente, adv. metaphorically, figu- ratively. traslaticio, cla, traslato, ta. a. metaphor- ical, figurative. traslatfvo, va, «. transferring, conveying: titnlo traslativo de dominlo, (law) deed, con- veyance. trasloar, vn. to bestow fulsome praise. traslucido, da, a. V. translCcido. traslucido. da, pp. of traslucirse. trasluciente, pa. translucent. traslucirse, w. to be transparent ; to shine thntugh ; to be inferred. traslumbramiento, »)■ dazzlement. traslmnbrar, va. to dazzle. — vr. to pass swiftly, to vanish. traslUZ, m. light seen through a transparent body; reflected or borrowed light; (art) transverse light: al traaluz, against the light. trasmallo, m. trammel -net; iron collar around the head of a mallet, trasmano, m. second player at cards: k trasmano, out of the way. trasmanana, /. day after to-morrow, trasmaflanar, va. to procrastinate, trasmarino, na, a. v. transmarino. trasmatar, va. (coll.) to assume that one will outlive another. trasmi^racibn, trasmigrar, V. transmi- GRACION, TRANSMIGRAR. trasminar, vn. to undermine, excavate ; to pierce, i)euetrate, percolate, trasmisible, trasmisidn, trasmitir, V. TKANSMISIBLE, TRANSMISION, TRANSMITIR. trasmochadero, m. thicket of fire-wood, trasmochar, va. to cut branches for fuel. trasmontano, trasmontar, >'. transmon- TANO, TRANSMONTAR. trasmosto,/. after wine, trasmudacidn, trasmudamlento, tras- mudar, v. transmudaci6n, transmuda- MIENTO, TRANSMUDAR. trasmutable, trasmutaci6n, trasmutar, trasmutativo, trasmutatorio, v. TRANSMUTABLE, TRANSMUTACIO.N , etc. trasnochada, /. last night; sleepless sight : being up a whole night ; (mil.) night attack. trasnochado, da, a. & pp. fatigued from night-watching ; haggard, care-worn ; stale, worn-out, trite, hackneyed. trasnochador, ra, m. &/. ni^ht-watcher. trasuocbar, vn. to watch, to sit up all night ; to spend the night. — va. to leave a thing for the next day. trasnombrar, va. to change or confound names. trasnominacibn, /. (rbet.) metonymy. trasolr, va. to mistake, misunderstand. trasojado, da, a. having sunken eyes, ema- ciated, care-worn. traso&ar, vn. {for irr. V. soSar) to fancy erroneously, as in a dream. trasovado, da, «. (bot.) obovate. traspalar or traspalear, ra. to shovel, shovel off; to move, remove; to weed with a hoe. traspaleo, m. shovelling; weeding with a hoe. traspapelarse, vr. to be mislaid among other papers. trasparencia, trasparentarse, traspa- rente, v. transparencia, transparen- TARSE, TRANSPARENTE. traspasacl6n, /. (obs.) (law) conveyance transfer. V. traspaso. traspasador, ra, m. &. /. trespasser, trans- gressor. traspasamientO, m. transgression ; tres- pass ; transportation ; crossing over ; trans- fixion ; transfer, conveyance ; grief, an- guish. traspasar, va. to pass over, go beyond ; to cross (as a river) ; to remove, transport ; to go through ; to pierce through, transfix : to return, to repass ; to trespass, transgress, violate a law ; to exceed proper bounds ; to convey, assign, transfer, make over; to cause great grief or affliction. traspaso, m. conveyance, transfer- assign- ment ; transgression, trespass, violation of a law ; grief, angui.sh. a M in far ; e iu eh ! ; i ia police ; o in for : n In ball ; e (before e, i) and s as tli in thick ; b and d, eoftl TEA 545 TEA traspatiO, m. back yard, back court. traspecho, m. boue ornament on a cross- bow. traspeinar, va. to comb again. traspellar, va. to close, to shut. traspi^, »i. slip, stumble ; trip, wrestler's trick : dar traspiis, to stumble ; to slip, to commit errors or faults. traspilastra, /. (arch.) counterpilaster. traspillar, va. to shut, to close. — vr. to fail, to be emaciated. transpintar, va. to show one card and play another. — vr. to show through ; to show against the light; (coll.) to turn out con- trary to one's expectation. traspirable, traspiracidn, traspirar, v. TRANSPIRABLE, TRANSPIRACI6N, TRANSPI- RAR. trasplantar, va. to transplant, — vr. to mi- grate. trasplante, m. transplantation ; migration. trasponedor, trasponer, v. transpone- DOR, TRANSPONER. traspoQc^o, trasponga {irr. from traspo- ner). traspontin, m. v. traspuntIn; (coll.) bot- tom, buttocks. trasportacidn, trasportador, traspor- tamiento, trasportar, trasporte, v. TRANSPORTAC16N, transportamiento, etc. trasportin. m. wool upper mattress. trasposicion, trasposltivo, V. transposi- ci6n, transpositivo. traspuesta, /. transposition ; nook ; lurk- iug-place : flight, concealment of a person ; back yard or court ; back door ; rear out- building. traspuesto, ta, pp. irr. of trasponer. traspimte, m. (tneat.) prompter. traspuntln, m. bed-quflt. trasquero [trahs-kay'-ro], m. leather-cutter. trasquila.trasquiladura,/. shearing, clip- ping, cropping. trasquiladero, m. place where sheep are shorn. trasqullador, m. shearer, clipper. trasqullar ttiatis-ke-iar'], va. to shear sheep ; to lop, crop, snip the hair ; to clip, curtail, diminish. trasquilimoclio, cha, a. (coll.) close shorn or cropped. trasquil6n trahs-ke-ione'i, m. clipping, shear- ing ; (coll.) money lost through trickery or deception : k traaqailones, irregularly, rudely. trastabillar, vn. to titubeate, reel.^waver. trastada,/. (coll.) inconsiderate act. trastazo, m. (coll.) whack, thump, blow. traste, m. (mus. ) stop, fret, of a guitar; glass or cup for sampling wine. V. trasto : dar al traste con una coBa, to spoil, waste, ruin, destroy a thing. trasteado, pp. & m. set of frets on a guitar. trasteador, ra, m. &/. one who frets a gui- tar ; one who moves furniture about. trasteante, pa. & a. dexterous guitar player. trastear, va. to fret a guitar ; to play well on the guitar ; to excite the bull with a red flag; (coll.) to manage with tact. — vn. to remove furniture from one part of a house to another ; to talk upon a subject in a lively manner. trastejador, m. roof-tiler. trastejadura,/. tiling. trasteiar, va. to tile ; to overhaul, repair. trastejo, m. tiling. trasteo, m. exciting the bull with a red flag ; clever management of a person or business. trasteria, /. heap of old furniture; (coll.) rash action. trasterminante, trasterminar, v. trans- terminante, transterminar. trastero, ra, m. &f. garret, lumber-room. trastesadO, da, a. hardened, stiflF. trastienda, /. back room behind a shop; prudence, precaution, forecast. trasto, m. piece of furniture ; luggage ; rub- bish, lumber; (theat.) trick-piece, set- piece; (coll.) worthless person, trash.— p/. tools of trade, implements ; bull-fighter's weapons : trastos de cocina, kitchen utensils. trastornable, a. easily disturbed or upset. trastornado, da, pp. & a. upset, topsy- turvy ; afflicted. trastornador, ra, m. & f. disturber, sub- verter. trastornadura, /. tjrastornamiento, m. overturning, upsetting, overthrow, dis- turbance. trastornar, va. to overthrow, upset, over- turn ; to disorder, invert, disturb, disar- range; to cause a disturbance or uprising ; to daze, trouble, confuse, perplex the mind ; to persuade, induce. trastorno, vi. overthrow, overturn ; up- heaval ; disturbance, disorder, confusion ; trouble, reverse. trastrabado, da, a. having the far hind foot and the near fore foot white. trastrabarse, vr. to become fuddled. trastrfi,S, »*. last but one in some- children's games. trastrocamlentO, m. transposition, inver- sion. tr astro car, va. {for irr. V. trocar) to change the order of things. trastrueco, trastrueque, m. inversion, transposition. trastuelo, m. dim. worthless utensil ; trash. trastulo, TO. pastime, toy. trastumDar, va. to overturn, overset. trasudadajnente, adv. with sweat and fa- tigue. trasudar, va. to sweat, perspire. trasudor, m. gentle perspiration. trasuntar, va. to copy, transcribe ; to abridge. trasuntlyameiite, adv. compendiously ; per copy, trasunto, to. copy, transcript, reproduction ; likeness, Image. trasvasar, va. v. transvasar. trasvenarse, vr. to extravasate ; to be spilled. trasver, va. to see through ; to see erro- neouslv. trasverberaci6n, v. transverberaci6n. trasversal, trasverso, v. transversal, transverso. trasverter, vn. {for irr. V. verter) to over- flow, to run over. trasvlnarse, vr. to leak out (wine) ; (coll.) to be surmised or inferred. traSYOlar, va. {for irr. V. volar) to fly across. trata, /. African slave-trade. tratable, a. tractable, ductile, compliant. tratadiCO, illO, itO, to. dim. tract, tractate. tratadista, to, or/, author of treatises, tratado, pp. & to. treaty, convention, com- pact ; treatise, tractate, tract. tratador, ra, to. & f. mediator, arbitrator, umpire. trataxnientO, to. treatment, usage ; appella- tion, title of courtesy ; (med.) treatment; process. ff (before •, 1) and J aa h in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant : ft. nv in canvon ; r (initial) and rr tnded; 1. TEA 546 TRE tratante, pa. & m. dealer, trader, merchant. tratar, va. to treat a subject, discuss ; to con- fer, consult; to touch, nandle, conduct, manage ; to traffic, trade, deal, negotiate ; to use, treat (a person); (med. ) to treat; followed by de, to call a person (names) ; to • address by title ; followed by con, to apply chemical reagents to.— rn. followed by de, to try to, endeavour; followed by de or sobre, to' discuss or discourse upon; followed by en, to deal in ; followed by con, to have il- licit intercourse with. — vr. to entertain a friendly intercourse ; to live well or ill. ■SratO, m. treatment, use, usage ; behaviour, conduct, manner, address ; pact, agreement ; deal ; trade, traffic, commerce ; friendly in- tercourse, conversation, communication* appellation, title of courtesy : mal trato, ill usage, ill-treatment : tener buen trato, (coll.) to be affable and polite : tener trato de gen- tea, to be accustomed to good society. traum&tlCO, ca, a. traumatic. traumatismo, m. traumatism. traversa, /• (naut.) back-stay. trav^S, m. inclination, bias ; reverse, mis- fortune, calamity, adversity ; traverse ; (arch.) cross-beam ; (fort.) traverse, screen : de traviB or al travis, across, athwart, through : por el travis, (naut.) on the beam : dar al travel, to be stranded : dar al travis con, to throw away, misspend, destroy. trayesafl.0, rti. cross-piece, cross-bar, trav- erse, transom ; bolster of a bed. travesar, va. to cross. V. atravesak. travesear, vn. to skip about, frisk, caper, romp ; to be quick at repartee ; to lead a de- bauched life ; to behave improperly. travesero, ra, «. transverse, across : flauta travesera, German flute. — m. bolster of a bed. travesia, /. distance, passage; traject; sea voyage, crossing; cross-road, short cut; transverse position ; money won or lost at gambling; (fort.) traverse works; (naut.) side wind; sailor's pay for each voyage. travesiO, la, a. traversing ; transverse, oblique, or lateral wind. — m. crossing, cross- road. travestido, da, a. disguised. travesura, /. prank, frolic, caper, antic, f;ambol ; penetration, lively fancy ; spright- y conversation ; mischief, bad trick. traviesa, /. distance across ; at cards, raise on a bet ; wager laid on a card-player ; (r. w.) cross-tie; (arch.) rafter; transverse wall ; (min.) cross level or gallery. travieso, sa, a. transverse, oblique, cross ; restless, flighty ; frolicsome, prankish, mis- chievous ; shrewd, cute ; dissolute, lewd. trayecto, m. trajection ; (r. w.) road, line. trayectorla, /. trajectory, course of a missile or a cyclone. trayente, pa. bringing, carrying, conduct- ing. traza, /. sketch, draught, ttace, outline ; plan, device, scheme, project, contrivance; plot, artifice ; manner, means ; looks, ap- pearance, aspect, prospect. trazadO, da, a. & pp. traced, outlined : bien or mal trazado, person of a good or bad dis- position or figure. — m. sketch, draught, trace, outline, plan. trazador, ra, m. & /. planner, sketcher, tracer, contriver, inventor, schemer. trazar, va. {pret. trac6: subj. trace) to contrive, devise, plan out, scheme, plot, pro- ject ; to trace, mark out; to draw, sketch, design, outline. trazo, m. outline of a plan, trace, tracing: line, stroke of a pen or pencil ; (art) fold of the drapery : trazo magiitral, down strdke of a letter : al trazo, drawn in outline. trazumarse, vr. to leak, ooze, transude. treballa, /. sauce for goose. tr6bedes,/. i>/. trivet, cook's tripod. trebejO, ?». toy, plaything.—/;/, pieces of a chess-board ; implements, tools of trade. trebeJlielO, m. dim. toy, trirto, gewgaw. trebeli&,nica, /. (law') fourth part of an estate, to be deducted by the fiduciary heir, who holds it in trust for another. tr6bol, m. (bot.) trefoil, clover, shamrock. trece, a. thirteen ; thirteenth : estarse en bus trece, to persist in one's opinion. — m. the thirteenth. trecemesino, na, a. of thirteen months. trecenario, m. space of thirteen days. trecenato, trecenazgo, m. employment of thirteen persons. treceno, na, a. thirteenth. trec6simo, ma, a. thirtieth. trecientOS, tas, «. three hundred. trecbel, m. (bot.) spring wheat. *" trecheo, m. (min.) handling from hand to hand (as ores and soil in baskets). trecho, m. space, distance ; lapse : 4 trechos, by intervals : de trecho en trecho, at certain distances. tred^cimo, ma, a. thirteenth. trefe, a. lean, thin, pliable ; spurious, adul- terated (coin). tregua [tray'-gw«h], /. truce, cessation of hos- tilities ; rest, respite, recess, intermission. treilla, /. v. traIlla. treinta, a. thirty ; thirtieth.— m. the thir- tieth : treinta y una, game at cards. treintaidoseno, na, a. thirtj^-second. treintanario, m. space of thirty days. treinta&ai, a. containing thirty years. treintavo, va, a. thirtieth part. trelntena, /. trental ; thirtieth part. treinteno, na, a. thirtieth. treja,/. cushion shot at billiards. tremadal, tremedal, m. quagmire, quak- ing bog. tremebundo, da, a. dreadful, frightful, fearful. tremendo, da, a. tremendous, dreadful, ter- rible, fearful ; awftil, grand, imposing ; huge ; excessive. taremente, pa. trembling. trementina,/. turpentine. tremer, vn. to tremble. trem6s, tremesino, na, a. three month* old. • tremielga,/. (icht.) electric-ray, torpedo. tremis, m. ancient gold coin. trem6 or tremol, m. pier-glass. tremolante, pa. waving in the air. tremolar, va. & vn. to wave (as a flag). tremollna, /. rustling of the wind; (coll.) bustle, fuss, noise, hubbub. tr6molO, m. (mus.) tremolo. tremor, m. trembling ; tremor. tr6mulamente, adv. tremblingly, tremulous ly- tremulante, tremiUento, ta, trdmulo, la, a. tremulous, quivering, shaking. tren, m. train, outfit ; following, retinue ; show, pomp, ostentation; (r. w.) train: tren exprese, express train : tren mizto noixed train : tren 6mnibns, accommodation train : tren de recreo, excursion train : tren correo, mail train: tren ascendente, "up- train," going towards Madrid : tren descen- dente, " down-train," going from Madrid : « AS In far : • in eh 1 : 1 Id police ; o In for ; m in bull ; • (kafore e, i) ana z as th In thick : b and d. ^rt ; TEE 547 TRI tren de artilleria, convoy of artillery : tren de casa, kousekeeping : tren de lavado, laun- dry. trena, /. scarf, sash ; burnt silver ; twist bread. trenado, da, a. reticulated. trenca, /. cross-tree in a bee-hive ; main root of a vine. trencellin, m. v. trencillo. trencica, ita, /. dim. small braid or plait. trencilla, /. braid. trencillar, vn. to trim with braid. trencillo, m, gold or silver hat-band, gar- nished with jewels. treno, m. lamentation, dirge. trenque [tren'-uay], m. jetty in a river. trenza, /. braid ; plait, braided hair, tresses. trenzadera, /. tape ; knot of plaited cord. trenzado, pp. & m. braided hair ; (danc.) caper ; prance of a horse. trenzar, va. to braid, to plait. — vn. to prance ; to cut capers, treo, m. (naut.) square-sail, cross-jack sail. trepa, /. climbing ; boring, perforating, drilling ; (sew. ) undulate edging or trim- ming ; grain, flake, or mottle of polished wood; (coll.) flogging, lashing, beating; artful trick; fraud; somersault. trepadO, da, pp. & a. strong, robust (ani- mals). — m. (sew.) edging. trepador, ra, a. climber, climbing. — m. climbing-place ; sea-wolf.—/, (bot.) climber, creeper (as ivy).— pi. (orn.) climbers. trepajuncos, m. kind of reed bird. trepanacWn,/. (sure.) trephining. trepanar, va. (surg.) to trepan, to trephine. tr6pano, m. (surg.Y trepan, trephine. trepante, pa. climbing ; wily, artful, crafty. trepar, wt. to climb, mount, clamber ; (bot.) to climb, creep up (as ivy). — va. to bore, drill, perforate ; (sew.) to trim with trepa. trepatroncOB, m. (orn.) mason-bird. trepe, m. (coll.) scolding, reprimand. trepiaaci6n, /. trepidation ; vibration, tre- mor, jar ; (ancient ast.) trepidation. trepidante, a. vibrating, shaking. trepldar, vn. to shake, quake, quiver, trem- ble ; to vibrate, to jar. tr^pidO, da, a. tremulous, shaking. ires, a. three ; third. — m. figure 3 ; at cards, a trey ; third day of a month ; magistrate of a city governed by three magistrates.—/. pi. las tres, three o'clock. tresalbo, ba, a. having three white feet (horse). tresaflal, tresaflejo, la, a. three years old. tresbolillo (al), adv. (agr.) quincunx. trescientos, tas, a. three hundred; three hundredth. tresdoblar, va. to treble ; to fold three times. tresdoble, m. triple, three-fold. treslllO, m. ombre, card game ; (mus.) trip- let. tresmesino, na, a. three months old. tresnal, m. (agr.) shock, stook. trestantO, m. triple number or amount. — adv. three times as much. treta, /. (fenc.) feint ; trick, wile, artifice, craft. treudo, m. emphyteutic rent. trezavo, va, a. thirteenth. tria,/. choice, selection ; tease in fabrics: dar una trla, (api.) to transpose hives. triaca, /. (pharm.) theriaca, antidote. triacal, a. theriacal. triacbe, m. triage of coffee-beans. triangrulacibn, /. triangulation ; trigono- metrical survey. trianguladO, da, a. triangled. triangular, a. triangular. triangularmente, adv. triangularly. tri^ngulO, la, «. triangular.— ^^/i. (geom.) tri- angle ; (ast.) Triangulum ; (mus.) triangle. triaquera,/. vessel for theriaca. triar, va. to choose, select, pick out. — vn. (api.) to swarm to a favourite hive. — vr, t© show teases (a fabric) ; to curdle (milk). • triario, m. triarian soldier. triaslCO, ca, a. (geol.) Tiiassic. trlbraquiO, m. (poet.) tribrach (>_'^^). tribu,/. tribe, clan ; (biol.) tribe. tribuente,i>a. attributing. tribuir, va. to attribute. V. atribuir. tribulaci6n, /. tribulation, affliction. tribulO, m. (bot.) thistle; prickle. tribuna,/. tribune; rostrum, platform, pul- pit ; gallery. tribunadO, m. tribuneship. tribunal, m. tribunal, court of justice. tribunicio, cia, tribunico, ca, a. tribu- nitial, tribunician. tribuno, m. tribune ; political orator. tributacibn, /. tribute, contribution ; sys- tem of taxation ; emphyteusis. tributante, pa. & m. tax-payer. tributar, va. to pay taxes or contributions ; to pay homage and respect ; to hold in em- phyteusis. tributario, ria, «. tributary.— m. & f. tax- payer. tributO, m. tax, contribution ; tribute ; gift, offering, meed ; toil, trouble. tricenal, a. lasting thirty years. tricent^simo, ma, «. three hundredth. triceps, OT. (auat.) triceps. tric^simo, ma, a. thirtieth. triciclO, m. tricycle. tricipete, a. three-headed. tricliniO, m. triclinium. tricolor, a. tri-coloured. tricorne, a. three-homed. tricornlo, • a. three-homed. — m. three-cor- nered hat. triCOtomia, /. trichotomy. triC0t6miC0, ca, a. trichotomic. tricdtomo, ma, a. trichotomous. tridaciO, m. (pharm.) thridacium. tridente, a. tridental. — m. trident. tridentino, na, a. of Trent. triduano, na a. lasting three days. tridUO, m. (eccl.) triduum. triedro, a. trihedral. — m. trihedron. trienal, trieflal, a. triennial. trieniO, m. term of three years ; triennium. trifido, da, «. (poet.) trifid, three-cleft. triflniO, m. point where the boundaries of three districts meet. trlfolio, m. (bot. ) trefoil ; shamrock. triforme, a. triform, triformed. trlfulca, /. (coll.) squabble, row. quarrel; (found.) combination of levers for moving the bellows. trifurcado, da, trifurcate, three-forked. trigal, m. wheat-field. trigaza, /. short straw of wheat. trig^simo, ma, a. thirtieth. trigla,/. (icht.) red surmullet. triglifo, m. farch.) triglyph. trigO, m. (not.) wheat; wheat - field.— y/. crops ; grain-fields : trigo candeal, comim, marzal, trechel, trem^s, tremesino, piche, teja, blanquillo, or hembrilla, summer wheat: trigo mocbo, pelon, peloto, deiraspado, cha- morro, or toseta, beardless wheat, winter wheat: trigo fanfarrdn, wheat originating from Bar bar y : trigo sarraceno, buckwheat. g (before e, 1) and J as h in hot; h. sHent ; 11 la brilliant ; A, my in casywn ; r (initUl) and rr triUed : s, TEI 548 TEI trigdU, m, (mus.) trigonon. trigono, m. (astrol.) trigon ; (geom.) tri- angle. trigonometria,/. trigonometry. trlgonoiIl6ta:iCO, ca, a. trigonometrical. trigueflo, fta [tre-gai'-nyo], a. brunette, swarthy, brownish. triguero, ra, a. growing among wheat. — m. . sieve for corn ; corn-merchant, grain-dealer. — /. (bot.) common wheat-grass; canary- seed. tril^tero, ra, a. trilateral. trillngUe (tre Icen'-Koo-ayJ, a. trilingual. trilitero, ra, a. triliteral. trilla, /. (icht.) red surmullet, gurnard; (agr.) tribulura, harrow. V. trillo ; thrashing. trilladera, /. separating harrow. T''. trillo. trilladO, da, «. & pp. (agr.) thrashed, beaten ; trite, stale, hackneyed : camiuo tri- llado, beaten track, common routine. trillador, ra, m. &f. (agr.) thrasher, thrash- ing-machine. trilladura,/. p. &a. (her.) trouyonng. troncbar, va. to cut off, chop off; break a trunk or stalk ; to mutilate. troncbazo, m. aug. blow with a stalk or stem.- troncbO, m. stem, stalk of garden plants. tronchudo, da, a. stalky. tronera, /. (fort.) embrasure; loophole; dormer, small sky-light ; port-hole ; pocket- hole of a billiard-table. — m. or /. harum- scarum, hare-brained person. tronerar, va. v. atronerar. g (before e, i) and J as h in bot ; h, silent ; II in brilliant; ft, ny in canyou ; r (Initial) and rr trilled ; S, hlsaed, 36 TRO 550 TV tronga, /. (low) kept mistress, concubine. tronldo, m. thunder, loud report. tronltOSO, sa, a. (coll.) resounding, thun- dering. trono, m. throne; royal dignity; (eccl.) shrine.— pZ. thrones, seventh choir of angels. tronqilista [tron-kees'-tah], m. coachman, team- ster. trOnqUitO [tron-kee'-to\ m. dim. of TRONCO. tronzar, va. to shatter, break in pieces ; (sew.) to plait. tronzu, za, «. having cropped ears (horses). tropa, /. troops, soldiery, soldiers ; crowd, multitude ; (mil.) ranks'; beat to arms.— ^i. (mil.) army: tropa de linea, (mil.) regular army ; army corps : tropa ligera, skirmish- ers : tropa de marina, marines : en tropa, in crowds, without order. tropel, m. rush, hurry, bustle, confusion ; huddle ; heap of things, mess, jumble ; crowd : en or de tropel, tumukuously, in a throng. tropelia, /. rush, precipitation, hurry, con- fusion ; vexation, oppression, injustice, out- rage. tropeoleo, a, m. &f. (bot.) Trop«eolum. tropezadero, m. stumbling-place. tropezador, ra, m. &f. tripper, stumbler. tropezadura,/. stumbling. tropezar, vn. {ind. tropiezo: prei. TRO- PEcfi : subj. tropiece) to stumble ; to strike against, hitch, touch, find an obstruction ; to stumble upon, meet accidentally, light on, happen to find ; to slip into crimes or blunders ; to wrangle, squabble, dispute. — vr. (farr.) to interfere (horses). tropez6n, na, a. & m. &/. (farr.) interferer : i tropezonei, (coll.) by fits and starts. — m. slip, tripping, stumbling; difficulty, ob- stacle; (farr.) interfering. tropezoso, sa, o. apt to stumble or trip. tropical, a. tropical. trdpiCO, ca, o. (rhet.) tropical. — m. (ast.) tropic. tropiezo, m. stumble, trip ; obstacle, obstruc- tion, hitch, impediment; slip, fault, error; difficulty, embarrassment ; quarrel, dispute, squabble ; {irr. ind. from tropezar). tropo, m. (rhet.) trope, metaphor. tropologia, /. tropology. tropol6glCO, ca, a. tropological. troque [tro'-kay], TO. knot made iri'dloths when dyeing them, to show the original colour. troquel [tro-ker], to. die (as for coining). troqueo [trokay'-o], TO. (poet.) trochee, — ^. troquLLlO [tro-keer-iyo], to. (arch.) trochilus. trotaconventos,/. (vulg.) procuress. trotador, ra, to. & /. trotter. trotar, vn. to trot; (coll.) to hustle. — va. to make a horse trot. trote, TO. trot : trote cochinero, rack : al trote, in a trot ; (coll.) in haste or hastily : tomar el trote, (coll.) to run away. trotlllO, TO. dim. light trot. trotbn, na, a. &m. & /. trotter. — TO. a horse. trotoneria,/. continual trot. trova, /. metrical composition ; ballad. trovador, ra, m. &f. troubadour, minstrel. trovadoresco, ca, a. pertaining to minstrels or troubadours. trovar, va. to versify, compose poetry, write ballads ; to misconstrue. trovero, to. trouvfere or trouveur. trovlsta, TO. or/, ballad-writer, minstrel. trovo, TO. popular love ballad. trOX,/. (obs.) granary, barn. V. troj. Tr0»a, /. Troy: aqni fa« Troya, here was Troy : ; arda Troya I let happen what will. troyano, na, a. Trojan. treza,/. log to be sawn into boards ; (naut.) parrel-truck. trozar, va. to break, smash, shatter. trozo, TO. piece, chunk, bit, fragment ; (naut.) junk; (mil.) division of a column: trozo d» madera, chump. trucar, vn. {pret. TRUQUi: subj. truque) to bet at the game of truque ; to pocket a ball at pool or trucks. truco, TO. pocketing a pool-ball.— u/. pool (billiards). trucolentO, ta, a. truculent, fierce. • tmcha,/. (icht.) trout; derrick, gin : trucha de mar, (icht.) sea-trout. truchero, m. fisher or seller of trout. truchim&n, na,TO. &/. (coll.) expert buyer ; shrewd trader. trucllliela, /. dim. small trout ; small dry codfish. tru6 [troo-ay'], TO. fine linen from Tro}'es. trueco, TO. exchange, barter : k trueco or en trueco, in exchange ; {in: ind. from tro- car). trueno, to. thunder-clap; loud report (as of cannon) ; (coll.) harum-scarum, wild youth : trueno gordo, loud detonation ; big piece of scandal ; sensational resolution. tmeque [troo-ay'-kay], m. exchange, truck, bar- ter, commutation : & trueque or en trueque, in exchange. trufa, /. (bot.) truffle; imposition, hoax, lie, fib, fraud, deceit. trufador, ra, to. &/. story-teller, liar, fibber, impostor. trufar, va. to stuff or cook with truffles. — vn. to fib, lie, deceive. trull&n, na, m. &/. rascal, scoundrel, knave ; buffoon, jester, mountebank. trulianada, /. piece of rascality. trubanamente, adv. rascally, scoundrelly. truhanear, vn. to play the rascal, to sw'in- dle ; to play the buffoon. truhaXLeria, /. rascality, scoundrelism ; buf- foonery, low jest. tmhaaiesco, ca, a. scoundrel, rascally. truia,/. olive-bin in oil-mills. trujai, TO. oil-press ; wine-press ; oil-mill ; copper, for soap-making. trujaleta,/. recipient of the juice in a wine- press. trujamin »>• trujimftn, to. expert buyer or trader ; dragoman, interpreter. trnjamanear, vn. to act as an interpreter, broker, buyer, or seller ; to trade, to barter. trulamania,/. brokering, brokerage. trulla,/. noise, bustle, hurly-burly; crowd, multitude ; (mas.) trowel. trullo, TO. (orn.) teal; vat for the juice of pressed grapes. truncadamente, adv. in a truncated man- ner. truncado, da, a. &pp. truncate. tnincamientO, to. truncation, maiming. truncar, ra. {pret. TRUNQUfi: subj. TRUX- que) to truncate; to maim ; to mutilate a discourse. tnipial, TO. (orn.) troopial. truque [troo'-kayi, TO. game at cards. truquero, to. keeper of a pool-table. truquiflor [troo-ke-flor'i, TO. game at cards. trusas, /. pi. trunk-hose. ttl [too], pers. pron. M person, to. or/, thou : * t6 por t4, thee for thee ; disrespectfully : de tt por tt, intimately : tratar de t«, to be on intimate terms. tu [too],poss. pron. m. or /. {contr. of TUYO) thy, thine. » M in far : e in eh I ; 1 In police ; o in for ; u in bull; c (before e, !) and s as th in thick ; b and d, soft ; TUA 551 TUP tuatua,/. (bot.) American spurge. tU^Utem, m. (coll.) leading spirit, mover; essential point. tuba,/. (Philip.) liquor obtained from palms. tuberculizacibn,/. tuberculosis, tuberculi- zation. tub6rcillO, m. (bot.) tuber; (med.) tubercle. tuberculoso, sa, a. tuberculous. tuberculosis,/, (med.) tuberculosis; con- :. (anat.) ureter. ur6tico, ca, uretral, a. urethral, uretra../". (anat.) urethra, uretritis, /. (med.) urethritis; gonorrhoea. uretroscopiO, m. (surg.) urethroscope. uretrbtomo, m. urethrotome. urgencia,/. urgency, exigence ; obligation. a M iB far : • in «h I ; 1 in police ; o in for : U in bull ; C (before e. I) and b as th in thick ; b and d, so*} URG 555 VAC XUgeute, pa. urgent, pressing, cogent. urgentemente, adv. urgently. Urgir [oor-heer], vn. {ind. UKJO : subj. urja) to be urgent, to require immediate execution. l^icO, ca, a. uric : icido urico, uric acid. urinal, urinario, ria, a. urinary. — /«. uri- nario, urinal. Iirna,/. um, casket ; glass case, slirine ; (pol.) ballot-box. umlcWn,/. (naut.) top-timbers. Uro, m. (zool.) aurochs. UrogallO, m. (orn.) a species of woodcock. Uromancla, /. uromancy. Uroscopla,/. uroscopy. Tirraca,/. (orn.) magpie. Ursa,./", last.) the Bear, V. OSA. ursullna, a. Ursuline. urtic&ceo, a, a. urticaceous.— /. pi. Urtica- cese. urticaria, /. (med.) urticaria, nettle-rash, hives. uruguayo, ya [oo-roo-gwah'-yo], a. & n. of Uru- guay. usadamente, adv. according to custom. USadO, da, a. & pp. used, employed ; thread- bare, worn-out ; experienced, skilful, habit- uated, practical ; fashionable, frequent ; second-hand: al uiado, (com. law) at usance. usagre, m. (med.) scald-head, infantile ec- zema. usaje, m. (obs.) usage, custom. V. uso. usanza, /. usage, custom. USar, va. to use, make use of; to wear ; to en- joy tbe use of a thing ; to exercise an em- ployment or office. — vn. to be accustomed to. — vr. to be in use or fashion, to be wont. U8arc6 or usarced, m. or/, (obs.) {contr. of VUESA MERCED) your houour. USencia, m. or /. {corUr. of VUESTRA REVE- rencia) your reverence. usefloria, m. or /. v. usiA. USgO, m. loathing. V. asco. USia, m. or /. {contr. of vuestra seSorIa) your lordship or your ladyship. usier, m. (obs.) V. ujier. USO, m. use, employment, service ; usufruct ; enjoyment ; usage, custom, style, fashion, mode ; office, exercise ; wearing, wear ; constant use, practice, experience ; wear and tear; (com. law) usance: andar al uio, to conform to the times, to temporize : 4 ubo or al u«o, according to custom. UStaga,/. (naut.) tie. USted, m. or/, {contr. of vuestra merged) you (your worship, your honour). — {pi. USTEDES); nsted and ust«des have generally been written in abbreviation, formerly thus : Vm., Vm«., Vmd., Vmds. ; at present by V. or Vd. (pi. VV. or Vd«.). UStible, a. easily combustible. UStibn, /. ustion, exustion. UStoriO, a. barning. V. ESPEJO USTORIO. usual, a. usual, customary, ordinary, gen- eral ; tractable, social : afio niaal, current year. USUalmente, adv. usually, generally. usuarlo, rta, a. (law) having the sole use of a thing. usucapi6n,/. (law) usucapion. USUCapir, va. (law) to usucapt. USUfructO, m. (law) usufruc% enjoyment; profit. usufructuar, va. to enjoy the usufruct of anything. — vn. to be productive or fruitful. USUfructuariO, ria, a. &.m. & /. usufructu- ary. usura, /. usury ; formerly interest, gain, profit. usurar, vn. v. usurear. usurariamente, adv. usuriously. usurario, ria, a. usurious. usurear, vn. to practise usury ; to lend or to borrow money on interest ; to reap great profit. usurers, ra, m. &f. usurer, money-lender. U8Urpaci6n, /. usurpation, USUrpador, m. &/. usurper. USUrpar, va. to usurp ; to grasp. ut, m. (mus.) (obs.) ut, first note of the scale, now do or C. UtensiliO, m. utensil; tool, device, contriv- ance.— ;p/. implements, tools ; (mil.) articles which the tenant of a house is to furnish the soldier quartered with him. Uterino, na, a. uterine. V. HERMANO UTE- RINO ; V. FUROR UTERINO. titero, m. (anat.) uterus, womb. '^til, a. useful, serviceable, convenient ; (law) lawful (applied to time) ; profitable. — m. V. VTiLiDAD.— pi. utensils, tools. Utilidad, /. utility, profit ; usefulness, expe- diency. utilitario, ria, a. utilitarian. Utilizable, a. utilizable. Utilizar, va. {pret. UTiLicfe: subj. utilice) to utilize, make use of. — vr. to be made profitable. 'Atilmente, adv. usefully, profitably. Utopia,/. Utopia. ut6piC0, ca, a. Utopian, ideal. Utopista, m. dreamer, Utopian schemer. Utrero, ra, m. &/. bull or heifer between two and three years old. Ut retro, adv. (Lat.) as above. Ut supra, adv. (Lat.) as above. Uva, /. (hot.) grape; fruit of the barberry- bush ; wart on the eye-lid ; tumour on the uvula: nva de Corinto, (bot.) currants: uva paia, raisins : uva de gato or can^lla, white stone-crop: nva espin, espina, or crespa, goose-berry : ova marina, shrubby horse- tail : uva luplna or verga, wolf-bane : uva de rapota, night-shade : uva taminea or taminia, leusewort: uva de playa, (Amer. ) fruit of the uvero.— pZ. bunch of grapes : conocer lai uvai de lu majuelo, to understand his own business : hecho una uva, very drunk. uvada, /. abundance of grapes ; land-meas- ure. . uvaguefiiaestre, m. v. vaguemaestre. uyaf, a. belonging to grapes. Uyate, m. conserve of grapes. uvayema, /. species of wild vine. tivea,/. (anat.) uvea. Uvero, ra, m. & /. retailer of grapes. — m. (bot.) shrub on tropical sea-shores yielding an edible stone-fruit. uvula,/, (anat.) uvula. uzas [oo'-thas],/. kind of Brazilian crab. uyama,/. (Venez.) species of calabash. V [vay],/. twenty-fifth letter of the Spanish al- phabet, pronounced as in English. V was very often used in manuscript instead of the capital U ; it is now used as an abbreviation for uited, you ( V. usted) ; V doble, W ; used only in words of foreign extraction, and pronounced as v in Russian or German words, and as n in English names. vaca, /. cow ; beef; sole-leather ; joint stock of two partners in gambling: vaca de leche, milch-cow : vaca de la beda, he to whom g (before e, 1) and j as b in hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant ; fi, ny in canyon ; r (initUl) aud rr trilled : a. VAC 556 VAX every one applies in distress ; laughing- stock: vaca de San Ant6n, (ent.) lady- bird, lady-cow : vaca marina, sea-cow. V. MANAXi. (racaci6ll,/. vacation, intermission ; recess. — jd. holidays. vacada,, /. drove of cows. vacancla,/. vacancy. ■vacail':e,i»a. vacant, disengaged, unoccupied. — /. vacancy of a post or employment ; vaca- tion ; rent fallen due during the vacancy of a benefice. vacar, vn. {pret. VAQufi : subj. vaque) to give up wort or employment temporarily ; to vacate an office ; to be vacant ; to devote one's self to ; to lack. vacari, a. leathern ; covered with leather. vacatura, /. vacancy. vaccinleo, a, a. (bot.) vacciniaceous. yacladero, m. drain, sink, sewer ; dumping- place. vaciadizo, za, a. cast, moulded. vaclado, ;??. & m. (f. a.) cast (in a mould) ; (arch.) excavation; face of a pedestal be- low its ornamental mouldings. vaclador, m. (f. a.) moulder, caster; dump- er, pourer, emptier : vaclador de navajaa, razor-grinder. vacianiieilto, m. casting, moulding; evacu- ating, emptying, hollowing. vaciar, va. to empty, evacuate, exhaust, clear, pour out ; to cast, to mould ; to grind ; to hone ; (arch. ) to excavate, to hollow ; to ex- plain at large ; to translate. — vn. to discharge, disembogue (as rivers) ; to fall, decrease (as a freshet). — vr. to be spilt ; to overflow ; to divulge what should be kept secret ; to be empU' or vacant. vacledad, /. nonsense, silly remark. vaciero, m. shepherd of barren sheep. yacllacidn, /. vacillation, reeling, stagger- ing ; hesitation, perplexity, irresolution. vaclLante, pa. & a. vacillating; hesitating, irresolute; unstable? vacilar, vn. to vacillate, waver, fluctuate ; to hesitate ; to reel, to stagger. vaclO, Cia, a. void, empty ; vacuous ; unoc- cupied, untenanted, uninhabited, disen- taged ; idle ; fruitless ; concave, hollow ; efective, deficient; vain, arrogant, pre- sumptuous ; barren (cattle) ; unloaded or empty (as mules, carts, etc.). — m. void, empty space, vacuum ; aperture ; mould for cast- ing ; vacancy ; concavity, hollowness ; blank, hiatus, gap ; (com.) ullage of a cask or other vessel ; wantage ; Spanish step in dancing; animal not with young ; vacuity, cavity ; flank of animals : de vacib, empty ; unemployed : en vacio, in vacuo : tacho al ▼acio, vacuum-pan : freno al vacio, vacuum- brake : llltro al vacio, vacuum-filter : bomba atmosfirica de vacio, vacuum-pump. vaco, ca, a. vacant. vacuidad,/. vacuity, emptiness. vacuna,/. cow-pox; vaccine virus. vacunacibn, /. vaccination. vacunador, m. vaccinator. vacunar, va. to vaccinate. vacuno, na, o. belonging to cattle, vaccine, bovine. vacuo, a, a. empty, unoccupied, vacant. ^th. vacuum. vade, in. V. vadem^cum. vadeable, «. fordable ; conquerable, supera- ble. vadear, va. to wade, to ford ; to conquer, to surmount • to sound (a person). — vr. to be- have, conauct one's selC vadem^CUm, m. (Lat.) vademecum ; school portfolio. vadera, /. ford of a river. i vade retro ! adv. (Lat.) avaunt ! away ! vadiano, na, «. anthropomorphite. vado, in. ford of a river ; expedient ; re- source : no hallar vado, to be at a loss how to act : al vado 6 & la puente, choose one way or the other. yadOSO, sa, a. shoal y, shallow. vafe, rn. bold stroke or undertaking. vagabundear 0/- vagamundear, m. (coll.; to rove or loiter about, to act the vagrant. vagabundo, da, or vagamundo, da, a. a. vagrant. yagar, vn. {vret. YAOvt: subj. vague) to rove, roam, loiter about ; to wander, range ; to be at leisure, to be idle. vagar, m. leisure, idleness. vagarosamente, adv. vagrantly, rovingly. vagaroso, sa, a. errant, vagrant. vagidO, m. cry of a new-born child. vagina,/, (anat.) vagina. vaginal, a. vaginal. vaginitis,/, (med.) vaginitis. vagO, ga, a. errant, roving, roaming, loiter- ing, wandering, vagrant ; vague, indefinite, undecided ; hesitating, wavering, fluctuat- ing, unsettled ; lax, loose ; (art) vaporous^ hazy, indistinct.— wj. unimproved plot of ground ; vagabond, loafer, vagrant, tramp : en vago, unsteadily, unfirmly ; unsuccess- fully, in vain, vaguely. vag6h, m. (r. w. ) passenger-car; freight-car, wagon : vag6n-cama, sleeping-car : vagon- cnadra, cattle-van : vag6n-Jaala, latticed van or wagon. vagoneta,/. (r. w.) gondola car. vaguada, /. water-way ; water-course. vagueaci6n [vHii-Kay-aii'-thie-on'i,/. restlessness, unsteadiness; flight of fancy. vagueante, pa. wandering ; flighty. vaguear [vah-gay-ar'], V7i. to rove, rojim, loiter. I . vagar. vaguedad[vah-gay-dahd'],/. vagueness; uncer- tainty ; ambiguity ; vague statement. vaguemaestre, m. (mil.) wagon-master. vagruido, da [vah-gee-do;, a. dizzy.— 7?i. dizzi- ness. vahaje, m. soft breeze. VSlhanero, ra, a. idle, knavish. valiar, vn. to exhale, breathe forth. vaharada,/. breath, breathing, exhalation. vaJiarera,/. (med.) thrush; unripe melon. vaharina,/. (coll.) fume, vapour, mist. vabear, vn. to exhale, emit fumes or va- pour. Vahido [vah-ee'-dol, m. vertigo, dizziness. vaho, TO. vapour, fume, effluvium. vaida,/. (arch.) vault cut into four vertical planes. vaina, /. scabbard, sheath ; knife or scissors case or etui ; (bot.) pod, capsule, husk, hull, cod, legume; (naut.) bolt-rope tabling; tabling of a flag. vainazas, m. (coll.) humdrum, dull, or dronish peqpon. vainero, m. sheath or scabbard-maker. vainlca,/. dim. small scabbard ; (sew.) hem- stitch. vainilla,/. dim. small pod or husk; (bot.) vanilla; fruit of this plant ; heliotrope. vaiv6n, m. fluctuation, vibration, sway ; un- steadiness, inconstancy, vacillation ;'giddi- % aa in far ; e in eh I : i In ooliee : o In for ; n in boll ; c (before e, I) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft ,* YAJ 657 VAN ness ; risk, danger ; (mech. ) swing, seesaw, reciprocating movement ; (naut.) line, cord, or rope. Vajilla, /. table-service; dinner-set; (Mex.) ancient tax on jewellery : Tajilla de plata, silver ware. Val, m. {contr. o/valle, mostly used in com- position) vale,- dale, : valley ; sewer, drain, sink. Valaco, ca, a. Wallachian ; language of Wallacbia. valais, m. piece of lumber. Valar, a. relating to a rampart, hedge, or fence. Val5, m. (com.) bond, promissory note, I O U ; voucher ; bonus given to school-boys ; bet at cards; (Lat.) farewell, adieu; valedic- tion, valedero, ra, a. valid, efficacious, binding. valedor, ra, m. &/. protector, defender. valenciano, na, a. Valencian. valentia,/. valour, courage, gallantry, brave- ry, manliness; feat, heroic exploit; brag, boast; fire of imagination ; (art) mastery in imitating nature ; extraordinary or vigor- ous effort ; public place where mended .shoes were anciently sold in Madrid : hambre y valentia, pride and poverty : pisar de valen- tia, to strut, to swagger. valentiniano, na, a. Valentinian. valentisimo, ma, a. sup. most valiant ; most perfect. valentdn, na, a. blustering, arrogant. — m. hector, bully. valentonada, valentona,/. brag, boast. valer, va. (ind. VAi.GO: fut. \ ALDKt : subj. valga) to protect, to defend, favour, patron- .ize; to yield, bring, produce (fruits or in- come); to foot up, amount to ; to be worth, to be valued at ; to be equal to. — vn. to be valuable, worthy, deserving ; to possess merit or value ; to prevail, avail ; to have sway, power, authority or influence ; to be legal and current (coins); to be valid or binding ; to be important or useful ; to be or serve as a protection. — vr. to employ, to make use of; to avail one's self of, to have recourse to : j vilgate Dios ! heaven bless or pardon you ! \ v&lgame Dios 1 good God ! bless me ! mis vale or m&s valiera, it is bet- ter, it would be better : mka vale tarde que nunca, better late than never : vale lo que pesa, he is worth his weight in gold : valga lo que valiere, happen what may : vale la pena de, it is worth while, worth the trouble of : no poderse valer, to be helpless. Valeriana,/, (hot.) valerian. valerianaceo, a, «. (hot.) valerianaceous. valerianate, m. (chem.) valerianate. valeri^niCO, ca, a. (chem.) valeric. valerosamente, adv. valiantly, courage- ously. Valerosidad, /. valiantness. Valeroso, sa, a. valiant, brave, courageous, , gallant, heroic; strong, active; powerful. \ ValetudinariO, rla, a. valetudinarian, vale- tudinary, infirm. Valliala [vai-hah' lahl, /. Walhalla. Vali, m. Mussulman governor. Valia, /. price, valuation ; credit, favour, worth, influence; party, faction: & las va- lias, at the highest price. yaliatO, m. vilayet. p. & m. stockade, inclosure. vallar or valladear, va. to fence, hedge, in- close with pales or stakes. valle, m. vale, dale, valley ; glen, dell ; whole number of villages and cottages in a valley : valle de l&grimas, vale of tears. vallejO, m. dim. small valley. vallejuelO, m. dim. of VALLEJO ; glen, dell. valliCO, m. Qyot.) ray-grass. vallisoletano, na, a. of Valladolid. i vamos ! inter}, well ! come, now ! bear a hand ! go on ! let's go ! be careful ! stop ! vampiro, m. ghoul; vampire bat; usurer, miser, skinflint. vanadiatO, m. (chem.) vanadate. vanadiO, m. (chem.) vanadium. vanaglorla,/. vaingloriousness, ostentatious' ness, boast, conceit. « (before e, i) and J as h in hot; h, silent; 11 in toiUiant: 2. ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled; ■, hiased. 87 VAN 558 VAR vanagloriarse, vr. to be vainglorious, to boast of. vanagloriosamente, adv. vaingloriously. vanagloriOSO, sa, a. vainglorious, conceited, ostentatious. vanaxaente, adv. vainly, uselessly ; supersti- tiously ; without foundation ; arrogantly, presumptuously, proudly ; frivolously, idly. vandallsmo, m. vandalism. V&ndalO, la, m. & f. vandal. VanddllCO, ca, n. vandalic. vanear, vn. to talk nonsense. vanguardia, /. (mil.) vanguard, van. vanidad,/. vanity, ostentation, vain parade ; nonsense, unmeaning speech ; inanity, shal- lowness, levity, conceit ; foppishness : bacer vanidad, to boast of anything. vaniAoso, sa, a. vain, showy, foppish, con- ceited. vanilocuencla, / verbosity. vanilocuo, cua, a. empty prattler. vaniloqulo, m. silly talk. vanistorlo, m. (coll.) ridiculous or affected vanity ; atfected person. vano, na, a. vain, inane, empty, shallow, fallacious ; useless, frivolous ; arrogant, haughty, presumptuous, conceited, foppish ; insubstantial, groundless, futile ; dry (coco- nut). V. coco: en vano, in vain, unneces- sarily, uselessly, wantonly. — m. (arch.) opening in a wall (as for a door). vinova, /. bedspread, coverlet. vapor, rti. vapour, steam ; exhalation, mist ; vertigo, faintness ; (naut. ) steamboat, steam- er, steamship,— p^. vapours, hysterical at- tack. vaporable, a. vaporous, funny, exhalable. vaporaci6n, vaporizacidn, /. vaporization. vaporar, vaporear, vaporizar, va. to va- lorize. V. EVAPORAR. vaporoso, sa, a. vaporous, funny, vapourish; ethereal, cloudy, indistinct. vapulacldn, /. vapulainiento, m. (coll.) whipping, flogging. vapular, vapmear, va. (coll. ) to whip, to f^g. vapuleo, vapuleamiento, m. (coll.) whip- ping, flogging. vaquear [vah-kay-ar'j, va. to cover cows with the bull. vaoLueria fvah-kay-ree'-ah], /, herd Or drove of cattle ; milk-dairy. Taquerlzo, za, a. relating to cows. — m. & f. herdsman.—/, winter stable for cattle. vaquero, ra [vah-kay'-ro], a. belonging to cow- herds. — m. herdsman, cowboy. yaqueta [vah-kay'-tah],/. sole-leather. vaquetear, va. to flog with leather thongs. vaquoteo, m. flogging with leather thongs. vaqullla,vaqulta,yrrfi'n. small cow, heifer. vara, /. rod. twig ; pole, staff; stick ; verge, wand, emblem of authority ; yard-stick, for measuring; yard, measure (2.78 ft.) ; piece of cloth of this length ; herd of forty or fifty head of swine ; thrust with a goad at a bull ; (car.) thill, shaft: vara alta, sway, high hand : vara de p«icar, fishing-rod : vara or ▼ariUa de cortina, curtain-rod : vara de Jesi, (bot.) tuberose. • varada,/. (agr.) gang of farm hands ; job on a farm; (min.) three months' work in a mine ; amount of work done and measured ; (juarterly profit and dividend; (naut.) run- II rug agrJjund, stranding. varadera,/. (naut.) skid or skeed. varadero, m. ship-yard. varadura,/. (naut.) grounding of a vessel. varal, m. long pole or perch ; (car.) side pole with sockets for the stakes of a truck ; (theat.) side-lights ; (coll.) tall, slender per- son. VarapalO, m. long pole or perch ; switch . blow with a stick or pole; (coll.) grief, trouble, vexation, reverse, damage. varar, va. (naut.) to launch a new-built ship. vn. (naut.) to ground, to be stranded ; to be at a standstill. varasetO, m. treilla^e, espalier. varazo, m. stroke with a pole or stick. varbasco, m. v. verbasco. vardasca, /. thin twig. vardascazo, m. stroke with a twig. vareador, w. one who beats down with a pole or staff, varea^e, TO. retail trade, selling or measuring by the yard ; beating down the fruit of trees. varear, va. to beat down the fruit of trees with a pole ; to cudgel, to beat ; to wound bulls or oxen with a goad ; to measure or sell by the yard. — vr. to grow thin or lean. Varej6n, m. thick pole or staff. varenga,/. (naut.) floor-timber. varengaje, m. (naut.) collection of floor timbers. vareo, m. v. vareaje. vareta, /. dim. small rod or twig ; lime-twig for catching birds ; stripe in a fabric ; (coll.) hint, offensive remark : irie de vareta, (coll.) to have a diarrhoea. varetazo, m. stroke with a twig. varetear, va. to make stripes in fabrics. varga, /. steepest part of a hill. Vd.rgailO, m. fence rail or stake. varganal, m. inclosure, stockade. vargueilO, m. gilt and painted scrutoire. . variable, a. variable, changeable ; fickle, variablemente, adv. variably. variaci6n, /. variation, change, mutation (mus.) variation: varlacidn de la agqja (naut.) variation of the compass. variado, da, pp. & a. variegated, coloured. variamente, adv. variously^ differently. varlante, pa. varying, deviating.—/, differ- ence, discrepancy (in texts). variar, va. to change, alter ; to shift ; to va. riegate, diversify. — vn. to vary, change, turn; to differ from; (naut.) to deviate (the magnetic needle). Vft.rice or varice, /. (med.) varix. vaxicela,/. (med.) varicella, chicken-pox. varicocele, m. (med.) varicocele. varicoso, sa, a. (med.) varicose. variedad, /. variety, alteration, change, va- riation ; diversity ; (com.) assortment. varllarguero, m. in bull-fighting, picador. varllla, /. dim. small rod ; curtain-rod ; spindle, pivot ; switch; fan-stick; rib of an umbrella.— jo/, jaw-bones ; frame of a sieve or strainer : varilla m&gica or de virtndes, magician's or conjurer's wand. varillaje, m. set of ribs of a fan, umbrella, or parasol. vario, ria, a. various, divers, different ; in- constant, fickle, variable, unsteady, unde- cided ; variegated.^p/. some, se.'eral, a few. variOlOide,/. (med.) varioloid. variOlOSO, sa, a. variolous, variolar. variz, m. (med.) V. vArice. vardn, m. male (man); man of respectabil- ity : lanto var6n, (coll.) good but not clevei man: bnen var6n, wise and learned man; plain, artless fellow :.Tar6n del tim6n,(naut.> rudder-pendant. varona, .?■. woman ; mannish woman. VaronciCO, illO, ItO, w. dim. boy. » nil III far : e in eh I ; 1 in police ; o in for .* U in bull ; C (before e, i) and s •■ th in tblck ; b and d, ooft: VAR 559 VEI varonesa,/. woman. varonia,/. male issue. varonil, a. male, manly ; masculine ; vigor- ous, spirited. varonilmente, adv. manfully, valiantly, courageously. varraco, m. 'v. verraco. vaixaquear, varraquera, v. verraquear, VERRAQUEKA. varsoviana,/. (danc.) varsovienne. vasallaje, m. vassalage, dependence, servi- tude, subjection ; liege-money. — a. vassal, subject, tributary ; feudatory, — »t. &. /. vas- sal, subject. vasar, m. shelf in a kitchen. vasco, ca, vascongado, da, a. & m. & f. Basque. vascuence, m. Basque language ; (coll.) jar- gon, gibberish. vascular, vasculoso, sa, a. (anat. and bot.) vascular. vase, !•/-. {3d pers. ind. irr. from ir) (theat.) exit. vaselina,/. vaseline. vasera, /. shelf or rack for glasses. vasiCO, ito, m. dim. small tumbler, vasila, /. any vessel for liquids or food-stuflFs ; ' collection of wine vessels in a cellar. vasillo, 111. dim. cell of a honey-comb. vaso, m. vessel for liquids, specifically a tumbler, glass ; vase ; flower-jar ; quantity of liquid contained in a glass ; (naut.) ves- sel ; capacity, room, extent of anything; (ast.) Crater, southern constellation ; (farr.) horse's hoof; (anat. and bot.) vessel, vein, artery : vaso de noche, chamber-pot. V^StagO, in. vastiga, f. stem, tiller, sucker, sapling, bud, shoot; descendant, scion, off- spring. vastedad,/. vastness, immensity. vastO, ta, «. vast, huge, immense. vate, m. bard, poet ; seer, diviner. vaticano, na, a. pertaining to the Vatican ; papal authority ; pontifical court. vaticinador, ra, m. &/. prophet, diviner. vaticinante, pa. predicting, foretelling. vaticinar, va. to divine, foretell, predict. vaticinio, m. vaticination, prediction. vatidico, ca, a. (poet.) prophetical. vatimetro, m. (elec.) wattmeter. vatlO, VI. (elec.) watt. vaya, /. scoff, jest. — tnterj. go ; go to ; come ! indeed ! certainly ! ve./. name of the letter V. vease, see ; direction of reference. vecera, /. drove, herd, pack. veceria, /. herd of swine or animals belong- ing to a neighbourhood. vecero, ra, a. & m. &/. one who performs al- ternately or by turns ; applied to trees which yield fruit one year and none an- other. vecinal, a. vicinal, neighbouring, adjacent: camino vecinal, country road. vecinamente, ndv. near, contiguously. vecindad, /. neighbourhood, vicinity, con- tiguity, vicinage; environs, proximity: hacer'mala vecindad, to be a troublesome neighbour. Vecindario, m. population of a township, district, or ward ; neighbourhood, vicinity, vicinage. vecino, na, a. neighbouring, neighbour, ad- joining, next, near ; like, resembling, co- incident. — TO. neighbour, resident, denizen, citizen, freeman: medio vecino, non-resi- dent who, by paying half the taxes, enjoys the right of pasture for his cattle. vectaci6n,/. passive exercise, as riding, sail- ing, etc. vectigales, m. pi. ancient tribute. vector, a. vectorial ; (geom.) vector. veda, /. prohibition, interdiction by law; .ime when hunting is forbidden. — vi. Veda, each of the four sacred books of the Hindus. vedado, pp. & m. inclosure, warren, park. vedamientO, m. prohibition. vedar, va. to prohibit, forbid ; to obstruct, impede. vedegambre, m. (bot.) hellebore. vedeia,/. i'. guedeja. vedija, /. entangled lock of wool or hair; flake ; matted hair. V. verija. vedijero, ra, m. &/. collector of loose locka of wool at shearing. vedijudO, da, vedljOSO, sa, «. having en- tangled Or matted hair. vedJjuela, /. dim. small lock of wool. veduflo, TO. V. viDUNo. veedor, ra, m. &f. pry, prier, spy, watcher, busybody; overseer, supervisor, inspector; caterer, provider. veeduria, /. employment of an overseer ; the inspector's oflSce ; controllership. vega, /. open plain ; mead, meadow ; (Cuba) tobacco plantation. vegetatoilidad,/. vegetability. vegetable, a. & vi. vegetable. vegetaci6n,/. vegetation. vegetal, «. & m. vegetable, vegetal, plant, vegetante,/)a. vegetating. vegetar, vn. to vegetate, grow, live. vegetative, va, a. vegetative. Veguer [vay-payr'], m. in Aragon, mayor. vegueria, /. vegueriO, «». in Aragon, ju- risdiction of the veguer. VegUerO, ra [vay-gay'-ro], a. meadowy. — TO. (Cuba) tobacco planter ; cigar rudely made of a single leaf. vehemencia,/. vehemence, violence, impetu- osity ; efficacy, force ; fervour, heat. vebemente, a. vehement, imp«tuous; per-- suasive, vivid ; fervent, fiery ; keen. velieinentemeilte,a(iv. vehemently, fervent- ly, forcibly, urgently, hotly. veniculO, m. vehicle, carriage ; conductor. veintavo, m. twentieth part of a thing. veinte, a. & m. twenty ; twentieth : 4 las veinte, unseasonably. veint^n, m. gold dollar piece. veintena, f. veintenar, m. a score. veintenario, ria, a. twenty years old. veinteno, na, veint6simo, ma, a. twen- tieth. veintefLal, «. lasting twenty years. velnteocbeno, na, veintioclieno, na, a. twenty-eighth.— ?«. & f. warp of 2,80» threads. velnteseiseno, na, ventiselseno, na, a. twenty-sixth.— TO. &/. warp of 2,600 threads, veinticinco, a. & m. twenty-five; twenty- fifth. veintlcuatreno, na, a. twenty-fourth. — m. & f. warp of 2,400 threads : veinticnatren* de capas, fine broadcloth for cloaks. veinticuatria, /. aldermanry. Veintlcuatro, a. twenty-four ; twenty- fourth. — TO. alderman of Seville. velntid6s, a. & m. twenty-two ; twenty-sec- ond. velntldoseno, na, a. twenty-second. — m. 4 /. warp of 2,200 threads. veintinueve, a. & m. twenty-nine ; twenty- ninth. veintlOCllO, a. & m, twenty-eight ; twentj- eighth. g (before e, 1) and J aa bin hot ; h, silent ; 11 in brilliant: ft, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; t, blwed. VEI 560 VEL veintis^is, a. & m. twenty-six ; twenty- sixth. yelntisiete, a. & m. twenty-seven ; twenty- seventh. Vellltitr6s, a. & m. twenty-three ; twenty- third. yeintluil, a. {contr. of VEINTIUNO; only be- fore rtouns) twenty-one. veintluno, na, a. & m. twenty-one ; twenty- tirst.— /. game at cards, " vingt-et-un." vejaclbn, /. vexation, molestation, oppres- sion. vejamen, m. vexation, trouble; taunt, scur- rilous criticism. vejamlnista, m. censor, critic. vejanc6n, na, a. & m. & f. aug. (coll.) de- crepit. vejar, va. to vex, annoy, molest, harass ; to scotF, censure ; to tease. Vejarr6n, na, a. & m. & /. aug. (coll.) very old. vejatorio, ria, a. vexatious. vejazo, za, a. &m. & f. aug. big old person. ve] ecitO, ta, a. &m. & /. dim. V. viEJECiTO. vejestorio, m. (coll.) old trumpery; shriv- elled old person. vejeta,/. (orn.) crested lark. V. cogujada. vejete, m. (coll.) ridiculous old man. vejez [vay-heth'], /. old age ; decay ; peevish- ness of old age ; trite story. vejezuela, /. dim. an old hag. VelezuelO, m. dim. little old man. vejiga [vay-hee'-gah], /. (anat.) bladder; blis- ter ; (art) bladder or tube for paints. — pi. Eustules of small-pox ; (farr.) wind-galls in orses: vejiga de perro, (bot.) common win- ter-cherry : vejiga natatoria, (icht.) swim- ming bladder of a fish : vejiga de la Wlis or de la hlel, gall-bladder : vejiga para tabaco, tobacco-pouch. vejigatOriO, ria, a. blistering.— m, blister plaster, blister, vesicant, vesicatory. vejigazo, m. blow with a bladder full of wind. vejigdn, m. aug. large bladder or blister. veligOSO, sa, a. full of blisters. vejigUela or vejiguica, ilia, ita [vay-he-goo- ay' uh, vay-he-Kee'-cah], /. dim. small bladder : vcjigulUa, (med.) pustule. vela, /. vi^l, wakefulness, watch, watchful- ness, vigilance; wake; watchman, night- guard ; pilgrimage ; candle, light ; night- work ; (poet.) sail, ship ; awning, velarium ; erect ear of a horse or other animal ; wing or arm of a wind-mill ; (eccl.) vigils before the eucharist ; nuptial mass and veiling ceremony; (naut. ) sail, sheet: vela mayor, main-sail : vela de trinqaete, fore-sail : vela de mesana, mizzen-sail : velas de proa, head- sails : velas de popa, after-sails : vela bastar- da or latina, lateen sail : velas mayores, courses : hacerie k la vela, to set sail : hacer faerza de vela, to crowd sail : en vela, vigi- lantly, without sleep: k la vela, prepared, equipped, ready : i vela y preg6n, auction by inch of caudle : juego de velas, set of sails : acortar (la) vela, to reef a sail, to shorten sail : alzar velas, to raise sail, to make ready to sail ; to quit, to leave : recoger velas, to contain one's self, to be moderate: tender las velas or velas, to seize an opportunity for obtaining one's desires. Velaci6n, /. watch, watching, vigil ; wake, velation.— pZ. (eccl.) nuptial mass and cere- mony of veiling the bride and groom : ce- rrarse las velaciones, time in which the church prohibits the solemnization of mar- riage. velachO, w. (naut.) fore-top-sail. velado, da, />jo. & a. veiled, hidden : voz ve- lada, veiled voice. — m. (coll.) bridegroom, husband.—/", watch. V. velaci6n ; evening entertainment, soiree. Velador, ra, m. &f. watchman, night-guard ; caretaker, keeper ; wooden candlestick ; lamp table or stand. veladura,/. (art.) velatura. velaje or velamen, m. (naut.) canvas, sails in general ; set of sails. velar, vn. to watch, to be awake, to keep vigil ; to wake ; to work at night ; to ob- serve ; to be attentive, to be vigilant ; (naut.) to appear above the water, as rocks ; (eccl. ) to assist by turns before the holy sac- rament when it is manifested. — va. to guard, to watch, to keep ; (eccl. ) to veil a bride and groom at a nuptial mass; (poet.) to cover, to veil, to hide; (art) to soften with vela- dura. velarte, m. fine broadcloth. veleidad, /. velleity, faint desire; levity, in- constancy, fickleness. veleidOSO, sa, a. fickle, inconstant, giddy. velejar, vn. (naut.) to make use of sails. " veleria,/. tallow-chandler's shop. velero, ra, a. (naut.) swift-sailing; fond of wakes and pilgrimages. — m. tallow-chand- ler ; (naut.) sail-maker. veleta, /. weather-cock, vane ; streamer, pen- nant ; bob, float, or cork of a fishing-line.— m. or/, fickle person. velete, m. light, thin face veil. velicaci6n, /. (med.) vellication, stimula- tion. velicar, va. (med.) to vellicate, to twitch. veliCO, illO, itO, m. dim. small veil : velillo, embroidered gauze. velilla, ita,/. dim. small candle. velmez, m. tunic worn under the armour. velO, m. veil ; curtain ; piece of white gauze thrown over a couple at nuptial mass ; feast at the profession of a nun or at taking the veil ; (met.) cover, disguise, cloak, pretence, pretext, mask ; confusion, obscurity, per- plexity, of the sight or intellect: velo del paladar, (anat.) soft palate: correr el velo, to pull off the mask ; to disclose something before unknown : tomar el velo, to become a nun. velocidad,/. velocity, speed, fleetness. velOCip6diCO, ca, a. relating to a velocipede. velocipedista, m. or/, velocipedist. velocipede, 7n. velocipede ; bicycle or tri- cycle. vel6n, m. brass lamp with movable reservoir. velonera, /. lamp-stand or bracket. velonero, m. maker or seller of velones. velOZ, a. swift, nimble, fleet, quick, fast. velozmente, adv. swiftly, fleetly, nimbly. veludillo, veludo, v. velludillo, vellu- DO. vellera, /. woman who removes hair from women's faces. vellidO, da, a. downy, villous. vello, m. down ; nap ; pubescence ; fuzz, vellocino, m. fleece (as the golden fleece). vell6n, m. fleece, wool of one sheep; un- sheared sheepskin ; lock of wool ; copper and silver alloy : real de velldn, small ooin (5 cents). vellonero, m. collector of fleeces at shearing. vellora, /. knot taken from woollen cloth, vellori, vellorin, m. broadcloth of undyed wool. vellorita,/. (bot.) cowslip. vellOSidad, /.downiness, nirsuteness. ft M in far ; e in eb I : i In police : o in for : n in boll - " 'l>efore e, i) and z as th in thick : b and d, «oft ; VEL 661 VEN \ vellosilla,/. (bot.) mouse-ear. yellOSO, sa, a. downy, villous, hairy, fuzzy. velludillo, m. velveteen. velludO, da, a. downy, hairy, shaggy, wool- ly. — m. shag, velvet.' Teilutero, m. velvet-worker. vena, /. vein, blood-vessel ; fibre of plants ; (inin.) vein, seam, lode, dike ; flow of water under ground ; vein or stripe in stones or woods ; poetical vein, inspiration : dar en la vena or hallar la vena, to hit upon the riglit means: acostarse la vena, (miu.) to dip (a vein) : descabezarse una vena, (surg. ) to break a blood-vessel : estar en vena, to be inspired : estar de vena, to be in the mood or vein. venablO, m. javelin, dart : echar venablos, to break out into violent expressions of anger. venadero, m- place frequented by deer. venadO, m. deer, stag ; (cook.) venison. venaie, m. current of a stream. venal, a. venal, relating to the veins ; mar- ketable, salable ; venal, mercenary. venalidad, /. venality, mercenariness. venatiCO, ca, a. {coll.) cranky, erratic, daft. venatorio, ria, a. venatic, used in hunting. vencedor, ra, «*. &f. victor, vanquisher. vencejO, m. string, band ; (om.) swift, black- martin, martlet, martinet. veneer, va. {ind. venzo : subj. venza) to con- quer, subdue, defeat, vanquish, overpower, master, foil ; to surpass, outdo, excel ; to surmount, overcome, clear; to gain a law- suit ; to win a contest ; to prevail upon, per- suade, convince ; to suffer, tolerate, or bear with patience ; to bend, turn down ; twist a thing. — vn. to conquer, triumph, succeed ; (com.) to fall due, mature. — it. to govern one's passions or desires : veneer un plazo, to become due, expire. vencetdsigo, m. (bot.) milk-weed. vencible, a. vincible, conquerable; super- able. vencido, da, a. & pp. conquered, subdued ; (com.) due; payable.—/. V. vencimiento: de vencida, nearly beaten, vanquished, or tiuished. vencimiento, m. vanquishment ; flinch ; bent ; turn down ; (com.) maturity, expira- tion. venda, /. (surg.) split cloth, bandage, roller; fillet. vendaje, m. (surg.) bandage, bandaging. vendar, va. (surg.) to bandage ; to fillet ; to hoodwink, to blind, obfuscate. vendaval, m. strong wind from the sea. vendavaJada, /■ storm of southerly wind. vendedor. ra, m. &f. seller, trader, retailer, huckster, vender. vendehumos, m. courtier who trades on his influeuce. vendeja, /. public sale. vender, ra. to sell, to vend, dispose of; to expose for sale ; to betray for money, to prostitute ; to betray faith, confidence, or friendship.— IT. to let one's self be bought or bribed ; to run great risks in serving or defending another ; to give one's self away ; to boast of talents or merits one does not possess : venderse caro, to be of difficult ac- cess : vender car a la vida, to fight desperate- ly : vender salnd, (coll.) to be or appear very robust: vender por mayor, to sell in the lump, or by wholesale : vender al pormenor or i destajo, to sell at retail : vender al con- tado, to sell for cash : vender i, plazo, to sell on credit : vender al quitar, to sell with the privilege of buying back. vendi, m. (com.) certificate of sale. vendible, a. salable, marketable. vendido, da, o. & pp. sold ; betrayed : estar vendido, to be duped, to be exposed to great risks. vendiente, pa. selling. vendimia,/. vintage ; large gain or profit. vendimiador, ra, »«. &j. vintager. vendimiar, va. to gather the vintage ; to enjoy unlawful perquisites or reap unjust profit; (coll.) to kill, to murder. vendo, m. selvage of cloth. veuduta, /. (Amer. ) auction, vendue. vendntero, m. (Amer.) auctioneer. veneciano, na, «. Venetian. venencia, /. tube for sampling sherry. venenifero, ra, «. (poet.) poisonous. veneno, m. poison, venom ; wrath, fury, pas- sion I anything pernicious to morals and religion. venenosamente, adv. venomously. venenosidad, /. poisonousness ; Venomoua- ness. venenoso, sa, a. venomous, poisonous. venera, /. scallop-shell, worn as a badge by pilgrims ; badge, jewel, or star of a military order ; spring of water : empeilar la venera, to spare no expense. venerabilisimo, ma, a. super, most vener- able. venerable, a. venerable. venerablemente, adv. venerably. veneracibn,/. veneration ; worship ; honour. venerador, ra, m. & /. venerator, worship- per. venerando, da, a. venerable. venerante, pa. venerating, worshipping. venerar, va. to venerate, respect, worship, honour. ven6reo, rea, a. venereous, venereal, sensu- al ; (med.) venereal. — m. venereal disease. venero, m. water spring; (min.) bed, lode ; radius or horary line of sun-dials ; origin, root, source. veneruela,/. dim. small scallop-shell. venezolano, na, a. Venezuelan. vengable, a. worthy of revenge, that may be revenged. vengador, ra, m. &f. avenger, revenger. venganza,/. revenge, vengeance. vengar, va. {pret. vengujS: subj. vengue) to revenge, avenge. — vr. to be revenged. vengatlvamente, adv. revengefully. vengatiVO, va, a. revengeful, vindictive. vengo, yo venga {irr. from venir). venia, /. pardon, forgiveness • leave, permis- sion ; bow with the head ; (law) license to minors to manage their own estates. venial, a. venial, pardonable ; excusable. venialidad, /. venialness. venialmente, adv. venially. venida, /. arrival; return, regress, cominf^; overflow of a river ; attack in fencing; im- petuosity, rashness, rush. venidero, ra, a. future, coming : en lo veni- dero, hereafter, henceforth. — m. posterity, successors. venido, da, a. & pp. come, arrived : bien v*» nldo or venida, welcome. venimfecum, m. vademecum. venir, vn. {gerund, VINIENDO: tnd. VENGO: pret. VINE : fut. vendr6 : subj. venga) to come, to draw near, to advance hither ; to move towards or appear before another ; to fit, become, suit ; to decide, resolve, de» termine ; to come to, come back to a point ; to pass from one condition or person to an- other ; to approach, be near, as : el mes qn* [{before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent ; U in brilliant, : S, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; », hissed. VEN 562 VER Tlene, next month ; to be^in to feel, as : me teo el deseo, I felt a desire ; to happen, to tome to pass ; to follow, to succeed ; to pro- ceed from, to originate in, to be occasioned by ; to be inferred, to be deduced ; to as- sent, submit, yield; to grow, to shoot up; to make an application, to ask ; to occur (as to one's memory); to attack, to assault; (arith.) to result; to be of one's party or opinion ; to accompany ; to fall, to be over- set ; to succeed finally ; to adduce ; to pro- duce ; to excite, to effect ; to attain a degree of excellence or perfection. — vi\ to ferment, to attain perfection by fermentation as bread or wine (see Note) : venir & menos, to decay, to decline: venir de perilla, venir k pelo, venir oomo anillo en dedo, or venir cemo pedrada en ojo de boticario, to come at the nick of time ; to fit the case or to answer perfectly well : i i qu* viene eso 7 to what purpose is that? what does it amount to? il se mete en lo que no le va, ni le viene, he meddles in business that does not concern him : venga lo que vlniere, come what will ; happen what may : venir rodado, to attain an object accidentally : venir k las manos, to come to blows : vengo en ello, I agree to that : si k mano viene, perhaps : en lo por ve- nir, hereafter, henceforth. Note. — The re- flective form is often used instead of the neuter verb, as : venirse k casa, to come home : venirse cayendo, to be falling down : venirse abajo, to fall, to collapse: venirse al snelo, to fall to the ground: venirse k la boca, to taste unpleasantly. venora,/. range of stones or bricks in a drain or trench. venOSO, sa, a. venous ; veiny, veined. venta,/. sale, selling, market ; custom ; road- side inn: hacer venta, (coll.) to invite to pot-luck : ser una venta, to be a dear place : de venta or en venta, on sale : venta publica, public auction sale. ventada,/. blast, puff, gust of wind. ventaja, /. advantage, preference; gain, prof- it, good; commodity, commodiousness ; hand ; additional pay ; odds given at play. ventajosamente, adv. advantageously, gainfully. ventajosb, sa, a- advantageous ; profitable, lucrative, fruitful, good. ventsdla,/. valve; (hot.) pod. ventalle, m. fan. v. abanic©. ventana,/. window ; (carp.) window-frame, window-sash ; window-shutter ; nostril. ventanaje, m. (arch.) fenestration. ventanazo, m. slap of a window. ventanear, vn. (coll. ) to frequent the win- dow. ventaaeo, m. window-gazing. ventanero, ra, m. & /. window-gazer. — m. window-maker. ventanica, ilia,/, dim. small window. ventaniCO, illO, m. dim. small window- shutter ; peep-hole. ventano, m. small window. veniar, va. & vn. v. ventear. ventarrdn, m. stiff wind, wind-gust. venteadura, /. anemosis or shake in timber. ventear, v. impers. to blow (the wind). — va. to smell, scent, sniff (as dogs) ; to investi- gate, inquire ; to air, to expose to the air. — vr. to have anemosis (timber) ; to be spoiled by the wind ; (coll.) to break wind. venteo, m. (coop.) vent-hole. venteril, n. suited to a poor inn. yentero, ra, m. & f. roadside innkeeper ; scenting-dog. ventilaci6ll,/. ventilation; discussion. ventilador, m. ventilator, ventilating fan or device. ventilar, va. to air, ventilate ; to winnow, to fan ; to examine, discuss. — vn. to circulate (the air). ventisca, /. snow-storm, snow-drift, bliz- zard. ventiBCar^ v. i.npers. to snow with hard wind. ventiSCO, m. snow-drift. V. ventisca. ventlSCOSO, sa, a. windy, stormy, tempestu. ous ; full of snow-drifts. ventisquear, v. impers. to snow hard. ventisquero [ven-tis-kay'-ro], m. snow-storm, snow-drift; glacier; snow-capped moun-. tain. ventola, /. (naut.) top-hamper. ventolera, /. gust, sudden blast of wind ; pin-wheel ; (coll. ) vanity, pride, loftiness ; fancy ; whim. ventolina, /. (naut.) light wind; cat's-paw. ventor, ra, m. &/. pointer (dog); fox-hound. ventorrero, m. exposed, windy place. ventorrillo, ventorro, m. petty inn or tav-- ern. ventosa, /. vent, air-hole, spiracle; (zool.) sucker; (surg. ) cupping; cupping-glass: ventosa seca, dry cupping: ventosa escarifi- cada or sajada, wet cupping : pegar una ven- tosa, (met. ) to swindle one out of his money. ventosear, vn. & vr. to break wind. ventOSidad, /. flatulency, wiudiness. ventOSO, sa, a. windy ; flatulent ; pointing (as a pointer-dog) ; vain, inflated ; stormy, tempestuous. ventral, a. ventral. ventreclllo, zuelo, »«. dim. of viektre. ventrecha, /. belly of fishes. ventregada,/. brood, litter; rush of things. ventrera,/. belly-band, sash, cummerbund. ventricular, a. ventricular. ventriculo, m. (anat. and zool.) ventricle; any cavity of the heart or brain. ventril, m'. counterpoise of the beam iu oH- mills. VentrilOCUO, m. ventriloquist. ventriloquia, /. ventriloquism. Ventr6n, m. aiu/. large belly ; (cook.) tripe. ventroso, sa, ventrudo, da, a. big-bellied, Ventura, /. happiness, felicity ; luck, for- tune ; chance, hazard, hap, venture ; risk, danger: buena ventura, fortune told by cards, etc. : por ventura, by chance : probar ventura, to try one's fortune, to venture iit, on, or upon : k ventura or k la ventura, at a venture, at hazard. venturado, da, a. luckv, fortunate, venturanza,/. happine'ss. venturer©, ra, a. lucky, fortunate : adventu- rous ; idle. — m. fortune-hunter, adventurer. venturina,/. gold-stoov., aventurin. venture, ra, «. future ; coming. Ventur6n, //*. ang. great luck. Venturosamente, adr. luckily, fortunately. venturOSO, sa, a. lucky, fortunate, success- ful, happy, prosperous. Venus, m. (ast.) Venus, evening star.— f. a belle, a beauty ; venery, sensual i)lea.sure ; (cheni.) copper. venustidad,/. beauty, gracefulness. venustO, ta, a. beautiful, graceful. venza, /. scarfskin, used by gold-beaters. ver, va. (pp. viSTO: gerund, vikndo: /«erson : fore- a M in far : e to eh I ; i in police ; o in for ; « In bull ; c (befort e, i) and g as tb in thick ; b hh.i d. oott i VER 563 VER 3ee, forecast; to fancy, imagine; to judge; to realize, acknowledge a fact ; to find out, discover; (law) to try a cause. — ir. to be seen ; to be conspicuous ; to find one's self in a state or situation, as verie en aporos, to be in trouble or to be puzzled ; to be obvious or evident ; to meet, have an in- terview ; to see one's self in a glass : al ver, to see one, at cards : k ver or ve&moslo, let us see it : 4 mis ver or hasta mis ver, (coll.) farewell, until we meet again: hacer ■ver, to show or to make appear : si te vi (ya) no me acaerdo, out of sight, out of mind: ver tierras or mundo, to travel : eso nada tiene que ver con esto, that has nothing to do with this : ver k burtadillas, to look over the shoulders : ver venir, to see what one is driving at ; to await results : estar por ver, to be yet to come to pass ; to be doubtful : no poder ver k algumo, to abhor or detest one : ver viiionei, to build castles in the air : ver el cielo abierto, to see a great opportuni- ty : ver si, to try to, to attempt : verse or ver en ello, to consider, to weigh in the mind : verse con algnno, to have a talk with one : ya se ve, it is evident ; of course ; cer- tainly ; to be sure : verse entre or en las astas del toro, to be in the greatest danger : ver las estrellas, to feel lively pain ; to see stars. ver, m. sense of sight, seeing ; looks, light, view, aspect, appearance : k mi ver, in my opinion, as it looks to me. vera,/, edge, border; (Amer.) (bot.) tree re- sembling guaiacum : vera eflgies, faithful portrait. veracidad, /. veracity, truthfulness. veranada,/. summer season. veranadero, m. summer pasture. yeranar, veranear, vn. to spend or pass the summer. veraneo, m. summering. V. veranero. veranero, m. place where cattle graze in summer. veraniegO, ga, a. estival, summer ; thin or sickly in summer ; weak, light. VeranillO, ni. dim. veranlllo de San Martin, Indian summer. Verano, m. summer season ; in Ecuador, the dry season. Teras, /. pi. reality, truth ; earnestness, fer- vour : de veras, in truth, really ; joking apart : con muchas veras, very earnestly. Teratro, m. (bot.) hellebore. V. eleboro. Veraz, a. veracious, truthful. verbal, a. verbal ; oral ; nuncupatory, nun- cupative : copia verbal, literal copy, Verbalmente, adv. verbally, orally, by word of mouth. verbasco, m. (hot.) verbascum, mullein. verbena,/, (bot.) vervain, verbena; night festival on the eve of a saint's day : coger la verbena, to rise early to take a walk. Verben&ceo, a, a. (bot.) verbenaceous.— p/. verbenacea, vervain family. verbenear, vn. to abound, to be plentiful ; to rush to and fro. verberaci6n,/. verberation. Verberar, va. to verberate, beat, strike, dart against (as wind and water). Verbigracia, adv. for example, for instance : in abbreviation, v. g. or v. gr., corresponding to e. g. in English books. VerbO, m. Word, second person of the holy Trinity ; (gram.) verb: verbo activo, transi- tive or active verb : verbo nentro, intransi- tive or neuter verb : verbo substantlvo, the verb ser, as indicating essence or substance : verbo adjetivo, any verb except ser: verbo defectivo, any verb of which only a f«w modes are used : on un verbo, at once, with* out delay : echar verbos, to curse, to swear. verbosidad, /. verbosity, wordiness. verbOSO, sa, a. verbose, prolix. verdacho, m. (art) green earth. verdad, /. truth, veracity, reality ; verity, fact ; axiom, maxim, truism : verdad de Pe- rogrullo, notorious truth : verdad es que or es verdad que, true it is that : tratar verdad, to love truth : k la verdad or de verdad, tru- ly, in fact, in truth : es verdad, it is true: en verdad, truly : la para verdad, the honest truth : decir cuatro verdades, to speak ons's mind freely. verdadex^jnente, adv. truly, in fact, verily, iudeed, legitimately. verdadero, ra, a. true, real, sincere, gen- uine, veritable ; truthful. verdal, a. cirnela verdal, green gage. yerdasca,/. twig, bough, thin branch. yerde, a. green ; verdant ; unripe, immature, undeveloped ; fresh ; young, blooming ; ver- dant; loose, immodest, sm'.itty, ofif-Z. eccle- siastical robes. Vestir, va. to clothe, dress, accoutre ; to deck, embellish, adorn ; to make clothes for oth- ers ; to cloak, disguise, palliate ; to give an appearance or semblance ; to cover; (mas.) to rough-cast. — vn. to dress in an especial colour or fashion : vestir de uniforme, to dress in uniform : vestir bien, to be dressed in good taste. — vr. to dress one's self ; to be covered ; to be clothed. vestuario, m. apparel, wardrobe, clothes, clothing, vesture, dress; uniform; (mil.) equipment, outfit, habiliment; (eccl.) ves- try ; money given to ecclesiastics for dress, <;tc. ; (theat.) wardrobe, green-room, dress- ing-room. vestugo, m. tiller, sprout of an olive-tree. Veta,/ (min.) vein, seam, lode, dike ; vein in wood or marble, grain, flake ; coloured stripe in fabrics : descubrir la veta, i/o dis- cover one's sentiments or designs. vetadO, da, veteadO, da, a. striped, veined, streaky, cross-grained, -mottled. Vetear, va. to variegate, to grain. Veterano, na, a, (mil.) veteran ; experi- enced, long practised. — m. veteran, old sol- dier. veterinaria, /. veterinary science. veterinario, m. veterinarian. veto, m. veto ; prohibition, interdict. vetustez,/. antiquity, notable old age. Vetusto, ta, a. very ancient or old. Vez [veth], /. turn ; time ; herd of swine li>e- longing to the inhabitants of a place.— /»/. power or authority committed to a substi- tute : cada vez, each time : i la vez, at once, together : k la vez q«e, while, whilst : uno k la vez, one at a time : una vez, once : doe vo- ces, twice : tree veces, thrice or three times : de una vez, at once : mis de una vez, more than once: en vez de, instead of: tal vez, perhaps, perchance: tal cual vez, seldom, rarely, once in a while: otra vez, again.^ once more ; some other time : llegari m£ vez, my turn will come : hacer las veces de, otro, to supply one's place : k veces or alguna^ vez, sometimes, on some occasions : todas^ las veces que, whenever, as often as. veza,/. (hot.) vetch. V. ARVEJA. vezar, va. &vr. to accustom, habituate, inure. via, /. way, road, route, tread, trail, path ; carriage track; (r. w. ) grade, track, line; way, mode, manner, method, procedure, gait ; passage, gut in the animal body ; spiritual life : per via, in a manner or form : via ejecutiva, (law) levy, a legal writ of ex-, ecution ; attachment: via f^rrea, railroad, railway : via ancha, (r. w. ) broad gauge : via angosta, narrow gauge : via l&ctea, (ast.), Milky Way : via publica, streets of a town :. via recta, straight along, straight forward : via de agua, (naut.) leak: via crucis or viiv. sacra, (eccl.) Calvary. viabilidad, /. (med.) viability. viable, «. viable, capable of living. Viadera, /. harness-shaft of a loom. viador, m. traveller, in a mystical sense.. Viaducto, m. viaduct. viaiador, ra, m. & /. traveller. Viajante, /»«. travelling. — m. or/, travellery. voyager. — m. commercial traveller. Viajar, vn. to travel, to voyage, to journey.. Vlajata,/. trip, excursion. Viaje, m. journey, tour, voyage, travel, trip ;• passage ; gait ; excursion ; errand ; load carried at once ; (hyd.^ water main, water supply ; way, road ; (arch.) obliquity: buen. vlajs, God speed : viiije redondo, round trip. Viajero, ra, m. &,/. traveller, passenger, vial, c relating to roads. — m. avenue, ;ane. vialidad,/. system of public roads. Vianda,/. food, viands, meat, victuals, fare; meal. — pi. (Cuba) vegetables for ajiaco. Viandante, m. or /. traveller, passenger • tramp. viaraza,/. (vet.) looseness, diarrhoea. Viaticar, va. (eccl.) to administer the viatic cum. ViktiCO, VI. viaticum, provision for a jour-v ney ; (eccl.) viaticum. Vibora,/. viper; perfidious person. viborezno, na, m. young, small viper. Vibracion, /. vibration, oscillation, jar, shaking. Vibrante, pa. vibrating, shaking. Vibrar, va. to vibrate, shake, jar, brandish ; to throw, cast, dart.— vn. to vibrate, osciU VlbratoriO, ria, a. vibratile ; vibratory. viburno, «*. (bot.) viburnum. Vicaria, f. viearship ; vicarage : vicaria per- petua, perpetual curacy. vicariate, »«. vicarage ; viearship. VicariO. rla, a. vicarial, vicarious ; vicariate. —m, vicar, deputy ; (eccl.) vicar, vicariate : vicario de coro, choral-vicar, superintendent of the choir : vioario general, vicar-general. vice, prefix, denoting second rank. viceaimiranta, /. galley next in order ta the admiral's. vicealmirantazgo, m. vice-admiralty. vicealmirante, m. vice-admiral. vicecanciller. m. vice-chancellor. vlceconsiliario, m. vice-counsellor. vicec6nsul. v. vice-consul. viceconsulado, m. vice-consulate. Vicedi6s, m. sovereign pontift^ Vicegerente, a. assistant manager. Vicenal, a. lasting twenty years ; occurring^ every twenty years. f(hi'inr-i'. nnn-i 1 «» h in hot: h. siiptit; 11 in brilliant; ft, nyfn canyon.; nOniUal) ami rr trilled; «, VIC 566 VIL v*cepresidencia, /. vice-presidency. ^Icepresidente, m. vice-president. vioeprovincia, /. (eccl.) religious houses en- joying the rank of a province. vicerrector, ra, m. & f. vice-rector. Vicesecretaria,/. assistant secretaryship. vicesecretariO, ria, m. &f. assistant secre- tary. yic^simo, ma, a. twentieth, r. vigesimo. Ticia,/. tare. V. arveja. TlciadO, pp. & a. foul, contaminated : aire vi- ciado, foul air. ▼iciar, va. to vitiate, mar, spoil ; to counter- feit, adulterate ; to forge, falsify ; to annul, make void ; to deprave, pervert, corrupt ; to misconstrue. — vr. to deliver one's self up to vices ; to become too much attached or ad- dicted to anything. TiClO, m. defect, imperfection, blemish, dam- age; viciousness, faultiness, depravation, folly ; vice, moral corruption, depravity ; artifice, fraud ; excessive appetite, extrava- gant desire ; excessive growth of plants ; forwardness, waywardness (of children) ; ■vices of horses or mules : de vicio, by habit •or custom : qnejarse de vicio, to complain habitually. ■viciOPamente, adv. viciously ; falsely ; cor- ruptly, TiciOSO, sa, a. vicious ; defective ; corrupt ; unruly (a horse) ; spoiled (a child) ; luxu- riant, overgrown, vigorous ; abundant. Vicisitud,/. vicissitude. ViCisitudinariO, ria, a. vicissitudinary. victiina,/. victim. victimario, m. servant who attends the sac- rificing priest. VlctO, m. a day's sustenance. i victor ! interj. & m. shout, huzza ; long live ! vlctorear, va. to shout, huzza, v. victorear. victoria,/, victory, triumph, conquest, palm ; ^/iar. ) victoria : cantar victoria, to boast of a riumph : cantar la victoria, to celebrate a victory : \ victoria I interj. victory ! Victorlal, «. relating to victory. victoriosamente, adv. victoriously. victorioso, sa, a. victorious, triumphant. ViCUfla,/. vicuna or vicugna. Vid, /. (bot.) vine, grape-vine. Vida, /. life, existence, being ; living person, human being; living, sustenance, liveli- hood ; duration ; conduct, behaviour, de- portment; state, condition; activity, ani- jnatiou, liveliness ; (law) term of ten years : vida mia or mi vida, my life ; expression of endearment : tuscar la vida, to earn an hon- est livelihood : dar mala vida, to treat very ill : darse buena vida, to live comfortably : 4e por vida, for life, during life : en mi vida or en la vida, never : personas de mala vida or de la vida airada, profligate libertines: pasar la vida, to live very frugally : i por -Tida I by Jove ! tener siete vidas, to liave es- caped many perils. vide, (Lat.) see: direction, in books, to the reader, commonly abbreviated to V. (Vidita! /. (Sp. Am.) my life ! expression of tenderness. vidente, pa. seeing. — m. a seer. vidriado, da, pp. & «. glazed.— m. glazing ; glazed earthenware, crockery. Vidriar, va. to varnish, to glaze earthenware. Vidriera, /. glass window or partition ; glass case, show-case, show-window. vidrieria, /. glazier's shop ; glass factory ; glass-shop ; glassware. Vidriero, m. glazier ; glassblower ; dealer in glass. Vidrio, m. glass ; any article made of glas**, anything very nice and brittle ; a very touchy person : vidrio coloreado or de color, stained glass : vidrioa pianos or de vidriera, window glass : ir al vidrio, to ride backward in a coach : pagar los vidrios rotos, to receive undeserved punishment. VidriOSO, sa, a. vitreous, brittle, glassy ; slippery (from sleet) ; peevish, touchy. Vidual, o. belonging to widowhood. VidUilO, VidueflO, m. quality of grape-vines. viejarrdn, na, m. (coll.) old codger. vlejecito, ita, zuelo, ela, a. & m. &/. dim. nice old person. ViejO. ja, «. old, aged ; ancient, antiquated ; stale ; worn-out ; old-fashioned : cnentos de viejas, old woman's stories : perro vicijo, (coll.) experienced person ; old dog Vienense, a. of Vienne (France). vien^S, sa, a. Viennese, of Vienna (Austria). VientecillO, m. dim. light wind. VientO, m. wind ; air ; vanity, petty pride ; scent of dogs ; nape-bone of a dog, "between the ears; brace, guy, bracing rope; (arti.) windage; (naut.) wind; course: vienio «s bolina, (naut.) scant wind: vlento contrario, foul wind : vientos generales, trade-winds : viento en popa, wind right aft : viento escaao. slack wind : viento terral or de tierra, laad breeze : qnitar el viento k an bajel, to blanket a ship. Vientre, m,. belly, abdomen ; stomach ; preg- nancy ; belly or widest part of vessels : re- 868 de vientre, breeding cattle : deacargar el vientre, to exonerate the belly. VientrecillO, m. dim. ventricle. Viemes, m. Friday ; fast-day : cara de vier- ne8, wan, thin face : Viemes Santo, Good Friday. Viga, /. beam, girder, sill, joist, rafter, baulk , mill-beam ; quantity of olives pressed bv the beam at once : viga do aire, joist : viga maestra, continuous girder. Vigente, a. (law) in force; standing. vigesimal, a. vigesimal. vigesimo, ma, a. twentieth. Vlgia, /. watch-tower ; watch, watching ; (naut.; shoal, rock. — m. lookout, watch. Vigiar, vn. to keep a look out, to watch. vigilancia, /. vigilance, watchfulness, neod- fulness. vigilante, a. watchful, vigilant, careful.— m. watchman, guard. vlgilantemente, adv. vigilantly, heedfully. Vigilar, m. to watch over, to keep guard. VigilatiVO, va, «. that which makes watchful. Vigilia, /. vigil, wakefulness, watchfulness, the act of watching ; lucubration, nocturnal study ; (eccl.) vigil,- fast ; eve ; (mil.) watch, guard. vigor, m. vigour, strength, force, energy. vigorar, vigorizar, va. (pre/. viooRicfi: subj. vigorice) to strengthen, invigorate ; to animate, encourage, inspirit. Vigorosamente, adv. vigorously, lustily, vigorosidad, /. vigour, strength, vigoroso, sa, a. vigorous, strong, active ' substantial. Vigota,/. (naut.) dead-eye, chain-plate. VigUeXla [ve-dray-ree'-ah], /. set of girderg or beams ; timber-work. Vigu6s, sa, a. & VI. &f. native of Vigo. Vigueta [ve-tray'-tahl, /. dim. small beam. Vinuela [ve-oo-ay'-lah],/. guitar. Vihuelista, m. or/, guitar-player. Vil, ". mean, despicable, base, vile, sordid ; worthless, infamous, ungrateful ; contemp- tible, abject, paltry. a M in far ; e In eh I ; 1 iu police ; o in tor ; U In boll ; c (before e, 1) and z as th in thick ; b and d, soft ; VIL 567 VIO ▼UanO, m. burr or down of the thistle. Vileza,/. meanness, vileness, depravity ; dis- graceful action, infamous deed. Vilipendiador, ra, a. & n. reviling ; reviler. Vllipendiar, va. to contemn, to revile. VilipendiO, m. contempt, disdain. vilipendioso, sa, a- contemptible. vUmente, adv. vilely ; abjectly, contempti- bly, villainously. VilO (en), adv. in the air ; insecurely ; in suspense. VilordO, da, a. slothful, lazy, heavy. Vilorta, /. hoop, ring of twisted willow ; clasp-ring of a plough ; washer ; game re- sembling lacrosse. Vilorto, m. variety of reed ; snare of this reed ; reed or twig hoop ; crosse for playing vilorta. VilOS, m. (Philip.) two-masted vessel. villa, /. town ; government of a villa : coun- try-seat, villa. VilladiegO, m. coger or tomar las de Villadle- go, to run away, to leave in haste. Villaje, m. village ; hamlet. Villanaje, m. villanage ; peasantry. VlUanamente, adv. rudely, boorishly. villancejo, villancete, ylllancico, m. Christmas carol. Villanciquero, m. writer or singer of viUan- CiCOB. Villancllbn, na, a. clownish, rustic, rude. Villaneria, /. lowness of birth ; meanness. Villanesco, ca, a. rustic, rude, boorish. Villania, /. lowness of birth, meanness ; vil- lainy, villainousness ; vile deed. Villano, na, a. rustic, clownish ; villainous, wicked. — m. Spanish tune and dance ; vil- lain ; a rustic. Villanote, «. & m. aug. great villain. Villar, m. village, hamlet. VillazgO, m. charter of a town ; tax laid upon towns. Villeta,/. dim. small town or borough. Villoria,/. hamlet, settlement, farm. Villorin, m. a sort of coarse cloth. Villorrio, m. small village or hamlet. vimbre, m. (bot.) osier, willow. V. mimbre. vimbrera,/. v. mimbreka. Vinagrada, /. refreshment made with vine- gar. Vlnagre, m. vinegar ; acidity, sourness ; (coll.) grouty person. Vlnagrero, ra, m. & f. vinegar-merchant. — /. vinegar-cruet, caster; (S. Am.) heart- burn. Vlnagreta,/. (cook.) vinegar sauce. Vinagn^llO, m. dim. weak vinegar ; cosmetic lotion ; rose-vinegar ; snutF prepared with rose-vinegar. VinagrOSO, sa, a. vinegary, vinegarish, sour- ish ; peevish, grouty. ▼Inajera, f. (eccl.) wine vessel for the mass^ VlnarlegO, m. vintager. VlnariO, ria, n. belonging to wine. Vinateria,/. wine-trade; wine-shop. Vinatero, ra, a. pertaining to wine. — m. vintner, wine-merchant.—/, (naut.) strop, trieing-line. Yinaza, /. wine drawn from the lees. yinazo, m. very strong wine. Vinculable, a. that may be entailed. Vinculacidn, /. (law) entail. Vlncular, va. (law) to entail an estate ; to ground or found upon ; to continue, to per- petuate. vinculo, m. tie, bond of union, vinculum ; (law) entail. Vlndicaci6n, /. vindication, defence. vindicar, va. {pret. vindiqu^: subj. vix- diq'ue) to vindicate, revenge, avenge ; to justify, defend, support; (law) to reclaim, repossess, replevy. vindicative, va,'". vindictive, revengeful; defensive, vindicative. VindicatoriO, ria, a. vindicatory. Vindicta, /. vengeance, revenge : vindictti pnblica, public vengeance. VinicO, ca, a. vinic, pertaining to wine. Vinicola, a. wine-growing. — n*. vintager. vinicultor, ra, m. &f. wine-grower. Vinicultura, /. wine-growing. viniebla,/. (bot.) hound's-tongue. Vinificaci6n, /. vinification. vino, m. wine ; fermented juice from any fruit: vino clarete, claret or pale red wine: vino de cuerpo, strong-bodied wine : vino de l&grima, mother-drop or virgin wine: vino tinto, red wine : vino peledn, very common wine: vino de pasto, wine for daily use: vino de Jerez, sherry wine : vino de Oporto, port wine : vino de coco, (Philip.) fermented milk of coconuts: vino de nipa, (Philip.) fermented juice of nipa. Vinolencia, /. excess in drinking wine. VinolentO, ta, «. fond of drinking wine to excess. vinosidad,/. vinosity. ' vinoso, sa, a. vinous, vinose ; addicted to wine. Vinote, m. liquid remaining in the boiler after distilling wine. vinta,/. (Philip.) V. baroto. villa, /. vineyard. vifladero, m. keeper of a vineyard. Viflador, m. viticulturist ; husbandman. Viiledo, m. vineyard. Viilero, ra, m. &/. owner of vineyards. Vifleta, /. (print, and photo.) vignette. Vifletero, m. (typ.) font-case for vignettes. VifLuela, /. dim. small vineyard. viola,/, (mus.) viola; player on the viola; (bot.) violet. V. alhelI. vlol&ceo, ea, a. violaceous, violet-coloured. —f. pi. (bot.) Violaceae. Vioiaci6n, /. violation. violado, da, pp. & a. violated ; violaceous. violador, ra, m. & f. violator ; infringer, profaner. Vlolar, va. to violate, break, infringe, trans- gress ; to ravish, rape ; to profane, dese- crate ; to spoil, to tarnish. violar, m. patch or bed of violets. ViOlencia, /. violence, impetuousness, com-" pulsion, force; intensity, fury; rape, out- rage. violentamente, adv. violently, forcibly. Violentar, va. to enforce by violent means, to violate, force ; to misconstrue ; to break into, force open. — vr. to force one's self to do a thing. ViOlentO, ta, a. violent, impetuous, boister- ous, furious ; forced, unnatural ; strained, absurd, erroneous, misconstrued. Vlolero, m. player upon the viola. Violeta,/. (bot.) violet. ViOletO, m. clingstone peach. V. peladi- LLO. violin, m. (mus.) violin, fiddle; fiddler, vio- linist. Violinista, m. (mus.) violinist. Viol6n, m. (mus.) bass-viol, double bass; player on the bass-viol : tocar el violon, to do or say something absurd or nonsensical. Violonceiista, m. or f. violoncellist, cellist. VioloncelO, »t. (mus.) violoncello, cello violonchelo, m. v. violoncei-o { (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; h, silent: U in brilliant; A, By In canyon ; r nnitiM) and rr trilled ; >. iiiRBed. VIP 568 VIS yip6reo, rea, viperino, na, a. viperine, viperous. vira, /. dart or arrow ; welt of a shoe. Vlrada,/. (naut.) tacking, tack. Virador, m. (uaut. ) top-rope; viol. yirar, va. (naut.) to tack, veer, wear, to put about; to wind, twist, heave (as the cap- stan). Viratbn, m. large dart or arrow. 'Vlraz6n, /. sea-breeze. Vireo, m. (om. ) vireo. V. viRio. Virgen [veer'-iien], a. virgin, maiden ; chaste, undefiled, spotless ; untried, new (as soil). — m. man who has had no carnal knowledge of woman.—/, virgin^ maiden, maid ; the Holy Virgin Mary ; image of the Virgin ; standard of the beam of an oil-mill. virgiliano, na, a. Virgiiian. virginal, virgineo,nea, a. virginal, maiden, virgin. Virginia,/, (bot.) Virginia tobacco. Virginidad,/. virginity, maidenhood. Virgo, m. virginity; (anat.) hymen; (ast.) Virgin. Virgula, /. virgule, small rod ; slight line. Virgulilla, /. any fine stroke or light line ; (print.) comma, apostrophe, tilde, any dia- { critical sign. Viril, m. clear and transparent glass ; (eccl.) monstrance. viril, a. virile, manly. Virilidad, /. virility, manhood ; vigour, strength. virilmente, adv. in a manly manner. ViriO, m. (orn.) vireo. virina,/. (Philip.) v. guardabrisa. Viripotente, «. marriageable, nubile (wom- en). virol, m. (her. ) virole. Virola,/. collar, hoop, ferrule, check-ring on goads. virolento, ta, a. diseased with small-pox, pock-marked. Virdn, m. aug. large dart. VirotaZO, m. wound with a virote. Vlrote, m. shaft, dart, arrow ; iron rod fast- ened to a collar on the neck of a slave to prevent his running away ; vine three years old ; (coll.) stuck-up man ; April fool's trick. VirotillO, m. (arch.) intertie. virreina, /. lady of a viceroy. virreinato, virreino, m. viceroyship. virrey [vir-ray'-e], 1)1. viccroy. virtual, «. virtual. Virtualidad./. virtuality, efficacy. Virtualmente, adv. virtually, in effect. vlrtud, /. virtue, efficacy, power, force ; moral goodness, righteousness, integrity, rectitude ; habit, disposition, virtuous life ; vigour, courage.-^/, (theol.) fifth choir of the celestial spirits : en virtud de, in virtue of. virtuosamente, adv. virtuously. virtuoso, sa, a. virtuous, just, righteous ; chaste ; powerful, vigorous. Viruela, /. (med. ) pock • small-pox : viraelai locas, good or favourable small-pox : vlrue- las bastardai, chicken-pox. virulencia, /. virulence, virus; acrimony, malignance. virulentO, ta, a. virulent, malignant; puru- lent, sanious. virus, m. (med.) virus, poison, contagion. vlruta, /. wood shaving. vis, /. vlB c6mica, (theat. ) verve. Visaije, m. grimace, grin, smirk : hacer visa- je», to make wry faces. visajcro, ra, m. &f. one who makes grimaces. Visar, va. to vis6 ; to countersign. Visaya, «. & m. & /. Visayan.— m. Visayan language. viscera, /. \iscus.— pi. viscera. visceral, a. visceral. ViSCO, m. bird-lime. V. liga. ViSCOSidad, /. viscity, viscosity, glutinous. ness. Viscoso, sa, a. viscous, viscid, glutinous, mucilaginous. Visera, /. vizor of a cap or helmet ; eye- shade ; box with a spy-hole, used by pigeon fanciers; (Cuba) blinder, winkor (for a horse). visibilidad,/ visibility. visible, a. visible, perceptible, clear, evident, apparent, open ; conspicuous. Visiblemente, adv. visibly, clearly ; evi- dently. VisigOdO, da, a. &m. &f. Visigoth. VisigdtiCO, ca, a. Visigothic. VisiHo, m. window-curtain or shade. Visi6n, /. sight, vision ; dream, fantasy ; phantom, apparition ; revelation, prophecy ; (coll. ) grotesque person, a guy : ver ▼iBl<»- neB, to build castles in the air. visionario, ria, a. & m. & f. visionarj ; dreamer. Visir, m. vizier, Turkish prime minister. Vidita, /. visit, social call ; visitor, visitant, caller, guest, company; visitation, inspec- tion, register, examination ; (eccl.) tribunal for the inspection of prisons ; hall of said tribunal; (med.) visit: hacer una visita, to pay a call : tener visita, to have company : derecho de viBita, (naut.) right of search. Visitaci6n, /. visitation, visiting, visit. Visitador, ra, m. & /. visitor, visitant, fre- quent caller. — m. searcher, surveyor, inspec- tor : vlBitador de reglBtro, (naut.) searcher of < goods on board of ships ; tide-waiter. Visitar, va. to visit, to call on or upon ; (med.) to visit a patient; (law) to make a judicial visit, search, or survey ; to try weights and measures ; to examine prisons ; (naut. ) to search ships ; to travel, to trav- erse many countries ; to investigate, in- quire, ascertain personally ; to appear, as a celestial spirit ; to frequent a place ; (eccl.) to visit religious persons and establishments as an ecclesiastical judge ; (theol.) to send a special counsel from heaven ; (law) to make an abstract of the charge against a prisoner at visitation. — vr. to visit, to keep up social intercourse. Vlsiteo, m. frequent visiting or calling. Visitero, ra, a. (coll.) fond of making calls. VlSitica, ilia, /. dim. short call. Visitdn, m. aug. (coll.) long and tedious call, .visivo, va, a. Visive. ''Vislunibrar; va. to glimpse, to have a glim- mer of a thing ; to see imperfectly at a dis- tance ; to know imperfectly, to conjecture. Vlslumbre, /. glimpse, glimmer, glimmer- ing ; conjecture, surmise ; appearance, sem- blance. vlso, m. prospect, elevated spot, outlook; lustre, gleam, sheen, flash, glare; coloured slip worn under a transparent frock ; col- our, cloak, pretence, pretext ; aspect, ap- pearance, semblance: k dos vIbob, with a double view or design : al vIbo, viewed side- wise (fabrics) to examine the sheen. ViSOgOdO, da, a. &vi. &f, Visigoth. Vis6n, m. American mink. visorio, ria, a. visual, optic. — vi. expert examination. « M !n far : e In eh I : i in police ; o in for ; n in boll ; c (before e, i) and c as th in thick ; b and d. Bolt ; vis 569 VIV ▼ispera,/. eve, day before; forerunner, pre- lude ; anything that precedes another. — jd. vesper, evening ; (eccl. ) vespers : en Tisperas de, at the eve of. vista,/, sight, seeing, vision, view ; eye, eye- sight ; glance, look: aspect, appearance; pr'ospect, view, landscape, vista ; appari- tion ; meeting, interview ; clear knowledge or perception ; relation, respective connec- tion, comparison ; intent, view, purpose ; opinion, judgment ; (law) trial of a case. — in. vista de aduana, custom-house inspector. —f.pl. meeting, conference, interview ; wed- ding presents from a bride and bridegroom, to each other; lights, windows, balconies, verandas ; bosom, collar and cuffs of a shirt : k la vista, (com.) on sight ; before, near, in view : i. primera vista, at first view : k vista de, in presence of: aguzar la vista, to sharp- en the sight or perception : dar una vista, to five a passing glance : i hasta la vista I good- ye ! perderse de vista, (coll.) to excel; to be very smart : conocer de vista, to know by sight : echar una vista, to look after : tener vista, to be showy : hacer la vista gorda, to wink, to connive : en vista de, in conse- quence of ; in consideration of. yistazo, m. glance : dar un vistazo, to glance, to look after. vistiUas, /. p/. eminence, prospect, outlook. VistO, ta, pp. irr. of VER & a. obvious, evi- dent, clear ; (law) whereas : bien visto, § roper or approved : mal visto, improper or isapproved : visto bueno (in abbreviation V°. B°. ) , correct, approved, O. K. : visto es or visto esti, it is evident : no visto, extraordi- nary, prodigious : visto que, considering that, whereas. — m. (law) each paragraph of a judgment or decision beginning with " whereas." Vistosamente, adv. beautifully, delightfully. VistOSO,sa, a. showy, beautiful ; flaring, loud. Visual, ". visual. visualidad, /. visuality. visura, /. ocular inspection ; expert exam- ination. vital, (I. vital, essential, necessary. VitaliciO, Cia, «. lasting for life ; during life : pension vitallcia, annuity, life pension : em- pleo vitalicio, employment or place for life. — m. life-insurance policy. Vitalicista, m. or/, one who enjoys life-an- uuitv. vitalidad,/ vitality. Vitalismo, m. vitalism. Vitalista, a. & n. vitalist. vitando, da, «. that ought to be shunned or avoided ; odious, execrable. Vitela, /. vellum, parchment, vitelina, a. vitelline. Viticola, a. viticultural. — m. viticulturist, vine-grower. Viticultura, /. viticulture. VitO, m. lively dance and tune. Vitola,./". (rail.) ball calibre, standard gauge ; standard shape and size for cigars ; ( Amer. ) appearance, mien, of a person. Vitor, m. triumphal pageant ; commemora- tive tablet : i vitor I interj. huzza ! long live ! Vitorear, va. to shout, huzza, acclaim. Vitre, in. thin canvas. Vitreo, trea, a. vitreous, glassy. Vitrificable, a. vitrificable. Vitrificacibn, /. vitrification, vitrifaction, vitriflcar, va. to vitrify. Vitrina, f. show-case. Vitriolado, da, a. vitriolate, vitriolated. Vitriblico, ca, a. vitriolic. Vitriolo, m. (chem.) vitriol, sulphate. Vitualla,/. victuals, viands, food, provisions. Vituallar, va. (mil.) to victual. vitiQo marino, m. v. becerro marino. Vituperable, a. vituperable, blameworthy, coudemnable. vituperacl6n, /. vituperation. Vituperador, ra, m. &/. a blamer, censurer. Vltuperante, pa. vituperating, censuring, de- crying. Vituperar, va. to vituperate, censure, re- proach, blame, decry, condemn. VituperiO, m. vituperation, reproach, blame, censure ; insult, affront ; infamy, disgrace. vituperiosamente or vltuperosamente, adv. opprobriously, reproachfully. vituperioso, sa, vituperoso, sa, a. oppro- brious, reproachful. Viuda, /. widow ; dowager ; (bot.) mourning bride. , Viudal, a. belonging to a widow or widower. viudedad, /. pension to a widow. viudez, /. widowhood. viudita, /. dim. spruce little widow; (bot.) mourning bride. viudo, m. widower.— a. applied to birds that pair. viva, m. huzza, shout, acclamation: i viva I interj. long live ! hurrah, huzza ! Vivac, m. (mil.) bivouac, night-guard. vivacidad, /. vivacity, liveliness, briskness, vigour; brilliancy. Vivamente, adv. vividly, lively, quickly. vivandero, ra, m. &/. (mil.) sutler. Vivaque [ve-vah'-kay], »i. (mil.) bivouac. vivaquear, vn. to bivouac. Vivar, m. warren, burrow ; vivarium, vivary. VivarachO, Cha, a. lively, smart, sprightly, frisky. vivaz, a. lively, active, vigorous ; ingenious, bright,, witty ; (bot.) perennial, evergreen. Viveral, m. (bot.) nursery. Viveres, m. pi. provisions, food, eatables; (mil.) stores. Vlvero, m. (bot.) nursery; warren; fish- pond, vivary. Viveza, /. liveliness, sprightliness ; vigour, activity, gaiety ; celerity, briskness ; ardour, energy, vehemence ; acuteness, perspicacity, penetration; witticism ; strong resemblance; lustre, splendour; grace and brilliancy in the eyes ; inconsiderate word or act. vividero, ra, a. habitable. vividO, da, a. vivid, bright. Vividor, ra, a. thrifty.— »*. &f. long liver, epicure. Vivienda, /. dwelling-house, apartments, lodgings. vlviente, pa. & a. living ; animated. Vlviflcacidn,/. vivification, enlivening. Vivificador, ra, m. &/. vivifier, animator, enlixener. Vivificante, pa. vivifying, life-giving. Viviflcar, va. to vivify, vivificate, animate, enliven ; to comfort, refresh. VivificatlVO, va, a. vivificative, life-giving, animating, comforting. ViviflCO, ca, a. springing from life. Viviparo, ra, a. viviparous. vivlr, vn. to have life, to live ; to enjoy life ; to continue, to last, to keep ; to be remem- bered, to enjoy fame ; to be, to exist ; to be present in memory; to dwell, inhabit, re- side, lodge ; to temporize : viva Vd. mil a&os or mucbos afios, may you live many years, or I wish you a prolonged life ; expression of courtesy : i viva I hurrah .' i qui^n vive 7 (mil.) who is there? g (before e, i) and J as h in hot ; b, silent ; 11 in brilliant : ft, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled : ■, VIV 570 VOL Vlvir, m. life, living, existence: mal vivir, riotous living. viviseccl6n, /. vivisection. ^VO, va, a. alive, living, active ; lively^ effi- cacious, intense ; kindled, live (as tire) ; acute, ingenious ; quick, vivid, bright, smart; hasty, inconsiderate ; diligent, nim- ble ; pure, clean ; lasting, enduring ; tiorid, excellent ; expressive, vehement, persua- sive. — m. edging, border; (sew.) corded seam; (b. b.) nb, ridge, border; (arch.) sharp edge; (vet.) mange, itch, or scab in dogs : al vivo, to the life, vividly : tocar en lo vivo, (met.) to hurt one's feelings ; to touch to the quick : en vivo, living, alive : viva voz, by word of mouth : cal viva, quicklime : carne viva, quick flesh in a wound. yizcacba, /. Peruvian hare. Vizcaino, na, a. Biscayan, of Biscay. VizcondadO, m. viscounjship. ViZCOnde, m. viscount. vizcondesa,/. viscountess. VOCablO, III. word, term, diction, vocable. YOCabulariO, m. vocabulary, dictionary, lexicon. VOCacibn, /. vocation, calling; trade, em- ployment. vocal, a. vocal, oral.—/, (gram, and print.) vowel. — m. voter, in a congregation or as- sembly ; member of a governing body. VOCalizacidn, /. (mus.) vocalization. VOCallzar, vn. ( pret. VOCALIC^ : subj. VOCA- LicE) to vocalize, articulate, vocalnieiite, adv. vocally, orally. VOCatiVO, m. (gram.) vocative, nfth case. YOCeadOr, ra, m. & /. vociferator. — m. town- crier. TOCear, vn. to vociferate, cry out, clamour, scream, bawl, halloo. — va. to cry, publish, announce, proclaim ; to call out, to hail ; to shout, acclaim ; (coll.) to boast publicly. V0Cej6ll, HI. harsh, rawky voice. VOCeria,/. clamour, outcry, hallooing. T0Ciferaci6n, /. vociferation, clamour, out- cry, boast. vociferador, ra, m. &f. vociferator, shouter ; boaster, bragger. "vociferante, pa. vociferating. VOCiferar, vn. to vociferate, bawl, shout, clamour.— ua. to boast, to brag loudly. VOCingleria,/. clamour, outcry ; loquacity. VOCinglero, fa, a. brawling, prattling, chat- tering, vociferous. — m. &/. loud babbler. TOila [vo'-e-iahi, /. term in the game of jack- stones in order that the cast may not count, volada, /. short flight. VOladera, /. float of a water-wheel. voladero, ra, a. volatile, flying, fleeting.— III. precipice, abyss. TOladlzo, za, «, projecting, jutting out, — m. (arch.) corbel. YOladO, W. V. AZUCARILI-O. VOladO, da, a. (print.) high, superior, set above the level of the line. V. azucarillo, VOlador, ra, a. flying ; running fast ; swift ; hanging in the air. — m. sky-rocket; (icht.) flying-nsh ; (bot.) tropical tree of very hard wood.—/", fly-wheel or a steam-engine, voladura,/. blast, explosion, volandas or en volandas, adv. in the air, as if flying ; (coll.) rapidly, swiftly. VOlandera, /. (mill.) runner; grindstone; (coll.) fib, lie; (mech.) washer; (print.) galley-slice. VOlanderO, ra, a. ready to fly (nestling) ; fluttering in the air; fortuitous, casual; unsettled, fleeting, variable, volatile : vapor volandero, (naut.) tramp steamer. volandlllas (en), adv. v. volandas (en). VOlanta, f. (Cuba) two-wheel covered vehicle with very long shafts. VOlante, m. & a. flying, volant, fluttering, unsettled. — m. head-ornament of light gauze ; shuttle-cock ; game of shuttle-cock and battledoor ; screen ; coiners' stamp*- mill ; (watch.) balance-whe^l, escapement; (mach.) fly-wheel; balance beam; foot- boy, lackey, tiger, flunkey ; flier, note, memorandum; (sew.) flounce; (Cuba) V. VOLANTA ; linen coat; (Mex.) dress-coat. VOlantin, vi. apparatus for lishiag. VOlantbn, na, a. able to flv (nestling). VOlapi^, m. feat in bull-fighting : k volapW, adv. half running, half flying. volar, V7i. {ind. VUELO: subj. vuele) to fly (as birds, kites, clouds, etc.) ; to flutter, hover (as insects) ; to run or move swiftly (as a train, arrow, etc.); to vanish, dis- appear ; to rise in the air (as a steeple) ; to make rapid progress ; to act with celerity ; to project, jut out, hang over ; to extend, spread rapidly (as news) ; to explode, burst, — va. to blow up, to spring a mine ; to blast ; to irritate, exasperate; to rouse the game: echar i. volar, to disseminate, publish. VOlateo (al), adv. shooting on the wing. VOlateria, /. fowling ; sporting with hawks ; fowls, flock of birds ; (met.) wool-gathering, fancy-free: de volateria, fortuitously, ad- ventitiously. VOlitil, a. volatile, flying, wafting ; change- able, fickle, fleeting ;" (chem.) volatile. VOlatilldad,/. (chem.) volatility, volatilizar, va. ><]<>nt: II in brilliant: &, ny In canvon: r MniMnO and rr trilled; YUN 674 yunterla, /. number of yantai ; place where draught-oxen are fed. yuntero, m. pioughboy. yunto, ta, a. joined, united, close. V. JCXTO : arar yunto, to plough close. yuraguano, m. (Cuba) r. miraguano. yusera,/. horizontal stone in oil-mills. yusidn,/. (law) precept, command. yUSO, udi\ (obs.) V. DKBAJO and avuso. yute. m. jute (fibre) ; jute fabric. ynxtaponer, va. to juxtapose. yuxtaposici6n,/. juxtaposition. yuyuba,/. jujube. V. azufaifa. E [thay'-dah or thay'-tah], /. twenty-eighth letter of the Spanish alphabe^t ; see Rules for Pro- nunciation at the beginning of this book. I za ! Itiiahi, interj. used to frighten dogs. zabarcera,/. green-grocer (woman). zilbida, Z&blla, f. (bot.) common aloes. jjaborda, /. zabordamlento, m. (naut.) stranding. zabordar, vn. (naut.) to touch ground, to be stranded. zabordo, »«. (naut.) stranding. zabra, /. (naut.) small sailing vessel. zabucar, va. v. bazucar. zabullida, zabullidor, zabullidura, za- bullimiento, zabullir, v. zambullida, ZAMIUJLLIDOR, etc. zabuqueo, m. v. bazuqueo. zaca, /. large leather bag for unwatering a mine. zacapela, zacapella,/. noisy wrangle. zacaie, »*. (Philip.) hay, forage, fodder. zacateca, m. (Cuba) undertaker, sexton. Zacatin, m. street where garments are sold. zacat6n, m. (Amer.) grass for fodder. zacear [thah-tiiay-ar'l, va. to frighten doga away by crying j za I ZadOriJa • [thah-do-ree'-liah], /. (bot.) yellow poppy. zafa, /' basin, bowl. V. jofaina. zafacoca,/. (Amer.) (coll.) squabble, row. zafada, /. flight, escape; (naut.) lightening the ship. zafar, va. to adorn, deck, embellish ; to dis- embarrass, clear from encumbrances ; (naut.) to lighten a ship.— vr. to escape, to avoid risk, to run away ; to avoid, to de- cline ; to excuse or free one's self from trou- ble, to get clear off; to slip off, to part, come off, break loose : zafarse de los bajoa, (naut.) to get clear of the shoals. zafareche, m. tank. v. estaxque. zafari, m. variety of pomegranate. Eafariche, m. shelf for water jugs or jars. zafarrancbo, »». (naut.) clearing for action ; (coll.) ravage, destruction; scuffle, wran- gle, squabble. zafiamente, adv. clownishly, lubberly, clumsily. zafiedad, /. clownishness, rusticity, clumsi- ness. zafiO, fia, a. clownish, coarse, uncivil, igno- rant. zaflO, m. (icht.) variety of conger-eel. zafir, zafiro, m. (jewel.) sapphire. zafireo, ea, zafirlno, na, a. sapphirine.— /. zafirina, (min.) sapphirine. zafo, fa, «. free, disentangled ; exempt from danger or risk ; (naut.) free and clear. zafones, m. pi. overalls. zafra, /. drip-jar, oil-jar; (sad.) broad strap which holds the thills of a cart; (min.) rubbish ; (W. I.) sugar crop. zafre, m. (min. ) zaffre or satfre. zafrero, m. (min.) labourer who clears a mine of rubbish. zaga,/. rear part of anything; load on the back of a carriage.— 7«. the last player at a game of cards : 4 la zaga or en zaga, behind. zagal, m. stout, spirited young man ; swain ; subordinate shepherd ; lad who assists the driver of a stage-coach ; short skirt. zagala, ./". shepherdess, lass, maiden. zagalejO,Ja, /». &/. dim. young shepherd or shepherdess.— m. short skirt ; underskirt, slip. zagal6n, na, m. &/. overgrown lad or girl. zagua,/. (bot.) salt-wort, zagual, m. paddle. zagu&n [tiiaii-goo-ahn'], m. entrance, hall, ves- tibule. zaguanete, m. dim. small vestibule; king> escort of life-guards. zaguero, ra, a. laggard, loitering.— m. back- stop, at the game of pelota. zaharefLO, fta, «. intractable, wild, haggard (birds) ; sour, haughty, indocile. zahari, a. V. zafari. zahena, /. Moorish gold coin. zalierlble, a. blamable, censurable. zaheridor, ra, m. &/. censurer, upbraider. zaberimiento, m. censure, blame. Zaherir Ithah-aj^er'], va. {gerund, ZAHIRIEN- DO : ind. zahiero : pret. el zahiri6 : subj zahiera) to censure, blame, reproach, up- braid ; to mortify one by criticising him with a bad intention. zabina,/. (bot.) sorghum. zahinar, m. sorghum-field. zahinas,/. pi. thin porridge or pap. zaJlones. m.pl. overalls. zahonado, d!a, a. dark brown. zahondar, va. to dig the ground. V. ahon- DAR. — vn. to sink into soft ground (as the feet). Zahora,/. merry lunch party. zaborar, vn. to have a repast with music. zabori [thah-o-ree'l, m. vulgar impostor pre- tending to see hidden things ; prier. zaborra,/. (naut.) ballast. Zaburda [tUah-oor'-dah], /. pig-sty, hog-sty. zaida [Uiah'-e-daii],/. (orn.) variety of heron. zaino, na [thah'-e-no], a. chestnut, zain (horses) ; vicious (animals) ; treacherous, wicked : mirar de zaino or 4 lo zaino, to look sidewise. zalk, f. salaam: hacer la zal&, (coll.) to sa- laam, to wheedle. zalagarda, /. ambuscade, ambush ; gin, trap, snare; sudden attack, surprise; skirmish ; mock-fight. zalama, zalameria, /. flattery, adulation, wheedling. zalamel6, m. v. zalama. zalamero, ra, m. &f. wheedler, flatterei, fawner. zalea, /. undressed sheep-skin. zalear, va. to shake a thing ; to frighten dogs away. zalema, /. salaam, bow, courtesy. zaleo, m. sheep-skin damaged by a wolfs fangs ; shaking or moving to and fro. zalmedina, m. ancient magistrate in Aragon. zalona,/. large earthen jar. zallar, m. (naut.) to ou trig, to train. zamacuco, m. (coll.) dunce, dolt; intoxicar tion, inebriation. zamacueca, /. (S. Am.) Indian dance and its tune. » a« in far ; e In eh U ^ in police ; o in for ; a in boll ; c (before e, i) and z as th in thick : b and d, soft. ZAM 575 ZAP zamanca,/. (coll.) drubbing, flogging. zamaxra,/- sheep-skin jacket worn by shep- herds ; undressed sheep-skin. cajnarrear, t«. to shake, drag, or pull to and fro (as a wolf does a Iamb) ; to drag, to ill- treat ; to pin up close in a dispute. zamarreo, m. dragging or shaking from side to side. zamarriCO, m. dim. portmanteau or bag of sheejj-skiu. Bamarrilla, /. (bet.) poly, mountain ger- mander. zamarro, m. shepherd's coat of sheep-skins ; sheep or lamb-skin ; (coll.) dolt, dunce. — m. pi. (Amer. ) leather leggings. zamarrdn, m. aug. large sheep-skin jacket. zambaigO, ga, a. & m. & f. Indian and Chinese half-breed. zambapalo, »i. ancient dance and tune. zambarco, »». (sad.) broad breast-strap. ZiunbigO, ga, a. bandy-legged. zambo, ba, a.&m.&f. knock-kneed; In- dian and mulatto half-breed. — m. American wild monkey, cebus, sapajou. zamboa, /. (bot.) v. azamboa. zambomba, /. rustic drum with the head pierced by a reed which, when rubbed with the moistened hand, produces a hoarse sound : i zambomba I interj. whew ! zambombo, m. (coll.) clown, rustic, ill-bred person. zamboronddn, na, zamborotudo, da, a. awkward, clumsy, ill-shaped. zambra,/. Moorish festival or feast; merry- making ; kind of Moorish boat, zambucar, va. to hide a thing by mixing it among others, zambuco, m. (coll.) hiding, concealing a card among others. Zambullida, /. diving, plunge, dipping, ducking, submersion ; (.fenc.) thrust on the breast. zambullidor, ra, m. &. /. one who dives or plunges. zambullidura,/. zambullimiento, m. div- ing, ducking, plunge, submersion. zambullir, ra. to duck, give a ducking. — vr, to plunge, dip, dive ; to hide, conceal one's self. zampabodlgos, zampabollos, zampapa- lO, m. ox f. (coll.) glutton. V. zampator- TAS. zampalimosnas, m. (coll.) sturdy beggar. zampar, va. to conceal, hide, thrust one thing into another ; to devour eagerly. — vr. to thrust one's self suddenly into a place. zampatortas, m. (coll.) glutton; clown, rustic. ^ zampeado, m. (arch.) ground- wore of rubble and piles for foundations on marshy soil. zampear, va. to build a foundation of piles and rubble. zampo&a, /. rustic flute. V. pipitaSa ; (coll.) frivolous saying. zampuzar, ra. to dip or duck under water ; to conceal by thrusting. zampuzo, m. immersion, submersion, con- cealment. zamuro, m. (Venez.) (orn.) carrion-vulture. zanaboria,/. (bot.) carrot. zanaborlate, m. v. azaxoriate. zanca, /. long shank or leg ; large pin ; (arch.) string-piece of a stair-case; (min.) shore, prop : zancai de arafia, shifts, eva- sions, subterfuges : por zancai 6 por ba- rrancas, by hook or by crook. SAncada, /. long stride : en dot saacadai, (coll.) expeditiously. zancadllla, /. sudden catch to trip one; trick, dectit, craft; (naut.) elbow in the hawse : armar zancadllla, to lay a snare. zancado, da, a. insipid (salmon). zadcajear, va. to walk with long strides. zancajera,/. coach-step. zancajiento, ta, a. bandy-legged. zancajO, rn. heel-bone of the foot ; torn heel- piece of a shoe or stocking; (coll.) short, ill-shaped person : no llegar al zancaJo or 4 lot zancajot, not to come up or near one in any line : roer lot zancajot (4 nno), to back' bite. zancaJOSO, sa, a. bandy-legged ; wearlug dirty stockings with holes at the heels. zancarrdn, m. leg-bone without flesh ; with- ered, old, ugly person ; ignorant pre vender at any art or science. zanco, m. stilt ; (uaut.) sliding-gun.er mast : en zancot, in a high position. zanc6n, na, zancudo, da, a. lon^-shanked. — in. zancado, (Amer.) mosquito.—;;". pL (orn.) wading birds. zandia,/. water-melon. T'. sandIa, zanfonia,./! (mus.) hurdy-gurdy. zanga,/. ombre played by four. zangal'a, .f. buckram. zangamanga,/. (coll.) trick, deceit. zanganada, /. (coll.) impertinent act or ex- pression. zangandongo, ga, zangandullo, 11a, zan- gandungO. ga, m. &/. (coll.) idler, lazy person ; dolt, awkward person. zanganear, vn. to drone, to loaf. zangano, »<. drone; (coll.) sluggard, idler, sponger. zangarilla, /. small mill-pond. zangarilleja, /. (coll.) trollop, slovenly girl. zangarrear, t^n. (coll.) to scrape a guitar. zangarrlana, /. (vet) infirmity of the head, incident to sheep; (coll.) sadness, melan- choly, blues ; any slight periodical ailment. Zangarall6n, m. tall, sluggish, lazy lad. zangolotear, vn. to shake a thing violently ; to fuss, fidget. — tT. to shake, rattle or slam anything which is not firmly secured. zangolotio, m. fuss, bustle, fidgeting. zangolotino, a. said of the boy whom it is desired to pass for a child. zangdn, m. (coll.) v. zangarull6s. zangotear, zangoteo, t: zangolotear, ZANGOLOTEO. zanguangO, ga, a. (coll.) lazy, sluggard; silly.— m. dunce, fool.—/, (coll.) feigned dis- ease to avoid work ; wheedling, fawning. zanguayo, m. (coll.) tall idler that cunning- ly acts the fool. zailja, /. ditch, trench, furrow, conduit, drain; (Amer.) gap, gully, draw: abrir las zanjat, to lay the foundation of a building ; to begin anything. zanjar, ra. to open ditches or drains, to ex- cavate ; to compromise or settle a business amicably. zanj6n. m. aug. deep ditch ; large drain. zanqueador, ra, m. &f. one who waddles ia walking ; great walker. zanqueaniieilto, m. waddling in walking. zanquear [thi»n-kay-ar'), vn. to waddle, trot, or run about ; to walk much and fast. zanquilargO, ga, a. long-shanked, long- legged. zanquilla, zanquita, /. dim. (coll.) dispro- portionate, long-legged man. zanquituertO, ta, a. bandy-legged. zanqulvano, na, a. spindle-shanked. zapa,/. spade ; (fort) sap ; shagreen ; (jewel.) S (before e, i) and J aa h in hot ; h, aUent; 11 in brilliant ; S, ny in canyon; r (initial) and rr trilled ; t, biaaed. ZAP 576 ZAR rough surface on silver: caminar i la zapa, (mil.) to advance by sap or mine. zapadOT, m. (mil.) sapper. zapapico^ in. pickaxe, mattock, zapar, v^n. (fort.) to sap, to mine. zaparrada,/. violent fall, zaparrastrar, vn. (coll.) to trail (as ladies' traius). zaparrastroso, sa, a. dirty, greasy, filthy, ragged. zaparrazo, m. thud ; violent fall, zapata, /. piece -of sole leather put on the hinge of a door to prevent its creaking; (si?oe.) buskin, half-boot, high gaiter; (Cuor") socle of a wall; (arch.) lintel; (naut.) _'^oe: zapata de un ancla, (naut.) shoe of an anchor : zapata de la qailla, (naut.) false keel. zapatazo, m. aug. large shoe ; blow with a shoe; fall ; thud, whack; clapping noise of a horse's foot: tratar (4 uno) i-zapatazos, to treat one badly and with scorn. zapateadO, pp. &. m. sort of clog-dance. zapateador, ra, m. & f. clog-dancer. zapatear, va. to strike with the shoe ; to beat time with the sole of the shoe and clap- ping hands; (fenc. ) to hit frequently with the button of the foil ; to ill-treat. — vn. (naut.) to flap (the sails). -^vr. to oppose with spirit ; to resist. zapateo, m. keeping time by beating the foot on the floor. zapatera, /. shoemaker's wife ; woman who makes or sells shoes. zapateria, /. trade of a shoemaker ; shoe- maker's shop: zapateria de viejo, cobbler's stall. zapatero, ra, a. hard, poorly cooked (as beans) ; stale (olives). — m. shoemaker ; shoe- dealer ; (icht.) thread-fish, cobbler-fish; (coll.) player who takes no tricks at a game of cards : zapatero de viejo, cobbler. zapateta,/. slap on the sole of a shoe ; caper, leap, jump. — i zapateta I inter}, oh. \ gra- cious ! zapatlCO, illO, itO, m. dim. nice little shoe. zapatilla, /. (shoe.) pump, slipper; leather- washer ; piece of chamois or buckskin put behind the lock of a gun or pistol ; (fenc.) button of a foil ; hoof of animals. zapatillero, m. maker or seller of slippers, pumps, and children's shoes. ZapatO, m. shoe : zapatoa papales, overshoes : meter & ano en nn zapato, (coll.) to cow one, to put him to his trumps : como tres ea un zapato, squeezed into insuflScient space ; in great poverty : >aber donde aprieta el zapato, to know where the shoe pinches. zapatdn, m. aug. large, clumsy shoe. zapatudO, da, a. wearing large or stout sh(X!S ; large hoofed or clawed (beasts). I zape ! int»rj. used to frighten cats away ; to denote surprise, or to refuse to give cards in some games. zapear, va, to frighten cats away ; to refuse to give cards in some games. zapltO, m. zapita,/. (prov.) milk-pail. vapote, m. (bot.) sapota-tree and its fruit: cUco zapote or zapottUo, (b«t.) sapodilla; sapodilla plum. zapotero, m. (hot.) sapota-tree. zapotillO, m. (hot.) sapodilla and its fruit. zapmzar, va. to duck. V. chapuzar. zaque ithah'-kayi, m. leather bottle or wine- bag ; (coll.) tippler, drunkard. zaquear, va. to rack (wines, etc.) ; to trans- port liquids in zaquei. zaqulzami, m. garret, cockloft ; small, dirty room. zar, m. czar. Emperor- of Russia. zara, /. (bot.) Indian corn, maize. V. maIz. zarabanda, /. saraband (dance and tune) ; bustle, noise. zarabandlsta, m. or/, dancer of sarstband ; merry person. zarabiitero, ra, a. V. zaraguteko. zaragata, /. turmoil, scuffle, quarrel, zaragatero, ra, a. & m. & /. (coll. ) noisy, quarrelsome ; rowdy, zaragatona, /. (bot.j rib-grass, rib-wort, zaragoci, m. kind of plum, zaragozano, na, a. of Saragossa. ZaragUelleS [thah-rah-goo^riyes], m. pi. wide and short plaited breeches ; large pair of breeches ill made ; (bot.) reed-grass. zaragutear, va. (coll.) to undertake a thing without proper knowledge, to bungle. zaragutero, ra, m. &f. (coll.) bungler. zaramagullbn, m. (om.) didapper, minute merganser. zarambeque, m. break-down among negros. zaranda..'. screen, sieve, sifter. zarandador, ra, m. & /. sifter of wheat. zarandajas, /. pi. trifles, odds and ends. zarandSLli, adv. black-spotted (dove). zarandar, zarandear, va. to winnow or sift corn or grapes; (coll.) to stir and move nimbly ; to separate the precious from the common. — vr. to be in motion, to move to and fro. zarandeo, m. sifting or winnowing ; moving to and fro. zarandero, m. v. zarandador. zarandlllo, m. dun. small sieve or riddle ; (coll.) one who frisks nimbly about. zarapatel, m. & f. kind of salmagundi. zarapito, m. (orn.) whimbrel, curlew-jack. zaratan, m. cancer in the breast. zaraza, /. chintz, printed cotton.— p/. paste made of pounded glass and poison, for kill- ing dogs, rats, etc. zarazo, za, a. (Cuba) rotten. V. coco. zarcear, va. to clean pipes or conduits with briers.' — vli. to move to and fro ; to get into briers (as dogs pursuing game). zarce&O, fla, a. pertaining to briers. zarcero, ra, a. &m. &f. fit to pursue game among briers (dog). zarceta,/. (om.) widgeon. V. cerceta. zarciUitOS, m. pi. (bot.) ouaking grass. zarcillo [thar-theer-iyo], m. drop ear-ring ; ten- dril of a vine. V. cercillo ; gardener's hoe ; (coop.) hoop. zarco. ca, «. light blue (eyes) ; wall-eyed. ZarevitZ (tli.^li-ray-veeth'], m. czarowitz, zargatona,/. V. zaragatona. zarlano, na, a. belonging to the czar. zarigiieya, /. (S. Am.) sarigue, opossurii. zarina, /. czarina, Russian empress. zaxja, /. reel. V. azarja. zaroobe, /«. (Ecuador) mountain sickness. zarpa, /. paw of a beast ; (naut.) weighing anchor; (arch.) greatest thickness of foun- dation walls ; dirt or mud sticking to the skirts : echar la zarpa, to grasp, clutch, gripe. zarpada./. strike with a paw. zarpanel, a. arco zarpanel, (arch.) basket- handle arch. zarpar, va. (naut.) to weigh anchor. zarpazo, m. bang, thud, whack ; stroke with a paw. zarposo, sa, a. bespattered, besmired. zarracatln, m. (coll.) haggler, higgler, chaf- ferer. . in polle* : o In for : « in bull ; e (before e, i) and i aa tb In thick ; b and d, toft ; A aa I* far ; • In ab I ZAR 5V7 ZOT zarramplin, m. (coll.) bungler, botcher, zarramplinada, /. botch, bungle, muddle, zarrapastra, /. mud sticking to the skirts, zarrapastron, na, a. & n. tatterdemalion, zarrapastrosamente, arfv. (coll.) raggedly, slovenly. zarrapa'stroso, sa, a. ragged, dirty, sloven- ly, shabby, seedy. zarria, /. mud sticking to clothes ; leather thong or latch. zarriento, ta, a. bespattered, besmired. zarza[ttiar'-thah],/. (bot.) bramble, blackbcrry- bush. zarzagan, m. cold north-east wind. zarzaganete, m. dim. light north-east wind. zarzaganlllo, w. violent north-east storm. zarzah^, m. kind of striped silk. zarzaidea, /. (hot.) raspberry-bush. zarzal, mi. place full of brambles. zarzamora,/. (bot.) brambleberry. zarzaparrilla,/. (bot.) sarsaparilla. zarzaparrillar, m. plantation of sarsapa- rilla. zarzaperruna,/. (bot.) dog-rose. zarzarrosa,/. (bot.) dog-rose. zarzo [tiiar'-tho], m. hurdle, wattle. zarzOSO, sa, a. briery, brambly. zarzuela,/. (theat.) opera comique ; musical comedy. zarzuelista, m. or /. writer or composer of a zarzuela. i zas ! [thahs]. m. tick, sound of a rap : i zas, zas! tick-tack. zascandil, m. (coll.) busybody. zata, zatara,/. raft. zatO, m. piece of bread, zazOSO, sa, a. lisping. — m, &f. lisper. zeda (thay'-dahi, /. name of the letter z. zedilla,/. cedilla, thus, p : the mark , itself. zeland^S, sa, a. Zealandian. Zendavesta, m. Zend-Avesta. zendo, da, a. & m. Zend. zeta, /. name of the letter z. V. zeda. zeugma or zeiima, /. (rhet.) zeugma. zigzag [theeg-thahg'], m. zigzag. zinc [thine], m. zinc, a metal. V. ciNC. Ziplzape, m. (coll.) row, rumpus, scuflfle. zirigafi.a, /. fawning, wheedling, flattery. V. cHASco and friolera. j zis, zas ! (coll.) words expressing the sound of repeated blows or strokes. Zisz^S, m. zigzag. zizafla,/. (bot.) darnel. V. cizaSa. zoantropia, /. (med.) zoanthropia. ZOCa./. square. V. plaza. Z6cal0, m. (arch.) socle or zocle. zocatO, ta, a. overripe (cucumbers or egg- plants) ; left-handed. V. zurdo. ZOClO [tho'-cio], m. clog ; overshoe. V. ZUECO. ZOCO, ca, a. left-handed. — m. clog; (arch.) socle. zodiacal, a. zodiacal. ZOdiaco, m. (ast.) the zodiac. zofra [thoe'-frahi, /. Moorish carpet. ZOilo, m. zoilus, malicious critic. zoloclio, cha, a. (coll.) stupid, silly, booby. ZOUipar [thohl-ye-par'l, vn. (coll.) to sob. ZOUipo [thohi-ye'-pol, m. sob, sobbing. ZOma, /. coarse flour. V. soma. ZOmpo, pa, a. cripple ; clumsy, awkward. V. ZOPO. zona,/, zone, girdle, band; (geog.) zone; (med.) zoster, shingles: zona pol*mlca, (fort.) zone of defence: zona glacial, (geog.) frigid zone : zona templada, temperate zone : zona tdrrida, torrid zone. ZOnceria, /. silliness, duluess, stupidity. zonote, m. deep deposit of water. V. cenote. zonzamente, adv. sillily, stupidly. zonzo, za, a. dull, stupid, silly. — m. &f. sim- pleton, dunce, booby, noodle. ZOnzorribn, na, m. &/. very dull and stupid- person. Z06fagO, ga,.a. zoophagous. ZObfltO Ithoe'-o-fe-to], m. (zool.) zoophyte. zoografia,/. zoography. zoolatria,/. zoolatry. zoologia,/. zoology. zoolbgico, ca, a. zoological, zoologic. Z06l0g0 [thoe-oh'-lo-go], to. zoologist. ZOOSpermo, m. (biol.) spermatozoon, zootecnia,/. zootechnics. ZOOtomia,/. zootomy, comparative anatomy. zopas or zopitas, m. or/, (coll.) nickname given to a lisper. ZOpe, m. (orn.) buzzard. V. zopilote. ZOpenco, ca, a. (coll.) doltish, dull.— 7/i. &/. block, dolt, blockhead, zopetero, m. f.ribazo. zopilote, m. (Mex.) (orn.) buzzard- V. aura. ZOpisa, /. pitch and tar ointment. ZOpo, pa, a. lame, maimed, crippled : clumsy, awkward, unhandy. — m. &/. cripple. ZOquetada,/. (Cuba) silly remark. ZOqUete [thoe-kay'-tay], m. (carp.) chump, chunk, block ; bit or morsel of bread ; (coll.) rude, thick, sluggish, ugly little person ; dolt, numskull, Dlockhead : zoqaete de cu- chara, (naut.) scoop-handle. ZOqueterO, ra, a. beggarly, poor, indigent, asking charity. ZOquetlCO, iUo, m. dim. small morsel of bread. ZOquetudO, da, a. rough, ill-finished. ZOrciCO [thor-thee'-co], m. (mus.) Basque song and dance in five-eight (f ) time. ZOrita,/. (orn.) stock-dove, wood-pigeon. ZOrollO, a. reaped while unripe (wheat). ZOrongO, m. kerchief folded like a bandage around the head, worn by the Aragonese ; broad flattened chignon ; lively Andalusian dance and tune, zorra,/. (zool.) fox ; foxy, sly person ; dray, truck; (coll.) prostitute, strumpet, harlot; drunkenness, inebriation : 4 la zorra candi- lazo, diamond cut diamond. zorrastr6n, na, a. &m. & f. (coll.) crafty, cunning, roguish person, zorrera, /. fox-hole ; kennel ; room full of smoke ; heaviness, drowsiness. ZOrreria, / artfulness of a fox ; cunning, craft, knavery. ZOrrero, ra, a. slow, tardy, inactive ; lag- ging : (naut.) sailing heavily; large shot; cunning, foxy. — m. terrier, hunting dog; keeper of a royal forest. ZOrrilla,/. (zool.) polecat, skunk. ZOrro, ra, a. slow, tardy ; cunning, foxy.— >, TO. male fox ; knave, foxy fellow ; hum- drum. — m. pi. duster made of cloth strips or fox-tails tied to a handle. ZOrrOClOCO, m. humdrum, shifter; (coll.) caress, petting. Z0rr6n, w. aug. brazen prostitute. zorrongl6n, na, a. slow, heavy, lazy, zorruela, /. dim,, little bitch fox. ZOrruelO, m. dim. little fox. zormllo, m. V. zurullo. zorruno, na, a. vulpine, foxy, fox-like. ZOrzal [thor-thahi'l, TO. (orn.) thrush ; sly, crafty man: zorzal marino, (icht.) fish abounding near the coast of Spain, zorzale&a,/. v. aceituna. zoster,/, (med.) zoster, shingles. ZOte, a.'&.m. ignorant, stupid, lazy person. g (before e,i) and J aahln bot: h. nilent: 11 In brilliant ; fi, ny In canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; I, hlMe4 zoz 578 zuz ZOZObra, /. worry, anguish, anxiety ; un- lucky cast of the die; (naut.) sinking, foundering, capsizing. ZOZObrante, pa. & a. being in great danger ; sinking. ZOZObrar, in. (naut.) to be weather-beaten ; to siuk, founder ; to upset, capsize ; to be in great danger ; to grieve, worry, fret. zua, ZUda, /. Persian wheel. V. azuda. zuavo, in. (mil.) zouave. ZUbla,/. drain, channel, flume. zucarino, na, a. sugary. V. sacarino. ZUCMl [tiioo'-cheei], m. (Mex.) bouquet. zueco, »i. sabot ; clog, galosh or galoche. zulza, /. military tournament or a feast ; quarrel, dispute. ZUizbn, m. spear; (naut.) half pike. ZUlacar, va. to anoint with bitumen. ZUlaque [thoo-lah'-kay], m. (hyd.) packing stuff; (naut.) stuflF for paying the bottom of a ship. Zulu [thoo-ioo'], a. &m. or/. Zulu. zulla [thooi'-iyah], /. (hot.) French honey- suckle ; (coll.) human excrements. zullarse, vr. (coll.) to go to stool; to break wind. zullenco, ca, zull6n, na, a. (coll.) breaking wiud • flatulent. — m. act of breaking wind, flatulence. zumacal, zumacar, m. plantation of su- mach. ZUmacar, va. to dress or tan with sumach. zumacaya,/. (om.) secretary bird, zumaque [thoo-mah'-kay], w. (bot.) sumach- tree; (coll.) wine. zumaya, /. (orn.) barn-owl; goat-sucker, fern-owl ; secretary bird. zumba, /. bell worn by the leading mule of a drove ; rattle ; joke, jest ; facetious raillery. zumbaaor, ra, a. humming, buzzing. — m. (P. Rico) humming-bird. zumbar, vn. to buzz, to hum ; to be near, flutter around : zumbar loa oidot, to ring (the ears). — va. to jest, to joke. zumbel, m. (coll.) cord for spinning tops; frown, angry mien or aspect. ZUmbidO; ZUmbO, m. humming, buzzing; ringing in the ears; ping of a bullet ; (coll.) a blow, a box, a cuff". ZUmbilin, m. (Philip.) dart or javelin. ZUmbdn, na, a. waggish, jocose : cencerro zumbon, bell worn by the leading horse or mule. — 711,. wag, jester, joker; variety of pigeon. eumiento, ta, a. juicy, succulent. ZUmillO, OT. (bot.) dragon's arum, "Aaron's beard " ; deadly carrot. ZUmo, m. sap, juice ; profit, utility : zumo de cepas 6 parras, (coll.) grape-juice, wine. ZumOSO, sa, a. juicy, succulent. zuna, /. Mohammedan law ; viciousness of horses ; trickery, perfidy. zuncho, m. band, hoop, collar, ferrule. ZUfLO, m. frowu, angry mien. zupia, /. roily wine which is turned ; lees, dregs, slop ; refuse, rubbish, trash. zurano, na, a. stock-dove, wood-pigeon. ZUrcldera, /. darner, finedrawer. zurcldo [thoor-thee'-do], m. (sew) darning, fine- drawing. ZUrcidor, ra, m. &f. darner: Eorcidora de voluntades, procuress. zurcidura [thoor-thie-{)liesus. Egeo, >'. Mak Egeo. EgiptO, Egypt. EiDa, i:>H>e. Elbinga, Eibing. Entre uuero y Miilo, Entre Oouro e Miuho. Epiro, Epirus. Erzerou, ^.i-zeruiu. Escafusa, 8chatt"haiisen. Escaiaa, .Stheld ur Scheldt. Escauainavia, iScaudiuavia. Escania, scHuia. ESCIO, ftcio or Chio. Esclavonia, sjavouia. EscOCia, ck-otlaud. Escoriai, Escurial. Esmalcalda, ^Suialcalden Esmirna, omyma. Espavila, i^paiu. Espanoia, V. isla Espa- XOLA. Esparta, Sparta. Espira, Spire. Esplzberg, Espizberga, Spitzbergen. Estados de la Iglesla, The states of the Church. Estados Unidos de Ameri- ca, United States of Amer- ica. Estlrla, Styria. EstOCOlmO, Stockholm. Estarasburgo, Strasburg. Etna, Etna or ^Etna. Europa, Europe. Fenicia, Phoenice or Phoe- nicia. Filadelfia, Philadelphia. Filipinas, V. Islas Filipi- NAS. Finlandia, Finland. Flandes, Flanders. Flesinga. Flushing. Florencia, Florence. Francfort del Meln, Fraak- fort-on-the-Main. Francia, France ; V. Isla de Francia. Franco Condado, Frauche Coiute. FriburgO, Freiburg. Frlgia, Phrygia. Frisia, Friesland. FrontllLac, Frontiniac. Gales, Wales. Galia. Gnu I. Oalilea, (killlee. Galipoll. Gali:poli. Gante, <}hent or Gand. Garona, Garonne. Gascufla, Gascony. Genova, Geuoa. Ginebra, ueueva. Gironaa, uirouds. Goriza, uoritze orGorhtz Gotemburgo, Gdttenburg, Uollieuuuig. Gotinga, uoitiugen. Grau iiretaia, Great Brit- ain. Gravelinas, Gravelines. Grecia, uieece. Groeniandia, Greenland. GiOIiinga, Urouiugeu. Guadalupe, Guadaloiipe. Guayana, Guiana. Oiieldres, Guelderland. Guernesey, Guernsey. Gulpuzcoa, Guipuscoa. Gulena, Guieune. Habana, Havana. Haiti, V. Isla EspaSola. Hamburgo, Hamburg. Hay a, Hague. Helvecia, Helvetia. Henao, llainault. Holanda, Holland. Hungria, Hungary. Indias, Indies. Indias orientales, East » ti- dies. Indias occidentales, ^^ es< Indies. Indo, Indus or Sinde. IndOSt&n, Hindoostan or In- ( dla. Inglaterra, England. Irlanda, Ireland. Isla EspaflOla, Hispaniola, Havti. Islandia. Iceland. Islas del Almirante, Ad- miralty Islands. Islas Filipinas, Philippine Islands. Islas Malvlnas, The Falk- land Islands. Italia, Italy. Jap6n, Japan. Jutlandia, Jutland. Labrador, V. Tierra dli Labrapor. Languedoc, Lengnadoc, Lauguedoc. Laponia, Lapland. Lausana. Lausanne. I Leiden. Leyden. I Le6n de Francia, Lyons. j Leonesado, Lyonnois. ' Libano, Libauus. Lieja, Liege. Lila, Lille L I Lioma, I..eghorn. Lisboa, Lisbuu. Lituania, Lithuania. Lombaraia, Lombardy. Lonaxes, London. Lorena, Lorraine, Lothrin- geii. Lovaina, Louvaiu. Lucerna, Lucem. Luisiana, Louisiana. LuxemburgO, Luxemburg. Macedonia, Macedon or Ma- cedonia. Madera, Madeira. Magallanes, V. Tierra dk Magallanes. Maguncia, Mayence or Mentz. Maldivas, Muklives. Malinas, Malines, Meehem or Mechliii. Malvinas, r. Islas Malvi- nas. Mallorca. Majorca. Mar Adrifi,tico, The Adri- atic Sea. Mar Baltico, The Baltic Sea. Mar Caribe, The Caribbean Sea. Mar Egeo, The ^gean Sea. Mar Glacial, The Frozen Sea. Mar Muerto, The Dead Sea. Mar Negro, The Black Sea. Mar Rojo. The Red Sea. Maran6n, Amazon. Marruecos, Morocco. Marsella, Marseilles. Martinica, Martinique. Mauricia, Mauritius or Isl- and of France. Mayena, Mayenne. Mediterrkneo, The Mediter- ranean SPa. M6jiC0, Mexico, Mexico. Menorca. Minorca. MidelburgO, Middleburg. Milanesado, Milanese or Milan. MiflO, Minho. Mir^ndula, Mirandola Misisipi. M Issirjsippi. Mobila, Mobile. Mogador, Mogodor. Mompeller, Montpellier. Mondofiedo, Mondonnedoor Moiidoiieda. Mongibelo, V. Etna. Monserrate, Montserrat. Morl6s, M<)rhiix. Mosa. Maes or Meuse. Mosela, Moselle. Muerto, F. Mar M'tepto. Nipoles, Naples. Narbona, N a r bonne. Navarino. Navarin. Ka.vaiTa, Navarre. Negip. F. Mah Negro. Ne0^.urgO, Neuburg. Neoport N'euport. Ni6per. lMiep«r. ft M In fw : • m eh I : I In police ; o In for ; « In 1l«U ; c (befbr? e, *nfl « us tli in tW-f* , ^ w* *. t**^* NIG iJigricia, Negroland. NUO, Nile. Nimega, Nimeguen. Ninive, Nineveh. Niza, Nice. Normandia, Normandy. Noruega, Norway. Nueva Escocia, Nova Scotia. Nueva Gales, New Wales. Nueva Orleans, New Or- leans. Nueva York, New York. Nueva Zelandia, New Zea- land. Nnremberga, Nuremberg. Odenarda, Oudenarde. Dnella, (^neglia. Orleanesado, OrleannoLs, Ostende. Ostend. OtaMti, Otaheite or Tahiti. P * PacifiCO, The Pacific Ocean. Paises BajOS, The Low Coun- tries or Netherlands. Palatinado, Palatinate. Palestina, Palestine. Pamplona, Pampeluna. Panzacola, Pensacola. PeloponesO, Peloponnesus. Pensilvania, Pennsylvania. Perona, Peronne. Perpiflan, Perpignan. Perusa, Perusiaor Perugia. Piamonte, Piedmonte. Picardia, Picardy. Piombina, V. Pombin. Pirineos, Pyrenees. Pistoya, Pistoja. Plasencia, Placentia. Polonia, Poland. Pombin, Piombino. Ponto Euxino, Black Sea. Porto Long6n, Porto Lon- gone. Praga, Prague. Presburgo, Presburg. Provenza, Provence. Prusia, Prussia. Puerto Mabbn, Port Mahon. Puerto Rico, Porto Rico. Quinsala, Kinsale. QuiO or CMO, Scio or Chio. 581 Ratisbona, Ratisbon. Regio, Reggie. Rin, Rhine. Rocamora, Roquemaure. Rocbela (La), La Rochelle. R6dano, Rhone. Rodas, Rhodes. RojO, V. Mar Rojo. Roma, Rome. Rosell6n, Ronssillon. Roseta, Rosetta. Ruan, Rouen. Ruremunda, Roermond or Ruremunde. Rusia, Russia. Saboya, Savoy. Sacer, Sassari. Saionia, Saxony. Sal6, Sallee. Salonica, Thessalonica. Samotr^cia, Samotraki. San German, St. Germain. San Gotardo, St. Gothard. San Juan de Luz, St. Jean de Lux. Santonge, Saintonge. Sena, Seine. Severna, Severn, Sicllia, Sicily. Sierra Leona, Sierra Leone. Siracusa, Syracuse. Siria, Syria or Suristan. Socotefa or Socotora, So- cotra. Suabia, Suabia or Swabia. Suecia, Sweden. Suiza, Switzerland or Helve- tia. Sund, Sound. Tafilete, Tafilet. TajO, Tagus. Tamesis, Thames. T6,nger, Tangier. Tarento, Taranto. Tarso, Tarsijs. Tartaria, Tartary. Tauro, Taurus. Tebas, Thebes. ALO Tenerife, Teueiiffe. Terranova, Newfoundland. Tesalia, Thessaly. Tesino, Ticino. Tierra del Labrador, New Britain or Labrador. Tierra Santa, The Holy Land. Tol6n, Toulon. TolOsa, Toulouse, Tornay, Tournay. Toscana, Tuscany. Trabizonda or Trebizonda Trebisond or Tarabasand. Trasimeno, Thrasimene. Trento, Trent. Tr6veri8, Treves. Troya, Troy. Tubtnga, Tubingen. Tunez, Tunis. Turena, Turenne. Turquia, Turkey. Uberlinga, Uberlingen. Ucrania, Ukraine. Ulma, Uim. Undervald, Unterwalden, Valaquia, Wallachia. ValClUSa, Van cl use. Valencia, Valence (France) J Valencia (Spain). Val*elina, Valtelline. Varenas, Varennes. Vandoma, Vendome. VarsOVia, Warsaw. Venecia, Venice. Versalles, Versailles. Vesuvio, Vesuvius. Viena, Vienne (France); Vi- enna (Austria). Villafranca, Villefranche, Vincenas, Vincennes. Vizcaya, Biscay. Z Zangu^bar, Zanzibar. Zan- zibar. Zaragoza, Saragossa. Zebu, Zebu. Zelanda, Zealand or Zeeiand. PROPER NAMES OF PERSONS A CATALOGUE OF THE MOST USUAL NAMES OF MEN AND WOMEN IN THE SPANISH AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES Abrah^n, Abraham. Agata. Agatha. Alelandro, Alexander. Ad^n, Adam. Agripina, Agrippma. AlejO, Alexis. Adela. A dele. Agustin, Augustin, Austin. Alarico, Alaric. Alfonso, Alphonse. Adelaida, Adelaide. Alfredo, Alfred. Adolf 0, Adolphus. AdriSin, Adriano, Adrian. Alberto, Albert. Alicia, Alice. Alejandra, Alexandra. Alonso, Alphonsus. C (iwfore e. I Una J an h In hot ; b. Htlent ; U in 1)rilliant ; ;^8 ny in canyon; t (intttal) «n(i rr ti1ll«(J; B. ALU 582 FLU Aluino, Alwin. AmadeO, Amadeus. AmbrosiO, Ambrose, Ambro- sius. Amelia, Amelie. Ana, Auu, Anne, Hannah. Andres, Andrew. Anibal, Hannibal. Anselmo, Auselm. Antonino, Antouine. Antonio, Anthony. Aquiles, Achilles. Arabela, Arabella. ArcMbaldO, Archibald. j AristOteles, Aristotle. ArnaldO, Arnold. Arturo, Arthur. AtanasiO, Athanasius. AugUStO, Augustus. Aureliano, Aurelio, Aure- lius. B&rbara, Barbara. BaitOlom6, Bartolomew. Basilio, Basil. Beatriz, Beatrix, Beatrice. Beltr&n, Bertram. Benita, Benedicta. Benito, Benedict. Bermudo, y. Veremundo. Bernab^, Barnabas, Barna- l>y. Bernardo, Bernard. Bernardino, Bernardinus. Berta, Bertha. Bias, Blase. Bonifacio, Boniface. Brigida, Bridget. Buenaventura, Bonaven- ture. Y. Ventura. Camila, Camilla. Camilo, Camillus. Carlos, Charles. Carlota, Charlotte. Carolina, Caroline. Casandra, Cassandra. Casimiro, Casimir. Catalina, Catharine. Cayetano, Cajetan, Gaetan. Cecilia, Cicely. C6sar, Caesar. Cipriano, Cyprian. Ciriaco, Cyriacus. Cirilo, Cyrilus. Ciro, Cvrus. Claudia, Claudina, Claudia. Claudio, Claude, Claudius. Clemente, Clement. Clodoveo, Clovis. ClotUde, Clotilda. ConradO, Conrad. Constancia, Constancio, Constance. Constantino, Constantino. Constanza, Constance. Cornelio. Cornelius. Cosme. Cosraa-s. Crisbstomo, Chrysostom. Cristiano, Christian. Cristlna, Christina. Cristdbal, Christopher. Diego, James. Dionisia, Dionysia. DlOnisiO, Dennis. Domingo, Dominic. Dorotea, Dorothy. Edmundo, Edmund. EduardO, Edward. Eduvigis, Hedwig. Elena, Ellen. Eliseo, Elisha, Ellis. Ema, Emma. Emilia, Emily. EmiliO, ^milius. Eneas, iEneas. Engracia, Grace. Enrique, Henry. Enriqueta, Henrietta. Erasmo, Erasmus. Ernesto, Ernest. Esopo, -iEsop. Esquilo, ^schylus. Esteban, Stephen. Ester, Esther, Hester. Estrab6n, Strabo. Euclides, Euclid. Eufemia, Euphemia. Eufrosina, Euphrosyne. EugeniO, Eugene. Eusebio, Eusebius. Eustaquio, Eustace. Eva, Eve. Ezequias, Hezekiah. Ezequiel, Ezekiel. Fedsrico, Frederic. Fedro, Phoedrus, Felipa, Philippa. Felipe, Filipo, Philip. * Felisa, Felicia, Felicia. Fernando, Ferdinand. Fineas, Phineas. Florencia, Florencio, Flor- ence. Francisca, Frances, Francisco, Francis. Froila, Fruela, Froyla. Gaspar, Jasper. Gedebn, Gideon. Geofredo, Geflrey. Gerardo, Gerard. Gertrudis, Gertrude. Gervasio, Gervas. Gil, Giles. Gilberto, Gilbert. Godofredo, Gofredo, God- frey. GregOriO, Gregory. Gualterio, Gualtero, Wal- ter. Guido, Guy. Guillelmina, Wilhelmina. Guillelmo, Guillen, F, Gui- LLERMO. Guillermo, William. Gustavo, Gustavus. Heberto, Herbert. HilariO, Hilary. Horacio, Horace, Horatio. Huberto, Hobart, Hubert. Humberto, Humbert. Hugo, Hugh. Srnacio, Ignatius. defonso, Alphonsus. In6s, Agnes, Inez. Isabel, I'vlizabeth. IsidOTO, Isidro, Jsidor. Jacobo, Jaime, James. Jenofonte, Xenophon. Jeremias, Jeremy. Jerbnimo, Jerome. Joaquin, Joachim. Jonas, Jonah. Jonatan, Jonathan. Jorge, George. Jose, Joseph. Josefa, Josephine. Josias, Josiah. JOSU^, Joshua. Juan, John. Juana, Jane, Jennie, Jean. Judit, Judith. Julia, Julia. Julio, Julius. Lamber-'-o^ Lambert. L^zaro, Lazarus. Leandro, Leander. Le6n, Leo, Leon. Leon^|do, Leonard. LeonoV I^leanor. Leopoldo, Leopold. Leticia, Lsetitia. Licurgo, Lycurgus. LiviO, Livy. Lucas, Luke. Lucia, Lucy. LuciO, Lucius. Lucre cia, Lucretia, Luis, Lewis, Louis. Luis (Gronzaga), Aloysius. Luisa, Louisa. Magdalena, Magdalen. Malaquias, Malachy. Manuel, Emanuel. Manuela, Emma. Marcelo, Marcel. Marcos, Mark. Margarita, Margaret, Mar- gery. Maria, Mary, Maria. Mariana, Marian. Marta, Martha. Mateo, Matthew. Matias, Mattias. Matilde, Matilda. Mauricio, Maurice, Morice. Maximiliano, Maximilian. Miguel, Michael. Mol86s, Moses. Natin, Nathan. Nataniel, NathanieL Nicolas, Nicholas. No6, Noah. OctaviO, Octavius. Oliverlo, Oliver. Osmundo, Osmond. Otdn, Otho. Ovidio, Ovid. Pablo, Paul. Patricio, Patrick. Paula, Paulina, Pauline. Pedro, Peter. Pelayo, Pelajo. Peregrin, Peregrino, Pere- grine. Plitdn, Plato. Plinio, Pliny. Plutarco, Plutarch. » M in fur ; • in ek I ; 1 in police : o in for ; n in bull ; c (betbre e, i) and s m th In thick ; b and d, mII| POM 583 BLM J^ompeyO, Pompey. Pruaencia, Prudence. Quintiliano, Quintilian. Quintin, Quintin, Quentin, Rafael, Raphael. Raimundo, Rain6n, Ray- mund. RandolfO, Randolph. Raquel, Rachel. Rebeca, Rebecca. RenaldO, Ronald. ReinaldO, Reynold. Renato, Rene. RicardO, Richard. Roberto, Robert. RodolfO, Rodolphus, Ralph. RodrigO. Roderic. Roger, Rogerio, Rogei*. Rolando, Rowland. E6mulO, Romulus. I Rosa, Rose. I Rosalia, Rosalie. I Rosamunda, Rosamond. I RosariO. Rosary. , Ruben, Reuben. RufO, Rufus. Ruperto, Rupert. Salom6n, Solomon. Samuel, Samuel, Sans6n, Samson. Santiago, V. Jacobo. Sara, Sarah. Sigismundo, Sigismund. SilvanO, Silvan. Silvestre, Silvester. Sofia, Sophia. Susana, Susan, Susanna. Tadeo, Thaddy. TeobaldO, Theobald. Teodora, Teodoro, Theo- dore. Teodorico, Theodorick, 3or» ick. TeodOSlO, Theodosius. TebfilO, Theophilus. TerenciO, Terence. Teresa, Theresa. Timoteo, Timothy. Tito, Titus. Tobias, Toby. Tolomeo, Ptolemy. Urbane, Urban. Valentin, Valentine. Ventura, Bonaventure. Veremundo, Veremono. Vicente, Vincent. Virgilio, Virgil. Zacarias, Zachary, Zenbn, Zeno. Zoroastro, Zoroaster. COLLOQUIAL NAMES FORMED FROM SOME OF THE PRECEDING CATALOGUE. AND IN GENERAL USE Adela, Adelita, Adelina. Ana, Anita, Anica. Antonio, ia, Antofiito, ta, Tono, Tonico, ca. Bartolom6, Bartolo. Carlos, Carlitos. Catalina, Catana, Catuca, Catuja. Cayetano, Tano. Crist6bal, Tobal, Tobalito. Diego, Dieguito. Dolores, v. Maria de los Dolores. Francisco, Francisquito ; Frasco, Frascuelo, Frasqui- to ; Paco, Paquito ; Pacorro; Pancho, Panchito ; Curro, Currito ; Farruco. Francisca (the same words as the preceding, changing into a). Gertrudis, Tula. Gregorio. Goyo. Isabel, Belica, Belita. Jaime, Jaimitu, Santiago. Jos6, Joseito ; Pepe, Pepito ; Pepillo ; Chepe, Chepito. Josefa, Josefita ; Pepa, Pepi- ta, Pepilla; Chepa, Chepita. Juan, Juanito, Juanillo. Juana, Juanita, Juanilla. Maria, Mariquita, Mariqui l!a, Marica, Maruca, Ma- ruja. Maria de la Ck>ncepci6nr Concha, Couchita ; Choua, Cota, Cotita. Maria de Jesus, Jesusa, Je- susita, Chucha, Chuchita. Maria de los Dolores, Dolo- ritas, Dolorcitas, Lola, Lo- lita. Maria de la Luz, Lucecita. Lucita. Pedro, Pedrito, Perico. A LIST OF THE ABBREVIATIONS MOST COMMONLY USED IN SPANISH A. Alteza ; aprobado, en exa- men. a. area (Are). (a) alias. % arroba ; (gK^ arrobas. AA. Autores ; Altezas. ab. abad. ab.l abril. Abs. gen. Absolucion gene- ral. A. C. 6 A. de C. Ano de Cristo (a. d.). adni6n. administracion. adni.»r administrador. af.mo afectisiiiio. af.t» afecto. Ag." Agustin. ag.to agosto. alc.de alcalde. Alej.» Alejandro. Alf.o Alfonso. A1.0 Alonso, A L. R. P. de V. M. 1 los reales pies de Vuestra Ma- jestad. Alv.o Alvaro, '^ am.o amigo. ana. antifona. anac anacoreta. Ant.«> Antonio. ap. aparte ; apostol. ap.a, ap.oora plica . aplica apostol ica, apostolico. ap6st. apostol. art., art.o articulo. arz. 6 arzbpo. arzobispo. Aud.a Audiencia. B. Beato ; Bueno, en exa* men. Bar. me Bartolome. Bem.« Bernardo. B. L. M. or b. 1. m. besa la mano. «(beforee,I)an(l j as hin hot; li, silent; II in brillUnr.; ft, ny in canyon ; r (initiaO and rr trilled : •. BLP 584 NSJ B. L. P. or b. 1. p. besa los pies. B.»"<» P.e Beatisimo Padre. B. p. Bendicion papal. Br. or br. bachiller, C.a, c.ia or comp. compauia. C. or cap. capitulo. cap.** capital). capp." capelld.D. Card. I Cardenal. C. de J. Compania de Jesus. (S.J.) C6ntS. c6ntiinos. Cf, COnf. or confr. confesor; contirma (in ancient docu- ments). ce. centi§ramo(s. Cl. centihtro(8. Clein.te Clemente. cHoT cuartillo. cm. centiinetro(8. C. M. B. or c. m. b. cuyas niauos beso. col- or COI.M columna; colo- nia. COmiS.o comisario. cons.o cousejo. Const. Constitucion. const. I constitucional. conv.te conveniente. COrr.te corriente. C. P. B. cuyos pies beso. cps. compaiieros. crec.te creciente. CS. cuartos ; c6ntimo8. C.t» cuenta. D. or D.n Don. D.« Dona. DD. doctores. dg. decagramo(s. d&a., d&oT, S5bs., d&osT dicha, dicho, dichas. dichos. die*, lOe or 10*»re diciem- bre. Dl. decalitro(8. dl. decilitro(s. Dm. decS.metro(s. dm. decImetro(s ; decigra- mo(s. Doct., D."* or dr. doctor, docum.to documento. D. 0. M. Deo Optimo Maxi- mo. Dom.o Domingo (name). dom.w domingo (Sunday). dra., dro'., dras., dros. de- recha, derecbo, derechas, derechos. dup.do duplicado. E. este, oriente (East). ec.f», ec.*-*«» eclesi&stica, ecle- si&stico. E. M. Estado Mayor. Em.u Eminencia. E. M. G. Estado Mayor Gre- neral. Em-mo or Emmo. Eminen- tisimo. ENE. estenorde8te( = E.S.E.). en.o enero. E. P. D. En paz descanse. E. p. VL En propia mano. ermlt. ermitano. esc.o escudo. escrit." escritura. escrnia. escribanla. escmo. escribano. esCS. escudos. ESE. estesudeste ( = E.S.E.). etc. or &. etcetera. Eug.« Eugenic. Evang.» Evan gel io. Evang.ta Evaugelista. Exc.M Excelencia. Exc.niu, Exc.m* or Excma, £ X C m O. Excelentisinia, Exceleutisimo. F. Fulano. F.«» or Franco Francisco. F. de T. Fulano de Tal. feb.» febrero. Fern.d* Fernando. Iba., fbO. fecha, fecho. fO.o or fol. folio. Fr. Fray, Frey. Frnz. or Fz. Fernandez. fund, fundador. G. gracia. g. gramo(s. g.dc orgue. guarde. Gen.l General (title). G.» Gonzalo^ gOb.« gobieruo. gob.*" gobernador. Gonz. Gonzalez. S~ral. general. ■reg.w Gregorio. Gulll.o Guillermo. hect. hectarea(s. Hg. hectogramo(s. HI. hectolitro(s. Hm. hect6metro(s. hOl. holandesa. lb. ibidem. ' id. idem. i. e. id est (that is), igl.a iglesia. Ign.o Ignacio. ndef.w Ildefonso. II.® Ilustre. n.™", Il.>"» or nima, nimo. Ilustrisima, Ilustrisimo. Indulg. plen. or I. P. In- dulgencia plenaria. in p. inf. in partibus infi- delium.. inq."" inquisidor. intend.te intendente. it. Hem,. IzqTi, lzq7» orlzq.di, izq.do izquierda, izquierdo. Jac'tO Jacinto. J. C. Jesucristo. Jer6n.® Jeronimo. J^8. Jesfis. Jpfi. Jos6 (Joseph). Juev. jueves. JuLn Juli&n. Kg. kilogramo(s. Kl. kilolitro(s. Km. kil6metro(s. L., L.do or l.do Licenciado. 1. ley ; libro ; litro(s. lbs. libras (pounds). lin. linea. Lor.^o Lorenzo. L. S. Locus sigilli, lugar del sello. lun. lunes. M. Madre, religiosa; Majes- tad ; Merced ; Maestro ; Me- diano, en exameE. m. minutQ(s ; metro(s ; ma- fiana (a.m.). Man.l Manuel. M.a Maria. Marg.t" Margarita. mart, martes. m^rts. or mrs. mdrtires. may."'» mayordomo. M.« Madre, religiosa. meng. menguante. mg. niiligramo(s. mli^rc. niiercoles. Mig.l Miguel. mil^S.* milesimas. min.o ministro. Mm. miriametro(s. mm. niilimetro(8. monast.o mouasterio. Mons. Monsenor. M. P. S. Muy Poderoso Se- fior. Mr. Monsieur; Mister, mr. niartir. mrd. merced. Mfn. Martin. Mfnz. Martinez. Mfo. Maestro. mrs. maravedises; m^rtires. M.S. manuscrito. m." a.« muchos aiios. M.SS. mauuscritos. N. Norte; notablemente aprovechado, en examen. n. noche (p.m.). N.» S.«» Nuestra Seuora. N. B. Nota bene. NE. Nordeste (= N.E.). NNE. Nornordeste (=N.N.E.). NNO. Nornoroeste (=N.N.W.). NO. Noroeste(=N.W.). n.« nOmero (1", primero; 2% segundo, etc.). nov.e, 9e or 9*>»*e noviem- bre. Nov. Recop. Novisima Re- copilaciOn. N. Recop. Nueva Recopila- ciou. n ra, nro, nras, nros ; ntra, ntro, ntfas, n^os. nuestra, uuestro, nuestras. nuestros. Tifim. or 'num.*, n^&ms- or ntim." numero, uumeros. N. S. Nuestro Senor. N. S. J. C Nuestro Senor Jesucristo. K M in f*r ; e In eh I ; i in police ; o in n in bull ; C (before e, l) and Z as th In thick ; b and d, soft o 0. Oeste(=W.). Ob. or obpo. Obispo. OCt. e, 8© or 81»«'e octubre. ONO. oestenoroeste (=W.N.W.). onz. onza. orn. orden. OSO. oessudoeste (= W.S.W.). P. Papa (Pope); padre ; pre- guata. p. A. Por ausencia : por au- torizacion. p.u para. pag., p^gS. pagina, pagi- nas. Part. Parti da. Patr. Patriarca. pbro. or presb. presbitero. P. D. Posdata (=P. S.). P.e Padre. p. ei. por ejemplo (=e. g.). penlt. penitente. ?erg. or pno. pergamino. f, Pfs. peso fuerte, pesos fuertes. p. M. Padre Maestro. P. O. Por orden. P.o Pedro. p.o pero. ?"(. por ciento (= %). . P. Porte pagado ; por po- der. pi p.«lo proximo pasado. p.f por. pral. principal, priv. privilegio. prOC procesion. prof, profeta. pr61. prologo. pror. procurador. prov." provincia. prov.w pro visor. p. S. Fost scriptum. P. S. M. Por su mandato. pta. pasta. ptas. pesetas. p.te parte. Q. B. S. M. or q. b. S. m. que besa su luano. Q. B. S. P. or q. b. 8. p. que besa sus pies. Q. D. G. que Dios guarde. q. que. q. e. g. e. que en gloria este. q. e. p. d. que en paz des- caiise. q. g. g. que gloria goce. t R. Reverendo ; reverencia ; respuesta ; reprobado, en exanien. R ). Responde 6 respuesta (in prayer-books). Raf.l Rafael. Rbi. Reeibi. R. D. Real Decreto. Rda. M. or R. M. Reverenda Madre. 585 RdO. P. or R. P. Reverendo Padre. R.e Recipe. R. I. p. Requiescat in pace. r.l Real (royal). Rmrz. Ramirez. R. 0. Real Orden. R. S. Real Servicio. rs. or r." reales (money). R.H Reales (of the ki royal). rust, rustica. ^ing, S. San or Santo ; sur ; Sobre- saliente, en examen. S.»» Senora. S. A. Su Alteza. sab. sabado. S. A. I. Su Alteza Imperial. S. A. R. Su Alteza Real. S. A. S. Su Alteza Serenisi- ma. Sb.n Sebastian. S. C or s. C. su easa. S. C M. Sacra, Catolica Ma- ■ jestad. S. C C R. M. Sacra, Cesarea, Catolica, Real Majestad. S. D. Se despide (p. p. c). S. D. M. Su iJivina Majestad, SE. sudeste (=S.E.). secret.* secretaria. S. e. U O. salvo error G omi- sion (errors or omissions ex- cepted). sept-e, 7e or Ihre septiem- bre. Ser.nia, Ser.mo or Serm.u, Sermo. Serenisima, Sere- nisinio. serv." servicio. serv.«»* servidor. set.*; septiembre. Sig.'e siguiente. S. M. Su Majestad. S. M. A. • Su Majestad Apos- tolica. S. M. B. Su Majestad Bri- tiiuica. S. M. C. Su Majestad Cato- lica. S. M. F. Su Majestad Fide- lisinia. S. M. I. Su Majestad Impe- rial. S." San. S. N. Servicio Nacional. SO. sudoeste (=S.W.). Sor. Sen or. Sores. Senores. spre. siempre. S. •• or Sr. Senor. Sra.. SratsI SeSora, Senoras. Sres. or S.""*?* Senores. Sria. Secretaria. S. •••»>, s. »••" or sria. sriO. se- cretaria. secretario. S. R. M. Su Real Majestad. Srta. or^lrta. Senorita. S. S. Su Santidad. S. S.a Su Seiioria. SS. AA. Sus Altezas. SS.E. sudsudeste (= S.S.E.). XPT SS. MM. Sus Majestades. SS.mo Santisimo. SS.ine P. Santisimo Padre. SS."o escribano. SSO. sudsudoeste (=S.S.W.). S. S. S. Su segupo servidor. Sta. Santa. StO. Santo. sup. suplica. SUpert.te superintendente. SUpl.te supieute. sup.te suplicante. t. tarde. ten.te teniente. test.iHte testamento. test.« testigo. tit. or tit. o titulo. tpb. tierapo. trib.l tribunal. t.« or torn. tomo. U. or Ud. Usted. Uds. Ustedes. V. Usted ; venerable ; vease, V. or Vers.o Versiculo. V.a Vigilia. V. A. Vuestra Alteza. V. A. R. Vuestra Alteza Real. V: B.d Vuestra Beatitud. Vd. Usted. Vds. Ustedes. V. E. Vuestra Exceleucia oi Vuecencia. Vg. verbigracia ; virgen. V. g. or v. gr. verbigracia. ygS. virgenes. Vict, a Victoria. ViC.te Vicente. vler. viernes. Vlrg., VirgS. virgen, vir- genes. V. M. Vuestra Majestad. Vm. or Vmd. Vuestra Mer- ced, Usted. vn. vellon. v." B.o Visto bueno. vol. volumen ; voluntad. vols, volumenes. V. 0. T. Venerable Orden Tercera. V. P. Vuestra Paternidad, V. R. Vuestra Reverencia. vra, vro, vras, vros. vuestra, vuestro, vuestras, vuestros. V. S. Vuesenoria or Usia. V. S. I. Vueseiioria (or Usia) Ilustrisima. V.ta, V.to vuelta, vuelto. V. V. Ustedes. X.w* diezmo. xpiano, xptiano. cristia- no.* Xpo;XpO. Cristo.* Xptdbal. Cristobal.* * The first two letters of these last five abbreviations are the Greek \ (chi) and p (rho). ( (before e, {) and J as h In hot : h, silent ; 11 iii brilliant ; n, ny in canyon ; r (initial) and rr trilled ; ■, / NUEVO DICCIONARIO Espanol-Ingles t Ingles- Espand DE Appleton (EN SUBSTITUCI6n del DICCIONARIO COMPENDIADO DE VELAZQUEZ) CONTIENE MAS DE CUATRO MIL VOCABLOS MODERNOS Y VEINTE MIL ACEPCIONES. VOCES TECNICAS Y MODISMOS QUE NO SE ENCUENTRAN EN NINGUN OTRO DICCIONARIO DE ESTA CLASE, CON LOS MODOS FUNDAMENTALES DE LOS VERBOS IRREGULARES Y LA PRONUNCIACION DE CADA PALABRA POR MEDIO DE U» ^IJEVO Y SENCILLISIMO SISTEMA DE REPRESENTACION FONCTfCi FOR ARTURO CUYAS PARTE l.—ESPAhJOL-lhJGLES PARTE U.-^lNGLES-ESPA'NOl NUEVA YORK D. APPLETON Y COMPAlsttA 1922 r Copyright, 1908, By D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. Copyright secured in Great Britain and in all tht- countries subscribing to the Berne Convention La propiedad de esta obra estd protegida por la ley en varios paises, donde se perseguir& d lo8 que la reproduzcan fraudulentamente, Queda hecho el depdaito que ordena la ley, para la proteccidn de esta obra, en la RepHw Uica Mejicana. Mejico, 190S. Printed in the United States of Ameriea PART II ENGLISH-SPANISH PARTE 11 inglSs-espanol PREFACIO Los prodigiosos descubrimientos e invenciones que marcan el progreso realizado de medio siglo a esta parte en todos los ramos de la actividad humana, y sus multiples aplicaciones a los usos de la vida han enriquecido de tal modo el vocabulario de las leuguas modernas, y muy particularmente de la inglesa, que cada dia se hace sentir mas la necesidad de un diccionario que responda a las exigencias del creciente interoambio de ideas y productos entre los pueblos de la raza anglo-sajona y los que hablan la armoniosa lengua castellana. A mediados del siglo XIX vi6 la luz el diccionario bilingiie de Velazquez, basado sobre el antiguo de Seoane, Neuman y Baretti, y aumentado con multitud de vocablos que lo ponian a la altura de aquella epoca. Cuantos diccionarios se han publicado posteriormente, tanto en Europa como en America, han sido moras copias del famoso lexico de Velazquez, 6, a lo sumo, revisiones mas 6 menos concien- zudas, con aditamento de algunas palabras modernas. Pero, por muy meritorias que sean algunas de esas revisiones, resultan defi- cientes en la practica para los que tienen ocasion de consultar con frecuencia el diccionario. Esa experiencia ha evidenciado la necesidad de compilar un diccionario bilingiie enteramente nuevo, trazado sobre un patron mas moderno y mas exacto que el que ha servido para los publi- cados hasta hoy dia. El proposito a que se ha ajustado la presente obra ha sido reu- nir en un volumen manuable el mds nutrido, complete y correct© vocabulario de los idiomas ingles y espaflol que pueda hallarse en un diccionario bilingiie, descartando un sinnumero de arcaismos, vocablos desusados, provincialismos y palabras de incorrecta orto- grafia de que suelen estar plagados otros diccionarios y que s6lo contribuyen a engrosar su tamafio. Con este fin, y para que el diccionario resulte enteramente nuevo y contenga los mas recientes y autorizados neologismos de uno y otro idioma, el autor ha adoptado como base y punto de partida para la Parte espafiola-inglesa, la reciente edici6n del IV PKEFACIO Diccionario de la Academia, transcribiendo palabra por palabii* cuantos vocablos contiene aquel 16xico, asi como todos los mas usuales modismos, con la sola excepcion de las voces anticuadas y de las que ban caldo totalmente en desuso, y anotando los equivalentes ingleses de las diversas acepciones de cada palabra. Igual procedimiento se ha seguido para la Parte inglesa-espaflola, sirviendo de base el admirable Standard Dictionary^ tambien de reciente publicacion, cuyos vocablos, acepciones y modismos se ban transcrito con sus equivalencias castellanas. El convencimiento de que el oficio y la verdadera utilidad de todo diccionario bilingiie consisten en dar equivalencias en lugar de definiciones que en nada auxilian al traductor y que este puede buscar en el diccionario de su propio idioma, ha hecho necesaria una cuidadosa y ardua labor de investigaci6n para hallar los equivalentes exactos en una y otra lengua, especialmente de las voces de tecnologia cientifica y de los tecnicismos mercantilcF 6 industriales que en gran numero se ban incluido en esta obra, por considerarlos de suma utilidad dado el creciente desarrollo de las relaciones entre los Estados Unidos y los paises hispano- americanos. Para tener una idea de lo nutrida que va esta obra en punto a tecnicismos, bastard cote jar las voces cuyas raices son electr-^ hydr-, micro-, photo-^ con las de otros diccionarios bilingiies, sin contar los innumerables terminos que figuran entre las acepciones de mucbos vocablos y cuyo caracter t^cnico se indica por medio de una abreviatura entre parentesis, lo cual, sobre economizar espacio y bacer inutiles otras explicaciones, es de gran auxilio para el traductor. En otro punto esencial difiere esta obra de todos los diccio- narios bilingiies publicados hasta la fecha, y es en el sisteina de anotacion fonetica adoptado para representar la pronunciacion inglesa. Tras un estudio detenido de este important! si mo punto y despues de examinar cuidadosamente los sistemas ad op tad os en otros diccionarios, el autor ha formulado uno enteramente nuevo que se expone a continuaci6n, en el cual ha procurado sim- plificar las dificultades que presenta la pronunciacion inglesa, reduciendolas a una clave breve, eencilla y de facil aplicacion. Multuni in parvo ha sido el ideal que ha perseguido el autor en la compilacion de esta obra, y al logro de este empefio ban coadyuvado eficazmente los editores produciendo un libro que contiene, en forma compacta y de esmerada tipografia, mayor suma de informaci6n que otros voluminosos diccionarios. Artueo CUTlS. Ndeva York, Julio de J.90S. PE0NUNCIACI(5N inglesa El alfabeto ingles consta de 26 letras, de las cuales cinco son vocales, veinte consonantes y una, — la y, — lo mismo que en cas- tellano, puede hacer ambos oficios. Pero asi como el alfabeto espanol tiene 28 letras para expresar los 25 sonidos que constituyen la fonetica del idioma, no bastan las 26 letras del alfabeto ingles para representar los numerosos sonidos que se emplean en la revesada pronunciacion de esa lengua. M siquiera estan acordes los filologos ingleses respecto del numero de sonidos de su fonetica, pues mientras la Asociacion Filologica Americana limita a 32 los sonidos f undamentales, hay gramaticos que reconocen 43 sonidos distintos (Richard Morris en Historical Outlines of English Accidence^ pp. 61, 62), y otros los hacen ascender a 46 (Evan Daniel en The Grammar^ History and Derivation of the English Language^ p. 290). La segunda cifra parece ser la mas aproximada, puesto que solamente a las vocales hay que asignar 19 sonidos diferentes, quedando 24 para las con- sonantes, sin contar el de la ^, 5' y a; que lo tienen repetido. No tan solo respecto de los sonidos fundamentales, sino hasta en la pronunciacion de numerosas palabras estan en completo desacuerdo filologos y lexicografos ingleses de reconocida autori- dad, puesto que no hay reglas generales que determinen la recta pronunciacion de los vocablos ; dandose el caso de que algunos de ellos, — como por ejemplo caricature, exemplary, exptirgator, fa- miliarity, cynosure, capillary, euthanasia, etc. — pueden pronun- ciarse de diez 6 doce modos distintos, segun el diverso parecer de los peritos. ( V. Standard Dictionary, Disputed Pronuncia- tions, pp. 2287-2308.) Son tantas las dificultades prosodicas que presenta el idioma, que los lexicografos ingleses se ven en la necesidad de representai en los diccionarios de la lengua, por medio de una clave fonetica, la correcta pronunciacion de cada vocablo. Pero tampoco en estc punto de la representacion ortologica por medio de " fonemas " 6 signos convencionales se encuentra concordancia en los dicciona-. rios de pronunciacion. Basta leer en el prefacio de los grandes lexicos, — como el monumental del Dr. Murray que se publica en Oxford, y los de Webster, Century y Standard publicados en los Estados Unidos, — la parte que dedican k explanar el sistema que en cada uno de ellos se ha adoptado para representar fon^tica- mente la pronunciacion, para comprender las dificultades que ofrece la representacion exacts por medio de signos graficos de VI PRONUNCIACIOK INGLESA los 43 sonidos distintos que componen la fonetica del idioma. Y si esto es asi tratandose de diccionarios destinad()s a personas para quienes el ingles es idioma vernaculo, <: que no sera cuando se intente dar a conocer por modo grafico esos sonidos a personas de habla distinta, para las cuales muchos de ellos son totalmente desconocidos y de dificil pronunciacion ? En la imposibilidad, pues, de representar de un modo fiel y exacto y al mismo tiempo de f acil comprension, todas las diversas y finisimas graduaciones de los sonidos vocales y de algunas ar- ticulaciones consonantes del idioma ingles, creemos preferible evitar la confusi6n que pudiera producir una clave complicada, y nos limitaremos d dar una representacion aproximada de la pro- nunciacion de cada vocahlo^ tal como se leeria en castellano, valien- donos para ello de las letras de nuestro alfabeto que mejor la in- diquen, excepto para unos cuantos sonidos extraflos a nuestra lengua que sera preciso representar con caracteres especiales. Con ese fin presentamos k continuacion una sencillisima clave fonetica, cuyo uso no puede ofrecer la menor dificultad despues de leer las explicaciones que la acompafian. La comparacion que en ellas se hace de ciertos sonidos ingleses con otros similares del frances, aleman, italiano y Catalan, podra servir a los que viven en paises donde no se habla el ingles para consultar a las personas que conozcan alguno de los citados idiomas y oir de yiva voa dichos sonidos, unico modo de aprenderlos correctamente. CLAVE Y EXPLICACI6N DE LOS SONIDOS QUE MXS SE DIFERENCIAN DEL CASTELLANO ,-L \ Signo a [breve) fonetic* § 1. TJno de los aeis sonidos que tiene la a es indefinido entre la a J la e, parecido al que suelen dar a la a los catalanes : este sonido que se encuentra en vocablos como fat, man, hat, have, etc., lo repre- sentaremos con el mismo signo con que lo designaban los anglo-sajo- nes, que es el adoptado en el diccionario de Oxford . . . . » c = s = z § 2. En ciertos casos estas tres consonantes tienen un sonido suave igual al que tiene la « 6 la 2; francesa en las palabras rose, maison, gazon, 6 fa italiana y catalana en rosa, casa, 6 la alemana en rose, nose. Este sonido se encuentra en palabras inglesas como sacrifice, suffice ; has, noise, rose, nose, ribs ; »eal, prli;e, y lo represen- taremos con el signo ft C = 8 = 8h = t = X § 3. Estas consonantes en ciertas palabras tienen un sonido igual d la ch francesa en chiffon, peche, 6 & la. sc italiana en scivolare, uscire, peace, 6 a la sch alemana en schiff, fisch, kirsche, 6 &\a, x catalana en xicot, caixal, peix. Este sonido que se encuentra en las palabras inglesas ocean, social, precious ; dimension, sure ; sT^ip, fish \ acfion, partial; ana?ious, etc.; lo representaremos con el grupo . §h PRONUKCIACIOIT INGLESA TU Signo e = l = = U = y fonltico § 4. Estas vocales tienen en un sinniSmero de voces inglesas un sonido medio entre o j e, 6 entre e j u, casi igual al diptongo fran- ces eu, en deux, peur, leur, 6 al triptongo frances oeu en wuf, (Buvrsj coeur, smur, 6 a la o aleraana en schon, horse, Korper. Es tal vez el sonido mas coiniin en ingles : se encuentra en palabras como ermine, verge, preference; proper; firm, Sir, irKSome, virgin; son, done, other; million, mansion, director; bi^flf, hut, u% ct*r; ci«rrent, better ; mi/rtle, etc., y lo representaremos con . . 09 g=j=S=Z § 5. En algunos voeablos, como griant, coUegre ; «7ohn, cTbseph ; pleasure, leisure ; evasion, illusion, corrosion ; a^^ure, seis^ure, etc., estas consonantes tienen un sonido parecido al descrito en el § 3 (sh), pero mucho mas suave. Es un sonido igual al que tiene la g antes de e, i 6 bien la / en frances (geant, college, Jean, Joseph), 6 en italiano {Giovanni, Giuseppe, Gerardo), 6 en Catalan (gegant, col-legi^ Joan, Josep) y se produce arqueando la lengua casi hasta tocar el cielo de la boca como para pronunciar fuertemente la y: este sonido lo representaremos por consiguiente con la letra mayiiscula . . . Y til Esta combinacion tiene dos sonidos : uno suave y otro fuerte. § 6. El sonido suave, que tiene en voeablos como the^ thi», thai, f/tem, es mucho mas suave que la d castellana, y se pronuncia tocando suavemente con la lengua el borde de los dientes superiores ; por con- siguiente lo representaremos con la letra mayiiscula . . . . D § 7. El sonido fuerte, que tiene en voeablos como thick, thro&t, theatre, truth, es igual al de la z castellana que se pronuncia no como una s, sino como en Castilla colocando la punta de la lengua entre los dos hileras de los dientes, y este sonido, para que no lo equi- voquen los hispano-americanos con la s, lo representaremos con z bas- tardilla z Si el consultor de este diccionario procura retener en la memoria el sonido que corresponde a cada uno de los siete signos indicados, no tendra la menor dificultad en pronunciar las palabras inglesas, leyendo como si fuera en castellano la representacion fonetica que acompafLa d cada vocablo y cuidando de cargar la inflexion de voz en la vocal marcada con acento. Los sonidos de los numerosos diptongos y de las vocales y consonantes in- glesas no expresados arriba, se representaran aproximadamente como suenan en castellano. En resumen : la correcta pronunciacion del ingles solo puede aprenderse do viva voz; por muy detallada y comprensiva que sea una clave fonetica, el estudiante que no tenga otro medio para aprender los sonidos, solo llegara a adquirir una pronunciacion aproximada e imperfecta ; cuanto mas sencilla y clara sea dicha clave, mas se le facilitara el estudio de la pronunciacion en los prineipios, y despues, cuando este mds avanzado en el conocimiento del idioma, podra con mas provecho perfeccionar su pronunciacion consultando lexicos mgleses como el Webster, Standard 6 Century. Vlll PROKUNCIACIOK" INGLESA ALFABETO INGLES No obstante lo expuesto, seria incompleta nuestra labor si no apuntasemos d continuacion, siquiera someramente y por via de inventario, los diversos sonidos que tienen cada letra del alfabeto ingles, los diptongos y triptongos y algunas consonantes combinadas. Letra. a Nombre. bi Sonidos. tiene seis sonidos, d saber : (1) sonido de la a espaSola : suele tenerlo cuando va seguida de r, If, Im, Iv, th. (2) sonido entre a j e, descrito mds arriba (§ 1) : suele tenerlo en los mono- silabos cuando no va seguida de las consonantes expresadas, y en muchos polisilabos cuando recae sobre ella el acento. (3) sonido de e espailola y, en algunos casos, de ei : lo tiene antes de una con- sonante seguida de e muda 6 antes de la silaba -Me, y en los polisilabos cuya raiz es un monosilabo que tiene este sonido. Ejemplos. car, far, arm, barb, calf, palm, salve, father, rather. mad, man, has, cap, hat, and, hand, lamb, camp, cav- alry, matrimony. fate, fame, pale^ case; table, fable y paleness, famous. (4) sonido de la o espafiola en sol : lo "] tiene antes de U 6 de I seguida de otra 1 all, ball, call, tall, consonante que no sea una de las ya ( false, salt, paltry, indicadas. J (5) sonido de Sa : lo tiene cuando la a precede a una r seguida de e muda. (6) sonido interraedio entre los definidos en 1 y 3 : lo tiene en algunas palabras que se pronuncian de distinto modo segun la localidad. (1) tiene el sonido mds fuerte que en castellano ; se pronuncia apretando los labios. (3) es muda cuando va seguida de /, 6 precedida de m al final de dicci6n. (1) sonido gutural de k, antes de a, o, u, r, I, t. (3) sonido de s, algo suave, antes de e, i, y, y tambien de e muda. bare, care, dare, fare, farewell. ask, fast, dance branch, bath, pass babble, baby, boo- by, bobbin.' debt, indebted,, doubt, comb,, dumb, lamb. car, corn, cut. crib, clam, act. ^ cent, city, fancy, place. PRONUNCIACIOK INGLESA IX Nombre. si di ef Sonidos. Ejemplos. (3) sonido de 5 6 2; francesa descrito en ) § 2 : lo tiene en algunas palabras que >• sacrifice, suffice, terminan en -ice. ) (1) tiene el sonido mas fuerte que en cas- 1 tellano : se pronuncia colocando la Iq -, -, j-j j j punta de la lengua sobre la raiz de los f ^^do.den, did,dude. dientes superiores. J (2) en algunos participios terminados en ) puffed, dashed, ed, la d suena como i. ) passed, mixed. (3) en ciertas palabras tiene el sonido ) ,-,. -, descrito mas arriba en § 5. \ ^«1<^^^^' grandeur. tiene cinco sonidos, a saber : (1) sonido nuiy breve como el de la e espafiola en pensar, mentira ; lo tiene cuando va seguida de una consonante al fin de silaba, y en las voces que em- piezan con ec, ef, el, em, en, er, es, ex. let, men, pen, fellj effect, elegant, em- pire, excellence. (2) sonido largo como el de la e espafiola ) break, head, vein, en pena, cera : Jo tiene en ciertos dip- )■ eight, weight, they, tongos que forma con la a, la i y la y. ) whey. (3) sonido de i espafiola : lo tiene cuando termina un monosilabo ; cuando pre- cede a una consonante seguida de e muda ; en ciertas palabras en que re- cibe el acento, y en ciertos diptongos que forma con la a, la e y la y. be, he, she ; eve, scene, theme ; ad- he sion; cheat, please, knee, see j seize ; key. (4) sonido parecido al triptongo f ranees "1 1 , . wu descrito en § 4 : lo tiene cuando va I ^^^'' /«^^^' P^^^' ^^- seguida de r al final de silaba, 6 de nt al f P^^^ P^^^^P, ' fc final de diccion en silaba no acentuada. J °^^"^' President. (5) sonido de ia: lo tiene cuando precede ) ere, mere, hereto, a una r seguida de e muda. [ adhere. (6) la e es muda al final de diccion, ex- } sense, face, table, cepto en algunos derivados del griego. j" native, importance, sonido igual, aunqne un poco mas fuerte, ) - ^ n «. ^ al de la / espafiola. [ ^*^' ^^"' ^^' ^««^- (1) sonido gutural como el de la ,^ espafiola Wame, get, begin, en las silabas ga, go, gu : lo tiene antes [• gone, gun, glass, de a, e, i, 0, u, I, n, r. ) grit, agnostic. (2) sonido que se define arriba (§5): lo ) gem, gin, gigantic, tiene antes de e. i, y. \ gymnast. (3) sonido de/ cuando se combina con la Maughter, rough- h, segiin se explica mas abajo. \ ness. PROiq^UlfCIACIOl?" INGLESA Letra. h J k u 1 in Nombre. ech Ye ke tt el em en Sonidoa. (1) sonido de / espanola, aunque mas suave : lo tiene cuando forma principio de silaba. (2) forma combinaciones con la g, la p, la 5 y la ^ que se explican mas abajo. tiene cinco sonidos, a saber : (1) sonido muy breve, como el de la i espafiola en carpintero: lo tiene en muchos monosilabos, y en la mayoria de los casos. (2) sonido de di : lo tiene en algunos monosilabos, y en ciertas palabras en que precede a una 6 mas consonantes seguidas de e muda. (3) sonido descrito mds arriba (§ 4) : lo tiene cuando va seguido de r. (4) sonido de i larga espafiola como en camino, hrisa : lo tiene en ciertas pala- bras tomadas de lenguas latinas. (5) sonido de dia : lo tiene cuando va seguida de r y e muda. sonido que se describe mas arriba (§ 5). (1) sonido gutural igual al de la q. (2) es muda cuando le sigue una n. sonido igual al que tiene en castellano. sonido igual al que tiene en castellano. (1) sonido igual al de la n espafiola. (2) cuando va seguida de p' 6 A;, tiene un sonido nasal como el de la n francesa. (3) es muda al final de diccion cuando va precedida de / 6 m. tiene seis sonidos, a saber : (1) sonido de o espafiola : lo tiene cuando forma por si sola una silaba no acen- tuada; 6 antes de r no seguida de e muda. (2) sonido de bu : lo tiene cuando terraina una silaba acentuada, 6 cuando precede a una consonante seguida de e muda. Ejemplos. hat, be, hot, hum, adhere. pin, milk, bridge^ zinc, picture, prin- cipal. high, knife, price, twice, sublime. sir, bird, flirt, vir- \ sir, I y gin. machine, police, va^ lise. V fire, wire, tire. )■ jam, joy, just. )■ kill, oak. )■ knot, knight. )■ lord, ale. }- man, ham. )■ no, nun. ) singer, lingering, ) thinking. j- kiln, condemn. obey, oracular, orig- inal ; for, form com. no, go, notice, local, motion, note, lonely, alone. PROKUNCIAClOlf INGLESA XI Nombre, o Pl kill Sonidos. (3) sonido de w : lo tiene en algunos mono- / ' ' ^ silabos J en ciertas voces sin regla fija. C prove, Ejemplos. to, do, who, tomb, woman. (4) sonido de o muy breve que tira un poco a a. not, got, hot, son, lofty, modern, gone, done. (5) sonido de 6a : lo tiene cuando va se- ) more, sore, pore, be- guida de r y e muda. ) fore. cuando vaVida de « 6^ al final de rcZ"'ora'?or ' diccion. J ' (1) tiene igual sonido, aunque mas fuerte, ) people, map, pep- que en castellano. J per. (3) es muda cuando precede a la s 6 la ^ ^^„i^ v.f;c«r,.f«»„^ al principio de diccion 6 cuando esta I ^f^l^l^^^'^t!^^^ entTemjt. ) tation, contempt. (3) sonido de / cuando va combinada con la A. tiene el mismo sonido que en espafiol y va sierapre seguida de u, la cual se pro- nuncia, excepto en algunas voces fran- cesas ( V. u). tiene los dos sonidos suave y fuerte de la r " espanola, aunque con menos vibracion : la r tiene en ciertas voces el sonido de rr, y la rr se pronuncia en algunos casos comoV, sin regla fija. i photograph. quality, queen, quit, question, request, quite. red, rat, rose, car, more, merry, mar- riage, carriage, ir- regular. (1) sonido sibilante de la s espaSola : lo "] tiene al principio de diccion, al final de I so, say, sit, yes, us, muchos monosilabos, y en muchos casos j ask, also, castle, sin regla fija. j (2) sonido de s 6 z francesa (descrito en §3): lo tiene en las terminaciones bs, ds, gs, ves, Is, ms, ns, rs, ys, y en mu- chos casos en que esta entre vocales. ribs, lads, hives, souls, forms, hor- rors, boys, days, praise, rose, easy. (3) sonido descrito en § 5 : lo tiene en al- ) evasion, illusion, gunas palabras que terminan en sion y y corrosion, pleasure, en sure. ) leisure. ^%!Zti''^tT ^^ ^ *'''°'* ^^ ^'''^'' \ shine, cash, cushian. (5) es muda en algunas voces. y island, viscount. xu PEON'UNCIACION" IN-GLESA lietm. , Nombre. dobliu SoDidos. (1) sonido parecido al de la t espanola, solo que se pronuncia colocando la pun- ta de la lengua sobre la raiz de los dientes superiores. (2) sonido descrito en § 3 : lo tiene en las terminaciones -Hon, -Hence y otras. (3) sonido de ch espafiola : lo tiene en la terminacion -ture, j cuando precede a i 6 u seguida de vocal. (4) es muda en ciertos vocables en que le preceden f 6 s y le sigue la terminacion (5) se combina con la h para formar los sonidos que se explican mas abajo. • tiene cuatro sonidos, a saber : (1) sonido de iu : lo tiene cuando es final de silaba acentuada, y cuando precede a una consonante seguida de e muda. (3) sonido descrito en § 4 : lo tiene cuan- do esta entre dos cbnsonantes, 6 cuan- do precede a una 6 mas consonantes. (3) sonido de t*. espanola: lo tiene en mo- nosilabos que empiezan con h, p, f y terminan con I, s, t. (4) sonido de ua 6 iua : cuando va segui- da de r y e muda. (5) es muda en algunas palabras f rancesas cuando la precede la q. el sonido ingles es mds marcadamente labio-dental que en castellano. (1) sonido de u espafiola tanto al princi- pio, como en medio 6 al fin de diccion. (3) es muda cuando va seguida de r al principio de dicci6n, y en otras voces. (3) se combina con la h para formar el sonido que se explica mas abajo. (1) sonido fuerte de cs : lo tiene cuando termina una silaba acentuada, 6 cuando precede d una consonante. (2) sonido suave de gs : lo tiene cuando precede a una vocal acentuada. Ejemplos. tea, cat, total. action ; patience, sa- tiate. picture, furniture, christian, virtue ; actual. listen, hasten, often, soften. music, stupid, pu- pil; mule, tube, confuse. tub, nut, us, up, un- der, supper, butter, burn. bull, full, put, pull, puss. pure, cure, en- ) sure, ) dure j- coquette, antique. >• velvet, vivisection. ) woman, award, now, j few. ) write, wrong; sword, j" answer. excellent, exile, tax, excuse, next. exact, exist, exam- ine, example. PRONUNCIACIOK INGLESA XIU Sonidos. (3) sonido descrito en § 2 : lo tiene cuando empieza una palabra. (1) tiene el sonido fricativo de la y espa- fiola, cuando empieza una palabra 6 precede a una vocal. (3) sonido de * espaiiola cuando hace el oficio de vocal al fin de diccion. (3) sonido de di cuando es acentuada, en medio 6 al fin de diccion. Ejemplos. xylograph. year, yard, yell, yes ; halyard. fancy, very, sonido descrito en § 2. [truly, ii ) liberty. type, by, rye, why, defy. ) zeal, wizard ; prize ) dazzle. DIPTONGOS ae ai au aw ay ea tiene a veces el sonido de e ee ei eo eu ew ie " m " ea " a " e « " " e ." a " e larga " e breve " ea . , " i . . " ia "(B(y-.§4) " i larga " i breve " ai . . " e breve " ei " i . , " e breve " i " "ce(F.§4) " iu " ill " " u " di " ei « i " e breve maelstrom. train, claim. said, again. aisle. chair, pair. launch, flaunt. gauge. fraud, daub. law, awl. ray, say. heart, hearth. break, great, death, bread. pear, bear. leaf, clean. rear, near. earth, hearse. feel, need. been. height. heifer. heir, reign, eight. seize. leopard. people. yeoman. surgeon, dungeon, feud, deuce. dew, clew, few. sew. blew, flew. eye, geyser. eyry, whey. key. tie, pie, die. friend. jav PROI^UI^CIACION" INGLESA DIPTONGOS {continuacibn) io oa uene a (( u i( l( u (( a »4 ti u (( (( a a a a (( (( a a (( 1, veues c (( a a (( a a a a a a (( (( a 1 suuiu a a (( (( a a a (( u a a (( a " i breve . . " im (F.§4) . " .... " 6w ... oe it " 6w ... " (B ( r. § 4) . " i* .... oo " .... it on " u larga . . " u breve , . "(B(F.§4) . " du .... <( " ... (( a a a a a (( a a a a (( a a a a (( a a (( a " ■w .... ow (4 lift " at* . . . . " larga . . " breve . . , "we ne " m ui " ?t " i breve . . « i^ UT "a* fiend, mien, sieve. question, millioft. broad, load, road, toe, foe, hoe. does, shoe. floor, door, crook, wool, scoop, loop, blood, flood, loud, count, court. touch, young, could, should, cow, down, low, crow, knowledge, suave, persuade due, pursue, true, blue, build, guilt, juice, bruise, buy, guy. ean ki ieu iew nay TRIPTONGOS tiene a veces el sonido de o . . iu iu i beau. beautiful. adieu. view. quay. LETRAS COMBTNADAS eh ek rh 8h til Tfh tiene &, veces el sonido de cA ..... . a a a a T. a a (( a T. a (( a a q a (( a (( f es a veces rauda tiene a veces el sonido de / es a veces muda tiene a veces el sonido de r tiene el sonido que se define mas arriba en § 3. tiene dos sonidos : uno fuerte como z espaflola. otro suave parecido a la -■'-], s. abaca. abacist [sebasist], s. calculista. aback [ab^&k], adv. detras, atras ; (mar.) en fa- cha : flat aback, en facha. abacus [iSbacoes], s. (arit.) abaco ; (arq.) loseta rectanguliii' ; aparador ; biculo. abaft [abaftl, adv. (mar.) d popa ; atras. abalionate [aeb^ueneit], va. eoajenar. balicnation [sebeiionsiihoeni, s. enajenacion, traspaso. abandon [abandon], s. abandono, entrega, cesion ; desaraparo. abandon [absendoenj, va. abandonar, deiar, des- araparar,entregar, renunciar, derrelinguir ; desistir ; desmantelar ; desertar. abandoned [ab<6nd defensiva. abattoir [abatuar], s. matadero, desoUadero. abb [seb], s. urdimbre ; lana en borra. abbacy r^basi], s. abadia. abbatial [ab^gbai], a. abacial, abadengo. abb 6 [ab6], s. abate. abbess [&hes], s. abadesa, prelada. abbey [tSbe], s. abadia, monasterio. abbot [sebot], s. abad. abbotship [^botship], *. abadia. abbreviate [abnvieit], va. abreviar, reducir, compendiar. abbreviation [abrivieishcen^ s. abreviacion ; abreviatura ; cifra ; contraccion. abbreviator [abrivi^itoer], s. abreviador, com- pendiador. abbreviatory [abrivietoH], a. abreviatorio. abbreviature [abnviachuoer], s. abreviatura, compendio, epitome. abdicant [*bdicant], a. abdicante, renuncian- te. abdicate [^eMikeit], va. abdicar, renunciar; dimitir. abdication [eBbdiu^iShoenl, s. abdicaci6n, re- nuncia ; dimision ; dejamiento, dejaci6n. abdicative [^bdiketiv], a. abdicativo, renun- ciativo. abdomen [eebddmen], s. abdomen, vientre, ba- rriga. abdominal [sBbdomlnaii, a. abdominal, abduce [aebdifis], va. (anat.) mover, abducent [aebdiiisenti, a. (anat.) abductor. abduct [Kbd<5ect], va. arrebatar ; plagiar, se- cuestrar, tomar ; cometer un rapto. abduction [eebdijekghoen], s. (anat.) abduccion ; (for.) rapto; plagio. abeam [abim], adv. (mar. ) por el trav^s. abearance [ab^arans], s. (for.) conducta, com- portamiento. Para el sonldo de se, oe, d, S, gh, y, z, ^ Sase la clave '3 "-^ficion h1 prfnrfpfo del IJbro, 1 ABE 2 ABO eiTtecedariaii [ebisid^riau], s. el que enseua o jpreade la cartilla. — a. alfabStico. abecedary [ewsiaerii, s. abecedario, alfabeto. abed [abeu], adv. en cama ; acostado. abelmosk lebeimosk , s. abelmosco. aberr [ajb&r], vn. errar, extraviarse. aberrance, aberrancy [aabtierrans], s. error, desvlo, extravio. ttberrant [wixfen-antl, a. errado, desviado, des- caniinado, equivocado, extraviado ; anor- mal, auomalo. Aberration [tebajrreiShoen], s. error ; extravIo ; (aatr. y opt.) aberracion. ilbet [abet], va. instigar, excitar, inducir, felbetBient [abetmoKDt], s. instigacion, excita- ci6tt. Slbetter o abettor [abetoerj, s. fautor, instiga- dor; (for.) complice. abeyance [abeans], s. (for.) expectacion, espe- ra, expectativa: In abeyance, en suspenso : lands in abeyance, bienes mostrencos. abeyant U^'^aut], a. expectante. abbor [aebjorl, va. aborrecer, detestar, odiar ; aborainar, execrar, derrenegar. abhorrence [sebjon-enu], s. aborrecimiento, odio, detestacion, horror, aversion, execra- cion, detestacion. abhorrent [ajbjorreut], a. repugnante, detesta- ble, aborrecible ; ajeuo, coutrario, extrafio. abhorrently [«bj6rrentiii, adv. aborrecible- mente. abhorrer [asbjorroer], g. aborrecedor. abhorring (a>bj6rriiig], s. repugaancia ; aborre- cimiento, aversion. abidance [nbaidans], s. permanencia. abide [abaidj, vn. {in: prel. ABODE : pp. abode) habitar, morar, parar, residir ; permanecer ; perseverar; quedar, continuar. — va. sopor- tar, sufrir, aguantar ; defender, sostener ; atenerse : to abide by 6 in, adherirse k, man- tenerse en, guiarse por, estar con. abider [abAidcer], s. habitante, vecino, resi- dente. abiding [abiidingl. *. continuacion, perseve- rancia, estabilidad, permanencia. — a. per- manente; observante. abigail [^bigueu], 3. camarera. ability [awiiti], s. potencia, poder, facultad, habiiidad, capacidad, aptitud, inteligencia, alcance, don, acierto.— ^A taleuto, ingenio. abintestate [abintesteui, a. abintestato. abiogenesis [aebioY^nesis], s. abiog^nesis, gene- raciou espoutanea. abiological [ivbioioYicai], a. perteneciente & substancia inanimada ; abiologico abject [«bYectl, a. vil, despreciable, bajo ; ser- vil ; abatido, abyecto ; desalmado. abjection (wbYekShajni, abjectnesB, s. abjrec- cion, bajeza, vileza, abatimiento, humiUa- cion, servilismo, cobardia ; envilecimiento. abjectly [asbYdctu], adv. vilmente, bajamente, abyectamente. abjudicated [«ebYudik«itedi, a. abjudicado. abludication [sbYudikdighoBi.], *. abjudicacioa. abjuration [lebYur^ighcen], s. abjuraci6n. abjure (a;bYiiterl, va. abjurar, renunciar, apos- tatar, rcpudiar, desdecirse 6 retractarse. abjurement [aebYtioBmioeut], s. reuuncia, abju- racion. ablurer [sebYfiroerl, *. ap6stata, renunciante. ablactation [ffibUct^iShoen], s. destete ; manera de injertar los irboles. ablation [sBbWiahoen], s, (cir.) ablacion ; extir- • pacion. ablative f*wativ], ». v a. (gram.) ablative. Ablaze [abiiiS], a. en llamas, ardiendo. able [^iboei], a. apto, fuerte, potente ; capaz, h&bil ; rico, opulento ; experto, perito : to b« able, poder : able-bodied, robusto, fomid able-minded, capaz, inteligente. ablegate [teblegiieit], S. (igl.) Nuncio. ableness [eibwiues], s. capacidad, aptitu<, fuerza, vigor ; habiiidad, poder. ablest [eibiest], a. superl. muy babil, muy ca- paz ; poderosisimo, riquisimo. abloom [abium], a. en flor ; floreciente. abluent [Abluent], a. detersive, detergente, limpiante. ablush [abitfeSh], a. y adv. avergonzado, ablution LacbiuHhoen], 8. ablucion ; lavamiento. ably [6ibii], adv. habilmente. abnegate [^buegueu], va. rebusar, resignar, re> nunciar ; renegar, apostatar. abnegation [aebnegueisineu], s. abnegaci6n ; ixx. nuncia, repudiacion. abnegator [aebuegueituer], s. negador ; impug- nador. abnormal [sbnormai], a. irregular, anormal, anomalo, disforme. abnormality [sebnormiiiti] 6 abnormity [aek- nomiiti), s. irregularidad, deformidad ; mons% truosidad ; anomalia. aboard [ab6 crable, detestable ; nefando. abominableness [abominabceines], s. cali<)ad de abominable. abominably [abominabu], adv. abominable- mente. abominate [abomineit], va. abominar. detes- tar, aborrecer. abomination [abomin^iShoeni, s. abominacioia, odio, detestacion ; polucion, maldad. corrup- cion. aboriginal [seboriYtuai], a. primitive : erigina- rio, aborigen. aborigines [ieboriYiuig],«. pi. aberlgenes, indi- genas. abort [abort], vn. abortar, malparir. abortion [aborShcen], s. aborto, malparto ; abor* tamiento. abortive [abonivl, a. abortive; infructuoso, infitil, intempestivo, malegrado, fnistrineo, — s. aborto, engendro. abortively [abrirtiviij, adv. aftortivamente ; in- tempestivamente ; prematuramente. abortiveness [aborttvnes], s. abortamiento, fracaso. abound [abaund], vn. abundar : to abf«and with, abundar en. abounding [abAundlng], o. y part. (in. with, en) abundante (eu). about laiiaut], prep, al rededor, cerca de, por ahi, hacia ; acerca de, sobre, tocante k ; en- cima : to set about, emprender : I carry no money about me, no traigo dinero : to beat about the bush, andarse por las ramas. — adv. en contorno, por rodeos ; aqui y all4 ; aproxi- madamente : to be about, estar levantado y atareado : about face, (mil. ) ; media vuelta i Para el eouldo de e, oe, \>, g, gti, y, », v6aae la clave de pronunciaciou al principle del llbre. ABO to go about, rodear ; virar de bordo : to bring about, efectuar alguna cosa : look about you, tenga Vd. cuidado: what are you about? ique va Vd. a hacer? send him about Mb business, euvlele Vd. a paseo ; despidale Vd. above [«b acasia', s. (bot.) acacia ; guacia. academian, academic [acadlmian, academic], A-. academioo ; estudiante, celegial. academic (al [academic ai], a. academice. academically [acad^micaii], adv. acad^mica- Hiente. academician [academighceni, s. acadSmice. academy [acAdemii, s. academia, universidad : gimnasio: academy figure, (b. a.) dibuje del natural. acalephse [«caHfl], s. pi. (zoo.) acalefos. acanaceous [acan^Shmsi, a. (bot.) espinoso. acantha [acanzai, *. espina, pineho. acanthine [ac^ndn], a. de acante. acanthus [ac^nxoes], A. (bot.) acanto. acarus Isecnrwg], s. (ent.) &caro, arader. acatalectic [acaetal^ctici, s. acatalfictico. acaulescent, acauline, acaulous [acoi^s- ent, acolln, acolces', a. (bot.) acaule. .-accede [acsld], vn. acceder ; asentir, consentir ; lograr, alcanzar. accelerate [aecs^iereit], va. acelerar, apresurar. \ ACC — vn. despacharse, apresurarse, abreviar, darse prisa. acceleration [ffiC8eioer68hoen], s, aceleracion; aprevsuracion, prisa ; despache. accelerative isecsdioerativ], a. impulsive, ace- lerador. accent [Resent], s. acento ; inflexion de voz ; (po6t. ) lenguaje, palabras. accent [acsenti, va. acentuar. accentual lacsenchuai], a. ritmico. accentuate [acsenchuiit], va. acentuar. accentuation [secsencim^shoen], s. acentuacion. accept [wcsept], va. aceptar, admitir, recibir, acoger, consentir, abrazar, apencar; (for.) adir ; (com.) aceptar un giro. acceptable [tecseptaboei], a. aceptable, acepto, grate, adniisible ; bien recibido. acceptableness. acceptability [oecsepta- boeinesi, s. aceptaoilidad ; agrado, gracia. acceptably [wcs^ptabu], adv. aceptablemente, gustosaniente, agradablemente. acceptance [aecs^ptans], s. aceptacion ; buena acogida ; (com.) aceptacion de un giro. acceptation [wcsept^Shoen], s. acepcion, senti- do, significade de una palabra ; aceptacion, recepcion, recibimiente. acceptor [secs^ptoer], s. (com.) aceptaute, acep- tader. access [secses], acceso, entrada, pase ; auraen- to, acrecentamiento, anadidura ; (med.) ac- cesion, acceso. accessarily [aecs^sariu], adv. accesoriamente. aCCeSSarineSS [tecs^saiines], s. complicidad. accessary [aecs^sari], s. complice.— a. acceso- rio. accessible [secs^siboei], a. accesible, conquista- ble, asequible. accession [wcs^ahoen], s. aumento, acrecenta- miento ; advenimiente, accesion ; asenti- miente, consentimiente ; (med.) acceso. accessorily [aacsesoriii], adv. accesoriamente. accessory [secsesoH), a. accesorio ; concomi- tante, centribuyente, secundario ; adicio- nal, adjunto. — s. dependencia ; (for.) com- plice. accidence [^csidens], s. libre de rudimentos de la gramatica ; (gram.) accidente ; lance, case fortuite. accident [secsidem], s. accidente, casualidad, sucese, ocurrencia, evento, case, pase, inci- dente, lance, azar, golpe, emergencia ; (mar.) siniestro: by accident, accidental- mente, casualmente ; (gram.) desinencia, mode, case, accidente. accidental [eecsid^ntai], a. accidental ; casual, centingente, adventicio, fortuito. — s. acci- dente ; (mfls. ) bemol 6 sostenido accidental. accidentally [8ec8identaii], adv. accidental- mente, casualmente. acclaim [acieim], va. y vn. aclamar, aplaudir, victorear. acclamation, acclaim IterUm^shoen, acl^lm], S. aclamacien, aplause, celebracion. acclamatory [aciaraatori], a. laudaterio. acclimate laciaimet], va. aclimatar, connatu- ralizar. acclimated [ncikimnted], pp. V a. aclimatado. acclimation, acclimatization [aciim^ghaen, aciaimatiiiShoenl, s. aclimatacion, cennaturali- zacion. acclimatize [acUimatalS], va. aclimatar.— vn. aclimatarse. acclive, acclivous [aciiivoea], a. pendiente. empinado. acclivity [acHviti], s: cuesta, rampa, subida, ladera. accolade [acoi^idl, s. espaldarazo; (mtis.) cor- chete, barra ; (arq.) moldura curva. Park el lenldo de », oe, d, i, lb, t, x, v^ase U clave de pronunclaclou al princlpio del Ubro. ACC accommoda'ble[acomo. acreditado; (dipl.) autorizado. accretion [acnShoen], s. acrecentamiento, au- mento ; (for.) acrecencia (derecho de). accretive [acntiv], a. aumentativo. accroach [acrouch], va. usurpar. accrue [acrt], vn. crecer, aumentar, tomar in- cremento ; resultar, provenir : accrued in- terest, interes acumulado. accubation [akiub^lhoen], s. reclinacion ; parto^ alumbramiento. accumbent [acoembent], a. reclinado. accumulate [akiumiuieu], va. acumular, araon- tonar, atesorar. — vn. crecer, aumentarse. accumulate, a. juntado, acumulado, amon- tonado. accumulation [aklumiul^Shrenl, S. acumula- cion, amontonamiento, hacinamiento. accumulative [akiumiuietiv], a. cumulador, acumulador ; acumulado, amontonado, aiia- dido. accumulatively [akiumiui^tivir, adv. acumu- lativamente. accumulator [akiumiuietoer], s. acumulador, amontonador; (mec. y elec.) acumulador. accuracy [Akiuresii, s. cuidado, exactitud, co- rreccion, precision. accurate [4kiureti, a. exacto, correcto, fiel. Para el fionldc de m, oe, d, i, §b, t, (, v^ase la clave de pronuuclacion al principle del Ubro. ACC precise, estricto; puntual ; cabal, perfecto: accurate sciences, las ciencias exactas. accurately lakiuretu], adv. exactamente, pun- tualmente, correctamente. accurateiiess [ikiuretnes], s. exaotitud, pun- tualidad, precision. accurse [ackers], va. maldecir, execrar, auate- matizar, excomulgar. accursea [acCtor [*ctoer], sm. ageute"; (teal.'> ooraico, ac- tor, comediante ; (for.) actor, demandante ; apoderado. actress [Actres], sf. (teat.) comedian ta, actriz, comica. actual [«ekchuai], a. actual, real, efectivo ; fla- grante. ADD actuality [ffikchu^iiti], actualness [8ekchuain78{ s. actuaiidad. actually [tekchnaii], adv. de hecho, en efecto, realmente, efectivamente. actuary [alkchueri 6 sictiuari], s. actuario ; es- cribano ; secretario, registrador. actuate [sekchuet], va. mover, excitar, animar, impulsar. actuation [aekchueahcen], S. operacion. acuity [akiuiti], s. agudeza. acumen [akiumen], 5. cacumen, agudeza, pene- tracion, ingenio, vivacidad, chispa, caletre, perspicacia, sutileza. acuminate [akiumiueit], vn. rematar en punta. — va. aguzar, afilar. acuminate, a. aguzado, puntiagudo. acuminated [akiumineitedj, a. punzante, pun- tiagudo, picudo, puntoso. acumination [akiumineShoen], s. punta aguds. acupuncture [akiupunkchur], s. acupuntura. acute [akiut], a. agudo, ingenioso, perspicaz, vivo, fino, delgado, sutil, penetrante ; (med.) agudo.—*. (gram.) acento a^udo: acute- angled, (geom.) acutangulo, oxigonio. acutely [akiutii], adv. agudamente, despierta- niente, vivamente. acuteness [akiutnes], s. agudeza, delgadee, sutileza ; perspicacia, viveza, penetracion ; (med.) violencia de una enfermedad. adage r«dedY], s. adagio, refran. adagio MaYo], «, (mus.) adagio. Adam [sedam], s. AdSn ; el genero humano ; la naturaleza huroana: Adam's ale, (fam.) agua: Adam's apple, (fam.) nuez de la gar- ganta. adamant [s&damant], *. adamante; (poet.) du- reza. adamantine Mam^ntin], adamantean [aaa- mantlan], a. diamantino ; (po6t.) impenetra- ble, adamantino : adamantine ties, lazos in- disolubles. Adamite [adamalt], s. adamita. adapt [adapt], va. adaptar, acomodar, propor- cionar; ajustar, cuadrar ; (teat.) refundir, arreglar. adaptable [ad*ptabedida ; adios : to bid adieu, despedirse. ipocere [lediposioer], s. adipocira. adipose [doi68ent], a. y. s. adolescente. adonic [aedonic], d. verso adonico. adopt [adopt], va. adoptar, prohijar, ahijar ; aceptar, tomar, asumir. adoptedly [adoptedii], adv. adoptivamente. adopter [adoptoer], s. prohijador, adoptador. adoption [adopshuen], s. adopcion, prohijamien- to. adoptive [adoptiv], a. adoptivo ; fingido. apa- reute. adorable [adoiabcei], a. adorable. adorableness [adoiabaines], s. cualidad de adorable. adorably [adoraUi], adv. aaorabiemenie. adoration [adoreSiioeu], s. adoracion, culto. adore [adooerj, va. adorar, glorificar, idolatrar. adorer [adooeroer], s. adorador, adorante; (fam.) am ante. adorn [adom], va. adomar, ornar, ornamentar, embellecer, ataviar, hermosear, aciealar, pulir, engalanar, decorar, exornar, guar- necer, aderezar, alhajar, enjoyar ; alindar, atildar ; agraciar, h»nrar, ennoblecer. adornment [adonnnoBnt], s. adorno, atavio, gala, aderezo, arrequives. adrift [adnft], adv. (mar.) al garete ; a la Ven- tura. adrip [adrip], a. goteando. adroit [adrou], a. diestro, habil. adroitly [adr6un], adv. habilmente, diestra- mente. adroitness [adroitnes], s. destreza, habilidad, prontitud, ten con ten. adry [adraij, adv. sediento, seco. adscititiOUS [ajdsitighujH], «. completive, adi- cional, anadido. adulate [sediuieit], va. adular, lisoujear. adulation [sediuisShoen], s. adulacion, lisonja, lagoteria, halago. adiuator [adiuieitoi], s. adulador. adulatory [^diuiaton], a. adulatorio, adulador, lisonjero. adult [addeit], a. J s. adulto. adultness [adcseitnes], s. edad adulta. adulterant [add&itoKrant], s. y a. adulterador, adulterante, falsificador. adulterate [adcjeitwret], va. adulterar, impuri- ficar, falsear, falsificar, viciar. — vii. cometer adulterio. adulterate, a. adulterado, impure, falsifi- cado, false, espurio, adfiltero. adulterateiy [ad<£itceretii], adv. adulterada- mente. adulteration [adoeitoer^shoen], adultcrato- ness [additeratiies], s. adulteracion, corrup- cion, impureza, falsiticacion ; sofisticacion. adulterer [adfieitoenBr], sm. adultero. adulteress [adtfeitoeres], sf. adultera. adulterine [adoeitoerin], a. espurio. — s. hijo adulterine. adulterous [adefeitoeroes], a. adultero, adulteri- ne, espurio. adultery [ad&Uoeri], s. adulterio. adumbrant [addembrant], a. (pint.) bosqueja- do ; ligeramente sombreado. adumbrate [«d«ni el Bonido de m, oe, d, 6, gh, y, z, y&aae U clave de pronunciacion al principio del llbro. AGG 13 aggression [aegrdsnoen], s. agresion. aggressive [wgr^siv], a. agresivo. aggressively [aegresivH], adv. agresivaniente. aggressiveness [»egr68ivne8], s. caracter agre- sivo. aggressor [segresoer], s. agresor, provocador, atacador. aggrieve [«gnv], va. apeuar, afligir, apesa- dumbrar ; vejar, opriruir, gravar, danar. aggroup [Begriip], va. agnipar. aghast [asast], a. espantado, horrorizado, es- tupe facto, despavorido. agile [icYii], a. agil, ligero, pronto, expedito, vivo. agility [aviuti], agileness [iSjiines], s. agilidad, ligereza, expadicion, soltura, prontitud. agio [sevio], s. (com.) agio, agiotaje. agistor [ajistoer], s. (for.) guardabosque. agitable isevitaboei], a. agitable, agitate [sevitet], va. agitar, mover, afectar ; iuquietar, perturbar, solevantar, aiborotar ; menear ; traquetear ; debatir, disputar, dis- cutir. agitation [eeYUeshoen], s. agltaclon ; discusion, ventilaciou ; perturbacion. agitator iseYUetcjer], s. agitador, perturbador, revolvedor, incitador, instigador. agleam [agum], a. (pogt.) fulguroso. aglet [®Kiet], s. herrete. V. aiguillette ; (bot. ) antera. aglow [a?i6l, adv. Y a. encendido. agnail [seKneii], s. panadizo, uiiero. agnate, agnatic [aegnet, bbsukUc], a. agnaticio ; (for.) agnado. agnation [aegneShoenl, s. agnacion ; paren- tesco. agnomen [aegnomoen], s. sobrenonibre. Ignomination [segnomineshcen], s. (ret.) paro- nomasia. agnostic [wgnostic], a. y s. agnostico. agnosticism [aegnostisism], s. agnosticismo. agnus [segnoBs], 5. agnus : Agnus Dei, agniisdei ; agnus castas, (bot.) agnocasto 6 sauzgatillo. ago [ago], adv. J pp. (contr. de agone) pasado, hace, ha: a long time ago, hace mucho tiempo : long ago, tlempo ha : how iong ago? ^cuanto ha? a week ago, la seniana pasada. agog [agog], adv. y a. ansiosamente, con cu- riosidad ; anhelante ; (Cuba) con embullo. agoing [agoing], adv. en accion, en movi- miento. agometer [agometoer], s. instrumento para me- dir 6 regular la resistencia electrica. agonistes [ajgonistig], agonist, *. atleta 6 combatiente ; competidor. agonistic(al [segonistic ai], a. agonistico. agOnistiCally [aegonisticali], adv. por modo agonistico. agonizant [agonaigant], a. agonizante. agonize [segonais], vn. agonizar ; luchar deses- peradamente. agonizingly [aegoniisingii], adv. en agonlas. agony [*goni], s. agonia, angustia, zozobra ; paroxism©. agouti [agfiti], *. (zool. ) aguti. agraffe [agr&fl, s. broche ; grapita que sujeta cada cuerda del piano. agrarian [agrarian], a. agrario : agrarian law, ley agraria. agrarianism [agr^rianlsm], S. (pol.) division y reparto igual de tierras. agn^ee [agrl], vn. concordar, convenir, acordar, compadecerse ; concertar, entenderse, po- nerse de acuerdo : acceder, consentir, ave- nirse 5, ; ajustar el precio ; sentar, probar : that climate does not agree with me, aquel clima no me prueba. — va. armonizar, con- ciliar. AIM agreeability [agrfabiiitij, s. afabilidad, agra. do, complacencia. agreeable (agriaboei], a. conveniente, propor- cionado ; agradable, afable, grato, placente- ro, deleitoso ; ameno; dulce (al oldo) ; con- forme, Concorde, conveniente. agreeableness [agnaboiines], s. agrado, afabi- lidad, placibilidad, deleite. agreeably [agnabu], adv. agradablemente ; oonformemente. agreed [agnii], pp. y a. eonvenido, establecido, ajustado, determinado, acordado, aprobado ; de acuerdo, aveuido. agreement [agrimcent], s. acuerdo, avenencia, Concordia, conformidad, concordancia, ajus- tamiento, ajuste, convenio, pacto, estipula- cion, contrato, transaccion, acomodamiento. agreStial, agrestiC(al [agrestlal, agre»tic al], a. agreste, rustico, tosco, campestre. agricultural [Kgrlc&lchuralJ, a. agricola : agri- cultural instruments, aperos de labranza, aparatos agrlcolas. agriculture [aigncfEiohoer], s. agricultura. agriculturist [wgricdeichurist], agricultural- ist [aegric<£ichuraii8t], s. labrador, agricultor, agricola. agriCUltUriSm [segric^Ichuriim], 5. geoppnia, agricultura. agrimony [*grimoni], «. (bot.) agrimonia. agronomics [aegronomicR], s. agronomia (con- siderada como parte de la ecouomia poli- tica). agronomy [agronomi], s. agronomia, eienci'^ agricola. agrope [agroup], adv. k tlentas. aground [agraund], adv. (mar.) varado, enca- llado ; (fig.) empantanado, en el atoUadero : to run aground, eucallar. ague [eguiu], s. (med.) fiebre 6 calentura inter- mitente ; calofrio, escalofrio. ague-tree [6guiu-tri], s. (bot.) sasafr^s. agruisll [egiiiuish], a. palfidico. aguisbness [^guimahnes], s. (med.) paludismo. an ! [a], i liter j. i ah ! i ay ! aba ! aba ! [aja], interj. i aja ! ahead [aj^d], adv. delante, al frente, a la cabe- za; adelante ; hacia delante; (mar.) por la proa, avante : to be jihead, ir a la cabeza, ir delante : to get ahead, adelantarse, ganar la delantera : go ahead ! ; adelante ! i avancen ! abeap [ajip], adv. en monton, al granel. abem ! [aj^m], inter}, para llamar la atencion. aboy [ajoi], interj. \ ah del barco ! ; ha ! aid[6id], va. ayudar, auxiliar.socorrer, coadyu- var, apoyar, conllevar, suiragar, subvenir. aid, s. ayuda, auxilio, favor, socorro, amparo, asistencia ; subsidio ; ayudante, auxiliante. aide-de-camp [^i-de-cang], s. (mil.) edec^n, ayudante de campo. aider [eidoer], s. auxiliador, auxiliante. aidless [eidies], a. desvalido, desamparado. aigret o aigrette [egret], s. (om.) garzota. V. EGRET ; cresta, copete, penacho ; pluraero. aigruillette 6 aigulet [eguluiet], *. (mil.) he- rrete. ail [eii], va. afligir, molestar, apenar, aquejar, doler: what ails you? iqu6 le duele a Vd.? nothing ails me, nada tengo. — vn. sufrir, estar indispuesto. ailantbus 6 ailantus [eiianzoes, toe«], *. (bot.) ailanto. ailing [«iing], a. doliente, achacoso, enfennip zo, malucho. ailment [6iimoent], s. dolencia, indisposicion, dolor, incomodidad, alifafe. aim [6iiii], va. apuntar (un arraa) ; dirigir, largar, asestar, encarar. — vn. hacer punte- ria ; aspirar a, pretender. Para el loaido de », oe, d. Y, X, vdase la clave de pronunctacion al principlo del libro. AIM 14 ALE aim, s. punteria, encaro ; bianco ; designio, mira, fin u objeto : to miss one's aim, errar el tiro : to take one'a aim well, tomar bien STis medidas. aimless [eimies], a. sin objeto, sin designio, S, la Ventura. ain't l6int], conir. vulg. de am not, is not 6 are not. air [eser], va. aircar, secar ; orear, ventilar. air, s. aire, atmosfera; zefiro, aura; (mGs.) aire, tonada ; eara, semblante ; ademan, ex- terior, modo, porte de una persona ; gas, va- por : open air, aire libre : foul air, aire vi- ciado : to take the air, respirar el aire libre, tomar el fresco: air-balloon, globo aerosta- tico : air-bladder, vejiga llcua de aire ; air- bom, (podt.) uacido del aire: air-borne, llevado por el aire : air-brake, freno neuma- tico : air-built, fabricado en el aire : air- chamber, cainara de aire : air-conducting, aerifero: air-cock. Have de escape de aire: air-compressor, m&quina comprcsora de aire : air-draught, chiflon : air-drill [6oEr-drii], tala- dro de aire compriinido : air-gun, escopeta de viento : air-hole, respiradero, resolla- dero ; registro de hornillo ; lumbrera ; (fund. ) viento 6 paja : air-jacket, chaqueta de nata- ci6n : air-line, linea recta : air-pipe, tubo de ventilacion ; tubo para dar aire 4 los buzos : air-pump, bomba neumltica 6 de ventila- cion : air-shaft, respiradero : air-stirring, lo que agita el aire : air-tight, hermfiticaniente cerrado: air-trap, ventilador ; vilvula de inodoro. airer [eaeroer], s. el que airea alguna coea. airified [^seriraid], a. aereo ; ligero, trivial, futil. airily [^aerUi], adv. ligeramente ; vivamente, alegremente. airiness [fiwrines], s. ventilacion, oreo; viva- cidad, viveza ; ligereza, actividad. airing [Saering], s. caminata, paseata, paseo. airless'r^series], fl. falto de ventilacion. air like [Saeriaik], a. tenue 6 ligero como el aire. airy [eari], a. a^reo ; et6reo,vaporoso, tenue ; li- gero, trivial ; airoso, vivaz, vivo, alegre ; visionario ; vano, orgulloso, altanero. aisle [all], s. pasillo, pasadizo; (arq.) nave la- teral, ala. aisled [aiw], a. provisto de pasillos. ait [6it], s. isleta (en un rio). ajar [avar], adv. y a. entreabierto, entomado ; en pugna, ake [ek], va. V. ACHe. akimbo [akimbo], a. en jarras. akin [akin], a. consanguineo, emparentado ; andlogo, seraejante, homogfineo. alabaster [jEiabastcBi], *. alabastro. — a. ala-- bastrino. alack! alackaday! [ai«c, ai6ca,dei], interj. \ ay ! i ay de mi 1 alacritjy [ai*criti], s. alacridad, presteza, celo. alamode [aiamoud], adv. (fam.) a la raoda. Alangium [aianvum], s. (bot.) angoian. alar U-inr], a. alado. allgero ; axilar. alarm [alarm], s. alarm a, sobresalto ; desper- tador ; tumulto, alboroto, rebato : alarm- bell, carapana de rebato : alarm-clock, reloj con despertador: alarm-post, punto de reu- nion en caso de rebato. alarm, va. alarmar, asustar, sorprender ; tur- bar, perturbar, inquietar. — vn. dar el grito de alarm a ; tocar & rebato. alaiming [aUrtninf;], a. alarmante, sopren- dente, turbativo. alarmingly [aUnningii], adv. espantosamente ; de inodo alarmante. alarmist [aiarmut], s. alarmista. alarum [aiai cem], s. rebato ; despertador. alas [alas], interj. \ ay I V. alack ! alate [6iet], alated [eieted], a. (bot.) alado. alaternus [aiat&rnoes], s. (bot.) ladierno. alb [afib], s. (igl.) alba. Albanian [aeibenian], a. albanes. albata [seiwta] s. plata blanca de Alemania. albatross r^oibatros], s. (ornit.) alcatraz. albeit [oiwit], adv. (ant.) aunque, bien que^ no obstante. albescent [teib^sent], a. blanquecino. albicore 6 albacore [<6ibicoaer], s. (ict.) al- bacora. albino faiibino], s. albino. Albion [ssibicen], s. Albion, Inglaterra. albuginea IwibiuYinia], s. (anat.) conjuntiva. albUgineOUS [selbluvineoes], a. albugineo. albugo [oeibiugo], s. (med.) albugo. album [tBiboem], s. album, albumen 6 albumin [asibiumen], s. (quim.) albtimina; (bot.) albumen. albumenize [ffiibiAmenaiS], va. impregnar con albumen. albuminoid [aeibiuminoid], a. albuminoideo. — s. albuminoide. albuminous [aelblfimlnoes], C. albuminoso. albuminuria [seiwurainfiria], *. (med.) albu-^ minuria. alburnum [aibtiemoem], s. (bot.) albumo, al- bura. — V. sapwooO. alcaic [a!ik6ic], s. verso alcaico. — a. alcaico. alchemic (al [eeik^mic ai], a. alquimico. alcbemically (aeik^micaii], adf. alquimica- mente. alchemist [^ikemist], s. alquimista. alchemistic(al [wikemistic ai], a. pertene- ciente a los alquimistas. alchemy [aJikemi], s. alquimia, crisopeya. alcohol [wicojoi], s. alcohol. alcoholic [«icoj6iic], a. alcoholico. — s. pi. liqui- dos alcohol icos. alcoholimeter [eeicojoHmetcer], alcoholmeter [ajlcojolmitter], alCOhOlOmetCr [selcojolonietaT], «. alcoholimetro. alcoholism [seicojoiiSm], .?. alcoholismo. alcoholization [{eleojoUSeSbcEn], s. alcoholiza- cion. alcoholize [^icojoiais], va. alcoholar 6 alcohol lizar. Alcoran [selcorAn], S. Alcoran. V. KORAN. Alcoranish [seicoraniHU], a. alcoranioo. alcove [*icov], s. alcoba, retrete. alCyOn [Vision], a. y S. V. HALCYON. Aldebaran [aeidibaran], s. (astr.) Aldebar^n, alder foMoer], s. (bot.) aliso. alderman [oldrennan], *. regidoj : alderman- like, aldermanly, adv. 5. manera de regidor : aldermanate, aldermanship, regiluria. aldern [oidoem], «. hecho de aliso. ale [611], s. cerveza inglesa : ale-Lrewer, cerve- cero : ale-conner, inspector de cervecerias : ale-fed, alimentado con cerveza. aleak [aiiu], adv. y a. derramduulose, gotean- do. aleatory [6- (8 »-) leatori], a. (for. ) aleatoria ; de azar. aleberry t^llberi], ». bebida de cerveza hervida con pan y especias. alecost [^iicoBt], s. (bot.) atanasia. a-lee W^'], adv. (mar.) k sotavento. alehoof [^njuri, *. hiedra terrestre. alehouse [^iijans], s. cervecerla: alehonic keeper, cervecero. alembic [ai^mwc], s. alambique. alert [aidert], a. alerta, vigilante ; vivo, activo : on the alert, sobre aviso. — s. (mil.) sorpresa. alertness [Hi*rtiies], «. vigilanc.a, viveza, »•- I tividad, diligencia. Para el Bontdo de «, as, p, I, 8b, y, x> v^ase la clave de pronunciaciun al princlpio del Ilbro. ALE 15 alewife [eiiuaiO, s. cervecera, mujer del cer- vecero : pez americano usado como abono. alexanders [fieiegssenciKrS], s. (bot.) esmirnio, 6 apio caballar. Alexandrine [aieggsendiin], s. verso alejan- drino. alexipharmic 6 alexiteric(al [aiecsifarmic, aiecsiteric ai], a. alexifarmaco. , alga (*i"a], pi. alffSO [*ivi], s. (bot.) alga, algal [iSigai], a. algaceo. algaroth [A\ga.Toz], s. regulo de antimonio. algobra [scivebra], s. algebra, algebraic ( al [seiYebreic all, a. algebraico, algebraist [aeivebreist], s. algebrlsta. Vlgcrian [KiYinan], Algenne [Kivenn], a. y s. arjelino. algid [seiYid], a. aigido. algoid [seigoid], a. parecido a la alga. algology [eeigoioYi], s. estudio de las algas. algous [ffiigoEs], a. lleno de algas. algjrithm («6igorizin], s. algoritmo. alguazil [aeiguaSii;, c. ^alguacil, corchete, es- birro. alias [eiias] adv. alias, por otro nombre. alibi [u'libai], 5. (for.) coariada: to prove an alibi, probar la coartada, alible [seuboei], a. nutritivo. alidado [seiided], s. alidada. alien [eUen], o. ajeno, extrauo ; forastero, ex- tranjero ; remoto ; discorde, contrario.— 5. extranjero, forastero. alien, alienate [6iien(et], va. enajenar, tras- pasar, transferir, ceder; malquistar, ex- trafiar, indisponer. alienable [euenabcei], a, enajenable, traspasa- ble. alienage [eiienedY], alienship [^uenShip], s. extraujia, extranjeria. alienate, a. ajeno, enajenado. — s. extranjero. alienation [eiien68hoen\ s. enajenamiento, ena- jenacion, desapropio, traspaso de dominio ; extranacion, desapego, desunion , desvio ; alienacion, descarrio, enajenacion mental. Alienee [eiieni], s. aquel a quien pasa la pro- Siedad de una cosa. enism [^iseniSni], s. V. alienage; (med.) frenopatia. alienist [eiienist], s. alienista, frenopata. alienor [eUenor], s. (for.) enajenante ; ena- j en ad or. aliform [*iiform], a. aliforme. alight [aiait], vn. bajar de un eoche, apearse ; descargar, caer sobre, posarse ; dar con una cosa.— a. y adv. encendido, iluminado: alighting-place, apeadero. align [aiain], m. alinear. V. aline. alignment [aiainmajnt], s. alineamiento. aliKe [aiaio], adv. igualinente, del mlsmo modo ; a la par.— a. semejante, igual, simil, conforrae, uniforme : alike-minded [alaic- niainded), a. del mlsmo modo de peusar. aliment [»iimoent], s. alimento. alimental [»iimentai], alimentary [ceiim^u- tarij, a. nutritivo, alimenticio, alimentoso, ALL jugoso. alt Limentally [seHm^ntaii], adv. nutritivamente. alimentarineSS [aelim^ntannes], s. alimenta- cion, niitricion. alimentation [«iiment6Shoen], s. alimentaci6n, nutricion. alimentiveness [seiimentivnes], 5. apetito. alimony [iciinioni], *. (for.) alimentos, asis- tencias. aline [aiain], va. alinear. — vn. ponerse en linea. aliped [*ii|>cd], a. alipede, quiroptero. aliquant [*iikuant], a. alicuanta. aliquot [^iikuoi], a. alicuota. alisb [6iiiSh], a. acervezado. alisma, ^.(bot.) alisma, liron. alive [aiaiv], a. vivo 6 viviente ; vivo, no apa- gado; active. alizarine [aiisarfn], s. alizarin a. alkalescent [seicaiesfnt], a. alcalescente. alkalescence [a5ica;iS8en8], s. alcalescencia. alkali [aeUalai], S. (quim.) dlcali. alkalify [.-eicKiifai 6 seicaUfai], va. alcalizar. alkaligenous [seicaiiYenoes], a. alcaligeno. alkalimeter [teicaiinietcer], s. alcalimetro. alkalimetry [ajicaiimetn], s. alcalimetria. alkaline [«icaiaiu], a. alcalino. alkalinity rsBicaiiniti], s. alcalinidad. alkalization [KicauseShoen], s. alcalizacion. alkalize f»icaiais], va. alcclizar. alkaloid [aicaioid], s. alcaloide, base organica, alkanet [wicanet], s. (bot.) orcaneta, buglosa, onoquiles, melera ; ancusa. alkermes [seiktiermiS], s. alquermes. all [oi], a. todo ; todos ; todo el mundo : all aboard, (f. c.) pasajeros, al tren ; (Mex.) v&- monos : on all-fours, k euatropatas : all bail, salud, bienvenido : all told, en junto. — s. todo, la totalidad, el conjunto: after all, despues de todo : all and singular, ( for. ) todos y cada uno, sin excepcion : at all, de ningGn modo, nunca : before all, ante todo : in all, en todo, en junto : once for all, de una vez para sienipre, una vez y no mlis : when all comes to all, bien mirado, considerSndolo todo. — adv. del todo, enteramente, comple- tamente: all along, todo el tiempo, continua- mente : all but, casi : all right, corriente, perfectamente, esta bien : all the better, tanto mejor : all the worse, tanto peor : all at once, de repente, de golpe : all in the wind, (mar.) en facba: it is all the same, es abso- lutamente lo mismo: for good and all, en- teramente, para siempre : not at all, no por cierto, nada de eso, de ninguna manera : by all means, sin duda, absolutaraente, sea como fuere : for all that, a pesar de. NoTA. — All entra en la composicion de numerosos vocablos, unas veces como ad- verbio en el sentido de "enteramente," y otras como nombre 6 adjetivo en el sentido de " todo " 6 " todos." En unos pocos com- puestos como Almighty, also, always, already, pierde una 1 : en los dem^s suele escribirse con un guion entre los dos elementos, como puede verse en los siguientes, que son los compuestos m^s usados entre los numerosos que pueden formarse con el elemento all y un adjetivo 6 un gerundio : all-consuming, que todo lo consume 6 gasta ; all-eloquent, elocuentisimo : all-embracing, que lo com- prende 6 abraza todo : All-feols' Day, dia de engaiia-bobos (el primero de abril en varios paises). V. april : all-fours, los cuatro palos de naipes ; cuatro patas : to go on all-fours, gatear, andar a gatas : AU-hallowe'en, vis- pera de Todos los Santos : All-hallowmass, All-hallo wtide, festividad de Todos los San- tos : All-souls' Day, dia de Difuntos. Allah [*ia], s. Am. allantois [seKentois], s. alantoides. allay [aie], va. aliviar, aquietar, calmar, tem- plar, apaciguar, suavizar, mitigar, endulzar. allayer [aiidwr], 5. aliviador, apaciguador, cal- mante, mitigante. allasrment fwieemoent], s. alivio, desahogo, allegation [«iieKu6.shoen], allegement tai^ch- iiioent], s. alegacion ; (for.) alegato. allegatOr [aleguetttr], alleger [sel^Yajr], *. ale- fador, afirmante, deelarante. ege [iBi^ch], va. alegar, afirmar, declarar, sostener. Para el gonldo de », oe, d, 9, Sh, y, k, v6a8e la clave de pronunciacion al prlncipio del libro. ALL 16 allAgeable [sei^Yaboei], a. que se puede alegar. allegiance [ffiiivans], s. lealtad, fidelidad, obe- diencia, horuenaje : to swear allegiance, hacer pleito hoiueuaje. alleglant [leiiMaut], a. leal.— 5. sfibdito. allegoric (al [wiegoricai], a. alegorico. allegorically [«iegoricaii], adv. alegorica- raeute. allegoricalness twiegoiicaineg], *. calidad de alegorico. allegorist [^legodst], allegorizer [*iegoraiser], s. el que alegoriza. allegorize ["ei!, «. capaz de aliarse. alliaceous (seli^Siues], a. aliaceo. alliance [aiaian*], s. alianza, union, liga, fu- sion, coligacion ; conexion 6 parentesco. allied [aiiw], a. aliado, unido, confederado : allied to, pariente de. allies [aiaiS], s. ( pi. de ally) aliados. alligation [aiiguesiiceii], s. (arit.) aligacion. alligator [seiisiietor], s. caiman ; (Mex.) lagar- to : alligator-pear, avocado, aguacate, palta : alligator-tree, Srbol que da el liquidambar : alligator-apple, anona de los pantanos. alliteration [a-iitoer^shuen], «. aliteracion, paro- nomasia, alliterative [seiitoerativ], o. voces que empiezan con la misma letra. allocate [aiokeit], la, colocar, senalar, asignar. allocation faiok^Shwn], s. colocacion, fijacion, asignacion. allocatur [aloketur 6 ciStur], S. (for.) " cum- plase." allocution [aiokiuShoen], s. alocucion, arenga, discurso. allodial [alodial], a. (for.) alodial. allodium [aiodittm], s. (for.) alodio. allopath [feiopaz] 6 allopathist i«idi>ari8t], s. alopata. allopathic [wlopiiic], a. alopStico. allopathy [«ei6pazi], *. alopatia. allot [aeiot], va. distribuir, partir, repartir, asignar, adjudicar.destinar. allotment [wiotmoentl, s. lote, parte, porcion ; asignacion, repartimiento. allotropic faiiotropic], a. alotropico. allOtrOpism [aslotroplSm], allOtrOpy [alotroplj, s. (quim.) alotropfa. allOttable [aiotaixei], a. repartible. allotted [«ei6ted], pjp. y a. repartido, distribui- do ; asignado, senalado. allow (aeiau], va. pemiitir, consentir, dejar, conceder; dar, ceder ; confesar, admitir ; aprobar; (com.) rebajar, descontar, dedu- cir. allowable [a-ianabu;il, ff. admisible, permisible, tolerable, licito. allowableness [«iauaiKEiiie«], .v. legitimidad, legalidad ; propiedad ; exencion ; permiso. allowably (wiauai.n], adv. permisivamente. allowance [niaiiaim], «. concesion ; asignaci6n ; ALO racion, gajes, salfirio ; pension, abono, ali- mentos, mesada ; permiso, pemiision ; in- dulgencia- licencia, excusa ; (com.) des- cuento, reoaja, bonificacion, fiapa: to make allowance for, hacerse cargo de, ser indul- geute. alloy [aioi], va. (fund.) ligar, alear los me- tales. — s. (fund.) Jiga, aleacion, amalgama;: (fig.) mezcla. alioyage [aiciech], s. (fund.) aleacion, allspice [oupais], s. v. pimento. allude [a;iiudl,ra. aludir, referirse, insinuar. allure [»iiu], art. indeter. im, uno, una (es el articu- lo a, al cual se afiade la n cuando la voz que le sigue einpiexa por una vocal 6 h niuda). an-, afijo, que tiene varios significados. ana [seiia], 5. (med.) ana. ana [«na], s. pi. apuntes curiosos. -ana, snjijo, (muchas veces -iana por eufonis- mo) referente a. anabaptism [ienab«BptiSni], s. anabaptismo. Anabaptist [ienab^eptistj, s. anabaptista. Anabaptistic knabseptiatic], Anabaptlstical [.tuabieptisticai], a. auabaptistlco. anabolism [aensiboiiam], s. (biol.) procedimien- to de asimilacion. anacamptlc [ajnac^mptic], a. reverberado, re- flejado. anacardium [senacardioeni], S. (bot.) anacardo. anaCbOret [seniecoret], anaCbOrite [een&cor&U], i. anacoreta. anacbronism [sensecronism], *. anacronismo. anacbronistic [wnsecronistic], a. anacronistico. ^iiaclastics, s. V. dioptrics. anaconda [aenseconda], s. boa. anacreontic [seneecreontic], a. anacreontico. anSBmia [animia], s. (med.) anemia. anaemic [animic], a. angmico. anaestbesia [teneszisia], s. (med.) anestesia. anaestbetic [ajnesa^tic], a.y s. anestesico, anes- t^tieo. • ansestbetize reen^s^etaig], va. producir la anes- tesia. anaglypb ] [^nagiul, a. (b. a.) an^glifo. anagOglCal [aenagoyical], anagOgetiCal [sena- goY^ticai], a. auagogico, mistico. anagogics [anagovics], s. anagogia. anagram [ienagraem], s. anagrama. anagrammatical [aenagraemaetical], a. que forma anagrama. anagrammatist [wnagrAmaast], «. el que hace anagram as. anagrammatlze [senagi^matalS], vn. com po- ne r anagram as. anal [enai], a. anal, analects rseuaiects]^./)^. fragmentos.extractos, analectas. analepsis [senai^psis], *. (med. ) analepsia. analeptic [aenai^ptic], a. (med.) anal6ptico, restaurativo. analogical [senaioricai], a. analogico. analogically [lenaioyicaii], adv. anol6gica- mente. analogicalness [anaioricaines], s. calidad de analogico. analogize [anaioYaiS], va. explicar por ana- logia. analogous [an&iogoes], a. anaiogo ; parecido, se- mejante ; simp&tico. analogously [anaiogoesii], adv. anaiogamente ; analogicamente. analogue [*naiog], s. termino analogo. analogy [«n«6iovi), «. analogia, semejanza, co- rrelacion, afinidad. analpbabet [aii4irabet], n. analfabeto. analysis [an*ii8is], analytics [sBnaiitiks], s. analisis. analyst [dnaiut], analyzer [«naUiSoer], s. ana- lizador. «nal3rtlc(al [wnaiiticai], a. analltico. analytically [aenaiiticaii], adv. analiticamentft analyze [senaiaiS], va. analizar. analyzer [senaiaiSoeri, s. analizador. anamorpbosis [wnamorfosiB], s. anamorfosis. ananas [ananas], s. (bot.) anana. anapestl*nape8t],s. (pros.) anapesto (— ^ — ). anapbora [anwforal, s. (ret.) anafora. anapbrodisia [^mefrodisia], s. anafrodisia. anapbrodisiac [sensefrodisiac], s. anafrodisia* CO ; antiafrodisiaco. anarcbist [wnaruist], anarcb [«6narc], s. anar- quista, antisocialista. anarcbic(al [aiuaikicai], a. anarquico. anarcbism [senaiuism], anarcby [(enarkii, s. (pol.) auarquismo; anarquia. anasarca [a^nasirca], s. (med.) anasarca. anaSarCOUS [a.-na8arca;R], a. hidroi)icO. anastasis >nK8ta8ia], s. resurrecciOn. anastatic [aenaest^tic], a. en relieve. anastomosis [aueestomosis], s. (med.) anastc mosis. anastomotic [wnsestomotic], a. anastomotic©. anastropbe [anseatrofe], s. (gram.) anastrofe. anatbema [aneezema], a. anatema, excomu- nion, execracion. anatbematical [anaezem^ticaij, a. pertene- ciente al anatema. anatbematically [anaezem^ticaii], adv. k modo de anatema. anatbematiZatiOn [ansezematlS^Shoen], s. anate- matismo. anatbematize [auKzemataiS], va. anatematizar, excomulgar. anatbematizer [au^zemauisoer], s. excomulga- dor, anatematizador. anatomical [anaetomicai], a. anat6mico. anatomically [anastomicaii], adv. anatomica- mente. anatomist [an^tomistl, s. anatomista, disector. anatomize [anaetomaiS), va. anatomizar ; di- secar. anatomy tan^tomO, s. anatomia ; diseccion ; disecacion ; esqueleto. anbury [senbun], s. (vet.) tumor blando y gru- moso. ancestor [*n8e8toer], s. progenitor, padre, abue- \o.—pl. antepasados, ascendientes, antece- sores, may ores, predecesores. ancestral [wnsestrai], a. hereditario. ancestry [sinscstn], *•. linaje, prosapia, abo^ lengo, alcurnia. ancbor [^ngUcer], vn. (mar.) anclar, ancorar, echar las anclas : to drop or l«t go anchor, dar fondo: to weigh anchor, levar el ancla: to drag the anchor, garrar 6 arrastrar el ancla : anchored, anclado ; en forma de ancla. — 10. ancorar ; aferrar, asegurar : anchoring, an- claje : anchoring of a bridge, am arras de un Suente : anchoring ground, ancladero, tene- ero, fondeadero. ancbor, s. (mar.) ancla 6 Sncora: best bower anchor, ancla de ayuste: small bower anchor, ancla sencilla : sheet anchor, ancla mayor: ring of the anchor, arganeo: anchor arms, brazos del ancla : anchor back, galga del an- cla: anchor bill, pi CO del ancla: anchor cross, cruz del ancla: anchor flakes, u Has del an- cla: anchor shank, cafia del ancla: anchor stock, eepo del ancla: anchor-tripper, dispa- radOr : to stock the anchor, encepar el ancla : at anchor, al ai cla : foul anchor, ancla enre- dada con su cable : anchor beam, serviola : anchor chocks, calzos de ancla : anchor es- capement, escape de Sncora : anchor ground, fondeadero : anchor stopper, capon : drag an- chor, ancla de arrastre ; anchor-forge, anco- reria : kedge anchor, anclote . to ride at an' chor, estar al ancla. Para el sonido de e, oe, u, 8, Sh, y, x, vease la clave de pronunciacion al prineipio del llbro. ANC 21 ANI anchorable [«ngcorabcei], a. propio para an- claje. anchorage [*ngcorech], s. (mar.) ancladero, agarradero ; anclaje, ancoraje. anchoress [sengcores], s. ermitaiia. anchoret [sengcoretl, anchorite [*ngcorait], S. ermitano, anacoreta, mouje. anchorless [ancories], a. sin auela ; inseguro. anchorsmith [ancorsmi*], s. ancorero. anchovy Itenciiovi], s. anchova 6 anchoa, bo- queron, haleche, lacha. ancient [enshent], a. antigno. — s.pl. antepa- sados, mayores ; la antigiiedad : ancientness, dial id ad de antiguo. anciently [enShentii], adv. antiguamente, en otros tierapos. ancientry lenshentri], s. antigiiedad. ancillary [sensiiari], a. ancilario ; subordina- do, dependiente, auxiliar, sucursal. ancipital, ancipitous [aensipuai], a. de dos caras ; de doble filo. ancoral [wncorai], a. pertenecienteosemejante a un ancora; (zool.) encorvado. and [aend], conj. y, 6 ; auu, si, que, a. — 5. nom- bre del signo &. V. ampersand : now and then, de vez en euando : and therefore, por esta razon, por tanto : by and by, luego, al instante : by little and little, poco 6, poco : better and better, cada vez mejor, 6 mejor que mejor : here and there, tan pronto aqui como alii ; aca y aculia : to go and see, ir a ver: and yet, sin embargo: with ifs and ands, en dimes y diretes : and so forth, et- cetera. Andalusian [andaiuvan], a. andaluz, andaluza. andalusite [andaiifigait], *. (min. ) andalusita. andante [andantej, a., adv. y s. (mils.) andante. andantino [andantino], a., adv. y s. (mfis.) an- dantiuo. Andean [sendian], a. andino. andirons [sendaioemS], s. pi. morillos. androgynal [sndroYinai], androgynous [sen- dioYinces], a. androgino. androgynus [«i.dr6Yinoes], androgyne [aendro- Yiue], s. hermafrodita, androgino. android [android], a. que tiene forma humana. — s. automata. anecdote [*necdot], s. anecdota. anemography [senemogran], s. anemografia. anemographic [anemogranc], a. anemografico. anemometer [senemometoer], s. anemometro. anemometry [«nem6nietri], s. anemometria. anemone [anemone], s. (bot.) angmone, ane- moua: sea-anemone, actinia, anemona mari- na. anemoscope [anemoscop], s. anemografo. anent [anemj, prep, tocante a, respecto de, con referencia a, concerniente a ; contra. aneroid [senneroid], a. aneroide. aneurism [^niuriSm], s. (med.) aneurisma. aneurigmal [seniurismai], a. aneurisraal. anew [anm], adv. de nuevo, otra vez ; nueva- mente, de un modo nuevo, de refresco. — N. B. Anew suele traducirse por el verbo vol- ver, V. g. he writes anew, 61 vuelve §l escribir. anfractuous [anfrwctiuoes], anfractuose [an- fiiectiuciH], a. tortuoso, sinuoso, desigual. anfjractuosity [aenfrsBctiuositi], *■. desigualdad, sinuosidad. angel [^nvei], s. Sngel ; moneda antigua de oro : guardian angel, angel de la guarda : angel-age, estado de los §,ngeles : angeldom, reino de los Angeles : angelhood, eondicion de angel : angelicalness, bondad angelical : angel-like, angelical: angel-shot, (arti.) pa- lanquetas : angel-winged, alado como los Angeles : angel-worship, culto de — a. angelico, angelical. Angeles. angel-fish lenvei-fiSh], s. (ict.) angelote. angelic [anveac], angelical [aenvelical], a. an- gelical, angelico, serafico. angelica [aenveiica], s. (bot.) angelica; vino dulce de California. angelically [aenY^Hcaii], va. angglicamente, angelicalmente. angelUS [senYelces], *. (igl.) AngeluS. anger [sengoer], s. ira, colera, coraje, furor, saiia, indignacion, enojo, enfado, disgusto, incomodidad, berrinche ; inflamacion de un organo 6 tejido del cuerpo : a fit of anger, un acceso de colera : to provoke to anger, enco- lerizar, causar ira. an^er, va. enfadar, provocar, enfurecer, airar, enrabiar, sulfurar, enojar, irritar, encolerizar. angina [senyina 6 senYaina], S. (med.) angina: angina pectoris, angina de pecho, 6 ester- nalgia. angle [«ngoei], vn. pescar con caiia ; (fig.) insi- nuarse. angle, s. (geom.) angulo; esquina, rinc6n, recodo, encuentro, cornijal, esconce, codo, codillo ; (ant.) anzuelo ; caiia de pescar: visual angle, angulo optico : angle-bevel, fal- sa escuadra : angle-brace, cuadral : angle- brackets, modill-'nes angulares : angle-raft- er, lima : angle-iron, hierro angular, com- trete : angle-tie, Have, trabazon : angle-worm, lombriz de tierra, cebo. Angle, s. anglo. angled [wng»id], a. anguloso, esquinado. angler [sengioer], s. pescador de caiia; (ict.) pejesapo. Anglican [sengUcan], a. y s. anglicano. Anglicanism [sengiicanism], s. anglicanismo. Anglicism [sengiisiSm], s. anglicismo, inglesis- mo. Anglicize [wngiisaiS], va. inglesar. angling [Bengiin;;], s. pesca (con cafia.) Anglo-American [Senglo-american], a. y s. an- gloaniericano. Anglo-Indian [Kngi^indian], a. y s. angloindia- no. Anglomania [oengiomdnia], *. anglomanla. Anglomaniac [a-nsjiomeniac], a. y s. anglomano. Anglo-Norman [«nglo-n6nnan], s. y a. anglo- norniando. Anglo-Saxon [»nginn6xt], pp. y a. adjunto, anexo, anejo. annexive [(enn^xiv], a. que une 6 anexa, 6 tiende & anexar, anniliilable Iienniijiuboei], a. destructible, ani- quilable. anniliilate [aennaijiiet], va. aniquilar, anona- dar. annihilate, a. aniquilado. annihilation [lennaijiidShcen], s. aniquilacidn, anuiiaduciuu. annihilator [aiunaijuetoer], s. aniquilador. anniversary [lenivdersari], s. aniversario.—* anual. annotate [snaoteit], va. notar, anotar, cckuen^ tar, glosar. annotation [wnnoteShcen], 5. nota, notaci6n, anotacion, apunte, acotacion, apostilla. annotator (* .r.oteta-r], annotationist [fennot^- ghoenist], s. auotador, comeutador, postilla- » dor. annotto, v. ankatto y arnotto, announce iaeivnaunt:], va. anunciar, notificar, comunicar. avisar, participar, publicar, pro- clamar ; d/v larar ; pregonar. annOUncem^n'C [eetinaunsincent], S. aviso, ad« vertencia, declaracion, anuncio, anuncia- cion ; pregon, prospecto. announcer [aennaunscer], S. anuuclador, publi- cador, avisador. annoy [ajimoi], va. molestar, incomodar, vejar, fastidiar, cargar, aburrir, encocorar. annoyance [tenii6iaii»], «. molestia, pena, inco- modidad ; disgusto, fastidio, aburrimiento, lata, engorro, pejiguera, chinchorreria. annoyer [lennoioerj, s. molestador, persona enojosa, chinchorrero. annoying [wnnoying], pa. fastidioso, molesto, incomodo, importuno, engorroso. annual [^enyuai], a. anual, ailal, cadanal. — s. (igl.) anal, aniversario. annually [eenyuaii], adv. anualmente, de aQa en afio, cada aiio. annuary [«nyueri], a. anuario. annuitant [wnniuitant], s. rentista, censualista. annuity [ainniuui], s. anualidad, renta vita- licia, pension, censual. annul [ffinndii], va. anular, invalidar, revocar, rescindir, cancelar, derogar, abrogar, casar, abolir. annular [«eiiyuiar], annulary [ffiuyuieri], a. anular. annulate(d [^nyuiet e8], aUOmaly [fcnomali], .f. anonialia. irregularidad. anomalistic (al [anomaustic al], a. anomalistl« co: anomalistic year, u>io anomalistico. anomalous [anomaiceH], a. anomalo, irregular. Para el sonido de as, w, d, 3, th, t, t, v^ase la cUve de proiK'nclMoiou al principle del Ubro. ANO 23 ANl anomalously [anomaioesh^ udv. irregular- mente. ajAOn [aiionl, adv. pronto, k poco, luego, en seguida, inmediatanienife : ever and anon, uua y otra vez, a raenudo. anonym [senonim], s. persona 6 escritor ano- nimo ; seudonimo. anonymous [anonimajs], a. anonimo. anonymously [anonimoEsU], adv. anonima- mente. anorexia [a.norexia], s. (med.) inapeteneia. another [;en*oa;i], a. otro, diferente, distinto ; uno mas ; ot/o de lo mismo.—pron. otro, otra : one anotber, uno & otro : love one an- other, amaos uncs a otros. ansated [wnseted], a, con asas. anserine [senscerin], a. ansarino ; como ganso ; tonto, necio, raentecato. answer [tensoer], va. jvn. responder, contestar, replicar, reponer'; refutar ; corresponder, satisfacer ; obedecer ; Uenar el objeto, ser- vir, convenir ; (for.) comparecer : to an- swer for, abonar, acreditar, salir fiador de, responder de ; dar satisfaccion ; ser responsa- ble. answer, s. respuesta, contestacion ; refuta- cion, replica, duplica ; solucion correcta. answerable [wnsoeraiKBi], a. responsable; co- rrespondiente ; equivalente ; conforme ; dis- cutible, refutable. answerably [«nscerabii), adv. correspondieute- mente ; responsablemeute. answerableness [sensoeraboeines], s. responsa- bilidad ; cuenta ; correspondencia, correla- cion. answerer [^ensoercBrl^ s. fiador ; respondedor. ant [ant], s. hormiga: white ant, hormiga blanca, terraita : ant-eater, tamandoa. a'n't 6 ain't [^int], v. contraccion vulgar de am not, is not, are not. anta [senta], s. (arq.) anta, pilastra, para.ogteni], aposteme [ap<)stini], s. apostema, absceso. apostemate [apostiinet], vn. apostemarse. apostle [aposoei], s. apostol, enviado. apostleship taposoeisiiip], apostolate [aposto- let], s. apostolado. apOStOliC(al [aepogtoHc'al], a. apostolico. apostolicallj [aepostolicaii], adv. apostolica- mente. apOStOliCalneSS [atpostoUcalnes], s. calidad de apostol. apostrophe [apostrofe], s. (ret. ) apostrofe ; (gram.) apostrofo, virgulilla. apostrophic(al [apostronciai], a. perteneciente al apostrofe. apostrophize [apostrofaiSJj va. apostrofar.— vn. (gram.) hacer una elision ; usar el apos- trofo. apothecary [apozekeri], s. boticario, farnia- ceutico : apothecary's shop, botica, farmacia. apothegm [seporem], s, apotegma, proloquio. apothegmatical [apozegmaticai], a. sentencio- so. apothem [sepozem], 5. (mat.) apotema ; (farm.) . sedimento de una pocima. apotheosis [sepoziosls 6 apozeoait], S. apoteosis, deificacion. apotheosize [aepoziosai&jj va. deiificar. apozem [sepoSem], s. pocima. appal, appall [kpoi], va. espantar, aterrar; desmayar, desanimar. appalling [icpoiing), a. espantoso, aterrador. Para el sonido de se, oe, d, S, sh, Y, t, Y^ase la clave de pronunciaciop al princlpio del libro. APP appanage [«&paneDY], *, dependencia; infan- tado, inlantazga apparatus [wpar^tns 6 Htus], s. aparato, ma- quina, instrumento, aparejo, apresto, tren. apparel [icpp^erei], «, ropa, traje, vestido : wearing apparel, vestidos, ropaje. apparel, va. vestir, trajear ; adornar, cora- poner. apparency [app^rensi], apparentness [apper- entnes], s. calidad de evideute 6 claro. apparent tapi>«raint], a. claro, cierto, obvio, patente, indubitable, evidente, manitiesto ; aparente, pareciente : heir-apparent, presuu- to heredero. apparently [app^rtentu], adv. evidentemente, cfaramente ; al parecer, aparentemeute. apparition [apanShoen], s. aparicion, apareci- miento; vision, fantasma, espectro. apparitor [aep^ritoer], s. ministril, esbirro, munidor ; bedel. appeal [apii], vn. clamar, recurrir ; (for.) ape- I lar, alzar ; poner por testigo. appeal s. rogaclon, suplica, peticion, instan- / cia ; (for.) apelacion ; recurso de alzada. I appealable [apiiaboei], a. apelable. appealer [»piioer], s. apelante. appear [»pioeri, vn. aparecer, aparecerse, mani- festarse ; salir, surgir, nacer, asomar, bro- tar, rayar, apuntar ; parecer, semejar ; (for.) comparecer, responder en persona 6 por procurador 6 abogado. appearance [aploerans], s. apariencia, serae- janza, aspecto ; traza, talante, facha, porte, exterioridad ; Tista, aparicion, llegada, aso- mada ; (for.) comparecencia, comparicion. appearing [apioerfng], *. aparicion, aparecj- miento; Tfor.) comparecencia. appeasable [apiSaUcei], a. aplacable, recon- eiliable. appeasableness [apiSaboeines], s. apiacabiii- dad, aplacacion. appease [apis], va. aliviar, aplacar, apaciguar, pacificar, calmar, sosegar, endulzar, aquie- tar, mitigar, sedar ; desenfadar, desenojar, tranquilizar. appeasement [apismoeiit], s, apaciguamiento, alivio, pacilicacion, quietacion. appeaser [apiseer], s. aplacador, apaciguador, reconeiliador, pacificador. appeasive [apisiv], a., appeasing [apii5ing], pa. apaciguador, sosegador, pacificador; cal- mante, aplaciente. appellancy [ap«ian8i], *. apelaci6n. appellant [ap^unt], s. apelante ; demanda- ior, demandante. — a. perteneciente al ape- lante 6 4 ) a- apelacion. appellate [ap^ieit], a. (for.) de apelacion ; que tiene jurisdicci6n en las apelaciones. appellation [apei^Shcen], s. denominacidn, nombre. tratamiento. appellative [ap^utiv], s. (gram.) apelativo; (fani.) apellido. — a. apelativo, comfin. appellatively lap«utivii], adv. apelativa- mente. appellee [apeii], s. (for.) apelado. append [*p6nd], va. anadir, anexar; fijar, atar ; colgar. appendage [ap^miech], *. pertenencia, depen- dencia, accesorio ; colgajo ; (bot. y zool.) ap^iidiee, cola. appendant [ap^ndant], a. pendiente, colgante, dependiente, anexo, accesorio, unido, pe- gaao.—s. pertenencia, dependencia; col- gajo. appendicitis [apendisiitu ft sitis], s. (med.) apendicitis. appendix [ap^ndix], s. ap^ndice, adici6n, suple- mento ; accesorio, dependencia. 26 APP apperception [apoers^pshnenl, *. (fil.) percep- cion delcuuocimiento interior. appertain [aixErt^in], vn. pertenecer, tocar, ataner, competer. appetence [^petenB], appetency [*petenBi]. s. anhelo, deseo, ganas, avidez, apetencia, in- clinacion, propension, aficion ; afiuidad. appetent [*peteut], a. apetecedor, &vido, an- lielante. appetible [leiieUboei], a. apetecible, deseable. appetite [ffii>eta't], s. apetito, gaua, hambre ; deseo, auhelo. appetitive [wpetaitiv], a. apetitivo ; aperitive, apetitoso. appetize [iSpetais], va. abrir 6 excitar el ape- tito. appetizer [SpetaiSer], *. aperitivo, apetitivo. appetizing [ajpetaiSlng], p. adj. apetitivo ; ape- titoso, aperitivo; tentador, excitante. applaud [ajpiod], va. palmear, palmotear, aplaudir, honrar, aclamar, alabar, celebrar. — vn. dar palmadas. applauder [eepidd(«r], s. alabador, celebra- dor. applause [splog], s. aplauso, palmoteo, pa!- mada; aprobacion, alabanza, aclamacion, plauso, celebracion. applausive [sepiosiv], a. laudatorio. apple [sepoei], s. (bot.) poma, manzana; man- zano : apple-tree, (bot.) manzano, pero: ap- ple of discord, manzana de la disco rdia : ap- ple-harvest, cosechademanzanas: apple-tart, pastelillo de manzanas : apple-yard, huerto . apple-woman, vendedora de manzanas : ap- ple of the eye, pupila 6 niiia del ojo, globo del ojo ; cualquier cosa muy apreciada : ap- ple-core, corazon de manzana: apple-corer, despepitador de manzanas : apple-fritter, fritura de manzanas ; fruta de sart^n : ap- yle-Jack, aguardiente de manzanas : apple- orchard, manzanal : apple-pie, pastel de manzanas: in apple-pie order, (fam.) en or- den perfecto : apple-parer, mondador de manzanas : apple-sauce, compota de man- zanas : crab-apple, manzana silvestre : oak- apple, agalla de roble : thorn-apple, estramo- nio : Adam's apple, nuez de la garganta. appliance [ajpiaians], *. herramieuta, instru- mento, utensilio, aparato, adminlculo : apli- caci6n. applicability [aepiicawmi], applicableness [Apiicaboeines], s. cualidad de aplicdDle. applicable [*piicaboei], a. aplicable, conforme, pertinente ; aplicadero, propio para. applicably [^gpUcabii], adv. de un modo aplica- appiicant replicant], ». suplicante; preten- diente, candidato, aspirante. application [aepiik^Shoen], s. aplicaci6n ; medi> camento aplicado ; sfiplica, peticion, me- morial ; (Mex.) ocurso ; empleo, uso ; estu- dio, atencion, esmero : to make application to, recurrir &: dirigirse&: written applica- tion, memorial, solicitud por escrito. applicative [^pukeitiv], applicatory [«6piica- tori], a. aplicable, aplicativo. applied [lepUid], pp. y a. aplicado ; adaptado. utilizado : applied for, pedido, encargado : patent applied for, se ha solicitado el privi- legio : applied science, ciencia aplicada. applier [a?piaia>r], s. el que aplica 6 adapta. apply [apiai], va. aplicar, apropiar, acomodar, adaptar, destinar, utilizar; dar, adminis- trar ; darse Sl, aplicarse, estudiar 6 dedicarse: to apply one's attention to, fijar la atencidn en. — vn. to apply to, dirigirse &, acudir 6 recu- rrir &, pedir, dirigir una peticion, hacer so- licitud formal. Pars el sonldo de as, oe, d. t, Ih, t, t, viase 1« clave de proraDciacl6n al prindpio del Ubro. APP 27 &ppoillt [sepoint], va. sefialar, fijar, asignar, determinar ; decretar, establecer, crear, ins- tituir; surtir, equipar ; nombrar, designar, elegit, constituir, destinar : at the appointed time, al tiempo prescrito 6 eeiialado, a la hora acordada: well appointed, bien equi- pado. — vn. ordenar. appointee [aepointi], s. funcionario nombrado. appointer [sepomtoer], *. ordenador, director, nominador. appointment [sepointmoent], s. nombramiento, senalamiento, adscripcion , destine; cita, compromiso ; estipulacion, acuerdo, con- venio ; decreto, establecimiento ; direccion, ordeo, mandato, ordenanza, equipo (de tropas) ; racion, sueldo, gajes, honorarios, emolumento. apportion [iBporshoen], -va. prorratear. apportionment [tBporBhoenmoeut], s. prorrateo ; prorrata, rateo. appose [a?p6us], va. poner delaute, aplicar ; yuxtaponer. apposite [^polu], a. adaptado, propio, pinti- parado ; justo, conforme ; oportuno, k pro- posito. appositely [^pogitil], adv. convenientemente, a proposito. appositeness [sipogitnes], s. adaptacion ; pro- piedad. apposition [sepogiShoen], s. (gram.) aposicion ; adicioii, anadidura, yuxtaposiciCn. appOSitive [apositiv], a. (gram.) apositivo. appraisable [sepr^SabcEi], a. apreciable, esti- mable, tasable. appraise [aepr^iS], va. apreciar, valuar, aforar, valorar, tasar, cuantiar ; estimar, justipre- ciar. appraisal [ffipreisai] 6 appraisement [sepr^is- moent], s. tasacion, aforamiento, aforo, justi- precio, avalGo, estimacion, valuacion. appraiser [sepreisoer], s. tasador, avaluador, justipreciador, aforador, perito. appreciable [aepnghiaboei], a. apreciable, esti- mable: perceptible, sensible, notable. appreciate [sepnghieit], va. apreciar, estimar, valuar, tasar. — vn. subir en valor. appreciater [sepnshieitoer], s. apreciador, va- luador, estimador, tasador. appreciation [aepriShi^shiEn], «. valuacion, esti- macion, tasa, aprecio, avaluo ; alza, aumeu- to de precio ; susceptibilidad, sensibilidad, estimativa. appreciative, appreciatory (sepnShiativ, atori], a. apreciativo. apprehend [wprej^ndl, va, comprender, enten- der, percibir ; recelar, temer, sospechar, maliciar • aprehender, asir ; prender, captu- rar, apiolar. apprehender [aeprej^ndoer], s. el que apre- apprehensible [seprej^nsiboei], a. comprensible. apprehension [seprej^uShoen], s. aprension, temor, cuidado, recelo, malicia: compren- sion ; aprehension, estimacion, idea; presa, prision, captura ; embargo : to be dull of ap- prehension, tener la cabeza dura. apprehensive [seprej^nsiv], a. aprensivo, re- celoso, timido ; aprehensivo, agudo, pene- trante, perspicaz ; sensible, consciente. apprehensively [aeprej^nsivH], adv. aprehen- sivamente. apprehensiveneSS [aeprej^nslvnes], s. apren- sion, recelo. apprentice [aepr^ntig], s. aprendiz, tiron, no- vicio, principiante. apprenticeship [mpr^ntigship], *. aprendizaje, noviciado. apprise o apprize [tepralS], va. informar, APE avisar, comunicar, dar parte ; vuluar, apre- ciar, tasar. V. appraise. appriZement [sepralSmoeut], S. avaluo, tasa, valuacion, aprecio. apprizer [apraigoei], s. valuador, tasador, afo^ rador, perito. approach [aeprouch], vn, acercarse, aproxi- marse, llegar, avecinarse, apropincuarse ; frisar, parecerse &, ser parecido a. — va. acercar, aproximar una cosa a otra. approach, s. acceso, proximidad, apropin- cuacion : entrada, paso, caraino.^p/. cerca- nias ; (fort.) aprocnes, ataques. approachable [aeprouchaboei], a. acoesible, atra- cable ; comunicativo, aproximativo. approaching [aeprouching], a. proximo, cerca- no, venidero. approbate l^probeu], va. (E. U.) aprobar; licenciar, autorizar. approbation [wprobdShoen], s. aprobacion, aplauso, aceptacion, benepl&cito. approbative [«probetiv], approbatory [*pro- betori], o. aprobatorio. appropriable [eepropriabcei], c. apropiable. appropriate [spproprieu], va. apropiar, desti- nar ; apropiarse, posesionarse ; incautarse, adjudicarse. appropriate, a. apropiado, apto, a proposito, pertinente. appropriately [aepropnetn], adv. propiamente, aptamente. appropriateness [aepropHetnes], S. aptitud ; propiedad. appropriation [sepropri^ghoen], c?. apropiacion ; (E. u!) credito, cantidad votada por el Con- greso para algfin objeto ; (for.) ensyenacion de un beneficio. appropriator [leproprietoer], s. apropiador. approvable [aipruvaboei], a. diguo de aproba- cion. approval [aeprflval], s. aprobacion : approve- ment, (for.) testimonio de un reo que con- fiesa su delito y acusa k sus complices ; me- joramiento de tierras incultas. approve [apruv], va. ^star, aprobar, consen- tir, autorizar, sancionar ; probar, demos- trar; ensayar; mejorar (las tierras). V IMPROVE.— tw. to approve of, dar uno su be- nepl&cito. approver [aepruvoer], s. aprobador, aprobante. approximate [aeprocslmeU], a. proximo, in- mediato, cercano ; aproximado. approximate, va. aproximar. — vn. acercarse. approximately [aproximetll], adv. aproxima- damente. approximation [eeprocslmdshoen], s. aproxima- cion, acercamiento. approximative [eeproximativ], a. aproxima- tivo ; poco mas 6 menos. apprOXimatively [aeproximatlvli], adv. aproxi- madamente. appulse [tfepoiis], s. cheque, encuentro. appurtenance [sepifertenansl^ s. (for.) adjunto ; pertenencia, dependencia.— ;p/. incidentes. appurtenant [8ep APB uproned [eproend], o. vestido COD delantal. Stpropose [apropo], adv. a proposito, oportuna- mente. apse, apsis [wp«, sepsis], s. (arq.) abside, bo- veda, nicho; (astr.) apside. apsidal [iSpsidaij, a. del abside. apt [lept], a. apto, idoneo, capaz, competente, habil ; propio, pertinente ; propenso, listo, iuclinado ; facil, dispuesto, pronto, vivo, apterous [septcerces], a. (ent.) aptero, sin alas. aptitude [*ptitiud], aptness [^ptnes], s. apti- tud, capacidad, disposicion, idoneidad ; ten- denoia. disposicion, facilidad. aptly [*ptii], adv. aptamente ; prontamente, perspicazuiente. apyretis [sepireticj, a. (med.) apiretico. apyrexia [sepirexia], s. (med. ) apirexia. aqua [aoua], «. (Lat.) agua: aqua ammonice, agua de amoniaco : aqua-fortis, agua fuerte : aqua vitse, aguardiente : aqua regia, agua re- gia, 4ciJo nitro-muriatico : aqua tofana, to- fana. aquamarine [acuamarin], s. (min.) aguamari- na. aquarium [akuericEm], s. acuario, pecera. Aquarius [aku^rioes], .V. (astr.) Acuario. aquatint [euuatint], s. acuatinta. aquatiC' al [akuatic ai], a. acuatico, acuitil. aqueduct [wkuedoect], s. acueducto; (Mex.) caneria. aqueous [6- \o a-] kueoes], aqUOSC [6- [6 a] kuos], a. acuee, acuoso, aguoso, aguazoso. aqueousness [e [6 i ] kueoesnes], aquosity [ekuositil, s. acuosidad. aquiferoas [akuifoerces], a. que conduce 6 sur- te agua 6 fluido acuoso. aquiform [ekuifonn], a. semejante alagua; li- quido. aquiline [«ekuiiin], a. aguilefio, parecido al dguila. Arab [^rab], Arabian [ar^bian], s. drabe ; ara- bico, alkrabe; cab*llo arabe : street arab, pi- llete de calle, golfo. arabesque [lerauesc], a. arabesco, arabigo. — s. ( b. a. ) arabesco. Arabian [ar^bian], Arabic [*rabic], Arabical [arsebicai], a. ar&bigo, arabico. Arabic [Arabic], s. lengua arabiga ; el arabe. Arabically [ar«blcall], adv. & lo arabe. Arabism [«rchdiiicai], a. archiducal. archduchess [arohd^rhes], sf. archiduquesa. archduchy [arcbdAcbi], s. archiducado. archduke (mrhdiuk], s. archiduque. archdukedom [arohdiukdomj, .v. archiducado. arched [archt], a. arqueado, abovedado, corvo P*r» ei sonido de m, ob, d, t, fih, t, k, viaae U clave de pronunciacion al prinHolo d<*i irep. al volver de, alrededor de, cerca de. arousal [arr&uSai], s. despertamiento. arouse [arrauS], va. despertar ; mover, sacu- dir, excitar. arow [arro], adv. (poet.) en fila, en linea. arpeggio [arp^vo], s. (mfis.) arpegio. arqueouse [arkueboeg], s. arcabuz. arquebusier (arkueiwBsicErl, s. areabucero. arrack [eerrac], s. aguardiente de palma. Arragonese, V. Aragonese. arraign [wrreiu], va. (for.J procesar criminal- mente ; acusar, denuneiar. arraignment [ffirr^inmoent], s. (for.) proceso, causa criminal ; acusacion, denuncia. arrange (a;rr6nY], va. eoloear, arreglar, poner en orden, eoordinar, acondicionar, acomo- dar, preparar, disponer, aprestar ; ajustar, convenir, concertar ; justitiear, formar, ela- sificar; (mus. ) arreglar, adaptar. — vn. pre- venir, haeer preparaciones ; concertarse, convenir. arrangement [serr^nymoent], s. coiocacion, or- den, arreglo, distribucion ; preparative, me- dida, provideucia, disposicion. arranger [rerrenvcer], s. arreglador, ordenador. arrant [serrant], a. notorio, redomado, consu- mado, de siete suelas : an arrant fool, (fam.) tonto de marca. ' arrantly [^n-antu], adv. redomadamente. arras [terras], *. tapicerla de Arras. array [aerre], s. orden de batalla, formacion, pompa, aparato; adorno, gala, atavio: to challenge the array, (for.) recusar todo el jurado. array, va. poner en orden de batal'a ; formar las tropas; guarnecer, ataviar, adornar; (for.) eoloear los jurados. arrear [serrioer], s. (Gsase mas en pi.) atrasos, caidos. arrearage [arnoerech], s. atrasos, caidos. arrest [wrrest], s. prision 6 arresto, detenciOn ; aprehension ; (mee.) parada, interrupcion. arrest, va. Impedir, detener, retener, atajar, reprimir ; arrestar, prender, atraer y fijar la atencion. arrester [serrfistcer], s. detenedor : (mee.) spark arrester, cbispero, sombrerete. arrhizous, arrhizal [cerraigus, gai], a. sin rai- ces, arris [^ms], s. (arq.) esquina, &ngulo exter- no ; filo. arrival [arriiivai], «. arribo, llegada ; entrada ; logro, eonseeucion ; advenimiento ; el que llega : a new arrival, un reeifin veuido. arrive [arriiv], vn. Uegar, arribar, advenir, aportar ; llevar & cabo, lograr, conseguir ; suceder, acontecer. arrogance [^rrogans], arrogancy fArroganni], arrogantness («6rro>;antne«], *. arrogancia, orgulfo, soberbia, altivez, presunei6n, fiei'e- za, insolencia, altanerla. arrogant [»errogant], a. arrogante, orgulloso, altivo, fiero, presuntuoso, insolente, sober- bio, altanero, hinchado, imperioso. arrogantly [«6rroKantlt], adv. arrogantemente. arrogate [«rroguet], va. arrogarse, usurpar. arrogation [terrogn^Shaen), *. arrogacion. aiTOW [<6rro], s. flecha, saeta : arrow-root, (bot.) arrurruz : arrow-grass, trigloquin, planta acu&tiea: arrow-head, punta de fle- Par» el lonldo de as, oe, d, 8, gh, t, i, v6sm U olave de pronimciacidu al princlplo d«l libro. AER 31 ASC cha ; flecha de agua, planta : arrow-beaded, arrow - shaped, allecbado, sagital : arrow- headed characters, caracteres cuneiformes. arrowy [terroui], a. en forma de flecha 6 saeta ; rapido como la flecha. arse [ars], *. (vulg.) culo, trasero, nalgas. arsenal [arsenal j, s. arsenal, maestranza, ata- razana. arsenate, arseniate [arseuet, arsmiet], s. arse- niato. arsenic [arseuicj, s. arsenico. arsenic (al [arsenical], a. arsenical. arsenld, arsenide [areenid, naidj, arseniuret [areeniuretj, s. arseniuro. arseniOUS [areinius], a. arsenioso. arsenite [areenaiti, s. arsenito. arsis [arsis], s. silaba acentuada ; inflexion de voz ; (m(is.) parte no acentuada de un com- pas. arson [araoenj, *. incendio premeditado. art {Za. pers. indicat. del verba aux. to bk) : thou art, tG eres, 6 tG estS.8. art [art], s. arte ; habilidad, mafia, destreza ; astucia, artificio ; oficio, gremio : fine arts, bellas artes : liberal arts, artes liberales : black art, magia negra. arterial [artiriai], a. arterial. arterialize [artiriaiaiS], va. arterializar. arterlalization [artiriaiais^shoen], s. arteriali- zacion. arteriole [artWoi], s. arteriola. arteriotomy [artiriotomi], s. {dr.) arterio- tomia. artery [artoeri], s. (anat.) arteria. artesian [artivan], a. artesiano : artesian well, pozo artesiano. artful [artful], a. artificioso ; artificial ; artero, raanero, ladino, astuto, socarron ; diestro, ingenioso, industrioso ; refinado, redomado, bellaco. artfully [4rtfuiiJ, adv. artificiosamente, dies- tramente ; con arte ; insidiosamente, ladina- mente, socarronamente. artfulness [artruiues], s. arteria, astucia, ha- bilidad, industria, alicantina, artliritic(al [arznticCai], a. artritico ; artetico. arthritis [amraitia 6 zritis], s. artetica, artri- tis. artlirolognr [awroioYi], s. artrologia. arthropod [arzropod], 5. animal articulado. arthropoda [arwopoda], s. (zool.) articulados. arthropodal [anrdpodai], arthropodus [ar- zropodujs], a. relativo Sl los articulados. arthrosis [arrrosis], s. articulacion. artichoke [artichouk], s. (hot. ) alcachofa, arca- cil, aguaturma: Jerusalem artichoke, (bot.) especie de girasol ; cotufa, chufa. article [artikoei], s. articulo ; objeto, cosa ; composicion literaria; seccion, clausula; t6rmino, estipulacion ; punto de doctrina ; punto exacto de tiempo ; (gram.) articulo: to surrender upon articles, capitular : articles of merchandise, mercaderias, mercancias, efectos, renglones : small articles, menu- dencias : trifling articles, bagatelas : to be under articles, estar esoriturado : to sign articles, escriturarse : articles of war, el c6- digo penal militar. Article, vn. capitular, pactar, convenir — va. colocar en articulos distint'os ; escriturar, contratar : to article an apprentice to, poner en aprendizaje. articular [artikiuiar], a. articular. articularly [artikiuiarii], adv. articuladamente. articulate [artlkiuiet], a. articulado ; claro, distinto (palabras, sonidos) ; (anat. y zool.) articulado. — s. animal articulado. — s. pi. (zool.) articulados. articulate, va. articular, pronunciar clara y distintamente ; formar algfin convenio por articulos ; formar articulaciones, nudos. — vn. hablar distintamente. articulately [artikiuietu], adv. articulada- meqte. articulateness [artikiuietnes], s. la calidad de ser articulado. articulation [artikiuieShoeu], s. (anat.) articu- lacion ; coyuntura; (bot.) nudo ; (pros.) articulacion, pronunciacion. artifice [artins], s. artificio, ardid, engafio, fraude, estratagema, treta, tramoya, traza, destreza, habilidad, mana, arteria, baruca, tricala. artificer [artinsoer], s. artifice; iuTcntor, au- tor ; artesano h^bil, oficial. artificial [artinShai], a. artificial, fabricado, imitado, falso, ficticio, fingido, postizo, hechizo ; afectado ; artificioso. artificiality [artinshiaiiti], artificialness [ar- tlfighaines]^ s. calidad de artificial 6 artificio- so ; apariencia ; afectacion. artificially [artinsbaiij, adv. artificialmente, artificiosamente. artillerist [artiloeristj, 5.tertillero. artillery (artiloerfj, s. artilleria : artillery park,, parque de artilleria : train of artillery, tren de artilleria: artillery-wagon, carro de ar- tilleria, furgon : field, siege artillery, artille- ria de campana, de sitio : artilleryman, ar- tillero : artillery practice, ejercicio de canon. artisan [artiSau], *. artesano, artifice, oficial. artist [artist], s. artista ; artifice ; actor, can- tante 6 solista. artistic [artistic], a. artistico. artistically [artlsticaU], adv. artisticamente. artless [arties], a. natural, sin arte, sencillo, simple; sin dolo ; (fam.) chabacano ; char- ran guero, candido. artlessly [artiesii], adv. sencillamente, can- didamente, naturalmente, sin arte ; chaba- canamente. artlessness [artiesues], s. sencillez, candidez, naturalidad. arum [eroem 6 4rceni], a. (bot.) arum, tragon- tina, sarrillo, malanga. arundinaceous [arcendineShoes], arundlneous [aroeiidinicBs], a. hecho de cafias. arUSpice [arcfegplsj, arUSpeX [arOtspex], S. arus- pice. aruspicy [ar&spisi], s. aruspicina. Aryan [arian], a. ario. as [sBs], conj. como, tan, igualmente ; mien- tras, segtin, 3, medida que ; asi como, asi tambien : as you please, como Vd. quiera : as good as, tan bueno como : as much as, tanto como : as sure as can be, seguramente, sin duda alguna: as I am informed, seg&u me han informado : as I was writing, mientras yo escribia : as for, as to, en cuanto &, por lo que toca & : as far as, basta : as soon as, luego que : as yet, aun, todavia : as if 6 as though, como si : as well as, tan bien 6 tan bueno como : as it is, asi como asi : as is the beginning so is the end, segfin es el principio, asi es el fin : as for me, por lo que a mi toca •,, en cuanto §. mi : as big again, dos veces tan grande ; as despu6s de such hace veces de pronombre relativo : all such as went there, todos los que fueron alii. asafoetida [sesamtida] s. asafgtida. asarabaCCa [sesarab^ca], asarum [sesaroem], S^ (bot.) asaro, asarabacara. asbestic [aswstic], asbestine [sesWstin], a. as- bestino, incombustible. asbestos [tesb^stns], s. asbesto 6 amianto. ascarides [asc^ridis], ». pi. ascirides. Para el sonido de », ce, d, 8, 8h, t, t, la clave de pronunciacion al principio del libro. ASC 32 ASP ascend [ag^na], va. y vn. ascender, subir ; ade- lantar ; elevar, encumbrarse ; subir de grado. ascendable [asendaboei], a. accesible, que se puede subir. ascendant [as^ndant], ascendent, s. altura, elevacion ; ascendiente, influjo, poder ; pre- dominio ; padre 6 abuelo ; (astr. ) ascension. — a. ascendente ; superior, predorainante. ascendancy, ascendency [asendensi], s. as- cendiente, influjo, poder. ascension [as^nshoen], s. ascension, subida ; (igl. ) la Ascension de N. S. Jesucristo. ascensional [as^nshoenai], a. (astr.) ascensio- nal. ascent [as^nt], s. subida, elevacion, ascension ; ascenso, promocion ; cuesta, pendiente. ascertain [sesoerteln], va. indagar, averiguar, hailar, descubrir, cerciorarse. ascertainable [sesoert^inaboei], a. averiguable, descubrible. ascertainer [asoert^inoer], s. averiguador, in- dagador. • ascertainment [sesoert^inmoent], s. averigua- cion, indagacion. ascetic [aesetic, a. ascStico, mistico. — s. asceta. asceticism [ss^nsisiii, s. asceticismo. ascians [^sfeiiiens], ascii [^skiai], s. (geo.) as- cios. ascites [sesaitis], *. (med. ) ascitis. ascitic(al [8esitic(ai], a. ascitico, hidropico. ascribable [aescraibaboei], a. aplicable, impu- table. ascribe [aeacraib], va. atribuir, achacar, apli- car. ascription [sescnpShoen], s. atribucion, imputa- cioii. asea [asi], adv. en el mar. asepsis [asepeis], s. asepsia. aseptic [aseptic], a. asgptico. asepticism (as^ptisiSm], s. tratamiento aseptico. asepticize [as^ptisaisj, va. (med.) emplear procedimientos antisfipticos. asexual [as^xyual], a. sin sexo. ash [«8h], s. {sing, de ashes ; fisase en la forma- cion de palabras compuestas) ceniza: ash- pit, ash-hole, ash-pan, cenicero, cenizal : ash- pail, eubo para la ceniza : ash-tub, coladero, cubeta de lejia : ash-coloured, ceniciento : Ash Wednesday, raiercoles de ceniza : ash- weed, (bot.) angelica. ash [i«s)i], s. (Dot.) fresno : ash-grove, fresneda : mountain-ash 6 rowan-tree, serbal. ashamed [aShemd], a. avergonzado, vergonzo- 80, corrido : to be ashamed, tener verguenza, sonrojarse. ashamedly [ash^medii], adv. vergonzosamente. ashen t^Sheea], a. hecho de fresno ; cenicien- to ; p^lido. ashes [^SheS], s, pi. ceniza 6 cenizas ; restos mortales. ashlar, ashler [d&shiar, icer], s. siiiar, mam- puesto. ashlaring, ashlerin^: [^shiarinfr, tgshioerin?], s. ligazones de los cabnos del techo ; mampos- teria, silleria, canteria. ashore [aShoeer], adv. en tierra, & tierra : to get ashore, desembarcar : to run ashore, enca- llar, varar. ashy [*8hi], a. cenizoso, ceniciento : ashy-pale, palido, livido. Asian [65i.iai.], Asiatic t6Shi«6tic], a. asiatico. Asiaticism [asniigtistsm], s. imitacion de las oostujnbres asiiticas. aside [asaid], adv. al lado, & un lado ; & parte : to lay aside, despreciar, deponer, desechar, abandonar, arrinconar : (for.) to set aside a Judgment, anular una sentencia.— *. (theat.) aparte. asinine [«ainain d s&slnin], a. asinino, asnal. borriqueno. ask [ask], va. pedir, rogar, suplicar j solicitar; demandar, exigir ; preguntar, interrogar, invitar, convidar, — vn. buscar, iaquirir : to ask for 6 a/ter one, preguntar por alguno : to ask in, up, down, rogar (a una persona) que entre, suba, 6 baje. askance [askaim], adv. al sesgo, de soslayo, oblicuamente, de refilon ; con desden ; coa recelo. asker [askoBr], 5. inquiridor ; suplicante. askew [askiu], adv. y a. al lado ; con desvio 6 desden, sesgado. askin^^ [aBking], 5. sfiplica, ruego ; demanda ; publicacion (de amonestaciones) : third time of asking, tercera amonestacion. aslant [asiant], adv. y a. oblicuamente, incli- nado.— ^rep. al traves de. asleep [asUp], adv. dormido, durmiendo : to fall asleep, dormirse, quedarse dormido. aslope [asioup], adv. en declive, en pendiente. asp [asp], aspic [aspic], s. aspid. aspalathus [aspsiiazoes], s. (bot.) aspaiato. asparagin [sesp^SraYin], *. (quim.) esparragui- na. asparagus [asp^ragoes], s. (bot.) espirrago. aspect [Aspect], 5. aspecto, semblante, cara, laz ; fase, exterior, vista, mirada, ojeada ; disposicion, traza, aire, talante, ademan ; (astr.) aspecto. aspen [^spen], s. (bot.) tiembio. — a. pertene- ciente al S,lamo temblon ; tembloroso. asper [aspoer], s. aspro (moneda). asperate [£spoeret], va. hacer aspera alguna cosa. asperation [KspcerdShoen], .y. asperura. aSpergill [aspoervil], 5. (igl.) hisopo. asperlfolious [wspei-ifoiioes], a. (bot.) dehojas asperas. asperity t»sp6riti], s. aspereza, asperura, acer- bidad, desigualdad, rigidez, rudeza, acri- monia. aspermous [sesp^rmoBs], aspermatous, a. (Dot. ) sin semilla. asperse [*»?*«], va. difamar, calumniar, de- nigrar, infamar. asperser [aespcSraoer], s. infamador. aspersion [aespiSrshoen], *. defamacion, calum- nia ; mancha, macula, tacha, deshonra ; as- persion, rocladura; (fam.) rociada, repren- sion ; (igl.) asperges. aspersive [spspcjersiv], a. calumnioso, defama- torio. asphalt [sesf^lt], va. as f altar. asphalt i^sfieit] 6 asphaltum [asf^uoem], s. as- uilto ; (Cuba) cbapapote. asphalter [a-sfifeuoei], s. asfaltador. asphaltic [wsf^itic], a. asfaltico, bituminoso. asphodel [wsfodel], s. (bot.) asfodelo 6 ga- mon. asphyxia [aeaficsiai (med.), asphyxiation [aesflxieSiia-n], s. asfixia, sofocacion. asphyxial lajsRcsiai], a. asficiicc asphyxiate [sesfixiet], va. afixiar, sofocar. asphyxiated [spsfixieted], pp. sofocado. aspic [&m<-], s. (bot.) espliego ; (zool.) Sspid. aspirant [ii'S|)&iraiit], s. aspirante, pretendien- te, candidato. aspirate [*spfreitl, ra. aspirar, pronunciar con aspiracion ; (fisio. ) aspirar. aspirate, a. asplrado. — s. el signo (*) en griego, que denota aspiracion, aspiration [sBspir^ShcKn], «. aspiracion, anhelo, deseo, arabicion ; (g^ara.) aspiracion; (fisio.) aspiracion, aspirator [lespir^tcer], s. aspirador. aspiratory [«espAiratori], a. aspiratorio. Para el aonldo de m, ce, d, S, Sh, t, t, viaae la clave de pronunciacion al priucipio del Ubro. ASP 33 aspire [ajspaSoer], vn. J va. aspirar, pretender, (^sear, ambicionar ; subir, ascender. aspirer [aespairoer], s. aspirante. aspiring [aespairiiiK], pa. ambicioso ; aspirante. asquint [askuint], adv. al soslayo, de traves. ass [as], s. burro, borrico, asno, juniento : she- ass, burra, borrica : young ass, pollino ; (fig.) tonto, ignorante, bestia, estfipido. assagai o assegai [wsagai, esai], .s. azagaya. assail [aeseii], va. acometer, invadir, asaltar, atacar, erabestir, arreraeter. assailable [les^llaboeij, a. que puede ser asalta- do. assailant [wsellant], aSSailer [asselloer], a. J s. acometedor, asaltador, agresor, arremete- dor, embestidor, chocador. assailment [aesdnmoent], s. asalto, agresion, acometimiento, acometida. assart [asart], va, (agr.) rozar. assart,-^, (agr.) roza. assassin [aes^sln], assassinator [aeseeslnetoer], s. asesino, homicida. assassinate [sesglsinet], va. asesinar, acochi- nar. — vn. ser asesino, cometer asesinato. assassination [ses^slneShoen], s. asesinato, ho- micidio. assault [aesoit], s. asalto, ataque, salteamiento, agresion ; insulto, ultrage ; estupro, viola- cion ; (mil. ) asalto, ataque : assault at arms (esgr.), asalto de armas ; (mil.) simulacro. assault, va. acometer, saltear, asaltar, atacar ; violar ^ una mujer. assaulter [aesoitoer], s. agresor, asaltador, sal- teador. assay [sesg], *. (metal.) ensay, ensaye, toque, aquilatacion, contraste: as'say-furnace, hor- no de copelacion : assay-office, oficina de en- sayador: assay-master, ensayador, contraste. assay, va. (metal.) ensayar, contrastar, aqui- latar ; acrisolar ; probar, experimentar. assayer [sesener], s. (metal.) ensayador. assaying [aBs^ing], *. (metal.) ensaye, ensay: art of assaying, docimastica. assemblage [iesembiecu], .Rtiut], aStUCiOUS[a;8tidShoe8], a. astuto, agudo, sagaz. astuteness [ffiatiotnes], s. astucia, sagacidad, penetracion, sutileza. asunder [as^ndcer], adv. separadamente ; en dos, & pedazos. Para el sooldo de m, ob, d,. I, Ih, t, x. vtese la clave de pronnnciacion al priuciplo del Itbro. ASW 35 ATT aswim [asuSm], adv. flotante, k nado. asylum [asaiirem], s. asilo, refugio, albergue, retiro, sagrado ; casa de beneficencia. asymmetral [asimetrai], asymmetrical [asimdtricai], a. irregular, desproporcionado. asymmetry [asimetri], s. falta de simetria, des- proporcion. asymptote [sesimtot], s. (mat.) asintota. asynchronism [asincronigm], *. divergencia de fechas. asynchronous [asincronoes]; a. que no ocurre en la raisraa fecha. asyndeton [aBindeton], s. (ret.) aslndeton. Ut [aet], prep, que denota situacion, proximi- dad de lugar 6 tiempo, estado, direccion, etc. ; §., en, cerca de, sobre : at Rome, en Eoma: I arrived at London, llegue 4 Lon- dres : at nine o'clock, a las nueve : at first, al principio: at last, por ultimo: at that, (fam.) todavia, en adicion, por contra: at once, de un golpe, a la vez, de i*./ia vez, al instante : at no time, nunca, jamas : at most, a lo mas, cuando mas, a lo sumo : at least, 3, lo menos : at best, cuando mejor, a mejor andar : at the worst, k peor andar : at peace, en ipaz : at work, trabajando : at home, en casa : at your command, a la disposicion de Vd. : at all, en modo alguno ; hasta cual- quier grado ; en todo caso ; por cierto : at all events, k todo trance, en todo caso : at large, en general : at sea, en el mar ; perple- jo, confuso : at hand, k la maiio : at leisure, despacio ; desocupado : at ease, descansada- mente : at play, jugando : at a push, en una urgencia: at a pinch, en un apuro: at a venture, k lo que saiga, S, la buena ventura : at a loss, indeciso, perplejo, dudoso : all at once, de repente : at a distance, a lo lejos : at the hazard of, con peligro de. atabal [^tabaei], s. atabal. ataghan [setagaen], S. V. YATAGHAN. atamasco [aetam^aco], s. (bot.) lirio atamasco. atavism [Atavism], s. atavismo. ataxia [ataxia], s. ataxia. ataxic [atsexicj, a. ataxico. ate [et], pretgrito del verbo to eat. -ate, sufijo que corresponde por lo general al espaiiol -ado. atelier [ateit^], s. taller, estudio. atheism [^zeiSm], s. ateismo. atheist [ezeist], s. ateista 6 ateo, el que niega la existencia de Dios. atheistic (al [ezeisticCai], a. impio, ateista. atheistically [ezeisticaii], adv. impiamente. atheneum [Kzenioem], «. ateneo. Athenian [azinian], a. y s. ateniense. athirst [azderet], odv. sediento. athlete [sezut], s. atleta, ^imnasta. athletic [aezietic], a. atlgtico, lacertoso, muscu- loso, fornido, fuerte. athletics [aezigtics], s. agonlstica, gimnasia. athwart [azuort], prep, al 6 5, traves, de trav6s, por el travfis, de un modo atravesado, con- tra: athwart ship, (mar.) de babor a estri- bor. — adv. contrariamente, k tuertas. atilt [atiit], adv. en postura inclinada ; en ristre. Atlantean [setlantisn], a. atlintico. Atlantic [seti^nttcl, a. atl^ntico. — s. el mar Atlantic©. atlas [«tiaB], *. atlas; (arq.) atlante 6 tela- mon. atmosphere t^tmosnoer], s. atmosfera; aire, medio ambiente ; alcance, esfera de influen- cia; (fis. y mec.) atmosfera. atmospheric (al [aetmosKric(ai], a. atmosfSrico. atoll [atoi], s. atol, isla madrep6rica. atom [*tom], *. atomo, molecula, corpGsculo, atomic(al [atomic ai], a. atomico, atomistico. ' atomism [setomism], s. atomismo. atomist [wtomist], s. atomista. atomization [astomaiSeshoen], s. pulverizacion. atomize [KtomaiS], va. pulverizar, rociar. atomizer [setomaiser], s. pulverizador, aroma- tizador. atomy [Ktomi], s. atomo; motita; (fam.) ena- no, pigmeo ; esqueleto. atone [atoun], va. y vn. expiar, pagar, purgar ; reparar, compensar, dar reparaeion 6 satis- faccion ; propiciar, aplacar. atonement [at6unmeiii], .«. (for.) depositario. bailer [wiioerj, bailor, s. (for.) fiador. Para el s«nldo de », «, d, 8, Ih, t, «, v banco, restinga, alfaque, barra ; ba- rra de riietal,- lingote; reja; tranca, barro- te ; barandilla ; (mec. ) palanca, p^rtiga, irapedimento; obstficulo ; (mus.) raya per- pendicular que divide los compases, y cada compos del pentagrama ; (for.) estrados, foro, tribunal ; curia ; mostrador de taberna 6 cantina ; faja, lista, raya : bar-maid, moza de taberna: bar-lock, (mar.) escalamo: bar iron, hierro en barras : bar of gold, lingote de oro : bar loom, telar de barras : in bar of, como excepcion perentoria : to be admitted to the bar (E. U.), to be called to the bar (Ingl.), recibirse de abogado. bar, va. atrancar, barrear, trancar ; impedir, obstar, estorbar, obstruir, oponer, prohibir ; exceptuar, excluir : to bar out, excluir, ce- rrarle 5, uno la puerta. barb [barb], s. pfia, lengueta de saeta 6 flecha ; (bot.) barba, arista; caballo berberisco. barb, va. armar flechas con lengiietas; hacer incisive, mordaz, picante. barbacan, *, v. barbican. barbarian [barbarian], a. y *. bdrbaro, barbi- rico, salvaje ; extranjero. barbaric [barWeHc], a. extranjero, exotico ; harbiirico, inculto. barbarism [birbaHSm], s. barbaridad 6 barba- rie ; salvajismo ; barbarismo. barbarity [»)arb*riti], s. barbaridad, ferocidad, inhumauidad, crueldad. barbarize [birbarais], t'O. y vn. barbarizar. barbarous [iwriwroes], a. Mrbaro, salvaje, in- culto ; barbArico ; troglodita ; cruel, inhu- mano ; extranjero ; &spero y bronco. Para el sonid* de a, «, d, 8, Sh, y, t, v^aae la clave de pronunciaclon al principlo del Ubf BAR 43 BAR barbarously [barbaroesii], adv. barbaramente ; inhumanamente, cruelmente. barbarousness, s. v. barbarism. barbate [barbet], a. barbado; (bol,) barbado, aristado. barbecue [barbekiu], va. asar un animal en- tero ; (Mex.) hacer barbacoa. barbecue, s. auimal asado entero ; (Amer.) barbacoa. barbed [barbd], a. barbado, armado con len- guetas 6 puas ; bardado, V. bard : barbed wire, espino artificial 6 alambre de ptias (para cercas). barbel [barbei], 5. barbilla de ciertos peces ; (ict. ) barbo, comiza ; (vet.) tolano. barber [barboer], s. barbero, rapador. barberess [barboeres], sf. barbera. barberry [barboeri], s. (bot.) bgrbero, berberis, agracejo, arlo. barbet [barbet], s. (orn.) ave tropical; varie- dad del perro de lanas. barbet-battery [barbet-b*tcEri], s. (fort.) bar- beta. barbican [barbicKn], s. (fort.) barbacana; tro- nera, aspillera. bard [bar6«-bom], a. bastardo ; espurio, hijo natural ; bajo, plebeyo. base- burning [b68-b«ii string], s. (m(is. ) bajo segun- do. bashaw [basho], *. baja. v. pasha. bashful [b«eSbf\ii], a. \ergonzoso, ruboroso, modesto, timido, corto, eucogido ; esquivo. bashfully Ib^ShfuU], adv. vergonzosamente, modestanieute. bashfulness [bjeShfuines], *. verguenza, mo- destia, timidez, cortedad, encogimiento, apocamiento ; esquivez. basic [besic], a. (quira.) bSsico. basify [besifai], va. convertir en base por me- dios quimicos. basil [b&Sii], s. (bot.) albahaca, alabega; (carp), filo achatianado de escoplo o cepillo ; badana. basilic [basiiic], s. (anat.) basilica. basilic, basilica! [basiuc, ai], a. (anat.) basi- lica ; real, regio ; basilicon. basilica [basiuca], s. (arq.) basilica; t&mulo endoselado. basilicon [basUicon], s. ungiiento, basilicon. basilisk [b^Bsiiisc], s. basilisco. basin [b^sn], s. jofaina 6 aljofaina, bacia, pa- langana, lebrillo ; (P. Rico) pouchera ; al- cubilla, cimbija, estanque ; represa, d^rse- na ; area 6 deposito de agua ; concha de un puerto ; taza 6 tazon de fuente ; charca, la- guna; cuenca de un rio, hoya, valle ; cavi- dad de la pelvis ; fuente ; platillo de balan- za. basinet [wisinet], s. bacinete, capacete. basis [besis], .V. basa, base, fundamento, madre, principio fundamental ; cimiento, estribo, pedestal. bask [base], va. asolear, calentar al sol. — vn. toraar el sol. basket [basket], s. cesta, canasta ; banasta, ces- to, ceston ; espuerta, cu^vano, capazo, capa- cho : wicker basket, cuevano, cesta 6 canasta de mimbres : basket-ball, juego de balon : basket-work, trabajo de cesteria ; (mil.) ces- ton, cestonada: basket-hilt, guarnicion 6 ca- zoleta de la espada : basket-maker, cestero : basket-making, cesteria : basket-salt, sal gema filtrada en cestas : basket-woman, cestera. basketful [basketful], s. cestada. basque [bask], a. vascongado ; vascuence, 6us- caro ; jubon, ajustador. bas-relief [bas-reiii], basso-relievo [baso-reii- vo], s. (b. a.) bajo relieve, entretalla. bass [bas], *. esparto ; atocha. V. basswood y bass; (mfis.) bajo prof undo : bass 6 striped bass, (ict.) lobina. bass [bes], a. (mfis.) bajo, grave : bass 6 bass- viol, violoncelo : double-bass, contrabajo : bass-string, bordon. basset [b*set],5. pinta, juego de naipes ; casta de perro : basset-horn, clariuete de tenor. bassinet [basinet], s. cuna; (mil.) bacinete, almete. basso [i>«88o], s. (mfis.) bajo, cantante. bassoon [baissAn], s. (mus.) bajon ; fagot, pi-. porro. basswood [basiui], s. tilo americano. bast [bast], a. liber ; estera, cuerda, etc., hecha de liber. bastard [i>ilstar(i], s. hijo natural 6 bastardo. bastard, a. bastard, espurio, ilegitimo ; de^ generado. bastardize [b^stardais], va. probar que alguno es bastardo ; bastardear. bastardly [biSstarrtii], adv. como bastardo. bastardy [\>&Mard\], «. bastardla. baste [beist], va. (cost.) hilvanar, bastear, em- bastar; (coc.) pringar, lardar, emborrazar, (fam.) dar de palos. bastile [bwRtii], s. Castillo, fortaleza, prision. bastinado, bastinado [bn^stined 6 nadn], .v. pa- liza, bastonazo, bastonada. — va. dar una paliza. Para el aoBldo de m, oe, d, S, Sh, t, %, vtese la cUre de pronuuclacion al principio del libro. BAS 45 - BE basting [besting], s. (cort.) hilvan, basta, em- baste ; (fam.) paliza. bastion [btestloeu b bseschoeu], S. (fort.) bastion 6 baluarte. "bat [baet], s. garrote, 6 palo con que se juega al base-ball ; (orn. ) luurcielago ; albarda : brick- bat, pedazo de ladrillo, tejoleta. l3at, va. y vn. dar, golpear 6 volear con un bat ; pestanear ; mo verse, agitarse. batch ibaetch], s. cochura, hornada ; numero 6 cautidad de cosas que se reciben, se despa- chan 6 se colecciouan de una vez. "bate [belt], s. contienda, altercaeion, debate, disputa : make-bate, cizauero, soplon, cueu- tero ; bufon. bate, va. minorar, disminuir ; rebajar el pre- cio; (ten.) pouer en remojo ; separar y ablandar. — vn. minorarse, mermar. bat-fowling [belt-fauimg], s. q,2l12i. nocturna con antorchas. bath [baz], s. bano, lavatorio ; cuarto de bano ; banadera : hot baths, bancs calientes 6 termas : shower bath, ducha : steam or va- pour bath, bano de vapor : sitz-bath, bano de asiento : foot-bath, bano de pies, pediluvio : bath-tub, baiio, banera ; (Mex. ) tina: bath- brick, piedra para limpiar cuchillos : bath- keeper : baiiero: water bath 6 balneum maris , (quim. ) bano de maria ; (fot. ) baiio, solucion : sand bath, bano de arena : Order of the Bath, orden del Bano (en Inglaterra) : Knight of the Bath, 6K. B., Caballerode la orden del Bano. Datbe [beo], va. baiiar, lavar. — vn. banarse. bathing [beulng], s. baiio, lavatorio : bathing- place, banadero, baiio, balneario : bathing- gown, bata de baiio. "bathos [be«o8], s. paso de lo sublime a lo ri- diculo. ■bathymeter [bazimetoer], s. batometro. bating [bating], prep, excepto, exceptuando, dedutiendo. batiste [batist], s. batista ; olan, batlet [bsetiet], s. batidera. baton [Wetoen], s. baston de mando ; (mus.) batuta. — va. bastonear. batrachia [batrekia], s.pl. (zool.) clase de los batracios. 1)atrachian [batrekian], a. y s. batracio. batsman [bsetsmaen], *■. el que volea la pelota con el bat en el base-ball. battalion [batseiicEti], s. (mil. ) batallon. batten [bsetoen], s. lata, tabla de chilla, listen, alfajia, tablilla, tejamanil. batten, va. cebar, engordar; (agr.) abonar la tierra ; (carp. ) construir con lata, ta- blillas, 6 tablas de chilla : to batten down the hatches, (mar.) cerrar las escotillas y ase- gurarlas con listones de madera.— t;n. en- gordar, ponerse gordo ; medrar a expensas de otro ; saciar un deseo. Datter [baetoer], va. apalear, cascar, golpear, batir, canonear ; romper, desmenuzar ; des- truir, demoler, derribar, mellar, estropear. — vn. golpear. batter, s. batido, pasta culinaria; golpeo, golpeadura; batidor de yeso ; (tip.) estro- peo de tipos 6 de una plancha ; (ing. y arq. ) talud ; (sp.) V. batsman. batterer [bwtoeroer], s. apaleador. battering-piece [b«tceriiig-pi8] 6 gun, s. (art. ) pieza de batir : battering-train, bateria de sitio : battering-ram, ariete, algarrada, bri- gola, almajaneque, maganel. Ijatterv [b^tceri], s. (arti., elec. y mec.) bate- ria ; (for. ) agresion. batting [b*tinK], s. agramaje, espadillaje ; (cer.) moldeaje; algodon 6 lana en hojas ; (sp.) voleo : cotton batting, V. wadding. battle [bsetoei], s. batalla, pelea, combate ; ac- ci.ii, lucha, lidia ; certamen : battle array, orden de batalla : battle-axe, hacba de com- bate ; (Filip.) ligna : battle-ship, (mar.) acorazado de combate: battle-piece, (b. a.) cuadro que representa una batalla. battle, vn. batallar, pelear, luchar, combatir. battled [bjfetoeid], a. almenado. battledore [b^tceidor], s. raqueta : battledore and shuttlecock, raqueta y volante. battlement [bsetoeimoent], s. muralla almena- da, almeuaje ; pretil con cresteria. battlemented [b^tceimented], a. almenado. battology [b«t6ioYi], s. batologla. battue [batiii], s. batida, monteria de caza mayor ; matanza inicua. bauble, bawble [bobcei], s. chucheria, frusle- ria, futesa, friolera, mirifiaque, bujeria. baulk, vn. V. BALK. Bavarian [bavarian], a. J s. bavaro, bavin [b«vin], s. fagina. bawd [bod], s. alcahuete 6 alcahueta. bawd, vn. alcahuetear. bawdily [bodui], adv. obscenamente. bawdiness [bodines], s. obscenidad ; alcahue- teria ; suciedad. bawdry [bodd], s. alcahueteria. bawdy [bodi], a. indecente, obsceno, impGdico: bawdy-house, lupanar, burdel, manceoia. bawl [boi?, vn. gritar, vocear, chillar, desga- nitarse. — va. pregonar. bawler [boioer], s. voceador, vocinglero, albo- rotador, gritador, chillon. bay [be], a. bayo. bay [be], s. bahia ; cala, seno, ancon, "rada, regolfo, ensenada ; brazo de mar ; abra ; (bot.) laurel ; lauro ; caballo bayo ; aullido, ladrido ; acorralamiento ; henil, pajar ; (arq.) intercolumnio, vano, crujia, entre- pano ; (ing.) ojo de puente ; compuerta de un dique : bay window, mirador, balcon ce- rrado : bay work, entramado : at bay, aco- rralado, a raya, entre la espada y la pared. bay, vn. ladrar, aullar. — va. ladrar & ; aco- rralar. bayadere [bayadisjr], s. bayadera. bayberry [b^boeri], s. (bot.) array&n: bay- berry tallow, cera del array5,n brab&ntico. baying [b^ing], s. ladrido ; balido. bayonet [beonet], s. bayoneta. — va. cargar con bayoneta. bayou [baiu], s. canalizo ; brazo de rio. bay rum [be rroem], s. ron COD aceite escencial de laurel 6 de malagueta. bay-salt [be-sou], s. sal morena 6 sal marina. bazaar, bazar [baSar], s. bazar, feria. bdellium [d^uoem], s. bedelio, joya, perla 6 am bar. be [bi], V. subs. {ind. am, art, is ; are : prel. WAS, wast; were: pp. been) ser, tener ; V. g.: he is tall, 61 es alto ; existir, v. g. : he is no more, ha dejado de existir ; haber, v. g. : there is no one, no hay nadie ; estar, v. g. : I am tired, estoy cansado ; tener, v. g. : I am hungry, tengo hambre ; ocurrir, suceder, ve- rificarse, v. g. : the fair was on Monday, la feria tuvo efecto el lunes. To be es verbo auxiliar que sirve (1) con gerundio, para denotar actualidad, v. g. : he is going, se va, he is going to sing, va & cantar ; (2) con el participio, de verbos activos, para formar la voz pasiva, v. g.: he was loved, §1 era amado ; (3) con el participio de verbos neutros, para formar el pretgrito perfecto 6 el plusquani- perfecto, v. g. : he is gone, se fue 6 se ha ido. he was gone, se habia ido ; (4) con infinitivo. obligacion futura, y. g.: I am to go on Monday, tengo que ir el lunes: to be off, (fam.) to- j'ara el souido de e, oe, d, g, §h, t, s, v^ase la clave de pronunciacion al prindpio del l!b/u BE 46 BEA mar coleta, largarse : to be up to everything, ser para todo, no asustarse por uada : to be being, estarse haciendo, v. g. : secret meet- ings were being held, se estabau celebrando juntas secretas : let be 6 let it be, dejalo, de- jalo estar : to be from, ser de 6 veuir de tal parte. be-, preji^% por ; cerca de ; sobre ; en rede- dor ; sirve para hacer verbos actives de los neutros ; para hacer mis iutenso el seutido del verbo ; para formar verbos de adjetivos 6 sustantivos, etc. beach [bich], s. costa, ribera, play a, orilla, ' beach, a. impelir a la playa. — vn. desembar- car en una playa. beached [bltcht], a. varado en la playa ; pla- yado. beachy [biichi], a. playado. beacon [bikoen], s. (mar.) baliza, boya ; faro, faual, almenara, ingaro, alcaudora. — va. se- nalar con almenara ; iluminar, guiar. beaconage [tiktEnech], *. derechos de faros. bead ibid], s. cuenta, cauutillo, mostacilla, chaquira, abalorio, mullo; burbuja, espu- ma ; mira globular de un arma de fuego ; (carp.) astragalo ; (arq.) perla ; (joy. ) grano, perla, cuenta. — pi. rosario : to tell, 6 say, one's beads rezar el rosario. bead, va. aaornar con abalorios. — vn. ensar- tar cuenta.s ; hacer burbujas. beading [biding], s. abalorio; (arq.) liston, pestana, borde ; preparacion para formar espuma sobre licores. bead-tree [bidtn], s. (bot.) acederaque, agriaz, cinamomo. beadle [bidoei], s. pertiguero 6 macerp, muni- dur, bedel, alguacil, ministril. beadleship [bidobisiiip], s. bedelia. beady [bidi],o. parecido a abalorio ; que tiene espuma 6 jiste, beagle [bigeei], s. sabueso ; alguacil ; tiburon pequeno, beaK [bic], s. pico; hocico; (fam.) rostro ; cabo, promontorio ; (mar.) saltillo de proa ; espolon. beaked [bict], a. picudo. beaker [bikoer], s. vaso 6 copa de boca ancha ; (quim.) vaso picudo para los analisis. beam [bim], s. (arq.) viga, madero, trabe; (mar.j bao ; manga deun buque ; (tej.) en- julio o vara de empano ; brazo de una bas- cula 6 romana ; rayo de luz, destello : after- most beam, bao popero : foremost beam, bao proel : midship beam, bao maestro : on the beam, por el trav6s. — vn. destellar, fulgurar. beaming [biming], a. radiante ; brillaute ; alegre, vivo. beainless [bimies], a. sin rayos. beamy [Wmi], a. radiante ; alegre, vivo ; pa- recido & una viga ; (mar.) ancho de manga. bean [bin], va. haba ; judia, habichuela, fre- jol, alubia ; (Mex., Cuba) frijol : string beans, (Mex.) ejotes ; habichuelas 6 judias tiernas 6 verdes. bear [b«ar], va. {pret. BORE, pp. BORNE, 6 born) sostener, aguautar ; llevar, portar, cargar: mostrar, dar muestras de ; sopor- tar, sufrir, endurar, tolerar ; sufragar ; asu- mir 6 tener una obligacion, carga o respon- eabilidad ; usar alguna insigniade autondad 6 distincion : to bear a crown, cenirse una corona : profesar 6 tener amor (i odio ; guar- dar (reiaci6n, etc.) ; producir, parir, dar & luz (en este sentido, el pp. es bom) ; poseer, tener derecho & ; impeler, empujar ; hacer pesar, deprimir ; (com.) hacer bajar el va- lor, jvgar & la baja. — vn. padecer, sufrir ; fructificar, dar fruto ; aguantar, soportar ; dirigirse 6 encaminarse a algun pariije de- termiuado : to bear a hand, (mar.) ayudar, dar una mano : to bear arms, servir en I& milicia ; portar armas : to bear back, reti- rarse, hacerse atras : to bear down, derribar ; supeditar : to bear company, aconipanar : to bear date, estar fechado : to bear in mind, te- ner presente : to bear off, gauar ; (mar.) apartarse : to bear out, apoyar, confiruiar, corroborar: to bear up, cobrar auiiuo: to bear upon, (arti.) apuntar hacia : to bear with, coullevar, condonar, ser iudulgeute : to bear witness, atestiguar. bear, *. (zool. ) oso ; (com.) bajista : Great and Little Bear, (astr. ) Osa mayor y meuor : bear garden, patio de osos ; (fam.) merienda de uegros : bear's-breech, (bot.) branca ursina, acauto: bear's-ear, (bot.) oreja de oso: bear's-foot, (bot.) eleboro negro. bearable [berabtei], a. sufrible, soportable, to- . lerable. bear-berry [b^ar-beri], s. v. bearwood. beard [bia-rd], s. barba 6 barbas ; (bot.) raspa. brizna, arista ; lengiieta de fiecha ; barbas de pluma. — va. arrancar las barbas, mesar ; retar. bearded [bioerded], a. barbado ; barbudo ; (bot.) aristado ; (astr. ) caudato. beardless [bioerdies], a. imberbe, desbarbado, barbilampiiio ; (bot.) derraspado. bearer [b^aner], «. portador, dador ; faquiu ; munidor, zacatecas ; irbol frutifero ; (mec.) chumacera, apoyo, sosten, gaucho, soporte ; (print.) calzo. bearing [b^aering], s. aguante, paciencia, su- frimieuto ; porte, maneras, presencia, ta- lante; relacion, conexion ; fuerza, seutido, valor de una expresion ; produccion, fructi- ficacion ; gestacion, prenez ; (mec.) punto de apoyo, manga de eje, cojiuete, soporte, chumacera, munonera ; (arq.) apoyo, pun- tal, sosten ; (mar.) orientaciou, marcacion, demora, situacion ; linea de flotaciou : to take bearings, abalizarse, marcarse ; orien- tarse : bearing-neck, munon : armorial bear- ing, (bias.) escudo de armas: past bearing, insufrible, inaguantable. bearish [bearish], a. osuno ; rudo, &spero. bearskin [beankiu], s. piel de oso ; morridn de granadero. bearwood [b^amd], s. (hot.) arbusto cuya cor- teza es la " cAscara sagrada." beast [bist], s. bestia, bruto, cuadrfipedo ; hombre brutal : beast of burden, ac^mila : wild beast, Hera. heastlike [biHtiaic], a. bestial, abrutado. beastliness [bistunes], s. bestialidad, brutali- dad. beastly [bistii], a. bestial, brutal. — adv. bru- talmente, bestialmente. beat [bit], va. ( pret. beat : pp. beaten 6 beat) batir ; pegar, golpear, cascar, sacu- dir ; machacar, moler ; ganar, veneer, de- rrotar ; (caz.) dar una batida ; (mil.) tocar el tambor, reaoblar ; (mfis.) marcar el com- p&s ; (com.) rebajar el preeio ; (agr.) tri- llar ; (joy.) batir oro 6 plata ; (iud.) aba- tanar ; espadillar, agramar, majar. — vn. latir, palpitar ; ludir, rozar ; golpear ; batir (el sol, el aire, el mar) ; fluctuar ; teutar el vado ; dar con violencia contra alguna cosa : to beat about, barloventear : to beat about the bush, andarse por las ramas : to beat all hollow, (fam.) dejar tamauito : to beat a parley, (mil.) pedir parlamento : to beat a retreat, tocar retirada : to beat against, chocar 6 batir contra : to beat down, (com.) abatir ; regatear : to beat into, in- Para el sonido de m, as, i>, S, Sh, y, x, v^a«e la clave de pronunciacioii al priucipi» del llbro. BEA 47 BEE culcar : to beat to powder, reducir 5. polvo : to beat black and blue, acardenalar : to beat up, batir (huevos) ; sorprender (al eue- migo). beat, s. golpe ; pulsacion, latido ; sonido re- petido ; toque de tambor; (mil.) ronda.— a. (fam.) fatigado. "beaten [bitoen], a. trillado, asendereado ; ba- tido. beater [Wtoer], s. martillo, maza, pison, gol- peador, batidor, sacudidor, molinillo ; apa- leador : egg-beater, batidor de huevos. beatific (al [biatinc ai], a. beatlfico. beatiflcally [biatincaii], adv. beatlfieamente. beatification [watifik^shcEn], s. beatificacion. beatify [biatirai], va. beatificar. beating [bitins], .idr*goei], va. ensuciar 6 manchar la ropa. bedrid 6 bedridden [b^dnid], a. postrado en cama. b"ed-rOCk [b^d-rroc], *. (min. ) lecho de roca. bed-room [b^d-n-um], «. alcoba, cuarto de dor- mir; (Mex.) rec&mara. bedside [b^dsaid], s. lado de cama. bedsore [bedsoar], s. llaga causada por la pro- lougada perraanencia en el lecho. bedspread [b^dspred], s. cubrecama, telliza, sobrecama. bedstead [b^dsted], s. cuja, armadura de la cama. bedtime [b^dtaim], *. hora de acostarse. bedward [b^duard], adv. hacia la cama ; hacia la noche. bee [bi], s. (ent.) abeja; (fam.) reunion, ter- tulia: queen-bee, abeja madre 6 reina: worker-bee, abeja obrera : bee-bread, polen almacenado: be«-fly, mosca abeja: bee-cult- ure, apicultura. beech [Wch], s. (hot.) haya: beech-mast 6 beech-nut, fabuco, hayuco": beech-oil, aceite de fabuco. beechen [Wchoen], a. de haya. bee-eater [bUtoer], s. (orn. ) abejaruco. beef [bif], s. carne de vaca.— ;>/. beeves, reses vacunas : dry beef, cecina : jerked beef, tasa- Para el sonido de «b, «b, d, 8, Sh, y, x, v^ase la clave de pronanciacion al princlpio del libro. BEE 48 BEL jo: beefsteak, (coc.) biftec : roast beef, ros- bif: beef Btew, platillo. beef-eater [bir-itoei], s. alabardero ; criado ro- llizo ; (fam.) un ingles (apodo). beef-witted [Wf-uitedJ, a. lerdo, estfipido. bee-garden [W-gard. de antemano, & prevencion, previamente, con antelacion. — a. acomodado, con recursos. befoul [bitaui], va. ensuciar, emporcar, emba- durnar. befriend Ibifieud], va. favorecer, patrocinar, aniparar, proteger. beg [i)es], vn. mendigar, pordiosear, vivir de limosna. — va. rogar, pedir, suplicar, implo- rar. began [bigiln], pre(. del verbo to begin, beget [biguet], va. (pret. begot — ant. begat — pp. begotten) engendrar; producir, cau- sar, suscitar. begetter [bigu^toer], *. engendrador. beggar [b^gar], *. meudigo, pordiosero, men- digante, pobre de solemniaad : beggardom 6 beggarhood, pobrismo 6 pobreria. beggar, va. empobrecer, arruinar • apurar, agotar : to beggar description, no haber pala- bras para describir. beggarliness [be^iariineR], beggary [b^gari], ». mendicidad 6 mendiguez, pordioseria, po- breza, miseria. oeggarly [h^garii], a. pobre, miserable. — adv. pobremente. begging [b^guingj, pa. mendicante.— .v. meifi dicacion, oordioseo: to go begging, andai mendigando. begilded [i.iguiided], pp. y a. dorado, begin [biguiu], va. yvn. {pret. began 6 begcn: jpp. begun) empezar, comenzar, priucipiar, iniciar ; nacer. beginner [bjguimer], s. autor, inventor, origii nador; principiante, novicio, novato, tiron, beginning [biguiuing], «. prlncipio, origen, co- mienzo; genesis.— pa. comenzante, incipient te. begone ! [bigon], inte}-j. ; fuera f i vete ! begonia [bigouia], *. (bot.) begonia. begored [Wgooerdl, a. ensangrentado. begot, prel., begotten, pp. del verbo to b6< get. begrime [bigraim], va. embarrar. begrudge [bigroedv], va. envidiar ; regatear, repugnar. beguile [bigaii], va. enganar, seducir ; defrau^ dar, entretener, pasar el tiempo, divertir. beguiler [bigailoer], s. engauador, seductor, im- postor. "begVLU, pp. y pret. del verbo to begin. behalf [Wjaf], s. (precedido de in, on. 6 upon) por ; a favoK, en nombre, interes 6 defensa de alguno. behave [bij6v], va. y vn: {prel. y pp. behaved) proceder, obrar, conducirse, comportarse 6 portarse (bien 6 mal) : behave ! ; estese Vd. quieto ! i portate bien ! behavior, behaviour [bijevioer], s. proceder, conducta, comportamieuto ; (mec. ) marcha, operacion, modo de funeionar. behead [bij6d], va. degoUar, decapitar, desca- bezar. beheader [bijedoer], s. degollador. beheading [bij6dins], s. decapitaoion, degolla- cion. beheld tbijeid], pret. y pp. del verbo to behold. behest [bijest], s. manaato, precepto, requeri- miento. behind [bijaind], adv. atras, detras ; en zaga ; hacia atras ; por detras ; en pos ; con retra- so.— prep, tras, detras de ; despues de : be- hind one's back, en auseucia 6 a espaldas d© uno. behindhand [bijaindjeendj, adv. con atraso, con retraso. — a. atrasado, retrasado. behold [bijoid], va. (pret. y pp. beheld) ver, mirar, contemplar, considerar, notar, obser- var : behold 1 interj. \ mirad ! he aqui ! beholden [bijoidoeul, a. deudor, obligado por gratitud. beholder [bijoidoer], s. espectador, miron. beholding [bijoiding], s. contemplacion ; es- pectaculo. behoney [bij(feiii], va. dulcificar. behoof [bijufl, .s. provecho, utilidad, ventaja. behoove, behove Ibijuv], vn. impers. tocar, corresponder, incumbir, importar. beild Ibfld], V. y S. V. BIELD. being [biing], ger. del verbo tx) be, siendo : foi the time being, por el momento. — s. existen- cia ; ser 6 esencia ; estado o condicion ; ente, ser, criatura ; entidad, substancia : well-be- ing, bienestar, bienandanza. — conj. ya que, puesto que, supuesto. belabor, belabour [bii^baer], va. apalear, pe- gar, cascar ; trabajar, elaborar. elac belaced [biuutj, a. adomado con encfijo, ;ra- loneado. belate [wwit], va. tardar ; trasnochar. belay [um], va. {pret. y pp. belayed 5 be- laid) araarrar dando vueltas ; sitiar, blo- Quear, cercar, rodear : belaying-pins, cabi- llas, maimonetes. P*rs el sonido de aa, ce, o. i. ih, t, a. v^aae la dave de pmnunciacion al principio del lU>ro. BEL 49 BE^i belch [L-t-ich], va. arrojar, echar de si, Tomitar. — vn. regoldar, eructar ; voiuitar ; salir. belch, belching [beicinug], s. regueldo, eructo, eructacioii. beldam, beldame [b^idam, dem], /. bruja, ve- jestorio. beleaguer [wiiswoer], va. sitiar, bloquear. beleaguerer, beleaguering, «. ya. sitiador. belemnite [beiemiiait], s. (min.) belemnita, belfry [beifn], s. campanario. Belgian [beiYiaii], a. bfilgico.— s. belga. Belial [biiiai], s. Belial, Satanas. belibel [buaibei], va. calumniar. belie [biiai], va. enganar, falsear, contradecir, desmentir ; defraudar ; calumniar. belief [biHf], s. fe, creencia, credito ; confian- za ; credo, religion ; opinion, parecer. believable [buivabcei], a. crelble. believe [biiiv], va. y vn, creer ; confiar en 6 tiarse de ; opinar. believer [binvoerl, s. creyente, fiel, cristiano. believingly [biiiviagly], adv. con fe 6 creencia, confiadamente. belike [wiaik], adv. probablemente, quiza, acaso, tal vez. belittle [biiitoei], va. deprimir, achicar, dar es- casa importancia. bell [bei], s. canipana ; campanilla, timbre ; esquila, cencerro ; cascabel ; carapanada : clapper of a bell, badajo de campana : chime of bells, repique de campanas : passing-bell, doble por los difuntos : diving 6 diver's bell, campana de buzo : to bear the bell, ser el priniero : to bear away the bell, ganar el pre- luio : to lose the bell, ser vencido. bell, vn. (bot.) crecer en figura de campana. belladonna [beiadona], s. (bot.) belladama 6 belladona. bell-buoy [boi], s. boya de campana. bell-cow [bel-cau], S. julo. bell-crank [bei-cr«iik], s. torniquete. belle [bei], sf. beldad, mujer bella. belles-lettres [bei-ietr], s. bellas letras, liiera- tura. bell-fashioned [bei-faeghoend], a. acampanado. bell-flower [bei flauoer], s. (bot.) ruiponce 6 re- poiichigo; campanula; variedad de man- zana. bell-founder [bei-faundoer], s. campanero. bell-glass [bei-gias], s. campana de cristal. bell-hanger [bei-janger], s. campanillero. bell-hanging [jangingj, s. instalacion de cam.- jianillas. bell-horse [bei-jors], bell-mule [b^i-miui], s. julo, cebadero. bellicose [beUcos], a. belicoso, belico, guerrero. bellied [b^iid], a. ventrudo, barrigon ; panzu- do ; combado, convexo. belligerent [beiiYujient], s. beligerante. — a. beligerante, belicoso, guerrero. bell-man [bei-man], .f. pregonero. bell-metal [bei met(ti], *■. metal campanil. bell-mouthed [bei-mauzd], a. abocinado, acam- panado ; campanudo. bellow [beio], vn. bramar, berrear, mugir, ru- \ gir, liiraplar ; vociferar, gritar. bellower [beiotei], s. bramador. bellow, bellowing [b^ioing], pa. rugiente.— *. bufido, bramido, rugido. bellows [b6ios], .v. {sing, y pi.) fuelle : bellows- maker, barquinero. bell-pull [b6i-puij, s. boton, tirador de campa- nilla. bell-punch [b^i-pojnchl, s. sacabocados con "'mDre. oell-ringer [bei-ring«Br], s. campanero. beU-rope [b^i-roup], s. cuerda 6 soga de cam- pana. bell-shaped [b^i-gheipt], a. acampanado. bell-tree [bei-tri], s. (mGs.) chinescos. bell-wether [bei-ueooer], s. manso . belly [b6ii], s. {pi. BELLIES) vientre, barriga, panza ; bandullo ; andorga ; estomago ; seno, e n trail as ; combadura, barriga de una bo- tella, etc. : belly-ache, colico 6 dolor de vien- tre : belly-band, cincho ; ventrera, cinto, tripero: bellyful, panzada, hartazgo: belly- god, gloton : belly-worm, lombriz. — a. belly- bonnd, estreiiido de vientre : belly-pinched, hambriento. belly, vn. pandear. — va. combar, inflar, hin- char. belong [biiong], vn. pertenecer ; tocar, ataner, concernir, incumbir; residir en, ser natu- ral de. belonging [buonging], pa. perteneciente. — s. perteneucia, propiedad.— p/. anexos, anexi- dades : bartulos. beloved [biioevtj, «;>. de belove, amado; [bl- lOBvedl, a. caro, dilecto, querido, amado. — s. persona amada. below [biioj, adv. abajo, bajo, debajo, mas abajo ; en el infierno.— prep, bajo, debajo de, despues de : below par, (com. ) k descuen- to, con perdida : below zero, bajo cero. belt [belt], s. cinto 6 cinturon, faja, ceiiidor, pretina; (mec.) correa de transraision ; (geog.) zona, faja : sword-belt, biricO : shoul- der-belt, taliali. belt, va. fajar ; cercar, rodear. belt-saw [beit-so], s. sierra sin fin, sierra de cinta. V. band-saw. belting [belting], s. correaje, correas de trans- mission. beluga [beluga], s. (ict.) ballena blanca; estu- rion bianco. belvedere [beivedioer], s. torre, mirador. beniire [iiiniaicer], va. enlodar, embarrar, atar- quinar, encenagar, emporcar. bemoan [bimoun], va. lamentar, deplorar. bemoanable [bimounaboei], a. lamentable. bemoaner [bimounoer], s. lamentador, plaiii- dor. bemoaning [bimduning], s. lamento, lamenta- cion. bench [bench], s. banco, banca, banqueta, es- cabel, asiento ; banco de carpintero ; (for.) tribunal: King's 6 Queen's Bench, tribunal superior de justicia : bench show, exposicion de perros : bench warrant, auto de prision ; bench cover, bancal. bench, va. construir bancos. bencher [benchoer], s. decano de los colegios de abogados ; frecuentador de tabernas. bend [bend], va. {pret. y pp. bent) encorvar, doblar, plegar, torcer, combar, empandar, acodillar ; dirigir, inclinar 6 eucaminar ; dcdicar, {.jjlicar ; doblegar, sujetar, veneer ; humillar, hacef bajar ; (mar.) entalingar, amarrar. — vn. cncorvarse, doblarse, coinbar- se, bornearse, agarbarse, ceder, doblegarse, someterse : to bend one's brows, fruucir 6 arrugar las cejas. bend, s. c^^mba, encorvadura, curvatura ; co- dillo ; (mar.) nudo ; gaza ; (bias.) barra. bendable [b^ndaboei], a. flexible, plegable. bender [btndoer], s. torcedor ; doblador ; flexor. bending [binding], s. comba ; codillo ; in^ flexion, cimbreo ; declive ; rodeo, vuelta. beneath [biniz], adv. y prep, bajo, debajo, aba- jo ; en lo mas hondo. benedick, benedict, s. un recien casado, benedictine [benedictin], s. y a. benedictino, b©- nito. benediction [benedicShoen], s. bendicion ; mer- ced, divina gracia. ^ara el sonido de 43 c8, D, S, gh. Y, X. vease la clave de pronunciacion al principio del libro. BEN 50 BES lienefactor [benoeMctor], s. benefactor, bienhe- chor ; fundador ; patron. benefaction [beuefKcShoen], s. benefieio, favor, gracia, inerced. benefactress [iieneftectres], «/. bienhechora; fundadora, patrona. benefice [benefisj, s. (igl.) benefieio, prebenda. beneficed [benenst], a. (igl.) beneficiado, pre- bendado. beneficence [biu^riBens], «. beneficencia ; carl- dad. beneficent [binensent], a. benefico, caritativo. beneficently [bin^rmentii], adr. beneficamente. beneficial [benefiShai], a. beneficioso, provecho- so, util, ventajoso. beneficially [benenshaii], adv. beneficamente, provechosamentq. beneficialness ibenefiahaines], s. beneficiacion, . utilidad, provecho. beneficiary [benefishiari], 5. beneficiario; (igl.) beneficiado ; portador de una libranza pos- tal. — a. beneficial. benefit [Wnefit], s. benefieio, utilidad, prove- cho, veutaja ; pro, bien, privilegio ; gracia ; (teat.) funeion de benefieio. benefit, va. beneficiar, aprovechar. — vn. apro- vecharse 6 utilizarse; prevalerse. benevolence [wnevoiensi, *. benevolencia, ca- ridad, huinanidad ; graoia, merced. benevolent [bin6voient], a. benevolo, caritati- vo ; huniano ; gracioso. benevolently [bin^voientii], ad?;, benignamente. Bengal [bengoil s. (tej.) Bengala : Bengal light, luz de Bengala. Bengalee [bengaii], s. y a. bengall. benigbt [benait], va. cogerle k uno la noche ; obscurecer. benighted [Wn&ited], pp. anochecido ; desca- rriado, extraviado, errante ; ignorante. benign [binaini, a. benigno, afable, generoso, liberal, dulce, humano, obsequioso, servi- cial ; -benigno, saludable. benignant [Wnignant], a. benefico, propicio, saludable. benignity [wnigniti], *. benignidad, bondad, dulzura ; salubridad. benignly [wnainii], adv. benignamente. benison .beuiscEn], s. bendicion. bent [i>ent], s. encorvadura, curvatura, com- ba; curvidad; inclinacion, propension, de- terminacion, direccion, tendencia ; grado maximo de tension. bent, pp. y a. encorvado, curvo, torcido, com- bo, corvo, gacho ; inclinado, determinado, resuelto : bent apon, resuelto &. benumb lbin6seni«:r] s. Bessemer ore, mineral de hierro sin fosforo : Bessemer steel, acero de Bessemer : Bessemer converter 6 appara- tus, aparato de Bessemer. best [be«tl, a. super, de good (bueno), Opti- mo, superior, sumamente bueno • mejor, mas ventajoso : best man, padrino de boda : best work, mineral mas rico : second best, el mejor despues del primero, accesit : best se antepone a algunos participios para for- mar compuestos, en cuyo caso denota el mejor 6 el m&s, v. g. : best-known, el mas conocido: best-lntentioned, el mejor inten- cionado. — s. el mejor de todos ; lo mejor : at best, at the best, dado 6 supuesto lo me- jor : for the best, por lo mejor, con la mejor intencion : to get the best of, llevar ventaja, sobrepujar, veneer & aiguno. — adv. {superl. de well, bien) mas bien, mejor, del mejor modo ; preferentemente : I love that best of all, pretiero aquellq a todo lo demas. bestead tbist^dj, va. y vn. {pret. besteaded: pp. BESTEADED 6 BESTED) bcueficiar, apro- vechar, servir. — va. {pp. bested 6 bestead) rodear, cercar, acosar ; en esta acepcion solo se usa el participio, bestial [Uestiaij, a. bestial, brutal ; abrutado, carnal. bestiality [bestiaiiti], s. bestialidad. bestialize [bestiaiaiS], va. embrutecer. bestially [bestiaii;, vdv. bestialmente. bestir ibiatoferj, va. mover, menearse, Incitar, bestow [bisto:, va. dar, conferir, otorgar, con- ceder, agraciar ; regalar; emplear, gastar. bestowal tbistoai], s. dddiva, presente, gracia. bestower [bistooer], s. donador, bestride [bistraid], va. {pret. bestrode 6 be- STRID : pp. BESTRiDDEX 6 bestrid) montar a horcajadas ; cruzar de un trance. bestrew, bestrow [bsstru, wstro], va. {pret. BESTREWED : pp. BESTREWED 6 BESTREWN) rociar, esparcir, derramar. bet (betl, «. apuesta. bet, va. apostar ; atravesar, poner, ir, betake [bU^cl, va. {pret. betook : pp. BETAK- EN) recurrir, acudir; irse, trasladarse; aplicarse, darse k, emprender, entregarse k. betel o betl [bUoei], s. (bot.) betel : betel-nnt, fruto de la areca. betbel Ibezei], s. capilla para marineros. bethink [bizink], va. {pret. y pp. BETHOUGHT) recapacitar, recordar. — V7i. considerar, pen- i^ar, reflexionar, deliberar. Bethlehem, Bethlehemite, v. bedlam, BEDLAMITE. betide [bitaia], va. pasar, acontecer, suceder ; presagiar, indicar. — vn. suceder, acontecer, acaecer, efectuarse. verificarse. betime [betaim], betimes [betaimS], adv. con tiempo, en sazon ; pronto, antes de mucho, temprano. betoken [bitokoeni, va. significar, representar ; prometer, dar muestras de. betony [bdtoni], s. (bot.) betonica. betOO& [bittik], jjret. del verbo to betake, betray [bitr^], va. traicionar, vender k uno ; revelar, descubrir ; violar, seducir ; preva- ricar ; exponer, mostrar. betrayal [bitr^ai], betrayment [bur^moent], s. traicion, perfidia, alevosia ; seduccion, vio- lacion ; prevaricacion ; abuso de confianza. betrayer [wtr^cEr], s. traidor. betroth [Mtroz], va. desposarse, contraer e»- ponsales ; dar pslabra de casamiento. betrothal [burozai], s. esponsales, noviazgo, desposorio. betrothed ^bitr6zt], pp. y s. prometido, novio, futuro. better Ib^toer], a. compar. de good ; mejor ; superior.— adv. mejor, m^s bien, de mejoif modo : so much the better, tanto mejor : to be better, estar mejor de salud ; ser de me- jor conducta ; valer mas : better and better, de mejor k mejor : better off, en mejor posi- cion, mas acomodado. better, va. y vn. mejorar, adelantar, aventt- jar; reformar, aumentar ; sobrepujar, exce- der. better, s. ventaja, mejorla ; superior, mayor: our betters, nuestros superiores. better d bettor, s. apostador, ponedor. betterment [betcermuent], s. mejora, mejoria, mejoramiento, medra, adelantamiento. betting [beting], s. apuesta. betty [betil, s. cominero; (E. U.) matraz. between [bituin], adv. en medio, de por me- dio, entremedias.— ^rep. entre : between decks, (mar.) entre puentes: between now and then, de aqu! a alia. betwixt [bituixt], adv. y prep, entre. V. be- tween. bevel [Wvoei], s. bisel, cbaflan ; (alb.) derra- mo: bevel 6 bevel-s^^aare, falsa escuadra 6 falsarregla ; eartabon : bevel gear, engrane (6 engranaje) conico. — a. sesgado, chafla- nado, abiselado ; conico. bevel, va. achaflanar, abiselar ; sesgar ; (arq.) falsear. bevelling Ibeveiing], s. sesgadura, chafl^n, bi- sel, bies ; (arq.) falseo. beverage tbevoeredy], s. brebaje, bebida, pota- cion. bevy [b6vij, s. bandada ; manada, hato ; grupo 6 corrillo de mujeres. bewail [biueii], va. llorar, lamentar, sectir, deplorar. — vn. planir. bewailable [biu^iiaboei], a. lamentable, deplo- rable. bewailing [biu«iiingl, s. lamentacion, Hero, sentimiento, pesar, pena. beware [biu^arj, va. {defect.; solo se usan el imp. y el imper.) cuidar de, mirar por. — vn. guardarse, recelarse, precaverse, recatarse. bewilder [biuiidoer], va. aturdir, aturrullar, azorar, encandilar. bewilderment [biuiidermoent], s. aturdimiento, azoramiento. bewitch [wuich], va. embrujar, aojar ; encan- tar, hechizar, arrobar, fascinar, embelesar. bewitcher [biuichcEr], s. encantador, brujo, he- chicero. bewitchment [wuichmoBnt], s. encantamiento, hechizo, aojo ; embeleso, encanto. bewitching [wniching], a. encantador, bechi- cero. bewitchingly [wuichingii], adv. de un modo encantador. bey [be], s. bey, gobemador turco. beyond [Wyon], adv. al otro lado, allende, del lado de alia, ultra; k lo lejos ; ulterior- mente ; despues de. — prep, tras, detras de * despues de ; fuera de ; sobre. — s. la otra vida, el otro mundo : beyond my reach, fuera de mis alcances : beyond the hour, pasada la bora : beyond measure, desmesuradamente : beyond doubt, fuera de duda. bezant [biS&nt], «. moneda bizantina ; (bias.) bezante, roel. bezel [beSei], va. sesgar, abiselar, chaflanar. — «. ^wn e' sonldo de a, «e, d. S, Sb, t, », v^aae la cUve de prouiutcikciOD al principle del Ubro. BEZ 52 BIL bisel ; (joy. ) engaste ; faceta 6 bisel ; sello de oro grabado. bezique [besic], s. juego de naipes. bezoar [beSoar], s. bezar 6 bezoar. bezoardlc [beSoaniic], a. bezoirico. bi- [\>Hi],prefijo que significa dos 6 doble. blangruilar [baiauKuiuiar], a. biangular. bias [baiaa], s. sesgo, oblicuidad, trav6s ; par- cialidad, preferencia, predisposicion, prejui- cio.—a. sesgado, terciado : to cut on the bias, cortar al sesgo. bias, va. {pret. y pp. biased 6 biassed) in- fluir, predisponer, torcer. bib fbib], s. babador, babero, pechero. bib, va. beber k menudo, beborrotear. bibasic [baibesic], a. (quim.) bibasico. bibb [bib] 6 bibcock, s. grifo, Have, espita. bibber [biboer], s. bebedor, chispero. Bible [baiboeil, s. Biblia, la Sagrada Escritura. biblical [biblical], a. biblico. bibliographer [bibiiografuer], s. bibliografo. bibliographical [bibiiograricai], a. bibliogra- fico. bibliography [biwidgran], s. bibliografia. bibliomania [bibliomania], s. bibliomania. bibliomaniac [bibiiomeniac], s. bibliomano, bibliophile ibibiiofaii], s. bibliOfilo. bibliopolist fbibiiopoust], s. librero. bibulous [bibiuicEs], a. poroso, esponjoso : bibu- lous paper, papel secaute, papel de filtro ; be- bedor, borrachiu, avinado. bic&psular [baicapsiuiarl, a. (bot.) bicapsular. bicarbonate Ibaicarbonet], s. (quim.) bicarbo- nato. bice [bais], s. azul de Armenia. bicephalous [bais^faioes], a. bicefalo. biceps [i.aise|>8], a. y s. biceps. bichloride [iwiciorid], *. (quim.) bicloruro. bichromate [baicrdmet], 5. (quim.) bicromato. bicipital, bicipitous [baisipitai, toes], a. bicipl- te, que tieue dos cabezas. bicker [biicoer], vn. altercar, reiiir, disputar ; correr murraurando (como nn arroyo); chis- porrotear ; charlar, gorjear (como los paja- ros). — va. golpear, repiquetear. bicker, s. altercado, quisquilla, camorra ; co- rrida ; escudilla de madera. bickerer [Wicueroer], s. camorrista. bickering [wiciEring], s. pendencia, rina, dis- puta. bickem [bikoemj, s. pico de bigornia. bicolor [baiccfeior], a. bicolor. biconcave [baiconkevj, a. biconcavo. biconvex [baicdnvex], a. biconvexo. bicornous [baicomoes], a. bicome. bicuspid [baiicdeapid], a. bicGspide. — s. la mue- la inraediata al colmillo. bicycle [b4i8ii<()eil, s. bicicleta, biciclo. — vn. an- dar en bicicleta. bicycling [baisikiinsj, s. biciclismo. bicyclist o bicycler [baisiuust], *. Wciclista. bid [bid], s. postura, licitacion. bid, va. (pret. bade, bad 6 bid : pp. bidden 6 BID) ofrecer, pujar, licitar ; pedir, rogar, convidar ; mandar, ordenar ; pronunciar ; proclaraar, anunciar, publicar : to bid adieu, despedirse: to bid defiance to, retar, desa- fiar : to bid fair, prometer, dar indicios de. — vn. hacer una oferta 6 licitacion. bidder [Wacer], s. postor, licitador, pujador: the highest bidder, el raejor postor. bidding [biding], s. orden, mandato ; invita- cion ; licitacion, postura. bide [bald), va. {jap. bided 6 bode) esperar, aguardar; sufrir, aguantar. — vn. residir. bidental [baidintail, a. bidentado. bidet !bid6t], 5. caballito, jaca ; bid6. biding [baiding], s. espera; residencia, estancia. bield [biid], va. proteger, amparar. — s. protec« cion, refugio. biennial [baienniai], a. bienal, dosaiial.— a planta bienal ; exSmenes bienales. bier [biuer], s. audas, feretro ; aiaud. bifer [i)8iiu:r], s. planta que produce flores o Irulos dos veces al aiio. biferous [bifoerces], a. que da dos cosechas al a no. bifid [baifid], bifidated rbindetedi, a. hendido. bifurcate(d ibaifderketced], a. bifurcado. bifurcation fbaila-rkeghitn], S. bifurcacion. big [big), a. grande, grueso, abultado, volumi- noso ; espeso, lleuo ; prenada ; hinchado, inflado : to talk big, ecbar bravatas : to look big, entouarse : big bug, (fam. E. U.) persona de iraportancia 6 que cree serlo : big-bellied, ventrudo, tripon, barrigon, corpulento : big- boned, buesuao : big-sounding, altisouante. bigamist fbigamist], S. bigamo. bigamy [Wgami], s. bigamia, bigger [blgoer], a. compar. de big ; mayor, mas grande, mas grueso. biggest [biguest], a. superl. de big ; excesiva- mente grande 6 grueso, el mas grande. biggin [biguin], s. cafetera; gorra; capillo de nino. biggish [biguiSh], a. gran dote ; presuntuoso. :horn [bigjom], , " " cuernos (E. U.). bighorn [Wgjorn], s. (zool.) camero de grandes bight [bait], s. (mar.) caleta, caney. bigness IWgnes], s. grandeza, grandor, volu- men ; importancia. bigot iblgot], s. fanatico. bigoted [bigoted], a. fanatico, intolerante. bigotry [blgotii], s. fanatismo, intolerancia. bilabiate [baii^wet], a. bilabiado. bilander [biiandobr], s. (mar.) balandra. bilateral [baiiatcerai], a. bilateral. bilberry [biiberi], s. (bot.) arandano. bilbo [bilbo], s. (poet. ) espada. bilboes [WiboS], «. pi. cepo con grilles. bile [i>aii], s. bilis; biel ; colera, ira, enojo; mal genio. bile-duct [baii-doecf], s. conducto biliar. bilge [biiY], vn. (mar.) abrirse una via de agua, bacer agua ; combar ; hacer barriga. bilge, s. (mar.) pantoque, sentina; (ton.) barriga de barril : bilge-water, agua de pan- toque: bilge-pumps, bombas de carena: bilgehead, escora. biliary [biiiari], a. biliario. bilingual (baiunguai] a. bilingue. bilious [biiiws], a. bilioso. biliousness [wiireBnes], s. exceso de bills. bilk [bilk], va. engaiiar, defraudar, pegarla, chasquear, estafar. bilk, s. trampista, estafador ; estafa, engauo, tram pa. bill [bii], s. (com.) cuenta, nota, factura ; pa^ gar6 ; nota, billete, cedula, lista; proyAt© de ley; (for.) escrito, pedimento; cartel, aviso ; pico de ave ; honcejo, hocino, podon ; zapapico ; una del ancla ; moharra de al»« barda; bill-broker, corredor de cam bios: bill of lading, conocimiento de embarque; bill of exchange, letra de cambio : bank bill^ billete de banco : bills payable, obligacione& & pagar : bills receivable, obligaciones & c/i. besarse, aca- riciarse. Para el sonido de te, oa, d, g, gli, t, %, viase la clave de pronunciacidn al principio del Ilbro. BIL 53 BIS billed ibiid], a. picudo. billet [biiet], s. billet«, esquela, billetico ; zo- quete de leiia; (mil.) boleta : billet-doux, carta amorosa. — ca. (rail.) alojar, aposentar. h .lliaxds [biiiards], s. billar : billiard-ball, bola de billar : billiard-cue, taco : billiard-cloth, Eano de billar: billiard-pocket, tronera de illar : billiard-table, mesa de billar. jillingsgate [biunggguet], s. lenguaje bajo y soez (como el que usan las pescaderas en el mercado Billingsgate de Londres). billion [biiiten], s. (arit.) billon, bicuento, mi- Uon de millones (en EspaSa e Inglaterra) ; mil millones (en Francia y los E. L'.). billontll Ibiiioenz], a. y s. billonesimo. billow Ibjio), *. oleada, ola ; onda. billow, vn. crecer 6 hincharse como una ola. billowy [biioil, a. ondulado, ondeante, undoso. billy [biiil, s. porra, palitroque ; cachiporra de agente de policia. bilobate (taiiobet], a. de dos lobulos. bimana [Wmaua 6 baiiuana], S. pi. (zool.) bima- nos bimetallic [baimet«iic], a. bimetalieo. bimetallism [baiiustaiism], s. bimetalismo. bin [bin], s. hucha, arcon, area ; seccion de una bodega: coal-bin, carbonera. — va. guardar en hucha 6 arcon. binary [biiinan], a. binario, doble. binaural [bindi-ail, a. de dos orejas ; para am- bos oidos. bind [baind], va. pret. atar, apretar, amarrar ; juntar, unir ; ligar ; cenir, envolver ; obli- gar, precisar; (cir.) vendar ; (cost.) ribe- tear ; constipar, restrenir ; trabar, trincar ; encuadernar ; escriturar 6 contratar a algu- no ; (for.) compeler : to bind over, obligar 4 comparecer ante el juez : to bind up in, de- dicai-se con afan a una cosa. — vn. endure- cerse ; trabarse ; pegarse ; ser obligatorio. bind, s. lazo, ligadura; (mus.) ligado. binder [bainichj, s. perra ; (vulg.) zorra, ramera. bite [bait], i;«. J vn. (jpret. BIT : pp. bitten 6 bit) morder, mordiscar, adeutellar, dente- llear, atarazar; picar, mordicar (uu iusec- to) ; picar (el pez) ; picar, resquemar (la pimienta, etc.) ; (mec.) agarrar, sujetar ; co- rroer (un 4cido) ; murmurar 6 satirizar ; enganar, clavar, defraudar : to bite the dust, morder el polvo, morir, caer veucido. bite, s. mordedura, mordisco, mordicacion, tarascada, deutellada ; bocado ; picada, pi- cadura; resquemo ; (mec.) asimieuto, coge- dura. biter [bAitoer], *. mordedor. biting [baitinsi, pa. mordicaute, mordiente, mordicativo, mordaz ; picante, caustico. bitingly [bauiugiil, adv. mordazmente, con mofa; satiricameute. bitingness [baitingnes], s. resquemo, caustici- dad, mordacidad. bitt [bit], va. (mar.) abitar. — s. V. bitts. bitten, pp. del verbo to bite. bitter [bitoer], a. amargo, aspero ; agudo, cruel, severo ; mordax, satlrico, rudo ; enconado, encarnizado ; penoso, desagradable : bitter cold, frio picante : bitter words, palabras mayores, frases picantes, insultos. — s. amar- gor, amargo, amargura.— ^/. bitters, licor de raices amargas. bitterisb [WtiBriSh], a. amargoso. bitterly [bitcerui, adv. amargamente ; agria- mente, severamente. bittern [bitoeni], s. (om.) alcaravan, bitor, ar- dea ; agua madre de sal ; composicion amar- ea para adulterar la cerveza. bitterness [bitoenies], «. amargo, amargor, acri- tud, amargura ; odio, rencor, tirria, ojeriza, inquina, encono,mala voluntad ; severidad, dureza ae genio ; mordacidad ; pena, dolor, angustia. bittersweet [bitoBwuit], s. (bot.) dulcamara. bittervetcli ibitoervech], 5. (bot.) alcarceiia. bitterwood [bitceruud], *. (bot.) tiquistiquis. bitterwort [bitoeruoert], «. (bot.) genciana. bitts, s. pi. (mar.) bitas, barraganetes : pawl bitts, bitas del linguete: topsail bitts, abi- tones. bitumen ibitiAmeu], s. betQn. bituminize [bitiumiimiS], va. embetunar. bituminous [buiuminces], a. bituminoso. bivalence, bivalency [baiveiens, lensi], «. equivalencia de dos en los compuestos qul- micos. bivalent [baiveientj, a. (quim.) que Yale per dos. bivalve [b4iv«eiv), bivalvular [b«iv<6iviuuri, a. bivalve. blviOUS [bivioes], a. bifurcado. bivouac [bivu«c], «. (mil.) vivac 6 vivaque.— vn. vivaquear. biweekly [baimikiil, a. quincenal. bizarre [wsir], a. rare, grotesco. blab [biaeb], vo. revelar, divulgar, parlar.— vn. chisraear. blab, blabber [bi«boer], s. chismoso, parlador ; hablador. blabbing [bi^btngl s. habladuria. black [biiec], va. dar 6 teSir de negro; dar betfin y lustre a los zapatos ; (Mex. ) dat bola. — vn. euuegrecerse. black, s. color negro ; ( bias. ) sable ; negro, el etiope ; luto : boneblack, negro animal : ivory black, negro de marfil : lampblack, negro de humo : black and blue, cardenal, contusion : in black and white, por escrito. black, a. negro, obscuro ; atezado ; cenudo, tetrico ; horrible, nialvado, atroz ; tri.ste, funesto ; enlutado ; tiznado : black and blue, llvido, amoratado : black eye, ojo amorata- do por un golpe : black list, lista de personam sospechosas, blackamoor [bi*camuier|, s. negro,, el etiop*^. black art [Wsec art], s. nigromancik. blackball [biKtboij, s. bola negra ; bola de be- tuu. — va. dar bola negra ; votar en contra ; dar bola o betun a los zapatos. black beetle [bi^c bltoel], s. escarabajo. blackberry [biifecbeH], s. (bot.) zarza; zarza- mora. blackbird [bi^cboerd], s. (orn.) mirlo 6 merla. blackboard [bi^ecbord], s. pizarra, encerado. black-cap [bi»c-cap], s. el que lleva gorra ne- fra ; (orn.) alondra, silvia ; (bot.) fram- ueso negro y su fruta ; enea^ espadafia. black-cock [w^c-coc], s. gallo silvestre. black currant [c&rrant], *. grosella negra. blacken [bi«ku:ii], va. dar de negro 6 teiiir de negro ; betunar ; atezar ; ennegrecer, obs- curecer ; difamar, denigrar. — vn. ennegre- cerse, obscurecer. blackener [Wilknoer], s. ennegrecedor ; deni- grador. black-eyed [bisek-aid], a. ojlnegro. black-faced [bi^c rest], black-visaged [bi. y «. borroso, confuso. blurt [bicert], va. decir 6 soltar abruptamente : to blurt out, hablar sin consideracion. blush [bloKsh], vn. ruborizarse, sonrojarse, son- rosearse ; tener empacho 6 vergiienza. — va. enrojar, embermejar ; sonrojar. blush, s. rubor, bochorno, sonrojo ; color rojo 6 purpfireo ; ojeada, mirada, vistazo. blushful [bi<£8hfui], c. encarnado. blushing [biiSsiiing], s. sonrojo, rubor. blUShingly [bideShinsii], adv. ruborosamente. blushless [bit^shies], a. desvergonzado, desca- rado. bluster, blustering [bidfestier, ing], *. ruido, tumulto ; jactancia, fanfarria : blustering wind, ventolera : blustering fellow, espiritu levantisco : blustering style, estilo hinchado. bluster, vn. soplar con furia; fanfarrear, bravear. — va. proferir con ira. blusterer [biiSstoeroer], s. fanfarron. blusterous [bit&stoeroes], a. tumultuoso, ruido- so, tempestuoso. bo [bo], intei-j. bu. boa [boa], s. boa, serpiente ; boa, cuello de pie- , les. boar [boar], s. verraco : wild boar, jabali. board [board], s. tabla, tablero ; tablilla ; me- sa : comida, manutencion ; pupilaje ; tribu- nal ; consejo, junta ; carton; (mar.) bordo; borda.— pZ. boards, tablazon ; (teat.) escena- rio; lastablas: board of admiralty, aim iran- tazgo : board of trade, junta de eomercio. board of directors, 6 of trustees, junta directi- va : Board of Education, Junta de Edueacion : Board of Health, Junta de Sanidad : on board, a bordo: free on board (f. o. b.), libre de gastos k bordo ; bound in boards, (enc.) en- cartonado : Bristol-board, cartulina de Bris- tol : cardboard, carton : headboard, cabecera de cama: paddleboards, paletas (de las rue- das) : straw board, carton de paja: chei»- board, tablero para jugar al ajedrez : falling board, trampa : side-board, alacena, bufete : sounding-board, tornavoz : to go by the board. (mar.) caer un mdstil roto por el costado del buque ; (fig.) arruinarse por complete. board, va. (mar. ) abordar ; acometer, acer- carse k ; (carp.) entablar, entarimar, enma- derar; dar manutencion per dinero, tomar a punilaie. — vn. estar & pupilaje. boardable [bdrdab«;i], a. accesible, aborda- ble. board-wages [bord-u^veS], s dinero que se d« a los criados para mantcnerse ; alojamiento y manutencion en calidad de sueldo. Pan el aoiildo de e, «e, d, fi, «i>, t, x, v^ase la clave de pronunciacion al priuciplo 4el lUro BOA 69 BOL boarder tbordoer], s. hu6sped, pupilo; (mar.) aberdador. boarding [bordinsi, s. tablazon ; entablado ; tabique de tablas ; pupilaje ; (mar.) abor- daje : boarding-pikes, chuzos : boarding- house, casa de pupilos 6 de huespedes, posa- da: boarding-school, pupilaje, escuela de internes 6 pensionistas ; boarding pupil, in- terno, pensionista. boarish, [bonSii], a. brutal, cruel. boast [boust], V7i. alardear, blasonar, fachen- dear, jactarse, vanagloriarse. — va. pouderar, exaltar, decantar; (esc. y cant.) desbastar. boast, s. jactancia, vanagloria, alarde, osten- tacion, baladronada, faroleria. boaster [boustoer], s. fanfarron, jaque. boastful [boustfui], a. jactancioso. boasting [bousting], boastfulness [bouBtfuines], s. jactancia, ostentaciou, alarde, bravata, ronca. boastingly [boustingii], adv. jactanciosamente, ostentosamente. boastless [bousties], a. simple, sencillo. boat [bout], s. (mar.) buque, barco ; bote, bar- ca, lancha, batel, chalupa ; buque de vapor : ballast-boat, (mar.) bote de lastrar: ferry- boat, bote de pasaje, vapor de rio : fishing- boat, bote de pesear : shipwright's boat, bote de maestranza : packet-boat, paquebote 6 pa- quebot : boat-hook, bichero, botador : boat- house, casilla de botes : boat-load, barcada : gun-boat, lancha canonera : jolly-boat, canoa pequena y ligera : life-boat, bote salvavidas : steamboat, bote de vapor : tow-boat 6 tug- (boat), remolcador : boat-race, regata a re- mos. boat, va. poner 6 llevar a bordo. — V7i, nave- gar, remar, ir en bote. boatable [boutaboei], a. navegable para botes ; que se puede transportar en botes. boatage [boutevl, s. barcaje, lanchaje ; cabida total de los botes de un buque. boating [bouting], s. manejo de un bote ; trans- porte en bote. boatman [boutman], boatsman [boutsman], s. barquero, botero, lanchero. boatswain [boutaueln 6 (mar.) bosoen], S. COn- tramaestre: boatswain's mate, segundo con- tramaestre. bob [bob], va. J vn. menear(se) 6 mover(se) con sacudidas ; pesear con anzuelo ; desmo- char, cercenar. — va. golpear con algun obje- to redondeado 6 nudoso ; dar con el codo 6 la mano. bob, s. corcho y cebo para el anzuelo de pes- ear ; perendengue, zarcillo ; borla ; plomo de plomada ; lenteja 6 disco del pendulo ; (maq.) balancin; saludo, cortesia; toque de cam pan as ; (fam.) chelin (en Inglate- rra) ; cola cortada de un caballo. bobbin [bobinl, s. canilla, broca ; carrete, ca- rretel, argadijo, husillo : (elec.) carrete, bo- bina : lace bobbins, palillos 6 majaderillos. bobbinet (6 bobbin net) [bobinet], s. imita- cion de encaje. bob-sled [bob-sied], s. rastra corta ; trineo de carga de dos rastras. bob-stay [bob-ste], s. (mar.) barbiquejo. bob-tail [bob-teil], s. rabo mocho ; ralea, cana- 11a : bob-tailed, rabon, mocho : [bob-tail car, tranvia 6 carro urbano pequeiio, bob-wbite [bob-jnaitl, s. (orn.) codorniz co- mun (E. U. del Norte) ; perdiz (E. U. del Sur). bobwig [bobuig], s. peluquin. bocasine [bocasin], s. bocaci delgado. bode [bond], va. presagiar, pronosticar, presen- tir.— vn. predecir ; prometer. bodement [boudmoem], s. presagio, pronostica bodice [bodis], a\ corpino, jubon, cuerpo df vestido, almilla. bodied [bodid], a. corporeo. bodiless [bodlies], a. incorporeo. bodiliness [bddiUues], s. corporalidad, corpo' reidad. bodily [bodiii], a. corporeo, corporal ; reaV verdadero. — adv. corporalmente. boding [bonding], pa. ominoso, presagioso. — s. presagio, pronostico. bodkin [boduinj, s. (cost.) punzon ; pasador de jareta ; alfiler para el tocado 6 sombrero ; (imp.) punzon 6 punta. body [bodi], s. cuerpo ; tronco del cuerpo ; ma- teria, en oposicion al espiritu ; una persona,, un individuo ; realidad ; cuerpo, gremio,. corporacion ; colecciou , agregado ; espesor, Ibrtaleza, solidez, densidad, cousistencia ;. cuerpo del vino; caja de un carruaje; (geom.) cuerpo: body of a church, nave de una iglesia : main body of an army, grueso de un ejercito : body-guard, guardia de corps : body-snatcher, el que roba cadaveres: body-transom, telera. body, va. dar cuerpo 6 forma ; representar ; formar uu cuerpo, gremio, etc. : able-bodied, sano, robusto, sin tacha. Boeotian [woghan], a. beocio. Boer [boer], s. boer, del Transvaal. bog [bog], .?. pantano, fangal, cienaga, loda- char, paul, armajal : bog-bean, (bot.) trifo- lio fibrino : bog-ore, bog-iron ore, (min.) li- monita : bog-land, tierra pantanosa : bog-oak, lignito de encina. bogey bogy [bogui], s. duende, espectro, es- pantajo. boggle [boguoei], va. hacer una patochada. — 1'». recular, retroceder ; cejar, vacilar. bOg|^le, 5. retroceso de un caballo asustade ; objecion, dificultad ; patochada. bogffy [bogui], a. pantanoso, palustre. bOg^e [bogui], s. carretilla de un taller de ase- rrar madera; (f. c.) carretilla giratoria: bogie-engine, locomotora con carretilla gira^ toria. bogus [iogces], a. (fam. E. U.) falso, espureo. bonea [bojil, s. te de calidad inferior. Bohemian [bojimianl, a. y s. bohemio. boil [boll], va. y vn. hervir, cocer, salcochar, herventar. — vn. buUir : to boil away, cousu- mir un liquido a fuerza de cocerlo : to boil down, reducir por medio de la coccion : to boil over, hervir hasta rebosar : to boil th* clear, (azu.) melar. boil s. hervor, ebulliciou ; (med. ) divieso, furunculo; (Cuba) nacido ; (Mex.) clacote. boiler [boiioeri, s. marmita, olla 6 caldero; (mag.) caldera, paila: steam-boiler, caldera de vapor : sugar boilers ; (azu. ) taclios : boil- er-shell 6 jacket, camisa 6 cubierta de una caldera : boiler-iron, hierro en plancbas para calderas ; boiler-maker, calderero. boilery [boiiceri], s. casa de calderas. boiling [boiling], s. hervor, ebullicion, coccion, coohura: boiling kettle, caldero, marmita i boiling-point, punto de ebullicion. boisterous [bolstoeroes], a. turbulento, ruidor so, estrepitoso, tumultuoso; borrascosa. tempestuoso. boisterously [bolBtoemesii], adv. ruidosamente, tumultuosamente. boisterousness [boigtoeroesnes], *. turbuleucia, tumulto, vocingleria. bold [bouid], a. intrgpido, arrojado, ardiente, bravo, denodado, valiente ; audaz, atrevido, osado, temerario ; procaz, impudente, de* I carado ; (mar. ) escarpado, acantilado. Para el socido de te, oe, d, g, sh, t, z, vease la clave de pronunciacion al principio del litro. BOL 60 BON bold-face [bouid-fesl, «. descaro ; persona des- fachatada. bold-faced (bouid-rest], a. descarado, desver- gonzado : bold-faced type, letra negra, ne- grita. boldly [boui.iii], adv. libremente ; osadamente, audazmente ; gallardamente, descarada- mente. boldness [bouidnes], s. arresto, arrojo, deter- rainacion, intrepidez, alieuto, animo, reso- lucion, denuedo, valeutia; descaro, desver- gitenza ; libertad; atreviraiento, avilantez, osadta, audacia. l>Ole [bfiui], *•. tronco de iin a.rbol ; armenico. V. BOLL (raedida). boll (bi.1], *, capsula de lino 6 cafiamo ; antigua medida. — vn. formarse eu capsulas. llOlster [b<)iii8t(Br], s. travesero, lar^uero, al- mohadou ; (Filip.) abrazador ; (cir.) cabe- zal ; (mar.) alraohada de los palos; borre- nes, de la silla de montar ; (f. c.) solera de carro; (mec.) travesano ; cojinete ; nabo ; canecillo ; caballete. bolster, va. poner un bolster como sosten 6 apoyo ; auxiliar, apoyar. bolsterer [bouistoroer], i, mantenedor, sostene- dor. bolstering [bouistueringl, s. apoyadero, apoyo, bolt [bouit], .y. (cerr.) cerrojo, pasador, pestillo. falleba; (carp.) peruo, clavija; (arti.) lin- gote, proyectil cilindrico ; dardo, flecha ; cen- . tella, rayo; suceso repentino ; salto rapido; fu- ga; pieza oroHo (depano) ; (mar. ) perno, cabi- lla ■ tamiz rauy tino para harina ; (pol. E. U. ) disidencia.— />/. oolts, grillos, grilletes : bolt and nut, perno y tuerca : countersunk bolt, perno de cabezaperdida: round-headed bolt, perno de cabeza de hongo : square-headed bolt, perno de cabeza de diamante: bolt- rope, relinga : bolt-driver, botador. — adv. recto como una flecha, rigidamente : bolt upright, enhiesto, empinado. bolt, va. cerrar con cerrojo 6 pestillo ; acerro- jar ; empernar, encabillar ; cerner ; exami- nar, escudriiiar; (pol. E. U.) disidir ; engu- llir, tragar sin mascar; charlar ; soltar ; lanzar, arrojar, echar, expeler. — vn. saltar de repente ; lanzarse ; fugarse ; caer como un rayo: to bolt In, entrar de repente: to bolt out, salir de golpe. bolter (bouitcer], s. cedazo, tamiz, harnero, criba ; cordel de pescar; (pol. E. U.) disi- dente. boltbead [bouitjedl, *. (quim.) recipiente. bolting [boiiitinK], s. ceruido 6 cernidura : bolt- ing-cloth, tela de cedazo : bolting-house, cer- nedero : bolting-hutch, bolting-tub, tina para cerner harina. bolus [botosl, s. bolo, pildora gruesa ; pelotilla, bola ; medicamento dificil de tomar. boma (iK)nia], s. estacada circular. bomah-nut [boma-ncet), s. nuez africana para curtir. bomb[i>om], *. (arti.) bomba ; granada ; (piro.) petardo : bomb-chest, (arti. ) caja de bom- bas: bomb-ketch 6 bomb-vessel, (mar.) bora- barda : bomb-proof, Sl prueba de bomba : bomb-hole, boquilla de bomba 6 granada. bombard [bomb4ni], va. bombardear. bombardier [bombardicerl, s. bombardero : bom- bardier beetle, escarabajo bombardero 6 esco- petero. bombardment [bomb4rdmcent], «. bombardeo. bombast [iximhaxtj, s. ampulosidad. bombast, bombastic [bombast, ic], a. ampulo- so, altisonante, retumbante. bombax [i-^mbax], *. (hot.) ceiba. bombazine [bombaSin], s. alepln. bombic [bdmWc], a. perteueciente al gusano de seda. bombshell [bomShei], s. bomba, granada. bombycid [bombisid], s. j a. (ent.) insecto bombicido. bombyx [bomWx], s. (ent.) gusano de seda, bombice. bona-fide (bona-faidi], (Lat.) de buena fe, sin eugano; (com.) verdad sabida, y buena fe guardaaa. bonanza [bontSnSa], s. (E. U.) mina 6 veta rica en mineral ; (com.) operacion lucrativa. bonbon [bonbon], s. confite, dulce. bond ibon.i], s. lazo, jitadura, ligazon, ligadura, vinculo, uui6u,parentesco ; cadena, prision, cautiverio ; traoa, trabadura ; obligacion, fianza ; (com.) bono, obligacion ; titulo de la deuda : in bond, en deposito : bond-stone, perpiaiio. — a. cautivo, siervo. bond, va. gravar con bono 6 hipoteca ; dar fianza; (com.) poner mercancias en depo- sito. bondage [bondech], s. cautiverio, esclavitud, servidumbre ; obligacion. bonded [bonded], pp. garantido por obligacioiv escrita ; hipotecado ; asegurado ; depositado bajo fianza para el pago de derechos arance^ larios : bonded goods, mercancias en deposi- to: bonded warehouse, almacen de deposito: bond-holder, tenedor de bonos, obligaciauis- ta, rentista. bondmaid [bondmed], s. esclava, sierva, bondman [bondman], 5. esclavo, siervo. bondsman [bondsman], s. fiador, dita. bondswoman [bondSuman], 5. fiadora, dita. bone [boun], s. hueso ; raspa 6 espina del pez ; cuesco de fruta ; barba de ballena. — pi. es- queleto, restos mortales ; palillos, especie de castaiiuelas : to pick a bone, roer un hueso: to have a bone to pick with any one, tener que habfirselas con alguno : to make no bones of, no tener empacho en : to be skin and bones, no tener mas que la piel y los huesos : boneblack, negro animal : bone-dust, abono de huesos pulverizados. bone, va. desosar; emballenar ; poner balle- nas ; abonar con huesos pulverizados ; tomar el nivel de un terreno. bone-acbe [boun-ek], s. dolor de huesos. boned [bound], a. osudo, huesudo. bonelace [bouni^is], s. encaje hecho a mano. boneless [bounies], s. moUar, sin huesos. boneset [bounset], s.- (hot. ) eupatorio. bone-setter [boun-setoer], 5. cirujano, curan- dero, algebrista. bonfire [boniaioer], 5. hoguera, fogata, alcan- dora. bonhomie [bonomi], n. afabilidad. Boniface [bonifes], n. hostelero. bonification [bonink^Shoen], n. bonificacion boning [bouning], n. accion de deshuesar; abono de tierras ; nivelacion por medio de estacas. bonito, s. (ict.) bonito. bon-mot [bon-mo], s. agudeza, frase. bonnet [bonet], s. gorra, gorro, toca, capota, sombrero de mujer ; solideo, bonete ; (fort.) bonete ; (mec.) sombrerete; (mar.) boueta, — va. cubrir; apabullar. bonnily [boniii], adv. bonitamente. bonny [boni], a, (Eisc.) bonito, Undo, gentil ; alegre, festivo. bonny-clabber [boni-ciaboer], «. cuajo, leche* cuajada. bon-ton (bong-tong], St el graa mundo ; buen tono. bonus (bonoegj, *. adebala ; bonificacion -. (Ara6r.) fiapa, contra. Pu-a el sonido de k, ce, d, I, 8h, t, n, vtese la clave de prouuaciacldn al principio del llbro BON 61 BOK bony [bouni], a. osudo, huesudo. booby [bubi], s. y a. zote, bobo, pajuncio. boodle [budoei], s, (fam. E. U.) dinero ; sobor- no ; (Amer.) chanchullo ; hato, partida, cua- drilla. V. caboodle. boodler [budicer], s. (fam. E. U.) el que se deja sobornar. book [buk], s. libro, tomo ; (sp.) libreta donde se inscriben las apuestas : day-book, (com.) diario : invoice-book, libro de facturas : pocket-book, cartera, porta-monedas : memo- randum-book, librito ae memoria : cash-book, libro de caja : paper book, libro en bianco. book, va. asentar en un libro ; notar en un registro: inscribir. bOOKbiuder Ibukbaiudoer], s. encuademador. bookbinding [bukbainding], .?. encuadernacion. bookcase [bukkes], s. armario 6 estante para libros. book-clasp [cisesp], n. manecilla. book-cover [k<3eva!r], n. cubierta de libro. booking [bfiking], s. registro, asiento : booking clerk, (Ingl. ) vendedor de billetes de pasaje 6 teatro : booking office, (Ingl. ) expendeduria de billetes. bookish [bukish], a. estudioso ; versado en libros ; pedante ; teorico. bookisbness [bflkisunes], s. estudiosidad ; fal- ta de seutido practico. bookkeeper Ibukkipajr], s. tenedor de libros. bookkeeping Ibukkiping], s. teneduria de li- bros. booklet [biaciet], n. libretin, folleto, opusculo. book-lover [buk-lflevcer], H. bibliofilo. bookmaker Ibukmekoer], ."f. el que hace libros ; (sp.) apostador de profesion en las carreras de caballos. bookmaking (bflkmeking], s. ocupacion del bookmaker, bookmark [bukmarc], s. seiial 6 marcador de libros. bookseller IbikBelar], s. librero: book trade, coraercio de libros : book-store, libreria. bookworm [bfikuoerm], s. polilla 6 gusano que roe los libros ; bibliofilo, raton de biblioteca. boom [bum], s. (mar.) botalon ; botavara ; ca- dena para cerrar un puerto ; estampido ; (E. U.) torrente crecido y bramador ; (fig.) auge, actividad 6 prosperidad repentina. boom, vn. bacer estampido ; moverse con vio- lencia ; ir a velas desplegadas ; (fam. E. U. ) estar en auge, medrar. — va. favorecer, anun- ciar, fomentar, dar bom bo. boomerang [bumoerang], s. arma arrojadiza de los indigenas de Australia ; cualquier acto cuyas malas consecuencias recaen sobre el autor del mismo. boom-irons (bfim-alroenS), s. pi. (mar.) suncbos de los botalones. boom-sail Ibumseii], n. (mar.) cangreja. boon Ibuiij, .1. dadiva, regalo ; gracia, merced ; dicha, bendicion. boon, a. genial, festivo ; liberal, generoso ; afortunado, prospero. boor Ibwrj, .?. pat^n, ald^ano, villano ; rfistico holandgs. V. Boer (Africa). boorish [buriShj, a. rustico, agreste ; guajiro, jibaro. boorishly fburinWij, adv. rfisticamente, tosca- raente. bOOrishness [bfiriShnes], s. rusticidad, tosque- dad, groseria. boost ibusti, va. (fam. E. U.) empujar, levan- tar, alzar desde abajo.— s. alza ; ayuda, asis- tencia. boot (but!, va. V vn. aprovechar, valer, servir, importar ; caizarse las botas. boot, s. bota, botin ; calzado ; ganancia, pro- vecho, utilidad, ventaja ; adehala ; napa: boot-Jack, sacabotas : boot-hooks, tirabotas : boot-legs, cortes de botas : boot-hose, calce- tones : boot-maker, zapatero : boot-tree, hor- ma de bota : to boot, aindamais, adema.s, (Cuba) de napa, de contra; (Mex.) pilon; to put the boot on the wrong leg, oulpar al ino* cente. boot-black [but-Wsek], n. limpiabotas, booted [buted], a. calzado con botas. booth [buz], s. barraca, puesto, tabladillo, me- silla de feria 6 mercado. bootless [biities], a. descalzo, inGtil, sin pro- vecho. boots [buts], s. criado (de una fonda). booty [bull], fi. botin, presa, saqueo : to play booty, trampear en el juego. booze [bus], vn. embriagarse, emborracharse. — s. bebida espirituosa ; borrachera, pitima. boozy [buSi], a. (fam.) ebrio, borracho, beodo. bopeep [bopip], s. escondite. borable [boraboei], a. que puede ser taladrado. boracic acid [bort&sic «sid], s. acido borieo. boracite [borasait], s. (min.) boracitao borate de magnesia. borage [befen-oech], s. (bot.) borraja. borate [boret], s. borato. borax [b6r«x], s. borax,, atln car, border [bordoer], .«. orilla, borde, reborde, mar- gen : arriate de un jardin ; frontera, limite, confin, aledaiio ; orla, guarniciou, bauda, cenefa, cerco, ribete, franja, farfala. border, vn. coufinar, lindar ; rayar, aproxi- marse, acercarse. — va. (cost.) orlar, repuk gar, guarnecer, ribetear ; tocar 6 lindar : to border on 6 upon, confinar, tocar, limitar ; asemejarse. borderer [bordoeroer], s. limitrofe, comarcano ; (cost.) orlador, ribeteador. bordering [bordoeHugJ, s. orladura. — a. fron- terizo, contiguo, lindante, cercano, vecino. bore [booer], va. taladrar ; barrenar, trepar, punzar, horadar, agujerear, perforar ; (fam.) molestar, incomodar, jorobar, aburrir, fas~ tidiar. — vn. hacer agujeros; adelantarse avanzar. bore, pret. del verbo to bear. bore, s. taladro, barreno, perforacion, aguje- ro que se hace taladrando 6 barrenando; (arti.) calibre, alma; (fam.) majadero, pel- ma, cocora, machaca, pelmazo ■ ola grande causada por la marea. boreal [boreai], a. septentrional, boreal. boreas [boreas], s. cierzo, boreas. borecole [borercoi], s. (bot.) broculi; bretoD. boredom [booerdoBm], ^f. majaderia, chinchorre- ria, fastidio, aburrimiento ; gente majadera en general. borer [boceroer], g. barren a ; taladro, perfora- dora ; cualquier animal que horada. boric [boric], a. borico. boride Iborid], s. (qulm.) boruro. boring [booeringl, s. trepa, horadaciOn ; tala- dro : boring dust 6 borings, particulas que se desprenden al taladrar 6 barrenar : boring- bit, broca, mecha : boring-rod, tientaguja. born IbocErn], a. nacido ; destinado : to be born^ nacer: to be born again, renacer : first-born, primogenito: high-born, low-born, de eleva- do, de humilde nacimiento. borne [bom], pp. de to bear. boron [boron], s. (quim.) boro. borough [b<5ero], s. ciudad 6 villa : municipal borough, (Ingl.) corporacion municipal : par- liamentary borough, (Ingl.) pueblo con de- recho de representacion en el Parlamento. borrow [borro], va. pedir prestado ; apropiarsQ» hacerse suyo ; copiar. Para el Bonldo de te, ce, d, g, Sh, r, *, T6ase la clave de pronunciacioD al principlo del libro. BOR 62 BOU "OOrrower [iKirrooer], s. comodatario. borrowing [borroingl *. emprestito, prgstarao. boscage [boskech], s. bosc£ije, espesura. bosh Jbofih], 5. (fara.) palabreria, tonteria; atalaje de alto homo ; embudo del cabilote. bosk ibosk], 5. matorral. bosket [bosket], 5. bosquecillo, bosquete. bosky [boskii, a. frondoso, nemoroso. Bosnian [boSnian], a. boSDio. bosom [buaoem], X. seno, pecho, corazSn ; amor, inclinaeion, afecto, cariiio ; (cost.) i>echera. — a. Intirao, querido ; secreto : bosom friend, amigo intirao. IjOSOm, va. guardar en el pecho ; ocultar, te- uer secreto. Bospborus [bosforoes], *. Bosforo, estrecho. boss [bos], s. clavo 6 tachon ; giba, joroba, corcova, pmtuberancia ; (arq.) pinjante ; (fam. E. U.) amo, patr6n, maestro ; capataz ; (pol.) caciquo ; jefe, cabecilla: boss of a bridle, copa de freno : boss of a book, lonio de un libro. boss, va. trabajar en relieve. V. emboss ; (fam. E. U.) regentear, mandar ; dominar. bOSSage [bosejl, «. (arq.) almohadilla. bossed [bost], bossy [bost], a. taehonado ; tur- gente, abiiltado, saliente. bOt [bot], s. larra de estro. V. bot-fly. botanlc(al [bot^mcai], a. botanico. botanically [bot«6ntcaH], adv. botanicamente. botanist [botanist], s. botanico, botanista. botanize [botnnaiS!, vn. herborizar. botany [botanl], *. botanica, fitologia. botch [boch], s. remiendo, chapuceria ; reraen- don, chapucero. botch, va. remendar, chapucear, chafallar. botcher ['jochoerj, s. remendou, chapucero, chafallOn. botchy [bochi], a. culcusido. bot-fly [o6t-naii, s. (ent.) estro. both fboz], a. ambos, los dos, entrarabos, ara- bos a dos : on both sides, por ambos lados, por ambas partes, de uno y otro lado : both of them, ambos: both of us, nosotros dos: both his sons, sus dos hijos. both, conj. tanto como, asi como. bother [banoer], va. (fam.) atumillar, marear, incomodar, molestar. — s. molestia, incomo- didad, pejiguera. botheration [baDwr^shoen], s. molestia, disgus- to, fastidio, vejacion. bothersome [baDoersom], a, molesto, cargante, fastidioso. botryoidal [botrioi.iai], a. arracimado. bottle [botoei], s. botella, frasco, redoma ; li- tro : nursing-bottle, mamadera, biberon : stone bottle, botella de greda. bottle, vn. embotellar, enfrascar. bottled [botoeid], a. embotellado, enfrascado. bottleflower [botoeiflanoer], *. (bot.) centaiirea. bottle-gourd Ibotoei-gurdJ, s. (bot.) guiro, chi- lacayote. bottlegreen ixitoeigrin), s. verde botella. bottle-nolder fbotoel-joidojr], s. partidario ; pa- drino (en duelo) ; asistente de un pugilista ; porta-botellas, bottlescrew [botoBiscru], *. tirabuzon, sacatra- pos. bottler 'b<')ticErl, s. erabotellador. bottling [botiing], .1. envase. bottom [botremi, s. fondo ; lecho de ur rlo ; trasero ; nalgatorio ; zanja, cimiento, fun- damento; (mar.) caseo, nave, barco, buque ; base, motivo; poso, sedimento ; asiento de una silla : to be at the bottom of, ser el cau- sante de: to stand on one's own bottom, de- pender de uno mismo : to touch bottom, tocar rondo, quedarse en una parte. bottom, a. hondo, bajo ; Infimo ; fundamen- tal. bottom, va. poner fondo (d cestos, sillas, etc.), cimentar, fundar, basar, estribar, apoyar. — vn. apoyarse. bottomless [botoemiesi, «. insondable ; visio- nario : bottomless pit, abismo. bottoming [botoeming], s. (f. c. ) balasto. bottomry [botoemri], s. (com.) prestamo 6 con- trato 6 la gruesa, 6 sobre casco y quilla. boudoir [buduar], s. gabinete de senora, re- trete, recamara, tocador. bonffe [buf], a. bufo, comico. V. opera. bough [bau], s. rama de un arbol : bough-pot, florero. bought, pret. y pp. del verbo to buy. bougie [buYi], s. (cir.) candelilla, tienta. bouillon [buUong], s. caldo, consumado. boulder 6 bowlder [boidoer], *. pena, guija- rro, pedrejon, galga, canto rodaao : boulder- wall, (arq.) muralla i pared de cantos roda- dos. boulevard [biiievard], s. avenida 6 paseo. bounce [bauns], vn. rebotar, brincar, saltar ; lanzarse, echar fieros 6 bravatas ; jactarse. — vn. hacer saltar 6 botar ; (fam. E. U.) des- pedir, poner en la calle. bounce, s. salto, brinco ; bote, rebote ; repu- Ho, respingo ; golpazo, porrazo ; bravata, fanfarronada ; bola, mentira, filfa. bouncer [baunsoer], s. guapo, fanfarron ; boia, filfa ; embustero ; (fam. E. U. ) guardian for- nido que echa a los alborotadores de un cafe. bouncing [b&unsing], a. fuerte, vigoroso, bien formado, robusto ; exagerado, desmesurado; fanfarron ; embustero. bound [baund], s. limite, t^rmino, confin, lin- dero ; bote, brinco, corcovo, salto, respingo ; resalto, rebote. bound, t'a. deslindar, parcelar, confinar,limi- tar, cefiir; hacer saltar, botar. — vn. saltar, brincar ; botar ; corvetear. bound, a. {pret. y pp. del verbo to bind) ata- do, amarrado, sujeto, ligado ; confinado ; moral 6 legalmente obligado ; encuaderHa- do ; (fam.) destinado ; sentenciado ; (E. U.) decidido, resuelto ; puesto en aprendizaje ; estrenido : bound for, (mar. ) con destino & : bound up in, absorto, engolfado, enfrascado. boundary [b4undaii], s. limite, linde, fronte- ra, conffn, termino, coto ; muga, raojon. bounden [bAunden], a. obligatorio, preciso ; in- dispensable. boundless [baundies], a. ilimitado, infinito. boundlessness [bdundiesnes], s. inmensidad, infinidad. bountoous [biunteoes], a. liberal, generoso. bounteously [baunteoesu], adv. liberalmente. generosamente. bounteousness [b&nnteoesnes], s. munificenola, liberalidad, generosidad. bountiful [b4untifni], a. liberal, dadivoso, ge- neroso, bienhechor. bountifully [biuntifuii], adv. liberalment*, generosamente. bountifnlness [biuntifuinen], s. generosidad, liberalidad, largueza. bounty [bannti], s. generosidad, liberalidad, munificencia; merced, gracia ; concesion, subvencion : bounty money, enganche. bouq^uet [buk^j, *. ramo, pucha, ramillete ; nanz (del vino). Bourbon [bfirbcen], s. Borb6n ; (fara. E. U.) conservador, recalcitrante : Bourbon whisky, agtiardiente de maiz 6 de centeno. bourdon [bArdon], s. bord6n ; registro de 6r- gano. Para el 8onldo de m, oe, o, i, §h, t, «, v^ase .& cUve de pronunciaclon al princtplo del libro. BOU 63 bourgeois [bnrYua], a. J s. burgues ; com fin, ordinario ; comerciante, industrial. iJOurgeois i;bcErY6i8], 5. (impr.) tipo de nueve puntos : J^f" Este es el tipo bourgeois. bourgeoisie [burYuaSij, s. clase media. bourgeon [b<£rYoen], vn. brotar, retonar, — s, yema, retoiio. bourn [bom], s. llmite, linde ; meta ; arroyo, riachuelo. bourse [burs], s. (com.) bolsa, lonja; (anat.) receptaculo en forma de bolsa. bouse, bousy, v. booze, boozy. bout [baut], s. vez, turno ;"ataque (de borra- chera, 6 de enfermedad) ; curva 6 vuelta de una cuerda ; asalto de esgrima. bovine [bovin], a. bovino, vacuno. bow [bau], va. saludar, hacer reverencia 6 cor- tesia ; arquear, doblar, inclinar ; agobiar, oprimir, agravar. — vn. inclinarse, arquear- se, agacharse ; doblarse, torcerse ; agobiar- se ; ceder, someterse. bow [bau], s. saludo, reverencia, cortesia, za- lema ; (mar.) proa: on the bow, (mar.) por la serriola: bow-oar, remo 6 bogador mas cercano a la proa : to make a bow, saludar. bow [bo], s. arco, para disparar flechas ; (mus.) arco de violin ; lazo (de corbata, de cinta, etc. ) ; arzon de silla. bow [bo], va. arquear, encorvar, doblar, torcer. bow-bent [bo-bent], a. arqueado. bowel [bauei], s. intestino, tripa,— p^. entra- nas : to move the bowels, evacuar el vientre : bowel complaint, enfermedad de los intesti- nos. bower [bauoer], *. glorieta, emparrado, enra- mada, lonjeta, cenador ; morada, domici- lio ; retrete, aposento retirado : bower-bird, tilonorinco, pajaro de Australia : right bow- er, left bower, los dos naipes mds altos en el juego 11 am ado euchre. bower [booer], s. musico de arco ; arquero. bower-anchor [bauoer-angkoer], s. (mar.) ancla de servidumbre. bowery [bauoen], *. cortijo ; calle de Nueva York frecuentada por la ralea. — a. frondo- 80, sombreado. bow-hand [bo jana], s. mano del arco, la dere- cha del que toca el violin ; la izquierda del arquero. bowie-knife [btii-naifi, s. cuchillo de monte. bowing [bailing], a. inclinado. bow-knot [bo-not], s. nudo corredizo, lazada. bowl [boni], s. escudilla, cuenco ; hueco, con- cavidad ; tazon de fuente ; bolo, rulo, bocha : bowl of a pipe, hornillo de la pipa : bowl of a spoon, paleta de la cuchara : sngar-bowl, azu- carera.— p/. juego de bolos ; rodillos de ca- landria. bowl, va. tumbar con una bola ; derribar ; hacer rodar. — vn. jugar 4 las bochas. bowlder, v. boulder. bow-legged [bo-iega]. a. estevado, perniabier- to : bowleg, pierna corva. bowler [boiopii, s. jugador de bolos. bowline [boun], bowling [boung], *. (mar.) bolina. bowling, s. boleo, juego de bolos, chirinola: bowling-alley, bowling-green, bowling-ground, bolera ; boleo, mallo. bowman [bdman], s. arquero, flechero. bownet [bonet], s. nasa para pesca. bowse [bius], vn. (mar.) halar & un tiempo. bow-shot [b6-8hot], s. tiro de flecha. bowsprit [bosprit], s. (mar.) baupres. bowstring [bostnng], s. cuerda de arco ; do- gal para ahorcar. BEA bow-window [bo-uindo], s. ventana arqueada » saliente. bow-wow [baii-au], s. ladrido, guau. bowyer [boyoer], s. arquero. box [box], s. caja, cajita, cajon ; estuche, excu- sabaraja ; cofre, area ; palco de teatro ; bofetada, revgs, cachete, cogotazo, tornis- con, manotada ; (mar.) bitacora ; (carr.) pescante ; (impr.) cajetin ; (raec.) buje, caja, mangujto ; cajera ; casilla, comparti- mento ; (bot. ) box 6 boj : band-box, caja de carton : hat-box, sombrerera : jewel-box, jo- yelero, guardajoyas : P. 0. box, apartado de correos : letter-box, buzon del correo, casi- lla para cartas: box office, (teat.) taquilla: strong box, cofre fuerte : box car, (f. c.) furgon : Christmas-box, aguinaldo : alms- box, cepillo de limosna : coach-box, pescante de coche : dice-box, cubilete : dust-box, sal- vadera : snufE-box, tabaquera : box of a pump, gmbolo de una bomba : box plaiting, (cost.) plegado, pliegue de tabla : box-elder, (bot.) arbol semejante al arce : to be in a box, hallarse en un aprieto. box, va. encajonar; apufiear, abofetear. — vn. pelear & puiiadas : to box the compass, (mar.) cuartear. boxen [bocsoen], a. hecho de boj. boxer [bocsoer], s. pfigil ; encajonador. bOXhaul [bocsjoi], va. (mar.) virar en redondo ; abroquelar. boxing [bocsing], s. empaque, en vase ; madera para encajonar ; (carp.) m arco de puerta 6 de ventana ; pugilato. boxthorn [boxzom], s. (bot.) licio, tamujo. boxwood [boxud], s. madera de box. boy [boi], .s. muchacho, niiio ; hijo varon ; mozo ; criado, lacayo : cabin-boy, mozo de camara, grumete : school-boy, muchacho de escuela : choir-boy, nino de coro : boy bishop, obispillo : boy's play, tarea facil, juego de nirios : the old boy, el diablo. boycott [boicot], va. desacreditar, aislar, re- chazar, excluir; coaligarse para no tener tratos con una persona. boycott, s. coalicion organizada contra una persona, negindose a tener tratos con ella. boyhood [boijud], s. muchachez, puericia. boyish [boiiSh], a. pueril, amuchachado. boyishly [boiishii], adv. puerilmente. boyishness bdiishnes], s. puerilidad, mucha- chada, niriada, brabble [br^boei], vn. armar camorra.— *■. ca- morra, riiia, pendencia. brabbler [br^WiBr], s. camorrista. braccate [br^ket], a. (orn.) paticalzado. brace [bres], va. atar, ligar, trabar, atesar, amarrar ; (carp.) ensamblar, empatar j (mar.) bracear ; cercar, rodear ; (impr.) abrazar con Have 6 corchete ; fortificar, vi- gorizar (los nervios). brace, s, abrazadera, lana, grapon, broche,. manija, traba, braza ; (carp.) berbiqui ; tornapunta ; (arq.) riostra, tirante, puntal ; (carr.) sopanda ; un par (de pistolas, per- dices, etc.); (cir.) braguero ; (impr. ) cor- chete, Have, [■ ; (arq.) anclaje, silla, mor- daza ; can, canecillo : brace-drill, parauso : brace-pin, atesador : brace-strut, biela. — pi. tirantes del pantalon ; (mar.) brazas : braces of a rudder, (mar.) hem bras del timon. bracelet [br^siet], 5. brazalete, ajorca, pul- sera, manilla ; (arm.) brazal. bracer [br^srer], s. brazal; (med.) medica- mento tonico y fortifieante ; abrazadera, laiia; cinto, veiida. - ; brachial [brtSkiai], a. braquial. Para el sonldo de se, ar.) limpiar fondos. Para el aonido de le, oe d. S. sh, y, z. v^ase la clave de pr'>»ii;n»'fa"i'>t> »1 i>r(nri|)to del libro. BEE 66 BEI breast [brest], *. peoho, seno ; tela, mama ; (arm. ) peto ; pechuga de ave ; pecho, cora- z6n, interior del hombre ; (arti.) testera ; (arq. ) toro ; (min.) freute 6 cara de veta 6 hlon ; (carr. ) comba del cubo de una rueda. breast, m. acometer de frente. breastbone [brestuoun], s. esternon. breast- collar [coiar], *-. collera, pretal. l)reast-deep [irsst-dip], breast-higb [br^at- jai], n. alto hasia el pecho. l)reastfast [brestnist], s. (mar.) amarra del t raves. breastbOOks S'-restjukaJ^ s. (mar.) buzardas. breastpin [breRtpin], s. broche, prendedor. Iireastplate [brestpiet], s. peto ; pretal ; pec- toral. breast-plow o breast-plough [brest-piauj, s. arado ue pecho. breast-pump [brest-pcemp], s. mamadera. bFeastrail [I'lestiTeii], s. (mar.) antepecho. breast- summer [bresoemuirj, s. cabio. breast- wheel [brSHt-juiij, s. rueda hidraulica de costado. breastwork [br^stucerk], *. (fort.) parapeto; (mar.) propao. breath [brexj, s. aliento, respiracion, resuello ; hdlito, soplo ; vida ; pausa, demora, respi- ro; sobreseimiento ; instante ; uu memen- to : to be short of breath, ser corto de resue- llo, respirar con dificultad : under one's bre&th, eu vox baja : in a breath, de un re- suello : to gasp for breath, jadear : out of breath, sin aliento, sofocado : foul breath, mal aliento. breathable [brioabcei], a. respirable. breathe [brio], vn. alentar, respirar, resollar ; vivir ; descansar, tomar aliento ; tomar el tresco ; soplar, avahar ; aspirar, exhalar. — va. inspirar, respirar ; exhalar ; dar aire 6 desahogo ; sugerir, revelar : to breathe upon, empanar : to breathe one's last, dar el ultimo suspiro, morir. breathed [briut 6 brioed], pp. cansado, sin re- suello ; prouunciada sin usar las cuerdas vocales (la k, b, p, etc.) ; [brezt] largo 6 corto de resuello. breather [bnoter], ». respiraaor ; viviente ; inspirador. breathing [brininK], s. respiracion ; resuello, vaharada ; aire suave ; inspiracion ; aspi- racion : breathing-hole, respiradero : breath- ing-place, pausa ; respiradero, lugar de des- «aaso ; breathing-time, huelga, asueto, rela- jacioQ, reposo. breathless [brezies], a. falto de aliento, sin resuello ; desalentado ; rauerto. breathlessness [br^ziesues], s. desalieuto ; muerte. breccia [br^ciiial, s. (min.) m4rmol brecha. bred, prel. y pp. del verbo to breed. breecn [bncu], s. trasero, nalgas, posaderas ; (arti.) rec&raara. breech, ra. poner calzones ; zurrar ; poner recamara a un cafion 6 fusil. breeches [briches], s. pi. calzones, bragas, pan- talones : to wear the breeches, llevar los cal- zones : breeches-buoy, aparato salvavidas en lorraa de bragas. breeching Ibricbini?], ». grupera del arn6s ; zurra ; (tiiar. ) bragueros de canon. breech-loader [lodwr], *. (arti.) arma de re- trocargii. breech- loading liofHng], a. (arti.) de retro- car ca. breed Ibnd], va. padrear, criar, engendrar, multiplicar ; empoUar ; parir ; ocasionar, causar, producir ; educar, ensefiar. — vti. criar, procrear. breed, s. casta, raza, progenie ; generacion ; lechigada ; ralea. breeder [bridujr], s. criador; autor; padre; paridera. breeding [bridim?], s. cria ; orianza ; educa* cion, enseuauza ; urbanidad, modales : breeding-cage, jaula de criar, criadera : cross breeding, cruzamiento de razas : gooA breeding, buena educaciou : bad breeding, mala crianza. breeze [brlS], *. brisa, airecillo, aura, oreo ; (fam.) agitacion, excitaci6n,embullo; rage rumor, murmuracion ; cisco de coke ; (ent. } tabano. breezeless [brisies], a. sin aire. breezy [bnSi], a. airoso, oreado ; garboso. brethren [breureu], s. pi. de brother ; herma* nos en Jesucristo, Breton [bretonj, a. y s. breton. breve [briv], *. (mlis.) breve; (pros.) marca de silaba breve ■-. brevet [brevet], va. (mil.) graduar. brevet, s. (mil.) graduado: brevet colonel, coronel graduado; (mil.) nombramiento, graduaciOu. breviary [brivieri], s. (igl.) breviario. brevier [brevioer], s. (impr.) breviario, tipo de ocho puntos. ^^ Este es el tipo breviario, brevirostrate, brevirostral [brevirroatret, trai], a. (oru.) corto de pico. brevity [br^viti], s. brevedad ; concision. brew [bru], va. hacer cerveza, 6 ponch ; fra- guar, urdir, tramar : a storm is breving, se prepara una tormenta. — rn.elaborar cerveza. brew, s. mezcla. Drewage [bruech], s. brebaje. brewer [brfioer], s. cervecero. brewery [brfioeri], brew-house [bru-jausj, a. cerveceria. brewing [bniing], s. elaboracion de cerveza; cantidad de cerveza que se hace de una vez , sen ales de borrasca. brewis [bruis], s. sopa ; caldo espeso, briar ibraiar], r. brier. bribe [braib], 6-. cohecho, soborno. bribe, va. cohechar, sobornar. briber [braiboer], s. cohechador, sobornador, corrupter. bribery [braiboeri], s. cohecho, soborno. bric-a-brac, s. bric-a-brac. brick [bric], .9. ladrillo ; cantidad de ladrillos : (fam.) persona simpatica : sun-dried brick, (Mex. ) adobe : bath, carving, cutlery 6 Bris- tol brick, piedra para limpiar cuchillos. brick, va. enladrillar. brickbat [bricb»t], s. tejoleta, tejuela. brick- clay [bric-cie], brick-earth [brik-oem], s. barro para hacer ladrillos. brickdust [bncdajst], s. ladrillo molido. brick-kiln [bric-kii], s. homo de cocer ladri- llos. bricklayer [brikieioer], s. albaiiil, enladrilla- dor. brickmaker [bricmekoer],*. ladrillero. brickmaking [brikmekiiiK], s. fabricacion de ladrillos. brickwork Ibrikuajrc], s. enladrillado, obra de ladrillos, mazoueria. bricky [bHki', a. ladrilloso. brickyard [brikiard], s. ladrillal, adoberla. bridal [braidai], «. nupcial.— jt. boda, fiesta nupoial: bridal song, epitalamio : bridal trip, viaje de novios :' (api.) vuelo de la rei- na para ser fecundada jwr el z&ngano. bride [braiiil, s. novia, desposada : bride-cake, tortao pan dela boda: bride-chamber, t&lama Para el sonldo de m, ce, D, 8, 6b, T, c, v^aae >% cUvf d<> pronunciacian al priuclpio del libro. BRI 67 BRO bridegroom [braiasrum], s. novio, desposado. bridesmaid [braidsmci], «/. madrina de boda, pronuba. bridesman [braid8m*n], «. v. groomsman. bridewell [briiduei], s. casa de correccion de Londres ; calabozo. bridge Ibridv], s. puente; caballete de la na- riz ; puente de violin, etc. ; violin del billar ; (elec. ) balanza de Wheatstoue : drawbridge, Suente levadizo : cantilever bridge, puente e contrapeso : Buspension bridge, puente col- gante. — va. construir 6 levautar un puente. bridgeward [bridYuard], s. custodio de puente ; guarda principal de una Have. bridle [braidoeii, s. brida 6 freno del eaballo ; freno, sujecion ; (mar.) frenillo: bridle-curb, barbada : bridle-hand, mano izquierda del jinete : bridle-path, camino de herradura. bridle, va. embridar, enfrenar ; reprimir, re- frenar. — vn. levantar la cabeza, erguirse. bridles [braidoeis], s. pi. (mar.) poas. bridler [braidiuerj, s. enfrenador ; refrenador, bridoon [bridun], s. bridon, filete. brief [brlrj, a. breve, concise, corto, sucinto, sumario ; fugaz, pasajero, rapido. brief, s. epitome, resumen, compendio, suma- rio ; (for.) escrito, relacion, alegato, memo- rial, informe; (mus.) breve; (igl.) breve, buleto apostolico. briefless [brines], a. sin clientes. briefly [brim], adv. brevemente, suciutamente, compendiosamente ; en resumen. briefness [brifnes], s. brevedad, concision. brier [braiuer], s. (bot.) escaramujo, agavanzo, rosal silvestre ; zarza. briery [braioeri], a. zarzoso. brig, brigantine [brig, bngantin], s. (mar.) bergantin. brigade [brigued], s. brlgada. brigadier-general [brigadioer-Y^noerai], s. (mil.) brigadier. brigand [brigand], s. bandido, bandolero. brigandage ibngandedY], s. salteamiento, la- troeinio. brigandine [brigandin], s. cota de malla. brigantine, s. v. brig. bright [brait], a. claro, reluciente, luciente, res- plandeciente, lustroso, brillante ; evidente ; flamante ; esclarecido, ilustre ; ingenioso, agudo, ocurrente, perspicaz, vivo : to make bright, pulimentar, dar brillo. brighten [braitoen], va. pulir, brunir, abrillan- tar ; avivar ; ilustrar, ennoblecer ; aguzar el ingenlo. — vn. aclarar ; avivarse. bright-eyed [brait-aid], a. ojialegre. brightly [braitii], adv. brillantemente. brightness [braitnes], s. lustre, esplendor, bri- llo, brillantez ; resplandor, claridad ; agu- deza 6 viveza de ingenio. Brifht's disease [braits disis], s. (med.) albu- minuria. brill [brii], .9. (let.) mero. V. bret. brilliance [briiians], brilliancy [briuansi], s. brillantez, brillo, resplandor, fulgor ; esplen- dor, lustre. brilliant [bniiant], a. brillante, refulgente, ra- dian te.—s. (joy.) brillante; (impr.) tipo de 3^ puntos. fSr Fm» ei> rl tipo llamado brillante. brilliantine [briiiantin], s. brillantina. brilliantly [briiuntii], adv. esplgndidamente, brillantemente. brilliantness [bniiantnea], s. brillantez. brim [brim], s. borde, extremidad, orilla ; la- bio de un vaso ; ala de sombrero. brim, va. llenar hasta el borde. — vn. estar de bote en bote. brimful [brimful], a. lleno hasta el borde. brimfulness [brimfuinss], s. llenura hasta e\ borde. brimless [brimies], a. sin labio, borde 6 ala. brimmer [brimoer], s. copa vaso lleno. brimming [briming], «. lleno hasta el borde. brimstone [briniKtoun], «. azufre. brinded [brimied], a. moteado, mosqueado. brindle [i>nudu-i], *-. variedad de colores como la que tieue el tigre. brindled, a. mosqueado, abigarrado. brine [brain], A-. salmuera; (poet.) el mar; 1&- grimas. brinepit [braiupit], s. pozo de agua salada. bring [bring], va. {prei. y pp. brought) llevar 6 traer ; conducir ; acarrear ; inducir, per- suadir; aportar, causar, producir ; valer : to bring about, efectuar, poner por obra : to bring away, llevarse una cosa de donde esta- ba : to bring back, traer de vuelta, devolver : to bring down, matar (caza) ; deprimir, hu- millar ; continuar, prolongar : to bring down the house, promover grandes aplausos : to bring forth, producir ; parir ; dar a luz ; po- ner de manifiesto : to bring forward, empu- jar ; (com.) llevar una suma a otra cuenta : brought forward, suma y sigue, suma ante- rior : to bring in, presentar (una cuenta) ; producir ; recoger ; entrar, meter ; servir (una comida), introducir (una moda): t« bring off, rescatar ; disuadir : to bring on> acarrear ; comenzar ; inducir : to bring over, persuadir, convertir : to bring out, presentar- sacar a luz, exponer, publicar ; (teat.) ponet en escena ; revelar : to bring to, sacar de un desmayo ; (mar.) ponerse a la capa 6 en fa-, cha : to bring under, sojuzgar, someter : to bring up, criar, educar ; traer a colacion 6 discusion ; hacer parada. bringer [bnngoeri, s. portador. brinish [brainigh], a. salado, salobre. brinishness [brainighnes], s. sabor de sal. brink [bringu], s. orilla, margen, borde ; extre- midad. briny [br&ini], a. salado, salobre: the briny deep, el mar. brisk [brisk], a. vivo, activo, animado, rapido, acelerado : brisk gale of wind, viento fresco. brisk up, va. atizar, avivar, animar, apresu- rar. — vn. animarse. brisket [bnsi^et], «. pecho de un animal 6 un pedazo cortado de el. briskly [brlskii], adv. vivamente, aprisa. briskness [brisknes], s. viveza, actividad, vi- vacidad, despejo, gallardla. bristle [bnsoei], s. cerda, porcipelo. bristle, va. erizar, poner tieso. — vn. erizarse. bristly [brlstn], a. cerdoso, hirsuto, hispido, erizado. bristol-board [i)ri«t(>i bord), s. cartulina. britannia [britsenia] (metal.), s. metal ingles. Britannic [brit^nic], a. britanico. British [bntisii], a. britinico. — s. pi. el pueblo ingles. Briton [bntcen], a. y .<;. britano. brittle [bntoei], a. quebradizo, frSgil. brittleness [brltceines], s. fragilidad, friabili- dad, bronquedad. broach [brouch], .v. (carp.) broca, mecha ; es- peton, lezna, punzon ; terraja de relojero ; (joy-) prendedor, broche; (arq.) aguja.cha- pitel. broach, va. mencionar por primera vez ; in- troducir ; hacer publico ; espetar, ensartar ;; espitar un tonel ; decentar, encentar. broad [brod], a. ancho, anchuroso, extenso,. amplio ; claro, categorico ; lleno, abierto ;; comprehensivo ; liberal, tolerante ; grosero,. indecoroso, pornogrSfico ; descomedido, atre- Para el snnido de », oe, d, 8, Sh, t, «, v6aae U cUve de proimnciarion al prlnciplo del libro. BEO vido ; cou mareado acento de algun dialec- to : as broad as it is long, igual en todos sen- tidos : at broad noon, al mediodia : to grow broad, ensaacharse : in broad day, en pleno dia : broad-minded, despreocupado, tolerante : broad-blown, enteramente formado : broad- braasted, ancho de pechos : broad-brimmed, de borde ancho ; de alas auchas : broad- faced, broad-fronted, cariancho : broad- horned, corniabierto : broad-leaved, (bot.) de hojas anchas : broad-shouldered, espaldudo, rehecho : broad-tailed, de cola ancha. broad-axe, s. hacha de carpintero ; doladera. broad-brim, s. sombrero de ala ancha : broad-brimmer, (fam.) cuaquero. broad-cast [broa-cast], s. (agr.) siembra al vuelo. — va. sembrar al vuelo ; esparcir, dise- minar, propalar. — adv. esparcidamente, ex- tensamente. Broad Churcll, partido liberal avanzado de la iglesia en Inglaterra ; elemento liberal de cualquiera iglesia. broadcloth (brodciMj, s. pafio fino de mas de 29 pulgadas de ancho. broaden [brodoen], vo. ensanchar. — vn. ensan- charse. broad gauge [guedv], a. (f. c.) via ancha, de mas de 56^ pulgadas inglesas. broadlsh [brodishj, a. algo ancho. broadly [biddii], adv. anchamente, amplia- meute. broadness [brodnes], s. ancho 6 anchura ; gro- seria, fait a de decoro. broad-pendant [brod-pendantj, S. (mar.) ga- llardeion. "broad-seal [brod-aiij, s. sello real. Ijroadside [bmdsaidj, s. (mar. ) costado de un buque ; (arti. ) andanada ; (impr.) cada lado de un pliego de papel. broadsword [broasordj, s. espadon, chafarote, moutante. broadwise [broduaisj, adv. &. lo ancho, por lo ancho. brocade [brok^dj, s. brocado. brocade, ''a. espolinar ; decorar con brocado. brocaded [broke.ie.i], a. espolinado. brocage o brokage ibrokedrj, s. v. broker- age. brocatel [brdcateii, s. brocatel. broccoli [brocoii], s. broculi, brecol. brochure [broSbucerj, .«. foUeto. brock [bioc], .«. (zool.) tejon. brocket [broket], s. gamo de dos anos. brogan ibrdgten], «. zapato basto. brogue [brogj, s. abarca ; acento de los irlan- deses cuando hablan ingles. broil [brdn], s. rina, camorra, pendencia ; al- boroto, tumulto, sedicion ; came asada al fuego ; calor intenso. broil, va. asar came sobre las ascuas 6 en pa- rrillas ; soasar, tostar, turrar. — vn. asarse, padecer calor. broiler [bronoer], s. parrilla ; polio k proposito para asar ; caraorrista. broiling [broiling], a. extremamente cilido ; t^rrido. broke Ibrouk], vn. hacer de corredor. broke, pret. de to break. broken [br6k(Bii], pp. quebrado, roto, partido, imperfecto ; suelto, separado ; interrumpi- do ; domado ; raal pronunciado, chapurra- do ; barrancoso : broken victuals, fragmentos de viandas : broken voice, voz cascada: broken-backed, deslomado, (mar.) quebran- tado : broken-down, arruinado, quebrantado, estropeado, deshecho : broken-hearted, an- gustiado, traspasado de dolor : broken lan- guage, lenguaje chapurrado d tosco : broken 68 BRO sleep, sueno interrumpido : broken spirit^ espiritu decaido, amilaaado : broken-winded, corto de resuello. brokenly [brdkcenii], adv. interrumpidamente, a ratos. brokenness [brokoennes], s. desigualdad. broker [brdkoer], s. (com.) corredor ; cambista ; chamarilero, agente, trujamdn. brokerage [broku-Tedv], s. (com.) corretaje; correduria, trujamania. broma [brdma], s. hariua de cacao; bebida que eon ella se hace ; (med. ) alimento solido. bromal [bromal], s. (quim.) bromal. bromate [bromet], va. com bin ar con el bromo. — s. (quim.) bromato. bromide Ibromui 6 bromaldj, s. (quim.) bromu- ro. bromine [bromin], s. (quim.) bromo. bromhydxic, v. hydrobromic. bromoiorm [bromoformj, s. bromoformo. bronchi [bronkat], pi. de bronchus, bronchia [bronkiaj, s. pi. (anat.) subdivision nes de los bronquios. bronchial [brouklalj, brOnChiC Ibronklc], a. bronquial. bronchitis fbronkaitis 6 kitu), s. (med.) bron- quitis. bronchocele tbroncosiij, s. (med.) papera. bronchotomy ibroucotomij, *. (cir.) traqueo- tomia. bronchus [bronkcesj, s. {pi. BRONCHI) (anat.) bronquio. bronco, s. potro cerril. bronze Ibronsj, s. bronce, (b. a.) objeto de bronce ; color de bronce. bronze, va. broncear; pavonar ; tostar por el sol. bronzing ibroniing), s. bronceado. brooch Ibroch 6 bnichj, s. (joy. ) broche, pren- dedero, alfiler de pecho. brood (brud], va. empoUar ; cobijar ; acariciar. — vn. empollar ; to brood over, cavilar 6 ru- miar. brood, s. cria, poUazon, nidada; camada; Srogenie, generacion, raza, casta, ralea ; pro- uccion. brooder [brudoer], s. clueca ; incubadora ; ru- miOn. broody [brudij, a. clueca 6 llueca. brook [brucj, s. arroyo, caiiada. brook, va. sufrir, aguantar, tolerar. brooklet Ibruciet], s. arroyuelo. brooklime Ibruciaim), 5. (bot.) becabunga. brookmint ibrficmint), s. (hot. ) menta de agua. brooky ibruki], a. lleno de arroyos. broom Ibnmi], s. (bot.) hiniesta", retama ; esco- ba, abarredera ; broom-maker, escobero. broom com icom], s. (bot.) millo de escoba, carquexia. broom-land [brum-iand], .r*Dreriaic], n. fraternal. brotherly [br^Dcerii), a. fraternal. — adv. fra- ternalmente. brougham [brAam], g. carruage cerrado. P«r» el aouido de ae, at, i>, S, ah, y, «, v^ase U cl»v calo. burglary [b&rgiari], s. robo con escalo. burgomaster [boergomastoei], s. burgoraaestre. Burgundy [bAigoendl], s. Borgona : Burgundy wine, vino de Borgona: Burgundy helmet, celada borgoiiona. burial [benai], s. entierro, sepelio ; enterra- miento : burial-ground 6 burial-place, cemen- terio. . burier [Wnoer], s. enterrador, sepulturero. burin [biiSrin], s. (b. a.) buril, cincel. burl [boeri], va. (tej.) desmotar, despinzar, desborrar. — s. (tej.) borra, nudillo, mota (carp.) nudo ; cnapa de madera nudosa. burlap [burlap] 6 burlaps, s. arpillera. burler [ixtnoei], *. desmotador. burlesque [boeriesc], a. burlesco, parodico.— *. (teat.) parodia. burlesque [boeriesc], va. chufar, parodiar. burletta [boerietaj, s. zarzuelita. burling-iron [bdriing-aioem], s. (tej.) despin- zadera. burly [bderii], a. corpulento ; nudoso. burn Iboernl, va. {pret. y pp. BUr.NED 6 bvrxt) quemar, abrasar, encender 6 pegar fuego, incendiar; cocer ladrillos ; calcinar; (cir.) cauterizar. — vn. quemarse, arder ; consu- mirse : to bum away, consumir el fuego una cosa : to bum to ashes, reducir a cenizas : to bum up, quemar todo, consumir : to burn with, abrasarse de 6 en. bum, s. quemadura ; incendio, conflagra- cion. burnable [bj). del verbo to bum ; quemado, abra-< sado ; combusto, cocido. burr [boer], *. V. BUR ; rebaba def metal ; (dent.) buril; (carp.) rondana de perno, virola ; canal auricular ; piedra de molino ; Para el sonido de a, oe, d, I, Sh, t, t, v^aae la dare de prononciacion al principio del libro. BUK sonido fuerte de la r ; halon lunar ; ralz de las astas de un ciervo. 'burr, va. J vn. pronunciar la erre con sonido gutural. burrow [ixferro], s. madriguera, conejera ; (min.) cata. — vn. amadrigar ; minar, hora- dar ; (min. ) hacer calicatas. burrowing- owl [b^n-oing-aui], $. buho pecu- liar de America. burr- stone [bder-stoun], s. piedra de molino. bursa [bderea], s. (anat.) bolsa 6 saco. bursary [bifersari] s. tesoreria de una orden religiosa. burse (boere^. s. bolsa ; (igl, ) cubierta para cS.- liz, etc. burst [boerst], vn. {pret. y pp. burst) reven- tar, estallar, volar (una mina) ; saltar con Tiolencia ; descargar, rebosar ; prorrumpir. — va. romper, quebrar, hacer pedazos : to 'bant out, reventar, prorrumpir ; brotar : to laarst into tears, deshacerse en lagrimas : to burst open, forzar, abrir con violencia. "burst, s. reventon, estallido, explosion ; su- premo esfuerzo. burstwort [bderstuoert], «. (bot.) herniaria. I>urtlien, v. burden. Iiurton [b sonido de te. oe. d, 8, Sb, t, x, v6ase la clave de prouunclacion al principio del Ubro. BUT 73 CAC buttress [bd&tres], s. (arq.) contrafuerte, estri- bo, maehon, arbotante, botarel, estantal, ra- fa ; apoyo, sosten. — va. estribar, aiianzar. butyraceous [boet- 6 biutir^shoBs] 6 buty- rOUS [b3i;,'on], a. pasado : let bygones be by- gones, olvidemos lo pasado. by-lane li)ai-ieiii], s. vereda. by-law [bai-io], s. estatutos 6 reglamentos de una sociedad. by-name [bai-neimi, 5. apodo. by-path [tmi-paz], .V. senda. vereda. by-play [bai-pie], s. (teat.) escena muda, jue- ga escenico ; pasatiempo. by-product [bai-prodoect], *. producto acceso- rio. by-road [bai-miid], 5. atajo, andurrial. by-room [bai-mni], s. retrete. by-speech [bai-gpich], s. digresion. bystander [bai^tandoer], s. vaiTon.—pl. circun- staiites. by-street [bai-strit], *. callejuela, by-view [bai-viu], s. fin particular 6 propio in- terns. by-walk [b&i-noc], s. paseo oculto. byway [baiue], s. camino desviado. by-word [bai-uo-ni], s. objeto de burla ; apodo, mote ; dicho trillado. Byzant, v. Bkzant. Byzantian, Byzantine [biSeenShKn, bistgntin], a. bizantino. C [si], tercera letra del alfabeto ingl6s ; para su pronunciacion vease el articulo sobre "Pro- nunciacion Inglesa" al principio de este libro. C, vale 100 en los ndmeros romanos ; (mGs.) do. cab [caeb], *. berliua, cupe, (Cuba) pesetera; (f. c.) casilla del maquinista. cabal [cab*i], s. cabala intriga. — vn. maqui. nar, tramar. cabala [ctebaiai, s. cabala de los judios, cabalism [c^baiism], s. cabalismo. cabalist [c^baiist], s. cabalista. cabalistic(al [c^baiistic ai], a. cabalistico, oculto, secreto. cabalistically [caebaiisticaii], adv. cabalistica- mente. caballer [cabtsicerl, s. maquinador. cabas [c^ba], s. bolsa de labor. cabbage Icwbedv), s. berza, col : head of cab- bage, repollo : cabbage-beetle, cabbage-bug, cabbage-butterfly, cabbage-flea, cabbage-fly, cabbage-moth, cabbage-worm, nombres de varios insectos y orugas que atacan la col. cabbage, va. sisar (los sastres) ; hurtar (Ger.) — vn. (agr.) repoUar. cabin ic^bin], s. cabaiia, choza, bohio ; (mar.) camara, camarote: cabin-boy, (mar.) paje de escoba ; camarero. cabin, m. vivir en cabaiia 6 choza. — va. en- cerrar en cabana 6 choza. cabinet [cabinet], s. (pol.) gabinete, ministe- rio ; coleccion de objetos artisticos 6 curio- sos ; sala donde se exhiben ; escaparate, vitrina, estuche ; (impr.) chibalete: cabinet- council, consejo de ministros 6 de gabinete : cabinet-maker, ebanista : cabinet-work, eba- nisteria. — a. ministerial; (b. a.) digno de figurar en una sala ; secreto, reservado. cable [kebfci], s. (mar.) cable, maroma, ama- rra ; cable de alambre ; cable el^trico ; tel6- grafo submarino; (fam.) cablegrama. V. cable's length : stream cable, calabrote : cable-bit, bitadura 6 media bitadura : -cable- car, vagon movido por traccion de cable : cable-grip, grapa, fiador de cable: cable' s- length, cable, medida longitudinal (^ de milla n^utica) : cable railroad, ferrocarril de traccion por cable continuo. cablegram [k^boeiKram], s. (fam.) cablegrama. cablet [k^bieti, s. (mar.) estacha. cabman [cabman], s. calesero, cochero, simon. caboose icabtlsi, s. (mar.) fogon 6 cociua; (f. c. ) vagon del conductor en un tren de carga. cabriolet [cabrioM], s. cabriole. caburn [c^boem], s. (mar.) cajeta. cacao [cak6o], 5. (bot.) cacao. cachalot [c^cJialot], s. (ict.) cachalote. cache [caShi, va. depositar en un escondrijo. cache, s. escondite, escondrijo. cachectic(al [cak^ctlc ai], a. caqu6ctico. cachexia [cak^xia] 6 cachexy [cak^xi], s. (med.) caquexia. cachinnation [csekineahoeni, s. carcajada, riso- tada. cacique [casic], s. cacique; (orn.) orop^ndola, lutea. cackle k^koei], vn. cacarear, cloquear ; reirse ; chacharear. — *. cacareo ; charla, chSchara. cacklsr [c^kioer], s. cacareador ; chismoso, parlanchin. cackling fciekiiiig], s. cloqueo ; chachara. cacochymic(al [caecokimic ar, a. (med.) caco- quimico. P»ra el sonldo d« », », P, 8, Ih-. t, «, v^ase U cUve de pronunciacion al principio del Ubro. CAC 74 CAL cacodemon [caecodimon], s. diablo. cacography [cacogranj, s. cacografia. cacomistle [csscomisoei], .s, (Mex.) cacomixtle. cacophony [cacofoni], s. cacofonia. C&ctus [csectus], s. (bot.) cacto. cacmnen icakiumen], s. apice, cumbre. cad [csed], s. (Jem. CADDESS) persona de mo- dales groseros ; ayudante 6 peon ; manda- dero ; (Ingl.) conductor de omnibus. cadaver [cHdevoer], *. cadaver. cadaverous [caa^evcercBs], a. cadaverico. caddie [csedi], s. (Esco.) mensajero, recadero ; muchacho que en el juego de golf lleva los bastones 6 mazas. caddis [csSdisl, s. (tej.) jerguilla; trencilla de estambre. caddish [c*digh], a. grosero, mal educado. caddy [csedi], «. bote, lata, cajita para te. V. CADDIE. cade [k6id], a. manso, domesticado ; barril ; banasta. cadence o cadency [k^densn], s. (mus. y pros.) ritmo, modiilacion, cadencia. cadent [k^dent], a. (po6t.) cayente. cadet [cjed^tj, s. (mil. ) cadete ; hermano me- nor. cadi [k6dil, s. cadi. cadmium [c«6dtnioein], s. (quim.) cadmio. caduceus [cadifiseoesj, s. caduceo. caducous [cadiucces], a. caduco, perecedero. CSecal [sical], a. cecal. csecum [aicoemi, s. intestino ciego. Csesarism [siSarism], s. cesarismo. caesura [sisifira], s. (pogt.) cesura. Caf6, s. caf6, cantina. caffein [csefeinj, s. cafeina. caftan [c*ftan], «. vestimenta turca. cage [kedv], s. jaula, gayola ; trena, prision. — va. enjaular. cageling [keYiingl, s. pajaro enjaulado. caic o caique [caic], «. (mar.) caique. cairn [k^am], s. montop de piedras para serial. caisson [k^son], s. arcon ; (mil.) furgon ; (ing.) cajon dentro del cual se hacen los estribos de los puentes ; (mar.) camello ; compuerta de dique ; (arq.) arteson, caseton. caitiff [ketif], a. y s. belitre, picaro redomado. cajeput 6 cajuput [cav e uput], s. (bot.) caye- put. cajole fcaYoi], va. lisonjear, adular; halagar, engatusar, lagotear. cajoler [caYoioeri, s. adulador, zalamero. cajolery [cavoiueri], s. adulaoion, lisonja ; re- Quiebro, zalameria, carantoiia. cake [kek], vn. cocer 6 endurecer, pegarse ; formar costra. cake, 8. tortita, hojaldre, pastelillo ; pastilla 6 pan de jabon, de cera, etc : wedding cake, torta 6 pastel de boda : plum-cake, fruit-cake, torta c»n pasas de Corinto: cake walk, (E. U.) danza de negros, en que se premia con un pastel & la pareja que mejor se con- tonea. calaba [cieiaba], 5. (bot.) calaba, calambuco. calabash (tree) [c«iab«gh (trij, s. (bot.) cala- baza; (Cuba) guiro. caladium [cai6(iiaem], 5. (bot.) caladio. calamar, calamary [c«iamar, c«6iaineri], s. (ict. ) calamar. F. squid. calamine [c«eiamain], s. calamina, cadmia. calamint [c*ianiint], «. (bot.) calamento. calamitous [caitemitoes], a. calamitoso. CalamitOUSneSS [cal^tnitaesnes], calamity [ca- ii6niiti\ s. calamldad. calamus [cseiamoes], s. (bot.) calamo arom&- tico. calash [caKSsh], js. calesa, carretela ; capota de carruage ; capota de senora. calcaneum fcaeicaneoem], s. (auat.) calcineo ; calcafiar. calcar [cseicar], s. espolon ; carquesa ; horno de reverbero. calcareous [ceeikerioes], a. calcareo, calizo, calero. calcariferous fcreicarifteroes], a. que tiene es- polon ; que tiene cal. calceate [cseiseeti, a. calzado. caJcedony, v. chalcedony. calcic [cseUic], a. calcico. CSJciferous icseisifceroBsi, a. que contiene cal. calcification [cBeisink^shoeni, s. conversion ea sustancia petrea por la deposicion de sales de cal ; petrificacion. calcify (c^isifaij, va. y vn. hacer 6 hacerse pe- treo, depositando cal. calcimine [cseuimain], s. lechada.— va. dar le- chada. calcinable [c^iBinaiKei], a. calcinable. calcinate, va. V. calcine. calcination icseisin^shoen], s. calcinacion. calcinatory [cteisinatoH], s. calcinatorio. calcine Icaisin], va. calcinar. — vn. calcinarse. calcite [cseisait], *. espato calcare*. calcium Ic^isicem], s. (quim.) calcio: calcium light, luz de calcio. calc-spar [cseic-spai], s. espato calcareo. calculable [cj6ikiuiabiorimetoer], s. calorimetro. calorlmetric [cseiorim^tric], a. calorimfitrico. calorimetry [casiorimetn], s. calorimetria. calory [cseiori], s. caloria. caltha icieiza], s. (bot.) calta. caltrop [caeitrcp], s. (mil.) abrojo ; (bot.) trl- bulo, abrojo. calumet icseiyumet], s. pipa de los indios de Norte America. calumniate [caidemuiet], va. y vn. calumniar, denigrar. calumniation [calcemuieshoenl, S. calumnia. calumniator [cai&ninietor], s. calumniador. calumniatory [eai&nniiatorii, calumnious [caicfemnioesl, a. caUimnioso, injurioso, difama« torio. calumniOUSly [caioemnioegiO, adv. injuriosa- mente, calumniosamente. CalUmniOUSneSS [caldemuioesnes], s. calumnia, maledicencia, infamacion. calumny [c»iaimui], s. calumnia. Calvary [c^ivari], s. Calvario, Via Crucis. calve [cav], vn. parir la vaca. Calvinism [cseivinigm], s. calvinismo. Calvinist Mivinigt], s. calvinista. Calvinize [cseivinais], va. enseiiar la doctrina de Calvino. calvish [cavish], a. aternerado. calx [calx], S. (pi. CALXES 6 CALCES) (mln.) cenizas 6 residuos : cal, yeso. calycle [c^iikoei], s. (bot.) doble caliz. calyx [k^ux], s. (bot.) cdliz ; (anat.) pelvis del rifion. cam [cajin], s. (mec.) alabe, leva, levador, so- barbo. camber [c^mboer], s. comba, combadura, ala- beo. — vn. y va. combar, arquear. cambered [c^mboerci], combado, arqueado. cambist Lceembist], *. (com.) cambista. Camblet [cSemlet], S. V. CAMLET. cambric [k^mbricj, *. batista, hoian, cam- bray. came [kem], pret. del verbo to come. camel [c^moel], s. camello : camel's hair, pelo 6 lana de camello ; (mar.) camello. camellia [cain^iia], *• (bot.) camelia. camelopard [cameiopard], s. camello pardal, jirafa. cameo [csemeo], *. camafeo. camera [c«eTnoerai, s. camara obscura; (anat.) cavidad ; (for. Ingl.) camara particular para los jueces : photographic camera, camara fo- tografica : folding camera, camara plegadiza : hand camera, cimara de mano : camera stand, pie, sostgn de la camara : stereoscopic came- ra, camara estereoscopica : camera lucida, camara Ificida. cameral [c»inoerai], a. relative k una cdmara, oticina 6 tesoreria. cameralistic [csemoeraiistic], a. perteneciente a la hacienda. camisado [camisacio], s. (mil.) encamisada. camise [cami8], s. camison 6 bata holgada. Para el sonido de », oe, d, g, ih, y, z, v6ase la clave de pi-onunclaclon al princtplo del litro. CAM 76 CAN camlet [c^miet], *. camelote 6 chamelote, ba- rrag^n, peldefebre. cammock [c^moc], s. (bot.) gatuna. camomile [c*momaii], «. (bot.) manzanilla, ca- momila. camp [csemp], s. (mil.) campo, campamento (tropa y terreno). camp, vn. acampar. — va. alojar un ej6rcito acaraparlo. campaign [cfiempein], s. (mil. ypol.) campana. campaign, vn. salir4 campana. campaigner [camp^inoer], s. veterano. campaniform [ca!mp«6nirorni], campanulate [cfempiCMiytiiet], a. (bot.) campanudo. campanile [csempauiie], s. campanario. campanology [csempanoioYi], s. arte de fun- dir y de tafier las campanas. campanula [dempSBnyuia], s. (bot.) campa- nula. Campeachy-wood [c«mpichi-ud], s. palo cam- peche. campestral [c«emp68trai], campestrian [caem- p68trian], a. campesino, campestre. camphene 6 camphine [c«mfinj, s. aceite de trementina rectincado. camphor [camner], s. alcanfor : camphor-tree, (bot.) alcanforero. campnor, camphorate [cjemforet], va. alcan- forar. camphorate, a. alcanforado. — s. canforato. campion [campion], *. (bot.) coUeja. campus [eiempusl, s. (E. U.) patio 6 claustro de un colegio 6 unlversidad. camwood [c^mud], s. madera roja de Angola. can [ctenj, s. lata, bote de lata ; portaviandas. can, vn. def. sblo se usa el pres. y pret. de indi- cative, (pret. could) poder ; saber : it can not be, no pivede ser : I can not go, no puedo ir : she can read, ella saber leer. can, va. conservar en latas : canned goods, (en Ingl. tinned goods) conservas alimenticias. Canadian [canedian], a. y s. canadiense. canaille [caneil, s. canalla, gentuza. canal [can*i], s. canal ; acequia, caz, cacera, buzon ; (Filip.) silanga j (arq.) estria, me- dia cana. canalage [cantliedY], s. construccion de cana- les ; sistema de canales ; derechos de trans- porte por un canal, canaliculate (ctenaUkiuiet], a. acanalado, es- triado. canalize [cantgiais], va. canalizar. canalization [canffiiais^Shoenj, s. canalizacion. canard [canardj, s. embuste, filfa. canary (can^ri), «. (cm.) canario; color de canario j vino de Canarias : canary-seed, al- piste, triguero. can-huoy [cAn-boiJ, *. (mar.) boya conica. can-hooks [c«n-jucBj, s. pi. (mar.) gafas. cancel [csenaei], va. cancelar, revocar, rescin- dir ; tachar, borrar ; invalidar, anular ; (mat.) eliminar. cancel, s. (impr. y enc.) supresion. cancelation [csenBei^Sboeu], s. cancelacion, res- cision. cancellate [c^nsei-ietl, a. reticular, celular, poroso. cancellation [caengei-i^ShcBn], s. reticulo. cancer (c^nsoer], s. (med.) cancer ; (astr.) Cin- cer. cancerate [cAmvsret], vn. cancerarse. canceration [cansoer^shoen], cancerousness [cAiisceriKKiies), s. principio de c&ncer. cancerous [c*n«cenB8], a. canceroso. cancroid [ojencroidj, s, (med.) cancro. — a. cancroideo. candelabrum [c«iidei«broBm], s. (pi. cande- labra) hachero, bland6n ; candelabro. candid [cwndia], a. candido, sencillo, ingenue, siucero, franco, lutegro. candidacy [ceendidasi], candidateship [c«n- didetship] CandldatUXe [ciiendidati«iajr], S. can- didatura. candidate [otendidet], s. candidate ; preten- dieute, opositor, aspirante. candidly Mudidiij, adv. candidamente, inge- uuameute, fraucamente. candidness [c^&ndidnes], s. candidez, candor, sinceridad, pureza de auimo. candied [cseiidid], pp. y a. confitado, almib«- rado, garapiiiado. candle [csendoei], *. candela, vela, bujia ; luz: candle power, intensidad luminica de una bujia : standard candle, bujia normal : Roman candle, candela romana : candle-ends, cabo de vela : candle-holder, portavela : candle- light, luz de una vela ; luz artificial candle- snuffers, despabilador : candle-stuff, sebo para hacer velas : candle-wick, pabilo. candleberry-tree (c^endcEiberi-trij, s. (bot.) kr- bol de la cera. Candlemas [csendoeimas], s. Candelaria. candlestick [csendoeuticj, s. candelero, palma- toria; (Mex. ) candil. candO(U)r Mndor], ». candor, sinceridad, in- tegridad, sencillez, ingenuidad, franqueza. candy fcseiidi), va. confitar, almibarar ; garapi- fiar: candied almonds, almendras garapina- das. — vn. acaramelarse. candy, s. bonbon, dulce, confite : sugar can- dy, cande 6 azucar candi : molasses candy, melcocha: candy-pull, tertulia en que se hace melcocha : lemon candy, caramelos : peanut candy, guirlache, crocante. candytuft [cienditoeft), «. (Dot.) carraspique. cane Ik^m], s. eafia, bejuco, bengala ; baston, baculo ; cana de azdcar : head of a cane, puno de baston : cane-brake; Canaveral es- peso : cane-fleld, Canaveral : cane-Juice, gua- rapo : cane-mill, ingenio de azQcar, trapiche. cane, va. apalear. canella [can^ia], s. (bot.) canelo. canescence [cauesens], s. blancura. canescent [cauenent], a. blanquecino. canicular [canikiuiarj, a. canicular. canine [canain], a. canino, perruno. canister [c^nistoBr], *. bote, frasco 6 lata para te, tabaco, etc. : canister-shot, bote de metra- 11a. canker fcsenkoerl, s. llaga gangrenosa ; tilcera en la boca ; enfermedad de los firboles fru- tales. — vn. gangrenarse. — va. gangrenar, roer, corromper ; contarainar. cankered [c^nkoerd], a. gangrenado, corrom- pido, virulento. cankerous [c^enkceroesj, a. gangrenoso, corro- sive. CankerWOrm [cAnkoeruoerm ), S. oruga. cannabic icffiimbic], a. canamefio. cannabis [r^enabis], s. (bot.) c&iiamo. cannel [c«neil, s. v. coal ; corte de una he- rramienta. canner [c^noerj, s. el que pone conservas en latiis. cannery [c4neri], s. f&brica de conservas ali- menticias. cannibal [c^nibai], s. canlbal, caribe, antrop6- fago. cannibalism rc^nibaiigm], s. canibalismo. cannibally [c*nibaii], adv. cruelmente, como un caribe. cannikin [ct^nikin], s. vaso de metal ; cubo, balde. cannon [c^^noen], s. (arti.) canon ; (Ingl.) ca- rambola : cannon-ball 6 cannon-shot, bala de canon : cannon metal, metal para caSones, Para el sonido de n, oe, d, 8, Sh, t, c, v^ase la cUve de pronunciaclon al principio del librc». CAN bronce : cannon-hole, tronera : cannon-proof, a prueba de cafion. : . . cannonade' [cjenoened], va. canonear 6 acano- uear. — s. eauoneo. cannoneer [caenoenioer], va. cauonear. — s. cauo- uero 6 artillero. cannot tc^nnot], vn. (conir. de can y not) T". CAN. canny, cannie [cssni], a. (Esco.) sagaz, prudepte, cuerdo ; agradable ; garboso ; digno. canoe [canu], s. canoa, piragua, acal. canoeist [canuist], s. piraguero. canon [csenon], s. canon, regla, ley, estatuto ; (igl.) canon 6 canones ; canonigo ; (impr.) canou, tipo grande. canoness [c«uoiie8], sf. canonesa. canoniC(al [caiwiUcai], a. cauOnico, canoni- cal, espiritual. canonically [canonicaii], adv. canonicamente. canonicals [canoutcaiS], s. pi. habitos eclesias- ticos. canonicate [canoniuet], s. canonjia. canonist [csenonist], s. canouista. canonization [caJnonaiSeShoen], S. canonizacion. canonize [cKnonaiS], va. canonizar. canonry [c^noinij, canonship [ctBuonghip], s. canonjia, canonicato, prebenda. canopied [c^nopia], a. endoselado. canopy [canopij, s. dosel, pabellon, palio, bal- daquin : canopy of a bed, pabellon de cama. canopy, va. endoselar. canorous [canoroes}, a. canoro. can't [cant], (fara. ) {contr. de cannot) V. CAN. cant [cajiit], 5. canto, esquina, chaflau ; des- plomo, sesgo, inclinacion ; tumbo, vaiveu ; tabla 6 toza descanteada ; hipocresia, gaz- moneria ; jerga, jerigonza, calo, germania. cant, va. poner al sesgo ; inclinar ; ladear ; arrojar, lanzar ; voltear, invertir ; descan- tear. — vn. hablar con gazmoiieria ; hablar en calo. cantaloup [cwntaiup], s. (bot.) yariedad de melon. cantalever, v. cantilever. cantankerous [ctent^enkoeroes), a. (fam.) qui- merista, pendenciero. cantata (cffiiitita], s. (miis.) cantata. canted [canted], a. oblicuo, inclinado ; (arq. ) achaflanado. canteen [caiutin], s. (mil.) cantina. canter [c«6iitoer], s. medio galope. canter, vn. andar el caballo a paso largo y sentado. cant-frames Ic«ent-freni8], 5. pi. (mar.) cua- dernas reviradas: cant-timbers 6 cant- crotches, piques capuchinos 6 revirados. cantharides [cxwz&txam,], s. cantaridas. canthus [c^enz^s], s. rabo del ojo. canticle [csentikoei], s. cantico. — pi. Canticles, el Cantar de los Cantares. cantilever [csentn^voer], s. (arq.) canecillo, modillon : cantilever bridge, puente de con- trapeso. caatingly [csentiuKif], adv. hipocritamente. cantle, cantlet [ctsntiet], s. trozo, pedazo, fragmento, porcion ; borren del arzon. canto [ofiento], s. (mus. y po6t.) canto. canton [canton], s. canton. V. FLANNEL. canton, cantonize [c*ntonai5], va. acantonar, acu artel ar. cantonal [c^ntonaii, a. cantonal, cantonalism [c^ntonaiism], s. cantonalismo. cantonment [cftntonnioBnt], s. acu artel am ien to, acantonamieuto. cantor [c*ntorj, s. chantre. canvas [canvas], s. lona; cafiamazo ; (pint.) iienzo ; (mar.) lona, vela, velamen. 77 CAP canvas-back [c, %, Sh, y, as, v^ase la clave de pronunciacion al piinciplo del llfcro. CAP ea.pltalist [c^epitaust], s. capitalista. capitalize [c^intaUiS], va. capitalizar ; princi- piar una palabra con mayQscula. capitalization [cajpUaiiSesiioen], s. capitaliza- cion ; erapleo de letras mayusculas. capitally [csSpitaU], adv. excelentemente ; ca- pital nieute. capitate [capitet], a. (bot.) en forma de cabe- zuela. capitation [capitdShoen], s. capitacion. capitOl [csepitoi], s. capitolio. capitoline [c«pitoiaii>], a. capitolino. capitular [oapitiuiar], a. capitular. capitularly [capiuuiarii], adv. capitularmente. capitulary [capitiuiari], a. capitular. capitulate [oapitiuiet], vn. (mil.) capitular. capitulation [capitiui^Shoen], s. capitulacion. capitulator [capitJuietor], s. capitulante. capon [kepon], s. capon. capote [e«ixit], s. capote ; (carr.) capota. cappadine fr^padin], s. cadarzo. CapparidaceOUS [cseparld^lhoes], a. (bot.) ca- parideo. Capparis [cwparis], *. (bot.) alcaparro. capper [csepojr], s. gorrero ; soldador de latas ae conserva. cappin|f [c*ping], *. (arq.) coronamiento. capreolate [c^preoiet], o. (bot.) que tiene zar- ciUos. caprice [capns], capriciousness [capriShoes- nes], s. capricho, antojo. capricious [capriShoes], a. caprichoso, antoja- (fizo. capriciously [capriShoesU], adv. caprichosa- mente. Capricorn [cApricom], *. (astr.) Capricornio ; (ent. ) especie de escarabajo. caprificate [cseprinkeit], va. (agr.) cabrahi- gar. caprification tcsprJnk^shoen), s. (agr.) cabra- higadura. capriole [c^prfoi], s. corveta. capsicum [c^epsicfem], *. (bot.) pimiento, aji. capsize [c«6p8ais], va. y vn. vol car ; (mar.) zo- zobrar. capstan [cfiepstanl 6 CapStern [c*p8toern], S. ca- brestante, argiie ; (rain.) raalacate : capstan- barrel, cuerpo de cabrestante : capstan-bars, barras del cabrestante : to rig the capstan, guarnir el cabrestante. capstone [ciSpstoun], *. (arq.) coronamiento. capsular(y [osepsiuiar i], a. capsular. capsulate(d [c^psiuiet ed], a. cerrado en for- ma de capsula. capsiQe [csepsiui], s. (bot.) capsula, cajilla, vaina; (quira.) capsula. captain [c^pten], s. (mil. y mar.) capitan. captaincy [cAptensi], captainship [c«6pten- ship], s. capitania. caption [c*pShoenj, s. titulo, rotulo, leraa, membrete, encabezamiento ; captura, pri- sion. captious [c*pshono. carbonaceous [carboneShoea], a. carbonoso. carbonate [carboaiet], s. carbooato. — va. carbo- natar : carbonated, pp. y a. carbon atado. carbonic [carbonic], a. carbonico. carboniferous [carbonifreroBs], a. carbonifero. carbonization [carbouiSeShuen], S. carboniza^ ciou, carboneo. carbonize [carbonatS], va. carbonizar: carbon- ized, carbon izado. carboy [carboi], s. garrafon, damajuana, bom- bon. carbuncle [carboenkoBi], s. (joy.) carbunculo 6 carbuuclo ; (med.) carbunco 6 carbuncle. CarbUnCUlar [carbdenklular], a. carbUDCal. carburet [carwuret], s. carburo. carburize [carWuraiS], va. combinar 6 impreg- nar con carbono. carcanet [carcanet], s. gargantilla. carcass 6 carcase [carcas], s. res muerta ; ar- mazou, esqueleto ; (mar.) casco 6 armazon ; (arti.) carcasa. career [cAisoer], >. circel, prision. carcinoma [carslnoma], s. cancer. carcinomatous [carsinomatces], a. canceroso. card [card], s. tarjeta, papeleta; aviso, anun- cio ; naipe, carta; carton, cartulina; car- dencha, carda ; almohaza : visiting card, tarjeta de visita : card-case, tarjetero : pack of cards, baraja de naipes : court card, tigu- ra: tramp card, triunfo: card-table, mesa de juego : postal card, tarjeta postal : card- sharp, fullero: card-party, partida de juego de baraja : to speak by the card, hablar cod conocimiento de causa. Paiv el aonido de as, oe, D, i, Sh, y, t, viase la clave de prouunciaciou al principlo del libro. CAR card, va. cardar, carduzar ; almohazar. cardamine [cardaniin], s. (bot.) mastuerzo de prado. cardamom [caniamoni], 5. (bot.) cardamomo. cardass [cardses], 5. cardencha, carda. cardboard [cardbordi, s. carton. carder [cardoer], s. cardador, carduzador ; abe- jorro. cardia, s. (an at.) cardias. cardiac [cardiac], a. cardiaco. cardialgia o cardialgy [cardiaivi], s. (med. ) cardialgia. cardigan [cardigan], s. chupetin de punto. cardinal [cardinal], a. cardinal, fundamental, principal, primero ; rojo, purpurado.— a. (igl.) cardenal ; purpura; capa de mujer, del siglo XVIII; cardinal-bird, (orn.) car- denal. cardinalate [cardinaiet], cardinalsMp [car- diiiaishipi, s. cardenalato. Oarding Icardins], s. cardadura : carding ma- chine, carda mec^nica. carditis [cardaitis 6 ditis], s. (med.) carditis. cardmaker [cardmekoer], *. fabricaute de nai- pes 6 de cardas. cardoon Lcardun], *. (bot.) cepacaballo. care [keai], s. cuidado, solicitud, cautela ; cuita, ansiedad, inquietud, zozobra ; aten- cion, detenimiento, vigilaucia ; cargo, custo- dia : to take care, tener cuidado : to take care of, guardar, custodiar : to cast away care, olvidar penas : care-worn, devorado de inquietud. care, vn. tener cuidado, ansiedad 6 interes por algo 6 alguien ; importarle a uno ; esti- mar, apreciar, hacer caso : to care for, de- sear, gustar. careen [carin], va. (mar.) carenar> — vn. echar- se de costado, dar a la banda. careenage [carinedv], *. (mar.) carenero ; gas- to de carena. careening [carinin?], s. (mar.) carena: ca- reening gear, aparejo de carenar : careening wharf, carenero, despalmador. career [caimr], 5. carrera, curso, corrida ; pro- fesion. — vn. correr a carrera tendida. careful [kearfuij, a. cuidadoso, ateuto, caute- loso, provido, avisado, prudente, solicito ; ansioso, lleno de cuidados, inquieto. carefully [kearfuu], adv. cuidadosamente, es- meradamente. carefulness [kearfuiues], s. cuidado, vigilan- cia ; cautela, atencion, diligencia ; ansiedad, solicitud. careless [kearies], a. descuidado, negligente, omiso, indiferente ; abandonado ; dejado, flojo, indolente, perezoso ; desatento, desa- plicado, atolondrado ; inconsiderado, irre- flexivo. carelessly [k^ariesn], adv. descuidadamente, negligentemente ; sin esmero. carelessness [kearlesnes], s. descuido, negli- fencia, abandono, indiferencia, dejadez, ojedad, incuria, desaseo, desalino. caress [cares], va. acariciar, halagar, mimar. — .V. caricia, balago, mimo, carino. caret [cwret 6 keret], s. (impr.) signo de inter- calaciOn (a). caretaker [k^artekoer], *. curador, celador, guardian, vigilante. -carex [k^rex 6 carex], 5. (bot.) espadaSa, es- toque. cargo [cargo], s. (com.) carga, cargazon, car- gameuto ; consignacion. caribou [oseribui, .?. reno norteamericano. caricature [cKricachuoer], .«. caricatura. — va. hacer caricaturas, ridiculizar ; parodiar. caricaturist [ciricachuristj, s. caricaturista. 79 CAR caried [kerid], a. cariado. caries [keriis], cariosity [keriosity], carious- neSS [kerlujsnes], s. caries. carinate [c*rinet], a. aquillado. carious [kerlujs], a. cariado. carking [carkiugj, a. devorador, acerbo, pe- noso. carl [carl], s. patan, rustico ; villano. carline-tbistle [carun-^isi], s. (bot.) carlina, cardo pinto. carline, carling fcariin, nng], «. (mar.) car- linga ; atravesaiios de las latas ; galeotas de las escotillas. car-load [car-iod], s. galerada ; (f. c.) carga de un furgon (de 20,000 a 32,000 libras). carlOCk [carioc], s. colapez rusa. CarlOVingian [carlovinvlau], a. carlovingio. carman Icannau], s. carretero, carromatero, carretonero. Carmelite [carmeiait], s. Carmelita ; tela fina de Ian a ; variedad de pera. carminative [camiinativ), a. carminativo. carmine [carmin], s. carmin, carmesi, albin. carnage [camedv], s. camiceria, matanza, es- trago. carnal [camai], a. carnal ; laseivo. carnalist [camaiiBt], *. hombre salaz. carnality [camseiiti], s. carnalidad, Injuria, concupiscencia, lascivia. carnalize [camaiaiS], va. hacer carnal, excitar la sensualidad. carnally [camaii], adv. camalmente. carnation [cam^Shcen], s. color de came ; (pint.) eucarnacion, encarnado ; (bot.) cla. vel doble. carnelian [caniiiiaii], s. (rain.) cornerina. carneOUS [cameoes], a. earnoso, earn u do ; en- carnado. carnification [canimkishoen], s. c^rnificacion. carnify [caniifai], vn. criar came, carnival [carnival], s. camaval ; holgorio. carnivora [camivora], s. pi. (zool.) carniTo- ros. carnivorous [camivoroes], a. camlvoro, carni- cero. carnosity [carnoaiti], s. camosidad. carnous icanioes], a. earnoso, carnudo. carob [c«rob], «. (bot.) algarrobo: carob-bean, algarroba, arveja. caroche [cKroSh], s. carroza. carol [csen^i], 5. villancico ; canto alegre. — va. cantar villancicos. — vn. gorjear. Carolinian [cgeroiinian], a. y s. natural de la Carolina. carom [cserom], s. carambola. — vn. hacer ca- rambola. carotid(al [carotid ai], a. (anat.) carotida. carousal [caranSai], s. festin, holgorio, pa- rranda, francachela. carouse [carauS], vn. jaranear, andar de pa- rranda ; (fam.) correrla; erabriagarse. — s. parranda, francachela. carousel [c«erusei], *. tio-vivo ; liza,justa 6 tor- neo. carouser [carauSoer], .y. bebedor, jaranero. carp [carp], ,1. (ict.) carpa. carp, vn. censurar, criticar, vituperar. carpal [cai-pai], a. carpiano.— 5. hueso carpia- uo. carpel [cArpei], s. (bot.) carpelo. carpenter [carpentceri, s. carpintero ; (rain.) ademador : carpenter and Joiner, carpintero ensamblador, ebanista : carpenter shop, ear- pinteria: ship-carpenter, carpintero de ri- bera. carpentry [carpeutri], *. carpinteria ; obra de carpintero. carper [caip^r], s. criticon ; reparon. Para el souido de as, ue, d, S. Sb. y, x, y^aee la clave de pronuuciacion al priucipio del libro. CAB 80 CAS carpet [carpet], s. alfombra 6 tapiz ; tapete : to be on the carpet, estar. sobre el tapete : carpet-layer, tapicero : carpet-mak.er, alfom- brero : carpet-sweeper, abarredera de alfom- bras : carpet-beetle, antreno : carpet-bag, sa- co de noche. — va. alfombrar, entapizar. carpeting [carpeting], s. tela para alfombras ; alwmbrado. carphology [carfoioYi], s. (med.) carfologia. carping [carping], a. capcioso, reparOn, cavilo- so. — ■$. censura. carpingly [carpingu], adv. mordazmente. carpus icarpoBs], s. carpo, mufieca. carrageen [cs&raguin], s. musgo de Irlanda. carriage [cserriciY], s. carruaie, coche, carroza ; vehiculo; (Ingl. f, c. ) vagon ; (arti.) curena; (mec.> jinete, carro, carretilla, sopor te ; (com.) porte, conduccion, acarreo, trans- gorte ; comporte, preseneia, continente, aire e una persona : carriage paid, porte paga- do : carriage free, franco de porte : carriage and four, carroza de cuatro caballos. carrier [cserrioer], s. portador ; acarreador, tra- jinaute, faquiu ; arriero, ordinario, carrete- ro 6 conductor de inercaderias ; mensajero, mandadero : common carrier, cargador, por- teador ; carrier-pigeon, paloma mensajera. carrion [c^rriccn], *. carroua ; persona de mala vida: carrion-bazzard, (orn.) gallinaza, aura tinosa, zopilote. — a. mortecino, podrido. carronade [c«ronedj, s. (mil.) carronada. carrot [cserot], «. (bot.) zanahoria. caXTOtlliesS-lc^rotines],*. bermejura, rubicun- dez. carroty [cslroti), a. pelirrojo, rufo, rubicundo. carry [cserri], va. {pret. y pp. CARRIED) llevar, conducir, transportar, portear, acarrear ; ajobar ; traer, llevar encima, tener consigo ; contener ; incluir ; comprender • llevar apa- rejado, im^icar ; dirigir, impulsar, mover, influir ; ganar, tomar, conquistar, conse- guir, lograr ; mautener, aguantar, sostener, portarse, comportarse ; (com.) tener existen- cia 6 surtido de ; arrebatar 6 quitar. — vn. portear (como oficio); alcanzar, llegar, te- ner alcance: to carry about, llevar de un lado a otro: to carry along, alzar, llevarse una cosa : to carry arms, portar armas ; per- tenecer al ejercito; (mil.) cuadrarse: to carry away, llevarse una cosa ; arrebatar : to carry back, restituir, volver, devolver : to car- ry through out, llevar ^ cabo, realizar : to carry on, mantener, sostener, fomentar; (fam. ) travesear : to carry off, alzivi , llevarse una cosa ; arrastrar, disipar : to c»rry over, transportar ; trasladar ; pasar a otra cuenta 6 p4gina : to carry up, hacer subir, elevar : to carry all before one, veneer todos los obsta- culos, triunfar : to carry the day, quedar vic- torioso : to carry one's self well, saber vivir, portarse bien : carried over 6 forward, (en las cuentas) pasa al frente, suma y sigue, carry, ». transporte de una canoa en hombros ; treclio no navegable de un rlo ; alcance (de arma de fuego) ; celaje. carry-all [c*ri-oi], «. ( E. U. ) faeton. cart [cart], s. carro, carromato, carreta, carre- ton ; tilburi: cart-horse, caballo de tiro: cart-wheel, rueda de carro : cart-load, carre- tada : to put the cart before the horse, tergi- versar, trastrocar. cart, va. carretear, acarrear.— 1;«. usar carre- tas 6 carros. cartage [cartedv], s. carretaje, acarream len- to, acarreo, conduccion, porteo. carte [cart], s. tarjeta ; papeleta ; lista de pla- tos ; (esgr. ) cuarta : carte-blanche, carta blan- ca : cartenle-visite, (fot.) retrato de tarjeta. cartel [cartel], s. cartel. carter [cartoerj, s. carretero, carromatero. Cartesian [cartisian], *. y a. cartesiano. cartful [cartful], *. carretada. Carthaginian [carzavinian]. a. y s. cartagin^s. carthamus [canamus], s. (bot.) c4rtamo, aza- frau rumi 6 alazor. Carthusian [carriuSian], s. cartujo. cartilage [cartiiedvl, s. (anat.) cartilago, ter- nilla. cartilaginous [cartiKSYinoes], a. cartilaglneo, ternilloso. cartman [cartmsen], *. carretero. cartographer [cartografoer], s. cart6grafo. carton [carton], s. caja de carton (ino. cartoon [cartun], s. (pint.) boceto, carton, ca- ricatura. cartouch [cartusn], s. (arq.) cartela; (mil.) cartucho ; cartuchera. cartridge [cartrliiY], «. (arti.) cartucho: car- tridge-box, cartuchera, guarda-oartuchos : cartridge-belt, canana : blank cartridge, car- tucho sin bala. cart-rut [cart-roet], *. carril, rodada. cartulary [cartiuieri], *. cartulario, cartwright [cartrait], s. carretero. caruncle [cSroenkoei], s. caruncula. caruncular [cari^nkiuiar], a. parecido 4 una caruncula. carunculate [car(£ukiuiet], a. que tiene carCin- culas. carve [carv], va. y vn. esculpir, cincelar, tallar, entallar ; grabar : trincnar carne : carved work, entallado, obra de talla. carvel [carvei], s. (mar.) carabela. carven [carvnj, a. (po6t.) esculpido, entallado, grabado. carver [carvoer], s. escultor ; grabador, enta- Uador, tallista ; trinchador ; triuchante. carving [carving], *. escultura, entalladura j I arte de trinchar : earring knife, triuchante : I carving table, trinchero. : caryatid [ca?n«Bti(i], s. cariitide. I caryophyllaceous [cajrionieShoBs], a. (bot.) I cariolileo. casal [kesai], a. (gram.) perteneciente 4 un caso 6 casos. cascabel [c^scabei], s. (arti.)' cascabel ; ser- piente de cascabel. cascade [c«eaked], s. cascada, catarata. cascarilla [ca^scariia], s. cascarilla. case [kes], s. caso, suceso, aconteciraiento ; asunto, lance, coyuntura ; suposicion, hipo- tesis ; contingencia ; situacion ; (for.) cau- sa, accion, pleito ; (med.) caso; (gram.) cas') ; caja, estuche, vaina, funda, cubierta ; eaja de reloj, guardapolvo ; (com.) caja de mercancias ; (mec.) chaqueta, camisa, man- guito, forro, cubierta; (carp.) marco, basti- dor ; (impr. ) caja: upper case, caja alta (mayfisculas) : lower case, caja baja (niiufls- culas) : book-case, estante de libros : dress- ing-case, tocador: jewel-case, joyelero, guar- dajoyas : needle-case, alfiletero, acerico : glass-case, vidriera, vitrina : cigar-case, ta- baquera : piUow-case, funda de almohuda : pistol-case, pistolera, funda depistola-s : case- knife, cuchillo de mesa : case-shot, metralla : the case in point, el caso en cuestion, el asun- to de que se trata : in any case, & todo even to, en tudo caso : in the case of, en cuanto &, res- pecto a : in a sad case, en una triste posi- cion : to make out one's case, demostrar lo- que uno se propouia : a case in law, un pro- ceso, una causii, un pleito : in case, si acaso ;, (fam.) gordo 6 lucio. j case, va. encajonar, enfundar, forrar, cubrir,. I resguardar. I'ara el souido de ce, a, o, i, fill, y, z, v^ase la clave de prununclaeion al prlncipio del llbro. CAS 81 CAT caseharden [k^sjardoen], va. acerar, templar 6 eadurecer la superficie del hierro. casein (kesein], s. caeeina. caseation [keseeshoen], s. caseacion. casemate [kesmeit], s. (fort.) casamata. casement [kesmoent], «. puerta yentana ; ven- tano ; cubierta, caja. caseous Ikeseoes], a. caseoso. casern [cagoeruj, s. caserna, cuartel. cash fcaShJ, *. dinero contante, numerario, efectivo; pago al contado ; (com.) caja: petty cash, gastos menores de caja : cash- book, libro de-caja : cash-box, arquilla : cash down, dinero en mano. cash Ic.tj3Ii], va, convertir en dinero contante, hacer efectiva (una letra, etc.). cashew [cashu], s. (hot.) anacardo: cashew- nut, anacardo, marauOn. cashier [caesinuer], s. cajero, contador. cashier, va. destituir; desaforar, degra- dar. cashmere [c^Shmuer], s. (tej.) casimir. CaShOO [caShu], 5. V. CATECHU. casing [kesing], 5. cubierta, chaqueta, enfun- dadura, estuche, envoltura ; marco de ven- tana 6 puerta. ^9/. casings, (E. U.) tripas para erabutidos; (Ingl.) boniga seca para combustible. casino [casino], s. casino, circulo ; quinta de recreo ; juego de naipes. cask [cask], s. pipa, barril, tonel ; cuba ; casco ; tin a de tintoreros ; casco 6 capacete.— ^a. entonelar, envasar. casket [casket], s. arquilla, cofrecito, escrino, estuche, joyelero ; (E. U.) ataud. casque [case], s. casco, almete, capacete. cassation [caes^Shoen], s. (for.) casaciou, anu- lacion, revocacion. cassava [caesava], s. casabe. cassia [o^esina], s. (bot.) casia; cauafistula. Cassimere [cfesiniir], s. (tej.) casimir. cassiterite [ciesitoerait], s. casiterita. cassock icsesoc], 5. sotana 6 balandran. Cassoon [caestin], 5. (arq.) artesou. cassowary [csesouoeri], 5. (zool.) casuario. cassweed [cAsuici], s. (bot.) bolsade pastor. cast [cast], va. {prei. y pp. cast) tirar, arro- jar, lanzar; bo tar ; soltar, despedir ; echar, verter, derramar ; empujar ; tumbar, derri- bar, despeiiar, dejar caer ; tirar dados, echar suertos 6 balotas ; mudar (la piel) ; perder (pelo, dientes, etc.) ; desechar ropa vieja; volver, dirigir (la niirada 6 el pensamien- to) ; fundir, derretir ; vaciar, moldear ; cal- cular, coraputar ; imputar, echar en cara ; ^teat.) repartir (papJeles de un drama) ; (for.) ganar un pleito; (agr.) aventar. — vn. idear, pensar, reflexionar ; amoldarse ; ha- cer una suma 6 un cfilculo ; combarse, ala- bearse ; perder el color : to cast about, espar- cir ; considerar, meditar : to cast against, reprochar, vituperar : to cast aside, dese- char : to cast away, desechar, abandonar ; arrojar : to be cast away, naufragar : to cast down, abatir, derribar ; descorazonar : to cast forth, exhalar ; despedir: to cast olF, abandonar ; soltar ; mudar la pluma ; des- cartar : to cast out, echar fuera, arrojar : to cast up, calcular, sumar; vomitar : to cast lots, echar suertes : to cast a glance, echar una ojeada : casting vote, voto decisivo 6 de calidad : casting-house, fundicion : casting- net, esparavel. cast, s. echada, echamiento, lanzamiento, tiro, tirada ; distancia S, que se tira una cosa ; cosa que se tira ; fundicion, objeto fundido 6 vaciado ; plancha estereotipada ; molde, forma ; masearilla ; estampa, aspecto, for- macion, tinte, tono, matiz ; tendencia ; (teat.) reparto de papeles : a cast of the eye, defecto en la mirada : cast-net, atarraya. castanets [castanets], s. pi. castaiiuelas. castaway [castaue], s. n^ufrago ; reprobo, mal- hechor.— a. desechado, abandonado ; per- dido. caste [cast], s. casta ; clase social : to lose caste, desprestigiarse. Castellan [casteiau], s. castellan. castellany [casteieni] 6 castelry [cisteiri], s. castellania. castellated [casteieted], a. encastillado. caster, castor [castitr], s. tirador, echador ; adivino ; calculador ; fundidor, vaciador, moldeador ; ruedecilla, rodaja, roldana de mueble; ampolleta: casters, vinagreras, convoy de mesa. castigate [c^stiguet], va. castigar. castigation [caestigueShojn], s. castlgo, pena, correccion. castigator [cslstiguettEr], s. castigador. castigatory [ctestigatori], a. penal. Castile [caestii], s. Castilla: Castile-soap, jabon de Castilla. Castilian [c«8tiiian], s. y a. castellano. casting [casting], s. V. CAST ; (fund.) moldaje ; invencion, distribucion, arreglo ; plan, mo- delo ; (cetr. ) curalle : casting-line, tanza : casting-net, esparavel, atarraya. cast-iron [cast-aicem], s. hierro colado ; arra- bio. — a. de hierro colado. castle [casoei], s. Castillo, fortaleza; alc&zar, palacio; roque 6 torre de ajedrez. — va. en- rocar. castle-builder [casoei-bjidoer], s. proyectista imaginario, visionario. castled [csesoeid], a. fortificado encastillado. castlet [c*8tiet], s. castillejo. castling castung], s. aborto. castor [castoer], 5. (zool.) castoT ; pelo 6 pano de castor ; sombrero de castor ; castoreo. Castor and Pollux [castoer and poiuex], s. (mar.) fuego de Santelmo ; (astr.) Astillejos. CaStOreUm [castoreoem], S. castoreo. castor-oil [castoer-oiij, s. aceite de palmacristi 6 de ricino. CastrametatiOn [csestramet^Shoen], S. (mil.) castrametacion. castrate [c^stret], va. castrar, capar. castration [cKstr^sjioenj, s. capadura, castra^ cion. castrator [csestr^toer], s. castrador. castrel, v. kestrel. casual [cseSiuai], a. casual, fortuito, accidental, iuusitado. casually [cwSiuaii], adv. casualmente, fortuita- meute. casualness [csesiuaines], s. contingencia. casualty [cwsiuaiti], s. accidente, desastre^ muerte violenta; (mil.) baja ; casualidad, contingencia; (for.) caso fortuito. casuist [c^Siuist], s. casuista. casuistical [cwStuisticai], a. casuistico. casuistry [c«Siuistri], «. casuistica. cat [c«t], s. (zool.) gato; (mar.) gata: cat- tackle, aparejo de gata ; cat-harpins, jaretas ; cat-heads, serviolas : wild cat, gato months : civet-cat, algalia ; polecat, veso : cat's-eye, (min.) cimofana: to bell the cat, poner el cascabel al gato : cat-o'-nine-tails, disciplina 6 azote con nueve ramales : to let the cat out of the bag, re velar un secreto: to see which way the cat will jump, ver que sesgo toma un asunto. catachresis [cietacnsis], *. catacresis. catachrestic(al [csBtacrtstic.ai], a. forzadoj traido por los cabellos. Para el sonido da ae, oe, d, i, 8h, y, z, v^aee la cUve de proounciaclon al prlnclpio del Ubro. 4? CAT 82 cataclysm [c^uciism], s. cataclismo, diluvio, inundacion, hiiudimiento. cataclysmal, cataclysmic [cteucusmai, mic], a. que se reliere al cataclismo. catacomb [c^tacom], s. catacumba. CataCOUStiCS Icaetacustlcs], S. catacfistica. CatadlOptrlC(al fcatadaioptrlc al], a, catadiop- trico. catafalque [c«Btaf«ic], s. catafalco. catalectic [c«etai6ctic], o. (ret.) catal6ctico. catalepsy [csetaiepsi], s. catalepsia. C&taleptlC [cffitaieptic], a. catal6ptico. catalogue [csfetaiog], s. cat&logo, lista, nomina. — va. eatalogar. catalpa [cat*ipa], «. (bot. ) catalpa. catalysis [ca!t«eii8l«], s. (qulm. ) catalisis, catalytic [cKtaiitic], a. catalltico. catamaran [cjetamanenl, 5. embarcacion for- mada por dos tozas 6 dos bates unidos. catamenia [csBtaminia], s. menstruacion, regla, raenstruo. catamite [c«tamait], s. sodomita. catamount [c«etamaunt], S. gato mODlt^S. cataphonics, v. catacoustics. cataphract [csBtafraect], s. armadara de esca- mas de metal. cataplasm [c^tapiteSml, s. cataplasma. catapult [ceetapreit], s. catapulta. cataract [c*taraect), s. catarata, cascada; (opt.) catarata. catarrll [catarl, s. catarro, romadizo, resfriado, constipado, fluxion. catarrhal [catarrall, CatarrhOUS [catarroes], a. catarral. catastrophe [catsistrofe], *. cats.strofe. catbird [c^tiKcrd], *. tordo mime. catboat [cKtbout], *. (mar.) lafid. catcall [cietcoi], *. silba, chifla, rechifla. catch [c«ch], va. (pp. y prep, caught) coger, agarrar, asir ; atrapar ; alcanzar ; detener, atajar, haber, prender, capturar ; sorpren- der, coger despreyenido ; sujetar, retener, parar, contener ; enganchar, engranar, en- dentar, engarzar ; comprender, discernir ; tomar, pillar, prender, contagiarse. — vn. en- redarse, engancharse ; pegarse, ser pegajoso 6 contagioso : to catch at, tratar de coger : to catch cold, resfriarse : to catch hold of, agarrarse a, asirse de : to catch up, coger, asir, erapuiiar ; alcanzar : to catch on, (fam. \ entender, comprender: to catch it, (fam.) ganarse una zurra, una reprimenda, etc. catch, s. tomadura, cogedura, asimiento ; presa, botin ; captura, prisi6n, prendimien- to, aprehension; enganche ; (sp.) acto de parar la pelota al vuelo ; (cost.) gancho, cor- chete ; (mec.) leva, tope ; bot6n, fiador, ta- rabilla, pestillo, cerraaera, detenedor, trin- guete ; alzapriraa ; pesca, redada ; triqui- nuela, trampa ; impedimento, obstruccion ; atractivo ; buen partido : catch-holt, pica- porte. Catchable [c«echaboei], a. expuesto 5, ser pillado 6 cogido. catcher [cAchoerJ, s. cogedor, agarrador, pren- dedor; (sp.) parador de la pelota, situado detris del batter ; jugador de pelota. catching [cteciiing], «. (mec.) engranaje. — a. contagioso, pegadizo. catchment [c^chmoent], s. desague. catchpenny [cifechpcni], «. baratlja. — a. de pa- cotilla. catchpoll [cAchpoi], *. alguacil. catchup [offichcep], S. V. CATSUP. catchword [cAcUuoerd], s. reclame; (teat.) pie. catechetic(al [cwtek^ttcai], a. catequfstico. catechetics [ctetek^tM, s. oatequismo. CAT catechism [cwtekiSm], s. catecismo, pregunta, doctriua. catechist [ctetekist], s. catequista 6 catequi- zante. CateObistiCal [caetekistlcal], S. catequistico. catechize [csetekaiS], va. catequizar. catechizer [c^tekaigoir], s. catequizante catechizing [cietekaising], s. catequismj. catechu [csetekiu 6 chu], s. cato, catecj <^ch(i, cachunde. catechumen [cietekiuineii], s. catecumtflo. CateChumeniCal [cateklurodnical] a. oatecu- menico. categoric (altcaetegdric.ai], o. categorico, abso- lute, positive. categorically [csetegoricaii], adv. categorica- mente. category [csetegorti, s. categoria clase. catenarian fcajtenerian], a. eslabonado. catenary [cfetenen], 5. Y a. (geom.) catenaria. catenate [cffitenet], va. encadenar. catenation [caeten^Shoen], s. encadenamiento, encadentdura, engaree. cater Iketoerl, vn. abastecer, proveer. cater-cousin IketcBr-cdeSoen], s. pariente leja' no. caterer [ketoeroer], *. preveeder, veedor, abas- tecedor, despensero. cateress [ketoeresl, sf. proveedora, abastecedo- ra. caterpillar [ciitoBrpiiari, s. eruga. caterwaul [cietoBruoi], vn. maullar. caterwauling [c«6t(Bruoiing], *. maullido. cat-eyed [c^t-aid], a. que tiene ojos de gato. catfish [cKtfish], s. (ict.) siluro, barbo. catgut [ewtgoet], s. cuerda de guitarra. Catnarine-wheel fc^zarin-juu], s. (arq.) rosa ; (piro.) rueda. catharsis [cazaisis], s. (med. ) purga. cathartic [ca^artic], a. catirtico, purgante.— *. purga. cathedra [c*«edra], s. catedra. cathedral [cazidraij, s. catedral. — a. episcopal ; dogmiitico. calheretic [cseter^tic], a. cater^tico. catheter [csezetoer], s. (cir.) catgter, algalia, sonda, tienta. catheterize [cwzetoeraig], va. introduclr el ca- teter. cathetometer [csezetomuoei], s. catetometro. CathetUS [ctejetoes], *. catCtO. cathode [c«6«od], *. (elec. ) c4todo, pole nega- tive. catholic [cifezoiic], a. catolico, universal ; erto- doxo, liberal. — *. catolico remano. Catholicism [cazonsism], ». catolicismo. catholicize [cazoiisaiS], va. convertir al catoli- cismo.— f»i. hacerse catolico. catholicly [cazoUcli], adv. catolicamente. catholicon [caaoiicon], s. catolicon, panacea. catkin [catkin], s. (bet.) amento. catlike [c^tiaicj, a. gatesco, gatune. catling [catling], s. (cir. ) legra. catmint [catmint], catnip tcM)t.) garbanzo. chlckweed [oWciiid], *. (hot.) pamplina. Para el soiiido de a:, oe, d, S, 8h, t, «, vttute la clave de pruiiiuiclacluu al i>'-/. ceni- zas, pavesas ; rescoldo. Cineraceous [sinereShioes], a. ceniciento. cineraria [sinereria], 5. (bot.) cineraria. cinerary [sinereri], a. cinerario. cineration [sinereshoeu], s. incineracion. cinereous [slniriues], a. ceniciento, cinereo. cineritious [sinenshoesi, a. cenizoso. cinnabar [sinabar], s. cinabrio. cinnamic [sinSmic], a. de canela. cinnamon [sinamceu], s. canela : cinnamon- tree, (bot.) eanelo. Cinquefoil [siucfoiil, 5. (arq.) ventana de cin-. CO puntas ; (bot.) cincoenrama. Cipher [saifoBr], *. (arit.) cero; nulidad ; cifra, clave ; cifra 6 monograma. cipher, va. calcular ; cifrar con clave ; ex- presar con cifras. — vn. numerar. Circassian (soercseShanJ, a. circasiano. CirCenSiaJ. [ycBrsenShal], Circensian [soers^n* Shaiij, a. circense. circle [»&tc(b\„ s. (geom.) drculo, cireunfe- Para el sonido de », (ferciiiig], a. circulante, redondo. circuit [8 eer sonar. ClangO(u)r [cisengor],*. estruende, estrepito. clangorous [ciseusoruis], a. estrepitoso, esv truendoso. clank [ciaenk], s. rechinamiento, ruido estrU dente. — vn. rechinar. — va. hacer rechiuar. clannish [cisenish], a. gregarie, unido. clanship [ci^nliiip], «. union baje un jefe. clansman [ciseuSman], 6-. miembro de UM clan. clap [cijep], va. batir, golpear ; cerrar de gol- pe ; apabullar ; aplicar, pegar. — vn. aplau« dir, dar palmadas ; cerrarse ruidosamente , guachapear. clap, s. ruido 6 golpe sece ; truene ; palmo» tee, palmada, aplauso ; (vul.) gonorrea C purgaciones. clapboard [cisepbooerd], s. tabla de chilla. clapper [ci*poer], s. palmeteador; badajo; (mol. ) tarabilla, citola ; tableta, tejoleta j aldaba ; chapaleta ; (mar.) chapaletas de les imbornales. clapper-claw [cKepobr-cio], ra. (fam.) golpear y arafiar. clapping [ciseping], s. aletee ; palmeteo. clap-trap [cisep-trsep], $. artificio para aican- zar populacheria. clarence [citerens], 5. carruage, clarence. clare-obscure [ciar-obskiur], s. claroscuro. claret [cisiret], s. clarete, vino tinto. clarification [cia;rink6ahcBii], s. clarificacion. clarify [ciserifaO, va. clarificar, defecar, pur- gar ; aclarar ; esclarecer. clarinet [ciseriiiet], 5. (mus.) clarinete. clarinettist [cia;rin6ti8tl, .«. clarinete. clarion [ci*rion], s. (mus.) clarin. clarionet [clserionetj, S. V. CLARINET. clarity [ci*riti], *. chiridad, resplandor, luz. clary [cieril, 5. (bot.) salvia silvestre. clash [cisesh], vn. checar, entrechocarse, ba- tir ; antagenizar, oponerse. — va. batir, gol- pear.— 5. cheque, fragor, crujido, encontron, colision ; eposicion, antagenismo, conflicto, disputa, centienda. dashingly [cisesiiingii], adv. en eposicion, en conflicto. clasp [clasp], s. broche, chapeta, cerchete, pre- silla, gafete, traba, hebilla, abrazadera ; cie- rre de un libro ; (mec.) grapa, carcel; ma- nija ; abraze : clasp-knife, navaja, cuchilla. — va. abrochar, encerchetar, enganchar; abrazar, embrazar, ceiiir. clasper [ciaspoer], s. el que 6 lo que abrecha 6 abraza. class (das], 5. clase (social) ; grade, cendicion, range, categeria ; clase, ordeu, genere, es- pecie, laya ; clase en las escuelas : class~ room, sala de ensefianza, local de una clase. — va. clasiticar, coordinar, ordenar, distri- buir. classic (al [ci^sic ai], a. cl&sice. classic, ■?. auter clasico. classically [cisesicaii], adv. clasicamente. classicism [cisesisiSm], s. clasicismo. ! classicist fcisesisist], s. cl5.sice. classification [ci^sinkesbteit], s. clasificacidn. classify [ci«8ifai], va. clasificar. Classis [cisesfs], s. tribunal eclesiastice. classmate [cieesmet], *. condiscipulo, compa- fiero de clase. clastic [cKestic], o. quebradizo ; cempueste dc fragraentos, clatter fcKetoer], vn. repiquetear, guachapear? gritar, charlar. Para el sonido de le, oe, D, S, ib, r, t, v^ase la cJi^ve de prnnunclacldn al principle del libro. CLA 94 CLE clatter, s. repique, martilleo ; gresca, alboro- to, bulla. clause [cios], s. (gram.) parrafo, clausula, pe- riodo ; articulo, estipulacion. Claustral [clostrai], a. claustral. clavate(d [cievet ed], a. en forma de maza 6 cluva ; claveteado. Clavicnord [cisevicord], «. (m(is.) clave, mani- coruio. clavicle [citevicoei], *. (anat.) clavicula, clavicular [ciavikiwiar], a. clavicular. clavier [cl^vloei], S. (mfis.) teolado; [clavioer] instrumento con teclado. claw [cio], s. garra ; garfa ; gancho, garfio ; garabato; (mar.) unas de espeque 6 pie de cabra ; (bot.) peciolo : claw-bar, espeque con uiia : claw-hammer, martillo de orejas : claw- hammer coat, frac, casaca : claw-wrench, des- clavador : claw-hand, gafedad. claw, va. arpar, gafar ; desgurrar ; aranar ; rasgar, despedazar. — vn. aranar. clawed [ciop. de to club. Clubbist [ci(febi8t], s. individuo de algQn club 6 junta, reunion 6 tertulia particular: socio de un casino. cluck [ciujc], va. Y vn. cloquear, enclocar. — s. cloqueo. clue [ciu], rf. guia, norte ; indicio, pista, rastro. V. CLEW. clump [cicEmp], s. grupo (de &rboles 6 arbus- tos) ; zoquete, tarugo; sueJa gruesa. clumsily [cicfemsiu], adv. zafiamente, grosera- meute, chapuceramente. clumsiness [cic&niAines], s. zafiedad, desma&a, tosqiiedad, rustiquez, groseria. clumsy [cUfcniSi], a. desmanado, chapucero, zompo, chabacano, desgarbado, basto, tosco. clung [du-iis], pret. y pp. del verbo to cling, cluster [ci(fe8toer', s. racimo, macolla, pifia; grupo, agrupacion ; nianada, hato, caterva, enjambre; agregado, coleccion. cluster, vn. arracimarse, agruparse.—- ro. api- iiar, amontonar. clustery [clcfestueri], a. arracimado; apinado; agrupado. clutch [cioech], va. agarrar ; emprtnar, apretar. — *. agarro, embrague, presa ; ufia, espolon, grapa, garra, mano ; nidada. clutter [ci&toer], .9. (fara.) barafinda, batahola; desorden, confusi6n. — vn. alborotar ; poner en desorden. clyster [ciistoerj, s. cllstel, enema, jeringazo ; ayuda, lavativa. coach [couch], 5. coche, carruage, carroza; (f. c.) vag6n ; preceptor; (sp.) adiestrador: coach and four, coche tirado por cuatro ca* hallos : coach-box, pescante : coach-dog, perro dalmatico : coach-hire, alquiler de coche : coach-house, cochera : coach-maker, carro^ cerro: coach-stand,, pun to de carruajes. coach, va. amaestrar, aleccionar, instruir^ ensenar ; adiestrar ; llevar en coche. — vn>, pasearse en coche ; estudiar con un precev> tor 6 adiestrador. Para el sonldo de ee, at, o, I. 8b, 1. 1, ^^ase la clave de pronunciacion «1 principlo del llbru. COA 97 coc COachee [cochS], s. cochero, camiajero. coachful [cochfui], s. coche Ueno de gente. coachman [cochniaen], s. cochero. coachmanship [cochmtenShipi, jf. arte de mane- jar. toact [cowct], va. compeler, forzar, obligar. — vn. cooperar. COaCtiOn [cotecShcenl, s. COaccion ; [cousecShoen] accion coucertada. coactive [coKctiv], «. cooperante. coadjument [co-62Uii], s. coautor. coatee [ccutij, s. (Ingl.) casaquilla, levitin. coating [couting], a-, revestimiento, capa, mauo de pintura, etc. ; (alb.) blanqueo, jalbegue ; enlucido ; (tej.) bayeton. coax [couos], va. tentar, instar, engatusar. COaxer [coucsoji], n. engatusador, marrullero. coaxing [coucsiug], s. ruego ; engatusamiento. cob [cob], s. bulto, monton ; cabeza ; tusa de maiz ; jaca, caballito ; cisne ; arana ; peso fuerte espanol ; gaviotade Inglaterra ; mez- cla de arcilla y paja. cobalt [couboit], s. cobalto. cobble [cobcEi], va. remendar zapatos ; chapu- cear ; empedrar con guijarros. cobble o cobblestone [cobujutounj, «. guija^ rro : cobble 6 coble, barca pescadora. cobbler [cobicer], s. zapatero de viejo, remen* don ; cbapucero. cobelligerent [cobeiivoeroent], a. Y s. cobelige-. rante. cobnut [cobniet], 5. avellana grande. cobra [coubra], s. serpiente venenosa. cobweb [cobueb], s. telaraiia ; afiagaza. CObwebbed [cobuebd], a. entelaraiiado. coca [coca], s. coca ; hayo. cocain, cocaine [cocain], «. cocaina. cocainize [cocainaiS], va. pouer bajo la influen- cia auestesica de la cocaina. COCCiferous [cocgifcerees], a. que produce ba- yas. COCCUlus [cokiuiaR\ s. (bot.) coca de levante. COCCUS [c6c(Es], s. (biol.) coco (bacteria). coccygeal [cocsiYeai], a. perteneciente al coxi» 6 la cola. coccyx [corsixi, s. coxis, rabadilla. cochineal [cochinil), 5. cochinilla; grana. cochlea Mciea], s. caracol del oido. cochleary [c6cieoeri], cochleated (oocieetedj, a, caracoleado. COCk[poc], 5. (orn.) gallo ; macho de cualquier ave (en palabras compuestas) ; (Ingl.) cauN dillo, campeon ; veleta, giraldilla ; Have, grifo, espita ; Have, percusor 6 martillo de armas de fuego ; seguro ; vuelta del ala del sombrero ; monton de paja o heno ; yola, estilo 6 gnomon de reloj de sol : cock aad bull, exagerado, increible : cock of the walk 6 of the loft, el gallito del lugar : cock-sure, muy seguro. cock, va. montar 6 amartillar un arma de fuego ; levantar, erguir, enderezar ; encan- dilar el sombrero ; hacinar 6 amontonar heno. — vn. entonarse, engreirse : cocked hat, sombrero de candil 6 de tres picos. cockade [cou^d], *-. escarapela, cucarda. cock-a-hoop [coc-a-jHp], a. alegre, achispado, engreido. cockatoo [cooatu], s. (orn.) alo, cacatua. cockatrice fcocatrals], .«. basilisco. cockboat [cocbout], *. (mar.) barquilla. cock-brained [cdc-bretnd], s. ligero, temerario, travieso. cockchafer [, S, Sb, y, x, vease la clave de pruuuuciaciun al urincipio del libro. coc 98 COH cocker [cokoer], va. acariciar, mimar. — s. sa- bueso ; el que pelea gallos. cockerel (cokoerel], S. gallipol}o. COCl^et [coket], s. sello de la aduana ; guia. cock-eyed [coc-aid], a. bizco. COCk-flght(ing [c6c-fau lug], s. rina 6 pelea de gallos. cock-fighter [cocfaitoer], cock-master [c6c- niasttei], s. gallero. cock-horse [coc jore], s. caballito (juguete). cockle [c6kctii], a. cocido en homo. OOCtiOn [cocghoen], S. COCCion. cod, codfish [cod, codnsh], s. abadejo, bacalao : cod-liver oil, aceite de higado de bacalao. cod, s. (bot.) vaina, vainilla. V. pod ; (anat.) bolsa ; panza ; escroto. coddle [codoei], va. criar con mimo ; sancochar. code [coud], s. (for.) codigo, compilacion ; cla- ve, cifra : civil code, codigo civil : criminal code, codigo penal : code of honour, codigo de honor. codex [codex], s. codice. codein [codiiu], s. codelna. codger [codvoer], *. (despec.) chiflado; tipo; cenaaoscuras. codicil [codisii], s. (for.) codicilo. COdificat|ion [codink^ghoen], s. codificacion (de las leyes). codify [cddifai], va. codificar, compiler leyes. codling [couiins], s. pijota ; manzana. coeducation [coedvuk^Shoen], s. educacion de ambos sexos en coniunidad. coef&cacy [co^ncasi], s. coeficacia. coefflciency [coefiShenBi], *. coeficiencia. coefficient [coefiShent], a. coeficiente. coefficiently [coefiShentu], adv. cooperativa- mente. coequal [coikuai], a. igual, coigual. coequality [coikuoiiti], s. igualdad. 30erce [co<*rB], va. forzar, obligaf ; coercer, contener, refrenar ; restringir. coercible [coArsibtti], a. que puede 6 debe ser refrenado. coercion [coonerse. — vn. congregar, reiinirse ; aeumu- arse. collect [coiect], s. (igl.) colecta. collectable, a. cobrable. collected [coi6cted], pp. y a. reunido, junto, congregado; cobrado; sosegado,vueltoen si. collectedly [coiecfedii], adv. juntaraente. collectible [coiectiboei], a. cobrable. collection [coi^cshcen], s. coleccion, coujunto, agregacion ; cobro, recaudacion ; cuestacion 6 colecta ; conipilacion. collective [coiectu], a. colectivo ; congregado, agregado ; que puede juntar 6 unir.— .s. (gram.) nombre colectivo. collectively [coiectivii], adv. colectivamente, en masa. coUectiveness [coiectivnes], s. colectividad. collector [coiectoer], s. colector, colcccionador, coleccionista ; cobrador, recaudador ; com- pilador : collector of a port, administrador de aduana : collector of taxes, recaudador de contribuciones. coUectorate [coiectoret], collectorship [c*- lectorShip], 5. colecturia. collegatary [coiegateri], s. colegatario. college [ciiiedv], s. colegio. COllegial [coiivlai], a. colegial. collegian [coiivian], collegiate [coiiviet], s. co- legial, estudiante. collegiate, «. colegiado. collet [coiet], 5. (mec.) collar; (joy.) engaste. collide [coiaid]. vn. chocar, ludir, topar ; con* tradecir, estar en conflicto. collie [coll], s. perro de pastor. collier [coiioer], s. obrero de las minas de can bon ; barco carbonero ; mercader de carbon colliery [coiioeri], $. mina de carbon ; comer<» cio de carbon. Para el sonido de ce. D, g, ih Y, (. la clave de pronuDciacion al prlncipio del Mbro. COL 100 COM colliflower, r. cauliflower. colligate fcoiiguet], va. atar, juntar, amarrar. colligation (coiigueShoeni, *. coligacioa. COllimate [i onmet], va. (opt. ) ajustar la visual de uu telesicopio. coUimation (eoiim^siioen], s. ajuste de la visual de tin telet-eopio. collimator fioiimetcer], *. (opt.) colimador. COUineation [<.)iinee5hu;n], s. alineaciOn. colliquative [coUcuativ], a. collcuante, coli- ciiativo. COUish [coiiSii], s. (zap.) brufiidorde suelas. collision [coiiYwn], s. colisiou, cheque, eu- cuentro, topetazo ; oposiciou, antagonismo. collocate [coioket], va. colocar. collocation IcoiokeShoen], s. colocacion, situa- ciou. collodion [ooiodion], s. colodlOn. colloid [coioid], a. gelatinoso ; no cristalizable ; aniorfo en parte. — s. substancia gelatinosa. COllop [coia'i)], s. bocado, tajada ; pedacito. colloquial [coiocuiai], a. familiar, dialogistico 6 dialogal. colloquialism [coioculaliam], s. expresion fa- miliar. colloquially [coiocuiaii], adv. usado en lengua- je familiar. colloquy [coioeui], s. coloquio, conversacion, platica. collude [coiiud], 171. obrar de connivencia. collusion [coiifiYCBi.], collusiveness [coiiusiv- nes], s. colusion. collusive [coliusiv], a. colusorio. COUusively [couusivii], adv. colusoriamente. COllUSOry (coiiusoi-O, a. colusorio. colly, *". V. COLLIE. COUyriUm [coUrioem], s. colirio. COlOOynth [coiosinz], s. (hot.) coloquintida. colon [colon], s. (gram.) dos piintos (:) ; (anat.) colou. colonel (cifernei], s. coronel. colonelcy [c^melsi], COlOnelsMp [cdeinelShlp], s. coronel ia. • colonial [ooioniai], a. colonial. colonist [colonist], s. colono. colonize [coionaiS], va. colonizar, poblar. — vn. establecerse en colonia. colonization [coionis^giKen], colonizing [coio- ii.-iiSinj,'), s. colonizacion. colonizer [colonaiaoer], S. COlonizador. colonnade [coion^a], s. peristilo, columnata. colony (coioiiii, s. colonia. colophon [coiofon], s. (impr.) colofon. colophony [ d. 8, 8h, v, i, vdase la clave de prouunclaclon at priaclpio del Ubroii COM 101 COM com'bustibility [comboestibiiui], s. combusti- bilidad. COmbUStl'ble [comUifestiboBi], a. y s. combus- tible. combustibleness [comixfestibotiues], s. combus- tibilidad. combustion [comb(fe8cha;ii\ s. combustion, quema, incendio ; tumulto, alboroto. COmby [coumi], a. en forma de panal. come cceni], vn. {pret. came: pp. come) venir, Uegar, acercarse, aproximarse ; avanzar, ade- lautarse, aparecer, salir ; acontecer, suceder : to come about, rodear ; acaecer ; efectuar : to come across, atravesar ; encontrar, trope zarse con : to come again, volver : to come after, seguir, venir detras 6 despues ; (fam.) venir por, en busca de : to come asunder, des- hacerse, desunirse : to come along, andar, ca- minar con otro : to come at, alcauzar ; con- seguir ; Uegar a : to come away, retirarse, irse : to come back, retroceder, volver : to come back again, volver & venir : to come before, Uegar antes, anteponerse : to come between, iuterponerse, interveuir : to come by, pasar junto & ; venir por ; alcanzar, ob- tener : to come down, bajar, descender ; des- ploraarse, demolerse: to come down again, volver a bajar : to come down on 6 upon, caer sobre : to come for, venir a buscar ; venir por : to come forth, salir ; aparecer ; adelan- tarse : to come forward, avanzar, medrar ; adelantarse : to come high or low, venderse caro 6 barato : to come home, volver a casa ; (fig.) tocar la cuerda sensible: to come in, entrar ; Uegar ; deserabocar ; consentir, ac- ceder ; introducirse ; empezar ; encajar ; pa- rir la vaca ; empezar a dar leche : to come in the way, presentarse al paso, ofrecerse : to come in for, pretender, reclamar ; correspon- der 6 tocarle a uno : to come into, entrar & : to come into trouble, meterse en trabajos ; tener algfin percance : to come into the world, venir al mundo, nacer : to come near, acer- carse : to come next, venir despues, ser el que sigue : to come of, proceder, venir de : to come of age, Uegar a ser mayor de edad : to come off, zafarse, soltarse, salir ; verificarse, tener efecto : come off I (fam. E. TJ. ) i dejate de tonterias ! : to come on, avanzar ; marcbar ; medrar : come on I ; vamos ! : to come over to, pasarse a : to come over, cruzar ; pasar por encima; venir: to come out, salir; crecer; resultar, finalizar; trascender, ver la luz ; hacerse publico ; manifestarse, declararse : to come out with, publicar, revelar : to come round, suceder, efectuarse ; convenir, asen- tir ; restablecerse ; volver en si ; engatusar : to come short of, faltar : to come to, recobrar los sentidos ; ascender a ; parar en : to come to an estate, beredar : to come to and fro, pasar y repasar : to come to grief, salir mal parado : to come to hand, Uegar a manos ; ve- nir a mano : to come to nothing, reducirse a nada ; no quedar en nada ; no valer nada : to come to an end, acabarse ; morir : to come to life, nacer : to come to life again, resucitar : to come to mind, ocurrirse, venir a las mientes : to come to pass, acontecer, acaecer, suceder : to come to terms, aceptar condiciones, cou- venirse ; zanjar un negocio : to come together, venir juntos, juntarse . to come true, reali- zarse : to come up, subir ; aparecer ; brotar 6 nacer; surgir; to come up to, acercarse a, rivalizar con ; subir a ; dar alcance, abordar un buque : to come up with, alcanzar 4 uno : to come upon, encontrarse con, dar con. comedian [comidian], s. comediante, comico, actor : light comedian, actor comico : l»w comedian, gracioso. comedienne [comedien], s. comedianta, comica, actriz. comedietta, s. juguete comico. comedo [comedo], s. (med.) espinilla. come-down [coem-daun], s. (fam.) reves de for- tuna. comedy [comedi], s. comedia : low comedy, bu- fonada, sainete. comelily [cdeniuu], adv. donosamente. comeliness [c^miines], s. gracia, donaire, do. nosura, gentileza. comely [cfiemii], a. gentil, donoso, apuesto, bieu parecido. — adv. gentilmente. come-off [c- mando ; mandamiento, mandato, orden, ordenanza ; autoridad, imperio ; coman- dancia, dominacion ; alcance, perspectiva ; facilidad, recursos. commandant [comand^nt], s. comandante. commander [comandoei], s. jefe, caudillo, capi« tan ; teniente de navio : commander-in-chief; generallsimo ; maza 6 mazo para empedrar. Pan el aonido de e, oe, d, t, lb, t, s, v6m« U <4a,xs i» ;ranusc!acl6n «1 yrlnci^o del Ubro. COM 102 COM commandery [comandceri], s. comandancia ; encomienda. commanding [comandingj, pa. dominante, im- perativo ; iiuponeute ; (mil.) comandante : commanding ofBccr, comandante en jefe. commandingiy [comandingii], adv. imperati- vanitMite. commandment [comanamoent], *. mandate, precepto.^5/. maqdamientos de la ley de Dios. COmmatiC [comtltic], a. breve, sucinto. COmmatism [comatiSm], *. concision, breve- dad. commeasurable [comeYuraboii], a. conmensu- rabie. commemorable [commemorabcei], a. memora- ble. commemorate [commdmoreit], va. conmemo- rar, recordar, celebrar. commemoration [commemor^Shoen], *. conme- moraciou. commemorative [commemoretlv], a, conme- morativo. COmmemOratOry [comm^moretori], a. conme- moratorio. commence [com^ns], vn. comenzar, emp^zar. — va. comenzar, principiar, entablar, iniciar. commencement [comensment], s. prineipio, comieuzo, inauguracion ; examenes de fin de curso. commend [comeua], va. encomendar, reco- mendar, eacargar ; alabar, ensalzar. commendable [com^ndabiei], a. recomendable, loaliie ; aiitorizado. commendably [comendabii], adv. loablemente. commendatary [com^ndatari], s. comendata- riu, beneliciado. commendation [comend^shoen], s. recomenda- cion, eiicomio, alabanza. COmmendator [comendetoer], 5. comendatario. commendatory [comendatori], a. recomenda- toriu, eiicomendero. commender [comendoer], s. alabador. commensal [comensai], a. comensal; (biol.) asociadd. commensalism [comensansm], s. comensal ia. commensurability [comenshurabiuti], com- menSUrableneSS [com^nahuraboelnes], s. con- mensurabilidad. commensurable [comenShuraboei], a. conmen- surable ; proporcionado. commensurate [comenShureui, va. conmensu- rar. — a. conmensurativo, proporcionado. commensurately [comenShuretu], adv. propor- cioiuuiaiiiente. commensiiration [comenShurdShoen], s. con- niensuraciun, proporcion. comment iciiment], vn. comentar, glosar, ano- tar, escoliar, explicar. — s. comento, explica- cion, glosa, escolio. commentary [comentoBH], s. comentario, glo- sa ; interpretacion ; escolio. commentator [comenteirer], commenter [c6- nseiitu)!), .V. comentador. commerce Icomoers], s. comerclo, negociacion, tratico, contratacion ; trato, corresponden- cia, amistad : foreign commerce, comercio ex- terior : domestic commerce, comercio interior. commerce [com&n], vn. asociarse, juntarse. commercial [comderShai], a. comercial, mer- oante, incrcantil. commercially (((.nKferahau], adv. comercial- raente, mercantilmente. commerge [iuy)lacieiite. COmplaisantly [cdmpieSantli], adv. cortesmen- te. COmplanate [compianet], va. aplanar, allanar. — a. aplauado, llano, complected [complected], a, entretejido, enla- zadu ; complicado. complement [compiemoent], s. complemento ; cumplimiento, colmo ; ap6ndice, accesorio. — va. acabar, completar. complemental [compiementai], a. completivo. complementary icompiementari], a. comple- mentario. complete [compiit], a. completo, acabado, per- fecto, caba', consumado, entero, integro, Ue- no, pleno, cumplido, colmado. complete, va. completar, acabar, concluir, consumar, temiinar. completely [compiitu], adv. completamente, perfectamente, enteramente, cabalmente, totalmente. completeness [compiitnes], s. perfeccion, tota« lidad, entereza, integridad. completion [compiiaiioeii], s. terminacion, aca- bamiento, consumacion. completive [compUtiv], a. completivo. complex [compiecs], a. complexo, compuesto ; multiple ; complicado. complex, 5. complicacion ; suma, total ; reu- nion, coleccion, complexion [compUcshoen], s. tez ; cQtis ; natu- raleza ; estado ; car&cter, calidad. complexional [compiecShoenai], a. complexio- nal. COmpleXiOnally [compiecShoenall], adv. pot complexion. COmpieXiOned [compl^cShoend], a. de tal o cual tez. complexity [compi6c«iti], complexness [com- pi6csnes], s. complexidad. complexly [compiecsii], adv. complexamente. COmplexus [compiecsccs], s. complicaci6n ; (anat. ) musculo complexo. compilable [compl4lab«el], a. V. COMPLIANT. compliance [compiitans], s. docilidad, sumi- sion, obed5encia ; complacencia; condescen- dencia, anuencia, consentimiento. compliant [compiiiant], a. docil, obediente, sumiso ; condescendiente, f&cil, complacien- te, acomodaticio. compliantly [compi&iantii], adv. rendidamente. complicacy [compiic«Bi], s. complicacion. complicate [compiikeit], va. complicar, enre-- dar, embrollar. complicate, complicated [compiiketed], a. complicado, enredado, revesado ; complejo. complicately [compiiketuj, adv. compiicada> moute. complicateness [compuketnes], s. complicaf cion, perplejidad, enredo. Para el sonldo de n, ce, d, 8, III, Y, s, v6me U clave de pronunciacion ii«ited], a. afectado, vanidoso, engreido, presumido. conceitedly [consitedu], adv. engreldamente. conceitedness [consitednes], s. presuncion, amor propio, vanidad. conceivable [couslvaboei], a. concebible, ima- ginable. COnCeivableneSS [consivaboelnes], S. concepti- biiidad. conceivably [consivaUi], adv. de un mode conceptible. conceive [cousivj, va. concebir, comprender, formar idea ; sentir ; crear, imaginar, inge- niar, engendrar, originar ; expresar, formu- lar. — vn. concebir, imaginar, pensar ; conce- bir, hacerse prenada la hembra. concenter, v. v. concentre. concentrate [consentret], va. concentrar, re- concentrar ; enfocar. — vn. reunirse, recon- centrarse. — a. concentrado. concentration [consentr^shoen], s. concentra- ciou, reconceutracion. concentrator [conseiitretoer], s. concentrador. concentre [cons^ntoer], vn. reconcentrarse. — va. concentrar, enfocar. concentric (al[con86ntric(ai], a. concentrico. concentrically [conB^ntricaiij, adv. conceutri- camente. concentricity [consentrisiti], s. concentricidad. concentus Icons^ntoes], s. concento, armouia, cousonancia. concept [coiisept], s. concept©, nocion, idea. conception [cotis^pShtBn], s. concepcion, idea, imagen, concept©, sentimiento ; conocimieu- to, comprension; (biol.) coricepcion, pre- nez. COnceptive [cons^ptlv], a. conceptible. conceptual [cous^pchuai 6 tiuai], a. referente & una concepcion 6 idea. concern [conscirn], va. concernir, tocar, irapor- tar, pertenecer, ataner, interesar, iucuuiDir ; mover, excitar, preocupar, inquietar, desaso- segar.— «. aeunto, negocio, ocupacion ; inte- res, incumbeDcia; erapresa, establecimien- to, casa de comercio ; importancia, conse- _ cuencia ; afecto, amor, carino ; inquietud, '" preocupacion, ansiedad. COllcerned [cons&rnd], a. interesado ; compro- metido ; inquieto. concernedly [consderuedu], adv. tiernamente, con carino. concerning [consoerinng], pi-ep. por lo concer- niente a, tocante a, respecto a. concernment [consifeniniuiiu], *■. interes, nego- cio • importancia, momento, entidad ; ansie- dad, cuidado. concert [constfenl, i^a. concertar, acordar, ajus- tar. concert [conswrt], s. concierto, convenio co- mun acuerdo ; (mOs. ) concierto. concertina [con8(ertina], 5. (mfis.) concertina. concerto [cous&rto], s. (mus.) pieza de concier- to. concession [cons^Shcen], s. concesion, gracia, licencia, cesion, privilegio. concessionary [conseghcenan], s. concesiona- rio. — a. otorgado por concesion. concessive [consesivj, a. que coutiene 6 denota concesion. concessively [conB^sivii], adv. por via de con- cesion. concessory [consesori], a. concedente, ortor- gante. conch [cone], 5. caracol marino ; concha ; fo- tuto ; pabellon de la oreja • (arq.) concha. COncba [cduca], s. cavldad ael pabellon de la oreja. COncbiform [conkifomi], a. conquiforme. conchoid [((incoid], s. (geom.) concoide. COnchOidal [concoidai], a. concoideo. COnchOlOgist [concoloYist], 5. conquiliOloeo. COnchOlO£^ [concoloYi]. i txool.) conquiliolo- gia. conciliate [consinet], va. conciliar, propiciar, grangear, ganar, atraer. conciliation [consiUeshoen], s. conciliaciOn. conciliator [coiisiiietner], s. conciliador. conciliatory [consiiiatori], a. conciliative. concise [con8ai^, a. conciso, breve, compen- dioso, laconico, sucinto, corto. concisely [consaisu], adv. concisamente, laco- nicamente, brevemente. conciseness [consaisnea], s. concision, breve- dad, laconismo. concision [consivoen], s. corte, cortadura ; con- cision ; circuncision. conclave [coucievi, s. conclave. conclude [conciudj, va. decidir, determinar; deducir, inferir; concluir, terminar, aca- bar ; arreglar, zanjar ; restringir, coartar. — vn. finalizar, fenecer; inferir. conclusion [louciuYUin], s. conclusion, deter- minacion, decision ; terminacion, termino, fin, remate, desenlace, catastrofe ; deduc- cion, inferencia, consecuencia. conclusive [concifisiv], a. concluyeHte, decisi- vo, final, terminante. conclusively [concidsivu], a. concluyentemen- te. conclusiveness [concKiMivnes], s. resoluci6n 4 determinacion. concoct [ronroct], va. Hiezclar, confeccionar; trazar, proyectar, urdir. concoction [ooncocShoen], s. mezcla, mixturr maquinacion, trama ; trazo. COncoctive [concornv], a. perteneciente & una mezcla, 6 un trazo. COncolorous [concAiorres], a. del mlsmo color, concomitance, concomitancy [concomi taiiB i], ,s-. concomitancia. concomitant [concomitant], a. y *. concomi- tante. concomitantly [couromitantii], adv. acompafia- damente. concord [concord], g. Concordia, union ; con- formidad, armonla, buena inteligencia; (mQs. y gram.) concordancia. ?ara el ■onldo de m, oe, D, i, th, r, t, v6aae la clave de pronunclaclou al prlncipio del libr». CON lor COM concordance (conconiauB], s. concordancia ; conformidad, armonia. concordant [concordant], a. concordante, con- souante, con forme. concordantly [conconiantii], adv. concorde- mente, de comun acuerdo. concordat [concordat], s. coo cordate. concourse [concors], s. coQcurso, confluencia, concurrcucia, junta, multitud, gentio, mu- chcdumbrc. concrescence [concr^sens], s. concrescencia, creciniicnio. concrete [concnt], va. concretar ; concrecio- nar, espesar; (alb.) cubrir con hormigon. — vn. cuajar, condensarse, coagularse. concrete [concrit], a. concreto ; cuajado ; he- cho de hormigon. — s. (hid.) hormigon, ma- zacote ; masa de azucar que se forma hir- viendo guarapo; concrecion ; termino con- creto. concretely [concritu], adv. concretamente. concreteness [concritnes], s. calidad de lo con- creto. concretion [concnShoen], s. concrecion ; (met.) calculo. COncretive [concntiv], a. formando concrecio- nes. concubinage [conUiubiuedY], s. concubinato, auuincebamiento, contubernio. concubine [conUiubain], sf. concubina, mance- ba, barragana. concupiscence [conuiupuens], s. concupiscen- cia. concupiscent [conkiupisent], a. libidinoso, las- civo. concur [coneder], vn. concurrir, convenir, coin- cidir, conformarse, estar de acuerdo; unir- se, juntarse, adunarse. concurrence 6 concurrency [conc&rens, n, s. coucurrencia ; coincidencia, casualidad ; combinacion, acuerdo, cooperacion, ayuda. concurrent [concoerent], a. concurrente ; con- comitante, coaxistente.— s. rival, competi- dor. concurrently [conccSrentu], adv. concurrente- mente. concussion [conccfeShoen], s. concusion, conmo- cion, impacto ; rebufo. COncussive [conc^slv], a. concusionario. condemn [condom], va. desaprobar, censurar, culpar, vituperar, reprobar, afear ; (for.) condenar, sentenciar ; prohibir oficialmen- le; con fi scar; expropiar. COndemnable [condfimnaboei], a. culpable, cen- surable, vituperable, condenable. condemnation [condemn^shoen], s. condena- cion. condemnatory [conddmnatori], a. condenato- rio. condemner [cond^mnoer], s. condenador. condensable [cond^nsabcei], a. condensable. condensate [c-ondenset], a. condensado, espe- sado. — v. objeto condensado. condensation fcondens^Shoen], s. condensacion. condensative [cond^nsativ], a. condensativo. condense ['■ond^ns], va. condensar, comprimir ; espe.sar ; reducir, abreviar. — vn. condensar- se, comprimirse, espesarse. condenser [condfinsccr], s. (mec, elec. y opt.) condensador. condensing fcondejising], pa. condensante : condensing engine, miquina de condensa- cion. condescend [condeB^nd], vn. condescender, consentir, dignarse. condescendence [condeB^ndens], condescen- sion [condes^nShoen], s. condescendencia, dig- nacion, deferencia. condescending [condesending], a. condescen- diente, anuente. condescendingly [condeseudingiii, adv. defe- reutemente, coudescendientemente. condign [condain], a. condigno, merecido. condignity [condigniti] (teol.), condignness [eoiHiainiies], s. mcrecimiento. COndignly [condainu], adv. merecidamente, condignamente. condiment [condiment], s. condimento, ade- rezo, guiso, salsa, sazon. condition [condishoen], s. condicion, cualidad, situacion, estado, circunstancias ; categoria, articulo, clausula, estipulacion ; requisito, condicion sine qua non. condition, va. condicionar, estipular, pactar. conditional [condlshoenai], a. condicional. conditionality [condiShoen^iiti], .s. limitacion. conditionally [condiShoenali], adv. condicional- meute. conditioned [condiShcend], a. eondicionado, condicional ; acondicionado. condole [condoui], vn. condolerse, dar el pesa-- me. condolementrcondouimoent], condolence [cou- douiens], s. pesame. condonation, condonement [condon^shoen, condounment], s. condonacion, perdon, indul- to. condone [condoun], va. condonar. condor [condor], s. (orn.) condor. conduce [condifis], vn. conducir, tender, con- tribuir. COnducible [condiuslbroi], a. conducente, Gtil, ventajoso. conducibleness [condiuBiboeines], conducive- ness [condifisivnes], s. conducencia, tendencia. COnducibly [condiusibu], adv. conducentemen- te. conducive [condidsiv], a. conducente. conduct [conduct], s. conducta, proceder, com portamiento ; direccion, gestion, manejo, gobierno; (mil.) escolta, conducta. conduct [condciect], va. couducir, guiar, dirigir, acompanar ; gestionar, manejar ; compor- tarse, proceder ; llevar ; mandar un ejerci- to. — vn. (elec.) ser conductor; llevar la ba- tuta. conductible [cond^ctiboei], a. conductible. conductibility [condcEctibiuti], 5. couductibili- dad. conduction [condo&cShoen], s. transmision, con- duccion, traida. conductive [condcSctiv], a. conductive ; (elec ) que obra por conduccion. conductivity [condoectiviti], s. conductividad ; conductibilidad. conductor [condnye], s. despedida, congeal [convii], va. congelar, helar ; cuajar, coagular.— t;?i. congelarse, helarse, cuajarse. COngealable [couYiiabcBii, a. congelable, hela- ble. congealedness [conviieanesi, congealment [L-oiiYiimoeiit], s. congelaciou. congee [convi], vn. despedirse cortesmente ; saludar. — s. despedida. congelation [conYeieShu:n], s. congelacion. congener [cduveiKBr], congeneric [conyen dadaraente. COnsentaneOUSneSS [couseut^neoesnes], S. COrK formidad, anuencia. consenter [consentcer], s. consentidor. consentient [otms^nShent], a. anuente, consen" ciente. consequence [c6nsecuen»], s. consecuencia, efecto, resultado ; deduccion, inferencia ; trascendencia ; importancia, entidad, mo- mento ; fachenda: by 6 in consequence, de consiguiente ; en, &, 6 por consecuencia. consequent [consecuent], a. consiguiente, logi- co. — .s. (log.) consiguiente: conBequent polnti, (elec.) puntos de m&xima intensidad. consequential [consecnensiiai], a. fachendlsta; consiguiente. conseauentially [ronsectienshaii], adv. con fa- chenda. consequentialness [rougeou^tiShaines]. s. fa- chenda, engreimiento. consequently [cdnsecuentii], adv. per consi- guiente, en consecuencia. consequeutness [consecuentuex]) s. cualidad de CKMsij^uiente. conservable [consdfervaboel], fu que se puede conservar. conservancy [ronsctrvansi], *. conservacion ; junta para la conservacion y fomento de yi« veros y pesquerlas. fara el aouido de », «, o, 8, ib, y, v6aae U cUve de pronuuciacldu •! principle de' libra. CX)N 111 CON COnservant [consdervant], a. conservador. conservation [consnerveshoen], 5. coDservacion, mantenencia, preservaeion, sostenimiento. conservatism [conservatism], s. disposicion a ser conservador ; (pel.) moderantismo. conservative [(•<.ii.s<£!rvativ], a. y s. conserva- dor; conservadvo, preservative ; (pol.) con- servador, moderudo. conservator [consoervetor], 5. conservador, de- fensor, protector. conservatory [con Bcfervatori], a. conservatorio. — 5. invernaeulo, invernadero ; conservato- rio, academia. COnservatriX [consoervetrics], sf. conservadora. conserve [cousderv], va. conservar, cuidar, guardar, mantener ; hacer conserva. conserve [consoerv], s. conserva, dulce, compo- ta; (farm.) confeccion. COnserver [constiervojr], s. conservador ; con- servero. consider [considoer], va. considerar, pensar, meditar, examinar, deliberar, refiexionar ; distinguir, estimar, tratar con respeto ; creer, opiuar ; remunerar. — vn. pensar, re- fiexionar, deliberar. considerable [consicii^raboei], a. considerable ; respetable ; importante, cuantioso. -tonsiderableness [cousidoeraboKiues], s. impor- taucia, en'tidad, valor. considerably [considoerabii], adv. considera- blemeute, grandemente. considerate [considiKret], a. considerado, pru- dente, luirado, discreto. considerately [considoeretu], adv. considerada- meute. considerateness [considoeretnes], s. prudencia, circunspeccion, moderacion. consideration [considueresiutn], s. considera- cion, reflexion, deliberacion ; miramiento, respeto ; entidad, iraportancia ; retribucion, retoruo, remuneracion. considering [considoaring], prep, en atencion S,, consideraiido, visto que. consideringly [cousidoeringii], adv. seriamen- te, atinadamente. consign [consain], va. consignar, entregar, en- viar, contiar, ceder, traspasar, relegar. consignation [consigneShoen], s. consignacion. consignatory [conaignatori], s. el que firma en union con otros. consignee [consaini], s. consignatario ; deposi- tario. consigntier, v. consignor. consignment [consainment], s. (com.) consig- nacion, partida. SOnsignOr [conslnor 6 consalnrer], S. COnsigna- dor. consist [consist], vn. consist! r en, componerse 6 constar de ; ser compatible con ; subsistir. consistence, consistency [consi^tens i], s. consistencia, conformidad ; consecuencia, correspondencia, relacion, compatibilidad, conveniencia ; densidad, solidez ; perma- nencia, estabilidad. consistent [conmstent], a. consistente, conve- niente, conforme, consecuente, compatible ; firme, solido, estable. consistently [oonsisteiitii], adv. conformemen- te ; consecuentemente ; firmemente. COnsistOrial [consistonai], a. consistorial, consistory [consistori], s. consistorio ; junta, asamblea, congreso. COnsOCiate [consoshlet], vn. puntar, unir, aso- ciar, congregar. — vn. asociarse, congregarse. — a. asociado. consociation [consoShieghoen], s. alianza, liga ; asoeiacion, sociedad. COnsolable [consouiabcpi], a. consolable. consolation [consoieshoenp, s. consolacion, con« suelo, alivio, confortacion. consolatory [consolatoH], s. eonsolativo.— ^t discurso 6 escrito consolatorio. console [consoui], va. consolar ; confortar. console [consoi], s. (arq.) cartela, can, repisa- consola. consoler [consoioer], s. consolador. consolidant [consoudaut], s. consolidativo. consolidate [couaolidet], va. consolidar; solj- dar, unir. — vn. consolidarse, endurecerse: consolidated annuities, V. CONSOLS. consolidation [consoiid^Shoen], s. consolida- ciou, union, conjuncion. consolidativo [consoiidetiv], a. consolidativo. consols [consols], s. pi. (Ingl.) titulos de la deuda consolidada. consomme [consom^], s. consumado, caldo. consonance [consonans], consonancy [couso- iiansi], s. consonancia. consonant [consonant], COnSOnOUS [consonoes], a. consonante, consono. — s. (gram.) conso- nante. consonantal [coneon^Htai], a. perteneciente a una consonante. consonantly [consonantu], adv. conformemen- te, consonantemente, consonantness [cdnsonantneg], s. consonancia, conformidad. consort [consort], s. consorte, compaiiero, so- cio ; conyuge, esposo 6 esposa ; companla, compaiierismo. consort [consort], vn. asociarse, acompafiarse. — va. casar, juntar, asociar. conspectus [consp^ctoes], s. ojeada, vista gene- ral ; suraario, digesto. conspicuity [conspikiuiti], conspicuousness [conspikiuoesnes], s. claridad, visibilidad ; evi- dencia ; fama, nombradia. conspicuous [conspikluoes], a. conspicuo, visi- ble, sobresaliente, emineute, ilustre, nota- ble. conspicuously [conspjkluoesli], adv. visible- mente, claramente. conspiracy [conspiraai], s. conspiracion, corn- plot, conjuracion. COnspirant [conspiirant], a. conspirante. conspirator [conspiratoer], *. conspirador. conspire [conspaiojr], vn. conspirar, maquinar ; concurrir, convenir; ligarse, conjurarse: conspiring powers, (mec.) fuerzas conspiran- tes. COnspirer [conspalrcer], s. conspirador. COnspiringly [conspairingii], adv. conspirando criminalmente. constable [ccenetAboBl], s. condestable, algua- cil, miuistril. constableship [c&ustabcEiship], s. condesta- blia. constabulary [const^binieril, a. perteneciente a los alguaciles. — s. cuadrilla de alguaciles ; guardia civil. constancy [constansi], s. constancia, perseve- rancia,firmeza,fidelidad,permaneneia, esta- bilidad. constant [constant], a. constante, continuo, firme, perseverante, permanente, inmuta^ ble, invariable. constantly [constantu], adv. constantemente, invariablemente. constellation [constel^Shren], S. (astr.) COnste- lacion, pleyade. consternation [constoemeShoen], s. constemar cion, terror, espanto. constipate [constipet], va. estrenir, cerrar, tu- pir, obstruir. constipation [constip^Sha-ii], •^. (med.) estrefu- miento de vientre, constipacion. Para el souido de se, oe, d, 3, sh, Y, x, v^aae la clATe de pronunGiacion al principio del libro. CON 112 CON constituency [constitinensi], s. (pol.) distrito electoral ; grupo de comitentes. constituent [constitiueiit], s. (pol.) elector, vo- tante ; (for. ) mandante, comiteute, delegau- te, poderdante, causante ; constitutivo, esen- cial. — a. constituyente, elemental, esencial. constitute [conetitiut], va. constituir, formar, c'oinponer, organizar, establecer ; nombrar, diputar, dar podereu forma. constitution [constitiusiia.ii], s. constitucion ; complexion, fisico, temperamento, natura- leza; (pol.) constitucion ; (for.) ley, estatu- tos ; decreto. constitutional [constltiuShoeual], a. constitu- cional, legal ; complexional. — s. (fam.) ca- minata, paseo. constitutionalism [constitiflShoenaliSm), S. (pol.) constitiicioualismo. constitutionalist [coiiatitia3hap;iaIi8t]>,«. consti- tucion al. ."■■»?' constitutionality [constiuuiihoen^nti], s. lega- lidad dentro de la constitucion. constitutionally [constitiuShcBuaii], adv. cons- titucioualmente, legalmente. constitutive [constitiutiv], a. constitutivo, le- gislativo. constrain [constrain], va. constrenir, compe- ler, obligar, forzar ; restringir, impedir, de- teuer ; estrechar, comprimir, apretar. constrainable [conatrtinaboei], a. constreni- l)le. constrainedly [constreinedii], adv. constreni- dameute ; por fuerza. constrainer [constr^inoer], *. el que obliga 6 j)recisa. constraint [constraint], s. constrefiimiento, coaccion, apremio ; compulsion ; coartacion, represion. constrict [constrict], va. constrenir, apretar, estrechar, ligar, atar. constriction [constncshoen], S. COnstriccion, contracoion, encogimiento. constrictive [constrictiv], a. constrictive, constrictor [con8trictoer],«. constrictor ; (zool.) boa constrictor. COnstringe [constrinv], va. constrenir, compri- mir, estrechar, ligar. constringent [couStrinYent], a. constrictive, constringente. construct [constrdct], va. construir, edificar, fabricar, erigir, montar; idear, imaginar, inventar, componer. construct [coustrcect], s. frase gramatical. constructer, constructor [cotjsrtj»d^toer, or], «. constructor, edificador. "'**'" construction [constrdBcshoen], *, construccion ; estructura, obra, fabricacion, edificacion ; (gram.j construccion ; interpretacion, ex- plicacion, sentido. constructional [constrdecShcenai], a. referente a la construccion o a la interpretacion. constructive [constr&ctivi, a. constructive ; tacito, sobreentendido ; afirmativo. constructively [ron8tr(£ctivii], adv. construc- tivamente; por induccion. constructiveness [constroectimes], s. ingenio- sidad, aptitud mec^nica. Xionstrue [cdustru], va. construir, interpretar, explicar. consubstantial [ronsflebst^nShai], a. consubs- tancial, coesencial. consubstantiality [consa-bRtsenShi^tiiti], s. con- suhstancialidad. consubstantiate [consoebstAnShiet], va. unir en una niisma substancia 6 naturaleza. COnSUbstantiatiOn [conscebsttenslii^shatn], S. consubstanciacion. consuetude [consuetiud], s. coBtumbre. consuetudinary [consuetiadineri}, a. consue* tudinario, habitual. consul [conscti], *. consul. consular [oonsiuiar], a. consular. consulate [constulet], consulship [oousuelShlp], s. consulado. consult [conscfeitjj va. consultar, considerar, estudiar, examinar. — vn. consultarse, ase^o- rarse.— .9. (ant.) consulta. consultant [consultant], a. y s. consultante. consultation [consoeit^Shueu], s. consulta, jun-' ta ; deliberacion. consultative, consultatory [oons<£itauv, consdeltatory], a. COnsultivo. COnSUlter [conadBUoer], S. COnSUltor, COnsul- tante. consulting [consdiitingl, a. consultor, consul- tante. consumable [consiamaboel], a. consumible. consume [conaifim], va. consumir, acabar, des- truir, disipar, gastar. — vn. consumirse, des- hacerse, acabarse, aniquilarse, perecer. consumer [conaiumoer], s. consumidor ; disi- pador, destructor. consummate [consifemet], va. consumar, aca- bar, terminar, compjetar. — a. consumado, complete, perfecto, cabal. consummately fcoua&nietij], adv. censuma^ damente. consummation [consoemeshoen], S. COnsuma- cion, acabamiento. consumption [consdeinpshoeu], S. COnsuncion, desgaste, consumimiento, disipacion, des- truccion ; consume, consuraicion, use, gas* to; (med.) consuncion, tisis, hetiquez, ma>' rasmo. consumptive [consofemptiv], 9. consuntivo, destructive ; hetico, tisico. consumptively [consla dor. contemporaneity [contemporaniiti], contem' Para el sonido de », oe, d, 8, Ih, t, «, v^ase la clave de pronunclaclon al prlnclpio del llbto. CON 113 CX)N porariness [contemporerines], contenipo- raneOUSneSS [contemporeneajsnes', s. CUalidad - de coutemporaneo. •OnteinpOraiieOllS [contempor^neoes], a. COn- teiuporaneo. contemporaneously [coiitempor4neoeslJ], adv. conteiMpci-aueamente. contempoiary [cont^mporeri], a. y *. contem- poraneo, eoetaneo. contempt [contempt], s. desprecio, nienospre- eio : contempt of court, (for.) contumacia ; rebel di a. •ontemptibility [contemptibiiiti], contempti- bleness [cont^mptibtEinesj, s. vileza, bajeza, abyeecion. contemptible [contemptiboei], Of. despreciable. contemptibly [contdmptibii], adv. vilraente. contemptuous [cont^mpchutes], a. desdenoso, despreciativo. contemptuously [contemciiucEsii], adv. desde- iiosainente, con menosprecio. COntemptUOUSneSS [contemclmGesnes], s. des- den, desprecio, altaneria. contend [contend], va. sostener, afirmar. — vn. contender, porfiar, pleitear, disputar, pre- tender ; competir, lidiar, altercar : contend- ing parties, partes contenciosas, 6 litigantes. contendent, contender [contendent, doer], «. contendedor, competidor. content (content], a. content©, satisfecho : con- tent 6 not content, (Ingl.) voto en pro 6 en contra. — vn. conteutar, satisfacer. — s. con- tento, contentaraiento, satisfaccion, agrado. —pi. (contents) contenido ; cabida, capacidad : table of contents, tabla de mater i as. contented [contented], a. contento. satisfecho, trauquilo, resignado. contentedly [contentedii], adv. tranquilamen- te, contentamente. Gont'entedness [cont^ntednes], s. contento, sa- tisfaccion. contention [cont^nshoen], s. contencion, coH- tienda, pugna, pendencia, disputa; tema, debate. contentious [cont^nShoes], a. contencioso, liti- gioso, pendenciero. contentiously [cont^nShoesuj, adv. contenciosa- mente. contentiousness [cont^nShoesnes], s. espiritu de contradiccion. contentment [contentment], *. contentamien- to, contento, satisfaccion. conterminal [conterminal], conterminous fcontdeiminoes], a. contgrmino, vecino, liml- trofe ; coextensivo. contest [contfestj, va. contender, disputar. — vn. competir. contest [content], s. contienda, disputa, debate ; pugna, lueha, lid, torneo. contestable [contestabtBi], a. contestable. contestant [cont^gtant), s. contendiente, liti- gante. context [context], 5. contexto, contenido ; con- tey.tura. contextual [contSxtiuai], a. relativo al con- texto. contextural [cont^xchoerai], a. perteneciente S. la contextura. contexture [contexchnoer], s. contextura ; entretejido, enlazamiento. continuity [contigniiiiti], s. contigtildad, inme- diacion ; continuidad. contiguous [contitcniiires], a. COntlgUO, juntO, inmediato, adyacente. contiguously [contigruiuoesn], adv. contigua- mente, junto, al lado. COntigUOUSneSS [contiguluoesnes], S. contigui- dad, vecindad. continence o continency [contmens, i], s. contineneia, castidad ; cabida, capacidad. continent [continent], a. continente, caste, puro. — s. (geog.) continente. continental [continental], a. y s. continental, contingence 6 contingency [continyens, i], s. contingencia, eventualidad. contingent [continvent], a. contingente, acaece- dero, eventual. — s. contingencia, casualidad; (mil.) contingente, cuota. contingently icontinventii], adv. contingente- raente, casualmente. continual [continiuai], a. continue, frecuente, incesante. continually [continiuaii], adv. continuamente, eoutinuadamente. continuance [contlniuans], s. duraclon, perma- nencia ; prolongacion ; (for.) aplazamiento. continuation [continiu^Shoen], s. continuacion, prolongacion. COntinuatOr [continluetoer], COntlUUer [contl- niua-r', s. continuador. continue [continiu], va. continuar ; prolongar, perpetuar. — vn. continuar, durar, seguir ; permanecer, quedar ; perseverar, persistir. continued [continiud], pp. y a. continue ; con- tinuado, prolongado, seguido. continuedly [continiudii], adv. continuada- mente. continuity [continiuiti], s. continuidad ; con- tinuacion ; prolongacion. continuous [coutlniuoeg], a. continue, continuously [continiuoesii], adv. continua- mente. contort [contort], va. torccr, retorcer. contortion [contorihoen], s. contorsion, retor- cimiento ; dislocacion. contortionist [contorShoenist], s. acrobata, des- coyuntado. contour [contur], s. contorno 6 perfil. contraband [contraboend], *. contrabande. — a. prohibido, ilegal. contrabandism [contrabandiim], s. centraban- do, matute. contrabandist [contrabaendist], s. contraban- dista, matutero. contrabass [contrabesi, *. contrabajo. contract [contract], va. contraer, reducir, apre- tar, estrechar, encoger ; fruncir, arrugar ; abreviar, compendiar ; contraer 6 adquirir ; contratar ; contraer esponsales. — vn. cen- traerse, encogerse ; opilarse ; com prom eter- se per contrato. contract [c6ntr«ct], s. contrato, pacto, conve- nio ; escritura ; esponsales ; contrata, escri- tura. — a. contraido, abreviado. contracted [contrt6cted],a. contraido, fruncide; estrecho ; escaso. contractedly [contrsectedii], adv. estrechamen^ te, mezquinameute. contractedness [contr^ctednes], *. eontrac- cio-n ; estrechez ; mezquindad. contractility [contr«ctiiiti], s. contractllidad. contractile [contractu], a. contractil. contracting [contracting], ger. y a. centrayen- •e ; contratante. contraction [contr*cShoen], s. contraccion ; abreviacion. contractor fcontrtectoer], s. contratante, cen- tratista, asentista. contra-dance [contra-dans], s. centradanza. contradict [contradict], va. contradecir, negar, desmentir ; repugnar, oponerse, contrariar. COntradicter [contradictoer], s. contradictor. contradiction [contradicRhoen], s. contradic- cion, oposicion, irapugnacion ; renuncio. contradictorily [contradictoriii], adv. centra- dictoriamente. Para el Bonido de se, oe, d, S, Sh, y, z, vdase la clave de pronunclaclon al principle del llbro. 47 CX)N 114 CON COntradiCtOrineSS [contradictorlnes],*. espiritu de coutradiccion. contradictory [contradictori], a. contradicto- rio ; coutrario, opuesto ; inconsiguiente.— «. (log.) coutradictoria. contradistinct [coutiadigtinct], a. opuestamen- te di.stiuto. contradistinction [contradistincShceu], *. dis- tincion por calidades opuestas. contradistinguish [contradistinguishj, va. dis- tingair por calidades opuestas. COntrafiSSUre [coutranShuoer:, S. (cir.) COn- traabertura. COntraindicant fcontraindlcant], contraindi- cation fcoiitraiiidikeShoenl, s. (med.) contraiu- dicante, contraindicacion. COntraindicate [contraindiket], va. contraindi- car, contralto [contrteito], *. y a. (mfis.) contral- to. contraposition [contrapogiShcBn], s. contraposi- cion. contrariety fcontraraieti], s. contrariedad •. opo- sieiou ; discrepancia. contrarily [contrariii], adv. contrariamente, opiiestamente. contrariness tcontraiinesi, s. contrariedad, oposiciou. contrariwise [contrariuais], adv. al contrario, al reves, inversamente. contrary [contrari], a. contrario, opuesto, an- tagouico ; adverse ; contradictorio ; diver- gente. — *. contrario ; contraria : on the con- trary, al contrario 6 por el contrario. contrary-minded [cdiitran-inainded], a. de di- verso parecer. contrast [contrast], s. contraste. contrast [contrast], va. Y vn. contrastar. COntravallatiOn [contravajleShcen], s. (fort.) contravalacion. contravene [contraviu], va. contravenir. COntravener [contravlnoer], s. contraventor, in- fractor. contravention [contrav^nShoen], s. contraven- cion, infraccion. contribute [contribiut], va. y vn. contribulr, cooi>erar, concurrir. contribution [contribifiShoeni, s. cooperacion, contribueion ; cuota, d^diva. contributive [contribiutiv], contributory [cDiitribiutori], a. cooperante 6 contribuyente. contributor [contnbiutoer], s. coutribuidor, contribuyente. contrite [contrait], a. contrito, pesaroso, arre- pentido, penitente. COntriteneSS [contraltnes], contrition [oontn- Shten], s. contricion, arrepentiniiento. contrivance [contrMvansi, s. idea, plan, desig- nio, inveneion ; utensilio, aparato, niecanis- nio ; traza, raaiia, treta, ingenio, artiflcio ; estratagema. contrive [contriivl. va. idear, inventar, iraa- ginar, ingeniar, aiscurrir, arbitrar ; tramar, iraguar, urdir. — vn. darse mana, buscar un medio, maquinar. contriver [contraivoer], *. trazadof, autor, in- ventor, arbitrista. control [controui], s. mando, dominioj gobier- no, regimen, direccion, manejo ; inspeccion, intervencion ; sujecion, freno ; contrarre- gistro, regulador. control, va. dominar, dirigir, gobernar, su- perentender, tener & raya; intervenir; re- prirair, restringir: centreUiag Interest, (coin.) mayoria, interns predominante. controllable Icontroiabreii, a. que se puede do- minar, gobemar 6 diri^r. controller icontroioer], s. interventor, contra- lor, director, superintendente, inspector; (mar.) reten de cadeua: Controller of the Currency, (E. U.) interventor de los bancos nacioiiales. controllership [controioerShip], s. oficio y ofi- ciua de controller. COntrolment [controimoent], s. restriccion, .su- jecion, superintendeacia. controversial [controv^rShal], a. polemistico, conteiicioso. controversialist [controv<£r5hall8t], S. polemis- COntroversy [controviErsl], s. coutroversia, disputa, debate, polemica. controvert fcontrovaert], va. coutrovertir, dis- l)utar, altercar. controverter [coutrovoertoer], controvertist [(•(introv.ertistj, s. controversista, argrmienta- dor, polemista. controvertible [controv^rtiboil], a. controver- tible, disputable, discutible. contumacious [contiumeslioes], a. COUtumaz, rebelde, tenaz, refractario. contumaciously [contiumeShoegll], adv. contu- niazniente. contumaciousness rcoiitiuni^Rhasne*.], con- tumacy [contiumesi], s. contumacia, rebel- dia, terquedad. contumelious [contiumiuoes], a. contumelioso, injurioso, ofensivo. COntumelioUSly [contiumilloesli], adv. contii- nieliosamente. contumeliousness icontiumiuoesnes], con- tumely (c6ntium«ii], s. contumelia, ultraje, injuria. contuse [rontiuS], va. contundir. contusion .ontiuYoen], s. contusion. conundrum Ccondendroem], *, acertijo, adivi- nanza. convalescence 6 convalescency [coHvai^s- ens, i], s. convalecencia. convalescent [convai^sent], a. convaleciente. convection [conv^clhoen], s. difusioQ del calo- rico. convene [convin], va. convocar, citar ; empla- zar. — vn. juntarse. convener [convinoer], s. convocador. convenience 6 conveniency [convinyem., i], s. conveniencia, comodidad, oportunidad, utilidad. convenient [convinyent], a. conveniente, c6- modo, iitil, oportuno. conveniently [convinyentii], adv. comodamen-' te ; convenientemente. convent [odnrent], s. couvento. conventicle [conv^nticiei], s. coHventiculo, conciliabulo. convention [conv^nShcen], *. convencion, asam- blea, congreso, junta ; convenio. conventional [con v^nShoenail, a. convencion al, estipulado ; convenido ; impuesto por la costuinbre ; emblem^tico. conventionalism [eonv^nShcenaiiSm], s. respeto a las c'ostuinbres. conventionality [conTenShoen^iui], s. regla im- puesta por la costumbre. conventionally [conv^nShoenaii], adv. conven- cion aim en te. conventual [oonv^nchnai], a. y s. conventual, converge [i nnvc^rv], vn. converger, convergence, convergency [conv<6rven», vennil, .v. con vergencia. convergent [convdervent], converging icon. vArvfntr]. n. convergente. conversable [convBBrsaboei], a. conversable, sociable. COnVersableneSS [convcfirsabflelnes], «. sociabi' lidad. Park nl sonido de pec], s. raoneda rusa, Copernlcan [copdemican], a. copernicano. COpestone [cdiipstoun], s. (alb.) piedra de al- bardilla 6 caballete. copier [copiuer], s. copiante, copista ; copiador, plagiario. coping [couping], s. (alb. ) albardilla. copious [cdpi.Bs], a. copioso, prolijo. copiously [copioesii], adv. copiosamente. copiousness [oopioesnes], s. prolijidad, redun- dancia ; profusion, copia. copped [copt], a. copado, copetudo. copper [c6prnt], va. falsear, eontra- hacer, imitar, falsificar, forjar. — vn. fingir, disimular. — s. impostura, engano, falsilica- cion ; copia, imitacion ; moneda falsa. — a. contrahecho, falsificado, falseado, espurio. counterfeiter [cauntoerntoer], s. falsario, falsi- ficador ; falseador, imitador ; monedero fal- se. counterfeitly [cauntoerntn], adv. falsamente, fingidamente. counter-fort [cAuntoer-fort], s. contrafuerte, estribo. COUntergUard [c4untoergard], s. (fort.) contra- guardia. counter-irritant [cauntoer-lrltant], S. (med.) contrairritante. counterlight [rauntoeriait], s. contraluz. countermand [cauntoemnfend], va. con tram an- dar ; revocar, invalidar. — s. [cauntcernia^iKi] contramandato, contraorden. countermarch [cauntoermarch], s. contramar- cha. — 1'??. [cauntoermarch] contramarchar. countermark [canntoermarc], *. COntramarca. — va. contramarcar, resellar. countermine [cauntoermain], s. contramina. — va. [cauntoermain] contraminar ; contrave- nir. COUntermOtiOn fcauntoermoShoen], S. movimien- to contrario ; proposicion contraria. countermove [cauntoermuv], va. y vn. mover 6 moverse en direccion contraria. COUnterOpening [cauntoeroupning], s. (cir.) contraabertura. counterpace [cauntoerpes], s. contrapaso. counterpane [cauntoerpein], .1. colcha de cama cubrecama ; cobertor. counterpart [cauntoerpart], *. contraparte ; du plicado ; copia, imagen. counterplea [cauntoerpn], s. (for.) reconvep- cion. counterplot [cauntoerpiot], s. contratreta.— [cauntoerpiot], va. contraminar. counterpoint [cauntttrpoint], s. (mfis.) contra^' pun to. counterpoise fcanntoerpois], va. equilibrar,, contrapesar, contrabalancear. — s. [cauntoei'- poiS] contrapeso ; equilibrio ; pilon de una ro mana. Para el sonido de se, oe, d. S, tb, r, z, vtese la clave de pronunciaciop al prlBcipio del libro. cou 120 COU counterpoison [cauntoerpoiioen], s. contravene- uo ; autidoto. COUnterpreSSUre [cauntoerprfShoer], s. contra- presion. counterproject [cauutcerproYect], s. contrapro- yecto. counterproof [ciuntoerprufl, s. contraprueba. counter-proposition [cauutter-proposighceuj, S. contraproposicion. counter-revolution [cauntoer-revolulhoen], S. contrarrevolucion. counterscarp [cauntosrscarp], *, (fort.) contra- escarpa. counterseal [cauntoereii], va. contrasellar. countersense [cauntoBrsens], s. contrasentido, sentido opuesto. countersign [cauntteraain], va. visar, refren- dar.— s. (mil.) santo y sena, consigna, con- trasena, tesera. countersignal [cauntcenignai], s. (mar.) seual que respoude aotra. countersignature [cauntoersignachur], s. re- frendata. countersink [cauutoersink], va. abocardar, ave- Uanar. — s. avellanador : coantersinking drill, abocardo. COUnterStrOke [cauntoerstrouk], s. reves, con- tragolpe. -counter-tenor [cauntoertSncer], *. (mus.) con- tralto. counter-tide [cauntcei-uid], *. (mar.) contra- marea. counter-trench [cauntoer-trench], s. (mil.) COn- tratrinchera. countervail [cauntoerv^n], va. contrapesar, compensar, equivaler. — s. V. counterbal- ance. eounter-weight [cauntoer-ueu], s. contrapeso. founter-work [cauutoer-nderc], va. contrarres- tar, coiitrariar ; contramiuar. countess [caimtes], sf. condesa. counting-house [caunting-jaus], s. despacho, escritorio, oficina. countless [cauntieB], a. innumerable, innfime- ro, sin cuento. countrified [odsntrifaia], a. y pp. rfistico, cam- pesino. igreste. COUntrif/ [< OBntrifai], va. hacer riistico 6 cam- pesiuo. country (cdEutri], s. pals, region, tierra ; pa- tria ; nacion ; campo, campiiia. — a. rustieo, rural, canipesino, rudo, agreste, campestre : country-dance, baile campestre, charrada ; (Anier.) changui, guateque : country-house, casa de campo, granja, quinta, sitio . coun- try squire, caballero de provincia. countryman ic&ntrinian], s.{pi. countrymen) paisano, compatriota, conciudadano ; pai- sano, aldeano, patan ; labrador ; paleto ; (Cuba) montuno, guajiro ; (P. Rico) jibaro ; (M6x.) payo. country-woman [cdeiitri-umaii], sf. compatrio- ta, paisana ; aldeana ; labriega. county [cauiiti], s. condado, distrito territo- rial, jurisdiccion : country-seat, capital de condado 6 distrito, cabeza de partido. coup [cii], s. estratagema, golpe maestro. C0Up6 [ciip6], s. cupe, berlina. couple [cdepwi], s. par, pareja : married couple, matrimonio, marido y mujer. couple, ra. acoplar, parear, unir, juntar, en- clmfar, acollarar, ensamblar, enganchar ; casar. — vn. tener copula 6 eoito. coupler [c*pi(Rr], s. aparato de conexion ; en- ganche, acopladura, mangiiito. couplet (p(fepiet], 8. par, pareja ; copla ; parea- do, (listico. coupling [c&piing], *. acopladura, ajuste, enla- zadura, empalmadura, junta ; union, em ganche ; ensamblaje, conexion : coupling* pin, (f. c.) pasador del euganche : friction> coupling, manguito de friccion : shaft-coup- ling, embrague. coupon [cupon], s. cupon, talon. courage [ederedY], s. coraje, valor, deuuedo., valeutia, intrepidez, brio, bravura ; animo, resolucion, firmeza. courageous [coercYoes], o. animoso, valiente, valeroso, brioso, intrepido. courageously [coerevoesu], adv. valerosamen- te, bravameute. COUrageOUSneSS [uobr^YOisnes], s. animo^ alieuto, valor, intrepidez. courant(o [curant o], s. baile antiguo. courbaril (curbarii], s. curbaril. courier [curioer], s. correo, estafeta, expresa ordinario. course [core], s. corrida, curso, marcha, ca- rrera ; transit©, paso ; via, camino, ruta, tirada, paseo ; viaje, eorreria, excursion ; corriente de agua ; estadio ; (mar.) rumbo, derrotero 6 derrota ; direccion ; metodo, regla, conducta ; regularidad, ordeu ; cere- monia, cumplimientos ; entrada, servicio, cubierto; (alb.) hilada ; (min.) buzamien- io.— pi. (mar.) papahigos 6 velas mayores ; (fam.) reglas, menstruacion : race-course, hi- podromo, carrera de callos : of course, per supuesto, sin duda : matter of course, cosa de cajon : main course, (mar.) vela mayof de un buque : the last course, los postres. course, va. correr por, 6 sobre ; hacer correr ; cazar, dar caza, perseguir. — vn. corretear. courser (corscer], s. corcel J cazador de lie-' bres. coursing Mrsing], s. caza de liebres; (min.) ventilacion. court [cort], s. (for.) tribunal, estrado ; corte» palacio ; comitiva> sequito, cortejo ; patio, atrio ; fronton ; cortejo, galanteo : Supreme Court, consejo 6 tribunal supremo : Superior Court, Audiencia: Court of Common Fleas, juzgado 6 tribunal de primera instancia: court-martial, consejo ae guerra. court, va. cortejar, enamorar, requebrar, g»- lantear, festejar ; hacer la corte ; engatu- sar ; solicitar, adular, rogar, court-card [cort-card], s. figura (en la baraja). court-day [cort-de], s. dia de besaraanos. court-dress [cort-dres], s. traje de corte. courteous [ccferteoes 6 cortycea], a. COrteS, aten- to, politico, cumplido, fino, afable ; corte- sano, courteously Ic*rteoE8ii], adv. cortfismente, finaraente. courteousness [cdrteoesnea], s. cortesla, corte- sauia, ateuciOn, urbanidad. courtesan [c&rtigan], */. dama cortesana ; mu- jer pflblica. courtesy [cdertesi], s. cortesla, finura, galan- teria ; gracia, favor, merced ; consentimien- to, benepiacito ; [c&rtsi] cortesia, reverencia. courtesy [c&rtsi], vn. hacer una cortesia 6 re- verencia. court-hand [cort-jaud], s. letra gotica. court-house (cort-jauaj, s. Audiencia ; (Am6r.) palacio de justicia. courtier [cortioer], s. cortesano, palaciego ; cortejo, cortejante. court-lady [cort-iedi], *. dama de corte 6 de palacio. courtlike [cortiaic], a. cortesano. courtliness [cortimep], s. cortesania, cortesia, urbanidad ; elegancia. courtly [cdrtii], a. cortesano, elegante, ga- lante, cortes. Para el Bonido de », ee, d, S, 8h, r, x, viase U clave de pruuunclacidn al principio del libro. COD 121 CEA court-plaster [cort-piastcer], s. tafetan inglgs, esparadrapo. courtship [cortswp], *. corte, cortejo ; galan- teo ; noviazgo. courtyard [cortyard], S. patio. cousin [cOeSuiii], .1. primo 6 prima : cousin gcr- man, primo hermano : cousinbood 6 cousin- ship, primazpo. cove [couvj, s. ahra, ancon, caleta, ensenada ; (arq. ) bovedilla. — va. abovedar, arqiiea.r. COVeuant [ccfevenaut], s. contrato, ajuste, con- venio, pacto ; escritura de contrato : the New Oovenant, el Nuevo Testamento. covenant, va. prometer, empenar. — vn. con- venir, pactar, estipular. covenantee [cceveimiui], s. contratante. covenanter, covenantor [cdfevenantcer, or], s. contratante ; lirmante del pacto escoc6s de la reforma religiosa. cover [c<«!voer), va. cubrir ; tapar, ocultar ; co- bijar, abrigar, proteger ; aoarcar, abrazar ; resarcir, compensar, indemnizar; (arti. ) apuntar, cubrir, defender, dominar ; reco- rrer, andar ; cubrir el macho a la hembra ; empollar ; cubrirse, pbnerse el sombrero ; arroparse ; paliar, disimular ; (com.) cubrir, remesar fondos. cover, s. cubierta, tapa, tapadera, cobertera ; sobre, sobrecarta ; capa, pretexto, velo ; abrigo, techado, albergue, cobertizo ; cu- bierto (tenedor, cuchillo y cuchara) ; funda : forro; tapete, cobertor ; (caz.) huidero o guarida: under cover, bajo techado* al abrigo; (caz.) a tiro ; bajo sobre, en pliego cerrado. COVeriUg [cefevoerlng], s. ropa, abrigo ; funda, cobija, envoltura ; pelaje, tegumento ; cubri- miento ; arropamiento. coverlet, coverlid [cdevoerlet, cdevcBrlid], *. COl- cha, sobrecama, cubrecama, vanova, cober- tor. coversed sine [covcirst sain], «. (mat.) coseno verso. covert [ctievoert], s. cubierto 6 cubierta; refu- gio, asilo ; guarida, huidero ; bandada. — a. cubierto, oculto, tapado, secreto, escondido ; (for.) exencion legal de la mujer casada. covert-way [c&voert-u^], s. (fort.) camino cu- bierto, estrada encubierta. covertly [c- mente. cozy, cosey, cosy 6 cozey [cou'^i], a. comodo, agradable. crab [crseb], a. agrio, a.spero. — s. cambaro^ (Cuba) jaiba, cangrejo ; (mec.) molinete^ malacate, torno, cabrestante ; (astr.) Can- cer : crab-apple, manzana silvestre : crab* louse, ladilla. crabbed [crtebed], a. avinagrado, 5,spero, < ria, socarroneria. craftsman [craftsman], s. artifice, artesano. Para el Bonldo de «e. re, d, g, sb, t, k, v^ase la clave de Drenunclaclon al prineipio del libro. 122 CBE crafbsmaster [uaftsmastuer], s. maestro, el arti- tice o ariesauo. crafty [ciiitij, u. astute, taimado, ladino. crag lcr«g], 5. despefiadero, risco. oragged [cnesued], a. escabroso, aspero, penas- coso. craggedness[crsBguediie8], cragginess rci*j?ui- nea], s. escabrosidad, desigualdad, aspereza, fragusidad. craggy [cnfegui], a. escabroso, escarpado. cram icrasm], va. rellenar, henchir, atiborrar, reealcar, atestar, atracar, embutir ; hartar, cebar. — vn. darse un atracon. — s. atracon, empacho, atestataiento. crambo [cnembo], s. juego de hallar consonan- tes. cramming [crseming], .9. repaso. cramp tcraemp), s. calaiubre, rampa, retorti- jon ; entumecimiento ; sujecion, estrechez, aprieto; lana ; grapa: cramp-flah, (ict.) tor- pedo, tremielga : cramp-iron, laua. — a, con- traido, apretado. cramp, va. entumecer ; dar calambre ; suje- tar ; laiiar ; engrapar ; apretar. crampon, CrampOOn [crsempon, criempun], S. raicilla trepadorade la hiedra; pQa 6 espo- I6u para trepar 6 andar sobre el hielo ; tena- zas de garfios. cranberry [cr«nberi], «, (bot.) arandano. crancb, v. ceaunch. crane [crein], s. (orn.) grulla; (mec) grfia, maehioa, argana, cabria ; sifon 6 cantimplo- ra ; cigiiena 6 aguilon de chimenea ; (mar.) abanico. — va. levautar con la grua ; estirar, extender. --vn. estirarse, alargarse. crane-fly fcrein-nai], «. (ent.) tipula. crane's-bill [creins-biij, s. (bot.) geranio. cranial tcreniaij, a. del craueo. craniolog^cal [crenioioYicai), a. referente & la eraiieolugia. craniology [ci-enioiovi], s. craneologia. cranium [cr^nioem], s. craneo, casco. crank [crieiik], s. biela; raanija, manubrio, ci- guefia ; toruiquete ; (E. U. ram.) mentecato, maniatico, chiflado : crank-pin, perno 6 bo- ton de manubrio : crank-rope, guindaleta. — a. vivo, alegre ; (mar.) mal lastrado. crankiness icrsukines], s. chifladura; dese- quilibrio. cranky [crsenUi], a. venatico, chiflado, lunati- co ; torcido ; destartalado, inseguro. crannied [crseuidi, a. grietoso. cranny [cr«iii],A-. grieta, heudedura. — vn. grie- tarse, cuartearse. orape [crepl, s. crespon : Canton crape, burato : crape-fish, bacalao seco. crape, va. encrespar, rizar ; poner crespon. crapulence [cnepiuieiiH], s. crapuia. crapulent [cr«fepiuleiit], crapulous [crKpluloes], a. crapuloso. crash (orfeSh], vn. estallar, rechinar, dar un estallido. — va. (des.) romper, quebrantar. crash, crashinig [crtesiKiug], s. estallido, es- tampido, estrepito; fracaso, quiebra, ban- carrota ; (tej.) cut! burdo ; (E. U.) lienzo estirado sobre una alfombra para bailar. crass [cries], a. grueso, gordo ; basto, tosco ; d»;iiso, espeso ; craso ; torpe. crassamentum [cnesameutoem], s. codgulo de la saugre. crassness [crsesnes], *. crasitud. crate [oruu], s. cuevano, canasto, banasta, hua- cal, (Mex.) cacaxtle. crater (oreitoerj, s. cr&ter. Craunch [crancb], va. V. CRUNCH, cravat (cn»v*t], s. corbata, corbatin. crave (crev), va. y vn. rogar, suplicar, implo- rar, pedir ; ansiar, anhelar, ap«tecer. craven [cr6voenJ, *. follon. — o. acobardado, pusilanime. craving [craving], s. anhelo, reconcomio, regos- to, sed. — a. insaciable ; pedigiieiio. craw [cro], s. buche. crawfisb [cronsuj, 5. cangrejo de rio ; langos- tm, astaco. crawl [croi], vn. arrastrarse, serpear : to crawl up, trepar. — s. arrastramiento ; (mar.) pozo de barco ; corral de pescado, vivero. crawler [croiuBi], s. reptii. crayfish icrensh!, s. v. crawfish. crayon [cre.en], *. lapiz, creyon, gis, claridn, tiza ; dibujo al creyon. craze [creiS], va. enloquecer ; cuartear, grie- tar. — vn. perder la razOn ; cuartearse, grie- tarse.— 5. locura, demencia, mania ; delirio, furor ; antojo, capricho, moda ; grieta, cuar- teadura (en ceramica). crazed [creSd], s. demente ; grietoso. crazily [creSUi], adv. locamente, insensata- mente. craziness [d-esines], s. locura ; desequilibrio, inseguridad. crazy [creSi], a. demente, loco ; extravagante ; desveucijado, roto, dilapidado ; ^fam.) exageradameute deseoso o ansioso : crazy- qnilt, (cost.) centon. creak [crik], vn. crujir, rechinar, chirriar. creaking [criking], s. crujido, rechiuamiento, chirrido. — ger. y a. crujidero, chirriadero. creaky [cnkij, a. crujidero, chirriador. cream [crimj, s. crema, nata ; lo mejor, la uata y flor : cream of tartar, cremor tartaro : whipt cream, nata batida : cold-cream, V. cold. cream, vn. criar nata. — va. desnatar. creamery icriniceri], s. lecheria. creamy (cnmi], a. que parece 6 contiene nata. crease icns], s. pliegue, repliegue, doblez, arruga, plegadura. — va. plegar, doblar ; acanalar, estriar ; (cost.) repulgar; (enc.) filetear. creaser Icnsctr^ s. (enc.) fileteador; (cost.) repulgador, marcador. creasote (criasot], s. v. creosote. create icri^tl, va. criar 6 crear, producir, oca- sionar, causar ; engendrar, procrear ; crear, nombrar, constituir, elegir. creation icrieshoenl, s. creacion ; produccion ; universo ; obra; fundacion, establecimien- to ; nombramiento, eleccion. creative [cri6iivl, a. creativo, creador, crea- ble. creativeness [crietivnes], s. facultad creadora, genio inventivo. creator [cri^torj, *. creador : Creator, Criador, Ser supremo. creatress [cristres], *. creadora. creature [crSchoer 6 tiuri, s. criatura ; ser vi- viente ; animal ; hechura, paniaguado : our fellow-creatures, nuestros semejautes. credence [cndens], s. creencia, asenso, fe ; cr5- dito. credential cHd^nShai], a. credehcial. — *. pi. cartas credenciales. credibility credibsmi], s. credibilidad, proba- bilidad, verosimilitud. credible [ciediboei], a. creible, creedero, veri- simil. credibleness [ci^diboeines], s. credibilidad; veracidad. credibly [credibU], adv. crelblemente. credit [credit], s. cr^dito, asenso, fe, creencia ; repu taci on, hue nn ombre ; conlianza ; influ- jo, autoridad, valla; (com.) haber; saldo & favor : letter of credit, carta de credito : open credit, letra abierta : on credit, al fiado. — va. creer, honrar, fiar, confiar, acreditar. Para el sodIUo de ce, uj, u, 6, Sh, t, c, v6aie la clave de pronunciaciou al prtuciplo del libro. CEE 123 CRI dar faina, dar fe ; (com.) dar al fiado ; acre- ditar, abonar, adatar. credlta'Dle [cieuitaboii], a. fidediguo, abonado ; apreciable. credltability [creditabiiiti], s. reputacion. creditably [credUabU], adv. houorablemente, hourosaraente. credited lereaued], pp. y a. acreditado, estl- mado, reputado ; creido ; (com.) acreditado, ?bonado en cuenta ; pasado al haber. cr3ditor (creditoer], s. acrcedor ; (com.) haber. credo [cndo], s. (igl. ) credo. credulity [crediuiui], credulousness fcediu- loBsues], s. credulidad. credulous [crediuloes], a. credulo. creed [crW], s. credo, creencia, profesion de fe, doctrina. creek [cHc], «. abra, cala, caleta, ensenada; (E. U.) estero ; riachuelo. creeky [criki], a. lleno de recodos. creel lorii], s. cesta de pescador ; jaula de mim- bres ; (tej.) estizola. creep [crip], vn. {pret. ypp. crept) arrastrarse, serpear ; gatear ; deslizarse, insinuarse ; sentir hormigueo ; lisonjear, adular, reba- jarse : to creep out, escurrirse . to creep on, acercarse iusensiblemente : to creep up, tre- Ear, encaramarse. — s. arrastramiento.— p^. ormigueo : creep-hole, hurouera ; pretexto, escapatoria: creep-mouse, ladino. creeper [cripoer], s. el que 6 lo que se arrastra ; reptil ; (bot.) enredadera ; (orn.) trepador; garfio, garabato ; ramplon de zapato. creepingly [cripingui, adv. a paso de tortuga, muy leutamente. creese [cHs}, s. (Filip.) cris. cremate [crimet], va. incinerar. cremation [crimeShoen]. 1. cremacion, incinera- cion. crematory [cnmatori] s. homo de incinera- cion. cremona [cremona], s. violin de Cremona, cremor [cnmoer], s. cremor. creiiate(d [cnnet edj, a. (bot.) dentado. crenelate [cr^neiet], va. almenar ; dentar, fes- tonear. Creole tcrioi], s. y a. criollo. creosote (criosotj, s. creosota. crepitate [cr^pitet], vn. crepitar, chisporro- tear ; chirriar. crepitation [crepit^Shoen], s. crepitacion, ehis- porroteo, chirrio. crept, pret. y pp. de to creep, crepuscular [crepcfesuiuiar], a. crepusculino. crescendo fcresShendo], a. y s. (mtis.) crescendo, crescent Icresent], a. creciente. — s. Itinula ; media luna; fastr.) cuarto de luna. cress [creH], s. (bot. ) lepidio, mastuerzo : w»- ter-creas, berro. cresset [creset], s. fanal 6 farol, fogaril ; ha- chon, antorcha, antorchero ; trebedes. crest Ccrest], s. cresta ; copete, penacho ; ores- ton ; cimera; (bias.) timbre; cima, cum- bre ; cresta de una ola. — va. coronar. — vn. encrestarse ; encresparse. crested fcrested], a. crestado, encopetado, pe- nachudo ; (bias.) timbrado: crested heron, (orn.) airon. iron, tenacillas, hierros de rizar : crimping- machine, maquina de estampar en relieve. crimple [crimpoei], va. y vn. encrespar, enco- ger, arrugar, rizar. — s. arruga, pliegue. crimpy [crimpi], a. encresparlo. crimson [cnmSoen], a. y s. carmesi, rojo. — va. teuir de carmesi. — rn. enrojecerse; sonro- jarse. cringe [crinv], vn. rebajarse, adular. — s. adu- lacion, bajeza. cringer [crinYoer], s. adulador servil. cringing [crinYing], a. bajo, rastrero. cringle [crlnguBi], s. (mar.) garmrho. crinlte [crainait], a. crinado, peludo. crinkle [crincoei], vn. serpentear. — va. arrugar^ rizar, acanalar. — s. recodo ; sinuosidad, oit* dulacion. crinold [crainow], s. crinoideo. crinoline [trinoiin], s. crinolina ; ahuecador 6 miriuaque. cripple [cripoei], s. y a. zopo, cojo 6 manco, tu- llioo, estropeado,'invaiido. — va. lisiar, muti- lar, estropear, encojar ; tuUir, baldar ; des- cabalar. crippled [cripcew], pp. y a. lisiado, estropeado,. zopo, mutilo; (mar.) desarbolado, desman' telado. crisis [crEisis], *. crisis, crisp [crisp], a. quebradizo, fragil ; tostado -^ crespo, rizado ; terso : vigoroso ; refrescan- te. — va. encrespar, engrifar, torcer, rizar j undular; hacer quebradizo 6 fr&gil. crispation [crispeSboen], .?. crispatura. crisping-iron [cnspinK-aioem], crisping-pin fcrispinjf-pinl, s. encrespador. Crispness [crispnes], s. rizado, encrespadura ; fragilidad. crispy fcrispi], a. crespo, rizado ; desmenuza- ble, fragil ; fresco, vigorizante. Para el aonid* de m, oe, d, S, gh, t, x, v^ase la clave de pronunciacion al principio del libro. CRI 124 CEO criss-cross [cris-cros], a. cruzado 6 entrelaza- do. — s. cruz firma del que no sabe escri- bir ; lineas cruzadas ; juego de niuos. — adv. en cruz. criterion [craitiHou], s. criterio. critic [critic], s. critico, censor ; critica ; jui- cio critico. critical [critical], a. critico, perito ; criticon, criticador ; exacto, escriipuloso ; (med.) critico ; dificil, peligroso, decisive. critically [cnticaii], adv. exactamente, riguro- sameute. criticism [cntisiSm], s. critica ; juicio critico ; censura. criticize, criticise [critisais], vn. criticar; critiquizar. — va. censiirar, liscaiizar. CritiCiZer [critisaiscerl 5. criticO. critique Icntlc], s. critica ; revista, juicio, cri- tico. croak [crouU], vn. graznar, crascitar ; croar ; gruiiir. — s. graznido de cuervos ; canto de ran as. croaker [croukoer], s. graznador; gruiiidor, refunfuiiador. Croat [croat], Croatian [croesimn], s. croata. crochet [crosne], va. y vn. hacer crochet. — s. labor de crochet : crochet-needle, aguja de gaucho para hacer crochet. crock [croc], s. escudilla, cazuela, orza ; olla de barro ; hollin. crockery [crokceri], s. loza, cacharros. crocodile [crocodall], s. cocodrilo. crocus [croccesi, s. (bot.) azafran. croft [croft], s. heredad. cromlech [cromiec], s. monumento megalitico. crone [croun], s. vieja arrugada. Crony [croni], s. compinche, caiuarada. crook [cruk], s. curvatura, curva; gancho, ^arfio; cayado ; artificio, trampa ; (fam.) iuWero, petardista ; crook-backed, jorobado, corcovado, gibado, giboso. crook, va. encorvar, torcer. — vn. encorvarse, corcovarse. crooked [cruked], a. corvo, encorvado, curvo ; torcido ; oblicuo, ladeado ; (fig.) avieso, deshonesto, pervertido : crooked legs, pati- tuerto : crooked line, linea curva. crookedly [crukeaii], adv. torcidamente, de traves ; de mala manera. crookedness [crukednes], s. corvadura, corco- va ; claudicacion, perversidad ; vuelta, si nuosidad. crook-neck [cruk-nec], s. (bot.) calabaza de cuello retorcido. croon [crunj, va. y vn. canturrear. crop [crop], s. cosecha, recolecci6h, agosto ; crecimiento de cabellos 6 barba ; cortadura ; l&tigo mocho ; buche de ave.~pl. mieses, produccion. crop, va. segar, cosechar, recoger los frutos ; pacer ; desorejar, rapar, trasquilar, rabo- tear, desmochar : crojHeared, desorejado : to crop out, (min.) aflorar, campear. cropper [cr6p trarse. Crustacea [croest^shea], s. pi. (zool.) crustaceos. crustacean [croesteShean], a. y S. crustaceo. crustaceous [croest^Shoes], a. crustaceo ; cen- chado. crustate [cr&stet], a. cubierte con corteza 5 costra. crustation [croesteghoen], s. incrustacion, co- bertura. crustily [crdestiii], adv. enojadamente, bronca- mente. crustiness [cr>iues], s. corteza ; dureza de la costra ; mal genio, aspereza. crusty [crdesti], s. costroso ; sarroso ; bronco, rudo, brusco, aspero. crutch [crcuch], s. muleta ; muletilla, horqui^ 11a: crutches, (mar.) horquetas. — va. ahor^ quillar. cry [crai], va. J vn. gritar, vocear, pregonar ; exclamar ; lamentarse ; llorar, gimotear ; aullar, bramar: to cry down, culpar ; hacer callar a uno a fuerza de voces ; meuospre- ciar ; reprimir : to cry Tor, clamar, pedir Uo- rando ; llorar a causa de : to cry for joy, llo- rar de alegria : to cry out, vocear, exclamar : to cry one's eyes out, llorar amargamente. — s. ( pi. cries) alarido, grito j lamento, lloro 6 Han to; griteria, clamor, grito; aplauso, acla- macion ; pregon, promulgacion, publieacion ; muta, cuadrilla de perros de caza : a far cry, camino largo. crying [craiing], .v. grito, lloro, planido, la- mento ; dolores de parto. — a. enorme, atroz, urgente. crvpt [cript], s. gruta, eripta; (anat.) cripta, foficulo. cryptic( al [cnptictai], a. escondido, secreto cryptically [cripticau], adv. ocultamente. cryptogam [criptogKm], s. criptogama. cryptogamia [criptogu^- (6 ga) nua], s. pi. acoti- ledoueas. cryptogamous [criptogamoes], a. (bot.) acotile- doueo, criptogamo. cryptogram [cnptogrsem], s. cifra. cryptography [criptogran], s. criptografla. cryptology [cnptoioYi], s. criptologia. crystal [cnstai], *. (qulm.) cristal; (min.) cristal de roca ; cristal de reloj. crystal, crystalline [oristaiin], a. cristalino ; claro, transparente. crystallizable [cnstaiaisaboei], a. cristalizable. crystallization [ciistaiis^siioen], s. crlstaliza- cion. crystallize [cnstaiais], va. cristalizar.— vn, cristal izarse. crystallography tcnstaiogran), s. cristalogra- crystalloid [cristaioid], a. y. s. cristaloide. Para el sonido de m, <», d, §, Sb, t, k, v^ase Is clave de proBiinciacIon al principle del Ubro. CUB 126 CUP UflF[coef], *. rev€s, sopapo, trompada, manota- da 6 bofetoQ ; puno de camit>a ; bocamanga. — va. dar un reves 6 sopapo, abofetear. — vn. dar de punadas, luchar, boxear. cuirass [cuiras], s. coraza. cuirassier [cuirasioer], s. coracero. CUish [cuiSh], s. (arm.) escaroela, muslera, qui- jote. cuisine [cuisin], s. (fr.) cocina, arte culinario. CUlex [kiuiex], s. (ent.) mosquito. culinary [kiunneri], a. culinario. cull [ciKi], va. escoger, elegir, entresacar. cullender, v. colander. culler icdeiotr], 5. escogedor. CUllion (coeii.en], s. bulbo ; orquide ; belitre, tunante. CUllis [c. y a. rizado, crespo, ensorti- jado, escarolado : curled up, abarquillado. curlew [cfilrUu], s. (orn.) zarapito, chorlito. curlicue [cAriikiu], s. retortijon, enroscadura ; cabriola, brinco. CUrliness [r&riines], *. ensortijamiento. curling [c(feriing], s. ensortijamiento; (sp.) juego parecido al chito, que se juega con piedras sobre el hielo : curling-irons 6 curl- ing-tongs, encrespador, rizador, tenacillas : curling-stone, piedra con agarradera para el juego de curling, curlingly [cftriingin, adv. rizadamente. curly Tcn.naceruncorte 6 incision ; ser cortante, cortar bien ; ser facil de cortar ; salir los dientes ; (fam.) tomar soleta, tomar el to\e : to cut across, cortar al traves ; tomar por el atajo : to cut asunder, rasgar, despe- dazar : to cut away, quitar, cerceuar : to cut down, derribar cortando ; rebajar, redu- cir : to cut off, separar, tajar, trinchar ; mu- tilar, amputar ; interceptar ; interrumpir ; desheredar : to cut opes, abrir cortando : to cut out, recortar ; preparar, trazar ; suplan- tar : to cut short, acortar, cercenar ; inte- rrumpir ; abreviar : to cut under, vender ra&8 barato : to cut up, trinchar, hacer taja- ■das, disecar; arrancar de raiz ; (fam.) tra- vesear : to cut capers, cabriolar, hacer zapa- tetas. — a. cortado, tajado ; interceptado, in- terrumpido ; trinchado ; tallado ; prepara- •do : cut tobacco, picadura : cut and dried, bien preparado. — s. corte, cortadura ; atajo ; estampa 6 grabado ; (impr. ) clis6 ; tall a ; hechura, forma, figura ; tajada, lonja ; cu- chillada, herida, incision, hendedura ; pa- labra ofensiva, feo, desaire. 'I^XltaneOUS [klut^neces], a. CUt&neo. cute, a. V. ACUTE ; (fam. E. U. ) cuco, mono, lindo. cuticle [kiuticoei], s. cuticula ; pelicula. CUtiCUlar [kiutikiuiari, a. cuticular. cutlass Iccietias], s. alfanje, machete, chafa« rote. cutler [cdBtioer], s. cuchillero. cutlery [cdHlteH], s. cuchilleria. cutlet [ctietiet], s. (coc.) chuleta. CUt-OflF [cieiii], s. danes, dinamarques : great Dane, perro danes. danger idenYOir], s. peligro, riesgo ; trance ; coutingencia: (fara.) there Is no danger, no . hay luiedo, no hay cuidado. dangerous [d^nYoenesj, a. peligroso, arriesga- do, espinoso, grave. dSUi^erously rd^nvoeroesii], adv. peligrosa- hieute, gravemente. dangerOUSneSS (d^nYoeroBsnes], s. peligro, gra- vedad. dangle [dsengoeil, va. colgar, suspender, co- lumpiar. — vn. pender, colgar, columpiarse, bambolearse ; andar al retortero. dangler [d«6iigi(er], s. juan de las damas : peri- co entre ellas. Danish [.leinisiO, a. danes, danico. dank(isll[dAnk(i8ii], a. hfimedo, liento. dankness, dankishness, s. v. dampness. danseuse IdnnscesJ, .s-. bailarina. Dantesque [iiantesci, «. dantesco. Daphne [dafue], *. (bot.) rododafne. dapper [dsepcer], a. apuesto, gallardo, gentil ; liinpio, aseado ; vivaracho. dapple [dseptEi], va. salpicar, pintar con nian- chas redondas, raotear. dapple(d Wsep'tUd], a. rodado, habado. dare [deter], tn. (pret. DURST O DARED: pp. dared) osar, atreverse, arriesgarse, aveu- turarse. — va. arrostrar, hacer frente ; de- safiar, retar, provocar. — s. reto, provoca- cion. dare-devil [dear-devoeii, a. y s. atrevido, teme- rario. daring [deaLiins], a. osado, atrevido, iutrepido, arriesgado, tenierario, empreudedor. — s. bravura, atrevimiento. daringly [deaeringiij, a amor mio. dam [darn], va. zurcir ; (fam.) maldecir. darnel [damei], ». (bot.) cizafia, cominillo, ra* billo, joyo. darner (damcer], s. zurcidor 6 zurcidora^ darning fdaming], s. zurcidura, recosidOi. dart [dart], s. dardo, saeta, flecha, venabloj vi- rote ; tragacete ; movimiento rapido ; (cost.) sisa. — va. lanzar, arrojar, tirar, despedir ; fle- char. — vn. lanzarse, arrojarse, precipitaxse ;. volar como dardo 6 saeta. darter (dartterj, .v. flechador; (ict.)pez peqiue- fio americano ; (orn.) pajaro-culebra. Darwinian Idaruiniau], a. y s. darwiniano.. Darwinism idaruiniSm], s, darwinismo. dash (daeSiil, va. arrojar, tirar, lanzar; q^ie* brar, estrellar, romper ; magullar ; repri-- mir, desanimar ; frustrar : to dash with, vo^ ciar, salpicar ; mezclar ; sazonar : to dashi off, escribir de prisa : to dash out, romper 6 hacer saltar ; tachar ; salir precipitada^- mente : to dash to pieces, hacer anigos. — vn. chocar, estrellarse, estallar, romperse (olas, etc.); saltar; zabullirse.— «. arremetida, arranque, ataque ; incursion ; colision, cho» que, erabate ; guion ( — ), raya 6 linea ; til- de 6 tildon ; fachenda, gran papel, ostenta- cion ; mezcla, sainete, condimento, sabor ; golpe, choque : dash of a pen, rasgo, rubrica : to cut a dash, hacer gran papel : at one dash, de un golpe. dash-board tdaisii-bordi, s. guardafango. dashing (dseSiiingl, a. precipitado, arrojado. — s. em bate. dastard (dastard], s. collon, cobarde. dastardize (dsestardaigj, va. acobardar, ame^ drentar. dastardly [d^eRtardU], a. cobarde, pusil&nime^ tiraido. dastardliness [d^starduneH], dastardy [dAs- tardi], .s. cobardia, pusilanimidad. data [deta], s. {pi. de datum) dates. datary [detarij, s. datario ; dataria. date Ideit], s. data, fecha; plazo; cita ; perio- do, duracion ; tiempo, epoca; (bot.) datil : date 6 date-palm, palmera. — va. datar, fe- char. — va. contar, computar. dateless [deities], a. sin fecha. dative [/. data. daub [dob], va. embadurnar ; untar, mancfaar, ensuciar, embarrar , pintarrajar, pintorrear ; dar lechada ; cubrir, disfrazar. daub, s. unto, erabarradura ; mezcla 6 arga- masa barata ; pintarrajo, mamarrachada. dauber [doboer], s. embadumador, pintor de brocha gorda, pintamonas, pintorreador, mamarrachista ; cepillo para dar bola 6 be- tfln al calzado. daubing [downg], «. mortero, estuco ; afeite; mamarracho. dauby Idobi], a. viscose, pegajoso ; pintarraja- do. daughter [dotoer], sf. hija: daughter-ln-law, nuera: grand-daughter, nieta : god-daughter, ahijada. daughterly [dot(»Tii], or. como una hija. daunt (daiit o dout], va. acobardar, desanimar, espantar, intimidar, ateraorizar. dauntless [rianties], a. intrepido, impivido. iiujxTtrrrito. daUntleSSneSS [dantlesnen], S. intrepidez, V&: lor. Dauphin [donn], s. delfin. Dauphiness [donnes], sf. delfina. davit [difevitj, s. (mar.) pescante de bote. :'ara el sonido de le, oe, d, 3, 8h, v x, veaae la cl»ve de prouuociacidn al principio del libr^ DAW 131 DEA daw [ ing, buena fe : foul dealing, doblez. dealt [deit],pre^. y pp. de to deal. dean [din], s. (igl.) aedn ; decano. deanery [dinoeri], deanship [dinghip], s. (igl.) deanato ; decanato. dear [direr], a. querido, predilecto, caro, ama- do ; caro, costoso ; escaso. — s. persona que- rida, bien amado: my dear, querido mio, querida mia : dear me ! j Dios mio ! j valga- me Dios ! dearlj [diaerii], adv. cararaente, tiernameote, carinosamente ; costosamente. deamess [disemes], s. carliio, amor, afecto, be- nevolencia ; carestla. dearth [doem], *. carestia, escasez, hambre, esterilidad. deary [dioen], s. queridito, corazon. death [dez],^. muerte ; defuncion, fallecimiea- to ; mortalidad ; mortandad, estrago ; asesi- nato ; condenacion, muerte eterna : to death, muchisimo, en alto grado : to put to deatk^ ajusticiar, fusilar, ejecutar : death certificate,, partida de defuncion, fe de obito: death- ' bed, lecho de muerte ; agonia : death's-head,, calavera : death-rate, mortalidad : death- toll, toque de difuntos : death-warrant, sen- tencia de muerte; fin de toda esperanza; death-watch, velacion de un cadaver ; guar- dia de un reo de muerte : deathwatch, (ent. > Para el sonido de ae, ce, v, i, Sh, t, x, v^aae U clave de pronunciacion al principio del libro. DEA 132 DEC anobia : death-wound, herida mortal : on pain of death, bajo pena de muerte. deathful [d^znii], a. mortal ; mortifero. deathfulness [d^zfuinea], s. aparlencla de rau«rte. deathless [dexieo], a. inmortal. deathly [dezii], deathlike [deziaic], a. como la muerte ; letargico ; cadav6rico ; mortalmen- te, gravemente. debacle [deb^ecoei], s. desbordamiento ; alud ; caida, ruina. debar [debar], va. exclulr, privar. debark [deUarU], va. y vn. aesembarear. debarkation (debark^siioenj, s. desembarco, desem barque. debase [debes], va. rebajar, envileeer, degra- dar, deshonrar.prostituir; adulterar, viciar, falsificar. debasement Jdeb^smoent], s. envilecimiento, degradaciou, adulteracion, falsificaelon. debaser 'deb^soer], s. el que degrada 6 envi- lece ; falslficador. debatable [deb^taboei], a. discutible. debate [deb^it], s. discusion, debate, contienda, disputa, controversia. debate, va. conteuder, disputar, controver- tir; considcrar. — vn. deliberar, discutir; pensar, reflexionar. debater [debetcer], s. poleraista. debauch [debociO, va. corromper, viciar, rela- jar, pervertir ; seducir, violar ; sobornar, sonsacar. debauch(ery [debocn'oen], s. crapula ; Inju- ria ; giotoneria, libertinaje, licencia. debauchedly [debochedu], adv. liceuciosamen- te. debauchee fdeboghi], *. calaveron, libertino. debaucher [r], va. declarar, manifestar ; proclamar ; afirmar, asegurar, confesar. — vn. declarar, deponer, testificar. declaredly [dicisairedii], adv. declaradamente, abiertamente, expllcitamente. declarer [dici^aeroer], s. dcclarantc, deponentc. declension [dicienShccn], s. (gram.) dcclina- cion, desinencia; decadencia, decremento, menoscabo ; inclinacion, declive. declinable [diciainrbreii, a. declinable. declination {deciin^Shoen], s. declinacion ; des- cense, declive ; inclinacion ; decadencia, de- cremento, deteriere ; (E. U.) excusa, re- nuncia ; desviacion ; descarrio ; (astr. ) de- clinacion. declinator [d^dinetoer], declinatory [diciiina- torij, s. declinatorio. declinatory, a. que envuelve excusa 6 re- nuncia. declinature [dlclalnaclmr], .?. recusacion, decline tfHci4in], va. excusar, renunciar, re- cusar, rehusar, rechazar ; inclinar, bajar ; (gram.) declinar. — vn. rehusar, negarse ; declinar, inclinarse hacia abaje. bajar ; men- guar, decaer, desmejorar ; desviarse, apar- tarse. — s. declinacion, decadencia, menos- cabo, descaecimiente ; (fam.) censuncion ; (med.) enfermedad que va cediendo de su violencia. declivity [diciiviti], s. declive, declivio, pen- diente, escarpa, recuesto. declivitous, declivous [dlclivltoes, d^cnvoBsJ, a. inclinado, clivose. decoct [dicoct], va. hacer un cecimiento de. decoction [dicocghoen], s. cocimiento ; decec- cion ; coccion 6 hervor. decollate fdicoiet], va. degollar. decollation fdicoi^Shoen], s. degoUacion, de- J quelle. C0llet6 [decoiit^], a. (cost.) escotade. decolor, decolour, decolorate [diciaice8], a. intrincado. dedicate [d^atket], va. dedicar, aplicar, consa- grar, destinar, ofrecer, endilgar. — a. consa- grado, dedicado. dedication [dedik^Shoen], s. dedicacion, consa- graciou ; dedicatoria. dedicator [dediketoer], s. dedicante. 'dedicatory [dedicatoH], a. aedicatorio. deduce [didius], va. deducir, colegir, inferir, sacar ; derivar. deducement [didiAsmwiit], .?. deduccion, con- cl.ision, consecuencia. deducible [\\xka%Kv\\\, adv. defensivamente. defensory [ciifeuson], a. diefensivo, justificativo. defer iaii:*!], va. diferir, dilatar, suspender, aplazar, reniitir, posponer ; deferir, ceder, condeseeuder. — vn. deniorarse, aguardar ; asentir, eonsentir. deference Idefcereus], s. deferencia, respeto, cousideracion, condesceudencia : out of defer- ence, por deferencia. deferent [iiefitrent], a. deferential [defoeren- Shai , a. dfeferente, respetuoso. deferentially fdefoerenShaii], adv. respetuosa- meute, con deferencia. deferrer [(Ufteroer], 5. tardador. deferring ((iffd&niig], 5. dilaciOn, aplazamiento. defiance [>iifai8ii8], s. desafio, cartel 6 reto, provocaciou : to bid defiance, retar, desafiar, bravear ; subirse S, las barbas : to set at de- fiance, befar, hacer befa 6 njofa. defibrinate [aifaibrinet], va. desfibrinar. deficience, deficiency [(iinsheng i], s. defecto, imperfeccion ; falta ; defecto ; defieiencia ; deficit. deficient [dinshent], a. deficiente, defectuoso, falto, incompleto. deficiently (difishentu], adv. defectuosamente. deficit I'lefisit], s. deficit ; descubierto. defier [aifaicer], s. desafiador, retador. defile [difiil], va. manchar, ensuciar, profanar, viciar ; corroraper, violar, constuprar. — vn. (mil.) desfilar.— s. desfiladero. defilement [diraiimcent], *■. contaminacion, vio- lacion, profanacion. defiler [ditaiuei], s. corruptor, violador, conta- rainador, constuprador. definable [•lifainabuei], a. definible. define [difain], va. definir, describir, explicar ; circunscribir ; determinar.— 1;«. decidir, juz- gar. definer [difaincer], s. definidor. definite [<:6nnit], a. definido, exacto, precise, deterniinado, terrainante. definitely [dennitii], adv. definitivamente, de- terminadaniente, ciertamente. definiteness [denuitnesi, s. exactitud, preci- sion. definition [dermishoen], s. definicion"; decision, detorminacion ; (opt.) precision, definitive [defi II itiv), a. definitive, decisive, pe- rentorio. — s. le que define, definitively [defiuuivii], adv. definitivamente, decisivamente. definitiveness [dennitivnes], s. cualidad de de- finitive. deflagrable [denagraboei], a. combustible, deflagrate [d^nagret], va. deflagrar, incendiar, abrasar. — vn. arder, inflamarse ; crepitar. deflagration [denagreSinBu],*. deflagracion, in- ceudio, quema. defiagrator [ i^nagretoer], s. (elec.) deflagrader. deflect [difi^ c], va. desviar, apartar.— uw. des- Tiarse, apartarse, ladearse. deflection, deflexion [dinecShoen], deflexure [din^cshur], s. desvio, desviaciou, declinacion. deflective [dinectiv], u. que desvia. deflex [difiex], va. desviar, ladear, deprimir, deflorate [denoret], a. (bot. ) que ha cesado de florccer. defloration [denoiwShoen], <•. desfleracion ; se- leccion. deflower, deflour [amauoerj, va. desflerar; ajar, deslustrar ; cstuprar. deflowerer, deflourer [dmauoeroer], s. estupra- dor. deflUXion [dindecshoen], s. fluxion, destilacion ; reuma. defoliate [difoUet], a. deshejado.— la. deshojar, defoliation [difoiieliioen], s. (bet.) defeliaciOn. deforce [difdrs], va. detentar. deforcement [diforemoent], s. usurpacion, de- ten tacion. deforest [diforest], va. desboscar, talar bosques. deform [def(5rni], va. deferraar, desfigurar, afear ; degradar. deformation [deformeshoen], s. deformacion, alteracion, desfiguracion. deformed [deformd], a. deformade, desfignra- do • contrahecho, disforme, desprepercio- nado. deformedly [defomiedn], adv. feamente, defor- nieniente. deformedness [def linieShoeii], s. delineacion, delineamiento ; bo- ceto, diseao, bosquejo, esquicio; descrip- cion. delineate [deiiniet], va. delinear, trazar, dise- iiar, esquiciar, dibujar ; describir. delineator [deUnietKi], «. delineador, diseiia- dor, dibujante, descriptor, delinquency [deUucuensi], *. delincuencia, de- linquimiento, delito. delinquent [deiincuent], a. descuidado, negli- gente, culpable ; adeudado y no pagado j moroso en el pago. — *. delincuente ; pecador. deliquate [deucuetj, vn. licuarse. — va. licuar. K DELIQUESCE. deliquation [deiicneShoen], *. delicuescencia. deliquesce [deiicues], vn. liquidarse, derre-.- tirse, licuarse. deliquescence [deiicudsens], s. (quim.) deli cuescencia, licuacion. deliquescent [deiicu^sent], a. delicuescente. deliquiate, m. v. deliquate. deliquium [.ieiicuioem], s. licuacion ; debilita. cion mental. delirious [deiirices], a. delirante, desvariado. delirium [deiiricem], s. delirio, desvario; de- vaneo : deliriam tremens, delirium tremens. deliver [deiivoer], va. librar, libertar ; dar, en- tregar, rendir ; comunicar ; recitar, pro- nunciar, decir ; sacudir, tirar, arrojar : to deliver over, transmitir; trasladar, tras- pasar: to deliver up, entregar, resignar, abandonar : to deliver of a child, partear. deliverance [deiivoeraiiB], s. rescate; liberacion, libramieuto, salvacion ; dictamen, profe- sicn ; alumbramiento. deliverer [deiivoeiaer], s. entregador, librador ; libertador, Salvador ; relator. delivery [deiivreri], s. liberacion, libramiento, rescate ; entrega, traspaso, dacion ; rendi- cion ; alumbramiento, parto ; dicci6n, modo de expresarse 6 de cantar ; expedici6n,des- embarazo ; (for.) entrega, cesion ; (com.) reniesa ; distribucion (del correo) ; proyeo- cion, descarga ; fuerza ^ropulsora. dell [del], s. vallejuelo, Canada. Delphian, Delphic [d^inan, a^inc], a. d^lfico. delta, s. delta. deltoid(al [d^uoid ai], a. deltoide, triangular. — s. (anat.) deltoides. delude [deiifid], va. enganar, alucinar. deluder [deitOdoer], *. enganador. deluge [d^Hur], s. diluvio, inundacion ; golpe, calaniidad. — va. diluviar, inundar. delusion [delfiYcen], s. error, embaimiento; iiusion ; decepci6n,.ergaiio. delusive (deiuaiv], delusory [deifisori], a. en- gaiioso, delusivo, delusono, ilusivo, iluso- Par* ei sonido de ». oe, d, 8, 8h, t, c, v^aae U cUve de pronuncUcion al prindDio del libro. DEL 137 DEN delve [deivj, va. y vn. cavar ; penetrar, ahon- dar ; sondear, inquirir. — s. hoyo, barranco, homdon ; zanja. delver [deivcei], s. cavador. demagnetize [dim^gnetaii], va. desimantar. demagnetizaCo sa)tion [dimaguetis^shoen], s. desiniautaciun. demagogic [demagoYic], a. demagogico. demagogism [d^magoguiSni], s. demagogia. demagogue [(lemaKogj, s. demagogo. demain [demein], demesne [demelu O miaj, S. heredad ; tierra solariega. demand [demand], s. demanda, exigencia ; pe- ticion, sOplica ; (for.) demanda ; (com.) de- raauda, pedido, despacho, solicitud. demand, va. demandar, exigir, requerir, re- cuestar, reclamar, pedir; (for.) deraaudar. demandant [demanaant], s. (for.) demau- dante, deiuandador. demander [demandoer], s. exactor, demanda- dor ; pedigueno, pedigon. demarcation, demarkation [demarkesiioeu], s. demarcaciou, deslinde; lituitaciuu. demean [dimin], va. y vr. portarse, gober- narse, conducirse ; rebajarse, degradarse. demeanor, demeanour [dimincEr], s. conduc- ta, comportamiento ; porte, dement [diment], va. enloquecer. demented [duwented], pp. y a. demente. dementia [dimenShia], s. demencia, locura. demerit [dimerit], s. demerito, desmereci- miento. demersed [dinidirst], a. (bot.) sumergido. demi, prefijo, semi, casi. demi-god [demigod], 5. semidios. demi-gorge [demi-gorv], 5. (fort.) semi^ola. demijohn [.lemiYon], s. garrafon, damajuaua. demi-monde [d^mi-moud], s. mujeres de vida libre. demise [demaiS], 5. muerte, fallecimiento, de- funcion ; sucesion 6 transmision de la coro- na; (for.) traslacion de doraiuio. — va. legar, dejar en testaraento ; transferir,ceder, arreu- ■dar. demi-semi-quaver [d^mi-semi-cuevoer], *■. (mus. ) fiisa. demission [demishoeii], s. dimision. demit [dermt], va. diraitir, renunciar, resignar. demobilize [ cion, evidencia, prueba ; muestra, manifes- tacion, senalamiento ; (mil.) demostracion de fuerza ; mauifestacion pGblica. demonstrative [demonstrativ], a. demostra- tivo. demonstratively [demonstrativii], adv. demos- trativamente. demonstrator [demonstretoer], s. demostrador, expositor. demoralization [demoraiig^ghuen], s. desmorali' zacion ; corrupcion. demoralize [demoraiaiS], va. desmoralizar, co- rromper ; descorazonar. " demotic [demotic], a. dcmotico. demulcent [demoeisentl, a. y s. (med.) emolien- te, demulcente, dulcificante. demur [dem^r], vn. objetar, poner dificulta- des ; vacilar, fluctuar ; (for.) oponer conte- nencia & la demanda. — s. duda, escrupulo, vacilacion, objecion. demure [demiuoer], a. grave, serio, formal ; re- catauo, modesto ; gazmono, pacato. demurely [demiuoerii], adv. modestamente, con gazmoneria. demureness [demiuoemes], s. gravedad, recato, modestia ; gazmoiieria. demurrage [demderech], s. demora, detencion ; (com.) estadia. demurral [demd&rai], «. demora, detencion ; vacilacion. demurrer [dem*roer], s. el que pone objeciones 6 dificultades ; (for.) excepcion perentoria, contenencia k la demanda. demy [demai], s. papel marquilla. den [den], s. caverna, antro, guarida, latebra madriguera ; escondrijo, rincon, retrete. denary [denari], a. decimal. — s. decena. denationalize [din^shoenaiain], va. desuatura- lizar ; cambiar la nacionalidad. denationalization [dinaeSlionalis^Shoen), s. per- dida 6 cambio de nacionalidad. denaturalize [diusechuraiaiS], va. desnaturali- zar ; desfigurar. dendriform [dendriform], dendritic [dendritic], a. dendritico. dendrite [d^ndrait], s. (min.) dendrita. dendrology [dendroiovi], s. dendrografia. dendrometer [dendromitcer], s. dendrometro. dengue, s. (med.) dengue. deniable [dinaiaboei], a. negable. denial [diuiiai], s. negacion, negativa, contra- diccion ; denegacion : self-denial, abnega- cion. denier [dinWoer], s. contradictor, negador. denier [dinloer], s. penique de plata. denigrate [d^nigret], va. ennegrecer ; denigrar. denization [deniieshoen], *. naturalizacion, ciu- dadania. denizen [ddnigen], s. ciudadano, habitante, re- sidente'; (Ingl.) extranjero naturalizado. — va. naturalizar. denominable [denominabcei], a. denominable. denominate [denominet], va. denominar, nom- brar. denomination [denomin^Shfeni, s. denomina' cion, titulo, designacion ; secta. denominative [denominativ], a. denominative, denominator [denominetoer], «. (arit.) denomi- nador. denotable [denotaboei], a. capaz de ser notada 6 distinguido. Para el sonido de ae, oe, d, §, Sb, t, s, v^ase la clave de pronunctacion al princlplo del Ubro. DEN 138 DEP denotation [fienot^Shcsn], s. denotaeion. denotative [aenotativ], «. denotativo. denote [denout], va. denotar, iudicar, signifi- car, designar, marcar, senalar. denouement [denflman],' s. exito ; desenlace. denounce [denaunw], va. denunciar, delatar, acusar, anienazar ; promulgar. denouncement idenannsmcent], s. denuncia- cion ; denuncia, acusacion. denouncer [deiiaunsoer], s. denunciador, dela:- tor. dense [dens], a. denso, espeso, compacto, cerra- do, apretado, tupido. densely [densii], adv. densamente. denseness [deusuesi, density [d^nsiti], s. densi- dad, solidez. densimeter [densimitcBr], s. denslmetro. dent (dent], .s. abolladura ; mella ; diente, in- dentacion. — va. abollar; mellar. dental [d^utai], a. y'*. dental. dentate(d [d^ntet ed], a. dentado ; (bias.) dan- chado, dantellado, endentado. dented, pp. y a. abollado ; mellado, dente- 11 ado. denticle [d^nticnei], s. dientecillo. denticulate(d [deutlkiuiet ed], a. (bot.) denta- do, dentellado, denticular. denticulation [dentikiui^shoen], s. (mec. ) serie de dieutes. dentifrice [d^ntifris], a. dentifrice, dentil [.lentii], .?. (arq.) denticulo, dentellon. dentilingual [dentilingual], a. linguodental. dentin(e [a^ntin],*. dentina. dentirostral [dentirostrai], a. dentirrostro. dentist [dentist], s. deutista. dentistry [dentistri], s. «irugia dental. dentition [dcntlshoen], s. deuticion ; dentadura, dentoid [t»i(ii5e8hu;n], s. dcsoxigeuacion, desoxida- cion. deoxidize [diocNidaK], deoxidate [diucsidet], va. (quini.) desoxigenar, desoxidar. depart [depart], vn. irse, partir, marcharse ; apartarso, desviarse, diferir de, salirse de ; morir, fallecer. department [dep4rtmiiiiesh<£n], s. despoblacidn ; despuoblo, asolamiento. depopulator [depopiuietoer], 5. despoblador, de- populador, asolador. deport [ contraveta. — va. represar ; aesaguar con. zanjas. dilapidate [diisepidet], va. dilapidar, derruir, derribar. — vn. arruinarse. dilapidation [diitepid^ihGen], s. dilapidaci6n, ruina. dilapidator [diisepidetoerl, s. dilapidador. dilatability [diietawnti], s. dilatabilidad. dilatable [.uietabo-i], a. dilatable, dilatant [diietant], a. y s. dilatador. dilatation [dilateShoen], dilation [dil^Slioen], S. dilatacion. ' dilate [ niet], va. dilatar, amplificar, explayar, extender, alargar. — vn. dilatarse, espaciar- se, extenderse. dilated, pp. y a. dilatado, exteiulido ; hin- chado ; prolijo, difuso. dilatedly [.m^tedii], adv. dilatadamente. dilater [dti^toer], s. dilatador. dilative [diietiv], a. dilatativo. dilator [du^toer], 5. (cir.) dilatador. dilatorily [diiatoriii , adv. lentamente, dfeteni- daniente. dilatoriness [diiatorines], a. lentitud, tardan-. za, pesadez. dilatory [diiatori], a. dilatorio ; tardo, tardie^ lento, pesado. dilemma fdii^ma], s. dilema. dilemmatic, a. dilematico. dilettante [diietAnte], *. aficionado. dilUronce idiiiYeim], s. diligencia, asiduidad, laboriosidad, atenci6n, acucia, cuidado ; di-. ligencia, coche grande. diligent [diiivent], a. diligente, aplicado, asi» duo, aetivo, laborioso, solfcito, cuidadoso. diligently [diiiventii], adv. diligentemeute, sc-^ licitamente. dill [dii], .V. (bot.) eneldo, gnijones. dilly-dally [diii-diii], vn. (fam.) malgastar el tienipo. diluent [diiiupnt], a. y .s. diluente. dilute [diiut 6 liCit', va. desleir, diluir, disolver ; agujw.— I'n. desleifse. dilute, a. deluido ; disuelto. dilution [^. instrucciones, direcciones. directive [directiv], a. directivo, directorio. directly [dir^ctii], adv. directamente, en linea recta ; sin intervencion de tercero ; iurae- diatamente, en seguida ; al instante ; exac- tamente, precisamente. directness [dir^ctnes], s. derechura. director [dir^ctoei], s. director; regente; ad- ministrador ; guia ; vocal de una junta di- rectiva ; director de orquesta. directorate [dir^ctoret], s. direccion 6 junta directiva. directorial [directorial], a. directorio, directi- vo ; directorial. directory [dir^ctori], s. directorio comercial, guia de forasteros ; (igl.) analejo ; Directo- rio. directress [dir^ctres], sf. directora. directrix [dirdctrics], sf. (geom. y arti.) direc- triz. direful [daicerfni], a. horrible, horrendo, ho- rroroso, terrible. direfulneSS [daluerfulneg], direneSS [dalaemee], s. horror, espanto. dirge [doerv], s. endecha ; canto funebre. dirK [doerc], s. daga, pufial ; cuto. dirt [doert], s. cieno, lodo, barro, basura, por- queria; niugre ; excremento ; (fam. E. IL^ tierra, raarga ; vileza, bajeza. — a. (fam. K, U. ) hecho de tierra. dirtily fddertin], adv. puercameute, suciamen- te, vilmente. dirtiness [d&rtines], s. suciedad; porqueria; Para el Bonido de as, ce, d, g, gh, t, *, viase la clave de pronunciacion al priuciplo del libro. 4> DIB i46 DIS desaseo ; cochineria, indeceucia ; bajeza, yillania. dirty lm 147 DIS embarazar de al^una dificultad ; despedir, remover ; (mil, ) licenciar ; caucelar, borrar ; lanzar, arrojar, Yomitar ; vaciar ; emitir. — vn. descargarse, soltarse ; correrse la tinta. discharge, s. (arti.) descarga ; disparo ; (mar.) descarga; (com.) descargo ; finiqui- to, carta de pago, quitaMza ; desempeiio ; separacion, remocion, deposicion ; (mil. ) li- cencia ; absolucion, exoneracion ; derrame, desagiie ; (elec. ) descarga. discharger [discharvoer], s. descargador, dispa- rador. disciple [disaipoei], s. discipulo, alumno, estu- diante ; apostol ; secuaz. — va. hacer discipu- los, convertir. diSCiplesMp [disaipoeiship], s. discipulado. disciplinable [disipunabcEi], a. disciplinable, disciplinal disipiinai], disciplinarian [disi- plinei iaii], disciplinary [disipUnaerl], a. disci- pliiial, disciplinario. disciplinant [disipiinant], s. disciplinante. disciplinarian, s. ordenancista. discipline [disipiin], *-. discipliua, instruccion, eusenanza ; orden, regla, conducta, educa- cion ; rigor, castigo ; mortificaciou, correc- cion. discipline, va. disciplinar, educar, instruir ; castigar, corregir, reformar. disclaim [discieim], va. negar, repudiar, recu- sar, desconocer, rechazar ; (for.) renunciar. disclaimer [disci^imoer], s. negador; (for.) re- luincia, abandono. disclose [disciongi, vn. descubrir, destapar; exponer, revelar, pubJicar. disclosure [discioYoer], s. descubrimiento, reve- laci6nj declaracion. discoid' [discoid], discoidal [discoidai], a. que tiene forma de disco. diSCOlo(u)r [discti&icer], va. descolorar, descolo- rir, desteiiir. diSCOlO(U) ration [discoBloerealKjen], S. descolora- miento ; mancha. discolo(u)red[di8c(feioerd], a. descolorido, des- colorado, pocho. discomfit [discdemnt], va. derrotar ; frustrar, JescoDcertar. discomfiture fdisodemnchur 6 tiur], S. derrota, desconcierto, desbarato. discomfort [disciSmfoert], s. incomodidad, mo- lestia ; raalestar. — va. incomodar ; molestar ; apenar, afligir. discommode [discomoud], va. incomodar, mo- lestar, hacer mala obra. discompose [discompouS], va. turbar, pertur- bar, inquietar, desconcertar ; descomponer, desordenar, desarreglar. discomposure [discompovner], s. descompos- tura, agitacion, desorden ; inquietud, des- temple. tiisconcert [discoii8(fert\ va. desconcertar, con- fundir, turbar, perturbar. disconnect [disconect], va. desunir, separar, desacoplar ; disociar. disconnection [discondcliioen], s. desunion, se- paracion, desencajamiento. disconsolate [disconsoiet], a. desconsolado, in- consolable. disconsolately [disconsoietiij, adv. desconso- ladamente. disconsolateness [disconsoietnes], s. desconso- lacion, desconsiielo, tristeza. discontent [discontent], s. descontento, dis- giisto, desagrado. — a. descontento, quejoso, disgustado. — va. descontentar, desagradar, disgustar. discontented [discontented], a. descontenta- dizo, disgustado ; malcontento. discontentedly [discontenteaij], adv. de mala gana, a regaiiadientes, discontentedness [ducontentednes], discon- tentment [dlscontentmcent], S. descontenta- miento, descontento. discontenting [discontenting], a. disgustado, malcontento. discontinuance [discontiniuans], discontinu- ation [di8continiu68huin], dlSCOUtinuity [uis- continifiiti], s. descontinuaciou, cesacion, iute- rrupcion, intermision ; suspension ; discon^ tinuance, (for.) sobreseimiento. discontinue [discontiniu], va. j vn. desconti- nuar, interrumpir, parar, cesar ; suspender. discontinuous [discontiniuoes.], a. descontinuo, interrumpido. discord [discord], s. discordia ; disension ; cis- ma; desacuerdo, desavenencia ; (m(is.) dis- cordancia, disonancia. discordance, discordancy [discdrdaus t], *. discordancia, disensioH. discordant [discordant], a. discorde, incompa- tible, incongruo, desavenido; discordaute, disonante. discordantly [diBcordahtii], (uZv. incongruente- mente. discount [discaunt], va. (com.) descontar ; re- bajar, deducir ; desestimar ; anticipar. — s. (com.) descuento ; rebaja, menoscuenta. discountable [discauntaboei], a. (com. ) descon- table. discoimtenance [discauntenans], va. desfavo- recer, desaprobar. discounter [di8c4untoer],s. prestamlsta : corre- dor de carabio. discourage [discderedv], va. descorazonar, des-* alentar, desanimar, disuadir, frustrar. discouragement [disc^redYmoent], s. desalien- to, desanimo, desmayo. discourse [discors], 5. discurso ; piatica, eon- versacion ; disertacion ; (tog.) raciocinacion. — vn. discurrir, discursar ; disertar ; razo- uar.—va. hablar de ; pjonunciar, expresar. discourteous [disccgrteoBsJ, a. descortes, desa- tento, grosero. discourteously [discderteoesii], adv. descortes- mente. discourtesy [discoertesi], discourteousness [discderteoesnes], s. descortesia, desatencion, groserla. diSCOUS [discoes], a. en forma de disco, discover [discifevoer], va. descubrir, hallar ; in- ventar; revelar, manifestar; exhibir, ex- poner. — vn. mostrarse. discoverable [di8c Ui. t. c v6Me U clave de pmuunciaciou al priDcipio del Ubro. DIS 149 pis disgustingly [aisgdestiugn], adv. desagradable- meute, asquerosamente. dish [dish], s. plato grande, fiiente ; manjar que se sirve en los platos ; concavidad ; (carr.) copera, reborde de llanta: disk-clout 6 dish-cloth, rodilla, estropajo ; albero : dish- water, agua en que se lavau los platos.— p/. vajilla, servicio de mesa. dish, va. servir en fiiente 6 plato grande ; pouerle copera 4 una rueda. dishabille [disatii], s. pafios menores, trapi- Uo ; desabille. dishearten [disjarten], va. desanimar, desa- leutar, descorazonar. dished [diSht], pp. de dish ; servido en un pla- te ; (carr.) formando copera. disherison [disjerisoBn], s. desheredaciOn. dishevel [digh^vei], va. desgrenar, desmelenar. dishful [dishful], s. contenido de un plato llenc. dishing [dishing], a. concavo. dishonest [diaonest], a. Improbo, picaro, ma- le ; fraudulento, falso. dishonestly [disonestii], adv. fraudulentamen- te, de mala fe. dishonesty [disonesti], s. improbidad, picar- dia ; dole, fraude. dishono(u)r [disonoer], s. deshonor, deshonra, ignominia, afrenta. — va. deshonrar, in la- mar ; afrentar ; desflorar ; (com.) no aceptar 6 no pagar ua giro. -dishono(u)rable [disonrerabcei], a. deshonro- so, afrentoso, indecoroso ; deshonrado, in- famado. dishOnO(u)rahly [dlsonoerabU], adv. ignomi- niosamente, deshonrosamente. disillusion (iz 3 [disiiuYcenCais], va. desencan- tar, desilusionar. — s. desilusion, desengauo, desencanto. disinclination [disinciin^shoen], s. desafecto, desamor ; aversion. disincline [disinciain], va. desinclinar, mal- quistar, indisponer. disincorporate [disincorporet], fa. desincorpo- rar. disincorporation [disincorpor^shoen], s. desin- corporacion. disinfect [disinftct], va. deslnficionar, desin- fectar. disinfectant [disinKctant], a. V s. desinfectan- te. disinfection rdisinf^cgbcen], s. desinfeccion, desinficiouamiento. disinfector [disiufectoer], s. agente 6 aparato desinfectante ; desinfectador. disingenuous [disinv^niaoes], a. doble, falso, dislmulado. disingenuously [disiny^niuoesii], adv. doble- mente, falsamente. disingenUOUSneSS [dlBlnT^niuoeBneg], S. do- blez, astucia, mala fe. disinhabited rdisinj^wted], a. despoblado, de- slerto, deshabitado. disinherison [disinjerisoen], disinheritance [dieinieritans], s. desheredacion, exheredacion. disinherit [dis'nj^nt], va. desheredar, exhere- dar. disintegrate [disintegret], va. desagregar, dis- gregar. — vn. desmoronarse. disintegration [disintegrtshoen], s. desagrega- cion, disgregacion, disinter [disintiSr], va. exhumar, desenterrar. disinterested [disintcerested], a. desinteresado, neutral, imparcial. disinterestedly [disintoeregtedH], adv. desinte- resadamente. disinterestedness [disintoerestednesj, s. desin- teres, abnegacion. disinterment [disintdBrmient], s. exhumacion, desenterramiento. disinthrall, va. v. disenthrall. disjoin [disvoin], va. desunir, apartar, separar, despegar. disjoint [disYoint], va. dislocar, descoyuntar, desencajar, desarticular ; desquiciar, des- gonzar, desunir, separar, desarreglar, des- concertar ; trinchar un ave. disjOint(ea [disjoint ed], a. dislocado, desco- yuntado : desarticulado. disjointedness [disYointednes], s. descoyunta- miento. disjunct [di8j(3Bnct], a. descoyuntado, disloca- do. disjunction [dis^dencShoen], s. disyuncion, des- coyuntamiento, dislocacion, desjuntamien- to, disgregacion. disjunctive [disjoenctiv], a. y s. disyuntivo. disjunctively [diBj*riti], s. disparidad, desigual- dad ; desemejanza ; diferencia. dispart [dispart], va. despartir, apartar, divi- dir, separar. — vn. partirse, dividirse, ra- jarse.— s. (arti.) punto de rnira. dispassionate [dup^siicenet], a. desapasiona- do, impareial, recto. dispassionately [disp^shcenetiij, adv. impar- * cialmente. dispatch, v. y s. v. despatch. dispel [dispel], va. dispersar ; disipar. dispensable [dtspensabcBij, a. dispensahle. dispensarv [dispSusaH], s. dispensario. dispensation [dispens^siioeni, s. distribucion, reparto ; dispensacion , dispensa, exencion ; (teol. ) reveiacion. dispensatory [dtBp^nsatorii, 5. farmacopea.— a. dispensador. dispense [dispeus], va. distribuir, repartir; administrar (justicia) ; dispensar, excusar, eximir : to dispense with, hacer caso omiso, pasar por alto, renunciar a, pasar sin. dispenser [diRp^nsour], s. dispensador. dispeople [ lispipoBi], va. despoblar. dispeopler [dispipiiurj, s. despoblador. dispersal [disp^ersai], s. dispersion. disperse [dispcfere], va. dispersar, esparcir, des- parraniar; disipar; propalar ; (opt.) sepa- rar la liiz en sus colores coraponeutes. — vn. dispersarse ; disiparse ; de.'^aparecer. dispersedly [dispersedu], adv. esparcidamente. dispersion [diBp&rsiioeu], *. dispersion ; espar- ciniiento ; difusion. dispirit [dispirit], va. desalentar, desanimar, descorazonar. dlspiritedness [dispiritednes], s. desaliento, desauiino. displace [dispi^s]. va. dislocar, remover ; des- alojar, quitar el puesto 4. displacement [dispiesmaent], s. desalojamien- to ; remocion ; carabio de 8ituaci6n ; (mar.) desplazaiuiento ; (quim.) coladura; (geol.) falla, quiebra. displacer [.Uspi^swr], s. (quim.) colador. displant [dispi^nt], va. transplantar, traspo- ner ; expeler ; arrancar. displ'antation [dispiient^ghcen], s. trasplanta- cion ; (tig.) expulsion, display [orcioua-^ do. disprOpOrtiOnableneSS [, S, gb, T, s, v^ase la clave de pronunciacion al princlpio del libro. DIS 162 DIT dissuasiye [aisu^siv], a. disuasivo. — s. disua- sion, consejo. dissyllabic [disii^bic], a. disilabo. dissyllable [disUabo-i], *. (gram.) disilabo, distaff i(ii«taf], s. rueca. distain [dist^in], va. manchar, tenir ; deslus- trar. distal [distal], a. (biol.) distante del centre. distance [distans], s. distancia, alejamiento, lejania, lontananza ; trecho, tiraaa ; claro, espacio ; intervalo ; respeto, miraraiento ; esquivez, frialdad, altivez : at a diatance, de lejos 6 a lo lejos, eu lontananza : to keep one's distance, mantenerse a distancia ; no farai- liarizarse. — va. alejar, apartar, desviar ; so- brepasar ; espaciar ; tomar la delantera, pa- sar, dejr.r atr^s, sobresalir. — vn. adelantarse. distant faistant], a. distante, apartado, lejano, remoto; serio, esquivo, extraiio: to be dis- tant with one, tratar a uno con frialdad : distant relative, pariente lejano. distantly [distantu], adv. k distancia, de lejos ; en lontananza. distaste [dist^st], s. hastlo, fastidio, aversion, disgusto, tedio. distasteful [di8t68tfui], a. desabrido, enfadoso, desagradable. distastefulness [distsstfuines], s. aversi6n, desagrado. distemper [di8t6nipoer], s. (vet.) nial, enferme- dad ; (fig.) mal humor, destemplanza, des- proporcion ; (pint.) templa; aestemple. — va. destemplar, desordenar, perturbar. distemperature [iist6rt], va. torcer, retoreer ; falsear, pervertir, tergiversar. distortion [diBtorshren], s. esguince, contorsion, torcimiento ; perversion, tergiversaci6n. distract [district], va. distraer; perturbar, interrumpir ; enloquecer. distracted [distr^ected], pp. y a. aturruUado, aturdido ; demente. distractedly [distr^ctedii], adv. locamente. distraction [distr«ec8hoen], .. done) hacer, ejecu- tar ; finalizar, concluir, despachar, rema- tar ; producir, preparar, arreglar ; modifi- car ; verter, traducir ; servir, aprovechar ; (fam.) estafar, petardear ; enganar ; inju- riar, agraviar, matar ; representar, hacer el papel de ; oastar, ser suficiente ; eocer, asar, cocinar bien. — vn. cendueirse, com- portarse, portarse, proceder ; obrar, traba- jar, estar active ; salir (bien 6 mal) de una empresa ; darse mafia, discurrir trazas para r.delantar, ingeuiarse ; servir, ser a prepo- site ; pasarlo, estar, hallarse, v. gr. : how do you do? icomo lo pasa Vd. ? icomo esta Vd. ?— Este verbo es auxiliar, y se emplea come tal en los tiempes preseute y pasado para senalar la negacion 6 la interrogacion, V. gr. : I do not read, no lee : I did not read, no lei : do I read well ? i lee bien ? did he die? ;,muri6? — Tarabien .se emplea come expletive en oraciones afirmativas, 6 para dar mas energia a la frase, v. gr. : I do hate him, le aberrezco de veras : I did go, cierta- mente que fui. — Tambi^n se usa para evltar repeticienes, v. gr. : I love music. — Do you? — I do.— Me encanta la mQsica.— ^ De veras? — Mucho. — Se emplea tambien en toiio im- perative 6 deprecative, v. gr. : make haste, do, vamos, dese Vd. prisa : do sing, cante Vd., se le suplice : to do again, rehacer, vol- ver a hacer : to do for, ser a preposite, ser- vir para; cuidar de ; (fam.) matar: to do over, hacer de nuevo, rehacer; retocar: to do one's best, esmerarse : to do one's utmost, hacer cuanto es pesible : to do up, liar, em-" paquetar; enrollar; peinar; almidonar y "".ra el sonido de », oe, t>, g, gb, t, t, viase la clav" de prenunciaclOD &1 principio del libra. DO 154 DOL plan char ; pintar 6 eiiii)apelar ; fatigar, cansar : to do with, mauejarselas, componer- selas ; disponer de, aprovechar : to have done with, cesar, dejar de : to have to do with, tener in teres en, teuer que ver con : to do without, pasar sin : that will do, eso basta, eso sirve : that won't do, eso no vale, eso no sir- ve ; ni por esas : well to do, acomodado^ de buena posicion : to be doing, estarse hacien- do, cocinando, etc. : well done, bien asado, bien cocido ; bien hecho. 40 [Jo], s. (mus.) do. doat [imicai], a. en forma de cupula, 6 qne la tiene. domicile [domisn], *. domicilio, residencia. — va. domiciliar. domiciliary [domlsiiioen], a. domiciliario. domiciliate Idomisiiiet], va. avecindarse, esta- blecerse. domiciliation [domisiU^Uhnen], s. fijacion de domicilio. dominant [dominant], a. dominante. — s. (mus.) dominante. dominate [domlnet], vn. dominar, raandar, predominar. — va. gobernar. domination [domin^Shoen], s. dominacion, im- perio ; tirania ; gobierno, autoridad.— ^;. (rel.) dominaciones. dominative [dominativ], a. dominativo, domi- nante ; imperioso, altivo. dominator'[d6niiiiet(er], s. dominador ; gober- nador. domineer [dominioer], vn. dominar, senorear, mandar. — va. gobernar. domineering [dominioerinK], pa. J a. domi- nante, niandon. dOmine [domine], .». cl§rigo. dominical [domintcai], a. dominical. Dominican [dominican], s. dominico, ca. — a. dominicano. dominie [domini], *. domine. dominion [domiiJcen], s. dominio, dominacion, senorlo, soberania, imperio, gobierno, man- do, potestad ; territorio, distrito ; (for.) po- sesion, propiedad, dominio. domino [domino], s. domino (disfraz) ; ficha del juego de domino.—/)/, dominos, domino (juego). don [don], va. vestirse, ponerse, calar. don [don], s. caballero, senor. donate [donet], va. donar, contribuir. donation [doueShoenj, s. donacion, donativo, dadiva. donatism [donatigm], s. donatismo. donatist [douatist], s. donatista. donative [donativj, *-. douativo. donator idouetcer], s. donador. done [•\(i:n],pp. del verbo to do y a. heeho, eje- cutado ; fecho ; convenido ; acabado, con- cluido ; bien cocido 6 asado ; fatigado, con- sumido. donee [donl], s. donatario. dOniOn [ddenycenl, s. V. DUNGEON. donKey [donki], s. asno, burro, borrico, jumen- to, pollino, rucio : donkey engine 6 pump, maquina 6 bomba de alimentaciOn. donor [donoer], s. douador, donante. donship [donShipj, s. nobleza, caballeria. don't [do lint], abrev. de do not. doom [dum], va. sentenciar a muerte ; predes- tinar a la ruina 6 destruccion ; condeuar, imponer, destinar. — s. sentencia, juioio, con- dena ; predestinacion ; sino, suerte, destino, hado ; perdicion, ruina : the crack of doom, la senal del juicio final. doomsday [dumsde], s. dia del juicio univer- sal : Doomsday-book, (Ingl.) registro del gran catastro hecho por ordeu del rey Guillermo al Conquistador. door [douer], s. puerta ; portal 6 zaguan ; en- trada, pasillo ; (fig.) acceso, avenida : door- case 6 casing, marco de puerta, jambaje : door-catch, golpete : door-handle 6 pull, alda- ba, aldabou : door-head, diutel : door-bell, canipanilla de puerta : door-jamb, jamba, quicial : door-mat, felpudo : door-plate, plancha con el nombre del que habita una casa : door-sill, umbral : door-knocker, pica- porte : door-latch, pestillo : door-strip, cou- trapilastra : back door, puerta trasera : blank 6 blind-door, puerta falsa : out of doors, fuera de casa, en la calle, al aire libre : to lie at one's door, ser carga 6 responsabilidad para alguno : to be at the door, estar a las puer- tas de ; ser inminente : to throw open the door to, dar hospitalidad. doorkeeper [dooerkipcer], s. portero, ujier. doorway [doceru^], s. entrada, puerta ; portal. dope [dotip], s. grasa para lubricar ; pa^sta de opio. dor, dor-bug [dor, bocg], s. escarabajo. Dorian [dorian], Doric [dorlc], a. dorico. dormancy [dormansi], s. suerio, letargo. dormant [dormant], a. durmiente ; secreto, oculto ; latente ; inactivo ; inusitado ; inefi- caz : dormant partner, V. silent. dormant, dormer [domirer], s. fiambre ; viga maestra : dormer-window, buharda. dormitive [domntiv], 5. dormitivo, soporifero. dormitory [domiuori], s. dormitorio. dormouse [dormaus], s. liron. dorp [dorp], s. aldea, lugarcito. dorsad [dorsad], adv. hacia la espalda. dorsal [dorsail, a. dorsal. dory [dori], s. (ict.) gallo, ceo ; (mar.) bote, dosacre [dosecio s. toma de un medicaments en dosis regulares. dose [dous], 5. (med.) dosis; (fig.) pildora, mal trago ; in^redieute que se agrega at vino. — va. adrainistrar una dosis ; dividir en porciones dosimetricas. — vn. medicarse con frecuencia. dossal, dossel [doMi], s. (igl.) dosel, colg»- dura. dosser [dosoer], *. vagO. V. DOSSAL. dossil [dosii], 5. (cir.) lechino ; tarugo. t P«ra el souldo de te, oe, d, S, Sh, y, x, vease la clave de pronunciacion al principle del libro. DOS 156 DOW dost [Juist], 2da. pers. pres. ind. del v. to do. dot [Jot], s. tilde, virgulita, punto, puntico. — va. tildar, puntear ; (mfis.) puuto. dotage [iiotech], s. choehera, chochez, nouez ; carifio excesivo ; extravagancia, delirio. dotal [aotai], a. dotal. dotard [dotard], s. viejo chocho, noiio. dotation [ei], a. dudable. doubter [dautwr], s. el que duda. doubtful [ lautfui!, a. dudoso, dudable, perple- jo ; problemdtico ; ambiguo ; incierto, rece- loso. doubtfully [dautfuii], adv. dudosamente, in- ciertameute. doubtfulness [diutruines], s. duda, difidencia ; anihisiiedad ; incertidumbre, irresolucion. dOUbtingly tdiutin«ii], adv. dudosamente. doubtless [dautie«], o. cierto ; coufiado. — adv. iii.luhitablemente, sin duda. doubtlessly [dautiesu], adv. indubitablemente. douceur [dusoer], «. (fr.) recompensa ; gratiti- cacion. douche [dush], s. ducha, regadera. dough [don], «. pasta, masa, amasijo ; cochura. doughnut [.lonnoBt], s. bunuelo. doughtily [dautiiil, adv. con denuedo. doughtiness [dautines], s. valentia, esfuerzo, denuedo. doughty [dauti], a. bravo, valeroso; jactan- cioso, fanfarron. doughy [doui], a. pastoso. douse [daus], va. chapuzar, zabullir ; mojar, remojar ; dar, golpear ; (mar. ) recoger ; arriar. dove [dcev], s. palorao 6 paloma: dove-cot, dove-house, palomar. dovelike [ddevuicj, a. columbino. dovetail [doevt^n], s. (carp.) ensambladura a cola de milauo ; cola de railano, 6 de pato. — va. machihembrar 6 ensamblar S, cola de milano : dovetailed, ensamblado 6 adornado a cola de milano. dowable [dauaboeii, a. capaz de ser dotado. dowager rdauavcer), s. viuda con viudedad: queen dowager, reina viuda. dowdy [daudi], a zafio, desalinado, sucio. — s. maritornes. dowel [daueil, s. (carp.) tarugo, clavija, espi- ga ; nudillo ; torillo. dower [dancer], s. viudedad ; bienes ganancia- les de una viuda ; don, beneficio ; prendas Eersonales. — va. senalar viudedad 6 legar ienes gananciales ; (fig.) dotar, adornar, favorecer. dowered [daurerdi, a. dotado. dowerless [dauceries], a. sin viudedad. dowery [dauri], s. V. dowry. down [daunj, adv. abajo, en la parte inferior ; hacia abajo ; en tierra, por tierra ; tendido a la larga ; en sujecion ; (mar.) k sotaven- to : down from, desde : down to, basta : down the river 6 down-stream, rio abajo, agua abU- jo : up and down, de arriba k abajo ; aca y alia : upside down, patas arriba, lo de arriba. abajo: down-stairs, abajo, en el piso infe- rior : down-town, parte baja de la ciudad, 6 parte del comercio : cash down, al contado, dinero en mano : down in the mouth, alicai- do, cariacontecido : to be down on or upon, tener inquina, tratar con severidad. — interj. i abajo ! ; i tierra !: down with him I ; a tierra con el ! : down on your knees 1 \ de rodillas ! down, s. plumon, flojel ; bozo, vello ; lana fina 6 pelo suave, pelusa ; reves de fortuna, baja, caida ; (sp. ) colocacion del foot-ball en el suelo para una rebatiiia ; lonia, mesa 6 meseta ; duna : ups and downs, vaivenes, altas y bajas: down bed, edredon, colchon de pluma. down, a. pendiente ; descendente ; abatido ; alicaido. down, va. (fam.) derribar, echar por tierra; veneer, domar, derrotar, downcast fdauncast], a. inclinado, descenden- te ; alicaido, deprimido, abatido. — s. (min.) pozo de ventilacion. downed [diund], a. cubierto 6 henchido con plumon. downfall [daunfoi], *. caida; hundimiento.; ruina, decadencia, degradacion. downfallen [daunfoioen], a. caido, arruinado. downhaul [daunjoi], s. (mar.) cargadera. down-hearted [daun-jarted], a. abatido, des- m ay ado, descorazonado. downhill [dauiijii], a. pendiente, inclinado, en declive, — *. declive 6 declivio, bajada, ram pa. downiness [d4unines], s. vellosidad. downpour [daunpooer], 5. aguacero, chaparrun. downright [daunrait], a. claro, categorico ; franco, abierto, sincero ; llano, liso ; com- pleto, extremo. — adv. perpendicularmente, & plomo ; claramente, llanamente ; entera- mente, extremadamente. dOWntrOd(den [danntrod cen], a. pisadi^, piso- teado; vejado, oprimido. Para el Bonldo de to, oe, d, i, Sh, t, x, viase la clave de pronunciarlon al principio del )*brn. DOW 157 DEA dOWnward(S [rtauuward 8], adv. hacia abajo. downward, a. inclinado, pendiente ; descen- der! te. downy [iianni], a. velloso, felpudo; blando, suave ; dulce, tranquilo. dowry [dauri], s. dote ; dotacion, didiva ; (ant.) arras. dowse [daus,], va. V. DOUSE. dOXOlOgy [docsoioYi], 5. (igl.) gloria patri. doze [dous], vn. dopmitar, descabezar el sueno. —s. sueno ligero, sopor, adormecimiento, duermevela. dozen [ddsSn], s. docena : baker's dozen, docena de fraile, trece. doziness [dosines], s. somnoJencia, sofiolencia, modorra. dozy [dosi], a. sofioliento, amodorrado, ador- mecido. drab [draebl, a. pardusco.— 5. color entre gris y araarillento ; pipa de saladar. drabble [di-r^boei], va. arrastrar. drabbler [drsebicer], «. (mar.) vela barredera. drachm [drsem], S. V. DRAM. drachma [dr^cma], s. dracma ; antigua medi- da de peso ; en griego moderno, gramo : half drachm, adarme. Draconian [draconian], a. draconiano, inexora- ble, cruel. dracunculUS [draccfenkiuioes). s. (bot.) dragon- tea: (zool.) dracunculo. draft [draf], A-. desperdicios ; heces. draffish [drafishj, draffy Wkni, a. infitil, des- preciable. draft draught [draft], s. corrieute de aire, aire colado ; tiro de chimenea, succion, as- piracion ; trago, bebida, pocion, brebaje, p6- cima; (mar.) calado; traccion, atraccion, tiro, tiron, estiron ; (mil.) atelaje ; carga, carretada ; redada ; traza, trazado, delinea- cion ; plan, piano, planta, diserio, esquicia, boceto, dibujo ; anteproyecto ; borrador, minuta, apuntacion ; esquema ; (com.) giro, libranza, letra de cambio ; libramiento, p6- liza, orden de pago ; (mil.) quinta, conscrip- cion, leva; destacamento : draft-horse, ani- mal 6 cattle, caballo, animal 6 res de tiro : draft-fornace, alto horno : draft-tree, (carr. ) lanza: draft-book, (arti.) gancho de telera : rongh draft, borrador : on draught, sacada del barril (cerveza, etc.). V. draught. draft draught [draft\ va. hacer un borra- dor, minuta, apuntacion, piano 6 antepro- yecto ; bosqnejar, delinear, trazar, diseiiar, dibujar ; (mil.) destacar ; reclutar, quintar ; (tej.) hacer pasar entre los lizos del telar. draftsman, draughtsman [draftsmanj, s. disenador, dibujante, delineante. drag [drees], va. arrastrar, tirar ; (mar.) ras- trear ; (E. U. agr.) rastrillar ; (fig.) escudri- iiar. — vn. arrastrar por el suelo ; garrear ; ir tirando, avanzar penosa 6 lentament« ; (fig. ) decaer la accion 6 interes. drag [drag], s. (mar.) rastra; draga; jabega, brancada; (agr.) rastrillo ; (carr.) galga ; narria ; carruaje alto ; (min.) hierro de lim- piar pozos ; (fig.) r§mora, traba: drag-bolt, perno de enganche : drag-hook, garfio : drag- net, brancada, red barredera : drag-seine, jd- bega: drag-sail, ancla flotante. draggle [dr«eKoei], va. ensuciar arrastrando. — vn. ensuciarse arrastrando. draggle-tail [drsegoei-t^ii], s. mujer desali- nada. dragoman [dragoman], s. dragom&n, trujaraS.n. dragon [dr^soenl, s. dragon ; hombre 6 mujer feroz ; (astr.) dragon; (bot.) dragontea: dragon-tree, drago : dragon's blood, sangre de drago : gum-dragon, tragacanto. dragon-fly [dr*Kobn-nai], 5. (ent.) libelula; (fam. ) caoallito del diablo. dragonish [drSKoenish], a. dragontino. dragoon [draKun], s. (mil.) dragon.— ra. aco- sar, iutimidar. drain [dr^ni], va. desaguar, desecar, avenar ; agotar, secar, escurrir, enjugar, colar ; (min.) achicar ; sangrar, desangrar, empo- brecer, disipar. drain, s. desagiie, desecacion ; desaguadero, tajea, reguera, vertedero, albanal, sumidero, buzonera ; (fort.) cuneta ; acequia, zanja de derivacion ; (mar.) colador. drainable [dr^inabcei], a. desaguable. drainage [dr^iuech], s. desague, avenamiento, desecacion, desecamiento ; arroyada, cuen- ca de un rio. drainer [drdinoer], *. colador, coladero, filtro ; palero ; secadero, escurridero. draining [draining], pa. y s. desagiie, deseca- cion, achique, agotamiento: draining-vat, purgadera de azGcar. drake [dreUJ, S. (orn.) patO. V. DUCK. dram [drwmj, s. dracma (^ de onza). V. DRACHMA ; trago de arguardiente ; porcion pequena : dram-drinker, borrachin : dram- seller, tabernero : dram-shop, taberna. drama [drama], s. drama. dramatic (al [dramatic ai], a. dramatico. dramatically [dramSticaiii, adv. dramatica- mente. dramatist tdr«emati8t], s. alitor dramatic©, dramaturgo. dramatize [dr^emataiS], va. dramatizar. dramaturge, dramaturgist [drfiematoery, i8t], s. dramaturgo. drank [drsenk], pret. del verbo to drink. drape [dr^ip], va. vestir ; colgar, entapizar ; formar ropaje 6 pliegues artlsticos en un ro- paje 6 colgadura. draper [dr^poerj, s. panero : linen-draper, len- cero. drapery [dr^poew], s. ropaje, cortinas, colgadu- ras, tapiceria ; paneria; paiios. drastic [drastic], a. (med.) drastieo. draught [draft], va. y s. v. draft. (La ten- dencia k simplificar la ortografia hace que la palabra draught se escriba con preferen- cia draft, especialmente en los Estados Uni- dos.) Draught-board, tablero de damas.— pi. draughts, juego de damas. V. checkers. draughtsman [drartflman], s. peon, del juego de damas. V. draftsman. draw [dro], va. {pret. drew: pp. drawn) ti- rar, arrastrar ; atraer, persuadir, indueir ; sacar, extraer, arrancar ; desenvainar ; hacer salir ; chupar, mamar ; aspirar, respirar, ins- pirar (el aliento) ; cobrar (un sueldo) ; sa- carse (un premio); prociirarse, proporcionar- se (medios 6 recursos) ; deducir, inferir, cole- gir ; correr 6 descorrer las cortinas ; dibu- jar, bosquejar, delinear, describir, represen- tar ; redactar, escribir 6 extender ; alargar, estirar ; (com.) devengar ; girar, librar ; tender (un arco) ; hacer un cocimiento ; destripar; en el billar, picar bajo ; (mar.) calar. — vn. tirar arrastrando ; atraer gente ; tirar bien (ei fuego, la chimenea) ; encogerse, arrugarse ; adelantarse, moverse ; dibujar, diseiiar ; echar suertes ; (mar.) calar ; en los naipes, ir al robo ; manar, fluir ; (com. ) girar a cargo de ; con ciertos adverbios indica mo- vimiento, v. g. : to draw nigh, acercarse : to draw along, arrastrar : to draw asunder, se- parar, dividir : to draw away, quitar, Ue- var ; disuadir, distraer ; to draw back, re- troceder, recular, cejar ; (com.) reinte- grarse de derechos pagados k la aduana : to Pars el sonido de 8b, oe, d, g, Sh, t^ x, vfiase U clave de pronunciacloo al principle del llbro. DBA 168 DEE draw Interest, devengar interes : to draw forth, hacer salir, sacar : to draw in, atraer, seducir, embaucar: to draw breath, respi- rar : to draw It mild, sin ex^gerar : to draw off, sacar, extraer ; trasegar ; distraer, di- suadir; retirarse: to draw on, aproximarse, acercarse ; ocasionar : to draw out, sacar, extraer ; alargar, dilatar : to draw one out, sondear, sonsacar : to draw to an issue, aca- bar, concluir : to draw over, persuadir, son- sacar : to draw up, tirar hacia arriba ; re- dactar, extender; (mil.) forinar : to draw the line, hacer la cruz, no pasar de cierto punto. — s. tirada, tiro, traccion, arrastre ; en el billar, retroceso ; en los naipes, robo ; en damas y ajedrez, tablas ; en sport votaciones, erapate ; en juegos de azar, suerte, premio ; (tej. ) pasada, carrera ; parte levadiza 6 gi- ratoria de ciertos puentes ; (E. U.) barran^ CO : draw-bar, ( f. c. ) barra de traccion : draw-bench, hilefa : draw-gear, (f. c.) apa- rato de traccion : draw well, pozo, uoria, drawback [drobaec], 5, rebaja, descuento ; reintegro de derechos de adiiana ; desven- taja, iueonveniente, remora, drawbridge [drobndv], s. puente levadizo 6 giratorio. drawee [], 5. dura, duracion. durably [diurabn], adv. duraderamente. durance [diurans], s. cautividad, prision, en- cierro, enoarcelacion. durant [ditirant], s. (tej.) sempiterna. duration [diur^Shoenl, s. duracion, continual cion ; estabilidad, permanencia. duress [difirea 6 dur^s], s. compulsion, coac- cion ; prision, encierro. during [difidng], prep, mientras, durante . durst, pret. irr. diel verbo to dare. dusk [doesk], a. (poet.) obscuro. — s. crepfisculo vespertine, nochecita ; obscuridad. duskily [d<)eskiii], adv. obscuramente. duskiness [ddesklnes], s. obscuridad. dusky [dcSski], a. fusco, obscuro ; moreno, pardo. dust [dfBst], s. polvo ; polvareda, cisco, alter- cado ; restos mortales, cenizas ; la tierra, la sepultura; (fig.) abyeccion, humillacion ; basura, barreduras ; escombros; (fam.) oro en polvo ; dinero : to kick up 6 to raise a dust, (fam.) armar bronquina : to bite Para el sonido de >e, oe, d, S, ih, t, t, v^ase la clave de pronunciacion al principle ael libro. DUS 162 EAE guard, guardapolvo : du»t-pan, pala de reco- ger la oasura. dust, va. despolvorear, despolvar, desempol- var, sacudir 6 quitar el polvo ; polvorear, espolvorear. duster [dvfestuer], s. el que quita el polvo ; plu- mero; guardapolvo; utensilio para espol- vorear. dustiness [ddestines], s. estado de lo que se ha- 11a cubierto de polvo. dustman Idafestman], s. basurero, barrendero. dusty [dciesti], a. polvoriento, polvoroso, lleno de polvo. Butch [duech], a. y s. holandes : Dutch cheese, queso de Flandes : Dutch oven, asudor de vuelta : Dutch tiles, azulejos : Dutch-pink, ancora de Flandes: Dutch wife, (Filip.) abrazador. Dutchman [dAchmanJ, s. holandfis ; (fam. E. U.) alemau. duteous [diuteoes], a. obediente, obsequioso, respetuoso. dutiable [di^tuboBi], a. imponible ; sujeto 8, adeudo. dutiful [dititifiii], a. obediente, sumiso, rendi- do, respetuoso. dutifully [dititifuii], adv. obedientemente, res- petuosamente. dutifulness [difitifuines], s. obediencia, respe- to, sumision. duty tdifiti], s. deber, obligacion ; obediencia, sumision, acatamieuto ; (mil.) facciOn, ser- vicio ; impuesto, adeudo, derechos de aduana 6 de puertas ; (mec.) tBabajo raeca- nico, eticacia : duty free, libre de derechos. duumvirate [duoemviret], s. duunvirato. dwale ['iu6iil, s. (bot.) belladama. dwarf [duorf], s. enano 6 enana. — a. diminuto, enano.— pa. impedir el crecimiento ; empe- quenecer, achicar. — vn. empequenecerse, achicarse. dwarfish [duornshj, o. enano, bajo, pequeno, diminuto. dwarflshly [,») or^swi], adv. como un enano. dwarfishness [duornshnes], s. pequefiez de esta- tura. dwell [du^i], vn. habitar, morar, residir, vivir ; (con on 6 npon) espaciarse en un asunto. dweller [duSioer], *. morador, habitante. dwelling [dueling], s. habitacion, domicilio, vivienda, morada, casa. dwindle [duiudnei], vn. mermar, menguar, dis- rainuirse; degenerar; descaecer, decaer; consumirse. dye [d4i], va. {pp. y pret. dyed : ger. dyeing) tefiir, tintar, tinturar, colorar, azumar. — s. tintej tintura; color, matiz: dye-house, tin- toreria. dyer (d4fc)er], s. tintorero. dj'eing Idaiingi, s. tintorerla ; tinte, tenidura, f.intura. — a. colorante. dy estuff [daistoef ), s. materia de tinte, droga. dyers '-broom [daioers-brumj, s. (bot.) ginesta. dyers'-weed[dai(Br8-wid], .?. (bot.) gualda. dyeing [daiing!, pa. de to die; moribundo, agonizante ; mortal : dying eyes, ojos langui- dos. d3^ke [daik:, S. V. BIKE. dS'naCtinometer [.UlnaectlnometoBr], *, (fot.) dinactinometro. dynam fdainwm], .♦. dinamia. dynameter [dainAmeteer], s. (opt.) din&metro. dynamic(al[dain*mic(ail, a. din^mico ; eficaz. dynamics [dalnAnilcn], s. din^mica. dynamite [d&ina-j>ait], n. dinamita. dynamiter [da^ntmattoer], s. dinamitero, anar- quista. dynamo [daini^;no], s. (elec.) dinamo. dynamo-electric(al [diinamo-eUctricai], a. electrodinaiuico. dynamometer [dainamometcer], s. dinamdme- tro. dynamometric(al [datnamom^tricai], a. dina- mometrico. dynastic(al [uain^stic ai], a. din^stico. dynasty [dahmsti], s. dinastla. dyscrasia, dyscrasy [discr^sia, aiscrasij, «. discrasia. dysenteric [aisenteric], a. disenterico. dysentery [disenteri], .v. disenteria. dyspepsia, dyspepsy [/. efectos, bienes, caudal : to take effect, salir bien, producir su efecto ; ponerse en vigor, tener cumplimiento : of no effect, vano, infi- til: In effect, efectivo, en operaciOn, efecti- vamente. effect, va. efectuar, poner por obra, ejecutar, producir, llevar a cabo. effector, effector [er^ctoer], s. causador, cria- dor, haeedor, autor. effective [efectiv], a. eficiente, eficaz ; opera- tivo ; efectivo, real ; vistoso, de mucho efec- to. — s. persona activa y eficaz. effectively [efSctivn], adv. eficazmente ; efec- tivaraente, realraente. effectiveness [eKctivnee], *. eficiencia, efica- cia. effectless [ef^cties], a. ineficaz. effectual [er^uchuai], a. eficiente ; eficaz, ac- tivo. effectually [eWkchuaii], adv. eficazmente ; efec- tivaniente ; de facto. effectuate [er^kchuet], va. efectuar, ejecutar, hacer eficaz. effeminacy [eftmmasi], effeminateness [ef6- minetties], s. afeminamiento, afeminacion. effeminate lei^minet], «. afeminado, amujera- do, adamado, amaricado. — va. afeminar. — rn. afeminarse, adaraarse. effeminately [ereminetii], adv. afemlnadamen- te, femenilmente. Effendi [ef^ndi], *. titulo turco igual & Sefior 6 Don. efferent [^foeroent], a. eferente. effervesce [eferv^g], vn. hervir, ferraentar, es- tar en efervesceucia. • effervescence [eferv6«enBi, s. efervescencia. effete [pni], a. usado, gastado, cascade; eatfi- ril, infructuoso. P*r» el Bonido de m, os, d, i, §h, t, x, v6aM la cUve de pmuuncUclon al principio del Ubro. EFF 165 ELD .<}fflcaciOUS [efikeshoes], a. eficaz, eficiente ; vivo, activo, fuerte, poderoso. efficaciously lenkeShoeaii], adv. eficazmente. efficaciousness [elikeghoesnes], effiCaCy [enca- 8i], .V. eticacia, eficiencia. efficience, efficiency [efiShens, i], s. eficien- cia, eticacia, actividad, virtud. efficient [efishent], a. eficiente, eficaz, activo ; competente.— 5. persona competente ; efi- ciente ; (mat.) factor. — s. hacedor, causa- dor. efficiently [efiSheutii], adv. eficientemente. effigy [efiYi], s. efigie, retrato, imagen. efflation [eneShoeni, s. soplo ; eiuanacion. effloresce [enores], tm. (quim.) eflorescerse. efflorescence, efflorescency [eiioresens, i], s. eflorescencia ; (raed.) roncha ; erupcion ; (bot.) florescencia. efflorescent [eiioresent], a. (quim.) eflores- cente ; (bot.) en flor, effluence [enuens], s. emanacion, efluvio ; efu- sion ; efluxion. effluent [enueut], a. efluente. effluvium [enuvioem], s. efluvio, exhalacion, emanacion, tufo, vaho. efflux Lenoecs], s. efusion, emanacion ; flujo, derrame. effluxion [encfecShoen], s. emanacion, efluvio, exhalacion, efluxion. efifort [efort], s. esfuerzo, conato, empeuo. effrontery [efrdenten], s. descaro, desvergiien- za, desfachatez, impudencia. effulge [eivfeiY], vn. brillar, lucir, resplandecer. effulgence [efreiveuB], ,?. resplandor, lustre, es- pleudor, fulgor, brillantez. euulgent [eteiYent], a. resplandeciente, reful- gente, esplendoroso. effuse [efiuii], va. efundir, derramar, verter, esparcir, desparramar. — vn. emanar. — a. (bot.) esparcido. effusion [enuYoen], s. efusion, derrame, derra- mamiento, vertimiento ; expansion ; desa- hogo. effusive [enusiv], a. expansive, comunicativo, demostrativo ; vertiente. eft [eJt], s. V. NEWT ; lagartija. egg [eg], 5. 'huevo; (Mex.) blanquillo: egg- cup, huevera : new-laid egg, huevo fresco : egg-glasB, reloj de arena de tres minutos para cocer huevos ; huevera de vidrio : egg- laying, ovipara : egg-shell, cascara de huevo, cascaron : egg-shell china, loza muy fina : egg-nog, caldo de la reina, yema mejida : fried eggs, huevos fritos 6 estrellados : hard- boiled eggs, huevos duros : soft-boiled eggs, huevos pasados por agua : poached eggs, huevos escalfados : scrambled eggs, revolti- llo. — va. mezclar 6 cubrir con huevo ; (E. U.) arrojar huevos a una persona ; (seguido de on) hurgar, incitar, provocar.-^yn. colec- cionar huevos de aves. egg-plant [eg-piant], s. (bot.) berenjena. egis, aegis [evisj, s. egida, escudo. eglantine [eKiantain], s. (bot.) eglantina; aga- vanzo. egoism [6go- 6 igoism], s. egolsmo. egoist [ego- 6 igoi8t], s. egoista. egoistic [ego- igoistic], a. egoista. egotism [igotiSm], s. egotismo. egotist [igotist], s. egotista. egOtistic(al [igntisticCaii, a. que se alaba S, si niisrao. egotize [igotaiS], vn. hablar mucho de si mismo. egregious [egriYoes], a. egregio, insigne, ex- traordinario, estupendo. egregiously [egrivoesii], adv. egregiamente, insignemente. egni^eSS [igres], egreSSiOU [egresho-u], S. salida. egret [egret igret], s. (om.) airon ; mono, peuacho, plumero. Egyptian [iYipshau], a. y s. egipcio, egipciano, egipciaco. Egyptologist [iYiptoioYist], s. egiptologo. ell[e], interj. ique? ^eh? eider, eider-duck [aidoer, doecj, s. (orn.) gan- so del norte : eider-down, edredon, pluma- zon, plumon. eidograph [aiUograf], s. eidografo. eidolon [aidoion], s. representacion, imagen ; fantasma. eight [eit], a. y s. ocho : eight-sided, octagono, ochavado. eighteen [eitiu], a. y s. diez y ocho. eighteenth [eitinz], a. decimoctavo, decioche- no dieciocheno. eightfold [eitiouid], a. ocho veces tanto. eighth [eitz], a. octavo. eighthly [eitzii], adv. en el octavo lugar. eightieth [eitiez], a. octogesimo. eighty [eml, a. y s. ochenta. either [iDoer 6 aiDoer], a. J pr@n. uno fj otro, cual- quiera de los dos ; uno y otro, ambos, en- tram bos. — conj. 6, era, sea, ya; (fam.) por cierto, en todo caso, tambien ; (con nega- cion ) tampoco : either you or I, 6 tu 6 yo. ejaculate [evtekiuiet], va. exclamar, proferir. ejaculation [eYa^kiuieSUoeu], s. jaculatoria, ex- clamacion ; emision. ejaculatory [eY dar. emendable [emendsboei], a. corregible. emendation [emend^Shoen], s. enmienda, co- rrecciuQ : last emendation, (iltima mano. emendator [^mendetoer], s. corrector, emenda* dor. emendatory [emindatoH], a. enmendador. emerald [emceraid], s. esmeralda ; ^olor de efV" meralda; (Ingl.) tipo de 6} puutos. — a. de color de esmeralda : Emerald Isle, Irlanda. emerge [emoerv], vn. emerger, brotar, salir, surgir, aparecer. emergence [emo&rYens], s. emergencia, salida ; aparicion. emergency [em*rYeu8i], *. emergencia, aprie^ to, necesidad urgente. emergent [em<)irYent], a. emergente, perento- rio, repentino, subitaneo. emeritus [imeritoesl, a. emSrito, jubilado, reti- rado. emersion [emerL:»cen], s. emersidn; (astr.) emersion, reaparicion. emery [^moerll, s. esmeril : emery-paper, papel de lija : emery-wheel, rueda de esmeril. emetic(al [em^ticCai], a. j s. emStico, vomitivo. emeu o emew fimiui, s. (orn.) dromeo. emigrant [emigrant], a. y s. emigrante. emigrate [emigret], vn. emigrar, transmigrar. emigration [emigr^shoen], 5. emigracion, expa- triacion. eminence, eminency [eminens, ij, «. altura, elevacion, loma, ciraa, cuesta, sumidad ; eminencia, encumbramiento, distinci6n ; (igl.) eminencia (titulo). eminent [eminent], a. alto, eminente, exalta- do, conspicuo, notable, distinguido, ilustre, esclarecido, egregio ; supremo : eminent do- main,(for.) dominio eminente: most eminent, eminentisimo. eminently [^minentii], adv. eminentemente. Emir [emir], s. Emir 6 Amir, emissary [^misoeri], *. emisario, espla, agente secreto ; canal, desaguadero ; orilicio de sa- lida; (anat.) conducto escretorio. — a. perte- neciente al emisario ; enviado. emission [emlshoen], s. emisi6n, salida. emissive [emlsiv], a. que lanza 6 emite. emissory [emisorij, a. que emite 6 lanza.— a. desaguadero. emit [emit], vn. emitir, arrojar, desjjedir ; ex- halar ; (com.) emitir. emmenagogue [em^nagog], s. emenagogo. emmet emet], .?. hormiga, aluda. emmetropia [emetropia], s. emetropia. emollescence [emoi^seng], s. ablandamiento, rebl an deei miento. emollient [emoiyent], a. emoliente, demulcen- te, lenitivo. — *. emolientes. emolument [emoiyunioant], *. emolumento, gaje ; utilidad, provecho. emotion [emoShitn], s. emocion ; sensaci6n ; sensibilidad ; sentimiento racional. lil Honldo de ee, ce, d, fi, Ih, T, c, vtese U clave de pronnndaclon al principio del Ubro. EMO 169 ENC emotional [emoShcenai], a. sensible, impresio- nable ; sentimental. emotionalism [emoShcBnaiiani], s. sentimenta- lismo. empale [empeii], va. empalar ; cercar. empalemcnt [empeiimoeiu], s. empal am lento ; enipalizada. empanel, va. v. impanel. emperor [emperoer], s. emperador: emperor- moth, mariposa nocturna grande. empery [empoeri], . litis. enteromphalos [entoeromfaios], s. (cir.) ente- ronfalo, hernia umbilical. enteron [entoeron], 5. canal intestinal. enterotome [entubrotom], s. (cir.) enterotomo. enterotomy [eutfarotomi], s. enterotomia. enterozoa [entreroSoa], s. pi. parasitos intesti- nales. enterprise, enterprize [^ntoerprais], s. em presa ; arresto, acometimiento. enterpriser [entoerpraisoer], s. emprendedor. enterprising [entoerpralsing], a. atrevido, em- prendedor. entertain [entojrt^in], va. hospedar, festejar, agasajar, obsequiar ; entretener, divertir, solazar, distraer ; tomar en consideracion ; mantener, acariciar, abrigar. — vn. dar co* midas 6 saraos. entertainable [entoert^lnaboel], a. digno de tc marse en consideracion. entertainer [ent(»rt6in«r], s. anfitrlon ; feste jador. entertaining [entoert^ining], a. entretenida chistoso, alegre, divertido. entertainingly [entoert^iningii], adv. divert!- damente, entretenidamente. entertainment [entiert^inmcent], s. hospedaje, acogida, recibimiento, hospitalidad ; convi- te, agasajo, festin, festejo ; entreteniraiento, diversion, pasatiempo, funcion teatral : goce, solaz, divertimiento ; consideracion. enthrall [enzroi], va. dominar (el animo),es-' clavizar, sojuzgar. enthrone [enzronn], va. entronizar. enthronement [enzronmoentj, enthroniza- tion [enxroniseshoen], s. entronizacion. enthusiasm leusfisiseSm), s. entusiasmo. enthusiast [enztigifest], s. entusiasta ; fan3.tico. enthusiastic (al (en?ugi*stic(ai|, a. entusidsti- co ; eutusiasmado ; caluroso. enthymeme [^nzimtm), s. entimema. entice [entiisj, ra. tentar, atraer, inducir, s^ ducir. enticement [entiumoent], s. tentacion, seduc- cion ; incitacion ; atractivo. enticer [entaiRoer], *. incitador, instigador, ten- tador, seductor. enticingly lentaisingii], adv. seductoraraente. entire (entailer), a. entero, cabal, todo, integro ; (mat.) integral; intacto, cumplido, comple- to, perfecto. entirely [entaiaeriil, adv. enteramente, total- mente, completamente. entireness [entaiemes], s. entereza, integri- dad, totalidad, indivision. entirety [entaiserti], «. totalidad, integridad, entereza, conjunto, todo. entitle [entaitoei], va. titular ; Intitular ; dar derecho, habilitar ; autorizar. entity [entiti], s. entidad, ente, ser. entomb [entiini], ra. enterrar, sepultar. entombment [entfimmoent], s. entierro, sepul- tura. entomologic(al [entomoioric'ai], a. entomol6- gico. entomologist [entomoioYist], s. entom61ogo. entomology [entomoiovi], s. entomologia. Farm el lonldo de m, ce, d, %, fib, t, *, v^aae U cIatc de proDunciacion al principlo del libro. ENT 1V3 EPi entomophagous [entomofagoes], a. insectivoro, entourage [angturav], *. (fr.) compafiia, cor- tejo, sequito ; medio ambiente. entozoa [entogoa], .v.p^. entozoarios. entOZOan [entoSoan], a. y s. entozoario, entozoic [eutosoic], a. entozoico. entr'acte [anstract], s. (fr.) entreacto. entrails [entreiisi, s. pi. entranas, visceras ; tripas, intestinos ; interior. entrance [entrans], s. entrada ; puerta, portal ; zaguau ; embocadura; ingreso ; (com.) en- trada en la aduana. entrance [entraus], va. extasiar, fascinar, transportar, arrebatar ; hechizar. entrant [entrant], a. entrante. — s. principian- te, novicio. entrap [entrsepi, va. coger con trampa. entreat [entrit], va. rogar, suplicar ; implorar, impelrar, exorar. entreaty [entriti], «. petici6n, ruego, suplica, iustancia, solieitud. entree [an^tre], s. (fr.) entrada; privilegio de entrar ; (coe.) principio 6 entrada. entremets [angtrueme], s. pi. (fr.) (coc. y teat.) entremes. entrench [entrench], va. atrincherar. — vn. in- vadir, infringir. entrenchment [entrenchmcent], s. atrinchera- miento, trinchera ; parapeto, reparo ; in- fraccion, invasion, transgresion. entrepot [angtroepo], 5. ( fr.) facto raje; almacen. entrust [entrust], va. . (con with) entregar, contiar, depositar. entry [^ntn], s. entrada ; vestibulo, portal, portico, zaguan ; ingreso ; asiento, anota- cion 6 apuntamiento ; (min. ) bocaraina ; (mar.) registro, declaracion de entrada; (com.) partida: single entry, doable entry, partida simple, doble. entwine [entuasn], va. entrelazar, entretejer. entwist [entuistj, va. torcer ; ensortijar. enucleate [eniucieet], va. descascarar, extraer el nucleo; (cir.) extirpar ; desenvolver, aclarar ; explicar. enucleation (eniucie^shcenj, s. (cir.) extrac- cion de un tumor entero. enumerate [eniiimcereti, va. enumerar, nume- rar, coutar, detallar. enumeration [eniumoer^Shoen), s. enuraera- cion, recuento, detalle ; lista, catalogo ; (ret.) recapitulacion. enumerative [eniumoerativ], a. enumerativo. enunciate [endnsiet b ShietJ, va. articular, pro- nunciar; enunciar. — vn. hablar. enunciation [enoengl^- 6 8hi6> shoenl, S. pronun- ciacion, articulacion ; enunciacion, mani- fiesto. enunciative [en^nShiativ], enunciatory [enoeiishiatori], a. cnunciativo, declarativo. enure [enytioer], vn. tener efecto. V. inure. envelop [enveloep], eUVelOpe [anveloup], va. en- volver, aforrar, cubrir. envelope lanveiop], s. envoltura, funda ; so- brecarta, cubierta. envelopment lenveioepmoent], s. envolvimien- to ; funda, cubierta. envenom [env^ncem], va. envenenar, empon- zonar, atosigar ; irritar. enviable [6nviai«ri], «. envidiable. envious [^nvioes], a. envidioso. enviously [enviresii], adv. envidiosamente. enviOUSneSS [envloesnes], s. envidia. environ [envairoen], va. Todear, ceriir. environment [envairoenmoent], s. cercania ; medio ambiente. environs [envairoenS], s. pi. contornos, alredc- dores, cercanias, inmediaciones, afueras, suburbios. envoy [6nvpi], «. enTlado; mensajero; (po6t.) toruada, envy [6nvi], va. y vn. envidiar, codiciar. — a. eiividia; cosa envidiada. envyingly [envungiy], s. envidiosamente. enwrap [enrap], va. envolver. enwrapment [enr^epmoent], s. cubierta, funda, envoltura. enwreathe [enriu], va. enguirnaldar. Eocene [io«iii], a. (geol.) eoceno. Eolian [eoiian], Eolic [eoiic], a. eolio, eolico : Eolian harp, arpa eolia. eolipile [eoupaii], s. (fis.) eolipilo. eon 8B0n [ion], s. evo ; eon. epact [6pactl, 5. epacta. epaulet [6poietl, s. (mil.) charretera, capona. epenetic [epenetic], a. laudatorio, panegirico, epenthesis [ep^nzesis], .?. (gram.) epentesis. epergne [epem], s. centro de mesa. ephemera [eftmoera], s. (med.) efemeraoefi- mera ; ( fam. ) causon ; insecto ef imero ; cosa efimera. ephemeral [emmoerai], a. eflmero. — s. cosa efi- mera ; tablas astronomicas. ephemeriS lefSmoeris], S. {pi. EPHEMERIDES) efemerides. ephemerist [eKmoenet], s. astrologo. Ephesian [efn-an], a. efesino, de Efeso. ephialtes [en^itiS], s. pesadilla. ephod [6fod], s. efod ; superhumeral. epic(al[6pic(ai], a. epico. — s. poem a epico,epo- peya. epicardium [epicardioem], 5.(anat.) epicardio. epicarp [epicarp], s. (bot.) epicarpo. epicene i^pisinj, a. (gram.) epiceno. epicure [^pikiur], s. epicureo, gastronome; epulon, sibarita. epicurean [epikuinan], a. y s. epicfireo. epicurism [^pikiurism], s. epicureismo. epicycle [episaiooei], s. epiciclo. epicycloid [episaicioidi, s. epicicloide. epidemic (al [epid^micCai], a. epidemico, epi- demial. — *-. epidemia, peste, plaga. epidermal [epidc^rniai], a. epidermico. epidermic (al [epid^rmicCai], a. epidermico. epiderm(is, epiderm [epidAmns, ^piderm], s. epidermis, cuticula ; piel ; (bot.) epidermis. epigastric [epigastric], a. epigastrico. epigastrium [epigsestrloem], s. epigastrio. epiglottis [epigiotis], s. epiglotis, lengueta, epigram f^piprram], s. epigrama, frase. epigrammatic (al [epigraem^tic ai], a. epigra- matico, conceptuoso. epigrammatist [epigr^matist], *. epigrama- tista, epigram atario. epigrammatically [epigrani^ticaii], adv. epi- gramaticamente. epigraph [^pigraf], s. epigrafe, tltulo ; inscrip- cion, epitafio. epilepsy [^piiepsi], s. epilepsia, alferecia. epileptic(al [epii^pticCai], a. y s. epilgptico. epilogistic [epiioYistic], a. epilogai. epilogize [epiiovalS], va. y vn. epilogar ; titu- lar. epilogue [Epilog], s. epilogo. Epiphany [epSfani], s. (igl.) Epifania, dia de los Reyes, epiphonema [epifonima], s. epifonema. episcopacy [episcopaei], s. episcopado. episcopal [episcopal], a. episcopal, obispal. Episcopalian [episcopalian], a. y s. pertenc- ciente a la secta protest ante episcopal. episcopalianism [episcopeiianism], s. doctrina de la secta protestante episcopal. episcopally [episcopaii], adv. episcopalmente. episcopate [episcopet], s. obispado, episco- pado. episode t^pisod], s. episodio ; digresion. Pus el Bonido de sa, ca^ d, a, sh, t, i, v^ase la clave de Dronunciacion al principio del libro. EPI 174 ERA eplaod(i)al [6pi8od(i)aii, episodic(al [episodic- al, a, episodico. epiaodically [episodtcalf], adv. episodicamente. epispastic [episp^stic], a. y «. epispastico ; ve- jigatorio. episperm [^pispnerm], *. (bot.) episperraa. epistaxis [eput^xu], s. (med. ) epistaxis. epistle [epis.Ei], s. epistola, carta. epistolary [epistoieri], epistollc(al [epistouc- iRi], a. epistolar(io. epistrophe [eplstrofe], .?. (ret.) epistrofe, con- version ; (mus.) estribillo. epistyle [epistaii], s. arquitrabe. epitaph [^pftaf], «. epitafio. epitaphic [epitafic], a. relative al epitafio. epithalamium. [epizai^mioeir.], s. epitalamio. epithelial [epi«iiai], a. epitelial, relative al epitelio. epithelium [epiziiium], *. (anat.) epitelio. epithem [epizem], s. (med. ) epitema. epithet [^pizet], s. epiteto. epitome [epitome], s. epitome, resumen, com- pendio, sinopsis. epitomize [epitomais], va. epitomar, abreviar, conipendiar, substanciar. epitOmlZer [epitomalSoer], epitomlst [epito- mist], s. abreviador, compendiador. epitrope [epitropi], s. (ret. ) epitrope. epizoan [epiaoan), a. y s. epizoario. epizootic [epi8o6tic], o. epizootico. — s. epizoo- tia. epizooty [epiSooti], s. epizootia. epoch [epoc], s. epoca, era. epode [epod), s. (po6t.) epodo. eponym [4pio del Ubro- EXC 179 cion, provocacion, irritacion ; enojo; agra- vaciOn, recargo. excavate [excavet], va. excavar, socavar, ca- var, minar ; vaciar, ahondar. excavation [excav^shoen], s. excavacion, cavi- dad, hoyo ; (agr.) excava. excavator [excavetoer], s. excavador. SXCeed [ecslii], va. excedei- ; aventajar, desco- llar, superar, sobrepujar, sobresalir; reba- sar, sobrar. — vn. excederse, propasarse ; pre- pouderar. exceeding [ecsiding], jja. excesivo, excedente, superante. exceedingly [ecsidingii], adv. excesivamente, suraamente, extremamente. excel [ecs6i), vn. y vn. sobresalir, sobrepujar, aveutajar, superar, despuntar, ganar, ven- eer. 3xcellence, excellency [ecseiens, i], s. exee- leuoia, bondad : His Excellency, Su Excelen- cia. excellent [^cseient], a. excelente, selecto, so- bresaliente, primoroso, relevante. excellently [ecseientu], adv. excelentemente, primorosamente. excelsior [ecseigior], a. (lat.) mas alto; hacia arriba.— s. madera en hebras para empa- quetar. excentric [ecsentHc], a. V. eccentric. except [ecs^pt], va. exceptuar, omitir, excluir, — VH. (for.) excepcionar; recusar. except, prep, excepto, con exclusion de, & excepcion de, fuera de, menos. — conj. sino, a men OS que. excepting [ec86pting], prep, a excepcion de, fuera de, salvo. exception [ecsepShoen], s. excepcion ; exclu- sion, salvedad ; (for.) excepcion, recusa- 'liou ; objecion : to take exception, resen- tirse, ofenderse ; (for.) excepcionar. exceptionable [eps^pshcenaboei], a. recusable, tachable. exceptional [eM^pShoenai], a. excepcional, poco coniun, superior. exceptive [ecseptiv], a. que implica excep- cion ; susceptible, quisquilloso. exceptor [ecs^ptoer], s. el que pone excep- ciones. excerpt lecs&rpt], va. extractar.— .?. extract©, exeerta. excerption [ecsderpShoen], .?. acto de extractar ; extracto, exeerta. excerptive [ecsdei-ptivj, a. extractador. excerptor [ecsArpt.brj, s. extractador. excess [ecs^s], s, exceso, demasia, superabun- dancia, creces, sobra ; inmoderacion, des- templanza; transgresion ; (com.) sobrante, superavit •ZCesslve [ecs^aiv], a. excesivo, sobrado, sumo, exorbitante, demasiado, inmodera- do, desmesurado. excessively [ecp^sivii], adv. excesivamente, extreinadamente, sobradamente, demasia- damente. exchange [exch^nv], va. cambiar ; canjear, trocar, permutar: to exchange words, cam- biar, decirse algunas palabras : to exchange guns, pistols, 6 shots, darse 6 tirarse pistole- tezos : to exchange cards, desafiarse : to ex- change prisoners, canjear prisioneros de gue- rra: to exchange signs, hacerse senas. — s. oambio, trueque 6 permuta; canje ; (com.) bolsa, lonja, casa de contratacion ; cambio. giro ; 'premio del cambio : oficina central de telgfonos : exchange of prisoners, canje de prisioneros. exchangeable [exch^nyabnBi], a. cambiable. exchanger [exch^nvoerj, s. carabista, banquero. exchequer [exch^koer], s. real hacienda, erarioi, tesoro. tisco, tesoreria : exchequer bills, (Ingl.) abonarfis de la Tesoreria. excipient [exipiem], s. (farm.) excipieute. excisable [ecsaiSabcei], a. sujeto al derecho de sisa. excise [ecsaiS], s. sisa, impuesto sobre consu- mos. — va. cortar, extirpar, sisar ; imponer consumos. exciseman [ecsaiSman], s. oficial del resguardo. excision fecsivoen], 5. (cir. ) excision ; extirpa- cion. excitability [exsaitabiiui], s. excitabilidad. excitable [ecsaitaboei], a. excitable. excitant [ecsaitant], a. J s. excitante. excitation [ecsit^Shoen], s. excitacion ; instiga- cion, incitamiento. excitative, excitatory [ecsaitativ, tori], a. ex- citativo, provocativo. excite [ecsaitl, va. excitar, mover, incitar, pro- vocar, animar, estimular; (elec. ) excitar. excitedly fecsaitedU], adv. agitadamente, aca- loradamente. excitement [ecsaitmoent], s. excitacion, estl- mulo, incitamiento, instigacion, movil ; agi- tacion, conmocion, acaloramiento ; (Cuba) embullo. exciter [ecsaitoer], s. motor, incitador, agita- dor, instigador; (elec.) excitador. exciting [ecsauing], pa. excitante, incitante, estimulante, conmovedor. excitingly [ecsaitiugii], adv. de un modo exci- tante 6 provocativo. exclaim [exci^im], va. y vn. exclamar, clamar. exclamation [exciam^ghcen], *. exclamacion, grito, clamor; (gram.) interjeccion : ex- clamation mark, punto de admiracion (I). exclamative, exclamatory (exci^mativ, tori), a. exclamativo, exclamatorio. exclude [exriud], va. excluir ; exceptuar; des- echar, rechazar ; (biol. ) expeler, arrojar. exclusion [exoiuvren], s. exclusion, exclusiva, excepcion ; eliminacion ; recusacion ; expul- sion. exclusionist [exciflyoenist], s. el que quiere excluir §, otros. exclusive [exciusiv], a. exclusive, privative ; exceptuado. exclusively [excifisivii], adv. exclusivaraente, unicamente. exclusiveness [exciusivnes], *. exclusiva, re- pulsa ; calidad de exclusive. exclusivism [excifisivism], s. exclusivismo. excogitate [excovitet], va. exeogitar, pensar, imaginar, inventar. excogitation [excovit^Shoen], s. accion de exeo- gitar. eXCOmmuniCable [excomHinicabajl], a. digno de exeomuuion. excommunicate [excomifiniket], va. excomul- gar, descomulgar, anatematizar. — a. y s. ex- comtilgado. excommunication [excomjunik6gh«en], s. exce- munion, descoraunion, anatema. eXCOmmunicatOr [excomiunlkStoer], s. exco- mulgador, excoriate [excoHet], va. desellar, exceriar ; sa- hornarse. excoriation [excoriSahcen), s. desolladura ; ex- coriacion. excortication [excortik^Shoen], s. descorteza- dura. excrement [^xcremoent], *. excremento, estifir- col, freza. excremental, excrementary [excrem^ntai, t«ri], excrementitial, excrementitious [excrementiShai, tishoes], a. excrementicio, ex- crementoso. Pars el sonido de m. oe. d. g, gh, t, c. vdase U clave de pronunclacion al princlpio del libro. EXC 180 EXH excrescence, excrescency [excr^sens, i], *. excreeencia, carnosidad, funeosidad. excrescent [excr^sent], a. superfluo, que forma excreeencia. excrete [excrlt], va. excretar. excrete [6xcretj, s. excremento. excretion [excnahoeu], s. excrecion ; excre- mento. excretive [excntiv], excretory [6xcretoii], a. excretorio, emuntorio. excruciable [excrfiihiaboei], a. digno de tor- men to. excruciate [excrfiShiet], va. dar tormento. excruciating [excrfiShleting], a. agudisimo (do- lor), penosisimo ; (fam. E. U.) extremado, afectado. excruciatingly [excrfigiuetingio, adv. extrema- damente, vivisimamente. excruciation [excnwhi^ghoen], s. tormento, tor- tura. eXCUlpable [excdelpaboel], a. disculpable. exculpate [exc&ipet], va. disculpar, excusar, justificar, sincerar. eXClQpatiOn [excoelp^Shcen], S. disculpa. exculpatory [excdeipatoHj, a. disculpador, jus- tificativo, sincerador. excursion [exc(fer8hcEii], s. excursion, romeria, viajata ; (mil.) correria ; expedicion, salida ; digresion ; (fis.) mitad del movimiento de oscilacion ; (mec.) recorrido, curso : excur- sion ticket, train, billete de ida y vuelta, tren de excursion. excursionist [exccfershoenist], 5. viajero, romero. excursive [exodereiv], a. errante, vagante ; (fig.) digresivo, erratico, pasajeYo. excursively [excdersivu], adv. de un modo vago, digresivo 6 errante. excursiveness [excfiersivnes], s. calidad de di- gresivo 6 errante. excusable [exkiuSaboei], a. excusable, discul- pable, disimulable. eXCUSableneSS (exkiugabcelnes], s. disculpabili- dad. excusably [exkifiSabii], adv. disculpablemente. excusatory [exkJuSatori], a. apologetico. excuse [exkifiSi, va. excusar, disculpar ; since- rar, justificar, vindicar ; eximir, libertar, exentar, dispensar, disimular, paliar, per- donar, remitir.— s. excusa, apologia, defen- sa, justificacion ; disculpa ; pretexto, esca- patoria. execrable [^csecrabcei], a. execrable, abomina- ble, aborrecible, vitando. execrably [^csecrawi], adv. execrablemente. execrate [ecsecret], va. execrar, maldecir, abo- minar. execration [ecsecreshoen], s. execracion, mal- dicion, abominacion. executant [egS^kiutant], 5. (mfis.) ejecutante. execute [ecsekiiuj, va. ejecutar, Uevar a cabo ; cumplir; (mus. yteat.) ejecutar, desempe- iiar ; (for.) legalizar un documento ; ajusti- ciar. — vn. obrar ; (m(is. y teat.) ejecutar, des- empeiiar. executed [^csekiuted], pp. y a. ejecutado ; lega- lizado ; fecho. executer [^csekjutoer], s. ejecutor. execution [ecsekiuShcBn], .f. ejecucion, cumpli- miento; (for.) ejecucion, niandamiento ju- dicial ; legalizacion de un documento; eje- cucion de la pena de muerte ; (b. a.) ejecu- cion, desempeno, destreza. executioner [ecsekiusiKencer], s. ejecutor oficial, verdugo. executive [ega^kiutivi, a. ejecutivo.— «. poder ejecutivo, autoridad suprema. executor [egs^kiutoerj, s. albacea, testamen- tario. executorship [cgS^kiutoLrShip], s. albaceazgo. executory [esgekiutori], a. ejecutorio, ejec* tivo ; admiuistrativo. eXeCUtreSS [eKsekUUres], executrix [egSekih-. tries], sj'. albacea, testamentaria. exegesis [ecsevisis], s. exegesis. exegete [ecsevit], s. exegeta. exegetic(al [ecsev^tic ai], a. exegetico. exegetically [ecsev^ticaii], adv. por via de ex- plicacion. exemplar [egs^mpiar], s. ejemplar, original, modelo, pauta, dechado. exemplarily [egSempieerm], adv. ejemplarmen- te ; por ejemplo. exemplarineSS [egSemplserines], s. calidad que debe servir de ejemplo. exemplary feglemplseri 6 egs^mplwri], rt. ejem- plar. exemplification [eggempHnkeshoen], s. ejempli- ficacion, parificacion ; (for.) copia certifi- cada. exemplify [egSempiifai], va. ejemplificar, pari- ticar, declarar, manifestar ; trasladar, co piar. exempt tegSempt], va. exentar, libertar, exf mir, franquear, dispensar, exceptuar. — i exento ; libre, franco, exemptible [egs^mptiwi], a. exento, privil- • giado, libre. exemption [egS^mpShoen], s. exencion, franqui- cia, dispensa, inmunidad. exequatur recsecuetoer 6 cu4tcBr], 5. exequatur. exequies [ecsecuiS], s. pi. exequias, funerales. exercisable [ecsotrsaisaboil], a. ejercitativo. exercise lecscersaiS], s. ejercicio, practica, use ; ejercicio corporal, gimnasia, estudio.— />/, examenes ; certamen literario ; servicio re- ligioso. — va. ejercitar, poner eu ejercicio ; formar, adiestrar, habituar ; atarear ; eni- plear ; preocupar, causar ansiedad ; ejer- cer ; comunicar. — vn. y vr. adiestrarse, ejer^ citarse ; hacer ejercicio 6 gimnasia. exercitation [eKsoersiteghoen], s. ejercicio, ejer- citacion, practica. exergue lecs&rg], s. exergo. exert [egS^rt], va. esforzar ; ejercer. — vr. em- penarse, hacer esfuerzo, apurarse. exertion [egStiershoen], s. esfuerzo, eouato.— pi. diligencias, pasos, medios. exeimt [ecseoent], (lat.) (teat.) vanse : ezeuM omnes, vanse todos. exfoliate [exfouet], im. (cir.) exfoliarse ; esca- niarse. — va. exfoliar, escamar. exfoliation lexfoiieShcen], s. exfoliacion. exhalable [exj^iaboei], a. exhalable, evapora- ble. exhalant [exj^iant], a. y s. exhalador. exhalation [exjai^Shcen], 5. exhalacion, efluvio, vapor, vaho, tufo. exhale [exjeii], va. exhalar, emitir, despedirs vahar.— i'?j. disiparse, evaporarse, desvane cerse. exhaust [egSost], va. apurar, extraer, vaciar agotar ; acabar, gastar, consumir, disipar ; depauperar, empobrecer ; debilitar, enfla- Quecer, postrar. — s. (mec.) vapor agotado 6 de escape ; emision de vapor, educcion : ex- haust fan, expulsor de aire : exhaust valve, valvula de educcion. exhauster [cgSostcer], s. agotador. exhaustible [egSostibceii, a. agotable. exhaustion [egsoschoen), s. agotamiento, eva- cuacion, vaciamiento ; debilitacion, postra- cion, enervacion. exhaustive [eggostivj, a. apurador; cabal completo. exhaustively [egS6Btivii)» adv. cabaluiente completauiente. Para el aonido de «, oe, d, S, gh, y, t, v^ase U clave de pronuDciacion al principio del libitk EXH 181 EXP exhaustiveness [egsostivnes], s. calidad de completo 6 cabal. exhaustless [egSoeties], a. inagotable. exhibit [esSibit], va. exhibir, expouer, presen- tar, luanifestar, ofreeer, mostrar ; (for.) ex- hibir ; (lued.) admiuistrar (un remedio). — s. cualquier objeto 6 instalacion de objetos expuestos al pfiblico ; luauifestaciou ; (for.) docuruento fehaciente presentado como prueba. exhibiter, exhibitor [egsibitrer], s. expositor ; (for.) el que exhibe. exhibition [egsiWshoen], s. exhibicion, mani- festacion, presentacion, exposicion ; osten- tacion ; (med.) adniinistracion de im reme- dio ; (Ingl.) beca de merced, prebenda de estudiante. exhibitioner [e,igibishk'.ratt>ri], a. exploratorio. explore [expiodi], va. explorar, averiguar, exarainar, sondear ; (min.) catar. explosion [expiovoen], *. explosion, voladura, reveuton, detonacion. explosive [expiosivi, a. y s. explosive, fulnii- naiite : explosive ball, bala explosiva : explo- sive cotton, algodou polvora. explosively [txj.iosivu], adv. con explosion. explosiveness [expiosivues], s. calidad de ex- plosivo. exponent [expounent], s. representante ; expo- sitor; (mat.) exjjonente. exponential [expuu^nShai], a. (mat.) exponen- cial. export [export], va. (com.) exportar.— .5. ex- portacion. — pi. articulos de exportaciou. exportable [exportabtei], a. exportable. exportation [export^Shoenl, s. (com.) exporta- cion, extraccion : bounty on exportation, pri~ ma de exportacion, exporter [exportoer], s. exportador. expose [exp6ii8], va. exponer, poner en peligro, arriesgar ; poner de manifiesto, mostrar, descubrir ; publicar, divulgar ; revelar, des- enmascarar ; co.mprometer ; abandonar. expos6 [expoge], s. (fr.) revclacion comprome- tedora 6 escandalosa. exposed [expongd], pp. y a. expuesto, mostra- do, etc. ; descubierto, no abrigado. exposition [exixjaiShoen], s. exposiciou, exhibi-^ cion ; explanacion, explicacion, interprets.* cion ; analisis retorico ; desenlace ae un drama. expositive [expoSitiv], a. expositivo. expositor [expogitoer], s. expositor; comenta- dor. expository [expoSitorij, a. expositivo, explica- tivo. expostulate [exposchu- (6 till) let], vn. altercaT,. contender : to expostulate with, reconvenir » uno, debatir. expostulation [exposchuieshcBn], *. debate, re» convencion, disuasion. expostlllator [expoBchuietoer], s. el que recou' viene a otro. expostulatory [expoBchuUtori^, a. que cop- tiene una reconvencion. exposure [expovoer], s. exposicion ; sitiiacion. orientacion ; revelaci6n, esc&ndalo : southern exposure, vista al sur. expound [expaund], va. exponer, explicar, dilu- cidar. interpretar, comentar. expounder [expaunduer), s. expositor, coioen* tador. express [expr^e], va. expresar, manifestar ; de- cir, proferir ; exprimir, prensar ; extraer el jugo ; enviar, expedir por expreso 6 mensa- jero. — rr. to express one's self, expresarse, producirse, explicarse. — a. expreso, claro, explicito, categ6rico ; especial ; hecho de Pftrm el sonido de k, oe, d, I, 8b, t, g, viaae la duve de prouur ,iaci principio del llbro. EXP 183 EXT encargo ; llevado por expreso ; pronto, ra- pid©, veloz ; exacto, parecido, pintiparado. — s. expreso, correo, mensajero, estafeta; or- dinario, propio : express-train, (f. c.) tren expreso : express-car, furgon. dXpressage [expresecii], s. porte por expreso ; lo que se envia por expreso : servicio del ex- preso. expressible [expr^sibcei], a. deeible ; expresa- ble ; expriraible. expressibly, adv. de modo expresable 6 ex- prim ible. expression [expreShcen], s. expresion ; gesto ; talante ; seinblante ; vocablo, termiiio, lo- cucion, voz 6 palabra ; (b. a.) expresion; (farm.) expresion, zurao. expressive [expr^siv], a. expresivo, significa- tivo. expressively [expresivii], adv. expresivamen- te. expressiveness texpreslvnes], s. significacion, expresion, energia. expressly [expresu], adv. expresamente, ex- plicitamente, categoricamente. expressman [expresmau], s. mensajero, cosa- rio, trajinante, ordinario. expressness [expresnes], s. exactitud, claridad. expropriate [exprdpHet], va. enajenar, expro- piar. expropriation [expropn^Shoen], s. enajena- miento, expropiacion. expugn [expiun], va, (mil.) expugnar. expugnable [expciegnaboel], a. expugnable. expugnation [expoBgndsiio-n], s. expugnacion, expugner [expiuiuur], s. expugnador. expulsion [exp^isiioen], s. expulsion. expulsive [exp&isiv], a. expulsivo. expunge [exptfen-/], va. borrar, cancelar, rayar, testar ; expurgar, destruir. expunction [exp^nkShoeni, s. canceladura. expurgate [^xpurguet 6 expderguet], va. expur- gar. expurgation [expoergueghnRn], s. expurgacion, expurgo. expurgator [^xpoerguetoeri, s. expurgador. expurgatory [expcfergatorl], a. expurgatorio. exquisite [^xcuiSit], a. exquisito, primoroso, excelente, rico, delicado, precioso ; almiba- rado, remilgado ; intenso, excesivo, agudo : exqaisite pain, dolor agudisimo : exquisite pleasure, vivo placer. — s. elegante, petime- tre, pisaverde, currutaco. exquisitely [^xcuisuu], adv. exquisitamente, primorosamente. exquisiteness [Scscuigitnes], s. primor, genti- leza, delicadeza, excelencia, perfeccion. exsanguine [ecs^ngmn], a. exangue. exscind [ecsinrt], va. cortar ; excluir. exsect [ecRect], va. {dr.) amputar. exsection [ecF^cshoen], 5. (cir.) amputacion. exserted [erscerted], a. (bot.) exserto. exsiccant [ecsicant], a. J s. desecativo, dese- cante. exsiccate l^csiket 6 ecsiuet], va. desecar, secar, resecar. exsiccation [ecsik^Shoen], s. desecacion, rese- cacion. exsiccative [ecsicativ], a. desecativo, desecan- te. extant [^cstant], a: estante, existente ; vivien- te ; conspicuo. extemporaneous [extempor^neoen], extempo- rary [pxteniporwril, a. repentino, improvisado. extemporaneously [extempor^neoeBll], adv. re- peutinamente, de improviso. extempore lext^mpori 6 re], a. sin estudio pre- vio, improvisado. — adv. de improviso, de re- pente, in promptu. eXtempOrineSS (extSmporlnesJ, S. improvisft' cion. extemporize [ext^mporais], va. improvisar, re» peotizar. extemporizer [ext^mporaiSoer], s. improvisa* dor, repentista. extend [extend], va. extender, tender, alargar ; ensanchar, amplificar ; prolongar ; proyec- tar ; ampliar ; ofrecer, conceder, dar, co- municar ; explayar, dilatar ; prorrogar, di- ferir. — vn. extenderse, prolongarse, estirar- se : to extend the arm, the hand, alargar el brazo ; tender la mano : to extend trade, dar extension al comercio : to extend the time oi payment, dar prorroga. extended [extended], a. y pp. extenso, prolon- gado, estirado ; diferido ; (impr.) tipo abierto, v. g., letra ab'ierta. extendedly, adv. prolongadamente. extendible [ext^udiba-i], a. extensivo. extensibility [exteimiwiiti], extensibleness [extSngiboiines], s. calidad de extensivo. extensible [ext^nsiboei], a. extensivo. extension [ext^nghoen], .V. extension, dilata- ciou, expansion ; aumento, prolongacion, ensanche ; adicion, anexo ; (com. ) prorroga, respiro. extensive [ext^nsiv], a. extenso, extensivo, dilatado, espacioso, vasto, grande. extensively [ext^nsivu], adv. extensivamente. extensiveness (ext^iiaivnes], s. extension, anchura, capacidad, grandor. extensor [ext^nsoer], 5. (anat.) extensor. extent [extent], «. extension, dimension, ta- mafio, magnitud, amplitud, latitud ; al- cance ; (for.) ejecucion ; entredicho, em- bargo : to a certain extent, hasta cierto pun- to : to the fun extent, en toda su extension : to a great extent, en sumo grado, grande- mente. extenuate [ext^nyuet], va. disminuir, mino' rar, mitigar, atenuar, paliar. extenuating [ext^nyueung], a. atenuante. extenuation [extenyu^shceuj, s. atenuacion, mi- tigacion, paliacion. exterior [extirioer], a. exterior, externo ; visi- ble, manifiesto. — s. lo exterior ; aspecto, porte, exterioridad. exteriority [extinorui], s. exterioridad. exteriorly [extirioerii], adv. exteriormente. exterminate [extcferminet], va. exterminar, desarraigar, destruir, extirpar; (alg.) eli- minar. extermination [extoermiii^Shoen], s. extermi- nio, destruccion, extirpacion ; (mat.) eliml- nacion. exterminator [extottt, volver la cara ; to face one out down, soste- ner descaradamente ; turbar a fuerza de descaro : to face out a lie, sostener una p^en- tira con impudencia : to face out, arrostrar, hacer cara ; (mil.) volver las espalda-^: to face the music, (fam.) hacer frente a la.* con- secuencias: about face, V. about. faced [fest], a. (en composicion) carado *) en- carado; (cost.) for rado, guarnecido ; labra- do ; descubierto : ill-faced, mal encarfldo 6 engestado. facer fftsoerj, s. puuetazo dado en la cara ; pei- cance 6 rev6s. facet [f*8et], va. (joy.) labrar facetas.— «. face- ta ; (arq.) filete de las estrias de una co- lumna; (ento.) faceta del ojo de uu in- sect©. faceted [f^eseted], pp. y a. labrado en fi^'etas. facetious [fasiShues], a. decider, salado, chisto* so, jocoso, gracioso. facetiously [faBilhoesii], adv. chistosament€, alegremente. facetiousness [fassghoesnes], 5. sal, chiste, gra- cia, donaire. facial [f^shiai 6 fasiai], a. facial : facial angle, angulo facial. facile [f*8ii), a. facil ; ©bediente, docil ; vivo, listo, diestro, hibil ; accesible, afable. , facilitate [faaiutet], ra. facilitar, allanar. facilitation [raBiiitesiicen], s. facilitacion. facility [fasiuti], 5. facilidad, destreza, habili- dad ; docilidad ; afabilidad ; ayuda, conve- niencia. facing [«8!ng], s. paramento ; revestimiento ', (cost.) vueltas ; cubierta ; cara; encara- miento. fac-simile [fn-'-Rimiii], a. y s. facsimile. fact ffsect], ,s. hecuc, accion, suceso ; realidad, verdad ; dato, motivo : in fact, en efecto, en verdad : In the very fact, en el mero hecho : matter of fact, hecho positivo, cierto ; ver- dad : matter-of-fact man, honibre positivo. faction [f^cshoeii], 5. faccion, bando, liga, pan' dilla, parcialidad, banderia ; alboroto, tu- multo. factional fftecshoenai), a. facci©nario. faCtiOniSt rfiecShoenlst], S. facci©SO. factious [ftScShoes], a. faccioso, sedicioso, r» voltoso. factiously [iScshcEBii], adv. sediciosamente. <»rra'el sonido de », oe, D, i, Sb, T, «, v^ase la clave de pronunciaoion al principio del llbro. FAC 186 FAL factiousness [f^csbaesneg], s. espiritu de parti- do 6 faccion. factitious [fwctiShujs], a. facticio ; artificial. factor [fsectuji], s. factor, agente comisiona- do; (mat.) factor. factorage [r^Sttorech], com. ) comision ; factoraje. factorship i..uctorSiiip], s. ageucla, factoria. factory [fsectoril, 5. fabrica, taller, manufactu- ra ; factoria. factotum [fipototouin], A. factotum. facula [f*kiuia\, A. (astr. ) facula. facultative ifAcoeitetivj, a. facultative ; (for.) potestativo. faculty 'fiecceiti], s. facultad, aptitud, talento, dou ; facultad, cuerpo de doctores 6 maes- tros d i una ciencia. fad [fie'i], «. capricho, novedad, moda, mania, coraidilla. chifladura. fade |f6i(i), va. marchitar, poner palido, desco- lorar ; debilitar, enflaquecer, desmejorar. — vn. palidecer, descolorarse ; decaer, marchi- tarse, durar poco. fadeless [feidies], o. que no palidece 6 se des- colora., fady [feicii], a. que decu 6 se raarchita. fsecal, faces, facula, K fecal, feces, etc. faerie, faery (feiari], a. (ant.) V. fairy. fag [feKl, va. fatigar, cansar ; hacer trotar 6 trabajar k uno. — vn. desfallecer de cansan- cio ; trabajar como un galopin. — s. esclavo, galopin, marmiton, ganapan : fag-end, cadi- Ilos, pestanas ; sobra 6 desperdicio ; (mar. ) cordon. xagot [f*got], s. haz. manojo, capon 6 gavilla ae lena; (fort.) rajina ; haz de barras de hierro 6 ajero (120 libras de peso): tormento de ser quemado vivo ; raonton de pescado {»ara curarlo ; vicja, liruja. — va. liar, hacer ios 6 haces ; recoger, recaudar. Fahrenheit iiarenjeit], u. referente al termo- metro de Fahrenheit. faience [fayaoR], s. loza fina. fail [f^ii], va. abandoLKtr, dejar ; frustrar, en- gaiiar, chasquear. — vn. faltar, fallar, marrar ; frustrarse, malograrse, abortar un proyec- to, consumirse, acabar, fallecer; desvane- cerse, decaer, menguar ; (com.) quebrar, ha- cer bancarrota : not to fail, no dejar de : witbont fail, sin falta. failing [ftiiingj, s. falta, desliz, defecto ; deca- dencia, malogro. failure (f^iioer], *. fracaso, fiasco, malogro, fa- 11a; falta, culpa, omision, descuido, desliz; (com.) quiebra, bancarrota : failure of isiue, (for.) sin deiar prole. fain [r^in], a. dispuesto, conforme, resignado ; contento. — adv. (ant.) gustosamente, ds bue- na gana. faint Irtint], vn. dAi mayarse, perdcr el conoci- miento; desfallecer; acobardarse, desani- marse, desalentr.rso ; descaecer, dcsvane- cerse. — a. l&uguido, abatido, timido, pusiU- nime ; indistinto, tenue, delicado, apagado ; d^bil, desfallccido, desmayado: to feel 6 grow faint, desmayarse, sentir un desfalleciraien- to : to be faint with, morirse de, e!=tar muerto dehambre : faint-hearted, cobarde, medroso, Susil&nime, apocado : faint-heartedly, me- rosamente : faint-heartedneis, miedo, pusi- lanimidad. faint, fainting [Kintini!:], s. deliquio, desma- yo ; desfallecimiento : faintlng-flt 6 ipell, sin- cope, desmayo ; (med. ) lipotiraia. falntish [Kintish], a. desfalleciente. faintishness [KintiShncH], s. desfallecimiento. faintly iftintii], adv. desmayadamente, dfibil- mente, tenuemente. faintness [fi^jiittieg], s. languidez, ahilo, fla* queza, desalicnto, '-ntud; timidez. fair [tewr], a. claro, ujspejado, sereno ; limpio, terso, inmaculado ; bonancibie, favorable, prospero ; bianco, rubio ; hermoso, perfecto, bello ; recto, cquitativo, justo, imparcial ; sincere, hourado, razonable, franco, inge- nue ; cortes, liberal ; corriente, rc"ular, me- diano, pasable, ordiuario ; I ien formado, distinto ; legible : fair to middling, bastante buene : to play ti , jugar limpio : fair play, proceder leal, juego limpio : fair sex 6 the fair, bello sexo ; fair wind, viento favorable : fair weather, buen tiempo: fair-weather firiend, amigo en la prosperidad : fair name, nembre honrade, sin tacha : to make a fair copy, poner en limpio : to give a f ■- hearing, oir, escuchar con imparcialidad : to be in a fair way to succeed, estar .n buen camino de Erosperar : by fair means, per medies rectos, onrades : fair man, fair woman, hembre ru- bio, mujer rubia : fair p ad square, henrado 4 carta cabal : fair-haired, de cabellos blen- des 6 rubies : fair-complezioned, de tez blan- ca. — adv. imparcialmente, henradamente, decentemente, cortesmente, feUzmente. — s. mercado ; expesicion regional ; (poet.) niua hermosa : world's fair, expesicion universal. fairing [fsajriiig], s. ferias, agasajos. fairly [temrii],- adv. imparcialmente, rectamen- te, justamentc ; henradamente ; razonable- mente ; medianamento ; totalmente, cabal- raente ; claramentc ; favorablemente ; pri- morosamentc, bellamente. faimesc (ie*riie8j, s. hermesura, belleza ; hon- radez, candor ; imparcialidad, justicia, equi- dad, rcctitud. fairway lfe»ruej, s. (mar.) canalize. fairy [f6erJ], «. hada 6 fada, duende, trasgo. — a. de les duendes : fairy land, tierra de lea duendes : fairy tale, cuento de hadas : fairy- like, parecido a una hada. faith I«i«], s. fe, creencia, credito, cenfianza ; religion, credo ; palabra que se da ; buena fe, fidelidad, lealtad : to break faith with one, faltar k la palabra dada : in faith, k la ver- dad : in good faith, de buena fe : upon my faith, S, fe mia. — interj. en verdad. faithful [f6i«fui], a. fiel, leal ; exacto, pun- tual ; justo, recto ; veraz. faithfully [feWuU], adv. fielmente, firmemen> te; puntualmente. faitnfulneoc [f^izfuinesj, s. fidelidad, henra- dez, lealtad, exactitud. faithless [routes], a. infiel, sin fe; p^rfido, desleal, traldor, fementide. faithlessness [r^uiesnesi, s. infidelidad, des- lealtad, infidencia, traicion. fake [fek], s. (mar.) aduja de cable; (fam.) patrafia, filfa, paparrucba, engaiio. — va. adujar, enrescar : (fam.) chalanear; fingir, inventar falsedades ; hurtar. fakir [f^koer], s. faquir ; (fam.) buhonero. falcate (d [r^iketCed], a. falcade, encorvado. falcation ifwik^Shsen], s. encervadura. falchion [foichoen], s. cimitarra, falce. falciform [f^isifom], a. en fordiflon, topocho. uity [fatiuiti], .1. fatuidad. fatuous ftJetiuoes], a. fatuo, necio, insensate^ simple, tonto. fauces [fosis], s. pi. fauces, gaznate, garganta. faucet [foset], s. espita, canilla, Have, grifo. faugh, interj. \ puf ! ; bah ! fault [foit], A-. falta, culpa, desliz ; defecto. tacha, imperfeccion, lunar; perdida del rastro por los perros de caza ; (geol.) falla; (elec.) defecto 6 interrupcion de la corrien'- te : at fault, culpable ; perplejo : fault-finder, censurador, criticon ; reparon : to find fault, tachar, criticar ; poner faltas. — va. (geol.) producir una falla en. faultily [foitiiil, adv. defectuosamente, erra- damente. faultiness [foltines], s. culpa, falta, vicio, de* fecto. ofensa. Para el sonido de m, oe, d, S, Sli, v, x, viase la clave de pronunclacion al piincipio del llbro. FAU 190 FED tAUltless [foities], a. sin falta ; sin tacha ; per- fecto, cumplido, cabal. faultlessly [foitiesu], adv. inculpadamente. faultlessness (foitiesnes], s. perieccion ; incul- pabilidad. faulty [foiti], a. culpable, defectuoso, imper- fecto, deficiente. faun [fon], s. fauno. fauna [foiiaj, s. (zool.) fauna. faunist [fonist], s. naturalista que estudia una fauna. favonian [favonun], a. favorable, prospero. liavO(U)r [fevoer], va. J vn. hacer un favor, prestar un servicio ; mirar con favor, favo- recer, apoyar, facilitar, fomentar ; contri- buir k, conducir & ; usar con cuidado 6 pre- caucfcn ; (b. a.) suavizar ; (fam.) aseme- jarse, parecerse. — s. favor, tineza, cortesia ; servicio, beneficio ; gracia, merced ; patro- cinio, proteccion, auspicio, amparo ; miti- gacion, lenidad, condescendencia, preferen- cia, parcialidad ; permiso. licencia ; acoino- dacion, facilitacion ; ODsequio, agasajo, prenda, favor ; (com.) carta, grata, atenta. !?avo(u)rable [Kvoraboeij, a. favorable, propi- cio, benevolo, benigno. faV0(U)ral)lene8S tf^vorabcelnesj, 8. agrado, benignidad. favo(u)rably [Wvorabuj, adv. favorablemente, benignamente. favo(u)red [ftvord], a. favorecido; encarado: well-favored, bien parecido : ill-favored, mal carado. favO(U)rlte [Kvoritj, a. y s. favorito, preferi- do, predilecto, privado, valido, protegido. favo(U)ritism [fevorltiSm], s. favoritisrao. fawn [foil], s. cervato, cervatillo, enodio ; color del cervato. — vn. parir la cierva ; acariciar, halagar, popar, adular. fawner [fonoer], s. adulador, adulon, quitamo- tas, quitapelillos. fawning [foiling], s. adulacion 6 lisonja vil y baja ; servilismo. fawnlngly [foningii], adv. servilmente. fay [fe], s. empalme, union ; hada, duende. — va. y vn. unir, empalmar, jiintar. fealty [flaiti], s. homenaje, fidelidad, lealtad. fear [fiicrj, *. miedo, temor, recelo, aprension, cuidado ; respeto, veneracion : fear of the world, respeto humano : fear of Ood, temor de Dios : to be in fear, tener miedo : for fear, por temor de, por miedo de. — va. temer, recelar ; mirar con temor respetuoso y re- verencia. — vn. tener miedo 6 aprension, es- tar con cuidado. fearful [fiierfiii], a. medroso, miedoso, temero- 80, pusilanime ; timido, encogido ; tremen- do, tremebundo, pavoroso, horrendo, espan- toso, terrible ; imponente, respetable. fearfully [flierfuii], ad«. medrosamente, teme- rosamente, pavorosamente, terriblemente. fearfulness [fSaarfuinea], 8. timidez, temor, miedo, pusilanimidad. fearless [f\ierie8j, a. impertgrrito, intrgpido, arrojado, bravo, atrevido, audaz. fearlessly [neeriesii], adv. intrgpidamente, sin miedo. fearlessness [naeriesnes], s. intrepidez, arrojo, bravura, valentla. fearsome [naemcEni], a. temible, espantoso ; timido, miedoso, asustado. feasibility [nsibiut!], *. posibilidad. feasible [fisiixEi], a. factible, practicable, posi- ble, aglble, hacedero. feasibleness [nsiboeinesi, s. posibilidad. feasibly nsibii], adv. de un modo factible, practicable. feast [fist], s. banquete, festin ; fiesta, festejo. regocijo; (fam.) comilona. — va. festejar, banquetear, agasajar ; regalar, recrear, de- leitar. — vn. comer opiparamente ; gozarse, deleitarse. feaster [fistoer], s. goloso ; festejador. feat [fit], s. hecho, accion ; hazana, proeza ; valentia ; juego de manos : feats, suertes. feather [ffinoer], s. pluma; plumaje; (mec.) cuna, rayo; refuerzo de eie ; (carp.) len- gueta, barbilla; genero, clase, especie, v, gr. : birds of a feather, pajaros de una mis- ma pluma, lobos de la misma camada ; al remar, la accion de volver la pala del remo goniendola casi horizontal ; espuma 6 rocia- a que levanta el remo 6 el tajamar : to cut a feather, (mar.) cortar el agua, navegar con rapidez ; estar hecho un brazo de mar • to show the white feather, mostrar cobardia . to pluck a bird's feathers, desplumar : plume of feathers, plumero, penacho : feather-bed, colchon de plumas, plumon : feather-duster, plumero : feather-bone, imitaciou de ballena para corses, etc. : feather-edged, en bisel, achaflanado : feather-brain, imbecil, tonto, casquivano: feather-weight, ligero de peso; de escasa importancia : in high feather, vivo, alegre: feather-Joint, (carp.) encaje de bar- billa y farda. — va. emplumar, cubrir 6 adornar con plumas 6 algo parecido ; volver la pala del remo al sacaria del agua, ponien- dola casi horizontal; (carp.) machihem- brar. — vn. cubrirse de plumas ; saltar 6 cris- talizarse un liquido en forma de plumas : to feather one's nest, hacer su agosto. feathered [f^Doerd], a. plumado ; alado, pent gero ; emplumado : feathered tribe, los p5; jaros. feathering [r^Doerlng], pa. feathering float 6 paddle, (hidr.) ^labe 6 paleta movible : feath- ering-wheel (6 screw), rueda (6 hglice) de pa- letas movibles. featherless [f^ooiriea], a. desplumado ; im' plume. feathery [f^noeri], a. pltimeo, plumoso. feature ffichoerj, s. rasgo, faccion 6 caracter distintivo ; lo m&s notable 6 conspicuo.— p/. facciones, fisionomla, semblante, rostro. — va. (fam.) asemejarse, parecerse; hacer conspicuo, dar importancia. featured iflchcerdl, a. formado, cincelado ; en- carado ; (teat.) anunciado de modo conspi- cuo en los carteles. featureless [flchceriesj, a. sin rasgos 6 faccio- nes caracteristicos. febrifacient [febrif^shientj, febriflc [febrinc], a que produce fiebre. febrifugal (fehrinugaii, a. febrifugo. febrifuge [ifbrifiiYl, *. (med.) febrifuge. febrile [fibni 6 ftbHi], a. (med.) febril. February ifebmaeri], «. febrero. fecal [ficRi], a. fecal. feces [fiBeS], s. pi. excrementos ; heces. fecula [ffkiuial, s. almidon, fgcula. feculence, feculency [r^kiuiens, ij, s. feculen- cia ; posos, heces. feculent [f^kiuiem], a. fecu lento, fecal. fecund [r^coendi, a. fecundo, f§rtil. fecundate [f^cnendetl, va. tecundar, fecundizar. fecundation [fecoendMhnen], s. fecundacion. fecundity [fer(tnditil, .«. fecundidad, feracidad* fertilidad, abundancia. fed [fed', pret. J pp. del verbo to feed. federal [r^dceraij, a. federal. federalism ff^doeraiismi, s. federalismo. federalist [f^d traveller 6 passenger, companero de viaje : fellow-man, being 6 creature, el projimo : fel- low-feeling, simpatia, compasion, interes co- mun : fellow-labourer, colaborador : fellow- member, companero, colega: fellow-partner, censocio : fellow-scholar, fellow-student, 6 school-felloWj condiscipulo : fellow entra en la composicion de otros vocables y denota igualdad 6 companerismo. — s. compaiiero, camarada, socio ; igual ; pareja ; socio 6 in- dividuo de algun colegie, sociedad, etc. ; (fam.) hombre, mozo, cnico, sujete, tipo: a brave fellow, un valiente ; un guapo chico: a worthless fellow, un picaro : a young fellow, un joven, un mozo, un muchache. — va. apa- rear, fellowship [WioShip], s. intimidad, confrater- nidad, companerismo; comunion ; asocia- cion, mancomunidad, participacion ; com- pania, cuerpe, sociedad ; colegiatura, plaza pensienada; beca ; (arit.) regla de compa> fiia. — va. y vn. admitir, aceptar 6 unirse con otros en sociedad. felly, felloe l«ii, kio], s. (carr.) pina. felly, adv. cruelmente, ferezmente. felo-de-se [filo-de-sij, «. (for.) sulcida. felon [f^ioeni, s. reo, criminal, felon ; panadizo, panarize. — a. malvado, criminal ; traidor. felonious [feionioes], a. malvado, perverso, trai- dor, felon, villane. feloniously [feionioesii], adv. alevosamente, malvadamente, con felenia. felony [fefoni), s. crimen, delito, felenia. felspar [ftispar], «. (min.) feldespato. felt (felt I, s. fieltro.— pp. y preL del verbo t« feel ; tecado ; sentido.— va. hacer fieltro ; cubrir con fieltro. felting uniting], s. materiales para hacer fiel- tro ; fieltro ; (carp.) aserrar al hile. felucca [feKfeca], s. (mar.) falucho. female [rimeii], a. del sexo femenino : femal* se aplica al sexe, feminine a cualidades de la mujer ; v. gr. :- female voice, voz de mujer : feminine voice, voz femenina 6 afeminada ; P«ra e) lonldo de m, », d, i, ih, t, s, viMe U clave de prononclacion al principle del libro, FEM 192 FEE (bot.) que tiene pistilos. — s. hembra (mujer 6 animal); (bot.) hembra: female screw, tuerca, hembra de tornillo. femalize inraaiafg], va. afeminar. feme Ifem], s. (for.) muier : feme covert, mujer casada : feme sole, soltera ; mujer que vive sola. feminality [femin^iiti], femineity [feminiui], .<••. I'eiuineidad ; calidad de femenino. feminine [feminin], a. femenino, femenil, tier- no, delicado ; mujeril, mujeriego ; afemi- nado. femininism [femininism], s. feminismo. femininity [feminiuiti], s. calidad, 6 estado de femenino ; el bello sexo. femoral [femoraij, a. femoral. femur [fiincerj, s. (anat.) femur. fen [fen], s. raarjal, pantauo, aguazal, fangal, paul ; enfermedad fnohosa del liipulo : fen- berry, zarzamora : fen-cress, (bot.) berro pantanoso : fen-cricket, grillotalpa : fen- duck, anade silvestre. fence Ifensj, *, cerca, palizada, valla, barrera, - seto ; defensa, reparo, resguardo ; esgrima ; (fig.) discreteo; (mec.) guia ; comprador de efectos robados : fence of pales 6 stakes, empalizada, estacada : fence-montb, tiempo de veda : wire fence, cerca 6 valla de alam- bre : to be on the fence, (E. U.) ver venir. — va. cercar, vallar ; defender, preservar, guardar, custodiar. — vn. esgrimir, pelear ; defenderse. fencer fiensoer], s. esgrimidor, floretista ; ca- bal lo agil para saltar cercas. fencible [r^nsiboei], a. defendible.— s. (mil.) soldado destinado a la defensa del pais. fencing [rouging], *. esgrima ; habiiidad en el debate ; materiales para cercas ; valladar : fencing-master, maestro de esgrima : fenc- ing-school, escuela de esgrima : fencing boat, asalto de arm as. fend [fendj, va. (con off) parar, apartar, re- chazar, resguardar : defender, guardar, pre- servar. — vn. esgrimir, defenderse. fender [fendner], s. guarda-fuegos de chime- nea francesa ; (mar.) defensas, andullo, pallete : fender-beam, espolon : fender-bar 6 fender-rail, batayola : fender-board, (f c.) guardafangos : fender-pile, estacada, empa- lizada. fenestra! [ren^strai], a. perteneciente 6 pareci- do a las ventanas. fenestration [feiiestreShcsn], a. (arq.) venta- naje. Fenian [fmian], a. perteneciente 6 relative S. los fenianos. — *. feniano. Fenianism [nnianigm], s. fenianismo. fennel l«iiei), s. (bot.) hinojo: fennel-flower, neguilla, ajenuz : giant fennel, canaheja, fe- rula. fenny [r^ni], a. palustre, paludoso, pantanoso, lagunoso. fenugreek [fenugric], s. (bot.) fenogreco, al- holva. feed, feodal, feodary, etc. v. feud, etc. feoflnfef], va. (for.) enfeudar.— «. /eudo. V. KIEF. feoffee [fefi], .?. feudatarlo. feoffer, feoffor [Kfrer], s. el que enfeuda. feofftnent [fefmcent], 8. (for.) feudo. feral [firai], a. feral ; salvaje ; silvestre. I], a. (iel.} ferial, ferine Ifii-ain], a. tenno, feral, salvaje, silves- tre ; maligno. — «. tiera. ferineness [rirainne«], ferity [«riu], s. fiereza, ferooidad, crueldad. ferment (ftermentl, va. hacer ferraentar. — tm. fermentar ; rehervirse, revenirse ; agitarse. ferment [fArmoent], s. fermento ; fermenta- cion, agitacion. fermentability [termentabiuty], s. calidad de fermentable. fermentable [foermentabcei], a. fermentable, fermentation [foerment^ahcBu], s. (quim.) fer- mentacion ; (fig.) efervescencia, agitacion. fermentative [foermentativ], a. fermentativo, leruientaute. fermentativeness [foerm^ntativnes], s. calidad de fermentativo. fermentescible [foerment^Biboei], s. (quim.) materia fermentante. fermentible [foemientiboei], a. fermentable. fern [fr!!, n. fiduciario; eonfiado, resuelto. — «. (for.) fideicoinisario. V. TRUS- Para el eonido de », ce, d, «■ «b- y, x, vease la clave ile prouiinciacloti al piluclpio del libro. FIE 194 FIL He ! [fii], interj. i uf ! i abrenuntio ! fief [fif], s. (for.) feudo. field [fiiti], *. campo, carapina, campana, 11a- nura; (agr.) campo, prado, sembrado, te- rrene cultivado ; (mil. ) campo de batalla ; batalla, campana; (opt.) campo de un an- teojo ; esfera de accion ; (sp. ) campo del base-ball fuera del cuadro ; colectividad de corapetidores en carreras, etc. ; todos los caballos que entran en una carrera aparte del favorito : to take the field, entrar en 6 sa- lir k campana : to keep the field, mantenerse firm© : fields of ice, bancos de hielo : corn- field, maizal : field-artillery, artilleria de campana : field-glass, anteojo de campana ; ocular de larga vista : field-day, dia de ejer- cicios atleticos 6 militares : field-gun, canon de campana : field-magnet, imin de una ma- quina magneto-electrica : field-basil, (bot.) clinopodio, albahaca silvestre : field-bed, catre de tijera : field-marshal, general en jefe de un ejgrcito: field-officer, coronel 6 teniente coronel : field-sports, diversiones de la caza y la carrera: field-works, (for.) obras de campana : field-lark, (orn.) cugujada. — va. (sp.) parar y devolver la pelota; poner al aire libre. — vn. (sp.) actuar como fielder; apostar por el field. llelded [fiiaeal, a. acampado. fielder [fiiret. y pp. found) encontrar, hallar, descubrir, dar con ; averiguar, ad* quirir, saber; (for.) juzgar, fallar, decidir; aprobar, adniitir ; procurar, surtir, abaste- cer, proveer, alimentar, mantener. — vn. (for.) pronunciar sentencia 6 fallo: to find out, solver, resolver ; descubrir; atrapar, sorprender ; adivinar ; averiguar : to find fault with, culpar ; censurar, reprobar. — s. eucuentro ; descubrimiento. finder [faindoer], s. hallador ; descubridor, in- ventor ; (opt.) buscador. finding [fainding], s. descubriniiento, inven' cion ; (for.) fallo, sentencia, decision, lau- do; gasto, mantenimiento.— p/. herraniien-' tas y avios de zapateros y talabarteros. fine [lain], a. fino, refinado, puro; excelente, admirable ; bello, hermoso ; elegante, selecto, escogido, delicaao, primoroso ; guapo, bie» parecido, gallardo ; tenue, sutil, delgado , agudo, cortante ; claro, transparente ; visto- so, esplendido ; agradable. — s. multa: in fine, finalmente, en conclusion, por fin : fine-spun, sutil ; alambicado. — va. afinar, refinar, puri- ficar, clarificar, multar. — vn. (con down) puri- ficarse ; adelgazarse ; derretirse. finedraw [falndro], va. zurcir ; tirar (alam- bre) : fine-drawer, zurcidor 6 zurcidora ; ti- rador de metales : fine-drawing, zurcidura } tirado de un metal. finely [fainii], adv. finamente ; herniosamente,, primorosamente ; sutilmente, delgadamente. fineness [fainne?], s. fineza, delicadeza,primor, excelencia ; agudeza, sutileza, ingenio, fiuu- ra ; pureza, perfeccion ; ley del metal. finer [rainoer], a. comp. de fine ; mSs fino, me- jor, mas hermoso.— «. refinador de metales. finery [fainceri], s. gala, adorno, atavio, ade- rezo ; primor, elegancia. finesse [nn^s], vn. valerse de subterfugios y ar- tificios. — *. artificio, treta, estratagema, as- tucia, sutileza ; tino, tacto, habilidad, diplo- macia. finger [fingoeri, s. dedo ; ancho 6 largo del dedo como medida : index finger, dedo indice : middle finger, dedo del corazon : ring-finger, dedo anular : little finger, dedo menique : flnger-itall, dedal, apoyadedos : finger-ring, anillo: finger-bowl, finger-glass, enjuague, enjuagatorio : finger-breadth, anchura de un dedo: finger-mark, raancha hecha con el dedo ; impresion de la yema del pulgar : finger-post, poste indicador : finger-reading, lectura de letras en relieve por el tacto : fin- ger-board, mastil del violin 6 guitarra ; te- clado : finger-nail, una : finger-stall, dedil : to have a finger in the pie, meter la cuchara ; tener participacion en un asunto : to have at one's finger-tips, tener una cosa en la punta Para el sonido de as, ce, d, S, Sb, t, %, viase la clave de pronuaclacion «1 principio del Ilbro. FIN 196 FIS de los dedos. — va. tocar, manosear; sisar, hurtar ; (mus.) tocar, pulsar, taner, teclear ; hacer algo con los dedos. — vn. tener destreza en los dedos : llght-flngered, ligero de manos, dado al hurto. fingering [fingoering], s. manoseo ; digitacion. ftnial [finial], *• (arq.) pinaculo ; remate. ftnic(al [finiccai], finikin, finicky '[finikin, ki], a. delicado, afectado, melindroso, remllga- do, raitotero. finicality [fimc^iiti], s. remilgo, afectacion, melindre, initote. finically [finicau], adv. afectadamente. finish [finiSh], va. acabar, terminar, concluir, ultiraar, consumar, rematar, poner tin ; pu- lir, perfeccionar, retocar, dar la filtima raa- no, completar; (fam.) matar 6 hacer impo- tente ; veneer. — vn. fenecer, tinalizar, cesar ; morir. — s. tin, termino, remate, cinia, fene- cimiento, acabamiento, colmo ; puliinento, tiltima mano. finisher [finighoer], s. consumador; afinador, pulidor. finishing [finishing], s. acabamiento, consuma- cion ; colino, perfeccion ; ultima mano, to- qwe, pincelada. — a. que acaba, concluye 6 consuma : finishing blow, golne de gracia. finite [lainait], rt. finito ; limitaao. finitely [fainaitii], adv. limitadamente. finiteness [fainaitnes], s. limitacion, restric- t'iuii. finless [fillies], a. sin aletas, desaletado. finlike [fimaic], a. aleteado. Finn [nn], *. finlandSs, finlandesa. finned [nnd], a. aleteado. Finnic [finic], a, y s. fines. Finnish [finnish], a. y s. finlandfis. finny [finm], o. armado de aletas ; abundante en peces. fiord [fiord], s. ria orillada de altas rocas. fir [f la clave de pronunclaclon al principio del libro. 52 FLU 202 FOL flUXatiOn [floecsfiShoen], S. flujo. fluxlble [fl•. forzamiento : forcing-bed, almajara: forcing-house, inver- nadero : forcing-pump, bouiba impelente. ford, s. vado.— i;a. vadear, esguazar. fordable [foniaboei], a. vadeable, esguazable. fore [foter], a. anterior, delantero ; (mar.) proel. — adv. anterior men te, delante, antes ; (mar.) de proa: fore and aft, de popa & proa. fore-, pref^o que sienifica : delante, ante, an- tes ; por, k causa de, en razon & ; en vez de. forearm [focerarm], s. antebrazo. forearm [fooerirmj, 8. va. armar de antemano. forebode [fowrbod], va. y va. pronosticar, pre- sagiar ; presentir, antever. foreboding [rooerbodinK], s. presentimiento, presagio ; corazonada. forecast [focErcantl, va. y vn. proyectar, tra- zar ; prever, predecir, pronosticar. forecast [forertast], s. pronostico ; previsi6n ; proyecto, traza, plan. forecastle rrocercnscKi 6 (mar.) focscel], ». (mar.) Castillo de proa. forecited [roceraaited], a. precitado. foreclose [fooercious], va. impedir, excluir* ( for. ) entablar, sustanciar y decidir un juicii hipotecario. foreclosure [fooercioToer], *. (for.) juicio hipo- tecario. foredoom [focErdfim], va. predestinar, prede- terminar. forefather [fo<<;rfaDoer], *. abuelo, ascendiente, antecesor, progenitor. forefinger LfooBrnngoer], s. dedo indice. forefoot [fooerfut], s. mano 6 pata delantera ; (mar.) gorja, tajamar. forefront [focErfroent], s. parte mis adelantada ; primer a fila. forego [fooergo], va. {pret. FOREWENT : pp. foregone) privarse ae, renunciar & ; ceder, abandonar ; adelantarse k, ir delante de, pre- ceder. foregoing [fooergoiug], pa. precedente, anterior. foregone [fooergon], pp. y a. predeterminado, decidido de antemano. foreground [fooergraund], s. (pint.) primer piano. forehanded [fooerjaended], a. temprano ; (E. U.) acomodado, adinerado. forehead [fored], s. la frente ; descaro, desver- guenza, insolencia. foreign [foren], a. extranjero ; foraneo ; exo- tico, exterior ; extraiio, advenedizo ; ajeno, remoto ; excluido : foreign trade, comercio exterior: Foreign Oflce, (Ingl.) Ministerio de Estado 6 de negocios extraujeros : foreign products, productos exotieos : foreign-built, (mar.) construido en el extranjero. foreigner [forenoer], s. extranjero, forastero. foreignness [forenneg], «. inconexion, extraue- za, extranjia. foreiudgment [fooerYoedYnioent], s. prejuicio. foreknow ffooerno], va. prever, tener prescien- cia de alguna cosa. foreknowable [fo. FORE- SEEN) prever, bjlrruntar. foreseer [fonerstojr], s. previsor. foreshadow [fooerShifedo], va. prefigurar, sim- boli/ar. foreshorten [forerShortosn],' va. (pint.) escorzar. foreshortening [focerShortning], s. (pint.) es- f'orzo. P*ra el sonldo de a, oe, d, 8, 8b, r, t, vimse I« clave de pronunclaciun al princlpio del Ubro. FOR 205 FOE foresight [fooeraait], «. prevision, providencia, prevencion, perspicacia ; presciencia ; (ing.) croquis de nivel. foreskin [fooerskin], s. (anat.) prepucio. foreskirt [fooerekoert], 5. (cost.) delantero. forest [forest], s, rQonte,bosque, selva, floresta, — va. arbolar. forestafif [fooerstafi, s. (mar.) ballestilla. forestai [forestall, a. forestai. forestall [fooerstoi], va. antuviar, anticipar ; prevenir; (com.) acopiar, monopolizar, aca- parar. forestaller [rocerstoioer], s. monopolista ; aco- piador. forestalling [fooerstoiingj, s. monopolio, a6o- pio, estauco. forester [forestotr], s. guardamonte ; monta- uero, tlorestero. forestry [forestn], s. selvicultura. foretaste [focertest], va. gustar 6 conocer de antemano. — s. goce anticipado. foretell [fooertei], va. y vn. predecir, pronosti- car, profetizar, presagiar. foreteller [focerteioer], s. profeta. foretelling [fooerteiing], 5. prediccion, profecia, presagio, pronostico. forethOUgllt [fooerzot], s. presciencia, provi- dencia ; prevencion ; premeditacion. foretoken, va. y s. v. foreshadow. foretop [fooertop], s. copete, tupe ; (mar.) cofa de trinquete. forever (ingi. for ever) [forevoer], adv. siem- pre ; para siempre : forevermore, por siem- pre jamas, para siempre ; forever and a day 6 forever and ever, eternamente. forewarn [fooeruom], va. prevenir, advertir, avisar : forewarning, s. advertencia, aviso. forewoman [fooBruman], s. primera oficiala de un taller de mujeres. foreyard [fooeryara], s. (mar. ) verga del trin- quete. forfeit ffornt], s. multa, pena ; perdida legal de un derecho; decomiso ; prenda (en los jue- gos): game of forfeits, juego de prendas. — a. multado ; confiscado.— TX?a. perder el titulo 6 derecho a una cosa. forfeitable [forntaboei], a. confiscable. forfeiture [forfichurj, s. confiscacion ; secues- tro, decomiso, multa. forgave [forguev], pret.^ei verbo to forgive. forge [forv], s. fragua ; forja, hornaza ; herre- ria : forge-hearth, atrio, hogar de fabrica : forge-roll, cilindro de laminar : forge-train, fragua de laminar.— ra. forjar, fraguar ; con- trahacer, falsificar, falsear ; inventar ; tra- mar : to forge off, on 6 over, empujar, empe- ler. — vn. avanzar despacio ; tropezarse (las bestias). forger [forYoei-l, *. forjador, fraguador ; falsifi- cador, falseador, falsario. forgery [forYoeri], s. falsificacion. forget [forguet], va. {pret. FORGOT : pj>. for- gotten) olvidar ; descuidar. — vn, olvidarse, desmemoriarse, transcordarse. forgetful [forgu6tfni], a. olvidadizo, descuida- do, desmemoriado. forgetfulness [forgu^truines], s. olvido, des- cuido, negligencia. forget-me-not [forguet-mi-not], s. (bot.) mio- sota, noraeolvldes. lorging (forYins], s. tropezadura de algunas canallerias ; forja, forjadura. forgivable [forguivabcei], a. perdonable, re- niisible. forgive [fnrsuiv], va. perdonar, condonar, dis- pensar, indultar, remitir. forgiven [forgtiiven], pp. del verbo to forgive. forgiveness [forguivnes], s. perdon, condona- cion, indulgencia, remision ; clemencia, misericordia, absolucion. forgot, forgotten, pret. j pp. de forget. fork [fork], s. tenedor ; (agr.) horca, horc6n, horqueta, horquilla ; horcadura ; bifurca- cion ; confluencia de un rio. — va. hacinar 6 cargar con horca; ahorquillar. — vn. ahor- quillarse, bifurcarse. forked (forkt 6 forked], a. horcado, ahorquilla- do, bifurcado, hendido. forkedness [forkednes], s. horcajadura, horca- dura. forkhead [forkjedj, s. lengUeta de saeta 6 tiecha. forlorn [foriom], a. abandonado, destituldo, perdido, olvidado, desamparado, desespera- do : forlorn hope, (mil.) destacamento en- cargado de un servicio peligroso ; empresa desesperada. form [form], s. forma, figura ; hechura ; raode- lo ; modo, manera, metodo, practica, ritual, formalidad, ceremonia ; ordeu, disposicion, arreglo ; estilo ; molde, manifestacion ; hor- ma, matriz, patron ; constitucion, orga- nizacion, estructura, sistema ; porte, con- ducta ; apariciOn, sombra ; banco, asiento largo; (impr.) forma : for form's sake, por pura formula : In due form, en debida for- ma : form In a school, clase de una escuela. — va. formar, construir, labrar, modelar ; idear, concebir ; ordenar, componer, arre- glar; hacer, constituir. — vn. formarse. formal [formal], a. formal, metodico, regular ; exterior ; solemne, ceremonioso, formalis- ta, etiquetero ; esencial, constitutive. formalism [formalism], s. formalismo. formalist [formalist], s. formalista. formality [form«iiti], s. formalidad, ceremo- nia, etiqueta. .' ' formally [formaii], adv. formalmente, con toda solemnidad ; realmente. formate [formet], s. (qulm.) formiato. formation [form^Shoeii], s. formacion ; des- arrollo ; disjiosicion, arreglo ; (geol.) forma- cion. formative [formativ], a. formativo. former [formoer], a. anterior, primero ; pasa- do, antecedente, precedente. — s. formador, plasmador ; molde, matriz. formerly [formoeriij, adv. antiguamente, en tiempos pasados. formic [formic], a. hormigoso ; formico : formic acid, acido formico. formicant [formicant], a. (med.) fonnicante. formication [formik^shren], s. horraigueo. formidable [formidabrei], a. formidable, pavo- roso, terrible, tremendo. formidably [formidabii], adv. formidable- mente. formless [formies], a. informe, disforme. formula [formiuia], s. formula ; credo, pro- fesion de fe ; (med.) receta, recipe ; (mat. y quim.) formula. formulary [formiuieri], a. formal ; sujeto 'a f6rmula:''-ns. formulario. formulate [formiuieti, va. formular. formulize [formiuiaisj, va. y vn. formalizar ; formular. fornicate [ffimlket], vn. fomicar. fornicate (d [fomiketced], a. abovedado. fornication [fomik^iShcen], s. fornicacion, for- nicio ; (arq.) boveda. fornicator [fomiketoer], s. fornicador, forni- cario. fornicatress [romiketres], sf. concubina : manceba. forsake [fors^k], w. {pret. forsook :/»p. for- saken) dejar, abandonar, desamparar, de- Far» el tonido de as, oe, v, S, Sh, t, t, viase la clave de pronunclacion al princlpio del libro. FOR 206 FOU sertar ; separarse de ; renegar de ; des- echar, rechazar. forsOOtll [forsiiz], adv. ciertamente. forswear [forsu^wr], va. {pret. forswore : pp. FORSWORN) abjurar; desjurar: to forswear one's self, perjurarse. — vn. perjurar. forsworn, pp. de forswear. fort [tort], s. ruerte, castillo, fortaleza. fortallce [fortaiis], s. fortin. forte [fort], s. fuerte (aficion 6 merito). forte [forte J, o. y s. (mus.) forte. forth [fo"), adv. delaute; adelante: fuera, afuera ; k la vista, pliblicamente ; hasta lo (iltiiuo : and so forth, y asi de lo demas ; et- cetera: to go 6 come forth, salir fuera: to step forth, adelautarse, avanzar : from that day forth, desde aquel dia en adelaute. forthcoming [{onc<&mUie], a. futuro, proxi- mo, que viene. forthwith fforsiiu], adv. inmediatamente, sin dilacion, en el acto. fortieth [fortie?], s. cuadragesimo ; cuarenta. fortifiable (fortifaiab.ei), a. fortificable. fortification ffortinkeSinEn], s. fortificacion ; plaza fuerte ; fortaleza ; fortalecimiento. — pi. defensas. fortifier ffortifaioer], s. fortificador ; fortalece- dor. fortify [fortifai). va. fortlficar; fortalecer, re- forzar ; corroborar. — vn. construir defensas. fortissimo (fortisinio), a. y adv. (m(is.) fortisi- mo. fortitude [fortitiad], s. fortaleza, fuerza, ente- reza, aguante, firnieza. fortlet [fortiet], s. fortin. fortnight [fortnau 6 fortnit], s. quincena, dos semauas. fortnightly [fortuaitu], a. quincenal. — adv. quincenalmente, fortress [fortres), s. fortaleza, castillo, fuerte, ciudadela, alcazar. fortuitous [fortifiitoss], a. fortuito, impensado, casual, accidental, eventual. fortuitously [fortiuUoeBii], adv. fortuitamente, accidentalmente. fortuitousness (fortifiitoesnes], *. casualldad, eventualidad. fortuity [fortiuiti], s. caso fortuito ; accidente. fortunate [r6rchu-(6 tiu) net], a. afortunado, fe- liz, dichoso, venturoso. fortunately if6rchu-(6uut netiij, adv. felizmen- te, dichosaraente. fortune (rorchun 6 ttun], *. fortuna, suerte, Ventura; lote, sino, destino ; dinero, cau- dal, bienes, hacienda; buenaventura : for- tune-hanter, el que anda en busca de esposa rica : fortune-book, libro de la buenaventu- ra : fortune-teller, sortilego, adivino : for- tune-telling, buenaventura, sortiaria, sorti- legio. fortuneless [rorchunies], a. sin fortuna, sin bienes. forty [forti], a.y s. cuarenta; cuarentena : he Is forty, tiene cuarenta aflos. forum fforceni], s. plaza, foro ; tribunal, juz- gado. forward [romard], adv. adelante, hacia ade- lante, mas alii : henceforward, de aqui en adelante : from this time forward, de aqu! en adelante, en lo venidero : from that time forward, desde entonces, desde aquel instan- te : to go, to move forward, ir hacia adelante, adelantar.— a. delantero ; (mar.) proel ; pre- coz, adelantado, anterior ; pronto, activo ; desenvuelto, descocado ; apresurado, vivo, listo ; audaz, osado, emprendedor, atrevido. — va. enviar, expedir, transmitir, remitir, encaminar ; despachar ; apresurar, activar. impeler ; adelantar ; hacer crecer ; promo- ver, patrocinar : forwarder 6 forwarding mer- chant, comisionista expedidor. forwardly [foruardii], adv. anteriormente ; en lugar delantero ; descaradamente. forwardness [foruardnesj, s. adelantamiento, progreso ; prontitud, apresuramiento ; pre- cocidad ; descaro, atrevimiento, audacia. forwards [roruardS], adv. V. FORWARD. foss, fosse [fos], s. (fort.) foso. fossa, s. (anat.) fosa, fossil fi'sii], a. y s. fosil ; vejestorio. fossiliferous [fosiiifoeroes], a. fosilifero. fo^silist [f<)siii8t], s. paleontologo. fossilization [rosiui^ghoenl, s. fosilizacion. fossilize [fosUaiS], va. fosilizar ; petrificar ; hacer anticuado. — vn. fosilizarse, petrifi- carse. fossilolgy [fosiioioYi], s. paleontologia. fOSSOrial [fosoiiai], a. cavador : fossorial wasp, avispa cavadora. fOStor [fostoer], va. criar, nutrir ; mimar, dar alas, alentar, consolar : foster-brother 6 sis- ter, hermano 6 hermana de leche : foster- child, hijo 6 hija de leche : foster-nurse, ama de cria 6 ama de leche, nodriza ; (Cuba) criandera; (M6x.) chichigua: foster-father 6 mother, padre adoptivo, madre adoptiva : foster-earth, (agr.) almaciga. fosterage [fosteredY], s. crianza de niiios. fosterling, s. V. foster-child. fought [fot], pret. y pp. de fight. foul [faui], a. sucio, puerco, asqueroso ; impu- ro, inmundo, hediondo, fetido, mefitico, pestilente, pestifero, viciado (aire) ; inde- cente, obsceno ; malvado, detestable, vil ; injusto, sin derecho ; enredado, atascado, obstruido ; contrario, desagradable ; limpr.) lleno de erratas : foul play 6 dealing, dolo, mala fe : foul copy, borrador : foul lan- guage, palabras iujuriosas ; lenguaje obsce- no : foul mouthed, mal hablado : foul breath, aliento fetido: foul weather, mal tiempo: foul bill of health, (mar.) patente sucia: foul ball, en el base-ball, pelota que cae fuera de las foul-lines, que sou las dos lineas que forman el angulo del home-base. — .v. accion de ensuciar, de ludir 6 enredarse una cosa en otra ; violacion de reglas establecidas ; en base-ball, calda de la pelota fuera del cuadro: to fall foul of, abordar un buque. — va. ensuciar, emporcar ; (mar.) abordar, chocar, trabarse ; (sp.) violar las reglas es- tablecidas. — vn. ensuciarse ; (mar.) chocar: (sp.) en base-ball, caer la pelota fuera del cuadro. foulard [nuardj, s. fular, seda fina. foully [lauii], adv. asquerosamente, sucia- raente. foulness [fauines], *. asquerosidad, porqueria, impureza. found [faund], pret. J pp. de find. found Ifaund], va. cimentar ; edificar ; insti- tuir, fundar, establecer ; asentar, fijar; (fund.) fundir, derretir, foundation [raundeShoen], s. fundacion, princi- pio, origen, erecci6n, establecimiento ; fun- damento, base, apoyo, entibo, polo; (mec.) asiento, lecho, pie; (ing.) firme ; dotaci6n ; (arq.) cimiento, embasamiento, fundamen- to ; (cost.) forro, refuerzo : foundation school, escuela dotada. founder [faundciBrl, s. fundador; fuadidor; (vet.) despeadura. — vn. (mar.) hacer zozo- brar ; despear los pies del caballo. — rn. (mar.) irse a pique ; fracasar ; desplomarse. fOUnd(e^ry [raiiiid(ne)ri], s. fundiciOn ; funde- ria, ferreria. Para el sonldo de u, ue, o, 8, ab, T, x, v^ane la clave de pronuuciaciou «1 principle del Ubro. FOU 207 FEA founding [laundiiig], s. fundicion. foundling [launaung], s. nino exposito, cune- ro, echadizo : foundling hoipital, inclusa ; (M^x.) la cuua. foundress [lauiuires], sf. fundadora. fount [lauiit], fountain [launtenj, s. fuente ; manantial ; fontana, principio, fundaraen- to, origen : fountain-head, mlDeral, manan- tial, origen : fountain-pen, plumatiutero. four [foier], a. y s. cuatro : to go upon all-fours, gatear, andar a gatas : four-in-hand, carruaje tirado por cuatro caballos ; corbata larga : four-cornered, four-square, cuadrangular : four-footed, cuadrupedo : four-wheeled, de cuatro ruedas : four-o'clock, (hot.) dondie- go de noche, arrebolera. fourfold [fooeriouiit], a. cuadruplo. fourpence [fopens], s. (Ingl.) cuatro pen iques. fourscore [loterscouer], a. ocheuta ; octogenario. fourteen [loomtin], «. y s. catorce. fourteenth [focertinz], a. catorceno, dgcimo- cuarto : Fourteenth Street, calle catorce. fourth fton:], a. cuarto ; cuarta parte : fourth of July, cuatro de julio. fourthly rrorzu], adv. en cuarto lugar. fowl [faiii], s. gallo, gallina; polio; aves en general.— pZ. volateria, aves de corral. — vn. cazar, ir de caza. fowler [fauicKr], s. cazador (de aves). fowling ffauiing], s. (sp.) volateria, caza (de aves): fowling-piece, escopeta ; (pint. ) bo- degon de volateria : fowling-net, red de cazar pajaros. fox, s. zorra, raposa; zorro, bellaco, taima- do : fox-brush, rabo de zorra : fox-case, piel de zorra : fox-chase, caza de zorras : fox- earth, madriguera de zorras : foxglove, (bet. ) dedalera, digital : fox-hound, perro jateo, zorrero 6 raposero : fox-hunt(ing, caza de la zorra : fox-hunter, cazador de zorras : fox-trap, trampa para coger zorras; (mar.) rebenque, chicote. — vn. cazar zorras ; disi- mular ; agriarse, acedarse ; ponerse rojizo, descolorarse. — va. acedar; (fam.) atisbar. foxed [foxt], pp. J a. descolorido. foxiness [focsines], s. astucia ; acedia, agrura ; descolorimiento. fOXish [fticsiSh], fox-like [focs-lalc], a. astute, taimado, bellaco. foxtail [foxteii], s. (bot.) carricera. fOXWOOd [foxud], s. madera podrida. foxy [focsil, a. raposuno, zorruno; taimado, astuto ; rojizo ; agriado, tornado ; descolori- do, manchado. foyer [fuay^j, s. (teat.) salon de descanso; (fund.) cubilote. fracas [frecas], s. zacapela, rina. fraction IfrsecghcEn], s. porcion, trozo, frag- mento; (arit.) fraccion, quebrado. fractional [fi^cShoenai], a. fraccionario. fractious [fnecshoes], a. reacio ; rebelOn. fracture irr*kchoer], 5. rotura, rompiraiento, quebrantaraiento ; (cir.) fractura. — va. frac- turar, quebrar, romper. fragile [frffiYiiJ, a. fragil, quebradizo, friable, ronipedero, deleznable ; d^bil, delicado. fragility [fravinti], fragileness [fraYifues], s. fragilidad ; friabilidaa ; debilidad. fragment lfr*i?ni«ent], s. fragmento ; trozo. fragmentary [rrjfejrineiiteri], a. fragmentario. fragrance, fragrancy [fr^Krans, i], s. fragan- cia, buen olor, perfume, aroma, fragrant ineKrant], a. fragante, Oloroso, aro- raatico, aromoso. fragrantly [fresrantii], adv. con fragancia. frail [ireiij, n. fragil, quebradizo, deleznable ; debil, delicado, endeble, baladi. — s. capa- cho, espuerta, canasta, sera, seron ; junco. frailness [fr6iiue«], frailty [freim], «. fragili- dad, friabilidad ; tiaqueza, debilidad. frame [freim], va. fabricar, foruiar, construir; armar ; componer, ajustar ; arreglar, diri- gir ; forjar, inventar, idear, trazar ; pouer en un marco. — s. composicion, estructura, figura, forma, constitucion, arreglo, cons- truccion ; armadura, amazun, esqueleto, entramado, bastidor ; banco de toruero ; marco, cerco ; molde para barras de jabon ; (tej.)telar; (impr.) chibalete ; (cost.) bas- tidor para bordar ; (mar.) cuadernas, liga- zones, costillaje ; (fig.) talante,disposiciOn : frame house, casa hecha de mauera : frame- saw, sierra montada 6 de bastidor. framer [trenntr], s. constructor, armador ; fa- bricante de marcos. framework [Mmuoerk], s. armadura, arma- zun, esqueleto, entramado. framing [freminK], s. armadura, armazon. franc ffriencl, s. frauco, moneda francesa. franchise (frwuchaiS 6 fr^nchig], *. derecho poli- tico; franquicia, privilegio, exeucion, in- munidad ; encartacion ; asilo, santuario. — va. exentar. franchisement [fr^nchisment:, s. liberacion. Franciscan [franBiscan], s. y a. franciscano. frangible firtBHYibiti], a. frangible, quebradi- zo, fragil ; perecedero. frangipani [fraenYipani], 5. franchip^n. frank [fr«nk], a. franco, abierto, sincero, in- genue ; francote, campechano ; franco, pri- vilegiado, exento, libre. — s. franquicia de correos ; carta franca. — va. enviar carta exenta de franqueo, frankincense [frsenkinsens], s. incienso. franklin, .s. (Ingl.) F. freeholder. frankly [frsencU], adv. francameute. frankness [fr^encnes], a. ingenuidad, sinceri- dad ; franqueza, candor. Franks [frsBncs], s. pi. francos 6 galos. frantic [frsSntic], a. frenetico, furioso, enfure- cido. frantically [fr#ntiraii], adv. frenC'ticamente, furiosamente. franticness [frsenticnegi, s. frenesi, furor. frap, va. (mar.) atortorar. frapp6, a. rozado. fraternal [fraKJemai], a. fraternal. fraternally [frat&niaii], adv. fraternalmente. fraternity [fraKSmiti], s. fraternidad, herma- nazgo, hermandad ; confraternidad, cougre- gacion, sociedad, gremio. fraternize [fr^twmais], vn. fratemizar, berma- narse, hermanar. fratricidal [fnetrisaidai], a. relative ai fratri- cidio. fratricide [frAtiisaid], *. fratricidio ; fratri- cida. fraud [frod], s. fraude, engatie, supercheria, artificio, triquiQuela, petardo, time ; trapa- lon, timador. fraudful [rrodmi], a. perfide, engaiiose, enga- fiador; fraudulento. fraudfuUy [frodfuii], adv. engaiiosamente. fraudless [rrodienl, a. sin fraude. fraudulence, fraudulency ffrodytiieu*, i], s. fraude, engano. fraudulent [frodyuient], a. fraudulento, enga- fioso. fraudldently [frodyuientii], adv. fraudulenta- Hiente, arteraraente. fraught ffiot), a. cargado, lleno, atestado. fraxinella [frsecsiiiela], «. (bot.) fresniilo. fray [frej, s. rina, disputa, querella, refriega; raboseadura, raedura, refregadura, desgas- te. — va. ludir, rozar, raer, rabosear, tazar. — vn. deshilacharse, gastarse, tazarse. Para el sonido de «, ee, d, S, ah, y, x, vease la clave de proauuciaciou al principio del FEE 208 FEE freak [frlk] «. capricho, antojo ; rareza, inons- iruosidad, fenomeno, extravagancia : freak of nature, aborto de la naturaleza. — va, vare- lear ; abigarrar, gayar. freaMsh [MkiSh], a. caprichoso, aatojadizo ; raro, extravagaate. freakisMy [frikiShU], oAv. caprichosamente. freaki(sll)ness [rrikKSiOnes], s. calidad de ca- prichoso 6 monstruoso. freckle [Wcoei], s. peca: freckle-faced, pecoso. — va. motear. — vn. teuer pecas, ponerse pe- coso. freckled [freccei.i], freckly [fr^eu], a. pecoso ; laoteado. freckledness [Wcoeidnes], s. estado de pecoso. free Uri], a. libre, indepeudieate, einaucipado, inauumiso, horro ; libertado ; autonomo ; despejado, desembarazado, accesible, fran- co ; desocupado, vacaute ; liceucic^^ desen- ireuado, atrevido ; liberal, genefdso ; exeu- ro, privilegiado, dispensado, iamune ; per- luitido, voluntario, discrecioual ; gratuito, de balde ; inoceiite ; gallardo, vivo, active ; zafo, floio, suelto, desatado ; escotero : free agency, libre albedrio : free and eaiy, des- preocupado, sin restriecion : free-board, ^mar.) obra muerta: free-born, (for.) inge- iiuo : free goods, inercancias exeutas de de- rechos ; free-hand drawing, dibujo hecho a pulso : free-handed, libre de rnanos ; exento de trabas ; liberal, dadivoso : free-hearted, franco, abierto : free lance, lanza, soldado libre; hombre despreocupado 6 indepen- diente: free-labour, trabajo libre: free list, (com.) lista de articulos exentos de dere- chos ; lista de personas exentas de pago : free-liver, coniilon : to make free with, usar con mucha 6 demasiada libertad; tomarse libertades con : free on board (f. 6. b.), (com.) libre de gastos a bordo (1. a b): free port, puerto franco : free pass, pase, permiso : free press, libertad de iraprenta : free-school, escuela gratuita : Freesoiler, (pol. E, U. ) abo- licionista: free-spoken, sin reserva, franco: free-thinker, libre pensador : free-thinking, libertad de pensar : free-tongued, lenguaraz, deslenguado: free trade, (com.) libre cam- bio: free-trader, libre cambista: free-will, libre albedrio : free-woman, mujer libre, no esclava. — va. libertar ; librar, tescatar ; ma- numitir; desvedar; exentar, eximir; desem- barazar, zafar. freebooter [fributoer], *. saqueador; filibuste- ro, forbante. freebOOting ifributtngj, s. saqueo, ^laje, freedman [frfdman], s. liberto, horro. freedom [fridoem], s. libertad, independencia : exencion, inraunidad ; liceucia, franqueza o familiaridad atrevida ; facilidad, soltura : freedom of a city, concesion de inmunidades y privilegios especiales en una ciudad : free- dom of the press, libertad de imprenta: free- dom of speech, libertad de la palabra : freedom of worship, libertad de cultos. freehold [frijoidl, «. (for.) feudo franco, doml- uio absoluto. freeholder [frijoidoBr], s. dueuo, propietario absoluto de una finca. freely (frfiil, adv. libremente, sin restriecion, sin reserva ; espontauearaente ; desembara- zadamente, exentaraente. freeman [friman], s. hombre libre ; ciudadano ; (ant.) hacendado. Freemason [frimeHn), s. francmason. FreemaB«tiry ffrim^scBiirii, s. masoneria 6 fraiicmasoneria. freeness [friiie»J, .an.eni\ s. galbano. gale [gueii], s. viento fuerte, ventarron ; (mar.) temporal ; (fig.) algazara. galea [gu^iea], s. yelmo, galea, casco. galena [gaiina], s. (min.) galena ; triaca,anti- doto, contraveneno. galenic(al [gaienie(ai], a. galenico. Galenism [gueieniSnij, ^-. galenismo. Galenist [gueienut], s. galenista. Galilean [geeiiUau], s. galileo. galiot (g*iiot], s. (mar.) galeota. galipot [gseiipotl, s. galipodio. gall (goi', s. hiel, bilis ; amargura, aspereza; odio, reucor, inquina ; (fam.) descaro, tupe, desfachatez ; (vet.) rozadura 6 mata- dura : gall, gall-apple 6 gall-nut, (bot. ) aga- 11a : gall-fly, iusecto que produce las agallas : gall-stones, calculos biliarios. — ra. y vn. lu- dir, rozar, raspar, gastar; ahelear, irritar, hostigar. gallant [gwisent], a. galante, cortes ; galantea- dor, cortejador. — s. galan ; cortejo ; chichis- beo. — va. galantear, cortejar, requebrar. gallant [gseiam], a. valercso, animoso, valien- te, iutrepido, bizarro. gallantly [gseiantii], adv. bizarramente, valen rosamente, valientemente ; galantemente, obsequiosamente. gallantry '[g^iaiitii], s. bizarria, valentia, ga- llardia, valor, herolsmo ; galanteria, galau- teo, cortejo. gallate [gaiet], s. (quim.) galato ; agallato. galleon [>;«ieou], s. (mar.) galeou. gallery [g&ioen], «. galeria, tribuna ; balcon corrido ; pasadizo, crujia, corredor ; (b. a.) colecciou, galeria; (teat.) paraiso, cazuela, gallinero ; por extension, publico que ocu- pa el paraiso 6 las tribunas ; (fort.) galeria ; (min.) socavon, galeria; (mar.) galeria, crujia. galley [gseii], s. (mar.) galera; fogon, cocina ; (Ingl.) falua ; (impr. ) galera: galley-prool, galerada : galley-tiles, azulejos : galley- Blave, galeote. Gallic(an [gfieiicCanl, a. galicano, galo : cctOlic acid, (quim.) dcido agallico. Gallicism [gseiiBiSm], s. galicismo. Gallicize [gsusaig], va. afrancesar. galligaskins (gstUgseskinS], s. pi. botarga, cal- zacalzon. gallinaceous [gwiin^shoes], a. gallinaceo. galliot, S. V. GALIOT. gallipot [gteiipot], s. orza, bote, pote. gallium [K^lloem], s. (quim.) galio. gallivant [gselivieiit], vn. (fam.) callejear, pin- donguear. gallon [g*iu;ii], s. galon (Ingl. 4.543 litros j E. U. 3.785 litros) ; medida inglesa para aridos (jt bushel), galloon [gffiiiiii], s. (tej.) galon, trencilla. gallop [g*ierverlir, garbillar ; en- tresacar, escoger.— s. pi. (com.) desecho de especias y drogas. garbler [garbictrj, a. garbillador ; el que separa lo bueuo de lo malo. garboard (plank) (garbordj, «. (mar.) apara- dura. garden [Kaid<«;ii], s. huerta, huerto ; jardin : nursery garden, plantel, criadero, semillero : garden-balsam, balsamina de jardin : garden- bed 6 plot, plantio : garden-mould, tierra ve- getal : garden-stuff, hortalizas, legumbres, frutas. — va. y vn. plantar 6 cultivar jardi- nes 6 huertos. gardener [gardmer], s. jardinero, hortelano. ardenia Igardinia], 5. (bot.) gardenia. gardening [gardning], *-. horticultura, jardiue- ria, geopouia. garfisn (^arnsii!, s. (ict.) belona. gargarism [ga.gaHSm], a: gargarismo. gargarize igargaraig], va. gargarizar. garget [garguet], *. (vet.) eufermedad del ga- nado. gargle [gargteij, va. gargarizar.—*. gargara, gargarismo ; enjuague, colutorio. gargoyle igargoiij, 5. (arq.) gargola. garisb [guerish], a. deslumbrante, deslumbra- dor ; charro ; llamativo. garishly [gueriShUj, adv. de un modo deslum- brante 6 llamativo. garisbness [gu^rigtmes], s. relumbron, oropel, ostentacion. garland [garian.i], 5. guirnalda, corona ; lauro; crestoraatia ; (arq.) feston ; (mar.) ronada. —va. enguirnaldar. garlic [girlie], *. (bot.) ajo. garlicky [gariiki], a. que huele 6 sabe a ajo. garment [garmoBiul, s. prenda de vestir. garner [ganner], va. entrojar, almacenar el grano. — *. granero, horreo, acopio. garnet [garnet], s. granate ; color rojo ; (mar.) aparejo de carga. garnish [gamiSiil, va. (coc.) aderezar; guar- necer, ornar, adornar, ataviar, componer ; (for.) prevenir, notificar ; aprestar— 5. (coc.) aderezo ; guarnicion, adoruo. garnisher [gamiShoer], *. aderezador ; guarne- cedor. garnishment [gimishmoent], s. ornamento, adoruo; (for.) entredicho. garniture [gimichur], s. guarnici6n, adorno» gayadura. garpike [garpaik], s. (ict.) pez de agua dulce. garret [g*ret], s. guardilla, buharda, zaquiza- mi, desv&n. garrison [gieriBoen), s. (mil.) guarnicion. — va. guarnecer ; guarnicionar. garrote [gwrrotj, va. dar garrote ; agarrotar. — rn. hacer fullerias. garrulity (grerrfiiui], a. garrulidad, locuaci- dad, charla, cb&chara. garrulous [g*ruiiB8), a. g&rrulo, lenguaz, lo- cuaz, parlero. garter [gartoer], .?. liga, cenojil, ataderas, jare- tera : the Garter, orden de la Jarretera, y su insignia : Garter King-at-arms, rey de armas r garter-flsh, (ict.) lepidopo : garter-snake,. (E. U.) serpiente novenenosa. — va. atar con liga 6 cenojil ; investir con la orden de la Jarretera. gas [gaev], s. (qufm.) gas ; gas del alumbrado ; Para «1 nonitlo de m, cs, d, i, ih, t, %, viaae U cUve de nrenunciacidn al principio del llbro. GAS 215 GEM luz de gas : gas-fitter, instalador 6 apareja- dor de gas : gas-fitting, iustalacion de gas : ga»-fliture, tubo de derivaciou coa su bra- zo, rotula 6 larapara : gas-barner, meehero, boquilla, quemador : gas-bolder 6 tank, gaso- metro : gas-light, luz de gas, meehero de gas : gas-main, caneria principal 6 maestra de gas : gas-meter, contador de gas : gas-pipe, tubo 6 caaalizacion de gas : gas-works, fabrica de gas : sewer gas, emanacioues de las cloacas. I^asconade [gKHconeii], s. gasconada, faafa- rronada. — vn. jactarse, I'anfarronear. gaseous (gseSeuesj, a. gaseoso, gaseifonue, aeri- form e. gash [K«Sh], va. dar una cuchillada, hacer un chirlo.— *. cuchillada, herida ; incision ; ci- catriz. gasification (^'icsinkeShoen], s. gasiticacion. gasifyis*5ifail, va. gasiticar, aeriticar. gasket [K»8ket], s. (mec. ) relleno, empaqueta- dura.— />/. (mar.) tomadores, cajetas. gaskins [s^skinSl, s. pi. empaquetadura de canamo 6 estopa. gasogenie [gssoven], s. gasogeno. gasoline [k^^soUd], s. gasoleuo, gasolina. gasometer [gsesometuirj, s. gasometro. gasometry [gwsometrij, s. gasometria. gasp, t'«. y vn. emitir sonidos entrecortados ; boquear. — s. boqueada. gast(e)ropod[K«st(jeropodJ, a. ys. ^asteropodo. gastralgia;g*8traiYia], s. gastralgia. gastric iKwstricJ, a. gastrico. gastritis [KKstrauis 6 tritisj, s. gastritis. gastronomer, gastronomist [gseBtrdnoniaer, mistj, s. gastronomo. gastrOnOmiClal [gaestroDomicCalJ, a. gastrono- mico. gastronomy [gasstronomi], s. gastronomia. gastrotomy (gaestrotomil, s. (cir.) gastrotomia. gate [gueiti, s. puerta, entrada, portillo ; ras- trillo, poterna ; barrera, talanquera; com- puertas de exclusa ; via, camino : flood-gate, paradera : gate-keeper, gateward, portero ; (f. c.) guardabarrera. gateway (gu6itue], 5. entrada, paso (con por- tillo). gather ig^noer], va. reunir, coger, recoger, amontonar, cosechar ; ganar ; acopiar, acu- mular ; recolectar, juntar, congregar ; (cost.) fruncir; colegir, inferir: to gather breath, toraar aliento : to gather dust, cu- brirse de polvo : to gather flesh, criar carnes : to gather strength, recuperarse, tomar fuer- zas : to gather grapes, vendimiar. — vn. unir- se, juntarse, congregarse ; amontonarse, acuraularse; aumentarse,concentrarse, con- densarse, contraerse ; formarse pus. — 5, (cost.) frunce, pliegue, plegado. gatherable (swnceraboeil, a. deducible ; que puede juntarse 6 cosecharse. gatherer [^fena-rcBr], .f. colector, segador, ven- dimiador; (cost. ) fruncidor. gathering [^-leixerinK], .S-. asamblea ; amonto- namiento, hacinamiento, acumulacion ; fruncimiento, contraccion ; cuesta, deman- da, colecta ; absceso ; (cost.) fruncido. gauche [wSh], a. zurdo, torpe. gaucherie [s;<>shprij, *. torpeza. gaud [i'xi), .V. objeto charro. gaudily [--iiiii], adv. ostentosamente, fastosa- ineiitp, charraraente. gaudlness [goaines], s. oropel, fausto, pompa ; charrnda. gaudy i«..ii], gaudish [go, S, ih, y. n- t6m« 1ft cUv« de promanciaciou al principio del Itbro. GEM 216 GEO geminate [v^miuet], a. (bot.) gemino. gemination (vemiussiictn], s. duplicacion, re- peticion. Gemini [Y^minai], s. (astr.) G6minis. gemma [veiuH], a. (bot.) boton, yema. gemmate [v^met], a. que tiene yemas 6 bo- tones. gemmation [vemeShcen], s. (zool. y bot.) ge- macion. gemmeous [Y^meoes], a. que se asemeja & una piedra preciosa. gemmule [v6miui], s. (bot.) botoncillo. gemot [Kuemot', s. (ant.) asamblea. gender [v^ndour], *. (gram.) genero; (fam.) sexo.— ra. engendrar ; producir, causar. genealogical [veneaioYicai], a. genealogico. genealogist [YenewioYUt], s. genealogista. genealogy [veneAioYi], s. genealogia. generable [Y6ueraboei], a. geuerable. general [venoerai], a. general, indeterminado, extensivo ; publico, universal ; corriente, comun, usual. — s. (mil.) general ; generala, toque de tambor ; geaeraiidad : in general, eu general, por lo comun. generalissimo [Yenujraiisiiuo], 5. generalisimo. generality [venoerteiiti], s. generalidad. generalization [Yenusraiis^shaju], s. generali- zaciou. generalize [Y^noeralaiS], va. general izar. generally [Y^nceraii], adv. generalmente, co- miinmente, en general ; regularmeute, usualmeute ; universal men te. generalship [v^noBraiShip], s. generalato. generant [Y^merant], a. generativo.— 5. gene- ran te. generate [Y^nceret], va. engendrar, procrear, propagar ; producir, ocasionar, causar ; (mat. y mec.) generar. generation [YeiKtreSiioen], s. generacion, pro- creacion, reproduccion, eugendramieuto ; linaje, prole, progenie ; siglo, edad ; (mat. y fis.) generacion. generative [Y^uajrativ], a. generative, proll- fico, fecundo. generator [v^noeretcBr], s. padre, procreador, engeudrador ; (elec.) generador ; dinamo. generatrix [veneretrix], s. (mat.) generatrix; (elec.) diuamo ; madre. generic (al [ven^ricCai], a. generico. generically [YenSricaii], adv. gen6ricamente. generosity (veneroaitij, «. generosidad, libera- lidad, largueza, generous [Y^ixKroes], a. generoso, desprendi- do, liberal, dadivoso ; noble, maguauimo ; amplio, holgado ; estimulante. generously [YenienbAU], adv. magnanima- mente, liberalmeute, generosamente, dadi- vosamente. generousness [Yen.BnBsnesj, .1. generosidad, inagnanimidad, nobleza. genesis (Yeiieais], 5. genesis, creacion, origen, priucipio; Genesis, primer libro del Anti- guo Testamento. genet [Y^uet], s. haca, jaca. genet [Yen^tj, s. gineta, y su piel. genetic (Yen^UrJ, a. genesiaco ; gen^sico. eneva [Yeniva], s. ginebra. Genevan tyenlvan], a. y *. ginebrino, gine- bres ; calvinista. genial [yintA b jiniaij, a. genial, cordial, afa- ble ; corafortaute; nupcial. geniality (vini*iitU, «. afabilidad. genially (vlffaii], adv. cordialmente ; afable- inente. geniculate(cl [venikiuieKed], a, articulado, dohlado. geniculation lYflnikiui^shreni «. genuflexion ; (bot.) articulaciou, nudosiaad. genii [viniai], *. pi genios. Genista [veuista] s. (bot.) retama. genital [Yeniui], a. genital. — s. pi. organos ge- nitales, parter pudendas. genitive [Yenit.v], a. y s. (gram.) genitivo. genius lYiucBs;, s. {pi. genii) geuio (fuerza intelectual extraordiuaria) ; geuio (sujeto dotado de esa fuerza ; en esta acepciou el plural es geniuses) ; prototipo ; geuio, nu- lueu ; (b. a.) angel, cupidillo. Genoese [Yenols], a. y *. geuoves. genteel lYentiiJ, a. urbano, cortes, bien cria- do ; gentil, apuesto, gallardo, galan, airoso, decente ; elegante. genteelly [yeutiuj, adv. cortesmente, gentil- meute. genteelness [yentiines], s. gentileza, gracia, garbo, bizarria, gallardia. gentian [v^uShian], s. (bot.) genciana. entile [Yeutaii], a. y s. gentil, gentilico, pa- gauo ; (gram.) geutilicio. gentilism [Yeutuigm], s. gentilismo, gentili- dad. gentilitiOUS [YentuiShces], a. gentilicio. gentility [Yemiuti], *. nobleza, gentileza, do- nosura, gracia, garbo, donaire. gentle [YemoBi], a. suave, blando, apacible, docil, manso, dulce, moderado, beuevolo, tranquilo, beniguo ; bieu nacido : gentle- folk, gente bien nacida. gentleman [yentujlinan], sm. caballero : inde- pendent gentleman, hacendado, propietario, rentista : gentleman-farmer, hacendado agri- cultor : gentleman-like, acaballerado, caba- Ueroso. gentlemanliness [Y^utueimauunes], gentle- mansMp [Y^ntoiimauShip], s. caballerosidad, hidalguia. gentlemanly [Yentaimanii], a. caballeroso, galante, civil, urbano ; hidalgo, gentleness [Yentwines], s. dulzura, blandura, doeilidad, mausedumbre, urbanidad, caba- llerosidad, delicadeza, nobleza. gentlewoman [Yeutubiuinauj, sj. seuora, dama ; dam a de honor. gently [Yentu], adv. dulcemente, suavemente > muellemente ; silenciosamente ; mansa- mente ; poco a poco, despacio^ con tiento. GentOO [Yemu], s. indio oriental. gentlT [Yeiitri], s. clase media ; gente. genuflection [YcnuflecRiueiii, .$. genuflexion, genuine [Y^nuin', «. genuine, real, verdadero, autoutico, legitime, siucero, puro, propio; (zool.) tipico. genuinely [Y^nninUl, adv. puramente, sincera- meute, uaturalmente. genuineness fy^nuinnes], s. pureza, autentici- dad, legitimidad. genus [Yiiiati], .V. (biol.) genero. geocentric [Yloseutric], «. geoccntrico. geode [Yiod], s. (geol.) geoda, drusa. geodesy [Yed.ie«i], s. geudesia, topografia. geodetic (alrYi, g, iU, v, ■, vtese U cUve if> Dronuuciaciou al priucipio del llbru. GEO 217 GIB geometrically [yiomdtricaii], adv. geomfitrica- meute. ireometriciaii [Yeometrishan], s. geometra. geometrldse [Yiom^triai], *. pi. (ent. ) geome- trinos. geometry [veometri], s. geometria. geomorpny [Y^omorn], s. geomorlia. geonomlc [yeonomic], a. geonomico. geonomy [veonomi], s. geonomia. geophagOUS [YeofagoBs], a. geofago. geoponlc(al [YlopouicUl], a. geoponico, geoponics [Yioponics], s. geoponica, agricul- tiira ; economia rural. georama [viorema 6 Yeorima], S. georama, glo- bo geografico. george [yofy], s. placa de la orden de la Jarre- tera ; (sast.) cuello ; antigua peluca ; (mar.) garganta de polea. Georgian [voiYian], «. y s. georgiano. georgic(al [YdrYicCai], a. geOrgioo. geOSCOpy [veoscopi], 5. geoscopia. geranium [verenioem], s. (bot. ) geranio. gerfalcon [v&rfokoen], s. (orn.) gerifalte. germ [Ycerm], s. germen de la vida; (biol.) embrion ; (bot.) yema, boton, simieute, em- brion, ovario ; principio, origen, rudimento ; microbio. german [Yderman], a. pariente : coaiin german, primo hennano, 6 carnal. German, *. y a. aleman ; germ^nico, tudes- co ; idioma aleman : German silver, plata alemana, alpaca, metal "bianco : Oerman tin- der, yesca : the german, (E. U. danz.) cotillon. germander [Yoerm«endoer], s. (bot.) pinillo, maro. germane [Y«Tmein], a. pariente ; afin. Germanic [YoermAuic], a. germanico, alema- nisco. Germanism [Ydermaniim], s. gerraanismo. germicidal [voermiRaidai], a. germicida. germicide [vdermiBaidj, s. germicida. germiCUltUre [Y&milccelclioer], S. (biol.) culti- vo de bacteria. germinal [Y^rminai], germinative [Yoirniine- tiv], a. seminal, semental. germinate [vcferminet], vn. brotar, germinar ; aesarrollarse. germination [Yotrmin^Shoen], s. germinacion. gerund [Y^roend], s. (gram.) gerundio. gerundive [Yer/. (med.) enearnaciou ; Ibrmacien de tuberculos. granule [gr*niuij, s. grauulo, granito. j^ranulOUS [gr^niuiu-sj, a. granuloso, grani- lloso, granujoso. grape (grepl, s. (bot.) uva; Tid: bunch of grapes, racimo de uvas : to gather grapes, vendimiar: grape-sugar, glucosa, dextrosa: grape-vine, vid, parra : grape-fruit, (bot.) to- ronja: grape-hyacinth, (bot.) almizclena : grape-shot, (arti. ) metraila : grape-skin, ho- llejo : grape-stone, granuja, simiente de uva : sour grapes I j estan verdes ! grapeless [grdpies], a. sin uva. grapery [greperi], s. invemadero 6 criadero de uvas, graphic (altgr«nc(ai], a. grafico. graphically (gr*ncaii\ adv. graficamente. graphite [-r*fait], s. (min.) grafito, plomba- gina; iapiz. graphitic [--r*fitic], a. grafitico. graphOlite [>,'ii6foiait], s. pizarra. graphometer [grajometoer], s. grafometro, transportador. graphophone [gr&fofon], s. especie de fono- grafo. grapline[gr*piin], grapnel [gr»piiei], s. (mar.) anclote, rezon ; arpeo, cloque, rastra, re- baiiadera, garabato. grapple [grsepoei], va. agarrar, agarrafar, ga- rrafinar, asir ; amarrar. — vn. agarrarse, en- garrafarse; (mar.) atracarse, aferrarse, abordarse. — s. lucha, rina, pelea ; arpeo, garabato, gafa, cloque, rastra. grappling [grsepiing], s. (mar.) rezon ; aferra- miento: grappling-iron, cloque, arpeo. - grapy [grepi], a. lleno 6 hecho de uvas. grasp, va. erapuiiar, asir, coger, agarrar; apoderarse de, usurpar, tomar ; (fig.) abar- car, coraprender. — vn. agarrarse fuerte- mente. — s. asiraiento, agarro ; usurpacion ; puno, puiiado ; garras ; coraprension. grasper rgra»p, 8, Sh, Y, K, v6«8e la clave d« proniiiiriHri< Priii'ipio del Ilbro. GEA 226 GBE gravitate [gnevitet], vn. gravitar, gravear. grayitaitlon [grsevueShoeu], s. gravitacion ; atracciou universal; tendencia,iaclinaci6n ; gravedad. gravity (srsBviti], s. gravedad, pesantez ; serie- dad, majestad; iiuportancia: Bpeclflc grav- ity, gravedad especifica. Ifravy [KreVi], s. salsa, jugo, sainete. Ipray, grey [^re], va. y vn. pouer 6 volverse gris 6 cano ; encanecer. — a. gris, pardo ; tordo, rucio ; cano, encanecldo. — s. color gris ; animal gris : dark-gray, pardo obscuro : gray-eyed, ojizarco : gray-headed, canoso, en- canecldo, envejecido: gray-bearded, barbi- can o : gray horse, cabal lo tordo. grayhound, s. K. greyhound. grayish (greiSh), a. pardusco, griseo, agrisado ; entrecano ; tordillo. grayling rgrei ins], s. (let.) timalo. graze IgreS], vn. pacer, pastar, herbajar ; tas- car ; rozar, rasar.— ya. pastorear, apacen- tar ; dar pienso 6 forraje ; pasar rozando, raspar, rasar. — s. rozamiento, roce, raspa- dura ; pasto, apacentamiento. grazier [gr^Yuer], s. ganadero. grease [gris], s. grasa, sain, gordura, manteca, unto 6 sebo; (vet.) aguajas: grease-box, (maq.) caja de sebo. grease [gns 6 griai, va. engrasar, ensebar, prin- gar, untar ; lubricar ; sobornar con dinero. greaser [grisoer], s. engrasador ; lubricador ; lubricante ; (E. U. despec.) apodo que se da a un mejicano 6 hispanoaniericano. greasily [grisiu], ndv. crasamente. greasiness [grixines], s. pringue, mugre. greasy (gnsi], a. graslento, mugriento, lar- doso, craso, pringoso, aceitoso, churriento. great (gretl, a. gran, grande, magno, grueso, vasto, enornie, desmedido; largo, prolon- gado, dilatado ; raucho, numeroso ; gordo, garrafal ; considerable, importante, princi- pal ; poderoso, ilustre, eminente, noble, magnanirao ; valiente ; adorable, admirable, maravilloso, .sublime ; magnifico, grandiose, imponente, solemne ; lleno, prenado ; indica la tercera, cuarta 6 qulHta generacion, v. gr. : great-grandvon, biznieto: great-granddaugh- ter, biznieta: great-grandfather, bisabuelo: great-grandmother, bisabuela : great-grand- children, biznietos : great-great-grandfather, rebisabuelo 6 tatarabuelo : " great-great- grandmother, rebisabuela 6 tatarabuela: a great deal, mucho, gran cantidad : a great many, muchos: a great while, largo rato : a great man, un grande hombre : great cattle, ganado mayor : great-bellied, barrigudo ; preiiada : great-coat, leviton, casacon, ga- Mn : great-hearted, animado, de alma gran- de : the great, los grandes, los rieos 6 los poderosos : Great Dane, mastin danes : great gun, canon de artilleria. greaten (Krttoen), va. agrandar, engrandecer. — vn. crecer, aumentarse. greater [gr^tmr], a. comp. de great ; mayor, rails grande : Greater Britain, el impyerio co- lonial de la Gran Bretana : Greater New York, la oiudad de Nueva York con su ensanche. greatest [gr^test], a. sup. de great ; ra&ximo, sumo. greatly [ktMI], adv. muy, mucho ; grande- mente, magudnimamente. greatness [gr^tues], .?. grandeza ; grandiosi- dad ; amplitud, magnitud, grandor, exteu- sioH ; majestad, nobleza, dignidad, poder; magnanimidad ; fausto. greaves [,], s. pi. (arm.) grebas, canille- ras, esplnilleras ; (coc.) chicnarrones. grebe [gnb], s. (orn.) colimbo. Grecian [griSimn], s, griego; helenista.— « griego, greco, greciano, gre^aisco. Grecianize [gushanais], Grecize [gri8ai«], va. y VII. grecizar, greguizar. Grecism [K-nsiSm], «. j -ecismo, helenismo. Greco-Latin (grico-i*"M], a. grecolatino: Greco-Roman, grecorro^ano. greed [gnaj, greediness [gridiues). s. voraci- dad, gula ; codicia, avaricia ; anhelo. greedily [gridiii], adv. vorazmente, ansiosa- mente ; vehemeutemente. greedy [gridil, a. voraz. insaciable, gulosoj ansioso, anhelante ; codicioso, avaro. Greek [grlk], s. griego ; lengua griega ; hele- uista; (fam.) jerga, gringo. — a. griego; h»- lenico : Greek-fire, fuego griego. Greekess [gnues], sf. gnega. green [grin], a. verde (de color y de sazou) ; inexperto, novato ; rnido ; nuevo, fresco, reciente, acabado de hacer ; palido, descolo- rido ; floreciente, gallardo, lozano. — ^a'. color verde ; verdor, verdura ; prado pradera. — pi. (coc.) verduras, hortaliza : bottle-green, verde botella ; sea-green, verde mar : green com, maiz tierno ; (Mix.) elote ; (lugl.) trigo nuevo : green hand, novicio, princi- piante, aprendiz, tiron : green-laver 6 green-' Bloke, alga marina comestible: green vitriol, caparrosa, vitriolo verde : green ware, loza cruda : green-cloth, tapete verde, mesa de juego ; (Ingl.) mayordomia de palacio : green-coloured, verde, verdoso ; palido, en- fermizo : green-eyed, de ojos verdes : green- eyed monster, celotipia : green goods, (E. U.) treta con que ciertos timadores estafan k los paletos vendiendoles como billetes de banco falsificados meros retazos de papel, por me- dio de un escamoteo. — va. tenir 6 pintar de verde. — vn. verdear. greenback [griiibaec], s. (E. U.) papel mone- da, billete del gobierno 6 de los bancos na- cionales. greenfincb [grinnnch], s. (orn.) verdecillo, verderon, verderol, cloris. greengrocer [gnngrosoei], s. verdulero. greennorn [gnnjomj, s. (fam.) tiron novicio, aprendiz ; paleto, palurdo ; (Cuba) bozal. greening [grining], s. acto de verdear ; varie- dad de manzana verdosa. greenhouse [grinjaus], s. conservatorio ; in- vernaculo. greenish [griniSh], a. verdoso, verdusco. greenly [grinii], adv. nuevamente, reciente- mente ; sin madurez. gnreenness [grinneg], s. verdura, verdor, vigor, frescura ; falta de experiencia ; novedad. greenroom [griurum], «. (teat.) sala de espera de los actores. greensand [grinsand], s. (geol. ) arenisca verde. greensickness [griiisicnes], s clorosis. greenstall igrinstoij, s. puesto 6 tabla para vender frutas y verduras. greensward [grinsuord], s. cgsped. greenwood [gnnud], «. selva frondosa. greet [gnt], va. saludar, dar la bienvealda.— vn. encontrarse y saludarse. greeting [gritingj, s. salutacion, saludo; i salud! gregarious [gregu^rioesj, a. gregario, gregal, re ban ego. gregariously [gregu^rioesii], adv. i manadas, gregarianiente. gregariousness [Kregii^rioesnc!<], s. tendeocia •X andar en manadas 6 rebanos. Gregorian [gregorian], a. gregoriano. grenade [Krened], .v. granada, bomba. grenadier igrenadioer], s. granadere. grenadine [grenadin], s. (tej.) granadina. grew (gni!, pref.. de to grow. Pars el sonldo de ae, ce, d, i, §b, y, x, vdase la clave de prouuuclacldu al prlncipio del Ilbro. GEE 227 GEO grey fsre], a. gris, pardo. V. gray, greyhound [Kiejaundj, s. galgo, galga ; lebrel ; (ueol.) vapor de alta mar muy veloz. grice [grais], s. gorrino, lechoo ; osezno. grid, s. parrilla, reja. griddle [Kndoei], *. (coc.) tartera; tapadera de logon: griddle-cake, (Amer.) tortilla (de harina), arepa. gridiron [gndaicem], 5. parrillas ; (mar.) anda- miada, basada de esqueleto ; (teat.) telar ; (sp. ) campo demarcado para el juego de foot-ball, grief [grif], s. pesar, pesadumbre, afliccion, pena ; dolor moral, sentimiento, duelo. Into, congoja. griefless [griaes], a. exento de i>ena. grievance [gnvaus], s. agravlo, iDjusticia, perjiiicio, entuerto. grieve [griv], va. agraviar, afligir, lastimar, oprimir ; apesadumbrar. — vn. apesadum- brarse, dolerse, penar, afligirse, lameniarse. gfrievingly [gnvingii], adv. apesaradamente. grievous [gnvoes], a. gravoso, aflictivo, peno- so, doloroso, lastimoso; oneroso; fiero, atroz, cruel, grievously [gnvoesii], adv. gravosamente, pe- sadamente, penosamente, lastimosamente, afligidamente. grievousness [gnvoesnesj, s. dolor, pena, aflic- cion ; atrocidad, calamidad, enormidad. grifln [grifin], griffon [grffcn], s. grifo ; bui- tre ; guardian, vigilante. grig. *• (ent.) grillo ; (ict.) anguila pequeiia. grill [grii], va. asar en parrillas ; atormentar, molestar.— 5. parrillas ; manjar asado en parrillas. grillade [srfi^d], s. manjar asado en parrillas ; carbonada. grillage [griiech], s. emparrillado, grille [grii], *. verja, reja. grim, a. torvo, cenudo, feo, horrendo ; in- flexible ; formidable ; grim-faced 6 grim- visaged, malcarado. grimace [grim68], s. visaje, mueca, gesto. grimalkin [grim»lkin 6 grimolkiu], s. gatazo, gatavieja. grime [graim], s. tizne, mugre, porqueria.— va. ensuciar, tiznar. primly [gnmii]. a. espantoso, horrible : cenu- do. — adv. horriblemente, asperamente. grimness [grimnes], s. grima, horror, espanto. grimy [graimi], a, tiznado, sucio, manchado, mugriento. (jrln, vn. hacer muecas, mostrando los dien- tes. — s. mueca, visaje ; sonrisa burlona. grind [gralnd], va. (pret. y pp. GROUND) mo- ler, quebrantar, triturar ; pulverizar, amo- lar, afilar, vaciar; frotar, rallar, estregar, refregar ; pulir, brunir ; mascar ; dar vuel- tas a un manubrio ; gravar, acosar, moles- tar, agobiar, oprimir; (fara.) estudiar con ahinco ; dar matraca ; (Cuba) chotear. — vn. hacer molienda ; rozar, frotar, ludir ; pu- lirse 6 deslustrarse con el roce. grinder [graindoer], s. molinero, molendero; moledor ; muela, piedra de molino 6 de amolar ; molino, molinillo ; amolador ; mue- la, diente molar, quijal. grinding [grainding], s. pulverizacion, mole- dura, molimiento, molienda; amoladura ; brunido. pulimento.— pa. de grind; molien- te : grinding lathe, torno de pulir : grinding- miU, trapiche : sugar-cane grinding, molien- da de cana de azucar : grinding plate, disco para pulir vidrio : grinding roll, maza de trapiche. grindstone [graindstounl, s. amoladera, volan- dera, muela, piedra de afilar. grip, s. apreton de mano ; empuiiamiento, agarro ; modo de darse la mano los maso« nes, etc.; (E. U.) saco de mano; asidero, puiio, mango, agarradero ; (f. c.) tiador del cable de traccion ; capacidad de agarrar y retener, 6 de comprender : gripman, (f. c.) empleado que maneja el tiador : gripsack, (fam. E. U.) saco de noche, maletica.— 1'«. agarrar, empuuar, asir, cerrar. — vti. aga- rr^rse con fuerza. gripe [graip], va. agarrar, asir, empunar ; pe- llizcar ; (mec.) morder ; dar colico ; afligir, acongojar. — vn. agarrar fuertemente ; pade- cer colico ; sacar dinero por exaccion.— .?. agarro, asimiento ; sujecion ; (fig.) esclavi- tud; garra ; (mec.) uiia, grapa, abrazadera, freno de malacate ; pufio, mango, manija, empuiiadura, agarradera ; opresion, aprie- to, apuro; (mar.) pie del tajamar.— p/. do- lor colico, apreton, torozon, retortijon ; (mar.) obeuques 6 bozas de lancha ; trincas. griplpe [grip], i. (med.) gripe, trancazo 6 dengue. gripper [gripcBr], .?. (impr.) una; (elec.) so- porte del carbon de una lampara de arco. grisly [griSii], a. espantoso, terrible. grist, s. molienda ; provision, abasto, sumi- uistro : grist-mill, molino harinero. gristle [grisoei], 5. cartilago, ternilla, gristly [grisii], a. cartilaginoso. grit, A', arena, cascajo ; (geol.) arenisca si\U cea • firmeza ; entereza ; valor, animo ; moi yuelo.— ^/, semola, farro. grittiness [gritines], s. contextura areuosa; fortitud, entereza. gritty [griti], a. arenoso, sabuloso, arenisco ; valeroso, esforzado. grizzle [grlSoei], s. color gris, mezclilla. grizzled [griSceid], a. tordillo. grizzly [griSii], a. griseo, pardusco. — teac], a. grotesco. grotesquely [grot^sru], adv. grotescamente. grotto [Kr6ti>l, s. gruta, antro, covacha. ground [Ki-aund], s. tierra, terreno, suelo, piso, paviiuento : pais, region, territorio ; solar, heredad, posesion ; base, fundaraento ; pie, razon, motivo, causa; (pint.) fondo, cam- po; bano, capa; (elec.) tierra; (mil.) cam- po de batalla.— p^ poso, sedimento, heces ; jardin, parque, terrenos : back-ground, fon- do, filtimo termiuo : fore-ground, primer ter- mino: on 6 upon the ground, eu tierra, en el suelo : to break ground, desmontar ; ro- turar ; empezar un trabajo : to be on one's own ground, estar uno en su elemento : to come 6 fall to the ground, caer al suelo ; fra- casar : to gain ground, ganar terreno ; hacer progresos : to give 6 to lose ground, perder terreno, retroceder, atrasar : to stand 6 to hold one's ground, mantenerse firme : to take the ground, encallar.— '». situado en el suelo 6 al nivel del suelo; fundamental: ground-floor, piso bajo; ground-plot, solar, lote ; (arq.) piano: ground tackle, (mar.) amarrazones : ground-ivy, (bot.) hiedra terrestre : ground- pine, (bot.) pinillo: ground-nut, (bot.) caca- huete, mani : ground-rent, censo : ground- work, plan, piano, pie, base, fundamento, cimiento; principio, razon fundamental. — va. fundar, cimentar, apoyar, fundamentar, establecer ; enseiiar los elementos de alguna ciencia ; poner en tierra. — vti. (mar.) enca- llar, embarrancar, varar. ground, pp. de to grind ; molido. grroundage [Kraumiechi, s. (mar.) derecho de puerto 6 de anclaje. grounding [sraiin.iinK], *. (mar.) eucalladura. groundless [tcrauiidiesi, a. infundado. groundlessly [KraniKiieHii], adv. infundada- mt'iite, sin razon, sin motivo. groundlessness [Kraundiesnea], s. falta de ra- zon »«• fundamento ; futilidad. groundling [sraundiinK], s. animal terrestre; (let.) loche, loja ; villano. groundsel 6 groundsill [(?r4und8ei, sii], s. um- bral de puerta ; (bot.) zuzon, hierba cana. group iKrup], s. grupo, agrupacion, eorrillo ; corabinaclon ; orden, serie, clase. — va. agru- par. grouse [Rraiw), 5. (orn.) guaco ; chachalaca. grout [t^raut], .s. (alb.) mezcla para llenar jun- tas ; enlucido ; aemola, t&rro.—pl. heces, zurrapas, sedimento. grouty [KraiitJ], a. turbio, fangoso ; regafi6n, arisco, intratable. grove [grouv], s. arboleda, alameda, enrama- da, soto, bosquecillo, boscaje : oak grove, robledal, robledo : pine grove, pinar. grovel [groviti], vn. serpear, arrastrarse ; en- vilecerse, bajarse. grOvel(l)er [groviitr], «. hombre servil y ras- trero. grovel(l)ing [gr(iviinK],/>a. servil, rastrero. grovelingly [groviiugii], adv. servllmente, ras- trerameute. grow [grou], pa. {pret. grew: pp. grown) cultivar. — vn. nacer, vegetar, crecer ; for- marse, desarrollarse, aumentar ; adelantar, progresar, medrar ; ponerse, volverse ; ex- teaderse, dilatarse ; proceder, provenir ; pegarse, unifse ; fijarse, echar raices (con la prep, to) : to grow into fashion, hacerse de moda : to grew out of fashion, pasar de moda : to grow out of use, caer en desuso : to grow up, brotar, crecer, desarrollarse : to grow less, dismiuuir : to grow warm, aumen- tar el calor : to grow dark, obscurecer, ano- checer : to grow hot, acalorarse : to grow near 6 on, acercarse : to grow old, envejecer : to grow tame, domesticarse : to grow well, restablecerse : to grow worse, empeorar : to grow young again, remozarse : to grow better, ponerse mejor ; enmendarse, corregirse : to grow big, engordar ; aumentarse : to grow childish, chochear : to grow cold, enfriarse: to grow dear, encarecerse : to grow easy, tran- quilizarse : to grow fat, engordar, engrue- sar: to grow late, hacerse tarde : to grow poor, empobrecerse : to grow rich, enrique- cerse: to grow strong, ponerse fuerte, repo- nerse. grower [grooerj, s. labrador, productor ; culti- vador. grrowl [graui], vn. regaiiar, grunir, rezongar, refunfuuar ; regafiar el perro. — vn. decir grunendo. — s. reganamiento, refunfuno, grunido. growler fgrauicer], s. perro grunidor ; rega- fion, refunfunador ; (E. U. fani.) jarro para cerveza. grown [grouu], a. y pp. crecido, espigado, des- arrollado ; cubierto 6 lleno de hierbas, ma- leza, etc. ; prevalente, dominante : grown up, crecido, adulto. growth [groiu:), s. crecimiento, desarrollo ; producto, produccion ; vegetacion ; acre- cencia, acrecentamiento, aumento, amplia- cion, extension, adelantamiento, aprove- chamiento, mejora, medro, progreso ; esta- tura completa, altura. grub [groeb], va. v vn. rozar, desyerbar, des- arraigar ; azadonar ; cavar ; emplearse en oficios bajos. — s. gorgojo, larva; (vulg.) ali- mento, manducatoria ; persona desahfiada; (E. U.) raiz arrancada : grub-ax, legon, pi- caza : grubbing-hoe, escarda. gnrubber [groaboer], s. desyerbador; arrauca- dor de raices. grubby [gr&bi], a. gusarapiento. grudge [xruedy], va. envidiar, codiciar; esca- timar, dar de mala |:ana. — s. rencor, renci- 11a, inquina, enemiga, ojeriza, resenti- niiento, teraa, tirria; renueucia, mal gra- do. grrudging [gr*dYin)r], .s. envidia, descontento, resentimiento, mala voluutad ; refunfuiia- dura, refunfuno ; renuencia, repugnancia, aversion. grudgingly (KnftdYJngU], adv. con repugnan- cia, de mala gana. . gruel (Kiueii, .V. atole, avenate, broma. gruesome, grewsome [grusoBmi. a. horrible, horrendo. Para el sonido de m, asta : half-moon, semilunio : half)>enny [jarpeui, (Ihgl.) J6peni], medio penique : half-pay, me- dia paga, medio sueldo : half-sister, herma- nastra : half-tone, fotograbado a media tin- ta; (mfis.) semitono : half-tone plate, clis6 fotograbado & media tinta : half-way, equi- distante, & medio camino : half-witted, bobo, imbecil : half-year, semestre : half-yearly, semestral ; semestralmente : half and half, mezcla de dos cervezas : half-seas over, me- dio borracho, calamocano. liallbut Uoiiboet], s. (E. U. ict.) hipogloso (pez grande, sin espinas, de came muy esti- mada). liall [joi], s. vestibulo, zaguin, antecamara ; pasadizo, corredor ; gran salon ; sala de se- siones; eala de un tribunal, estrados ; edi- ficio publico : City Hall, casa de la ciudad 6 del Ayuntamiento, casa consistorial : music hall, sala de conciertos : hall-mark, marca del contraste. haUelujah [i«ieiaya], 5. (igl.) aleluya. nalliaxd D*iyard], s. V. halyard. hallo, halloa L)ai6], inlerj. con que se llama 6 saluda ; ; hola ! i oiga ! i eh ! halloo [jiUo 6 jaiu], s. grita, voceria. — interj. ; sus ! 1 busca ! voz de los cazadores. — va. y vn. gritar, vocear, azuzar 6 llamar a gritos. hallooing [Jaiuing], s. grita, voceria. hallow [j*io], va. consagrar, santificar ; reve- renciar. Hallowmass D^iomas], *. fiesta de Todos los Santos : Hallowe'en, vispera de Todos los Santos. hallucination Useiuain^Shcen], s. alucinacion, ilusioo, error. halm [lorn], s. paja larga. V. haum. halma U^ima], s. juego parecido al de damas. halo D^io], s. halo 6 halon, corona, cerco, nim- bo, aureola 6 aureola. halogen U^ioYen], s. (qulm. ) halogeno. halography [j»i6gran], «. halografia. haloid Liffiioid], a. haloideo.^. sal haloidea. halt Llf'it], vn. cojear, andar cojo, renque»r ; vacilar, dudar, tartamudear ; estar imper- fect© ; pararse, detenerse, hacer alto. — va. Sarar, detener.-^s. cojera ; detencion ; para^ a, alto. — a. cojo ; estropeado, lisiado. , halter [jouoer], s. cabestro, ronzal, cabezada, ramal, jaquima; dogal. — va. cabestrar, echar el ronzal ; poner el dogal. haltingly Doitingu], adv. & cox cox, & cox co- jita, a la pata coja. halve [jav], va. dimidiar ; descenar ; ser 6 for- mar la mitad de una cosa ; machihembrar. halves Ljavg], pi. de half: to go halves, ir & medias. halyard D*iy«rd], .?. (mar.) driza. hamQaem], «. pemil, jamon ; (anat.) corva. hamadryad U^mad raised], s. amadnada. hame Uem], s. horcate. hamlet [j«mietj, s. aldea, villorrio, aldehuela, lugarillo, caserio. hammer Ll*m nioso, consono, musical ; sim6trico, propor- cionado. harmoniously (jartnonioesu], adv. armonioss- mente, urmouicaraente. harmoniousness Uarmonioeanes], s. armonla^ sonoridad. harmonist Uarmonist], s. armonista. harmonium LiarnioniceiT)'], s. (m(is.) armonio. harmonize o harmonise Uamionaig], va. ar< P»ra el sonldo de se, oe, d S, viase U clave de pronunclaclon al princlpio del libro. HAE 236 HAU monizar, ajustar, hermanar, concertar, po- ner de acuerdo. — vn. armonizarse, concor- dat, congeniar ; consonar, convenir, corres- ponder. Aaxmonizer [jirmonaiseer], s. conciliador ; (mus.) armonista. tiaxmonv Qarmoni], s. armouia ; consonancia, concordfancia, concordia, uniformidad. tuimess Ljarnes], s. atelaje, guarniciones, jae- ces, arreos y parameutos ; (arm.) arnes ; (mec.) aparejo ; equipo ; (ti^.) servicio ac- tivo : harness-maker, guarnicionero, talabar- tero: harness-room, guardarnes.— t-a. enjae- zar, atalajar, enganchar, acollarar ; armar con arnes. barp [jarp], s. (mus.) arpa; (astr.) Lira.— v?i. tocar 6 taner el arpa : to harp on 6 upon, re- petir, machacar, porfiar. liaxper U»rpoer], harpist [jarplst], s. arpista, harping Darping], s. tauido del arpa ; repeti- cion enfadosa. — pi. (mar.) cucharros ; jare- tas. harpoon UarpAn], s. arpon, cloque. — va. arpo- near : harpoon-gun, canon para disparar el arpon. harpooner [jarptinwrj, s. arponero. harpsichord [jarpsicord], s. clavicordio. harpy Darp*], s. arpia ; (orn. ) arpella. harqUebUSS Uarcueboes], S. arcabuz. harquebussier Qarcueboesicer], s. arcabucero. harridan O^ndau], s. mujer colerica, vieja y fea. harrier Dsenoer], s. lebrel ; pillador, asolador; molestador ; ave de rapiiia. harrow [J*ro], s. (agr.) grada, rastro, trilla; escarificador. — va. (agr.) gradar ; perturbar, atormentar. harrowing Uwrouing], pa. horripilante. harry b«eri], va. pillar, asolar, saquear ; aco- sar, nxolestar. harsh [JarSh], a. &spero, agrio, acerbo, bronco, rigido, duro, riguroso, austero, desagrada- ble ; tosco. iiarshly Dargiin), adv. asperamente, severa- mente, duramente, agriamente. harshness O&rlhnes], s. aspereza, rudeza, aus- teridad, acerbidad ; bronquedad ; rigor, ee- veridad, mal humor. hart [jart], s. ciervo de cinco anos. hartshorn [jartsjom], s. amoniaco ; cuerno de ciervo ; (bot. ) variedad de llanten. hanim-SCarUm Lieaeroem-skeaeroem], a. atolon- drado ; al tuntun, a troche y moche. haruspex, haruspice UarcSspex, pis], s. arus- pice. harvest Darvest], s. cosecha, siega, esquilrao, agosto ; fruto, producto : harvest-bug, (ento.) mita, arador : harvest-fly, cigarra, chicha- rra : harvest-man, (ento.) tipula : harvest moon, luna de la cosecha : harvest-mouse, ra- toa del campo : harvest-time, niies : harvest- home, (Ingl.) fiesta 6 coro de segadores. — va. cosechar, segar, esquilmar, hacer su agosto ; recoger el fruto de algun trabajo. harvester (jarvestcBrj, harvest-man Dar vest- man], s. agostero, cosechero : harvester, sega- dora, maquina de segar : combined harvester, segadora de combinacion. has [j«8], 3a. pers. pres. ind. de to have. hash [j«shl, va. picar, desmenuzar, hacer pica- dillo. — s. picadillo ; salpicOn, jigote. hashish, hasheesh [j«e8hiSh], s. haxis. haslet DK«iet], -s- asadura de puerco. hasp [jasp], s. aldaba de candado ; broche. — va. abrochar ; cerrar con aldaba. hassock d^soc], s. banqueta, escabel ; cojin ; ruedo de estera. hastate D^stet], a. (hot.) alabardado. haste [j68t], s. prisa, presteza, diligencia, pre- mura, acucia; festinacion, expedicion, velo- cidad, precipitacion ; urgencia : to make haste, darse prisa, apresurarse: to be in haste, estar de prisa, tener prisa. haste, hasten Desttn], va. acelerar, apresurar, precipitar, avivar, activar, acuciar. — vn. darse prisa, apresurarse. hastily Uestiii], adv. aceleradamente, apresu- radamente, precipitadamente. hastiness Li^sHnes], s. prisa, presteza, prontl- tud, diligencia ; impaciencia. hasty Ljesti], a. pronto, apresurado, ligero, vivo ; precipitado, arrojado ; temprano : hasty-pudding, (coc. ) papilla, gachas. hat 0*1], s. sombrero ; capelo, dignidad de cardenal : beaver hat, sombrero de castor : Panama hat, sombrero de jipijapa : silk 6 high hat, sombrero de copa (alta), chistera, (Cuba) bomba: hat-pin, pasador 6 aguja de sombrero ; rascamoiio : hat-band, cintillo : hat-box 6 hat-case, sombrerera : hat-money, (mar.) capa y sombrero: cocked hat, som- brero de tres picos, tricornio : to pass round the hat, pasar el cepillo, hacer una colecta. hatable Ueitaboei], a. detestable, aborrecible, odioso. hatch [jaech], va. criar polios, empollar, aclo- car, incubar 6 encobar ; fraguar, idear, tra- mar, maquinar ; sombrear con lineas. — vn. empoUarse, salir del cascaron ; madurarse. — s. cria, poUada, nidada, pollazon ; salida del cascaron; portezuela, trampa ; (mar.) escotilla, cuartel ; (hidr.) paradera, com- puerta: hatch-bar, (mar.) barra de escotilla. hatchel L)«Bchei], s. rastriUo. — va. rastrillar ; contrariar, impacientar. hatchet O^chet], s. destral, machado : to bury the hatchet, hacer la paz : to dig up (6 take up) the hatchet, hacer la guerra : hatchet- face, cara delgada : hatchet-faced, de fac- ciones enjutas : hatchet-helve, 3^til de hacha. hatching U^ching], s. cloquera, incubacion ; (b. a.) sombra hecha con lineas. hatchway U^chue], s. (mar.) escotilla: main- hatchway, escotilla mayor: fore-hatchway, escotilla de proa : magazine-hatchway, esco- tilla de popa. hate Deft], va. detestar, aborrecer, odiar, abo- minar. — s. odlo, aborrecimiento, tenia, aver- sion. hateful [jeitfui], a. aborrecible, odioso, detes- table ; maligno, rencoroso, malevolo. hatefully [jeitfuu], adv. malignamente, detes- tablemente, odiosamente. hatefulness UeUfuines], s. odiosidad. hater Ueitoer], s. aborrecedor: woman-hater, enemigo de las mujeres. hath D^z], (ant.) 3a. pers. pres. ind. de to have. hatred [jetredl, s. odio, influina, mala volun- tad, aborrecimiento, aversion, euemistad 6 enemiga. hatted U*ted], a. que lleva sombrero. hatter Dffltcer], s. sombrerero. hauberk [joberkl, s. (arm.) plaquin, camisole. haughtily Dotiu], adv. arrogantemente, orgu- llosamente, altivamente. haughtiness Qotines], *. altaneria, soberbia, orgullo, arrogancia, presuncion, altivez, infulas, humos. haughty [hriti], a. soberbio. altanero, altivo, vanidoso, arrogante, presuntuoso, orgulloso, vano, entonado. haul Ijoi], va. tirar de, arrastrar ; (mar.) ha- lar, ronzar, aballestar, cazar : to haul down the colours, arriar la bandera : to haul the wind, abarloar, oeiiir el viento. — s. tiron 6 estiron, hala ; arrsslre ; redada. Para el sonido de a, oe, d, 3, Sb, y, x, vease la clave de proaunciacidu al pvio'^ipio del libro. HAU 236 HEA hauling [joiiug], s. estiroD, hala : hauling-line, guia. haulm, haum Liom], s. paja, rastrojo. hauncll U«"cii), «. anca, grupa, culata ; (arq.) riiion de una boveda : haunch of Tenison, pierna de venado. haunt [j»"t jojitj, va. frecuentar ; tondar ; perseguir una idea a uno ; causar obsesion. —s. guarida ; lugar que uno frecuenta ; ha- bito, costumbre, querencia. haunted Dinted], pp. encantado. haustellum [jost^icem], «. trompa de las mari- posas, tndscas, etc. hautboy Uoboi], «. (mfis.) oboe; (bot.) varie- dad de fresa. bave U«v], va. {pret. y pp. had : ger. having) haber, tener ; poseer ; contener, compren- der, incluir ; traer, llevar puesto 6 consi^o ; recibir, obtener ; experimentar 6 sentir ; padecer, sufrir 6 gozar ; concebir, profesar ; poner por obra, efectuar; procurar, man- dar, hacer ; haber de, tener que, deber ; es- tar Si punto de ; parir, dar a luz ; mirar, es- timar, apreciar ; saber ; fisase tambien como verbo auxiliar y corresponde a haber, v. gr.: h* had gone, 61 se habia ido : we have had newB, hemos tenido noticias ; las frases had better, had rather, had best, se traducen con un rodeo, diciendo, es preferible 6 mejor que, mejor ser& que, y had as well, had aa good 6 had as Uef, lo mismo es que, es igual que, lo mismo da que, tanto importa: to have about one, tener, llevar consigo : to have on, (fam.) llevar (una prenda): to have one's eye on, vigilar, no perder de vista : to have it out, concluir, terminar un negocio ; decir las verdades: what will you have? iqu6 quiere Vd. beber (6 comer)?: have with you, ir6 con Vd.: have after you, seguir6aVd.: I will have it so, asl lo quiero: as fortune would have it, por fortuna : to have a mind, tener gana, deseo, pensamiento de hacer algo. havelOCk D*v1oc], s. (mil. ) cogotera. haven U^vn], ». puerto, fondeadero, abra ; abrigo, asilo. haversack [jAveerssec], s. (mil.) mochila, bar- juleta. having U^ving), *. bienes, hacienda, haber. havoc li^voc], s. estrago, ruina, destruccion, desolacion, asolamiento, tala. — va. jvn. aso- lar, destruir, talar. haw [jo], s. (bot.) acerola; baya 6 simiente del espino bianco ; balbucencia. — va. y vn. volver 6 hacer volver 4 la izquierda : to haw and gee, ir de un lado k otro. — vn. tartamu- dear ; tartalear. Hawaiian Uauayan], a. de Hawaii. hawk [jok], s. (orn.) halcoa: hawk-eyed, lin- ce, de ojo avizor : hawk-nosed, aguileno, de nariz aguilena: hawk-owl, (orn.) (ilula, au- tillo: hawk's-bell, cascabel. — va. cazar con halcon ; pregonar mercancias ; gargajear, arrancar flema. hawker tjokoer], s. buhonero, mercachifle, pregonero, revendedor ; falconero. hawkweed [jokuid], «. (bot.) pelosilla. hawse [joSi, s. (mar. ) proa del buaue ; distan- cia, largo 6 cumplido de un caole : hawse- hole, escobSn : hawse-pipes, bocinas 6 cana- les de los escobenes : hawse-plugs, tacos de los escobenes. hawser [joscerl, s. (mar.) cable, estacha. hawthorn (jo«>rn], *. (bot.) espino, blanca es- pina, acerolo, oxiacanto. hay Li^l, s. paja de heno d otras hierbaa para forraje, b&lago ; (Filip.) zacate ; (esgr.) es- tocada : hay-cold, hay-fever, romadizo : hay- fleld, henar : hay-fork, horca, bieldo : hay* loft, henal 6 henil : hay-spreader, hay-tedder, esparcidora de heno: hay-rake, rastrillo par» heno, haycock Uecoc], s. almiar, niara. hayrick U^mc], s. almiar, niara. hayseed U^sJdl, s. patan, paleto : hay-seed, sij miente de heno o de hierbas. haystack U^stac], s. niara, almiar. Haytian U^tian 6 jaitian], a. haitiano. hazard Utlgard), s. azar, suerte, ventura, al- bur, peligro, riesgo ; Juego de azar a los dados ; tronera del billar. — va. arriesgar, aventurar, exponer. — vn. arriesgarse, aven- turarse, correr un albur ; correr riesgo. hazardable U^egardabcei], a. que se puede aven- turar ; peligroso, arriesgado. hazardous DseSardoes], a. arriesgado, peligros*. hazardously D»BardcB8ii], adv. peligroeamea- te, arriesgadamettte. hazardousness u^esardoesnes], s. riesgo, pe- ligro. haze QeS], s. niebla, bruma, caliaa; ofusca- miento mental. — vn. abrumarse la atmos- fera. — va. dar culobra (en los colegios) ; (mar.) fatigar con trabajos pesados. hazel [jeSi], s. (bot.) avellano: hazel-nut, ave- llana : hazel-grouse, (orn.) ortega. — a. cas- tano. haziness Uegines], s. fosca, caligine. hazing Dosing], s. culebra, culebrazo, nova- tad a. hazy [j^Si], a. anieblado, brumoso, nebuloso, caliginoso ; confuso, vago. he Ui], pron. pers. ^\.^>ron. indef. el que, aquel que ; se emplea tambien para denotar el ma- cho, v. g.: he-goat, macho cabrio : he-bear, oso. head Ded], s. cabeza ; testa ; cima ; parte su- perior 6 principal ; titulo 6 encabezamien- to ; jefe, cabecilla, caudillo ; primer ttuesto ; res, cabeza de ganado (en este sentido head se usa en singixlar 6 plural); avance, pro- greso ; juicio, talento, capacidad ; crisis ; astas de ciervo 6 venado ; punta, extremo ; (mar.) proa; fuente, manantial, nacimieu- to: head of cabbage, etc., repoUo de col, eic-.: head of a bed, cabecera de una cama: head of a book, titulo de libro: head of a cane, Euno de baston ; head of a cask, fondo de un arril : head of an arrow, punta de un dardo : from head to foot, de pies a cabeza : head-fast, cabo de retenida de proa : head-rope, relinga de gratil : head-sails, velas de proa : head of a sail, gratil : hand over head, inconsidera- damente : on this head, sobre este punto, asunto o particular : te hit the nail on the head, dar en el clavo : over head and ears, hasta las orejas : to have neither head nor tail, no tener pies ni cabeza : to make head, avanzar, adelantar, progresar : to draw to a head, supurar ; recapituTar : to bring a busi- ness to a head, redondear 6 ultiraar un nego- cio : to make head against one, hacer frente & alguno 6 resistirle.— a. principal ; de la 6 para la cabeza ; (mar. ) ae proa : head-cook, primer cocinero : head-band, cabezada de li- oro ; venda para la cabeza : head-dress, co- fia, tocado, redecilla 6 escofieta : head-gear, tocado 6 cofia de mujer; jaez, cabezada; (mar.) aparejo de las velas de proa: head- line, titulo, epigrafe : head-money, capita- cion : head-piece, raorrion, bacinete, casco, f'elmo; (impr. ) viiieta ; (fam.) cholla, mo- lera: head-post, pilar 6 poste de cabecera: head-sail, (mar.) vela delantera : head-sea,, (mar.) mar 6 raarejada de proa : head-shake, cabezada : head-spring, fuente, origen ; head- Par* el sonido de e, oe. d, i, gh, t, s, viase la cUre de prona»ciao<6n al princlpio del libro. HEA 237 HEA •t»ll, cabezada del freno, testera; (M6x.) bozal : head-tone, head-voice, yoz de cabeza : head-work, trabajo mental, obra intelectual ; (arq.) cabeza de adorno en una clave. — va. encabezar ; ir a la cabeza ; mandar, diriglr ; adelantarse, interceptar ; descabezar, dego- llar ; poner cabeza, puno, cabo ; poner titulo 6 epigrafe ; podar los ^rboles. — in. adelan- tarse hacia un punto ; supurar ; repoUar, acogollarse ; nacer en, salir 6 provenir de. iieadache Liedek], s. dolor de cabeza, cefalalgia. lieadboard [jedbord], s. cabecera de cama. headed Ljededj, a. que tiene cabeza ; titulado : clear 6 long-headed, agudo, perspicaz : thick- headed, duro de moUera. header Liedoer], s. (ton. ) el que pone fondos i las cubas ; caida de cabeza 6 zambullida ; goli>e en la cabeza ; descabezador de las mieses ; cabecilla ; (alb.) primer cabecero : to take a header, irse de cabeza. headiness [jedinesl, s. terquedad, obstina- cion ; encabezamiento del vino. heading Deding], s. titulo, epigrafe, encabeza- miento, membrete ; (ton.) tempano, tapa; (min.) galeria, socavon ; frente. headland Dediand], *. cabo, promontorio, pun- ta, farallon, castro. headledge Ijediedy], s. (mar.) contrabrazola. headless [jedies], a. descabezado, degollado ; acefalo. headlight Dediait], s. lintema de locomotora ; (mar.) farol de tope. headlong Uediong], a. temerario, arrojado, precipitado ; despeiiadero. — adr. de cabeza ; precipitadamente, de sopeton ; sin pensarlo ; de hoz y de coz. headquarters DedcuortoerS], s. (mil.) cuartel general ; oficina principal. headsman jedSman], s. verdugo, degollador. headstone Dedstoun], s. lapida mortuoria. headstrong Qedstrong], a. terco, testarudo, cabezudo, rehacio, ind6cil, obstinado, enca- labrinado, aferrado. headstrong^ess U^dstrongmes], s. terquedad, obstinaeion, pertinacia, encaprichamiento, aferramiento. headtire Uedtaiaer], s. escofieta. headway U^due], s. marcha de un buque ; avance, impetu ; progreso ; (f. c.) intervalo 6 distancia entre dos trenes. heady [jedi], a. temerario, arrojado ; fuerte, encabezado (vino); violento, impvetuoso. heal [Jill, va. curar ; remediar ; reconciliar, componer, ajustar ; purificar. — tvj. sanar, recobrar la salud : to heal np, cicatrizarse, encorecer. healahle [jliaboei], a. curable, sanable. heald um, s. (Ingl, tej.) lizo. healer (JUoer], s. sanador, medicinante. healing [jiiing], s. sanativo, curativo, medici- nal. — s. curar, curacion. health [Jeiz], s. salud, sanidad : health officer 6 guard, oficial de sanidad 6 de cuarentena : health-lift, maquina de alzar pesos como ejercicio : health-giving, salubre, saludable : your health, sir, a su salud, caballero. healthful Deumi], a. sano, saludable, salubre, salutifero. healthfully [j^izfuH], adv. saludablemente. healthfulness DeMuines], s. salud, sanidad, salubridad. healthily Deuui], adv. saludablemente, con salud. healthiness Ueizinee], s. sanidad, estado sa- no, goce de buena salud. healthless Ueuies], s. enfermizo. healthy Ijeiti], a. sano, bueno, fuerte, fres- cote ; saludable. heap Dip], *• monton, pila, rimero, hacina, ctimulo, acervo ; multitud, gentio, muche- dumbre : in heaps, & montones. — va. amou- tonar, apilar, acumular, juntar, colmar. hear ljia;r], va. {pret. J pp. HEARD) oir • es- cuchar, atender, hacer caso ; dar auaien- cia ; otorgar, conceder. — vn. oir, escuchar ; oir decir, saber, tener noticia, estar infor- mado. heard Doerd], pret. j pp. de to hear. hearer Uiseroer], s. oyente. hearing [jiserinK], *. oldo; audiencia; (for.) examen de testigos ; accion de oir ; alcance del oldo : hard of hearing, duro de oide : within hearing, al alcance del oido. hearken [jarkoeii], vn. v. harken. hearsay Uiaerse], *. rumor, voz comun, fama : by hearsay, de oidas. hearse tjoere], s. carro funebre ; ataud, fgre- tro: hearse-cloth, palio, pano mortuorio : hearse-like, Itigubre, funebre. — va. colocar en un ataud. heart Uart], s. corazon (en sentido recto y figurado, esto es, como viscera, como centro de afectos, pasiones, valor, §nimo, etc., y como parte interior 6 rec6ndita de una co- sa) ; figura de corazon en los naipes que equivale a copas en los naipes espafioles : at heart, en el fondo, esencialmente ; en verdad : by heart, de memoria : to lay 6 take to heart, tomar k pecho : to take the heart out of one, (fam.) desalentar, quitar los brios : to be sick at heart, tener la muerte en el alma : to wear one's heart on one's sleeve, Uevar el corazon en la mano : to have the heart in the mouth, tener el alma en un hilo : heart-break, angustia^ disgusto, aflic- cion, pesar: heart-breaking, congojoso, do- loroso, desolador : heart-broken, transido de dolor, de angustia 6 de congoja : heart- clover, heart-trefoil, (bot. ) especie de trfebol : heart-consuming, heart-corroding, que consu- me 6 corroe el corazon : heart-disease, en- fermedad del corazon : heart-grief, congoja, angustia : heart-rending, agudo, penetrante ; que parte 6 despedaza el corazon : heart- shaped, acorazonado, en forma de corazon : heart-sick, dolorido ; desconsolado : heart- sore, afligido, abatido, agobiado- heart- stricken, afligido, angustiado ; heart-strings, las fibras del coraz6n : heart-struck, fijo en el corazon; afligido* heart-whole, desamo- rado ; valiente, intrf pido ; sincero : heart- wood, madera de corazon : heart-wounded, herido en el alma : heart-worn, agobiado. heart, va. v. hearten. heartache [iartek], s. an^stia, afliccion, con- goja, pesar, pena, inquietud. heartburn [jartboern], *. acedia. heartburning Uartboeming], *. acedia ; renci- 11a, animosidad, odio. — a. intense, profun- do, sentido. hearted [j^rted], a. que tiene cerazon : faint- hearted, timido, pusil&nime : kind-hearted, bondadoso. hearten Uartoen], va. animar, alentar, fortifi- car ; (agr.) abonar, engrasar, estercolar. heartfelt [Jartfeit], a. de corazon, cordial, sin- cero, sentido, hearth Uan], s. hogar, fogon ; chimenea, liar, hogar domestico, la casa de uno: hearth- money, fogaje, tributo antiguo. heartUy Uartiii], adv. sinceramente, cordial- raente. heartiness [jArtinee], s. cordialidad, sinceri- dad. heartless [jarties], a. sin corazon ; inhumano, cruel ; timido, pusilinime. Para el sonido de m, qb, d, S, ih, T, s, viaae la olave de prononctaciOB al princlpio del Hbto. HEA 238 HEE heartlessly Uartiesii], adv. cruelmente, sin piedad, iDhuiuaaamente ; pusil^nimemen- te, timidamente. heartlessness [jartieBnes], s. falta de corazou ; falta de auimo. heart' s-ease UArts-iS], s. (bot.) trinitaria, pensamiento. hearty Dam], a. cordial, sentido, sincero ; saao, robusto, vigoroso ; voraz ; gustoso, grato. heat Uit], s. calor, calorico ; acaloramiento, ardor; ardentia, fogosidad, vehemeucia; celo, de los animales ; (fund.) carga de un homo, fermentacion ; (sp.) carrera 6 corrida de uno 6 varios caballos : heat-stroke, inso- lacion : beat-unit, caloria : prickly-heat, sal- pullido : red heat, calor Uevado al rojo ; pasion fuerte: white heat, candencia, in- candescencia ; pasion la mas intensa: in heat, en celo, salida (perra, gata, etc.)- — va- calentar, encender ; caldear ; acalorar ; ex- citar. — vn. fermentar, hervir ; calentarse ; acalorarse, encolerizarse. heater Uitoer], s. calentador, calorifero, estu- fa ; aparato de calefaccion. heath Liisi], s. (bot.) brezo, urce, erica, brezal, matorral: heath-cock, (orn.) gallo silvestre. heathen [jiDoen], s. gentll, pagano, idolatra ; ateo, atelsta. heathen(ish [jiDoenigh), a. gentllico, salvaje, barbaro, idolatra. heathenism UiDajniSm], s. ^entilismo, genti- lidad, paganismo, idolatria. heathenize Uiocenais], va. hacer a uno pagano 6 idolatra. heather U^Doer], s. (bot.) brezo, bermejuela. heathery lj^dobhi 6 heathy Dizi], a. cubierto de brezos, matoso. heating Uitins), s. calefaccion ; calda.— f»o. ca- luroso ; calefaciente. heatless iJities], a. frio, sin calor. heave Ulv), va. {pret. y pp. heaved) alzar, levautar, elevar ; (mar. ) izar ; virar ; lau- zar, largar, echar fuera, arrojar ; exhalar, prorrumpir : to heave the lead, escandallar : to heave a sigh, exhalar un suspiro. — vn. le- vantarse y bajarse alternativamente, v. gr., el pecho, el mar ; suspirar hondo ; palpitar, jadear; trabajar penosamente; tener nau- seas; (mar.) virar: to heave to, ponerse al pairo 6 en facha.— «. elevacion ; alzadura, levantamiento ; henchidura de una ola ; nausea, arcada; (geol.) falla: heave-offer- ing, sacrificio de los judlos. neaven Uevn], x. cielo, mansion de Dios ; fir- maraento, region etfirea; felicidad supre- ma: Heaven, Dios, la Providencia: heaven- born, celeste, divino, angelical : heaven-kiss- ing, que llega al cielo. heavenliness [j^voenun'es], s. excelencia su- prema. heavenly (j^veenii], a. celeste, divino, celes- tial, cfiiico. — adv. celestialmente, divina- raente. heavenward u^voenuard], adv. hacia el cielo. heaver Uivoer), s. (mar.) alzaprima; carga- dor : coal-heaver, cargador de carb6n. heaves jivsj, s. pi. (vet.) hu6rfago. heavily [j^vin], a4v. pesadamente, lentamen- te ; tristemente, heaviness [i^vines], «. pesadez, pesantez, peso, gravedad ; tardanza, torpeza ; languidez, modorra, suefio ; abatimiento, afliccion, tris- teza ; opresi6n, carga. heaving Diving], s. palpitacion ; oleada : heav- Ing-Iine, estacha, calabrote heavy D^vi], a. r>esado, ponderoso ; grueso, doble, macizo, luerte, poderoso ; duro, opre- sivo, penoso, molesto, enfadoso; dense, es« peso, amazacotado : oneroso, gravoso ; car* gado, recargado ; dificil ; pesaroso, triste, melancolico ; considerable, importaute ; tar- do, lento, sonoliento, lerdo, estupido ; indi- f;esto, arcilloso : heavy beer, liquor, cerveza, icor fuerte : heavy road, camiuo pesado o arcilloso : heavy-weight, (sp. ) pGgil que pesa mas de 154 libras. — adv. V. heavily. hebdomad Debciomasa], s. hebdomada. hebdomadal Deba^madai] hebdomadary Debdoiiiaiiairi], a. hebdomadario, semanal. hebetation DebeteSh.!!!.], hebetude u^betiud], s. estupidez, entorpecimiento. Hebraic Ijebr^ic], a. hebreo, hebraico. Hebraism DibraiSm], «. hebraismo. Hebraist D>i>iai8t], *. hebraista. Hebraize DibraaiS], va. hebraizar, hacer he- breo. — en. volverse hebreo. Hebrew D>bru], *. hebreo, judio. — a. hebraico, hebreo. hecatomb Oecatum], s. hecatombe ; carniceria, matanza. heck Dt-'c], s. enrejado, verja. heckle Decoel], v. y S. V. HATCHEL. hectare Decieter], s. hect4rea. hectic ( al D^ctic(ai], a. etico 6 hetico, hectico: hectic, s. tisis, consuncion, fiebre hetica. hectO, prefijo que significa ciento : hectogram, hectogramme, hectogramo : hectoliter, hecto- litre, hectolitro : hectometer, hectometre, hec- tometro : hectograph, hectografo. hector Dectoer], 5. matasiete, maton, fanfarron, lierabras, perdonavidas. — vn. baladronear, bravear, echar fieros 6 bravatas. — va. ame- nazar, intimidar con fieros 6 bravatas. heddle Dedoei], s. malla, lizos de un telar. hedge Uedv], s. seto, vallado de zarzas ; ante- puesto a algunos vocablos significa vil, des- preciable: quickset hedge, seto vivo: stake hedge, cerca: hedge-born, de baja ralea: hedge-creeper, vagamunao : hedge-hyssop, (bot.) graciola: hedge-mustard, (bot.)jara- mago, aliaria : hedge-note, escrito mal per- genado : hedge-priest, clerizonte, clerigo ili- terato : hedge-sparrow, (orn. ) curruca : hedge- school, escuela al aire libre. — va. cercar con seto, vallar ; defender, circundar ; rodear. — vn. pone/se al abrigo ; cubrirse ; compen- sar 6 igualar una apuesta 6 jugada de bolsa con otra en sentido contrario. hedgehog DedYjog], «. (zool.) erizo. • hedgepig Dedvpig], s. erizo joven. hedger D^dvoer], s. el que hace setos ; el que compensa 6 i^ala sus apuestas, hedgerow D^dYro], *. seto vivo. hedging-bill D^dying-bii], s. podadera de se- tos. heed Did], ro. atender, escuchar, observar, no- tar, considerar. — vn. prestar atenciOn, hacer caso.— 5. cuidado, atencion, cautela, precau- cion. heedful Didfui], a. vigilante, atento, cauteloso, cuidadoso, cauto, prudente. heedfully Didfuii], adv. cautelosamente, aten- tamente, cuidadosamente. heedfulness u>dfuines], *. vigilancia, cautela, atencion, cuidado. heedless Didies], a. desatento, descuidado, dis* traido, atolondrado, incauto. heedlessly Didiesii], adv. negligentemente. heedlessness Liidieones], s. descuido, omisi6n, negligencia, inadvertencia, imprudencia, distraccion. heel Dii], «• (anat.) talon 6 calcanal ; (zap.) tacon, talon ; talon de una media ; pie, par- te inferior ; (mar.) coz 6 pie de palo : heel- blank 6 lift, (zap.) tapa: heel-piece, talon : Para el aouido de le, w, d, S, ib. t, %, vmm 1* clave de prouuuciacidn al principio del libro. HEE HEL to take to one's heels, apretar los talones, huir : to be at the heels of, perseguir estre- chamente : from head to heel, de pies a cabe- za: heels over head, patas arriba: down at the heels, desaliSado, descuidado : neck and heels, (fani.) de pies a cabeza, del todo : to cool one's heels, (fam.) hacer antesala, consu- mirse, esperar largo tiempo : to kick one's heels, tascar el freno : to show the heels 6 a clean pair of heels, huir ; tomar la delante- ra : to throw up the heels of, eciiar & tierra de una zancadilla ; frustrar: to tread on one's heels, pisarle a uuo los talones, seguirle de cerca.— ta. poner talon (a zapatos, medias, eto.) ; asir, agarrar por los talones; poner espolones al gallo ; (fam. E. U.) proveer de dinero. — vn. (mar. ) tumbarse 6 escorar. lieeler L)ii"=r], s. gallo que clava los espolones ; (fam. E. U. ) paniaguado de un cacique po- litico; (zap.) taconero ; andarin. heft Lieft), s. mango, asa, cabo ; (fam.) peso, pesadez ; (fam. E. U.) la mayor parte. — va. (fam. E. U.) sompesar.— vn. (fam.) pesar. Hegelian Uegue- (6 jegui) Uanj, a. hegueliano. Hegelianism Oegue- (6 jegui) IJanlsmJ, s. hegue- liauismo. liegemony Uive- (8 jegue) moni], s. hegemonia, supremacia. hegira Qevira 6 jevaira], s. hegira 6 egira. lieuer neter], s. vaquilla, churra, novilla: heifer calf, ternera. heigh-ho Dai-jo], interj. i ay ! height, hight Ua't], «• altura, alto, elevaciou ; estatura, talla, alzada ; collado, cerro, loma, colina, montana ; cima 6 cumbre, eminen- cia ; sumidad, apice, extreme ; sublimidad, colmo, excelencia : the height of folly, el col- mo de la locura. heighten, highten Daitoen], va. realzar, levan- tar, elevar : perfeccionar, mejorar ; adelan- tar, ascender ; sublimar, exaltar ; avivar. heinous fj^nces], a. atroz, grave, nefando, mal- vado, horrible. heinously [j^noesii], adv. atrozmente, horri- blemente. heinousness Oenoesnes], s. atrocidad, enormi- dad, perversidad. heir [e«r], s. heredero : heir-apparent, herede- ro forzoso : heir-presumptive, presunto here- dero : Joint heir, coheredero : heir at law, heredero legal. heirdom [eardoem], heirship [eserShlp], S. he- rencia, derecho de heredar. heiress [eaeres], sf. heredera. heirless [eseries], a. sin heredero. heirloom [esjriumj, s. (for.) bienes muebles heredados ; herencia ; atavismo. heliac(al Deiaiac(ai], a. (astr.) heliaco. helical [leiicai], a. espiral : helical line, helice 6 espira. Helianthemum DeliaeuremoemJ, s. (hot.) ja- guarzo. helicoid Ueiicoid], a. helicoidal.— *. (geom.) helicoidc. Helicon Ueiicon], s. Helicon, Parnaso. heliocentric (al Diuos^ntricai], a. helioc4n- trlco. heliograph UiUograef], s. heliografo ; heliotro- po ; heliostato. — va. hacer senales con el heliografo 6 el heliostato. heliographic uuiogrtenc], a. heliografico. heliography [tiUopran], x. transmision de se- nales por medio del heliografo ; fotografia, heliografia ; descripcion de la superficie del soL heliolatry Qinoiatri], 5. culto del sol. heliometer Oiuometcer], s. heliometro. helioscope Uiuoscou])], *-. helioscopio. heliostat Uiuostset], s. heliostato. heliotrope [jiuotroup], s. (bot) heliotropo, vainilla; olor 6 color de esta flor ; (fis.) heliotropo ; (min.) heliotropo, agata verdosa. heliotype Dinotaip], s. heliotipo, fotograbado. — va. reproducir por medio del heliotipo.— vn. imprimir un heliotipo. hellotypy UiHotaipi], s. procedimiento del fo- tograbado 6 heliotipo, hellk Qiiix], s. espira, voluta, helice; (anat.) reborde del pabellon de la oreja ; caracol de tierra. hell tjei], s. infierno, averno, baratro, Gehe- na ; garito ; desvan ; cajon de sastre ; (impr. ) caja de letras inservibles : hell- bender, salamandra del valle de Ohio : hell- flre, fuego 6 tormento del infierno : hell- gate, puerta del infierno : hell-born, infernal : hell-cat, bruja : hell-doomed, reprobo : hell- hound, Cancerbero ; perseguidor cruel. hellebore Deiebor], *. (hot.) eleboro, veratro, verdegambre. Hellenic Dei^nic], a. helenico, heleno, grecia- no ; gentilico. Hellenism Uerenism], s. helenismo. Hellenist [ieieuist]; & helenista. Hellenistic [jeienistic], a. helenico. Hellenistically Deieuisticait], adv. a la manera de los griegos. Hellenize LleienaiS], vn. grecizar. hellgrammite Ueigranmu], «. (ento.) larva que se emplea como carnada en la pesca. hellish U^iiSh], a. infernal. hellishly DeiiSiiH], adv. infernalmente, diabo- licamente. hellishness U^iishnes], s. malicia infernal, diablura. hello [j»io], interj. V. hallo. hellward Ueiuard], adv. hacia el infierno. helm Lieim], s. (mar.) timon, gobernalle ; go- bierno, direccion ; (ant.) velmo, capacete : to shift the helm, cambiar el timon : to hang the helm, calar el tim&n : play of the helm, juego del timon. helmet Ueimet], «, yelmo, celada, capacete, casco, almete, morrion : helmet-flower, (bot.) aconito, matalobos. helmeted [j^imeted], a. que lleva yelmo 6 casco. helminth [jeiminz], s. lombriz, helminto. helminthic Deimluzic], a. helminto ; vermi- fugo. helmless U^imies], a. sin timon. helmsman UeimSman], s. timonero, timonel. helot Ueiot], .9. ilota. helotism UeiotiSm], s. ilotismo. help [jeip], va. y V7i. ayudar, asistir, auxiliar, socorrer, amparar, favorecer, patrocinar, sostener ; servir 6 servirse (comida) ; aJi- viar, remediar. reparar ; evitar, dejar de hacer, abstenerse, no poder menos de. — vn. ayudar, contribuir, concurrir : to help out, ayudar d salir ; sacar de algiin peligro 6 mal paso : to help down^ ayudar k alguno a bajar : to help forward, adelantar, activar, promover : to help one another, favorecerse mutuamente : I can not help it, no puedo remediarlo 6 no puedo dejar de hacerlo : I can not help believing that, no puedo mesos de creerlo : to help to 6 on, servir, ofrecer ; propoi'cionar ; contribuir, ayudar, coadyu- var. — s. ayuda, auxilio, asistencia, socorro, remedio, apoyo, arrimo, protecci6n, ampa- ro, favoi*; descanso ; medio, recurso ; (E. 'J. ) criada ; sirvienta : to cry out for help, pedir socorro 6 auxilio : by the help of, con auxilio 6 ayuda de : there is no help for It, no tieue remedio. Para el souido de as,, oe. o, §, 3h, y, «, v^ase la clave de pronuDCiaclon al principlo del libra. HEL 240 HEB helper U^ipcer], s. auxiliador, ayudador, soco- rredor, fautor, asistente, ayuda. lielpful [j^ipfui], a. util, provechoso, sano ; sa- ludable. helpfulness U^ipfuines], s. asisteucia, utili- dad. helpless O^ipies], a. desvalido, imposibilita- do ; desamparado, abandonado ; irremedia- ble ; desmanado. helplessly U^ipiesn], culv. irremediablemente, desam paradamente, helplessness Li^ipiesnea], s. desamparo ; de- bilidad, impotencia. helpmate [jeipmet], *. companero, asistente ; auxiliar. helter-skelter D^ltoer-Bk^ltoer), adv. 4 troche- moche, a trompa y talega, atropelladamen- te, sin orden ni concierto. helve [ieiv], s. 4stil de hacha 6 destral, man- go. — va. poner mango 6 cabo 4 una cosa. Helvetian Deiv68hanj, Helvetic tjeivitic], a. helvetico, helvecio, de Suiza, hem [jemj, s. (cost.) dobladillo, bastilla, re- fiulgo. — inter). ; ejem ! — va. (cost.) dobladi- lar, bastillar, repulgar ; cercar, rodear, en- eerrar. — vn. fingir tos, 6 toser de fingido. hemal, hssmal [Jimai], a. perteneciente 4 la sangre ; relative al lado del cuerpo que con- tiene el corazon. hematin U^matinJ, s. (qulm.) hematina. hematite U^matait], «. (min.) hematites, dioni- sia. hematosis Uematdsis], s. hcmatosis. hematoxylin D^matoxiiin], *. hematoxilina, principio colorante del pale de Campeche. hemi [jemi], o. prefijo que equivale a medio 6 semi. hemicrania,lhemicrany Demicrenia], s. hemi- cranea, jaqueca. hemicycle U^niisaicoei], s. hemiciclo, semiclr- culo, hemiplegfla, hemiplegy [jemipiiYia), s. (med. ) hemipiejia. hemiplegic tJemipHvic], a. hemiplejico. hemipterous Uemiptoeroes], a. (ento. ) hemip- tero. hemisphere u^raisfiter], s. hemisferio. hemispheric (allJemi8f6ric(ai], a. hemisffirico, seniles ferico. hemistich, hemestic u^mistic], s. hemlsti- quio. hemlock U^miocj, s. (bot.) pinabete 6 abeto picea ; (bot.) cicuta. hemoglobin, h»moglobin Demogiobtn], *. heinoglobina. hemorrhage Uemoredv], *. hemorragia. hemorrhoids y^moroidSj, «. pi. hemorroides, aliiiurranas. hemorrhoidal Uemoroidai], a. hemorroidal. hemp [jenipj, s. (bot.) cafiamo: bastard-hemp, canamon, c4namo bastarUo : raw hemp, ca- fiamo sin peinar: Indian hemp, canabina: hemp-beater, espadador 6 espadillador : hemp-brake, maza, espadilla: hemp-breaker, agramador: hemp-close 6 hemp-field, caiia- mar : hemp-comb, rastriilo : hemp-dresser, batidor : hemp-seed, canamon. hempen [jempcen], a. cauameno. hemstitch O^mstich}, va. (cost.) hacer uua vainica.— «. (cost.) vainica. hempy U^mpi), a. canameno. hen [jeii], «/. gallina ; hembra de cualquier ave. — pi. jKjllos, gallinas, en general : brood- hen, gallina clueca: guinea-hen, gallina de Guinea 6 de Indias ; pintada : turkey-hen, pava : moor-hen, zarceta : hen-coop 6 house 6 roost, gallinero. henbane u^uben], s. ( bot.) belefio. hence Uens], adv. de aqui, desde aqui, fuera de aqui ; por lo tanto, por esto, en oonse- cuencia de esto : ten years hence, de aqui 4 diez anos : far hence, lejos de aqui. henceforth [j^nsibn:], adv. de aqui en adelan- te ; en adelante, en lo futuro. henceforward [jensfdruard], adv. de aqui ea adelante ; en lo venidero ; para siempre. henchman U^nchmau], s. heehura, paniagua-*^ do, secuaz servil. hendecagon Uend^cagon], s. endecagono. hende easy liable [jendecaBiiaboei], s. verso en-» decasilabo. henna Ueua], *. (bot.) alhefia. hennery [jeneri], s. gallinero. henpeck D^npec], va. dominar e importunar la mujer al marido. henpecked Qenpect], o. bragazas, gurrumino, Juan Lanas : henpecked husband, el marido cuya mujer lleva los calzones. henry U^uri], s. (elec.) henrio (unidad prac tica de autoinduccion). hep Dep], s. fruto del agavanzo : hep-bramble 6 brier, escaramujo, agavanzo. hepatic (al Depron. (caso objetivo 6 acusativo de she) la, le, ella, a ella: I saw her, la t! : I told her, le dije : this is for her, esto es para ella ; (caso posesivo 6 genitivo de she, y ad- jetivo posesivo) su, de ella : her book, her house, su libro, su casa (de ella). herald [jeraidl, s. heraldo, rey de armas ; pre- cursor ; publicador. heraldic h^r&\A\c], a. heraldico, genealogico. heraldry D^ra-dH], s. heraldica, blason. heraldsnip D^raidShip], »-. oficio de heraldo. herb [u^rb 6 joerb], s. hierba : sweet herbs, hier- bas aromaticas : physical herbs, hierbas me- dicinales : salad-herbs, hierbas para ensala- da : pot-herbs, hortalizas. herbaceous DoerbeSboes], a. herbaceo. herbage Lifferbedv 6 cferbedvi, s. hierba, herbaje ; pasto. herbal [ [j<«irbi], a. herboso, herbSceo. herbwoman [j&rbumani, */. herbolaria; ver. dulera. Herculean rjoerkiAiean], a. herculeo ; trabajoso. rauy dificil. herd DoerdJ, *. hato, grey, manada, rebafio, ganado, piara ; tropef, multitud, vulgo, chusma; manadero; vaquerizo: the common herd, la gentuza : herd of rogues, hato de tu- nantes : herd's-grass, (bot.) alfalfa: cow Pan el sonido de m, t», d, I, lb, t. a, viase U clave de pronunclacluu al principio del Ubro. HER 241 HEW herd, vaquero 6 boyero : goat-herd, cabrero : ■hepherd, pastor de ovejas : swine-herd, por- quero. — vn. ir en manadas 6 batos ; asociar- se. — va. reunir el ganado en batos 6 rebanos. herdsman [j'^ferdSnianj, s. guarda de ganado, pastor, zagal, vaquerizo, manadero. here [ji«r], adv. aqui ; ahi ; aca ; por aqui ; abora, en este momento, en este punto ; en este mundo, en esta vida : here I am, h6me aqui : here he is, she is, they are, bele aqui, hela aqui, belos aqui : here below, en esta vida, en la tierra: here goes, (lam.) abi va: here is to you, a la salud de Yd. : here and there, aqui y alia, &ck y acuUa : here it is, aqui esta. hereabouts [jiaerabauts], adv. aqui alrededor, en estas cercanias, en estas inmediaciones, por aqui cerca. hereafter iji«raftoer], adv. en el tiempo veni- dero, en lo future. — s. estado futuro. hereat Uinei-^tl, adv. a esto, en esto, por eso. hereby [jiaerbai], adv. por estas, por la presen- te, por este medio. heredltable [jer^dUaboii], a. que puede ser be- redado. hereditament [jereditamoent], *. (for.) todo lo que puede beredarse. hereditarily Derediterin], adv. por herencia, bereditariamente. hereditary Ljer^dueri], a. beredltarlo. herefrom Diaerfrom], adv. de aqui, desde aqui ; a causa de esto. herein [ji«rin], hereinto Oi«iintu], adv. aqui dentro ; incluso. hereinafter [jiaerinaftoer], adv. despues, mas abajo, mas adelante. hereof Di«r6v], adv. de esto, de eso, acerca de esto, de aqui. hereon DSasron], adv. sobre esto, sobre este punto. heresiarch Q^resiarc 6 jensiarc], *. bereslarca. heresiarChy [jeresiarkl 6 jemiarki], s. gran he- rej ia. heresy [jeresi], s. berejia. heretic [jeretic], s. bereje. heretic (al Der6tic(ai], a. beretico, heretical, heretically Uereticaii], adv. bereticamente. hereto Dii«rtu], adv. a esto, k este fin. heretofore bi»rtuf6r], adv. en otro tiempo, antes, antiguamente, en tiempos pasados- basta aqui, basta abora, basta el dia. — s. el tiempo pasado, antaiio. hereunder Uiaer&ndcer], adv. bajo estf , en vir- tud de esto. hereunto [jiaercentu], adv. S, esto, d eso. hereupon Uiaeroepon], adv. k esto ; sobre esto. herewith Uiaeruiz], adv, con esto, junto con esto, adjunto. heritable [jeiitaboei], a. que se puede beredar. heritage [ieritedY], .?. berencia. hermaphrodite [joermiefrodait], a. (zool. y bot. ) bermafrodita.— s. bermafrodito 6 bermafro- dita, androgino ; (mar.) bergantin goleta. hermaphroditic (al [joBrmffifroditic(ai], a. her- mafrodita. hermaphroditism, hermaphrodism [joer- nisefrodaitiSni], s. bermafroditismo. hermeneutic(al [j«rmeniutic(a:), a. herme- neutico. hermeneutics D«rmeniiiticg], a. bermenfiu- tica. hermetic (al rjcemi^ticCai], a. berm^tlco: her- metic art, alquimia. hermetically [joemi^ticaii], adv. hermgtica- mente. hermit D^rmitl, s. ermitaSo, eremita, anaco- reta, asceta, solitario. hermitage [j