STANDARD WORKS PUBLISHED BY Dr. WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. NOTE. TJie only authorized Editions of the above celebrated Dictionary are those here described : no other Editions published in England contain the Derivations and Etymolo- gical Notes of Dr. Mahn, who devoted several years to this portion of the Work. See Notice on page 4. WEBSTER'S GUINEA DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Thoroughly revised and improved by CnArNCEY A. GOODKICH, D.D., LL.D., and NOAH TORTEB, D.D., of Yale College. The peculiar features of this volume, which render it perhaps the most useful Dictionary for general reference extant, as it is undoubtedly one of the cheapest books ever published, are as follows : I. Completeness. It contains 114,000 words more by 10,000 than any other Dictionary; and these are, for the most part, unusual or technical terms, for the , Pronunciation. This has been en- trusted to Mr. W. G. WEBSTER and Mr. WHEELER, assisted by other scholars. The pronunciation of each word Is indicated by typographical signs, which are explained 5. The Orthography is based as far as possible on Fixed Principles. In all cases of doubt an alternative spelling is given. explanation of which a Dictionary is most wanted. 2. Accuracy of Definition. In this department the labours of Dr. Webster were most valuable, in correcting the faulty and redundant definitions of Dr. Johnson, which had previously been almost univer- sally adopted. In the present edition all the definitions have been carefully and methodically analysed by W- G. Webster, Esq., the Rev. Chauncey Goodrich, Prof. Lyman, Prof. Whitney, anl Prof. Gilman, with the assistance and under the super- intendence of Prof. Goodrich^ 3. Scientific and Technical Terms. In order to secure the utmost completeness and accuracy of definition, this department has been subdivided among eminent Scholars and Experts, including Prof .Dana, Prof. Lyman, &c. 4. Etymology. The eminent philo- logist, Dr. C. F. MAHN, has devoted five years to perfecting this department. The Volume contains 1576 pages, more than 3000 Illustrations, and is sold for One Guinea. It will be found, on comparison, to be one of the cheapest Volumes ever issued. Cloth, 21s. ; half-bound in calf, 30s. ; calf or hal-russia, 31s, Grf. ; russia, 2. To be obtained through all Booksellers. Published by GEORGE BELL & SONS, YOKK STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. 2 by reference to a KEY printed at the bottom of each page. 7. The Illustrative Citations. No labour has been spared to embody such quotations from standard authors as may throw light on the definitions, or pos- sess any special interest of thought or language. 8. The Synonyms. These are sub- joined to the words to which they belong, and are very complete. 9. The Illustrations,which exceed 3000, are inserted, not for the sake of ornament, but to elucidate the meaning of words which cannot be satisfactorily explained without pictorial aid. WEBSTER'S COMPLETE DICTIONARY t/M-i7 nf tliA T'.norlicVi T.ftj- I5ST. la- OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, AND GENEKAL BOOK OF LITEKAKY KEFEKENCE. With 3000 Illustrations. Tho- roughly revised and improved by CHAUNCEY A. GOODRICH, D.D., LL.D., and NOAH PORTER, D.D., of Yale College. In One Volume, Quarto, strongly bound hi cloth, 1840 pages, price 1 11*. (xZ. ; half-calf, 2 ; calf or half-russia, 2 2s. ; russia, 2 10*. Besides the matter comprised in the WEBSTER'S GUINEA DICTIONARY, this volume contains the following Appendices, which will show that no pains have been spared to make it a complete Literary Reference-book : TTict/vi-17 nf tli* T.TTorHch Tap- | A Pronouncing Vocabulary of Scrip- ture Proper Names. By W. A. WHKELEE, M.A Including a List of the Variations that occur in the Douay version of the Bible. An Etymological Vocabulary of Mo- dern Geographical Names. By the Rev. C. H. WHEELEK. Containing: r. A List of Prefixes* Terminations, and Formative Syllables in various Languages, with th> ir meaning and derivation ; n. A brief List of Geographical Names (not explained by the foregoing List), with their derivation and signification, all doubtful and obscure derivations being excluded. Pronouncing Vocabularies of Modern Geographical and Biographical Names. By J. THOMAS, M.D. A Pronouncing Vocabulary of Com- mon English Christian Names, with their derivations, signification, and diminutives (or nick-names), and their equivalents in several other Lmguagf s. A Dictionary of Quotations. Selected and translated by WILLIAM G. WEBSTER. Containing all Words, Phrases, Proverbs, and Colloquial Expressions from the Greek, Latin, and Modern Foreign Lan- guages, which are frequently met with in literature and conversation. A List of Abbreviations, Contrac- tions, and Arbitrary Signs used in Writing and Printing. A Classified Selection of Pictorial Illustrations (70 pages). With references to the text. d, as it is confessedly one of the best. The intro- -echnical and scientific terms aids greatly to tho jes ^4 O* ^< Z ) \ 3y >^. CA> ?!R. _^ & da MH LJU .u- O CL M i a ^ iu ^ 1 u. C/) : * O C *-* U > UJ Q a , z u a- < i A. rV lOt fr i Z >n, j U ^ X CO ic, 38, ^- ^Y't 'e- S_j ^ ^ m e h - u- ns hH u. __J "-5 !St CO K W rd ^ ^ ! ch is ad on in HH r_ id Hp LL D O $k or d, as -echr LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, CO VENT GARDEN. STANDARD WORKS PUBLISHED BY WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY. From tlie QUARTERLY BEVIEW, Oct. 1873. " Seventy years passed before JOHNSON was followed by Webster, an American writer, who faced the task of the English Dictionary with a full appreciation of its requirements, leading to better practicaljesults." " His laborious comparison of twenty languages, though never pub- lished, bore fruit in his own mind, and his training placed him both in knowledge and judgment far in advance of Johnson as a philologist. Webster's ' American Dictionary of the English Language ' was pub- lished in 1828, and of course appeared at once in England, where successive re-editing has as yet kept it in the highest place as a practical Dictionary." " The acceptance of an American Dictionary in England has itself had immense effect in keeping up the community of speech, to break which would be a grievous harm, not to English-speaking nations alone, but to mankind. The result of this has been that the common Dictionary must suit both sides of the Atlantic." .... " The good average business-like character of Webster's Dictionary, both in style and matter, made it as distinctly suited as Johnson's was distinctly unsuited to be expanded and re-edited by other hands. Professor Goodrich's edition of 1847 is not much more than enlarged and amended, but other revisions since have so much novelty of plan as to be described as distinct works." .... f " The American revised Webster's Dictionary of 1864, published in America and England, is of an altogether higher order than these last [The London Imperial and Student's]. It bears on its title-page the names of Drs. Goodrich and Porter* but inasmuch as its especial im- provement is in the etymological department, the care of which was committed to Dr. MAHN, of Berlin, we prefer to describe it in short as the Webster-Mahn Dictionary. Many other literary men, among them Professors Whitney and Dana, aided in the task of compilation and revision. On consideration it seems that the editors and contributors have gone far toward improving Webster to the utmost that he will bear improvement. The vocabulary has become almost complete, as regards usual words, while the definitions keep throughout to Webster's simple careful style, and the derivations are assigned with the aid of good modern authorities." " On the whole, the Webster-Mahn Dictionary as it stands, is most respectable, and CERTAINLY THE BEST PRACTICAL ENGLISH DICTIONARY EXTANT." LONDON : GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN 4 GEORGE BELL & SONS. SPECIAL DICTIONARIES AND WORKS OF REFERENCE. Dr. Richardson's Philological Dictionary of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Combining Explanation with Etymology, and copiously illustrated by Quotations from the Best Authorities. Neio Edition, \vith a Supplement containing additional Words and further Illustrations. In 2 vols. 4to. 4 14*. 6d. Half-bound ia Kussia, 5 15s. 6d. Kussia, 6 12s. The Words, \vith those of the same family, are traced to their origin. The Explanations are deduced from the primitive meaning through the various usages. The Quotations are arranged chrono- logically, from the earliest period to the present time. The Supplement separately. 4to. 12s. An 8vo. edition, without the Quotations, 15s. Half-russia, 20s. Russia, 24*. Synonyms and Antonyms of the English Language. Collected and Contrasted. By the late Yen. C. J. SMITH, M.A. Post 8vo. 5s. Synonyms Discriminated. A Catalogue of Synonymous "\Vords in the English Language, with their various Shades of Mean- ing, &c. Illustrated by Quotations from Standard Writers. By the late Ven. C. J. SMITH, M.A. Demy 8vo. 16s. A New Biographical Dictionary. By THOMPSON COOPER, F.S.A., Editor of " Men of the Time," and Joint Editor of " Athena Cantabrigienses." 1 vol. 8vo. 12s. This volume is not a mere repetition of the contents of previous works, but embodies the results of many years' laborious research in rare publica- tions and unpublished documents. Any note of omission which may be sent to the Publishers will be duly considered. " It is an important original contribution to the literature of its class by a painstaking scholar It seems in every way admirable, and fully to justify the claims on its behalf put forth by its editor." British, Quarterly Review. " The mass of information which it contains, especially as regards a number of authors more or less obscure, is simply astonishing." Spectator. "Comprises in 1210 pages, printed very closely in double columns, an enormous amount of information." Examiner. " Mr. Cooper takes credit to himself, and is, we think, justified in doing so, for the great care bestowed upon the work to insure accuracy as to facts and dates; and he is right perhaps in saying that his dictionary is the most comprehensive work of its kind in the English language." Pall .Vail Gazette. A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. "With a List of Ciphers, Monograms, and Marks. By MICHAEL BBYAX. Enlarged Edition, with numerous additions, by GEORGE STAGEY. Imperial 8vo. 2 2s. A Supplement of Recent and Living Painters. By HENRY OTTLEY. 12s. The Cottage Gardener's Dictionary. With a Supple- ment, containing all the new plants and varieties to the year 1869. Edited by GEORGE W. JOHNSON. Post 8vo. Cloth. 6s. 6d. LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, COVEKT GARDEN. STANDARD WORKS PUBLISHED BY In Ten Volumes, price 2s. 6d. each ; in half-morocco, 2 10$. the set. CHEAP ALDINE EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE'S DRAMATIC WORKS, EDITED BY S. W. SINGEK. Uniform with the Cheap Edition of the Aldine Poets. THE formation of numerous Shakespeare Reading Societies has created a demand for a cheap portable edition, with LEGIBLE TYPE, that shall pro- Tide a sound text with such notes as may help to elucidate the meaning and assist in the better understanding of the author. The Publishers therefore determined to reprint Mr. Singer's well-known Edition, published in 10 vols., small 8vo., for some time out of print, and issue it in a cheap form, uniform with the well-known Aldine Edition of British Poets. CONTENTS. Vol. I. The Life of Shakespeare. The Tempest. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. The Merry Wives of Windsor. Measure for Measure. Vol. II. Comedy of Errors. Much Ado about Nothing. Love's Labour Lost. Midsummer Night's Dream. Merchant of Venice. Vol. III. As You Like It. Taming of the Shrew. All's Well that Ends WeU. Twelfth Night, or What You Will. Vol. IV. Winter's Tale. Pericles. King John. King Richard II. | Vol. V. King Henry IV., Parts I. and II. King Henry V. Vol. VI. King Henry VI., Parts I. II. and III. King Richard III. Vol. VII. King Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Vol. VIII. Titus Andronicus. Romeo and Juliet. Timon of Athens. Julius Csesar. Vol. IX. Macbeth. Hamlet. King Lear. Vol. X. Othello. Antony and Cleopatra. 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With Popular Descriptions of the Uses, History, and Traditions of each Plant, by Mrs. LANKESTEE, Author of " Wild Flowers Worth Notice," " The British Ferns," &c. The Figures by J. E. SOWEBBY, JAMES SOWEBBY, F.L.S., J. DK 0. SOWEEBY, F.L.S., and J. W. SALTEB, A.L.S. In Eleven Volumes, super-royal 8vo. " Under the editorship of T. Boswell Syme, F.L.S., assisted by Mrs. Lankester, ' Sowerby's English Botany,' when finished, will be exhaustive of the subject, and worthy of the branch of science it illustrates. . , . In turning over the charmingly executed hand- coloured plates of British plants which encumber these volumes with riches, the reader cannot help being struck with the beauty of many of the humblest flowering weeds we tread on with careless step. We cannot dwell upon many of the individuals grouped in the splendid bouquet of flowers presented in these pages, and it will be sufficient to state that the work is pledged to contain a figure of every wild flower indigenous to these isles." Times. " Will be the most complete Flora of Great Britain ever brought out. This great work will find a place wherever botanical science is cultivated," and the study of our native lants, with all their fascinating associations, held dear." Athenreum. " A clear, bold, distinctive type enables the reader to take in at a glance the arrangement and divisions of every page. And Mrs. I^ankester has added to the technical description by the editor an extremely interesting popular sketch, which follows in smaller type. The English, French, and German popular names are given, and, wherever that delicate and difficult step is at all practicable, their derivation also. Medical properties, superstitions, and fancies, and poetic tributes and illusions, follow. In short there is nothing more left to be desired." Guardian. " Without question, this Is the standard work on Botany, and indispensable to every botanist. . . The plates are mo>t accurate and beautiful, and the entire work cannot be too strongly recommended to all who are interested in botany." Illustrated News. Sold separately, prices as follows : Bound cloth. Half morocco. Morocco elegant. s. d. s. d. s. d, Vol. L (Seven Parts; ., ., 1 18 220 286 II. ditto .... 1 18 220 286 in. (Eight Parts) .... 2 3 270 2 13 6 IV. (Nine Parts) .... 2 8 2 12 2 18 6 V. (Eight Parts) .... 2 3 270 2 13 6 VI. (Seven Parts) .... 1 18 220 286 VII. ditto .... 1 18 220 286 VIII. (Ten Partsi .... 2 13 2 17 336 IX. (Seven Parts) .... 118 220 286 X. ditto .... 1 18 220 286 XI. (Six Parts) .... 1 13 1 17 236 Or, the Eleven Volumes, 22Z. 8s. in cloth ; 24Z. 12s. in half-morocco ; and 28Z. 3s. Gd. whole morocco. A Supplementary Volume, containing ferns and other cryptogami, in preparation by Professor BOSWELL (formerly SYME). LONDON: GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 14 GEORGE BELL & SONS. LIBRARY OF NATURAL HISTORY. "Each volume is elegantly printed in royal 8vo., and illustrated with a very large number of well-executed engravings, printed in colours They form a complete library of reference on the several subjects to which they are devoted, and nothing more complete in their way has lately appeared." The Bookseller. BREE'S BIRDS OF EUROPE AND THEIR EGGS, not ob- served in the British Isles. With 238 beautifully coloured Plates. Five vols. s/. 5*. COUCH'S HISTORY OF THE FISHES OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. With 256 carefully coloured Plates. Four vols. GATTY'S (MRS. ALFRED) BRITISH SEAWEEDS. Nume- rous coloured Illustrations. Two vols. zl. icu. HIBBERD'S (SHIRLEY) NEW AND RARE BEAUTIFUL- LEAVED PLANTS. With 64 coloured Full-page Illustrations. Executed expressly for this work. One vol. i/. 55. LOWE'S NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH AND EXOTIC FERNS. With 479 finely coloured Plates. Eight vols. 61. 6j. LOWE'S OUR NATIVE FERNS. Illustrated with 79 coloured Plates and 900 Wood Engravings. Two vols. 2/. 25. LOWE'S NATURAL HISTORY OF NEW AND RARE FERNS. Containing Species and Varieties not included in " Ferns, British and Exotic." 72 coloured Plates and Woodcuts. One vol. i/. LOWE'S NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH GRASSES. With 74 finely coloured Plates. One vol. il. is. LOWE'S BEAUTIFUL-LEAVED PLANTS : being a description of the most beautiful-leaved Plants in cultivation in this country. Witk 60 coloured Illustrations. One vol. i/. is. MORRIS' HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. With 360 finely coloured Engravings. Six vols. 61. 6s. MORRIS' NESTS AND EGGS OF BRITISH BIRDS. With 223 beautifully coloured Engravings. Three vols. 3/. %s. MORRIS' BRITISH BUTTERFLIES. With 71 beautifully co- loured Plates. One vol. i/. i*. MORRIS' BRITISH MOTHS. With coloured Illustrations of nearly 2000 specimens. Four vols. 61. 6s. TRIPP'S BRITISH MOSSES. With 39 coloured Plates, con- taining a figure of each species. Two vols. 2/. IQJ. WOOSTER'S ALPINE PLANTS. First Series. With 54 coloured Plates. 25^. WOOSTER'S ALPINE PLANTS. Second Series. With 54 coloured Plates. 25 s. LONDON; GEORGE BELL & SONS, YORK STREET, COYEST GARDEN. 15 STANDARD WORKS PUBLISHED BY GEORGE BELL & SONS. %* For List of BOHN'S LIBEAEIES see the end of the Volume. BOHN'S SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY HUMBOLDT'S COSMOS. COSMOS: A SKETCH Of A PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE UNIVERSE. BY ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY E. C. OTTE. Naturae vero rerum vis atque majestas in omnibus momentis tide caret, si quis modoparte? ejus ac non totam complectatur animo. Plin., Hist. Nat. lib. vii. c. 1. LONDON: BELL & DALDY, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1871. Si v 3 PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS. STAMFORP STREET AND CHAKIWG CROSS.' CONTENTS OF VOL. III. INTRODUCTION. Page Historical Review of the attempts made with the object of con- sidering the Phenomena of the Universe as a Whole 1 28 SPECIAL RESULTS OF OBSERVATIONS IN THE DOMAIN OF COS.MICAL PHENOMENA. A. URANOLOGICAL PORTION of the physical description of the world. a. ASTROGNOSY 29 32 I. The realms of space, and conjectures regarding that which appears to occupy the space intervening between the heavenly bodies 3350 II. Natural and telescopic vision, 51 96; Scintillation of the stars, 99111; Velocity of light, 111119; Results of photo- metry, 119137 51 \y III. Number, distribution, and colour of the fixed stars, 138 138; Stellar masses (stellar swarms), 188193; The Milky Way interspersed with a few nebulous spots, 193203 138 203 IV. New stars, and stars that have vanished, 204 217 ; Variable stars, whose recurring periods have been determined, 217 240 ; Variations in the intensity of the light of stars whose periodicity is as yet uninvestigated, 240 247 204247 V. Proper motion of the fixed stars, 248 252; Problematical existence of dark cosmical bodies, 252 255; Parallax measured distances of some of the fixed stars, 255 264 ; Doubts as to the assumption of a central body for the whole sidereal heavens, 264270 248 270 VI. Multiple, or double stars Their number and reciprocal dis- tances. Period of revolution of two stars round a common centre of gravity 271 289 TABLES. Photometric Tables of Stars 134- 137 Clusters of Stars 191 193 New Stars 209217 Variable Stars 233240 Parallaxes , 262 Elements of Orbits cf double stars '. 28y 377 SPECIAL RESULTS OF OBSERVATION IN THE DOMAIN OF COSMICAL PHE^OMEKl INTRODUCTION. Ix accordance with the object I have proposed to myself, and which, as far as my own powers and the present state of science permit, I have regarded as not unattainable, I have, in the preceding volumes of Cosmos, considered Nature in a twofold point of view. In the first place, I have endeavoured to present her in the pure objectiveness of external phenomena; and, secondly, as the reflection of the image impressed by the senses upon the innef~man, that is, upon his ideas and feelings. The external world of phenomena has been delineated under the scientific form of a general picture of nature in her two great spheres, the uranological and the telluric or terrestrial. This delineation begins with the stars, which glimmer amidst nebulae in the remotest realms of space, and passing from our planetary system to the vegetable covering of the earth, descends to the minutest organisms which float in the atmo- sphere, and are invisible to the naked eye. In order to give due prominence t the considerate n of the existence of one common bond encircling the whole organic world, of the control of eternal laws, and of the causal connexion, as far as yet known to us, of whole groups of phenomena, it was necessary to avoid the accumulation of isolated facts. This precaution VOL. III. B 2 COSMOS. seemed especially requisite where, in addition to the dynamic action of moving forces, the powerful influence of a specific difference of matter manifests itself in the terrestrial por- tion of the universe. The problems presented to us in the sidereal, or uranological, sphere of the Cosmos, are, consi- dering their nature, in as far as they admit of being ob- served, of extraordinary simplicity, and capable, by means of the attractive force of matter and the quantity of its mass, of being submitted to exact calculation in accordance with the theory of motion. If, as I believe, we are justified in regard- ing the revolving meteor-asteroids (aerolites) as portions of our i.}anetary system, their fall upon the earth constitutes the sole means by which we are brought in contact with cosmical sub- stances of a recognisable heterogeneity. 1 I here refer to the cause which has hitherto rendered terrestrial phenomena less amenable to the rules of mathematical deduction than those mutually disturbing and re-adjusting movements of the cosmical bodies, in which the fundamental force of homo- geneous matter is alone manifested. I have endeavoured, in my delineation of the earth, to arrange natural phenomena in such a manner as to indicate their causal connexion. In describing our terrestrial sphere, I have consi- dered its form, mean density, electro-magnetic currents, the processes of polar light, and the gradations according to which heat increases with the increase of depth. The reaction of the planet's interior on its outer crust implies the existence of volcanic activity; of more or less contracted circles of waves of commotion (earthquake waves), and their effects, which are not always purely dynamic; and of the eruptions of gas, of mud, and of thermal springs. The upheaval of fire-erupting moun- tains must be regarded as the highest demonstration of the inner terrestrial forces. We have therefore depicted volcanoes, both central and chain formations, as generative no less than as 1 Cosmos, vol. i. pp. 45-47, 125. INTRODUCTION. C destructive agents, and as constantly forming before our eyes for the most part periodic rocks (rocks of eruption); we have likewise shown in contrast with this formation how sedi- mentary rocks are in the course of precipitation from fluids, which hold their minutest particles in solution or suspension. Such a comparison of matter still in the act of development and solidification with that already consolidated in the form of strata of the earth's crust, leads us to the distinction of geognostic epochs, and to a more certain determination of the chronological succession of those formations in which lie entombed extinct genera of animals and plants the fauna and flora of a former world, whose ages are revealed by the order in which they occur. The origin, transformation, and upheaval of terrestrial strata, exert, at certain epochs, an alternating action on all the special characteristics of the physical configuration of the earth's surface ; influencing the distribution of fluids and solids, and the extension and articulation of continental masses in a horizontal and vertical direction. On these relations depend the thermal conditions of oceanic currents, the meteorological processes in the aerial investment of our planet, and the typical and geographical dis- tribution of organic forms. Such a reference to the arrangement of telluric phenomena presented in the picture of nature, will, I think, suffice to show that the juxtaposition of great, and apparently complicated, results of observation, facilitates our insight into their causal connection. Our impressions of nature will, however, be essentially weakened, if the picture fail in warmth of colour by the too great accumulation of minor details. In a carefully-sketched representation of the phenomena of the material world, completeness in the enumeration of individual features has not been deemed essential, neither does it seem desirable in the delineation o/ the reflex of external nature on the inner man. Here it was B2 4 COSMOS. necessary to observe even stricter limits. The boundless domain of the world of thought, enriched for thousands of years by the vigorous force of intellectual activity, exhibits, among different races of men, and in different stages of civilization, sometimes a joyous, sometimes a melancholy tone of mind ;* sometimes a delicate appreciation of the beautiful, sometimes an apathetic insensibility. The mind of man is first led to adore the forces of nature and certain objects of the material world ; at a later period it yields to religious impulses of a higher and purely spiritual character.* The inner reflex of the outer world exerts the most varied influence on the mysterious process of the formation of language, 4 in which the original corporeal tendencies, as well as the impressions of surrounding nature, act as powerful concurring elements. Man elaborates within himself the materials presented to him by the senses, and the products of this spiritual labour belong as essentially to the domain of the COSMOS as do the phenomena of the external world. As a reflected image of Nature, influenced by the crea- tions of excited imagination, cannot retain its truthful purity, there has arisen besides the actual and external world, an ideal and internal world, full of fantastic, and partly sym- bolical myths, heightened by the introduction of fabulous animal forms, whose several parts are derived from the organisms of the present world, and sometimes even from the relics of extinct species. 5 Marvellous flowers and trees spring from this mythic soil, as the giant ash of the Edda- Songs, 2 Cosmos, vol. i. pp. 35 ; vol. ii. pp. 376 and 456. 3 Ibid., vol. ii. pp. 392-396, and 411-415. 4 Ibid,, vol. i. pp. 366-369 ; vol. ii. pp. 473-473. ' M. von Olfer's Ueberreste vonveltlicher Riesenthiere in Beziehung auf Ostasiatische Sagen in the Abh. der Berl. Akad., 1832, s. 51. On the opinion advanced by Empedocles regarding the cause of the extinction of the earliest animal forms, see Hegel's Geschichte der Philosophic, bd. ii. s. 344. INTRODUCTION. 5 the world- tree, Yggdrasil, whose branches tower above the heavens, while one of its triple roots penetrates to the " foaming cauldron spring's" of the lower world.* Thus the cloud-region of physical myths is filled with pleasing or with fearful forms, according to the diversity of character in nations and climates ; and these forms are preserved for centuries in the intellectual domain of successive generations. If the present work does not fully bear out its title, the adoption of which I have myself designated as bold and inconsiderate, the charge of incompleteness applies especially to that portion of the COSMOS which treats of spiritual life; that is, the image reflected by external nature on the inner world of thought and feeling. In this portion of my work I have contented myself with dwelling more especially upon those objects which lie in the direction of long-cherished studies ; on the manifestation of a more or less lively appre- ciation of nature in classical antiquity and in modern times ; on the fragments of poetical descriptions of rfature, the colouring of which has been so essentially influenced by indi- viduality of national character, and the religious monotheistic view of creation; on the fascinating charm of landscape- painting ; and on the history of the contemplation of the physi- cal universe, that is, the history of the recognition of the uni- verse as a whole, and of the unity of phenomena, a recognition gradually developed during the course of two thousand years. In a work of so comprehensive a character, the object of which is to give a scientific, and at the same time an animated description of nature, a first imperfect attempt must rather lay claim to the merit of inciting than to that of satisfying * See, for the world-tree Yggdrasil, and the rushing (foam- ing) cauldron-spring Hvergelmir, the Deutsche Mythologic of Jacob Grimm, 1844, s. 530, 756; also Mallet's Northern Antiquities, (Bonn's edition), 1847, pp. 410, 489, and 492 and frontispiece to ditto G COSMOS. inquiry. A. Book of Nature, worthy of its exalted title, can never be accomplished until the physical sciences, notwith- standing their inherent imperfectibility, shall, by their gradual development and extension, have attained a higher degree of advancement, and until we shall have gained a more extended knowledge of the two grand divisions of the COSMOS, the external world, as made perceptible to us by the senses; and the inner, reflected intellectual world. I think I have here sufficiently indicated the reasons which determined me not to give greater extension to the general picture of nature. It remains for this third and last volume of my Cosmos, to supply much that is wanting in the previous portions of the work, and to present those results of observation on which the present condition of scientific opinion is especially grounded. I shall here follow a similar mode of arrangement to that previously adopted, for the reasons which I have advanced, in the delineation of nature. But before entering upon the individual facts on which special departments of science are based, I would fain offer a few more general explanatory observations. The unexpected indulgence with which my undertaking has been received by a large portion of the public, both at home and abroad, renders it doubly imperative that I should once more define, as distinctly as possible, the fundamental ideas on which the whole work is based, and say something in regard to those demands which I have not even attempted to satisfy, because, according to my view of empirical i. e., experimental science, they did not admit of being satisfied. These explana- tory observations involuntarily associate themselves with his- torical recollections of the earlier attempts made to discover the one universal idea to which all phenomena, in their causal connection, might be reduced, as to a sole principle. The fundamental principle 7 of my work on the COSMOS, as ' Cosmos, vol. i. pp. 28-31, and 51-60. INTRODUCTION. 7 enunciated by me more than twenty years ago, in the French and German lectures I gave at Paris and Berlin, compre- hended the endeavour to combine all cosmical phenomena in one sole picture of nature ; to show in what manner the common conditions, that is to say, the great laws, by which individual groups of these phenomena are governed, have been recognized ; and what course has been pursued in ascend- ing from these laws to the discovery of their causal con- nexion. Such an attempt to comprehend the plan of the universe the order of nature must begin with a genera- lization of particular facts, and a knowledge of the con- ditions under which physical changes regularly and periodi- cally manifest themselves ; and must conduct to the thoughtful consideration of the results yielded by empirical observation, but not to " a contemplation of the universe based on specu- lative deductions and development of thought alone, or to a theory of absolute unity independent of experience." We are, I here repeat, far distant from the period when it was thought possible to concentrate all sensuous perceptions into the unity of one sole idea of nature. The true path was indicated upwards of a century before Lord Bacon's time, by Leonardo da Vinci, in these few words: " Cominciare dalT esperienza e per mezzo di questa scoprirne la ragione.'' 8 " Commence by experience, and by mains of this discover the reason." In many groups of phenomena we must still content ourselves with the recognition of empirical laws ; but the highest and more rarely attained aim of all natural inquiry must ever be the discovery of their causal connexion. 9 The most satisfactory 8 Op. cit. vol. ii. p. 661. 9 In the Introductory Observations, in Cosmos, v. i. p. 30, it should not have been generally stated that " the ultimate object of the experimental sciences is to discover laws, and to trace their progressive generalization." The clause " in many kinds of phenomena," should have been added. The caution with which I have expressed myself in the 2nd 8 , COS3IOS. aud distinct evidence will always appear where the laws of phenomena admit of being referred to mathematical prin- ciples of explanation. Physical cosmography constitutes merely in some of its parts a cosmology. The two expres- sions cannot yet be regarded as identical. The great and solemn spirit that pervades the intellectual labour, of which the limits are here denned, arises from the sublime conscious- ness of striving towards the infinite, and of grasping all that is revealed to us amid the boundless and inexhaustible fulness of creation, development, and being. This active striving which has existed in all ages, must 'frequently and under various forms, have deluded men into the idea, that they had reached the goal, and discovered the prin- ciple which could explain all that is variable in the organic vol. of this work (p. 694), on the relation borne by Newton to Kepler^ cannot, I think, leave a doubt that I clearly distinguish between the discovery and interpretation of natural laws, i. e., the explanation of phenomena. I there said of Kepler: "The rich abundance of accurate observations furnished by Tycho Brahe, the zealous opponent of the Copernican system, laid the foundation for the discovery of those eternal laws of the planetary movements which prepared imperishable renown for the name of Kepler, and which, interpreted by Newton, and proved to be theoretically and necessarily true, have been transferred into the bright and glorious domain of thought, as the intellectual recognition of nature:' Of Newton, I said (p. 736): "We close it [the great epoch of Galileo, Kepler, Newton, and Leibnitz,] with the figure of the earth as it was then recognized from theoretical conclusions. Newton was enabled to give an explanation of the system of the universe, because he suc- ceeded in discovering the force from whose action the laws of Kepler necessarily result." Compare on this subject (" On Laws and Causes") the admirable remarks in Sir John Hers- chel's address at the fifteenth meeting of the British Associa- tion at Cambridge, 1845, p. xlii.; and Edinb. Rev. vol. 87, 1848, pp. 180-183. INTRODUCTION-. 9 world, and all the phenomena revealed to us by sensuous perception. After men had for a long time, in accordance with the earliest ideas of the Hellenic people, venerated the agency of spirits, embodied in human forms, 10 in the creative, changing, and destructive processes of nature ; the germ of a scientific contemplation developed itself in the physiological fancies of the Ionic school. The first principle of the origin of things, the first principle of all phenomena, was referred to two causes 11 either to concrete material principles, the so- called elements of Nature, or to processes of rarefaction and condensation, sometimes in accordance with mechanical, some- times with dynamic views. The hypothesis of four or five materially differing elements, which was probably of Indian origin, has continued from the sera of the didactic poem of Empedocles, down to the most recent times, to imbue all opi- nions on natural philosophy a primeval evidence and monu- ment of the tendency of the human mind to seek a generaliza- tion and simplification of ideas, not only with reference to the forces, but also to the qualitative nature of matter. In the latter period of the development of the Ionic phy- siology, Auaxagoras of ClazomenaB advanced from the pos- tulate of simply dynamic forces of matter, to the idea of a spirit independent of all matter, uniting and distributing the 10 In the memorable passage (Metdph. xii. 8. p. 1074, Bekker.) in which Aristotle speaks of " the relics of an earlier acquired and subsequently lost wisdom," he refers with extra- ordinary freedom and significance to the veneration of phy- sical forces, and of gods in human forms: "much," says he, " has been mythically added for the persuasion of the multitude, as also on account of the laws and for other useful ends." 1 The important difference in these philosophical direc- tions rporroi, is clearly indicated in Arist. Phys. Auscult. 1. 4, p. 187, Bekk. (Compare Brandisin the Rhein. Museum fur Phikloyie, Jahrg. iii. s. 105.) 10 COSMOS. homogeneous particles of which matter is composed. The world-arranging Intelligence (voOs) controls the continuously progressing formation of the world, and is the primary source of all motion, and therefore of all physical phenomena. Anax- agoras explains the apparent movement of the heavenly bodies from east to west by the assumption of a centrifugal force, 11 on the intermission of which, as we have already observed, the fall of meteoric stones ensues. This hypothesis indicates the origin of those theories of rotatory motion which more than two thousand years afterwards attained consider- able cosmical importance from the labours of Descartes, Huygens, and Hooke. It would be foreign to the present work, to discuss whether the world-arranging Intelligence of the philosopher of ClazomenaD indicates 18 the godhead itself, or the mere pantheistic notion of a spiritual principle animating all nature. In striking contrast with these two divisions of the Ionic school, is the mathematical symbolism of the Pythagoreans, which in like manner embraced the whole universe. Here, in the world of physical phenomena cognizable by the senses, the attention is solely directed to that which is normal in configuration (the five elementary forms), to the ideas of 12 Cosmos, vol. i. pp. 122, 123, (note), and vol. ii. p. 690 (and note). Simplicius, in a remarkable passage, p. 491, most distinctly contrasts the centripetal with the centrifugal force. He there says, " the heavenly bodies do not fall in consequence of the centrifugal force being superior to the inherent falling force of bodies and to their downward ten- dency." Hence, Plutarch in his w r ork, De facie inorbeLunce, p. 923, compares the moon, in consequence of its not falling to the earth, to " a stone in a sling." For the actual signifi- cation of the irepixvprja-is of Anaxagoras, compare Schaubach in Anaxag. Clazom. Fragm. 1827, pp. 107-109. 18 Schaubach, Op. cit. pp. 151-156, and 185-189. Plants are likewise said to be animated by the intelligence, voijs; tot. de Plant, i. p. 815, Bekk. INTRODUCTION. 11 numbers, measure, harmony, and contrarieties. Things are reflected in numbers which are, as it were, an imitative repre- sentation (piprjo-is ) of them. The boundless capacity for repe- tition, and "the illimitability of numbers, is typical of the cha- racter of eternity and of the infinitude of nature. The essence of things may be recognized in the form of numerical rela- tions : their alterations and metamorphoses as numerical combinations. Plato, in his Physics, attempted to refer the nature of all substances in the universe, and their different stages of metamorphosis, to corporeal forms, and these again to the simplest triangular plane figures. 14 But in reference to ultimate principles (the elements, as it were, of the elements), Plato exclaims, with modest diffidence, "God alone, and those whom he loves among men, know what they are." Such a mathematical mode of treating physical phenomena, together with the development of the atomic theory, and the philosophy of measure and harmony, have long obstructed the development of the physical sciences, and misled fanciful inquirers into devious tracks, as is shown in the history of the physical contemplation of the universe. " There dwells a captivating charm, celebrated by all anti- quity, in the simple relations of time and space, as manifested in tones, numbers, and lines." 15 The idea of the harmonious government of the universe reveals itself in a distinct and exalted tone throughout the writings of Aristotle. All the phenomena of nature are de- picted in the Physical Lectures (Auscultationes PhysiccB] as moving, vital agents of one general cosmical force. Heaven and 14 Compare on this portion of Plato's mathematical physics, Bockh De platonico syst. ccelestium globorum, 1810 et 1811; Martin, Etudes sur le Timee, torn. ii. pp. 234-242; and Brandis in the Geschichte der Griechisch-Romischen Philo- sophic, Th. ii. Abth. i. 1844, 375. 16 Cosmos, vol. ii. p. 736, note ; compare also Gruppe Ueber die Fragments des Archytas, 1840, s. 33. 12 COSMOS. nature, (tiie telluric sphere of phenomena,) depend upon the "unmoved motus of the universe." u The " ordaiuer" and the ultimate cause of all sensuous changes must be regarded as something non-sensuous and distinct from all matter. 17 Unity in the different expressions of material force is raised to the rank of a main principle, and these expressions of force are themselves always reduced to motions. Thus we find already in "the book of the soul" 18 the germ of the undulatory theory of light. The sensation of sight is occasioned by a vibration a movement of the medium between the eye and the object seen and not by emissions from the object or the eye. Hearing is compared with sight, as sound is like- wise a consequence of the vibration of the air. Aristotle, while he teaches men to investigate generalities in the particulars of perceptible unities, by the force of reflective reason, always includes the whole of nature, and 16 Aristot. Polit. vii. 4, p. 1326, and Metaph. xii. 7, p. 1072, 10 Bekk. and xii. 10, p. 1074-5. The pseudo- Aristotelian work de Mundo, which Osann ascribed to Chry- sippus (see Cosmos, vol. ii. p. 380) also contains (cap. 6, p. 397) a very eloquent passage on the world-order -er and world-sustainer. 17 The proofs are collected in Ritter, History of Philosophy (Bohn, 1838-46), Vol. 3, p. 180 et seq. 18 Compare Aristot. de Anima, ii. 7 pag. 419. In this passage the analogy with sound is most distinctly expressed ; although in other portions of his writings Aristotle has greatly modified his theory of vision. Thus in de Insomniis, cap. 2, p. 459, Bekker., we find the following words : " It is evident that sight is no less an active than a passive agent, and that vision not only experiences some action from the air (the me- dium), but itself also acts upon the medium." He adduces in evidence of the truth of this proposition, that a new and very pure metallic mirror will, under certain conditions, when looked at by a woman, retain on its surface cloudy specks that cannot be removed without difficulty. Compare also Martin, Etudes sur le Timee de Platon. torn. ii. pp. 159-163. INTRODUCTION. 13 the internal connexion not only of forces, but also of organic forms. In his book on the parts (organs) of animals, he clearly intimates his belief that throughout all animate beings there is a scale of gradation, in which they ascend from lower to higher forms. Nature advances in an uninterrupted pro- gressive course of development, from the inanimate or " ele- mentary" to plants and animals ; and " lastly, to that which, though not actually an animal, is yet so nearly allied to one, that on the whole there is little difference between them." ll In the transition of formations, " the gradations are almost imperceptible." 80 The unity of nature was to the Stagirite the great problem of the Cosmos. " In this unity," he observes, with singular animation of expression, " there is nothing unconnected or out of place, as in a bad tragedy."* 1 The endeavour to reduce all the phenomena of the universe to one principle of explanation, is manifest throughout the physical works of this profound philosopher and accurate ob- server of nature ; but the imperfect condition of science, and ignorance of the mode of conducting experiments, i.e., of calling forth phenomena under definite conditions, prevented the com- prehension of the causal connection of even small groups of phy- sical processes. All things were reduced to the ever-recurring 19 Aristo* de partibus Anim., lib. iv. cap. 5, pag. 681, lin. 12. Bekker. J0 Aristot. Hist. Anim., lib. ix., cap. 1, pag. 588, lin. 10-24. Bekker. When any of the representatives of the four ele- ments in the animal kingdom on our globe fail, as for instance those which represent the element of the purest fire, the intermediate stages may perhaps be found to occur in the moon (Biese, Die Phil, des Aristoteles; bd. ii. s. 186). It is singular enough, that the Stagirite should seek in another planet those intermediate links of the chain of organised beings which we find in the extinct animal and vegetable forms of an earlier world. 81 Aristot. Metaph. lib. xiii. cap. 3, pag. 1090, lin. 20, Bekker. 14 COSMOS. contrasts of heat and cold, moisture and dryness, primary density and rarefaction even to an evolution of alterations in the or- ganic world by a species of inner division (antiperistasis) which reminds us of the modern hypothesis of opposite polarities and the contrasts presented by + and . 3J The so-called solutions of the problems only reproduce the same facts in a disguised form, and the otherwise vigorous and concise style of the Stagirite degenerates in his explanations of meteorological or optical processes, into a self-complacent diffuseness and a somewhat Hellenic verbosity. As Aristotle's inquiries were directed almost exclusively to motion, and seldom to differ- ences in matter, we find the fundamental idea, that all telluric natural phenomena are to be ascribed to the impulse of the movement of the heavens the rotation of the celestial sphere constantly recurring, fondly cherished and fostered, 83 but never declared with absolute distinctness and certainty. 22 The avTiirepio-rao-is of Aristotle plays an important part in all his explanations of meteorological processes ; so also in the works de generations et interitu, lib. ii. cap. 3, p. 330 : in the Meteor ologicis, lib. i. cap. 12, and lib. iii. cap. 3, p. 372, and in the Problemce (lib. xiv. cap. 3, lib. viii, no. 9, p. 888, and lib. xiv. no. 3, p. 909.) which are at all events based on Aristotelian principles. In the ancient polarity hypothesis KO.T avrnrepivTcuriv similar conditions attract each other, and dissimilar ones ( -f and ) repel each another in opposite directions. (Compare Ideler, Meteorol. veterum Grcsc. et Rom. 1832, p. 10.) The opposite conditions instead of being destroyed by combining together, rather increase the tension. The tyvxpbv increases the Gcppov ; as inversely " in the for- mation of hail the surrounding heat makes the cold body still colder as the cloud sinks into warmer strata of air." Aristotle explains by his antiperistatic process and the polarity of heat, what modern physics have taught us to refer to conduction, radiation, evaporation, and changes in the capacity of heat. See the able observations of Paul Erman in the Abhandl. der f liner Akademie aufdas Jahr. 1825, s. 128. 83 " By the mo* dient of the heavenly sphere, all that is INTRODUCTION. 15 The impulse to which I refer, indicates only the com- munication of motion as the cause of all terrestrial phe- nomena. Pantheistic views are excluded; the Godhead is considered as the highest "ordering unity, manifested in all parts of the universe, denning and determining the nature of all formations, and holding together all things as an absolute power." ** The main idea and these teleological views are not applied to the subordinate processes of inor- ganic or elementary nature, but refer specially to the higher organizations * of the animal and vegetable world. It is worthy of notice, that in these theories, the Godhead is attended by a number of astral spirits, who (as if acquainted with perturbations and the distribution of masses) main- tain the planets in their eternal orbits.* The stars here unstable in natural bodies, and all terrestrial phenomena are produced." Aristot. Meteor, i. 2, p. 339, and de gener. et corrupt, ii. 10, p. 336. 24 Aristot. de Ccelo, lib. i. c. 9, p. 279, lib. ii. c. 3, p. 286 ; lib. ii. c. 13, p. 292. Bekker. (Compare Biese, bd. i. s. 352-1, 357.) 25 Aristot. Phys. Auscult. lib. ii. c. 8, p. 199; de Anima, lib. iii. c. 12, p. 434 ; de Animal, generat. lib. v. c. 1, p. 778. Bekker. 26 See the passage in Aristot. Meteor, xii. 8, p. 1074, of which there is a remarkable elucidation in the Commentary of Alexander Aphrodisiensis. The stars are not inanimate bodies but must be regarded as active and living beings. (Aristot. de Ccelo, lib. ii. cap. 12, p. 292.) They are the most divine of created things ; ra Qeiorepa r&v cfravcp&v. Aristot. de Ccelo, lib. i. cap. 9, p. 278, and lib. ii. cap. 1, p. 284.) In the small pseudo- Aristotelian work, de Mundo, which frequently breathes a religious spirit in relation to the preserving almightiness of God, (cap. 6, p. 400,) the high sether is also called divine, (cap. 2, p. 392). That which the imaginative Kepler calls moving spirits (animce matrices} in his work, Mysterium cosmographicum(ea.p. 20, p. 71) is the distorted idea of a force (virtus], whose main seat is in the sun (anima 16 COSMOS. reveal the image of the divinity in the visible world. We do not here refer, as its title might lead to suppose, to the little pseudo-Aristotelian work, entitled the " Cosmos," undoubtedly a Stoic production. Although it describes the heavens and the earth, and oceanic and aerial currents, with much truthfulness, and frequently with rhetorical animation and picturesque colouring, it shows no tendency to refer cosmical phenomena to general physical principles based on the properties of matter. I have purposely dwelt at length on the most brilliant period of the Cosmical views of antiquity, in order to contrast the earliest efforts made towards the generalization of ideas, with the efforts of modern times. In the intellectual movement of centuries, whose influence on the extension of Cosmical contemplation has been defined in another portion of the present work, v the close of the thirteenth and the beginning of the fourteenth century were specially distinguished ; but the Opus majus of Roger Bacon, the Mirror of Nature of Vincenzo de Beauvais, the Physical Geography (Liber cosmographicus] of Albertus Magnus, the Picture of the World (Imago Mundi) of Cardinal Petrus d'Alliaco (Pierre d'Ailly) are works, which, however powerfully they may have influenced the age in which thev were written, do not fulfil by their contents the promise of their titles. Among the Italian opponents of Aristotle's physics, Bernardino Telesio of Cosenza is designated the founder of a rational science of nature. All the phenomena of inert matter are con- sidered by him as the effects of two incorporeal principles (agen- cies or forces) heat&nd cold. All forms of organic life " ani- mundi), and which is decreased by distance, in accordance with the laws of light, and impels the planets in elliptic orbits (Compare Apelt, Epochen der Gesch. der Men&chheit. bd. 1, e. 274.) 27 Cosmos, vol. ii. p. 615-625. INTRODUCTION. 17 riated" plants aiid animals are the eifect of thcse-'two ovec divided forces, of which the one, heat, specially appertains to the celestial, and tne other, cold, to the terrestrial sphere. With yet more unbridled fancy, but with a profound spirit of enquiry, Giordano Bruno of Xola attempted to comprehend the whole universe, in three works, 38 entitled, De la causa Principio e Uno ; Contemplationi circa lo Infinite, Universo e Mondi innumerdbili ; and De Mini/no et*Maximo. In the natural philosophy of Telesio, a contemporary of Coperni- cus, we recognise at all events the tendency to reduce the changes of matter to two of its fundamental forces, which, although " supposed to act from without," yet resemble the fundamental forces of attraction and repulsion in the dyna- mic theory of nature of Boscovich and Kant. The cosmical views of the philosopher of Nola are purely metaphysical, and do not seek the causes of sensuous phenomena in matter itself, but treat of " the infinity of space, filled with self-illu- mined worlds, of the animated condition of those worlds, and of tne relations of the highest intelligence God to the universe." Scantily endowed with mathematical knowledge, Giordano Bruno continued nevertheless to the period of his fearful mar- tyrdom 29 an enthusiastic admirer of Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, 28 Compare the acute and learned commentary on the works of the Philosopher of Nola in the treatise, Jurdano Bruno par Christian Bartholmess, torn. ii. 1847, pp. 129, 149, and 201. 29 He was burnt at Rome on the 17th of February, 1600, pursuant to the sentence " ut quam clementissime et citra sanguinis effusionem puniretur." Bruno was imprisoned six years in the Piomli. at Venice, and two years in the In- quisition at Rome. When the sentence of death was an- nounced to him, Bruno, calm and unmoved, gave utterance to the following noble expression, " Majori forsitan cum timore sententiam in me fertis quain ego accipiam." When a fugitive from Italy, in 1580, he taught at Geneva, Lyons, Toulouse, YOL. III. 1 8 COSMOS. an^ X.ej>!er. ITe was contemporary with Galileo, but did not live to see the invention of the telescope by Hans Lipper- sbey and Zacharias Jansen, and did not therefore witness the discovery of the " lesser Jupiter world," the phases of Venus, and the nebula. With bold confidence in what he terms the lume interno, ragione naturale, altezza dell' intelletto (force of intellect), he indulged in happy conjectures re- garding the movement of the fixed stars, the planetary nature of comets, and the deviation from the spherical form observed in the figure of the earth. * Greek antiquity is also replete with uranological presentiments of this nature, which were realised in later times. In the development of thought on cosmical relations, of which the main forms and epochs have been already enumerated, Kep- ler approached the nearest to a mathematical application of the theory of gravitation, more than seventy-eight years before the appearance of Newton's immortal work, Principia Philosophic Naturalis. For while the eclectic Simplicius only expressed in general terms ' ' that the heavenly bodies were sustained from fall- ing in consequence of the centrifugal force being superior to the inherent falling force of bodies and to the downward traction ;" while Joannes Philoponus, a disciple of Ammonius Hermeas, Paris, Oxford, Marburg, Wittenberg (which he calls the Athens of Germany), Prague, and Helmstedt, where, in 1589, he completed the scientific instruction of Duke Henry Julius of Brims wick- Wolf enbuttel. Bartholme'ss, torn. i. pp. 167 -178. He also taught at Padua subsequently to 1592. Bartholmess, torn. ii. pp. 219, 232, 370. Bruno carefully collected all the separate observations made on the celestial phenomenon of the sudden appearance, in 1572, of a new star in Cassiopeia. Much discussion has been directed in modern times to the relation existing between Bruno, his two Calabrian fellow-countryman, Bernardino Telesio and Thomas Campanella, and the platonic cardinal, Nicolaus Krebs of ; see Cosmos, p. 691, note. INTRODUCTION. 19 ascribed the movement of the celestial bodies to " a primitive impulse, and the continued - tendency to fall ; " and while, as we have already observed, Copernicus defined only the general idea of gravitation, as it acts in the sun, as the centre of the planetary world, in the earth and in the moon, using these memorable words, " Gravitatem non aliud esse quam appe- tentiam quandam naturalem partibus inditam a divina provi- dentia opificis universorum, ut in unitatem integritatemque suam sese conferant, in formam globi coeuntes;" Kepler in his introduction to the book, De Stella Martis^ was the first who gave numerical calculations of the forces of attraction reciprocally exercised upon each other, according to their rela- tive masses, by the earth and moon. He distinctly adduces the tides as evidence s that the attractive force of the moon (virtus 81 " Si duo lapides in aliquo loco Mundi collocarentur pro- pinqui invicem, extra orbem virtutis tertii cognati corporis ; illi lapides ad similitudinem duorum Magneticorum corporum coirent loco intermedio, quilibet accedens ad alterum tanto intervallo, quanta est alterius moles in comparatione. Si luna et terra non retinerentnir vi animali (!) aut alia aliqua Eequipollente, quajlibet in suo circuitu, Terra adscenderet ad Lunam quinquagesima quarta parte intervalli, Luna descen- deret ad Terrani quinquaginta tribus circiter partibus inter- valli ; ibi jungerentur, posito tamen quod substantia utriusque sit unius et ejusdem densitatis." Kepler, Astronvmia nova, seu Physica ccelestis de Motibus Stellce Martis, 1609. Introd. fol. v. On the older views regarding gravitation, see Cosmos, vol. ii. p. 691. 32 " Si Terra cessaret attrahere ad se aquas suas, aquae marinae omnes elevarentur et in corpus Luna3 infmerent. Orbis virtutis tractorise, quse est in Luna, porrigitur usque ad terras, et prolectat aquas quacunque in verticem loci incidit sub Zonam torridam, quippe in occursum suum quacunque in verticem loci incidit, insensibiliter in maribus inclusis, sensi- biliter ibi ubi sunt latissimi alvei Oceani propinqui, aquisque spaciosa reciprocationis libertas." (Kepler, 1. c.) " Undas a Luna trahi ut feiTum a Magnete." .... Kepleri Harmonice c2 20 COSMOS. tractoriaj extends to the earth ; and that this force, similar to that exerted by the magnet on iron, would deprive the earth of its water if the former should cease to attract it. Unfor- tunately this great man was induced ten years afterwards, in 1619, probably from deference to Galileo, who ascribed the ebb and flow of the ocean to the rotation of the earth, to re- nounce his correct explanation, and depict the earth in the Harmonice Mundi as a living monster, whose whale-like mode of breathing occasioned the rise and fall of the ocean in re- curring periods of sleeping and waking, dependant on solar time. When we remember the mathematical acumen that pervades one of the works of Kepler, and of which Laplace has already made honourable mention, 33 it is to be lamented that the discoverer of the three great laws of all planetary motion should not have advanced on the path whither he had been led by his views on the attraction of the masses of cosmical bodies. Mundi, libri quinque, 1619, lib. iv. cap. 7, p. 162. The same work which presents us with so many admirable views, among others, with the data of the establishment of the third law (that the squares of the periodic times of two planets are as the cubes of their mean distances), is distorted by the wildest flights of fancy on the respiration, nutrition, and heat of the earth-animal, on the soul, memoiy (memoria animce Terrce), and creative imagination (animce Telluris imaginatio) of this monster. This great man was so wedded to these chimeras, that he warmly contested his right of priority in the views regarding the earth-animal, with the mystic author of the Macrocosmos, Robert Fludd, of Oxford, who is reported to have Corpus solis esse magneticum. Virtutem, qua3 Planetas movet ; residere in corpore solis." Stella Martis, pars iii. cap. 32. 34. To each planet was ascribed a magnetic axis, which constantly pointed to one and the same quarter of the heavens. (Apelt, 34 COSMOS. we may with great probability assume, not only with our own Sun, but also with all the other luminous suns of the firma- ment. The important discovery of the appreciable resistance which a fluid filling the realms of space is capable of oppos- ing to a comet having a period of revolution of five years, has been perfectly confirmed by the exact accordance of numerical relations. Conclusions based upon analogies may fill up a portion of the vast chasm which separates the certain results of a mathematical natural philosophy from conjec- tures verging on the extreme, and therefore obscure and barren confines of all scientific development of mind. From the infinity of space, an infinity, however, doubted by Aristotle, 10 follows the idea of its immeasurability. Se- parate portions only have been rendered accessible to measure- ment, and the numerical results, which far exceed the grasp of our comprehension, become a source of mere puerile grati- fication to those who delight in high numbers, and imagine that the sublimity of astronomical studies may be heightened by astounding and terrific images of physical magnitude. The distance of 61 Cygni from the Sun is 657000 semi-diameters of the Earth's orbit; a distance which light takes rather more than ten years to traverse, whilst it passes from the Sun to the Earth in 8' 17"'78. Sir John Herschel conjectures, from his ingenious combination of photometric calculations, 11 that if the stars in the great circle of the Milky Way which he saw in the field of his twenty-feet telescope were newly-arisen luminous cosmical bodies, they would have required 2000 years to transmit to us the first ray of light. All attempts to present such numerical relations fail, either from the immen- sity of the unit by which they must be measured, or from 10 Aristot. de Ccelo, 1, 7, p. 276 ; Bekker. 11 Sir John Herschel, Outlines of Astronomy, 1849, 803, p. 541. THE PROPAGATION .OF LIGHT. 35 the high number yielded by the repetition of 'this unit Bessel 18 very truly observes that " the distance which light traverses in a year is not more appreciable to us than the distance which it traverses in ten years. Therefore every endeavour must fail to convey to the mind any idea of a magnitude exceeding those that are accessible on the earth." This overpowering force of numbers is as clearly manifested in the smallest organisms of animal life as in the milky way of those self-luminous suns which we call fixed stars. What masses of Polythalamia? are inclosed, according to Ehren- berg, in one thin stratum of chalk ! This eminent investi- gator of nature asserts that one cubic inch of the Bilin polishing slate, which constitutes a sort of mountain cap forty feet in height, contains 41000 millions of the micro- scopic Galionella distans; w r hile the same volume contains more than 1 billion 750000 millions of distinct individuals of Galionella ferruginea^ Such estimates remind us of the treatise named Arenarius (^-a/i/ur^s) of Archimedes of the sand-grains which might fill the universe of space ! If the starry heavens, by incalculable numbers, magnitude, space, duration, and length of periods, impress man with the con- viction of his own insignificance, his physical weakness, and the ephemeral nature of his existence; he is, on the other hand, cheered and invigorated by the consciousness of having been enabled, by the application and development of intellect, to investigate very many important points in refer- ence to the laws of Nature and the sidereal arrangement of the universe. Although not only the propagation of light, but also a special form of its diminished intensity, the resisting medium acting 13 Bessel, in Schumacher's Jahrluchfnr 1839, s. 50. u Ehrenberg, Abhandl. der Berl. Akad., 1838, s. 59; also in his Infusionsthtere, s. 170. n 2 36 COSMOS. on the periods of revolution of Encke's comet, and the evapo ration of many of the large tails of comets, seem to prove that the regions of space which separate cosmical bodies are not void, 14 but filled with some kind of matter; we must not omit to draw attention to the fact, that among the now current but indefinite expressions of " the air of heaven" " cosmical (non-luminous) matter" and " ether" the latter, which has been transmitted to us from the earliest antiquity of Southern and Western Asia, has not always expressed the same idea. Among the natural philosophers of India, ether (dkasa) was regarded as belonging to the pantschatd, or five elements, and was supposed to be a fluid of infinite subtlety, pervading the whole universe, and constituting the medium of exciting life, as well as of propagating sound. 16 Etymologically considered, dkasa signifies, according to Bopp, "luminous or shining, and bears, therefore, in its fundamental signification, the same relation to the ' ether ' of the Greeks as shining does to burning." u Aristotle (Phys. AusculL, iv. 6-10, pp. 213-217, Bekker.) proves, in opposition to Leucippus and Democritus, that there is no unfilled space no vacuum in the universe. 16 Alia sa signifies, according to Wilson's Sanscrit Dic- tionary, " the subtle and ethereal fluid supposed to fill and pervade the universe, and to be the peculiar vehicle of life and sound." "The word dkasa (luminous, shining) is derived from the root kds (to shine), to which is added the preposi- tion d. The quintuple of all the elements is called pantschatd^ or pantschatra, and the dead are, singularly enough, desig- nated as those who have been resolved into the five elements (prdpta pantschatra}. Such is the interpretation given in the text of Amarakoscha, Amarasinha's Dictionary." (Bopp.) Colebrooke's admirable treatise on the Sankhya Philosophy, treats of these five elements; see Transact, of the Asiat. Soc., vol. i. Lond. 1827, p. 31. Strabo refers, according to Megasthenes, (xv. 59, p. 713, Cas.) to the all-forming fifth element of the Indians, without, however, naming it. COSMICAL ETHER. 37 In the dogmas of the Ionic philosophy of Anaxagoras and Empedocles, this ether (at&yp) differed wholly from the actual (denser) vapour-charged air (typ) which surrounds the earth, and " probably extends as far as the moon." It was of " a fiery nature, a brightly-beaming, pure fire-air, 16 of great subtlety and eternal serenity." This definition perfectly coincides with its etymological derivation from aWciv to burn, for which Plato and Aristotle, from a predilection for mechanical views, singularly enough substituted another (deitfeu'), on account of the constancy of the revolving and rotatory movement. 17 The 16 Empedocles, v. 216, calls the ether 7ra/i$ai/o'o>j/, brightly- beaming, and therefore self-luminous. 17 Plato, Cratyl. 410 B., where we meet with the expression tittup. Aristot. de Coelo, 1, 3, p. 270, Bekk. says in oppo- sition to Anaxagoras : aldepa Trpoo-uvopao-av TOV aixoraro) TOTTOV, OTTO TOV Qflv del TOV dto'iov xpovov 6ep.evoi rrjv cTrcawfjiiav avrco. 'Avaayopas Se KO.TaKexP 7 l Tai TO> ovd/zan TOUTO) ov /caXaiy 6vop.d(i yap alflepa O.VT\ -rrvpos. We find this more circumstantially re- ferred to in Aristot. Meteor., 1, 3, p. 339, lines 21-34, Bekk.: "The so-called ether has an ancient designation, which Anaxagoras seems to identify with fire; for, according to him, the upper region is full of fire, and to be considered as ether ; in which, indeed, he is correct. For the ancients appear to have regarded the body which is in a constant state of movement, as possessing a divine nature, and therefore called it ether, a substance with which we have nothing analogous. Those, however, who hold the space surrounding bodies to be fire no less than the bodies themselves, and who look upon that which lies between the earth and the stars as air, would probably relinquish such childish fancies if they properly investigated the results of the latest researches of mathematicians." (The same etymology of this word, im- plying rapid revolution, is referred to by the Aristotelian, or Stoic, author of the work De Mundo, cap. 2, p. 392, Bekk.) Professor Franz has correctly remarked, " that the play of words in the designation of bodies in eternal motion (tr&fta del 6fov] and of the divine (0eioi>) alluded to in the Meteorologica, is strikingly characteristic of the Greek type of imagination, 33 COSMOS. idea of the subtlety and tenuity of the upper ether does not appear to have resulted from a knowledge that the air on mountains is purer and less charged with the heavy vapours of the earth, or that the density of the strata of air decreases with their increased height. In as far as the elements of the ancients refer less to material differences of bodies, or even to their simple nature (their incapacity of being decom- posed), than to mere conditions of matter, the idea of the upper ether (the fiery air of heaven) has originated in the primary and normal contraries of heavy and light, lower and upper, earth emdjire. These extremes are separated by two inter- mediate elementary conditions, of which the one, water, ap- proximates most nearly to the heavy earth, and the other, air, to the lighter element of fire. 18 Considered as a medium filling the regions of space, the ether of Empedocles presents no other analogies excepting and affords additional evidence of the inaptitude of the an- cients for etymological inquiry." Professor Buschmann calls attention to a Sanscrit term, dschtra, ether or the atmosphere, which looks very like the Greek oclqp, with which it has been compared by Vans Kennedy, in his Researches into the Origin and Affinity of the principal Languages of Asia and Eur ope, 1828, p. 279. This word may also be referred to the root (as, asch) to which the Indians attach the signification of shining or beaming. 18 Aristot. de Casio, iv. 1, and 3-4, pp. 308, and 311-312, Bekk. If the Stagirite withholds from ether the character of a fifth element, which indeed is denied by Hitter ( Geschichte der Philosophic, th. iii. s. 259), and by Martin (Etudes sur le Timee de Platon, t. ii. p. 150) ; it is only because, ac- cording to him, ether, as a condition of matter, has no con- trary. (Compare Biese, Philosophic des Aristotiles, bd. xi. s. 66.) Amongst the Pythagoreans, ether, as a fifth element, was represented by the fifth of the regular bodies, the dode- cahedron, composed of twelve pentagons. (Martin, t. ii pp. 245-250.) COSMICAL ETHER 39 those of subtlety and tenuity with the ether, by whose trans- verse vibrations modern physicists have succeeded so happily in explaining, on purely mathematical principles, the pro- pagation of light, with all its properties of double refrac- tion, polarisation, and interference. The natural philosophy of Aristotle further teaches that the ethereal substance penetrates all the living organisms of the earth both plants and animals ; that it becomes in these the principle of vital heat, the very germ of a psychical principle, which, uninflu- enced by the body, stimulates men to independent activity." These visionary opinions draw down ether from the higher regions of space to the terrestrial sphere, and represent it as a highly rarefied substance constantly penetrating through the atmosphere and through solid bodies ; precisely similar to the vibrating light-ether of Huygens, Hooke, and modern physicists. But what especially distinguishes the older Ionic from the modern hypothesis of ether, is the original assump- tion of luminosity, a view, however, not entirely advocated by Aristotle. The upper fire-air of Empedocles is expressly termed 'brightly radiating (Tra/i^ai/oW), and is said to be seen by the inhabitants of the earth in certain phenomena, gleaming brightly through fissures and chasms (xaa/zara) which occur in the firmament. 20 The numerous investigations that have been made in recent times regarding the intimate relation between light, heat, electricity, and magnetism, render it far from improbable that, as the transverse vibrations of the ether which fills the regions of space give rise to the phenomena of light, the thermal and electro-magnetic phenomena may likewise have their origin in analogous kinds of motion (currents). It is reserved for future ages to make great discoveries in reference to these 19 See the proofs collected by Biese, op. cit., bd. xi. s. 93. 80 Cosmos, vol. i. p 143. 40 COSMOS. subjects. Light, and radiating heat, which is inseparable from it, constitute a main cause of motion and organic life, both in the non-luminous celestial bodies, and on the surface of our planet. 21 Even far from its surface, in the interior of the earth's crust, penetrating heat calls forth electro- magnetic currents, which exert their exciting influence on the combinations and decompositions of matter, on all for- mative agencies in the mineral kingdom on the disturbance of the equilibrium of the atmosphere, and on the functions of vegetable and animal organisms. If electricity moving in currents develops magnetic 'forces, and if, in accordance with an early hypothesis of Sir William Herschel, 23 the sun itself is in the condition of " a perpetual northern light," (I should rather say of an electro-magnetic storm), we should seem warranted in concluding that solar light, transmitted in the regions of space by vibrations of ether, may be accompanied by electro-magnetic currents. Direct observations on the periodic changes in the decima- tion, inclination, and intensity of terrestrial magnetism, have, it is true, not yet shown with cer**unty that these conditions n Compare the fine passage on the influence of the sun's rays, in Sir John Herschel's Outlines of Astronomy, p. 237 : " By the vivifying action of the sun's rays, vegetables are enabled to draw support from inorganic matter, and become, in their turn, the support of animals and of man, and the sources of those great deposits of dynamical efficiency which are laid up for human use in our coal strata. By them the waters of the sea are made to circulate in vapour through the air, and irrigate the land, producing springs and rivers. By them are produced all disturbances of the chemical equilibrium of the elements of nature, which, by a series of compositions and decompositions, give rise to new products, and originate a transfer of materials." 38 Philos. Transact, for 1795, vol. Ixxxv. p. 318; John Herschel, Outlines of Astr., p. 238 ; see also Cosmos, vol. i. p. 183. BADIATING HEAT. 41 are affected by the different positions of the sun or moon, notwithstanding the latter's contiguity to the earth. The magnetic polarity of the earth exhibits no variations that can be referred to the sun, or which perceptibly affect the pre- cession of the equinoxes. 23 The remarkable rotatory or oscil- latory motion of the radiating cone of light of Halley's comet, which Bessel observed from the 12th to the 22nd of October, 1835, and endeavoured to explain, led this great astronomer to the conviction that there existed a polar force, " whose action differed considerably from gravitation or the ordinary attracting force of the sun ; since those portions of the comet which constitute the tail are acted upon by a repulsive force proceeding from the body of the sun.' 1 ' 74 ' The splendid comet of 1744, which was described by Heinsius, led my deceased friend to similar conjectures. The actions of radiating heat in the regions of space are regarded as less problematical than electro-magnetic pheno- mena. According to Fourier and Poisson, the temperature of the regions of space is the result of radiation of heat from the sun and all astral bodies, minus the quantity lost by absorption in traversing the regions of space filled with ether. 2 * Frequent mention is made in antiquity by the Greek and Roman 26 writers of this stellar heat; not only because, from 23 See Bessel, in Schumacher's Astr. Nachr.,\)d. xiii. 1836, no. 300, s. 201. 24 Bessel, op. ciL, s. 186-192, 229. 25 Fourier, Theorie analytique de la Chaleur, 1822, p. ix. (Annales de Chimie et de Physique, torn. iii. 1816, p. 350; torn. iv. 1817, p. 128 ; torn. vi. 1817, p. 259 ; torn. xiii. 1820, p. 418). Poisson, in his Theorie mathematique de la Chaleur ( 196, p. 436, 200, p. 447, and 228, p. 521), attempts to give the numerical estimates of the stellar heat (chaleur stellaire} lost by absorption in the ether of the regions of space. * On the heating power of the stars, see Aristot. de Meteor, 42 COSMOS. a universally prevalent assumption, the stars appertained tc the region of the fiery ether, but because they were supposed to be themselves of a fiery nature 87 the fixed stars and the sun being, according to the doctrine of Aristarchus of Samos, of one and the same nature. In recent times, the observa- tions of the above-mentioned eminent French mathematicians, Fourier and Poisson, have been the means of directing attention to the average determination of the temperature of the regions of space; and the more strongly since the importance of such determinations on account of the radiation of heat from the earth's surface towards the vault of heaven, has at length been appreciated in their relation to all thermal conditions, and to the very habitability of our planet. According to Fourier's Analytic Theory of Heat, the temperature of celestial space (des espaces planetaires ou celestes) is rather below the mean temperature of the poles, or even perhaps below the lowest degree of cold hitherto observed in the polar regions. Fourier estimates it at from 58 to 76 (from 40 to 48 Reaum.). The icy pole (p6le glacial), or the point of the greatest cold, no. more corresponds with the terrestrial pole than does the thermal equator, which connects together the hottest points of all meridians with the geographical equator. Arago concludes, from the gradual decrease of mean temperatures, that the degree of cold at the northern ter- restrial pole is 13, if the maximum cold observed by Captain Back at Fort Reliance (62 46' lat.) in January, 1834, were actually 70 ( 56'6 Cent., or - 45-3 Reaum.). 28 The 1, 3, p. 340, lin. 28 ; and on the elevation of the atmospheric strata at which heat is at the minimum, consult Seneca in Nat. Quoest.,i\. 10 :" Superiora enim aeris caloremvicinorumsiderum scntiunt." 27 Plut. deplac. Philos., ii. 13. 28 Arago, Sur la temperature du Pole et des espaves celestes in the Awnuaire du Bureau des Long, pour 1825, p. 189, et POLES OF GREATEST COLD. 43 lowest temperature that, as far as we know, has as yet been observed on the earth, is probably that noted by Neveroff, at Jakutsk, (62 2' lat.) on the 21st of January, 1838. ^e in- struments used in this observation were compared with his own by MiddendorfF, whose operations were always conducted with extreme exactitude. Neveroff found the temperature on the day above named to be 76 (or 48 Reaum.). Among the many grounds of uncertainty in obtaining a nume- rical result for the thermal condition of the regions of space, must be reckoned that of our inability at present to ascertain the mean of the temperatures of the poles of greatest cold of the two hemispheres, owing to our insufficient acquaintance with the meteorology of the antarctic pole, from which the mean annual temperature must be determined. I attach but little pour 1834, p. 192; also Saigey, Physique du Globe, 1832, pp. 60-76. Swanberg found, from considerations on re- fraction, that the temperature of the regions of space was 58-5. Berzelius, Jahresbericht fur 1830, s. 54. Arago, from polar observations, fixed it at 70; and Pectet at 76. Saigey, by calculating the decrease of heat in the atmosphere, from 367 observations made by myself in the chain of the Andes and in Mexico, found it 85; and from thennome- trical measurements made at Mont Blanc, and during the aeronautic ascent of Gay-Lussac 107*2. Sir John Herschel (Edinburgh Review, vol. 87, 1848, p. 223) gives it at 132. We feel considerable surprise, and have our faith in the cor- rectness of the methods hitherto adopted somewhat shaken, when we find that Poisson, notwithstanding that the mean temperature of Melville Island (74 47' N. Lat.) is 1 66', gives the mean temperature of the regions of space at only 8'6, having obtained his data from purely theoretical pre- mises, according to which the regions of space are warmer than the outer limits of the atmosphere (see the work already referred to, 227, p. 520) ; while Pouillet states it, from actinometric experiments, to be as low as 223'6. See Comptes rendus de I 'Academic des Sciences, torn. vii. 1838, pp. 2 5-6o 44 COSMOS. physical probability to the hypothesis of Poisson, that the different regions of space must have a very various tempera- ture, owing to the unequal distribution of heat-radiating stars, and that the earth, during its motion with the whole solar system, receives its internal heat from without, while passing through hot and cold regions. 89 The question whether the thermal conditions of the celestial regions, and the climates of individual portions of space, have suffered important variations in the course of ages, de- pends mainly on the solution of a problem warmly discussed by Sir William Herschel : whether the nebulous masses are subjected to progressive processes of formation, while the cos- mical vapour is being condensed around one or more nuclei in accordance with the laws of attraction? By such a condensation of cosmieal vapour, heat must be liberated, as in every transition of gases and fluids into a state of solidifica- tion. 80 If, in accordance with the most recent views, and the important observations of Lord Rosse and Mr. Bond, we may assume that all nebula, including those which the highest power of optical instruments has hitherto failed in resolving, are closely crowded stellar swarms, our faith in this perpe- tually augmenting liberation of heat must necessarily be in some degree weakened. But even small consolidated cosmieal bodies which appear on the field of the telescope as distinguish- able, luminous points, may change their density by combining in larger masses ; and many phenomena presented by our own planetary system lead to the conclusion, that planets have been solidified from a state of vapour, and that their internal heat owes its origin to the formative process of conglomerated matter, 29 See Poisson, Thenrie Mathem. de la Chaleur, p. 438. According to him, the consolidation of the earth's strata began from the centre, and advanced gradually towards the surface; 193, p. 429. Compare also Cosmos, vol. i. p. 169. 80 Cosmos, vol. i. pp. 67, 134. TEMPERATURE OF SPACE. 45 It may at first sight seem hazardous to term the fearfully low temperature of the regions of space (which varies between the freezing point of mercury and that of spirits of wine) even indirectly beneficial to the habitable climates of the earth and to animal and vegetable life. But in proof of the accuracy of the expression, we need only refer to the action of the radiation of heat. The sun-warmed surface of our planet, as well as the atmosphere to its outermost strata, freely radiate heat into space. The loss of heat which they experience arises from the difference of tem- perature between the vault of heaven and the atmospheric strata, and from the feebleness of the counter-radiation. How enormous would be this loss of heat, 31 if the regions of space, instead of the temperature they now possess, and which we designate as 76 of a mercury thermometer, had a tempe- rature of about 1400 or even many thousand times lower! It still remains for us to consider two hypotheses in relation to the existence of a fluid filling the regions of space, of which 31 " Were there no atmosphere, a thermometer freely ex- posed (at sunset) to the heating influence of the earth's radia- tion, and the cooling power of its own into space, would indicate a medium temperature between that of the celestial spaces, (132 Fahr.) and that of the earth's surface below it, 82 Fahr., at the equator, 3|- Fahr., in the Polar Sea. Under the equator then it would stand, on the average, at 25 Fahr., and in the Polar Sea at 68 Fahr. The presence of the atmosphere tends to prevent the thermometer so ex- posed from attaining these extreme low temperatures : first, by imparting heat by conduction ; secondly, by impeding radiation outwards." Sir John Herschel, in the Edinburgh Eevieic, vol. 87, 1848, p. 222. " Si la chaleur des espaces planetaires n'existait point, notre atmosphere eprouverait un refroidissement, dont on ne peut fixer la limite. Probable - ment la vie des plantes et des ammaux serait impossible a la surface du globe, ou releguee dans une etroite zone de cette surface." (Saigey, Physique du Globe, p. 77.) 46 . COSMOS. one, the less firmly based hypothesis, refers to the limited transparency of the celestial regions ; and the other, founded on direct observation and yielding numerical results, is de- duced from the regularly shortened periods of revolution of Encke's comet. Olbers in Bremen, and, as Struve has ob- served, Loys de Cheseaux at Geneva, eighty years earlier 82 drew attention to the dilemma, that since we could not con- ceive any point in the infinite regions of space unoccupied by a fixed star, i. e. a sun, the entire vault of heaven must appear as luminous as our sun if light were transmitted to us in perfect intensity; or, if such be not the case, we must assume that light experiences a diminution of intensity in its passage through space, this diminution being more exces- sive than in the inverse ratio of the square of the dis- tance. As we do not observe the whole heavens to be almost uniformly illumined by such a radiance of light (a subject considered by Halley 33 in an hypothesis which he subse- quently rejected) the regions of space cannot, according to Cheseaux, Olbers, and Struve, possess perfect and absolute transparency. The results obtained by Sir William Herschel from gauging the stars, 34 and from his ingenious experi- ments on the space-penetrating power of his great telescopes, seem to show, that if the light of Sirius in its passage to us 32 Traite de la Comete de 1743, avec une Addition sur la force de la Lumiere et sa Propagation dans I' ether, et sur la distance des etoiles fixes ; par Loys de Cheseaux (1744). On the transparency of the regions of space, see Olbers, in Bode 's Jahrbuch fur 1826, s. 110-121 ; and Struve, Etudes d'Astr Stellaire, 1847, pp. 83-93, and note 95. Compare also Sir John Herschel, Outlines of Astronomy, 798, and Cosmos, vol. i. p. 142. 33 Halley, On, the Infinity of the Sphere of Fixed Stars, in the Philos. Transact., vol. xxxi. for the year 1720, pp. 22-26. M Cosmos, vol. i. p. 70. RESISTING MEDIUM. 47 through a gaseous or ethereal fluid loses only y^-g-th of its in- tensity, this assumption, which gives the amount of the density of a fluid capable of diminishing light, would suffice to explain the phenomena as they manifest themselves. Among the doubts advanced by the celebrated author of " The New Outlines of Astronomy," against the views of Olbers and Struve, one of the most important is that his twenty-feet telescope shows, throughout the greater portion of the Milky Way in both hemispheres, the smallest stars projected on a black ground. 35 A better proof, and one based, as we have already stated, upon direct observation of the existence of a resisting fluid, 36 is afforded by Encke's comet, and by the ingenious and im- portant conclusion to which my friend was led in his observa- tions on this body. This resisting medium, must, however, be regarded as different from the all-penetrating light-ether, be- cause the former is only capable of offering resistance inasmuch as it cannot penetrate through solid matter. These observa- tions require the assumption of a tangential force to explain the diminished period of revolution (the diminished major-axis of the ellipse), and this is most directly afforded by the hypothesis of a resisting fluid. 37 The greatest action is manifested during 35 "Throughout by far the larger portion of the extent of the Milky Way in both hemispheres, the general blackness of the ground of the heavens, on which its stars are projected .... In those regions where the zone is clearly resolved into stars, well separated, and seen projected on a black ground, and where we look out beyond them into space " Sir John Herschel, Outlines of Astr., pp. 537, 539. * Cosmos, vol. i. pp. 69, 70, 92 ; compare also Laplace, Essai Philosophique sur les Probabilites* 1825, p. 133 ; Arago in the Annuaire du Bureau des Lon^. pour 1832, p. 188, pour 1836, p. 216; and Sir John Herschel, Outlines of Astr., 5 77. * The oscillatory movement of the emanations from the head of some comets, as in that of 1 744, and in Halley's as 48 COSMOS. the twenty-five days immediately preceding and succeeding the comet's perihelion passage. The value of the constant is therefore somewhat different, because in the neighbour- hood of the sun the highly attenuated, but still gravitating strata of the resisting fluid, are denser. Olbers maintained 38 that this fluid could not be at rest, but must rotate directly round the sun ; and therefore the resistance offered to retro- grade comets, like Halley's, must differ wholly from that opposed to those comets having a direct course, like Encke's. The perturbations of comets having long periods of revolu- tion, and the difference of their magnitudes and sizes, com- plicate the results, and render it difficult to determine what is ascribable to individual forces. The gaseous matter constituting the belt of the Zodiacal light may, as Sir John Herschel 39 expresses it, be merely the denser portion of this comet-resisting medium. Although it may be shown that all nebulae are crowded stellar masses, indistinctly visible, it is certain that innumerable comets fill the regions of space with matter through the evaporation of their tails, some of which have a length of 56000000 of miles. observed by Bessel, between the 12th and 22nd of October, 1835, (Schumacher Astron. Nachr.,nos. 300, 302, 185, 232), " may, indeed, in the case of some individuals of this class of cosmical bodies, exert an influence on the translatory and rotatory motion, and lead us to infer the action of polar forces (201, 229,) which differ from the ordinary attracting force of the sun;" but the regular acceleration observable for sixty- three years in Encke's comet, (whose period of revolu- tion is 3-i- years), cannot be regarded as the result of in- cidental emanations. Compare on this cosmically important subject, Bessel in Schum. Astron. Nachr., no. 289, s. 6, and no. 310, s. 345-350, with Encke's Treatise on the hypothesis of the resisting medium, in Schum., no. 305, s. 265-274. 33 Olbers in Scnum. Astr. Nachr.. no. 268, s. 58. 89 Outlines of Astronomy, 556, 537. LIMIT OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 49 Arago has ingeniously shown, on optical grounds, 40 that the variable stars which always exhibit white light without any change of colour in their periodical phases, might afford a means of determining the superior limit of the density to be assumed for cosmical ether, if we suppose it to be equal to gaseous terrestrial fluids in its power of refraction. The question of the existence of an ethereal fluid filling the regions of space is closely connected with one warmly agitated by Wollaston, 41 in reference to the definite limit of the atmosphere, a limit which must necessarily exist at the elevation where the specific elasticity of the air is equi- poised by the force of gravity. Faraday's ingenious experi- ments on the limits of an atmosphere of mercury (that is, the elevation at which mercurial vapours precipitated on gold-leaf cease perceptibly to rise in an air-filled space) have given considerable weight to the assumption of a definite surface of the atmosphere " similar to the surface of the sea." Can any gaseous particles belonging to the region of space blend with our atmosphere and produce meteorological changes ? Newton ** inclined to the idea that ** " En assimilant la matiere ires rare qui remplit les espaces celestes quant a ses proprietes refringentes aux gas terrestres, la densite de cette matiere ne saurait depasser une certaine limite dont les observations des etoiles changeantes, p. e. celles d 1 Algol ou de ft de Persee, peuvent assigner la valeur" Arago in the Annuaire pour 1842, pp. 336-345. "On comparing the extremely rare matter occupying the regions of space with terrestrial gases, in respect to its refractive properties, we shall find that the density of this matter cannot exceed a definite limit, whose value may be obtained from observations of variable stars, as, for instance, Algol or ft Persei." 41 See Wollaston, Philos. Transact, for 1822, p. 89 ; Sir John Herschel, op. cit. 34, 36. M Newton, Princ. Mathem., t. iii. (1760) p. 671. "Vapores VOL. in. E 50 COSMOS. sucb might be the case. If we regard falling stars and meteoric stones as planetary asteroids, we may be allowed to conjecture that in the streams of the so-called November phenomena,* 3 when, as in 1799, 1833 and 1834, myriads of falling stars traversed the vault of heaven, and northern lights were simultaneously observed, our atmosphere may have re- ceived from the regions of space some elements foreign to'il, which were capable of exciting electro-magnetic processes. qui ex sole et stellis fixis et caudis cometarum oriuntur, inci- derepossunt in atmosphseras planetarum. ....." * Cosmos, vol. i. pp. 112, 124. 51 II. NATURAL AND TELESCOPIC VISION. SCINTILLATION OF THE STABS. VELOCITY OF LIGHT. RESULTS OF PHO- TOMETRY. THE increased power of vision yielded nearly two hundred and fifty years ago by the invention of the telescope, has afforded to the eye, as the organ of sensuous cosmical contemplation, the noblest of all aids towards a knowledge of the contents of space, and the investigation of the configuration, physical character, and masses of the planets and their satellites. The first telescope was constructed in 1608, seven years after the death of the great observer, Tycho Brahe. Its earliest fruits were the successive discovery of the satellites of Jupiter, the Sun's spots, the crescent-shape of Venus, the ring of Saturn as a triple planetary formation, (planeta tergeminus,) telescopic stellar swarms, and the nebula? in Andromeda. l In 1634, the French astronomer, Morin, eminent for his observa- tions on longitude, first conceived 'the idea of mounting a telescope on the index bar of an instrument of measurement, and seeking to discover Arcturus by day. 2 The perfection in 1 See Cosmos, vol. ii. pp. 699-718, with notes. 3 Delambre, Histoire de V Astronomic mcderne, torn. ii. pp. 255, 269, 272. Morin, in his work, Scientia Longitu- dinum, which appeared in 1634, writes as follows: Applicatio tubi optici ad alhidadam pro stellis fixis prompte et accurate mensurandis a me excogitata est. Picard had not, up to the year 1667, employed any telescope on the mural circle ; and Hevelius, when Halley visited him at Dantzic in 1679, and admired the precision of his measurement of altitudes, was observing through improved slits or openings. (Baily's CataL of Stars, p. 38.) 222 52 COSMOS. the graduation of the arc would have failed entirely, or to a considerable extent, in affording that greater precision of observation at which it aimed, if optical and astronomical instruments had not been brought into accord, and the cor- rectness of vision made to correspond with that of measure-, ment. The micrometer-application of fine threads stretched in the focus of the telescope, to which that instrument owes its real and invaluable importance, was first devised, six years afterwards (1640), by the young and talented Gascoigne. 8 While, as I have already observed, telescopic vision, obser- vation, and measurement, extend only over a period of about 240 years in the history of astronomical science, we find, without including the epoch of the Chaldeans, Egyptians, and Chinese, that more than nineteen centuries have intervened between the age of Timochares and Aristillus 4 and the dis- coveries of Galileo, during which period the position and course of the stars were observed by the eye alone, unaided by instru- ments. When we consider the numerous disturbances which during this prolonged period checked the advance of civiliza- tion, and the extension of the sphere of ideas among the nations inhabiting the basin of the Mediterranean, we are astonished that Hipparchus and Ptolemy should have been so well acquainted with the precession of the equinoxes, the com- plicated movements of the planets, the two principal inequa- lities of the moon, and the position of the stars ; that Coper- 8 The unfortunate Gascoigne, whose merits remained so long unacknowledged, lost his life, when scarcely twenty- three years of age, at the battle of Marston-Moor, fought by Cromwell against the royalists. See Derham in the Philos. Transact., vol. xxx. for 1717-1719, pp. 603-610. To him belongs the merit of a discovery which was long ascribed to Picard and Auzout, and which has given an impulse pre- viously unknown to practical astronomy, the principal objeat of which is to determine positions in the vault of heaven, 4 Cosmos, vol. ii. p. 544. DIOPTRIC TUBES. 58 nicus should have had so great a knowledge of the true system of the universe ; and that Tycho Brahe should have been so familiar with the methods of practical astronomy before the discovery of the telescope. Long tubes, which were certainly employed by Arabian astronomers, and very probably also by the Greeks and Romans, may indeed, in some degree, have increased the exactness of the observations by causing the object to be seen through diopters or slits. Abul-Hassan speaks very distinctly of tubes, to the extre- mities of which ocular and object diopters were attached; and instruments so constructed were used in the observatory founded by Hulagu at Meragha. If stars be more easily dis- covered during twilight by means of tubes, and if a star be sooner revealed to the naked eye through a tube than without it, the reason lies, as Arago has already observed, in the circumstance that the tube conceals a great portion of the disturbing light (rayons perturlateurs] diffused in the atmo- spheric strata between the star and the eye applied to the tube. In like manner, the tube prevents the lateral impression of the faint light which the particles of air receive at night from all the other stars in the firmament. The intensity of the image and the size of the star are apparently augmented. In a frequently emendated and much contested passage of Strabo, in which mention is made of looking through tubes, this " enlarged form of the stars" is expressly mentioned, and is erroneously ascribed to refraction. 6 * The passage in which Strabo (lib. iii. p. 138, Casaub.) attempts to refute the views of Posidonius is given as follows, according to the manuscripts : " The image of the sun is enlarged on the seas at its rising as well as at its setting, because at these times a larger mass of exhalations rises from the humid element ; and the eye, looking through these exha- lations, sees images refracted into larger forms, as observed trough tubes. The same thing happens when the setting 54 COSMOS. Light, from whatever source it comes, whether from the sun, as solar light, or reflected from the planets ; from the fixed stars ; from putrescent wood ; or as the product of the vital activity of glow-worms, always exhibits the same con- sun or moon is seen through a dry and thin cloud, when those bodies likewise appear reddish." This passage has re- cently been pronounced corrupt (see Kramer, in Strabonis Geogr. 1844, vol. i. p. 211), and dl vd\a>v (through glass spheres) sub- stituted for dlai>Xu>i> (Schneider, Eclog. phys., vol. ii. p. 273). The magnifying power of hollow glass spheres, filled with water (Seneca, i, 6), was, indeed, as familiar to the ancients as the action of burning glasses or crystals (Aristoph. Nub., v. 765), and that of Nero's emerald (Plin., xxxvii. 5) ; but these spheres most assuredly could not have been employed as astronomical measuring instruments. (Compare Cosmos, vol. i. p. 619, and note J.) Solar altitudes, taken through thin light clouds, or through volcanic vapours, exhibit no trace of the influence of refraction. (Humboldt, Recueil d'Ob- serv. astr., vol. i. p. 123.) Colonel Baeyer observed no angular deviation in the heliotrope light on the passage of streaks of mist, or even from artificially developed vapours, and therefore fully confirms Arago's experiments. Peters, at Pulkowa, in no case found a difference of 0"'017 on com- paring groups of stellar altitudes, measured in a clear sky, and through light clouds. See his Recherches sur la Parallaxe des Etoiles, 1848, pp. 80, 140-143; also Struve's Etudes Stel- laires, p. 98. On the appli cation of tubes for astronomical observation in Arabian instruments, see Jourdain, Sur V Ob- wrvatoire de Meragha, p. 27 ; and A. Sedillot, Mem. sur les Instruments astronomiques des Arabes, 1841, p. 198. Arabian astronomers have also the merit of having first employed large gnomons with small circular apertures. In the colossal sextant of Abu Mohammed al-Chokandi, the limb, which was divided into intervals of five minutes, received the image of the sun. " A midi les rayons du soleil passaient par une ouver- ture pratique dans la voute de 1'observatoire qui couvrait 1'in- strument, suivant le tuyau, et formaient sur la concavite du sextant une image circulaire, dont le centre donnait, sur 1'arc gradue, le complement de la hauteur du soleil. Get instru- PRISMATIC SPECTRA. 55 ditions of refraction.* But the prismatic spectra yielded ry different sources of light (as the sun and the fixed stars) exhibit a difference in the position of the dark lines (rates du spectre] which Wollaston first discovered in 1808, and the posi- tion of which was twelve years afterwards so accurately deter- mined by Fraunhofer. While the latter observer counted 600 dark lines (breaks or interruptions in the coloured spectrum), Sir David Brewster, by his admirable experiments with nitric oxide, succeeded, in 1833, in counting more than 2000 lines. It had been remarked that certain lines failed in the spec- trum at some seasons of the year; but Sir David Brewster ment differe de notre mural, qu'en ce qu'il etait garni d'un simple tuyau au lieu d'une lunette." " At noon, the rays of the sun passed through an opening in the dome of the observa- tory, above the instrument, and following the tube formed in the concavity of the sextant a circular image, the centre of which marked the sun's altitude on the graduated limb. This instrument in no way differed from our mural circle, excepting that it was furnished with a mere tube instead of a telescope"." Sedillot, pp. 37, 202, 205. Dioptric rulers (pin- nuld] were used by the Greeks and Arabs in determining the moon's diameter, and were constructed in such a manner, that the circular aperture in the moving object diopter was larger than that of the fixed ocular diopter, and was drawn out until the lunar disc, seen through the ocular aperture, completely filled the object aperture. Delambre, Hist, de V Astron. du moyen age, p. 201; and Sedillot, p. 198. The adjustment of the dioptric rulers of Archimedes, with round apertures or slits, in which the direction of the shadows of two small cylinders attached to the same index bar was noted, seems to have been originally introduced by Hipparchus. (Baily, Hist, de VAstron. mod., 2nd ed. 1785, torn. i. p. 480.) Compare also, Theon Alexandria, Bas., 1538, pp. 257, 262 ; Les Hypotyp. de Proclus Diadochus ed. Halma, 1820, pp. 107, 110; and Ptolevr* Almag., ed. Halma, torn. i. Par. 1813, p. Ivii. 6 According to Arago ; see Moigno, Repert. d' Opkque mo derne, 1847, p. 153. 56 COSMOS, has shown that this phenomenon is owing to different altitudes of the sun, and to the different absorption of the rays of light in their passage through the atmosphere. In the spectra ol the light reflected from the moon, from Venus, Mars, and the clouds, we recognize, as might be anticipated, all the pecu- liarities of the solar spectrum ; but on the other hand, the dark lines in the spectrum of Sirius differ from those ol Castor, and the other fixed stars. Castor likewise exhibits different lines from Pollux and Procyon. Amici has con- firmed this difference, which was first indicated by Fraunhofer, and has ingeniously called attention to the fact that in fixed stars which now have an equal and perfectly white light the dark lines are not the same. A wide and important field is thus still open to future investigations, 7 for we have yet to distinguish between that which has been determined with certainty, and that which is merely accidental and depending on the absorbing action of the atmospheric strata. We must here refer to another phenomenon, which is powerfully influenced by the specific character of the source of light. The light of incandescent solid bodies, and the light of the electric spark, exhibit great diversity in the number and position of Wollaston's dark lines. From Wheat- stone's remarkable experiments with revolving mirrors it would appear that the light of factional electricity has a greater velocity than solar light, in the ratio of 3 to 2 ; that is to say, a velocity of 95908 miles in one second. The stimulus infused into all departments of optical science by the important discovery of polarisation, 8 to which the in- -enious Malus was led in 1808, by a casual observation of the 7 On the relation of the dark lines of the solar spectrum in the Daguerreotype, see Comptes rendus des seances de I'Aca- demiedes Sciences, torn. xiv. 1842, pp. 902-904, and torn. xvi. 1843, pp. 402-407. 6 Cosmos, vol. ii. p. 715. POLARISATION OF LIGHT. 57 light of the setting sun, reflected from the windows of the Palais du Luxembourg, has afforded unexpected results to science by the more thorough investigation of the phenomena of double re- fraction, of ordinary (Huygens's) and of chromatic polarisation, of interference, and of diffraction of light. Among these results, may be reckoned the means of distinguishing between direct and reflected light,* the power of penetrating, as it were, into the constitution of the body of the sun and of its luminous envelopes, 10 of measuring the pressure of atmospheric strata, 'Arago's investigation of cometary light may here be adduced as an instance of the important difference between proper and reflected light. The formation of the comple- mentary colours, red and green, showed by the application of his discovery (in 1811) of chromatic polarisation, that the light of Halley's Comet (1835) contained reflected solar light. I was myself present at the earlier experiments for comparing, by means of the equal and unequal intensity of the images in the polariscope, the proper light of Capella with the splendid Comet, as it suddenly emerged from the rays of the sun at the beginning of July, 1819. (See Annuaire du Bureau des Long, pour 1836, p. 232; Cosmos, vol. i. p. 90; and Bessel in Schumacher's Jahrbuchfur 1837, 169.) 10 Lettre de M. Arago d M. Alexandre de Humboldt, 1 840, p. 37 : " A 1'aide d'un polariscope de mon invention, je reconnus (avant 1820) que la lumiere de tous les corps ter- restres incandescents, solides ou liquides, est de la lumiere naturelle, tant qu'elle emane du corps sous des incidences per- pendiculaires. La lumiere, au contraire, qui sort de la surface incandescente sous un angle aigu, offre des marques manifestes de polarisation. Je ne nvarrete pas a te rappeler ici, comment je deduisis de ce fait la consequence curieuse que la lumiere ne s'engendre pas seulement a la surface des corps ; qu'une portion nait dans leur substance meme, cette substance fut- elle du platine. J'ai seulement besoin de dire qu'en repetant la meme serie d'epreuves, et avec les memes instruments sur la lumiere que lance une substance gazeuse enflammee, on ne lui trouve, sous quelque inclinaison que ce soit, aucun des caracteres de la lumiere polar isee ; que la lumiere des gaz, prise a la 58 COSMOS. and even the smallest amount of water they contain, of scrutinizing the depths of the ocean and its rocks by means of sortie de la surface, est de la lumiere naturelle, ce qui n'empeche pas qu'elle ne se polarise ensuite completement si on la soumet a des reflexions ou a des refractions conven- ables. De la une methode tres simple pour decouvrir a 40 millions de lieues de distance la nature du soleil. La lumiere provenant du lord de cet astre. la lumiere emanee de la matiere solaire sous un angle aigu, et nous arrivant sans avoir eprouve en route des reflexions ou des refractions sensibles, offre-t-elle des traces de polarisation, le soleil est un corps solide ou liquide. S'il n'y a, au contraire, aucun in dice de polarisation dans la lumiere du bord, la partie incandescente du soleil est gazeuse. (Test par cet enchainement methodique d' observations qu'on peut arriver a des notions exactes sur la constitution physique du soleil." "By the aid of my polariscope I discovered (before 1820) that the light of all terrestrial objects in a state of incandescence, whether they be solid or liquid, is natural as long as it emanates from the object in perpendicular rays. The light emanating from an incandescent surface at an acute angle presents on the other hand manifest proofs of polarisation. I will not pause to remind you that this circumstance has led me to the remarkable conclusion that light is not generated on the surface of bodies only, but that some portion is actually engendered within the substance itself, even in the case of platinum. I need only here observe, that in repeating the same series of experiments (and with the same instruments) on the light emanating from a burning gaseous substance, I could not discover any characteristics of polarised light, whatever might be the angle at which it emanated ; and I found that the light of gaseous bodies is natural light when it issues from the burning surface, although this circumstance does not prevent its subsequent complete polarisation, if subjected to suitable re- flections or refractions. Hence we obtain a most simple method of discovering the nature of the sun at a distance of 40 millions of leagues. For if the light emanating from the margin of the sun, and radiating from the solar substance at an acute angle, reach us without having experienced any sensible reflections or refractions in its passage to the earth, and if it offer traces POLARISATION OF LIGHT. 59 a tourmaline plate, 11 and, in accordance with Newton's pre- diction, of comparing the chemical composition 1 * of seve- ral substances" with their optical effects. It will be suffi- of polarisation the sun must be a solid or a liquid body. But if on the contrary the light emanating from the sun's margin give no indications of polarisation, the incandescent portion of the sun must be gaseous. It is by means of such a method- ical sequence of observations that we may acquire exact ideas regarding the physical constitution of the sun." (On the Envelopes of the Sun, see Arago, in the Annuaire pour 1846, p. 464.) I give all the circumstantial optical disquisitions which I have borrowed from the manuscript or printed works of my friend, in his own words, in order to avoid the misconceptions to which the variations of scientific terminology might give rise in re-translating the passages into French, or any other of the various languages in which the Cosmos has appeared. 11 " Sur 1'effet d'une lame de tourmaline taillee parallelement aux aretes du prisme servant, lorsqu'elle est convenablemeut situee, a eliminer en totalite les rayons reflechis par la surface de la mer et meles a la lumiere provenant de 1'ecueil." " On the effect of a tourmaline plate cut parallel to the edges of the prism, in concentrating (when placed in a suitable position) all the rays of light reflected by the surface of the sea, and blended with the light emanating from the sunken rocks." See Arago, Instructions de la Bonite, in the Annuaire pour 1836, pp. 339-343. 12 ' De la possibility de determiner les pouvoirs refringents des corps d'apres leur composition chimique." On the possibility of determining the refracting powers of bodies according to their chemical composition (applied to the ratio of the oxygen to the nitrogen in atmospheric air, to the quantity of hydrogen con- tained in ammonia and in water, to carbonic acid, alcohol anrnier, light moves more rapidly through water than through while, according to the latter, it moves more rapidly rough air than through water. (Compare also Comptes rendus ir 1850, t. xxx. pp. 489-495, 556.) i 2 116 COSMO?. 'n-icity, recently conducted in the United States by Walker during the course of his electro-telegraphic determinations of the terrestrial longitudes of Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and Cambridge. According to Steinheil's description of these experiments, the astronomical clock of the Observatory at Philadelphia was brought to correspond so perfectly with Morse's writing apparatus on the telegraphic line, that this clock marked its own course by points on the endless paper fillets of the apparatus. The electric telegraph instantaneously conveys each of these clock times to the other stations, indi- cating to these the Philadelphia time by a succession of similar points on the advancing paper fillets. In this manner arbitrary signs, or the instant of a star's transit, may be similarly noted down at the station by a mere movement of the observer's finger on the stop. " The special advantage of the American method consists," as Steinheil observes, " in its rendering the determi- nation of time independent of the combination of the two senses, sight and hearing, as the clock notes its OWQ course, and indicates the instant of a star's transit (with a mean error, according to Walker's assertion, of only the 70th part of a second.) A constant difference between the compared clock times at Phila- delphia and at Cambridge is dependent upon the time occupied by the electric current in twice traversing the closed circle between the two stations." Eighteen equations of condition, from measurements made on conducting wires of 1050 miles, gave for the velocity of transmission of the hydro-galvanic current 18700 miles, 57 57 Steinheil in Schumacher's Astr. Nachr., no. 679 (1849), s. 97-100; Walker in the Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society, vol. v. p. 128. (Compare earlier propositions of Pouillet in the Comptes rendus, t. xix. p. 1386.) The more recent ingenious experiments of Mitchel, Director of the Obser- vatory at Cincinnati (Gould's Astron. Journal, Dec. 1849, p. 3, On the velocity of the electric wave], and the investigations of VELOCITY OF ELECTRICITY. 11' which is fifteen times less than that of the electric current in Wheatstone's rotatory discs. As in Walker's remarkable expe- riments two wires were not used, but half of the conduction, to use a conventional mode of expression, passed through the moist earth, we should seem to be justified in concluding that tho velocity of the transmission of electricity depends upon the nature as well as the dimensions 68 of the medium. Bad conductors in the voltaic circuit become more powerfully heated than good conductors; and the experiments lately made by Riess" show that electric discharges are phenomena of a very various and complicated nature. The views prevailing at the present day regarding what is usually termed " connection through the earth" are opposed to the hypothesis of 'linear, molecular conduction between the extremities of the wires, and to the conjectures of the impediments to conduction, of accumulation, and disruption in a current; since what was formerly regarded as intermediate conduction in the earth is now conjectured to belong exclusively to an equalisation or restoration of the electric tension. Although it appears probable, from the extent of accuracy Fizeau and Gounelle at Paris, in April, 1850, differ both from Wheatstone's and Walker's results. The experiments recorded in the Comptes rendus, t. xxx. p. 439, exhibit striking differ- ences between iron and copper as conducting media. 88 See Poggendorff" s Annalen, bd. Ixxiii. 1848, s. 337, and Pouillet, Comptes rendus, t. xxx. p. 501. 69 Riess, \nPoggend. Ann., bd. 78, s. 433. On the non-con- duction of the intermediate earth see the important experiments of Guilleinin Sur le courant dans une pile isolee et sans commu- nication entre les p6les in the Comptes rendus, t. xxix. p. 521. " Quand on remplace un fil par la terre, dans les telegrapher electriques, la terre sert plutot de reservoir commun, que de moyen d'umon entre les deux extremites du fil." " When the earth is substituted for half the circuit in the electric tele- graph, it serves rather as a common reservoir than as a means of connexion between the two extremities of the wire," 118 COSMOS. at present attainable in this kind of observation, that the constant of aberration, and consequently the velocity of light, is the same for all fixed stars, the question has frequently been mooted, whether it be not possible that there are luminous cosmical bodies, whose light does not reach us, in conse- quence of the particles of air being turned back by the force of gravitation exercised by the enormous masses of these bodies. The theory of emission gives a scientific form to these imagi- native speculations. 60 I here only refer to such views because it will be necessary in the sequel that we should consider certain 00 M'adler, Astr., s. 380; also Laplace according to Moigno, Repertoire d" Optique moderne, 1847, t. i. p. 72. " Selon la theorie de 1'emission on croit pouvoir demontrer que si le diametre d'une etoile fixe serait 250 fois plus grand que celui du soleil, sa densite restant la meme, 1'attraction exercee a sa surface detruirait la quantite de mouvement, de la molecule lumineuse emise, de sorte qu'elle serait invisible a de grandes distances." " It seems demonstrable by the theory of emission that if the diameter of a fixed star be 250 times greater than that of the sun its density remaining the same the attraction exercised on the surface would destroy the amount of motion emitted from the luminous molecule ; so that it would be in- visible at great distances." If, with Sir William Herschel, we ascribe to Arcturus an apparent diameter of 0"'l, it follows that the true diameter of this star is only eleven times greater than that of our sun. (Cosmo*, vol. i. p. 138.) From the above considerations on one of the causes of non-luminosity the velocity of light must be very different in cosmical bodies of different dimensions. This has, however, by no means been confirmed by the observations hitherto made. Arago says in the Comptes rendus, t. viii. p. 326, " Les experiences sur 1'egale deviation prismatique des etoiles, vers lesquelles la terre inarche ou dont elle s'eloigne, rend compte de 1'egalite de vitesse apparente de toutes les etoiles." " Experiments made on the equal prismatic deviation of the stars towards which the earth is moving, and from which it is receding, explain the apparent equality of velocity in the rays of all the stars." STELLAK LIGHT. 119 peculiarities of motion ascribed to Procyon, which appeared to indicate a disturbance from dark cosmical bodies. It is the object of the present portion of this work to notice the different directions to which scientific inquiry had inclined, at the period of its composition and publication, and thus to indicate the individual character of an epoch in the sidereal as well as the telluric sphere. The photometric relations (relations of brightness) of the self-luminous bodies with which the regions of space are filled, have for more than two thousand years been an object of scientific observation and inquiry. The description of the starry firmanent did not only embrace determinations of places, the relative distances of luminous cosmical bodies from one another and from the circles depending on the apparent course of the sun and on the diurnal movement of the vault of heaven ; but it also considered the relative intensity of the light of the stars. The earliest attention of mankind was undoubtedly directed to this latter point ; individual stars having received names before they were arranged with others into groups and constellations. Among the wild tribes inhabiting the densely wooded regions of the Upper Orinoco and the Atabapo, where from the impenetrable nature of the vegetation I could only observe high culminating stars for determinations of latitude, I frequently found that certain individuals, more especially old men, had designations for Canopus, Achernar, the feet of the Centaur and a in the Southern Cross. If the catalogue of the constellations known as the Catasterisms of Eratosthenes, can lay claim to the great antiquity so long ascribed to it, (between Autolycus of Pitane and Timocharis, and therefor nearly a century and a half before the time of Hipparchus,) we possess in the astronomy of the Greeks a limit for the period when the fixed stars had not yet been arranged according to their relative magnitudes. In' the emuneration of the stars belonging to each constellation, as given in the Catasterisms^ 120 COSMOS. frequent reference is made to the number of the largest and most luminous or of the dark and less easily recognized stars ;* 1 but we find no relative comparison of the stars contained in the different constellations. The Catasterisms are, according to Bernhardy, Baehr, and Letronne, more than two hundred years less ancient than the catalogue of Hipparchus, and are besides a careless compilation and a mere extract from the Poeticum Astronomicum (ascribed to Julius Hyginus), if not from the poem c Ep/*77? of the older Eratosthenes. The catalogue of Hipparchus, which we possess in the form given to it in the Almagest, contains the earliest and most important determination of classes of magnitude (gradations of brightness) of 1022 stars, and therefore of about th of all the stars in the firmament visible to the naked eye, and ranging from the 1st to the 6th magnitude inclusive. It remains undetermined whether these estimates are all due to Hipparchus, or whether they do not rather appertain in part to the observations of Timocharis or Aristyllus, which Hipparchus frequently used. This work constituted the important basis on which was established the science of the Arabs and of the astronomers of the middle ages : the practice, transmitted to the nine- teenth century, of limiting the number of stars of the first magnitude to 15 (although Madler counts 18, and Rumker after a more careful observation of the southern celestial hemisphere upwards of 20) takes its origin from the classifi- cation of the Almagest, as given at the close of the table of stars in the eighth book. Ptolemy, referring to natural vision, called all stars dark which were fainter than those of his 6th class ; and of this class, he singularly enough only instances 41 Eratosthenes, Catasterismi, ed. Schaubach, 1795, and E~a(osthenica, ed. G. Bernhardy, 1822, p. 110-116. A distinction is made between stars \ap.7rpoi>s (/ieyaXovs) and aviavpovs (cap. 2, 11, 41-). Ptolemy also limits ot dpopfparoi *o those stars which do not regularly belong to a constellation. MAGNITUDES OF STARS. 121 49 stars distributed almost equally over both hemispheres. Considering that the catalogue enumerates about one-fifth of all the fixed stars visible to the naked eye, it should, according to Argelander's investigations, have given 640 stars of the 6th magnitude. The nebulous stars (i/ev rots), the order of magnitudes, although referring only to lustre, led, as early as the ninth century, to hypotheses on the diameters of stars of different brightness : ** as if the intensity of light did not depend on the distance, volume, and mass, as also on the peculiar character of the surface of a cosmical body in. more or less favouring the process of light. At the period of the Mongolian supremacy, when, in the fifteenth century, astronomy flourished at Samarcand, undei Tiniur Ulugh Beig, photometric determinations were facilitated by the subdivision of each of the six classes of Hipparchus and Ptolemy into three subordinate groups ; distinctions, for example, being drawn between the small, intermediate, and 62 Ptol. Almag. ed. Halma, torn. ii. p. 40, and in Eratosth. Catast., cap. 22, p. 18. q &' KetyaXr) KCU 17 apm} avcnrros opera;, 8ta 8e V(frf\z> to the determination of magnitudes. (Cod. Paris, no. 2389.) Tycho expressed this increase or diminution by points. 66 Sir John Herschel, Outlines of Ast~., pp. 520-27. PHOTOMETIUC METHODS. 123 Steinheil and Sir John Herschel. It will be sufficient for the object of this work briefly to indicate the different methods. These were a comparison of the shadows of artificial lights, diifering in numbers and distance ; diaphragms ; plane glasses of different thickness and colour ; artificial stars formed by reflection on glass spheres ; the juxta-position of two seven-feet telescopes, separated by a distance which the observer could pass in about a second ; reflecting instruments in which two stars can be simultaneously seen and compared, when the tele- scope has been so adjusted that the star directly observed gives two images of like intensity ; OT an apparatus having, (in front 57 This is the application of reflecting sextants to the determination of the intensity of stellar light; of this instru- ment I made greater use when in the tropics than of the diaphragms recommended to me by Borda. I began my in- vestigation under the clear skies of Cumana, and continued them subsequently till 1803, but under less favourable con- ditions, on the elevated plateaux of the Andes, and on the coasts of the Pacific, near Guayaquil. I had formed an arbi- trary scale in which I marked Sirius, as the brightest of all the fixed stars, equal to 100 ; the stars of the first magnitude between 100 and 80, those of the second magnitude between 80 and 60, of the third between 60 and 45, of the fourth between 45 and 30, and those of the fifth between 30 and 20. I especially measured the constellations of Argo and Grus, in which I thought I had observed alterations since the time of Lacaille. It seemed to me after a careful combination of magnitudes, using other stars as intermediate gradations, that Sirius was as much brighter than Canopus, as a Centauri than Achernar. My numbers cannot, on account of the above mentioned mode of classification, be compared directly with those which Sir John Herschel made public as early as 1838. (See my Recueil d'Observ. astr., vol. i. p. Ixxi., and Relat. hist, du Voyage aux Regions equin.^ t. i. pp. 518 and 624; also Lettre de M. de Humboldt a M. Schumacher en Fevr. 1839, in the Astr. Nachr., no. 374.) In this letter I wrote as follows: "M. Arago, qui possede des moyens photometriques entiere- ment differents de ceux qui out ete publics jusqu'ici, m'avait rassurc sur la partie des erreurs qui pouvaient provenir du 124 COSMOS. of the object-glass,) a mirror and diaphragms, whose rota- tion is measured on a ring; telescopes with divided object- glasses, on either half of which the stellar light is received through a prism ; astrometers** in which a prism reflects the changement d'inclinaison d'un miroir entame sur la face in- terieure. II blame d'ailleurs le principe de ma methode et le regarde comme peu susceptible de perfectionnement, non seule- ment a cause de la difference des angles entre 1'etoile vue directement et celle qui est amenee par reflexion, mais surtout parceque le resultat de la mesure d'intensite depend de la partie de 1'ceil qui se trouve en face de Toculuire. II y a erreur lorsque la pupille n'est pas tres exactement a la hauteur de la limite inferieure de la portion non entamee du petit miroir." " M. Arago, who possesses photometric data, differing entirely from those hitherto published, had instructed me in reference to those errors which might arise from a change of inclination of a mirror silvered on its inner surface. He moreover blames the principle of my method, and regards it as little susceptible of correctness, not only on account of the difference of angles between the star seen directly and by reflection ; but espe- cially because the result of the amount of intensity depends on the part of the eye opposite to the ocular glass. There will be an error in the observations when the pupil is not exactly adjusted to the elevation of the lower limit of the un- plated part of the small mirror." & Compare Steinheil, Elements der Helligkeits-Messungen am Sternenhimmel, Munchen 1836, (Schum. Astr. Nachr. no. 609,) and Sir J. Herschel, Results of Astronomical Observations made during the years 1834-1838 at the Cape of Good Hope (Lond. 1847), pp. 353-357. Seidel attempted in 1846 to determine by means of Steinheil' s photometer the quantities of light of several stars of the first magnitude, which attain the requisite legree of latitude in our northern latitudes. Assuming Vegt tobe = l, he finds for Sirius 5-13; for Rigel, whose lustn appears to be on the increase, 1'30 ; for Arcturus 0'84 ; for Ca- pella 0-83 ; for Procyon 0'71 ; for Spica 0'49 ; for Atair 0'40 ; for Aldebaran 0'36 ; for Deneb 0'35 ; for Regulus 0*34 ; for Pollux 0-30 ; he does not give the intensity of the light of Betelgeuze, on account of its being a variable star, as was parti- cularly manifested between 1 836 and 1839. ( Outlines, p. 523.) PHOTOXETBY. 125 image of the moon or of Jupiter, and concentrates it through a lens at different distances into a star more or less bright. Sir John Herschel, who has been more zealously engaged than any other astronomer of modern times in making numerical determinations in both hemispheres of the intensity of light, confesses that the practical application of exact photometric methods must still be regarded as a " desideratum in astronomy," and that "photometry is yet in its infancy." The increasing interest taken in variable stars, and the recent celestial phe- nomenon of the extraordinary increase of light exhibited in the year 1837 in a star of the constellation Argo, has made astronomers more sensible of the importance of obtaining certain determinations of light. It is essential to distinguish between the mere arrangement of stars according to their lustre, without numerical estimates of the intensity of light (an arrangement adopted by Sir John Herschel in his Manual of Scientific Enquiry prepared for the use of the Navy\ and classifications in which intensity of light is expressed by numbers, under the form of so-called relations of magnitude, or by more hazardous estimates of the quantities of radiated light.* 9 The first numerical scale, based on estimates calculated with the naked eye, but im- 69 Compare for the numerical data of the photometric results 4 tables of Sir John Herschel' sAstr. Obs. at the Cape, a) p. 341 ; tO pp. 367-371; c) p. 440; and d) in his Outlines ofAstr.,pp. 522 -525, 645-646. For a mere arrangement without numbers see the Manual of Scientific Enquiry prepared for the use of the Navy, 1849, p. 12. In order to improve the old conventional mode of classing the stars according to magnitudes, a scale of photometric magnitudes consisting in the addition of 0'41, as explained more in detail in Astr. Obs. at the Cape, p. 370, has been added to the vulgar scale of magnitudes in the Outlines of Astronomy, p. 645, and these scales are subjoined to this portion of the present work, together with a list of northern and southern stars. 123 COSMOS. proved by an ingenious elaboration of the materials 70 probably deserves the preference over any other approximative method practicable in the present imperfect condition of photometrical instruments, however much the exactness of the estimates must be endangered by the varying powers of individual ob- servers the serenity of the atmosphere the different altitudes of widely distant stars, which can only be compared by means of numerous intermediate stellar bodies and above all by the unequal colour of the light. Very brilliant stars of the 1st magnitude, such as Sirius and Canopus, Centauri and Achernar, Deneb and Vega, on account of their white light, admit far less readily of comparison by the naked eye than fainter stars below the 6th and 7th magnitudes. Such a comparison is even more difficult when we attempt to contrast yellow stars of intense light, like Procyon, Capella, or Atair, with red ones, like Aldebaran, Arcturus, and Betel- geux. 71 Sir John Herschel has endeavoured to determine the rela- tion between the intensity of solar light, and that of a star of the 1st magnitude by a photometric comparison of the moon with the double-star a Centauri of the southern hemisphere, which is the third in brightness of all the stars. He thus fulfilled (as had been already done by Wollaston) a wish expressed by John Michell 72 as early as 1767. Sir John Herschel found from the mean of eleven measurements con- ducted with a prismatic apparatus; that j the full moon was 27408 times brighter than Centauri. According to Wol- laston the light of the sun is 801072 times brighter than 70 Argelander, Durchmusterung des riordl. Himmels zwi- schen 45 und 80 Decl. 1846, s. xxiv.-xxvi.; Sir John Herschel, Astr. Observ. at the Cape of Good Hope, pp. 327 340, 365. 71 Op. cit., p. 304, and Outl., p. 522. n Philos. Transact., vol. Ivii. for the year 1767, p. 234. PHOTOMETRY. 127 the full moon ; whence it follows that the light transmitted to us from the sun is to the light which we receive from a Centauri as 22000 millions to 1. It seems therefore very pro- bable, when, in accordance with its parallax, we take into account the distance of the star, that its (absolute) proper luminosity exceeds that of our sun by 2^- times. Wollaston found the brightness of Sirius 20000 million times fainter than that of the sun. From what we at present believe to be the parallax of Sirius (0"-230) its actual (absolute) intensity of light exceeds that of the sun 63 times. 7 * Our sun there- fore belongs, in reference to the intensity of its process of light, to the fainter fixed stars. Sir John Herschel esti- 73 Wollaston, in the Philos. Transact, for 1829, p. 27. Herschel' s Outlines, p. 553. Wollaston's comparison of the light of the sun with that of the moon was made in 1799, and was based on observations of the shadows thrown by lighted wax tapers, while in the experiments made on Sirius in 1826 and 1827, images reflected from thermometer bulbs were em- ployed. The earlier data of the intensity of the sun's light, compared with that of the moon, differ widely from the results here given. They were deduced by Michelo and Euler, from theoretical grounds at 450000 and 374000, and by Bouguer, from measurements of the shadows of the light of wax tapers, at only 300000. Lambert assumes Venus, in her greatest inten- sity of light, to be 3000 times fainter than the full moon. Ac- cording to Steinheil, the sun must be 3286500 times further removed from the earth than it is, in order to appear, like Aro turus, to the inhabitants of our planet (Struve, Stellarum Com- positarum Mensura Micrometricce, p. clxiii.) ; and according to Sir John Herschel the light of Arcturus exhibits only half the intensity of Caiiopus ; (Herschel, Observ. at the Cape, p. 34.) All these conditions of intensity, more especially the impor- tant comparison of the brightness of the sun, the full moon, and of the ash-coloured light of our satellite which varies so greatly according to the different positions of the earth considered as a reflecting body, deserve further and serious investigation. 74 Outl. ofAstr., p. 553 ; Astr. Observ. at the Co/?e,p. 363, 128 COSMOS. mates the intensity of the light of Sirius to be equal to the light of nearly two hundred stars of the 6th magnitude. Since it is very probable, from analogy with the experiments already made, that all cosmical bodies are subject tp variations both in their movements through space and in the intensity of their light, although such variations may occur at very long and undetermined periods, it is obvious, considering the de- pendence of all organic life on the sun's temperature and on the intensity of its light, that the perfection of photo- metry constitutes a great and important subject for scientific inquiry. Such an improved condition of our knowledge can render it alone possible to transmit to future generations numerical determinations of the photometric condition of the firmament. By these means we shall be enabled to explain numerous geognostic phenomena relating to the thermal history of our atmosphere, and to the earlier distribution of plants and animals. Such considerations did not escape the in- quiring mind of William Herschel, who, more than half a century ago, before the close connection between electricity and magnetism had been discovered, compared the ever luminous cloud-envelopes of the sun's body with the polar light of our own terrestrial planet, 7 * Arago has ascertained that the most certain method for the direct measurement of the intensit of light consists in observing the complementary condition of the coloured rings seen by trans- mission and reflection. I subjoin in a note, 76 in his own words, 76 William Herschel On the nature of the sun and fixed stars in the Philos. Transact, for 1795, p. 62; and On the changes that happen to the fixed stars in the Philos. Transact, for 1796, p. 186. Compare also Sir John Herschel, Observ. at the Cape, pp. 350-352. 76 Extract of a Letter from M. Arago to M. de Humloldt, May, 1850. Mesures photometriques. ** 11 n'existe pas de Photometre proprement dit, c'est-a-dire PHOTOMETRY. 129 the results of ray friend's photometric 'method, to winch he has added an account of the optical principle on which his cyanorneter is based. The so-called relations of the magnitude of the fixed stars, as d'instrument donnant 1'intensite d'une lumie're isolee ; le Pho- tometre de Leslie, a 1'aide duquel il avait eu Taudace de vouloir comparer la lumiere de la lune a la lumiere du soleil, par des actions calorifiques, est completement defectueux. J'ai prouve, en eflet, que ce pretendu Photometre monte quand on 1' expose a la lumiere du soleil, qu'il descend sous 1'action de la lumiere du feu ordinaire, et qu'il reste completement stationnaire lorsqu il regoit la lumiere d'une lampe d'Argand. Tout ce qu'on a pu faire jusqu'ici, c'est de comparer entr'elles deux lumieres en presence, et cette comparaison n'est meme a 1'abri de toute objection que lorsqu'on ramene ces deux lumieres a 1'egalite par un affaiblissement graduel de la lumiere la plus forte. C'est comme criterium de cette egalite que j'ai employe les anneaux colores. Si on place 1'une sur 1'autre deux lentilles d'un long foyer, il se forme autour de leur point de contact des amieaux colores tant par voie de reflexion que par voie de transmission. Les anneaux reflechis sont com- plementaires en couleur des anneaux transmis ; ces deux series d'anneaux se neutralisent mutuellement quand les deux lumieres qui les forment et qui arrivent simultanement sur les deux lentilles, sont egales entr'elles. " Dans le cas contraire on voit des traces ou d'anneaux reflechis ou d'anneaux transmis, suivant que la lumiere qui forme les premiers, est plus forte ou plus foible que la lumi \rc a laquelle on doit les seconds. C'est dans ce sens seulement que les anneaux colores jouent un role dans les mesures de la lumiere auxquelles je me suis livre." (&.) Cyanometre. " Mon cyanometre est une extension de mon polariscope. Ce dernier instrument, comme tu sais, se compose d'un tube ferine a 1'une de ses extremites par une plaque de cristal de roche perpendiculaire a 1'axe, de 5 millimetres d'epaisseur ; et d'un prisme doue de la double refraction, place du cote de 1'ccil. Parmi les couleurs variees que donne cet appareil, lorsque de la lumiere polarisee le traverse, et qu'oc fait tourner VOL. in. K 130 COSMOS. given in our catalogues and maps of the stars, sometimes indi cate as of simultaneous occurrence that which belongs to very different periods of cosmical alterations of light. The order of the letters which, since the beginning of the seventeenth le prisme sur lui-meme, se trouve par un heureux hasard la nuance du bleu de ciel. Cette couleur bleue fort affaiblie, c'est-a-dire trds melangee de blanc lorsque la lumiere est pres- que neutre, augmente d'intensite progressivement, a mesure que les rayons qui penetrent dans 1' instrument, renferment une plus grande proportion de rayons polarises. " Supposons done que le polariscope soit dirige sur une feuille de papier blanc ; qu'entre cette feuille et la lame de cristal de roche il existe une pile de plaques de verre suscep- tible de changer d'inclinaison, ce qui rendra la lumiere eclair- ante du papier plus ou moins polarisee ; la couleur bleue fburnie par I'lnstrument va en augmentant avec 1'incKnaison de la pile, et Ton s'arrete lorsque cette couleur parait la meme que celle de la region de Tatmosphere dont on veut deter- miner la teinte cyanornetrique, et qu'on regarde a 1'ceil nu immediatement a cote de 1'instrument. La mesure de cette teinte est donnee par 1'inclinaison de la pile. Si cette derniere partie de 1'instrument se compose du meme nombre de plaques et d'une meme espeee de verre, les observations faites dans divers lieux seront parfaitement comparables entr'elles." (a.) Photometric Measurements. " There does not exist a photometer properly so called, that is to saj , no instrument giving the intensity of an isolated light ; for Leslie's photometer, by means of which he boldly supposed that he could compare the light of the moon with that of the sun, by their caloric actions, is utterly defective. I found, in fact, that this pretended photometer rose on being exposed to the light of the sun, that it fell when exposed to a moderate fire, and that it remained altogether stationary when brought near the light of an Argand lamp. All that has hitherto been done has been to compare two lights when contiguous to one another, but even this comparison cannot be relied on unless the two lights be equalized, the stronger being gradually reduced to the intensity of the feebler. For the purpose of judging of this inequality I employed coloured rings. On PHOTOMETRY. 131 century, have been added to the stars in the generally con- suited Uranometria Bayeri, are not, as was long supposed, certain indications of these alterations of light. Argelander has ably shown, that the relative brightness of the stars cannot placing m one another two lenses of a great focal length, co- loured rings will be formed round their point of contact as much by means of reflection as of transmission. The colours of the reflected rings are complementary to those of the transmitted rings ; these two series of rings neutralise one another when the two lights by which they are formed and which fall simultaneously on the two lenses are equal. " In the contrary case, we meet with traces of reflected or transmitted rings, according as the light by which the former are produced, is stronger or fainter than that from which the latter are formed. It is only in this manner that co- loured rings can be said to come into play in those photo- metric measurements to which I have directed my attention." (#.) Cyanometer. " My cyanometer is an extension of my polariscope. This latter instrument, as you know, consists of a tube closed at one end by a plate of rock crystal, cut perpendicular to its axis, and 5 millimetres in thickness; and of a double refracting prism placed near the part to which the eye is applied. Among the varied colours yielded by this apparatus, when it is traversed by polarised light and the prism turns on itself, we fortunately find a shade of azure. This blue, which is very faint, that is to say mixed with a large quantity of white when the light is almost neutral, gradually increases in intensity in proportion to the quantity of polarised rays which enter the instrument. " Let us suppose the polariscope directed towards a sheet of white paper ; and that between this paper and the plate of rock crystal there is a pile of glass plates capable of being variously inclined, by which means the illuminating light of the paper would be more or less polarised ; the blue colour yielded by the instrument will go on increasing with the in- clination of the pile ; and the process must be continued until the colour appears of the same intensity with the region of the atmosphere whose cynnometrical tinge is to be deter- K2 132 COSMOS. be inferred from the alphabetical order of the letters, and that Bayer was influenced in his choice of these letters, by the form and direction of the constellations. 77 PHOTOMETRIC ARRANGEMENT OF THE FIXED STARS. I close this section with a table taken from Sir John Herschel's Outlines of Astronomy, pp. 645 and 646. I am indebted for the mode of its arrangement, and for the follow- ing lucid exposition, to my learned friend Dr. Galle, from whose communication, addressed to me, in March, 1850, I extract the subjoined observations : kt The numbers of the photometric scale in the Outlines of Astronomy have been obtained by adding throughout 0-41 to the results calculated from the vulgar scale. Sir John Herschel arrived at these more exact determinations by ob- serving their " sequences" of brightness, and by combining these observations with the average ordinary data of magni- tudes, especially on those given in the catalogue of the Astro- nomical Society for the year 1827. (See Observ. at the Cape, pp. 304-352.) The actual photometric measurements of seve- ral stars as obtained by the Astrometer (op. cit. p. 353), have not been directly employed in this catalogue, but have only served generally to show the relation existing between the ordinary scale (of 1st, 2nd, 3rd. &c., magnitudes) to the actual photometric quantities of individual stars. This comparison has given the singular result that our ordinary stellar magni- tudes (1, 2, 3 . ..) decrease in about the same ratio as a star of the 1st magnitude when removed to the distances of 1, 2, 3 ... mined, and which is seen by the naked eye in the immediate vicinity of the instrument. The amount of this colour is given by the inclination of the pile ; and if this portion of the appa- ratus consist of the same number of plates formed of the same kind of glass, observations made at different places may readily be compared together." 77 Argelander de fide Uranometrice Bayeri, 1842, pp. 14-23. " In eadem classe littera prior majorem splendorem nullo modo indicat" (9). Bayer did not therefore show that the light of Castor was more intense in 1603 than that of Pollux. PHOTOMETRIC SCALE. 133 bv which its brightness, according to photometric law, would attain the values 1, , -J-, ^th. ..(Observ. at the Cape, pp. 371, 872: Outlines, pp. 521, 522); in order, however, to make this accordance still greater, it is only necessary to liaise our pre- viously adopted stellar magnitudes about half a magnitude (or more accurately considered 0'41)so that a star of the 2*00 mag- nitude would in future be called 2 -41 , and star of 2 '50 would be- come 2 -9 1 , and so forth. Sir John Herschel therefore propose? that this " photometric'' (raised) scale shall in future be adopted ( Observ. at the Cape, p. 372, and Outlines, p. 522) a proposition in which we cannot fail to concur. For while on the one hand the difference from the vulgar scale would hardly be felt (Ob- serv. at the Cape, p. 372) ; the table in the Outlines (p. 645) may, on the other hand, serve as a basis for stars down to the fourth magnitude. The determinations of the magnitudes of the stars according to the rule, that the brightness of the stars of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th magnitude is exactly as 1 , ^, -> -^g- . . .as is now shown approximatively, is therefore already practicable. Sir John Herschel employs a Centauri as the standard star of the first magnitude, for his photometric scale, and as the unit for the quantity of light ( Outlines, p. 523 ; Observ. at the Cape, p. 372). If therefore we take the square of a star's photometric mag- nitude, we obtain the inverse ratio of the quantity of its light to that of a Centauri. Thus for instance if K Orionis have a pho- tometric magnitude of 3, it consequently has i of the light of a Centauri. The number 3 would at the same time indicate that * Orionis is 3 times more distant from us than a Centauri, provided both stars be bodies of equal magnitude and bright- ness. If another star, as for instance Sirius. which is four times as bright, were chosen as the unit of the photometric magnitudes indicating distances, the above conformity to law would not be so simple and easy of recognition. It is also worthy of notice that the distance of a Centauri has been ascertained with some probability, and that this distance is the smallest of any yet determined. Sir John Herschel demonstrates (Outlines, p. 521,) the inferiority of other scales to the photometric, which progresses in order of the squares, 1, ^, --, -i^. He likewise treats of geometric progressions, as for instance, 1, , \, \, . . . or 1, , i, -^. . . . The gradations employed by yourself in your observations under the equator, during your travels in America, are arranged in a kind of 134 COSMOS. * urithmetical progression (Recueil d'Observ. Astron., vol. i. p. Ixxi., and Schumacher's Astron. Nachr. no. 374). These scales however correspond less closely than the photometric scale of progression (by squares) with the vulgar scale. In the following table the 190 stars have been given from the Outlines i without reference to their declination, whether southern or northern, being arranged solely in accordance with their magnitudes." List of 190 stars from the 1st to the 3rd magnitude, arranged according to the determinations of Sir John Herschel, giving the ordinary magnitudes with greater accuracy, and likewise the magnitudes in accordance with his proposed photometric classification : STARS or THE FIRST MAGNITUDE. Star. Magnitude. Star. Magnitude. Vulg. Phot. Vulg. Phot. Sinus 0-08 0-29 0-59 0-77 0-82 1-0: 1-0: 1-0: 0-49 0-70 1-00 1-18 1-23 1-4: 1-4: 1-4: a Orionis 1-0: 1-09 I'l: 1-17 1-2 1-2 1-28 1-38 1-43 1-50 1-5: 1-58 1-6 1-6 1-69 1-79 H Argus (Var.) ... Canopus a Eridani Aldebaran /3 Centauri a Centauri Arctums a Crucis Kigel .. Antares Capella a Aquilse a Lyrae Spica .. Procy on STARS OF THE SECOND MAGNITUDE. Star. Magnitude. Star. Magnitude. Vulg. Phot. Vulg. Phot. Fomalhaut /3 Crucis 1-54 1-57 1-6: 1-6: 1-66 1-73 1-84 1-86 1-95 1-98 2-0: 2-0: 2-07 2-14 2-25 2-27 X Scorpii 1-87 1-90 1-94 1-95 1-96 2-01 2-03 2-07 2-28 2-31 2-35 2-36 2-37 2'42 2-44 2-48 o Cygni Pollux Castor Regulus s Urs8B(Var.) ... a Ursse ^Var.) ... Orionis a Gruis y Crucis f Orionis j3 Argus < Canis . a Persei ... PHOTOMETRIC SCALE. 135 STARS OF THE SECOND MAGNITUDE continued. Star. Magnitude. Star. Magnitude. Vulg. Phot. Yulg. Phot. y Arerus 2-08 2-18 2-18 2-18 2-23 2-26 2-28 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-32 2-33 2-49 2-59 2-59 2-59 2-64 2-67 2-69 2-69 270 2-71 2-73 274 y Leonis 2-34 2-36 2-40 2-41 2-42 2-43 2-45 2-46 2-46 2-48 2-50 2-75 2-77 2-81 2-82 .2-83 2-84 2-86 2-87 2-87 2-89 2-91 Argus f3 Gruis rj TJrsae (Var.) ... y Orionis a Arietis Capricorni Geminorum ... a Muscae o Corvi a Can. ven. a Hydri 1 ft Ophiuchi d Cvsrni r Scorpii S Herculis t Persei .. . S Geminorum p Orionis ; Tauri'Z ft Eridani ft Cephei 3 Argus d Ursse .. ft Hydri Hydra Persei . y Hydras ft Triang. austr. ... i Ursae Herculis Corvi . Aurigse r] Aurigae ... y Urs. min w Pegrasi .. y Ly rae T? Geminorum ... y Cephei 3 A.TS& a Toucani ... . K Ursae ft Capricorni p Argus E Cassiopeiae Sf Aquilaa Aquilse a Scorpii . 8 Cvfirni T Argus PHOTOMETRIC SCALE. 137 " The following short table of the photometric quantities of 1 7 stars of the 1 st magnitude (as obtained from the photome- tric scale of magnitudes) may not be devoid of interest:" Sirius . . . 4'165 17 Argus Canopus .... . 2-041 a Centauri ...... I'OOO Arcturus ...... 0*718 Rigel 0-661 Capella 0-510 aLyrae 0-510 Procyon . ... 0-510 a Orionis 0-489 aEridani 0-444 Aldebaran 0-444 /3 Centauri 0-401 aCrucis 0-391 Antares v 0'391 a Aquilse 0*350 Spica 0-312 " The following is the photometric quantity of stars strictly belonging to the 1, 2 6 magnitudes in which the quantity of the light of a. Centauri is regarded as the unit :" Magnitude on the vulgar scale. Quantity of Light. 1-00 0500 2-00 0-172 3-00 0-086 4-00 0-051 5-00 0-034 6-00 0-024 138 III. NUMBER, DISTRIBUTION, AND COLOUR OF THE FIXED STARS. STELLAR MASSES (STELLAR SWARMS). THK MILKY WAY INTERSPERSED WITH A FEW NEBULOUS SPOTS. WE have already, in the first section of this fragmentary As- trognosy, drawn attention to a question first mooted by Olbers. 1 If the entire vault of heaven were covered with innumerable strata of stars, one behind the other, as with a wide-spread starry canopy, and light were undirninished in its passage through space, the sun would be distinguishable only by its spots, the moon would appear as a dark disc, and amid the general blaze not a single constellation would be visible. During my sojourn in the Peruvian plains, between the shores of the Pacific and the chain of the Andes, I was vividly reminded of a state of the heavens, which, though diametrically opposite in its cause to the one above referred to, constitutes an equally formidable obstacle to human knowledge. A thick mist obscures the firmament in this region for a period of many months, during the season, called el tiempo de la garua. Not a planet, not the most brilliant stars of the southern hemisphere, neither Canopus, the southern Cross, nor the feet of the Centaur, are visible. It is frequently almost impossible to distinguish the position of the moon. If by chance the outline of the sun's disc be visible during the day it appears devoid of rays, as if seen through coloured glasses, being generally of a yellowish red, some- 1 Vide supra, p. 46 and note. NUMBER OF THE FIXED STARS. 139 times of a white, and occasionally even of a bluish green colour. The mariner, driven onwards by the cold south cur- rents of the sea, is unable to recognize the shores, and in the absence of all observations of latitude sails past the harbours which he desired to enter. A dipping needle alone could, as I have elsewhere shown, save him from this error, by the local direction of the magnetic curves. 3 Bouguer and his coadjutor, Don Jorge Juan, complained, long before me, of the " unastronomical sky of Peru." A graver consideration associates itself with this stratum of vapours in which there is neither thunder nor lightning, in consequence of its incapacity for the transmission of light or electric charges, and above which the Cordilleras, free and cloudless, raise their elevated plateaux and snow -covered summits. According to what modern geology has taught us to conjecture regarding the ancient history of our atmosphere, its primitive condition, in respect to its mixture and density, must have been unfavourable to the transmission of light. When we consider the numerous processes which in the pri- mary world may have led to the separation of the solids, fluids, and gases around the earth's surface, the thought invo- luntarily arises how narrowly the human race escaped being surrounded with an untransparent atmosphere, which though perhaps not greatly prejudicial to some classes of vegetation, would yet have completely veiled the whole of the starry canopy. All knowledge of the structure of the universe woiud thus have been withheld from the inquiring spirit of man. Excepting our own globe, and perhaps the sun and the moon, nothing would have appeared to us to have been created. An isolated triad of stars the sun, the moon, and the earth would have appeared the sole occupants of space. Deprived of a great, and indeed of the sublimest portion of his ideas of Cosmos, vol. i. p. 171 and note. 140 COSMOS. the Cosmos, man would have been left without all those in- citements which, for thousands of years, have incessantly im- pelled him to the soluticfn of important problems, and have exercised so beneficial an influence on the most brilliant progress made in the higher spheres of mathematical develop- ment of thought. Before we enter upon an enumeration of what has already been achieved, let us dwell for a moment on the danger from which the spiritual development of our race has escaped, and the physical impediments which would have formed an impassable barrier to our progress. In considering the number of cosmical bodies which fill the celestial regions, three questions present themselves to our notice. How many fixed stars are visible to the naked eye ? How many of these have been gradually catalogued, and their places determined according to longitude and lati- tude, or according to their right ascension and decimation ? What is the number of stars from the 1st to the 9th and 10th magnitudes, which have been seen in the heavens by means of the telescope ? These three questions may, from the ma- terials of observation at present in our possession, be deter- mined at least approximatively. Mere conjectures based on the gauging of the stars in certain portions of the Milky Way, differ from the precediog questions, and refer to the theo- retical solution of the question: How many stars might be distinguished throughout the whole heavens with HerscheFs twenty-feet telescope, including the stellar light " which is supposed to require 2000 years to reach our earth ?" 8 The numerical data which I here publish in reference to this subject, are chiefly obtained from the final results of my esteemed friend Argelander, director of the Observatory at Bonn. I have requested the author of the Durchmusterung On the space-penetrating power of telescopes, see Sir John Herschel, Outlines of Astr., 803. KUMBEB, OF THE ITXEl) STARS. 141 des nordlichen Himmels (Survey of the Northern Heavens] to submit the previous results of Star - catalogues to a new and careful examination. In the lowest class of stars visible to the naked eye, much uncertainty arises from organic differ- ence in individual observations ; stars between the 6th and 7th magnitude being frequently confounded with those strictly belonging to the former class. We obtain, by numerous combinations, from 5000 to 5800, as the mean number of the stars throughout the whole heavens visible to the unaided eye. Argelander 4 determines the distribution of the fixed stars ac- * I cannot attempt to include in a note all the grounds on which Argelander "s views are based. It will suffice if I extract the following remarks from his own letters to me : "Some years since (1843,) you recommended Captain Schwink to estimate from his Mappa Coelestis, the total number of stars from the 1 st to the 7th magnitude inclusive, which the heavens appeared to contain ; his calculations give 12148 stars for the space between 30 south and 90 north declination; and conse- quently, if we conjecture that the proportion of stars is the same from 30 S. D. to the South Pole, we should have 16200 stars of the above-named magnitudes throughout the whole firmanent. This estimate seems to me to approximate very nearly to the truth. It is well known, that on considering the whole mass, we find each class contains about three times as many stars as the one preceding. (Struve, Catalogus Steilarum duplicium, p. xxxiv; Argelander, Banner Zonen, s. xxvi.) I have given in my Uranometria, 1441 stars of the 6th magnitude, north of the equator, whence we should obtain about 3000 for the whole heavens ; this estimate does not, however include the stars of the 6 - 7 mag., which would be reckoned among those of the 6th, if only entire classes were admitted into the cal- culation. I think the number of the last-named stars might be assumed at 1000, according to the above rule, which would give 4000 stars for the 6th, and 12000 for the 7th, or 18000 for the 1st to the 7th inclusive. From other considerations on the number of the stars of the 7th magnitude, as given in my zones, namely 2257, (p. xxvi.) and allowing for those ""hich have been twice or oftener observed, and for those 142 COSMOS. cording to difference of magnitude, down to the 9th, in about the following proportion, 1st Mag. 2nd Mag. 3rd Mag. 4th Mag. 5th Mag. 20 65 190 425 1100 6th Mag. 7th Mag. 8th Mag. 9th Mag, 3200 13000 40000 142000 which have probably been overlooked, I approximated some- what more nearly to the truth. By this method, I found 2340 stars of the 7th magnitude, between 45 and 80 N. D.; and therefore, nearly 17000 for the whole heavens. Struve, in his Description de I Observatoire de Poulkova, p. 268, gives 13400 for the number of stars down to the 7th magnitude, in the region of the heavens explored by him (from 1 5 to + 90), whence we should obtain 21300 for the whole firma- ment. According to the Introduction to Weisse's Catal. e Zonis Regiomontanis, ded. p. xxxii. Struve found in the zone extending from 15 to + 15 by the calculus of probabili- ties, 3903 stars from the 1st to the 7th, and therefore 15050 for the entire heavens. This number is lower than mine, because Bessel estimated the brighter stars nearly half a mag- nitude lower than I did. We can here only arrive at a mean result, which would be about 18000 from the 1st to the 7th magnitudes inclusive. Sir John Herschel, in the passage of the Outlines of Astronomy, p. 521, to which you allude, speaks only of " the whole number of stars already registered, down to the seventh magnitude inclusive, amounting to from 12000 to 15000." As regards the fainter stars, Struve finds within the above-named zone, (from 15 to + 15) for the faint stars of the 8th magnitude, 10557, for those of the 9th. 37739. and consequently, 40800 stars of the 8th, and 145800 of the 9th magnitude for the whole heavens. Hence, according to Struve, we have from the 1st to the 9th magnitude inclusive, 15100 + 40800 4, 145800 = 201700 stars. He obtained these numbers by a careful comparison of those zones or parts of zones, which comprise the same regions of the heavens, deducing by the calculus of probabilities the number of stars actually present from the numbers of those common to, or different, in each zone. As the calculation was made from a very large number of stars, it is deserving of great NUMBER OF THE FIXED STARS. I4o The number of stars distinctly visible to the naked eye (amounting in the horizon of Berlin to 4022, and in that of confidence. Bessel has enumerated about 61000 different stars from the 1st to the 9th inclusive, in his collective zones between 15 and + 45, after deducting such stars as have been repeatedly observed, together with those of the 9'10 magnitude; whence we may conclude, after taking into account such as have probably been overlooked, that this portion of the heavens contains about 101500 stars of the above-named magnitudes. My zones between + 45 and -f- 80, contain about 22000 stars, (Durchmus- terung des nordL Himmels, s. xxv.) which would leave about 19000, after deducting 3000 for those belonging to the 9*10 magnitude. My zones are somewhat richer than Bessel's, and I do not think we can fairly assume a larger number than 2850, for the stars actually existing between their limits ( + 45 and + 80) ; whence we should obtain 130000 stars to the 9th magnitude inclusive, between 15 and + 80. This space is, however, only 0-62181 of the whole heavens, and we therefore obtain 209000 stars for the entire number, supposing an equal distribution to obtain throughout the whole firmament : these numbers again closely approximate to Struve's estimate, and indeed, not impro- bably exceed it to a considerable extent, since Struve reckoned stars of the 9*10 magnitude among those of the 9th. The numbers which, according to my view, may be assumed for the whole firmament, are therefore as follows : 1st mag., 20 ; 2nd, 65 ; 3rd, 190 ; 4th, 425 ; 5th, 1100 ; 6th, 3200 ; 7th, 13000 ; 8th, 40000 ; 9th, 142000 ; and 200000 for the entire number of stars from the 1st to the 9th magni- tude inclusive. If you would contend that Lalande (Hist, celeste, p. iv.) has given the number of stars observed by himself with the naked eye at 6000, I would simply remark that this estimate con- tains very many that have been repeatedly observed, and that after deducting these, we obtain only about 3800 stars for the portion of the heavens between 26 30' and -f 90 observed by Lalande. As this space is 0'72310 of the whole heavens, we should again have for this zone 5255 stars risible 144 COSMOS. Alexandria to 4638,) appears at first sight strikingly small. 1 If we assume the moon's mean semi-diameter at 15' 33"' 5, it would require 195,291 surfaces of the full moon to cover the whole heavens. If we further assume that the stars are uni- formly distributed, and reckon in round numbers 200000 stars from the 1st to the 9th magnitude, we shall have nearly a single star for each full-moon surface. This result ex- plains why, also, at any given latitude, the moon does not to the naked eye. An examination of Bode's Uranography (containing 17240 stars), which is composed of the most hete- rogeneous elements, does not give more than 5600 stars from the 1st to the 6th magnitude inclusive, after deducting the nebulous spots and smaller stars as well as those of the 6- 7th magnitude, which have been raised to the 6th. A similar estimate of the stars registered by La Caille between the south pole and the tropic of Capricorn, and varying from the 1st to the 6th magnitude, presents for the whole heavens two limits of 3960 and 5900, and thus confirms the mean result already given by yourself. You will perceive that I have en- deavoured to fulfil your wish for a more thorough investigation of these numbers, and I may further observe that M. Heis of Aix-la-Chapelle has for many years been engaged in a very careful revision of my Uranometrie. From the portions of this w r ork already complete, and from the great additions made to it by an observer gifted with keener sight than myself, I find 2836 stars from the 1st to the 6th magnitude inclusive for the northern hemisphere, and therefore, on the pre-supposi- tion of equal distribution, 5672 as the number of stars visible throughout the whole firmament to the keenest unaided vision." (From the MSS. of Prof . Argelander, March, 1850.) * Schubert reckons the number of stars, from the 1st to the 6th magnitude, at 7000 for the whole heavens (which closely approximates to the calculation made by myself in Cosmos, vol. i. p. 140,) and upwards of 5000 for the horizon of Paris. He gives 70000 for the whole sphere, including stars of the 9th magnitude. (Astronomie, th. iii. s. 54.) These numbers are all much too high. Argelander finds only 58000 from the 1st to the 8th magnitude. NTJMBER OF THE "FIXED STARS. 145 more frequently conceal stars visible to the naked eye. If the calculation of occupations of the stars were extended to those of the 9th magnitude, a stellar eclipse would, according to Galle, occur on an average every 44' 30", for in this period the moon traverses a portion of the heavens equal in extent to its own surface. It is singular that Pliny, who was undoubtedly acquainted with Hipparchus's catalogue of stars, and who comments on his boldness in attempting as it were " to leave heaven as a heritage to posterity," should have enumerated only 1600 stars visible in the fine sky of Italy! 6 In this enumeration he had, however, descended to stars of the 5th, whilst half a century later Ptolemy indicated only 1025 stars down to the 6th magnitude. Since it has ceased to be the custom to class the fixed stars merely according to the constellations to which they belong, and they have been catalogued according to determinations of place, that is, in their relations to the great circles of the equator or the ecliptic, the extension as well as the accuracy of star catalogues has advanced with the progress of science and the improved " Patrocinatur vastitas cceli, immensa discreta altitudine, in duo atque septuaginta signa. HOBC sunt rerum et animantium effigies, in quas digessere ccelum periti. In his quidem mille sexcentas adnotavere Stellas, insignes videlicet efiectu visuve" . . . . Plin.,ii. 41. " Hipparchus nunquam satis laudatus, ut quo nemo magis approbaveritcognationem cumhomine siderum animasque nostras partem esse cceli, novam stellam et aliara in evo suo geuitam deprehendit, ej usque motu, qua die fulsit, ad dubitationem est adductus, anne hoc srepius fieret move- renturque et ere quas putamus affixas ; itemque ausus rem etiam Deo improbam, adnumerare posteris Stellas ac sidera ad nomen expungere, organis excogitatis, per quse singularum loca atque magnitudines signaret, ut facile discerni posset ex ec, non modo an obirent nascerenturve, sed an omnino aliqua transirent moverenturve, item an crescerent minuerenturque, coelo in hereditate cunctis relicto, si quisquam qui cretionem earn caperet inventus esset." Plin., ii. 26. VOL. in. r. 1 46 COSMOS. construction of instruments. No catalogues of the stars com- piled by Timocharis and Aristyllus (283, B.C.) have reached us ; but although, as Hipparchus remarks in the fragment " on the length of the year," cited in the seventh book of the Almagest (cap. 3, p. xv. Halma,) their observations were conducted in a very rough manner (trdw oXoo-^epeos) there can be no doubt that they both determined the declination of many stars, and that these determinations preceded, by nearly a century and a half, the table of fixed stars compiled by Hipparchus. This astronomer is said to have been incited by the phenomenon of a new star to attempt a survey of the whole firmament, and endeavour to determine the position of the stars ; but the truth of this statement rests solely on Pliny's testimony, and has often been regarded as the mere echo of a subsequently in- vented tradition. 7 It does indeed seem remarkable that p tolemy should not refer to the circumstance, but yet it must be admitted that the sudden appearance of a brightly luminous star in Cassiopeia (November, 1572,) led Tycho Brahe to compose his catalogue of the stars. According to an in- genious conjecture of Sir John Herschel, 8 the star referred to by Pliny may have been the new star which appeared in Scorpio in the month of July of the year 134 before our era, (as we learn from the Chinese Annals of the reign of Wou-ti, of the Han dynasty.) Its appearance occurred exactly six years before the epoch at which, according to Ideler's investi- gations, Hipparchus compiled his catalogue of the stars. Edward Biot, whose early death proved so great a loss to science, found a record of this celestial phenomenon in the celebrated collection of Ma-tuan-lin, which contains an 7 Delambre, Hist, de I'Astr. anc., torn. i. p. 290, and Hist, de I' Astr. mod., torn. ii. p. 186. 8 Outlines, 831 ; Edward Biot sur les Etoiles Extraordi- naires observes en Chine, in the Connaissance des temps pour 1846. EARLY ASTRONOMY. 147 account of all the comets and remarkable stars observed be- tween the years B.C. 613, and A.D. 1222. The tripartite didactic poem of Aratus, 9 to whom we are indebted for the only remnant of the works of Hipparchus that has come down to us, was composed about the period of Era- tosthenes, Timocharis, and Aristyllus. The astronomical non- meteorological portion of the poem is based on the uranography of Eudoxus of Cnidos. The catalogue compiled by Hipparchus is unfortunately not extant ; but, according to Ideler, 10 it probably constituted the principal part of his work, cited by Suidas, " On the arrangement of the region of the fixed stars and the celestial bodies," and contained 1080 determinations of! posi- tion for the year B.C. 128. In Hipparchus' s other Commentary on Aratus the positions of the stars, which are determined more by equatorial armillaB than by the astrolabe, are referred to the equator by right ascension and declination ; while in Ptolemy's catalogue of stars, which is supposed to have been en- tirely copied from that of Hipparchus, and which gives 1025 stars, together with five so-called nebula?, they are referred by longitudes and latitudes to the ecliptic. 11 On comparing the 9 It is worthy of remark that Aratus was mentioned with approbation almost simultaneously by Ovid (Amor., i. 15.) and by the Apostle Paul, at Athens, in an earnest discourse directed against the Epicureans and Stoics. Paul (Acts, ch. xvii. v. 28), although he does not mention Aratus by name, un- doubtedly refers to a verse composed by him (Phcen., v. 5) on the close communion of mortals with the Deity. 10 Ideler, UntersucJiungen uber den Ursprung der Sternnamen, s. xxx.-xxxv. Baily in the Mem. of the Astron. Soc.* vol. xiii. 1843, pp. 12 and 15, also treats of the years according to our era, to which we must refer the observations of Aristyllus, as well as the catalogues of the stars compiled by Hipparchus (128, and not 140, B.C.) and by Ptolemy (138 A.D.). 11 Compare Delambre, Hist, de VAstr. anc.^ torn. i. p. 184; torn. ii. p. 260. The assertion, that Hipparchus, in addition to the right ascenbion and declination of the stars, also indi- 143 COSMOS. number of fixed stars in the Hipparcho-Ptolemaic Catalogue, Almagest, ed. Halma, t. ii. p. 83, (namely, for the 1st mag., 15 stars; 2nd, 45; 3rd, 208; 4th, 474; 5th, 217; 6th, 49,) with the numbers of Argelander as already given, we find, as might be expected, a great paucity of stars of the 5th and 6th magni- tudes, and also an extraordinarily large number of those belong- ing to the 3rd and 4th. The vagueness in the determinations of the intensity of light in ancient and modern times renders direct comparisons of magnitude extremely uncertain. cated their positions in his catalogue, according to longitude and latitude, as was done by Ptolemy, is wholly devoid of probability and in direct variance with the Almagest, book vii. cap. 4, where this reference to the ecliptic is noticed as some- thing new, by which the knowledge of the motions of the fixed stars round the pole of the ecliptic may be facilitated. The table of stars with the longitudes attached, which Petrus Victorias found in a Medicean Codex and published with the life of Aratus at Florence in 1567, is indeed ascribed by him to Hipparchus, but without any proof. It appears to be a mere rescript of Ptolemy's catalogue from an old manuscript of the Almagest, and does not give the latitudes. As Ptolemy was imperfectly acquainted with the amount of the retrogres- sion of the equinoctial and solstitial points (Almag., vii. c. 2, p. 13, Halma), and assumed it about -$ too slow, the catalogue which he determined for the beginning of the reign of Anto- ninus (Ideler, op. cit. s. xxxiv.) indicates the positions of the stars at a much earlier epoch (for the year 63 A. D.) (Regarding the improvements for reducing stars to the time of Hippar- chus, see the observations and tables as given by Encke in Schumacher's Astron. Nackr.,no. 608, s. 113-126.) The earlier epoch to which Ptolemy unconsciously reduced the stars in his catalogue, corresponds tolerably well with the period to which we may refer the Pseudo-Eratosthenian Catasterisms, which, as I have already elsewhere observed, are more recent than the time of Hyginus, who lived in the Augustine age, but appear to be taken from him and have no connection with the poem of Hermes by the true Eratosthenes. (Eratosthenica^ ed. Bernhardy, 1822, pp. 114, 116, 129.) These Pseudo-Eratos- thenian Catasterisms contain, moreover, scarcely 700 indi- vidual stars distributed among the myth^-il constellations. EARLY CATALOGUES. 149 Although the so-called Ptolemaic catalogue of the fixed stars enumerated only one-fourth of those visible to the naked eye at Rhodes and Alexandria, and, owing to erroneous reductions of the precession of the equinoxes, determined their positions as if they had been observed in the year 63 of our era ; yet, throughout the sixteen hundred years immediately following this period, we have only three original catalogues of stars, perfect for their time; that of Ulugh Beg (1437), that of Tycho Brahe (1600), and that of Hevelius (1660). During the short intervals of repose which, amid tumultuous revolu- tions and devastations of war, occurred between the ninth and fifteenth centuries, practical astronomy, under Arabs, Persians, and Moguls (from Al-Mamun, the son oT the great Harun Al- Raschid, to the Timurite, Mohammed Taraghi Ulugh Beg, the son of Shah Rokh) attained an eminence till then unknown. The astronomical tables of Ebn-Junis (1007), called the Hake- mi fie tables, in honour of the Fatimite Calif, Aziz Ben-Hakem Biamrilla, afford evidence, as do also the Hkhanic tables 18 of Nassir-Eddin Tusi (who founded the great observatory at Meragha, near Tauris, 1259), of the advanced knowledge of the planetary motions, the improved condition of measuring instruments, and the multiplication of more accurate methods differing from those employed by Ptolemy. In addition to clepsydras,* pendulum-oscillations 18 were already at this period employed in the measurement of time. u Cosmos, vol. ii. pp. 594-5. The Paris Library contains a manuscript of the Hkhanic Tables by the hand of the son of Nassir-Eddin. They derive their name from the title " Ilkhan," assumed by the Tartar princes who held rule in Persia. Reinaud, Introd. de la Geogr. d'Aboulfeda, 1848, p. cxxxix. * For an account of clepsydras, see Beckmann s Inventions. vol. i. 341, et seq. (Bonn's edition.) Ed. 18 Sedillot fils, Prolegomenes des Tables Astr. d' Oloug-Bey, 1847, p. cxxxiv. note 2. Delambre, Hist, del' Astr. du moyen dye, p. 8. 150 COSMOS. The Arabs had the great merit of showing how tables might be gradually amended by a comparison with observations. Ulugh Beg's catalogue of the stars, originally written in Persian, was entirely completed from original observations made in the Gymnasium at Samarcand, with the exception of a portion of the southern stars enumerated by Ptolemy, 14 and not visible in 39 52' lat. (?) It contains only 1019 positions of stars, which are reduced to the year 1437. A subsequent commentary gives 300 other stars, observed by Abu-Bekri Altizini in 1533. Thus we pass from Arabs, Persians, and Moguls, to the great epoch of Copernicus, and nearly to that of Tycho Brahe. The extension of navigation in the tropical seas, and in high southern latitudes, has, since the beginning of the six- teenth century, exerted a powerful influence on the gradual extension of our knowledge of the firmament, though in a less degree than that effected a century later by the ap- 14 In my investigations on the relative value of astronomical determinations of position in Central Asia (Asie centrale^ t. iii. pp. 581-596), I have given the latitudes of Samarcand and Bokhara according to the different Arabic and Persian MSS. contained in the Paris Library. I have shown that the former is probably more than 39 52', whilst most of the best manuscripts of Ulugh Beg give 39 37', and the Kitab al-athual of Alfares, and the Kanum of Albyruni give 40. I would again draw attention to the importance, in a geographical no less than an astronomical point of view, of determining the longitude and latitude of Samarcand by new and trustworthy observations. Burnes's Travels have made us acquainted with the latitude of Bokhara, as obtained from observations of culmination of stars; which gave 39 43' 41". There is there- fore only an error of from 7 to 8 minutes in the two fine Persian and Arabic MSS. (Nos. 164 and 2460) of the Paris Library. Major Rennell, whose combinations are generally so suc- cessful, made an error of about 1 9' in determining the latitude of Bokhara. (Humboldt, Asie cmtrale, t. iii. p. 592, and Sedillot in the d Oloug-Beg, pp. cxxiii. cxxv.) PROGEESS OF ASTKONOMY. 151 plication of the telescope. Both were the means of revealing new and unknown regions of space. I have already in other works considered 16 the reports circulated first by Americus Vespucius, then by Magellan, and Pigafetta (the companion of Magellan and Elcano), concerning the splendour of the southern sky; and the descriptions given by Vicente Yanez, Pinzon, and Acosta, of the black patches (Coal Sacks), and by Anghiera and Andrea Corsali of the Magellanic clouds. A merely sensuous contemplation of the aspect of the heavens here also preceded measuring astronomy. The richness of the firmament near the southern pole, which, as is well known, is on the contrary peculiarly deficient in stars, was so much exaggerated that the intelligent Polyhistor Cardanus indi- cated in this region 10000 bright stars which were said to have been seen by Vespucius with the naked eye. 1 * Friedrich Houtman and Petrus Theodori of Embden (who, according to Olbers, is the same person as Dircksz Keyser) now first appeared as zealous observers. They measured dis- tances of stars at Java and Sumatra; and at this period the most southern stars were first marked upon the celestial maps of Bartsch, Hondius, and Bayer, and by Kepler's industry were inserted in Tycho Brahe's Rudolphine tables. Scarcely half a century had elapsed from the time of Ma- gellan's circumnavigation of the globe before Tycho com- menced his admirable observations on the positions of the fixed stars, which far exceeded in exactness all that had hitherto been done in practical astronomy, not excepting even the la- borious observations of the Landgrave William IV. at Cassel. Tycho Brahe's catalogue, as revised and published by Kepler, contains no more than 1000 stars, of which one-fourth at l *. Cosmos, pp. 664-8 ; Humboldt, Examen crit. de VHis- tolre de la Geogr.^t. iv. pp, 321-336; t. v. pp. 226-238. l * Cardani Paralipomenon, lib. viii. cap. 10. (Opp., t. ix, ed. Lugd. 1663, p. 508.) 152 COSMOS. most belong to the sixth magnitude. This catalogue, and that of Hevelius, which was less frequently employed, and con- tained 1564 determinations of position for the year 1660, were the last which were made by the unaided eye, owing their compilation in this manner to the capricious disinclination of the Dantzig astronomer to apply the telescope to purposes of measurement. This combination of the telescope with measuring instru- ments the union of telescopic vision and measurements at length enabled astronomers to determine the position of stars below the sixth magnitude, and more especially between the seventh and the twelfth. The region of the fixed stars might now for the first time be said to be brought within the reach of observers. Enumerations of the fainter telescopic stars, and determinations of their position, have not only yielded the advantage of making a larger portion of the regions of space known to us by the extension of the sphere of observa- tion, but they have also (what is still more important) indirectly exercised an essential influence on our knowledge of the struc- ture and configuration of the universe, on the discovery of new planets, and on the more rapid determination of their orbits. When William Herschel conceived the happy idea of as it were casting a sounding line in the depths of space, and of counting during his gaugings the stars which passed through the field of his great telescope, 17 at different distances from the Milky Way, the law was discovered that the number of stars increased in proportion to their vicinity to the Milky Way a law which gave rise to the idea of the existence of large concentric rings filled with millions of stars which constitute the many-cleft Galaxy. The knowledge of the number and the relative posi- tion of the faintest stars facilitates (as was proved by Galle's rapid and felicitous discovery of Neptune, and by that of several of the smaller planets) the recognition of planetary 17 Cosmos, vol. i. pp. 71-73. IMPORTANCE OF CATALOGUES. 153 cosmical bodies which change their positions, moving as it were between fixed boundaries. Another circumstance proves even more distinctly the importance of very complete catalogues of the stars. If a new planet be once discovered in the vault of heaven, its notification in an older catalogue of positions will materially facilitate the difficult calculation of its orbit. The indication of a new star which has subsequently been lost sight of, frequently affords us more assistance than, considering the slowness of its motion, we can hope to gain by the most careful measurements of its course through many successive years. Thus the star numbered 964 in the catalogue of Tobias Mayer has proved of great importance for the determination of Uranus, and the star numbered 26266 in Lalande's catalogue 18 for that of Neptune. Uranus, before it was recognized as a planet, had, as is now well known, been observed twenty-one times ; once, as already stated, by Tobias Mayer, seven times by Flamstead, once by Bradley, and twelve times by Le Monnier. It may be said that our increasing hope of future discoveries of planetary bodies rests partly on the perfection of our telescopes (Hebe, at the time of its discovery in July, 1847, was a star of the 8'9 magnitude, while in May, 1849, it was only of the llth mag- nitude), and partly, and perhaps more, on the completeness of our star-catalogues, and on the exactness of our observers. The first catalogue of the stars which appeared after the epoch when Morin and Gascoigne taught us to combine tele- scopes with measuring instruments, was Jiat of the southern " Baily, Cat. of those stars in the " Histoire Celeste" of Jerome de Lalande.for which tables of reduction to the epoch 1800 have been published by Prof. Schumacher, 1847, p. 1195. On what we owe to the perfection of star catalogues see the remarks of Sir John Herschel in Cat. of the British Assoc., 1845, p. 4, 10. Compare also, on stars that have disap- peared, Schumacher, Astr. Nachr., no. 624, and Bode, Jahrb. fur 1817, s. 249 154 COSMOS. stars compiled by Halle} 7 . It was the result of a short resi- dence at St. Helena in the years 1677 and 1678, but, singu- larly enough, does not contain any determinations below the 6th magnitude. 19 Flamstead had, indeed, begun his great Star Atlas at an earlier period; but the work of this celebrated observer did not appear till 1712. It was suc- ceeded by Bradley's observations (from 1750 to 1762), which led to the discovery of aberration and nutation, and have been rendered celebrated by the Fundamenta Astronomic of our countryman Bessel (1818), 30 and by the stellar catalogues of La Caille, Tobias Mayer, Cagnoli, Piazzi, Zach, Pond, Taylor, Groombridge, Argelander, Airy, Brisbane, and Riimker. We here only allude to those works which enumerate a great and important part 21 of the stars of the 7th to the 10th magni- 19 Memoirs of the Royal Astron. Soc., vol. xiii. 1843, pp. 33 and 168. 30 Bessel, Fundamenta Astronomies pro anno 1755, deducta ex observationibus viri incomparabilis James Bradley in Specula astronomica Grenovicensi, 1818. Compare also Bessel, Tabulce Regiomontance reductionum observationum astronomicarum ab anno 1750 usque ad annum 1850 computatce (1830). 21 I here compress into a note the numerical data taken from star catalogues, containing lesser masses and a smaller number of positions, with the names of the observers, and the number of positions attached : La Caille, in scarcely ten months, during the years 1751 and 1752, with instru- ments magnifying only eight times, observed 9766 southern stars, to the 7th magnitude inclusive, which were reduced to the year 1750 by Henderson; Tobias Mayer, 998 stars to 1756; Flamstead, originally only 2866, to which 564 were added by Baily's care; (Mem, of the Astr. Soc., vol. iv. pp. 1291-64) ; Bradley, 3222, reduced by Bessel to the year 1755; Pond, 1112; Piazzi, 7646 to 1800; Groombridge, 4243, mostly circumpolar stars, to 1 810 ; Sir Thomas Brisbane, and Riimker, 7385 stars, observed in New Holland, in the years 1822-1828; Airy, 2156 stars, reduced to the year 1845; Riimker, 12000 on the Hamburg horizon ; Argelander STAR CATALOGUES. 155 tude which occupy the realms of space. The catalogue known under the name of Jerome de Lalande's, but which is, however, solely based on observations made by his nephew, Francois de Lalande, and by Burckhardt between the years 1789 and 1 800, has only recently been duly appreciated. After having been carefully revised by Francis Baily, under the direction of the " British Association for the Advancement of Science," (in 1847,) it now contains 47390 stars, many of which are of the 9th and some even below that magnitude. Harding, the disco- verer of Juno, catalogued above 50000 stars in twenty-seven maps. Bessel's great work on the exploration of the celestial zones, which comprises 75000 observations (made in the years 1825-1833 between 15 and + 45 declination) has been continued from 1841 to 1844 with the most praiseworthy care, as far as + 80 decl. , by Argelander at Bonn. Weisse of Cracow, under the auspices of the Academy of St. Petersburgh, has re- duced 31895 stars for the year 1825, (of which 19738 belonged to the 9th magnitude) from Bessel's zones, between 15 and + 15 decl. ; a and Argelander' s exploration of the northern heavens from + 45 to + 80 decl. contains about 22000 well determined positions of stars. I cannot, I think, make more honourable mention of the great work of the star maps of the Berlin Academy, than by quoting the words used by Encke, in reference to this under- taking, in his oration to the memory of Bessel : " With the completeness of catalogues is connected the hope that (Cat. of Abo,) 560 ; Taylor, (Madras.) 11015. The British Association Catalogue of Stars, (1845,) drawn up under Baily 's superintendence, contains 8377 stars from the 1st to 7-| magni- tudes. For the southern stars we have the rich catalogues of Henderson, Fallows, Maclear, and Johnson at St. Helena. K Weisse, Positiones mediae stellarum fixarum in Zonis Regiomontanis a Besselio inter 15 et + 15 decl. observa- tarum ad annum 1825 rednctts, (1846); with an important Preface by Struve. 156 COSMOS. by a careful comparison of the different aspects of the heavens with those stars which have been noted as fixed points, we may be enabled to discover all moving celestial bodies, whose change of position can scarcely, owing to the faintness of their light, be noted by the unaided eye, and that we may in tnis manner complete our knowledge of the solar system. While Harding' s admirable atlas gives a perfect representation of the starry heavens as far as Lalande's Histoire Celeste, on which it is founded, was capable of affording such a picture Bessel, in 1824, after the completion of the first main section of his zones, sketched a plan for grounding on this basis a more special representation of the starry firmament, his object being not simply to exhibit what had been already observed, but likewise to enable astronomers by the complete- ness of his tables at once to recognize every new celestial phenomenon. Although the star maps of the Berlin Aca- demy of Sciences, sketched in accordance with Bessel's plan, may not have wholly completed the first proposed cycle, they have nevertheless contributed in a remarkable degree to the discovery of new planets, since they have been the prin- cipal if not the sole means to which, at the present time ( 1 850), we owe the recognition of seven new planetary bodies." 23 Of the twenty-four maps designed to represent that portion of the heavens which extends 15 on either side of the equator, our Academy has already contributed sixteen. These contain, as far as possible, all stars down to the 9th magnitude and many of the 10th. The present would seem a fitting place to refer to the average estimates which have been hazarded on the number of stars throughout the whole heavens, visible to us by the aid of our colossal space-penetrating telescopes. Struve assumes for Herschel's twenty-feet reflector, which was em- * Encke, G eddchtnissrede auf Bessel, s. 13. DISTRIBUTION OF THE FIXED STARS. 157 ployed in making the celebrated star-gauges or sweeps, that a magnifying power of 180 would give 5800000 for the number of stars lying within the zones extending 30 on either side of the equator, and 20374000 for the whole heavens. Sir William Herschel conjectured that 18 millions of stars in the Milky Way, might be seen by his still more powerful forty- feet reflecting telescope. 24 After a careful consideration of all the fixed stars, whether visible to the naked eye or merely telescopic, whose positions are determined, and which are recorded in catalogues, we turn to their distribution and grouping in the vault of heaven. As we have already observed, these stellar bodies, from the inconsiderable and exceedingly slow (real and apparent) change of position exhibited by some of them partly owing to pre- cession and to the different influences of the progression of our solar system, and partly to their own proper motion may be regarded as landmarks in the boundless regions of space, enabling the attentive observer to distinguish all bodies that move among them with a greater velocity or in an opposite direction consequently all which are allied to telescopic comets and planets. The first and predominating interest ex- cited by the contemplation of the heavens is directed to the fixed stars, owing to the multiplicity and overwhelming mass of these cosmical bodies ; and it is by them that our highest feelings of admiration are called forth. The orbits of the planetary bodies appeal rather to inquiring reason, and, by presenting to it complicated problems, tend to promote the development of thought in relation to astronomy. Amid the innumerable multitude of gre'at and small stars which seem scattered, as it were by chance, throughout the vault of heaven, even the rudest nations separate single * Compare Struve, Etudes cTAstr. stellaire, 1847, pp. 66 and 72; Cosmos, vol. i. p. 140; and Madler, Astr., 4te Aufl. 417. 158 COSMOS. (and almost invariably the same) groups, among which certain bright stars catch the observer's eye, either by their proxi- mity to each other, their juxtaposition, or, in some cases, by a kind of isolation. This fact has been confirmed by recent and careful examinations of several of the languages of so- called savage tribes. Such groups excite a vague sense of the mutual relation of parts, and have thus led to their receiving names, which, although varying among different races, were generally derived from organic terrestrial objects. Amid the forms with which fancy animated the waste and silent vault of heaven, the earliest groups thus distinguished were the seven-starred Pleiades, the seven stars of the Great Bear, subsequently (on account of the repetition of the same form) the constellation of the Lesser Bear, the belt of Orion (Jacob's staff), Cassiopeia, the Swan, the Scorpion, the Southern Cross (owing to the striking difference in its direc- tion before and after its culmination), the Southern Crown, the Feet of the Centaur (the Twins, as it were, of the Southern hemisphere), &c. Wherever steppes, grassy plains or sandy wastes present a far-extended horizon, those constellations whose rising or setting corresponds with the busy seasons and requirements of pastoral and agricultural life, have become the subject of atten- tive consideration, and have gradually led to a symbolising connection of ideas. Men thus became familiarised with the a>pect of the heavens before the development of measuring astronomy. They soon perceived that besides the daily move- ment from east to west, which is common to all celestial bodies, the sun has a far slower proper motion in an opposite direc- tion. The stars which shine in the evening sky sink lower every day, until at length they are wholly lost amid the rays of the setting sun ; while, on the other hand, those stars which were shining in the morning sky, before the rising of *he sun, recede further and further from it. In the ever- DISTRIBUTION OF THE FIXED STARS. 1-53 changing aspect of the starry heavens, successive constellations are always coming to view. A slight degree of attention suf- fices to show that these are the same which had before vanished in the west ; and that the stars which are opposite to the sun, setting at its rise, and rising at its setting, had about half-a- year earlier been seen in its vicinity. From the time of Hesiod to Eudoxus, and from the latter to Aratus and Hip- parchus, Hellenic literature abounds in metaphoric allusions to the disappearance of the stars amid the sun's rays, and their ap- pearance in the morning twilight, their heliacal setting and .rising. An attentive observation of these phenomena yielded the earliest elements of chronology, which were simply ex- pressed in numbers, while mythology, in accordance with the more cheerful or gloomy tone of national character, continued simultaneously to rule the heavens with arbitrary despotism. The primitive Greek sphere, (I here again, as in the history of the physical contemplation of the universe,* 5 follow the in- vestigations of my intellectual Mend Letronne,) had become gradually filled with constellations, without being in any de- gree considered with relation to the ecliptic. Thus Homer and Hesiod designate by name individual stars and groups ; the former mentions the constellation of the Bear (" otherwise known as the Celestial Wain, and which alone never sinks into the bath of Oceanos,") Bootes, and the Dog of Orion ; the latter speaks of Sirius and Arcturus, and both refer to the Pleiades, the Hyades, and Orion. 26 Homer's twice repeated assertion that the constellation of the Bear alone never sinks into the ocean, merely allows us to infer that in his age, the Gre^k sphere did not yet comprise the constellations of Draco, Cepheus and Ursa Minor, which likewise do not set. The statement does not prove a want of acquaintance with the existence of 38 Cosmos, p. 533. 26 Ideler, Unters. uber die Stemnamen. s. xi. 47, 139, 144, 243 ; Letronne, Sur I'Origine du Zodiaque Grec, 1840, p. 25. 160 COSMOS. \ the separate stars forming these three catasterisms, hut simply an ignorance of their arrangement into constellations. A long and frequently misunderstood passage of Strabo (lib. i. p. 3, Casaub.) on Homer, II. xviii. 485-489, specially proves a fact important to the question, that in the Greek sphere the stars were only gradually arranged in constellations. Homer has been unjustly accused of ignorance, says Strabo, as if he had known of only one instead of two Bears. It is probable that the lesser one had not yet been arranged in a separate group ; and that the name did not reach the Hellenes, until after the Phoenicians had specially designated this constellation and made, use of it for the purposes of navigation. All the scholia on Homer, Hyginus and Diogenes Laertius, ascribe its introduc- tion to Thales. In the Pseudo-Eratosthenian work to which we have already referred, the lesser Bear is called QoiviKr) (or as it were the Phoenician guiding star). A century later (01. 71,) Cleostratus of Tenedos, enriched the sphere with the constellations of Sagittarius, TO^OTTJS, and Aries, Kpios. The introduction of the Zodiac into the ancient Greek sphere coincides according to Letronne with this period of the domination of the Pisistratidae. Eudemus of Rhodes, one of the most distinguished pupils of Aristotle, and author of a " History of Astronomy," ascribes the introduction of this Zodiacal belt f] roO eoSiaKoD fiiaooo>/iei/a or TrXaw/ra), which move in an opposite direction, belong to a lower and nearer region." * As we find in Manilius, in the earliest ages of the Caesars, that the term stella fixa was substituted for infixa, or affixa^ it may be assumed that the schools of Rome attached thereto at first only the original signification of rivetted, but as the wordjixus also embraced the idea of immo- bility, and might evenbe regarded as synonymous with immotus amltmmobilis, we may readily conceive that the national opinion, or rather usage of speech, should gradually have associated with stella fixa the idea of immobility, without reference to the fixed sphere to which it was attached. In this sense Seneca might term the world of the fixed stars fixum et immoUlem populum. Although, according to Stobaeus, and the collector of the "Views of the Philosophers," the designation " crystal vault of heaven" dates as far back as the early period of Anaximenes, the first clearly defined signifi- cation of the idea on which the term is based, occurs in Empedocles. This philosopher regarded the heaven of the fixed stars as a solid mass, formed from the ether which had been rendered crystalline and rigid by the action of fire. 34 33 According to Democritus and his disciple Metrodorus, Stob. Eclog. phys., p. 582. 84 Plut. deplac.phil. ii. 11 ; Diog. Laert., viii. 77; Achil- es Tat. ad Arat. cap. 5, E/i7r, KpuoraAAo)?; TOVTOV (TOV ovpavbv) flvai 36. The image of Arcturus was so dimin- ished in a dense mist, that the disc was below 0"-2. It is worthy of notice that, in consequence of the illusion occasioned by stellar radiation, Kepler and- Tycho, before the invention 1835, cap. 13, p. 20. The learned editor notices, how- ever, in refutation of Jomard's assertion (Descr. de V Egypte, torn. vii. p. 423), that a star, as the numerical hieroglyphic for 5, has not yet been discovered on any monument or papyrus-roll. (Horap., p. 194.) 43 I found an opinion prevalent among the sailors of the Spanish ships of the Pacific, that the age of the moon might be determined before the first quarter, by looking at it through a piece of silk and counting the multiplied images. Here we have a phenomenon of diffraction observed through fine slits. 48 Outlines, 816. Arago has caused the spurious dia- meter of Aldebaran to increase from 4" to 15" in the instru- ment by diminishing the object-glass. THE COLOUR OF THE STAKS. 175 of the telescope, respectively ascribed to Sirius 44 a diameter of 4' and of 2' 20". The alternating light and dark rings which surround the small spurious discs of the stars when magnified two -or three hundred times, and which appear iridescent when seen through diaphragms of different form, are likewise the result of interference and diffraction, as we learn from the observations of Arago and Airy. The smallest objects which can be distinctly seen in the telescope as luminous points, may be employed as a test of the perfection in construc- tion and illuminating power of optical instruments, whether refractors or reflectors. Amongst these we may reckon mul- tiple stars, such as c Lyra3, and the 5th and 6th star discovered by Struve,in 1826, and by Sir John Herschel in 1832, in the trapezium of the great nebula of Orion, 48 forming the qua- druple star of that constellation. A difference of colour in the proper light of the fixed stars, 44 Delambre, Hist, de VAstr. moderne, torn. i. p. 193 ; Arago, Annuaire, 1842, p. 366. 45 " Two excessively minute, and very close companions, to perceive both of which, is one of the severest tests which can be applied to a telescope." (Outlines, 837. Compare also Sir John Herschel, Observations at the Cape, p. 29 ; and Arago, in the Annuaire pour 1834, pp. 302-305.) Among the dif- ferent planetary cosmical bodies by which the illuminating power of a strongly magnifying optical instrument may be tested, we may mention the 1st and 4th satellites of Uranus, re- discovered by Lasselland Otto Struve in 1847, the two inner- most and the 7th satellite of Saturn (Mimas, Enceladus, and Bond's Hyperion), andNeptune's satellite discovered by Lassell. The power of penetrating into celestial space occasioned Bacon, in an eloquent passage in praise of Galileo, to whom he erroneously ascribes the invention of telescopes, to com- pare these instruments to ships which carry men upon an unknown ocean: " Ut propriora exercere possint cum cceles- tibus commercia." (Works of Francis Bacon, 1740, vol. i. Novum Organum, p. 361.) 176 COSMOS. as well as in the reflected light of the planets, was recognized at a very early period; but our knowledge of this remarkable phenomenon has been greatly extended by the aid of telescopic vision, more especially since attention has been so especially directed to the double stars. We do not here allude to the change of colour which, as already observed, accompanies scintillation even in the whitest stars, and still less to the transient and generally red colour exhibited by stellar light near the horizon, (a phenomenon owing to the character of the atmospheric medium through which we see it,) but to the w r hite or coloured stellar light radiated from each cosmical body, in consequence of its peculiar luminous process, and the different constitution of its surface. The Greek astronomers were acquainted with red stars only, while modern science has discovered, by the aid of the telescope, in the radiant fields of the starry heaven, as in the blossoms of the phanero- gamia, and in the metallic oxides, almost all the gradations of the prismatic spectrum between the extremes of refrangibility of the red and the violet ray. Ptolemy enumerates in his catalogue of the fixed stars six (inroKippoi^ fiery red stars, viz : tt Arcturus Aldebaran. Pollux, Antares, a Orionis (in the right shoulder), M The expression vnoicippos, which Ptolemy employs indis- criminately to designate the six stars named in his catalogue, implies a slightly marked transition from fiery-yellow tojiery- red; it therefore refers, strictly speaking, to a fiery-reddish colour. He seems to attach the general predicate av66s, fiery-yellow ', to all the other fixed stars. (Almag., viii. 3 ed. Halma, torn. ii. p. 94.) Kippos is, according to Galen, (Meth. med. 12,) a pale fiery-red inclining to yellow. Gellius com- pares the word with melinus, which, according to Servius, has the same meaning as "gilvus" and "fulvus." As Sirius is said by Seneca (Nat. Qucest., i. 1) to be redder than Mars, and belongs to the stars called in the Almagest viroKippo^ there can be no doubt that the word implies the predominance, or, at all events, a certain proportion of red rays. The asser- tion that the affix TrowciXov, which Aratus, v. 327, attaches to COLOUR OF THE STARS. 177 and Sirius. Cleomedes even compares Antares in Scorpio with the fiery red Mars,* 7 which is called both irvppos and 7TVpOtl8f]S. Of the six above named stars, five still retain a red or reddish light. Pollux is still indicated as a reddish, but Castor as a greenish star. 48 Sirius therefore affords the only example of an historically proved change of colour, for it has at present a perfectly white light. A great physical revolution* 9 must therefore have occurred at the surface or in the photosphere of this fixed star, (or remote sun, as Aristarchus of Samos called the fixed stars) before the process could have been disturbed by means of which the less refrangible red rays had obtained the preponderance, through the abstraction or absorption of other complementary Sirius, has been translated by Cicero as " rutilus," is erro- neous. Cicero says, indeed, v. 348 : ik Namque pedes subter rutilo cum lumine claret, Fervidus ille Canis stellarum luce refulgens ;" but " rutilo cum lumine" is not a translation of irowoXos, but the mere addition of a free translation. (From letters ad- dressed to me by Professor Franz.) " If," as Arago observes (Annuaire. 1842, p. 351), "the Roman orator, in using the term rittilus, purposely departs from the strict rendering of the Greek of Aratus, we must suppose that he recognized the reddish character of the light of Sirius." 47 Cleom., Cycl. Theor., i. ii. p. 59. 43 Madler, Astr. 1849, s. 391. 49 Sir John Herschel, in the Edinb. Review, vol. 87, 1848, p. 189, and in Schum. Astr. Nachr., 1839, no. 372: " It seems much more likely that in Sirius a red colour should be the effect of a medium interfered, than that in the short space of 2000 years so vast a body should have actually under- gone such a material change in its physical constitution. It may be supposed owing to the existence of some sort of cos- mical cloudiness, subject to internal movements, depending on causes of which we are ignorant." (Compare Arago in thfj Annuaire pour 1642, pp. 350-353.) VOL. in. N 178 COSMOS. rays, either in the photosphere of the star itself, or in the moving cosmical clouds by which it is surrounded. It is to be wished that the epoch of the disappearance of the red colour of Sirius had been recorded by a definite reference to the time, as this subject has excited a vivid interest in the minds of astronomers since the great advance made in modern optics. 4-t the time of Tycho Brahe the light of Sirius was un- doubtedly already white, for when the new star which appeared in Cassiopeia, in 1572, was observed in the month of March, 1573, to change from its previous dazzling white colour to a reddish hue, and again became white in January, 1574, the red appearance of the star was compared to the colour of Mars and Aldebaran, but not to that of Sirius. M. Sedillot, or other phi- lologists conversant with Arabic and Persian astronomy, may perhaps some day succeed in discovering evidence of the earlier colour of Sirius, in the periods intervening from El- Batani (Albategnius) and El-Fergani (Alfraganus) to Abdur- rahman Sufi and Ebn-Junis (that is, from 880 to 1007), and from Ebn-Junis to Nassir-Eddin and Ulugh-Beg (from 1007 to 1437). El-Fergani (properly Mohammed Ebn-Kethir El-Fergani), who conducted astronomical observations in the middle of the tenth century at Rakka (Aracte) on the Euphrates, indicates as red stars (stellce ruff a of the old Latin translation of 1590) Aldebaran, and, singularly enough, 60 Capella, which is now yellow and has scarcely a tinge of red, but he does not men- tion Sirius. If at this period Sirius had been no longer red, it would certainly be a striking fact that El-Fergani, who invariably follows Ptolemy, should not here indicate the 60 In Muhamedis Alfragani chronologic^ et astronomica Elementa, ed. Jacobus Christmannus, 1590, cap. 22, p. 97, we read: "Stella rufia in Tauro Aldebaran; stella ruffa in Geminis quaB appellatur Hajok, hoc est Capra." Alhajoc, Aijuk are, however, the ordinary names for Capella Auriga?, STRUTS 170 change of colour in so celebrated a star. Negative proofs are however not often conclusive, and indeed El-Fergani makes no reference in the same passage to the colour of Betelgeux (a Orionis), which is now red, as it was in the age of Ptolemy. It has long been acknowledged that of all the brightest luminous fixed stars of heaven, Sirius takes the first and most important place, no less in a chronological point of view, than through its historical association with the earliest develop- ment of human civilization in the valley of the Nile. The era of Sothis the heliacal rising of Sothis (Sirius) on which Biot has written an admirable treatise, indicates, according to the most recent investigations of Lepsius, 51 the complete ar- rangements of the Egyptian calendar into those ancient epochs, including nearly 3300 years before our era, " when not only the summer solstice, and consequently the beginning of the rise of the Nile, but also the heliacal rising of Sothis, fell on the day of the first water-month (or the first Pachon)." I will collect in a note the most recent, and hitherto unpublished, etymological researches on Sothis or Sirius from the Coptic, Zend, Sanscrit, and Greek, which may perhaps be acceptable to those who, from love for the history of astronomy, seek in the Arabic and Latin Almagest. Argelander justly observes, in reference to this subject, that Ptolemy in the astrological work (TTpa*j3Aos oiWais), the genuine character of which is testi- fied by the style as well as by ancient evidence, has associated planets with stars according to similarity of colour, and has thus connected Martis Stella, Quce urit sicut congruit tgneu ipsius colori, with Aurigse steLLa, or Capella. (Compare Ptol., Quadripart. Construct., libri iv. Basil, 1551, p. 383.) Riccioli (Almagestum novum, ed. 1650, torn. i. pars i. lib. 6, cap. 2, p. 394) also reckons Capella together with Antares> Aldebaran. and Arcturus among red stars. 61 See Chronologic der ^Egypter, by Richard Lepsius, bd. i. 1849, s. 190-195, 213. The complete arrangement of the Egyptian calendar is referred to* the earlier part of the year 325 before our era, i. e. about a century and a half after the N 2 180 COSMOS. in languages and their affinities, monuments of the earlier conditions of knowledge. 63 building of the great pyramid of Cheops-Chufu, and 940 years before the period generally assigned to the Deluge. (Compare Cosmos, vol. ii. p. 475 and note.) In the calculations based on the circumstance of Colonel Vyse having found that the inclination of the narrow subterranean passage leading into the interior of the pyramid, very nearly corresponded to the angle 26 15', which, in the time of Cheops (Chufu), \vas attained by the star a, Draconis, which indicated the pole, at its inferior culmination at Gizeh, the date of the building of the pyramid is not assumed at 3430 B.C, as given in Cosmos according to Letronne, but at 3970 B.C. (Outlines of Astr., 319.) This difference of 540 years tends to strengthen the assump- tion, that a Drac. was regarded as the pole-star, as in 3970 it was still at a distance of 3 44' from the pole. 52 I have extracted the following observations from letters addressed to me by Professor Lepsius (February, 1850). " The Egyptian -name of Sirius is Sothis, designated as a female star; hence, 17 2o>0ts is identified in Greek \vith the goddess Sole (more frequently Sit in hieroglyphics,) and in the temple of the great Ramses at Thebes with Isis-Sothis (Lepsius, Chron. der ^Egypter, bd. i. s. 119, 136). The signification of the root is found in Coptic, and is allied with a numerous family of words, the members of which, although they apparently differ very widely from each other, admit of being arranged somewhat in the following order. By the threefold transfer- ence of the verbal signification, we obtain from the original mean- ing, to throw out -projicere (sagittam, telum] first, seminare, to sow; next, extenders, to extend or spread (as spun threads;) and lastly, what is here most important, to radiate light and to shine (as stars and fire). From this series of ideas we may deduce the names of the divinities, Satis (the female archer) ; Sothis, the radiating, and Seth, the fiery. We may also hiero- glyphically explain sit or seti, the arrows as well as the ray ; seta, to spin ; setu, scattered seeds. Sothis is especially the brightly radiating, the star regulating the seasons of the year and periods of time. The small triangle, always represented yellow, which is a symbolical sign for Sothis, is used to designate the radiating sun when arranged in numerous triple rows issuing THE COLOUR OF THE STARS. 181 Besides Sirius, Vega, Deneb, Regulus, and Spica, are at the present time decidedly white ; and among the small double in a downward direction from the sun's disk. Seth is the fiery scorching god, in contradistinction to the warming, fructifying water of the Nile, the goddess Satis who inundates the soiL She is also the goddess of the cataracts, because the overflowing of the Nile began with the appearance of Sothis in the heavens at the summer solstice. In Vettius Valens the star itself is called 2)7$ instead of Sothis ; but neither the name nor the subject admits of our identifying Thoth with Seth or Sothis, as Ideler has done. (Handbueh der Chronologic, bd. i. s. 126.)" (Lepsius, bd. i. s. 136.) I will close these observations taken from the early Egyp- tian periods with some Hellenic, Zend, and Sanscrit etymologies : ** 2ip, the sun," says Professor Franz, " is an old root, differing only in pronunciation from 0*p, Qepos, heat, summer, in which we meet with the same change in the vowel sound as in reipoy and rfpos or repas. The correctness of these assigned relations of the radicals o-elp and fap, Qepos, is proved not only by the em- ployment of fapeiraTos in Aratus, v. 149 (Ideler, Sternnamen, s. 241), but also by the later use of the forms ereipos, , the sun, easily admits, according to Bopp, "of being associated with the Sanscrit word svar, which does not indeed signify the sun itself, but the heavens, (as something shining.) The ordinary Sanscrit denomination for the sun is surya, a contraction of svdrya, which is not used. The root svar signifies in general to shine. The Zend designation for the sun is hvare, with the h instead of the *. The Greek 6ep, fepos and Bepftos comes from the Sanscrit word gharma (Nom. gharmas,} warmth, heat." The acute editor of the Rigveda, Max Miiller, observes, that " the special Indian astronomical name of the Dog-star, Lubdhaka, which signifies a hunter, when considered in re- ference to the neighbouring constellation Orion, seems to indi- cate an ancient Arian community of ideas regarding these groups of stars." He is moreover principally inclined " to derive Sdpios from the Veda word sira (whence the adjective sairya,} and the root m, to go, to wander ; so that the sun and the brightest of the stars, Sirius, were originally called wandering stars." (Compare also Pott, Etymologische Forschungen, 1833, s. 130.) 53 Struve, Stellarum compositarum Mensuree micrometrica: t 1837, p. Ixxiv. et Ixxxiii. THE COLOUK OF THE STABS. 183 stars Betelgeux, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Antares, and Pollux. Riimker finds y Crucis of a fine red colour, and my old friend, Captain Berard, who is an admirable observer, wrote from Madagascar in 1847, that he had for some years seen a Crucis growing red. The star TJ Argus, which has been rendered celebrated by Sir John HerscheFs observations, and to which I shall soon refer more circumstantially, is under- going a change in colour, as well as in intensity of light. In the year 1843, Mr. Mackay noticed at Calcutta that this star was similar in colour to Arcturus, and was therefore reddish yellow; 54 but in letters from Santiago de Chili, in Feb. 1850, Lieutenant Gilliss speaks of it as being of a darker colour than Mars. Sir John Herschel, at the conclusion of his Observations at the Cape, gives a list of seventy-six ruby- coloured small stars, of the 7th to the 9th magnitude, some of which appear in the telescope like drops of blood. The majo- rity of the variable stars are also described as red and reddish,* the exceptions being Algol in Caput Medusae, /3 Lyrse and e Auriga, which have a. pure white light. Mira Ceti, in which a periodical change of light was first recognized, has a strong reddish light; 56 but the variability observed in Algol and 3 Lyrse, proves that this red colour is not a necessary condi- tion of a change of light, since many red stars are not variable. The faintest stars in which colours can be dis- tinguished belong, according to Struve, to the 9th and 10th magnitudes. Blue stars were first mentioned by Mariotte, 67 1686, in his Traite des Couleurs. The light of a Lyra3 is bluish ; and a smaller stellar mass of 3^ minutes in diameter in the southern hemisphere consists, according to Dunlop, of blue stars alone. Among the double stars there are many in ** Sir John Herschel, Observations at the Cape, p. 34. M Madler's Astronomic, s. 436. 56 Cosmos, vol. ii. p. 713. m Arago, Annuaire pour 1842, p. 348. 184 COSMOS. which the principal star is white, and the companion blue ; and some in which both stars have a blue light, 58 (as & Serp. and 59 Androm.) Occasionally, as in the stellar swarm near K of the Southern Cross, which was mistaken by Lacaille for a nebulous spot, more than a hundred variously-coloured red, green, blue, and bluish-green stars are so closely thronged to- gether that they appear in a powerful telescope " like a superb piece of fancy jewellery." * The ancients believed they could recognize a remarkable symmetry in the arrangement of certain stars of the 1st magnitude. Thus their attention was especially directed to the four so-called regal stars which are situated at op- posite points of the sphere, Aldebaran and Antares, Re- gulus and Fomalhaut. We find this regular arrangement, of which I have already elsewhere treated, 80 specially referred to in a late Roman writer, Julius Firmicus Maternus, 61 who belonged to the age of Constantine. The differences of right ascension in these regal stars, stellcs regales, are llh. 57m. and 12h. 49m. The importance formerly attached to this subject is probably owing to opinions transmitted from the East, which gained a footing in the Roman empire under the CaBsars, together with a strong national predilection for astrology. The leg, or north star of the Great Bear, (the celebrated star of the Bull's leg in the astronomical representations of Den - dera, and in the Egyptian Book of the Dead) is perhaps the star indicated in an obscure passage of Job (ch. ix. ver. 9), in which Arcturus, Orion, and the Pleiades are contrasted with " the chambers of the south," and in which the four quarters 88 Struve, Stellce comp., p. Ixxxii. 59 Sir John Herschel, Observations at the Cape, pp. 17, 102. ( kt Nebulae and Clusters, No. 3435.") * Humboldt, Vues des Cordilleres et Monumens des peuples indigenes de I'Amerique, torn. ii. p. 55. 61 Julii Firmici Materni Astron., libri viii. Basil, 1551, lib. vi. cap. i. p. 150. SOUTHERN STARS. 185 of the heavens in like manner are indicated by these four groups.* 1 While a large and splendid portion of the southern heavens beyond stars having 53 S. Decl. were unknown in ancient times, and even in the earlier part of the middle ages, the know- ledge of the southern hemisphere was gradually completed about a century before the invention and application of the telescope. At the time of Ptolemy there were visible on the horizon of Alexandria, the Altar, the feet of the Centaur, the Southern Cross, then included in the Centaur, and according to Pliny also called C&saris Thronus, in honour of Augustus, 33 and Canopus (Canobus) in Argo, which is called Ptolemceon by the scholiast to Germanicus. 64 In the 67 Lepsius, Chronol. der JZgypter, bd. i. s. 143. In the Hebrew text mention is made of Asch, the giant (Orion?), the many stars (the Pleiades, Gemut r) and " the Chambers of the South."' The Septuagint gives: o noitov 'EXeidSa Kai x E, to sail,) according to the etymology of the old scholiast of Aratus, who is probably more correct than those modern writers, who would derive the name from irXeos, plenty. The navigation of the Mediterranean lasted from May to the beginning of November, from the early rising to the early setting of the Pleiades. Pra3sepe in Cancer: according to Pliny, nubecula quam Prasepia vacant inter Asellos, a vecfrcXiov of the Pseudo-Eratos- thenes. The cluster of stars on the sword-hilt of Perseus, frequently mentioned by Greek astronomers. Coma Berenices, like the three former, visible to the naked eye. A cluster of stars near Arcturus (No. 1663), telescopic: R. A. 13h. 34m. 12s., N. Decl. 29 14'; more than a thousand stars from the 10th to the 12th magnitude. Cluster of stars between q and Herculis, visible to the naked eye in clear nights. A magnificent object in the telescope (No. 1968), with a singular radiating margin; R. A. 16h. 35m. 37s., N. Decl. 36 47'; first described by Halley in 1714. A cluster of stars near o> Centauri; described by Halley as early as 1677; appearing to the naked eye as a round cometic object, almost as bright as a star of the 4th or 5th magnitude; in powerful instruments it appears com- posed of countless stars of the 13th to the 15th magnitude, crowded together and most dense towards the centre; R. A. 13h. 16m. 38s., S. Decl. 46 35'; No. 3504 in Sir John Herschel's catalogue of the clusters of the southern hemisphere, 15' in diameter. (Observations at the Cape, pp. 21, 105; Outlines qfAsfr., p. 595.) l92 COSMOS. Cluster of stars near K of the Southern Cross (No. 3435), composed of many-coloured small stars from the 12th to the 16th magnitude, distributed over an area of ^-th of a square degree ; a nebulous star, according to Lacaille, but so completely resolved by Sir John Herschel that no nebulous mass remained ; the central star deep red. (Observations at the Cape, pp. 17, 102, pi. 1, fig. 2.) Cluster of stars, 47 Toucani, Bode ; No. 2322 of Sir John Herschel' s catalogue, one of the most remarkable objects in the southern heavens. I was myself deceived by it for several even- ings, imagining it to be a comet, when, on my arrival at Peru, I saw it in 12 south lat. rise high above the horizon. The visi- bility of this cluster to the naked eye is increased by the circumstance, that, although in the vicinity of the lesser Magellanic cloud, it is situated in a part of the heavens con- taining no stars, and is from 15' to 20' in diameter. It is of a pale rose colour in the interior, concentrically enclosed by a white margin composed of small stars (14th to 16th mag.) of about the same magnitude, and presenting all the charac- teristics of the globular form. 75 A cluster of stars in Andromeda's girdle near v of this constellation. The resolution of this celebrated nebula into small stars, upwards of 1500 of which have been re- cognized, appertains to the most remarkable discoveries in the observing astronomy of the present day. The merit of this discovery is due to Mr. Geo. Bond, assistant astronomer 73 at the Observatory of Cambridge, United States, (March, 76 "A stupendous object a most magnificent globular cluster," says Sir John Herschel, " completely insulated, upon a ground of the sky perfectly black throughout the whole breadth of the sweep." Observations at the Cape, pp. 18 and 51, PL iii. fig. 1 ; Outlines, 895, p. 615. 76 Bond, in the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, new series, vol. iii. p. 75. CLUSTERS OF STARS. 193 1848,) and testifies to the admirable illuminating power of the refractor of that Observatory which has an object-glass fifteen inches in diameter ; since even a reflector with a speculum of eighteen inches in diameter did not reveal " a trace of the presence of a star." 77 Although it is probable that the cluster in Andromeda was, at th close of the tenth century, already recorded as a nebula of oval form, it is more certain that Simon Marius (Mayer of Guntzenhausen), the same who first observed the change of colour in scintillation, 78 perceived it on the 15th of December, 1612 ; and that he was the first who described it circumstantially, as a new starless and wonderful cosmical body, unknown to Tycho Brahe. Half a century later, Boulliaud, the author of Astronomia philolaica, occupied himself with the same subject. This cluster of stars which is 2-| in length and more than 1 in breadth, is spe- cially distinguished by two remarkable very narrow black streaks, parallel to each other, and to the longer axis of the cluster, which, according to Bond's investigations, traverse the whole length like fissures. This configuration vividly reminds us of the singular longitudinal fissure, in an unresolved ne- bula of the southern hemisphere, No. 3501, which has been described and figured by Sir John Herschel. ( Observations at the Cape, pp. 20, 105, pi. iv. fig. 2.) Notwithstanding the important discoveries for which we are indebted to Lord Rosse and his colossal telescope, I have not included the great nebula in Orion's belt in this selection of remarkable clusters of stars, as it appeared to me more appropriate to consider those portions of it which have been resolved, in the section on Nebulae. The greatest accumulation of clusters of stars, although by no means of nebuke, occurs in the Milky Way, 79 (Galaxias, 77 Outlines, 874, p. 601. 8 Delarnbre, Hist, de VAstr. moderne, t. i. p. 697. 9 We are indebted for the first and only complete description VOL. in. o 194 COSMOS. the celestial river of the Arabs, w ) which forms almost a great circle of the sphere, and is inclined to the equator at an angle of 63. The poles of the Milky Way are situated in Right Ascension 12h. 47m. N. Decl. 27; and R. A. Oh. 47m. S. Decl. 27 ; the south galactic pole therefore lies near Coma Berenices, and the northern between Phoenix and Cetus. While all planetary local relations are referred to the ecliptic, the great circle in which the plane of the sun's path intersects the sphere we may as conveniently refer many of the local relations of the fixed stars, as, for instance, that of their accumulation or grouping, to the nearly complete circle of the Milky Way. Considered in this light, the latter is to the sidereal world what the ecliptic is to the planetary of the Milky Way, in both hemispheres, to Sir John Herschel, in his Results of Astronomical Observations, made during the years 1834-1838, at the Cape of Good Hope, 316-335, and still more recently in the Outlines of Astronomy, 787- 799. Throughout the whole of that section of the Cos- v**s which treats of the directions, ramifications, and various contents of the Milky Way, I have exclusively followed the above named Astronomer and Physicist. (Compare also Struve, Etudes d'Astr. stettaire, pp. 35-79 ; Madler, Ast., 1849, 213 ; Cosmos, vol. i. pp. 88, 140, and 305.) I need scarcely here remark that in my description of the Milky Way, in order not to confuse certainties with uncertainties, I have not referred to what I had myself observed with instruments of a very inferior illuminating power, in reference to the very great inequality of the light of the whole zone, during my long residence in the southern hemisphere, and which I have recorded in my journals. * The comparison of the ramified Milky Way with a celestial river, led the Arabs to designate parts of the con- stellation of Sagittarius, whose bow falls in a region rich in stars, as the cattle going to drink, and to associate with them the ostrich, which has so little need of water. (Ideler, Untersuch- ungen uber den Ursprung und die Bedeutung der Sternnamen, 78, 183, and 187; Niebuhr, Beschreibung von Arabien, e. 112.) MILKY WAY. 195 world of our solar system. The Milky Way cuts tne equator in Monoceros, between Procyon and Sirius, R. A. 6h. 54m.. (for 1800), and in the left hand of Antinous, R. A. 19h. 15m. The Milky Way, therefore, divides the celestial sphere into two somewhat unequal halves, whose areas are nearly as 8 to 9. In the smaller portion lies the vernal solstice. The Milky Way varies considerably in breadth in different parts of its course." At its narrowest, and at the same time most brilliant, portion, between the prow of Argo and the Cross, and nearest to the Antarctic pole, its width is scarcely 3 or 4; at other parts it is 16, and in its divided portion, between Ophiuchus and Antinous, as much as 22. William Herschel has observed, that judging from his star-gaugings, the Milky Way would appear in many regions to have 6 or 7 greater width than we should be disposed to ascribe to it from the extent of stellar brightness visible to the naked eye.** Huygens, who examined the Milky Way with his twenty- three feet refractor, declared, as early as the year 1656, that the milky \vhiteness of the whole Galactic zone was not to be ascribed to irresolvable nebulosity. A more careful application of reflecting telescopes of great dimensions and power of light has since proved, with more certainty, the correctness of the conjectures advanced by Democritus and Manilius, in re- ference to the ancient path of Phaeton, that this milky glimmering light was solely owing to the accumulated strata of small stars, and not to the scantily interspersed nebulae. This effusion of light is the same at points, where the whole can be perfectly resolved into stars, and even in stars which are projected on a black ground, wholly free from ne- bulous vapour. 84 It is a remarkable feature of the Milky 81 Outlines, p. 529 ; Schubert, Ast., th. iii. s. 71. 83 Struve, Etudes (TAstr. stellaire, p. 41. a Cosmos, vol. i. p. 140. ** " Stars standing on a clear black ground." (Observations o2 196 COSMOS. Way, that it should so rarely exhibit any globular clusters and nebulous spots of a regular or oval form ; M while both are met with in great numbers at a remote distance from it ; as, for instance, in the Magellanic clouds, where isolated stars, globular clusters in all conditions of condensation, and ne- bulous spots of a definite oval or a wholly irregular form, are intermingled. A remarkable exception to the rarity of globular clusters in the Milky Way, occurs in a region be- tween R. A. 16h. 45m. and 18h. 44m. between the Altar, the Southern Crown, the head and body of Sagittarius, and the tail of the Scorpion. 86 We even find between and 6 of the latter one of those annular nebulae, which are of such extremely rare occurrence in the southern hemisphere. In the field of view of powerful telescopes (and we must remember that, according to the calculations of Sir William at the Cape, p. 391). " This remarkable belt (the Milky Way, when examined through powerful telescopes) is found (won- derful to relate !) to consist entirely of stars scattered by millions, like glittering dust on the black ground of the general heavens." Outlines, pp. 182, 537, and 539. 86 " Globular clusters, excepting in one region of small ex- tent (between 16h. 45m. and 19h. in R. A.) and nebula of regular elliptic forms, are comparatively rare in the Milky Way, and are found congregated in the greatest abundance in a part of the heavens the most remote possible from that circle." (Outlines, p. 614.) Hugyens himself, as early as 1656, had remarked the absence of nebulosity and of all nebulous spots in the Milky Way. In the same place where he mentions the first discovery and delineation of the great nebulous spots in the belt of Orion, by a twenty-eight-feet refractor (1656), he says (as I have already remarked at p. 713 and note), mam lacteam perspicillis inspectam nullas habere nebulas, and that the Milky Way, like all that has been regarded as nebulous stars, is a great cluster of stars. The passage is to be found in Hugenii Opera varia, 1724, p. 593. 85 Observations at the Cape, 105, 107, and 328. On the annular nebulce, No. 3686, see p. 114. MILKY WAY. 197 Herschel, a twenty-feet instrument penetrates 900, and a forty-feet one 2800 distances of Sirius) the Milky Way appears as diversified in its sidereal contents as it is irregular and indefinite in its outlines and limits when seen by the un- aided eye. While in some parts the Milky Way exhibits* throughout a large space, the greatest uniformity in the light and apparent magnitudes of the stars, in others the most brilliant patches of closely-crowded luminous points are inter- rupted by granular or reticular darker 87 intervals containing but few stars ; and in some of these intervals in the interior of the Galaxy not the smallest star (of the 18m. or 20m.) is to be discovered. It almost seems as though, in these regions, we actually saw through the whole starry stratum of the Milky Way. In gauging with a field of view of 15' diameter, fields presenting on an average forty or fifty stars are almost immediately succeeded by others exhibiting from 400 to 500. Stars of the higher magnitudes often occur in the midst of the most minute telescopic stars, whilst all the intermediate classes are absent. Perhaps those stars which we regard as be- longing to the lowest order of magnitudes do not always ap- pear as such, solely on account of their enormous distance, but also because they actually have a smaller volume and less con- siderable development of light. In order rightly to comprehend the contrast presented by the greater brilliancy, abundance, or paucity of stars, it will be ne- cessary to compare regions most widely separated from each other . The maximum of the accumulation and the greatest lustre of stars are to be found between the prow of Argo and Sagittarius, or, to speak more exactly, between the Altar, the tail of the Scorpion, the hand and bow of Sagittarius, and the right foot of Ophiuchus. " No region of the heavens is fuller of objects, r " Intervals absolutely dark and completely void of any star of the smallest telescopic magnitude." Outlines, p. 536. 198 COSMOS. beautiful and remarkable in themselves, and rendered still more so by their mode of association" and grouping. 88 Next in brightness to this portion of the southern heavens is the pleasing and richly-starred region of our northern hemisphere in Aquila and Cygnus, where the Milky Way branches off in different directions. While the Milky Way is the narrowest under the foot of the Cross, the region of minimum brightness (where there is the greatest paucity of stars in the Galactic zone) is in the neighbourhood of Monoceros and Perseus. The magnificent effulgence of the Milky Way in the southern hemisphere is still further increased by the circum- stance, that between the star Argus, which has become so celebrated in consequence of its variability, and at Crucis, under the parallels of 5 9 and 60 south lat., it is intersected at an angle of 20 by the remarkable zone of very large and probably very proximate stars, to which belong the constellations Orion, Canis Major, Scorpio, Centaurus, and the Southern Cross. The direction of this remarkable zone is indicated by a great circle passing through c Orionis and the foot of the Cross. The pic- M " No region of the heavens is fuller of objects, beautiful and remarkable in themselves, and rendered still more so by their mode of association, and by the peculiar features as- sumed by the Milky Way, which are without a parallel in any other part of its course." Observations at the Cape, p. 386. This vivid description of Sir John Herschel entirely coincides with the impressions I have myself experienced. Capt. Jacob, of the Bombay Engineers, in speaking of the intensity of light in the Milky Way, in the vicinity of the Southern Cross, re- marks with striking truth, " Such is the general blaze of star- light near the Cross from that part of the sky, that a person, is immediately made aware of its having risen above the horizon, though he should not be at the time looking at the heavens, by the increase of general illumination of the atmo- sphere, resembling the effect of the young moon." (See Piazzi Smyth, On the orbit of a Centauri, in the Transact, of the Royal Soc. of Edinburgh, vol. xvi. p. 445.) MILKY WAY. 199 turesque effect of the Milky Way, if I may use the expression, is increased in both hemispheres by its various ramifications. It remains undivided for about two-fifths of its length. Ac- cording to Sir John Herschel's observations the branches separate in the great bifurcation, at Centauri,* and not at Cent., as given in our maps of the stars, or, as was asserted by Ptolemy,* in the constellation of the Altar ; they reunite again in Cygnus. In order to obtain a general insight into the whole course and direction of the Milky Way with its subdivisions, we will briefly consider its parts, following the order of their Right Ascension. Passing through y and i Cassiopeiee, the Milky Way sends forth towards i Persei a southern branch which loses itself in the direction of the Pleiades and Hyades. The main stream, which is here very faint, passes on through Auriga, over the three remarkable stars s, , 17, the Haedi of that constellation, preceding Capella between the feet of Gemini and the horns of the Bull, (where it intersects the ecliptic nearly in the solstitial colure,) and thence over Orion's club to the neck of Monoceros, intersecting the equinoctial (in 1800) at R. A. 6h. 54m. From this point the brightness considerably increases. At the stern of Argo one branch runs southward to y Argus, where it terminates abruptly. The main stream is continued to 33 S. Decl., where, after separating in a fan- like shape (20 in breadth) it again breaks off, so that there is a wide gap in the Milky Way in the line from y to X Argus. It begins again in a similar fan-like expansion, but contracts at the hind feet of the Centaur and before its entrance into 89 Outlines, 789, 791 ; Observations at the Cape, 325. 90 Almagest, lib. viii. cap. 2, (t. ii. pp. 84, 90, Halma). Ptolemy's description is admirable in some parts, especially when compared with Aristotle's treatment of the subject of the Milky Way, in Meteor, (lib. i. pp. 29, 34, according to Ideler's edition) 20') COSMOS. the Southern Cross, where it is at its narrowest part, and is only 3 or 4 in width. Soon after this the Milky Way again expands into a bright and broad mass, which encloses /3 Cen- tauri as well as a and Crucis, and in the midst of which lies the black pear-shaped coal-sack, to which I shall more specially refer in the 7th section. In this remarkable region, somewhat below the coal- sack, the Milky Way approaches nearest to the South Pole. The above-mentioned bifurcation, which begins at a Cen- tauri, extended, according to older views, to the constellation Cygnus. Passing from a Centauri, a narrow branch runs northwards in the direction of the constellation Lupus, where it seems gradually lost ; a division next shows itself at y Normce. The northern branch forms irregular outlines till it reaches the region of the foot of Ophiuchus, where it wholly disappears ; the most southern branch then becomes the main- stream, and passes through the Altar and the tail of the Scor- pion, in the direction of the bow of Sagittarius, where it intersects the ecliptic in 276 long. It next runs in an irre- gular patchy and winding stream through Aquila, Sagitta, and Vulpecula up to Cygnus ; between *, a, and y, of which con- stellation a broad dark vacuity appears, which, as Sir John Herschel says, is not unlike the southern coal-sack, and serves as a kind of centre for the divergence of three great streams. 91 One of these, which is very vivid and conspi- cuous, may be traced running backward, as it were, through j3 Cygni and s Aquilse, without, however, blending with the stream already noticed, which extends to the foot of Ophiuchus, A considerable offset or protuberant appendage is also thrown off by the northern stream from the head of Cepheus, 91 Outlines, p. 531. The strikingly dark spot between a and y Cassiopeia? is also ascribed to the contrast with the brightness by which it is surrounded. See Struve, Etudes steU., note 58. MILKY WAY. 201 and therefore near Cassiopeia, (from which constellation we began our description of the Milky Way) towards Ursa Minor and the pole. From the extraordinary advancement which the applica- tion of large telescopes has gradually effected in our know- ledge of the sidereal contents and of the differences in the con- centration of light observable in individual portions of the Milky Way, views of merely optical projection have been re- placed by others referring rather to physical conformation. Thomas Wright of Durham, 9 * Kant, Lambert, and at first also Sir William Herschel, were disposed to consider the form of the Milky Way, and the apparent accumulation of the stars within this zone, as a consequence of the flattened form and unequal dimensions of the world-island (starry stratum,) in which our solar system is included. The hypothesis of the uniform magnitude and distribution of the fixed stars has recently been attacked on many sides. The bold and gifted investigator of the heavens, Wm. Herschel, in his last works, expressed himself strongly in favour of the assumption of an annulus of stars ; a view which he had contested in the talented treatise he composed in 1784. The most recent observations have favoured the hypothesis of a system of separate concentric rings. The thickness of these rings seems very unequal ; and the different strata whose combined stronger or fainter light we receive, are undoubtedly situated at very different altitudes, 98 De Morgan has given an extract of the extremely rare work of Thomas Wright of Durham, ( Theory of the Universe., London, 1750,) p. 241 in the Philos. Magazine, ser. iii. no. 32. Thomas Wright, to whose researches the attention of astronomers has been so permanently directed since the beginning of the present century, through the ingenious speculations of Kant and W r iliiam Herschel, observed only with a reflector of one foot focal length. * I faff, in Will. Herschels sammtl. Schriften, bd. i. (1826) . 78-81 ; Struve, Etudes stell, pp. 35-44. 202 COSMOS. i. e. at very unequal distances from us ; but the relative bright- ness of the separate stars which we estimate as of the 1 Oth to the 1 6th magnitude, cannot be regarded as affording sufficient data to enable us in a satisfactory manner to deduce numeri - cally from them the radius of their spheres of distances.** In many parts of the Milky Way the space-penetrating power of instruments is sufficient to resolve whole star-clouds, and to show the separate luminous points projected on the dark starless ground of the heavens. We here actually look through as into free space. " It leads us," says Sir John Herschel," irre- sistibly to the conclusion that in these regions we see fairly through the starry stratum." 95 In other regions we see as it were through openings and fissures, remote world-islands, or outbranching portions of the annular system ; in other parts, again, the Milky Way has hitherto been fathomless , even with the forty- feet telescope. 96 Investigations on the different in- tensity of light in the Milky Way, as well as on the magni- tudes of the stars, which regularly increase in number from the galactic poles to the circle itself (an increase especially ob- servable for 30 on either side of the Milky Way in stars below the llth magnitude, 97 and therefore in j-f of all the 94 Encke, in Schumacher's Astr. Nachr., no. 622, 1847, P. 341-346, 85 Outlines, pp. 536, 537, where we find the following words on the same subject : " In such cases it is equally impossible not to perceive that we are looking through a sheet of stars nearly of a size, and of no great thickness compared with the distance which separates them from us." 59 Struve, Etudes stell., p. 63. Sometimes the largest instruments reach a portion of the heavens, in which the existence of a starry stratum, shining at a remote distance, is only announced by " an uniform dotting or stippling of the field of view." See, in Observations at the Cape, p. 390, the section " On some indications of very remote telescopic branches of the Milky Way, or of an independent sidereal system or systems bearing a resemblance to such branches." 97 Observations at the Cape, 314. MILKY WAY. 203 stars), have led the most recent investigator of the southern hemisphere to remarkable views and probable results in re- ference to the form of the galactic annular system, and what has been boldly called the sun's place in the world- island to which this annular system belongs. The place assigned to the sun is eccentric, and probably near a point where the stratum bifurcates or spreads itself out into two sheets, 9 * in one of those desert regions lying nearer to the Southern Cross than to the opposite node of the Milky Way. 31 " The depth at which our system is plunged in the sidereal stratum, constituting the galaxy, reckoning from the southern surface or limit of that stratum, is about equal to that distance which on a general average corresponds to the light of a stai of the 9th or 10th magnitude, and certainly does not exceed that corresponding to the llth." 100 Where, from the peculiar nature of individual problems, measurements and the direct evidence of the senses fail,we see but dimly those results which intellectual contemplation, urged forward by an intuitive im- pulse, is ever striving to attain. 98 Sir William Herschel, in the Philos. Transact, for 1785, p. 21 ; Sir John Herschel, Observations at the Cape, 293. Compare also Struve, Descr. de I' Observatoire de Poulkova, 1845, pp. 267-271. 99 " I think," says Sir John Herschel, " it is impossible to view this splendid zone from a Centauri to the Cross without an impression amounting almost to conviction, that the Milky Way is not a mere stratum, but annular ; or, at least, that our system is placed within one of the poorer or almost vacant parts of its general mass, and that eccentrically, so as to be much nearer to the region about the Cross than to that diametrically opposite to it." (Mary Somerville, On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences, 1846, p. 419.) 100 Observations at the Cape, 315. 201 COSMOS, IV. NEW STARS AND STARS THAT HAVE VANISHED. VARIABLE STARS, WHOSE RECURRING PERIODS HAVE BEEN DETER- MINED. VARIATIONS IN THE INTENSITY OF THE LIGHT OF STARS WHOSE PERIODICITY IS AS YET UNINVESTI- GATED. NEW STARS. The appearance of hitherto unseen stars in the vault of heaven, especially the sudden appearance of strongly scintillating stars of the first magnitude, is an occurrence in the realms of space which has ever excited astonishment. This astonishment is the greater, in propor- tion as such an event as the sudden manifestation of what was before invisible, but which nevertheless is supposed to have previously existed, is one of the very rarest phe- nomena in nature. While in the three centuries from 1500 to 1800, as many as forty- two comets, visible to the naked eye, have appeared to the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere -on an average, fourteen in every hundred years only eight new stars have been observed throughout the same period. The rarity of the latter be- comes still more striking, when we extend our consideration to yet longer periods. From the completion of the Alphonsine tables, an important epoch in the history of astronomy, down to the time of William Herschel that is, from 1252 to 1800 the number of visible comets is estimated at about sixty-three, while that of new stars does not amount to more than nine. Consequently, for the period during which, in the civilized countries of Europe, we may depend on possessing a tolerably correct enumeration of both, the proportion of new stars to comets visible to the naked eye is as one to NEW STABS. 205 seven. We shall presently show that if from the tail-less comets we separate the new stars which, according to the records of Ma-tuan-lin, have been observed in China, and go back to the middle of the second century before the Christian era, that for about 2000 years scarcely more than twenty or twenty-two of such phenomena can be adduced with certainty. Before I proceed to general considerations, it seems not inappropriate to quote the narrative of an eye-witness, and by dwelling on a particular instance to depict the vividness of the impression produced by the sight of a new star. " On my return to the Danish islands, from my travels in Germany," says Tycho Brahe, " I resided for some time with my uncle, Steno Bille (ut aulicse vitee fastidium lenirem), in the old and pleasantly situated monastery of Herritzwadt; and here I made it a practice not to leave my chemical laboratory until the evening. Raising my eyes, as usual, during one of my walks, to the well-known vault of heaven, I observed, with indescribable astonishment, near the zenith, in Cassiopeia, a radiant fixed star, of a magnitude never before seen. In my amazement, I doubted the evidence of my senses. However, to convince myself that it was no illusion, and to have the testi- mony of others, I summoned my assistants from the labora- tory, and inquired of them, and of all the country people that passed by, if they also observed the star that had thus suddenly burst forth. I subsequently heard that, in Germany, waggoners and other common people first called the attention of astronomers to this great phenomenon in the heavens a circumstance which, as in the case of non-predicted comets, furnished fresh occasion for the usual raillery at the expense of the learned. " This new star," Tycho Brahe continues, " I found to be with- out a tail, not surrounded by any nebula, and perfectly like all other fixed stars, with the exception that it scintillated more 206 COSMOS. strongly than stars of the first magnitude. Its brightness was greater than that of Sirius, a Lyrse, or Jupiter. For splendour, it was only comparable to Venus when nearest to the earth (that is, when only a quarter of her disc is illu- minated). Those gifted with keen sight could, when the air was clear, discern the new star in the day-time, and even at noon. At night, when the sky was overcast, so that all other stars were hidden, it was often visible through the clouds, if they were not very dense (nubes notf admodum densas). Its distances from the nearest stars of Cassiopeia, which throughout the whole of the following year I measured with great care, convinced me of its perfect immobility. Al- ready, in December, 1572, its brilliancy began to diminish, and the star gradually resembled Jupiter ; but by January, 1573, it had become less bright than that planet. Successive photometric estimates gave the following results : for Febru- ary and March, equality with stars of the first magnitude (stellarum affixarum primi honoris for Tycho Brahe seems to have disliked using Manilius's expression of stellae fixee) ; for April and May, with stars of the second magnitude ; for July and August, with those of the third; for October and November, those of the fourth magnitude. Towards the month of No- vember, the new star was not brighter than the eleventh in the lower part of Cassiopeia's chair. The transition to the fifth and sixth magnitude took place between December, 1573, and February, 1574. In the following month, the new star disappeared, and, after having shone seventeen months, was no longer discernible to the naked eye." (The telescope was not invented until thirty-seven years afterwards.) The gradual diminution of the star's luminosity was more- over invariably regular; it was rot (as is the case in the present day with 77 Argus, though indeed that is not to be called a new star) interrupted by several periods of re-kindling or by increased intensity of light. Its colour also changed with. NEW STARS. 207 its brightness (a fact which subsequently gave rise to many erroneous conclusions as to the velocity of coloured rays in their passage through space). At its first appearance, as long as it Jiad the brilliancy of Venus and Jupiter, it was for two months white, and then it passed through yellow into red. In the spring of 1573, Tycho Brahe compared it to Mars ; after- wards he thought that it nearly resembled Betelgeuze, the star in the right shoulder of Orion. Its colour for the most part was like the red tint of Aldebaran. In the spring of 1 5 73, and especially in May, its white colour returned (albedinem quandam sublivi- dam induebat, qualis Saturni stellae subesse videtur). So it re- mained in January, 1574; being, up to the time of its entire disappearance in the month of March, 1574, of the fifth magnitude, and white, but of a duller whiteness, and exhibiting a remarkably strong scintillation in proportion to its faint- ness. The circumstantial minuteness of these statements 1 is of itself a proof of the interest which this natural phenomenon could not fail to awaken, by calling forth many important questions, in an epoch so brilliant in the history of astro- nomy. For (notwithstanding the general rarity of the appearance of new stars) similar phenomena, accidentally crowded together within the short space of thirty-two years, were thrice repeated within the observation of Euro- pean astronomers, and consequently served to heighten the excitement. The importance of star-catalogues, for ascer- 1 De admiranda Nova Stella, anno 1572, exorta in Tycho nis Brake, Astronomies instauratce Progymnasmata, 1603, pp. 298-304, and 578. In the text I have closely followed the account which Tycho Brahe himself gives. The very doubtful statement (which is, however, repeated in several astronomical treatises) that his attention was first called to the phenomenon of the new star by a concourse of country people, need not therefore be here noticed. 208 ; COSMOS. taming the date of the sudden appearance of any star, was more and more recognized ; the periodicity* (their re-appear- ance after many centuries) was discussed ; and Tycho Brahe himself boldly advanced a theory of the process by which stars might be formed and moulded out of cosmical vapour, which presents many points of resemblance to that of the great William Herschel. He was of opinion that the vapoury celestial matter which becomes luminous as it condenses, conglomerates into fixed stars: " Coeli mate- riam tenuissimam, ubique nostro visui et planetarum circuitibus perviam, in unum globum condensatam, stellam efnngere." This celestial matter, which is universally dispersed through space, has already attained to a certain degree of condensation in the Milky Way, which glimmers with a soft silvery bright- ness. Accordingly, the place of the new star, as well as of those which became suddenly visible in 945 and 1264, was on the very edge of the Milky Way (quo factum est quod nova s-tella in ipso galaxise margine constiterit). Indeed, some went so far as to believe that they could discern the very spot (the opening or hiatus] whence the nebulous celestial matter had been drawn from the Milky Way. 3 All this reminds one * Cardanus, in his controversy with Tycho Brahe, went back to the star of the Magi, which, as he pretended, was identical with the star of 1572. Ideler, arguing from his own calculations of the conjunctions of Saturn with Jupiter, and from similar conjectures advanced by Kepler on the appearance of the new star in Ophiuchus in 1604, supposes that the star of the Magi, through a confusion of ao-r^p with acrrpov, which is so frequent, was not a single great star, but a remarkable conjunction of stars, the close approximation of two brightly shining planets at a distance of less than a diameter of the moon. Tychonis Progymnasmata, pp. 324- 330 ; contrast with Ideler, Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologic, bd. ii. s. 399-407. 3 Progymn., pp. 324-330. Tycho Brahe, in his theory of the formation of new stars from the Cosmical vapour of the TEMPORARY STARS. 209 of the theories of transition of the cosmical vapour irto c. us- ters of stars, of an aggiomerative force, of a concentratioii to a central nucleus, and of hypotheses of a gradual formation of solid bodies out of a vaporous fluid ; views which were generally received in the beginning of the nineteenth cen- tury, but which at present, owing to the ever-changing fluctuations in the world of thought, are in many respects exposed to new doubts. Among newly-appeared temporary stars the following (though with variable degrees of certainty) may be reckoned. I have arranged them according to the order in which they respectively appeared. (a) 134 B.C. . in Scorpio. (6) 123 A.D. . . in Ophiuchus. (c) 173 . . in Centaurus. (d) 369 . . ? (e) 386 . . in Sagittarius. (/) 389 . . in Aquila. (g} 393 . in Scorpio. (A) 827 . . in Scorpio. (0 945 . . between Cepheus and Cassiopeia. (jfc) 1012 . . in Aries. (J) 1203 . . in Scorpio. (ro) 1230 . . in Ophiuchus. () 1264 . . between Cepheus and Cassiopeia. (o) 1572 . . in Cassiopeia. . (p) 1578 . . (?) 1584 . . in Scorpio. (r) 1600 . in Cygnus. () 1604 . . in Ophiuchus. Milky Way, builds much on the remarkable passages of Aris- totle on the connexion of the tails of comets (the vapoury- radiation from their nuclei with the galaxy to which I have already alluded. (Cosmos, vol. i. p. 88.) VOL. III. P 2LO COSMOS. (t) 1609 . () IG70 . . in Vulpes. (v) 1848 . . iti Ophiuchus. EXPLANATORY REMARKS. (a) This star first appeared in July, 134 years before our era. We have taken it from the Chinese Records of Ma- tuan-lin, for the translation of which we are indebted to the learned linguist Edward Biot (Connaissance des Temps pour Van 1846, p. 61). Its place was between /3 and p of Scorpio. Among the extraordinary foreign-looking stars of these records, called also guest-stars, (etoiles holes, "Ke-sing," strangers of a singular aspect,) which are distinguished by the observers from comets with tails, fixed new stars and advancing tail-less comets are certainly sometimes mixed up. But in the record of their motion (Ke-sing of 1092, 1181, and 1458), and in the absence of any such record, as also in the occasional addition, ''the Ke-sing dissolved" (disappeared), there is contained, if not an infallible, yet a very important criterion. Besides, we must bear in mind that the light of the nu- cleus of all comets, whether with or without tails, is dull, never scintillates, and exhibits only a mild radiance, while the luminous intensity of what the Chinese call extraor- dinary (stranger) stars, has been compared to that of Venus, a circumstance totally at variance with the na- ture of comets in general, and especially of those with- out tails. The star which appeared in 134 B.C., under the old Han dynasty, may, as Sir John Herschel remarks, have been the new star of Hipparchus, which, according to the statement of Pliny, induced him to commence his catalogue of the stars. Delambre twice calls this statement a fiction, " une historiette." (Hist, de lAstr. anc., t. i. p. 290; and Hist, de VAstr. mod., t. i. p. 186.) Since, according to the express statement of Ptolemy (Almag. vii. p. 2, 13 ffalma), the catalogue of Hipparchus belongs to the year 128 B.C., and Hipparchus (as I have already remarked else- where) carried on his observations in Rhodes (and perhaps also in Alexandria), from 162 to 127 B.C., there is nothing irreconcilable with this conjecture. It is very probable that the great Nicean astronomer had pursued his observations for TEMPORARY STARS. 211 a considerable period before he conceived the idea of forming a regular catalogue. The words of Pliny, "suo aevo genita,'' apply to the whole term of his life. After the appearance of Tycho Brahe's star in 1572, it was much disputed whether the star of Hipparchus ought to be classed among new stars, or comets without tails. Tycho Brahe himself was of the former opinion (Progymn., pp. 319-325). The words "ejusquemotu addubitationem adductus," may undoubtedly lead to the supposition of a faint, or altogether tail-less comet; but Pliny's rhetorical style admitted of such vagueness of ex- pression. (6) A Chinese observation. It appeared in December, A.D. 123, between a. Herculis and a Ophiuchi. Ed. Biot, from Ma-tuan-lin. (It is also asserted that a new star appeared in the reign of Hadrian, about A.D. 130.) (c) A singular and very large star. This also is taken from Ma-tuan-lin, as well as the three following ones. It appeared on the 10th of December, 173, between a. and /3 Centauri, and at the end of eight months disappeared, after exhibiting the five colours one after another. " Succes- sivement " is the term employed by Ed. Biot in his trans- lation. Such an expression would almost tend to suggest a series of colours similar to those in the above described star of Tycho Brahe ; but Sir John Herschel more correctly takes it to mean a coloured scintillation (Outlines, p. 563), and Arago interprets in the same way a nearly similar expression employed by Kepler when speaking of the new star (1604) in Ophiuchus. (Annuaire pour 1842, p. 347.) (d) This star was seen from March to August, 369. (e) Between A and

of Sagittarius. But in that case there must be an error in Ma-tuan-lin, not only in the statement of the year, but also of the constellation in which the star appeared. (I) Towards the end of July, 1203, in the tail of Scorpio. According to the Chinese Record, this new star was " of a bluish-white colour, without luminous vapour, and resembled Saturn." (Edouard Biot, in the Connaissance des Temps pour 1846, p. 68.) (m) Another Chinese observation, from Ma-tuan-lin, whose astronomical records, containing an accurate account of the positions of comets and fixed stars, go back to the year 613 B.C., to the times of Thales and the expsdition of Cola3us of Samos. This new star appeared in the middle of December, 1230, between Ophiuchus and the Serpent. It dissolved towards the end of March, 1231. (n) This is the star mentioned by the Bohemian astro- nomer, Cyprianus Leovitius (and referred to under the 9th star, in the year 945). About the same time (July, 1264), a great comet appeared, whose tail swept over one half of the heavens, and which, therefore, could not be mistaken for a new star suddenly appearing between Cepheus and Cas- siopeia. (o) This is Tycho Brahe's star of the llth of November, 1572. in the Chair of Cassiopeia, R. A. 3 26'; Decl. 63 3' (for 1800). (jo) February, 1578. Taken from Ma-tuan-lin. The con- stellation is not given, bu f the intensity and radiation of the 214 COSMOS. light must have been extraordinary, since the Chinese Record appends the remark, "a star as large as the sun!" ( 416, but the duration between + 5441 and + 5442 would be 2 d 20 h 48 m 55-182; the former applies to the year 1784, the latter to the year 1842. " The numbers which follow the signs are the probable errors. That the diminution becomes more and more rapid, is shown as well by the last number as by all my observations since 1847." 18 Argelander' s formula for representing all observations of the maxima of Mira Ceti is, as communicated by himself, as follows : VARIABLE STARS. 229 has Veei established by Argelander, from which all the maxima can be so deduced that the probable error in a long period of variability, extending to 33 Id. 8h. does not in the mean exceed 7 days, while, on the hypothesis of an uniform period, it would be 15 days. The double maximum and minimum of /3 Lyrse, in each of its periods of nearly 13 days, was from the first correctly ascertained by its discoverer, Goodricke (1784); but it has been placed still more beyond doubt 13 by very recent obser- vations. It is remarkable that this star attains to the same brightness in both its maxima; but in its principal minimum it is about half a magnitude fainter than in the other. Since the discovery of the variability of /3 Lyrae, the period in a period has probably been on the increase. At first the vari- ability was more rapid, then it became gradually slower ; and this decrease in the length of time reached its limit between 1751 Sep. 9-76 + 331 d -3363 E. + 10 d '5, sin. ( 3 T 6 T oOE + 86 23/ ) + 18d * (ff E-f 231 42') + 33 d -9, sin. (f| E + 170 19') + 65 d -3, sin. (ff- E + 6 37') where E represents the number of maxima which have oc- curred since Sept. 9, 1751, and the co-efficients are given in days. Therefore, for the current year (E being = 109), the following is the maximum : 1751 Sep. 9-76 + 36115 d '65 + 8 d '44 12 d '24. + 18 d -59 + 27 d '34 = 1850 Sep. 8 d -54. " The strongest evidence in favour of this formula is, that it represents even the maximum of 1596, ( Cosmos, vol. ii. p. 713,) which, on the supposition of a uniform period, would deviate more than 100 days. However, the laws of the variation of the light of this star appear so complicated, that in par- ticular cases' e. g. for the accurately observed maximum of 1840 the formula was wrong by many days (nearly twenty-five)." u Compare Argelander's essay written on the occasion of the centenary jubilee of the Konigsberg University, and en- titled, De Stella Lyra Variab'di, 1844. 230 COSMOS. the years 1840 and 1844. During that time its period \va? nearly invariable ; at present it is again decidedly on the de- crease. Something similar to the double maximum of /3 Lyrse occurs in 6 Cephei. There is a tendency to a second maximum, in so far as its diminution of light does not proceed uniformly ; but after having been for some time tolerably rapid, it comes 'to a stand, or at least exhibits a very inconsiderable diminu- tion which suddenly becomes rapid again. In some stars it would almost appear as though the light were prevented from fully attaining a second maximum. In x Cygni it is very probable that two periods of variability prevail, a longer one of 100 years, and a shorter one of 8^. The question whether, on the whole, there is greater regularity in variable stars of very short than in those of very long periods, is difficult to answer. The variations from an uniform period can only be taken relatively ; t. e. in parts of the period itself. To commence with long periods, ^ Cygni, Mira Ceti, and 30 Hydra, must first of all be considered. In jg Cygni, on the supposition of a uniform variability, the deviations from a period of 406-0634 days, (which is the most probable period,) amount to 39 -4 days. Even though a portion of these deviations may be owing to errors of observation, still at least 29 or 30 days remain beyond doubt; t. e. one-fourteenth of the whole period. In the case of Mira Ceti, 14 in a period of 331 '340 days, the deviations amount to 55 -5 days, even if we do not reckon the observations of David Fabricius. If, allowing for errors of observation, we limit the estimate to 40 days, we still obtain one-eighth; consequently, as compared w r ith % Cygni, nearly 14 The work of Jacques Cassini (EUmens d 'Astronomic, 1740, pp. 66-69), belongs to the earliest systematic attempts to investigate the mean duration of the period of the variation of Mira Ceti. VARIABLE STABS. 231 twice as great a deviation. In the case of 30 Hydra?, which has a period of 495 days, it is still greater, probably one-fifth. It is only during the last few years (since 1840, and still later) that the variable stars with very short periods have been observed steadily, and with sufficient accuracy ; so that the problem in question, when applied to them, is still more difficult of solution. From the observations, however, which have as yet been taken, less considerable deviations seem to occur. In the case of v AquilaB (with a period of 7d. 4h.) they' only amount to one-sixteenth or one-seventeenth of the whole period; in that of & Lyrae (period 12d. 21h.) to one twenty-seventh or one-thirtieth; but the inquiry is still exposed to much uncertainty as regards the comparison of long and short periods. Of j8 Lyras between 1700 and 1800 periods have been observed; of Mira Ceti, 279; of % Cygni, only 145. The question that has been mooted, w r hether stars which have long appeared to be variable in regular periods, ever cease to be so, must apparently be answered in the negative. As among the constantly variable stars there are some which at one time exhibit a very great, and at another a very small degree of variability, (as, for instance, variabilis Scuti,) so, it seems, there are also others whose variability is at certain times so very slight, that, with our limited means, we are unable to detect it. To such belongs variabilis Corona? bor. (Xo. 5236 in the Catalogue of the British Association), recognized as variable by Pigott, who observed it for a considerable time. In the winter of 1795-6 this star became totally invisible; subsequently it again appeared, and the variations of its light were observed by Koch. In 1817, Harding and Westphal found that its brightness was nearly constant, while in 1824 Olbers was again enabled to perceive a variation in its luminosity. Its constancy now again returned, and from August, 1843, to September, 1845, was 232 COSMOS. established by Argelander. At the end of September, a frosh. diminution of its light commenced. By October, the 'tar was no longer visible in the comet-seeker, but it appeared again in February, 1846, and by the beginning of June had reached its usual magnitude (the 6th). Since then it has maintained this magnitude, if we overlook some small fluctuations whose very existence has not been established with certainty. To this enigmatical class of stars belong also variabilis Aquarii, and probably Janson and Kepler's star in Cygnus of 1600, which we have already mentioned among the new stars. TABLE of the Variable Stars by F. Argelander. No. Name of the Star. Length of Period. Brightnes Maximum. 5 in the Minimum. Name of Discoverer and date of Discovery. D. H. M. Magnitude Magnit. I o Ceti 331 20 4 to 2-1 Holwarda 1639 2 /3 Persei . 2 20 49 2-3 4 Montanari 1669 3 X Cygni . 406 1 30 6-7 to 4 Gottfr. Kirch 1687 4 30 Hydra Hev. 495 5 to 4 Maraldi 1704 6 Leonis E, 420 M. 312 18 5 Koch 1782 6 77 Aquilae . 7 4 14 3-4 5-4 E. Pigott 1784 7 (3 Lyrse . 12 21 45 3-4 4-5 Goodricke 1784 '8 SCephei . 5 8 49 4-3 5-4 Ditto 1784 9 Herculis 66 8 3 3-4 Wm.Herschel 1795 10 CoronaeR . 323 6 E. Pigott 1795 11 Scuti R . 71 17 6-5 to 5-4 9 to 6 Ditto 1795 12 Virginis R 145 21 7 to 6-7 Harding 1809 13 Aquarii R 388 13 9 to 67 Ditto 1810 14 Serpentis R 359 67 Ditto 1826 15 Serpentis S 367 5 8 to 7'8 Ditto 1828 16 Cancri R . 380 7 Schwerd 1829 17 a Cassiopeiee 79 3 2 3'2 Birt 1831 18 a Orionis . 196 1 1-2 John Herschel 1836 19 a Hydrse . 55 2 2-3 Ditto 1837 20 e Aurigae . ! 3-4 4-5 Heis 1846 21 Geminorum 10 3 35 4-3 5-4 Schmidt 1847 22 |3 Pegasi . 40 23 2 2-3 Ditto 1848 23 Pegasi R . 350 8 Hind 1848 24 Cancri S . I 7-8 Ditto 1848 VARIABLE STABS. 233 EXPLANATORY REMARKS. The in the column of the minima indicates that the star is then fainter than the 10th magnitude. For the purpose of clearly and conveniently designating the smaller variable stars, which for the most part have neither names nor other designations, I have allowed myself to append to them capitals, since the letters of the Greek and the smaller Latin alphabet have, for the most part, been already employed by Bayer. Besides the stars adduced in the preceding table, there are almost as many more which are supposed to be variable, since their magnitudes are set down differently by different observers. But as these estimates were merely occasional, and have not been conducted with much precision, and as different astronomers have different principles in estimating magnitudes, it seems the safer course not to notice any such cases, until the same observer shall have found a decided variation in them at different times. With all those adduced in the table this is the case ; and the fact of their periodical change of light is quite established, even where the period itself has not been ascertained. The periods given in the table are founded, for the most part, on my own examination of all the earlier observations that have been published, and on my own observations within the last ten years, which have not as yet been published. Exceptions will be mentioned in the following notices of the several stars. In these notices the positions are' those for 1850, and are expressed in right ascension and declination. The frequently repeated term gradation indicates a difference of brightness, which may be distinctly recognized even by the naked eye, or in the case of those stars which are invisible to the unaided sight, by a Frauenhofer's comet-seeker of twenty-five and a-half inches focal length. For the brighter stars above the 6th magnitude, a gradation indicates about the tenth part of the difference by which the successive orders of mag- nitude differ from one another; for the smaller stars the usual classifications of magnitude are considerably closer. (1) o Ceti, R. A. 32 57', Decl. 3 40'; also called Mira, on account of the wonderful change of light which was first observed in this star. As early as the latter half of the seventeenth century", the periodicity of this star was recog- nized, and Bouillaud fixed the duration of its period at 333 234 COSMOS. dnys; it was found, however, at the same time, that this dura- tion was sometimes longer, and sometimes shorter, and that the star at its greatest brilliancy appeared sometimes brighter, and sometimes fainter. This has been subsequently fully confirmed. Whether the star ever becomes perfectly invisible is as yet undecided ; at one time, at the epoch of its minimum it has been observed of the 1 1th or 12th magnitude, at another, it could not be seen even with the aid of a three or a four- feet telescope. This much is certain, that for a long period it is fainter than stars of the 10th magnitude. But few ob- servations of the star at this stage have as yet been taken ; most having commenced when it had begun to be visible to the naked eye as a star of the 6th magnitude. From this period the star increases in brightness at first with great rapidity, afterwards more slowly, and at last, with a scarcely perceptible augmentation ; then again, it diminishes at first slowly, afterwards rapidly. On a mean the period of aug- mentation of light from the 6th magnitude extends to 50 days; that of its decrease down to the same degree of brightness takes 69 days; so that the star is visible to the naked eye for about four months. However, this is only the mean duration of its visibility; occasionally it has lasted as long as five months, whereas, at other times it has not been visible for more than three. In the same way, also, the duration both of the augmentation and of the diminution of its light is subject to great fluctuations, and the former is at all times slower than the latter: as, for instance, in the year 1840, when the star took sixty-two days to arrive at its greatest brightness, and then in forty-nine days became invisible to the naked eye. The shortest period of increase that has as yet been observed took place in 1679, and lasted only thirty days; the longest (of sixty-seven days) occurred in 1709. The decrease of light lasted the longest in 1839, being then ninety-one days; the shortest in the year 1660, when it was completed in nearly fifty-two days. Occasionally, the star at the period of its greatest brightness exhibits for a whole month together scarcely any perceptible variation ; at others. a difference may be observed within a very few days. On some occasions after the star had decreased in brightness for several weeks there was a period of perfect cessation ; or, at least, a scarcely perceptible diminution of light during several days: this was the case in 1678 and in 1847. VARIABLE STARS. 235 The maximum brightness, as already remarked, is by no means always the same. If we indicate the brightness of the faintest star that is visible to the naked eye by 0, and that of Aldebaran, (a Tauri,) a star of the 1st magnitude, by 50, then the maximum of light of Mira fluctuates between 20 and 47, i. e. between the brightness of a star of the 4th, and of the 1st or 2nd magnitude: the mean brightness is 28, or that of the star y Ceti. But the duration of its periods is still more irregular: its mean is 33 Id. 20h., while its fluc- tuations have extended to a month; for the shortest time that ever elapsed from one maximum to the next was only 306 days, the longest on the other hand 367 days. These irregularities become the more remarkable, when we compare the several occurrences of greatest brightness with those which would take place if we were to calculate these maxima on the hypothesis of an uniform period. The difference between calculation and observation then amounts to 50 days, and it appears, that for several years in succession those differ- ences are nearly the same, and in the same direction. This evidently indicates that the disturbance in the phenomena of light is one of a very long period. More accurate cal- culations, however, have proved that the supposition of one disturbance is not sufficient, and that several must be assumed, which may, however, all arise from the same cause ; one of these recurs after 11 single periods; a second, after 88 ; a third, after 1 76 ; and a fourth, after 264. From hence arises the formula of sines (given at p. 228, note 12), with which, indeed, the several maxima very nearly accord, although deviations still exist which cannot be explained by errors of observation. (2) Persei, Algol; R. A. 44 36', Decl. + 40 22'. Although Geminiano Montanari observed the variability of this star in 1667, and Maraldi likewise noticed it, it was Goodricke that first, in 1782, discovered the regularity of the variability. The cause of this is probably that this star does not, like most other variable ones, gradually increase and diminish in brightness, but for 2d. 13h. shines uniformly as a star of the 2 '3rd magnitude, and only appears less bright for 7 or 8 hours, when it sinks to the 4th magnitude. The augmentation and diminution of its brightness are not quite regular; but when near to the minimum, they proceed with greater rapidity; whence the time of least brightness may 236 COSMOS be accurately calculated to within 10 to 15 minutes. It is moreover remarkable that this star, after having increased in light for about an hour, remains for nearly the same period at the same brightness, and then begins once more per- ceptibly to increase. Till very recently the duration of the period was held to be perfectly uniform, and Wurm was able to present all observations pretty closely, by assuming it to be 2d. 21h. 48m. 58s. However, a more accurate calculation, in which was comprehended a space of time nearly twice as long as that at Wurm's command, has shown that the period becomes gradually shorter. In the year 1784, it was 2d. 20h. 48m. 59 -4s., and in the year 1842, only 2d. 20h. 48m. 55 "2s. Moreover, from the most recent observations it becomes very probable that this diminution of the period is at present proceeding more rapidly than before, so that for this star also a formula of sines, for the 'disturbance of its period, will in time be obtained. Besides,* this diminu- tion will be accounted for, if we assume that Algol comes nearer to us by about 2000 miles every year, or recedes from us thus far less each succeeding year ; for in that case his light would reach us as much sooner every year, as the de- crease of the period requires; i. e. about the twelve thou- sandth of a second. If this be the true cause, a formula of sines must eventually be deduced. (3) x Cygni, R A. 296 12', Decl. +32 32'. This star also exhibits nearly the same irregularities as Mira. The deviations of the observed maxima from those calculated for a uniform period amount to 40 days, but are considerably diminished by the introduction of a disturbance of 8 single periods, and of another of 100 such periods. In its maximum this star reaches the mean brightness of a faint 5th magni- tude, or one gradation brighter than the star 1 7 Cygni. The fluctuations, however, are in this case also very consi- derable, and have been observed from 13 gradations below the mean to 10 above it. At this lowest maximum the star would be perfectly invisible to the naked eye, whereas, on the contrary, in the year 1847, it could be seen without the aid of a telescope for fully 97 days; its mean visibility extends to 52 days, of which, on the mean, it is 20 days on the increase, and 32 on the decrease. (4) 30 Hydra Hevelii, R. A. 200 23', Decl. 22 30'. Of this star, which, from its position in the heavens, ie only VARIABLE STARS. 237 visible for a short time during every year, all that can be said is, that both its period and its maximum brightness are sub- ject to very great irregularities. (5) Leonis R, = 420 Mayeri ; R. A. 144 52', Decl. -f- 12 7'. This star is often confounded with 18 and 19 Leonis, which are close to it; and in consequence has been very little observed ; sufficiently, however, to show that the period is somewhat irregular. Its brightness at the maximum seems also to fluctuate through some gradations. (6) Aquike, called also u Antinoi; R. A. 296 12', Decl. + 37'. The period of this star is tolerably uniform, 7d. 4h. 13m. 53s.; observations, however, prove that at long intervals of time trifling fluctuations occur in it, not amounting to more than 20 seconds. The variation of light proceeds so regularly, that up to the present time no devia- tions have been discovered which could not be accounted for by errors of observation. In its minimum, this star is one gradation fainter than t Aquilae ; at first it increases slowly, then more rapidly, and afterwards again more slowly; and in 2d. 9h. from its minimum, attains to its greatest brightness, in which it is nearly three gradations brighter than ft, but two fainter than J Aquila3. From the maximum its brightness does not diminish quite so regularly ; for when the star has reached the brightness of /3 (". e. in Id. lOh. after the maximum), it changes more slowly than either before or afterwards. (7) Lyra, R. A. 281 8', Decl. + 33 II 7 ; a star remarkable from the fact of its having two maxima and two minima. When it has been at its faintest light, one-third of a gradation fainter than f Lyrae, it rises in 3d. 5h. to its first maximum, in which it remains three-fourths of a gradation fainter than y Lyra?. It then sinks in 3d. 3h. to its second minimum, in which its light is about five gradations greater than that of After 3d. 2h. more, it again reaches, in its second maximum, to the brightness of the first ; and afterwards, in 3d. 12h., declines once more to its greatest faintness; so that, in 12d. 21h. 46m. 40s. it runs through all its variations of light. This duration of the period, however, only applies to the years 1840 to 1844; previously it had been shorter in the year 1784, by about 2^h. ; in 1817 and 1818, by more than an hour ; and, at present, a shortening of it is again clearly perceptible. There is therefore no doubt that in the 238 COSMOS. case of this star the disturbance of its period may be expressed by a formula of sines. (8) J Cephei, R. A. 335 54', Decl. + 57 39'. Of all the known variable stars, this exhibits in every respect the greatest regularity. The period of 5d. 8h. 47m. 39s. is given by all the observations from 1784 to the present day, allowing for errors of observation, which will account for all the slight differences exhibited in the course of the alternations of light. This star is in its minimum three-quarters of a gradation brighter than t ; in its maximum, it resembles i of the same constellation (Cepheus). It takes Id. 15h. to pass from the former to the latter ; but, on the other hand, more than double that time, viz. 3d. 18h. to change again to its minimum : during eight hours of the latter period, however, it scarcely changes at all, and very inconsiderably for a whole day. (9) aHerculis, R. A. 256 57', Decl. + 14 34'; an ex- tremely red double star, the variation of whose light is in every respect very irregular. Frequently, its light scarcely changes for months together ; at other times, in the maximum, it is nearly five gradations brighter than in the minimum; consequently, the period also is still very uncertain. The dis- coverer of the star's variation had assumed it to be sixty-three days. I at first set it down at ninety-five, until a careful reduction of all my observations made during seven years at length gave me the period assigned in the text. Heis believes that he can represent all the observations by assuming a period of 184-9 days, with two maxima and two minima. (10) CoronaB R, R. A. 235 36', Decl. + 28 37'. This star is variable only at times : the period set down has been calculated by Koch from his own observations, which unfortu- nately have been lost. (11) Scuti R, R. A. 279 52', Decl. 5 51'. The varia- tions of brightness of this star are at times confined within a very few gradations, whereas at others it diminishes from the 5th to the 9th magnitude. It has been too little observed to determine when any fixed rule prevails in these deviations. The duration of the period is also subject to considerable fluctuations. (12) VirginisR, R. A. 187 43', Decl. + 7 49'. It main- tains its period and its maximum brightness with tolerable regularity ; some deviations, however, do occur, which appear VARIABLE STAR?. 239 to me too considerable to be ascribed merely to errors of observation. (13) Aquarii R, R. A. 354 11', Decl. 16 6'. (14) Serpentis R, R. A. 235 57', Decl. + 15 36'. (15) Serpentis S, R. A. 228 40'. Decl. -j- 14 52'. (16) Cancri R, R. A. 122 6', Decl. + 12 9'. Of these four stars, which have been but very slightly ob- served, little more can be said than what is given in the table. (17) a Cassiopeia?, R. A. 8 0', Decl. + 55 43'. This star is very difficult to observe. The difference between its maximum and minimum only amounts to a few gradations, and is, moreover, as variable as the duration of the period. This circumstance explains the varying statements on this head. That which I have given, which satisfactorily repre- sents the observations from 1782 to 1849, appears to me the most probable one. (18) a Orionis, R. A. 86" 46', Decl. + 7 22'. The varia- tion in the light of this star likewise amounts to only four gradations from the minimum to the maximum. For 91 ^ days it increases in brightness, while its diminution extends over 104 1, and is imperceptible from the twentieth to the seventieth day after the maximum. Occasionally its varia- bility is scarcely noticeable. It is a very red star. (1*9) a Hydrae, R. A. 140 3', Decl. 8 1'. Of all the variable stars, this is the most difficult to observe, and its period is still altogether uncertain. Sir John Herschel sets it down at from twenty-nine to thirty days. (20) Auriga*, R. A. 72 48', Decl. + 43 36'. The alternation of light in this star is either extremely irregular, or else, in a period of several years, there are several maxima and minima a question which cannot be decided for many years. (21) C Geminorum, R. A. 103 48', Decl. + 20 47'. This star has hitherto exhibited a perfectly regular course in the variations of its light. Its brightness at its minimum keeps the mean between and v of the same constellation ; in the maximum it does not quite reach that of X. It takes 4d. 21h. to attain its full brightness, and 5d. 6h. for its diminution. (22) /3 Pegasi, R. A. 344 7', Decl. + 27 16'. Its period is pretty well ascertained, but as to the course of its variation of light nothing can as yet be asserted. (23) Pegasi R, R. A. 344 47', Decl. + 9 43'. 240 COSMOS. (24) Oancri S, R. A. 128 50', Decl. + 19 34'. Of these two stars, nothing at present can be said. Bonn, August, 1850. FR. ARGELANDES. VARIATION OF LIGHT IN STARS WHOSE PERIODICITY in UNASCERTAINED. In the scientific investigation of important natural phenomena, either in the terrestrial or in the side- real sphere of the Cosmos, it is imprudent to connect toge- ther, without due consideration, subjects which, as regards their proximate causes, are still involved in obscurity. On this account we are careful to distinguish stars which have appeared and again totally disappeared (as in the star in Cas- siopeia, 1572); stars which have newly appeared and not again disappeared (as that in Cygnus, 1600); variable stars with ascertained periods (Mira Ceti, Algol) ; and stars whose intensity of light varies, of whose variation, however, the periodicity is as yet unascertained (as 9 Argus). It is by no means improbable, but still does not necessarily follow that these four kinds of phenomena 15 have perfectly similar causes in the photospheres of those remote suns, or in the nature of their surfaces. As we commenced our account of new stars with the most 11 Newton (Philos. Nat. Principia mathem., ed. Le Seur et Jacquier, 1760, torn. iii. p. 671) distinguishes only two kinds of these sidereal phenomena. " Stellse fixa3 quse per vices apparent et evanescunt, qua?que paulatim crescunt, videntur revolvendo partem lucidam et partem obscurant per vices ostendere." The fixed stars which alternately appear and vanish and which gradually increase, appear by turns to show an illuminated and a dark side. This explanation of the variation of light had been still earlier advanced by P.Vjcioli. With respect to the caution necessary in predi- cating periodicity, see the valuable remarks of Sir John Her- , in his Observations at the Cape, 261. VARIABLE STABS. 241 remarkable of this class of celestial phenomena the sudden appearance of Tycho Brahe's star so, influenced by similar considerations, we shall begin our statements concerning the variable stars whose periods have not yet been ascertained, with the unperiodical fluctuations in the light of * Argus, which to the present day are still observable. This star is situated in the great and magnificent constellation of the Ship, " the glory of the southern skies." Halley, as long ago as 1677, on his return from his voyage to St. Helena, expressed strong doubts concerning the alternation of light in the stars of Argo, especially on the shield of the prcrw and on the deck (a the part in universal space towards which our planetary system is moving are three problems in astronomy, which, through the means of observation already successfully employed in their partial solution, are closely connected with each other. Every improvement in the instruments and methods which have been used for the furtherance of any one of these difficult and complicated problems, has been beneficial to the others. I prefer commencing with the parallaxes and the determination of the distances of certain fixed stars, to complete that which especially relates to our present knowledge of isolated fixed stars. As early as the beginning of the seventeenth century, Galileo had suggested the idea of measuring the " certainly very unequal distances of the fixed stars from the solar system," and indeed with great ingenuity, was the first to point out the means of discovering the parallax : not by determining the stars' distance from the zenith or the pole, " but by the careful comparison of one star with another very near it." He gives, in very general terms, an account of the micrometrical method, which William Herschel> (1781,) Struve, and Bessel subsequently made use of. " Perche io non credo," says Galileo, 18 in his third dialogue (Giornata terza), " che tutte le stelle siano sparse in una sferica superficie egualmente distanti da un centra ; ma stimo, che le loro lontananze da noi siano talmente varie, che alcune ve ne possano esser 2 e 3 volte piu remote di alcune altre; talche quando si trovasse col telescopic qualche piccio- lissima stella vicinissima ad alcuna delle maggiori, e che 16 Opere di Galileo Galilei, vol. xii. Milano, 1811, p. 206. This remarkable passage, which expresses the possibility and the project of a measurement, was pointed out by Arago ; see his Annuaire pour 1842, p 382. DISTANCES OF THE STA.RS. , 257 pero quella fusse altissima, potrebbe accadere che qualche sen- sibil mutazione succedesse tra di loro." "Wherefore I do not believe," says Galileo, in his third discourse (Giornata terza), " that all the stars are scattered over a spherical superficies, at equal distances from a common centre ; but I am of opinion that their distances from us are so various that some of them may be two or three times as remote as others, so that when some minute star is discovered by the telescope close to one of the larger, and yet the former is highest, it may be that some sensible change might take place among them." The introduction of the Copernican system imposed, as it were, the necessity of nume- rically determining, by means of measurement, the change of direction occasioned in the position of the fixed stars by the earth's semi-annual change of place in its course round the sun. Tycho Brahe's angular determinations, of which Kepler so successfully availed himself, do not manifest any perceptible change arising from parallax in the apparent posi- tions of the fixed stars, although, as I have already stated, they are accurate to a minute of the arc. For this the Copernicans long consoled themselves with the reflection, that the diameter of the earth's orbit (165^ millions of geographical miles) was insignificant, when compared to the immense distance of the fixed stars. The hope of being able to determine the existence of parallax must accordingly have been regarded as dependent on the perfection of optical and measuring instruments, and on the possibility of accurately measuring very small angles. As long as such accuracy was only secure within a minute, the non- observance of parallax merely testified to the fact, that the dis- tance of the fixed stars must be more than 3438 times the earth's mean distance from the sun, or semi-diameter of its orbit. 11 CT Bessel, in Schumacher's Jahrb.fXr 1839, 6. 511. VOL. III. 6 258 COSMOS. This lower limit of distances rose to 206265 semi- diameters when certainty to a second was attained in the observations of the great astronomer, James Bradley; and in the brilliant period of Frauenhofer's instruments, (by the direct measure- ment of about the 10th part of a second of arc) it rose still higher to 2062648 mean distances of the earth. The labours and the ingeniously contrived zenith apparatus of Newton's great contemporary, Robert Hooke (1669), did not lead to the desired end. Picard, Horrebow, (who worked out Romer's rescued observations) and Flamstead, believed that they had discovered parallaxes of several seconds, whereas they had con- founded the proper motions of the stars with the true changes from parallax. On the other hand, the ingenious John Michell (PhiL Trans. 1767, vol. Ivii. pp. 234-264), was of opinion that the parallaxes of the nearest fixed stars must be less than 0"-02, and in that case could only " become perceptible when magnified 12000 times." In consequence of the widely dif- fused opinion, that the superior brilliancy of a star must inva- riably indicate a greater proximity, stars of the 1st magnitude, as, for instance, Vega, Aldebaran, Sirius, and Procyon, were, with little success, selected for observation by Calandrelli and the meritorious Piazzi (1805). These observations must be classed with those which Brinkley published in Dublin (1815), and which ten years afterwards were refuted by Pond, and especially by Airy. An accurate and satisfactory know- ledge of parallaxes, founded on micrometric measurements, dates only from between the years 1832 and 1838. Although Peters, 18 in his valuable work on the distances of the fixed stars (1846), estimates the number of parallaxes hitherto discovered at 33, wo shall content ourselves with referring to 9, which deserve greater, although very different, degrees of confidence, and which we shall consider in the probable order of their determinations. w Struve, Astr. stelL, p. 104. DISTANCES OF THE STARR. 259 The first place is due to the star 61 Cygni, which Bessel has rendered so celebrated. The astronomer of Konigsberg determined, in 1812, the large proper motion of this double star, (below the 6th magnitude,) but it was not until 1838, that, by means of the heliometer, he dis- covered its parallax. Between the months of August, 1812, and November, 1813, my friends Arago and Mathieu institu- tuted a series of numerous observations, for the purpose of finding the parallax of the star 61 Cygni, by measuring its distance from the zenith. In the course of their labours they arrived at the very correct conclusion that the parallax of this star was less than half a second. 19 So late as 1815 and 19 Arago, in the Connaissance des Temps pour 1834, p. 281 : " Nous observames avec beaucoup de soin, Mr. Mathieu et moi. pendant le mois d'Aout, 1812, et pendant le mois de Novembre suivant, la hauteur angulaire de 1'etoile audessus de 1'horizon de Paris. Cette hauteur, a la seconde epoque, ne surpasse la hauteur angulaire a la premiere que de 0"'66. Une parallaxe absolue d'une seule seconde aurait neces- sairement amene entre ces deux hauteurs une difference de l"-2. Nos observations n'indiquent done pas que le rayon de Forbite terreste, que 39 millions de lieues soient vus de la 61 e du Cygne sous un angle de plus d'une demi-seconde. Mais une base vue perpendiculairement soutend un angle d'une demi-seconde quand on est eloigne de 412 mille fois sa lon- gueur. Done la 61 e du Cygne est au moins a une distance He la terre egale a 412 mille fois 39 millions de lieues." " During the month of August, 1812, and also during the fol- lowing November, Mr. Mathieu and myself very carefully observed the altitude of the star above the horizon, at Paris. At the latter period its altitude only exceeded that of the former by 0"'66. An absolute parallax of only a single second would necessarily have occasioned a difference of \" -2 be- tween these heights. Our observations do not therefore show that a semi-diameter of the earth's orbit, or 39 millions of leagues, are seen from the star 61 of Cygnus, at an angle of more than 0"'5. But a base viewed perpendicularly sub- 260 COSMOS. 1816, Bessel, to use his own words, " had arrived at no avail able result."** The observations taken from August, 1837, to October, 1838, by means of the great heliometer erected in 1829, first led him to the parallax of 0"'3483, which corresponds with a distance of 592200 mean distances of the earth, and a period of 9J years for the transmission of its light. Peter? confirmed this result in 1842, by finding 0"-3490, but sub- sequently changed Bessel's result into 0"'3744 by a correction for temperature. 21 tends an angle of 0"-5 only when it is observed at a distance of 412000 times its length. Therefore the star 61 Cygni is situated at a distance from our earth at least equal to 412 thousand times 39 millions of leagues." 20 Bessel, in Schum. Jahrb. 1839, s. 39-49, and in the Astr. Nachr., no. 366, gave the result 0"-3136, as a first approximation. His later and final result was 0"'3483. (Ast?. Nachr ., no. 402, in bd. xvii. s. 274.) Peters obtained by his own observations the following, almost identical, result, of 0"-3490. (Struve, Astr. stell, p. 99.) The alteration which, after Bessel's death, was made by Peters in Bessel's cal- culations of the angular measurements, obtained by the Konigsberg heliometer, arises from the circumstance that Bessel expressed his intention (Astr. Nachr., bd. xvii. s. 267) of investigating further the influence of temperature on the results exhibited by the heliometer. This purpose he had in fact partially fulfilled in the first volume of his Astronomische Untersuchungen, but he had not applied the corrections of temperature to the observations of parallax. This application was made by the eminent astronomer Peters (Ergdnzungsheft zu den Astr. Nachr., 1849, s. 56), and the result obtained, owing to the corrections of temperature, was, 0" - 3744 instead of 0"-3483. 81 This result of 0"*3744 gives, according to Argelander, as the distance of the double star 61 Cygni from the sun, 550900 mean distances of the earth from the sun, or 45576000 millions of miles, a distance light traverses in 31 77 mean days. To judge from the three consecutive statements of parallax DISTANCES 07 THE STAKS. 261 The parallax of the finest double star of the southern hemisphere (a Centauri) has been calculated at 0"-9128 by the observations of Henderson, at the Cape of Good Hope, in 1832, and by those of Maclear, in 1839. w According to this statement it is the nearest of all the fixed stars that have yet been measured, being three times nearer than 61 Cygni. The parallax of a. Lyrae has long been the object of Struve's observations. The earlier observations (1836) gave 8 * between 0"'07 and 0"-18; later ones gave 0"-2613, and a dis- tance of 771400 mean distances of the earth, with a period of twelve years for the transmission of its light. 24 But Peters found the distance of this brilliant star to be much greater, since he gives only 0"'103 as the parallax. This result con- trasts with another star of the 1st magnitude (a, Centauri), and one of the 6th (61 Cygni). The parallax of the Polar Star has been fixed by Peters at 0"'106, after many comparisons of observations made be- tween the years 1818 and 1838 ; and this is the more satisfac- tory, as the same comparisons give the aberration at 20" < 455. 25 given by Bessel, 0"-3136, 0"-3483, and 0"'3744, this celebrated double star has apparently come gradually nearer to us in light passages amounting respectively to 10, 9^, and 8 T 7 ^- years. 22 Sir John Herschel, Outlines, pp. 545 and 551. Madler (A .$/;., s. 425) gives in the case of a Centauri, the paralla'x 0"-9213 instead of 0"' 9 128. ** Struve, Stell. compos. Mens. microm., pp. clxix.-clxxii. Airy makes the parallax of at Lyrae, which Peters had pre- viously reduced to 0"*1 still lower, indeed too small to be measureable by our present instruments. (Mem. of the Royal Astr. Soc., vol. x. p. 270.) 34 Struve, on the Micrometrical admeasurements by the Ureat Refractor at Dorpat, (Oct. 1839,) in Schum., Nachr.. no. 396, s. 178. * Peters, in Struve, Astr. stell., p. 100. .62 COSMOS. The parallax of Arcturus, according to Peters, is 0"-i27. Riimker's earlier observations with the Hamburgh meridian circle had made it considerably larger. The parallax of another star of the 1st magnitude, Capella, is still less, being, according to Peters, 0"-046. The star No. 1830 in Groombridge's Catalogue, which, according to Argelander, showed the largest proper motion of all the stars that hitherto have been observed in the firmament, has a parallax of 0" - 226, according to 48 zenith distances which were taken with much accuracy by Peters during the years 1842 and 1843. Faye had believed it to be five times greater, 1"'08, and therefore greater than the parallax of a Centauri. ^ Fixed Star. Parallax. Probable Error. Name of Observer. a Centauri . . . 61 Cygni . . . Sirius 0" 913 0" 3744 0" 230 0" 226 0" 133 0" 127 0" 207 0" 106 0" 046 0"-070 0"-020 0"-141 0"-106 0"-073 0"-038 0"-012 0"-200 Henderson and Bessel Henderson Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Maclear 1830 Groombridge t TJrsae Maj. . . Arcturus .... a Lyrae .... Polaris .... Capella .... It does not in general follow from the results hitherto obtained that the brightest stars are likewise the nearest to us. Although the parallax of a Centauri is the greatest of all at present known, on the other hand, Vega Lyrse, Arcturus, and especially Capella, have parallaxes from three to eight times less than a star of the 6th magnitude in Cygnus. Moreover, the two stars which after 2151 Puppis and i Indi show the most rapid proper motion, viz. the star just men- tioned in the Swan (with an annual motion of 5"' 123), and Peters, in Struve, Astr. Stdl., p. 101. DISTANCES OF THE STARR. 263 No. 1830 of Groombridge, which in France is called Arge- lander's star (with an annual motion of 6"-974), are three and four times more distant from the sun than Centauri, which has a proper motion of 3"-58. Their volume, mass, intensity of light, 87 proper motion, and distance from our solar system, stand in various complicated relations to each other. Although, therefore, generally speaking, it may be probable that the brightest stars are nearest to us, still there may be certain special very remote small stars, whose photo- spheres and surfaces, from the nature of their physical con- stitution, maintain a very intense luminous process. Stars which from their brilliancy we reckon to be of the 1st magni- tude, may be further distant from us than others of the 4th, or even of the 6th magnitude. When we pass by degrees from the consideration of the great starry stratum of which our solar system is a part, to the particular subordinate sys- tems of our planetary world, or to the still lower systems of Jupiter's and Saturn's moons, we perceive central bodies surrounded by masses in which the successive order of magnitude and of intensity of the reflected light does not seem to depend on distance. The immediate connexion sub- sisting between our still imperfect knowledge of parallaxes, and our knowledge of the whole structural configuration of the universe, lends a peculiar charm to those investigations which relate to the distances of the fixed stars. Human ingenuity has invented for this class of investiga- tions methods totally different from the usual ones, and which, being based on the velocity of light, deserve a brief mention in this place. Savary, whose early death proved such a loss to the physical sciences, had pointed out how the aberration of light, in double stars, might be used for determining the paral- * ' " 27 On the proportion of the amount of proper motion to the proximity of the brighter stars. See Struve, Stell. compos. Mensurce microm., p. clxiv. 264 COSMOS. laxes. If, for instance, the plane of the orbit which the secon- dary star describes around the central body is not at right angles to the line of vision from the earth to the double star, but coincides nearly with this line of vision itself, then the secon- dary star in its orbit will likewise appear to describe nearly a straight line, and the points in that portion of its orbit which is turned towards the earth will all be nearer to the observer than the corresponding points of the second half, which is turned away from the earth. Such a division into two halves produces not a real but an apparent unequal velocity, with which the satellite in its orbit recedes from, or approaches, the observer. If the semi-diameter of this orbit were so great that light would require several days or weeks to traverse it, then the time of the half revolution through its more remote side will prove to be longer than the time in the side turned towards the observer. The sum of the two un- equal times will always be equal to the true periodic time ; for the inequalities caused by the velocity of light reciprocally destroy each other. From these relations of duration, it is possible, according to Savary's ingenious method of changing days and parts of Jays into a standard of length, (on the as- sumption that light traverses 14356 millions of geographical miles in twenty- four hours), to arrive at the absolute mag- nitude of a semi-diameter of the earth's orbit; and the distance of the central body and its parallax may be then deduced from a simple determination of the angle under which the radius appears to the observer. 2 * In the same way that the determination of the parallaxes 1 instructs us as to the distances of a small number of the fixed stars, and as to the place which is to be assigned to them in the regions of space, so the knowledge of the measure and 38 Savary, in the Connaissance des Temps pour 1830, pp. 5G -69, and pp. 163-171; and Struve, ibid. p. clxiv. PROPER MOTTON OF THE STARS. 265 Duration of proper motion, that is to say, of the changes which take place in the positions of self-luminous stars, throws some light on two mutually dependent problems ; namely, the motion of the solar system, 89 and the position of the centre of gravity in the heaven of the fixed stars. That which can only be reduced in so very incomplete a manner to numerical relations, must for that very reason be ill calculated to throw any clear light on such causal connexion. Of the two problems just mentioned, the first- alone (especially since Argelander's admirable investiga- tion) admits of being solved with a certain degree of satis- factory precision ; the latter has been considered with much acuteness by Madler, but according to the confession of this astronomer himself, 30 his attempted solution is, in consequence of the many mutually compensating forces which enter into it, devoid " of anything like evidence amounting to a complete and scientifically certain proof." After carefully allowing for all that is due to the precession of the equinoxes, the nutation of the earth's axis, the aber- ration of light, and the change of parallax caused by the earth's revolution round the sun, the remaining annual motion of the fixed stars comprises at once that which is the con- sequence of the translation in space of the whole solar sys- tem, and that also which is the result of the actual proper motion of the,fixed stars. In Bradley's masterly labours on nutation, contained in his great treatise of the year 1748, we meet with the first hint of a translation of the solar system, and in a certain sense also with suggestions for the most desirable methods of observing it. 31 " For if our own solar system be conceived to change its place with respect to abso- K Cosmos, vol. i. p. 136. * Madler, Astronomic, s. 414. 31 Arago, in his Annuaire pour 1842, p. 383, was the first to call attention to this remarkable passage of Brad- ley's. See, in the same Anmiaire, the section on the trans- lation of the entire solar system, pp. 389-399. 266 COSMOS. iute space, this might, in process of time, occasion an appar- ent change in the angular distances of the fixed stars ; and in such a case, the places of the nearest stars being more affected than of those that are very remote, their relative positions might seem to alter, though the stars themselves were really immoveable. And on the other hand, if our own system be at rest, and any of the stars really in motion, this might likewise vary their apparent positions, and the more so, the nearer they are to us, or the swifter their motions are, or the more pro- per the direction of the motion is, to be rendered perceptible by us. Since, then, the relative places of the stars may be changed from such a variety of causes, considering that amazing distance at which it is certain some of them are placed, it may require the observations of many ages to deter- mine the laws of the apparent changes even of a single star ; much more difficult, therefore, it must be to settle the laws relating to all the most remarkable stars." After the time of Bradley, the mere possibility, and the greater or less probability, of the movement of the solar system, were in turn advanced in the writings of Tobias Mayer, Lam- bert, and Lalande ; but William Herschel had the great merit of being the first to verify the conjecture by actual observations (1783, 1805, and 1806). He found (what has been confirmed, and more precisely determined by many later and more accurate inquiries,) that our solar system moves towards a point near to the constellation of Hercules, in R. A. 260 44', and, N. Decl. 26 16' (reduced to the year 1800). Argelander, by a comparison of 319 stars, and with a reference to Lun- dahl's investigations, found it for 1800: R. A. 257 54'-l, Decl. + 2849'-2; for 1850, R. A. 258 23'-5, Decl. + 2845''6. Otto Struve (from 392 stars) made it to be for 1800: R,A. 261 26'-9, Decl. +37 35'-5; for 1850, 261 52''6, Decl. 37 33'*0. According to Gauss , s the point in question 88 In a letter addressed to me ; see Schum. Astr. no. 622, s, 348. MOTION OF THE STABS. 287 falls within a quadrangle, whose extremes are, R. A. 258 C 40', and Decl. 30 40'; R. A. 258 42', Decl. + 30 57'; R. A. 259 13', Decl, -I- 31 9'; R. A. 260 4', Decl. + 30 32'. It still remained to inquire what the result would be if the observations were directed only to those stars of the southern hemisphere which never appear above the horizon in Europe. To this inquiry Galloway has devoted his especial attention. He has compared the very recent calculations (1830) of Johnson at St. Helena, and of Henderson at the Cape of Good Hope, with the earlier ones of Lacaille and Bradley (1750 and 1757). The result 88 for 1790 was, R. A. 260 0'* Decl. 34 23'; therefore for 1800 and 1850, 260 5' -f 34 22' and 260 33', + 34 20'. This agreement with the results obtained from the northern stars is extremely satisfactory. If then the progressive motion of our solar system may be considered as determined within moderate limits, the question naturally arises : Is the world of the fixed stars composed merely of a number of neighbouring partial systems divided into groups, or must we assume the existence of an universal relation, a rotation of all self-lumi- nous celestial bodies (suns) around one common centre of gravity which is either filled ivith matter, or void? We here, however, enter the domain of mere con- jecture, to which, indeed, it is not impossible to give a scientific form, but which, owing to the incompleteness of the materials of observation and analogy which are at pre- sent before us, can by no means lead to the degree of evidence attained by the other parts of astronomy. The fact that we are ignorant of the proper motion of an infinite number of very small stars from the 10th to the 14th magnitude, which appear to be scattered among the brighter ones, especially in the im- portant part of the starry stratum to which we belong, the 33 Galloway, on the Motion of the Solar System, in the Philos. Transact. 1847, p. 98. 268 COSMOS. annuli of the Milky Way, is extremely prejudicial to tli, profound mathematical treatment of problems so difficult of solution. The contemplation of our own planetary sphere, whence we ascend, from the small partial systems of the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, to the higher and general solar system, has naturally led to the belief, that the fixed stars might in a similar manner be divided into several indivi- dual groups, and separated by immense intervals of space, which again (in a higher relation of these systems one to another) may be subject to the overwhelming attractive force of a great central body, (one sole sun of the whole universe). 34 The inference here advanced and founded on the analogy of our own solar system, is, however, re- futed by the facts hitherto observed, In the multiple stars two or more self-luminous stars (suns) revolve, not round one another, but round an external and distant centre of gravity. No doubt something similar takes place in our own planetary system, inasmuch as the planets do not properly move round the centre of the solar body, but around the com- mon centre of gravity of all the masses in the system. But this common centre of gravity falls, according to the rela tive positions of the great planets Jupiter and Saturn, some times within the circumference of the sun's body, but oftener out of it. 35 The centre of gravity, which in the case of the double stars is a void, is accordingly in the solar system at one time void, at another occupied by matter. All that has been advanced with regard to the existence of a dark central body in the centre of gravity of double stars, or at least of one originally dark, but faintly illuminated by the 84 The value or worthlessness of such views has been discussed by Argelander in his essay, " Ueber die eigene Bewegung der Sonnensy stems, hergeleitet aus der eigenen Bewegung der Sterne, 1837, s. 39. 96 See Cosmos, vol. i. p. 135. (Bonn's ed.) (Madler, Astr., p. 400.) MOTION OF THE STARS. 269 borrowed light of the planets which revolve round it, belongs to the ever enlarging realm of mythical hypotheses. It is a more important consideration, and one more de- serving of thorough investigation, that, on the supposition of a revolving movement, not only of the whole of our planetary- system which changes its place, but also for the proper motion of the fixed stars at their various distances, the centre of this revolving motion must be 90 distant 3 * from the point towards which our solar system is moving. In this connexion of ideas the position of stars possessing a great or very small proper motion becomes of considerable moment. Argelan- der has examined, with his usual caution and acuteness, the degree of probability with which we may seek for a general centre of attraction for our starry stratum in the constel- lation of Perseus.* 7 Madler, rejecting the hypothesis of the existence of a central body, preponderating in mass, as the universal centre of gravity, seeks the centre of gravity in the Pleiades, in the very centre of this group, in or near 38 to the bright star rj Tauri (Alcyone). The present is 36 Argelander, ibid. p. 42 ; Madler, Centralsonne, s. 9, and Astr., s. 403. 37 Argelander, ibid. p. 43 ; and in Schum. Astr. Nachr., no. 566. Guided by no numerical investigations, but fol- lowing the suggestions of fancy, Kant long ago fixed upon Sirius, and Lambert upon the nebula in the belt of Orion, as the central body of our starry stratum. (Struve, Astr. Stell, p. 17, no. 19.) 38 Madler, Astr., s. 380, 400, 407, and 414 ; in his Cen- tralsonne, 1846, pp. 4447 ; in Untersuchungen uber die Fixstern-Systeme, th. ii. s. 183185. Alcyone is in R. A. 54 30', Decl. 23 36', for the year 1840. If Alcyone's parallax were really 0"'0065, its distance would be equal to 31^ million semi-diameters of the earth's orbit, and thus it would be 50 times further distant from us than the distance of the double star 61 Cygni, according to Bessel's earliest calculation. The light which comes to the earth from the 270 COSMOS. uot the place to discuss the probability or improbability w of such an hypothesis. Praise is, however, due to the eminently active director of the Observatory at Dorpat, for having by his diligent labours determined the positions and proper motions of more than 800 stars, and at the same time excited investigations which, if they do not lead to the satisfactory solution of the great problem itself, are nevertheless calcu- lated to throw light on kindred questions of physical as- tronomy. sun in 8' 18"'2, would in that case take 500 years to pass from Alcyone to the earth. The fancy of the Greeks delighted itself in wild visions of the height of falls. In Hesiod's Theogonia, v. 722-725, it is said, speaking of the fall of the Titans into Tartarus : " If a brazen anvil were to fall from heaven nine days and nine nights long, it would reach the earth on the tenth." This descent of the anvil in 777600 seconds of time gives an equivalent in distance of 309424 geographical miles, (allowance being made, according to Galle's calcula- tion, for the considerable diminution in the force of attrac- tion at planetary distances,) therefore 1 J times the distance of the moon from the earth. But, according to the Iliad, i. v. 592, Hephaestus fell down to Lemnos in one day, " when but a little breath was still in him." The length of the chain hanging down from Olympus to the earth, by which all the gods were challenged to try and pull down Jupiter (Iliad,\i\\. v. 18), is not given. The image is not intended to convey an idea of the height of heaven, but of Jupiter's strength and omnipotence. * Compare the doubts of Peters, in Schum. Astr. Nachr. y 1849, s. 661, and Sir John Herschel, in the Outl. of Astr., p. 589 : " In the present defective state of our know- ledge respecting the proper motion of the smaller stars, we cannot but regard all attempts of the kind as to a certain ex- tent premature, though by no means to be discouraged as forerunners of something more decisive." 271 71. MuiriPLE OH DOUBLE STARS. - THEIR NUMBERS AJTD RECIPROCAL DISTANCES. - PERIOD OF REVOLUTION OY TWO SUNS ROUND A COMMON CENTRE OF GRAVITY. WHEN, in contemplating the systems of the fixed stars, we descend from hypothetical, higher, and more general con- siderations to those of a special and restricted nature, we enter a domain more clearly determined, and better calculated for direct observation. Among the multiple stars, to which belong the Unary or double stars, several self-luminous cosmical bodies (suns) are connected by mutual attraction, which necessarily gives rise to motions in closed curved lines. Before actual observation had established the fact of the revolu- tion of the double stars, such movements in closed curves were only known to exist in our own planetary solar system. On this apparent analogy inferences were hastily drawn, which for a long time gave rise to many errors. As the term " double stars " was indiscriminately applied to every pair of stars, the close proximity of which precluded their separation by the naked eye (as, in the case of Castor, Lyrae, /3 Orionis, and a. Centauri) this designation naturally comprised two classes of multiple stars: firstly, those which, from their in- cidental position in reference to the observer, appear in close proximity, though in reality widely distant and belonging to totally different strata; and, secondly, those which, from their actual proximity, are mutually dependent upon each other 1 Compare Cosmos, vol. i. pp. 136-139. (Struve, Doppelsterne nach Dorpater Micromcter-Messungen von 1 824 bis 1837, s. 11.) 272 COSMOS. in mutual attraction and reciprocal action, and thus constitute a particular, isolated, sidereal system. The former have long been called optically, the latter physically, double stars. By reason of their great distance, and the slowness of their ellip- tical motion, many of the latter are frequently confounded with the former. As an illustration of this fact, Alcor. (a star which had engaged the attention of many of the Arabian astronomers, because, when the air is very clear, and the organs of vision peculiarly sharp, this small star is visible to the naked eye together with in the tail of Ursa Major, forms, in the fullest sense of the term, one of these optical combinations, without any closer physical connexion. In sections II. and III. I have already treated of the difficulty of separating by the naked eye adjacent stars, with the very unequal in- tensity of light, of the influence of the higher brilliancy and the stars' tails, as well as of the organic defects which pro- duce indistinct vision. Galileo, without making the double stars an especial object of his telescopic observations (to which his low magni- fying powers would have proved a serious obstacle), mentions (in a famous passage of the Giornata terza of his Discourses, which has already been pointed out by Arago) the use which astronomers might make of optically double stars (quando si trovasse nel telescopio qualche picciolissima Stella vicinissima ad alcuna delle maggiori) for determining the parallax of the fixed stars? As late as the middle of the * Vide supra. As a remarkable instance of acuteness of vision, we may further mention, that Mostlin, Kepler's teacher, discovered with the naked eye fourteen, and some of the ancients nine, of the stars in the Pleiades. (Madler, Untersuch. uber die Fixtern-Systeme, th. ii. s. 36.) 8 Vide supra. Doctor Gregory of Edinburgh also, in 1675, ^consequently thirty-three years after Galileo's decease), re- DOUBLE STARS. 273 last century, scarcely twenty double stars were set down in the stellar catalogues, if we exclude all those at a greater distance from each other than 32"; at present a hundred years later (thanks chiefly to the great labours of Sir Wil- liam Herschel, Sir John Herschel, and Struve), about 6000 have been discovered in the two hemispheres. To the earliest described double stars* belong Ursae maj. (7th September, 1700, by Gottfried Kirch), a Centauri (1709, by Feuillee), y Virginis (1718), a Geminorum (1719), 61 Cygni (1753), (which, with the two preceding, was observed by Bradley, both in relation to distance and angle of direction), p Ophi- uchi, and Cancri. The number of the double stars recorded has gradually increased, from the time of Flamstead, who employed a micrometer, down to the star-catalogue of Tobias Mayer, which appeared in 1756. Two acutely speculative thinkers, endowed with great powers of com- bination, Lambert (Photometria, 1760 ; Kosmologische Brief e nler die Einrichtung des Welibaues, 1761) and John Michell, 1767, though they did not themselves observe double stars were the first to diffuse correct views upon the relations of their attraction in partial binary systems. Lambert, like Kepler, hazarded the conjecture that the remote suns (fixed stars) are, like our own sun, surrounded with dark bodies, planets, and comets; but of the fixed stars proximate to each other, 8 he believed, however much on the other hand he may appear inclined to admit the existence of dark central bodies, "that within a not very long period they completed a revolution round their common centre of gravity." commended the same parallactic meth od ; see Thomas Birch Hist, of the Royal Soc., vol. iii. 1757, p. 225. Bradley (1748) alludes to this method at the conclusion of his cele- brated treatise on Nutation. 4 Madler, Astr., s. 477. 1 Arago, in the Annuaire pour 1842, p. 400. VOL. in. T 274 COSMOS. Michell* who was not acquainted with the ideas of Kant and Lambert, was the first who applied the calculus of proba- bilities to small groups of stars, which he did with great ingenuity, especially to multiple stars, both binary and qua- ternary. He showed that it was 500000 chances to 1 that the collocation of the six principal stars in the Pleiades did not result from accident, but that, on the contrary, they owed their grouping to some internal and reciprocal relation. He was so thoroughly convinced of the existence of luminous stars, revolving round each other, that he ingeniously proposed to employ these partial star-systems to the solution of certain astronomical problems. 7 * An Inquiry into the probable parallax and magnitude of the fixed stars, from the quantity of light which they afford us, and the particular circumstances of their situation, by the Rev. John Mitchell ; in the Philos. Transact., vol. Ivii. pp. 234-261. 7 John Michell, ibid., p. 238. " If it should hereafter be found that any of the stars have others revolving about them (for no satellites by a borrowed light could possibly be visible], we should then have the means of discovering " Throughout the whole discussion he denies that one of the two revolving stars can be a dark planet shining with a reflected light, because both of them, notwithstanding their distance, are visible to us. Calling the larger of the two the " Central Star," he compares the density of both with the density of our sun, and merely uses the word " satellite " relatively to the idea of revolution, or of reciprocal motion ; he speaks of the " greatest apparent elongation of those stars, that revolve about others as satellites." He fur- ther says, at pp. 243 and 249 : " We may conclude with the highest probability (the odds against the contrary opinion being many million millions to one) that stars form a kind of system by mutual gravitation. It is highly probable in par- ticular, and next to a certainty in general, that such double stars as appear to consist of two or more stars placed near together are under the influence of some general law, such perhaps as gravity r ' (Consult also Arago, in the DOUBLE STARS. 276 Christian Mayer, the Manheim astronomer, has the great merit of having first (1778) made the fixed stars a special object of research, by the sure method of actual observations. The unfortunate choice of the term satellites of 'the fixed stars , and the relations which he supposed to exist among the stars between 2 30' and 2 C 55' distant from Arcturus, exposed him to bitter attacks from his contemporaries, and among these to the censure of the eminent mathematician, Nicolaus Fuss. That dark planetary bodies should become visible by reflected light, at such an immense distance, was certainly improbable. No value was set upon the results of his care- fully conducted observations, because his theory of the phe- nomena was rejected ; and yet Christian Mayer, in his re- joinder to the attack of Father Maximilian Hell, Director of the Imperial Observatory at Vienna, expressly asserts "that the smaller stars, which are so near the larger, are either illuminated, naturally dark planets, or that both of these cosmical bodies the principal star and its companion are self-luminous suns revolving round each other." The Annuaire pour 1834, p. 308. and Ann. 1842, p. 400.) No great reliance can be placed on the individual numerical results of the calculus of probabilities given byMichell: as the hypotheses that there are 230 stars in the heavens which, in intensity of light, are equal to /3 Capricorni, and 1500 equal to the six greater stars of the Pleiades, are manifestly incorrect. The ingenious cosmological treatise of John Michell ends with a very bold attempt to explain the scintillation of the fixed stars by a kind of " pulsation in material effluxes of light " an elucidation not more happy than that which Simon Marius, one of the discoverers of Jupiter's satellites (see Cosmos, vol. ii. p. 404.) has given at the end of his Hundus Jovialis (1614) But Michell has the merit of having called attention to the fact (p. 263) that the scintillation of stars is always accom- panied by a, change of colour. " Besides their brightness there is in the scintillation of the fixed stars a change of colour." (Vide supra.} T 2 276 COSMOS. importance of Christian Mayer's labours has, long after Lis death, been thankfully and publicly acknowledged by Struve and M'adler. In his two treatises, Vertheidigung neuer Beo- bachtungen von Fixptern-trabanten (1778), and Dissertatio de novis in Ccelo sidereo Phcenomenis (1779), eighty double stars are described as observed by him, of which sixty-seven are less than 32" distant from each other. Most of these were first discovered by Christian Mayer himself, by means of the excellent eight-feet telescope of the Manheim Mural Quad- rant; "many even now constitute very difficult objects of observation, which none but very powerful instruments are capable of representing, such as and 71 Herculis, s Lyre, and a Piscium." Mayer, it is true, (as was the practice long after his time,) only measured distances in right ascension and declination by meridian instruments, and pointed out, from his own observations, as well as from those of earlier astronomers, changes of position; but from the numerical value of these he omitted to deduct what (in particular cases) was due to the proper motion of the stars. 8 These feeble, but praiseworthy beginnings were followed by Sir William Herschel's colossal work on the multiple stars, which comprises a period of more than twenty-five years. For although Herschel's first catalogue of double stars was published four years after Christian Mayer's treatise on the same subject, yet the observations of the former go back as far as 1779 indeed, even to 1776, if we take into consideration the investigations on the trapezium in the great nebula of Orion. Almost all we at present know of the manifold formation of the double stars has its origin in Sir William Herschel s work. In the catalogues of 1782, * Struve, in the Recueil des Actes de la Seance publique de tAcad. Imp. des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, le 29 Dec 1 832, pp. 48-50. Madler, Astr., s. 478. DOUBLE STARS. 277 1783, and 1804, he has not only set down and determined the position and distance of 846 double stars, 9 for the most part first discovered by himself, but, what is far more impor- tant than any augmentation of number, he applied his sagacity and power of observation to all those points which have any bearing on their orbits, their conjectured periodic times, their brightness, contrasts of colours, and classification according to the amount of their mutual distances. Full of imagination, yet always proceeding with great caution, it was not till the year 1794, while distinguishing between optically and physically double stars, that he threw out his preliminary suggestions as to the nature of the relation of the larger star to its smaller companion. Nine years after- wards, he first explained his views of the whole system of these phenomena, in the 93rd volume of the Philosophical Transactions. The idea of partial star-systems, in which several suns revolve round a common centre of gravity, was then firmly established. The stupendous influence of attrac- tive forces, which in our solar system extends to Neptune, a distance 30 times that of the earth (or 2488 millions of geographical miles) and which compelled the great comet of 1680 to return in its orbit, at the distance of 28 of Neptune's semi-diameters (853 mean distances of the earth, or 70800 millions of geographical miles), is also manifested in the motion of the double star 61 Cygni, which, with a parallax of 0" - 3744, is distant from the sun 18240 semi- diameters of Neptune's orbit (t. e. 550900 earth's mean distances, or 45576000 millions of geographical miles). * Philos. Transact. for the year 1782, pp. 40-126; for 1783. pp. 112-124; for 1804, p. 87. Regarding the observations on which Sir William Herschel founded his views respecting the 846 double stars, see Madler, in Schumacher's Jahrbuch fur 1839, s. 59, and his Untersuchungen iiber die Fixstern- Systeme,ih.i. 1847, s. 7. 278 COSMOS. But although Sir William Herschel so clearly discerned the causes and general connexion of the phenomena, still, in the first few years of the nineteenth century, the angles of posi- tion derived from his own observations, owing to a want of due care in the use of the earlier catalogues, were confined to epochs too near together to admit of perfect certainty in determining the several numerical relations of the periodic times, or the elements of their orbits. Sir John Herschel him- self alludes to the doubts regarding the accuracy of the assigned periods of revolution of a Geminorum (334 years instead of 520, according to Madler), 10 of y Virginis (708 instead of 169), and of y Leonis (1424 of Struve's great catalogue), a splendid golden and reddish-green double star (1200 years). After William Herschel, the elder Struve (from 1813 to 1842), and Sir John Herschel (from 1819 to 1838), availing themselves of the great improvements in astronomical instru- ments, and especially in micrometrical applications, have, with praiseworthy diligence, laid the proper and special foundation of this important branch of astronomy. In 1820, Struve published his first Dorpat Table of double stars, 796 in number. This was followed in 1824 by a second, containing 3112 double stars, down to the 9th magnitude, in distances under 32", of which only about one-sixth had been before observed. To accomplish this work, nearly 120000 fixed stars were examined by means of the great Fraunhofer refractor. Struve's third Table of multiple stars appeared in the year 1837, and forms the important work Stellarum compositarum Mensurce micrometricce. 11 It contains 10 Madler, ibid., th. i. s. 255. For Castor we have two old observations of Bradley, 1719 and 1759 (the former taken in conjunction with Pond, the latter with Maskelyne), and two of the elder Herschel, taken in the years 1779 and 1803. For the period of revolution of y Virginis, see Madler, Fixstern-Syst., th. ii. s. 234-40, 1848. 11 Struve, Mensurce microm., pp. 40 and 234-248. On the DOUBLE STARS. 279 2787 double stars, several imperfectly observed objects being carefully excluded. Sir John HerscheVs unwearied diligence, during his four years' residence in Feldhausen, at the Cape of Good Hope, which, by contributing to an accurate topographical know- ledge of the southern hemisphere, constitutes an epoch in astronomy, 1 * has been the means of enriching this number by the addition of more than 2100 double stars (which, with few exceptions, had never before been observed). All these African observations were taken by a twenty-feet reflecting telescope ; they were reduced for the year 1830, and are in- cluded in the six catalogues which contain 3346 double stars, and were transmitted by Sir John Herschel to the Astronomical Society for the 6th and 9th parts of their valuable Memoirs In these European catalogues are laid down the 380 double stars which the above celebrated astronomer had observed in 1825, conjointly with Sir James South. We trace in this historical sketch the gradual advance made by the science of astronomy towards a thorough know- ledge of partial, and especially of binary systems. The num- ber of double stars (those both optically and physically double) may at present be estimated with some certainty at about 6000, if we include in our calculation those observed by Bessel with the excellent Fraunhofer heliometer, by Argelander 11 whole 2641 + 146, '. e. 2787 double stars have been ob- served. (Madler, in Schum. Jahrb., 1839, s. 64.) 12 Sir John Herschel, Astron. Observ. at the Cape of Good Hope, pp. 165-303. 13 Ibid., pp. 167 and 242. 14 Argelander, in order carefully to investigate their proper motion, examined a great number of fixed stars. See his essay, entitled " DLX Stellarum fixarum positiones media, ineimte anno 1830, ex observ. Aboce habitis (Helsingforsice, 1825)." Madler (Astr., s. 625) estimates the number of mul- tiple stars in the northern hemisphere, discovered at Pulkowfi sinco 1837, at not less than 600. 280 COSM.OS. at Abo (1827-1835), by Encke and Galle, at Berlin (1836 and 1839), by Preuss and Otto Struve, in Pulkowa (since the catalogue of 1837), by Madler, in Dorpat, and by Mitchell, in Cincinnati (Ohio) with a seventeen-feet Munich refractor. How many of these 6000 stars, which appear to the naked eye as if close together, may stand in an immediate relation of attraction to each other, forming systems of their own, and revolving in closed orbits or, in other words, how many arc so-called physical (revolving} double stars is an important problem, and difficult of solution. More revolving compa- nions are gradually but constantly being discovered. Ex- treme slowness of motion, or the direction of the plane of the orbit as presented to the eye, being such as to render the posi- tion of the revolving star unfavourable for observation, may long cause us to class physically double stars among those which are only optically so ; that is, stars of which the proximity is merely apparent. But a distinctly-ascertained appreciable motion is not the only criterion. The perfectly uniform motion in the realms of space, (i.e. a common progressive movement, like that of our solar system, including the earth and moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune^ with their satellites,) which in the case of a considerable number of multiple stars has been proved by Argelander and Bessel, bears evidence that the principal stars and their companions stand in undoubted relation to each other in separate partial systems. Madler has made the interesting remark, that whereas previous to 1836, among 2640 double stars that had been catalogued, there were only 58 in which a difference of position had been observed with certainty, and 105 in which it might be regarded as more or less proba- ble ; at present, the proportion of physically double stars to optically double stars has changed so greatly in favour cf the former, that among the 6000 double stars, according to a table published in 1849, 650 are known in which a change of DOUBLE STARS. 281 relative position can be incontestably proved. 1 * The earliest comparison gave one-sixteenth, the most recent gives one- ninth, as the proportion of the cosmical bodies which, by an observed motion both of the primary star and the companion, are manifestly proved to be physically double stars. Very little has as yet been numerically determined re- garding the relative distribution of the binary star-systems throughout space, not only in the celestial regions, but even on the apparent vault of heaven. In the northern hemi- sphere, the double stars most frequently occur in the direction of certain constellations (Andromeda, Bootes, the Great Bear, the Lynx, and Orion). For the southern hemisphere Sir John Herschel has obtained the unexpected result "that in the extra-tropical regions of this hemisphere the number of multiple stars is far smaller than that in the corresponding portion of the northern." And yet these beautiful southern regions have been explored under the most favourable cir- cumstances, by one of the most experienced of observers, with a brilliant twenty-feet reflecting telescope which sepa- rated stars of the 8th magnitude, at distances even of three- quarters of a second. 18 15 The number of fixed stars in which proper motion has been undoubtedly discovered (though it may be conjectured in the case of all) is slightly greater than the number of double stars in which change of position has been observed. (Madler, Astr., s. 394, 490, and 520-540.) Results obtained by the application of the Calculus of Probabilities, according as the several reciprocal distances of the double stars are between 0" and 1", 2" and 8", or 16" and 32", are given by Struve, in his Mens microm., p. xciv. Distances less than 0*'8 have been taken, and experiments with very complicated systems have confirmed the astronomer in the hope that these estimates are mostly correct within 0"'l. (Struve, iiber Dnppd- sterne nach Dorpater Beob.^ s. 29.) u Sir John Herschel, Observations at the Cape, p. 166. 282 OOSMOS. The frequent occurrence of contrasted colours constitutes an extremely remarkable peculiarity of multiple stars. Struve, in his great work 17 published in 1837, gave the following results with regard to the colours presented by six hundred of the brighter double stars. In 375 of these, the colour of both principal star and companion was the same and equally in- tense. In 101, a mere difference of intensity could be dis- cerned. The stars with perfectly different colours were 120 in number, or one-fifth of the whole ; and in the remaining four-fifths the principal and companion stars were uniform in colour. In nearly one-half of these six hundred, the principal star and its companion were white. Among those of different colours, combinations of yellow with blue (as in t Cancri), and of orange with green, (as in the ternary star y Andromedse,) 18 are of frequent occurrence. Arago was the first to call attention to the fact that the diversity of colour in the binary systems principally, or at least in very many cases, has reference to the complementary colours the subjective colours, which when united form white. 19 It is a well known optical phenomenon that a faint 17 Struve, MensurcB microm., pp. Ixxvii to Ixxxiv. 18 Sir John Herschel, Outlines of Astr., p. 579. 19 Two glasses, which exhibit complementary colours, when placed one upon the other, are used to exhibit white images of the sun. During my long residence at the Observatory at Paris, my friend very successfully availed himself of this contrivance, instead of using shade glasses to observe the sun's disc. The colours to be chosen are red and green, yellow and blue, or green and violet. " Lorsqu'une lumi- ere forte se trouve aupres d'une lumiere faible, la derniere prend la teinte complementaire de la premiere. C'est la le con- traste; mais comme le rouge n'est presque jamais pur, on peut tout aussi bien dire que le rouge est complementaire du bleu. Les couleurs voisines du spectre solaire se substituent." " When a strong light is brought into contact with a feeble one, the latter assumes the complementary colour of the for- DOUBLE STARS. 283 white light appears green when a strong red light is brought near it ; and that a white light becomes blue when the stronger surrounding light is yellowish. Arago, however, with his usual caution, has reminded us of the fact that even though the green or blue tint of the companion star is sometimes the result of contrast, still on the whole it is impossible to deny the actual existence of green or blue stars. 20 There are mer. This is the effect of contrast; but as red is scarcely ever pure, il may as correctly be said that red is the com- plementary of blue : the colours nearest to the solar spectrum reciprocally change." (Arago, MS. of 1847.) 20 Arago, in the Conuaisance des Temps pour Van 1828, pp. 299-300 ; and in the Annuaire pour 1834, pp. 246-250 ; pour 1842, pp. 347-350 : " Les exceptions que je cite, prouvent que j'avais bien raison en 1825 de n'introduire la notion physique du contraste dans la question des etoiles doubles qu'avec la plus grande reserve. Le bleu est la couleur reelle de certaines etoiles. II resulte des observations recueillies jusqu'ici que le firmament est non seulement par- seme de soleils rouges etjaunes, comme le savaient les anciens, mais encore de soleils bleus et verts. C'est au terns et a des observations futures a nous apprendre si les etoiles vertes et bleues ne sont pas des soleils deja en voie de decroissance ; si les differentes nuances de ces astres n'indiquent pas que la combustion s'y opere a differens degres; si la teinte, avec exces de rayons les plus refrangibles, que presente souvent la petite etoile, ne tiendrait pas a la force absorbante d'une atmosphere que developperait 1'action de Tetoile, ordinairement beaucoup plus brillante, qu'elle accompagne." "The exceptions I have named proved that in 1825 I was quite right in the cautious re- servations with which I introduced the physical notion of con- trast in connexion with double stars. Blue is the real colour of certain stars. The result of the observations hitherto made proves that the firmament is studded not only with red and yellow suns, (as was known long ago to the ancients,) but also with blue and green suns. Time and future observations must determine whether red and blue stars are not suns, the bright- ness of which is already on the wane; whether the varied appearances of these orbs do not indicate the degree of com- 284 COSMOS. instances in which a brilliant white star (1527 Leonis, 1768 Can. ven.) is accompanied by a small blue star; others, where in a double star (d Serp.) both the principal and its companion are blue. 81 In order to determine whether the contrast of colours is merely subjective, he proposes (when the distance allows) to cover the principal star in the telescope by a thread or diaphragm. Commonly it is only the smaller star that is blue: this, however, is not the case in the double star 23 Orionis (696 in Struve's Catalogue, p. Ixxx.) ; where the prin- cipal star is bluish, and the companion pure white. If in the multiple stars the differently coloured suns are frequently surrounded by planets invisible to us, the latter, being dif- ferently illuminated, must have their white, blue, red, and green days. 2 * As the periodical variability** of the stars is, as we have already pointed out, by no means necessarily connected with their red or reddish colour, so also colouring in gene- ral, or a contrasting difference of the tones of colour be- bustion at work within them; whether the colour and the excess of the most refrangible rays often presented by the smaller of two stars be not owing to the absorbing force of an atmo- sphere developed by the action of the accompanying star, which is generally much the more brilliant of the two." (Arago in the Annuaire pour 1834, pp. 295-301.) 21 Struve, Ueber Doppelsterne nach Dorpater Beobachtungen, 1837, s. 33-36, and Mensura microm. p. Ixxxiii., enumerates sixty-three double stars, in which both the principal and companion are blue or bluish, and in which therefore the colours cannot be the effect of contrast. When we are forcr.d to compare together the colours of double stars, as reported by several astronomers, it is particularly striking to observe how frequently the companion of a red or orange-coloured star is reported by some observers as blue, and by others as green. n Arago, Annuaire pour 1834, p. 302. * Vide supra, pp. 175-183. DOUBLE STARS. 285 tween the principal star and its companion is far from being peculiar to the multiple stars Circumstances which we find to be frequent, are not on that account necessary conditions of the phenomena ; whether relating to a periodical change of light, or to the revolution in partial systems round a common centre of gravity. A careful examination of the bright double stars (and colour can be determined even in those of the 9th magnitude) teaches that, besides white, all the colours of the solar spectrum are to be found in the double stars, but that the principal star, whenever it is not white, approximates in general to the red extreme (that of the least refrangible rays), but the companion to the violet extreme (the limit of the most refrangible rays). The reddish stars are twice as frequent as the blue and bluish ; the white are about 2^ times as numerous as the red and reddish. It is moreover remarkable that a great difference of colour is usually associated with a corresponding difference in bright- ness. In two cases in Bootis, and y Leonis which, from their great brightness can easily be measured by powerful telescopes, even in the day-time, the former con- sists of two white stars of the 3rd and 4th magnitudes, and the latter of a principal star of the 2nd, and of a companion of the 3 -5th, magnitude. This is usually called the brightest double star of the northern hemisphere, whereas a Centauri ** and <* Crucis, in the southern hemisphere, sur- 24 " This superb double star (a. Cent.) is beyond all com- parison the most striking object of the kind in the heavens, and consists of two individuals, both of a high ruddy or orange colour, though that of the smaller is of a somewhat more sombre and brownish cast." (Sir John Herschel, Observa- tions at the Cape of Good Hope, p. 300.) And, according to the important observations taken by Captain Jacob, of the Bombay Engineers, between the years 1846 and 1848, the principal star is estimated of the 1st magnitude, and the satellite from the 2*5th to the 3rd magnitude. (Transact, oj the Royal Soc. of Edinb., vol. xvi. 1849, p. 451.) 286 COSMOS. pass all the other double stars in brilliancy. As in (Bootis, so also in Centauri and y Leonis, we observe the rare combination of two great stars with only a slightly different intensity of light. No unanimity of opinion yet prevails respecting the vari- able brightness in multiple stars, and especially in that of companions. We have already M several times made men- tion of the somewhat irregular variability of lustre in the orange- coloured principal star in a Herculis. Moreover, the fluctuation in the brightness of the nearly equal yellowish stars (of the 3rd magnitude) constituting the double star y Virginis and Anon. 2718, observed by Struve, (1831-1833,) probably indicates a very slow rotation of both suns upon their axes. 86 Whether any actual change of colour has ever taken place in double stars (as, for instance, in y Leonis and y Delphini) ; whether their white light becomes coloured, and on the other hand, whether the coloured light of the isolated Sirius has become white, still remain undecided questions. 27 Where the disputed differences refer only to faint tones of colour, we should take into consideration the power of vision of the observer, and if refractors have not been employed, the frequently reddening influence of the metallic speculum. Among the multiple systems we may cite as ternaries, | Librae, { Cancri, 12 Lyncis, 11 Monoc.) ; as quaternaries 102 and 2681 of Struve's Catalogue, o Andromedse, t Lyrae : in 6 Orionis, the famous trapezium of the greater nebula of Orion, we have a combination of six, probably a system subject to peculiar physical attraction, since the five smaller stars (6-3m. ; 7m.; 8m.; ll'3m.; and 12m.) follow the proper motion of the principal star 4' 7m. No change in their reia- 95 Cosmos, vol. iii. p. 224 and note. * Struve, uber Doppelst. nach Dorp. JBeob., s. 33. w Ibid., s. 36 DOUBLE STARS. 2d tive positions has yet been observed. 18 In the ternary com- binations of Librae and Cancri, the periodical movement of the two companions has been recognized with great cer- tainty. The latter system consists of three stars of the 3rd magnitude, differing very little in brightness, and the nearer companion appears to have a motion ten times more rapid than the remoter one. The number of the double stars, the elements of whose orbits it has been found possible to determine, is at present stated at from fourteen to sixteen. 8 * Of these Herculis has twice completed its orbit since the epoch of its first discovery, and during this period has twice (1802 and 1831) presented the phenomenon of the apparent occultation of one fixed star by another. For the earliest calculations of the orbits of double stars, we are indebted to the industry of Savary (f Ursce Maj.), Encke (70 Ophiuchi), and Sir John Herschel. These have been subsequently followed by Bessel, Struve, Madler, Hind, Smyth, and Captain Jacob. Savary's and Encke's methods require four complete observations, taken at sufficient intervals from each other. The shortest periods of revolution are thirty, forty-two, fifty-eight, and seventy-seven years ; consequently, intermediate between the periods of Saturn and Uranus ; the longest that have been determined with any degree of certainty exceed five hundred years, that is to say, are nearly equal to three times the period of Le Verrier's Neptune. The eccentricity of the elliptical orbits of the double stars, according to the investigations hitherto made, is extremely considerable ; resembling that of comets, increasing from 0'62 (a- Cbronge), up to 0'95 (a Cen- tauri). The least eccentric interior comet that of Faye 28 Madler, Astr., s. 517. Sir John Herschel, Outl., p. 568. 29 Compare Madler, Untersuch. iiber die Fivstern-Systeme, th. i. s. 225-275; th. ii. s. 235-240; and bis Astr., s. 541. Sir John Herschel, Outl., p. 573. 283 has an eccentricity of 0*55, or less than that of the orbits of the two double stars just mentioned. According to Madlers and Hind's calculations, TJ Coronae and Castor exhibit much less eccentricity, which in the former is 0'29, and in the latter 0'22 or 0'24. In these double stars the two suns describe ellipses which come very near to those of two of the smaller principal planets in our solar system, the eccentricity of the orbit of Pallas being 0'24, and that of Juno, O k 25. If, with Encke, we consider one of the two stars in a binary system, the brighter, to be at rest, and on this supposition refer to it the motion of the companion, then it follows from the observations hitherto made that the companion describes round the principal star a conic section, of which the latter is the focus; namely, an ellipse in which the radius vector of the revolving cosmical body passes over equal superficial areas in equal times. Accurate measurements of the angles of position and of distances, adapted to the determination of orbits, have already shown, in a considerable number of double stars, that the companion revolves round the princi- pal star considered as stationary, impelled by the same gra- vitating forces which prevail in our own solar system. This firm conviction, which has only been thoroughly attained within the last quarter of a century, marks a great epoch in the history of the development of higher cosmical knowledge. Cosmical bodies, to which long use has still preserved the name of fixed stars, although they are neither rivetted to the vault of heaven nor motionless, have been observed to occult each other. The knowledge of the existence of partial systems of independent motion tends the more to enlarge our view, by showing that these movements are themselves subordinate to more general movements animat- ing the regions of space. 289 Elements of the Orbits of Double Stars. Name. Semi-Major Axis. Eccentricity. Period of Revolution in years. Calculator. (1) I Ureae Maj. 3"-857 (H164 58-262 Savary 1830 3 "'2 78 2"-295 0-3777 0-4037 60-720 61-300 John Herschel Tables of 1849 Madler 1847 Ct)P f3) (4)C Ophiuchi ... Herculis ... astor 4"328 1--208 8"-086 5"-692 0-4300 0-4320 0-7582 0-2194 73-862 30-22 252-66 519-77 Encke 1832 Madler 1847 John Herschel Tables of 1849 Madler 1847 6--300 0-2405 632-27 Hind 1849 (5) y Virginia ... 3"'580 3"-863 0-8795 0-8806 182-12 169-44 John Herschel Tables of 1849 Madler 1847 (3) Centauri ... 15"'500 0-9500 77-00 Captain Jacob 1848 VOL. III. INDEX TO VOL. III. ACHROMATIC telescopes, 82. Adalbert, Prince, of Prussia, his observations on the undulation of the stars, 76. Alcor, a star of the constellation Ursa Major, employed by the Persians as a test of vision, 61, 272. Alcyone, one of the Pleiades, ima- gined the centre of gravity of the solar system by Madler, 269. Alphonsine tables, date of their construction, 204. Anaxagoras of Clazomena?, his the- ory of the world-arranging intel- ligence, 9 ; origin of the modern theories of rotatory motion, 10. Andromeda's girdle, nebula in, 192. Arago, M., letters and communica- tions of, to M. Humboldt, 57, 61, 87, 88, 96, 128, 282; on the effect of telescopes on the visi- bility of the stars, 88; on the velocity of light, 106, 111 ; on photometry, 123, 128; his cyano- meter, 129. Antus, a fragment of the work of Hipparchus preserved in, 147. Archimedes, his " Arenarius," 35. Arcturus, true diameter of, 118. Argelander, his view of the number of the fixed stars, 141 ; his addi- tions to Bessel's catalogue, 155 ; on periodically variable stars, 224. T] Argus, changes in colour and brilliancy of, 183, 241. Aristotle, his distinct apprehension of the unity of nature, 11 14; his defective solution of the pro- blem, 14 ; doubts the infinity of space, 34 ; his idea of the genera- tion of heat by the movement of the spheres, 166. Astrognosy, the domain of the fixed stars, 30. Astronomy, the observation of groups of fixed stars, the first step in, 158 ; very bright single stars, the first named, 119. Atmosphere, limits of the, 49 ; effects of an untransparent, 139. Augustine, St., cosmical views of, 167. Autolycus of Pitane, era of, 119. Auzout's object-glasses, 80. Bacon, Lord, the earliest views on the velocity of light found in his " Novum Organum," 105. Baily, Francis, his revision of De Lalande's Catalogue, 155. Bayer's lettering of the stars of any constellation not an evidence of their relative brightness, 132. Berard, Captain, on the change of colour of the star y Crucis, 183. Berlin Academy, star-maps of the, 155. Bessel, on repulsive force, 41 ; his star- maps have been the principal means of the recognition of seven new planets, 156 ; calculation of the orbits of double stars by, 287. Binary stars, 271. Blue stars, 183 ; less frequent than red, 285. Blue and green suns, the probable cause of their colour, 283. Bond, of the Cambridge Observa- tory, United States, his resolu- tion of the nebula in Andro- meda's girdle into small stars. 192. Brewster, Sir David, on the dark lines of the prismatic spectra, 55. British Association, their edition of Lalande's Catalogue, 155. 2 [ 2 Bruno, Giordano, his cosmical views, 17 ; his martyrdom, 17. Busch, Dr., his estimate of the ve- locity of light incorrect, 109. Catalogues, astronomical, their great importance, 153 ; future disco- veries of planetary bodies mainly dependent on their completeness, 153; listof, 154; Halley's, Flam- stead's, and others, 154 ; La- lande's, Harding's, Bessfcl's, 155. Catasterisms of Eratosthenes, 119. a Centauri, Piazzi Smyth on, 198, 252 ; the nearest of the fixed stars that have yet been mea- sured, 261. Central body for the whole sidereal heavens, existence of, doubtful, 268. Chinese Record of extraordinary stars (of Ma-tuan-lin), 146, 210 215; deserving of confidence, 219. Clusters of stars, or stellar swarms, 189 ; list of the principal, 191. Coal -sacks, a portion of the Milky Way in the southern hemisphere so called, 185. Coloured rings afford a direct mea- sure of the'intensity of light, 128. Coloured stars, 175 ; evidence of change of colour in some, 177 ; Sir John Herschel's hypothesis, 177 ; difference of colour usually accompanied by difference of brightness, 285. Comets, information regarding celes- tial space, derived from observa- tion on, 36, 47 ; number of visi- ble ones, 204. Concentric rings of stars, a view favoured by recent observation, 201. Constellations, arrangement of stars into, very gradual. 160 Contrasted colours of double stars, 282. Cosmical contemplation, extension of. in the middle ages, 16. Cosmical vapour, question as to condensation of, 44 ; Tycho Brahe's and Sir William Her- schel's theories, 208. " Cosmos/' a pseudo-Aristotelian work, 16. Crystal vault of heaven, date of the designation, 165 ; its signification according to Empedocles, 165 ; the idea favoured by the Fathers of the Church, 168. Cyanometer, Arago's, 129. Dark cosmical bodies, question of, 222, 255. Delambre, on the velocity of light, 108. Descartes, his cosmical views, 21 ; suppresses his work from defer- ence to the Inquisition, 21. Dioptric tubes, the precursors of the telescope, 53. Direct and reflected light, 57. Distribution of the fixed stars, ac- cording to right ascension, 189. Dorpat table (Struve's) of multiple stars, 278. Double stars, the name too indis- criminately applied, 271 ; distri- bution into optical and physical, 272 ; pointed out by Galileo as useful in determining the parallax, 272 ; vast increase in their ob- served number, 273, 279 ; those earliest described, 273 ; number in which a change of position has been proved, 280; greater num- ber of double stars in the north- ern than in the southern hemi- sphere, 281 ; occurrence of con- trasted colours, 282 ; calculation of their orbits, 287 ; table of the elements, 289. Earth-animal, Kepler and Fludd's fancies regarding the, 20. Edda-Songs, allusion to, 4, 5. Egypt, zodiacal constellations of, their date, 163. I. 3 ] Egyptian calendar, period of the complete arrangement of the, 179. Ehrenberg, on the incalculable num- ber of animal organisms, 35. Electrical light, velocity of trans- mission of, 114. Electricity, transmission of, through the earth, 117. Elements, Indian origin of the 3V pothesis of four or five, 9. Emanations from the head of some comets, 47. Encke, his accurate calculation of the equivalent of an equatorial degree, 107 ; on the star- maps of the Berlin Academy, 156 ; an early calculator of the orbits of double stars, 287 ; his theory of their motion, 288. Encke's comet, considerations on space, derived from periods of revolution of, 36 ; a resisting medium proved from observation on, 47. Ether, different meanings of, in the East and the West, 36, 37. Ether (Akd'sa, in Sanscrit), one of the Indian five elements, 36. Ether, the, fiery, 42. Euler's comparative estimate of the light of the sun and moon, 177. Fixed stars, the term erroneous, 30, 164; scintillation of the, 96 ; va- riations in its intensity, 101 ; our sun one of the fainter fixed stars, 127; photometric arrangement of, 132; their number, 141 ; number visible at Berlin with the naked eye, 143 ; at Alexandria, 144 ; Struve and Herschel's estimates, 157 ; grouping of the, 157 ; distri- bution of the, 189 ; proper motion of the, 248; parallax, 256 ; num- ber of, in which proper motion has been discovered, greater than of those in which change of posi- tion has been observed, 281. Fizeau, M., his experiments on the velocity of light, 107, 110. Formula for computing variation of light of a star, by Argelander, 228. Galactic circle, average number o r stars in, and beyond the, 188. Galileo indicates the means of dis- covering the parallax, 256. Galle, Dr., on Jupiter's satellites, 64 ; on the photometric arrange- ment of the fixed stars, 132. Garnet star, the, a star in Cepheus, so called by William Herschel, 225. Gascoigne applies micrometer threads to the telescope, 52 Gauging the heavens, by Sir William Herschel, 187 ; length of time necessary to complete the pro- cess, 187. Gauss, on the point of translation in space of the whole solar sys- tem, 266. Gilliss, Lieutenant, on the change of colour of the star rj Argus, 183. Gravitation, not an essential pro- perty of bodies, but the result of some higher and still unknown power, 24. Greek sphere, date of the, 160, 162. Green and blue suns, 283. Groups of fixed stars, recognised even by the rudest nations, 157; usually the same groups, as the Pleiades, the Great Bear, the Southern Cross, &c.', 158. Halley asserted the motion of Sirius and other fixed stars, 30. Hassenfratz, his description of the rays of stars as caustics on the crystalline lens, 66, 171. Heat, radiating, 41. Hepidannus, monk of Saint Gall, a new star recorded by, 213, 220. Herschel, Sir William, on the vivi- fying action of the sun's rays, 40; his estimate of the number of the fixed stars, 157; his "gauging the heavens," and its result, 187. Jerschel, Sir John, on the trans- mission of liaht, 34; on the in- fluence of the sun's rays, 40; compares the sun to a perpetual northern light, 40; on the atmo- sphere, 45; on the blackness of the ground of the heavens, 47; on stars seen in daylight, 73 ; on photometry, 125; photometric arrangement of the fixed stars, 132; on the number of stars actually registered, 142; on the cause of the red colour of Sirius, 177; on the Milky Way, 196; on the sun's place, 203; on the determined periods of variable stars, 225 ; number of double stars the elements of whose orbits have been determined, 287. Hieroglyphical signification of a star, according to Horapollo, 173. Hind's discovery of a new reddish- yellow star of the 5th magnitude, in Ophiuchus, 217; has since sunk to the llth magnitude, 217; calculation of the orbits of double stars by, 287. Hipparchus, on the numbej of the Pleiades, 60; his catalogue con- tains the earliest determination of the classes of magnitude of the stars, 120; a fragment of his work preserved to us in Aratus, 147. Holtzmann, on the Indian zodiacs, 163. Homer, not an authority on the state of Greek astronomy in His day, 160, 166. Humboldt, Alexander von, works of, quoted in various notes: Ansichten der Natur, 105. Asie Centrale, 150. ^ssai sur la Geographic des Plantes, 75. Examen critique de 1'Histoire de la Geographic, 61, 151. Lcttre a M. Schumacher, 123, 183. Recueil d' Observations Astro- nomiques, 54, 59, 123. Relation Historique du Voyage aux Regionsequinoxiales, 72, 75, 105, 123. Vue des Cordilleres et Monu- mens des Peuples indigenes de 1'Amerique, 162, 180. Humboldt, Wilhelm von, quoted, 28. Huygens, Christian, his ambitious but unsatisfactory Cosmotheus, 22; examined the Milky Way, 195. Huygens, Constantine, his improve- ments in the telescope, 80. Hveigelmir, the cauldron-spring of the Edda-Songs, 5. Indian fiction regarding the stars of the Southern hemisphere, 187. Indian theory of the five elements (Pantschata], 36. Indian zodiacs, their high antiquity doubtful, 163. Jacob, Capt., on the intensity of light in the Milky Way, 198; calculation of the orbits of double stars, by, 287. Joannes Philoponus, on gravitation, 19. Jupiter's satellites, estimate of the magnitudes of, 64 ; case in which they were visible by the naked eye, 66; occultations of, observed by daylight, 80. Kepler, his approach to the mathe- matical application of the theory of gravitation, 18; rejects the idea of solid orbs, 169. Lalande, his Catalogue, revised by Baily, 155. Lassel's telescope, discoveries made by means of, 85. Lepsius, on the Egyptian name (Sothis) of Sirius, 180. Leslie's photometer, defects of, 129. Libra, the constellation, date of its , introduction into the Greek sphere, 162. Light, always refracted, 54; pris- matic spectra differ in number of dark lines acco-ding to their source, 55, 56; polarisation of, 57; velocity of, 105; .ratio of solar, lunar, and stellar, 126; variation of, in stars of ascer- tained and unascertained period- icity, 228, 240. Light of the sun and moon, Euler's and Michelo's estimates of the comparative, 127. Limited transparency of the celestial regions, 46. Macrobius, " Sphaera aplanes" of, 31. Madler, on Jupiter's satellites, 67; on the determined periods of variable stars, 225; on future polar stars, 245; on non-lumi- nous stars, 255; on the centre of gravity of the solar system, 269. liagellanic clouds, known to the Arabs, 122. Magnitude of the stars, classes of, 120, 121. Malus, his discoveries regarding light, 57. " Mappa ccelestis" of Schwinck, 189. Ma-tuan-lin, a Chinese astrono- mical record of, 146. Mayer, Christian, the first special observer of the fixed stars, 275. Melville Island, temperature of, 43. Michell, John, 126; applies the calculus of probabilities to small groups of stars, 274; little re- liance to be placed in its indivi- dual numerical results, 275. Michelo's comparative estimate of the light of the sun and moon, 177. Milky Way, average number of stars in, and beyond the, according to Struve, 188; intensity of its light the vicinity of the Southern Cross, 198; its course and direr- tion, 199; most of the new stars have appeared in its neighbour- hood, 220. Morin proposes the application of the telescope to the discovery of the stars in daylight, 51, 86. Motion, proper, of the fixed stars, 248: variability of, 252. Multiple stars, 175, 271; variable brightness of, difference of opinion regarding, 286. Nebulae, probably closely crowded stellar swarms, 44. Neptune, the planet, its orbit used as a measure of distance of 61 Cygni, 277. New stars, 204; their small num- ber, 204 ; Tycho Brahe's descrip- tion of one, 205; its disappear- ance, 206; speculations as to their origin, 218; most have ap- peared near the Milky Way, 220. Newton, embraces by his theory of gravitation the whole uranological portion of the Cosmos, 23. Non -luminous stars, problematical existence of, 254. Numerical results, exceeding the grasp of the comprehension, fur- nished alike by the minutest organisms and the so-called fixed stars, 34; encouraging views on the subject, 35. Optical and physical double stars, 272; often confounded, 272. Orbits of double stars, calculation of the, 287 ; their great eccentri- city, 287; hypothesis, that the brighter of the two stars is at rest, and its companion revolves about it, probably correct, and a great epoch in cosmical know- ledge, 288. Orion, the six stars of the trapezium of the nebula of, probably subject to peculiar physical attraction, 287. 6 J Pantschata, or Pantschatra, the Indian theory of the five elements, 36. Parallax, means of discovering the, pointed out by Galileo, 256; number of parallaxes hitherto discovered, 258; detail of nine of the best ascertained, 259. Penetrating power of the telescope, 196. Periodically changeable stars, 222. Periods within periods of varia- able stars, 228; Argelander on, 228. Peru, climate of, unfavourable to astronomical observations, 139. Peters, on parallax, 261. Photometric relations of self-lumi- nous bodies, 119; scale, 132. Photometry, yet in its infancy, 125; first numerical scale of, 126; Arago's method, 128. Plato, on ultimate principles, 11. Pleiades, one of the, invisible to the naked eye of ordinary visual power, 60; described, 191. Pliny estimates the number of stars visible in Italy at only 1600, 145. Poisson, his view of the consolida- tion of the earth's strata, 44. Polarisation of light, 57 60. Poles of greatest cold, 43. Pouillet's estimate of the tempe- rature of space, 43. Prismatic spectra, 55; difference of the dark lines of, 56. Ptolemy, his classification of the stars, 1*20; southern constella- tions known to, 185. Pulkowa, number of multiple stars discovered at, 279. Pythagoreans, mathematical sym- bolism of the, 10. Quaternary systems of stars, 286. Radiating heat, 41. Ratio of various colours among the multiple and double stars, 285. Rays of stars, 6C, 171 ; number of, indicate distances, 173; disappear when the star is viewed through a very small aperture, 173. Red stars, 176 ; variable stars mostly red, 224. Reflecting sextants applied to the determination of the intensity of stellar light, 123. Reflecting and refracting telescopes, 82. Regal stars of the ancients, 184. Resisting medium, proved by obser- vations on Encke's and other comets, 47. Right ascension, distribution of stars according to, by Schwinck, 189. Rings, coloured, measurement of the intensity of light by, 128. Rings, concentric, of stars, the hy- pothesis of, favoured by the most recent observations, 201. Rosse's, Lord, his great telescope, 85 ; its services to astronomy, 85. Ruby-coloured stars, 183. Saint Gall, the monk of, observed a new star distant from the Milky Way, 220. Saussure asserts that stars may be seen in daylight on the Alps, 74 ; the assertion not supported by other travellers' experience, 75. Savary, on the application of the aberration of light to the deter- mination of the parallaxes, 264 ; an early calculator of the orbits of double stars, 287. Schlegel, A. W. von, probably mis- taken as to the high antiquity of the Indian zodiacs, 163. Schwinck, distribution of the fixed stars in his " Mappa coelestis," 189. Scintillation of the stars, 96 ; varia- tions in its intensity, 101; men- tioned in the Chinese records, 103; little observed in AropicaJ L 7 1 regions, 103; always accompanied by a change of colour, 275. Seidel, his attempt to determine the quantities of light of certain stars of the 1st magnitude, 124. Self-luminous cosmical bodies, or suns, 271. Seneca, on discovering new planets, 31. Simplicius, the Eclectic, contrasts the centripetal and centrifugal forces, 10; bis vague view of gra- vitation, 18. Sirius, its absolute intensity of light, 127; historically proved to have changed its colour, 177; its association with the earliest de- velopment of civilization in the valley of the Nile, 179; etymolo- gical researches concerning, 180. Smyth, Capt. W. H., calculations of the orbits of double stars by, 287. Smyth, Piazzi, on the Milky Way, 199; on a Centauri, 252. Sothis, the Egyptian name of Sirius, 179. South, Sir James, observation of 380 double stars by, in conjunc- tion with Sir John Herschel, 279. Southern constellations known to Ptolemy, 185. Southern Cross, formerly visible on the shores of the Baltic, 186. Southern hemisphere, in parts re- markably deficient in constella- tions, 151 ; distances of its stars, first measured about the end of the 16th century, 187. Space, conjectures regarding, 33 ; compared to the mythic period of history, 33; fallacy of attempts at measurement of, 34; portions between cosmical bodies not void, 36 ; its probable low tempera- ture, 42. Spectra, the prismatic, 55; dif- ference of the dark lines of, according to their sources, 56. I " Sphaeraaplanes"of Macrobius,31. Spurious diameter of stars, 174. Star of the Magi, Ideler's explana- tion of the, 208. Star of St. Catherine, 185. Star systems, partial, in which seve- ral suns revolve about a common centre of gravity, 277. Stars, division into wandering and non-wandering, dates at least from the early Greek period, 30; mag- nitude and visibility of the, 60; seen through shafts of chimneys, 73 ; undulation of the, 75 ; ob- servation of, by daylight, 86 ; scintillation of the, 96; variations in its intensity, 101; the brightest the earliest named, 119; rays of, 66, 171173; colour of, 175; distribution of, 189; concentric rings of, 201; variable, 218; vanished, 221 ; periodically changeable, 222 ; non-luminous, of doubtful existence, 254 ; ratio of coloured stars, 285. Steinheil's experiments on the velo- city of the transmission of elec- tricity, 116; his photometer, 124. Stellar clusters, or swarms, 189. Struve, on the velocity of light, 109 ; his estimate of the number of the fixed stars, 157; on the Milky Way, 188; his Dorpat tables. 278; on the contrasted colours of multiple stars, 282 ; calcula- tion of the orbits of double stars by, 287. Sun, the, described as "a perpetual northern light," by Sir William Herschel, 40 ; in intensity of light, merely one of the fainter fixed stars. 127; its place pro- bably in a comparatively desert region of the starry stratum, and eccentric, 203. Suns, self-luminous cosmical bodies, 271. Table of photometric arrangement of 190 fixed stars, 134; of 17 C 8 of 1st magnitude, 137 ; of tne variable stars, by Argelander, 232, and explanatory remarks, 233 240 ; of ascertained paral- laxes, 262 ; of the elements of the orbits of double stars, 289. Telescope, the principle of, known to the Arabs, and probably to the Greeks and Romans, 53 ; disco- veries by its means, 78 ; succes- sive improvements of the, 80 ; enormous focal length of some, 81 ; Lord Rosse's, 85 ; Bacon's comparison of, to discovery ships, 175; penetrating power of the, 196. Telesio, Bernardino, of Cosenza, his views of the phenomena of inert matter, 16. Temperature, low, of celestial space, 42 ; uncertainty of results yet obtained, 43 ; its influence on the climate of the earth, 45. Temporary stars, list of, 209 ; notes to, 210217. Ternary stars, 286. Timur Ulugh Beig, improvements in practical astronomy in the time of, 121. Translation in space of the whole solar system, 265 ; first hinted by Bradley, 265 ; verified by actual observation by William Herschel, 266 ; Argelander, Struve, and Gauss's views, 266. Trapezium in the great nebula of Orion, investigated by Sir William Herschel, 276. Tycho Brahe, his vivid description of the appearance of a new star, 205 ; his theoiy of the formation of such, 208. Uranological and telluric domain of the Cosmos, 29. Uranus observed as a star by Flam- stead and others, 153. Vanished stars, 221 ; statements about such to be received with great caution, 221. Variable brightness of multiple and double stars, 285. Variable stars, 218 ; mostly of a red colour, 224 ; irregularity of their periods, 226 j table of, 232. Velocity of light, 105 ; methods of determining, 106 ; applied to the determination of the parallax, 265. Visibility of objects, 70 ; how modi- fied, 71. Vision, natural and telescopic, 51 ; average natural, 60 ; remarkable instances of acute natural, 66, 70. Wheatstone's experiments with re- volving mirrors, 56 ; velocity of electrical light determined by, 114. White Ox, name given to the nebula now known as one of the Magel- lanic clouds, 122. Wollaston's photometric researches, 127. Wright, of Durham, his view of the origin of the form of the Milky Way, 201. Yggdrasil, the world-tree of Edda-Songs, 4, 5. the Zodiac, period of its introduction into the Greek sphere, 160; its origin among the Chaldeans, 161 ; Ultimate mechanical cause " of all the Greeks borrowed from them motion, unknown, 27. only the idea of the division, and Undulation of- the stars, 75. filled its signs with their own Undulations of rays ot light, various i catasterisms, 161 ; great antiquity lengths of, 112. of the Indian very doubtful, 163. Unity of nature distinctly taught by Zodiacal light, Sir John Herschel OTJ Aristotle, 1114. LIST OF BOM'S VARIOUS LIBRARIES. A Complete Set, in 648 Volumes, Price 134 18s. 6cU SEPAEATE LIBEAEIES. STANDARD LIBRARY (including the Atlas to Coxe's Marlborough) HISTORICAL LIBRARY LIBRARY OF FRENCH MEMOIRS .... SCHOOL AND COLLEGE SERIES PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY BRITISH CLASSICS ECCLESIASTICAL LIBRARY ANTIQUARIAN LIBRARY ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY CLASSICAL LIBRARY (including the Atlas) . SCIENTIFIC LDSRABY ...... 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