TC ZO3 Oflfl 77fl CT- vX> r- o o Harbors and Docks A List of Books and References to Periodicals in the Seattle Public Library Seattle Public Library Reference List No. 5 February, 1913 Seattle Public Library Central Library Fourth Avenue and Madison Street Telephone, Main 24GC Hours of Opening Week days 9 a . ra . to 10 p. m. Sundays and holidays 3 to 10 p. m. The Children's room is open on week days from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. and is closed on Sundays and holidays. Branch Libraries Open from 2 to 9 p.m. except on Sundays and holidays Baliard 2026 .Market St. Telephone, Ballard 158 Columbia 4ifM Rainier Blvd. Telephone, Beacon 167 Fremont 3425 Fremont Ave. Telephone, North 348 G eorgeto wn ] 8 1 h A v r . ;s , a n d Stanley Telephone, Sidney Green Lake E. Green Lake Blvd. and 4th Ave. N. E. Telephone, Kenwood 850 University 10th Ave. N. E. and E. 50th St. Telephone, Kenwood 703 West Seattle College St. W. and 42d Ave. S. W. Telephone, West 468 Deposit Stations No. 1 Weed's Pharmacy 2<5th Ave. S. and Jackson St. Telephone, Beacon 4080 No. 2 South Park' Pharmacy Dallas Ave. and Rose St. Telephone, Sidney 192 No. 3 Mt. Baker Park Pharmacy 3<5th \ rtd McClellan St. Telephone, Beacon 476 No. 4 Mont era Pharmacy Rainier Beac-h nhone, Beacon 819 The use of the library for reading and reference ;s free to all. Any resident of Seattle may draw books from the library without charge on signing at the central library or at one of the branches or deposit stations the proper application and agreement. Harbors and Docks A List of Books and References to Periodicals in the Seattle Public Library Seattle Public Library Reference List No. S February, 1913 Contents General 5 Argentine 9 Buenos Aires 9 Australia 9 Sydney 9 Belgium 9 Antwerp 9 Bruges 9 Brazil 10 Para 10 Rio Grande do Sul 10 Canada 10 Key Harbor 10 Montreal 10 Victoria 10 Cuba 10 Havana 10 France 10 Boulogne 11 Calais 11 Havre 11 Paris 11 Germany 11 Altona 11 Hamburg '.!.;. .'**. V .". ; .'.*i . ; 11 Great Britain *. " : . V. . ' . : \ . : . '.:-'. 12 Biyth ./.. :.:./; ?:: *; i v.; : : . , - . '-' 12 Bristol "'.*! * /.'.. .*''. :?*. .*.'. : .> , .'.' -. .^ ' 12 Cardiff 13 Dover 13 Dundee 13 Glasgow 13 Liverpool 13 London 15 Manchester 1C Methil 1C Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1C Plymouth 17 Southampton 17 Southbank 17 Swansea 17 India 17 Bombay 17 Calcutta 17 Japan 18 Kobe 18 Mexico 18 Manzanillo . 18 Salina Cruz 18 Norway .' 18 Narvik 18 Panama 18 Bocas Del Toro 18 Philippine Islands 18 Cebu 18 Manila 18 Roumania 18 Constantza 18 Spain 19 Aguilas 19 Barcelona 19 United States 19 California 20 Connecticut 20 Massachusetts 20 Washington 21 United States Ports: Allouez, Wis 21 Ashtabula, Ohio 21 Baltimore 21 Boston 22 Buffalo 22 Chicago 22 Cleveland 23 Communipaw, N. J 23 Coos Bay, Ore 23 Coronado Beach, Cal 23 Cumberland Sound, Fla 23 Detroit 23 Duluth . . 23 282305 Escanaba, Mich 23 Eureka, Gal 24 Fort Morgan, Ala 24 Galveston 24 Gary, Ind 24 Grays Harbor, Wash 24 Hoboken, N. J 2G Kansas City 26 Lorain, Ohio 2G Los Angeles 2G Manitowoc Harbor, Wis 26 Marshfield, Mass 26 Milwaukee 26 Mobile 27 Montgomery, Ala 27 Newark 27 New Orleans 27 New York City 27 Philadelphia 29 Portland, Ore 30 Providence 30 Puget Sound 30 San Francisco 30 Santa Monica 31 Savannah 31 Seattle 31 Seattle Lake Washington Canal 33 Superior, Wis 38 Tacoma 38 Tampa, Fla 40 Toledo 40 Two Harbors, Minn 40 Washington, D. C 40 Wilmington, Del 40 Reference lists Lists similar to this, on special subjects or on topics of current interest, are published from time to time. They may be obtained free of charge by applying either at the central library or at one of the branch libraries. For a complete list of Seattle Public Library publications, see inside of back cover. Harbors and Docks This list of books, pamphlets, reports, and periodical references on harbors, harbor engineering, docks, and port administration Is printed in the hope of making the material more useful and avail- able. The list contains all the best material which the library has on these topics. As a general rule, references to government docu- ments have been excluded except those to ports in the state of Washington. An "R" prefixed to the call number of a book indicates that it must be called for and used in the reference room. An asterisk (*) preceding the author's name indicates that another copy may be found in the circulation department. Pamphlets are designated by the abbreviation "Pam." prefixed to the call number. Bound period- icals, government documents, and pamphlets are in the reference department. Upon request from a borrower at any one of the branches, any book on this list in the circulation department will be sent to that branch and the person requesting the book will be notified of its arrival. General Allen, J. R. Theory and practice in the design and construction of dock walls. 1876. 54 p. 627 American School of Correspondence. River and harbor improve- ment; instruction paper, prepared by Charles E. Morrison. 1908. 104 p. R627.1 Austen, H. C. M. The physical difficulties of modern harbor and dock extension. (Engng., 85:44-45. Jan. 10, 1908.) Baterden, J. R. Notes on harbor engineering. (Engr., Lond., 103:338-39. Apr. 5, 1907.) Bates, W. W. American marine. The shipping question in his- tory and politics. 1897. 479 p. 387 Blue book of American shipping. Marine and naval directory of the United States, statistics of shipping and ship building in America. 1903, 1906-11. R656 Brassey, Thomas. Papers and addresses. Mercantile marine and navigation from 1871 to 1894. 1894. 232 p. 656 Chantriot, Emile. Les grands ports extra-europeens et le com- merce international. 1910. 66 p. 387 Colson, Charles. .. .Notes on docks and dock construction. 1894. 426 p. 627 Cortiemoy, O^nmle de.. . .Exploitation des ports maritimes. 1909. 560 pr R627.2 Corthell, E. L.... Report by Elmer L. Corthell, delegate of the United States to the seventh International congress of naviga- tion, held at Brussels, Belgium, July, 1898. 1900. 245 p. (U. S. 56th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 30.) Contents: Introduction. Preliminary report. Detailed report- 1st section: Canalized rivers. 2d section: Inland canals. 3d section: Tidal rivers and ship canals. 4th section: Seaports. 5th section: Tolls. Corthell, E. L. Progression rapide des dimensions des navires a vapeur et a voile; leur immersion, consequences pour les ports. 1905. 30 p. 656.8 Crowell, Foster. Modern wharf improvements and port facilities. (Eng. Mag., 14:12-31; 205-24; 444-63. Oct., Nov., Dec. 1897.) Cunningham, Brysson. Harbour dredging. (Cassier's, 41:235-44. Mar. 1912.) Cunningham, Brysson. The influence of recent developments in size and speed of steamships on port and harbor accommoda- tion. (Cassier's, 35:313-26. Dec. 1908.) Cunningham, Brysson. Reinforced concrete work in maritime situations. (Cassier's, 34:333-52. Aug. 1908.) Cunningham, Brysson. The relative advantage of hydraulic and electric power for port and dock work. (Cassier's, 34:419-44. Sept. 1908.) Cunningham, Brysson. A treatise on the principles and practice of dock engineering. 1904. 559 p. illus. 627.3 Cunningham, Brysson. A treatise on the principles and practice of harbour engineering. 1908. 283 p. illus. R627.2 Current practice in blasting and dredging rock under water. (Engng.-Contr., 37:463-67. Apr. 24, 1912.) Donnelly, W. T. Floating dry dock construction, (in Brooklyn Engineers' Club. Proceedings, 1905, p. 59-82.) R627.3 Duffles, E. J. Steel forms for concrete breakwaters or piers. (Eng. News, 65:777. June 29, 1911.) Great Britain. Customs Establishment. List of countries, and divisions of countries as distinguished in the trade and navi- gation accounts of the United Kingdom; together with an index to the foreign and colonial ports and shipping places throughout the world, and a list of the ports and shipping places belonging to each country. 1908. 567 p. R387 Great Britain. Hydrographic Office. Dock book. Containing dimensions of the principal dry, floating, and wet docks, patent slips, etc., of the world, also information on ship building and engineering works in countries other than the United King- dom. 1905. 5th ed. 219 p. R627.3 Supplement to Dec. 1907. 1908. 23 p. R627.3 Harbor facilities. (Mun. Aft., 2:738-41. Dec. 1898.) Harcourt, L. F. V.... Harbors and docks; their physical fea- tures, history, construction, equipment, and maintenance, with statistics as to their commercial development. 1885. 2 v. 627 Harding, H. M. An engineering solution of freight-handling prob- lems. (Eng. Mag., 41:33-48. Apr. 1911.) Hichborn, Philip. Report on European dock-yards. 1886. 96 p. (U. S. 49th Cong. 1st sess. House. Mis. doc. 237.) Hodgdon, F. W. Notes collected in relation to docks and harbors in Great Britain, France, and Belgium in the summer of 1906. (Jour. Assn. of Engng. Socs., 28:116-39. Mar. 1902.) Holder, C. F. Building a harbor. (Int. Marine Engng., 14:135-36. Apr. 1909.) Hooker, G. E. Water terminal problem, (in National conference on city planning. Proceedings, 1911. p. 131-33.) R710.1 Judson, W. V. Reinforced concrete caissons. Their develop- ment and use for breakwaters, piers, and revetments. (Eng. News, 62:34-36. July 8, 1909.) Laroche, Felix Ports maritimes. 1893. 2 v. R627.2 Lindsay, W. S. History of merchant shipping and ancient com- merce. 1874-76. 4 v. R387 Orrok, G. A. The sea wall in connection with buildings. (Eng. Rec., 61:253-54. Feb. 26, 1910.) Orrok, G. A. Some types of sea walls and their structural char- acteristics and cost. (Engng.-Contr., 33: 161-62. Feb. 16, 1910.) *Owen, Douglas. Ports and docks; their history, working, and national importance. 1904. 179 p. R627.3 Owens, J. S., and Case, G. O. Coast erosion and foreshore pro- tection. 1908. 144 p. 627.4 'Duplicate copy in circulation department. 7 Peabody, R. S. A holiday study of cities and ports. Notes of travel offered to the Commission on the improvement of met- ropolitan Boston by one of its members. 1908. 52 p. illus. R710.1 Perkins, F. C. Novel submarine concrete work. (Sci. Amer. Sup., 70:178. Sept. 17, 1910.) Port administration and harbor facilities; a symposium. (An- nals of the Amer. Acad., 29:357-400. Mar. 1907.) Prelini, Charles. Dredges and dredging. 1911. 279 p. 627.7 Reinforced concrete sea wall construction of separately molded members. (Engng.-Contr., 34:158-60. Aug. 24, 1910.) Seager, J. A. Modern dredging appliances for waterways. (Cas- sier's, 37:260-74. Jan. 1910.) Serber, D. C. The stability of sea walls. (Eng. News, 56:198-200. Aug. 23, 1906.) Shaler, N. S. The geological history of harbors. (U. S. Geo- logical Survey. 13th annual report, 1891-92, pt. 2, p. 93-209.) R557.3 Shaler, N. S. Sea and land; features of coasts and oceans, with special reference to the life of man. 1894. 252 p. 551.46 *Shield, William.. . .Principles and practice of harbour construc- struction. 1910. 299 p. R627.2 Stephens, G. W., and Corvie, F. W. Report on British and Conti- nental ports with a view to the development of the port of Montreal and Canadian transportation. 1908. 95 p. maps. 627.2 Includes the ports of Antwerp, Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, Ham- burg, Havre, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Marseilles, Montreal, and Newcastle-on-Tyne. Taylor, John. Construction of a quay wall in open water by divers. (Eng. Rec., 59:696-97. May 29, 1909.) Tomkins, Calvin. Seaport congestion and its relation to trans- portation and terminal facilities, (in National conference on city planning. Proceedings. 1910. p. 136-39.) Turner, W. Ports, ancient and modern. (West. Rev., 177:249-59. Mar. 1912.) *Duplicate copy in circulation department. 8 U. S. Department of State.. . .European waterways. Reports of consular officers of the United States, located in Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, on river and harbor improvements in their respective districts. 1909. 138 p. (National waterways commission. Document no. 7.) U. S. Office of Naval Intelligence. Coaling, docking, and repair- ing facilities of the ports of the world. 5th ed. 1909. 239 p. R627.2 Urquhart, G. D. Dues and charges on shipping in foreign and colonial ports; a manual of reference for the use of ship- owners, shipbrokers, and shipmasters. 14th ed. 1910. 1665 p. R387 *Wheeler, W. H. The sea-coast: (1) Destruction (2) Littoral drift (3) Protection. 1903. 361 p. R627.4 Argentine Buenos Aires Huergo, l_. A. El puerto de Buenos Aires. Historia tecnica del puerto de Buenos Aires. 1904. 179 p. R627.2 Australia Sydney Sydney Harbour Trust Commissioners. Report. 1910. 40 p. illus. R627.2 Belgium Belgium. Administration des ponts et chaussees. Les installa- tions maritimes beiges. 1900. 105 p. R627 Antwerp [The] extension of the port of Antwerp. (Engr., Lond., 85:224-25. Mar. 11, 1898.) IThe] improvement of the port of Antwery. (Eng. Rec., 63:632-33. June 10, 1911.) Ringe, H. R. Port administration and harbor facilities, Antwerp. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:398-400. Mar. 1907.) Bruges [The] new harbor works at Bruges. (Eng. Mag., 33:644-46. July 1907.) *Duplicate copy in circulation department. 9 Brazil Para [The] port of Para. (Pan-American Union. Bulletin, 35:682-98. Oct. 1912.) St. Clair, D. F. The trade of the Amazon and the port of Para. (Eng. Mag., 38:1-14. Oct. 1909.) Rio Grande do Sul [The] jetty and port works of Rio Grande do Sul. (Eng. Rec., 58:186-87. Aug. 15, 1908.) Canada Key Harbor Oliver, E. W. Key Harbor ore docks of the Canadian Northern Railway. (Eng. Rec., 59:333-34. Mar. 20, 1909.) Montreal Montreal. Harbour Commissioners. Annual report. 1909-11. Powell, A. O. Port of Montreal. (Municipal League News, 2:1-3. May 25, 1912.) Same. (Pacific Builder and Engr., 13:463-64. June 1, 1912.) Victoria Estep, H. C. The harbor of Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia. (Marine Rev., 39:361-69. Sept. 1909.) Cuba Havana Reinforced concrete substructure of the Havana Docks Company's piers. (Eng. Rec., 65:470-72. Apr. 27, 1912.) France Bossuet, Jacques. Ports francs, zones franches. 1904. 250 p. 656.7 France. Ministere des Travaux Publics.. . .Ports maritimes de la France. 1902-09. 2 v. illus. maps. R627.2 Lentheric, C. P. M. Cotes et ports franchise de La Manche. 1903. 318 p. maps. 914.4 Rousiers, Paul de. Les grands ports de France, leur role economique. 1909. 260 p. 656.7 10 Boulogne Boulogne harbor. (Engr., Lond., 86, Sup.: 10-11. July 22, 1898.) Calais [The] port of Calais. (Engr., Lond., 86, Sup.: 4-8. July 22, 1898.) Havre [The] development of the port of Havre. (Engr., Lond., 104: 358-61. Oct. 11, 1907.) Havre port works. (Engr., Lond., 105:554-555. May 29, 1908.) Paris Paris a seaport. (Engng., 91:777-78. June 16, 1911.) Germany Clapp, E. J. The navigable Rhine. The development of its ship- ping, the basis of the prosperity of its commerce, and its traffic in 1907. 1911. 134 p. 656.8 Cords, T. M. Die bedeutung der binnenschiffahrt fur die deutsche seeschiffahrt; eine studie iiber Deutschlands seeverkehr in seiner abhangigkeit von der binnenschiffahrt im Zeitraum, 1890-1903. 1906. 429 p. 656 Huebner, Solomon. Relation of the government in Germany to the promotion of commerce. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 24:525-39. Nov. 1904.) Altona Stahl, Berthold. A method to secure the stability of a quay wall at the port of Altona, which had shifted its position after completion. (Amer. Soc. of Civ. Engrs., Trans., 30:284-93. Dec. 1893.) Hamburg Clapp, E. J. Port of Hamburg. 1911. 220 p. 627.2 Bibliography, p. 211-14. Free port of Hamburg. (U. S. Cons. Reports, 50: 137-94. Feb. 1896.) Huebner, S. S. Port administration and harbor facilities, Ham- burg and Bremen. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:393-95. Mar. 1907.) Mahan, F. A.. . .The port of Hamburg and the lower Elbe. 1909. 28 p. (U. S. National waterways commission. Document no. 5.) 11 Meyer, H. F. A. The maritime position and the principal features of the port of Hamburg. (Engr., Lend., 81:601-02. June 12, 1896.) Great Britain British ports; their trade and facilities, n. d. 132 p. R627.2 Great Britain. Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways. Reports on the canals and inland navigations of the United Kingdom. 1906-11. 12 v. in 10. R627 Smith, J. R. The British system of improving and administering ports and terminal facilities. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 24:507-24. Nov. 1904.) TurnbulPs dock and port charges for the United Kingdom of Great Britain. 10th ed. 1910. 764 p. R387 Avonmouth, England, see Bristol Blyth Blyth harbour improvements. (Engr., Lond., 105:242-44. Mar. 6, 1908.) Bristol Bristol, England. Council. Docks Committee. Bristol docks; by-laws. 1876. 11 p. R627.2 With which are bound By-laws and shipping regulations of Portishead docks, 1881; By-laws relating to the Avonmouth and Royal Edward docks, 1909; and Table of dues and rates on shipping and goods, payable to Docks Committee of Bristol, 1908. Bristol, England. Council. Docks Committee. Bristol docks; plan of docks and River Avon. 1911. Map R627.3 Bristol, England. Council. Docks Committee. The port of Bristol. Official handbook containing general information for shipowners and merchants. 1906. 83 p. illus. R627.2 Bristol, England. Council. Docks Committee. Port of Bristol; plan of building land adjoining Avonmouth docks to be let for the erection of mills, refineries, etc. n. d. Map R627.3 Bristol, England. Council. Docks Committee. Statement of accounts of the Bristol docks estate for the years 1911-12. R627.2 Bristol, England. Council. Docks Committee. Table of dues and rates on shipping and goods payable to the Docks Com- mittee. 1908. 40 p. R627.3 [The] new dock facilities at Avonmouth, England. (Eng. News, 63:486-87. Apr. 28, 1910. Royal Edward dock at Avonmouth, Bristol. (Engng., 85:857-59. June 26, 1908.) 12 Cardiff [The] new Cardiff dock. (Engr., Lond., 104:32-36. July 12, 1907.) Dover Dover harbor extension. (Engr., Lond., 102:144. Aug. 10, 1906.) [The] new naval harbor at Dover. (Sci. Amer., 102:88-90. Jan. 22, 1910.) Walmisley, A. T. The port of Dover. (Jour. Royal Soc. of Arts, 58:526-38. Apr. 15, 1910.) Dundee Thompson, John. New wharf at Dundee. (Engr., Lond., 100:92. July 28, 1905.) Glasgow Alston, W. M. The river Clyde and harbour of Glasgow. 1901. 17 p. R627.2 [The] Cessnock docks, Glasgow. (Eng. News, 27:566-67. June 2, 1892.) Clyde Navigation. Annual statistics, 1911-12. R627.2 With the 1911 volume is bound the accounts of the trustees for 1910-11. Clyde Navigation. General information. 1910. 20 p. R627.2 Clyde Navigation. Map of the river and Firth of Clyde from Carmyle to Courock. 1911. Map R627.2 Clyde Navigation. Plan of river Clyde from Glasgow to Clyde- bank. 1911. Map R627.2 Clyde Navigation. Rates levied by the Trustees under their acts of Parliament. 1911. 36 p. R627.2 With which are bound its Bye-laws and regulations, 1909, and Bye-laws enacted by the Clyde pilot board, 1906. Clyde Navigation. Rates of towing on the river Clyde. 1907. 7 p. R627.2 Mackenzie, T. R. Clyde navigation. 1901. 8 p. R627.2 With this are bound Sir Natha.niel Dunlop's valedictory address to the trustees of the Clyde Navigation, 1907, and W. M. Alston's presidential address to the Glasgow association of students of the Institution of civil engineers, 1907. Liverpool Great Britain. Laws, Statutes. An act for consolidating the docks at Liverpool and Birkenhead into one estate. 1857. 33 p. R627.3 With which is bound An act to consolidate and amend the pro- visions of the several acts relating to Liverpool and Birkenhead docks and the port and harbour of Liverpool, 1858. 13 Haupt, L. M. The port of Liverpool. (Cassier's, 35:722-34 Apr. 1909.) Kenyon, G. C. Dock improvements at Liverpool. (Amer. Soc. of Civ. Engrs., Pro., 29:788-815. Nov. 18, 1903.) Lyster, A. G., and Boyd, W. Description of the suction dredger "Leviathan" recently constructed for the port of Liverpool. 1909. 9 p. R627.7 Lyster, A. G. Dredging operations on the Mersey bar. 1900. 30 p. R627.7 With which are bound his Sand pump dredgers, 1900. and Notes on certain improvements in suction dredgers, 1900. Lyster, G. F. The physical and engineering features of the river Mersey ana the port of Liverpool, n. d. 23 p. R627.2 Meredith, Mark. The port of Liverpool. (Cassier's, 40:206-18. July 1911.) Mersey bar and channels of approach to Liverpool. (Engr., Lond., 94:45. July 11, 1902.) Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. The accounts of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board for the year ending 1st July 1911. R627.3 Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Bye-laws for regulating the use of the Birkenhead dock railways. 1899. 8 p. map. R627.3 With which are bound its Terms and conditions for use of loco- motives for goods traffic on the Liverpool dock lines of railway; Regulations and rates in connection with the cranes, hoists, and other appliances for the shipment of coal, coke, etc., 1910; Terms and conditions for use of steam winches on the dock quays, 1906; and Regulations and rates applying to the fixed movable and floating cranes, 1911. Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. The dock engineer's report on the general state and progress of the dock works at Liver- pool and Birkenhead for the year ending 1st July 1911. 15 p. R627.3 Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. General rules and regula- tions for the working of the appropriated berths. 1880. 5 p. R627.3 With which are bound its Bye-laws for regulating the use of the Liverpool landing stage and the Prince's jetty and cattle sorting sta- tion, 1907; Bye-laws for regulation of docks, basins, quays, 1892; Bye-laws as to rate per day at which vessels shall be discharged, 1906; Rules for working of the Wallasey landing stage, 1878; Bye- laws as to graving docks, 1896; and Bye-laws for stages, wharves at which foreign animals are landed, 1885. 14 Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. General rules respecting the working of the dock warehouses, with schedule of rates, charges, and rents. 1909. 79 p. R627.3 With which are bound its Schedule of rates for tobacco stored in the Board's warehouses, 1909; Schedule for grain, 1909: Extract from "The Mersey dock acts consolidation act", 1858, as to combus- tible and dangerous goods; Bye-laws for regulating the conveyance of explosive substances, 1892 and 1894; Bye-laws as to petroleum, 1905; and Bye-laws as to carbide of calcium, 1908. Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. The Port of Liverpool; its rise and progress. 1911. 96 p. illus. map. R627.3 Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Regulations with reference to pilotage, pilots, etc. 1910. 43 p. R627.3 With which are bound 14 other pamphlets containing regulations relating to pilots, pilot-boats, the pilotage annuity fund, mooring and anchoring, rates for steam tugs, rules for lights and signals, petrol motor vessels, injury to dock gates, beaching and breaking up of vessels, small craft, fishing upon the bar of the river Mersey, master porters, and testing of marine chronometers. Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Tables of the rates and dues payable in respect of ships and goods. 1910. 74 p. R627.3 Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Yearbook, members, prin- cipal officers, etc. 1911. R627.3 Williams, R. The Liverpool docks problem. 1912. 44 p. maps. R627.3 London Great Britain. Laws, Statutes. The Port of London act, 1908, together with* the Watermen's and lightermen's act, 1859; the Thames watermen's and lightermen's act, 1893; the Thames conservancy act, 1894; and the Thames conservancy act, 1905, as amended by the port of London act, 1908; also a summary of the principal acts affecting the chief dock companies, to- gether with the Thames conservancy bye-laws, the watermen's, bye-laws, the bye-laws of the dock companies, regulations of the Board of trade, etc. 1910. 433 p. R387 Great Britain. Laws, Statutes. Port of London (port rate ot goods). Draft provisional order pursuant to section 13 of the port of London act 1908. 1910. 59 p. R627.2 Great Britain. Parliament. Joint Select Committee on Port of London Bill. Report from the Joint select committee of the House of Lords and House of Commons on the port of London bill; with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evi- dence and index and digest of evidence. 1903. 2 v. in 1. R387 Great Britain. Royal Commission on the Port of London. Minutes of evidence. 1902. 732 p. R387 15 [The] improvement of the port of London. (Engng., 91:149-51. Feb. 3, 1911.) [The] improvement of the port of London. (Eng. Mag., 41:167-71. Apr. 1911.) Jordan, C. H. Particulars of dry docks, wharves, etc., on the Thames. 1904. 103 p. maps. R627.3 [The] port of London. (Engr., Lond., 91:206-07. Mar. 1, 1901.) [The] port of London and the Thames. (Engr., Lond., 94:153. Aug. 15, 1902.) Proposed improvements of the port of London. (Engr., Lond., 111:110-12, 134-35. Feb. 3, 10, 1911.) Smith, J. R. Port administration and harbor facilities, London. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:386-89. Mar. 1907.) U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce.. . .London dock charges. 1902. 94 p. (U. S. 57th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 310.) Manchester Bradford, E. S. Port administration and harbor facilities, Man- chester. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:390-92. Mar. 1907.) Dunlop, Wallis & Co. Port of Manchester. Particulars of sites for works, depots, manufactories, and warehouses, abutting on the Manchester ship canal and also on the Bridgewater canal. 1902. 8 p. maps. R627.3 New dock at Manchester. (Engr., Lond., 100:94-95. July 28, 1905.) Port of Manchester official sailing list and shipping guide. 1911. 104 p. R627.2 Young, T. M. Manchester and the Atlantic traffic. 1902. 86 p. R627.2 Methil, Scotland [The] Methil docks. (Engng., 86:299-301. Sept. 4, 1908.) Newcastle-upon-Tyne [The] reconstruction of the Tyne north pier. (Engng., 89:99-104. Jan. 28, 1910.) Tyne Improvement Commission. Abstract of the Tyne improve- ment commissioners' accounts and tables of imports and exports, 1910-11. R627.2 Tyne Improvement Commission. Chart of the river Tyne from the sea to Wylam. 1905. Map R627.2 1C, Tyne Improvement Commission. Code of bye-laws for the regu- lation of the port and of the Northumberland and Albert Ed- ward docks and the river and dock staiths. 1901. 78 p. map. R627.2 With which are bound its List of rates and dues, 1890; and a letter relating to the constitution of the Commission from J. M. Manson, general manager, 1911. Tyne Improvement Commission. Plan showing the Albert Ed- ward dock, Northumberland dock, Commissioners' railways and coal shipping staiths. 1910. Map R627.2 Walker, James. The Tyne as a navigable river. 1905. 14 p. 2 maps. R627.2 With which is bound The Tyne as an industrial centre, issued by the Tyne Improvement Commission. Plymouth [The] improvement of Plymouth harbor. (Engr., Lond., 85:176-77. Feb. 25, 1898.) Southampton [The] huge new dock at Southampton. (Sci. Amer. Sup., 72:114. Aug. 19, 1911.) Meredith, Mark. Port of Southampton. (Cassier's, 41:387-402. May 1912.) [The] new deep-water dock at Southampton. (Engng., 91:756-58. June 9, 1911.) Southbank, England New graving docks and shipyard on the river Tees. (Engr., Lond., 104:389-90. Oct. 18, 1907.) Swansea [The] King's dock at Swansea. (Engr., Lond., 106:341-42. Oct. 2, 1908.) [The] King's dock at Swansea. (Engr., Lond., 108:526-27, 551-54, 597-601. Nov. 19, 26, Dec. 10, 1909.) Tyne River, xee Newcastle-upon-Tyne India Bombay [The] new Bombay docks. (Engr., Lond., 100:457. Nov. 10, 1905.) Calcutta Stevens, C. C. The port of Calcutta. (Jour. Soc. of Arts, 47:628- 52. June 16, 1899.) 17 Japan Kobe Harding, H. M. Improvement of port facilities at Kobe harbor, Japan. (Eng. News, 65:261-62. Mar. 2, 1911.) Kobe harbour improvements. (Engr., Lond., 111:292-94. Mar. 24, 1911.) Mexico Manzanillo Dunn, H. H. The port of Manzanillo. (Cassier's, 39:241-50. Jan. 1911.) [The] improvement of the port of Manzanillo. (Eng. News, 53:157-59. Feb. 16, 1905.) Salina Cruz [The] harbor improvements at Salina Cruz. (Eng. Rec., 55:400- 02. Mar. 30, 1907.) Norway Narvik Birkinbine, John. The- steel ore dock at Narvik. (Iron Age, 81, pt. 1:127-31. Jan. 9, 1908.) Panama Bocas Del Toro Barnes, T. H. The reinforced concrete wharf at Bocas Del Toro; with discussion by others. (Amer. Soc. of Civ. Engrs., Trans., 66:287-305. Mar. 1910.) Philippine Islands Cebu Cameron, H. F. The concrete sea wall at Cebu. (Eng. Rec., 57:544-46. Apr. 25, 1908.) Manila [The] Manila harbor improvements. (Eng. Rec., 51:590. May 27, 1905.) Steel wharves at Manila. (Eng. Rec., 53:741-42. June 16, 1906.) Roumania Constantza Gradenwitz, Alfred. The harbor of Constantza. (Sci. Amer. Sup., 70:113-15. Aug. 20, 1910.) 18 Spain Aguilas Gillman. Gustave. Iron ore docks at Aguilas. (Iron Age, 83, pt. 1:974-76. Mar. 25, 1909.) Barcelona Jones, C. L. Port administration and harbor facilities, Barcelona. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:395-98. Mar. 1907.) United States France. Ministere des Travaux Publics. Direction des routes, de la Navigation et des Mines. La navigation aux Etats Unis. Renseignements historiques, financiers, descriptifs et statis- tiques sur les ports et les voies navigables. 1892. 544 p. R656.8 Holmes, E. S. Wheat ports of the Pacific coast. (U. S. Agri- culture Dept. Yearbook, 1901:567-80.) Massachusetts. State Board of Trade. .. .Report of Hon. Loved E: Chamberlain, delegate to the second annual session of the Atlantic deeper waterways ass'n, also of Mr. C. Henry Hathaway, delegate to the sixth annual convention of National rivers and harbors congress. 1909. 16 p. R627 National Rivers and Harbors Congress. Proceedings. 1911. R627 *Quick, Herbert. American inland waterways; their relation to railway transportation and to the national welfare; their crea- tion, restoration, and maintenance. 1909. 241 p. R387 Quinette de Rochemont, E. T., and Vetillart, M. M. H. Les ports maritimes de TAmerique du Nord sur FAtlantique. 1898. 3 v. and portfolio of plates. R627.2 Sikes, G. C. Survey of American dock development, (in Na- tional Conference on City Planning. Proceedings, 1911. p. 134- 46.) R710.1 U. S. Bureau of Corporations. Report of the commissioner of corporations on transportation by water in the United States. 1909-10. 3 v. R338.8 Contents: v. 1. General conditions of transportation by water, v. 2. Water-borne traffic, v. 3. Water terminals. U. S. Bureau of Navigation.. . .Annual list of merchant vessels of the United States with official numbers and signal letters and lists of vessels belonging to the United States government. 1887-88, 1891-92, 1894-1911. *Duplicate copy in circulation department. 19 U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Table of depths for channels and harbors, coasts of the United States, including, Porto Rico, the Hawaiian Islands, and the Philippine Islands. 1910. 159 p. R627.2 U. S. Engineer Department. Analytical and topical index to the reports of the Chief of engineers and the officers of the corps of engineers, United States army, upon works and survey for river and harbor improvements, 1866-1900. 1903. 3 v. U. S. Engineer Department. Annual report of the Chief of engi- neers. 1822-date. A few volumes for early years are not in the library. U. S. Engineer Department. Regulations for the government of assistants on river and harbor works. 1910. 74 p. U. S. Laws, Statutes. .. .Laws of the United States relating to the improvement of rivers and harbors from August 11, 1790, to March 4, 1907. 1907. 2 v. (U. S. 58th Cong. 3d sess. House. Doc. 425.) U. S. Steamboat-Inspection Service. Annual report of the super- vising inspector-general, Steamboat-Inspection Service. 1902/3, 1906/7, 1910/11. U. S. Steamboat-Inspection Service. General rules and regula- tions prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors as amended. 1904-09. Weber, A. H....The waterways of the United States; actual expenditures and results to navigation and commerce. 1910. 18 p. (U. S. National waterways commission. Document no. 15.) California California. Board of State Harbor Commissioners. Report. 1888-96, 1898-1910. R627.2 California. Legislature. Joint Committee on Harbors. Report and recommendations. With an appendix containing reports from the harbors of the state. 1908. 58 p. maps. R627.2 Connecticut Connecticut. Rivers and Harbors Commission.. . .Report, 1911. 71 p. R627.2 Massachusetts Massachusetts. Charles River Basin Commission.. . .Final report. 1910. 51 p. R627.1 Massachusetts. Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners. An- nual report. 1897, 1902-11. R627.2 30 Washington Washington (State). Dept. of Public Lands. Biennial report of the commissioners. 1890-94, 1896-10. R336.1 Library has reports for several years only in Washington (State) Public Documents, 353-W279p. Washington (State). Harbor Line Commission. Maps with re- port of Harbor Line Commission. 1893. 14 maps. R627 Washington (State). Harbor Line Commission. Report, 1890-91. 2 v. R627 Washington (State). Laws, Statutes. An act authorizing the establishment of port districts; providing for the acquirement, construction, maintenance, operation, development, and regu- lation of a system of harbor improvements and rail and water transfer, and terminal facilities within such districts. (Ses- sion laws, 1911, ch. 92, p. 412-2G.) R345 United States Ports Allouez, Wis. Great Northern ore loading dock at Allouez. (Ry. Age Gaz., 52:145-49. Jan. 26, 1912.) King, W. E. A concrete and steel ore dock having new features in its design. (Eng. Rec., 65:256-58. Mar. 9, 1912.) Ashtabula. Ohio Benham, Charles. Steel and concrete dock wall. (Eng. News, 65:592. May 18, 1911.) Baltimore. Harbor Board. Annual report. 1900-07, 1909-10. R627.2 Lackey, O. F. Baltimore harbor improvements, (in National Conference on City Planning. Proceedings, 1911. p. 179-83.) R710.1 New harbor works at Baltimore. (Engr., Long., 107:104-06. Jan. 29, 1909.) New municipal piers in Baltimore harbor. (Eng. Rec., 59:592-95. May 8, 1909.) Powell, A. O. Port of Baltimore. (Seattle Municipal News, 2:4-5. June 8, 1912.) Same. (Pacific Builder and Engr., 13:511-13. June 15, 1912.) Boston Design for a granite masonry sea wall at Boston. (Engng.-Contr., 34:419-20. Nov. 9, 1910.) Harbor and terminal improvements at Boston. (Eng. News, 66:532-36. Nov. 2, 1911.) Massachusetts. Metropolitan Improvement Commission. Pub- lic improvements for the metropolitan district. 1909. 318 p. maps. R352.5 Pier 3 of the Boston terminal of the Boston & Albany Railroad. (Eng. Rec., 60:715-18. Dec. 25, 1909.) Substructure of pier 4, Boston terminal, Boston and Albany Rail- road. (Eng. Rec., 61:134-37. Jan. 29, 1910.) Swan, C. H. Port administration and harbor facilities, Boston. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:370-71. Mar. 1907.) Buffalo, N. Y. Kiel land, S. M. Dock construction in and around Buffalo. (Jour. Assn. of Engng. Socs., 28:379-86. June 1902.) Mason, F. H. Port administration and harbor facilities, Buffalo. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:371-73. Mar. 1907.) Chicago Bement, A., Abbott, W. L., and others. The Chicago harbor prob- lem. Report of the committee and discussion. (Jour. West. Soc. of Engrs., 15:148-87. Apr. 1910.) Chicago. Harbor Commission. Report to the mayor and alder- men of the city of Chicago. 1909. 383 p. illus., plans. R387 "Special reports to the Harbor Commission"' (p. 59-242): The development of commercial ports. J. Paul Goode. Obstacles to Chi- cago's water shipping- development. George C. Sikes. The volume and trend of traffic to and from the central West. George G. Tunell. Difficult underpinning and dock work in Chicago. (Eng. Rec., 55:485-86. Apr. 20, 1907.) Ewen, J. M. The Chicago harbor. (Jour. West. Soc. of Engrs., 14:745-83. Dec. 1909.) Pages 753-83 are discussion by members of the society. Rex, Frederic. Port administration and harbor facilities, Chi- cago. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:360-66. Mar. 1907.) U. S. Dept. of Commerce and Labor. Rules and regulations re- lating to the anchorage and movement of vessels in the har bor of Chicago. 1909. 6 p. 22 Cleveland Ore dock at Cleveland. (Eng. News, 67:320-24. Feb. 22, 1912.) Recent improvements to the harbor at Cleveland. (Eng. Rec., 59:66-67. Jan. 16, 1909.) Reinforced concrete in ore dock construction. (Cement Age, 13:125-29. Mar. 1912.) Communipaw, N. J. [A] miscellaneous freight pier at Communipaw. (Eng. Rec., 64:533-34. Nov. 4, 1911.) Coos Bay, Ore. Harts, W. H. Description of Coos Bay, and the improvements of its entrance by the government. (Amer. Soc. of Civ. Engrs., Proc., 27:203-27. 576-601, 907-09, 943-57. -Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct. 1901.) Coronado Beach, Cal. [An] extensive sea wall at Coronado Beach. (Eng. Rec., 58:69-70. July 18, 1908.) Cumberland Sound, Fla. Bacon, J. H. The improvement of the entrance to Cumberland Sound, Georgia and Florida. (Eng. News, 49:239-42. Mar. 12, 1903.) Detroit Brown, A. P. A reinforced concrete dock. (Eng. Rec., 61:673-74. May 21, 1910.) Wilcox, D. F. Port administration and harbor facilities, Detroit. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:377. Mar. 1907.) Duluth [A] large coal dock at Duluth. (Eng. Rec., 60:452-55. Oct. 23, 1909.) McCallum, Alfred. Port administration and harbor facilities, Du- luth. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:382-85. Mar. 1907.) New ship canal entrance to the harbor at Duluth. (Eng. News, 40:50-51. July 28, 1898.) Escanaba, Mich. [A] large ore dock at Escanaba. (Eng. News, 50:102-04. July 30, 1903.) 23 Eureka, Cal. California. Board of Harbor Commissioners. Annual report showing the business done at the port of Eureka. 1898, 1902-11. R627.2 Fort Morgan, Ala. Construction of a sea wall at Fort Morgan. (Eng. Rec., 59:545-46. Apr. 24, 1909.) Galveston Sherman, W. J. The Galveston harbor works. (Jour. Assn. of Engng. Socs., 17:197-208. Dec. 1896.) Gary, Ind. [The] contractor's plant and methods on the harbor work at Gary. (Eng. Rec., 56:166-68. Aug. 17, 1907.) Grays Harbor, Wash. U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Grays Harbor, Wash., chart 6195. Nov. 1909. U. S. Congress. Committee on Commerce. Report of G. W. McBride on survey for ship canal to connect Puget Sound with Grays Harbor via Chehalis River. Feb. 1, 1900. (U. S. 56th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Rep. 227.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1882-83. pt. 3. p. 2722-24. (Powell. Survey of en- trance to Grays Harbor.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1895. pt. 5. p. 3517-35. maps. (Symons. Survey of Grays Harbor and its' bar entrance with a view to the im- provement of its channels.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1896. pt. 5. p. 3333-43. (Taylor. Improvement of Grays Harbor, bar entrance, and Chehalis River.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1897. pt. 4. p. 3436-38. (Taylor. Improvement of Grays Harbor, bar entrance, and Chehalis River.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1898. pt. 4. p. 3059-65. map. (Tavlor. Improvement of Grays Harbor, bar entrance, and Chehalis River.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1899. pt. 4. p. 3261-67. diagr. (Taylor. Improvement of Grays Harbor, bar entrance, and Chehalis River.) '24 U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1900. pt. 6. p. 4468-77. illus. maps, diagr. (Taylor. Improvement of Grays Harbor, bar entrance, and Chehalis River.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1901. pt. 5. p. 3578-80. (Millis. Improvement of Grays Harbor and bar entrance.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1902. pt. 3. p. 2410-13. (Millis. Improvement of Grays Harbor and bar entrance.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1903. pt. 3. p. 2325-28. (Millis. Improvement of Grays Harbor and bar entrance.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1904. pt. 4. p. 3583-3604. (Millis. Improvement of Grays Harbor and bar entrance.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1905. pt. 3. p. 2508-13. (Millis. Improvement of Grays Harbor and bar entrance.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1906. pt. 2. p. 2022-25. (Chittenden. Improvement of Grays Harbor and bar entrance.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1907. pt. 3. p. 2211-14. (Chittenden. Improvement of Grays Harbor and bar entrance.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1908. pt. 3. p. 2283-89. maps. (Chittenden. Improve- ment of Grays Harbor and bar entrance.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1909. pt. 3. p. 2246-51. map. diagr. (Kutz. Improve- ment of Grays Harbor and bar entrance.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1910. pt. 3. p. 2418-22. map. (Kutz. Improvement of Grays Harbor and bar entrance.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1911. pt. 3. p. 2626-30. (Kutz. Improvement of Grays Harbor and bar entrance.) U. S. Engineer Department. Reports of examination and sur- vey of Grays Harbor, inner portion, and Chehalis River. Feb. 12, 1906. (II. S. 59th Cong. 1st sess. House. Doc. 507.) 25 Hoboken, N. J. [The] Holland-America line pier, Hoboken. (Eng. Rec., 60:433-34. Oct. 16, 1909.) Kansas City Mandigo, C. R. The Kansas City municipal wharf. (Eng. News, 67:141-44. Jan. 25, 1912.) Lorain. Ohio Coal and ore docks of the Baltimore & Ohio at Lorain. (Ry. Age Gaz., 51:178-82. July 28, 1911.) Ore docks with metal piling. (Eng. News, 46:118. Aug. 22, 1901.) Los Angeles Gaffey, J. T. San Pedro, the deep water harbor of the city of Los Angeles. 1910. 23 p. map. R627.2 Gibbon, T. E., and Fleming, A. P. Los Angeles harbor, the great artificial port in San Pedro bay. (in National Conference on City Planning. Proceedings, 1911. p. 171-78.) R710.1 Harbor improvement at San Pedro and Wilmington, California. (Eng. News, 56:155-58. Aug. 16, 1906.) How the city of Los Angeles has built her harbor. (Ry. and Marine News, 9:15. Dec. 1, 1911.) Los Angeles. Board of Harbor Commissioners. Harbor rules, regulations, and rates. 1911. 39 p. R627.2 Los Angeles. Consolidation Committee. Report. What consoli- dation means for San Pedro and Wilmington. 1909. 15 p. R627.2 McGroarty, J. S., and Schallert, Edwin. Los Angeles a maritime city. 1910. 16 p. illus. map. R627.2 Manitowoc Harbor, Wis. [The] improvement of the Manitowoc harbor. (Eng. Rec., 59: 102-04. Jan. 23, 1909.) Marshfield, Mass. Massachusetts. Joint Board upon the Restoration of Green Har- bor in the Town of Marshfield. Report. 1898. 67 p. maps. R627.2 Milwaukee [The] improvement of the harbor of Milwaukee. (Eng. Rec., 58:452-54. Oct. 24, 1908.) 26 Mobile Dredges and dredging in Mobile harbor; records and cost of dredge work. (Engr.-Contr., 37:312-15. Mar. 20, 1912.) Montgomery, Ala. Scherer, G. C. The municipal wharf at Montgomery. (Eng. News, 64:56. July 14, 1910.) Newark [TheJ proposed dock system of Newark. (Eng. Rec., 56:550. Nov. 16, 1907.) New Orleans [The] Chalmette docks of the New Orleans Terminal Co. (Eng. Rec., 54:88-91, 125-27. July 28, Aug. 4, 1906.) Hawes, E. L. The port of New Orleans. (Marine Rev., 40:262-63. July 1910.) Hearsey, C. G. History of the port of New Orleans. Terms of lease to Louisiana Construction and Improvement Co. 1911. unp. R627.2 Lewis, S. F. The improvement of New Orleans harbor. (Jour, of the Ass'n of Eng. Socs., 47:159-73. Nov. 1911.) Louisiana. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Facts about the port of New Orleans, n. d. 51 p. R627.2 Louisiana. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Report. 1900, 1909-11. R627.2 Louisiana. Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Port regulations, with maps showing location of public wharves and sheds. 1909. R627.2 Lysons, J. W. The port of New Orleans. (Seattle Municipal News, 2:3, 5, 7-8. June 15, 1912.) Advocates municipal ownership. McLoughlin, J. J. Port administration and harbor facilities, New Orleans. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:373-77. Mar. 1907.) New Orleans. Public Belt Railroad Commission. The key to the commercial situation. A publicly owned and publicly operated belt railroad. 1905. 48 p. R627.2 New York City Bensel, J. A. Port administration and harbor facilities, New York City. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:357-60. Mar. 1907.) Chelsea municipal docks, New York. (Mun. Jour, and Engr., 27:657-63. Nov. 3, 1909.) 27 Coler, B. S. Municipal ownership of docks in New York. (Mun. Aff., 4:207-11. Mar. 1900.) Dock walls of New York City. (Eng. Rec., 26:211-12, 276-77. Sept. 3, Oct. 1, 1892.) Docking facilities of the port of New York. (Int. Marine Engng., 16:230-32. June 1911.) Edwards, Joseph. The improvement of the channels at the en- trance to the harbor of New York. (Amer. Soc. of Civ. Engrs., Trans., 25:573-614. Dec. 1891.) Harbor and dock improvements. (Sci. Amer., 99:408. Dec. 5, 1908.) Haupt, L. M. The bar in New York harbour. (Cassier's, 36:20-30. May 1909.) Haupt, L. M. The New York harbor entrance. (Sci. Amer., 92:7. Jan. 7, 1905.) Inglis, William. New York's future as a seaport. (Harper's Wkly., 66:9-10. Jan. 13, 1912.) [The] new piers for transatlantic steamships, Chelsea improve- ment, New York City. (Eng. News, 61:29-33. Jan. 14, 1909.) New York (City). Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Re- port on the removal of the New York Central railroad tracks from the surface of llth Ave., also the relation of these im- provements to the general question of freight handling on the West Side. 1910. 24 p. R627.2 New York (City). Dept. of Docks and Ferries. Annual report. 1909-10. R627.3 New York (City). Dept. of Docks and Ferries. Reports. 1910-12. R627.3 Contents: No. 1. Report on Jamaica Bay improvement, 1910. 2a. Report on transportation conditions at the port of New York, 1910. 3. Supplementary report on Manhattan terminals at the port of New York, 1910. 4. Reply to criticisms of reports, 1910. 5. Joint report on proposed reclamation of land between 81st and 129th streets, North River, 1910.- 6. Report accompanying submission of plans for an elevated freight railroad connecting Manhattan ter- minals, 1911. 7. Reports on the organization of the South Brooklyn waterfront between Brooklyn bridge and Bay Ridge, 1911. 8. Wa- terfront improvements, Manhattan freight terminals, 1911. 9. Re- port on physical characteristics of European seaports, by C. W. Staniford, 1911. 10. Studies for combined waterfront and terminal industrial development, 1911. 11. Report accompanying general de- scription of the harbor of New York, 1911. 12. Report on the pro- posed plan of operations for Jamaica Bay improvement, 1911. 13. West Side terminals, 1911. 14. Report on the plans of the N. Y. Central and Hudson River railroad company and their relation to the general system of freight terminals, 1911. 15. A plan for the com- prehensive organization and connection of the interstate terminals of the port of New York, 1911. 16. Supplementary report on the organization of the South Brooklyn waterfront, 1912. 28 New York (City). Jamaica Bay Improvement Commission.... Report. 1909. 99 p. (U. S. 60th Cong. 2d sess. House. Doc. 1506.) New York (City). Metropolitan Sewerage Commission. Digest of data collected before the year 1908, relating to the sanitary condition of New York harbor. 1909. 87 p. R628.4 New York (City). Metropolitan Sewerage Commission. Sewer- age and sewage disposal in the metropolitan district of New York and New Jersey. 1910. 550 p. R628.2 Includes material on the pollution of New York harbor by sewage. Powell, A. O. Port of New York. (Seattle Municipal News, 2:4-5. June 1, 1912.) Same. (Pacific Builder and Engr., 13:485-87. June 8, 1912.) Pugsley, R. M. The New York pilot and guide to the United States local inspectors examination of masters and pilots for New York bay and harbor to Yonkers and Great Captain Island. 1910. 248 p. R656.8 [The] shipping problem in New York City. (Ry. and Marine News, 9:14-16. Oct. 15, 1911.) Deals with the Bush terminal in Brooklyn. Tomkins, Calvin. The necessity of longer piers for the port of New York. (Sci. Amer., 104:158, 184. Feb. 18, 1911.) Tomkins, Calvin. Organization of the port of New York, (in National Conference on City Planning. . Proceedings, 1911. p. 147-61.) R710.1 Two types of sea wall for land filling, New York City. (Eng. Rec., 58:213. Aug. 22, 1908.) U. S. Bureau of Navigation.) Rules and regulations relating to the anchorage of vessels in the port of New York. 1907. 10 p. Philadelphia Hasskarl, J. F. Philadelphia harbor improvements, (in National Conference on City Planning. Proceedings, 1911. p. 162-70.) R710.1 [The] latest municipal pier at Philadelphia. (Eng. Rec., 65:24-25. Jan. 6, 1912.) Pierson, W. W. Port administration and harbor facilities, Phila- delphia. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:366-69. Mar. 1907.) Webster, G. S. The improvement of the Delaware river and harbor and the landing facilities of the port of Philadelphia. (Jour. Fr. Inst, 160:161-79. Sept. 1905.) 29 Portland, Ore. [The] Columbia river bar. (Marine Rev., 41:89-92. Mar. 1911.) Estep, H. C. The harbor of Portland. (Marine Rev., 39:100-05. May 1909.) Hegardt, G. B. Portland's proposed harbor front development and the commission of public docks. (Ry. and Marine News, 10:10-12. Feb. 1, 1912.) Oregon. Laws, Statutes. Charter of the port of Portland with all amendments to date. Also opinions of the Supreme court of Oregon relating thereto. 1908. 63 p. R627.2 Oregon. Port of Portland Commission. Biennial report. 1905-10. R627.2 Report for 1907-08 contains map. Oregon. Port of Portland Commission. The port of Portland. 1908. 12 p. map. R627.2 Same. 1912. 16 p. maps. R627.2 Teal, J. N. Public docks and harbor improvements. Portland and her policies. (Pac. Builder and Engr., 10:166-67. Oct. 29, 1910.) Providence Lakey, F. E. Port administration and harbor facilities, Provi- dence. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:379-80. Mar. 1907.) Puget Sound Chittenden, H. M. Ports of Puget Sound and their development. (Pacific Builder and Engr., 13:529-31. June 22, 1912.) De Courcy, B. W. Improvements by the government on the Pa- cific coast. (Amer. Soc. of Civ. Engrs., Trans., 25:420-44. Oct. 1891.) San Francisco California. Board of State Harbor Commissioners. List of ves- sels of the port of San Francisco, with tonnages, rates of / dockage, and lengths. 1909. 116 p. R627.2 V Estep, H. C. The harbor of San Francisco. (Marine Rev., 40:47-54. Feb. 1910.) Grimes, Lyman. The new transport docks at San Francisco. (Overland, 58:179-83. Sept. 1911.) [An] improvement in pier construction, San Francisco. (Eng. Rec., 62:65. July 16, 1910.) 30 New concrete piers at San Francisco. (Marine Rev., 40:258-61. July 1910.) Removal of rocks in San Francisco harbor. (Min. and Sci. Press, 80:517, 521. May 12, 1900.) Rossiter, J. H. San Francisco preparing for Panama canal trade. (Ry. and Marine News, 10:15-17. Mar. 15, 1912; 13-15. Apr. 1, 1912.) Stafford, W. V. The state wharves of San Francisco, a lucrative public property. (Overland, 56:343-52. Oct. 1910.) Treadwell, J. W War-docks, trade-docks, water-front, and city works. 1907. 16 p. R627.3 San Pedro, Cal., see Los Angeles Santa Monica, Cal. Dunn, H. H. Concrete pier construction on the Pacific coast. The new reinforced concrete wharf at Santa Monica. (Cas- sier's, 37:41-47. Nov. 1909.) Warner, E. H. The reinforced concrete municipal pier, Santa Monica. (Eng. News, 62:633-34. Dec. 9, 1909.) Savannah Savannah, Ga. Chamber of Commerce. Facts and figures in favor of deeper water at Savannah. 1906. 17 p. R627.2 Seattle Ayers, R. F. What a big terminal plant means to a port. (Ry. and Marine News, 10:11-12. -Mlar. 1, 1912.) Bridges, Robert. Public ownership of docks and railway terminal facilities means the industrial and commercial supremacy of the city of Seattle. 1912. 16 p. R627.3 Cal noun, Scott. Harbor Island terminals and what they mean. (Ry. and Marine News, 10:13-14. Feb. 15, 1912.) Calhoun, Scott. What the Port Commission may do for Seattle. (Ry. and Marine News, 9:16-17. Sept. 15, 1911.) Chittenden, H. M. Report of an investigation by a board of engineers of the means of controlling floods in the Duwamish- Puyallup valleys and their tributaries in the state of Wash- ington. 1907. 32 p. maps. Pam. 627 31 Closson, C. C. What the Port Commission has done and is doing. (Ry. and Marine News, 9:16. Nov. 1, 1911.) Comprehensive outline of Port Commission's program for the general improvement of Seattle harbor. (Ry. and Marine News, 10:22-24. June 15, 1912.) Dunlap, R. H. Construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific depot. Largest frame dock, pile arrangement, framing details, special features of protection. (Pacific Builder and Engr., 11:92-95. Feb. 25, 1911.) Duwamish state controversy. (Municipal League News, 1:1-4. Dec. 23, 1911.) Report of the Harbor Development Committee of the Municipal League of Seattle. Estep, H. C. The harbor of Seattle. (Marine Rev., 39:226-31. July 1909.) Estep, H. C. New Colman dock at Seattle. (Marine Rev., 38:38-42. Dec. 3, 1908.) Gilman. D. H. The official statement of the Port Commission. (Ry. and Marine. News, 10:14-15. Feb. 1, 1912.) Gilman, D. H. Why the Panama canal will make Seattle a world port. (Ry. and Marine News, 9:17-18. Sept. 1, 1911.) Grand Trunk Pacific Railway dock at Seattle. (Ry. and Engng. Rev., 51:729-30. Aug. 19, 1911.) Municipal League of Seattle. Harbor Development Committee. Report, 1910-11. (Municipal League News, 1:2. July 8, 1911.) Municipal League of Seattle. Harbor Development Committee. Report on the $350,000 bond issue for harbor development work, voted Nov. 8, 1910. (Municipal League News, 1:3. Oct. 13, 1911.) [An] opportunity for port improvements. (Pacific Marine Rev., 9:3-4. Feb. 1912.) In regard to proposed Harbor Island terminals. Port of Seattle central water-front project, from data supplied by the Seattle Port Commission. (Ry. and Marine News, 10:12-13. May 15, 1912.) Seattle. Municipal Plans Commission. Plan of Seattle. 1911. R710.1 Harbor improvements, p. 71-81; Port of Seattle, p. 82-142. Seattle Port Commission. Bulletin no. 1. Comprehensive scheme. Commission plan of development. Harbor Island ("Bush") terminal project. 1912. R627.2 32 Seattle. Port Warden. Report. 1910-12. R382 Seattle's proposed port improvements. (Pacific Marine Rev., 9:3-5. Jan. 1912.) Semple, Eugene. The new waterways and land reclamation at Seattle. (Eng. News, 37:333. May 27, 1897.) Status of work of Port Commission. (Seattle Municipal News, 2:1-2. July 6, 1912.) U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Seattle harbor, Wash., chart 6445. Mar. 1907. U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1884. pt. 3. p. 2296-97. (Powell. Preliminary exami- nation of Duwamish River.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1898. pt. 4. p. 3103-12. (Taylor. Preliminary exami- nation of Duwamish and Black rivers.) U. S. Engjneer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1905. pt. 3. p. 2519-20. (Clapp. Duwamish River.) Whitham, P. P. Improvement details for Seattle's harbor. (Pa cific Builder and Emgr., 13:487-88. June 8, 1912.) Whitham, P. P. Proposed improvements for port of Seattle. (Ry. and Marine News, 10:13. Mar. 15, 1912.) Whitham, P. P. Seattle port improvements as planned by Virgil Bogue. (Ry. and Marine News, 9:13-17. Sept. 1, 1911.) Seattle Lake Washington Canal Allen, J. B. Speech on Columbia river improvements and Lake Washington canal, June 16, 1892. (Cong. Record, 23, pt. 6: 5339-40.) Beginnings of the canal. (Washington Historical Quarterly, 1:73. Oct. 1906.) Brainerd, Erastus. Lake Washington canal. 1902. 57 p. R626 Burton, T. E. Remarks against appropriation for canal, Jan. 16, 1901. (Cong. Record, 34, pt. 2: 1102-03.) Canal will be built. (Pacific Building and Engng. Record, 4:4. Sept. 15, 1906.) Cushman, F. W. Remarks in favor of appropriation for canal, Jan. 16, 1901. (Cong. Record, 34, pt. 2: 1102-03.) 33 Earthwork of the Seattle and Lake Washington Waterway Co. (Ehg. News, 53:43. Jan. 12, 1905.) Parrel I, J. D. Is the Lake Washington canal a necessity or de- sirable? 1909. n. p. R626 From Lake to Sound: government work is to commence on a ship canal. (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, New Year's souvenir ed. 1895. p. 25.) R070 Humphrey, W. E. Speech on the Lake Washington canal, Apr. 22, 1904. (Cong. Record, 38, pt. 6: 5383-88.) Hunt's Point Property Owners. Some features of the proposed Lake Washington canal which will interest you. 1909. n. p. R626 Lake Washington canal. (Pacific Building and Engng. Record, 4:3. Feb. 10, 1906.) Lake Washington canal. (Sci. Amer., 102:103. Jan. 29, 1910.) Lake Washington ship canal now under way. (Pacific Northwest Commerce, 1:20. Dec. 1909.) Lewis, J. H. Speech on the Lake Washington canal, May 11, 1897. (Cong. Record, 30, pt. 1: 1016-22.) McGraw, J. H. Lake Washington canal. (Seattle Mail and Her- ald, Progress ed. Dec. 20, 1902. p. 19.) R070 McGraw, J. H. Lake Washington ship canal will aid Pacific ocean commerce. (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Prosperous Washington. 1906. p. 113-15.) R070 Pangburn, E. L. How Uncle Sam aids the state: Lake Wash- ington canal. (Washington Magazine, 2:6-7. Sept. 1906.) Powell, A. O. Lake Washington canal and lock improvements. Project brought down to date with details of the lock and principal data. (Pacific Builder and Engr., 13:531-32. June 22, 1912.) Powell, A. O. The Lake Washington canal project. (Pacific Builder and Engr., 9:102-05. Mar. 19, 1910.) Powell, A. O. Proposed Lake Washington canal: a great engi- neering project. (Eng. News, 63:1-5. Jan. 6, 1910.) Editorial on Lake Washington canal, p. 17. Rollins, C. H. Earthwork of the Seattle and Lake Washington Waterway Co. (Eng. News, 53:43-44. Jan. 12, 1905.) 34 Seattle and Lake Washington Waterway Co. History and ad- vantages of the canal and harbor improvement project now being executed by the Seattle and Lake Washington Water- way Co. 1902. G9 p. R626.9 Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Memorial relative to the dredg- ing of Salmon Bay. Jan. 3, 1896. (U. S. 54th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 53.) Seattle manufacturers opposed to Lake Washington canal. (Ry. and Marine News, 8:12-13. Apr. 1, 1910.) Seattle tide flats: a vast improvement to be commenced soon. (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, New Year's edition. 1895. p. 25.) R070 Squire, W. C. Speech in support of the improvement of the waterway between Puget Sound and lakes Union and Wash- ington, June 16, 1892. 19 p. (in his Speeches, 52d Congress.) R320 Same in Congressional Record, v. 23, pt. 6, p. 5335-39. June 16, 1892. Taylor, H. Lake Washington ship canal. (Alaska and North- west Quarterly, v. 1, with advertisements, "A few facts about Seattle." Jan., Mar. 1899.) Turner, George. Remarks on rivers and harbors bill authorizing survey for canal, May 5, 1897. (Cong. Record, 30, pt. 1:896.) U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Lake Washington, Wash., chart 6446. Apr. 1907. U. S. Congress. House. Railways and Canals Committee. Re- port on bill to provide for and aid in construction of a ship canal. (U. S. 48th Cong. 1st sess. House. Rep. 603.) U. S. Congress. House. Rivers and Harbors Committee. Ex- tension of time for construction of canal. Jan. 26, 1909. (U. S. 60th Cong. 2d sess. House. Rep. 1942.) U. S. Congress. Senate.. Commerce Committee. Extending time for construction of canal, Jan. 28, 1909. (U. S. 60th Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Rep. 872.) U. S. Congress. Senate. Commerce Committee. River and harbor bill, report, Apr. 1910, p. 672-77. (U. S. 61st Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Rep. 527.) 35 U. S. Engineer Department. Annual report. 1892, pt. 1, p. 385; pt. 3, p. 2762-93. 1895, pt. 1, P. 453-54; pt. r>. P- 3422-30. 1896, pt. 1, p. 411-12; pt. r >, I). 3351-73. 1897, pt. 1, p. 513-15; pt. 4, P* 3445-47. 1898, pt. 1, p. 516-18; pt. 4, P. 3072-74. 1899, pt. 1, p. 606-08; pt. 4, ]> 3271-72. 1900, pt. 1, P- 684-85; pt. <>, P- 4483-85. 1901, pt. 1, P. 646-48; pt. 6, P. 3583-87. map. 1902, pt. 1, P- 568-70; pt. :;, P. 2417-26. map. 1903, pt. 1, P- 629-31; pt. ''., P. 2332-34. map. 1904, pt. 1. P. 695-97; pt. 4, P- 3611-14. 1905, pt. 1, P- 701-03; pt. 3, ]> 2541-45. map. 1906, pt. 1, P- 776-79; pt. 2, p. 2036-38. map. 1907, pt. 1, P. 791-94; pt. :;. P. 2221-23. 1908, pt. 1, p. 840-42; 850 j Pt 3, p. 2298-99. 1909, pt. 1, p. 882-84; pt. 3, ] 2257-58. 1910, pt. 1, 1. 981-84. 1911, pt. 1, p. 1040-44; pt. 3 , P- 2635-36. U. S. Laws, Statutes. Act of Sept. 19, 1890, appropriating $10,000 for survey, (in Statutes at large, v. 26, p. 453.) U. S. Laws, Statutes. Act of Aug. 18, 1894, appropriating $25,000 for improvement and providing for free right-of-way, (in Ses- sion laws. 53d Cong. 2d sess. 1893-94. p. 360.) U. S. Laws, Statutes. Act of Mar. 2, 1895, providing for survey and map. (in Session laws. 53d Cong. 3d sess. 1894-95. p. 948.) U. S. Laws, Statutes. Act of June 3, 1896, appropriating $150,000 for dredging Salmon Bay; providing that free right-of-way be obtained and that route of canal be determined by Secretary of War. (in Statutes at large, v. 29, p. 234.) U. S. Laws, Statutes. Act of June 13, 1902, appropriating $160,- 000 for 10-foot channel to Ballard and providing for survey. (in Statutes at large, v. 32, pt. 1, p. 347-48.) U. S. Laws, Statutes. Act of Mar. 3, 1905, appropriating $125,000 for dredging Salmon Bay. (in Statutes at large, v. 33, pt. 1, p. 1144.) U. S. Laws, Statutes. Act of June 11, 1906, authorizing James A. Moore or assigns to construct canal, (in Statutes at large, v. 34, pt. 1, p. 231-32.) U. S. Laws, Statutes. Act. of Feb. 6, 1909, extending time for construction of canal, (in Statutes at large, v. 35, pt. 1, p. 613.) 36 U. S. Laws, Statutes. Act of June 25, 1910, appropriating $155,- 000 for canal, (in Session laws. 61st Cong. 2d sess. 1909-10. pt. 1, p. G66.) U. S. Laws, Statutes. Resolution no. 44 of Apr. 18, 1896, direct- ing Secretary of War to transmit to Congress report of Capt. Symons on canal and estimate of cost of construction, (in Statutes at large, v. 29, p. 471.) U. S. War Department. Letter from the acting secretary of war transmitting a report of the board of engineers upon a location and cost of a ship canal, Jan. 2, 1892. (U. S. 52d Cong. 1st sess. House. Ex. doc. 40.) U. S. War Department. Letter from the assistant secretary of war transmitting report of the Chief of engineers, submitting estimated cost for the construction of the waterway, Apr. 21, 1896. (U. S. 54th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 269.) U. S. War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War trans- mitting report in relation to the waterway, Jan. 30, 1902. (U. S. 57th Cong. 1st sess. House. Dec. 335.) U. S. War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War trans- mitting report of survey of waterway, May 20, 1908. (U. S. 60th Cong. House. Doc. 953.) U. S. War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War trans- mitting reports relative to fortifications upon Puget Sound, May 10, 1888. p. 7-16, 23-25, 27, 38. (U. S. 50th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Ex. doc. 165.) U. S. War Department. Letter from the Secretary of War trans- mitting the report of the board of engineers appointed to de- termine the feasibility of constructing a canal connecting Puget Sound with lakes Washington and Union, Jan. 28, 1903. (U. S. 57th Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 127.) Washington (State). Laws, Statutes. Act of Feb. 12, 1895, to grant to and prescribe powers of counties relative to public works, (in Session laws, 1895, p. 3-5.) R345 Washington (State). Laws, Statutes. Act of Feb. 8, 1901, rela- tive to and in aid of the construction, maintenance, and opera- tion, by the United States, of canal, (in Session laws, 1901, P- 7.) R345 Washington (State). Laws, Statutes. Act of Mar. 12, 1903, relat- ing to the appropriation of lands and highways for corporate purposes, (in Session laws, 1903, p. 383-84.) R345 Washington (State). Laws, Statutes. Act of Mar. 13, 1907, relat- ing to the power of counties of the first class to construct or aid in the construction of canals, (in Session laws, 1907 p 348.) R345 37 Washington (State). Laws, Statutes. Act of Mar. 1C, 1907, grant- ing to the United States a right of way for canal, (in Session laws, 1907, p. 498-99.) R345 Washington (State). Laws, Statutes. Act of Mar. 17, 1909, cre- ating a shore land improvement fund, (in Session laws, 1909, p. 74G-48.) R345 Washington (State). Legislature. House memorial no. 8 [pray- ing for construction of canal], (in Session laws, 1891, p. 425-20.) R345 Washington (State). Legislature. Memorial in favor of appro- priation for construction of canal, Mar. 3, 1892. 2 p. (U .S. 52d Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Mis. doc. 88.) Washington (State). Legislature. Memorial relating to ship canal to connect lakes Union and Washington with Puget Sound, (in Session laws, 1889-90, p. 741-42.) R345 Washington (State). Supreme Court. State of Washington on relation of M. L. Potter et al. vs. King county, (in Washing- ton reports, 45:519. Mar. 1, 1907.) R347 Decision regarding bonds for canal. Washington (Territory). Legislature. Memorial praying for an appropriation to aid in constructing canals in King county. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. (in Session laws, 1883, p. 425-27.) R345 Superior, Wis. [A] large coal-storage wharf at Superior. (Eng. Rec., 56:604-06. Nov. 30, 1907.) Tacoma Bogue plans for Tacoma harbor are comprehensive. (Ry. and Marine News, 10:23-25. Jan. 15, 1912.) Improvement of Tacoma harbor. Marine Rev., 42:86-87. Mar. 1912.) McCune, J. W. How should Tacoma prepare for the opening of the Panama canal. (Ry. and Marine News, 9:16-17. Nov. 15, 1911.) Practical men oppose Tacorna's proposed dock site. (Ry. and Marine News, 8:18-19. Sept. 1, 1910.) Tacoma's proposed dock site has many disadvantages. (Ry. and Marine News, 8:17. Aug. 1, 1910.) U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Commencement Bay and city of Tacoma, chart 6451. Sept. 1899. 38 U. S. Congress. House. Commjttv*AflPfc?rs. > .* f Legal disputes concerning tide lands 'adjacent' td'fhV'riarttor'ef the city of Tacoma, Jan. 18, 1909. (U. S. GOth Cong. 2d sess. House. Rep. 18G9.) U. S. Engineer Department. Letter from acting Chief of engi- neers submitting report to review the project now under way for the improvement of the Puyallup waterway in the harbor of Tacoma, Mar. 14, 1910. (U. S. Gist Cong. 2d sess. Sen- ate. Doc. 418.) U. S. Engineer Department. .. .Letter from the acting Chief of engineers, reports of examination and survey of Tacoma har- bor, with a view to extending the Puyallup waterway, Mar. 31, 1910. (U. S. 61st Cong. 2d sess. House. Doc. 832.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1901. pt. 5, p. 3595-3G02. (Millis. Examination and survey of Tacoma harbor.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1903. pt. 3, p. 2331-32. (Millis. Improvement of Ta- coma harbor.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1902. pt. 3, p. 2432-34. (Millis. Modification of harbor lines in Commencement Bay.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1903. pt. 3, p. 2331-32. (Millis. Improvement of Tacoma harbor.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1904. pt. 4, p. CG09-11. (Millis. Improvement of Ta- coma harbor.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1904. pt. 4, p. 3G29-52. (Millis. Preliminary examina- tion and survey of the Puyallup and certain other waterways. Tacoma harbor.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1905. pt. 3, p. 2527-41. map. (Millis. Improvement of Tacoma harbor.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1906. pt. 2, p. 2033-36. (Chittenden. Improvement of Tacoma harbor.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1907. pt. 3, p. 2219-21. (Chittenden. Improvement of Tacoma harbor.) 39 U. S. JEi.i&inp$r. Department, Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1908,- -pt/3, ' p.. 2295-9S. (Chittenden. Improvement of Tacoma harbor.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1909. pt. 3, p. 2255-57. (Kutz. Improvement of Ta- coma harbor.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1910. pt. 3,. p. 2427-28. (Kutz. Improvement of Ta- coma harbor.) U. S. Engineer Department. Report of Chief of engineers U. S. army, 1911. pt. 3, p. 2633-34. (Kutz. Improvement of Ta- coma harbor.) Zimmerman, L. P. Commencement Bay, the harbor of Tacoma. (Marine Rev., 40:213-21. June 1910.) Tampa, Fla. Calhoun, J. D. Port administration and harbor facilities, Tampa. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:385-86. Mar. 1907.) Toledo [A] new ore dock and storage yard at Toledo. (Eng. Rec., 63: 163-64. Feb. 11, 1911.) Two Harbors, Minn. New ore dock at Two Harbors. (Ry. Age Gaz., 52:8-10. Jan. 5, 1912.) [A] structural-steel ore dock at Two Harbors. (Eng. Rec., 58: 641-43. Dec. 5, 1908.) Woodbridge, D. E. The first lake dock of steel. (Iron Age, 80, pt. 2:908-10. Oct. 3, 1907.) Washington, D. C. Garges, D. E. Port administration and harbor facilities, Wash- ington, D. C. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29:378. Mar. 1907.) Wilmington, Cal., see Los Angeles Wilmington, Del. Coyne, William, and Lawson, J. N. Port administration and har- bor facilities, Wilmington. (Annals of the Amer. Acad., 29: 380-82. Mar. 1907.) 40 Publications of the Library Sent free of charge on application to the library. Annual reports. 5th-9th, 13th-21st. 1895-1899, 1903-1911. The 1st, 2d, and 3d reports were published In "Seattle municipal reports" for 1891, 1892, and 1893; the 4th, 10th, llth, and 12th were never printed; the 5th, 6th, 17th and 20th are out of print. Monthly bulletin, v. 1-4, 5-7. Nov.1896-Dec.1900, Jan.l905-Dec. 1907. None were published Jan.J901-Dec.1904; discontinued Dec. 1907. v.l, no.l, v.2, no. 5, v.3, nos.1-12, v.4, nos.l and 2 are out of print. Proceedings at the opening of the Seattle Public Library build- ing, December 19, 1906. 32 p. Out of print. Periodicals currently received by the Seattle Public Library and by the Library of the University of Washington. Ed. 1. 1909. 30 p. Ed. 2. 1910. 31 p. Scheme of library service. 1909. 4 p. Also in 19th annual report, 1909. Same. Revised. 1912. 4 p. FINDING LISTS English prose fiction. 1903. 126 p. Natural science, 1905. 34 p. Useful arts. 1905. 45 p. Fine arts. 1908. 64 p, REFERENCE LISTS These lists hare been compiled and printed to render easily accessible the material in this library on the various subjects. Subject list of Catholic books in the Seattle Public Library. January 1909. 45 p. Published under the auspices of the Knights of Columbua Seattle Council. Obtainable also at the library. Books relating to engraving. April 1909. 8 p. List of books about birds. July 1909. 11 p. Books of interest to Sunday-school workers. 1910. 16 p. Published by the King County Sunday-school Association. Ob- tainable also at the library. Municipal plans; a list of books and .references to periodicals in the Seattle Public Library. Compiled by Katharine McMicken. Reference list no. 1. April 1910. 13 p. List of books for teachers. Compiled by Gertrude F. Hess. Ref- erence list no. 2. May 1910. 22 p. Pacific Northwest; a brief descriptive list of books, with sug- gested outline of study. Compiled by Katharine B. Judson. Reference list no. 3. May 1910. 12 p. Municipal government; a list of books and references to periodi- cals in the Seattle Public Library. Reference list no 4 January 1911. 31 p. List of books for schoolroom libraries, grades 3-8. School list no. 1. June 1911. 27 p. Christmas list of gift books for children. November 1911. 13 p. Shorter lists on such subjects as pottery and porcelain, landscape gardening, and domestic architecture, have been compiled and printed. 14 DAY USE TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. LD21A-40m-8,'71 (P6572slO)476-A-32 General Library _ University of California Berkeley