GIFT OF 1 nX?t- The Carnegie Foundation Plan of Insurance and Annuities for College Teachers M. ALBERT LINTON Published by ' THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Fourth and Chestnut Streets December, 1918 2261 J2.I8 (Rev.) NOTE THIS pamphlet has been prepared for the use of the agents of the Provident Life and Trust Company, and of others who are interested in the principles of insur- ance protection put forth by the Carnegie Foundation. There is no antagonism on the part of the Company to the idea of faculty members availing themselves of the benefits offered to them by the Foundation through the Teachers* Association. Their right to avail themselves of these benefits, and to choose the form of policy in their Association which their good judgment shall dictate, is too obvious to need demonstration. Unfortunately the Handbook of the Association and certain publications of the Carnegie Foundation contain statements that may easily give the impression that the old age endowment policy — the policy maturing at some definite age, say between the ages of 60 and 70 — is an inherently objectionable form of insurance. There are thousands of policyholders in this and other companies who hold this form of policy, and we feel it our duty, in the light of the statements of the Carnegie Foundation, to present as simply as possible the principles underlying the old age endow- ment policy issued on a participating basis. Our faith in this form of policy results from our experience with thou- sands of policyholders whose old age endowments have matured. In furtherance of this thought this pamphlet was shown to several well known college professors, with the result that we have been asked whether we would be willing to send copies to the members of the American Association of University Professors. Dr. S. S. Huebner, Professor of Insurance and Commerce in the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, says : "Your pamphlet deals so fairly with many of the vital topics under consideration in connection with the Carnegie Foundation Plan of Insurance and Annuities, that I would very much like to have it in the possession of every member of the Association. I took the liberty of sending a copy of your pamphlet to Dean Stone, Chairman of the American Association's Committee on Insurance and Pensions. He agrees with me that it would be a fine thing to have the Association membership become acquainted with the points made in your article." It is in response to this suggestion that the pamphlet is sent you. The Carnegie Foundation Plan of Insurance and Annuities for College Teachers M. ALBERT LINTON Vice-President, The Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia Fellow Actuarial Society of America Fellow Institute of Actuaries {London) °> •. Published by THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Fourth and Chestnut Streets December. 1918 2261 12.18 (Rev.) -^ 'ly V