UC-NRLF 3 115 A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS BELONGING TO THE LOWER HALL OF THE CENTRAL DEPARTMENT, IN THE CLASSES OF iwiraufof, tJ 4 1 INCLUDING THE HISTORIES OF LITERATURE, ART, SECTS, ETC., POLITICS, GEOGRAPHY, YOYAGES, SKETCHES, MANNERS A^D CUSTOMS, TOGETHER WITH NOTES FOR READERS UNDER SUBJECT-REFERENCES. SECOND, OR CONSOLIDATED EDITION, JULY, 1873. BOSTON: ISSUED BY THE LIBRARY. ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL, CITY PRINTERS. 1873. EXPL A.NA.TIONS. BOOKS are entered in the following List under the names of authors, when known ; under the initials of the authors names when these only appear, the last initial being put first; under the pseudonyms, or assumed names, of the writers, when the real names are not ascertained. Such books are also entered under their titles, followed by the names, ini tials, or pseudonyms of the authors. In case of an anonymous work, the author of which is unknown, the entry is under the first word of the title, not an article. In the headings of the titles, the names of authors are given in their vernacular form. French surnames preceded by Le, La, or L are entered under L; by Du or Des, under I); by de or d\ under the initial letter of the name following this prefix. In English names, the prefix is treated as a component part of the surname; as in DeQnincey, Van E v r i e . In all other languages, surnames are entered under the letter which begins the name that follows the prefix. Compound surnames are entered under the first part of the name. British noblemen and ecclesiastical dignitaries are entered under their family names with cross-references from their titular appellations. All other noblemen are catalogued under their titles. A single dash indicates the omission of the preceding heading ; a subsequent dash, the omission of a subordinate heading. Names or initials inclosed within marks of paren thesis are such as are not usually retained by the persons to whom they properly belong ; as, Agassiz, Louis (John Rudolph). In the headings of titles, the German diph thongs, a, o, ii, are written a e, o e, u e ; Goethe occurs, for example, in alphabetical order before Goldsmith, instead of after it. An italicized name within marks of parenthesis following the name of an author is the pseudonym of such author ; as A d a m s, W 1 1 1 1 a m T. (Oliver Optic.) Brackets, within titles, inclose words additional, or changed in form. * * Friends of the Public Library will assist in making future editions of this List more nearly perfect, if they will be kind enough to communicate to the Superintendent the correction of any errors they may discover in it, the authorship of any works treated as anonymous, or the name of any person entered only under initials or under a pseudonym. x^uhrmitu 0f Division Range Shelf Received Q*,**... 187 (? A \J. BELONGING TO THE LOWER HALL OF THE CENTRAL DEPARTMENT, IK THE CLASSES OF , mtfl INCLUDING THE HISTORIES OF LITERATURE, ART, SECTS, ETC., POLITICS, GEOGRAPHY, YOYAGES, SKETCHES, AOT) MANNERS AND CUSTOMS, TOGETHER WITH NOTES FOR READERS UNDER SUBJECT-REFERENCES. SECOND, OR CONSOLIDATED EDITION, JULY, 1873. BOSTON: ISSUED BY THE LIBRARY, ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL, CITY PRINTERS. 1873. _- / E F 1 A. C E THIS Catalogue is a combination, with the addition of accessions subsequent to their issue, of the old Finding List for History and Politics, with that for Travel and Biography ; and with them are incorporated such parts of the List for Poetry, Miscellanies and Collections as properly belong here. Some important changes have also been made in the manner of the cataloguing : 1st. In the main entries (usually under authors), the place of publication, date, and size have been restored, as essential often to determine the value of the book for present use. These particulars were originally omitted for a temporary purpose. 2d. In connection with the names of persons, a brief indication of what they were and when they lived has been given. 3d. In all cases where desirable, dates covering the period described have been inclosed in brackets, when the title did not indicate it ; and the date of publication, without brackets, has been given under cross-references, as indicating the comparative recentness and often consequential value of the book. 4th. Under the principal subject-references notes have been appended, concisely sketching, in some cases, the history of the literature pertaining to it, and often characterizing important or representative books, where the title does not sufficiently do it, in the hope to assist the reader to select books more nearly in accordance with his needs, or at least to advise him of the marked character of certain works, or of their general repute. Sometimes the order in which books are mentioned offers a complete sur vey of a subject. As the Bates Hall collection not only supplements and complements this Catalogue, but has often corresponding titles, use of them has been made, and the Bates Hall numbers appended to the titles cited, in the hope that readers will learn better how the two collec tions can thus be used in conjunction. Such books can of course be drawn out in the Bates Hall only. Readers will often observe references to magazine or review articles, papers in collected works, or chapters of books. These are not always made because of importance, though they frequently summarize the mattej* in a convenient way ; but because under the ordinary forms of cataloguing no clew to them is preserved. In this first attempt to add information of this kind to a popular Catalogue, there may appear errors of judgment, both in matter inserted and omitted ; but if the plan proves, on trial by the public, to be of practical usefulness, it will doubtless be carried further towards perfection in subsequent editions. Certain books of reference are frequently mentioned. They are as follows : Allibone s Dictionary of authors. Appleton s New American cyclopaedia. Chambers s Cyclopaedia of English literature, [392.1 ; B. H. 2551.2]. Chambers s Encyclopaedia. Duyckinck s Cyclopaedia of American literature. Hoefer s Nouvelle biographie generate, [B. H. 2242.6]. Kitto s Cyclopaedia of Biblical literature. McClintock and Strong s Cyclopaedia of religious and theological literature. Malcom s Index to religious literature, [B. II. 2190.19]. Michaud s Biographie universelle, [B. H. 2242.1 ; 4134.1]. Oettinger s Bibliographic biographique, [B. H. 2140.11]. Smith s Dictionary of the Bible, American edition. Thomas s [Lippincott s] Dictionary of biography and mythology. Where shelf-numbers are not given to the above titles, the books will be found at the Desks of the Bates Hall or of the Periodical Room, or in both places. See further on the use of such books of reference in the " Handbook for readers," issued by the Library. For a key to the stores of the periodical press the reader will not forget Poole s " Index to periodical literature," which is of such general use as a guide to the contents of the most important general periodicals previous to 1852, that it could hardly be referred to in the notes without making the mention needlessly conspicuous. Among the indexes to particular periodicals, which will be of service to users of this catalogue, the following may be named : Annual Register. 1758-1819, 2258.2 Appleton s Annual cyclopaedia. Vol. 1-10. In Vol. 10 of J. 2 in Reading Room, and of C. 5, at Bates Hall Desk. Biblical repertory and Princeton review, 1825-68, 5412.2 Bibliotheca sacra. Vol. 1-13. 1844-56, 5310.2 Bibliothek der schonen AVissenschaften. 1757-67, 5114.1 Blackwood s magazine. Vol. 1-50. 1817-41, 3140.50 British essayists. General index. Vol. 45 of 850.24 Edinburgh review. Vol. 1-80. 1831-50, 3112.1 Gentleman s magazine. 1731-1818, 3205.2 Contents. Vol.1. Essays, dissertations, and historical passages, 1731-86. II. Names of persons, books and pamphlets, poetry, and plates, 1731-86. III. Essays, dissertations, transactions, and poetry, 1787-1818. IV. Books, plates, and names of persons, 1787- 1818. V. List of plates and woodcuts, 1731-1818. And an alpha betical index thereto. Harper s monthly magazine. Vol. 1-40. 1850-70,5220.13 Historische Zeitschrift. B. 1-20, 5218.51 London times. 1862, 63, 67-71, 5356.50 Messager des sciences historiques de Belgique. 1823-53, 3319.1 Moniteur universel. Table alphabetique, 1787- 99. In Newspaper Room. Same. Tables, 1799-1814. Same. Table chronologique et alphabfitique, 1815-51. Monthly review. 1749-1816, 3178.2 New Englander. Vol. 1-19. 1843-61, Vol. 24 of 7444.1 New England historical and genealogical register. Vols. 10 and 15 of 2335.1 Niles s weekly register. Vol. 1-12. 1811-18, 3141.1 North American review. 1815-27, 3113.1 Notes and queries. 1st series, 1849-56 ; 2d series, 1856-62, 3159.2 Same. 3d series, 1862-67, 5359.1 Quarterly review. 1809-18 in vol. 20; 1819-29 in vol. 40; 1830-37 in vol. 60; 1838-47 in vol. 80; 1848-56 in vol. 100 of 3114.1 Revue des deux mondes. 1831-57, 3315.1 Royal geographical society. Journal. Vol. 1-20. 1831-50, 6265.1 Society of antiquaries, London. 1770-1844, 3311.2 Westminister review. Vol. 1-33. 1824-40, Vol. 37 of 3196.1 Readers desirous of seeing the use which has been made by writers of imaginative works, of epochs of history and of historical personages, will consult the " Chronological index to historical fiction," which is also issued by the Library. To persons interested in public libraries, or in the diffusion of a taste for reading, this Catalogue of an important portion of the central popular department of this Library will doubtless offer suggestions, which will be gladly received by JUSTIN WINSOR, SUPERINTENDENT. PUBLIC LIBRARY, BOSTON, July, 1873. P. S. Some books mentioned in the notes were not at the time of writing in the Library s possession, but were at once put upon the orders for purchases. This accounts for the absence of shelf-numbers in some cases. CATALOGUE. Shelf. No. AB^LARDTJS. See Abelard. ABAILARD. See Abelard. ABBEOKUTA: tbo Yoruba mission. Tucker, S 699.14 ABBOT, Abiel, D. D., of Beverly, b. 1770, d. 1828. Letters written in Cuba, in 1828. Boston, 1829. 8 635.1 ABBOT, George, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1562, d. 1G33. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 ABBOT, Gorharn D. Mexico, and tho United States. With portraits. New York, 1869. 8 622.12 ABBOTT, A. 0. Prison lifo in tho South, 186-1, 65. With illustrations. New York, 1865. 12.... 276.8 ABBOTT, Benjamin, methodist divine, b. 1732, d. 1796. See Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist ministers 535.14 ABBOTT, Charles, 1st lord Tenterden, lord chief-justice of England, b. 1762, d. 1832. See Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of tho early lives of great lawyers ... 15 16. 13 ABBOTT, Jacob, b. 1803. American history. Illus trated. New York, 1860-C4. 7 v. 12 306.3 Contents. Vol. I. Aboriginal America. II. Discovery of America. III. Southern colonies. IV. Northern colo nies. V. Wars of the colonies. VI. Revolt of the colonies. VII. War of the revolution. Course of history to the establishment of tho American constitution. Illustrated. New York, 1856. 8 948.1 History of Alexander tho great, [king of Mace donia, b. B. C. 356, d. B. c. 323]. With engrav ings. New York, 1868. 16 549.1 History of Alfred of England, [b. 849, d. 901]. With engravings. New York, 1854. 16 559.1 History of Charles i of England, [b. 1600, ex. 1649]. With engravings. New York, [cop. 1848]. 16 559.18 History of Charles n of England, [b. 1630, d. 1685]. With engravings. New York, 1852. 16 559.22 History of Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, [b. B. c. 69, d. B. c. 30]. With engravings. Now York, [cop. 1851]. 16 549.5 History of Cyrus the great, [king of Persia, d. B. c. 529]. With engravings. New York, 1852. 16 549.11 History of Darius the great, [king of Persia, b. B. c. 380, d. B. c. 330]. With engravings. New York, 1864. 16 549.15 History of Elizabeth, [queen of England, b. 1533, d. 1G03]. With engravings. New York, 1854. 16 559.25 History of Genghis Khan, [Mogul conqueror, b. 1163, d. 1227]. With engravings. New York, 1860. 16 579.17 History of Hannibal tho Carthaginian, [b. B. c. 247, d. B. c. 183]. With engravings. New York, 1857. 16 549.14 History of Julius Caesar, [Roman dictator, gen eral, orator, jurist, poet, and historian, b. B. C. 100, d. B. c. 44]. With engravings. New York, 1852. 16 549.17 History of Mary queen of Scots, [b. 1542, ex. 1587]. With engravings. Now York, 1854. 16 559.28 Shelf. No. ABBOTT, Jacob, continued. History of Nero, [Roman emperor, b. 37, d. 68]. With engravings. New York, 1853. 16 549.19 History of Peter the great, emperor of Russia, [b. 1672, d. 1725]. With engravings. New York, 1860. 16 579.16 History of Pyrrhus, [king of Epirus, b. B. c. 318, d. B. c. 272]. With engravings. New York, 1854. 16 549.20 History of Richard i of England, [b. 1157, d. 1199]. With engravings. New York, 1857. 16 559.8 History of Richard n of England, [b. 1366, d. 1400]. With engravings. New York, 1858. 16 579.8 History of Richard in of England, [b. 1452, d. 1485]. With engravings. New York, 1858. 16 579.13 History of Romulus, [mythical founder and first king of Rome, b. B. c. 753, d. B. C. 716]. With engravings. New York, 1852. 16 549.27 History of William tho conqueror, [b. 1027, d. 1087]. With engravings. Now York, 1859. 16 559.6 History of Xerxes tho great, [king of Persia, d. B.C. 465]. With engravings. New York, 1852. 16 549.25 Marco Paul s adventures in pursuit of knowledge. [In] Boston. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1843. 12. 659.23 Rollo in Geneva. [Illustrated.] New York, 18G4. 16 659.14 Rollo in Holland. [Illustrated.] New York, 1864. 16 659.17 Rollo in London. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1858. 16 659.5 Rollo in Naples. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1858. 16 677.10 Rollo in Paris. [Illustrated.] Now York, 1864. 16 659.8 Rollo in Rome. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1858. 16 G69.9 Rollo in Scotland. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1857. 16 677.18 Rollo in Switzerland. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1862. 16 659.9 Rollo on the Atlantic. [Illustrated.] New York, 1864. 16 659.1 Rollo on tho Rhino. [Illustrated.} Boston, 1858. 16 659.22 A summer in Scotland. With engravings. Now York, 1859. 12 647.18 ABBOTT, John S. C., b. 1805. American pioneers and patriots. Daniel Boone the pioneer of Ken tucky, [b. 1735, d. 1822]. Illustrated. New York, 1872. 12 1527.6 Miles Standish, tho puritan captain, [b. about 1584, d. 1656]. Illustrated. Now York, 1872. 12 228.23 Tho French revolution of 1789 as viewed in tho light of republican institutions. With 100 en gravings. New York, 1859. 8 1001.3 History of Frederick n, tho great, [king of Prus sia, b. 1712, d. 1786]. With illustrations. New York, 1871. 8 602.9 ABBOTT ADAMS Shelf. No. ABBOTT, John S. C., continued. History of Henry iv, king of France and Navarre, b. 1553, d. 1610]. With illustrations. New York, 1856. 16 559.13 History of Hernando Cortez, [Spanish conqueror of Mexico, b. 1485, d. 1554]. With engravings. New York, 1855. 1G 579.1 History of Hortense, queen of Holland, [b. 1783, d. 1837]. With engravings. New York, 1870. 16 559.33 History of Joseph Bonaparte, king of Naples and of Italy, [b. 1768, d. 1844]. [With engravings.] New York, 1869. 16 559.26 History of Josephine, [empress of the French, b. 1763, d. 1814]. With engravings. New York, 1854. 16 559.32 History of King Philip, of tho Wampanoags, [d. 1676]. With engravings. New York, 1857. 16. 579.7 History of Louis xiv, [king of Franco, b. 1038, d. 1715]. With illustrations. New York, 1871. 16 559.27 History of Louis Philippe, king of tho French, [b. 1773, d. 1850]. With illustrations. New York, 1871. 16 559.29 -- History of Madame Roland, [French republican politician, b. 1754, d. 1793]. With engravings. New York, 1853. 16 559.34 - History of Mario Antoinette, [queen of France, b. 1755, d. 1793]. With engravings. Now York, 1851. 16 559.30 History of Napoleon Bonaparte, [emperor of tho French, b. 1769, d. 1821]. With illustrations. Now York, 1864. 2 v. 8 601.1 History of Napoleon in, emperor of tho French, [b. 1808, d. 1873], Including a narrative of the most important events in Europe since tho fall of Napo leon i. With illustrations. Boston, 1868. 8... COS. 6 History of the civil war in America. Illustrated. New York, 1865, 66. 2 v. 8 292.12 Italy, and the war for Italian independence, [B. c. 700-A. D. 1870]. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1871. 12 915.8 Life of Ulysses S. Grant, [18th president of tho United States, b. 1822]. Illustrated. Boston, 1868. 8 521.7 Lives of the presidents of the United States from Washington to [Johnson, 1782-1866]. Illus trated. Boston, 1868. 8 1522.12 Tho monarchies of continental Europe. The em pire of Austria. New York, 1859. 12 927.11 Tho empire of Russia. Now York, 1860. 12. 927.14 Italy, to [I860]. New York, I860. 12 917.10 Napoleon at St. Helena. With illustrations. Now York, 1855. 8 602.2 Prussia and tho Franco-Prussian war. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1871. 16 925.9 Romance of Spanish history. With illustrations. Now York, 1869. 12 979.13 South and North; or, a trip to Cuba and tho South. New York, 1860. 12 637.2G ABDERRAUMAN I (Abou-Motrif-el-Safar), king of the house of Omeya, b. 731, d. 787. See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscellanies. . . v. 1 of 1815.15 ABDY, Edward S. Residence and tour in the United States, 1833, 34. London, 1835. 3 v. 8 629.7 A BECKET, Thomas. See Thomas i Bocket. A BECKETT, George A. Comic history of Rome. Il lustrated. London, n. d. 8 956.9 ABELARD, or ABAILARD, Pierre (Lat. Petrus Abaj- lardus), French philosopher, theologian, and writer, b. 1079, d. 1142. Tho romance of Abolard and Heloise. See Wight, 0. W 1589.4 Hate. The principal authorities arc French, sec Cousin s introduction, [B. II. 2Gn0.a]; Villcnuvc s edition of his letters, 18G2,[B. II. 40,7.17] ; andKemusafs lite, [B. II. :><iOf;.l]. There arc English versions of thelcttcm, TB. II. aWUS]- Sec also histories of th middle n ^es, like Ilallnm [941.1 ] and Berrinp;- ton, [409.9]; histprics of philosophy, the church, etc. See Disraeli s Curiosities of literature, [81)7.1.1]; Foreign quarterly review, Jan., 1846; Westminster review, vol. S2, and 1871, copied in Living age, Aug. 1C, 1871; Gentleman s magazine, 1852, and Living age, July, 185- ; and references in Thomas, lloct er, etc. The Knjrlish reader will not forget Pope s fa mous poem, [835. 10.1, etc.]. See also HC lo isc. | Shelf. No. ABERCROMBY, James, lord Dunfermline. Lieutenant- general Sir Ralph Abercromby, 1793-1801. A memoir. Edinburgh, 1861. 8 577.12 ABERCROMBY, Sir Ralph, Scotch lieutenant-yeneral , b. 1734, d. 1801. Abercromby, J. Memoir of. 577.12 Gloig, G. R. Lives of the most eminent British military commanders v. 3 of 388.3 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 ABERDEEN, Earl of. See Gordon, George Hamilton. ABERNETHY, John, English surgeon and writer, b. 1764, d. 1831. Macilwain, G. Memoirs of 588.8 Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569.19 ABou-MoTRiF-Er/-SAFAR. See Abderrahman i. ABOUT, Edinond (F. V.) Greece and tho Greeks. New York, 1857. 12 918.15 The Roman question. Translated by H. C. Coape. New York, 1859. 12 . 1098.26 Rome of to-day. Now York, 1861. 12 665.10 A ote. See North British review. June. 1806, or Living age, July 15, 1800, and introductory sketcli to " Km? of the moun tains," [495.9]. ABRAHAM-A-SANCTA-CLARA, Roman catholic preacher of Vienna, b. 1642, d. 1709. See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545. 1 AB-SA-RA-KA homo of tho Crows. Carrington, M. 1. 1636. 13 ABYSSINIA. Baker, Sir S. W. Tho Nile tributaries of. 1867 1692.!) Gobat, S. Three years residence in, [1830, 32, 35, 36] 697.7 Johnston, C. Travels in Southern Abyssinia, [1841-43] 697.1 Parkyns, M. Lifo in. 1854 607.5; 697.6 Russell, M. Nubia and Abyssinia: history, an tiquities, arts, religion, literature, and natural history. 1833 810.61 See. also Africa, Nile, etc. ; and illustrated narratives in Tour du monde, [B. H. 0291.1, 1804, 1805, 1867, 1809]. ACADIA; or, a month with tho blue noses. 1859. Coz- zens, F. S 637.18 ACADIE, L ; or, explorations in British America. 1849. Alexander, Sir J. E 626.8 ACAGCHEMEM nation, Chinigchinich; a historical ac count of tho. 1846. Boscana, G 1635.22 ACAMAPITZIN, or ACAMAPIXTILI, 1st king of Mexico, d. 1389. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 18C9.1 ACCOUNTS of shipwreck and other disasters at sea. Allen, W 699.18 ACKLAND, Christina Harriet Caroline, lady, b. 1750, d. 1815. See Ellet, E. F. Tho women of the American revolution v. 1 of 538.13 ACLAND, Charles. Manners and customs of India. New edition. London, 1861. 16 889.2 ACROSS tho Atlantic. Haoscler, C. II 1667.3 ACROSS the continent. Bowles, S 644.14 ACTORS. Memoirs of tho principal actors in the plays of Shakespeare. See Collier, J. P 342.3 I Note. See names of prominent netors, as Booth, Cooke, Garrick, Kean, Kenible, Mathews, Siddons, etc. ADAIR, John, American general, b. 1758, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 ADALBERT, Ileinrich W., prince of Prussia, b. 1811. Travels in tho south of Europe and in Brazil; with a voyage up the Amazon, and the Xingu . Translated by R. II. Schomburgk and J. E. Tay lor. London, 1849. 2 v. 8 633.11 ADAM, Alexander, rector of the hiyh school, Edinburgh, b. 1741, d. 1809. Roman antiquities. Notes by J. Boyd. Illustrated. 7th Now York edition. Edited by L. L. Da Ponto. New York, 1836. 8. 954.7 ; ADAMS, Abigail, wife of John Adams, b. 1744, d. 1818. Letters. With memoir by C. F. Adams. 4th edition. With Letters of J. Q. Adams on tho study of tho Bible. Boston, 1848. 16 537.2 See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 2 of 538.13 ADAMS, Abigail, afterwards Mrs. Smith, daughter of John Adams, b. 1765, d. 1813. Journal and cor respondence, [1784-1813]. Edited by [C. A. do Windt]. New York, 1841, 42. 2 v. 12.. 217.18 ADAMS ADAMS Sheit. Xo ADAMS, Charles F. Life of John Adams. See Ad ams, J. Q 519.15 ADAMS, Charles F., jr. A chapter of Erie. Boston, 1809. 16 238.20 ADAMS, F. Colburn. Siege of AVashington, [1861]. Illustrated. [A burlesque.] New York, [cop. 1867]. 16 288.9 ADAMS, Hannah, American authoress, b. 1766, d. 1832. History of the Jews, [73-1809]. Boston, 1812. 2 v. 12 949.6 Memoir, by herself. Boston, 1832. P. 8 599.3 View of religions. 2d edition. Boston, n. d. 8. 1099.5 ADAMS, Henry G. The weaver-boy who became a missionary: life and labours of David Living stone, [b. 1817]. London, 1867. 16 1527.10 Same. Now York, 1868. 16 1527.11 ADAMS, James Capen, hunter of California, b. 1807. Adventures of. See Hittel l, T. II 527.23 ADAMS, John, Id president of the United States, b. 1735, d. 1826. Works. [With portraits, etc.] Boston, 1850-56. 10 v. 8 283.1 Content*. Vol. I. Life. II. Diary; Notes of debates in con- press, 1775-76; Autobiography ; Appendix. III. Autobiogra phy, continued ; Diary ; Note s of a debate in the senate of the United States; Essays; Disputation on the canon and the feu dal law; Instructions of Braintree to its representatives, 1765; Instructions of Boston to its representatives, 17G8-<!9; On the independence of the judiciary : controversy between W. Brat tle and J. Adams ; Appendix. IV. Novanglns, or a history of the dispute with America, from 1754; Thoughts on govern ment, 177(i; Report of a constitution for Massachusetts, 1779; Defence of the constitutions of the United States, 1778. V, VI. Defence, continued. VI. Discourses on Davila; Four letters on government; Three letters on the constitution; Letters to John Taylor, of Caroline, Va., in reply to strictures on the De fence ; Review of Mr. Ilillhouse s propositions for amending the constitution. VII-IX. Official letters, messages, and pub lic papers. IX, X. General correspondence ; Indexes. Letters to his wife. Edited by C. F. Adams. Bos ton, 1841. 2v.ini. 16 537.3 Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Adams, J. Q. Life of 519.15 Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolu tion 528.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Trescot, W. II. Diplomatic history of the admin istration of 297.5 Williams, E. Tho twelve stars of our republic. . 513.13 Wolcott, 0. Memoirs of the administration of. . . 285.5 Wood, J. Suppressed history of the administra tion of 309.7 \nte. Admirable material exists in the Diary [283.1.2; B. H. 2400.2.2], Autobiography [283.1.2 and 3; B. II. 2400.2.2 and 3], and the other writings and correspondence for a study of his character. A life was begun by. John Qnincy Adams and continued to 1770 [283.1 ; B. II. 2100.2.1], and completed bv Charles Francis Adams [28 i.l], and since published sepa rate from his works, [510.101. See the brief memoir, [B. H. 4444.58.8] ; the accounts in Bancroft, Hildreth (who takes in his presidency!, and other general historians; and Van Bu- ren s History of political parties, [B. II. 4313.13]. The Bates Hall catalogues snow much illustrative matter, including eu logies on his death, principal among them maybe named Webster s [284.1.1] and Everett s [861.7.1]. See also Theodore Parker s Historic Americans, [B. H. 4440.17]. ADAMS, John Quincy, 6<A president of the United States, b. 1767, d. 1848. Letters to his son on the study of the Bible. Auburn, 1850. 32. . . 129.36 Same. See Adams, A. Letters 537.2 Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Quincy, J. Life of 512.1 Seward, W. H. Life and public services of 517.25 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic.. 513.13 and Charles F. Life of John Adams. Philadel phia, 1871. 2v. 16 619.15 Nate, The principal lives are the careful and temperate one by Josiah Quincy [also in B. H. 2342.(i], and Seward s, above named. See brief memoir by C. W. Upham in Ameri can review, vol. 1, [B. H. 3153.2]; and Hildreth s sixth vol ume, [.T03.2]. Among the eulogies at his death [see Bates Hall catalogues], note Everett s [861.7.2 ; B. H. 4390a.O], etc. ADAMS, Nehemiah, D.D. South-side view of slavery. Boston, 1854. 12 127.21 A voyage round the world. [Illustrated.] Boston, [cop. 1871], 12 708.24 ADAMS, Samuel, American statesman, b. 1722, d. 1803. Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolu tion 528.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 ADAMS, Samuel, continued. Wells, W. V. Life and public services of 242.2 Note, Wells sLife is extensive and authoritative, based chiefly on what is left of the patriot s papers, now in the pos session of Bancroft [302.1], whose later volumes display his character in a manner that party feeling had earlier obscured or perverted. See also the brief memoir [B. II. 4444.58.0], and the histories of New England, Massachusetts, and Boston. ADAMS, William H. Davenport. Tho buried cities of Campania; or, Pompeii and Herculaneum. [Illustrated.] London, 1868. 16 1927.1 Famous ships of the British navy. London, 1863. 16 996.2 The land of the Nile; or, Egypt past and present. With 100 engravings. London, 1871. 16 698.31 Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England. With illustrations. London, 1861. 16 578.19 Contents. Sir John Hawkins, rear-admiral, b. 1520, d. 1595 ; Sir Francis Drake, admiral, b. about 1.J40, d. 1590; Thomas Cavendish, admiral, b. 1564, d. 159:!; Sir Martin Frobishcr, admiral, b. about 1535, d. 1591 ; Sir Humphrey Gilbert, navi gator, b. 1539, d. 1581; Charles Howard, lord Erh ngham, 1st earl Of Nottingham, lord high-admiral of England, b. 15. !0, d. 1624 ; Robert Blake, admiral, b. 1599, d. 1657; Edward Mon tagu, 1st earl of Sandwich, general and statesman, b. 1025, d.1672; Sir Henry John Morgan, buccaneer, b. 1G30, d. 1690; Capt. William Dampier, buccaneer, b. 1652, d. 1712; Arthur Herbert, earl of Torrington, admiral, b. 1GG7, d. 1716; Sir George Rooke, admiral, b. IIVW, d. 1709 ; John Benbow, admi ral, b. 1G50, d. 1702; George Anson, viscount, admiral, b. 1697, d. 1762; George Brydges Rodney, lord, admiral, b. 1718, d. 1792; Capt. James Cook, navigator, b. 1728. d. 1779; Richard Howe, 4th viscount, 1st carl Howe, admiral, b. 1725, d. 1799; John Jcrvis, 1st carl of St. Vinof-nt, admiral, b. 1735, d. 1823; Horatio Nelson, viscount. British admiral, b. 1758, d. 1805; Cuthbert Collingwood, lord, admiral, b. 1748, d. 1810; Edward, Pellew, viscount Exmouth, admiral, b. 1756, d. IS. .!; Sir Hugh Willoughby, Arctic voyager, d. after Oct., 1553; Capt. John Davis, Arctic navigator ana discoverer, d. 1605; Henry Hud son, navigator, discoverer of Hudson s bay, b. about 15(50, d. 1611; Sir William Edward Parry, Arctic explorer, b. 1790, d. 1855 ; Sir John Franklin, Arctic explorer, b. 1786, d. 1847. The queen of the Adriatic; or, Venice past and present. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1869. 16... 1678.7 Records of noble lives. London, n. d. 16 1553.2 Contents. Sir Philip Sidney, English statesman, soldier, and poet, b. 1554, d 1586 : Francis Bacon, lord Verulam. vis count St. Albans, English lord-chancellor, b. 1M1, d. 1626: Robert Blake, English admiral, b. 1599, d. 1657 ; George Monk, duke of Albcinarle, English parliamentary general, chief restorer of Charles II, b. 1608, d. 167i>; William Penn, English founder of the colony of Pennsylvania, b. 1(114. d. 1718; Robert O Hara Burl;e, Australian explorer, b. 1821. d. 1861: William John Wills, Australian explorer, b. W34, d. 1861. The sunshine of domestic life; or, sketches of womanly virtues, and stories of the lives of noble women. London, 1867. 16 1517.1 Contents. Anne Askew, or Aacogh, English Lutheran con troversialist and martyr, b. 1521, d. 1546; Lady Mary Vere, b. 1581, d. 1671: Lady Alicia Lisle, victim of judge Jef freys, ex. 1685; Elizabeth Gaunt, English rebel, ex. 1685; Mrs. Elizabeth Inchbald, English actress, novelist, and dramatist, b. 1753, d. 1821; Lady Arabella Stuart, cousin of James I, b. about 1577, d. 1U15; Flora Maedonald, Scotch heroine, b. 1720. d. 1790; Lady Jane Grey, queen of England 13 days, b. 1537, ex. 1554; Mary Herbert, formerly Sidney, countess of Pembroke, d. 1021 ; Jeanne d Albret, queen of Navarre, b. 1528, d. 1572; Madame Marie Jeanne (sometimes called Manon) Phlipon Roland, French politician and mar tyr, b. 1754, d. 1793. Sword and pen: or, English worthies in the reign of Elizabeth. By Walter Clinton, [pseud.}. [Illustrated.] Edinburgh, 1869. 16 567.10 Contents. Sir Walter Raleigh, navigator, warrior, states man, and historian, b. 1552, d. 1(*>18; Sir John Hawkins, rear- admiral, b. 1520, d. 1505; Sir Humphrey Gilbert, navigator, b. 1539, d. 1581; Thomas Cavendish, admiral, b. 1501, d. 1593; Sir Francis Drake, admiral, b. about 1540, d. 1596; Sir Philip Sidney, statesman, soldier, and poet, b. 1551, d. 1586; William Shakespeare, dramatic poet, b. 1564, d. 1616. Temples, tombs, and monuments of ancient Greece and Rome. With 100 engravings. London, 1871. 16 698.32 ADAMS, William T. Cross and crescent; or, Young America in Turkey and Greece. [With illustra tions.] Boston, 1873. 16 1676.12 Dikes and ditches; or, Young America in Holland and Belgium. By Oliver Optic, [pseud.}. [Il lustrated.] Boston, 1868. 16 1677.4 Down tho Rhine; or, Young America in Germany. By Oliver Optic, [pseud.}. [Illustrated.] Bos ton, 1870. 16 1676.1 Northern lands; or, Young America in Russia and Prussia. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1872. 16... 1676.7 ADAMS 8 AFRICA Shelf. No. ADAMS, William T., continued. Our standard-boaror; or, the life of Ulysses S. Grant, [18th president of tho United States, b. 1822]. By Oliver Optic, [pseud. 1. Illustrated. Boston, 18G8. 1C 1518.3 Outward bound; or, Young America afloat. By Oliver Optic, [pseud.}. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1867. 16 1677.1 Palace and cottage; or, Young America in Franco and Switzerland. By Oliver Optic, [pseud.}. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1869. 16 1677.5 Red cross; or, Young America in England and Wales. By Oliver Optic, [pseud.}. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1871. 16 1677.3 Shamrock and thistle; or, Young America in Ire land and Scotland. By Oliver Optic, [pseud.}. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1871. 16 1677.2 Up the Baltic; or, Young America in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1871. 16 1676.4 ADDEY, Markingfiold. George Brinton McClellan, [American general, b. 1825]. A biography. Now York, 1864. 12 518.21 Life and imprisonment of Jefferson Davis, [presi dent of tho Confederate states, b. 1808], with life and military career of Stonewall Jackson. [Anon.} With portraits. New York, 1866. 12 C . 1515.7 " Stonewall Jackson." Life and military career of Thomas Jonathan Jackson, lieutenant-general in tho Confederate army, [b. 1826, d. 1863], With portrait. New York, 1863. 12 569.16 ADDISON, Henry Robert. Paris social: a sketch of evory-day life in the French metropolis. Lon don, 1866. 16 1659.6 ADDISON, Joseph, English poet and essayist, b. 1672, d. 1719. Aiken, L. Life of 584.2 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 11 of 840.10 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most em inent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. . .v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Life and writings of 409.17 1655.19; v. 3 of 1966.3 Taine, H. A. History of English literature 895.26 Thackeray, W. M. Tho English humourists of the 18th century 586.1; 589.28 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 Note. The memoirby Tickle, prefixed to his works [3G9.19], was the earliest authentic account. Johnson s life [also in B. n. 2589.3.23], was mostly critical, and as Addisou was a whig, and did not appear to advantage in Spence s Anecdotes [B. H. 2194/2], upon which Johnson largely depended, his estimate ia not altogether favorable. The Lives of Pope will indicate phases of his quarrel with Addison. and other illus trative matter will be found in the letters and journals of Swift Drake s examination of Addison s life and of his literary char acter [B. H. 4578.8.1 and 2] is elaborate. The earliest regular biography of considerable extent was Miss Aiken s, which, in the American edition [584.2], is corrected in its inaccuracies according to Macaulay s essay, [as above, originally in Edin- Peauody, [870.12]. Addison 6) and mere are brief memoirs by Chalmers, B. H. 2tt> ; > 1~9V a ! ?r4, nder --"f, CB - 1L 4C(W - 1 - 7 ]- Seo also the French estimates Ot VUlemam, [B. H. 2G72.7.3] and Taine [B. H. 2473.50.2] ADELICIA, of Louvaine, quten of Henry I, b. 1103 ? d. 1151 ? See Strickland, A. Lives of tho queens of England v. 1 of 592 1 ADIRONDACK, The. Hoadloy, J. T 636.29 ADIRONDACK^. Do Costa, B. F. Description of the route to tho. 1868 1639.11 Murray, W. H. H. Adventures in the wilderness*; or, camp-life in the. 1869 1639.15 Wallace, E. R. Guide to the. 1872 . . . 1706.3 ADOLPHUS, John, English barrister, b. 1766, d. 1845. History of England, [during the reign] of George in, [1760-1804]. London, 1840-45. 7 v. 8.. 964.1 ADOLPHUS, John L. Letters from Spain in 1856 and 1857. London, 1858. 12 666.19 ADRIATIC, Highlands and islands of the. 1849. Paton, A.A 667 .4 ADRIFT in Dixie. Estabrooks, H. L 644. 19 Shelf. No. ADUR, river, Rambles by the. Thome, J v. 4 of 850.18 ADVENTURES in the ice. Tillotson, J 1708.3 ADVENTURES in the wilderness. Murray, W. H. H. 1639.15 ADVENTURES of Hans Sterk. Drayson, A. W 1699.5 ADVENTURES on tho great hunting grounds of the world. Meunier, V. (A.) 1178.5 AEGEAN, Letters from the. 1839. Emerson, J 683. 4 ^Esopus, fabulist, b. B. C. about 560. See Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of anc ient times v. 2 of 1869 . 1 AFGHANISTAN. Campbell, J. Lost among tho Af ghans. 1865 684.19 Dennie, W. H. Personal narrative of the cam paign in. 1843 1699.7 Ferrier, J. P. Caravan journeys in. 1856 694.3 History of the Afghans. 1858 934.8 Gleig, G. R. Sale s brigade in. 1846 899.11 Sale, F., lady. Journal of disasters in, [1841-2]. .1693 11 Taylor, W. Scenes and adventures in. 1842 .... 1693.10 Set also Asia, India, Persia, etc. AFRICA. Alexander, Sir J. E. Expedition into the interior of. 1838 688.4 Andersson, C. J. Lake Ngami; or, four years wan derings in Southwestern Africa, [1850-55]. 692.2; 697.4 Backhouse, J. Visit to South Africa. 1844 692.13 Baldwin, W. C. African hunting from Natal to tho Zambesi, [1852-60] 684.15 Barth, H. Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa, [1849-55] 691.12 Burton, R. F. First footsteps in East Africa. 1856. 692.5 The lake regions of Central Africa. 1860.681.1; 681.3 Caillie, R. Travels through Central Africa, [1824- 28] 693.10 Campbell, J. Travels in South Africa. 1815. . . 692.12 Games, J. A. Voyage from Boston to the west coast of. 1852 698.16 Casalis, E. Tho Basutos; or, twenty-three years in South Africa. 1861 673.10 Clappcrton, II. Journal of a second expedition into the interior of. 1829 693.8 Clarke, E. D. Travels in. 1813-24. .682.1; 683.10; 689.6 Cooke, G. W. Conquest and colonisation in North Africa. 1860 917.12 Crummell, A. The future of. [Addresses de livered in Liberia.] 1862 1126.9 Gumming, R. G. Five years of a hunter s lifo in South Africa. 1850, 51 697.13 Donham, D. Travels and discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, [1822-24] 693.6; 693.7 Du Challlu, P. (B.) Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa. 1861 1692.1 Journey into Ashango-land : and further pene tration into equatorial Africa. 1867 691.13 Du Couret, L. Life in the desert: or, travels in. 1860 696.16 Footo, A. II. Africa and tho American flag. 1854. 698.13 Frost, J. Travels in. [A compilation.] 1848. 698.20 Gerard, (C.) J. (B.) Adventures among the wild animals of Northern Africa. 1856 697.14 Goodrich, S. G. Lights and shadows of African history. 1844 939.1; v. 10 of 1869.1 Grant, J. A. A walk across Africa. 1864 681.7 Hamilton, J. Wanderings in North Africa. 1856. 697.2 Huntloy, Sir H. Seven years service on tho slave coast of Western Africa. 1850 698.15 Hutchinson, T. J. Narrative of the Niger, Tshad- da, and Binuo exploration. 1855 1655.9 Ireland, J. B. Wall-street to Cashmere. Journal of five years in, [1851-56] 682.5 Krapf, J. L. Travels, researches, and missionary labors in Eastern Africa. 1860 1694.1 Laing, A. G. Travels in Western Africa. 1825.. 692.4 Leonard, P. Tho western coast of. Records of a voyage in the ship Dryad, [1830-32] 699.10 Livingstone, D. Livingstone and his African ex plorations. 1872 ._ 1697.1 Missionary travels and researches in South Africa, [1840-56] 691.1; 1694.2; 1694.12 Perilous adventures and discoveries in the in terior of. 1872 1697.2 Macbrair, R. M. Tho Africans at homo. 1861. 688.20 AFRICA 9 AINSLEE Shelf. No. AFRICA, continued, MacGavock, R. W. A Tennessean abroad or let ters from Africa, [1851,52] .................. 1688.3 MacLeod, L. Travels in Eastern Africa. I860.. 688.18 Mason, F. Sketches of travel in. 1870 ........ 1536.2 Meriam, M. B. Home life in. 18G8 .......... 1690.9 Mofiat, R. Missionary labours and scenes in Southern Africa. 1842 ...................... 682.3 Murray, H. The African continent: narrative of discovery and adventure. 1853 .............. 697.19 -- Historical account of discoveries and travels in. 1818 ...................................... 692.10 -- Narrative of discovery and adventure in. 1831. 810.18 Napier, E. (H. D.) E. Excursions in Southern Africa, including a history of the Gape colony 1849 ...................................... 692.15 Owen, W. P. W. Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of. 1833 ......................... 702.8 Philip, J. Researches in South Africa. 1828... 692.8 Reade, W. W. Savage Africa. 1864 .......... 681.6 Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone : travels, adventures and discoveries in Central Africa. 1872 ...................................... 1611.1 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Journey to Central Africa. 1854 ...................................... 699.4 -- Travels in South Africa. 1872 .............. 699.25 Thomas, C. W. Adventures and observations on the west coast of. 1860 ..................... 697.20 Thompson, G. Thompson in Africa; missionary labors, sufferings, etc., in Western Africa, [1848- 60] ....................................... 2095.6 Treasury of travel and adventure in. 1865 ..... 704.24 Verne, J. Five weeks in a balloon; or, journeys and discoveries in. [Fiction.] 1869, 70.1694.9; 1694.11 Werne, F. African wanderings. 1852. .409.29; 1655.10 Williams, C. Narratives and adventures of trav ellers in ................................... 1694.4 Wilson, J. L. Western Africa: its history, con dition, and prospects. 1856 .................. 938.1 Note. For the history of discovery in Africa down to the early part of this centurv, sec Murray [0112. 10], and for a more extended summary [697.19], while Macbrair s book [088.20] . is a popular account of explorations from the dava of Park down. Frost s book [698.20] is also a popular account of the is a popular account of explorations from the down. Frost s book [698.20] is also a popular a same description. See also Ternaux-Compans s bibliography, [B. H. 2151 .A] ; tlie Journal of tlio Royal geographical society, [B. H. 62o5.2] ; and the Quarterly review, 1851, or Living age, June 1, 1861. See illustrated paper by Lejean in Tour du mondc, [B. H. G291.1, 18fi2, vol. 1]. Northern Africa. See the names of the northern countries, Algeria, Algiers, Barbary, Egypt, Morocco, Susc, Tripoli, Tunis, etc., and the books above named by Barth, Cooke, Den- liam, Gerard, Hamilton, etc. Eastern Africa. See Abyssinia, Dongola. Nile, note, Nubia, etc., and the concise sketch of discovery [1694.1] by Raven- stein. Sec Lejean ."illustrated naper inTotirdu monde, [B. H. 6291.1, 1881, vol. 1]. The modern explorations began in 1849 with Krapf[ 1094. 1]> and the next explorer of importance was Burton [092.5], who subsequently cleared the way for the dis covery of the sources of the Nile (which see), in his Lake regions, [681.1 ; 681.3]; which combines a personal narrative, with the scientific views which he had alreadv presented in the Royal geographical society s journal, [Bl II. 626.5.2.29]. See also Blackwood, 1858 and 1859; the German work of Deckcn, [B. H. 0051.8]; Maclcod (above) : the illustrated paper in Tour du monde, [B. II. 0291.1, 1860, vol. 1]; and the recent book by Kerstcn, 1871, [B. II. 5031.8]. For the region about lake Tanganyika, discovered by Bur ton and Speke, 18.57, see those authors, and Stanley s search for Livingstone (above), while the latter s Zambesi, 1838-64 [681.9], takes the region still further south, and is reviewed in the Quarterly review, 1806, or Living age, no. 11,13. Bayard Taylor s compilation [1697.3], after giving a brief account of earlier explorations, summarizes the labors ot Bur- ton, Speke, and Baker for popular use. A French translation in Tour du monde gives new illu tions to Speke, [B. H. 0291.1. 1864, vol. 1]; Baker 6291.1, 1867, vol. 1]; Burton. [B. H. 029U; 1800], and Living stone, [B. H. 6291.1, I860, vol. 1, and 1866, vol. 1]. Southern Africa. See Cart raria, Cape of Good Hope, Kaffir, Natal, etc. Bayard Taylor s South Africa, in the Illustrated library of travel [099.24], gives a summary of explorations in this region to 1872. Among the earliest of the moderns was Lichtenstein, 1802-5, [B. ffi, in English. 3051.5]. Campbell, 1815, gave new information chiefly about the natives, [also in B. H. 6056.2]. Mofl at, 1842, increased our knowledge stra ker, [B. H. and Living maries of his labors, also 894.4], Hit Swedish botanist, Andcrsson [also in B. H. 3051.25; 5035.6] to his travels. The hunting recordsof Cumming, 1850, and Bald win. 1803, have also added to our knowledge. Anderson [B. H. 6291.1, 1800] and Baldwin [B. H. 6201.1, 1863, vol. 2] arc re produced in Tour du monde with new illustrations. See, beside Alexander, Backhouse, Casalis, Napier, Philip, all named above, the accounts of Barrow, [B. H. 6051.2]; Thompson, [B. H. 5054.25] ; Wangemann, 1808, [B.H.5054.14]; and on South-western Africa, Baines. 1861, 62, [B. H. 3056.8]; and Hamilton, on life and sport, [B. H. 5057.24]. For dia mond digging in South Africa, see Scribner s monthly, March, 1S73. AFRICA, continued. Western Africa. See Abbeokuta. For coast experiences, see titles above under Carncs, Foote [also in B. H. 5578.18], Huntley, Leonard, and Thomas. For inland adventures, sea Laing, and the missionaries, Wilson and Thompson. The chief interest rests with the works of Du Chaillu, whose Equatorial Africa, 18U1. raised a controversy, in which he was supported by Owen, Huxley, etc., and opposed by Gray, Waterton, etc., for which see the English journals and maga zines for 1881. W. W. Keade, in the Atltemcum, 1882. charged him with imposture, and in Rcade s Savage Africa, 1804 [also in B. II. 3054.3], that author further controverted Du Chaillu. Meanwhile the latter had again started, 1803, on new ex plorations to correct and verify with instruments the geo graphical positions of his first narrative, and in 1807 pub lished his Ashango-land [also in B. II. 5031.11], in the preface of which he explains his position, and his work is reviewed in the Westminster review, April, 18(57; Atlantic monthly, July. 1807; see also Living age, nos. 1190, 1196 and 1202. Du Ciiaillu reiterated in this new book his statements regarding the gorillas, which Reade controverted in the Amer ican naturalist, June, 1*57. Sr-e also Living age, uos. 892, 899 and 905; Atlantic monthly, Nov., 1803; Harper s monthly, vols. 23, 36 and 37. See under Du Chaillu for his popular little volumes on these subjects. For a paper on the canni bals of this region, see Hours at horn?, May. 1S>9. Fortlie region of Soudan, see Tour du monde, [13. H. 0291.1, 18J8, vol. 1]. Central Africa. Works enumerated under preceding heads in this article often coyer explorations towards the interior from their respective points. Modern discoveries are consid ered to beginwitliMungoPark,1795-97, [820.11; B. II. 3031.G; 5056.8; 50.59. 10; 6059a.8]. Then came Laing, Denliam, Clap- perton, CailliS [also in B. H. 3055.10], Lander [:!89.12] ; and in 1852, Cooley reviewed the results of the geographical study up (Ministrations , B . H. 0291.1, 1800; in English, 505.5.3], which elicited comment from hi<> master, Kitter, [B. H., in German, 4245.13. See also Kilter s Erdkunde [B. II. 2297.2], and.Gage s account of Baith in Harper s monthly, June, 1866. See W. W. Reade s heroes of Central Africa in Atlantic monthly, May. 1*>7; E. H.Derby s historical sketch of the ex plorations of the Niger (which see) in the number for Mav, 1861. See also in the Bates Hall catalogues. Chapman, [5056. 4]; Le Vaillant, [3058.1 ; 5058.2] ; Petherick [3055.19], and numer ous others. See Harper s monthly, vols. 13, 21 and 23; and a paper on the African desert in Chambers ? Papers [383.1.9]. See Sahara, and Missions, note. Baldwin s Pro-historic nations [1957.2], traces the connection of its earliest inhabitants with Arabian emigration. AFTER icebergs with a painter. Noble, L. L 634.5 AFTER the storm; or, .Jonathan and his neighbours in 1865-6. Skinner, J. E. H 1636.19 AGASSIZ, Louis, late of the royal navy of Great Britain, English traveller. Journey to Switzerland; in cluding a sketch of its history and inhabitants. London, 1833. 8 663.8 AQASSIZ, Louis (John Rudolph), naturalist, b. 1807. Lake Superior: its physical character, etc. With, a narrative of the tour, by J. E. Cabot. Illus trated. Boston, 1850. 8 624.1 See Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men 823.18 and Elizabeth C. Journey in Brazil. [Illus trated.] Boston, 1868. 8 1623.1 AGRICOLA, Cnaeus Julius, Roman general, b. 40, d. 93. Life of. See Tacitus, C. C v. 2 of 834.17; 872.11 AGUECHEEK. Fairbanks, C. B 666.13 AGUESSEAU, Henri Francois d , French orator and chancellor of France, b. 1668, d. 1751. See Biog raphies of eminent men from the 13th century. v. 3 of 839.0 AGCILAR, Ephraim Lopes Pereira, baron d , miser, b. about 1740, d. 1802. Goodrich, S. G. Curiosi ties of human nature v. 3 of 1869. 1 Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 AGUILAR, Grace. The women of Israel. New York, 1851. 2v. 12 766.12 AIKEN, John, M. D., b. 1747, d. 1822. Memoir of. With a selection of his pieces. See Aiken, L. . . . 575.6 AIKEN, Lucy, English authoress, b. 1781, d. 1864. Life of Joseph Addison, [English poet and essayist, b. 1672, d. 1719]. Philadelphia, 1816. P. 8. . . 584.2 Memoir of John Aiken, M. D., [b. 1747, d. 1822]. With a selection of his pieces. Philadelphia, 1824. 8 575.6 Memoirs of the court of Charles i, [1600-49]. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 v. 8 976.6 Memoirs of the court of James i, [1603-25]. 3d edition. [With portraits.] London, 1823. 2v. 8. 552.8 Memoirs of the court of Queen Elizabeth, [1558- 1603]. 6th edition. London, 1826. 2 v. 8 y . 554.3 AINSLIE, Henry F. Reminiscences of a Scottish gen tleman, commencing in 1787. By Philo Sootus, [pseud.]. London, 1861. 12 644.2 AINSLIK 10 ALFRED Shelf. No. AINSLIE, Hew. Pilgrimage to the land of Burns. [Anon.] Deptford, 1822. 16 645.6 AINSLIE, Whitelaw. Historical and descriptive ac count of British India. See Murray, H 810.51 AINSWORTH, William Francis. Researches in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldsea. London, 1838. 8.. 946.5 Travels and researches in Asia Minor, Mesopo tamia, Chaldea, and Armenia. [Illustrated.] London, 1842. 2 v. 12 688.5 Travels in the track of the ten thousand Greeks. [With map.] London, 1844. 12 687.12 AINSWORTH, William Harrison, English novelist, b. 1805. See Home, R. II. A new spirit of the age i 878.23 AKENSIDE, Mark, M. D., English poet, b. 1721, d. 1770. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets, v. 2 of 398.2 Bucko, C. Life, writings, and genius of 58G.16 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. . . v. 3 of 582.11 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 Tuckerrnan, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 1 of 548.5 Note. Dvce s is the most recent memoir of some extent, [8184:1318.1]. There are other brief accounts by Anderson, [B. H. 4604.1.0]; by Chalmers, [B. H. 2592.7.U]; and others [369.23], etc. See Alliboue. ALABAMA, Confederate cruiser. Browne, A. K. Story of the Kearsarge and Alabama 306.4 Semmes, R. The cruiso of the 308.11 Note. See Correspondence in the British parliamentary Accounts and papers, 1803, vol. 72 (bis). ALASKA. Dall, W. II. Alaska and its resources. 1870 1636.21 Whympor, F. Travels and adventures in. 1869.1636.14 Kote. Whympcr, us artist [sec also in French, B. H. 6291.1, 1869, vol. 2], and Dull, ns scientific observer, were both connected with the expedition despatched, before the success of the Atlantic cable, to survey a telegraphic route to Asia and Enrope by Bchring e straits, and the former s book is more popular, while the Tatter s is more elaborate, pall gives a full list of authorities, and other lists will be found in .1. R. Browne s Pacific slope [ B. H. 4375.15, p. 598], und in Whympcr, p. 58. Sec Simmer s Speech on the purchase of Alaska, [B. II. 2567.15] ; and reports to the government in the United States documents for 1870. Popular accounts of the territory will be found in Hartwig s Polar world, [7W.14]; Hours at home, [1844.1.5]; Atlantic monthly, June, 1867 ; Harper s monthly, 1867 and 1869; and Lippincott s magazine, Feb. and Nov., 1808. ALBA, or ALTA, Duke of. See Alvarez, Fernando. ALBEMARLE, Duke of. See Monk, George. ALBERONI, Giulio, Italian cardinal, minister of Philip V, b. 1664, d. 1752. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 4 of 388.7 ALBERT [Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emanuel], prince consort, b. 1819, d. 1861. Bravo men s footsteps 1559.5 Victoria, A., queen of England. The early years of 1556.1 ALBERT EDWARD, prince of Wales, b. 1851. Royalty in the New World; or, the prince of Wales in America. See Cormvallis, K 638. 15 ALBERT NYANZA, The, great basin of the Nile. Ba ker, Sir S. W 672.3 ALBIGENSES, History of the crusades against the, in the thirteenth century. Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L 949.5 Note. Sec the authorities on the Middle ages, and the Wal- denses, etc. ; the general ecclesiastical histories ; and references in Malcom s Index, and McClintock and Strong s Cyclopaedia. There is a popular account in James s Dark scenes of history. ALJIONI, Marietta, comtesse do Pepoli, Italian singer, 6.1824. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song .. 591.2 ALBRET, Jeanne d . See Joanne d Albret. ALBUFERA, Due d . See Suchet, Louis Gabriel. ALBUQUERQUE, Alfonso d , Portuguese conqueror in India, b. 1453, d. 1513. See. Paiton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 ALCESTE, Voyage in Her Majesty s ship, to the Yellow sea, etc., [1816, 17]. MacLeod, J 696.11 ALCIBIADES, Greek statesman and general, b. B. c. about 450, d. B. c. 404. See Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times v. 2 of 1869. 1 ALCOCK, Sir Rutherford. The capital of the Tycoon: narrative of a three years residence in Japan. With illustrations. New York, 1863. 2 v. 12. 698.28 Shelf. No. ALCOTT, Amos Bronson. Concord days. Boston, 1872. 12 909.23 ALCOTT, Louisa M. Hospital sketches. Boston, 1863. 16 307.10 ALCOTT, AVilliam A. Forty years in the wilderness of pills and powders. [Anon.] Boston, 1859. 12. 536.10 ALDEN, Henry M. Harper s pictorial history of the great rebellion. See Guernsey, A. H 271.1 ALDROVANDI, or ALDROVANDUS, Ulysses, Italian natu ralist and author, b. 1522, d. 1605. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 17 of 179.1 ALECK, and the mutineers of the Bounty. See Smith, Capt. A 2089.3 ALEMBERT, Jean lo Rond d , French philosopher and mathematician, b. 1717, d. 1783. Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. Tho boyhood of great men. .548.13; 549.30 ALEPPO to Jerusalem, Journey from, [1697]. Maun- drell, H 684.9 ALEXANDER the great, king of Macedonia, b. B. c. 356, d. B.C. 323. Abbott, J. History of 549.1 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. v. 2 of 1869.1 Williams, J. Life and actions of 399.12; 810.8 ALEXANDER I, Paulowitch, emperor of Russia, b. 1777, d. 1825. Last days of. See Lee, R 547.16 ALEXANDER III, king of Scotland, b. 1241, d. 1285. See Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies. v. 1 of 399.9 ALEXANDER VI (Rodrigo Borgia), pope, b. 1430 or 31, d. 1503. Lifeof. See. Gordon, A 544.2 ALEXANDER, Archibald, D. D. Biographical sketch es of tha founder, and principal alumni of tho Log college. Princeton, N. J., 1845. 12 1089.8 ALEXANDER, Wr Janios E. Expedition into the inte rior of Africa. [With illustrations.] London, 1838. 2 v. 12 688.4 L Acadie; or, seven years explorations in British America. [With illustrations.] London, 1849. 2 v. 12 626.8 ALEXANDER, James Waddell, American divine, b. 1804, d. 1859. See Fowler, H. The American pulpit. 534.9 ALEXANDRIA, Tyre and. Tarbox, I. N 644.16 ALFIERI, Vittorio, count, Italian poet, b. 1749, d. 1803. Autobiography. Translated, with an Essay on the genius and times of Alfieri, by C. E. Lester. New York, 1845. 12 5-14.6 Copping, E. Life aad adventures 544.5 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. v. 2 of 398.1 Note. Altieri s Autobiography is the chief dependence for a history of his career, [also in B. H.. in English, 2774.7; and in Italian, 1046.2; B. H. 2774.1.7; H74.6; 2775.0.2]. It has been reviewed by Jefl rev, [8TC!.6]. See also Southcy, in Quarterly review, Jan., 1816 ; Edinburgh review, 1861, or no. 899 of Liv ing age, for a paper on Alncri and the Countess of Albany; National quarterly review, March, 1867. See further the his tories of Italian literature, like Sismondi s, etc. ; Villemain, [B. H. 2072.7.6]; Schlcgel s Lectures on the drama, [818.7.1]; and Longfellow s Poets of Europe, [322.1]. See Howitt [896.3.2] for his residence in England. ALFONSO I, king of Portugal, b. 1094, d. 1185. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 ALFRED the great, king of England, b. 849, d. 901. Abbott, J. History of 559.1 Asser. Life of 846.4 Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent liter ary and scientific men of Great Britain. . . . v. 1 of 398.3 Giles, J. A. Life and times of 552.1 Hughes, T. Life of 558. 17 Pauli,R. Lifeof 856.4 Tales of heroes 654.15 Tweedie, W. K. Tho life and work of earnest men 555.13 jfote. See the histories of England, and particularly Tur ner s Anglo-Saxons, [965.1; B. H. 4175.12]; and Freeman s Norman conquest, [B. H. 4515.1]; and for his literary char acter, chapters in book 5 of Turner; Warton s English poetry, [B. H. 4573.26] ; Longfellow s Poets of Europe, [322. IT ; and a chapter in Merryweather s Bibliomania in the middle ages [B. H. 2123.5], with general works on the Anglo-Saxon litera ture. The life by Giles is the most elaborate; though a Ger- ALFRED 11 A LORD ALFRED the great, continued. man biography by Pauli [B. H. 2418.10] has been translated fas above]. Spclman s life [B. H. 2444.19] was too early, 1/09 for modem investigation, which was illustrated iii the essays which accompanied the Jubilee edition of Alfred s works 1853, [B. H. 2003.11J; while Hughes, in bin popular narrative has availed himselt of the latest results. See Allibone s article; and Guizot s essay, [1073.14 1 2065.12]. ALGER, William R. History of the cross of Christ. Boston, 1858. pp.95. 18 ALGERIA. Crawford, M. S. Through Algeria. 1863. Ditson, G. L. The crescent and the French cru saders in. 1859 Gerard, (C.) J. (B.) Lion hunting and sporting life in. 1857 Naphegyi, G. Among the Arabs. Narrative of adventures in. 1868 St. Marie, Count . Algeria in 1845 Walmsley, H. M. Sketches of Algeria during the Kabyle war, [1857] Note. The region now known by this name was previoua to the French conquest [see Nettement s narrative, B. H. 1089.9 684.17 918.17 1639.4 1675.9 698.23 689.19 ipti possession, see the country and its people since the French Girardin s Civilization in Algeria, in French, il063.1i!]; Feydeau s "Alger," reviewed in St. James maga zine, 18U3, or" Living age, Aug. 1, ISfri; Ross Browne s Whirl through Algeria, [10U5.11 ; Dumas s Tales of Algeria, [7. !5.4] ; Miss Edwards s Winter with the swallows. [B. U. 5053.251; Lady Herbert s travels, [B. II. 3053.50;) ; and the review of Al gerian literature in North British review, 1859, or Living age, no. 779. See Africa, note; and articles in Lippinoott s maga zine, 1873. ALGIERS. Bowen, A. The naval monument; with an account of the war with Algiers. 1816 215.11 Campbell, T. Letters from the South: written during a journey to. 1836 698.25 Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams in. 1870. . 1653.1 Davies, E. W. L. Algiers in 1857 918.3 Lamping, 0. The French in. 1845 889.1s Pope, H. E. The Corsair and his conqueror: a winterin. 1860 688.15 Shaler, W. Sketches of. 1826 915.4 Temple, Sir G. T. Excursion in. 1835 1675.2 AW*. See Algeria, note. ALI PASHA, vizier of Epirus, b. 1741? d. 1822. Life of. Set Davenport, R. A 379.15 ALISON, Sir Archibald, Scottish judge and historian, b. 1792, d. 1867. History of Europe, 1789-1815. New York, 1848-50. 4 v. 8 943.1 Same. Epitome. London, 1863. 12 947.7 History of Europe, 1815-54. New York, 1855, 58. 3 v. 8 943.2 Miscellaneous essays, Philadelphia, 1850. 8.. 863.5 See Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criti cism v. 2 of 885.1 Kate. See obituary in Blackwood, July, 1807, and refer ences in Allibone on his character as a historian. ALLAN, David, Scotch painter, b. 1744, d. 1796. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 6 of 379.9; v. 5 of 819.19 ALLAN, George. Life of Sir Walter Scott, [Scotch novelist, poet, and historian, b. 1771, d. 1832]; with critical notices of his writings. Edinburgh, 1834. 8 , 585.1 ALLEGHANY mountains, Letters from the, [1848]. Lanman, C 628.11 ALLEGRI, Antonio, called Correggio, Italian painter, b. 1494, d. 1534. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 2 of 840.23 Jervis-WbJte-Jervis, M,, lady. Stories of boy- genius from the lives of great paiatem .,.,..,,. 555.9 ffote.-^See Oehlenschlaeger s tragedy [13.57.4], and Mrs. Jameson s critique upon it, [B. H. C578.29]; also the note under Fainting, Italian school. ALLEN, David 0. India ancient and modern. [With map.] Boston, 1856. 8 934.1 ALLEN, Ethan, American revolutionary colonel, b, 173 7, rf. 1789. Narrative of captivity. By himself. Sdedition. Burlington, 1838. 12 528.18 Same. 4th edition. Burlington, 1846. 12., 528.17 B-e Puy, H. W. Ethan Allen and the Green- mountain heroes of 76 528.16 Shelf. No. ALLEN, Ethan, continue !. Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Moore, H. Memoir of 528.19 Sparks, J. Life of. ..v. 2of 518.5; 528.22; v. 1 of 529.1 Note. See paper by Lossing in Harper s monthly, vol. 17, and the histories of the American revolution. ALLEN, Mrs. Francos, wife of Ethan Allen. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. v. 2 of 538.13 ALLEN, George. Life of Philidor, [chess player, b. 1727, d. 1795]. Philadelphia, 1863. 8 1583.5 ALLEN, Henry Watkins, brigadier -general of the Con federate states army, b. 1820, d. 1866. Recollec tions of. See Dorsey, S. A 1554.1 ALLEN, Joseph. Battles of the British navy. New edition. [With portraits.] London, 1852. 2 v. 12 825.1 Life of [Thomas Cochrane], earl of Dundonald, [English admiral, b. 1775, d. I860]. With illus trations. London, 1861. 16 579.18 ALLEN, Rev. Joseph H. Hebrew men and times. Boston, 1861. 12 113.18 ALLEN, Paul. History of the expedition of Lewis and Clarke, [1804-6]. New York, 1845-47. 2 v. 18 , 820.52 ALLEN, Rowland H. New-England tragedies in prose. Boston, 1869. 12 1123.2 Contents. The coming ofthe quakers; The witchcraft de lusion. fiote. This is written in elucidation of Longfellow s " New England tragedies." ALLEN, William, D. D., b. 1784, d. 1868. Accounts of shipwreck and other disasters at sea. [Anon.~\ Brunswick, Me., 1823. 8 699.18 Junius unmasked; or Lord Saekville proved to bo Junius. [Anon.] [With portrait,] Boston, 1828. 12 877.11 Memoir of John Codman, D. D., [b. 1782, d. 1847]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1853. 8 534.8 ALLEN, AVilliam. English chemist and philanthropist, b. 1770, d. 1843. Men who were earnest 549.40 Steel, R. Lives made sublime by faith and works 577.13; 577.16 ALLEN, William, Roman catholic cardinal, b. about 1532, d. 1594. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 ALLEN, Capt. William, and THOMSON, T. R. H. Ex pedition to the river Niger, in 1841. [With illustrations.] London, 1848. 2 v. 8 = 693.9 \LLEYN, Edward,/ou*ii(T of Dulwich college, b. 1566, d. 1626. Memoirs of. See Collier, J. P 342.1 ALLEYN papers, The. See Collier, J. P 342.17 ALLISON, William C., Pennsylvania manufacturer, b. 1817. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of prog ress 522.16 ALLSTON, Washington, American painter and poet, b. 1779, d. 1843, Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscellanies v. 2 of 1815.5 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs and essays illustra tive of art, literature, and social morals , . 876.14 Ware, W. Lectures on the works and genius of. . 208.11 Note. The fullest account of Allston is in Tuckerman g Book oftho artists [B. H. 8072.20], based on his contribution to Appleton s Cyclopaedia: the article in the Encyclopaedia Americana is by Edmund T. Dana, a nephew of Allston s. The account in Dnyckinck s Cyclopaedia of American litera ture contains Washington Irving s reminiscences of Allston, which are reprinted in thelatter s Spanish papers, [1815.5.2]. The most elaborate criticism on his art is Ware s book ; but in addition may be named Sarah Clarke s articie in the Atlan tic, Feb., 181)5; Jarves, in his Art-idea, [B. H. 4099.23] j Mrs. Jameson s "Studies," [B. H, 6578.29]; and Dunlap s Arts of design, [202.1]. See also Dr. Holmes in the North American, vol. 50; Leslie s Autobiography, [887.18] j Lowells " Cam bridge thirty years ago, [813.:!]; the paper by Charles Sum- ner, [883.8]; estimates by Dana [ j J3. J.2] and Margaret Fuller [403.18] ;) the art novel, "Ernest Carroll," [497.9]. See Painting in the United States, note. LLOMPRA, or ALOM-PRAW, Birmese politician and sol dier, b. 1710? d. 1760. See Davenport, R. A. Lives of eminent individuals, who raised them selves from poverty to eminence 379.13 LORD, George. Narrative and military experience. N.p.,n.d. pp.64. 16 1529.25 ALPINE 12 AMERICA Shelf. No ALPINE club. Ball, J. Peaks, passes, and glaciers. Excursions by members of the. 1859. . .660.12; 1666.1 Kennedy, E. S. Peaks, passes, and glaciers; be ing excursions by members of the. 1862 664 ALPS. Brockodon, W. Excursions in the. 1845... 663.13 Forbes, J. D. Travels through the Alps of Savoy. 1843 663.2 Headloy, J. T. The Alps and the Rhine. 1851. 676.18 Hinchliff, T. W. Summer months among the. 1857 667.14 Johnson, A. C. The cottages of tho. 1860 665.18 Murray, J. Handbook for the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. 1854 649.18 Muston, A. Tho Israel of the. 1852 879.13 Tschudi, F. von. Sketches of nature in the. 1858. 1655.1 - Tyndall, J. Tho glaciers of the. 1860 665.4; 665.7 Hours of exorcise in the. 1871 667.23 Mountaineering in 1861 664.3 Wills, A. "Tho eagle s nest "in the valley of Sixt. A summer home among the. 1860 665.16 Wanderings among tho high Alps. 1856 665.2 Note. See Switzerland, note. ALSTON, Theodosia Burr, daughter of Aaron Burr, b. 1783, d. 1812. Sec Parton, J. Famous Ameri cans of recent times 1522.7 ALVA, Duke of. See Alvarez, F. ALVAREZ, Fernando, duke of Alba, or Alva, Spanish noble, viceroy of the Netherlands, b. 1508, d. 1582. See James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great com manders 557.6 AMARI, Michele. History of tho war of the Sicilian vespers. Edited by tho Earl of Ellesmere. Lon don, 1850. 3 v. 12 915.6 AMARU, Tupac. See Tupac-Amaru. AMAZON, river. Adalbert, H. W. Travels: with a voy age up the. 1849 633.11 Edwards, W. H. Voyage up tho. 1847. .635.15; 889.15 Herndon, W. L. Exploration of the valley of tho. 1854 622.1 Orton, J. Tho Andes and the Amazon. 1870... 1637.8 Warren, J. E. Para; or, scones and adventures on the banks of tho. 1851 636.30 See Brazil, America (South). Bnlflnch s Eldorado [1G2G.1] gives a popular account of its discovery and exploration. AMAZON, steamship, Narrative of the loss of the, Jan. 4, 1852 989.9 AMBOISE, George d , French cardinal and minister of Louis XI, archbishop of Rouen, b. 1460, d. 1510. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 1 of 388.7 AMBUOGIOTTO. See Giotto. AMBROSIUS, father of the Latin church, bishop of Milan , b. 340, d. 397. See Wilson, W. Tho popular preachers of the ancient church 555.20 AMERICA. Batcheldor, S., jr. Tho young men of .. 218.2 Baxloy, H. W. What I saw on the west coast of, [1860-62] 672.1 Brinton, I). G. The myths of the Now World. . . 2085.2 Donison, J. L. Pictorial history of the New World. 1860 305.8 Dunster, H. P. The discoveries of Columbus and of tho English in, [1492-1750] 269.2 Esquomeling, J. History of tho buccaneers of. .. 254.3 Everett, A. H. America: or, a survey of the po- litical situation of tho several powers. 1827. . . 297.3 Fitzgerald, W. Historic certainties respecting the early history of 868.15 Goodrich, S. G. Lights and shadows of American history v. 7 of 1869.1 Gordon, T. F. History of, [1435-1520] 259.9 Helps, A. The Spanish conquest in [1344-1556], and its relation to slavery 254.2 Holmes, A. Annals of, [1492-1826] 304.9 Humboldt, (F. H.) A. von. Researches concern ing the ancient inhabitants of. 1814 256.2 Jones, G. History of ancient America [to B. c. 332J 254.1 Kohl, J. G. Popular history of tho discovery of, from Columbus to Franklin, f!0th-19th century]. 308.4 nn,kisto>-f ,:P.>W;-a.>iv of. rSW 3ft TV* -* ^/U.LA.- j Boilojc r-l!,^ I..Uj Bu lU-h^, -7J7..3*. *>-*,, - Local h.Story , CWfcAi st, &..Hrt,,* r fr a ,3(. n- Ze, (it s eavcrj Shelf. No. AMERICA, continued. Mason, F. Sketches of travels in. 1870 ....... 1536.2 Morse, A. Further traces of the ancient North men in. 1861 .............................. 299.21 Pumpelly, R. Across America, [1860-66] ...... 1623.5 Robertson, W. History of tho discovery and set tlement of, [1246 -1632] ........... 830.5 ; v. 1 of 943.4 Robins, E. Tales from American history, [for youths] .................................... 1859.7 Schole de Vere, M. The romance of American history .................................... 228.21 Smith, J. T. The discovery of America by the Northmen in the tenth century ............... 309.6 Note,. Pre-Columbian history, etc. The best summarized account for the general reader is Baldwins Ancient America, [B. II. 4318.0]. For traces of the early civilisation in Mexico, Central America and Peril, see Dointnec.h, [1122.7.1]; Me- Culloh s Aboriginal America. [B. H. -13W.i !]; Ferguson * History of architecture, [B. H. 410-".!)]; mid the Edinburgh review, 187,or Living age, no. 1200, on the archeology of America. See Mexico, Peru, etc. For Scandinavian claims to the discovery of America before the voyage of Columbus, see Northmen, nn e. See Williams s Enquiry concerning the discovery by the Welsh under Madoc, in 1170[B. H. 4319.2], in which is held, contrary to Lyttleton and Robertson, that there were vestiges of that discovery re maining nt that time, 1791. The evidence regarding these and other Pre-Columbian discoveries is reviewed bv Domcnech. [022.7.1] ; and hv Robinson, [B. II. 4302.1.,]. A Freneh work byGatrard [B. H. 4412.1,)] compasses (lie subject in three, as pects: 1st. Myths, (Atlantides, Atlantes, etc.) ; 2d, Tradition, (Jews. Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, the explorers of the middle ages, etc.) ; and, 3d, History. (Northmen, the Venetian Zsni.downto Columbus). The question of the knowledge of the ancients regarding a new continent is discussed by Humboldt, [B. II. 4311!.!]. For the claims of Martin Behaim to the discovery of tho Brazilian coast in 1481. see Ghillany, [B. H., in German, 4300.18]; and Uelknap s Discourse in commemoration of Co lumbus, [B. H. 4318.3], See a popular Account of Pre-Colum bian discovery in Chambers s Papers, [. 180.1. fi] ; and Baldwin s summary in his Pre-historic nations, [1957.2]. Columbian and Post- Columbian dCwomry. The general reader -will find summaries more or less full in Bancroft, [302.1]; Drake s Boston, f 222.1] ; hossin It s Field-book, [211.1]; and Tuckerman s America, [B. II. 23ti8.7]. The more exact inquirer will follow the later investigations of the voyages of Columbus, like Xavarrettc[B. H., the French annotated trans lation, 4307.6], noon which Irving founded his Columbus [389. .I, etc., see Columbus, note], and such early collections if voyages as De Dry, [B. II. 2:V.i0.2i .]: Ilakluyt, [B. H. 2204.8]; Purclirui s Pilgriii)UL,v<; beside Robinson, discoveries to 1,519, nnd voyages. 1520-7:!, [B. H. 4362.13]; Verazzano, along the coast from Carolina to Newfoundland. 1.B4, [B. H. 4373.12, new series, vol. 1] ; and later, De Vries, [B. H. 23<i0.2; 2360.19 ; 4373.1 ., ]; and the modern collection of Terunux-Compang, [B. H. 23HU]. See also Vespucci, Cibot, Hudson, Drake, Chanipltiin, Smith f John), etc. ; and the publication? of the Hakluyt society, [B. H. 2204.1. et seg.]. Amo ngthe principal crUieal summaries of recent years arc Humboldt s, ISK-yO [B. II. 4310.1], who used for the first time Juan de la Cosa s chart, l. r >00, which is given by Stevens in fac-siniile, [B. II. 4412.11 ]; Santarcm, on the "Voyagei of Americu* vespucius, [B. H. 2318.22]; Kunstmann s work, 1859, [B. IT., in German. 2310. 11, with atlas] : Kohl s Discovery of Maine [B. II. 2339.1, 2d series, vol. 1, with numerous mapu, A.I>. 140IMGOG], which, however, covers 990-1578, and pertains to the whole eastern coast of America, and in which he ad vances views at variance with those of D Avczac,in the appen dix, regarding the Cabots; and Stcvens s Notes. 1453-15;[B. H. 4412.12], in which he contends that in the earliest charts there is an entanglement of the north-east coast lines of America and Asia. There is a f ac-simiJc of Ptolemy s map, 1513, in Bates Hall, [4410.18]. For further on tho old maps, see Stevens, [B. H. 4412.12] ; Kohl s description of the maps in vol. 3 of Hakluyt, [B. H. 4:455.19]; and those in his Discovery of Mnine. etc. ; Humboldt s Essay on the oldest maps, [B. II. 4360.18]. See also Major s History of the naming of America, [B. H. 2240.22]. The bibliography of the subject hardlv attracted attention till a little more than forty years ago, when the collection of books on America received an impulse from the zeal of Obadiah Rich. See his lists [B. II. 2152.4-0], and those of Ternaux- Compans, [down to 1700, B. H. 2152.11]; of Stevens. [B. H. 2152.28; 4412.11; 4412.12; 4402.13; 01 52.9 ; 0152.10] ; of Harrisse, [1492-1551, B. II. 2150.21 ; 0152.2 ; and for new France, 1545-1700, 6158.14]. Also the incomplete bibliography of Sabin,[B. II. 2159.2]. See also the various divisions under their several names, us Brazil, Northmen, United States, etc. AMERICA, Central and South. Baily, J. Central America. 1850 ............ 266.4 Bishop, N. H. Tho Pampas and Andes. A thou sand miles walk across South America. 1869.. 1637.5 Brackonridge, H. M. Voyage to South America, [1817,18] ................................. 633.19 Crowe, F. The Gospel in Central America. 1850. 1087.4 Froebel, J. Seven years travel in Central Amer ica, [1850-55] .............................. 622.4 Hassaurok, F. Four years among Spanish- Amer icans. 1857 ................................ 1637.2 Hinchliff, T. W. South American sketches. 1863. 673.8 Humboldt, (F. H.) A. von. Personal narrative of travels to tho equinoctial regions of, [1799-1804]. 8 16. 13 > mTiuTLS rri, AMERICA 13 ANGUS Shelf. No. AMERICA, Central and South, continued. Hutchinson, T. J. The Parana; with incidents of the Paraguayan war, and South American recollections, [1861-68] 1623.3 Macgillivray, W. Travels and researches of A. von Humboldt in the equinoctial regions of, [1799-1804] 810.54 Morelot, A. Travels in Central America. 1871.. 634.22 Myers, H. M. Life and nature under the tropics. 1871 637.29 Paez, R. Travels and adventures in. 18G8 1637.6 Wild scenes in South America. 1862 634.14 Roberts, 0. W. Narrative of voyages and excur sions in Central America. 1827 830.35 Scherzer, C. Travels in the free States of Central America. 1857 638.2 Squier, E. G. Notes on Central America. 1855. 263.1 The states of Central America. 1858 263.7 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Central America, [1839,40] 621.5; 621.10 Treasury of travel and adventure in South Amer ica. 1865 704.24 Waterton, C. Wanderings in South America, [1812, 16, 20, 24] 633.16 tfote. Sec notes under Mexico and Peru. There is n popu lar account of the ruined cities of Central America in Cham- bers s Papers, [885.1.!!]; and the illustrated travels of Mareov, running through several years of Tour du monde, [B. H. 6291.1, 1862, etc.]. See alto Amazon, Andes, Argentine confederation, Brazil, Chili, Chinpas, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Mosquito shore, Pauama. Poru. AMERICA, North. Alexander, Sir J. E. L Acadie ; or, seven years explorations in British America, [1841-48] 626.8 Baird, R. Impressions and experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849 628.6 Buckingham, J. S. America, historical, statistic, and descriptive. 1841 624.4 Chambers, W. Things as they are in. 1854. 627.22; 1634.26 Corn wall is, K. Royalty in the Now World; or, the prince of Wales in. 1860 638.15 Dickons, C. (J. H.) American notes, [1841] 471.20 Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain: a record of travel in English-speaking countries, [1866, 67]. 1654.11; 1654.12 Disturnell, J. The great lakes, or inland seas of. 1863 1639.8 Franchere, G. Narrative of a voyage to the northwest coast of, [1811-14] 626.7 Gasparin, A. (ft.), comtc de. America before Eu rope. 1862 634.9 Gass, P. Voyages and travels under the command of Lewis and Clarke, through the interior parts of, [1804-6] 625.6 Johnston, J. F. W. Notes on. 1851 624.16 Kip, W. I. The early Jesuit missions in. 1846. .1088.12 Lanman, C. Adventures in the wilds of the British American provinces. 1856 623.3 Adventures in the wilds of. 1854 409.16 Long, G. The geography of. 1841 365.3 Lyell, Sir G. Travels in, [1841, 42] 628.1 Mackenzie, Sir A. Voyages from Montreal to the Frozen and Pacific oceans, [1789. 93] 625.19 Murray, C. A. Travels in, [1834-36] 639.3 Murray, H. Historical account of discoveries and travels in. 1829 625.14 Historical and descriptive account of British America. 1848 820.8 Parkman, F. France and England in. 1865-69. 306.1 Robinson, C. Account of discoveries in the West until 1519, and voyages to North America, [1520-73] 625.1 Shirreff, P. Tour through North America, [1833]. 624.10 Simpson, T. Narrative of the discoveries on the north coast of; by the officers of the Hudson s bay company, [1836-39] 625,2 Smiles, . Journey across North America. 1871. 646,23 Stansbury, P. Pedestrian tour in, [1821] 629.22 Stuart, J. Three years in, [1828-32] 639.6 Sutcliff, R, Travels in some parts of, [1804-6]. . 628.29 Shelf. No. AMERICA, North, continued. Treasury of travel and adventure in. 1865 704.24 Trollope, A. North America, [1861] 634.8 1635.1; 1639.22 Wakefield, E. G. England and America. A comparison of the social and political state of. 1834 645.1 Warburton, G. Hoohelaga; or, England in the New World. 1846 627.19; 1629.1 Weld, I. Travels through the states of, [1795- 97] 625.15 See also Alleghany mountains, Assiniboine expedition, Canada, Greenland, Hudson s bay territory, Lake of the Woods, Mexico, Nicaragua, Nova Scotia, United States, etc. AMERICAN adventure by land and sea. New York, 1847. 2 v. 18 820.68 AMERICAN anecdotes. Child, L. M 216.13 AMERICAN colonies. See United States, History, Colo nial period. AMERICAN factories and their female operatives. 1845. Scoresby, W 196.21 AMERICAN family, An, in Paris. With illustrations. New York, 1869. 16 1669.2 AMERICAN girl abroad. Trafton, A 645.24 AMERICAN literature. See United States. AMERICAN note-books, Passages from the. Haw thorne, N 1817.19; 1817.21; 1817.27 AMERICAN pioneers and patriots. See Abbott, J. S. C. 228.23; 1527.6 AMERICAN revolution. See United States, History, The revolution and preceding controversy. AMERICAN statesman, The; or life of Daniel Webster, b. 1782, d. 1852. See Banvard, J 526.24 AMERICAN theatre, History of the. 1852. Dunlap, W. 353.5 AMERICAN whims, Hits at. Sawyer, F. W 297.23 AMERICAN S guide, The. Philadelphia, n. d. 12.. 299.7 Content*.-^ The declaration of independence; The articles of confederation; The constitution of the United States; The constitutions of the several states. AMERICANS, Notions of the. Cooper, J. F. ..629.12; 665.19 AMES, Fisher, American politician, b. 1758, d. 1808. Works. Edited by S. Ames. [With portrait.] Boston, 1854. 2 v. 8 524.8; 872.4 Contents. Vol.1. Letters (preceded by his life). II. Speech es ; Political essays. See Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revo lution 528.1 Note. See North American review, Jan., 1855; Parker s American oratory, [866.;!] ; and papers by George JUmt ,888.7]. AMES, Mary Clemmer. Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Gary, with somo of their later poems. Illustrated by portraits. New York, 1873. 16 1564.1 AMHEHST, Jeffrey, lord, English general, b. 1717, d. 1797. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 AMMIANUS MARCELLINTJS, soldier and historian, d. 390? Roman history. Translated by C. D. Yonge. London, 1862. P. 8 833.6 AMONG the pines. Gilmore, J. R 298.15 AMOOR. Atkinson, T. W. Travels in the regions of the. 1860 681.2; 682.8 Collins, P. M. Overland explorations in the great Amoor river country, [1856,67] 682.10 Voyages down the, [1856, 67] 677.22 Ravensiein, E. G. The Russians on the Amur. 1861 924.6 .Vote. See Asia, Russia. Also Harper s monthly, vols. 17, 21 and S7, and Tour du monde, [B. H. 6291.1, I860]. AMORY, Thomas C. Life of James Sullivan, [gover nor of Massachusetts, b. 1744, d. 1808] : with selections from his writings. Boston, 1859. 2 v. 8 522.1 AMUSEMENTS, Ancient and modern. Smith, H 810.31 ANAM, Account of. See China, etc 825.8 ANCIENT cities, Ruins of. Bucko, C 379.6; 820.38 ANGUS MARCITJS, 4fA king of Rome, d. B. 0*614. See Laing, C. H. B. The seven kings of the seven hills 959.15 ANDERSEN ANTARCTIC Shelf. No. ANDERSEN, Hans Christian, Danish poet and novelist, b. 1805. Pictures of travel in Sweden, among the Hartz mountains, and in Switzerland, with a visit at Charles Diokens s house. New York, 1871. 16 668.22 A poet s bazaar. Pictures of travel in Germany, Italy, Greece, and the Orient. New York, 1871. 16 657.21 In Spain and a visit to Portugal. New York, 1870. 16 -.... 675.20 The true story of my life. Translated by M. Howitt. London, 1847. 12 546.23 See Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 ANDERSON, Fortescue L. M. Seven months residence in Russian Poland in 1863. London, 1864. 16. 928.16 ANDERSON, Rufus, D.D. The Hawaiian islands: their progress and condition under missionary labors. With illustrations. Boston, 1864. 12. 264.11 ANDERSONYILLE prison. Goss, W. L. The soldier s story of his captivity at 276.3 Hamlin, A. C. Martyria; or 276.1 ANDERSSON, Charles J. Lake Ngami; or, four years wanderings in Southwestern Africa, [1850-55]. With illustrations. Now York, 1856. 12 697.4 Same. 2d edition. London, 1856. 8 692.2 The Okavango river. With illustrations. New York, 1861. 8 683.16 ANDES. Head, Sir F. B. Rough notes during jour neys among the. 1846 889.22 Holton, I. F. New Granada: twenty months in the. 1857 633.2 Myers, H. M. Life and nature under the tropics; or, sketches of travel among the. 1871 637.29 Orton, J. The Andes and the Amazon. 1870... 1637.8 Rickard, F. I. Mining journeys across the groat Andes. 1863 935.24 Note. See America (South), and tho various countries in tersected by these mountains. Also Harper s monthly, vols. 13, 17, 30, 37 and 40. ANDR&, John, major of the British army in America, during the revolutionary war, b. 1751, ex. as a spy, 1780. Sargent, W. Life and career of 514.5 Smith, J. H. Authentic narrative 6f the causes which led to the death of 565.3 Note. See papers by Lossing in Harper s monthly, vols. 3 and 23; Atlantic monthly. Doe., I860; lives of Benedict Ar nold , Lossing s Field-book, [211.1]; and other genera] his tories of the revolution. ANDREA DEL SARTO. See Vannucchi, Andrea. ANDUEINI, Isabella, Italian actress and poetess, b. 1562, d. 1604. See Trollope, T. A. A decade of Ital ian women v. 2 of 543.14 ANDREW, John Albion, governor of Massachusetts, b. 1818, d. 1867. Browne, A. G., jr. Sketch of the official life of, with his valedictory address, Jan. 5, 1866 1529.3 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 Mote. A. G. Browne, jr., the governor s private-secretary duringhis official term, published a sketch of his public career in the North American review. Jan., 18i!8. which enlarged, and including the valedictory address, constitutes the memoir above named. His pastor, J. F. Clarke, printed a memorial sketch in Harper a monthly, vol.. f(i. Sec other eulogies m Liv ing age, Doc. 7, 1*57, Edw in P. Whiuplr, s address before the Boston city council, will bo found in liis " Success and its con ditions " [895.21], and elsewhere. See Massachusetts, note. ANDREWS, Alexander. The eighteenth century; or, illustrations of the manners and customs of our grandfathers. London, 1856. 12 988.2 History of British journalism, to 1855. London, 1859. 2 v. 8 395.1 ANDREWS, C. C. Minnesota and Dakotah, in 1856. 2d edition. Washington, 1857. 12 237.10 ANDREWS, Joseph. Journey from Buenos Ayres to Potosi and Santiago do Chili, 1825-26. London, 1827. 2v. 16 637.11 ANDREWS, Sidney. Tho South since tho war. Bos ton, 1866. 16 276.7 ANDREWS, Rev. William W. Eulogy on John Cotton Smith, [b. 1765, d. 1835]. See Smith, J. C... 898.6 ANDROS, R. S. S. Tho United States customs guide, Boston, 1859. 12 309.13 Shelf. No. ANDRYANE, Alexandre. Memoirs of a prisoner of state in the fortress of Spielberg, [1824-32]. Translated by F. Prandi. London, 1842. 2 v. 12 544.10 ANECDOTES. Child, L. M. American anecdotes.... 216.13 Broglio Solari, C. II., marchese. Private anecdotes of foreign courts 1005.5 ANGELICO DA FIESOLE, Frd. See Fiesole, Giovanni Guido da. ANGIOLLOTTO. See Giotto. ANGLO-AMERICAN literature and manners. Chasles, V. E. P 404.11 ANGLO-SAXON chronicle. Bede 846.1 ANGLO-SAXONS. Miller, T. History of the, [B. c. 52-A. D. 1066] 835.6; 988.8 Palgrave, SirF. History of the, [A. D. 280-1060]. 389.17 Turner, S. History of the, [B. c. 141-A. D. 1066]. 965.1 Note. Soe England, history, note. ANIELLO, Tommaso, called Masaniollo, Neapolitan in surgent chief, b. about 1622, ex. 1647. See Good rich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature, .v. 3 of 1869.1 ANNALS of England; an epitome of English history. Oxford, 1855-57. 3 v. 18 979.7 ANNALS of tho rescued. Wightman, J. B 1115.15 ANNAN, Robert, b. 1834, d. 1867. The Christian hero: life of. See Macpherson, J 569.31 ANNAPOLIS, Md. History of the United States naval academy, [1845-62]. Marshall, E. C 298.12 ANNE, queen of England, b. 1664, d. 1714. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Brit ain v. 7 of 815.1 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 5, 6 of 592.1 Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the court of 594.1 Note. See England, history, note; and chapters 23-25 of Smyth s Lectures, [827.8]. ANNE, of Bohemia, queen of Richard II, b. about 1367, d. 1394. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England v. 1 of 592.1 ANNE, of Cleves, queen of Henry VIII, b. 1516, d. 1557. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Eng land v. 2 of 592.1 ANNE, of Denmark, queen of James I, b. 1574, d. 1619. See Strickland, A. Lives of tho queens of Eng land v. 3 of 592.1 ANNE, of Warwick, queen of Richard III, b. 1454? d. 1485. See Strickland, A. Lives of tho queens of England v. 1 of 592.1 ANNE BOLEYN, or BULLEN, queen of Henry VIII, b. 1507, d. 1536. Benger, E. 0. Life of 554.1; 594.15 Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns 569.28 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 2 of 592.1 ANNE HYDE, duchess of York, queen of James II, b. 1637, d. 1671. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 ANSON, George, lord viscount, admiral, b. 1697, d, 1762. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 Oliphant, M. (0. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George n 983.4 ANSPACH AND BAYREUTH, Elizabeth, margravine of, b. 1750, d. 1828. Memoirs, written by herself. [With portraits.] London, 1826. 2 v. 8 542.5 ANSTED, David T. Black s guide to the Channel islands. [Illustrated.] Edinburgh, 1866. 16. 1659. 17 The world wo live in ; or, lessons in physical geog raphy. Philadelphia, 1868. 16 A . 163.32 ANTAR, or more fully ANTARAH-!BN-SHEDDAD, Ara bian warrior and poet, fl. tith century. See Lamar- tine, A. (M. L.) de. Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 3 of 547.4 ANTARCTIC regions, Voyage in tho, [1839-43]. Ross, SirJ. G. 702.14 lee explorations in Chambers s Papers. [386.1.5, qr >, no. 359] ; and Hartwig s Polar world, [70U4]. ANTHON 15 ARCTIC Shelf. No. ANTHON, Charles. Manual of Greek literature, from the earliest authentic periods to the close of the Byzantine era. No w York, 1853. 12 403.5 ANTHON, Charles E. A pilgrimage to Troves, in 1844. New York, 1845. 12 667.12 ANTIGNOSTIKTJS; or, spirit of Tortullian. Neandor, (J.) A. (W.) v. 2 of 848.9 ANTIGONE, Greek heroine, fi. about B. c. 1225. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life. 599.16 ANTILLES, Wanderings in the, [1812, 16, 20, 24]. Waterton, C 633.16 ANTIQUITIES. Baldwin, J. D. Pre-historic nations. 1957.2 Brand, J. Observations on popular antiquities. 846.8; 949.8 Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities 816.2 Ruins of sacred and historic lands 949. 10 See alto Great Britain, Greece, Rome, and other countries. ANTOMJIARCHI, Francesco. The last days of Napo leon. 2d edition. London, 1826. 2 v. in 1. 8. 602.7 ANTWERP, The siege of, [1584, 85]. Schiller, (J. C.) F. von 818.10; v. 2 of 830.36 APACHE country, Adventures in the. 1869. Browne, J. R 1687.4 APACHES, Life among the. Crernony, J. C 1635.24 APELLES, of Cos, Greek painter, fl. B. c. 325. See Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. v. 2 of 1869.1 APES, William. Indian nullification of the uncon stitutional laws of Massachusetts, relative to the Marshpeo tribe. Boston, 1835. 16 249.3 APINGI country. My Apingi kingdom. Du Chaillu, P. (B.) 1699.13 APOSTLES. Frampton, L. C. Lives and martyrdom of the 1159.12 Lives of the 1859.1 Ronan, J. (B.) The apostles 1102.24 Kale. See Christianity, note. APPLETONS companion hand-book of travel. See Richards, T. A 63 8.14 APPLETONS hand-book of American travel. Northern and eastern tour. With maps. New York, 1872. 12 638.24 Southern tour. See Hall, E. H 638. 25 APPLETONS illustrated hand-book of American travel. See Richards, T. A 639.17 APPLETONS Northern and Eastern traveller s guide. See Williams, W 639.12 APPLETONS short-trip guide to Europe. See Mor- ford, H 1659.13; 1659.14 APPLETONS United States guide book for travellers. See Williams, W 639.11 ARABIA. Crichton, A. History of, [B. c. 1430- A. D. 1852] 810.67; 938.12 Green, S. Notices of the history of. 1840 389.4 Labordo, L. E. S. J., comte de. Journey through Arabia Petraea. 1838 685.8 Naphegyi, G. Among the Arabs. 1868 1675.9 Owen, W. F. W. Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of. 1833 702.8 Robinson, E. Biblical researches in Arabia Pe traea. 1841 684.4; 1103.7 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Arabia Pe traea. 1851 699.1 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Travels in. 1872 707.24 Note. Taylor s book [above named] is a convenient epitome of history and early and late explorations. Muir s Mahomet gives the pre-islamite history, [B H. 3015.571. See also Bald win s Pro-historic nations, [1957. 2] ; National quarterly review, Sept., 1866, for Arab civilization, and references there. See the introductions to Irving * Mahomet, and to Sale s Koran, and other references under Mohammedanism. The successive travellers of importance are Carstcn Niebuhr, 1762, [B. H., in German, 3042.6 and 7] : Burckhardt, 1814, [B. H. 3045.3]; Wellsted. 1835, [ B. H. 5046, 54] ; Burton, to Medina and Mecca. 1853, [689.10] ; W. G. Palgrave, 1862, 63, [B. H. 6043 12, reviewed in London quarterly review, Jan., 18fl6. or Living age, no. 1125; Edinburgh review. Oct., 186.5; West minster review, Oct., 1865J. In Hours at home, vol. 4, there are accounts of subsequent explorations under Col. Pelry, 1865 ; and by an Italian, Guarmani, 1863. For characteristics of the modern Arabs, see Palmer s Ex odus, [686.27] : Dnmas s Tales of Algeria, [735.4] ; Nnphegyi s Ghardaia, [686.26]. See also East (The), El-Medinah, Meccah, Moliammed, Fctra. Shelf. No. ARABS in Spain, History of the dominion of the. Conde, J. A 827.3 ARAGO, (Dominique) Francois (Jean), French acade mician, physicist, and astronomer, b. 1786, d. 1853. Biographies of distinguished scientific men. Translated by W. H. Smyth, B. Powell, and R. Grant. London, 1857. 8 541.3 tal philosopher, b. 1788,.(1. 1827; Thomas Young. M. D., Er lish physicist and writer, b. 1773, d. 18J9; James Watt, Scol engineer and improver of the steam-engine, b. 1736, d. 1819. History of my youth. Translated by B. Powell. London, 1855. 12 548.20; 1655.17 ABAGONA, Tullia d , Italian poetess, b. 1510, d. 1565.. See Trollope, T. A. A decade of Italian women. v. 2 of 543.14, ARARAT, Life scenes among the mountains of. Par- melee, M. P 1694.7 ARC, Joan of. See Dare, Jeanne. ARCHER, The, and the steppe. Grahamo, F. R 927.15 ARCHITECTS. Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British architects 379.9 Vasari, G. Lives of the most eminent architects. 848.6 ARCHITECTURE, History of. Meines, J. S 830.48 Note. The most important history in English is Fergus- son s, [B.H. 4103.91; and in German those of Kngler, 18.19- 67, CB. II. 4095..10] ; and of Luebke, 1870, i. B. H. 8102.501. Seo extensivp references in Bates Hall catalogues. -rut Jjo, S?teTov,TVo..S-r ty.*A?-431, ARCTIC regions. Back, G. Arctic land expedition, [1833-35] 703.12 Barrow, Sir J. Voyages within the, [1818-46] . . 709.13 Franklin, Sir J. Journey to the shores of the polar sea, [1819-22] 704.5 Hall, C. F. Arctic researches and life among the Esquimaux, [1860-62] 701.14 Hartwig, G. The polar and tropical worlds. 1871. 704.14 Hawks., F. L. Uncle Philip s conversations about the polar seas. 1836 1859. 19 Hayes, 1. 1. Arctic boat journey, [1854]. 706.18; 706.22 The open polar sea. 1867 1705.1 Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations, [1853-55] 703.1 The far north: explorations in the, [1853-55]. . 1708.1 King, R. Journey to the shores of the Arctic ocean, [1833-35] 704.18 Knights of the frozen sea. 1867 656.15 Mayne, F. Voyages and discoveries in the. 1855. 1655.7 Murray, H. Narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions 810. 15 Osborn, S. Stray leaves from an Arctic journal, [1850-51] 709.7 Riohardson, Sir J. Arctic searching expedition. 1852 704.8 Sargent, E. Arctic adventure by sea and land. 1857 704.11 Scoresby, W. Account of the. 1820 702.10 Smuckor, S. M. Arctic explorations and discov eries during the nineteenth century. 1857 704.17 Tillotson, J. Adventures in the ice. 1869 1708.3 Wrangell, F. von. Narrative of an expedition to the polar sea, [1820-23] 820.49 ffote. Bibliography. In Brown s "North-west passage," 1858 [701 .11 ], which gives a summary of all the theories regard ing the polar regions at the north, it is said that from Cabot to McCiintock theie had been VJO expeditions, and that 250 publi cations upon them had been published, of which 150 wero in English. Since 1858 the bibliography of this subject has been steadily increased, and reference- may be made to Allibone, pp. 633, 1006, 172.",, 1873 and 1874. Summaries. There are various summaries of the history or northern exploration whHi will suffice the general reader, Sargent s [701.11] to 18.17; Kohl [3113.4] to 1850. Hartwig, chap ters 32 and 33. [701.1 1 . B. II. 62 ; i3.7 ; in German, 22 J5.15]. Con fined to tin present century are Smucker [701.17] and Barrow [709 131, the latter taking the voyages from 1818 to 1846, and abridging from official and other narratives. Companion volumes of the Edinburgh C ibinet library rcl.ite, the one " The northern coasts of America," [B. H. 4310.10] to explorations by boat and sledge north from Hudson s bav; and the other, " Polar seas anr! regions " [810.15; B. H. 6269a.8] by Sir John Leslie and others, to discoveries by sea. T/ieorits. The existence of an open polar sea asserted by Morton, [ee Kane s expedition, 703.1; also Kane s Accew to -Sift. . ARCTIC 16 ARMAGEDDON Shelf. No. ARCTIC regions, continued. an open polar sea," B. H. 6370a.50] ; by Hnyes [170,5.1, chapter 32; address before the Academy of arts, Nov., 1861, in no. 918 of Living age; Journal of the American geographical and statistical society, 1870, vol. 3] and by recent Gorman explorers [see no. 14 M of Living age], lias been doubted by Edinburgh review, 1800. or Living age. no. 801 ; by Quarterly review, 1865, or Living age. no. 1112; by Journal of the. Royal geographical society, vol. 28, etc.; and has been maintained, however, by most recent geographers. See Living age, nos. 833, 844 and 845; Hours at home, June, 1818; St. Paul s, 18t, or Living age, no. 1310; New monthly maga-iine, 1868, or Living age. no. 1259. Bent, in the Journal of the American geographical and statistical society, 1872, vol. 2, and also as explained in Put nam s magazine. Nov. and Dec., 18(i9, maintains that warm northward flowing currents from tho Atlantic bv the easterly side of Spitsbergen, and from the Pacific by Bchring s straits, meet in the polar seas, and that the pole can be reached bv fol lowing their courses. See the appendix to Richardson [704.8 ; B. H. 2367.7], on the physical geography of these regions; Harrington, on the possibility of approach to tho north pole, [B. H. 2367.8]; Babinct. in the Smithsonian report for 1869. The best anproach to the pole is claimed for the Spitsbergen route by Belcher, Pctermann, etc.. [see Living age, nos. 845, 861, 1089 and 1112]: for that by Smith s sound by Hayes, Osborne. etc., [se Living age, ho. 1082]; for that by sledge- from Baffin s bay by Quarterly review, or Living age, no. 1112, etc. ; and for that by Behring s straits by the French explorer, Lambert, [see Revue dcs deux mondes, 1868, or translation in Living age, no. 1274]. See Arctic regions in Chambers s Papers for the people, [386.1.3]. Successive frplora ions. The particular student will follow the course of discovery from the alleged efforts of the Greeks in the 3d and 4th centuries [see Living age, no. 844] down to the present time, of which tho most prominent may be enumer ated as follows: For the Scandinavian explorations, see Greenland, Iceland, Northmen. For the early voyages of the English, see the voyages to the North-west, 1495-t<131, published by tho Hakluvt society, [B. H. 22645]; and those to the North-east. [B. II. 2264.12]; those of the Cabots, [B. II. 6267.1.1 ; see Cabot] ; of Frobisher, 157C- 78, to Hudson s straits, [B. H. 2i0.13.12; see Frobisher]; of Sir Humphrey Gilbert, [B. II. 2LW4.8 ; see Gilbert] ; of Barentz, 1594-96, the earliest Dutch effort for the North-east passage, [B. H. 2277.12.1] ; and of Hudcon, lfiOS-10, both to the North east and to the North-west, [see Hudson]. There had been no attempts to reach the pole for a century and a half when Phipps, in 1773, undertook it, [B. H. 2260.16]. In the early part of this century, the ventures were mostly those of whalcrn. and such was Scorcsby s, in 1803 [702.10; see Living age, no. 878], who adds a history of the whalo fishery. The systematic explorations of tho present period begun in 1818 with Ross and Parry s search for tho North-west passage ; and Buchan and Franklin s efforts to reach the pole by Spitz- bergcn, [B. II. 227,3.1]. In 1819, 20, Parry [B. H. 2360 12] ex plored Lancaster sound, while Franklin made an overland expedition from Hudson s bav, 1810-22. [B. II. 62.12.2]. In 1819-20, came Fisher s voyage, [B. H. 2307.1], In 1820-23, the Russian explorer. Wrangel. tried the S bcriau route, [also in German. B. H. 4245.14; epitomized in Hartwig, 704.14, chap ter 20]. In 1821-23, came Parry s second attempt by Repulse bay, [B. II. 2660.13] ; and, in 1824, his third bv Prince Regent s inlet, [B. H. 62fi9a.4]. For all his voyages, 1819-24, see 820.22. Franklin s Second land expedition followed in 1825, [B. H. 2270.14 ; 6262.2]. Beechey was sent by Behring straits to meet, 1825-28, both Franklin and Parry from the East, [702.13]. Ross, in 1829-33, made his second expedition, the first with steam auxiliary, [B. H. 2360.8; 2370.10; 4468.fi; st-e Allibone, under Ross, Sir John]. Back was sent, in 1&W, to find Ross, [703.12, and his narrative is supplemented by King s, 704.18]. In 1836-39, the officers of the Hudson bay company prosecuted explorations to the North, and their narratives were given by Simpson, [625.2]. Reorganized efforts were made by the despatching of Frank lin, 1845, in the "Erebus" and "Terror," and a journal of their voyage to Disco, sent home by a Tender, is given in All the year round, or Living age, no. 797. Rae s expedition by land was despatched in 1846. Subsequent expeditions for some years wore sent out with the chief object of discovering traces of Franklin. In 1848, there were three despatched, and a summary of their results is given in chapter 1 of Richardson, [701.8]. See also Harper s monthly, vol. 2. In 1850, there were five new ones sent out. The first comprised Austin in the " Resolute," Ornmany in the "Assistance," and Osborn in the " Pioneer," and the latter s " Stray leaves " [709.7, reviewed in Living age, vol. 34] gives the earliest experience of a screw-steamer. So-t also Osborn g imaginative account of Franklin s last voyage, [Once a weak, Oct. 22 and 29. Nov. 5. 1*59, or no. 814 of Living age. or 707.19; also his search for Franklin in Living age, no. 815 and 854]. The second was under Ross. The third was Penny s [see Harper, vol. I, and the Examiner review of his journal in Living age. vol. 36]. The fourth wan under Forsyth, in the "Prince Albert. 1 The fifth was the first Qrinnell (American) expedition in the " Advances " and " Rescue," under Do Haven, [702.2; 702.3; see Harper s monthly, volu. 4 and 8]. Maclure, the same year, first made the North-west passage, and his discovery is reviewed bv Osborn, [701.4J. For continued oearch for Franklin, see Bellot, 1851-52, [017.13; also Harper, vol. 12]; See.nann, to 1851, [B. H. 2274.6]; Richardson s boat expeditions, [701.8; B. H. 2 ,7.7; 23117.16]; also Mi-Ilraith s Lifcof Richaidson, 1868. [1591.2 : B. H. 45l9a.lS, reviewed from Examiner, in Living age, no. 1255]; Belcher, 1852, [702.1] ; and MacDnuga.il, [703.10]. See accounts of various sledge expeditions in Living age, vols. ,1!. 34 and 35. Also index to British parliamentary papers in Bates Hall Index, under Arctic, p. ai6, and under Franklin, p. 340. In 1853, came Dr. Kane s [also in French, B. H. 6201.1, I860] econd Grinnell expedition [703.1; epitomized in 1708.1], on. which Morton first saw the open polar sea, and of which Haves tells an episodical story in his Arctic boat journey [706.18; reviews in Living age, nos. 833, 838, 839 and 842]. In 1854, Rae, of the Hudson bav company, got the first relics of Franklin. In 1855, Hartstein was despatched in search of Kane. In 1858. McClintock ascertained the fate of Franklin, r706.13; 706.14; in French, with new illustrations, B. H. 6291.1. 1860; epitomized by Osborn in Living age, no. 815; the first accounts to the press are given in no. 807; and McClintock s address to the Royal geographical society in no. 819]. In ARCTIC regions, continued. Living age, no. 830, there is a chronology of the search for Franklin. See further, under Franklin. Sir John ; also Journal of tlie Royal geographical society, [B. II 6-!ii..- , passim]. The North-west passage being found to b; of no commercial importance [see papers on it in Harpers, vol.9, Hand 20] and Franklin s fate discovered, the efforts of subsc incut explorers have been to reach the pole. Dr. Hayes has reached bv Smith sound thehigliest point yet as described in his " Open polar sea," [also in B. II. 2367.11 ; in French, with illustrations, B. H . 6291.1. 1868]. C. F. Hall s [701.14, also see Living a"o, tins. 959 and 1121; and Harper, vol. 25] elforts have been directed inci dentally to discover furtlier traces of Franklin s crew ; and in a later expedition, he made discovery of such, 1809, [see Living age, no. 1325]. In 1808, several English, French and German expeditions were planned, and a summarized account of them will be found iu the New monthly magazine, or Living age, no. 1259. See also Esquimaux, Franklin, Sir]., Greenland, North west passage, Resolute (Discovery ship), Russia, Siberian Tartary. ABCULF, bishop, traveller to the Holy Land, fl. 1th cen tury. Narrative. See Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine . . 846.7 AHEY, Henry W. Tho Girard college and its founder. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1834. 85 pp. 12 537.29 ARFWEDSON, Carl David. The United States and Canada, 1832-34. London, 1834. 2 v. 8 624.12 ARGENTINE Confederation, Exploration of the, [1853- 5G]. Page,T.J 622.3 Note. See America (South). ARGENTINE gleanings, [1862, 63]. Hutchinson, T. J. 266.14 ARGENTINE provinces, Journey in the, [1849]. Strain, I. G 635.13 ARGENTINE republic. King, J. A. Twenty-four years in the. 1846 263.8 Sarmiento, D. F. Life in the. 1868 1637.4 ARGYLL, or ARGYLE, Dukes of. See Campbell, Archi bald and George J. D. ABIOSTO, Ludovico, Italian poet, b. 1474, d. 1533. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v.l of 839.6 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal . . v. 1 of 398.1 .Vote. Baruffaldi [B. H. 2741.4] is the principal Italian authority. The English reader will find a good condensed account in Hunt s Italian poets, [335.14]; and may consult further the literary histories of Sisinondi and Hallam ; Jame son s Loves of the poets, [359.11]; Disraeli s Curiosities of literature [,392.4.1, etc.], fora paper on Ariostoand Tasso; and Longfellow s Poets and poetry of Europe, [322.1]. See Italy, literature, note. ARISTIDES, Athenian general and statesman, b. B. c. about 550, d. B. c. about 467. Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times v. 2 of 1869.1 ARISTOTELES, Greek philosopher, founder of the peripa tetic school, b. B. c. 384, d. B. c. 322. Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times v. 2 of 1869.1 Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 14 of 179.1 ARIZONA. Browne, J. R. Adventures in tho Apache country: a tour through Arizona and Sonora. 1869 1687.4 Mowry, S. Arizona and Sonora : tho silver re gion of North America. 1864 265.6 Nate. Sec Browne s Pacific slope. [4375.15]; and Browne s papers in Harper s monthly, vols. 29 and 30. ARKANSAS territory, Travels into the, [1819]. Nut- tall, T 624.8 See also Red river. ARKWRIGHT, Sir Richard, English manufacturer, and inventor of the " spinniny -jenny," b. 1732, d, 1792. Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of tho laboratory and workshop 551.7 Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence 379.13 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Perseverance under difficulties, as shown in the lives of great men 549.38 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 643.13 ARLINGTON, Earl of. See Bennet, Henry. ARMAGEDDON: or, the overthrow of Romanism and monarchy. Baldwin, S. D 1116.13 ARMENIA 17 A8HTON Shelf. No. ARMENIA. Ainsworth, W. F. Travels and re searches in. 1842 688.5 Curzon, R. Armenia: a year at Erzeroom. 1853. 687.4; 687.5 Hamilton, W. J. Researches in. 1842 694.14 Morier, J. Journey through Armenia, [1808, 9], 694.15 Southgate, H. Narrative of a tour through Armenia. 1840 687.3 See also Asia, East (The). ARMITAGE, John. History of Brazil, 1808-31. Lon don, 1836. 2 T. 8 263.6 ARMSTRONG, John. Life of Anthony Wayne, [Ameri can revolutionary general, b. 1745, d. 1796]. See Sparks, J v. 3 of 518.5; y. 4 of 529.1 Life of Richard Montgomery, [American revo lutionary general, b. 1736, d. 1775], See Sparks, J v. 3 of 518.5; v. 1 of 529.1 Notices of the war of 1812. New York, 1840. 2 v. 12 217.4 ABMSTRONG, W. H. Red-tape and pigeon-hole gen erals. [Anon.] New York, 1864. 12 307.24 ARMY regulations. See United States 296.8 ABNALDO, or ARNOLD, of Brescia, Italian theologian and philosopher, d. 1155. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reform ers and martyrs 2085.9 ARNAULT, Antoine (V.), and PANCKOUCKE, Charles L. F. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, [b. 1769, d. 1821]. New edition. Boston, 1841. 2 v. 12. 609.10 ARNIM, Bettino von. Correspondence. See Guen- derode, C 883.11 ARNOLD, of Brescia. See Arnaldo. ARNOLD, Benedict, American general and traitor, b. 1740, d. 1801. Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals v. 1 of 516.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Sparks, J. Life of v. 3 of 529.1 Note. See histories of the American revolution j Sargent s Andre, (see Andr6) ; and Logging s papers in Harper s month ly, vol. 3 and 13. Of the expedition under his command to Quebec, in 177- 1 ), there have been three contemporary journali published. Ware s, in New England genealogical register. April, 1852; Henry s, [B. H. 2311.S7]; and Melwin s, in Ap pendix 5 of Parton s Burr, [515.10.1] ; for further particulars of this expedition, see Genealogical register, April, 1857, and Historical magazine, vol. 2. ARNOLD, Howard P. European mosaic. Boston, 1864. 16 ". 664.10 The great exhibition: with continental sketches. New York, 18G8. 8 1640.1 ARNOLD, Isaac N. History of Abraham Lincoln [ISth president of the United States, b. 1809, d. 1865], and the overthrow of slavery. Chicago, 1866. 8 1513.3 ABNOLD, Rev. J. Muehleisen. Ishmael; or, a natu ral history of Islamism, and its relation to Chris tianity. London, 1859. 8 1104.4 ABNOLD, Mrs. Margaret, wife of Benedict Arnold, b. 1761, d. 1804. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 2 of 538. 13 ARNOLD, Samuel G. History of Rhode Island, 1636- 1790. Now York, 1860. 2 v. 8 233.3 ARNOLD, Thomas, master of Rugby school, Eng., b. 1795, d. 1842. History of Rome. From the last London edition. New York, 1846. 2 v. 8... 953.2 Same. New York, 1853. 3v.ini. 8 953.3 History of the later Roman commonwealth, [B. C. 201-A. D. 117]; with a life of Trajan, [Roman emperor, b. 52, d. 117]. New York, 1846. 8. 956.3 Introductory lectures on modern history. From the 2d London edition. New York, 1852. 12. . 947.11 Life of Hannibal, [Carthaginian general, b. B. C. 247, d. B. c. 183 ?]. New York, 1860. 8 551.14 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men . . 548. 13 ; 549.30 Men who were earnest 549.40 Stanley, A. P. Life and correspondence of. .574.2; 587.10 Worboise, E. J. Life of 578.17 ffou. Stanley s is the full authoritative life; and Hughes g " School days at Rugby " [434.8] may be read in connection. For brief and illustrative accounts, see M.D. Conway g article in Harpers monthly, vol. 40; Edinburgh review, Jan., 1843; the Encyclopaedia Britannica; Smiles s Brief biographies, C689.18] ; and Hoppin s Old England, [1654.2]. See also refer ences in Allibone, p. 2221. Shelf. No. ARNODLD, Sophie, French actress and singer, b. 1740, d. 1803. S*ee Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. . 591.2 ABOUND the world: sketches of travel through many lands and over many seas. Prime, E. D. G. ... 657.24 ARRAH, Two months in, [1857]. Halls, J. J 1159.9 ARRAN, Earl of. See Hamilton, James. ARRIA, wife of Cacinna Paetus, fl. B. c. 46. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 ARBOWSXIITH, Aaron. Compendium of ancient and modern geography. New edition. [With plates.] London, 1839. 8 942.3 ABT. Clement, C. E. Handbook of legendary and . mythological art 1087.29 Crawford, A. W. Sketches of the history of Chris tian art 202.9 Howitt, A. M. An art-student in Munich 207.16 Nimmo, W. P. Art and artists 1819.16 Ossoli, S. M. F., marchesa d . Literature and art. 403.18 Wallace, H. B. Art and scenery in Europe 208.3 Winckelmann, J. (J.) History of ancient art. . . 203.4 History of ancient art among the Greeks 205.7 ^fncrr, 75I"K5 B.T2. ,b . TJ,i7/r.n.,-Br-.3|. See alto Architecture, Artists, Arts, Europe, Greece, Italy, Music, Fainting, Rome, Sculpture, Spain, etc. ARTEMUS WARD, pseud. See Browne, Charles F. ABTEVELD, or ARTEVELDE, Jacmart van, brewer of Ghent, chief of the popular party, d. 1345. See Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 ARTEVELD, or ARTEVELDE, Philip van, chief of the- insurrection in Flanders, b. 1310, d. 1382. See Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 A o(e. See the introduction to Taylor s drama of this name, [346.16]. ARTHUR, Timothy S. History of Vermont. See Car penter, W. H 228.13 ARTHUR, William. Italy in transition. Scenes in 1860. New York, 1860. 12 928.13 The successful merchant: sketches of the life of Samuel Budgett, [d. 1851]. [With portrait.] 20th edition. London, 1858. P. 8 587.6 Same. New York, 1866. 12 526.21 ARTtSTS. Ellet, E. F. Women artists in all ages and countries 544.23 Fallet, C., madame. The old masters. The princes of art 555.10 Foa, E. Boy artists 1599.1 Nimmo, W. P. Art and artists 1819.16 See alto Architects, Painters, Sculptors, etc. ABTMAN, William, and HALL, L. V. Beauties and achievements of the blind. Rochester, N. Y., 1869. 12 1838.1 ARTS of design in the United States, History of the rise and progress of the. Dunlap, W 202.1 ARUN, river, Rambles by the. Thorne, J v. 4 of 850.18 ABUNDEL, Earl of. See Fitzalan, Henry. ARUNDEL, Earl of. See Howard, Philip. ARUNDEL and SURREY, Earl of. See Howard, Thomas. ARUNDELL, Blanche Somerset, baroness of Wardour, English heroine, defender of Wardour castle, b. 1583, d. 1649. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 ASBURY, Francis, methodist bishop, b. 1745, d. 1816. See Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist ministers 535.14 ASCHAM, Roger, English tutor and author, b. 1515, d. 1568. See Johnson, S. Lives of English poets and sundry eminent persons 586.20 ASCOGH, Anne. See Askew, Anne. ASHANGO-LAND, Journey into. 1867. Du Chaillu, P. (B.) 691.13 ASHBURNHAM, John,groomof the bed-chamber to Charles I. Narrative of his attendance on Charles i, [1646-48]. London, 1830. 2 v. 8 975.10 ASHBURTON, Lord. See Dunning, John. ASHMUN, Jehudi. Memoir of Rev. Samuel Bacon, [American political agent and divine, b. 1781, d. 1820]. Washington, 1822. 8 534.13 ASHTON, Mrs. S. G. The mothers of the Bible. New York, 1866. 12 2098.7 ASIA 18 ATJDUBON Shelf. No. ASIA. Ball, B. L. Rambles in Eastern Asia, [1848-50] .......... ............. ...* ........ 708.6 Clarke, E. D. Travelsin. 1813. . v. lof 682.1; v. lofC89.6 Collins, P. M. Overland explorations in Northern Asia, [1856, 57] ............................ 682.10 Du Couret, L. Life in the desert; or, travel in. I860 ....................................... 696.16 Goodrich, S. G. Lights and shadows of Asiatic history ............................... v. 9 of 1869.1 Ireland, J. B. Wall-street to Cashmere. Journal of five years in, [1851-56] ................... 682.5 Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia. 1870 ---- 682.11 MacGavock, R. W. A Tennessean abroad or let ters from Asia, [1851, 52] .................... 1688.3 Malcom, H. Travels in South-eastern Asia. 1840. 709.3; 709.5 Mason, F. Sketches of travel in. 1870 ........ 536.21 Mortimer, Mrs. Far off; or, Asia and Australia described. 1856 ............................ 939.10 Pumpelly,R. Across America and Asia, [1861-66]. 1623.5 Train, G. F. An American merchant in, [1853-55]. 705.18 Treasury of travel and adventure in. 1865 ...... 704.24 ffote. _ See Vambfiry s Central Aaia in Tonr du monde, [B. H. 6291.1, 1865]. See also Afghanistan, Arabia, Armenia. Asia Minor, Assyria, Babylun, Beloochistau. Bokhara, Caspian (The), Chaldca, China, East (Tlie), India, Japan, Palestine, Persia, Russia, Syria, Turkey, and other countries of Asia. ASIA MINOR. Ainsworth, W. F. Travels and re searches in. 1842 .......................... 688.5 Chandler, R. Travels in, [1764, 65] ........... 683.5 Fellows, Sir G. Travels and researches in, [1838 -40] ...................................... 687.6 Freese, J. R. The old world. Palestine, Syria and Asia Minor. 1869 ...................... 683.17 Hamilton, W. J. Researches in. 1842 ........ 694.14 Morier, J. Journey through Asia Minor, [1808, 9]. 694.15 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. The lands of the Saracen; or, pictures of, [1852] ....................... 686.15 See also Cibyratis, Cilicia, East (The), Poutus. ASKEW, or ASCOGH, Anno, English Lutheran controver sialist and martyr, b. 1521, d, 1546. Adams, W. H. D. The sunshine of domestic life .......... 1517.1 Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs ............ 2085.9 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life.. 599.16 Tayler, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs. 1094.10; 1094.15 ASMUS. See Claudius, Matthias. ASPASIA, of Miletus, wife of Pericles, ft. B. C. 432. Clarke, M. C. World-noted women ........... 1522.25 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history ...... 599.22 ASSASSINATIONS, Memorable. See Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history .......................... 1977.1 ASSASSINS, History of the. Hammer-Purgstall, J. von. 937.4 ASSASSINS of the East, The. See Secret societies of the middle ages ....................... 849.5; 850.13 ASSER. Life of Alfred the great, b. 849, d. 901? See Giles, J. A. Six old English chronicles. . . . 846.4 ASSINNIBOINE and Saskatchewan exploring expedi tion of 1858. Hind, H. Y ................... 622.9 ASSYRIA. Ainsworth, W. F. Researches in. 1838 . . 946.5 Fraser, J. B. Assyria, from the earliest ages to 1841 ...................................... 820.54 Sowell, E. M. Ancient history of .............. 945.9 Note. See Asia, Nineveh, and the note under History, ancient. , J. F. Louis xiv, and the writers of his age, [1638-1715]. Translated by E. N. Kirk. Bos ton, 1855. 12 ............................. 1008.10 ASTON, Walter, lord, ambassador to Spain, b. 1584, d. 1639. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain .............. v. 4 of 815.1 ASTOR, John Jacob, capitalist, founder of the Astor library, New York city, b. 1763, d. 1848. Mao- Cabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made .................................. 515.14 Men who have risen .......................... 551.18 Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. . . 1522.7 -- Life of ..................................... 669.10 Shelf. No. ASTORIA, or anecdotes of an enterprise beyond tho Rocky mountains. Irving, W v. 8 of 377.1 407.1; 625.5 ASTREA, pseud. See Behn, Mrs. Aphra. AT homo and abroad. Taylor, (J.) Bayard 688.14 AT last: a Christmas in the West Indies. Kings- ley, C 627.26 ATAHTJALPA, last inca of Peru, d. 1533. See Good rich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American In dians v. 5 of 1869.1 ATHENIANS. Boeckh, A. Public economy of the. .. 953.1 Patterson. J. B. National character of the 946.8 ATHENS. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L. Athens: its rise and fall, [to B. c. 129] 957.7; 957.11 Darusmont, F. A few day 3 in. 1850 868.6 Eddy, D. C. Walter in. 1870 v. 6 of 708.23 Loclihart, J. I. Attica and Athens. 1842 955.7 Stuart, J. Antiquities of 835.17 Wordsworth, C. Athens and Attica, [1832, 33]. . 683.6 Note. There are papers bv W. S. Tyler on Athens in Hours nt home, July and Aug.. 1887. S"e L.ppineott s magazine, Feb., 187. J; also, IV. ton G -eeoc, [av> 9.2] ; his Familiar let ters, [813.i>]; books of t raves on iiie E.wt generally, and the accounts find references in the c.assicaldictionnries. bv Smith, Anthon, etc. SeeGvee.ce, time; mid the nates Hall catalogues. Also, Tour du monde, [B. H. 6291.1, 1862]. ATKINSON, Emma Willsher. Memoirs of the queens of Prussia. London, 1858. 8 546.1 Content*. Sophia Charlotte, of Hanover, b. 1668, d. 1705; Sophia Louisa, of Mecklenburg-S:-.hweren, b. 168o; Sophia Dorothea, of Hanover, b.1687, d. 3757; Elmibrth Christina, of Brunswick Severn, b. 1715, d. 1797; Frederica Louisa, of Hesse Darmstadt, b. J751. d. 1805: Louisa Augusta \Vilhelmina Ame lia, of Mecklenburg-Streiitz, b. 1776, d. 1810. ATKINSON, Thomas W. Oriental and Western Siberia. With illustrations. London, 1858. 8 701.1 Travels in the regions of the upper and lower Amoor and the Russian acquisitions on the con fines of India and China. With illustrations. London, 1800. 8 681.2 Same. New York, 1860. 8 682.8 ATLANTIC. Abbott, J. Rolio on the. 1864 659.1 Haeseler, C. H. Across the. 1868 1667.3 ATLANTIC and transatlantic sketches. Mackinnon, L. B 628.9 ATLANTIC cable, History of the. Briggs, C. F 196. 16 ATLANTIC telegraph, History of tho. Field, H. M. . 183.10 ATTACH^, The, in Madrid; or, sketches of tho court of Isabella n. Translated from the German. New York, 1856. 12 675.10 ATTERBURY, Francis, bishop of Rochester, b. 1G62, d. 1732. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per sonages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Biographies, contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica 547.7; 587.14 Life of 1966.5 ATTIC philosopher in Paris. Souvestre, E 1655.21 ATTICA. Lookhart, J. I. Attica and Athens. 1842. 955.7 Wordsworth, C. Athens and Attica, [1832, 33] . . 683.6 ATTILA, king of the Huns, b. 434, d. 453. See Good rich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. . v. 2 of 1869.1 ATTUCKS, Crispus, Trial of British soldiers for the murder of, in Boston, 1770 219.1 AUBIGNE, J. H. Merle d . See Merle d Aubigne. ACDUBON, John James, American ornithologist, b. 1782, d. 1851. Audubon, Mrs. J. J. Life of. 624.23 Edgar, J. G. Tho boyhood of groat men. ,548.13; 649.30 Famous boys: and how they became great men.. . 555.8 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522. 10 St. John, Mrs. H. Adventures and discoveries. .. 629.2 Tuckorman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 Mental portraits 657.10 Note. A life prepared by his widow was subjected by the English publishers, under the editing of Robert Buchanan, to a curtailment of four-fifths of its bulk [B-II. 4413.18], which publication was reissued in this country by the widow "with some additions and omissions of objectionable passages," [624 23]. Audubon n own Ornithological biography forms an important contribution [B. II. 3904.1] to hit own biography. See, for lesser accounts, besides Tuckerman s and Mrs. St. John s, those by Griswold, [872.12]; Duyckinck, [392.2]! Smiles, [589.18]: the Democratic review. May, 18(2; the American review. April u.nd Sept., 1845; mid Edinburgh re view, 1870, or Living nge, Auc. 27, 1870. Also Homes of American authors, [B. H. 2346.51]. AUDUBON 19 BABYLON" Shelf. No AUDUBON, Mrs. John J. Life of John J. Audubon, the naturalist, [b. 1782, d. 1851]. [With por trait.] New York, 1869. 12 524.2 AUPFRAY, Edith, formerly Miss O Gorman. Trials and persecutions. [Convent life unveiled.] [With portrait.] Hartford, [cop. 1871]. 12 1105.23 AUGEREAU, Pierre Francois Charles, due de Castig- lione, marshal of France, b. 1757, d. 1816. See Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals. v. 1 of 605.1; v. 1 of 605.2 AUGHEY, Rev. John H. The iron furnace: or, sla very and secession. Philadelphia, 1863. 12.. 295.6 AUGUSTINUS AURELIUS, St ., bishop of Hippo , b. 354, d. 430. Schaff, P. Life and labors of 544.17 Wilson, W. The popular preachers of the ancient church 555.20 AULDJO, John. Ascent of Mont Blanc, 1827. 3d edition. London, 1856. 16 1655.1 Visit to Constantinople, and sotne of the Greek islands, in 1833. London, 1835. 8 685.4 AULICUS COQUINABI^B. See Secret history of the court of James i v. 2 of 552.6 AULNE, Baron de 1 . See Turgot, Anne R. J. AUNT ESTHER, pseud. See Smith, Mrs. John A. AURICULAR confession, History of. Lasteyrie du Saillant, C. P., comte do 1098.10 AUSTEN, Jane, novelist, b. 1775, d. 1817. See Kava- nagh, J. English women of letters 589.30 AUSTIN, Benjamin. Constitutional republicanism, in opposition to fallacious federalism. Boston, 1803. 8 297.11 AUSTIN, James T. Life of Elbridge Gerry [5th vice- president of the United States, b. 1744, d. 1014]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1828, 29. 2 v. 8.. 513. 11 AUSTIN, Sarah. Germany, from 1760 to 1814. Lon don, 1854. 12 667.15 Goethe and his contemporaries. 2d edition. Lon- don, 1836. 3 v. 12 897.9 AUSTIN, William. Letters from London, 1802 and 1803. Boston, 1804. 8 647.2 AUSTRALASIA, The emigrant s guide to. 1868. Baird.J. 696.22 AUSTRALIA. Burrows, W. Adventures in the Aus tralian constabulary. 1859 709.26 Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain: a record of travel in English-speaking countries, [1866, 67]. 1654.11; 1654.12 Grey, Sir G. Two expeditions in North-west and Western Australia, [1837-39] 705.4 Hargraves, E. H. Australia and its gold fields. 1855 938.7 Haygarth, H. W. Recollections of bush life in, during a residence of eight years in the interior. 1861 889.21 Howitt, W. Tallangetta, or the squatter s home. A story of Australian life. 1857 705.9 Hughes, W. The Australian colonies: their origin and present condition. 1852 409.11; 1655.13 Jackman, W. The Australian captive. 1853... 528.28 Lancelott, F. Australia as it is. 1867 938.19 Lang, J. D. Freedomand independence for. 1852. 936.10 Mortimer, Mrs. Far off ; or, Asia and Australia described. 1856 939.10 Mundy, G. C. Our antipodes; or, residence in the Australasian colonies. 1855 705.1 Rise and progress of. 1857 705.15 Sidney, S. The three colonies of. 1853 705.2 Social life and manners in. 1861 696.17 Thomes, W. H. The gold hunters adventures; or, life in. 1871 635.27 Train, G. F. An American merchant in, [1853- 55] 705.18 Westgarth, W. Victoria and the Australian gold mines in 1857 705.8 What we did in. 1853 709.27 Note. For the most recent accounts, see Beauvoir, [B. H., in French, 2268.50 1 in English, 6266.61; andTopinards study of the races, [B. H., in French, 3047.54]. See also Tourdu monde, CB. H. 6291.1, 1861]. For relations to Great Britain, see index to Parliamentary papers in Bates Hal] Index, p. 336; Supplement, p. 242, and for the discovery of gold, Index, p. 340. See a popular account of the gold diggings in Harper s monthly, vol. 6. See alfo Bass s straits, Melbourne, Victoria. Shelf. No. AUSTRIA. Abbott, J. S. C. The monarchies of con tinental Europe. The empire of. 1859 927.1 1 Barrow, J.,jr. Tour on the continent, in 1852. 400. 2G; 1655.2 Coxe, W. History of the house of, [1218-1792]. 828.2 Kelly, W. K. History of the house of, from the accession of Francis i to the revolution of 1848. 828.3 Kohl, J. G. Austria. 1843,44 667.2; 667.22 Michiels, (J.) A. (X.) Secret history of the Aus trian government and of its systematic persecu tions of protestants. 1859 928.11 New, A. H. History of, [B. o. 101-A. D. 1859]. . 927.16 Russell, J. Tour in some of the southern provinces of the Austrian empire, [1820-22] 663.5; 830.43 Stiles, W. H. Austria in 1848-49 924.2 Sutton, R. The Lexington paper. 1 ;; or, the courts of London and Vienna, [1694-98] 975.11 Turnbull, P. E. Austria. 18-10 667.1 Vehse, C. E. Memoirs of the court, aristocracy, and diplomacy of, [1493-1835] 927.10 Wilde, Sir W. R. Austria: its literary, scientific, and medical institutions. 1843 667.17 See also Ferdinand I, Germany, History (modern). Styria, Transylvania, Vienna. AUSTRIAN dungeons in Italy. Orsini, F 919.7 AUTHENTIC details of the Valdenses, in Piedmont and other countries. Illustrated. London, 1827. 8. 1096.1 AUTOBIOGRAPHIC sketches. De Quincey, T. 895.17; 895.19 AUTOBIOGRAPHY, An. B., R. L 537.38 AUTOBIOGRAPHY of a beggar boy. 4th edition. Lon don, 1859. 16 589.24 AUTOBIOGRAPHY of a working man. Edited by E. Eden. London, 1862. 16 599.19 AUTOBIOGRAPHY of an actress. Ritchie, A. C 538.17 AUVERGNE, Pilgrimage to, [1841]. Costello, L. S. .. 654.1 AVA. Account of. See China, etc 825.8 Symes, M. Account of an embassy to, [1795] 830.29 AVERY, Charles, American methodist divine, b. 1784, d. 1857. See Parton, J. People s book of biog raphy 1522.10 AVON, river, Rambles by the. Thorne, J v. 3 of 850.18 AWFUL disclosures of the Hotel Dieu nunnery of Montreal. Monk, M 1098.24 AYDER ALL See Uyder Alee. AYERST, Rev. William. The Jews of the nineteenth century. London, 1848. 8 115.15 AYTOUN, William E. Life and times of Richard I, king of England, [b. 1157, d. 1199]. [With portrait.] London, 1840. 16 379.1 AZARA, Felix de, Spanish traveller, scholar, and au thor, b. 1746, d. 1811. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 19 of 179.1 AZEGLIO, Massimo Taparelli, marquis dell , Italian statesman, author, and artist, b. 1798, d. 1866. Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 Mental portraits 557.10 AZORES. Borges de F. Henriques, M. A trip to the, [1866] 1699.1 Bullar, J. and H, A winter in the, [1838-39].. 634.1 See alto Furnas. 3., R. L. An autobiography. [Boston], 1871. 16. 537.38 JABSON, John J. History of Gloucester, including Rockport. Gloucester, 1860. 8 225.5 BABYLON. Ainsworth, W. F. Researches in Baby lonia. 1838 946.5 Layard, A. H. Discoveries among the ruins of. 1853 .685.12; (J8S.13; 1696.2 Rich, C. J. Narrative of a journey to the site of, in 1811 694.8 Sewell, E. M. Ancient history of 945.9 A ote. The general reader will find a summary of the his tory, antiquities and identification of sites in McClintock and Strong s Cyclopaedia, under Babylon, Babylonia, and Chaldxaj and a popular paper on the history, by Jacob Ab- bott.in Harper smonthly.vol.ne. Miss Sewell s narrative Isa compend. The closer student will follow history in the original sources of Herodotus, particularly in Rawlinson s edition with his appended essays [B. H. 2987.4], in Quintus Curtius, and in Pliny. The modern authorities of importance are H. C. Raw- linson, on the early history [B. H. 3034.12], that portion of George Rawlinson s Five ancient monarchies, devoted to BABYLON 20 BAINES BABYLON, continued. Babylon, [B. H. ,1028.1] ; and for parallel rending, Grote s His tory of Greece, [958.5]. Rich beg, in the modern exploration among the rums for their identification, and the conglomerate volumes [694.8; B. H. 304:2.12], embraces his original memoirs and Ken nel s reply to them, [see Allibone, under Rich]. See a!eo Maurice, on thamin. 1816, [B. H. 3011.7]; Ainsworth s Re- . searches [946.5] and Travels in Chaldxa. 1842, [688.5] : Loftus s Travels and researches in Chaldica, 1819-52, [694.1; B. H. 3)42.1:j]; the Journal Asiatimie, June and July, 1853. Layard is, however, the best known of tho recent authorities. Sec Rit- ter s Erdkunde,[B.II. 2287.1}. See tho notes under History (ancient); Nineveh; and references under Assyria. Chaldrca, Persia ; and for the architecture of Babylon, the sections of tho general histories named under Architecture. Also illustrated narrative in Tour du monde, [B. H. (5291.1, 1867]; and Sir R. K. Porter s travels, 1817-20, [B. H. 3041.52]. BACCIA DELLA PORTA. See Bartolomeo, Frd. BACHE, Mrs. Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Franldin, b. 1744, d. 1808. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 1 of 538.13 BACK, George. Arctic land expedition, 1833-35. Illustrated. London, 1836. 8 703.12 Journey to the shores of the Arctic ocean, 1833- 35. See King, R 704.18 BACKHOUSE, James. Visit to tho Mauritius and South Africa. Illustrated. London, 1814. 8. C92.13 BACKWOODSMAN, Tho; or, life on the Indian frontier. Wraxall, Sir (F. C.) L 245.12 BACON, B. A. Memoir of Kev. Henry Bacon, [b. 1813, d. 185G]. Boston, 1857. 12 535.13 BACON, Francis, lord Vcrulam, viscount St. Albans, English lord-chancellor, b. 1561, d. 1626. Adams, W. H. D. Records of noble lives 1553.2 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 5 of 840.10 Campbell, J., lord. Life of 586.26 Craik, G. L. Bacon ; his writings and his philos ophy 840.13 Dixon, W. H. Personal history of 587.21; 1579.3 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of modern times. v. 1 of 1869.1 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Groat Britain v. 3 of 815.1 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Review of tho works of. 409.17; 1655.20; v. 2 of 1966.3 Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 Whipple, E. P. The literature of the age of Elizabeth 1373.5 Note. The earliest life is that by his chaplain, Rawley, [B. H. 2390.22.1 ; 391.0 ; 2fiO().l:i.l]. The latest and must elaborate is that by Spcdding, [B. II. 2000.1 3.8 and 9; 6541.1; reviewed from Saturday review, in Living age, nos. 1287 and 1288J. He does not allow the weight of the new evidence that liepworth Dixon has brought forward [also in B. H. 2455.22; reviewed in Atlantic monthly, Feb., 1861, and in Edinburgh review, or Living age, no. 887] in vindication of Bacon s character, and in refutation of the somewhat exaggerated and unqualified contrasts which Macaulay gives to that character. Lord Campbell s Life is generally considered impartial, if not marked by great research [also 568.1], but it otters few of tho palliations that Dixon or Montagu [U01.2.1 ; B. H. 2590.21.1 ; 2600.12.lli] present in Bacon s defence. Of the historians of England, Hume is inclined to the favorable side. Hallam less BO, undLingardis pronounced in his disfavor. Sec England, history, note. For less important lives, sceB;>vd, [1&J8.1]; (Jam- bold s edition, [B. H. 4171.1]; Mallet, [B. U. 2448.2; 2550.2]; Others [901.2.1], etc., beside those named above. See also the French life by Remusat, [B. H. 2446.1]. For the literary character of Bacon, see, beside the literary histories of Hallam, etc., with Craik s monograph [840.13], the prefaces to the various editions ot his essays, like Whately and Heard a [882.5; B. H. 4GOOa.:i, etc.; see Bovd s review, 1903.11]; Prof. Fisher, in Hours at home. Feb., 1919; Whip- pic s Age of Elizabeth, [137:!.5, or Atlantic, Oct., 1868]; Mac- atilay s Essay, abovs named; British quaiterly review, or Living age, no. 1008; Alexander Smith s Dreamthorp [&84.20], etc. For Bacon as a philosopher, sec the histories of philosophy, particularly Lewes s Biographical history, [1224, etc.] Mac- nulay s position is controverted by an able German work by Kuno Fischer, [B II.. in English, 5006.27; in German, 6108.16; reviewed in Max Mill ler s Chips from a German workshop, 2097 28..!] See also Mackintosh s Essay on Bacon and Locke, [863.8] jHallam s Introduction, etc., [1373.3]; Napier, in the transactions of the Royal society of Edinburgh, 1H18, [B. H. 3360 1]; National quarterly review, Sept. 1867; Craik, [840.13]; Mftistre, [B. H., in French. 3608 4; 61O7.4]. For his alleged authorship of Shakespeare s plays, see Shakespeare, note. For further references, see Allibone, Thomas, and McClin- tock and Strong s Cyclopaedia ( as to theological opinions). Also papers in Disraeli s Curiosities of literature [897.1.3], and Amenities of literature, [404.6.2]. BACON, Rev. Henry, b. 1813, d. 1856. Memoir of. SecBaoon. E. A 635.13 Shelf. No. BACON, John, sculptor, b. 1740, d. 1799. See Cun- nin^ham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 3 of 379.9; v. 3 of 810.19 BACON, John Francis. Six years in Biscay: personal narrative of the siege of Bilbao, [etc.], 1830- 37. [With plates.] London, 1838. 8 673.2 BACON, Leonard, D. D., American divine, b. 1802. See Fowler, H. The American pulpit 534.9 BACON, Nathaniel, insurrectionist in Virginia, b. 1630, d. 1677. Life of. See Ware, W v. 13 of 529.1 BACON, Sir Nicholas, English lawyer, statesman, and lord keeper, b. 1510, d. 1579. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Groat Brit ain - v. 2 of 815.1 BACON, Richard, jr., American author, b. 1814, d. 1838. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical an nual 518.12 BACON, Roger, friar, English philosopher, b. 1214, d. about 1292. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies v. 1 of 840.10 Memorials of early genius 551.10 Russell, J. R. Tho history and heroes of the art of medicine . " 154.6 BACON, Samuel, American political agent and divine, b. 1781, d. 1820. Memoir of. See Ashmun, J. . . 534.18 BADEAU, Adam. Military history of Ulysses S. Grant, [18th president of the United States, b. 1822]. Vol.1. [With portrait and maps.] New York, 1868. 8 1513.8 BAGDAD, Voyage to. 1836. Rich, C. J 694.7 BAGE, Robert, English novelist, b. 1728, d. 1801. See Scott, Sir W. Lives of tho novelists 586.19 BAGEHOT, Walter. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen. London, 1858. 8 563.9 Contents. The first Edinburgh reviewers; William Cow- per, English poet and epistolographer, b. 1731, d. 1800; Ed ward Gibbon, English historian and miscellaneous writer, b. 1737, d. 1794 ; Joseph Butler, bishop of Bristol 17:58, bishop ot Durham 1750, b. 1692, d. 1752; William Shakespeare, English dramatic poet, b. 1564, d. 1616; Percy Bysshe Shelley. English poet and dramatist, h. 179 >. d. 1822; Hartley Coleridge, Eng lish author and poet, b. 17M, d. 1819; Sir Robert Peel/Eng hsli statesman, b. 1788, d. 1850; Thomas Bablngton Macaulay, English critic and historian, b. 1800, d. 1859. BAILEY, Mrs. Anna. See Ellet, E. F. The women of tho American revolution v. 2 of 538.13 BAILEY, Rev. Jacob, frontier missionary, b. 1731, d. 1808. Memoir of. See Bartlott, W. S. 534.5 BAILEY, Philip James, English poet, b. 1816. See Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 BAILEY, Theodorus, American rear-admiral, b. 1803. See Headley, J. T . Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 BAILLIE, Joanna, Scotch dramatic writer, b. 1762, d. 1851. See Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of tlie most eminent British poets v. 2 of 896.1 BAILLIE, Rev. John. Life-studies; or, how to live. Biographies. [Illustrated.] New York, 1857. 16 o . 648. 12 Contend. John Bunyan. English author, b. 1628, d. 1688; Gerhard Tersteegcn, German religionist, b. 1697, d. 1/1)9; James Montgomery, Eng .ish poet and journalist, b. 17/1, d. 1854; Fricdrich Christoph Perthes, German bookseller, b. 1/72, d. 1843; Mrs. Mary AVinslow, b. 1774. d. 1853. The missionary of Kilmany: memoir of Alexan der Paterson, [b. 1790, d. 1851]. 14th edition. Edinburgh, 1859. 98pp. 24 1098.32 BAILLIE, Robert, Scotch theologian and historian, b. 1599, d. 1662. Carlylo, T. Critical and miscel laneous essays v. 4 of 867.1; 863.7; v.4of893.3 Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 686. 13 BAILLY, Jean Sylvian, French statesman and astron omer, b. 1736, d. 1793. See Arago, (D.) F. (J.) Biographies of distinguished scientific men BAILY, John. Central America. With three views [andmap]. London, 1850. 2 v. ^8 BAINBRIDGE, William, commodore, b. 1774, d. 1833. Cooper, J. F. Lives of distinguished American naval officers ** 2 1 , Harris, T. Life and services of 527.1 BAINES, Edward, English historical writer, b. 1774, d. 1848. Visit to tho Vaudois of Piedmont. Lon don. 1858. 16 1655.7 541.3 266.4 BAINE8 21 BAPTIST Shelf: No. BAINES, Edward, English author and politician, b. 1800. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen .. 555.7 BAIRD, Henry M. Modern Greece. Illustrated. New York, 1856. 12 918.11 BAIRD, James. The emigrant s guide to Australasia. With maps. London, 1808, 71. 2 v. 12 696.22 Contents. Vol. I. Australia? Ne.w South Wales; Western Australia: South Australia; Victoria; Queensland. II. Tas mania; New Zealand. BAIRD, Matthew, American manufacturer, b. 1817. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress. . . . 522.16 BAIRD, Robert, D. D., American divine, b. 1798, d. 1863. Impressions and experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849. Philadel phia, 1850. 12 628.6 Eeligion in America : origin and present con dition. New York, 1856. 8 113.2 Sketches of protestantism in Italy. Boston, 1845. 12 1096.13 See Fowler, H. The American pulpit 534.9 BAKER, Abijah R. School history of the United States. See Hall, S. R 309.10 BAKER, George E. Life of William H. Soward [American statesman, b. 1801, d. 1872], with selections from his works. [With portrait.] New York, 1855. 12.. 526.3 BAKER, Lafayette C. History of the United States secret service. Philadelphia, 1867. 8 272.6 BAKER, Mary, pretended princess of Javasu, b. 1791. See Remarkable women of different nations and ages 547.5 BAKER, Sir Samuel W. The Albert Nyanza, groat basin of the Nile. With maps, illustrations, and portraits. London, 1866. 8 672.3 Eight years wanderings in Ceylon. With illus trations. Philadelphia, 1869. 16 695.20 The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword hunters of the Hamran Arabs. [With illustra tions.] Philadelphia, 18U7. 8 1692.9 The rifle and tho hound in Ceylon. With illustra tions. Philadelphia, 1869. 16 695.19 BAKE WELL, Frederick C. Great facts: a popular his tory of the most remarkable inventions during tho present century. Illustrated. New York, 1860. 12 187.22 BALBO, Cosare, count. Life and times of Dante Ali- ghieri, [Italian poet, b. 1265, d. 1321]. Trans lated by F. J . Bunbury. London, 1852. P. 8. 544.8 BALBOA, Vasco Nunez de, Spanish adventurer, b. 1475, d. 1517. Life of. See Lives, etc 539.21 Knlc. See Ileadley s paper in ITarper 9 monthly, vol. 18; and Irving s Companions of Columbus, [389. 11, etc.]; BALDWIN, George C. Eepresentative men of the New Testament. New York, 1860. 12 2095.19 BALDWIN, Elihu W., D. D., president of Wabash col lege, b. 1789, d. 1840. See Griswofd, R. W. Bio graphical annual 518.12 BALDWIN, John D. Pre-historic nations. New York, 1869. 12 1957.2 BALDWIN, Joseph G. Party leaders. Now York, 1855. 12 518.7 Contents. Tnomas Jefferson, 3d president of the TTnited States, b. 1743, d. 18 JI!; Alexander Hamilton, b. 17. <7, d. 1804; Andrew .Tacksnn, 7tli president of the United States, b. 17(i7, d. 1845; Henry Clay, b. 1777, d. 1832; John Randolph, b. 1773, d. 1833. BALDWIN, S. D. Armageddon: or tho overthrow of Romanism and monarchy. Revised edition. Cincinnati, 1863. 12 1116.19 BALDWIN, Thomas, American theological writer, b. 1753, d. 1825. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 BALDWIN, William C. African hunting from Natal to the Zambesi, 1852-60. With illustrations. New York, 1863. 12 684.15 BALFOTJR, Robert, Scotch philosopher, b. about 1550. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 BALL, B. L. Rambles in Eastern Asia, including China and Manilla, [1848-50]. Boston, 1855. 12 . 708.6 Shelf. No. BALL, John. Peaks, passes, and glaciers. Excur sions by members of tho Alpine club. [With illustrations.] London, 1859. 8 666.12 Same. 5th edition. London, 1860. 16 1666.1 BALLANTINE, AVilliam. See Bellendon, W. BALLANTYNE, Thomas. Biographical memoir of T. Carlyle. See Carlyle, T. Passages selected from his writings 885.12 BALLENDEN, John. See Bellenden, J. BALLOON travels of Robert Merry. See Goodrich, S. G 1678.1 BALLOU, Adin. Memoir of Adin A. Ballou, [b. 1833, d. 1852]. Hopedale, 1853. 16 535.9 BALLOU, Adin A., Memoir of. See Ballou, A 539.9 BALLOU, Hosea, b. 1771, d. 1852. Ballou, M. M. Biography of 535.11 Whittomore, T. Life of 2095.11 BALLOU, Hosea, 2d, b. 1796, d. 1861. Ancient his tory of universalism. 2d edition. Providenae, 1842. 12 1099.12 BALLOTJ, Maturin M. Biography of Rev. Hosea Ballou, [of Boston]. Boston, 1852. 12 535.11 History of Cuba, [1492-1852]. Illustrated. Bos ton, 1854. 12" 266.5 BALME, Rev. J. R. American states, churches, and slavery. London, 1863. 16 308.20 BALSAMO, Giuseppe, known as Alessandro, conte di Cagliostro, Italian adventurer, b. 1743, d. 1795. See Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569.19 BALTIC. Hill, S. S. Travels on the shores of the. 1854 687.20 Letters from tho shores of the. 1844 889.29 Macgregor, J. The Rob Roy on the. 1867 1687.1 See also Lapland, Russia, Sweden, etc. BANCROFT, Aaron, D. D. Life of Washington. Bos ton, 1839. 2 v. 18 519.2 BANCROFT, George, b. 1800. History of the United States, [1492-1778]. [With portraits and other illustrations.] Boston, 1839-66. 9 v. 8 302.1 Literary and historical miscellanies. New York, 1855. 8 873.1 Note. See Allibone, (with references! ; Homes of American authors, [B. H. :J34ti.51] ; and Harper s monthly, vol. 30, p. 381, etc. BANFIELD, Thomas C. Industry of the Rhine. Lon don, 1846-48. 2 v. 24 840.1 BANIM, John, Irishnovelist, b. 1800, d. 1842. Home, R. H. A now spirit of the ago 878.23 Murray, P. J. Life of 586.21 BANK of England, History of the. Francis, J 136.13 BANK of the United States, History of the. Clarke, M. St. C 296. 1 BANKS, John. Life of Peter the great, [b. 1672, d. 1725]. [Anon.-\ Trenton, 1813. 12 546.21 BANKS, Sir Joseph, English naturalist and philosopher, b. 1743, d. 1820. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 4 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. Tho boyhood of great men.. 548. 13; 549.30 Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 38 of 179.1 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 BANKS, Nathaniel Prentiss, of Massachusetts, b. 1816. Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 Thayer, W. M. The bobbin boy; or, how Nat got his learning 527.20 BANKS, Thomas, sculptor, b. 1735, d. 1805. See Cun ningham, A. Lives of tho most eminent British painters, etc v. 3 of 379.9; v. 3 of 810.19 BANKS, History of 136.24 BANVARD, Rev. Joseph. The American statesman ; or illustrations of the life and character of Daniel Webster, [b. 1782, d. 1852]. [With illustra tions.] Boston, 1853. 16 526.24 Plymouth and the pilgrims. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1853. 18 228.14 Romance of American history. With illustrations. Boston, 1860. 18 228.15 BAPTIST missions, History of American. 1851. Gam- mell,W 1106.10 BAFl ISTS 22 BARROW Shelf. No. BAPTISTS, Fifty years among the. I860. Benedict, D. 114.9 BARATIER, or BARRETIEB, Jean Philip, French philo logical prodigy, b. 1721, d. 1740. Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature v. 3 of 1869.1 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sun dry eminent persons 586.20 BARBADOS, History of. 1848. Schomburgk, Sir R. H 264.1 BARBARELLI, Giorgio di Castelfranco, called Gior- gione, Italian painter, poet, and musician, b. 1478, d. 1511. See Jainoson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 2 of 840.23 " BARBAROSSA," pseud. Set Scott, John. BARBAROSSA, Frederic. See Frederic i, emperor of Germany. BARBARY. Chateaubriand, (R.) F. A., vicomte de. Travels in, [1806, 7] 685.7 Hay, J. H. D. Western Barbary: its wild tribes and savage animals. 1844 889.20 Russell, M. History and present condition of the Barbary states. 1846 810.70 Kotc. Sec Sumner s speech on white slavery, [8G6.7.13. See also Africa, Algiers, Tunis, etc., and Harper s monthly vol. C. BARBAULD, Anna Letetia, English poetess and miscel laneous writer, b. 1745, d. 1825. See Women of worth 551.19 BARBER, John. See Barbour, John. BARBER, John W. Historical collections of Massa chusetts, [1620-1837]. Illustrated. Worcester, 1848. 8 223.8 History and antiquities of New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Illus trated. Hartford, 1847. 8 237.5 Thrilling incidents in American history. New edition. [Illustrated.] New York, 1868. 16. 218.20 BARBOUR, BARBER, or BAHBERE, John, Scotch chron icler and poet, b. 1316? d. 1395 ? See Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies v. 2 of 399.9 BARCA. See Calderon de la Barca. BARCLAY, James T. Th.e city of the Great King; or, Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1858. 8.. 684.3 BARCLAY, John, political and Latin writer, b. 1582, d. 1G21. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers. 586.13 BARCLAY, John, Scotch anatomist and zoologist, b. 1758, d. 1826. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s libra ry v. 24 of 179.1 BARCLAY, Sidney. Personal recollections of the American revolution. New York, 1859. 12.. 217.19 BARCLAY, William, professor of civil law in the Univer sity of Angers, b. 1546, d. 1605. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 BARD, Samuel A., pseud. See Squier, Ephraim G. BARDS of the Bible. Gilfillan, G 118.2; 2095.5 BAR^RE DE VIEUZAC, Bertrand, French revolutionist, b. 1775, d. 1841. See Macaulay, T. B., lord. Biographical essays 689.27 BARHAM, Richard Harris {Thomas Ingoldsby), Eng lish divine, humorous and satiric writer, b. 1788, d. 1845. Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age. . 878.23 Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Note. The authoritative life is by his son [B. H. 6546.20], reviewed in British quarterly review, 1871, or no. 1405 of Living age. BARING-GODLD, Siibins. Curious myths of the mid dle ages. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1867. 16... 1826.1 Origin and development of religious belief. New York, 1870. 2 v. 12 2096.18 Contents. Vol. I. Heathenism and Mosaism. II. Chris tianity. BARKER, Mary Anne, lady. [Mrs. Frederick Napier Broome.] Travelling about over new and old ground. With maps and illustrations. London, 1872. Sm. 8 665.20 BARKER, W. Burckhardt. Historical account of the Crimea. Hertford, 1855. 16 929.1 BARLEE, Ellen. Visit to Lancashire, in 1862. Lon don, 1863. Sq. 16 644.8 Shelf. No. BARLOW, Joel. The vision of Columbus; a poem. Hartford, 1787. 8 314.1 BARNARD, John G. The C. S. A.., and the battle of Bull Run. With maps. New York, 1862. 8. 293.2 The peninsular campaign and its antecedents. New York, 1864. 12 308.12 BARNES, Albert, American divine, b. 1798, d. 1870. See Fowler, H. The American pulpit 524.9 BARNES, Alfred, American publisher, b. 1817. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 BARNES, Barnaby, b. 1571, d. 1607. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 BARNES, Hon. Domas, New York merchant, b. 1827. See Parton, J. Sketches of men. of progress 522.16 BARNEVELDT, Jan van Olden, Dutch statesman, grand pensionary of Holland, b. 1547, d. 1619. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 1 of 388. 7 BARNEY, C. Recollections of field service with the 20th Iowa infantry. Davenport, 1865. 16... 244.12 BARNEY, Joshua, United States commodore, b. 1759, d. 1818. Biographical memoir. Edited by M. Barney. [With portrait.] Boston, 1832. 8.. 513.7 Kate. See memoir by Lossing in Harper s monthly, vols. 24 and 29. BARNUM, Phineas T., American showman and specu lator, 6.1810. The humbugs of the world. New York, 1866. 12 823.14 Life by himself. [With illustrations.] New York, 1855. 12 526.6 Struggles and triumphs : or, forty years recollec tions. [With illustrations.] Hartford, 1869. 8. 1562.2 BARNWELL, Robert G. Life and times of John Do Witt,. grand pensionary of Holland, [b. 1625, d. 1672]. [With portrait.] Added, Treatise on life annuities, [by J. De Witt]. New York, 1856. 12 545.16 BARON-WILSON, Margaret. Memoirs of Harriot [Beauolerk, formerly Miss Mellon], duchess of St. Albans, [b. 1752, d. 1837]. Philadelphia, 1840. 2v. 12 598.20 BARRETT, Joseph H. Life of Abraham Lincoln, [16th president of the United States, b. 1809, d. 1865]. Cincinnati, 1864. 8 518.24 BARRETT, Mary. The story of William the silent and the Netherland war, 1555-84. [With por trait, etc.] Boston, [cop. 1869]. 16 1918.12 BARRETT, Walter, pseud. See Scoville, Joseph A. BARRINGTON, Sir Jonah, Irish admiralty judge, b. 1767, d. 1834. Legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland. New edition. Illustrated. London, 1844. 8 986.6 Personal sketches of his own times. New York, n. d. 12 . . 884.16 Rise and fall of the Irish nation. [With por traits.] Now York, 1863. 12 987.8 Note. This is the same as "Legislative union," etc., above. BARROS Y Sous A, Manoel Francisco do, vicomte de Santarem. Researches respecting Americus Ves- pucius [b. 1451, d. 1512], and his voyages. Translated by E. V. Childe. Boston, 1850. 12. 259.10 BARROW, Sir George. Ceylon : past and present, [1657-1847]. London, 1857. 16 695.11; 938.8 BARROW, Isaac, bishop of Soder and Man 1663, St. Asaph 1670, geometrician, b. 1630, d. 1680. Bi ographies of eminent men from the 13th century. v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies., v. 8 of 840.10 BARROW, Sir John, English traveller and biographer, b. 1764, d. 1848. Auto-biographical memoir. [With portrait.] London, 1847. 8 564.6 Description of Pitcairn s island, with the mutiny of the Bounty. [Anon.] New York, n. d. 18. 810.42 Same. 3d edition. London, 1839. 18 389.1 Same. Illustrated. 5th edition. London, 1869. 8 986.8 Life of Peter the great, [b. 1672, d. 1725]. 3d edition. London, 1839. 16 389.16 Same. New York, 1848. 18 810.66 BARROW 23 BAXTER Shelf. No. BARROW, Sir John, continued. Lifo of Richard, earl Howe, admiral of the fleet, and general of marines, [b. 1725, d. 1799]. [With portrait.] London, 1838. 8 U 564.7 Life, voyages, and exploits of Sir Francis Drake, fb. 1545, d. 1596]. 2d edition. London, 1864. p. 8 o... 889.13 Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign. London, 1845. 8 564.8 Contents. Sir Martin Frobisher, English admiral, b. about 1535, d. 1594; Capt. John Davis, Arctic navigator and discov erer, d. 1605 ; Sir Humphrey Gilbert, English navigator, b. 1539, d. 1.584 1 Sir John Hawkins, English rear-admiral, b. 1520, d. 1505: Sir Francis Drake. English admiral, b. about Io40, d. 1596; John Oxenham.d. 1575; Edward Fenton, English navi gator and naval commander, b. about 1550, d. 160:! ; Thomas Cavendish, English admiral, b. 15f>4,d. 159. i; Sir Richard Haw kins, English naval commander, b. about 1560, d. 1622 ; Charles Howard.lord Etfingham, 1st earl of Nottingham, lord high- admiral of England; b. 153(5, d. 1624; Capt. Thomas Fenner; Robert Devereux, 2tl carl ot Essex, high admiral of England, b. 1552, d. 1018; Thomas Howard, earl of SuttolK, ungusii ad miral, b. 1561, d. 1C2G; George Clifford, . kl earl of Cumberland, English naval commander.b. 1558. d. 1605; Sir William Mon- son, English admiral, b. 15G9, d. 1642; Sir James Lancaster, English navigator, d. 1620. Voyages within the Arctic regions, 1818 to [1846]. New York, 1846. 12 709.13 BARROW, John, jr. Excursions in the north of Eu rope, 1830, 33. [With maps and illustrations.] London, 1854. 12 668.6 Life and correspondence of Sir William Sidney Smith, [English admiral, b. 1764, d. 1840]. [With portraits, etc.] London, 1848. 2 v. 8.. 564.3 Tour on the continent, in 1852. London, 1853. p. g 409.26 Same. London, 1869. 16 1655.2 Tour round Ireland, in 1835. London, 1836. 12. 646.17 BARRY, Girald. See Giraldus Cambrensis. BARRY, James, painter, b. 1741, d. 1806. See Cun ningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 2 of 379.9; v. 2 of 810.19 Note. See Mahony [853.1G], and Painting, note. OPIE, John, and FUSELI, Henry. Lectures on painting. Edited by H. Wornum. [With por trait of Fuseli.] London, 1848. P. 8 816.2 BARRY, John Stetson. History of Massachusetts, [1620-1820]. Boston, 1855-57. 3 v. 8..... 223.3 BARSTOW, George. History of New Hampshire, 1614-1819. Concord, N. H., 1842. 8 234.3 BARTH, Henry. Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa, 1849-55. [With maps and illustrations.] New York, 1857, 58. 5 v. 8.. 691.12 Note. See sketch by W. L. Gage in Harper s monthly, June, 1866. BARTLETT, David W. Life and public services of Abraham Lincoln [16th president of the United States, b. 1809, d. 1865], with a sketch of Hanni bal Hamlin [b. 1809]. New York, 1860. 12. 527.21 BARTLETT, John R. Explorations in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, con nected with the United States and Mexican boun dary commission, 1850-53. With illustrations. New York, 1854. 2 v. 8 624.2 BARTLETT, William H. The Nile boat: or, glimpses of Egypt. [Illustrated.] New York, 1851. 8. 684.1 The pilgrim fathers. With illustrations. London, 1853. 8 223.1 BARTLETT, William S. The frontier missionary: a memoir of Rev. Jacob Bailey, [b. 1731, d. 1808]. [With portraits.] Boston, 1853. 8 534.5 BARTOL, Cyrus A. Pictures of Europe. Boston, 1855. 12 648.10 BABTOLI, Daniello, and MAFFEI, Giovanni P. Life of St. Francis Xavier, apostle of the Indies and Japan, [b. 1506, d. 1552]. [With map.] 1st American from the last London edition. Balti more, 1859. 12 542.11 BARTOLOMEO, Frd, called also Baccio della Porta and II frate, 6. 1469, d. 1517. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters . . . . v. 1 of 840.23 Shelf. No. BARTON, Bernard, English poet, b. 1784, d. 1849. Me moir, letters, and poems. Edited by his daugh ter. Philadelphia, 1850. 12 584.19 ffote. See Talfourd s Lamb, [B. H. 2571.60, etc.]; and Drake s Evenings in autumn," [B. H. 6578.8.11 BARTON, Caroline C. France and her people. Phila delphia, [1872]. 12 1009.24 BARTON, Gen. William, b. 1748, d. 1831. See Wil liams, C. R. Biography of revolutionary heroes. 528.12 BASILIUS, the great, fat her of the Greek church, bishop of CcBsarea, b. 329, d. 379. Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555.13 Wilson, W. The popular preachers of the ancient church 555.20 BASQUE provinces. Henningsen, C. F. Twelve months campaign with Zuinalacarregui in the, [1834,35] 917.3 Herbert, H. J. G. Political state of the. 1848. 889.8 BASS S straits, Cruise of the Beacon in. 1857. Nixon, F. R 707.9 BASSANO. See Ponte, Giacomo da. BASTARD, Thomas, b. 1557 ? d. 1618. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 BASTILE. History of the Bastile, and its captives. 1839. Davenport, R. A 379.12 BASTJTOS, The ; or, twenty-three years in South Africa. 1861. Casalis, E 673.10 BATCHELDER, Samuel, jr. The young men of Amer ica. New York, 1860. 70pp. 12 218.2 BATE, Capt. William Thornton, English naval officer, b. about 1820, d. 1857. See Steel, R. Lives made sublime by faith and works 577.13 ; 577.16 BATEMAN, Josiah. Life of Daniel Wilson, [bishop of Calcutta, b. 1778, d. 1858]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1860. 8 571.1 BATEMAN, Thomas, English physician, b. 1778, d. 1821. See Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity. v. 2 of 830.28 BATES, Mrs. D. B. Incidents on land and water, or four years on the Pacific coast. Boston, 1857. 12.. 708.12 BATES, Edward, of Missouri, b. 1793, d. 1869. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 BATH, Earl of. See Pulteney, William. BATTLE fields, Pictures from the. Murray, E. C. G. . 988.5 BATTLE-FIELDS of 1866. Dicey, E 936.9 BATTLE-FIELDS of the South, from Bull Run to Fred- ericksburgh. By an English combatant. With maps. New York, 1864. 8 272.19 BATTLES of the British navy. Allen, J 825.1 BATTLES of the world. The fifteen decisive. Creasy, E. S 048.3 BATUTA. See Ibn Batata. BACSMAN, Benjamin. Sinai and Zion. With illus trations. Philadelphia, 1861. 12 688.16 BAUSSET, Louis F. J. de. Private memoirs of the court of Napoleon, 1805-14. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1828. 8 603.5 BAVARIA, Tho Tyrol; with a glance at. 1833. In- glis,H. D 663.15 BAXLEY, H. Willis. What I saw on the west coast of South and North America, and at the Hawaiian islands. [With illustrations.] New York, 1865. 8 672.1 BAXTER, Richard, English non-conformist divine, b. 1615, d. 1691. Cabinet portrait gallery of Brit ish worthies v. 9 of 840.10 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 Ryle, J. C. The priest, the puritan, and the preacher 1088.33 Tulloch, J. English puritanism and its leaders. . 91)7.7 Whittier, J. G. Lifo of 567.6 Old portraits and modern sketches, v. 1 of 823.21; 887.6 Note. The principal life is that by Orme, [B. H. 3497.1.1 ; 655, U]: but his own account of his life and times [B. H. 3550.7, and later editions, 3497.1.1, and an abridgment, 3554.201 is of the chief importance. There is a brief lite by Leonard Bacon, [1094.8]. See Essays by Sir James Stephen, [867.5, or Edinburgh review, 1819] ; Macaulay s History; AUibone, and the references in MeClintock and Strong. BAXTER, William E. America and the Americans. London, 1855. 18 629.30 BAYARD BEHIND Shelf. No. BAYARD, Chevalier. See Du Terrail, Pierre. BAYLIES, Francis. Historical memoir of New Plym outh, 1620-41. Boston, 1830. 3 v. 8 223.11 BAYNE, Peter. Essays in biography and criticism. 1st, 2d series. Boston, 1857,58. 2 v. 12.... 885.1 Contents. Vol. I. Thomas DC Quincey, English author and critic, b. 1785, d. 1859 ; Alfred Tennyson, English poet-laure ate, b. 1801); Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, English poet- eso, b. 1809, d. 18(il : Glimpses of recent British art ; John Rus- kin, English art critic, b. 1819; Hugh Miller, Scottish geolo- glst and author, b. 1802, d. 1856 ; Charles John lluffem Dickens, nglish novelist, b. 1812, d. 1870; Edward George EarleLyt- tonBulwer-L.vtton, lord I-ytton, English dramatic antlior, novelist, and diplomatist, b. 1805, d. 1S7.S; William Makepeace Thackeray, English author, b. 1811. d.l8G3; Anne BrontS (Acton EM), English authoress, b. 1820, d. 1819: Charlotte Bronte (Currcr Hell), English novelist, b. 1810, d. 1855; Emily Jane Bronte (Ellis Bell), English authoress, b. 1818, d. 1848. II. Charles Kingsley, English divine and author, b. 1819: Thomas Babington Macaulay, lord, English historian mid critic, b. 1800, d. 18.59: Sir Archibald Alison, Scottish judge and historian, b. 1792, d. 1867; Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English poet, essayist, and moral philosopher, b. 1772, d. 1834; Arthur Welipsley, duke of Wellington, British field-marshal, com- mander-m-ehief, and statesman, b. 1769, d. 1852; Napoleon I, Bonaparte, emperor of the French, b. 1769, d. 1821 ; Plato, Greek philosopher, b. B. c. 429, d. B. C. Ml ; Characteristics of Christian civilization; The modern university; The pulpit and the press; " The testimony of the rocks," a defence. Life and letters of Hugh Miller, [Scottish geolo gist, b. 1802, d. 1856]. [With portraits.] Bos ton, 1871. 2v. 12 586.7 BEACON, Cruise of the. Nixon, F. R 707.9 BEAGLE, Journal of researches into the natural his tory and geology of the countries visited by the. Darwin, C. (R.) 707.12; 889.12 BEARD, John R. Life of [F. D.] Toussaint L Ouver- ture, the negro patriot of Hayti, [b. 1743, d. 1803]. [With engravings.] London, 1853. 8. 539.2 Same. Boston, 1863. 12 614.7 BEARN and the Pyrenees. 1854. Costello, L. S. ... 654.2 BEATON, David. See Beatoun, D. BEATON, Patrick. Creoles and coolies; or, five years in Mauritius. London, 1859. 12 997.6 BEATOUN, BEATON, or BETHUXE, David, cardinal and primate of Scotland, b. 1494, d. 1546. See Lodge, B. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 BEAUCHESNE, Alcido (H. Dubois) do. Louis xvn, [b. 1785, d. 1795]. His life his sufferings his death. Translated by W. Hazlitt. Embel lished. New York, 1853. 2 v. 12 615.5 BEAUCLERK, Diana de Vere, lady. A summer and winter in Norway. Illustrated. 2d edition. London, 1868. 16 1679.4 BEAUCLERK, Harriot, formerly Miss Mellon, duchess of St. Albans, b. 1752, d. 1837. Baron-Wilson, M. Memoirs of 598.20 Remarkable women of different nations and ages. 547.5 BEAUFORT, Emily A. Egyptian sepulchres and Sy rian shrines. With illustrations. London, 1861. 2v. P. 8 C 684.16 BEAUFORT, Margaret. See Stanley, Margaret. BEAUMARCHAIS, Pierre Auguste Caron do, dramatic writer, etc., b. 1732, d. 1799. Beaumarchais and his times. See Lomenie, L. L. de 615.4 Note. LomSnie s [also in B. H. 2670.9 ; 4703.11] is the most recent biography, based on papers iu the Revue des deux mondes, Oct. and Nov., 1852. See the notices in his CEuvres, I B. H. 2680.3]; Harper s monthly, vol. 14, and references iu Hoefer. BEAUMONT, Francis, English dramatic author and poet, b. 1585, d. 1615. Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most literary and scientific men of Great Britain. v. 2 of 398.3 Whipple, E. P. The literature of the age of Elizabeth 1373.5 Note. See Dyce s memoir, [331.2.1]; Darley s introduction to Moxon s edition; and the literary histories of llallam, [1373.3]: Schlegel, [818.7]; and other accounts of the drama; Chalmers s brieflite [B. II. ffi92.7.6], and references in Alli- bone. Also S. T. Coleridge s Remains, [B. H. 2564.4.2]. BEAUMONT, Sir George Rowland, English painter, b. 1753, d. 1827. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc. v. 6 of 379.9; v. 5 of 810.19 BKAUMOKT, Sir John, b. 1582, d. 1628. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398. 2 BEAUREGARD, Peter Gustavus Toutant, b. 1817. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns 243.1 BECKER, A. B. The landfall of Columbus on his first voyage to America, with a translation of the Baron Bonnefoux s History. London, 1856. 8. 625.13 BECKER, William A. Charicles. Illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks. New edition. London, 1854. 12 957.1 Gallus: or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus. Translated by F. Metcalfo. London, 1849. 12 Q . 957.2 Kote. These two works have the guise of fiction. BECKET, Thomas k. See Thomas b Becket. BECKFORD, William, b. 1708, d. 1770. See Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants 1559.3 BECKFORD, William, son of the preceding, English poet and traveller, b. 1760, d. 1844. Italy : with sketches of Spain and Portugal. [Anon.~\ Phila delphia, 1834. 2v. 12 679.6 Same. New York, 1845. 2 v. in 1. 12 675.18 See Tuckerman, II. T. Characteristics of litera ture v. 2 of 548.5 BECKMANN, John. History of inventions, discoveries, and origins. Translated by W. Johnston. 4th edition, revised by W. Francis. London, 1846. 2v. 16 818.8 BECKWITH, Hon. Nelson Marvin, commissioner-general for the United States at the international exposition at Paris, 1867. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 BHCKWOURTH, James P., chief of the Crow Indians, b. 1798. Life and adventures. With illustrations. Written from his own dictation, by T. D. Bonner. New York, 1856. 12 526.5 BEDE, ecclesiastical historian, b. about 672, d. 735. Ecclesiastical history of England. Also, the Anglo-Saxon chronicle. Edited by J. A. Giles. 2d edition. London, 1849. P. 8 846. 1 BEDE, Cuthbert, pseud. See Bradley, Edward. BEDFORD, Henry. Life of St. Vincent de Paul, [French philanthropist, b. 1576, d. 1660]. [With portrait.] New York, 1858. 16 1557.4 BEDFORD, Countess of. See Russell, Anne. BEDFORD, Countess of. (See. Russell, Lucy. BEDFORD, Duke of. See Plantagenet, John. BEDFORD, Dukes of. See Russell, Francis, John, and William. BEDFORD, Earls of. See Russell, Francis and John. BEECHER, Henry Ward, American divine and author, b. 1813. Freedom and war. Discourses. Bos ton, 1863. 12 307.8 Life of Jesus, the Christ. [With plate.] New York, 1871. 8 2103.4 Fowler, H. The American pulpit 534.9 MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made ; 515.14 Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. .. 1522.7 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 BEECHER, Lyman, American divine, b. 1775, d. 1863. Autobiography. Edited by C. Beecher. With illustrations. New York, 1864, 65. 2 v. 12.. 5 3 6. 23 Note. Sec Harper s monthly, vol. 30, and McClintock and Strong s Cyclopaedia; also "Lynmn Beecher and Roxana Foote? by Theodore Tilton, [1816.21]. BEECHEY, Frederick W. Voyage to the Pacific and Beering s strait, in H. M. ship Blossom, 1825-28. [With illustrations.] London, 1831. 2 v. 8. 702.13 BEEKMAN, Mrs. Cornelia, b. 1752, d. 1847. See Eliot, E. F. The women of the American revo lution v. 2 of 538. 13 BEERING S strait. Beechey, F. W. Voyage to, [1825- 28] 2.13 Kotzebue, 0. von. Voyage of discovery into, [1815-18] ; 702.12 BEETHOVEN, Ludwig von, German musical composer, 6. 1770, d. 1827. Life of. See Schindler, A 545.3 BEFORE the footlights and behind the scenes. Sikes, 1562.3 BEGGAR boy, Autobiography of a 589.24 BEHIND the scenes. Keckloy, E 1595.17 BEHN 25 BELOOCHISTAN Shelf. No. BEHN, Mrs. Aphra (Astrea), English dramatist, poetess, and novelist, b. about 1640, d. 1689. Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent literary and scien tific men of Great Britain v. 3 of 398.3 Kavanagh, J. English women of letters 589.30 BEHKING. See Beering. BELCHER, Diana, lady. The mutineers of the Bounty and their descendants in Pitcairn and Norfolk islands. With map and illustrations. New York, 1871. 12 705.23 BELCHER, Sir Edward. Narrative of a voyage round the world, 1836-42. [With illustrations.] Lon don, 1843. 2v. 8 702.9 Last of the Arctic voyages, under. See Great Britain 702.1 BELCHER, Joseph. George Whitefield, [method 1st divine, b. 1714, d. 1770]: a biography. [With portrait, etc.] Now York, n. d. 12 577. 15 BELDEN, George P. Belden, the white chief; or, twelve years among the wild Indians of the Plains. Edited by J. S. Brisbin. Cincinnati, 1871. Sm. 8 248.4 BELGIOJOSO, Christina T., princesse do. Oriental harems and scenery. Translated from the French. New York, 1862. 12 697.24 BELGIUM. Adams, W. T. Dikes and ditches; or, Young America in. 1868 1677.4 Bradshaw, G. Illustrated hand-book for 1639.3 Copway, G. Sketches of men and places in. 1851. 647.16 Dobson, E. Historical, statistical, and scientific account of the railways of, [1834-42] 194.3 Haskins, G. F. Six weeks abroad in. 1872.... 658.21 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1852. G49.7; 649.19 Paterfamilias s diary of everybody s tour. 1856.. 1678.3 Siborne, W. History of the war in, [1815] 1005.2 Note. See Baedeker s Belgium, [B. H. 48C9a.8]; Harper t monthly, vol. 17; and under Holland, Netherlands, etc. BELISABIUS, Roman general, b. about 505, d. 565. ijroodricb, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. v. 2 of 1869.1 Stanhope, P. H., earl, formerly lord Mahon. Life of 546.13 tfote. See Dclepierre s Historical difficulties, and references, [B. H. 0297.21] ; Gibbon s Borne, and Blackwood, May, 1847. BELISLE, D. W. History of Independence hall [Philadelphia]. Philadelphia, 1859. 12 216.14 BELKNAP, Jeremy, historian of New Hampshire, b. 1744, d. 1798. American biography. New York, 1851. 3 v. 18 820.58 Life, with selections from his correspondence. [With portrait.] New York, 1847. 16 3 539.15 BELL, Sir Charles, English physiologist, anatomist, and author, b. 1774, d. 1842. Letters. [With por trait.] London, 1870. 16 575.18 BELL, Henry G. Life of Mary queen of Scots, [b. 1542, ex. 1587]. Edinburgh, 1828. 2 r. 18.. 830.40 Same. New York, 1855. 2 v. 18 810.21 Narrative of late operations in the Birrnese em pire. See Symes, M v. 2 of 830.29 BELL, Henrv H., American rear-admiral, b. about 1808, d. 1868. See Headloy, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 BELL, John, ofAntermony, traveller, b. 1690, d. 1780. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travel lers v. 2 of 810.47 BELL, John, of Edinburgh, surgeon and anatomist, b. 1763, d. 1820. Observations on Italy. Edin burgh, 1826. 12 679.3 BELL, Hon. John, American politician, b. 1797, d. 1869. Life, speeches, and public services, with a sketch of Edward Everett, [American statesman, b. 1794, d. 1865]. [With portrait of John Bell.] New York, 1860. 12 528.25 See Savage, J. Our living representative men .. 527.19 BELL, Robert. History of Russia. London, [1836- 38. 3v. 16 378.7 Life of George Canning, [English statesman, b. 1770, d. 1827]. New York, 1846. 12 566.13 Shelf. No. BELL, Robert, continued. Lives of the English poets. London, 1839. 2 v. 16 398.2 Contend. Vol. I. Michael Drayton. b. 1563, d. 1(131: Abra ham Cowley, b. 1618, d. 1607; Edmund Waller, b. 1605, d. 1(587; John Milton, b. 1008, d. H!74; Samuel BuUer, b. 1612, d. 1680. U. John Dryderi.b. 1 ttl, d. 1701; Thomas Sackville, earl of Dorset, b. 1527, d. 100S; John Browmwerrt. b. 1540, d. 1539; Jasper Hoy wood, b. 1535, d. 1.VJ3; Thomas Watson, d. 1591 or 92; Ulpian Fiiln-ell. b. 1310; Richard Stnnvhurst. b. 1547, d. IfilS; Thomas Storer, d. liM; Thomas Churchyard, b. about 1520, d. 1(104; Thomas Newton, b. 1007; William Warner, b. 1558? d. 1603-9; Thomas Levson, fl.-lCth century; Thomas Bastard, b. 1557 V d. )018; George Tnrbervillc, b. about 1A30, d. 1000? Sir EJward Dyer, l>. about 1540, d. 1010; Fulke Greville, lord Brooke, b. 1554, d. l ii 8; George Wither, b. 1588, d. IOC?; William Browne, b. 15UO.d. KHS; Sir John Stradling, b. 1533, d. 1U2.-); John Hoskym, b. 150ii, d. 1038; Sir John Davies.b. 1570, d. 102(1 ; Biunaby Barnes, b. 1571 .d. 1607? John Sandsbiiry, b. 1576, d. 1609; John Owra, d. 1022; John Davies, d. 1618; Thomas Lodge, b. 1505 . d. l J25 ; Sir Thomas OverbUTT, b. 1581, d. 1613; Richard Corl>o!, b. 1582, d. KIT); Sir John Beaumont, b. 1582, d. 1628 ; Hush 1 1 illand, <1. Hit! ; William Slater, or Slavter, b. 1587, d. 1647 ; Richard Brathwavte. or Braithwnite, b. 1588, d. 167:?; George- Sandys, b. l.iSS, d. 101;!: Sir Francis Wortlcv, b. 1591; David Lloyd, b. 1598, d. 10G.J; Sir John Mennes, b. 1598, d. 1870; Wye Salt.mstall. H. 17th century ; Rqbert Gomersall, b. 1600, d. 104(i; Robert Wild, d. 1679; Thomas Randolph, b. 1605. d. 10:11; John Clicvcland, or Cloaveland, b. 1013, d. 1058; Edmund Gayton, b. ISO!), d. 100!; Sir John Birkwnhead, b. 1615, (1.1079: Payne Fisher, b. 1016, d. 169:); Richard Love lace, b. 1018. d. 1058; Thomas Flatimm, b. I(i33, d. 1088; Mat thew Morgan, b. 1652; Sir Richard Bhu-kmorc, b. 1050. d. 1729; Matthew Prior, b. 1664, d. 1721 ; Alexander Pope. b. 1083. d. 1744 ; Edward Young, b. 1081, d. 1705 ; Mark Akenside, b. 1721. d. 1770 History of England. See Mackintosh, Sir J 368.3 Lives of the British admirals. See Southey, R.. . 388.5 Lives of the most eminent scientific men of Great Britain. See Dunham, S. A 398.3 BELL, Thomas. . Notes on natural history. See Great Britain 702.1 BELLE Boyd in camp and prison. See Hardinge, B. B 1276.1 BELLE Brittan at Newport, and here and there. See Fuller, H 635.22 BELLE Isle prison, The soldier s story of his captivity at. 1867. See Goss, W. L 276.3 BELLENDEN, or BALLENDEN, Dr. John, Scotch poet and historian, d. 1550. See Irving, D. Lives of Scot- ish writers . 586.13 BELLENDEN, or BALLANTINE, William, Ciceronian scholar and author, b. about 1555. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 BELLINI, Gentilo, Venetian historical and portrait paint er, b. 1421, d. 1501. See Jameson, A. (M.) Me moirs of the early Italian painters v. 1 of 840.23 BELLINI, Giovanni, Venetian painter, b. 1426, d. 1516. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 1 of 840.23 BELLO, Francesco, or CIECO DA FEREARA, Italian poet, ^Z. 1509. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 1 of 398.1 BELLOC, Bessie (R.) Parkes. Vignettes. Twelve bio graphical sketches. London, 1866. 16 1516.11 Contents. Sophie Soymonof Svetchine. or Swetchine, Rus sian authoress, b 1782, d. 1857 ; Jeanne Marie Rendu, after wards thcSister Rosalie, French nun. b. 1787. d. 1856; Madame Mario Pape-Carpantier, French authoress, b. 1815 ; Madame Eliza Marianna Lamartine, wife of A. M. I/, de Lamartine. b. 1819, d. 18U. 1 !; Madame Eugfinie Borlau I/uce, founder of a school at Algiers, b. 1804; Margaret Winthrop, wife of Gov. John Winthrop of Massachusetts, b. about 1.590. d. 1646; Miss Cornelia Knight, English female litterateur, b about 1757, d. 1837|BtancaHileil Mojon, Italian artist and litterateur, b. about 1790, d. 1819 ; Mary Dc)anv./ormert.v Miss Granville, artist and scholar, b. 1700, d. 1788; Harriot Kesia Hunt, American doctress and author, b. 1805: Mary Fle chcre. or Fletcher, for- merly Bosanquct, philanthropist, b. 1739, d. 1815; Mrs. Anne Murphy Jameson, miscellaneous writer, b. 1797, d. 1860. BELLOT, Joseph Rene, French Arctic explorer, b. 1826, d. 1853. Memoirs. With journal of a voyage in the polar seas, in search of Sir J. Franklin. London, 1855. 2 v. P. 8 617.13 See Groser, W. H. Men worth imitating 557.20 BELLOWS, Henry W., D. D. The old world in its new face. Impressions of Europe in 1867, 68. New York, 1868, 69. 2 v. 12 1654.5 BELHTNO, Duke of. See Pcrrin, Victor. BELOOCHISTAN. Dennie, W. II. Personal narrative of the campaign in. 1843 1699.7 Ferrier du Chatelet, J. P. do. Caravan journeys in. 1856 694.3 BEL8ELAM 26 BERRY Shelf. No BELSHAM, William. Memoirs of the reign of George nr, from the treaty of Amiens, 1802, to the ter mination of the regency, 1820. London, 1824. 2 v. 8 553.5 BELTRAMI, J. C. Pilgrimage in Europe and America. [With portrait and illustrations.] London, 1828. 2 v. 8 J 625.1 BELZONI, Giovanni Battista, Italian traveller and anti quary, explorer of the pyramids, b. about 1778, d. 1823. Recent discoveries in Egypt and Nubia. 3d edition. London, 1822. 2 v. 8 693.12 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 3 of 810.47 BEMENT, William Barnes, inventor, and improver of machine tools, b. 1817. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 BEMIS, George. Report of the case of J. W. Webster, indicted for the murder of G. Parkman. Boston, 1850. 8 133.3 BENARES, Vizier Ali Khan; or, the massacre of. Davis, SirJ.F 939.8 BENBOW, John, British admiral, b. 1650, d. 1702. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea- kings of England 578.19 Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 BENCH and bar. Bigelow, L. J 1816.23 BENDEN, Alice, English martyr, burnt 1557. See Tay- ler, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs. 1094.10; 1094.15 BENEDICT, David. Fifty years among the baptists. New York, 1860. 12 114.9 BENEDICT, Erastus C. A run through Europe. New York, 1860. 12 665.5 BENEDICT, Jules. Life and works of Felix Mendels sohn Bartholdy, [German musical composer, b. 1809, d. 1847]. 2d edition. London, 1853. 66 pp. 8 545.4 BENGAL. Cooke, G. W. Correspondence from Lower Bengal, [1857,58] 709.30 Wallace-Dunlop, M. and R. The timely retreat; or, a year in, before the mutinies. 1858 695.10 Sec alto Asia, Ilindostan, India, etc. BENGER, Elizabeth 0. Life of Anne Boleyn, queen of Henry vm, [b. 1507, d. 1536]. Philadelphia, 1822. 8 554.1 Same. 2d American edition. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1851. 12 594.15 Life of Mary queen of Scots, [b. 1542, ex. 1587]. [With portrait.] London, 1823. 2 v. 8 594.9 Same. Philadelphia, 1851. 2v. 12 594.2 Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, [English authoress, b. 1758, d. 1816]. With a selection from her writings. [With portrait.] London, 1818. 2v. 8 599.6 BENJAMIN, of Tudda, Jewish travellfr, d. 1173. Nar rative. See Wright, T. Early travels in Pales tine 846.7 BENJAMIN, S. G. W. The Turk and the Greek. Now York, 1867. 16 916.20 BENNET, Henry, earl of Arlington, statesman, one of the " Cabal," b. 1618, d. 1685. See Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 6 of 815.1 BENNET, J. Henry. Mentone, the Riviera, Corsica and Biarritz as winter climates. [With map and plate.] 2d edition. London, 1862. P. 8 674.15 BENNETT, James Gordon, editor of the " New York herald," b. about 1800, d. 1872. MacCabe, J. D.,jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made. 515.14 Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times .. 1522.7 ^Natf. See chapters 27 and 28 of Hudson s Journalism, [231.1]. BENNETT, John C. History of the saints; or, an ex pose of Joe Smith and Mormonism. Boston, 1842. 12 115.14 BENNETT, William Cox, English poet, b. 1820. See Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 Shelf. No. BENSON, Joseph, b. 1748, d. 1821. See Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist ministers .......... 535.14 BENTHAM, Jeremy, English philosopher, political and jurisprudential writer, b. 1748, d. 1832. Biogra phies of eminent men from the 13th century. v. 4 of 839.6 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contem porary portraits ................. v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Kate. See Chaslef s Notabilities, [868-7]; John Neal s pa er in Atlantic monthly, Nov., ISio; and John S. Mill s paper. B. 11. 25tio.21.13. BENTINCK, George William Pierrepoint, English states man, b. 1803. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern states men ....................................... 555.7 BENTLEY, Nathaniel, English economist, d. 1809. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters ..... 1546.5 BENTLEY, Richard, D. D., English critic, b. 1662, d. 1742. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century ........................... v. 3 of 839.6 De Quincey, T. Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters ................ v. 2 of 895.20 BENTON, Thomas Hart, American statesman, b. 1782, d. 1858. Thirty years view; or, a history of the American government, 1820-50. [With por trait.] New York, 1854-56. 2 v. 8 J ........ 282.1 BERENGARIA, of Navarre, queen of R^-hard I, d. 1230. Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns and illustrious women .............. 569. 28 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 1 of 592.1 BERINGTON, Joseph. Literary history of the middle ages. London, 1846. P. 8 ................. 404.9 BERKELEY, George, bishop of Cloyne, Irish metaphysi cian, b. 1684, d. 1753. Ol iphant, M. (0. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George n ____ 983.4 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical .................................... 547.2 Note. See Allibone. BERKELEY, Grantley F. A month in the forests of France. London, 1857. 12 ................. 654.4 BERKELEY men, The, pseud. See Lester, Charles E. BERKSHIRE, Eng., Handbook for travellers in. 1860. Murray, J .................................. 645.20 BERKSHIRE county, Mass., History of, [1761-1828]. Field, D. D ................................. 227.9 BERLIN, Prussia. Spectacles for young eyes. 1865. Lander,S. W ............................... 1638.4 BERMUDA: its history, geology, climate, etc. 1860. Godet, T. L ................................. 265.5 BERN A, Francesco. See Berni, F. 3ERNADOTTE, Jean Baptiste Jules, marshal. See Charles xiv. 3ERNARD, the wise, English Benedictine traveller, fl. in the 9th century. Narrative. See Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine .................... 546.7 BERNARD, St., founder and first abbot of Clairvaux, monastic reformer, b. 1091, d. 1153. Hewlett, II. G. The heroes of Europe .................... 555.3 Button, B. Heroes of the crusades ............. 1545.12 BERNARD, Frederic. Wonderful escapes. Revised from the French and original chapters added. By R. Whiteing. With plates. New York, 1871. 16 ................................. 577.17 JERNI, BERNA, or BERNIA, Francesco, Italian poet, d. 1536. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal ................ ............... v. 1 of 398.1 JERNIER, Francois, French philosopher and traveller, b. about 1624, d. 1688. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers ................. v. 1 of 810.47 JERONICIUS, eccentric philologist, d. 1676. See Good rich, S. G. Cariosities of human nature. . v. 3 of 1869.1 JERRETINI, Pietro, called Pietro da Cortona, Floren tine painter and architect, b. 1596, d. 1669. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 "ERRY, Caroline Ferdinande Louise do Bourbon, duchessedo, afterwards principessa Lucehe.^i-PiiHi. See Lucchesi-Palli. BERRY 27 BIOGRAPHIES Shelf. No. BERRY, Mary, b. 1762, d. 1852. Comparative view of the social life of England and France. [Anon.] London, 1828-31. 2v.ini. 8 986.4 ffnte. See Walpole (Horace), and a review of her Journals and correspondence in Living age. Dec. 9, 1865. BERTHIER, Alexandre, prince of Wagram and Ncuf- chatel, due de Valengin, marshal of France, b. 1753, d. 1815. See Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals v. 1 of 605.1; v. 1 of COS. 2 BERTHOLDE, prime minister to Alboinus, fl. 6th century. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters. . 1546.5 BERTHOLLET, Claude Louis, French chemist and philo sophical writer, b. 1748, d. 1822. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop. . . 551.7 BERTIE, Montague, 2rf earl of Lindsey, Scottish captain of the guards to Charles I, b. 1608, d. 1666. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 BERTIE, Robert, 1st earl of Lindsey, British admiral, b. 1582, d. 1642. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 BERTRANDON DE LA BROCQUIRE. Narrative. See Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine 846.7 , Alfred do. The Turkish empire. Translated by E. J. Morris. Philadelphia, 1854. 12 689.12 BESSI&RES, Jean Baptiste, due d htria, marshal of France, b. 1768, d. 1813. See Headley, J. T. .Napoleon and his marshals, .v. 2 of 605.1; v. 2 of 605.2 BESSON, Charles Jean Baptiste, a Dominican artist, b. 1816, d. 1861. Sketch of. See Farrar, H. S. . . 578.23 BEST, M. C. Abroad: and how to live there. Three years in Germany and Switzerland. London, 1860. 16 669.17 BETHUNE, David. See Beatoun, D. BBTHUNE, George W., American divine, b. 1805, d. 1862. See Fowler, H. The American pulpit. . . 534.9 BETHUNE, Maximilian de, due de Sully. See Sully, Maximilian de Bethune, due do. BEVERLY, Mass., History of, [1630-1842]. Stone, E. M 227.3 BEWICK, Thomas, English reviver of the art of engraving on wood, and naturalist, b. 1753, d. 1828. Groser, W. H. Men worth imitating 557.20 Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 10 of 179.1 Nate. See Fairholt s Homes, etc., [B. H. 4075.51], BEYOND the lines. Geer, J. J 307.6 BEYOND the Mississippi, 1857-67. Richardson, A. D.. 1633.1 BIARRITZ, France, as a winter climate. Bennet, J. H. 674.15 BIBLE. Adams, J. Q. Letters to his son on the study of the 129.36; 537.2 Ashton, Mrs. S. G. The mothers of the 2098.7 Baldwin, G. C. Representative men of the New Testament 2095.19 Charles, E. Wanderings over Bible lands and seas 656.9 Gage, W. L. The land of sacred mystery, or the Bible in the light of its own scenery 1103.9 Gilfillan, G. The bards of the 118.2; 2095.5 Gleig, G. R. History of the 810.14 Goodrich, C. A. Geography of the chief places mentioned in the 1089.28 Green, S. G. Bible sketches and their teachings, for young people 1108.14 Hall, J. Scripture history 1107.9 Headley, P. C. The girls of the 2098.8 Hope, I. Brittany and the 409.9 ; 1655.7 Hughes, H. Female characters of holy writ 2098.10 Jahn, J. C. Biblical archaeology 1103.5 Kitto, J. An illustrated history of the 1092.17 Scripture lands 815.7 Kurtz, J. H. History of the old covenant 1082.8 MacClure, A. W. Tho translators revived; me moirs of the authors of the English versions of the, [735-1622] 548.10 Maclear, G. F. Outlines of Old Testament history for youth 2089. 16 Phelps, S. D. Bible lands 1694.6 Prime, S. I. The Bible in the Levant 688.9 Sears, R. New and complete history of the 1085.4 Shelf. No. BIBLE, continued. Stanley, A. P. The Bible in the Holy Land .... 2109.22 Stowe, C. E. Origin and history of the New Tes tament 2102.1 Stuart, M. Critical history and defence of the Old Testament canon 1097.30 ; 2103.2 Thayer, W. M. Soldiers of the 2105.6 Thomson, D. W. Youth s illustrated Bible history. 1092. 19 Thomson, W. M. Tho Land and the Book..C88.1; 1103.8 Williams, H. L.,jr. The boys of the 2098.9 Young men of the 544.24 Young people s illustrated Bible history 1092.18 Note. See Christianity, Ecclesiastical history. History (an cient), Jerusalem, Jaws, Palestine. Syria, etc. The subject of the current revision of the English version is unfolded in the composite volume by Lightfoot, Trench, Ellicott, and Schaff, [B. H. 3429.60]. See also Harper s monthly, vol. 18. See the Cyclopaedias of Kitto, McClintot-k and Strong, Smith, etc.; and the Bates Hall catalogues, and the Prince catalogue. BICKERSTETH, Miss. Doing and suffering: memorials of Elizabeth and Frances Biokersteth. [With portrait.] London, 1862. 16 1119.1 BICKERSTETH, John Lang, late <>f Rugby school, b. 1832, d. 1847. Memoir. [With plate.] London, n. d. 24 189.34 BICKHAM, William D. Rosecrans campaign with the 14th army corps. Cincinnati, 1863. 12 307.3 BICKMORE, Albert S. Travels in the East Indian archipelago. [With maps and illustrations.] New York, 1869. 8 1695.7 BIGELOW, Andrew. Leaves from a journal; or, ram bles in North Britain and Ireland, in 1817. Bos ton, 1821. 12 648.16 Travels in Malta and Sicily, with sketches of Gib raltar, in 1827. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1831. 8. 676.2 BIQELOW, Jacob. History of the cemetery of Mount Auburn. Boston, 1860. 12 229. 10 BIGELOW, L. J. Bench and bar. New edition. With portrait and illustrations. New York, 1871. Sm. 8 1816.23 BIGLOW, William. History of Natick, Mass., from 1650 to 1830. Boston, 1830. 87pp. 8 224.12 BILBOA, Personal narrative of the sieges of, [1835,36]. Bacon, J. F 673.2 BILL, Ledyard. A winter in Florida. Illustrated. New York, 1869. 16 1639.21 BILLINGTON, Elizabeth, English vocalist, b. 1770, d. 1818. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 BILNEY, Thomas, of Norwich, English divine and martyr, burnt 1551. See Tayler, C. B. Memo rials of the English martyrs 1094.10; 1094.15 BINGHAM, Hiram. Residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich islands. [With portrait and illus trations.] Hartford, 1847. 8 934.4 BINNEY, Rev. Thomas, of London, b. 1799. A study for young men ; or, a sketch of Sir Thomas Fow- ell Buxton, [English philanthropist, b. 1786, d. 1845]. Boston, 1856. 12 588.21 Same. [Added, The wife; or, a mirror for maidenhood.] London, 1853. 16 588.10 BINNING, Robert B. M. Journal of two years travel in Persia, Ceylon, etc. London, 1857. 2 v. 8.. 685.1 BINTJE exploration, Narrative of the. 1855. Hutchin- son, T. J 1655.9 BIOGRAPHIES of eminent men from the 13th century. With illustrations. London, n. d. 4 v. 12... 839.6 Contents. Vol. I. Dante Alighieri, Italian poet. b. 1265, d. 1321; Francesco Petrarch, Italian poet, reviver of learning, b. 1304. d. 1874; Giovanni Boccaccio. Italian scholar and poet, b. 1313, d. 1375; John Wicklift 1 , or Wj cklyffc, English theolo gian and precursor of the reformation, b. 1324, d. 1387; Geof frey Chaucer, the founder of English poetry and literature, b. 1328, d. 1400; Lorenzo de Medici, prince of Florence, patron of art and literature, b. 1448, d. 1492: Donato Lazzari, called Bramante da Urbino, Italian painter and architect, b. 1444, d. 1514; Francisco de Cisneros Ximenes. Spanish cardinal, archbishop of Toledo, grand-inquisitor, and statesman, b. 1430, d. 1517; Lionardo da Vinci, Italian painter and sculptor, b. 1452, d. 1519; Raftaello Santi, or Sanzio da Urbino, Italian painter, b. 1483, d. 1520: Lodovico Ariosto, Italian poet, b. 1474, d. 1533; Antonio Allegri, called Correggio, Italian paint er, b. 1494, d. 1534; Sir Thomas More, EnglTih historian and lord-chancellor of England, b. 1480. d. 1535 j Desiderius Eras mus, German litterateur, philologist, poet, and critic, b. 1467, d. 1536; Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer, b. 1473, d. 1543; Marc Antonio Raimondi, Italian engraver, b. 1488? d. 1534; Martin Luther, German religious reformer, b. 1483, d. 1546: Fernando Cortes, Spanish adventurer, conqueror of Mexico, b. 1485, d. 1554 ; Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Con- BIOGRAPHIES 28 BIOGRAPHY Shelf. No. BIOGRAPHIES of eminent men from the 13th century, continued. terbury, martyr, b. 1489. burnt 1356; Charles V, emperor of Germany, b. 1500, d. 1558 ; Ptdlip Schwarzerd Melanchthon, German retbimer, b. 1497, d. 1.560; Jean Calvin, or Cam-in, Swiss scholar and reformer, b. 1509, d. 1564; Michel- Angelo B 1504 b M Geor 1580 3eorge Buchanan, Scottish statesman, historian, and poet, b. 506, d. 1582; Andrea Palladio, Italian architect, b. 1518, d. .580; Anilnoise Pare, French surgeon and medical writer, b. ml. b. about U40,d. 15!*i; Edmund Spenser, English poet, b English navigator, warrior, statesman, and historian, b. 1552, Vol. II. Francis Bacon, lord Vcrulam, viscount St. Al- bans, English lord-chancellor, b. 15C1, d. 1026; Johann Kepler, or Kepnler. German astronomer, b. 1571, d. KiBO; Sir Edward Coke, English lord chief-justice and writor,b.!549,d.l63 1; Gus- iavusii, Adolplms, king of Sweden. b.loOt.d. liK J; Ben Jon- son, English dramatic author, b. 1574, d. 1(137; Peter Paul Ru bens, Flemish historical and portrait painter, b. 1577, d. 1G40; Maximilian de Bethune, due do Sully. French statesman, b. 15<iO, d. 1611; Arniand Jean Du Plessis, due de Richelieu, French statesman and cardinal, b. 1585, d. 1642; Galileo Gali lei, Italian philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer, b. 1564, d. 1012; John llampden, English patriot, b. 1594, d. 1043; Hugo Grotius, or Van Groot, Dutch historian, poet, theolo- writer, b. 1584. d. 1054 ; Robert Blake, English admiral, b. 1599, d. Hi57; William Harvey, English physician, anatomist, and medical writer, b. 1578. d. 1657; Oliver Cromwell, lord pro tector of England, b. 15911, d. 1058; Blaise Pascal, French phi losopher, mathematician, and litterateur, b. 102. !, d. 160- ; Nic ola? Poussin, French painter, b. 15i)J, d. 1065; Jeremy Taylor, English bishop and author, b. 161:1, d. 1607 ; Cornelius Do Witt, Dutch statesman, b. 162;?, d. 1072; Jean Baptiste Poque- lin Mnliero, French poet and dramatist, b. 1622, d. 1073; Ed ward Hyde, carl of Clarendon, English statesman, lord-chan cellor, and historian, b. 1008, d. 16 4 : Paul Krmbrant van Ryn, Dutch painter and engraver, b. 1608, d. 1609; John Milton, English poet, b. 1608, d. 1674; Henri de La Tour d Auvergne, vicomte de Turenne, marshal of France, b. 1011, d. 1675; Sir Matthow Hale, English cliiet -justice of the king s bench, and writer, b. 160!), d. 1670; Isaac Barrow, bishop of Soder and Man 1863, St. Asaph 1670, geometrician, b. 1630, d. 1680; Thomas Hohbes, English philosopher, poet, and political writer, b. 1588, d. 1079; Clando Gclee mlled Claude Lorraine, French landscape pai iter, b. 1000, d. 1682; Bartolome Esteban Murillo, Spanish painter, b. 1618. d. 1682; Jean Baptiste Col bert, marquis de Scignclay, French statesman, b. 1019, d. 1683; Pierre Corneille.French dramatic poet, b. KiOB.d. 1(!84; Thom as Sydenham, English physician, b. 1624, d. 1089; Robert Boyle, philosopher and chemist, one of the founders of the Roval society, h. 1620, d. 1691 ; John III (John Sobictki), king of Poland, b . 1629, d. 1690; John Dryden, English poet, b. 1631, d. 1701; William III, of Orange, king of England, b. 1650, d. 1702; Jacques Benigne B:)S!met, bishop_of Meaux, phi- ranQois de Salignac dc Lamothe Ffnelon, archbishop of Cam- bray, politician and litterateur, b. 1651, d. 1715; Gottfried Wil- helm Leibnitz, Germanphilosopher, historian, mathematician, jurist, theologian, and philologist, b. 7646, d. 1716. Vol. III. John Somcrs. lord, lord-chancellor of England, b. 1650, d. 1716; William Penn, English founder of the colony of Pennsylvania, b. 1044, d. 1718; Joseph Addison, English poet and essayist, b. 1672, d. 1719; John Churchill, 1st dukeof Marl- borough, English general and statesman, b. 1050. d. 1722; Sir Christopher Wren, English architect, b. 1(82, d. 172.1: Peter i, Alexiowitsch (theyreal), emperor of Russia, b. 1072, d. 1725 ; Sir Isaac Newton, English geometrician and philosopher, b. 1642, d. 1727; Daniel De Foe. English miscellaneous writer, b.ahout 3663, d. 17. U ; Richard Bentley, English critic, b. 1662, d. 1742; Edmund Ilalley, English astronomer and mathematician, b. 1656, d. 1742; Alexander Pope, English poet and critic, b. 1088, d. 1744; Jonathan Swift, Irish dean of St. Patrick s, litterateur, and satiric writer, b. 1667, d. 1745 ; Henri Francoti d Aguesseau, French oratorandchancellorof France, b. 1068, d. 1751; Georg Friederich Ilacdel, orllaendel, German music composer, b. 1684, d. 1759; John Dollond, English optician, b. 1700, d. 1761; James Bradley, English astronomer and philosophical writer, b. 1692, d. 1762; William Hogarth, English namter and en graver, b. 1697, d. 1764; James Brindley. English mechanician and canal engineer, b. 1716, d. 1772; David Hume, Scottish philosopher and historian, b. 1711. d. 1776; John Harrison, English watchmaker, inventor of the chronometer, b. 1693, d. 1776: Jean Jacques Rousseau, French philosopher, poet, and botanist, b.1712, d. 1778; William Pitt, 1st earl of Chatham, English statesman, b. 1708, d. 1778; Charles Linnteus, or Linne, Swedish naturalist and author, b. 1707, d. 1778: Fran- Qois Marie Arouet dc Voltaire, French poet, philosopher, and historian, b. 1094, d. 1778 : Capt. James Cook, English navi gator, b. 3728, d. 1779; Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, baron de 1 Anlne, French economist, statesman, and litterateur, b. 1727. d. 1781 ; Jean le Rond d Alembert, French philosopher and mathematician, b. 1717, d. 178, !; Leonard Euler, Swiss mathe matician and author, b. 1707, d. 1783; Samuel Johnson, Eng lish lexicographer, philologist, moralist, and poet, b. 170U, a. 1784; Frederic II (the. great), king of Prussia, b. 1712, d. 1786; George Louis Leclerc, comte de Buft on, French naturalist and scientific writer, b. 1707, d. 1788; Jean Franc.oi de Galoup, BIOGRAPHIES of eminent men from the 13th century, continued. comte de La Perousc, French navigator, b. 1741, d. 1788? Charles Michel de 1 Epee, French abbot and philanthropist, b. 1712, d. 1789; Benjamin Franklin, American statesman, phi losopher, and author, b. 1706, d. 1790; Adam Smith. Scotch economist and moralist, b. 1723, d. 1790 ; John Wesley, founder of methodism, b. 1703, d. 1791 ; Richard Arkwright, English manufacturer, and inventor of the " spinning-jenny," b. 1732, d. 1792; Johann Clirysostom Sigismund Amadeus Mozart, German music composer, b. 1756, d. 1791; George Brydges Rodney, lord, English admiral, b. 1717, d. 1792; Sir Joshua Reynolds, English portrait painter and litterateur, b. 1723, d. 1792; John Snicaton, English engineer and mechanician,!). 1724, d. 1792; John Hunter, Scotch anatomist and pathologist, b. 1728, d. 179 !. Vol. IV. Edward Gibbon, English historian and miscel laneous writer, b. 1737, d. 1794; Sir William Jones, English orientalist, jurist, and litterateur, b. 1746, d. 1794; Antqino Laurent Lavoisier, French chemist, b. 1743, d. 1794; William Murray, 1st earl of Mansfield, English advocate, judge, and statesman, b. 1705, d. 1793; Edmund Burke, Irish statesman and orator, b. 1730, d. 1797 ; Christian Friedrich Schwartz, mis sionary to India, b. 1726, d. 1798 ; Joseph Black, Scottish chem ist, philosopher, and scientific writer, b. 1728, d. 1799; George Washington, 1st president of the United States, b. 1732, d. 1799; William Cowper, English poet and epistolograplier, b. 1731, d. 1800; Joseph Priestley, English dissenting divine, chemist, and natural philosopher, b. 17S\ d. 1804; Horatio Nelson, vis count, British admiral, b. 1758, d. 1805; William Pitt. English statesman and orator, b. 1759, d. 1800; Johann Christpph Friedrich von Schiller, German poet, dramatist, and historian, b. 1759, d. 1805 : Charles James Fox, English orator and states man, b. 1749, d. 1806; Richard Porsou, English scholar and critic, b. 1759, d. 1808; Nevil Maskelyne, English astronomer, b. 1732, d. 1811 ; Joseph Louis Lagrange, comte, French geome trician, b. 1736, d. 1813; Thaddeus Kosciuskp, Polish j*eneral and statesman, b. 1746, d. 1817; Sir Samuel Romilly, English jurist and orator, b. 1757, d. 1818; James Watt, Scotch engi neer and improver of the steam-engine, b. 1736, d. 1819; Joseph Banks, English naturalist and philosopher, b. 1743, d. 1820; Napoleon i, Bonaparte, emperor of the French, b. 1709, d.1821; Antonio Canova, Italian sculptor and painter, b. 1757, d. 1822; Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre, French astronomer, philoso pher, and writer, b. 1749, d. 1822; Sir Friedrich William Her- schel, German astronomer in England, b. 1738, d. 1822; Ed mund Cartwrighr, English divine, poet, and inventor of the power-loom, b.1743, d.1823 ; Edward Jenner, English physician, naturalist, inventor of vaccination, and writer,!). 1749, d. 1823; Thomas Erskinc, lord, orator, politician, lord-chancellor of England, b. 1750, d. 1823 ; John Flaxman, English sculptor and designer, h. 1754, d. 1826; Thomas Jefferson, 3d president of the United States, and author, b. 1743, d. 1826; Pierre Simon, marquis de Laplace, French geometrician and physician, b. 1749, d. 1827; William Ilvde Wollaston, English physician, chemist, and natural philosopher, b. 1706, d. 1828; Sir Hum phrey Davy, English chemist, natural philosopher, and scien tific writer, b. 1778. d. 1829; Simon Bolivar y Ponte, founder and 1st president of the republic of Columbia, b. 1783, d. 18X>; Jeremy Bentham, English philosopher, political and juris- prudential writer, b. 1748, d. 1&!2; Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagohert Cuvier, baron, French naturalist, b. 1769, d. 1832; Sir Walter Scott, Scotch novelist, poet, and historian, b. 1771, d. ia i2; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German dra matic author, poet, naturalist, and savant, b. 1749, d. 18" 2; Wil liam Wilberforce, English philanthropist, b. 1759, d. 1833. BIOGRAPHY. Collections. A oe. The contents of most of those collections are given under the authors names. Adams, W. II. D. Records of noble lives 1553.2 Baillie, J. Life-studios 548.12 Bayno, P. Essays in 885.1 Belloc, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes 1516.11 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century. 839.6 Bogart, W. H. Who goes there 1 or, men and events 1516.3 Brave men s footsteps 1559.5 Brightwell, G. L. Byepaths of 555.19 Bruce, J. Classic and historic portraits 1553.1 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 867.1; 867.3; 893.3 Cobb, J. B. Leisure labors 877.6 Cooper, T. Triumphs of perseverance and enter- prise. 569.25 Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who have raised themselves from poverty to eminence .... 379.13 De Quincey, T. Biographical essays 895.7 Dictionary of contemporary biography. 1861... 555.4 Distinguished men of modern times 820.29 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548.13; 549.30 Emerson, R. W. Representative men 876.5 Eminent men and popular books 549.33 Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. 1872. .. 885.22 Fifty celebrated men: their lives and trials 569.23 Fifty famous women : their virtues and failings. . 569.24 Giles, H. Lectures and essays 875.6; 875.8 Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and literary men : being a second gallery of literary portraits. 548.3 Third gallery of portraits 548.4 BIOGRAPHY 29 BLACKMORE Shelf. No. BIOGRAPHY. Collections, continued. Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual. 1841... 518.12 Groser, W. H. Men worth imitating 557.20 Hazlitt, W. Tho spirit of the age: or contem porary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Herbert, M. E., lady. Three phases of Christian love 2085.1 Hood,B. P. Usesof 878.24 Hunter, H. Sacred biography 541.4 Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscellanies. 1815.5 Jordan, W. Men I have known. 1866 1522.9 Knapp, S. L. Biographical sketches of eminent lawyers, statesmen, and men of letters 524.10 Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. Memoirs of celebrated characters 547.4 Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors. 883.14 Lives of eminent persons 365.18 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Biographical and histori cal sketches. 1857 884.19 Biographical essays. 1857 589.27 Biographies, contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1860 587.14 and others. New biographies of illustrious men. 1857 547.7 Martineau, H. Biographical sketches 1596.2 Men of the time. 1852 548.1 Men who were earnest 549.40 Men who have risen 551.18; 557.3 Myers, F. Lectures on great men 557.8 Parton, J. People s book of 1522.10 and others. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 Perseverance under difficulties, as shown in the lives of great men 549.38 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.5; 879.15 Shairp, J. C. Studies in poetry and philosophy. . 1829.11 Sigourney, L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 Smiles, S. Brief biographies 589. 18 Industrial biography 557.19 Steel, R. Lives made sublime by faith and works. 577.13; 577.16 Stephen, Sir J. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 863.9; 867.5; 1815.2 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times. 1868 1522.8 Successful men of modern times 551.16 Taino, H. A. History of English literature .... 895.26 Talfourd, Sir T. N. Critical and miscellaneous writings 863.9; 1815.2 Thomson, K. (B.) Thequeensof society. .542.15; 542.17 Tho wits and beaux of society 555.1; 1545.8 Timbs, J. Anecdote biography 587. 15 School -days of eminent men.... 554. 13; 557.15; 589.3 Towlo, G. M. Glimpses of history 1977.1 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature, illustrated by tire genius of distinguished men. . 648.5 Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 Mental portraits 557.10 Tweedio, W. K. The life and work of earnest men. 555.13 Vaughan, R. A. Hours with the mystics 115.23 Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men. 823.18 Essays and reviews 875.11; 875.12 Literature and life 1818.6 The literature of the ago of Elizabeth 1373.5 Whittier. J. G. Old portraits and modern sketches. v. 1 of 823. 21; 887.6 See also Actors,Apostles, Architects, Artists, Bible, Captains, Cavaliers, Christ.Commantlcrs, Confessors, Crimea, Crusades, Dramatists, Eccentrics, England, Etonians, Europe, Famous boys, Famous men, Famous persons, Fathers, France, Genius, Georgia, Germany, Grammarians, Great Britain, Greece, He roes, Heroines, Historical characters, India, Indians. Inrldelity, Inventors, Ireland, Irish bar, Italy, Jacobites, Jews, Knights, Lawyers, Literature, London, Loyalists, Martyrs, Massachu setts, Medical biography, Methodism, Missions, Mormonism, Naturalists, Naval biography, Necromancers, New England, New York city, Novelists, Painters, Paris, Philadelphia, Phi losophers, Physicians, Poets, Popes, Preachers, Presidents, Pretenders. Princeton, N. J., Prussia, Public characters, Ref ormation, Reformers, Roman catholic church, Rome, Saints, Scientific men, Sculptors, Sea-kings, Self-made men, Self- taught men, Sovereigns, Spain, Statesmen, Surgeons, Travel lers, United States, Vocalists, West (The), Wives, Women. Jfote. For the biography and correspondence of individ uals, see under their names. Shelf. No. BIRCH, Rev. Thomas, F. R. S., b. 1705, d. 1766. The court and times of Charles i, [1625-49]. [With portrait.] London, 1849. 2 v. 8 552.11 The court and times of James i, [1603-25]. Lon don, 1848. 2 v. 8 552.10 BIRCHALL, James. England under the Normans and Plantagenets, [1066-1377]. London, 1858. 8 998.2 BIRD, Edward, painter, b. 1772, d. 1819. See Cun ningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 2 of 379.9; v. 2 of 810.19 BIRD, Joseph. Gleanings from the history of music. Boston, 1850. 8 209.3 BIRKBECK, Morris. Letters from Illinois. [With maps.] Philadelphia, 1818. 12 629.21 Notes on a journey in America, from the coast of Virginia to Illinois. 2d edition. [With map.] London, 1818. 8 625.17 BIRKE.VHEAD, Sir John, 6. 1615, d. 1679. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 BIRMESE empire. See Burmah. BISCAY, Florence, comtesse de, fl. lith century. See Edgar, J. G. Noble dames of ancient story. 569.27; 599.24 BISCAY, Six years in, [1830-37]. Bacon, J. F 673.2 BISHOP, Nathaniel II. Tho Pampas and Andes. A thousand miles walk across South America. Boston, 1869. 16 1637.5 BISHOP, Putnam P. Liberty s ordeal. New York, 1864. 16 309.22 BISMARCK, Otto von, Prussian statesman, b. 1815. Life of. See Hesekiel, J. G. L 1593.1 Note. Sec Germany and Russia. Hesekiel s is the princi pal account. See North American review, Jan., 1869; and Harper s monthly, vol. 40. BISSET, Robert. History of the reign of George nr, [1760-1819]. 2d edition. London, 1820. 6 v. 8 976.5 BITS of travel. Hunt, H. (M.) 909.21 BIYAR, Rodriguez Diaz do, (the Cid). See Cid Ruy Diaz. BLACK, Adam and Charles. Guide to Dublin and tho Wicklow mountains. [With maps.] Edinburgh, 1865. 16 1659.19 Guide to Gloucestershire. [Illustrated.] 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1865. 16 1659.15 Guide to Norway. See Bowden, R 1659.20 Guide to the Channel islands. See Ansted, D. T. . 1659.17 Guide to tho counties of Hereford and Monmouth. With illustrations. 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1865. 16 1659.18 Guide to the duchy of Cornwall. With illustra tions. Edinburgh, 1865. 16 1659.16 , Note. See Bates Hall catalogues for later and other guides of Black s series. BLACK, Joseph, Scottish chemist, philosopher, and scien tific writer, b. 1728, d. 1799. Biographies of emi nent men from tho 13th century v. 4 of 839.6 Brougham, H., lord. Lives of men of letters and science in the time of George in 547.3 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. .548.16; 551.13 Memorials of early genius 55 1. 10 BLACK HAWK. See Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak. BLACK man, The. Brown, W. W 536.22 BLACK sea. Macintosh, A. F. Military tour on the eastern shores of the. 1854 687.8 Oliphant, L. The Russian shores of the, in 1852. 674.2; 689.3 Spencer, E. Turkey, Russia, etc. 1854 687.21 See also Crimea, Russia, Turkey. BLACKMORE, John, b. 1815. The London by moonlight mission. With memoir of the author. London, 1861. 12 2109.12 BLACKMORE, Sir Richard, English physician and poet, b. 1650? d. 1729. Bell, R. Lives of the Eng lish poets v. 2 of 398.2 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets . . . . v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 BLACKSTONE 30 BOGG8 Shelf. No. BLACKSTONE, Sir William, English judge, law writer, and commentator, b. 1723, d. 1780. Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of the early lives of great lawyers 1516.13 Roscoe, H. Lives of British lawyers 388.4 BLACKWOOD, Adam, counsellor of the parliament of Poitiers, and writer, b. 1539, d. 1613. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 BLACKWOOD, Frederick Temple, lord Dufferin. Let ters from high latitudes: Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen, in 1856. [Illustrated.] Lon don, 1857. 16 708.1 Same. 4th edition. London, 1858. 16 1666.3 Same. Boston, 1859. 12 708.21 BLAIKIE, Alexander. The schools; or, presbyterians in the United States. [Anon.] Boston, 1860. 59 pp. 12 1115.11 BI.IAI.VK, James Gillespie, speaker of the United States house of representatives, b. 1830. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 BLAIR, Francis Preston, jr., American politician, b. 1821. Life of. See Lives, etc 1529.4 BLAIR, Hugh, Scottish critic, b. 1718, d. 1800. Life and writings of. See Hill, J 575.10 BLAIR, John. Chronological tables. Revised and [continued] to April, 1856, by J. W. Rosse. Lon don, 1856. 16 836.2 Chronological history. See Thomson, D. W 1092.19 BLAISE, Jean Louvois Marie, French seaman and bar ber, fl. 18th century. See Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569.19 BLAKE, Henry N. Three years in the army of the Potomac. Boston, 1865. 16 308.23 BLAKE, Homer C., American commander, b. 1822. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval com manders 272.7 BLAKE, James. Annals of Dorchester, [1628-1753]. See Dorchester. Antiquarian and historical society. Collections 227.16 BLAKE, John L. The world as exhibited in the man ners, customs, and characteristios of all nations. With illustrations. New York, 1853. 12.... 947.8 BLAKE, Robert, English admiral, b. 1599, d. 1657. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes : or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 Records of noble lives 1553.2 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 6 of 840.10 Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sun dry eminent persons 586.20 BLAKE, William, artist and writer, b. 1757, d. 1828. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc. ..*.. ..v. 2 of 379.9; v. 2 of 8.10.19 ffote. See Painting, note, English school. The life by Gil- christ [B. H. 4005.30] is the main authority, the second volume ^having, under the editing of D. G. and W. M. Rossetti, re prints of his most characteristic poems. Swinburne s essay [4065.32] would be superfluous but for its illustrations. For articles, see Atlantic, ApriL 1864; North American review, Oct., 1864, and April, 1809; Hours at home, by K. P. Evans, May, 1870; Spectator, 1863, or Living age, 110. 1021; Mac- millan, 1864, or Living age, no. 1073; and Old and new, Jan., 1873. Also Fairholt s Homes, [B. II. 4075.51]. BLANC, (Jean J.) Louis, b. 1813. History of ten years [in France], 1830-40. London, 1844, 45. 2v. 8 1002.5 BLANC, Mount. See Mont Blanc. BLANCHE GAMOND. See Gamond, Blanche. BLAND, John, of Adisham, English divine and martyr, burnt 1555. See Taylor, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs 1094.10; 1094.15 BLAQUIERE, Edward. The Greek revolution, [1823]. 2d edition. London, 1825. 8 918.1 Narrative of a second visit to Greece, [1824]. London, 1825. 8 683.11 BLAZE DE BURY, Marie Pauline Rose, madame. Me moirs of [Elizabeth], princess of Bohemia, [b. 1617, d. 1680]. London, 1853. 12 545.15 .Molie re [French poet and dramatist, b. 1622, d. 1673], and the French classical drama. Lon don, 1846. 24 840.3 Shelf. No. BLAZE DE BURY, Marie Pauline Rose, continued. Racine [French poet and historian, b. 1639, d. 1699], and the French classical drama. London, 1845. 24 840.4 BLEEKER, Mrs. Ann Eliza, b. 1752, d. 1783. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revo lution v . 2 of 538.13 BLENNERHASSETT, Harman, Irish Western settler and adventurer, b. 1767, d. 1831. Life of. See Saf- ford, W. H 517.12 BLESSINGTON, Countess of. See Gardiner, Margaret. BLIND, Beauties and achievements of the. Hall, W. 1838.1 BLITZ, Antoine, signor. Fifty years in the magic cir cle. Illustrated. Hartford, 1871. 12 554.16 BLOOMFIELD, Robert, English poet, b. 1766, d. 1823. Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 548.18; v. 2 of 548.22 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543. 13 BLOSS, C. A. Ancient history [B. c. 3600-A. D. 476], illustrated by colored maps, and a chronological chart. Revised and improved by J. J. Anderson. New York, 1873. 12 J 948.20 BLOUNT, Charles, earl of Devonshire, English military officer and statesman, b. 1563, d. 1606. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 B NI MOZAB, Ghardaia; or, ninety days among the. 1871. Naphegyi, G 686.26 BOADEN, James. Memoirs of John Philip Kemble, [English actor, b. 1757, d. 1823]. [With por trait.] London, 1825. 2 v. 8 597.5 BOADICEA, queen of the Iceni, d. 62. Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns and illus trious women 569.28 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 BOAT life in Egypt and Nubia. Prime, W. C 698.8 BOATING life at, Oxford. London, 1868. 16 180. 102 BOBBIN boy, The. N. P. Banks. See Thayer, W. M. 527.20 BOCCACCIO, Giovanni, Italian scholar and poet, b. 1313, d. 1375. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and sci entific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. . . v. 1 of 398.1 Ifotc. See Italy, literature, note; and Villemain, [B. H. 2672.7.2]; Snhlege l, [838.8]; Roscoe, [B. H. 2772.18]; Long fellow [322.1], etc. BODENSTEDT, Friederich (Martin). Schamyl. See Wagner, F 409.28; 1655.14 BODLEY, Sir Thomas, English diplomatist, founder of the Bodleian library, b. 1544, d. 1612. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 BOB, Franz. See Dubois, Franciscus. BOECE, Hector. See Boethius, H. BOECKH, August. Public economy of the Athenians. Translated from the 2d German edition. Boston, 1857. 8 953.1 BOEHM, BOEHME, or BoEHHEN, Jacob, German mys tic writer and visionary, b. 1575, d. 1624. See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 546.1 BOEIS, Hector. See Boethius, H. BOERHAAVE, Herman, Dutch physician, naturalist, and writer, b. 1668, d. 1738. Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sundry eminent persons. 586.20 Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 BOETHIUS, Anicus Manlius Torquatus Soverinus, Ro man consul, philosopher, mathematician, and author, b. afeo<435, d. 525. See Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors 883.14 BOETHIUS, BOECE, BOEIS, or BOYCE, Hector, Scotch historian, b. about 1465, d. 1536. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586. 13 BOGART, William H. Who goes there ? or, men and events. By " Sentinel," [pseud.]. New York, 1866. 16 1516.3 BOGEN, F. W. The German in America. [Gorman and English.] Boston, 1851. 18 629.33 BOGGS, Charles Stuart, American rear-admiral, b. 1810. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 BOHN 31 BORROW Shelf. No. BOHN, Henry G. Pictorial hand-book of modern ge ography. London, 1861. P. 8 854.11 BOIAUDO, Matteo Maria, Italian poet, b. 1434, d. 1494. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, etc v. 1 of 398.1 BOILEAU, Nicholas, French poet and satirist, b. 1636, d. 1711. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 1 of 388.8 Note. See Astie s sketch [1008.10], and the literary histories of France ;Michaud; Longfellow, [y- .l]; Sainte-Beuve [B.H. 2670.2.1 ; 4679a.3], etc. BOKER, George H., American poet, b. 1824. Poems of thewar. Boston, 1864. 16 309.21 See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress.... 522.16 BOKHARA. Burnes, Sir A. Travels into, [1831-33].. 694.11 Khanikof, . Bokhara: its amir and its people. 1845 694.4 See also Asia. BOLEYN, Anne. See Anne Boleyn. BOLINGBROKE, 1st viscount. See St. Joh-n, Henry. BOLIVAR Y PONTE, Simon, founder and first president of the republic of Columbia, b. 1783, d. 1830. Bi ographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Holstein, H. L. V. D. Memoir of Bolivar and his generals 539.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Note. The latest memoir is by I.arrazabal, 1866. See also Caleb Gushing s article in the North American review, Jan., 1829; also see Harper s monthly, vol. 40. BOLLAERT, William. Antiquarian researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru and Chile. With plates. London, 1860. 8 266.11 BOLLER, Henry A. Among the Indians. Eight years in the far West: 1858-66. Embracing sketches of Montana and Salt Lake. [With map.] Phila delphia, 1868. 12 3 245.13 BOLTON, Duchess of. See Paulet, Lavina. BOLTON, Abby, b. 1827, d. 1849. The lighted valley ; or scenes in the life of. See Bolton, R 539.38 BOLTON, Robert. The lighted valley; or the closing scenes in the life of a beloved sister, [Abby Bol ton]. [Anon.~\ New York, 1850. 12 539.38 BOMARSTJND, Siege of 206.19 BONAPARTE, Joseph. See Joseph Bonaparte. BONAPARTE, Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon in. BONAPARTE, Napoleon. See Napoleon i. BONAPARTE family, History of the. See Lester, C. E. The Napoleon dynasty 611.3; 611.6 Note. See Chambers s Papers for the people, [386.1.1]. BOND, Henry. Family memorials. Genealogies of Watertown, including Waltham and Weston. Appended early history of the town. With illus trations. Boston, 1855. 2v.ini. 8 BOND, John Wesley. Minnesota and its resources. Chicago, 1856. 12 237.8 BONDONE, Angiollotto or Ambrogiotto. See Giotto. BONIKGTON, Richard Parkes, painter, b. 1801, d. 1828. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 5 of 379.9; v. 4 of 810.19 BONNECHOSE, (Francois Paul) limile (Boisnormand) de. History of France, from the invasion of the Franks under Clovis, to the accession of Louis Philippe, [431-1831]. Translated from the latest Paris edition, by W. Robson. [Illus trated.] London, 1853. P. 8 1007.2 The reformers before the reformation. Translated by C. Mackenzie. New York, 1844. 8 BONNEFOUX, Baron. History of Columbus. See Bechor, A. B. The landfall of Columbus 625. li BONNER, John. Child s history of Greece, [B. c. 500- A. D. 1857]. With illustrations. New York, 1857. 2 v. 16 959.10 Child s history of Rome, [B. c. 285-A. D. 476]. [With illustrations.] New York, 1856. 2 v. 16 959.11 Child s history of the United States, [1500-1855]. New York, 1855. 2 v. 1(1 309.12 224.1 Shelf. No, BONNER, Robert, editor of the New York ledger, b. 1824. See MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Note. See chapter 40 of Hudson s Journalism, [231.1]. BONOMI, Joseph, English artist and archaeologist, b. 1796. Nineveh and its palaces. The discoveries of Botta and Layard, applied to the elucidation of Holy Writ. [With illustrations.] London, [1852]. 8 685.10 Same. 2d edition. London, 1853. 8 1693.1 Same. 3d edition. London, 1857. P. 8.. .. 835.14 BONSTETTEN, Charles V. de. The man of the North, and the man of the South; or the influence of climate. New York, 1864. 12 307.25 BOOK for a rainy day. Smith, J. T 997.10 BOOK of summer resorts. Sweetser, C. H 1636.12 BOOK of travels of a doctor of physic. Taylor, W. H. 657.22 BOOK of vagaries. Paulding, J. K 1678. 10 BOOK of wonderful characters. Wilson, H 1546.5 BOOKS and authors: curious facts and characteristic sketches. Nimrno, W. P 1819.17 BOONE, Daniel, pioneer, and early settler of Kentucky, b. 1735, d. 1822. Abbott, J. S. C. Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky 1527.6 Ellis, E. S. Life and times of 1529.22 Goodrich. S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Hill, CJ. C. Daniel Boone. A biography 527.17 Peck, J. M. Life of v. 23 of 529.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and crit ical 547.2 Mental portraits 557.10 Note. See Kentucky. See also Lossing s papers in Harper s monthly, vols. 19 and 28; Everett s Mount Vernou papers, [893.7] ; and Simms s Sketch, [B. II. 4409.22]. There is an ac count of his life by himself in tne appendix tolmlay s Western territory, [B. II. 2373.10]. BOOTH, Edwin Thomas, actor, b. 1833. See Mae- Cabe, J. D.,jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Note. See sketch by William Winter, [B. H. 2490.51]; also Atlantic monthly, May, 18S6 ; O. B. Wood s Essays [1818.8], etc. BOOTH, John Wilkes, assassin of President Lincoln, b. 1839, d. 1869. Life, crime, and capture of. See Townsend, G. A 1830. j BOOTH, Junius Brutus, the elder, tragedian, b. 1796, d. 1852. Clarke, Mrs. A. Booth memorials. .. 569.26 Gould, T. R. Histrionic genius of 1359.3 BOOTH, Mary L. History of the city of New York from its settlement to the present time. Illus trated. New York, 1859. 8 232.7 BORCKE, Heros von. Memoirs of the confederate war for independence. Philadelphia, 1867. 16... 288.1 BORDER reminiscences. Marcy, R. B 638.22 BORDER wars of the American revolution. Stone, W. L 820.62 BoRDONI, Faustina, afterwards Madame Hasse, Italian cantatnce, b. 1700, d. 1783. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 BORGES DE F. HENRIQDES, Manuel. A trip to the Azores or Western islands. Boston, 1867. 16.. 1699.1 BORGIA, Caesare, duke of Valentino, d. 1507. Life of. See Gordon, A 544.2 BOFIGIA, Rodrigo. See Alexander vi, pope. BORNEO, Expedition to, for the suppression of piracy. 1856. Kcppel, H 707.14 BoRROMEO, Carlo, St., cardinal, archbishop of Milan, b. 1538, d. 1584. Life of. See Thompson, E. H. 1557.5 BORROW, George, English Bible missionary, b. 1803. The Bible in Spain, [1835-42]. London, 1843. p. 8 889.4 Same. 13th edition. New York, 1851. 8.. 673.1 Wild Wales; its people, language, and scenery. London, 1862. 12 644.6 TheZincali; or, an account of thd gypsies of Spain. Philadelphia, 1843. 8 935.3 Same. 4th edition. London, 1846. 16 889.5 Same. New York, 1851. 8 673.1 BORUWLASKI 32 BOSTON Shelf. No. BORUWLASKI, Joseph, Polish dwarf, b. 1739, d. 1837. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters. . 1546.5 BOSCAN-ALMOGAVER, Juan, Spanish poet, b. 1500, d. 1544. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 3 of 398.1 BOSCANA, <jeronimo,/riar of the order of Saint Fran cisco, d. 1831. Chinigchinich; historical account of the Indians at the missionary establishment of St. Juan Capistrano, Alta California; called the Acagchemein nation. [With portrait.] Trans lated from the Spanish, [by A. Robinson]. New York, 1846. 12 1635.22 BOSCOBEL tracts. (See Hamilton, A. Memoirs, etc. .. 857.1 Bosio, Angiolina, Italian vocalist, b. 1830, d. 1859. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 BOSNIA, Sketch of the insurrection in. 1853. See Ranke, (F.) L. von. History of Servia, and the Servian revolution 827.1 BOSSDET, Jacques Benigne, bishop of Meaux, philoso pher, theologian, and historian, b. 1627, d. 1704. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 2 of 839.6 Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 3 of 547.4 ffote. The established life is that in French by Bausset B. H. 3496.3], with Tabaraud s Supplement [B. H. 3496.4], ough there is an English life by Butler [3502.1.3], and a later French memoir by Floqnet, [B. H. 2655.14]. See the biograph ical material added to editions of his works, [B. H. 3496.5.43; 6031.1.1]. See Edinburgh review, Jan., 1858 ; Alison s Essays, [863.5] ; and references in McClintock and Strong. BOST, (Jean) Augustin. History of the Moravians. Translated from the French. New edition. Lon don, 1862. 16 2107.19 BOSTON, Mass. The city hall. Corner stone laid, Deo. 22, 1862. Dedicated, Sept. 17, 1865. [With plates.] Boston, 1866. 8 292.8 Memorial of Daniel Webster. [With portrait.] Boston, 1853. 8 512.6 Memorial of Samuel F. B. Morse. Boston, 1872. 8 522.18 Memorial of the inauguration of the statue of Franklin. [With plates.] Boston, 1857. 8.. 292.14 Report of the commissioners appointed to investi gate the cause and management of the great fire. Boston, 1873. 8 243.4 A topographical and historical description of Bos ton. By N. B. Shurtleff. [With maps.] Bos ton, 1871. L.8 222.4 Abbott, J. Marco Paul s adventures in pursuit of knowledge. 1843 659.23 Bridgman, T. Epitaphs from Copp s hill burial ground. 1851 229.4 The pilgrims of Boston and their descendants. 1856 ;. 223.5 Clapp, W. W., jr. Record of the Boston stage. 1853 356.10 Conwell, R. H. History of the groat fire in, Nov. 9 and 10, 1872 243.2 Dearborn, N. Boston notions, [1630-1847] 229.8 Dix, J. R. Local loiterings and visits in the vicinityof. 1845... 228.9 Drake, S. A. Old landmarks and historic person ages of. 1873 228.22 Drake, S. G. History and antiquities of, [1630- 1770] 222.1 Frothingham, R. History of the siege of, [1774- 76] 214.2; 231.2 Homans, J. S. Sketches of. 1851 229.7 Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. 1866.. 1638.1 Loring, J. S. The hundred Boston orators, [1770- 1852] 282.5 Pulsifer, D. Guide to. 1868 1638.11 Quincy, J. Municipal history of, [1630-1830] .. 222.5 Shaw, C. Topographical and historical descrip tion of, [1630-18 17] 228. 16 Siinonds, T. C. History of South Boston. 1857.. 227.4 Trial of the British soldiers for the murder of Crispus Attuoks and others, March 5, 1770 219.1 Watson, H. C. The Yankee tea-party ; or, Bos ton in 1773 v. 3 of 1527.5 Shelf. No. BOSTON, Mass., continued. Brattle Street church. History of, [1699-1851]. Lothrop, S. K 297. 22 Washingtonian home. History of the. 1860. Harrisson, T>.,jr 1116.1 ffote. The earliest general account is by Thomas Pember- ton, 1794, in the Massachusetts historical society s collections, [B. II. 2351.1.3]. Charles Shaw, in 1817. based his somewhat more readable narrative upon it. In 1822, the first regular history was published by Snow [B. H. 2353.7 ; 2353.8], a subse quent edition appearing in 1828. A little later Bowen s Pic ture of Boston, with annals," was published. [B. H. 2353.19]. In 1852, JosiahQtiincy published his Municipal history, which is concerned chiefly with the period of the early mayoralties, [also in B. H. 2353.4]. In the same year, Samuel G. Drake began the most elaborate of all the histories [also in B. H. 2350.10], but having brought it to 1770. in 1856 the publication ceased. See Sargent s notices of the different histories, [B. H. 4451.12]. The successive periods of Boston s history and appearance can be traced in other works as follows : For the first half-century of its history, see Winthrop s Jour nal [B. H. 2321.10], and his lite, 1630-49, [B. H. 2347.39; 2347.40]; and thecarlv historians of Mew England, like Wood s Prospect, [Prince, 26.237]; Lechford s Plain dealing, [B. H. 4503.8]; and Johnson s Wonder-working providences, [B. H. 4401.2]. See also the account of La Tour s visit, 1613, [eSB.ll, or Living age, vol. 2.TJ; Hawthorne s novel " Scarlet letter," [457.8]; and Mrs. Buckminster Lee s " Naomi," [437.6]. Rufus Dawes s novel " Nix s mate" relates to the period of Sir Edmond Andros s rule. See also the Report of the French protestant refugees in Boston at this time, [B. H. 4303.24]. See Nason s memoir of Sir C. II. Frankland for later asso ciations. [B. H. 4348.28] ; and the travels of Burnaby, 1759-60, [B. II. ii->k).l:;.l.l; SMl.15]. For th period of the stamp act and the revolution, see the H. 2353.25; 4426.17]; the introduction to Loring s Orators, with the orations cited; and Frothingham s "Sam Adams regiments" in the Atlantic monthly, vols. 10 and 12. For the ten party, Dec., 1773, see accounts by Hewes, [219.4; B. H. 2333.16]; by Poole, [B. H., Pph. v.384]; Niles s register, vol. 33; and Lossing, in Harper s monthly, vol. 4. Descriptions of Boston at this period may be found in Anhurey, one ot Bur- goyne s officers quartered at Cambridge, 1777 JB. H. 2362.6]; by Robin, chaplain of Rochambeau, 1781, [B. II. 4363.13]; and by Chastellux, 1782, [B. H. 2361.18.2]. For the siege of Boston [see Bunker hill], there is Frothingham s valuable monograph, [also in B. H. 2)53.1 ; reviewed by Bowen in the North American review, vol. 70]. See in this connection Cooper s "Lionel Lincoln," [7U0.42]; and Miss Child s " Rebels." Also Lossing s paper on the revolutionary associa tions of Boston, in Harper s monthly, vol. 1, and his Pictorial tield-book of the revolution, [211.1]. Wansev, 1794, [B. II. 23-J8.14] ; Rochefoueauld-Liancourt, 1795, [B.H. 6267.1.24]; Dwight, 1810, [B. H. 4464.1]; Fearon, 1817, [624.15]; and Stansbury, 1821, [629.22]. During the last fifty years, various visitors have recorded their impressions: The Duke of Saxe-Weimar Eisenach, EuTtB. H. Sail ]i Chamber., IJ627.2L ]; Kohl," 1854, [no. 920 of Living age]; A. Trollope, 1862, [634.8]; II. T. Tucker- man s " Village in Massachusetts," in Harper s monthly. Dec., 1865; Dilke, [1054.12]; and Duvergier de Hauranne in Revue desdeux mondcs. or translated in Every Saturday, Jan. 27, 1866, on the literary society. . For the part taken by Boston in the civil war, see Schouler s Massachusetts, [272.11; B. II. 4400.8.2]; and the account of the dedication of the monument at Mount Hope cemetery. For the fire oi Nov. 9th and 10th, 1872, see accounts by Cof fin, [B. II. 2359.50] ; by Conwell, [above]; by Frothingham, [B. H. 8359.53] ; the official report of the investigating com mittee, [also in B. H. 2356.52] ; and collections of photographs, The historical associations of different localities and change) in the topography are traced for a part of the area and tor the harbor in Sliurtlefl"s elaborate monograph, (.also in B. H. 44,51.19; 4451.20]; and more popularly and with greater range in S. A. Drake s Old landmarks, [also in B. H. 2329.52]. See Lowell s description of Boston 111 Mayor Quincy s time in his My study windows, [1816.22, p. 9..] ; much of interest m Sargent s Dealings with the dead, [228.1]; pictures of life m Hawaii s Suburban sketches. [644.22]; Savage s History of the Boston watch, [B. H. 6348.1]; Osgood s Boston illustrated, f> 11; B. II. 44.17.5]; an account of Boston and its environs In the Boston almanac, 1866 [B. H. 2389.30], another of Frank lin street before the fire in that for 1859, and J. V. C. Smith a naper on ancient and modern Boston in that for 18jJ. The churches of Boston have their separate chronicles, like that of the First church, by Emerson [B. II. 2354.8] and by [B. II. :U55.61]; Second church, by Chandler [B .5 SSS4. 01 f New North, by Eliot; [B. H. 4355.8] ; Park klrcet church, [B. II. 2354.14]; Second Wist, by Baldwin, fB H. 3454.21]; Twelfth Congregational, by Pray, [B. H. 2351 181. See also articles in American quarterly register, vol. 7 ; and in Boston almanac for 1843 and 1854. Boston and its trade is the subject of articles m Hunt a Mer chant s magazine, by A. Bradford, vol. 1: by Everett, vol. 2; by Lanman, vol. 10; by Chickermg, vols. 13 and 14; by Shat- tuck, vol. 15; by E. H. Derby, vol. 23 ; and in North American review, by Adams, Jan., 1868. The history of East Boston has been written by Surnncr, [B.H. 2353.20; 2353.30]; of South Boston, by Simonds, [also BOSTON 33 BOWMAN Shelf. No. BOSTON, Mass., continued. in B. H. 2353.10] ; of Dorchester, by Clapp, [B. H. 2356.27]; and Everett s address on Dorchester, [22 1.2/> : \1 .7.3]. Sec Josiah Quincv s second centennial address, [B. IT. 4497.8; 5546, i]; the Kt-rvices at the dedication of the city hall, [also in B. H. G350.1, etc.]. For maps, see the enumeration in a chapter of ShitrtlefTs description, [222.4] ; Walling s, [ B. II. 4439.1 ; 4450.2 ; 4450.1.34] ; and Sanboru s Insurance map, [-3, D and E]. See also Dorchester, Massachusetts, New England. BOSTON female asylum, Reminiscences of the. 1844. Wales, A. L 1848.2 BOSTON illustrated. Boston, [1872]. 16 229.11 BOSWELL, James, b. 1740, d. 1795. British essays in favour of the brave Corsicans. London, 1769. 16 679.12 Lifoof Samuel Johnson, [b. 1709, d. 1784]. Illus trated. London, n. d. 4 v. P. 8 8C9.2 Same. Including Tour to the Hebrides. New edition, with additions, by J. W. Croker. New York, 184C, 50. 2 v. 8 582.4 Review of his Life of Johnson. See Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays v. 3 of 867.1 8G3.7; v. 3 of 893.3 Tour to tho Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson. Philadelphia, 1810. 8 646.2 Same. New edition. London, [1852]. P. 8. 869.1 BOSWORTH, Newton. Hochelaga dopicta: early his tory and present state of Montreal. With en gravings. Montreal, 1839. 12 265.4 BOTELHO. See Souza-Botelho. BOTTA, Anne C. L. Hand-book of classical literature. New York, 1800. 12 386.5 BOTTA, Carlo (G. G.) History of tho war of the independence of the United States. [With en gravings.] Translated from the Italian, by G. A.Otis. 8th edition. New Haven, 1838. 2v. 8. 213.12 Same. 9th edition. Cooperstown, N. Y., 1847, 48. 2v. 8 213.11 BOTTA, Paul fitnile, Tho discoveries of, applied to the elucidation of Holy Writ. See Bonomi, J. 685.10; 835.14; 1693.1 BOTTA, Vincenzo. Dante as philosopher, patriot, and poet. New York, 1865. 12 823.11 BOTTS, John Minor, of Virginia, b. 1802, d. 1869. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 BOUDON, Henri Mario de, French ascetic writer, b. 1624,^.1702. Life of. See Butler, C 617.14 BOUDRYE, Louis N. Historic records of the Fifth New York cavalry, 1861-65. Illustrated. 2d edition. Albany, 1865. 12 244.13 BOUGAUD, Emilo, abb. Life of St. Monica. See Herbert, M. E., lady. Three phases of Chris tian love 2085.1 BOUILLON, Godfrey. See Godfrey, or Godefroid do Bouillon. BOULEVARDS, On the. Jerrold, (W.) B 1657.1; 1657.3 BOUNTY, H. M. slup. Barrow, Sir J. Mutiny of tho 389.1; 810.42; 986.8 Belcher, D., lady. Tho mutineers of the 705.23 Murray,! 1 . 13. Pitcairn: with the mutiny of tho. 939.6 Smith, Capt. A. Aleck, and the mutineers of the. 2089.3 Nate. The old narrative of this singular episode, with the settlement of the mutineers atl j itcairns island, is Barrow s, above mentioned, and Bligh s original account of the mutiny itself is in Bates Hall, [2270.13]. L,ady Belcher s recentbook, beside adding pome new particulars about the mutiny, brings their story down through their removal to Norfolk island in 1850, till 1870. In fiction there have been bused upon this story the poem of" Christina " by Mary Kussell Mitford; Byron s poem," The island," [323.2.5, etc.]; and Capt. Chamier s " Jack Adams," a novel, [746.13]. BOURDALOUE, Louis, Jesuit preacher , b. 1632, d. 1704. The preacher and the king; or, Bourdaloue in the court of Louis xiv. See Bungener, L. (F.) 109(i.4 BOURNE, Benjamin F. The captive in Patagonia. With illustrations. Boston, 1853. 12 635.16 BOURNE, H. R. Fox. Famous London merchants. A book for boys. With illustrations. New York, 1869. 16 1559.3 Contents. Sir Richard Whittington, b. 13S3, d. 1423; Sir Thomas Gresliam, b. 151!, d. 1571) ; Sir Edward Usborne, b. 1530, d. 15U1; Sir William llerrick, b. 1557, d. 1G53; SirThoinas Smythe, b. 15IJO, d. li!25; Sir Henry Garway, b. 1570, d. 1G45; Sir Dudley North, b. 1641, d. 1691; Thomas Guy, b. 1644. d. Shelf. No. BOURNE, H. R. Fox. Famous London merchants, continued. 1724; William Beckford, b. 1708, d. 1770; Henry Thornton, b. 1702, d. 1815; Nathan Meyer Rothscliild, b. 1770, d. 1836; Samuel Guruey, b. 1780, d. 1856; George Peabody, b. 1795, d. 18U9. BOURRIENNE, Louis A. F. de. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, [b. 1769, d. 1821]. Philadelphia, 1832. 8 602.8 Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. From the French. By J. S. Memes. Edinburgh, 1830. 3 v. 18 830.60 BOUTERWEK, Friedorich. History of Spanish litera ture. Translated by T. Ross. London, 1847. 16 404.10 BOUTMY, . Personal history of Louis Philippe, ex- king of the French, 1773-1848. [With portrait.] London, 1848. 12 616.10 BOUTON, Nathaniel. History of Concord, N. II., 1725-1853. With maps, [etc.]. Concord, 1856. 8. 224.3 BOUTWELL, George S. Speeches and papers relating to tho rebellion and the overthrow of slavery. Boston, 1867. 8 288.12 BOUVET, Francois (J. F.) Tho Turks in Europe, [1825-53]. See Gilson, A. The czar and the sultan 918.16 BOWDEN, Robert. Black s guide to Norway. [With map and illustrations.] Edinburgh, 1867. 16. 1659.20 BOWDITCH, Henry I. Memoir of Nathaniel Bow- ditch. [Anon.] Boston, 1841. 16 526.10 Nat the navigator. Life of Nathaniel Bowditch. [Anon.] Boston, 1870. 16 1519.4 BOWDITCH, Nathaniel, American writer on navigation and mathematics, b. 1773, d. 1838. Bowditch, H. I. Memoir of 526.10 Nat the navigator. Life of 1519.4 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men .. 548.18 v. 2 of 548.22 Famous boys : and how they became great men. . 555.8 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-mado men 543.13 Note. See Everett s Speeches, [861.7.2] ; American journal of science-vol. 35. The principal memoir is by N. I. Bow- ditch, [B. H. 2340.2]. See references In Allibone. Bowditch a library now forms a part of the Bates Hall collection. BOWDLER, H. M. Life of E. Smith. See Smith, E. 599.7 BOWEN, Abel. The naval monument, containing accounts of the battles between the navies of tho United States and Great Britain during tho war of [1812-15]; with an account of the war with Algiers. [Anon.] With engravings. Boston, 1816. 8 215.11 BOWEN, Francis. Life of Benjamin Lincoln, [Amer ican revolutionary general, b. 1773, d. 1810]. See Sparks, J v. 23 of 529.1 Life of Baron [Friedrich Wilholm August] Steu- ben, [German officer in the American revolution, b. 1730, d. 1794]. See Sparks, J v. 9 of 529.1 Life of James Otis, [American orator and states man, b. 1725, d. 1783]. See Sparks, J. . v. 12 of 529.1 Life of Sir William Phips, [colonial governor of Massachusetts, b. 1651, d. lt>95]. See Spares, J. v. 7 of 529.1 BOWEN, George F. Handbook for travellers in Greece. New edition. With map and plans. London, 1854. 12 649.8 BOWLES, Samuel. Across the continent. A summer s journey to tho Rocky mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific states. Springfield, 1865. 12.. 644.14 Our new West. With illustrations. Hartford, 1869. 8 623.24 The Pacific railroad open. How to go: what to see. Boston, 1869. 16 1639.18 The Switzerland of America. A summer vacation in Colorado. Springfield, 1869. 12 1636.15 BOWLES, Rev. William Lisle, English poet, canon of Salisbury, b. 1762, d. 1850. See Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 BOWMAN, S. M., and IRWIN, R. B. Sherman and his campaigns: a military biography. [With por traits and maps.] New York, 1865. 8 272.1 BOWRING 34 BRANT Shelf. N BOWRINQ, Sir John, 6. 1792, d. 1872. The kingdom and people of Siam. [With illustrations.] Lon don, 1857. 2v. 8 696. Visit to the Philippine islands. [With illustra tions.] London, 1859. 8 682.6 Box, Michael J. Adventures and explorations in Mexico. New York, 1869. 12 1C37. BOXFORD, Mass., History of. 1840. Gage, T 227.( BOY inventor, The; a memoir of Matthew Edwards. See Bulfinch, T 537.7 BOY S, A, voyage round the world. 1871. Smiles, . 646.2!: BOYCE, Hector. See Boethius, Hector. BOYD, James R. Memoir of Philip Doddridge [Eng lish non-conformistdivino, b. 1702, d. 1751], with a selection from his correspondence. [With por trait.] New York, [cop. I860]. 12 578.18 BOYD, Mrs. Jane, 6. about 1770. Sr.c Ellet, E. P. The women of the American revolution v. 3 of 528.1! BOYD, Mark. Reminiscences of fifty years. New York, 1871. 12 567.1 BOYD, William, earl of Kilmarnock, b. 1703 ? beheaded 1746. See Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jacobites v. 3 of 562.2 BOYLE, Richard, 3d earl of Burlington, and 4</j earl of Cork and Ossory, architect, b. 1095, d. 1753. Cun ningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 4 of 379.9 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 BOYLE, Robert, Irish philosopher and chemist, one of the founders of the Royal society, b. 1626, d. 1691. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 9 of 840. 1C Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity v. 2 of 830.28 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 BOYNTON, Charles B. History of the navy during the rebellion. Illustrated. New York, 1867. 2 v. 8 276. The Russian empire: its resources, government and policy. [Anon.] Cincinnati, 1856. 12.. 927.3 BOZMAN, John L. History of Maryland, 1633-60. With illustrations. Baltimore, 1857. 2v.ini. 8. 235.3 BRACCIOLINI, Poggjo, Italian scholar, b. 1380, d. 1449. Life of. See Shepherd, W 543.8 BRACE, Charles L. Home-life in Germany. New York, 1853. 12 667.7 Hungary in 1851; with an experience of the Aus trian police. [With illustrations.] Now York, 1852. 12 667.5 The now West: or, California in 1867-68. Now York, 1869. 12 1635.25 The Norse-folk; or, a visit to the homes of Nor way and Sweden. [With illustrations.] New York, 1857. 12 668.9 BRACKENRIDGE, Henry M. History of the late war between the United States and Great Britain, [1812-15]. Philadelphia, 1839. 12 217.5 Recollections of persons and places in the West. Philadelphia, [1834]. 16 239.7 Same. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1868. 12. 1516.19 Voyage to South America, 1817, 18. Baltimore, 1819. 2 v. 8 633.19 BRACKETT, Albert G. History of the United States cavalry, to 1863. New York, 1865. 12 1276.4 BRACK LEY, Viscount. See Egerton, Thomas. BRADDOCK, Gen. Edward, d. 1755. Expedition against Fort du Quesne. See Sargent, W 244.1 Note. See United States, Colonial period. BRADFORD, Alden. Biographical notices of distin guished men in New. England. Boston, 1842. 12 518.6 History of Massachusetts, 1620-1820. Boston, 1835. 8 223.9 Memoir of Jonathan Mayhew, [American divine and author, b. 1720, d. 1766]. [With por trait.] Boston, Ib38. 8 534.2 Shelf. No. BRADFORD, George P., president of the Blees scwiny ma chine company, New York. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 BRADFORD, John, of Manchester, English divine and martyr, b. about 1510, burnt 1555. See Tayler, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs. 1094.10; 1094.15 BRADFORD, Sarah II. History of Peter the great, czar of Russia, [b. 1672, d. 1725]. With illus trations. New York, 1858. 12 546.22 Scenes in the life of Harriet Tubman, [American freed slave, b. about 1820]. Auburn, 1869. 12. 15 16.23 Story of Columbus, for the young folks. New York, 1857. 12 544.19 BRADFORD, William. History of Plymouth colony; Dialogue. See Morton, N. New England s memorial 223. 14 History of Plymouth colony; Journal; Dialogue; Memoir of W. Browster. See Young, A. Chron icles of the pilgrim fathers 233.13 BRADFORD, Mass., History of. 1840. Gage, T 227.6 BRADLEY, Rev. Edward. Glencroggan: or, a high land home in Cantire. By Cuthbert Bide, [pseud.}. Illustrated. London, 1861. 2 v. 8. 656.5 BRADLEY, James, English astronomer and philosophi cal writer, b. 1692, d. 1762. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 BRADSHAW, George. Illustrated guide through Paris and its envimns. London, n. d. 16 1659.1 Illustrated hand-book for Belgium and the Rhine, and portions of Rhenish Prussia. London, n. d. 16 1659.3 Illustrated hand-book to France. London, n. d. 16 1659.2 Illustrated hand-book to Switzerland and the Tyrol. London, n. d. 16 1659.4 BRADSHAW, John, regicide, b. 1586, d. 1659. Biog raphy of. See Trials of Charles I, etc 399.7 BRADY, James T., lawyer, b. 1815, d. 1869. See MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 BRADY, Robert, English physician and historian, b. 1643, d. 1700. See Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians v. 1 of 586.11 BRAGG, Braxton, b. 1815. See Snow, W. P. South ern generals, their lives and campaigns 243.1 BRAIIK, Tychode, Danish astronomer, b. 1546, d. 1601. Life of. See Brewster, Sir D. The martyrs of science 548.15; 549.36; 820.34 BRAINERD, David, missionary to the American In dians, b. 1718, d. 1747. Edwards, J. Memoirs of 119.25; 534.11 Poabody, W. B. 0. Life of...v. 1 of 518.5; v. 8 of 529.1 Note. See Miss C. M. Yonge s "Pioneers and founders," [B. H. 3539.52]; Hours at home, Nov., 18U6; and McClintock and Strong s Cyclopaedia. BRAITHWAITE, Richard. See Brathwayte, Richard. BRAMAH, Joseph, English inventor, b. 1749, d. 1814. See Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543. 13 BRAMAN, D. E. E. Information about Texas. Phil adelphia, 1857. 12 239.10 BRAMANTE DA UHBINO. See Lazzari, Donate. 3RAND, John. Observations on popular antiquities. Revised edition. By Sir H. Ellis. [With illus trations.] London, 1841. 3 v. 16 949.8 Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain. Revised and enlarged by Sir H. Ellis. New edition, with additions byj. 0. Halliwell. London, 1848, 49. 3 v. P. 8 846.8 SRANDENBURG, Memoirs of the house of, during the 17th and 18th centuries. Ranko, (F.) L. von.. 925.7 JRANDON, Charles, duke of Suffolk, favourite of Henry VIII, d. 1545. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, .v. 1 of 815.1 JRANDT, Enevold, count de, d. 1772. See Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity v. 1 of 830.28 JRANT, Joseph (Thayendanega), Mohawk chief and author, b. 1742, d. 1807. Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indian^ v. 5 of 1869.1 Stone, W. L. Life of 513.12 BRATHWAYTE 35 BRIGGS Shelf. No. BRATHWAYTE, or BRAITHWAITE, Richard, b. 1588, rf. 1673. See Bell, R. Lives of tho English poets. v. 2 of 398.2 BRATTON, Mrs. Martha. See Ellet, E. F. The wom en of tho American resolution v. 1 of 538.13 BRAVE men s footsteps. Illustrated. London, 1872. 16 1559.5 Contents. Josiah Wedgcwood, English porcelain manufac turer and chemist, b. 17:1), d. 1795 ; A group of famous English merchants; Thomas Cochrane, 10th earl of I) undonald, English admiral, b. 1775, d. 1800: Sir Charles James Napier, English general and author, b. 178- , d. 1853 ; Sir James Outram, English general, b. 180-">, d. ISO. !; Sir Henry Uavelock, English general, . 1795, d. 1857 ; William Smith, LT,. l>., English geologist, b. 1709, d. 1839; Michael Faraday, English experimental philoso pher, b. 1794, d. 1807; Granvillc Sharp, English slavery abo litionist, b. 17:55. d. 1813 ; Andrew Reed, English Independent minister, author, and philanthropist, b. 1787, d. 1302; Thomas Wright." the Manchester prison philanthropist," b. 1789; Richard Cobdcn, English political economist, b. 1804, d. 1865; Albert [Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emanuel], prince consort, b. 1819, d. 1861 ; Sir Joseph Paxton, English horticul turist, architect, and author, b. 1827. BRAVE old English confessors. Illustrated. London, n. d. 16 567.6 Contents. John Wickliff, or Wyclyff e, English theologian and pi ccurser of the reformation, b. about 1324, d. 1387; Wil liam Tyndale, orTindal, English reformer and martyr, b. about 1485, d. 1536; Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canter bury, martyr, b. 148 J, biirnt 1556, by T. Morgan ; Nicholas Ridley, martyr, bishop of London, burnt 1555, bv T. Morgan ; Hugh Latimer, martyr, bishop of Worcester, b. about 1472, burnt 1555, by T. Morgan; John Bunyan, English author, b. 1628, d. 1088, byj. G. Whitticr; Thomas Elhvood, English quaker, b. 1639, d. 171. ), by J. G. Whittiev; James Nayler, English quaker, b. 1016, d. 1000, by J. G. Whittierj Andrew Marveli, English poet, b. 1020, d. 1704, by J. G. Whittier; John Roberts, English nuaker, fl. 17th century, by J. G. Whit- tier; Hichard Baxter. English non-ronfonnist divine, b. 1015, d. 1691, by J. G. Whittier; John Locke, English philosopher, b. 1032, d. 1704, ty T. Morgan. BRAYLEY, Edward W. Londiniana; or, reminis cences of tho British metropolis. [With illus trations.] London, 1829. 4 v. 12 989.7 BRAYMAN, James 0. Daring deeds of American he rons with biographical sketches. [With illustra tions.] Auburn, 1853. 12 218.1 BRAZIL. Adalbert, II. AV., prince of Prussia. Trav els in, [1848] G33.ll Agassiz. L. (J. R.) Journey in. 1868 1623.1 Armitago, J. History of, [1808-31] 263. G Cochrane, T. Narrative of services in the libera tion of Brazil from Portuguese domination 263.9 Codman, J. Ten months in. 1867 1637.1 Ewbank, T. Life in. 1856 633.1 Fletcher, J. C. Brazil and the Brazilians. 1857. 263.2; 263.12 Gardner, 0. Travels in the interior of, [1836-41]. 634.2 Hadficld, W. Brazil and the river Plate in 18G8. 1623.4 Mansfield, C. B. Letters from, [1852, 53] 635.10 Spix, J. B. von. Travels in, [1817-20] 633.18 Stewart, C. S. Brazil and La Plata: the personal record of a cruise. 1856 635.14 AValsh, R. Notices of, [1828, 29] 266.6 Wilberforce, E. Brazil viewed through a naval glass. 1856 1655.11 Note. The most noteworthy scientific travels of recent years have been Agassi z s general account of the Tliayer expe dition of 1865-60, [also in B. II. 2315.19; reviewed in Atlantic monthly, March, 1803; in Saturday review, or Living age, no. 1242; translated into French with new illustrations, in Tour du monde, B. II. 6291.1, 1868]. Sec also preliminary papers on the Amazonian region in the Atlantic, March and July, I860, and Hartt s special treatise on the geology and physical geog raphy as observed by that expedition, [B. II. 78o3. 2; see also American naturalist, March, 1808]. Agassiz s address on the agricultural features of the Amazon valley is in the Report of the Massachusetts board of agriculture for 1807-68, [B. H. 6445.4]. Another exploration was conducted in 18C7, under the aus pices of the Smithsonian institution, and Prof. Orton has fur nished an account of their descent of the Amazon from its sources [1037.8], and the Messrs. Myers, another of their ex plorations of the northern tributary, the Rio Nc^ro, [037.29]. The more important English travellers of late have been Wallace on the Amazon, 1852, [B. II. 4403.2] ; and liis compan- in B. II. 2315.1]; Mansfield, who is reviewed by Chavles Kings- ley in Frascr, Nov., 1856, or New miscellanies, [1S10.9]; and Burton, who explored the Highlands. [B. II. 4463.24]. See the references under Amazon and America (South). The most popular comprehensive book on Brazil is perhaps that by Fletcher and Kidder,both protostant missionaries, [B. H. 2367.54, latest edition, 263.12; see Eclectic review, 1859, or Living age, no. 801; North British review, 1800, or Livingage. no. 844], each of whom had previously published independent accounts, that by Fletcher being in Bates Hall, [2315.18]; and Shelf. No. BRAZIL, continued. Kidder s [B. H. 2315.8], being animadverted upon from a Cath olic point of view by Spakling in chapter 30 of his Misceilaneu, [B. H. 4405.30]. Codrnan. whose book [also in B. II. 4467.14] is of use chiefly upon the commercial character of the country, also disagrees with the conclusions of Fletcher and Kidder. The German of Spix is in Bates Hall. [2370.5]. See also popular papers in Harper s monthly, vols. 7, 10, 11 and 39; Hours at home, Aug., 1807; and Biard s narrative in Tour du monde, [B. II. 0291.1, 1861]. For the history, see Southey, [B. H. 2310.22]. For the liter ature, see Wolf, [B. H., in French, 2384.0; D.192.1]. For maps, see Almcidas, [B. H. 4300.3]; Hartt, [B. II. 7803.2]; aud Orton, tor the Amazon region, [1037.8]. BRECKINRIDGE, John C., of Kentucky, b. 1821. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 BREMER, Fredrika, Swedish novelist, b. 1801, d. 1865. The homes of tho New World; impressions of America, [1849, 50]. Translated by M. Howitt. New York, 1854, 68. 2 v. 12 627.2 Life in the old world; or, two years in Switzer land and Italy, [1856-58]. Translated by M. Howitt. Philadelphia, [I860]. 2 v. 12" 665.9 Same. London, 1861. P. 8 665.14 Life, letters, and posthumous works. Translated by F. Milow [and] E. Nonnen. New York, 1868. 16 1526.19 Clever girls of our time 59 .). 21 Howitt, M. Twelve months with, [1863, G4] 1596.1 BRENT, Linda. Incidents in the life of a slave girl. By herself. Edited by L. M. Child. Boston, 1861. 12 537.28 BRENTON, Edward P. Naval history of Groat Brit ain, 1783-1836. New edition. Illustrated. Lon don, 1837. 2v. 8 986.3 BRIQUET, Abraham Louis, Swiss watchmaker and me chanician, b. 1747, d. 1823. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory aud workshop 551.7 BREWERTON, George D. Ida Lewis, the heroine of Lime rock, [b. 1842]. Newport, R. L, 1869. 66pp. 16 1519.3 BREWSTER, Anno II. M. St. Martin s summer. Bos ton, 1866. 12 537.28 BREWSTER, Sir David, Scotch natural philosopher, b. 1781, d. 1868. Life of Sir Isaac Newton, [b. 1642, d. 1727]. London, 1831. 16 379.4 Same. New York, n. d. 18 810.32 Same. [With portrait.] Edinburgh, 1855. 2 v. 8 573.2 The martyrs of science, or the lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler, [astronomers, 1546- 1642]. 2d edition. London, 1846. 16 548.15 Same. New York, 1847. 18 820.34 Same. 3d edition. London, 1856. 16 549.36 BREWSTER, J. M. Fidelity and usefulness. Life of William Burr, [b. 1806, d. 1866]. [With por trait.] Dover, N. H., 1871. 16 BREWSTER, William, elder of the pilyrim fathers, b. 1560, d. 1644. Bradford, AV. Memoir of Steole, A. Chief of tho pilgrims: or tho life and time of . . , See also Plymouth, note. 577.18 223.13 223.15 224.6 BRIDGEWATER, Mass., History of. 1840. Mitchell, N. BRIDGMAN, Laura. Account of Laura Bridgman, a blind, deaf, and dumb girl, [b. 1829]. [Anon.} 2d edition. London, 1845. 32 539.32 BRIDGMAN, Thomas. Epitaphs from Copp s hill bu rial ground, Boston. Boston, 1851. 12 J 229.4 Tho pilgrims of Boston and their descendants: with an introduction by E. Everett. [With illus trations.] New York, 1856. 8 223.5 BRIDPORT, 1st viscount. See Hood, Alexander. BRIEF analysis of tho sects, heresies, and writers of the first three centuries. Cambridge, 1857. 95 pp. 16 J 1096.15 BRIEF view of Greek philosophy, from the age of Socrates to Christ. Philadelphia, 1846. 87pp. 16 v. 2 of 850.25 BRIEF view of Greek philosophy to tho ago of Peri cles. Philadelphia, 1846. 81pp. 16. .v. 2 of 850.25 BRIGGS, Charles F., and MAVERICK, Augustus. The story of tho telegraph, and history of tho Atlan tic cable. Illustrated. Now York, 1858. 12. 196.16 BRIGGS 3G TUfOOKE Shelf. No. BRIGGS, George Nixon, governor of Massachusetts, 1844-51, 6. 1796, d. 1861. Memoir of. See Richards, W. C 533.1 BRIGHAM, William. Colony of New Plymouth and its relations to Massachusetts. See Massachu setts historical society 222.3 BRIGHT, John, English statesman, b. 1811. Speeches on tho American question. Introduction by F. Moore. Boston, 1865. 8 812.2 MacGilchrist, J. Life of 1529.6 Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history 1977.1 Kate. See Reid s Cabinet portraits, 1872, [B. H. 2448.63]; Forney s Letters, [1667.1J: Bhickwood, Dec., 1860; London quarterly review, April, 1867; Putnam s, April, 1869, p. 409; Harper s monthly, Dec., 1806; and Galaxy, July, 1868. BRIGHTWELL, Cecilia L. Byepatbs of biography. [Illustrated.] London, n. d. P. 8 655. 19 Difficulties overcome; scenes in tho life of Alexan der Wilson, tho ornithologist, [b. 1766, d. 1813]. With an illustration. London, 1861. 16 589.22 Heroes of the laboratory and workshop. Illus trated. London, 1859. 10 551.7 Contents. Richard Arkwright, English manufacturer and inventor of the" spinning-jenny," b. 1732, d. 1792; Claude Louis Bcithoilet, French chemist and philosophical writer, b. 1748. d. 1822; James Brimlley, English mechanician and canal engineer, b. 1716. d. 1772 ; William Caxton, the first Eng lish printer, b. about 1412, d. 1491; Bcnvenuto Cellini, Italian goldsmith, sculptor, engraver, and autobiographer, b. 1500, d. r fl70; Sir Humphry Davy, English chemist, natural philoso- hcr, and scientific writer, b. 1778, d. 1829; Sebastian Erard, rench piano-forte maker, b. 1752, d.1831; Claude Slontal, renc - , . , . , French piano-forte tuner and maker, b. 1800; George Gra ham, English watchmaker and inventor, b. 1075, d. 1751; Abraham Louis Brenuet, Swiss watchmaker and mcchani- manufacturer, b. 17t!2, d. JS10; Wilhelm Philipp Obcrkampf, German cotton manufacturer, b. 1738, d. 1815; Bernard Pa- lissy, French cnameller and potter, b. about 1510, d. 1.589; Jolfn Rennie, Scotch engineer and mechanician, b. 1761. d. 1821; Andre Jaques Ronbo, French carpenter and builder, b. 1739, d. 1791 ; Aloysius Scnnefeldor, or Scnefelder. German in ventor of lithography, b. 1771. d. 1834; George Stephens, English engineer, inventor of the locomotive, b. 1781, d. 1848; Jacnuesde Vaucanson, French mechanician and author, b. 1709. d. 1782; James Watt, Scotch engineer and improver of the steam-engine, b. 17:!6. d. 1819; Josiah Wedgewood, English porcelain manufacturer and chemist, b. 1730, d. 1795; Short notices of other mechanicians and inventors. Memorials of the early lives of great lawyers. London, 1866. 10 1516.13 1823; Edward Law. 1st lord Eilenborough, judge, b. LoO, d. 1818; John Srott, lord Elilen, lord-chancellor, b. 1751, d. W38, Sir Samuel Romilly. 1>. 1757. d. 1818; Charles Abbott. 1st lord Tenterden, lord chief-justice of England, b. 1762, d. 1832. BRINDLEY, James, English mechanician and canal en gineer, b. 1716, d. 1772. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of tho laboratory and workshop 551. Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence 379.12 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men.. 548. 16; 551. Ic Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 BEINLEY, Francis. Life of William T. Porter, [Amer ican editor, b. 1809, d. 1858]. [With por trait.] New York, 1860. 12- 528.23 BRINTON, Daniel G. Tho myths of tho Now World. New York, 1868. 8 2085.2 BRISSON, Pierre Raymond, French traveller, b. 1745, d. 1820. Captivity of, in 1785. See Perils and captivity 830.3. BBISTED, Charles A. Five years in an English uni versity, [Cambridge]. 2d edition. New York, 1852. 12 BRISTOL, Earl of. See Digby, George. BRITISH cabinet, Tho, in 1853. London, 1853. 16. Contents. George Hamilton Gordon, earl of Aberdeen, b 1784, d. 1860; Henry Petty Fitz - Maurice, marquis of Lansdowne, b. 1780, d. ISfiH; Henry John Temple, viscount Falmerston, b. 1784, d. 1863; John Hussell, carl, b. 1792 ; Sir BRITISH cabinet in 1853, continued. Tames Robert George Graham, first lord of the Admiralty, b. 1792, d.lSiil; William Kwart Gladstone, b. 1809; Henry Pe>- ham Clinton, duke of Newcastle, b. 1811. d. 1804 : Hubert Mon- sey Rolfe. lord Cranworth, lord-chancellor, b. 1790, d. 18<)8; Sir William Moiesworth. h. 1810, d. 1855; Sidney Herbert, lord Herbert of Lea, b. 1810, d. 1861: George William Fred erick Villiers, carl of Clarendon, b. 1800, d. 1870; George Levcson Gower.earlof Granville. b.1815; George John Doug las Campbell, duke of Argyll, b. 1823; Sir Charles Wood, b. BRITISH COLUMBIA, Facts and figures relating to. 1860. Pemberton, J. D 264.8 BRITISH museum, London. Tho British museum, historical and descriptive. With engravings. Edinburgh, 1850. 16 207.24 The Egyptian antiquities in the. Long, G 839.7 Xote.. See Bates Hall catalogues for the long list of the Museum s publications descriptive of its collections. For the library, sec Edwards * Lives of tho foiiml.-rs, [U. 11.6113.40]; Cowtan s Momorics. [B. H. 6127.1]; and Nichols s Handbook for readers, [B. H. G125.3]. BRITONS, History of tho. Nonnius 846.4 BRITTANY. Froissart, Sir J. Antient chronicles of. 1001.2; 1003.1 Hope, I. Brittany and the Bible 409.9: 1655.7 Brittany and tho chase 409.9 ; 1655.7 Jerrold, (W.) B. On the Boulevards. With trips to. 1867 1657.1; 1657.3 Wallace-Dunlop, M. and R. How we spent the autumn ; or, wanderings in. 1860 665.3 See also France. BRITTON, John, English topographical and architectu ral writer, b. 1771, d. 1857. See, Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 BRITTON, Thomas, English musical coalman, b. about 1660, d. 1714. See Wilson, H. Book of wonder ful characters ^ 1546.5 BROCK, Sir Isaac, English major-general, b. 1769, d. 1812. Life and correspondence. Edited by F. B. Tupper. London, 1845. 12 556.10 BROCK, Rev. William, baptist minister of London. Biographical sketch of Sir Honry Havelock, [English general, b. 1795, d. 1857]. Leipzig, 1858. Sq 16 568.12 Same. [With portrait.] London, 1858. 16". 578.11 Same. Now York, 1858. 12 578.12 BROCKEDON, William. Excursions in the Alps. 3d edition. London, 1845. 12 663.13 BROCKETT, Linus P. Our great captains. Grant, Sher man, Thomas, Sheridan, and Farragut. [Anon.} [With portraits.] New York, 1865. 12 569.2 The year of battles: or the Franco-German war of 1870-71. With maps and illustrations. New York, 1871. 8 924.7 and VAUGHAN, Mary C. Woman s work in the civil war. With engravings. Philadelphia, 1867. 8 C ....; 272.4 BRODHEAD, John R. History of the state of New York. 1609-64. New York, 1853. 8 234.10 BROGLIO SOLARI, Catherine Hyde, marches, maid of honor to the princess Lambelle, b. about 1754, d. 1844. Letters. [With] a sketch of her life. London, 1845. 16 544.21 Private anecdotes of foreign courts. [Anon.] London, 1827. 2 v. 8 1005.5 BRONT, Anne (Acton Bell), English authoress, b. 1820, d. 1849. See Bayrte, P. Essays in biogra phy and criticism v. 1 of 885.1 BRONTE, Charlotte (Currer Bell), Enylish novelist, b. 1816, d. 1855. Bayno, P. Essays in biography and criticism v. 1 of 885.1 Gaskell, E. C. Life of 596.11; 596.16 Women of worth 551.19 BRONTE, Emily Jane (Ellis Bell), English authoress, b. 1818, d. 1848. See Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism v. 1 of 885.1 Note Mrs. Gaskell s Life of Charlotte Bronte is the chief authority on the history of the sisters. See also Fraser s, 1857; Harper s monthly, vol. 11 . and Thackeray s paper, " The last sketch," C181C.8J; Charlotte . i memoir of Anne, [410.14]; and the Galaxy, Feb., 1873, on Emily ; and Allibone. BROOKE, Lords. See Greville, Fulko nnd Robert. BROOKES 37 BUOWTSTE Shelf. No. BROOKES, John. Manners and customs of the Eng lish nation, from the invasion of Julius Caesar. London, n. d. 12 999.16 BROOKS, Charles, American author, b. 1813, d. 1872. History of Modford, 1630-1855. [With illus trations.] Boston, 1855. 8 224.5 BROOKS, (Charles) Shirley. The Russians of the south. London, 1854. 16 409.2 Same. London, 1855. 16 1655.0 BROOKS, James. A seven mouths run, up, and down, and around the world. [With map.] New York, 1872. 16 668.23 BROOME, William, Englishpoet, b. 1689, d. 1745. See Johnson, S. Lives of tho eminent poets, .v. 3 of 582.11 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 BROUGHAM, Henry, lord, b. 1778, d. 1868. History of England and France under tho house of Lan caster, [1377-1471]. [With portraits.] New edition. London, 1861. 8 993.1 Letters and speeches on various subjects. Phila delphia, 1840. 2 v. 12 888.4 Life and times, written by himself. New York, 1871, 72. 3 v. 12 565.10 Lives of men of letters and science in the time of George in. With portraits. London, 1845. 8. 547.3 Contents. Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire, French poet, philosopher, critic, and historian, b. 1091, d. 1778; Jean Jac ques Rousseau, French philosopher, poet, and botanist, b. 1712, d. 1778; David Hume, Scottish philosopher and historian, b. 1711. d. 1770; William Robertson, n. i>.. Scotch historian and orator, b. 1721, d. 179!!; Joseph Black, Scottish chemist, phi losopher, and scientific writer, b. 1728, d. 1799; James Watt, Scotch engineer and Improver of the steam-engine, b. 1736, d. 1819; Joseph Priestley, English dissentinjs divine, chemist, and natural philosopher,!). 1733, d. 18Ut; Henry Cavendish, English physician, chemist, iind natural philosopher, b. 1731, d. 1810; Sir Humphry Davy, English chemist, natural philos opher, and scientific writer, b. 1778, d. 1829; Robert Simson, Scotch mathematician, b. 1087, d. 1708. Opinions on politics, theology, law, science, edu cation, literature, etc. London, 1837. 12.... 888.2 Same. Paris, 1841. 8 C 888.1 Remarks on tho French revolution. See Stoddart, Sir J 988.7 Sketches of public characters. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 12 888.3 Sketches of statesmen in tho time of George in. London, 1845-48. 6 v. 24 840.5 Same. London, 1855, 50. 3 v. 12 568.7 Speeches upon questions relating to public rights, duties, and interests; with historical introduc tions. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 8 862.1 Jfote. His own life is the chief authority; but there is a brief memoir prefixed to his writings [B. II. 4.579.5.1], and a condensed narrative is given in Chambevs s Papers, [380.1.11, or Living age, vol. 31]. See also Harper s monthly, vol. 8, by Gilfillan; and the references in Allihone and Thomas; also Senior, on his political philosophy, [B. II. 2J03.LU1] ; and Lo- menie s Galerie, [B. H. 6- 49a.l.5]. BROUGHTON, Henry Delves, lord. Italy: 1816-54. London, 1859. 2 v. 8 666.10 BROUGHTON, John, English pugilist, b. 1704, d. 1789. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters. 1546.5 BROUSSAIS, Francois Joseph Victor, French physician and medical writer, b. 1772, d. 1838. See Peisse, J. L. H. Sketches of eminent living surgeons and physicians of Paris 609. 1 BIIOWN, Albert G., of Mississippi, b. 1813. See Sav age, J. Our living representative men 527.19 BROWN, Dr. Andrew. See Brown, J. Horae subse- civse v. lof 894.13 BROWN, Benjamin Gratz, American statesman, b. 1826. Sketch of the life of. See Cornell, W. M 518.20 BROWN, Charles Brockden, American novelist, b. 1771, d. 1810. Prescott, W. H. Life of v. lof 529.1 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and crit ical 547.2 Mental portraits 557. 10 Kofe. Prescott s account is also in his miscellanies, [8G5.4; 872.2]. Beside the brief sketch [7.77.1], see Dana s essay [338.9.2], Duyckinck, Griswold, and Allibone. BROWN, David Paul, American lawyer and author, b. 1795, d. 1872. The forum; or forty years full practice at the Philadelphia bar. Philadelphia, 1856. 2v. 8 294.4 Shelf. No. BROWN, Frances, blind poetess, b. 1818. See Clever girls of our time 599.21 BROWN, James B. Memoirs of John Howard, the philanthropist, [b. 1720? d. 1790]. [With por trait.] 2d edition. London, 1823. 8 575.12 BROWN, John, Scottish physician, b. 1735, d. 1788. See Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of tho art of medicine 154.6 BROWN, John, fellow and librarian of the Royal college of physicians, Edinburgh, b. 1830. Horae subse- civse. Edinburgh, 1858. 2 v. 12 894.13 Contents. Vol.1. John Locke, English philosopher, and Thomas Sydenham; St. Paul s thorn in the flesh: what was it? Andrew Combe. Scotch physician, b. 1797, d. 1847; "With brains, sir;" Excursus ethicus; Henry Marshall and military hygiene; Rab and his friends; Arthur H. Hallam, son of Henry .Italian); Art and science: a contrasted parallel; The black dwarf s bonen; Our Gideon Grays; Dr. Andrew Brown, and Thomas Sydenham : Free competition in medi cine. II. Henry Vaughan s Poems; Thomas Chalmers; George Wilson; Dick Mihi, or cur, why . Her last half- crown; Our dogs; Queen Mary s child-garden; Presence of mind, and happy guessing; Letter to John Cairns. D. D. ; " Mystifications ; Notes on art ; Oh, I m wat, wat ! Spare hours. [With portrait.] Boston, 1802, 66. 2 v. 16 C83.21 BROWN, John, F. R. G. S. Tho north-west passage, and the plans for tho search for Sir J. Franklin. A review. [With map and plate.] London, 1858. 8 701.11 BIIOWN, John, proprietor of the University billiard rooms, Cambridge. Sixty years gleanings from life s harvest. A genuine autobiography. Cam bridge, 1858. 8 556.11 Same. New York, 1859. 12 556.12 BROWN, Capt. John, of Harper s Ferry, American abo litionist, b. 1800, d. 1859. lledpath, J. Public life of 527.15 Webb, R. D. Life and letters of 307.2 Notf.. See articles in Harper s monthly, vol. Hf; Atlantic monthly, July, 1871, bv II. II. Dana, jr., and also, June, 18i5; ThoreauV Last days of Brown," [888.30]; Wendell Phillips * Speeches, [801.20]; Groeley s American conflict, [281.1 "ill Phillips s Conquest of Kansas, [2)9.17] ; Living age, no. 908; ulso poems in Whittier, Alice Cary, and Channmg s " Wan derer." S->e Kansas. Also the Government report on tho Harper s Ferry invasion, [292.10]. See also Harper s Ferry. BROWN, John W. Life of Leonardo da Vinci, [Ital ian painter, b. 1452, d. 1519 ?]. [With portrait] London, 1828. 8 543.9 BROWN, Samuel G. Life of Rufus Choate, [American jurist, b. 1799. d. ] 859]. [With portrait.] 2d edition. Boston, 1870. 16 521.13 Memoirof Rufus Choato. See Choato, 11. Works. 521.3 BROWN, Thomas N. Life and times of Hugh Miller, [Scottish geologist and author, b. 1802, d. 1856]. Now York, 1858. 12 586.8 BROWN, William Laurence, D. D., principal of Maris- chal college, Aberdeen, b. 1755, d. 1830. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 BROWN, William Wells. The black man: his antece- . dents, his genius, and his achievements. [With portrait.] Boston, 1863. 12 536.22 BROWNE, A. K. Story of the Kearsargo and Ala bama. [Anon.] San Francisco, 1868. 27 pp. 8. 306.4 BROWNE, Albert Q.,jr. Sketch of tho official life of John A. Andrew, as governor of Massachusetts, [b. 1818, d. 1807]. Added, [his] valedictory addreas, Jan. 5, 1866. New York, 1868. 16. 1529.3 BROWNE, Charles F., American humorist, b. 1834, d. 1867. Tho genial showman. Reminiscences of Artemus Ward. See Kingston, E. P 643.1; 643.2 BROWNE, Charles T. Life of Robert Southey, [Eng lish poet-laureate and historian, b. 1774, d. 1843]. London, 1854. 16 584.6 BROWNE, Dunn, pseud. See Fiske, Samuel. BROWNE, James. History of the Highlands and the Highland clans. With engravings. New edi tion. London, 1852-54. 4 v. 8 985.3 BROWNE, John Ross. Adventures in the Apacho country: a tour through Arizona and Sonora, with notes on the silver regions of Nevada. Illustrated. New York, 1869. 12 1687.4 An American family in Germany. Illustrated. Now York, 1806. 12 1665.1 BROWNE 38 BUCHANAN Shelf. N. BROWNE, John Ross, continued. Crusoe s island. With sketches of adventure in California and Washoe. [Illustrated.] New York, 1864. 12 634.1 The land of Thor. Illustrated. New York, 18G7. 12 1687.2 Yusef; or the journey of the Frangi. With illustrations. New York, 1865. 12 656.12 BROWNE, Junius H. Four years in Socessia. With illustrations. Hartford, 1865. 8 634.2 The great metropolis; a mirror of New York. [With illustrations.] Hartford, 1869. 8 1816.17 BROWNE, Robert W. History of classical literature. Philadelphia, 1852. 8 J :.. 401.3 BROWNE, Sir Thomas, M. D., English author, b. 1605, d. 1682. Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sundry eminent persons 586.20 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 1 of 548.5 Kate. Johnson s life [also 901.0.2] is the best known, with. AVilkin s supplementary memoir, [840.11.1; B. II. 2607.2.1], See the references in Allibone; a chapter in Ilallam s litera ture, [137;!.!]; and essays by Bulwer, [1S. . .I.:U ; ]M0.1.">.1 : or Edinburgh review, Oct., Wili]; by Drake, in his Evenings in autumn. [B. IJ. G.J78.S i ] : by J la/litt, in his ARC of Elizabeth, [.Ui.24]; by Fields, [B. H. 200y..1]; un.l in Introspective re view, vol. 1 ; and Eclectic review, new series, no. (!2. Also Fris- nf"n Vari.-e, [B. II. 4579.9] j and S. T. Coleridge s Remains, BROWNE, William, b. 1590, d. 1645. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets , v. 2 of 398.2 BROWNELL, Henry H. War-lyrics. Boston, 1865. 12 J 1347.9 BROWNING, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett, English poetess, b. 1809, d. 1861. Essays on the Greek Christian poets and the English poets. New York, 1863. 1C 373.14 Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism. v. 1 of 885.1 Clover girls of our time 599.21 Home, 11. H. A new spirit of the ago 878.23 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 Note. There is no extended memoir. Sec Tilton s memo rial, [mi.3.4; also his paper, lS10.il]; Smiles s brief sketch, [.5811.18]; Miss Mitt oid s Kecollectioiis, [8!t:i.Il , or Harper, vol. 4]; and papers in North British review, Feb., 1S".7; Atlantic, Sept., 1801 ; Hi itish quarterly, Oct.. 1805; Edinburgh review, Oct., 1801; Harper s monthly, vol. li.; Kate Field s "English authors in Florence," in Atlantic, Dec.. 1801; and Allibone. Also papers by Margaret Fuller, [403.18]; and by Poe, [887.1.o]. BROWNING, Robert, English poet, b. 1812. Home, R. H. A now spirit of the ago 878.23 Powell, T. Living authors of England 586.9 ffrtc. See Smiles s [589.18]; Watford s Representative men, [B. H. 454(i.3] ; Mitford s Kerollections, [xi 12, or Harper s monthly, vol. 4]; Cartoon sketches, [B. II.2240u.iX)]; Lowell, in North American review, vol. GO; Eraser s, Feb., 1803; Edinburgh review, Oct.. 1S04; London quarterly, July, 1805; and the essays, [B. II. 465a.10.5j and (by Ilutton) 4560.13.2.] BROWNLOW, Einma Sophia, countess. Reminiscences of a septuagenarian, 1802-15. 3d edition. Lon don, 1868. Sin. 8 1566.1 BROWNLOW, William Gannaway, American clergy man and politician, b. 1805. Parson Brownlow and the unionists of East Tennessee; with a sketch of his life. [With portrait.] New York, [1862]. 96pp. 16 538.24; 1529.23 Sketches of secession. Philadelphia, 1862. 12. .634.10 BROWNRIGG, Mrs. Elizabeth, English murderess, ex. 1767. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 BROWNSWERD, John, b. 1540, d. 1589. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 BRUCE, James, Scottish traveller in Africa, b. 1730, d. 1794. Head, Sir F. B. Life and adventures of. 820.32 Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 11 of 179.1 St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 2 of 810.47 BRUCE, James. Classic and historic portraits. Lon don, 1853. 2 v. 16 1553.1 BBUCE, James, earl of Elgin, b. 1811, d. 1863. Nar rative of [his] mission to China and Japan, 1857- 59. See Oliphant, L 701.12 BRUCE, Robert. See Robert I, Bruce, king of Scot land. Shell. No. BRUEN, Rco. Matthias. Essays on scenes in Italy, Switzerland, and France. [Anon.} Edinburgh, 1823. 12 679.5 ERUMMELL, George Bryan (Beau Brummell), favourite of George IV, b. 1778, d. 1840. Jesse, W. Life of 1574.1 Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569.19 Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society. v. 2 of 555.1; 1545.8 Winsor, H. Montrose, and other biographical sketches ; 555.12 Nate. See Living age, no. 1464, from Temple bar, 3872; Harper s monthly, vol. 11; and Dr. Doran s paper, [823.1]. BRUNE, Guillaume Marie Anno, marshal of France, b. 1763, d. 1815. See Hoadlcy, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals v. 2 of 605.1; v. 2 of 605.2 BRUNEL, Isambard Kingdom, English engineer, de signer of the " Great Eastern," b. 1806, d. 1859. See Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility 577.14 Kote. See London quarterly review, July, 1862. BRUNEL, Sir Mark Isambard, English engineer, de signer of the Thames tunnel, b. 1769, d. 1849i Jer- dan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility 577.14 Kote. Bcamish s Life is the principal authority, [B. H. 2543.8]. BRUYN, Mrs. Blandina, b. 1753, d. 1832. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. v. 3 of 538.13 BRUYS, Pierre do, French heresiarch, d. 1147. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 BRYANT, William Cullen, American poet and journal ist, b. 1794. Letters from the East. Now York, 1869. 12 1675.13 Letters of a traveller; or, notes of things seen in Europe and America. 2d edition. New York, 1850. 12 658.12 Same. 2d series. New York, 1859. 8 666.9 Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 Powell, T. The living authors of America 518.15 Whipple, E. P. Literature and life 1818.6 Note. SeeG. S. Dillard s article in the Atlantic monthly, Feb. ,1804; Harper s monthly, vols. 2 anil - 4; Whipple s essays, []; Foe s literati, [887.1.3]; Homes of American au thors, [B. II. 8846.51]; and references in Allibone. Duyckinck, Griswold, etc. Also Wilson s essay, [B. II. 4500.ll.2j. SRYDGES, Sir (Samuel) Egorton. Character and poetical genius of Lord [George Gordon Noel] Byron, [b. 1788, d. 1824]. London, 1824. 8. 585.8 ?RYDONE, Patrick. Tour through Sicily and Malta. New York, 1813. 12 679.11 UBBLES from the Brunnens of Nassau. Head, Sir F. B 663.17; G67.18; 667.19 JUCCANEERS of America. Esquomeling, J. History of the 254.3 History of the. See Lives, etc 810.41 Xote. See also the histories of Burney, [B. II. 4300.1]; Ar- chenholz, [B. II. 4419.7, in French, 2312.13]; and Harper s montlily, vol. 11. JUCHAN, Earl of. See Erskino, Thomas. BUCHANAN, Claudius, D. D., Scotch chaplain in Ben gal, b. 1766, d. 1815. Pearson, H. Memoir of. 1109.22 Tweedio, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555.13 UCHANAN, George, Scottish statesman, historian, and poet, b. 1506, d. 1582. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 4 of 840.10 Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 686.13 UCHANAN, James, Ibth president of the United States, b. 1791, d. 1868. Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Horton, R. G. Life of 517.10 UCHANAN, Robert. The land of Lome; or, adven tures in the Scottish Hebrides, including the cruise of the " Torn " to the outer Hebrides. New York, 1871. 2v.ini. 12 655.17 Notes of a clerical furlough, spent chiefly in the Holy Land. London, 1859. 12 688.11 BUCHANAN 39 BUNKER Shelf. No. BUCHANAN, Mrs. Sarah, d. 1831. See. Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. . . v. 3 of 538.13 BUCHINGER. Matthew, German dwarf, b. 1G74, d. 1722. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters. . 154G.5 BUCKE, Charles. Life, writings, and genius of [Mark] Akenside, [English poet, b. 1721, d. 1770]. London, 1832. P. 8 58G.16 Life of John [Churchill], duke of Marlborough, [b. 1650, d. 1772]. London, 1839. 16 379.5 Ruins of ancient cities. London, 1840. 2 v. 16. 371). C Same. New York, 1848. 2 v. 18 820.28 BUCKEYE, A, abroad; or, wanderings in Europe and in the Orient. 1852. Cox, S. S 658.9 BUCKINGHAM, Dukes of. See Villiers, George. BUCKINGHAM and CHANDOS, Duke of. . See Grenvillo, Ilichard Plantagenet. BUCKINGHAM, James S. America, historical, statistic, and descriptive. [With portrait, etc.] New York, 1841. 2 v. 8 624.4 Travels in Mesopotamia. [With illustrations.] London, 1827. 2 v. 8 694.16 BUCKINGHAM, Joseph Tinker, b. 1779, d. 1861. Per sonal memoirs and recollections of editorial life. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 16 525.21 Specimens of newspaper literature; with personal memoirs, [etc.]. Boston, 1852. 12 8C8.3 BUCKINGHAM, William Alfred, governor of Connecticut, 6.1804. SseStowe, II. (E.) B. Men of our times. 1522.8 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Duke of. See Sheffield, John. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, Eng., Handbook for travellers in. 18GO. Murray, J 645.20 BUCKLAND, William, English geologist, b. 1784, d. 1856. See Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 BUCKLE, Henry Thomas, 6. 1822, d. 18G2. History of civilization in England. London, 1857, 61. 2v. 8 942.1 Same. From the 2d London edition. Now York, 1858, Cl. 2 v. 8 942.2 BUCKLEY. Theodore Alois. The dawnings of genius. 4th edition. London, 1857. 12 551.12 BUCKMINSTER, Joseph, American divine, b. 1751, d. 1812. Memoirs of. See Lee, E. B 535.8 ; 535.9 BUCKMINSTER, Joseph Stevens, American divine, b. 1784, d. 1812. Memoirs of. See Leo, E. B. 535.8; 535.9 BUDGET of letters. Eames, J. A 665.8; 668.17; 1904.2 BUDGETT, Samuel, d. 1851. The successful merchant: sketches of the life of. See Arthur, W. . .526.21; 587.6 BUECHSEL, Carl. My ministerial experiences. Lon don, 1863. 16 2099.9 BUEL, Jesse, American agriculturist, b. 1778, d. 1839. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 BUENA VISTA, The battle of, [1847]. Carleton, J. H. 259.8 See alto United States, Mexican war. BUENOS AYRES. Andrews, J. Journey from, to Potosi and Santiago do Chili, [1825-26] 637.11 Davie, J. C. Letters from. 1819 633.14 Hutchinson, T. J. Buenos Ayres gleanings, [1862, 63] 266.14 BUFFALO land. Webb, W. E 623.28 BUFFON, George Louis Leclorc, comte de, French nat uralist and scientific writer, b. 1707, d. 1788. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 27 of 179.1 Note. For the French authorities, see Bates Hall cata logues, and the references in Miehaud, Uoefer, Thomas, etc. See also British quarterly redew, 1851 j and Saint Paul s ma gazine, 1809, or Living age, no. 132(5. BUFFUM, Edward Gould. Sights and sensations in France, Germany, and Switzerland. New York, 1869. 12 1667.5 Six months in the gold mines in California, 1847- 49. Philadelphia, 1850. 12 628.12 BUGLE blast, The; or, spirit of the conflict. Rouse, E. S. S 308.17 BULFINCH, Samuel G. The Holy Land, and its in habitants. Cambridge, 1834. 18 1089.24 BCLFINCH, Thomas. The boy inventor; a memoir of Matthew Edwards, [b. 1838, d. 1859]. \_Anon.] [With portrait.] Boston, 1860. 16 537.7 Shelf. No. BULFINCH, Thomas, continued. Oregon and Eldorado; or, romance of the rivers. Boston, 1866. 8 1626.1 BULGARIA. See Thomson, E. Our oriental missions. v. 2 of 2089.19 BULL RUN, The C. S. A., and the battle of. Bar nard, J. G 293.2 See also United States, Civil war. BULLAR, Joseph and Henry. A winter in the .Azores, [1838, 39]; and a summer at the baths of the Furnas, [1839]. London, 1841. 2 v. 8 634.1 BULLEN, Anne. See Anne Boleyn. BULLOCK, Rufus Browne, governor of Georgia, b. 1834. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress. . . . 522.16 BULLOCK, W. H. Across Mexico in 1864-5. [With illustrations.] London, 1868. 16 1637.3 BULLOCK, William, English naturalist, traveller, and museum collector. Six months in Mexico. With plates and maps. London, 1824. 8 633.9 See Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 BUI/WER, Sir Henry Lytton (E.) Historical charac ters. Leipzig, 1868. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16 567.9 Life of Henry John Temple, viscount Palmorston, [English statesman, b. 1784, d. 1865]. Leipzig, 1871. 2v.ini. Sq. 16 ................... 568.13 -- Same. Philadelphia, 1871. 12 ............ 1556.5 BULWER-LYTTON, Edward (George Earle) Lytton, lord Lytlon, English dramatic author, novelist, and . diplomatist, b. 1805, d. 1873. Athens: its rise and fall, [to B. c. 429]. Leipzig, 1843. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 10 ................................. 957.11 -- Same. Now York, 1852. 2 v. 16 ......... 957.7 England and the English. New York, 1833. 2 v. 8 ......................................... 898.13 Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism. v. 1 of 885.1 Home, R. II. A new spirit of the age .......... 878.23 Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen .............. 555.7 Ifotf. See brief sketches by Smiles. [ . r )89.18] ; by B. Jcrrold, [B. II. 2578.0?]; by MacCarthy, [1512.?,]; Recollections, in Hours nt Inline, Nov., 1868; account and references in Alli- bone under Lytton; comment* on his death in Athenaeum and Spectator of Jan. 25, 1873. See critical estimates in Whipplc, [875.12.2]; in A. Harvard s essay, [B. H. 2573.54]; in De Bow s review, Aug., ISttl, (very laudatory) ; in Living age, no. 852, from the 1 ress ; no. 799. from the National review ; no. 1091. from Westminster review. See Thackeray s bur lesque of his style in Miscellanies, [720.42.5]; also Cartoon portraits, [B. H. 2240a.50]. BUNBURY, Charles J. F. Journal of a residence at the Capo of Good Hope. [Illustrated.] London, 1848. 12 ................................. 692.14 BUNGAY, George W. Crayon sketches and off-hand takings, of distinguished American statesmen, orators, divines, essayists, editors, poets, and phi lanthropists. Boston, 1852. 12 ............. 1529.28 BUNGENER, Louis (F.) The preacher and the king; or, Bourdaloue in the court of Louis xiv. Trans lated from the French, Paris, 12th edition. With an introduction, by G. Potts. Boston, 1853. 12. 1096.4 The priest and the Huguenot; or, persecution in the age of Louis xv. From the French. Bos ton, 1854. 2 v. 12 ........................ 1096.2 BUNKER hill. Emmons, R. The battle of Bunker hill : an historic poem ........................ 358.3 Frothingham, R. History of the battle, and an account of the monument ................ 214.2; 231.2 Hudson, C. Doubts concerning the battle of. ... 2089.11 Panoramic view from Bunker hill monument .... 235.15 Swett, S. Sketch of Bunker hill battle ........ 528.9 Note. Contemporary accounts regarding the fight and par ticularly regarding the command of tho provincials are con flicting, and tho most thorough examination of them is made by Frothinuham [also in B. H. 2351.1], who enumerates, in his appendix, all the authorities, and reprints Gage s report and that of the Committee of safety, which last is followed by Gordon. Burgoync saw the battle from Copp s hill, and his narrative has been edited by Pulsifer, [B. H. 4359a.flO]. See also Frothingham s condensed account in his Life of Warren, BUNKER 40 BURKE BUNKER hill, continued, [242.1]. Bancroft has also brought new matter to bear, [302.1.7]. In 1818, there was much controversy upon the battle, in ar ranging or disproving the claims ot Prescott, Putnam, War ren, etc., to the chief command, and the curious student will consult in this connection, Swett, [also in B. 11. 2323.11] ; Fel low s criticism upon Swell, [B. 11. 2347.11]; and Frolhing- ham s later pamphlet, [B. H. 4:!55.44] ; beside General Dear born s narrative, [B. H. 4355.25]; and Daniel Webster s arti cle in the North American review, July, 1818. For more re cent summaries, see Alden Bradford s concise description, [B. H., Pph. v. 2: ,4] ; Webster s Orations, [284.1.1]; (ieorge E. Ellis s account, [B. H. 4355.26]; A. H. Everett s address [B. H., Pph. v. 237], embodied in his Life of Warren, [518.5.2]; Edward Everett s Orations, [861 .7.1 ; 861.7.3] ; and Ihe addresses at the dedication of Warren s statue, [B. H. 2342.9]. See Los- sing s account in Harper s monthly, vol. 1. BUNKLKY, Josephine M. Testimony of an escaped novice from the sisterhood of St. Joseph, Em- metsburg, Maryland. New York, 1855. 12.. 1098.11 BUNN, Alfred. Old England and New England. Philadelphia, 1853. 2v.ini. 12 628.10 BUNNER, E. History of Louisiana, [to 1840]. New York, [cop. 1841 j. 18 820.69 BUNSEN, Christian Charles Josias, Prussian ambas sador and author, b. 1791, d. 1860. Egypt s place in universal history. Translated by C. H. Cottrell. [With plates.] London, 1848-67. 5 v. 8 954.4 Life of Martin Luther, [German religious re former, b. 1483, d. 154C]. New York, [1859]. 16 551.4 Signs of the times. Translated by S. Winkworth. New York, 1856. 12 134.9 Same. London, 1856. 8 113.3 Note. The authoritative life is by his widow, [B. II. 28 45.26] ; reviewed by Max Mil Her, [2097.28.3, with aa appendix ot letters from Bunsen]; in North British review, June, 18C8; Black- wood, Sept.. LSI IS ; Christian examiner, Sept.. 1868 ; and Putnam, Sept., 18(18. See also Quarterly review, June, 181(1; Macmillan, March, 1861, bv F. D. Maurice ; and Presseuse s account of his last days and death in Revue chretienne, Dec., 1860. BUNYAN, Elizabeth, wife of John Bunyan, d. 1692. See Clayton, E. C. Notable women 1517.7 BUNYAN, Rev. John, English author, b. 1628, d. 1688. Baillie, J. Life-studies 548.12 Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity v. 2 of 830.28 Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors. 883.14 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Biographical essays 589.27 Biographies, contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica 547.7; 587.14 Southey, R. Select biographies 889.11 Tulloch, J. English puritanism and its leaders.. 997.7 Whittier, J. G. Life of 567.6 Old portraits and modern sketches, v. 1 of 823.21; 887.6 Note. The most popular life is by Southey [also 1099.30], which gave occasion to Scott s review [B. II. 2377.5.21], and to Macaulay seulogistic essay [863.1 ; 905.20 ; 1966.3.2, originally in Edinburgh review. Dec., 1830], the views in which he repealed in his contribution to the Encyclopaedia Britannica [also 587.14; 884.19; 589.27], and in his History of England, [966.3.2]. Sec also Macaulay, quoted in Harper s monthly, vol. 14. The views of Hallam [1373.1, etc.] are less eulogistic, thinking Bunvan overestimated. Oilers life and times of Bunyan [1101.1] is reviewed in the Eclectic, 1852, or Living age, vol. 33, where he is compared with .Shakespeare and Burns. See other memoirs by T. Scotl, [101)9.32; 20!I4.3]: by J. M. Hare. I860, [B. II.5447.il]; and by Condor, [1094.7]. For critical estimates, see Quarterly review, May to Oct., 1830; Kingsley s New miscellanies, [1816.9]; and the references in Allibone, McClintock and Strong, aud Malcolm s Index, [B. H. 2190.19]. BUONAROTTI, Michel-Angelo, Italian painter, sculptor, and architect, b. 1474, d. 1564. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Duppa, R. Life of 543.12; 835.7 Foa, E. Boy artists 1599.1 Grimm, H. Life of 573.10 Harford, J. S. Life of 543.2 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 2 of 840.23 Jervis-White-Jervis, M., lady. Stories of boy genius from the lives of great painters 555.9 Lives of eminent persons 365.18 Memorials of early genius 551.10 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Tweedio, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555.13 Note. Grimm s is the most recent, and most voluminous, offering some new mailer, and viewing its subject in his rela tions to his times, presenting on p. 66, vol. 1, a review of the Brincipal authorities. Harford s, an English work [also in . II. 4065.5], is unfavorably reviewed in the Atlantic monthly, BUONAROTTI, Michel-Angelo, continued. see Fairholt on his house at Florence, [A.225.4]; Ollivers Dialogue sur Michel- Ange et Raphael." 1872, [B. II. 80711.6] : md the references in Thomas, Michaud, Uoefer, and Oettinger. BURBIDGE, Thomas, poet. See. Powell, T. The liv ing authors of England ...................... 586.9 BTJRCHARD, Samuel D., D. D., American presbytcrian divine and author, b. 1812. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress .................. 522.16 BURCHIELLO, Domenico, Italian poet, d. 1448. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, etc ............... v. 1 of 398.1 BTJRCKHARDT, Johann Ludwig, Swiss traveller and author, b. 1784, d. 1817. Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library .................... v. 40 of 179.1 St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 3 of 810.47 BURDETT, Charles. Life and adventures of Chris topher Carson, the Rocky mountain hunter, trap per, and guide, [b. 1809]. Illustrated. New York, 1860. P. 8 .......................... 1525.18 -- Same. Philadelphia, 1862. 16 ............ 1525.19 BURDETT, Sir Francis, Enylish politician, b. 1770, d. 1839. See Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contemporary portraits ........ v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 BURGESS, Alexander. Memoir of the Right Rev. George Burgess. Philadelphia, 1869. 8 ..... 2096.20 BURGESS, George, 1st bishop of Maine, b. 1809, d. 1866. Memoir of. See Burgess, A ........... 2096.20 BURGESS, Thomas, bishop of St. David s 1803, Salis bury 1825, author, b. 1756, d. 1837. See Jer- dan, W. Men I have known ................. 1522.9 BURGH, Allatson. Anecdotes of music, historical and biographical; in a series of letters from a gen tleman to his daughter. London, 1814. 12. . . 209.8 BURGHLEY, Lord. See Burleigh, Lord. BURGON, John W. England and Rome: three letters to a pervert. Now York, 1869. 16 .......... 2104. 16 BURKE, Edmund, Irish statesman and orator, b. 1730, d. 1797. AVisdom and genius; with a summary, of his life: by P. Burke. London, 1845. 12 U .. 874.13 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury .................................. v. 4 of 839.6 Croly, G. Political life of .................... 588.14 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men.. 548. 16; 551.13 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of modern times. v. 1 of 1869.1 Macknight, T. Life and times of .............. 572.4 Prior, Sir J. Life and character of ............ 588.17 Rogers, S. Recollections ................ 395.5 ; 1396.3 Timbs, J. Anecdote biography .......... v. 1 of 587.15 Tuckerman, II. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 1 of 548.5 Tweedie, \V. K. The life and work of earnest men ....................................... 551.13 Note. Prior s Life [also in B. H. 6549.2], 1824, makes the earliest use of extensive original matter, aud iu later editions he had the advantage of Burke s correspondence [S62.9, etc.] first published in 1844 ; as did Macknight, whose, work presents Burke more fully in his political career. The most recent study of his character is by Morley, B. II. 4548.14]. P. Burke stic us well a has elucidated his domes , . . .. . l as public life, 1833, [874.13; B. H. 6540.23]. For his public character, see, besides Croly, Brougham s Statesmen, [568.7]; Hardy s Charlemont. [B. II. 2453.1:!]; Sir James Mackintosh s life. [582.!U, p. ,) und 128] ;Goldwin Smith s" Three statesmen," [|!W8.1, under Pitt]; a derogatory estimate from the Critic, in Living age, no. 7(1:1; and a moderate view, in no. 911. The biographers and par tisans of Fox [see Fox] are generally unjust to Burke, in the opinion of his admirers, and he is defended from the attack in Lord Holland s " Whig party TB. H. 2514.11] in the Times, in Living age, vol. 33. See Edinburgh review, or Living age, vol. 29 ; Lord Holland s Foreign reminiscences, [8 ,Ki.9]; . , . gives specimens of his table-talk, [13!> 1.3]. See Thackeray, quoted in Harper s monthly, vol. 21 ; and .Miss Mittord s account of his .home, in Harper s monthly, vol. 2. See further refer ences in Thomas and Allibone. BURKE BUSH Shelf. No. BURKE, Sir (John) Bernard. Vicissitudes of fam ilies, and other essays. lst-3d series. London, 1859-63. 3 v. 8 998.3 BURKE, Peter. Celebrated trials connected with the aristocracy. London, 1849. 8 133. Celebrated trials connected with the upper classes. London, 1851. 8 133.9 BURKE, Robert O Hara, Australian explorfr, b. 1821, d. 1861. See Adams, W. H. D. Records of noble lives 1553.2 BURLEIGII, or BURGHLEY, Lord. See Cecil, William. BURLEIGH, pseud. See Smith, Matthew H. BURLINGTON, Earl of. See Boyle, Richard. BURMAH. Account of the Burmese. See. China, etc. 825.8 Bell, H. G. Military and political operations in the Birmese empire. 1827 v. 2 of 830.29 Gouger, H. Two years imprisonment in, [1824- 26] 695.13 Winter, C. T. Six months in British Burmah, [1857] 706.11 SBC also Asia, Ava, India, Irrawaddi. BURMANN, Peter, Dutch philologist, b. 1668, d. 1741. See Johnson, S. Lives of the British poets and sundry eminent persons 586.20 BURNAP, George W. Life of Leonard Calvert, [1st governor of Maryland, b. 1582, d. 1647]. See Sparks, J v. 19 of 529.1 BURNES, Sir Alexander, English military officer, traveller, and author, b. 1805, d. 1841. Travels into Bokhara, 1831-33. [With illustrations.] London, 1834. 3 v. 8 694.11 See Kaye, J. W. Lives of Indian officers. .T. 2 of 1566.4 BURNET, George, painter, b. 1788, d. 1816. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 6 of 379.9; v. 5 of 810.19 BURNET, Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury 1C89, historian, b. 1643, d. 1715. Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians r. 1 of 586.11 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 BUBXET, Jacob. Notes on the early settlement of the North-western territory. New York, 1847. 8. 236.3 BURXHAM, George P. Memoirs of the United States secret service. And life of II. C. Whitley. 18 illustrations. Boston, 1872. 8 276.19 BURNS, Robert, Scotch poet, b. 1759, d. 1796. Corre spondence between Burns and Clarinda. With a memoir of Mrs. M Lehose, (Clarinda). Edited by W. C. M Lehose. Edinburgh, 1843. 12. . . 586.14 Life and works. Edited by R. Chambers. New York, 1852. 4 v. 16 328.1 Containing "The various compositions, strung in strict chronological order upon the memoir." Preface. Ainslio, H. Pilgrimage to the land of. 1822.... 645.6 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. v. 1 of 867.1; 863.7; v. 1 of 893.3 Life of 589.15 Cunningham, A. Life and land of 586. 15 Currie, J. Life of. .v. 1 of 332.12; 369.21; v. 1 of 369.22 Famous boys: and how they became great men. . . 555.8 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of modern times. v. 1 of 1869.1 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most omi- ment British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Lockhart, J. Life of 830.39 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Note. Currie s Life is largely a commentary on the j>oems, many of which are omitted, and some are given only in part, the deficiencies of which ure made up in some measure in Cromek s Rcliques [332.12.5 ;BL H. 2542.8], which last occasioned one of Jeffrey s severe criticisms on Burns s prose [863.6], in connection with which see De Quincey s account, [895.11.1, p. 30, etc.]. Cunningham s supplied many of Currie s omis sions [also in B. H. 2591.4.1], and in addition to a new life, he added variorum notes to the poems and correspondence. Lockhart aimed to supply a more regular biography in a con- edition, [ B. H. 2578:12.51; but Chamber s fife [also in B. H. 2507.23; 4566.6] makes the latest elaborate use of all the scat tered biographical material. Other editions of his poems have BURNS, Robert, continued. those who knew Burns ; and by Waddelj, [B. II~ 4540.4TT" See Harper s monthly, vol. 1, by E. Elliott ; vol. 7, on Burns s last days ; vol. 21. , by H. T. Tuckcrman ; and vol. :X, by Shanks. MM UUJ 9 ; > Ui. 4_, u_y u. A . J. UCJkBCUUUI , UtlU VUl.tlU, II > OWU1U See also Kingsley on Burns and his school, [SM.6, or Livin There is an account of the Burns centennary in no. 773 of Living age. Dean Stanley gives a few pages to Burns s rela tion to the Scottish church, [B. II. 3526.52]. There is a bibli ography, [B. II. 2159.30] ; and further references in Allibone. Cunningham gives the poems up to that date written upon Burns, to which may be added others by Ualleck, Lowell, Whittier, Holmes, Street, Joaquiu Miller, etc. BURR, Aaron, 3d vice-prtsident of the United States, b. 1756, d. 1836. Davis, M. L. Memoirs of. . . 515.8 Parton, J. Life and times of 515.9; 515.10 ffnte. Davis s Memoirs is valuable as bringing together original material ; but the most engaging life is that by Psrton, [515.9]. who gave as much prominence as possible to the better side ot Burr s character, eliciting much criticism and new information, which he has embodied in appendixes to his new edition, [515.10]. See Lossing u account of Burr s conspiracy in Harper s monthly, vol. 25; and the trial, [B. H. 2344.14J. For the duel with Hamilton, see also Hamilton s life. BURR, Theodosia, daughter of Aaron Burr. See Alston, Theodosia Burr. BURR, William, b. 1806, d. 1866. Fidelity and use fulness. Life of. See Brewster, J. M 577.18 BURRITT, Elihu ("the learned blacksmith"), American scholar, b. 1811. Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature v. 3 of 1869. 1 Men who have risen 551.18 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 BURROUGHS, John. Notes on Walt Whitman [b. 1819], as poet and person. New York, 1867. 16. 1519.2 BURROUGHS, Stephen, American adventurer, b. 1765, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 BURROWS, William. Adventures in the Australian constabulary. London, 1859. 12 J 709.26 BURROWS, William, lieutenant in the. United States navy, b. 1785, d. 1813. See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscellanies v. 2 of 1815.5 BURT, Nathaniel C. The far East; or, letters from Egypt, Palestine, and other lands of the Orient. Illustrated. Cincinnati, 1868. 12 1675.6 BURTON, Edward. Antiquities and other curiosities of Rome, 1818, 19. 2d edition. London, 1828. 2 v. P. 8 919.3 BURTON, John H. Life and correspondence of David Hume, [Scottish historian, b. 1711, d. 1776]. [With portrait.] Edinburgh, 1846. 2 v. 8. 582.12 Lives of [Simon Fraser] lord Lovat [Scotch Jaco bite and writer, b. 1667, ex. 1747], and Duncan Forbes [Scottish judge, b. 1685, d. 1747]. Lon don, 1847. P. 8 566.6 Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. Lon don, 1852. 2 v. 8 987.4 BURTON, Riohard F. The city of the saints [Great Salt Lake city, Utah], and across the Rocky mountains to California. With illustrations. New York, 1862. 8 622.11 First footsteps in East Africa; or, an exploration of Harar. London, 1856. 8 692.5 The lake regions of Central Africa. [With illus trations.] London, 1860. 2 v. 8 681.1 Same. New York, 1860. 8 681.3 Pilgrimage to El-Modinah and Meccah. With illustrations. New York, 1856. 12 689.10 BUSH, (Annie) Forbes. Memoirs of the queens of France, [400-1842]. From the 2d London edi tion. [With portraits.] Philadelphia, 1851. 12. 606.8 BUSH, George. Life of Mohammed, [Arabian prophet, b. 571, d. 32]. New York, 1847. 18 810.12 BUSH, Richard J. Reindeer, dogs, and snow-shoes; journal of Siberian travels and explorations, 186567. With illustrations. Now York, 1871. 8 682.13 BUSH life in Australia. Haygarth H. W 889.21 BUSHNELL CABINET Shelf. No. BUSHNELL, Catherine Hayes. See Hayes, Catherine. BUSK, Hans. The navies of the world. With illus trations. London, 1859. 16 947.15 BUSK, M. M. History of Spain and Portugal. From B. c. 1000 to A. D. 1814. [Anon.] London, 1833. BUTE, Earl of. See Stuart, John. BUTLER, Alban. Lives of the fathers, martyrs, and other principal saints. Baltimore, 1844, 45. 4 v. 365.1 541.5 BUTLER, Mrs. Behethland Foote, b. 17G4. Sr.c Ellct, E. F. The women of the American revolution. v. 2 of 538.13 BUTLER, Benjamin Franklin, b. 1818. General But ler in New Orleans. See Parton, J 295.8 BUTLER, Charles, English lawyer and Roman catholic author, b. 1750, d. 1832. Historical memoirs of the English, Irish, and Scottish catholics. 3d edition. London, 1822. 4 v. 8 541.9 Life of Fenelon, archbishop of Cambray, [b. 1G51, d. 1715]. 3d edition. Lives of St. Vincent of Paul, and Henri M. de Boudon. Letter on music. Historical minutes of the Society of Jesus. Lon don, 1819. 8 617.14 Reminiscences. 2d American, from the 4th Lon don edition. New York, 1825. 12 865.11 BUTLER, Mrs. Esther, missionary to the Cherokee In dians, b. 1798, d. 1829. See Eddy, D. C. Hero ines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 BUTLER, Frances Anne Kemble. See Kemble, Frances Anne. BUTLER, James, 1st diike of Ormond, English com- mandcr-in-chicf of the army in Ireland, b. 1610, d. 1C88. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 BUTLER, James, Id dulte of Ormond, English general, b. 1665, d. 1747. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. . . .v. 7 of 815.1 BUTLER, Joseph, bishop of Bristol 1738, Durham 1750, b. 1C92, d. 1752. See Bagchot, W. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen. , 563.9 BUTLER, Samuel, English poet, b. 1612, d. 1680. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 1 of 398.2 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 8 of 840.10 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 1 of 582. 1 1 686.20; v. 1 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 Nate. See minor lives by Mitford, [319.4; 1316.3]; bv An- Hallam s Literature, [1373.3.4]. See also Alliboiie. BUTLER, William Allen. Martin Van Buren: lawyer, statesman and man, [b. 1782, d. 1862]. New York, 1862. 47pp. 18 537.31 BUTT, Isaac. History of Italy, from the abdication of Napoleon i. London, 1860. 2 v. 8 914.3 BUXTON, Charles, English politician and writer, b. 1822. Slavery and freedom in the British West Indies. London, I860. 12 269.1 BUXTON, Jedediah, English arithmetician, b. 1705, d. 1775. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature v. 3 of 1869.1 BUXTON, Sir Thomas Fowcll, English philanthropist and slavery abolitionist, b. 1786, d. 1845. Memoirs. Edited by C. Buxton. 3d edition. London, 1849. P. 8 889.6 Same. 4th edition. London, 1850. P. 8 588.9 Binney, T. A study for young men; or, a sketch of Sir T. F. Buxton 588.10; 588.21 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. .548.13 ; 549.30 Men who wore earnest 549.40 Mudge, Z. A. The Christian statesman; a por traiture of 1516.5 BYRON, George Gordon Noel, lord, English poet, b. 1788, d. 1824. Brydges, Sir (S.) E. Character and poetical genius of. . 585.8 Gait, J. Life of 810.10 Gamba, P. Lord Byron s last journey to Greece, [1823] 585.12 Shell. No. BYRON, George Gordon Noel, lord, continued. Gardiner, M., countess of Blcssington. Journal of conversations with Lord Byron 1817.14 Giles, H. Lectures and essays. v. lof 875.6; v. 1 of 875.8 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age; or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Howitt, AV. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Kennedy, J. Conversations on religion, with.... 585.6 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Essay on 409.18; 1655.20 Medwin, T. Journal of the conversations of, during a residence at Pisa, [1821, 22] 898.20 Moore, T. Life of, with his letters and journals. v. 1, 2 of 323.2; 585.3; 585.7; 585.13 Parry, W. Last days of 585.5 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Trelawny, E. J. Recollections of the last days of. 585.9 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews. v. 1 of 875.11; v. lof 875.12 Note. Moore s Life is the chief authoritative one, and it gave rise to Macaulay s essay, [originally in Edinburgh re view, June, 1831]; to Pcabodys review [876.12], etc. Gait s [also in B. H. 4179a.3] is a briefer narrative, based in part upon Moore. Trelawuy s account is that of a companion. Recollections by George Ticknor and Edward Everett avo given ia Allibone. See Madden s Infirmities of genius, [887.7.1]. Scott wrote a notice at his death, [B. II. 2577.5.4]. His English home is described in Irving d ^>cwstcad abbey, [407.4; B. II. 2396.21]; in the Atlantic, by Mrs. Watcrston, Feb., 1864 ; and in Harper s monthly, vol. 21. See recollections by Leigh Hunt, in Harper s monthly, vol. 1 ; also see vol. 3 ; and by J. H. Siddons, in vol. 26. In. Allibone and in Poole s Index will be found references to contemporary criticism, for which see also Jeffrey s essays, [863.6] : and "also Kingsley s New miscellanies, [1816.9, "or Eraser s, Nov., 1853]. There nra French estimates by Villemain,[B. II. 4G77.7; see also Biog- raphie universelle] ; Taine s English literature, [895.26 ; B. H. 2473.50.2] ; and recollections by the Countess Guiccioli [B. H., in French, 4543.20; in English, 4542.21)], giving occasion to Mrs. Stowe s paper in the Atlantic monthly, Sept., 1869, which pro duced much controversial matter, for which see Bates Hall catalogues. There is a recent German life by Elze, [B. H., in English, 2445.59]. BYZANTINE empire. Finlay, G. History of the, [716-1057] 956.7 History of the Byzantine and Greek empires, [1057-1453] 955.5 Note. See Greece, middle period, note. C., S. T. The Little Fox: or, the story of Sir F. L. M Clintock s Arctic expedition. New York, 1867. Sq. 16 1708.20 CABELL, Joseph C. Early history of the University of Virginia. See Jefferson, T 294.2 CABINET portrait gallery of British worthies. [Illus trated.] London, 1845-47. 12 v. 24 840.10 Contents. Vol. I. Henry n, king of England, b. 1133, d. 1189; Roger Bacon, friar, English philosopher, b. 1214, d. founder of English poetry and literature, b. 132S, d. 1400; William of Wykeham, English architect, b. 1324, d.1404. Vol. II. Henry v, king of England, b. 1388, d. 1422: James t, king of .Scotland, b. 1. ! .I4, d. 14:!7; Henry VII, king of England, b. 1457, d. 350!); John Colct, dean of St. Paul s, b. 14G6, d. 1519; Thomas Wolsey, English cardinal, b. 1471, d. 1530; Sir Thomas More, English historian, and lord-chancellor of Eng land, b. 1480, d. 1535. Vol. III. Thomas Cromwell, carl of Essex, English diplo- queen ot En "land 13 days, b. 153i , ex. 1;4 ; Thomas Cranmer, martyr, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1481), burnt 1556; Hugh Lntimer, bishop of Worcester, martyr, b. about 1472, burnt 1555 ; John Knox, Scotch reformer, b. 1505, d. 1572. Vol. IV. Sir Thomas Gresham, founder of the Royal ex change, b. 1519, d. 157H; George Buchanan, Scotch statesman, historian, and poet, b. 1506, d. 1582 ; Sir Philip Sidnev, English statesman, soldier, and poet, b. 1554, d. 1586; Sir Francis Drake, English admiral, b. about 1540, d. 1596; William Cecil, lord Burlcigh, or linrghley, English statesman, lord treasurer of Elizabeth, b. 1520, d. 1598; Edmund Spenser, English poet, b. 1552, d. 1599. Vol. V. Elizabeth, queen of England, b. 1533, d. 1603: Wil liam Shakespeare, English dramatic poet, b. 1564, d. 1616; Sir Waiter Raleigh, English navigator, warrior, statesman, and historian, b. 1552, d. 1618; William Curmlen, English antiquary and litterateur, b. 1551, d. 1G23; Francis Bacon, lord Verulam, viscount St. Albans, English lord-chancellor, b. 1561, d. 1620; Ben Jonson, English dramatic author and poet, b. 1574, d. Vol. VI. Charles! (the martyr), king of England, b. 1600, ex. 1649; Thomas Wentworth, earl of Strafford, h. 1593, beheaded 1641; John Hampden, English patriot, b. 1594, d. 1643: Wil liam Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1573, beheaded 1645; John Selden, English statesman, archceologist, and political writer, b. 1584, d. 16M; Robert Blake, English admiral, b. 1599, d. 1657. CABINET CALIFORNIA CABINET portrait gallery of British worthies, cont d. Vol. VH. William Harvey, English physician, anatomist, and medical writer, b. 1578, d. 1657 ; Oliver Cromwell, lord protector of England, b. 1599, d. 1G5S ; Thomas Fuller, English preacher, royalist, historian, and biographer, b. 1008, d. Hibl; Jeremy Taylor, English bishop and author, b. 1613, d. 1067; Edward Hyde, 1st carl of Clarendon. English statesman, lord- chancellor and historian, b. 1603, d. 1674; John Milton, Eng lish poet, b. 1603, d. 1674. Vol. Vin. Sir Matthew Hale, English chief-justice and Butler, English poet, l>. 1(312, d. lusu; .L,ora w lord, English statesman, b 1639, beheaded 1683. , , . . . . , philosopher and chemist, one of the founders of the Royal society, b. 1626, d. 1691; Richard Baxter, non-conformist divine, b. 1615, d. 1691 ; Henry Purcell, English musical com poser, b. 1658, d. 169.5. Vol. X. Sir William Temple, English statesman and lord, lord-chancellor of England, b. 1650, d. 1716; John Ray, or Wray, English naturalist, b. 1628, d. 1704. Vol. XI. William Penn, English founder of the colony of Pennsylvania, b. 1644, d. 1718; Joseph Addison, English poet and essayist, b. 1672, d. 1719; John Churchill , duke of Marl- borough, English general and statesman, b. 1050, d. 1722 ; Sir Christopher Vrcn, English architect, b. 1632, d. 1723; Sir Isaac Newton, English geometrician and natural philoso pher, b. 1042, d. 1727; Daniel DC Toe, English miscellaneous writer, b. about 1063, d. 1731. Vol. XII. Edmund Halley, English astronomer, mathe matician, and natural philosopher, b. 1656, d. 1742 ; Alexander Pope, English poet, b. 1688, d. 1744; Robert Walpole, 1st earl of Orford, b. 1676, d. 1745; Jonathan Swift, Irish dean of St. Patrick s, litterateur and satiric writer, b. 1667, d. 1745; Wil liam Hogarth, English painter and engraver, b. 1697, d. 1764; John Smeaton, English engineer and mechanician, b. 1724, d. 1792. CABOT, J. Elliott. Narrative of tour to Lake Supe rior, [1848]. See Agassiz, L. (J. R.) . ; . 624.1 CABOT, Sebastian, Spanish navigator, b. 1477 ? d. 1557. Memoir. [Anon.] 2d edition. London, 1832. 8. 564.10 Life of. See Hayward, C., jr. . v. 2 of 518.5 ; v. 9 of 529.1 Vote. The most recent life is by Nicholls [B. H. 4415.8], which has been reviewed bv Henry Stevens, in defence of tha father, John Cabot, [B. II. 4415.9]. See America (North), note. CAERNARVON, 1st earl of. See Dormer, Robert. CjESAR, Caius Julius, Roman dictator, general, orator, jurist, poet, and historian, b. B. C. 100, d. B. C. 44. Commentaries on the Gallic and civil wars: with [those of] Hirtius. Translated, with notes and index. London, 1863. P. 8 824.3 Same. Translated by W. Duncan. New York, 1852,56. 2v. 18 830.11 Abbott, J. History of 549.17 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. v. 2 of 18G9.1 Liddell,H. G. Life of 551.22 Napoleon in. History of 931.2 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Note. The life by the late emperor of the French, though presenting new information, particularly of the ancient topo graphy of Gaul, is considered rather a laudation and exposi tion of Cctsarism than a wholly trustworthy lite of the Roman conqueror. It ends with the passage of the Rubicon. See re views in Edinburgh review, Oct., I860; National quarterly re view, Sept., 1866, etc. Abbott s account is a popular one; and Liddell s succinct narrative is extracted from his larger Ro man history. See also Plutarch s Lives. F. Schlegel has a comparison of Coesar and Alexander, [848.1]. See the sum mary of his campaigns by Napoliun I, [B. II. 2659a.56]. On the question of the biame of Caesar or Brutus, see Seeley s Roman imperialism, [1117.1]. See Ciesars, Rome, note. CJBSAR BORGIA. See Borgia, Caesare. CJSSARS, The. De Quincey, T. The Caesars 895.9 Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Lives of the twelve Caesars 844.8 .Vote. Sec Rome, nott. Bishop Dupanloup praises Cham- paguy s " Les Cesars," [B. H. 2755.5]. CAFFRARIA, Travels and researches in. 1833. Kay, S. 698.22 See alto Africa (South). CAQLIARI, Paolo, called Paolo Veronese (Eng. Paul Veronese), Italian painter, b. 1530, d. 1588. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 2 of 840.23 ffott. See Painting, Italian school. CAGLIOSTRO, Alessandro, conte di. See Balsamo, Giuseppe. CAiLLifc, Rene. Travels through Central Africa to Timbuctoo; and across the Great Desert, to Mo rocco, 1824-28. London, 1830. 2 v. 8 CAIRNES, J. E. The slave power: an attempt to ex plain the real issues involved in the American contest. New York, 1862. 693.10 292.7 CAIRO in 183!). Kinnear, J. G 689.13 Xote. Stv Egypt, Nile; and Harper s monthly, vol. 12; Warburton s Crescent and cross, [689.7] ; Clarke s Ualeth [B. H. 3052.16], etc. CALABRIA, Italy, Unprotected females in. . 677.1 CALDERON DE LA BARCA, Frances Erskine, n^elnglis. Life in Mexico. London, 1843. 8 633.7 Same. Boston, 1843. 12 638.4 CALDERON DE LA BARCA, Pedro do, Spanish dramatic author and poet, b. 1601, d. 1G87. Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 3 of 398.1 Trench, R. C. Calderon: his life and genius 898.11 A ofc. See much in the Ticknor library, the most important of which in a critical sense is Schmidt s German commentary, [D. 140.3]. See also Spain, literature. CALDERWOOD, or CALDWOOD, David, presbyterian theo logian and historian, b. 1575, d. 1651. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 CALDWELL, Charles. Genius and character of Horace Holley, [American divine, d. 1827]. [With por trait.] Boston, 1828. 8 534.1 Life and campaigns of Nathaniel Greene, [Ameri can revolutionary general, b. 1752, d. 1786]. Philadelphia, 1819. 8 515.7 CALDWELL, Mrs. Hannah, d. 1780. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. . .v. 2 of 538.13 CALDWELL, James, Trial of British soldiers for the murder of, in Boston, 1770 219.1 CALDWELL, Mrs. Rachel, b. 1739, d. 18-25. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. y. 2 of 538.13 CALDWOOD, David. See Calderwood, David. CALEF, Robert. More wonders of the invisible world. See Fowler, S. P 228.17 CALHOUN, John Caldwell, American statesman, b. 1782, d. 1850. Works. Edited by R. K. Cralle. New York, 1853-64. 6 v. 8 287.1 Contents. Voi. I. A disquisition on government and a dis course on the constitution and government of the United States. II-IV. Speeches. V, VI. Reports and public letters. Life, with speeches. New York, [1843]. 8 512.11 See Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. 1522.7 Note. See generally histories of the United States during Jackson s administration, lives of Jackson, and works on the causes of the civil war. and on the slavery controversy. Also Wetxster s Speeches, [284.1.5]; Rhett s Eulogy, [B. H. 4,",47.12]; Rush s essay, [882.4] ; Benron s "Thirty years view," [282.1]. Parton s is a readable, rapid sketch, which appeared origi nally in the North American review, Oct., 1865. See Allibone, Duyckinck, etc. CALIFORNIA. Geological survey. [By] J. D. Whit ney. The Yosemite guide-book. [Cambridge, 1871.] 16 639.30 Bartlett, J. R. Explorations in, [1850-53] 624.2 Brace, C. L. The new West; or, California in 1867-68 1635.25 Browne, J. R. Crusoe s island. With sketches of adventure in. 1864 634.17 Buffuin, E. G. Six months in the gold mines in, [1847-49] 628.12 Capron, E. S. History of. 1854 237.13 Colton, W. Deck and port; or, incidents of a cruise in the United States frigate Congress to, [1845,46] 626.19 Three years in, [1846-49] 626.20 Dunbar, E. E. The romance of the age; or, the discovery of gold in. 1867 238.10 Farnham, T. J. Life, adventures, and travels in. 1849 633.10 Fremont, J. C. Exploring expedition to North California in 1843-44 623.8; 628.13 Greonhow, R. History of. 1845 235.9 CALIFORNIA CAMPBELL Shelf. No. CALIFORNIA, continued. Helper, H. R. The land of gold. 1855 264.13 Hittell, J. S. Resources of. 18G3 204.10; 264.12 Johnson, T. T. California and Oregon; or, sights in the gold region, and scones by the way. 1851. .239.8 Lippincott, S. J. New lifo in now lands. 1873.. 1656. 9 Nordhoff, C. California: for health, pleasure, and residence. 1872 G36.33 Norman, L. Youth s history of. 1867 238.9 Palmer, J. W. The new. and the old; or, Califor nia and India in romantic aspects. 1859 637.19 Parkman, F., jr. California and Oregon trail. 1849 626.12; 626.14 Patterson, L. B. Twelve years in the mines of, [1849-61] 237.23 Revere, J. AV. A tour of duty in. 1849 637.5 Robinson, A. Lifo in. 1840 1635.22 Sage, R. B. Scenes in. 1846 639.4; 639.16 Saxon, I. Five years within the Golden Gate. 1868 1635.23 Sketch of the route to, via the isthmus of Panama. 1867 1639.10 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Eldorado, or, adventures in the path of empire. 1850 627.12; 627.17 Todd, J. The sunset land ; or, the great Pacific 1870 1706.2 Kate. For the earl v history, see Forbes, 1839, [B. H. 2378.4] ; Grcenhow,1844, [also in B. H. 2378.1] ; Capron, 1854 ; Soule s San Francisco, [235.10] ; A. S. Taylor, in Browne s Pacific slope, [B. II. 4375.15]. See also Darin s Two years before the mast, [1039.17]; and Chamber s Papers, [:!S0.1.4]. For resources, see, besides Hittell, chapters in Browne s Pacific dope, [B. H. 4375.15] ; Brace s New West, [1035.251; articles on wine making in Atlantic, May, 1804, and Harper a monthly, vol. 29; on the agriculture in Hours at home, Sept., 1867; also Oct. ,1808; and the State geological survey [see Bates Hall catalogues], out of which grew King s Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada, [023.26]. For description, the most popular book is, perhaps, Nord- horTfi, [iBO.S!] ; but see also chapters in Whyinper s Alaska, [lOiO.14]; Hutchings s Scenes of wonder, etc., [B. II. 4405.7]; Richardson s Garnered >heaves, [B. II. 2345.57]; T^uillow^s Heart of the continent, [1020.:)]: Carleton s New way, [1633.4]; Rae s Westward by rail, [ft!8.1!Q; Prime s Hound the world, [037.24]; and papers in Harper s monthly, vol. 11 ; vol. 20, (on gold) ; vol. 21, (J. T. Ileadley, Overland to California) ; vols. 23, 24 and 27; vols. 37 and 88, (J. Ross Browne) ;and vol. 45; in Lippincott, June, 1808, (Across the Sierra Nevada); in Hours nt home, July, 1807 (Idaho to San Francisco), etc. There is a French work by Beauvoir, [B. H., 2268.50.8; in English, 0200.0.3]. See De Quincey s paper on the Gold mania, [005.1]; and illustrated narratives in Tour du Monde. [B. H. &SI1.1, 1860 and 1862]. See also San Francisco. CALIPHS, Travels to the city of the. 1840. Wellsted, J. R 693.3 CALLCOTT, Maria, lady. Little Arthur s history of England. New edition. [Illustrated.] London, 1859. 18 998.8 Same. London, 1869. 18 909.11 GALLERY, (J.) M., and YVAN, (M.) History of the insurrection in China, [1850-53], Translated from the French, by J. Oxenford. With portrait of Tien-To. New York, 1853. 12 938.0 CALVERT, George II. First years in Europe, [1823- 27]. Boston, 1806. 16 656.14 Goethe, [German dramatic author, poet, and nat uralist, b. 1749, d. 1832]: his life and works. Boston, 1872. 16 847.14 Scenes and thoughts in Europe. [1st series. 1840- 43]. New York, 1851. 12 647.14 Same. [1st], 2d series. [1840-51]. New York, 1852. 2v.ini. 12 647.15 CALVERT, James. Fiji and the Fijians. See Wil liams, T 934.9 CALVERT, Leonard, 1st governor of Maryland, b. 1582, d. 1647. Lifo of. See Burnap, G. W v. 19 of 529.1 CALVIN, or CAUVIN, Joan, Swiss scholar and reformer, b. 1509, d. 1564. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Dyer, T. II. Lifo of 545.10 Guizot, F. (P. G.) Great Christians of France . . 1118.6 Mackenzie, J. Memoirs of 1108.9 Tulloch, J. Loaders of the reformation 115.10 Kote. A diffuse but exhaustive work is "The life and times of Calvin," by Henry, an English translation of which, with omissions of parts of the original, is in the Bates Hall, 3555.12]. Mackenzie s Memoirs was originally pub lished in 1309. Dyer s book is later (1849), and makes great use CALVIN, or CAUVIN, Joan, continued. of Calvin s correspondence, and is perhaps the best English account. The contemporary life is Beza s, [B. II. 54i>4.1; 2617.1, series 1, vol. 5]. Audin s is a Catholic life, [B. H. 0000.19]; but a later view on the same side, though not yet completed, is Kainpschultc s, [B. H., in German, 5513.7]. Fisher calls Stachclin s the best of the German lives of Calvin. See Bibliotheca sacra, vol. 2, 1845. See Malcom s Index, Thomas, Michaud. Hoefer, McClin- tock and Strong (with references). See under Protestantism, Reformers, France (Ecclesiastical history), in this catalogue. For Calvinism, see Froude s studies [1812.15.2]; and the reter- G [B 4067.4] , Prince, Evenings with. See Lamothe- Langon, E. L. de 1004.3 CAMBRIDGE, Earl of. See Hamilton, James. CAMBRIDGE, Eng. University. Bristed, C. A. Five years in an English university 884.14 Everett, W. On the Cam. Lectures on the 812.3 Kote. Everett s book describes the Cambridge course and life, about twenty years later than Bristed s, who left there in 1845. See also England (Education), note. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Epitaphs from the old burying- ground in. Harris, W. T 228.2 Harvard college. See Harvard college. Kote. See Lowell i paper of reminiscences, in Fireside travels, [813.3] ; Dr. Holmcs s " Seasons," in Atlantic almanac, 1868, [1324.1] ; and T. C. Amory s paper, in the New England historical and genealogical register, July, 1871. CAMDEN, Earl of. See Pratt, Charles. CAMDEN, William, English antiquary and litterateur, b. 1551, d. 1623. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies v. 5 of 840.10 Lawrence, E. Livesoftho British historians, v. 1 of 586.11 CAMEL hunt, The. 1853. Fabons, J. W 699.12 CAMEOS from English history. Yonge, C. M 1818.19 CAMERON, Jane, female convict. Memoirs. [Awon.] London, 1864. 2 v. 16 554.14 CAMERON, John, professor of divinity in the University of Saumer, b. 1579, d. 1025. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586. 13 CAMERON, Simon, of Pennsylvania, b. 1799. See Savago, J. Our living representative men 527.19 CAMERON of Lochiel. See Thomson, K. (B.) Me moirs of the Jacobites v. 1 of 562.2 OAMOENS, Luiz do, Portuguese poet, b. 1524, d. 1579. (See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. v. 3 of 398.1 CAMP, George S. Democracy. New York, 1845. 18. 820.40 CAMP, Henry Ward, major \Qth Connecticut volunteers, b. 1839, d. 1864. The knightly soldier: a biog raphy of. See Trumbull, H. C 569.3 CAMP and barrack-room; or, the British army as it is. London, 1846. 12 894.2 CAMPAIGNS of a non-combatant, and his romaunt abroad during tho war. Townsond, G. A 644.18 CAMPAN, Joanne Loui.?o Honrietto Genet. Memoirs of tho court of Marie Antoinette, queen of France, [b. 1755, d. 1793]. From tho 3d London edition, with a biographical introduction by Lamartine. Now edition. Philadelphia, 1851. 2 v. 12 615.3 CAMPANIA, Tho buried cities of. Adams, W. H. D. 1927.1 CAMPBELL, A rchibald, marquis of Argyll, or Argyle, partisan, of Cromwell, b. 1598, d. 1661. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 CAMPBELL, Archibald, OtA earl of Argyll, confederate of Monmouth, beheaded 1085. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 CAMPBELL, Archibald, 1st duke of Argyll, or Argyle, military officer, d. 1703. See Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 6 of 815.1 CAMPBELL, Archibald, b. 1787. Voyage round the world, 1800-12. 2d American edition. New York, 1819. 12 709.9 CAMPBELL, Charles. History of Virginia, [1585- 1781]. Philadelphia, 1800. 8 232.6 CAMPBELL 45 CANOT Shelf. No. CAMPBELL, George John Douglas, duke of Argyll, statesman, b. 1823. See British cabinet in 18 33. 589.9 Note. See Reid s Cabinet portraits, [B. H. 244S.G3J. CAMPBELL, Isabella, of Roseneath, Scotland, b. 1809, d. 1827. Peace in believing: memoir of. See Story, R 599.14 CAMPBELL, Mrs. Jane, Irish heroine, b. 1743, d. 1836. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 2 of 538.13 CAMPBELL, John, duke of Argyll and Greenwich, com mander and ambassador, b. 1G78, d. 1743. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Groat Britain v. 7 of 815.1 CAMPBKLL, John, lord chancellor, b, 1"81, d. 18G1. Life of Lord Bacon, [b. 15G1, d. 1G26]. London, 1853. 16 586.26 Lives of the chief justices of England. From the Norman conquest till the death of Lord Mans field, [1066-1793], Philadelphia, 1851. 2 v. 8 568.2 Lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England, from tho earliest times till tho reign of George iv, [605-1838]. 2d American, from tho 3d London edition. Phila delphia, 1851. 7 v. 12 5G8.1 Shakespeare s legal acquirements considered. London, 1859. 8 3 385.12 See Towlc, G. M. Glimpses of history 1977.1 CAMPBELL, Rev. John, of Kin f /sland, missionary to Africa, b. 1766, d. 1840. Travels in South Af rica, at the request of the Missionary society. 3d edition. London, 1815. 8 692.12 CAMPBELL, John, D. D., editor, author, and dissenting minister of London, b, 1794, d. 1864. John Angell James, [of Birmingham, Eng., b. 1785, d. 1859]: a review of his history, character, eloquence, and literary labours, etc. London, I860. 16 578.22 CAMPBELL, John, or FERINGHEE BACHA. Lost among the Affghans. New edition, with illustrations. London, 1865. P. 8 684.19 CAMPBELL, Robert Macgregor (Rob Roy), Scottish clansman, b. JGGO, d. 1735. Grant, J. The adventures of Rob Roy 555.17 Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jaeobites. v. 2 of 562.2 CAMPBELL, Thomas, Scotch poet and critic, b. 1777, d. 1844. Gertrude of Wyoming. See Stone, \V. L. Poetry and history of Wyoming 237.14 Letters from the South: written during a journey to Algiers, etc. Philadelphia, 1836. 12 698.25 Life and letters. Edited by W. Beattie. [With portrait.] New York, 1850. 2 v. 12 584.14 Life and times of Petrarch, [Italian poet, b. 1304, d. 1374]. 2d edition. London, 1843. 2 v. 8 543.6 Specimens of the British poets; with biographical and critical notices, and an essay on English poetry. London, 1819. 7 v. 12 343.14 Same. [With illustrations.] New edition. Philadelphia, 1853. L. 8 311.6 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of tho age: or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 867. 2; 888.17 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 2 of 896. 1 Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscella nies v. 2 of 1815.5 Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.8 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 Mental portraits 557.10 Note. Seattle s is the nuthoritative life, [also in B. II. 25469, with introductory recollections by Irving, also in his Spanish papers, etc., ISM 5.2, or Harper s monthly, vol. ]]. Cyrus i Redding has published a volume of reminiscences, [B. II. 2548.241. For minor accounts, BCC also Mr. and Mrs. Hail s, in Art-Journal, May, 1806; Gilfillan s. [:{46.14]; Epes Sarzcnfg, [324.9]; Chambers * Paper*, [:j8S.l I.".]; and papers in Harper s monthly, vol. 1, (from Sharp s magazine^ ; vol. 20; voi.30, (by M. D. Conwavj : and Sprague s Visits to Euro pean ee .ebritics, f.048.9]. For critical estimates, beside his- lor.es of English literature, see Jeffrey, [863.0] ; Scott, [2577.5.17, etc.] ; Whipple, [875.11.1 j 875.12] ; and Allibone. Shelf. No. CAMPBELL, William W. Border warfare of New York, during tho revolution: or, tho annals of Tryon county. New York, 1849. 12 217.11 Life and writings of Do Witt Clinton, [American military officer, statesman, and author, b. 17G9, d. 1828]. [With portrait.] New York, 1849. 12 1525.22 CAMPER, Peter, Dutch physician, anatomist, and writer, b. 1722, d. 1789. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 21 of 179.1 CAMPERDOWN, Baron. Sec Duncan, Adam. CAMPORESE, Violante, afterwards Madame Giustin- iani, Italian singer, b. 1785. See Clayton, E.G. Queens of song 591.2 CAMPS and prisons. Twenty months in tho depart ment of tho Gulf. Duganno, A. J. II 308.25 CANADA. Arfvvedson, C. D. The United States and Canada, [1832-34] 624.12 Do Iloos, F. F. Personal narrative of travels in, [1826] 624.14 Disturnell, J. Springs, water-falls, etc., of. 1855. 1639.7 Dixon, J. Personal narrative of a tour through Canada, [1848] 637.8 Duncan, J. M. Travels through Canada, [1818, 19] ... 628.24 Heriot, G. Travels through tho Canadas. 1813. 629.23 Hind, H. Y. Narrative of tho Canadian Rod river exploring expedition of 1857 622.9 Howison, J. Sketches of Upper Canada. 1821.. 637.1 Jameson, A. (M.) Sketches in. 1852 409.12 Winter studies and summer rambles in. 1838. 629.10 Kohl, J. G. Travels in. 1861 634.6 Lambert, J. Travels through Lower Canada, [1806-8] 625.20 Macgregor, J. Our brothers and cousins : a sum mer tour in Canada and tho States. 1859 639.20 Moodie, S. S. Lifo in tho clearings versus the bush 63G.12 Roughing it in tho bush; or, lifo in. 1852.. 636.3; 636.9 Murray, A. M. Letters from Canada. 1856 639.18 Rankon, G. Canada and the Crimea. 1862.... 633.23 Russell, W. H. Canada: it3 defences, condition, and resources. 1865 634.19 Smith, W. H. Canada : past, present and future. 1851 2*55.1 Strickland, S. Twenty-seven years in Canada West. 1853 635.23 Thorcau, H. D. A Yankee in. 18G6 635.30 Traill, C. P. The backwoods of. 1836 839.1 Tremonheoro, H. S. Notes on public subjects, made during a tour in. 1852 297.12 Warburton, G. Tho conquest of, [1534-1760] . . 265.3 Wold, C. R. Vacation tour in. 1855 629.1 Weld, I. Travels through tho provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, [1795-97] 625.15 Note. Part 1 of Warburton s Ilochelaga pertains to Canada, [627.19; 1629.1]. See also Harper s monthly, vol. 23; and Bates Hall catalogues. See alto America (North), Montreal, Quebec. CANADIAN tourist, The. With map. Montreal, 1856. 18 1639.6 CANARY islands, Sixteen years of an artist s lifo in the. 1859. Murray, E 664.1 CANNING, George, English statesman and orator, b. 1770, d. 1827. Boll, R. Life of 566.13 Bulwer, Sir H. L. (E.) Historical characters.. . 567.9 Edgar, J. G. Tho boyhood of great men. 548. 13; 549.30 Jordan, W. Men I havo known 1522.9 Memoir of. See General register, etc 830.38 Stapleton, A. G. George Canning and his times. 567.1 Note. Stapleton, the latest biographer, was Canning s secre tary, [also in B. H. 245ti.5; reviewed in Living age, no. 814]. Thcrry s sketch was prefixed to his speeches, [B. II. 1KG2.6]. See the brirfer accounts of Bulwer ; Brougham, [5fiS.7] ; Mack intosh, [863.8]; the Encyclopedia Britannica; of J. II. Sid- dons, in Harper s monthly, vol. 26 ; and references in Allitone. Also Essays by R. Rush, [882.4] ; and by A. Hayward, [B H. 2573.54]. JANOT, Theodore. Captain Canot; or, twenty years of an African slaver. Edited by B. Mayer. New York. 1855. 12 609.2 CANOVA CARLYLE Shelf. No. CANOVA, Antonio, Italian sculptor and painter, b. 1757, d. 1822. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 4 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men.. 548. 13; 549.30 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Note. Memes is the chief English biographer, [B. H. 4074.01. 074.1] ; aud A. II. Everett s c _-apher of repute is Qiiatre- merc do Quincy, [B. H. 4074.13]. Sec Bates Hall catalogues See also Flaxman s address, [B. H. 4074.1^ , essay, _[877.4.1]. The_French biographer of repute is Qiiatre- for Italian lives. The Tosti engravings contain volumes of his designs, [C.2.1, etc.]. CANTIRE, Gloncroggan: or, a highland home in. Bradley, E 656.5 CAPAC, Huayna. See Huayna-Capac. CAPAC, Manco. See Manco-Capac. CAPAC, Mayta. See Mayta-Capac. CAPE, The, and the Kaffirs. Ward, H 699.15 CAPE ANNE, Mass., The landing at, [1624]. Thorn ton, J. W 223.2 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, Journal of a residence at the. 1848. Bunbury, C. J. F 692.14 CAPEL, Arthur, lord, English partisan of Charles I, b. about 1600, beheaded 1049. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 CAPEL, Catherine, formerly Miss Stephens, countess of Essex, English vocalist, b. 1794. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 CAPPE, Mrs. Catherine, of Craven, Eny., b. 1744, d. 1821. Memoirs. By herself. Boston, 1824. 12. 599.5 CAPPELLARI, Mauro. See Gregorius xvi, pope. CAPPELLO, Bianca, wife of Cosmo de Medici, grand duchess of Tuscany, b. 1540, d. 1587. See Trol- lope, T. A. A decade of Italian women. .Vr-2 of 543.14 CAPBON, Elisha S. History of California. Boston, 1854. 12 237.13 CAPTAINS of the old world. Herbert, H. W 948.8 CAPTAINS of the Roman republic. Herbert, H. W. . . 948.7 CARACCIOLA, Henrietta, ex-Benedictine nun, b. 1821. Mysteries of the Neapolitan cloister. Memoirs of H. C. From the Italian. 4th edition. Lon don, 1865. 16 1546.1 CABAFAS of Maddaloni. Reumont, A. von 827.2 CABDANO, Girolamo, Italian philosopher, physician, mathematician, and author, b. 1501, d. 1576. Morley, H. Life of 546.16 Russell, J. R. History and heroes of the art of medicine 154.8 CARDINAL kings, The. See Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history 1977.1 CAREW, Bamfyldo Moore ("king of the gypsies"), English eccentric mendicant, b. 1693, d. 1770. Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1809.1 Russoll, W. Eccentric personages 5G9.9 Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 CAREW, George, earl of Totnes, historian, b. 1557, d. 1629. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 CAREW, Sir Nicholas, English conspirator, beheaded 1539. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Groat Britain v. 1 of 815. 1 CAREY, Lucius. See Gary, Lucius. CAREY, Matthew, American author and publisher, b. 1760, d. 1839. See Griswold, R. W. Biograph ical annual 518.12 CAREY, William, baptist missionary in India, b. 1761, d. 1834. Marshman, J. C. Life of 2099.8 Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555.13 CARIBBEAN sea, A summer on the borders of the. 1860. Harris, J. D 1639.13 CARLETON, George, English officer, b. 1652, d. 1735. Memoirs. By himself. Edinburgh, 1808. 8. 565.2 CARLETON, James H. The battle of Buena Vista, [1847]. New York, 1848. 16 259.8 " CARLETON, "pseud. See Coffin, Charles C. CARLIER, Auguste. Marriage in tho United States. Translated from the French by U. J. Jeffries. Boston, 1827. 16 129.40 CARLISLE, Earl oj. See Howard, George W. F. Shelf. No. CARLOTA, empress of Mexico. Sketch of. See Hall, F. 1522.16 CARLTON, Robert, pseud.? The new purchase: or, seven and a half years in the far West. Now York, 1843. 12 634.4 CARLYLE, Alexander, Scottish minister, b. 1722, d. 1805. Autobiography. [With portrait.] Bos ton, 1861. 12 578.20 CARLYLE, Thomas, English essayist, historian, biogra pher, and poet, b. 1795. Critical aud miscella neous essays. 3d edition. London, 1847. 4 v. 16 867.1 Contents. Vol. I. Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, German philosopher, b. 1703, d. 1825 ; State of German literature ; Life and writings of Friedrich laidwi" Zaclmrias Werner, German poet and dramatic author, b. KtS, d. 1823; Goethe s Helena; Johan Wolfgang von Goethe, German dramatic author, poet, and naturalist, b. 1749, d. 1832; Robert Bums, Scotch poet, b. 1759, d. 1790: Christian GottlobHcyne, German philulogerand antiquary, b. 1729, d. 1812; German playwrights; Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire, French poet, philosopher, and his torian, b. 1094, d. 1778. II. Friedrich von Hardenberg (Mova- ), German poet and litterateur, b. 1772, d. 1801 ; Signs of the times; J. P. F. Richter; On history; Luther s Psalm; Johann vey or oerman poetry: (jiiuraciensucs; vjormt: a ponruu. III. Biography ; Boswell s Life of Johnson; Death of Goethe; Goethe s Works ; Corn-law rhymes ; On history; Denis Did erot, French encyclopedist, b. 1713, d. 1784; Count Cagliostro; Death of Edward Irving; The diamond necklace. IV. Honore 1 Gabriel Riquetti Sliralx-au, comte de, French orator, b. 1749, d. 1791 ; Parliamentary history of the French revolu tion ; Sir Walter Scott, Scotch novelist, b. 1771, d. 1832 ; Varn- hagen von Ense s Memoirs; Petition on the copyright bill; On the sinking of the Vengeur, French 74 gun ship; Robert king , Baillie, Scotch theologian and historian, b. 1599, d. 1002; Jose Gaspardo Rodriguez de Francia, doctor, dictator of Paraguay, b. 173(i, d. 1840 ; An election to the long parliament ; Appendix. Same. New edition. Philadelphia, 1850. 8. Contents. Same as above. 863.7 -- Same. [With portrait.] Boston, 1860. 4v. 16. 893.3 Contents. Vol. I. Richter ; State of German literature; Life and writings of Werner; Goethe s Helena: Goethe; Burns; Ileyne ; German play wrights ; Appendix. II. Voltaire ;Nova- lis; Signs of the times; Richter; On history ; Luther s Psalm ; Schiller: TheNibelungenlied; German literature of the 14th and 15th centuries; Taylor s Historic survey of German gaetry; Appendix. III. Characteristics; Goethe s portrait; iogfaphy; Boswell s Life of Johnson; Death of Goethe; Goethe s Works ; Corn-law rhymes: On history; Diderot; Count Cagliostio ; Death of Edward Irving; Appendix. IV. The diamond necklace; Mirabcau; Parliamentary history of the French revolution ; Sir Walter Scott ; Varnhagen von Ense a Memoirs ; Petition on the copyright bill ; On the sinking of The French revolution: a history. Leipzig, 1851. 3 v. Sq. 16 1009.21 -Same. New York, 1863. 2 v. 12 1007.7 History of Friedrich H, of Prussia, [b. 1712, d. 1786]. Leipzig, 1858-65. 12 v. in 10. Sq. 16. 579.22 -Same. New York, 1858-66. 6 v. 12 542.6 Life of John Sterling, [English author, b. 1806, d. 1844]. Boston, 1851. 12 1595.1 -Same. 2d edition. Boston, 1852. 12 584.15 Life of Robert Burns, [Scotch poet, b. 1759, d. 1796]. New York, 1859. 12 589.15 Life of Friedrich Schiller, [Gorman poet, b. 1759, d. 1805]. New York, 1846. 12 545.12 - Same. Leipzig, 1869. Sq. 16 547.22 Passages selected from [his] writings. With a biographical memoir. By Thomas Ballantyne. London, 1855. 16 885.12 Giles, H. Lectures and essays, v. 2 of 875.6; v. 2 of 875. 8 Home, R. H. A new spirit of the ago 878.23 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586. D Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews. v. 2 of 875.11; v. 2 of 875.12 "-and writings is made by Taine, [B. H. 2473.50.2]. See Emer- > son s description of his conversation, in English traits, [870.8] ; a paper in Harper s monthly, vol. 2(1; and Margaret Fuller s visit, in " At home and abroad," [054.5, p. 1*!]. Smiles gives a brief sketch, [589.18]. D. A. Wasson reviewed in the At lantic monthly, Oct., 1863, his opinions on the American civil For critical estimates, see Fraser s, Dec., 1858, and Dec., 1805 ; Blackwood, vols. 54 and 67 ; Foreign uuarU rly review, Sept., 1840; Edinburgh review, Oct., 1859; Westminster, review, Jan., 1859; British quarterly, vol. 2; London quarterly, vol. 66; North American review, vol. 41 ; Quarterly review, 1872, or Living age, no. 1462; papers in Harper s monthly by Alison invol?.! and 6; by Alexander Simtti in vol. 33. See also Loweirs"My_ study windows," [1816.22]; Essays by J. Stir- ling, 188(5. Ill; and by McNicoll, [395.27]. CARNARVON CASTIGLIONE Shelf. No. CARNARVON, Earl of. See Herbert, Henry J. G. CARNE, John, Esq. Letters from the East. 2d edition. London, 1826. 2 v. P. 8 687.7 Recollections of the East. London, 1830. 16.. 694.18 CARNES, J. A. Voyage from Boston to the west coast of Africa. Boston, 1852. 12 698.16 CARNOT, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, French mathe matician and statesman, b. 1753, d. 1823. See Arago, (D.) F. (J.) Biographies of distinguished scientific men 541.3 CAROLINE, of Brunswick, queen of George IV, b. 1768, d. 1821. See. Doran, J. Lives of the queens of England of the house of Hanover v. 2 of 593.3 CAROLINE WILIIELMINA DOROTHEA, queen of George II, b. 1683, d. 1737. Doran, J. Lives of the queens of England of the house of Hanover v. 2 of 593.3 Oliphant, M. (0. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George n 983.4 Thomson, K. rB.) Memoirs of 554.6 CARPANI, Giuseppe. Life of [Joseph] Haydn, [b. 1737, d. 1808]; Life of [Johann C. S. A.] Mo zart [b. 1756, d. 1791], from the German of Schlictegroll, with observations on Metastasio. Providence, 1820. 12 545.20 Same. Boston, 1839. 12 545.19 CARPATHIAN mountains. Try Cracow and the Car pathians. 1872. Hutchinson, A. H 689.28 CARPENTER, Francis B. Six months at the White house with Abraham Lincoln. New York, 1866. P. 8 1516.8 CARPENTER, Hugh S. Transition: a remembrance of Emma Whiting, [b. 1841, d. 1861]. [With por trait.] New York, 18G3. 12 537.33 CARPENTER, Stephen C. Memoirs of Thomas Jeffer son, [3d president of the United States, b. 1743, d. 1826]. [Anon. } [New York], 1809. 2 v. 8. 523.16 CARPENTER, W. H. History of Massachusetts, [1602- 1820]. Philadelphia, 1853. 12 228.11 and ARTHUR, T. S. History of Vermont, [1608- 1850]. Philadelphia, 1853. 12 228.13 CARPENTER, William W. Travels and adventures in Mexico. New York, 1851. 12 638.8 CARR, Patrick, Trial of British soldiers for the murder of, in Boston, 1770 219.1 CARRE, Anno, Countess of Bedford. See Russell, Anno. CARREL, (Jean Baptiste Nicolas) Armand, French political writer, b. 1800, d. 1836. History of the counter-revolution in England [1658-85], for the re-establishment of popery, under Charles u and James n. History of the reign of James n, by C. J. Fox. London, 1846. P. 8 978.4 Same. [With] memoir of the reign of James n, by John, lord viscount Lonsdale, [1658-88]. London, 1857. P. 8 837.10 CARRICK, John D. Life of Sir William Wallace, of Elderslie, [Scottish patriot and soldier, b. about 1270, d. 1305]. Edinburgh, 1850. 2 v. 18. . 830.58 CARRINGTON, Margaret I. Ab-sa-ra-ka home of the Crows. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1868. 12 1636.13 Ocean to ocean. Pacific railroad and adjoining territories. [Anon."] [With map.] Philadel phia, 1869. 31pp. 12 1639.20 CARROLL, Anna Ella. The star of the West; or, national men and national measures. [Essays and biographies.] [With portraits.] Boston, 1856. 12 238.3 CARRUTHERS, Robert. Life of Alexander Pope, [English poet, b. 1688, d. 1744]. 2d edition. London,1857. P. 8 835.12 CARSON, Christopher (Kit Carson), the Rocky moun tain scout and guide, b. 1809. Life and times. [Anon.} New York, n. d. 94pp. 16 1529.22 Life and adventures of. See Burdett, C. 1525.18; 1525.19 CARTE, Thomas, English historian, b. 1686, d. 1754. See Lawrence, E. Lives of the British histo rians v. 1 of 586.11 CARTER, Elizabeth, English authoress, b. 1717, d. 1806. Clever girls of our time 599.21 -Hall, L. J. Memoir of 599.10 Pennington, M. Memoirs of 595.5 Shelf. No. CARTER, Robert. Summer cruise on tho coast of New England. Boston, 1864. 16 ........... 635.28 CARTER, Thomas. Curiosities of war and military studies. London, 1860. 16 ................. 998.10 CARTHAGE and her remains. 1861. Davis, N ...... 942.6 Xote. Davis s exploration [also in B. H. 3057.4] were begun in 18- >6 under the auspices of the British government. A later work, 1809, is by Perry, United Sttues consul at Tunis, [B. H. S0.il.!)]. There is a popular account of tlie ruins in Harper s monthly, vol. 22. See also Chambcrs s Papers, [:!&>. 1.. 3]. The politics, intercourse n<l trade of the ancient Carthaginians has been elaborately illustrated by Heeren, [B. H. aCttl.l]. See Rome, history, note; and Y. W. Newmau l befcnce of Cartnage, [B. II. 4)74.14]. CARTIER, or QTJARTIER, Jacques, French navigator and explorer, b. 1494, d. after 1536. See Parton, J. People s book of biography .................. 1522.10 CARTWRIGHT, Edmund, English divine, poet, and in ventor of the power-loom, b. 1743, d. 1823. Biog raphies of eminent men from the 13th century. v. 1 of 839.6 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men ............. 543.13 CARTWRIGHT, Peter, backwoods preacher, b. 1785, d. 1872. Autobiography. Edited by W. P. Strick land. [With portrait.] New York, 1857. P. 8. 534.17 See MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they wore made ............................. 515.14 CARUS, Carl G. The king of Saxony s [Frederic Augustus] journey through England and Scot land in 1844. Translated by S. C. Davison. London, 1846. 8 ........................... 647.3 CARVALHO, S. N. Incidents of travel and adventure in tho far AVest ; with Col. Fremont s last expe dition. New York, 1857. 12 ............... 626.11 CARVER, Jonathan. Three years travels throughout the interior parts of North America, [1766-69]. Walpolo, N. H., 1813. 12 .................. 639.8 GARY, Alice, American authoress, b. 1820, d. 1870. Memorial of. See Ames, M. C ............... 1664.1 GARY, (Amelia F. C.), viscountess Falkland. Chow- Chow ; journal in India, Egypt, and Syria. [With portrait of Moollah.] London, 1857. 2 v. 8. 696.1 GARY, Elizabeth, lady Falkland, b. 1585, d. 1639. The Lady Falkland: her life. Also, Memoir of Father Francis Slingsby, [d. 1644]. [Arcon.] London, 1861. 16 ......................... 599.23 GARY, Lott, American freed slave and divine, b. 1780, d. 1828. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men ................ 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 GARY, Lucius, Id viscount Falkland, English secre tary of state, b. about 1610, d. 1643. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain ................................ v. 4 of 815.1 GARY, Phoebe, American authoress, b. 1824, d. 1871. Memorial of. See Ames, M. C ............... 1564.1 GARY, Robert, 1st earl of Monmouth, d. 1639. Me moirs. By himself. And Fragmenta regalia, by Sir R. Naunton. Edinburgh, 1808. 8 ....... 563.8 GARY, Thomas G. Memoir of Thomas Handasyd Perkins, [of Boston, b. 1764, d. 1854]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1856. 8 ................. 524.4 CASALIS, Rev. E. Tho Basutos; or, twenty-three years in South Africa. [With illustrations.] London, 1861. 16 ......................... 673.10 CASE, The, of the Seneca Indians in New York. Philadelphia, 1840. 12 ..................... 244.8 CASPIAN sea, Sketches on the shores of tho. 1845. Holmes, W. R .............................. 674.3 CASS, George W., president of the "Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago railway," b. 1810. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress ....... 522.16 CASS, Gen. Lewis, American statesman, b. 1782, d. 1866. France, its king, court, and government. [Anon.} 3d edition. New York, 1848. 98 pp. 8 ......................................... 1004.5 Parton, J. People s book of biography ......... 1522.10 Schoolcraft, H. R. Outlines of tho life and char acter of .................................... 523.8 CASTAGNO, Andrea del, Italian painter, b. 1403, d. 1477. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters .................. v. 1 of 840.23 CASTIGLIONE, Due do. See Augereau, Pierre F. C. CASTIGLIONI CECIL Shelf. No OASTIGLIONI, Francesco Xavier. See Pius \iu.pope. CASTILIAN days. Hay, J 998.20 CASWALL, Henry. The American church and the American union. London, 1861. 1G 1116.3 Scotland and ths Scottish church. Oxford, 1853. 16 1089.12 CASWELL, Florence Annie, b. 1855, d. 1866. The little helper: a memoir of. See Goodwin, L. S. 2089. 12 CATACOMBS, The, of Rome. Philadelphia, [cop. 1854]. 12 1088.6 CATACOMBS of Rome. Kip, W.I 1088. 13 Note. See Rome, antiquities, note; and the article "Cata combs," in McClintock and Strong, for a summary and addi tional references. Harper s montlilv has a paper on those of Egypt, in vol. 12; and on those of Kome, in yols. 10 and 15. Sec Cardinal Wiseman s lecture on the glass found in them, [045.8, p. 148 ; 645.10, p. 166, etc.]. CATALANI, Angelica, Italian vocalist, b. 1782, d. 1849. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 CATERINA DE MEDICI. See Medici, Catherine de . CATHARINE. See Catherine. CATHERINE, St., of Sienna, sister of the order of St. Dominic, b. 1347, d. 1380. See Trollope, T. A. A decade of Italian women v. 1 of 543.14 CATHERINE I, empress of Russia, b. 1682, d. 1727. See Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns 569.28 CATHERINE II, empress of Russia, b. 1729, d. 1796. Memoirs. By herself. Translated from the French. London, 1859. 12 543.15 Same. New York, 1859. 12 542.10 Clarke, M. C. World-noted women 15 22. 25 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns v. 2 of 810.44 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Smuckor, S. M. Memoirs of the court and reign of 546.10 Tooke, W. Life of 546.2 Note. Her own memoirs cover 1744-60, and are reviewed in National review, 1859, or no. 769 of Living age; and in Atlantic monthly, Aug., 18-19. See also Brougham s sketch, [568.7]. See Russia, note; Harper s monthly, vol. 38 ; and H. Merivale s studies, [B. H. 2563.1]. CATHERINE, of Aragon, queen of Henry VIII, b. 1483, d. 1536. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England v. 2 of 592.1 CATHERINE, of Braganza, queen of Charles II, b. 1638, d. 1703. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per sonages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 4 of 592.1 CATHERINE, of Valois,. queen of Henry V, b. 1401, d. 1438. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England v. 1 of 592.1 CATHERINE DB MEDICI. See Medici, Catherine de . CATHERINE HOWARD, queen of Henry VIII, b. 1521 or 22, d. 1542. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England v. 2 of 592.1 CATHERINE PAIIU, queen of Henry VIII, b. 1509, d. 1548. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per sonages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 2 of 592.1 CATUN, George, b. 1796, d. 1872. Adventures of the Ojibbeway and loway Indians in England, France, and Belgium. AVith engravings. 3d edition. London, 1852. 2v.ini. 8 645.4 Laat rambles amongst the Indians of the Rocky mountains and the Andes. [With illustrations.] New York, 1867. 16 249.19 Life amongst the Indians. [With illustrations.] New York, 1867. 10 249.20 Manners, customs, and condition of the North American Indians. With 150 illustrations. Phil adelphia, 1857. 2v. 8 245.1 CATO, Marcus Porcius, the elder, Roman censor, b. B. c. 234, d. B. c. 149. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 CATO, Marcus Porcius, the younger, Raman philoso pher, b. B. c. 95, d. B. c. 46. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Shelf. No. CATSKILL mountains. See Irving, W. Spanish pa pers and other miscellanies ............. v. 2 of 1815.5 CAUCASUS, Captivity of two Russian princesses in the. Verderevsky, ............................ 687. 1 Note. See Freshfield s Travels [B. H. 5042.25], and a review of them in Edinburgh review, 1869, or Living age, no. 1334; also paper on " Schaiuyl s country " in Fraser s, 1870, or Living age, Feb. 1, 1873. See Schamyl. See Harper s monthly, vol. 28. Also Bates Hall catalogues; and the illustrated descrip tion in Tour du monde, [B. II. 6291, 1808-09]. CAULFIELD, James, earl of Charlemont, Irish states- man, b. 1728, d. 1799. Memoirs of. See Hardy, F .......................................... 563.6 CAULFIELD, James, English author, b. 1764, d. 1826. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters. . 1546.5 CAUPOLICAN, a chief of the Araucanians, fl. l(Jth cen- tury. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians ..................... v. 5 of 1869. 1 CAUVIN, Joan. Sec Calvin, Jean. CAVADA, F. F. Libby life, 1863-64. [Illustrated.] Philadelphia, 1865. 12 .................... 308.14 CAVALIERS, Memoirs of the. Warburton, E. (B. G.) 553.6 CAVE, Edward, Enylish printer and editor, b. 1691, d. 1754. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sundry eminent persons ............. 586.20 CAVENDISH, Elizabeth, formerly Miss Cecil, countess of Devonshire, d. 1689. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, .v. 6 of 815.1 CAVENDISH, Georgiana, duchess of Devonshire, English poetess, b. 1756, d. 1806. See Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society ........... v. 1 of 542. 15 ; 542.17 CAVENDISH, Henry, English physician, chemist, and natural philosopher, b. 1731, d. 1810. Brougham, H., lord. Lives of men of letters and science in the time of George in ....................... 547.3 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548.13; 549.30 CAVENDISH, Thomas, English admiral, b. 1564, d. 1593. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the soa-kinga of England .................... 578.19 -- Sword and pen: or, English worthies in the reign of Elizabeth .......................... 567.10 Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign ..................... 564.8 Life and voyages of. See Lives, etc ............ 810.41 Southoy, R. Lives of the British admirals. v. 3 of 388.5 CAVENDISH, William, 1st duke of Devonshire, English statesman and patriot, b. 1640, d. 1707. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain .......................... v. 7 of 815.1 CAVENDISH, William, 1st duke of Newcastle, general and litterateur, b. 1592, d. 1C76. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Brit ain ................................... v. 6 of 815.1 CAVOUR, Camillo Benso di, count, Italian statesman, b. 1809, d. 1861. Dicey, E. Cavour: a memoir. 554.10 La Rive, W. de. Life and character of ......... 542.18 Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history ............. 1977.1 Note. See London quarterly review. July, 1861 (or Living age. no. 901) on his death; Botta s historical discourse, [B. H. 2743.19]; and Jt uy, history, note. See Henri d ldevUU i Journal of a diplomate in Italy, [B. II., in French, 2744.50]. CAWNPORE. 1865. Trevelyan, G. ............... 1937.1 CAXTON, William, the first English printer, b, about 1412, d. 1491. Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop .................... 551.7 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 548.18; v. l*of 548.22 Grosor, W. H. Men worth imitating .......... 557.20 Knight, C. William Caxton: a biography ...... 840.28 Lives .of eminent persons ...................... 365.18 Note. The lives of Caxton are concise, and beside Knight s. there is that published by the Society for the diffusion of knowledge, by fitephenson, [B. II., SMSJUTi. Sec also the memoir in the Biographia Britannica ; in Allibone; the paper on "The first English printer" in Disraeli s Amenities of lit erature, [4tH.8]; and that on Early printers in Harper s monthly, vol. 11. CECIL, Elizabeth- See Cavendish, Elizabeth. CECIL, Richard, English divine, b. 1748, rf.,1810. Life of Rev. John Newton. See Newton, J ........ 119.24 See Criohton, A. Converts from infidelity. v. 1 of 830.28 CECIL CHANDLER Shelf. No CECIL, Robert, 1st earl of Salisbury, English states man and diplomatist, b. 1550, d. 1612. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Brit ain v. 3 of 815. Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen v. 5 of 388. CECIL, Thomas, Is* earl of Exeter, b. 1542, d. 1621. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person ages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815. CECIL, William, lord Burleigh, or Burghley, English statesman, lord treasurer of Elizabeth, b. 1520, d. 1598. Cabinet portrait gallery of British wor thies v. 4 of 840. H Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815. Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen v. 1 of 388. CECILIAJ St., Roman martyr, and patroness of music, fl. Id century. See Clarke, M. C. World-noted women 1522.2 CELEBRATED saloons. Gay, S 609.5 CELLINI, Benvenuto, Italian goldsmith, b. 1500, d. 1570. Memoirs; by himself. Translated by T. Roscoe. New York, 1845. 2 v. 12 544.13 Same. London, 1850. P. 8 828.1 See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of tho laboratory and workshop 551.1 CENCI, Beatrice, parricide, Roman lady, ex. 1599. See Remarkable women of different nations and ages CENTLIVRE, Susannah, 7mA actress and dramatic au thoress, b. 1667, d. 1723. See Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Groat Britain .................... v. 3 of 398.3 CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA, Miguel do, Spanish poet and novelist, b. 1547, d. 1616. Biographies of emi nent men from the 13th century .......... v. 1 of 839.6 Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors. 883.14 Roscoe, T. Life and writings of ............... 399.1 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal . v. 3 of 398.] Note. Roscoe s is the principal detached life of Cervantes; but that embodied in Ticknor s " History of Spanish litera ture " [393.13, etc.]; is of importance, but BPC also the literary histories of Ilallam and Risniondi. Lockhart s life is prefixed to his edition of Don Quixote, [789.il]; and Prescotthi article on Cervantes in his " "" also the briefer acco Miscellanies. " [865.4 ; 872.2]. See Ballantvne s library. [B. H. and grave," [9118.20]. " The i ickno rTibraryls rich Tn illustra tive works. See referencea in Hoefer, Alichaud and Oettinger. CEYLON. Baker, Sir S. W. Eight years wanderings in, [1845-53] 695.20 The rifle and the hound in. 1869 695.19 Barrow, Sir G. Ceylon: past and present, [1657- 1847] 695.11; 938.8 Binning, R. B. M. Journal of two years travel in, [1845-47] 685.1 Forbes, J. Eleven years in. 1841 695*. 4 Tennent, Sir J. E. Ceylon: physical, historical, and topographical. 1860 934.10 See also Asia, Hindostan, India; and descriptive papers in Harper s monthly, vols. 3, 7, 8 and 12. CHALD^EA. Ainsworth, W. F. Researches in. 1838. 946.5 Travels and researches in. 1842 688.5 Loft us, W. K. Travels and researches in, [1849- 52] 694.1 ffaie. See also Babylon. Baldwin s Pre-historic nations [1957.2] aims to connect the ancient Chaldaean civilization with the Cushites of Arabia. CHALLICE, Dr. Secret history of the court of France under Louis xv. London, 1861. 2 v. P. 8.. 618.2 CHALMERS, George. Revolt of the American colo nies. Boston, 1845. 2 v. 8 304.8 CflALMERS, Thomas, Scottish divine and economist, b. 1780, d. 1847. Brown, J. Horse subsecivae. v. 2 of 894.13 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548. 13; 549.30 Famous boys, and how they became great men.. 555.8 CHALMERS, Thomas, continued. Hanna, W. Life of Men who were earnest 576.1; 576.T 549.40 1917.1 974.3 999.7 404.15 830.44 999.23 830.34 830.59 999.8 530.25 Note. Hanna was Chalmers s son-in-law, and has written the authoritative, though voluminous life. Dr. Wayland s briefer memoir, founded on Hanna, is confined to Chalmers s parochial and philanthropic labors. Dr. John Brown gives an appreciative estimate in " Spare hours," [883.21]. See the paper "on the pulpit in Scotland," in the " Recreations of a country parson," [883.2.2]; Stanley s Lectures, [B. H. 3526.52] ; Miller s Headship of Christ, [B. II. 2508.54] ; and other publications touching the disruption movement, [see Scot land]. For Chalmers s labor among the poor, see Maccoll s Work in the Wynds, [2088.1:!]- Mrs. Oliphant s Life of Ed ward Irving is not commendatory of Chaliners in his relations with Irving, [571.4]. See a high church view in Living age, vol. 30; other estimates in vols. 31, 33 and 34; Harper s monthly, vols. 1, 2 and 6; Gentleman s magazine, July. 1847; and other references in. Thomas, AlHbone, and McClintock and Strong: Dr. Sharp s Reminiscences, [888.8]; Uazlitt s essay, [880.10]; and Sprague s Celebrities, [018. .)]. CHAMBERS, Lieut. -col. (Osborne William Samuel?). Garabaldi, and Italian unity. London, 1864. 8. CHAMBERS, Robert, Edinburgh bookseller and author, b. 1802, d. 1870. Cyclopaedia of English litera ture. [With portraits, etc.] Boston, 1851. 2 v. L.8 Same. Philadelphia, 1860. 2 v. L. 8 Domestic annals of Scotland from the reforma tion to the revolution, [1561-1745]. Edinburgh, 1858-61. 3 v. 8 , History of Scotland, [1020-1831]. London, 1849. 2 v. in 1. 16 History of tho English language and literature. See Chambers, W History of tho rebellions in Scotland, 1638-60. Edinburgh, 1828. 2 v. 18 History of the rebellions in Scotland, 1689 and 1715. Edinburgh, 1829. 18 830.50; History of the rebellion in Scotland, 1745, 46. Edinburgh, 1827. 2 v. 18 Life of James i, [king of Scotland, b. 1394, d. 1437]. Edinburgh, 1830. 18 Traditions of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1856. 16. Memoir of. See Chambers, W Note. The memoir of Robert by William Chambers, with passages ofthe latter s autobiography intermingled, is the authentic record of the career of these well-known brothers, [also in B. H. 2548.50; 2549.53]. CHAMBERS, Talbot W. Memoir of Theo. Freling- huysen, [American statesman and scholar, b. 1787, d. 1862]. [With portrait.] New York, 1863. 12 536.20 CHAMBERS, Sir William, architect, b. 1726, d. 1796. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 4 of 379.9 HAMBERS, William, Scottish author and bookseller, b. 1800. Hand-book of American literature. Lon don, n. d. 16 404.13 Memoirs of Robert Chambers, with autobiographic reminiscences of William Chambers. New York, 1872. 16 536.25 Miscellany of useful and entertaining knowledge. With illustrations. Boston, n. d. 10 v. 16.. 366.1 Something of Italy. [With illustrations.] Ed inburgh, 1862. 12 656.8 Things as they are in America. Philadelphia, 1854. 12 627.22 Same. [With portrait.] New York, 1854. L. 8 1634.26 and Robert. History of tho English language and literature. Edinburgh, 1853. 16 404.15 }HAMIER, Captain, pseud. See James, William. DHAMISSO, Ludwig Carl Adalbert von, naturalist and novelist, b. 1781, d. 1839. See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 CHAMPAGNE country, Tho. 1867. Tomes, R 1668.1 JHAMPLAIN, Samuel do, French governor of Canada, discoverer of Lake Champlain, b. 1567, d. 1635. See Parton, J. People s book of biography. . . . 1522.10 CHAMPLAIN, Lake, Notes on. 1868. See De Costa, B. F. Lake Goorge, etc 1639.11 CHANDLER, Peleg W. American criminal trials. Boston, 1861-64. 2 v. 12 297.17 HANDLER, Richard. Travels in Asia Minor and Greece, [1764-66]. New edition, by N. Revett. [With maps.] Oxford, 1825. 2v.ini. 8. .. 683.5 CHANDLESS 50 CHARLES Shelf. No. CHANDLESS, William. Visit to Salt Lake. London, 1857. 12 626.3 CHANNEL islands, Black s guide to the. 1866. See Ansted, D. T 1659.17 CHANNING, Barbara H. The sisters abroad; or, an Italian journey. [Anon.] Boston, 1857. 16. 678.17 CHANNING, Edward T. Life of William Ellery, [American statesman, b. 1727, d. 1820]. See Sparks, J v. 3 of 518.5 ; v. 6 of 529.1 CHANNING, George G. Early recollections of Now- port, R. I., from 1793 to 1811. Newport, 18G8. 16 227.23 CHANNING, Walter. A physician s vacation; or, a summer in Europe, [1852]. Boston, 1856. 12. 648.1 CHANNING, William Ellery, American divine and au thor, b. 1780, d. 1842. Channing, W. H. Me moir of 535.1 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7 ; 879.15 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristic of literature. v. 1 of 548.5 A r o<8. The memoir by W.H. Channing is the authoritative one, which has been made the basis of a French account with an introduction by Remusat. [B. H. 2400.8]. The best known French estimate is that by Lnboulaye, originally appearing in the Journal des debuts, 1852, and aftcnvaids prefixed to a French translation of his works, [10C7.11; B. H. 3570.87]. See also the notice by Chasles in his Anglo-American literature, [404.11]. There are brief accounts in Sprague s Unitarian pulpit, [B. H. 2346.4.8]; iu Ware s American Unitarian biography, [B. H. 2345.11.L ]; in Allibone, Griswold, Duyckinclc, McClmtock and Strong, etc. See also the introduction to his collected works, [117.3.1; B. H. S472.7.1] ; that to the new English edi tion, [B. II. 5508.3]; Foe s literati, [887. 1.3]; and a chapter in Algcr s Genius of solitude. [2088.22]. His death drew forth numerous eulogies: from Dr. Gannett, [B. II., Ppli. v. 265]; from Bancroft, [873.1]: from Theodore Parker [B. II., Pph. v. 112], etc. For critical estimates by his countrymen, ece articles by A. H. Everett, in North American review, Oct., 1835; by Ban croft, in Democratic review, vol. 12, (also see vols. 9 and 11) ; by Abel Stevens, in Methodilt quarterly review, Jan., 1849 ; in the American quarterly review, vol. 10; in the Massachusetts quarterly review, vol. 1; iu the Christian examiner, vol. 4, by Norton; vol. 14, by Dewey; vol. 45, by Furness; also vols. 28 and 33; in the New York literary and theological re view, by Leonard Withington, vol. 1; in the Southern lite- ary messenger, by II. T. Tuckerman, vol. 15, also vols. 4 ,ndf>; and in the New Englander, vol.8. For foreign reviews, 535.1 Edinburgh 18: Fraser s, vols. 17 and 18, (very laudatory). See Lucy Aiken s memoirs [B. H. 4548.20] for her cor respondence with Channing. See also the article "Transcen dentalism," in Bartol s Radical problems. [877.23]. A portion of Dr. Channingjs theological collection has been given to this Library by his children. CUANNING, William H. Memoir of William Ellory Channing, with extracts from his correspondence. [With portraits.] Vol. 1, 3, 5th edition; vol. 2, 6th edition. Boston, 1851. 3 v. 12 CHANTREY, Sir Francis, English sculptor, b. 1782, d. 1841. Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. 548.16; 551.13 Jordan W. Men I have known 1522.9 Note. The lives of Chantrey are by Holland and Jones. See also Essays from London Times, [899.13]; Fraser s magazine, April. 1S50; Harper s monthly, vol. 2; and Chambers s Pocket miscellany, [367.1.2]. CHAPIN, Edwin Hubbell, American universalist divine, b. 1814. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 CHAPMAN, Benjamin. History of Gustavus Adolphus [king of Sweden, b.,1594, d. 1632] and the thirty years war. London, 1856. 8 U 546.5 CHAPTER, A, of Erie. Adams, C. F.,jr 238.20 CHARACTER and characteristic sketches. Whipple, E. P 823.18 CHARACTERISTICS. See Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. v. 2 of 867.1; 863.7; v. 3 of 893.3 CHARDIN, Sir John, French traveller and writer, b. 1643, d. 1713. See St. John, J. A. Lives of cele brated travellers v. 1 of 810.47 CHARICLES. Illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks. Becker, W. A 957.1 CHARITIES of Franco in 18CC. Lawrence, W. R. . . . 153.27 CHARLEMAGNE. See Charles I, emperor of Germany. CHARLEMONT, Earl of. See Caulfiold, James. CHARLES I (the martyr), king of England, b. 1600, ex. 1649. Abbott, J. History of 559.18 Aikon, L. Memoirs of the court of 976.6 Shell. No. CHARLES I (the martyr), continued. Ashburnham, J. Narrative of his attendance on. 975.10 Birch, T. The court and times of 552.11 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 6 of 840.10 Disraeli, I. Commentaries on the life and reign of 553.2 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 Trials of 399.7 Note. Disraeli s book is the most considerable, and his arrangement is topical rather than chronological. See also Bates Hall catalogues, and the note under England, history. Also Macaulay s review of Hallam. [1655.20]; and Walling- ton fl Historical notkes, [B. H. 4528.22]. CHARLES II, king of England, b. 1630, d. 1685. Abbott, J. History of 559.22 Hamilton, A. Memoirs of the court of 857.1 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 Sidney, H. Diary of the times of 553.4 Note. See Bates Hall catalogues ; the note under England, history; and Smyth s lectures, chapter 19, [827.8]. CHARLES VIII, king of France, b. 1470, d. 1498. History of. See Commines, P. de 857.4 CHARLES X, king of France, b. 1757, d. 1836. His tory of the reign of. See Crowe, E. E 1005.3 CHARLES I (Charlemagne), emperor of Germany, b. 742, d. 814. Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 James, G. P. R. History of 810.60 Note. James s, the principal life in English, is reviewed by De Quincey, [905.2.2]. Hewlett s is brief: See Bates Hall catalogues, and the sections on France and Germany in this catalogue. CHARLES V, emperor of Germany, b. 1500, d. 1558. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 1 of 839. G Robertson, W. History of the reign of. 830.6; v. 2 of 943.4 Same. With life after his abdication, by W. H. Prescott 912.4; 919.9 Stirling, W. Cloister life of 617. C Note. Prescott s continuation of Robertson is based on material gathered by himself, iu the use of which he was fore stalled by Stirling, who first made public his gleanings from Simancas in Fraser s, April and May, 1851, or Living age, vol. 29. Pichot, in his picturesque chroniquc, covers liis entire life. Gachard s "Rctraite et mort" [B. II. 2842.13; see also 2817.211 gives the original material. Mignet s "Charles Quint includes the interval from his abdication to his death, [1065.1]. Prescott, in his edition of Robertson, vol. 3, p. 327, and in his Philip II, end of book 1 [9- 2.1], reviews the au thorities on his later years. See Delepicrre s Historical diffi culties, [B. H. 6297.21]; Schlegel s lecture, [848. 1] ; Motley s Rise of the Dutch republic, [92U]; the histories of the Refor mation, and the notes under Spain and Germany. See M iciiuud, Uocfer, Oettinger, etc. ; and Harper s monthly, vol. 14. CHARLES XII, king of Sweden, b. 1682, d. 1718. Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. f v. 3 of 1869.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Note. The best known life is that by Voltaire, [B. H., in English, 2819a.60 : in French, 2829.12]. See Sweden, note; and the references in Thomas, Oettinger, etc. CHARLES XIV (Jean Baptiste Jules Bornadotto), king of Sweden, b. 1764, d. 1844. Hoadley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals. ..v. 2 of 605.1; v. 2 of 605.2 Philippart, J. Memoirs and campaigns of 542.3 CHARLES, the bold, duke of Burgundy, b. 1433, d. 1477. Commines, P. do. History of 857.4 Kirk, J. F. History of 611.5 Note. Kirk s [also in B. H. 46f!3.25] is the principal modern narrative. See Living age, nos. 1030 and 1044. Also the histories of France. CHARLES EDWARD STUART, prince, the young pretender, b. 1720, d. 1788. Johnos, M. Princo Charlie, the young chevalier 557.12 Oliphant, M. (0. AV.) Historical sketches of the reign of George n 983.4 CHARLES, Elizabeth. Wanderings over Bible lands and seas. [Anon.] [With illustrations.] New- York, 1866. 16 656.9 CHARLES 51 CHEVERUB Shelf. No. CHARLES, Rev. Thomas, of Bala, Welsh evangelist, b. 1755, d. 1814. See Steel, R. Lives made sub lime by faith and works 577.13; 577.16 CHARLESTON, . C., Trip of the steamer Oceanus to. 1865 276.6 Note. See Harper s 1 monthly, vols. 15, 17 and 21. For the siege, see National quarterly review, Sept., 1868. See also South Carolina, and United States, Civil war, note. CHARLOTTE CAROLINE AUGUSTA, princess of Wales, daughter of George IV, b. 1796, d. 1817. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 Kate. See Edinburgh review, 1873, or no. 14D9 of Living nge; and Baron Stockmar s memoirs, [B. H. 2846.52], CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH, pseud. (SeeTonna, Charlotte Elizabeth. CHARLOTTE SOPHIA, queen, of George III, b. 1744, d. 1818. See Dorau, J. Lives of the queens of England of tho house of Hanover v. 2 of 593.3 CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. Early history of tho Uni versity of Virginia. Jefferson, T 294.2 CHARRIERE, St. Hyacinthe do, authoress, b. about 1740, d. 1805. See Kavanagh, J. French women of letters 1609.1 CHARTREUSE river, France. Tho river and tho do- sart: or, recollections of tho. Pardoe, J 6G8.21 CHASE, Henry, and SANBORN, Charles W. The North and the South. Boston, 1856. 12 297.18 CHASE, Salmon Portland, chief-justice of the United States, b. 1808, d. 1873. Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 Stowe, II. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 Trowbridgo, J. T. Tho forry-boy and tho finan cier 519.13 CHASE, Thomas. Hollas her monuments and scenery. Cambridge, 1863. 12 656.7 CHASLES, (Victor Euphemion) Philar^te. Anglo- Amorican literature and manners. Now York, 1852. 12 404.11 Notabilities in Franco and England. With an autobiography. New York, 1833. 12 868.7 CHATEAUBRIAND, (Rene) Francois Augusto, vicomte de, French statesman and poet, b. 1768, d. 1848. Tho martyrs. Edited by 0. W. Wight. New York, 1859. 12 115.20 Portrait of Bonaparte. New York, 1814. 87 pp. 24 609.7 Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary, 1806, 7. Translated from tho French by F. Shoberl. [With map and engravings.] New York, 1814. 8 685.7 See Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 Note. In French, see the life bv Villemain, [B. II. 2702.7]; Lomenie s Galerie, [B. II. C249a.l.l]; and Saiute-Beuve, [B. 11. 2670.3.1 and 2670.1, vols. 1 and 2]. [2008.1; see Atlantic, Oct., 186i]: Alisc age, no. 877, also no. 824. See Lamartinc s Restoration, [1007.1]. Also references in Thomas, Hoeter, Michaud, etc. CHATEAUGAY woods, Hills, lakes, and forest streams: or, a tramp in the. 1854. Hammond, S. H. ... 636.2 CHATELHERAULT, Duke of. See Hamilton, James. CHATHAM, Earl of. See Pitt, William. CHATTAWAY, E. D. Railways: their capital and div idends, with statistics of their working in Great Britain, Ireland, etc. London, 1855, 66. 12. 1169.27 CHATTERTON, Henrietta G., lady. Memorials of Ad miral lord Gambler, [b. 1756, d. 1833]. London, 1861. 2 v. 8 577.6 CHATTERTON, Thomas, English poet, b. 1752, d. 1770. Dix, J. Life of 589.7 Giles, H. Lectures and essays, v. 2 of 875.6; v. 2 of 875.8 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of tho most emi nent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Memorials of early genius 651.10 Note. A succinct memoir by Wilcox, condensed from the various authorities, which are given, is prefixed to his Poems, 1 346.6; 1316.51. The most recent work is by Skeat and Bell, [B. H. 2468.51], There are briefer lives by Anderson, [B. II. 400t.l.ll]s by Gregory, meagre, CB. H. 2608.13, reviewed by CHATTERTON, Thomas, continued. Scott in Edinburgh review, April, 1804,or miscellanies in 2577.5] ; tion, sec Scott s iifo of Waipolc, [386.19] ; and Nichols s illus trations, vol. 7, [B. II. 2.154.1]. The lives of Chattcrton are character izeil in 1316.5, p. 97; that by Dix containing some important matter in tho appendixes. See. further material in Cottlc a Reminiscences, [5SB.17]; Warton s English poetry, (.B. H. 4573.2C], etc. See National quarterly review, March, 1867; Mis.-) Mitt ord a Recollections of a literary life, [890.L. ] ; Foster s essay, [837.7.2] j and Allibone. CHAUCER, Geoffrey, founder of English poetry and literature, b. 1328, d. 1400. Biographies of emi nent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 1 of 840.10 Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent lit erary and scientific men of Great Britain, .v. 1 of 398.3 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Saunders, J. Cabinet pictures of English life. .. 850.9 Todd, II. J. Illustrations of tho life and writ ings of 312.10 Note. The best known memoir is that by Sir II. Nicolas, [319.5; B. II. 2568.12; 4575.28, prefixed to Morris s edition, re viewed in the Examiner, 1867, or Living age, no. 1185]. There are other lives by C. C. Clarke, [355.4] ; Godwin, J804, [B. II. 2541.5]; by Anderson, [B. H. 4604.1.1]; nnd by Chalmers, [B. II. 2592.7.1]. There are also old lives [B. II. 2000.7; 4170.6], etc. Tho language of Chaucer has been examined by Tyr- whit [319.5; S!6.1(f: B. II. . 530.2; 2563.ll ; 2571.13], and by Pro fessor Child, [Memoirs of the American academy, new series, 3370.7.8]- See also the publications of the Chaucer society, [B. H. 4522.1-12, etc.]. Seo Essay* by Lowell. [1816.22, also see his conversations on the poets, 344.J7] ;_ by Disraeli, [ 104.8.1] ; by Alexander Smith, pective review, vols. U and 14; irasers. April, 1850; Mae- nillan, 1871, or Living age, no. 1424; and by Drake, [B. H. 4578.13.2]: also, [B. HTHoSuo."]; Villemain s Cours delittera- turc, [B. H. 267-A7] ; Hallam nnd the other literary historians of England. Browne s Chaucer s England shows the poet relations to his times, [B. H. 4576.17, reviewed in London review, 1869, or Living age, no. 1299]. CHAUNCY, Charles, D. D., of Boston, b. 1705, d. 1787. Thanksgiving sermon on the repeal of the stamp- act, 1776. See Thornton, J. W. The pulpit of tho American revolution 217.20 CHAUSSIER, Francois, French physician, professor of chemistry, and author, b. 1746, d. 1828. See Peisse, J. L. H. Sketches of eminent living surgeons and physicians of Paris 609. 1 CHEEK, Arthur Marcus Hill, English ensign to the native infantry in Bengal, b. 1840, d. 1857. See Steel, R. Lives mado sublime by faith and works 577.13; 577.16 CHEESEMAN, Lewis. Ishmael and tho church ; or tho rise, progress, and fall of Mohammedanism. Philadelphia, 1860. 12 1104.19 CHEETHAM, James. Life of Thomas Paine, [English deist and author, b. 1737, d. 1809]. Now York, 1809. 8 513.14 CHEEVER, George Barrell, American divine, b. 1807. See Fowlor, H. The American pulpit 534.9 CHEEVER, Rev. Honry T. The island world of tho Pacific. With engravings. New York, 1851. 12. 705.11 Lifo in tho Sandwich islands. With engravings. Now York, 1851. 12 705.20 CHELSEA hospital, and its traditions. 1837. Gleig, G. R 997.9 CHESNEY, Charles C. Waterloo lectures: a study of the campaign of 1815. [With map.] London, 1808. 8 1983.2 CHESNEY, Francis Rawdon. The Russo-Turkish cam paigns of 1828 and 1829. With maps. 3d edi tion. London, 1854. 8 918.5 Same. New York, 1854. 12 918.6 CHESTERFIELD, th earl of. See Stanhope, Philip Dor mer. CHEVALIER, Michel. Society, manners and politics in tho United States. Translated from the 3d Paris edition, [by T. G. Bradford]. Boston, 1839. 8 624.3 CHEVERUS, Jean Louis Anno Madeleine de, archbishop of Bordeaux, and formerly bishop of Boston, b. 1768, d. 1836". Life of. See Hamond, . 617.17 ; 617.18 Note. See also Fitton s history of the Catholic church in New England, [B. II. 3519.52]; Christian examiner, vol 1; nnd Hocfcr. CIIEVREUSE 52 CHIVALRY Shelf. No. CHEVREUSE, Mario do Rohan-Montbazon, duchesse de, French intriguer, b, 1600, d. 1679. Secret history of the French court under Richelieu and Maza- rin ; or, the life and times of. See Cousin, V. 1009.17; 1009.23 CHEYNEL, Francis, ejected non-conformist, b. 1608, d. 1665. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sundry eminent persons 586.20 CHIABRERA, Gabriello, Italian poet, b. 1552, d. 1637. See Shelloy, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. v. 2 of 398.1 CHIAPAS, Incidents of travel in, [1839, 40]. Stephens, J. L 621.5; 621.10 CHIARAMONTI, Gregorio Barnaba Luigi. See Pius vn, pope. CHICAGO, ///. Lippincott, S. J. New life in new lands. 1873 1656.9 Wilkio, F. B. " Walks about Chicago." 1869.. 1815.9 Kote. See Parton s article in the Atlantic monthly, March, 1867. For the groat fire, see Colbert [B. II. 2374.50], who recounts also the history of the city. For the recuperation of the city after the fire, see Lakeside monthly, Oct., 1872, [B. H. 4374.83. CHICKERING, Jonas, piano-forte manufacturer, b. 1798, d. 1853. See MacCabo, J. D., jr. Great for tunes, and how they were made 515.14 CHIHUAHUA, Explorations in, [1850-53]. Bartlett, J. R 624.2 CHILD, Lydia Maria, b. 1802. American anecdotes. [Anon.] Boston, 1830. 2 v. 12 216.13 Biographies of good wives. 5th edition. New York, 1850. 12 548.8 Isaac T. Hopper, [American abolitionist, b. 1771, d. 1852]: a true life. [With portrait.] Boston, 1853. 12 525.10 CHILDS, George W., American publisher, editor, and philanthropist, b. 1830. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 CHILE con carno ; or, the camp and the field. Smith, S. C 623.19 CHILI. Bollaert, W. Antiquarian researches in Chile. 1860 266.11 Cochrano, T. Narrative of services in the libera tion of, from Spanish domination. 1859 263.9 Davie, J. C. History of. 1819 633.14 Gardiner, A. F. Visit to the Indians on the fron tiers of. 1841 635.18 Hall, B. Journal on the coast of, [1820-22] 639.7 v. 2, 3 of 830.25 Strain, I. G. Journey in, [1849] 635.13 Sutcliffe, T. Sixteen years in Chile, [1822-39]. . 633.17 Three years in. 1863 623.23 Note,. See America (South); Harper s monthly, vol. 11; and Wood s Natural history of man, [B. II. 0252.L ]. CHINA and the English. New York, 1835. 12 1695.5 CHINA pictorial, descriptive, and historical. With Bomo account of Ava and the Burmese, Siam and Anam. With illustrations. London, 1853. P. 8. 825.8 CHIXA. Ball, B. L. Rambles in, [1848-50] 708.6 Gallery, ( J.) M. History of the insurrection in, [1850-53] 938.6 Cobbold, 11. H. Pictures of the Chinese. 1860. 938.15 Conwoll, R.H. Why the Chinese emigrate. 1871.699.23 Cooko, G. W. China and Lower Bengal. Being " The Times" correspondence, [1857-58] 709.30 Davis, Sir J. F. China, during the war and since the peace. 1852 696.13 The Chinese: a description of. 1845 810.75 839.5; 840.18; 937.9 Sketches of. 1841 706.8 Dobell, P. Narrative of a residence in. 1830.. 666.2 Doolittle, J. Social life of the Chinese. 1865. . 673.7 Edkins, J. R. Chinese scenes and people, with notices of Christian missions in. 1863 699.20 Ellis, H. Journal of the late embassy to. 1818.696.10 Fishbourne, E. G. Impressions of China, and the present revolution. 1855 709. 15 Fortune, R. A residence among the Chinese, [1853-56] 696.4 Two visits to the tea countries of. 1853 706.7 Shelf. No. CHINA, continued. Gragg, W. F. A cruise in the U. S. steam frig ate Mississippi to, [1857-60] 622.10 Guetzlaff, C; (F. A.) Journal of three voyages along the coast of, [1831-33] 688.8 Journal of two voyages along the coast of, [1831, 32] 706.5 A sketch of Chinese history, [B. c. 2207-A. D. 1820] 934.7 History of the expedition to, [1856-58] 931.1 Hue, . R. The Chinese empire. 1855 706.1 Christianity in. 1857 113.4 Journey through the Chinese empire. 1855.. 706.2 Travels in, [1844-46] 409.10 706.4; 879.6; 879.7; 1655.8 Hunt, F. Sketch of the commercial intercourse with. 1845 136.30 Jocelyn, R., lord. Six months with the Chinese expedition, [1840] 709.16 Johnston, J. D. China and Japan, [1857-60]. . . 688.19 Kidd, S. China, or, symbols, philosophy, anti quities, customs, superstitions, laws, govern ment, education, and literature of the Chinese. 1841 696.8 Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia. Pictures of Chinese life. 1870 682.11 Loomis, A. W. Confucius and the Chinese classics. 1826.2 Loviot, F. A lady s captivity among Chinese pirates in the Chinese seas 709.21 Macfarlane, C. The Chinese revolution, [1850- 53] 937.14 Medhurst, W. H. China; its state and prospects. 1838 934.11; 938.4 Milne, W. C. Life in. 1857 697.9 Mossman, S. China: its inhabitants and institu tions 1695.3 Nevius, J. L. China and the Chinese. 1869. . . 696.20 Oliphant, L. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin s mission to, [1857-59] 701.12 Scarth, J. Twelve years in. 1860 937.7 Sirr, H. C. China and the Chinese. 1849 696.2 Sketch of the route to, via the isthmus of Pana ma. 1867 1639.10 Smith, G. Narrative of an exploratory visit to each of the consular cities of, [1844-46] 696. 14 Smith, W. L. G. Observations on China and the Chinese. 1863 689.25 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Visit to, [1853] 708.17 Thomson, E. Our oriental missions. 1870 2089.19 Tiffany, 0., jr. The Canton Chinese, or the American s sojourn in the celestial empire. 1849. 697.8 Tu-Li-Shin. Narrative of the Chinese embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars, [1712-15]. 694.5 White, J. History of a voyage to the China sea. 1823 623.12 Williams, Mrs. II. D. A year in. 1864 704.25 Williams, S. W. The middle kingdom; a survey of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants. 1851. 696.12 Note. See Harper s monthly, vols. 11. 29, 31, 37 and 39; Tour du Monde, [ B. 1 1. r.LlH .1. liO and 1871] ; Wood s Natural history of man, [B. U. (t 52.2]; and Medhursfs Far Cathay, [U85.Il B. II. SOW.fiO]. There has been a recent elaborately illustrated work on Imlo-China [B. II. 5010.9] published under the auspices of the French government. See also Asia, Confucius, Corea, Pckin. CHINCHA islands, Melbourne, and the. 1854. Peck, G. W 705.21 CHINGU. See Xingu. CHINIGCHINICH; historical account of the Indians at the missionary establishment of St. Juan Capis- trano, Alta California ; called the Acagchemem nation. Boscana, G 1635.22 CHIPMAN, Daniel. Memoir of Seth Warner, [Ameri can colonel, b. 1743, d. 1782]. Added, Life of Ethan Allen, by J. Sparks. Middlebury, 1848. 16 528.22 CHIVALRY. James, G. P. R. History of 810.20 Mills, C. History of 945.2 Stebbing, H. History of 830.56 Xote. Mill s is the principal account; and illustrative matter will be found in Gibbon s Decline and fall, [see Gibbon]; in Froissart s Chronicles; in theAmadisof Gaul, and in the cycle cr, CHIVALRY 53 CHRISTIANITY CHIVALRY, continued. of romances of King Arthur. In this last connection, sec Sir Edward Strachey s essay prefixed to his edition of Malory s Morte dArthur, [1723.1; B. H. 4537.11]; Bulfinch g Age of chivalry, [1723.8] ; and the poems embodying the legendary by Bulwer [1409. 10] and Tennyson [385.20, etc.]. The credibleness of these legends is examined in no. 889 of Living age, and see also Edinburgh review, or no. 13f>3 of Living age. There is a paper in Hours at home, May, 1869, on the origin of the.se legends and their use in literature. Scott has an essay on chivalry, [B. H. 2577.5.6]. See Moule s bibliography, [B. H. 2153.9] ; and Addison s Knights templars, [B. H. 2234.3]. See Bates Hall catalogues. See the histories of literature for the literary bearing of the tales of chivalry. See alto Crusades, Middle ages. CHOATE, Rufus, American jurist, b. 1799, d. 1859. Works. With a memoir of his life, by S. G. Brown. [With portrait.] Boston, 1862. 2 v. 8. 521.3 Contents. Vol.1. Memoir; Letters ; Lectures and address es. II. Speeches; Horse Thucydidianse ; Translation from Tacitus. Brown, S. G. Life of 521.13 Parker, E. G. Reminiscences of 515.13 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews. v. 2 of 875.11; v. 2 of 875.12 ffo(i. Brown s is the authoritative memoir. See Everett s address, [SU.7.4] ; Hillard s sketch in the New American cyclo paedia; and notices in the Atlantic, July, 1800, and Jan., 1803; North American review, Jan., 18G3; Hours at home, Nov., 1866; and National quarterly review, 1873. See also George Luut on Choate as a lecturer, [888.7]. CHOICE notes from " Notes and queries." History. London, 1858. 16 999.18 CHOISEUL, Etienne Francois, due de, French states man, b. 1719, d. 1785. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 5 of 388.7 CHOISEUL-GOUFFIER, Marie Gabriel Auguste Florent, comte de, French archreoloyist and diplomatist, b. 1752, d. 1817. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers v. 3 of 810.47 CHOPIN, Frederic Francois, Polish pianist, b. 1810, d. 1849. Life of. See Liszt, F 551.24 Kote. See Atlantic monthly, April, 1873. CHORLEY, Henry F. Memorials of Mrs. [Felicia Dorothea] Hemans, [English poetess, b. 1794, d. 1835]. New York, 1836. 2 v. 12 Modern German music. Recollections and criti cisms. London, 1854. 2 v. 16 CHOUANNERIE, Story of the war in the little. Hill, G. J 1008.13 CHOULES, John 0. Cruise of the steam yacht North Star. Boston, 1854. 12 J 647.9 CHOW-CHOW; journal in India, Egypt, and Syria. Cary, (A. F. C.) 696.1 CHRIST. Alger, W. R. History of the cross of 1089.9 Beecher, H. W. Life of Jesus, the Christ 2103.4 Ellicott, C. J. Historical lectures on the life of. . 1092.11 Furness, W. H. Jesus 2088.19 Jesus and his biographers 1101.5 Gilmore, J. R. The life of Jesus, according to his original biographers 2099.17 Green, S. G. Bible sketches. The life of Christ upon earth 1108.14 Hamilton, J. Lessons from the great biography. 2088. 12 Hase, C. (A.) Life of Jesus 114.13 March, D. Walks and homes of Jesus 2106.2 Renan, J. (E.) Life of Jesus 1102.18 Turnbull, R. Christ in history 1106.18 Young, J. The Christ of history .; 1087.13 Note. The modern reaction from the orthodox views began K-ithStrauss[B.H., in German, 6037. 10; in English.: ;H75.7],who niaintained what is called the "mythical theory," pronounc ing miracles impossible, and the gospels a collection of fabulous accounts of Jesus, not deliberate fictions, butfoimdcd principal ly on traditions and popular notions concerning the expected Messiah. In his new "Life of Jesus for the German people" [B. II., in German, 3475.16] his view is somewhat modified. See " Apostolic age and " Tubingen school " in McClintock and Strong s Cyclopaedia. The lead in refutation was taken by Neander [848.8 ; B. H. 6037.5], whose life is a grouping by events historically similar. At a later day, Renan. [B. H., in French. 3475.15], placing more reliance than Strauss on the historic proofs, gave rise to what is called the "legendary hy pothesis," and has been chieflv combated by Pressense, [B. II. fi470a.6]. Of other German biographers, Von Ammon [B. H. 61137.81, who is rather negative than positive, is ranked as rationalistic, as well as Hase [B. H.,in German. 6037 .9], whose life is concise and critical, and while he generally accepts the goepel records, his views are not extreme. In the English 209.5 CHRIST, continued. translation of his book (given in the list above), which wai made by James Freeman Clarke, there will be found in sec tions 21 and 22, the author s own concise characterizations of the positions of the principal biographers; and in an appendix, a partial bibliography of the subject, while the 5th edition [B. H. 3479.53] of the original German contains an extensive one. The German life by Paulus [B. II. 60.-17.2] is naturalistic in views ; and that by Sepp [B. H. 0067.4] is Roman catholic. The life by Lange [B. H. 5475.4] aims at reconciling tha ancient faith with modern culture. Ellicott s is a careful i uieeuLiiu^msiii 01 numuimy, uie suojectoi ^jurist as the creator of modern theology and religion " being reserved for another volume, not yet published. The object of" Ecce Deus," by Dr. Joseph Parker [2099.18], is to supplement, and in part to controvert, the views presented in Ecce Homo." The views of Dr. Furness [also in B. II. 6037.14], while he ad mits the essential authenticity of the gospels, are peculiarly naturalistic, and somewhat in sympathy with Dr. Schenkel s, [B. H. 5475.17]. Beecher s Life, which is not yet completed, is evangelical with broad sympathies. Gilmore s is simply the Gospel narrative harmonized. Andrcws s " Life of our Lord upon the earth, considered in its historical, chronological and geographical relations " [B. II. :!475.14] is carefully prepared. Dr. Howard Crosby s "Jesus, his life and work" [B. H. 5476.12] is the production of a thoughtful scholar, and is very well illustrated. Thomas Scott s " English life of Jesus " [ti. H. 3479.54] aims to apply the law of historical evidence to the gospel narratives. See also the Lower Hall Class list for works in the arts and sciences, and the Bates Hall catalogues; also Malcom s Index under " Jesus Christ." 202.9 CHRISTIAN art, Sketches of the history of. Crawford, A. W CHRISTIAN hero, The: life of Robert Annan. See Macpherson, J 569.31 CHRISTIAN iconography. Didron, A. N., aine 815.9 CHRISTIAN sects in the nineteenth century. Phila delphia, 1846. 24 v. 3 of 850.25 CHRISTIAN statesman, The: a portraiture of Sir T. F. Buxton. See Mudgo, Z. A 1516.5 CHRISTIANITY. Baring-Gould, S. Origin and devel opment of religious belief v. 2 of 2096.18 Coquerel, A., fits. First historical transforma tions of 2087.2 Farrar, A. S. Critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian religion 1102.16 Hue, . R. Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet 113.4 Kip, W. I. The early conflicts of 1088.14 Marcy, E. E. Christianity and its conflicts 2106.6 Milman, H. II. History of 1085.3 History of Latin Christianity 1113.1 Neander, (J.) A. (W.) General history of the Christian religion and church 858.1 History of the planting and training of the Christian church 848.9 Memorials of Christian life in the early and middle ages 857.8 Pressense, E. de. The early years of 115.17 Schaff, P. History of the Christian church, A. D. 1-311 1092.5 Shelley, P. B. Essay on 587.5 Stebbing, II. History of the Christian church. . 388.1 Kote. The histories by Dean Milman [reviewed by J. n. Newman, B. H. 4557.4.2] arc standard, and genc slly accept able, though his views are ranked as liberal and even ration alistic by some. The first mentioned above brings the record down to thooxtinction of paganism in the Roman empire; and the second continues it to A. I). 1454. Shelley is an unbeliever. Neander [858.1; B. II. 6043.1: al.o in German, 6046.5] is "sound" and of great reputation. Marcy aims to " check the fearful tide of skepticism and irrcligioii which now per vades society." SchafTs extends to A. r>. 600 [B. H. 3512.50], and he makes use of the results of English and American scholars, which are somewhat neglected by the German his torians, and gives at the head of each section a list of the prin cipal works, useful to the student. He is a disciple of Nean der, and his book is both erudite and fit for popular use. Mil- ner [B. H. 6044.1] comes down to the 16th century; is con tinued bv Stebbing from 1530 to the 18th century, [also iu B. H. 3514.7] ; and further by Haweis, [B. H. 3518.2]. On the propagation of Christianity, see generally under Missions, Roman catholic church, Ecclesiastical history, and this last head under particular countries. Conybeare and Howson s Life of St. Paul [113.9] deals with that apontle g mission to plant Christianity. St. John s was to organize and systematize, and Miss Yonge s Pupils of Saint John [1118.2] takes his immediate followers and those subsequently under the influence of his spirit. The chief authorities on the apos tolic age are Neander. [B. II., in German, 0043 10 : iu English, 848.9 ; 6043.2 ; revised, 5513.1]; Schaffs Apostolic church, TB. II., in German, 6043.14 ; 6045.5] ; PressensS, etc., but see refer ences in McClintock and Strong under Apostolic church. See Apostles. Dean Stanley remarks that Gibbon s Decline and fall of the Roman empire [B. H. 4754.3] is, in great part, how ever reluctantly or unconsciously, the history of the rise and Erogress of the Christian church. The course recommended y Bishop Dupanloup to trace the decadence of paganism CHRISTIANITY CIRCASSIA CHRISTIANITY, continued. , eee also 3528.3; in Eng lish 2295.10], and his "L elablissement dti christiunismo chezdes Germains:" then I<enormaut on the iniddlonges; and finally Montalembert s Monks, [B. H., in English, 3514.41; and Gosselin i " Fouvoir temporal du nape aumoyen age,"[B. 11. 6074.13]. A recent work by Mrs Hope has fol lowed the history of the conversion of the Franks and Eng lish, [B. H. :29 52]; and of St. Bouiface and too Germans, [B. H. 3129.53]. J. f. Clarke s Ten great religions gives a summary of tha relations of Christianity to (lie oilier faiths, [114.111. Baring. Gould s Origin and development of religious belief, section on Christianity [2096.18; B. IL 7001.10], is an argument based oa demonstration. See the Class list for works in the nits and sciences; tho Bates Hall catalogues; and Malcom s Index under " Chris tianity" and "Christian antiquities;" Smith s Bible diction ary; and MeOUntoek and Strong. The literature of the subject is vast. See also Ecclesiastical history. CHRISTINA, queen of Sweden, b. 1626, d. 1689. Jame son, A. (M.) Memoirs of celebrated sovereigns. v. 2 of 810.44 Kussell, W. Eccentric personages 569. 19 Extraordinary women 598.19 Sketches of tho lives of distinguished females . . . 1859.10 CHRISTMAS, Henry. Nicholas i, emperor and autocrat of all tho Russias, [b. 1796, d. 1855] : his life and reign. London, 1854. 1G 546.20 CHRISTMAS. Hervoy. T. K. The book of 899.2 Kip, W. I. The Christmas holydays in Rome. 678.18; 678.20 CHRISTOFPEL, R. Zwingli; or, the rise of the refor mation in Switzerland. Translated from the German, by J. Cochran. Edinburgh, 1858. 8. 1085. 14 CHRONICLE of tho Cid. See Cid Ruy Diaz. CHRONICLES of London bridge. Thomson, R 999.22 CHRONICLES of tho crusades. London, 1865. P. 8. 846.6 Contents. Chronicle of Richard of Devizes, concerning the deeds of Richard I, kins of England; Geoffrey dcVinsaufs Chronicle of Richard I a crusade: Lord deJoinville sMemoin of Louis ix, king of France, commonly called Saint Louis. CHRONICLES of the tombs. Pettigrew, T. J 856.13 CHRONOLOGY. Blair, J. Chronological history. ... 1092.19 Chronological tables 836.2 Munsoll, J. Tho every day book of 947.1 Nicolas, Sir N. H. Chronology of history 368.2 Rosso, J. W. Index of dates. 1858 857.9 Rudimentary chronology. To 1854 829.39 Same. To 185C 1169.16 Tegg, T. Chronology, from the earliest period to the present time. 1824 Dictionary of. 1854 nts [2136.25], and Handy-book for verifying/ dates Christian era, [C1S35.20] ; Haydn s Dictionary of dates, CURYSOSTOM, Joannes, St., father of the Greek church, archbishop of Constantinople, b. 347, d. 407. Perthos, F. M. Life of 547.20 Wilson, W. Tho popular preachers of tho ancient church 555.20 Kate. See Malcom s Index, [B. II. 2190.19]; and McClin- tock and Strong s Cyclopaedia. CHUBBUCK, Lavinia and Harriet. My two sisters: a sketch. See Judson, E. C 1519.1 CHURCH, The, before tho flood. Gumming, J 116.11 CHURCH, Tho, in the army. Scott, W. A 2095.16 CHURCHILL, Charles, English satirist, b. 1731, d. 1764. Charles Churchill: a biographical essay. See Forster, J.. 577.9; v. 2 of 894.3; 1655.16 tfate. Forster s narrative is the best. There are also briefer lives by Tooke [vol. 1 of 319.0], and by Gilflllan, [322.5]. CHURCHILL, John, 1st duke of Marlborough, English general and statesman, b. 1650, d. 1722. Biogra phies of eminent men from tho 13th century. v. 3 of 839.6 -- Bucke, C. Life of 379.6 Shell . No. CHURCHILL, John, continued. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 11 of 840. 10 Coxe, W. Memoirs of 8^8.2 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548. 13; 549.30 Gloig, G. R. Lives of the most eminent British military commanders v. 1, 2 of 388.3 James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great commanders. 557.6 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 Macfarlane, C. Life of 55 1.8 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 tfote. The life by Archdeacon Coxe [also in B. H. 2445 1.5] is voluminous and the standard one, and Wade s edition or it (in the above list) is improved by use of the letters and de spatches of Marlborougli [B. H 2524.1], published later than Coxe e original edition ; and upon these two works are based the compendious and popular lives of Bueke, 1839, and Mac farlane, 1852. Sec also Thomson s Memoirs of the duchess in the following article. Sec general histories of England cover ing Queen Anne s time. CHURCHILL, Sarah, formerly Miss Jennings, duchess of Marlborough, b. 1660, d. 1744. Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 7 of 815.1 Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of 594.1 Tho queens of society v. 1 of 542. 15 ; 542.17 CHURCHYARD, Thomas, b. about 1520, d. 1604. See Bell, R. Lives of tho English pocta v. 2 of 398.2 CHUSAN, Narrative of an exploratory visit to, [1845], Smith, G 696.14 GIBBER, Caius Gabriel, sculptor, b. 1630, d. 1700. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 3 of 379. 9; v. 3 of 810.19 GIBBER, Colley, English dramatic author, actor, and poet-laureate, b. 1671, d. 1757. See Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain v. 3 of 398.3 Note. Gibber s own " Apology for his life " [B. H. 2455.14] ia the basis of all lives of him. CIBYRATIS, Travels in the. 1847. Spratt, T. A. B. 683.7 CICERO, Marcus Tullius, Roman philosopher, orator, and statesman, b. B. c. 106, d. s. c. 43. Life and letters. Life by Dr. Middloton. [With portrait.] Letters, translated by W. Melmoth and Dr. Heberden. London, 1848. 8 541.2 Forsytb, W. Life of 671.6 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. v. 2 of 1869.1 Rollings, J. F. Lifoof 389.7 Lamartino, A. (M. L.) de. Memoirs of cele brated characters v. 1 of 547.4 IfoU. Middleton s Life [also in B. H. 2755.12] was origi nally published in 1741, and dealt, mostly panegyrically, with Cicero aa a politician o.nd an orator, and was the standard 1 ife till Forsyth. in 1864, produced a life [also in B.H. 4910.8] that did be am s essay. [B. II. 4579.53.71; Arthur Ilallum s paper, [B.H. 2567.2-1]; Newman s essay, [B. H. 2953.12]; and Westminster review, Oct., 1855. Abckcn > " Cicero in seinen Briefen " [B. II. 29?8.21] is of excellent repute. Drumann takes an un friendly view, [B. II. 2755.8]. Villcmain wrote the notice in the Biographic universelle. [see also B. n. 4077.7]. Ramsay i article in Smith s dictionary is very full. See Watson s intro duction to tho Clarendon press edition of his letters, [B. H. 2925.50]. See also Borne, history. !ID RUY DIAZ (Rodriguez Diaz de Bivar), Spanish warrior, b. about 1026, d. 1099. Chronicle of tho Cid. From tho Spanish. By R. Southoy. 1st American edition. Lowell, 1846. 8 913.2 Goodrich. S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Hewlett, H. G. Tho heroes of Europe 655.3 Peako, H. Tho boy s book of heroes 651.28 Note. See histories of Spain and Spanish literature. IECO DA FERRARA, or FRANCESCO BELLO. See Bello, Francesco. iiMABUE, Giovanni, Italian painter, b. 1240, d. about 1302. Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of tho early Italian painters v. 1 of 840.23 Memorials of early genius 551.10 Note. See Italy (Art), and Painting, Italian school. IIRCASSIA. Lee, R. Stories from. 1853 927.17 Spencer, E. Ciroassia. 1854 87.21 CIRCUMNAVIGATION 55 CLARKK Shelf. No. CIRCUMNAVIGATION of the globe. See Historical ac count, etc 810.76 CITIES. Bucko, C. Ruins of ancient cities.. .379. C; 820.38 Cobbe, F. P. The cities of the past 865. 12 CIVILIZATION. Baldwin, J. D. Pro-historic nations. 1957.2 Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in Eng land.. 942.1 ; 942.2 Guizot, F. (P. G.) History of 837.5; 949.1 Wynter, A. Curiosities of 893.12 Note. Guizofs [also in B. II.. in French, 2302.8; 2302.12; 4141.11] is a work of great repute, and develops the progress of the working agencies, which have produced modern civiliza tion down to the French revolution of 1789; but Buckle [also in B. H. S565.17] treats particularly of England, and applies a. necessitarian theory to events. The whole field has been the subject of a voluminous work by the late Prof. Amos Dean, [B. II. 2305.10]; and of a recent French work by Falies, [3585.64]. For theories, see Emerson s essay, [1829.12, or At lantic monthly. April, 1862]; II. C. Carev s Unity of law, : question of pr _________________________________ has only shaped itself into a science by the accumulation of geological evidence during the last twenty years, A popular summary of its progress will be found in the introduction to Figuier s Primitive man, [B. II., in English, 623IUO; in French, 62.35.18] ; in the chapter on the geological antiquity of man in Leslie s lectures, [B. II. 582 ;.!]; and in Lippincbtt s magazine, vol. 1. The consideration of this subject has en tered largely into the proceedings and memoirs of the various ethnological, anthropological [London society, B. H. 2237.7], geological, palaeontological, and archaeological societies of late years, and is discussed in journals of these specialities. See the records of the International congress of pre-historic archaeology, Paris, [B. H., in French, B233.SO]. Sir Charles Lyell gave his adhesion, in 1855, to the belief in the geological man, and in his "Antiquity of man" [143.17], arrays the evi dences, recapitulating m chapter 19; and he as well as his fellow geologists connect the subject closely with that of the unity of the race, and of its development, [see chapter 20, etc.]; and also see chapters 5 and 7 of part 1 of Darwin s Descent of man, [113.22; B. H. 5827.10]; and Winwood Reade s Martyrdom of man, [B. H. 2323.50]. Lubbock, In his Pre-historic times [113.20; B. II. 2291.4; 2291. C]. adduced the evidences regarding the primitive state of man, while in his Origin of civilization [B. H. 6236.13; 6-38.1, with a list of books] he aims to show that there are signs of progress among savages of this day; that the most civilized races retain traces of original barbarism, therefore that the primitive condition was a barbaric one, and that races have raised themselves from such condition. The subject of existing manners in barbarous races, which Lubboek treats topically, will be found with arrangement by races, treated popularly in Wood s Natural history of man, [15. II. 02j2.2]; and scholarly in Klemm s Cultur-Geschichte, [B. II. 2263.9]. Lubbock s views, that the modern savage is net the result of degeneration, are shared by Tylor in his Early history of mankind, [B. n, 6236.24]. Archbishop Whately, in his Origin of civilization [882.5; B, II. 3643.10, lectures 5 and 81, contended that man unaided could not rise from barbarism, and Lubbock an swered him [sec British association for the advancement of science, 1867, B. II. 3910.1, and appendix to 6236.1J]. The ar igin, antiquity ana pr man, and inclining to Whately s side, and Lubbock in turn replied, [appendix in 6236.13; C238.1]. The discussion by these writers was purely on scientific grounds, independent of scriptural authority, the latter view being considered by Melia, 1872, [B. II. 5827.20]; Bishop Meignan, 1869, [B. II. 5420.18]; G. Moore, 1808 [B. H. 5880. 16J. etc. The German naturalist, Vogt, in his Alan s place in nature [B. II., in Eng lish, 62354; in French. 3762.21], advocates Darwinian views, without believing in the unity of the race, and ratherpoint- edly sets himself at variance with theolocy. See also Huxley on the same subject, [173.8; B. II. 3888.10]: and F. W. New man s essay on the pre-historic state, [B. H. 4574.14]. The French work of Royer on the origin of man and society, 1870 [B. II. 5824.3], has a bibliography attached. See also Lo Hon s Fossil man in Europe, his industry, manners, arts, etc., [B. H., in French, 0230.2 ; 2d edition, l*is. tSr.0.4] ; and Leslie s lecture on th< early social lite, [B. II. 5823.1]. Baldwin s Pre-historic nations aims to connect the oldest peoples with the Cushitcs and Ethiopians of Arabia. For accounts of the lake dwellings of the Bronze age in Switzerland, see the books of Lyell, Vogt, Le Hon, mentioned above, and Perrin, 1870 [B. II., in French. 023o.ll], and Ste- vcns s Flint chips, 1870 [B. II. 0236.23]. which last is a good guide to general ore-historic arclucology; while the student will find Waring s Stone monuments of remote ages, 1870 [B. H. 8089.3], of value in this connection, and its list of books of use. CLAIBORNE, John F. H. Life and times of Gon. Sam. Dale, the Mississippi partisan, [b. 1772, d. 1841]. Illustrated. New York, 1800. 12.. 527.14 Life and correspondence of J. A. Quitman. See Quitman, J. A .............................. 528.26 CLAIROX, Claire Josepho Hippolyto, French actress, b. 1723, d. 1803. See Remarkable women of dif ferent nations and ages ...................... 547.5 CLAP, Roger, one of the first settlers of Dorchester, Mass., b. 1609, d. 1691. Memoirs of. See Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters of Massachu setts bay .................................. 223.12 CLAPP, Maria Elizabeth, of Boston, b. 1820, d. 1857. Portrait of a Christian, drawn from life: memoir of. -See Bobbins, C ......................... 539.3 1 Shelf. No. CLAPP, Rev. Theodore, American Unitarian divine, b. 1792, d. 1866. Autobiographical sketches and recollections, during a thirty-five years residence in New Orleans. [With portrait.] Boston, 1857. 12 534.16 CLAPP, William W.,jr. Record of tho Boston stage. Boston, 18 53. 16 356.10 CLAPPERTON, Hugh. Journal of a second expedition into tho interior of Africa. Added, Journal of Richard Lander. With a map. Philadelphia, 1829. 8 693.8 Travels and discoveries in Northern and Central Africa. See Denham, D 693.6; 693.7 CLARENDON, Earl of. Sue Hyde, Edward. CLARENDON, Earl of. See Villiers, George William Frederick. CLARINDA, pseud. See MacLehose, Agnes C. CLARK, Alexander. Memory s tribute to the Rev. Thos. H. Stockton, [b. 1808, d. 1868]. Now York, 1869. 55pp. 16 1528.12 CLARK, George Edward. Seven years of a, sailor s life. With illustrations. Boston, [cop. 1867]. 16 1707.1 CLARK, George Faber. History of Norton, Mass., from 1669 to 1859. [With engravings.] Boston, , 1859. 12 227.21 CLARK, William Goorgo. Gazpacho: or, summer months in Spain. London, 1850. 12 675.13 CLARKE, Adam, Wesleyan commentator, antiquary, and oriental scholar, b. 1760, d. 1832. Memoirs of the Wesley family. 2d edition. G. Peck, editor. New York, 1851. 12 535.12 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist min isters 535.14 Groser, W. H. Men worth imitating 557.20 Pratt, A. Dawnings of genius 548. 26 CLARKE, Mrs. Asia. Booth memorials. Passages in the life of Junius Brutus Booth, [tragedian, b. 1796, d. 1852]. By his daughter. New York, 1866. P. 8 569.26 CLARKE, Edward Daniel, English traveller, mineralo gist, and writer, b. 1769, d. 1822. Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa. [With maps and il lustrations.] [Vol. 1-8, 4th edition.] London, 1816-24. 11 v. 8 682.1 Contents. Vol. I, II. Russia, Tartary, and Turkey. III- VIII. Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land. VIII. Journey from Constantinople to Vienna, containing his account of the gold mines of Transylvania and Hungary. IX-XI. Scandi navia. Same. Part 2. New York, 1813. 8 083.10 Contents. Greece, Egypt, and the noly Land. Same. Part 1, 2. 5th American edition. Hartford, 1817. 3 v. in 2. 12 689.6 Contents. Vol. I. Russia, Tartary, and Turkey. II. Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Laud. Otter, W. Life and remains of 583.10 St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 3 of 810.47 CLARKE, James Freeman. Eleven weeks in Europe. Boston, 1852. 16 6C9.4 History of the campaign of 1812, and surrender of the post of Detroit. See Hull, W 513.2 CLARKE, Lewis and Milton. Narrative of tho suffer ings of Lewis and Milton Clarke, during a cap tivity among the slaveholders of Kentucky. Boston, 1846. 12 298.8 CLARKE, Mary Cowdon. World-noted women; or, types of womanly attributes of all lands and ages. Illustrated. New York, 1868. L. 8.. 1522. 25 Contents. Sappho, Greek poetess, b. about B. O. 612; Lti- cretia, Roman matron, consort of Collatinus, d. B. C. 609; Aspasia.of Miletus, wife of Pericles, fl. B. C. 432; Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, b. u. o. 69, d. u. C. 30; Cecilia, St., Roman martyr, and patroness of music, fl. 2d century; Hcloise, French abbess, friend of Abelard, b. 1101, d. I KM; Laura, of Vaucluse, friend of Petrarch, h. about 1310, d. 1348; Valcntina, of Milan, /ormeriv Valentina Visconti, wife of Louis XIV, duke of Orleans, b. about 1370, d. 1408; Jeanne Dare (maid of Or leans), French heroine, b. 1412, d. 1431; Margaret, of Anjou, CLARKE 56 CLEVELAND CLARKE, Mary Cowden. World-noted women, cont d. queen of Henry VI, b. 1429. d. H82; Isabella I, of Castile, queen of Spain, b. 14.50, d. 1504; Lady Jane Grey, queen of England 13 days, b. 1537, ex. 1554; Pocahontas, afterwards Mrs. John Rolfe, Indian princess, b. about 1594. d. 1016; Fran- coise Louise de la Baume le Blanc, duchcsse de La Valliere. favourite of Louis XIV, b. 1644, d. 1710; Maria Theresa, of Austria, empress of Germany, b. 1717, d. 1780; Catherine n, empress of Russia, b. 1729, d. 1796; Florence Nightingale, English philanthropist, b. 1820. , . CLARKE, Matthew St. Glair, and HALL, Dominick A. History of the Bank of the United States. Washington, 1832. 8 296.1 CLARKE and Lewis expedition, History of. See Allen, P 820.52 CLARKSON, Thomas, English abolitionist, b. 1760, d. 1846. Memoirs of William Ponn, [English founder of Pennsylvania, b. 1644, d. 1718]. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1813. 2 v. 12. 526.19 See Men who wore earnest 549.40 Note. See Atlantic monthly, April, 1873. CLASSIC and historic portraits. Bruce, J 1553.1 CLASSICAL literature. Browne, R. W. History of. . 401.3 Eschenburg, J. J. Manual of 402.6 CLAUDE LORRAINE. See Gelee, Claude. CLAUDIUS, bishop of Turin, writer against idolatry, d. 839 or 840. See Hodgson, W. Lives, senti ments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 CLAUDIUS, Matthias, surnamed Asmus, poet and hu morist, b. 1743, d. 1815. See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 CLAVER, Pedro, Spanish Jesuit missionary, b. 1585, d. 1654. Life and labors in behalf of the African slave. [Anon.] Boston, 1868. 16 1595.16 CLAVERHOUSE. See Graham, John. CLAVERS, Mary, pseud. See Kirkland, Caroline M. CLAVIGERO, Francesco S. History of Mexico. Trans lated from the Italian, by C. Cullen. Illus trated. Philadelphia, 1817. 3 v. 8 254.7 CLAY, Cassius Marcellus, American statesman, b. 1810. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress .... 522.16 CLAY, Mrs. Elizabeth, mother of Henry Clay,b. 1750, d. 1827. See Ellet, E. F. -The women of the American revolution v. 2 of 538.13 CLAY, Henry, American statesman, b. 1777, d. 1852. Life and speeches. Edited by D. Mallory. [With portrait, etc.] New York, 1843. 2 v. 8. 283.3 Private correspondence. Edited by C. Colton. New York, 1855. 8 512.9 Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders 518.7 Colton, C. Life and times of 512.8 Famous boys: and how they became great men. . 555.8 Life of. See Young American s library. . .v. 5 of 1527.5 Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. . 1522.7 Prentice, G. D. Biography of 517.26 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Ifcte. Colton used Clav s papers in writing his book, is highly eulogistic, but is more authoritative than the other po litical biographers. Parton s sketch is recent, using and con densing the labors of hia predecessors, and originally appeared in thoNorth American review, Jan., 1806. See Van Buren s History of political parties, [B. H. 4343.13]; Benton s Thirty years "view, [282.1]; Harper s monthly, vols. 5 and 37; Hil- lard s Speeches, [873.3]; and Parker s American oratory, [866.3]. CLAYTON, Ellen C. Notable women; stories of their lives and characteristics. [Illustrated.] Lon don, n. d. 16 1517.7 Contents. Florence Nightingale. English philanthropist, b. 1820; Hannah More, English novelist and essayist, b. 1745, d. 1833; Elizabeth Fry, English philanthropist, b. 1780, d. 1845; Margaret Godolphin, maid of honour to tlie duchess of York, b. 1052, d. Kirs; .Mrs. Margaret Roper, daughter of Sir Thomas More. b. 1508. d. 1544; Mrs. Lucy llutchinson, English author ess, b. 1020, d. 106 .): Elizabeth Hunyan, wife of John Bunyan, d. 1692; Selina Hastings, countess of Huntington, b. 1707, d. 1791; Anne Herbert, formerly Clifford, countess of Pem broke, English authoress, b. 1589, d. 1675. Queens of song : being memoirs of some of the most celebrated female vocalists. Added, a chro nological list of all the operas that have been performed in Europe. With portraits. New York, 1865. 8 591.2 Contents. Catherine Tofts, afterwards Mrs. Smith, English vocalist, d. 1770; Francesca Margarita de 1 Epiue, afttrwardt Mrs. Pepusch, Italian vocalist, d. 1740 ; Anastasia Robinson, CLAYTON, Ellen C. Queens of song, continued. afterwards countess of Peterborough, English vocalist, d. 1750; Lavina Paulet. duchess of Bolton, English vocalist, b. 1808; Martha Ruchois, or Le Rochois, French actress, b. about 16,58, d. 1728; Madame Maupin. or La Maupin, French actress, b. 1673, d. 1707; Francesca Cuzzoni, aftcriranls Madame San- don.!, Italian singer, d. 1770; Faustina Bordoni. afterwardt Madame Hasse, Italian cantatrice, b. 1700, d. 1783; Cnterina (sometimes called Regina)Mingotti, Italian cantatrice, b. 1728, d. 1807; Caterina Gabrielli, Italian cantatrice, b. 17. iO, d. 1790 Sophie Arnould, French aclress and singer, b. 1740, d. 1803- Anne Antoinette Ceoile Clavel St. lluberty, French actress and singer, b. 1756, d. 1812; Gertrude Elizabeth Schmiiliug Mara . . ton, English vocalist, b. 1770. d. 1818; Giuseppa Grassini, afterwards Madame Ragnni, Italian singer, b. 1773. d. 1& ,0; Angelica Catalan!, Italian vocalist, b. 1782, d. 1849; Madame Josephine Foder Mainville, French songstress, b. 1793 ; Mad ame Laure Cinthic Montalent Damoreau, French vocalist, b. 1801 ; Violante Camporese, afterwards Madame Giustiniani, Italian singer, h. 1785; Rosamunda Benedetta Pisaroni, Ital ian cantatnce, b. 1785; Giuditta Pasta, Italian Jewish vocal ist, b. 1798, d. 1865; Catherine Capcl,/ormer/s Miss Stephens, countess of Essex, English vocalist, b. 1794; Mary Anne Faton, afterward* Mrs. Wood. English vocalist, h. ISU2: Wil- lielmina Schroder Devrient, German actress and vocalist, b. 1805. d. ]8CO;HenriettcSontag, or Sonntag. afterward* com- tessedc Rossi, German cantatrice, b. 1805. d. 1854; Madame Julie Dorus Gras, French vocalist, b. about 1808; Cornelie Falcon, French vocalist, b. about 1815; Maria Folicita Mali- bran, we Garcia, French vocalist, b. 1808, d. 1830; Giulia, or Giuletta.Grisi, afterwards Madame de Meier, Italian opera singer, b. 1711, d. 1812; Clara Anastasia Nbvello, countess Gigliueci, English vocalist, b 1818; Madame Michelle Ferdi- nandc Pauline Viardot, n-e Garcia, French vocalist, b. 1821; Fanny Persian!, Italian opera singer, b. 1818, d. 1867; Cath erine Hayes, afterwards Mrs. Bushnell, Irish singer, b. 1820, d. 1861; Marietta Alboni, comtesscdePepoli, Italian singer, b. 1824; Angiolina Rosio, Italian vocalist, b. 1830, d. 18o9; Mad ame Jenny Goldschrnidt, formerly Jenny Lind, Swedish vocalist, b. 1821 ; Sophie Crnvelli, afterwardt Baronne Vigier, - CLEAVELAND, John. See Clieveland, John. CLEMENS, Samuel L. The innocents abroad. By Mark Twain, [pseud. }. With illustrations. Hartford, 1869. 8 ......................... 1674.1 Mark Twain s (burlesque) autobiography and first romance. [Illustrated.] New York, [cop. 1871]. 47pp. 12 ................................ 479.20 Mark Twain s pleasure trip on the continent. London, [1871]. 16 ........................ 699.24 Roughing it. By Mark Twain, [pseud."]. Illus trated. Hartford, 1872. 8 ................. 1674.3 CLEMENT, Clara Erskine. Handbook of legendary and mythological art. With illustrations. 4th edition. New York, 1872. 16 .............. 1087.29 CLEMENT, J. Noble deeds of American women; with biographical sketches. [With illustrations.] New edition. Auburn, 1854. 12 ........... 538.2 CLENCH, master, English prodigy, b. about 1677. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 CLEOPATRA, queen of Egypt, b. B. C. 69, d. B. c. 30. Abbott, J. History of ...................... 549.5 Clarke, M. C. World-noted women ............ 1522.25 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns ............................ v. 1 of 810.44 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history ...... 599.22 See also Plutarch s Lives under " Antony." CLERGYMEN and doctors: curious facts and character istic sketches. Nimmo, W. P ................. 1819.18 CLERY, Jean Baptisto Cant Hanot, valet to Louis XI V, b. 1759, d. 1809. Journal of what passed in the Temple prison during the captivity of Louis xvi, 1792-3. Translated by J. Bromfield. London, n. d. 12 .................................. 614. 5 CLEVELAND, Rev. Charles, b. 1772, d. 1872. Nine tieth birth-day gathering. See Pease, G ....... 1528.10 CLEVELAND, Charles D. Compendium of American literature. Philadelphia, 1858. 12 ......... 404.3 Compendium of English literature from Man- doville to Cowper. Philadelphia, 1851. 12... 404.1 English literature of the nineteenth century. Philadelphia, 1851. 12 .................... 404.2 CLEVELAND, Henry R. Life of Henry Hudson, [English navigator, discoverer of Hudson s bay, b. about 1560, d. 1611]. See Sparks, J. v. 2 of 518.5; v. 10 of 523.1 CLEVELAND, John F. Political text-book for 1860. SceGroeley, H ............................... 292.6 CLEVELAND 57 COCKAYNE Shelf. No. CLEVELAND, Richard J. Narrative of voyages and commercial enterprises. Cambridge, 1842. 2 v. 12 707.2 Same. 3d edition. With illustrations. Bos ton, 1850. 12 707.1 CLEVER girls of our time : and how they became fa mous women. 3d edition. [Illustrated.] Lon don, 1863. 16 599.21 Content!. Clara Anastasia Novello, countess Gigliucci, English vocali8t, b. 1818; Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. English poetess, b. 180!), d. 1H01 ; Elizabeth Smith, English au thoress, b. J776, d. 1806; Catherine Hayes, afterward* Mrs. Buslinell, Irish singer, b. 1820, d. 18fil; Julia Pardoe, English novelist and historian, b. 1806, d. 18H2; Hon. Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth Norton, English authoress, b. 1808; Eliza Cook, English poetess, b. 1818 , Maria Felicita Malibran, nie Garcia, French vocalist, b. 1808, d. 18, ifi; Agnes Strickland, queens biographer, b. 1806; Marie Anne Angeligne Catherine Kauff- sculptress, b. 1S!1 ; Fredrika Bremer. Swedish novelist, b. 1801, d. 18ffi; Frances Brown, blind poetess, b. 1818; Lucretia Maria Davidson, American poetess, b. 1808, d. 1825; Catherine Gra ham, formerly Mrs. Maeaulay, English authoress, b. 1733, d. 1791 ; Ida Pfeifier. Italian traveler and authoress, b. 1795, d. 1858; Alary Frances Thorneyerolt, English sculptress, b. 1814; Mrs. Anna Grant, Scotch miscellaneous writer, b. 17i>5, d. 1838; Sarah Martin, prison philanthropist, b. 1791, d. 1813. CLEWS, Henry, English banker in New York, b. 1834. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress. . . 522.16 CLIEVELAND, or CLEAVELAND, John, b. 1613, d. 1658. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets. . . v. 2 of 398.2 CLIFFORD, Anne. See Herbert, Anne. CLIFFORD, George, 3d earl of Cumberland, b. 1558, d. 1605. Barrow, SirJ. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 564.8 Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 Southey, R. Lives of the British admirals . . v. 3 of 388.5 CLIFFORD, Thomas, 1st lord Clifford, b. 1630, d. 1673. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person ages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 CLIMATE, The man of the North, and the man of the South; or the influence of. Bonstettin, C. V. de. 307.25 CLINTON, De Witt, American military officer, states man, and author, b. 1769, d. 1828. Campbell, W. W. Life and writings of 1525.22 Renwick, J. Life of 820.30 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and crit ical 547.2 CLINTON, Edward, earl of Lincoln, b. 1512, d. 1584. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person ages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 CLINTON, Henry Pelham, duke of Newcastle, b. 1811, d. 1864. See British cabinet in 1853 599.9 CLINTON, James, brigadier-general in the American revolution, b. 1736, d. 1812. See Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals v. 2 of 5 16. 1 CLINTON, Walter, pseud. See Adams, William H. D. CLISSOLD, Rev. Henry. Lamps of the church. [With portraits.] London, 1863. 8 2107.17 CLIVE, Robert, 1st lord Clive, English general, b. 1725, d. 1774. Gleig, G. R. Life of 889.9 Lives of the most eminent British military com manders v. 3 of 388.3 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 Maeaulay, T. B., lord. Lord Clive: an essay. 409.19; 1655.19; v. 3 of 1966.3 CLOQUET, Jules Germain. Recollections of the pri vate life of General La Fayette, [b. 1757, d. 1834]. With engravings. London, 1835. 8.. 617.1 CM>UGH, Arthur Hugh, poet, b. 1819, d. 1861. See Powell, T. Living authors of England 586.9 Note. The regular memoirs are by Palgrave [B. H. 2567.22], appearing the next year after his death, and by his widow, with letters, 1869, [B. H. 6577.23]. Review articles have been no. 978 of Living age ; Cornhill magazine, 1866, or no. 1170 of Living age; North American review, July, 1866, by E.G. otedman, and Oct., 1867, by C. E. Norton ; Putnam s, Jan., 1868, by G. W. Curtis ; Spectator. 1869, or Living age, Oct. 23, 186SI. See also Matthew Arnold s Essays, [B. H. 4577.18, pp. Mi, 424, etc.] ; his monody, [1348.3, p. 59]; and Button s essay, [B. H. 4566.13.23* Shelf. No. CLUBS and club-wits under Queen Anne. See Thom son, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society. v. 1 of 555.1; 1545.8 COAL. Our coal and our coal-pits 409.22; 1655.23 COBB, Howell, of Georgia, b. 1815. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 COBB, Joseph B. Leisure labors; or, miscellanies historical, literary, and political. New York, 1858. 12 877.6 Contents. Thomas Jefferson. 3d president of the United States, b. 1743, d. 1826 ; Review of the life and times of William Harris Crawford, American statesman, b. 1772, d. 1834; Mae- aulay s History of England; Willis s Poems ; Longfellow s Poems; Slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia; The true issue between parties in the South: union or dis union. COBB, Sylvanus, D. D., b. 1798, d. 1866. Autobiogra phy. Added a memoir by his son. [With por trait.] Boston, 1867. 12 1516.15 COBBE, Frances Power. The cities of the past. Lon don, 1864. 12 865.12 COBBETT, William, English economist and political writer, b. 1762, d. 1835. Life of Andrew Jack son, [7th president of the United States, b. 1767, d. 1845]. [With portrait.] New York, 1837. 24 519.9 History of the protestant reformation in England and Ireland. London, 1853, 57. 2 v. 12 1105.11 A year s residence in the United States. New York, 1818. 12 629.25 Bulwer, Sir H. L. (E.) Historical characters... 567.9 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.9 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Note. See J. E. T. Rogers s Historical gleanings, [B. H. 6548.10] ; S. T. Hall, [B. H. 2246.51] ; a review of Bulwer s esti mate in London quarterly review, Oct., 1867; MissMitford, in Harper s, vol. 4; and references in Thomas, etc. COBBOLD, Rev. Robert H. Pictures of the Chinese. [Illustrated.] London, 1860. 16 938. 15 COBDEN, Richard, English political economist, b. 1804, d. 1865. Russia and the Eastern question. Boston, 1854. 12 928.5 Brave men s footsteps 1559.5 MacGilchrist, J. Richard Cobden: a biography. 569.14 Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 Kale. MacGilchrist s is a straightforward narrative, re viewed in the Atlantic, Feb., 1866. Smiles has a brief memoir, [589.18]. M. D. Conway, in the Atlantic. June, 1865, describes the proceedings in parliament upon his death. See eulogistic estimate in British quarterly review, Jan., 1866, or no. 1185 of Living age; North British review. March, 1867; Harper s monthly (easy chair), vols. 20 and 28; Lomenie s French es timate, [B. H. 6249a.l.lO]; a brief sketch, [1559.. !]; and W. C. Bryant s introduction to Cobbett s political writings, [B. H. 4563.3.21 COCHIN, (Pierre Suzanne) Augustin. The results of emancipation. Translated by M. L. Booth. Bos ton, 1863. 12 295.4 The results of slavery. Translated by M. L. Booth. Boston, 1863. 12 298.20 COCHRANE, Archibald, earl of Dundonald, inventor and scientific writer, b. 1749, d. 1831. See Memo rials of early genius 551.10 COCHRANE, Grizel, daughter of Sir John Cochrane, Scotch heroine, b. about 1670. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life 599.16 COCHRANE, John Dundas. Pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, 1820-23. Phila delphia, 1824. 8 674.6 Same. New edition. [With portrait and map.] Edinburgh, 1829. 2 v. 12 830.46 COCHRANE, Thomas, earl of Dundonald, English ad miral, b. 1775, d. 1860. Autobiography of a seaman. 2d edition. London, 1860. 2 v. 8. 577.5 Narrative of services in the liberation of Chili, Peru, and Brazil, from Spanish and Portuguese domination. London, 1859. 2 v. 8 263.9 Allen, J. Life of 578.18 Brave men s footsteps 1559.5 IOCKAYNE, Thomas Oswald. History of Ireland, [1126-1841]. London, 1851. 16 989.14 8 COCKAYNE 58 COLLINS Shelf. No. COCKAYNE, Thomas Oswald, continued. Life of marshal [Henri do La Tour] Turerme, [French soldier, b. 1611, d. 1675]. London, 1853. 16 409.30 Same. London, 1859. 16 1655.14 COCKBURN, Sir George. Buonaparte s voyage to St. Helena. Boston, 1833. 12 1009.10 COCKBURN, Henry Thomas, Scottish judge, b. 1779, d. 1854. Life of Lord Jeffrey, [Scottish critic and politician, b. 1773, d. 1850]. With a selec tion from his correspondence. Philadelphia, 1852. 2v. 8 5G8.3 Memorials of his time. [With portrait.] Edin burgh, 1856. 8 977.3 COCKE, William A. Constitutional history of tho United States, [1777-1836]. Philadelphia, 1858. 2v. 8 283.4 CODMAN, John, D.D., b. 1782, d. 1847. Memoir of. See Allen, W 534.8 CODMAN, John. Ton months in Brazil. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1867. 16 1637.1 COFACHIQUI, princess of Florida, jl. IGth century. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 COFFIN, Charles C. Following the flag, 1861, 62, with tho army of the Potomac. By " Carleton," [pseud.]. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1865. 16... 307.32 Four years of fighting, from tho battle of Bull Run to the fall of Richmond. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1866. 8 272.2 My days and nights on tho battle-field. By " Carleton," [pse.ud.]. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1864. 16 307.16 Our new way round the world. Illustrated. Bos ton, 1869. L. 16 1633.4 Tho seat of empire. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1870. 16 1636.16 COGGESHALL, George. Historical sketch of commerce and navigation, [B. c. 55] to 1860. New York, 1860. 8 942.5 History of tho American privateers, and lotters- of-marquo, 1812-14. Illustrated. 3d edition. New York, 1861. 8 215.8 COKE, Sir Edward, English lord chief-justice and writer, b. 1549, d. 1634. Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Brightwcll, C. L. Memorials of the early lives of great lawyers 1516.13 Lives of eminent persons 365.18 Roscoo, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers ... 388.4 Note. Johnson s [B. H. 2446.7] is the principal life. Sco Phillips s essay, [B. 11. 4559.9.2] ; and Retrospective review, vol. 8, etc. COKE, Thomas, Welsh founder of the Wesleyan mis sions, b. 1747, d. 1814. History of the West In dies, [1508-1804]. [With plates.] Liverpool, 1808-11. 3 v. 8 264.5 See Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist ministers 535.14 COLBERT, Jean Baptisto, marquis de Seiynelay, French statesman, b. 1619, d. 1683. Biographies of emi nent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Crowe, E. E. Lives of eminent foreign states men v. 3 of 388.7 COLBURN, Zerah, American juvenile mathematical prod igy, b. 1804, d. 1840. Memoir; by himself. Springfield, 1833. 12 519.4 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 GOLDEN, Cadwallador D. Life of Robert Fulton, [American painter and improver of tho steam boat, b. 1765, d. 1815]. New York, 1817. 8. 524.7 COLE, John William. Life and theatrical times of Charles [John] Koaii, [English tragedian, b. 1811, d. 1868]. Including a summary of the English stage for tho last fifty years. London, 1859. 2v. 8 576.10 Russia and tho Russians. London, 1854. 16 . .1918.10 COLE, William. Life in the Niger. London, 1862. P.8 684.18 Shell . No. COLENSO, John W. Ten weeks in Natal. [With map and illustrations.] Cambridge, 1855. 16.... 699.21 COLERIDGE, Hartley, English author and poet, b. 1796, d. 1849. Bagehot, W. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen 563.9 Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 COLERIDGE, Henry Nelson. Six months in tho West Indies, in 1825. 3d edition. London, 1832. 16. 379.8 COLERIDGE, Sir John T. Memoir of the Rev. John Keble, late vicar of Hursley, [b. 1792, d. 1866]. [With portrait.] 2d edition. Now York, 1869. 2 v. 16 2088.15 COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor, English poet, essayist, and moral philosopher, b. 1772, d. 1834. Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism v. 2 of 885.1 Cottle, J. Reminiscences of 586.17 Famous boys: and how they became great men . . 555.8 Gillman, J. Life of ." 583.5 - Hazlitt, W. Tho spirit of the age: or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 2 of 896.1 Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Shairp, J. C. Studies in poetry and philosophy. 1829. 19 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews. v. 1 of 875.11; v. 1 of 875.12 held by him at different times. Gillman, with whom Coleridge was domesticated for the last twenty years of his life, some what supplements in his account the record by Cottle, which [895.11] [B. H. 2558.23]. For further biographical detail, see S. C. Hall, in Atlantic, Feb., 1865; Ilazlitt s "My first acquaintance with the poets," in Winterslow, [878.26] ; De Quincey s paper on Coleridge and opium-eating, [880.1421! and Hay s Opium habit, [1884.1]. Also TalfbunVs Lamb, [ B. II. 2571.50, etc.] ; Hunt s Autobiog raphy, [584.13]: Carlyle s Sterling, [5S4.15]; Wordsworth s Memoirs, [584.211. etc.; Thomson, on the friendship of Coler idge and Lamb, [B. H. 4550.7.2] ; and the preface to his Table- talk, [886.2.6]. For critical estimates, see Talfoiml, [863.9, p. 78, etc.]; Wilson s Hour s talk. [SO. UU; also see K. II. 450fi.ll.3J; J. S. Mill, [B. II. 25(>5.20.2; L WW.21.1]: Cambridge essays, [873.13]; Foster, [8-".7.7.2] ; Mitchell, on the moral tendency of his writ- inas, [B. H. 4554.3] ; Chasles, [808. 7]; Hort, [873.10] ; Jeffrey, [8*8.6]; Edinburgh review, April, 1848; Quarterly review. July, 1868; M. D. Conway, in Harper s monthly, vols. 14 and 39. For his theological opinions, see Martineau s Essays, [5561.8.1] ; and references in McClintock and Strong s Cyclo- p&dia. COLET, John, dean of St. Paul s, b. 1466, d. 1519. See Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 2 of 840.10 GOLF AX, Schuyler, vice-president of the United States, . b. 1823. Life of. See " Grant and Colfax" . . .1513.11 Life of. See Lives, etc 1513.12 Moore, A. Y. Life of 1513.10 Phelps, C. A. Sketch of 1513.7 Richardson, A. D. Sketch of 621.12 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 COLIGNY, Gaspard de, French admiral, b. 1517, d. 1572. See Myers, F. Lectures on great men .. 557.8 COLLIER, John Payne. Tho Alleyn papers. Lon don, 1843. 8 342.17 Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, founder of Dulwich college, [b. 1566, d. 1626]. London, 1841. 8. 342.1 Memoirs of tho principal actors in the plays of Shakespeare. London, 1846. 8 342.31 COLLIER, William F. History of English literature. London, 1861. 12 1373.4 COLLINGWOOD, Cuthbert, lord, English admiral, b. 1748, d. 1810. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, tho sea-kinga of England 578.19 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. .548.16; 551.13 Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 COLLINS, Charles A. A cruise upon wheels: wander ings among the deserted post-roads of France. London, 1862. 2 v. 12 656.6 COLLINS, Lewis. Historical sketches of Kentucky, [1750-1842]. Illustrated. Maysville, Ky., 1850. 8 235.5 COLLINS, Perry McDonough. Overland explorations in Siberia, Northern Asia, and the great Amoor river country, [1856, 57]. [With illustrations.] New York, 1864. 12 682.10 COLLINS 59 CONCORD Shelf. No COLLINS, Perry McDonough, continued. Voyage down tho Amoor: with a land journey through Siberia, [1856, 57]. [With illustra tions.] New York, 1860. 12 C77.22 Note. This is the same as the author s " Overland explora tions," but published under a different title. COLLINS, William, English poet, b. 1720, d. 1756. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. . v. 3 of 582.1] 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 COLLYER, Robert. A man in earnest: life of Au gustus H. Conant, [b. 1811, d. 1863]. Boston, 1868. 16 1528.11 COLMAN, Henry. European life and manners. Bos ton, 1850. 2 v. 12 648.12 COLOMBIA, Visit to, [1822, 23]. Duanc, W 633.15 COLOMBO (Lat. and Eng. Columbus; Sp. Colon), Cristoforo (Sp. Cristobal), navigator, discoverer of America, b. 1446 or 7, d. 1506. Memorials of Columbus, [with] a memoir of his life [by G. B. Spotorno]. London, 1823. 8 544.3 Barlow, J. Tho vision of Columbus: a poem... 314.1 Becher, A. B. The landfall of, on his first voyage to America 625. 13 Bradford, S. H. Story of 544.19 Dunster, H. P. The discoveries of 269.2 Hewlett, H. Q. Tho heroes of Europe 555.3 Irving, W. Life and voyages of v. 6, 7 of 377.1 389.9; 397.1; 544.18 Voyages and discoveries of Columbus and his companions v. 7 of 377.1; 389.11 Lamartine, A. (M. L.) do. Life of 649.37 - Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 1 of 547.4 Life of. Sec Lives, etc 547.21 Myers, F. Lectures on groat men 557. Poake, H. Tho boy s book of heroes 551.28 Perseverance under difficulties, as shown in the lives of great men 549.38 Note. Irving s is the standard life in English [also in B. H. 2344.2], instigated by the publication of Navarrete s valua ble collection or voyages [B. II., in French, 4367.0], and it is reviewed in Jcftrey [803.0], by A. U. Everett [877.4.2], and others, for whom see Allibone under Irving. Helps s f B. H. 2740. 23] is drawn with enlargements from his " Spanish con quest in America," and the narration is concise. See also Prescott s "Ferdinand and Isabella." Spotorno a life is brief; and Bradford s is for youths. The principal French lifo i.i by Kosellyde I,orgu,-3 [B. H. 2.118.4], which has been abridged in English by J. J. Barry, [B. II. 2740.52]. See Robertson s America [8. ]0.5, book 2], and the references under America. Sec Harper s monthly, vol. 38, for an illustrated paper; also , 3. Stirling s essay, [SStU.l]. >- ^*.-r cn ctf t 3.-Kl.;l .3,,J>*/;~i rVZ.Jl/KnJ.r-^.es,!!- COLON, Cnst6bal. See Colombo, Cristoforo. COLONNA, Vittoria, marchioness of Peschicra, Italian poetess, b. 1490, d. 1547. Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 2 of 398.1 Trollope, T. A. A decade of Italian women. v. 1 of 543.14 Lifo of 551.20 Note. See the general histories of Italian literature; Grimm s Michael Angelo, [".7;;.10.2] ; Ilarford s Michael An- gelo, [B. II. 4(K.i] ; Koscoc 8 I.eo X, [813.2]; Longfellow s Poets of Europe, [822.11; Christian examiner, Jan., 1868; and Jameson s Loves of the poets. [.T59.ll]. The latest lifo is by Mrs. Ilenry Roscoe, 1888, [B. H. 4749.15]. COLOR-GUARD, Tho. Hosmer, J. K 307.26 COLORADO. Bowles, S. Tho Switzerland of Amer ica. A summer vacation in. 1869 1636.15 Lippincott, S. J. New lifo in new lands. 1873. 1656.9 Melino, J. F. Summer tour through Colorado, in 1866 1636.11 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Colorado: a summer trip. 1867 1636.10 Note. See papers in Harper s monthly, vol. 35. COLQUHOUN, Janet, lady, nie Sinclair, b. 1781, d. 1846. Memoir of. See Hamilton, J 599.8 COLQDHOUN, John C. Life in Italy and France in tho olden time. London, 1858. 12 915.5 Content!. Girolamo Savonarola, Dominican preacher and writer, b. 1452. d. 1498; OlympiaFulvia Morata, Italian poetess, b. 1.521), d. 1.5o."i; Margaret, of AnROuleme, queen of Navarre, b. 1492, d. 1549; Jeanne d Albret, queen of Navarre, b. 1528, d. 1372. COLT. Samuel, inventor and improver of small-arms, b. 1814, d, 1862. See MacCabe, J. D.,jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Shelf. No. COLTON, Calvin. Life and times of Henry Clay, [American statesman, b. 1777, d. 1852]. [With portrait, etc.] 2d edition. New York, 1846. 2v. 8 512.8 COLTON, Walter. Deck and port; or, incidents of a cruise in tho United States frigato Congress to California, [1845, 46]. [With portrait of Com modore R. F. Stockton.] New York, 1860. 12. 626.19 Ship and shore, in Madeira, Lisbon, and the Mediterranean. Revised by H. T. Cheever. New York, 1851. 12 678.10 Three years in California, [1846-49]. With illustrations. New York, 1856. 12 626.20 CoLUMBA, St., Irish founder of the monastery of Icolm- kill, b. 521, d. 597. Dunham, S. A. Lives of tho most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain v. 1 of 398.3 Tweedio, W. K. Tho lifo and work of earnest men. 555.13 Note. The most elaborate recent account is in Montalem- bert s Monks of the West, [B. H., in English, 3514.4]. See Howitt s visit to Staffs, and lona, [898.3.2]. COLUMBIA, U. S. frigate, The flag-ship: or a voyage around tho world in tho. Taylor, F. W 708.8 COLUMBUS, Christopher. See Colombo, Cristoforo. COLVOCORESSES, Georgo M. Four years in a govern ment exploring expedition; [commanded by C. Wilkes]. [Illustrated.] Now York, 1852. 12.. 708.16 Same. 5th edition. Now York, 1855. 12.. 708.15 COMBE, Andrew, Scotch physician, b. 1797, d. 1847. Brown, J. Horse subsccivee v. 1 of 894. 13 Combo, G. Lifo and correspondence of 584. 4 COMBE, George, Scotch phrenologist, b. 1788, d. 1858. Life and correspondence of Andrew Combo, M. D. Philadelphia, 1850. 12 584.4 Notes on the United States, 1838-40. Philadel phia, 1841. 2 v. 12 6:37.2 COMMANDERS, Memoirs of great. James, G. P. R. . . 557.6 COMMERCE. Coggeshall, G. Historical sketch of, [B. c. 55-60] 942.5 Craik, G. L. History of British commerce. 1844.840.14 Fyfo, J. H. Merchant enterprise; or, tho history of, from tho earliest times. 1864 937.12 Hunt, F. The library of. 1845 136.30 Note. The most recent -work is Yeats s "Growth and vicissitudes of commerce, B. O. 1.500 to A. D. 1789," [B. H. 3C55.SO], and for 17S9-1H72, [B. H. :;4!>.5.-.]. For the commerce of the middle ages, see Cults, [B. H. i 2%.50]. See also Customs, and the Bates Hall catalogues. COMMINES, Philippe do, Flemish statesman, and histo rian, b. 1445, d. 1509. Memoirs: containing the histories of Louis xi and Charles vm, kings of Franco, and of Charles tho bold, duko of Burgundy. [With portrait of Louis xi.] Added, The scandalous chronicle, by Jean de Troyes. Edited, with lifo and notes, by A. R. Scoble. London, 1855, 56. 2 v. .16 857.4 COMMONS, House of, Random recollections of the, [1830-35]. Grant, J 868.10 COMMU.VIPAW. See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscellanies v. 2 of 1815.5 COMPTON, Spencer, Id carl of Northampton, general, de fender of Charles I, b. 1G01, d. 1643. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 C/OMSTOCK, Sarah D., missionary to Burmah, d. 1843. Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross 569.9 Heroines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 COMYN, Sir Robert. History of the Western empire; from its restoration by Charlemagne to tho acces sion of Charles T, [476-1520]. London, 1841. 2 v. 8 1004.7 ONANT, Augustus H., b. 1811, d. 1863. A man in earnest: life of. See Collyer, R 1528.11 CONANT, Hannah C. The earnest man. Character and labors of Adoniram Judson, first missionary to Burmah, [b. 1788, d. 1850]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1856. 12 536.4 CONCORD, Mass., History of the battle of. Frothing- ham, R 214.2; 231.2 Note. See Everett s Orations [861.7.1 and 2], and the gen eral histories of Massachusetts and United States. See Lex ington, note. CONCORD COOK Shelf. No. CONCORD, N. H., History of, [1725-1853]. Boutou, N 224.3 CONCORD days. Alcott, A. B 909.23 CONCORD river, Mass., A week on the. 1849. Tho- reau, H. D 623.17 CONDE, Jose Antonio. History of the dominion of the Arabs in Spain. Translated by Mrs. J. Foster. London, 1854, 55. 3 v. P. 8 827.3 COND, Louis II, de Bourbon, prince of, duke of Eng- hien, French general, b. 1021, d. 1686. Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.2 James, G. P. K. Memoirs of groat commanders.. 557.6 Stanhope, P. H., earl. Life of 617.19; 889.10 CONDORCANQUI, Jose Gabriel. See Tupac-Amaru. CONDORCET, Mario Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, marquis do, French metaphysician, h. 1744, d. 1794. Life of Voltaire, [b. 1094, d. 1778]. [With] me moirs by himself. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1792. 2v.ini. 12 609.4 See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 2 of 388.8 CONEGLIANO, Due de. See Moncey, Bon Adrien Jeannot de. CONFESSIONS of a working man. Souvestre, E 1655.21 CONFESSORS, Brave old English 567.6 CONFDCIUS (Koung-Fou-Tseu, or Koung-Tsee), Chi nese philosopher, b. B. c. 551, d. B. c. 479. Good rich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. 549.39; v. 2 of 1869.1 Loomis, A. W. Confucius and the Chinese clas sics 1826.2 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Note. Dr. Legge s translations, with his annotations, are the chief reliance for the study of Confucius, [B. II. 3012.34; 6012.1]; and his work lias been popularly epitomized by Loomis. [as above; see review in Christian examiner, March, 1808]. See also Clarke s Ten great religions, [114.11, or At lantic, Sept., 1809]; Maurice s Keligiunaof the world, [B. H. C075.28]; and Muller s Chips, [2097.23.1]. Also New Englander, Feb., 1*59; Edinburgh review, April, 1855; Quarterly review, vol. 11; Bibliotiieca sacra, May, 1840; Christian examiner, Sept., 1858; and British quarterly review, Jan., 1867. See also the volumes of the Chinese repository. [B. II. 5016.1] ; and of the Royal Asiatic society, [B. II. 6018.1]. See Chambers s Papers, [386.1.10; 380.ii.IO]; chapter 3 of Nevius s China, 1690.20]; and other general accounts of China. Also, Mal- com s Index, [B. H. 2100.19]. CONGAR, Obadiah, of New York, mariner, b. 1768, d. 1848. Autobiography and memorials. By H. T. Cheever. New York, 1851. 16 539.18 CONGREGATIONALISM. Punchard, G. History of. 1099.13; 2096.1 View of 1105.12 CONGREGATIONALISTS in New England, History of the, to 1740. Uhdeu, H. F 1105.8 CONGREVE, William, English poet and wit, b. 1670, d. 1729. Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most emi nent literary and scientific men of Great Britain. v. 3 of 398.3 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. . .v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 Thackeray, W. M. The English humourists of the 18th century 586.1; 589.28 Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society. T. 1 of 555.1; 1545.8 Ifote. There are short lives by Chalmers, [B. II. 25 J1>.7.10] ; and by Anderson, [B. II. 4004.1.7]. See also Macaula/a " Comic dramatists of the restoration " [409.18; 1050.20], which is in review of Leigh Hunt s account of Congreve, Wyeherley, etc., [B. II. 2571.51 J. Hazlitt lias an essay, [807.2.4]. John son s life is also in Bates Hall, [2589.3.29]. CONKLING, Margaret C. Memoirs of the mother and wife of Washington. [With portrait.] New edition. Auburn, 1853. 16 538.14 CONNECTICUT. Records of the colony and plantation of Now Haven, 1638-49. With notes, by C. J. Hoadly. Hartford, 1857. 8 234.9 Croffut, W. A. Military and civil history of, [1861- 65] 272.13 Dwight, T., jr. History of, [1630-1840] 820.37 CONOLLY, Capt. Arthur, English envoy to Bokhara, b. 1807, d. 1842. See Kayo, J. W. Lives of the Indian officers v. 2 of 1566.4 CONRAD, Robert T. Life of Zachary Taylor, [12th president of the United States, b. 1784, d. 1850]. See Fry, J. R 517.7 Shelf. No. CONSERVATISM. Stupid conservatism and malignant reform. See Whipplo, E. P. Literature and life 1818.6 CONSPIRACIES, History of remarkable. Lawson, J. P. 830.51 CONSTABLE, John, English landscape painter, b. 1776, d. 1837. Tuckorman, H. T. Essays, biograph ical and critical 547.2 Mental portraits 557.10 Note. Leslie s [B. H. 40G5.11] is the principal life. See Fainting, English school, note; and Art-journal, Jan., 18G9. CONSTANCE, Journal from Ostend to the lake of. 1852. Sewoll, E. M 659.28 CONSTANTINOPLE. Auldjo, J. Visit to, [1833] 685.4 Eddy, D. C. Walter in. 1870 v. 5 of 708.23 Fraser, J. B. A winter s journey from, to Tehran, [1833] 694.17 Grey, T. Journal of a visit to. 1870 1675.14 Lott, E. Harem life in 1675.5 Mueffling, F. C. F. von. Missions to, [1829, 30] . . 689.15 Pardoe, J. The city of the sultan, [1835] 689.17 Smith, A. A month at, [1849] 689.20 White, C. Throe years in, [ 1842-44] 687 . 1 1 Note. See East (The), Turkey, and Harper s monthly, vola. 6 and 16. CONSTITUTIONAL republicanism, in opposition to fal lacious federalism. Austin, B 297. 11 CONSTITUTIONAL text book. New York, 1854. 12.. 299.1 Contents. Selections from the writings of Daniel Webster; Declaration of independence; Constitution of the United States; Washington s Farewell address. CONSTITUTIONAL text-book, The. Sheppard, F 299.4 CONSTITUTIONS, The, of the several states of the union and United States, including the declaration of independence and articles of confederation. [Illustrated.] New York, 1853. 8 282.8 CONTINENT, Tour on th.e, in 1852. Barrow, J., jr. 409.26; 1655.2 CONTRABAND of war, What is and what is not. Mose- ley, J 298.6 CONVENTS. Auffray, E. Trials and persecutions of Edith O Gorman 1105.23 Caracciola, H. Mysteries of the Neapolitan cloister 1546. 1 Monk, M. Awful disclosures of the Hotel Dieu nunnery of Montreal 1098.24 Ricci, S. de. Female convents. Secrets of nun neries disclosed 1098. 14 Taylor, A. Convent life in Italy 664.7 .Vofe. Sec Montalcmbert, on the Anglo-Saxon nuns, [B. H. a-.14.4.2]. CONWAY, Derwent, pseud. See Inglis, Henry D. CONWAY, Moncure D. The golden hour. Boston, 1862. 12 298.16 The rejected stone : or insurrection vs. resurrection in America. [Anon.] Boston, 1861. 12 298.5 CONWAY, Thomas, comte de, general in the revolution ary war, b. 1733, d. about 1800. See Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals v. 1 of 516.1 CONWELL, Russell H. History of the great fire in Boston, Nov. 9 and 10, 1872. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1873. 12 243.2 Why and how. Why the Chinese emigrate. Bos ton, 1871. 16 699.23 CONYBEARE, William John, and HOWSON, John Saul. Life and epistles of St. Paul. [Illustrated.] 3d edition. Now York, 1855. 8 U 113.9 CONYNGHAM, D. P. The Irish brigade and its cam paigns. Boston, 1869. 12 288.14 Sarsfiold; or, the last great struggle for Ireland. [With portrait.] Boston, 1871. 16 989.16 COOK, Eliza, English poetess, b. 1818. See Clover girls of our time 599.21 COOK, Capt. James, English navigator, b. 1728, d. 1779. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught-men.. 648.18 v. 2 of 548. 22 COOK 61 CORDOVA COOK, Capt. James, continued. Kingston, W. H. G. Captain Cook: his life, voy ages, and discoveries ........................ 588.2 Kippis, A. Narrative of voyages round the world by, with his life ...................... 820.86 ; 1707. Parton, J. People s book of biography ........ 1522.1 Perseverance under difficulties, as shown in the lives of great men ........ . ................. 549.3: Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men ............. 543. K COOK, Joel. The siege of Richmond, 1862. Philadel phia, 1862. 12 ............................ 295. COOKE, George Frederick, English actor, b. 1755, d. 1812. Memoirs of. See Dunlap, W .......... 597.18 COOKE, George Wingrove. China and Lower Bengal. Being "The Times" correspondence, 1857-5&. 5th edition. London, 1861. 16 ......... .7. 709.3( Conquest and colonisation in North Africa. [Al geria.] London, 1860. 12 ................. 917.12 COOKE, John Esten. Hammer and rapier. New York, 1870. 16 ................................. 276.17 Mohun; or, the last days of Lee and his paladins [With illustrations.] New York, 1869. 12.... 276.14 Stonewall Jackson, [Thomas Jonathan Jackson, confederate general, b. 1826, d. 1863]: a mili tary biography. [With portrait.] New York, 1866. 8 .................................. 1515.5 Wearing of the gray; being personal portraits, scenes and adventures of the war. [With illus trations.] New York, 1867. 8 .............. 272.10 COOKE, Philip St. G. Scones and adventures in the army. Philadelphia, 1859. 12 ............. 637.14 COOKE, Samuel, American divine, b. 1709, d. 1783. Election sermon, 1770. See Thornton, J. W. The pulpit of the American revolution ........ 217.20 COOKE, Thomas, English miser, b. 1726, d. 1811. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters.... 1546.5 COOKE, William. Memoirs of Samuel Footo, [Eng lish comedian and dramatist, b. 1720? d. 1777]. New York, 1806. 2 v. 12 .................. 597.12 COOLEY, William Desborough. History of maritime and inland discovery. [Anon.] London, 1830, 31. 3v. 16 ................................. 378.11 COOLIDGE, Austin J., and MANSFIELD, J. B. History of New England, [1602-1859]. Vol. 1. Boston, 1859. 8 .................................. 233.4 Contents. Vol. I. Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. COOPER, Anthony Ashley, earl of Shaftsbury, Eng lish politician and religious advocate, b. 1801. See Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age ......... COOPER, Sir Astloy Paston, English surgeon and writer, b. 1768, d. 1841. See Edgar, J. G. The boy hood of great men .................... 548.13; COOPER, James Fenimore, American author, b. 1789, d. 1851. Gleanings in Europe. England. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 12 ............... -- [France.] [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v. 1 2 ........................................ -- Italy. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1838. 2 T. 12. History of the navy of the United States, [1620- 1815], [With maps and portraits.] 3d edition. Cooperstown, 1848. 2v.ini. 8 ............ -- Continued to 1853. [With maps and portraits.] Now York, 1853. 3v.ini. 8 3 .............. -- Continued to 1856. [With mapa and portraits.] New York, 1S5G. 3v.ini. 8 .............. ---- Same. Abridged. With illustrations. New York, 1856. 12 ........................... Lives of distinguished American naval officers. [With portraits.] Philadelphia, 1846. 2 v. in 1. 12 ........................................ Contents. William Bainbridge, commodore, b. 1774, d. 1833 j Richard Somors, captain, b. about 1779, <1. 1804: John Shaw, captain, b. 1773, d. 1823; John Temple Shubrick, lieu tenant, b. 1788, d. J815; Edward Preble, commodore, b. 1761, d. 1807; Jolm Paul Jones, commodore, b. 1747. d. 1792; Me- lanchthon Taylor Woolsey, commander, b. 1781. , d. 18:58 ;Oli- ver Hazard Perry, commo dore, b. 1785, d. 1819; Richard Dale, commander, b. 1756, d. 1826. Notions of the Americans: picked up by a trav elling bachelor. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1828. 2v. 12 ..... ............................. 629.12 549.30 646.20 659.26 679.4 215.1 215.2 215.4 215.13 527.5 Shelf. No COOPER, James Fonimore, continued. Residence in France ; with an excursion up the Rhine, and a second visit to Switzerland. Lon don, 1836. 2 v. 12 654.9 Sketches of Switzerland. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 12 663.16 The travelling bachelor; or, notions of the Amer icans. New edition. New York, 1852. 2 v. in 1. 12 665.19 (See Powell, T. The living authors of America.. 518.15 Note. See AHibone, Duyckinck, etc.; the estimates by J. T. Buckingham, [888.8]; Chasles, [4(M.lI, section 81; Sinnns, [B. H. 440U.i2] : Homes of American authors, [B. ll. 2346.511; Lomenie, [B. H. C249a.l.8]; Atlantic monthly, Jan., 1862; Putnam s monthlv, Feb., 1868 (his diary), and Oct., 1869; and Poe s literati, "[887.1.3]. COOPER, Samuel, b. 1798. See Snow, W. P. South ern generals, their lives and campaigns 243.1 COOPEE, Thomas, Enylish author and lecturer, b. 1805. Triumphs of perseverance and enterprise. [Illus trated.] London, n. d. 16 569.25 See Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors 883.14 COPERNICUS, Nicohius, Polish astronomer, b. 1473, d. 1543. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century , v. 1 of 839.6 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors ....v. 4 of 1869.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Note. The most recent life is the French one of Flamma- rion, 1872, [B. H. 3929.51]. See also National quarterly re view, Sept., 18o8. OPLEY, John Singleton, painter, b. 1737, d. 1815. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most emi nent British painters, etc. ..v. 5 of 379.9; v. 4 of 810.19 Henry. Life and services of Gen. U. S. Grant, [18th president of the United States, b. 1822]. [Illustrated.] New York, 1868. 12.. 521.9 COPPING, Edward. Alfieri, [Italian poet, b. 1749, d. 1803] and Goldoni, [Italian dramatic poet, b. 1707, d. 1793] : their lives and adventures. Lon don, 1857. 8 544.5 JOPWAY, George, b. 1820. Life, history, and travels of Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh (George Copway), a young Indian chief of the Ojebwa nation. By himself. [With portrait.] 6th edition. Philadelphia, 1847. 12 539.4 Sketches of men and places in England, France, , Germany, Belgium, and Scotland. With illus trations. New York, 1851. 12 647.16 Traditional history and characteristic sketches of the Ojibway nation. Illustrated. Boston, 1851. P. 8 249.1 30QUEREL, Athanase, fits. First historical transfor mations of Christianity. [Translated] by E. P. Evans. Boston, 1867. 16 2087.2 30RAM, Capt. Thomas, founder of the Foundling hos pital, b. 1668, d. 1751. See Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility 577.14 GORBAUX, Fanny, Enylish painter, biblical critic, and historian, b. 1812. See Clever girls of our time. 599.21 CORBET, Richard, 6. 1582, d. 1635. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 308.2 CORDAY, Marie Anne Charlotte de, French enthusiast, assassinator of Marat, b. 17C8, d. 1793. Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns and illustrious women 569.28 Remarkable women of different nations and ages. 547.5 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.1!) Note. See Vatcl [B. H. 2642.52] for much illustrative matter, and a bibliography of the use made of her career in fiction. The best life is by C.ieron de Villiers, IStifl [B. H. 4051.7], re viewed in Frascr s magazine, 1807. or no. 1207 of Living age. See also Lamartine s Girondists, [828.6]; Biographic univer- sflle; and Harper s monthly, vol. 1. ORDER, Susanna. Life of Elizabeth Fry, [English philanthropist, b. 1780, d. 1805]. Compiled from her journal, [etc.]. Philadelphia, 1853. 8.. 595.6 ORDILLERA and Pampa. Strain, I. G 653.13 ORDOVA Y AGUILAR, Hernandez Gonzalvo or Gon- ^alo de. See Gonzalvo or Goncalo de Cordova y Aguilar, II. OOREA 62 COUSIX Shelf. No. COREA, Voyage of discovery to the west coast of. 1818. Hall, B 696.5 CORFU, History of the island of. 1852. Jervis- White-Jervis, H 918.10 " GORILLA, La." See Morelli, Maria M. CORK, Earl of. See Boyle, Richard. CORK RAN, J. F. History of the National constituent assembly, from May, 1848. New York, 1849. 12 1008.3 CORMENIN, Louis Marie de la Haye de. The orators of France: by Timon, [pseud.]. Edited by G. H. Colton. Illustrated. 4th edition. Now York, 1849. 12 617.9 CORN-LAW rhymes. See Carlyle, T. Critical arid miscellaneous essays., v. 3 of 867.1; 863.7; v. 3 of 893.3 CORNEILLE, Pierre, French dramatic poet, b. 1606, d. 1684. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Guizot, F. (P. G.) -Corneillo and his times 886.8 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 1 of 388.8 Note. There is a brief life of Corneille in French by Fonte- nelle, [106J.9.1; B. H. 2(591.2.8; 27015.2.1]. Also a life by Taschereau, [B. H. 2079.5]. Guizot s study embraces a review of poetry in France previous to Corneille, and is reviewed from the Examiner in no. 428 of Living age. See Longfellow s Poets, [322.1]; works on French literature in general; and Sainte-Bcuve s criticism, [B. H. 2670.2.1 ; 4679a.3]. CORNELIA, Roman lady, mother of the Gracchi, b. B. C. 189 ? d. B. C. 110 / See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. Tho heroines of history 599.22 CORNELL, William M. Life and public career of Horace Grecley, [b. 1811, d. 1872]. [Also, Sketch of the life of B. Gratz Brown, b. 1826.] [With portraits.] Boston, 1872. 12 518.26 CORNER, Julia. India pictorial, descriptive, and his torical. [Anon.] With illustrations. London, 1854. P. 8 835.2 CORNHILL to Grand Cairo, Notes of a journey from. 1846. Thackeray, W. M 658.10 CORNING, Erastus, merchant and statesman, b. 1794, d. 1872. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 CORNWALL, Barry, pseud. See Procter, Bryan W. CORNWALL, Eny. Cornwall: its mines and miners. London, 1855. 16 658.17 Same. London, 1857. 16 1655.23 Black, A. and G. Guide to the duchy of. 1865. 1659.16 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1856. . 649.2 Note. For antiquities, see Max Muller s Chips, [2097.28.3]. CORNWALLIS, Charles, 1st marquis of, governor-general of India, b. 1738, d. 1805. Correspondence. Ed ited by C. Ross. [With portrait.] London, 1859. 3 v. 8 561.1 Gleig, G. R. Lives of the most eminent British military commanders v. 3 of 388.3 Kaye, J. W. Lives of Indian officers ....v. 1 of 1566.4 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 COKNWALLIS, Kinahan. Royalty in the New World; or, the prince of Wales in America. New York, 1860. 12 638.15 CORRADI, Domenico. See Ghirlandajo. CORREGIO. See Allegri, Antonio. CORSAIR, The, and his conqueror : a winter in Algiers. Pope, H. E 688.15 CORSICA, Italy. Bennet, J. H. Corsica as a winter climate. 1862 674.15 Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams in. 1870. 1653.1 Gregorovius, F. Corsica in its picturesque, so cial and historical aspects, [1852] 1007.5 ; 1655.2 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1868. . . 1658.7 Note. See general works on Italy, the Mediterranean, and the Bates Hall catalogues ; also "the Land of Paoli," in the Atlantic, Nov., 1868. CORSICANS, British essays in favour of the bravo. Boswell, J 679.12 CORT, Henry, English metallurgist, b. 1740, d. 1800. See Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility 577.14 Shelf. No. CoRTliS, Hernando or Fernando, Spanish adventurer, conqueror of Mexico, b. 1485, d. 1554. Abbott, J. S. C. History of 579.1 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 1 of 839.0 Helps, A. Life of 588.22 Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe : . . . 555.3 Life of. See Lives, etc 539.21 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Trueba y Cosio, T. de. Life of 830.55 Note. Helps s work is an excellent one, drawn in part from his " History of the Spanish conquest." See also Pres- cott s " Conquest of Mexico," [258. 1, etc.] ; Robertson s " His tory of America," r&X)..y] ; and Cortes ; despatches with notes, [B! H. 2314.1]. Hewlett s and Abbott s are for the young, as is Cape s, [B. H. 2319.13]. See Simms s paper, [B. H. 4409.2^; Harper s monthly, vol. 12; aud note under Mexico. Also B. C. Sands s essay, [873.4.1]. CORCNNA, Despatch after the battle of. Hope, Sir J v. 1 of 830.42 COSMO DE MEDICI. Sec Medici, Cosmo de . COSTELLO, Louisa Stuart. Beam and the Pyrenees. With illustrations. London, 1844. 2 v. 8.. 654.2 Pilgrimage to Auvergne, from Picardy to Le Velay. [With illustrations.] London, 1842. 2v. 8 654.1 COSWAY, Richard, miniature portrait painter, b. 1740, d. 1821. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc. .v. 6 of 379.9; v. 5 of 810.19 Note. See Fairholt s Homes, [B. H. 4075.51] ; and Painting, note. GOTTA, Bernhard von. Geology and history. Lon don, 1865. 16 1168.1 GOTTEN, Edward R. Life of Hon. Nathaniel Macon, of North Carolina, [American politician, b. 1757, d. 1837]. Baltimore, 1840. 12 528.29 COTTIN, Sophie, formerly Riataud, madame, novelist, b. 1773, d. 1807. See Kavanagh, J. French women of letters 1609. 1 COTTINGTON, Francis, lord, English statesman, b. 1576, d. 1652. <Sce Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 COTTLE, Joseph, English author and bookseller, b. 1770, d. 1853. Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Colo- ridge [b. 1772, d. 1834] and Robert Southey [b. 1774, d. 1843]. New York, 1848. 12.... 586.17 Note. See Harper s monthly, vol. 8. COTTON, John, divine and author, of Boston, b. 1585, d. 1652. Norton, J. Memoir of 539.24 Young, A. Life and letters of 223.12 J?ote. See Mather s Magnalia, [B. H. 3544.12]; Winthrop s Journal, [B. H. 2321.10]; histories of Massachusetts, by Hutchinsou [B. II. 44.-.8.:i] and Hurry [B. H. L 35L .3] ; of New England, by Palfrey, [B. H. 2321.2] ; and of Boston, by Drake, [222.1]; also the biographical dictionaries of Alleu, Drake, etc. ; Spraguo s Annals, [B. II. 2. MG.4.1] ; and the Prince cata logue for nn analysis of the Cotton manuscripts. The me moirs of Young [:!332.4] and Nortou [3458.96] are also in Bates Hall. COTTON kingdom, The. Olmsted, F. L 634.7 COUNTRY life in Piedmont. Mariotti, L 1657.4 COUNTRY margins and rambles of a journalist. Ham mond, S. H 1818.2 COUNTRY of the dwarfs. Du Chaillu, P. (B.) 657.23 COURT and camp, The, of Buonaparte. [With portraits.] London, 1831. 18 379.11 Same. Now York, 1859. 18 810.39 COURT fools, History of. Doran, J 948.4 COURTENAY, Edward, earl of Devonshire, b. about 1526, d. 1556. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 COURTENAY, Thomas P. Lives of eminent British statesmen. See Mackintosh, Sir J 386.6 COUSIN, Victor, French metaphysician, philosopher, and author, b. 1792, d. 1867. Introduction to the history of philosophy. Translated from the French, by H. G. Linberg. Boston, 1832. 8.. 122.2 Secret history of the French court under Richelieu and Mazarin; or, the life and times of Madame de Chevreuse, [b. 1600, d. 1679]. Translated by M. L. Booth. New York, 1859. 12 1009.17 Same. New York, 1871. 12 1009.23 COUSIN 63 CRAWFORD Shelf. No. COUSIN, Victor, continued. Youth of Madame de Longuevillo, [daughter of Henry IT, prince of Conde, b. 1619, d. 1C79]. [Translated] from the French, by F. W. Ricord. New York, 1854. 12 617.12 Note. See the general histories of philosophy; Sainte- Beuve s Causeries, [B. H. 2670.1]; Sir William Hamilton in Edinburgh review, vol. 50;Xorth British review, March, 18C7; Lomenie, [B. II. 6249a.l.5] ; and the references in McClintock and Strong, etc. COUSIN ALICE, pseud. See Haven, Alice B. COVENANTERS. Dodds, J. Fifty years struggle of the Scottish covenanters, [1638-88] 2109.2 Napier, M. Montrose and the covenanters, [1626- 50] 975.9 See also Scotland, note; and Malcom s Index, [B.H. 2190.19]. COVENTRY, Thomas, lord, lord keeper, b. 1578, d. 1640. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 COWLEY, Abraham, English poet, b. 1618, d. 1667. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 1 of 398.2 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 1 of 582.11 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 AWe. There are other brief memoirs, [B.H. 2565.3. 1 ; 4171.6] ; by Anderson, [4604.]]; and by Chalmers, [2592.7.7]. COWLEY, Hannah, English dramatist, b. 1743, d. 1809. See Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain, .v. 3 of 398.3 COWPER, William, English poet and epistotographer, b. 1731, d. 1800. [Letters], with life by Robert Southey. [Illustrated.] London, 1835, 36. 7 v. 16 v. 1-7 of 337.1 Contenu. Vol. I-III. Life. IH-V1I. Letters. Same. London, 1853, 54. Illustrated. 4 v. 16. v. 1-4 of 817.11 Contents. Vol. I, rj. Life. EHV. Letters. Bagehot, W. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen 563.9 Biographies of eminent men from, the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839. 6 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 1 of 896. 1 lfote. Southey s is the standard life, superseding Hayley [B. II. 2424.11, reviewed in Jeffrey, 8G3.6] and Greatheed [B. H. 4569a.41]. There arc brieflives by J. Johnson, [358.22.. }] : by Chalmers, [B. H. 2592.7.18]; and by others, [319.7.1 1 340.15; 58.23.1 ; 131U.10.1]. Thomson s Celebrated friendships has a chapter on Cowjier and Mary Umvin, [B. H. 4556.7.11 See Madden B Infirmities of genius, [887.7.1]. 6ee also references in Alliboue. Cox, Samuel Hanson, American divine, b. 1793. See Fowler, H. The American pulpit 534.9 Cox, Samuel Sullivan. A Buckeye abroad; or, wan derings in Europe and in the Orient. New York, 1852. 12 658.9 Search for winter sunbeams in the Riviera, Corsica, Algiers, and Spain. With illustrations. New York, 1870. Sin. 8 1653.1 COXE, Arthur Cleveland. Impressions of England. 2d edition. New York, 1856. 12 645.13 COXE, William. History of the house of Austria, 1218-1792. 3d edition. London, 1847. 3 v. P. 8 828.2 Kate. For continuation, see Kelly, W. K. Memoirs of [John Churchill] the duke of Marl- borough [b. 1650, d. 1722], with his correspond ence. New edition, revised by J. Wade. Lon don, 1847, 48. 3 v. P. 8 838.2 Russian discoveries between Asia and America. [With maps.] 4th edition. London, 1803. 16. 702.17 Travels in Switzerland. Letters to W. Melmoth. London, 1789. 3 v. 8 6C3.11 COZZEXS, Frederic S. Acadia; or, a month with the blue noses. New York, 1859. 12 637.18 CRABBE, George, English poet and preacher, b. 1754, d. 1832. Letters and journals, and life by his son. London, 1834. 16 v. 1 of 327.8 Shelf. No. CRABBE, George, continued. Giles, H. Lectures and essays, v. 1 of 875.6; v. 1 of 875.8 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contem porary portraits v. 2 of 867.2; 888.17 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 2 of 896. 1 Pratt, A. Dawnings of genius 548.26 Ko .e. The son s is the authoritative memoir. See essay by Jeffrey, [8ti3.ti] ; and the references in Allibone. CRACOW. Try Cracow and the Carpathians. 1872. Hutchinson, A. H 689.28 CRADOCK, Matthew. Letter to Capt. John Endicott. See Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters of Massachusetts bay 223.12 CRAFTS, William A. Life of Ulysses S. Grant, [18th president of the United States, b. 1822]. With portrait. Boston, 1868. 16 521.10 CRAIG, Sir Thomas, Scotch lawyer and writer, b. 1548, d. 1608. Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers. . 586.13 Tytler, P. F. Life and writings of 589.12 CRAIG-KNOX, Isa. See Knox, Isa Craig. CRAIK, Dinah (M.) M., formerly Miss Muloch. Fair France. Impressions of a traveller. New York, 1871. 12 655.16 Same. Leipzig, 1872. Sq. 16 655.13 CRAIK, George L. Bacon ; his writings and his phi losophy. London, 1846, 47. 3 v. 24 840.13 Compendious history of English literature, and of the English language, from the Norman conquest to Elizabeth. New York, 1863. 2 v. 8 392.9 History of British commerce. London, 1844. 3 v. 24 , 840.14 The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. Illus trated by female examples. London, 1847. 24. 840.17 Illustrated by memoirs of eminent men. New York, 1840, 47. 2 v. 24 820.3 Romance of the peerage; or, curiosities of family history. London, 1848-50. 4 v. 8 566.8 Sketches of the history of literature and learning in England. London, 1844, 45. 6 v. 24 840.15 Spenser and his poetry. London, 1845. 3 v. in 1. 24 850.16; 1819.2 and MACFARLANE, Charles. Pictorial history of England, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1760]. New York, 1846- 51. 4v. 8 962.2 CRANFIELD, Lionel, 1st earl of Middlesex, d. 1645. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 CRANMER, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, martyr, b. 1489, burnt 1556. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies . . v. 3 of 840. 10 Lee, H. F. Lifo and times of 578.5 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen v. 1 of 388.6 Morgan, T. Life of 567.6 Myers, F. Lectures on great men 657.8 Tayler, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs. 1094.10; 1094.15 Todd, H. J. Life of 574.8 Note. Todd s [also in B. II. 3555.3] is the standard life. Lee s is a popular account. See also the histories of the Eng lish reformation, and the general histories of England, of which Macaulay s has an unfavorable estimate, and Lingard a Catholic view. Froudc s estimate is in his 33d chanter. See Malcom a Index, [2190.19]. CRANWORTH, Lord. See Rolfe, Robert Monsey. CRAVEN, Pauline, formerly Mile. La Ferronnays. A noble lady (Adelaide Capece Minutolo). London, 1869. 16 599.25 CRAVEN, William, 1st earl of Craven, b. 1606, d. 1697. (See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 CRAWFORD, Alexander W., lord Lindsay. Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the Holy Land. London, 1838. 2v. 12 693.16 Same. With engravings. 5th edition. London, 1858. P. 8.. , 843.7 CRAWFORD 64 CROMWELL Shelf. No. CRAWFORD, Alexander W., continued. Sketches of the history of Christian art. London, 1847. 3 v. 8 202.9 CRAWFORD, J. Marshall. Mosby and his men. New York, 1867. 12 288.6 CRAWFORD, Mabel Sharman. Life in Tuscany. From the London edition. New York, 1859. 12 666.18 Through Algeria. [Anon.] London, 1863. 8. . . 684.17 CRAWFORD, William Harris, American statesman, b. 1772, d. 1834. See Cobb, J. B. Leisure labors. 877.6 CRAYON, Porte, pseud. See Strother, David H. CREASY, Edward S. The English nation, whence we are and what we are. See Stoddart, Sir J 988.7 The fifteen decisive battles of the world; from Marathon to Waterloo, [B. c. 490-A. D. 1815]. New York, 1854. 12 948.3 Memoirs of eminent Etonians: with the early his tory of Eton college. London, 1850. 8 582.2 Rise and progress of the English constitution. London, 1853. 12 135.15 CREATION, Natural history of. Kemp, T. L. 409.31 ; 1655.24 CREDULITY, Sketches of. Davenport, R. A 399.5 CREMONY, John C. Life among the Apaches. San Francisco, 1868. 12 1635.24 CREOLES and coolies. Beaton, P 997.6 CRESCENT, The, and the French crusaders. Ditson, G. L 918.17 CRESWELL, Mrs. R. E. Memoir of Elizabeth Fry, [English philanthropist, b. 1780, d. 1845]. Lon don, 1856. P. 8 595.7 CRICHTON, Andrew. Converts from infidelity; or lives of eminent individuals who have renounced sceptical opinions, and embraced Christianity. Edinburgh, 1827. 2 v. 24 830.28 Contents. Vol. I. John "Wilmot, earl of Rochester, English poet and courtier, b. 1647, d. 1080; John Frederick Struensee, count, b. 1737, d. 1772; Enevold Brandt, count de, d. 1772; George Lvttleton, lord, English statesman and litterateur, b. 1709, d. 1773; Sir Jolin Pringle. M. D., president of the Koval society, natural philosopher, b. 1707, d. 1782; Gilbert West, English poet and translator, b. 1703, d. 1756; Charles Gildon, English dramatic and miscellaneous writer, b. 16t>6, d. 1724; Richard Cecil, English divine, b. 1748, d. 1810. II. Robert Bo3 le, Irish philosopher and chemist, one of the founders of the Royal society, b. 1626, d . 1691 ; Capt. James Wilson, b. 1760, d. 1814; Soame Jenyns, English poet and writer, b. 1704, d. 1787; Thomas Bate man, English physician, b. 1778, d. 1821 ; Albrecht von Haller, Swiss anatomist, botanist, and poet, b. 1708, d. 1777; Rev. John Newton, of London, b. 1725, d. 1807 ; Jean Francois de La Harpe, French writer, b. 1739, d. 1803; Rev. John Bunyan, English author, b. 1628, d. 1688. History of Arabia, [B. c. 1430-A. D. 1852]. With map and engravings. New York, n. d. 2 v. 24 810.67 Same. New edition. London, 1852. 16.... 938.12 and WHEATON, Henry. Scandinavia, ancient and modern. [With map and engravings.] New York, 1856. 2 v. 24 820.39 CRICHTON, James, called " the admirable," Scotch schol ar, author, linguist, etc., b. 1560, d. 1583. Good rich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. . v. 3 of 1869.1 Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 Tytler, P. F. Life of 589.8 CRIMEA. Barker, W. B. Historical account of the. 1855 929.1 Douglas, W. Soldiering in, sunshine and storm. 1865 1695.6 Kinglake, A. W. The invasion of the. 1863.995.1; 1999.4 Koch, C. W. The Crimea: from, Kertch to Peretop. 1855 689.23 Macintosh, A. F. Military tour in the. 1854 . . 687.8 Macqueen, J. The war: Who s to blame? 1854. 986.7 Peard, G. S. Narrative of a campaign in the. 1855 1918.11 Ranken, G. Canada and the Crimea. 1862 633.23 Russell, W. H. British expedition, to the, [1854- 56] 984.1 Ryan, G. Our heroes of the. 1855 589.25 Seymour, H. D. Narrative of travels in the. 1855 685.5 Southgate, H. The war in the East, [1854] 989.12 Spencer, E. The fall of the. 1854 928.6 War, The: or, voices from the ranks. 1855 997.12 Note. Kinglake s work [also in B. H. 3063.9] is the most important history of the Crimean war from an English point of view; but his narrative ia as yet only completed througn the Shelf. No. CRIMEA, continued. account of the battle of Balaclava. The first volume is occu pied with the causes that led to the war; and his views of the emperor Napoleon are derogatory. See also the Bates Hall catalogues for other authorities, and p. 3.18 of the Bates Hall Index for references to the war in the British documents. Also Hay ward s essay on the war, [B. H. 2564.2.2]; and Harper s monthly, vol. 11. See also Black sea. Eastern question, Kars, Russia, Sebas- topol. CRITICISM. See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscellanies v. 2 of 1815.5 CRITTENDEN, John Jordan, of Kentucky, b. 1786, d. 1863. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 Note. The authoritative life is by his daughter, Mrs. Cole- man, [B. II. 2345.51]. CROAKERS, The, of society and literature. See Whip- pie, E. P. Essays and reviews, v. 2 of 875 . 1 1 ; v. 2 of 875 . 1 2 CROCKETT, David, American adventurer, senator, and author, b. 1786, d. 1836. Tour to the North and down East, in 1834. Philadelphia, 1835. 12. 628.27 Ellis, E. S. Life and adventures of 1529.22 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 CROFFUT, W. A., and MORRIS, John M. Military and civil history of Connecticut, 1861-65. Illus trated. New York, 1869. 8 272.13 CROFUTT, G. A. Great trans-continental railroad guide. [Anon.] Illustrated. Chicago, 1870. 16 1638.26 CROKER, John Wilson. Essays on the early period of the French revolution. London, 1857. 8... 1002.3 History of the guillotine. [Illustrated.] London, 1853. 16 1009. 13 CROKER, Thomas Crofton. Killarney legends; ar ranged as a guide to the lakes. [With, illus trations.] London, 1831. 12 1659.7 CROLY, George, D. D., English author, b. 1780, d. 1860. Life and times of George iv, [king of Eng land, b. 1762, d. 1830]. New York, n. d. 24. 810.16 Political lifeof Edmund Burke, [Irish statesman and orator, b. 1730, d. 1797]. London, 1840. 2v. P. 8 588.14 CROMPTON, Samuel, English inventor, b. 1753, d. 1827. Famous boys: and how they became great men. . 555.8 French, G. J. Life and times of 587.22 CROMWELL, Oliver, lord protector of England, b. 1599, d. 1658. Letters and speeches. [Edited] by T. Carlyle. New York, 1845. 2 v. 12 866.9 Same. Leipzig, 1861. 4 v. Sq. 16 1579.2 Biographies of eminent men from, the 13th cen tury v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 7 of 840.10 Cromwell, T. Oliver Cromwell and his times. ... 553.3 Forster, J. Historical and biographical essays. 677.9; v. 1 of 894.3 Gleig, G. R. Lives of the most eminent British military commanders v. 1 of 388.3 Guizot, F. (P. G.) Cromwell, and the English commonwealth 975.8; 978.2 James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great commanders. 557.6 Lamartino, A. (M. L.) de. Lifeof 551.3 Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 2 of 547.4 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen v. 6, 7 of 388.6 Myers, F. Lectures on great men 657.8 Russell, M. Life of 810.62; 830.54 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Smith, G. Throe English statesmen 1988. 1 Southey, R. Life of 689.13 Select biographies 889.11 Tulloch, J. English puritanism and its leaders. 997.7 Wilson, D. Oliver Cromwell and the protectorate. 558.6 tfote. The opinion held by Hume that Cromwell was a " fanatical hypocrite," was commonly accepted by the biogra phers of the last century. Noble [B. II. 2444. 1] as the earliest of the later writers, first gathered extended materials, and aimed at impartiality without much discernment. Harris [B. H. 2437. 4] groups events without chronological order. T. Cromwell s bookis moreambitiousthanjudicious throughout. Southey s brief memoir arrives at the conclusion that Crora- re rrraii s"*> t CROMWELL 65 CUBITT 569.4 Shelf. No. CROMWELL, Oliver, continued. well was penitent for his career. Russell s is a popular bal ancing of testimonies. Vaughan s essay [B. II. 2444.3] has a guarded air of impartiality. Forster.in his lives of the states men [8O4.3.1 ; B. H. 4547.10], advanced a belief in Cromwell s essential hypocrisy, without indiscriminate denunciation of him; but in liis later essay [577. <J] he somewhat changed his views in favor of a higher estimate. Carlyle s book [also in B. II. 4577.7; 4559.1] introduces " elucidations, 1 in which the author takes the decided ground of a champion; and his position has greatlv influenced tiie more recent opinions. See also Carlyle s Heroes and hero-worship, [885.13]. Lamartine has embraced this belief in Cromwell s sincerity. Merle d Au- bigne[B. II. 2444.4] lias vindicated him; and Wilson, a pop ular biographer, also takes this view. Guizot [also in B. H. 2517.12, in French], while admiring his genius and sympa thizing with his courage, does not wholly accept the sincerity theory. Goldwin Smith s lecture [also in B. II. 4548.22] views him simply as a ruler. There is a popular narrative in Cham bers s Paper*. [386.1.8]. Sec essay by Bayne in Contempo rary review, Feb., 187o; Malcom s Index, and the references in Thomas, Oettinger, Hoefer, Michaud, etc. See Hugh Miller s paper on the controversy about a statue for Cromwell in the parliament houses, [864.18]. CROMWELL, Thomas, earl of Essex, English diplomatist, b. about 1490, beheaded 1540. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies v. 3 of 840.10 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 CROMWELL, Thomas. Oliver Cromwell and his times. 2d edition. London, 1822. 8 553.3 CROSBY, Frank. Life of Abraham Lincoln, 16th presi dent of the United States, [b. 1809, d. 1865]. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1865. 16 CROSS and crescent ; or, Young America in Turkey and Greece. 1873. Adams, W. T 1676.12 CROSS, The, and the crown. Fiske, D. T 1536.1 CROSSLEY, Sir Francis, English politician and carpet manufacturer, b. 1817. See Ritchie, J. E. Mod ern statesmen 555.7 CROSWELL, Rev. Henry. Memoir of William Cros- well, D. D., [of Boston, b. 1804, d. 1851]. [With portrait.] By his father. New York, 1853. 8. CROSWELL, William, Memoir of. See Croswell, H. . . CROUCH, Anna Maria, English vocalist, b. 1763, d. 1805. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song CROW Indians. Ab-sa-ra-ka homo of tho Crows. Car- riugton, M. 1 1636.13 CROWE, Eyre Evans. The Greek and the Turk; or, powers and prospects in the Levant. London, 1853. 12 1918.1 History of France, [1465-1795]. London, 1830, 31. 3v. 16 368.6 Same. New York, 1840, 43. 3 v. 18 1009.11 Same. London, 1858-60. 5 v. 8 1003.6 History of the reigns of Louis xvm and Charles x, [kings of France, 1814-36]. London, 1854. 2 v . 8* 1005.3 and JAMES, George P. R. Lives of the most emi nent foreign statesmen. [With portraits.] Lon don, 1832-38. 5 v. 16 388.7 Contents. Vol. I. George d Amboise, French cardinal and minister ot Louis XI, archbishop of Houen, b. 1460, d. 1510; Francisco de Cisneros Ximcncs, Spanish cardinal, archbishop of Toledo, (rand-inquisitor, and statesman, b. 1436, d. 1517; Leo X (Giovanni de Media), popelSl. Ml, b. 1475, d. 1521 ; An- toine Perreuot.caidinai de Granvelle, b. 1517, d. 1586; Mau rice, elector of Saxony, b. 1321, d. 1553; Jan van Olden Barne- veldt, Dutch statesman, grand pensionary of Holland, b. 1547, d. 1610; Maximilian de Bethune. due cle Sully, French sol dier and statesman, b. 1560, d. 1641 ; Francisco de Koxas (or Osuiia, Spanish ^ iceroy of Sicily, b. la/0, d. J624; Lorenzo tte Medici, prince of Florence, scholar, and patron of art and lit erature, b. 1448, d. 14U2. II. Armand Jean Du Plessis, due do Richelieu, French cardinal and statesman, b. 1585, d. 1042; Axel Oxcnstierua, comte d , Swedish statesman, b. 1580, d. 1654; Gasparo de Guzman, comte d Olivarez, due de San Lucar de Barramcda, Spanish statesman, b. 1587, d. 1015; Gia- lio Mazariii, French caidiual and statesman, b. 1602, d. 1001. III. Jean Francois Paul de Goudi, cardinal de Ketz, b. 1014, d. 107 J; Jean Baptiste Colbert, marquis de Seignelay, French statesman and admiral, b. 1019, d. 1083; Jan de Witt, grand pensionary of Holland, b. 1025, d. 1672; Francois Michael Le Tellier, marquis de Louvois, French minister of war, b. 1041, d. 1891. IV. Uou. Luis de Haio, Spanish minister of state, b. 1598, d. 1001 ; Guillaume Dubuis, cardinal, archbishop of Cam- bray, French statesman, b. 1650, d. 1723; Giulio Albcroni, car dinal, minister of Philip V, b. 1004, d. 1752; Jan Wilhelrn, duke of Kipperda, Dutch statesman and adventurer, b. 1665. d. 1737. V. Audio Hercule Fleury. French cardinal and statesman, b. 16.33. d. 1743; Philipp Ludwig, Graf von Zinzen- dorf, Austrian minister of state, b. 1671, d. 1742; Sebastian Josef Carvalho Melho, comte d CEyras, marquis de Pombal, Portuguese statesman, b. 1600, d. 1782; Jose Monino, comte de 534.7 534.7 591.2 PO-.-,, author, b. 17M, AVISOS : dtienne Fian<;ois, due de Choiseul, French statesman, b. 1719. d. 1785; Jacques Necker, French statesman and financier, b. 1732, d. 1804. Spanish prime minister to ^Charles^in, and Shelf. Xo. CROWE, Frederick. The Gospel in Central America. London, 1850. 12 10S7.4 CROYLAND, Chronicle of the abbey of. Ingulphus.. 856.8 CROZIER, Francis Rawdon Moria, captain of the " Terror," b. 1796. See Jordan, W. Men I havo known 1522.9 CRUMMELL, Alexander. The future of Africa. [Ad dresses delivered in Liberia.] New York, 1862. 12 1126.9 CRUSADES. Chronicles of the 84G.6 Edgar, J. G. Tho crusades and the crusaders . . . 947.17 Hutton, B. Heroes of the 1545.12 Michaud, J. F. History of the 1095.12 Mills, C. History of the 945.2 Proctor, G. History of the 947.22 Stebbing, H. History of the 830.56 \ote. The book first named above is a modern reprint of three contemporary accounts of the crusades, those on Coeur dc Lion s by Richard of Devizes and Geoifrcy de Vinsauf, and that on St. Louis s by J.deJoiuvi lie. Gibbon, in his "Decline and fall," omits all notice of the fourth, sixth, and seventh crusade?, but gives an ample account of the fifth. Palgrave s Normandy [B. H. 2418.1.4] has a long disquisition on the first crusade. "There is a recent monograph on "The children s crusade," by Gray, [B. II. 6208.3; 6298.4]. II. von S.vbel is the most recent authority on thocrusades, and he has aimed to separate the mythical reports from historical facts in tho early narratives, and his critical estimate of the chief writers on this subject, which appeared as a preface to his account of the first crusade, in 1841, makes a part of an English work, issued under his name as " Tiie history and literatureof the crusades," [B. H. 2293.5]. Mill s is the earliest of the recentaccountsin English, but he is not thought to bo very critical in his exami nation of the authorities. The modern reactionary enthusiasm for the crusaders was begun in 1S07 by WHken [B. H. 2293.2], who put himself in the position of a contemporary to do jus tice to their religious fervor; but he does not always discrimi- Fimck [B. 11.2203.4] is upon the whole the standard French authority, critically determining the value of the original statements, but allowing too generally thalonly to be fabulous which deals with prodi gies. Capengue [13. H. 2047.1] opposes Tasso s romantic views, and is given rather to controversy than to research. The works by Stebbing, Edgar, and Hutton are popular ac counts. Proctor s History is a convenient narrative for the general reader. See James s Last days of the templars in his Dark scenes- of history; and the section on Knights of the middle ages in Cutts, [B. II. 22U6.50]. See the names of the principal leaders in the crusades, like Richard I, etc., and references in Malcorn. See also Middle Ages, and the histories of Jerusalem and Palestine. For the crusades, as subjects of literary delineation, see Chronological list of historical fiction. CRUSOE S island. 1864. Browne, J. K ............ 634.17 A ote. See also Harper s monthly, vol. 6. CRUVELLI, Sophie, afterwards Baronne Vigier, Prus sian vocalist, b. 1830. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song .................................... 591.2 CUBA. Abbot, A. Letters written in, [1828] ...... 635.1 Abbott, J. S. C. South and North; or, a trip to. I860 ...................................... 637.26 Ballou, M. M. History of, [1492-1852] ........ 266.5 Dana, R. H., jr. To Cuba and back. 1859 ..... 637.15 Demoticus Philalothes, pseud. Yankee travels through Cuba. 1856 ........................ 626.15 Hazard, S. Cuba with pen and pencil. 1871... 624.18 Howe,J.W. Tripto. 1860 .................. 637.25 Humboldt, (F. H.) A. von. Tho island of. 1856. 637.21 Hurlbut. W. H. Gan-Eden; or, pictures of. 1854. 627.23; 1655.11 Jay, W. M. L. My winter in. 1871 .......... 637.30 Mackie, J. M. From Capo Cod to Dixie and the tropics. 1864 .............................. 635.26 Madden, R. R. The island of Cuba: its resources, progress, and prospects 1853 ................. 266.10 Murray, A. M. Letters from Cuba. 1856 ...... 639.18 Phillippo, J. M. The United States and Cuba. 1857 ...................... .. .............. 625.21 Sargent, J. Notes on, containing an account of its discovery and early history. 1844 ...... 629.4 Turnbull, D. Travels in the West. Cuba. 1840.. 635.3 Xote. See also West Indies. Dana s book has been trans lated into French with new illustrations in Tour du mondc, [B. II. 62yl.l, ISO)]. See Lippineott s magazine, March, 1873; Harper s monthly, vols.G, 16, 18 and 30 ; and National quarterly review, Dee., 1S66. CUBITT, Thomas, English builder, b. 1788, d. 1855. See Jordan, W. Men I have known .............. 1522.9 CUDWORTH 66 CUSTINE Shelf. No. CUDWORTH, Warren II. History of tho First regi ment (Massachusetts infantry), 1801-64. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1860. 12 275.1 CULLEN, William, Scottish physician and medical writer, b. 1712, d. 1790. See Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 CUMBERLAND, Earl of. See Clifford, George. CUMBERLAND, Richard, English dramatist, b. 1732, d. 1811. Memoirs. By himself. Now York, 1806. 8 579.9 Same. London, 1807. 2 v. 8 597.8 Dunham, S. A. Lives of tho most eminent liter ary and scientific men of Great Britain . . . . v. 3 of 398.3 Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists 580.19 Note. See Foster s essay, [837.7.2]. GUMMING, Rev. John. Tho church before the flood. Boston, 1854. 12 Signs of the times; or, present, past, and future. Philadelphia, 1855. 12 The tent and the altar, or sketches from patri archal life. Boston, 1854. 12 GUMMING, Roualeyn G. Five years of a hunter s life in South Africa. With illustrations. Now York, 1850,51. 2 v. 12 CUMMING, W. Gordon. Wild men and wild boasts; or, scenes in camp and jungle. Illustrated. Now York, 1872. Sm. 8 CUMMINGS, Asa. Memoir of Edward Payson, D. D., [b. 1783, d. 1827]. [With portrait.] New York, n. d. 10 Same. Portland, 1830. 8 Same. New edition. New York, 1849. 8.. CUMMINS, George D. Life of Virginia H. Hoffman, lato of the protostant episcopal mission to Western Africa, [b. 1832, d. 1850]. [With por trait.] Philadelphia, 1859. 12 CUNNINGHAM, Alexander, Scotch historian, b. 1654, d. 1737. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers. CUNNINGHAM, Allan, Scottish poet and author, b. 1785, d. 1842. Life and land of Burns, [Scottish poet, b. 1759, d. 1790]. Now York, 1841. 12 Life of Sir David Wilkio, [Scottish painter, b. 1785, d. 1841]. [With portrait.] London, 1843. 3 v. 8 Lives of tho most eminent British painters, sculp tors, and architects. [Illustrated.] Vol. 5, 2d edition. London, 1829-37. 6 v. 16 Contents. Vol. I. Painters: The earl v painters; William Hogarth, b. 1697, d. 1764 ; Kit-hard Wilson, b. 1713, d. 1782; Sir Joshua Keynolds, b. 1723, d. 1792; Thomas Gainsborough, b. 1727, d. 1788. II. Painters : Benjamin West, American painter in England, b. 1738, d. 1820, James Barry, b. 1741, d. 1806; William Blake, b. 1757, d. 1828; John Opie, b. 1761, d. 1807; George Morland, b. 1763, d. 1802; Edward Bird, b. 1772. d. 1819; Henry Fuse!!, Swiss painter in England, b. 1741? d. 18251 110.11 116.3 116.17 697.13 696.21 119.26 599.1 534.6 539.27 586.13 586.15 556.2 379.9 b laxnian, b. 1754, d. 1826. IV. Architects: William of Wyke- latn, b. 13^4, d. 1101; Inigo Jones, b. 1572, d. 1H53; Sir Chris- , _ . _ --ft wulll^fl, LF. Aali. u. AUUO ; OH VjUIlS- tqpher Wren, b. W.",2, d. 1723: Sir John Vanbrugh, b. 1(166, d. 14, d. 1754; William Kent, b. 1684, d. 1720; James Gibbs, b. 1674, Kamsay, b. 1713, d. 1784; George Roniney, b. 1734, d. 1802; Alexander Runciman, b. 17.10, d. 1785: John Singleton Copley, b. 1737, d. 1815; John Hamilton Mortimer, b. 1741, d. 177 J; Sir Henry Uaebuvn, b. 175fl,.d. 1823; John Hoppncr, b. 1759, d. 1810; William Owen, b. 17(19, d. 1825; George Ilenrv Ilarlow, b. 1787, d. 1819; Kicliard Purkcs Bonington. b. 1801, d. 1828! VI. Painters: Kicliard Cosway, b. 1740, d. 1821; David Allan, b. 1744. d. 17!*i; James Northcote, b. 1746, d. 18.il; Sir George Ilowland Beaumont, b. 1753, d. 1827: Sir Thomas Lawrence, b. 17G9. d. 18 ,0 : John Jackson, b. 1778, d. l& il ; Henry Liver- seege, b. 1803, d. 1832; George Burnet, b. 1788, d. 1810. Same. Painters and sculptors. New York, 1840. 5 v. 24 810.19 Contents. Same aa Vol. 1-3, 5, 6 of the preceding. CUNNINGHAM, George G. History of England in the lives of Englishmen. [With portraits.] Lon don, 1841-52. 8 v. 8 U 562.1 CUNNINGHAM, John. The quakors from their origin till the present time: an international history. Edinburgh, 1868. 16 2085.24 CUNNINGHAM, Peter. Kevels at court, in tho reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I. London, 1842. 342.5 CUNYNGHAME, Arthur. Glimpse at tho great West ern republic. London, 1852. 10 629.28 CURIOSITIES of human nature. Goodrich, S. G. . . v. 3 of 1809.1 CURIOSITIES of the pulpit, and pulpit literature. Jackson, T 1819.11 CURRAN, John Philpot, Irish orator, b. 1750, d. 1817. Curran, W. II. Life of 598.10; 598.12 Phillips, C. Curran and his contemporaries 598.11 Note. Curran, the biographer, was a son of J. P. Curran; his book was reviewed by Jeffrey. [;:.(>] ; and 51)8.10 lias ad ditions by Mackenzie. Phillips s book is a graphic picture of the times. Sec essays by Foster, [837.7.2] ; by Henry Giles, [18G8.2; B. II. 6."7.21] ; and by Lccky, in his Leaders of public opinion in Ireland, [B. II. 4519.23]. See also Ireland, and Harper s monthly, vols. 2 and 3. CURRAN, William H. Life of John P. Curran, master of the rolls in Ireland, [b. 1750, d. 1817]. [With portrait.] 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1822. 2 v. P. 8 598.12 Same. With additions by R. S. Mackenzie. New York, 1855. 12 598.10 Sketches of the Irish bar. London, 1855. 2 v. P. 8 598.4 CURRIE, James. [Life of Robert Burns, Scotch poet, b. 1759, d. 1790.] London, 1820. 8.v. 1 of 332. 12 Same. Now York, 1824. 24 v. 1 of 30!). 22 Same. London, 1833. 24 309.21 CURTIS, George Ticknor. History of the constitution of the United States; with notices of its prin cipal framers. New York, 1854, 58. 2 v. 8.. 282.7 Life of Daniel Webster, [American statesman and jurist, b. 1782, d. 1852]. [With portraits.] New York, 1870. 2 v. 8 512.14 CURTIS, George William. The howadji in Syria. New York, 1852. 12 686.19 Same. Now York, 1856. 12 680.22 Lotus-eating: a summer book. Illustrated. Now York, 1852. 12 628.28 Nile notes of a howadji. New York, 1851. 12. 098.6 Same. New York, 1857. 12 C98.1 CURTIS, Joseph, of New York, b. 1782, d. 1850. Me moir of. See Sedgwick, C. M 537.4 CURWEN, Maskcll E. Sketches of tho campaign in Northern Mexico, 1846, 47. [ylnon.] New York, 1853. 12 259.12 CURZON, Robert. Armenia : a year at Erzoroom, and on tho frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and Persia. Map and woodcuts. London, 1854. 8 J . 687. 5 Same. Now York, 1854. 12 687.4 Visit to the monasteries in the Levant. Now York, 1852. 12 689.8 CUSHING, Caleb, of Massachusetts, b. 1800. Review of the late revolution in France, and the consequent events, [1788-1832]. Boston, 1833. 2 v. 12.. 1009.2 Reminiscences of Spain, the country, its people, history, and monuments. Boston, 1833. 2v. 12. 679.1 (See Savage, J. Our living representative men. .. 527.19 GUSHING, Caroline W. Monuments, scenery, and ma^i- ncrs in France and Spain. Nowburyport, 1832. 2v. 12 888.13 CUSHING, William B., American commander, b. 1842. See Hoadley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 CUSHMAN, Robert. On the state of [Plymouth] colony. See Young, A. Chronicles of the pil grim fathers 223.13 CUSICK, Nicholas, Indian chief, b. 1750, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 GUST, Sir Edward. Annuls of tho wars of the eight eenth century. London, 1858-60. 5 v. 16... 939.13 Annals of tho wars of the nineteenth century. London, 1802, 63. 4 v. 16 996.1 CUSTINE, Astolphe, marquis do. Tho empire of the czar; or, state and prospects of Russia. Translated from tho French. London, 1843. 3 v. 12... 927.5 Russia [in 1839], Translated from the French. New York, 1854. 12 674.8 Same. Abridged. London, 1854. P. 8 409.4 Same. Abridged. London, 1856. 16 .... . 1655.5 CUSTOMS 67 Shelf. No. CUSTOMS guide, The United States. 1859. Andros, R. S.S 309 - 13 CUTCHEE hills, Campaign in the, [1843 47]. Napier, SirVf.F.P 937 - 2 CUTTER, William. Life of Israel Putnam, major- general in tho American revolution, [b. 1718, d. 17901. [With illustrations.] 4th edition. Bos ton, 1854. 12 628.8 CUTTS, Mary P. S. Life and times of Hon. William Jarvis, of Weathersfield, Vt, [b. 1770, d. 1859]. [With portrait.] New York, 1869. 16 1526.21 CUVIER, Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert, baron, French naturalist, b. 17C9, d. 1832. Bio- eranhies of eminent men from the 13th century. v. 4 of 839.6 Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 16 of 179. 1 Pratt, A. Dawnings of genius 548.26 Note. See Lomenie [B. H. 6249a.l9], and the Bates Hall catalogues. CUTLER, Theodore Ledyard, American divine, b. 1822. See Fowler, H. Tho American pulpit 534.9 Cuzco: a journey to the ancient capital of Peru. 1856. Markham, C. R 633.20 CUZZONI, Francesca, afterwards Madame Sandoni, Italian singer, d. 1770. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 CYPRIANUS, Thascius Csecilius, St., father of the Latin church, bishop of Carthage, d. 258. See Wilson, W. The popular preachers of tho ancient church. 555.20 CYRUS tho great, king of Persia, d. B. C. 529. His tory of. See Abbott, J 549.11 See also Babylon, History (ancient). CZAR, The, and tho sultan. Gilson, A 918.1G CZECIIO \VSKI, Michael B. Thrilling developments; an experience of fifteen years as Roman catholic clergyman. Boston, 1862. 16 2109.21 DABNEY, Robert L. Life and campaigns of Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson), [b. 1826, d. 1863]. Illustrated. Now York, 1866. 8 1515.4 DACOTAH, in 1856. Andrews, C. C 237.10 DAHLGREN, John A., American rear-admiral, b. 1809, d. 1870. Memoir of Ulrio Dahlgren. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1872. 12 537.39 See. Hcadley, J. T. Farragut and our naval com manders 272.7 DAHLGREN, Ulric, colonel during the civil war in the United States, b. 1842, d. 1863. Memoir of. See Dablgren, J. A 537.39 DALE, Richard, naval commander, b. 1756, d. 1826. See Cooper, J. F. Lives of distinguished Ameri can naval officers 527.5 DALE, Samuel, American general, b. 1772, d. 1841. Life and times of. See Claiborne, J. F. II 527.14 DALL, William II. Alaska and its resources. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1870. 8 1636.21 DALLAS, George Miffin, of Pennsylvania, b. 1772, d. 1864. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 DALLAWAY, Harriet. Manual of heraldry. London, 1828. Sm. 8 948.15 DALMATIA, Due do. See Soult, Nicolas Jean do Dieu. DALMATIA and Montenegro. 1848. Wilkinson, Sir J. G 925. DALRYMPLE, Clarence. History of British India. See Murray, H 810.5! DALRYMPLE, James, lit viscount Stair, Scotch lawyer, b. 1619, .d. 1695. See Irving, D. Lives of Scot- ish writers 586.1! DAMASCUS. Eddy, D. C. Walter in. 1870.. v. 4 of 708.23 Kinnear, J. G. Damascus in 1839 689.1; See also Asia, East (The), Syria. Also Harper s monthly, vols. 6 and 7. DAMER, Hon. Anne Seymour, sculptress, b. 1748, d. 1828. Cunningham, A. Lives of the most emi nent British painters, etc. . .v. 3 of 379.9; v. 3 of 810. l f Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society. v. 2 of 542.15; 542.1 Shelf. No. )AMOREAU, Laure Cinthie Montalent, French vocalist, 6.1801. .See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. .. 591.2 )AMPIEB, Capt. William, buccaneer, b. 1052, d. 1712. Adams, W. II. D. Neptuno s heroes: or, the sea- kings of England 578.19 Life and voyages. See Lives, etc 810.41 DANA, David D. The fireman: the firo departments of the United States. Illustrated. Boston, 1858. 12 309.4 )ANA, Richard Henry, American poet and essayist, b. 1787. See Powell, T. The living authors of America 518.15 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews. v. 2 of 875.11; v. 2 of 875.12 ffote. _ See the notices in Griswold, Duyckinck, and Alli- bone (with references) ; also Homes of American authori, [B. H. 2346.51] ; and Jones s essay [888.11.2], etc. DANA, Richard Henry, jr., b. 1815. To Cuba and back. Boston, 1859. 12 637.15 Two years before the mast. New York, 1858. 12. 820.12 Same. New edition. Boston, 1809. 10 1039.17 DANBY, Earl of. See Danvers, Henry. }ANBY, Earl of. See Osborno, Thomas. DANCER, Daniel, English miser, b. 1716, d. 1794. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters. 1546.5 DANEI, Paolo Francisco. See Paul, of the cross. DANGERS of the deep; or, narratives of shipwreck and adventure at sea. London, 1855. 10 1709.1 DANICAN, Francois Andre, called Philidor, chess player, b. 1727, d. 1795. Life of. See Allen, G. 1583.5 DANIEL, George, English antiquarian, b. 1790? d. 1864. Merrio England in tho olden times. [With illustrations.] London, 1842. 2 v. P. 8 978.1 DANTE ALIGHIEUI, Italian poet, b. 1265, d. 1321. Bal- bo, C., count. Life and times of 544.8 Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th cen tury v. 1 of 839.6 Botta, V. Dante as philosopher, patriot, and poet. 823.11 Memorials of early genius 5.) 1.10 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, etc v. 1 of 398. 1 Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men ojo.13 Kote. Bunbury s translation (with her amendments for English readers) of Balbp s Life (issued in 1839), though the work shows zealous political and religious partizanship, is on the whole the most desirable memoir fbr the English reader; but Miss Rossetti s " Shadow of Dante " [862.13 ; B. U. 4790.2], which 16 partly biographical, represents later opinions. The Bates Hall catalogues show numerous works upon Dante in other languages, and there are some special lists of books on Dante, r^lG_ .10; 2802 4; 4797.16; and an enumeration of the books occasioned by the Dante festival of 1865, which were published during the ucxt three years. GlGii.l ; also see a cata logue of the exhibition at that festival, 2102.27]. Ampere s associated "Voyage dantesque" [1060.1] describes places associated with Dante s career. See also his "La Grece, Rome ct Dante," 1870, B[. H. 2679.02]. Botta s book [also in B. II. 4800.10] is largely a criticism of his works, and is reviewed by Aleer in the Christian examiner, July, 1806. Sec also Long fellow s "PocU and poetry of Europ ."[: 1 .22.1]; Leigh Hunts "Stories from the Italian poets," [;l !5.1 !]; Sismondi s "Lit erature of the south of Europe, [818.4]; and other histories of Italian literature. D. G. Kossctti aims to show [IB. II., in English, 6074.12, reviewed in Arthur Hallam s Remain*. B. II. 250i.24] that Dante and the poets of that time formed leagues hostile to the papal sovereignty. S> e Lowell s article in the North American review, July, 1872, and Lowell also wrote the article in the New American cyclopaedia. Norton s article in the North American review, April, I860, is a thorough re view of Dante s character and of tiio loccnt translators. Nor ton s translation of the Vita nuova [B. II. 4790.: ,0] is accom panied by illustrative essays, the matter originally appearing in the Atlantic, Jan., Feb., and March, 1859. D. G.Rossetti. in his Early Italian poets [835.10], has a section on Dante and his circle, and he gives a version of the Vita nuova. [also in B. II. 4790.1], with a list of authorities. There arc also trans lations by Hitchcock [B. II.47W.50], and by Martin [B. II. 2800.2;)]. Longfellow s translation of the Divine comedy [1366.1; B. II. 4790.37; 471)0.3 ; -I794..-!; 4800.15] has appended to each part full illustrations from other authors of Dante s life and works, including excerpts from Carlyle s Heroes, [also 885.1;!]; from Macaiilay s essays, [also 1906.3.1]; from Milrnan s Latin Christianity, [also 11LJ.1, book 14]; trom Ruskin s Modern painteis, [B. II. 8072.50..1, chapter 14]; from Foreign quarterly review, no. 05; from Srhclling, [also translated in Longfellow s Prose works, [410.89.1: 834.16]; from Rivarol s tudc, [IS. H. 2.iSS.2.: .]; from Quinefs Les revolutionsd Italic; l romLanienniiis,[U. II. 2070.3]; and from Labitte s " La Divine comedie avaut Dante." J. A. Svmcnids s Introduction to tho study of Dante, 1872, will be found useful in opening the subject. [B. II. 4794,4]. There is a German association I or recording current explora tions in this field, [B. II. 4790.03]. See also Vericour s Life and times of Dante, [B. H. 4/90..J3]; the French life bv Artaud do Momor, [B. II. 4800.6] ; the Ger man lives by Witte, [B. II. 47 JO.iW ;4H00.34 ; also see 4/97.7]; and by Wegele, [B. II. 4800.10; 4800.11 J. Gary prefixes a life to his translation, [317.5]; there is a section on Dante and DANTE 68 DAVIE Shelf. No. DANTE ALIGHIERI, continued. Beatrice in Jameson s Loves of the poets, [359.11] ; a paper by J. C. Grav, [8 J8.1]; an estimate in. Villeiimiu s Moyen age, [B. II. Vi4~.ii, set 11011 10] ; u paper by Foscolo, in Edinburgh review, Sept., 1318 j and an artiele in the British quarterly review, April, 180S. See Octtinjser, Iloefer, Michaud, Thom as, McCliiitock and Stroug, etc. DANTZIG, Due do. See Lefebvre, Francois Joseph. DANUBE, Lower, Frontier lands of the Christian and tho Turk; comprising travels in the regions of the, [1850, 51] G83.2 A ote. See Harper s monthly, vol. 45. DANUISIAN principalities, Journal of a residence in the, in 1833. O Brien, P CG3.12 DANVEP.S, Henry, earl of Danby, general and states man, li. 1573, d. 1043. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. . v. 4 of 813.1 DANVEUS, ALisx. Centennial celebration, Juno 10, 1832. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1832. 8. 224.10 Contents. Address, by J. W. Proctor ; Poem, by A. Nich ols; Centennial celebration. Proceedings at tho reception of George Peabody, Oct. 9, 1856. Appended, Historical sketch of tho Poabody institute. [\Vithillustratious.] Boston, 1836. L. 8 1815.8 D ARBLAY, Frances, formerly Miss Burney, Eng lish novelist, b. 1752, d. 1840. Diary and letters. Edited by her niece. London, 1842-46. 7 v. 8. 59G.1 Kavanagh, J . English women of letters 589.30 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Critical and historical essays v. 3 of 19GG.3 DARBY, William. Tour from New York to Detroit, 1818. With maps. New York, 1819. 8 G25.8 DARC, Jeanne {maid of Orleans), French heroine, b. 1412, d. 1431. Clarke, M. C. AVorld-noted women 1522.25 Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated feinalo sov ereigns and illustrious women 5G9.28 H- Lamartino, A. (ALL.) do. Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 2 of 547.4 Michelet, J. Joan of Arc: or, the inaid of Orleans. 549.42 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Remarkable women of different nations and ages. 547.5 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Stauhope, P. U., carl. Joan of Arc: an essay .... 609.6 Note. Joan of Arc has been the subject of a large number of books, and those published before 1817 are enumerated in Barthulemy dcUctuirc^ard SjIifoof her[B. H. 4U15.7], which is a standard life. The publication of lute years of thedocu- mentary records of her trial [see Bates Hall Index, under "Joan of Arc"]has enabled the must recent biographers to comprehend her character better. Michelet has written a reu- utablelitu in French [1073.M ; B. H. 4677.28], which is drawn from his Ilibtiiry of France. There are other lives in French by Ilareourt, [ U. IMGW.24] ; bv Barnnte, [B. II. HWHi.Si] ; and by Villiuuiiie, [13. II. 4i;i5.K]. Lamartinei sketch is pictur esque, without much rcsearcn. A life in English with Catho- licsymputhics, is succinctly written, [li. II. I MIUJO]. Thcmost recent life in English is Harriet Parr I [B. H. 4tXKt25], based upon the documents, referred to above, and on tho whole it is the best for the, English reader, of the extended accounts. See also De Quineey s Miscellaneous essays, [81*3.8]; Gurney s chapters f. i.m French history, [U. II. 4iii 8.(T;] ; and Prescau s sketch, 1872, [B. II. aCl J.70]. Karl Stanhopes (lord Mahon) isayjalsq 8a J.32] Rives a good account of her trial. See also Delepierre s 2] Rives a goo. Historical diliic ilties, {B. II. C297.21]; and tho essays by J. Stirling, [88G.1.1]; by Dr. Doran. [ J48.0]; and James s Celebrated women, [B. II . 2U4C.7.1]. Fuller s Holy and profane states [20U9.28] gives the old English derogatory Olfcr i.ef.- ,,. a ,,-<>- n* r ,ufn~ DARD, Charlotte Adelaide, n6e Picard. Sufferings of the Picard family after the shipwreck of the Medusa, in 181G. See Perils and captivity .... 830.31 DARIEN expedition, Authentic account of the. See Thicrs, (L.) A. Tho Mississippi bubble 587.7 DAKIUS tho great, kiny of Persia, b. B. c. 380, d. B. C. 330. History of. See Abbott, J 549. 15 See also Persia, note. DARLEY, Felix 0. C. Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. Now York, 1808. 4 1666.14 DARLING, Grace, heroine of Fern island litjht house, b. 1815, d. 1842. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. Tho hero ines of domestic life 599. 1C DARNLEY, Lord. See Stuart, Henry. DARRAU, Lydia, quakcrcss. See Eliot, E. F. The women of tho American revolution v. 1 of 538.13 Shelf. No. DAKUSMONT, Frances, formerly Miss Frances Wright, b. 1795, d. 1852. A few days in Athens. Bos ton, 1850. 8 868.5 Society and manners in America; letters, 1818-20. [Anon.] 2d American from the 1st London edition. New York, 1821. 8 C24.9 DARWIN, Charles(R.). Journal of researchcainto the natural history and geology of tho countries vis ited during the voyage of [tho] Beagle round the world. London, 1845. P. 8 889.12 Same. New York, 1846. 2 v. 12 707.12 Note. See Men of eminence ; and Popular science monthly, Feb., 1873. DARWIN, Erastus, English physician and poet, b. 1731, d. 1802. Memoirs of. See Seward, A 573.5 Fate. See Gary s lives, [B. II. 2449.55]; and S. T. Hall s paper, [B. H. jjMfUETJ. DATES, Index of. Rosse, J. W 857.9 DAUGHTERS of the cross; or, woman s mission. Eddy, D. C 569.9 DAUPHINE, Pilgrimage into. 1857. Musgrave, G. M. 673.9 DAVENANT, Sir William, English poet, b. 1005, d. 1008. See Dunham, S. A. Lives of tho most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain v. 3 of 398.3 DAVENPORT, Ira, sen. The Davenport brothers, the world-renowned spiritual mediums. [Anon.~\ [Illustrated.] Boston, 1869. 10 J 1122.5 DAVENPORT, Richard A. History of tho Bastilo, and its captives. London, 1839. 1G 379.12 Life of All Pasha, vizier of Epirus, [b. 1741 ? d. 1822]. [With portrait.] London, 1837. 16.. 379.15 Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence or fortune. [With portrait of Sir Richard Arkwright.] London, 1800. 24. 379.13 Contents. William Gilford, English poet, critic, and satirist, b. 1757, d. 1826: Philip Vayringe. mechanician, b. 1084, d. 174ti; Sir Thomas llopson, vice-admiral, d. 1717; William Hutton, English litterateur and antiquary, b. 172;!, d. 1815; George Thomas, East Indian adventurer, b. 175C, d. 1S02: Thomas Platter, classical painter, I). 141)11, d. 1582; 1 eter Tordenskiold, Danish admiral, b. Jiffll, d. 1720; John Pridcaux, professor of divinity at Oxford, and bishop of Worcester, b. 1578, d. 1630; James Lackingum, bookseller, b. 174ti, d. 1810; Alompra, or Alom-Praw, Birmese politician and soldier, b. 1710 Vd. 17GO; Valentine Jamcrai Duval, scholar, b. 10U5, d. 1775; Claude Martin, major-general, founder of La Mattimeio College, b. 1732. d. 1SOU ; Hubert Dodsley, English poet and writer, b. 1703, d. 1704; Kir William James, commodore, b. 1721, d. 178;!) James Brindlcy, English mechanician and canal engineer, b. 1710, d. 1772; Francisco Pizaro, conqueror of Peru, b. 1475, d. 1541; Thomas Simpson, English mathematician, b. 1710, d. 17IJ1; Sir Richard Arkwright, English manufacturer, and inventor of the "spinning-jenny," b. 17a2, d. 1792. Narrative of peril and suffering. London, 1840. 2 v. 16 379.14 Perilous adventures. New York, n. d. 24 .... 820.56 Sketches of imposture, deception, and credulity. Illustrated. London, 1801. 16 399.5 DAVENPORT brothers, Tho. See Davenport, 1 1122.5 DAVESII CS BE PONIES, L., madame. Poets and poetry of Germany. London, 1858. 2 v. 8 355.13 DAVE Y, Mary. Icnusa; or, two years in the island of Sardinia. Bath, n. d. 12 6G5.11 DAVIDSON, D. Connexion of sacred and profane his tory. Edinburgh, 1842. 24 1089.34 DAVIDSON, LucretiaMaria, American poetess, b. 1808, d. 1825. Poetical remains. With a biography by [C. M.] Sedgwick. New edition. Philadel phia, 1847. 12 1524.1 Clever girls of our time 599.21 Sedgwick, C. M. Memoir of v. 7 of 529.1 Sketches of the lives of distinguished females 1859.10 DAVIDSON, Margaret Miller, American poetess, b. 1823, d. 1838. Biography and political remains. By W.Irving. Philadelphia, 1841. 12 538.12 See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other mis cellanies v. 2 of 1815.5 DAVIE, John C. Letters from Buenos Ayres and Chili, with history of [Chili]. [Anon."] Illus trated. London, 1819. 8 633.14 DAVIE, William Richardson, American lawyer, states man, and soldier, b. 1756, d. 1820. Life of. See Hubbard, F. M v. 25 of 529.1 DAVIES 69 DE FOE Shelf. No. DAVIES, C. M. History of Holland and tho Dutch, [900-1799]. London, 1851. 3 v. 8 914.1 DAVIES, Rev. E. W. L. Algiers in 1857. London, 1858. 18 918.3 DAVIES, John, d. 1618. See Bell, II. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 DAVIES, Sir John, b. 1570, d. 1G26. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 DAVIES, Thomas, English publisher, comedian, and author, 6. 1712, d. 1785. Memoirs of David Gar- rick, [English actor, poet, and dramatic author, b. 171U, d. 1779]. Prom tho last London edition. Boston, 1818. 2 v. 12 597.7 DAVIS, Charles Henry, American mathematician and rear-admiral, b. 1807. Ste Ilcadley, J. T. Far- ragut and our naval commanders 272.7 DAVIS, Daniel. Book of tho telegraph. Boston, 1851. pp.46. 12 149.10 DAVIS, Emerson, D.D. The half century, 1800-50. Boston, 1851. 12 297.10 DAVIS, Jefferson, president of the Confederate States, 6.1808. Addey, M. Life and imprisonment of. 1515.7 Pollard, E. A. Life of 1515.8 Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 \ate. See United States, Civil war, note; and Bates Hall catalogues. Also Harper s monthly, vols. 26 and 31. DAVIS, Capt. John, Arctic navigator and discoverer, d. 1605. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, tho sea-kings of England 578.19 Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 564.8 DAVIS, Sir John F., English governor of Hong-Kony, b. 1795. China, during the war and since tho peace. London, 1852. 2 v. P. 8 696.13 The Chinese: adescription of China and its inhab itants. Illustrated. London, n. d. 12 839.5 Same. New edition. London, 1845-51. 4 v. in 2. 24 937.9 Same. London, 1815. 4 v. 24 840.18 Same. New York, 1848. 2 v. 24 810.75 Sketches of China. London, 1841. 2 v. 12... 706.8 Vizier Ali Khan; or, the massacre of Benares. [Anon.} London, 1844. 88pp. 16 939.8 DAVIS, Matthew L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr, [3d vice-president of the United States, b. 1756, d. 1836]. [With portrait.] New York, 1836. 2 v. 8 U 515.8 DAVIS, Nathan. Carthage and her remains. With illustrations. New York, 1801. 8 942.6 DAVIS, S. M. Life and times of Sir Philip Sidney, [English soldier, statesman, and poet, b. 1554, d. 1586]. [Anon.} [With portrait.] Boston, 1859. 12 558.12 DAVIS, W. W. II. El Gringo; or, New Mexico and her people. [With illustrations.] New York, 1857. 12 623.18 DAVISON, William, secretary of state and privy coun sellor to Queen Elizabeth, d. 1608. Life of. See Nicolas, SirN. H 5G2.4 DAVOUT, or DAVOUST, Nicolas, prince of Eckmuhl, b. 1770, d. 1823. See Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals v. 1 of 605.1; v. 1 of 605.2 DAVY, <Sir Humphry, English chemist, natural philos opher, and scientific writer, b. 1778, d. 1829. Frag mentary remains. Edited by his brother, J. Davy. London, 1858. 8 654.7 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 Brougham, H., lord. Lives of men of letters and science in the time of George in 547.3 Davy, J. Memoirs of 573.4 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548. 13; 549.30 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. . .548.18 v. 1 of 548.22 Famous boys: and how they became great inon . . . .555.8 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Mayhew, H. Tho wonders of science ; or, young Humphry Davy 149.21 Shelf. No DAVY, Sir Humphry, continued. Memorials of early genius 551.10 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Pratt, A. Dawnings of genius 548.26 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 ft ote. The life by his brother, J. Davy, is the standard one [also in B. H. 3072.11.1], while the" Fragmentary remains Imi 573.4 635.4 221.1 635.20 634.11 235.1 996.5 527.19 684.5 Literary reminiscences, [SU5.11] j Siniles s Life of Stephenson, [1588.1]; Brougham s estimate, [B. H. 4579.53.1] ; and refer- cnees iu Alliboue, etc. DAVY, John. Memoirs of Sir Humphry Davy, [b. 1778, d. 1829]. [With portrait.] London, 1839. 8 .... .... .... .... The West Indies, before and since slave emanci pation. London, 1854. 8 DAWSON, Henry B. Battles of the United States, by sea and land, [1775-1847]. Illustrated. New York, [cop. 1858]. 2 v. 4 DAY, Charles W. Fivo years residence in the West Indies. London, 1852. 2 v. 8 - DAY, Samuel P. Down South; or, an Englishman s experience at the seat of tho American war. London, 18G2. 2 v. 16 DAY, Sherman. Historical collections of Pennsyl vania. Illustrated. Philadelphia, [cop. 1843]. 8 DAY, The, after to-morrow. Do Tyne, W DAYTON, William Lewis, of New Jersey, b. 1807, d. 1864. See Savage, J. Our living representative men DEAD sea, Narrative of the United States expedition to the, [1847, 48]. Lynch, W. F Note. See Harper s monthly, vols. 5 and 10; Mai com 3 Index ; and the note under Palestine. See also general travels named under East (The), Syria, etc. ; Frances Power Cobbe s paper, "A day at the Dead sea," in Eraser s, 1803, or no. 980 of Living age. DEALINGS with the dead. Sargent, L. M 228.1 DEAN, Eng., The forest of, [1307-1858]. Nicholls, H. G 989.15 DEANE, Charles. Memoir of George- Livermore, [American merchant and scholar, b. 1809, d. 1865]. Cambridge, 1849. 60pp. 8 1513.16 DEANS, Jeannie. See Walker, Helen. DEARBORN, Nathaniel. Boston notions, 1630-1847. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1848. 16 229.8 DE Bow, James D. B. The industrial resources, etc., of the Southern and Western States. New Or leans, 1852, 53. 3 v. 8 296.2 DECATUR, Stephen, American commodore, b. 1779, d. 1820. Mackenzie, A. S. Life of. v. 21 of 529.1; 1512.2 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Waldo, S. P. Life and character of 627.6 DECEPTION, Sketches of. Davenport, H. A 39i).5 DECK and port. Colton, W 620.19 DE COSTA, B. F. Lake George: its scenes and char acteristics. Added some account of Ticonderoga, with description of the route to Schroon lake and the Adirondacks. With noted on Lako Champlain. With illustrations. New York, 18G8. 16 1639.11 Rambles in Mount Desert. [With plate.] Now York, 1871. 10 638.20 DE CODRCY, Henry. Tho catholic church in the United States. Translated by J. G. Shea. New York, 1856. 16 1098.G DEFFAND, Du. See Du DefFand. DB FOE, Daniel, English miscellaneous writer, b. about 1663, d. 1731. Journal of tho plague year; or, the pestilence in London, in 16G5. New edition, revised by E. W. Bray ley. [With plates.] Lon don, 1839. 16 379.17 Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 11 of 840.10 Forster, J. Daniel De Foe: a biographical essay. 577.9; v. 2of 894.3; 1655.16 Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569. 19 DE FOE 70 DE QUINCEY Shelf. No. DE FOE, Daniel, continued. Tuckerman, II. T. Essays, biographical and crit ical 547.2 Wilson, W. Life and times of 582.13 Note. Chalmers s brief account, published in 1790 [B. II. 4G09a.l.20]. is the earliest authoritative life, and Wilson made it the basis of his extended work, issued in 1S30, which may be considered the standard life. Chadwiek s book CB- H. 454S.2] is later, but is discursively written. JLec [B. II. 4.172.1, reviewed from the Saturday revicvy in Living age, no. 1308] made some recently discovered writings the occasion of a new biography in 180 J. Of the briefer memoin, 8cott _CB. II. age. iio". 810. for a paper from the Saturday review, upon Rob inson Crusoe; and in no. 1339 one from London society, "Who wrote Robinson Crusoe?" Cornhill magazine, 1SOS, or no. 1247 of Living age on the novels ; also. 1871, or no. HOO of Living age; British quarterly review, Oct., 1009; and Alli- bonc, etc. DE FOREST, John W. European acquaintance: sketches of people in Europe. New York, 1858. 12 G87.18 Oriental acquaintance; or, letters from Syria. New York, 1850. 10 687.17 DE GRAAF, Henry P., furniture dealer, b. 1825. See Parton, J. Sketches of mon of progress 522.16 DE GRASSE, Will, pseud. See Furniss, William. DEH-IlE-Wi-Mis. See Jemison, Mary. DE KALB, John, German major-general in the Amer ican revolution, b. 1721, d. 1780. See Headloy, J. T. Washington and his generals v. 2 of 516.1 DELAMBRE, Joan Baptisto Joseph, French astronomer, philosopher, and writer, b. 1749, d. 1822. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 DELANO, Amasa. Voyages and travels in tho north- . ern and southern hemispheres. 2d edition. Bos ton, 1818. 8 704.2 DELANY, Mary, formerly Miss Granvillc, artist and scholar, b. 1700, d. 1788. See Bclloc, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes 1510.11 DELHI, From New York to. Minturn, 11. B., jr 706.9 DELL, William, English non-conformist, fl. llth cen tury. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of tho reformers and martyrs. 2085.9 DE LOLME, Jean Louis, Swiss political writer, b. 1740, d. 1806. Tho constitution of England. New edition, with lifo and notes, by J. Macgrogor. London, 1853. P. 8 817.8 DELUSIONS. Mackay, C. Memoirs of commercial delusions 130.30 Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions.. 879.8 DEMING, Henry C., d. 1872. Life of Ulysses S. Grant, general United States army, [18th presi dent of the United States, b. 1822]. [With por trait] Hartford, 1808. 8 521.11 DEMOCRACY. Camp, G. S 820.40 DEMOCRITUS, Greek philosopher, b. B.C. 4GO, d. B.C. 357. See Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of an cient times v. 2 of 1809.1 DEMOSTHENES, Athenian orator, b. B. c. 385, d. B. c. 322. See Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of an cient times v. 2 of 1869.1 DEMOTICTJS PHILALETHES, pseud. Yankee travels through Cuba. New York, 1856. 12 626.1 DEMPSTER, Thomas, Scotch antiquary and historian, b. 1579, d. 1625. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 DENBIGH, 1st earl of. See Fielding, William. DENDY, Walter C. The wild Hebrides. Illustrated. London, 1859. 12 644.7 DENHAM, Dixon, CLAPPERTON, Hugh, and OUDNEY, Walter. Travels and discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, 1822-24. Boston, 1826. 8. 693.7 Same. 3d edition. London, 1828. 2 v. 8. 693.6 DENHAM, Sir John, Irish poet, lord justice of Ireland, b. 1615, d. 1608. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 1 of 582.11 586.20; v. 1 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 Shelf. No. DENISON, Charles W. Illustrated life, campaigns and public services of Philip II. Sheridan. [American major-general, b. 1831]. Philadelphia, [cop. 1865]. 16 509.15 The tanner-boy: a lifo of general U. S. Grant, [18th president of tho United States, b. 1822]. by Major Penniman, [pseud.]. [Illustrated.] Boston, [cop. 1804]. 16^ 1518.4 Winfield [Scott Hancock, b. 1824], the lawyer s son and how ho became major-general. [Illus trated.] Philadelphia, 18G5. 12 1518.2 DENISON, John L. Pictorial history of tho New World. New York, 1800. 8 305.8 DENMARK. Adams, AV. T. Up the Baltic; or, Young America in. 1871 1676. 4 Dunham, S. A. History of. 1839 378.10 Ino-lis, II. D. Journey through tho islands and states of. 1829 GG8.7 ; 830.47 Scott, C. H. Tho Danes: a visit to. 1856 688.4 Taylor, J. Bayard. Northern travel: summer and winter pictures of. 1858 668.13 Note. See Dargaud in Tour du monde, [B. II. 6291.1, 18C2, vol. 1]. See also Copenhagen, Scandinavia. DENNIE, William Henry, English military officer, d. 1842. Personal narrative of tho campaigns in Afghanistan, Sinde, Beloochistan, etc. With a map. Dublin, 1843. 10 1099.7 DENNIS, George. The cities and cemeteries of Etru- ria. [Illustrated.] London, 1848. 2 v. 8... 954.2 DENNISTOUN, James. Memoirs of Sir Robert Strange, [English engraver, b. 1721, d. 1792]; and of Andrew Luniisden. [With portraits.] London, 1855. 2v. 8 556.6 DENNY, Sir Anthony, favourite of Henry VIII, b. 1501, d. 1550. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 DENOMINATIONS. See Sects. DENON, Dominique Vivant, French engraver and trav eller in Egypt, b. 1754, d. 1825. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers v. 3 of 810.47 DE PEYSTER, John Watts, brevet major-general New York state national guard, and author, b. 1821, d. 1873. See Parton, J. Sketches of mon of progress 522.16 DE PoNTfcs, L. Davesies. See Davesies do Pontes, L., madame. DE PUY, Henry W. Ethan Allen and tho Green- mountain heroes of 70. [With portrait.] New York, 18GO. 12 528.16 DE QUINCEY, Thomas, Enylish author and critic, b. 1785, d. 1859. Autobiographic sketches. Bos ton, 1853. 16 895.17 Same. Edinburgh, 1854. 10 895J9 Biographical essays. Boston, 1851. 16 895.7 Contents. William Shakespeare, English dramatic poet, b. 1504, d. 1010; Alexander Pope, English poet and critic, b. 1088, d. 1744: Charles Lamb, English essayist, b. 1775, d. 1834 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, b. 1749, d. 1832; Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, German poet, dramatist, and historian, b. 17J9, d. 1805. TheCsesars. Boston, 1851. 16 895.9 Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 16 895 . 20 Contents. Vol. I. Sir William Hamilton, professor of metaphysics at Edinburgh, b. 1788, d. 1SW; Sir James Mack- osophe r and novelist, b. 17t .. ., d. 1S2.1; Gotthold Ephraiml.es- ein", German philosopher, 1 itterateur, and poet. 1). 1729, d. 1781. II. Kit-hard Bentlev, 1). 1)., English critic, 1). 1002, d. 1742; Dr. Samuel Parr, English divine and critic, b. 1747, d. 1825. Essays on the poets, and other English writers. Boston, 1853. 10 895.15 Kea der Pope, jpoet "and "cirit icVb. 1088, d. 1744; William Godwin, novelist, economist, and historical writer, b. 17JI1, d. 1.S3G; John Foster, of Halifax, essayist, b. about 1770, d. 1S43; Wil liam Hazlitt, litterateur and political writer, b. 1778, d. 1830; Walter Savage Landor, poet, b. 1775, d. 18l>4. DB QUINCEY 71 DICKENS 624.14 Shelf. No. DE QTTINCEY, Thomas, continued. Historical and critical essays. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 16 ........................................ 895.16 Life and manners. Boston, 1851. 16 ......... 895.10 Literary reminiscences. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 16. 895.11 Memorials, and other papers. Boston, 1856. 2 v. 16. 905.3 Narrative and miscellaneous papers. Boston, 1853,59. 2v. 16 ........................ 895.14 Theological essays and other papers. Boston, 1854. 2 v. 16 ............................ 905.2 See Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criti cism .................................. v. 1 of 885.1 Note. De Quinccy s own writings are largely illustrative of his own life, particularly his Confessions of an opium-eater, [895.1; 81)0.2; see also Day s Opium habit, 1884.1]; Lite and manners, [8U.5.10]; Literary reminiscences, [893.11]; Auto biographic sketches, [895.17]; and Memorials [905.. !], etc. See Giles s essay, [875.fi]; Masson s, [B. II. 4,144.11]; London Eclectic, 1830, or Harper s monthly, vol. 1 ; also see vol. 2 ; West minster review, April, 1834 : Fraser s, April, 1852. and Jan., ISlil, or Living age, no s. 871 and 873; London quarterly, July, 18 il, or no. Ml of Living age; British quarterly, July, 1803 ; Atlau- _tic monthly, Sept., 1S03; and references in Allibone. -/Si*. also / 3.T:isib.XrJ.l<tri^ ,-r/b .va-./i.zaj. DKRBY, Countess of. See Stanley, Charlotte. DERBY, Earls of. See Stanley, Edward Henry Smith, James, and Thomas. DERMODY, Thomas, Irish poet, b. 1775, d. 1802. See Giles, H. Lectures and essays. v. 2 of 875.6; v. 2 of 875.8 DERMONCOURT, Le rj6n6ral. The duchess of Berri in La Vendee, [1832]. Philadelphia, 1833. 12... DE Roos, Lieut. Frederic Fitzgerald. Personal narra tive of travels in the United States and Canada in 1820. Illustrated. London, 1827. 8 ..... DERWENTWATER, Earl of. See Radcliffo, James. DESBARROLLES, M. Two French artists in Spain. I Anon.] Translated by C. Mac Farlano. Lon don, 1851. 12 ............................. 666.17 DESCARTES, Rene, French philosopher and mathe matician, b. 1596, d. 1650. Biographies of emi nent men from the 13th century .......... v. 2 of 839.6 Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine ................................ 154.6 Nate. See the histories of philosophy ; particularly Lewes [122.4, etc.] and Knno Fischer [B. H. 7ti04.6.1]; the Journal of speculative philosophy, [B. H. 7521.1.42; Edinburgh review, Jan., 1852; and the references in McCliutock and Strong, Thomas, Uoefer, Michaud, etc. DESERT, Life in the. Du Couret, L ............... 696.16 DESERT, The, of tho Exodus. See Palmer, E. H ____ 686.27 DESERT, Mount, Rambles in. 1871. De Costa, B. F. 638.20 DESSEASAD, chevalier, Prussian dwarf, b. about 1700, d. 1775. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters ................................. 1546.5 DESULTORY reminiscences of a tour through Germany, Switzerland, and France. Boston, 1838. 8 ____ 1675.7 DE TABLEY, Lord. See Leicester, Sir John Fleming. DETROIT, Tour from New York to, [1818]. Darby, W. 625.8 Kate. For the siege, see Harper s monthly, vol. 22. DE TYNE, William. Tho day after to-morrow; or, fata morgana. London, 1858. 16 ........... 996.5 DB VEAUX, James, American painter, b. 1812, d. 1844. Memoir of. .See Gibbes, R. W ................ 524.18 DE VERB, Aubrey Thomas, Irish author, b. 1814. See Taylor, H. Notes from books ................ 403.4 DEVEREUX, Robert, Id earl of Essex, hiyh admiral of England, favourite of Queen Elizabeth, b. 1567, ex. 1001. Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign ........... 664.8 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain .......................... v. 2 of 815.1 Southey, R. Lives of the British admirals, .v. 4 of 388.5 DEVEREUX, Robert, 3d earl of Essex, parliamentary general, b. 1592, d. 1646. See Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 4 of 815.1 DBVEREUX, Walter, 1st earl of Essex, b. 1540, d. 1576. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person ages of Great Britain .................... v. 2 of 815.1 DETINE, Eugene, French physician, b. about 1737. See Russell, W. Eccentric personages ......... 669.19 DEVONSHIRE, Countess of. See Cavendish, Elizabeth. DEVONSHIRE, Countessof. See Cavendish, Goorgiana. DEVONSHIRE, Duke of. See Cavendish, William. Shelf. No. DEVONSHIRE, Earl of. See Blount, Charles. DEVONSHIRE, Earl of. See Courtenay, Edward. DEVONSHIRE, Eng., Handbook for travellers in. Mur ray, J 649.2 DEVOS, Augustine Eulalie, b. 1803, d. 1800.. Life of. See Herbert, M. E., lady. Three phases of Chris tian love 2085.1 DEVEIENT, Wilhelmina Schroder, German actress and . vocalist, b. 1805, d. 1860. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 DEWEY, Chester, American divine, b. 1784, d. 1867. See Fowler, II. Tho American pulpit 534.9 DEWEY, Mary E., editor. Life and letters of Catha rine M. Sedgwick. Sec Sedgwick, C. M 544.25 DEWEY, Orvillo, American divine, b. 1794. The old world and the new. Now York, 1836. 2 v. 12. 669.1 /See Fowler, II. The American pulpit 534.9 DE WITT, Cornelius, Dutch statesman, b. 1623, d. 1672. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 DE WITT, Jan, grand pensionary of Holland, b. 1625, d. 1672. Barnwell, R. G. Sketch of the life and times of, with his Treatise on life annuities. 545.16 Crowe, E. E. Lives of tho most eminent foreign statesmen v. 3 of 388.7 D WoLF, John. Voyage to the North Pacific and a journey through Siberia, [1804-8]. Cambridge, 1861. 8 682.7 DEXTER, Samuel, Boston legal practitioner, b. 1761, d. 1816. Reminiscences of. See Sargent, L. M. .. 519.3 Note. See Judge Story s Miscellaneous writings, [872.5]. DEXTER, Timothy, American eccentric, b. 1743, d. 1806. Life of. See Knapp, S. L. . .- 519.7 DIARY of a Samaritan. Robinson, W. L 237.22 DIARY of a southern refugee during the war. Mac- Gnire, Mrs. J. P 288.11 DIARY of an idle woman in Italy. Elliot, F 1679.6 DIARY of an invalid in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and Franco, [1817-19]. Matthews, H 679.14 DIARY of the besieged resident in Paris. Labouche re, H 1004.8 DiAS, Bartholomew, Portuguese navigator, d. 1500. See Parton, J. People s book of biography .... 1522.10 DIAZ, Bornal, Spanish adventurer and chronicler, b. 1498? d. 1584? Memoirs of the discovery and conquest of Mexico and New Spain, [1514-50]. Translated by J. I. Lockhart. London, 1844. 2v. 8 254.6 DIBBLE, Sheldon. History of the Sandwich islands mission. Now York, 1839. 12 1108.7 DlBDlN, Charles, English dramatic author and naval song writer, b. 1745, d. 1815. See Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 DIBDIN, Thomas, English dramatist, b. 1771, d. 1841. Reminiscences of the theatres royal. London, 1827. 2 v. 8 597.3 DIBDIN, Thomas Frognall, D. D., English bibliographer, b. 1770, d. 1847. See Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 DICEY, Edward. The battle-fields of 1866. London, 1866. 16 936.9 Cavour, [Italian statesman, b. 1809, d. 1861]: a memoir. [With portrait.] Cambridge, [Eng.], 1861. 12 554.10 Rome in 1860. Cambridge, [Eng.], 1861. 12.. 917.14 DICK, Dr. Thomas, English writer on natural philoso phy, b. 1772, d. 1857. See Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility 577.14 Note. See Sprague s Celebrities, [648.9]. DICKENS, Charles (John HuflFam), English novelist, b. 1812, d. 1870. American notes, [1841]. Phila delphia, n. d. 8 471.20 Child s history of England, to 1688. New York, 1854,70. 2v. 16 969.1 Same. With illustrations. Boston, 1871. 16. 969.9 In memoriam [W. M. Thackeray.] See Hotten, J. C. Thackeray the humourist 535.20 Pictures from Italy. Leipzig, 1846. Sq. 16 1679.5 Same. N. p., n. d. 64pp. 8 16G2.1 DICKENS 72 DIXON Shelf. Ni DICKENS, Charles (John Huffam), continued. Bayno, P. Essays ia biography and criticism. v. 1 of 885. Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors 885.2 Forster, J. Life of 5GS.14; 578.2 Hanaford, P. A. Life and writings of 155G. Home, R. H. A new spirit of the ago 878.2 - Hotten, J. C. Tho Ftory of his lifo 1535.1; 1556. Kent, C. Charles Dickens as a reader 578/2S Mackenzie, R. S. Lifo of 1556. 1 Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.1 Perkins, F. B. Sketch of his lii e and works 1529.8 Powell, T. The living authors of England 58G.9 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Whipple, E. P. Literature and lifo 1818.( Note. The life by Forster is the latest and most authorita tive, the writer having been Mr. Diclccns s lite-long friend and his literary executor. The lives by Hotten, Mackenzie, Per kins, Sala [B. II. G549.21], and Hauaford are popular accounts written to supply the demand created by Dickcns a death. Of these Ilottcn a and Mackenzie s are the fullest and most satis factory. The work by Fields consists chiefly of personal reminiscences und of letters. Consult, further, bound volumes of newspapers and periodicals, containing notice* of Dicke 2S78.CS]i by Quincy, [8SS.8]; the paper by Fit/.gerald, [li. II. 4.559.1U.21 ; and on his readings, by Kate Field, [18i 7.C1. See also the Report of the dinner given to him in Boston, 1842, [B. II- G549a.l9, also in G. B. Wood s Essoys, 1818.8]. Also British quarterly, Jan., 1802. See also tho Dickens dictionary, [:l97.1j, etc.} ; and references in Alliboiie, Thomas, and in the Inde.r to Harper s monthly. DICKINSON, Daniel Stephens, of New York, b. 1800. See Savage, J. Our living representative men. . 527.19 DICTIONARY of contemporary biography. London, 1861. 8 655.4 DIDEROT, Denis, French encyclopedist, b. 1713, d. 1784. See Carlylo, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. v. 3 of 867.1; 863.7; v. 3 of 893.3 DIDRON, Adolpho N., aine. Christian iconography. Translated from tho French, by E. J. Millington. With illustrations. London, 1851. P. 8 815.9 DIGBY, George, U earl of Bristol, politician, b. 1612, d. 1676. (See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 DIGBY, Sir Kenclm, English eccentric author, b. 1603, d. 1GG5. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per sonages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 Tuckerman, II. T. Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 DIKES and ditches; or, Young America in Holland and Belgium. 1868. Adams, W. T 1677.4 DILKE, Charles W. Greater Britain: a record of travel in English-speaking countries, 1866, 67. With maps and illustrations. New York, 18G9. 12. 1654.12 Samo. Philadelphia, 1869. 12 1G54.11 DILLON, Sidney, railway constructor, b. 1812. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 DILLON, Wentworth, earl of Roscommon, Irish poet, b. 1633, d. 1684. See Johnson, S. Lives of tho English poets v. 1 of 582.11 586.20; v. 1 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 DIMSDALE, Henry, mayor of Garrat, b. 1758, d. 1811. See Wilson, II. Book of wonderful characters. . 1546.5 DINSMORE, Robert, American poet, b. 1759, d. 1836. See Whittior, J. G. Old portraits and modern sketches v. 1 of 823.21; 887.6 DlOGENES, of Sinope, the Cynic philosopher, b. B. C. 412, d. B. c. 323. See Goodrich, S. G. Famous mon of ancient times v. 2 of 1869.1 DIOGENES LAERTITJS, Greek philosopher and historian, fl. 3d century. Lives and opinions of eminent philosophers. Translated by C. D. Yonge. London, 1853. P. 8 DlOSCORlDES (Pedanius), Greek physician and botanist, b. 40. See Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of tho art of medicine 154.6 DIPLOMACY, History of. Murray, E. C. G 987.5 DISCOVERIES, History of. Beckmann, J 818.8 DISCOVERY. Cooley, W. D. History of maritime and inland discovery. 378.11 Fyfo, J. II. Triumphs of 185.7 Nirnmo, W. P. Invention and discovery: curious facts and characteristic sketches 1819.19 834.10 Shelf. No. DISCOVERY on tho northern coasts of America, Prog ress of. Tytler, P. F 810.53 DISNEY, ^John, English divine and magistrate, b. 1677, d. 1730. Memoirs of John Jortin, D. D., [Eng lish author, b. 1698, d. 1770]. London, 1792. 8. 575.7 DISRAELI, Benjamin, English novelist and statesman, b. 1805. MacGilchrist, J. Lifo of 1559.2 Macknight, T. Benjamin Disraeli. A biogra- Phy 582.14 Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 Note. See also Reid s Cabinet portraits, [B. H. 244S.CH]; Smiles s Brief biographic!, [589.18j| B. Jerrold s sketch, [13. H. 2578.K} ; Atlantic monthly, Dec., 1801, in the " House of commons ; Blackwood, AIIR., 18J8: Harper s monthly, vols. t>and3o; and references in Thomas, also London quarterly review, April, 1SC7 ; Hours nt Jioine, Aug., 18i53 j B-itish quar terly, July, 1870; and Cartoon portraits, [B. II. 2240a.50]. DISRAELI, Isaac, English miscellaneous writer, b. 1766, d. 18-18. Amenities of literature. 2d edition. New York, 1841. 2 v. 12 J 897.7 Same. 4th edition. New York, 1847. 2 v. 12. 404.8 Commentaries on tho life and reign of Charles i, king of England, [b. 1600, d. 1649]. New edi tion. London, 1851. 2 v. 8 Curiosities of literature. 2d edition. Bustou, 1834. 3v. 12 3 Same. 2d series. Boston, 1834. 2 v. 12.. Same. [1st and 2d series.] 10th edition. [With portrait.] London, 1838. 8 With curiosities of American literature, by R. W. Griswold. Now York, 1831. 8 Miscellanies of literature. New York, 1841. 3 v. 12... Cmitcnt*. Vol.1. Literary miscellanies; Calamities of au thors. II. Quarrels of authors. III. Literary character; Character of James I. 553.2 897.1 897.3 392.4 402.5 897.5 See Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Nate. ScehissoTi s memoir of him prefixed to an edition of the Curiosities of literature, [B. II. &J07.1.VJ; Smiles s Brief biographies, [089.18]; and Fosteriaua, [857.7]. DISTINGUISHED men of modern times. Vol.1. New York, 1840. 24 820.29 DISTURNELL, John. Tho great lakes, or inland seas of America. With map and embellishments. New York, 18G3. 16 1639.8 Springs, water-falls, sea-bathing resorts, and mountain scenery of tho United States and Canada. With illustrations. New York, 1855. 12 1639.7 United States register, or, blue book for 1864. [With map.] Now York, [1864]. 8 296.9 DITSON, George L. Tho crescent and the French crusaders [in Algeria]. New York, 1859. 12. 918.17 DIVINE, William, manufacturer and philanthropist, b. 1800, d. 1870. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 Dix, John. Life of Thomas Chatterton, [English poet, b. 1752, d. 1770]. London, 1851. 16.... 589.7 Dix, John A. A winter in Madeira, [1842]; and a summer in Spain and Florence, [1843]. 2d edition. New York, 1851. 12 675.8 Oix, John R. Local loitcrings and visits in tho vicinity of Boston. [Anon.] Boston, 1845. 12. 228.9 3iXON, James. Personal narrative of a tour through a part of tho United States and Canada, [1848]: with history and institutions of methodisin in America. 3d edition. New York, 1850. 12... 637.8 3iXON, William Ilepworth, English historian, traveller, and critic, b. 1821. Free Russia. New York, 1870. 8 674.16 Same. Leipzig, 1872. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 10 616.12 Her majesty s tower. Leipzig, 1809. 2 v. Sq. 16. 1998.3 Same. Philadelphia, 18G9. 16 1998.2 Same. 2d series. Philadelphia, 1869. Sm. 8 J . 1995.1 The Holy Land. Leipzig, 1865. 2v.ini. 9q. 16 C .1108.16 John Howard [English philanthropist, b. 1726? d. 1790], and tho prison-world of Europe. New York, 1850. 12 575.14 Now America. With illustrations. Leipzig, 1867. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16 1635.21 Same. Philadelphia, 1867. 12 632.10 DIXON 73 DOW Shelf. No. DIXON, William Hepworth, continued. Personal history of Lord Bacon, [b. 15G1, d. 1626]. Leipzig, 1861. Sq. 16 1579.3 Same. Boston, 1861. 12 687.21 William Perm, [b. 1644, d. 1718]: an historical biography. Philadelphia, 1851. 12 526.15 Same. 2d edition. London, 1852. 16 52G.17 DOANK, George II. To and from the passion play [at Ober-Ammergau, Bavaria], in 1871. Bos ton, 1872. 16 678.21 DOBELL, Peter. Travels in Kamtchatka and Siberia; with a narrative of a residence in China. Lon don, 1830. 2v. 12 C66.2 DoBSoy, Edward. Historical, statistical, and scien tific account of the railways of Belgium, 1834- 42. With plates. London, 1843. 8 194.3 DOCTORS. Clergymen and doctors: curious facts and characteristic sketches. Nimmo, W. P 1819.18 DOD, . The laboring classes of England. By an Englishman. Boston, 1847. 12 1848.1 DODD, William, Enylish theologian and litterateur, b. 1729, ex. 1777. See Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors 883.14 DODDRIDGE, Philip, English non-conformist divine, 6. 1702, d. 1751. Life of Colonel [James] Gardi ner, [b. 16G8, d. 1745]. With engravings. Lon don, n. d. 8 575.11 Boyd, J. R. Memoir of : 578.18 Groser, W. H. Men worth imitating 557.20 Stcughton, J. Life and labors 576. G Shelf. No. D oo LITTLE, Justus. Social life of the Chinese. With 150 illustrations. New York, 1865. 2 v. 12. G73.7 DORAN, Dr. John, Irish author, b. 1807. History of court fools. London, 1858. P. 8 948.4 Knights and their days. New York, 1864. 8. . 948.6 Lives of the queens of England of the house of Hanover. New York, 1855. 2 v. 8 593.3 Contents. Vol. I. Sophia Dorothea, queen of George I, b. 1G06, d. 1720; Caroline Wilhelrniua Dorothea, queen of George II, b. Ifist, d. 1737. II. Charlotte Sophia, queen of George III, b. 1744, d. 1818; Caroline of Brunswick, queen of George IV, b. 1768, d. 1821 . Monarchs retired from business. New York, 1857. 2y. 12 948.5 " Their majesties servants." Annals of the Eng lish stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. . New York, 1865. 2 v. 8 352.2 DORCHESTER, Mass. Dorchester in 1630, 1776, and 1855. Everett, E 224.25 Antiquarian and historical society. Collections. No. 2. Annals of Dorchester, by J. Blake, 1750. Boston, 1846. 12 227.16 Note . Two of Dodd ridge s pupils wrote lives of him shortly after his death, namely, Orion [B. II. oiOi.U.l] and Kippis [B. II. 5427.13]; but the fullest record appeared subsequently in his Correspondence [B. H. U554.5]. and Stoughton, in pre paring his centennial memoir, in 18.52, added new materials, all of which was made use of by Bovd, in 18CO, and Ilarsha [B. H. 5555.5 and 7557.12], in 1SC4, the latter s book represent ing Doddridgc among his contemporaries, and quoting spcci- niens of his writings. See also " Doddridgc and the ladies," in Leigh Hunt s "Wishing-cap papers," [1818.13]. DODDS, James. Fifty years struggle of the Scottish covenanters, 1G38-88. 2d edition. Edinburgh, I860. 16 2109.2 DODGE, Pickering. Painting: its rise and progress. [Anon.] Boston, 1845. 12 208.15 Sculpture: and the plastic art. [Anon.] Boston, 1850. 12 207.30 DODINGTON, George Bubb, lord Melcombe, English politician, b. 1691, d. 1762. See Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society. v. 2 of 555.1; 1545.8 DOUSLEY, Robert, English poet and writer, b. 1703, d. 1764. Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to emi nence 379.13 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 DOIG, David, Scotch schoolmaster, b. 1719, d. 1800. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 DOLCINO, Frd, Italian reformer, d. 1307. Memoir of. See Mariotti, L 544.16 DOLLOND, John, English optician, b. 1706, d. 1761. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Groser, W. H. Men worth imitating 557.20 DOMENECH, Abb6 Emanuel. Missionary adventures in Texas and Mexico. London, 1858. 8 633.3 Seven years residence in the great deserts of North America. Illustrated. London, 1860. 2 v. 8 622.7 DOMERY, Charles, Polish glutton, b. 1778. See Wil son, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 DOMETT, Alfred, miscellaneous writer, b. about 1812. See Powell, T. The living authors of Eng land 586.9 DOMINICAN artist, A. Farrar, H. S 578.23 DONALDSON, Walter, Scotch philosopher, b. about 1575. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 DONELAN, John P. My trip to Franco. New York, 1857. 12 654.13 DONGOLA, Narrative of the expedition, to. 1823. English, G. B 693.4 DONNE, John, D. D., English divine and poet, b. 1573, d. 163 1. Life of. See Walton, 1 589.5 Ifote. Sec Boston. Everett s address is also in S61.7.3. DOR. By a stroller in Europe. See Wright, TV. W C57.6 DORMER, Robert, 1st earl of Carnarvon, slain at the battle of Newbwy, 1643. See Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 4 of 815.1 DORR, Benjamin, D. D. Notes of travel in Egypt, the Holy Land, Turkey, and Greece. Philadel phia, 1856. 12 686.12 DORSET, Earls of. See Sackville, Charles, Edward, and Thomas. DORSEY, Sarah A. Recollections of Henry Watkins Allen, brigadier-general Confederate States army, [b. 1820, d. 1866]. [With portrait.] New York, [cop. 1866]. 12 1554.1 DOUBLEDAY, Thomas. Financial, monetary and sta tistical history of England, from 1688. London, 1847. 8 984.3 DOUCE, Francis, Enylish antiquary and writer, b. 1762, d. 1834. See Jordan, W. Mea I have known. 1522.9 DOUGLAS, Gavin, bishop of Dunkdd, poet, b, 1474, d. 1522. See Tytler, P. F. Lives of the Scottish worthies v. 3 of 399.9 DOUGLAS, James, th earl of Morton, chancellor of Scot land, b. 1530, d. 1581. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain.. v. 2 of 815.1 DOUGLAS, Margaret, lady. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession in Great Britain v. 2 of 593.4 DOUGLAS, Stephen Arnold, American politician, b. 1813, d. 1801. Life, with speeches. [Anon.] New York, 1860. 12 527.18 Political debates, 1858. See Lincoln, A 21)2.5 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 DOUGLAS, Walter. "Lifted up." The life of Walter Douglas. [Anon.] Boston, 1872. 16 569.29 DOUGLAS, William. Soldiering in sunshine and in storm. Edinburgh, 1865. 8 1695.6 DOUGLASS, Frederick, American freed slave, b. 1817. My bondage and my freedom. [With portrait.] New York, 1855. 12 520.14 See Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 Note. See the Freedman s book, [1128.2]. DOTE, Patrick E. Account of Andrew Yarranton, the founder of English political economy, [iron master and soldier, b. 1616, d. after 1081]. [Anon.] Edinburgh, 1854. 16 588.1 DOVE, river, Rambles by the. Thome, J v. 4 of 850.18 DOVER, Lord. See Ellis, George (J. TV.) Agar. Dow, Lorenzo, an eccentric methodist preacher, b. 1777, d. 1834. History of a cosmopolite: his experience and travels. Added, the "Journey of life," by Peggy Dow. [With portraits.] 8th edition. Cincinnati, 1855. 8 1083.21 BOWLING 74 DUDLEY Shelf. No. BOWLING, John G. Introduction to the critical study of ecclesiastical history. London, 1838. 8... 1082.3 BOWN EAST, Tour, in 1834. Crockett, B 628.27 Bow.v the Rhine; or, Young America in Germany. 1870. Adams, W. T 1676.1 BOWXING, Jack, pseud. See Smith, Seba. BRAKE, Benjamin. Life of Tecumseh [Indian chief, b. 17C8, d. 1813], and his brother the prophet. Cincinnati, 1811. 12 539.5 BRAKE, Sir Francis, Enylish admiral, b. about 1540, d. 1596. Adams, W. II. B. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 Sword and pen: or, English worthies in the reign of Elizabeth 567.10 Barrow, Sir J. Life, voyages, and exploits of. . . 889.13 Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 5G4.8 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 1 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 4 of 840.10 Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sun dry eminent persons 586.20 Life and voyages of. See Lives, etc 810.41 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Southey, R. Lives of the British admirals, .v. 3 of 388.5 Note. Barrow s Life [also in B. II. 2455.19] is the best, the author haying made every exertion to add to what was before known of Drake. Johrison a Life is also contained in his works, [901.6.2]. DRAKE, Richard. Revelations of a slave smuggler: autobiography, 1807-57. [Illustrated.] New York, [cop. I860]. 8 1523.1 BUAKK, Samuel Adams. Old landmarks and historic personages of Boston. Illustrated. Boston, 1873. 12 228.22 BRAKE, Samuel Gardner. Biography and history of the Indians of North America. [With illustra tions.] 10th edition. Boston, 1848. 8 244.5 History and antiquities of Boston, 1G30-1770. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1856. 8 222.1 Indian captivities. Boston, 1839. 12 245.9 BRAMATISTS. Macaulay, T. B., lord. Comic drama tists of the restoration 409.18; 1655.20 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews. v. 2 of 875.11; T. 2 of 875.12 See also the sections on literature under different countries, like England, Germany, France, etc. BRAPER, Mary, wife of Capt. Draper. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. v. 1 of 538.13 BRAYSON, A. W. Adventures of Hans Sterk, the South African hunter and pioneer. With illus trations. London, 1869. 16 1699.5 BRAYTON, Michael, b. 15G3, d. 1631. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 1 of 398.2 BREW, Benjamin. A north-side view of slavery. The refugee: or, narratives of fugitive slaves in Can ada. Boston, 1856. 12 298.7 BREW, Baniel, New York capitalist, b. 1797. Mac- Cabo, J. D.j/r. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 BREW, Samuel, methodist divine and metaphysical writer, b. 1765, d. 1833. Famous boys: and how they became great men 555.8 Groser, W. H. Men worth imitating 557.20 BRINKINQ usages of the United kingdom, Artificial and compulsory. Bunlop, J 999.6 BRINKWATER, John. History of the siege of Gibral tar, 1779-83. London, 1844. P. 8^ 889.14 BRUMMOND, Henry, d. about 1860. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 BRUMMOND, James, earl of Perth, b. 1713, d. 174G. See Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jacobites. v. 3 of 562.2 BRTJMMOND, William, of Hawthornden, Scotch historian and poet, b. 1585, d. 1649. See Irving, B. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 Shelf. No. BRURY, Bru, English naturalist and writer, b. 1725, d. 1804. See Jardino, W. Naturalist s library. v. 15 of 179.1 BRUSES of the Lebanon, Recollections of the. 1860. Herbert, H. II. M 937.9 BRYDEN, John, Enylish poet, b. 1G31, d. 1701. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th cen tury v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 10 of 840. 10 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Johnson, S. Lives of tho English poets . . .v. 1 of 582.11 586.20; v. 1 of 580.22; v. 1 of 589.26 Taine, H. A. History of English literature 895.26 Ifoie. The most considerable life is by Scott [802.1.8; B. H. 2577.5.1; 4007.1.1], based chiefly upon the facts gathered by Malone; but Johnson s is of high repute, a:id represents both, critic and poet at the best. There are brief lives bv Aml. rson, [B. II. 4004.1]; by Chalmers, [B. H. 2592.7.8] j by Mitford, [819.8.1; I3Ua2.11 1 and others, [. W5.7J. See authorities in Thomas * Biographical dictionuiy, tuid in Aliibone. For critical estimates, see Ilallam. [l:!7.i.;.4J; Taine s Eng lish literature, [also in B. II. 2473.50]; Masson s Essays, [B. H. 4544.11]; Ilazlitt, [807.2.4]; Windsor s essay, [B. II. 2557.16]; Lowell s essay, [1310.19, or North American re view, July, 1868]. BDANE, William. Visit to Colombia, in 1822, 23. Philadelphia, 1826. 8 633.15 BUBLIN, Guide to. 1865. Black, A. and C 1G5U.19 BUBOIS, Guillaume, cardinal, archbishop of Cambray, French statesman, b. 1656, d. 1723. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign states men v. 4 of 388.7 BUBOIS [Lat. Sylvius] DE LA BOB, Franciscus, Ger man physician and medical writer, b. 1614, d. 1672. See Russell, J. R. Tho history and heroes of the art of medicine 154. 6 Bu CHAILLU, Paul (B.) The country of the dwarfs. Numerous engravings. New York, 1872. 12. 657.23 Explorations and adventures in equatorial Africa. With illustrations. Now York, 1861. 8 1G92.1 Journey into Ashango-land: and further penetra tion into equatorial Africa. With illustrations. New York, 1867. 8- 691.13 Lost in the jungle. With engravings. New York, 1870. 12 1699.12 My Apingi kingdom: with life in the great Sa hara, etc. Numerous engravings. New York, 1871. 12 1699.13 Stories of tho gorilla country. With illustrations. London, 18G8. 16 1699.8 Wild life under the equator. With engravings. New York, 1869. 12 1699.6 Bu COURET, Col. L. Life in the desert: or, travel in Asia and Africa. Translated from tho French. New York, 1860. 12 696.16 BUDDON, river, Rambles by the. Thorne, J. . . v. 4 of 850.18 Bu BEFFAND, Marie de Nichy Chamrond, marquise, French literary patroness, b. 1697, d. 1780. See Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society. v. 2 of 542.15; 542.17 BUDEVANT, Amantine Lucile Aurore Bupin (George Sand), French novelist, dramatist, and philosopher, b. 1804. See McCarthy s Modern leaders 1512.3 Kote. Her own " Histoire de ma via" [2073.9] is the chief authority, epitomized by Mrs. Howe, in Atlantic, Nov., 1801. For the section on her childhood, see Putnam s magazine, Feb., 1857. See Sainte-Bcuve s Causeries, [B. H. 2070.1]; Lomcnie, [B. II. 0219a.l.2]; National review, 1857, or no. 860 of Living age; Foreign quarterly review, IJeo., 1834, Jan., 1843. July, 1344, April, 184i>; and the references in Iloefer, Michaud. etc. Also Thackeray s Paris sketch book, [509.5]; and the sketch, [014.8]. BUDLEY, Ambrose, earl of Warwick, b. about 1530, d. 1590. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 BUDLEY, Bean. Social and political aspects of Eng land and the continent. Boston, 1862. 12 ... 1656.5 BUDLEY, John, dulce of Northumberland, lord high ad miral, b. 1502, ex. 1553. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, .v. 1 of 815.1 BUDLEY, Robert, earl of Leicester, favourite of Queen Elizabeth, b. 1532? d. 1588. See. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Brit ain v. 2 of 815.1 DUDLEY 75 DUPPA Shelf. No. DUDLEY, Thomas, deputy governor of New England, b. 1576, d. 1652. Letter to the countess of Lin coln. See, Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters of Massachusetts bay 223.12 DUELLING, History of. Millingen, J. G 985.4 DUELS and duelling, Notes on. Sabine, L 947.14 Note. See Lea s Superstition and force, [B. H. 5577.1]; a paper in Harper s monthly, vol. 10, on the Bladensburg duel ling ground, and other papers enumerated in the Index to Harper s monthly; a chapter in Hudson s Journalism [231.1; 240o.54], on the duels of editors, etc. ; and Malcom s Index, [2190.9W. DUER, William A. Constitutional jurisprudence of the United States. New York, n. d. 24 820.57 DUERER, Albert or Albrecht, German painter and en graver, b, 1471, d. 1528. See Men who were earnest 549.40 Hote. There are various lives in German in the Bates Hall; and two recent English lives,by Ileaton [B. H. 8083.0] and by W. B. Scott [B. II. 8065.9]; both reviewed, in London quarterly review, 1870, or no. 1378 of Living age. Schefer s Artists married life " [416.16; in German, 1018.2.1], under the guise of fiction, is a well-known portrayal of Durer s domestic life, and the Knglish translation has a brief memoir by K. C. Waterston. Also see Harper s monthly, vol. 40; Hours at home, May, 1870; and the essay for Edinburgh review, July, 1801, on his literary remains, [also in B. H. 2557.50]. See KurzLB. H. 2892.3.2] and other histories of German literature; Kugler s Handbook of German painting [B. H. 4067.01 and other references under Painting; and Jackson s [B. HT 40S3.25] and other histories of engraving. For Durer s asso ciations with Nuremberg, see Mrs. Jameson s sketches, [B. H. 6578.30]. DUFF, Alexander, Scottish missionary. The Indian rebellion, [1857-58]; its causes and results. New York, 1858. 12 939.4 DUFFERIN, Lord. See Blackwood, Frederick Temple. DUGANNE, Augustine J. H. Camps and prisons. Twenty months in the department of the Gulf. [With illustrations.] New York, 1865. 12. . 308.25 Du UUESCLIN, Bertrand, constable of France, b. about 1320, d. 1380. Life of. See Society for the dif fusion of useful knowledge 589.14 Peake, H. The boy s book of heroes 551.28 DUHRING, Henry. The United States with regard to Europe. London, 1833. 12 297.14 DUKE, Richard, English divine and poet, b. about 1655, d. 1711. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets, v. 2 of 582. 11; 586.20; v. 2of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 DUMAS, Alexander (D.), French novelist, b. 1803. The Garibaldians in Sicily. Translated by E. Rout- ledge. London, 1861. 16 917.15 Memoirs of a maitre d armes. London, 1866. 16 409.5 Pictures of travel in the south of France. Illus trated. London, n. d. 12 654.8 Travelling sketches in Egypt and Sinai. London, 1839. 16 709.20 Note. See LomSnie s sketch, [B. H. 6249a.l.51 ; A. Tlav- ward s essay, [B. II. 2573.54]; G. 13. Wood s Essavs, [1818.8]; and Sir Ueniy Bulwer s estimate [B. H. 2G60.28.2], etc. DUMAS, Mathieu, count, French soldier, b. 1753, d. 18:57. Memoirs of his own time, [1773-1808]. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 12 J 1008.12 DUNBAR, Agnes, countess of, called "black Agnes," Scotch heroine, fl. Hth century. See Edgar, J. G. Noble dames of ancient story 569.27; 599.24 DUNBAU, Edward E. The romance of the age; or, the discovery of gold in California. [Illustrated.] New York, 1807. 12 238.10 DUNBAR, William, poet, b. about 14G5, d. 1530. See Tytlcr, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies . .v. 3 of 399.9 DUNCAN, Adam, baron Qampcrdown, 1st viscount Dun can, Scottish admiral, b. 1731, d. 1804. Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 DUNCAN, John M. Travels through part of the United States and Canada, in 1818, 19. New York, 1823. 2 v. 12 C28.24 DUNCAN, Jonathan. History of Russia. See Rabbo, A 869.11 DUNCAN, Mark, Scotch physician and philosopher, b. about 1570, d. 1640. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish worthies 586.13 Shelf. No. DUNCOMBE, Thomas Slingsby, English statesman, b. 1796, d. 1861. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 DUNDEE, 1st viscount. See Graham, John. DUNDONALD, Earls of. See Cochrane, Archibald and Thomas. DUNFEKMLINE, Lord. See Abercromby, James. DUNHAM, Samuel Astloy. History of Denmark, Swe den, and Norway. London, 1839, 40. 3 v. 16. 378.10 History of Europe, during the middle ages. Lon don, 1833, 34. 4v. 16 378.6 History of Poland. London, 1831. 16 378.9 History of Spain and Portugal. London, 1832. 5 v. 16 368.8 History of the Germanic empire. London, 1834, 35. 3 v. 16 368.9 BELL, Robert, and others. Lives of the most emi nent literary and scientific men of Great Britain. London, 1836-38. 3 v. 16 398.3 Contents. Vol. I. St. Columba, Irish founder of the mon astery of Icolmkill, b. 521, d.597; Alfred the great, king of England, b. 84 J, d. 001 ; Geotiroy Chaucer, founder of English poetry and literature, b. 1328, d. 1400; John Heywood, English dramatic poet, d. 15t>5 ; Edmund Spenser, English poet, b. 1552, d. 1599. II. William Shakespeare, English dramatic poet, b. 1564, d. 161G: Ben Jonson, English dramatic author, b. 1574, d. 1637 ; John Fletcher, English dramatic author and poet, b. 1576, d. 1625; Francis Beaumont, English dramatic author and poet, b. 1585, d. 1615; Philip Massinger, English dramatic author, b. 1584, d. 1(140; John Ford, English dramatist, b. 15i, d. 1639? John Webster, Knglish dramatic poet, 17th century; Minor dramatists. III. James Shirley, English dramatic poet and scholar, b. 159B, d. 1060; Sir William Dave- nant, English poet, I). 16(15, d. NiOSj Thomas Otway, English dramatic poet and actor, b. 1651, d. 1085; Nathaniel Lee, Eng lish dramatic poet, b. 1C57, d. 161)2; Mrs. Apbra Behn (Astrea), English dramatist, poetess, and novelist, b. about 1640, d. 1689; Thomas Shad well, English dramatic nmhor, poet-laureate, and historian, b. 16-1(1. d. 10H2 ; William Wyehorlcy, English drama tist and poet, b. 1640, d. 1715; John Vanbrugh, English archi tect, b. 1666, d. 1720; William Co igrcve. English dramatic poet and wit, b. 1070, d. 1729 ; George Farquhar, Irish drama tist, b. 1078, d. 1707 ; Colley Cibber, English dramatic author, actor, and poet-laureate, b. 1671, d. 1757; Susannah Centlivre, Irish actress and dramatic authoress, b. 1667, d. 1723; Arthur Murphy, Irish dramatic author, b. 1727, d. 1805 ; Richard Cum berland, English dramatist, b. 1732, d. 1811; Hannah Cowley, English dramatist, b. 1743, d. 1809. DCNLAP, William, American dramatic author and painter, b. 1766, d. 1839. History of the Amer ican theatre. New York, 1852. 8 353.5 History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States. New York, 1834. 2 v. 8 202.1 Life of George Frederick Cooke, [English actor, b. 1755, d. 1812]. New York, 1813. 2 v. 18. 697.18 Memoirs of a water drinker. [Anon.] 2d edition. New York, 1837. 2v.ini. 12 539.26 See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 DUNLOP, John. Memoirs of Spain during the reigns of Philip iv and Charles n, 1621-1700. Edin burgh, 1834. 2 v. 8 913.3 DUNLOP, John, founder of the temperance movement in Great Britain. Artificial and compulsory drink ing usages of the United Kingdom. 7th edition. London, 1844. 12 999.6 DUNN BROWNE, pseud. See Fisko, Samuel. DUNNING, John, \st lord Ashburton, English lawyer and politician, b. 1731, d. 1783. See Rosooe, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers 388.4 DUNSTAN, Sir Jeffrey, mayor of Garrat, b. 1759, d. 1797. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 DUNSTER, Henry P. The discoveries of Columbus and of the English in America, [1492-1750]. [With illustrations.] London, n. d. 12 2G9.2 DUNTOX, John, English eccentric bookseller, b. 1659, d. 1733. Life and errors. [With] portrait. Lon don, 1848. 2v.ini. 8 583.9 DUPANLOUP, (Felix A. P.) Studious women. Trans lated by R. M. Phillimore. London, 1868. 16. 1129.9 Same. London, 1856. P. 8 1129.8 DUPONT, Samuel Francis, American rear-admiral, b. 1803, d. 1865. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 DUPPA, Richard. Lives of the Italian painters. Mi chel Angelo, by R. Duppa; Raffello, by A. C. Quatremere de Quincy. London, 1846. P. 8. . 543.12 -Same. London, 1856. P. 8 835.7 DUPUYTREN EATON Shelf. No. DUPUYTREN, Guillaume, baron, French surgeon, anat omist, and writer, b. 1777, d. 1835. See Peisso, J. L. H. Sketches of eminent living surgeons and physicians of Paris C09.1 DURANT, Thomas C., manager and builder of the Union Pacific railroad, b. 1820. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 Dun AS. See Durfort Duras. DUREIN, John Price, American divine, b. 1800. See Fowler, II. The American pulpit 534.9 DORER, Albert. See Duerer, Albert. DURFORT DURAS, Claire do Kertmint, duchesse de, French authoress, b. 1778, d. 1829. See Saiute- Beuve, C. A . Portraits of celebrated women . . . 1598. 1G DURHAM, Eng., Handbook for travellers in. 18G4. Murray, J 1G56.G DURRIEU, Xavicr. Present state of Morocco: a chap ter of Mussulman civilisation. London, 1854. 16 1G55.10 DUST and foam. Warren, T. R 706.10 DUTCH republic, Rise of the, [1555-84]. Motley, J. L. 923.1 Du TEURAIL, Pierre, seigneur Bayard, the chevalier, French warrior, b. 1476, d. 1524. Hewlett, II. G. Tho heroes of Europe 555.3 Peake, II. The boy s book of heroes 551.28 Simms, W. G. Life of 547.13 "Watford, E. " Spotless and fearless." The story of 1589.2 Kate. Simms s is the most convenient English life. See a recent issue of a French life [B. H. SWta.Ol], and the refer ences in Thomas, Hocfer, Michaud, Oettinger, etc. DUVAL, Valentine Jamerai, scholar, b. 1695, d. 1775. Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence 379.13 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 DUXBURY, Mass., History of. 1849. Winsor, J 224.9 DUYCKINCK, Evert A. and George L. Cyclopaedia of American literature. [With portraits and other illustrations.] New York, 1855, CG. 3 v. L. 8. 392.2 DWARFS, The country of the. Du Chaillu, P. (B.) . . 657.23 DWIGHT, M. A. Grecian and Roman mythology. With illustrations. 2d edition. New York. 1849. 8 1083.10 DWIGHT, Theodore, American lawyer and writer, b. 1764, d. 1846. Character of Thomas Jefferson, [3d president of the United States, b. 1743, d. 1826]. Boston, 1839. 12 517. 1C History of the Hartford convention, [December, 1814]. New York, 1833. 8 . 305.4 DWIGHT, Theodore, jr., American authrir, b. 1796, d. 18G6. History of Connecticut, [1630-1840]. Now York, n. d. 24 820.37 DWIGHT, Timothy, American divine, b. 1752, d, 1817. Life of. See Sparks, J. Library of American biography v. 14 of 529.1 DYER, Sir Edward, b. about 1540, d. 1G10. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 DYER, John, English poet, b. 1700, d. 1758. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 3 of 582.11 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 DYER, Thomastl. Life of John Calvin, [Swiss scholar and reformer, b. 1509, d. 1654]. With a por- trait. New York, 1850. 12 545.10 BADS, James B., ship-builder, b. 1820. See MacCabe, J. D.,j>. Great fortunes, and how they were mado 515.14 "EAGLE S nest, The," in the valley of Sixt. Wills, A 665.16 EAMES, Jane Anthony. A budget of letters, or things which I saw abroad. [.Anon.] Boston, 1847. 12 1904.2 Another budget; or, things which I saw in the East. Boston, 1855. 12 688.17 Tiie budget closed. [Letters from Europe.] Boston, 1860. 12 665.8 KARULKY, Sir John, judge, b. 1709, d. 1792. See Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of the early lives of great lawyers 151G.13 Shelf. No. EARDLEY-WILMOT, Sir John E. Reminiscences of the late Thomas Assheton Smith, Esq., [English sportsman, b. 1776, d. 1858]. [With illustra tions.] 2d edition. London, I860. 8 567.2 EARL, George W. Tho Eastern seas, or voyages and adventures in the Indian archipelago, 1832-34. London, 1837. 8 704.7 EARLY Egyptian history for the young. By the au thor of "Sidney Grey." Cambridge, 1861. P. 8. 937.10 EAST, The. Andersen, H. C. A poet s bazaar. Pic tures of travel in the Orient. 1871 657.21 Belgiojoso, (C. T.), princessc de. Oriental harems and scenery. 18G2 697.24 Bryant, W.*C. Letters from the East. 1869 1675. 13 Burt, N. C. Tho fur East. 18G8 1675.0 Carne, J. Letters from the East. 182G 687.7 Recollections of. 1830 694. 18 Cox, S. S. A Buckeye abroad; or, wanderings in the Orient. 1852 658.9 De Forest, J. W. Oriental acquaintance. 1856.. 687.17 Eames, J. A. Another budget; or, things which I saw in. 1855 688.17 Eddy, D. C. Walter s tour in. 1870 708.23 Fetridgo, W. P. Harper s hand-book for travel lers in. 1862 644.4 Formby, H. Visit to. 1813 1675.3 Goodell, W. The old and the new; or the changes of thirty years in, [1822-52] 687.14 Griswold, L. M. A woman s pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Notes of a tour through the East. 1871 688.22 Howe, F. Oriental and sacred scenes. 1869 1694.18 Kinglake, A. W. Eothen, or traces of travel from the East. 1850 409.6; 687.13; 699.22; 1055.8 Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. Travels in. 1850 687.15 MacFarlane, C. Romance of travel. 1846 840.38 Maegregor, J. Three days in. 1853 709.29 Martineau, H. Eastern life, present and past. 1848 686.1; G8G.2 Paine, C. Tent and harem: notes of an oriental trip. 1859 688.10 Prime, S.I. Travels in. 1855 647.8 Rae, W. F. Westward by rail: the new route to. 1871 638.19 Smith, P. The ancient history of. 1871 955.10 Spencer, J. A. The East. 1850 686.6 Swift, J. F. Going to Jericho; or, sketches of travel in. 1868 1694.8 Urquhart, D. The spirit of. 1839 689.11 Wheeler, C. H. Letters from Eden; or, reminis cences of missionary life in. 1868 1675.12 Xote. See Bates Hall catalogues. Also the names of various countries ill this and in the Bates Hall catalogues. EASTERN question, The. Cobdon, R. Russia and.. .982.5 Fadeoff, R. Opinion on 928.8 See also Crimea. EASTHAM, Mass., History of, [1644-1844]. Pratt, E. 224.22 EAST INDIAN archipelago. Bickraore, A. S. Travels in the. 1869 1605.7 Gibson, W. M. Glance at the. 1855 707.6 Note. See Beauvoir s 626G.6. - ; in French, 2268.50 catalogues. recent work [B. H.. in English. o(J.2J, and other titles in Bates Hall EASTLAKE, Sir Charles Lock. Material for a history of oil painting. London, 1847. 8 C 205.1 EASTMAN, Samuel C. The White mountain guide book. [Anon. ] 3d edition. Concord, 1863. 16. 239.18 Same. 4th edition. Concord, 1864. 16 239.19 Same. 6th edition. Concord, 1866. 16.... 239.20 Same. 9th edition. Concord, 1869. 16 239.21 EASTWARD. 1869. Macleod, N ; .1C94.10 EASTWICK, Edward B. Journal of a diplomate s three years residence in Persia. London, 1864. 2v . 12 695.18 EATON, Charlotte A. Rome in the nineteenth cen tury. [Anon.] 3d edition. London, 1823. 3 v. 12 6T8 - 5 Same. 5th edition. [With] illustrations. Lon don, 1852. 2v. 16 825.2 EATON 77 EDGAR Shelf. No. EATON, John H. Life of Andrew Jackson, [Tth president of the United States, b. 17G7, d. 1845]. [With portrait.] 3d edition. Phila delphia, 1828. 12 ......................... 517.3 EATON, William, American general, b. 1764, d. 1811. Life. Principally collected from his correspond ence. [Anon.] Brookfield, 1813. 8 ........ 527.2 Life of. See Felton, C. C ................. v. 9 of 529.1 ECCENTRIC personages. Ilussell, W ................ 569.19 ECCENTRICS and eccentricities, English. Timbs, J. . . 1553.3 ECCLESIASTICAL history. Brief analysis of the sects, heresies, and writers of the first three cen turies ..................................... 1096.15 Bunsen, C. C. J. Signs of the times. 1856 . . 113.3 ; 134.9 Dowling, J. G. Introduction to the critical study of ................................... 1082.3 Eusebius Pamphilus. Ecclesiastical history, [to A. D. 337].., ............................... 845.1 Evagrius Scholasticus. History of the church, [431-594] ................................. 845.5 Guericke, II. E. F. Manual of church history. 1857 ...................................... 1082.4 Kurtz, J. H. Text-book of church history. 1800.1104.10 Lamson, A. The church of tho first three centu ries ........................................ 1092.10 Mosheim, J. L. von. Ecclesiastical history. 1852. 1085.2 Sewell, E. M. History of tho early church. 1860. 2089.1 Socrates Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical history, [A. D. 305-445] ........... . ................. 845.3 Sozomenes, H. History of the church, [A. D. 324-440] .................................. 845.9 Theodoretus. History of the church, [322-427]. . 845.5 Waddington, G. History of tho church, to the reformation ................................. 365.13 Note. See the course recommended by Bishop Dupanloup [B. II. S599.3G], and the references in Malcom under Church history; and in McClintock and Strong under Ecclesiastical history. Guericke is the old Lutheran view. Mosheim is a moderate Lutheran, and his history is arranged topically under centuries. Gicselrr is impartial, but unongaging, [B. H. 004G.7 ; in English, 8513.4; 3514.16; 5514.1 ; 0043.5]. A mon ograph by Malmn covers the first seven centuries, [B. II. 3528.53J. The great German theological cveloptpdias are, on the Carhoiic side, Wetzer and Welte. 12 vols., 1847-56 ; on the Protestant side, Uerzog, 1854-03, 21 vols., [B. H. 6035.1; irt English, 3484.1]. See alia Albigenses, Baptises, Christianity, Church, Congre gationalism, Covenanters, Jerusalem, Jews, Methodism, Mis sions, Mohammedanism, Mormonism, Palestine, Popes, Pres- bvteriinism, Protestant episcopal church, Protestantism, Puritans. Reformation, Revivals, Roman catholic church, Sacred history. Sects. United brethren, Universalism. \Val- denses. Also Ecclesiastical history, and the preceding and other heads in the Bates Hall catalogues; also the names of countries, like England, France, Germany, Italy, New England, Scotland, Spain, United States, etc. ECIIARD, Laurence, Enylish historian* and geographer, b. 1671, d. 1730. See Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians .................. v. 1 of 586.11 ECKERMANN, Johann Peter, d. 1792. Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life. Trans lated by S. M. Fuller. Boston, 1839. 12 ____ 874.14 ECONOMIES. See Giles, H. Lectures and essays. v. 2 of 875.6; v. 2 of 875.8 ECUADOR. Antiquarian researches in Equador. 1860. Bollaert, W ................................. 266.11 See also America (South). EDDY, Daniel C. Daughters of the cross; or, woman s mission. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1855. 16 ....................................... 569.9 Contents. Mrs. Harriet Newell, b. 1793, d. 1812; Ann II. Judson, b. 17SU, d. lsi 6; Elizabeth Hcrvey, d. 1831; Harriet B. Stewart, b. 1798, d. 1830; Sarah L. H. Smith, b. 1802, d. 18.16; Eleanor Macomber, d. 1840; Sarah D. Comstock, d. 184.1; Henrietta Shuck, b. 1817, d. 1844; Sarali B. Judson, b. 180.1, d. 184, r >; Annie P. James, b. 1825, d. 1818; Mary E. Van Lennep,- b. 1821, d. 1844. Europa : or, scenes and society in England, France, Italy, and Switzerland, [1851, 52]. 50th edi tion. Rochester, 1862. 16 .................. 644.3 Heroines of tho missionary enterprise. Boston, 1850. 16 ................................. 539.13 Contents. Same as the author s Daughters of the cross, with the following additional names: Mrs. Esther Butler, mission ary to the Cherokee Indians, b. 1798, d. 1829; Emily Chub- buck Judson (Fanny Forrester), missionary to Burinah, and authoress, b. 1817, d. 1854. Shelf. No. EDDY, Daniel C., continued. The Percy family. A visit to Ireland. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1865. 16 645.7 Walter s tour in the East. [With illustrations.] New York, 1870. 6 v. 1C 708.23 Contents. Vol. I. Walter in Egypt. II. Walter in Jerusa lem. III. Walter in Samaria. IV. Walter in Damascus. V. Walter in Constantinople. VI. Walter in Athens. EDEN, Hon. Emily. "Up the country" letters from the upper provinces of India. Now edition. Lon don, 1867. Srn. 8 D 1695.1 EDEN, Letters from. 18G8. Wheeler, C. H 1675.12 EDERSHEIM, Rev. Alfred. History of the Jewish nation after tho destruction of Jerusalem under Titus, [A. D. 70-415]. 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1857. 12 945.4 EDGAR, John G. The boyhood of great men. With illustrations. Now York, [1853]. 16 548.13 Contents. Sir Walter Srott. Scotch novelist, poet, and his torian, b. 1771. d. 183- ; Alexander Pone. English coot and icotcli critic and politician, b. 177.1, (1. 1850; George Canning, inglish statesman and orator, b. 1770, d. 1827; Daniel Web ster, American statesman, b. 1782, d. 18,72; William Murray, earl of Man*tield. English advocate, judge, and statesman, b. 1705. d. 1793; John Scott, earl of Elilon. lord-chancellor of England, b. 1751. d. 1&18: William Wilbcrtbrce, English philanthropist, b. 1751), d. 18.13; Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, English philanthropist and slavery abolitionist, b. 1786, d. 1845; Galileo Galilei, Italian philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer, b. 1564, d. 1642; James Ferguson, Scotch mecha nician and astronomer, b. 1710, d. 1776; Sir Isaac Newton, English geometrician and philosopher, b. 1012, d. 1727; Pierre Gassendi. French philosopher and astronomer, b. 1592, d. 1655; Benjamin Franklin. American statesman, philosopher. English chemist, natural philosopher, and scientific writer, b. 1778, d. 1829; Sir John Jcrvis, earl St. Vincent, English admiral, b. 17.15, d. 182.1; Horatio Nelson, viscount, British admiral, b. 1758, d. 1805; John Churchill. dul;c of Marlbo- rough, English general and statesman, b. KiSO, d. 1722; Napo leon I, Bonaparte, emperor of the French, b. 1769, d. 1821; Georg Fricderich Handel, or Haendcl. German music com poser, b. 1684, d. 1759; Johann Chrysostom Sigismund Ania- deus Mozart, German music composer, b. 1756, d. 1791; Sir Thomas Lawrence, English portrait painter, b. 17i ; 9. d. 1830; Sir David Wiikic, Scotch painter, b. 1785, d. 1841 ; Antonio Canova, Italian sculptor and painter, b. 1757, d. 1822; Alb?rt nr Bertel Thorvaldsen. or Thorwaldsen, Danish sculptor, b. 1770, d. 1844 ; Sir William Jones, English orientalist, jurist, and lit terateur, b. 1746, d. 1794; Thomas Arnold, master of Rugby school. Eng.. b. 17!>5, d. 1842; Thomas Ken, bishop of Bath and Wells, b . 16.17, d. 1771 ; Samuel Parr. English divine and critic, b. 1747. d. 182.">; Thomas Chalmers.-, Scottish divine and econo mist, b. 1780, d. 1847; John Hunter, Scotch anatomist and pa thologist, b. 1728, d.1793; Sir Astlev Paston Cooper, English, surgeon and writer, b. 1708, d. 1841; Sir Joseph Banks, English naturalist and philosopher, b. 1743, d. 1820; John James Au- dubon, American ornithologist and author, b. 1780, d. 1851. -Same. London, [1853]. 16 549.30 The crusades and tho crusaders, [1094-1274]. With illustrations. London, 1860. 12- 947.17 Footprints of famous men. With illustrations. New York, 1854. 16 548.16 Contents. George Washington, 1st president of the United States, b. 1732, d. 1799; Edmund Burke, Irish statesman and orator, b. 17;!0, d. 1797 : Jacques Necker, French statesman and financier, b. 1712. d. 1804 : William Pitt. English statesman and orator, h. 1759. d. 1806; Thomas Erskine, lord, earl of Buchan, orator, politician, and lord-chancellor of England, b. 1750, d. 182.1; Cuthbert Collingwood, lord. English admiral, b. 1748. d. 1810; John Shore, lord Tcignmouth, governor-general or India, b. 1751, d. 1833; Isaac Milr.er, English savant, dean of Carlisle, b. 1751, d. 1820; David Hume, Scottish philosopher and historian, b. 1711, d. 1776; Robert Southey, English poet- laureate and historian, b. 1774, d. 1843; Thomas .Moore, Irish poet, b. 1779, d. 1852; Sir Joshua Reynolds, English portrait James Watt, Scotch engineer and improver of the steam- engine, b. 17.16, d. 1819; Adam Smith, Scotch economist and moralist, b. 1723, d. 1790. -Same. 4th edition. London, 1858. 1G 551.13 Noble dames of ancient story. With illustrations. London, n. d. 16 599.24 Contents. Isabella, of France, queen of Edward II of Eng land, b. 12112, d. 115S; Philippa, of Hainault, queen of Edward III, b. 1312, d. l. JG J ; Catherine Montacute, countess of Salisbury, d. 1354; Jeanne, comtesse de Monrfort. b. about 1310. d. 1362; Agnes, countess of Dunbar, eallid "black Agues," Scotch, EDGAR 78 EDWARDS EDGAR, John G. Noble dames of ancient story, cont d. heroine, fl. 14th century ; Agnes, comtesse de Foix, fl. 14th cen tury; Joan Plantageuct, "t/ie fair maid of Kent," wife of Edward the black prince, b. 132S, d. 138.1 ; Florence, comtesse de Biscay, fl. 14th century; Isabel Plantagcnet, countess of Bedford, b. 1332, d. 1379; Leonora d Acunha, queen of Portugal, fl. 14th century; Constance, duchess of Lancaster, b. about 1354, d. 1394 ; Isa bella, or Isabeau. of Havaria, queen of Charles VI, of France, b. 1371, d. 1435: Valentine, of Milan. formerly Valentina Visconti, wife of Louis XIV, duke of Orleans, b. 1366, d. 1408. Same. Edinburgh, n. d. 16 569.27 Sea-kings and naval heroes. Illustrated. Now York, 1803. 16 558.16 Contents. Eollo, Rou, or Raoul, 1st duke of Normandy, b. 847? d. 932? Hasting, pirate, afterwards duke of Chartres, fl. 9th century; Swcyu, king of Denmark, fl. ]0th century; Har old Hardfada, king of Norway, d. lOiiO ; Sir Robert Morley, English admiral, d. 1:!60; John Hastings, earl of Pembroke, D. 1347, d. 1374; John Plantagcnet, duke of Bedford, regent of France, b. 138!), d. 14:35; Sir Andrew Wood, Scotch merchant trader, fl. loth century; Sir Francis Drake, English admiral b. about 1540, d. 159li; Sir Walter Raleigh, English navigator, warrior, statesman, and historian, b. 1552, d. 1618; George Clifford, earl of Cumberland, b. 1553. d. 1(105 ; Robert Blake, English admiral, b. 1599, d. 1657 ; Prince Rupert, of Bava ria, nephew of Charles I, German warrior, chemist, and physician, b. 1619, d. 1632: Sir Clondcsley Shovel, English admiral, b. 1050V d. 1707; John Benbow, British admiral, b. 1650, d. 1702; George Brydacs Rodney, lord, admiral, b. 1718 d. 1792; Richard Howe, carl, English admiral, b. 172."), d. 1799( John Jervis, 1st carl of St. Vincent, English admiral, b. 1735, d. 182, !; Adam Duncan, baron Camperdown, 1st viscount Dun can, Scottish admiral, b. 1731, d. 1804; Horatio Nelson, vis count, English admiral, b. 17.VS, d. JX05 ; Cuthbert Collingwood, lord, English admiral, b. 1748, d. 1810. The wars of the roses; or, stories of the struggle of York and Lancaster, [1421-86]. With illus trations. London, 1859. 16 999.3 Same. New York, 1859. 12 999.15 EDGEWORTH, C. Sneyd. Memoirs of the Abbe Edge- worth. London, 1815. 8 615.8 EDGEWORTH, Henry Essex, Abb6, confessor to Louis XVI, b. 1745, d. 1807. Memoirs of. See Edge- worth, C. S 615.8 EDGEWORTH, Maria, English novelist, b. 1767, d. 1849. See Kavanagh, J. English women of letters. . . 589.30 Note. There is a privately printed memoir of which a re view will be found m Edinburgh review, Oct., 1867, or no. 1225 of Living age. See also Haywood s Essays, [B. H. 2573.54]. See Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hall s account of her in Art- journal, Nov., 1866; and Mrs. Farrar s Recollections, [569.11, or Atlantic, Sept., 1865]. Also Harper s monthly, vol.29; Jeffrey s criticism, [803.6]; Surague s Celebrities, [048.9] ; and references in AUibone. EDGEWORTH, Richard Lovoll, Irish agriculturist, b. 1744,^.1817. Memoir. Begun by himself and concluded by his daughter. Boston, 1820, 21. 2 v. in 1. 8 U 583.12 EDINBURGH, Traditions of. 1856. Chambers, 11 999.8 AWe. See essays by Alexander Smith, [B. H. 4578.16] ; and by Maclaren [B. H. 6564.25.1] on its antiquities. EDKINS, Mrs. Jane Rowbotham, missionary, b. 1838, d. 1861. Chinese scenes and people with notices of Christian missions in China. With narrative of a visit to Nanking by Rev. Joseph Edkins. Also a memoir by her father, Rev. William Stobbs. [With portrait] London, 1863. 16. 699.20 EDKINS, Rev. Joseph. Narrative of a visit to Nan king. See Edkins, Mrs. J. R 699.20 EDMONDS, Cyrus R. Life and times of Washington, [1st president of the United States, b. 1732, d. 1799]. London, 1835, 36. 2 v. 16 379.18 EDMONDS, S. Emma E. Nurse and spy in- the union army. With illustrations. Hartford, 1865. 8. 308.18 EDOM, Letters on. 1838. Crawford, A. W., lord Lind say 343.7; 693.16 EDUCATION. Howard, G. W. F., earl of Carlisle. Lectures and addresses in aid of popular educa tion 409.3 ; 1655.25 Philobiblius, pseud. History and progress of. ... 126.25 ffotc - See also Class list for works in the arts and sciences, and Bates Hall catalogues. EDWARD III, king of England, b. 1312, d. 1377. See Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 1 of 840.10 EDWARD V, king of England, b. 1470, d. 1483. See Strickland, A. Lives of the bachelor kings of England 554.9 Shelf. No. EDWARD VI, king of England, b. 1538, d. 1553. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v . 1 of 815.1 Strickland, A. Lives of the bachelor kings of England 554.9 Turner, S. History of the reign of 965. 4 EDWARD, prince, son of Henry III, lord-lieutenant of Ireland, d. 1252. See Tales of heroes 554.15 EDWARD (the black prince), prince of Wales, b. 1330, c?. 1376. James, G. P. R. Life of 552.3 Jones, M. The black prince 558.15 Note. James s is the chief distinct memoir, but see the general histories of England. EDWARDES, Herbert B. A year on the Punjab fron tier, 1848-49. [With illustrations.] London, 1851. 2v. 8 695.6 EDWARDS, Amelia B. Summary of English history: from the Roman conquest [B. c. 55] to [1856]. London, 1856. 16 999.20 EDWARDS, Bela Bates. Biography of self-taught men. [With portraits of R. Sherman and N. Bowditch.] Boston, 1850, 52. 2 v. 12 548.22 Note. Vol. 2 was prepared by S. G. Burundi. Contents. Vol. I. Roger Sherman, American statesman, b. 1721, d. 1793 ; Christian Gottlob Heync, German philologer and antiquary, b. 1729, d. 1812; William Whipple, American feneral and politician, b. 1730, d. 178-5; Alexander Murray, cotch linguist, b. 1775, d. 181:1: Stephen Hopkins, American judge, senator, and author, b. 1707, d. 1785; Samuel Lee, Eng lish orientalist, b. 1783, d. 1852; William Gifford, English poet, critic, and satirist, b. 1757, d. 1836: Thomas Baldwin, American theological writer, b. 1753, d. 1825; David Ritteu- b. 1719, d. 1789; Thomas Scott, English divine and biblical commentator, b. 1747, d. 1821; Lot! Cary, American freed slave and divine, b. 1780, d. 1828; John Opie, English painter, b. 1761, d. 1807; Nathaniel Smith, American judge and law writer, b. 1762, d. 1821 ; Jobann Gottfried von Herder, German philosopher, b. 1744, d. 1803; Giovanni B-ittista Belzoni. Ital ian traveller and antiquary, b. about 1778, d. 1823; William Caxton, the first English printer, b. about 1412, d. 1491 ; Rich ard Baxter, English non-conformist divine, b. 1615, d. 1691; Arthur Yo;mg, English agricultural writer, b. 1741, d. 1820; Charles G. Haines, American lawyer and author, b. 1793, d. 182.5; Carsten Niebuhr, Hanoverian traveller, b. 1733, d. 1815; Jonas King, American missionary and orientalist, b. 1793, d. 1869; Sir Humphry Davy, English chemist, natural philoso pher, and scientific writer, b. 1778, d. 1829; Adam Clarke, Wesleyan commentator, antiquary, and oriental scholar, b. 1760, d. 18.32; Benjamin Thompson, count Rumford. American statesman and natural philosopher, b. 1753, d. 1814. II. Na thaniel Bowditch, American writer on navigation and mathe matics, b. 1773, d. 1SW; Capt. James Cook. English navigator, b. 1728, d. 1779; William Falconer, Scottish poet and littera teur, b. 1730. d. 176<J; John Hunter. Scotch anatomist and pathologist, b. 1728, d. 1793; Nathan Smith. American physi cian, b. 1762, d. 1829; James Ferguson, Scottish mechanician and astronomer, b. 1710, d. 1776; James Wati. Semeh engineer and improver of the steam-engine, b. 1736. d. ISl J; Eli Whit ney, American inventor, b. 17<r>. d. 182.5 ; John Lcyden, Scotch poet and orientalist, b. 1775, d. 1811 Robert Stephens, French printer, b. 1503, d. 1559; Henry Siepiiens.Freiich classical pro fessor, b. 1528, d. l.V.K; Benjamin West, American painter in England, b. 17:18, d. 1820 ; Peter Iloerberg, Swedish nainter, b. 1746, d. 1816; Alexander Wilson. Scottish ornithologist, b. 1766, d. 1813; Robert Bioomrield. English poet, b. 1766, d. 182/1; Isaac Milner, English savant, dean of Carlisle, b. 1751, d. 1820; Sir William Jones, English orientalist, jurist, and litterateur, b. 1746, d. 1794 ; Patrick Henry, American statesman, governor of Virginia, and author, b. 1736, d. 1799. Same. Boston, n. d. 12 548.18 EDWARDS, Charles. Pleasantries about courts and lawyers of the state of New York. New York, 1867. 8 1816.11 EDWARDS, Frank S. Campaign in New Mexico with Colonel Doniphan. Philadelphia, 1847. 12.. 623.20 EDWARDS, H. Sutherland. The life of Rossini, [Italian music composer, b. 1792, d. 1868]. With portrait by Dore. Boston, [1870]. 12.. 1599. 2 EDWARDS, John E. Random sketches and notes of European travel in 1856. New York, 1857. 12. C48.3 EDWARDS, Jonathan, American Calvinistic divine, met aphysician, and author, b. 1703, d. 1758. Memoirs of Rev. David Brainerd, missionary to the In dians, [b. 1718, d. 1747]. Including his journal. By S. E. Dwight. New Haven, 1872. 8 534.11 Same. Abridged. Now York, n. d. 16 119.25 Miller, S. Life of v. 8 of 529.1 Wynne, J. Lives of eminent literary and scien tific men of America 518.3 Nate. There was a brief life published not long after Ed- wards s death [B. II. 7M>n.lO], nnd other brief memoirs in 1808 [B.H. 4444.9.1], and in 1821 [B. II. 5452.4], beside Miller s, [also in B. H. 4447.1]. See also Allibone, Dnyckiuck, Gris- wold, Sprague s Annals, and other collections. EDWARDS 79 EGYPT Shelf. No. EDWARDS, Justin, D. D., American divine and advo cate of temperance, b. 1787, d. 1853. " Light and love." Life and labors of. See Ilallook, W. A. 535.10 EDWARDS, Matthew, b. 1838, d. 1859. The boy in ventor; a memoir of. See Bulfinch, T 537.7 EDWARDS, Monroe, American swindler and forger, b. 1808. Life and adventures of the accomplished forger and swindler. [Anon. } [With portrait.] Philadelphia, [1848]. 8 526.1 EDWARDS, Sutherland. The Russians at home. [With illustrations.] London, 1861. 8 928.15 EDWARDS, William, Welsh engineer, b. 1719, d. 1789. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 EDWARDS, William H. Voyage up the Amazon, in cluding a residence at Para. New York, 1847. 12 635.15 Same. New edition. London, 1855. 1C 839.15 EFFI.VGHAM, Lord. See Howard, Charles. EGEDE, Hans, Danish missionary to Greenland, b. 1G86, d. 1758. See Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555.13 EGERTON, Francis, earl of Ellesmere, b. 1800, d. 1857. Life and character of [Arthur Wellesley] the duke of Wellington, [b. 1709, d. 1852]. 2d edition. London, 1852. 57pp. 16 558.11 The sieges of Vienna by the Turks. From the German of Schimmer, and other sources. {Anon.} London, 1847. P. 8 889.16 EGERTON, Thomas, viscount Brackley, 1st lord Elles mere, lord-chancellor of England, b. about 1540, d. 1617. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 EGERTON, William. Memoirs of Mrs. Anno Oldfield, [English actress, b. 1683, d. 1730]. London, 1731. 12 697.6 EGMONT, Lamoral, count, b. 1522, ex. 1568. Trial of. See Schiller, (J. C.) F. von. Historical works. 818.10; v. 2 of 830.36 EGYPT. Adams, W. II. D. The land of the Nile; or, Egypt past and present. 1871 698.31 Bartlett, W. H. The Nile boat: or, glimpses of, [1845] 684.1 Beaufort, E. A. Egyptian sepulchres and Syrian shrines. 18G1 684.16 Belzoni, G. B. Recent discoveries in. 1822.... 693.12 Bunsen, C. C. J. Egypt s place in universal his tory 954.4 Burt, N. C. The far East; or, letters from Egypt. 1868 1C75.6 Cary, (A. F. C.), viscountess Falkland. Chow- Chow; journal in. 1857 596.1 Chateaubriand, (R.) F. A., vicomte do. Travels in, [1806, 7] C85.7 Clarke, E. D. Travels in. 1817 v. 3-8 of 682.1 683.10; v. 2 of 689.6 Crawford, A. W., lord Lindsay. Letters on. 1838 693.16; 843.7 Dorr, B. Notes of travel in. 1856 686.12 Dumas, A. (D.) Travelling sketches in. 1839.. 709.20 Early Egyptian history for the young. 1861 937.10 Eddy, D. C. Walter in. 1870 v. 1 of 708.23 Fairholt, F. W. Up the Nile, and home again. 1862 684.13 Grey, T. Journal of a visit to. 1870 1675.14 Hahn-Hahn, I. (M. L. F. G.), countess. Letters; written during her travels in, [1843-4] 687.10 Harman, H. M. Journey to, [1869, 70] 694.19 Hawks, F. L. The monuments of. 1850 684.2 Irby, C. L. Travels in. 1844 889.25 Jones, J. F. Egypt in its biblical relations 946.11 - Lane, E. W. Manners aud customs of the modern Egyptians, [1833-35] 839.8; 840.31; 959.2 Laporte, L. Sailing on the Nile. 1872 698.34 Leech, H. II. Letters of a sentimental idler, from Egypt. 1869 1675.10 - Lepsius, (C.) R. Letters from Egypt. 1853. 693.17; 856.5 Long, G. The Egyptian antiquities in the British museum. 1846 839.7 Lott, E. The "English governess" in Egypt. Harem life in . 1675.5 Shelf. No. EGYPT, continued. Macleod, N. Eastward: travels in. 1869 1634.10 Madden, R. R. Travels in, [1824-27] 687.9 Minutoli, W. M. von. Recollections of. 1827.. 677. 24 Osburn, W. Monumental history of. 1854 955.1 Pfeiffer, I. Visit to, [1842] 879.5 Phelps, S. D. Bible lands with glimpses of. 1867. 1694.6 Poolo, S. L. The Englishwoman in. [1842-46].. 850.3 Prichard, J. C. An analysis of the Egyptian my thology. 1838 1083.9 Prime, W. C. Boat life in. 1857 698.8 Note. Sec also llarper s monthly, vols. 12, 13 and 14. Romer, I. F. Pilgrimage to the temple and tombs of, [1845-6] 693.13 Russell, M. History of. 1853 810.29; 957.9 St. John, B. Village life in. 1853 1694.5 St. John, J. A. Egypt and Nubia. 1845 693.5 Sowell, E. M. Ancient history of, [B. c. 2450- B. c. 30] 945.9 Seymour, F. G. Romance of ancient history. 1834 959.3 Sharpe, S. Egyptian antiquities in the British museum. 18U2 945.11 History of, till A. D. 640 954.3 Smith, J. V. C. Pilgrimage to. 1852 698.18 Spencer, J. A. The East: travel in. 1850 686.6 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in. 1851... 699.1 Thomas, J. Travels in. 1853 699.3 Thompson, J. P. Photographic views of. 1854. 698.24 Trevor, G. Ancient Egypt: its antiquities, reli gion, and history, to the close of the Old Testa ment period 937.11 Tugnot do Lanoye, F. Rameses the great; or, Egypt 3300 years ago 938.20 Upham, T. C. Letters from Egypt. 1855 657.5 Ward, A. Around the pyramids, [1859, 60] 674.11 Whately, M. L. Ragged life in. 1863 689.27 Wilkinson, Sir J. G. The Egyptians in the time of the Pharaohs 957.8 Hand-book for travellers in. 1847 649.13 Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. 954.1 Popular account of the ancient Egyptians 959.1 Yates, W. II. Modern history and condition of. 1843 955.8 fi ote. Herodotus giv<*s the earliest connected account, [314.1 ; 8. iO.;!0;85.").2; edited by Rawlhigon, B.H. 2867.4; whOW edition is ofparticuiarvah!e, vols. 1-3; by Beloe,B.II.2!7.5;S)55.7 all In English], Baldwin, in his Pre-historic nations [r.CT.2], gives a popular summary of what is known of the time before Slenes. Sir Gardner Wilkinson s bonks are of the highest authority, and his " Popular account " is sufficiently elaborate for the general reader, [also in I?. II. 424.5.20; S059.1. r >]. His book on Thebes and Kwpt, 1S3."> [B. II. 3033.2], was afterwards the basis of his Hand-book [B. II., edition of 1808, 60.59.ti], which is, perhaps, the most convenient manual of oil for Kgyptiau history, topography, manners, etc., ancient and modern. His elaborated summary, "Manners and customs," is also in Bates Hall, [3053.7 ; 3053S j. Much the same ground is covered with more condensation in Kenrick s Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs, 18,"0, [B. II. 4243.4, reviewed in london times essays, 899.13]. Bunsen and Lrpsius have in dependently worked out the chronology of ancient Egypt, and Bunsen [in German, B. II. 303:1.11] has drawn out opposition the Christian examiner, Nov., f8W, where his adv. viewers of the Journal of sacred literature, Oct., 1309, of the Dublin review, Feb., 18(10, of the Quarterly review, 1859, and of Smith s Bible dictionary are considered. Canon Cook, in the Speaker s commentary [B. II. 7410h.l0.1]. has an essay on the bearing of Egyptian history on the Pentateuch. Ileng- gtenbcrg [B. II. 7423.8J has an elaborate book on " Egypt and the hooks of Moses." Lepsius had the advantage of the sup port of the Prussian government in pursuing his archaeological researches. 1842-40. His Letters [also in B. II. 4245.fi; 5059a.ll] are popular. The advanced student can find Lepsius s splen did results in his Chronologic, [B. II. :!050.10]; in his Dcnk- maler, [B. II. :xr>l.:; D.2. .)-12j ; and in his " Konigsbuch," [B. II. 3030.0]; and can also consult the Bates Hall catalogues for the important results of the expedition authorized by Na poleon, [D.4.A-I]; and for the account of it, [ai.52.7J ; and for the works of the Champollions. Leibnitz, Belzoiu, Heeren [in English, B. II. :!USU]. and others; and the recent works on the great pyramid of John Taylor [B. II. 3038.13], who aims to establish a connection between the dimensions and a uni versal system of measures; and of Piozzi Smyth [B. H. 3058.16; 6055.20], who throws light on the ancient Egyptian learning, etc., taking views against Bi .nseu on the chronology; and indulging in so me fanciful theories. For popular accounts of the pyramids, sec chapters in many of the above books, like Bartlett s Nile boat, [also Harper s monthly, vol. 1]: Clark s Daleth, [B. II. 3052.16]; WarburtorTs Crescent aud cross [689.7], etc. The general subject of Kfij/ptian art will be found treated in comprehensive treatises on the history of architec ture, painting, sculpture, etc., (which see) ; in Winckelmarm, EGYPT 80 ELLET EGYPT,, continued. [B. H. 4071.9.1]: inWornum s Epochs of painting, [B. H. 8062.41; in Samson s Art criticism [B. II. 4077.263, etc. Wcstropp [B. II. C235.21] will be found a convenient English manual for all arclucological matters; and Long s [839.7] one of tlie best for consultation. Sec also the Now York catalogue of the Abbott collection, [B.U. 50.18.20]. Clark s Dalcth [B. H. 00.52.10] is a popular, and not always accurate compilation of existing knowledic. Ivanovo s little manual surveys for the general reader the lickl indicated by its title; and in Black- wood for 1870 there is a scries- (if papers on the lea rating, habits and rites of the old Egyptians, [also, Living agi>, nos. 1371, 1375, etc.]. Brugseh s "Aus dem orient," contains popular essays by one of the most learned Egyptologists, and la reviewed in the Saturday review, 1801, or no. 1127 Of Living age. On the modern Egyptians, Lane [also in B. II. 5059.11] is the best authority; and tor other editions of some of the above travela and descriptions, and for manv others, see the Bates Hall catalogues. Wilkinson recommends Lady Duff Gor- denVLettera, [B. II. 5058.19, reviewed in Edinburgh review, 18G5, or Living aze, no. 1108]. Marmont s travels, in French, are in the Lower Hall, [2IWJ.3.3]. For other modern description!, etc., see in addition, Tour dn monde, [B. II. 0201.1, W>">, vol. 1]; Whatelv s essay, [882.5]: Fullerton s Lady s ride, [B. II. 11048.52]; Foster s cs- saya, [837.7.2]; W. G. Palgrave s "Upper Egypt in hot weather," in Macmillan, 18fi7,or TIO. 1184 of Living age; and chapters in such general travela in the East as Warburton s, [689.7]; Bryant s letters, [1675.1:;]; Bellows s The old world in its new face, [1054.5.2]; Countess Gaspariii s travels [B. H. 3089.1.2], etc. Of the compendious histories, Osburn s is interesting and eatc, usingthe monuments mostly tor his authority, with sec tions on tlie hieroglyphics and the Koselta stone. Kussell s is compact, but, is thirty years old, coming down to Mehcmet All s time; and Sharpe [also in B. II. 3050.10]. for the early his tory, is recommended by Wilkinson. See authorities cited in Smith s Bible dictionary, edition of Ilackett and Abbot; also in the full account in McClintock and Strong; and to the greatest extent in Jolowiez s bibliography, [B. 11.2164.12]. Also Malcom a Index [B. Il.ilflO.l .i] and Abbot s Bibliography of a future life [B. II. UH)2.7] for authorities on their religion, and Eschenburg 8 Manual, [402.C]. See " Egyptology," in British quarterly review, Oct., 1800. See also Africa, Alexandria, Cairo, East (The), History (ancient), Jupiter Ammon (Oasis of), Nile, Pyramids, Thebes. EIGHTEENTH century, The; or, illustrations of the manners and customs of our grandfathers. An drews, A 988.2 ELDER, William. Biography of Elisha Kent Kane, [American Arctic explorer, b. 1822, d. 1857]. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1858. 8 524.9 ELDON, Earl of. See Scott, John. ELDORADO. Bulfinch, T. Oregon and Eldorado. I860 162G.1 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Eldorado, or, adventures in the path of empire. 1850 627.12; 627.17 See atio America (South). ELEANOR, of Aquitaine, queen of Henry IT, b. 1122, d. 1204? See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England v. 1 of 592.1 ELEANOR, of Castile, queen of Edward I, b. 1244, d. 1291. Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of his tory 599.22 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. r. lof 592.1 ELEANOR, of Provence, queen of Henry III, d. 1291. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Eng land v. 1 of 592.1 ELECTRIC telegraph. See Telegraph. ELECTRICITY and the electric telegraph. Wilson, G. 401). 31; 1655.24 Note. The most convenient manual upon the whole subject is Prescott s, [185. 1J. See also Bailc s Wonders of electricity, [145.15]; Sir F. B. Head, on the telegraph, [875.1.2]; also an anonymous essay, [81). !. 12] ; Lossing s paper on Morse and the telegraph, in Senbuer n monthly, March, 1873; and other titles on the Class list for works in the arts and sciences, and in the Bates Hall catalogues. See also Morse. ELENORA. See Eleanor. ELGIN, Earl of. See Bruce, James. EL GRINGO; or, New Mexico and her people. 1857. Davis, W. W. II 623.18 ELIJAH the Tishbito. Krummachor, P. W 119.6 ELIOT, Sir John, English statesman, b. 1590, d. 1632. See Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent Brit ish statesmen v. 2 of 388.6 ELIOT, Samuel, LL. D., master of the Girls high and normal school, Boston. Early relations with the Indians. See Massachusetts historical society. . 222.3 History of liberty. Parti. The ancient Romans. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 8 134.7 Part 2. The early Christians. Boston, 1863. 2 v. 8 134.8 Shelf. No. ELIOT, Samuel, continued. Passages from the History of liberty. Boston, 1847. 16 135.22 Manual of United States history, 1492-1850. Bos ton, 1856. 12 309.1 ELIOT, Samuel A. History of Harvard college, [1636- 1848]. Boston, 1848. 16 297.21 ELIOTT, George Augustus, 1st lord Heathfield, English general, defender of Gibraltar, b. 1717, d. 1790. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person ages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 ELIZABETH, queen of Bohemia, b. 1596, d. 1662. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 ELIZABETH, qnet.n of England, scholar and authoress, n. 1533, d. 1603. Abbott, J. History of 559.25 Aiken, L. Memoirs of the court of 554.3 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 1 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 5 of 840.10 Cunningham, P. Revels at court, in the reign of. 342.5 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns v. 1 of 810.44 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 2 of 592.1 Turner, S. History of the reign of 965.4 AVright, T. Queen Elizabeth and her times 554.2 Note. See under England, the note on the Tudor period. Froudc s favorable view is not generally accepted. Lingard s is a Catholic estimate. Perhaps Hume s is the ordinary belief. The points at issue between Elizabeth and Mary q ueen of Scots have given rise to much opposing comment, for which see the note under Mary, and the articles on Elizabeth and Mary in the Edinburgh review, O; t., 1806, and in Blackwood. April. 1867. The numerous criticisms on Froude s England usually compare their characters. Of the special histories above named, those of Aiken, Strickland, Turner, and Wright [also in B. II. 2444.5] are important. See also London quar terly review, July, 1854. and Oct., 186:!; Fraser s magazine, Oct. and Nov., 185.!;"and James s Memoirs of celebrated women, [B. II. 22J(>.7.2]. Prescott compares nor with Isabella of Spain, in his Ferdinand and Isabella, [929.2.3.] ELIZABETH, of York, queen of Henry VII, b. 1466, d. 1502. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per sonages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 2 of 592.1 ELIZABETH, princess of Bohemia, b. 1617, d. 1680. Memoirs of. See Blaze de Bury, M. P. R., madame 545.15 ELIZABETH, Saint, queen of Hungary, b. 1207, d. 1231. Life of. See Montalombert, C. F. de Tryon, comte de 547.15 ELIZABETH CHRISTINA, of Brunswick Severn, b. 1715, d. 1797. See Atkinson, E. W. Memoirs of the queens of Prussia 546.1 ELIZABETH STUART, 1st princess-royal of Great Britain, It. 1596, d. 1662. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession in Great Britain v. 8 of 593.4 ELIZABETH WOODVILLE, queen of Edward IV, b. about 1431, d. 1488. Russell, W. Extraordi nary women 598.19 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. lof 592.1 ELLENBOROTJGH, 1st lord. See Law, Edward. ELLERY, William, American statesman, b. 1727, d. 1820. Life of. See Channing, E. T. v. 3 of 518.5; v. 6 of 529.1 ELLESMERE, Earl of. See Egerton, Francis. ELLESMERE, 1st lord. See Egerton, Thomas. ELLET, Charles, jr., American engineer and colonel, b. 1810, d. 1862. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 ELLET, Elizabeth F. Domestic history of the Amer ican revolution, [1764-H3]. New York, 1851. 12 217.8 The queens of American society. [With por traits.] New York, 1867. 8 1522.15 Women artists in all ages and countries. New York, 1859. 12 544.23 ELLET 81 EMBURY Shelf. No. ELLET, Elizabeth F., continued. The women of the American revolution. [With portraits.] New York, 1852, 53. 3 v. 12.... 538.13 Contents. Vol. I. Man- Washington, mother of George Washington, b. 1714, d. 171)6; Esther t)e Berdt Reed, wife of Joseph Reed, b. 174(>, d. 1780; Catharine Schuyler, wife of Gen. Philip Schuyler, d. 1SO:J; Catharine Greene (afterwards Mrs. Mil er), wife of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, b. 175;}, d. 1815 ; Mercy Warier., wife of James Warren, American authoress, b. 17 1824 Lot Benc raT "William" Hull/b. about 1755, d. 182o; l,ndy Christina Harriet Caroline Fox Ackland, b. 1750. d. 1815; Hannah Erwin Israel ; Lydia Darrah, or Darrach.<iuakeress; Rebecca Flanks, (aprncarrls Mrs. Johnson) ; Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson, poetess, b. 1740, d. 1801; Mrs. Marv Philipse Morris, b. 1629, d. 1825; Mrs. Ma.y Reeve Gibbes, b. 174(i. d. 1825; Mrs. Eiiza Wilkinson, authoress; Mrs. Martha Bratton; Mrs. Jane Thomas; Mrs. Dorcas Richardson, b. 1741, d. 18S4; Mrs. Elizabeth Martin; Miss Dicey Langston; Mrs. Elizabeth 17:!2, d. 1801; Mrs. Abisail Adams, wife of .Mm Adams, b. 1741, d. ISIS; Mrs. Eii/.abrtli C:uy, mother of Henry Clay, b. 1750, d. 18-7; Mrs. Martha Wilson, b. 1758; Mrs. Rebecca Motte, b. 17: W, d. 1M5 ; Mrs. Bekctblund Foote Butler, b. 1704; Mrs. Hannah Caldwell, d. 1780; Deborah Samson (<iftcn,;rds am. Gannett), soldier in the revolutionary army, b. 1760, d. 1827; Mrs. Maraaivt G:isti>n, b. about 1755. il. 18-2; Flora Mac- donalil, heroic Srottisn Jacobite, b. 1720, d. I? .*); Mrs. Rachel Caldwell, b. 1739, d. 1823; The women of Wyoming; Mrs. Jane Campbell, Irish heroine, b. 1743, d. l!lj; Mrs. Cornelia Beeknmn, b. 1752, d. 1847: Mrs. Frances Allen, wife of Ethan Allen: Mrs. Margaret ArnoiJ, wife of Benedict Arnold, b. 1701, d. 1801; Jane M Crea, d. 1777; Mrs. Nancy Hart; Mrs. Ann Eliza Bleecker, b. 1752. d. 17SJ; Mrs. Alicelzard, wife of Ralph Izard, b. 174ij, d. 18 !2; Mrs. Anna Bailey. The women of Kentucky; Miss Elizabeth Zane; Mrs. Margaret Morris, b. 17J7, d. "iSlli; Miscellaneous anecdotes. III. Mrs. Annis Stockton, wife of Richard Stockton, b. 17-tf, d. 1801; Mrs. Lucy Kuoxj Sirs. Marjjaret Whctton, b. 17:, d. 1809; Mrs. Blandina Bruyn, b. 175 i, d. 18"2; Mrs. Anne Fitzhujh. b. 1727; Mrs. Katharine Sterl, d. 1785; Mrs. Nancy Green, Irish * heroine, b, 1750, d. 1S27 ; .Mrs. Estiier Walker, b. 17til, d. 1800; Mrs. Mary McClurc, d. 1NOO; Mrs. Isabella Ferguson, d. 1820; Mrs. Mary Johnston, b. 17(il ; Mrs. Jane Boyd. b. about 1770; Mrs. Jane" Gaston, b. 17(; Mrs. Sarah McCalla; Mrs. Mary Mills, b. 1758, d. 1S41; Mis. Jane White, b. 1758, d. 18(1; Mrs. Rebecca Calhomi Piekcns, wife of Gen. Andrew Piekeus, b. 1745,d. 1815; Mrs. Sarah Buchanan, d. 1&31; Mrs. Nancy Vim Alstine, b. about 17:i3, d. 18 !1 ; Airs. Eleanor Wilson, d. 1810; Margaret Moncrietle (afh-rwards Mrs. Conltlan); Mrs. Mary Murray, mother of Lindley Murray, d. 1782; Anecdotes. Xote. These volumes also contain other short biographical notices. ELLICOTT, Charles J. Historical lectures on the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, being the Hulsean lec tures for 1859. Boston, 1867. 12 1092.11 ELLIOT, Frances. Diary of an idle woman in Italy. Leipzig, 1872. 2 v. Sq. 16 1G79.6 E-LLIOTT, Charles W. New England history, 986- 1776. New York, 1857. 2 v. 8 223.6 ELLIOTT, Ebenezer, the corn-law rhymer, b. 1 781, d. 1849. Giles, II. Lectures and essays .v. Iof875.6; v. Iof875.8 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi- ment British poets v. 2 of 896.1 Phillips, G. S. Life, character, and genius of 599.12 Watkins, J. Life, poetry, and letters of 586.18 Kate. See also Smiles s Brief biographies, [589.18]; S. T. Hall s sketch, [B. II. SXC.51]; Chambers s Papers, [3S6.1.1.]j John Wilson s essay, [B. II. 45tti.ll.,"]; Whipple s essay, [873.11.1 ; S7.U2.1] ; Westminster review, Jan. and April, 1830; Gentleman s magazine, Feb., 1850; London athenieum, Jan., 1800; and Alliboue. ELLIOTT, Grace Dalrymple. Journal of my life dur ing the French revolution. London, 1859. 8.. 1006.2 ELLTS, Daniel, union guide of East Tennessee. Thrill ing adventures during the rebellion. With il lustrations. By himself. New York, 1867. 12. 276.4 ELLIS, Edward S. Life and adventures of Col. David Crockett [b. 1766, d. 1836], embracing his career as hunter, soldier, and congressman. New York, n.d. 96pp. 16 1529.22 Life and times of Col. Daniel Boone, the hunter of Kentucky, [b. 1735, d. 1822]. New York, n.d. 96pp. 16 1529.22 Life of Pontiac, the conspirator, chief of the Ot- tawas, [b. 1712? d. 1769], New York, [cop. 1861]. 16 1529.24 Life of Tocumseh, the Shawneo chief, [b. 1770, d. 1813]. New York, [cop. 1861]. 98pp. 16.1529.23 ELLIS, George E. Aims and purposes of the found ers of the Massachusetts colony; Treatment of intruders and dissentients by the founders of Massachusetts. See Massachusetts historical society 222.3 Shelf. No. ELLIS, Georgo E., continued. Life of Anne Hutchinson, [founder of the Antino- mian party in New England, b. 1591, d. 164:5]. See Sparks, J v. 16 of 529.1 Life of John Mason, [military officer of Connec ticut, b. 1600, d. 1672]. See Sparks, J...v. 13 of 529.1 Life of William Penn. [English founder of Pennsyl vania, b. 1G44, d. 1718]. See Sparks, J. . . v. 22 of 529.1 ELLIS, Georgo (J. AV.) Agar, lord Dover. Life of Frederic n, king of Prussia, [b. 1712, d. 1786]. New York, 1848. 2 v. 24 810.48 Lives of the most eminent sovereigns of modern Europe. [With portraits.] 4th edition. Lon don, [1833]. 16 548.28 Contents. Gustavusll. Adolphus, king of Sweden, b. 159 (, d 1KB; John III (JohnSobieski), kingof Poland, b. 102 ,), d. 1!J3G; peter I, Alexiowitseh, the great, emperor of Russia, b. K!72, d. 1725 ; Frederic n, the great, king of Prussia, b. 1712, d. 178(5. The true history of the state prisoner [Hercules Anthony Matthioli, b. 1640, d. 1703], commonly called the Iron Mask. 2d edition. London, 1827. 16 ELLIS, Henry. Journal of the late embassy to China. Philadelphia, 1818. 8 ELLIS, John B. Sights and secrets of the national capital. [With illustrations.] New York, 1869. 16 C ELLIS, Sarah Stickney. Summer and winter in the Pyrenees. [Anon.] 2d edition. London, [1841]. 615.9 696.10 1622.4 654.16 298.27 934.5 705.5 707.4 682.2 632.4 298.11 597.16 ELLIS, Thomas T. Leaves from the diary of an army surgeon. New York, 1863. 12 J ELLIS, William, English missionary, b. 1799. His tory of Madagascar. London, [1838]. 2 v. 8. Narrative of a tour through Hawaii. [With illus trations.] London, 1826. 8 Polynesian researches, during a residence in the Society and Sandwich islands. London, 1833. 4 v. 12 U Three visits to Madagascar, 1853-56. Illustrated. London, 1858. 8 Sarno. New York, 1859. 8 D ELLISON, Thomas. Slavery and secession in America. London, [1861]. P. 8 :; .. ELLISTON, Robert William, English comedian, b. 1774, d. 1831. Life and enterprises of. See Raymond, G ELLSWORTH, Oliver, American chief justice, b. 1745, d. 1807. Sigourney, L. II. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 Van Santvoord, G. Lives of tho chief justices of the United States : . . . 523.4 ELLWOOD, Thomas, English quaker, b. 1639, d. 1713. Whittier, J. G. Life of 567.6 Old portraits and modern sketches, v.l of 823.21; 887. G EL-MEDINAII, Pilgrimage to. 1856. Burton, R. F. 689.10 ELMES, James. Sir Christopher Wren [architect, b. 1632, d. 1723] and his times. [With portrait.] London, 1852. 8 203.18 EL MUKATTEM. Lands of tho Moslem. A narrative of oriental travel. New York, 1851. 8 684.8 ELPHINSTONE, Hon. Mountstuart, English historian, b. 1778, d. 1859. History of India, [1622-1761]. London, 1841. 2 v. 8 J 934.3 Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Kaye, J. W. Lives of Indian officers ....v. 1 of 15G6.4 ELTON, Charles A. History of the Roman emperors, from Augustus to Constantino. With maps and portraits. London, 1825. 12 548.11 ELWES, John, English miser, b. about 1714, d. 1786. Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. T. 3 of 1869.1 Wilson, II. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 ELY, Alfred. Journal in Richmond. Edited by C. Lanman. New York, 1862. 12 298.13 EMANCIPATION, The results of. Cochin, (P. S.) A. 295.4 EMBASSIES and foreign courts. A history of diplo macy. Murray, E. C. G. . 987.5 EMBURY, Emma Catharine, American authoress, b. 1806, d. 1863. Pictures of early life. Boston, 1839. 18 878.27 EMERSON 82 ENGLAND Shelf. No. EMERSON, George B. Education in Massachusetts: early legislation and history. See Massachusetts historical society 222.3 EMERSON, George R. London: how the great city grew. London, 18C2. 12 097.14 EMERSON, James. Letters from the JSgean. New York, 1839. 8 C83.4 EMERSON, Ralph Waldo, American poet and essayist, b. 1803. Representative men: seven lectures. Boston, 1850. 16 876.5 Contents. Uses of great men; Plato, Greek philosopher, b. B.C. 43), d. Ii. C. 1547: Emanuel Swcdenborg, or Svcden- borg, originally Swedbcrg. or Svedberg, Swedish theologian and writer, b. HJ88, d. 1772; Michel Equcm do Montaigne, French philosopher, moralist, and writer, b. 153;>. d. 1592; William Siuikc-iiouie, English dramatiu poet, b. 1504, d. 1016; Napoleon I (\apolenn Bonaparte), emperor of the French, b. 17<J!>, d. 1821 ; Julian Wolfgang von Goethe, German dramatic author, poet, and naturalist, b. 1749, d. 182. See Powell, T. The living authors of America. . 518.15 Kate. Beside the accounts in Allibone, Griswold and Duy- ckinck, see Whipple s article in the New American cyclopse- dia; lionies of American authors, [B. II. 2146.51]; Haw thorne s introduction to The scarlet letter, [457.8] : the Concord circle described in Eraser s, or no. 1063 of Living age; in Low ell s paper on Thoreau in his "My study windows." [1810.22]; also see American review, vol. 1, andBartol s section on trans cendentalism in " Kadical problems, 1 [877. 2o]. Also appre ciative papers in Fiaser s, 1807 and 1368, or nos. Ii0t> and 1262 of Living age; and Alger a article on Emerson. Spencer and Maitineaum Christian examiner, May, 18(18. For Kincrson as a lecturer, see Lowell s" My study windows," [1810.22] ; At lantic, Feb., 1SU1 ; Alcotfs Concord days. [900.211] ; and Four papers from the Courier, [B. II. .T.08.28; 4109.57]. As a poet he is reviewed in the North American review, July, 1807; and Atlantic, Sept., 18C7. Fronde, in his Short studies," makes Emerson s " Repre sentative men" the subject of a criticism [1812.15], and the Saturday review is a tvpe of the unfavorable English view, [sec nos. 810 and 869 of Living age]. EMIGRATION. General hints to emigrants: contain ing notices of the various fields for emigration. I860 EMINENT men and popular books. From " The times." London, 1859. 16 EMMET, Robert, one of the " United Irishmen," b. 1780, d. 1803. Life, trials, and conversations. [Anon.] Boston, 1852. 24 Life and times of. See Madden, R. R EMMET, Thomas Addis, Irish historian and insurrec tionist, b. 17C3, d. 1827. Haines, C. G. Memoir of Madden, R. R. Memoir of Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolu tion 669.21 549.33 15C9.1 598.15 598.17 598.15 528.1 Note. See Judge Story s Works [872.5], and note under Ireland. EMMONS, Richard. The battle of Bunker hill: an historic poem. Boston, 1841. 12 258.3 EMMONS, AVilliam. Authentic biography of Col. Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky, [b. 1781, d. 1850]. [Anon.] Boston, 1834. 92pp. 12 C .. 527.9 EMORY, John, mcthodist bishop, b. 1788, d. 1835. See Gorrio, P. D. Lives of methodist ministers .... 535.14 EMORY, William H. Notes of travel in California. See Fremont, J. C 623.8 ENGHIEN, Duke of. See Conde, Louis ir, do Bourbon. ENGLAND. (See also Great Britain.) Art. Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent Brit ish painters, sculptors, and architects 379.9 ; 810.19 Thornbury, W. British artists from Hogarth to Turner 543.18 Tuckerman, H. T. A month in. 1854 646.15 Note. See the note under Painting; and the sections on England in general histories of architecture and sculpture; chapters in the 1 ictorial history of England, [B. II. 2432.1]; sections in Samson s Art criticism, [B. II [1077.26]; much in illustration of the subject in Rnskin s Madam painters [B. H. 4067.28], largely in explanation of Turner; a chapter on Re cent art in Bayne s Essays, [8X5.1]; sections in Bulwcr s Eng land and the English. [888.18]; Palgrave .- Essay on the position of sculpture in England, [B. II. 40;i!l.:!5] ; and a popu lar summary, but not full, in Vinrdot s Wonders of sculpture, [1198.19]. Soe also the Meienccs to the Parliamentary docu ments in Bates Hall Index, p. MO j and the English periodi cals. Art-journal [B. II. 51C0.1], Fine arts quarterly [B. H. 8072.1], etc. Also English art in the Gothic centuries in British quarterly review, Oct., 1870, and on the English school of painting in the number for July, 1862. ENGLAND, continued. Biography in general. Adams, W. H. D. Sword and pen: or, English worthies in the reign of Elizabeth 5G7. 10 Bagehot, AV. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen 5G3.9 Bravo men s footsteps 1559.5 Brave old English confessors 667.6 Campbell, J., lord. Lives of the chief justices of, [1066-1793] ; 568.2 Lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of, [005-1838] 568.1 A ore. Lord Campbell s Lives are of great repute. .7 Chasles, ( V. E.) P. Notabilities in Cunningham, G. G. History of, in the lives of Englishmen 562.1 Fuller, T. History of the worthies of 574.5 Herbert, H. W. Persons and pictures from the history of. From the Norman conquest to the fall of the Stuarts 548.6 Smith, G. Three English statesmen. [Pym, Crom well, Pitt] 1988.1 Strickland, A. Lives of the bachelor kings of. . . 554.9 Tayler, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs. 1094.10; 1094.15 Timbs, J. English eccentrics and eccentricities. . 1553.3 Tulloch, J. English puritanism and its leaders. [Cromwell, Milton, Baxter, Bunyan] 997.7 Biography of queens and princesses. Doran, J. Lives of the queens cf England of the house of Hanover 593.3 Green, M. A. E. Lives of the princesses of, [1066-1670] 594.13 Hall, Mrs. M. The queens of, before the con quest, [1066] 594.12 Lancelot, F. The queens of, and their times 693.2 Meline, J. F. Mary queen of Scots and her latest English historian 594.17 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of, [1066- 1702] 592.1 - Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession of Great Britain 593.4 Hote. Doran is gossipy and curious. Meline, a Catholic, writes to espouse Mary s tide against Fronde, who inclines to her rival, Elizabeth. Miss Strickland s books are reputable; and for references, sefe Allibone. General and epochal history, etc. (See also preceding section, and also under Great Britain.) Adolphus, J. History of, during the reign of George in, [17GO-1804] 964. 1 Andrews, A. The eighteenth century 988. 2 Annals of. 1855-57 979.7 Birchall, J. England under the Normans and Plantagenets, [10GG-1377] . . 998.2 Brougham, II., lord. History of, under the house of Lancaster, [1377-1471] 993 1 Burgon, J. W. England and Rome. 1869 2104.16 Carrol, (J. B. N.) A. History of the counter-rev olution in, [1658-85] 837.10; 978.4 Clarendon, Earl of. See Hyde, E., below. Craik, G. L. Pictorial history of, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1760] 962.2 Croly, G. Life and times of George iv 810. 1G Doublcday, T. Financial, monetary and statis tical history of, [1688-1847] 984.3 Edgar, J. G. The wars of the roses, [1453-85]. 999.3; 999.15 Ferguson, R. English surnames 999.10 Fonblanque, A. England under seven administra tions, [1826-33] 979.1 Forstor, J. Arrest of the five members by Charles i, [1641-42] 998.13 Froude, J. A. History of, from the fall of Wol- sey to the death of Elizabeth, [1530-1603] 984.2 ENGLAND 83 ENGLAND Shelf. No. ENGLAND. General and epochal history, etc., continued. Geldart, Mrs. T. Stories of England and her forty counties 999.19 Grenville, R. P. Memoirs of the court of, during the regency, [1811-20] 994.2 Guizot, F. (P. G.) History of Oliver Cromwell and the English commonwealth, [1649-58]. 975.8; 978.2 History of the English revolution of 1640 837.4 978.5; 979.9 Halliwell, J. 0. Letters of the kings of, [1190- 1649] 978.3 Historical pictures, [B. c. 52-A. D. 1824]. See Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge .... 979.10 Hopkins, S. The puritans: or tho church, court, and parliament of, during the reigns of Edward vi and Queen Elizabeth, [15 19-1001] 982.3 Hume, D. History of, to 1688 9G8.1; 1965.1 Continued 961.1; 962.3; 963.1 Hyde, E., earl of Clarendon. History of the rebel lion and civil wars in, [1641-60] 977.1 Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of, during tho reign of the Stuarts [1603-88], including tho protectorate 976. 1 Memoirs of the court of, from the revolution in 1688 to the death of Georgo n, [1760] 976.2 Johnston, W. England as it is. 1851 979.4 Knight, C. Half hours of English history. 1853. 975.2; 993.4 Popular history of, [D. c. 56-A. D. 1861] 982.1 Lester, C. E. Condition and fato of. 1843 988.9 Lewin, T. Invasion of Britain by Julias Casar. 9822 Lingard, J. History of, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1688]. 964. 2; 969.3 Macaulay, T. B., lord. History of, from the acces sion of James n, [1685-1702] 966.2; 966.3; 1966.1 Mackintosh, Sir J. History of, [continued by others to 1760] 368.3 Macknight, T. Thirty years of foreign policy. The secretaryships of Aberdeen and Palmerston. 993.3 Mahon, Earl. See Stanhope, P. II., below. Martineau, II. History of the peace, [1816-54]. . 995.3 Meline, J. F. Mary queen of Scots and her latest English historian 594.17 Morgan, J. F. England under the Norman occu pation 999.2 Napier, Sir W. F. P. English battles and sieges in the peninsula, [1808-14] 1007.8 O Connell, J. Recollections and experiences dur ing a parliamentary career from 1833 to 1848. 893.8; 988.4 Reed, H. Lectures on English history, as illus trated by Shakespeare 968. 2 ffnte. See also Courtenay s "Historical commentaries," [B. II. 2597.19]: and the accounts of the historical p!a.ys in Knight s edition ot Shakespeare [322.4] also trace the cor respondences between Shakespeare s presentation and the chronicles. St. John, J. A. History of tho four conquests of. 993.2 Stanhope, P. II., earl, formerly Lord Mahon. History of, [1701-13] 1966.7 History of, [1713-83] 963.2; 1966.6 Narrative of the insurrection of 1745 989.6 Thierry, (J. N.) A. History of the conquest of, by the Normans, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1485] 837.6; 978.6 Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history. A century of English history, [1700 to I860] 1977.1 Turner, S. History of, during tho middle ages, [500-1410] 965.2 Tytler, P. F. England under Edward vi and Mary, [1547-58] 974.4 Vaughan, R. History of, under the house of Stuart, including the commonwealth, [1603-88], 365.18; 965.5 Revolutions of race 982.4 Wade, J. England s greatness. 1856 987.9 White, J. Landmarks of the history of. 1854 . . 969.10 Wright, T. Essays on subjects connected with the literature, popular superstitions, and history of England in the middle ages. 1846 987.3 Eo a ENGLAND. General and epochal history, etc., continued. with the religion of the people, yet for its style ard sagacity, it has in the past been accepted as the standard historv [also in B.H. 4510.8; 4525.5; 6512.3: 6515.2], and Smollett [B. H. 4525.5; 4.516.9], in a work too hastily written to be of much value, will serve for a-continuation to 1760; again continued to 1782, [B. II. 6515.1]; by Hughes from 1700 to 1837, [B.H. 4510.10]; and by others. Lingard [also in B. II. . 429.2] makes an able and dignified review from a Catholic point of view, covers the same ground with Hume, and is the favorite author ity on the continent. The Pictorial history [sec C raik] is carefully and learnedly elaborated by a group of scholars, witliBome advantages in arrangement by epochs, with sections devoted to the civil and military historv, to the constitutional history, to the ecclesiastical history. nd to the histories of the people s industry, their manners, their condition, their litera ture, science, and art. The American reprint (in the above list) reproduces the wood-cuts of the English, but only covers therfrst four volumes (down to 1760), while the English edition [B. II. 2422.1], which has a fine series of portraits on steel, in addition to the wood-cuts, has four more volumes, covering the reign of George III, and bringing it down to 1820. The Eortion covering the American war and the French revolution as a strongtory leaning. Knight s Popular historv, brought down to the death of Prince Albert [also in B. H. 2525.10], embodies the essential results of the special historians in a continuous narrative, which is considered the best fur the general reader. Sir Edward S. Crcasy s history [B. II. 4524.25] covers the early and middle ages, and a recent woik by Sanford [B. H. 4517.20] characterizes the monarchs from the Conqueror to George in. See Vnughan s Revolutions in English history, [B. II. 2525.1 ; reviewed in British quarterly review, July, 1861]. SecFroude s Essay on the best means of teaching English history, in the Oxford essays, [B. H. 2555.15.11. For the progress of English historical writing down to Lingard, see Edinburgh review, March, 1831; Lawrence s British historians [586.11], etc. By periods. On the pre-historic period, see British quarterly, Oct., 1369, and Druids in the Bates Hall catalogues. Of the Anglo-Saxon period (A. n. 827-10(i6), Sharon Turner is reputable, [965.1; B. H. 4175.12]; Sir Francis Palgrave s books [389.17; B.H. 4178.13] are more recent and excellent, and he is particularly instructive on the rise and progress of political institutions at this period [see 2511.5], closing with William Kufus. Wright s archaeological studies have pro- duccd some good results [see Bates Hall catalogues] on the life of that period. Pearson s maps: illustrating English history down to the 13lh century [B. 11.4520.3] are useful, and the same may be said of his " Early and middle nges of England," [B. H. 2418.10 ; 4515.91. Sec subsequent section, " The old chron icles." Also sec E. W. Robertson s essay on English history before the conquest, [B. 11. 4555.4] ; and the note under Alfred the great. Also E. A. Freeman s essay on the Mythical and _ romantic elements in early English history, in Fortnightly review, May 1, 1S66. Of the A orman period (A. T>. 1006-1154), Freeman s [B. II. 4515.1; reviewed in London quarterly. July, 1807, and British quarterly, July, 1870] is probably the best book both critical and philosophical on the conquest, and Thierry s book, [in French, B. II. 2419.3 ; 4(162.2.1] is of repute. See Lower s essay on the battle of Hastings, [B. II. 2558.4]. Also the notes under Normandy and William the conqueror; and Hazcwell s paper on the Conquest in the Atlantic, Oct., 18W, and a paper on th Conqueror in the British quarterly, Oct., 1864. See Birchall and St. John (above). Of the / laniayenet period (A. T>. 1154-1399), see in this and the Bates Hall catalogues under Henry n, Richard I, John, Henry ill, Edward t, Edward n, Edward in, Richard n, and Edward the biack prince. Also Hirchail (above). Of the Lancaster period (A. D. l;fl)9-14(il), sec in this and the Bates Hall catalogues under Henry IV, Henry v, and Henry vi. See Brougham (above). Of the York period ( A. ]>. 1461-1485), see in this and the Bates Hall catalogues undei Edward IV, Edward v, and Hichard HI. See Edgar s W r ars of the roses, [ .ISO.:!: 909.15]. Of the Tt dor p?ri >d (A. i>. 1 !-C>-li;03), Froude s monograph [also in B. II. 2430.5] is the most important. His research makes him voluminous, and his narrative is engaging; but he is charged with romancing in his bold attempts to vindicate the character of Henry VIII from the settled judgment ot pos terity, and has drawn oiihnumerous opponents like Ilosack, [B. II. 6541.8; 6541.9]. He disparages Mary of Scots in comparison with Elizabeth, and Meiine s book is a Catholic defence of the Scottish queen against Froude. He has been reviewed favor ably by Kingsley, [804.6]. See British quarterly, 18,58; Jan., 1864; April. 1870;" Atlantic monthly, July, 1862, by C. C. Haze- well; North American, Oct., 1S6H; Quarteily review, 1863; Edinburgh review, Oct.. 1866; Wcstminstei leview, Jan., 1867; Dublin University magazine, May. 1860, and other reviews referred to in Thomas s "Biographical dictionary." See in this and the Bates Hall cataljirues under Henry Vil. Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth. Hopkins covers the puritan tendencies during the latter part of this period. See Tytler (above). Of the Stuart period (A. I). 1003-1714), Catherine Macaulay [B. II. 2421.2], with her republican sympathies, begins where Froude ends, and goes through the revolution of 1689. The .civil wars and the commonwealth are represented with tho spirit of the parliament in the contemporary " Life of Colonel Hutchinson by his widow, [818.1".] ; and in Baxter s "Life S and times," [B. H. 8497.1.1 : 5553.1]; while the history of the puritans [sec note under Puritans] has n standard though ^, somewhat partisan chronicler in Neal, [B. H. 3526.]]. The modern stand for parliament was strongly reinforced by Car- lyle, as explained in the note under Cromwell. Goldwin Smith, in his "Three English statesmen," alsn espouses the side of parliament, [also in B. II. 4548.221. Godwin s "His tory of the commonwealth" (B. II. 2517.7] is also republican in tendency and shows original research. Forstcr, in his various monographs concerning this period, has shown ardu ous research, with palpable efforts at impartiality, but he has, in the later writings, verged more upon the liberal side. See his "Arrest of the five members; " his "Statesmen of the com monwealth." [B. II. 4544 8] ; his "Debates on the grand re monstrance," [B.H. 4528.27]; and his " Life of Sir John Eliot." ENGLAND ENGLAND ENGLAND. By periods, continued. Shelf. No. | [B. II. 2543.11)]. See also Cattcrmole on the civil wars, [B. II. 2411.50]; chai>ters in Masson s Milton, [B. II. LM45.51.ij; and Herman Merivule on Marston moor, 1044, [B. II. 2.503.1]. Elliot s "Old court life" [B. H. 2623.05] has a chapter on Charles Stuart in France. On tlie roya/ist side we have the narrative of Clarendon (Ilyde) [also in B.H.2."1.5.1 ; 4173.2; pleasant glimpses of it are given in Leigh Hunt s "Wishing-cap papers," IS 18. l;i], the work of a participator in the scones he so well describes : and it can be (itly supplemented by tlie " Diary of John Evelyn," an ardent royalist [U77.4 ; B. II. 2440.5], and Burnet e gossipy but straight- forward "Memoir.- of his own time," [B. II. 2517.5; 4.->10.10]. Among modern writers, Disraeli, in his "Life of Charles I [553.2], repeats these sympathies. Guizot s books [also in B. H., in French, 2517.11 ; 2517.1i ; 2518.1 ; in English. 2018.16] are of interest ns being tho judgments of on eminent Frenchman. The diary of Fcpy* [1)77.5] represents the debased character of society in the times following the restoration. Stonghton s* Church and state ( l60-ti. i) gives the ecclesiastical side of the restoration, and it is reviewed in the British Quarterly, Oct., ISO. See also in this and the Bates Hall catalogues, under James I, Charles I, Cromwell, Charles II, James II, William III ; and Carrel, VniiulKin, etc. (above). For the period. li!lH-<i<>, Urodie s British enipirc[B. II. 2516.7], corrects many of Hume s misstatemeuts. Of the revolution of 1CS8, we have a whig view in Fox s "Lift- of James IT," [978.4; B. II. 2110.1); 252S.li]; and the same sympathies are disclosed by the brilliant and philosophical .^Mackintosh, [::G8.3; B. 11 259014]; but the most splendid reputation amor.g modern English historians was gained by Macaulay for his history covering the period from the accession of James H to the death of William of Orange, who is the hero of the work, [also in B. II. 25ti J.2 ; 45:i!.S i 4527.UJ. His thorough research ttiid elaboration ot detail often curious make him diffuse, and his sty le, though lively, is generally esteemed to be too antithetical, not sometimes to sacrifice fact to effect. See references in Allibone, and tho note under Macaulay. "Whittier s " England under James n " [823.21.2] is in review of Macaulay. Lord Muhon, now Earl Stanhope [also in B. II. 40i").4], follows upon Maeaulay, and continues the story in a candid spirit to the peace of 178, ), and is eminc nt!y just n: his treatment of the American conflict. His reign of Queen Anne [see Anne] is reviewed in the Fortnightly review, 1870, or no. loOo of Living age. See also the note under Sir Robert Wai- pole, and Churchill (Marlborongh), and the Westminster review, 1851, or no. ;s)3 of Living age for a paper on "Marl- borough and the reign of Queen Ann" _ .[a T V . For the reiRns of Georga 11, George III, and George IV, see those names. The most considerable contributions to recent history are Miss Martincau s History of the peace," 181U--54, [also in U. II. 2422.3; 4M8.25]; and Alison s Europe, 1813-52, TB. II. 22U3.51, index in vol. 9]. See also William IV and ictoria. McCarthy s Modern leaders [1512.3] gives a sketch of the esent lory and liberal parties in English polities. Prof. Seeley, in Macmiilan, 1870. or Living age, no. ];;70, reviews the political and constitutional changes of the last half century . pre See . The general reader will be helped by Smyth s discrimina ions of authorities, rSL>7.; l>n:; ; UI3.7- B. ll. 41 42.2; 4648.4; C227.2; 630,1.2] , and Priestley s lectures [B. II. 2211.11 desig nates the sources of English history. For the English race, see a chapter in Emerson s English traits. [870.8] ; the article on their origin in Macmiilan, or no. 13.57 of Living age. Sec- also vol. 1 ol Vaughau s Kevolutious -in English history, [B. H. 1 5 J5.1]. A Government commission was appointed in 18C9 to de- velope th extent to which historical manuscripts existed in the Unit *" - - lited Kingdom, and to make record of the same and their place of deposit, nnd their reports have been epitomized cr s magazine, 1872, or no. 1465 of Living age. i Fraser See also Anglo-Saxons, Chelsea, Great Britain, London, Pretenders, Spanish Armada. Compendious general histories. Edwards, A. B. Summary of English history, [u. c. 55-A. D. ]85G] 999.20 Foster, A. P. History of, [B. o. 55-A. D. 1851] . . 99C.4 Geldart, Mrs. T. Popular history of. 18CO 998.17 Goldsmith, 0. History of, to the death of George 968.7 11, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1700] . Xote. Also in B. II. G519.1. - Same. Abridged Goodrich, S. G. Outlines of tho history of. 1828. Hall, A. M. Stories and studies from the chron icles and history of, [to 1837] Hamilton, W. D. Outlines of tho history of, [B. C. 55-A. D. 1649] Hume, D. History of, abridged and continued to 1858 " Inco, H. English history, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1859]. . Keightley, T. History of, [to 1839] Lingard, J. History of, abridged [Catholic view, B. c. 55-A. D. 1835] Lossing, B. J. History of, [to 1871] . . . . Smith, W. Smaller history of, to 18G2 Trimmer, S. Concise history of, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1820] Yonge, C. D. History of, to 1856 rT> Ar ?, e -7T, Recent condensed synoptical histories are G rimaldi s [B. II. 451D.22] and that prepared for the ue of candidates for tne cml service, [B. II. 4519.13]. 9G8.6 969.4 979.6 829.36 998.5 997.5 820.20 968.4 996.6 969.6 969.5 9CG.1 | ENGLAND, continued. Constitutional history. - Creasy, E. S. Rise and progress of the English constitution. 1853 135. 15 - Do Lolme, J. L. The constitution of. 1853 817.8 - Freeman, E. A. The growth of tho English con stitution from tho earliest times. 1872 987.12 - Hallam, H. Constitutional history of, [1509- 1760] 975.1; 998.21; 1934.2; 1938.2 - Hensinan, A. P. Handbook of the constitution of. I860 998.18 - Howley, E. History of the English constitution. 1857 987.7 - Montalembert, C. F. do Tryon, comte do. Polit ical future of. 1856 988.3 Xote. Forthe political student, Ilallam [also i n B. U. 4517.5], for the period from the accession oflleiiry vm to th- death of George H, may be considered the best history of Dngland, pre senting in a highly impartial manner the conflict hi twecn the throne and parliament in the 17th century ; and it has been creditably continned to 18GO by May, [B. II. 24HK50J. See the paper on the British parliament, its hi<ory and elo quence, in Quarterly review, 1872, or no. 1400 of Living age; and one on the falsifications of English history, regarding the rise of the English constitution, in De Quincey s Note book, Tfie old chronicles. - Florence, of Worcester. Chronicle, [446-1295] .. 856.11 - Froissart, Sir J. Antiont chronicles of. . . 1001.2; 1003.1 - Geoffrey, of Monmouth. British history, [to A. u. C88] 846.4 - Giles, J. A. Six old English chronicles 846.4 Henry, of Huntingdon. Chronicle of, [B. c. 55- A. D. 1154] 856.3 - Matthew Paris. English history, [1235-73] 856.1 - Richard, of Circncester. Ancient state of Britain. 846.4 Roger, ofHoveden. Annals of, [732-1201] 856.2 Roger, of Wendover. Flowers of history, [447- 1235] 856.9 AVilliam, of Malmesbury. Chronicle of the kings of, [447-1142] 846.3 Nute. See also Bates Hall catalogues. Naval hiatory and biography. Adams, AV. H. D. Famous ships of tho British navy 996.2 - Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of 578.1!) Allen, J. Battles of tho Britisli navy 825.1 Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 504.8 Bi cnton, E. P. Naval history of Great Britain, [1783-1836] 986.3 Esquiros, (H.) A. English seamen and divers. . 1994.1 Gifford, E. Deeds of naval daring. 1652 989.8 Gilly, AV. 0. S. Shipwrecks of tho royal navj , [1793-1849] 988.12 James, AV. Naval history of Great Britain, [1793-1820] 986.2 Johns, 11. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain. I860 854.5 Nicolas, Sir N. H. History of the royal navy, [897-1449] 986.1 Southey, R. Lives of tho British admirals 388.5 Kote. See Lodge s Portraits [815.1 ; B. II. 2451.11] for livei of different admirals. Ecclesiastical history. Bcde. Ecclesiastical history of, [597-731] 846.1 Cobbett, AV. History of the protestant reforma tion in 1105.11 Gorhatn, G. C. Gleanings of a few scattered ears, during tho reformation in, [1533-88] 1085.6 Hopkins, S. The puritans: or the church, court, and parliament of, during tho reigns of Edward vi and Queen Elizabeth, [1549-1601] 982.3 Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical history of 856.7 - Tulloch, J. English puritanisrn and its loaders. . 997.7 Kutf. For a general survey, see the chapters on Ecclesias tical history in the "PicU>ri;.i history of England," [B. II. 2422.1]. A recent book by G. II. Curteis ably traces the rela- ENGLAND 85 ENGLAND ENGLAND. Ecclesiastical history, continued. lions of the different bodies of dissenters to the Church of England, [B. II. 34C7.50]. See British quarterly review, July 1808, for the dissenters of the last century. Sue also chapters in Emerson s English t:.iits, [870.8]; Hqppln a Old England, [MMJQl Bulwer s England and the English [898. 13], rte. Sue also the American and foreign parts of the Prince catalogue, and references in Malcom under Church history (England), Church of England, Dissenters, Episcopacy. Establishment, etc.; and ulso titles in this catalogue under Christianity, Methodists, Protestantism, Puritans, Reformation, etc. AI<o references in the Index to the Parliamentary documents, Bates Hall Index, pp. 337, 330, 340, and Supplement, p. 245; also the names of prominent theologians and leaders; and the article England (Church of), with references in MeClintock and Strong. The planting of Christianity will be well fol lowed in Montalembert s Monks of the West [B. II. 3514.4], reviewed in British quarterly review, July, 1808. For the Reformation period, see a good summary in Fisher, chapter 10 [B. H.:i315.54,and his list i.n p. .58 :;]. and a chapter in Dollingcr s Reunion of the churches. [B. it. .3529..5fi]. Bur- net s Reformation [B. II. 3550.1] is thought by Macanlay to stand examination as to its accuracy with, singular good fortune. Dodd s Church history [B. II. 3523. .5] counteracts Burret on the Catholic side. Strype s works [B. II. 3522.2; . B. 1:22.9], which are often cited, are truthful and uocumf ntary. Consult the quarterly reviews and the theological journals for the progress of the divisions in Hie Anglican church during recent years, among others, Blackwood, Sept., 1800, for English converts to Romanism; 1 the British quarterly, July, 1804, Tor "Romanism in England:" Juiy, 1805, for "The two Newmans ; " Jan.. 1800, for " Anglicanism end Romanism ; " April, 1871. for " Parties in the Episcopal church." Vol. 2of Vaughan s Revolutions in English history is given to the changes in religi >n [2525.1; reviewed in British quar terly review, July. 1S01]. Life, manners, and education. (See also under Great Britain.) Brookes, J. , Manners and customs of the English nation, from the invasion of Julius Cassar to Victoria Buckle, II. T. History of civilization in. 1857- 61.. Burke, Sir (J.) B. Vicissitudes of families. 1859- 63 Daniel, G. Memo England in tho olden time. 1842 Home-life of English ladies in the 17th century. Pauli, R. Pictures of old England, [596-144:3]. Sutton II. The Lexington papers; or, tho court of London, [1694-98] Kote. See the chapters on this subject in the "Pictorial history of England," [B. 11.2422.1]. Buckle [also in B. U. 3505.17] shows research and ingenuity iu advancing a theory, opposed by many, that events follow of necessity upon estab lished conditions of race and climate. J. E. T. Rogers has surveyed the civilization from 1259 to 179, !, as arising from agricultural development and the scale of prices [B. II. 999.16 942.1; 9-12.2 998.3 978. 1 997.3 997.8 975.11 .. . . ., studied delineations cf the manners of the Elizabethan time. See Evelyn s [077.4 ; B. II. 2440.5] and IVpys s [H77..5] Diaries for the time of the civil wars and the. restoration ; a paper in an journa .; . . : .; . or e as century. Wright s "Caricature history of the Georges" [B. II. 2527.14; 4528.20] is an amusing record of the contemporary eatire upon politics and social life, and Boswell s "Life of Johnson" [582.4; B. II. 2540.3] is wonderfully expres history. For edurational matters, see under the heads of " Education" and " Universities" in the Bates Hall indexes to the British parliamentary documents, which contain probably the best Lrs. n., in iMigiisn, ziiii.i^j. uomnger, on universities past and present [B. II., in German, 5.7.U, 9], contrasts the German and English systems, to the disadvantage of the latter. Bayne [885.1.21 contrasts the old and modern university systems. Book third of Bulwer s England and the English [898.13] 13 given to education; and various general descriptions of, or travel in, England, devote sections to the universities, like Emerson s English traits, [870.8]; Iloppin s Old England [1054.2], etc. See the books on Eton, Harrow, and other typical English schools, and the paper on Eton iu the British quarterly, Jan., 1868. Timbs s School-days of eminent men [589.3] popularly traces the rise and progress of education in England ; Black- wood, for March, 1808, portrays the effects of the universities upon the nation j and for Oct., 1806, under "Light and dark blue," takes a general survey of life and literature at the uni versities; while the Saturday review, or Living age, Jan 4, 1802, gives the characteristics of the two chief universities. See also a paper from the Spectator iu the Living age, 21 Feb., 1863. Also British quarterly, April, 1870. For Oxford, see various monographs given in the Bates Hall catalogues, like Woods [2540.21], Ingrain [2490.18], Amhnrst [2!9n.:i5], Pointer [2490.:!7], Rogers [2490.20], Chalmers [2492.5J, etc. Goldwin Smith [B. H. 2211.15] has Riven an ENGLAND. Life, manners, and education, continued. account specially for American readers. The best known delineations of life at this university arc given in Hughes s "Tom Brown at Oxford, 1 [433.3, St. Ambrose being a typical college] and the adventures of Verdant-Green [500.9, rerging on caricature]. For boating life, [180.102]. For the Oxford of the early part of this century, sec I)e Quincey s memorials. [110,5.:!, or Life and manners, 89"). 10.]. See also Lamb s "Vacation in Oxford," [881.2, etc.]; Tuekerman s Month in England, [010 1.5] : the account of Commemoration week in Living age, 23 May, 18ii3, and Harper s monthly, vols. 30 and 31 (by Gokl-vin Smith), and 39 (by A. L.vman). Emerson s account [870.8] applies mostly to Oxford. See also Forney s Letters, [1007.1]. For Cambridge, the best books for American readers, descriptive of the university course and life at a late date, are Bristed s [884.14; B. II. 2579.01] and Everett s [812.31. See Cambridge, note. The Bates Hall catalogues will give the different standard English authorities, like Cooper, [2490.15; 2490.21; 2490.38]; Dyer, [2402.5]; Fuller, [2490.11!]; Wilson, [2490.19]; Gunning, [2490.25], etc. See Turner s Anglo-Saxons, [90.5.1, chapter 6 of book 5] as to the priority of the founding of Oxford or Cambridge. Histories written for youths. Callcott, M., lady. Little Arthur s history of, to [1820] 969.11; 998.8 Dickens, C. (J. II.) Child s history of, to 1808. 969.1; 969.9 Freeman, E. A. Old English history for children, to [106(i] 969.3 Knox, I. C. The little folks history of, [B. c. 55- A. D. 1872] 969.12; 969.13 Penrose, E. (Mrs. Markham). History of, [B. c. 55-A.D. 1837] 968,3 Note. Also in B. H. 4519.21. Travels and description. (See also under Great Britain.) Adams, W. T. Rod cross; or, Young America in. 1871 1677.3 Berry, M. Comparative view of the social life of England and Franco. 1828-31 986.4 Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L., lord Lytton. Eng land and the English. 1833 898.13 Bunn, A. Old England and Now England. 1853.628.10 Carus, C. G. The king of Saxony s journey through England in 1844 647.3 Cooper, J. F. Gleanings in. 1837 64G.20 Copway, G. Sketches of men and places in* 1851. 647.16 Coxe, A. C. Impressions of. 1856 04513 Dod, . Tho. laboring classes of. 1847 1848.1 Dudley, D. Social and political aspects of. 1862. 165C.5 Eddy, D. C. Europa: or, scenes and society in, [1851,52] 644.3 Ilaoseler, C. II. Across tho Atlantic. Letters from England. 1868 1667.3 Hatnorton, P. G. A painter s camp in. 1867 ... 1651.3 Haskins, G. F. Six weeks abroad in. 1872 .... 658.21 Travels in. 1856 658. 14 Haven, G. Tho pilgrim s wallet; or, scraps of travel gathered in. 1866 644.15 Hawthorne, Mrs. 1ST. Notes in. 1869. .. 888.25; 1666.15 Hawthorne, N. Passages from his English note books. 1870 1666.16 Herbert, II. W. Persons and pictures from tho history of. From the Norman conquest to tho fall of tho Stuarts. 1854 548.rt Hoppin, J. M. Old England: its scenery, art, and people. 1867 1654.2 Howitt, W. Rural life of. 1838 896.4 ; 986.5 Visits to remarkable places; illustrative of striking passages in English history. 1854 896.3 and M. Stories of English life. 1853 825.5 Kay, J. Social condition and education of tho peoploin. 1863 123.21; 138.16 Knapp, J. L. Country rambles in. 1853 177.35 Lester, C. E. Condition and fate of. 1843 988.9 Glory and shame of. 1842 646.12 Long, G. Geography of 365. 10 Mackenzie, A. S. The American in. 1835 658.15 Miller, II. First impressions of. 1851 646.7 Miller, T. English country life. 1864 1998.1 Morford, II. Over sea; or, England as seen by a live American. 1867 1654.1 Old sports of. 1835 589.14 ENGLAND 86 ENGLISH Shelf. No. ENGLAND. Travels and description, continued. Olmsted, F. L. Walks and talks of an American farmer in. 1852 646.10; 646.11 Pecchio, G., count. Semi-serious observations of an Italian exile in. 1833 1654.6 Fillet, R. M. Views of, during a residence of ten years. 1818 988.10 Rauiner, F. (L. G.) von. England in 1835 979.2 England in 1841 979.3 Southey, R. Letters from England. 1807 679.13 Taine.H.A. Notes on. 1872 876.21 Taylor, E. England and its people. 1866 969.7 Thornbury, W. Cross country. 1861 644. 1 Trench, R. C. English past and present. 1855.. 403.19 Tuckerman, H. T. A month in. 1854 646.15 Wakefield, E. G. England and America. A com parison of the social and political state of. 1834. 645.1 Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A woman s experiences in. 1872 648.19 Wayland, J. Recollections of real life in. 1848. 899.22 White, W. All round the Wrekin. 1860 645.17 Hole,. Of American tourists in England, Mackenzie was one of the earliest whose book trained repute, and Cooper soon after saw the society of the metropolis with the prestige of a name already famous, and has made an entertaining record of what lie observed in political and literary circles Tuckerman was a literary pilgrim . and sought places for their associations. Haskius has Catholic sympathies. Emerson s "English traits" [87li.8] is a series of compact, well-filled essays on the phases of life and thought that came under his observation. Haw thorne gracefully recounts bis experiences a.s American con sul nt Liverpool, with various episodical excursions about England, and tells of some intercourse with literary society. Sec also hia " Our old home," [864.19]. The Quarterly review (no. 10:. !) of Living age) puts Emerson above Hawthorne as a judge of the English character; and the North British review, in 1867, said, that the Americans have no good book about England. Taine s recent book [B. II. 2408.23; in French, 2408.0] is the work of a brilliant Frenchman, inclined to phi losophize on his observations. It is reviewed with compari sons of the customs and morality of France in Quarterly review, 1872, or no. 1-174 of Living age. Prince- PuckJcr- Musk aii s [B. II. 2274.18] book for the England of fifty years ago is of value; and a Frenchman, Simond [B. H. 2407.8], made an intelligent record of importance sixty years ago. Client Hewitts "KuraL life an excellent book, and can be well century, Irving lias given graphic pictuies in his " Sketch book " and " Bracebridge hall." See ill this connection S. C. Hall s Baronial halls, [B. H. 4090.50] ; and Lippincott s maga zine, Feb., 187. !. There is a full series of local county guides, etc., in the Bates Hall: Berkshire, G >38.5, (also 61.5.20). Bucks!iire, d.>;s.j, (also (j 15.20). Cambridgeshire, C5:J8.3. Cornwall, 65:59a.21 ; 4537.18, (also 649.2; 1659.10). Cumberland. 4579a.50. Derbyshire, (Six.:.-, ; 45:!9.40. Devonshire, G538.14 ; 4537.18, (also G49.2). See also Kings- ley s miscellanies, (894.6). Dorsetshire . i;v;s.il ; 4537.19. Durham, 0538.4, (also 1650 0). Essex, 6538.3. Gloucestershire, 0/>.19a.26; 4537.20, (also 1058.5; 1659.15). Hampshire. 05, iS.l J; 4538.8. Herefordshire, 4.V7.-JO; <;v;!>a.25, (also 1058.5; 1C59.18). Kent, 65;i8.20 ; 45, W.fJ, (also 015.11;. Lancashire, see Lancashire. Leicestershire. 4539.40. London, sec London, note. Moamonth, 6fi$kL26. (also 1659.18). Norfolk, B538.3. Northumberland, 6V38.4, (also 1650.6). Nottinghamshire, 45:19.40. Oxfordshire, 05:;,8.5, (also 645.20). Somersetshire, 45, !7.19. Staffordshire, 4539.40. Suffolk, 6538.3. Surrey, 4538.8 ; 6538.30. Sussex, HViS.lS; 45: :.<!, (also 645.11). Warwickshire, 6538.13. Westmoreland. 4579a.50. Wight, Isle of, 4538.8. Wiltshire, 45:57.19. Worcestershire, 4537.20. Yorkshire, 6538.24 ; 4.038.7. vols 38-40; and Black s English lakes, [B. H. 0538.10]. General European travels must not be overlooked, with sec tions on England, like Mrs. Stowe s Sunny memories, [658 1- B. II. 2273.2U; Dr. Bellows s The old world in its new face [1654.5]; Willis s Pencilling* by the way, [904.4, etc.]; Chan- ning s Physician s vacation [648.1, etc.], etc. ENGLISH, George Bothune. Narrative of the expedi tion to Dongola and Sonnaar. 1st American edi tion. Boston, 1823. 16 693.4 ENGLISH, James E., governor of Connecticut, b. 1812. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress .... 522.16 ENGLISH hearts and English hands. Marsh, C 2109.16 Shelf. No. ENGLISH language. Chambers, W. History of the. 404.15 Craik, G. L. Compendious history of the, from the Norman conquest to Elizabeth 392.9 Tauchnitz, (C.) B. von. Five centuries of the, [1324-1771] 1839.4 A ote. Craik s history [also in B. II. 2553.1.1] treats the sub ject only incidentally in connection with the history of the lit erature. Chambers s is a good popular nccount. Dr. John son s history, which appeared as an introduction to his dic tionary, was excellent in its day, and Latham in his edition of Johnson [B. H. 458. !. 4.1] has reproduced it with copious notes. Prof, 1-Indlcv s excellent, concise, and comprehensive account was prefixed to the unabridged edition of Webster s Diction ary, [also in separate form B. II. 4581.5]. Marsh s "Lectured on the English language " [394.1 ; B. 11. 258i..l] and his " Ori- id history of the English language" [B. H. J585.ll] are titled for the general reader. There nre manuals useful in mapping out the subject, like Day s [B. II. 4569.18] and Clark s [393.12]. A large class of works (not very highly esteemed by poetry, etc., and in Bates Hall catalogues. For accounts of the English language in America, see Bart- lett s " Dictionary of Americanisms, [B. II. 2.T1.2]; Schele de Verc s "Americanisms." [B. H. 2487.50] ; Dwight s Travels, [B. II. 4464.1.4]; C. A. Bristed s essay in Cambridge essays, [B. H. 2555.16.4]; lecture 30 in Marsh s Lectures, [394.2]; an article " . . .. rticle in Blackwood, 1867. on "American slang" ; Lowell s reface to the " Biglow papers," [1326.8]; chapter 3d of Grant hite s "Words" [406.7], etc. Special periods of English literature have given rise to much study on the development of the language, particularly of the transition period from Anglo-Saxon to old English, fur which Prof. Carson s is a con venient manual, [B. H. 2555.1-!]; of the period of Chaucer, for which see the publications of the Chaucer society [B. H. 4522.1 to 12]. the note under Chaucer, and the popular ex position in Carpenter s "English of the 14th century;" and the period of Spenser, for which seethe publications of the Spenserian society, [B. H. 0606.1,6, 7, 9, 11]; and of Shake speare, for whicli see the different editions, and such special monographs as CraJk s " English of Shakespeare," edited by Rolfe, [B. H. 6594.4]. See also the Contemporary review, 1873, or Living age, no. 1496, on the philological history and literary interest in Old English literature, and the North Brit ish review. 1809, or no. 1304 of Living age on the Revolutions in the Queen s English. The Bates Hall catalogues must be consulted for closer study of the subject. E.VGLISH literature. Chambers, W. History of .... 404.15 Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of, from Mande- ville to Cowper ............................. 404. 1 - English literature to the 19th century ........ 404.2 Collier, W. F. History of .................... 1373.4 Craik, G. L. Compendious history of, from the Norman conquest to Elizabeth ................ 392.9 -- Sketches of the history of ................... 840. 15 Reed, H. Lectures on, from Chaucer to Tenny son ....................................... 406.8 Spalding, W. History of . . . .................. 404.16 Tauchnitz, (C.) B. von. Five centuries of, [1324- 1771] ..................................... 1839.4 Taine, II. A. History of ..................... 895.26 Wright, T. Essays on subjects connected with the literature, etc., of England in the middle ages. . 987.3 Yonge, C. JD. Three centuries of, [1564-1863].. 887.9 A T oM. An elaborate, general history of English literature has not been written in English ; but Taine, i:i pursuance of B theory of climatic and ethnological influences, has written a brilliant " History of English literature " [also in B. II., in English, 2473.51 ; in Frenoh, 2554.4, and with a preface for the American edition, 2473.50], which may not, however, always command assent from English renders. It has been abridged in English by Fiske, [895.21!]. Morley s "English writers" [B. II. 2553.14, reviewed" in British quarterly, July. 1864] is a work to be referred to. Craik s studies in this field have been of importance. His first work. Sketches of the history of lit erature and learning [840.15; B. H. 4159.30], was the basis of his contributions to the chapters on the literature in the Pic- iid it is accompanied by specimens. A work by Abraham Mills on "The literature and literary men of Great conquest, aii Britain " [402.21 is a convenient, popular guide. Collier s IIi- tory [also in B. H. 4587.2] is a compact series of biographical sketches. Chambers s is a condensed popular account, with some citations. Chambers s " Cyclopaedia of English litera ture "[392.1; 392.8 ;B. H. 2551.2] is a very good selection of extracts with sufficient commentary for the ordinary reader, but is very meagre for recent times. Of the briefer compendious manuals, Spalding is compact ; T. Arnold [B.H. 2558.19] 1 judicious; Shaw[B. H. 4587.1] is good and readable; Larkin s [H. II. 4560a.-0] has concise notices without citations; C. D. Yonge s Three centuries of English literature" [also in B. II. 2479.54] gives extracts from the principal writers of each age, hut is considered in exact; and Tauchnitz s "Five centuries" [also in B. H. 4579.32] is a series of selections from eight principal writers from Wvclifte to Grav. II. Reed s " Lectures on English lit erature " [400.8] and " Lectures on the English poets " [346.9] are both of value. The student will find Morley s ingenious ranged for reference ; and by Johnston, [397.16 ; B. II. 4575.23J. ENGLISH 87 E8OHKNBURO ENGLISH literature, continued. The introduction to Allibone gives a summary of the earliest literature with a tabular statement of the writers from the 6th to the 19th century. Jeffrey [863.0] briefly summarizes in his review of Ford the changes in the history of the literature. For the period covered, 15th, Ifitli and 17th centuries, the chapters on English literature in Hallam s Introduction to the literature of Europe" [1373.1 ; 137.",.2; 1:!73.3: B. II. 5193.1; 2194.5] will be found characteristically just and comprehen sive; andWartoti s" History of English poetry, 1 for its period, 1100-1GUU [B. II. 2553.3]. is learned, but not engaging, while a recent editor, W. 0. Ua/.litt [B. 11.4573.20], lias much im proved it. IVhipplc s " Literature of the Bge of Elizabeth f 1373.5] is the woik of an acute critic and popular writer. See British quarterly review, July, 18(35. on Elizabethan poetry. Mawon, m his Milton f.5ai.2;B.H. 2445.51], surveys the field during the time preceding the Commonwealth. There is a German history by Ilettner, covering 1G60-1770, [B. H. For the first half of this century, see chapters in Alison s Europe, 1815-52, [B. H. 1293.51]; and Moir s lectures oil the poets, [400.10]. There arc tnonojntph* on the novelists, like Masson [395.7] and Forsyth [885.19; B. II. C547.15]; on the historians, like Lawrence [W 11]; on the comic writers, like Hazlitt[8G7.2.4], etc. George MacJJonald s England s antiphon" [1118.7] is a popular sketch of the religious poetry, with gpeeimens. For old songs and ballads, see British quarterly review, Jan., I860; and the Contemporary review, vol. 0, on the Percy ballad manuscript. See also Coppee s " English literature considered as an in terpreter to English history, "[B. 11. 257!) 5 i]; the chapters on literature In fimenon i English traits, [87>J.8] , and Bulwer s England and the English, [898.13]. For the English literature of America, see United States, literature, note. For accounts of individual writers, both Eng lish and American, the most convenient first researches cau always be made in Allibone s "Dictionary of authors," [E. H. 2150.14 and at the Desk]; the accounts of those occurring in the alphabet before the letter O are, however, brought down no later tlian about 1858. Consult the Bates Hall catalogues and Lower Hall Class list for poetry, etc. Biographies of writers. Adams, W. H. D. Sword and pen: or, English worthies in the reign of Elizabeth 5G7.10 Bell, R. Lives of tlio English poets 398.2 Browning, E. B. Essays on the English poets.. 373.14 De Quincey, T. Biographical essays 895.7 Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters 895.20 Essays on the poets, and other English writers. 893.15 Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent liter ary and scientific men of Great Britain 398.3 Friswell, (J.) II. Essays on English writers.... 1375.2 Griswold, 11. W. The poets and poetry of Eng land in the nineteenth century 311.7 The sacred poets of England 314.8 Howitt, W. Homos and haunts of the most emi nent British poets. 1857 896.1 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets 582.11 58G.20; 586.22; 589.26 Kavanagh, J. English women of letters 589.30 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 Reed, H. Lectures on the British poots 346.9 Thackeray, W. M. The English humourists of the 18th century 586.1; 589.28 Underwood, F. H. A hand-book of 395.28 Note. Johnson s Lives must always remain a noteworthy book, though given to the recording of some poets, now wholly forgotten ; and the reader must make allowance for his pre judices regarding Milton and Gray, [also in B. II. 2589.2.!!; 2583.3; 4173.5.3]. The series has been continued by Cary, [B. H. 2449.55]. ENGLISH stage. Cole, J. W. Summary of the Eng lish stage for tho last fifty years. 1859 576.10 Doran, J. " Their majesties servants." Annals of the English stage, from Thomas Bettcrton to Edmund Kean 352.2 Note. Dr. Doran s book [also in B. II. 2515.5] is much the best comprehensive history of the English stage, being recent and entertaining. Genest [B. II. 4574.2] is a voluminous rec ord down to 1830 of the presentations of the various seasons on the metropolitan and provincial stages, witli little interest, however, to the general reader. Malonc [B. II. 2090 2.3] wrote a history of the stage, mostly confined to the days of Shake speare. There is a similar account by Collier, down to the Restoration, [342.17; B. H. 25S8.2; 2592.C]. In connection vitn the lives of Shakespeare by his principal editors there of the players, and the biographies of Shakespeare. Betterton, Quin, Coiley Cibber, Garnck, Macklin, Foote, Siddtfns, Kemblc, Kean, Young, Cooke, Mathews, which in this order constitute of themselves a consecutive history of the stage to nearly our time. The "Biographia dramatica" [B. H. 2175.3; 2175.5], both by authors and plays, is an alphabetical record of value, bringing the dates down to 1812. Shelf. No. ENGLISH surnames. Ferguson, R 999.10 ENGLISHWOM AN> The, in Russia. With illustrations. New York, 1855. 12 687.24 ENNEMOSER, Joseph. History of magic. Translated by W. Howitt. London, 1854. 2 v. P. 8.... 826.12 EON DfiBEAUMO.VT, Charles Genevie ve Louise Auguste Andre Timotheo d , chevalier, French military officer and diplomatist, b. 1727, d. 1810. Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569.19 Wilson, II. Book of wonderful characters 154G.5 .Vote. The principal memoir is by Gaiilardet, [B. II., in French, 48(8.10]. See also Bachaumont s Memoire*. [B. H. 46C7.2.3]; Grimm s Correspondence, [B. U.20G4.1]; Walpole s Letters [572.3], etc. EOTHEN, or traces of travel from the East. King- lake, A. W 409. G; 687.13; 699.22; 1655.8 EPAMINONDAS, Theban general, b. B. C. 411, d. B. c. 362. Life of. See Youge, C. D 545.29 EPEE, Charles Michel de 1 , French abbot and philan thropist, b. 1712, d. 1789. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 EPINE, Francesca Margarita de 1 , afterwards Mrs. Pepusch, Italian vocalist, d. 1740. See Clayton, E.G. Queons of song 591.2 EPITAPHS from Copp s hill burial ground, Boston. Bridgman, T 229.4 EPONINA, or EPPONINA, wife of Julius Sabinus, b. A. D. 50, d. A. D. 78. See, Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life 599.16 EQUATOR, Wild life under the. Du Chaillu, P. (B.). 1G99.6 EQUINOCTIAL regions of Ameiica, Personal narrative of travels to the, [1799-1804], Humboldt, (F.) H.) A. von 816.13 ERARD, Sebastian, French piano-forte maker, b. 1752, d. 1831. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 ERASMUS, Desiderius, German litterateur, philologist, poet and critic, b. 14G7, d. 1536. See Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Note. Milman s essays [B. II. 5555. 14], or Quarterly review, 1859, or Living age, no. 798] characterizes the different lives, of which none are esteemed very good, and Milman praises among the lesser account that in Ersch and Grubcr s Cyclo paedia. See an account of his eailv life in Macmillian, i8f, or no. 1089 of Living age : passages from his life in National re view, 1803, or no. 991 of Living age; estimates of him as a satirist in North British review, I860, or no. 825 of Living age, andCornhill, 18fi7,orno. 1228of Living ff.gc. SeealsoFroude s Studies, [1812.15]; Mackintosh s Life of More, [863.8]; Ilal- lam n Literature. [137. 1 !."] ; Nisard a Etudes sur la renaissance; Good words, Feb., 18(9; the general histories of the reforma tion, and references in McCliutock and Strong 1 , Michaud, Ucefer, Oettinger, Thomas, etc. OlliS 7- rejt. ;-e n cos , JURZnt. JMb/$,"3fl 3A/irn,tt>- /?*;, fo^} ERCILLA Y ZUNIGA, Alonso d , Spanish poet, b. 1533, d. after 1596. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 3 of 398.1 ERIE railway. A chapter of Erie. Adams, C. F., jr. 238.20 ERMAN, Adolph. Travels in Siberia. Translated by W. D. Cooley. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 12. 709.1 ERSKINE, John, earl of Mar, Scottish secretary of state, b. 1675, d. 1732. See Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jacobites v. 1 of 562.2 ERSKINE, John E. Journal of a cruise among the islands of the Western Pacific. With maps and plates. London, 1853. S^ 696.7 ERSKINE, Thomas, lord, earl nf Buchan, orator, politi cian, and lord-chancellor of f. ntjland, b. 1750, d. 1823. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 4 of 839.6 Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of tho early lives of great lawyers 1516.13 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. 548. 16; 551.13 Rogers, S. Recollections 395.5; 139G.3 Roscoe, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers. . . . 388.4 Note. See Brougham s sketch, [B. II. 4579.53.7]: Camp bell s Lord chancellors, [568.1] ; and Foss s Judges of England, ERZEROOM, Armenia: a year at. 1854. Curzon, R. 687.4; 687.5 ESCHENBURG, Johann J. Manual of classical litera ture. From tho German. With additions, by N. W. Fiske. 4th edition. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1850. L. 8 402.1 7frz all. ESPINEL EUROPE Shelf. N ESPINEL, Vicente, Spanish poet and novelist, b. 1544, d. 1634. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 3 of 398. ESPRIELLA, Don Manuel Alvarez, pseud. See Southey, Robert. ESQUEMELING, Johann. History of tho buccaneers of America. [Anon.] New edition. Boston, 1853. 8 254. ESQUIMAUX, Arctic researches and life among the, [1860-62]. Hall, C. F 701.1 ffote. See Hartwig s Polar world, [704.14] ; Wood s Natural history of man, [B. H. 6252.2]; Harper s monthly, vols. 22, 28 and 29; and the notes under Arctic regions, and Indians. ESQUIROS, (Henri) Alphonse. English seamen and divers. London, 18G8. 16 1994. ESSAYS from "Tho times." New edition. London, 1852. 16 899.1 Same. [1st and] 2d series. New York, 1852. 2 v 899.1 ESSEX, Countess of. See Capel, Catherine. ESSEX, Earl of. See Cromwell, Thomas. .ESSEX, Earls of. See Devorcux, Robert and Walter. ESTABROOKS, Henry L. Adrift in Dixie; or, a Yankee officer among the rebels, [ylnorc.] New York, 1806. 16 644.11 ESTE, Leonora d , b. 1536, d. 1581. See Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns and illustrious women 569. i ESTVAN, B. War pictures from the South. New York, 1863. 12 307.4 ETHEL WE RD, Anglo-Saxon writer, Jl. llth century. Chronicle. See Giles, J. A. Six old English chronicles 846.^ ETHIOPIA. Hutchinson, T. J. Ten years wanderings among the Ethiopians. 1861 684.12 Lepsius, (C.) R. Letters from Ethiopia. 1853. 693.17; 856.6 See also Africa. ETHNOGRAPHY, Lectures on ancient. Niebuhr, B. G. 955.3 ETNA. Unprotected females on the top of Mount uEtna 677.1 ETONIANS, Memoirs of eminent. Creasy, E. S 582.2 ETHURIA. Dennis, G. The cities and cemeteries of. 1848 954.2 Gray, Mrs. H. Tour to the sepulchres of, [1839]. 956.12 See also Italy, and Charnbers s Papers, [386.1.1]. EUGENE, Francois, prince of Savoy, commander in the Austrian army, b. 1663, d. 1736. See James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great commanders 557.6 EUGENIE MARIE DE MONTIJO, empress of the French, b. 1826. See McCarthy s Modern leaders 1512.3 Note. See also Vapereau s Dictionnaire; Eminent women of the age [B. H. 6256.1], by J. S. C. Abbott, and also his life of Napoleon III, [603.6]; and Harper s monthly, vol. 27. EULER, Leonard, Swiss mathematician and author, b. 1707, d. 1783. See Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 EUROPE. History. Alison, Sir A. History of, [1789-1815] 943.1 Same. Epitome 947.7 History of, [1815-54] , 943.2 Gust, Sir E. Annals of tho wars of tho eighteenth century 939.13 Annals of tho wars of tho nineteenth century. . 996.1 Dunham, S. A. History of, during tho middle ages 378.6 Goodrich, S. G. Lights and shadows of European history v. 8 of 1869.1 Guizot, F. (P. G.) History of civilization, from tho fall of tho Roman empire to the French revolution 837.5; 949.1 Origin of representative government in 817.7 Hallam, H. View of the state of, during the middle ages 945.1; 946.12; 946.13; 1934.1; 1938.1 Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of: from 700 to 1700. 1545.7 Kemble, J. M. State papers and correspondence illustrative of the social and political state of, [1686-1707] 563.1 Shelf. No. EUROPE. History, continued. Koch, C. W. History of the revolutions in, [406- 1815] 830.45 Lawson, J. P. History of remarkable conspiracies connected with European history, during the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries 830.51 Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne 973.2 History of rationalism in. 1866 1125.8 Raumcr, F. (L. G.) von. History of the 16th and 17th centuries 927.9 Robertson, W. View of the progress of society in, to the 16th century 830.6; v. 2 of 943.4 Russell, W. History of modern Europe 943.5 Same. Epitomized 947.6 ffote. The best introduction to the gen eral history of modern Europe is Gibbon s " Decline and full of tho Roman empire " [953.0; 957.10; 19.V..1], which may be followed by Hallam on the middle nges [also in H. II. 2, iOl .;>.], an able work written in an enlightened spirit. For the 15tli century, see Villemain, [B. II. 2072.7.10]. For the period of the llefofmntinn. the prot- estant cause is sustained by Male d Aubigne, [11(81.1 ; 1085.13; 1095.10; 1107.1. !; 111J.UI] ; iind Robertson s Charles the fifth.* covers this period, [94:1.4.-; 912.4; 91U.U]; and his "Progress of society" from the fall of the Koman empire [also in B. II. 5091.;!] is an able review. See also under "Reformation," " Luther," etc. Fisher s Reformation [B II. 3515.54, appendix 2] gives a list of authorities on the general historv of this period. Hausser s history, 1517-1048 [B. H. 5515.15], is valuable for the political aspects. Kaumcr s History [in German, B. II. 2.W.1 j is of repute; and Ilccrcn [in German.il. II. 2:iO,;.4.8; 4210.1] begins his history of modern Europe with the reformation cia. Schiller s clear and brilliant monograph OH the "Thirty years war" [&S0.30; 854.14] will partly bridge the gap before the French revolution finally embraced all Europe. Alison s His tory is voluminous, but if his ultra conservative views are understood, it otters the best English account ; and he did not add to his reputation by his continuation oftne record to 1852, [latest edition with index and maps, B. II. 229:! 51]. For re views of the first series, sec Black wood, July, 1840; American review, 1845, by J. T. Headley, and other references in Alli- bone; and of the second series, see Blaekwood, Oct.. 18J6, and an unfavorable one in the British quarterly. Jan., 1859. Russell s "Modern Europe " is a concise review, written in the form of letters, addressed by a nobleman to his sen. of the period beginning with the decline of the Roman empire and closing originally in 176.", [also in B. II. WOU.2]; hut it has been continued to 18.17, [also in B. H. 6292.1 ; to 1815,6292.4; abridged, 6229.20]. The period from 1453 to 1857 has been em braced in a more recent general epitome of European history by Dyer, [B. 11.2294.4]. The reader will find, though the names are iii German, the historical atlases, of Spruner[B. II. 2280.50] and Fischer [B. H. 228ti.ll] of great help; but in their place Gage s small atlas [0285.5] will be of use. See also Bates Hall catalogues, where will be found other editions of Guuot s Civilization, [2. !02.1I]; nf his Representative government, [B. H. 159a.lt;, or in French. 1064.5 and B. II. 4018-3]; of Koch, [2295.6; 6297.20]; of Becky s European morals, [5561.1]; and of his Rationalism, [5605.8; 5605.10]. Grant Dntt s Studies in European politics surveys recent nistory, [B. II. 5563.10]. Consult also the histories of particular countries, chiefly France, Germany, Italy, and Spam; and see Crusades, His tory (modern), Middle ages, Peninsular war, Western empire. Literary history, Foster, M. (E.) Hand-book of modern European literature 404.6 - Goldsmith, 0. Polite learning in v. 1 of 906.3 - Hallam, H. Introduction to the literature of, 15th-17th centuries 1373.1; 1373.2; 1373.3 - Howitt, W. and M. Literature and romance of Northern Europe 404.5 - Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of 322.1 - Simondo do Sismondi, J. C. L. Historical view of the literature of the south of 818.4 Note. Them is nothing better for the period it covers than Hallam s excellent criticism and condensed narrative, [also in B. II. i 194.. 1 )] Longfellow [also in B. 11. 6242.3], who was assisted by Prof. Felton and others, gives a brief sketch of the dittcrentliteratures. followed by accounts of the writers belong ing to each, with citations. Tho strength of Sismondi s book [B. II., in French, 211KJ.S] is in its account of Italian literature, his account of the Spanish literature being superseded by Tick- nor s book. Howitt, with tho sections or Longfellow, give tho most available accounts of the Scandinavian literatures. Sec also Europe in the Bates Hall catalogues, and the names of various countries. Travels, description, etc. - Adalbert, H. W., prince of Prussia. Travels in the south of, [1848] 633.11 - Arnold, H. P. European mosaic. 1864 664.10 - Barrow, 3., jr. Excursions in tho north of, [1830, 33] 668.6 - Bartol, C. A. Pictures of. 1855 648.10 - Bellows, H. W. Tho old world in its now face. Impressions of, [1867, 68] 1654.5 . Beltrami, J. C. Pilgrimage in. 1828 625.18 EUROPE 89 EVELY dry* 9 f California- Shelf. No. EUROPE. Travels, description, etc., continued. Benedict, E. C. A run through Europe. 1860. . 665.5 Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveller; or, notes of things seen in, [1834-49] 658.12; 666.9 ~ Calvert, G. H. First years in, [1823-27] 656.14 Scenes and thoughts in, [1840-51] 647.14; 647.15 Channing. W. A physician s vacation; or, a summer in, [1852] 648.1 Clarke, E. D. Travels in. 1816.. 682.1; 683.10; 689.6 Clarke, J. F. Eleven weeks in. 1852 669.4 Colraan, H. European life and manners. 1850... 648.12 Cooper, J.F. Gleaningsin. 1837. .646.20; 659.26; 679.4 Cox, S. S. A Buckeye abroad; or, wanderings in. 1852 658.9 Do Forest, J. W. European acquaintance : sketches of people in. 1858 687.18 Dewey, 0. The old world and the new. 1836.. 669.1 Dudley, D. Social and political aspects of Eng land and the continent. 1862 1656.5 Duhring, H. The United States, with regard to. 1833 297.14 Eames, J. A. The budget closed. [Letters from Europe.] 1860 665.8 Eddy, D. C. Europa: or, scones and society in England, etc., [1851, 52] 644.3 Edwards, J. E. Random sketches and notes of European travel in 1856 648.3 Ellis, G. (J. W.) Agar, lord Dover. Lives of the most eminent sovereigns of modern Europe 648.28 Everett, A. H. Europe; or, a survey of the prin cipal powers. 1822 943.6 Felton, C. C. Familiar letters from Europe. 1865 813.6 Fetridge, W. P. Harper s hand-book for travel lers in. 1862 644.4 Field, H. M. Summer pictures: from Copen hagen to Venice. 1859 666.11 Forney, J. TV. Letters from Europe. 1867. ... 1667.1 Gage, C. A. Helen on her travels in. 1868 1667.4 General register of politics and literature in, for 1827 830.38 Goodrich, S. G. The balloon travels of Robert Merry and his young friends, over various coun tries in. 1855 1678.1 Grceley, H. Glances at. 1851 647.13 Griscom, J. A year in, [1818, 19] 647.7 Griswold, L. M. Notes of a tour through Eu rope. 1871 688.22 Grund, F. J. Thoughts and reflections on the present position of, and its probable consequence to the United States. 1860 947.19 Hale, E. E. Ninety days worth of. 1861 656.2 Hogg, T. J. Two hundred and nine days; or, the journal of a traveller on the continent. 1827. 664.12 Ireland, J. B. Wall-street to Cashmere. Jour nal of five years in, [1851-56] 682.5 Jewett, I. A. Passages in foreign travel. 1838. 657.4 Kay, J. Social condition and education of the people in. 1850 138.16 Kirkland, C. M. Holidays abroad; or Europe from the West. 1849 648.14; 1656.11 Latrobe, J. H. B. Hints for six months in, [1868] 1667.6 Lo Vert, 0. W. Souvenirs of travel. 1857 648.13 Lippincott, S. J. Haps and mishaps of a tour in. 1854 658.5 MacClellan, G. B. The armies of, [1855, 56]. .. 204.20 MacGavock, R. W. A Tennossean abroad or let ters from Europe, [1851-52] 1688.3 Mason, F. The story of a working man s life : with sketches of travel in. 1870 1536.2 Mitchell, D. G. Fresh gleanings; or, a new sheaf from the old fields of continental Europe. 1851 669.2 Morell, J. D. Historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy of Europe in the nine teenth century 122.3 Morford, H. Appleton s short-trip guide to, [1868-69] 1659.13 ; 1659.14 Murray, J. Hand-book for travellers in Northern Eurooe. 1849 , 649.11 EUROPE. Travels, description, etc., continued. Noble traits of kingly men ; or, pictures and an ecdotes of European history 557.18 Ossoli, S. M. F., marchesa d . At home and abroad; or, things and thoughts in. 1856 654.5 Peabody, A. P. Reminiscences of European travel. 1868 1667.2 Phelps, S. D. Bible lands with glimpses of. 1867. 1694.6 Prime, S. I. Travels in. 1855 647.8 Sedgwick, C. M. Letters from abroad. 1841... 648.8 Silliman, B. Visit to, in 1851 648.6 Smith, Mrs. J. A. Letters from Europe to the children. 1870 648.17 Sprague, W. B. Visits to European celebrities. 1855 648.9 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Sunny memories of foreign lands. 1854 658.1 Sweat, M. J. M. Highways of travel ; or a sum mer in. 1859 666.20 Talfourd, Sir T. N. Vacation rambles and thoughts, [1841-43] 667.13 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. By-ways of. 1869 657.20 Views a-foot; or, Europe seen with knapsack and staff. 1856 657.14 Thomes, W. H. The gold hunters in. 1869 635.29 Tousey, S. Papers from over the water; a series of letters from Europe. 1869 1067.8 Train, G. F. An American merchant in. 1857.. 705.18 Treasury of travel and adventure in. 1865 704.24 Ungewitter, F. H. Europe, past and present. 1850 947.13 Upham, T. C. Letters from Europe. 1855 657.5 Urbino, Mrs. S. R. An American woman in. 1869 ,. 1667.7 Vane-Stewart, C. W., marquis of Londonderry. Recollections of a tour in the north of, [1836, 37] 666.8 Viardot, L. Wonders of European art 208.27 Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A woman s experiences in. 1872 648.19 Wallace, H. B. Art and scenery in. 1857 208.3 Ware, W. Sketches of European capitals. 1851. 648.4 Washington, E. K. Echoes of; or, word pictures of travel. 1860 665.6 Willis, N. P. Peneillings by the way. 1836 .... 657.9 657.10; 904.4 Wraxall, Sir (F. C.) L. The armies of the great European powers 948. 18 Hand-book to the naval and military resources of the principal European nations. 1856 947.3 Yankee boy from home. 1864 1678.2 EUROPEAN life, legend, and landscape. By an artist. Philadelphia, 1859. 12 1688.5 EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS, bishop of Cassarea, b. 265 ? d. 338? Ecclesiastical history, [to A. D. 337]. Translated from the Greek, by C. F. Cruse. London, 1851. P. 8 845.1 EUSTACE, Rev. John C. Classical tour through Italy, [1802]. 7th edition. London, 1841. 3 v. 16. 379.19 EVAGRIUS ScHOLASTICUS, ecclesiastical historian, b. about 536, d. about 600. History of the church, 431-594. See Theodoretus 845.5 EVANS, Albert S., d. 1872. Our sister republic: a gala trip through Mexico in 1869-70. With engravings. Hartford, 1870. 8 624.19 EVANS, John. Sketches of the denominations of the Christian world. [With portrait.] 8th edition. London, 1803. 12 1099.7 EVANS, Oliver, American mechanical engineer, 6. 1755, d. 1811. Famous boys: and how they became great men 555.8 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 EVELYN, John, English natural philosopher, b. 1620, d. 1706. Diary and correspondence, [1641-1706]. Edited by W. Bray. [With portraits, etc.] New edition. London, 1850-54. 4 v. 8 977.4 Life of Mrs. Godolphin, [b. 1652, d. 1678]. Ed ited by S. [Wilberforce]. New York, 1847. 12 596.10 tfote. See Allibone; Thompson s Celebrated friendships [B. H.], etc. EVELYN 90 FAMOUS Shell. No. EVELYN, Richard, juvenile prodigy, b. 1653, d. 1658. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human na ture v. 3 of 1869.1 EVERETT, Alexander Henry, American publicist, b. 1790, d. 1847. America: or a survey of the po litical situation of the several powers. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1827. 8 297.3 Critical and miscellaneous essays. Boston, 1845, 46. 2v. 12 ._ 877.4 Europe; or, a survey of tho principal powers. [Anon. ] London, 1822. 8 943.6 Life of Joseph Warren, [American revolutionary patriot, b. 1741, d. 1775]. See Sparks, J. v. 2 of 518.5; v. 10 of 529.1 Life of Patrick Henry, [American statesman, b. 1736, d. 1799]. See Sparks, J v. 11 of 529.1 See alto Allibone s Dictionary. EVERETT, Edward, American statesman and orator, b. 1794, d. 1865. Dorchester in 1630, 1770, and 1855. Boston, 1855. 8 J 224.25 Lifo of George Washington, [b. 1732, d. 1799]. [With portrait.] Now York, 1860. 12 514.3 Lifo of John Stark, [American revolutionary officer, b. 1728, d. 1822]. See Sparks, J. v. 1 of 518.5; v. 1 of 529.1 Orations and speeches. Boston, 1850-68. 4 v. 8. 861.7 Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 Sketch of. See Bell, J. Life, etc 528.25 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 2 of 548.5 Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men. 823.18 Note, Sec Allibone s article. G. S. Hillard wrote tho article in the New American cyclopaedia. On his oratory, see Par ker s book, [8uu.. i]. See also Homes of American authors, [B. n. 2340.51]. See notices occasioned by his death in North American review, April, J8G5; Proceedings of the Massachu setts historical society for 1806, [B. U. 2.351.2]; Winlhrop s Speeches. t!815.4]; Atlantic monthly, March and April, 1805; and Harper s monthly, vol. 30. See other references in Thomas. EVERETT, James. Memoirs of James Montgomery. See Holland, J 584. 17 EVERETT, William. On tho Cain. Lectures on the University of Cambridge in England. Cam bridge, 1865. 12 812.3 EWBANK, Thomas. Life in Brazil. [With illustra tions.] Now York, 1856. 8 633.1 EWELL, Richard Stoddart, b. 1820, d. 1872. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns 243.1 EXCURSIONS in Normandy. Edited by F. Shoberl. London, 1841. 2 v. 12 654.14 EXETER, Earl of. See Cecil, Thomas. EXMOUTH, Viscount. See Pellew, Edward. EXODUS, The desert of the. Palmer, E. H 686.27 EXPERIENCES of an English sister of mercy. Good man, M 997.16 EXPLORING expedition. Colvocoresscs, G. M. Four years in a government exploring expedition. 1852 708.15; 708.16 Reynolds, J. N. Pacific and Indian oceans : or, South sea surveying and exploring expedition. 1841 704.6 Wilkcs, C. Narrative of tho United States ex ploring expedition, [1838-42] 701.6; 879.16 Voyage round tho world. 1851 701.9 EXPRESS companies, History of tho. Stimson, A. L. 296.7 EXTRAORDINARY men. Russell, W 557.7; 879.15 EXTRAORDINARY women. Russell, W 598.19 EYE opener for the wide awakes. Wright, E 299.16 FABENS, Joseph W. The camel hunt. Now edition. New York, 1853. 12 699.12 FABER, George S. Napoleon in, tho man of proph ecy. 1st American from tho 2d English edition. Now York, 1859. 24 1009.18 FAD&EFF, Rostislav. Opinion on tho Eastern ques tion. Translated by T. Michell. London, 1871. 8 928.8 FAGGOT of French sticks. Head, Sir F. B 654.18 Shelf. No. FAGNANI, Joseph, Italian portrait painter in New York, b. 1819. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress ................................. 522.16 FAiuFrance. Craik, D. (M.) M ........... 655.13; 655.16 FAIRBANKS, Charles B. Aguecheek. [Sketches of foreign travel.] [Anon.] Boston, 1859. 12. 666.13 FAIRCHILD, Rev. Joy Hamlet, of South Boston. Re markable incidents in [his] life. Compiled by himself. With portrait. Boston, 1855. 12.. 534.14 FAIRFIELD, Rev. Harrison, b. 1812, d. 1855. The wreck and tho rescue. Memoir. By himself. Edited by E. Pond. Boston, 1858. Sm. 12. . . 539.36 FAIRFIELD, Jane, of Boston, b. 1825. Autobiography. [With portrait.] Boston, 1860. 12 .......... 1528.1 Lifo cf Sumner L. Fairfield. [With portrait.] Now York, 1846. 12 ............. ......... 539.28 FAIRFIELD, Sumner L., poet, of Warwick, Mass., b. 1803, d. 1844. Life of. See Fairfield, J ...... 539.28 FAIRHOLT, Frederic W., Enylish artist, b. 1818. Gog and Magog. The giants of Guildhall. With illustrations. London, 1859. 18 ............ 999.21 Up tho Nile, and homo again. With 100 illus trations. London, 1862. 8 ................. 684.13 FALCON, Cornelie, French vocalist, b. about 1815. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song ............... 591.2 FALCONBRIDGE, pseud. See Kelly, Jonathan F. FALCONER, William, Scottish poet and litterateur, b. 1730, d. 1769. Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men ................ 548.18; v. 2 of 548.22 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men ............. 543.13 Xote. See life by Mitford, [329.2; 1316.13]; ,by Aiken, [.339.fi] : by Chalmers, B. H. 2592.7.14] ; by Anderson, [B. H. 4004.1.10]; and Chaiabera s Eminent Scotsmen. FALK, Johann Daniel, German satirical poet and dramatic author, b. 1768, d. 1826. Life and works. See Stevenson, W. F. Praying and working .... 2098.20 FALKLAND, Lady. See Gary, Elizabeth. FALKLAND, Id viscount. See Gary, Lucius. FALKLAND, Viscountess. See Gary, Amelia F. C. FALKLAND islands, Two years cruise off tho. 1857. Snow, W. P .............................. . . 708.9 FALLET, Celine, madame. Tho old masters. Tho princes of art: painters, sculptors, and engravers. [Anon.] [With portraits.] Translated by Mrs. S. R. Urbino. Boston, 1870. 16 ............ 555.10 FALLOUX, Alfred F. P., vicomte do. Lifo and letters of Madame Swetchino, [Russian authoress, b. 1782, d. 1857]. Translated by H. W. Preston. Boston, 1867. 16 .......................... 1598.15 FALSTAFF, one of Shakespeare s characters. See Giles, II. Lectures and essays . . . . v. 1 of 875.6; v. 1 of 875.8 FAMILY tour through South Holland; up tho Rhino; and across tho Netherlands to Ostond. [With illustrations.] London, 1862. 16 ........... FAMOUS boys: and how they became great men. [With illustrations.] New York, 1861. 16.. 555.8 Contents. Daniel Webster, American statesman, b. 1782. d. 1852; Samuel Drew, mcthodist divine and metaphysical writer, b. 17C5, d. I& i3; Benjamin Franklin, American phi losopher. b. 1705. d. 1790; Robert Burns, Scotch poet, b. 1759, d. 1790; Elisha Kent Kane, American explorer of the Arctic regions, b. 1822, d. 1857; Henry Clay, American statesman, b. 1777, d. 1*52 ; John Leyden. Scotch poet and orientalist, b. 1775, d. 1811 ; James Montgomery, English poet, b. 1771, d. 1854; Nathaniel Bo-.nlitch, American writer on navigation and mathematics, b. 1773, d. 1838; Sir Henry Havelock, English general, b. 1705, d. 1857 ; David Livingstone. English explorer in Africa, b. 1817; Oliver Evans, American mechanical engi neer, b. 1755, d. 1811 ; Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English poet, b. 1772, d. 1834; Robert Fulton, American painter and im prover of the steam-boat, b. 1705, d. 1815; John Kitto, biblical writer, b. 1804, d. 1854; Sir Humphry Davy, English chemist and natural philosopher, b. 1778, d. 1829; Amos Lawrence, American merchant, b. 1780, d. 1852; Stephen Girard, mer chant, banker, and philanthropist, founder of Girard college, Philadelphia, b. 1750, d. 1831; Samuel Crompton, English inventor, b. 1753, d. 1827; Thomas Chalmers, Scottish divine and economist, b. 1780, d. 1847 ; Jacques Lafitte, French banker 389.2 man, American statesman, b. 1721, d. 1793. FAMOUS London merchants. Bourne, H. R. F 1559.3 FAMOUS men. Edgar, J. G. Footprints of. .548.16; 551.13 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. 649.39; v. 2 of 1869.1 Famous men of modern times v. 1 of 180!). 1 FAMOUS 91 FERRIS Shelf. No FAMOUS persons and places. Willis, N. P 657.7 FAMOUS ships of the British navy. Adams, W. II. D. 996.2 FANE, Honry Edward. Five years in India. [With illustrations.] London, 1842. 2 v. 12 688.7 FANKWEI; or, the San Jacinto in the seas of India, China and Japan. Wood, W. M 706.12 FARADAY, Michael, English experimental philosopher, b. 1794, d. 18G7. Bravo men s footsteps 1559.5 Gladstone, J. H. Michael Faraday 549.43 FARMER boy, The. G. Washington. See Heady, M. 519.12 FARNAM, Henry, civil enyineer, b. 1803. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 FARNHAM, Thomas J., American traveller, b. 1804, d. 1848. Life, adventures, and travels in Califor nia. New York, 1849. 8 633.10 FAROE islands, Historical and descriptive account of the. 1841 820.35 FARQUHAR, George, Irish dramatist, b. 1678, d. 1707. See Dunham, S. A. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain v. 3 of 398.3 Note. See Leigh Hunt s memoir, [B. H. 2571.51]. FARR, Edward. History of England, 1760-1847. See Hume, D 961.1 FARRAGUT, David Glascoe, American admiral, b. 1801, d. 1870. Brockett, L. P. Our great captains. 569.2 Hoadley, J. T. Farragut and our naval com manders 272.7 Headley, P. C. Life and naval career of 569.12 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 See also Harper s monthly, vol. 30. FARRAR, Adam Story. Critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian religion. New York,18G3. 12 1102.16 FARUAR, C. C. S. The war: its causes and conse quences. Cairo, 1864. 12 308.8 FARUAR, Eliza Ware, American authoress, b. 1792, d. 1870. Recollections of seventy years. Boston, 1866. 12 569.11 FARRAR, H. S. A Dominican artist, a sketch of pare [C. J. B.] Besson, [b. 1816, d. 1861]. [Anon.} Baltimore, 1871. 16 578.23 FATHER Tom and the pope. Murray, J. F 2104.14 FATHERS, Lives of the. Butler, A 541.5 FATHERS of the desert. Ruffner, H , 2104.15 FEARON, Henry B. Sketches of America. Narrative of a journey through the Eastern and Western states. 3d edition. London, 1819. 8 624.15 FEATHERSTONHAUGH, George W. Canoe voyage up the Minnay Sotor. [Illustrated.] London, 1847. 2 v. 8 623.14 FEDERALIST, The. See Hamilton, A 285.4 FELICE, G. do. History of the protestants of France, [1521-1821]. Translated from the 2d edition by P.E.Barnes. London, 1853. 16 1007.10 FELIX, Eliza Rachel, French actress, b. 1820, rf. 1858. Memoirs. [Anon.} New York, 1858. 12.... 615.12 FELLOWS, Sir Charles. Travels and researches in Asia Minor, [1838-40]. [Illustrated.] London, 1852. 8 687.6 FELT, Joseph B. The customs of New England. Boston, 1853. 8 224.21 Ecclesiastical history of New England. Vol. 1. Boston, 1855. 8 1085.1 FELTON, Cornelius C. Familiar letters from Europe. Boston, 1865. 12 813.6 Greece, ancient and modern. Lectures before the Lowell institute. Boston, 1867. 2 v. 8 955.9 Life of William Eaton, [American general, b. 1764, d. 1811]. See Sparks, J v. 9 of 529.1 FKNELON, Francois (do Salignac de La Mothe), arch bishop of Cambray, politician and litterateur, b. 1651, d. 1715. Live^of the ancient philosophers. Translated, with notes, by J. Cormack. New York, [cop. 1841]. 16 820.42 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 2 of 839.6 Butler, C. Life of 617.14 Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 2 of 547.4 Shelf. No. FENELON, Francois (do Salignac de La Motho), cont d. Men who were earnest 549.40 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 1 of 388.8 Upham, T. C. Account of 617.15 Nate. Bausset s considerable account [B. H. 3505.3] and Fenelon s Correspondence [B. H. ;V>05.2] cover the ground most elaborately. There are brief memoirs in French by H. 3473.1; 740a.l3]. See al=o T homson s Celebrated friend ships, [B. H. 4556.7. L ] ; and Chambcrs s Papers, (.. iSU.1.4]. See Douen on his intolerance, [B. H., in Frencn. 5409a.233. FENIANS. Savage, J. Fenian heroes and martyrs. 1997.2 Stephens, J. Account of the Fonian brotherhood. 1516.2 Train, G. F. Speech on Irish independence and English neutrality 1830.2 See also Ireland. FENNER, Capt. Thomas. See Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign .... 564.8 FENTON, Edward, English navigator, b. about 1550, d. 1603. See Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 564.8 FENTON, Elijah, English poet, b. 1663, d. 1730. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets, .v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 FENTON, Lavina. See Paulet, Lavina. FERDINAND I, of Austria. See Ranko, (F.) L. von. 409.27; 1655.15 FERDINAND and Isabella, of Spain. History of the reign of, [1406-1517]. See Prescott, W. H. 912.1; 929.2 FERDINAND III (Saint), king of Castile and Leon, b. 1200, d. 1252. See Irving, W. Spanish pa pers and other miscellanies v. 1 of 1815 5 FERGUS, Henry. History of the Western .world. The United States. London, 1830-32. 2 v. 16.. 368.10 FERGUSON, Adam, Scotch philosopher and author, b. 1724, d. 1816. History of the progress and ter mination of the Roman republic, [B. c. 515-A. D. 42]. New York, 1849. 8 956.2 Same. New edition, abridged. New York, n. d. 16 830.7 See Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians. v. 2 of 586.11 FERGUSON, Mrs. Elizabeth, poetess, b. 1740, d. 1801. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 1 of 538.13 FERGUSON, Mrs. Isabella, d. 1820. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. . .v. 3 of 538.13 FERGUSON, James, Scotch mechanician and astronomer, b. 1710, d. 1776. Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men 548.13 ; 549.30 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. . 548.18 v. 2 of 548.22 Mayhcw, H. The peasant-boy philosopher; or, early life of 589.4 FERGUSON, Joseph. Life-struggles in rebel prisons. Philadelphia, 1865. 16 249.10 FERGUSON, Robert. English surnames and their place in the Teutonic family. London, 1858. 12 999.10 New and popular history of Scotland. London, 1857. 2v.ini. 16 998.12 Swiss men and Swiss mountains. London, 1853. P. 8 409.26 Same. London, 1854. 16 1655.1 FERGUSSON, James. The palaces of Nineveh and Per- sepolis restored. [With illustrations.] London, 1851. 8 694.9 FERINGHEE BACHA. See Campbell, John. FERRAR, Robert, D.D., bishop of St. David s, Welsh martyr., burnt 1555. See Tayler, C. B. Me morials of the English martyrs 1094. 10 ; 1094. 15 FERRIER DU CHATELET, Joseph Pierre de. Caravan journeys in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan. Translated by W. Jesse. With map and wood-cuts. London, 1856. 8 694.3 History of the Afghans. Translated by W. Jesse. London, 1858. 8 934.8 FERRIS, Benjamin G. Utah and the Mormons. [With illustrations.] Now York, 1854. 12 1095.14 FERRIS 92 FISKE Shelf. No. FERRIS, Mrs. Benjamin G. The Mormons at home. New York, 1856. 12 637.6 FERRIS, John A. Financial economy of the United States. San Francisco, 1867. 12 1134.10 FESTIVALS, ancient and modern. Smith, H 810.31 FETRIDGE, W. Pembroke. Harper s hand-book for travellers in Europe and the East. With map. New York, 1862. 12 644.4 The rise and fall of the Paris commune in 1871. With map and portraits. New York, 1871. 12. 925.11 FECERBACH, Anselm von. Narratives of remarkable criminal trials. Translated by Lady Duff Gor don. London, 1846. 8 133.7 FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb, German philosopher and au thor, b. 1762, d. 1814. Hodge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Note. See the histories of German literature. Also Kuno Fischer s history of philosophy [B. H. 7604.6.5], and other au thorities on that subject, including the Journal of speculative philosophy, [B. 11.7521. 1]. A popular presentation is given in Chamber s Papers, [8911.0; ;iSti.2.9]. See also Coleridge s Biographia literaria, [886.2.. i] ; North American review, April, ISVSj National quarterly review. June, 1867; Christian exam iner, July, 1SGG: and references in Thomas, Oettinger, Ilocfer, JlcClintock and Strong, etc. FICINO, Marsiglio. Italian Platonic philosopher and phi- lologer, b. 1433, d. 1491. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 1 of 398.1 FIDELITY and usefulness. Life of William Burr. See Brewster, J. M 577.18 FIELD, Cyrus West, merchant, and promoter of the Atlantic cables, b. 1819. See MacCabo, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made.. 515.14 FIELD, David Dudley, D.D., b. 1781, d. 1867. His- tory of the county of Berkshire, Mass., [1761- 1828]. [With illustrations.] Pittsfield, 1829. 12 227.9 FIELD, David Dudley, American lawyer and author, b. 1805. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 FIELD, Henry M. History of the Atlantic telegraph. New York, 1866. 12 183.10 Summer pictures: from Copenhagen to Venice. New York, 1859. 12 666.11 FIELD, Rev. John. Life of John Howard, [English philanthropist, b. 1726? d. 1790]. [With por trait.] London, 1850. 8 575.13 FIELDING, Henry, English novelist and dramatist, b. 1707, a . 1754. Lawrence, F. Life of 584.3 Scott, Sir W. Li res of the novelists 586. 19 Thackeray, W. M. The English humourists of the 18th century 586.1; 589.28 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews. v. 1 of 875.11; v. 1 of 875.12 Note. Murphv s[B. H. 247.5.83; 6606.31 is the earliest elab orate account. Scott [also in B. II. 2577., r >.;i] is good but brief. Roscoe s [B. H. 4562.1] embodies later researches. Law rence s is a good narrative, setting Fielding in a frame work of his contemporaries. See also Disraeli s Quarrels of authors, [897.5.2]; London quarterly review, Jan., ifcti; North British review, Nov., 1855; and the references in Allibonc, with the histories of English literature, particularly Masson [395.7] and Forsyth [885.19] on the novelists. FIELDING, Robert (Beau Fielding). See Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society, v. 1 of 555.1; 1545.8 Kate. See the account by Doran, [823.1]. FIELDING, Sarah, novelist, b. 1714, d. 1768. See Kav- anagh, J. English women of letters 589.30 FIELDING, William, 1st earl of Denbigh, d. 1643. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 FIELDS, James T., American author and publisher, b. 1820. Yesterdays with authors. Boston, 1872. 16 885.22 Content. Alexander Pope, English poet and critic, b. 1088, d. 1744; William Makepeace Thackeray, English author, b. 1811, d. 1863; Nathaniel Hawthorne. American romancist, b. 1804, d. 1864; Charles John Huffam Dickens, English novel ist, b. 1812, d. 1870; William Wordsworth, English poet, b. 1770, d. 1850; Mary Russell Mitford, English authoress, b. 1787, d. 1855. Sec MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Shelf. No. FIESOLE, Giovanni Guido da (surnamed Frd AnycKco), Italian painter, b. 1387, d. 1455. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters, v. 1 of 840. 23 FIFTY celebrated men : their lives and trials. Illus trated. London, n. d. 16 569.23 FIFTY famous women: their virtues and failings. Illustrated. London, n. d. 16 569.24 FIFTY years in both hemispheres. Nolte, V 884.5 FIJI and the Fijians. Williams, T 934.9 Xote. See Harper s monthly, vol. 7, under "Cannibals," and Wood s Natural history of man, [B. H. 6252.2]. FILICAJA, Vincenzio do, Italian aad Latin poet, b. 1642, d. 1707. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, etc. v. 2 of 398.1 FILLMORE, Millard, of New York, 13th president of the United States, b. 1800. Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 FINCH, Heneage, earl of Nottingham, lord-chancellor of England, b. 1621, d. 1682. See Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 6 of 615.1 FINE arts. General view of the 208.22 Lossing, B. J. Outline history of the 820.9 Scott, W. B. Half-hour lectures on the history and practice of the fine and ornamental arts 205,15 See alto Architecture, Art, Arts. Music, Painting, Sculpture, and under the heads of prominent countries; and the Class list for works in the arts and sciences. FINLAND, Handbook for travellers in. 1865. Mur ray, J 649.22 FrNLAY, George. Greece under the Romans, B. c. 146 to A. D. 717. Edinburgh, 1844. 8 956.6 History of Greece from its conquest by the cru saders to its conquest by the Turks [A. D. 540- 1566] and of the empire of Trebizond, 1204 1461. Edinburgh, 1851. 8 956.5 History of the Byzantine and Greek empires, 1057 -1453. Edinburgh, 1854. 8 955.5 History of the Byzantine empire, 716-1057. Ed inburgh, 1853. L. 8 956.7 History of the Greek revolution. Edinburgh, 1861. 2 v. 8 924.5 FINN, Henry J., American actor and dramatist, b. 1782, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. AY. Biograph ical annual 518.12 FINOTTI, Joseph M. Life of blessed Paul of the cross [Paolo Francisco Danei, b. 1694, d. 1755], found er of the Congregation of the clerics of the most holy cross and passion of Jesus Christ. [^lon.] [With portrait.] Boston, 1860. 18 2109.6 FIRE and poison eaters. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 FIREMAN, The : the fire departments of the United States. Dana, D. D 309.4 FIRST lessons in the history of the United States. Boston, 1856. 12 309.18 FIRTH, Frank Russell, superintendent and chief engineer of the Atchison and Nebraska railroad, b. 1847, d. 1872. Memoir. [Anon.] [With portrait and map.] Boston, 1873. 16 1528.4 FISHBOURNE, E. G. Impressions of China, and the present revolution: its progress and prospects. London, 1855. Sq. 12 709.15 FISHER, George A. The Yankee conscript; or, eighteen months in Dixie. [With portrait and cuts.] Philadelphia, 1864. 16 308.13 FISHER, Payne, b. 1616, d. 1693. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 FISHER, Richard S. The book of the world: geog raphy, statistics, commerce, eto. Illustrated. New York, 1849. 2 v. 8 951.4 FISHING tourist, The. 1873. Hallock, C 1175.8 FISK, Wilbur, methodist divine, b. 1792, d. J839. See Gorrie, P. D. Lives of inethodist ministers.- .. 535.14 FISKE, Daniel T. The cross and the crown: life of Fidelia Fiske, [American missionary, b. 1816, d. 1864]. [With portrait.] Boston, [cop. 1868]. 16 1536. 1 FISKE 93 FLORIDA Shelf. No. FISKE, Fidelia. Recollections of Mary Lyon, [1st principal of] Mt. Holyoke female seminary, [b. 1797, d. 1849]. Boston, [cop. 1866]. 12 2097.8 Life of. See Fiske, D. T. The cross and the crown 1536.1 FISKE, Rev. Samuel. Mr. Dunn Browne s [pseud.] experiences in foreign parts. Boston, 1847. 12. 1678.4 Mr. Dunn Browne s experiences in the army. Boston, 1866. 16 288.10 TITCH, George W. Outlines of physical geography. Illustrated. 5th large edition. New York, 1856. 12 167.8 FITCH, John, American inventor, b. 1743, d. 1798. Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Westcott, T. Life of 525.5 Whittlesey, C. Life of v. 16 of 529.1 FITZALAN, Henry, earl of Arundcl, b. 1512, d. 1580. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 FITZGERALD, Edward, lord, Irish revolutionist, b. 1763, d. 1798. Life and death of. See Moore, T. 598.13; 598.14 FITZGERALD, Percy. Charles Lamb; his friends, his haunts, and his books. 2d edition. London, 1866. 16 1589.3 FITZGERALD, W. Historic certainties respecting the early history of America. By Rev. Aristarchus Nowlight, [pseud.]. See Whately, R 868.15 FITZHUGH, Mrs. Anne, b. 1727. See Eliot, E. F. The women of the American revolution. . . v. 3 of 538.13 FITZ-MATJRIOE, Honry Petty, marquis of Lansdoume, English statesman, b. 1780, d. 1868. See British cabinet in 1853 599.9 FITZPATRICK, William J. Lady Morgan, [Irish novelist, b. 1783, d. 1859]; her career, literary andpersonal. London, 1800. 16 599.17 FITE centuries of the English language and litera ture, [1324-1771]. Tauchnitz, (C.) B. von 1839.4 FIVE weeks in a balloon. 1869. Verne, J. .1694.9; 1694.11 FIVE years within the Golden Gate. 1868. Saxon, 1 1635.23 FLAG ship, The. Taylor, F. W 708.8 FLAGG, Edmund. The far West: or, a tour beyond the mountains. [.Anon.] [Illustrated.] Now York, 1838. 2 v. 12 629.18 Venice, from 1797 to 1849. With map, [etc.]. New York, 1853. 2 v. 12 678.7 FLANDERS, Henry. Exposition of tho constitution of the United States. Philadelphia, I860. 12.. 299.12 Lives and times of the chief justices of the supreme court of the United States. 1st series. Philadelphia, 1855. 8 523.3 Contents. John Jay, b. 1745, d. 1829; John Rutledge, b. 1739, d. 1800. FLANDEES, Antiont chronicles of. Froissart, Sir J. 1001.2; 1003.1 FLATMAN, Thomas, b. 1633, d. 1688. See. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 FLAXMAN, Ann, wife of John Flaxman, b. 1759, d. 1820. See Women of worth 551.19 FLAXMAN, John, English sculptor and designer, b. 1754, d. 1826. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 4 of 839.6 Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 3 of 379.9 Note. See histories of sculpture, and Fairholt s Homes of the artists, [B. H. 4075 .51]; also Teniswood s memorials in Art-journal, 1807; Westmacott s address, [B. II. 4074.11; Smiles s Self-help, [126.20] ; Leslie s Autobiographical recol lections, [587.18]; the lives of Wedgewood; and references in Iloefer, Alliboue, etc. FLECHERE, John William. See Fletcher, J. W. FLKCHERE, Mary. See Fletcher, M. FLETCHER, James. History of Poland. New York, n. d. 18 810.30 FLETCHER, James C., and KIDDER, Daniel P. Brazil and the Brazilians. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1857. 8 263.2 Same. 6th edition. Boston, 1866. 8 263.12 Shelf. No. FLETCHER, John, English dramatic author and poet, b. 1576, d. 1625. Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain v. 2 of 398.3 Whipple, E. P. The literature of tho age of Elizabeth 1373.5 Set also Beamont, (Francis). FLETCHER, or FLECHERE, John William, of Madeley, rnethodist divine, b. 1729, d. 1785. See Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist ministers. .. 535.14 FLETCHER, or FLECHERE, Mary, formerly Bosanquet, philanthropist, b. 1739, d. 1815. See Bolloc, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes 1516.11 FLECRY, Andre Hercule, French cardinal and states man, b. 1653. d. 1743. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesman v. 5 of 388.7 FLETJRY DE CHAEOULON, Pierre Alexandro Edouard. Memoirs of Napoleon in 1815. London, 1820. 2 v. 8 604.9 FLIEDNER, Theodor, German pastor, restorer of the apostolic office of deaconess, b. 1800, d. 1864. See Stevenson, W. F. Praying and working 2098.20 FLINT, Henry M. Mexico under Maximilian. Phil adelphia, [cop. 1867]. 12 256.5 The railroads of the United States; their history and statistics. Philadelphia, 1868. 12 195.27 FLINT, Timothy, American divine, missionary, and au thor, b. 1780, d. 1840. Ten years in the valley of the Mississippi. Boston, 1826. 8 236.4 See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 FLOCKHART, Robert, Scotch street preacher, b. 1778, d. 1857. See Steel, R. Lives made sublime by faith and works 577.13; 577.16 FLORENCE. Dix, J. A. A summer in, [1843] 675.8 Machiavelli, N. History of. 1851 828.7 Sowell, E. M. Impressions of. 1862 664.4 Taine, H. A. Florence and Venice. 1869 655.14 Note. Napier s Florentine history, 1847 [B. H. 2726.52], coming down to 1824, is the best modern English narrative of her history; but see also the general hi stories of Italy; and for the period of the Commonwealth, Trollope s History [B. H. 4726.3], reviewed byH. T. Tuckerman in Christian exami ner, Nov., 18C6. The Florence of the past is described in the lives of her principal citizens, like Dante, Michel-Angelo [by Grimm, 573.10], Galileo, etc. ; see also Everett s oration on the Uses of astronomy, [801.7.3]; and of a more recent day in the let ters of Gray, [;9.!i.3]; of Shelley, [875.15]; and in Leigh Hunt s Autobiography. [884.181 Murray s Handbook ( B. H. 4737.7] will map out the descrip tion of the modern city ; but beside Taine, the general travels in Italy, of Hillard, [6711.7] ; of Lady Blessington ; of Eustace, for its classical associations. [378.191, of Hawthorne, [1818.7]; of Calvert, [<13.14]; of Dickens, [1002.1], etc., will atlbrd illustrative matter. See also Ware s European capitals, [648.4]; Harper s monthly, vol. 8, by Jarves ; Ballou s Pictorial, 1855; Jameson s Diary of an ennuyee [409.50], etc. Also Motley s articles on her historical and other associations in Atlantic monthly, Nov. and Dec., 1857. For the litorarv associations of Florence, sec De Stael s Co- rinne, [1506 22, etc.] ; Rogers s Italy, [:U2.1.2] ; Byron * Childe Harold [347.1.2] and Prophecy "of Dante [WOJ(]| and George Eliot s Komola, [7:50.55]." There is an article in the Atlantic, Dec., 1864, on English authors in Florence ; see also lives of Landor, Mrs. Brown ing, etc. FLORENCE, of Worcester. Chronicle, with continua tions; comprising annals of English history, [446-1295]. Translated by T. Forester. Lon don, 1854. P. 8 856.11 FLORENTIUS VOLTJSENTJS. See Wilson, Florence. FLORIAN, Jean P. C. de. History of the Moors of Spain. Translated from the French. Added, a notice of Islamism. New York, [cop. 1840]. 18 820.70 FLORIDA. Bill, L. A winter in. 1869 1639.21 Giddings, J. R. Tho exiles of. 1858 237.19 Irving, T. The conquest of, [1539-43] 237.11 Latour, A. L. Historical memoir of the war in West Florida, [1814-15] 246.1 Sprague, J. T. Origin, progress, and conclusion of the Florida war, [1821-45] 244.7 Kate. The only continuous history is by Fairbanks [B. H. 4478.1], coming down to the close of the Florida tear, for which see, beside Sprague, MacCall s Letters [1636.20] and Marryat s Travels [B. H. 4369.22], and general works on the history of the United States. For the discovery, see De Soto, [B. H. 2264.9]; Kohl, [B. H. 2339 , second series, vol. IT; MacCulloh s Aboriginal Amer ica, . "V. H. 4366 23]; and for the conquest and settlement, see FLORIDA 94 FORSTER FLOHIDA, continued. beside T. Irving s account, Washington Irving s notice of Ponce de Leon, m his " Companions of Columbus," [880.11]; J. T. Ileadley. on the first colonists, in Harper s monthly, vol. 20; Banvard s Romance of American history, [228.15]; and for the Huguenot settlements, Parkman s " Pioneers of France in the New World," [306.1.1 j also, Atlantic monthly, July and August, 1863]. For modern descriptions, see Tour du monde, [B. n. G291.1, 1869, vol. 1. and 1870, by Poussielgue, 1851,52]; Mrs. Stowe s Palmetto leaves, [1633.5]; NordhoiJ . on the wreckers, in Har per s monthy, vol. 18; and a paper on St. Augustine, "Our ancient city, in Lippmcott s magazine, vol. 1. Also see Har per s monthly, vols. 42 and 43. Of the effects of the civil war on Florida, see J. S. C. Abbott, in Harper s monthly, vol. 32. FLORIDA, rebel pirate, Narrative of capture and im prisonment on board the. See Williams, Mrs. H. Dwight. A year in China 704.2 FLOWERS of history, especially such as relate to Britain, [B. c. 4004 to A. D. 1307]. See Mat thew, of Westminster 856. , FLOWERS of history [447-1235], formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris.. See Roger, of Wendover 846. FOA, Eugenie. Boy artists. Translated from the French, [by C. R. Sever]. [Illustrated.] Bos ton, 1868. 16 1599.; Contents. Michel-Angelo Buonarotti, Italian painter, scu|ptor, and architect, b. 1474, d. 1564; Johann Chrysostom Sigumund Amadeus Mozart, German music composer, b. ]7o(>, d. 1791 JL Franz Joseph Haydn, German music composer, b. 1737, d. 1808; Jean Antoine Watteau, French painter, b. 1684, d. 1721; Sebastiano Gomi5z (El mulatto de Murillo), Spanish painter, d. 1665 ? FODER, Josephine. See Mainville, Josephine, mad- ame. Foix, Agnes, comtesse de,_/Z. lith century. See Edgar, J. G. Noble dames of ancient story. . . .569.27; 599.2- FOLLEN, Rev. Charles Theodore Christian, professor of the German language in Harvard college, b. 1796, d. 1840. Follen, E. L. Memoir of. .v. 1 of 877.1 Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 FOLLEN, Mrs. Eliza Lee. Memoir of Charles [Theo dore Christian] Follon. [With portrait.] Bos ton, 1842. 12 v. 1 of 877.1 "FOLLOWING the drum:" a glimpse of frontier life. Viele, Mrs. E. L 626.4; 1634.25 FO.VBLA.NQUE, Albany, of the English board of trade, b. 1797, d. 1852. England under seven adminis trations, [1826-33]. London, 1837. 12 979.1 See Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.22 FONTAINE, Jacques, French curate, and writer, b. 1658, d. 1761. Memoirs of a Huguenot family. Au tobiography, [etc.]. [With portraits.] Trans lated by A. Maury. New York, 1853. 12... 617.11 Same. New York, 1872. 12 557.5 FONTHILL recreations. Sleeper, Mrs. M. G. ..1679.2; 1679.3 FOOTE, Andrew Hull, American rear-admiral, b. 1806, d. 1863. Africa and the American flag. [With illustrations.] New York, 1854. 12 698.13 See Ileadley, J. T. Farragut and our naval com manders 272.7 FOOTE, Henry S. Texas and the Texans. Philadel phia, 1841. 2 v. 12 939.1 FOOTE, Samuel, English comedian and dramatist, b. 1720 ? d. 1777. Cooke, W. Memoirs of 597.12 Forster, J. Samuel Foote : a biographical essay. 577.9; v. 2 of 894.3 ffotf. Forster gives the best summary. See also Doran i "Their majesties servants," [352.2; B. II. 2045.5]. FOOTSTEPS to fame. Friswell, (J.) Hain 589.23 FORBES, Archibald. My experiences of the war between Franco and Germany. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v. Sq. 16 928.20 FORBES, Charles S. The campaign of Garibaldi in the two Sicilies. [With portrait and maps.] Edinburgh, 1861. 12 917.11 Iceland; its volcanoes, geysers, and glaciers. [With illustrations.] London, 1860. 16 1666.2 FORBES, Duncan, Scottish judge, b. 1685, rf. 1747. Life of. See Burton, J. H 566.6 FORBES, Edward, English naturalist and poet, b. 1815, d. 1854. Travels in Lycia, Milyas, and the Cibyratis. See Spratt, T. A. B 683.7 See Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Shelf. No. FORBES, James D. Norway and its glaciers visited in 1851. [With illustrations.] Edinburgh, 1853. Imp. 8 663.1 The tour of Mont Blanc and of Monte Rosa. Edinburgh, 1855. 12 669.14 Travels through the Alps of Savoy and other parts of the Pennine chain, with observations on the phenomena of glaciers. [With illustrations.] Edinburgh, 1843. 8 663.2. FORBES, John, D. D., Scotch ecclesiastical historian, b. 1593, d. 1648. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 FORBES, John, Scotch physician, b. 1787, d. 1861. The physician s holiday; or, a month in Swit zerland in the summer of 1848. With illustra tions. 3d edition. London, 1852. 12 669.6 FORBES, Jonathan. Eleven years in Ceylon. 2d edi tion. [With illustrations.] London, 1841. 2 v. 8 695.4 FORBES, Robert B. Voyage of the Jamestown on her errand of mercy [to Ireland]. Boston, 1847. 27pp. 8 296.5 FORBES, William,. 1st protestant bishop of Edinburgh, b. 1585, d. 1634. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 FORD, John, English dramatist, b. 1586, d. 1639? Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain. v. 2 of 398.3 Whipple, E. P. The literature of the age of Elizabeth 1373.5 vol. U, and references in Allibone. FORD, Richard. Gatherings from Spain. [Anon.] London, 1846. P. 8 889.17 Handbook for travellers in Spain. 3d edition. London, 1855. 2 v. 12 649.12 The Spaniards and their country. New edition. New York, 1850. 12 675.19 FORD, Thomas. History of Illinois, 1818-47. Chicago. 1854. 12 237.6 FORDUN, John de, Scotch historian, d. 1386 ? See Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies. .T. 2 of 399.9 FOREFATHERS, Footsteps of our. Miall, J. G 1086.22 FOREIGN courts, Private anecdotes of. See Broglio Solari, C. H., marchfse 1005.5 FOREIGN lands, Over the ocean; or, sights and scenes in. Guild, C 645. 23 FOREIGN reminiscences. Fox, H. R. (V.) 896.9 ?OREST life. Springer, J. S 1628.1 FORESTER, Thomas. Norway in 1848, 49. [With illustrations.] London, 1850. 8 668.3 Same. [Entitled] Rambles in Norway. Lon don, 1855. 16 1655.4 Paris and its environs. Illustrated. London, 1859. P. 8 853.11 FORMBY, Henry. Visit to the East. [With illus trations.] London, 1843. 16 1675.3 FORNEY, John W. Letters from Europe. With por trait. Philadelphia, [cop. 1867]. 12 1667.1 FORRESTER, Fanny, pseud. See Judson, Emily C. FORRESTER, Joseph J. Prize-essay on Portugal. 2d edition. London, 1854. 8 -673.3 ORSTER, George, English traveller, b. about 1750, d. 1791. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers v. 2 of 810.47 ORSTER, John, English biographer and cntic, b. 1812. Arrest of the five members by Charles I, [1641- 42]. London, 1860. P. 8 998.13 Daniel De Foe [English miscellaneous writer, b. about 1663, d. 1731] and Charles Churchill [English satirist, b. 1731, d. 1764]: [biographi cal essays]. London, 1855. 16 1655.16 Historical and biographical essays. London, 1858. 2v. 12- 894.3 FORSTER 95 FOX Shelf: No. FORSTER, John, continued. Life and adventures of Oliver Goldsmith, [Eng lish writer and poet, b. 1728, d. 1774]. [With illustrations.] London, 1848. 8 3 583.13 Lifo of Charles Dickens, [English novelist, b. 1812, d. 1870]. Vol. 1, 2. 1812-52. [With portraits and other illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1872,73. 16 578.27 Same. Leipzig, 1872. 2 v. Sq. 16 568.14 Lives of eminent British statesman. See Mack intosh, Sir J 388. G Oliver Cromwell, Daniel Do Foe, Sir Richard Steele, Charles Churchill, Samuel Foote. Bio graphical essays. 3d edition. London, 1860. 12 577.9 Walter Savage Landor, [English writer and poet, b. 1775, d. 1864]. A biography. [With por trait.] Boston, 1869. 16 1526.20 See Powell, T. The living authors of England. . 586.9 Note. See Reid s Cabinet portraits, [B. II. 2443.63]. FORSYTE, William. History of the captivity of Na poleon at St. Helena. With portrait and map. London, 1853. 3 v. 8 1005.1 Same. New York, 1853. 2 v. 12 605.5 Life of Marcus Tnllius Cicero, [b. B. c. 106, d. B. c. 43]. With illustrations. New York, 1865. 2v. Sm.8 571.5 FORT Du QDESNE, History of an expedition against, in 1755. Sargent, W 244.1 " FoRT-LA-FA YETTE life," 1863-64. Extracts from the "Right flanker." London, 1865. 16 .... 308.22 FORTNIGHT, A, in Ireland. 1853. Head, Sir F. B.. . 1986.2 FORTUNE, Robert. A residence among the Chinese, 1853-56. With illustrations. London, 1857. 8. 696.4 Two visits to the tea countries of China and the British tea plantations in the Himalaya. 3d edition. With maps and illustrations. London, 1853. 2v. 8 706.7 " FORTY-FIVE, The." Narrative of the Scottish in surrection of 1745. Stanhopo, P. H., lord 989.6 FORUM, The ; or forty years full practice at the Phil adelphia bar. Brown, D. P 294.4 FORWOOD, W. Stump. Narrative of the Mammoth cave of Kentucky. With illustrations. Phila delphia, 1870. 12 235.17 FOSBROKE, or FOSBROOKE, Thomas Dudley. Treatise on the arts, manufactures, manners, and insti tutions of the Greeks and Romans. London, 1833. 2v. 16 378.3 FOSCOLO, Ugo, Italian poet and litterateur, b. about 1778, d. 1827. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 2 of 398.1 Kate. See Chasles s Notabilities. [868.7]; S. C. Hall s sketch, [B. II. 6542.133; references in Thomas, and the his tories of Italian literature; also Bates Hall catalogues. FOSTER, A. F. History of England, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1851]. New edition, with illustrations. Lon don, 1866. 16 996.4 FOSTER, Andrew. Life and voyages of Americus Vespucius. See Lester, C. E 544. 1 FOSTER, John, of Halifax, English essayist, b. about 1770, d. 1843. Fosteriana. Edited by II. G. Bonn. London, 1858. 16 857.7 Life and correspondence. Edited by J. E. Ry- laud. [With portrait.] London, 1852. P. 8. 858.8 De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets, and other English writers 895.15 Men who were earnest 549.40 FOSTER, Mrs. John. Stories and studies from the chronicles and history of England. See Hall, A.M 979.6 FOSTER, John W., of Portsmouth, N. H., b. 1789, d. 1852. Memorial of. See Peabody, A. P 536.14 FOSTER, Margaret (E.) Hand-book of French liter ature: historical, biographical, and critical. London, f!854]. 16 40^6.23 Hand-book of modern European literature. Phil adelphia, 1850. 12 404.6 Shelf. No. FoUCHfi, Joseph, duke of Otranto, minister of the gen eral police of France., b. 1763, d. 1820. "Memoirs of. See Jullian, P. L. P. do 613.4 tfote. The above memoirs, purporting to be autobiograph ical, arc saiil to have been written by Beauchamp, from notes by Jullian, [also in B. H., in French, 2CJ3.7]. FOUR years in the saddle. 1866. Gilmor, H 244.14 FOURIER, Francois Charles Marie, French socialist, b. 1772, d. 1837. Life of. See Pellarin, C 545.11 Note. See also Lomf nie, [B. H. 6249a.l.lO] ; and the refer ences in Hoefer, Thomas, and McClintock and Strong. God win has a popular view of his principles, [B. II. 3503.ISJ. Noyes, in his American socialisms [B. H. 6001. 21], traces the progress of Fourierism in the United States, and enumerates theliterature of tlie subject. FOURIER, Jean Baptisto Joseph, French mathematician and philosopher, b. 1768, d. 1S30. See Arago, (D.) F. (J.) Biographies of distinguished sci entific men 541.3 FOURTH estate, The. Hunt, F. K 999.5 FOWLER, Henry. The American pulpit: sketches, biographical and descriptive, of living American preachers. With portraits. New York, 1856. 8. 534.9 Contents. Edward Norris Kirk, b. 1802; Chester Dewey, b. 1784, d. ISO"; Robert Baird,b. ir;>8, d. ISfr!; John Price Dur- bin, b. 1800; William Henry Milburn, b. 1823; Henry Ward Beecher, b. ]813; William K. Williams, b. ISOt; Charles G. Soinmers, b. 1703. d. 18<K; Orville Dewey, b 17UI; Frederick Dan Huntingtou, b. 181U; Leonard Bacon, b. 18C2; Theodore Ledvard Cuyler. b. 182. ; Samuel Hanson Cox, b. IZ .H; Francis L. Hawks, b. 17i, d. lki ; George W. Bethune, b. 180. ., d. 1SG2; Richard S. Storrs, jr., b. 18- 1 ; Stephen Iligaiusun Tvng. b. 1300; James Waddoll Alexander, b. 180 1. d. !!); George Bar- rell Cheever, b. 1807 ; Albert Barnes, b. 1798, d. 1870. FOWLER, Samuel P. Salem witchcraft; comprising More wonders of the invisible world, by R. Ca- lef ; and Wonders of the invisible world, by C. Mather. Salem, 1861. 12 228.17 Fox, Charles James, English orator and statesman, b. 1749, d. 1806. History of the reign of James n, [1685-88]. See Carrel, (J. B. N.) A.... 837.10; 978.4 Memorials and correspondence. Edited by lord J.Russell. Philadelphia, 1853. 2 v. 12 566.3 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians. T. 2 of 586.11 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 Rogers, S. Recollections 395.5; 1396.3 Russell, J., lord. Life and times of 577.1 Note. The Memorials [also in B. H. 2436.3] afford the most help in understanding Fox s character. Earl Russell s Life of Fox (severely reviewed in Saturday review, or no. 779 of Liv ing age) represents him nlmost wholly in his political rela- r . . .: ., iccretary, confines his recollections to his latter years. See also and Earlc s English premiers. [B. II. 0517.12.1]. For the rivalry of I M and Fox, see Holland s Whig party, [B. II. 2, r -14.11]; Alison s Europe, [B. H. 229:Un]; Walpole s Journals, [98. !.2]; Bulwer sessay,[181<;.15.1]; Macaulav s Wil liam Put, [527.2. etc.]; Living age, no. 814; S. T. Coleridge s Table talk, [886.2.<>]: the introduction of Scott s Marnuun, [1015.10. etc.]; Byron s Age of bronze, [347.1.8], etc. See also lives of Burke, Sheridan, and histories of George Ill s reign. Fox, Ebenezer. Adventures in the revolutionary war. Illustrated. Boston, 1848. 24 219.5 Fox, George, English quaker, b. 1024, d. 1690. Journal. 7th edition. London, 1852. 2v.ini. 12.... 1695.5 (See Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Fox, Henry, 1st lord Holland, English xtatesman, b. 1705, d. 1774. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Groat Britain v. 7 of 815.1 Fox, Henry Richard (Vassall), 3f lord Holland, b. 1773, d. 1840. Foreign reminiscences. Edited by his son. New York, 1851. 12 896.9 See Macaulay, T. B., lord. Critical and historical essays v. 3 of 1966.3 Fox, Thomas B. Memoir of James P. Walker [b. 1829, d. 1868], with selections from his writings. [With portrait.] Boston, 1869. 16 1528.2 Fox, William Johnson, Enylish politician, preacher, and author, b. about 1787, d. 1864. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 Fox, Voyage of the. MacClintock, Sir F. L. . 706. 13 ; 706. 14 FOXE 96 FRANCE Shelf. No FOXE, or Fox, John. The acts and monuments of the church. [Book of martyrs.] Now edition, re vised by M. H. Seymour. [With illustrations.] New York, 1855. 8 ........................ 1101.2 -- Same. Abridged from Milner s edition, by T. A.Buckley. London, 1858. 12 ............. 1098.33 FRAGMENTA regalia. Naunton, Sir~R ............. 563.8 FEAMJEE, Dcsabhoy. The Parsees; their history, manners, customs, and religion. London, 1858. 12 ......................................... 937.8 FRAMPTON, Louisa C. Lives and martyrdom of the apostles, [etc.]. London, 1860. 24 .......... 1159.12 FRANCE, A. de. The French in Algiers. See Lam ping, C ..................................... 889.18 FRANCE. Art. Xoie. See the general histories of architecture, painting and sculpture, ana the note under Painting. There is a recent dictionary of French artists of the 12th-17th centuries by conary o renc rs - nrs y Berard, [B. H. 2647.58] ; but see also the general biographical collections of Michaud, Hoefer, and the special dictionari artists. 8061.12 See al llections of Michaud, Hoefer, and the special dictionaries ot tists. See Hamerton, for contemporary painters, [B.II. 61.12, reviewed in the North American review. April, 18681. ee also Thackeray s Paris sketch book, [509.51; Samson s f rere ana tne anises 01 cms aay, see narper s mon etc. See Contemporary review, vol. S, on Ingres. Biography. Bush, (A.) F. Memoirs of the queens of, [400- 1842] 606.8 Note. Also in B. H. 6640.1. Chasies, (V. E.) P. Notabilities in. 1853 868.7 Cormenin, L. M. de la Haye de. The orators of. 1849 617.9 Guizot, F. (P. G.) Great Christians of, [Saint Louis and Calvin] 1118.6 Herbert, H. W. Persons and pictures from the history of. From the Norman conquest to the fall of the Stuarts 648.6 Kavanagh, J. French women of letters. 1862.. 1609.1 Lomenie, L. L. de. Sketches of conspicuous liv ing characters of. 1843 614.8 Michelet, J. The women of the French revolu tion [of 1789] 1008.6 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and sci entific men of 388.8 Note. See also the heading Biography in the Lower Hall List for books in the foreign languages; arid the Bates Hall catalogues under France (Biography.) In the catalogue of the National library at Paris, volume 9 [B. H. 6161.1] is devoted to general, epochal, special, local and individual biographies. General and comprehensive histories. Bonnechose, (F. P.) & (B.) do. History of, from the invasion of the Franks under Clovis, to the accession of Louis Philippe, [431-1831] 1007.2 Crowe, E. E. History of, [1465-1795] 368.6 1003.6; 1009.11 Michelet, J. History of, [B. c. 1200-A.D. 1483]. 1003.2 Penrose, E. [Mrs. Markham s] History of, from the conquest of Gaul by Julius Ca3sar to Louis Philippe, [for youths, B. c. 60-A. D. 1848] 1007.4 Smedley, E. History of, [843-1529] 365.5 Stephen, SirJ. Lectures on the history of. 100 2.1; 1002.2 The student s France. History of, to 1852. 1006.6; 1006.7 Thierry, (J. N.) A. Formation and progress of the tiers etat, or third estate in 857.12; 1008.17 Wright, T. History of, [to 1861] 991.1 Kote. Guizot places as " unquestionably the best "history of France, Sismoudi s " Histoire des Frangais " [B. H. 2622.11, which has boen continued down to 1789, and was originally published, 1821-J4. The author is a republican protestant, be longs to the philosophic school of historians, is accounted erudite, shrewd, and impartial ; but his voluminous narrative is interrupted by speculations. Lavallee a " Histoirc des Fran- cais " [B. II. 2628.3] compactly covers the scope of Sismondi, with a continuation to 1830. Tho latest history, and for the general reader perhaps the best, because less extensive, though still elaborate, rs Maitin s, for the period previous to the flrst revolution [B. H., in French. 2012.1], digesting as it does the labors of Sismondi, Guizot, Thierry, and Barante; and upon it is based " The student s France, above named, a brief com pendious account.^Other concise popular accounts, covering [ong intervals, are Yonge s, 1589-1830, [B. H. 2626.00] ; Crowe s, Smedley s, Wright s, and James White s, [B. II. 4613.3]; in French, Duruy s, [2073.14]; and in German. Schmidts, to J774. [B. H. 4226.2]. Bishop Dupanloup [B. H. 3599.56], re commends as between the extended narratives and the con densed ones, the histories of Troguon, [B. H. 2618.2.1]; of Shelf. No. FRANCE. General and comprehensive histories, cont d. Laurentie^and of Gabourd. Sir James Stephen s Lectures The reader seeking to know the character of the books to be read. E. A. Freeman s essay on "The Franks and the Gauls" [1818.16] is a rapid survey of French history from the earliest times to our day. The ingenious, brilliant, poetic Michelet, though without method and regularity in his eloquent narrative, by combining graphic descriptions with a tone of philosophy, and by praises of liberty and virtue, and as the adversary of the Jesuits, has always been popular in France. Catholic writers, like Bishop Dupanloup, regret his impiety, and think he degenerates into pamphleteering. Besides the English translation of the first section of his history, named above, the reader will find the entire sequence i French in the Bates Hall as follows : History, 375-1483 Renaissance, 1484-1535 Reformation, 1508-47 Religious wars, 1547-72 The League and Henry iv, l. r )7."r-98 Henry IV and Richelieu, 1598-1626 Kichelieu and the Fronde, 1627-431 Louis XIV and the Edict of Nantes, 1661-90 Louis XTV and the Duke of Burgundy, 1689-1715 . Regency, 1715-24 Louis XV, 1721-57 Revolution 2621.5 46(52.9 4662.10 4662.8 4617.5 ; 4617.6 4617.7 4617.9 4617.8 4617.10 4617.11 4617.1 Michelet is reviewed in J. S. Mill s essays, [B. H. 2505.20.2 ; 2565.21.2] ; in Alison s Essays, [863.5] ; in Foreign quarterly review, July, 1840 ; and in Edinburgh review, Jan.. 1844. From political grounds the opposite to Michelet s. Capefigue reviews French history in a voluminous series of works, which are in some respects anomalous and eccentric. He is a staunch royalist, a defender of the papacy, believes the reformation an impious innovation, but he has great research, is brilliant and imaginative in style, and, where not influenced by political views, impartial. He constantly takes issue with Guizot, Thierry, Michelet, Tliicrs, and Mignct. The series in French is in Bates Hall: From Hugh Cnpet to Philip Augustus 2647.1 Philip Augustus (more temperate than the later works, covers 12th and 13tn centuries) .... 2fi47.2 In the middle ages. 1223-1483 2037.3 Reformation and the League 4628.58 League and Henry rv 462857 Louis XIV and his government 2647.22 Richelieu, Mazann, anU the Fronde 2656.6 Regency, 1715-23 2647.16 Louis XVI, 1774-93 2646.4 Europe during the French revolution 2306.1 Europe during the consulate and empire . . . . 2306.4 The hundred days 4653.3 Restoration 4653.18 Europe during Louis Philippe s reign 2294.1 Europe from 1848 to 1852 2291.2 The rise of the modern schools of French historians, which add a purpose beyond mere narrative, and have sought illus trations beyond battles and the life of courts, is largely due to Augtistin Thierry s Letters on the history of France, [in French, 1076.12; B.II. 4193.1; 4662.2.3]; and he illustrated his idea in his monograph on the history of the middle class (Tiers etat), [in French, 1076.15; B. H. 4189.3; 4062.2.5]. This principle of writing history has been thought to be carried to paradox by Mouteil, in his history of the French in their dif ferent conditions for five centuries, [in French, B. H. 2038.41. Bonnechose s book is of high repute, [in English, to 1848, B. II. 4616.20; in French, 1066.3; B. H. 60t9a.3]. The highest repute acquired by a French historian probably belongs to Guizot, for iiis History of civilization in Europe and in France, from the fall of the Roman empire to the rev olution, [817.5 ; 949.1 ; in French, B. H. 4666.21 ; 666.5.21. With a dignified style, he is able in analysis, in generalization, takes great range, is impartial and of protestant views. Bishop Dupanloup [B. 11. 5!! < J.50] gives an outline study of the history of France; and Sir Hcnrv Bulwer reviews the prin cipal French historians [B. H. 2600.28.2] of the philosophic and of the pictorial schools. The Catalogue of the National library [B. II. 6161.1] gives in vol. 1 the bibliography of the general histories, of t:ie eth nography, of the epochal histories, of the histories of reigns to Louis xni; in vol. - , of the reigns of Louis xrv, XV and XVI; in vol. 3, of the Republic, etc.; in vol. 7, of departments and ministers, and of manners and customs, and of archaeol ogy; in vol. 8, of local and colonial histories; in vol. 9, of the histories of classes. Consult also the Lower Hall Class list for books in foreign languages, and the Bates Hall catalogues under France and Paris. Pre-revolutionary history, etc. Berry, M. Comparative view of the social life of England and Franco, [ 1660-1790] 986.4 Brougham, H., lord. History of France under the house of Lancaster, [1377-1471] 993.1 Colquhoun, J. C. Life in France in the olden time. 915.5 Cousin, V. Secret history of the French court under Richelieu and Mazarin 1009.17 ; 1009.23 Froissart, Sir J. Antient chronicles of. . .1001.2; 1003.1 Godwin, P. History of ancient Gaul 1001.9 Martin, (B. L.) H. The ago of Louis xiv, [1601-1715] v. 13, 14 of 933.2 - The decline of the French monarchy, [1715- 89] v. 15, 16 of 933.2 Parkman, F.,j>. Pioneers of France in the New World v. 1 of 306. 1 FRANCE 97 FRANCE Shelf. No. I KANCE. Pro-revolutionary history, etc., continued. Perry, W. C. The Franks, to the death of King Pepin, [240-768] 925-6 Ranko, (F.) L. von. Civil wars and monarchy in France in the 16th and 17th centuries 1007.6 Kate. Ancient Gaul. Besides Caesar s Commentaries and the general works on the Komau empire, Parke Godwin s first volume of his History of France, confined to this period, is the most accessible narrative in English; but in French the student may consult Amedee Thierry s History of the Gauls, [B. H. 4186.1 ] ; ami his Gaul under the Romans, [ B. H. 2757.4; 2757.9]. Consult Petigny [ B. H. 4662.4] for the barbarian influ ences in subverting the Roman empire, and in founding the modern states. Thierry s views as to the origin of the French nation, and a Bummary of the authorities and theories, are given in the Westminster review, for 1872, or no. 14b8 of ,iving age. Charlemagne s period. See Bates Hall catalogues under Charlemagne and Germany j and this catalogue under Charle magne, and under the same head in the Class list for books in foreign languages. Fauriel s Southern Gaul under the Germans is an erudite account of the period from the barba-_ rian incursion to die dismemberment under the successors or Charlemagne, [B. H. 2037.4, in French], Palgrave s Nor mandy [B H. 2418.1] begins with the death of Charlemagne, goes to Charles the simple in vol. 1, and to William the con queror in vol. 3. Middle ages. See this heading and Crusades in this cata ue, in the . he Class list for books m foreign languages, and in the Bates Hall catalogues. The old chronicler Froissart log . narrative comes down to 1400 [in French, B. II. 40G7 1], and is continued by Monstrelet to 1467, [in French, B. H. 2621.3: 2617.2; 26.165; in English, 2621.3]. See the 8tK chapter of Ouizot s Civilization in Kurope [837.5 ; 941.1 ; in French, B. II. 4066.21 ; 66J5.2] for an excellent account of the crusades. See also the note under Louis IX. Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Barante s Dukes of Bur gundy, 1364-1477 [B. H., iu French, 40M.1 ; 4064 2] was the most su:: e^sful of the old, simply descriptive school of his torians, preserving the straightforward style of the old chron iclers. See also Chailes the boid, and Dar j, Jeanne Lord Brougham s monograph covers an important part of this p M iod. The Memoirs of Comminec [in French, B. H. ^H 1 ; 2015.1; 2620.1 ; 2629.1], on the reigns of lx>uis XI and Charles vni, 14&4-98, are the faithful recitals of an enlightened ob server. Sixteenth and seventeenth cmturiei. See Francois I, and Henrv III. Ranke s book is of repute, [also in B. H.. in Eng lish 41923; in French, 4167.2]. See Gidel. on the people of this epoch. [B. H , in French, 4028 02] ; and Elliot s Old court lite, from Francis I to Louis xiv, [B. H. 282&651. For Henrv IV s time, Sully s Memoirs [in English, 609.3; B H., in French, 2007.3; see also Dark blue, 1871, on "A famous Frenchman," or no. 1426 of Living age] is the most and the title? undci Henry IV. For Louis XIV s time, James s book [858.3] is the readiest record in English; but Voltaire s book [in LnglU h, 100,5.7; B. H. 2649.1 1 4098.7.6; and in French. 1070.19; B. II. 2085.18.20; 4070].i 0] is characteristic of that writer s sagacity, but with out original research. Martin s book is of high rank. The vivid narrative of so clear-headed an observer as De Retz [B. H. 656.1] renders his memoirs of value, For social as pects the memoirs of Saint Simon are of the utmost hnpor. tance, [B. H. 2040.7 ; 4007.2]. See a paper on S:iint Simon in tho CornhiS, 1872. or Living age, Dec.7, 187- , a:;d Hoove s essays, [B. II. 2623.51.1]. Martin s Age of Louis XIV has been trans lated into English, [also in B. II, 4013.1]; and there is the work, in French, of Gaillardin, [B. H. 2057. 50]; and on the wars of the Fronde, there are Barante [1074.1] and Challamel, [8068.24]. See also Higginson s episodical career of "Made moiselle, [877.21]. Kingsley has Lectures on the ancient regime, B. H. 40111. 14]. Sec also Louis XIV, note. There is a reeont commentary by Aubertin, on the political memoirs. 1715-89, [B. II., in French, 2657.01]. See also the note under Louis nv. An article by De Tocquevillc, on France before tho revolution. In the Westminster review, April, 1836, is reproduced in his memoirs. [614.0.1], See also the chap ter on the 0,d regime in Sir Henry Bulwer s France, [B. H, *680 "S] and " women of the last days of old 1 ranee, [B. H, 26-18.57]. Revolution of 1789, etc. Abbott, J. S. C. Tho French revolution of 1"89 as viewed in tho light of republican institu tions 1001.3 Brougham, II., lord. Remarks on the French revolution 988.1 Carlylo, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 863.7; v. 4 of 867.1; v. 4 of 893.3 The French revolution: a hktory 1007.7; 1009.21 Croker, J. W. Essays on tho early period of tho French revolution 1002.3 Elliott, Or. D. Journal during the French revo lution 1006.2 Lamartine, A. (M L.) de. History of the Giron dists ; or, personal memoirs of the patriots of the French revolution 828.6 Shelf. No. FRANCE. Revolution 0/1789, etc., continued. Michelet, J. Historical view of the French revo lution ..................................... 854.7 -- The women of the French revolution ......... 1008.6 Mignet, F. A. (M.) History of the French revo lution, [1789-1814] .................. 837.3; 1008.15 Moore, J. View of society and manners in France. 1792 .............................. 657.2 Piozzi, H. L. Observations in the course of a journey through France. 1789 ............... 676.1 Smyth, W. Lectures on tho history of the French revolution. 1855 ............................ 837.2 Stael-IIolstein, A. L. GL, baronne de, nee Necker. Considerations on the principal events of tho French revolution, [1781-1815] ............... 1004.6 Thiers, (L.) A. History of tho French revolution, [1789-99] ................................. 1002.7 Tocqueville, A. (C. H. Clerel) de. The old re- gimo and the revolution ..................... 1006.4 \ote.~- See the Bates Hall catalogues and other catalogues of this library under France, French revolution, the names of prominent actors in the revolution, the names of prominent parties, etc. The chief bibliography of the subject is in the National library catalogue, [B. II. 6101.1, vols. 1, 2 and 3]. There are other lists, [B. H. 0103.20; 0107.25, etc.]. Alison [B. H. 2293.51] pretties a list of authorities, and in his preface characterizes the contemporary records and journals, p. xiv, etc. Among the historic* of considerable extent, the latest of them, that of Sybet [B. H., iu English, 463514; in German, 4635.15], which covers 17811-95, and extends the survey over all Europe, is on some grounds the best ye written. It einuys great reputation in Germany, elucidates particularly the Ger man policy of that period, and the author was allowed access to the French, Prussian, and Neapolitan archives, and uses material never before brought forward. Among the French histories, that by Thiers is a complete, highly-finished, voluminous plea in defence of the revolution, whijh later he would hardly have made, but which is in great favor with the liberals, [also in French, 1076.16; B. II. 4046.3( and in English, B. II. 4648.3]. Mignet (like Thiers, of the fatalist school; believes in the inevitable evil of the revolu tion, and his book lias been very successful. He is rapid and eon is<? in survey, selects tew but apposite details, and charac terizes wilh precision, [also in French, 2009.8; B. H. 4050.18]. Ho ult.0 has since somewhat modified his views. Of the lesser French authorities, thereareNisanl, [ 1074.17] ; Nodier, [ 1067.8] ; Louis Bianc, ardent republican, [B. II. 4052.2; 40 /2.M]; Gra- nier, [B. H. 0658.10]; Bu?ot, [B. H. 4012.24] ; Lemaire, [B. II. 465045]; and Dauban, [B. H. 4623.9; 0051.2] ; for the diplo matic history, Bourgoing, [B. H. 6295.1] i and for the constitu tional history, E. Labaume. a monarchist. Dnpanioup thinks I.acretelle [B. H. 2624.1] has been too often forgotten by later Bailly s Mcmoires [B. H. 4045.7.11] and Madame De StafcTs work on the revolution [1004 0] are the occasion of Jeffrey s enunciation of the average views of the English people of that day, [StU.O, or Edinburgh review, April, 1805]. Ot th e Xnglifh histories, Carhlc s is the most fainous, but its ogu of this period. Alison takes the aristocratic view, "94,,. 1 ; 043.2] , and Scott s toryism was clear in his Life of NaV, eon, [004.1; 6U4.5; 004.7 ; B. II. 2642.11; 2577.5.8]. Burke !86. .9; B H. 2572.6.3 1 4187.7; 4014.51 and Mackintosh [800.8; B. II. 2590.14 ; 4187.7] took respectively the conservative and liberal side at the time. Smyth s Lectures [also in B. H. 4^8.4] are in good repute. See also Earl Stanhope s essay, [889..12]; Sir Henry Bulwer s France, [B. H. 2000.28]; and Co.irtcta "Les levolutionnaires," [B. 11. 2024.55]. See references to the eautei vf the revolution in the note under Louis xvi, and also Edinburgh review, Oct., 1802; and Marmonte. f memoirs, [609.8], Dupanloup indicates the fol lowing books, as the best introduction to the revolutionary history, Droz [B. H. 2040.5], who is praised by Montalem- bert; Luveignc s "Los assemblies provinciates avant 1789;" DeTocquevi lie s L anrien regime [B. H., in English, 4ii56.1], an excellent picture of France before the revolution; and Les cahiers " of 1789, republished by Itoquctte and Bar- theiemy. Of episodical monographs, Lamartine s on the Girondist \i probabiv of most repute, though he is accused of inaccu racy and copies fie ancients in assigning imaginary speeches totneii tors; and he toirpriscd tiie public bv his democratic sympathies, [also in B. II., in English, 0648.7; in French, 2T04.:<]. See Cordoy, Charlotte, note. On the Reign of trrrur, i792-94, there is Ternaux [B. H., in Fren -li, 4642.13], who U praised by Svbel, and is considered by Dupanloup tho most exact, the mo st conscientious, and the most terrible. See the no 1 c under Heigu of terror (aluo Guil lotine), and in addition may bo named the admirable and biking " Souvenirs" [B. II. - 611.1, 2<l series, v. 5] of Duval, andth" McmoiresofBarere [B. H. 2054.5] and Berryer. See also Alison s essay, f>o.5]. On La Vendie, see Beiuiehamp [B. U. 4655.11], reckoned im partial, and the menioiisof Mine. Bonchamps[B. H. 4045.10] and La Ro-heja ;queloin [B. II. 4040.15, in English. 464 !.ll], reviewed by Jeffrey, [863.6], See also Fosteriana [857.7], and On Jacobinism, see Roche s Memoircs de Rene Levasseur de la Sarthe,andBarruel[B. H. 4050.29 j 4054.3; 6622.3], who may be taken as commentator on Burke. On the trembly, nee Dumont, [B. H. 26*1.9]; Bnssot, [B. H. U054.6] ; and Mourner, [B. II. 3500.19, etc.]. On the National convention. 1792, see Barante, [B. H. 4056.4]; Durand, [B. II. 4040.4]; Lamottie-Langon, [B. H. 4tx>7.10]; and Thibaudeau, an actor in tho scenes, [B. U. 4647/7]. On the Director!,, 1795-99, see Barante [B. H. 4643.1 ], con sidered truthful and elevated by Dupanloup. FRANCE 98 FRANCE Shelf. No FRANCE. Revolution. o/"1789, etc., continued. See some chapters on " France before the consulate," in De Tocrmeville s Memoirs, [614.0.1]; and Schmidt s exposition of the service of the secret police during the revolution, [B. H., in French, 2624.53]. Cobdcn [4563.3.1, p. : ,7."0 discusses the causes which led to the war with England in 1793. Sea also Chouannerie. Napoleonic period. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Napoleon Bonaparte. 601.1 Dumas, M. Memoirs of his own time, [1773- 1808] ..................................... 1008.12 Lamothe-Langon, fi. L. de. Evenings with Prince Cambaceres, [1811-14] ...................... 1004.3 Malcolm, Sir J. Campaign in the south of, [Ibl4] ............................... v. lof 830.42 Napier, Sir W. F. P. History of the war in the south of, [1807-14] ................... 1004.1; 1004.2 Pardoe, J. Episodes of French history during the consulate and the first empire, [1805-10] ...... 1007.9 Siborne, W. History of the war in, [1815] ...... 1005.2 Steffens, H. Adventures on the road to Paris, during the campaigns of 1813-14 ............. 899.12 Thiors, (L.) A. History of the consulate and empire of Napoleon, [H99-1807] ............. 1002.6 Vane-Stewart, C. W. Narrative of the war in, [1813-14] ................................. 1009.3 Note. The consulate extended from 1799 to 1804, when the empire began. See under Napoleon, France, Europe, and the names of the chief characters of the day, iu this and the other Lower Hall and Bates Hall catalogues. The principal English writers are Scott and Alison, [see previous note]. Thicrs. for his Consulate and empire [also in B. II., in English, ai 5.50; 0015.12; 6015.14; in French, 4047.41, holds the very highest lank, and is of great popularity. Ills views are modified from those in his history of the revolution; and Bishop Dnptuilnup thiksthat in the close of the last volume, he has hit what will be the abiding estimate of Napo leon; and that Cardinal Consalvi s Memoires [B. II. 2746.35] are needed to correct Tliiers, in part. Since the publication of Napoleon s Corrcspnndanco [B. II. 2041.11], Lantrcy [in French, 2074.24; in English, B. II. 4025.19] has begun the pub lication of a life of Napoleon, which is written so ably and with such new developments, that it has taken high rank. See British quarterly review, Jan., 1872. Abbott s Napoleon is a popular and highly eulogistic account. . Of the military histories, Jomini [in French, B. II. 4659.1, on the wars of tie revolution ; and in English, on Napoleon s life B. II. 4625.;3] holds the highest rank ; though for a special monograph, Col. Napier s History of the peninsular war, is unsurpassed. See note under Napoleon for further titles, particularly those on the- Waterloo campaign by Charras [B. H. 2013.51], and by Grouchy [B. II. 4028.05] in refutation of Thiers; Sir F. B. Head s criticism of Alison s account [875.1.2], the refutation of Thiers in British quarterly, Jan., 1803; and its review of Kennedy s notes, Oct., ISO:!. Compare Kareher, on the French military writers, [B. H., in French, 2070.52]. 2070.52]. For the diplomatic history, there is Bignon, 1799-1815 [B. H., iu French, 4053.1], which is written with gravity; and the revolutionist, Thiljaudcau, covers the same period, [B. H. in French, 4617.2]. The National library catalogue [B. H. 6KH.L7] gives the bibliography of the diplomatic history of France. See Sorel, on the Treaty of 1815, [B. H. 2020.09]. 15, [B. See some personal recollections of the "Hun Paris, in the Atlantic, April and May, 1858. .09]. dred days" in . For works on the Directory, the Consulate, the Empire, and Hundred days, see National library catalogue, [B. H.OHH.l.b]; and for those on the military history, [B. II. 0101.1.7]. Restoration of Bourbons. Crowe, E. E. History of the reigns of Louis xvm and Charles x, [1814-3C] .................... 1005.3 Lamartine, A. (M. L.) do. History of the resto ration of monarchy in, [1813-30] ........ 837.9; 1007.1 Kote. Of Capeflgue. with his absolutism [B. H. 4653.18], see note under General histories. Lamartine is his opposite, [also in B. H., in English, 4(W:i.lO; in French, 2704.4]. There is also Pradt [B. II., in French, 4053.15], and Nettement, who is praised by Dnpanionp as veracious and conciliatory. Everett, in his Mount Vornon papers, (lives a sketch of the court in 18J8, [893.7. no. 10]. Soe Sir Henry Bnlwer s Com mentaries, [B. II. 2000.28]; and Harpers monthly, vol. 43. Sec National library catalogue [B, H. 6161.1.3] for bibliog- laphy of this period. Resolution of 1830, etc. Blanc, (J. J.) L. History of ten years, [1830- 40] ....................................... 1002.5 Gushing, C. Review of the late revolution in, and the consequent events, [1788-1832] ....... 1009.2 Guizot, F. (P. G.) Memoirs to illustrate the his tory of my time ............................ 1003.5 La Hodde, L. de. History of secret societies, and the republican party of, [1830-48] ....... . ____ 1004.4 Sarrans, B. The French revolution of 1830 ..... 617.5 Shelf. No. FRANCE. Revolution of 1830, etc., continued. Taylor, W. C. Memoirs of the house of Orleans, [1637-1848] ................................ 1005.4 Note. Guizot s Memoirs [in French, is in B. H. 4018.4]; and Sarrans, in French, is in B. II. 2054.2]. For the African campaigns, 1835-39, see the Duke of Orleans s account, [B. H. 5052.4]. See also Algeria. See Louis Philippe, note; and the paper on Louis Philippe and his family in Essays from the London times. [899.13]. See Alison s essay [8i>3.5]on the revolution 18-0; and sections of Sir Henry Bulwer s France, [B. H. 2660.28]. Revolution of 1848, etc. Cass. L. France, its king, court, and govern ment. 1848 ................................ 1004.5 Corkran, J. F. History of the National constituent assembly, from May, 1848 .................... 1008.3 Guizot, F. (P. G.) Democracy in. 1849 ....... 134.21 Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. History of the French revolution of 1848 .................... 818.3; 1008.1 Phipps, C. H. A year of revolution. Journal in Paris in 1848 ............................... 1002.4 Pooro, B. P. Rise and fall of Louis Philippe. . . 1009.1 Rush, R. Glance at the French revolution of 1848 ...................................... 882.4 Nate. Lamartine and Gni/ot were both observers of the events; and Poore was an American spectator with good op portunities. E. ile Girardin [B. II. 3539.10] hnd sympathies for the Comtc de Paris. There are histories by A. Dumas, [B. II. 4052.2] ; and by Gradis. [ B. II. 26J0.05]. J. S. Mill [B. H. 2565.20.3; 2365.21.2] vindicates the pro moters of this revolution in reply to Lord Brougham. See the graphic sketch in Essavs from the London times. [899.13], See National Library catalogue [B. H. 6161.1.4] for a list of booki on the Second republic. Louis Napoleon s period. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Napoleon in ....... 603.6 Hugo, V. M., comte. The destroyer of the second republic ................................... 1009.22 Jerrold, (W.) B. The French under arms. 1860.1009.19 Kote. The late emperor has a popular champion in Abbott [also in B. H. 4651.8], and a favorable view is taken by R. B. Kimball, in the Galaxy, April, 1873. See also McCarthy s Modern leaders, [1512.:!]; Everett s Mount Vornon papers, [8U3.7,no.ll]; and the popular life in the Illustrated news [4040.5], with Lester s Napoleon dynasty. [011.0]. Victor Hugo and Kinglake in his Crimean war ["95.1; 1993.4] take unfavorable views. See Mrp. Oiiphant s Memoir of Count de Monfcitcinbert in illustration of this period, [1717.12]; and the anonymous his tory of the Coup d etat (1851), [B. H. 2C26.57]. See also papers on France of the second empire in Bentley s Quarterly review, 1859, or no. 7!)5 of Living age. See National Library catalogue [B. H. C161.1.4] for a list of books on the Second empire. See also Napoleon in, in this and other Lower Hall and Bates Hall catalogues; and under Franc? and Europe in the Bates Hall catalogues ; also Crimea and Sebastopol. Franco-German war, the Commune, etc, Abbott, J. S. C. Prussia and the Franco-Prussian war ....................................... 925.9 - Brockett, L. P. The year of battles: or the Franco-German war of 1870-71 ............... 924.7 Forbes, A. My experiences of the war between Franco and Germany ....................... 928.20 - Labouchere, II. Diary of the besieged resident in Paris .................................... 1004.8 - Landon, M. D. The Franco-Prussian war in a nutshell .................................... 925.10 - Michelet, J. Franco before Europe ........... 928.18 Note. The Bates Hall catalogues under FRANCE, Second empire and Franco-tlrrman war, show a large collection, in French, German and English, of memoirs, and other accounts of the political, social and military aspect of this period; with a large collection of illustrat disti [4625 maps. The following may be eader: Brockett, rrespond and the istinguished for the general Enjllisli reader: 4625.14] ; Hozier, [482Jto.2] : Bacon. [4029.13] ! War cor nce of the Daily news, [4028.1"]; Hazcn s School rmv in Germany and France, [B. II. *i2<i.55]; Binglmm, on he Siege of Paris, [4028. K.] ; Kir K. H. Roberts, on the Cam aigns of 187(1-71, [: 02.i.r,!]; Mazzini, "War and the com mune," [2027.00]; Reeve s 2023.51.2]; Gerspach s Etudes snr la co Michelet s "France before Euro , ay on Communal France. [B. H. mmune, [B. II. 2024.54]; pe "for the political aspects, [in English, 928.18; B. H. 4029.14;; and British quarterly re view, April, 1871, for the downfall of Bonapartism. The publications on this war ore extensive as will appear by the German bibliographies of Bnldamns [B. II. 2S27.57], and of Petzholdt in his Anzciger, no. 12 of 1872. See British quar terly review, Oct., 1870; Jan., 1871; and April, 1871. See also Strasbouig. FRANCE 99 FRANKLIN- ;, continued. Ecclesiastical history. Felice, G. de. History of the protestante of, [1521-1851] 1007.10 Marsh-Caldwell, Mrs. A. History of the protes- tant reformation in, [1553-74] 1008.2 Stebbing, H. History of the reformation 388.2 Nate. For the Reformation period, tee, besides others, Felice, [B. H., in French. 0054.11]; Puaux, [B. H. 5529a.O] ; G. \Vaddington, [B. H. 3510: 1] ; Marsh-Caldwell, [also in B. H. 3528.9], and the luminary in Fishtr, [B. II. 351554, chapters, with a list of books, p. 579]. On the history of the protestant exiles and Huguenots, there are Smilcs s most recent account, [B. H. 5523.1]; Browning, [B. II. 3528.1]; Agnew, [B. H. 4024.3] ; and Weiss, [B. II. 552;:. :]. There is a history of the churcji from 1516 to 1789 bv Jervis, [B. H. 3515.82]; and one by Pressense, "The church and the French revolution," [B. H. 4042.12]; and another by Hausson- ville, on the church and the firsl empire, 1800-14, [B. H., in French, 5515.3]. Guuot, in his Meditations, second series [B. H. 5439.6; 5451.25], dwells upon the "awakening of Chris tianity in Fiance in the nineteenth century." See the Cambridge essays [873.13] on protestantism in France; also articles in the British quarterly, Oct., 1802, and Jan., 1866; and the titles under Ecclesiastical history, Calvin, Reformers, Huguenots, Koman catholic church, and the references iu Alaicom, p. 79. Also see Sir H. Bulwer s Monarchy of the middle classes, [B. H. 2660.29.1]. Vol. 5 of the National library catalogue [B. H. 6161.1] is a bibliography of French ecclesiastical history and religious orders. See the epitomized Church history of France, with refer ences in McCliutock arid Strong s Cyclopaedia under " France." Sec Contemporary review, vol. 3, fur Early Christian iu- criptions in Gaul ; and vol. 7, on the present state of protest- autism in France. Constitutional history. Roelker, B. The constitutions of . . . . 134.14 Note. See Roelker, [in French, B. II. 3564.10] ; Capefigue, [inFrench, B. H. 2637.3]; Guizut, Parliamentary history, 1819- 48, [in French, B. II. 4672.6]; Uuvergier de Hauranne, Parlia mentary government, 1814-48, [B. H., in French, 4G18.1]; Due de Brog .ic, [in French, B. H. SSM.SOi Kenan, Constitutional monarchy, [in English. B. H. 0057.5-, in French, 6057.3]: and Laboulaye, on a Constitutional republic, [in French, 4d29a.ll]. For the different constitutions from 1779-1872, see Tripier, [B. H., in French, 2654.52], and tor those, 1798-1870, see Plouard. [B. H. 3567.53]. There is a. monograph by Picot [B. H. 2613.50], on the in fluence of the &ats pineraux on tha government, 1355-1614. Seethe Precis histonque of the successful icvolutions since 1789 to the fall of the Second empire, [B. H. 4028.66]. For the bibliography, see the National library catalogue. [B. II. 6161.1.6 and 7]. Travels, description, etc. Adams, W. T. Palace and cottage; or, Young America in. 1869 1677.5 Arnold, H. P. The great exhibition. 1868 1640.1 Barton, C. C. France and her people, [1869-71]. 1009.24 Berkeley, G. F. A month in the forests of, [1856]. 654.4 Bradshaw, G. Illustrated hand-book to 1659.2 Bruen, M. Essays on scenes in. 1823 679.5 Buffum, E. G. Sights and sensations in. 1869.. 1667.5 Collins, C. A. A cruise upon wheels: wanderings among the deserted post-roads of. 1862 656.6 Cooper, J. F. Gleanings in. 1837 659.26 - Residence in. 183 6 654.9 Copway, G. Sketches of men and places in. 1851. 647.16 Craik, I). (M.) M. Fair France. 1871. .655.13; 655.16 Mote. Also in B. II. 6662.1 Gushing, C. W. Monuments, scenery, and man ners in. 1832 888.13 Desultory reminiscences of a tour through France. 1838 1675.7 Donelan, J. P. My trip to. 1857 654.13 Dumas, A. (D.) Pictures of travel in the south of 654.8 Eddy, D. C. Europa: or, scenes and society in, [1851, 52] .-. 644.3 George, W. C. A year abroad: or sketches of travel in. 1852 1688.4 Haeseler, C. H. Across the Atlantic. Letters from France. 1868 1667.3 Hamerton, P. G. A painter s camp in. 1867.... 1654.3 Haskins, G. F. Travels in. 1856 658.14 Haven, G. The pilgrim s wallet; or, scraps of travel gathered in. 1866 644.15 Herbert, H. W. Persons and pictures from the history of. 1854 548.6 Shelf. No. FBANCE. Travels, description, etc., continued. Hope, I. Brittany and the Bible: with remarks on the French people and their affairs. 1852. 409.9; 1655.7 Inglis, H. D. The south of, [1830] 663.14; 830.65 Johnson, F. H. Sketches in the south of. 1857. . 654.7 Laing, S. Notes on the social and political state of. 1854 409.14; 1655.3 Lawrence, W. R. Charities of, in 1866 153.27 Lemaistre, J. G. Travels through France. 1806. 654.3 Lippincott, S. J. Stories and sights of. 1867 . . . 1677.15 Matthews, H. Diaryof an invalid in, [1817-19]. 679.14 Morford, H. Over-sea; or, France as seen by a live American. 1867 1G54.1 Morgan, S. 0., lady. France. 1817 100:i.4 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1864.. 1656.7 Quatrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de. Rambles of a naturalist on the coasts of. 1857 654.10 Rimmel, E. Recollections of the Paris exhibition of 1867 1207.1 Talfourd, Sir T. N. Supplement to "Vacation rambles," 1846 669.5 Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A woman s experience in. 1872 648.19 Note. See the bibliography of books descriptive of France in the National library catalogue. [B. II. 61(51.1.1]. See Joanne, on the departments, [B. H. 2898.55] ; Abbott s paper in Harper s monthly, vol. 5, on the French palaces; Sir Henry Bui wer s France [B. H. 2600.28] for "characteristics" of the people; and his -Monarchy of the middle classes for "manners," [B. H. 2660.29.2]. See also Auvergne, Beam, Biarritz, Biscay, Brittany, Cham pagne country. Chartreuse, Dauphine, Normandy, Paris, Treyes. Also France, travels, etc., in Class list tor books in foreign languages, and general travels in Europe. The Bates Hall catalogues, under France, show a considerable collection of works on the different industrial exhibitions. Miscellaneous. Hogarth, G. Memoirs of the opera in. 1851. .. 905.19 Kirwan, A. V. Modern France: its journalism, literature and society. 1863 996.3 Lamartine, A. (M. L.) do. Past, present, and future of the republic 134.11 Note. For the language and literature of France, see French language and French literature. FRANCHERE, Gabriel. Narrative of a voyage to the northwest coast of America, 1811-14. [Illus trated.] Translated by J. V. Huntington. New York, 1854. 12 626.7 FRANCIA, II. See Raibolini, Francesco. FRANCIA, Jose Gaspardo Rodriguez de, doctor, dictator of Paraguay, b. 1756, d. 1840. See Carlylo, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays 863.7 v. 4 of 867.1; v. 4 of 893.3 FRANCIS, Convers. Life of Sebastian Rale, [French missionary to the Indians, b. 1658, d. 1724]. See Sparks, J v. 17 of 529.1 Historical sketch of Watertown, Mass., [1630- 1830]. Cambridge, 1830. 8 224.2 FRANCIS, John. History of the Bank of England, its time and traditions. 3d edition. London, n. d. 2 v. 16 136.13 FRANCIS, John W. Old New York; or, reminis cences of the past sixty years. New York, 1858. 12 237.3 FRANCO-GERMAN war, 1870, 71. See FRANCE, Franco- German war. FRANQOIS I, of France, b. 1494, d. 1547. Court and reign of. See Pardoe, J 616.2 FRANKLIN, Benjamin, American statesman, philosopher, and author, b. 1706, d. 1790. Works. [With portraits.] Boston, [cop. 1840]. 10 v. 8.... 286.2 Contents. Vol. I. Autobiography; Life continued, by J. Sparks. II. Essays on religious and moral subjects, and the economy of life: Essays on politics, commerce, and political economy. Ill, IV. Essays and tracts, historical and political, before the American revolution ; Constitution and government of Pennsylvania. V. Political papers during and after the American revolution; Letters and papers on electricity. VL Letters and papers on philosophical subjects. VII. Corre spondence: P. 1, Private letters to the time of the author s first mission to England, 1725-57 ; P. 2, Letters, private and official, from the time of the author s first mission to England to the beginning of the American revolution, 1757-75. VIII. Corre spondence : P. 2, continued ; P. 3, Letters, private and official, FRAOTvLIN 100 FREDERIC Shelf. No. FRANKLIN, Benjamin, continued. from the beginning of the revolution to the end of the author s mission to France, 177./-85; Appendix, Fragment of Polvbius, on the Athenian government; Memoir of Sir John Ualrymnte. IX. Correspondence: P. 3, continued; Journal of the negotia tion of the treaty ot peace. X. Correspondence: P. 3, contin ued ; P. 4, Private letters, from the termination of the author s mission to France to the end of his life, 1785-90; Supplement; Indexes; Chronological list of the author s writings. Select works; including his autobiography. With notes, and a memoir by E. Sargent. [With por trait] Boston, 1853. 12 .................. 878.28 Autobiography. AVith narrative of his life and services by II. H. Weld. With designs. New York, 1859. 8 ............................ 523.6 Same. Edited byJ. Bigelow. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 18(>8. 12 U .................... 1517.5 Life, by himself. Added Miscellaneous essays. [With portrait.] New York, 1857. 12 ...... 517.21 Memoirs. Written by himself. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 8 ................. 523.5 -- Same. New York, [cop. 1839]. 2 v. 18 ---- 820.2 Biographies of eminent men from the loth cen tury .................................. v. 3 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548. 13; 549.30 Famous boys: and how they became great men .. 555.8 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors ..... v. 4 of 1869.1 Holley, 0. L. Life of ........................ 519.8 Life of. See Young American s library ........ 1527.5 Mayhew H. Young Benjamin Franklin; or, the right road through life ................ 519.11; 519.14 Memorial of the inauguration of the statue of. See Boston ................................. 292.14 Parton, J. Life and times of ................. 524.21 -- People s book of biography .................. 1522.10 Perseverance under difficulties, as shown in the lives of great men .......................... 549.38 Russell, W. Extraordinary men ......... 557.7 ; 879.15 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men ............ 543.13 Sigourney, L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries .............................. 548.17 Thayer, W. M. The printer boy; or, how Ben Franklin made his mark ..................... 537.27 Tuckorman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical .................................... 547.2 Weems, M. L. Life of . ...................... 517.23 Wynne, J. Lives of eminent literary and scien tific men of America ........................ 5 18.3 Note. The basis of all lives of Franklin is his Autobiogra phy [also in Bates Hall, with more or less of elucidation and continuation, 2340.li; 231N.U3; 2400.1.1; 4440a.25; 4440a.20.1; 4442.9; 4449a.28], but Bigelow s edition is the best [1517.5], containing a few pages discovered for the first time of late years. The vicissitudes of this narrative are told in Green s monograph, [B. H. 4441.24]. Sparks s Life, being the autobiog raphy with a continuation [also in B. H. 2342.10; 2400.1.1], is the authoritative one; but Parton s is written in a more popu lar manner, and represents him more particularly as an actor of his times. A review of Parton in the London quarterly review, or no. 1081 of Living age, takes a low view of Frank lin s character. Theodore Parker s [B. II. 444U.17] is a sharp characterization. See Kdward Everett [801.7.2] on his boy hood and youth; [8C1.7.3]on some memorials of his ances tors; [861.7.4] on "Franklin, the Boston boy;" and in the Mounc Vernon papers [893.7, no. 3] on his home. Also ora essays by Foster, [837.7.2] : and by Lord Brougham, in his Statesmen [568.7 ; Mounc Vernon papers [893.7, no. 3] on his tion by R. C. VVinthrop, [582.14]; and [837.7.2] : and by Lord Brougham, in his . 840.5], who is verv eulogistic. Tuckerman s essay is a good presentation of Franklin s many-sidedness. Jeffrey [8fi3.fi] thinks his eminence arose from the circumstances in which he lived. See Atlantic monthly, May, 18U5, for Franklin and the diplomacy of the revolution. See papers in Harper s monthly, vols. 3, 4 (by J. S. C. Abbott], 7, 26 and 37; and the sketch in the Signers of the declaration of independence, [B. II. 4444.58.2], See also references in Alliboue, Thomas, Hoefer, Oettinger, etc. FRANKLIN, Sir John, English Arctic explorer, b. 1786, d. 1847. Journey to the shores of the polar sea, 1819-22. Philadelphia, 1824. 8 ............ 704.5 Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea- kings of England ........................... 578.19 Bellot, J. R. Memoirs. AVith Journal of a voy age in the polar seas, in search of, [1851, 52]. . . 617.13 Brown, J. The north-west passage, and the plans for the search for ........................... 701.11 Hall, C. F. Arctic researches: being the narra tive of an expedition in search of, [1860-62]. .. 701.14 Jerdan, W. Men I have known ............... 1522.9 Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations; the second Grin- nell expedition in search of, [1853-55] ......... 703.1 Shell . No. FRANKLIN, Sir John, continued. Kane, E. K. The U. S. Grinnell expedition in search of, [1850, 51] 702.2; 702.3 Last of the Arctic voyages in search of, [1852-54]. See Great Britain 702.1 MacClintock, SirF. L. Voyage of the "Fox." Fate of. 1859 70G.13; 70C.14 MacDougall, G. F. Voyage of H. M. ship " Reso lute" in search of, [1852-54] 703.10 Men who have risen 551.18; 557.3 Osborn, S. Career, last voyage, and fate of 707.19 Stray leaves from an Arctic journal; or, eighteen months in the polar regions, in search of, [1850- 51] 709.7 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Richardson, SirJ. Arctic searching expedition: journal of a boat voyage in search of. 1852 . . . 704.8 Simmonds, P. L. Sir John Frankltn and the Arctic regions. 1855 1708.2 Kate. See Arctic regions; references in Alliboue, and the illustrated paper in Harper s monthly, vol. 2. FRANKLIN, Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Franklin. See Bache, Mrs. Sarah. FRANKS, Rebecca, afterwards Mrs. Johnson. iSeeEllet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. v. lof 538.13 FRASER, James B. Historical and descriptive account of Persia, to [1833]. Illustrated. New York, n. d. 16 810.68 Mesopotamia and Assyria, from the earliest ages to [1841]. New York, n. d. 16 820.54 A winter s journey from Constantinople to Tehran, [1833]. London, 1838. 2 v. 8 694.17 FRASER, Simon, lord Lovat, Scotch Jacobite and writer, b. 1667, ex. 1747. Life of. See Burton, J. H. 5G6.6 FREDERIC I (Barbarossa), emperor of Germany, b. 1121, d. 1190. See Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 FREDERIC II, emperor of Germany, b. 1194, d. 1250. See Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 Note. See E. A. Freeman s essay, [1818.16]. FREDERIC II, the great, king of Prussia, b. 1712, d. 1786. Origin of the Bismarck policy. Trans lated by M. C. L[adrct]. Boston, 1870. 52 pp. Sm. 16 928.17 Abbott, J. S. C. History of 602.9 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Carlyle, T. History of 542.6; 579.22 Ellis, G. (J. W.) Agar, lord Dover. Life of 810.48 Lives of the most eminent sovereigns of modern Europe 548.28 Gillies, J. View of the reign of 546.4 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sundry eminent persons 586.20 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Biographical essays 589.27 Life of 557.1; 1655. 20 Raumer, F. (L. G.) von. Contributions to modern history. Frederick n and his times 546.8 Vohse, C. E. Memoirs of the court of Prussia .. 546.7 Yonge, C. D. Parallel lives of ancient and mod ern heroes 545.29 Note. The most elaborate English biography is Carlyle s [also in B. H. 2474.59; 2853.2], but it is voluminous, and is reviewed by J. R. Lowell in North American review, April, 18/66; also in British quarterly, Jan., 1&">9. Abbott s is the best summary for the general reader, and its chapters originally appeared in Harper s monthly, vol. 40. Macaulay e sketch is rapid and brilliant. Lord Dover s work is a substantial nar rative. Raumer bases his work chiefly on state papers. Yonpe s is a cursory sketch. See also Brougham s sketch in his Statesmen [568.7; 840.5], and Earl Stanhope s essay [889.321. Jomini has written on his military record. [B. H., In English, 3955.16; in French. 2824.5]. Sec Fredericks own account of ilis times, [B. H., in French. 2895.1.1 ; in English, Max Muller s Chjps, [-TO7. 28.3]. A work by Kloppe takes an adverse view. Gillies s view is that of a panegyrist. John son s is a fragmentary sketch. Stahr s Leasing [1516.14.1] and the lives of Voltaire, and the literary histories of Ger many for the last century, mav be consulted for his literary character and associations. See also papers in Harper s monthly, vols. 18 and 25 ; and an essay comparing him with the emperor Frederic in the Quarterly review, 1873. or no. 1506 of Living age. See also under GERMANY, Seven yean war; and Russia. FREDERIC 101 FRIENDS 614.3 995.2 Shelf. No. FREDERIC AUGUSTUS II, king of Saxony, b. 1797. Journey through England and Scotland in 1844. See Gurus, C. G 647.3 FREDERIC WILLIAM I, king of Prussia, b. 1688, d. 1740. See Vehse, C. B. Memoirs of the court of Prussia 546.7 FREDERIC WILLIAM II, king of Prussia, b. 1744, d. 1797. See Vehse, G. E. Memoirs of the court of Prussia 546.7 FREDERIC WILLIAM III, king of Prussia, b. 1770, d. 1840. See Vehse, G. E. Memoirs of the court of Prussia 546.7 FREDERICA LOUISA, of Hesse Darmstadt, b. 1751, d. 1805. See Atkinson, E. W. Memoirs of the queens of Prussia 546.1 FREEDLEY, Edwin T. United States mercantile guide. Philadelphia, [1856]. 8 29G.3 FREEMAN, Edward A. The growth of the English constitution from the earliest times. Leipzig, 1872. Sq. 16 J 987.12 Old English history for children, [to 1066]. With maps. London, 1869. 16 969.8 Outlines of history. New York, 1872. 16 997.21 Select historical essays. Leipzig, 1873. Sq. 16. 1818.16 FREER, Martha Walker, afterwards Mrs. Robinson, English authoress, b. 1822. Henry in, king of France and Poland, [b. 1551, d. 1589]: his court and times. [With portraits.] London, 1858. 3 v. P. 8 1007.11 Henry iv [king of France and Navarre, b. 1553, d. 1610] and [his queen] Mario de Medici [b. 1573, d. 1642]. [With portraits.] London, 1861. 2v. 12 History of the reign of Henry iv, king of France and Navarre, [b. 1553, d. 1610]. [With por traits.] London, 1860. 2 v. P. 8 Life of Marguerite d Angou!6mo, quoen of Na varre, [b. 1492, d. 1549]. London, 1854. 2 v. 12 544.12 FREESB, Jacob R. The old world. Palestine, Syria and Asia Minor. [Illustrated.] Philadelphia, 1869. 12 683.17 FREETHINKING. Critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian religion. Farrar, A. S 1102.16 FRELINGHUYSEN, Theodore, American statesman and scholar, b. 1789, d. 1862. Memoir of. See Cham bers, T. W 536.20 FREMONT, Jesse B. Story of the guard: a chronicle of the war. Boston, 1863. 12 295.5 FREMONT, John Charles, major general, b. 1813. Ex ploring expedition to the Rocky mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 184344. Reprinted from the official copy. New York, 1849. 8 623.8 Same. Auburn, 1854. 12 628.13 Life, and narrative of explorations and adventures in Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon and California. The memoir by S. M. Smucker. New York, 1856. 12 517.19 Magoon, J. Life of 1529.24 Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 Upham, C. W. Life, explorations, and public ser vices of 517.17 Woodworth, F. C. The young American s life of 1518.1 and EMORY, William H. Notes of travel in Cali fornia. New York, 1849. 83pp. 8 623.8 FRENCH, Mrs. A. M. Slavery in South Carolina and the ex-slaves; or, the Port Royal mission. [With illustrations.] New York, 1862. 12. 298.19 FRENCH, Gilbert J. Life and times of Samuel Cromp- ton, [English] inventor, [b. 1753, d. 1827]. [With portrait.] 2d edition. Manchester, 1860. 12 587.22 FRENCH language. See French language in Class lists for poetry, drama, etc., and for works in the arts and sciences; and under France, Lan guage and literature, in that for books in foreign languages; also, French language in Bates Hall catalogues. Shelf. No. FRENCH literature. Foster, M. (E.) Hand-book of . 406.23 Kavanagh, J. French women of letters. 1862. 1609.1 Kirwan, A. V. Modern France: its journalism, literature and society. 1863 996.3 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France 388.8 Vericour, L. R. de. Modern French literature.. 404.12 Vinot, A. History of French literature in the 18th century 394.3 Note. General Jiistories. See Moke, [1075.27]; Goruzez [1074.293, wliu ends before the revolutionary period (which he has treated separately), the work, however, being not a contin uous history but a sequence of detached essays in chronologi cal order; Nisard [B. II. 2670.12; 4577.11]. of repute and the most comprehensive; and Weimar. [B. II. 2670.20]. Foster s Ilaiid-book [also in B. II. 2070.11; 4660.29] is a pop ular and convenient guide for the literature from the middle ages to the nineteenth century; and the translation of Veri cour [also in B. II. 2070.2.1; B. 190.33] will serve as a sequel, reviewing with considerable fulness the literature of this cen tury previous to the revolution of 1848. Pellison and D Olivet s history of the French academy, to 1700, covers a central interest in the history of French litera ture, and Matthew Arnold s essay on the literary influence of academies can be read in this connection, [B. H.. 4577.18]. By periods. Ampere has acquired a high reputation for his monograph on the literature previous to the 12th century [B. II. 2070.13], in which he is profoundly philosophical, making the work largely a history of ideas and of society. In the last century, La Harpe, was of tiie old didactic school, and a critic of the form of language, with little appre ciation of the age s influence, delivered his opinions in periodic essays, which appear in his"Coursde litteraturc" [1079.15: B. II. 2G70.L S;4(i:W.:Xl] arranged in a sequence. Chenier fol lows upon La Ilarpe, covering 1789-1810 [B. II. 2070.10], and makes a cursory and generally excellent survcv. The leader in modern criticism is, perhaps, Villemain [B. II. 4677.5; 6074. 2], who was the earliest to view literature in connection with its age. He is keen in perception, moderate in opinion, neither wholly a romanticist nor a classicist, and admirable in style. His " Oours " covers the middle ages and the 17th and 18th centuries. Barante has also treated the 18th century [B. H. 4677.10] in a learned but nnimpassioned spirit, quite "hos tile to the subjects of Ins discussion. Demogeot [1074.5] also treats the 17th century. See Carlyle s essay [863.7] on the influence of Diderot and his contemporaries in the last century. Present century. Sainte-Beuve [B. II. 2670.1-4] has the high est reputation, for whom see Kirwan, [99 >.3]. The manner of his contemporary, Planche [B. II. 2070.6 ; 2070.7], is more harsh. Villemain s Etudes [B. II. 207U.7G] are of importance. There are also works by Poitevin. [B. H. 2076.16]; Demogeot, [1078.49]; Robin, [B. H. 4661.1]; and Nettement [B. H. 2670.24], covering 181.5-52. See Literary life in Paris " in Atlantic monthly, Aug., 1864. See also sections of Bulwcr s France [B. H. 2660.28.2], and his Monarchy of the middle classes. [B. II. 2600.29.1]. Poetry. Longfellow s " Poets and poetry of Europe " [322.1] will suffice for the general reader : and for the early poets, fl. F. Cary [B. H. 4690.37] and Costelto [B. II. 2070.17] may be consulted ; while Saiute-Beuve [10i>4.14] has treated the poetry of the 16th century. See Mahony e paper on the songs, [853.16]. Newspapers. See Kirwan s Modern France, [996.3, reviewed in British quarterly, Jan., 1804]; Hayward s essay, [B. H. 2564.2.2]; and British quarterly review, July. 1863. Hatin s lit tle work, covering 1631-1853 [B. H. 2176.7], is a good con densed narrative, but a later work, covering the interval from the Revolution of 1789 to that of 1848, is more elaborate, [B. H. 4619.1]. Drama. See Geoffrey, [B. H. 2670.31] ; Janin, [B. H. 2670.10]; T. Gautier, [B. H. 6075.7]; and the dictionary bv Goizet and Burtal, [B. H. 6102.10] ; also a section in Goodrich s Court of Napoleon, etc., [4621.1]. Ventouulac s French librarian [B. H. 2164.1] gives a some what antiquated selection of French works, with character izations. See also France, Language and literature, in Class list for books in foreign languages ; and French literature in Bates Hall catalogues, also names of French authors. FRENEATJ, Philip. Poems chiefly illustrative of the events and actors in the American war of inde pendence. Reprinted from the edition printed at Philadelphia in 1786. London, 1861. 16.. 1325.9 FRESNKL, Augustin Jean, French enyineer and experi mental philosopher, b. 1788, d. 1827. See Arago. (D.) F. (J.) Biographies of distinguished sci entific men 541.3 FRIENDLY societies, History of. Hardwicko, C 187.24 FRIENDS, Society of. Cunningham, J. The quakors from their origin till [1867] 2085.24 Janney, S. M. History of the, to 1828 1084.18 Sewel, W. History of the quakers. 1844 1085. 10 Wagstaff, W. 11. History of the. 1845 1085.11 Jfote. Curteis[B. II. 3467.50] has traced their relations to the established church in England. Tallack [B. II. 5559a.6] has traced the rise of Quakerism from the early baptists and shown the intellectual influence of the sect. Vaughan, in his " Hours with the mvstics," has chapters on Fox and che early quakers, [115.23]. "See also Maria Webb s " Ponns and Pon- ningtons of the seventeenth century," [B. II. 3512.17] ; and Tal- lack s "Thomas Shillitoe, the quaker missionary, [B. H. 3542.22]. See Whittier s memoir of Thomas Ellwood, [567.6; 823.21.13; Jetfrev s reviews of Clarkson on quakcrism, and of Clark- son s Pcnn, [863.0]. The article in McClintock and Strong is FRIENDS 102 FURNA8 FRIENDS, Society of, continued. divided, ono section being devoted to the Orthodox and the other to the Hicksite wing of this body, and both sections were written bv adherents. Ste Christian remembrancer, 1851. or no. 392 of Living ago for a high churchman view of the subject. See the names of prominent qimkers, like Fox, Pcnn, Gur- nev ; and the Bates Ilnll catalogues ; also Malcom s Index, the special bibliography [B. H. 2184.5], and the note under New England. FRISWELL, (J.) Hain. Essays on English writers. [Anon.] London, 18G9. 16 1375.2 Footsteps to fame. London, 1861. 12 589.23 FROBISHER, or FROBISCHER, Sir Martin, English admiral, b. about 1535, d. 1594. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of Eng land 578.19 Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 604.8 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522. 10 Peake, II. The boy s book of heroes 551.28 Southey, II. Lives of tho British admirals, v. 5 of 388.5 ffott. See Arctic regions, and the New England historical and genealogical register. [B. H. 2335.1.:!]. The contemporary review, 187;!, or no. 1.505 of Living age has a full estimate of the causes and results of the first expedition to the North-west passage under Frobishcr. FROEBEL, Julius. Seven years travel in Central America, Northern Mexico, and the far West of the United States. AVith illustrations. London, 1859. 8 622.4 FROISSART, Sir John, French historian, b. 1337, d. 1410. Antient chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, and Flan ders. London, 1814-16. 4 v. 8 1003.1 Same. New York, 1853. Roy. 8 1001.2 FROM tho oak to the olive. Howe, J. W 1675.8 FRONTIER lands of tho Christian and the Turk; com prising travels in tho regions of tho Lower Dan ube, in 1850, 51. 2d edition. London, 1853. 2v. 8 685.2 FRONTIER life, " Following tho drum: " a glimpse of. Viele, Mrs. E. L 626.4; 1634.25 FRONTIER missionary, The: a memoir of Rev. Jacob Bailey. See Bartlett, W. S 534.5 FROST, John. Life of Major-general Zachary Taylor, [12th president of tho United States, b. 1784, d. 1850]. [With illustrations.] New York, 1847. 16 517.8 Pictorial history of the United States. With 100 engravings. Hartford, 1847, 48. 4 v. in 2. 8 304.5 Pictorial life of Andrew Jackson, [7th president of the United States, b. 1767, d. 1845]. Hart ford, 1848. 8 517.1 Remarkable events in the history of America, to 1848. With 700 engravings. Philadelphia, 1852. 2v. 8 304.7 Travels in Africa. [With illustrations.] New York, 1848. 8 698.20 FROTHINGHAM , Richard. History of the siege of Bos ton, and of the battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker hill. Also, an account of the Bun ker hill monument. With illustrations. 2d edition. Boston, 1851. 8 214.2 Same. 3d edition. Boston, 1872. L. 12... 231.2 Life and times of Joseph Warren, [American rev olutionary patriot, b. 1741, d. 1775]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1865. 8 242.1 The rise of the republic of tho United States. Boston, 1872. 8 273.2 Tribute to Thomas Starr King, [American divine, b. 1824, d. 1864]. Boston, 1865. 16 624.22 FROTJDE, James A. The English in Ireland in the 18th century. Vol. 1. [1641-1767.] New York, 1873. 16 986.9 History of England from the fall of Wolsoy to the death of Elizabeth, [1539-1602]. New York, 1865-70. 12 v. Sm. 8 984.2 Remarks on. See Moline, J. F 594.17 Influence of the reformation on tho Scottish char acter. [With portrait of John Knox.] Edin burgh, 1865. 32pp. 16 1829.2 Shelf. No. FROUDE. James A., continued. Short studies on great subjects. New York, 1868. 2 v. 16 1812.15 Note. See Wnlford s " Representative men," [ B. II. 4S4G.3] ; and McCarthy s Mortem leaders, [1512.3]. See also England. Elizabeth, Henry VIII, Ireland. FRY, Elizabeth, English philanthropist, b. 1780, d. 1845. Clayton, E. C. Notable women 1517.7 Corder, S. Life. Compiled from her journal, etc. 595.6 Crcswoll, Mrs. R. E. Memoir of 595.7 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. Tho heroines of domestic life. . 599.16 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Women of worth 551.19 Hntr.. See Spragiie s Celebrities, [048.9]; London quarterly review, Dec., 1847 ; and references in McChntock and Strong. FRY, J. Reese, and CONRAD, Robert T. Life of Gen. Zachary Taylor, [12th president of the United States, b. 1784, d. 1850]. With illustrations. Philadelphia, 1847. 12 517.7 FRYXELL, Anders. History of Sweden, [B. c. 100- A. D. 1612]. Edited by M. Howitt. London, 1844. 2 v. 12 928.3 FUESSELI, Henry. See Fuseli, II. FULL and authentic expose of the Ku-Klux Klan. [With illustrations.] Cincinnati, 18G8. 8 276.13 FULLER, Andrew, English baptist divine, b. 1754, d. 1816. Memorial of Rov. Samuel Pearce, [of Birmingham, Eng., b. 1766, d. 1799]. New York, n. d. 16 1109.18 See Men who were earnest 549.40 FULLER, Arthur Buckminster, American divine, b. 1822, d. 1862. Chaplain Fuller: a life sketch. See Fuller, R. F 536.19 FULLER, Francis. Five years residence ia New Zea land. London, 1859. 8 707.19 FULLER, Hiram. Belle Brittan at Newport, and here and there. New York, 1858. 12 635.22 FULLER, Richard F. Chaplain Fuller: a lifo sketch of a new England clergyman and army chaplain. Boston, 1863. 12 536.19 FULLER, Sarah Margaret. See Ossoli, Sarah Mar garet, marchesa d . FULLER, Thomas, English preacher, royalist, historian, and biographer, b. 1608, d. 1661. History of tho worthies of England. New edition. By P. A. Nuttall. London, 1840. 3 v. 8 574.5 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 7 of 840.10 Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians. v. 1 of 586.11 Rogers, H. Essay on the lifo and genius of 1655.15 Note. See Allibone, and Dr. Young s brief memoir to the Boston edition of the Holy and profane states, [i099.28]; Russell [B. II. aGOO.7] nnd Rogers aro modern authorities. See also Lnmb .s essay, [874.0.4]; and Cornhill magazine, 1872, or no. 1444 of Living age. FULTON, Justin D. Memoir of Timothy Gilbert, [of Boston, b. 1797, d. 1865]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1866. 12 1516.4 FULTON, Robert, American painter and improver of the steam-boat, b. 1765, d. 1815. Golden, C. D. Life of 524.7 Famous boys: and how they became great men. . 555.8 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Renwick, J. Life of v. 1 of 5 18. 5; v. 10 of 529.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical ; 647 - 2 Wynne, J. Lives of eminent literary and scien tific men of America 618.3 Note. 3. C. Haueh e "Robert Fulton" [418.11] is a novel founded on his career. FULWELL, Ulpian, Jb. 1546. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 FURNAS, A summer at tho baths of the, [1839]. Bul- lar, J. and H 634.1 FURNES3 GARDINER Shelf. No. FURNESS, William Henry, D. D. Jesus. Philadel phia, 1871. 16 2088.19 Jesus and his biographers. Philadelphia, 1838. 8 1101.5 FURNISS, William. Swallows on the wing. By Will de Grasse, [pseud.}. New York, 1866. 81 pp. 12 1639.14 Waraga, or the charms of the Nile. New York, 1850. 12 698.19 FITSELI, or FUESSELI, Henry, Swiss painter in England, b. 1741? d. 1825. Lectures on painting. See Barry, J 816. Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 2 of 379.9; v. 2 of 810.1 Timbs, J. Anecdote biography v. 2 of 587.1 See also Painting, note. FUTURE, The. Throop, M. H 295. FYFK, J. Hamilton. British enterprise beyond the seas; or, the planting of our colonies. [With illustrations. ] London, 1863. 12 997. 1 Contents. Newfoundland; Virginia: New England; Penn- 83 lvania; Darien; Canada: Australia; New Zealand; Cape colony ; Fitcairn s island ; Jamaica. Merchant enterprise; or, the history of commerce from the earliest times. [With illustrations.] London, 1864. 16 937.1 Triumphs of invention and discovery. [With biographical sketches.] [Illustrated.] London, 1861. 16 185. GABRIELLI, Caterina, Italian cantatrice, b. 1730, d. 1796. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 GAETANI, Marietta, marquese. See Piccolomini, Ma rietta. GAGE, Caroline Aikon. Helen on her travels: in Eu rope. [Anon.] New York, 1868. 12 1667.4 GAGE, Thomas. History of Rowley, including Brad ford, Boxford, and Georgetown, 1639-1839. Boston, 1840. 12 227.6 GAGE, William L. The land of sacred mystery, or the Bible in the light of its own scenery. Hart ford, 1871. 8 1103.9 Life of Carl Flitter, [German geographer and author, b. 1779, d. 1859]. Edinburgh, 1867. Sin. 8 1586.1 GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas, English landscape and por trait painter, b. 1727, d. 1788. Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc. v. 1 of 379.9; v. 1 of 810.19 Timbs, J. Anecdote biography v. 2 of 587.15 Note. Fulcher s Life [B. H. R548.13] is the latest biography, and the best. See Fairholfs Homes, etc., [B. U. 4075.51]. GAJANI, Guglielmo, Italian professor of civil law, b. 1822. The Roman exile. [Autobiography.] Boston, 1856. 12 678.2 GALARD TERRAUBE, Victorino de, b. 1798, d. 1836. Life of. See Herbert, M. E., lady 2085.1 GALE, George. Upper Mississippi: or, historical sketches of the mound-builders, the Indian tribes, and the progress of civilization in the North west; 1600-[1867]. [With portrait and illus trations.] Chicago, 1867. 16 1633.2 GALE, James, b. 1833. The story of a blind inventor; account of the life and labours of. See Plum- mer, J 1566.3 GALEN, or GALENUS, Claudius, Roman physician and medical author, b. 131, d. 200 ? See Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine. . . 154.6 GALICIA, Portugal and. Herbert, H. J. G 889.8 GALILEI, Galileo, Italian philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer, b. 1564, d. 1642. Private life. Compiled from his correspondence and that of his daughter. Boston, 1870. 16 1598.3 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 2 of 839.6 Brewster, Sir D. The martyrs of science 548. 15 549.36; 820.34 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. .548.13; 549.30 Shelf. No. GALILEI, Galileo, continued. Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Lives of eminent persons 365.18 Memorials of early genius 55 1. 10 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, etc v. 2 of 398.1 Kote. Brewster s life is also in Bates Hall [3939.18] and Bethune s [E.212.8]. See Delepierre s Historical difficulties, [B. H. C297.21]. GALITZIN, GALLITZIN, or GALHTSIN, written also GALY- ZIN, Dmitri Augustin, Russian Roman catholic priest in America, b. 1770, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual GALLATIN, Albert. Memoir on the north-eastern boundary; with speech by Daniel AVebster. New York, 1843. 74pp. 8 GALLENGA, Antonio. See Mariotti, Luigi. GALLERY, The: parliamentary reporting and report ers. Gratton, C. J GALLITZEN, or GALLITSIN. See Galitzin. GALLOP to the antipodes. Shaw, J GALI.US: or Roman scenes of the time of Augustus. Becker, AV. A GALOUP, Jean Francois de. See Perouse, J. F. de Galoup, comte de. GALT, John, Scotch miscellaneous writer, b. 1779, d. 1839. Life and studies of Benjamin AVest, [Amer ican painter in England, b. 1738, d. 1820]. 2d edition. London, 1817-20. 2 v. in 1. 8 .... Life of Cardinal AVolsey, [b. 1471, d. 1530J. Lon don, 1846. P. 8 Q ..." Life of Lord Byron, [b. 1788, d. 1824]. New York, n. d. 18 See Jordan, AV. Men I have known Note. See Sprajrue s Visits to European celebrities, [C48.9]. 518.12 297.7 997.2 687.25 957.2 527.12 566.11 810.10 1522.9 GALTON, Francis. The art of travel. With wood cuts. London, 1855. 12 199.25 Same. 2d edition. London, 1856. 8 649.17 Vacation tourists and notes of travel in 1860. Cambridge, 1861. 8 664.2 GALYZIN. See Galitziu. GAMA, Vasco da, Portuguese navigator and discoverer, 6. 1460, rf. 1524. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 GAMBA, Pietro, count. Lord Byron s last journey to Greece, [1823]. Paris, 1825. 12= 585.12 GAMBIER, James, lord, English admiral, b. 1756, d. 1833. Memorials of. See Chatterton, H. G., lady 577.6 GAMES, ancient and modern. Smith, H 810.31 GAMMKLL, AVilliain. History of American baptist missions. Boston, 1851. 12 1106.10 Life of Roger AVilliarns, [founder of Rhode Island, b. 1606, d. 1683]. See Sparks, J v. 14 of 529.1 Life of Samuel AVard, [governor of Rhode Island, b. 1725, d. 1776]. See Sparks, J v. 19 of 529.1 GAMOND, Blanche. Blanche Gamond: a heroine of the faith. Boston, n. d. 16 2088.14 JAN-EDEN; or, pictures of Cuba. 1854. Hurlbut, W. H 627.23; 1655.11 SANGOOLY, Joguth Chunder. Life and religion of the Hindoos. Boston, i860. 12 938.16 JANNETT, Mrs. Deborah. See Samson, Deborah. GrARCiA, Maria Felicita. See Malibran, M. F. IARCIA, Michelle Ferdinande Pauline. See Viardot, M. F. P. GrARCILASO TE LA VEGA, or GARCIAS LASSO. See Vega, Garcilaso do la. GARDEN, The, of the world, or the great AVest. Bos ton, 1856. 12 238.2 SARDINER, Allen F. Visit to the Indians on the frontiers of Chili. London, 1841. 12 635.18 ARDINER, Col. James, British military officer, b. 1668, d. 1745. Lifoof. See Doddridge, P 575.11 ARDINER, Margaret, formerly Miss Power, countess of Blessington, b. 1789. d. 1849. Journal of con versations with Lord Byron. AVith sketch of the author. Boston, 1859. 16 1817.14 GARDINER 104 GELL Shelf. No. GARDINER, Margaret, continued. Literary life and correspondence of. See Madden, R. R 595.8 Note. See S. C. Hall s sketch, [B. II. 6542.13] ; and Patmore s " Friends and acquaintances," [B. H. 2443.11]. GARDNER, George. Travels in the interior of Brazil, 1836-41. [With map and plate.] 2d edition. London, 1849. 8 634.2 GARIBALDI, Giuseppe, Italian patriot and general, b. 1807. Autobiography. Edited by A. Dumas. Translated by W. Robson. London, 1860. 16. 657.17 Life. By himself. With sketches of his compan ions in arms. Translated by T. Dwight. New York, 1859. 12 542.12 Chambers, (0. W. S. ?) Garibaldi, and Italian unity 1917.1 Forbes, C. S. The campaign of Garibaldi in the two Sicilies 917.1 1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Recollections of 1673.11 Vecchj, C. A. Garibaldi at Caprera 917.19 Victor, 0. J. Life of 1529.22 GARIBALDIANS in Sicily. Dumas, A. (D.) 917.15 GARLAND, Hugh A. Life of John Randolph of Roan- oke, [American politician, b. 1773, d. 1833]. New York, 1851. 2 v. 12 525.2 GARRICK, David, English actor, poet, and dramatic au- thor, b. 1716, d. 1779. Memoirs of. See Davies, T. 597.7 J\rote. Davies s Life, in which Johnson is thought to have assisted, was the earliest authoritative one. and is still of inter est. Murphy s Life [B. II. 4543.25] is too largely made up of extended criticisms upon plays. Boaden s Memoir, prefixed to Garrick s Correspondence [B. II. 4540.1], was the first to make use of that collection. The life by Fitzgerald [B. H. 2545.15] is extended and entertaining, and though careless) v put together, it embodies much nuw material, and is the bcst. as well as the latest, and is epitomized iii Harper s monthly, vol. 37. A chapter in Forster s " Life of Goldsmith " [B. H. 4552. 2] first made public much matter concerning Garrick s early career. See Garrick and Clivc in Thomson s Celebrated friendships, [B. H. 4550.7.2]. See also English stage, note. GARRISON, Cornelius K., New York capitalist, b. 1809. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress .... 522.16 GARRISON, William Lloyd, American slavery abolition ist, b. 1805. Proceedings at the public break fast held in [his] honour, in St. James s hall, London, June 29, 1867. With an introduction by F. W. Chesson. London, 1868. pp. 96. 16. 1817.18 See Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 GARTH, Sir Samuel, English physician and poet, b. 1672, d. 1719. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 GARWAY, Sir Henry, b. 1570, d. 1645. See Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants 1559.3 GARWOOD, John. The million-peopled city; or, Lon don. London, 1853. 12 126.9 GASKELL, Elizabeth C. Life of Charlotte Bronte, [English novelist, b. 1816, d. 1855]. Now York, 1857. 2v. 12 596.11 Same. -Leipzig, 1857. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16 ... 596.16 GASPARIN, Agenor (E.), comte de. America before Europe. Translated by M. L. Booth. Now York, 1862. 12 634.9 The uprising of a great people. The United States in 1861. Translated by M. L. Booth. New York, 1861. 12 1133.3 GASS, Patrick. Voyages and travels under the com mand of Lewis and Clarke, through the interior parts of North America, 1804-6. Pittsburgh, London, reprinted, 1806. L. 8 625.6 GASSENDI, Pierre, French philosopher and astronomer, b. 1592, d. 1655. Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men 548.13 ; 549.30 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 GASTON, Mrs. Jane, b. 1768. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 3 of 538.13 GASTON, Mrs. Margaret, b. about 1755, d. 1822. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolu tion v . 2 of 538.13 GATES, Horatio, American major-general, b. 1728, d. 1806. See Headloy, J. T. Washington and his generals v . l o f 516.1 Shelf. No. GATTY, Mrs. Alfred. The old folks from home; or, a holiday in Ireland in 1861. 2d edition. Lon don, 1862. P. 8 644.10 GAUL. Commentaries on the Gallic wars. Csesar, C. J 824.3; 830.11 Set also France, Pre-revolutionary history, etc. GAUNT, Elizabeth, English rebel, ex. 1685. See Adams, W. H. D. The sunshine of domestic life. 1517.1 GAUTIER, Theophile, b. 1808, d. 1872. Wanderings in Spain. With engravings. London, 1853. P. 8 869.12 Note. See Baudelaire s essay, [B. H. 6G77.2.3]; and North American review, April , 1873. GAVAZZI, Alessandro. My recollections of the last four popes. An answer to Dr. Wiseman. Lon don, 1858. 12 1098.25 b. 1829 , . 1830| Gregorius XVI (Mauro Cappellari), b. 1765, d. 184(5. GAY, John, English poet, dramatist, and fabulist, b. 1688, d. 1732. Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets v. 1 of 896. 1 Johnson, S. Livesof the English poets.... v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 Thackeray, W. M. The English humourists of the 18th century 586.1; 589.28 Note. Johnson s [also 1317.1; B. H. 2589.3.41] is the princi pal life; but there are other brief accounts by Anderson [B. II. 4604.1.8] and Chalmers [B. II. 2592.7.10]. There is much illustrative inCarruther s Pope, [835.12]; in Swift s Letters, [B. H. 4174.0] j and in Spence s Anecdotes, [B. II. 2194.21. Thacke ray s is a lively sketch. See Allibone, and the histories of Eng lish literature. GAY, S. Celebrated saloons; and Parisian letters, by Madame Girardin. Translated from the French, by L. Willard. Boston, 1851. 16 609.5 GAYARRE, Charles (E. A.) History of Louisiana. The Spanish domination, [1769-1803]. New York, 1854. 8 235.13 The American domination, [1803-61]. New York, 1866. 8 235.16 Louisiana; its colonial history and romance, [1539-1743]. New York, 1851. 8 235.12 Philip n, of Spain, [b. 1527, d. 1598]. [With portrait.] New York, 1866. 8 913.5 Romance of the history of Louisiana, [1539-1717]. New York, 1848. 16 237.15 GAYTON, Edmund, b. 1609, d. 1666. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 GAZETTEER. Hayward, J. Gazetteer of Massachu setts 229.2 - Gazetteer of Now Hampshire 229.1 Gazetteer of Vermont 229.3 MacCulloch, J. R. Universal gazetteer 951.3 GAZPACHO: or, summer months in Spain. Clark, W. G 675.13 GEARY, John Vi ., governor of Kansas, 1856, 57, b. 1820, d. 1873. Administration in Kansas. See Gihon, J. II 239.2 GEER, Charles de, Swedish naturalist, b. 1720, d. 1778. See Jardino, Sir W. Naturalist s library .v. 28 of 179.1 GEER, John James. Beyond the lines: or a Yankee prisoner loose in Dixie. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1863. 12 307.6 GELDART, Mrs. Thomas. Glimpses of our island home. [Illustrated.] London, 1864. 16. 997. 19; 1659.5 Popular history of England. [With illustra tions.] New York, 1860. 12 998.17 Jfote. A reprint of the preceding. Stories of England and her forty counties. [With illustrations.] 5th edition. London, n. d. 18. 999.19 GELEE, Claude, called Claude Lorraine, French land scape painter, b. 1600, d. 1682. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century ....v. 2 of 839.6 Note. Seethe histories of French painters referred to inthe note under Painting. Ruskin in his Modern painters [B. II. 4067.28] takes a depreciating view. GELL, Sir William. Journey in the Morea, Lon don, 1823. 8 683.3 GENERAL 105 GERARD Shelf. No. " GENERAL BUNKER." See Ruggles, C. L 308.26 GENERAL hints to emigrants: containing notices of the various fields ior emigration. With a map of the world. London, 1866. 12 669.21 GENERAL register of politics and literature in Europe and America, for 1827. Preceded by a memoir of George Canning. Edinburgh, 1828. 12 . . . 830.38 GENERAL view of the fine arts, critical and historical. With an introduction by D. Huntington. 4th edition. New York, 1851. 12 208.22 GENESIS; or, details of the late Austrian revolution. Hartig, F. do P. A., grafvon . 828.3 GENEVA, Switzerland. Abbott, J. Hollo in. 1864. 659.14 Paterfamilias s diary of everybody s tour. 1856. 1678.3 ffote. See Switzerland, and Harper s monthly, Nov., 1872. GENGA, Annibale della. See Leo xn, pope. GENGHIS KHAN, Mogul conqueror, b. 1163, d. 1227. History of. See Abbott, J 579.17 GENIAL showman, The. Reminiscences of Artemus Ward. Kingston, E. P 643.1; 643.2 GENIUS. Buckley, T. A. The dawnings of 551.12 Giles, H. Illustrations of 875.5 Madden, R. R. The infirmities of 887.7 Memorials of earl} genius 551.10 Pratt, A. Dawnings of 548.26 Whipple, E. P. Literature and life 1818.6 GENLIS, Stephanie Fclicite, comtesse de, French au thoress, b. 1746, d. 1830. Kavanagh, J. French women of letters 1609.1 Russell, W. Eccentric personages 5G9.19 Extraordinary women 598.19 GENOA, Italy, From the Simplon through part of the Tyrol to. 1852. Sewell, E. M 659.28 Nate. See Harper s monthly, vol. 42. GENSFLEISCH, Hans. See Gutenberg, Johann. GEOFFREY DE VINSAUF, j?. 12th century. Chronicle of Richard i s crusade. See Chronicles of the cru sades 846.6 GEOFFREY, of Monmovth, b. about 1100, d. 1154. Brit ish history, [to A. D. 688]. See Giles, J. A. Six old English chronicles 846.4 GEOGRAPHY. Arrowsmith, A. Compendium of an cient and modern geography 942.3 Bohn, H. G. Pictorial hand-book of modern geography 854.11 Goodrich, C. A. Geography of the chief places mentioned in the Bible 1089.28 Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial geography of the world. 951.1 Guy, J.,jr. Illustrated London geography 955.4 Kitto, J. Physical geography of the Holy Land. 840.25 Scripture lands 815.7 Laurent, P. E. Manual of ancient geography.. 954.5 Long, G. The geography of America and the West Indies 365.3 The geography of England and Wales 365.10 Mackay, A. Manual of modern geography 945.5 Murray, H., and others. Encyclopaedia of 952.4 Niebuhr, B. G. Lectures on ancient geography. 955.3 Schmidt, H. L Course of ancient geography. . . . 946.7 Strabo. Geography 844.3 for works in the arts and sciences, and extensive lists of books in the Bates Hall catalogues. GEOLOGY. Cotta, B. von. Geology and history 1168.1 Darwin, C. (R.) Geology of the countries visited by the Beagle 707.12; 889.12 See also Class list for works in the arts and sciences, and Bates ilall catalogues. GEORGE II, king of England, b. 1683, d. 1760. Her- vey, J., lord. Memoirs of the reign of 553.7 Oliphant, M. (0. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of 983.4 Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the court and times of 554.6 Note. Mrs. Oliphant s book [also in B. H. 4.527.2] is a series of biographies. See under Oliphant for Contents. Thack- H GEORGE II, king of England, continued. eray s lecture [555.2] gives a lively picture of the king and his court. See " Era of George the second " in Quarterly review, 1870, or no. 1344 of Living age; the histories of Stanhope (Mahon),[B. H. 4525.4]; the memoirs of Hervcy [above] ; of Walpole [B. H. 2428.6], etc. See alto England, Caroline (queen of George n), etc. GEORGE III, king of England, b. 1738, d. 1820. George the third, his court and family. [.Areon.] New edition. London, 1824. 2 v. 8 ........ Bolsham, W. Memoirs of the reign of ......... Bisset, R. History of the reign of ............. Brougham, H., lord. Lives of men of letters and science in the time of .................... -- Sketches of statesmen in the time of ..... 568.7; Grenville, R. P. Memoirs of the court and cab inets of .................................... Holt, E. Life of ............................. Walpole, H. Journal of the reign of .......... ffote . This reign in all its phases is treated most elaborately in the Pictorial history of England, [B. H. 2422.1, vols, 5 to 8]; 976.4 553.9 976.5 547.3 840.5 994.1 553.8 983.2 , ng down, however, only to 1804 [904.1], is compendious. Karl Stanhope s history [B. II. 4525.4] but Adolphus, co more compendio. . . . brings the narrative down to the close of the American war, 178, s and he had the use of an nbslract of the king s letters to Lord North, as did Brougham and Bancroft; but tlie origi nals covering 1708-83, were published in 1807. ably edited with an introductory essay by Donne [B. H. 4543.1], who it reviewed in the Edinburgh review, 1867, or no. 1217 of Living ape ; by C. C. Hazewell, in the North American review, Oct., 1867, and in the paper " Was George in a constitutional king ? " in Blackwood, June, 1807. See also the " Character of George m, in the Quarterly review, 1867, or no. 1198 of lav ing age. The politick] history of this reign can also be traced in the Journal of Walpole, showing his antipathv to the king and court, [see also in B. H. 2427.9; also tinder Walpole, and notices innos. 771 and 780 of Living age]; in the lives and correspondence of Chatham [see Pitt], Burke, Fox, Sheridan, Addington [B. H. 2456.6], Grenville [B. H. 2524.3]. Rocking- ham [B. H. ^446.181, etc. Also see Brougham s sketches in his Statesmen, [also in B. H. 2251.6]; the chapters in Alison [943. 1.3] for the later period; some chapters in Leigh Hunt s Autobiography, [584.13] ; and chapter 30 of Smyth s Lectures, [943.7, etc.]. The personal character of the king and his court was amus ingly set forth by Jesse, in 18H7, [B II. 4542.4, epitomized in the Eclectic review. 1807. or no. 118(> of Living age]. See in this connection Thackeray s le etui e [55.3.2, or Harper s month ly, vol. 21 ; also sec vol. SB], and Walpole s Letters, [see Wal pole]. Scott takes a favorable view of the king, [B. H. 2577.5.4]. Southe.v s Vision of judgment [ 1318.7.10] is a tribute to his memory, while Byron s answer is the whig view, [347 1.6]. Brougham s sketch [2251.G] is brief. Some of the above authorities also portray the social life of this era, tor which further see chapters in the Pictorial history, [B. H. 2422.1]; Stanhope s history. [B. H. 4525.4]; and Blackwood i magazine, 1867, or no. 1220 of Living age. GEORGE IV, king of England, b. 1762, d. 1830. Croly, G. Life and times of ........................ 810.16 Grenville, R. P. Memoirs of the court of ...... 994.3 ffote. For his private and court life, see Thackeray s lec ture, [555.2, also Harper s monthly, vol. 21, and no. 858 of Living age]. See also J. H. Siddon s paper in Harper s monthly, vol. 26. See also England, and Georges (The) of England. GEORGE, Anita. Annals of the queens of Spain, from the conquest of the Goths [415] to Isabel n, [1504]. New York, 1850. 12 554.4 GEORGE, Enoch, methodist bishop, b. 1767 or 68, d. 1828. See Gorrite, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist ministers 535.14 GEORGE, Willard C. A year abroad; or sketches of travel in Great Britain, Franco and Switzerland. Boston, 1852. 12 1688.4 GEORGE, Lake: its scenes and characteristics. 1868. De Costa, B. F 1639.11 GEORGES, The, of England. Smucker, S. M. His tory of the four Georges 554.8 Thackeray, W. M. The four Georges 555.2 Note. Thackeray s Lectures give a graphic and caustic narrative of the court life of these reigns. GEORGETOWN, Mass., History of, [1639-1839]. Gage, T 227.6 GEORGIA. Kemble, F. A. Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation in 1838-39 297.28 Miller, S. F. The bench and bar of. 1858 294.3 GERARD, (C.) Jules (B.) The adventures of Gerard, the lion killer, comprising a history of his ten years campaign among the wild animala of Northern Africa. Translated by C. E. White- head. [Illustrated.] New York, 1856. 12.. 697.14 71 7*~L GfiRARD 106 GERMANY GERARD, (0.) Julos (B.), continued. Lion hunting and sporting life in Algeria. [Il lustrated.] 4th edition. London, 1857. 10.. 1639.4 Xtfe. See Dumas s Tales of Algeria, [735.4] ; and Harper s monthly, vol. 13. GERARD, James W. See Parton, J. Sketches of rnen of progress 522.16 GERHARD, Frederick. Illinois as it is. With illus trations. Chicago, 1857. 8 237.7 GERMAN, The, in America. Bogon, F. W 629.33 GERMANY. Art. Hogarth, G. Memoirs of the opera in. 1851... 905.19 Howitt, A. M. An art student in Munich. 1854.207.16 Xote. For general worKs, see Waageii [B. H. 4064.17] and Forster [B. II. 4004.19 : 40S3.19], both in German. Luebke on the ecclesiastical art of the middle ages [in English, B. H. i of high repute. For painting, FCC note under that head. Wilberforce s So cial life in Munich [B. II. 2864.27] gives chapters to Cor nelius, Kanlbach, and the modern schools. See also the sum maries in the concluding chapter of Grimm s Life of Michael Angelo, [573.10.2]; and in Samson s Art criticism [B. H. 4077.23, p. 061, etc.]. For music, there are works by Chorley [299.5 ; B. II. 4043.17] and Burney [4042.17]) and in German, Diking, [4042.21]. See further in the Bates Hall catalogues, and under the pccific heads of Architecture, Music, Painting, and Sculpture. History, etc. Austin, S. Germany, from 1860 to 1814 Dicey, E. Tho battle-fields of 1866 Dunham, S. A. History of the Germanic empire, [496-1792] Kohlrausch, F. History of, [B. c. 113-A. D. 1813]. Menzel, W. History of. 1849 Moore, J. View of society and manners in. 1792 Penrose, E. History of, [Mrs. Markham s, for youths, B. c. 113-A. D. 1850] Vane-Stewart, C. W. Narrative of the war in, [1813-14] Note. The most popularly written general history, for the period it covers, is Kohlransch s, [B. H., in German," 2817.12] ; but Mcnzcl s [B. H., in German. 2819.3] is an honest, read able book, of good reputation, and comes down later. There are other compendious histories in German, like Liebler, [2025.22] ; Ring, [2017.15] ; Duller, [B. H. 2819.14] : and Bottigcr, [B. II. 2817.14]. Phillips [B. II., in German, 4223.12] haswrit- tcn a history in particular reference to the progress of religion and constitutional relations. Of the voluminous histories in German, there are Plister, to 1807 [B. II. 4216.1], and Schmidt, continued to 1818, [B. II. 4217.1]. See also Wirth, to 1800, [B. H. 4817.81. In English, Co\e s History of the house of Aus tria "[828.2], covered an extended period, 1218-1792, and has been continued. See the geueral histories of Europe, and those of Austria, Prussia, etc. For the period before the reformation, there is the volumi nous monograph of Luden. ending with 12 i7 [B. II. 4215.1], and that of Stenzel, 1021 to 1125 [B. H. 4827.8], both iu Ger man. 667.15 936.9 368.9 925.2 848.2 657.2 928.4 1009.3 works on the Peasant s war, [B. H. 2819.13; 2866.20; 4210.2:!; 4213.10] ; and Menzel has a work on the period, 1517-55, [B. H. 4218.4]. See Reformation, note. For the Thirty yearn war, the English reader will find nothing better than the translation of Schiller s history [830.30.2: 854.14; in German, 1019.2.9; B. H. 2908.4.9; 4249a.3.7], LOOU.UU-- j cw-r.A-i ,111 vjrv.i iiitlil, i\tiJ.^.\J, .13. l_l. ^iTUO.Tt. J , 1-IULl.ij./ J, and the lives of the principal actors in it, like Wallenstein, Gustavus Adolpluis, etc. There arc German special works by Barthold, [15. II. 282;;.2 1]j Sporschil, [B. II. 2819.6]; and Gindelv, [B. II. 4824.4]. See also Austria, Prussia, etc. For me Seven years war, Lloyd s is an early account, [B. H., in English, 4811.3; in German, 2824.22]; but a translation of Aichcnholtz [B. II. 2829a. SO], an officer of the war [B. H., in German, 2319.2], is the best account in English, except it be found in the lives of Frederic the great, which see. There ore some special accounts by German writers, like Ostcn. par ticularly on the. military aspect, [B. II. 2821.15]; and Ticlke, [B. H. 3953.40]. Hausser s History [B. H. 48:!5.5] continues on from the death ot Frcderic the great. Schlosser s " History of the eighteenth century" [in Engluh, B. II., 2.J01.2], con tinued into the nineteenth century [B. H., in German, 4146.6], is of high repute. For the Napoleonic wars, see France. Beside the book by Vane-Stewart, there arc monographs in German by Bertzke, [1031.1]; Sporschil [1010.2; B. II. 2819.4] and Plotho, continu ing the narrative to 1817, [B. H. 40M5]. Bulau s history covers 1806-30, [B. II.. in German, 41-10.2]. For the Danish war of J8: >! there is a monograph by Riis- tow, [in German, B. II. 4820.25]. For the Kencn weeks war, 1800, there is a large collection in the Bates Hall ; but the most useful for the English reader is Ilozier, [B. H. 4820.1 ; 4826.0] ; and the official Prussian ac count. [B. II., in English, with plan and atlas, 2822.55]. There is a special bibliography of boo in on this war, [B. H. 2178.21. For the Franco-German war, 1870-71, see France. There li a large collection of memoirs, etc., wi;h a full assortment of map iu the Bates Hall. For the English reader, there is Ho- 7ier, [B. II. 4820a.2] j Shtind, [B. II. 4Sti9.ll] ; and the compila tions ofMacCabe, [924.8]. German literature is rich in popular traditions or Sagas, for y-rs ,,-i.^ -S^Z.ijr/v./JU, oj , GERMANY. History, etc., continued. which the English reader will find Thorpe [B. H. 5485.17] useful; but the collections, in German, of Bechftein, [B. H. 4224.1; 4224..",; 4221.25]; of Grimm, [B. H. 4224.10]; of Nod- nagel, [B. II. 4908.5]; of Simrock, [for tiie Rhine region, B. H. 2900..".4], and others will be necessary to the student. See also Co\- and Jones s Tales of the Teutonic lands" [Li- H- 2878.52]. The English reader will find great benefit from the com mentaries on the different periods of German history, with criticisms on the authorities, in Smyth s Lectures on modern history, [827.8 ; 943.3 ; 943.7]. See also Charles V, Thuringia; also Germany, Prussia, Austria, Rhine, etc., in the other Lower Hall Class lists; and in the Bates Hall catalogues. Ecclesiastical history. Ranke, (F.) L. von. History of the reformation in ................................ 1085.12; 1085.20 Note. See Reformation, Christianity, and other similar headings; the references in Malcom a Index, pp. 80 and 205; and the list of books in Fisher s Reformation, [B. II. ;!515.54, chapters 4 and 5, and p. 572]. Ranke s pvotestaut account is also iu German in Bates Hall, [421.5.5] ; Dolliugcr has a chapter on the reformation in his Reunion of the churches [B. 11. 3529.5G], and there arc other German monographs on the reformation by Murheincke [B. II. J151S.7; ,V,ls. ,l] and \VoU- mann [B. II. 6049a.O] ; and Tholuck has a monograph on the Lutheran church in the Thirty years war, [B. H.HK8.28] ; and another on the " History of rationalism in Germany," [B. II. 5G05.9]. See also Locky, [13. U.M3.8]; and Heine, on religion and philosophy in Germany, [B. H., in German, 2807.10.5]. Also Bothmcr g paper on " Social aspects of German pro testantism," in Macmillau s magazine, 18<i7, or no. 1222 of Liv ing age. See the articles, Germany, Austria, Prussia, etc., in Mc- Clintock and Stroug. Literature and education. Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 863.7; v. 1, 2 of 867.1; v. 1, 2 of 893.3 Chorley, H. F. Modern German music ......... 209.5 Davesies de Pont^s, L., madame. Poets and poetry of. 1858 ............................ 355.13 Hodge, F. H. Prose writers of. 1852 .......... 545.1 Menzel, W. German literature. 1840 ......... 893.10 Stael-Holstein, A. L. G., baronne de, nee Necker. Germany. 1814 ............................ 667.20 Winkworth, C. Christian singers of, [800-1850]. 1118.8 Note. General histories in English. Carlyle gave the first mportant impulse to the study of German literature in Eng ssays [also in B. H. 2258.3] contain much land, and hi in elucidation; historical account of the Carlyle, 863.7] which is not, howe but a series of studies with translations, giving space to authors out of proportion to their value. Men/.ei s History [also in English, B. H. 283(5.7; in German, 4230.9] was early translated hile Taylor, of Norwich, literature [B. H. 2880.2, reviewed by r, a connected narrative, ivhileMaxMullcr furnishes a brief summary, in his preface to his selection of the classics from the 4th to the 19th century, [B. H. 2880.10. reprinted iu his " Chips," 2097.28.3]. The most recent English history is by Soiling, a German resident in England, who divides the subject into period", and brings it down to Goethe, [B. H. 2870.19; J870.22]. See Sterling s Essay on the character of German genius, [880.1.1] ; and Coleridge a essay in The friend, [1818.,"]. Also chapter 12lh of De Quin- cey s Life and manners, [895.10] ; and Mackintosh s review of Madame de Stael, [803.8]. General histories in French. Heinsiu9[B. H. 2870.41 ; 2880.13] is compendious; but Hcinrich [B.II. 4875.5] is more elaborate, and comes down to Goethe. General histories in German. See Menzel, above. Kurz [B. II. 2892.3], who follows the plan of Chambers and Duyckinck for English and American literatures, is the most convenient; and his work is supplemented bwoiumesofselectionsinproso [B. H. 2892.2] and in poetry [B. H. 2G J- .l]. Tho work of Dr. Vilmar [B. II. 2871.0; 4S73.3], coming down to 1832, though gen erally too laudatory iu its estimates, deserves the reputation it has, and not being overburdened with details, forms an excel lent summary. There is another account by Schwab [B. H. 2151.3; 2151.4], and others, now antiquated; bv Doccn, [B. H. 2870.30]; and McHtcr, [B. H. 2870.38]. Sec Hahn s Chrono logical tables, [B. II. 4875.71 Early periods. For the Nibelungen period, see the Bates Hall catalogues, and the note in Heinrich, [B. H. 4875.5, vol. 1, p. 573]; and Carlylc s essays [863.7], where is also to be found a review of the literature of the 14th and 15th centuries; but see also Holland [B. H., in German, 2871.10] for the middle ages. See Rossmann, for the Heldcnsage, [B. H. 2892.12]; Krocgcr, on the Minnesingers, [B. H. 2879a.51]; also Mai Mailer s" Chips," [2097. 28.3]; also National quarterly review, Dec., 1867. See also Hallain [1373.1; 1373.2; 1373.3] for the 15th, 10th, and 17th centuries. Eighteenth century. The English reader will find an able compact summary in some chapters in Lewcs s "Life of Goethe," [545.5; B. II. 4813.2]; and he will also consult the Life of Lcssinir, by Stuhr, [1510.1!; in German, B. H. 4S4:!.6]; and of Schiller, by Cailyle, [515.12; B. II. 2846.16; 2174.52]; and by Bulwcr, [1816.15.1; 1839.3.1]; and S.Austin s "Goethe and his contemporaries," [897.9]. Madame de Stael [also in French, 10J9.9 ; 1076.7; 1070.10] first disclosed to the rest of Europe the modern development of German literature; and ihe was thought to have been influenced by A. W. Schlegel in her bias towards the Romantic school, which Heine [B. II. GERMANY 107 GHIRLANDAJO GEE.MANY. Literature and education, continued. 2889.4, in English] sought to counteract, and also to continue her survey to a later period. In German, Bippen [B. H. 2904.4] makes a critical survey; Horn s estimate [B. II. 4878a.l(>] is brief; and Ilildebrand [B. H. 2880.9] reviews the period from Ijessing s appearance. See also Hettner, [B. H. 2ia3.10]. See also the lives of Klopstock, Bodmer, Leasing, etc. Nineteenth ceiaury. There are no special histories in Eng lish, but see Bancroft s Literary and historical miscellanies, [873.1]; Anster s lecture, [B. H. 4559.10.2]; and Carl.yle s es says, [8<>3.7, etc.]. There are in French some studies by Chasles, [B. H. 2863.29]: and accounts of the writers, with translations, by Blaze de Burv, [B. H. 1878.25]. In German, Julian Schmidt s [10:3.2; B. H. 4236.3] is the best known summary. Schindcl [B. II. 2200.20] (jives an ac count of the authors. Gottschalck [B. H. 4870.17] covers the first half of the century. Scblonbach arranges by clases, with notices and selections, with considerable extension, [B. H. 4876.11]. Prutz [B. H. 2860.40] covers 1848-58. There are several monographs on the Romantic srhoat, like Heinc[B. H., in German, 2807. 10.6; 4239a.ll]; Ilavm [B. U. 4875.12] more extended and later than Heine; and Barthel [B. H. 2860.29 J, who traces the development from the Romantic and Swabiau schools down. See the lives of Goethe, Richtcr, Schiller, etc. Prose. This department has been specially cultivated in English by Carlyle in his German romance [418.1; 418.10; B. H. 2475.1], who gives memoirs of the writers and reviews of their works, from Musaus to Goethe. Dr. Hedge s book [also in B. H. 4873.0] gives the same treatment, with more extensive scope; and Miss Austin also presents the authors in similar fragments, [B. H. 4896.7]. Poetrj/. The English reader will consult the section in Longfellow s "Poets and poetry of Europe" [322.1], and the authorities there named. Madame Davesies de Pontes s book is more elaborate. Baskeryille s book [1346.3] is an anthology, with brief memoranda, with German and i/nglish text, bee also Chambers * Papers, [38K.I.9]. In German, Gervinus s History is extremely elaborated, marked by great industry and patience, and opposed to F. Schlegel s theories [B. H. 2870.20 ;42!fl.4], and lie has epito mized it,[B. 11.2871. 11]. Uhland contributes much research to the early history, [B. H. 2872.7]. Gocdeke has a work on the 10th century poets, with selections, [B. U. 4222.1; 4879.2] ; also Hagen,[B. II. 2901.4]. Cholevius covers the ground to the present time with philosophical treatment, [B. H. 288(5.1]. Eichendorff is brief, [ B. H. 2870.391. See the Grundriss of Koberstein. [B. H. 2871.8]. Loebell [B. H. 4870a.l] covers the period from Klopstock to Goethe. Vilmar has a brief biographical review, [B. II. 4846 3]. Goedeke [B. H. 2892.17] covers 1813-43. See Contemporary review, vol. 5, for a paper on German hymns and hymn writers. Engtiiti influence. The influence of Shakespeare, which began early, is elaborately followed out by Conn [B. H., in English. 4591.3], and Knight [:!22.4.8; B. H. 2592.5.7] gives a concise summary to recent times. Elze has a brief mono graph on the English language and literature in Germany [in German, B. II. 2892.22] ; and thi-re is a recent work by Genee, on the Shakespcrian drama in Germany, B. II. 4594.41]. For other works, see the article Shakespeare in Bohn s edition of Lowndes, [B. II. 2153.8]; and the other bibliographies men tioned in the note under Shakespeare. Drama. The section in thetranilati m of Schlegel s Lectures [818.7; in German, B. II. 2197.19: 4219.2.5] is the best brief summary in English. See Lady Pollock, on the German and French drama, in the Contemporarv review, Feb., 1873; and Carlvle on German playwrights, [8 .3.7, etc.]. There is a his tory of German acting by Devrient, [in German, B. II. 2870.42]. Volkslieder. German literature is rich in this species of pop ular songs, often with historical relations; but tliere is no con nected account of them in EnglNh. Simrock has made a voluminous collection [B. II. 4379a9j, and for those of the 16th and 17th centuries, see Korner, [B- II- 1223.22; 42i",.23]; also Soltau, [B. II. 2902.12; 2902.13; 422.;.-:,]. Compare also Dulckcn, 16th-19th centuries. [S18.7JI Erlacli, [B. II. 2902.9]; Robinson, [B. H. 2902.8; 4DOS.20]; Hub [B. H. 2901.8] aud others, for which see Bates Hall catalogues. Lanquaqe. Sec the German histories of Schleicher, Grimm [B. II. 4231.5]. and Leo[B. II. 2883.2]. Education. The reader must go to the Bates Hall cata logues for the history and development of education in Ger many. A few in English arc selected. On the university system, there is Perry [4899.86] and Raumer [5592.11] ; and in the following section Ilowitt s book is an amusing account of the students ways of living, See in this connection articles on the German universities in Putnam s magazine, Oct., 1868; Atlantic monthly, vol. 7. On tre Prussian system there is V. Cousin [.r>99.21] and Bobbin s [.",599.29]. See also Mat thew Arnold s " Schools and universities on the continent," [B. II. 5594.28] : also Kimball s " Student life abroad." [720.22; 773.25]; and a chapter in Ross Browne s American family in Germany. [1665.1]. Two Americans have written on the public school system. Barnard [. 1.395.58.1 ; 5592.9] and Horace Mann [11080.20]. Prof. Stowe also made an elaborate report ou elementary instruction in Europe, [B. H., Pph. v. 141]. The German educational cyclopsadia is Schmid s, [B. H. 7591.9]. Travels, description, etc. Adams, W. T. Down the Rhine ; or, Young Amer ica in. 1870 1676.1 Andersen, H. G. A poot s bazaar. Pictures of travel in. 1871 657.21 Barrow, J.,jr. Tour on the continent, in 1852. 409.26; 1655.2 Best, M. C. Abroad: and how to live there. Three years in, [1854-57] 669.17 Brace, C. L. Homo-life in. 1853 667.7 Browne, J. R. An American family in. 18G6.. 1665.1 Buffum, E. G. Sights and sensations in. 1869 . . 1667.5 Shelf. No. GERMANY. Travels, description, etc., continued. Copway, G. Sketches of men and places in. 1851. 647.16 Desultory reminiscences of a tour through Ger many. 1838 1675.7 Haeseler, 0. H. Across the Atlantic. Letters from Germany. 1868 1667.3 Haven, G. The pilgrim s wallet; or, scraps of travel gathered in. 1866 644.15 Head, Sir F. B. Bubbles from the Brunnans of Nassau 667.18; 667.19; 663.17 Howitt, W. The student-life of. 1842 663.6 Johnson, A. C. Peasant life in. 1858 666.7 Lemaistre, J. G. Travels through Germany. 1806. 654.3 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in Northern Germany. 1854 649.19 Handbook for travellers in Southern Germany. 1855 649.5 Piozzi, H. L. Observations in the course of a journey through Germany. 1789 C76. 1 Russell, J. Tour in, [1820-22] 663.5; 830.43 Schaff, P. Germany; its universities, theology, and religion. 1857 925.8 Spencer, E. Sketches of Germany and the Ger mans, [1834-36] 663.7 Tacitus, C. C. Treatise on the situation, manners, and people of, [A. D. 98] v. 2 of 834. 17; 872.11 Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A woman s experiences in. 1872 648.19 Note. There are later editions of Murray s Northern Ger- Germany lish, 2949.14.4 ; 2942.3.4 ; and in Latin, 2414.9.4 ; 2947.4.2 ; 2947.1 ; 2947.2.2]. Of popular books in the Bates Hall, there arc How- itt s " Rural and domestic life in Germany," a pleasant book, L,e Rhin, [2075.29]. On the gambling spas, see Harper s monthly, vol. 45. Rosi Browne s amusing American family in Germany originally appeared iu Harper s monthly, vol. 27. See also Germany, Austria, Prussia, Rhine, in this and the other Lower Hall Class lists, and in the Bates Hall catalogues, also general catalogues under Europe, etc. GEROMINO, Christian martyr, d. 1569. See Herbert, M. E., lady 1557.7 GERRY, Elbridge, 5th vice-president of the United States, b. 1744, d. 1814. Life of. See Austin, J. T 513.11 Hole. See Signers of the declaration of independence, [B. H. 4444.58.8] ; and Harper s monthly, vol. 7. GERRY, Mary S. Willie s voyage to India. Boston, 1857. 12 J 1698.1 GERSTAECKER, Friedrich, German traveller and author, b. 1816, d. 1872. Wild sports in the far West. New edition. With illustrations. London, 1862. 16 628.25 Same. Boston, 1866. 12 1639.2 GERSTNER, Franz Anton, Chevalier do, German engi neer, b. 1796, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 GERTRUDE of Wyoming. See Campbell, T 237.14 GERVINUS, Georg Gottfried. Introduction to the his tory of the nineteenth century. From the Gor man. London, 1853. 16 949.12 Note. Reviewed, with a sketch of the author, in North American review, Jan., 1855, and April, 1867. GESNER, Conrad, of Zurich, scholar, philosopher, and naturalist, b. 1516, d. 1565. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 20 of 179.1 GHARDAIA ; or, ninety days among the B ni Mozab. Naphegyi, G 686.26 GHIBERTI, Lorenzo, Florentine sculptor and goldsmith, b. 1378, d. 1455. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 1 of 840.23 GHIKA, Helen, countess Dora d Istria. Switzerland the pioneer of the reformation. Translated from theFrench. London, 1858. 2 v. 8 914.2 GHIRLANDAJO, Domenioo Corradi, or Bigordi dal, 6. 1451, d. 1495. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 1 of 840.23 GIBBES 108 GILLETT Shelf. No. GIBBES, Mary Reeve, b. 1746, d. 1825. See Eliot, E. F. The women of the American revolution. v.l of 538.13 GIBBES, Robert W. Memoir of James De Veaux, [American painter, b. 1812, d. 1844]. [With portrait,] Columbia, S. C., 1846. 8 524.18 GIBBON, Edward, English historian and miscellaneous writer, b. 1737, d. 1794. Auto-biography. [Ed ited] by J. [B. Holroyd]. New York, 1846. VP... ....... 583.16 History of the decline and fall of the Roman em pire, [100-1420]. With notes by H. H. Mil- man. 2d edition. London, 1846. 6 v. 8... 953.6 Same. New edition. Boston, 1850-51. 6 v. 12 957.10 - Same. New edition. New York, 1860. 6 v. 12 1955.1 Same. Abridged. By W. Smith. Illustrated. London, 1857. 12 957.5 Kute. Milman [also in B. II. 2753.1] made free use of Gui- zot s notes to the French translation [B. 11. 275;i.8], and of the notes of Wenck, the German translator; and Smith s edition In the abridgment by Smith, Gibbon s sarcasms and inueu- does" regarding Christianity are suppressed. Rev. James JUacdonald, in the Bibliotheca sacra, July, 1868, under the head of" Irony in history," sought to prove that Gibbon was not the unbeliever he is usually thought to be. Life of Mahomet, [Arabian prophet, b. 571, d. 632]. With notes by Dean Milrnan and Dr. W. Smith. New York, n. d. 18 551.1 KoU. Taken from the " Decline and fall." Bagehot, W. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen 563.9 Biographies of eminent men froui the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548. 13; 549.30 Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians. v. 2 of 586.11 Kate. His Auto-biography [also in B. H. 4754.3.1] is the chief authority for bis life, and Lord Sheffield LB. II. 4566.11 appended to it Gibbon s letters to his death in continuation of the narrative as Gibbon iett it. Sec also Brougham s sketch, [B. 11. )o7D.5. j.H] ; the article in Fraser s magazine. 1852, or no. 445 of Living age ; and the references in Allibone, Thomas, and McCiiutock and strong. GIBBON, Lardner. Exploration of the valley of the Amazon. See United States 622.1 GIBBONS, Grinling, carver in wood, b. 1648, d. 1721. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 3 of 379.9; v. 3 of 810.19 GIBBONS, J. S. The banks of Now York, their dealers, the clearing house, and the panic of 1857. With> a financial chart. Thirty illustrations. New York, 1858. 12 135.24 The public debt of the United States. New York, 1867. 12 218.3 GIBBS, James, architect, b. 1G74, d. 1754. See Cun ningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 4 of 379.9 GIBRALTAR. Bigelow, A. Sketches of, [1827] 676.2 Driukwater, J. History of the siege of, [1779- 83] 889.14 A otc. See Dumas s Tales of Algeria, [735.4]. GIBSON, Thomas Milner, English statesman, b. 1807. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 655.7 GIBSON, Walter M. The prison of Weltevreden; and a glance at the East Indian archipelago. Illus trated. New York, 1855. 12 707.6 GIBSON, William, English mathematician, b. 1720, d. 1792. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of hu man nature v. 3 of 1869.1 GIBSON, Rev. William. The year of grace: a history of the revival in Ireland, 1859. Boston, 1860. 12 1104.12 GIDDINGS, Joshua R. The exiles of Florida: or, the crimes committed against the Maroons. [With illustrations.] Columbus, 1858. 12 237.19 History of the rebellion: its authors and causes. New York, 1864. 8 292.13 Shelf. No. GIDEON S rock. Saunders, K 639.37 GIFFARD, Edward. Deeds of naval daring; or, an ecdotes of the British navy. New edition. London, 1852. 16 989.8 GIFFORD, William, English poet, critic, and satirist, b. 1757, d. 1826. Davenport, R. A. Lives of in dividuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence , 379.13 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. . 548.18 v.l of 548.22 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age : or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 GIGLIUCCI, Countess. See Novello, Clara Anastasia. GIHON, John H. Geary and Kansas. Gov. Geary s administration in Kansas, [1856, 57], Phila delphia, 1857. 12 239.2 Annals of San Francisco. See Soule, F 235.10 GILBERT, Sir Humphrey, English navigator, b. 1539, d. 1584. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 Sword and pen : or, English worthies in the reign of Elizabeth 667.10 Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 564.8 Note. See Froude s Short studies [1812.15], or Hours at home, Aug., 1867. GILBERT, James. English history. See Ince, H 997.5 GILBERT, Timothy, of Boston, b. 1797, d. 1865. Me moir of. See Fulton, J. D 1516.4 GILBERT GO-AHEAD, Travels, voyages, and adven tures of. See Martin, W 1678.11 GILDAS, British historian, Jl. 6th century. Works. See Giles, J. A. Six old English chronicles 846.4 GILDON, Charles, English dramatic and miscellaneous writer, b. 1666, d. 1724. See Crichton, A. Con verts from infidelity v. 1 of 830.28 GILES, Henry. Illustrations of genius. Boston, 1854. 16 875.5 Lectures and essays. Boston, 1850. 2 v. 16.. 875.8 Contents. Vol.1. Falstaff: George Crabbe, English poet and preacher, b. 1754. d. 1832 j The moral philosophy of Byron s life; The moral spirit ot Byron s genius; Ebenozcr Klliott, the corn-law rhymer, b. 1781. d. 1849; Oliver Goldsmith. English poet and novelist, b. 1728, d. 1774; Spirit of Irish history. II. Ireland and the Irish, in 1848; Tho worth of liberty; True manhood; The pulpit; Patriotism; Economies; MusicjThe young musician ; A day in Springlield ; Thomas Chatterton, English poet, b. 1752, d". 1770; Thomas Carlylc, English essay ist, Historian, biographer, and pool, b. 1795; Richard Savage, English poet, b. 1097, d. 1743, and Thomas Derruody, Irish poet, b. 1775, d. 1802. Same. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 16 875.6 GILES, Rev. John A., of Oxford university, b. 1802. Life and letters of Thomas a Becket, [archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1119? d. 1170]. London, 1846. 2v. 8 575.4 Life and times of Alfred tho great, [king of Eng land, b. 849, d. 901]. 2d edition. London, 1854. 8 552.1 Six old English chronicles. London, 1848. P. 8. 846.4 Contents. Ethelwerd s Chronicle; Asser s Life of Alfred; Geoffrey of Monmouth s British historv, to A. 1). G88; Works of Gildas ; Nennius s History of the Britons ; Richard of Ciren- cester on the ancient state of Britain. GILFILLAN, George, Scottish critic, b. 1813. The bards of the Bible. New York, Appleton, 1851. 12 2095.5 Same. New York, Harper, 1851. 12 118.2 Modern literature and literary men: being a second gallery of literary portraits. New York, 1851. 12 548.3 Third gallery of portraits. New York, 1855. 12. 648.4 GILLELAND, J. C. History of the late war between the United States and Great Britain, [1812-15]. 2d edition. Baltimore, 1817. 24 219.6 GILLETT, E. H. Ancient cities and empires: their prophetic doom. [Illustrated.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1867]. 12 1958.9 History of the presbyterian church in the United States. Philadelphia, [cop. 1864]. 2 v. 12... 2096.2 GILLIES 109 GODFREY Shell: No. GILLIES, John, LL. D., Scottish historian, b. 1747, d. 1836. Reign of Frederick n of Prussia, [b. 1712, d. 1786]. London, 1789. 8 546.4 GILLMAN, John, surgeon of Hiyhgate, Eng. Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, [English poet, essay ist, and moral philosopher, b. 1772, d. 1834]. Vol.1. London, 1838. 8 583.5 GILLY, William 0. S. Shipwrecks of tho royal navy, 1793-1849. 2dedition. London, 1851. P. 8. 988.12 GILMOR, Harry. Four years in the saddle. New York, 1866. 12 244.14 GILMORE, James R. Among the pines: or, South in secession-time. By Edmund Kirke, [pseud.]. New York, 1862. 12 298.15 The life of Jesus, according to his original bio graphers. With notes. By Edmund Kirke, [pseud.]. Boston, 1867. 12 2099.17 GILMOUE, Patrick S. History of the national peace jubilee and great musical festival, 1869. [Illus trated.] Boston, 1871. 8 294.9 GILPIN, Bernard, " the apostle of the North," English reformer, b. 1517, d. 1583. See Men who wore earnest 549.40 GILSON, Adrian. The czar and the sultan; Tho Turks in Europe, by F. Bouvet. London, 1853. 16 918.16 GIORGIONE. See Barbarelli, Giorgio. GIOTTO, or ANGIOLOTTO, or AMBROGIOTTO BONDONE, Italian painter, b. 1276, d. 1336. Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of tho early Italian painters . . . . v. 1 of 840.23 Jervis-Whito-Jervis, M., lady. Stories of boy- genius from tho lives of groat painters 555.9 Memorials of early genius 55 1. 10 Note. See Painting, note; and the histories of Laim, Vasari, etc., with Kuskin s monograph [B. H. 4072.54] on hia works in Fadua. GIPSIES. See Gypsies. GIRALDUS CAMBRENSIS, or BARRY, Girald, historian, b. 1147, d. 1222. Historical works. Translated by T. Forester and Sir R. 0. Hoare. Revised and edited by T. Wright. London, 1863. P. 8. 833.7 Contents. The topography of Ireland; History of the con- est of Ireland; Itinerary through Wales; Description of ales. GIBARD, Stephen, merchant, banker, and philanthropist, founder of Girard college, Philadelphia, b. 1750, d. 1831. Aroy, H. W. Tho Girard college and its founder 537.29 Famous boys: and how they became great men. . 555.8 MacCabe, J. D.,jr. Groat fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. .. 1522.7 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 GIRARD college, Philadelphia. The Girard college and its founder. Arey, H. W. 537.29 GIRARDIN, Delphine do, madame. Parisian letters. See Gay, S. Celebrated saloons 609.5 GIRONDISTS, History of the. Lamartine, A. (M. L.) do 828.6 See alto France (Revolution of 1789). GIUSTINIAN, Sebastian, Venetian ambassador. Four years at the court of Henry vin, 1515-19. Trans lated by R. Brown. London, 1854. 2 v. 8... 998.1 GIUSTINIANI, Violante, madame. See Camporose, Vio- lante. GLACIERS. Forbes, J. D. Norway and its glaciers visited in 1851 663.1 Observations on the phenomena of . 663.2 Tyndall, J. The glaciers of the Alps 665.4; 665.7 Xote. For glaciers as a subject of science, ec Class list for works in the arts and sciences. See also Alps, Switzerland, etc. GLADDEN, Washington. From the Hub to the Hud son: with sketches of nature, history and indus try in north-western Massachusetts. Boston, 1869. 12 1639.19 GLADSTONE, John H. Michael Faraday, [English experimental philosopher, b. 1794, d. 1867]. [With portrait.} New York, 1872. 16 549.43 Shelf. No. GLADSTONE, Thomas H. Kansas; or, squatter and border warfare in tho far West. With illustra tions. London, 1857. 16 239.4 Same. [With title] The Englishman in Kansas. With introduction by F. L. Olmsted. New York, 1857. 12 239.5 GLADSTONE, William Ewart, b. 1809. British cab inet in 1853 599.9 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Gladstone on church and State, reviewed 409.20; 1655.19; v. 2 of 1966.3 MacGilohrist, J. Life of 1529.7 Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 655.7 Xote. See Reid s Cabinet portraits, [B. II. 2448.G3]; Smiles s Brief biographies, [SSIUS]; Putnam s magazine, March, 18i <9; London quarterly review, on "Four relorm orators," April, 1807; Atlantic monthly, on the "House of commons," Dec., 1801 ; and Harper s monthly, by M. D. Conway, vol. 33. GLEIG, George Robert. Campaigns of the British army at Washington and Now Orleans, in 1814, 15. [Anon.] New edition. London, 1847. P. 8 889.19 Chelsea hospital, and its traditions. [.Araon.] London, 1839. 16 997.9 History of the Bible. New York, n. d. 2 v. 24 810.14 History of the British empire in India, [B. c. 2000 A. D. 1825]. [With illustrations.] London, 1830-35. 4 v. 16 389.3 Tho Leipsic campaign. London, 1852. P. 8... 409.7 Same. New edition. London, 1853. 1G. . ..1655.14 Life of Robert, first lordClive, [b. 1725, d. 1774]. London, 1848. P. 8 889.9 Life of Sir Thomas Munro, [governor of Madras, b. 1760, d. 1827]. New edition. London, 1849. P. 8 899.5 Lives of the most eminent British military com manders. London, 1832. 3 v. 16 388.3 Contents. Vol. I. Sir Walter Manny, warrior and monastic founder, d. l Ji 2; Sir Francis do Vere. general, b. 1534, d. 1008; Oliver Cromwell, lord protector of England, b. 1599 d 1(158; J hn Churchill. 1st duke o? Marlborough. general and states man, b. 1050, d. 1722. II. John Churchill! duke of Marlbor- ough, continued; Charles Mordaunt, carl of Peterborough, statesman and generul, b. ll!U. d. 17,15 ; James WoU c, major- general, b. 1726, d. 1759. III. Ix>rd Robert Clivc. general, governor of Bengal, b. 1725, d. 1774; Chanes Corn wall is,inar- quis, governor-general of India, b. 17J18. d. 1805; SirRa.ph Abercromby, Scotch general, b. 1734, d. 1801 ; Sir John Moore, Scottish general, foil at Coruuua, b. 1701, d. 1809. Memoirs of Rt. Hon. Warren Hastings, first gov ernor of Bengal, [b. 1733, d. 1818]. London, 1841. 3 v. 8 572.1 Sale s brigade in Afghanistan, with an account of the seizure and defence of Jellalabad. London, 1846. P.8 899.11 The subaltern. [Anon.] New edition. Edin burgh, 1852. 16 979.5 GLENCREGGAN: or, a highland homo in Cantire. Bradley, E 656.5 GLIMPSES of Nineveh, B. c. 690. New York, 1857. 12 1116.6 GLIMPSES of our island home. Geldart, Mrs. T. 997.19; 1659.5 GLOUCESTER, Mass., History of. 1860. Babson, J. J. 225.5 GLOUCESTERSHIRE, England. Black, A. and C. Guide to. 1865 1659.15 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1867 . . 1658.5 GLYNDON, Howard, pseud. See Redden, Laura C. G OBAT, Samuel. Three years residence in Abyssinia, [1830, 32, 35, 30]. Translated by S. D." Clark. With a biographical sketch by R. Baird. New York, 1851. 12 697.7 GOBRIGHT, Louis A. Recollection of men and things at Washington. Philadelphia, 1869. 16 228.19 GODDARD, Frederick B. Where to emigrate, and why. With illustrations. New York, 1869. 8. 1633.3 GODDARD, Samuel A. Letters on tho American re bellion, 1860-65. London, 1870. 8 276.16 GODET, Theodore L. Bermuda: its history, geology, climate, [etc.]. London, 1860. 12 265.5 GODFREY, or GODEFROID DE BOUILLON, cyusader, duke of Lorraine, king of Jerusalem, b. 1058? d. 1100. Hewlett, H. G. Tho heroes of Europe 555.3 Hutton, B. Heroes of tho crusades 1545.12 GODIN 110 GOMfiZ Shelf. No. GODIN DBS ODOINAIS, Isabelle, madame. Voyage along the river of the Amazons, in 1770. See Perils and captivity 830.31 GODLEY, John R. Letters from America. London, 1844. 2v. 12 629.6 GODOLPHIN, Margaret, maid of honour to the duchess of York, b. 1652, d. 1678. Clayton, E. C. Nota ble women 1517.7 Evelyn, J. Life of 596.10 GODOLPHIN, Sidney, earl, statesman, lord high treasurer, b. 1630, d. 1712. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 GODWIN, Parke, b. 1816. History of France. Vol.1. Ancient Gaul. New York, 1860. 8 1001.9 GODWIN, William, English novelist, economist, and his torical writer, b. 1756, d. 1836. Lives of the nec romancers. London, 1834. 8 125.1 De Quincoy, T. Essays on the poets, and other English writers 895.15 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 2 of 548.5 Note. See Harper s monthly, by M. D. Conway. yol. 38; Talfourd s essays, [803.9] ; and De Quincey s Literary reminis cences, [8D5.11.1]. GOERGEI, Arthur, Hungarian general, b. 1818. My life and acts in Hungary, in 1848, 49. New York, 1852. 12 647.14 GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von, German dramatic author, poet, naturalist, and savant, b. 1749, d. 1832. Autobiography. Edited by P. Godwin. lst-4thpart. Now York, 1846. 2 v. 12.... 1586.2 Same. Also Letters from Switzerland and Travels in Italy. Translated by J. Oxenford and A. J. W. Morrison. London, 1848, 49. 2 v. P. 8 838.3 Austin, S. Goethe and his contemporaries 897.9 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Gal vert, G. H. Goethe: his life and works 847.14 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 863.7; v. 1-3 of 867.1; v. 1, 3 of 893.3 De Quincey, T. Biographical essays 895.7 Eckermann, J. P. Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life 874.14 Emerson, R. W. Representative men 876.5 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of modern times. v. 1 of 1869.1 Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545. 1 Lewes, G. H. Life and works of 545.5 Schiller, (J. C.) F. von. Sketches and anecdotes of 876.16 Xot.e. The life by Lewes is an excellent biography, consid erably improved in the last edition, [B. H. 4S4::.2]. The lead ing German life is Viehoff s, [2010.3; B. II. 4219a.lO], Ecker- mann s Conversations is valuable as disclosing Goethe s opinions, [also in German, 10.14.4; B. II. 4847.2C], and so is Goethe s Conversations with the Chancellor von Mttller, reviewed from Saturday review, in no. 1351 of Living age]. Goethe s Autohiography [in English. B. II. 4849.8; in German, 1038.1.20; B. II. 2009. ! .20; 4219.1. 11), 24; 4238.1.12. 25; 4909.1.17; 4909.10], though interesting to the student, hardly supplies the place of a proper biographical narrative. See Longfellow s Poets and poetry of Europe, 1 [322.1]. Goethe s Correspondence with a child," is ficticious. but see Atlantic monthly, Feb., 1873. fora " Curiosity of literature." Calvert [also in B. II. 4840.12] presents different phases of Goethe s life with a chronological summary of events at the end. See also Calvert s " First years in Europe," [0.50.14]. Mrs. Aus tin s book is made up of translations from Falk, Mullcr, etc. Bock has a monograph on Goethe s musical associations, [B. H. 2870.52] : and Kriegk, on his youth, [B. 11.284663]. Thackcrav gives some reminiscences, printed in Lewes, [also 720.42.5; 1810.8]. Sec additional essays by Emerson, [870.5]; bv Bancroft, [873.1]; by Button, [B. II. 4550.13.2]; by Herman Merivale, on "Voltaire. Rousseau, and Gotlie, [B. II. 250:;.]]; bv Mac- Carthv,[B. H. 0500.25] ; by Lomtnic. [B. II. 0249a.l.lO]: by Longfellow, in his " Hyperion," [438.G] ; by Mrs. Jameson, in magazine, vol. 36; Foreign quarterly review, vol.32; and Con temporary review, vol. 6, for his philosophy. Goethe figures in two of the Mnehlbaeh novels, " Old Fritz and the new era " [412.15], and " Goethe and Schiller " [415.22], and he is the subject of dramas byEckhofen, Wagner, and H. N. Humphreys. Seethe Oocthc-bibliographics, [B. II. 21.10.28; 4909.8]; the histories of German literature and the Bates Hall catalogues. Also Jorden s Lexikon, [B. II. 2156.1]. Shelf. No. GOG and Magog. The giants of Guildhall. Fairholt, F. W 999. 21 GOING to Jericho; or, sketches of travel in Spain and the East. Swift, J. F 1694.8 GOLD hunters, The, in Australia. Thomes, W. H 635.27 GOLD hunters , The, adventures; or, life in Europe. Thomes, W. H 635.29 GOLDEN colony, The: or Victoria in 1854. Wathen, G. H 707.15 GOLDEN dagon, The. Palmer, J. W 709.10 GOLDEN hour, The. Conway, M. D 298.16 GOLDONI, Carlo, Italian dramatic poet, b. 1707, d. 1793. Copping, E. Life and adventures of. ... 544.5 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 2 of 398.1 GOLDSBOUOTTGH, Louis Malesherbes, American rear- admiral, b. 1805. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272. 7 GOLDSCHMIDT, Jenny, formerly Jenny Lind, Swedish vocalist, b. 1821. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. 591.2 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 Mental portraits 557.10 GOLDSMITH, J. General view of the manners, cus toms, and curiosities of nations. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1810. 2 v. 12 649.20 GOLDSMITH, Lewis. Secret history of the cabinet of Bonaparte. Illustrated. New York, 1810. 2 v. 24 1009.14 GOLDSMITH, Oliver, Irish poet, historian, and miscel laneous writer, b. 1728, d. 1774. Grecian history, from the earliest state, to the death of Alexander the groat, [B. c. 323]. 7th American edition. Philadelphia, 1822. 12 959.9 Same. [Continued to A. D. 1453.] London, 1821. 2v. 8 953.5 History of England, to the death of George u, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1760]. With portraits. 6th edition. Perth, 1792. 4 v. 16 968.7 Same. Abridged. Edinburgh, 1850. 12... 9G8.6 History of Rome, [B. C. 752-A. D. 476]. London, 1821. 2v. 8 952.5 Same. Abridged. Philadelphia, 1837. 12. 959.6 [Polite learning in Europe.] New York, 1853. 12 v. 1 of 906.2 De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets, and other English writers 895.15 Forster, J. Life and adventures of 683.13 Giles, H. Lectures and essays, v. 1 of 875.6; v. 1 of 875.8 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 1 of 896. 1 Irving, W. Life of v. 2 of 377.1 407.9; 583.14; 820.28; 1579.6 Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians. v. 2 of 586. 11 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Biographical essays 581). 26 Biographies, contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica 547.7; 587.14 Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists 586.19 Thackeray, W. M. The English humourists of the 18th century 586. 1 ; 589.28 Xote. Forster s " Life and adventures" was the first edition of the "Life and times" [B. II. 2454.10], which in a recent edi tion [B. II. 455- .2] is again improved, making what is in some respects the best literary biography produced in our day and an excellent picture of literary England in the last century; superseding Prior s [B. II., Pph. v. 223] and furnishing the material, which Irving has gracefully worked up in his life [also in B. 11.2:191.5: 2:594.5] as enlarged greatly from his orig inal brief sketch, [892.9; B. II. 4508.3]. Macaulay s [also 1317.2] is a spirited sketc i ; and there nre other brief lives by Mitford, [320.4] ; Chalmers s, [2502.7.1C] ; and Anderson. [B. H. 4001.1.10]. Sec also Bower s essav, [181 i. 15; 1830.3]: Wind sor s essay. [B. II. 2.557.1(1]; Gary s life. [B. H. 2449 .55]: essay by White, [B. II. 2507.25]; and bv Campbell, [3-t3.l4.fi]. See much in illustration in Boswell s Johnson, [809.2, etc.]. GOLOVNIN, Vasilii M. Japan and the Japanese. New edition. London, 1853. 2 v. 8 708.14 30MERSALL, Robert, 6. 1600, d. 1646. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 GoMftz, Sebastiano ( El mulatto de Murillo), Spanish painter, d. 1685? Foa, E. Boy artists 1599.1 Jervis-Whito-Jervis, M., lady. Stories of boy- genius from the lives of great painters 555.9 t~d.-9tfyt.- -.vf p- r oet f ,ct n ,US-e : I. OONCALO Ill GOODRICH GONCAI.O. See Gonzalvo. GONGOFA Y ARGOTE, Luis do, Spanish poet, b. 1561, d. 1627. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 3 of 398. GONZALVO, or GONCALO DE CORDOVA Y AGDILAR, Hernandez, Spanish warrior, b. 1443, d. 1515. See James, G, P. R. Memoirs of great commanders. 657. GONZALVO, or GONZALEZ, Ilernando or Fernando, count of Castile, warrior, b. about 887, d. 960. See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscel lanies v. 1 of 1815.. GOOD, John Mason, M. D., writer, b. 1764, d. 1827. Memoirs of. See Gregory, 0. G 678.1 GOODELL, William, D. D. The old and the new; or the changes of thirty years in the East, [1822 52]. [With portrait and illustrations.] New York, 1853. 12 687.1 GOODMAN, Godfrey, bishop of Gloucester, Eny.,b. 1583, d. 1655. Court of James i, [of England, 1C03- 62]. London, 1839. 2 v. 8 552. GOODMAN, Margaret. Experiences of an English sister of mercy. 3d edition. London, 1862. 16 997.K GOODRICH, Charles A. Geography of the chief places mentioned in the Bible. Illustrated with maps. New York, 1856. 18 1089.28 GOODRICH, Charles B. Lowell lectures. The science of government as exhibited in the institutions of the United States. Boston, 18.33. 8 134.1 GOODRICH, Frank B. Man upon the sea: or, a his tory of maritime adventure, exploration and dis covery. With illustrations. Philadelphia, 18G8. 16 701.10 Tricolored sketches in Paris, 1851-53. [Anon.] [Illustrated.] Now York, 1855. 12 1008.8 GOODRICH, Samuel G. The balloon travels of Robert Merry and his young friends, over various coun tries in Europe. Illustrated. Edited by Peter Parley, {pseud.}. New York, [cop. 1855]. 12. 1678.1 Curiosities of human nature. [By Peter Parley, pseud.] 2d edition. [With portraits.] Boston, n. d. 16 v. 3 of 1869.1 Contents. Zerah Colburn, American juvenile mathemat ical prodigy, b. 1804, d. 1840; Jean Philip Baratier, orBarreticr, French philological prodigy, b. 1721, d. 17-10: Pierre Gassendi, Eian, jurist, and political writer, b. 1583, d. 1045; SirIsi-_ Newton, English geometrician and philosopher, b. 1042, d. 1727; Antony Magliabecchi, Italian librarian, b. 1033. d. 1714; James Crichton, called "the admirable." Scotch scholar, au thor, linguist, etc., b. 1.560, d. 1583; Beronicius, ecccntiic phi lologist, d. 1076; Master Clench, English prodigy, b. about 1677; JedediahBuxton.Englisharithmctician.h. 1705, d. 1775; William Gibson, Englishmathematician, b. 1720. d. 1792: Ed- niund Stone, Scotch mathematician, d. 1768; Richard Evelyn, juvenile prodigy, b. 10.53, d. 1658; QuentinMatsys. or Messis, Flemish painter, b. 1400. d. 1529; Benjamin West, American painter in England, b. 1738. d. 1820; Pietro Bcrretini, called Pietro da Cortona, Florentine painter and aichitect, b. 1596. d. 1669; Henry Kirke White, English poet. b. 178.5, d. 1800; Johann Chrysostom Sigisimind Amadous Mozart. German music composer, b. 17.">6, d. 1791: Elihu Burritt ("the learned blacksmith"), American scholar, b. 1811; George Morland, English painter, b. 17ft!, d. 18112: William Penn, English found er of the colony of Pennsylvania, b. 1644, d. 1718; Capt. John Smith.founderof Virginia, b. 1579. d. 1631 ; Ethan Allen, Ameri- d. Ifc2; Charles XII, king of Sweden, b. 1682, d. 1718; Cid Ruy Diaz (Rodriguez Man de Ilivar), Spanish warrior, b. about 1026, d. 1099; Robin Hood, English outlaw, b. about 1150; John Paul Jones, Scotch naval adventurer, com modore in the American navy, b. 1747, d. 1792; Tommaso Aniello, called Masaniello, Neapolitan insurgent chief, b. about 1622, ex. 1647; Coli di or Nicola Uabrino Rienzi, or Rienzo, Roman orator and tribune, b. 1313, d. 1354; Alexan der Selkirk, Scotch shipwrecked mariner, b. about 1076, d. after 1711; John Law, Scotch financier, b 1671, d. 1729; Friedrich baron von der Trcnck, Prussian adventurer, b. 1726, d. 1794; John Dunn Hunter, taken by the Indians when a child, d. 1827; Gaspard or Casper llauscr, d. 1833; George Psalmanaxar, pseudonym of a savant of uncertain origin, b. about 1679, d. 1753; Valentine Grcatrakes, Irish medical empiric, b. 1628, d. 1680; Matthew Hopkins, witch accuser, 17th century ; Peter, German wild boy, b. about 1712, b. 1483, d. 1635; Short notices of giants, dwarfs, and other remarkable personages. Shelf. No. GOODRICH, Samuel G., continued. Early history of the Southern states: Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia. With engravings. By Lambert Lilly, [pseud.]. Bos ton, 1854. 12 ..................... . ....... 239.14 Famous men of ancient times. By Peter Parley, [pseud.]. [With portraits.] Boston, 1843. 16. v. 2 of 18C9.1 5/ Attil Contents. Mohammed, or Mahomet, Arabian prophet, b. /I,d. 632; Beiisarius, Roman general, b. about 505, d. 565; ttila, kins; of the Huns, b. 434, d. 4,53; Claudius Ccesar Nero, emperor of Rome. b. about 32, d. 08 ; Lucius Annajus Seneca, Roman stoic philosopher, b. A. i>. 2 or 3, d. 6.5; Publius Vir- gilius Maro, Roman poet, b. B. O. 70, d. B. o. 19; Marcus Tul- lius Cicero, Roman philosopher, orator, and statesman, b. u. o. Mb, d. B. C. 43; Cains Julius C.-csar, Roman dictator, general, 1.5, d. U. C. 322 ; Ape-lies, of Cos. Greek painter, 11. u. <j. 325 : Di- enes, of Sinope, the Cynic philosopher, b. l>. c. 412, d. B. o. 323; Plato. Greek philosopher, b. B.C. 429, d. B. C. H47; Soc rates, Greek philosopher,!), u. o. 408, d. Ji. O. :!US); A cibiades, Greek statesman and general, b. B. c. about 450, d. B. o. 401: . Democntus, Grec-k philosopher, b. It. c. *, d. a. c. 357; Pericles. Athenian statesman, b. It. o. 499, d. B. O. 429; Aris- tides, Athenian general and 8 atesmau. b. B. c. about 550. d. about B. c. 467; ^Esopus, fabulist, b. II. c. about 5:10; Solon, Athenian legislator, one of t le seven wise men of Greece b B. 0. 038, d. B. c. .558; Lycurgus, Spartan legislator, b. B. O. about 9110 ; Ilomerus, Greek epic poet, fl. B. o. 907 ; Confucius (Kouiig-Foii-Tscu, or Koung-Tsee), Chinese philosopher, b. B.C. 551, d. B. c. 479. -Same. Boston, 1852. 16 549.39 Famous men of modern times. By Peter Parley, [pseud.]. [Illustrated.] Boston, n. d. 16. v. 1 of 1869.1 Contents. Sir Walter Scott, Scotch novel ist, poet, and histo rian, b. 1771, d. 18 : !2; George Gordon Noel Byron, lord, English $oet, b. 17,-vS. d. 1821; Nap jlcou I, Bonaparte, emperor of the rench, b. 1709, d. 1821; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Ger man dramatic author, poet, naturalist. und savant, b. 1749. d. 1832; Robert Burns, Scotch poet. b. 17.59, d. 1796: Edmund Burke, Irish statesman and orator, b. 1730. d. 1797: Samuel Johnson, English lexicographer, philologist, moralist, and poet, b. 1709, d. 1781; John Milton, English poet, b. 1608, d. 1674; William Shakespeare, English dramatic poet. b. 1.504, d. 1016; Francis Bacon, lord Verulam, viscount St. Albans, English lord chancellor, b. 1561, d. 1626. History of all nations. Illustrated. Boston, 1851. 2v. 4 951.2 History of the Indians of North and South Amer ica. By Peter Parley, [pseud.]. Boston, 1844. 16 v. 11 of 1869.1 Lights and shadows of African history. By Peter Parley, [pseud.]. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1844. 16 939.1; v. 10 of 1869.1 Lights and shadows of American history. By Peter Parley, [pseud.]. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1844. 16 v. 7 of 1869.1 Lights and shadows of Asiatic history. By Peter Parley, [pseud.]. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1844. 16 v. 9 of 1869.1 Lights and shadows of European history. By Peter Parley, [pseud.]. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1844. 16 v. 8 of 1869.1 Lives of benefactors. By Peter Parley, [pseud.]. [With portraits.] Boston, 1844. 16 v. 4 of 1869.1 Contents. George Washington, 1st president of the United States, b. 1732, d. 1799; John.fay, American jurist and states man, b. 174.5, d. 1829; Patrick Henry, American statesman, fovenmrof Virginia, and author, b.~1730, d. 1799; Benjamin ranklin, American statesman, philosopher, and author, b. 1706, d. 1790; Marie Paul Jean Roch Yves Gilbert Motier marquis de La Fa vette, French major-general in the American revolution, b. 1757, d. 1834: Thaddcus Koseinsco, Polish gen eral and statesman, b. 1746, d. 1817; Wilhclm Tell. Swiss hero, b. 1307. d. 1354; John Howard, prison philanthropist, b. 1726? d. 1790; Edward Jenncr, English physician, naturalist, and inventor of vaccination, b. 1749, d. 1823; Jean Frederic Oberlin, French pastor and philanthropist, b. 1740, d. 1826; Johann Gutenberg, or Hans Gensflcisch, German inventor of printing, b. 1400, d. 1468; James Hargraves, English inventor of machinery for spinning cotton, d. 1778; Sir Richard Ark- wright, English manufacturer and inventor of the spinning- jenny, b. 1732, d. 1792^ Eli Whitney, American inventor, b. losopher, mathematician, and astronomer, b. 1564, d. 1642; Charles Linnanis, or Linne, Swedish naturalist and author, b. 1707, d. 1778; Nathaniel Bowditch, American writer on navi- ation and mathematics, b. 1773, d. 1838; Francois Iluber, wiss naturalist, b. 1750, d. 1830; Sir Frederick William Her- Bchel, German astronomer in England, b. 1738, d. 1822; Sir Humphry Davy, English chemist, natural philosopher, and scientific writer, b. 1778, d. 1829. GOODRICn 112 GRAHAM Shelf. N GOODRICH, Samuel G., continued. Lives of celebrated American Indians. By Peter Parley, [pseud.]. [With portraits.] Boston, 1843. 16 v. 5 of 1869. Contend. Manco-Capac I, founder of the empire of Peru, fl. llth century; Mayta-Capac, 4tli inca of Peru, fl. 13th cen tury; Huayna-Capac, 12th inca of Peru, b. about 1-180, d. 1529; Atahualpa. last inea of Peru. d. 153); Caupoliean. a chief of the Aiaueamans, fl. 16th century: Vchoalay, chief warriorof the Abipones, fl. 18th century j Tupac-Amaru, or Tupa-Maru (Jose Gabriel Condorcaaqui), Peruvian cacique, b. 174:!, d. 1783; Quctzalcoatl, high priest and magistrate of Tula, Mexi co; Xolotl, kingof the Chccomecans, n. 12th century; Aca- mapitzin, or Acamapixtili, 1st king of Mexico, d. 1389; Mon- tezuma I, Ilhuicamina, 5th king ot Mexico, b. about 1390, d. 1464; Donna Xaramijlo Marina. Mexican linguist, b.lSOJ? d. 1530; Montezuma.tl, tlie younger. 9th kins of Mexico, b. 1406, d. 1520: Cofachiqui, princess ot Florida, fl. Kith century: Tas- caluza, Floridian cacique, fl. 16th century; Vitaehuco, Flori- dian cacique, fl. 16th century; Pocahontas, aflerwa<-di Mrs. John Roilc, Indian princess, b. about 1594, d 1G10; Pliilip, caKedking Pliilip, Indian name Metacom, chief of the Wam- panoags, d. 167ii; Poniiac, chief of tlie Ottawas, b. 1712? d. 1769; Logan, chief of the Mingo or Cayaga tribe, fl. 1774 ; Jo seph Brant, Tliayendanpga, Mohawjt chief and author, b. 1742, d. 1807; Tccumsch, Indian chief, b. 1770, d. 1813: Sago- ye\vtha, or Red Jacket, chief of the Senecas. b. about I M. d. 1330: Shong-mun-e-culh-e, or the letan, Indian chief, d. 1834; Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, cr Black Hawk, chief of the Sacs and Foxes, d. 1838. The manners, customs, and antiquities of the In dians of North and South America. By Poter Parley, [pseud. ]. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1844. 16 v. 12 of 1869.1 Outlines of the history of England. [Anon.] With engravings. Boston, 1828. 18 969.4 Pictorial geography of the world. Illustrated. New edition. Boston, 1856. 2 v. L. 8 951.1 Recollections of a lifetime, or men and things I have seen. [With illustrations.] New York, 1857. 2 v. 12 526.4 GOODWIN, Lavinia S. The little helper: a memoir of Florence Annie Caswell, [b. 1855, d. 1866]. Boston, 1867. 10 2089.12 GOODYEAU, Charles, India-rubber manufacturer and inventor, b. 1800, d. I860. MacCabe, J. D.,jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times.. 1522.7 People s book of biography 1522.10 GORDON, Alexander. Lives of Pope Alexander vi [b. 1430, or 31, d. 1503] aud his son Caesar Borgia [d. 1507]. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 544.2 G&RDON, George, Id marquis of Hunily, royalist, be headed 1649. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 GORDON, George Hamilton, earl of Aberdeen, Scotch statesman, b. 1784, d. 1860. British cabinet in 1853 599.9 Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Secretaryship of. See Macknight, T. Thirty years of foreign policy 993.3 GORDON, James, English eccentric, d. 1825. See Wilson, II. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 GORDON, Rev. James B. History of Ireland, to 1801. London, 1806. 2 T. 8 975.3 GORDON, Jane, duchess of, formerly Miss Maxwell, d. 1812. See Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society v. 1 of 542.15; 542.17 GORDON, Mary. Christopher North, a memoir of John Wilson, [Scottish poet and critic, b. 1785, d. 1854]. Compiled by his daughter. [With portrait.] New York, 1863. 8 555.14 GORDON, Thomas F. History of America, [1435] to 1520. Philadelphia, 1831. 2 v. 12 259.9 GORDON, William, Viscount Kenmure, beheaded 1716. See Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jacob ites T. 2 of 562.2 GORDON, William, D. D., b. 1730, d. 1807. Thanks giving sermon, 1774. See Thorpton, J. W. The pulpit of the American revolution 217.20 GORE, Mrs. Catherine Grace Francos, English author ess, b. 1799, d. 1861. See Home, E. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 GORHAM, George C. Gleanings of a few scattered ears, during the reformation in England, 1533- 88. London, 1857. 8 1085.6 GORILLA country, Stories of the. 1868. DuChaillu, P. (B.) 1699.8 Shelf. No. GORING, George, lord, royalist general, d. 1650. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v . 4 O f 815.1 GORRIE, Rev. P. Douglas. Lives of eminent mcth- odist ministers, [1703-1851]. [With portraits of John Wesley, Fletcher, Watson, Emory, and Olin.] Auburn, 1852. 12 535.14 Content,. John Wesley, b. 1703, d. 1791; Charles Weslev, b. 1,08, d. 17SS; John William Fletcher, or Fleehere. b. 1729, d. 1785 ; Joseph Benson, b. 1748, d. 1821 ; Thomas Coke, b. 1747, d 1814: Adam Clarke, b. 1760, d. 1852: Richard Wat- ion, b. 1781, d. 183J; Girleon Onseley. b. 170:. , d. 1839; Francis Aab-.iry. bishop, b. 17-15. d. ISHi; Richard Whateoat, Msiiop, b. 1736, d. 1806; Jesse Lee, b. 1738, d. 18H: Bi>n,aimn Abbott, b. 1732, d- 1796; William M Kendree, bishop, b. 17.57, d. :835; Enoch George, bishop, b. 17G7 or US, d. 1828 : Rib rt Riehford ** Roberts, bisliop, h. 1778, d. 1813; John Emory, bishop, b. K88, d. ISi5; Wilbur Fisk, b 179J, d. 1839; Stephen Oliu, b. 1797, GORTON, Samuel, settler of Warwick, R. L, d. 1677. Life of. See Mackie, J. M v. 15 of 529.1 Goss, Warren L. The soldier s story of his captivity at Andersonvillo, Belle Isle, and other rebel pris ons. With illustrations. Boston, 1870. 16... 276.3 GOSSE, Philip H. Letters from Alabama, chiefly re lating to natural history. London, 1859. 16... 176.14 GOSSNER, Johann Evangelist, German protestant pas tor, b. 1773, d. 1858. Life and works of. See Stevenson, W. F. Praying and working 2098.20 GOTHE. See Goethe. GOTTFRIED, Gesina, madame, German poisoner, b. 1785, ex. 1831. See Remarkable women of different nations and ages 547.5 GOUGER, Henry. Two years imprisonment in Bur- mah, 1824-26. With illustrations. London, 1800. 12 695.13 GOUQH, John B., b. 1817. Autobiography and per sonal recollections. Illustrated. Springfield, Mass., 1870. 8 1534.1 See Paxton, J. Sketches of men of progress .... 522.16 GOULD, A ugustus A. History of New Ipswich. See Kidder, F 234.6 GOULD, Jay, president nf the Erie railway, b. 1836. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress .... 522.16 JTOULD, Thomas R. The tragedian; histrionic genius of Junius Brutus Booth, [b. 1796, d. 1852]. New . York, 18C8. 16 1359.3 JOURNAY, Mario le Jars de, writer and wit, b. 1566, d. 1645. See Kavanagh, J. French women of letters 1609.1 GrOUViON-SAINT-CYR, Laurent, marshal of France, b. 1764, d. 1830. See Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals v. 1 of 605.1; v. 1 of 605.2 ioYERNMENr. The science of government, as exhib ited in the institutions of the United States. Goodrich, C. B 134.1 SOWER, George Leveson, earl of Granville, English statesman, b. 1815. See British cabinet in 1853. 599.9 SOWER, John, poet, b. 13.0, d. 1402. Illustrations of the life and writings of. See Todd, H. J. . . . 312.10 JTOZZOLI, Benozzo, Italian painter, b. 1406, d. 1478. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 1 of 840.23 OrRAAii, Willom A. Narrative of an expedition to the east coast of Greenland, in search of the lost colo nies. Translated by G. G. Macdougall. London, 1837. 8 704.3 GrRAGG, William F. A cruise in the U. S. steam frigate Mississippi, to China and Japan, 1857 60. Boston, 1860. 76pp. 8 622.10 GRAHAM, Catherine, formerly Mrs. Macaulay, Eng lish authoress, b. 1733, d. 1791. Clever girls of our time 599.21 Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians. v. 2 of 586. 11 RAHAM, George, English watchmaker and inventor, b. 1675, d. 1751. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 RAHAM, Mrs. Isabella, Scotch religious philanthropist in America, b. 1742, d. 1814. The power of faith exemplified in [her] life and writings. New edi tion. New York, [cop. 1843]. 12 538.23 See Sketches of the lives of distinguished females. 1859.10 GRAHAM 113 GRATTAN Shelf. No. GRAHAM, James, marquis of Montrose, Scottish royal ist, b. 1612, ex. 1650. Grant, J. Memoirs of. . . 565.8 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain ,.v. 4 of 815.1 Napier, M. Montrose and the covenanters ...... 975.9 Winsor, H. Montrose, and other biographical sketches 555.12 Note. Napier s book, above named, is the basis of his sub sequent perfected ar.d extended Memoirs," 1856 [B. H. 2445.10], which is the best authority, though Grant s is a little later. Napier also edited the original documentary " Memo rials," published by the Maitland club, upou which chiefly Wiusor founds his summarized sketch. See also Clarendon s History of the rebellion, [975.5]; Cust s Lives of warriors of the civil wars, [B. H. 4529.2]j and the refeiences under Cove nanters and Scotland. GRAHAM, James, of New Orleans. Life of General Daniel Morgan, of the Virginia line of the army of the United States, [b. 1736, d. 1802]. New York, 1856. 12 & 528.3 GRAHAM, /?>> James Robert George, first lord of the Admiralty, b. 1792, d. 1861. See British cabinet in 1853 599.9 GRAHAM, John, called Claverhouso, 1st viscount Dun dee, Scotch general and politician, b. 1650, d. 1689. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person ages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 Note. The principal account is Napier s life and times, 18fiO-G2, [B. II. 2543.5]. See also Macaulay s History of Eng land; histories ot the covenanters; Clmmbers s Eminent Scots men; North British review, May, 1850; and Edinburgh review, July, 1863. GRAHAM, Maria. Three months in the mountains east of Rome, 1819. [With illustrations.] 2d edition. London, 1821. 8 676.3 GRAHAME, F. R. The archer and the steppe; or, the empires of Scythia. [With illustrations.] Lon don, n. d. 1-2 927.15 GRAHAME, James, Scottish barrister, b. 1791, d. 1842. History of the United States, [1492] till [1776]. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 8 304.3 GRAMMARIANS, Lives of the. Suetonius Tranquillus C 844.8 GRAMMONT, Philibert, comte de, French wit and cour tier, b. 1621, d. 1707. Hamilton, A. Memoirs of the court of Charles n 857.1 Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society. v. 1 of 555.1; 1545.8 GRANADA. See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscellanies v. 2 of 1815.5 GRANBY, Marquis of. See Manners, John. GRANDISON, Viscount. See Villiers, William. GRANT, Allan. Mr. Secretary Pepys. See Pepys, S. 1989.1 GRANT, Anne, Scotch miscellaneous writer, b. 1755, d. 1838. Letters from the mountains, 1773-1807. [Anon.] 1st American edition. Boston, 1809. 2v.ini. 12 909.3 Memoirs of an American lady: with sketches of manners and scenery in America, previous to the revolution. New York, 1809. 12 878.17 Same. New York, 1846. 12 878.7 See Clever girls of our time 599.21 GRANT, Asahel, American missionary, b. 1807, d. 1843. Dr. Grant and the mountain Nestorians. See Laurie, T 686.5 GRANT, James, b. about 1805. The British senate; or, a second series of Random recollections of the lords and commons. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1838. 2v. 12 898.18 The great metropolis, [London]. [Anon.] 2d edition. New York, 1837. 2v.ini. 12 868.8 The metropolitan pulpit; or, sketches of the most popular preachers in London. [Anon.] New York, 1839. 16 1099.11 Random recollections of the house of commons, 1830-35. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1836. 12. ..868.10 Random recollections of the house of lords, 1830- 36. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1836. 12 868.9 Sketches of London. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 12 646.13 Walks and wanderings in the world of literature. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 12 898.19 Shelf. No. GRANT, Capt. James, b. 1822. The adventures of Rob Roy, [Robert Macgregor Campbell, Scottish clansman, b. 1660, d. 1735]. With illustrations. Boston, 1865. 16 555.17 Memoirs of James, marquis of Montrose, [b. 1612, ex. 1650]. With illustrations. London, 1858. 16 565.8 GRANT, James A. A walk across Africa; or, domes tic scenes from my Nile journal. London, 1864. 8 681.7 GRANT, Ulysses Simpson, 18th president of the United States, b. 1822. Illustrated life, campaigns and public services. [Anon.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1865]. 16 569.7 Life aud services as a soldier. [Anon.] Philadel phia, [cop. 1864]. 66pp. P. 8 537.26 Abbott, J. S. C. Life of 521.7 Adams, W. T. Our standard-bearer; or, the life of 1518.3 Badeau, A. Military history of 1513.8 Brockett, L. P. Our great captains 569.2 Coppee, H. Life and services of 521.9 Crafts, W. A. Life of 521.10 Doming, H. C. Life of 521.11 Denison, C. W. The tanner boy: a life of 1518.4 Headley, P. C. The hero boy; or, the life and deeds of 551.27 Life and campaigns of 521.6 Howland, E. Grant as a soldier and statesman. . 1513.9 Larko, J. K. General Grant and his campaigns. . 527.25 Life of. See Lives of Grant and Colfax 1513.12 Life of. See Lives of Grant and Wilson 518.27 Mansfield, E. D. Life of 521.8 Phelps, C. A. Life and services of 1513.7 Richardson, A. D. Personal history of 521.12 Root, G. F. The Grant songster 1349.11 Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recollections of dis tinguished generals 15 16. 12 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 Note. Of the popular lives of Grant the most considerable in extent are those of Richardson [also in B. H. 4(43.17], who was a war correspondent with his army; of Hcadloy [also in B. H. 4331.7], who appends the official reports; of Howland [1513.9; B. H. 4400.10], who presents Grant s "fitness to direct the energies of this country towards the further spread of the democratic idea;" and of Deming, who had some advantages of access to documents. The principal less extended ones are those of Mansfield, Crafts, and Abbott, [also in B. H. 4444.4]. There are others by C. A. Dana [B. H. 4445.0], and Phelps [B. H. 4444.3]. Of the exclusively military lives Badeau s is the best, only the first volume, however, is as yet published, bringing the record down to the early part of 1864 [also in B. H. 4400M; 4445.5], but the author, as a member of Grant s military household, had great advantages. Prof. Coppee s ia a running sketch of good repute, [also in B. H. 4400.9; 4445.6]. See Grant s reports, [B. H. 4350a.U3; 4350a.96]; and the works on the civil war, under the United States. Also Harper s monthly, vols. 30, 31, 35 and 39. " GRANT and COLFAX." Lives of U. S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax. With portraits and engrav ings.- Philadelphia, [cop. 1868]. 12 1513.11 GRANVILLE, Antoine Perrenot, Cardinal de, French archbishop of Malines, b. 1517, d. 1586. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 1 of 388.7 GRANVILLE, George, viscount Lansdowne, English statesman, poet, and courtier, b. 1667, d. 1735. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. . v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 GRANVILLE, Mary. See Delany, Mary. GRAS, Julie Dorus, madame, French vocalist, b. 1808. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 GRASSINI, Giuseppa, afterwards Madame Ragani, Ital ian singer, b. 1773, d. 1850. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 GRATTAN, Henry, Irish statesman and orator, b. 1750, d. 1820. Memoirs of [his] life and times. By his son. [With portrait.] New edition. Lon don, 1849. 5 v. 8 563.4 Rogers, S. Recollections 395.5 ; 1396.3 Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of ear nest men 555.13 Note. See Leeky s Leaders of public opinion in Ireland, [B. H. 4519.23]; Brougham s Statesmen, [840.5, etc.]; Foster s Essays, [837.7.2]; Rogers s Table-talk, [877.16, etc.]; memoirs of Thomas Moore, Sir James Mackintosh, etc. GRATTAN 114 GREAT Shelf. No. GRATTAN, Thomas Colley, Irish novelist and historian, b. 1796, d. 1864. Civilized America. London, 1859. 2v. 8 622.6 History of the Netherlands, [n. c. 50-A. D. 1815]. London, 1830. 16 378.8 Same. Now York, 1843. 18 919.8 GRATTON, Charles J. The gallery: parliamentary re porting and reporters. London, 18GO. 1G 997.2 GRAY, Mrs. Hamilton. Tour to the sepulchres of Etruria, in 1839. With illustrations. 2d edition. London, 1841. 12 956.12 GRAY, Samuel, Trial of the British soldiers for the murdor of, in Boston, 1770 219.1 GRAY, Thomas, English poet, b. 1716, d. 1771. How- itt, W. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. . . v. 3 of 582.11 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 Nate. See also memoirs by Mason, [B. II. 25R0.2: 2591.6]; Mathias, fB. H. 2558.17]; Chalmers, [B. II. 2592.7]; Nicholls, 308.26 1517.11 515.14 533.1 184.36 868.8 1816.17 702.1 the poets, [807.2.4]; Walpole s Letters, passim; and Gray s own letters, [B. II. 24.58.20, etc.]. See Allibone and references, and the histories of English lit erature. GREAT American scout and spy, The. See Kuggles, C. L GREAT empress, The, [ Agrippina n]. Schele de Vere, M GREAT fortunes, and how they were made. MacCabe, J. D., jr GREAT in goodness; a memoir of G. N. Briggs. See Richards, W. C GREAT inventors. Illustrated. London, n. d. 12.. GREAT metropolis, The, [London]. Grant, J GREAT metropolis, The; a mirror of New York. Browne, J. H GREAT BRITAIN. Admiralty. The last of the Arctic voyages, under Capt. Sir Edward Belcher, in search of Sir John Franklin, 1852-54. With notes on the natural history, by Sir John Rich ardson [and others]; [With illustrations.] Lon don, 1855. 2 v. Roy. 8 History and antiquities. Barrington, Sir J. Legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland 986.6 Brand, J. Observations on the popular antiqui ties of 846.8; 949.8 British cabinet in 1853 599.9 Butler, C. Historical memoirs of the English, Irish, and Scottish catholics. 1822 541.9 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies 840.10 Campbell, J., lord. Lives of the chief justices, [1066-1793] 5 68 .2 Lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the groat seal, [605-1838] 568.1 Fyfe, J. H. British enterprise beyond the seas. 1863 997.18 Gleig, G. R. Campaigns of the British army at Washington and New Orleans, [1814, 15] 889.19 Lives of the most eminent British military com manders 388.3 Grant, J. The British senate ; or, a second series of Random recollections of the lords and com mons. 1838 898.18 Random recollections of the house of commons, [3830-35] 868 . 10 Random recollections of the house of lords [1830-36] 868 . 9 Green, M. A. E. Letters of royal and illustrious ladies of, [1103-1558] 596.5 Johns, R. Naval and military heroes of. I860.. 854.5 Johnstonc, Chevalier de. Memoirs of the rebel lion of 1745 and 1746 976.7 Lewin, T. Invasion of, by Julius Csesar 983.2 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of . 815.1 Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen , 388.6 Shelf. No. GREAT BRITAIN. History and antiquities, continued. Maxwell, W. H. Victories of Wellington and the British armies 825.3 Philp, R. K. History of progress in, [B. c. 54- A. D. 1853] 984.6 Platt, J. C. History of the British corn-laws. . . 136.30 Poste, B. Britannic researches. 1853 985.2 Roberts, B. H. E. History of the colonial em pire of. 1861 997.13 Thomson, R. Illustrations of the history of. 1828 830.37 Note. Consult Smyth s Lectures on modern history [827.8; SM3.3: 943.7] for a summary of events and characterization of authorities. See also England, Europe, Scotland, Wales, Ireland. Travels, description, etc. Adams, W. T. Cross and crescent; or, Young America in. 1873 1676.12 Bigelow, A. Leaves from a journal; or, rambles in North Britain in 1817 648.16 Geldart, Mrs. T. Glimpses of our island home. 1864 997.19; 1659.5 George, AV. C. A year abroad : or sketches of travel in. 1852 1688.4 Haussez, C. L. de Longpre, baron d . Great Brit ain in 1833 658.16 Land, The, we live in. A pictorial and literary sketch-book of the British empire 641.1 See also Channel islands, England, Etonians, Ireland, Scot land, Wales. Literature and art. Andrews, A. History of British journalism, to 1855 395.1 Campbell, T. Specimens of the British poets; with biographical and critical notices . . .311.6; 343.14 Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent Brit ish painters, sculptors, and architects.... 379. 9; 810.19 Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent liter ary and scientific men of 398.3 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets. 1857 896.1 Lawrence, E. Lives of British historians 586.11 Masson, D. British novelists and their styles.. . 395.7 Mills, A. The literature and literary men of. 1851 402.2 Thornbury, W. British artists from Hogarth to Turner 543.18 See also England, literature and art. Miscellaneous. Bagehot, W. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen 563.9 Camp and barrack-room ; or, the British army as it is. 1846 894.2 Chattaway, E. D. Railways: their capital and dividends, with statistics of their working in, [1855-56] 1169.27 Craik, G. L. History of British commerce. 1844. 840.14 Dunlop, J. Artificial and compulsory drinking usages of the United Kingdom. 1844 999.6 Lives of British physicians 389.13 Long, G. The geography of 365.10 Mitchel, J. Jail journal; or, five years in Brit ish prisons. 1868 1569.2 Roscoe, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers. .. 388.4 Samuel, brothers. Wool and woollen manufactures of. 1859 193.1 Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility 577.14 Townsend, W. C. Modern state trials. 1850... 975.6 GREATER BRITAIN. Dilke, C. W 1654.11; 1654.12 GREATRAKES, Valentine, Irish medical empiric, b. 1628, d. 1680. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of hu man nature v. 3 of 1869. 1 GREAT SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. Burton, R. F. The city of the saints. 1862 622.11 Ferris, B. G. Utah and the Mormons. 1854. . .1095.14 See also Mormonism, Utah. etc. GREECE GREECE Shelf. No GREECE. Ancient history and antiquities. Adams, W. H. D. Temples, tombs, and monu ments of ancient Greece. 1871 698.3 Ainswortb, W. F. Travels in the track of the ten thousand Greeks. 1844 687.12 Becker, W. A. Charicles. Illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks 957.1 Bonner, J. Child s history of, [B. c. 500-A. D. 1857] 959.10 Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L., lord. Athens: its rise and fall, [to B. c. 429] 957.7; 957.11 Dwight, M. A. Grecian mythology 1083.10 Felton, C. C. Greece, ancient and modern 955.9 Fosbroke, T. D. Treatise on the arts, manufac tures, manners, and institutions of the Greeks . . 378. Goldsmith, 0. Grecian history, from the earliest state, to the death of Alexander the great, [B. c. 323] 959.9 Same. [Continued to A. D. 1453] 953.5 Grote, G. History of, [to B. c. 300] 958.5 Hamilton, W. D. Outlines of the history of, in connection with the rise of the arts and civili zation in Europe 829.35 Hase, H. (A.) Public and private life of the an cient Greeks. 1836 959.13 Herve, F. Historical prints, representing some of the most memorable events in the history of. ... 959.14 Keightley, T. History of, [B. c. 825-B. c. 183] . . 959.7 Malkin, F. History of, from the earliest times to its final subjection to Rome 365.6 Mitford, W. History of, [B. c. 1006-B. c. 323] . . 944.1 Plutarchus. Greek history from [his] lives 946.10 Schmitz, L. History of, from the earliest times [B. c. 1400] to the destruction of Corinth, B. c. 146 958.3 Smith, W. History of, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest 958.1; 958.4 Same. Continued by C. C. Felton [to 1855] . . 952.7 Smaller history of, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest 938. 17 Stuart, J. Antiquities of Athens and other monu ments of 835.17 Thirlwall, C. History of, [B. c. 1384-B. c. 146]. 368.11; 952.6 White, J. Landmarks of the history of. 1857.. 959. 12 Note. Dr. William Smith considers Grote s contributions to historical science the most valuable thnt have been made within the present generation, and Grote s History [also in B. H. 3072.1] is commonly esteemed the most valuable of all for the student, and except for its voluminousness for the ordinary reader, who may find Smith s popular work [also in B. H. 8072.3], based upon Grote, more convenient. Grote presents the early legendary history, but begins to write in the mod ern critical spirit when he reaches B.C. 776, and continues the narrative to the close of Alexander s generation, B. C. 300. Thirlwall s careful History [also in B. II. 3072.2] appeared while Grote was writing his history, but it is not its equal. The earlier history of Mitford was vigorously written, with an aversion to democracy intensified by the then recent French revolution ; and Grote undertook his work to correct its errors, and to counteract the effects following upon Mitford s illiberal views of the popular institutions of the G reeks. Grote is re viewed in J.S. Mill s essays [813.4.3; B. H. 2565.20.3; 2565.21.2], and in the London times essays [8SHJ.14.2J. Gladstone s Ju- ventus mundi [B. H. 4993.8; 4998.20] aims to nhow from the Homeric poems the conditions of life at that time. See Ho- merus, note. The old popular compend was Goldsmith s [also in B. H. 3073.4 ; 507S)a.3 ; 5079a.6, continued to 1453], coming down to the death of Alexander the great, now considered inaccurate and superficial ; and so the modern critical and philosophical manner of writing history has thrown somewhat into disre pute the heroic and exaggerating method of Plutarch, which was copied by Rollin [in English, 952.1; B. H., in English, 2225.2; 2239.5; 4149.8; in French. 2239.6 : 2299.1] in his Ancient history. Keightley and Schmitz, with Smith mentioned above, are the best modern compendium*. Jacob s Hellas [B. H. 2959.8] is a convenient popular summary of the home, history, literature, and art of the Greeks. For the legendary history, see Mill s essay [B. H. 2065.20.2; 2565.21.2]; Max Mailer s Chips, [2097.28.2] ; and the manuals mentioned in the note under Mythology. The most popular of the German histories is that of Curtius [B. H., in English, 5073.8; .0077.12; in German, 3077.7], which is to come down to 11. o. 404, but is not yet completed. Hee- ren s isaspccial monograph[B. II. "071.0], ofhigh reputation, which has been translated by Bancroft, [B. II. 7590a.3]. Of Bnlwer s book, only a part, covering the period from the earliest times to B. o. 429, has been published, and he con stantly controverts Mitford. On the life and manner* of the ancient Greeks, Grote (or Smith s summary) is still the best, but beside Hasc, there are special monographs by St. John [B. H. 2060.25] and Harwood [B. II. 4900.28] for the English reader; while Becker s Chari cles [B. H., in German, 4960.27], though a novel, embodies the critical researches of German scholarship, accompanied with illustrative notes; and Barthelemy s Anacharsis [in English, GREECE. Ancient history and antiquities, continued. B. H. 4960.24; 5077.8; in French, 2065.2; B. H. 3073.1; 3073.2; 4207.11] is a book of imaginary travels in the ripest times of ancient Greece. See also the lecture on the " Social develop ment of the ancient Greeks " in the Dublin afternoon Ici tures, [B. H. 4559.10.;;]; the paper on their Every day life in Cham bers, [383.1.41; and Boeckh s Public economy of the Athe nians, [B. H. 2960.24]. On the antiquities, beside the popular account of Adams, there are the accounts by Stuart [also in B. II. "070.2] and Pot ter [B. H. 2900.16], for the English reader. See also Westropp s manual, [B. H. G235.21J; Wuc hsmuth s Historical antiquities, [B. H . 3076.1] ; and K. O. Miiller s Doric race, [B. II. 2960.9]. On the mi/tholorti/, see that head ; also Chambers s " Religion of the Greeks," [886.1.611 and Clarke s Ten great religions, [114.11 ]. See also Max Miiller s " Chips," [2097.28.2] ; .an article on the relations of the religion of ancient Greece to her mythol ogy, in the .North American review, July, 1869 ; and Higgin- Bon s essay on the goddesses, [877.211. See a chapter in Miiller f B. H. 3074.4] on religion. See De Quincey on Pagan oracles in his Memorials [905.3.1], and an examination of De Quincey s views on the religion of the Greeks in the Christian examiner, March, 1866. A German work by J. Hartung has sought to separate the religion from the mythology. Sec also Cocker s Christianity and Greek philosophy, [B. H. 7606.2] ; and " ^Eschylus as a religious teacher," in Contem porary review, vol. 3. Felton s lectures [also in B. H. 5073.1], as the work of a genial writer and the foremost of American Greek scholars, and as embodying personal observations of travel, are of great usefulness to the general reader; while the American edition, in English, of Eschenburg s Manual [402.6] is convenient as a summary with references for further reading, in every range of inquiry concerning ancient Greece. Smith s dictionaries of antiquities [B. II. Desk] and of biography and mythology [B. II. Desk] are of great excellence ; and Rich s " Compan ion " [B. H. 4968.2] will be of service for illustrations of all objects of archaeological interest. Emerson says, "An excellent popular book is J. A. St. John s Aneient Greece, [B. II. 2960.25] ; the life and letters of Nicbuhr [583.1], even more than his lectures [955.3], furnish leading^ views. The secret of the recent histories in German and in English is the discovery, owed first to Wolff and later to Boeekh [B. H. 2960.24], that the sincere Greek history of that period must be drawn from Demosthenes [866.2, etc/], especially from the business orations, and from the comic poets." See also Athenians, Athens, Attica, and the names of prom inent historical characters of Greece. Also, Bates Ilall cata logues. History, middle period. Finlay, G. Greece under the Romans, [B. c. 146- A. D. 717] 956.6 History of, from its conquest by the crusaders to its conquest by the Turks, [A. D. 540-1566] - . 956.5 History of the Byzantine empire, [716-1057].. 956.7 History of the Byzantine and Greek empires, [1057-1453] 955.5 Goldsmith, 0. Grecian history [continued to A. D. 1453] 953.5 Smith, W. History of, continued by C. C. Felton [to 1855] 952.7 Note. Fiulay [also in B. H. 3071.1.17 ; 3071.18, etc. See De Quincey s notice in his Theological cssavs, 905.2.1], who has elaborated this period with care, has hardly supplied the pop ular want, and the ordinary reader, besides consulting Gibbon [see note under Gibbon], will find the ground well covered for his purpose by Felton, in the continuation of Smith, [also in B. H. 3072.3]. See Villemaiu, on Greece since the Moslem conquest, [B. H. 2672.7.10] ; and on the fathers of the Greek church, [B. H. 4677.9]. Modern history. - Blaquiere, E. The Greek revolution, [1823] ... 918.1 Felton, C. C. Greece, ancient and modern 955.9 Finlay, G. History of the Greek revolution 924.5 Howe, S. G. Historical sketch of the Greek revo lution, [1821-27] 918.4 - Keightley, T. History of the war of indepen dence, [1821-27] 830.61 - Smith, W. History of, continued by C. C. Felton [to 1855] 952.7 - Stanhope, L. Greece, in 1823 and 1824 918.2 tfote. Felton, in his continuation of Smith, which is the most convenient popular account, makes use of Sir James Emerson Tennent s History of modern Greece, [B. H. 3074.2]. On the war for independence begun in 1821, beside Howe [also in B. H., E. 117.4] and the others mentioned above, there are in English, Gordon, [B. H. 4252.:!] ; Leake, [B. II. 3078.2] ; in French, Lenormant, [B. H. 3073.17]; and the Modern Greek account by Tricoupi [B. H., in English, 3077.11], which Felton calls excellent. The reader will not forget Mr. Everett s ele gant essay in the Korth American review for October, 1823 [also in his works], and Mr. Webster s speech in congress [in his works, 284.1.3] for the recognition of Greek indepen dence. See also De Quincey s paper on the Greek revolution, [905.3.1] ; and Trelawny s and other lives of Byron. Also index to British documents in Bates Hall Supplemental Index, p. 246. Wright, in his Middle ag^es [B. H. 2520.27], has it paper on the popular superstitions ot modern Greece. GREECE 116 GREEN GREECE, continued. Literature, etc. Anthon, C. Manual of Greek literature, from the earliest authentic periods to the close of the By zantine era 403.5 Brief view of Greek philosophy, from the age of Socrates to Christ v. 2 of 850.25 Brief view of Greek philosophy to the age of Pericles v. 2 of 850.25 Browne, R. W. History of classical (Greek) lit erature 401 - 3 Brownins, E. B. Essays on the Greek Christian O "") 1 4 poets 373.14 Kate. Also in B. H. 2964.9. Felton, C. C. Greece, ancient and modern 955.9 Matthiso, A. (H.) Manual of the history of Greek literature. 1841 406.11 Mueller, C. 0. History of the literature of ancient Greece. 1840 365.11 Note. Forthe general history of Greek literature, the Eng lish reader will find compendious accounts in Eschenburg, [402.fi]; in particular chapters of Smith s History of Greece, [952.7; B. H. 3072.3]: and in some of the lectures of Feuoni Greece, [also in B. H. 5073.1] ; while Grate s view of the litera ture is as valuable as his history is in other sections. Of the manuals, Anthon s [403.5] covers the entire interval from the mythical to the Byzantine period, and gives a list of chief au thorities, beside foot-note references. Browne gives few aids of this sort. Coleridge s book on the poets [400.1] is " princi pally though not exclusively intended for young persons. Mueller, who died in 1S40, left incomplete what promised to be a most valuable history [also in B. H.. in German, B. 163.4], but it has been continued by Donaldson, [B. H., in English, 3074.4]. The work of Col. Mure [B. H. 4952.9] is, however, the most elaborate monograph in English, while the series of essays on special departments of the literary history of Greece, by Sergeant Talfourd and others [H. H. 2959.30], will be of in terest to the student. Sec also De Quincey s article on " style in his Historical and critical essays. [895.16.2]. The Germans esteem very highly Schlosser s Ancient world and its culture, [B. H., in German, 4147.: ,]. There is an English bibliography of classical literature by Moss, [B. II. 2174.1]. On the lyrical poetry, see Westminster review, or no. 1481 of Living age. On the ijfrcek drama, Donaldson is of the most repute in English, [B.H. 2952.1]-, but, beside particular sections in works enumerated above, tlie English reader will find a brief sum mary in the translation of Schlegel l " Lectures on the dra matic art and literature," [818.7]. See also Wilson s Essays, [B. H. 4566.11.4] ; and De Ouincey s theory of Greek tragedy in his Letters, etc., [90.U]. On the oratory, see Brougham, [B. II. 4579.53.7]. See also Classical, in Lower Hall catalogues. Also Bates Hall catalogue. Also the names of principal Greek authors in all the catalogues. Art. Winckelmann, J. (J.) History of ancient art among the Greeks. Translated by G. H. Lodge. 205.7 Kote. See Dr. Lodge s translation of Winckelmann s well- known work [also in B. H. 4074.9, see also Atlantic, April, 1873]. Taine s recent book [B. H., in English, 8007.21; in French, 8067.15] is written in pursuance of his favorite theory of ethnological and climatic influences. The English render will find the history of Greek art treated in general histories of art, of sculpture, and of painting; and special chapters in the books already referred to, by Urote. Felton, Smith, and Es chenburg. See also under names of artists in Smith s Diction ary of biography, and in the Library s catalogues. Mueller s "Ancient art and its remains" [Mn English, B. H. 4072.9] is the work of a laborious archaeologist; sec also Foster s Essays, [837.7.2]. There is a popular account in Viardot s " Wonders of sculp ture," [1198.19]. On the art use of their mythology, see the German of Over- beck, [B. II. 3484.50]. On their taste for the picturesque, see Cambridge essays, [873.13]. Also Van Brunt s papers on the principles of Greek art in the Atlantic, June, 16C1, etc. Travels, description, etc. About, E. (F. V.) Greece and the Greeks. 1857 918.15 Andersen, H. C. A poet s bazaar. Pictures of travel iu. 1871 657.21 Auldjo, J. Visit to Constantinople, and some of the Greek islands, in 1833 685.4 Baird, H. M. Modern Greece. 1856 918.11 Benjamin, S. G. W. The Turk and the Greek. 1867 916.20 Blaquiere, E. Narrative of a second visit to, [1824] 683.11 Bowen, G. F. Handbook for travellers in. 1854.. 649.8 Carlisle, Earl of. See Howard, G. W. F., (below). Chandler, R. Travels in, [1764-66] 683.5 Shelf. No. GREECE. Travels, description, etc., continued. Chase, T. Hellas, her monuments and scenery. 1863 656.7 Chateaubriand, (R.) F. A., vicomte de. Travels in, [1806, 7] 685.7 Clarke, E. D. Travels in. 1816-24 v. 8 of 682.1 683.10; v. 2 of 689.6 Crowe, E. E. The Greek and the Turk. 1853.... 1918.1 Dorr, B. Notes of travel in. 1856 686.12 Felton, C. C. Greece, ancient and modern 955.9 Grey, T. Journal of a visit to. 1870 1675.14 Herve, F. Residence in. 1837 683.8 Howard, G. W. F., earl of Carlisle. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. 1855 683.12 Howe, F. Oriental and sacred scenes, from notes of travel in. 1869 1694.18 Leech, H. H. Letters of a sentimental idler, from Greece. 1869 1675.10 Pococke, E. India in Greece. 1852 956. 10 Senior, N. W. Journal in, [1857, 58] 688.13 Sonnini, C. N. S. de M. Travels in. 1801 683.9 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in. 1849 . . . 689.1 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Travels in. 1859 688.12 Temple, Sir G. T. Excursion in. 1836 1675.1 Tuckerman, C. K. The Greeks of to-day. 1872.. 918.19 Wilson, S. S. Narrative of the Greek mission; or, sixteen years in. 1839 683.2 Kate. About s book [also in French, 1078.54; B. H., in English, 5089a.l9] has the characteristics of this bright and witty writer; also see Countess Gasparin s travels, [B. H. 9089.1.1]. C. Wordsworth s [B. H. 3071.11] is one of the best of the comprehensive presentations; also see Chase s popular description of her monuments and scenery, [also in B. H. t]uaneny review, utui., iouot nuiym B niuuuiij , WL. AI , \jv temporary review, vol. 1; a chapter in Benjamin, (above named) ; and an essay in De Qumcey fl Theological essays, etc., [905.2]. See also Athenians, Athens, Attica, Ionian islands, Morea, Trebizond. Also Bates Hall catalogues, and general travels in the East. GREEK islands, Visit to some of the, in 1833. Auld- jo, J 635.4 GREEK waters, Diary in. 1855. Howard, G. W. F., earl of Carlisle 683.12 GREELEY, Horaoa, American journalist, b. 1811, d. 1872. The American conflict, 1860-65. Illus trated. Hartford, 1864, 66. 2 v. L. 8 281.1 Glances at Europe. Now York, 1851. 12 647.13 Overland journey from New York to San Fran cisco, 1859. Now York, 1860. 12 637.24 Recollections of a busy life. [With engravings.] New York, 1868. 8 1522.11 Cornell, W. M. Life and public career of 518.20 Parton, J. Life of 1518.6; 1522.13 Reavis, L. TJ. Representative life of 518.25 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 and CLEVELAND, John F. Political text-book for 1860. New York, 1860. 8 292,6 Note. Greeley s Recollections [also in B. H. 23(5.. 6| 4445.2] is a scries of papers, largely political, avoiding the continuity of a regular life, because of Parton s previous work, which is the best general biography. The lives by Cornell and Keavis were written for the Into presidentiaf campaign. For briefer sketches, sec also Bungay s Off-hand takings, [1529.28] ; Put nam s magazine, July, 1855. and May, 1808; and the memorial article by Thurlow Weed, in the Galaxy, March. 1873; and by J. II. Browne, in Harper s monthly, April. 1873. See also Hudson s Journalism, [231.1 ; B. H. 2405.54, chapter 33]. GREEN, Mary A. E. Letters of royal and illustrious ladies of Great Britain, [1103-1558]. Illus trated. London, 1846. 3 v. 12 U 596.5 Lives of the princesses of England, [1066-1670]. London, 1850-55. 6 v. 8 594.13 GREEN, Mrs. Nancy, Irish heroine, b. 1750, d. 1827. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 3 of 538.13 GREEN, Rev. Samuel. Life of Mahomet, [Arabian prophet, b. 571, d. 632]; with notices of the history of Islamism and of Arabia. London, 1840. 16 389.4. GREEN, Samuel G. Bible sketches and their teach ings, for young people. The life of Christ upon earth. Illustrated. Boston, 1871. 16 1108.14 GREEN 117 QRKY Shelf. No. GREEN, Thomas J. Narrative of tho Texian expe dition against Mier. Illustrated. New York, 1845. 8 U 623.10 .GREENE, Catharine, afterwards Mrs. Mille.r, wife of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, b. 1753, d. 1815. See Ellet, E. P. Tho women of tho American revo lution v. 1 of 538.13 GREENE, George W. Historical studies. New York, 1850. 12 947.9 Historical view of tho American revolution. Bos ton, 1865. 12 308.24 History and geography of the middle ages. New York, 1851. 12 947.10 Life of Nathaniel Greene, [American revolution ary general, b. 1742, d. 1786], See Sparks, J. v. 20 of 529.1 GIIEENE, Max. Tho Kanzas region. New York, 1856. 12 239.6 GREENE, Nathaniel, American revolutionary general, b. 1742, d. 1786. Caldwell, C. Life and cam paigns of 515.7 Greene, G. W. Life of v. 20 of 529.1 Kale. The same G. W. Greene, a grandson of General Greene, has recently written, with the aid of the general s Sapors, an elaborate and voluminous life, [B. II. 2340.10]. See orth American review, April, 1868; Atlantic monthly, April, 1868 ; and Harper s monthly, vol. 15. Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. v. 2 of 516.1 Simms, W. G. Life of 528.15 GREENHOW, Robert. History of Oregon and Califor nia. 2d edition. Boston, 1845. 8 235.9 GREENHOW, Rose. My imprisonment and the first year of abolition rule at Washington. London, 1863. Sm. 8 307.18 GREENLAND. Graah, W. A. Narrative of an expe dition to the east coast of. 1837 704.3 Hayes, I. I. The land of desolation: a personal narrative of observation and adventure in. 1872. 703.14 Historical and descriptive account of. 1841 820.35 Note. See Hartwig [704.14] and other works mentioned under Arctic regions; also Harper s monthly, vol. 44. GREENOUGH, Horatio, American sculptor, b. 1805, d. 1852. Memorial of. See Tuckerman, H. T 526.9 ffate. See also Tuckerman s Book of the artists, [B. H. GREENVILLE, or GRENVILLE, Sir Richard, b. 1540, d. 1591. See Southey, R. Lives of the British admirals r. 3 of 388.5 GREENWOOD, Grace, pseud. See Lippincott, Sara J. GREGG, Josiah. Commerce of the prairies or the journal of a Santa Fe trader, during eight expe ditions across tho great Western prairies, and a residence of nearly nine years in Northern Mexi co, [1831-40]. Illustrated. 4th edition. Phila delphia, 1850. 2 v. 12 628.16 Scones and incidents in the Western prairies. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1856. tiv. in 1. 12. 239.12 GREGORIUS NAZIANZENCS, St., father of the Greek church, bishop of Constantinople, poet and rhtton- cian, b. 329, d . 389? See Wilson, W. The pop ular preachers of the ancient church 555.20 ffate. See references in Thomas, and McClintock and Strong. GREGORITJS VII (Hildebrand), pope, b. 1013, d. 1085. Greisley, Sir R. Life and pontificate of 543.7 Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 Note. See Stephen s Essays in ecclesiastical biography, [B. H. 3553.4, or in 1817.20] ; Milman s Latin Christianity, Also the titles under Ecclesiastical history, Popes, Roman catholic church, and the reference! in Hoefer, McCliutock and Strong, and Thomas. GREOORIUS XVI (Mauro Cappellari),pope, b. 1765, d. 1846. Gavazzi, A. My recollections of the last four popes 1098.25 Wiseman, N. (P. S.) Recollections of the last four popes 1098.1 ; 2095.1 Shelf. No. GHEGOROVICS, Ferdinand. Corsica in its picturesque, social and historical aspects. 1852. Translated by R. Martineau. London, 1855. 16 1655.2 Same. Translated by E. J. Morris. Philadel phia, 1855. 12 1007.5 GREGORY, popes. See Gregorius. GREGORY, David, Scotch mathematician, inventor of the reflecting telescope, b. 1661, d. 1708. See Ir ving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 686. 13 GREGORY, Olynthus Gilbert, English mathematician, b. 1774, d. 1841. Memoirs of John Mason Good, M. D., [b. 1764, d. 1827]. [With portrait.] Lon don, 1832. 16 578.10 GREISLEY, Sir Roger. Life and pontificate of Greg ory vii, [Hildebrand, b. 1013, d. 1085]. Lon don, 1832. 8 543.7 GRENVILLE, George N. T., lord Nugent. Lands, classical and sacred. London, 1846. 2 v. 24. 840.48 Some memorials of John Hampden [English pat riot, b. 1594, d. 1643], his party, and his times. [With portraits, etc.] London, 1832. 2 v. 8. 562.7 GRENVILLE, Sir Richard. See Greenville, Sir R. GRENVILLE, Richard Plantagenet, 2d duke of Buck ingham and Chandos, b. 1797, d. 1861. Memoirs of the court and cabinets of George in, [1782- 1810]. [With portraits.] London, 1853-55. 4v. 8 994.1 Memoirs of the courts and cabinots of William iv and Victoria, [1830-60]. [With portraits.] London, 18G1. 2 v. 8 994.4 Memoirs of the court of England, during tho re gency, 1811-20. [With portraits.] London, 1856. 2 v. 8 994.2 Memoirs of the court of George iv, 1820-30. [With portraits.] London, 1859. 2 v. 8.... 994.3 GRENVILLE, William Wyndham, lord, English states man, b. 1759, d. 1834. See Rogers, S. Recol lections 395.5 ; 1396.3 GRESHAM, Sir Thomas, founder of the Royal exchange, b. 1519, d. 1579. Life. [Anon.} [With por trait, etc.] London, 1845. 24 840.22 Bourne, II. R. F. Famous London merchants. . . 1559.3 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 4 of 840.10 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 GRETTON, A. L. V. The vicissitudes of Italy, since the congress of Vienna. London, 1859. 12... 917.5 GRETTON, Mrs. G. The Englishwoman in Italy. London, 1860. 12 665.13 GREVILLE, Fulke, 1st lord Brooke, statesman, philoso pher, and poet, b. 1554, d. 1628. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.3 GREVILLE, Robert, 2d lord Brooke, English writer, b. 1608, d. 1643. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 GREVILLE, Robert K. History of British India. See Murray, H 810.51 GREY, Sir George. Polynesian mythology. [With illustrations.] London, 1855. 8 1087.20 Two expeditions in North-west and Western Aus tralia, 1837-39. [With illustrations.] London, 1841. 2v. 8 705.4 GREY, Henry, duke of Suffolk, beheaded 1554. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815. 1 GREY, Jane, lady, queen of England 13 days, b. 1537, ex. 1554. Adams, W. H. D. The sunshine of domestic life 1517.1 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 3 of 840.10 Clarke, M. C. World-noted women 1522.25 Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns and illustrious women 569.28 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Sketches of the lives of distinguished females.. . .1859.10 Note See Fuller g Holy and profane states, [2099.28J. OHKY 118 GUESCLIN Shelf. No. GREY, Theresa. Journal of a visit to Egypt, Constan tinople, the Crimea, Greece, etc. New York, 1870. 12 ................................. 1675.14 GRIFFIN, Frederick. Junius discovered. Boston, 1854. 16 ................................ 877.12 GRIMALDI, Joseph, English comedian, b. 1779, d. 1837. Memoirs. Edited by " Boz," [C. Dickens]. With portrait. New York, 1838. 12 ........ 1595.7 -- Same. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 12 ........ 597.10 -- Same. With illustrations. London, 1854. 16. 597.11 -- Same. With illustrations. London, 1859. 16. 1517.6 GRIMM, Herman. Life of Michael Angelo [Buona- rotti, Italian painter, sculptor, and architect, b. 1474, d. 1564]. Translated by P. E. Bunndtt. [With portrait.] Boston, 1865. 2 v. 12 ---- 573.10 GRINNELL expedition in search of Sir J. Franklin. See Kane, E. K ......................... 702.2; 702.3 GRINSTED, T. P. Last homes of departed genius. With illustrations. London, 1867. 16 ....... 549.41 GRISCOM, John. A year in Europe, 1818, 19. New York, 1823. 2 v. 8 ....................... 647.7 GRISI, Giulia or Giuletta, afterwards Madame de Melcy, Italian opera singer, b. 1812, d. 1869. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song ................ 591.2 GRISWOLD, Chauncey D. The isthmus of Panama, and what I saw there. [With map.] New York, 1852. 12 ................................. 629.16 GRISWOLD, John A., American statesman, b. 1822, d. 1872. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress ................................... 522.16 GRISWOLD, Louise M. A woman s pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Notes of a tour through Europe and the East. With illustrations. Hartford, 1871. Sm. 8 ..................................... 688.22 GRISWOLD, Rufus Wilmot, b. 1815, d. 1857. Bio graphical annual. Containing memoirs of emi nent persons, recently deceased. New York, 1841. 12 ................................. 518.12 Contents. Theodore Sedgwick, American lawyer, poli tician, and author, b. 1781, d. 183!); William Uunlap, American dramatic author and painter, b. 1 tiO, d. 18."!) ; Benjamin Bussey Thatcher, American author, b. 180!), d. 1S40 ; Jesse Buel, Amer ican agriculturalist, b. 1778, d. 1839; Hugh Lawson White, American jurist and statesman, b. 1773, cl. 1840; John Bleeckcr Van Schaick, American poet and journalist, b. 1804, d. leCSI; John Wesley Jarvis, Englitfb. portrait painter, b. 1780, d. 1834 ; Charles Hammond, Jurist, b. 1771), d. 1840; Rev. Charles T. C. Follcn, professor of the Gorman language in Harvard college, b. 1790, d. 1840; Benjamin Pierce, American revolutionary general, governor of New Hampshire, b. 1757, d. 1839; Absa lom Peters, American general and statesman, b. 1754, d. 1840; Robert Young Hayne, American statesman and author, b. 1791, d. 1840; Richard Bacon, jr., author, b. 1814, d. 1838, Franz Anton Gerstner, chevalier de, German engineer, b. 1790, d. 1840; Dmitri Augustine Galitzin, GalliUin, or Gal- litsin, written alsn Galyzin. Russian Roman catholic priest in America, b. 1770, d. 1840; William Leggett, American politician and miscellaneous writer, b. 1802, d. 1840; Solomon Southwick, American editor and author, b. 1773, d. 1839; llenrv. T.Finn, American actor and dramatist, b. 1782, d. 18-10; Rev. Elihu W. Baldwin, I).r>., president of Wabash college, b. 1789, d. 1840; Nicholas Cusick, Indian chief, b. 1750, d.1840; Rev. John Thornton Kirkland. president of Harvard college, b. 1770, d. 1810; William Maclure, American geologist, b. 1788, d. 1840; William Stone, American divine and soldier, b. 1757, d. 1840 ; George Wolf, governor of Pennsylvania, b. 1777, d. 1840 ; Capt. James Riley, American naval otticcr, b. 1777, d. 1840 j Stephen Burroughs, American adventurer, b. 1765, d. 1840 j John Holm, pioneer of the West, b. 1761, d. 1840: John Adair, American general, b. 17.58, d. 1840; John Lowell, American philanthropist, founder of the Lowell institute, Boston, b. 1769. d. 1840; Gilbert Stuart Newton, American painter, b. 179.5, d. 1835; Samuel Ward, American merchant, b. 1786, d. 1839; Stephen Van Rensselaer, American statesman and patron or learning, b. 1764. d. 1839; Henry Perrine, American physician. ne, mercan pyscan. d. 1840; Timothy Flint, American divine, missionary, and author, b. 1780, d. 1840; Matthew Car publisher, b. 1760, d. 1839. arey, American author and Curiosities of American literature. See Disraeli, I. Curiosities of literature 402.5 The female poets of America. 2d edition. Phila delphia, 1852. 8 314.7 The poets and poetry of America. Philadelphia, 1842. 8 314.5 Same, llth edition, with illustrations. Phila delphia, 1851. 8 314.4 The poets and poetry of England in the nineteenth century. 4th edition. Philadelphia, 1852. 8. 311.7 The prose writers of America. With portraits. 4th edition. Philadelphia, 1857. 8 872.12 The sacred poets of England and America. Illus trated. Now edition. New York, 1850. 8., 311.8 Shelf. No. GRONOW, Capt. Rees Howell, of the English army, b. 1794, d. 1865. Last recollections; being the fourth and final of his Reminiscences and anec dotes. With portrait. London, 1866. 16 587.23 Recollections and anecdotes of the camp, the court, and the clubs, at the close of the last war with France. With illustrations. New edition. 1st and 2d series. London, 1864. 16 587.24 Reminiscences. With illustrations. London, 1862. 12 554.11 Note. This is the same as the 1st series of " Recollections and anecdotes." GROOT, Gerard, Dutch theologian, b. 1340, d. 1384. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and suffer ings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 GROOT, Hugo van. See Grotius, H. GROSER, William H. Men worth imitating. [With illustrations.] London, n. d. Sm. 8 557.20 Contents. Philip Doddridge, English non-conformist, b. 1702, d. 1751 ; Joseph Rene Bellot, French Arctic explorer, b. 1826, d. 1853; William Caxton, the first English printer, b. about 1412, d. 1491 ; John Dollond, English optician, b. 1706, d. 1761; George Mogridge (Old Humphrey), English author. b. 1787, d. 1852; Thomas Bewick, English reviver of the art of engraving on wood, and naturalist, u. 1753, d. 1828; Charles Linnasus, or Linne, Swedish naturalist and author, b. 1707, d. 1778; William Pa. ey, English theologian and moralist, b. 1743, d. 1805; John Locke, English philosopher, b. 1632, d. 1704; George Wilson, professor of technology in the University of Edinburgh, b. 1818, d. 1839; Samuel Drew, methodist divine and metaphysical writer, b. 1765, d. 1833; Adam Clarke, Wes- leyan commentator, antiquary, and oriental scholar, b. 1760, d. 1832. GROTE, George, English author and statesman, b. 1794, d. 1871. History of Greece, [to B. c. 300]. Bos ton and New York, 1851-56. 12 v. 12 958.5 GROTE, Mrs. H. Memoir of Ary Scheffer, [French painter, b. 1795, d. 1858]. [With portrait.] London, 1860. 8 642.16 GROTEFEND, George F. Attica and Athens. See Lockhart, J. 1 955.7 GROTIUS, or VAN GROOT, Hugo, Dutch historian, poet, theologian, jurist, and political writer, b. 1583, d. 1645. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature, v. 3 of 1869.1 GROUCHY, Emmanuel, marquis, marshal of France, b. 1766, d. 1847. See Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals v. 2 of 605.1; v. 2 of 605.2 GROW, Galusha A., American politician, b. 1824. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 GRUND, Francis J. Thoughts and reflections on the present position of Europe, and its probable con sequence to the United States. Philadelphia, 1860. 12 947.19 GUARINI, Giovanni Battista, Italian poet, b- 1537, d. 1612. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 2 of 398.1 GUENDERODE, Caroline, and ARNIM, Bettine von. Correspondence. Boston, 1861. 12 883.11 GUERICKE, Heinrioh E. F. Manual of church his tory. Translated by W. G. T. Shedd, Andover, 1857. 8 1082.4 GU&RIN, Claudine Alexandrine, marquise de Tencin. See Tencin, C. A. Guerin, marquise de. GUERIN, Eugenie de. Letters. Edited by G. S. Trebutien. London, 1866. 8 2097.6 Note. See Contemporary review, vol. 4. GUERIN, (Georges) Maurice de, French poet, b. 1810, d. 1839. Journal, with an essay by M. Arnold, and a memoir by Sainte-Beuve. Edited by G. S. Trebutien. Translated by E. T. Fisher. New York, 1867. 12 1587.1 GUERNSEY, Alfred H., and ALDEN, Henry M. Harper s pictorial history of the great rebellion. Part 1. New York, [cop. 1866]. F 271.1 GCERRABELLA, Gonovieve, madame, formerly Miss Ward, American opera singer. Memoir. [Anon.] New York, 1863. 63pp. 8 537.35 , Bertrand du. See Du Guesolin, B. GUETZLAFF 119 HAHNEMANN Shelf. No. UUZTZLAFF, Carl (F. A.), German missionary, b. 1803, d. 1851. Journal of three voyages along the coast of China, 1831-33. 3d edition. Lon don, n. d. Sm. 8 U 688.8 Journal of two voyages along the coast of China, 183-1,32. New York, 1833. 12 706.5 A sketch of Chinese history, [B. c. 2207-A. r>. 1820]. London, 1834. 2 v. 8 934.7 GDIANA, Discovery of, [1595]. Raleigh, Sir W 266.1 Note. See Tour du monde, [B. n. 6292.1, 1866, vol. 1]. GUICCIARDINI, Francesco, Italian historian, jurist, and diplomatist, b. 1482, d. 1540. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal . . v. 2 of 398. 1 GUIDI, Tommaso, called Masaccio, Italian painter, b. 1401, d. 1443. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 1 of 840.23 GDILD, Curtis. Over the ocean; or, sights and scenes in foreign lands. Boston, 1871. 16... 645.23 GUILFORD, Earl. See North, Frederick. GUILFORD, Lord. See North, Francis. GUILLOTINE, History of the. Croker, J. W 1009.13 GUIZOT, Elisabeth Charlotte Pauline de Meulan, French authoress, b. 1773, d. 1827. See Sainte- Bouve, C. A. Portraits of celebrated women. . .1598.16 GUIZOT, Francois (Pierre Guillaume), French states man and historian, b. 1787. [Pierre] Corneille [French dramatic poet, b. 1606, d. 1684] and his times. New York, 1852. 12 886.8 Democracy in France. New York, 1849. 61 pp. 12 U 134.21 Essay on the character and influence of Washing ton in the revolution. [With portrait.] 2d edition. Boston, 1851. 16 518.17 , Great Christians of Franco, Saint Louis [king of France, b. 1215, d. 1270] and Calvin [Swiss scholar and reformer, b. 1509, d. 1564]. [Illus trated.] [London, 1868.] 10 1118.6 History of civilization, from the fall of the Ro man empire to the French revolution. Trans lated by W. Hazlitt. [With portraits.] Lon don, 1856. 3 v. P. 8 837.5 - Same. [With notes by C. S. Henry.] New York, 1850, 52. 4 v. 12 949.1 History of Oliver Cromwell and the English com monwealth, [1649-58]. Translated by A. R. Scoble. London, 1854. 2 v. 8 975.8 Same. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 12 978.2 History of the English revolution of 1640. Trans lated by W. Hazlitt. New York, 1846. 2 v. in 1. 12 979.9 Same. London, 1851. P. 8 978.5 Same. London, 1856. P. 8 837.4 Memoirs to illustrate the history of my time. London, 1858-61. 4 v. 8 1003.5 Origin of representative government in Europe. Translated by A. R. Scoble. London, 1852. P. 8. 817.7 Shakspeare [b. 1564, d. 1616] and his times. New York, 1852. 12 357.5 per s monthly, vol. 23; and the sketch, [614.8]. GUNNISON, J. W. The Mormons: a history of their rise and progress. Philadelphia, 1853. 12... 1087.8 GUBNEY, Archer, English divine and author, b. 1817. See Powell, T. The living authors of England. 586.9 GURNEY, Joseph John, English philanthropist, b. 1788, d. 1847. A winter in the West Indies. 3d edi tion. London, 1841. 635.5 .Vote. See Sprague s Celebrities, [648.9]. GURNEY, Samuel, 6. 1786, d. 1856. See Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants 1559.3 GUROWSKI, Adam (G.) de. America and Europe. New York, 1857. 12 134.19 Diary [in the United States], from March 4, 1861, to Oct. 18, 1863. Now York, 1864. 2 v. 12. 295.10 Diary: 1863-65. Washington, 1866. 16 244.11 Shelf. No. GUROWSKI, Adam (G.) de, continued. Russia as it is. New York, 1854. 12 927.1 Slavery in history. New York, I860. 12 946.9 GUSTAVUS I, VASA, king of Sweden, b. 1496, d. 1560. Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 Peake, H. The boy s book of heroes 55 1.28 See alto Sweden. GUSTAVUS II, ADOLPHUS, the. great, king of Swiden, b. 1594, d. 1632. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Chapman, B. History of 546.5 Ellis, G. (J. W.) Agar, lord Dover. Lives of the most eminent sovereigns of modern Europe 548.28 Harte, W. History of 546.3 Heydenreich, L. W. Life of 1588.2 Hollings, J. F. Life of 389.6 Note. Harte s is the old English life of the last century; but Chapman s embodies later researches, is carefully written, and is the best of the extended accounts in English, Hol- lings s is a popular narrative; and He.ydeiireich s is written for young readers. The principal foreign authorities are Mauvil- lon [B. II. iSiUHJ, who had access to the Swedish aichives, an<lGfrorer[B.H. 2852.4; 421:3.5] who is catholic and con troverts Schiller, both of whose researches have been availed of by Chapman. Archbishop Trench makes the king the me revv montniy magazine, ISD.S, or no. jyu or living age; in Harper s monthly, vol. 42, on Gustavus and Wallenstein. See the histories of the Thirty years wars ; and of Sweden. GUSTAVUS III, king of Sweden, b. 1746, d. 1792. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 GUTENBERG, Johaun, or HANS GENSFLEISCH, inventor of printing, b. 1400, d. 1468. Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 2 of 547.4 Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555. 13 See also Printing; and the chapter on "Invention of print ing" in Disraeli s Amenities of literature, and references in Hoefer. Tnomas ; also Harper s monthly, vol. 11; and Pear son s " Gutenberg, and the art of printing," [19G.3]. GUTHRIE, James, of Kentucky, b. 1795, d. 1869. See Savage, J. Our living representative men GUY, Joseph, jr. Illustrated London geography. 2d edition. London, 1853. 8 GUY, Thomas, founder of Guy s hospital, b. 1644, d. 1724. Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London mer chants Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of GUYON, Jeanne Mario Bouvie res de La Mothe, French -mystic and authoress, b. 1648, d. 1717. Letters. [Edited] by P. L. Upham. Boston, [cop. 1858]. 12 Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs Upham, T. C. Life and religious opinions and experience of GYPSIES. Borrow, G. The Zincali; or, an account of the gypsies of Spain 673.1; 889.5 Hoyland, J. Customs, habits, and present state of the Simson, W. History of the 527.19 955.4 1559.3 1869.1 118.21 2085.9 617.15 ; 935.3 955.6 935.2 HABERSHAM, Alexander W. My last cruise; or, where we went and what wo saw: visits to the Malay and Loo-Choo islands, [etc.]. [Illustrated.] Philadelphia, 1857. 8 1706.1 HADFIELD, William. Brazil and the river Plate in 1868. [Illustrated.] London, 1869. 8 1623.4 HADJI in Syria. Johnson, S. B 689. 14 HAENDEL, G. F. See Handel, G. F. HAESELER, Charles H. Across the Atlantic. Letters from Franco, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and England. Philadelphia, [cop. 1868]. 16 1667.3 HAHNEMANN, Samuel Christian Friodrich, German founder of homoeopathy, b. 1755, d. 1843. Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 HAHN-HAHN 120 HALL AM Shelf. No. HAHN-HAHN, Ida (M. L. F. G.), countess, German nov elist and tourist , b. 1805. Letters; written during her travels in Turkey, Egypt, the Holy Land, Syria, Nubia, etc., in 1843-4. London, 1845. 3 v. 12^ 687.10 HAINES, Charles G., American lawyer, b. 1793, d. 1825. Memoir of Thomas Addis Emmet, [Irish historian and insurrectionist, b. 1703, d. 1827], With a biographical notice of Mr. Haines. New York, 1829. 16 598.17 See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 HAKLDYT, Richard, English historian and geographer, 6. 1553, d. 1616. A vindication of. See Ty tier, P. F 810.53 HALDANE, Robert and James A. Memoir, [1764- 1851]. [Anon.] [New York, 1858.] 12 1105.22 HALE, Edward E. Kanzas and Nebraska. Boston, 1854. 12 629.2 Ninety days worth of Europe. Boston, 1861. 12. 656.2 Puritan politics of England and New England. See Massachusetts historical society 222.3 HALE, Sir Matthew, English chief-justice and writer, b. 1609, d. 1676. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Brightwcll, C. L. Memorials of the early lives of great lawyers 1516.13 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies . . v. 8 of 840. 10 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 Roscoe, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers ... 388.4 Williams, Sir J. B. Memoirs of 568.9 HALE, Capt. Nathan, the martyr-spy of the American revolution, b. 1755, d. 1776. Life of. See Stuart, I. W 528.21 HALE, Salma. History of the United States to 1817. Now York, [cop. 1840]. 2 v. 24 820.27 HALE, Sarah J. Woman s record; or, sketches of dis tinguished women till 1850. Illustrated. New York, 1853. L. 8 541.1 Same. To 1854. Illustrated. 2d edition. New York, 1860. L. 8 1550.1 HALES, Stephen, D. D., English experimental philoso pher, b. 1677, d. 1761. See Memorials of early genius 551.10 HALEY, William D. Philp s Washington described. A view of the American capital, and the District of Columbia. Now York, 1861. 12 228.18 HALF century, The, 1800-50. Davis, E 297.10 HALIBDRTON, Thomas C. Historical and statistical account of Nova-Scotia. Illustrated. Halifax, 1829. 2 v. 8 265.2 HALIFAX, Earl of. See Montague, Charles. HALKETT, John. Historical notes respecting the In dians of North America. London, 1825. 8... 245.5 HALL, A. Oakoy. The Manhattaner in Now Orleans. New York, 1851. 12 629.15 HALL, Anna M., and FOSTER, Mrs. John. Stories and studies from the chronicles and history of England, [to 1837]. [Illustrated.] London, 1847. 2r. 12 979.6 HALL, Capt. Basil,. British navy, b. 1788, d. 1844. Journal on the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, 1820-22. Boston, 1824. 2v.ini. 12 639.7 Same. Edinburgh, 1826. 2 v. 24. .v. 2, 3 of 830.25 Patchwork. 2d edition. London, 1841. 3 v. 16 689.21 Schloss Hainfeld; or, a winter in Lower Styria. Paris, 1836. 12 667.21 Voyage of discovery to the west coast of Corea, and the great Loo-Choo islands. Philadelphia, 1818. 8 696.5 Voyage to Loo-Choo and other places in the East ern seas, in 1816. Edinburgh, 1826. 24. . .v. 1 of 830.25 HALL, Charles F. Arctic researches and life among the Esquimaux: being the narrative of an ex pedition in search of Sir J. Franklin, 1860-62. With maps and illustrations. New York, 1865. 8 701.14 HALL, Dominick Augustine. History of the Bank of the United States. See Clarke, M. St. C 296.1 Shelf. No. HALL, Edward B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware, [of Cambridge, Mass., b. 1798, d. 1849]. Boston, 1853. 12 535.3 HALL, Edward H. Appleton s hand-book of American travel. Southern tour. With maps. New York, 1872. 12 638.25 Tho groat West: travellers , miners , and mer chants guide. Now York, 1865. 12 636.10 The summer tourist s pocket guide to American watering-places. New York, 18G9. 1G 3 1639.16 HALL, Frederic. Life of Maximilian i, late emperor of Mexico [b. 18:52, d. 1867], with a sketch of the empress Carlota. [With portrait and en gravings.] Now York, 1808. 12 1522.16 HALL, Ililand. History of Vermont, to 1791. Al bany, 1868. 8 234.17 HALL, James. Letters from the West. London, 1828. 8 - 237.1 Memoir of William Honry Harrison, [9th presi dent of the United States, b. 1775, d. 1841]. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1836. 24.... 519.1 Memoir of Thomas Posey, [governor of Indiana, b. 1750, d. 1818]. See Sparks, J v. 19 of 529.1 Sketches of tho West. Philadelphia, 1835. 2. v. 18 239.13 The West: its commerce and navigation. Cin cinnati, 1848. 12 239.9 HALL, Rev. Joseph. Scripture history. Abridged by Rev. G. H. Glasse. Revised edition. New York, n. d. 12 1107.9 HALL, L. V. Beauties and achievements of the blind. See Artrnan, W 1838.1 HALL, Louisa J. Memoir of Elizabeth Carter, [Eng lish authoress, b. 1717, d. 1800]; illustrating the union of learning and piety. [Anon.] Boston, 1844. 68pp. 16 599.10 Miriam [a poem], and Joanna [i] of Naples [a tale], with other pieces. Boston, 1850. 12... 1516.6 HALL, Marshall, physician, b. 1790, d. 1857. See Tillotson, J. Our untitlod nobility 577.14 HALL, Mrs. Matthew. Tho queens [of England] before the conquest, [1066]. [With portraits.] London, 1854. 2 v. 8 594.12 HALL, Robert, English baptist divine and writer, b. 1764, d. 1831. Men who were earnest 549.40 Sigourney, L. H. Examples from tho 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 Note. See Spraguc s Celebrities [648.9], and the references in McClintock and Strong, and Allibone. HALL, Mrs. Samuel C. See Hall, A. M. Note. Sec paper on Mr. and Mrs. Hall in Harper s monthly, vol. 39. HALL, Samuel R., and BAKER, Abijah R. School history of the United States, [1492-1830]. Bos ton, 1836. 12 309.10 HALLAJI, Arthur H., son of Henry Hallam, English author, b. 1811, d. 1833. See Brown, J. Horse subsecivae v - 1 of 894.13 HALLAM, Henry, English historian, b. 1778, d. 1859. Constitutional history of England from the ac cession of Henry vn to the death of George n. From the 5th London edition. New York, 1853. 8 975.1 Same. 8th edition. London, 1855. 3 v. 16.. 1938.2 Same. New York, 1804. 3 v. Sm. 8 1934.2 Same. Adapted to the use of students. By W. Smith. London, 1872. 12 998.21 Review of [his] Constitutional history. See Macaulay, T. B., lord 1655.20; v. 1 of 1966.3 Introduction to the literature of Europe, 15th- 17th centuries. Now York, 1848, 51. 2 v. 8. 1373.1 Same. 5th edition. London, 1855. 4 v. 16. 1373.3 Same. New York, 1864. 4 v. Sm. 8 1373.2 View of tho state of Europe during tho middle a-es. From the 6th London edition. New York, 1841. 8 94r >- 1 Same, llth edition. London, 1855. 3 v. 16. 1938.1 Same. Boston, 1801. 2 v. 12 946.12 Same. New York, 1864. 3 v. Sm. 8 1934.1 Same. With additions from recent writers. By W. Smith. New York, 1872. 12 946.13 HAL LAM 121 HAMILTON HALLAM, Henry, continued. See Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Note. See Everett s Mount Vernim papers, [893.7, no. 30] ; his Orations, [861.7.4] ; and the lefercnces in Allibone, Thom as, etc. HALLECK, Fitz-Greene, poet, b. 1790, d. 1867. See Powell, T. The living authors of America 518.15 Ifote. A recent life by J. G. Wilson [B. II. 4446.24] is the authoritative one See also Poe s literati [887.1.3], and refer ences in Allibone; beside notices in Putnam s magazine, Feb. and June, 18^8; Lippincott s magazine, Feb., 18B8; Hours at home, Feb., 1868; and Harper s monthly, Jan., 18U8, etc. HALLER, Albrecht von, Swiss anatomist, botanist, and poet, b. 1708, d. 1777. Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity v. 2 of 830.28 Jardino, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 13 of 179.1 Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 HALLEY, Edmund, English astronomer and mathe matician, b. 1056, d. 1742. Biographies of emi nent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 12 of 840.10 HALLIDAY, Sir Andrew. The West Indies: natural and physical history. [With -maps.] London, 1837. P. 8 635.19 HALLIWELL, James 0., English archaeologist, b. 1820. Letters of the kings of England, [1190-1649]. [With portraits of Charles i and Henry viii.] London, 1848. 2 v. 12 978.3 HALLOCK, Charles. The fishing tourist. New York, 1873. 16 1175.8 HALLOCK, Rev. Jeremiah, of Canton, Conn., b. 1758, d. 1826. The godly pastor. Life of. See Yale, C. 1107.2 HALLOCK, Rev. Moses, of Plainfield, Mass., b. 1760, d. 1837. Life of. See Yale, C 1107.2 HALLOCK, William A. " Light and love." Life and labors of Rev. Justin Edwards, D. D., [b. 1787, d. 1853]. [With portrait.] New York, [cop. 1855]. 12 535.10 Memoir of Harlan Page, [b. 1791, d. 1834]. [With portrait.] New York, [cop. 1835]. 16 1109.15 HALLS, John J. Life and correspondence of Henry Salt, [English] consul in Egypt, [b. 1780, d. 1827]. 2d edition. [With portraits.] London, 1834. 2 v. 8 563.7 Two months in Arrah in 1857. 2d edition. Lon don, 1860. 16 1159.9 HALPINE, Charles G., b. 1829, d. 1868. Life and adventures of private Miles O Reilly [pseud.], 47th regiment New York volunteers. New York, 1864. 12 307.28 HALSTED, Caroline A. Richard in, as duke of Glou cester and king of England, [b. 1452, d. 1485]. [With portraits.] London, 1844. 2 v. 8 652.5 HAMANN, Johann Georg, philosopher and litterateur, b. 1730, d. 1788. See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 HAMERTON, Philip G. A painter s camp. Boston, 1867. 16 1654.3 Contents. In England; In Scotland; In France. HAMILTON, Alexander, American statesman, b. 1757, d. 1804. Works. Edited by J. C. Hamilton. [With portrait.] New York, 1851. 7 v. 8... 285.1 ContoUs. Vol.1. Correspondence; Notes in pay book; Narrative of a duel between Lee and I.aurens. II. Full vin dication of the measures of congress. 1774, against the West- Chester farmer; The farmer refuted; Remarks on the Quebec bill; Reorganization of the army: Inspector-general; Publius; Military remarks and queries; Inspector- general ; Mission to France; Military regulations: Discipline; The continental iltj Resolution for a general convention ; Specific taxation ; Reso lutions in congress; Military peace establishment; Reports in congress; Vindication of congress; Letters from Phoeion; Constitution of the Bank of New York : Petition as to revenue system; Cincinnati; Address of the Annapolis convention; Resolution for a general convention ; Resolution for appoint ment of delegates ; Act to institute an university; Speech on the revenue system; Act to accede to the independence of Ver mont: Speech on acceding to the independence of Vermont; Speech on act repealing acts inconsistent with the treaty of peace; Propositions for a constitution of government: Consti tution of government by the people of the United States of America; Brief ot speech on submitting plan of constitution Speeches in federal convention; Impressions as to the new constitution; Resolution for erection of Kentucke into an independent state ; Speeches in New York convention on the HAMILTON, Alexander. Works, continued. constitution of the United States; Brief of argument on the constitution of the United States ; Draft of proposed ratifica tion of the constitution of the United States; Resolutions in congress; Address on election of governor in New York; Eulqgium of Gen. Nathaniel Greene. III. Report on public credit; Remission of forfeitures ; Additional estimates; State debts; Operations of impost act; Tonnage duties; Money re ceived from, or paid to, the states; Purchase of West Point; Disposition of public lands ; Estimates ; Renewal of final set tlement certificates ; Public credit: National bank; Estimates for 1791: Duties on imports; Establishment of a mint; Trade with India and China; The Dutch loan; Spirits, foreign and domestic; Manufactures; Estimates of receipts and expendi tures; Loans; Spirits, foreign and domestic ; Additional sup plies for 1792; Remission of duties; Public debt; Bank depos its, surplus revenue and loans ; Public funds ; Spirits, domestic ; Balance in the treasury, and domestic loans; Pub lie debt, re ceipts, and expenditures ; Loan; Public credit; Improvement of the revenue; Revenue circulars; Reports on claims. IV. Cabinet papers. V. Cabinet papers; Speech on commercial relations; Act to punish certain crimes; Act laying duties upon carriages ; Act as to calling forth militia ; Remarks on the treaty with Great Britain: Military papers; Correspondence. VI. Correspondence: Letters of H. G.; Address to public creditors; Funding system vindicated; Anti-defamer. VII. An American; Civis; Fact; Amicus; Catullus; A plain hon est man; Observer; Pacificus; No Jacobin; Reply of Wash ington; Americanus; Tuliy ; Horatius; Camillns; Explana tion ; Washington s speech ( 1795) draft; Message tor Wash ington draft; Abstract of points to form an address: Fare well address draft; France; The answer; Part of Washing ton s speech to congress; The warning; The stand; A French faction; The war in Europe; Allegorical device; Public con duct and character of John Adams; Address to the electors of the state of New York ; The examination ; Resolutions tor the amendment of the constitution ; Memorial for supplying New York with water; Finn of the merchant s bank; Brief on va lidity of certain British acts ; Brief on the carriage tax ; Brief on the law of libel; Lansing or Burr. Official and other papers. Vol. 1. New York, 1842. 8 285.2 Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders 518.7 Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolu tion 528.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522. 10 Renwick, H. B. Life of 820.33 Smucker, S. M. Life and times of 517.9 MADISON, James, and JAY, John. The federalist, on the new constitution, written in 1788: with letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the procla mation of neutrality of 1793; also, the original articles of confederation, and the constitution of the United States. Nowedition. Hallowell, 1852. 8 285.4 Kate. The life of Hamilton by his son was never brought down later than 1789, and this induced Renwick to prepare his brief account of his whole career, [also in B. H. 4-149a.3. )J. Riethmullefs "Hamilton and his contemporaries" [B. H. 2H7..TO] is a foreigner s review of the rise of the American constitution, as directed by Hamilton. See in this connection Curtis s History of the constitution. [i82.7] ; Van Bnren s His tory of political parties [B. H. 434U.1U], etc. See United States, constitutional history. See also essay in Harper s monthly, vol. , i7; and one by C. C. Hazewell in the Atlantic monthly, Nov., 18C5 ; and the references in Allibone. HAMILTON, Anthony. Memoirs of the court of Charles n, by Count Grammont. And the Bos- cobel tracts. London, 1853. P. 8 857.1 HAMILTON, Mrs. Elizabeth, English authoress, b. 1758. d. 1816. Memoirs of. See Bengor, E. 599.6 HAMILTON, James, 1st duke of Hamilton, b. 1606, d. 1649. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 HAMILTON, James, earl of Arran, duke, of Chatelhe- rault, regent of Scotland, d. 1574. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 HAMILTON, James, marquis, earl of Cambridge, favour ite of James I, of England, b. 1589, d. 1624. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 HAMILTON, James, D. D., b. 1814. Lessons from the great biography. 3d edition. London, 1863. 16 2088.12 Memoir of Lady Colquhoun, [neeSinclair, b. 1781, d. 1846]. New York, 1853. 12 599.8 Memoir of Richard Williams, surgeon, [b. 1815, d. 1851]. [With portrait.] New edition. Lon don, 1857. 16 2088.11 HAMILTON, James. Wanderings in North Africa. London, 1856. 8 697.2 HAMILTON, John, marquis, b. 1532, d. 1604. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 & Sr r . far*. &*?/. , J. HAMILTON 122 IIAKDEXBEIIG Shelf. No HAMILTON, John G. History of the republic of the United States [1757-97], as traced in the writ ings of A. Hamilton and his contemporaries. New York, 1837-CO. 6 v. 8 304. HAMILTON, Capt. Thomas, of the British navy, b. 1824, d. 1855. Annals of the Peninsular campaigns, from 1SOS to 1814. [Anon.} Philadelphia, 1831. 3 v. 12 1009.4 Men and manners in America. [Anon.] Philadel phia, 1833. 8 C26. HAMILTON, William, Id duke of Hamilton, English secretary of state for Scotland, b. 1616, d. 1051. fSee Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person ages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815. HAMILTON, Sir William, professor of metaphysics at Edinburgh, b. 1788, d. 185G. .S eeDoQuincey, T. Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters v. 1 of 895. 2( Note. See also Edinburgh essays, [B. II. 2.155.17]; the references undei Philosophy, including Martineau H essays, [ B. II. S.56.-1.S.L ] ; and those iiiAliihonc, McCliiitock and Strong, and Thomas. Mill s criticism of him is examined in Con temporary review, vol. 6. HAMILTON, William D. Outlines of the history of England, [is. c. 55-A. D. 1649]. With illustra tions. London, 18G2, 63. 2 v. in.l. 16 829.36 and LEVIEN, Edward. Outlines of the history of Greece, in connection with the rise of the arts and civilization in Europe. [With illustrations.] London, 1853. 2 v. 16 829.38 HAMILTON, William J. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia. [With illustrations.] London, 1842. 2 v. 8 694.14 HAMLEY, Major Edward B. Story of the campaign: narrative of the war in southern Russia. Boston, 1855. 12 928.7 HAMLIN, Augustus C. Martyria; or, Andersonville prison. Illustrated. Boston, 1866. 12 276.1 HAMLIN, Hannibal, American statesman, b. 1809. Bartlett, D. W. Sketch of 527.21 Sketch of the life of. See Lincoln, A 528.24 HAMLIN, Henrietta A. L., American missionary in Turkey, b. 1811, d. 1850. Light on the dark river; or, memorials of. See Lawrence, M. W. 538.6 HAMMER and rapier. Cooke, J. E 276.17 HAMMER-PURGSTALL, Joseph von. History of the assassins. Translated by 0. C. Wood. London, 1840. 12 937.4 HAMMOND, Charles, American jurist, b. 1779, d. 1840. Sre Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual.... 518.12 HAMMOND, Jabez D. History of political parties in New York, to 1840. Albany, 1842. 2 v. 8.. 234.13 Life and times of Silas Wright, [American states man, b. 1795, d. 1847]. [With portrait.] Syra cuse, 1848. 8 523.9 HAMMOND, James, English politician and poet, b. about 1710, d. 1742. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 582. 11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 HAMMOND, James Hamilton, of South Carolina, b. 1807, d. 1864. See Savage, J. Our living rep resentative men 527.19 HAMMOND, Maximilian Montagu, English military officer, b. 1824, d. 1855. Memoir. [Anon.] Now York, 1858. P. 8 575.17 HAMMOND, Samuel H. Hills, lakes, and forest streams: or, a tramp in the Chateaugay woods. Now York, 1854. 12 636.2 and MANSFIELD, L. W. Country margins and rambles of a journalist. New York, 1855. 16. 1818.2 HAMOND, . Life of cardinal Cheverus, archbishop of Bordeaux and formerly bishop of Boston, [b. 17C8,d. 1836]. By J. Huen-Dubourg, [pseud.]. Translated by E. Stewart. Boston, 1839. 12. 617.18 Same. Translated by R. M. Walsh. Phila delphia, 1839. 12 617.17 HAMPDEN, John, English patriot, b. 1594, d. 1643. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 2 of 83!>.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 6 of 840.10 Grenville, G. N. T. Some memorials of 562.7 oueu. HW HAMPDEN, John, continued. Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen v. 3 of 388.6 Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men. 555.13 See also England, history. HAMPTON, Wade, b. 1818. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns 243.1 HANAFORD, Phebo A. Abraham Lincoln: his life and public services. [With portrait.] Boston, 1865. 12 1513.2 Field, gunboat, hospital, and prison ; or, records of heroism in the union army and navy during the great rebellion. Boston, 1866. 16 262.1 Life and writings of Charles Dickens. [With portrait.] Boston, 1871. 16 1556.4 HANCOCK, Dorothy, wife of John Hancock, b. 1750, d. 1827. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 1 of 538.13 HANCOCK, John, governor of Massachusetts, b. 1737, d. 1793. See Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolution 528.1 Xote. See boring s Orators, [282.5]; Harper s monthly, vols. :; and 7 ; the lives of Samuel Adams, and other contem poraries. HANCOCK, Winfield Scott, b. 1824. See Denison, C. W. Winfield, the lawyer s son and how ho became major-general 1518.2 HANDEL, or HAENDEL, Georg Friederich, German music composer, b. 1684, d. 1759. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. .548.13; 549.30 Schoelcher, V. Life of 545.2 Nate. Schoelcher g [also in B. H. 404G.HO] is the standard life in English, and it contains a list of books on Handel. See Burney General history of musio [4041. ii], and other authori ties mentioned under Music. Also British quarterly review, July, 18(12; Haweis s iMusic and morals, [B. II. 8049.32] j and Harper s monthly, vol. 15. HANNA, Rev. William. Life of Thomas Chalmers, D. D., [Scottish divine, b. 1780, d. 1847]. New York, 1851, 52. 4 v. 12 576.7 Same. Abridged. Edited by J. C. Moffat. Cincinnati, 1853. 12 576.1 Wycliffe and the Huguenots ; or, sketches of the rise of the reformation in England and of the early historv of protestantism in France. Edin burgh, 1860. 12 998.15 HANNEGAN, Dennis. Life of general Narciso Lopez, [Cuban revolutionist, b. 1799, d. 1851]. [Anon.] New York, [cop. 1851]. 32pp. 8 1546.4 HANNIBAL, Carthaginian general, b. u. C. 247, d. B. c. 183? Abbott, J. History of 549.14 Arnold, T. Life of 551.14 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. 549.39; v. 2 of 1869.1 See also histories of Rome and Carthage ; and the references in Hoefer and Thomas. HANSON, John H. The lost prince: facts tending to prove the identity of Louis xvn, of France, and Rev. E. Williams. New York, 1854. 12 615.7 HANWAY, Jonas, English philanthropist and tourist, b. 1712, d. 1786. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers v. 2 of 810.47 IARCOURT, Cesarino Charlotte Laure filanio de Choiseul-Praslin, duchesse d . The duchess of Orleans (Helen of Mecklenburg-Schwerin), [b. 1814, d. 1858]. A memoir. Translated from the French by Mrs. Austin. London, 1859. 8. 616.11 Same. [With portrait.] 2d edition. London, 1860. 8 614.2 Same. With biographical souvenirs and origi nal letters. Collected by G. H. do Schubert. Translated from the French. [With portrait.] Now York, 18GO. 16 618.1 IARDEE, William J., b. 1818. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns. . . 243.1 IARDENBERG, Friedrich Ludwig von (Novalis), Ger man poet and litterateur, b. 1772, d. 1801. Car- lyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays 863.7 v. 2 of 867.1; v. 2 of 893.3 Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 HARDING 123 EASE Shelf. No. HARDING, Chester, American artist, b. 1792, d. 1866. My egotistigraphy. [Autobiography.] Cain- bridge, 1806. 12 1517.10 Kate. See Tuckerman s Book of the artists, [B. II. 8072.20]; Atlantic monthly, April, 1807 ; and the note under Painting. HAKDINGE, Belle Boyd. Belle Boyd in camp and prison. By herself. New York, 1865. 12... 1276.1 HARDMAN, Frederick, London " Times" correspondent. The Spanish campaign in Morocco, [I860]. Edinburgh, 1860. 12 917.13 HABDWICK, Charles. History of friendly societies. London, 1859. 16 187.24 HARDWICKE, 1st earl of. See Yorke, Philip. HARDY, Francis. Memoirs of James Caulfield, earl of Charlemont, [Irish statesman, b. 1728, d. 1799]. 2d edition. London, 1812. 2 v. 8 563.6 HARE, Augustus John C. Memorials of a quiet life. [With 2 portraits of Maria L. Hare.] Lon don, 1873. 5th edition. 2 v. 16 1528.6 Note. Memorial of the brothers Augustus William and Julius Charles Hare, authors of " Guesses at truth." Wanderings in Spain. With illustrations. Lon don, 1873. 16 672.6 HAREM, Romance of the. Lenowens, A. H 697.26 HAREM life in Egypt and Constantinople. Lott, E. . . 1675.5 HARFORD, John S. Life of Michael Angelo Buo narroti; with translations of his poems and let ters. Also, memoirs of Savonarola, Raphael, and Vittoria Colonna, [1474-1547]. [With illustra tions.] London, 1857. 2 v. 8 543.2 HARGRAVES, Edward H. Australia and its gold fields. London, 1855. P. 8 938.7 HARGRAVES, James, English inventor of machinery for spinning cotton, d. 1778. Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 HARINGTON, Lucy. See Russell, Lucy. BARLEY, Robert, earl of Oxford and Mortimer, states man, b. 1661, d. 1724. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, .v. 7 of 815.1 HARLOW, George Hoary, portrait and historical painter, b. 1787, d. 1819. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc. v. 5 of 379.9; v. 4 of 810.19 HARMAN, Henry M. Journey to Egypt and the Holy Land, in 1869-70. Philadelphia, 1873. 12 694.19 HARMS, Ludwig, German pastor, and promoter of missions. See Stevenson, W. F. Praying and working 2098.20 HARO, Don Luis de, Spanish minister of state, b. 1598, d. 1661. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 4 of 388.7 HAROLD HARDRADA, kiny of Norway, d. 1066. See Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 HARPER, James, American publisher, b. 1795, d. 1869. See MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 HARPER S FERRY. Redpath, J. Echoes of 288.2 Report on the invasion of. See United States. . . 292.10 HARPER S hand-book for travellers in Europe and the East. See Fetridge, W. P 644.4 HARPER S pictorial history of the great rebellion. See Guernsey, A. H 271.1 HARRIS, J. Dennis. A summer on the borders of the Caribbean sea. New York, 1860. 12 1639.13 HARRIS, Thaddeus M. Journal of a tour into the territory northwest of the Alleghany mountains, in 1803. With a geographical and historical account of Ohio. Illustrated with maps and views. Boston, 1805. ti~" 639.13 HARRIS, Thomas. Life and services of commodore William Bainbridge, [b. 1774, d. 1833]. Phila delphia, 1837. 8 527.1 HARRIS, AVilliam, English divine, b. 1720, d. 1770. Historical and critical account of the life and writings of James i, king of Great Britain, [b. 1566, d. 1625]. 2d edition. London, 1772. 8. . 552.9 Shelf. No. HARRIS, William C. Prison-life in the tobacco ware house at Richmond. Philadelphia, 1862. 12. 298.18 HARRIS, William T. Epitaphs from the old burying- ground in Cambridge. Cambridge, 1815. 12. 228.2 HARRISON, John, English watchmaker, inventor of the chronometer, b. 1693, d. 1776. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 HARRISON, Thomas, English regicide, b. 1606, ex. 1660. Biography of. See Trials of Charles 1 399.7 HARRISON, William Henry, \)th president of the United States, b. 1775, d. 1841. Life. [Anon.] [Illus trated.] Philadelphia, 1840. 96pp. 8 U 517.4 Life. [Anon.] 3d edition. Philadelphia, 1840. 12 1529.1 Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Hall, J. Memoir of 519.1 Log cabin and hard cider melodies 229.6 Montgomery s Tippecanoe almanac for 1841 517.4 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic. . 513.13 Kote. See Hilliard s Speeches. [873 3] ; and Lossing s papers on his campaigns in Harper s monthly, vol. 27, and in his Field-bock of the war of 1812, [B. H. 4-121.3]. HARRISON almanac, 1841. [Illustrated.] New York, [cop. 1841]. 18 leaves. 8 517.4 HARRISON melodies. Boston, 1840. 72pp. 12... 1529.1 HARRISSON, David, jr. A voice from the Washing- tonian home; a history of the Washingtonian home, Boston. Boston, 1860. 12 1116.1 HART, Adolphus M. History of the valley of the Mississippi. Cincinnati, 1853. 12 237.12 HART, John S. Essay on the life and writings of Edmund Spenser, [English poet, b. 1552, d. 1599]. New York, 1847. 8 324.1 HART, Mrs. Nancy. See Eliet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 2 of 538.13 HARTE, Rev. Walter. History of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, [b. 1594, d. 1632]. 3d edition, revised by S. J. Stockdale. Illustrated. Lon don, 1807. 8 546.3 HARTFORD, Conn. Tour between Hartford and Que bec, in 1819. Silliman, B 628.26 HARTFORD convention, History of the. Dwight, T. . . 305.4 Note. See Lossing s paper in Harper s monthly, vol. 25 ; S. O. Goodrich s Itecollcctions of a lifetime, [52U.4] ; and the po litical histories covering that period. HARTIG, Franz do Paula Anton, Graf von. Genesis; or, details of the late Austrian revolution. See Kelly, W. K 828.3 HARTLEY, Cecil B. Life of the empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon i, [b. 1763, d. 1814]. [Anon.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1870]. 16 606.6 HARTWIG, George. The polar and tropical worlds. Edited by A. II. Guernsey. With illustrations. Springfield, Mass., [cop. 1871]. 8 704.14 HARVARD college, Cambridge, Mass. Eliot, S. A. History of 297.21 Quincy, J. History of 294. 1 Note. Quincy s is the most elaborate history, coming down to 1840, [also in B. II., E.224.3]. Eliot s sketch is cursorv, abridging Q-.iincv in part, anil coming down to 18J8. Pierce s [B. II. 2.1S7.U] only comes down to 1709. Sec the brief account by the president in the Boston almanac. 1859, [B. II. 2:189.30]. See Cliaplin s Life of Dimster, its first president, [13. H. 4349.55] j and Everett s address on Harvard, the founder, [861.7.1 ; also other addresses in vols. 2 and . !]. Also chapters in Quincy s Life of President Quincy. [1.526.18]. For the roll of students who served in the civil war, see B. II. -1398.4; and for the biographies of some of such, see the Harvard memo rials, [B. H. 4387.16]. HARVEY, Thomas. The West Indies in 1837. See Sturge, J ._ 635.8 HARVEY, William, English physician, anatomist, and medical writer, b. 1578, d. 1657. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 7 of 840.10 Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 HASE, Carl (A.) Life of Jesus. Translated by J. F.Clarke. Boston, 1860. 12 114.13 HASE, Huinrich (A.) Public and private life of the ancient Greeks. Translated from tho Gorman. London, 1836. 16 959.13 HASKIN9 124 HAWTHORNE Shelf. No. HASKINS, Rev. George Foxcroft, b. 1806, d. 1872. Six weeks abroad in Ireland, England and Bel gium. [With portrait and illustrations.] Bos ton, 1872. Sq. 1C 658.21 Travels in England, France, Italy, and Ireland. Boston, 1850. 12 658.14 HASSAUREK, F. Four years among Spanish Ameri cans. New York, 1857. 16 1637.2 HASSE, Faustina, madame. See Bordoni, Faustina. HASSELQDIST, Frederic, Swedish naturalist and travel ler, b. 1722, d. 1752. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers v. 2 of 810.47 HASTING, pirate, afterwards duke of Chatres, fl. dth century. See Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 658.16 HASTINGS, John, earl of Pembroke, b. 1347, d. 1374. See Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes. . 558.16 HASTINGS, Selina, countess of Huntington, b. 1707, d. 1791. Clayton, E. G. Notable women 1517.7 Sigourney, L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 Stevens, A. The women of methodisin 509.17 Sec also Methodism, note; aud J. H. Newman s easay, [B. II. 4.557.4.1]. HASTINGS, Sorranus Clinton, judge, b. 1814. See Par- ton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 HASTINGS, Warren, governor of Bengal, b. 1733, d. 1818. Gleig, G. R. Memoirs of 572.1 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Essay on 409.19 1655.19; v. 3 of 1966.3 Note.. See review of Mncaulay s Essay by George Lunt, [888.7; B. II. K128.20]; and the note under India; also the lives of Sheridan and Burke. HASTINGS, Marquess of. See Rawdon-Hastings, Fran cis. HATCH, Rufus, American financier, b. 1832. See Par- ton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 HATTON, Sir Christopher, lord-chancellor of England, b. 1540, d. 1591. Lodge, E. Portraits of illus- " trious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 Nicolas, Sir N. H. Life and times of 573.3 HAUSER, Casper or Gaspard, d. 1833. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature v. 3 of 1869. 1 Note. See Atlantic monthly, Jan., 18GI. HAUSSEZ, Charles Loinorcher de Longpre, baron d . Great Britain in 1833. 1st American edition. Philadelphia, 1833. 12 658.16 HAVELOCK, Sir Henry, English general, b. 1795, d. 1857. Bravo men s footsteps 1559.5 Brock, W. Biographical sketch of. 568.12 ; 578.11; 578.12 Famous boys: and how they became great men. . 555.8 Headley, J. T. Life of 577.3 Steel, R. Lives made sublime by faith and works 577.13; 577.16 Note. Sec the brief sketch, [1559.5]; British quarterly re view, July, 18UO; and Harper s monthly, vol. 26. See also India. HAVEN, Mrs. Alice Bradley, American poetess, b. 1827, d. 1863. Cousin Alice: a memoir. New York, 1865. 12 539.35 HAVEN, Gilbert. The pilgrim s wallet; or, scraps of travel gathered in England, Franco, and Ger many. New York, 1806. 16 644.15 and RUSSELL, Thomas. Incidents and anecdotes of Rev. Edward T. Taylor, for over forty years pastor of the Seaman s bethel, Boston, [b. 1793, d. 1871]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1872. 12. 537.40 HAVEN, Samuel F. History of grants under the great council for Now England. See Massachusetts historical society 222.3 HAWAIIAN islands. Anderson, R. The Hawaiian islands: their progress and condition under mis sionary labors. 1864 264.11 Baxley, H. AV. AVbat I saw at the. 1865 672.1 Bingham, H. Residence of twenty-one yeara in the Sandwich islands. 1847 934.4 Cheover, H. T. The island world of the Pacific. 1851 705.11 Life in the Sandwich islands. 1851 705.20 Shelf. No. HAWAIIAN islands, continued. Dibble, S. History of the Sandwich islands mis sion. 1839 1108.7 Ellis, W. Narrative of a tour through Hawaii. 1826 705.5 Polynesian researches, during a residence in the Sandwich islands. 1833 707.4 Jarves, J. J. History of the. 1847 934.6 Stewart, C. S. Residence in the Sandwich islands, [1822-25] 705.10 Note. See Wood s Natural history of man, [B. H. 0252.2]. HAWKE, Edward, English admiral, b. 1715, d. 1781. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person ages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 HAWKINS, Sir John, English rear-admiral, b. 1520, d. 1595. Adams, AV. II. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the soa-kings of England 578.19 Sword and pen; or, English worthies in the reign of Elizabeth 567.10 Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 561.8 Southoy, R. Lives of the British admirals, v. 3 of 388.5 HAWKINS, John Henry Willis, American temperance reformer, b. 1797, d. 1858. Life of. See Haw kins, W. G 527.11 HAWKINS, Sir Richard, English naval commandy, b. about 1500, d. 1622. Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign .... 564.8 Southey, R. Lives of tlio British admirals, v. :! of 388.5 HAWKINS, William G. Life of John H. W. Hawkins, [b. 1797, d. 1858]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1859. 12 527.11 Lunsfbrd Lane; or, another Helper from North Carolina. Boston, 1803. 12 307.13 HAWKS, Francis Lister, American divine, b. 1798, d. 1866. Narrative of tho expedition of an Ameri can squadron to the China seas and Japan, 1852 54. With illustrations. Now York, 1856. 8. 701.3 Tho monuments of Egypt; or, Egypt a witness for the Bible. AVith illustrations. 2d edition. Ne\v York, 1850. 8 684.2 Uncle Philip s conversations about New York. New York, 1835. 2 v. 18 1859.17 Uncle Philip s conversations about Virginia. New York, 1834. 18 1859.15 Uncle Philip s conversations about the whale fish ery and polar seas. New York, 1836. 2 v. 18. 1859. 19 See Fowler, H. Tho American pulpit 534.9 HAWTHORNE, Mrs. Nathaniel. Notes in England and Italy. Now York, 1809. 12 1660.15 HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel, American romancist, b. 1804, d. 1864. Life of Franklin Pierce, [13th president of the United States, b. 1804, d. 1869]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1852. 16 517.27 Our old home: a series of English sketches. Bos ton, 1863. 16 864.19 Passages from [his] American note-books. Bos ton, 1868. 2v. 16 1817.19 Same. London, 1868. 2 v. 16 1817.21 Same. Boston, 1871. 2v.ini. 12 1817.27 Passages from [his] English note-books. Boston, 1870. 2v. 16.... 1666.16 Same. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16... 888.25 Passages from [his] French and Italian note books. Boston, 1872. 2 v. 16 1818.7 Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors 885.22 MacCabo, J. D., jr. Groat fortunes, and how they wore made 515.14 Tuckerman, H. T. Mental portraits 557.10 AVhipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men 823.18 ffote. Hawthorne suppliesmuch of autobiographic interest in the introduction to his "Scarlet letter " [4o7 .8], and in his note-books. He was for a brief season o sojourncr with the r sketches by G. W. Curtis, in Homes of American authors [B. H. SMii.fll], who also furnished papers on Hawthorne in Harper s monthly, vol. 2d(coay chair), and inthcNortli Ainer- HAWTHORNE 125 HEADLEY HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel, continued. ican review, Oct., 18R4. Sae also Smiles s Brief biographies, [539.18] : and the accounts in Griswold, Duyckinck, and Alli bone. Dr. Holmes gives an account of his last clavs, in the Atlantic monthly, July, 1834. See essays bv Longfellow, [440.83.1, or North American review. July, 1837]; bv Whipplc, [s-J:i.lS, or Atlantic. May, 18001; by foe, [887.1.5]; by Ilutton, [B. II. 4JJG.13.-J]; by Stoduaru, in Harper s month ly, vol. 45; in Universal review, or no. 838 of Living age; in Atlantic monthly. Sept, 18U8j in the Cornhill magazine, 187. !; in lilackwood, Nov.. 1803; and ia the North American review, July, 1850, and Jan., 1353. There is a recent English biographical sketch bv H. A. Page, [B. H. 2348.65]. HAXTHAUSEN, August, baron von. The Russian em pire, its people, institutions, and resources. Translated by R. Farie. London, 1856. 8. . . 674.1 HAY, John. Castilian days. Boston, 1871. 12... 998. 20 HAY, John H. D. Western Barbary; its wild tribes and savage animals. London, 1844. P. 8 889.20 HAY, buoy, formerly Miss Percy, countess of Carlisle, b. 1600, d. 1660. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 HAYDX, Franz Joseph, German music composer, b. 1737, d. 1808. Carpani, G. Life of... .545.19; 545.20 Foa, E. Boy artists 1599.1 Kate. See Haweis s Music and morals, [B. H. 8049.02]; Catholic world, Nov., 1869; and references in lloeler, Thomas, HAYDON, Benjamin Robert, English historical painter, b. 1786, d. 1848. Life, from his autobiography and journals. Edited by T. Taylor. New York, 1853. 2v. 12 HAYES, Catherine, afterwards Mrs. Bushndl, Irish sinyer, b. 1820, d. 1861. Clayton, E. 0. Queens of song Clever girls of our time HAYES, Isaac I. Arctic boat journey, in 1854. Illus trated. Boston, 1860. 12 Same. New edition. Boston, 1869. 12 The land of desolation: a personal narrative of observation and adventure in Greenland. Illus trated. New York, 1872. 12 The open polar sea: voyage of discovery towards the North pole. [With portrait and illustra tions.] New York, 1867. 8 HAYGARTH, Henry W. Recollections of bush life in Australia, during a residence of eight years in the interior. New edition. London, 1861. 16. HAYLEY, William, English poet, b. 1745, d. 1820. Life of Milton, [b. 1608, d. 1674]. Dublin, 1797. 8 556.7 591.2 599.21 706.18 706.22 703.14 1705.1 8S9.21 583.8 518.12 276.12 672.4 264.3 636.32 672.5 260.13 Kote. See Gary s Life of Haylcy, [B. H. 2449.5.1]; but the chief authority is his own memoirs [13. H. 2540.25], and see Allibone for notices. HAYNE, Robert Young, American statesman and au thor, b. 1791, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual HAYNES, Gideon. Pictures from prison life. An his torical sketch of the Massachusetts state prison. Boston, 1869. 16 HAYTI. Hazard, S. Santo Domingo, past and pre sent; with a glance at. 1873 History of St. Domingo, [1492-1814] Koim, DeB. R. San Domingo. Pen pictures of travel. 1870 Kimball, R. B. Life in Santo Domingo. 1873. Redpath, J. Guide to. 1860 ffote. Hazard s is the freshest full account, and he gives a list of authorities. HAYWARD, Abraham. Lord Chesterfield, [b. 1694, d. 1773]: his life, character, and opinions. And George Selwyn, [b. 1719, d. 1791]: his life and times. London, 1854. 16 1655.17 HAYWARD, Charles, jr. Life of Sebastian Cabot, [Spanish navigator, b. 1477? d. 1557]. See Sparks, J v. 2 of 518.5; v. 9 of 529.1 HAYWARD, John. Gazetteer of Massachusetts. [With engravings.] Revised edition. Boston, 1849. 12 229.2 Gazetteer of New Hampshire. [With engravings.] Boston, 1849. 12 229.1 Gazetteer of Vermont. [With engravings.] Bos ton, 1849. 12 229.3 Shelf. No. HAZARD, Augustus George, powder manufacturer, b. 1802, d. 1868. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 HAZARD, Samuel. Cuba with pen and pencil. [With illustrations.] Hartford, 1871. 8 624.18 Santo Domingo, past and present; with a glance at Hayti. Maps and illustrations. New York, 1873. 16 672.4 HAZUTT, AVilliatn, Kwjlish litterateur and political writer, b. 1778, d. 1830. Life of Napoleon Buo- naparto, [b. 1769, d, 1821]. Philadelphia, 1848. 3 v. 12 605.4 Same. 2d edition, revised by his son. [With portraits.] London, 1852. 4 v. P. 8 C05.3 Men and manners. London, 1852. 16 886.11 The spirit of the age: or contemporary portraits. [Anon.] 1st American edition. New York, 1846. 8 888.17 Contents. Jeremy Bentham, English philosopher, political and jurisprudential writer, b. 1748, d. 1832; William Godwin, English novelist, economist, and historical writer, b. 1750, d. 1836; Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English, poet, essayist, and moral philosophc r, b. 177i, d. 1834 ; Edward Irving, Scotch di vine, b. 1792. d. 1831 : John HorneTooke, English politician and philologist, b. 173!i, d. 1812; Sir Walter Scott, Scotch novelist, poet, and historian, b. 1771. d. 18^52; George Gordon Noel Bvron, lord, English poet, b. 1788. d. 1821; Robert Sonthey, English poet-laureate, b. 1774, d. 1813; William Wordsworth. English poet, b. 1770, d. 1850; Sir James Mackintosh, Scorch statesman, historian, and political writer, b. 1705. d. 18.!-: Thomas Robert Malthus, English poli(ic;>.l economist, b. 1708, d. 1834; Wil liam Gilford, English poet, critic, and satirist, b. 1757, d. 1820; Francis Jeffrey, lord. Scotch critic and politician, b. J773, d. 1850; Hcnrv Brougham, lord. b. 177.S. il. WW; Sir FiancisBur- dett, English politician, b. 1770, d. 18H; John Scott, lord El- don, English lord chancellor, b. 1751, d. 1S18; William Wil- berfbrce, English philanthropist, b. 1759. d. 1&!3; William Cohhett, English economist and political writer, b. 17(12, d. 1835; Thomas Campbell. Scotch poet and critic, b. 1777, d. 1844; George Crabbe, English poet and preacher, b. 1754, d. ia i2: Thomas .Moore, Irish poet, b. 1773. d. 1852; .Tames Henry Leigh Hunt, English poet and essavisc, b. 17St, d. 1859; Charles Lamb. English essayist, b. 1775, d. 18:!4; Washington Irving (Gtoffrey Crayon), American biographer and novelist, b. 1783, d. 185 J. Same. Philadelphia, 1848. 12 v. 5 of 867. 2 Winteivlow: essays and characters written there. London, 1850. 16 878.26 De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets, and other English writers 895.15 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 2 of 548.5 Note. See Ireland s memorials and bibliography, [B. II. 4578.15]. Also essays by Talfourd. [8C3.9] ; by Dana, [338.9.2] ; and the references in Allibone. Also see Patmore s " Friends and acquaintances," [B. H. 2443.11]. HAZLITT, William Carew, b. 1834. History of the republic of Venice, [337-1289]. London, 1858. 2 v. 8 915.2 HEAD, Sir Edmund. Hand-book of the history of the Spanish and French schools of painting. Lon don, 1848. 12 208.21 HEAD, Sir Francis B., ex-governor of Upper Canada, b. 1793. Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau. [Anon.] 2d edition. London, 1834. 12 667.18 Same. New York, 1845. 12 J 667.19 Same. Now York, n. d. 88pp. 8 663.17 A faggot of French sticks; or, Paris in 1851. Now York, 1852. 12 654.18 A fortnight in Ireland. New York, 1853. 12. 1986.2 Life and adventures of Bruce, the African travel ler, [b. 1730, d. 1794]. From the last London edition. [With portrait.] Now York, 1859. 18 820.32 Rough notes during journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. 4th edition. London, 1846. P. 8 889.22 Stokers and pokers: or, the London and North western railway, the electric-telegraph, and the railway clearing-house. [An<m.] London, 1849. 16 889.23 HEADLEY, Joel T. The Adirondack; or life in the woods. Now York, 1853. 12 636.29 The Alps and the Rhine. New edition. New York, 1851. 12 676.18 The chaplains and clergy of the revolution. New York, 1864. 12 217.22 HEADLEY 126 HECK HEADLEY, Joel T., continued. Farragut and our naval commanders, 1861-65. With portraits. New York, 1867. 8 272.7 Contents. David Glascoe Farragut, admiral,!). 1801, d. 1870; Charles Wilkes, rear-admiral, b. 1801; Silas Horton String- ham, rear-admiral, b. 1798; Samuel Francis Dupont, rear- admiral, b 1803, d. 1865; Andrew Hull Foote, rear-admiral, b. 1806, d. 1803; Charles Stuart Boggs, rear-admiral, b. 1810; Louis Malesherbes Goldsborough, rear-admiral, b. 1805; Charles Ellct, jr., engineer aud colonri, b. 1810, d. 1862 ; Thep- dorus Bailey, rear-admiral, b. 1803; Charles Henry Davis, mathematician and rear-admiral, b. 1807; Homei C. Blake, commander, b. 1822; John A. Winsloiv, rear-admiral, b. 1810; David D. Porter, admiral, b. 1813; WiliiamB.Cushing.com- mander, b. 1842; Stephen C. Kowan, vice-admiral, b. 1808; Samuel Phillip.? Loe, rear-admiral, b. 1811 ; Thornton A. Jen kins, rear-admiral, b. 1811; Henry Knox Thatcher, rear-ad miral, b. 1806; William David Porter, commodore, b. 1810; John A. Dahlgreu, rear-admiral, b. 180i, d. 1870-, lliram Pauld- ing, rear-admiral, b. 1737; James S. Palmer, rear-admiral, b. 1810, d. 1867 : John Lorimer Wordeu, commodore, b. 1817 ; Henry II. Bell, rear-admiral. b. about 1808, d. 1868; Mclancthon Smith, rear-admiral, b. 1809; John Rogers, rear-admiral, b. 1811; Also, short notices of other naval commandero. The great rebellion; a history of the civil war in the United States. With engravings. Hart ford, 1863, 66. 2v. 8 293.3 The imperial guard of Napoleon: from Marengo to Waterloo. [With illustrations.] New York, 1851. 12 1008.5 Letters from Italy. Now York. 1845. 12 676.19 Same. Now edition. New York, 1854. 12.. 676.18 Life of General H. Havelock, [English general, b. 1795, d. 1857]. Illustrated. New York, 1859. 12 577.3 Life of George Washington, [b. 1732, d. 1799]. New York, 1856. 8 515.1 Mountain adventures in various parts of the world. With illustrations. New York, 1872. 12 667.24 Napoleon and his marshals. [With portraits.] New York, 1846. 2 v. 12 605.2 Contents. Vol. I. Napoleon I (Napoleon Bonaparte), em peror of the French, b. 1769, d. 1821 ; Alejandro Berthier, prince of Wagrum and Xcufchatel. due de Valengin, marshal of France, b. 1753. d. 1815; Pierre Francois Charles Augereau, due de Castifjlione, marshal ot France, b. 1757, d. 1816; Louis Nicolas Davont, or Davoust, prince of Eckmiihl, marshal of France, b. 1770, d. 1823: Laurent Gouvion-Saint-Cyr, marshal of France, b. 17i>4. d. 1830; Jean Lannes, due de Montebello, French general and marshal, b. 1769. d. 1809 ; Bon Adrien Jean- not de Monccy. due de Conegliano. b. 1754, d. 1842; Etienne Jacques Joseph Alexander Macdonald, duke of Tarento, mar shal of France, b. 17tl5,d. 1840: Ed ward Ad. >lpheCasimir. Joseph Mprticr, due de Trevise, marshal of France, b. 1768, d. 1825; Nicolas Jean dc Dieu Soult, due de Dalmutia, marshal of France, b. 1709, d. 1851. II. Joachim Murat, kingofNapleslSOS, b.!7C7,d 1815; Francois Joseph Lcfebvrc, due deDanUig. mar shal of France, b. 17. *5, d. 1820 ; Andre Massena, prince or Essel- ing, b. 1758. d. 1817 ; Auguste Frederic Lou is Viesse dc Marmont, due dcRagusa, b. 1774, d. 1852; Victor Perrin, due de Bclluno, b. 1706, d. 1841; Guillaume Marie Anne Brune, marshal of France, b. 1763, d. 1S15 ; Charles Nicolas Oudinot, due de Reg- io, French marshal, b. 1767, d. 1847 ; Jean Baptiste Bessicvcs, uc d Istra, marshal of France, b. 1708, d. 1813; .lean Baptiste Jourdan. comte, marshal of France, b. 1762, d. 1833; Charles XIV (Jean Jlnptiste Julrs Ilcrna.hi tO, kin^ of Sweden, marshal of France, b. 1764, d. 1844; Louis Gabriel Sachet, due d Albu- fera, marshal of France, b. 1770. d. 1826; Antoine Joseph Pouiatowski, prince, marshal of France, b. 1762, d. 1813; Em manuel Grouchy, marquis, marshal of France, b. 1706, d.1847; Michael Ney, marshal of France, b. 1769, d. 1815. Same. 22d edition. New York, 1855. 2 v. 12 605.1 Sacred mountains, characters, and scenes in tho Holy Land. Illustrated. New York, 1867. 12. 2091. 10 The second war with England. Now York, 1853. 2v. 12 217.2 Sketches and rambles. New York, 1850. 12 ... 1666.4 Washington and his generals. [With portraits.] Now York, 1847, 51. 2 v. 12 516.1 Contents. Vol. I. George Washington, 1st president of the United States, b. 1732, d. 1799; Israel Putnam, American revo lutionary general, b. 1718, d. 1790; Ri.-hard Montgomery, American revolutionary general, b. 1736, d. 1775: Benedict Arnold, American general aud traitor, b. 1740, d. 1801; John Stark, American revolutionary officer, b. 1728, d. 1822; Philip Schuylcr. American major-general in the revolutionary army, b. 1733. d. 1804; Horatio Gatts, American major-general, b. 1728, d. 1806; Fricdrich Wilhelm August Steubcn, baron, Ger man officer in the American revolutionary war, b. 1730, d. 1794; Anthony Wayne, American revolutionary general, b. 174;). d. 1796; Thomas Comvay, comte dc, general in the revo lutionary army, b. 1733, d. about 1800; Thomas Mi (Bin, major- general in the American revolution, p. 1744, d. 1800; Artemas Ward, major-general in the revolutionary army, b. 1727, d. 1800: William Heath, American major-general, b. 1737, d. 1814. II. Nathaniel Greene, American revolutionary general, b. 1742, d. 1786; William Moultiie, major-genera! in the American revolution, b. 17,31, d. 1805 ; Henry Knox. general in the Amer ican revolution, b. 17."*, d. 1806; Benjamin Lincoln, American revolutionary general, b. 1733, d. 1810; Charles Lee, American HEADLEY, Joel T. Washington and his generals, continued, general, b. 1730? d. 1782; James Clinton, brigadier-general in the American revolution, b. 1736, d. 1812; John Sullivan, American revolutionary general, b. 1740, d. 1795; Arthur St. Clair. Scotch major-general in the American revolution, b. 17:14, d. 1818; Francis Marion, Amcrirun revolutionary officer, b. 1732, d. 179."); Thomas Stirling, Scotch general in the Amer ican revolution, d. 1808 ; Marie Joseph [not Jean] Paul Koch Ives Gilbert de Motier, marquis de La Favette, French general in the American revolution, b. 1757, d. IS34; John De Kalb, baron, German major-general in the American resolution, b. 1721, d. 1780; John Thomas. American general, b. 1725, d. 1776; Alexander MacdougaU, Scotch major-general in the American revolution, b. 1731, d. 1786; John Paul Jones, Scotch naval adventurer, commodore in the American navy, b. 1747, d. 1792 ; Daniel Morgan, general in the American revolution, b. 1730, d. 1802; Short notices of other generals. HEADLEY, Phineas C. The girls of the Bible. [With illustrations. ] Now York, 1806. 16 2098.8 The hero boy; or, the life and deeds of Lieut.- Gen. Grant, [b. 1822], Now York, 1864. 16.. 551. 27 Life and campaigns of Lieut. -Gen. U. S. Grant, [b. 1822]. With portraits aud illustrations. New York, 1866. 8 521.6 Life and military career of Maj.-Gen. Philip Henry Sheridan, [b. 1831]. New York, 1865. 16 569.13 Life and military career of Maj.-Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, [b. 1820]. New York, 1865. 16 569.1 Life and naval career of vice-admiral David Glas coe Farragut, [b. 1801, d. 1870]. New York, 1865. 12 U 569.12 Life of the empress Josephine, first wife of Napo leon, [b. 1763, d. 1814]. Now York, 1857. 12. 606.7 Life of Gen. Lafayetto, [French general in the American revolution, b. 1757, d. 1834]. Auburn, 1851. 12 617.3 The patriot boy: or, the life of Maj.-Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchell, [astronomer, b. 1810, d. 1862]. New York, 1865. 12 518.23 HEADY, Morrison. The farmer boy [George Wash ington], and how he became commander-in-chiof. By Uncle Juvinell, [pseud.]. Edited by W. M. Thayor. 6th edition. Boston, [cop. 1863]. 12.. 519.12 HEARD, Isaac V. D. History of the Sioux war and massacres of 1862 and 1863. With portraits and illustrations. New York, 1863. 12 308.6 HEART, The, of the continent. Ludlow, F. H 1626.3 HEART, The, of the West: an American story. 13y an Illinoian. Chicago, 1871. 8 623.27 HEATH, William, American major-general, b. 1737, d. 1814. See Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals v. 1 of 5 16. 1 HEATUENISM. See Baring-Gould, S. Origin and development of religious belief v. 1 of 2096.18 HEATHFIELD, 1st lord. See Eliott, George Augustus. HEBER, Amelia. Life of Reginald Heber, lord bishop of Calcutta, [English poet, b. 1783, d. 1826]. With his tour in Norway, Sweden, Russia, Hun gary, and Germany, and a history of the Cos sacks. [With portrait.] New York, 1830. 2 v. 8 574.4 HEBER, Reginald, lord bishop of Calcutta, Enylishpoct, b. 1783, d. 1826. Journey through tho upper provinces of India, 1824, 25. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 v. 12 708. 20 Same. London, 1844. 2 v. P. 8 889.24 Heber, A. Life of 574.4 St, John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 3 of 810.47 Jfote. See also Yongc s Pioneers and founders, [B. H. 3539.52]. Ilii travels in India are reviewed by Jeffrey, [863.6]. The life, 574.4, is by his widow. See McCUutock and Strong, and Harper s montnly, vol. 20. HEBREWS. See Jews. HEBRIDES. Boswell, J. Tour to the, [1773] 582.4 646.2; 869.1 Buchanan, R. The land of Lome ; or, adventures in the. 1871 655.17 Bendy, W. C. Tho wild Hebrides. 1859 644.7 See also Scotland, Skye. HECK, Barbara, b. 1734, d. 1804. See Stevens, A. Tho women of methodism 569.17 HEDGE 127 IIENIIY Shelf. No. HEDGE, Frederic H., D. D. Prose writers of Ger many. With portraits. 2cl edition. Philadel phia, 1852. 8 545.1 Contents. Martin Luther, reformer, b. 1483, d. 1546; Jacob Bochm, Boehine, or Boehmen, mvstic writer and visionary, b. 1575, d. 1U24; Abraham-a-Sancta Clara, Roman catholic preacher of Vienna, b. 1<>42, d. 1709; Justus Moeser, advocate and writer, b. 1720, d. 1794 ; Immanuel Kant, philosopher, b. 1724, d. 1804; Johann Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, philosopher, litterateu.-, and poet, b. 1729. d. 1781; Moses Mendelssohn, Jew ish philosopher and moralist, b. 1729, d. 178(i; Johann Georg Hainunn, philosopher and litterateur, b. 1730, d. 1788; Chris- toph Martin Wicland, poet, diamatic author, and novelist, b. 17;i3, d. 1813: Joliann Carl August Musieus, litterateur, b. 1735, d. 1787; Matthias Claudius, siirnamed Asmus, poet and hu morist, b. 1743, d. 1315; Johann GasparLavater, Swiss physi ognomist and writer, b. 1741, d. 1801: Friedrich Ileinrieh Ja- cobi, philosopher, b. 1743, d. 1819; Johann Gottfried von Her der, philosopher, b. 1744, d. 1803; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, dramatic author and poet, b. 1749, d. 1832; Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, poet, dramatist, and histo rian, b. 1759, d. 1805 ; Johann Gottlieb Fichte, philosopher and author, b. 171)2, d. 1814; Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, phi losopher and litterateur, b. 17113, d. 1S25; August Wilhelin von Schlegcl, critic and author, b. 1767, d. 1845; Friedricli Daniel i nst Sell leiermacher, theologian, philologist, and preacher, b. 1768, d. 18.34; Georg Wilhelin Friedrich Hegel, philosopher, b. 1770, d. 1831; Joliann Heimicli Daniel Zschokke, novelist and historian, b. 1771, d. 1848; Carl Wilhelin Friedrieh von Schlegcl, philosopher and orientalist, b. 1772, d. 1829; Fried- rich Ludwig von Hardenberg (.Vovalis], poet and litterateur, b. 1772, d. 1801 ; I,udwig Tieck, philosopher and author, b. 1773, d. 1853 ; Friedrich Wilhelin Joseph von Schclling. philosopher and author, b. 1775, d. 1854; Ernst Tii -odor Amadens Hoff mann, author and music composer, b. 1776, d. 1822; Ludwig Carl Adalbert von Chamisso, naturalist and novelist, b. 1781, d. 1839. HEDWIG, written also Hedwige and Jadwiga, queen of Poland, b. 1371, d. 1399. Lovo of country. See Salvandy, N. A., comte de 1598.1 HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, German philoso pher, b. 1770, d. 1831. Lectures on tho philoso phy of history. Translated from tho 3d German edition by J. Sibree. London, 1857. P. 8 855.8 See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany. . . . 545.1 Knte. See histories of philosophy ; Journal of speculative ihilosophy [B. 11. 7521.1, passim}, and histories of German itcrature. HEIMSKRINGLA, The; or, chronicle of tho kings of Norway. See Snorro Sturleson 924.4 HEINE, Hoinrich. Pictures of travel. Translated from the German, by C. G. Leland. 4th revised edition. Philadelphia, 1863. 12 664.8 Note. See Matthew Arnold s essay, [B. H. 4577.18] ; and articles in Westminster review, Jan., 1856; in Edinburgh re view, July, 185IJ; in North British review, May, 1.SIK); in Fraser, Nov., 18(56; and in National quarterly review, June, 1866. For his letters, see the Class list for foreign languages ; and the Bates Hall catalogues for Karpeles [4S47.11], and other Ger man memorials, and the accounts in the literary histories of Germany. HEINTZELMAN, Samuel P., major-general, b. 1805. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 HELEN on her travels. 1868. Gage, C. A 1667.4 HKL&NE LOUISE ELIZABETH, duchess of Orleans. Me moir of. See Harcourt, C. C. L. E. de Choiseul- Praslin, duchesse d 614.2; 616.11; 618.1 HELLAS: her monuments and scenery. Chase, T. ... 656.7 HELM, John, pioneer of the West, b. 1761, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 HELMONT, Johan Baptista van, Flemish philosopher, physician, and alchemist, b. 1">77, d. 1644. See Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of tho art of medicine. 154.6 HELOISE, French abbess, friend of Abclard, b. 1101, d. 1164. Clarke, M. C. World-noted women 1522.25 Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de. Memoirs of cele brated characters v. 1 of 547.4 Wight, 0. W. The romance of Abelard and Heloise 1589.4 See also Abelard. HELPER, Hinton Rowan. The impending crisis of the South. New York, 1860. 12 297.24 -Same. Compendium. New York, 1860. 12.. 297.25 The land of gold. Reality versus fiction. Balti more, 1855. 12 264.13 HELPS, Sir Arthur, clerk of the privy council, b. 1817. Life of Hernando Cortes, [Spanish conqueror of Mexico, b. 1485, d. 1554]. New York, 1871. 2 v. in 1. 16 588.22 Shelf. No. HELPS, Sir Arthur, continued. Tho Spanish conquest in America [1344-1556], and its relation to slavery. London, 1855-01. 4 v. 8 J 254.2 Kate. See Contemporary review, vol. 14. HEMANS, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea, English poetess, A. 1794, d. 1835. Chorley, H. F. Memorials of. . 596.8 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of tho most eminent British poets v. 2 of 896.1 Hughes, Mrs. . Memoir of 596.9 Sigourney, L. H. Examples from tho 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 Note. Mrs. Hughes was a sister of Mrs. Hemans. [also in B. H. 2,178.11]. Tiiere are some critical remarks in the edition of her poems, [347.2] See Sainte-Beuve d Causerics, [B. H. 2C70.1.3]; S. C. Hall s sketch, [B. H. 6542.13]; and references in Allibone. HENDERSON, Robert. See Honryson, Robert. HENLEY, Robert, earl of Nirthinyt m, b. 1708, d. 1772. Memoir of. See Henley, R., lord 588.15 HENLEY, Robert, lord. Memoir of Robert Henley, earl of Northington, lord high chancellor of Great Britain, [b. 1708, d. 1772]. [With por traits.] London, 1831. P. 8 HENNINGSEN, C. F. Twelvemonth s campaign with Zuinalacarrogui, in Navarre and tho Basque provinces, [1834, 3~>]. London, 1836. 2 v. 12. 917.3 HENHI, of Lausanne, French hcresiarch, d. 1148. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 HENRIETTA MARIA, queen of Charles I, b. 1609, d. 1669. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious per sonages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 Strickland, A. Lives of tho queens of England. v. 4 of 592.1 HENRY II, king of England, b. 1133, d. 1189. See Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 1 of 840. 10 HENRY V, king of Enyland, b. 1388, d. 1422. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies v. 2 of 840.10 James, G. P. R,. Memoirs of great commanders. 557.6 Tales of heroes 554.15 Tyler, J. E. Henry of Monmouth: or, life and character of 552.4 Hate. There is a special monograph based on printed authorities by G. M. Towle, [B. H. 4543.3]. HENRY VI, king of England, b. 1421, d. 1471. See Tales of heroes 554.15 HENRY VII, "king of England, b. 1457, d. 1509. See Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 2 of 840.10 HENRY VIII, king of England, b. 1491, d. 1547. Gius- tinian, S. Four years at tho court of 998.1 Herbert, H. W. Memoirs of 558.1 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815. 1 Turner, S. History of tho reign of 9(i5.3 Tytler, P. F. Life of 558.4 Note Giustinian s [also in B. II. 2529.6] is a selection from that Venetian ambassador s despatches at the time. Herbert a is a popular account based on the ordinary printed authorities. Turner depends entirely upon the contemporary printed and manuscript authorities, and particularly traces the political events that led to the English ref ,rmati;.n. Tytler followed Turner and differed trom him and from Lingard m the cstima of Henrv ; and enlarges upon the introduction of learning in England at this time. The first four volumes ot Froude s Hi tory of England contain, however, the latest and more elabi rate account of Henry s reign, and constitute a defence of h charaeteragainst commonly received opinio der Engla if his See note un- HENRY III, king of France and Poland, b. 1551, d. 1589. Henry m: his court and times See Freer, M. W : 1007. 1 1 HENRY IV, the great, king of France and Navarre, b. 1553, d. 1610. Abbott, J. S. C. History of. . . 559.13 Biotrranhies of eminent men from tho 13th century. v. 1 of 839.6 Freer M. W. Henry iv and Mario de Medici. . . 614.3 History of the reign of 995.2 Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 5oo.3 Note. See Gurney s chapters from French history, [B. II. 4628 ft!]. See also note under France, Pre-revolutionary his tory, etc. zMw^ly, 2 r^ y &" "* /K.3-AJ. HENRY 128 HEROD Shelf. No. HENRY, prince of Wales, eldest son of James I, b. 1594, d. 1612. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 HENRY, of Hunting don, fl. T2th century. Chronicle of England, B. c. 55 to A. D. 1154]. Translated by T. Forester. New York, 1853. P. 8" 856.3 HENRY, Caleb Spraguo, D.D. Epitome of the his tory of philosophy. Translated from the French [of L. E. M. Bautain], with additions, and a continuation to the present day. New York, [cop. 1841]. 2 v. 18 820.45 HENUY, Matthew, commentator, b. 1662, d. 1714. Memoir of the Rev. Philip Henry, [English non conformist divine, b. 163 l,d. IG JO]. [With por trait.] Abridged. New York, n. d. 12 1107.12 Memoir of. See Williams, Sir J. B 119.18 HENRY, Patrick, American statesman, governor of Vir ginia, and author, b. 1736, d. 1790. Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught mon. 548.18; v. 2 of 548. 22 Everett, A. H. Life of v. 11 of 529.1 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolu tion 528.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Wirt, W. Sketches of the life and character of. 513.18 ..Vote. Wirt s [also in B. H. 4448.4] is the standard life. Everett s [also in B. II. 4447.1] is briefer. See Harper s monthly, vol. 3. HENRY, Philip, English non-conformist divine, b. 1631, d. 1696. Memoir of. See Henry, M 1107.12 HENRY, William S. Campaign sketches of the war with Mexico. With engravings. New York, 1847. 8 259.14 HENRYSON. or HENDERSON, Robert, Scotchpoet,fl. loth century. See Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies v. 3 of 399.9 HENSLOWE, Philip. Diary from 1591 to 1609. Edited by J. P. Collier. London, 1845. 8 342.28 HENS.MAN, Alfred P. Handbook of the constitution of England. London, 1860. 16 998.18 HENSON, Josiah, Maryland slave, b. 1789. Truth stranger than fiction. Father Henson s story of his own life. Boston, 1858. 12 C 526.12 HEPWORTH, Rev. George II., American divine, b. 1833. The whip, hoe, and sword; or, the gulf-depart ment in 63. Boston, 1864. 12 307.17 See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 HER majesty s tower. Dixon, W. H.. 1995.1; 1998.2; 1998.3 HERALDRY. Dallaway, H. Manual of . 948.15 Millington, E. J. Heraldry in history, etc 948.11 Note. See Bates Hail cataloprues, particularly Whitmorc s Elements of heraldry, [B. II. 0831.4} HERACD, John Abraham, epic poet and dramatist, b. 1799. See Powell, T. The living authors of England * 586.9 HERBERT, Anne, formerly Miss Clifford, countess of Pembroke, English authoress, b. 1589, d. 1675. Clayton, E. C. Notable women 1517.7 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 HERBERT, Arthur, earl of Torrington, admiral, b. 1667, d. 1716. See Adams, W. H. D. Nep tune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 HERBERT, Edward, 1st lord of Cherbury, English philosopher, b. 1581, d. 1648. Life, by himself. London, 1826. 8 5C3.5 See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 HERBERT, George, English divine, b. 15~93, d. 1632. Life of. See Walton, 1 589.5 r, e ,~ Also f.345.18], and a memoir by R. A. Willmott, [ 1.W.5T. Walton is also in Bates Hall, [4546.21]. See also sketch by S. C. Hall, [B. II. 2246.51]. HERBERT, George Robert Charles, earl of Pembroke, and KINGSLEY, (Henry?). South sea bubbles. New York, 1872. 8 1 - . 702.18 HERBERT, Henry H. M., earl of Carnarvon. Recollec tions of the Druses of the Lebanon. London, I860. 12 937.9 "l. Ru.H. f :*<. Shelf. No. HERBERT, Henry J. G., 3d earl of Carnarvon. Portu gal and Galicia, with social and political state of the Basque provinces. 3d edition. London, 1848. P. 8 889.8 HERBERT, Henry W. The captains of the old world. New York, 1851. 12 948.8 The captains of the Roman republic. New York, 1854. 12 948.7 Memoirs of Henry vm, of England, [b. 1491, d. 1547]; with the fortunes, fates, and charac ters of his wives. [With portraits.] New York, 1855. 12 558.1 Persons and pictures from the histories of France and England. From the Norman conquest to the fall of the Stuarts, [1066-1687]. New York, 1854. 12 548.6 HERBERT, Mary, formerly Miss. Sidney, countess of Pembroke, b. about 1550, d. 1621. Adams, W. H. D. The sunshine of domestic life 1517.1 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society. v. 2 of 542.15; 542.17 HERBERT, Mary Elizabeth, lady. Geronimo, [Chris tian martyr, d. 1569]. A true story. London, n.d. 16 6 1557.7 Three phases of Christian love. New York, 1867. 12 2085. 1 Contents. Life of St. Monica, b. 332, d. .W, by Abbe E. Bougaud; Life of Victoriric de Galard Tcrraube, b. 1798, d. 18-">6; Life of venerable mere Augustine Eulalie Devos, b. 1803, d. 1860. HERBERT, Philip, earl of Pembroke, and 1st earl of Montgomery, English eccentric, d. 1650. See. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 HERBERT, Sydney, lo*d Herbert of Lea, b. 1810, d. 1861. British cabinet in 1853 599.9 Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 HERBERT, William, earl of Pembroke, poet, b. 1580, d, 1630. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815. 1 HEKCULANEUM. The buried cities of Campania. Adams, W. II. D 1927.1 See also Pompeii. HERDER, Johann Gottfried von, German philosopher, b. 1744, d. 1803. De Quincey, T. Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters. v. 1 of 895.20 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 Note. See histories of German literature, and North Amer ican review, April, 1873. HEREFORDSHIRE, Eng. Black, A. and C. Guide to Hereford. 1865 1659.18 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1867.. 1658.5 HEREWARD, the last of the Saxons, d. 1072. See Peake, H. The boy s book of heroes 551.28 Note. Kingsley s book of this title [480.3; 710.39] is a novel founded on the events of the Norman conquest, ground cov ered also by Bulwcr in his "Harold" [120.5. !; 400.4 ; 466.51, and by Napier in bis William the conqueror," a novel, [415.4]. HERIOT, George. Travels through the Canadas. Philadelphia, 1813. 12 629.23 HERMITAGE, pseud. Life of Gen. Frank. Pierce, the granite statesman, [b. 1804, d. 1869]: with sketch of Hon. William Rufus King, vice-presi dent of the United States, [b. 1786, d. 1853]. New York, 1852. 96pp. 12 1529.5 HERNDON, William Lewis. Exploration of the val ley of the Amazon.- See United States 622.1 HERO boy, The; or, the life and deeds of U. S. Grant. See Hoadley, P. C 551.27 HEROD the great, king of the Jews, b. B. C. 73, d. B. C. 4. Life of. See Willott, W. M 557.16 Nate. See James s Dark scenes of history. HERODOTUS 129 HILDRETH Shelf. No. HERODOTUS, Greek historian, b. B.C. 484, d. B.C. 408? [History.] Now and literal version fromBoehr. By II. Gary. London, 1852. P. 8 814.1 Same. Translated by W. Beloo. New York, n.d. 3 v. 18 830.20 Satno. Edited by G. Rawlinson. With maps and illustrations. New York, 1859. 4 v. 8.. 941.1 Turner, D. W. Notes on 855.3 HEROES and hunters of the West. [Illustrated.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1853]. 16 J 245.11 HEROES. Brightwell, 0. L. Heroes of the labora tory and workshop 551.7 Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe _555.3 Hutton, B. Heroes of the crusades 1545.12 Peake, H. The boy s book of 551.28 Pictures of 551.17 Tales of 554.15 Yongo, C. D. Parallel lives of ancient and mod ern heroes 545.29 HEROINES. Eddy, D. C. Heroines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life. 599.16 The heroines of history 599.22 Prichard, T.J. L. The heroines of Welsh history. 979.12 Tytler, S. Heroines in obscurity 909. 12 HERON, Robert. Journey through the western coun ties of Scotland, in 1792. Perth, 1793. 2 v. 8. 646.1 HERRERA, Fernando, Spanish poet and writer, b. 1534? d. 1597. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal ; v. 3 of 398.1 HERRICK, Kir William, b. 1557, d. 1C53. See Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants 1559.3 HERSCHEL, Caroline Lucrctia, astronomer, b. 1750, d. 1848. See Women of worth . 551.19 HERSCHEL, Sir Frederick William, German astronomer in Enyland, b. 1738, d. 1822. Arago, (D.) F. (J.) Biographies of distinguished scientific men 541.3 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Perseverance under difficulties, as shown in the lives of great men 549.38 HERTFORD, 1st marquis of. See Seymour, William. HERVE, Francis. Historical prints, representing some of the most memorable events in tho his tory of Greece. [Anon.] With illustrative views. London, n. d. 16 959.14 Residence in Greece and Turkey. Illustrated. [London], 1837. 2 v. 8 683.8 HERVBY, Elizabeth, missionary to Bombay, d. 1831. Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross 569.9 Heroines of tho missionary enterprise 539.13 HERVEY, John, lord Hervey of Ickworth, English political writer and poet, b. 1696, d. 1743. Me moirs of tho reign of George n, [king of Eng land, 1727-60]. Edited by J. W. Croker. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 v. 12 553.7 See Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society v. 1 of 555.1 ; 1545.8 HERVEY, Mary Loppell, lady, b. 1700, d. 1768. See Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society. v. 2 of 542. 15; 542.17 HERVEY, Thomas K. The book of Christmas. New York, 1845. 16 989.2 HESEKIEL, John George Louis. Life of [Otto von] Bismarck, [Prussian statesman, b. 1815]. Trans lated by K. R. II. Mackenzie. With illustrations. New York, 1870. 8 1593.1 HESS, Johann Kaspar. Life of Ulrich Zwingle, tho Swiss reformer, [b. 1484, d. 1521]. Translated by L. Aiken. London, 1812. 8 Q 545.27 HETHERINGTON, William M. History of the Westmin ster assembly of divines. New York, 1853. 12. 1106.15 HEWES, George Robert Twelve, b. 1742, d. 1840. Traits of the tea party ; being a memoir of George R. T. Hewes, one of the survivors. [Anon.] [With portrait.] New York, 1835. 18. 219.4 Note. This relates to the throwing of a cargo of tea into Boston harbor by a party disguised as Indians, in December, 1773. HEWLETT, Henry G. Tho heroes of Europe. [Illus trated.] Boston, 1861. 16 555.3 Conteias. Charles Mattel, " duke of tho Franks," b. 694, d. 741; Pepin-le-bref, king of France, b. 71 1. d. 7(18; Charles I (.Charlemagne), emperor or Germany, b. 742, d. 814 ; Gregory VII (Ilildr.brand), pope, b. 1013, d. 1085; Rodriguez Diaz do Bivar, or Cid Ruy Diaz, Spanish warrior, b. about 102(3, d. 1099 j Godfrey, or Godefroid de Bouillon, crusader, duke of Lorraine, king of Jerusalem, b. 10.38? d. 1100; Bernard, St., founder and first abbot of Clairvauv, monastic reformer, b. 101)1, d. lloli; Frederic I (Barbarossa). emperor of Germany, b. 1121, d. 1190; Frederic II, emperor of Germany, b. 1194, d. 1250; Louis IX, or Saint Louis, king of France, b. 1215, d. 1270; Rudolph I, emperor of Germany, b. 1218, d.1291; Wilhelm Tell, Swiss hero, b. 1*7. d. 1354; Jacmart van Artevcld, or Arteveldc, brewer of Client, chief of the popular partv, d. 1345; Philip van Artoveld, chief of the insurrection in Flanders, b. about 1340, d. 1382; Cosmo de Medici, chief of the Florentine re public, philosopher and statesman, b. 1389, d. 1404 ; Francesco Alessandro Sforzn, Italian statesman and warrior, b. 1401, d. Terrail. seigneur Bayard, the clievalier, French warrior, b. 1476, d. 1524; Martin Lather, German religious reformer, b. 1183, d. 154U; Uernando or Fernando Cortes, Spanish adven turer, conqueror of Mexico, b. 148.5, d. l">5i ; Ignatius Loyola, a Spaniard.founderor the Jesuits, b. 1191,d. 155!); Chutftvual, Vasa, king of Sweden, b. 149C, d. 1560; William I, the silent, great prince of Orange, b. 1533. d. 1584; Henri IV, the great, king of France, b. 1553, d. 1010; Albrecht Wcnceslaus Ense- bius Wallenstein, or Waldstcin, duke of Mecklenbnrg, Ger man imperial general, b. 1543, d. 1(534; Armand Jean Du Plessis, due de Richelieu, French cardinal and statesman, b. 1585, d. 1642; Louis II, de Bourbon, prince of Conde, duko of Eughien, French general, b. 1621, d. 1686. HEYDENREICH, L. W. Life of Gustavus Adolphus, [b. 1594, d. 1632]. Philadelphia, 1868. 12.. 1588.2 HEYNK, Christian Gottlob, German philoloyer and anti quary, b. 1729, d. 1812. Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 863. 7; v. 1 of 867.1; v. 1 of 893.3 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-mado men 543. 13 Note. See Chamber s Papers, [38G.1.6] ; and histories of German literature. HEYWOOD, Jasper, 6. 1535, d. 1598. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets .v. 2 of 398.2 HEYWOOD, John, English dramatic p^cf , d. 1565. See Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent lit erary and scientific men of Great Britain . .Y. 1 of 398.3 Kate. See Whipple s Age of Elizabeth, [1373.5] ; and other authorities on the literature of that era. HICKEY, William. Tho constitution of tho United States, with an account of the stato papers, [etc.]. 6th edition. Philadelphia, 1853. 12 299.2 HIGGINSOX, Francis. Journal ; New-England s plan tation. Sec Young, A. Chronicles of tho first planters of Massachusetts bay 223.12 HIGGINSON, Thomas W. Army life in a black regi ment. Boston, 1870. 16 288.15 HIGH latitudes, Letters from, [1856]. Blackwood, F. T., lord Dufferin 708.1; 708.21; 1666.3 HIGHLANDS, Scotland. Browne, J. History of the Highlands and the Highland clans. 1852-54.. 985.3 Highlands and Highlanders. See Lectures, etc. 1860 v" 997<l Macleod, N. Reminiscences of a Highland parish. 1867 2087.1 Stewart, D. Sketches of tho Highlanders. 1822. 987.2 Stewart, W. G. Popular superstitions and amuse ments of the Highlanders. 1851 989.11 Weld, C. R. Two mouths in the. 1860 645.16 See also Scotland. tf, Edward. The electric telegraph: its his tory and progress. With illustrations. London, 1852. 16.T 819.9 HIGINBOTHAJI, Josephine M. " Una and her pau pers:" memorials of Agnes Elizabeth Jones. [Anon]. With an introduction by Florence Nightingale. 2d American from tho 5th London edition. New York, 1872. Sm. 8 59S.21 HILDEBRAND, pope. See Gregorius VII. HILDRETH, Richard, b. 1807. History of the United States, [1492-1821]. New York, 1854, 55. 6 v. 80.7.... 303 - 2 Japan as it was and is. Boston, 1855. 12. 708. 3; 938.2 Theory of politics: an inquiry into the foundations of governments. New York, 1853. 12 134.10 HILDRETH 130 HISTORY Shelf. No. HILDRETH, Samuel Prescott. Pioneer history: an account of the first examinations of the Ohio valley, and the early settlement of the north west territory, [1668-1818]. Cincinnati, 1848. 8 o ;... 245.3 HILL, Ambrose Powell, b. 1824, d. 1865. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and cam- 049 i paigns *a.x HILL, Mrs. Elizabeth. The widow s offering: a nar rative of [hor] life, trials, and travels. By her self. New London, Conn., 1852. 12 539.14 HILL, George Canning. Capt. John Smith, [founder of Virginia, b. J579, d. 1631]: a biography. Boston, 1858. 12 528.13 Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky, [b. 1735, d. 1822]. A biography. New York, 1860. 12.. . . 527.17 Gen. Israel Putnam, [American revolutionary general, b. 1718, d. 1790]. A biography. Phil adelphia, 1868. 12 528.10 HILL, George J. Story of the war in La Vendee and the little Chouannerie. New York, n. d. p. 8 1008.13 HILL, John. Life and writings of Hugh Blair, D. D., - [Scottish critic, b. 1718, d. 1800]. Philadelphia, 1808. 8 575.10 HILL, S. S. Travels in Peru and Mexico. London, 1860. 2 v. 12 634.3 Travels in Siberia. London, 1854. 2 v. 8 707.8 Travels on the shores of the Baltic. London, 1854. 12 687.20 HILLARD, George S. Life and campaigns of George B. McClellan, [American general, b. 1825]. Philadelphia, 1864. 12 518.19 Life of Captain John Smith, [founder of Vir ginia, b. 1579, d. 1631]. See Sparks, J. v. 1 of 518.5; v. 2 of 529.1 Six months in Italy, [1847, 48]. Boston. 1853. 2 v. 12 679.7 HILLER, 0. P. Memoir of [Emanuol] Swcdenborg, [Swedish theologian, b. 1688, d. 1772]. Chicago, 1867. 16 1557.2 HILLHOUSE, James, American statesman, b. 1754, d. 1832. See Sigourney, L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 HILLS, Alfred C. Macpherson, the great confederate philosopher and southern blower. New York, 1864. 12 307.23 HIMALAYAN journals; or, notes of a naturalist. 1854. Hooker, J. D 695.9 See also Harper s monthly, vol. 9, on the Himalayas; and general works on Asia. HINCHLIFF, Thomas Woodbine. South American sketches. [With illustrations.] London, 1863. 16 673.8 Summer months among the Alps: with the ascent of Monte Rosa. [With illustrations.] London, 1857. 12 667.14 HIND, Henry Youlo. Narrative of the Canadian Red river exploring expedition of 1857 and of the Assinniboino and Saskatchewan exploring expedition of 1858. [Illustrated.] London, 1860. 2 v. 8 622.9 HINDOOS, The: including a general description of India. With illustrations. London, n. d. 12. 839.16 HINDOSTAN. Gangooly, J. C. Life and religion of the Hindoos 938.16 Roberts, E. Scenes and characteristics of 938. 10 Ward, F. do W. India and the Hindoos 709.6 Note. See Clarke s Ten great religions, [114.11]; Malcom s Index under Hinduism; and McClintock and Strong s Cyelopsedia. Also the Sacred city of the Hindus, in Harper s monthly, vol. 38. See also Asia, Bengal, Delhi, Elora, Hi ndoos. HINES, Rev. Gustavus. Life on the plains of the Pacific. Oregon: its history, condition and pros pects. Buffalo, 1851. 12 637.4 Oregon and its institutions, comprising a history of the Willamette university. With engravings. New York, [cop. 1868]. 16 637.28 Shelf. No. KINGSTON, Edward P. The genial showman. Rem iniscences of Artomus Ward, [pseud, for Charles F. Browne, American humorist, b. 1834, d. 1867]. London, [1870]. 2 v. 16 643.1 Same. New York, 1870. 8 643.2 HIPPOCRATES, Greek physician, b. B. C. 460. See Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 HIRTITJS, Aulus. Commentaries. See Cassar, C. J. 824.3; 830.11 HISTORICAL account of the circumnavigation of the globe. Illustrated. New York, n. d. 18 810.76 HISTORICAL and biographical essays. Forster, J. . . . 894.3 HISTORICAL and critical essays. Do Quiueey, T 895.16 HISTORICAL and descriptive account of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe islands. [With maps.] New York, [cop. 1841]. 18 820.35 HISTORICAL characters. Bulwor, Sir H. L. (E.) . ... 507.9 HISTORICAL essays. Stanhope, P. H., earl 889.32 HISTORICAL essays, Select. Freeman, E. A 1818. 16 HISTORICAL parallels. Malkin, J. H. 839. 12; 840.41; 849.12 HISTORICAL prints, representing some of the most memorable events in the history of Greece, with illustrative views, [etc.]. London, n. d. 16.. 959.14 HISTORY and adventure. From Charnbers s reposi tory and miscellany. [Illustrated.] London, 1858. 2v. 12 376.3 HISTORY and progress of education. See Philobib- lius, pseud 126.25 HISTORY of banks. Boston, 1837. 12 136.24 HISTORY of Rome. London, 1834, 35. 2 v. 16.. 378.2 HISTORY of St. Domingo, [1492-1814]. London, 1818. 8 264.3 HISTORY of shipwrecks and disasters at sea. [Illus trated.] London, 1833-35. 4 v. 18 699.17 HISTORY of the Indian revolt and of the expeditions to Persia, China, and Japan, 1856-8. With maps and engravings. London, 1859. L. 8... 931.1 HISTORY of the Jews. New York, 1842. 16 1105.14 HISTORY of the protostant church in Hungary, from the reformation to 18.30. Translated by J. Craig. With an introduction by J. H. Merle D Aubigne. Boston, 1854. 12 1095.9 HISTORY of wonderful inventions. Timbs, J.. 197. 20; 197.21 HISTORY. Philosophy and study of history, etc. Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays 863.7 v. 2, 3 of 867.1; v. 2, 3 of 893.3 Cotta, B. von. Geology and history 1168.1 Davidson, D. Connexion of sacred and profane history 1089.34 Hegel, G. W. F. Lactures on the philosophy of. 855.8 Kingsley, C. Limits of exact science as applied to 883.12 Lucas, S. History as a condition of social pro gress 139.9 Miller, G. History, philosophically illustrated, from tho fall of the Roman empire, to the French revolution 859.6 Schlegol, (C. W.) F. von. The philosophy of .... 818.3 Shedd, W. G. T. Lectures upon the philosophy of. 947.18 Note. Lord Bolingbroke s " Letters on the study and use of history" [B. H. 2211.:!; 2001.4.2] were of great repute in the last century, and Voltaire on the " Philosophy of history " [B. H., in English, 2211.4] is brilliant, hut too vague to be otherwise very acceptable to readers of this day. Herder [B. H., in English, 22300; in German, 2211.10] viewed the subject with poetic tendencies : Hegel applied to it his system of phi losophy: Sclncgel wrote fruin the catholic stand-point of the Romantic school; and b unsen has traced the manifestations of" God in history " [B. H., in German. Ma.:!], and this same theory lies at the basis of the labors of Niehukr and Arnold. The peculiarly modern spirit pervades Goldwin Smith s paper [B. H. 2_ll.!">; see also Ailantic monthly, Jan. ,18701. who op poses the views of Buckle and Comte; and that on history in Maeaulay s essays. Carl Ritter has unfolded the relations of physical geography to the history of races [103.29; 1165.13, also see Bates Hall catalogues and Class list for arts and sci ences]; and his theory has been illustrated by Guyot, in his "Earth and man," [107.18; 107.19]. See also Contemporary review, vol. 5. Draper, in his History of the late civil war in the United States, devotes a large portion of the first vol ume [see United Stales. Civil war, note] to illustrating his theory of the dependence of events upon physiological causes, arisingfrom race and from the natural conditions of the south ern states. Buckle s [see Civilisation] necessitarian theory admits more that is spiritual, but he evolves an imperative law of averages to regulate and preserve the character of events. Froude [see England] seems to have no theory be yond the way ward forces of a diversified human nature: but he has expressed his views in his essays, " The science ofhis- HISTORY 131 HISTORY Shelf. No HISTORY. Philosophy and study of history, etc., con tinued. torv " [1815.15.1] and " Scientific method applied to history," [1815.15.2J. Guizot s theory is examined by J. Stuart Mill, [B. H. 2565.^0.2; 2565.21.2]; and again by Alison, [863.5, Essays on Guizot and Michelet], in comparison with the principles of other historians, from the time of Maehiavel. "who seems first to have formed a conception of the philosophy of history." Prescott s views.are given in his review of Irving s Granada, [872.2]. John Fiske, in the North American review, July, 1809, examines the views of Draper in his " Intellectual devel opment of Europe [B. H. 2205.2] and of Maine, in his " An cient law," [B. 11. 3012.18]. Bishop Dupanloup gives his counsel to young French stu dents on the study of history, [B. II. 3599.50]. See essays on the study of history by Bishop Fitzgerald, [B. H. 2507.25]; by Friswell, [B. H. 4578.21]; and by Prof. Seeley, [1117.1]. Judge Wooclbury has an essay on historical inquiries, and on the uncertainties of history, [B. H. 2401.1.3] ; and Hay ward, in his "Pearls and mock pearls of history" [B. H.2573.54.1J, shows how erroneous statements are engrafted upon the his torical records. historical writing, in Edinburgh review. May, 1828. See essays on the philosophy of history in Putnam s maga zine. April, 1868; in Emerson s Essays, [823.7.1]; in Carlyle s essays, [8IJ3.7, or Fraser s magazine, 1830 and 1833] ; and Harper s monthly, vol. 10, by John Bonner. Universal history. Freeman, E. A. Outlines of Goodrich, S. G. History of all nations. 1851 .. Kcightley, T. Outlines of. 1850 MacBurney, I. Cyclopaedia of universal history. 1855 .. Maunder, S. History of the world, [B. c. 4004- A. D. 1850] Millot, C. F. X. Elements of general history, [B. c. 1500-A. D. 1763] Mueller, J. von. Universal history, [to 1783].. Munsoll, J. The every day book of. 1858 Nicolas, Sir N. H. Chronology of. 1833 Taylor, W. C. Manual of ancient and modern history Turner, S. Sacred history of tho world . .810.43 ; Tytler, A. F. Elements of general history, [to 1820] - Universal history, from tho creation of the world to the beginning of tho 18th century - Same. Continued to 1820, by E. Nares Weber, G. Outlines of universal history Kote. Probably the best general history of the world is Philip Smith s [B. H. 0222.1], which will satisfy the reader of this day by embodying the latest researches, and testing all by that critical spirit which separates myth from fact. He claims, also, to be the only writer on this tlieme in English, who has tiaced the storv of Divine providence and human progress conjointly, since Raleigh [B. H. 2300.11; 2590.13.2-7; 6221.50] wrote his incomplete record, to which Hallam ascribes a classical reputation. The old Universal history [B. H. 2217.1], with its voluminous narrative, is of little interest at this day except as indicating the fashion of historical writing that satisfied a past genera tion. The German work of Mueller [also in B.H., in German, 2239.3; in English, 2239.1] gained a good reputation in the early part of this century by a method that brought events together by their affinities, rather than in the order of occur rence. Tlie English work of Tytler[also in B.H. 4142.1; 6212.20; 7039.20 ; 70. i9.21] dates about the same time, and his plan was to select the successive prominent nations, and make their history the thread of a general narrative. The German histo rian, Schlosser [B. H., in German, 4146.5], endeavored to con nect the parts of the record by their relations, one to the other. Smyth claims that universal histories are meant to take commanding views, and to follow in perusal upon a knowledge of the detailed events, narrated by special historians ; and it is with this aim that Bossuet [B. H., in French, 3-190.5.35 ; 4678.18 ; 0061.1.1], in what Hallam calls the greatest effort of his genius, put all history before Christ in relations to the Jews, and thence to the days of Charlemagne, in relation to the power of the gospels. So Michelet [B. H., in French, 2211.5] has com pactly surveyed the field in a search for hidden forces; and there is an essay by the late Prevost-Paradol, [B. H. 6227.1]. Of the modern outline histories, Goodrich s is simply popu lar; the English work of Maunder [also in B. II. 2237.2] is supplied with a continuation on American history; Height- ley s [also in B. II. 8219.61 was prepared for Gardner s Cabinet cyclopedia ; Weber s is the work of an orthodox protestant German, who traces the causes and consequences of important events, and is supplemented with an account of American his tory by Prof. Bowen; Taylor s Manual elucidates political causes, and is enlarged upon the History of the United States by Dr. Henry. See also the Dictionnaire litteraire et historique of Tardif de Mello, 1873, [B. H. 2951.50]. For historical maps the student will consult Spruner [B. H., for ancient history, 2280.52; for Asia, Africa, America, and Australia, 2280.51 ; for Europe from the middle ages, 2280.50] ; Bloss [for ancient history, 948.20] ; Gage [for modern history, 0285.5]; Les Cases, [Cabinet, 62]: Labberton, [2288.50] i and Worcester, [6230.3]. 997.21 951.2 368.1 947.5 951.5 945.3 949.4 947.1 368.2 952.2 1095.11 956.13 399.8 820.1 952.3 Shelf. No. HISTORY, continued. Ancient history, Bloss, C. A. Ancient history, [B. c. 3600-A. D. 476] 948.20 Gillett, E. H. Ancient cities and empires: their prophetic doom. 1867 1958.9 Herodotus. History. (Beloe s edition) 830.20 Same. (Gary s edition) 814.1 Same. (Rawlinsou s edition) 941.1 Menzies, H. Early ancient history, or the ante- Greek period 948.10 Rawlinson, G. Manual of ancient history. 1871. 957.12 Eollin, C. Ancient history, [B. c. 2188-B. c. 323] 952.1; 952.8 Smith, P. The student s ancient history. 1871.. 955.10 Taylor, W. C. Manual of ancient history 955.2 Note. The most scholarly English edition of the ancient Herodotus, is that of the Rawlinsons, [also in B. H. 2987.4]. Beloe s is also in Bates Hall, [2US7.5]. J. T. Wheeler s books, "Analysis and summary of Herodotus" [S55.2] and "Lite and travels of Herodotus, an imaginary biography " [B. H. 4952.15] are good books for the general reader. Sea Hero dotus. Rollin s day of usefulness is past, the science of historical writing having advanced beyond him, [B. H., in English, 2225.2; 2239.5; 4149.8: 0229.5: in French, 22:.0] ; hut he is val ued as reproducing the old historians, and praised by conser vatives like Dupanloup. The clear insight and unconven tional freedom of Heeren has traced the life of the people as well as the progress of the state, with a freshness and reality, in his account of the politics, intercourse and trade of the an cient Asiatic nations [B. II., in English, 3042.14; in German, 2303.4.10, etc.], and of the ancient Carthaginians, Ethiopians and Egyptians [B. II., in English, 3053.1; in German. 2:5.4. 10, etc.], and in his manual with regard to their constitutions, their trade, and their colonies [B. II., in English, 2291.i; in German, 2303.4.7], and Nicbulir, in his Lectures [B. H., in English, 0293.1M], which complement his History of Home, has learnedly and vividly, and with disregard of long estab lished but unproven talcs, surveyed the field of classical antiquity outside of Italy, as historical researches up to 1830 had left it. Hceren s Manual, above referred to, was corrected up to 1828, but Kawlinsoii, in his Manual, c. lining down to the fall of the Western empire [also in B. II. 021)3.11], has embraced modem research up to 18i!9. There is a French manual by Leiiormant, [B. H. 3029.50; 30211.51]. George Rawlinson s Five ancient monarchies" [B. H. 3028.1] covers Assyria, Babylon, ChaUlcea, Media, and Persia, is of high standing, and is reviewed in British quarterly re view, March, 1809; Edinburgh review, Jan. ,1867, etc. A later volume covers Parthia, [B. II. 3044.54]. Winwood Reade traces the connection of Africa with ancient history, in his .Martyrdom of man, [B. II. 2308.50]. Bald win s " Pre-historic nations " [1957.2] traces the origin of the Phoenicians, Chalda:ans, Egyptians, etc., to the Cushites of Of general works in German, Raumer [B.H. 2292.2] and Schlosser [B. H. 4147.3] are both of excellent repute, the latter going back lo the creation. In English, Taylor [also in B.H. 2291.1] is good ; while Lord s " Ancient states "[13. U. 0235.17] follows in a compendious way the general plan of Philip Smith s work, which is Intended to do for the other ancient nations (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon. Media, Persia, Asia Minor, and Phoenicia) what is usually done for Greece and Rome. Smith s comes down to Alexander s conquest, and avails of both Rawlinson s and Oppert s researches in cuneiform in scriptions. In French, see Dollfus s " Monde anti-iue, " [B. II. 2227.51] ; and Dupanloup s fifteenth letter, [B. II. 3.399.50]. See Butler s Atlas of ancient geography, 1871, [B. II. 2286.50] . See also Greece, Jews, Rome, etc. Modern history. Abbott, J. Course of history to the establishment of the American constitution Arnold, T. Introductory lectures on modern his tory Gervinus, G. G. Introduction to tho history of the nineteenth century Lord, J. Modern history, from Luther to Napo leon, [1461-1815] Micholet, J. Modern history Schlegel, (C. W.) F. von. Lectures on modern history Smyth, W. Lectures on modern history to the close of the American revolution, [476-1791]. 827.8; 943.3; Sullivan, W. Historical causes and effects from the fall of the Roman empire, 476, to the refor mation, 1517 White, J. Tho eighteen Christian centuries. 1858 115.16; Yonge, C. D. Three centuries of modern history, [1494-1821] Note. Dr. Smyth s Lectures are an admirable introduction to the study of modern history [also in B. II. 4018.4; r,227.2: 6305.2], and he gives critical opinions on the authors u> be read 948.1 947.11 949.12 947.4 820. C4 848.1 943.7 949.3 1105.1 947.21 HISTORY 132 HOGE HISTORY. Modern history, continued. upon each period, aiming as much to assist as to inform read ers. In his own views lie is liberal and impartial, and Sparks, who edits the American edition [941.3; B. U. 2213.50 ; 4142.2], and adds a list of books on American history, praises Smvth s candor in the lecture! devoted to the American revolution Dr. Arnold s book, which is simply introductory to the study, the American edition of which is edited by Henry Reed, con- cists of lecture* delivered in 1812. and shows the author s own liberal habits of mind and Christian impulses, though he is thought to be somewhat blind to the meritsof the side opposed to his sympathies. His treatment is simple and original. For the sources of modern history, consult Priestley s Lectures, [B. II. 2211.1]; and as a contemporary chronicle for recent times, the historical student knows the usefulness of the An nual register [B. II. 2218.1], from 1758 (when Burke began to write the historical section) down, there being a general index at the year 1S1!>, [13. II. 2258.2] ; and of the Gentleman s maga zine [fi. II. 3115.1]. from 17"! to a late day, when it abandoned its historical and antiquarian character. Dr. Johnson wrote the historical record for some vcavs after 17. )8. and there have been general indexes at 1780 [B. II. 3205.2] and at 1S18 [B. H. 3205..",]. See Disraeli, on the first sources of modern history, in his Amenities of literature, [404.8]. In French, the reader will find a brief, bold and learned survey by Michclct, [B. II. 4191.4.2]: and the. brilliant review- by Villcmain, [B. H. 2G72.7.8; 4077.8]. In German, there is the liberal work of Gervinus, [also ill B. II. 2107.10; 414(i.2]: and other reputable works by Kaumer, [B. II. 2299.H]; by Ileeren, lt .)2-1782,[H. II. 2303.4: in English, 2302.1 : aVH.l. 1 ?] ; and by Schloeser.for the 18th and 19th centu ries, [B. H. 4146.G; in English, 2301.2]. See also Europe. Miscellaneous, Choice notes from "Notes and queries." 1858. . . 999.18 Greene, G. W. Historical studies. 1859 947.9 Lieber, F. Great events by great historians, chroniclers, and other writers. 1840 947.12 Mangnall, 11. Historical and miscellaneous ques tions 939.9 Matthew, of Westminster. Flowers of 8f>6.5 Roger, of Wcndover. Flowers of 84(5.9 Shelton, E. The historical finger-post. 1861... 945.8 Timbs, J. Things not generally known. Curios ities of. 1857 949.9 Towlo, G. M. Glimpses of. 1866 1977.1 Note. For the history, civil, ecclesiastical, military, liter ary, etc., of various countries, see the names of those coun tries ;aiid for the history of arts, sciences, literature, and the like, see the terms appropriate to each. See alsn Biography, Chronology, Crusades, Ecclesiastical history. Knights, Middle ages, Sieges. Also, History in Class listfor books in foreign languages; and in Bates Hall cata logues. HITCHCOCK, Charles H., HUNTINGTON, Joshua H., and others. Mount Washington in winter, 1870-71. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1871. 10 634.23 HITCHCOCK, David K. Vindication of Russia and the emperor Nicholas. Boston, 1844. 12 926.1 HITCHCOCK, Ethan A. Swedenborg, a hermetic phi losopher. [Anon.] Now York, 1858. 12 1084.17 HITTELL, John S. Resources of California. San Francisco, 1863. 12 264.10 Same. 2d edition. San Francisco, 186G. 12. 2G4.12 HITTELL, Theodore H. Adventures of James Capen Adams, mountaineer and grizzly bear hunter of California, [b. 1807]. Illustrated. Boston, 1861. 12 527.23 HOADLEY, David, president of the Panama railroad, b. 1806. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 HOBART, Nathaniel. Life of Ernanuel Swedenborg, [Swedish theologian, b. 1088, d. 1772]. 3d edi tion. Prepared by B. Worcester. New York, 1850. 16 Q 545.17 HOBBES, Thomas, English philosopher, poet, and politi cal writer, b. 1588, d. 1679. Biographies of emi nent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839. G Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 8 of 840.10 Kate. Sec Contemporary review, vol. 7. HOCHELAGA; or, England in the Now World. Wur- burton, G 627.19; 1629.1 HOCHELAGA depicta: early history and present state of Montreal. Bosworth, N 265.4 HODGMAN, Stephen A. The nation s sin and punish ment; or, the hand of God visible in the over throw of slavery. [Anon.] New York, 1864. 12 295.11 Shelf. No. HODGSON, William. Lives, sentiments and suffer ings of some of the reformers and martyrs. Philadelphia, 1867. 12 2085.9 Contents. Claudius, bishop of Turin, writer against idola try, d. Si9 or 40; Pierre do Bruya. French heresiarch. d. 1147; Henri, of Lausanne, French heresiarch, d. 1148; Arnaldo, or Arnold, of Brescia, Italian theologian and philosopher. d. ir>5; Pierre de Vaux, or Peter Waldo or Valdo, French reformer and merchant, fl. 12th century ; Nicolas, of Basle, chief of tlie society of the Gottes Freiinde, fl. 14th century; Joanna Tauler, or Taulorc. German Dominican and invstic writer, b. 1290, d. l.Tlil; John WicklirT, or Wvcklyfte, English theologian und precursor of the reformation, l>. l.!2J, d. 1387; Conrad Waldhaiiser, Ausnstinian monk, d. 1309; Johann Milicz, archdeacon of Prague, ,1. llth century; Matthias, of Janow, reformer, d. l. KH; Matthias Crncoviensis, lefinner, d. 1410; Janos or John IIns, not Huss, Bohemian reformer and martyr, b. l:!73,ox. 1415; Gerard Groot, Dutch theologian, b. 1340, d. 1:584: Thomas a Kempis, German canon and abbott of Mount St. Agnes, and missal writer, b. 1.180, d. 1171; John Ruchrath, ofWcsel. German reformer, b. about 1110, d. 1481: Jan Weasel, professor of philosophy and theology at Cologne, b. 1419, d. 1489; Girolamo Savonarola. Dominican preacher and writer, b. 1452, d. 1498; JuandaValdes ( Val- dcsius.or Val d fisso), Spanish Protestant controversialist, d. 1540; Anne Askew, or Ascogh, English Lutheran controver William Dell, English non-conformist, fl. 17th century. HODSON, Capt. William S. R., English soldier, b. 1821, d. 1858. Twelve years of a soldier s life in India, [1845-58]. Edited by G. H. Hodson. From the 3d English edition. Boston, 1860. 12. 557.11 HOE, Richard March, inventor of " Hoe s double-cylin der press," b. 1812. See MacCabo, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 HOERBERG, Peter, Swedish painter, b. 1746, d. 1816. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men ..548.18; v. 2 of 548.22 HOFFMAN, Charles F. Administration of Jacob Leisler, [American political adventurer, d. 1691]. See Sparks, J v. 13 of 529.1 AWe. See Foe s literati [887.1.3], and Alliboue, Griswold, Duyckinck, etc. HOFFMAN, John T., governor of New York, b. 1828. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress. . . . 522.16 HOFFMAN, Virginia Hale, protestant, episcopal mission ary to Africa, b. 1832, d. 1856. Life of. See Cummins, G. D 539.27 HOFFMAN, William. The monitor; or, jottings of a New York merchant during a trip round the globe. With illustrations. New York, 1863. 12. 67 4.9 HOFFMANN, Ernst Thcodor Amadous, author and music composer, b. 1776, d. 1822. See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 HOFFMANN, Friedrich, German physician and chemist, b. 1G60, d. 1742. See Russell, J. R. The his tory and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 HOG, James Maitland, Scotchman, b. 1799, d. 1858. See Steel, R. Lives made sublime by faith and works 577.13; 577.16 HOGARTH, George. Memoirs of the opera in Italy, France, Germany, and England. London, 1851. 2 v. 12 905.19 Musical history, biography, and criticism. Lon don, 1838. 2v. 16 209.9 HOGARTH, William, Enylish painter and engraver, b. 1697, d. 1764. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 12 of 840. 10 Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 1 of 379.9; v. 1 of 810.19 Oliphant, M. (0. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George n 983 . 4 Thackoray, W. M. The English humourists of the 18th century 586.1; 589.28 Timbs, J. Anecdote biography v. 2 of 587. 15 Kate. The biography by Sala [B. II. 4038.2: see Westmin ster review, Jan., 1867] embodies latest researches; and Nich ols s Biographical anecdotes is of long standing, [B. H. 8069a.l8]. See also Thornbury s British artists" [043.18]; Lamb s Essay on Hogarth s genius, 874.6.4]! Haxlitfs essay, [807.2.4]; Fairholt s Homes, [H. H. 407.151] ; and Blanc s Ilis- toirc dcs peintres, [B. II. 8080.8]. There is a Gcrumn romance by Brachvogel, of which Ho garth is the hcio, [H. II. 2.179.CO]. See Allibone, anil the note under Painting. HOGE, Mrs. A. H. The boys in blue. With illustra tions. Now York, 1867. 8 272.9 HOGG 133 HOOD Shelf. No. HOGS, James, " the Ettrick shepherd," Scotch poet and romance writer, b. 1772, d. 1835. Familiar anec dotes of Sir Walter Scott, [b. 1771, d. 1832]. New York, 1834. 12 589.19 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of tho most emi nent British poets v. 2 of 896.1 Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 .Vote. See R. S.Mackenzie s Memoir, [865.1.4] ; Harper s monthly, vols.se and . SI; Art-journal. Oct.,186>i,or S. C. Hall s Book of memories, [B. H. ti542.1. !]; Chambers * Eminent Scotsmen; Lord Jeffrey in Edinburgh review, Nov., 1814; and the references in Allibone. HOGG, Thomas J. Two hundred and nine days; or, the journal of a traveller on the continent. New York, 1827. 2 v. 8 664.12 HOLBROOK, James. Ton years among the mail-bags. With illustrations. Philadelphia, 1856. 12 U .. 884.7 HOLBROOK, Samuel P., American sailor, b. 1793. Threescore years: an autobiography, containing incidents of voyages and travels, including six years in a man-of-war. With illustrations. Boston, 1857. 12 525.7 HOLCROFT, Thomas, English dramatist, b. 1745, d. 1809. Memoirs, by himself. London, 1816. / 3 v. 12 597.14 Same. London, 1852. 16 597.15; 1655.17 See Seymour, 0. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 HOLIDAYS abroad; or Europe from tho West. Kirk- land, C. M 648.14; 1656.11 HOLLAND, 1st earl. See Rich, Henry. HOLLAND, Is* lord. See Fox, Henry. HOLLAND, Zdlord. See Fox, Henry Richard (Vassal). HOLLAND, Edwin Clifford, American lawyer, poet, and essayist, b. 1793, d. 1824. See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscellanies. . . . v. 2 of 1815.5 HOLLAND, Frederic W. Scenes in Palestine, by a pilgrim of 1851. [Anon.]. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1852. Sm. 12 1119.16 HOLLAND, Sir Henry. Recollections of past life. New York, 1872. 12 585.17 Kote. See Hayward s Essays, [B. H. 2573.54]. HOLLAND, Hugh, d. 1633. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 HOLLAND, John. Memoirs of Rev. John Summer- field, [b. 1798, d. 1825]. [With portrait.] New York, [cop. 1850]. 12 U 1107.10 and EVERETT, James. Memoirs of James Mont gomery [English poet, b. 1771, d. 1854], includ ing selections from his correspondence. [With portraits.] London, 1854, 55. 4 v. 8 584.17 HOLLAND, Josiah Gilbert (Timothy Titcomb), Ameri can author, b. 1819. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 HOLLAND, Saba Smith, lady. Memoir of [her father] Rev. Sydney Smith, [English divine, critic, and wit, b. 1771, d. 1845]. With a selection from his letters, edited by Mrs. Austin. London, 1855. 2v. 8 583.18 Same. New York, 1855. 2 v. 12 583.19 HOLLAND, William M. Life and political opinions of Martin Van Buren, [8th] president of the United States, [b. 1782, d. 1862]. [With portrait.] Hartford, 1835. 12 517.20 HOLLAND. Abbott, J. Rollo in. 1864 659! 17 Adams, W. T. Dikes and ditches; or, Young America in. 1868 1677.4 Family tour through South Holland. 1862 389^2 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1854.. 649.19 See also Netherlands, and note annexed; and Harper s monthly, vols. 3, 24 and 44. HOLLES, Thomas Pelham, duke of Newcastle, English statesman, b. 1693, d. 1768. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 HOLLEY, Horace, American divine, d. 1827. Genius and character of. See Caldwcll, C 534. 1 HOLLEY, Orville Luther. Life of Benjamin Frank lin, [b. 1706, d. 1790]. [With illustrations.] Boston, [cop. 1848]. P. 8 519.8 Shelf. No. HOLDINGS, J. F. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero, [b. B. c. 106, d. B. c. 43]. [With portrait.] London, 1839. 16 389.7 Life of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, [b. 1594, d. 1632]. London, 1838. 16 389.6 HOLLI.VUSHEAD, John. Odd journeys in and out of London. London, 1860. 12 645.18 HOLLWAY, John George. A month in Norway. London, 1853. 12 669.7 HOLMAN, James, the Mind traveller, b. 1791 ! d. 1857. See Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 HOLMES, Abiel, D. D., of Cambridge, Mass., b. 1763, d. 1837. Annals of America, from 1492 to 1826. Cambridge, 1829. 2 v. 8 304.9 Life of Ezra Stiles, D. D., president of Yale college, [b. 1727, d. 1795]. Boston, 1798. 8 534.12 HOLMES, Arthur. Parties and their principles. New York, 1859. 12 299.11 HOLMES, Edward. Life of Mozart [German music composer, b. 1756, d. 1791], including his cor respondence. New York, 1845. 12 545.21 HOLMES, Nathaniel. Tho authorship of Shakespeare. New York, 1866. 16 823.20 HOLMES, Oliver Wendell, M. D. Tho medical pro fession in Massachusetts. See Massachusetts his torical society * . . . 222.3 HOLMES, William R. Sketches on tho shores of tho Caspian. [With illustrations.] London, 1845. 8 J . C74.3 HOLSTEIN, H. L. Villaume Ducoudray. Memoirs of Gilbert Motier La Fayette, [French general in the American revolution, b. 1757, d. 1834]. Translated from" the French. New York, 1824. 12 617.4 Memoirs of Simon Bolivar, president liberator of the republic of Columbia, [b. 1783, d. 1830]; and of his principal generals. [With portrait and map.] London, 1830. 2 v. 12 539.1 HOLT, Edward. Life of George in, [king of England, b. 1738, d. 1820]. With portraits. London, 1820. 2 v. 8 553.8 HOLT, Sir John, lord chief justice, b. 1642, d. 1710. See Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of the early lives of great lawyers 15 16. 13 HOLTON, Isaac F. New Granada: twenty months in the Andes. With illustrations. New York, 1857. 8 633.2 HOLY LAND. See Palestine. HOMANS, J. Smith. Sketches of Boston. [Anon.] With engravings and maps. Boston, 1851. 16. 229.7 HOME, Daniel Douglas, spiritualist, b. 1833. Incidents in my life. New York, 1863, 72. 2 v. 12. .. 538.25 HOME-LIFE, The, of English ladies in the 17th cen tury. London, 1860. 16 997.3 HOME walks and holiday rambles. Johns, C. A 644.9 HOMERUS, Greek epic poet, fl. B. c. 962-907. Good- rich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times, .v. 2 of 1869.1 Lamartine, A. (M.L.)de. Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 2 of 547.4 Note. The Bates Hall catalogues contain much under Homerus; and translations of, and treatises on, the poems, often have biographical addenda, and the introduction to Fcl- ton s edition of the Iliad is good for the general reader, as are also his lectures. [B. H. 5073.1]. See Gladstone s " Studies on Homer and the Homeric age [B. H. l*jyr.-!; also see Oxford essays,], and his " Juventus inundi," a reproduction of life at that time from the poems, and in which ho embodied the results of the previous bo >k with later and other researches, [13. H. 4995.8 ; 459S.itiJ. See also Trov and the Homeric plain," in Maclarensessays, [B. II (1504.2.1.13; and also in Contem porary review, vol. 12. See Froude s essay [1815.15.1] aud note under Greece, literature, and the references in the dictionaries of Smith, Hoeier, Michaud, Oettinger, Thomas, etc. For his poems in modern dress, see Wilson s essay on " Homer and his translators. [B. II. 45W.11.4] ; and Matthew Arnold s criticism, [1325.8; B. II. 4577.18]. See N. Drake, on "the blunders of Homer," in his Evenings in Autumn, [B. H. 6578.8]. For the pro and con of the theory of Wolf relative to the authorship of the poems, see De (^uincey s essay [895.16.1], and other authorities cited in the dictionaries. See Contem- . porary review, vol. LJ, ou the antiquity of the poems. HONDURAS, Explorations and adventures in. 1857. Wells, W. V 621.2 HONG KONG, Narrative of an exploratory visit to, [1844-46]. Smith, G 696.14 HOOD, Alexander, 1st viscount Bridport, British admi ral, b. 1726, d. 1814. See Lodge, E Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. . . v. 8 of 815.1 HOOD 134 HOKSTE Shelf. No. HOOD, Edwin Paxton. John Milton : the patriot and poet, [b. 1608, d. 1674]. London, 1852. 18.. 586.24 Uses of biography. London, 1852. 18 878.24 William Wordsworth, [English poet, b. 1770, d. 1850] ; a biography. London, 1856. 12 584.20 HOOD, George. History of music in New England. Boston, 1846. 1C 209.7 HOOD, John B., b. 1830. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns 243.1 HOOD, Robin, English outlaw, b. about 1150. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Note. See Prof. Child s introduction to his collection of the Robin Hood ballads, (.1316.0.5, or Atlantic monthly, Dec., 1859]; Edinburgh review, July, 1847; and North American review, Jan., 1857. HOOD, Samuel, 1st viscount Hood, British admiral, b. 1724, d. 1816. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 HOOD, Thomas, English poet, b. 1798, d. 1845. Me morials. Collected by his daughter. [With en graving.] Boston, I860. 2 v. 12 587.20 Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews v. 2 of 875.11 v. 2 of 875.12 Note. The Memorials by his children is the chief authority, but see also his own reminiscences in Hood s own." There are brief sketches by Epes Sargent; Alilues, Lord lloughton, [318.1 ; 1317.7] ; and 111 Gilfillan s gallery, [.148.3]. See notices ries. [B. II. 6542.13]; in Thackeray s Miscellanies. [720.42.4]; in Atlantic monthly, Nov., 1800; in British quarterly review, or no. 12^3 of Living age; in Westminster review, 1871, or no. 1407 of Living age; in Gentleman s magazine, 1872, or no. 1408 of Living age ; in Harper s monthly, vols. 21, 22, 26 and 39; and the references in Allibone, Thomas, etc. HOOK, Theodore Edward, English journalist and mis cellaneous writer, b. 1788, d. 1841. Life and re mains. By R. II. D. Barham. [With portraits.] 4th edition. London, 1850. 2 v. 12 587.9 Theodore Hook: a sketch. [Anon. } 4th edition. London, 1853. 16 586.25 Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society. v. 2 of 555.1; 1545.8 Note. Barbara s [also in B. H. 2458.24] is the standard life; but there is a later sketch, prefixed to an edition of his humor ous works, [B. H. 2578.64]. See also Smiles s Brief biogra- Shies, [589.18]; S. C. Hall s Book of memories, [B. H. W2.13]; Quarterly review. May, 1843; Atlantic monthly, March. 1800, p. . ttC. and April, 1805, p. 477: Harper s monthly, vols. 1,27 and 39; Mnddcn s Blessington. [595.8] ; Leigh Hunt s Autobiography, [584.13] ; and the references in Allibone. HOOKE, Nathaniel, Irish historian, b. 1690, d. 1763. See Lawrence, E. Lives of the British his torians v. 2 of 586.11 HOOKER, Edward W., D. D. Memoir of Mrs. Sarah L. H. Smith, late of the American mission in Syria, [b. 1802, d. 1836]. [With portrait.] Sdedition. New York, [cop. 1845]. 12 1107.18 HOOKER, Joseph, American major -general, b. 1815. Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recollections of dis tinguished generals 1516.12 HOOKER, Joseph D. Himalayan journals; or, notes of a naturalist in Bengal, etc. With maps and illustrations. London, 1854. 2 v. 8 695.9 HOOKER, Richard, English divine, b. 1554, d. 1600. Walton, I. Life of 589.5 Whipplo, E. P. The literature of the age of Elizabeth 1373.5 ffote. Walton s Life [also 1103.4 ; B. H. 3547.15; 0064.4] is the chief authority; but see also Atlantic monthly. Dee.] 1868; Disraeli s Amenities of literature, [404.8.2]; North British review, Feb , 1857; and the references in Allibone, McClintock and Strong; and the general histories of English literature and of the English church. HOOKER, Sir William J. Journal of a tour in loo- land, in 1809. [With illustrations.] 2d edition. London, 1813. 2 v. 8 668.2 HOOPER, John, bishop of Gloucester, English martyr, b. 1495, burnt 1555. See Tayler, C. B. Memo rials of the English martyrs 1094.10; 1094.15 982.3 Shelf. No. HOPE, I. Britanny (sic) and the Bible: with re marks on the French people and their affairs. London, 1852. P. 8 40J.9; 1655.7 Britanny (sic) and the chase; with hints on French affairs. London, 1853. P. 8 409. 9; 1655. 7 HOPE, Sir John. Despatch after the battle of Co- runna. See Memorials of the late war. . .v. 1 of 830.42 HOPKINS, John H. The American citizen: his rights and duties, according to the spirit of the constitution of the United States. New York, 1857. 12 134.17 HOPKINS, Matthew, witch accuser, fl. 17th century. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human na ture v. 3 of 1869.1 HOPKINS, Samuel, American divine, founder of Hop- kinsianism, b. 1721, d. 1803. See Whittier, J. G. Old portraits and modern sketches, v. 1 of 823.21; 887.6 HOPKINS, Rev. Samuel. The puritans: or the church, court, and parliament of England, during the reigns of Edward vi ami Queen Elizabeth, [1549- 1601]. Boston, 1859-61. 3 v. 8 HOPKINS, Stephen, American judge, senator, and author, b. 1707, d. 1785. See Edwards, B. B. Biogra phy of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 HOPPER, Isaac T., American abolitionist, b. 1771, d. 1852. A true life. See Child, L. M 525.10 HOPPIN, James M. Old England: its scenery, art, and people. New York, 1867. 16 1654.2 HOPPNER, John, painter and writer, b. 1759, d. 1810. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most emi nent British painters, etc. . . v. 5 of 379.9 ; v. 4 of 810.19 HOPSON, Sir Thomas, vice-admiral, d. 1717. See Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence .... 379.13 HOPTON, Ralph, lord, English military officer, b. 1598, c?. 1652. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 HORATIUS FLACCUS, Quintus, Roman Latin lyric poet, b. B. c. 65, d. B. c. 8. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 HORBERG, Peter. See Hoerberg, Peter. HORN, Philippe, count, b. 1552, ex. 1568. Trial of. See Schiller, (J. C.) F. von 818.10; v. 2 of 830.36 HORNBY, Emilia B. In and around Stainboul. Phila delphia, n. d. 12 666.6 HORNE, Richard Henry, miscellaneous writer, b. 1807 ? A new spirit of the age. New York, 1844. 18 878.23 Contents. Charles John HufTam Dickens, English novelist, b. 1812, d. 1870; Anthony Ashley Cooper, curl of Sliaftsbury, English politician and religious advocate, b. 1801; Thomas Southwood Smith, English physician, b. 1783, d. 1801 ; Richard Harris Barham (Thomas /nt/oldsbi/), English divine, humor ous and satiric writer, b. 1788, d. 1815; Walter Savage Landor, English poet, b. 1775, d. 1804; William Howitt, English mis cellaneous popular writer, b. 1795; Mary Howitt. English authoress, b. ISO*; Edward Bonvenc Pusey, English divino and author, b. 1800; George Pavne Kainst ord James, English novelist and historian, b. 1801, d. 1800; Mrs. Catherine Grace Frances Gore, English authoress, b. 1799, d. 1801; Frederic Marrvat, English naval captain and novelist, b. 1792, d. 1848; Mrs. Frances Trollope, English novelist a:id traveller, b. 1778, d. 1803: Sir Thomas NooiiTalf >urd (calli-a ;;/<>(( Titl/otird), English judge and author, I). ]7il, d. 1845: Richard Mon Miliics, lord lloughton. politician and author, b. 1809 ; II; ickton artlcy Douglas Jcrrold, English author, b. 180:!, d. 1857; William Wordsworth, English poet, b. 1770, d. 1850; James Henry Leigh Hunt, English poet and essayist, b. 1784, d. 18.51); Alfred Tennyson, English poet-laureate, t>. 1809; Thomas Babuigton Macaulay, lord, English critic and historian, b. 1800. d. 1859; Thomas Hood, English poet, b. 1708, d. 1815; Theodore Ed ward Hook, English journalist and miscellaneous writer, b. 1788, d. 1841; Harriet Martineau, English novelist and politi cal economist, b. 1802; Anna Murphy Jameson, English mis cellaneous writer, b. 1797, d. 1800: James Sheridan Knowles, Irish dramatic author, b. 1784, d. 1802; William Charles Mac- ready, English actor, b. 1793; Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Brown ing, English poetess, b. 1809, d. 1801; Hon. Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth Norton, English authoress, b. 1808; John Banin, Irish novelist, b. 1800, d. 1842; Robert Browning, English poet, b. 1812; John Westland Marston, English poet and dramatist, b. 1820; Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer Lytton, lord Lytton, English dramatic author, novelist, and diplomatist, b. 1805, d. 1873; William Harrison Ainsworth, English novelist, b. 1805 ; Mrs. Mary Wolstonecraft Shelley, English authoress, b. 1797, d. 1851 ; Robert Montgomery, di vine and poet. b. 1807, d. 18.55; Thomas Carlyle, English essayist, historian, biographer, and poet, b. 1795; Henry Tay lor, English dramatist and essayist, b. about 1800. See Powell, T. The living authors of America. . 586.9 HORNER 135 Shelf. No. HORNER, Francis, M. P., Scottish political economist, b. 1788, d. 1807. Memoirs and correspondence. Edited by L. Homer. [With portraits.] Bos ton, 1853. 2 v. 8 582.6 HORNER, Susan. A century of despotism in Naples and Sicily, [1759-1859]. Edinburgh, 1860. 8. 918.18 HORSMAN, Edward, English statesman, b. 1807. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 HORTENSE, queen of Holland, b. 1783, d. 1837. His tory of. See Abbott, J. S. C 559.33 HORTON, Rushmoro G. Life of James Buchanan, [15th president of the United States, b. 1791, d. 1868]. With portrait. New York, 1856. 12. 517.10 HOSKYNS, John, b. 1566, d. 1638. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 II USSIER, Harriet G., American sculptress, b. 1831. Notes of travel and life. See Mendell, 635.31 See Clever girls of our time 599.21 Note. See Tiickerman s Book of the artists, [B. H. 89T2.20] ; and Harper s monthly, vol. 33. HOSMER, James K. The color-guard: a corporal s notes of military service in the nineteenth army corps. Boston, 1864. 12 307.26 HOSPITAL life in the army of tho Potomac. Reed, W. H 1157.14 HOSPITAL sketches. Alcott, L. M 307. 10 HOSPITAL transports: the embarkation of the sick and wounded from the peninsula of Virginia in the summer of 1862. Boston, 1863. 16 1309.2 HOTTEN, John C. Charles Dickens, [b. 1812, d. 1870]. The story of his life. [Anon.] With illustrations. New York, 1870. 8 1535.1 Same. London, [1870]. 8 1556.2 Thackeray tho humourist and the man of letters, [b. 1811, d. 1863]. With photograph and illus trations. By Theodore Taylor, [pseud.]. Lon don, 1864. 12 567.8 Same. Added, In memoriam, by C. Dickens, and a sketch by A. Trollope. With portrait and illustrations. New York, 1864. 12 535.20 HOUDIN, Robert, French ambassador, author, and con juror, b. about 1804. Memoirs. By himself. Edited by R. Shelton Mackenzie. Philadelphia, 1859. 12 615.13 HOUGHTON, Lord. See Milnes, Richard M. HOURS with the mystics. Vaughan, R. A 115.23 HOUSE, Samuel, the patriotic publican, d. 1785. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 HOUSTON, Samuel, general, governor of Texas, b. 1793, d. 1862. Life. [Anon.] Illustrated. New York, 1855. 12 517.15 (See Savage, J. Our living representative men.. 527.19 How America won freedom; or the story of 1775, told to the youth of England and America in 1863. [Life of Washington.] With illustra tions. 2d edition. London, 1863. P. 8 217.21 HOWADJI. Curtis, G. W. The howadji in Syria. 686.19; 686.22 Nile notes .of a 698.1; 698.6 HOWARD, Charles, lord Effinyham, 1st earl of Notting ham, lord high-admiral of England, b. 1536, d. 1624. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 564.8 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 Southey, R. Lives of the British admirals, v. 2 of 388.5 HOWARD, Frances. See Stuart, Frances, duchess of Richmond. HOWARD, George William Frederick, 1th earl of Car lisle, b. 1802, d. 1864. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. [Illustrated.] Edited by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1855. 12 683.12 Lectures and addresses in aid of popular educa tion. New edition. London, 1853. 12 409.3 Same. New edition. London, 1857. 16. . ..1655.25 HOWARD, Henry, earl of Northampton, writer, b. 1539, d. 1614. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815. 1 Shelf. No. HOWARD, Henry, earl of Surrey, English poet, b. about 1515, d. 1547. Cabinet portrait gallery of Brit ish worthies v . 3 of 840.10 Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors. 883.14 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 Note. See the memoirs by Nott, [B. H. 2591.12] ; by Nico las, [1317.8]; by Chalmers. [B. H. 2592.7.2]: by Campbell, r34;i.l4.2] ; by Anderson, [B. H. 4604.1.1]; Thomsons Cele brated friendships, [B. H. 4550.7.1] ; Jameson s Loves of the poets. [359.11] ; and the literary histories of llallam, Wartou, and the references in AHibone. HOWARD, John, English philanthropist, b. 1726? d. 1790. Brown, J. B. Memoirs of 575.12 Dixon, W. H. John Howard, and tho prison world of Europe 575. 14 Field, J. Life of 575.13 Life of. See Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge 58 .). 14 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 -Vote. Brown [also in Bates Hall in an abridgment BMwuol had access to original papers and documents . Aiken s [B. H. 6548.0], is brief, and was published in 1792. That pub lished by the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge is simply a popular abstract of Brown s. The two most recent biographies are Dixon, who wanted to make a more readable book tnan Brown s, and to add to the record other facts ; and Field, who was dissatisfied with Dixon s " ad\ f ocaey of demo cratic principles and aspersion of a godly prince. See also Bayne s Christian life, [1080.12]; Essays from the London times, [899.13]; Harper s monthly, vol. 2; and references in Alliboiie. HOWARD, Oliver Otis, American brigadier-general, b. 1830. See Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times. 1522.8 HOWARD, Philip, earl of Arundcl, b. 1557, d. 1595. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person ages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815. 1 HOWARD, Rev. Simeon, b. 1733, d. 1804. Election sermon, 1780. See Thornton, J. W. The pulpit of tho American revolution 217.20 HOWARD, Thomas, 3d duke of Norfolk, naval and mili tary officer, b. 1473, d. 1554. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 HOWARD, Thomas, th duke of Norfolk, b. 1536, d. 1572. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 HOWARD, Thomas, earl ofArundel and Surrey, English ambassador and antiquary, b. about 1586, d. 1646. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person ages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 HOWARD, Thomas, earl of Suffolk, English admiral, b. 1561, d. 1626. Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 564.8 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 HOWARD, William, viscount Stafford, conspirator, b. 1612, ex. 1680. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain.. ..v. 6 of 815.1 HOWE, Elias, jr., inventor of the sewing-machine, b. 1819, d. 1867. See MacCabe, J. D.,_/r. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Note. Parton s history of the sewing machine, in Atlantic monthly, May, 1807, represents the claims of Howe, and he is controverted in the Galaxy, of the same vear, in an article claiming the position of the inventor for Walter Hunt. HOWE, Fisher. Oriental and sacred scenes, from notes of travel in Greece, Turkey, and Palestine. [Illustrated.] New York, 1869. 12 1694.18 HOWE, Henry. Historical collections of Virginia. Illustrated. Charleston, S. C., 1852. 8 235.2 HOWE, Julia Ward. From the oak to the olive. Boston, 1868. 16 1675.8 Trip to Cuba. Boston, 1860. 12.... 637.25 HOWE, Richard, kth viscount, 1st earl Howe, English admiral, b. 1725, d. 1799. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England. 578.19 Barrow, Sir J. Life of 564.7 Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 HOWE, Samuel G. Historical sketch of the Greek revolution, [1821-27]. 2d edition. New York, 1828. 12 918.4 HOWELL 136 HUDSON S Shelf. No. HOWELL, John Warren, surgeon, of Bath, Eng., b. 1810, d. 1844. Perfect peace: letters-memorial of. See Pitcairn, D 599.13 HOWELLS, William D., of Cambridge, Mass. Italian journeys. New York, 1867. 16 655.15 Suburban sketches. New York, 1871. 16 644.22 Their wedding journey. With illustrations. Boston, 1872. 16 644.23 Venetian life. New York, 1866. 16 644.21 HOWISON, John. Sketches of Upper Canada. Edin burgh, 1821. 8 63^.1 HOWISON, Robert R. History of Virginia, [1492- 1847]. Philadelphia [and] Richmond, 1846, 48. 2v. 8 !......... 236.2 Ho WITT, Anna Mary. An art-student in Munich. Boston, 1854. 16 207.16 Ho WITT, Margaret. Twelve months with Fredrika Bremer in Sweden, [1863, 64]. [With portraits.] London, 1866. 2 v. 16^ 1596.1 HOWITT, Mary, English authoress, b. 1804. History of the United States. Illustrated. London, 1859. 2 v. 12 305.5 Same. New York, 1860. 2 v. 12 305.6 Literature and romance of Northern Europe. See Howitt, W 404.5 Stories of English and foreign life. See How itt, W 825.5 See Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 HOWITT, William, English miscellaneous papular writer, b. 1795. History of priestcraft. New York, 1857. 12 2104.4 History of the supernatural. Philadelphia, 1863. 2 v . 12 945.10 Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets. rWithl illustrations. New York, 1847. 2v. 12.. 896.1 Abraham Cowiey, English poet, b. 1018, (1. 1*7; John Milton, English poet, b. 1<3, d. Io74: Samuel Butler, English poet, b. 1612, d. Ili80; John Dryden, English poet, b. 1631, d. 1701; Jo seph Addison, Eiu lHi poi-t u;i,l es-uyist, b. 1B72, d. 1719; John Gay, English poet, dramatist, and fabulist, b. HISS, d. 1732; Alexander Pope, English poet and critic,!). 1683, d. 1744; Jona than Swift, Irish dean of St. Patrick s, litterateur and satiric Gray, English poet, D. inn, u. LIU; uuver uoiusunui. *HMI poet and historian, b. 17iS. d. 1774; Hubert Burns, Scotch Percy Bvsshc Shelley, English poet, b. 1792, d. 1822; G Gordon "Noel Jiyron, lord, English poet, b 1788, d. 1824. II. George Cnibhe, English poet and preacher, b. 1754, d. 1832; James Ho"". " Hi - l-:itrlrk*h"pk< rd" Scotch poet and romance writer, b.1772, d. 1835; Samuel Taylor Coleridge. English poet, essayist, and moral philosopher, b. 1772, d. 1834; -Mrs. Felicia Dorothea Italians, English poetess, b. 1793, d. 1835; Letetia Elizabeth Landon, afterwards Mrs. Maclean, English poetess, b. 1802, d. 1& !8; Sir Walter Scott, Scotch novelist, poet, and historian, b. 1771, d. 1832; Thomas Campbell, Scotch poet and critic, b. 1777, d. 1814; Hubert Suuthey, English poet-laureate and historian, b. 1774, d. 1813; Joanna Uaillie, Scotch dramatic D. llti), (-1. ICIO-t ; J.lllM S Ll* Illy Jjl l^u 11U1IV, .Ullfcllall J"v.u .. . iv* essayist, b. 1784, d. 1859; Samuel Kogers, English [>oet, b. 1763, d. 185. ); Thomas Moore, Irish p >et, 1). 1779, d. 18,52; Ebenezer Elliott, the corn-law rhynier. b. 1781, d. 1849; John Wilson Itlhristofiher North), Scottish poet and critic, b. 1785, d. 1*54; Bryan Waller Procter (Bar,-<j Cornwall), English poet, b. 1790; Alfred Tennyson, English poet-laureate, b. 1809. Land, labour, and gold ; or, two years in Victo ria. London, 1855. 2 v. 8 -Same. Boston, 1855. 2 v. 12 The rural life of England. London, 1838. 2 v. 12 - Same. From the 2d London edition. Phila delphia, 1841. 8 The student-life of Germany. Philadelphia, 1842. 8 Tallangetta, or the squatter s home. A story of Australian life. London, 1857. 2 v. 12 Visits to remarkable places; old halls, battle fields, and scenes illustrative of striking pas sages in English history and poetry. 3d Ameri can edition. Philadelphia, 1854. 2 v. 12... See Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age IOWITT, William, continued. and Mary. Literature and romance of Northern Europe. London, 1852. 2 v. 12 Stories of English and foreign life. London, 1853. P. 8 Note. See sketch by S. T. Hall, [B. H. 2246.51]; Men of eminence; Noctes ariibrosianas, [805.1]; and references m 705.1 705.19 896.4 986.S 663. 705.9 896.: 878.2: 404.5 825.5 706.1 113.4 IOWLAND, Edward. Grant as a soldier and states man. [With illustrations.] Hartford, 1868. 8. 1513.9 [OWLAND, John, president of the Rhode Island histori cal society, b. 1757, d. 1854. Life and recollec tions of. See Stone, E. M 525 - 8 HOWLEY, Edward. History of tho English consti tution. London, 1857. 12..... _. 987 - 7 IOWSON, John Saul. Life and epistles of St. Paul. See Conybeare, W. J 113 9 HOYLAND, John. Customs, habits, and present state of tho gypsies. London, 1816. 8 9^-6 -CAPAC, l^th inca of Peru, b. about 1480, d. 1529. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v - 5 of 1869.1 HUBBARD, Fordyce M. Life of William R. Davie, [American lawyer, statesman, and soldier, b. 1756, d. 1320]. See Sparks, J v. 25 of 529.1 HUBBARD, John N. Sketches of border adventures, in the life and times of Major Moses Van Cam- pen, a soldier of the revolution, [b. 1757]. Bath, N. Y., 1842. 12 528.4 HUBBARD, William. Discovery and first planting of Massachusetts. See Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters of Massachusetts bay 223.12 IUBBELL, Mary E., American poetess, b. 1833, d. 1854. The memorial: or, [her] life and writings. By her mother. [With portrait.] Boston, 1857. 12. 538.11 IUBER, Francois, Swiss naturalist, b. 1750, d. 1830. Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 34 of 179.1 Hue, fivariste Regis, French missionary, b. 1813. The Chinese empire: sequel to " Recollections of a journey through Tartary and Thibet." 2d edition. London, 1855. 2 v. 8 Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet. London, 1857. 2 v. 8 Journey through the Chinese empire. New York, 1855. 2 v. 12 706 - 2 Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, 1844-46. Translated by W. Hazlitt. Illustrated. Lon don, n. d. 2v. P. 8 879.6 Same. 2d edition. London, n. d. 2 v. 16. 706.4; 879.7 Same. A condensed translation by Mrs. P. Sinnett. London, 1852. 16 409.10 Same. London, 1859. 16 16o5.8 HUDSON, Charles. Doubts concerning the battle of Bunker s hill. Boston, 1857. 41pp. 16 ... .2089.11 HUDSON, David. History of Jemima Wilkinson,^ a preachoress of the eighteenth century, [b. 1751, d. 1819]. Geneva, N. Y., 1821. 12 J 539.12 HUDSON, Frederic. Journalism in the United States, from 1690 to 1872. New York, 1873. 8 231.1 HUDSON, Henry, English navigator, discoverer of Hud son s bay, b. about 1560, d. 1611. Adams, W. II. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England. 578.19 Cleveland, H. R. Life of. . .v. 2 of 518.5 ; v. 10 of 529.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Note. The account by Cleveland is the popular memoir published in Sparks s series, [also in B. H 4447.1]. J. M. Kced, jr., has a monograph on Hudson s early life, [B. H. 4371.4]. The original documents, as edited by Asher, and published by the Hakluvt society, are of the most value to the investigator fB H KI 241, bo will find appended to it a list of books on the subject. See Harper s monthly, vol. 9 ; an article from the Examiner in Living age, no. 880; Asher s sketch in Macmil- lan, 1867, or no. 1211 ot Living age. See also Arctic regions, New York, etc. HUDSON, Henry N. Lectures on Shakspeare. New York, 1848. 2 v. 12 357.6 HUDSON S bay territory, Twenty-five years service in the. "1849. MacLean, J 704.19 tfote. See " The last great monopoly," in Westminster re view, July, 1867, or no. 1210 of Living age; and Hartwig s Po lar world, [704.14]. HUEN-DTTBOURG 137 HUME Shelf. No. HuEN-DuBOURG, J., pseud. Sec Hamond, . HiiET, Pierre Daniel, bishop of Avranch.es, b. 1630, d. 1721. Memoirs. By himself. Translated from the original Latin, with notes, by J. Aiken. Lon don, 1810. 2 v. 8 J ........................ C13.9 HUGHES, Mrs. . Memoir of Mrs. [Felicia Doro thea] Hemans, [b. 1794, d. 1835]. By her sister. Philadelphia, 1839. 12 ..................... 596.9 HUGHES, Rev. Hugh. Fernalo characters of holy writ. With illustrations. London, 1865. 16. 2098.10 HUGHES, John, Enylish poet and essayist, b. 1677, d. 1720. See J ohnson, S. Lives of the English poets. v. 2 of 582.11; 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.20 HUGHES, John, Roman catholic bishop of New York, b. 1797, d. 18G4. Life, with Bishop McCloskey s oration, and Bishop Loughlin s month s mind sermon, [etc.]. [With portrait.] New York, 1864. 8 .................................. 542.19 HUGHES, Thomas. [Life of] Alfred the great, king of England, [b. 849, d. 901]. With map and illustrations. Boston, 1871. 12 ............. 558.17 The struggle for Kansas. See Ludlow, J. M. . . . 305.7 Kate. Sec sketches in Harper s monthly, vol. 40; and Apple- ton s journal, 1873. HUGHES, William. The Australian colonies: their origin and present condition. London, 1852. P. 8 ...................................... 409.11 -- Same. New edition. London, 1853. 16 ---- 1655.13 HUGO, J. Adele, madame. Victor Hugo, [French novelist, b. 1802]. By a witness of his life. Translated by C. E. Wilbour. New York, 1803. 8 ......................................... 611.4 -- Same. Including Inez do Castro, [etc.]. Lon don, 1864. 2 v. 12 ....................... 1516.1 HUGO, Victor Marie, comic, French poet and novelist, b. 1802. The destroyer of the second republic; being Napoleon the little. Translated from the 16th French edition. New York, 1870. 12 . . 1009.22 Life of. See Hugo, J. A., madame ....... 611.4 ; 1516.1 Note. See the life by his wife, and essays in French bv Lo- , . , quarterly review, July. 1800. Also the essay [<>U.8] and on his poetry [B. H. 4559.10.2], and the references in Thomas, Hoefcr, etc. HUGUENOT family, Memoirs of a. Fontaine, J. 557.5; 617.11 HUGUENOT galley-slave, The. See Marteilhe, J ..... 1117.1 HUGUENOTS. Hanna, W. Wycliffe and the Hugue^ nets ....................................... 998.15 Martyn, W. C. History of the ................ 998.16 Smiles, S. The Huguenots ................... 2085.25 Note. Smiles [B. H- M23.1], after examining the causes which led to the exodus of French protestants after the revo cation of the Edict of Nantes, follows their career in England and Ireland, with particular reference to their influence upon the industry of England ; and tlic American edition [2083.25] has un appendix on the Huguenots in America. The memoirs of a Huguenot iarnily [017.11], compiled from the autobiography of the Rev. James Fontaine, follows the for tunes of an exiled family in Great Britain and America, and an appendix has an English translation of the Edict of Nantes, with documents concerning the revocation. Agnew [B. II. 4024.13], after an historical introduction upon the exo dus from France, traces the lives of such as obtained promi nence in the civil service of England. Burn [3. II. 2327.10] goes back to the earlier refugees, before the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Weiss [in English, 1093.13; B. II., in French. 3528.18] traced their careers m all centuries, the third section being given to those in Britain; and W. C. Cooper has edited for the Camden society [B. II. 2420.20] lists of those in England, 1618-88. Haag n work [B. II., in French, 2644.7] is a voluminous al phabetical record of French protestants down to 1789. Park- man s Pioneers of France in the New World [300.1 ; B. II. 2318.21.1] gives an account of the Huguenots in Florida, 1512-74, with a sketch of their colonization in Brazil, and the author enumerates the authorities. Bray has an English monograph [B. II. 5328.7] on the revolt in the Cevennes in the 17th century ; and S^haerTeraGcrmanoneon the Hugiicnotg of the Kith century. [B. H. 5524.12]. White [2091.2; B. H. 4G20.7] follows the religious wars ui the latter half of the 16th century, with their culmination in the massacre of Saint Bartholomew, taking protestant ground. Of the two general histories in English. Browning s [B. H. 3528.1], publijhod in 1829, is confined to the 16th century, avoiding theological controversy, and Marsh s [B. II. 3528.9], published in 1817, deals chiefly with domestic experiences, and comes down to the death of Charles IX, and gives lists of authorities, divided into those in the main impartial, catholic, Protestant, and among modern authors, prominence is given HUGUENOTS, continued. to Capefigue s Histoire de la reTorme en France. Hanna a ii a brief summary for the general reader. Martyn s is a popu lar account, published bv the American tract society. The "Huguenot galley-slave" [1117.1] gives the personal experiences of a voung man "condemned to the galleys for his religion," 1700-1;!, and it is reviewed in the Quarterly re , -, arr e view, 1866, or no. 1163 of Living age rai. d by Prof. Evans. in Hours at home. April, 1807; and Coquercl s "I.es forcats pour la foi " [2076.1], covering similar experiences. 1084-1775, is largely based upon it. The Edinburgh review, 1866, or no. 1161 of Living age, summarizes the " Annals of the Hugueuots." The subject can be further traced in the general histories of onac, e evers, argaret o aos, etc. ere s a sum mary with mention of the chief authorities in McCiiutock and Strong. The Society of the history of protestantism in France has published a bulletin since 1853. See Malcom s Index, [2190.14]. See also France (ecclesiastical history), Protestantism, Reformers, etc. St. Bartholomtw massacre. On the question of its premedi tation, the protestant authorities were formerly generally agreed, and the arguments on this side have been ablv col lected by John Allen, in the Edinburgh review, 1826. That it was a sudden impulse is maintained by Rauke, in his Fran- zosische Geschichte. [B.II. 4187.2] : by Soldan, in his " Frank- reich und die Bartholomaus-Nacht; by Baum, in his Leben Bcza s, [B. IT. 3555.9]; and with later researches by White, [2091.2; B. H. 4626.7], See also Harpei s monthly, vols. 13 and 41; North British review, Oct.. 1809; The month (Catholic view). Nov.. 1872; and a chapter in Elliot s " Old court life," [B. H. 2623.65]. HULL, Sarah, wife of major-yeneral William Hull, b. about 1755, d. 1826. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution ....... v. 1 of 538.13 HULL, William, American major-general, b. 1753, d. 1825. Revolutionary services and civil life; prepared by his daughter, M. Campbell: with History of the campaign of 1812, and surrender of the post of Detroit, by J. F. Clarke. New York, 1848. 8 ............................ 513.2 Note. See Harper s monthly, vol. 26. HUMBOLDT, (Carl) Wilhelm von, German statesman and philologist, b. 1767, d. 1835. Letters to a female friend. Translated by C. M. A. Couper. London, 1849. 2 v. 12 .................... 544.20 Life of. See Schlesier, G ..................... 545.7 HUMBOLDT, (Fricdrich Heinrich) Alexander von, German naturalist and traveller, b. 1769, d. 18)9. The island of Cuba. Translated from the Spanish, by J. S. Thrasher. New York, 1856. 8 ..... 637.21 Letters to Varnhagen vonEnse, 1827-58. Trans lated from the 2d German edition, by F. Kapp. [With portrait.] New York, 1860. 12 ...... 893.4 Life, travels and books. New York, 1859. 12. . 542.13 Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America, 1799-1804. Translated by T.Ross. London, 1852, 53. 3 v. P. 8 ...... 816.13 Researches concerning the ancient inhabitants of America. Translated by H. M. Williams. [With illustrations.] London, 1814. 2 v. 8 ....... 256.2 Jardino, Sir W. Naturalist s library ..... v. 37 of 179.1 Klencke, P. F. H. Alexander von Humboldt: a biographical monument ...................... 5 15.7 Macgillivray, W. Travels and researches of, in the equinoctial regions of America and Asiatic Russia ..................................... 810.54 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 2 of 548.5 Note. A large number of the numerous biographical trib utes called forth by the centenary celebration of ilumboldt s birth, including Agassiz s [4844.6], are in the Bates Hall, to gether with the German of Kleneke s book [42JJ7.2; 4844.12], and another copy of Macgillivray [02C9a.5] : also collections of Ilumboldt s letters, including the important ones to Varnha gen von Ense[in English, 28 48. -9] ; also Williams s translation of the personal narrative [2364.4], together with the original French of the entire work in its twenty-eight sumptuous folios and quartos, another copy [2364.3] of the Researches concern ing the ancient inhabitants of America, and both the French [231X12; 3820.15; 4310.2] and English [2314.5] of the political essay on Cuba. Sec the references in Thomas s Biographical dictionary. See also Lomonie, [B. II. 6249a.l.5]; Everett s Orations [801.7.4] and Mount Vernou papers [893.7, no. 31]. HUMBUGS, The, of the world. Barnum, P. T ....... 823.14 HUME, David, Scottish philosopher and historian, b. 1711, d. 1776. History of England to 1688. Boston, 1851. 6 v. 12 ..................... 968.1 -- Same. New York, 1859, 60. 6 v. 12" ...... 1965.1 -- Same. To the death of George n, by T. Smol lett; To the coronation of George iv, by J. R. Miller. Philadelphia, 1832. 4 v. 8 ........ 963.1 HUME 138 HURLBURD Shelf. No. HUME, DAVID, continued. History of England to 1G83. To the death of Georgo 11, by T. Smollett; To tho coronation of Georgo iv, by J. R. Miller; Reigns of Georgo iv and William iv, including tho reform in parlia ment, by T. Wright. London, 1836. 3 v. 8. 9G2.3 Same. To the death of Georgo n, by T. Smol lett; To tho tenth year of tho reign of Victoria, by E. Farr. London, n. d. 3 v. 8 961.1 Same. Abridged, and continued to 1858. Il lustrated. London, 1859. 12 998.5 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th con- tury v. 3 of 839. C Brougham, II., lord. Lives of men of letters and science in tho time of Georgo in 547.3 Burton, J. H. Lifo and correspondence of 582.12 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. .548.16; 551.13 Lawrence, E. Lives of British historians, .v. 2 of 58G.11 Oliphant, M. (0. AV.) Historical sketches of tho roign of Georgo n 983.* Kutc. The Autobiography TB. H. G249a.2.2] i usually pre fixed to editions of Hume s "History [a so in B. H. - 4.J8.30 ; , !60I.,1 : 4. , I (i.S ; l.). .5..j ; (wl:; ; U310.2], un<i Burton s Life [also in B. II. L !54 !)i is authoritative. See also llitrhic slcss extensive account. [15.11. 2543. 10]; and Mr>. Oiipham s sketches, [ulso in B. II. .1527.2]. See the authorities given hi Thomas s Biograph ical dictionary, and AllibMiie s elaborate collation of the criticisms upon Iltime as a historian. Smyth, in his Lectures Ssee note under England], follows critically the course of lumc s narrative, see also Foster s Essay s [S37.7.1], and Contemporary review, vol. 11. HUMPHREYS, Col. David. Essay on the life of Israel Putnam, [American revolutionary general, b. 1718, d. 1790]. With sketch of Bunker hill bat tle, by S. Swett. Doston, 1818. 12 528.9 Life and heroic exploits of Israel Putnam. Illus trated. Hartford, 1851. 12 528.7 HUNDRED, A, years ago, 17">5 to 1756. Button, J. . . 988.1 HUNGARY. Brace, C. L. Hungary in 1851 GG7.5 Goergei, A. My life and acts in, [1818, 49] 547.14 History of tho protestant church in, from tho re formation to 1850 1095.9 Klapka, G. Memoirs of tho war of independence in, [1848, 49] 928.10 Kossuth, L. Kossuth and tho Hungarian war, [1848,49] 928.12 Paget, J. Hungary and Transylvania. 1850... 667. 1G Pardoe, J. Tho city of tho Magyar, or Hungary and her institutions in 1839-40 928.1 S., E. 0. Hungary and its revolutions to tho 19th century 827.5 Scenes of the civil war in, [1848, 49] 928.2 Note. The German of Goergei s book is in Bates Hall [285:!.!], and also the History of the protestant church, [;55i9.4]. See also Patterson s Magyars, [B. II. 4821.0]; Sayous s history of the Hungarians and their political literature, 1790-1815, [B. H., in French, 2829.53]; and Bojyring s Poetry of the Magyars, [B. H. 3037.8]. See also Kossuffi, note. See also Austria, Magyar, and the Bates Hall catalogues. HUNT, Cornelius E. Tho Shenandoah; or the last Confederate cruiser. [With plate.] New York, 1867. 12 288.7 HUNT, Frederick Knight. Tho fourth estate: a his tory of newspapers, and of the liberty of tho press. London, 1850. 2 v. Sm. 8 999.5 HUNT, Freeman. Tho library of commerce: practical, theoretical, and historical. Vol. 1. New York, 1845. 12 136.30 Content*. Sketch of the commercial intercourse of the world with. China; History of the British corn-laws, by J. C. Platt; Memoirs of commercial delusions, by G. Mackay. HUNT, George Henry. Outram and Havelock s Per sian campaign, [1856, 57]. Prefixed, asumtnary of Persian history, by G. Townsend. [With illustrations.] London, 1858. 16 938.9 HUNT, Harriot Kesia, American doctress and author, b. 1805. Glances and glimpses; or fifty years social, including twenty years professional life. Boston, 1856. 12 886.3 See Belloc, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes 1516.11 HUNT, Helen (Maria). Bits of travel. Boston, 1872. 12 . 909.21 Shelf. No. HUNT, (James Henry) Leigh, Enjlish poet and essay ist, b. 1784, d. 185 ,). Autobiography. New York, 1830. 2 v. 12 ~. 584.13 Correspondence. Edited by his son. London, 1862. 2v. 12 567.7 Men, women, and books. New York, 1847. 2 v. 12 908.1 The old court suburb; or. memorials of Kensing ton. 3d edition. London, n. d. 12 903.20 Tho town [London] : its memorable characters and events. With illustrations. London, 18G7. 10. 997.20 Hazlitt, W. Tho spirit of the ago: or contem porary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Horno, 11. H. A now spirit of tho ago 878.23 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 2 of 896. 1 Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors. 88:5.14 Powell, T. Tho living authors of England 586.!) Towlo, G. M. Glimpses of history 1977.1 Whipplo, E. P. Essays and reviews v. 2 of 875. 1 1 v. 2 of 875.12 Note. The Autobiography is the principal account, the latest oditio i having an introduction by his son [B. H.2I4J.G5], who also i omineiVKiraie-: his rather in tiie article on Shciley in the Atlantic monthly, Feb., 18 1:5. Soe also S. A. l^ee g intro duction ( with a letter from Hunt) to the American edition of his poems, [B. II. 2.W9a.50]. See sketches in Sinilcs a Brief biographies, [.5S9.18]i in S.C. Hall s Memories, [B. lI.GJJ2.13]j in the Cornhill, 18(10, as " A man or Mtcrs of the last gener ation," also in no. 8!0 of Living ago : Diokens s tribute in "All the year round," 1830, or no. 821 of Living MB) in tho North British rei ioiv, 1800 and ISG 2 in " Essayists ola and new," also In nor. 883 and 9(!2 of Living age; In Barry Cornwall s Lamb [151 !.!)], etc. His correspondence, covering 180. !-59, is reviewed in the Examiner, or no. ft !- of Living age; in All the year round, or no. 912 of Living age; in the Spectator, or no. 9ft ) of Living age; and in Atlantic monthlv. May. 18.!2. S^e Har per s monthly, vols. . !9 and 40. See Ireland s memorials and bibliography, [B. II. -li 8.15]. HUNTER, Henry, D. D., Scottish preacher of London, 6.1741,^.1802. Sacred biography. New York, 1844. 8 541.4 HUNTER, John, Scottish anatomist and pathologist, b 1728, d. 1793. Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men . . 548.13 ; 549.30 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. . 548.18 v. 2 of 548.2 2 Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 22 of 179.1 HUNTEB, John Dunn, taken by the Indians when a child, d. 1827. Memoirs of a captivity among tho In dians of North America, witii anecdotes descrip tive of their manners and customs. 3d edition. [With portrait.] London, 1824. 8 244.9 See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human na ture v. 3 of 1869.1 HUNTER, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, of Virginia, b. 1809. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 HUNTER, William, Scotch physician and surgeon, b. 1718, d. 1783. See Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men 548. 1C; 551.13 HUNTER, William S. Panoramic guide from Niag ara Falls to Quebec. [With illustrations.] Bos ton, 1857. 66pp. 12 629.13 HUNTINGDON. See Huntington. HUNTINGTON, Frederick Dan, American divine, ft. 1819. See Fowler, H. The American pulpit 534.9 HUNTINGTON, Joshua Henry. Mount AVashington in winter. See Hitchcock, C. II 634.23 HUNTINGTON, Samuel, American jurist and statesman, b. 1732, d. 1790. See Edwards, B. B. Biogra phy of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 HUNTINGTON, or HUNTINGDON, Selina Hastings, Count ess of. See Hastings, Solina. HUNTINGTON, Mrs. Susan, American authoress, b. 1791, d. 1823. Memoirs of. See Wisner, B. B 538.22 HUNTLEV, Marquis. See Gordon, Georgo. HUNTLEY, Sir Henry. Seven years service on the slave coast of Western Africa. London, 1850. 2 v. 12. 698.15 HURLBURD, Calvin T., LL. D., senator to the United States congress from New York, b. 1809. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522. 10 HURLBURD, Hiland R., comptroller of the currency at Washington, b. 1829. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522. 1G HURLBUT 139 INDEPENDENCE Shelf. No. HCKLDUT, William II. Gan-Eden; or, pictures of Cuba. Boston, 1854. 12 627.23 Same. London, 1855. 16 1655.11 General McCleilan and the conduct of the war. [With maps.] New York, 1804. 12 518.20 IIus, not Huss, Janos or John, Bohemian reformer and martyr, b. 1373, e.r. 1415. Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reform ers and martyrs 2085.9 Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555.13 Kate. Gillett s Life and times of Huss [B. H. 3355.11 ; also Harper s monthly, vol. 16] contains much the fullest account ill English, enumerates the authorities, is recent und has been somewhat criticised, [sec North Ameiicau review, Jan., 1804; Atlantic monthly, May, 1864] ; Bonn*chose s Reformers before the reformation, and the council of Constance [1000.9; B. H. C088.170] are criticised for their errors, but are of importance; as well as Lenfaut s War of the Hussites, [B. H., in French, 3512.1]. Compare Ncander s Church history; Henry Rogers s essay [B. H. 4659.3. or Good words, 1S!8, or no. 1131 of Liv ing age]; Contemporary review, vols. 10 and 19, or no. 1443 of Living age. See a Catholic view in Archbishop Spalding s Miscellanea, [B. H. 3518.3]. See also Bohemia, Reformation, and Bates Hall catalogues. HUSKISSON, William, English economist and states man, b. 1770, d. 1830. See Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Huss. See Hus. HUTCHINSON, Alexander H. Try Cracow and the Carpathians. With illustrations. New York, [1872]. 8 689.28 HUTCHINSON, Anno, founder of the Antinomian party in New England, b. 1591, d. 1643. Life of. See Ellis, G. E v. 16 of 529.1 HUTCHINSON, Col. John, Life of. See Hutchinson, L. 818.13 HUTCHINSON, Mrs. Lucy, English authoress, b. 1620, d. 1669. Life of Colonel Hutchinson, governor of Nottingham castle and town, [b. 1617, d. 1GG4]. [With portrait.] London, 1848. 8...818.13 Note. This notable book covers the interval from Henry VIII to her husband s death. She was a shrewd observer of manners. See note under England. Clayton, E. C. Notable women 15 17.7 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life. 599.16 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 HDTCHINSOJT, Thomas J. Buenos Ayres and Argen tine gleanings, 1862, 63. [Illustrated.] Lon don, 1865. 8 266.14 Narrative of the Niger, Tshadda, and Binue exploration. London, 1855. 16 1655.9 The Parana; with incidents of tho Paraguayan war, and South American recollections from 1861 to 1868. Maps, illustrations, and portrait. Lon don, 1868. 8 1623.3 Ten years wanderings among tho Ethiopians. [With illustrations.] London, 1861. 8 684.12 JIUTTON, Barbara. Heroes of the crusades. With illustrations. London, 1869. 16 1545.12 Contents. Peter the hermit, preacher of the first crusade, d. 1115; Godfrey, or Godet roid de Bouillon, duke of Lorraine, king ot Jerusalem, b. 10,>8 ? d. 1100; St. Bernard, founder and first abbot of Clairvaux, monastic reformer, b. 1091, d. 1153; Saladin I, or Salah-Ed-Deen, Malek-al-Nasser Salah-ed- Ueen, Abu-Modliafter Yusef. sultan of Egvpt and Syria, b. 11-tT, d. 1192; Richard I (Occur de Lion), king of England, b. 1157, d. 1199. HUTTON, James. A hundred years ago, 1755 to 1756. London, 1857. P. 8 988.1 HUTTON, William, English litterateur and antiquary, b. 1723, d. 1815. Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence 379.13 Men who have risen 551.18 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.19 HYDE, Ann Maria, American poetess, b. 1792, d. 1816. See Sigourney, L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 HYDE, Mm. Anna M. Tho American boy s life of Washington. [With illustrations.] New York, 1868. 12 1529.2 HYDE, Anne, queen of James H. See Anne Hyde. HYOK, Catherine. Sec Broglio Solari, C. H., mar- chest. Shelf. No. HYDE, Edward, 1st earl of Clarendon, English states man, Lord-chancellor, and historian, b. 1608, d. 1674. History of tho rebellion and civil wars in England, [1641-60]. Oxford, 1819. 3 v. in 6. 8. 977.1 History of tho rebellion and civil wars in Ireland, [1640-52]. London, 1820. 8 .............. 975.5 Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th cen tury .................................. v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 7 of 840.10 Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians. v. 1 of 586.11 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of great Britain .......................... v. 5 of 815.1 Note. See Campbell s Lives of the lord chancellors, [C68.1]. He also wrote his own life [B. II. 2457.7; see Saturday review, I860, or no. 1135 of Living age], which is in a measure com plementary to his History of the rebellion, and there are special memoirs by Lewis [B. H. 2441.3] and Lister [B. H. 2457.8]. See also Thomson s Celebrated friendships, [B. H. 4.V><>.7.2] ; and S. Phillips s " Clarendon and his friends." [B. H. 45i9.9.2J; also London times essays, [899.14.2]. Allibonc gives a colla tion of critiques on his reputation as an historian. See note under England. HYDER-ALEE, or HYDER A LI, sultan of Mysore, b. 1718, d. 1782. History of. See Maistro de la Tour, M ................................... 547.17 IBN BATUTA, Abu Abd Allah Mohammed, Moorish traveller, b. about 1300, d. after 1353. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers, v. 1 of 810.47 ICELAND. Blackwood, F. T., lord Dufferin. Letters from Iceland, in 1856 ........... 708.1; 708.21; 1666.3 Forbes, C. S. Iceland; its volcanoes, geysers, and glaciers. 1860 ......................... 1666.2 Historical and descriptive account of. 1841 .... 820.35 Hooker, Sir W. J. Journal of a tour in, [180 J]. 6G8.2 Miles, P. Nordurfari, or rambles in. 1854.668.12; 1655.4 Paykull, C. W. A summer in, [1865] ......... 1664.1 Pfeiffer, I. Visit to, [1845] .................. 668.19 668.20; 879.3; 1666.20 See also Scandinavia. ICNUSA; or, two years in tho island of Sardinia. Davey, M IETAN, The. See Shong-mun-e-cuth-e. ILLINOIS. Birkbeck, M. Letters from Illinois. 1818. Ford, T. History of, [1818-47] Gerhard, F. Illinois as it is. 1857 ILLUSTRATED library of travel, exploration, and ad venture. Namely: Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Japan, in our day Travels in Arabia Travels in South Africa ILLUSTRATIONS of the history and practices of the Thugs, [Hindoo assassins]. London, 1851. 8.. IMPOSTURE, Sketches of. Davenport, R. A INCE, Henry, and GILBERT, James. English history, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1859]. London, 1860. 12 INCHBALD, Mrs. Elizabeth, English actress, novelist, and dramatist, b. 1753, d. 1821. Adams, W. H. D. The sunshine of domestic life Kavanagh, J. English women of letters Kote. Boaden had every advantage in writing the author itative life, [B. H. 4546.2]. See also authorities given in Alli- bone. INCIDENTS in my life. Home, D. D 538.25 INCIDENTS in tho life of a slave girl. See Brent, Linda 537.23 INDEPENDENCE hall, Philadelphia, Pa. History of. Belisle, D. W 210. 14 665.11 629.21 2157.6 237.7 708.25 707.24 699.25 937.3 399.5 1517.1 58 .). 30 INDIA 140 INDIANS INDIA. General history, etc. Allen, D. 0. India: ancient and modern. 1856. 934.1 Corner, J. India pictorial, descriptive, and his torical. 1854 835.2 Elphinstone, M. History of, [1622-1761] 934.3 Gleig, G. R. History of the British empire in, [B. c. 2000-A. D. 1825] 389.3 llodson, W. S. R. Twelve years of a soldier s life in, [1845-58] 557.11 Kaye, J. W. Lives of Indian officers illustrative of the history of the civil and military service of. 1869 1566.4 Ludlow, J. M. British India, its races, and its history, considered with reference to the muti nies of 1857, [1600-185G] 939.2 Malcolm, II. F. India and tho Indian mutiny, [604-1857] 999.14 Martineau, H. British rule in. 1857 989.5 Murray, II. History of British India, [A. D. 13- 1849] 810.51; 989.1 Robertson, W. Historical disquisition concern ing tho knowledge which tho ancients had of. 1850 v. 3 of 943.4 Thornton, E. History of the British empire in, [1GOO-1844] 985.1 Xote. For ancient India, consult Robertson, [also in B. H. 3014.15 ; 3044.10] and Heeren s work on the Polities, intercourse, and trade of the ancient Asiatic nations, [B. H.. in English, 3042.14], See also Wheeler s history on the Vcdic period [B. H. 5042.1^.1], and on the Brnhtr.anic period [B. H. 5042.12.2]. For British India, Mill [B. H. JXM&21 is an old standaid au thority; but Marshman [B. II. 5048 2.~>] is later, coming down to the close of Lord Dalliousie s administration; and Martin, in his British colonies [B. H. 2421.3.5] and in his Progress of llritish India [B. II. K045.19], w of authority. There is also an - English history of the British rule bv Anber [B. H. 80H.22] and a German one by Neumann [B. II. .1044.9]. Miss Marti- neau s book is a sharp examination of its progress. For the last century, see the biographies of Clive by Malcolm [B. H. 2t4" .4]and byGlei" [8S9.9], wiih Macanlay s essay [4UW.19; l<r5.ISI]on it; and Gleig s I.ifi; of Warren Hastings [572.1 J, with the review by Macaulay [409.19; 1B55.1!)], a-nd the speeches of Burke and Sheridan at the trial of Hastings. For the subse quent political history, see Malcolm s important work on the political history. 178MS10, [SO 13.1 J. Kaye[aUo in B. H.50U.7] covers the interval from Cornwallu to 1857. On recent history, see Edinburgh review, Jan., 18G7. The index to the British documents in the Bates Hall catalogues, vol. 1, p. SM, and vol. 2. p 244, will disclose the colonial relations. Also see Cob- den s " How wars are got up in India," [ B. H. 45iVt.3.2]. For the reliyion of India, and the relations to Christianity, see Johnson s Oriental rciiL i. ins, [2091.:!]; Carke s Ten great religions, [114.11]; and BYahmnnism and Buddhism in tne Bates Hall catalogues. See Wood s History of Christianity in Indin. [B. H. -.M00..53] : Foster s Kssays [S-ir.T.I] and Foster- iana [857.7; B. II. (1577.19]. See McClmtook and Strong Cvclopo?dia. See Fcrgn?son s Tree and serpent worship, [B. 11. 0480.2]; and the review in Contemporary review, vol. 12 See Cunningham s Archscological survey, 1871. [B. II. 30)2.55]. For popular accounts, that of Allen [also in B.H. 42Sft.il embodies the observations of an American missionary; and Ludlow is much later than Murray, and has particular refer ence to the mutiny of 1857; while Corner s is a comprehensive book, and satisfactory to the genctal reader. For the races of men, see Wood s Natural history of man, fB. II. (1252.21. The Sepoy revolt, 1850-58. Duff, A. The Indian rebellion, [1857-58]; its causes and results 939.4 History of the Indian revolt, [18>6-8] 931.1 Hodson, W. S. R. Twelve years of a soldier s life in, [1845-58] 557.11 Kaye, J. W. Lives of Indian officers 1566.4 Malcolm, II. F. India and the Indian mutiny, [664-1857] 999.14 Mead, H. The Sepoy revolt; its causes and its consequences 937.1; 939. H - Russell, W. H. My diary in, [1858-9] 939.12 ft otf. Kaye has a distinct monograph on the war, [B. H. 5041.5], See also the lives of Havelock. There is some account in Butler s Land of the Veda," [ B. II. 0048.18]. See note on Ludlow under general histories of India. Travels, description, etc. A eland, C. Manners and customs of. 1861 889.2 Gary, (A. F. C.), viscountess Falkland. Chow- Chow; journal in. 1857 696.1 Corner, J. India pictorial, descriptive, and his torical. 1854 835.2 Gumming, \V. G. Wild men and wild beasts; or, scenes in camp and jungle. 1872 696.21 Shelf. No. INDIA. Travels, description, etc., continued. Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain: a record of travel in English-speaking countries, [1866, 67]. 1654.11; 1654.12 Eden, E. " Up the country " letters from the upper provinces of. 1867 1695.1 Fane, H. E. Five years in. 1842 688.7 Gerry, M. S. Willie s voyage to. 1857 1698.1 Hebor, R. Journey through the upper provinces of, [1824, 25] 708.20; 889.24 Hindoos, The: including a general description of 839.16 Johnson, S. Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion 2091.3 Koppel, G. Journey from India to England, in 1824 695.5 Lang, J. Wanderings in. 1859 709.24 Mackenzie, Mrs. G. Life in tho mission, the camp, and the Zenana, or six years in, [1846-51] 707.11 Majondie, V. D. Up among the Pandies: or, a year s service in. 1859 709.25 Orlich, L. von. Travels in. 1845 695.3 Palmer, J. W. The new and tho old; or, Galifor- nia and India in romantic aspects. 1859 637. 10 Perry, Sir E. Bird s-evo view of. 1855 1695.4 Pococke, E. India in Greece. 1852 956.10 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Visit to, in 1853 708.17 Thomson, E. Our oriental missions. 1870. v. 1 of 2089. 19 Ward, F. do W. India and the Hindoos. 1851. 709.6 Nate. Cummin? [3045.r.1] and Dilkc [fS W.i.10] are also in Bates Hall, and .Murray s Handbook [50l9a,2]. The first volume of S;:hlagintweit s comprehensive work, 1854-jS [B. II. 5041.25] is sivcn to India. See also Dr. Macleod s sketch. [B. H. 3047.53]; and various narratives in Tour du inonde [B. II. (1291.1], in the volumes lor ISii J, 1871. 1872. See also Asia, Benares, Bengal, Burmah, Ceylon, Hima layan journals. Hindoos, Hindustan, Oute, Punjab, Sciude, Thugs, and the Bates Hall catalogues. IMDIAN archipelago, The Eastern seas, or voyages and ad ventures in the, [1832-34]. Earl, G. W 704.7 INDIAN pass, The. Street, A. B 629.34 INDIANA. Early Indiana trials; and sketches. 1858. Smith, 0. H 235.8 [NDIANS of America. Bclden, G. P. Belden, the white chief; or, twelve years among the wild Indians of the Plains. 1871. 248.4 Boiler, 11. A. Among tho Indians. Eight years in the far West: [1858-66] 245.13 Catlin, G. Adventures of the Ojibbeway and loway Indians in England, France, and Bel gium. 1852 645.4 Last rambles amongst tho Indians of the Rocky mountains and the Andes. 1807 249.19 Life amongst the Indians. 1867 249.20 - Manners, customs, and condition of tho North American Indians. 1857 245.1 Drake, S. G. Biography and history of tho In dians of North America. 1848 244.5 Indian enptivitie*. 1839 245.9 Goodrich, S. G. History of the Indians of North and South America. 1844 v. 11 of 1869. 1 Lives of celebrated American Indians. 1843. v. 5 of 1869.1 Tho manners, customs, and antiquities of the Indians of North and South America. 1844. v. 12 of 1869.1 Halkett, J. Historical notes respecting tho In dians of North America. 1825 245.5 Hunter, J. H. Memoirs of a captivity among tho Indians of North America, with anecdotes descriptive of their manners and customs. 1824. 244.9 Irving, J. T. Indian sketches, taken during an expedition to the Pawnee tribes. 1835 628.3 Kip, L. Army life on the Pacific; a journal of tho expedition against the northern Indians, in 1858 249.7 MacKenney, T. L. Memoirs; with travels among tho Indians, [1816-45] 625.3 Parkman, F., jr. History of tho conspiracy of Pontiao, and tho war of tho North American tribes against the English colonies after the con quest of Canada. IS,,! 244.2 INDIAN8 141 INVENTIONS INDIANS of America, continued. Rowlandson, M. Narrative of her captivity by the Indians in 1G76 249.5 Schoolcraft, II. R. The Indian in his wigwam, or characteristics of the red race of America. 1847 245.G Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes, [1812-42] 244.4 Shea, J. G. Catholic missions among the Indian tribes of tho United States, [1529-1854] 1098.7 - Perils of the ocean and wilderness; or, narra tives of shipwreck and Indian captivity 154G.2 Spencer, 0. M. Indian captivity 249.9 Tanner, J. Narrative of captivity and adven tures among tho Indians in North America. 1830 243.4 Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography 249. G; 81-). 50 Indian traits: sketches of the manners, customs, and character of tho North American Indians. 249.4; 1859. G Trumbull, II. History of the discovery of Amer ica: of the landing of our forefathers, and their engagements with tho Indians of New-England, [1020-79] 245.7 Tuttlo, E. B. The boy s book about Indians. 1873 249.13 Wraxall, Sir (F. C.) L. Tho backwoodsman; or, life on the Indian frontier. 18CG 245.12 Kate. The Indian bibliography of T. W. Field [B. H. 616:i.24] covers perhaps 1MU titles of books pertaining to the subject, old and new, and many of them characterized in fitting notes. The book needs, lio-vcver, a topical index. In general. The works of Scho .>lcraft [Algic researches, B. H. 43C9.9, subsequently reproduced as Tlie myth of Hi awatha," etc.], including the voluminous work published by the government on the Indians of the Unite ! States [B. H., C.l. O.l] and others [see Bates Hall catalogues ], are the results of much observation, joined with little general burning or scientific skill, and the reader, according to Parkmatl, must ning or n, must Iways reserve his right of private judgment. Allibone eites chapter he gives a bibliographical note on his authorities. See also a note in Turkman s Jesuits [30J.1.2, p. 8S], on the sources of Indian tales. Gatlin has been one of tnc best of modern observers, [see Bu es Hall also for bis "Manners," etc., 2::60.21,and others, and a translation with illustrations in Tour du monde, 0291.1, 1809, vol. 1]. The works of Shea [see also Bates Hall catalogues] are those of a zealous anti quarian; and Parkman s histories on France and England in North America [300.1, etc.] treat incidentally of the inter course of the Jesuits [see their "Relations." B.H. 3531.1, and note under Jesuits, beside McGee sCa -holic history of North America, B. II. 2318.19] and other early colonists with the Indians; while the same historian s " Pontiac " [also in B. H. 2318.23; 4:tt);).8] vividly portrays the last great effort of the In dians to drive Europeans from the continent, in 1703. Perhaps the best general survey of the Indian character, etc., is found in the introduction to 1 urkman s Jesuits [:106.1.2, or Atlantic monthly, July. 1865, and July, 1860], which is an am plification of the original introduction to his Pontiac, [244.2]. See reviews by George E.KIlis, in the Atlantic, Sept., 1867, fav orable ; in National quarterly review, Sept., 1867, unfavorable ; by Nathan Hale, in Christian examiner, May, 1SOS; an article In the Christian remembrancer , or Living nge.no. 1261, con trasts the puritans and Jesuits effo.ti at converting the In dians, to the puritans disci edit. B.i-i eroft [30J.1, chapter 22] conlines his descriptions to those east of the Mississippi. The books mentioned above of Drake [also in B. 11. 4.368.3; 446.317; the last edition, 1857. is un excellent compilation], Goodrich, Thatcher also in Bate? Hall, for the Biography, 4:i(36.21 ; 4;iG8.12 ; 441i9a.. H) ; for the Traits, 2:!6 i.26], are popular compilations. The " Indian in hU wigwam," by Srhoolcraft, monthly, vols. 17 and 40; Irving s exculpatory estimate of the Indian character in the Sketch book. [387.5] ; " What we should d) with him," in Harper s monthly, vol.40; and Los- sing, on " Our barbarian b.etnien," in vol. 40. For their origin, see Brinton [2085.21, who rejects the Jewish theory, which is followed by Uoudinot, [B.H. 2306.10]; by Wors ley, [B. II. 236<;.13]:by Noah, inan appendix to Mnr- rvafs America [B. II. 4369.22], etc. Bradfo.d [B. II. 23U6.6] lias surveved the field with care. See Ciiaiievoix s Travels, 1720, [B.H. 2361.19]; DeVere s Romance of American his tory [428.21] givesa popularsummary. Seealso Pennsylvania historical society, [4372.2.3]. See Baldwin - Pre.-historic nations, [19"7.1] ; Stevens a Flint chips, [B. II. 0236 23] ; and Simms, on their literature and art, [B. II. 4109.22]. On the Question of race, see Waltz s Anthropologie der Naturvoelkcr, [B. II. 2235.9] ; Wood s Natural history of man [B. H. 02J2.2], etc. O;i their religions, sec J. G. Miiller s Primitive religions, ehieily a compilation. [B. H., in German, 6073.20]. S:iuier S>-i pent symbol [B. II. 2:118.1] calls their worship a modiiira- tkm of the sun or tire worship. See McCliiitock and Strong s jfev Knaland. Palfrey [B. H. 2321.2.1, chapter 1 ; see review from National quarterly, in no. 794 of Living age] will be con- euLed ;aii l the early works ot Penhallow[B. 11.4312.6] and Col. Church [B. H. 4421.2] give contemporary accounts of In- !NDIANS of America, continued. dian warfare with the early settlers of New England, of their combined efforts in King Philip s war, 1689-1704. See Everett s Oration at Bloody Brook, [SOU.]]; Uwight s Travels, [B. II. 4461.1.1]; and much in the Collections of the Massachu setts historical society, [B. II. 2;!51.1]. See a chapter on John Eliot and the Indians, in Yonge s Pioneers and founders. [B. II. 35:19.32] ; and N. Adams s Lifo of Eliot, a popular account, [B. 11. 43to.20.3]. In this connection consult the note under New England, and the Prince catalogue. Local histories often contain accounts, as Bouton s Concord [224.3] for the Fcnacooks ; Jones s Stockbridge [ B. H. 2337.12] lor the tribe of that name; and monographs by De Forest [B. H. 2366.32] on those of Connecticut; by Ruttenber [B.H. 4465.27] on those of the Hudson river: by Hanson [B. H. 2329.12] on the Kennebees, etc. Jacobs [B. H. 2306.30] tells popularly the story of the praying Indians of Nonantum and Natick. See also Marshpee. New York. The series of biographies written by W. L. Stono covers a century of the history of the great Irotuois confed eracy, 1735-1838, in this order: Life of Sir W. Johnson, [B. II. 4315:21] ; Life of Brant, [513.12]; Life of Red Jacket, [236!i.lj. They are all works of standing. See also Schoplcraft s " Notes/ [244.6], which is a popular rendering of nis best book, his eport to the secretary of state, N. Y., 1S45 ; Dwlght l Travels, See also Iroquois, Seneca. Western states. See the early account of Carver, 1768-69, [B. H. 43C9.20]. For recent descriptions, see Irving s Tour on the prairies, [6)9.15]; Dixon s New America. [632.10]; Parkman s Oregon trail, [626.12 ;626.H]; General Marcy s Uorder reminiscences [038.22], hi Prairie traveller [639.25], and his Army life on, the border [B. II. 4305.25] ; Galaxy, 187.",: Dcpning s French narrative in Tour du monde, [B.H. 621)1.1. I860]; Harper s monthly, vols. 36 and 39; Atlantic monthly, " Medicine men," Julv, IHOti. See papers in Harper s monthly, Comanches, vol. 33; Sioux, vol. 7 and 17; also vols. 36 and 39, and further in the Index to the monthly; also vol. 27 lor tnc massacres of 1802. Seealso Crow, Ojibway, Pawnee, Sioux. Southern states. See early account by Bartram, 1791, [B. II. 2*1.12]; and Smyth s Travels, 1784, [B. H. 2W2.7]. For early accounts of those of Virginia, see note under Virginia; Beverley s narrative, 1722, [B. H. 2374.11, part 3]; and Jefferson s Notes, [B. 11. 2374.27]. See also Sauford s United States before the revolution, [B. II. 44017]; Lossing s War with the Creeks, in Harper s monthly, vol. 28; and tor the Cherokees, the article "Se- quoyah," in Harper s monthly, vol. 41. See also Florida, note. Arizona and New Mexico. The government reports of the explorations for Pacitu: railroad routes through this region [sec index to documents under Unijed States, in Bates Hall catalogues] contain much valuable infirmaiion, which has been popularlj years resi< thai? from observation.""s.-e iilso Bell s New traeks. [B. II. 43G2.15] : Ross Browne s Apache couat.y, [1637.4] : and papers in Harper s monthly on tn >se of Ne.v Mexico, vol. 7 ; on the Navajos, vol. 8 ; on" the Pinio, vo;. 29; on those of the 35th parallel, vol. 17, etc. Mexico and Central America. See under those heads. Hum- boldt [256.2; B. II. 2364.3] is of the greatest value. es] contain much valuable ml irmauon, wincii lias lularly used by the Abbe Domenech in his Seven isidence [(522.71 though it ll doubted if the Abbe did hisaddiii-mal iuforma:ion from other authors, rather INDUSTRY of tho Rhine. Banfiold, T. C 840.1 INEZ do Castro. Hugo, J. A., madame v. 1 of 1516.1 INFIDELITY, Converts from. Crichton, A 830.28 INGEUSOLL, Charles Jarcd. Historical sketch of tho second war between tho United States and Great Britain, 1812-15. Philadelphia, 1845-52. 4 v. 215.9 G4G.5 830.47 CG8.7 G75.14 663.15 INGLIS, Henry David, b. 1795, d. 1835. Ireland in 1834. 3d edition. London, 1835. 2 v. 12.. Journey through Norway, part of Sweden, and the islands and states of Denmark. By Dervvent Conway, [pseud.]. Edinburgh, 1S29. 16 ..... -- Same. 4th edition. Lyndon, 1837. 12 ..... Spain. 2d edition. London, 1837. 2 v. 12.. Switzerland, tho south of Franc:, and tho Pyre nees, in 1830. By Derwent Conway, [pseud.]. Edinburgh, 1831. 2 v. 10 ................. 830.65 -- Same. London, 1837. 12 J ................. 663.14 Tho Tyrol ; with a glance at Bavaria. London, 1833. 2v. 8 ............................. INGOLDSBY, Thomas, pseud. See Barham, Richard Harris. INGULPHUS, abbot nf Croyland, b. 1030, d. 1109. Chronicle of the abbey of Croyland with tho con tinuations by Peter of Blois, and anonymous writers. Translated with notes by H. T. Riley. London, 1854. P. 8 ........................ 856.8 INNOCENTS, Tho, abroad. Clemens, S. L ........... 1674.1 INSTINCT, Indications of. Kemp, T. L ...... 409.2; 1655.24 INTELLECTUAL health and disease. See \Vhipplo, E. P. Literature and life ...................... 1818.6 INVENTIONS. Bakewell, F. C. Great facts: a popu lar history of tho most remarkable inventions during tho present century. 1860 ............. 187.22 INVENTIONS 142 IRELAND Shelf. No. INVENTIONS, continued. Beckmann, J. History of. 1846 .............. 818.8 Fyfe, J. H. Triumphs of invention ............ 185.7 Nimmo, W. P. Invention and discovery: curious facts and characteristic sketches .............. 1819.19 limbs, J. History of wonderful inventions. 197.20; 197.21 INVENTORS. Great inventors .................... 184.36 Timbs, J. Stories of ................... 186.3 ; 187.26 IONIAN islands, History of the republic of the. Jervis- Whito-Jervis, H ............................. 918.10 IOWA. Barney, C. Recollections of field service with the 20th Iowa infantry .................. 244.12 Parker, N. H. Iowa handbook for 1850 ........ 237.16 Inuv, Charles L., and MANGLES, James. Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria, and the Holy Land. London, 1844. P. 8 ........................ 889.25 IRELAND, John B. Wall-street to Cashmere. Jour nal of five years in Asia, Africa, and Europe, 1851-56. With illustrations. New York, 1859. 8 ......................................... 682.5 IRELAND, William W. Studies of a wandering ob server. London, 1867. 16 ................. 1657.2 IRELAND. History, etc. Barrington, Sir J. Legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland. 1844 ............. 986.6 -- Rise and fall of the Irish nation. 1863 ....... 987.8 Cobbett, W. History of the protestant reforma tion in ..................................... 1105.11 Cockayne, T. 0. History of, [1126-1841] ...... 989.14 Conyngham, D. P. Sarsfield; or, the last great struggle for, [1689-91] ...................... 989.16 Froude, J. A. The English in Ireland in the 18th century .................................... 986.9 Gibson, W. The year of grace: a history of the revival in, [1859] ........................... 1104.12 Giles, H. Lectures and essays ............ 875.6; 875.8 Giraldus Cambrensis, d. about 1222. History of the conquest of ............................. 833.7 -- The topography of ......................... 833.7 Gordon, J. B. History of, to 1801 ............. 975.3 Hyde, E., earl of Clarendon. History of the re bellion and civil wars in, [1640-52] ........... 975.5 MacGee, T. D Arcy. History of the attempts to establish the protestant reformation in, [1540- 1830] ...................................... 1089.10 -- Popular history of: from the earliest period to- the emancipation of the catholics ............. 1996.1 Madden, R. R. The United Irishmen, their lives and times ....................... 598.1; 598.2; 598.3 Maxwell, W. H. History of the Irish rebellion in 1798; with memoirs of the union, and Em- mett s insurrection in 1803 ................... 984.4 Mooncy, T. History of, from its first settlement [to 184. )] .................................. 1975.1 Moore, T. History of, [to 1646] ............... 368.5 O Connell, D. Memoir on Ireland native and Saxon, [1172-1660] ......................... 1997.3 Savage, J. Fenian heroes and martyrs. 1868.. 1997.2 -- !i8and 48: the modern revolutionary history and literature of. 1856 ..................... 998.4 Stephens, J. Account of the Fenian brotherhood. 1516.2 Taylor, W. C. History of the civil wars of, from the Anglo-Norman invasion, till the union with Great Britain, [1801] ................. 810.52; 830.68 Train, G. F. Speech on Irish independence and English independence ........................ 1830.2 Kote Beside the above general histories, of which Mac- Gee s is perhaps the best for popular use, there are also for the general reader Ccisack s Illustrated history [B. II. 4517.8] and his Student s history [B. II. 4528.231. See Baldwin s summary for pre-historic times, [1937.2]. Moore s elaborate and not unfair book is also in Bates llall [4518.7] and is very full on the early history, of which there are special works on the Irish Druids by Smiddv, [B. H. 451*93.4]; on the bardic stones by Kennedy, [B. II. 2408.50] : on the period before the conquest, 1171. bv Fergnsson, [B. II . 4519a.8]. Montalembert s Monks of the West [B. H. 3514.4] covers the era of Saint Patrick and the early Christian history. Wright, in his Middle ages, [B. H. 2o20.27] has a chapter on the Anglo-Norman conquest. Sec also Harper s monthly, vol. 43. Leland [B. H. 2474.lt 45188], in a book of reputation, continues the story to 1688. Rickey [B. H. 4518.20] brings his history down to 1884 1 and there is a special and elaborate monograph by O Callaghan, on the history of the Irish brigade in tne service of France [B. H. 4511.19] from 1888 to 1789, reviewed in Fraser s magazine, or Living age. Jan. 25, 1873. Shelf. No. IRELAND. History, etc., continued. For additional works on the revolution of 1798, see Tone [B. H. 2455.18] and Harwood [B. II. 4174.31. Sec chapters ill DC Quincey s Life and manners, [395.10]. Madden [also in B. II. 452!).4] traces the history of the society formed in 1795 to counteract the efforts of the Orangemen. See National quar terly review, Sept., 1868, on the Orangemen. Sydney Smith was exculpatory in his views, [803.11]. Jeffrey [8(6.6] en forces the argument for legislative union. Lecky has an admirable book on the Leaden of public opinion in Ireland, chiefly as regards her relations with England, from the days of Swift down [B. H. 4519.23], and this can be traced also in the lives of Flood (d. 1/91), Emmet (executed 180:1), Curran d. 1817). Grattan (d. 1820), O Connell (d. 1847), and Shiel (d. 1851). See also Daunt s Ireland and her agitators, [B. H. 4518.18], and the paper in the North American review, Jan., 1870, on Flood, or Ireland from Swift to O Connell; also FItzpatrick s "Irish wits and worthies" since 1770, [B. H. See British quarterly review, Oct., 1860, for " Ireland past and present." On the relations of England and Ireland, see further in the index to the Parliamentary documents in the Bates Hall Index, p. 341, and Supplement, p. 2-10. Froude, in Fraser s magazine, 1865, or no. 1087 of Living age, discussed " How Ireland was governed in the 16th century, while his recent history on The English in Ireland inthe 18th century [986.9; B. ll.4 ; >14.9] has been reviewed by Lccky in Macmilldn s magazine, Jan., 1873, or no. 1497 of Living age. For Fronde s recent lectures and the controversial replies thereto, see 1986.4. For further on Fronde s relations with Ireland, see his two papers " A fort night in Kerry," 1812.15.2] ; also Contemporary review, vol. 4. For some of the important nrticles.on a change of treatment by England, which have appeared in the Edinburgh review, see " Selections," [B. H. 4373.50.4]. The North British review, Dec., 1866, represents the oppressions by which the Established church has been maintained. Sec also Hours at home, Sept., 1808, and Contemporary review, vol. 3. Also, " The Fenian idea," in the Atlantic monthly, May, 1866. Of the present condition of the tenantry of Ireland, there 18 an excellent presentation in Trench s Realities of Irish life, [B. H. 4511.24]. The review of Trench from the Quarterly review [no. 11-92 of Living age] is favorable, but that in the Spectator [no. 129;! of Living age] holds his views to be high colored, and intended to show lucre is no necessity for change in the land laws. The vexed land question is considered by Brodcrick, [B. H. 4574.11]; in the Oxford essays, [B. H. 2555.15.2]; in the British quarterly review, Jan., 1870; in the Edinburgh review, Jan., 1807, urging a more liberal dealing; and in an article by J. S. Mill, in no. 1243 of Living age. There are good general descriptions of manners, etc., in Carleton s Sketches [B. II. 2397.40] and his Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry [B. H. 45(1.3.4], and in the books of Mrs. A. M. Hall, [B. H. 2570.11, etc.]. See also Croker s Legends nndtraditionsof the somh of Ireland, [B. II. 0578.22] ; Chasles s and Notabilities. [868.7]; Henry Giles s Essays on Irish subject [1808.2; B. H. G577.21] ; his " Ireland and Irish " [875.6 2], ai "Spirit of Irish history" [875.0.11: and Fitzpatnck s Jottin; about Ireland seventy years ago, [1829.1]. See under Travels, etc., and Irish bar. Goldwin Smith has treated very fairly the subject of Irish history and the Irish church, [B. H. 4518.9; sec British quar terly review, Jan., 18621. See further references in Malcom s Index, p. 81. For a catholic view of the social, political and religious condition, see Beaumont [B. H. 2470.2], who is indispensable, accoidingtoDupauloup, as anauthority. See also Archbishop Spalding s Miscellanea, [B. II. 44U5.:!0]; Murphy s industrial, political, and social view, 1870, [B. H. 5653.6]; and Cardinal Wiseman s impressions, [045.10, p. 367]. On the relations of Ireland and America, see MacGee s Catholic history of America, [B. H. 2318.19]. See also Bates Hall catalogues. Travels, description, etc. Adams, W. T. Shamrock and thistle ; or, Young America in. 1871 1677.2 Barrow, J.,jr. Tour round Ireland, in 1835.... 646.17 Bigelow, A. Leaves from a journal; or, rambles in, [1817] 648.16 Chattaway, E. D. Railways: their capital and dividends, with statistics of their working in, [1855, 56] 1169.27 Eddy, D. C. The Percy family. A visit to. 1865 645.7 Gatty, Mrs. A. The old folks from home; or, a holiday in, [1861] 644.10 Haskins, G. F. Six weeks abroad in. 1872 .... 658.21 - Travels in. 1856 658. 14 Head, Sir F. B. A fortnight in. 1853 1986.2 Inglis, H. D. Ireland in 1834 046.5 Little tour in. 1859 645.22 Marmion, A. History of the maritime ports of. 1855 975.4 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1864.. 1656.8 Nicholson, A. Annals of the famine in, [1847- 49] 646.18 JVo(. See Forbes s Voyage of the Jamestown, [296.5]. - Ireland s welcome to the stranger, or an excur sion through Ireland, [1844, 45] 647.22 Taylor, F. Irish homos and Irish hearts. 1867. 1986.1; 1986.3 IRELAND 143 IRVING Shelf. No. IRELAND. Travels, description, etc., continued. Weld, C. R. Vacations in. 1857 646.4 Ifnte. For Guide books, there are Murray [also in B. H. 4538.10] and Black [B. H. 2479.31]. Black s latest edition is 1872, [B. II. 0.538.23]. See also his local guides, like that for Dublin and the Wicklow mountains, [0538.22] ; that for Belfast and the North, [0538. 1C] : for Killarney and the South, [0538.17] ; and for Gain-ay, etc., [65:!8.20]. Bartlett s Scenery and an tiquities [B. II. 4.561.2] is attractive; and so are the three vol umes of Mr. and Mrs.S. C. Hall s Ireland, [B.H. 4511.18]; and there is eornc good description in Thackeray s Irish sketch book, [501.11, etc.]. See also Contemporary review, vol.5; and Harper s monthly, vol. 42. See also Dublin. Literature. Mills, A. The literature and literary men of. 1851 402.2 Savage, J. 98 and 48: the modern revolution ary history and literature of. 1856 998.4 Hot?, See Walker s Historical memoirs of the Irish bards, [B. H. 2478.51; and MaUden s History of Irish periodical litera ture, [B. 11.2170.14]. For account of the ballads and lyrics, see the essay, [B. H.]; and S. C. Hall s Book of memories [B. H. 6542.13] on modern Irish authors. SceMaRinn s essay on Irish genius, [884.12] ; and Giles on the Irish character, mental and moral, [1808.2]. IRETON, Henry, "English general and statesman, b. 1610, d. 1651. Biography of. See Trials of Charles I. 399.7 IRISH bar. Curran, W. H. Sketches of tho. 1855. 598.4 - Shell, R. L. Sketches of the. 1854 598.5 IRISH brigade, The, and its campaigns. 1859. Conyngham, D. P 288.14 IRISH, The, in America. 1868. Maguiro, J. F 1997.1 IRISH settlers in North America, History of the, to 1850. MacGoe, T. D Arcy 1975.5 IRISHMEN, Tho United, their lives and times. Madden, R. R 598.1; 598.2; 598.3 IRON, Eaters of. See Wilson, H. Book of wonder ful characters 1546.5 IRON MASK. See Matthioli, H. A. Note. Lord Dover s [015.9; B. II. 2047.19] supposition that he was Count Matthioli. which is the ground taken by Delort. rB. H. 2047.18]; James s recapitulation of the theories and probabilities in his Louis XIV. []; an article examining the various suppositions in Once a week, 18(iO, or no. 856 of Living age, and the summaries in Chambers s and other ency clopaedias, are the most accessible accounts in Englisii. Vol taire first gave the story an historical importance in his Age of Louis xiv, [100.5.7, etc.]. See the London quarterly review, June, 1820; National quarterly review, June, 1809; aud Har per s monthly, vol. 43. IRON workers and tool makers. Smiles, S 557.19 IROQOOIS, Notes on tho. Schoolcraft, H. R 244.6 IRRAWADDI, The golden dagon; or, up and down the. 1856. Palmer, J. W 709.10; 1695.2 IRVING, David. Lives of Scotish writers. Edin burgh, 1850. 2v.ini. 12... 586.13 Contents. Hector Boethius, Boece, Boeis, or Boyce, liis- torian, b. about 1465, d. 1.5:56; Dr. John Bellenden, or Bal- lenden, poet and historian, d. 15.50; Florence Wilson (Flnren- tiui VbJiisenUR), Latin poet and litterateur, b. about 1500, d. 1.547 ; John Knox, reformer, b. 1505. d. 1572; George Buchanan, statesman, historian, and poet, b. 1500, d. 1582; Ninian Win- zet. or Winget, abbot of St. James, Ratisbou, Roman catholic writer, b. 1519. d. 159J ; John Lesley, Roman catholic bishop of Ross, b. 1527, d. 1596; Sir Thomas Craig, lawyer and writer, b. 1548, d. 1608; Adam Blackwoml, counsellor of the parlia ment of Poitiers, and writer, b. 1539, d. 1013; Andrew Melville, divine and writer, b. 154.5. d. 1022; William Barclay, professor of civil law in the University of Angers, b. 1540, d. 1005; Robert Balfour, philosopher, b. about 1.151); William Bellenden. or Ballantine, Ciceronian scholar and author, b. about 155.5; .Tarnes Crichton, tailed "the admirable," scholar, author, linguist, etc. ,b. 1500, d. 1583; Duncan Liddcll. or Liddcl, mathe matician and phvsician, b. 1501, d. 1013; Robert Johnstone, I.L.D., historian, b. about 1507, d. 103U; Mark Duncan, phy sician and philosopher, b. about 1.570, d. 1040 ; Walter Don aldson, philosopher, b. about 1575; David Calderwood, or Caldwood, presbvterian theologian and historian; b. 1575, d. 1(551; Gilbert Jack, M. D., professor of philosophy in the University of Leydcn, b. 1578. d. 1028; John Cameron, pro fessor of divinity in the University of Saumer, b. about 1579, d. 102.5; Thomas Dempster, antiquary and historian, b. 1579, d. 102.5; John Barclay, political and Latin writer, b. 1,582, d. 1621; William Forbes, 1st protestant bishop of Edinburgh. b. 158.5, d 1634; William Drnmmond, of Hawthornden, histo- ian and poet, b. 1585, d. 1649; Arthur Johnston, or Jonston, phvsician and Latin poet. b. l r >87, d. 1641; John Forbes, n. D., ecclesiastical historian, b. 1.5!Vi. d. 1048; Roboit Baillie, theologian and historian, b. 1599, d 10.12; Thomas Utqnhart, bishop of Ross, b. about 1604. d. 1000 ; Robert Lcighton, arch bishop of Glasgow, b. Kill, d. 1681 ; James Dairy triple, 1st vis count Stair, lawyer, b. 1019, d. 109.5 : Robert .Morison, botanist, b. 1020, d. 1083; Archibald Piteairne, nr Pitcairn, physician, b. 1652, d. 1713; Alexander Cunningham, historian, b. 1654, d. 1737; David Gregory, mathematician, inventor of the reflect ing telescope, b. 1601, d. 1708; John Keill, astronomer and natural philosopher, b. 1071, d. 1721 \ James Moor. T.L.T)., pro fessor of Greek in the University of Glasgow, b. 1712, d. 1779; David Doig, schoolmaster, b. 1719, d. 1800; William Laurence Brown, p. D., principal of Marischal college, Aberdeen, b. 1755, d. 1830. Shelf. No. IRVING, Edward, Scotch divine, b. 1792, d. 1834. Carlyle, T. Critical aud miscellaneous essays. 863.7 v. 3 of 807.1; v. 3 of 893.3 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contempo rary portraits ................... v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Oliphant, M. (0. W.) Life of ................. 571.4 vng age. rs. pans s e auoratve e, revewe with other literature of the subject, in the North British review, 1802, or no. 955 of Living age. IRVING, John T. Indian sketches, taken during an expedition to the Pawneo tribes. Philadelphia, 1835. 2v. 12 ............................ 628.3 IRVING, Pierre M. Life and letters of Washington Irving, [b. 1783, d. 1859]. [With portrait.] New York, 1862-G4. 4 v. 12 .............. 514.7 IRVING, Theodore. Tho conquest of Florida, under Hernando do Soto, [1539-43]. New York, 1835. 2 v. 12 .................................. 237.1] IRVING, Washington, American biographer and novelist, b. 1783, d. 1859. Astoria, or anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains. Phila delphia, 1836. 2 v. 8 ..................... 625.5 -- Same. Revised edition. London, 1850. 16. v. 8 of 377.1 -- Same. Now York, 1851. 12 ............... 407.1 History of New York. By Diedrich Knicker bocker, \_pseud.]. London, 183G. 16 ........ . 389.8 -- Same. New York, 1853. 12 J ............... 387.2 -- Same. London, 1854. 12 ............. v. 1 of 377.1 Life and voyages of Christopher Columbus. Boston, 1839. 12 .......................... 544.18 -- Same. 2d edition. London, 1841. 16 ...... 389.9 -- Same. London, 1850. 2 v. 16 ..... v. 6, 7 of 377.1 -- Same; to which are added those of his compan ions. Revised edition. Now York, 1851, 61. 3 v. 12 .................................. 397.1 Life of George Washington. [With portrait.] London, 1855-59. 5 v. P. 8 ................ 516.6 -- Same. Now York, 1855-59. [With portraits, etc.] 5 v. 8 ............................. 511.1 -- Same. Vol.1. New York, 1856. 12 ...... 516.11 -- Same. Leipzig, 1856, 59. 5 v. 16 ........ 1579.7 Life of Oliver Goldsmith, with selections from his writings. New York, [cop. 1840]. 2 v. 18.. 820.28 Mahomet and his successors. Now York, 1851. 2 r. 12 .................................. 407.13 -- Same. [With portrait.] London, 1855. 16. v. 9 of 37,7.1 Oliver Goldsmith: a biography. Leipzig, 1850. 16 .................. .... .................. 1579.6 -- Same. London, 1850. 16 ............. v. 2 of 377.1 -- Same. New York, 1851. 12 .............. 407.9 -- Same. London, 1869. P. 8 ................ 583.14 The Rocky mountains: or, scenes, incidents, and adventures in the far West. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 v . 12 .................................. 639. 14 Spanish papers and other miscellanies. Ar ranged and edited by P. M. Irving. [With por trait.] New York, 1866. 2 v. 12 U ........... 1815.5 Contents. Vol. I. Legends of the conquest of Spain ; Ab- derrahman I (Abon^lfotri/-el-Safar), king of the house of Omeya, b. 731, d. 787; Chronicle of Hernando or Fernando Gonzalvo, or Gonzalez, count of Castile, warrior, b. about 887, d. 900; Ferdinand m (Saint), king of Castile and Leon, b. 1200, d. 1252; Spanish romance. II. Letters of Jonathan Old- style, gent.; Biographical sketches: James Lnwrence, captain in the United States navy. b. 1781, d. 1813; William Burrows, lieutenant in the United States navy, b. 1785, d. 1813; Oliver Hazard Perry, American commodore, b. 1785, d 1819; Capt. David Porter, b. 1780, d. 1843; Thomas Campbell, Scotch poet and critic, b. 1777, d. 1844; Washington Allston, American painter and poet, b. 1779, d. 1843; Conversations with FranooU Joseph Talma, French tragic actor, b. 170 !, d. 1S20; Margaret Miller Davidson, American poetess, b. 1823, d. 1&>S; Reviews and miscellanies: Robert Treat Paine, jr., American author, b. 1773, d. 1811; Edwin Clifford Holland, American lawyer, poet, and essayist, b. 1793, d. 1824; Henry Whcatou s History Of the Northmen ; Conquest of Granada ; Letter to the editor of "The knickerbocker"; Sleepy hollow; National nomen clature; Desultory thoughts on criticism ; Communipaw; Con spiracy of the cocked hats; Letter from Granada ; The Cats- kill mountains. Touron the prairies. \Anon.~\ Philadelphia, 1835. 12 ...... . . ........ ........................ 639.15 -- Saine. Lo ndon, 1854. 16 ............. v. 8 of 377.1 IRVING 144 ITALY Shelf. N IRVING, Washington, continued. Voyages and discoveries of the companions of Columbus. London, 1831. 16 389.1 - Same. Revised edition. London, 1850. 10 U . v. 7 of 377. Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.1 Irving, P. M. Life and letters of 514. Xote. The life by his nephew is the all-sufficient account, and there are reviews by D. G. Mitchell, in Atlantic monthly, June, 1864, and in the Quarterly review, 1863, or no. 1003 of Living age. Additional biographical memoranda will be found in G. P. Putnam s recollections, in the Atlantic monthly, Nov., 1860; in the Homes of American authors, [B. II. 2346.51] ; in W. J. Paulding s reminiscences of the Salmagundi days, in Hours at home, Jan., 1807; in Chasles s Anglo-American literature, etc., [404.11]; in Tilton s paper, [1816.21]; in Har per s monthly, vols. 2 and 14 [on " Sunnyside," see also New York quarterly, Tuckerman Criterion under "nuthors" 823.15]. 20, 21, 24 and 34 [on Sleepy hollow]. After his death, a memorial volume called Irvingiana [B. 11. 4:)18.79] was published; and Bryant [also Orations, etc., B. II. 239 .>.57, and no. 831 of Living age], Bancroft [also no. 836 of Living apre] and others commemorated him before the New York historical society ; and Everett [also 861.7.4], Longfellow, 1 Vlton. Holmes and others delivered addresses before the Massachusetts his torical society, [B. II. 2351.2. IStJO]. Thackeray paid him a tribute in the Cornhill, 1SJO, or no. 823 of Living age, or in his Roundabout papers, [882.16]. Allibone in his article quotes many authorities and gives full references to others, and essays on Irving or his works will be found in Dana, [B. H. S38.U.2J; in Jeffrey, [8ft!.6] ; in ^ Prescott [W15.4], etc. See also the literary histories of Duyck- inck and Griswold, and the references in Thomas. IRWIN, R. B. Sherman and his campaigns. See Bowman, S. M : 272. ISABELLA, of Anyouleme, queen of John of England, d. 1246. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England v. 1 of 592.1 ISABELLA, of France, queen of Edward II, of England, b. 1292, d. 1358. Edgar, J. G. Noble dames of ancient story 569.27; 599. 2< Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 1 of 592.1 ISABELLA, of Valois, queen of Richard II, of England, b. 1399, d. 1410. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England v. 1 of 592.1 ISABELLA, or ISABEATJ, of Bavaria, queen of Charles VI, of France, b. 1371, d. 1435. See Edgar, J. G. Noble dames of ancient story 569.27; 599.24 ISABELLA I, of Castile, queen of Spain, b. 1450, d. 1504. Clarko, M. C. AVorld-notcd women 1522.25 Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns 569.28 Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns, v. 1 of 810.44 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Sketches of the lives of distinguished females . . . 1859.10 Women of worth 551.19 Note. See Prescott s Ferdinand and Isabella, [912.1 ; 929.2]. ISABELLA II, queen of Spain, b. 1830. Attache, The, in Madrid; or, sketches of the court of 675.10 ISHAM, Warren. The mud cabin; or, the character and tendency of British institutions. New York, 1853. 12 135.21 ISHMAEL and the church. Cheeseman, L 1104.19 ISLAMISM. See Mohammedanism. ISLES OF SHOALS, The. An historical sketch. 1873. Jennoss, J. S 1656.14 ISRAEL, Hannah Erwin. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 1 of 538.13 ISRAEL. Aguilar, G. The women of 766.12 Mortimer, Mrs. Kings of Israel: their history. . 1117.4 See Bessie res, Jean Baptiste. Art. ISTRIA, Due d . ITALY. Hogarth, G. Memoir of the opera in 905.19 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters, and progress of painting in 840.23 Lanzi, L., d. 1810. History of painting in. 208.13; 828.4 Vasari, G. Lives of eminent painters, sculptors, and architects 848.6 ffote. All general histories of art, architecture, painting, and sculpture necessarily treat largely of art in Italy, and see the notes under those heads, and under Home, as well asunder the names ot prominent artists, like Raphael, Buouarotti.ctc. Lauzi [in Italian, 1058.13; B. H. 2803.55; 4002.4; in English, ITALY. Art, continued. 4006.19] and Vasari are both native authorities of repute, the latter being contemporary with some of lux subjects. Many of Mrs. Jameson s books [see also Butes Hall catalogues] treat at tractively of the subject, and her Early painters is also in B. II. [4086 7] ; while parts ot Wornum s Epochs of painting [iOli.18: 8.50.2;!] and Viardot s Wonders of Italian art [B. H! 806.5.12] treat the subject fitly for tne general reader. Kugler s hand books of the history of painting [B. H., in German, 4061.3] ; and of the historv of nrt [B. II., in German. 4277.3] ; and his Schools of painting [B. H., in English, 8007.2] under the editing of Eastlake, constituting Murray s English handbook of the schools of painting in Italy [B. II. 8009a.lO] arc of high repute; but for the thorough student of painting the new work by Crowe and Cavalcasclle [B. H. 8063.6; and Morth Italy, A.225.2] supplies the most satisfactory account. See also the recent German work of Fiirstor, [B. H. 80656]. See Blanc s history of the Venetian school [B. H.. in French, 8080.4], and of the Umbrian and Roman school [B. H. 8080.11]. Also H. Merivnle s studv of the landscape of the ancients as delineated in the Pompeiian paintings, [B. II. 2.563.1]. For Italian sculpture, the valuable monograph of Perkins [B. 11.8081. 1] is of the first importance. See also Ottley s Italian school of design, [B. H. 80.KU.5] ; nnd for popular use, the Wonders of sculpture liv Viardot. [1198.19]. Westropp s [B. H. G235.- l] is a convenient manual of Italian archaeology. History, politics, etc. Abbott, J. S. C. Italy, and tho war for Italian independence, [B. c. 700-A. D. 1870] 915.8 The monarchies of continental Europe. Italy, to [1860] 917.10 Arthur, W. Italy in transition. Scenes in 1860. 928.13 Baird, R. Sketches of protestantism in. 1845 .. 1096.13 Butt, I. History of, from the abdication of Na poleon i. 1860 914.3 Colquhoun, J. C. Life in Italy and France in the olden time. 1858 915.5 Greene, G. W. Historical studies 947.9 Gretton, A. L. V. The vicissitudes of, since the congress of Vienna. 1859 917.5 Laing, S. Notes on tho social and political state of. 1854 409.14; 1655.3 Lyman, T. Political state of. 1820 915.3 Machiavolli, N. History of Florence. 1851 828.7 Manning, A. The story of, [410-1859] 917.6 Marguerittes, J. de. Italy and the war of 1859. 917.6 Mariotti, L. Italy: general views of its history and literature, [586-1840] 917.1 Present state and prospects of. 1848 937.6 Orsini, F. The Austrian dungeons in. 1856 919.7 Sforzosi, L. Compendious history of, [B. c. 31- A. D. 1831] 810.74 Simondo de Sisraondi, J. C. L. History of tho Italian republics, [476-1805] 378.4 Spalding, W. Italy and tho Italian islands, [to 1840] 820.51 Trollope, T. Social aspects of the Italian revolu tion, [1859] 917.17 Trollope, T. A. A decade of Italian women 543.14 Tuel, J. E. Illustrated history of the war in. 1859. 915.7 Note. Of the general histories, Spalding [also in B. II. 6769a.2] is of good reputation ; and there is also Perceval, who covers 476-178!), [B. H. 4715.2]. Among the Italian histories Bishop Dupanloup praises Cantu [B. H. 2766.6; see also Bates Hall catalogues], as au admirable summary and analysis of existing knowledge. Upon the work of Botta [see Bates Hall catalogues], and another by Bossi, on the ancient and modern history [B. II., in Italian, 2718.1], the little history of Sforzosi is based. Mari- otti s book is a rapid and gcncial survey, and Abbott s [SH5 8] is a popular summary, bringing the xtorv down to our day. For the beginnings of modem Italian history, see the 69th and 70th chapters of Gibbon, who leaves the story with the final acquiescence of Rome in the power ot the popes; and two chapters In Hollun s Middle ages. Sismomli s Italian re publics [B. U., ill French, 2716.1; 2716.2; 4193.6] begins with the downfall of Rome, and extends to the spread of Charles V s power, a book that is famous, superseding the native Muratori, as Ilallam thinks ; but its complexities require studious care. The book mentioned above is, however, a separate work, written more compendiously for the English reader. Much referred to under Rome on the period of its mediajval history pertains broadly to Italy, and particularly Gregorovius [B. If. 4196., i], of which there is ai> examination under the title of " The Borgias and their latest historian," in the North British review, 1871, or no. 1404 of Living age. For the power of Florence in Italy there is the well-known history by Machiavelli [B. II.. in Italian, 2805.1.2; 4199a.3.2: 4749.4; 4804.4.3; in English, 2800.9], who, in bringing down the narrative to the death of Lorenzo de Medici, partly surveyed his own days, and while his reputation is not high for care ful research, his manner is animated. Roscoe furnishes, in the Life of Lorenzo de Medici, d. 1492 [543.11 ; 818.0; B. 11. 27-11.0], an excellent narrative for the general reader, who can follow it with the same writer s Life of Leo X, d. 1.522 [818.2; B. II. 8552.8], both works of excellent reputation. Guicciaidmi, who was a looker-on of these times, vividly continued Maehia- vclli s account in a general history of Italy to the elevation of Cosmo de Medici, 1569, [1048.3; B. H. 27 17.4 j 4804.3; 47B3.7.3, ITALY 145 ITALY Shelf. No. ITALY. History, politics, etc., continued. all in Italian]. Sec the Quarterly review, 1871, or no. 1435 of Living age, on his personal records of his time. Guiceiardini has been in turn continued bv Botta to 1789 [B. H. 2717.5] and to 1814 [B. II. 2717.6]. The lives of Michael Angelo, d. Iff*, particularly Grimm s [673.10, in which, in vol. 1, p. 72. the his torical sources are characterized], the autobiography of Cellini, which Roscoe has translated [828.1], and the lives of other prominent men of the period, as well as those of the women, whom Trollope commemorates [also in B. II. 2746.14], afford much illustrative help on the period of Florentine supremacy; while in his history of the Commonwealth of Florence, Trol lope has given in some respect the bet survey from 1107 to the fall of the republic in 1531 [B. II. 4726.3], which is available for the English reader, constituting, as it does, a narrative of the political affairs that fitly complements Roscoe s accounts of the aesthetic culture of the, MedlcUn era. Napier s " Flor entine history " [B. 11.2726.52] is a book of good repute, copi ous in treatment, of adequate research, held to be honest and impartial, and it brings the record down to 1824. For the influence of Venice and Rome upon Italian history, ee those heads. For trie history of Ms century, see the special heads of Sar dinia. Florence. Rome, Venice. Naples ; and for the influence of Austria and France upon Italian history, see those coun tries. Also see Henri d Idevilie s Journal d un diplomatecn Italia. CB. II. 2744.50, reviewed in Quarterly review, 1 872, or Liv ing age, Dec. 28, 1872]. For the shaping of the preliminaries of Italian unity by the Marquis d Azeglio, see his memorials in Italian [2049.8; in English, B. H., 4743.24], and the article* in the London quarterly review, July, 18S7, or no. 1213 of Liv ing age: in the Fortnightly review, 1868, or no. 1259 of Living age; and in the Christian examiner, Sept., 1867. For an account of the recent dissolution of the relations be tween the state and church, see Fortnightly review, 1872, or no. 1442 of Living age; and Mazzini s article on "The relig ious side of the Italian question," in Atlantic monthly, July, 1867, or Westminster review, Julv, 1867. There arc several special memoirs on the war of 1859, in French, bv Dudevant [1074.22], by Du Hamel [1091.9]. by Lasalle f.2025.12]. etc., and that bv Sehmidt-Weissenfels. in German, [103 - .7]. For the war of"l866, see Germany, and the Westminster review, April, J867. See also Memoirs of Cavour, Garibaldi [also Reumont s Beitrage, B. II. 2719.22.3], and Harper s monthly, vol.43, etc. For the ecclesiastical history, see the summary as mapped out in McClintock and Strong s Cyclopedia. Ranke s His- of the popes covers the 16th and 17th centuries [838.1; also Macaulay s review, 409.20; 10)55.19], and is sufficient for the general reader, who may refer to the note undi tion, for general works touehin. Reforma- ig the convulsion in Italy, and to the special monographs of Young, in Enulish, [B. II. 2745.13]; of Reunion!, in German, [B. H. 2719.22.6]; and of Pcyrat. in French, [20iW.22]; as also chapter 11 of Fisher s Reformation, and the references in Malcom, p. 81. For the part borne by Savonarola in preparing for the reformation, see the English lives given under his name, of which Harford s is also in the Bates Hall [4065.5], and Madden s [B. H. 2740.12; 3"o5.2] may be added as well as Milman s essay [B. II. 5555.14, or Quar terly review. 1859] ; and the delineation in George Eliot s Ro- mola. [492.17; 1717.14]. Of the Italian lives of Savonarola, the latest andthe best is YiHari s[B. 11.3556.24; in English, 2746.6], who contends that his protestaot tendencies have, been much exaggerated. Also M Crie s Progress and suppression of the reformation in Italy, [B. H. 3528.4]. For a Catholic view of the history and influence of the Ro man church, see Archbishop Spalding s Miscellanea, [B. U. 4405.30]. Literature. Mariotti, L. Italy: general view of its history and literature, [586-1840] 917.1 Rossotti, D. G. The early Italian poets, [1100- 1300] 855.10 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of 398.1 Ifote. Tirabosehi, a Jesuit and a monarchist, published in the last century a full and critical history of Italian literature, down to 1700 [B. II.. in Italian. 4191.1], which was continued by Lombard! to 1800, [B. H., in Italian, 2770.2]. Corniani s history [B. II. 2779.9, in Italian] is not much esteemed in Italy, though Ilallam found it of use. Ginguen6, a French republican, followcd[B. II., in French, 2770.3; 4208.9], but was mainly indebted to Tirabosehi, who afforded also the chief source of information to Mrs. Foster, who prepared the little handbook, issued by Chambers [B. H. 2770.24], which is the most compact guide to the English reader, who can, however, have access to au English translation of Sismondi s Literature of the south of Europe [818.4; B.H.,in French, 2193.3]. which, though elegant and pleasing in manner, is sometimes ad judged superficial, though Ilallam considers him otherwise. The English reader will find brief summaries in Mrs. Foster s more general Handbook of the modern literatures [404.6], and in Longfellow * Poets and poetry of Europe," [322.1] ; and a section in Sirs. Ilemans s Poems [347.2.1] on Italian literature, with comments and translations. Villemain has treated of the literature of Italy in the middle nges [B. II., in French, 2672.7], and there are chapters in Hal- lam on the writers of the 15th, l(>th, and 17th centuries [1373.1 ; 1373.2; 1373.3; B. H. 2193.1; 2194.5], while Leigh Hunt has a work on the Italian poets, with prose translations, [335.14]. Prescott [865.4] has an essay on the " narrative poetry," and on the "poetry and romance." There is a French book bv Roux, on the contemporary lit erature. [B. II. 2776.6]: and a contribution on the poetry of this century in Reumont s Beitrage [2719.22.5], and a review in the North American review, Oct., 1866. On the drama, see North American review, Oct., 1864. Roscoe s book on the Italian novelists before 1800 [B. H. 2772.18] contains critical and biographical material in addition to the translations. On Italian songs, see Mahony, [853.16]. See Arthur Hallam, on the influence of Italian works of the imagination, [B. H. 2567.24]. There is a paper on the origin ofthe Italian language in the North American review, July, 1067 ITALY, continued. Travels, description, etc. Andersen, H. C. A poet s bazaar. Pictures of travel in. 1871 Beckford, W. Italy. 1834... 675.18 Bell, J. Observations on. 1826 Bremer, F. Life in J;ho old world ; or, two years in, [1856-58] 665.9; Broughton, H. D., lord. Italy: [1816-54] Bruen, M. Essays on scenes in. 1823 Chambers, W. Something of. 1862 Channing, B. H. The sisters abroad; or, an Ital ian journey. 1857 Cooper, J. F. Gleanings in Europe. Italy. 1838. Dickens, C. (J. H.) Pictures from Italy. 1846. 1662.1; Eddy, D. C. Europa: or, scenes and society in, [1851, 52] Elliot, F. Diary of an idle woman in. 1872.... Eustace, J. C. Classical tour through Italy, [1802] Gretton, Mrs. G. The Englishwoman in. I860.. Haskins, G. F. Travels in. 1856 Hawthorne, Mrs. N. Notes in. 1809 Hawthorne, N. Passages from his French and Italian note-books. 1872 Headley, J. T. Letters from Italy. 1845. 676.18: Hillard, G. S. Six months in, [1847, 48] Howells, W. D. Italian journeys. 1867 Venetian life. 1866 Jarves, J. J. Italian sights and Papal principles, seen through American spectacles. 1856 Kemble, F. A. A year of consolation. 1847 .... Lomaistre, J. G. Travels through Italy. 1806. . Lippincott, S. J. Stories and sights of. 1867. . . MacFarlane, C. Popular customs, sports, and recollections of the south of. 1846 Matthews, H. Diary of an invalid in, [1817-19]. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, F. Letters from Italy, [1830-32] Moons, W. J. C. English travellers and Italian brigands. 1866 Moore, J. View of society and manners in. 1792 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in Central Italy. 1853 Handbook for travellers in Northern Italy. 1854. Handbook for travellers in Southern Italy. 1855. Norton, C. E. Notes of travel and study in. 1860. Pfeiffer, I. Visit to, [1842] Piozzi, H. L. Observations in the course of a journey through Italy. 1789 Raumer, F. (L. G.) von. Italy and the Italians. 1840 Ritchie, A. C. Italian life and legends. 1870.. Rochau, A. L. von. Wanderings through the cities of, [1850, 51] Rose, W. S. Letters from the north of, [1817] . . Simond, L. Tour in. 1828 Sinclair, J. D. An autumn in, [1827] Taine, H. A. Italy. Florence and Venice. 1869. Italy. Rome and Naples. 1868 Talfourd, Sir T. N. Supplement to " Vacation rambles," [1846] Taylor, A. Convent life in. 1862 Travels from Rome to Lucerne. 1861. Sec Recol lections of Garibaldi Turnbull, R. Genius of: sketches of Italian life, literature, and religion. 1852 Wallace, Mrs. E. D. A woman s experiences in. 1872 Wordsworth, C. Journal of a tour in. 1863 .... Note. The memorials, which give chief or exclusive atten tion to the classical associations ot Italy,are Addison s Remarks, [847.7.1 ; B. H. 6769.25] ; Forsyte s reputable work on the anti quities, arts, and letters, [B. H. 2764.1]; Eustace s Classical tour, which has been much criticised, and a similar book by Hoare, [B. H. 2765.10]. Of modern traveller s guides, there are in Bates Hall Baede ker [6769.4 ; and for 1872, 27.36.52], and later editions of Murray, [Knapsack guide, 47.37.5; Northern Italy. 4737.7 j 6769.1; Cen tral Italy, 4737.3; and Southern Italy, 4737.4]. 657.21 679.6 679.3 665.14 666.10 679.5 656.8 678.17 679.4 1679.5 644.3 1679.6 379.19 665.13 658.14 1666.15 1818.7 ; 676.19 679.7 655.15 644.21 678.9 676.7 654.3 1677.15 840.36 679.14 669.19 644.20 675.4 649.6 649.4 649.3 606.22 879.5 676.1 678.4 905.22 678.1 675.3 675.2 830.53 655.14 1673.10 669.5 664.7 1673.11 676.6 648.19 674.13 ITALY 146 JAMES ITALY. Travels, description, etc., continued. Of German travellers, the most famous is Goethe, [838.3.2; in German, 1031.1.3; 1018.1.23] ; while Baumer carries a name for careful investigation. Of Frr.nch travellers, Taine ia the most important of recent ones, and his Florence and Venice is also in Bates Hall, [4763.8. in French, 4736.1]. Of English travellers, Moore (who hnd advantages as the travelling companion of the Duke of Hamilton) and Piozzi are of the last century, but the latter s book never satisfied those who expected keener observation from tlie friend of Dr. Johnson. Beckfurd also wrote in the latter part of the same century, and his narrative has scholarly taste, and shows a love of nature. Mrs. Jameson s Diary [B. H. 27G4.17J, though fictitious in form, embodies that Indy s fine criticism, particularly upon art and literature. In Chamber! and Dickens, the reader rinds shrewd observation dining a brief rim through the peninsula in the Edinburgh publisher, and glimpses of character in the London novelist. Sec also the journals and letters of English authors, who have lived Ions in Italy, like Byron, Shelley, Landor, etc.; W. P. Biiyley s "Visits to the paradise of artists." in Art -journal, I860; and the descriptive essay by Alison, [803.5]. Of American travellers. Cooper [also in B. 11.2719.24] was the earliest of repute, llaskins was a Catholic pilgrim. Haw thorne s Note-books [also in B. II. 2.192. 21] do not, perhaps, embody more observation than was reproduced in his fiction of "The marble faun." Mrs. Hawthorne s record was made attheeametime. Hillard s book [also in B. II. 27G:;.2; 4703.10] has been widely praised and used with satisfaction, as a scholarly portrayal ot iact and feeling regarding what comes naturally within the observation of the visitor, and its con cluding chapters give excellent characterizations of preceding writers on Italy from the times of the earliest pilgrims. Howells s books are graceful narratives of personal experience while the author was consul at Venice. Jarves s book shows some close observation, and also his paper in Harper s monthly, vol. 10. Norton s is a scholar s jottings, about matters not in the way of every day observers. Tuckerman s Italian sketch book [ B. H. 47iiOa.3] gives pleasing pictures of life, as does Lowell s Fireside travels, [813.3]. Italy is the subject of some well-known works of the imagi nation, which the reader cannot well omit considering. Madame de Stael s Corinne [742.3; 757.0; 757.10; 1500.22; in French, 1070.9; 1070.4; 1079.12; B. II. 2078.09] connects the aptest pictures of life, manners and scenery, with a romantic love story. Hans Andersen, besides his above named travels, wrote The improvisatore [7112.2 ; 1502.10], which is a very vivid portraval of the externalsof the land. See also the passionate sketches of Byron s Childe Harold [312.1.3, etc.], and Rogers s calmer pictures in his " Italy," [M12.1.2]. Of brigandage in Italy, besides the book of Moens [see also Harper s monthly, vol. 33], there are others bv Hilton, [B. H. 2716.9]; by Maftei, [B. II. 2716.8]; and the French book of Mourner, [2073.21]. *** The Italian scholar will find what is supposed to be the amplest collection of books on Italy, and in the Italian language, which there is in the country, in the Bates Hall catalogues. See also Alps, Calabria, Corsica, Etna, Florence. Genoa, Lombardy, Mentone, Milan, Naples, Piedmont, Pompeii, Rome, Savoy, Sicily, Turin, Tuscany, Tyrol, Venice. IVIMEY, Rev. Joseph. John Milton, [English poet, b. 1608, d. 1674]: his life and times. New York, 1833. 12 586.23 IZARD, Mrs. Alice, wife of Ralph Izard, b. 1746, d. 1832. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 2 of 538.13 JACK, Gilbert, M. D., professor of philosophy in the University of Leydm, b. 1578, d. 1628. See Ir ving^. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 JACKMAN, William. The Australian captive; or, an authentic narrative of fifteen years in the life of W. Jackman. AVith illustrations. Edited by I. Chamberlayne. Auburn, 1853. 12 528.28 JACKSON, Andrew, 1th president of the United States, b. 1767, d. 1815. Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Baldwin. J. G. Party leaders 518.7 Cobbett, W. Life of 519.9 Eaton, J. H. Life of 517.3 Frost, J. Pictorial life of 517.1 Parton. J. Life of 522.7; 1522.5 People s book of biography 1522.10 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Waldo, S. P. Memoirs of 517.2 Walker, A. Jackson and Now Orleans 215.15 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic . . 513.13 Nate. Parton s Life [also in B. H. 4448.8] is the best and latest, though he is thought to palliate too much Jackson s faults, and he appends a list of authorities with characteriza tions. Eaton was a friend of Jackson, and had opportunities to write correctly upon his military career, and ends his nar rative with Jackson s elevation to the presidency. Frost s was written afcer his death, and dwells principally on his military record, using ICaton for his authority. Cobbett s [also in B. H. 4440.2] is a brief popular memoir, intended as much to inspire the working people of Great Britain as to give an account of Jackson, nnd is drawn mostly from Eaton. A life by Goodwin [B. H. 2343.22] comes down to 1832. See Lossing s paper in Harper s monthly, vol. 10, based on his Field-book JACKSON, Andrew, continued. of the war of 1812. [B. II. 4421.3]. Walker s monograph i highly praised bv Paiton. See Van Buren s History of political parties, [B. H. 4313.13]; the eulogies of Levr Woodburv [B. II. 2401.1.3] and George Bancroft [873.1]; the Autobiography of Amos Kendall, [B. H. 2344.52] -. and the French account by Lornenie, [ B. H. 0249a.l.9]. Also an estimate in J. K. Paulding s life, [1527.4] ; and Har per s monthly, vol. 28. JACKSON, James, M. D., professor in Harvard univer sity, b. 1777, d. 1867. Memoir of James Jack son, jr., M. D. Boston, 1835. 8 523.13 JACKSOX, James, jr., M. D., b. 1810, d. 1834. Me moir of. See Jackson, J 523.13 JACKSON, Jame, Grey. Account of the empire of Marocco, and the district of Suse. With maps. Philadelphia, 1810. 12 699.11 JACKSON, Joh n, portrait painter, b. 1778, d. 1831. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 6 of 379.9 ; v. 5 of 810.19 JACKSON, Rachel Donelson, wife of Andrew Jackson, b. 1767, d. 1828. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522. 10 JACKSON, Thomas. Curiosities of the pulpit, and pulpit literature. Memorabilia, anecdotes, etc., of celebrated preachers. New York, [1868]. 16. 1819.11 JACKSON, Thomas Jonathan, called Stonewall Jackson, Confederate general, b. 1826, d. 1863. Addey, M. Life and military career of 569.16; 1515.7 Cooke, J. E. Stonewall Jackson: a military biography 1515.5 Dabney, R. L. Life and campaigns of 1515.4 Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns 243.1 Note. Dabney is also in Bates Hall [4329.45], where thero are other lives by Goode, etc., [4390.1; 4449.34]. JACKSON, William, itinerant preacher, South Boston. A man of sorrows; or, the life of William Jack son. 3d edition. Boston, 1842. 12 534.15 JACOB, Samuel, and others. History of the Ottoman empire, [476-1854]. 2d edition. London, 1854. 12 956.11 JACOBI, Friedrich Heinrich, philosopher, b. 1743, d. 1819. See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Ger many 545. 1 JACOBITES of 1715 and 1745, Memoirs of the. Thom son, K. (B.) 1 562.2 JACQDARD, Marie Joseph, French mechanician, b. 1752, d. 1834. Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 Lamartino, A. (M. L.) de. Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 2 of 547.4 JACQUELINE, Citoyenne: a woman s lot in the great French revolution. See Tytler, S 569.18 JADWIGA. See Hedwig. JAEL, or JAHEL, Jewish heroine, fl. B. C. 1290. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 JAHN, Johann C. Biblical archaeology. Translated byT.C. Upharn. 5th edition. New York, 1853. 8. 1103.5 History of the Hebrew commonwealth. Trans lated by C. E. Stowe. London, n. d. 8 1085.8 JAIL journal; or, five years in British prisons. Mitchel, J 1569.2 JAMAICA: its past and present state, [1494-1843]. Phillippo, J. M 264.2 Note. See Harper s monthly, vols. 22 and 24. JAMES I, king of England, b. 1566, d. 1625. Aikon, L. Memoirs of the court of 552.8 Birch, T. The court and times of 552.10 Cunningham, P. Revels at court, in the reign of. 342.5 Disraeli, I. Miscellanies of literature v. 3 of 897.5 Goodman, G. Court of 552.7 Harris, W. Historical and critical account of the life and writings of 552.9 Secret history of the court of 552.6 Note. See the general histories of England and Scotland ; Disraeli s embodiment of the popular view in his Curiosities of literature [897.1.1], and his subsequent change of opinion, [897.5.3]. Sec Scott s Fortunes of Nigel " [4fi0.1.13. etc.] for a famous delineation; and he is the subject of Irving s " Royal poet" in his Sketch book, [377.1.2, etc.]. See also references in McClintock and Strong. JAMES 147 JAN MAYEN Shelf. No. JAMES II, king of England, b. 1633, d. 1701. Fox, C. J. History of the reign of 837. 10 ; 978.4 Lowther, J., viscount Lonsdale. Memoir of the reign of 837.10 Note. James wrote his own memoirs, mostly confined to his continental life, but containing testimony corroborative of the historians views of the necessity of the revolution of 1688. They were preserved in Paris, previous to the French revo lution, and there Hume saw them, but made scant use of them. With them was preserved a contemporary narrative made from the memoirs, and this narrative is the basis of Macpheison s book, [B. H. 2410.10]; but Fox subsequently uea the original memoirs [see alsoB. H. 2410.6; 2.528.0, and Rose s, 2410.7, and Ileywood s, 2410.6, comments on Fox s nar rative]. The narrative was made again the basis of J. S. Clarke s life of James [B. H. 2410.8], and a full account of the manuscript, now preserved in Scotland, will be found in the Edinburgh review, June, 1816. See also Dalrymple a Memo rials [B. II. 2519.25] and chapters 18-20 in Smyth s Lectures on modern history, [943.3] ; and "The Stuarts at St. Germains," in Edinburgh review, 1872, or no. 1478 of Living age. Also Whittier s Prose works, [823.21.2]. See also England; note. JAMES I, king of Scotland, b. 1394, d. 1437. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies v. 2 of 840.10 Chambers, R. Life of 830.59 Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies. v. 2, 3 of 399.9 JAMES, Annie P., missionary to China, b. 1825, d. 1848. _ Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross 569.9 Heroines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 JAMES, Edwin John, b. 1812. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 JAMES, George Payne Rainsford, English novelist and historian, b. 1801, d. 1860. History of Charle magne, [b. 742, d. 814]. New York, n. d. 18. 810.60 History of chivalry. New York, 1862. 18 810.20 Life and times of Louis xiv, [king of France, b. 1638, d. 1715]. [With portraits.] New edi tion. London, 1851. P. 8 858.3 Life of Edward the black prince, [b. 1330, d. 1376]. London, 1836. 2 v. 8 552.3 Life of Richard Coeur-de-Lion, king of England, [b. 1157, d. 1199]. London, 1841-49. 4 v. 8. 552.2 Same. London, 1854. 2 v. P. 8 827.7 Lives of eminent foreign statesmen. See Crowe, E. E 388.7 Memoirs of great commanders. New edition. With illustrations. London, 1858. 16 557.6 JAMESON, Anna (Murphy). Lives of celebrated fe male sovereigns and illustrious women, continued. queen of Richard I, d. 12.30; Laura, of Vaucluse, friend of Petrarch, b. 1808. d. 1348; Jeanne Dare (maid of Orleans), b. 412, d. 1481; Isabella I, of Castile, queen of Spain, b. 1430, d. Ia04; Beatrice Cenci, the parricide, ex. J399; Anne Eolevn, or Bullen, queen of Henry VIII, b. 1507. d. 1.136 ; Lady Jane Grcv, queen of England 13 days, b. 1537. ex. 1354; Leonora d Este, b. French enthusiast, assassinator of Marat, b. 1768, d. 1793; Jo sephine, empress of the French, b. 1763, d. 1814. ffote. Some of these Lives are also contained in the author s Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns, below. Memoirs and essays illustrative of art, literature, and social morals. London, 1846. 12 876.14 Contents. The house of Titian ; Adelaide Kcmble, English actress and authoress, b. 1816 ; The Xanthian marbles ; Wash ington Allston, American painter and poet, b. 1779, d. 1843; "Woman s mission." and woman s position; On the relative social position of mothers and governesses. Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns. New York, 1868. 2 v. 18 810.44 Contents. Vol. I. Semiramis, queen of Assyria, fl. n. o. 1250; Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, b. B. o. 69, d. it. C. 30; Zeno- bia, queen of Palmyra, d. 273; Joanna I, queen of Naples, b. about 1320, d. 1382 ; Joanna II, queen of Naples, b. 1370, d. 1435 ; Isabella I, of Castile, queen of Spain, b. 1450, d. 1504; Mary , Stuart, queen of Scots, b. 1542, ex. Jii7; Elizabeth, queen of England, b. 1533, d. 1603. II. Christina, queen of Sweden, Contents. Henry v, king of England, b. 1388, d. 1422; John Plantagenet. duke of Bedford, general, and regent of France, b. 1389, d. 1433 ; Hernandez Gonzalvo, or Gongalo de Cordova yAguilar. Spanish warrior, b. 1443, d. 1515; Fernando Al varez, duke of Alba, or Alva. Spanish noble, viceroy of the Netherlands, b. 1.008, d. 1382; Oliver Cromwell, lord protector of England, b. 1599. d. 1638; George Monk, duke of Albe- marle, English parliamentary general, b. 1608, d. 1670- Henri de La Tour cl Auvergne, vicointe de Turenne, marshal of trance, b. 1611, d. 1675; Louis II, de Bourbon, prince of Conde, duke of Enghien, French general, b. 1621, d. 1686; John Churchill, 1st duke of Marlborough, English general and statesman, b. 1650, d. 1722; Frangois Eugene, prince of Savoy commander in the^ Austrian army.Ji. 166;?, d. 1736; Charles nd Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews v. 1 of 875.11 v. 1 of 875.12 A ote. See S. C. Hall s sketch, [B. H. 6542.13], JAMES, John Angel! , dissenting minister of Birming ham, Eng., b. 1785, d. 1859. Life and letters. Edited by R. W. Dale. [With portrait.] New York, 1802. 8 571.3 Review of his history, character, eloquence, and literary labours, etc. See Campbell, J 578.22 JAMES, Sir William, commodore, b. 1721, d. 1783. See Davenport, 11. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence 379.13 JAMES, William, d. 1827. Naval history of Great Britain, [1793-1820]. New edition. By Captain Chamier, [pseud.}. London, 1837. 6 v. 8. 986.2 JAMESON, Anna (Murphy), English miscellaneous writer, b. 1797, d. I860. Lives of celebrated fe male sovereigns and illustrious women. Edited by M. E. Hewitt. [With portraits.] Philadel phia, [cop. 1870]. 12 569.28 Contents. Semiramis, queen of Assyria, fl. B. C. 1230: Nic- toris. queen of Assyria: Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, d. 273; Boadicea, queen of the Iceni, d. 62; Bcrengaria, of Navarre, b. 1626. d. 1689; Anne, queen of England, b. 1664, d. 1714; Maria Theresa, of Austria, empress of Germany, b. 1717, d. 1780; Catherine II, empress of Russia, b. 1729, d. 1796. Memoirs of the early Italian painters, and of the progress of painting in Italy. [With portraits and other illustrations.] London, 1845. 2 v. 24 840.23 Contents. Vol. I. Giovanni Cimabue. b. 1240, d. about 1302; Giotto, ur Angiollotto, or Ambrogiotto Bondoue, b. 1276, d. 1336; Lorenzo Ghiberti, sculptor and goldsmith, b. 1378, d. 1455; Tommaso Guidi. called Masaccio. b. 1401, d. 1443; Avi FilippoLippi, b. 1400, d. 1 169 ; Giovanni Guidoda Fiesole, tur- iiamedFn Angel ico, b. 1387, d. 1435; Benozzo Gozzoli, b. 1406, d. 1478; Andrea del Castagno, b. 1403, d. 1477; Luca Signorelli, of Cortona, b. 1440. d. 1521 ; Domeiiico Corradi. or Bigordi dal Ghirlandajo.b. 1451, d. 1495 : Andrea Mantegna, b. 1430, d. 1506; Giovanni Bellini, b. 1426, d. 1516; Gentilo Bellini, b. 1421, d. 1501;PietroVannucci, cai;i Perugino, b. H46, d. 1524; Fran cesco Raibolini, called II Francia, b. 1450, d. 1517 ; Fra Barto- lomeo, called nl*o Buccio della Porta and H f rate, b. 1469, d. 1517. II. Lionardo da Vinci, b. 1452, d. 1519; Michel-Angelo Buo- narotti, b. 1474, d. 1564; Andrea Vannucchi, called Andrea del Sa-to, b. 1488, d. 1530; Rattaello Santi, or Sanzio da Urbino, b. 1483, d. 1520; Antoni Allegri. called Correggio, b. 1494, d. 1534 ; Francesco Mazzola, or Mazzuoli, called Parmigiauo, b. 1503, d. 1540; Giorgio Barbarellidi Castclfranco, called Gior- gione, b. 1478, d. 1511; Tiziano Vecellio (Kitg. Titian), b. 1477, d. 1570; Jacopo Robust!, called Tintoretto, b. 1512. d. 1588; Paolo Cagliari, called Paolo Veronese, b. 1530, d. 1588; Giaco- mo da Poute, called Bassano, or Bassan, the elder, b. 1310, d. 1592. Memoirs of the loves of the poets. Boston, 1866. 16 359.11 Sketches in Canada, and rambles among the red men. New edition. London, 1852. P. 8 U 409.12 Winter studies and summer rambles in Canada. London, 1838. 3 v. 12 629.10 Belloc, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes 151G.11 Home, R. H. A new spirit of the ago 878.23 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 Note. See sketch by S. C. Hall, [B. II. 6542.13] : and Prof. Wilson reviews the Loves of the poets, [B. H. 4566.11.1]. JAMESON, Robert. History of British India. See Murray, H 810.51 Narrative of discovery and adventure in Africa. See Murray, II 810.18 Narrative of discovery and adventure in the polar seas and regions. See Murray, H 810.15 JAMESONE, George, Scottish portrait painter, b. 1586, d. 1644. See Cunningham, A. Lives of tho most eminent British painters, etc. v. 5 of 379.9; v. 4 of 810.13 JAMESTOWN, Voyage of the, on her errand of mercy. Forbes, R. B 296.5 Ifote. This United States ship carried provisions from Bos ton to Ireland at the season of famine in 1346. JAN MAYEN, Letters from, in 1856. Blackwood, F. T., lord Dufferin 708. 1 ; 708.2 1 ; 1666.3 JANE 148 JEANNE Shelf. No. JANE SEYMOUR, queen of Henry VIII, d. 1537. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 Strickland. A. Lives of the queens of England. T. 2 of 592.1 See also Henry vm. JANES, Edwin L. Wesley his own historian. See Wesley, J 577.8 JANNEY, Samuel M. History of the Society of friends to 1828. Philadelphia, 18CO. 2 v. 12 1084.18 - Life of William Penn, [b. 1G44, d. 1718]: with selections from his correspondence and autobiog raphy. [With portrait ] 2d edition. Phila delphia, 1852. 8 523.14 JAPAN. Alcock, Sir R. The capital of the Tycoon: narrative of a three years residence in. 18C3.. 698.28 Golovnin, V. M. Japan and the Japanese. 1853. 708.14 Gragg, W. F. A cruiso in the U. S. steam frigate Mississippi, to, [1857-60] G22.10 Hawks, F. L. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to, [1852-54] 701.3 Hildreth, R. Japan as it was and is. 1835.708.3; 938.2 History of the expedition to, [1856-58] 931.1 Johnston, J. D. China and Japan: narrative of the cruise of tho U. S. steam-frigate Powhat- . tan, [1857-CO] C88.19 Manners and customs of tho Japanese, in tho 19th century 708.2; 820.36; 937.5 Oliphant, L. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin s mission to, [1857-59] 701.12 Osborn, S. Cruiso in Japanese waters. 1859 .. . 709.31 Japanese fragments. 1861 707.22 Sketch of the route to Japan, via the isthmus of Panama. 18G7 1639.10 Smith, G. Ten weeks in. 1861 684.11 Spalding, J. W. Tho Japan expedition. 1855.. 708.4 Steinmetz, A. Japan and her people. 1859. 709.22; 938.14 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Japan, in our day 708.25 Visit to, in 1853 703.17 Tomes, R. Tho Americans in. 1857 708.5 f> ote. The most important illustrated works which have been issued, are Humbert, in French, [B. II. 010.1 ; also in Tourdu monUe, 0291.1, 18C6, vol. 2; also see the volume for I860]; and the sumptuous publication commemorative of the Prussian expedition to East Asia, [I!. II., Cabinet. F.O.A.l]. Alcock s Narrative is also in Bates Hail [.1017.18; fi011.4], as well as Ilildretli s ["018.15], and the tiavels of Beauvoir, [in French, 2i6S.50.u; in English. 021)0.0., !]. Sec also Wanderings in Japan, in the CornhilT, 1872, or nos. 1449 and 1452 ot Living age. On Japanese history there is Dickson, [B. II. 5011.5] ; on manners, customs, etc., there are Silver, [B. II. 5011.1]; the French work of DII Pin, [B. 11.5013.20], and a native pictorial survey, [B. II. 5011.2]; while Mitford s Talcs of old Japan [B. H. 028.9] is illustrated bv natives. The elaborate volumes, published by the United States government, containing the accounts of Com. Perry s expedition, arc in Hates Hall [GVJ35.1; E.221.8; also see Harper s monthly, vol. 12] ; and for the action of the government in matters relating to Japan, see the In dexes to the congressional documents, given under United States, in the Bates Hall catalogues. Bayard Taylor s Japan, in our day" is a useful popular compilation ; and the historical sketch, under the editing of Minister Mori [B. U. o9y.(i- ], ia concise. See articles in Har per s monthly, vols. 5, 8, 18, 21, 27. 28,39 and 44, also Mav, 1873; Putnam s magadne, April, May, June, and July, 1868; and Hours at home. Nov. and Dee., 1867. Also see Wood s Natural history of man, [B. H. 6252.2]. On the revo uHon in Japan under the influence ot foreign association, tee lllaekwood. April, 18T>7 ; the letters of Consul Harris, in no. 770 ot Living age; Atlantic momhlv. June, 1860; Edinburgh review, 1872, or no. 1475 of Living age; and the documents of the British government for 18GD-70. O.i the religion, sec Hours at home, Sept., 1808; a Japanese sermon, in the CornlvU magazine, ISO .), or no. 1U18 of Living age; and McClintock and Strong s Cyclopedia. There is an essay on Japanese art in Palgrave s cssaj-s, [B. II. 3H5.SC.]. JAPANESE, The, in America. 1872. Lanrnan, C 708.26 JARDINE, David. Criminal trials. London, 1832- [36]. 2 v. 12 839.4 Kote. Vol. 2 contains tho Narrative of the gunpowder plot. Same. Vol.1. Boston, 1832. 12 849.11 JARDINE, Sir William. Naturalist s library. [Con taining biographical notices. With portraits.] Edinburgh, [1840]-52. 40 v. 16 179.1 Contrnti. Vol. I. Sir Robert Sibbald, Scotch physician and naturalist, b. 1641, d. about 1722. II. William Smellic, Scotch naturalist, b. 17-10, d. 1795. III. John Walker, Scotch natural ist b 1731, d. 1804. IV. Alexander Wilson, Scotch ornitholo gist b. 170(i, d. 1813. V. Fram-ii Willughby, or Willoughby, En"Hsh naturalist, b. 1635, d. l !72. VI. Charles Linnaeus, or Linne, Swedish naturalist und author, b. 1707, d. 1778. VII. Shelf. No. JARDINE, Sir William. Naturalist s library, continued. Thomas Pennant, English naturalist, b. 1726, d. 1798. VIII. Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, English statesman and natural ist, b. 178L d. 1826. IX. Plinius Caius Si-cuudus, Roman naturalist Latin poet, and statesman, b. 23, d. 79. X Thomas Bewick, English reviver of the art of engraving on wood, and naturalist, b. Lo.1, d. 1828. XI. James Bruce, Scottish travel ler in Africa, b. 1730, d. 1794. XII. Francois Le Vaillant, French traveller, naturalist, and wiitcr. b. 175:!, d. 1824. XIII. Albrecht von Haller, Swiss nnatomist, botanist, and poet, b. 1708, d. 1777. XIV. Aristotcles, Greek philosopher, founder of the peripatetic school, b. B. C. >".8I, d. M. o 3i 2. XV. Dm Drury, English naturalist and writer, b. 1725, d. 1804. XVI. Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic. Dagobert Cuvier, baron, Frenclinaturalist,b.l769,d.lS:)2. XVII. Ulysses Aldrovaiidi, or A drovandus, Italian naturalist and author, b. 1522, d. 1605. XVIII. Pierre Simon Pallas, German naturalist and traveller, b. 1741, d. 1811. XIX. Felix d Azarn,, Spanish traveller, scholar, and author, b. 174fi, d. 1811 XX. Conrad Ges.ner, of Zurich, scholar, philosopher, and naturalist, b. 1516. d. 1565. XXI. Peter Camper, Dutch phvsician. anatomist, and writer, b. 1722, d. 1789. XXII. John Hunter, Scotch anatomist and pathologist, b. 1728. d. 179.3. XXIII Sir Hans Sioaue, Irish botanist, physician, nnd traveller, b. 1610, d. 175 . . XXIV. John Barclay, Scotch anatoni St and zoologist, b. 1753. d. 18^6. XXV. Franyois Peron, French naturalist and traveller, b. 1775, d. 1810. XXVI. Bernard Germain Kticnnc de laVille, comte de Laceptde, French naturalist, b. 1750. d. 1825. XXVII. George Louis Leclcrc, comte dc Burton, French naturalist and scientific writer, b. 1707, d. 1783. XXVIII. Hans Swam- merdarn. Dutch naturalist and phvsician, b. 1(!37, d. )680; Charles de Geer, Swedish naturalist, b. 1720. d. 1778. XXIX. Abraham Gottlob Werner, German mineralogist, b. 1750, d. 1817. XXX. Maria Sibylla Merian, Swiss artist and natural ist, b. 1647, d. 1717. XXXI. Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, called le chevalier Lamarck, French naturalist, b. 1741, d. 1829. XXXII. Pierre Andre La reille, French entomologist, naturalist, and author, b. 1702, d. 18:. XXXIII. John Ray, or Wrav. English naturalist, b. 1628. d 1704. XXXIV. Francois Huber, Swiss naturalist, b. K50, d. l&JO. XXXV. Ippolito, or Ilinpolito Salviani. Italian ichthyologist, b. 151 1. d. 1572. XXXVI. Gnillaunie Kondelct, French natu ralist, b. 1507, d. 15J6. XXXVII. Friedrich lleinrich Alex ander von Humboldt. German naturalist, b. 1769, d. 1859. XXXVIII. Sir Jo-eph Hanks, Englisluiaturalist and philoso pher, b. 1743, d. 1820. XXXIX. Sir Robert Hermann Schom- burgk, British consul at St. Domingo, naturalist and geogra pher, I). 1804, d. 1SG5. XL. Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, Swiss traveller and author, b. 1784, d. 1817. JARVES, James J. History of tho Hawaiian islands. 3d edition. Honolulu, 1847. 8 934.6 Italian sights and papal principles, seen through American spectacles. [With illustrations.] New York, 1856. 12 678.9 Parisian sights and French principles, seen through American spectacles. [1st and 2d series.] [With illustrations.] New York, 1852. 2 v. 12 654.17 Same. 2d series. New York, 1855. 12 1008.9 JARVIS, John Wesley, Enylish portrait painter, b. 1780, d. 1834. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 JARVIS, Hon. William, of Weathcrsfield, Vt., b. 1770, d. 1859. Life and times of. &* Cutts.M. P. S. 1526.21 JAY, John, American jurist and statesman, b. 1745, d. 1829. Tho federalist. See Hamilton, A 285.4 Flanders, H. Lives and times of tho chief justices of tho supreme court of tho United States 523.3 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Jay, W. Life of, with selections from his corre spondence and miscellaneous papers 512.13 Ronwick, II. B. Life of 820.33 Van Santvoord, G. Lives and judicial services of tho chief justices of tho supreme court of the United States 523.4 Vocc. Remvick s Life is also in Bates Hall [4449a.33], and a life by Jenkins [43(3.20]. See American review, July, 1845, and Harper s monthly, vol. 37. See also the references in Allibone, and Thomas. JAY, W. M. L. My winter in Cuba. New York, 1871. 12 ;; .. 637.30 JAY, William, American slavery abolitionist, b. 1779, d. 1858. Life of John Jay: with selections from his correspondence and miscellaneous papers. [With portrait.] New York, 1833. 2 v. 8... 512.13 Review of tho causes and consequences of the Mexican war, [1836-47]. Boston, 1849. 12. . 259.5 See Famous boys: and how they became great men 555.8 JEAN PAUL. See Richter, Johann Paul Friedrich. JEANNE D ALBRET, queen of Navarre, b. 15 28, d. 1572. Adams, W. H. D. Tho sunshine of domestic life K17.1 Colquhoun, J. C. Life in Italy and Franco in the olden tirao 915.5 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life. . 599.16 JEBB 149 JERDAN Shelf. No. JKBB, John, D. D., b. 1752, d. 1833, and KNOX, Alex ander, Esq., d. 1831. Thirty years correspond ence, [1799-1831]. Edited byO. Forster. Phila delphia, 1835. 2v. 8 575.5 JEFFERSON, Joseph, actor, b. 1829. Scr MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were mado 515.14 JEFFERSON, Martha Wayles, wife of Thomas Jefferson, b. 1748 o. s., d. 1782. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 JEFFERSON, Thomas, 3d president of the United States, b. 1743, d. 1826. Writings. [Edited] by II. A. Washington. [With portrait.] Washington, 1853,54. 9 v. 8 286.1 Contents. Vol.1. Autobiography and correspondence. II. -VII. Correspondence. VII. VIII. Official papers. VIII. Notes on Virginia; Biographical sketches. IX. Manual of parliamentary practice ; The anas ; Miscellaneous papers. Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522. 1 2 Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders 518.7 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Carpenter, S. C. Memoirs of 523.16 Cobb, J. B. Leisure labors 877.6 Dwight, T. Ciiaracter of 517.16 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Randall, H. S. Life of 512.2 Rayner, B. L. Life of 517.24 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic.. 513.13 and CABELL, Joseph C. Early history of the University of Virginia. Richmond, Va., 1856. 8 3 294.2 Note. Carpenter s Memoirs [also in B. II. 2342.21] was pub lished in 1809, and had particular reference to the introduction of French influence and French principles in the United States; but it was not until the posthumous publication of Jef ferson * Autobiography [see also B. H. 2403.1.1 ; and T. J. Ran dolph s edition, 4400a.27.1 ; 4,mi.l], and of his public and Srivate correspondence, that the means of correctly judging is character were afforded, and to make a digest and analysis of these, Rayner, in 1834, published his compendious memoir. Randall, iu 1857, having been given every assistance by Jeffer son s descendants, published his voluminous and authoritative life; and Sarah N. Randolph, a great-granddaughter, using additional family letters and reminiscences, beside gleaning from Randall, published " The domestic lifbof Jefferson," [B. H. 4446.32] : wliileDr. Pieison, in his "Jcffesson at Monti- cello " [ B. H. 2144.31], made use of entirely different material, being the reminiscences and papers of an old overseer of Jerler- son s estate. For further on his private relations and opinions, see Webster s account of a visit to Monticello, in his Private correspondence, [512.4.1]; the defence of his private character in the North American review, Julv, 1800, and the critique upon that defence in the New Englandtr, 18(51, or no. 900 of Living age. See also Harper s monthly, vol. 4X Parton is contributing to the Atlantic monthly successive chapters of an entertaining biography. His political views are reviewed in the North American review, Oct., 1805; by De Witt, in his Etude, 1*>2. [20(B.28, originally appealing in the Revue des deux mondcs, and noticed from the Saturday review, in no. 948 of Irving a(re] ; in the paper on Adams and Jefferson as founders of parties, in Lippmcott s magazine, Sept., 18G8; in Prof. A. D. White s essay on his opinions|of slavery, in the Atlantic, Jan., 18fi2; in Van Bure.n s History of political parties, [B.11. 4S43.1. 1 !] ; and in the lives.of Washington, Adams, Hamilton, etc.,and in Bancroft s United States. See an essay by Theodore Parker, [B. II. 4449.17]; the memoir in the " Signers of the declaration of independence," [B. II. 4444.58.71; and the references to others in Allibone and Thomas s Biographical dictionary. Numerous eulogie by Webster [284.1.1], Everett [861.71], Boutwell [288.1S] and others will also be found in the Bates Hall catalogues. See also papers in Harper s monthly, vols. 3. 7 and 26; and in vol. 44, on his relations to the University of Virginia. JEFFREY, Francis, lord, Scotch critic and politician, b. 1773, d. 1850. Jonathan Swift, D. D., [Irish dean of St. Patrick s, litterateur, and satiric writer, b. 1667, d. 1745]. London, 1853. 92 pp. P. 8 409.3 Same. London, 1860. 16 1655.16 Samuel Richardson, [English novelist, b. 1089, d. 1701]. London, 1853. 31pp. P. 8 409.3 Cockburn, H. T. Life of, with a selection from his correspondence 568.3 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men.. 548.13; 549.30 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Tuckertnan, H. T. Essays, biographical and crit ical 547.2 Mental portraits 557. 10 A ote. Lord Cockburn s is the authoritative life. For his connection with the Edinburgh review, see Cross s introduction to" Selections," etc., [B. H. 4573.50.1]; Gentleman s maga zine, 1870, or no. 13H2 of Living age ; Whipple s essay on " Brit- Shelf. No. JEFFREY, Francis, continued. ish critics," [875 11.2]; Atlantic monthly, vol. 3. for sketches of the Edinburgh s founders) and Bagehot s first Edinburgh reviewers, [563.0]. Tnekcrmati s e.<say takes a somewhat depreciatory view. See ais,> Chamber s Papers, [:W(i.l.li]; Sprague s Celebrities. [018.9]; II. Miller s Essay, [804.18]; BmUei t Brief biographic*, CAKUgJi the lives of Sydney Smith and John Wilson ; and the references in Alliboue and in Thomas s Biographical dictionary. JEFFREYS, George, lord , judge, lord-chancellor of Eng land, b. about 1648, d. 1C89. Roscoe, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers ................... 388.4 Woolrych, H. W. Memoirs of ................ 568.4 JEKYLL, Joseph, English wit, d. 1837. See Jordan, W. Men I have known ..................... 1522.9 JELLALABAD, Seizure and defence of. See Gloig, G. R. Sale s brigade in Afghanistan ............ 899.11 JEMISON, Mary (JDeh-He-Wd-Mis), white squaw, b. 1743, d. 1833. Life of. See Seaver, J. E ...... 539.3 JENKINS, Henry, English centenarian, b. 1501, d. 1070. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful char acters ................... .................. 1546.5 JENKINS, Thornton A., American rear-admiral, b. 1811. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders ................................ 272.7 JENKINSON, Robert Banks, Id earl of Liverpool, Eng lish minister of state, b. 1770, d. 1829. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Groat Britain ................................ v. 8 of 815.1 JENNER, Edward, English physician, naturalist, and inventor of vaccination, b. 1749, d. 1823. Biogra phies of eminent men from the 13th century. v. 4 of 839.6 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors ..... v. 4 of 1869.1 Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine ................................ 154.6 Tweedie, W. K. Tho life and work of earnest men ............................... ........ 555.13 JENNESS, John Seribner. The Isles of Shoals. An historical sketch. [Illustrated.] New York, 1873. 16 ................................ 1656.14 JENNINGS, Henry Constantino, English virtuoso, d. 1818. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful char acters ..................................... 1546.5 JENNINGS, Louis J. Eighty years of republican gov ernment in the United States. New York, 1868. 16 ........................................ 214.20 JENNINGS, Sarah, duchess of Marlborough. See Church ill, Sarah. JENYNS, Soame, English poet and writer, b. 1704, d. 1787. See Crichton, A. Converts from infi delity ................................ v. 2 of 830.28 Note. See brief memoirs by Cole, [B. H. 2549.2]; and by Chalmers, [B. H. 2592.7.17]. JERDAN, William. Men I have known. Illustrated with facsimile autographs. London, 1866. 8.. 1522.9 Contents. George Hamilton Gordon, earl of Aberdeen, Scotch statesman, b. 1784, d. IWiO; Richard Harris Barham, English divine, humorous and satiric writer, b. 1788, d. 1845; Rev. William Lisle Bowles, English poet, canon of Salisbury, b. 176 - , d. 1850; John Britton, English topographical and archi tectural writer, b. 1771, d. 185f ; Sir Mark Isambard Brunei, English engineer, designer of the Thames tunnel, b. 1769, d. 1849; William Buckland, English geologist, b. 1781, d. 1856j William Bullock, English naturalist, traveller, and museum collector; Thomas BurgeM, hi-hop of St. David s 1803, Salis bury 1825, author, b. 1756, d. 1*57; Thomas Campbell, Scotch poet and critic, b. 1777, d. 1844; George Canning, English statesman and orator, b. 1770. d. 1827 ; Sir Francis Chantrey, English sculptor, b. 1782, d. 1811; Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English poet, essayist, and moral philosopher, b. 1772, d. 1834; Francis Rawdon Moria Crozier. captain of the "Ter ror," b. 179J; Thomas Cubitt, English builder, b. 1788, d. 1855; John Fleming Leicester, lord De Tabley, b. 176- , d. 1827; Charles Dibden, English dramatic author and naval song writer, b. 1745, d. 1815; Thomas Frognall Dihdin, n. 1)., Eng lish bibliographer, b. 1770, d. 1847; Isaac Disraeli, English miscellaneous writer, b. 17W), d. 1848; Francis Douce, English antiquary and writer, b. 1762, d. 1834; Hon. Mountstuart El- phi nstone, English historian, b. 1778, d. 1859; John Scott, earl of Eldon, lord-chancellor of England, b. 1751, d. 18:i8; Edward Forbes, English naturalist and poet. b. 1815, d. 1854 ; Sir John Franklin, English Arctic explorer, b. 17>, d. 18-17 ; John Gait, Scotch miscellaneous writer, b. 1779, d. laW; William Gilford, English poet, critic, and satirist, b. 1757. <\. 182ii; Henry Hal- lam, English historian and critic, b. 1778, d. 1859; James Hogg, Hol- Scotch poet and romance writer, b. 1772, d. IS W; Jame man, the blind traveller, b. 1791? d. 1857 ; William Huskisson, English economist and statesman, b. 1770. d. 18 !0; Joseph Jekyll, English wit, d. 18 !7 ; William Kitchener, English physician and writer, b. 1775, d. 1827; Sir Thomas Lawrence, English portrait painter, b. 1769, d. 1830; Sir James Mackin tosh, Scotch statesman, historian, and political writer, b. 17(15, JERDAN 150 JERUSALEM Shelf. No. JERDAN, William. Mon I have known, continued. d. 1832; Sir John Malcolm, English general and historian, b. 17 9, d. 18o. l; Hit-hard .Martin, lord of Conneinara; Robert Nares, English divine, archdeacon of Stafford, and writer, b. 1753, d. JS^ J; James Perry, Scotch miscellaneous writer and journalist, b. 175.!, d. 1821: William Pinnock, English pub lisher; Samuel Maunder, English compiler, b. 17 JOV d. 1849; Richard Poison, English scholar and critic, b. 1709, d. 1808; Frederick John Robinson, carl of Ripon, English statesman, b. 178.;, d. 1839: David Roberts, E. A., Scotch landscape painter, b. 1790, d. 1804 ; Samuel Rogers. English poet, b. 17ti3, d. 1833; Sir James Clark Ross, English admiral, Arctic ex plorer, b. 1800, d. 1802 ; Sir Walter Scott, Scotch no\elist, poet, and historian, b. 1771, d. 1832; Richard Brinsley Butler Sheridan. Irish dramatic author, orator, and statesman, b. 1731, d. 1810; Robeit Southcy, English poet-laureate and his torian, b. 1774, d. 1843) John T.oiter; Thomas Wilde, lirst baron Truro, English judge, b. 1782. d. 1853; Sharon Turner, English historian, b. 1708, d. 1SJ7; Sir David Wilkie, B. A., Scotch painter, b. 1783, d. 1841 ; Poter Robert Drummond Wil- loughby, baron Willoughby d Ercshy, b. 1782, d. 1865: Wil liam Wordsworth, English poet, b. 1770, d. 1850. Kate. Sec S. C. Hall s sketch, [B. H. 6542.13]. JEROME, Chauncy, American clock manufacturer, b. 1793. MacCabe, J. D.,jr. Great fortunes, and how thoy wore inado 515.14 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 JERRMANN, Edward. Pictures from St. Petersburg. Translated by F. Hardman. New York, 1852. 12 687.23 Same. London, 1853. P. 8 409.13 Same. New edition. London, 1857. 16 1655.6 JERROLD, Douglas, Enylish author, b. 1803, d. 1857. Horno, R. H. A new spirit of the ago 878.23 Jen-old, (W.) B. Life and remains of . . .588.18; 588.19 JERROLD, (William) Blanchard. Tho French under arms. London, 1860. 16 1009.19 Life and remains of Douglas Jcrrold. London, 1859. 12 J 588.18 Same. Boston, Ib59. 12 588.19 On the Boulevards ; or memorable men and things, 1853-66. With trips to Normandy and Brit tany. Philadelphia, 1867. 2 v. 12 1657.1 Same. London, 1867. 2 v. 12 1657.3 JERUSALEM. Barclay, J. T. The city of the Great King; or, Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to bo. 1858 684.3 Eddy, D. C. Walter in. 1870 v. 2 of 708.23 Johnson, S. B. Hadji in Syria; or, three years in. 1858 689.14 Maundrell, H. Journey from Aleppo to, [1697]. 684.9 Tho recovery of. 1871. See Palestine explora tion fund 682.12 Tweedie, W. K. Environs of: pictorial and de scriptive. 1871 698.33 Ifote. History. For the ancient period, beside the record of the Bible and Joscphus (Train s translation, 946.1, is the best, and it has valuable notes*, the general reader will find the Old Testament [B. II. 5439.10] and New Testament histo ries [2094.4] in Dr. Smith s series of Student s histories the most convenient, for more extended accounts than are given in Smith s Bible dictionary [see Ilackett and Abbot s edition] and tue cyclopaedias of McClintock and Strong [elaborate arti cle, B. II. 748,1.1.4] ; of Kitto [B. II. 3181.,i.2 and B. II. Desk] : in chapter 4 of "Our work in Palestine "[B. II. 3049a.52], and others. The story of the siege and destruction bv Titus, has been told among moderns by Milman.in books 14 and 15 of his History of the Jews, [389.15: 810.1 : B. II. 2297.4 ; 029X25] ; and by Merivale, in his Romans, chap. 59of 6th book, [915.12; B. II. 175.3.4] ; and there is a separate monograph by Lewin, [B. II. :.083.18]. Coming to the later Christian periods, the scholar more particularly will follow Eusebius and Jerome, [see Bates Hn:l catalogues] ; Depit s essay on the pilgrimages before the crusades, [B. 11., in French, 3179. 13]; and can judge of the value of the authorUics of the era of the crusades by Wilkin a summary of them, [sec Crusades, nat]. Gibbon and the east ern histories come next, in detail; but the general reader will lind. Kitto s History of Palestine, 1841, to furnish a sufficient outline. We have a Mohammedan account of thelSth century by Edrisi, which is given in the appendix of Wiiliams s " Holy city " [B. II. 5043.50], together with the Norman chronicle, written after the conquest of Saladin. In French, brin"ing the record down to our day, there is the special history of Jerusalem by Poujoulat, [B. 11. 2290.4]. See also Palestine, note. Topography. Peculiarly in regard to Jerusalem the record of topographical discovery is closely allied with the expansion of our liistorical kno\y ledge of the city and its vicissitudes. The difficulties attending investigations before this century are illustrated by the fortunes of so patient a traveller as Nie- bnhr. in 176,), [Ji. II. 0267.1. etc.]; while the travels of E. D. Clarke, in 181:1 [082.1.3; 683.10; 089.0.L ], were almost the only fichol arly contributions to our knowledge before Robinson, in his Biblical researches, 1838 [084.4; 110 !.7; B. II. 3422.7], made an epoch in this field of discovery. Subsequent investigations have proved his great knowledge and his good sense, while his defects have been said to be a lack of architectural knowl edge, an occasionally dogmatic tone, and a studied disregard of traditions, whether of use or not. Believers in the value of the traditions controverted him with some severity, paiticu- JERUSALEM, continued. larly George Williams, in bis " Holy city," 1843, who, in his second edition, 181 J [B. 11. 5043.50], tempered his views; whose book affords, however, a good account of the modern town, and clears up much of the obscurity in the history from the time of Christ to the conquest of Caliph Omar. Robinson collected his vari-ius replies to these opponents in his Later researches, 1852 [B. II. 3423.0], wliere hu calmiy reaffirmed his views. The general reader will find a very good summary of antagonislicthcories regarding the walls of ancient J ru^alcm, and the position of the lloly sepulchre, in Murray s Handbook [B. II., last edition, 5009.5], while further inquiry can be made in the works of the contestants, Williams, De Vogue, and Robinson. Fergusson has advanced peculiar views in iden tifying Mount Zion with the site of the sepulchre [B. H. 3121.88], in an essay which originally appeared in Smith s Bi ble dictionary, where, in HacKett and Abbot s edition, he is carefully controverted by Dr. Wolcott. See also the Edinburgh review, no. 112. Porter, the editor of Murray, has a section on Jerusalem, in his Giaut cities of Bashan. [B. II. 5018.20]. The recent theories about the site of the IVinpIe are stated in chapter 8 of " Our work in Palestine," [B. II. 3019a.52]. See a letter from Henry Crossley, on " Holy sites and how to test them," in London review. 1805, or Living age, no. lOSii. Robinson proved the precursor of great number of admi rable investigators. W. Krafl t, 1840, had learning, candor, and acutencss. P. Wolff, 1849, made a compact though valuable statement regarding the present town. Ritter, however, in the section of his great work [B. II., in German, 2J87.1] given to Jerusalem [it makes a part of vol. 4 of Gage s adapted transla tion, B. II. 5043.15], brought his unrivalled skill to bear upon all these questions, and furnishes a list of all authorities up to about 1850, with characterizations, which may be compared with those given by Robinson. Hitter s methods of connect ing history and geography arc given with sufficient exactness for the general reader in Burt s " Land and its story " [B. II. 5041.8], which has chapter on Jerusalem. For the modern topography, the reader will find in Tobler s Zwei Buchcr, 1853 [B. II. 3047.01], a compilation convenient for use in piace of its numerous originals, with a list ot authorities, which that author enlarged in his Dritte Wanclerung. 1859 [B. II. 3047.00], and extended still more in his Bibliographia geographica Pal- (Estinre, 1867. [01870]. The great promoter of this study in England has been Dean Stanley, who devotes the third chapter of his Sinai and Pales tine, 1853 [684. 7], to Jerusalem; and though his book is too scholarly for tho most popular use, i .s reputation is high with all interested in developing the sacred history by its <-onnec- tipn with the sacred geography, while his care" for detail makes him very interesting. See references under Stanley in Alli- bone. Thrnpp published his ii>vest ga;ion? into the history anri topography of the city .with. Biwp, m 1855, |.B. II. 3017.55]. A little later, 1858. came Barclay s City of the Great King, whose author had peculiar opportunities, which enabled him to write a book of permanent value, though it is faulty in ar rangement, and not altogether to be relied upon. A chapter on Jerusalem is given in the 2d volume of Thomson s Land and the Book [088. 1 ; 1 103.8 B. H. 5427.29]. who, as a mission ary for twenty-five years, had unusual opportunities of study ing the manners and customs of the people, and has done much to popularize the subject. The genera! reader will find trustworthy descriptions in Bartiett s Scripture sites and scenes [B. H. :4L 8.7], with pleasing illustrations, and some of the chapters embody the substance of his separate "Walks about Jerusalem." There is a recent work by Besant and Palmer, on th- " City of Herod and Saladin," [B. H. 5049.14]. The reader will not forget Chateaubriand s glowing but not trustworthy rhetoric, [08J.7; In French, HKH.llj B.H., in Eng lish, 6262. 14]; and other popular and recent accounts by Lady Herbert. [5043.11]; HepworthDixon s "Holy Land," [1108.11; B. II. fi425.5]; Thackeray, in his - Cornhid to Cairo," [IKS. 10]; the illustrated account of Holy week in Jerusalem, in Tourdll monde,[B. II. 6291.1, 1862, vol. 1]; Creagh s "Scamper," [B. H. 220!.51J ; Scpp s " Pilgerbuch," [B. H. 5044.51] : W. C. Prime s Holy city, in Harper s monthly, vol. 14; and E. D. G. Prime s " Round the world," [657.24] ; Hours at home, May, 1867, etc. Tne most elaborate of recent topographical surveys arc yet to be mentioned. Pierotti, who gave eight years labor to it, and had peculiar advantages as "architect-engineer" to the Pasha of Jerusalem, published in an English version, in 1864. his folios on the ancient and modern city [B. II. 5040.1J], and popular use has been made of his researches in the chapters on Jerusalem in Beaufort s Egyptian sepulchres and Syrian shrines, [084.10]. It is, however, to the Palestine exploration fund of England that we owe most. The government of Great Britain aided them by detailing engineers to make the most cnce; and to epitomize results and present the general reader with a complete review of what had been accomplished, they lately ( 1870) issued " The recovei.v of Jerusalem " [also in B. H. 5042.8. see Harper s monthly, vol. 41], which is the best summary of existing knowledge that the reader can avail himself of; to be found, however, more condensed in the more recent "Onr work in Palestine," [B. II. 3049a.52], See also Blackwood l magazine, under - Explorations," 1873, or Liv ing age, no. 1504; British quarterly review, Jan., 1871; and Art-journal, 1808. I. P. Warren s "Jerusalem, ancient and modern " [B. II. 3042.5Ii], is a compact resume of existing knowledge. Hackett and Abbot s edition of Smith s Bible dic tionary and McClintock and Scrong s Cyclopedia give elabo rate summaries of all the topographical data. In Gage s Ritter [B. II. 5043.15.4] there is a discriminating enumeration of the various maps of Jerusalem, some of which will be found in va rious works noted already. Soc Cathenvood s, 1835, in Barnes s Notes on the Gospels, [1097.4.1]. The most extensive studies of tho architf-tiire. of ancient Je rusalem will be found in Wiiliams s llolv ci y, [D. II. 5013.50] ; in De Vogue s Temple of Jerusalem, [ft. II. :,042.54]; and in Fergusson s and other articles in the Bible dictionary. See also De Vogue s "Eglises de laTerre saintc," I860, [B. H. 3042.54]. Many of the works mentioned under East (The) and Pales tine afford sections on Jerusalem. See also references in Mal- com s Index, [2190.19], pp. 147 and 250. JERVIS 151 JEWS Shelf. No. JEK VIS, John, 1st earl of St. Vincent, English admiral, b. 1735, d. 1823. Adams, W. II. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548. 13; 5i9.30 Sea-kings and naval heroes 558. 1C Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 jERVis-WniTE-jERVis, Henry. History of the island of Corfu, and of the republic of the Ionian islands, [B. c. 708-A. D. 1851]. [With illustrations.] London, 1852. 12 918.10 JERVIS-WHITE-JERVIS, M., lady. Stories of boy- genius from the lives of great painters. Trans lated from the French. London, 1861. 16 . . . 555.9 Contents. Michel-Angelo Buonarotti, Italian, b. 1-174, d. 1564 ; Antonio Allogri, called Correggio, Italian, b. 1-494, d. 15.14; Bartolome Esteban Murillo. Spanish, b. 1U18, d. 1682; Sebas- tiano Gomez. Spanish, d. 1685? David Tcniers, Flemish, b. 1610, d. 1694 ? Jean AiHoinc Wutteau, French, b. 1084, d. 1721 \ Giotto, nr Angiollotto, or Ambrogiotto BooOOM, Italian, b. 1276, d. VBtiiMt Ribcra, called Spagnuletto, Spanish, b. 1588, d. 1656; Pietro Vamiiicci, catted Perugino, Italian, b. 1446, d. 1524; Salvator Kosa, Neapolitan, b. 1610, d. 1673. JESSE, John Heneage. George [Augustus] Selwyn [English politician and wit, b. 1719,d. 1791] and his contemporaries. [With portraits.] London, 1843,44. 4v. 8 5C3.2 Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts [1G03-88], including the protec torate. [With engravings.] London, 1840. 4 v. 8 976.1 Memoirs of the court of England from the revolu tion in 1688 to the death of George n, [1760]. [With engravings.] London, 1843. 3 v. 8.. 976.2 Memoirs of the pretenders and their adherents. [With portraits.] London, 1845. 2 v. 8 1985,1 Same. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 v. 12 979.8 JESSE, Capt. William. Life of George Brummell, Esq., commonly called Beau Brummell, [favour ite of George iv, b. 1778, d. 1840]. Philadel phia, 1844. 2v.ini. 8 1574.1 Russia and the war, [Crimean]. [With map.] London, 1854. 8 927.7 JESUITS. Kip, W. I. The early Jesuit missions in North America. 1846 1088.12 Niccolini, G. B. History of the. 1854 835.3 Parkman, F.,jr. The Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century v. 2 of 306. 1 Saint-Priest, A. (G.), comte de. History of the fall of the, in the eighteenth century 889.3 Steinmetz, A. History of the. 1848 1005.7 \ote. There are various bibliographies [B. H. 2190.10; 2190.31 : 2190.33], of which Carayon, ISM [B. II. 2190.23], is the best. The most recent is a new edition of Backer, not yet npleted, [B. II. 2190.28]. There is a list of books on the and " Suppression." See Mahony, on Jesuits and literature, [8M.1G]. Tho English reader will find chapters in Ranke s Popes [in English, 838.1] the best fur an ordinary purpose, and may compare Macaulay s review [409.20; 1655.11)] and Dean Mil- mans essay [B. It. 5555.14]. Ranke covers the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries only, and afforded material to Steinmetz [in English 1035.7; B. H. 3536.4], who, with research and fair ness, brought the record down to the suppression of the order by Clement XIV, in 1773. Sec Maynard. oil their studies nnd teachings at the time. 1750-7, J, [B. II., in English. 8519.55]; and the history of the pontificate of Clement xiv by Theiner, librarian 9f the Vatican, [B. H.. in German, 6080.5]. Of this latter period, there are special works by Alembert [B. H. 3536.111 and by Saint-Priest [in English, 889.3], which are spirited and generally just, while Milinan[B. II. 5555.14] reviews the vindication of the order at the same period by Cretineau- Joly, whose monograph forms a supplement to his History of the Jesuits [in French, B. H. 3536.1], a work that Milman calls incoherent and fragmentary, but which is the best on the Jesuit side. Mme. Orliac s [Oaurignac s] History is shorter and more popular, [B. II., in English, :>519,M]. There are also histories in German by Buss, [B. H. IW75.2]; and in French by Guettee, [B. H. 5517.2]. Tnc life of Father de Ra- vignan [B. H. 5556.7] covers the recent history of the order in France. On Loyola and the early Jesuits there are books by Rose [B. H. 7552.1] and by Taylor [1098.8]. and an essay by Stephen, [863.9]; also Harper s monthly, vol. 39. See also Ix>yola, note. On their missions, see Caddell on those in Japan and Para guay, [B. H. 3539.54]. See also Missions, note. On ttic labors of the order in America, there is Kip [1088.12], and more particularly on their Canadian fortunes, there are Carayon [B. H. 86363] and O dUaghan [Pph. v. 160], while their own " Relations n [B. H. 3134.1] have afforded most val uable historical material to Parkman, whose series of mon ographs on France and England in North America [308.1; Shelf. No. JESUITS, continued. B. II. 2318.21] are necessary to a thorough comprehension of their career as missionaries and explorers, while the account given in Bancroft [302.1; B. H. 4421.6] outlines their record with sufficient fulness for the general reader. See the article in McClintock and Strong s Cyclopedia; a concise statement from a protestant point of view in book 6 of Robertson s Charles v, [912.4, etc.] ; and Jesuits and Loyola in the Bates Hall catalogues. JEWETT, Isaac Appleton. Passages in foreign travel. Boston, 1838. 2 v. 12 .................... 657.4 JEWITT, John R. Adventures and sufferings among the savages of Nootka sound. With engravings. Ithaca, N. Y., 1840. 8 .................... 629.31 JEWS. Adams, H. History of the, [73-1809] ..... 949.6 Allen, J. H. Hebrew men and times. 1861 ---- 113.18 Ayerst, W. The Jews of the nineteenth century. 1848 .................................. .... H5.15 Edersheim, A. History of the Jewish nation, after the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus, [A. D. 70-415] .............................. 945.4 History of the. 1842 ........................ 1105.14 Jahn, J. C. History of the Hebrew commonwealth. 1085.8 Joseph us, F. Jewish antiquities and Jewish war. 946.2 -- Tho Jewish war, [66-70] .................... 946.1 Milman, II. H. History of the, [to 1807]. 389.15; 810.1 Mortimer, Mrs. Kings of Judah: their history. 1117.4 Wines, E. C. Commentaries on the laws of the ancient Hebrews ............................ 1083.2 Wise, I. M. History of the Israelitish nation, from Abraham to the present time. 1854 ...... 1085.7 Note. Milman s early editions [also in B. H. 0296.25] were published over thirty vcars ago, and his book has maintained a reputation for scholarly candor and accuracy, with pictu resque presentation, but he incurred some detraction for his critical examination of the historic truth in the sacred records. His revised edition [B. H. 2297.4] is enlarged principally in the later periods, and gives the authorities, which of late years have added to our knowledge; and, in a preface, which he thinks will suit neither extreme, the author reaffirm! his pre vious views on the duty of an historian. Dean Stanley had al ready in his Lectures [B. II. 5423.15, reviewed in Black- wood, Oct., 186T)] agreed with Milman as to an historian s duty, but avoiding the continuity of a historical narrative, particularly in the first volume, he confined his examination to the rise and progress of the Jewish church alone, down to the captivity, about COO li. c. See also Mnlan s Outline sketch of the early Jewish church, [B. II. 5425.4]. Both Milman and Stanley acknowledga great indebtedness to Ewald [B. H., in German, 4154.6; 5424.11; in English, 5425.20], who first brought that critical spirit to the task, which had so rewarded Wolf and Niebuhr in the history of Greece and Rome. Though his conclusions are not always adopted, nor his statements invariably agreed to, his work, for the period be fore the commencement of the monarchy, B. o. 1095, is the most comprehensive, and his successors only except a certain dogmatism in his opinions from their general praise. Bun- sen s able works, Gott in der Geschichte [B. H. 3438.3] and his Bibelwerk [B. H. 5421.7], are written on a speculative, conjectural system, that does not commend itself to sturdy truth-seekers like Milman. Jost, a Jew himself [B. H., in German. 4154.8; 5489.24J. is considered by many the most pro found investigator and the most impartial of the writers of his birth. Jahn is an old standard, his record ending with the destruction of Jerusalem in A. 1). 70, and Prof. Stowe, in his translation in the above list, has continued it in a section from Basnage[B. II. 229(5.7, an older author, but generally considered discursive and unjust] to the reign of Adrian. The most comprehensive account subsequent to A. D. 70, and particularly valuable for its pictures of society and business fife, and with a good reputation for impartiality, is Eder sheim, issued in 1850. Another important historian is Gractz [B. H., in German, 2297.10], whose work is not yet completed, and being later than Jost, has the advantage of recent re searches, but he is less impartial and violently antagonistic to searches, but he is less impartial and violently antagonistic to Christianity. There are other German histories by Ilerzfeld, [B. II. 5488.1. !]; llitzig. [B. II. ISSXU]; an English work by Wise, [1085.7; B. H. 4154.4]; and one by Rothschild, 9n the history and literature of the Israelites, confined to biblical times, [B. H. 7420, b. 11; abridged, 3429.50] ; and a French history, B. C. 53G-A. r>. 117, by Mme. de Witt, [B. II. 2297.5]. See also Bossuet s Discourse on universal history, [B. II. 4678.18]. Bishop Dupanloup gives the first place among the French histories, to Berruyer [B. II. 2210.9] for the ante- Messiah period. The most full and valuable record of their history in the middle agr* is by Depping, [B. H.. in French, 2296.6; 415t.5]. See Oxford essays, [B. H. 2555.15.3]. Stobbe has a work in German, [B. II. 6296.7J. There is a book on their manners, by Fleury, [B. II., in English, 3425.10] ; and a popular account of modern Jewish life and ceremonies, published bjthe Re ligious tract society, [1724.2]. See Whately s essay, [882.5J. The general reader will find Dr. Smith s Old Testament his tory [B. II. 5439.10] a sufficient narrative down to about B. C. 400, when Joscphus[B. II. 2300.8; C290a.l; Maynard s trans lation, 2290.50 ; Winston s, "KiOa.I: 6295.5] ami the Roman historians take up the story. Allen s "Hebrew men and times" [also in B. H. 3428.52] is a popular record of the period before Christ. A library of Greek and Roman writers on the Jews is now publishing in Germany, [B. H. 5489.10]. Smith s New Testament history [2094.4], which substantially closes A. D. 70, is prefaced by a cursory sketch bridging the interval between the old and new record. See Froude s essay on criticism and the gospel history, [1815.15,1]. By countries. There are histories of the Jews in England, by Margoliouth, [B. H. C296.&]; by Rev. John Mills, 1853; of JEWS 152 JOHNSON JEWS, continued. those in Italy and Spain, by Bedarride, 1359. [B. H., D.1:B.20] ; of those in Spain and Portugal, by Lindo, [B. H., D. 133.16]; of those in France, 1771-1871, by Schartf-Srharffonstein. [B. H. 2299.501. See account of the Servian Jews, by Strat ford, [B. H. 4576.9.1]. There is a paper on Jewish life in Central Europe, in Chambers * Papers, [380.1.5, or no. 362 of Living age]. This last subject is also illustrated in two of BerthohT Auei bach s romances, "Spinoza" [1037.2] and " Dichter und Kaufmann," a tale of the time of Moses Mendelssohn [1037.4], while Lessing s "Nathan" [1328.3] was a protest against uncharitable views of the Jewish char- Judaism. See Baring-Gould s Origin and development of religious belief, [2096.18; B. H. 7601.10.1]; Clarke s Ten great religions, [114.11]. John Allen s Modern Judaism, 2d edi tion, London, 1830, is of importance. See also Schroder s Satzuiigcn und Gebriiuche des talmud- isch-rabbinischeu Judenthuins, Bremen, 1851; and Daren- boo rgs Essai sur 1 histoirc et la geographic de la Palestine d apres les Thalmuds et les autrcs sources rabbiniques, le partie, Ilistoire, Paris, 1867, both works of value. Literature. Herder s work on Hebrew poetry [in English, 1087.17; B. H., in German, 2887.1; 4249.1] is well-known and eloquent; and Isaac Taylor s is also of repute [B. H. S425.4], as is Robert Lowth [B. H. 6033.3; in English. ML . ,.. 1 !]. Stcin- schneider covers the period from the 8th to the 18th century, [402.9]. See also Bates Hall catalogues. Tliere is a recent German history by Cassel, [B. H. 5488.17]. See under Poetry of the Hebrews iii Malconi. Bibliographies. Fuerst [B. H. 6685.11], coming down to 1848, is of the most importance. See references in Malcom under Biblical history," " Jews," etc. Milmun praises the article by Cassel in Ersch and Gruber s German encyclopedia; and ordinary readers will very likely be satisfied with the articles in McClintock and Strong, and in Cliarnbers s Encyclopaedia. See "The Jews and their persecutions," in National quarterly review, Sept., 1867. There are some well-known prose works of the imagination in illustration of Jewish history: W. Ware s "Julian" [808.12], closing with the crucifixion; ,T. H. Ingrahain s Prince of the House of David" [HW.24], presenting Jeru salem under Herod; F. A. Strauss s " Helons Wallfahrt nach Jerusalem," [B. H. 5040.1.51], also published as " The glory of the House of Israel ; " depicting the life and manners of the first century before Christ. Wh.vte-Melville s "Gladiators" " " . 750.9], the fall of Jerusalem; Mrs. J. B. Webb s [425.0]; Q others, see ., Nao 425.0]; Quintan s "Aurelia" [809.12], Jews at Rome. For Chronological list of historical fiction. JOAN, fabulous pope of Rome, fl. 9th century. See Remarkable women of different nations and ages. 547.5 JOAN OF ARC. See Dare, Jeanne, and note. JOAN PLANTAGENET, "the fair maid of Kent," wife of Edward, the black prince, b. 1328, d. 1385. See Edgar, J. G. Noble dames of ancient story. 569.27; 599.24 JOANNA I, queen of Naples, b. about 1326, d. 1382. Hall, L. J. Joanna of Naples 1516. G Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns v. lof 810.44 JOANNA II, queen of Naples, d. 1370, d. 1335. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of celebrated fe male sovereigns v. 1 of 810.44 JOANNA, of Navarre, queen of Henry IV, b. about 1370, d. 1437. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England v. 1 of 592.1 JOBSON, Rev. Frederick J. America, and American mothodism. Illustrated. London, [1857]. 8. 625.22 JOCELYN, Robert, lord. Six months with the Chinese expedition, [1840]. 2d edition. London, 1841. 12 709.16 JOHN III (John Sobieski), kiny of Poland, b. 1629, d. 1696. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Ellis, G. (J. W.) Agar. Lives of the most emi nent sovereigns of modern Europe 548.28 Salvandy, N. A., comte de. Love of country, or Sobioski 1598.1 JOHNES, Meredith. Prince Charlie, the young cheva lier, [Charles Edward Stuart, b. 1720, d. 1788]. With illustrations. New York, 1860. 12 .... 557.12 JOHNS, Rev. Charles Alexander. Homo walks and holiday rambles. [With illustrations.] London, [1863]. 12 644.9 A week at the Lizard. [With illustrations.] Lon don, [1848]. 16 659.29 JOHNS, Henry T. Life with the 49th Massachusetts volunteers. [With portraits.] Pittsfield, Mass., 1864. 12 308.9 JOHNS, Richard, and NICOLAS, Paule H. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain. With por traits. London, 1860. P. 8 854.5 JOHNSON, Alexander B. Guide to the right under standing of our American union. New York, 1857. 12 297.16 Shelf. No. JOHNSON, Andrew, 11 th president of the United States, b. 1808. Life and times, [^inon.] New York, 1866. 12 569.21 Life, speeches and services. Philadelphia, 1865. 16 569.5 Speeches, with a biographical introduction by F. Moore. Boston, 1865. 12 296.18 Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Savage, J. Life and public services of 521.4 Life of 518.22 Our living representative men 527.19 Note. See Bates Hall catalogues for his speeches, and much concerning the impeachment trial. JOHNSON, Anna C. The cottages of the Alps: or, life and manners in Switzerland. London, 1860. 2 v. 12 665.18 Peasant life in Germany. New York, 1858. 12. 666.7 JOHNSON, Frederick H. Sketches in the south of France and the Pyrenees. London, 1857. 12. 654.7 JOHNSON, Mrs. Rebecca. See Franks, Rebecca. JOHNSON, Richard Mentor, American soldier and poli tician, b. 1781, d. 1850. Authentic biography of. See Emmons, W 527.9 JOHNSON, Samuel, English lexicographer, philoloyist, moralist, and poet, b. 1709, d. 1784. Works. New edition. New York, 1811. 3 v. 12.... 586.22 Life and writings. Selected and arranged by W. P.Pago. Now York, 1844, 47. 2 v. 18 .... 820.23 [Lives of the English poets, being vols. 9-12 of his] Works. [With portraits of Cowley and Young.] New edition. New York, 1811. 3 v. 16 586.22 Contents. Vol. I. Abraham Cowley, b. 1618, d. 16f>7 : Sir John Denham, Irish poet, lord mstice of Ireland, b. lOlft, d. ItKiS; John Miiton, b. 1608, d. 1674; Samuel Butler, b. 1612, d. 1(180; John Wilmot. earl of Rochester, poet and courtier, b. 16-17, d. 1680; Wentworth Dillon, earl of Roscommon, Irish, poet, b. 16: y. d. 1()S ; Thomas Otway, dramatic poet and actor, b. 1651, d. Ili85; Edmund Waller, b. 1605, d. 1(>S7; John Pom- fret, divine and poet, b- 1667, d. 170 !; Ciiarles Sai-kville, carl of Dorset, wit, poet, and statesman, b. 1037, d. 1706; George Stepuev. poet and statesman, b. 1663, d. 1707 ; John Philips, b. 1676. d." 1708; William Walsh, b. lli i!, d. 1709; John Dryden, b. 1631. d. 1701. II. Edmund Smith, dramatist, b. 1688, d. 1710; Richard Duke, divine and poet, b. about 16w, d. J711; William King, journalist, satirist, and publicist, 1). 1663, d. 1712; Thomas Sprat, bishop of Rochester, b. 163ii. d. 1713; Charles Montagu, earl of Halifax, statesman and poet. b. 1661, d. 1715; Thomas Parnell, Irish poet, b. 1679. d. 1717; Sir Sam uel Garth, physician and poct.b. 1672, d. 1719; Nicholas Rowe, b. 1673, d. 1718; Joseph Addison. poet and essayist, b. 1672, d. 1719; John HuKlies, poet and essayist, b. 1677, d. 1720; John Sheffield, duke of Buckinghamshire, statesman and writer, b. 1649, d. 1721; Matthew Prior, b. 1664, d. 1721 ; William Con greve, poet and wit, b 1670. d. 1729; Sir Richard Blackmore, physician und poet, b. 1650 ? d. 1729; Elijah Fenton, b. 1683, d. 1730; John Gay, poet, dramatist, and fabulist, b. 1688, d. 1732; George Giahviile, viscount Lansdowne, statesman, poet, and courtier, b. 1667, d. 1735; Thomas Yaklcn, b. 1671, d. 1736; Thomas Tickell, b. 10S6, d. 1740; James Hammond, politican and poet, b. about 1710. d. 1742; William Soinervilc. b. 1692, d. 1742;Rirhaid Savage. 1). 1697, d. 1743. III. Jonathan Swift, Irish ilea n of St. Patrick s, litterateur, and satiric writer, b. 1667, d. 1745; Wiiliam Broomc. b. 1689, d. 1745; Alexander Pope, b. 1688, d. 174t; Christopher Pitt, b. 1699, d. 1748; James Thom son, Scotch poet, b. 1700, d. 1748; Isaac Waits, divine and poet, b. 1674, d. 1748; Ambrose Philips, b. 1671. d. 1749; Gil bert West, poet and translator, b. 1706, d. 1750; William Col lins, b. 1720, d. 1750; John Dyer, b. 1700, d. 1758; William Shcnstone, b. 1714. d. 176 1; Edward Young, divine and poet, b 1<>81, d. 1765 ; David Mallet, or Mailoch, Scotch poet and writer, b. 1700, d 1765; Mark Akenside, b. 1721, d. 1770; Thomas Gray, b. 1716. d. 1771; George Lyttleton, lord, states man, and litterateur, b. 1709, d. 1773. Same. With notes by Peter Cunningham. London, 1854. 3 v. 8 582.11 Contents. Vol. I. A. Cowley; Sir J. Denham; , I. Milton; S Butler; J. Wilmot; W.Dillon; T. Otway; Waller; J. Drvden. II. J Pomfret; C. Sackville; G. Stepney; J. Phil ips; W. Walsh; E. Smith ; R. Duke; W.King; T.Sprat;C. Montague; T.Parnell; Sir S. Garth; N. Ko.vc; J.Addisou; J. Huzlica ; J. Sheffield ; M. Prior ; W. Congreve ; Sir R. Black- more; E. Fenton; J. Gay; G. Granville; T. Yalden; T Tickell; J. Hammond; W. Somervile; R. Savage. III. A. Pone- J. Swift; W. Broome; C. Pitt; J. Thomson; I. Watts; A. Phi lips ; G. West; W. Collins; J. Dyer; W. Slienstone; E. Young; D. Mallet; M. Akenside; G. Lyttleton; T. Gray. Same. Leipzig, 1858. 2 v. Sq. 16 589.26 Contents. Vol. I. A. Cowley ; Sir J. Denham ; J. Milton ; S.Butler; J. Wilmot; W.Dillon; T. Otway; E. Waller; J. Pon.fret; C. Sackville; G. Stepuev ; J. Philips; W.Walsh; J. Drvden; E. Smith: R. Duke; W. King; T. Sprat; C. Mon tague: T.Parnell; Sir S. Garth ; N. Rowe; J.Addison; J. Hughes; J. Sheffield. II. M. Prior; W. Congreve; Sir R. Blackmore; E. Fenton; J. Gay; G..Granville; T. Yalden; T Tickell; J. Hammond; W. Somervile; R. Savage; J. bwift; W. Broome; A. Pope; C. Pitt; J. Thomson; I. Watts; A. Philips- G. West; W. Collins; J. Dyer; W. Shenstone; E. Young; D. Mallet; M. Akenside; T. Gray ; G. Lyttleton. JOHNSON 153 JONES Shelf. No. JOHNSON, Samuel, continued. Lives of the English poets. [Added] Lives of sundry eminent persons. [With portraits.] London, 1831. 16 586.20 Contents. Poets same as preceding. Eminent persons: Pietro Sarpi, afterwards Father Paul, or Frd Paolo, Italian historian, procurator-general of the order of Servites, b. 1352, d. 102. !; Herman Boerliaave, Dutch physician, naturalist, and writer, b. IGtiS, d. 1738; Robert Blake, English admiral, b. 1599, d. 1657 ; Sir Francis .Drake, English admiral, b. about 1540, d. 1596; Jean Philip Baratier, or Barretier, French philological prodigy, b. 172], d. 1740; Peter Burmann, Dutch philologist, b. 1068, d. 1741 ; Thomas Sydenham, English physician, b. 1U24, d. 1689: Francis Chevnel, ejected non-conformist, b. 1008, d. 1665; Edward Cave, English printer and rditor, b. 1691, d. 1754; Frederic II, the great, king of Prussia, b. 1712, d. 1786; Sir Thomas Browne, M. D., English author, b. 100.5, d. 1682; Koger Ascham, English tutor and author, b. 1515, d. 1568. Religious life and death. [Anon.] New York, 1850. 12 584.12 Toar to the Hebrides. See Boswell, J. 582.4; 646.2; 869.1 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Boswell, J. Life of 582.4; 869.2 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. .548.13; 549.30 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of modern times. v. 1 of 1869.1 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Biographical essays. 589.27; 1655.19 Biographies, contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica 547.7; 587.14 Piozzi, H. L. Anecdotes of 588.12; 1655.16 Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists 586.19 Winsor, H. Montrose, and other biographical sketches 555.12 JViXe. Boswell s Life [also in B. H. 2546.3; 6543.9] is the most famous, and in many respects the best biography in the language, and Crokcr s edition [B. II. 2445.57] is the best, not withstanding the severity with which Macaulay reviewed it [863.1; 867.4; 905.20], while the latter s biographical sketch [884.19; 1055.19] shows the author at his best for brilliant characterization. Carlyle, also, reviews Crokcr s edition [863.7; 867.1; 893.3], and characterizes Johnson in his Hero- worship, [885.13]. Arthur Murphy s well-known essay on Johnson s life and genius is usually prefixed to the works, [901.6.1 : B. H. 2589.2.1 ; 4173.5.1]. Sir John Hawkins wrote a life [B. H. 2454.15], which is, however, of little repute. Drake has an essay on his literary iife, [B. H. 4578.8.4]. Scott s is the best of the briefer lives, and there is a short one by Ander- Thrale. See Madden s Infirmities of genius, [877.7.1]; Jeaffre- son s Brides and bridals [B. H. 2230.52.2], on his marriage relations; and Harper s monthly, vol. 14. The article in Alli- bone is elaborate and refers to the principal sources of biog raphy aud criticism. JOHNSON, Rev. Samuel, b. 1822. Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion. India. Boston, 1873. 8 JOHNSON, Sarah B. Hadji in Syria ; or, three years in Jerusalem. [With illustrations.] Philadel phia, 1858. 16 JOHNSON, Theodore T. California and Oregon; or, sights in the gold region, and scenes by the way. With illustrations. 4th edition. Philadelphia, 1851. 12 JOHNSTON, Albert Sydney, b. 1803, d. 1862. Sre Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns JOHNSTON, or JONSTON, Arthur, physician and Latin poet, b. 1587, d. 1641. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers JOHNSTON, Charles, of Botetourt Co., Va. Narrative of capture by the Indians, in 1790. New York, 1827. 12 JOHNSTON, Charles, M. R. C. S. Travels in Southern Abyssinia. [With illustrations.] London, 1844. 2 v. 8 JOHNSTON, James D. China and Japan: narrative of the cruise of the U. S. steam-frigate Powhattan, 1857-60. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1861. 12. JOHNSTON, James F. W. Notes on North America. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 12 JOHNSTON, John Taylor, New York millionnaire, b. 1820. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of prog ress JOHNSTON, Joseph Eggleston, b. 1807. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and cam paigns 2091.3 689.14 239.8 243.1 586.13 639.9 697.1 688.19 624.16 522.16 243.1 Shelf. No. JOHNSTON, Mrs. Mary, b. 1761. See Eliot, E. F. The women of the American revolution . . . v. 3 of 538.13 JOHNSTON, AVilliam. England as it is. London, 1851. 2v. 12 979.4 JOHNSTONE, Chevalier de. Memoirs of the rebellion in 1745 and 1746. [With portrait.] 3d edition. London, 1822. 8 976.7 JOHNSTONE, Charles, novelist, b. about 1731, d. 1800. See Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists 586.19 JOHNSTONE, Robert, LL. D., Scotch historian, b. about . 1567, d. 1639. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 JOHNSTONE, Walter. Letters, descriptive of Prince Edward island. Dumfries, 1822. 12 629.19 Travels in Prince Edward island, 1820-21. Edin burgh, 1824. 12 629.19 JOINVILLE, Jean, sire de, French chronicler, b. 1224, d. 1317 ? Memoirs of Louis ix, king of France. See Chronicles of the crusades 846.6 Saint Louis, king of France, [b. 1215, d. 1270]. Translated by J. Button. London, 1868. 16.. 1589.1 JOMINI, Henri, baron do. Political and military history of the campaign of Waterloo, [1815]. Translated by S. V. Benet. New York, 1853. 12 987.10 JONES, Agnes Elizabeth, b. 1832, d. 1868. " Una and her paupers: " memorials of. See Higinbotham, J. M 598.21 JONES, David S., of New York, b. 1777, d. 1848. Memorial of. (See Jones, W. A .... 526.11 JONES, Ernest, barrister, poet, and chartist, b. 1819, d. 1869. See Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 JONES, George, known as " The Count Johannes." History of ancient America to [B. c. 332]. [With portrait.] 3d edition. London, 1843. 8 254.1 JONES, Harry. The regular Swiss round in three trips. London, 1865. 16 644.12 JONES, Inigo, architect, b. 1572, d. 1653. See Cun ningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 4 of 379.9 JONES, J. Foulkes. Egypt in its biblical relations and moral aspect. London, 1860. 12 946.11 JONES, John Paul, Scotch naval adventurer, commo dore in the American navy, b. 1747, d. 1792. Life and correspondence, including his narrative of the campaign of the Liman, [in 1788]. [Edited by Robert Sands.] [With portrait.] New York, 1830. 8 513.6 Cooper, J. F. Lives of distinguished American naval officers 527.5 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. v. 2 of 516.1 Mackenzie, A. S. Life of 528.6 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543. 13 Sherburne, J. H. Life of 528.5 Victor, 0. J. Life and exploits of 1529.23 Note. Sherburne, who had access to the archives of the United States government, and possessed some of Jones s pri vate papers, particularly his correspondence with La Fayette and Jefferson, published the earliest authoritative life, in 1825. Five years later, a life was published in Edinburgh, based upon Jones s lug-books and family papers, which was de cidedly English in tone, and the papers used by its author, being shortly after brought to this country, Kqbert Sands had use of them and others, in preparing his memoir; while in 1840 Mackenzie made the most readable narrative of all, by sifting the material of his predecessors. See Lossing s illustrated paper in Harper s monthly, vol.11; and "Paul Jones and Denis Duval >f in Halo s Ingham papers [489.22], or the Atlan tic monthly, Oct., 1864, and in this last connection see Thack eray s Denis Duval with the notes appended, [502.29, etc.]. See a reactionary British view of Jones, in All the year round, 1870, or no. 1353 of Living age. Jones figures in Cooper s "Pilot" [780.1 ; 780.2 ; 780.3 ; 780.4], ana in other tales by A. Cunningham and T. Miigge, [1035.12.2]. JONES, M. [Edward] the black prince, [prince of Wales, b. 1330, d. 1376]. With illustrations. London, 1863. 12 558.15 Nineveh and its story. [Illustrated.] London, 1866. 16 1958.10 JONES 154 JUNTOS Shelf. No. JONES, Rev. Peter (Kahkewaquonaby) , Indian mission ary, b. 1802, d. 1856. History of the Ojebway Indians. With a memoir of the writer, by Rev. G. Osborn. [With portrait and illustrations.] London, 1861. 12 ......................... 2095.3 JONES, Sir William, Enylish orientalist, jurist, and litterateur, -b. 174G, d. 1794. Biographies of emi nent men from the 13th century .......... v. 4 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. .548.13; 549.30 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men.. 548.18 v. 2 of 548.22 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of . Great Britain .......................... v. 8 of 815.1 Roscoe, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers. . . 388.4 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men ............ 543.13 Shore, J. Memoirs of ........................ 583.11 Note. Lord Teignmouth s Memoir with correspondence [B. H. 2004.3.1] is the authoritative one. There are brief sketches in Gary s lives, [B. II. SM&651; in Campbell s Speci mens, [348.14.7ji in Chalmers, [B. II. 2592.7] s and another in Chamber s Miscellany, [366.1.9]. See Allibone s Dictionary. JONES, William, Esq. History of modern Europe. See Russell, W .............................. 943.5 JONES, William Alfred, American essayist, b. 1817. Characters and criticisms. New York, 1857. 2 v. 12 ........................................ 888.11 Memorial of David S. Jones, [of New York, b. 1777, d. 1848]. New York, 1849. 99 pp. Sm. 4 .................................... 526.11 JONSON, Bon, English dramatic author and poet, b. 1574, d. 1637. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century .................. v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 5 of 840.10 Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent lit erary and scientific men of Great Britain . . v. 2 of 398.3 Taine, H. A. History of English literature ---- 895.26 Whipple, E. P. The literature of the age of Elizabeth .................................. 1373.5 Note. The principal memoirs are in connection with edi tions of his works, as Gifford s, [B. H. 2607.4.1]; Procter s (Barry Cornwall), [322.2; B. II. 2504.0]; Chalmers s, [B. H. 2592.7]: and Anderson s, [B. II. 4004.1]. See also the essays by Coleridge, [B. H. 2504.4.2]; by Campbell, [343.14.3]; and the authorities noted inAllibone and Thomas. JONSTON, Arthur. See Johnstono, Arthur. JORDAN, river. Narrative of the, United States expe dition to the, [1847, 48]. Lynch, W. F ....... 684.5 Note. See Palestine, note; also Macgregor s Canoe voyage n the Jordan, [B. H. 5047.0]; and the illustrated paper by Abbott in Harper s monthly, vol. 5, and another in vol. 41. See also McCliutock and Strong; and Smith s Dictionary. JORTIN, John, English divine and author, b. 1698, d. 1770. Memoirs of. See Disney, J ........... 575.7 JOSEPH BONAPARTE, successively king of Naples and Italy, b. 1768, d. 1844. Correspondence. See Napoleon i ................................. 605.7 History of. See Abbott, J. S. C ............... 559.26 JOSEPHINE, Mario Rose Tascher do la Pagerie, empress of the French, b. 1763, d. 1814. Correspondence. See Napoleon I ............................. 605.6 Abbott, J. S. C. History of .................. 559.32 Hartley, C. B. Life of ....................... 606.6 Headley, P. C. Life of ....................... 606.7 Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns ................................. 569.28 Le Norrnand, M. A. Historical and secret me moirs of ................................... 606.1 Memes, J. S. Memoirs of .............. 810.35 ; 830.67 Russell, W. Extraordinary women ............ 598.19 Note. Le Normand s Historical and secret memoirs [also in B. H., in French, 2042.7] contain much that is autobio graphic; and Aubfims is recommended for details of her pri vate life. The account in the- Nouvelle biographic generale is excellent, but it calls Le Normand s book ridiculous, and says Aubcnas s is the first authentic account. Abbott s and llead- ley s books are popular accounts. Sec Thomas s Dictionary for further authorities, and the "notes under France and Napo- leon. JOSEPHUS, Flavius, Jewish historian, b. 38? d. 100? Works. With engravings. Translated by W. Whiston. Philadelphia, 1831. 2 v. 8 ...... 946.2 Contents. Vol. I. Jewish antiquities. II. Seven books of the Jewish war; The life of Josephus; Three dissertations; Josephus against Apion. JOSEPHUS, Flavius, continued. Tho Jewish war, [66-70]. New translation, by R. Traill. Edited by I. Taylor. Boston, 1858. 8 946.1 Note. There are in the JJates Hall various translations by Lodge [2300 10], L Kstrati!, e [<i-.HW], Maynard [4970.1], and "Whistou [2286.11 22i.:>; 2i"J(i.:i; i!00.8]. See references in Mal- com, and in McClintock and Strong. JOURDAN, Jean Baptistej comte, marshal of France, 6.1762,^.1833. See Headloy, J . T. Napoleon and his marshals v. 2 of (505. 1 ; v. 2 of 605.2 JOURNAL, of a few months residence in Portugal, and glimpses of tho south of Spain. London, 1847. 2v. P. 8 673.4 JOURNALISM in tho United States, from 1690 to 1872. Hudson, F 231.1 JUDITH, Jewish heroine, fl. B. c. 633. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. Tho heroines of history 599.22 JUDSON, Adoniram, first missionary to Burmah, b. 1778, d. 1850. Conant, H. C. The earnest man. Character and labors of 536.4 Wayland, F. Lifo and labors of 536.1 Note. There are also memoirs by Hague [B. H. 4347.40] and by R. W. Cushman [2089.4]. Wayland is also in Bates Hall, [2344.18]. See account of the Judson family in Miss Yonge a Pioneers and founders, [B. H. 3539.52]. JUDSON, Ann H., missionary to Burmah, b. 1789, d. 1826. Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross 569.9 Heroines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 Knowles, J. D. Memoir of 539.20 Sketches of the lives of distinguished females .... 1859. 10 Willson, A. W. Life of 538.4 JUDSON, Emily Chubbuck (Fanny Forrester), mis sionary to Burmah, and authoress, b. 1817, d. 1854. Life and letters. By A. C. Kendrick. [With portrait] New York, 1860. 12 539.33 Memoir of Sarah B. Judson, of the American mis sion to Burmah. New edition. New York, 1851. 24 539.19 My two sisters, [Lavinia and Harriet Chubbuck]: asketch. Boston, 1854. 16 1519.1 Eddy, D. C. Heroines of the missionary enter prise 539.19 Willson, A. W. Life of 538.4 JUDSON, Sarah Boardman, missionary to Burmah, b. 1803, d. 1845. Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross 669.9 Heroines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 Judson, E. C. Memoir of 539.19 Willson, A. W. Life of 538.4 Women of worth 551.19 JUKES, Joseph B. Excursions in and about New foundland, 1839, 40. London, 1842. 2v. 12.. 629.9 JULIANUS, Flavius Claudius (the apostate), last Ro man emperor of the line of Constantine, b. 331, d. 363. The emperor Julian and his generation. See Noander, (J.) A. (VV.) 546.11 Note. There is also the work of a French essayist, Lame, 1861 [2000.3], and a German life by Muecke [B. H. 2996.12], but Gibbon and Milman s History of Christianity will afford a sufficient narrative for the ordinary reader. Ju lian s apostacy ia the subject of dramas by Aubrey de Verc and Kettenherg, and of tales by Bungener and Mrs. Buck- minster Leo s Parthenia." See reitrences in MeClintock and Strong ; in Malcom, etc. JULIUS CAESAR. See Csesar, Caius Julius. JULLIAN, Pierre L. P. do. Memoirs of Joseph Fouche, duke of Otranto, minister of the general police of France, [b. 1763, d. 1820]. [Anon.] Trans lated from the French. Boston, 1825. 8 613.4 JUNG STILLING, Johann Hoinrich, German oculist and author, b. 1740, d. 1817. Autobiography. Trans lated by S. Jackson. London, 1835. 2 v. 12.. 546.19 Same. New York, 1855. 8 541.11 Note. There is a French life by Charton, [B. H. 4690.25]. JUNIUS, pseud. Junius: including letters by the same writer under other signatures. New edition. By J. Wade. London, 1850. 2 v. P. 8 848.5 The letters of Junius. With notes by R. Heron. Philadelphia, 1804. 8 873.10 JUSTUS 155 KEAN Shelf. N JUNTOS, continued. Allen, W. Junins unmasked; or Lord Sackville proved to be Junius 877.1 Griffin, F. Junius discovered 877.1 Jfote. Allibone has an elaborate article, with afull bibliog- - .8 very full. There are other editions of the letters in Bates Hall, [2355.21; 4556.10; 455<Ja.l:>]. It is now generally agreed that Sir Philip Francis was the writer of them. See his recently published memoirs [B. H. 4545.12], and the lives of other per sons to whom they have been ascribed. Macaulay, in his es say on Warren Hastings [409.19; 1C55.19], sums up the case in lavorof Francis, and (lie latest contribution to the extensive literature of this subject is an elaborate quarto, rich with fac similes, in which an expert, Chabot, professionally investi gates the handwritingof Francisand Junius, and Mr. Edward Twistleton sums up the evidence in a preface, [B. H. 2551.4] ; reviewed in Quarterly review, 1871, or no. 1410 of Living age. See also Coleridge s remains, [B. H. 504.4.1]; Foster s Es says, [837.7.2; 837.7]: Hay ward s essays, [B. U. 2573.54]: a chapter in Hudson s Journalism, [231.1: B. H. 2405.341; Be Quincey s Literaiy reminiscences, [895.11]; Broughams ac count of Sir Philip Francis, [840.5.3] ; and Thurlow Weed, in Galaxy, May, 1873. JtrNOT, Laure P., duchesse d Abrantes. Memoirs of Napoleon, his court and family. With portraits. New York, 1854. 2 v. 8 JUPITER AMMON, Adventures in the oasis of, [1841]. St. John, B 698.21; JUVINELL, Uncle, pseud. See Heady, Morrison. G03. 899.9 KABYLE war, Sketches of Algeria during the, [1857]. Walmsley, H. M 689.19 KAEMPFER, Engelbert, German botanist and traveller, b. 1651, d. 1716. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers v. 1 of 810.47 KAFIR, The. Merriman, N. J 578.7 KAFIRS, The, of Natal and tho Zulu country. 1857. Shooter, J 693. _ KAFFIRS, The Cape and the. 1856. Ward, H". 699.15 Hate. See Index to British documents, Bates Hall Index, p. 342. KAH-GE-GA-GAH-BOWH. See Copway, George. KAHKEWAQUONABY. See Jones, Rev. Peter. KAI.B. See De Kalb. KAMTCHATKA, Travels in. 1830. Dobell, P 666.2 Note. See Hartwig s Polar world, [704.14] ; and Harper s monthly, Aug., 1868. KANE, Elisha Kent, American Arctic explorer, b. 1822, d. 1857. Arctic explorations; the second Grin- nell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853-55. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1856. 2v. 703.1 1708.1 The far north: explorations in the Arctic regions, [1853-55]. Edinburgh, n. d. 12 The U. S. Grifcnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, [1850,51]. [With illustrations.] New York, 1854. 8 702.3 Same. New edition. Boston, 1857. 8 702.2 Elder, W. Biography of 524.9 Famous boys: and how they became great men . . 555.8 Kote. See North British review, Feb., 1857; and various references in Allibone. KANSAS. Gihon, J. H. Gov. Geary s administra tion in, [1856, 57] 239.2 Gladstone, T. H. The Englishman in. 1857... 239.5 Kansas; or, squatter and border warfare in the far West. 1857 239.4 Greene, M. The Kanzas region. 1856 239.6 Hale, E. E. Kanzas and Nebraska. 1854 629.2 Hughes, T. The struggle for. 1862 305.7 Meline, J. F. Summer tour through Kansas, in 1866 1636.11 Phillips, W. Tho conquest of, [1854-56] 239.17 Robinson, H. A. Six months in. 1856 239.3 Robinson, S. T. L. Kansas; its interior and ex terior life. 1856 238.4 Note. See United States, Travel, The West; also titles un der West (The), and the lives of Capt. John Brown. KANT, Immanuel, German philosopher, b. 1724, d. 1804. De Quinoey, T. Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters v. 1 of 895.20 Shelf. No. KANT, Immanuel, continued. Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 Seymour, C. 0. B. Self-made men 543.13 Note. There is a life in French by Saintes, [B. H. 6103 6V an essay on his last years by Victor Cousin, [B. H. 4073 4 21- a paper on the same theme by De Quineey, [S95. 14.2]: and a brief English life by Richardson, prefixed to the English translation of his works, [B. H. SflOlMl For his svste?n of philosophy, see Kuno Fischer, [B. H. 7004.0.3] ; the Journal of speculative philosophy [B. II. 7521.1], and the histories of phi losophy. SeealsoDe Qnincey s Life and manners, [895.10, chapter 12j ; De Stael s Germany, [667.20] ; and references in Thomas s Biographical dictionary. KARS. Narrative of the defence of, [1854, 65]. Lake, A 937.1 KATMANDU, the capital of Nepaul. Journey to. 1852. Oliphant, L 709.12; 709.17 KAUFFMANN, Marie Anne Angelique Catherine, Swiss painter, b. 1741, d. 1807. Clever girls of our time 599.21 Remarkable women of different nations and ages. 547.5 KAVANAGH, Julia. English women of letters: bio graphical sketches. Leipzig, 1862. Sq. 16 .. 589.30 d. 1823; Mrs. Elizabeth Inchbald, actress, novelist and dra matist, b. 1753, d. 1821; Maria Edgeworth. novelist, b. 1767, d. 1849; Jane Austen, novelist, b. 1775, d. 1817 ; Mrs. Amelia Alderson Opie, b. 1769, d. 1853; Sydney Owenson Morgan, lady, Irish novelist, b. 1783, d. 18-59. Frenchwomen of letters: biographical sketches. Leipzig, 1862. Sq. 16 1609.1 Contents. Marie le Jars de Gonmay, writer and wit, b. 1566, d. 1645 ; Madeleine de Scudery, poetess and novelist, b. 1607, d. 1701 ; Marie Madeleine Pioche tie la Vcrgne, comtesse de La Fayette. novelist, b. 1034, d. 1693; Claudine Alexandrine Guerin, marquise do Tencin, authoress, b. 1681, d. 1749; Marie Jeanne Laboras de Mezieres Riccuboni, actress and novelist, b. 1714, d. 1792: Stephanie Felieite, comtesse de Genlis, author ess, b. 1746. d. l&JO; St. Hyoclnthe de Charriere, author ess, about 1740, d. 1805; Julie de Wietinehotf, baroness von Kruedener, Russian litterateur and mystic, b. 1764, d. 1824; Madame Sophie Cottin, formerly Ristaud, novelist, b. 1773, d. 1807; Anne Louise Germaine. baronne de Stael-Holstein, nee Necker, authoress, b. 1766, d. 1817. A summer and winter in tho two Sicilies. Leipzig, 1858. 2v.ini. Sq. 16 666.15 Women of Christianity. With portraits. Lon don, 1852. 12 595.14 Same. New York, 1860. 12 1595.11 KAY, Joseph. Social condition and education of the people in England. New York, 1863. 12 123.21 Social condition and education of the people in England and Europe. London, 1850. 2 v. 12. 138.16 AY, Stephen. Travels and researches in Caffraria. London, 1833. 12 698.22 IATE, John W. Life and correspondence of Sir John Malcolm, [English general and historian, b. 1769, d. 1833]. [With portrait.] London, 1856. 2 v. 8 565.1 Lives of Indian officers illustrative of the his tory of the civil and military service of India. London, 1869. 3 v. 16 1566.4 Contents. Vol.1. Charles Cornwallis, marquis, governor- general of India, b. 1738, d. ISGVi; Sir John Malcolm, English general and historian, b. 1709, d. 18 !3: Hon. Mountstuart El- phinstone, English historian, b. 1778. d. 1859. II. Henry Mar- tyn, English missionary and orientalist, b. 1781, d. 1812; Charles Theophilus Mclcalfe, lord, governor-general of India, 1843, b. 1785, d. 1846; Sir Alexander Burnes, English military officer, traveller, and author, b. 1805. d. 1811 ; Capt. Arthur Conolly, English envoy to Bokhara, b. 1S07, d. 1842; Major Kldred Pot- tinger, the defender of Herat, b. 1811, d. 1843. III. Major Elliott D ArcyTodd, English envoy to Persia, b. 1808, d. 18t5; Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence, general, b. 1806, d. 1857; James George Neill, general, b. 1810, d. 1857; John Nicholson, general, b. 1821, d. 1857. !EAN, Charles John, English tragedian, b. 1811, d. 1868. Life and theatrical times of. See Cole, J. W 576.10 EAN, Edmund, English tragedian, b. 1787, d. 1833. See Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 Nate. There arc independent lives by Procter ( Barry Corn wall) and F. W. Hawkins, [B. II. 4545.24]: but Duran s" Their majesties servants " [;i?_ .2l contains the latest account. See alsoR. H. Dana s essay, [338.9.2; also in Griswold s Prose writers of America. 872.12]; Hazlitt s essay on hislago, [B. H. 2558.20.1]; and Harper s magazine, vol. 26. KEARSARGE 156 KENTON Shelf. No. KEAKSARGE, Story of the. Browne, A. K 306.4 KEATING, William II. Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter s river, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc., in 1823, under the com mand of S. II. Long. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1824. 2 v. 8 625.10 Same. London, 1823. 2 v. 8 624.11 KEATS, John, English poet, b. 1795, d. 1821. De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets, and other English writers 895.19 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 1 of 548.5 Kate, Lord Honghton s (Monckton Milncs) Life of Keata [B. II. 2418.60] is the standard one; but Lowell s sketch [347.6; 1317.!)] is scholarly and appreciative. See also Essays from the London times, [899.13; 899.11]; Frascr s magazine, vol. 38; Macmillan s magazine, vol. 3; Cowden Clarke s article in the Atlantic, Jan., 1861; and another bv Severn, in the no. for April, 18ft !; Whipplc s Essay [875.11.1], and the lives of Leigh Hunt and other contemporaries ; beside references in Alli- bone. KEBLE, Rev. John, vicar of Hursley, English divine and poet, b. 1792, d. 1866. Coleridge, Sir J. T. Memoir of 2088.15 Shairp, J. C. Studies in poetry and philosophy. 1829. 11 Nute. Coleridge s is the authoritative Life, [also in B. II. 6)47.1]. See also C. M. Youge s recollections, [B. II.7460b.17]; Archdeacon Allen s visit to Kcble, in Macmillan, 1809, or no. 1308 of Living age; Shuirp s essay, [B. II. 4549.19]; and J. II. Newman s Essays, [B. H. 4357.4.2]. Also Quarterly review, vol.97; Contemporary review, vol. 2, or no. 1160 of Living age. and vol. 11; North British review. 1866, or no. 1169 of Liv ing age ; British quarterly review, 1867, on " Herbert and Keble, orno. 1208 of Living age; Macmillan, 1869, or no. 1297 of Living age; and Spectator, 1869, or no. 1298 of Living age; and references in Allibonc and Thomas. KECKLEY, Elizabeth, formerly a slave, afterwards mo diste, and friend to Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. Behind the scenes. Or, thirty years a slave, and four years in the White house. New York, 1868. 12. 1595. 17 KEEL and saddle. Revere, J. W 276.20 KEELER, Ralph. Vagabond adventures. Boston, 1870. 16 555.21 KEIGHTLEY, Thomas, Irish historian, b. 1789, d. 1872. The fairy mythology, illustrative of the romance and superstition of various countries. New edi tion. London, 1860. P. 8 846.10 History of England, to 1839. From the 2d London edition. New York, 1840, 42. 5 v. 24 820.26 History of Greece, [B. c. 825-B. c. 183]. London, 1835. 12 959.7 History of Rome, [B. c. 753-B. c. 27]. Boston, 1839. 12 959.4 History of the Roman empire; a continuation of the History of Rome, [B. c. 29-A. D. 476]. Ed ited by J. T. Smith. Boston, 1841. 12 957.6 History of the war of independence in Greece, [1821-27]. London, 1830. 2 v. 16 830.61 Life, opinions, and writings of John Milton, [b. 1608, d. 1674]. London, 1859. 8 587.11 Mythology of ancient Greece and Rome, llth American edition. Now York, 1852. 18 1087.25 Outlines of history. [New edition.] London, 1850. 16 368.1 KEILL, John, Scotch astronomer and natural philoso pher, b. 1671, d. 1721. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 KEIM, Do B. Randolph. San Domingo. Pen pic tures of travel, [etc.]. Philadelphia, 1870. 16. 636.32 Sheridan s troopers on the borders. With engrav ings. Philadelphia, 1870. 16 245.14 KELLEY, William Darrab, judge of the court of common pleas of New York, b. 1814. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 KELLOGG, Robert H. Life and death in rebel pris ons. Illustrated. Hartford, 1865. 12 1276.6 KELLY, Fanny. Narrative of captivity among the Sioux Indians. [With account of Sully s Indian expedition in 1864.] [Illustrated.] Hartford, 1871. 16 249.12 KELLY, Jonathan F. Dan. Marble [Yankee come dian, b. 1807, d. 1849]: a biographical sketch. By Falconbridge, [pseud.]. New York, [cop. 1851]. 12 619.6 Shelf. No. KELLY, Walter K. History of Russia, from the ear liest period. London, 1854, 55. 2 v. P. 8.. 827.6 History of the house of Austria, from the acces sion of Francis i to the revolution of 1848. In continuation of Coxe. Added Genesis, by [Count Hartig]. Translated from the German. Lon don, 1853. P. 8 828.3 KELLY, William. Life in Victoria, 1853, 58. Lon don, 1859. 2v. 16 696.18 KELSEY, John, religious enthusiast, fl. \1th century. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human na ture v. 3 of 1869.1 KEMBLE, Adelaide, English actress and authoress, b. 1816. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs and essays illustrative of art, literature, and social morals 876.14 KEMBLE, Frances Anno, b. 1811. Journal [in the United States, in 1832]. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 v. 12 639.2 Journal of a. residence on a Georgian plantation in 1838-39. New York, 1863. 12 297.28 A year of consolation. New York, 1847. 2 v. in 1. 12 676.7 Note. See Harper s monthly, vol. 26. KEMBLE, John M. State papers and correspondence illustrative of the social and political state of Europe, [1686-1707]. London, 1857. 8 563.1 KEMBLE, John Philip, Enjlish actor, b. 1757, d. 1823. Memoirs of. See Boaden, J 597.5 Note. Later authorities than Boaden are Doran in " Their majesties servants." [352.2]; and the special memoir of the Kemble family by Fitzgerald, [B. II. 6543.15]. Boaden is re viewed in Scott s essays. See Allibone s article; and that in Harper s monthly, vol.26; whUe "From a barn to Drury lane, in vol. 44, pertains to the Kemble family. KEMBLE, Sarah. See Siddons, Sarah. KEMP, T. Lindloy. Indications of instinct. London, 1854. 16 409.2; 1655.24 Natural history of creation. London, 1852. 16.. 409.31 Same. Now edition. London, 1859. 16 1655.24 KEMPIS, Thomas a. See Thomas a Kempis. KEN, Thomas, bishop of Bath and Wells, b. 1637, d. 1771. See Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men 548.13; 549.30 KENDALL, George W. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe expedition. With illustrations. New York, 1850. 2v. 12 638.7 KENMTJRE, Viscount. See Gordon, William. KENNAN, George. Tent life in Siberia, and adven tures among tho Koraks and other tribes in Kamtchatka and Northern Asia. With a map. New York, 1870. 12 707.23 KENNEDY, Edward Shirley. Peaks, passes, and gla ciers; being excursions by members ^f the Al pine club. [With illustrations.] 2d series. Lon don, 1862. 2 v. 8 664.5 KENNEDY, James. Conversations on religion, with Lord Byron and others. London, 1830. 8 585.8 KENNEDY, John Pondloton, American author and poli tician, b. 1795, d. 1870. Quodlibet: annals there of. By Solomon Secondthoughts, [pseud.]. 2d edition. Philadelphia, I860. 12 297.26 Life of. See Tuckerman, H. T 578.25 Note. See Homes of American authors, [B. H. 2346.51]; and Harper s monthly, vol. 25. KENRICK, John. Phoenicia. With plates. London, 1855. 8 956.4 KENSINGTON, Eng., The old court suburb; or, memo rials of. Hunt, (J. H.) Leigh 903.20 KENT, Charles. Charles Dickens as a reader. Phila delphia, 1872. 16 578.28 KENT, William, architect, painter, sculptor, and land scape gardener, b. 1684, d. 1748. See Cunning ham, A. Lives of tho most eminent British painters, etc v. 4 of 379.9 KENT, Eng., Handbook for travellers in. 1858. Murray, J 645.11 KENTON, Simon, Western pioneer, b. 1755, d. 1836. Biographical sketch of. See MacDonald, J 518.8 KENTUCKY 157 KIP Shelf. No, KENTUCKY. Collins, L. Historical sketches of, [1750-1842] 235.5 Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revo lution v. 2 of 538.13 Norwood, AY. S. Narrative of the Mammoth cavo of. 1870 235.17 MacNemar, R. The Kentucky revival. 1808. . .1089.20 Nate. See the recent history by Allen, [B. IL 2375.58]: papers in Harper s monthly, on the early settlers, in vols. 25 and 28. See also Boone, Daniel. KEPLER, or KEPPLER, Johann, German astronomer, b. 1571, d. 1630. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Brewster, Sir D. The martyrs of science 548.15 649.36; 820.34 Lives of eminent persons 365.18 Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men. 555.13 Kotf. Brewster s [also in B. II. :<939.18] is Rood for the general reader, and so is Bethune s, [B. II., E. 212 8]. There are biographies in French, by Bertram], [B. H. 59i!.34] ; and in German, by Reitlinger, [B. II. 4S5:!.l]. See references in Thomas and Oettinger, and Atlantic monthly, April, 1860. KEPPEL, Augustus, viscount, 1st lord of the Admiralty , b. 1725, d. 1786. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 KEPPEL, George. Journey from India to England, by Bussorah and St. Petersburgh, in 1824. Phil adelphia, 1827. 8 695.5 KEPPEL, Henry. Expedition to Borneo of H. M. S. Dido for the suppression of piracy. [With map.] New York, 1846. 12 707.14 KEPPLER, Johann. See Kepler, Johann. KER, Henry. Travels through tho western interior of the United States, 1808-16. Elizabethtown, N. J., 1816. 8 626.2 KERATRY, Emile, comte do. Rise and fall of the em peror Maximilian. A narrative of tho Mexican empire, 1861-67. Translated by G. H. Venables. London, 1868. 16 1522.17 KERR, William, 3d earl of Lothian, Scotch politician, d. 1675. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 KETTELL, Samuel. Specimens of American poetry, with critical and biographical notices. Boston, 1839. 3 v. 12 339.4 KETTELL, Thomas P. Southern wealth and northern profits, exhibited in facts and figures: showing the necessity of union. New York, 1860. 8.. 292.4 KEYWORTH, James, Englishman, b. 1798, d. 1864. James Koyworth, a witness for Jesus. See Sky- ring, G. W 569.30 KHANIKOF, . Bokhara: its amir and its people. Translated from the Russian, by C. A. De Bode. [With map.] London, 1845. 8 694.4 KIBRIZLI-MEHEMET-PASHA, Melek-Hanum, madame. Thirty years in the harem. Autobiography. London, 1872. 8 697.25 KIDD, Samuel. China, or, symbols, philosophy, an tiquities, customs, superstitions, laws, govern ment, education, and literature of tho Chinese. With drawings. London, 1841. 8 696.8 KIDDER, Daniel P. Brazil and the Brazilians. See Fletcher, J. C 263.2; 263.12 Mormonism and the Mormons. New York, 1852. 16 1099.27 KIDDER, Frederic, and GOULD, Augustus A. History of New Ipswich, [N. II.], from 1736. [Anon.} [With engravings.] Boston, 1852. 8 234.6 KIEV, Russia. Journey on a plank from Kiev to Eaux-Bonnes, [1859]. Pepys, C., lady 697.22 KILLARNEY legends. Croker, T. C. 1659.7 KILMANY, Tho missionary of: memoir of A. Pater- son. See Baillie, Rev. J 1098.32 KILMARNOCK, Earl of. See Boyd, William. KILPATRICK, Hugh Judson, American general, b. 1836. Kilpatrick and our cavalry. See Moore, J 1286.4 KIMBALL, H. I., railway constructor, b. 1832. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 KIMBALL, Richard B., editor. Life in Santo Domin go. By a settlor. New York, 1873. 12 672.5 KING, Clarence. Mountaineering in the Sierra Ne vada. Boston, 1872. 8 623.26 Shelf. No. KING, Edward. My Paris: French character sketch es. Boston, 1868. 12 1819.13 Same. 3d edition. Boston, 1873. 12 1659.8 KING, J. Anthony. Twenty-four years in the Argen tine republic. London, 1846. 8 263.8 KING, Jonas, American missionary and orientalist, b. 1793, d. 1869. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 KING, Peter, 1th lord, b. 1775, d. 1833. Life and let ters of John Locke. See Locke, J 857.11 KING, Richard. Journey to tho shores of the Arctic ocean, 1833-35, under Capt. Back. London, 1836. 2v. 12 704.18 KING, Thomas Starr, American divine, b. 1824, d. 1864. The White hills. With illustrations. Boston, 1860. Sm. 4 225.4 Frothingham, R. Tribute to 524.22 Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men 823.18 KING, William, English journalist, satirist, and pub licist, b. 16G3, d. 1712. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. lof589.2G KING, William, LL.D., of Oxford, b. 1685, d. 1763. Political and literary anecdotes of his own times. [With portrait.] 2d edition. London, 1819. P. 8 588. 15 Same. Boston, 1819. 12 888.19 KING, William Rufus, American statesman, b. 1786, d. 1853. Hermitage, pseud. Sketch of 1529.5 Obituary addresses on the death of. See United States 523.10 KINGLAKE, Alexander W., English historian, b. 1811. Euthen, or traces of travel from the East. [Anon.] New edition. New York, 1850. 8. 687.13 Same. New edition. London, 1854. P. 8.. 409.6 Same. London, 1858. 16 1655.8 Same. Leipzig, 1866. Sq. 16 699.22 The invasion of the Crimea. [Illustrated.] New York, 1863, 68. 2 v. 12 995.1 Same. Leipzig, 1863, 68. 8 v. in 4. Sq. 16. 1999.4 Note. This book is not yet complete. See Crimea. KINGS of Israel and Judah. Mortimer, Mrs 1117.4 KINGSLEY, Charles, English divine and author, b. 1819. At last: a Christmas in the West Indies. With illustrations. Now York, 1871. 12 627.26 Limits of exact science as applied to history. Cam bridge, 1860. 72pp. 12 883.12 Sir Walter Raleigh [English navigator, statesman, warrior, and historian, b. 1552, d. 1C1S] and his time, with other papers. Boston, 1859. P. 8 894.6 See Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism. v. 2 of 885.1 Note. See sketch of Kingsley in McCarthy s Modern lead ers, [1512.3]; an essay by W.R. Greg, [B. n. 4505.15]: an examination of his power as a thinker in Martineau s reviews [B. II. 556.1.8.2] of his Phaethon, and Alexandria and her schools, the latter being contained in the volume, [894.6]. See National review, or no. 822 of Living age, and references in Thomas and Allibone. KINGSLEY, Henry? South sea bubbles. See Herbert, G. R. C 702.18 KINGSLEY, James L. Life of Ezra Stiles, [president of Yale college, b. 1727, d. 1795]. See Sparks, J v. 16 of 529.1 KINGSTON, William H. G. Captain Cook, [English navigator, b. 1728, d. 1779]. His life, voyages, and discoveries. Illustrated. London, [1871]. Sq. 16 588.23 Fred Markham in Russia. With illustrations. Now York, 1858. 16 709.14 KINNEAR, John G. Cairo, Potra, and Damascus, in 1839. London, 1841. 12 689.13 KIP, Lawrence. Army life on the Pacific; a journal of tho expedition against the northern Indians, in 1858. New York, 1859. 12 249.7 K.IP, William Ingraham. Tho catacombs of Rome as illustrating the church of the first three cen turies. [Illustrated.] Now York, 1854. 12. 1088. 13 KIP 158 KNOX Shelf. No KIP, William Ingraham, continufd. The Christmas holydays in Rome. Now York, 1846. 12 ................................. 678.1 -- Same. Boston, 1869. 16 .................. 678.2 The early conflicts of Christianity. New York, 1850. 12 ................................. 1088.14 The early Jesuit missions in North America. New York, 1846. 12 ....................... 1088.1 KIPPIS, Andrew, English biographer, b. 1725, d. 1795. Narrative of voyages round the world by Cap tain J. Cook [b. 1728, d. 1779], with his life. Philadelphia, 18G3. 12 .................... 1707.2 -- Same. New York, n. d. 18 ............... 820.61 Narrative of voyages round the world ; from the death of Captain Cook. London, 1857. 16... 707.18 -- Same. New York, 1865. 16 .............. 820.73 KIRK, Rfv. Edward Norris, American divine, b. 1802. See Fowler, H. The American pulpit ......... 534.9 KIP.K, John Foster. History of Charles the bold, duke of Burgundy, [b. 1433, d. 1477]. Phila delphia, 1864. 3 v. 8 ..................... 611.5 KIRKE, Edmund, pseud. See Gilmore, James R. KIRKLAND, Mrs. Caroline Matilda (Mrs. Mary Clavers), American authoress, b. 1815. Holi days abroad; or Europe from the West. New York, 1849. 2 v. 12 ...................... 648.14 -- Same. New York, 1873. 2 v. in 1. 12 .... 1656.11 Our new home in the West. With illustrations. New York, 1872. 12 ...................... 638.23 Note. Originally published in 1839, with the title, A new home; who ll follow ? Memoirs of Washington, [b. 1732, d. 1799]. With illustrations. New York, 1857. 12 .......... 515.4 See Powell, T. The living authors of America. . 518.15 KIRKLAND, Rev. John Thornton, president of Har vard college, b. 1770, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual .................... 518.12 KIRKLAND, Samuel, missionary to the Indians, b. 1744, d. 1808. Life of. See Lothrop, S. K ..... v. 25 of 529.1 KIRWAN, Andrew V. Modern Franco: its journalism, literature and society. London, 1863. 16.... 996.3 KIRWAN, pseud. See Murray, Nicholas. KITCHENER, William, English physician and writer, b. 1775, d. 1827. See Jordan, W. Men I have known ..................................... 1522.9 KITCHI-GAMI. Wanderings round Lake Superior. Kohl, J. G ................................. 622. KITTO, John, biblical writer, b. 1804, d. 1854. An illustrated history of the Bible. Edited by A. Bond. Norwich, Conn., 1868. 8 ............ 1092.17 Physical geography of the Holy Land. London, 1848. 24 ................................. 840.25 Scripture lands. Illustrated. London, 1850. P. 8 ...................................... 815.7 See Famous boys: and how they became great men ....................................... 555.8 KLAPKA, Georg. Memoirs of the war of indepen dence in Hungary, [1848, 49]. Translated by 0. Wenckstern. [With portraits.] Edinburgh, 1850. 2 v. 12 ........................... 928.10 KLENCKE, P. F. H. [Friedrich Heinrich] Alexander von Humboldt, [b. 1769, d. 1859] : a biographical monument. Translated from the German by J. Bauer. [With portraits.] Now York, 1853. 12. 545.7 KLOPSTOCK, Friedrich Gottleib, German poet, b. 1724, d. 1803, and Margaret, his wife, German poetess, b. 1728, d. 1758. Memoirs. Translated by [E. Smith]. Philadelphia, 1810. 12 ............ 1545.6 Kate. These Memoirs [also in B. n. 2847.14: 4849a.l5] are the authoritative account. There is a lite usually given with the works, [B. H. 2878.16 ; 2887.2], nnd another German mono graph on Klopstock and his friends hy Schmidt, [B. H. 4849n.lO]. There is a full list of authorities given in Joerdens s Lexikon, [B. H. 215ti.l.:i] ; and briefer lists in Thomas and in Hocfer, [B. II. 2242.6]. Gervinus and all the literary historians enlarge upon Klopstock s place in German literature. The English reader will find enough for his purpose in Taylor s ccy s essay on Schiller, [89.1.7]; Mrs. Jameson s Loves of the poets, C3.J9.11]; the Correspondence of Samuel Richard son. [B. H. 4559.2]; and chapter 14 of Wordsworth s Me moirs, [584.21]. Shelf. No. KNAPP, Elder Jacob, American itinerant preacher, b. 1799. Autobiography. [With portrait.] New York, 1868. 12 1517.4 KNAPP, John L. Country rambles in England. [Anon.] Buffalo, 1853. 12 177.35 KNAPP, Samuel L. Biographical sketches of eminent lawyers, statesmen, and men of letters. Boston, 1821. 8 524.10 Lectures on American literature, with remarks on some passages of American history. [New York], 1829. 8 402.3 Life of Timothy Dexter, [American eccentric, b. 1743, d. 1806]. Boston, 1838. 12 519.7 Memoir of Daniel Webster, [American statesman, b. 1782, d. 1852]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1831. 12 526.26 Sketches of public characters. By Ignatius Loy ola Robertson, LL. D., [pseud. ]. New York, 1830. 12 518.9 KNIGHT, Charles, English publisher and author, b. 1791, d. 1873. Cyclopedia of London. London, 1851. 8 974.2 Half hours of English history. London, 1853. 8. 975.2 Same. London, 1865. 8 993.4 London. [Illustrated.] London, 1851. 6 v. 8. 961.2 Passages of a working life during half a century. London, 1864, 65. 3 v. P. 8 865.10 Popular history of England, [B. c. 56, A. D. 1861], Illustrated. London, 1856-62. 8 y. 8 982.1 Kate, See England, history, note. William Caxton, the first English printer, [b. about 1412, d. 1491]: a biography. [Illustra ted.] London, 1844. 24 840.28 Note. The book called " Passages," etc., is autobiographic. See British quarterly review, Oct., 1864; and Walford s Men of eminence. KNIGHT, Miss Cornelia, English female litterateur, b. about 1757, d. 1837. See Belloc, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes 1516.11 KNIGHT, Frederick, poet, of Rowley, Mass., b. 1791, d. 1849. Thorn cottage, or the poet s homo. A memorial. Boston, 1855. 12 536.5 KNIGHT, Helen C. Memoir of Hannah More, [Eng lish authoress, b. 1745, d. 1833]. New York, [cop. 1862]. 12 599.20 KNIGHT templars. See Secret societies of the middle ages 849.5; 850.13 KNIGHTHOOD and its times. See Mills, C. History of the crusades 945.2 KNIGHTLY soldier, The: biography of H. W. Camp. See Trumbull, H. C 569.3 KNIGHTON, William. Private life of Nussir-u-Deen, king of Oudo. New edition. London, 1857. 16. 551.9 KNIGHTS and their days. Doran, J 948.6 KNIGHTS, The, of the frozen sea. A narrative of Arctic discovery and adventure. With illustra tions. New York, 1867. 16 656.15 KNOUT, The, and the Russians. Lagny, G. de 927.6 KNOWLEDGE, Treasury of. Sears, R 942.7 KNOWLES, James D. Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Jud- son, late missionary to Burmah, [b. 1789, d. 1826]. [With portrait, etc.] 4th edition. Bos ton, 1831. 24 539.20 Memoir of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, [b. 1606, d. 1683], Boston, 1834. 12. 53.6.6 iNOWLES, James Sheridan, Irish dramatic author, b. 1784, d. 1862. Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 NOX, Alexander, Esq., d. 1831. Thirty years cor respondence [with] J. Jobb. See Jebb, J 575.5 INOX, Henry, general in the American revolution, b. 1750, d. 1806. Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals v. 2 of 5 16. 1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 i.vox, Isa Craig. The little folks history of Eng land, [u. c. 55-A. D. 1872]. With illustrations. London, [1872]. 16 969.12 Same. Boston, [1872L 16 969.13 KN OX 159 LACEPEDE Shelf. No. KNOX, John, Scotch reformer, b. 1505, d. 1572. Bio graphies of eminent men from the 13th century. v. 1 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 3 of 840.10 Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 Tulloch, J. Leaders of the reformation 115.10 Kate. Dr. M Crie s Life [B. H. 3554.8; 4175.14] is the chief biography. He used all the printed materials and was pos sessed of many letters of Knox beside, and has made a close study of his private and public career. See review in Edin burgh review for July, 185.3. He corrects some of the repre sentations of Hume. See also Robertson and other general accounts of the reformation, as well as Knox s own posthu mous account of the movement in Scotland, [B. H. 3524.8: 5493.5] ; also Tagart s Reformers, [B. H. 3555.51] : Stanley s Church in Scotland, [B. H. S5- 6.52]( Froude s Studies, [1812.15]; Hugh Miller, on his literary character, [B. H. 2508.54]; Harper s monthly, vol. 36; and references in Mal- com s Index, [B. H. 2190.1 J]. See also under Reformation and Scotland. KNOX, John P. Historical account of St. Thomas, W. I., [1493-1850]. [With map, etc.] New York, 1852. 12 264.7 KNOX, Lucy, wife of Gen. Henry Knox, d. 1824. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revo lution v. landS of 538.13 KNOX, Thomas W. Overland through Asia. Pic tures of Siberian, Chinese, and Tartar life. With map and illustrations. Hartford, 1870. 8 682.11 KOCH, Charles W. The Crimea: from Kertch to Perekop. With illustrations. London, 1855. 12 689.23 History of the revolutions in Europe, [406-1815]. From the French, by A. Crichton. Edinburgh, 1828. 3 v. 18 830.45 KOERNER, Carl Theodor, German poet, b. 1791, d. 1813. See Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biograph ical and critical 547.2 Mental portraits 557. 10 Note. The German life attached to his works is brief, [1038.6; B. II. 2897.6]. There is a life in English [B. H. 2847.15] translated fiom the memoir written by his father. See also Longfellow s Poets and poetry of Europe, [322.1]; the French account of Blaze, [B. H. 4878.25]; and the references in Oettinger, Thomas, and the German literary histories. KOERNER, Christian Gottfried, German litterateur, b. 1756, d. 1831. Correspondence with Schiller. See Schiller, (J. C.) F. von 876.16 KOHL, Johann G. Austria. Vienna, Prague, Hun gary, [etc.]. London, 1843. 8 667.2 Same. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 667.22 Kitchi-Gami. Wanderings round Lake Superior. London, 1860. 8 622.5 Popular history of the discovery of America, from Columbus to Franklin. Translated by R. R. Noel. London, 1862. 2 v. P. 8 308.4 Russia. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkoff, [etc.]. London, 1844. 8 674.5 Travels in Canada, and through New York and Pennsylvania. Translated by Mrs. P. Sinnett. London, 1861. 2 v. 8 634.6 KOHLHAUSCH, Friedrich. History of Germany, [B. c. 113-A. D. 1813]. Translated by J. D. Haas. New York, 1852. 8 925.2 KOLPF, D. H. Voyages of the Dourga, through the southern part of the Moluccan archipelago, and along the southern coast of New Guinea, 1825, 26. Translated by G. W. Earl. London, 1840. 705.7 KOORDISTAN. See Kurdistan. KOSCIUSKO, Thaddeus, Polish general and statesman, served in the American revolution, b. 1746, d. 1817. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Note. See the account and references, in Hoefer, [B. H. 2242.6] ; a paper on his last years in Harper s monthly, vol. 37 ; and the references under Poland. KOSSDTH, Louis, Hungarian orator, b. 1806. Select speeches. [With portrait.] Abridged by F. W. Newman. New York, 1854. 12 866.4 Shelf. No. KosstTTH, Louis, continued. Kossuth and the Hungarian war, [1848, 49], [.Awon.] [With portraits.] Philadelphia, 1851. 12 928.12 Memoir of. See S., E. 0. Hungary and its rev olutions 827.5 Note. See the account with references in Hoefer, [B. H. 2242.6]; and Goergei s [547.14] book is of interest. See Harper s magazine, vol. 4; and the popular narrative on the Hungarian war, [B. H. 4829.50]. See also Hungary, note. The Bates Hall catalogues show various pamphlets upon Kossuth. KOTZEBUE, August Franz Friedrich, German dra matist, b. 1761, d. 1818. Exile into Siberia. Written by himself. [With illustrations.] Trans lated by R. Beresford. London, 1806. 3 v. 16 Life and literary career. Written by himself. [With portrait.] London, 1827. 2 v. 24 Note. The above autobiographic papers are also in Bates Hall [6249a.2.0] and are not to oe confounded with a spurious autobiography issued in 1811. See also a German life[B. H. 2848.23], and the accounts with references in Hoefer [B. H. 548.24 549.29 2886.2], and Carlyle s Essays, [863.7 ; 867.1 ; 893.3]. KOTZEBUE, Otto von. Voyage of discovery into the South sea and Beering s straits, for the purpose of exploring a north-east passage, 1815-18. Illustrated. [Translated by H. E. Lloyd.] Lon don, 1821. 3 v. 8 702.12 KouNG-Fou-TsEU, or KouNG-TsEE. See Confucius. KRAPF, Johann L. Travels, researches, and mis sionary labors in Eastern Africa. Appendix by E. G. Ravenstein. Boston, 1860. 8 1694.1 KRTJEDENEII, Julie do Wietinghoff, baroness von, Rus sian litterateur and mystic, b. 1764, d. 1824. Kavanagh, J. French women of letters 1609.1 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of celebrated women 1598.16 KRUMJIACHER, Frederick William. David, the king of Israel. Translated by M. G. Easton. [With portrait.] New York, 1868. 12 2108.5 Elijah the Tishbite. Translated from the Ger man. New York, n. d. 16 119.6 KUGLER, Franz (Theodor). Hand-book of the his tory of painting, from the age of Constantine the great. Translated from the German. Part 1. The Italian schools of painting. Edited, with notes, by C. L. Eastlake. London, 1842. 12.. 208.14 Ku-KLTix Klan, Full and authentic expose of the. . 276.13 KURDISTAN. Rich, C. J. Narrative of a residence in Koordistan. 1836 694.7 Southgate, H. Narrative of a tour through Kurdistan. 1840 687.3 KURTZ, John H. History of the old covenant. Trans lated by A. Edorsheim and J. Martin. Phila delphia, 1859. 3 v. 8 C 1092.8 Manual of sacred history. Translated by C F. Schaeffer. 7th edition. Philadelphia, 1860. 12 1104. 17 Text-book of church history. [Edited by J. H. Bomberger.] Philadelphia, 1860-62. 2 v. 8. 1104.16 L. E. L. See Landon, Letetia E. LABORDE, Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph, cornte de. Journey through Arabia Petraea, to Mt. Sinai, and the excavated city of Petra. [With illustra tions.] 2d edition. London, 1838. 8 685.8 LABORING classes of England. Dod, 1848.1 LABOUCHERE, H. Diary of the besieged resident in Paris. [Anon.] New York, 1871. 8 1004.8 LABOULAYE, Edouard (Rene Lefebvre), French jurist and publicist, b. 1811. Paris in America. Trans lated by M. L. Booth. New York, 1863. 12. . 634.15 LABRADOR. After icebergs with a painter: a sum mer voyage to. 1861. Noble, L. L 634.5 Note. See Harper s monthly, vol. 22 ; and Atlantic monthly, "Ice and Esquimaux," by Wasson, Dec., 1864. LACEPEDE, Bernard Germain Etienne de la Ville, comte de, French naturalist, b. 1756, d. 1825. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 26 of 179.1 -VY //* LACKINGTON 160 LAMARTINE 617.2 Shelf. No. LACKINGTON, James, bookseller, b. 1746, d. 1816. See Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence .... 379.13 LACROIX-MARLES, Jean. Life of Mary Stuart, queen of Scots, [b. 1542, d. 1587]. Boston, 1856. 12. 594.11 LADY S tour, A, round Monte Rosa, 1850-58. [Illus trated.] London, 1859. P. 8 666.23 LADY S voyage, A, round the world. 1852. Pfeiffer, I. 409.23; 879.4; 1655.13 LA FAYETTE, Marie Joseph {not Joan] Paul Roch Ives Gilbert do Motier, marquis do, French general in the American revolution, b. 1757, d. 1834. Com plete history, embracing an account of his tour through the United States. [Anon. } Hartford, 1851. 8 Life and services. [Anon.] New York, [cop. 1861]. 91pp. 16 1529.24 Cloquet, J. G. Recollections of the private life of..... 617.1 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Headlev, J. T. Washington and his generals. v. 2 of 516.1 Headley, P. C. Life of 617.3 Holstein, H. L. V. D. Memoirs of 617.4 Parton, J. People s book of biography 15 22. 10 - Sarrans, B. Memoirs of 617.5 Note. La Fayettc s family gave the public the most author itative materials in 1836-38, when they published his valuable memoirs and correspondence, elucidating them with trust worthy and moderately expressed notes, [B. H. 2(364.1]. Clo- quet s book [also in B. H., in English, 0646.71 is a series of rambling but interesting letters, written by his physician. Holsteiu wrote in 1824, in anticipation of La Fayi tte s visit to this country, and the author had known him during his con finement at Olmutz. Amongthe books which this transatlan tic visit called out was Levasseur s [2064.5: B. II. 2363.15; 4469a.8], another [B. II. G649a.8], and George Ticknor s sketch [North American review, Jan., 1835; also m B. H. 4040.16; in French, 4448.27]. For his visit to Boston, see Life of Josiah Quincy, [1526.18]. See also Pelet, on La Fayette s career in America and France, [B. H., in French, C64 ,I.15]. Sarrans s book [also in B. H., in French, 2654.2] is wholly concerned me paper uy ojuiueinu, LI>.JJ.., W*WKHH w^**j , " v** L a monthly, vol. 16; National quarterly review, Dec., 1867. A recent essay by Iliggs [B. H. 4649.50] is a controversial review of Sybel s derogatory statements about La Fay,ette in his his tory of the French revolution. George W. Greene, in the Atlantic monthly, Dec., 1861, describes his residence with La Fayette: and Cooper, in 1832, records his visit, [654.9]. See France, Revolution of 178!), note. See Spalding s Miscellanea for an essay on his relations to the Catholic church, [B. II. 4405.30]. For his part in the American revolution, see the histories of that event and the lives of his associates in the army. LA FAYETTE, Marie Madeleine Piocho de la Vergne, comtesse de, French novelist, b. 1634, d. 1693. See Kavanagh, J. French women of letters .... 1609. 1 LA FERBONNAYS, Mile. See Craven, Pauline. LAFITTE, Jacques, French banker and financier, b. 1767, d. 1844. Famous boys: and how they bo- came great men 555.8 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and crit ical 547.2 Mental portraits 557.10 LA FONTAINE, Jean de, French poet and fabulist, b. 1621, d. 1695. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France. v. 1 of 388.8 Note. Walckenaer s memoir in his edition of the works [B. H. 2694.5] is very minute. See Suinte-Beuve s, [1064.19; B. H. 2670.2.1; 4679a..",]; Astie, [1008.10]; and Longfellow s P9ets and poetry of Europe, [322.1]; also Saint Paul s magazine, 1870, or no. 1:380 of Living age; London quarterly review, 1865, or no. 1107 of Living age. LA GiRONifcRE, Paul P. de. Twenty years in the Philippines. [Illustrated.] Translated from the French. New York, 1854. 12 705.13 Same. Abridged by F. Hardman. London, 1853. 12 409.21 Same. London, 1858. 16 1655.8 LAGNY, Germain de. The knout and the Russians. Translated by J. Bridgeman. New York, 1854. 12 927.6 LAGBANGE, Joseph Louis, comte, French geometrician, b. 1736, d. 1813. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 4 of 839.6 LA HAEPE, Jean Francois de, French writer, b. 1739, d. 1803. See Crichton, A. Converts from infi delity v. 2 of 830.28 LA HODDE, Lucien de. History of secret societies, and of the republican party of France, 1830-48. Translated. Philadelphia, 1856. 8 1004.4 LAING, Alexander G. Travels in Western Africa. With plates and map. London, 1825. 8 692.4 LAING, Caroline H. B. The seven kings of the seven hills. [Illustrated.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1872]. 16 959.15 Contents. Romulus, mythical founder and 1st king of Rome, b. B. c. 753, d. B. C. 716; Nuina Pompilius, 2d king of Rome, fl. B.C. 7th century; TullusIIostilius, 3d king of Rome, d.B. C. 642; Ancu9 Marcius, 4tli king of Rome, d. B. C. 614; Tarquinius Priscus, 6th king of Rome, b. B. O. 656, d. B. C. 576; Servius Tullius, 6th king of Rome, b. B. O. 578, d. B. O. 536; Tarquinius Superbus, 7th and last king of Rome, fl. B. C. 5th century. LAING, John. Voyage to Spitzbergen, [1806-7] ; con taining a description of the Shetland isles. Lon don, 1815. 8 v. 1 of 668.2 Same. New edition. Edinburgh, 1825. 12.. 704.20 LAING, Samuel. Notes on the social and political state of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and other parts of Europe. 1st series. London, 1854. 16 409.14 ; 1655.3 Residence in Norway, 1834-36. New edition. London, 1854. P. 8 409.15 Same. London, 1859. P. 8 1655.3 LAKE, Col. Atwell. Narrative of the defence of Ears, [1854,55]. Illustrated. London, 1857. 8... 987.1 LAKE of the Woods, Narrative of an expedition to the, in 1823. Keating, W. H 624.11; 625.10 LAKES. The great lakes of America. Disturnoll, J. 1639.8 LAMARCK, Le chevalier de. See Monet, Jean B. P. A. de. LAMARTINE, Alphonse (Marie Louis) do, French nov elist, poet, and historian, b. 1790, d. 1869. History of the French revolution of 1848. [With por trait.] Translated by F. A. Durivage and W. S. Chase. 1st American edition. Boston, 1849. 2v.ini. 12 .* 1008.1 Same. London, 1849. P. 8 848.3 History of the Girondists; or, personal memoirs of the patriots of the French revolution. Trans lated by H. T. Ryde. London, 1849, 50. 3 v. p. 8. . . 828.6 History of the restoration of monarchy in France, [1813-30]. [With portrait] [Translated by Capt. Rafter.] New York, 1851-53. 4 v. 12. 1007.1 Same. London, 1854. 4 v. P. 8 837.9 History of Turkey. Translated from the French. Vol.1. New York, 1855. 12 918.9 Life of Christopher Columbus, [b. 1446 or 7, d. 1506]. NewYork,n.d. 18 549.37 Life of Oliver Cromwell, [b. 1599, d. 1658]. New York, n. d. 18 551.3 Memoirs of celebrated characters. New York, 1854-56. 3v. 12 547.4 Contents. Vol. I. Horatio Nelson, British admiral, b. 1758, d. 1805; Heloi se, French abbess, friend of Abelard, b. 1101, d. 1164 Cristoforo Colombo, navigator, discoverer of America, b. 1446 or 7, d. 150U ; Bernard dePalissy, French cnaraeller and potter, b. about 1510, d. 1589; Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman philosopher, orator, and statesman, b. B. 0. 106, d. B. O. 43. II. Socrates, Greek philosopher, b. B. O. 468, d. B. O. 399; Marie Joseph Jacquarcl, French mechanician, b. 1752, d. 18:Vt ; Jeanne Dare, maid of Orleans, French heroine, b. 1412, d. 1431 ; Oliver Cromwell, lord protector of England ( 1(153-58), b. 1599, d. 1658; Homerus, Greek epic P9et, fl. B. O. 902-907; Johanu Gutenberg, or Hans Gensfleisch, inventor of printing, b. 1400, d 1468; Francois de Salignaede La Mothe Fenelon, archbishop of Cambray, politician and litterateur, b. 1051, d. 1715. III. \Vilhclm Tell, Swiss hero, b. 1307. d. 1354; Marie de Rabutin Chantal, marquise de S6vigne, French authoress, b. 16^6, d. 1696- John Milton, English poet. b. 1608, d. 1674; Antar, or Antarah-Ibn-SlK ddad, Arabian warrior and poet, fl. 6th cen tury ; Jacques Bcnigne Bossuet, bishop of Meaux, philosopher, theologian, and historian, b. 1627, d. 1704. Past, present, and future of the republic. Trans lated from the French. Now York, 1850. 12. 134. 11 Raphael ; or, pages of the Book of life at twenty. Translated. London, 1849. 12 546.24 LAMARTINE 161 LANE Shelf. No. LAMARTINE, Alphonse (Marie Louis) de, continued. Travels in the East, including a journey in the Holy Land. With memoir of the author. Edin burgh, 1850. 2v. 16 687.15 Note. Since Lamartine s death, a memoir of his own life, tion of it, with the memoirs of his mother, [B. II. 2647.52]. There is a recent Frencli life bv Mazadc, [13. II. 2649.66]. There is a brief sketch by Jules Janin, [B. H. 66l9a.2]: and other brief memoirs, [614.8 ; 687.15 ; B. II. U04S.6J. See Long fellow s Poets and poetry of Europe, [322.1]; Sainte-Beuve,[B. H. 2670.3.1 ] ; Lomenie, [B. H. 6249a.l] ; Alison s Essays, [863.5] ; Timon s Livre des oratcurs, [2645.59] ; and the references in Thomas s Biographical dictionary. LAMARTINE, Eliza Marianna, madame, wife of A. M. L. de Lamartine, b. 1819, d. 1863. See Belloc, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes 1516.11 LAMB, Caroline, lady, English poetess, b. 1785, d. 1828. See Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society v. 2 of 542.15; 542.17 LAMB, Charles, English essayist, b. 1775, d. 1834. [Final memorials; consisting of his letters not before published, with sketches of some of his companions. By Sir T. N. Talfourd.] London, 1850. P. 8 v. 2 of 874.6 [Letters, with a sketch of his life. By Sir T. N. Talfourd. With portrait.] London, 1850. P. 8 v. 1 of 574.6 Same. New York, 1851. 12 v. 1 of 874. 2 De Quincoy, T. Biographical essays 895.17 Fitzgerald, P. Charles Lamb; his friends, his haunts, and his books 1589.3 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the ago : or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Procter, B. W. (Barry Cornwall.) Charles Lamb: a memoir 1516.9 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 1 of 548.5 ffotr. Talfourd s memoir [also in B. n. 2.171.50; C606.2; J07.17, see Allibone under Talfourd] and Final memorials, giving what it was not delicate to print in the first book at that time [also in B. H. i.Wl.50; 0606.2], are tlie authorities, on Wi I860, orno. 1161 of Living ago, and from the Examiner in no. 116.5]. Fitzgerald s [see also B. II. 4. r i59.1p.2, and Dublin Uni versity magazine, 1865. orno. 1084 of Living age] is a sketchy ricture, reviewed fiqm the Spectator and Examiner in nos. 1:35 and 1141 of Living age. DC Quincey knew Lamb, but see also his Literary reminiscences, [895.11.1]. There is a bibliography, with some memorials, by Ireland [B. H. 4578.15], and full references in Allibone. See the paper in Bulwer s .Miscellanies, [1839.3.1]; Quarterly review. Jan., 1867, orno. 1187 of Living age; S. C. Hall s Memories, [B. II. 6542.13]; John Forster, in the New monthly magazine, 183/i; the biographical supplement by H. N. Coleridge to S. T. Cole ridge s Biographicaliteraria, [880.2]; Gerald Massev s essay in Fraser s,186r, orno. 1201 of Living age; the "Sad side of a humorist s life," in Eclectic review, 1862,or no. 921 of Living age; Harper s monthly, vols. 20 and 39; letter of his sister s, describing his life in the temple, 1814, in Living age, no. 1326 ; Atlantic monthly, March, 1859, on Lamb and Sydney Smith) Saturday review, 18t!I, or no. 910 of Living age, on his works. See also the lives of Coleridge, Wordsworth, Leslie, Leigh Hunt, Hazlitt, H. C. Robinson s Diary ; Patmore s " My friends and acquaintances," [B.H. 2443.11]; and the recollections from the Literary gazette, 1859, in nos. 767 and 774 of Living age ; and " Gleanings after Lamb s biographers," in Macmillan, ,., IX,. JJ . LAMBERT, Daniel, English fat man, b. 1770, d. 1809. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters .. 1546.5 LAMBERT, John. Travels through Lower Canada and the United States, 1806-8. With engravings. London, 1810. 3 v. 8 625.20 LAMON, Ward H. Life of Abraham Lincoln, [16th president of the United States, b. 1809, d. 1865]. With illustrations. Boston, 1872. 8 521.14 LAMONT, James. Seasons with the sea-horses; or, sporting adventures in the Northern seas. [With illustrations.] London, 1861. 8 704.22 LA MOTHE GUYON, Joanne M. B. de. See Guyon, Joanne Mario Bouvieres do La Mothe. LAMOTHE-LANGON, Etienne Leon do. Evenings with Prince Cambaceres. [French history, 1811-14.] London, 1837. 2 v. 8 1004.3 LAMPING, Clemens, and FBANCE, A. de. The French in Algiers. Translated by Lady Duff Gordon. London, 1845. P. 8 889.18 Shelf. No. LAMPS of the church. Clissold, H 2107.17 LAMSON, Alvan, D. D. The church of the first three centuries. Boston, 1860. 8 1092.10 LANCASHIRE, Eng., Visit to, in 1862. Barlee, E. . ,. 644.8 LANCASTER, Constance, duchess of, b. about 1354, d. 1394. See Edgar, J. G. Noble dames of ancient story 569.27; 599.24 LANCASTER, Sir James, English navigator, d. 1620. See Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 564.8 LANCELOTT, Francis. Australia as it is. [JLno/i.] London, 1867. 16 938.19 The queens of England and their times. [With portraits.] New York, 18,58. 2 v. 8 593.2 LAND, labour, and gold; or, two years in Victoria. 1855. Howitt, W 705.17; 705.19 LAND of desolation, The: a personal narrative of observation and adventure in Greenland. 1872. Hayes, I. 1 703.14 LAND of Lome, The; or, adventures in the Scottish Hebrides. 1871. Buchanan, R 655.17 LAND of the Nile, The ; or, Egypt past and present. 1871. Adams, W. H. D 698.31 LAND, The, we live in. A pictorial and literary sketch-book of the British empire. London, n.d. 4.v 641.1 LANDER, Richard. Journal in Africa. See Clapper- ton, H 693.8 and John. Journal of an expedition to the Niger. Illustrated. New York, n. d. 2 v. 18 810.45 Same. 2d edition. London, 1838. 2 v. 1C .. 389.12 LANDER, Sarah West, b. 1820, d. 1872. Spectacles for young eyes. Berlin. [Illustrated.] Bos ton, 1865. 12 1C38.4 Boston. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1866. 12... 1638.1 -Moscow. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1864. 12.. 1638.9 New York. [Illustrated.] New York, 1869. 16 1638.2 Pekin. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1863. 12... 1638.3 Rome. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1866. 12... 1638.5 Zurich. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1865. 12. . .1638.10 LANDON, Letetia Elizabeth (L. E. L.), afterwards Mrs. Maclean, English poetess, b. 1802, d. 1838. Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of tho most eminent British poets v. 2 of 896. 1 Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society. v. 1 of 542.15; 542.17 Note. The life and literary remains bv L. Blanchard [B. II. 4347.14] is the authoritative one. See also Jordan s Autobi ography, f B. H. 4546.14] ; S. C. Hall s Book of memories, [B. H. 6542.13] ; and Harper s monthly, vol. 39. LANDON, Melville D. The Franco-Prussian war in a nutshell. With portraits and maps. New York, 1871. 12 925.10 LANDOR, Walter Savage, English writer and poet, b. 1775, d. 18G4. De Quincoy, T. Essays on the poets, and other English writers 895.15 Forster, J. Walter Savage Landor. A biography. 15 26. 20 Home, R. H. A new spirit of the ago 878.23 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 2 of 896.1 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 Note. Forster s is the authoritative life [alao in B. H. 6545.15], but the general reader will find it too voluminous; and lie may perhaps be better content with such an article as is in vol. 130 of the Edinburgh review, or with Miss Field s account of Landor s last days, in the Atlantic monthly, or with some of the other reviews indicated in Thomas s Biographical dic tionary. See also Contemporary review, vol. 18 j and E.G. Stedman s paper, in Scribner, May, 1873. ANDRETH, P. Studies and sketches in modern liter ature : periodical contributions. Edinburgh, 1861. 16 393.4 ANE, Edward W. Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians, 1833-35. London, n. d. 2v. 12 839.8 Same. London, 1836. 2 v. 12 959.2 -Same. London, 1846. 3 v. 24 840.31 iANE, Joseph, of Oregon, b. 1801. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 ANE, Lunsford. Lunsford Lane:. or, another Helper from North Carolina. See Hawkins, W. G 307.13 LANFKEY 162 Shelf. No. LANFREY, Pierre. History of Napoleon the first, [b. 1769, d. 1821]. London, i871, 72. 2 v. 8 J . . 1604.2 LANG, John. Wanderings in India : and other sketches of life in Hindostan. London, 1859. 12 709.24 LANG, John D., D. D., principal of the Australian college. Freedom and independence for Austra lia. London, 1852. 12 936.10 LANGDON, Samuel, D. D., president of Harvard college, b. 1723, d. 1797. Election sermon, 1775. See Thornton, J. W. The pulpit of the American revolution 217.20 Note. See Harvard college. LANGFORD, John Alfred. Prison books and their au thors. [With portraits.] London, 1861. 1C .. 883. 14 Contents. Anicus Manlius Torquatus Severinus Bocthius, Roman consul, philosopher, mathematician, and author, b. about 455, d. 52.5; Henry Howard, earl of Surrey, English poet, b. about 1515, d. 1547; Miguel de Orvantcs-Saavedra, Spanish poet and novelist, b. 1547, d. 1610 j Sir Walter Ra leigh. English navigator, warrior, statesman, and historian. b. 155:2, d. 1618; Robert Southwell, Englilh Jesuit, poet, and conspirator, b. 1500, ex. 1535; George Wither, English poet, b. 1588, d. 1UC7; Richard Lovelace, English poet and dramatic author, b. 1618, d. 1658; John Banyan, English author, b. 1628, d. 1688; William Dodd, English theologian and litterateur, b. 1729, ex. 1777 ; James Montgomery, English poet and jour nalist, b. 1771. d. 1854 ; James Henry Leigh Hunt, English poet and essayist, b. 1784, d. 1859; Thomas Cooper, English author and lecturer, b. 1805. LANGSTON, Miss Dicey. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 1 of 538.13 LANMAN, Charles. Adventures in the wilds of North America. Edited by C. R. Weld. London, 1854. P. 8 409.16 Adventures in the wilds of the United States and British American provinces. Illustrated. Phil adelphia, 1856. 2 v. 8 623.3 Dictionary of the United States congress. Phila delphia, 1859. 8 522.4 The Japanese in America. [With engravings.] New York, 1872. 12 708.26 Letters from the Alloghany mountains. New York, 1849. 12 628.11 LANMAN, James H. History of Michigan. New York, [cop. 1841]. 18 820.41 LAMNES, Jean, due de Montebello, French general and marshal, b. 1769, d. 1809. See Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals. . v. 1 of 605.1; v. 1 of 605.2 LANOYE, Ferdinand Tugnot de. See Tugnot do Lanoyo, F. LANSDOWNE, Marquis of. See Fitz-Maurice, Henry Petty. LANSDOWNE, Marquis of. See Petty, William Fitz- Maurice. LANSDOWNE, Viscount. See Granville, George. LANZI, Luigi. History of painting in Italy. Trans lated by T. Roscoe. New edition. London, 1847. 3 v. P. 8 828.4 Same. Translated and abridged by G. W. D. Evans. London, 1831. 2 v. 16 208.13 LA PEROUSE, Jean Francois de Galoup, comte de, French navigator, b. 1741, d. 1788 ? See Biogra phies of eminent men from the 13th century. v. 3 of 839.6 LAPIIAM, Increase A. Geographical and topograph ical description of Wisconsin. Milwaukie, 1844. 16 239.16 LAPLACE, Pierre Simon, marquis de, French geome trician and physician, b. 1749, d. 1827. Arago, (D.) F. (J.) Biographies of distinguished sci entific men 541.3 Biographies of eminent mon from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 LAPLAND, Northern travel: summer and winter pic tures of. 1858. Taylor, ( J. ) Bayard 668. 13 Kate. Sec Hartwig s Polar world, [704.14]. LA PI/ATA. Mansfield, C. B. Paraguay, Brazil, and the Plate, [1852, 53] 635.10 Page, T. J. La Plata. Exploration, [1853-56]. 622.3 Snow, W. P. Two years cruise in the river Plate. 1857 708.9 Shelf. No. LA PLATA, continued. Stewart, C. S. Brazil and La Plata: the personal record of a cruise. 1856 635.14 Note. See also Harper s monthly, vol. 18. LAPORTE, Laurent. Sailing on the Nile. Trans lated from the French by V. Vaughan. Boston, 1872. 16 698.34 L ARDECHE. See Laurent de 1 Ardeche, P. M. LARIMER, Sarah L. The capture and escape; or, life among the Sioux. [With portrait and en gravings.] Philadelphia, 1870. 12 245.15 LA RIVE, William do. Life and character of Count Cavour, [Italian statesman, b. 1809, d. 1861], Translated by E. Romilly. London, 1862. 8. 542.18 LARKE, Julian K. General Grant and his campaigns. Illustrated. Now York, 1864. 12 527.25 LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, Francois, due do, prince de Mar- sillac, French writer and moralist, b. 1613, d. 1680. Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 1 of 388.8 Thomson, K. (B.) Tho wits and beaux of society. v.l of 555.1; 1545.8 LA ROCHEJAQUELEIN, Marie Louise Victoire de Do- nissan, marquise de, French heroine, b. 1772, d. 1857. Memoirs. Translated from the French. Edinburgh, 1816. 8 614.9 Note. Sec France, note. LARRABEE, William C. [John] Wesley and his coad jutors. Edited by B. F. Tefft. [With portrait.] Cincinnati, 1851. 2 v. 16 578.9 LA SALLE, Robert Cavelior, sieur de, French explorer, b. 1635, d. 1687. Life of. See Sparks, J. v. 11 of 529.1 Note. See Parkman s Discovery of the great West, [306.1.3]. LAS CASES, Marin J. E. D., comte de. Private life and conversations of Napoleon at Saint Helena. New edition. [With illustrations.] London, 1824. 4v. 8 603.2 Same. Boston, 1823. 4 v. 8 603.1 Same. New York, 1855. 4 v. 12 1604.1 LAST homes of departed genius. Grinstcd, T. P. . . . . 549.41 LASTEYRIE DU SAILLA.NT, Charles P., comte de. His tory of auricular confession. Translated by C. Cocks. London, 1848. 2 v. 12 1098.10 LATHBURY, Thomas. Tho Spanish armada, A. D. 1588. London, 1840. 18 098.7 LATHROP, Mrs. Jorusha, 6. 1717, d. 1805. See Sig- ourney, L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548. 17 LATIMER, Hugh, bishop of Worcester, martyr, b. about 1472, burnt 1555. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies v. 3 of 840.10 Morgan, T. Life of 567.6 Ryle, J. C. The priest, the puritan, and the preacher 1088.33 Tayler, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs. 1094.10; 1094.15 Tulloch, J. Leaders of the reformation 115.10 Nate. A recent life by Demaus [B. H. 6555.13], founded on contemporary documents, is the most considerable. Ryle has a brief sketch, [B. 11.4547.17]; and there is a popular anony mous life, [B. H. 2J46.M] ; with essays by Jones [888.11.2] and others. See also Froude a England. LATIN literature. See Rome, literature. LATOUR, Arsene L. Historical memoir of the war in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814, 15. Trans lated by H. P. Nugent. Philadelphia, 1816. 8. 246.1 Atlas to the same. Philadelphia, 1816. Folded 30 246.2 LA TotJR, Charles St. Etienne, French settler in Nova Scotia, fl. Ylth century. See Winsor, H. Mont- rose, and other biographical sketches 655.12 LA TOUR D AUVERGNE, Henri de. See Turenno, Henri de La Tour d Auvergne. LATREILLE, Pierre Andre, French entomologist, natu ralist, and author, b. 1762, d. 1833. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 32 of 179.1 LA TREMOUILLE 163 LAWRENCE Shelf. No LA TREMOOILLE, Charlotte, countess of Derby. See Stanley, Charlotte. LATROBE, Charles J. The rambler in Mexico, 1834. New York, 183G. 12 629.14 LATROBE, John H. B. Hints for six months in Europe, being programme of a tour in 1868. Philadelphia, 1869. 1G 1667.6 LATTER-DAY saints. See Mormons. LAUD, William, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1573, be headed 1645. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies v. 6 of 840.10 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 Norton, J. N. Life of 555.18 Note. Norton s is a condensed life; but Lawson s [B. H. 3555.G] is the chief extended account LAUDERDALE, Duke of. See Maitland, John. LAUGEL, Auguste. The United States during the war. New York, 1866. 8 272.5 LAVGHER, Thomas, English centenarian, b. 1700, d. 1812. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 LAURA, of Vaucluse, friend of Petrarch, b. 1308, d. 1348. Clarke, M. C. World-noted women 1522.25 Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns and illustrious women 569.28 LAURENT, Pierre E. Manual of ancient geography. New edition. Oxford, 1840. 8 954.5 LAURENT DE L ABDECHE, Paul Marie. History of Napoleon. From the French. New York, [1854]. 2v.ini. 8 604.10 LAURIE, Thomas. Dr. [Asahel] Grant [American missionary, b. 1807, d. 1843] and the mountain Nestorians. With portrait, map, illustrations, etc. Boston, 1853. 12 686.5 Woman and her Saviour in Persia. [Anon.] With illustrations. Boston, 1863. 12 674.10 LA VALLIKRE, Frangoise Louise de la Baumo le Blanc, duchesse de, favourite of Louis XIV, b. 1644, d. 1710. See Clarke, M. C. World-noted women 1522.25 LAVATER, Johann Caspar, Swiss physiognomist and writer, b. 1741, d. 1801. See Hedge, F. H. Proso writers of Germany 545.1 Note. Consult the list in Joerdens, [B. H. 2150.1.3]. See the brief biography, [B. H. SOOOa.3]. LA VENDEE. Dermoncourt, Le giniral. The duchess of Berri in, [1832] 569. 8 Hill, G. J. Story of the war in 1008.13 Kale. See France, revolution of 1789, note. LAVOISIER, Antoine Laurent, French chemist, b. 1743, d. 1794. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 4 of 839.6 Note. See Brougham s Works, [4579.53.1]. LAW, Edward, \st lord Ellenborough, judge, b. 1750, d. 1818. See Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of the early lives of great lawyers 1516.13 LAW, George, American railway constructor, b. 1806. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress. . . 522.16 LAW, John, Scotch financier, b. 1671, d. 1729. Good rich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. . v. 3 of 1869.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Thiers, (L.) A. The Mississippi bubble: a me moir of 587.7 Note. Smyth, in his 27th lecture on modern history [827.8; 043.3; 943.7]. traces the history of the Mississippi scheme, and acknowledges his chief obligation to SLeuart s Political econ omy, [B. II. 3055.8; am. 2]. Thiers s is an early work, later revised [B. II., in French, 4007.13], and is a compact readable ketch. There is another French work on Law and his sys tem by Cochut, [1078.30]; and tho general histories of Louis XVth s time C9ntain more or less. See also Chambers s Bio graphical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, and the paper on the Mississippi bubble by Irving, [4. l8.1. i]. Aiusworths "John Law " [750.10] is a novel founded on his career. LAW and lawyers: curious facts and characteristic sketches. Nimmo, W. P 1819.19 LJW, The, of the territories. Philadelphia, 1859. 12 298.2 Shelf. No. LAW, International, Introduction to the study of. Woolsoy, T. D 299.14 See also Contraband; and Class list for works in the arts and sciences, and Bates Hall catalogues. LAWRENCE, Albert Gallatin, general, b. 1835. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress LAWRENCE, Amos, American merchant and philanthro pist, b. 1786, d. 1852. Extracts from [his] diary and correspondence. Edited by his son, W. R. Lawrence. Boston, 1855. 8 Same. [With portrait.] Boston, 1859. 8.. Famous boys: and how they became great men. . . MacCabo, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they wore made Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men Thayer, W. M. The poor boy and merchant prince ; or, life of LAWRENCE, Caroline W. On the rock: memoir of Alice B. Whitall, [b. 1839, d. 1868]. [Anon.} [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1870. 12.... LAWRENCE, Eugene. Lives of the British historians. New York, 1855. 2 v. 12 Contents. Vol. I. The early historians ; Sir Walter Raleigh, English navigator, warrior, statesman, and historian, b. 1552, d. 1U18; William Camden, English antiquary and litterateur, b. 1551, d. 1023; Edward Hyde, carl of Clarendon, English statesman, lord chancellor, and historian, b. 1008, d. 1074; Gil- 1715 522.16 524.1 1526.1 555.8 515.14 543.13 526.20 538.7 586.11 Carte, English historian, b. 1080, d. 1754; William Robertson, Scotch historian and orator, b. 1721, d. 1793; George Lyttleton, lord, English statesman and litterateur, b. 1709, d. 17 7:i; To bias George Smollett, English historian, novelist, and critic, b. 1721, d. 1771. II. David Hume, Scottish philosopher and historian, b. 1711, d. 1776; Paul do Ropin-Thoyras, French historian, b. 1031, d. 1725; Catherine Graham, formerly Mrs. Macaulay, English authoress, b. 1733, d. 1791 : James Ralph, American poet and dramatist, b. 1724, d. 170J ; James Macpher- son, Scotch historian and litterateur, b. 17:18, d. 179o: Nathan iel Hooke. Irish historian, b. IfiflO, d. 170. !; Adam Ferguson, Scotch philosopher and author, b. 1724, d. 18 1C; Edward Gib bon, English historian and miscellaneous writer, b. 1737, d. 1794; Robert Orme. English historian of British India.b. 1728, d. 1801; Oliver Goldsmith, Irish poet, historian, and miscella neous writer, b. 1728, d. 1774 ; Charles James Fox, English orator and statesman, b. 1749, d. 1806; Fragmentary histo rians. LAWRENCE, Frederick. Life of Henry Fielding, [Eng lish novelist and dramatist, b. 1707, d. 1754]. London, 1855. P. 8 584.3 LAWRENCE, Sir Henry Montgomery, general, b. 1806, d. 1857. See Kayo, J. W. Lives of Indian officers v. 3 of 1566.4 LAWRENCE, James, captain in the United States navy, b. 1781, d. 1813. Biography, with interesting pa pers. With likeness. New Brunswick, 1813. 18. 529.5 Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscella nies v. 2 of 1815.5 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Note. See also Harper s monthly, vol. 24. LAWRENCE, Margarette Woods. Light on tho dark river; or, memorials of Henrietta A. L. Hatnlin, missionary in Turkey, [b. 1811, d. 1850]. [With portrait.] 3d edition. Boston, 1854. 12.... 538.6 LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas, English portrait painter, b. 1769, d, 1830. Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc. ........ v. 6 of 379.9 v. 5 of 810.19 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548. 13; 549.30 Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Timbs, J. Anecdote biography v. 2 of 587.15 Williams, D. E. Life and correspondence of. . . . 556.3 Note. This last is the standard life. See also the English school of the Histoire des peintrcs, by Blanc and others, [B. II. 8080.8]. LAWRENCE, William, American merchant, b. 1783, d. 1848. Memoir of. See Lothrop, S. K 524.3 LAWRENCE, William Beach, LL. D., political econo mist and author, b. 1800. Visitation and search. Boston, 1858. 8 133.24 See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress .... 522.16 LAWRENCE 164 LEGGETT Shelf. No. LAWRENCE, William R. Charities of France in 1866. [Anon.] [With plate.] Boston, 1867. 8 ........................................ 153.27 LAWSON, John P. History of remarkable conspira cies connected with European history, during the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. Edinburgh, 1829. 2 v. 18 ............................ 830.51 LAWYERS. Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of tho early lives of great lawyers ........................ 1516.13 Knapp, S. L. Sketches of eminent lawyers ..... 524 10 Roscoo, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers. . . 388.4 Kate. Kuapp is also in Bates Hall, [2345.4]. On the Amer ican bar there are the books by Livingston, [B. H. 3634.1] ; by Willard, on that of Massachusetts, [B. H. 3634.2]; Ijy Proctor on that of New York, [B. H. 4443.10]. See also Jeatt reson s amusing Book about lawyers, [1816.12; B. the Index to Harper s morithly, P- 229- H. 4544.25]; also LAYARD, Austin H., English archaeologist and politi cian, b. 1817. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. With maps, plans, and illustrations. New York, Harper and brothers, 1853. 8 .................................. 685.12 -- Same. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1853. 12. 685.13 -- Same. Abridged. London, 1867. Sm. 8. .. 1696.2 Discoveries at Nineveh. With woodcuts. New edition. London, 1852. P. 8 ............... 685.19 -- Same. New York, 1854. 12 .............. 685.18 Nineveh and its remains. New York, 1850. 2 v. 8 ........................................ 685.11 -- Same. New York, 1851. 2 v. 12 ......... 685.17 -- Same. Now edition. New York, 1854. 2 v. in 1. 12 .................................. 685.14 -- Same. Abridged. London, 1867. Sm. 8 ... 1696.1 Tho discoveries of, applied to tho elucidation of Holy Writ. See Bonomi, J ..... 685.10; 835.14; 1693.1 LAZZARI, Donati, called Bramanto da TJrbino, Italian painter and architect, b. 1444, d. 1514. See Biog raphies of eminent men from the 13th century. v. 1 of 839.6 LEA, river, Rambles by the. Thome, J ...... v. 4 of 850.18 LEADBEATER, Mary, Irish authoress, b. 1758, d. 1826. The Leadbeater papers. 2d edition. London, 1862. 2v. 16 ............................ 997.15 Contents. Vol.1. Annals of Ballitore, with a memoir of the author. II. Unpublished letters of E. Burke; Correspond ence of Mrs. R. Trench and Kev. G. Crabbc. LEBANON. Herbert, H. H. M. Recollections of tho Druses of tho. 1860 ........................ 937.9 Throe weeks in, [1831]. See Society, etc ---- ,.. 689.19 Note. See general works on Palestine. LE BAS, Charles W. Life of Wiclif, [English theo logian, b. 1324, d. 1387]. [With portrait.] London, 1832. 16 ......................... 578.1 LECKY, William E. H. History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemange. New York, 1870. 2 v. 8 ............................ 973.2 History of rationalism in Europe. New York, 1866. 2v. Sm. 8 ........................ 1125.8 Note. Thomas s Biographical dictionary indicates some of the chief reviews of Lecky. LECLERC, George Louis. See Buffon, George Louis Leclorc, comte de. LECOMTE, Ferdinand. Tho war in tho United States. Translated from tho French. New York, 1863. 12 ........................................ 307.7 LECTURES on the mountains; or the Highlands and Highlanders. 1st, 2d series. London, 1860. 12. 997.1 LEDDERHOSE, Carl F. Lifo of Philip Melanchthon, [German reformer, b. 1497, d. 1560]. Translated by G. F. Krotel. Philadelphia, 1855. 12 ____ 545.9 LEDYARD, John, American traveller, b. 1751, d. 1788. St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 2 of 810.47 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men ............. 543.13 Sparks, J. Life of .............. 523.15; v. 24of529.1 LEE, Charles, American general, b. 1730 ? d. 1782. Memoirs. [Edited bv E. Langworthy.] New York, 1792. 12...! ....................... 528.11 Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals, v. 2 of 516.1 Shelf. No. LEE, Charles, continued. Moore, G. H. " Mr. Lee s plan March 29, 1777. The treason of 292.2 Sparks, J. Life of v. 18 of 529.1 Note. The earliest authoritative, though imperfect, memoir is that by Langworthy, 1792, [also in B. HT 4422.4] ; and Sparks, in 1846, had access to Lee s papers and made a clear summary, [also inB. H. 4447.1.8]. Mr. George H. Moore, in 1860, briefly sketched hia career, while presenting newly-found evidence ofaplanof I/ee s to betray the cause of the revolution. See also Harper s monthly, vol. 17. LEE, Edwin. Spain and its climates; with a special account of Malaga. London, 1860. 16 665.12 LEE, Eliza B. Life of Joan Paul Frederic Richter, [Gorman novelist, b. 1763, d. 1825]. With his autobiography. New York, 1850. 12 545.1 Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Buckminster [b. 1751, d. 1812], and Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckrainstor [b. 1784, d. 1812]. [With portraits.] Boston, 1849. 12 535.9 Same. 2d edition. Boston, 1851. 12 535.8 LEE, Hannah F. Familiar sketches of sculpture and sculptors. [Anon.] Boston, 1854. 2 v. 16. 208.23 Historical sketches of old painters. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1852. 16 209.13 Life and times of Thomas Cranmer, [archbishop of Canterbury, martyr, b. 1489, burnt 1556]. [Anon.] [Illustrated.] Philadelphia, 1852. 16. 578.5 Memoir of Pierre Toussaint, born a slave in St. Domingo, [b. 1766, d. 1849]. [Anon.] [With portrait] Boston, 1854. 16 539.10 LEE, Jesse, methodist divine, b. 1758, d. 1818. See Gorrio, P. D. Lives of eminent mothodist min isters 535. 14 LEE, Nathaniel, English dramatic poet, b. 1657, d. 1692. See Dunham, S. A. Lives of tho most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain v. 3 of 398.3 Note. See Allibone s Dictionary. LEE, Richard Henry, statesman, b. 1732, d. 1794. See Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolution 528. 1 Note. See Harper s monthly, vols. 3 and 7. LEE, Robert. Last days of Alexander, and the first days of Nicholas, [emperors of Russia, 1824-26]. 2d edition. London, 1854. Sm. 8 547.15 LEE, Robert Edmund, Confederate general, b. 1806, d. 1870. Pollard, E. A. Lee and his lieutenants; life of 272.20- Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns 243.1 Note. See also memoirs by J. E. Cooke. [B. II. 4441.18] ; by H. Lee,[B. H. 4402.2]; by MaeCabe,[B. II. 4.370.11]: Gorman, on his last campaign, [B. II. 4429.7]. See Harper s monthly, vol. 30; and the histories of the Civil war. ];and bv Harper s LEE, Russell. Stories from Russia, Siberia, Poland, and Circassia. Illustrated. London, 1853. 16 927.17 LEE, Samuel, English orientalist, b. 1783, d. 1852. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 LEE, Samuel Phillips, American rear-admiral, b. 1811. See Hoadley, J. T. Farragut and our naval com manders 272.7 LEECH, Harry H. Letters of a sentimental idler, from Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and the Holy Land. With engravings, etc. New York, 1869. 12 1675.10 LEEDS, 1st duke of. See Osborne, Thomas. LEFEBVRE, Francois Joseph, due dr.Dantzig, marshal of France, b. 1755, d. 1820. See Hoadley, J. T. Napoleon andhis marshals, .v. 2 of 605.1; v. 2 of 605.2 LEFFERTS, Marshall, general, telegraphic engineer and electrician, b. 1821. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 LEGENDARY art, Handbook of. Clement, C. E 1087.29 LEGGETT, William, American politician and miscella neous writer, b. 1802, d. 1840. Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 Whittior, J. G. Old portraits and modern sketches v. 1 of 823.21; 887.6 LEIBNITZ 165 LE VAILLANT Shelf. No. LEIBNITZ, Gottfried Wilhelm, German philosopher, historian, mathematician, jurist, theologian, andphi- lologist, b. 1046, d. 1716. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Note. See the histories of philosophy ; Kuno Fischer s his tory of philosophy, [B. II., in German, 7001.0.2] ; and Journal of speculative philosophy, [B. H. 7521.1, passim}. LEICESTER, Countess of. See Sidney, Dorothy. LEICESTER, Earl of. See Dudley, Robert. LEICESTER, John Fleming, lord De Tabley, b. 1762, d. 1827. See Jordan, W. Men I have known. 1522.9 LEIGHTON, Robert, archbishop of Glasgow, b. 1611, d. 1684. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers. 586.13 LEIPSIC campaign, The. Gleig, G. R 409.7; 1655.14 LEISLER, Jacob, American political adventurer, d. 1691. Hoffman, C. F. Administration of v. 13 of 529.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 LELAND, Henry P. Americans in Rome. New York, 1863. 12 664.9 LEMAISTRE, J. G. Travels through France, Switzer land, Italy, and Germany. London, 1806. 3 v. 8 654.3 LEMOINE, Henry, English eccentric bookseller, b. 1756, d. 1812. Su Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 LEJIOINNE, Jean. Wellington from a French point of view. London, 1852. 42pp. 16 578.14 LENNOX, Frances Theresa, formerly Stewart, duchess of Richmond, d. 1702. See Lodge, B. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, v. 6 of 815.1 LENOIR, Richard, French manufacturer, b. 1762, d. 1840. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the lab oratory and workshop 551.7 LE NORMAND, Maria Anne, French fortune-teller, b. 1772, d. 1843. Historical and secret memoirs ofHho empress Josephine, [of France, b. 1763, d. 1814]. [With portraits.] Translated by J. M. Howard. New edition. Philadelphia, 1850, 52. 2v. 12 606.1 See Remarkable women of different nations and ages 547.5 LENOX, Duke of. See Stuart, Lodowick. LEO X (Giovanni de Media), pope 1513-21,6. 1475, d. 1521. Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 1 of 388.7 Roscoe, W. Life and pontificate of 818.2 Note. ROBCOC S [also in B. H. 3552.8] is considered an infe rior book to the same author s Lorenzo de Bledici, but it is, with the translation of Rankc s Popes [&.8.1], the best account in English. See " Leo and Luther," in Harper s monthly, vol. 39. Sec also Italy, note. LEO XII (Annibale della Genga), pope 1823-29, b. 1760, d. 1829. Gavazzi, A. My recollections of the last four popes 1098.25 Wiseman, N. (P. S.) Recollections of tho last four popes.. f 1098.1; 2095.1 LEO, Juan (surnamed Africanus), Arabian traveller and geographer, b. about 1486, d. about 1540. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 1 of 810. 47 LEOMINSTER, Mass., History of, [1701-1852]. Wilder, D 227.12 LEON, Luis Ponce de, Spanish poet and theologian, b. 1527, d. 1591. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of emi nent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 3 of 398.1 LEONARD, Peter. The western coast of Africa. Rec ords of a voyage in the ship Dryad, 1830-32. Philadelphia, 1833. 12 699.10 LEONORA D ACTJNHA, queen of Portugal, fl. Ulh cen tury. See Edgar, J. G. Noblo dames of ancient story 569.27; 599.24 LEONOWENS, Anna Harriette. Romance of the harem. Illustrated. Boston, 1873. Sm. 8 697.26 LEOPARDI, Giacomo, count, Italian poet and philologist , b. 1798, d. 1837. Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 Mental portraits 557.10 L EPEE, Charles Michel do. See Epee, C. M. de 1 . L EPINE, Francesca Margarita do. See Epine, F. M. do 1 . Shelf. No. LEPSITJS, (Carl) Richard. Letters from Egypt, Ethio pia and Sinai. Translated by L. and S. B. Hor- ner. [Illustrated.] London, 1853. P. 8. 693. 17; 856.6 Tour from Thebes to Sinai, 1845. Translated by C. H. Cottrell. London, 1846. 92pp. 16... 699.16 LERMA, Francisco de Roxas or Rojas do Sandoval, duque de, Spanish statesman, b. 1578, d. 1625. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent for eign statesmen v. 1 of 388.7 LE ROCHOIS, Marthe. See Roehois, Marine. LE SAGE, Alain Rene, French novelist, b. 1668, d. 1747. See Scott, Sir W. Lives of tho novelists. 586.19 LESLEY, John, Roman catholic bishop of Ross, b. 1527, d. 1596. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 LESLIE, Charles Robert, English painter, b. 1794, d. 1859. Autobiographical recollections. Edited by T. Taylor. With portrait. Boston, 1860. 12. 587.18 LESLIE, David, 1st lord Newark, d. 1682. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 LESLIE, John, duke of Rothes, b. 1630, d. 1681. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 LESLIE, Sir John. Narrative of discovery and ad venture in tho polar seas and regions. See Murray, H 810.15 LESSING, Gotthold Ephraim, German philosopher, litte rateur, and poet, b. 1729, d. 1781. Do Quincey, T. Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters v. 1 of 895.20 Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545. 1 Stahr, A. Life and works of 1516.14 Note. The principal German lives are Danzel s [B. II. 4237.1] and Stahr s[B. H. 4843.G], and the above translation of the latter is the best book in Rnglish, and there is an excellent recapitulation, of it bv Lowell, [ISKi.l J]. There are brief me moirs in German, [lOl J.1.10; B. II. 2S97.10.10J; and one by Reich, [B. H. 2874.23]. The student will find the bibliogra phy of the Leasing literature [B. II. 2894.9 ; 490U.8] and the list in Joerdi Legging literature [B. 11. 28U4.9 ; 41)09.8 s [B. H.215(i.l.:j] convenient guides. S< rial of speculative philosophy, [B. H. 7521.1.2]; a: mann, note, for Lessing s relations with him. eealso Jour- nd Wiuckcl- LESTER, Charles Edwards. Condition and fate of England. [Anon.] New York, 1843. 2 v. 12. 988.9 Essay on the genius and times of Alfieri. See Al- fieri, V. Autobiography 544.6 Glory and shame of England. Now York, 1842. 2 v. 12 646.12 Light and dark of the rebellion. [Anon.] Phila delphia, 1863. 12 307.9 My consulship. New York, 1853. 2 v. 12... 678.6 The Napoleon dynasty: or, the history of the Bona parte family. By the Berkeley men, [pseud.]. With portraits. Now York, 1860. 8 . .. Gil. 3 Same. [To the death of Napoleon in.] Now York, 1873. 12 611.6 and FOSTER, Andrew. Life and voyages of Amer- icus Vespucius, [Florentine] navigator, [b. 1451, d. 1512]. New York, 1846. 8 544.1 LE TELLIER, Francois Michael, marquis de Louvnis, Fernch minister of war, b. 1641, d, 1691. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 3 of 388.7 LETTERS from Eden. Wheeler, C. H 1675.12 LETTERS from tho frontiers. MacCall, G. A . 1636.20 LETTERS from the shores of the Baltic. London, 1844. P. 8 889.29 LETTERS of a sentimental idler. Leech, H. H 1675.10 LETTERS of "An Englishman" on Louis Napoleon, the empire, and the coup d etat. London, 1852. P. 8 1009.6 LETTERS of Jonathan Oldstyle, gent. See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscellanies .... v. 2 of 1815.5 LETTERS-OF-MARQUE, 1812-14. Coggeshall, G 215.8 LETJTZE, Emmanuel, painter, b. 1816, d. 1868. See MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 5 15.14 LE VAILLANT, Francois, French traveller, naturalist, and writer, b. 1753, d. 1824. Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 12 of 179.1 St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 3 of 810.47 LEVANT 166 LINCOLN Shelf. No. LEVANT. Curzon, R. Visit to the monasteries in the. 1852 689.8 Prime, S. I. The Bible in the. 1859 688.9 LE VERT, Octavia W. Souvenirs of travel. New York, 1857. 2 v. 12 648.13 LEVIED, Edward. Outlines of the history of Rome. London, 1855, 56. 2 v. 18 1169.9 Outlines of the history of Greece. See Hamilton, W. D 829.38 LEVIS, Jeremy. Sixty years of [his] life. [Anon.] New York, 1831. 2 v. 12 597.13 LEWES, George H. Biographical history of philoso phy. London, 1852, 53. 4 v. 24 840.34 Same. New York, 1857. 2 v. 8 122.26 Same. Library edition. London, 1857. 8. . 122.4 Life and works of Goethe, [German dramatic author, poet, naturalist, and savant, b. 1749, d. 1832]. Boston, 1856. 2 v. 12 545.5 Life of Maximilian Robespierre, [French revolu tionist, b. 1758, ex. 1794]. London, 1849. 12. 615.1 The Spanish drama. Lope de Vega [Spanish poet, b. 1562, d. 1C35] and [Pedro] Caldcron [de la Barca, Spanish dramatist, b. 1601, d. 1687]. London, 1846. 24 840.35 LEWES, Marion J., formerly Miss Evans (George El iot), See McCarthy s Modem leaders 1512.3 Kote. See Hutton s Essays, [B. n. 4556.13.2] ; and Contem porary review, vol. 3. LEWIN, Thomas. Invasion of Britain by Julius Cse- sar. [With maps.] London, 1859. 8 LEWIS, Sir George Cornewall, English chancellor of the exchequer, b. 1806, d. 18G3. Inquiry into the credibility of the early Roman history. London, 1852. 2 v. 8 LEWIS, Ida, b. 1842. Ida Lewis, tho heroine of Lime rock. See Browerton, G. D LEWIS, Matthew G. Residence in tho West Indies. London, 1845. P. 8 LEWIS, Meriwother, and CLARKE, William. Allen, P. History of the expedition of Lewis and Clarke, [1804-6] Gass, P. Voyages and travels under tho com mand of Lewis and Clarke, [1804-G] LEWSO.V, Mrs. Jane, English eccentric, b. 1700. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters LEXINGTON, Mass., History of tho battle of. Froth- ingham, R 214.2 982.2 953.4 1519.3 889.30 820.52 625.6 1546.5 ; 231.2 non papers [8 .. ;.7, no. 47]. Also, Harper s monthly, vol. 20. See also general histories of Massachusetts, New England, and the United States, and the note under Concord. LEXINGTON papers, The. Sutton, R 975.11 LEYDEN, John, Scotch poet and orientalist, b. 1775, d. 1811. Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 2 of 548.22 Famous boys: and how they became great men. . 655.8 LEYSON, Thomas, fi. IGth century. See Bell, R. Lives of tho English poets v. 2 of 398.2 L HoPiTAL, Michel de, French magistrate, b. 1505, d. 1573. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 LIBBY prison, Richmond, Va. Libby life, 1863-64. Cavada, F. F 308.14 LIBERTY. Eliot, S. History of 134.7; 134.8 Passages from the History of 135.22 Giles, H. Lectures and essays, v. 2 of 875.6; v. 2 of 875.8 Note. See Everett s oration on the history of liberty, [861.7.1J. LIBERTY S ordeal. Bishop, P. P 309.22 LIBYAN desert, Adventures in the, [1847]. St. John, B 698.21; 899.9 LIDDELL, or LIDDEL, Duncan, Scotch mathematician and physician, b. 1561, d. 1613. <See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 686. 13 LIDDELL, Henry G. History of Rome, [Romulus to B. C. 30]. Illustrated. London, 1857. 12 957.4 Life of Julius Caesar, [b. B. c. ?.00, d. B. c. 44]. New York, 1860. 8 551.22 Shelf. No. LIBBER, Francis, Prussian jurist, b. 1800, d. 1872. Great events described by historians, chroniclers, and other writers. Boston, [cop. 1840]. 12.. 947. 12 Reminiscences of an intercourse with Nicbuhr, the [Gorman] historian [b. 1776, d. 1831], in 1822, 23. Philadelphia, 1835. 12 ................ 588.7 Tho stranger in America. London, 1835. 2 v. 12 ....................................... 628.19 Note. See translation in no. 1505 of Living age of a notice in the Revue de droit international. LIFE among the Mormons, and a march to their Zion. New York, 1868. 12 ...................... 1116.23 LIFE and adventure in tho South Pacific. By a rov ing printer. [Illustrated.] Now York, 1861. 12 ........................................ 638.16 LIFE annuities, Treatise on, by J. D. Witt. See Barnwell, R. G ............................. 545.16 LIFE in Normandy. [With illustrations.] Edin burgh, 1863. 2v. 8 ...................... 674.12 LIFE in tho desert. Du Courot, L ................ 696.16 LIFE in the open air. Winthrop, T ............... 634.16 Note. Adventures in forest and in camp. LIFE in the South ; from tho commencement of the war, 1860-62. By a blockaded British subject. London, 1863. 2 v. 16 ................... 307.1 LIFE of trust, The. Mueller, G ................... 555.5 Note. The author narrates how by the efficacy of prayer in bringing pecuniary aid when needed, he has maintained ex tensive charitable institutions. LIFE on the Nile. Warren, W. W ................ 689.30 LIFE-STUDIES. Baillie, Rev. J ................... 548.12 " LIFTED up." -See Douglas, W .................. 5G9.29 LIGHTED valley, The. See Bolton, R .............. 539.38 LILLY, Lambert, pseud. See Goodrich, Samuel G. LINCOLN, Earl of. See Clinton, Edward. LINCOLN, Abraham, IGth president of the United States, b. 1809, d. 1865. Life and martyrdom. [.Anem.j [With portrait.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1864]. 16. 569.6 Life, speeches, and public services, with a sketch of Hannibal Hamlin. [Anon.] [With portrait.] Now York, 1860. 12 ...................... 528.24 Tho martyr s monument. [Anon.] New York, [cop. 1865]. 12 ...................... 288.3; 823.12 Memoir. Appended an historical sketch on slavery. [Anon.] [With portrait.] London, 1861. 16 ................................. 528.27 Our martyr president. New York, [cop. 1865]. 12 ........................................ 2096.4 Contents. Sermons: W. R. Williams; II. W. Beeeherj H. W. Bellows; S. H. Tyng; C. S. Robinson ; W. 1. Budington; J. McClintock; A.N. Littlejohn; T.Ii. Cuylcr; J.P Thomp son: J.Eells; E.S. Porter; A.P.Kogers; S. U. Burdiard; 3. E. Rockwell ; S. T. Spoar ; R. Lowry : A. S. Hunt ; W. Adams ; II. J. Fox; H. B. Smith. Orations: G. Bancroft; B.Simpson. Prayers: S. H. Tyng; E. P. Rogers. The president s words : selection from [his] speech es, addresses, and letters. Boston, 1865. 16.. 823.4 Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of tho presidents ....... 1522.12 Arnold, I. N. History of .................... 1513.3 Barrett, J. H. Life of ....................... 518.24 Bartlett, D. W. Life and public services of ---- 627.21 Carpenter, F. B. Six months at the White house with ...................................... 1516.8 Crosby, F. Life of .......................... 569.4 Hanaford, P. A. Abraham Lincoln: his life and public services ............................. 1513.2 Lamon, W. H. Life of ....................... 521.14 Raymond, H. J. History of the administration of. 308.7 -- Life of ................................... 518.22 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times .......... 1522.8 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. The ballad of ........... 1320.1 Thayer, W. M. Tho pioneer boy, and how he became president ........................... 537.34 Victor, 0. J. Private and public life of ........ 1529.23 and DOUGLAS, Stephen A. Political debates, 1858. Columbus, 1860. 8 ........................ 292.5 Nott. Confining his narrative to the period before his presi dency, I/amon [also in B. II. 4.ij2.1G] otters by far the amplest account, but the author has little knowledge of book-craft, nor is he very regardful of delicacy or of privacy. While the ex tent of the book will prevent general familiarity with it, his opportunities have added much of detail, and disclosed some thing of novelty lor the future biographer. The book by Ar- LINCOLN 167 LIVES LINCOLN, Abraham, continued. nold [also in B. H. 4352.17] is the most extensive of preceding lives. The author was a congressman during the war, had known Lincoln for twenty years previously, and engaged in the writing of it with the subject s approval. It was not pub lished till after his death, and is largely a history of executive and legislative action during his administration. Raymond s History of the administration of Lincoln [also in B. H. 4342.34] tonsists of his letters, speeches, messages, etc., with links of elucidating narrative, but in his Lite and public services of Lincoln [B. II. 4. !42.18] the same author superseded his pre vious work, and afforded the material for Lndlow s " Lincoln self-pourtrayed," [B. H. 4332.21 1. Holland s book [also in B. H. 4352.1] deals more particularly with the personality of Lin coln, and was intended for popular appreciation. Crosby confines his survey almost entirely to the presidential career. The other memoirs were mostly written for campaign pur poses. of .".00 publications called out by his assassination at the end of Lincolniana, [B. H. 4342.9]. That by Boyd and Hart, 1870 [B. H. 0152.11], is by far the most complete. The Library possesses a file of about 2,000 newspapers of different parts of the world, gathered nt the time of the assassination, [B. H., Cab. 44.2]. The Supplement to the Bates Hall catalogue and the Card catalogue show alarge collection of titles. Of the shorter tributes, that by Mrs. iStowe, and the essay by J. K. Lowell [1810.22 ; B.H. 4509.28 ; 4509.31 ], may be mentioned. See also North American review, Jan., 1SG3; and Harper s monthly, vols. 31 and 87. LINCOLN, Benjamin, American revolutionary general, b. 1733, d. 1810. Bowen, F. Life of v. 23 of 529.1 Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. v. 2 of 516.1 LINCOLN, Mary, formerly Miss Todd, wife of Abraham Lincoln. See Keckley, E. Behind the scenes. Or, thirty years a slave, and four years in the White house 1595.17 LIND, Jenny. See Goldschmidt, Jenny Lind. LINDSAY, Lord. See Crawford, Alexander W. LINDSAY, Sir David, poet and diplomatist, b. 1490, d. 1557. See Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies v. 3 of 399.9 LINDSAY, William Schaw, Scotch merchant and ship owner, b. 1816. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 LINDSEY, Earls of. See Bertie, Montague and Robert. LINGARD, John, D. D., Roman catholic clergyman, b. 1771, d. 1851. History of England, from the first invasion by the Romans, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1688]. 5thedition. Paris, 1840. 8 v. 8 964.2 Same. New edition. London, 1844-51. 13 v. 16 969.3 Same. Abridged, and continued to 1835. Paris, 1836. 12 968.4 Note. See England, general histories, note. LINN, Elizabeth A., and SARGENT, Nathan. Life and public services of Lewis F. Linn, of Missouri, [b. 1795, d. 1843]. [With portrait.] New York, 1857. 8 523.1 LINN, Lewis F., Life and public services of. See Linn, E. A 523.1 LINNAEUS, or LINNE, Charles, Swedish naturalist and author, b. 1707, d. 1778. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Goodrich , S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869. 1 Groser, W. H. Men worth imitating 557.20 Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 6 of 179.1 Men who have risen 551.18 LIPPI, Frd Filippo, Italian painter, b. 1400, d. 1469. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 1 of 840. 23 LIPPINCOTT, Sara Jane, formerly Miss Clarke. Bon nie Scotland. By Grace Greenwood, [pseud.]. With illustrations. Boston, 1861. 16 997.4 Haps and mishaps of a tour in Europe. By Grace Greenwood, [pseud.]. Boston, 1854. 12 658.5 New life in new lands: notes of travel. By Grace Greenwood, [pseud.]. New York, 1873. 12.. 1656.9 Contents. Chicago as it was; Colorado; Utah; Nevada; California ; Homeward journey ; Colorado in autumn. Records of five years, [1861-65]. By Grace Greenwood, [pseud.]. Boston, 1867. 16 1816.4 Stories and sights of France and Italy. With illustrations. By Grace Greenwood, [pseud.]. Boston, 1867. 16 1677.15 Shelf. No. LISBON, Ship and shore, in. 1851. Col ton, W 678.10 Kote. See Harper s monthly, vol. 33. LISLE, Alicia, lady, victim of Judge Jeffreys, ex. 1685. See Adams, AV. H. D. The sunshine of domestic life 1517.1 LISZT, Franz, Hungarian pianist, b. 1811, d. 1869. Life of Chopin, [Polish pianist, b. 1810, d. 1849]. Translated by M. W. Cook. Philadelphia, 1863. 12 551.24 LITERATURE. Botta, A. C. L. Hand-book of classi cal literature 386.5 Disraeli, I. Amenities of 404.8 ; 897.7 Curiosities of 392.4; 402.5; 897.1; 897.3 Miscellanies of 897.5 Gilfillan, G. Modern literature and literary men: being a second gallery of literary portraits 548.3 Third gallery of portraits 548.4 Grant, J. Walks and wanderings in tho world of. 1840 898.19 Landreth, P. Studies and sketches in modern literature 393.4 Ossoli, S. M. F., marchesa d . Literature and art. 403.18 Schlegel, (C. W.) F. von. Lectures on the his tory of 857.13 Soane, G. Now curiosities of 402.11 Tannehill, W. Sketches of the history of 402.8 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of 548.5 Whipple, E. P. Literature and life 1818.6 The literature of the age of Elizabeth 1373.5 Kate. The history of literature is a department of letters of modern growth. Hallam [1373.1 ; ]:!73.2; 1373.3; B. H. 210!.!] traces in his preface its rise and progress through Morhof s Polyhistor, 1088 [B. II. 2195.20], subsequently enlarged by Fa- bricius, but the book shows scantv acquaintance with English literature: Boyle s Dictionary, 1097 [B. II., in French, 2245.1; in English, 2230.1]; Andres, 1782-99 [B. II. 2200.2], a Spanish Jesuit, who surveyed both ancient and modern literature- Eichhorn, 1805-11 [B. II. 2193.0]. an unequal book, beginning with the earliest times. There have been several later German works of the same scope, like Wachler, 18:Vi. [B. II. 4143.2]; and Scherr, 1868, [B. H. 4875.4]. F. von Itauincr has a com pendious handbook, the substance of lectures [B. II. 2194.6], while Schlegel s book, above named, in the translation, 13 probably tiie best known to the English reader of all. It was written in 1815, and has particular reference to the influence of literature on the progress of nations. A survey of the period in 1827, and the author had no advantages. Fclton has a lecture on the primeval literature of the East, [955.9]. There is a cursory retrospect by Montgomery, the poet [405.14; 810.04], covering a period "from the earliest times to the 12th century. For the 18th century, see Villemain [B. H. 2072.7.2] and Sehlosser [B. H. 2301.2], who is reviewed in De Quincey s Note-book. [0004.13]. For the literary history of particular countries, see the names of these countries. Madame De StaiTs work on literature in its relations with society [B. H. 3509.8] is reviewed in Jeffrey s essays [863.0], and is the earliest extensive work in the modern spirit. LITTLE Fox, The: or, the story of Sir F. L. M Clin- tock s Arctic expedition. See C., S. T 1708.20 LITTLE helper, The: a memoir of F. A. Caswell. See Goodwin, L. S 2089.12 LITTLE tour, A, in Ireland. [Illustrated.] By an Oxonian. London, 1859. Sq. 16 645.22 LIVERMORE, Abiel A. The war with Mexico [1845- 47] reviewed. Boston, 1850. 12 259.4 LIVERMORE, George, American merchant and scholar, b. 1809, d. 1805. Opinions of the founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. Boston, 1862. 8.. 292.11 Memoir of. See Deane, C 1513.16 LIVERPOOL, Id earl of. See Jenkinson, Robert Banks. LIVERSEEGE, Henry, painter, b. 1803, d. 1832. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 6 of 379.9; v. 5 of 810.19 LIVES and voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dam- pier; including earlier discoveries in the South sea and the history of the bucaneers. With por traits. New York, 1864. 18 810.41 LIVES made sublime by faith and works. Steel, R. 577.13; 577.16 LIVES of British physicians. [With portraits.] Lon don, 1830. 16 389.13 LIVES of Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of America [b. 1446 or 47, d. 1506], and Americus Vospucius, the Florentine, [b. 1451, d. 1512]. With engravings. Boston, 1840. 18 547.21 LIVES 168 LODGE Shelf. No. LIVES of eminent persons. [Illustrated.] London, 1833. 8 365.18 Contents. Galileo Galilei, Italian philosopher, mathema tician, and astronomer, b. 1561, d. 104:!: Johauii Kepler, or Keppler, German astronomer, b. 1571, d. 1630; Sir Isaac New ton, English geometiician and philosopher, b. 1642, d. 1727; Mahomet, or Mohammed, Arabian prophet, b. 671, d. 632; Thotnas Wolsey. English cardinal, b. 1471, d. 1530; Sir Ed ward Coke, English lord chiet-justico and writer, b. 1549, d. 1634; John Somers, lord, lord-chancellor of England, b. 1650, d. 1716; William Caxton, tha first English printer, b. about 1412, d. 1491 ; Eobert Blake, English admiral, b. 1599, d. 1057 ; Adam Smith, Scotch economist and moralist, b. 1723, d. 1790 ; Carsten Niebuhr. Hanoverian traveller, b. 1723, d. 1815; Sir Christopher Wren, English architect, b. 1632, d. 1723 ; Michel- Augc-lo Buonarotti, Italian painter, sculptor, and architect, b. 1474, d. 15(54. LIVES of Horatio Seymour and Frank P. Blair, jr. Philadelphia, [cop. 1868]. 95 pp. 16 1529.4 LIVES of the apostles and early martyrs of the church. New York, 1834. 18 1859.1 LIVES of Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax. Illustrated. Cincinnati, 1868. 8 1513.12 LIVES of U. S. Grant and Henry Wilson. With por traits and other engravings. Philadelphia, [cop. 1872]. 16 518.27 LIVES of Vaaco Nunez do Balboa, the discoverer of the Pacific ocean [b. 1475, d. 1517], Hcrnando Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico [b. 1485, d. 1554], and Francisco Pizarro, the conqueror of Peru [b. 1475, d. 1541]. Boston, 1840. 18. . . 539.21 LIVINGSTONE, Charles. Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi. See Livingstone, D 681.9 LIVINGSTONE, David, D. D., explorer in Africa, b. 1817. Livingstone and his African explora tions: together with a full account of the Young, Stanley, and Dawson search expeditions ; chapters on ancient and modern Nile discovery; on the central African slave trade, etc. [With map and illustrations.] New York, 1872. 12 1697.1 Missionary travels and researches in South Africa, [1840-50]. With illustrations. New York, 1858. 8 691.1 Same. Philadelphia, [cop. 1859]. 12 1694.12 Perilous adventures and discoveries in the interior of Africa, together with the success and impor tant results of the Herald-Stanley expedition, as furnished by H. M. Stanley. Added a sketch of the diamond diggings. [Anon. } Illustrated. Philadelphia, [cop. 1872]. 16 1697.2 Popular account of missionary travels and re searches in South Africa. With map and illus trations. London, 1861. 16 1694.2 Adams, H. G. The weaver-boy who became a missionary: life and labours of 1527.10; 1527.11 Famous boys: and how they became great men. . 555.8 Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone 1611.1 ffote. See Stanle} and others, mentioned in the note under Africa and Niln ; also summary of his several explorations in Bayard Taylor s South Africa, [099.25]. Also Ixmdon quar terly review, Jan., 18(56; Westminster review, Jan., 1806; Fraser s magazine, Jan., 1858; and Ilarper s monthly, vol. 16. and Charles. Narrative of an expedition to tho Zambesi and its tributaries, 1858-64. With map and illustrations. Now York, 1866. 8 681.9 LIVIUS PATAVINUS, Titus, b. B. c. 59, d. A. D. 17. History of Rome [to u. c. 166]. Translated by G. Baker. Boston, 1823. 6 v. 8 946.4 Same. Now York, n. d. 5 v. 18 830.19 Same. Translated by Spillan, Edmonds and M Devitto. [With portrait.] London, 1850-53. 4 v. P. 8 814.4 LIZARD, A week at tho. 1848. Johns, C. A 659.29 LLORENTE, Juan Antoine. History of the Spanish inquisition: abridged by L. Gallois. Now York, 1826. 24 1115.22 LLOYD, David, 6. 1598, d. 1663. See Bell, R. Lives of tho English poets v. 2 of 398.2 LLOYD, George T. Thirty-throo years in Tasmania and Victoria. London, 1862. P. 8 704.23 LLOYD, W. F. Life of Robert Raikos, and of tho his tory of Sunday schools. Now York, 1852. 16.. 678.13 LOANGO. Tho country of tho dwarfs. Du Chaillu, P. (B.) 657.23 LOCAL loiterings and visits in the vicinity of Boston. 1845. Dix,J.R 228.9 Shelf. No. LOCHIEL, Cameron of. See Cameron of Lochiel. LOCKE, E. W. Three years in camp and hospital. Boston, 1870. 16 ". 276.18 LOCKE, John, English philosopher and theologian, b. 1632, d. 1704. Life and letters. By Lord King. New edition. London, 1858. P. 8 857.11 Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th cen tury v. 2 of 839.6 Brown, J. Horse subseoivaB v. 1 of 894. 13 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 10 of 840.10 Groser, W. H. Men worth imitating 557.20 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 Morgan, T. Life of 667.6 Note. Lord King s [also in B. H. 2457.0] is the standard life, and Locke is made to be his own biographer as far as pos sible. There is a life attached to his works, [B. II. 360- . 1.1; also see 3009.73]. See the elaborate article with references in Allibone. LOCKHART, John G., Scottish novelist and critic, b. 1794, d. 1854. History of Napoleon Buonaparte, [b. 1769, d. 1821]. [Anon.] With engravings. 3dodition. London, 1835. 2 v. 16 C 389.14 Same. New York, 1843. 2 v. 16 810.2 Life of Robert Burns, [b. 1759, d. 1796]. Edin burgh, 1828. 16 830.39 Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott, [b. 1771, d. 1832]. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v. 12 585.2 Same. Boston, 1837-41. 7 v. in 4. 12 585.15 Same. Philadelphia, n. d. 8 v. 10 of 902.1 Note. See memoir bv R. S. Mackenzie, in Noctes ambro- siana:, [865.1.3]; also Harper s monthly, vol. 10. LOCKHART, John I. Attica and Athens. Translated from the Gorman of Muller, Grotefond, and others. With map and plan. London, 1842. 8. 955.7 LODGE, Edmund. Portraits of illustrious personages of Groat Britain. With biographical and his torical memoirs. Cabinet edition. London, n. d. 8 v. 16 815.1 Contents. Vol. I. Elizabeth, of York, queen of Henry VII, b. 1406, d. 1502; Thomas Stanley, 1st earl of Derby, d. 1504; Margaret Stanley, formerly Beaufort, countess of .Richmond and Derby, mother of Henry vn, b. 1411, d. 1500; Thomas Wolsey, bishop of Lincoln 1514, archbishop of York 1514, cardinal, b. 1471, d. 1530; William Warham, archbishop of Canterbury, lord high chancellor, b. 1460, d. 1532; Sir John More, judge, b. 1443, d. 15.53 ; Sir Thomas More, historian, and lord-chancellor of England, b. 1180, d. 1535; Anne Bolcyu, or Bullen, queen of Ilenry viu, b. 1507, d. 1536 ; Jane Seymour, queen ofllenry VIII, d. 1537 ; Sir Nicolas Carew, conspirator, beheaded 1539; Thomas Cromwell, earl of Essex, diplomatist, b. about 1490, beheaded 1540; Margaret Tudor, daughter of Henry VII, queen of James IV, king of Scotland, b. 1489, d. 1541 ; Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, favourite of Henry VIII, d 1545; David Bcatoun, Beaton, or Bethune, cardinal and primate of Scotland, b. 1194, d. 1540; Henry Upward, earl of Surrey, poet, b. about 1515, d. 1547; Henry viil, king of Eng land, -b. 1491, d. 1547; Catherine Parr, wile of Henry VIII, b. 1509, d. 1548; Thomas Seymour, lord Sudcley, lord high ad miral, ex. 1549: Sir Anthony Denny, favourite of Henry Vin, b. 1.501, d. 1550; Edward Seymour, duke of Somerset, courtier and author, ex. 1552; Edward VI. king of England, b. 1538, d. 1553; John Dudley, duke of Northumberland, lord high ad miral, b. 1502, ex. 1553 ; Thomas Howard, 3d duke of Norfolk, naval and military officer, b. 1473, d. 1554; Ladv Jane Grey, aueen of England 13 days, b. 1537, ex. 1554 ; Henry Grey, uke of Suffolk, beheaded J551 ; John Russell, 1st earl of Bed ford, high admiral of England, d 1555; Nicholas Ridley, bishop ot London, martyr, burnt 1555 ; Thomas Cranmer, arch bishop of Canterbury, martyr, b. 1489, burnt 1556; Edward Courtenay, earl of Devonshire, b. about 152(5, d. 15515; Reginald Pole, cardinal, b. 1500, d. 1558. Vol. II. Mary I, queen of England, b. 1516, d. 1558 ; William Paget, lord, statesman and diplomatist, b. 1500. d. 15J!; Ed ward North, 1st lord, politician, b. about 149o,d. 15(54; Henry Stuart, lord Darnlev, consort of JIary, queen of Scots, b. 1511, d. 1567 ; James Stuart, carl ot Murray, regent of Scotland, b. 1533, d. 1570; JohnKnox, Scotch retbrmer, b. 1505, d. 1572; Thomas Howard, 4th duke of Norfolk, b. 15:!(>, d. 157- ; William Paulet, or Powlett, 1st maiquisof Winchester, b. 1475, d. 1572; Sir Wil liam Maitlaud, of Lcthington, secretary to Queen Mary, and poet, d. 1573; James Hamilton, earl of Arran, tluke of Chatel- herault, regent of Scotland, d. 1574; Matthew Parker, arch bishop of Canterbury, b. 1504, d. 1575: Walter Devcreux, 1st earl of Essex, b. 1510, d. 1576; Sir Nicholas Bacon, lawyer, statesman, and lord keeper, b. 1510, d. 1579; SirThomas Gres- ham, merchant, b. 1519, d. 1579; Henry Fitzalan, earl of Arun- del, b. 1512, d. 1580; James Douglas, 4th earl of Morton, b. 15JO;11. 1581; Thomas Radclytie, or Ratclitt c, carl of Sussex, b. 1526, d. 15S3; Edward Canton, carl of Lincoln, b. 1512, d. 1584; Sir Philip Sidney . b. J554, d. 1586; Mary Stuart, queen cellor of England, b. 1540, d. 1591; William Allen, Roman catholic cardinal, b. about 1532, d. 1594; Sir Francis Drake, admiral, b. about 1510, d. 1590; Philip Howard, carl of Arun- dcl, b. 1557, d. 1515 ; John Maitland, lord of Thirlstaue, statesman and litterateur, b. about 15;!7, d. 1595; Wiliiam Cecil, lord Burlcigh, or Burghley, lord treasurer of Eli/.abcth, b 1520, LODGE 169 LOG Shelf. No. LODGE, Edmund. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, continued. d. 1596; Robert Devereux, 2d carl of Essex, high admiral of England, favourite of Queen Elizabeth, b. 1507, ex. 1601. Vol. III. Elizabeth, queen of England, scholar and author ess, b. 15:13, d. 1003; John Hamilton, marquis, b. 1532, d. 1004; George Clifford, yd earl of Cumberland, naval commander, b. 1558, d. 1605; Charles Blount, earl of Devonshire, military officer and statesman, b. 1503, d. 100(3 ; Tnomas Saokville, earl of Dorset, statesman and poet, b. 1027, d. 1008; Sir Thomas Bodley, diplomatist, founder of the Bodleian library, b. 1544, d. 1612; Robert Cecil, 1st carl of Salisbury, statesman and di plomatist, b. 1550, d. 1012; Henry, prince of Wales, eldest son of James I, b. 1594, d. 1012 ; Henry Howard, earl of North ampton, writer, b. 1339, d. 1614 ; Lady Arabella Stuart, b. about 1577, d. 1615; Tuomas Egerton, viscount Brackley, 1st lord Ellesmerc, lord- chancellor of England, b. about 1540, d. 1017; Sir Walter Raleigh, navigator, warrior, statesman, and historian, b. 1552, d. 1018; Mary Herbert, formerly Sidney, couutessof Pembroke, b. about 1550, d. 1021 ; Thomas Cecil, 1st earl of Exeter, b. 1542, d. 1021; Henry Wriothesley, earl of Southampton, b. 1573, d. 1024; James Hamilton, marquis, earl of Cambridge, favourite of James I of England, b. 1589, d. 1624; Charles Howard, 1st carl of Nottingham, lord Efh ng- ham, lord high admiral of England, b. l.",:JO, d. 1624; Lodo- wiek Stuart, duke of Richmond and Lenox, diplomatist, b. 1574, d. 1624: Francis Bacon, lord Verulam, viscount St. Al- bans, lord-chancellor, b. 1501, d. 1620; Thomas Howard, carl Of Suffolk, English admiral, b. 1501. d. 1020; Edward Somerset, earl of Worcester, b. about 1544, d. 1627; Lucy Russell, former ly Haringtou, oountess of Bedford, d. 1627 ; George Villiers, 1st duke of Buckingham, favourite of James I, b. 1592, d. 1628; , , . , . ; Fulke Greville, 1st lord Brooke, statesman, philosopher, and poet. b. 1554, d. 10i8; George Carew, earl of Totnes. historian, b. 1557, d. 1029; William Herbert, earl of Pembroke, poet, b. 1.WO, d. 1600; Sir Hugh Middle-ton, engineer, b. 1505? d. 1031; Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, b. 1. 03, d. 10",2; Geurge Abbot, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1502, d. 1633; Richard Weston, 1st earl of Portland, d. 16S4. Vol. IV. Walter Aston, lord, b. 1584, d. 1639; Frances Stuart, formerly Howard, duchess of Richmond, lady of the court of James I, b. 1594, d. 1632; Sir Henry Wotton, states man and litterateur, b. 1508, d. 1639; Thomas Coventry, lord, lord keeper, b. 1578, d. 1040; Francis Russell, 4th earl of Bed- lord, d. 1041 ; Thomas Wentworth, 1st carl of Stratford, states man, b. 1593, d. 1041 ; Robert Bertie, 1st carl of Lindsev. admi ral, b. 1582, d. 16S2; Robert Greville, 2d lord Brooke, writer, b. 1608, d. 1043; SpciicerCompton, 2d earl of Northampton, gen eral, defender of Charles I, b. 1601, d. 1043; Robert Dormer, 1st earl of Caernarvon, slain at the battle of Newbury, 1043; William Villiers, viscount Grandison, b. 101:!, d. 1043; Wil liam Fielding, 1st earl of Denbigh, d.104;!; Henry Spencer, 1st earl of Sunderlaud, patriot, b. 1C20, d. 1043; Lucius Cary, 2d viscountFalkland.English secretary of state, b. about 1010, d. 1643; Henry Danvers, earl of Danny, general and statesman, b. 1573, d. 1643; William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1573, beheaded 1045 ; Lionel Cranncld, 1st earl of Middlesex, d. 164.); Henry Somerset, 1st marquis of Worcester, b. about 1502, d. 1640; Thomas Howard, carl of Aruudel and Surrey, Eng lish ambassador and antiquary, b. 1580, d. 1616; Robert Dev- ereux, 3d earl of Essex, parliamentary general, b. 15<J2, d. 1046; Arthur Capcl, lord, English partisan of Charles I, b. about 1600, beheaded 1049; Charles I, king of England, martyr, b. 1000, ex. 16 J9 ; Edward Herbert. 1st lord Usrbert of Cherbury. philosopher, b. 1581, d. 1018; James Hamilton, 1st duke of Hamilton, b. 1600, d. 1649; Blanche Somerset Arundell, bar oness of Wardour, English heroine, defender of Wardour Castle, b. 1583, d. 1649; Henry Rich, 1st carl of Holland, be headed 1649; George Gordon, 2d marquis of Iluntley, royalist, beheaded 104 j; George Goring. Ion), royalist general, d. 1050; James Graham, 1st marquis of Montrose, Scutch royalist, D. 1012, ex. 1050; Philip Herbert, carl of Pembroke, and 1st earl of Montgomery, Knpiish eccentric, d. 1050. Vol. V. William Hamilton, 2d duke of Hamilton, English :ecretary of state for Scotland, b. 1010, d. 1651 ; James Stanley, ward Sackville, 4th carl of Dorset, English royalist, b. 1590, d. 1652; John golden, statesman, archaeologist, and political writer, b. 1584, d. 1051; James Stuart, duke of Richmond, master of the household, and lord warden of the. Cinq Ports, b. 1012, d. 10.55 ; Robert Rich, 2d earl of Warwick, high admiral of England, b. 1587, d. 1058; Oliver Cromwell, lord, protector of England, b. 1599, d. KM; Dorothy Sidney, formerly Percy, countess of Leicester, d. 1059; William Seymour, 1st marquis of Hertford, and duke of Somerset, d. WX) Lucy Hay, former, ly Percy, countess of Carlisle, b. 1600, d. 1000 ; Archibald Campbell, marquis of Argyll, or Argyle. partisan of Cromwell, b. 1598, d. 1661; Elizabeth, queen o f Bohcmia, b. 1590. d. 1062; Charlotte Stanley. /o/-/cr/.>/ La Tremouille, countess of Derby, English royalist, d. 16 2! : Sir Kenelm Digby, EnRtish eccentric author, b. 1603, d. 10>!,"> ; Montague Bertie, 2el earl of Liudsey, Scottish captain of the Guards to Charles I, b. 1608, d. 1606; Edward Somerset, 2d marquis of Worcester, philosopher and author, d. 1067; Thomas Wriothesley, 4th earl of Southamp ton, lord high treasurer, d. 10 J7 ; Algernon Pcrcv, earl of Northumberland,, grand admiral of England, b. 1002. d. 1608; Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I, b. hi09, d. 1000; George Monk, duke of Albemarle. English parliamentary general, chief restorer of Charles II, b. 1008. d. 1070; Edward Montagu, 2d earl of Manchester, general and statesman, b. 1002, d. 1071; AnneHydc.ducliessof York, queen of James n, b. 1637,d. 1671; Edward Montagu. 1st earl of Sandwich, general, admiral, and statesman, b. 1025, d. 1072; Thomas Clitlord, 1st lord Clifford, b. 1630, d. 1673; Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon, statesman, lord-chancellor, and historian, b. 1608, d. 1074; John Paulct, or Powlett, 5th marquis of Winchester, loyalist, d. 1074 ; Anne Herbert, formerly Clifford, countess of Pembroke, English authoress, b. 1589, d. 1075 ; William Kerr, 3d earl of Lothian, Scotch politician, d. 1075. Vol. VI. William Cavendish. 1st duke of Newcastle, gcn- eial and litterateur, b. 1592, d. 1670; Sir Matthew Hale, chief- justice of the king s bench, and writer, b. 1(109, d. 1070 ; George, Digby, 2d earl ol Bristol, politician, b. 1012. d. 1070 ; William How aid, viscount Stafford, conspirator, h. 1012, ex. 1080; John Leslie, duke of Rothes, b. 10:;0. d. 1081 ; Prince Rupert, Ger man warrior, chemist, and physician, b. 1610, d. 1082; John Maitland, duke of Laudcrclale, statesman, b. 1610, d. 1082; LODGE, Edmund. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, continued. Hcneage Finch, earl of Nottingham, lord-chancellor of Eng land, b. 1621, d. 1082; David Leslie, 1st lord Newark, d. 1082; Dorothy Spencer, formerly Sidney, countess of Sunderland, b. 1620,d. 1084 ; William Russell, lord, statesman, b. 1639, beheaded 1083; Algernon Sidney, English republican politician, b. 1022, beheaded 1083; Anne Russell, formerly Cane, countess of Bedford, d. 1084; Charles II, king of England, b. 1030, d. 1685; James Scot, duke of Moumouth, b. 1049, ex. ](J8"> ; Henry Ben- net, earl of Arlington, statesman, one of the " Cabal," b. 1618, d. 1685; Francis North. 1st lord GuilfOrd, lord keeper, b. 1637, d. 1085; Archibald Campbell, 9th earl of Argyll, or Argyle, confederate of Monmouth, beheaded 1685: James Butler, 1st duke of Ormond. English commander-in-chief of the army in Ireland, b. 1610, d.1088; John Graham, called Clavcrhousc, 1st viscount of Dundee, Scotch general and politician, b. 1030, d. 1689; Elizabeth Cavendish, formerly Cecil, countess of Devon shire, d. 1089; Robert Boyle, Irish philosopher and chemist, one of the founders of the Royal society, b. 1020, d. 1091; John Tillotson, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1030, d. 1091; William Craven, 1st earl of Craven, b. 1000, d. 1097; William Russell, Jst duke of Bedford. English statesman, b. 1014,d.l?00; Robert Spencer, 2d carl of Suuderland, English statesman, b. 1041, d. 1702; Frances Theresa Lennox, formerly Stewart. duchess of Richmond, d. 1702; Archibald Campbell, 1st dukeof Argyll, d. 1703; John Locke, philosopher and theologian, b. 1032, d. 1704; Catherine of Braganza, queen ot Charles n, b. 1638, d. 1705. Vol. VII. William Cavendish. Istdukeof Devonshire, Eng lish statesman and patriot, b. 1040. d. 1707; Sidney Godolphin, earl, statesman, lord high treasurer, b. 1630, d. 1712; Thomas Osborne, carl of Danby and eluke of Leeds, b. 1631, d. 1712; Anne, queen of England, b. 1604,d.l714; Gilbert Burnet, bish op of Salisbury 1089, historian, b. 1043, d. 1715; John Somers, lord-chancellor of England, b. 1650, d. 1710; Charles Talbot, duke of Shrewsbury, lord-lieutenant of Ireland, b. 1000, d. 1718; John Churchill, 1st duke of Maryborough, English gen eral and statesman, b. 10JO, d. 1722; Lody Rachel Russcll,/or- merly Wriothesley, authoress, b. 1630. d. 1723; Robert Ilarley, earl of Oxford and Mortimer, statesman, b. 1661, d. 1724; Sir Isaac Newton, English geometrician and philosopher, b. 1042, d. 1727; Francis Attcrhury, bishop of Rochester, b. 1<>62, d. 1732; Charles Mordaunt, 3d carl of Peterborough, statesman and general, b. 1062, d. 1735; John Campbell, duke of Argyll and Greenwich, commander and ambassador, b. 1678, d. 1743; Sarah Churchill, formerly Jennings, duchess of Marlborough, b. 1060. d. 1744: James Butler, 2d duke of Or mond. English general, b. 1003, d. 1747; Robert Walpole, 1st earl of Orford, English statesman, b. 1076, d. 1745; Charles Seymour, 6th duke of Somerset, b. 1002, d. 1748; John Mon tagu, 2d duke of Manchester, b. 1688, d. 1741); Henry St. John, 1st viscount Bolingbroke, English litterateur, orator, and statesman, b. 1072, d. 1751 ; Richard Boyle, 3d earl of Builing- ton, and 4th earl of Cork, architect, b. Ki95, d. 1753 ; Horatio Walpole. lord, English diplomatist, historian, and political writer, b. 1078, d. 17V>7; William Pulteney, earl of Bath. Eng lish statesman, b. 1082, d. 1704 ; Philip Yorke, 1st earl of Hard- wicke, English lawyer, b. 1090, d. 1701; Thomas Pelham Holies, dukeof Newcastle, English statesman, b. 1093, d. 1768; John Manners, marquis of Granhy .English general, b. ITU, d. 1770; John Russell, 4th dukeof Bedford, politician, lord- lieutenant of Ireland, b. 1710, d. 1771; Henry Fox, 1st lord Holland, English statesman, b. 1705, d. 1774 ; Hobert Clive, 1st lord Clive, English general, b. 1725, d. 1774; William Pitt, 1st earl of Chatham, English statesman, b. 1708, d. 1778. Vol. VIII. Edward Hawke, English admiral, b. 1715, d, 1781 ; Charles Watsou, Wentworth, 2d marquis of Rocking- 1mm, English statesman, b. 1730, d. 1782; Augustus Keppel, viscount, 1st lord of the Admiralty, b. 1725, d. 1780; George Augustus Eliott, 1st lord Hoathfield , English general, defender of Gibraltar, b. 1717, el. 1790: George, lirydges Rodney, lord, English admiral, b. 1718, d. 1792 : Frederick North, 2d earl of Guilford, English statesman, b. 17:12. d. 1792; John Stuart, 3d earl of Bute, English statesman, minister, and botanist, b. 1713, d. 1792; William Murray, 1st earl of Mansfield, English advo cate, judge, and statesman, b. 1705. d. 1793; diaries Pratt. 1st earl of Canw en, English chief-justice and politician, b. 1713, d. 1794; Sir William Jones, English orientalist, jurist, and lit terateur, b. 1740, d. 1791 ; Horace Walpole, 4th carl of Orford, English antiquary and miscellaneous author, b. 1717, d. 1797 ; Jeffrey Amhorst, lord, English general, b. 1717, d. 1797; Rich- ard Howe, carl, English admiral, b. 1725. d. 1799; Sir Ralph Abercromby, Scotch general, b. 1734, d. 1801; Francis Russell, 5th duke of Bedford, statesman and agriculturist, b. 1705, d. 1802; Adam Duncan, baron Campordown, 1st viscount Dun can, Scottish admiral, b. 1731, d. 1804; Horatio Nelson, admiral, b. 1758, d. 1805; Charles Cornwallis, marquis, b. 1738. el. 1805: William Fitzmaurice Petty, 1st marquis of Lansdowne, b. 1737, el. 1N.V>: William Pitt, English statesman and orator, b. 1759. d. 1*00; Charles James Fox.Jiuglish orator and statesman, b. 1749, d. 1800 : Alexander Hood, 1st viscount Bridpovt, British admiral, b. 1720, d- 114; Samuel Hood, 1st viscount Hood, British admiral, b. 1724. d. 1810; Charlotte Caroline Augusta, princess of Wales, daughter of George IV, b. 1796. d. 1817; Sir Joseph Banks, English naturalist and philosopher, b. 1743, el. 1820; John Jervfs, carl of St. Vincent, English admiral, b. 17;!5, d. 1823; Robert Banks Jcnkinson, 2d earl of Liverpool, English minister of state, b. 1770, <1. 1829; Sir Walter Scott, Scotch novelist, poet, and historian. I). 1771, d. 1832; Edward Pellew, viscount Exmoiith. English admiral, b. 1756, d. 1833; Arthur Wellesley.dukc of Wellington. British field-marshal, b. 1769, d. 1852. LODGE, Thomas, b. 1555 ? d, 1625. See Bell, R. Lives of tho English poets v. 2cf3U8.2 LOFTUS, John, Irish soldier, b. 1748, d. 1782. Sec Russell, W, Eccentric personages 5G9.19 LOFTUS, William K. Travels and researches in Chal- dseaandSusiana, 1840-52, [With illustrations.] New York, 1857. 8 C94.1 LOG cabin and hard cider melodies; dedicated to the friends of Harrison and Tyler. Boston, 1840. 72pp. 18 229.15 LOG college. See Princeton, N. J. LOGAN 170 LONDONDERRY 1655.2 615.4 Shelf. No. LOGAN, chief of the Mnyo or Cayuga tribe, fl. 1774. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated Ameri can Indians ........................... T. 5 of 1869.1 LOGAN, Olive. See Sikes, 0. LOMBARDY. Barrow, 3. .jr. Tour on the continent, in 1852 ............................. 409.26; Traces of the Roman and Moor through Lombar- dy. 1853 .................................. LOM&NIE, Louis L. do. Beaurnarchais [b. 1732, d. 1799] and his times. Translated by II. S. Ed wards. New York, 1857. 8 ................. Sketches of conspicuous living characters of France. Translated by R. M. Walsh. [With portrait of Thiers.] Philadelphia, 1843. 12.. 614.8 LONDON. Abbott, J. Rollo in. 1858 ............ 659.5 Austin, W. Letters from London, [1802, 3] ..... 647.2 Blackmoro, J. The London by moonlight mis sion. 1861 ................................ 2109.12 _ Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants. 1869 ...................................... ! 55 9-3 Brayley, E. W. Londiniana; or, reminiscences of the British metropolis. 1829 .............. 989.7 Do Foe, D. Journal of the plague year; or, the pestilence in, [1665] ........................ 379.17 Emerson, G. R. London: how the groat city grew. 1862 ................................ 997.14 Fairholt, F. W. Gog and Magog. The giants of Guildhall. 1859 ........................... 999.21 Garwood, J. The million-peopled city. 1853.... 126.9 Grant, J. The great metropolis. 1837 .......... 868.8 -- The metropolitan pulpit. 1839 ..... T ......... 1099.11 -- Sketches of. 1839 .......................... 646.13 Head, Sir F. B. Stokers and pokers: or, the Lon don and North-western railway, etc. 1849 ..... 889.23 Hollinc shead, J. Odd journeys in and out of. I860? ..... . ............................... 645.18 Hunt, (J. II.) Leigh. The town: its memorable characters and events. 1867 ................. 997.20 Knight, C. Cyclopaedia of. 1851 ............. 974.2 -- London. 1851 ............................ 961.2 MacCulloch, J. R. London in 1850, 51. 409.21; 1655.25 Mayhew, II. London labour and the London poor. 1851 ................................. 974.1 Miller, T. Picturesque sketches of London past and present .......................... 646.14; 879.10 Pictorial handbook of. 1854 ....... ............ 847.10 Raikcs, T. Journal, 1831-47: comprising life in. 56G.7 Redding, C. The stranger in. 1851 ........... 987.11 Ritchie, J. E. About London. I860 .......... 998.19 -- The London pulpit. 1858 ................... 128.7 Smith, G. M. Curiosities of London life. 1853.. 884. 17 Sutton, R. The Lexington papers; or, the court of, [1694-98] ............................... 975.11 Thomson, R. Chronicles of London bridge ...... 999.22 Timbs, J. Curiosities of. 1855 ................ 999.9 British museum. See British museum. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. See Society, etc. Society for the promotion of Christian knowledge. See Society, etc. Society for the reform of colonial government. See Society, etc. A r o(e. The regular histories of importance are of the last and Camdcn, 1551, etc. [B. II. 2450.2; 4ml]. There is a re cent collection of excerpts from the archives of 1276-1419, by Riley, [B. H. 4534.1]. On the legal aspects of the rise and growth of the city s constitution and privileges there is an im portant monograph by Norton [B. H. 4533.1], and the histori. cal account which makes half his volume constitute with Maitland the basis of the narrative part of another recent work, Citizens of London aud their rulers, 1000-1807, by Or- ri(lge,[B. H. 4538.18]. There are many books describing the great metropolis, which trace the historical associations connected with it topographical features, and for completeness and purposes of reference the best is probably Cunningham s Handbook [originally 1849, B. II. 2498.5, and edition of 1807, 4537.17], whose alphabetical arrangement makes it, however, somewhat unattractive for the ordinary reader. Its store of information is vast, its accuracy surprising, and great use is made by the author of illustrative citations from past writers, particularly from the old dramatists. As a continuous narrative under different heads, with a great deal of antiquarian lore and in terest from associations of all kinds, the general reader wilt LONDON, continued. find mora enjoyment perhaps from Charles Knight s six royal octavos on London, in which he was assisted by many hands, and of which his Cyclopedia is a convenient abridgment. Knight s account is, howevcr, twenty years old, and some of the more recent writers have had the advantage of the later de velopments, and London has much changed in a score of his Curiosities of London [B. II. 4538.19] gives by an alpha betical arrangement the labors of a long life in this field. The book above named is an earlier edition. Of his sep arate books, his "Club-life" [B. H. 2408.2] describes the life at clubs, colfee-houses and taverns during the 17th-10th cen turies, with sketches of characters; his -Romance of Lon don" [B. II. 24C8.1] gives many historic sketches, with ac counts of famous duels, highwaymen, crimes, etc. ; his " Walks and talks" [B. H. 2103.3] gives us the historic asso ciations of Vauxhall (of which in its last davs we have a pic ture in Thackeray s Vanity fair), Mayfair, the Temple, etc. ; while in his "London and Westminster" [B. H. 4538.20] he develops particularly the changes of metropolitan life. One of the most agreeable and compact of similar books is Leigh Hunt s "Town," above named; while his " Old court suburb" 1903.20] gracefully relates the associations of Kensington and Holland house. J. T. Smith, in his Antiquarian rambles, 1846 [B. II. 8362.11], deals very largely with the literary associa tions of localities, and us keeper of the prints in the British museum, he had many opportunities, and much love of the subject, as he evinces in hu " Book for a rainy da.y," which largely concerns London also. Jesse is another antiquarian, whose books are well known, his Literary and historical me morials [B. II. 2495.3] being followed by his London and its celebrities [B. II. 2495.2], and the two reappeared amalga mated, with additions, in 1871, in his London, its celebrated characters and places, [B. II. 2490.7]. Another recent book by Miss Meteyard, Hallowed spots of ancient London [B. H. 2493.25], is of moderate compass, and has fresh researches; which last is not claimed for Mark Lemon s Up and down the London streets [B. II. 4538.1], but the book shows a quick sense of what is popular i i the varied associations of what meets the eye. Emerson s book, above named, is a very good compact account of the growth of the city. There are some valuable monographs of confined localities, like Wheatley, on the region about Piccadilly [B. U. 4535.9], the court end of the town ; Larwood, on the History of the parks [B. H.249 19]; William Howitt, on the Northern heights of the metropolis, with full appreciation of their literary mem ories [B. II .4535.2], while Lyson s Environs dates back to early in the century, [B. II. 4570.3]- See also a chapter of associa tions in Tuekerman s Month in England, [040.15]. On the Tower, there arc Bailey s elaborate quartos, 1821, [B. On the Alilici/, there are Harrington [B. II. 24C0.19] and Dean :anloy [B. H. 4538.21]; but the chapters in Knight [961.2.4] will suffice the general reader. On the Charities of London, there are Low s handbooks [B. H. 4539.38]; Bosanquct [B. II. 2498.0], who traces them in connection with the city s growth; and Hawksley [B. II. M70a.S8]. On the life and manners, Knight has an instructive chapter [961. 2.1 ] about those of thn last century, and about the aspects of London in Walpnlu s dav, [901.2.3]. For the present centu ry, Grant [B. II. 218!UJ] d-pirtcd them in 1837; while the so cial usages and varied life of the present decade are pictured in a sprightly way by Salain his "Twice round the clock," [B. II. 4535.4]. The combined graphic and literary labors of Core and Blanchard Jerrold are now illustrating the subject on a large scale, pictorially at least, [B. II. 4500.3]. Much has been done to illustrate the low life of the metropo lis, and by none so extensively as by Hcnrv Mayhew, in his valuable London labour and the London poor [also in B. H 3570.1; 3571.C], embracing those who will, who cannot, and who will not work. Sec also Hollingshead s Ragged London [B.H. 4538.16]; Garwood s book, above named, covering the curious Cries of London, [B. H. 4570.1]. The illustration which London and its life has received fron fiction should not be passed over. A few among those in the Chronological list of historical fiction, relating to English his tory, which particularly exhibit London, will he named. For the peiiod, 1547-59, see Mrs. Manning s "Edward Osborne," [468.17]. Ainsworth s Tower of London [781.14] closes with the execution of Lady Jane Grey, 1553; and sec other of his novels. Williams s "Shakespeare and his friends" [801.8] is an elaborate study of life at the Mermaid, etc., in the early part of the seventeenth century. Scott sFortunesot Nigel[400.1.13; 460.21; 400.27; 720.36, etc.] gives us the city in the time ot James I. De Foe s book on the plague, 1065, above given, is a [437.7] i j * .. raynhrs Henry Esmond [4:W.57; 501.8], made u very careful study of the life in the time of Queen Anne, a field embraced also, but not so closely studied, by Bulwer in his Devercux, S 420 46; 405.9 ; 405.35]. Dickens, in his Barnaby Rudgo [471.5; 71.11; 1470.P, has taken the period of the Gordon riots, 1780. Macaulay says Miss Burney s "Evelina" [410.23; 499.2; 778.1.38] depicts the fashionable and vulgar life of the same period with great force. There are conspicuous examples of the treatments of the low life of the metropolis of our day in Dickens s Oliver Twist 410.36, etc.] and Nicholas Nicklcby [410.:!5, etc.]; in Douglas Jcrrold s "St. Giles and St. James" [417.5; 420.15]; and it is carefully studied in Greenwood s History of a little ragamuf- , Marquis of. See Vane-Stewart, Charles W. LONG 171 LOUIS Shelf. No LONG, George. The Egyptian antiquities in the Brit ish museum. Illustrated. London, 1846. 2 v. 12 839.7 The geography of America and the West Indies. [Anon.] London, 1841. 8 365.3 and PORTER, George R. The geography of Great Britain. Part 1. England and Wales. London, n. d. 8 365.10 LONG, Stephen H. Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter s river, etc., under the com mand of, in 1823. See Keating, W. H 625.10 LONG vacation ramble in Norway and Sweden. See X. and Y., pseud 668.8 LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth, American poet, b. 1807. Outre-mer, a pilgrimage beyond the sea. 5th edition. Boston, 1852. 16 658.18 Note. See biographical accounts in Griswold [314.4 ; 314.5 ; 872.12] and in Duyckinck s Cyclopaedia. Poets and poetry of Europe. With biographical notices. New York, 1855. L. 8 322.1 MacCabe, J. D.,jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Powell, T. The living authors of America 518.15 LONGSTREET, James, b. 1820. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns. . . 243.1 LONGUEVILLE, Anne Genevieve do Bourbon, duchesse de, b. 1619, d. 1679. Youth of. See Cousin, V.. 617.12 LONG WORTH, Nicholas, grape culturist, b. 1782, d. 1863. See MacCabe, J. \>.,jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 LONSDALE, Viscount. See Lowther, John. Loo-Cnoo islands. Hall, B. Voyage of discovery to the great Loo-choo islands. 1818 696.5 Voyage to Loo-Choo, in 1816 v. 1 of 830.25 MacLeod, J. Voyage to Lewchow, [1816, 17].. . 696.11 LOOMIS, Rev. A. W. Confucius and the Chinese class ics. San Francisco, 1867. 12 1826.2 LOPE DA VEGA. See Vega Carpio, Felix Lope da. LOPEZ, Narciso, Cuban revolutionist, b. 1799, d. 1851. Life of. See Hannegan, D 1546.4 LORD, John. Modern history, from Luther to the fall of Napoleon, [1461-1815]. Philadelphia, [cop. 1849]. 8 947.4 The old Roman world: the grandeur and failure of its civilization. New York, 1867. 8 1957.1 LORING, James S. The hundred Boston orators, 1770 -1852. Boston, 1852. 8 282.5 LORN, or LORNE, Scotland. The land of Lome; or, adventures in the Scottish Hebrides. 1871. Bu chanan, R 655.17 LORRAINE, Claude. See Gelee, Claude. LORRAINE, Duke of. See Godfrey, or Godefroid de Bouillon. Los GRINGOS: or, an inside view of Mexico, etc. 1850. Wise, H. A 627.24 LOSSING, Benson J. Biographical sketches of the signers of the declaration of American indepen dence. Illustrated. New York, [cop. 1848]. 12 518.10 History of England, from the earliest times to the present. [With maps.] New York, 1871. 12. 996.6 Life and times of Philip Schuyler. [American gen eral, b. 1733, d. 1804]. [With portraits.] New York, [cop. I860]. 12 514.4 Our countrymen; or brief memoirs of eminent Americans. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1855. 12 518.11 Outline history of the fine arts. Illustrated. New York, [cop. 1840]. 18 820.9 Pictorial field-book of the revolution. New York, 1851,55. 2v. 8 211.1 Pictorial history of the civil war in the United States. Philadelphia, 1866-68. 2 v. 8 272.8 Pictorial history of the United States. New York, 1857. 12 309.8 1776, or the war of independence. Illustrated. New York, 1852. 8 213.8 LOST cause, The, regained. Pollard, E. A 276.9 \ote. \ sequel to his "Lost cause" [B. H. 4350.29], and intended to show how what was lost in the field by the South ern states CUD be regained in political contests. Shelf. No. .1699.12 LOST in the jungle. Du Chaillu, P. (B.) Note. Adventures in Africa. LOST prince, The: facts tending to prove the identity of Louis xvii and Rev. E. Williams. See Han son, J. H 615.7 Note. See Louis ivii, note. LOST principle, The; or, the sectional equilibrium. Scott, J 292.9 LOTHIAN, Earl of. See Kerr, William. LOTHROP, Samuel K. History of the church in Brattle street, Boston. Boston, 185 1. 16 297.22 Life of Samuel Kirkland, [missionary to the In dians, b. 1744, d. 1808]. See Sparks, J. . . v. 25 of 529.1 Memoir of William Lawrence, [American mer chant, b. 1783, d. 1848]. [With portrait.] Bos ton, 1856. 33pp. 8 524.3 LOTT, Emmeline. The "English governess" in Egypt. Harem life in Egypt and Constantinople. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, n. d. 8 1675.5 LOTUS-EATING: a summer book. Curtis, G. W 628.28 A <yc. Sketches of travel in New York state and at New- port, R. I. Louis IX, or St. Louis, king of France, b. 1215, d. 1270. Guizot, F. (P. G.) Great Christians of France 1118.6 Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 Joinville, J., sire de. Memoirs of 846.6 Saint Louis, king of France 1589.1 Peake, H. The boy s book of heroes 551.28 Note. De Joiuville s truthful memoir, of interest as one of the earliest monuments of French literature [also in B. II. .in French, 2600.2; in English, 264] .L ], and written in 1.T09, is the precursor of all the lives, of which the two most considerable of the latest ones in French are those bv Villcneuvc-Trans, 1839 [B. II. 2617..>], and by Faure, 1866, [B. H. 4615.15]. The general histories of France, like Sismoiuli s, Michclct s, and Martin s, and Midland s crusades should also be consulted. The English reader will find Mrs. Bray s "Saint Louis and his times," 1870 [B H. GG4C.O], a very good summary of all that the principal printed authorities tell us about his career, and it is the only English one of any importance ; while in the English version of Guizot s treatment of his character as a representative catholic Christian of his time [also in B. H. 7447.211. he will find a briefer and characteristic sketch. See the bibliography of this reign in the catalogue of the Imperial library at Paris, [B. H. 6161.1.1, p. 201, etc.]. Louis XI, king of France, b. 1423, d. 1483. History of. See Commines, P. de. jMemoirs 857.4 Louis XIV, the great, king of France, b. 1638, d. 1715. Abbott, J. S. C. History of 559.27 Astie, J. F. Louis xiv, and the writers of his age 1008.10 Bungener, L. (F.) The preacher and the king; or, Bourdalouo in the court of 1096.4 James, G. P. R. Life and times of 858.3 Martin, (B. L.) H. The ago of v. 13, 14 of 933.2 Pardoe, J. Louis xiv, and the court of France. . 616.3 Voltaire, F. M. A. do. Age of 1005.7 Note. The list of works illustrative of Louis XIV and his reign is very extensive, and the most complete collection of titles fills over three hundred large pages of one of the volumes of the catalogue of the National library at Paris, devoted to French history, [B. H. 6161.1.2, pp. 1-021]. See also France, history j Mazarin, etc. For the early days of Louis, before the death of Mazarin, Mil, threw the government into his own hands, see the Me- moires of Laporte, his valet, [B. II. 201 !.!.; 2(il .-.. 1 ..W] ; Cape- figue s monograph on his minority, [B. H. 2075.17] ; and the recent work by Gaillardin on France under Mazarin, [I). H. 2657.56]. Sainte-Beuve, and of which there are abridgments in French [1078.18; B. II. 4667.2] and in English [615.2]. Pellisson, whose history covers 1661-78 [B. II. 4619a.(>], was a follower of the king in his campaigns. Voltaire has perhaps the most brilliant name among later historians [also in French, 1076.19; B. H. 265.18.201, and of those of our day, live most reputable are the liberal Michelet [B. H. 4617.81; the temperate Martin, who has been translated into English, [also in B. II. 4613.1], and the monarchical Capefiguc [B. II. 2656.6; 2647.22]. The English reader will find a good survey in chanters of Russell s Europe [943.5, etc.] ; and in James s work, all that will ordi narily be needed. For his military success, besides the old memoir of Quincy [B. II. 4611.1], the Mcmoires of Noaillcs [B. II. 470o.9] and of Gramont [B. H. 2611.1. 3d series, 7; 2645.1. 2d series, 56], the inquirer will not forget tho lives of his great commanders, Turenne and Conde. Voltaire neglected to give due prominence to the literary Influences of this age, winch Lambert partially supplied, 1751, [B.H. 4512.1]; but the English reader will find this influence LOUIS 172 LUCCHESI-PALLI Louis XIV. the great, king of France, continued. amply set iorth by Ilallam [1370.1; 1373.2 ; 1373.0], and popu- larlv by Astie. Sec also the lives of Pascal, Corneillc, Racine, Moiiere. Boilcan, La Fontaine, Fenelon, etc. Bungener s book, named above, has a slischt thread of fiction, but it is in effect a treatise on Bourdaloue and the other sacred orators Of the numerous memoirs, etc., which illustrate this reign, the constant reader will rind the most interest in those ot Car dinal Retz [B. II. 2056.1]; of Dnclos [B. II. n 4607.2; 2011.1.10; 2645.1, 2d series. 76]; of Choisy [B. II. J8BS.10], and the letters ofMadamedeSevigne,[1070.5;B. H. 2658.13; ift.2]. , Of the court nnd private life of the king, Miss Pardoe s book [also in B. II. 6648.5] is the best for the English reader; but the curious in such gossip will get a wide survey of the matter in Anrmetil s " Louis XIV ct sa cour"[B. II. 264/.11], which is a pieceef elaborate joinery of passages from the various orig inal authorities, which he has rhanic;cn/ed in one section. The memoirs of Marshal Richelieu [B. II. 2657.4] reveal much of the court lite. There have been some recent monographs throwing new light upon the matter, like Clement s Madame de Montespan and Louis [B. II. 8013.10]; Duelos or Marte- 1864 [B. II. 4620.5], which luis an introduction byLavaliee, enters into some curious details of life at Versailles with refer ence to Mme. de Maintenou, Mine, de Pompadour, and Mmc. du Barry. Louis XV, king of France, b. 1715, d. 1774. Bun gener, L. (F.) The priest and the Huguenot; or, persecution in the age of 1096.2 Challice, Dr. Secret history of the court of France under Louis XV 618.2 Note. The Count de Tocrmeville in 1840, complained of the paucity of historical treatises upon this reign, which he thought of so much interest as covering the great change ot manners and ideas that led to the French revolution, and to illustrate this change he wrote his Histoire philosophiquc [B. H. 0108.1], which change the reader will also find portrayed in the early part of Carl.vle s French revolution, [1007.7, etc.]. Still the catalogue of the National library at Paris [6101.1.2, pp. 321-44."] shows a long list of books. The latest treatment is Michelet s [B. II. 4017.12], and Capeflgue should be con sulted for opposite yiews[B. II. 2047.16, etc.], while the same author has contributed a monograph on the youth of the king, [B. H. 204!).69]. Voltaire has also treated of this reign [B. II. 2685.18.21], and for illustrative memoirs sec Noaillcs [B. II. 4705.9]; Choiseul-Stainvilie [B. II. 3>54.12], etc. The work ot Dr. Challice is the readiest authority for the English reader, and it was written with considerable original research to counteract English prejudices and to set the character of Madame dc Pompadour in a better light. See also laiyncs on the history of the court, [B. II. 2657.0]. For particular epi sodes, like the Mississippi bubble and the financial schemes, see under Law, John ; and for the Seven yeais war, see Ger many, history. Bungener s book has a thread of fiction in the narrative. See France, history, note. Louis XVI, king of France, b. 1754, d. 1793. Clery, J. B. C. H. Journal of what passed in the Tom- pie prison during the captivity of, [1792, 93] . . . 614.5 Edgeworth, H. E., Abbe. Memoirs 615.8 Note. The above books relate to his prison life. C .cry was hisvalct.aml his narrative is simple and apparently truthful, (also in B. H., in French, 26t0.2; 4635.4; 4007.2]. The Abbe Edgeworth was his last confessor, [also in B. II., in French, 465j.4]. TheMemoiresofBertranddeMolevilIe[B. H. 2646.1], who was the king s minister, relate wholly to the last year of his reign, and arc intended to do him justice. Helen Maria Williams has edited a translation of the kins s select political and confidential letters [B. II. 4026.1:6610.3] with a leaning towards the revolution. Capeiigue has mitten the diplomatic history, [B. II. 2640.4] ; and Droz [B. II. 2646.5] has aimed to show how the revolution might have been prevented or di rected. Alison, referring to the causes of the revolution, says that they "arc fully developed in the able works of Rivarol [B.II. 4tvw.l]. \ecker[B. II. !!5 : ;0.10. .l; 4655.15] and Madame de Stael [B. II. 2685.6.12; 4656.0], the elaborate memoirs of the Abbe Georgel [B. II. 2051.1.",], the acute history of the reign of Ixmis xvi by Soulavie [B. 11. 2016.:!], and the impartial digest by Droz [B. H. 2046.5]. Its financial and social conditions are unfolded in the luminous statements of Calonne, Neckcr [B. H. :!500.10.4], and Arthur Young [B. II. 2260.1:!]." See also the histories of the revolutionary period by Thiers. Lamartinc, Carlyle, Alison, etc.; and :nccs, [890.9]. See also I Fnr tlifhihlinirrnnVnr . .., . . ., , - . , ..JJ. H. 6101.1.2. pp. 415, etc. : 6161.1.3, pp. 21, etc.]; and another list, [B. H. 6167.25, pp. 1-24]. Louis XVII, king of France, b. 1785, d. 1795. Beau- chesne, A. (II. Dubois) de. Louis xvn. His life his sufferings his death 615.5 Hanson, J. II. The lost prince: facts tending to prove the identity of Louis xvn and Rev. E. Williams 615 7 Note. The best authority for the general reader is Beau- chesne, and a late edition in French, with an introduction by Bishop Dupanloup, is in BatesIIall. [061IM]. Hanson s book April and July, i&>3; Feb. 1854; July and Sept. 1808. The French bibliographies ignore this controversy. See National library catalogue, Paris.lB. H. 6161.1.2, p. 4.30 ; 6161.1.3, p. 127]. Shelf. No. ,OUIS XVIII, king of France, b. 1755, d. 1824. His tory of the reign of. See Crowe, E. E 1005.3 Note. See the list of authorities in the National library cat alogue, Paris [B. 11. 6161.1.3], and France, history. lOUis II, de Bourbon, prince of Condi. See Conde, Louis H. jouis NAPOLF.ON. Set Napoleon in. Louis PHILIPPE, king of France, b. 1773, d. 1850. Ab bott, J. S. C. History of 559.29 Boutmy, . Personal history of, [1773-1848]. . 61(5.10 Poore/B. P. llise and fall of 1009.1 Rush, B. Glance at the court and government of. 882.3 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Note. Foore was residing in Paris during the latter part of the king s reign, and his narrative is a popular survey of his whole lite. Boutmy had opportunities allowed him by the king, and an English editor continues the narrative to the period of the king s asylum in England. One of the latest of the French accounts of his reign is Nouvion s, [206.V20; B. H. 4652.19]. Granier de Cassagnac s book [B. H. 0052.24] on the fall of this king carries the narrative forward to 1855. Rush was our minister at Paris during the last year of his reign, and his narrative is a diary covering July, 1817, to Oct. 1S49. National library catalogue, Paris, [6161.1.3]. See France, history. LOUISA AUGUSTA AVILHELMINA AMELIA, of Mecklen- bury-Strelitz, b. 1776, d. 1810. See Atkinson, E. W. Memoirs of the queens of Prussia 54G.1 LOUISE MARIE, of France, daughter of Lvuis XV, b. 1737, d. 1787. Life of Madame Louise de France. [Anon.] Baltimore, 1871. 16 599.26 LOUISIANA. Bunner, E. History of, [to 1840] 820.69 Gayarre, C. (E. A.) History of Louisiana. Amer ican domination, [1803-61] 235.16 Spanish domination, [1769-1803] 235.13 Louisiana; its colonial history and romance, [1539-1743] 235.12 Romance of the history of, [1539-1717] 237.15 Latour, A. L. Historical memoir of the war in, [1814, 15] 246.1 Stoddard, A. Sketches of. 1812 236.6 L OuvEETURE, Toussaint. See Toussaiut L Ouver- ture, F. D. Louvois, Marquis dc. See Lo Tellier, Francois Michel. LOUVRE, The. See Paris. LOVAT, Lord. See Fraser, Simon. LOVE of country, or Sobieski and Iledwig. See Sal- vandy, N. A. do 1598.1 LOVELACE, Richard, 6. 1618, d. 1658. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors. 883.14 LoviOT,Fanny. A lady s captivity among Chinese pirates in the Chinese seas. Translated by A. B.Edwards. London, n. d. 18 709.21 LOWELL, John, American philanthropist, founder of the Lowell institute, Boston, b. 1769, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 LOWTHER, John, viscount Lonsdale. Memoir of the reign of James 11. See Carrel, <J. B. N.) A. . . . 837.10 LOYALISTS, American, Biography of the. Sabino, L. 213.1 Note. A later edition is in Bates Hall, [2345.21]. LOYOLA, Ignatius de, a Spaniard, founder of the Jesuits, b. 1491, d. 1556. Biographies of emi nent men from tho 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 Note. See authorities in Oettinger, [B. H. 2140.11]. There is an old life by Bonhoiirs, a member of the company [B. II. 607018] and Bartoli s life [B. H. 6000.18] has been rendered into English, [B. 11. 3557.18]. See Jesuits. LUBBOCK, Sir John. Pre-hisfcoric times, as illustrated by ancient remains, and the manners and cus toms of modern savages. [Illustrated.] Lon don, 1865. 8 1.20 LUCAN, Earl of. See Sarsfield, Patrick. LUCAS, Samuel. History as a condition of social pro- gross. London,1853. 44pp. 16 139.9 LUCCHESI-PALLI, Caroline Ferdinando Louise de Bourbon, duchesse de Berry, princepessa, b. 1798. The duchess of Berri in La Vendeo, [1832]. See Dermonoourt, Le general 569.8 LUCE 173 MACAULAT Shelf. No. LUCE, Eugenie Berlau, madame, founder of a school at Algiers, b. 1804. See Belloc, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes 1516.11 LUCIE S diary of the siege of Strasbourg. With frontispiece. London, 1871. 78pp. 16 928.19 LtrcKEV, Rev. John. Life in the Sing-Sing state prison. [With portrait.] New York, I860. 12. 1138.1 LUDLOW, Fitz Hugh. The heart of the continent: a record of travel across the plains and in Oregon. With illustrations. New York, 1870. 8 1626.3 LUDLOW, John M. British India, its races, and its history, considered with reference to the muti nies of 1857, [1GOO-1856]. Cambridge, 1858. 2v. 16 3 939.2 History of the United States from independence to secession, [177G-18G1]. Added, The struggle for Kansas, by T. Hughes. Cambridge, 1862. 12 305.7 LUNT, George. Three eras of New England and other addresses. Boston, 1857. 12 888.7 LrjTFULLAH, a Mohammedan. Autobiography. Ed ited by E. B. Eastwick. London, 1857. 8 ... 547.9 LUTIIF.R, Martin, German religious reformer, b. 1483, </. 1546. Life. By himself. Collected and ar ranged by M. Michelet. Translated by W. Haz- litt. London, 1846. P. 8 545.23 Same. [With portrait.] 2d edition. London, 1862. P. 8 855.12 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 1 of 839.6 Bunsen, C. C. J. Life of 551.4 Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 Martyn, W. C. Life and times of . 2106.1 Morris, J. G. Quaint saying concerning Luther. . 1105.4 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Sears, B. Life of 545.24 Tulloch, J. Leaders of the reformation 115.10 Note.- The life by Michelet [also in French. 1079.3; B. H. 2844.3] is mainly autobiographic, by making Luther s own writings tell the story. Michelet is a Catholic, but he is in sympathy with the spirit of the reformer, and he has thorough ly studied his character. From Audin [B. II. 3556.13], the chief Catholic authority, who is able, but less satisfactory to Protestants than Michelet, ILazlitt borrows details of Luther s early years to complete in the translation, in the above list, Michelet s account of that period, and he has also added to other parts of the narrative so as to make it the most complete for the general reader for what is more particularly the personal history of the reformer. Martyn s is a popular account, 18S6, taking a wider view of Luther s relations with his times; and so does Hannah Lee s life [B. II. 5559a.32] published in Bos ton, 1839. The most concise English account is that by Bun- sen, published originally in the Encyclopedia Britannica, and in the same volume is Carlvle s " Spiritual portrait," from his Hero-worship [885.13]. and an extract from Sir W. Hamil ton s Discussions on philosophy and literature [872.1], where he has drawn the dark side of Luther s character, and which elicited from archdeacon Hare his " Vindication of Luther," 1855. The English reader will also consult Hallnm s view in the first volume of his Literature of Europe [1,".7. U, etc.]; the concise and generally just review by Robertson in his Charles V [912.4, etc.]; Moshcim, in his Ecclesiastical "history [1085.2, etc.], who inclines towards the Lutherans; Roscoe s Leo X [818.2, etc.], where the tendency is to explain favorably the ac- lion of tiic church authorities, while justice is still done to Luther; Milner s Church history [B. II. fiOH.l], which is abridged in a good part of Scott s Luther and the Lutheran reformation [B. H. 5459a.32]; Ranke s History of the popes [8.">8.1, etc.], who presents the obstacles in the reformer s way; and D Aubigne s Reformation [1115.13, etc.], a book rather tedious, and at times exaggerated in sentiment; and the con cise popular life by Tischer[B. II.C059a.2.4], of which there is an English version, [B. II. y. > r >f,.29]. In addition to the brief notices of the above list, there is one by Tagart in a book on the reformers [B. H. 3555.51] ; and Froude has a paper on Lu ther and Erasmus. [1815.15.1]. Oettingcr gives a long list of authorities in other languages ; and there is a bibliography by Vogel. [B. II. 2182.7]. Of the Latin lives, Melanchthon s [B. II. 0059.25] is famous. Of the German lives, there are addi tionally those by Burckhardt, [brief. B. II. 3459.12]; Gelzer [B. II." in English, 3554.1], and the brief characterization by Vilniar, [B. H. 5559.7]. In French, beside Michelet, there is HorY. [L Otw.31]. What is called the Table-talk [in English, 837.8; 877.15; B. H. 5508.2; in German, B. II. 3400.1.22], while generally considered characteristic, is not so established be yond suspicion as authentic, as to make it of the great impor tance it would seem to be to the understanding of Luther. LYCIA, Travels in. 1847. Spratt, T. A. B C83.7 LYCURGUS, Spartan legislator, b. B. C. about 900. See Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. v. 2 of 1869.1 Note. See Greece, history. LYBLL, Sir Charles. Second visit to the United States. New York, 1849. 2 v. 12 1634.6 Shelf. No. LYELL, Sir Charles, continued. Travels in North America, 1841-2. New York, 1852. 2v.ini. 12 628.1 LYLE, Rev. William W. Lights and shadows of army life. 2d edition. Cincinnati, 1865. 12 1276.2 LYMAN, S. P. Life and memorials of Daniel AVebster, [b. 1782, d. 1852]. [Anon.] New York, 1853. 2 v. 16 526.23 LYMAN, Theodore. A few weeks in Paris, during the residence of the allied sovereigns, [May 2-June 17, 1814]. [Anon.] 1st American edition. Boston, 1814. 12 1009.16 Political state of Italy. Boston, 1820. 8 915.3 LYNAM, Robert. History of the Roman emperors, from Augustus to the death of Antoninus, [B. c. 31-A. D. 180]. Edited by J. T. White. London, 1850. 2v. 8 956.1 LYNCH, William F. Narrative of the United States expedition to the river Jordan and the Dead sea, [1847, 48]. With maps and illustrations. 7th edition. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 684.5 LYON, George F. Narrative of an unsuccessful at tempt to reach Repulse bay, through Sir T. Rowe s " Welcome," in 1824. With engravings. London, 1825. 8 625.11 LYON, Mary, principal of Mt. Holyolte seminary, b.. 1797, d. 1849. Fiske, F. Recollections of 2097.8 Thayer, W. M. The poor girl and true woman. 138.10 LYON, Nathaniel, American general, b. 1819, d. 1861. Last political writings, with life and military services. [With portrait.] New York, 1861. 12 527.24 LYTTLETON, George, lord, English statesman and lit terateur, b. 1709, d. 1773. Crichton, A. Con verts from infidelity 830.28 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 3 of 582.11 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians. v. 1 of 586.11 MACARTHTJE (MoArthur), Duncan, American general, and governor of Ohio, b. 1772, d. 1839. Biograph ical sketch of. See MacDonald, J 518.8 MACAULAY, Mrs. Catharine. See Graham, Catharine. MACATTLAY, Thomas Babington, lord, English critic and historian, b. 1800, d. 1859. Biographical and historical sketches. New York, 1857. 12 884.19 Biographical essays. Leipzig, 1857. Sq. 16... 589.27 Contents. Frederic the great ; John Bunyan ; Oliver Gold smith ; Samuel Johnson ; Bertrand Barere. Biographies, contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edinburgh, 1860. 12 587.14 Contents. Francis Atterbury, bishop of Rochester 1713, author, b. 1002, d. 1732; John Bunyan, English author, b. 1028, d. 1C88; Oliver Goldsmith. Irish poet, historian, and miscella neous writer, b. 1728, d. 1774; Samuel Johnson, English lexi cographer, philologist, moralist, and poet, b. 1709, d. 1784; "William Pitt, English statesman and orator, b. 1759, d. 1800. Comic dramatists of the restoration, [1660-88]. London, 1853. 64pp. P. 8 409.18 Same. London, 1857. 16 1655.20 Critical and historical essays, contributed to the Edinburgh review. Leipzig, 1850. 6 v. in 3. Sq. 16 1966.3 Life of Lord Byron ; Croker s edition of Boswcll s Life of John son. II [21. Southey s edition of the Pilgrim s progress; Lord Nugent s Memorial* cf Hampdeni Burleigh and his times; Lord Mahon s War of the succession in Spam ; Walpole s Let ters to Sir Horace Mann ; Thackerav s History of the earl of Chatham; Sir James Mackintosh s History of the revolution. [3.] Lord Bacon; Sir William Temple; Gladstone on church and state. HI [4]. Lord Clive; Ranke s History of the popes ; Comic dramatists of the restoration ; Lord Holland ; Warren Hastings. T5.] Diary and letters of Madame D Arblay ; The life and writings of Addison ; The earl of Chat ham. Genius and character of Milton. See Masson, D. 651.6 Gladstone on church and state. [From the Edin burgh review.] London, 1851. 70pp. P. 8. 409.20 -Same. London, 1854. 16 1655.19 Hallam s Constitutional history. London, 1856. 16 1655.20 MACAULAY 174 MAC CLINTOCK Shelf. No. MACATJLAY, Thomas Babington, lord, continued. History of England from the accession of James n, [1685-1702]. Leipzig, 1840-61. 10 v. in 8. Sq. 16 19C6.1 Same. Boston, 1849-61. 5 v. 12 966.2 Same. New York, 1854-61. 5 v. 8 9C6.3 Horace Walpole, [English antiquary and miscella neous author, b. 1717, d. 1797]. [An essay.] London, 1852. 16 409.17; 1655.19 Inquiry into the charges against William Penn. See Paget, J 999.4 Life and writings of Addison, [English poet and essayist, b. 1672, d. 1719]. London, 1852. 16. 409.17; 1655.19 Life of Frederick the great, [of Prussia, b. 1712, d. 1786]. [Edited by 0. W. Wight.] New York, 1859. 18 557.1 Same. [Edited by T. Campbell.] London, 1850. 16 1655.20 Life of William Pitt, [English statesman, b. 1759, d. 1806]. Preceded by the life of [William Pitt], earl of Chatham, [b. 1708, d. 1778]. New York, [1859]. 18 557.2 Same. [Added, Life of Francis Atterbury, bishop of Rochester, b. 1662, d. 1732]. Leipzig, 1860. Sq. 16 19C6.5 Lord Bacon, [b. 1561, d. 1628]. [An essay.] London, 1852. 16 409.17; 1655.20 Lord Byron, [b. 1788, d. 1824]. [An essay.] London, 1853. 47pp. 16 409.18 Same. London, 1857. 16 1655.20 Lord Clivo, [governor of India, b. 1725, d. 1774]. [An essay.] London, 1853. 94pp. 16 409.19 Same. London, 1859. 16 1655.19 Ranko s History of the popes. [From the Edin burgh review.] London, 1851. 47 pp. 16 . . 409.20 Same. London, 1854. 16 1655.19 Samuel Johnson, [English author, b. 1709, d. 1784]. [An essay.] London, 1856. 16 1655.19 Speeches. Leipzig, 1853. 2v.ini. 24 1966.4 Content?. Parliamentary reform : March 2, 1831, July 5, 1831, Sept. i 0, 1831, Oct. 10, 1831, Dec. 10, 1831; Anatomy bill, Feb. 27, 1832; Parliamentary reform, Fob. 28, 1832; Repeal of the union with Ireland, Feb. G. 1833; Jewish (Inabilities, April 17, 1833; Government of India, July 10, 1833: Edinburgh election, 1SS9, May 20, 1839; Confidence in the ministry of I,ord Mel bourne, Jan. 29, 1810; War with China, April 7, 1810; Copy right, Feb. 5, 1841, April C, 1812; The people s charter. May 3, 1842; The gates of Somuauth, March 9, 1843; The state of Ireland.Feb. fit. 1811; Dissenters chapels bill, June 0. 1844; The sugar duties, Feb. 20. 184.3; Maynooth, April 14, 1845; The church of Ireland. April 23. 18-15 ; "Theological tests in the Scotch universities, July 9, 1845; Corn laws, Dec. 2. 184.5; The ten hours bill. May 22. 184G; The literature of Britain, Nov. 4, 1840; Education, April 19, 1847; Inaugural speech at Glas- ow college. March 21, 1849; Re-election to parliament, Nov. , 1852; Exclusion of judges from the house of commons, June 1, 1853. Speeches and poems, with the report and notes on the Indian penal code. New York, 1867. 2 v. 16 1815.6 Contents. Vol. I. Parliamentary reform: March 2, 1831, July 5, 1831, Sept. 20, 1831. Oct. 10, 1831, Dec. 16, 1831; Anato my bill, Feb. 27, 1832; Parliamentary reform, Feb. 28, 1832; Repeal of the union with Ireland, Feb. 0. 1833; Jewish disa bilities, April 17, ia !3; Government of India, July 10,1833; Edinburgh election, 18)9, May 29, 1839; Confidence in the min istry of ford Melbourne, Jan. 29,1840; War with China, April 7,1840; Copyright, Feb. 5, 1841. April G, 1842: The people s charter, May . !, 1S42; The gates of Somnauth, March 9, 1843; The state of Ireland, Feb. 19, 1844; Dissenters chapels bill, June G. 1844 ; The sugar duties. Feb. 20. 184", ; Maynooth, April 14, 184J; The church of Ireland, April 23, 1845; Theological tests in the Scotch universities. July 9, 1815; Corn laws, Dec. 2, 1845. II. The ten hours bill. May 22, 1840; The literature of Britain, Nov. 4, 1840; Education, April 19, 1847; Inaugural speech at Glasgow college, March 21, 1849; Re-election to par liament, Nov. 2, 1852 ; Exclusion of judges from the house of commons, June 1, 1853; Lays of ancient Rome; Miscellaneous poems ; Report and notes on the Indian penal code. Speeches on parliamentary reform, in 1831, 32. London, 1854. 16 409.18; 1655.20 Warren Hastings, [governor of India, b. 1733, d. 1818]. [An essay.] London, 1852. 16 409.19 Same. London, 1859. 16 1655.19 William Pitt, earl of Chatham, [English orator and statesman, b. 1708, d. 1778]. London, 1851. [An essay.] 16 409.20 Same. London, 1854. 16 1655.19 Bagehot, W. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen 563.9 Shelf. No. MACAULAY, Thomas Babington, lord, continued. Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism. v. 2 of 885.1 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 ROGERS, Henry, MARTIN, Theodore, and others. New biographies of illustrious men. Boston, 1857. 12 547.7 Note. See the excellent article in Allibone, both under Ma- caulay and Trevelyan, with the authorities there named, with references to the independent sketches by Dean Milman, Alli bone and Ilotten. Also Miss Martineau s Biographical sketch es, [1590.2]. Some letters by Hannah More, addressed to his father, reveal much of Macaulay s youth, [599.18]. MACBRAIR, R. M. The Africans at home. With il lustrations. London, 1861. P. 8 688.20 MAcBuRXEY [McBurney], Isaiah, and NIEL. Samuel. Cyclopaedia of universal history. London, 1855. P. 8 947.5 MAcCABE [McCabe], James D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they wero made; or the struggles and triumphs of our self-mado men. [With] illus trations. Philadelphia, 1871. 8 515.14 Contents. Stephen Girard, merchant, banker, and philan thropist, founder of Girard college, Philadelphia, b. 1750, d. 1831; John Jacob Astor. capitalist, founder of the Astor libra ry. New York city, b. 1703, d. 1848; Alexander T. Stewart, New York dry goods merchant, b. 1802 ; Amos l>awrence, merchant and philanthropist, b. 1780, d. 18-52; Andrew V. Stout, New York merchant and philanthropist, b. about 1814 ; Jonaa Chickering, piano-forte manufacturer, b. 1798, d. 1853; Nicho las Longwonh, grape cnlturist, b. 1782. d. 1803; George Pea- body, merchant and philanthropist, b. 1795, d. 1808; Cornelius Vandcrbilr, New York capitalist, b. 1794; Daniel Drew, New York capitalist, b. 1797; James B.Eads, ship-builder, b. 1820; Cyrus West Field, merchant, and promoter of the Atlantic ca bles, b. 1819 ; Robert Fulton, American painter and mechan ical engineer, b. 1705, d. 1815; Charles Goodyear, India-rubber manufacturer and inventor, b. 1800, d. 1800; Eli Whitney, in ventor, b. 170.5, d. 1825; Chauney Jerome, clock manufacturer, b. 1793; Elias Howe, jr.. inventor of the sewing-machine, b. 1819, d. 1807; Richard March Hoe, inventor of Hoe s double- cylinder press, b. 1812; Samuel Colt, inventor and improver of small-arms, b. 1814, d. 1802; Samuel Finlcy Breese Morse, Saintcr, and improver of the electric telegraph, b. 1791, d. 1872; amcs Harper, publisher, b. 1795, d. 1809: James T. Fields, au thor and publisher, b. 1820; James Gordon Dennett, editor of the "New York herald." b. about 1800, d. 1872: Robert Bon- ner, editor of the New York ledger," b. 1824 ; John Marshall, chief justice of the United States, b. I M, d. 1835; James T. Brady, lawyer, b. 1815, d. 1809; Benjamin West, American painter in England, b. 1738, d. 1820; John Rogers, sculptor, b. 1829; Hiram Powers, sculptor, b. 1805; Emmanuel Leutzc, painter, b. 1810, d. 1808; Henry Ward Beecher, divine and au thor, b. 1813 ; Peter Cnrtwright, " backwoods preacher," b. 1785, d. 1872; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet, b. 1807 ; Nathan iel Hawthorne, author, b. 1804, d. 18S4; Edwin Booth, actor, b. 1833; Joseph Jefferson, actor, b. 1829; Benjamin Rush, physi cian, b. 17*5, d. 1813; Valentine Mott, physician, b. 1185, d. 1805. Lights and shadows of New York life. Philadel phia, 1872. 12 1674.4 Paris by sunlight and gaslight. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1869. 8 1674.2 MAcCAU, [McCall], George A. Letters from the frontiers. Philadelphia, 1868. 12 1636.20 MACCARTNEY [M Cartney], Washington. Origin and progress of the United States. Philadelphia, 1847. 12 309.3 MACCLELLAN, George B., American general, b. 1825. The armies of Europe, 1855-56. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1861. 8 , 204.20 Life, campaigns, and public services. [.Araore.] [With portrait.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1864]. P. 8 535.21 Life. Including campaign in Mexico, etc. [Anon.} New York, [cop. 1862]. 98 pp. 16 1529.23 Addoy, M. Biography of 518.21 Hillard, G. S. Life and campaigns of 518.19 Hurlbut, W. H. General McClollan and the con duct of the war 518.20 AWe. Hillard s is the best memoir of his entire life, and IIurlbut s[alsoin B. II. 4370a.24] is confined almost entirely to the interval of his commanding the army of the Potomac. Both are favorable to him, while an English life by Edge [B. H. 4322.18; 4329.30] is adverse in its criticism on his part in tho war. McClellan s Report on the campaigns of the army under his command is in Bates Hall [4322.2], and the adverse review of Barnard, his chief engineer, [B. H. 4310a.7.3]. See General histories of the war under United States, history, civil war. " MACCLINTOCK [M Clintock], Sir Francis L. Voyage of the " Fox." Fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. [Illustrated.] London, 1859. 8 706.13 Same. Boston, 1860. 12 706.14 Story of his Arctic expedition. See G., S. T 1708.20 MAC CLURE 175 MACKENZIE Shelf. No. MACCLURE [McClure], A. K. Three thousand miles through the Rocky mountains. Philadelphia, 18C9. 12 J 627.25 MACCLURE [McClure], Alexander W. The transla tors revived ; memoirs of the authors of the Eng lish versions of the Bible, [735-1622]. New York, 1853. 12 548.10 MACCLURE [M Clure], Sir Robert John Le Mesu- rier. Discovery of the north-west passage, etc. See Osborn, S 704.4 MACCONECHY [M Conechy], James. History of the Ottoman empire. See Jacob, S 956.11 MAcCoRMiCK [McCormick], Richard C. Visit to the camp before Sevastopol. [Illustrated.] New York, 1855. 12 687.19 MAcCuLLOCH [McCulloch], John R., Scottish statisti cian, b. 1T89, d. 1864. London in 1850-51. London, 1851. 16 409.21; 1655.25 Russia and Turkey. London, 1854. 16. 409. 28; 1655.6 Universal gazetteer. Illustrated. New York, 1848,51. 2 v. 8 951.3 MACDOXALD, Flora, heroic Scottish Jacobite, b. 1720, d. 1790. Adams, W. H. D. The sunshine of domestic life 1517.1 Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jacobites, v. 3 of 562.2 Note. An " Autobiography, edited by her grand-daughter," was published in 1870, [B. H. 6546.9]. MACDONALD [McDonald], John. Biographical sketches of Nathaniel Massie [b. 17C3, d. 1813], Duncan McArthur [b. 1772, d. 1839], William Wells [d. 1812], and Simon Kenton [b. 1755, d. 1836]. [Western pioneers.] [With illustra tions.] Dayton, 0., 1852. 12 518.8 MACDOUGALL [M Dougall], George F. Voyage of H. M. ship " Resolute" to the Arctic regions in search of Sir J. Franklin. [Illustrated.] Lon don, 1857. 8 703.10 MAcDuFF, J. R. The footsteps of St. Paul. [Anon.] [Illustrated.] London, 1859. 16 115.11 MACFARLAN, Duncan. The revivals of the 18th century, particularly at Cambuslang. Edin burgh, n. d. 16 118.9 MACFARLANE, Charles. The Chinese revolution, [1850-53]. London, 1853. 16 937.14 Life of [John Churchill, duke of] Marlborough, [b. 1650, d. 1722]. 2d edition. London, 1854. 12 C 551.8 Popular customs, sports, and recollections of the south of Italy. London, 1846. 24 840.36 Romance of travel. The East. London, 1846, 47. 2 v. 24 840.38 Turkey and its destiny: journeys in 1847, 48. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 v. 12 687.2 Pictorial history of England. See Craik, Q. L. . . 962.2 MACGAVOCK, Randal W. A Tonnessean abroad or letters from Europe, Africa, and Asia. New York, 1854. 12 1688.3 MACGEE [McGee], Thomas D Arcy. Historical sketches of O Conncll [Irish patriot and states man, b. 1775, d. 1847] and his friends. 4th, edition. Boston, [cop. 1845]. 12 1546.3 History of the attempts to establish the protestant reformation in Ireland, [1540-1830]. Boston, 1853. 12 " 1089.10 History of the Irish settlers in North America, to 1850. 6th edition. Boston, 1855. 12 1975.5 Popular history of Ireland: from the earliest period to the emancipation of the catholics. New York, 1863. 2 v. 12 1996.1 MACGILCHRIST [McGilchrist,], John. Richard Cob- den, [English politician, b. 1804, d. 1865]. A biography. [With portrait.] New York, 1865. 16 -. 569.14 Life of John Bright, [English statesman, b. 1811]. New York, n. d. 16 1529.6 Life of Benjamin Disraeli, [English novelist and statesman, b. 1805]. New York, n. d. 16 1559.2 Life of William Ewart Gladstone, [b. 1809]. New York, n. d. 16 1529.7 Public life of Queen Victoria, [b. 1819]. New York, n. d. 16 1559.1 Shelf. No. MACQILLIVRAY, William. Travels and researches of Alexander von Humboldt in tho equinoctial re gions of America and Asiatic Russia. With en gravings. New York, n. d. 18 810.54 MACGREGOR, John. Our brothers and cousins: a summer tour in Canada and the States. [With illustrations.] London, 1859. 18 639.20 The Rob Roy on the Baltic. With illustrations, maps, and music. London, 1867. 16 1687.1 The Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red sea, Gen- nesareth, etc. With maps and illustrations. New York, 1870. 16 1687.5 Three days in the East. 2d edition. London, 1853. 72pp. 24 709.29 Voyage alone in the " Rob Roy," from London to Paris, etc. [With illustrations.] 2d edition. London, 1868. 16 1687.3 MACGUIRE [McGuire], Mrs. John P. Diary of a southern refugee during the war. [Anon. ] New York, 1867. 16 288.11 MAcHARG [McHarg],] Charles K. Life of prince Talleyrand, [French diplomatist, b. 1754, d. 1838]. [With portrait.] Now York, 1857. 12 . 617.10 MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo, Italian political writer, histo rian, and litterateur, b. 1469, d. 1527. History of Florence, with The prince. A new translation. London, 1851. P. 8 , 828.7 Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain v. 1 of 398.1 A ote. See authorities in Thomas and Oettingerj but Ma- caulay s Essay will suffice the ordinary reader. MAclLRAiTH [Mcllraith], John. Life of Sir John Richardson, [Scotch naturalist, b. 1787, d. 1865]. [With portrait.] London, 1868. 16 1566.2 MACILWAIN, George. Memoirs of John Abernethy, [surgeon, b. 1764, d. 1831], New York, 1853. 12 588.8 MACINTOSH, Alexander F. Military tour in Euro pean Turkey, the Crimea, and on the eastern shores of the Black sea. With maps. Lon don, 1854. 2 v. 12 687.8 MACKAY, Rev. Alexander. Manual of modern geog raphy. Edinburgh, 1861. 12 945.5 MACKAY, Alexander, Esq. Tho Western world; or, travels in the United States in 1846, 47. Phila delphia, 1849. 2 v. 12 628.5 MACKAY, Charles, Scotch author and poet, b. 1812. Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions, and tho madness of crowds. [Illustrated.] 2d edi tion. London, 1851. 2 v. P. 8 879.8 Memoirs of commercial delusions. See Hunt, F. Library of commerce 136.30 See Powell, T. The living authors of England . . 586.9 MACKENDREE [M Kendree], AVilliam, methodist bishop, b. 1757, d. 1835. See Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist ministers 535.14 MACKENNEY [M Konney], Thomas L. Memoirs; with travels among the Indians, [1816-45]. 2d edition. Now York, 1846. 8 625.3 MACKENZIE, Sir Alexander. Voyages from Montreal to the Frozen and Pacific oceans, 1789, 93. Phil adelphia, 1802. 8 625.19 MACKENZIE, Alexander S. The American in Eng land. [Anon.} New York, 1835. 2 v. 12.. 658.15 Life of Paul Jones, [naval adventurer, b. 1747, d. 1792]. New York, 1848. 2 v. 16 528.6 Life of Oliver Hazard Perry, [American naval officer, b. 1785, d. 1819]. [With portrait.] New York, [cop. 1840]. 2 v. 18 820.31 Life of Stephen Decatur, [American naval officer, b. 1779, d. 1820]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1846. 8 1512.2 Same. See Sparks, J. Library of American biography v. 21 of 529.1 A year in Spain. [Anon.] New York, 1836. 3d edition. 3 v. 12 679.2 MACKENZIE, Mrs. Colin. Life in the mission, the camp, and the Zenana, or six years in India, [1846-51]. New York, 1853. 2 v. 12 707.11 MACKENZIE 176 MADISON Shelf. No. MACKENZIE, Henry, Scotch essayist and novelist, b. 1745, d. 1831. See Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists 586.19 MACKENZIE, John. Memoirs of John Calvin, [Swiss scholar and reformer, b. 1509, d. 1564]. 2d edition. London, 1818. 12 1108.9 MACKENZIE, Robert Shelton. Life of Charles Dickens, [b. 1812, d. 1870]. With portrait and auto graph. Philadelphia, [cop. 1870]. 16 1556.3 Sir Walter Scott, [b. 1771, d. 1832]. The story of his life. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1871. 16 585.16 MACKIE, John Milton. From Capo Cod to Dixie and the tropics. New York, 1864. 12 635.26 Life of Samuel Gorton, [settler of Warwick, R. 1., d. 1677]. See Sparks, J. Library of Amer ican biography v. 15 of 529.1 MACKINAW, Old. Strickland, W. P 236.14 MACKINNON, Lauchlan Bellingham. Atlantic and transatlantic sketches, afloat and ashore. Lon don, 1852. 2v. 12 628.9 MACKINTOSH, Sir James, Scotch statesman, historian, and political writer, b. 1765, d. 1832. Memoirs. Edited by his son. [With portrait.] From the 2d London edition. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 8... 582.9 Bulwer, Sirll. L. (E.) Historical characters. ... 567.9 De Quincey, T. Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters v. 1 of 895.20 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. .548.13; 549.30 Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Pratt, A. Dawnings of genius 548.26 Kate. See the brief sketch, [B. H. 4204.8]. Sir Henry Bnl- wei s Historical characters is also in Bates Hall, [4545. U. J]. The son s memoir is the authoritative life See also the valu able article in Allibone. FORSTER, John, and COTTRTENAY, Thomas P. Lives of eminent British statesmen. [With portraits.] London, 1831-39. 7 v. 16 388.6 Contents. Vol. I. Sir Thomas More, English historian and lord-chancell ir of England, b. U80,d. 15:13; Thomas Wol- sey, bishop of Lincoln 1514. archbishop of York 1514, car dinal, b. 1741. d. ISliO; Thomas Cranmcr, archbishop of Can terbury, and martyr, b. 1489, burnt 1550: William Cecil, lord Bnrlcigh, English statesman, lord treasurer of Elizabeth, b. 1520, cl. 1598. II. Sir John Eliot, English statesman, b. 1.190, d. KKi ; Thomas \Vent\vqrth, carl of StralFord, b. 15 ., d. 1041. III. John Pvra, English republican politician, b. 1581, (1. 1043 5 John Ilampdcn, English patriot, b. 1591, d. I(i4:i. IV. Sir Henry Vane, English statesman, b. Hill , d. KiiiL ; Henry Mar ten, b. !<:. , d. 1080. V. Robert Cecil, carl of Salisbury, Eng lish statesman and diplomatist, b. 1550, d. 1012; Thomas Os- bornc, carl of Danby, and duke of Leeds, b. 1631, d. 1712. VI, VII. Oliver Cromwell, lord-protector of England, b. 1599, d. 1658. WALLACE, William, and BELL, Robert. History of England, [to 17CO]. London, 1830-40. 10 v. 16 368.3 MACKINTOSH, John, b. 1822, d. 1851. The earnest student, being memorials of. See Maclood, N. . . 588.3 MACKINTOSH, Sarah, wife of James Ma.cldn.tosh, d. 1830. See Women of worth 551.19 MACKNIGHT, Thomas. Benjamin Disraeli, [English novelist and statesman, b. 1805]. A biography. [Anon.] London, 1854. 8 582.14 Life and times of Edmund Burke, [Irish states man, b. 1730, d. 1797]. London, 1858. 2 v. 8 572.4 Thirty years of foreign policy. The secretary ships of Aberdeen and Palmerston. [Anon.] London, 1855. 8 993.3 MACLEAN, Sir John, d. 1716. See Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jacobites v. 2 of 562.2 MACLEAN [M Lean], John. Twenty-five years ser vice in the Hudson s bay territory. London, 1849. 2v. 12 704.19 MACLEAN [McLean], John, of Ohio, b. 1785, d. 1861. See Savage, J. Our living representative men. 527.19 MACLEAR, Rev. G. F. Outlines of Old Testament his tory for youth, [ylncm.] Philadelphia, 1809. 16 2089.16 MAcLEHOSE [M Lehosc], Agnes Craig (Clarinda), Correspondence between Burns and. See Burns, R 586.14 MACLEOD, Donald. Life of Mary, queen of Scots, [b. 1542, ex. 1587]. New York, 1857. 12. ... 594.10 Shelf. Na MACLEOD [M Leod], John, [b. 1542, d. 1587]. Voy age in Her Majesty s ship Alceste to the Yellow sea, along the coast of Corea, to the island of Lewchew, [1816, 17]. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1818. 8 s 696.11 MACLEOD [McLeod], Lyons. Travels in Eastern Af rica. London, 1860. 2 v. 12.. 688.18 MACLEOD, Norman. Eastward: travels in Egypt, Palestine, and Syria. London, 1869. 16 1694.10 The earnest student, being memorials of John Mackintosh, [b. 1822, d. 1851]. London, 1863. 16 588.3 Reminiscences of a Highland parish. London, 1867. 16 2087.1 MACLURE, William, American geologist, b. 1763, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical an nual 518.12 MACNAMARA, Michael II. The Irish ninth in bivouac and battle; or, Virginia and Maryland cam paigns. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1867. 16. 28S.8 MACNEMAR [M Nemar], Richard. The Kentucky revival. Cincinnati, 1808. 12 1089.20 MACOMB, Alexander, American general, b. 1782, d. 1841. Memoir of. See Richards, G. H 528.20 MACOMBER, Eleanor, missionary to Burmah, d. 1840. Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross 569.9 Heroines of the missionary enterprise 639.13 MACON, Nathaniel, of North Carolina, politician, b. 1757, d. 1837. Life of. See Gotten, E. R 528.29 MACPHEKSON, J. The Christian hero: life of Robert Annan. Boston, 1872. 16 569.31 MACPHERSON, James, Scottish historian and litterateur, b. 1738, d. 1796. See Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians v. 2 of 586.11 MACQUEEN, James. The war: Who s to blame? or, the Eastern question. London, 1854. 8 986.7 MAcViCKAR [McVickar], John, S. T. D.,professorin Columbia college, b. 1787, d. 1868. Life of. See MacVickar, W. A 578.26 MACVICKAR [McVickar], William A. Life of Rev. John McVickar. [With portrait.] New York, 1872. 12 578.26 MADAGASCAR. Ellis, W. History of. 1838 934.5 Three visits to, [1853-56] 682.2; 682.4 Owen, W. F. W. Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of. 1833 / 702.8 MADDEN, Richard R. The infirmities of genius. Philadelphia, 1833. 2v.ini. 12 887.7 The island of Cuba: its resources, progress, and prospects. London, 1853. 12 266.10 Life and times of Robert Emmet, [one of the " United Irishmen," b. 1780, d. 1803]. Also a memoir of Thomas Addis Emmet, [Irish histo rian and insurrectionist, b. 1763, d. 1827]. With portraits. New York, 1857. 12 598.15 Literary life and correspondence of [Margaret Gardiner, formerly Miss Power] countess of Blossington, [English authoress, b. 1789, d. 1849]. [With portrait.] New York, 1855. 2 v. 12 : 595.8 Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, 1824-27. 2d edition. London, 1833. 2 v. 12. 687.9 A twelvemonth s residence in the West, Indies. London, 1835. 2 v. 12........ 635.21 The United Irishmen, their lives and times, [1792 -1804]. 1st series. London, 1842. 2 v. 8.. 598.1 - Same. 2d series. With portraits. London, 1843. 2v. 8 598.2 Same. 3d series. With portraits. Dublin, 1846. 3 v. 8 598.3 MADEIRA. Col ton, W. Ship and shore, in. 1851... 678.10 Dix, J. A. A winter in, [1842] 675.8 March, C. W. Sketches and adventures in. 1856. 675.12 AVhite, R. Madeira: its climate and scenery, [1850, 51] 264.C MADISON, James, 4M president of the United States, b. 1751, d. 1836. Papers; being his correspond ence and reports of debates during the congress of the confederation and in the federal conven tion. Published under the superintendence of H. D. Gilpin. Washington, 1810. 3 v. 8... 285.3 MADISON 1771 MANCO-CAPAC Shelf. No. MADISON, James, continued. The federalist. See Hamilton, A 285.4 Rives, W. C. Life and times of 522.6 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic .. 513.13 Note. Riyes s Life is the most important work. There was also a selection from his private correspondence published in 1859, [B. II. 340.11]. MADKAS, Letters from, [1836-39]. Maitland, J. C. 889.28 MADRID, The attache in. Calderon de la Barca, F. E. 675.10 MAFFEI, Giovanni P. Life of Xavier. See Bartoli, D 542.11 MAGDALENE, of France, queen of James V, of Scot land, b. 1520, d. 1537. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession in Great Britain v. 1 of 593.4 MAGIC, History of. Ennemoser, J 826.12 MAGLIABECCHI, Antony, Italian librarian, b. 1633, d. 1714. See, Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of hu man nature v. 3 of 1869.1 MAGOON, Elisha L. Orators of the American revolu tion. 4th edition. [With portraits.] New York, 1850. 12 528.1 Contents. James Otis, orator and author, b. 172,5, d. 1783; Samuel Adams, governor of Massachusetts, b. 1722, d. 1803; Josiah Quincy, jr., orator and author, b. 1744, d. 1775; John Hancock, senator, governor of Massachusetts, and author, b. 1737. d. 1793; Joseph Warren, general and politician, b. 1740, d. 1775; John Adams, 2d president of the United States, b. 173. r , d. 1820; Patrick Henry, senator, governor of Virginia, and author, b. 1736, d. 179<J ; Richard Henry Lee, statesman, b. 1732, d. 1794; Alexander Hamilton, military officer, political writer, and lawyer, b. 1757, d. 1804: Fisher Ames, orator and met. Irish historian and insurrectionist, b. 1763, d. 1827; John Randolph, politician, b. 1773, d. 1833. Westward empire, [B. c. 450-A. D. 1799], Now York, 1856. 12 948.2 MAGOON, James. Life of major-gen. John C. Fre mont, [b. 1813]. New York, [cop. 1861]. 96 pp. 16 1529.24 MAGUIRE, John F., Irish journalist, b. 1815. Father Mathew, [Irish apostle of temperance, b. 1790, d. 185C]: a biography. London, 1863. 8 554.12 The Irish in America. London, 1868. 16 1997.1 Rome: its ruler [Pius ix, b. 1792] and its institu tions. [With portrait.] London, 1857. 8 . . . 919.1 Same. New York, 1858. 12 1935.2 MAGYAR, City of the. Pardoe, J 928.1 MAHOMET. See Mohammed. MAHON, Viscount. See Stanhope, Philip Henry, lord. MAHONY, D. A. The prisoner of state. [Autobiog raphy.] New York, 1863. 12 298.21 MAHOXY, Francis Sylvester, Irish Jesuit journalist and humorist, b. 1806, d. 1866. The rcliques of Fa ther Prout, [pseud. ]. Collected by Oliver Yorko, Esq., [pseud. }. New edition. Illustrated by Alfred Croquis, Esq., (D. Maclise). London, 1862. 12 853.16 MAIL-BAGS, Ten years among the. Holbrook, J 884.7 MAILLARD, N. Doran. History of the republic of Texas. London, 1842. 8 236.5 MAINE, History of, [1602-1820]. Williamson, W. D. 234.1 See also Union, and Bates Hall catalogues. MAINE woods, The. Thoreau, H. D 635.25 MAINTENON, Francoise d Aubr^ne, marquise de, wife of Louis XIV, b. 1635, d. 1719. Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society .. v. 2 of 542.15 Note. The most important of the French memoirs is proba bly that of La Beaumefle [B. II. 2659.4 ; 4096.2], which Voltaire decries; and there are other sources of interest in Genlis [1066.16 ; 1088.4] ; Hequet [1078.52] ; Noailles [B. II. 469.71 and m the monograph on madamc Maintenon and her family by Bonhorame, [ 2077 .7] . MAINVILLE, Josephine Foder, madame, French song stress, b. 1793. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 MAISTRE DE LA TOUR, M. History of Ayder AH Khan, [sultan of Mysore, b. 1718, d. 1782]; or, new memoirs concerning the East-Indies. Dub lin, 1824. 2 v. in 1. 12 547.17 Shelf. No. MAITLAND, Frederick L. Narrative of the surrender of Buonaparte. Boston, 1826. 12 1009.3 MAITLAND, J. C. Letters from Madras, 1836-39. [Anon. ] London, 1846. P. 8 889.28 MAITLAND, John, duke of Lauderdale, statesman, 6. 1616, d. 1682. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Groat Britain v. 6 of 815.1 MAITLAND, John, lord of Thirlstane, chancellor of Scot land, statesman and litterateur, b. about 1537, d. 1595. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 MAITLAND, Sir William, of Lethington, secretary to Queen Mary, and poet, d. 1573. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Brit ain v. 2 of 815.1 MAJBNDIE, Vivian D. Up among the Pandies: or, a year s service in India. London, 1859. 12.. 709.25 MA-KA-TAI-ME-SHE-KIA-KIAK, or Black Hawk, chief of the Sacs and Foxes, d. 1838. Life. Boston, 1834. 18 539.6 See Goodrich, S. G, Lives of celebrated Ameri can Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 MALAGA, Account of. 1860. .Lee, E 665.12 MALAY archipelago. Wallace, A. R 1675.11 MALAY islands, Visit to the. Habersham, A. W. . . . 1706.1 MALAYAN waters, Journal in. Osborn, S. . . .697.23; 708.13 MALCOLM, Henry F. India and the Indian mutiny, [664-1857]. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1858. 12 999.14 MALCOLM, Sir John, English general and historian, b. 1769, d. 1833. Campaign in the Pyrenees and south of France, 1814. See Memorials of the late war v. 1 of 830.42 Sketches of Persia. London, 1845. P. 8 889.33 Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Kaye, J. W. Life and correspondence of 565.1 Lives of Indian officers v. 1 of 15 06. 4 MALCOM, Howard. Travels in South-eastern Asia. [Illustrated.] 5th edition. Boston, 1840. 2 v. 12. 709.3 Same. 8th edition. Cincinnati, 1849. 12 . . 709.5 MALET, William W. An errand to the South in the summer of 1862. London, 1863. 16 308.21 MALEY, A. J. Historical recollections of the reign of William iv, [1830-37]. London, 1860. 2 v. Sm. 8 998.11 MALIBRAN, Marie Felicita, nee Garcia, French vocal ist, b. 1808, d. 1836. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 Clever girls of our time 599.21 Merlin, M. J., comtesse de. Memoirs of 615.10 MALKIN, Frederic. History of Greece from the ear liest times to its final subjection to Rome. [Anon. ] London, 1829. 8 365.6 MALKIN, J. H. Historical parallels. Illustrated. London, 1831. 2 v. 12 839.12 Same. Vol.1. Boston, 1831. 12 849.12 Same. London, 1846. 3 v. 24 840.41 MALLET, or MALLOCH, David, Scotch poet and writer, b. 1700, d. 1765. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 3 of 582.11 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 MALLET, Paul H. Northern antiquities ; or, an his torical account of the ancient Scandinavians. Translated by Bishop Percy. New edition, by I. A. Blackwell. London, 1847. P. 8 846.2 MALLOCH, David. See Mallet, David. MALTA. Bigelow, A. Travels in, [1827] 672.2 Brydone, P. Tour through Malta. 1813 679.11 Wilson, S. S. Narrative of the Greek mission; or, sixteen years in. 1839 683.2 MALUS, Eticnne Louis, French physicist and poet, b. 1775, d. 1812. See Arago, (D.) F. (J.) Biog raphies of distinguished scientific men 541.3 MAMMOTH cave of Kentucky, Narrative of the. 1870. Forword, W. S 235.17 MAN upon the sea. Goodrich, F. B 701.10 MANCHESTER, Id duke of. See Montagu, John. MANCHESTER, 2rf earl of. See Montagu, Edward. MANCO-CAPAC I, founder of the empire of Peru, fl. llth century. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 MANDEVILLE 178 MARK TWAIN Shelf. No. MANDEVILLE, Sir John do, English traveller and writer, b. 1300, d. 1372. Narrative. See Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine 846.7 MANGLES, James. Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria, and the Holy Sand. See Irby, C. L 889.25 MANGNALL, Richmal. Historical and miscellaneous questions. Improved edition. London, n. d. 18 939.9 MANHATTANER, The, in New Orleans. Hall, A. 0... 629.15 MANILLA, Rambles in, [1848-50]. Ball, C. L 708.6 MANN, Horace, American educationist, b. 1796, d. 1859. Life of. See Mann, M 573.9 MANN, J. B. Life of Henry Wilson, [b. 1812]. Il lustrated. Boston, 1872. 8 517.29 MANN, Mary. Life of Horace Maun. 2d edition. Boston, 1865. Sm. 8 573.9 Biographical sketch of D. F. Sarmiento. See Sarmiento, D. F 1637.4 MANNERS, John, marquis of Granby, English general, b. 1721, d. 1770. James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great commanders 557.6 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 MANSERS and customs of the Japanese, in the 19th century. London, 1841. 12 708.2; 937.5 Same. New York, 1848. 18 820.36 MANNING, Anne. The story of Italy, [410-1859]. [Anon.] London, 1859. 12 917.8 MANNING, Henry Hatch, b. 1844, d. 1808. The cap tured scout of the Army of the James. Sketch of. See Trumbull, II. 1529.27 MANNY, Sir Walter, English warrior and monastic founder, d. 1732. See Gleig, G. R. Lives of the most eminent British military commanders, v. 1 of 388.3 MANSEL, Sir Robert, b. 15 , d. 16 . See Southey, 11. Lives of the British admirals v. 5 of 388.5 MANSFIELD, Earl of. See Murray, William. MANSFIELD, Charles B. Paraguay, Brazil, and the Plate, 1852, 53. With illustrations. Cambridge, 1856. 12 635.10 MANSFIELD, Edward D. Life of Ulysses S. Grant, [18th president of the United States, b. 1822]. [With portrait and maps.] Cincinnati, 1868. 12^. 521.8 Life of General Winfield Scott, [b. 1786, d. 1866]. New York, 1846. 8 517.14 The Mexican war, [1846, 47]. Illustrated. New York, 1848. 12 259.1 Same. 10th edition. Now York, 1852. 12. 259.2 The political manual: being a view of the general and state governments of the United States. New York, 1861. 12 299.18 MANSFIELD, J. B. History of New England. See Coolidge, A. J 233.4 MANSFIELD, Lewis W. Country margins and ram bles of a journalist. See Hammond, S. H 1818.2 MANSFIELD, Robert B. School-life at Winchester col- lego. [Anon.l [With plates.] London, 1870. 16* 1817.24 MANTEGNA, Andrea, b. 1430, d. 1506. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters. v. 1 of 840.23 MAR, Earl of. See Erskine, John. MARA, Gertrude Elizabeth Schtnaling, German vocal ist, b. 1749, d. 1833. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 MARBLE, Danforth, Yankee comedian, b. 1807, d. 1849. A biographical sketch. See Kelly, J. F. 519.6 MARCH, Charles W. Sketches and adventures in Madeira, Portugal, and the Andalusias of Spain. [Anon.] [With illustrations.] Now York, 1856. 12 675.12 Reminiscences of congress. [A biography of D. Webster. With portrait.] 3d edition. Now York, 1851. 12 526.22 MARCH, Daniel, D. D. Walks and homes of Jesus. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1866], 12 2106.2 MARCO PAUL S adventures in pursuit of knowledge. Abbott, J 659.23 MARCV, E. E. Christianity and its conflicts, ancient and modern. New York, 1867. 12 2106.6 Shelf. No. MARCY, Randolph B. Border reminiscences. [With illustrations.] New York, 1872. 12 638.22 Xote. Experiences of ail army officer at frontier posts. The prairio traveller. With illustrations. New York, 1859. 12 639.25 MARDI: and a voyage thither. 1849. Melville, H. 634.20 MARGARET, of AngoulSme, queen of Navarre, b. 1492, d. 1549. Colquhoun, J. C. Life in Italy and France in the olden time 915.5 Freer, M. W. Lifeof 544.12 MARGARET, of Anjou, queen of Henry VI, b. 1429, d. 1482. Clarke, M. C. World-noted women 1522.25 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 1 of 592.1 MARGARET, of France, queen of Edward I, d. 1317. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Eng land v. 1 of 592.1 MARGARET TUDOR, daughter of Henry VII, queen of James IV, of Scotland, b. 1489, d. 1541. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession in Great Britain v. 1 of 593.4 MARGUERITE. See Margaret. MARGUERITTES, Julie do. Italy and the war of 1859. With maps and portraits. Philadelphia, 1859. 8 917.6 MARIA THERESA, of Austria, empress of Germany, b. 1717, d. 1780. Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns and illustrious women 569.28 Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns. v. 2 of 810.44 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Women of worth 551.19 Kate. See histories of the Thirty years war. MAHIAMNE, Jewish princess, wife of Herod the //real, d. B. c. 29. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 MARIE ANTOINETTE DE LORRAINE, Josephine Jeanne, queen of France, wife of Louis XVI, b. 1755, d. 1793. Abbott, J. S. C. History of 559._30 Campan, J. L. II. G. Memoirs of the court of. . . 615.3 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Weber, J. Memoirs of 613.1 Kote. Madame Campan s Memoirs [also in B. II., in French, 4655.12], who, as lady in waiting, had opportunities of drawing the private life of the queen, are of importance. We ber [also in 15. II., in French, 4G4S.8], was in confidential rela tions with the royal family, and he brings forward some authentic particulars of her last years. A volume of her corre spondence [B. II. 4Cl(j.iiO], covering 1770-92, has been pub lished. Montjoye s lift was published in 1797. There is a life- by Goncourt, 1858, [B. H. 4G42.22]. The memoirs of most in terest In this connection are those of the Prince de Ligne, [B. H. 2652.8] ; Due de Choiseul,[B. H. 4615.91; George [B. H. 2654.131. See also the general histories of Thiers, I,amartme, etc. For lists of books on Marie Antoinette, see Bates Hall, [6161.1.2, pp. 449; G1G1.1.3, p. 47, etc. ; 6167.25, pp. 25-36]. MARIE DE MEDICI. See Medici, Marie de . MARINA, Donna Xaramillo, Mexican linyuist, b. 1505? d. 1530? See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of cele brated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 MARINI, or MARINO, Giovanni Battista, Italian poet, b. 1569, d. 1625. See Sheliey, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 2 of 398.1 MARION, Francis, American revolutionary officer, b. 1732, d. 1795. Life of. See Simrns, W. G 528.14 MARIOTTI, Luigi, pseud, for Antonio Gallenya. Coun try life in Piedmont. London, 1858. 16 1657.4 Italy: general views of its history and literature, [568-1840]. London, 1841. 2 v. 12 917.1 Memoir of Fra Dolcino, [Italian reformer, d. 1307]. London, 1853. 8 644.16 Present state and prospects of Italy. London, 1848. 12 937.6 MARITIME adventure, History of. Goodrich, F. B. .. 701.10 MARITIME discovery, History of. Cooloy, W. D 378.1] MARK TWAIN, pseud. See Clemens, Samuel L. 1IARKHAM 179 MARVEL Shelf. No. MARKHAM, Mrs., pseud. See Penrose, Elizabeth. MARKHAM, Clements R. Cuzco: a journey to the an cient capital of Peru. With illustrations. Lon don, 1856. 8 633.20 MARKS, Rev. Junius J. Tho peninsula campaign in Virginia, [1801-63]. Philadelphia, 1SG4. 12. 307.5 MARLBOROUGH, Duchess of. See Churchill, Sarah. MABLBOROUGH, Duke of. See Churchill, John. MARLES, Jean L. See Lacroix-Marles, Jean. MARMION, Anthony. History of the maritime ports of Ireland. Holborn, 1855. 8 975.4 MARMONT, A ugusto Frederic Louis Vieseo. The present state of tho Turkish empire. Translated by Sir F. Smith. 2d edition. London, 1854. 8 918.8 MARMONTEL, Jean Francois, French author, b. 1723, d. 1799. Memoirs. By himself. Translated from the French. Edinburgh, 1808. 4 v. 12 609.8 MARQDETTE, Jacques, French Jesuit missionary, explo rer of the Mississippi, b. 1637, d. 1675. Life of. See Sparks, J v. 10 of 529.1 MARQUESAS islands, Four months residence among the natives of the. 1846. Melville, H 899.2 MARSDEN, John B. History of the later puritans. 2d edition. London, 1854. 8 1085.17 MARSH, Catherine. Aspects of religion in tho United States. [Anon. } London, 1859. 16 2109.11 English hearts and English hands. London, 1859. 12 2109.16 Life of Rev. William Marsh, D. D., [b. 1775, d. 1864]. [With engravings.] New York, 1867. 2 v. 8 1557.1 Memorials of Capt. Hedlcy Vicars, 97th regi ment, [b. 1826, d. 1855]. [Anon.] [With por trait.] New York, 1856. 18 578.3 MARSH, Rev. John, D. D., b. 1742, d. 1821. See Sigourney, L. II. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 MARSH, John, D. D., American temperance reformer, b. 1788, d. 1868. Temperance recollections. An autobiography. New York, 1866. 12 56!"). 20 MARSH, Rev. William, rector of Beddinyton, Eng., b. 1775, d. 1864. Life of. See Marsh, C 1557.1 MARSH-CALDWELL, Mrs. Anne. History of the prot- estant reformation in France, [1553-74]. Phil adelphia, 1851. 2v. 12 1008.2 MARSHALL, Christopher. Diary during tho American revolution, [1774-77]. Edited by W. Duane. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1839-49. 12 217.13 MARSHALL, Edward C. History of tho United States naval academy, [Annapolis, Md., 1845-62]. New York, 1862. 12 298.12 MARSHALL, John, chief justice of the United States, and writer, b. 1755, d. 1835. Life of George Washington, 1st president of the United States, [b. 1732, d. 1799]. [With portrait.] Phila delphia, 1805. 5v. 8 515.15 Same. Philadelphia, 1840. 2 v. 8 515.2 MacCabe, J. D.,jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Van Santvoord, G. Lives of tho chief justices of tho United States 623.4 Wynne, J. Lives of eminent literary and scien tific men of America 5 18.3 Nate. See Judge Story s discourse, [B. II., Pph. v. 257 and 2G53. MARSHMAN, John C. Lives of Carey, Marshman, and Ward, the Serampore missionaries. London, 1864, 16 2099.8 MARSHMAN, Joshua, Baptist missionary to India, b. 17G7?d. 1837. Marshman, J. C. Life of.... 2099.8 Tweedie, W. K. Tho life and work of earnest men 555.13 MARSHPEE Indians. Indian nullification of the un constitutional laws of Massachusetts, relative to the Marshpeo tribe. Apes, W 249.3 MARSILLAC, Prince de. See La Rochefoucauld, Fran- c/>is, due de. MARSTON, John Westland, English poet and dramatist, b. 1820. Home, R. H. A now spirit of tho ago. 878.23 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 Shelf. No. MARTEILHE, Jean, French protestant, b. 1684, d. 1777. The Huguenot galley slave: [an] autobiography, [1700-13]. Translated from !he French. New York, 1867. 12 1117.1 MARTEL, Charles, " duke of the Franks," b. 694, d. 741. See Hewlett, H. G. Tho heroes of Europe. 555.3 MARTEN, Henry, b. 1602, d. 1680. See Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesman. v. 4 of 388.6 MARTIN, (Bon Louis) Henri. Tho ago of Louis xiv, [1661-1715]. Translated by M.L. Booth. [With portraits.] Boston, 1865. 2 v. 8. . . v. 13, 14 of 933.2 Tho decline of tho French monarchy, [1715-89]. Translated by M. L. Booth. [With portrait and map.] Boston, 1866. 2 v. 8 v. 15, 16 of 933.2 Note. These two books are all the sections of Martin s His tory of France that were ever translated. See France, histoiy, note. MARTIN, Claude, major-general, founder of La Mar- tiniere college, b. 1732, d. 1800. See Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to emincnco 379.13 MARTIN, John. Account of tho natives of tho Tonga islands. 3d edition. Edinburgh, 1827. 2 v. 18 830.33 MARTIN, Luther, American lawyer, b. 1744, d. 1826. Genuine information relative to the convention of 1787. See Secret proceedings and debates, etc 299.6 MARTIN, Richard, lord of Connemara. See Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 MARTIN, Sarah, prison philanthropist, b. 1791, d. 1843. Clever girls of our time 599.21 Women of worth 551.19 MARTIN, Theodore. New biographies of illustrious men. See Macaulay, T. B., lord 547.7 MARTIN, William. Travels, voyages, and adventures of Gilbert Go-ahead. Edited by Peter Parley, [pseud., imposter]. Illustrated. New York, 1856. 12 1678.11 MARTINEATJ, Harriet, English novelist and political economist, b. 1802. Biographical sketches. New York, 1S69. 12 1596.2 British rule in India; a historical sketch. Lon don, 1857. 16 989.5 Eastern life, present and past. Philadelphia, 1848. 8 686.1 Same. New edition. London, 1850. 12 686.2 History of tho peace: being a history of England from 1816 to 1854. With an introduction 1800 to 1815. Boston, 1864-6C. 4 v. Sm. 8 995.3 Retrospect of Western travel. London, 1838. 3 v. P. 8 620.10 Society in America. Paris, 1837. 2 v. 16 1G34.7 Same. New York, 1837. 2 v. 12 628.17 MARTITJS, Carl F. P. von. Travels in Brazil, 1817 20. See Spix, J. B. von 633.18 MARTYN, Henry, English missionary and orientalist, b. 1781, d. 1812. Journal and letters. Edited by S. Wilberforce, 1st American edition. New York, 1851. 12 576.4 Kayo, J. W. Lives of Indian of&cers v. 2 of J5G6.4 Sargent, J. Memoir of 576.3 Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility 577.14 MARTYN, W. Carlos. History of th*e Iluguenous. New York, [cop. 18G6]. 12 998.16 Life a-nd times of Martin Luther, [Gorman relig ious reformer, b. 1483, d. 1546]. New York, [1866]. 12 2106.1 MARTTRIA; or, Andersonvillo prison. Hamlin, A. C. 270.1 MARTYRS. Butler, A. Lives of tho 541.5 Chateaubriand, (R.) F. A. de. The martyrs 115.20 Foxe, J. Book of 1098.33; 1101.2 Hodgson, W, Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the 2085.9 L\ves of the early martyrs of the church 1859.1 Taylor, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs.1094.10 Note. Butler C3557.1] and Fox [3550.6 ; 5559a.?7] are also in Bates Ilall. Chateaubriand s book is an historical study in the guise of fiction of the conflict of paganism and Christian ity in the third century. For the French, see 1000.7. MARVEL, Ik., pseud. See Mitchell, Donald G. MARVELL 180 MASSACHUSETTS Shelf. No. MARVELL, Andrew, English poet, b. 1620, d. 1704. See Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 8 of 840.10 Note. - See life by E. Thompson in vol. 3 of Marvell s Works fB. II. 2601.5], and Coleridge a Northern worthies, [B. H. 4540.18]. MAUY I, queen of England, b. 1516, d. 1558. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 2 of 592.1 Turner, S. History of the reign of 965.4 Note. See the general histories of England. MARY II, queen of England, b. 1662, d. 1694. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 5 of 592.1 MARY STUART, queen of Scots, b. 1542, ex. 1587. Ab bott, ,T. Ilistory of 559.28 Bell, H. G. Life of 810.21; 830.40 Bonger, E.G. Lifo of 594.2; 594.9 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns v. 1 of 810.44 Lacroix-Marlcs, J. Life of . 594.11 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 MacLeod, D. Life of 594.10 Molino, J. F. Mary queen of Scots and her latest English historian 594.17 Mignet, F. A. (A.) History of 554.4 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. Tho heroines of history 599.22 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses connected with the regal succession in Great Britain v. 3-6 of 593.4 Note. Miss Strickland says that "more books have been written Rbonf Mary Stuart than all the queens in the world put together." The earliest of her judges is Buchanan, who in his "Detection," J.J71 [B. II. 2000.1], supported the allegations of her accusers, and further reinforced them later in his history [B. II. 2474.14; 2479.3] in a manner that her defenders style that of caricature. Knox, the reformer, in his History of the reformation [B. II. 3524.8 ; 5 4!): ;.,">] had the asperity of a religious bigot. Her defence by Leslie, bishop of lloss, was that of an avowed partisan ; but Buchanan s views have fashioned, per haps, the predominating opinions, such as are held by Kapin [B. II. 2110.1], De Thou, Boyle. Voltaire, Sharon Turner, Dar- gaud, Raunier, etc. ; and the principal cyclopaedias, and such writers of history for young readers as Dickens. There were some vindicator s of her in the Kith and 17th centuries, like Bellef orest, 1572; Blacks ood, 1587; Caussin, 11)24; ConSUB, 1024, etc. Camden, 1015. in his Annals of Elizabeth [B. H. 2410.,,; 2110.5], maintained that she was the victim of her no bility, and he had the advantages of Cecil s aid in getting ac cess to important proofs. In the first half of the ]8th century, there was nothing in Crawford, 1705; in Jebb, 1725; in Heywood, 1725, and Free- bairn, 17,">3, (over-anxious to vindicate the queen, the latter translating from 13ois-Guilbertl ; in Anderson, 1728 (adverse), orinKcith, 17. H (who followed Camden), to appear significant until Goodtill, in 1754. revived an interest in the question of Mary s guilt or innocence, by first ottering the proofs of the forgery of the so-called Casket letters. Hume [SW8.1, etc.] and Robertson [943.4.3; B. H. 2301.4], who shortly followed, were more than strong enough in a literary sense to counteract any sympathy that Goodall may have excited, and Hume, as the ablest and most indulgent of her accusers, has probably done most to establish prevalent views, while Lingard [909.3, etc.] has controverted him in this as in other matters, but without apparently much confidence in her innocence. In 17CO, Wil liam Tvtler s argumentative Inquiry [B. II. 4540a.l3] weighed the evidence, and he first critically examined the sonnets and the confession of Paris, and sustained the queen against Hume and Robertson, and his book was reviewed by 1 Jr. Johnson, [001.0.2, etc.]. Gilbert Stuart, 1762 [B. II. 2175.2; 2475.3], in his History of Scotland, also espoused Mary s side, and so does Whitaker, 1788. who is somewhat over-zealous; and also Mile. Keralio in her French history of Elizabeth. Malcolm Laing, in his History of Scotland [B. II. 2475.1], revived the adverse views, and was combated by George Chal mers, in his Life of Mary, 1818 [B. II. 2H4.0], who used mate rial mat Whitaker had left in addition to investigations of his own. Burton, in his History of Scotland [B. II. 4524.3], is ad verse, but he rejects some of Buchanan s charges; and Patrick VraserTytler [97H.7] guardedly suspects her. Brougham, in an appendix to his Statesmen of George the third s time Q840.5; 508.7], thinks the evidence quite decisive of her guilt, without being such as would convict her in a court of justice. Bell [also in B. II. 4529a.3] aims to balance the evidence and sides with her vindicators. Miss Benffer sides with her defenders, and her life is full upon Mary a residence in France. The French life by Lacroix-Marles is a popular defence; and so is MacLeod s. In Mignet [in French, 1006.25 ; B. II. 2475.9], who gives in his preface tiie sources of his information, the queen found an ex treme denunciator ; and Miss Strickland, who has added to our knowledge of Mary s history more than almost any other, has vindicated the queen against the views of Mignet; as also did Wiesener in his "Marie Stuart et le comte de Bothwell," in 1863. The latest of her detractors, and called by her friends the most reckless and vituperative, is Froude, in his History oi Eng- Shelf. No. MARY STDART, queen of Scots, continued. land [984.2, etc.], who accepts in full faitb the authenticity of the Casket letters; and he has provoked much opposition for his laudation of the usurping nobles, and bis vindication of Elizabeth. McXccl Caird, in his " Mary Stuart, her guilt or iuno ccnce" [B. 11. 4544.1], has sharply controverted 1 roudej as has also Wiesener. in tne Revue des questions historiquea for April, July, and Oct., 1868, [B. II. 5214.50]. Hosack, cov ering 1542-70, in his "Marv, queen of Scots, and her ac cusers," 1869 [B. H. 0541.8],"scck to test the charges by the evidence of her enemies chiefly, and was the first to bring for ward the specific counts against her, as alleged at Westmin ster in 1508. Meline 8 book is a sharp controversy with Froude by a Catholic champion of Mary. One of the most thorough books is a recent life by Gauthicr, 1869 [B. II., in French, 6542.4], as the enumeration of his authorities in his preface shows, and he thinks he adduces from the archives of Siman- cas, the strongest proof yet found of the forgery of the Casket letters. Mary s correspondence has been laboriously collected by Count Labanoft [B. H. 2477.9], the seventh volume of which contains a partial bibliography; and Cheruel has a mono graph on the relations of Marv and Catherine de Mudicis, [B. II. 2526.5]. Mary has been almost always pictured with pity, if not with vindication, by writers of the imagination. Scott s famous characterization in "The abbot" carries her through her es cape from Lochleven and the battle of Langside [430.33. etc.], and where he discusses the question of her guilt in his History of Scotland [308.4.2], he pronounces the cases not proven. Aytouu, in his poem " Bothwell " [.",. 34.;!], leaves her at Loch leven, and in one of his historical notes lie has done much to establish the authenticity of Bothwell s dying confession of Mary s innocence. See also the novels of "Bothwell" by Grant; " Southcnnan," by Gait [788.:;]; "The queen s Ma ries" (her maids in France), by Whyte-Mclville, [7. .:MJ. Perhaps the eailiest. of the dramas upon her is Banks s "Albi on queens," [1389.1.10]; and the most famous are Schiller s [in English, 372. 1 ; 818.11 ; B. II. 2SHD.fi ; in German, 1019.2.S; 1038.5; B. II. 2fi36.ll, not close to history] and AlneiTs [1040.3.1; B. II. 2774.1.12; 2774.2.4; 277 .<j.l; 4779a.0.7]. There are also dramas in French by Lebruu and Montehrcsfien. The latest is S.vinburne trilogy, "Chastelard" [1317.11], "Bothwell," and "Fotheringay." For the bibliography, see Hoofer s Nouvelle biographic gen- eiale, and Oettinger. MAUY, of Lorraine, queen of James V, b. 1515, d. 15C1. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Scot land and English princesses connected with the regal succession in Groat Britain v. 1, 2 of 593.4 MARY BEATRICE, of Modena, queen of James II, king of Great Britain and Ireland, b. 1058, d. 1718. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 4, 5 of 592.1 MARYLAND, History of, [1633-CO]. Bozman, J. L. . 235.3 See also Annapolis. Also McSherry s Essays, [B. II. 2375.57]. MASACCIO. See Guidi, Tommaso. MASANIELLO. See Aniello, Tommaso. MASKELYNE, Nevil, Enr/lish astronomer, b. 1732, d. 1811. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 4 of 839.6 MASON, Francis, D. D., American missionary, b. 1799. Tho story of a working man s life: with sketches of travel in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. With an introduction by W. 11. Williams. [Il lustrated.] New York, 1870. 12 153G.2 MASON, G. H. Life with the Zulus of Natal, South Africa. London, 1855. 10 1655.9 MASON, John, military officer of Connecticut, b. 1GOO, d. 1672. Life of. See Ellis, G. E v. 13 of 529.1 MASSACHUSETTS. Apes, W. Indian nullification of the laws of, relative to the Marshpeo tribo 249 3 Barber, J. W. Historical collections of, [1620- 1837] 223.8 Barry, J. S. History of, [1620-1820] 223.3 Bradford, A. History of, [1620-1820] 223.9 Carpenter, W. H. History of, [1602-1820] 228.11 Gladden, W. From the hub to the Hudson: with sketches of nature, history and industry in north western Massachusetts. 1869 1639.10 Haynes, G. Historical sketch of the -Massachu setts state prison. 1869 276.12 Hayward, J. Gazetteer of. 1849 229.2 Oliver, P. The puritan commonwealth in, [1620- 89] 232.4 Washburn, E. Judicial history of, [1630-1775]. 297.2 Whitman, Z. G. Biographies of distinguished men of 294.6 Winthrop, J. History of, [1630-49] 223.7 Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters of, [1623-36] 223.12 Note. For the discoveries of the coast in the tenth and eleventh centuries, see Northmen, note; and for .he early set tlement, see Plymouth and New England ; see the notes under -. ^ MASSACHUSETTS 181 MATILDA Shelf. No. MASSACHUSETTS, continued. those heads, and under Boston. See these headings in the Prince catalogue. Gosnold, after the Northmen, has usually been considered the earliest discoverer of the bay, but De Costa [B. H. 4422.7] claims that Jean Allfonscc explored it in 1.542. Thornton has a monograph on the settlement at Cape Anne, 1624-28, [B. H. 2321.1]. The very important narrative of Governor Winthrop covers the history of the colony from the sailing of the first colonists in 1630 to Winthrop s death in 1G49, [also in B. H., in the Hart ford edition, 2321.11; in Savage s the best edition, 2321.10J. See introduction to the Prince catalogue for the history of tins journal. The most important, after Winthrop s Journal, of the early documents are collected in part or wholly with careful editing in Dr. Young s Chronicles of Massachusetts [also in B. H. 2352.4], where they were printed together for Die flrot time, and the volume includes a section of John White s Planter s plea, a part of Htibbard, Higginson s Journal of his voyage from England and his New England s plantation, Rogei Clap s memoirs, Wood s New England s prospect [orig inal edition in Prince 20.237], Samuel Whiting s Life of John Cotton, Richard Mather s Journal, and Thomas Shcpard s Memoir of himself. The early voyages UG38 and 1063) of Jossclyn on the coast [B. H. 01.84] arc also of importance, and they are also given in the Massachusetts historical so- ciety sc ollections, 3d series, vol. 3. Johnson s Wonder-working Providence is a narrative of the early settlements of the bay 1628-^1 [B. H. 4401.2], and there is a careful modern edition of it by Poole, [B. H. 4402.11]. The old historian Ilubbard [B. 11. 2321.12] based his narrative largely upon Winthrop, and does not add largely to our knowledge for the thirty j-ears that he continued it (to 1680) beyond Winthrop s death. It was not printed till 1815. Hutchmson [B. H. 4458.31, who used Ilnbbard s MS., covered originally the period 1G28-1749, in a substantial narrative that takes the highest rank among the historical writings of the Charles Dcane has the Historical magaz sentiments of the colony, [B. II. 23.52.tP; L . 152.1:!: aL .HJ. " --- " --- a bibliography of Hutchinson s history in _ .zine, vol. 1, p. 97, [B.H. 431.5.1]; and there is a correspondence between Hutchinson and Dr. Stiles on his history in the Genealogical register for 187- . [B. II. 2335.1]. Minot epitomized the ground of Ilntchinson s history as intro ductory to a continuation, in a terse and reputable narrative from 1748 to 1765. [B. H. 2352.10; 2.T.2.18]; while he has suc cinctly told in a separate work the history of Shay s rebellion. , . . The latest and most comprehensive history of Massachusetts is by Barry [B. H. 2J132.3] divided into I, colonial period, to 1092; II. Provincial period, to 1775; III, Commonwealth period, to 1820. The character and progress of the settlers during the 17th cen tury have been treated :i,lvrrs<>!v. in Oliver s Puritan common wealth [also in B. II. 4.T07.8], a work which has been sharply criticised by Thornton [B. H. 2321.18] and others. Dr. Ellis has very nbly set forth the aims and purposes of the founders; and explains their treatment of intruders and dissentients, r.222,.1; B. H. 44.51.2]. The early participnncy of the colonists in the -slave trade has been discussed hy Monre [B. II. 2:152.24] and Washburn [B. II. 2351.1; 5573.27]. For the Witchcraft delusion, see Witchcraft, note. For the Indian ware, see New England, note; and for the relations of the first colonists with the Indians, sec Eliot s lecture, [222.3; B. H. 44.51.2]. There is a history of Western Massachusetts hv Holland EB. II. 2358.6], and a bibliography of local histories byColbnrn B. II. 0102.15]; and the early records of the colony have been printed bv the state under the editing of Dr. Shurtleft, [B. II. 23.50.L ]. See the Collections [B. II. 2351.1] and Proceedings [B. II. 2351.2] of the Massachusetts historical society, and their vol ume of lectures upon the early history of the state, [222.3; B. H. 44,51.2] ; the New England historical and genealogical reg ister, [B. H. 2335.1] : and the publications of the American antiquarian society, [B. II. 2311.1]. The founders of Massachusetts were puritans, as distinct from the separatists who settled at Plymouth, and this distinc tion lias been much dwelt upon of late. See Plymouth colony, note. See L. Wood s Theology of the puritans [B. II. .W70a 36] ; Marsdcn s [B. H. 352.5.7] and Ncal s [B. II. 3520.1] histories of the puritans. See alsn Berkshire county, Beverly, Boston, Boxford, Brad ford, Bridgewatcr, Cambridge, Cape Anne, Concord, Danvers, Dorchester. Duxbury, Eastham, Georgetown, Gloucester, Leo- minster, Lexington, Medfbrd, Natiek, New England, Norton, Northmen, Orleans, Pilgrim, Plymouth, Rockport, Rowley. Waltham, Watertown, Wellfleet. Weston. Massachusetts in the civil war, 1861-65. Cudworth, W. H. History of the First regiment Massachusetts infantry 275.1 Johns, II. T. Life with the 49th Massachusetts volunteers 308.9 Macnamara, M. H. The Irish ninth in bivouac and battle 288.8 Schouler, W. History of Massachusetts in the civil war 272.11 Note. Schouler, who, as adjutant-general of the state, made a contemporary record in his reports [B. II. C43G.1], has also in his History [also in B. II. 4400.8] given in the first volume a continuous narrative of the part borne by the state, and in the second volume has recorded alphabetically, under counties, the part taken by each of the towns. There is a less authori tative, but more popular compilation by P. C. Headley, [B.H. Beside the regimental histories named above, there are in the Bates Hall records of the Second, [2328..W] : the old Sixth, [4329.36] ; the Thirty-eighth, [4370a.31] ; the Fifty-fifth, [4424.9], etc* Shelf. No. MASSACHUSETTS, continued. The personal narratives of Massachusetts soldiersoften carry out with more or less fulness the record of the service of Mas sachusetts troops, such as the Harvard Memorials of those graduates who fell in the sen-ice [B. H. 4387.16], one of whom, Col. Wilder Dxvight. has been commemorated in a more ex tended biography, [B. H.4S44.24]; the Color-guard [. 507.26] by Hosmer; the Whip, hoe, a .id sword (in Louisiana) hy Hep- worth, [. 307.17]; Parton s Butler in New Orleans, [295.8] ; Hig- finson s Army life in a black regiment, [288.15]; C. C. Coi n s different accounts of the history of the army of the Poto mac, [272.2; 307.10]; and another by Quint, [B. II. 4327.20]. The part sustained by the Eighth regiment in opening the route to Washington in April, 1861, is told by Theodore Win throp, rG34.16]. See also Browne s Life of Governor Andrew. [1.539.3] ; the Life of Chaplain Fuller, [536.19; B. II. 2348.37]; Alcott s Hospital sketches, [307.10] ; Goss s Captivity at AndersonviUe, [276.3], etc. See Bartlett e Bibliography of the rebellion [B. II. 2152.26], and in it the articles under the heads of the different magazines ; the published accounts of the ceremonies of dedicating sol diers monuments in various towns ; and the addresses on Decoration day of successive years, special volumes of news paper reports of such for iseswl are preserved in the Bates Hall, [F. 12.2, etc.]. MASSACHUSETTS charitable mechanic association. An nals. Compiled by J. T. Buckingham. [With portraits.] Boston, 1853. 8 294.5 MASSACHUSETTS historical society. Collections. 1st- 4th scries. Boston, 1806-58. 34 v. 8 278.1 Lectures before the Lowell institute. Boston, 1869. 8 222.3 Contents. Massachusetts and its early history, by R. C. Winthrop ; Aims and purposes of the founders of the Massa chusetts colony ; Treatment of intruders and dissentients by the founders of Massachusetts, by G. E. Ellis; History of S-ants under the great council for New England, hy S. F. aven; Colony of Now Plymouth and its relations to Massa chusetts, by W. Brigham ; Slavery as it once prevailed in Mas sachusetts, by E. Washburn ; Records of Massachusetts under its first charter, by C. W. ITpham ; The medical profession in Massachusetts, by O. W. Holmes ; Early relations with the In dians. byS. Eliot; The regicides sheltered In New England, by C. Rohbins ; First charter and the early religious legislation of Massachusetts, by J. Parker; Puritan politics of England and New England, by E. E. Hale; Education in Massachusetts: early legislation and history, by G. B. Emerson. MASSEY, Sir Gerald, Jcnight, b. 1686, d. 1792. See Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569.19 MASSIE, Nathaniel, American general, b. 1763, d. 1813. Biographical sketch of. See MacDonald, J. . . . 518.8 MASSINGER, Philip, English dramatic author, b. 1584, d. 1640. Sec Dunham, S. A. Lives of tho most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain v. 2 of 398.3 Nnte. See life annexed to his Works, [353.4 ; 353.8 ; 357.14]. Missojf, David, professor in, Edinburgh university, b. 1823. British novelists and their styles. Bos ton, 1859. 12 395.7 Life of Milton, [b. 1608, d. 1674]. With an estimate of his genius and character, by Lord Macaulay. New York, [1859]. 18 551.6 Same. Vol. 1. 1608-39. Boston, 1859. 8. 561.2 MATHER, Cotton, New England divine, b. 1663, d. 1728. Wonders of tho invisible world. See Fowler, S. P 228.17 Life of. Se.e Peabody, W. B. v. 6 of 529.1 Kote. See the catalogue of the Prince library, among whose manuscripts are the Mather papers, printed in vol. 8, 4th series. Massachusetts historical society s collections, [B. H. 2351.1]. See also the article in Allibone. MATHER, Rev. Richard, of Dorchester, Mass.,b. 1596, d. 1669. Journal. See Young, A. Chronicles of tho first planters of Massachusetts bay 223.12 MATHEW, Theobald. Irish catholic priest (temperance apostle), b. 1790, d. 1856. Father Mathew: a biography. See Maguire, J. F 554.12 MATHEWS, Charles, Life of. See Mathews, Mrs. G.. 587.17 MATHEWS, Mrs. Charles. Life and correspondence of Charles Mathews, the elder, comedian, [b. 1776, d. 1836]. New edition. London, 1860. 12.. 587.17 Note. This abridged edition is also in Bates Hall, [6549.23]. MATILDA, of Boulogne, queen of Stephen, d. 1151. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 1 of 592.1 MATILDA, of Flanders, queen of William the conqueror, d. 1083. See Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England v. 1 of 592.1 of i MATILDA 182 MEDIA Shelf. No. MATILDA, of Scotland, queen of Henry I, d. 1118. See Strickland, A. Lives of tho queens of England. v. 1 of 592.1 MATSYS, or MESSIS, Quentin, Flemish painter, b. 1460, d. 1529. Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory .and workshop 551.7 Goodrich. S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 MATTHEW, of Westminster. Flowers of history, es pecially such as relate to Britain, from B. c. 4004 to A. D. 1307. Translated by C. D. Yonge. London, 18 53. 2 v. P. 8 856.5 MATTHEW PARIS. English history. 1235 to 1273. Translated by Rev. J. A. Giles. London, 1852- 54. 3 v. 8 856.1 Flowers of history, ascribed to. See Roger, of Wendover 846.9 MATTHEWS, Henry. Diary of an invalid in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and Franco, 1817-19. 5th edition. London, 1835. 16 679.14 MATTHKE, August (H.) Manual of tho history of Greek and Roman literature. Oxford, 1841. 16. 406.11 MATTHIAS, ofjanow, reformer, d. 1394. See Hodg son, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 MATTHIAS CIIACOVIEXSIS, reformer, d. 1410. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 MATTHIOLI, Hercules Anthony, the state prisoner com monly called the Iron Mask, b. 1640, d. 1703. True history of. See Ellis, G. (J. W.) Agar. . . 615.9 MAUNDER, Samuel, English compiler, b. 1790 ? d. 1849. History of the world, [B. c. 1404-A. D. 1850]. Edited by J. Inman. With engravings. New York, 1853. 2 v. 8 951.5 See Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.0 MAUXDEVILLE, Sir John. See Mandeville, Sir John. MAUNDRELL, or MAUNDREL, Henry, English divine and traveller, b. about 1650, d. about 1710. Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1697. Also, Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, and back, [1822]. [Illustrated.] Translated by R. Clay ton. London, 1810. 8 684.9 Narrative. See Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine 846.7 St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 1 of 810.47 MAUPIN, or LA MAUPIN, madame, French actress, b. 1673, d. 1707. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 MACREL, Jules. The duke of Wellington, [b. 1769, d. 1852]. 3d edition. London, 1853. 16 558.8 MAURICE, elector of Saxony, b. 1521, d. 1553. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 1 of 388.7 MAURITIUS. Backhouse, J. Visit to the. 1844 692.13 Beaton, P. Creoles and coolies; or, five years in. 1859 997.6 MAURY, Sarah M. The statesmen of America in 1846. London, 1847. 12 525.1 MAVERICK, Samuel, Trial of British soldiers for the murder of, in Boston, 1770 219.1 MAXIMILIAN II, of Austria. See Ranke, (F.) L. 409.27; 1655.15 MAXIMILIAN, Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph, emperor of Mexico, b. 1832, d. 1867. Flint, H. M. Mex ico under Maximilian 256.5 Hall, F. Life of 1522.16 Keratry, ., comte de. Rise and fall of 1522.17 Note. Maximilian s own memoirs of his life anterior to his Mexican career embrace personal experiences of travel [B. H., in German, 4846.19; in English, 4846.40] | to which has been added another volume. " On the win;;, [B. II., in English, S073.1]. The German of Keratry is in Bates Hall, [48lBlfrj. There are biographies in German, by Schneider, [B. II. 484!>.9T; in French, by Laport, [B. H. 28I9..W]; and a work by Heri- cault, on his Mexican career, [B. H. 4413.11]; on the last days of which there in a book by Salm-Salm, [B. H. 4896.12]. MAXWELL, A. Montgomery. Run through the United States, 1840. London, 1841. 2 v. 8 626.9 MAXWELL, Jane, Duchess of Gordon. See Gordon, Jane, duchess of. Shclt No. MAXWELL, John S. The czar [Nicholas], his court and people. New York, 1849. 12 677.23 MAXWELL, William, earl of Nithisdale, d. 1776. See Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of tho Jacobites. v. 2 of 562.2 MAXWELL, William H. History of the Irish rebel lion in 1798; with memoirs of tho union, and Eminett s insurrection in 1803. 4th edition. London, 1854. 16 984.4 Victories of Wellington and tho British armies. [Anon.] London, 1852. P. 8 825.3 MAY, Samuel J. Recollections of our antislavery conflict. Boston, 1869. 12 296.1J MAYER, Brantz. Mexico, as it was and as it is. [Illustrated.] 3d edition. Philadelphia, 1847. 8. 254.5 MAYHEW, Henry, b. 1812. London labour and the London poor. [With illustrations.] London, 1851-61. 3 v. 8 974.1 Tho peasant-boy philosopher; or, early life of [James] Ferguson. [With illustrations.] Now York, 1855. 16 589.4 The wonders of science; or, young Humphry Da vy. [With illustrations.] New York, 1856. 12. 149.21 Young Benjamin Franklin; or, the right road through life. [With illustrations.] London, 1861. 16 519.11 Same. New York, 1862. 16 519.14 MAYIIEW, Jonathan, D. D., American divine and author, b. 1720, d. 1766. Discourse concerning unlimited submission. See Thornton, J. W. The pulpit of tho American revolution 217.20 Memoir of. See Bradford, A 534.2 MAYNABD, Felix. Recollections of a zouave before Sebastopol. Translated by Mrs. M. H. Robin son. Philadelphia, 1856. 16 1008. 18 MAYNE, F. Voyages and discoveries in tho Arctic regions. London, 1855. 16 1655.7 MAYO, Amory D. Symbols of the capital; or, civil ization in New York. New York, 1859. 12.. 138.23 MAYTA-CAPAC, 4th inca of Peru, Jl. 13th century. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 MAZARIN, Giulio, French cardinal and statesman, b. 1602, d. 1661. Cousin, V. Secret history of the French court under Mazarin 1009.17; 1009.23 Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 2 of 388.7 Note. See Come [in French, 1078.22]; and Capeftgue, [B. H., in French, awi.0]. MAZZINI, Giuseppe, Italian patriot, b. 1809, d. 1872. Joseph Mazzini, his life, writings, and political principles. With an introduction by W. L. Gar rison. [With portrait.] New York, 1872. 16. 577.19 Note. See Macmillan s magazine, vols. 16 and 25. MAZZOLA, or MAZZUOLI, Francesco, called Parmigiano, b. 1503, d. 1540. See Jameson, A. (M.) Me moirs of the early Italian painters v. 2 of 840.23 MEAD, Henry. Tho Sepoy revolt: its causes and its consequences. London, 1857. 8 937.1 Same. London, 1858. 16 939.3 MEADE, William, D. D. Old churches, ministers and families of Virginia. [With engravings.] Phil adelphia, 1857. 2v. 8 236.1 MEARS, John W. Tho beggars of Holland and the grandees of Spain. A history of the reforma tion in the Netherlands, 1200-1578. [With map andplatos.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1867]. 16.. 2085. 23 MECCAH, Pilgrimage to. 1856. Burton, R. F 689.10 MECKLENBERG, Duke of. See Wallenstein, or Wald- stein, Albrecht Wenceslaus Eusebius. MEDBERY, J. K. Men and mysteries of Wall street. With illustrations. Boston, 1870. 16 1816.20 MEDFORD, Mass., History of, [1630-1855], Brooks, C 224.5 MEDHURST, Walter Henry, English missionary, b. 1786, d. 1857. China; its state and prospects. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1838. 12 938.4 Same. London, 1857. 8 934.11 MEDIA, Giovanni di. See Leo x, pope. MEDICAL 183 MEN Shelf. No. MEDICAL biography. Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 Thacher, J. American medical biography 523.11 Williams, S. W. American medical biography. . 523.12 See also Physicians. MEDICI, Catherine de , queen of Henry II, of France, b. 1519, d. 1589. See Owen, Mrs. 0. P. The heroines of history 599.22 MEDICI, Cosmo de , chief of the Florentine republic, philosopher and statesman, b. 1389, d. 1464. See Hewlett, II. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 Note. See Italy, history, note. MEDICI, Lorenzo do , prince of Florence, scholar and patron of art and literature, b. 1448, d. 1492. Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th cen tury r. 1 of 839.6 Crowe, E. E. Lives of eminent foreign statesmen. v. 1 of 388.7 Roscoe, W. Life of 543.11; 818.6 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, v. 1 of 398.1 Note. Roscoe s book [also in B. II. 2741.9 j 4746.7] is of high repute, and much the best. There are lives in Italian by Buo- naccorsi, [B. H. 2744.8] ; and by Fahroni. originally in Latin, and chiefly on his political career, [B. H. 2741.11]. See also Macchiavelli s History of Florence, [828.7]; Si sinomli s History of the Italian republics, [.178.4]: Grimm s Life of Michael Ancelo, [573.10] ; and Longfellow s Poets and poetry of Europe, [322.1]. See Italy, notes. MEDICI, Marie de , queen of Henry IV, of France, b. 1573, d. 1642. Freer, M. W. Henry iv and Marie de Medici 614.3 Pardoe, J. Life of 543.1 MEDITERRANEAN sea. Colton, W. Ship and shore, in the. 1851 678.10 Napier, E. (H. D.) E. Excursions along the shores of the. 1842 675.15 Schrooder, F. Shores of the. 1846 676.5 Temple, Sir G. T. Excursions in the. 1835. 1675.1; 1675.2 Wellsted, J. R. Travels along the shores of the. 1840 693.3 Willis, N. P. Summer cruise in the. 1854 676.11 See also Malta, and the Bates Hall catalogues. MEDWIN, Thomas. Journal of the conversations of Lord Byron: during a residence at Pisa, 1821,22. New York, 1824. 12 898.20 MEEHAN, Rev. C. P. The rise and fall of the Irish Franciscan monasteries, and memoirs of the Irish hierarchy in the 17th century. Dublin, 1869. 16 1997.4 MEETER, E. Holland: its institutions; its press, kings, and prisons. London, 1857. 12 917.4 MELANCHTHON, Philip Schvvarzerd, German reformer, b. 1497, d. 1560. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Ledderhose, C. F. Life of 545.9 Note. The English translation, above named, of Ledder- hose s popular biography ia better than Cox s life [B. H. 3555.19], for the ordinary reader, who may find, perhaps, his wants sufficiently supplied in D Aubigne s Reformation, [1107.13, etc.]. The Latin life by Camerarius, 1556 TB. H. 35.55.13], is the source of much of our knowledge of Melanch- thon. Michelet s sketch in French, [B. II. 2814.3] ; Tischcr g German life, [B. H. (5059a.21; Vilmar s Essay on Luther, Me- lanchtlion and Zwingli [B. II. 2559.7], and the account in the Nouvelle biographic generate, may be consulted. See also Luther, Reformation, etc.; also Malcom a Theological index, [B. II. 21 90.19]. MELBOURNE and the Chincha islands. Peck, G. W. .. 705.21 MELCOMBE, Lord. See Dodington, George Bubb. MELCY, Giulia, madame do. See Grisi, Giulia. MELINE, James F. Mary queen of Scots and her latest English historian; with remarks on Mr. Froude s History of England. New York, 1872. 16 594.17 Two thousand miles on horseback. Santa F6 and back. Summer tour through Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexico, in 1866. New York, 1867. 16 1636.11 MELISH, John. Travels in tho United States, 1806- 11; and through parts of Great Britain and Upper Canada. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 v. 8.. 623.7 Shelf. No. MELVILLE, Andrew, Scotch divine and writer, b. 1545, d. 1622. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers. 586.13 MELVILLE, Herman, American writer, b. 1819. Battle- pieces and aspects of tho war. New York, 1806. 12 1346.4 Four months residence among tho natives of the Marquesas islands. London, 1846. P. 8 899.2 Mardi: and a voyage thither. New York, 1849. 2 v. 12 634.20 Omoo : adventures in the South seas. New edition. London, 1861. 16 899.1 MEMES, John S. History of sculpture, painting, and architecture. Edinburgh, 1829. 18" 830.48 Memoirs of the empress Josephine, [first wife of Napoleon, b. 1763, d. 1814]. Edinburgh. 1831. 18 830.67 Same. New York, 1858. 18 810.35 MEMOIRS of a working man. London, 1845. 24... 840.45 MEMORIALS of early genius, and achievements in the pursuit of knowledge. [With portraits and other illustrations.] London, 1859. 16 551.10 Contents. RogerBacon, friar, English philosopher, b. 1214, d. about 1292; Gu iieo Galilei, Italian astronomer, b. 1.564, d. 1642; Sir Isaac Newton. English geometrician and natural philosopher, b. 1(512, d. 1727; Giovanni Cimabue, Italian painter, b. 1240, d. about 1302; Giotto, or.Angiollotto, or Am- brogiotto Bondone, Italian painter, b. 1276, d. 1336 ; Michel- Angelo Buonarotti. Italian painter, sculptor, and architect, D. 1474. d. 1504; Rattiiello Santi, or Sanzio da Urbino, Italian painter, b. 1483, d. l.JiO; Dante Alighieri, Italian poet, b. 1265, d. 1321; John Milton, English pm>t, b. 10(18. d. 17(14; Thomas Charterton, English poet/h. 1752, 1.1770; Henry Kirke White, Black, Scottish chemist, b. 1728, d. 17D9; Sir Humphry Davy scientific writer, b. 1749, d. 1831; James Watt, Scotch engineer. b. 1736, d. 1S19. MEMORIALS of tho late war. Edinburgh, 1828. 2 v. 24 830.42 Contents. Vol. I. Journal of a soldier of the 71st regiment (Highland light infantry). 1806-1.); Neale, A., Spanish cam paign of 1808; Hope, Sir J.. Despatch after the battle of Co- riinna; Malcolm, Sir J.. Reminiscences of a campaign in the Pyrenees and south of France, in 1814. II. Rocca, A. J. M. de, Memoirs of the war of the French in Spain; Narrative of the battles of Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo ; Death of Na poleon Bonaparte. MEMORIES of fifty years. Sparks, W. H 1526.22 MEN and manners. Hazlitt, W 886.11 MEN and manners. Shenstone, W 850.27 MEN and mysteries of Wall street. Medbery, J. K. 1816. 20 MEN I have known. Jerdan, W 1522.9 MEN of our times. Stowo, H. (E.) B 1522.8 MEN of progress. Parton, J 522.16 MEN of tho time. New York, 1852. 12 548. 1 MEN who have risen. A book for boys. Illustrated. New York, 1860. 12 551.18 Contents. George Stephenson, English engineer, inventor of the locomotive, b. 1781, d. 1848; The beginning of the Roth schilds ; The rise of the Peel family ; Alexander Wilson, Scotch ornithologist, b. 1766, d. 1813; Benjamin West, American painter in England, b. 1738, d. 1820; John Jacob Astor, capi talist, founder of the Astor library. New York city, b. 1763, d. 1848; William Button, English litterateur and antiquary, b. 1723, d. 1815; Sir John Franklin, English Arctic explorer, b. 1786, d. 1847 ; Jean Frederic Oberlin. French pastor and philan thropist, b. 1740, d. 1820: Elihu Burritt, "the learned black smith," American scholar,!). 1811; WilhelmVoss, knife-grinder of Brussels ; Hugh Miller. Scottish geologist and author, b. 1802. d. 1856; Charles Linnaeus, or Linne, Swedish naturalist and author, b. 1707, d. 1778; John Smcaton, English engineer and mechanician, b. 1724, d. 1792; David Rittenhouse, American astronomer, mathematician, and physicist, b. 1732, d. 1796. Same. London, n. d. 16 557.3 MEN who were earnest. A series of biographical studies. [With] illustrations. Edinburgh, n. d. 16 549.40 Content!. Thomas Arnold, master of Rugby school, Eng., b. 1795, d. 1842; Thomas Chalmers, Scottish divine and econo mist, b. 1780, d. 1847; Robert Hall, English baptist divine and writer, b. 1764, d. 1831 ; John Foster, English essayist, b. 1770, d. 1843; Thomas Clarkson, English philanthropist and slavery abolitionist, b. 1700, d. 18 H5; Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, En glish philanthropist nnd slavery abolitionist, b. 1786, d. 1845; William Allen, English chemist and philanthropist, b. 1770, d. 1843; Albert or Aibrecht Duercr, German painter and en graver, b. 1471. d. 1528; liilmar Ernst Rauschenbusch, Prus sian divine, b. 1745, d. 1815; Blaise Pascal. French philosopher, mathematician, and litterateur, b. 1623. d. 1662; Francois de Salignac de La Mothe Fcnelon, archbishop of Cambray, poli- MEN 184 METHODISM MEN who wore earnest, continued. tician and litterateur, b. 1651, d. 1715 ; Johann August Wil- helm Neander, German theologian and ecclesiastical histo rian, b. 1789. d. 1&; Fric.dc.rich Christoph Porthes, German bookseller, b. 1772, d. 1843; Andrew Fuller. English baytist . .,,. , ,_,__ " the apostle of the divine, b. 1754, d. 181<> ; Bernard Gilpin, " North," English reformer, b 1517, d. 1083. MENDELL, , and HOSMER, Harriet Gr. Notes of travel and life. New York, 1854, 12 ....... 635.31 MENDELSSOHN, Moses, Jewish philosopher and moralist, b. 1729, d. 1780. See Hedge, F. II . Prose writers of Germany .......................... 545.1 Note. There is an English memoir by Samuels [B. H. 2845.5] and a German one by Kayserling, [B. H. 2845.14]. MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY, Felix, German musical composer, b. 1809, d. 1847. Letters, 1833-47. Edited by P. and C. Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Translated by Lady Wallace. Philadelphia, 1864. 12 ................................. 669.20 Letters from Italy and Switzerland. Translated by Lady Wallace. Philadelphia, 1863. 16. .. 669.19 Benedict, J. Life and works of ................ 545.4 Polko, E. Reminiscences of .................. 1587.2 Note. Benedict s Life is brief and popular. Polko s Rem iniscences are also in the Bates Hall, in German. [4817.14]. The Recollections by Devrient are both in English [B. 11. 8U 15.20], and in German, [B. II. 8048.4]. La Mara has a brief German sketch, [B. II. 8018.",]- The life by Lampadius [B. II., in Ger man, 4049.10] is the source from which most of the sketches are drawn, and is the best yet written; and in the English ver sion [B. H. 8040.^0] there are appended numerous recollec tions, etc., by other writers. TheLetters afford, perhaps, the best portrayals of their author, [in German, (18 ->, IttU.ll; B. II. 4018.1:!; in English, Lady Wallace s versions also in B. H. 4016.4;!; 40W.44; in French, 8049.3-1]. Lady Wallace also included some of his letters not before published in her Letters of distinguished musicians, [B. H. 4048.15]. Miss Sheppard s Charles Auchester [a>2.:;;>] is a novel, giving an excellent portraiture of Mendelssohn. MENDIP annals. More, M ................ 126.23 ; 1098.28 MENDOZA, Diego Hurtado do, Spanish diplomatist and historian, b. 1503, d. 1575. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal .............. v. 3 of 398.1 MENNES, Sir John, b. 1598, d. 1670. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets ............... v. 2 of 398.2 MENTAL portraits. Tuckorman, II. T ............. 557.10 MENTONE, Italy, as a winter climate. Bonnet, J. H. 674.15 MENZEL, Wolfgang. German literature. Translated by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1840. 3 v. P. 8... 893.10 History of Germany. Translated from the 4th German edition, by G. Horrocks. [With portrait of Charlemagne.] London, 1849, 59. 3 v. P. 8. 848.2 MENZIES, Henry. Early ancient history, or the ante- Greek period. London, 1858. 12 ............ 948.10 MERCANTILE guide, United States. 1856. Freedley, E. T ....................................... 296.3 MERCER, Margaret, American philanthropist, b. 1791, d. 1846. See \Vomen of worth ................ 551.19 MERCHANT enterprise; or, the history of commerce from the earliest times. 1864. Fyfo, J. H ..... 937.12 MERCHANT, The. See Tuthill, L. C. Success in life. 525.19 MEREDITH, Louisa A. My home in Tasmania, during a residence of nine years. [With illustrations.] London, 1852. 2 v. 12 .................... 705.16 Notes and sketches of New South Wales, 1839-44. London, 1844. P. 8 ........................ 899.3 Over the straits; a visit to Victoria. With illus trations. London, 1861. 12 ................ 695.15 MERIAM, Mary B. Home life in Africa. Boston, 1868. 16 ................................. 1699.9 MERIAN, Maria Sibylla, Swiss artist and naturalist, b. 1647, d. 1717. See Jardine, Sir W. Natural ist s library ........................... v. 30 of 179.1 iSE, Prosper. History of Peter the cruel, king of Castile and Leon, [b. 1334, d. 1369]. London, 1849. 2v. 16? ........................... 546.18 MERIVALE, Charles, English divine and author, b. 1809. The conversion of tho Roman empire. Boyle lectures for 1864. New York, 1865. 8.. 2096.5 History of the Romans under tho empire, [B. c. 100-A. D. 180]. From the 4th London edition. New York, 1863-65. 7 v. 12 .............. 945.12 -- Same. Part 3. The Augustan age. London, 1843. 8 .................................. 365.9 . of Transit 5 oj -&L .2, ,6 .&~Zl .^e.^ Shelf. No. MERLE D ATJBIGNIJ, Jean Henri, Swiss historian and theologian, b. 1794, d. 1872. History of the ref ormation of tho sixteenth century. [With por traits.] Translated by H. White. New York, n. d. 5 v. 12 1107.13 Same. Philadelphia, 1843. 8 1085.13 Same. Hartford, 1852. 4 v. in 2. 12 1095.10 Same. Translated by J. Gill. London, 1861. 16 1115.13 . Same. Edited by M. L. Simons. Philadelphia, 1870. 8 1081.1 Note. See Reformation, note. MERLIN, Mercedes Jaruco, comtesse do, French author ess, b. 1788, d. 1852. Memoirs of madarne Mali- bran, [French vocalist, b. 1808, d. 1836]. Lon don, 1840. 2 v. P. 8 615.10 MERRIMACK river, A week on the. 1849. Thoreau, H. D 623.17 MERRIMAN, Nathaniel James. Tho Kafir, the Hot tentot, and the frontier farmer. [With illustra tions.] London, 1854. 16 578.7 MESOPOTAMIA. Ainsworth, W. F. Travels in. 1842. 688.5 Buckingham, J. S. Travels in. 1827 694.16 Fraser, J. B. Mesopotamia, from the earliest ages to [1841] 820.54 Southgate, II. Narrative of a tour through Meso potamia. 1840 G87.3 MESSIS, Quentin. See Matsys, Quentin. METACON. See Philip. METASTASIO, Pietro Bonaventura, Italian poet and author, b. 1698, d. 1782. Carpani, G. Observa tions on 545.19; 545.20 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, v. 2 of 398.1 METCALFE. Charles T.,lord,governor-yeneral of India 1843, b. 1785, d. 1846. See Kayo, J. W. Lives of Indian officers v. 2 of 1566.4 METCALFE, Frederick. Tho Oxonian in Thelemarken, 1856,57. London, 1858. 2 v. 8 C66.3 METHODISM. Dixon, J. History and institutions of methodism in America C37.8 Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist minis ters 535.14 Jobson, F. J. America, and American methodism. 625.22 Pock, G. Early methodism within tho bounds of the old Genesee conference, 1788-1828 1115.18 Stevens, A. History of, [to 1791] 114.3 Women of 569.17 Taylor, I. Wesley and methodism 1108.4 Nate. Biographies of the Arminian Wesley and the Calvin- istic Whiteiield necessarily detail the history of the rise and progress cf the two schools of methodism: see tho notes un der those names. The literature of the subject is large. Cav- ender[Decanver] has published a list of works written in ref utation of mothodism, 1720-1840, embracing , W4 titles. [B. H. 6182.10; 6185.11 Stevcns s History of English methodism, his first volume closing with the death of Whiteficld, and his sec ond coming down to thedeath of Wesley [114.3; B. II. 5558.11], an American book, was very favorably received in England, and it is the best comprehensive history of the movement, which began under Wesley. It is treated by Stevens in a broader view than that of a sectarian growth. The book as more extensive, supersedes Taylor s Wesley and methodism [1108.4 ; B. H. 3548.3], which traces the philosophy and effects of the movement, but with too much obscurity in the biograph ical parts for the unlearned reader; and the earlier account of its rise and progress bv Nightingale [B. H.5. r ,:(.8: 7406.7] is of by-gone value. Stevens reckons that at least 1500 titles would be required to make iip a fair bibliography of methodism. The general reader will be, perhaps, content with the briefer account in the fourth volume of the Pictorial history of Eng land [9G2.2; B. II. 2422.1], and in an excellent chapter of Earl Stanhope s [Mahon s] history, [9(13.2; 19606]. The recent Bampton lectures by Curteis give a section to the. history of the relations of methodism to the established church, [B. H. 3467.50]. There is an English history of Wcsleyan method- ism by Smith, whose first volume covers Wesley s times, but his second and third come down to the present time, [third ciations. has a good deal of interest for the reader of antiqua rian real. There is a historical sketch of theCalvinistic branch in Wales, by Williams, 1872, [B. II. 3548.51]. For the history of the sect in America, there are works by- Dixon [637.8]; by Gorrie [B. H. 3548.12]; by Peck, who con fines his narrative to the history of the communion in north ern Pennsylvania, New York, and Canada, between 1778 and American pulpit [B. II. 2340.4] and its full scries of biographies Dawson.inthe Historical magazine, Dec., 1866 [B. ET 4315.1J METHODISM 185 MICHELET METHODISM, continued. contends that the early American mcthodists were royalists, and that their historians have concealed it. See the Rise of mcthodism in America, in Harper s magazine, vol. 33, given in a sketch of Bishop Asbury. The present state and subdi visions of the inethodist church are explained in the first chapter of Tyerman s Wesley, [B. II. 5552.3; 5552.7] This library, in 1864, purchased a collection of books illus trating the history of methodism, which had been formed by the Rev. Chester Field. See Malcom s Theological index, [B. H.2J90.19J. See Chronological list of historical fiction, under England. George the second, for illustrative works. MEITNIER, Victor (Amedee). Adventures on tho great hunting grounds of the world. Illustrated. New York, 1869. 16 1178.5 MEXICAN war, 1845-47. Curwen, M. E. Sketches cf the campaign in northern Mexico 259.12 Henry, W. S. Campaign sketches of tho 259.14 Jay, W. Review of the causes and consequences of the 259.5 Livermore, A. A. The war with Mexico reviewed. 259.4 Mansfield, E. D. The Mexican war: its origin and victories 259.1; 259.2 Ramsey, A. C. The other side; or notes for the history of the war between Mexico and the United States 259.3 Ripley, R. S. The war with Mexico 252.4 Semraes, R. Service afloat and ashore during the. C23.15 Smith, S. C. Chile con carno; or, the camp and the field 623.19 Stevens, I. I. Campaigns of the 623.9 Thorpe, T. B. Our army on tho Rio Grande 259.6 See also Buena Vista, Monterey ; and the note under United States, history, Alexicau war. MEXICO. Abbot, G. D. Mexico, and tho United States. 1869 622.12 Box, M. J. Adventures and explorations in. 1869 1G37.7 Bullock, W. Six months in. 1824 633.9 Bullock, W. H. Across Mexico in 1864-5 1637.3 Calderon do la Barca, F. E. Life in. 1843. .C33. 7; 638.4 Carpenter, W. W. Travels and adventures in. 1851 638.8 Clavigero, F. S. History of. 1817 254.7 Diaz, B. Memoirs of the discovery and conquest of, [1514-50] 254.6 Domenech, Abb6 E. Missionary adventures in. 1858 633.3 Evans, A. S. Our sister republic: a gala trip through Mexico in 1869-70 624.19 Flint, H. M. Mexico under Maximilian .... .... 256.5 Froebel, J. Seven years travel in Northern Mex ico. 1859 622.4 Gregg, J. Nine years in Northern Mexico, [1831 -40] 628.16 Hall, B. Journal written on the coast of, [1820- -22] 639.7; v. 2, 3 of 830.25 Hill, S. S. Travels in. 1860 634.3 Latrobe, C. J. The rambler in, [1834] 629.14 Mayer, B. Mexico, as it was and as it is. 1847. 254.5 Prescott, W. H. History of the conquest of, []516 -47] 252.1; 257.1; 258.1 Robertson, W. P. Visit to. 1853 638.10 Robinson, W. D. Memoirs of the Mexican revo lution, [1808-20] 254.4 Same. [1816-18] 255.1 Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in. 1848 638.5; 899.8 Tylor, E. B. Anahuac: or Mexico and the Mex icans. 1861 255.3 Ward, Sir H. G. Mexico in 1827 633.6 Wilson, R. A. Mexico and its religion, [1851- 54] 256.4 New history of the conquest of, [1504-21] 255.2 Wise, H. A. Los Gringos: or, an inside view of. 1850 627.24 Note. TOT the ancient Aztec civilization, read the introduc tory portion of Prescott [also in B. II. 4413.4], and his inquiry into the origin of it, in his appendix to his third volunie, where his conclusion that it was a peculiar indigenous civi lization, having a very remote connection with Eastern Asia, wan reached independently of, and is the eame with, that of BtMhentttffiU ; 621.10]. See also Squier s Notes [263.1 ; 263.7], and the French work of Waldeck, [B. H. 22. L.I]. Wilson allied the ancient remains with Phoenician antiquities, and Lord Kinpsborough with Israelitish. Ranking [B. II. 2314.2], London, 1827, sought to connect the Mongols with the con- MEXICO, continued. quest of the country in the thirteenth century, deriving his evidences from palaeontology, etc. Bi asseur dc Bourbourg has contributed in French a history of this pre-Columbian civilization [B. II. 2U5.20; also 23. A.I]; of their poetry, drama, etc. [B. II. 4366.15]; an essay on the sources of this Rrimitive history [B. II. 4361.28], and has also recently pub- shed a catalogue of his unique collection, illustrating tho antiquities and philology of the subject, [B. II. 6144.9]. For the symbolism and mythology of the Aztecs, see Brinton i Myths of the New World, [2085.2]. For a recent comprehen sive survey of our present knowledge of Mexican archeology, see Edinburgh review, 1867, or Living age, June 1, 1867. For the Spanish conquest under Cortes, the chief original sources arc that leader s own letters to his sovereign, which have been edited in English by George Folsom, with an intro duction [B. H. 2314.1], and the narrative of Diaz [also in B. H. E.225.12], one of the followers of Cortes, whose account is simple, and intended to vindicate the right of himself and others to some share of the glory which had been awarded to their leader. This narrative was discovered after his death, and it was written fifty years after the events. Wilson has sought to discredit this and the generally received accounts of the conquest, as being fables devised for effect in Europe, and the reader will find in Allibone, p. 16C9, an indication of the defenders and opponents of his theory, which was earlier put forth by Lewis Cass in the North American review, Oct. 1840, [B. II. 3113.2] ; and by Albert Gallatin, in the Transactions of the American ethnological society. The general reader will hardly desire to go farther among the original authorities, but he will find them and the subsequent writers into the last century characterized in Clavigero, [also in B. H., in English, 2310.21); 2314.0; in Spanish, 4313.11]. Of the later historians, Solis [B. II.. in English, 2314.11; in Spanish[4170a.4], originally published in 1864, is extremely par tial to the conquerors, whose course, however, he does not fol low after the fall of the city. In the seventeenth century came Ilerrera, whose annals cover 1 lllL -l vi I. but the English trans lation [B. II. 2317.11; 2317.12] is much abridged. The English historian Robertson [8S0.5; 1)43.4.1; B. II. 2:i01.4; 2301.7] pre fixes his authorities, and treated the theme with his accustomed dignity ; and Smyth, ill his 21st lecture [827.8; 913.3; 943.7, etc.], points out his value. Southey accused Robertson of unduly depreciating the character and civilization of the Mexicans; and it was in part to counteract this effect, that Clavigero, the Jesuit, who was long resident in Mexico, wrote his work [in English, also in B. II. 2310.20 ; 2314.1!], which is far more minute in detail than Robertson s; and it has been chiefly followed in Gordon s popular book, [B. II. 4314.25]. The first choice on this subject, however, will necessarily be Prescott s graphic history [also in B. II. 4413.4], in which the narrative is carried down to the death of Cortes, and the reader is instructed at in tervals with his clear estimates of his chief authorities. lie added much to previous knowledge of the subject, and Alli bone gives a full list of critiques on his book, with a collation of the important ones. Archbishop Spalding [B. II. 440o.30, chapters 13 and 14] reviews him from a Catholic stand-point. Arthur Helps, in the second volumeof his Spanish conquest [254.2], has told the story over again, v/ith the special aim of tracing the results of the conquest in the rise of slavery and the founding of colonial governments. The recent comprehensive and popular survey of Mexican history by Chevalier [B. H., in English, 4314.8] goes back beyond the conquest to the Aztec period; there is a compact popular history and description of Mexico published by the Religious tract society of London. [B. II. 4314.28]; and the general reader will find a popular narrative of the conquest in Harper s magazine, vol. 12, [1810.1 ; B. H. 5210.12]. See Cor tes, note. For the ee Poinsett, [B. I and Niles, [B. II. 2314.10]. For thett-ar with the United States, see Mexican war, and United States, History. For the French invasion and the career of Maximilian, see Bates Hall card catalogue for a considerable collection, among which there may be named for the general reader, Elton s With the French [B. H. 4317.18]; Magruder s Last year of the empire [B. H. 4468.10]; Dr. McSherry s Essay [B. H. 2375.571; the defences of Maximilian like Flint s and Hall s [see Maxi milian]; North American review, July, I860; and Atlantic monthly, July. 1804. In French, Laurent [2074.23], Hericault [B. II. 4415.11], and Blauchard [B. II. 2360.210; and in German, Gerstsecker [B. H. 4406.13] may be mentioned. For a knowledge of the resources and natural products of the country, Humholdt s essay [in French, B. II. 2310.2 ; 4316.2 ; ill English, 23J4.5] is of the first importance. Evans s Our sister republic was written under good advantages, as the author was one of Secretary Seward s party in traversing the country. Abbott s book [also in B. II. 4422.3U] is intended to trace the relations cf the past and present in Mexican history, and to indicate the mutual interests of the two countries. Books descriptive of modern Mexico are numerous ; for oth ers than the above, see the Bates Hall catalogues. Madam Calderon de la Barca s book is well-known [also in B. H. 2314.13], and it was reviewed by Prescott, [8K.4; 872.2]. Ruxton s Adventures is also in Bates Hall. [2314.12]. Harper s monthly [1810.1 ; B. H. 5210.12] has illustrated papers on the Indians, vol. 19; on Popocatepetl, vol. 31; and on Modern Mexico, vol. 17. See also Rio Grande, Mexican war, Sonora, United States. MIALL, James G. Footsteps of our forefathers: what they suffered and what they sought. [With] illustrations. London, 1852. 16 ............ 1086.22 MICHAUD, Joseph F. History of the crusades. Trans lated by W. Robaon. New York, 1853. 3 v. 12. 1095.12 MICHEL-ANGELO. See Buonarroti, M. A. MICHELET, Jules, French historian, b. 1798. France before Europe. Translated from the French. Boston, 1871. 16 .......................... 928.18 Historical view of the French revolution. Trans lated by C. Cocks. New edition. London, 1860. p. 8 ...................................... 854.7 . For the revolutionary TiMory of the early part of this century, see Poinsett, [B. II. 4367.28] ; Robinson, [also in B. II. 4313.4] ; 24 MICHELET 186 MILLER Shelf. No. MICHELET, Jules, continued. History of France, [B. c. 1200-4. D. 1483]. Trans- Hated by G. II. Smith. New York, 1845-48. 2 v. 8 1003.2 History of the Roman republic, [D. c. 809-30]. Translated by W. Hazlitt. Now York, 1847. 12 919.4 Same. [With portrait.] London, 1817. P. 8. 919.5 Same. London, 18C3. P. 8 833.5 Joau of Arc: or, tho maid of Orleans. From [his] History of Franco. [By 0. W. Wight.] Now York, 1870. 10 549.42 Modern history. From the French. Now York, [cop. 1843]. 16 820.C4 The people. Translated by G. II. Smith. New York, 184 G. 12 124.17 Tho women of the French revolution [of 1789]. Philadelphia, 1855. 12 1008.G MICHELET, Madame Jules. Tho story of my child hood. Translated by M. F. Curtis. Boston, 1SG7. 16 1597.1 MICHIELS, (Joseph) Alfred (Xavier). Secret history of tho Austrian government and of its systematic persecutions of protestants. London, 1859. 12. 928.11 MICHIGAN. Lanman, J. II. History of. 1841.... 820.41 Sheldon, E. M. Early history of, to 1815 263.13 MIDDLE ages. Baring-Gould, S. Curious myths of tho 1826.1 Bcrington, J. Literary history of tho 409.9 Dunham, S. A. History of Europe, during the. . 378.6 Greene, G. W. History and geography of tho. . . 947.10 Schmitz, L. History of the 945. G Secret societies of tho 850.13 The causes and cfiects of the overthrow of Rome have been traced by M :che!et, i l his Gaul under the Romans, [B. II., in W.....1. n-.-ti ci.t... TO.:,,-,., ! his Roman dominion in Gaul, ipiiy, [B. 11. TJJ1.3; with ma;>3, xmii] ; and there are suni- larieslbr the general reader like Dinmam s in the Cabinet cyc oncdia; Green s text-book, which has a list of books on the babjcctin the id volume; S-hmit/. s popular manual, which comes down to the crusades [also in B. II. 229 1.9], and the little sketch by Yonge, embraciM? the interval from Cliarlc- ma^rne to Charles V. [B. II. 2.W.7]. The reader will do well toc -:ami;ie Snmh s third and f jurth lectures, [8-7.2; 91"..,; 9I !.7 5 B. II. 4142. J; 4G48.4; G2.7.-J; C JO)"]; and Lectures 1-10 of Frederic Schickel s modern history, [813.11. The view oi the progress of society, v. uieh Robertson [S."X).G; 94 !.4.2] prefixed to his Charles V, has been praised as the nnd i .i his illustrated works ou the manners and costumes] For the n-wjlar myths, see. Barins-Gould [B. H. 22959- 2Ca3.ll ; GJ98.1], which covers such subjects as tiie Wanderin" Jew, Pres er John. efc. Messrs. Cox nnd Jones s popular romances [B. II. 2178..M] takes the Arthurian rvcle, etc. La- croix has a small treatise on the popular beliefs [B. H. :M89..50], and there is in vol. lof Hartley Coleridge s Essays [87.5.11] a paper on the superstitions of this period. On mediaeval literature, besides the work of Berington [also in B. H. 2190.25], 1814, which extends from the close of Au- Rustus a iei2:i to (he revival in the 15th century, there is Mait- ind. A. D. 800-im [B. II. 2295.7], published in 1844. Lud- lo v g is a good general summary of the popular epics, [B. II. 4S.59.2J. The elaborate works of Muratori and Tirabosctii [see Bates Hall catalogues] will, of course, be consulted by the stu- MlDDLE ages, continued. [1873.1; B. II. 7314.1] some papers on the revival of learning and the middle ages. For mediaeval art, Lacroix [B. II. 8080a.2] will map out the subject satisfactorily, with the aid of Du Sommerard, an earlier work, [B. II. 4071.15]. All general histories of art nec essarily embrace the subject; but Crosniermav be of use for religious art.[B. II. 4^77.5]; Springer [B. II. 409l>.5] for arch itecture; and Labarte [B. II. 4071.50] for industrial art. Sea Painting note. For this period regarding English history, the Public Record office have issued some valuable material, [see B. II. 2423.1.5, 7,10, 11. 13. etc.]; and Wright s Essavs on the middle ages is confined wholly to England, [B. II. 2520.27 ; 45.37.15]. See this period under Europe and the several countries of Europe; Crusades; Feudal system, etc., in this and the Bates Hall catalogues. There is a bibliography by Potthast, A. D. 375-1500, [B. H. 2170.22]. MIDDLESEX, 1st earl of. See Cranfield, Lionel. MIDDLETON, Conyers. Lifo of Cicero. See Cicero, M. T 5412 MIDDLETON, Sir Hugh, enyinecr, b. 1565? d. 1631. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 MIFFLING, Thomas, major-general in the American revolution, b. 1744, d. 1800. See Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals v. 1 of 516.1 MIGNET, Francois A. (M.), French historian, b. 179G. History of the French revolution, 1789-1814. London, 1846. P. 8 1003.15 Same. London, 1856. P. 8 837.3 History of Mary, queen of Scots, [b. 1542, d. 1587]. London, 1851. 2 v. 8 554.4 MILAN. See Paterfamilias s diary of everybody s tour 1678.3 MILEURN, William Henry, American divine, b. 1823. Pioneers, preachers and people of the Mississippi valley. New York, 1860. 12 1104.7 Ten years of preacher-life. Autobiography. [With portrait.] New York, 1859. 12 535.19 See Fowler, H. Tho American pulpit 534.9 MILICZ, Johann, archdeacon of Prague, fl. Hthcentury. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and suffer ings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 MILES, Pliny. Nordurfari, or rambles in Iceland. New York, 1854. 12 668.12 Same. London, 1854. 16 1655.4 MILITARY studies, Curiosities of war and. Carter, T. 998.10 MILLER, George. History, philosophically illustrated, from the fall of the Roman empire, to the French revolution. 3d edition. London, 1848, 49. 4 v. T. 8 859.6 MILLER, Hugh, Scottish geologist and author, b. 1802, d. 185G. An autobiography. My schools and schoolmasters. [With portrait.] Boston, 1854. 12 586.5 Essays, historical and biographical, political and social, literary and scientific. Edinburgh, 1862. P. 8 864.18 Same. Edited by P. Bayne. Boston, 1865. 12. 813.14 First impressions of England and its people. [With portrait.] Boston, 1851. 12 64C.7 Scenes and legends of tho north of Scotland. From tho 2d London edition. Boston, 1851. 12. 64*-. 3 Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism. v. lof 885.1 Lifo and letters of 586.7 Brown, T. N. Life and times of 580. 8 Men who have risen 551.18 Steel, R. Lives made sublime by faith and works. 577.13; 577.16 Note. Bayne s Life [also in B. H. 6543.10] is the authoritative one; and there arc brief sketches by Smiles, in his Brief biog- MILLER, J. R. History of England. See Humo, D. 962.3; 963.1 MILLER, Samuel, D. D. Lifo of Jonathan Edwards, [American. Calvinistio divine, metaphysician, and author, b. 1703, d. 1758]. See Sparks, J. v. 8 of 529.1 MILLER, Stephen F. Tho bench and bar of Georgia: memoirs and sketches. Philadelphia, 1858. 2 v. 8 294.3 MILLER 187 MIR ABE AU Shelf. No. MILLER, Thomas, English poet and basket-maker, b. 1809. English country life. Consisting of de scriptions of rural habits, country scenery, and the seasons. With illustrations. London, 1864. 16 1998.1 History of the Anglo-Saxons, [B. c. 52-A. D. 1066]. [With illustrations.] 3d edition. London, 1852. P. 8 988.8 Same. 3d edition. London, 1856. P. 8 835.6 Pictures of country life, and summer rambles in green and shady places. With illustrations. London, 1847. 12 906.4 Picturesque sketches of London past and present. With engravings. London, [1852]. 12. 646. 14; 879.10 MILLINGHN, John G. History of duelling. London, 1*41. 2 v. 8 985.4 MILLINGTON, Ellen J. Heraldry in history, poetry, and romance. [Illustrated.] London, 1858. 12. 948.11 MILLOT, Claude F. X., French abbt, b. 1726, d. 1785. Elements of general history, [B. c. 1500-A. D. 1763]. Translated. 2d American edition. Salem, 1796. 7 v. 8 945.3 MILLS, Abraham. The literature and literary men of Great Britain and Ireland. New York, 1851. 2 v. 8 J 402.2 MILLS, Charles. History of chivalry; or knighthood and its times. Philadelphia, 1844. 8 945.2 History of the crusades. Philadelphia, 1844. 8. 945.2 MILMAN, Henry Hart, Enylish author and divine, b. 17 Jl, d. 1871. History of Christianity; with notes by J. Murdock. Now York, 1844. 8... 1085.3 History of Latin Christianity. New York, 1860, 61. 7 v. 8 1113.1 History of the Jews. 2d edition, [With maps and engravings.] London, 1830. 3 v. 16 389.15 Same. With maps and engravings. Now York, 1843. 3 v. 12 810.1 Life of Thomas a Becket, [archbishop of Canter bury, b. 1119? d. 1170]. New York, 1860. 18. 551.15 MlLNE, William C., Enylish missionary, 1839. Life in China. With maps. London, 1857. 12... 697.9 MlLNER, Isaac, Enylish savant, dean of Carlisle, b. 1751, d. 1820. Edgar, J. G. Footprints of fa mous men 548.16; 551.13 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 548.18; v. 2 of 548.22 MILNEB, Rev. Thomas. Life, times, and correspon dence of Isaac Watts, D. D , [English divine and poet, b. 1674, d. 1748]. [With portrait.] Lon don, 1834. 8 574.9 MILNES, Richard Monckton, lord Houyhton, politician and author, b. 1809. See Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 MILNOR, James, rector of St. Georye s church, N. Y., b. 1773, d. 1845. Memoir of. See Stone, J. S. 1107.17 MILTON, John, English poet, b. 1608, d. 1674. Boll, R. Lives of the English poets v. 1 of 398.2 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 7 of 840.10 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of modern times. v. 1 of 1869.1 Hayley, W. Life of 583.8 Hood, E. P. John Milton: the patriot and poet. 586.24 Ivimey,J. John Milton: his life and times 586.23 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 1 of 582. 11 586.20; v. 1 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 Keightley, T. Life, opinions, and writings of ... 587.11 Laraartiue, A. (M. L.) de. Memoirs of cele brated characters v. 3 of 547.4 Masson, D. Life of, [to 1639 only] 561.2 Life of, [the brief one] 551.6 Memorials of early genius 551.10 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Symmons, C. Life of 583.6 Tulloch, J. English puritanism and its leaders. . 997.7 Note. Preliminary to reading about Milton, consult Alli- bone s elaborate article, where he has given the authorities with copious citations upon the chief phases of Milton s life and writings. The original sources for his life are Aubrey [B. H. 2541.21, who had been personally acquainted with Mil- tout Wood [B. U. 2540.21], who uned Aubrey s manuscript, MILTOW, John, continued. which was not printed till long after, and Phillips [B. II. U541.2], who was Milton s nepaew. but his account was not written till twenty years after Milton s death, and though val uable is brief. It has been the fault of most of Hie subsequent lives, that they have been partisan, either in respect to politics or religion, but the general reader will find enoug i for his purpose in one of the four lollowini: Mitf.n-d s [112.3; 3296; 1317.11 ; B. II. 2603.2 : 260:1.4], which is a common memoir, pre fixed to editions, and is a careful, just and moderate cotnpe idt Keightley s[also in B.II. 2542.11], later than Milford s. in which a creditable and succinct life is followed by inquiries into his opinions and works, and is perhaps the best fjr ordinary use; Massqn s elaborate Life of Milton in connection with his times, of which two volumes only are published, the first 11108-39, tnc second 1.138-43 [B. II. 2445.51], besides his brief memoir, men tioned above, which originally appeared in the Encyclopaedia Britannica; lastly, an ingenious patchwork of nassajres from Milton s prose and poetry, so a ranged by Graham, as to make him bis own biographer, [B. II. 2510.52]. For furthe. examination, see Biich i life, 1738 [B. II. 2601.1], who added something to previous knowledge; Pei ii s, 17.0 [B. II. 2541.fi], which is a confused medley ; Niehoils s, 17UO, whieli is in tue old editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica; Johnson s [also in B. H. 2592.7], which, showing a tp v y s and high churchman s estimates of a republican and puritan, is by general concession prejudiced and unwise, though of value for its critical discernment and for its statements of the literary defects of Paradise lost; Hayley s, 1791, who wrote to confute Johnson ; Todd s, which is a rather dull and laborious biogra phy, changed somewhat in successive editions, that for 1801 [B. II. 25i>4.8], having full bibliographical accounts of editions [see also Bonn s Lowndes.B.H. 215:1.20] and commentatorswith illustrative matter, the last edition being in 1821 [B. II. 2542.:*)], and he follows Johnson largely ; Summons s, 1800. which is the view of a violent whig, narrated in an inflated style: Ivi- meys, 1833, which is of little value, and written to prove Milton an anabaptist: Edmond s, 1851, wriiten to bring out Milton s ecclesiastical principles; II >od s. 1852, a good digest of his life and writings, and particularly elucidating his political career, which last subject is also treated in an essay by Sceley, [1117.12]. Of the briefer memoirs and essays, the following may be named: ClianningV [35D.3; B. H. 347 !.!]; Macaulay s [551.6, etc.]; Villemain s article in the Biograpme universelle [B. U. 2242.50], also in his Etudes de litteratnre[B. II 2672.7.7] ; Ilume, in chapter 52 nf his History of England; Ailcen s brief essav on his poetry [B. II. 4569a.l."]; brief memoirs by Ander son [B. U. 4001.1]; Eenton, 1725 [U. H. 4179.21]; Alason, [B. H. 4589a.22] ; Stcbhing [3SBJ1J; Montgomery [84 :.8]; Ck-vc- land[B. II. 4602.25]; Qriiwold [B. H. *2.1]; Vaughnn sto Dore s Paradise lost [B. II. 44A.I]: Essays on his poetry by Coleridge [322.7]. by Seeley [1117.12], etc. See also the general literary histories by Hallam and Taine, the views of the last being controverted in Edmond de Guerle s Alilton, sa vie et scs ceuvres," [B. H. 4UOJ.23]. Ot late years new documentary material has been published by Hunter; by the Camden society [B. H. 242K.9]. edited by Hamilton; and by the Chetham society [B. H. 2115.10]. Knight s London [itul.2.2, ch. 32] treats of the London of Milton s day; and in historical fiction we have Ring s "John .Milton and his time" [414.24, and Mrs. Manning s "Mary Powell," a tale of Milton s courtship, [439.12; 469.3; 469.4]. MILYAS, Travels in. 1847. Spratt, T. A. B 683 7 MIMIC world, The. Sikes, 1562.4 MINA, Xavier, Spanish officer, b. 1789, d. 1817. Ex pedition of. Sef. Robinson, W. D 254.4; 255.1 MINER, Charles. History of Wyoming, [Penn.]. [With map.] Philadelphia, 1845. 8 234.12 MINERS and travelers guide to Oregon, eto. 1865. Mullan, J 1638.25 MINES and miners. See Cornwall 658.17; 1655.23 MINOOTTI, Caterina (sometimes called Regina), Italian cantatrice, b. 1728, d. 1807. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 MINING journey across the Andes. 1863. Rickard, F. 1 635.24 MINISTERIAL experiences, My. Buechsel, C 2099.9 MINNESOTA. Andrews, C. C. Minnesota, in 1856.. 237.10 Bond, J. W. Minnesota and its resources. 1856. 237.8 Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Canoe voyage up the Minnay Sotor. 1847 C23.14 Neill, E. D. History of, [1680-1857] 235.14 Oliphant, L. Minnesota and the far West, 1855. 236.10 Parker, N. H. Handbook for, [1856, 57] 237.18 Seymour, E. S. Sketches of, [1849] 638.9 ffote. The publications of the State historical society [B. II. 4472.27], and particularly Fletcher s Bibliography of books relating to Minnesota [B.It. 6152.14], will be ot interest; while for its climate and fitness for homes for invalids, sec Bill [B. H. 5809.27], and Mattock [B. H. 5509a.l:i] ; and McClung a "Minnesota in 1870," [B. II. 4477.8]. There, is an illustrated paper on the Pineries in Harper s magazine, vol. 30. MINTURN, Robert B.,^>. From New York to Delhi. New York, 1858. 12 706.9 MINUTOLI, Wolferdine Menu von. Recollections of Egypt. Philadelphia, 1827. 12 677.24 MINUTOLO, Adelaide Capeca. A noble lady. See Craven, P 599.25 MiRABEAtJ, Honore Gabriel Riquetti, comtede, French orator, b. 1749, d. 1791. Russell, W. Extraor dinary men .557.7; 879.15 MIRABEAU 188 MOHAMMED ANIBM Shell-. No. MIRABF.AU, Honore Gabriel Riquetti, continued. Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Franco . . . v. 2 of 388.8 .Vote. The most important book on Mirabeau is the work edited by his adopted son, Lucas dc Montigny [B. H. 4669.4], which in tliis cditiou has Victor llugo paper prefixed. The artic a in tlio Nouvelle biogniphio mu verselle [B. II. 2252.2] hae appended to it a list of nooks, and another may be found in theNaiioiiai library catalogue, [13 1I.OUM.1.2, p. 653]. Th article in Mich&udi very ftil~ *" J "" " ue, [B H.lilin.1.2, p. (>53]. The , [B II 2242 501. There ia a re- eynaldtB. II 2657.57] on " Mira- cent French monograph by Rey beau et 1^ const ituante," iind A.~ .. . Freneh [B. H. 266 t A\ is ot importance. The Souvenirs", by Dumont[B. II. 2G54.9], have been translated [B. II 467.1.9]; and Mirabcau s Correspondence [B. II. 2654.10] is necessary to the fuii study of his character. Tiie ordinary reader will find enough in Carly:c s Essay [8<tt.7 ; 8U7.1: SOii.H, etc.]; in his Freneh revolution [1007.7, etc.]; in It.-ougham s Statesmen [5ti3.7, etc.]; in Alisons Essays [803.." ] ; in Lord Holland s Reminiscence*: [.]; and in Book 1 of Lamartine s Giron dists, [in English, 828.0; B. II. WH8.7]. MIRANDA, Saa do, Portuguese poet, b. 1494, d. 1558. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. v. 3 of 398.1 MIRANDOLA, Giovanni Pico della, Italian poet, orator, and savant, b. 1463, d. 1494. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 1 of 398. 1 MIRIAM, and Joanna of Naples. See Hall, L. J. ... 1516.6 MISSIONS. Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross: or, woman s mission 569.9 Heroines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 Gammell, W. History of American baptist mis sions. 1851 1106.10 Newcomb, H. Cyclopedia of. 1854 1092.4 Stevenson, W. F. Praying and working 2098.20 Tarbox, I. N. Missionary patriots 636.24 Thomson, E. Our [mcthodist episcopal] oriental missions 2089.19 Note. The reader can see the extent of the subject in New- comb s Cyclopedia of missions, [also in B. H. 3532.4; 5533.8]. For those of ths Human catholic church, there is the French history by llenrion [B. II. 3532.1], and Bousquet s Voyages of the missionaries [B. H. 3537.3]; while the elaborate work by Marshall [B. D. 5.538.8], an English catholic, 1805, covers both Protestant and cathoiic ground, with a natural sympathy for the latter. For missionary efforts among the North American Indians, see New England, note, and the works of Loskicl [B. H. 3334.13] and McCoy [B. II. 3534.7]; and those of the Jesuits in Canada [B. 11. 3534.2], which Farkman s histories more or less illustrate. For protestant missions, sec Brown s history of those since the reformation [B. H., :id ed., 1854, 3534.5], which is compre hensive, but often ix>t full in particular branches ; and Hamil ton on the authority, scope, and encouragement of missions [B. H. 7531.11, is an English essay, making a survey of the subject by phases. Miss Yungo n Pioncen and founders is confined to English and American missionaries. For American missions. Tracy s, 18-10 [B. H. 3534.2], is a full general history, devoting sections to different bodies and sects; while Dr. Anderson, long the secretary of the American board, has surveyed the subject of foreign missions in the light of his experience [B. ll. 7535.9]; and has recently pub lished a History of the missions ;.othc oriental churches [B.H. 3539.50], giving, at the end of the second volume, a list of mis sionaries and a catalogue of the publications of the ditterent mission presses. The hook by Stevenson records the home- mission labors of Falk, Wichern, Fliedner, Gossner, and alto Africa, Hawaiian islands, Roman catholic church. MISSISSIPPI, frigate. Cruise in the, to China and Japan, [1857-60]. Gragg, W. F ............. MISSISSIPPI river. Gale, G. Upper Mississippi, [1600-1867] ................................ Moellhausen, B. Journey from the, to the coasts of the Pacific. 1858 ......................... Richardson, A. D. Beyond the, [1857-67] ..... Thiers, L. A. The Mississippi bubble. 1852 ---- MISSISSIPPI valley. Flint, T. Ten years in the. 1826. ilart, A. M. History of the. 1853 ............. Milburn, W. H. Pioneers, preachers and people of the. 1860 ................................ Monette, J. W. Discovery and settlement of the, - until 1846 .................................. Note. The most recent and best work on the physical ge ography of the valley is that of Foster, 1869 [B. H. 4471.20], and the general reader will find illustrated papers in Harper s magazine [1N10.1, etc. ],vols. 7, 12, 16; while Hart s little Com- pcnd, 1852, on the discovery u f the river [B II. 4.T29.12], and Mil- burn s " Pioneers, preachers and people of the Mississippi val- ley "[also in B. II. 4378.10] will give him the most popular ac counts of the early and late history. Sehoolcraft s expeditions to discover the sources of the river in 1820 [B. H. 2. 1.4] and in 1832 [B. H 2361.2] are of interest to the student of physical geography; while the historical reader will prize Shea s Nar ratives ot the early discoverers [B. H. 2328.51 and their succes sors,^. H. 4503.25]. Joule] s account of LaSalle s last voyage [B. H. 2369.2] exists in an old English version, [B. H. 2369.1 J 622.10 1633.2 623.22 1633.1 587.7 236.4 237.12 1104.7 234.14 Shelf. No. MITCHFL, John, Irish agitator. Jail journal; or, five years in British prisons. [With portrait.] New York, 1868. 12 1569.2 MITCHELL, Ormsby MacKnight, American major- general, and astronomer, b. 1810, d. 1862. Headley, P.O. Life of 518.23 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 MITCHELL, D. W. Ten years in the United States. London, 1862. 8 308.19 MITCHELL, Donald G. The battle summer: personal observations in Paris, 1848. By Ik. Marvel, [pseud.]. New York, 1852. 12 884.11 Fresh gleanings; or, a now sheaf from the old fields of continental Europe. By Ik. Marvel, [pseud.]. New York, 1851. 12 669.2 MITCHELL, Nahum. History of Bridgewater, Mass. Including a family register. Boston, 1840. 8. 224.6 MITFORD, Mary Russell, English authoress, b. 1787, d. 1855. Life, in letters. Edited by A. G. K. L Estrange. New York, 1870. 2 v. 12 1517.12 Recollections of a literary life. New York, 1852. 12 C 896.12 See Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors 885.22 Note. The chief life is that of L Estrange [also in B. H. 6545.12], but there is an additional volume of her letters, edited by Chorley [B. H. 6545.14], and her letters to Charles Boner [B. II. 2448 51], beside those contained in Fields s book. The Recoi.ectionsof a literary life contains but sparse biographical memoranda, and is mostly a selection of prose passages and short poem, , which have pleased her. There is a notice of her, with engravings, in the Art journal, April, 1860 [B. H. 5100.11, and see also London quarterly review, Dec., 1824 [ B. H. 3114.1], and Blackwood, June, 1854, [B. H. 3140.1]. See also Allibone s article. MITFORD, William. History of Greece, [B. c. 1006- B.c.323]. London, 1838. 8 v. 8 944.1 MODERN babes, The, in the woods. Smith, H. P. . . . 1706.3 MOELLHAUSEN, Baldwin. Diary of a journey from the Mississippi to the coasts of the Pacific. [With illustrations.] Translated by P. Sinnett. London, 1858. 2 v. 8 623.22 MOENS, W. J. C. English travellers and Italian brig ands. With illustrations. New York, 1866. 12. 644.20 MOESER, Justus, advocate and writer, b. 1720, d. 1794. See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany. . . 545.1 MOFFAT, Robert, Scotch missionary, b. 1799. Mis sionary labours and scenes in Southern Africa. With engravings. London, 1842. 12 682.3 MOHAMMED, or MAIIOMET, Arabian prophet, b. 571, d. 632. Bush, G. Lifeof 810.12 Gibbon, E. Lifeof 551.1 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. v. 2 of 1869.1 Green, S. Lifeof 389.4 Irving, W. Mahomet and his successors. T. 9 of 377.1; 407.13 Lives of eminent persons 365.18 Ockley, S. History of the Saracens; comprising the lives of Mohammed and bis successors 828,5 Note. See note under Mohammedanism. MOHAMMEDANISM. Cheeseman, L. Ishmael and tho church; or tho rise, progress, and fall of 1104.19 Florian, J. P. C. do. Notice of Islamism 820.70 Green, S. History of Islamism. 1840 389.4 Neale, F. A. Islamism: its rise and progress 2104.1 Perkins, J. Residence of eight years in Persia; with notices of the Muhammedans 695. 1 Taylor, W. C. History of 2104.13 Kote. The best popular account of Mohammed is Irvlng s [also in B. II. 2:!94.4 ; 2398.50], which makes no pretence to original investigation, and the same may be said of his ac count of the successors of Mohammed to the invasion of Spain, A. D. 710; while the career of the Mohammedans in Spain, 711- 1110. can be traced in the French work of Dozy [B. H. 6095.20], and in Condi s book, [.827.3]. Sec also Spain, history. The above named popular coinpcndj by Bush and Green are much alike in parts. Smyth s third lecture [827 .8; 943.3; 943.7. etc.] will indicate the old authorities. Ockley t was the best ac count in English in the jast century, and. In e revised editions, like the above, are itill of interest. The 50th chapter of Gib bon [95.3.6, etc.], which shows that historian at the best, is per haps the strongest vindication that Mohammed has received from a European, and it is printed separately in the " Life," above mentioned. Carlvie, in his Heroes and hero-worship [885.13], lias also taken the palliative side, and he is followed ly Kingsley, in his Alexandria and her schools [894.6], who agrees to Carlyle s " true and just description of a much ca lumniated man." The view of White, in his famous Hampton MOHAMMEDANISM 189 MONTAGU Shelf No. MOHAMMEDANISM, continued. lectures, 1784 [B. H. 6062.9], conforms more to the usual derog atory views. Price s old quartos, 1811, traces the history from the death of the prophet to 1556, and is esteemed a solid au thority ; and the same may be said of Sale s English version of the Koran, to which a dissertation is prefixed forming one of the best of the descriptive and historical surveys, [113.5; 2106.13; B. H. 3024.13; 3480.5]. Neale s book, above mentioned, is an ordinary compilation of the history of Mohammedanism, in the East and West; and Taylor s is a compact popular ex amination, disclosing the varieties of the sects. Florian s Notice is very brief. Sec also Clarke s account in his Ten great religions [114.11] ; and Cox gives a chapter in his Latin and Teutonic Christendom, [B. H. 5549a.9]. In many travels [see Arabia] the condition and history of this faith is dwelt upon, as in Burckhardt ; and Warburton gives a chapter to it in his Crescent and the cross. [689.7]. See an illustrated ar ticle on Mecca and Medina in Harper s monthly, vol. 14, [1810.1, etc.]. General Daumas s La vie arabe et la Societe, musul- manc [B. H. 5043.7] involves the experience of an Algerian sol dier. Of the French authorities, Gagnicr, 1732 [B. H. 4245.28], was Gibbon s chief dependence. Prideaux is long since super seded, [B. H. 3489.14]. Caussin de Perceval, 1847 [B. H. 424. !.!], made a great advance on previous accounts, but hia cope included also the period before and subsequent to the prophet s day. The most recent monographs, are Barthfi- lemy Saint-Ililaire s Mahomet et le Coran," 18l>5 [B. H. 3024 .8], and Kremer s history o/the Mohammedan ideas, 1868, [B. II. 5485.38]. Of the Germans, Weil, in 184 ! [B. H. 3024.9], drew the accounts of Mohammed anew from old Arab manu scripts, and in 1866, he continued the history of the race from the prophet s day to Selims, [B. H. 3024.18]. The two lives which probably present the greatest research are those by Sir William Muif, 1858, in English ; and that in German, by Sprenger. 18G1 [B. 11. 30C4.12], neither of which, though liberal in their judgments, are satisfactory to the Syed Ahmed, who has published in London, 1870, some ess, vnlued, and he writes with the expresu purpose M counteract ing the effect of Muir upon young Mohammedan students of English. See Malcom [B. H. 2190.19], under " Mahomet." MOHL, Mary Clark. Madame Recamier, [b. 1777, d. 1849] : with a sketch of the history of society in Franco. London, 1862. Sin. 8 618.3 MOHUN; or, the last days of Lee and his paladins. Cooke, J. B 276.14 MOJON, Bianca Milesi, Italian artist and litterateur, b. about 1790, d. 1849. Sec Belluc, B. (R.) Parkes. 1516.11 MOLE, river, Rambles by the. Thorno, J v. 4 of 850.18 MOLES WORTH, Sir William, English politician and au thor, b. 1810, d. 1855. See British cabinet in 1853. 599.9 MOLIERE, Jean Baptisto Poquelin, French poet and dramatist, b. 1622, d. 1673. Biographies of emi nent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Blaze de Bury, M. P. R. Moliero, and the French classical drama 840.3 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Sholloy, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 1 of 388.8 Kate. Taschereau s is the chief life B. H. 2655.4, second edition], which in the fifth edition, I8U3. is much improved. There is a bibliography in the appendix to it; which is, how ever, exceeded in extent by a special bibliography by Lacroix, justpublishedCB.il. 4701.3], which contains in one section a list of dramas founded on Moliere s career. See list of histor ical action. Prescott s [872.2 ; 865.4] and Scott s [B. H. 2577.. r >.21, etc.] notices are both in review of Tascliereau s book. The late George Ticknor gave in 18o3to this libr:irv a collection of books, which had been formed by I res::ott, when he had in tended to write a life of Moliero, about 150 volumes in all, and they form a part of the Bates Hali collection. The old life by Gr!marest[B. II. 4695.18; 4(>9.VJ7], 1705, is said to have been in part the production of Baron, tiic actor. That by Voltaire [B. H. 4704.10.1 ; 470j.ii.l ; 4i;7Un.L 8 , K.liJO.il] was not allowed by the censor to be prefixed to Moliere s works, and a brief memoir by La Serre was substituted, [ B. H. 4(197.10 1 ]. There are other brief memoirs to his works, [1070.3 ; B. H. 4097. 13.1; 4701.17 ; 4706.4] ; by Petilot. 2707.2.1 : hv Sainte Bi iive, 4701.1 ; by Chamiorl, 4700.0.1 ; by Auger, 4706.14]. See also Astie s sketch, [1008.10]. Bazin is one of the later investigators who have added to our knowledge. [B. II. 2655.23]. Campardon has edited some recently p-.iblished documentary proofs about Aloliere s career, [B. H. 2707.U]. There is an outline of his life in C. C. Clarke s Moliere-characters, 1S>, [B. H. 4704.11]; and both biography and criticism make up Bia/,e de Bury little man ual, ;l Moliere, and the French classical drama," [also in B. II. 4095.22] ; while a treatise by Moland surveys his connection with the Italian drama, [B. H. 4704.8]. See the criticisms of Lallarpe [1079.15], Schlegel, who is thought rather unjust [818.7], and other literary historians. MOLINOS, Miguel, Spanish theologian, b. 1627, d. 1696. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs. 2085.9 MOLTKE, Baron von. The Russians in Bulgaria and Rurnelia in 1828-29. London, 1854. 8 924.3 MOLUCCAN archipelago, Voyages through the southern part of the, [1825, 26]. Kolff, D. H 705.7 MONARCHS retired from business. Doran, J 948.5 MONASTERIES of the Levant, Visit to the. 1852. Curzon, R C89.8 Shelf. No. MONCET, Bon Adrien Joannot do, due de Cenegliano, b. 1754, d. 1842. See Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals v. 1 of 605.1; v. 1 of 605.2 MONET, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de, called " le chevalier Lamarck," French naturalist, b. 1744, d. 1829. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s li brary v. 31 of 179.1 MONETTE, John W. History of the discovery and settlement of the valley of the Mississippi, until 1846. [With maps.] New York, 1846. 2 v. 8. 234.14 MONGOLIA, Social and political condition of. 1851. Prinsep, H. T 1936.1 MONICA, St., b. 332, d. 387. Life of. See Bougaud, Abbe E 2085.1 MONINO, Jose, comte de Florida Bianca, Spanish prime minister to Charles III, and author, b. 1730, d. 1808. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 5 of 388.7 MONITOR, The; or, jottings of a New York merchant during a trip round the globe. Hoffman, W... 674.9 MONK, George, dulte of Albemarle, English parliamen tary general, chief restorer of Charles II, b. 1608, d. 1670. Adams, W. H. D. Records of noble lives 1553.2 James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great commanders. 557.6 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 Note. Guizot s book (B. H. 2.K8.7 ; in English, 4549a.8] is the best record, though it is rather a historical than a bio graphical monograph, and it forms n sequel to his history of the English revolution. There is an old favorable life by Skinner [B. H. 2546.5], which, with other of the earlier ac counts, will be found characterized in Smyth s seventeenth lecture [827.8, etc.] ; and the reader will not overlook the his tories of Hallam, Macaulay, etc. See England, history, note. MONK, Maria. Awful disclosures of the Hotel Dieu nunnery of Montreal. New York, 1836. 12.. 1098.24 MONMOUTH, Duke of. See Scot, James. MONMOUTH, Earl of. See Gary, Robert. MONMOUTH, Eng., Guide to the county of. 1865. Black, A. and C 1659.18 MONNIER, Marc. The wonders of Pompeii. Trans lated from the French. [With illustrations.] New York, 1870. 12 937.15 MONROE, James, o/A president of the United States, b. 1758, d. 1831. Tour of observation in 1817, through the north-eastern and north-western de partments of the union: with a view to the ex amination of their military defences. Philadel phia, 1818. 12 629.3 Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic. 513.13 MONSON, Sir William, English admiral, b. 1569, d. 1642. Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 564.8 Southey, R. Lives of the British admirals, .v. 5 of 388.5 MONT BLANC. Auldjo, J. Ascent of, [1827] 1655.1 Forbes, J. D. The tour of. 1855 669.14 Smith, A. Mount Blanc 669.18 See also Switzerland. MONTAGU, or MONTAGUE, Charles, earl of Halifax, English statesman and poet, b. 1661, d. 1715. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets . . v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586. 22; v. 1 of 589. 26 MONTAGU, Edward, Id earl of Manchester, general and statesman, b. 1602, d. 1671. See Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Brit ain v. 5 of 815.1 MONTAGU, Edward, Irf earl of Sandwich, general, ad miral, and statesman, b. 1625, d. 1672. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 Southey, R. Lives of the British admirals. . v. 5 of 388.5 MONTAGU, Mrs. Elizabeth, English authoress, b. 1729, d. 1800. Letters. [Edited] by M. Montagu. Boston, 1825. 3 v. 12 596.7 See Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society. 542.17 ;v. 2 of 542.15 MONTAGU, John, Id duke of Manchester, b. 1688, d. 1749. See Lodge, B. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 MONTAGU 190 MOORE Shelf. No. MONTAGU, Mary Wortley, lady, English authoress, b. 1690, d. 1762. Letters and works. Edited by Lord Wharncliffe. [With portraits.] 2d edition. London, 1837. 3 v. 8 595.3 Contents. Vol. I. Memoir, by Mr. Dallaway ; Biographical anecdotes; Court of George I; State of party nl the accession of George i. I-III. Letters. III. The Enchiridion of Epic- tetua; Essays; Poems. Same. 3d edition, with additions, by W. M. Thomas. Vol.1. London, 18G1. 8 591.1 Oliphant, M- (0. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George n 983.4 Russell, W. Eccentric personages 509.19 Extraordinary women 598.19 Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society. v. 1 of 542. 15; 542.17 St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 2 of 810.47 Note. See Dallaway s Memoir, [also 899.21]; Mrs. Oli- phant s sketch [also in B. II. 4327. 1 .. ]; Leigh Hunt s "Men, women, and books" [908.1]; Allib jne and his references; Blackwood, July, 1868. MONTAIGNE, Michel Equem do, French philosopher, moralist, and writer, b. 1533, d. 1592. Biogra phies of eminent men from tho 13th century .v. 1 of 836.9 Emerson, R. W. Representative men 876.5 Shelloy, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Franco v. 1 of 388.8 Kate. The old English translation with a life is Charles Cotton s [B. H. 4189.7], but successive editors have modified the text, and Hazlitt s, with his summarize d life [ 187G.6J, is now usually met with, but in this edition will be found, in the third volume, a bibliography of the essays, and in the fourth volume afullcollectionof titles of livrsnnd commentaries, as wel, as on abridgment [IS76G.41 of St. John s latest and best life of Montaigne, 1838TB. II 6o56. 2], who enumerates in im appendix the principal sources or information. Estimates of Montaigne will bo found in Emerson s Representativo men [876.5] : in Vii- leniain [B II. 2i>72.7.10] : in Saintc-Beuve s Causcriw dn Lun- di [B. ll.X70.l-]: in L-.I Ilirpo C107SU3]; in Hallnm [1373.1; 137:J2, etc.]; and in the histories of Martin and Michelet. Dugald Stewart wrote the article in the Encyclopedia Britan- nlca of 1824. Beside the more recent French lives of Griin, 1855. and Payen, 1&">6, there are memoirs by Buchon [B. H. 4191.2]; Louandre[B. II. 4678.27]. and others [B. H. 2700.10; 2678.7], with the criticism of Leveaux, [B. U. 2700.11]. MONTAL, Claude, French piano-forte tuner and maker, b. 1800. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of tho laboratory and workshop 551.7 MONTALEMBERT, Charles Forbes do Tryon, comte de, French statesman, b. 1810. Life of Saint Eliza beth, of Hungary, [b. 1207, d. 1231]. Trans lated by M. Hackett. New York, 1854. 12... 547.15 Political future of England. From tho French. London, 1856. P. 8 988.3 MONTANA, Sketch of. 1868. Boiler, H. A 245.13 MONTEMAYOB, Jorge do, Portuguese poet, b. about 1520, d. 1562. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 3 of 398.1 MONTENEGRO, Dalmatia and. 1848. Wilkinson, Sir J. G 925.5 MONTEREY, Our army at. Thorpe, T. B 259.7 MONTE ROSA. Forbes, J. D. Tho tour of. 1855.. 669.14 Hinehcliff, T. W. Summer months among the Alps: with the ascent of. 1857 667.14 Lady s tour round Monte Rosa, [1850-58] 666.23 MONTEZDMA I, llluiicumina, 5A king of Mexico, b. about 1390, d. 1464. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869. 1 MONTEZTJMA II, the younger, 3th king of Mexico, b. 1466, d. 1520. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 MONTFORT, Jeanne, comtessedc, b. about 1310, d. 1362. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history. . 599.22 MONTGOLFIER, Jacques Etienr.e, French balloon in ventor, b. 1745, d. 1799. .See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 MONTGOLFIER, Joseph Michel, French balloon in- ventor, b. 1740, d. 1810. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 MONTGOMERY, 1st earl of. See Herbert, Philip. MONTGOMERY, Henry. Life of major-general Zachary Taylor, 12th president of the United States, [b. 1784, d. 1850]. With illustrations. 20th edition. Auburn, 1851. 12 517.6 li Ctsinv , >i!s~t.hote on, Shelf. No. MONTGOMERY, James, English poet and journalist, b. 1771,d.l854. Baillie, J. Life-studies 548.12 Famous boys: and how they became great men . . 6")6.8 Holland, J. Memoirs of 584.17 Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors. 883.14 Steel, R. Lives made sublime by faith and works 577.13; 577.16 Note. Knight s [B. H. 4549..1) is a sifting down into popular shape of tua elaborate 1 ves hv Holland and Everett; and there are briefer lives hyGriswoxl [H11..1 1 : by Carruthers[1317.lL:.5], and by o:hera [B. II. 4SIKU3; 6G09a.Jj. See aiso the Supple ment to Chainbers i Eminent Scotsmen, and Aiiibone. MONTGOMERY, Richard, American revolutionary gen eral, b. 1736, d. 1775. Armstrong, J. Life of. v. 3 of 518.5; v. 1 of 529.1 Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals, v.lof 516.1 MONTGOMERY S Tippocanoe almanac for 1841; con taining Life and services of W. H. Harrison. [With illustrations.] 4th edition. Philadelphia, n. d. 80pp. 8 517.4 MoNTHOLON-SfcMONViLLE, Gen. Charles Tristan de, Napoleon s executor, b. 1782, d. 1853. History of the captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. London, 1846,47. 4v. 8 1006.1 MONTHS, Book of the. See Soane, G. New curiosi ties of literature 402.11 MONTI, Vinzenzo, Italian poet and dramatic author, b. 1754, d. 1828. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 2 of 398.1 MONTREAL. Hochelaga depicta: early history and present state of. 1839. Bosworth, N 265.4 Hotel Dieu nunnery, Awful disclosures of the. 1856. Monk, M 1098.24 MONTROSE, Marquis of. Sec Graham, James. MOODIE, Susanna Strickland. Life in the clearings versus tho bush. New York, n. d. 12 636.12 Roughing it in the bush; or, life in Canada. New York.n. d. 12 636.3 Same. 2 parts. New York, 1852. 2v. 12.. 636.9 MOONEY, Thomas. History of Ireland, from its first settlement [to 1845]. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1857. 8 1975.1 MOOR, James, LL. D., professor of Greek in the Uni versity of Glasgow, b. 1712, d. 1779. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 686.13 MOORE, A. Y. Life of Schuyler Colfax, [b. 1823.] With portrait. Philadelphia, [cop. 18G8], 16. 1513.10 MOORE, Frank. Anecdotes, poetry, and incidents of tho war, 1860-65. New York, 1866. 8 241.1 Diary of tho American revolution. [With maps and plates.] New York, 1860. 2 v. 8 222.2 Lyrics of loyalty. Now York, 1864. 24 309.19 Personal and political ballads. New York, 1864. 18 309.23 Rebel rhymes and rhapsodies. Now York, 1864. 16 309.20 Songs and ballads of the American revolution. With notes and illustrations. New York, 1856. 12 314.2 Songs of tho soldiers. New York, 1864. 16. . . 309.24 MOORE, George II. "Mr. Lee s plan March 29, 1777." The treason of Charles Leo, major gen eral in tho American army of tho revolution. [With portrait.] New York, 1860. 8 292.2 MOORE, Hugh. Memoir of Ethan Allen, [American colonel, b. 1737, d. 1789]. Plattsburgh, N. Y., 1834. 12 528.19 MOORE, James. Kilpatrick and our cavalry. With illustrations. New York, 1865. 16 1286.4 MOORE, James C. Life of Sir John Moore. [With portrait] London, 1833. 2 v. 8 564.9 MOORE, Sir John, Scottish general, fell at Corunna, b. 1761, d. 1809. Gleig, G. R. Lives of the most eminent British military commanders v. 3 of 388.3 Mooro, J. C. Life of 664.9 MOORE, John, English M. D., b. 1730, d. 1802. View of society and manners in Franco, Switzerland, and Germany. Boston, 1792. 16 657.2 View of society and manners in Italy. Boston, 1792. 16 676.4 J MOORE 191 MORGAN Shelf. No. MOORE, Thomas, Irish poet, b. 1779, d. 1852. History of Ireland, [to 1646]. London, 1837-46. 4 v. 16 368.5 Life of Lord Byron, [b. 1783, d. 1824]; with his letters and journals. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 v. 8 U 585.7 Same. London, 1851. 6 v. 16 585.13 Same. Philadelphia, 1853. 2v.ini. 8 . . . 585.3 Same. New York, 1836. 2 v. 12. . .v. 1, 2 of 323.2 Life and death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, [Irish revolutionist, b. 17C3, d. 1798]. Paris, 1831. 12 598.13 -Same. New York, 1831. 2 v. 12 598.14 Memoirs, journal, and correspondence. Edited by Lord J. Russell. [With portraits.] London, 1853-56. 8 v. P. 8 588.16 Same. Netv York, 1857. 2 r. 8 582.3 Memoirs of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, [Irish dramatist and orator, b. 1751, d. 1816]. New York, 1858. 2 v. 12 598.6 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous mon.. 548. 16; 551.13 Ilazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contem porary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 Nate. Earl Russell s is the standard life [also in B. H. 4548.19]: but there is a brief memoir [lD17.13.li, and Mrs. Halls Recollections in the Allantic monthly [1892.1, etc.], for Jan., 1865. See references in Allibone. MOORMAN, John J. The Virginia springs, and springs of the South and West. With map and plates. Philadelphia, 1859. 12 638.11 MOORS of Spain, History of the. Florian, J. P. C. de. 820.70 MORATA, Olympia Fulvia, Italian poetess, b. 1526, d. 1555. Colquhoun, J. C. Life in Italy and France in the olden time 9 15.5 Smyth, Mrs. G. Life, times, and writings of.... 599.15 Trollope, T. A. A decade of Italian women, v. 2 of 543.14 MORAVIANS. See United brethren. Xotc. See list in Malcom, [B. II. 2100.19]. MORDATJNT, Charles, earl of Peterborough, English statesman and general, b. 1G62, d. 1735. Gleig, G. R. Lives of the most eminent British mili tary commanders v. 2 of 388.3 James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great commanders.. 557.6 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569.19 MORE, Crcsacre. Life of Sir Thomas More, [Eng lish historian, and lord-chancellor of England, b. 1480, d. 1535]. [With portraits.] London, 1828. 8 . 562.5 MORE, Hannah, English authoress, b. 1745, d. ]833. Letters to Zochary Macaulay, [Scottish slavery abolitionist, b. 1768, d. 1838]. Edited by A. Roberts. London, I860. 16 599.18 Clayton, E. C. Notable women 1517.7 Knight, H. C. Memoir of 599.20 Roberts, W. Life and correspondence of 595. 11 Sigourney, L. II. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 Women of worth 551.19 .Vote. Roberts[also in B. H. 2448.15] he* written the authori tative life, but i is unattractive, and tiie b-ieK-r memoirs [oth ers in B. H. 2578.13.1] will ordinarily suffice the reader, who may lind interest in her letters to Zachary Macaulay. See Allibone. MORE, Sir John, English judge, b. 1443, d. 1533. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 MORE, Martha. Mendip annals: or, charitable la bours of Hannah and Martha More. Edited by A.Roberts. London, 1859. 16 126.33 Same. 3d edition. London, 1859. 12 1098.28 MORE, Sir Thomas, English historian, and lord-chan cellor of England, b. 1480, d. 1535. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of the early lives of great lawyers 1516.13 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 2 of 840.10 Shelf. No. MORE, Sir Thomas, continued. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain y. 1 of 815.1 Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen r . l of 388.6 More, C. Life of 562.5 Myers, F. Lectures on great men 557.8 Roper, W. Life of 589.9 Note. The principal early authorities are the naive memoir by his son-in-law, Roper [also in B. II., in English, 454!>u.l01; thelitebyS:apletou[B.II.,i;)L,atin,4177.L>l;iuFreuch,4177.]0], who dericd las knowledge in part from Rastell. whose ac count is supposed to be the one printed by Wordsworth in hia Ecclesiastical biography [B. II. :!.V>;;.G] ; and Crcsacrc More, a grandson, in a life [B. H. 4177.1:1] which is fuller and more and more guardedly by Strype [B. II. MK2.2]. and the general historians like Hume, Ilallnm and JLingard have viewed his character much according to their own impulse?, till Mack intosh [B. II. 4)47.19.1], in his readable lite.did much todefend his subject, reiving largely upon More s own apology, which earlier writers had neglected. Disraeli inclines to the unfavor able side in his "Psychological character of Sir Thomaa More," in his Amenities of literature, [401.8; 837.7]. A fresh attack was made by Froude, in his History [1)81.2, etc.], which was met by a vindication in the North British review, 1859 [B. II. 530.1], copied into the Living age for April of that year, [1820.1, etc. ). See also Campbell s Lord chancellora [568.1], and the biographical and bibliographical details by Dibdcn [B. II. 4177.17] ; Mrs. Hall s pilgrimage tohis home, iu the Art-journal, 1850 [U. H. .51C0.1], and in Harner n monthly, vol. 1[ 1810.1, etc.]; a German life by Rudhart[B. II. 4177. 11 j: and a very good summary from a Catholic view by Walter, of More s life and times. within moderate compass, [B. H. G549a.2]. Allibone has a full article. Mrs. Manning s fictitious reproduction of More s domestic life, in her " Household of Sir Thomas More " [4(3.7; 439.11; B. H. 2458.27], is of good repute, and the Chronological lit of historical fiction will show other titles. MOREA, Journey in the. 1823. Gell, Sir W 683.3 MORELET, Arthur. Travels in Central America. [Translated] from the French by Mrs. M. F. Squier. [With illustrations.] New York, 1871. 12 634.22 MORELL, J. D. Historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy of Europe in the nine teenth century. From the last London edition. New York, 1853. 8 122.3 MORELL, John R. Turkey, past and present. [With map.] London, 1854. 10 1918.20 MORELLI, Maria Maddalena, " La Gorilla," Italian improvisatrice, b. 1740, rf. 1800. See Trollope, T. A. A decade of Italian women v. 2 of 543.14 MORETOX, Julian. Lifo and work in Newfoundland. [With illustrations.] London, 1863. P. 8 . . . 634.18 MORFORD, Henry. Appletons short-trip guide to Europe, [1808]. [With map.] New York, 1868. 12 1659.14 Same. [1869]. New York, 1869. 12 1659.13 Over-sea; or, England, France and Scotland as seen by a live American. With illustrations. New York, 1867. 12 J 1654.1 MORGAN, Charles, skip-builder, b. 1795. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 MORGAN, Daniel, general in the American revolution, b. 1736, d. 1802. Graham, J. Life of. 528.3 Headloy, J. T. Washington and his generals, v. 2 of 516.1 MORGAN, Edwin Dennison, governor of New York, b. 1811. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of pro gress 522.16 MORGAN, Sir Henry John, buccaneer, b. 1630, d. 1690. See Adams, W. H. I). Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 MORGAN, James F. England under the Norman oc cupation. London, 1858. Sm. 8 999.2 MORGAN, John II., b. 1826, d. 1864. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and cam paigns 243.1 MORGAN, Matthew, b. 1652. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 MORGAN, Sydney Owonson, lady, Irish novelist, b. 1783, d. 1859. Franco. Philadelphia, 1817. 8. 1003.4 Memoirs: autobiography, diaries and correspon dence. Leipzig, 18(i3. 3 v. Sq. 16 589.29 Passages from iny autobiography. New York, 1859. 12 598.18 Fitzpatrick, W. J. Lady Morgan; her career, literary and personal 599.17 MORGAN 192 MOWBRAT Shelf. No. MORGAN, Sydney Owenson, lady, continued. Kavanagh, J. English women of letters 589.30 Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society. v. 1 of 542.15; 542.17 MORGAN, Thomas. Lives of Thomas Cranmer, Nich olas Ridley, Hugh Latimer, John Locke. See Brave old English confessors 567.6 MOBIER, James, English traveller and novelist, b. 1780, d. 1849. Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, 1808, 9. With engravings. Phila delphia, 1816. 8 694.15 MORISON, John H. Life of Jeremiah Smith, LL. D., [American scholar and jurist, b. 1759, d. 1842]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1845. 12 523.19 MORISON, Robert, Scotch botanist, b. 1620, d. 1683. <See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 MORLAND, George, English painter, b. 1763, d. 1802. Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 2 of 379.9; v. 2 of 810.19 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 MORLEY, Henry. Jerome Cardan. Life of Girolamo Cardano, of Milan, physician [and mathema tician,^ 1501, d. 1576]. London, 1854. 2 v. 12. 546.16 Palissy the potter. Life of Bernard Palissy, of Saintes, [b. 1510, d. 1589]. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 16 546.17 MORLEY, Sir Robert, Enylish admiral, d. 1360. See Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 MORMONISM : from the Edinburgh review for April, 1854. London, 1854. 16 1655.25 MORMONISM. Bennett, J. C. History of the saints; or, an expos6 of Joo Smith and Mormonism 115.14 Ferris, B. G. Utah and the Mormons 1095.14 Ferris, Mrs. B. G. The Mormons at home 637.6 Gunnison, J. W. The Mormons: a history of their rise and progress 1087.8 Kidder, D. P. Mormonism and the Mormons 1099.27 Life among the Mormons 1116.23 Waito, C. V. The Mormon prophet and his harem. 248.3 See alto Great Salt lake city, Salt lake. MORMONS, The; with memoir of J. Smith. [Illus trated.] London, 1852. 12 879.12 Note. Of the above books, Bennett is also in Bates Hall, [6076.19]. See also Green on the rise and progress of Mormon ism [B. H.5544.19]; Hyde on its leaders [B. H.348U.25]; Ward [B. H. 2407.9]; Tucker [B. II. 5544.13]; and the book of Mor mon [B.II. 7456.23], which, with other works of their literature, re in the Bates Hall. See also travels, like Dixon s New America [fiS-MO, etc.]; I-ndlow s Heart of the continent [1626.3]; Rae s Westward bv rail [638.19; B. H. 4407.16]; liilke s Greater Britain [1034.12, etc.]; and also Dlzoo* Spiritual wives, [1122.10, etc.]. There are articles on the Utah war in the Atlantic monthly, vol. 3; and papers in Good wordi, June, 18GG; Blackwood, Jan., 1867; and London Suarterly review, April, 1867; also a paper by Lossing, in arper, vol. 6. See references in Malcom, [B. H. 2180.19]. MOROCCO. Caillie, R. Travels across the Great Desert, to, [1824-28] 693.10 Durreau, X. Present state of. 1854 1655.10 Hardman, F. The Spanish campaign in, [I860]. . 917.13 Jackson, J. G. Account of the empire of Marocco. 1810 699.11 Murray, E. Sixteen years of an artist s life in. 1859 664.1 Urquhart, D. Travels in, [1848] 675.9 MORRELL, Abby Jane. Voyage to the Ethiopia and South Atlantic ocean, Indian ocean, Chinese sea, North and South Pacific ocean, 1829-31. [With portrait.] New York, 1833. 12 699.19 MORRELL, Benjamin. Narrative of four voyages to the South sea, North and South Pacific ocean, Chinese sea, Ethiopic and Southern Atlantic ocean, Indian and Antarctic ocean, 1822-31. [With portrait.] Now York, 1832. 8 702.7 MORRIS, Capt. Arthur, English soldier. See Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569.19 MORRIS, Gouverneur, American statesman and orator, A. 1752, d. 1816. Sparks, J. Life of 515.12 Tuckerman, II. T. Essays, biographical and crit ical 547.2 - Mental portraits 557.10 Shelf. No. MORRIS, Helen, lady. See Royston, Helen. MORRIS, John G. Quaint sayings and doings con cerning Luther. Philadelphia, 1859. 12 ..... 1105.4 MORRIS, John M. Military and civil history of Con necticut, [1861-65]. See Croffut, W. A ....... 272.13 MORSE, Abner. Further traces of the ancient North men in America. Boston, 1861. 16pp. 12. 299.21 MORSE, Samuel Finley Breese, painter, and improver of the electric telegraph, b. 1791, d. 1872. MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made ...................................... 515.14 Memorial of. See Boston .................... 522.18 Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress ......... 5 2 2. 16 Note. The Memorial is also i also Tuckerraa references to reviews in AUibor.e. Hall, [4444.57]. Book of Ihc artists [B. II. 8072. See 2.20], and the MORTIER, Edouard Adolphe Casimir Joseph, due dt Trimse, b. 1768, d. 1835. See Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals, v. 1 of 605.1; v. 1 of 605.2 MORTIMER, Earl of. See Harley, Robert. MORTIMER, Mrs. Far off; or, Asia and Australia described. [Anon.] With illustrations. Lon don, 1856. 2v. 12 ........................ 939.10 Kings of Israel and Judah : their history. [Anon. } [With illustrations.] New York, 1872. 12.. 1117.4 MORTIMER, John Hamilton, painter, b. 1741, d. 1779. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc ........ v. 5 of 379.9; v. 4 of 810.19 MORTON, 4M earl of. See Douglas, James. MORTON, Nathaniel, secretary of Plymouth colony, b. 1612, d. 1685. New England s memorial, [1010- 69]. 6th edition. Also, Bradford s History of Plymouth colony, [and] Dialogue; Prince s Chro nology; Winslow s Visits to Massasoit, [etc.]. [With portrait of J. Winslow.] Boston, 1855. 8. 223.14 MOSBY, John S. Mosby and his men. See Crawford, J. M ...................................... 288.6 Moscow. Spectacles for young eyes. Lander, S. W. 1638.9 Note. See the Historical sketch by Ackerman, [B. H. 3060.4]; general travels in Russia, etc. ; and Harper s monthly, vol. 2G, [1810.1, etc.]. MOSELEY, Joseph. What is contraband of war and what is not. London, 1861. 12 ............. 298.6 MOSHEIM, Johann L. von. Ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern. Now York, 1852. 3 v. 8. 1085.2 MOSLEM, Lands of the. 1851. See El-Mukattem. 684.8 MOSLEM and Frank. Strauss, G. L ................ 918.14 MOSQUITO shore, Waikna; or, adventures on the. 1855. Squier, E. G ......................... 623.21 MOSSMAN, Samuel. China: its inhabitants and in stitutions. With map and illustrations. Lon don, n. d. 16 ............................. 1695.3 MOTLEY, John Lothrop, American historian, b. 1814. History of the United Netherlands, [1584-1600]. With portraits. Now York, 1861, 68. 3 v. 8. 911.1 Rise of the Dutch republic, [1555-84]. New York, 1856, 61. 3 v. 8 ................... 923.1 Note. See the notices and references to reviews in Allibone. MOTT, Valentine, American physician, b. 1785, d. 1865. MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made ........................ 5 15. 14 Parton, J. People s book of biography ......... 1522.10 MOTTE, Mrs. Rebecca, American heroine, b. 1738, d. 1815. See Women of worth .................. 551.19 MOULTRIE, William, major-general in the American revolution, b. 1731, d. 1805. See Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals ............. v. 2 of 516.1 MOUNT AUBURN cemetery, Watertown, Mass. History of. 1860. Bigelow, J ...................... 229.10 MOUNT DESERT, Rambles in. 1871. De Costa, B. F. 638.20 MOUNT SINAI. See Sinai. MOUNT WASHINGTON in winter, [1870-71]. Hitch cock, C. H ................................. 634.23 MOUNTAIN adventures in various parts of the world. Headley, J. T ............................... 667.24 MOUNTAINS, Letters from the, [1773-1807]. Grant, A. 909.3 MOWATT, Anna C. See Ritchie, A. C. MOWBRAY, Philip, soldier, duellist, preacher, etc., fl. 18th century. See Russell, W. Eccentric per sonages .................................... 569 19 MOWRT 193 MURRAY Shelf. No. Mo WRY, Sylvester. Arizona and Sonora: the silver region of North America. 3d edition. New York, 1864. 12 265.6 MOXON, Edward, English publisher and poet, b. 1801, d. 1858. See Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 MOZART, Johann Chrysostom Sigismund Amadous, German music composer, b. 1756, d. 1791. Let ters. 1769-91. Translated by Lady Wallace. With portrait and facsimile. New York, 18G6. 2 v. 16 823.16 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury . v. 3 of 839.6 Edgar, J. The boyhood of great men 548.13 ; 549.30 Foa, E. Boy artists 1599.1 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.4 Holmes, E. Life of 545.21 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Schlichtegroll, M. Life of 545.19; 545.20 Note. The authoritative life is the admirable one by Jahn, ISM [B. H., in German, 4040.4], and there is an older one by Nissen [B. II. 4046..T); and shoit memoirs by Oulibicheff, 1847 [B. H. 4046.6], and by Schlichtegroll, of which, beside the above English version, there is also a French translation, [1067.18]. The letters are of interest, [also in B. II. 4046.41]. Kau s book [764.20 ; 2021.3] is a novel on his career. Holmes s Ijfe is of moderate extent. MDDGE, Zachariah A. The Christian statesman; a portraiture of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, [b. 1786, d. 1845]. Four illustrations. New York, [cop. 1865]. 16 1516.5 Views from Plymouth rock. Six illustrations. New York, [cop. 1869]. 16 228.20 Witch hill: a history of Salem witchcraft. Three illustrations. New York, [cop. 1870]. 16 228.6 MUEFFLING, Friedrich Carl Ferdinand, baron von, 6. 1775, d. 1851. Missions to Constantinople and St. Petersburg, 1829, 30. Translated by D. Jar- dine. London, 1855. 16 689.15 Passages from my life, 1813, 14. Edited by P. Yorke. London, 1853. 8 542.4 MUELLER, Carl 0. History of the literature of an cient Greece. Vol.1. London, 1840. 8 365.11 Attica and Athens. See Lockhart, J. 1 955.7 MUELLER, George, Prussian clergyman of Bristol, Eng., b. 1805. The life of trust: narrative of the Lord s dealings with G. Miiller, by himself. Edited by H. L. Wayland. Boston, 1861. 12.. 555.5 MUELLER, Johann von, Swiss historian, b. 1752, d, 1809. Universal history, [to 1783]. Translated from the German. Boston, 1837. 4 v. 12... 949.4 MUHLENBERG, Henry A. Life of major-general Pe ter Muhlenberg, of the revolutionary army. Phil adelphia, 1849. 12 528.2 MUHLENBERG, Peter, b. 1746, d. 1807. Life of. See Muhlenberg, H. A 528.2 MUIRHEAD, James P. Life of James Watt, [Scotch en gineer and improver of the steam-engine, b. 1736, d. 1819]. Illustrated. New York, 1859. 12 . . 587.4 MULLAN, John. Miners and travelers guide to Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montano, Wyoming, and Colorado. [With map.] New York, 1865. 12 1638.25 MUNDY, Godfrey C. Our antipodes; or, residence in the Australasian colonies. 3d edition. Lon don, 1855. 8 ; 705.1 MUNICH. See Paterfamilias s diary of everybody s tour 1678.3 MUNRO, Sir Thomas, English governor of Madras, b. 1760, d. 1827. Life of. See Gleig, G. R 899.5 MUNSELL, Joel. The every day book of history and chronology. New York, 1858. 8 947.1 MURAT, Charles Louis Napoleon Achille, prince. America and the Americans. Translated [by H. J. Bradfield]. New York, 1849. 12 297.20 MURAT, Joachim, French general, king of Naples 1808, b. 1767, d. 1815. See Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals v. 2 of 605.1; r. 2 of 605. 2 MURILLO, Bartolome Esteban, Spanish painter, b. 1618, d. 1682. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century , v. 2 of 889.6 Shelf. No. MURILLO, Bartolome Esteban, continued. Jervis-White-Jervis, M., lady. Stories of boy- genius from the lives of great painters 555. 9 Ifote. See Painting, note; and especially Scott s [B. H. 4070.50] and Blanc s [B. H. 8080.7] accounts. MURPHY, Arthur, Irish dramatic author, b. 1727, d. 1805. Essay on the life and genius of Tacitus. See Tacitus, C. C. Works 872.11 See Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent lit erary and scientific men of Great Britain . .v. 3 of 398.3 MURRAY, Earl of. See Stuart, James. MURRAY, Alexander, Scotch linguist, b. 1775, d. 1813. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 MURRAY, Amelia M. Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada. New York, 1856. 2v. in 1. 12 639.18 MURRAY, Charles A. Travels in North America, 1834-30. New York, 1839. 2 v. 12 639.3 MURSAY, Elizabeth. Sixteen years of an artist s life in Morocco, Spain, and the Canary islands. Lon don, 1859. 2 v. 8 664.1 MURRAY, E. C. G. Embassies and foreign courts. A history of diplomacy. By " The roving English man," [pseud.]. London, 1855. P. 8 987.5 Pictures from the battle fields. By " The roving Englishman," [pseud.]. With illustrations. Lon don, 1854. 16 988.5 The roving Englishman. [Anon.] London, 1854. 16 1678.5 MURRAY, George, lord, b. 1705, d. 1760. See Thom son, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jacobites v. 3 of 562.2 MURRAY, Hugh. The African continent: narrative of discovery and adventure. With an account of recent exploring expeditions, by J. M. Wil son. [With illustrations.] London, 1853. 12. 697.19 Historical account of discoveries and travels in Africa. [With maps.] 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1818. 2v. 18 692.10 Historical account of discoveries and travels in North America. London, 1829. 2 v. 8 625.14 Historical and descriptive account of British America. New York, 1848. 2 v. 18 820.8 History of British India, [A. D. 13-1849]. [With illustrations.] London, 1853. 16 989.1 and others. Historical and descriptive account of British India, [A. D. 13-1849]. With map and engravings. New York, 1844. 3 v. 18 810.51 Encyclopaedia of geography. Illustrated. Phil adelphia, 1846. 3v. 8 952.4 Narrative of discovery and adventure in Africa. With engravings. New York, 1831. 18 810.18 Narrative of discovery and adventure in the polar seas and regions. [With engravings.] New York, n. d. 18 810.15 MURRAY, Rev. John, founder of universalism in America, b. at Alton, Eng., 1741, d. 1815. Life, written by himself. AVith a continuation, by Mrs. J. S. Murray. New edition, with an intro duction and notes, by G. L. Demarest. [AVith portrait.] Boston, 1870. 16 535.23 MURRAY, John. Handbook for [travellers in] Bel gium and the Rhine. AVith map. London, 1852. 12 649.7 Handbook for travellers in Berks, Bucks, and Ox fordshire. AVith map and plans. London, 1860. 12 645.20 Handbook for travellers on the continent. With map and plans. 10th edition. London, 1854.. 12 649.19 Contents. Holland, Belgium, Prussia, Northern Germany and the Rhine from Holland to Switzerland. Handbook for travellers in Corsica and Sardinia. With maps. London, 1868. 12 1658.7 Handbook for travellers in Devon and Cornwall. 3d edition. With maps. London, 1856. 12.. 649.2 Handbook for travellers in Durham and Northum berland. With map. London, 1864. 12 1656.6 Hand-book for travellers in Egypt. See Wilkin son, Sir J. G 649.13 MURRAY 194 MURRAY Shelf. No. MURRAY, John, continued. Hand-book for [travellers in] Northern Europe. New edition. With map and plans. London, 1849. 2v. 12 649.11 Contents. Vol. I. Denmark, Norway, Sweden. II. Fin- laud, Hussia. Handbook for travellers in Franco. With maps and plans. 9th edition. London, 1864. 12.. 1656.7 Consents. Normandy, Brittany, the rivers Seine, Loire, Rhone and Garonne, the French Alps, Dauphine, the Pyre nees, Provence, Nice, etc. Handbook for travellers in Southern Germany. With maps and plans. 7th edition. London, 1855. 12 649.5 Contents. Wurtt-mberp, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, etc., the Austrian aud Bavarian Alps, the Danube from Ulra to the Black sea. Handbook for travellers in Gloucestershire, Wor cestershire, and Herefordshire. With maps and plans. London, 1867. 12 1658.5 Handbook for travellers in Greece. See Bowen, G. F 649.8 Handbook for travellers in Ireland. With map. London, 1864. 12 1656.8 Handbook for travellers in Central Italy. With map. 3d edition. London, 1853. 2 v. 12... 649.6 Contents. Vol.1. Southern Tuscany and Papal states. II. Borne and its environs. Handbook for travellers in Northern Italy. 6th edition. With maps and plans. London, 1854. 2v. 12 649.4 Contents. Vol. I. Sardinia, Lombardy and Venice, Parma, Piacenza, and Modena. II. Lucca, Pisa, Florence, and North Tuscany. Handbook for travellers in Southern Italy. With map and plans. 2d edition. London, 1855. 12.. 649.3 Handbook for travellers in Kent and Sussex. With map. London, 1858. 12 645.11 Handbook for travellers in Portugal. With map. London, 1855. 12 649.16 Same. 3d edition. London, 1864. 12 1658.1 Handbook for travellers in Russia, Poland, and Finland. Now edition. With map and plans. London, 1865. 12 649.22 Handbook for travellers in Scotland. With maps and plans. London, 1867. 12 1658.6 Handbook for travellers in Sicily. With map and plans. London, 1864. 12 1658.3 Handbook for travellers in Spain. See Ford, R. 649.12 Handbook for travellers in Switzerland, and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. 6th edition. With maps. London, 1854. 12 649.18 Handbook for travellers in Syria and Palestine. Map and plans. London, 1858. 2 v. 12 688.2 Handbook for travellers in Turkey. With maps aud plans. 3d edition. London, 1854. 12... 649.14 Handbook for travellers in North Wales. With map. London, 1861. 12 1656.2 Handbook for travellers in South Wales. With map. London, I860. 12 1656.1 Handbook for travellers in Yorkshire. With map and plans. London, 1867. 12 1658.4 Knapsack guide to Norway. With map. Lon don, 1864. 12 1658.2 Note. The follow i no; list will show which of Murray a Hand books are in Bates Hall ; also which of Baedeker s : ENGLAND. Cathedrals. Handbook to the cathedrals. ByK. J.King. Eastern division. Oxford, Peterborough, Norwich, Ely, Lincoln. London, 1802. Sm. 8 s 4098.3 Northern division. York, Ilipon, Carlisle, Durham, Chester, Alanchestcr. London, 1809. 2v. Sm. 8. 4098.2 Southern division. Winchester, Salisbury, Exeter, Wells, Chichcster, Canterbury, .Rochester. Lon don, 1801. 2v. Sm.8 4038.6 Western division. Bristol, Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Lichfield. London, 1864. Sm. 8 . . 4098.4 Same. London, 1867. Sm. 8 40D8.1 Ccuntics. Rt-rks, Bucks, and Oxfordshire. London, 18GO. 12 . 6638.5 Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, and Staf fordshire. London. 1808. 10" 4fi.T9.40 Devon and Cornwall. 4th edition. London, 1859. 12 . 4. r / 9 24 Same. 6th edition. London, 1865. 12 4537.18 MURRAY, John, continued. Shelf. No. Durham and Northumberland. London, 1864. 12 . 6538.4 Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire. London, 1870. 12 6538.3 Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, and Hertfordshire. London, 1867. 12 45.37.20 Kent nnd Sussex. 3d edition. London, 1808. 12 . . 4538.6 Surrey, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight. London, 1858. 12 2487.25 Same. 2d edition. London, 1865. 12 4538.8 Westmoreland and Cumberland. London, 1806. 12. 4579aJO Wiltshire, Dorsetshire, and Somersetshire. London, 1856. 12 2480.14 Same. New edition. London, 1869. 12 .... 4537.19 Yorkshire. London, 1807. 12 4538.7 London. London. Bv P. Cunningham. London, 1849. 2v. 12 2498J5 London as it is. New edition. London, [1807]. 16 . 4537.17 London in 1853. By P. Cunningham. London, [1853]. 10 2487.S WALES. North Wales. 3d edition. London, 1868. 16 ... 4539.39 South Wales. London, 1860. 16 2473.20 Same. London, 1870. 12 6538.6 SCOTLAND. Scotland. 2d edition. London, 1808. 12 4538.9 IBELAND. Ireland. 2d edition. London, 1806. 12 4538.10 DENMABK, NOBWAY, ETC. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland. 3d edition. London, 1858. 12 s 4839.25 Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. 3d edition. Lon don, 1871. 12 4839.13 FBANOE. France. 6th edition. London, 1854. 12 4639.11 Same, llth edition. London, 1870. 12 .... 4638.11 Parit. Paris. London, 1864. 16 2634.20 Same. 3d edition. London, 1868. 16 4639.3 GEBMANY, HOLLAND, ETC. Southern Germany. 3d edition. London, 1843. 12 . 4869.10 Same. 10th edition. London, 1807. 12 .... 4839.5 Continent: being a guide through Holland, Belgium, Prussia, and Northern Germany, and along the Rhine, from Holland to Switzerland. London, 1836. 12 6279.8 Same. ISth edition. London, 1868. 12 .... 2839.53 ITALY. Central Italy. 7th edition. London, 1807. 12 . . . 4737.3 Northern Italy, llth edition. London, 1869. 12 . . 4737.7 Same. Part 2. 7th edition. London, 1858. 12 . 0709.1 Southern Italy. 6th edition. London, 1868. 12 . . 47.17.4 Corsica and Sardinia. London, 1808. 12 4737.0 Knapsack guide for travellers in Italy. 2d edition. London, 1865. 16 4737.5 Some. Rome and its environs. 9th edition. London, 1899. 12. 2759.10 Same. 10th edition. London, 1871. 12 .... 4759a.6 Tyrol, etc. Knapsack guide for travellers in Tyrol and the Eastern Alps. London, 1867. 10 4839.8 SPAIN AND POBTUQAL. Spain. By R. Ford. 4th edition. London, 1809. 2 v. 12 6098.6 Portugal. 3d edition. London, 1864. 12 6098.S SWITZERLAND. Switzerland, and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. New edition. London, 1813. 12 ,, -.JS 3 ^ Same. New edition, enlarged. London, 1849. 12. 4869a.2(> Same. 12th edition. London, 1807. 12 .... 4839.8 Knapsack guide for travellers in Switzerland. New edition. London, 1867. 16 4839.7 EGYPT. Eeypt. BvSir[J.]G. Wilkinson. New edition. don, 1867. 12 INDIA. India. Part 1. Mdra. Part 2. Bombay. London, 1859. 2 v. 12 6049.2 SYBIA. Svria and Palestine. New edition. Part 1, 2. Lon- don 1846 2v 12 . . . , 5059.6 Same. New edition. London, 1868. 2 v. 12 . . 6049.8 TBAVEL-TALK. Handbook of travel-talk, English, French, an. Jan. London, 1855, 16 BAEDEKER S HANDBOOKS. ,48fl9a.8 6769.4 6769.4 Pari Mnc lud jngroiitcs from the eea-hart.ours of North ern France to Paris, the Rhine and Switzerland. ^^ g Hamlbooktor travellers on the R%e, from Switzerland to Holland. Coblcnz, n. d. 10 . . . . . . . 2864..G Switzerland, withjhe lakesof Northern Italy, Savoy, ^^ , and Tyrol. Goblon*, 1803. 10 . witzerland, nnd the adjacent portions and the Tyrol. Coblenz, 1869. 16* of Italy, Savoy, 488flft,T MURRAY 195 MYTHS Shelf. No. MURRAY, John F. Father Tom and tho pope ; or, a night at the Vatican. With engravings. Phila delphia, [1868]. 96pp. 16 2104.14 MURRAY, Lindloy, American quakcr, lawyer, and grammarian, b. 1745, d. 1826. See Pratt, A. Dawnings of genius 548.26 MURRAY, Nicholas (Kirwan), Irish divine in America, b. 1802, d. 1862. Memoirs of. See Prime, S. I.. 536.18 MURRAY, Patrick J. Life of John Banirn, tho Irish novelist, [b. 1800, d. 1842]. London, 1857. 16. 586.21 MURRAY, Thomas B. Pitcairn: with the mutiny of tho Bounty. 2d edition. London, 1853. 16. 939.6 MURRAY, William, earl of Mansfield, English advo cate, judge, and statesman, b. 1705, d. 1793. Bio graphies of eminent men from tho 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of the early lives of great lawyers 1516.13 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548. 13; 549.30 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 Roscoe, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers 388.4 MURRAY, William, marquis of Tullibardine, b. 1689, d. 1746. See Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jacobites v. 2 of 562.2 MURRAY, William II. H. Adventures in the wilder ness; or, camp-life in the Adirondacks. With illustrations. Boston, 1869. 16 1639.15 MUSAEUS, Johann Carl August, litterateur, b. 1735, d. 1787. See Hedge, F. H. Proso writers of Germany 545.1 MUSGRAVE, George M. Pilgrimage into Dauphine; comprising a visit to the monastery of the Grando Chartreuse. [Illustrated.] London, 1857. 2 v. 12 673.9 Ramble through Normandy. [Illustrated.] Lon don, 1855. 8 654.11 MCSGRAVE, Philip. Philip Musgravo; or memoirs of a church of England missionary in the North American colonies. Edited by J. Abbott. Lon don, 1846. P. 8 889.1 Music. Bird, J. Gleanings from the history of ... 209.3 Burgh, A. Anecdotes of, historical and biograph ical 209.8 Butler, C. Letter on 617.14 Hood, G. History of, in New England 209.7 Ritter, F. L. History of 209.22 Stafford, W. C. History of 830.57 Kate. General history. In English the only extensive treatises were written in the last century, namely, Burney [B. H. 4041.0], painstaking and voluminous; and Hawkins [B. H. 4042.4], elaborate, curious, but dry, neither of much use now, except for reference. For a sketch, Ritter, above-named, is re cent and is recommended. Stafford s is a brief, popular ac count, coming down to 1830, and so is Hogarth, [209.9]. See also Polko s Musical sketches [865.11], and Haweis s pleasant delineations in his Music and morals, [B. H. 8049.32]. Bird s Gleanings [also inB. II. 8049.13] is chiefly a compilation from Hawkins and Burney. Hullahs Lectures on the history of modem music, A. t>. 370, to the present, 1862[B. H. 4049.62; 8053.11], is the work of a popular teacher in London. The principal general works, however, are in German. Ambrose s masterly work [B. H. 4045.13] is not yet completed. Vol. 1 is confined to the music of the uncivilized and half- civilized races, and to that of the ancient world. Vol. 2 covers early Christian times, the troubadours and minne singers and the earliest attempts at counterpoint. Vol. 3 embraces the interval from the Renaissance to Palestrina. He has also a special work on the present phases of musical cul ture, [B. II. 8045.17]. Bremlcl [B. II. 4045.10] covers the his tory in Italy, Germany and France from the early Christian times, but he is regarded as less thorough, and shows a strong bias in favor of the ultra-realists of the modern German schools of Wagner, Liszt, Berlioz, etc. He has also a special review of thepresent state of music, 1854. [B. H. 8046.5]. Other authorities are Forkel, 2 vols., [B. II. 4041.9] ; Laborde, 5 vols., [B. H. 4044.9]; Fctis, in French, [B. II. 8053.1:. ]; Rcissmann, H. 4042.13]. The ablest treatises on special branches arc Bellermann re garding the Greeks, [B. H., in German, 4041.11] ; Kiesewetter s " Schicksale und BescharTenheit des weltlichcn Gesanges," [B. H. 4052.17]: Von Winterfield s EvangeHschc kirohen- 8045.6]; Clement s Religious music, in French, [B. H. 8045.3]. There is a French history of music in Italy, by Orloff, [B. H. 4047.26]. Among the numerous biographies of musicians, the follow ing are of special importance to the student of musical his tory: F6tis, li Biographic universelle," [B. II. 4040.21]; Del- notte, " Roland Delattre," [B. H. 4045.3]; Baini, "Pales- t-in.1 " Til IT ; /,,.,.,.... UA4O11. in TfoK... J~.1I K1 . \ ,,,, trina," [B. U., in German, 8049.11; in Italian, 4741.6] ; Von Music, continued. Shelf. No. Winter-field, " Gabrielli," [B. H. 404G,14] ; Chrysander, " Han del." [B. II. 4047.38] ; Jahn, "Mozart," [B. II. 404C.4]; Ouli- bichcff, " Mozart," [B. H. 4046.G]. There are English general biographical dictionaries b/ There are in the 18th Library Bulletin notes on the musical collection of the Library, made by Prof. John K. Paine, to whom we are indebted in the preparation of this note. See also Vocalists. MUSSULMAN civilisation, A chapter of. Durrieu, X. 1655.10 MUSTON, Alexis. Tho Israel of tho Alps: a history of tho persecutions of tho Waldcnses. Trans lated by W. Hazlitt. With engravings. Lon don, 1852. 16 879.13 MUTINEERS of tho Bounty and their descendants in Pitcairn and Norfolk islands. Belcher, D., lady. 705.23 MUTINY at the Nore, Narrative of the. Neale, J. . . 389.5 MUTINY of tho Bounty. Barrow, Sir J.. 389.1; 810.42; 986.8 MY cave life in Vicksburg. By a lady. New York, 1864. 12 307.22 MY consulship. Lester, C. E 678.6 MY days and nights on tho battle-field. Coffin, C. C. 307.16 MY egotistigraphy. Harding, C 15 17. 10 MYERS, Frederic. Lectures on great men. 4th edition. London, 1858. 16 557.8 Contents. Martin Luther, German religious reformer, b. 1483, d. 1546; Cristoforo Colombo, navigator, discoverer of America, b. 1446 or 7, d. 1506 ; St. Francisco Xavier, apostle of India, first disciple of Loyola, b. 1506, d. 1552; Peter I, Alex- iowitseh, the great, emperor of Russia, b. 1W2, d. 1725; John Wyclift e, English theologian, and precursorof the reforma tion, b. 1324, d. 1387 ; Sir Thomas More, English historian and lord-chancellor oi England, b. 1480, d. 1535; Thomas Cranmer, martyr, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1489. d. 155(1; Oliver Cromwell, lord protector of England, b. 1599. d. 1658; Giro- lamo Savonarola, Dominican preacher and writer, chief of the Florentine republic, b. 14.52, d. 1498; Francisco Ximcncs de Cisneros, Spanish cardinal, archbishop of Toledo, grand-in quisitor, and statesman, b. M. lfi, d. 1517; Gasnard de Coligny, French admiral, b. 1517, d. 157ii : George Washington, 1st pres ident of the United States, b. 1732, d. 1799. MYERS, Henry Morris and Philip Van Ness. Life and nature under tho tropics; or, sketches of travels among tho Andes, and on the Orinoco, Rio Negro, and Amazons. [With illustrations.] New York, 1871. 12 637.29 MYSTERIES of the Neapolitan cloister. Caracciola, H. 1546.1 MYTHOLOGY. Dwight, M. A. Grecian and Roman mythology 1083.10 Keightley, T. The fairy mythology 846.10 Mythology of ancient Greece and Rome 1087.26 Prichard, J. C. Egyptian mythology 1083.9 White, C. A. The student s mythology 1085.21 Note. See note under Myths. MYTHS. Baring-Gould, S. Curious myths of the middle ages 1826.1 Alto in Bates Hall, [6291.1]. Brinton, D. G. The myths of the New World. . . 2085.2 ft ott. For ancient mythologies of all nations, the reader will find Dr. Thomas s Dictionary of biography and mythol ogy an excellent source of information, particularly on tha Norse and Hindoo mythologies, which are not in most refer ence books so fully treated as those of Greece and Rome. Bulflnch s Age of fable [1087.23] is a popular compilation, showing particularly the use of mythological references in literature, and Hartley Coleridge [875.14] has a paper on the poetical use of heathen mythologies; while Mrs. Clem ent s Handbook [B. II. 8067.17] shows the use in art. Leigh Hunt s Day by the lire [B. H. C577.7] has a chapter on the popular view of the heathen mythology. Sec Max Miiller on Comparative mythology [2097.28.2 ; TJ. II. 5028.1.2], and his recent article in the Contemporary review on the Philosophy of mythology ; also C. 0. Milller s Scientific system of mythology, [E. II. 3188.5]. Greek and Roman. Keightley [also in B. H., 3d edition, 5488.4] is very painstaking and his book is the fullest and best for general readers; but British writers will not compare with Germans in investigating the interpretations of the myths. Grotc s review, however, in the early volumes of his history [968.5, etc.] may be said to be a clear exposition of impor tance, and Max Miiller has an important article in English [2097.28.2; B. II. 5028.1. . ]. For reference, use Smith s Dic tionary [B. H. 2930.7]; Thomas s Dictionary; and for popular uses, Rilfinch [1087.5S}] and Cox [B. H. 548i)a.l4] will suffice, beside Dwight and White named above. Bryant s old work is little valued now, [B. II. 3488.4]. See Lectures in Clarke s ten religions [114.11, etc.], and Gladstone s Gods and men of the heroic age. [B. II. 4995.8]; reissued and enlarged as Juventus mundi. [B. H. 4998.26, etc.]. See manuals like Es- chenburg s [402.6], and the notes under Greece and Rome. Norse. The Germans here are very strong. Mallet s North ern antiquities [84fi.2] and Thorpe s Northern mythology [1087.19; B. H. 5485.17] are the readiest sources in English; MYTHS 196 NAPOLEON Shelf. No. MTTHS, continued. pd in Wright s Middle ages [4537.15] there is a review of Grimm s German mythology. Egyntian. See Pritchard, [1083.9]. American aborigines. The earliest survey was by Dr. Jarvis, in vol. 3 of the New York historical society s collections, [4371.11]. S(|uier, in his Serpent symbol [B. H. 2318.1], treats them as modifications of sun or fire worship. School- craft s great work [C. 150.1] is widely discredited for the editor s views. J. G. MiUicr s Geschichte (ler Amerikanischen Ur- religionen [B. II. 6073.20] is mainly a compilation, and he aims to establish a difference in the worship north and south. \Vaitz s Anthropologie [B. II. 2-2:V>.y] is a reputable book. Erasseur deBourbourg [see Bates Hall catalogues] treats the myths as an apotheosis of history. See also the Jesuit s Re lations [B. II. :!5.",4.1] and the note at the end of chapter 1 of Brinton, [also in B. H. 5488.32]. NANKING, Narrative of a visit to. 1801. Edkins, J. 699.20 NAFHEGYI, Gabor. Among the Arabs. Narrative of adventures in Algeria. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 18G8. 12 1675.9 Ghardaia; or, ninety days among the B ni Mo- zab : adventures in the oasis of the desert of Sahara. New York, 1871. 12 686.26 NAPIER, Sir Charles, vice-admiral, b. 1786, d. 1860. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 NAPIER, Sir Charles James, English general and au thor, b. 1782, d. 1853. Brave men s footsteps . . 1559.5 Napier, W. F. P. Life and opinions of 665.5 NAPIER, Edward (Hungori oid Dclavan) Elers. Ex cursions along the shores of the Mediterranean. London, 1842. 2 v. 16 675.15 Reminiscences of Syria and the Holy Land. [With map and plates.] London, 1843. 2 v. 12... 693.15 NAPIER, John, lord, inventor nf logarithms, b. 1550, d. 1617. (See Memorials of early genius 551.10 NAPIER, Mark. Montroso and the covenantors, [1026 -50]. London, 1838. 2 v. 8 975.9 NAPIER, Sir William F. P., Scottish general and histo rian, b. 1785, d. 1860. English battles and sieges in the peninsula, [1808-14]. [With portrait.] London, 1855. 8 1007.8 History of General Sir Charles Napier s adminis tration of Scinde, and campaign in the Cutchee hills, [1843-47]. With maps and illustrations. London, 1854. 8 937.2 History of the war in the peninsula and in the south of France, 1807-14. With engravings. London, 1828-40. 6 v. 8 1004.2 Same. Philadelphia, 1842. 4 v. 8 1004.1 Life and opinions of General Sir Charles James Napier, [b. 1782, d. 1853]. With portraits. Lon don, 1857. 4 v. 8 565.5 NAPLES. Abbott, J. Rollo in. 1858 677.10 Caracciola, H. Mysteries of the Neapolitan clois ter. 1865 1546.1 Homer, S. A century of despotism in, [1759- 1850] 918.18 Reumont, A. von. Naples under Spanish domin ion 827.2 Taino, T. Italy. Rome and Naples. 1868 1673.10 Note. The Bates Hall catalogues will show various histo ries of periods in French and Italian; and the above named English version of Keumont s Naples under Spanish dominion in the 17th century, includes the Massaniello rebellion. NAPOLEON I (Napoleon Bonaparte), emperor of the French, b. 1709, d. 1821. Correspondence, writings, etc. Confidential correspondence of tho emperor and Josephine. With notes by J. S. C. Abbott. Now York, 1856. 12 605.6 Confidential correspondence with his brotker Jo seph. New York, 1856. 2 v. 12 605.7 Historical memoirs. 1815. Translated by B. E. O Meara. Philadelphia, 1820. 12 605.10 Kate. This is the account of the Hundred days as dictated by Napoleon at Saint Helena. Memoirs of the history of Franco during the reign of Napoleon, dictated by the emperor at Saint Helena. 2d edition. London, 1823, 24, 7v. 8. 602.5 Table talk and opinions. London, 1868. 16 1819. 14 AV<. There had been editions of Napoleon s Correspond ence CD. H. 2043.4] before an edition [B. II. 20!):>.i;l ; in quar to, 2641.11J was undertaken by Napoleon in, the first liiteen NAPOLEON I (Napolfon Bonaparte), continued. volumes of which, covering Oct. 1793-Aug. 1809, being printed under directions " to make no alteration or suppression," when a new commission continued the work through the 2sth vol ume, inserting " only what the emperor would have printed," and bringing the record down to the embarkation for Saint Hel ena. The disclosures of the first fifteen volumes afforded much, assistance to Lanfrey in his unfavorable estimate of Napoleon ; and they gave rise to a work by Nisard, 1804, [B. H. 4619.9] ; and a searching article in the Edinburgh review, Oct., 1807, [also Living age, no. 1226, and epitomized in Putnam s maga zine, July, 18C8]. See also Parton s essay in his Tonics of the time, [894.17]. Baudot s "Napoleon ler. peint par luimeme" is a popular selection from his Correspondence. A 29th vol ume embraces the memoirs on his career dictated at Saint Helena by Napoleon, of which an English translation is named above. For the orisrinnl French of those dictated to Gourgaud, sec Bates Hall, [2043.0]; and to Moiuliolon, see Bates Hall, [2643.6]. There have been collective editions [B. II., 2d edition, 1830. 2643.7] covering these memoirs, among other writings, as well asNapolcon s summaries of the careers of Csesar [also inB.II. 2659a.50; 4929.14], of Frederick [also in B. II. 2G5;)a.SO], and of Turcnne [also in B. II. 20J9.53], before the recent collection under the title of " Commentaries" was authorized by Napo leon ni [B. II. 1821.63, making six volumes, which form a very proper supplement to the imperial edition of the Correspond ence. The letters to and from Josephine are also in Bates Hall, [2043.2]. General lives, etc. Abbott, J. S. C. History of 601.1 Arnault, A. (V.) Memoirs of 609.10 A c<. Arnault only forms the basis of this popular narra tive. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Bourrienne, L. A. F. de. Life of. Philadelphia, 1832 602.8 Memoirs of. Translated by J. S. Memes. Ed inburgh, 1830 830.60 Fleury de Chaboulon, P. A. :. Memoirs of, in 1815 604.9 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of modern times. v. lof 1869.1 Hazlitt, W. Life of 605.3 ; 605.4 Lanfrey, P. History of 1604.2 Laurent, do 1 Ardeche, P. M. History of 604.10 Lockhart, J. G. History of 389.14; 810.2 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Savary, A. J. M. R., duke of Rovigo. Memoirs of. 602.6 Scott, Sir W. Lifeof 604.1; 604.5; 604.7 Thiers, L. A. History of the consulate and tho empire of, [1799-1807] 1002.6 ffote. Memoirs by his contemporaries. The original French of the memoirs by Savary is in Bates Hall [2653.1], as also that of Bourrienne [2052.2], which latter is not favorable to Napo leon, and though not accounted altogether trustworthy, it is widely held to be of great importance in .judging the character and motives of Napoleon. The memoirs oy Fain, who was- the emperor s secretary [B. II. 2643.8; 2043.91, cover only the last three years of his reign. The memoirs of count Beugnot have been only recently published [B. H. 6(343.0; in English, 6043.13, reviewed in Edinburgh review, April, 18G7], and he is by no means a partisan of the emperor. The files of the Mon- iteur [B. H. 7210.1-5, see Bates Hall Index, p. 543] are of great importance, as are also General Dumas s Memoirs, 1773-1808, [1008.12]. Lives in French. The highest military authority is that of Jomini, one of Napoleon s generals, who after 1813 went over to the Russian service, and who makes Napoleon in elysium rehearse tho story of his career to Alexander, Cxsar and Fred- crick the great, who finally agree that he surpassed them all, [B. H., in French, 2010.50, atlas 2040.70; Halleck s English translation, 4025.3]. A large part of the success of Thicrs s Consulate and empire [also in B. II., in English, 2055.50; 6645.12; 0645.14; in French, 4017.4] has been owing to hia championship of Napoleon, but he is accused of concealing the bad traits of his character and of finding scapegoats for his mistakes. Thk rs has been controverted by Barni [B. H. 0649.0], and is generally disapproved by the inimical reaction ists. Thibandcan s monograph on the Consulate and empire [B. H. 4047.2] is of importance as representing the traditionary judgments of the old revolutionary party. For the period of the consulate, consult also Bourrienne [002.fi], Savarv [602.61 Fouche [013.4; B. II. 2K3.7], Bausset [60, i .ft]. Collier [B. H. 4650.32], Junot [003.3], Meneval [B. II. 4868.13J, etc. The reaction from Thiers, represented by several episodical writers, has found, since the publication of the last edition of the Correspondence threw such new light on Napoleon s char acter, emphatic utterance in Lanfrey s work [in French, 2074.24; B. H., in English, 4625.19], in which the sympathies are rather republican than revolutionary, and which is not yet completed. The popular lives for the people in France, which appeal to sentiments of glory, are Norvins [B. II. 2012.1], and Saint-Hi- Iaire s.[10a8.16j B. II. 4041.4]. Lamartine, in the first volume of his It: storation, makes an eloquent imprecation againstNa- poleon [837.9, etc.], and to his views Louis Napoleon replied from Ham in his letter dated 25 Aug., 1843, in his works, [B. II. 2041.10, etc.]. See Karchcr, "Lea ccrivains militaires dc la France," 1872, [B. II. 2070.52]. Lives in English. Scott s [also in B. H. 2612.11] was the view of an English torv, and consequently unsatisfactory to the ad mirers of Napoleon, and it elicited a reply from King Ix>uis, NAPOLEON 197 NAPOLEON I (Napoleon Bonaparte), continued. [B. H. 2642.3]. Alison, who complains that Scott did not comprehend the continental spirit, made a record in hia Europe [943.1; B. H. 2293.50] quite as much tinctured with English aristocratic dislike. Loc4thart s [also in B. H. 6619a.2] is a popular, more considerate life ; but Hazlitt s is the work of an adroit and energetic champion; while Abbott s ia supremely laudatory. Channing s estimate is deprecatory [B. H. 3473.1], and Emerson views him as a man of the world, [876.5]. Sapoleon s diplomacy. This is particularly elucidated by Capefigue [B. II. 230G.4], and Bignon [B. H. 4658.1]. Campaign in Eqypt. Special authorities are Miot [B. H. 2652.7], and Sir Robert Wilson [B. II. 3052.2]. Campaign of 1809. Special monograph by Pelet, [B. H. 4659.3]. Russian campaign, 1812. Sesur s account [B. H. 4651.6] ia of chief importance, but it is controverted by Gourgaud [B. H. 2642.0], and there are notes upon it in one of the volumes of the Wellington dispatches, [B. H. 2523.1, etc.]. Other special authorities are Fain [B. H. 2643.8], Clmmbray [B. H. 30G5.6, and atlas], La Bauuie [B. H. 4059.5], Clauscwitz, [B. H., in English, 3005.3]. See also Villemain s Souvenirs, [B. H. 4187.0]. Campaign c/1813. For special accounts, see La Baume [B. H. 4<i59.5] ; Odeleben [B. H., in English, 2824.3] ; Boutourlin [B. II. 3061.6, and atlas], Fain [B- H. 2043.8] ; Villemain a Souvenirs [B. H. 4187.0], in particular reference to the Count de Barbonne; and Cathcart [B. H. 3005.4]: and Gleig [409.7; 1655.14]. At Elba. See the account by Sir Neil Campbell, the English commissioner who accompanied Napoleon [B. H. 0642.25]; Lamartme s Restoration [837.9, etc.], and Madame Michelet a Childhood, [1597.1]. Hundred days and Waterloo. See Jomini [B. H. 4603.19] and Fleury de Chamboulon, [also in B. H., in French, 4057.3]. Bee the Memoirs of Ney [B. II. 2653.2], and Grouchy, to excul pate whom, and to throw the blame of defeat upon Napoleon, has been the aim of Quinet [B. II. 403.1.21] ; Col. Charras, and Col. Chesney [B. H. 2541.8], and their views have been con troverted later by the Prince de la Tour d 1 Auvergne, [B. H. 4624.10]. See the Wellington dispatches, [B. H. 2523.1.8; 2524.10.11]. Alison s account of Waterloo has been much cor rected in later editions [B. H. 2293 50] from the account of Capt. Siborne, [1005.2]. See Villemain s Souvenirs [B. H. 4187 .fi.2] and Capefigue [B. II. 4053..",]. Seethe English of Na poleon s own account as dictated at St. Helena, [005.10]. See also France, history. At St. Helena, etc. Abbott, J. S. C. Napoleon at St. Helena 602.2 Antommarchi, F. The last days of 602.7 Cockburn, Sir G. Buonaparte s voyage to St. Helena 1009.10 Forsyth, W. History of the captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena 605.5 ; 1005.1 Las Casas, M. J. E. D., comte de. Private life and conversations of Napoleon at Saint Helena 603.2; 1604.1 Maitland, F. L. Narrative of the surrender of 1009.8 Montholon-Semonville, C. T. do. History of the captivity at St. Helena 1006.1 O Meara, B. E. Napoleon in exile 605.8 Kotf. Maitland s account of the surrender [also in B. H. 2042.16] was controverted by Barthe, [B. H., in French, 2042.4]. The daughter of an English merchant at Saint Helena, with whose family Napoleon was domesticated for a few days aftei landing at the island, has published recollections of him, [B. H. 1:042.10]. O Meara, the English surgeon who accompanied him to the island, was in his household from July, 1815, to July, 1818 [also in B. II. OH8.fi], and gives a record of his life in exile, with conversations on his past life. Antommarchi s 603.1 term as surgeon extended from Sept. 18, 1819, to May 5. 1821, [also in B. H., in French, 2042.9]. Forsyth s book is based upon the papers of Sir Hudson Low, the English governor of the island. Montholon s book [also in B. H., in French, 4668.17], after a long introduction on the history of the empire, covers the entire period of the captivity, which he shared. Las Casas was with Napoleon from his landing during the subsequent eighteen months, and his book is a record of his sayings and doings, [also in French, 1078.45; B. H. 2642.12]. B. Jerrold, in his Book for the beach, gives the account of the efforts of Napoleon s valet, Santini, to secure from the English ministry an amelioration of the prisoner s condition. See HaE s account of his interview with Napoleon, [830.25.1]. Miscellaneous. Bausset, L. F. J. de. Private memoirs of the court of, [1805-14] 603.5 Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism. v. 2 of 885.1 Court and camp of Buonaparte 379.11; 810.39 Chateaubriand, (R.) F. A., vicomte&e. Portrait of Bonaparte 609.7 Death of. See Memorials of the late war. . v. 2 of 830.42 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548.13; 549.30 Emerson, B. W. Representative men 876.5 Goldsmith, L. Secret history of the cabinet of Bonaparte 1009.14 Headley, J. T. The imperial guard of 1008.5 - Napoleon and his marshals, [1769-1821].. 605.1; 605.2 Junot, L. P., duchesse d Abrantes. Memoirs of. . . 603.3 Shelf. No NAPOLEON I {Napoleon Bonaparte), continued. Pelet de la Lozere, J., comte. Napoleon in council. 1008. 14 Vieusseux, A. Napoleon Bonaparte : his sayings and his deeds 850.20 Whately, R. Historic doubts relative to 868.15 des deux mondes, March, 1842, enumerating discoveriea of early writings by Napoleon. Private and court life. See the memoirs of his valet, Con stant, [B. H., in French, 2G55.9]. Bausset is also in Bates Hall, [in French, 4008.18]. The memoirs of the duchess of Abrantes [also in B. II., in French, 2Gr>9.1] is a picture of his domestic and private life, and Alison s Essay [803.5] is based upon it. See also Goodrich s Court of Napoleon [B. H. 4021.1], which is not a very flattering review. Table-talk, etc. Pelet s book is also in Bates Hall [in French, 4027.8]. See also Table-talk [1819.14 ; B. II. 4029a.l9], ai-l Maxims of war [59 i9a.53; 41390.27], both compilations. Whately s book is simply a logical experiment. Thackeray has described the second funeral at Paris, [720.42.2; B. H. 2570.37]. See also Visconti s Tombeau de Napoleon i, [2005.25 ; B. H. 4103.8]. Louis Napoleon s Ix-s ides napoleoniennes is of interest as the views of his successor on the purposes of the emperor, [in English. 154.5.1; 130.37; B. H. 2642.15; in French, 2673.1.1 ; 2073.3.1; 4G79a.G]. Maps fllustmttng the h allies. See Alison s atlas [B. H. 2293.50] ; Jomini s atlas [B. H. 2040.70] ; Kausler [B. H. 2213.2] ; and the excellent plans in the imperial edition of the commentaries, [B. H. 4021.6]. Bibliography. There is iu the Biographic nouvclle gno- ralc [B. H. 2252.2.37] an elaborate article on Napoleon, said to have been fashionedto suit the wishes of Napoleon m, and at its close a select bibliography, with characterizations. The most extensive collection, however, is that of the great library of Paris, whose catalogue [B. II. 6161.1] shows the following classifications, Vol. 1, p. 187. Early career. Vol. 3, p. 203. Consulate. " p. 227. Empire, [also vol. 5, p. 579]. p. 245. Before his reign. " p. 304. Hundred days, [also vol. 5, p. 037]. " p. 428. At St. Helena. " p. 431. His death. p. 433. Views of his character. " p. 433. Poems on his death. " p. 731. Re-burial in Paris. Vol. 7, p. 583, 589, 031. Military histories. Vol. 9, p. 183. Other biographies of the Empire period. NAPOLEOIC II, Francois Joseph Charles, due de Reichstadt, b. 1811, d. 1832. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 NAPOLEON III (Louis Napoleon Bonaparte), emperor of the French, b. 1808, d. 1873. History of Julius Caesar, [b. B. c. 100, d. n. c. 44]. New York, 1865,60. 2v. 8 931.2 Political and historical works. With memoir of his life, to 1852. London, 1852. 2 v. 8 134.5 Napoleon the third : review of his life, character, and policy. By a British officer. London, 1857. 8 604.11 Napoleonic ideas. Translated by J. A. Dorr. New York, 1859. 12 136.37 Abbott, J. S. C. History of 603.6 Faber, G. S. Napoleon HI, the man of prophecy. 1009. 18 Hugo, V. (M.), comte. The destroyer of the second republic; being Napoleon the little 1009.22 Letters of " An Englishman " on 1009.6 Patterson, R . H. Napoleonic policy in Europe. . 1002.8 Roth, E. Life of. 1852 604.12 St. John, J. A. Louis Napoleon: a biography. 1857 604.13 Tenot, (P. P.) E. Paris in December, 1851, or, the coup d etat of 1006.9 Note. Abbott s History [also in B. H. 4651.8] is the work of a warm partisan, and comes down to 1808 ; Roth s ends with his being made prince president in 1851; and St. John s ia temperate, ending with 1857. His career, previous to the Crimean war, is characterized unsparingly in Kinglake s 14th chapter of his Invasion of the Crimea, [995.1; 19D9.4; B. H. 3063.9]. See Alison s History of Europe [943.2.3; B. H. 2293.51.8] for his public career down to 1854. Victor Hugo s book [in French, 2008.3] is a violent arraignment of Na poleon for his coup d etat. The account in Hoefer s Nouvelle biographic gunerale [B. H. 2242.fi] is that of a champion. An article by C. C. llazcwell, in the Atlantic monthly, June, 1861, reviews his career up to that time somewhat favor ably. His "Napoleonic ideas" sets forth his own theory of government, which, under color of a life of the Roman conqueror, he has enforced in his History of Ca sar. See his works in English [134.5]. in French [B. H. 2G7:U]. Since his fall, his papers, correspondence, etc., found in the Tuilleries have been printed [B. H. 2642.50; 2645.511. The catalogue of the library at Paris [6101. 1.4} gives a list or worki on his presidency [p. 167] and on his reign aa emperor NAPOLEON dynasty, The: or the history of the Bona parte family. By the Berkeley men, [pseud.]. See Lester, C. E 611.3; 611.6 NARES 198 NERO Shelf. No. NARES, Edward. Universal history. See Tytler, A. F 820.1 ; 956.13 NARES, Robert, English divine, archdeacon of Stafford, and writer, b. 1753, d. 1820. See Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 NARRATIVE of the loss of the Amazon steam-vessel, Jan. 4. 1852. London, 1852. 16 989.9 NASH, Richard (Beau Nash), English adventurer, b. 1G74, d. 1761. Russell, W. Eccentric person ages 509.19 Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society. v. 1 of 555.1; 1545.8 Kote. See the memoir by Goldsmith, [906.3.3]. NASMITH, David, Dutch reliyious philanthropist, b. 1799, d. 1839. -See Tillotson, J. Our untitlod nobility 577.14 NASSAU, Bubbles from the Brunnons of. Head, Sir F. B 6G3.17; 667.18; 667.19 Kote. Graphic pictures of life at this German watering place. NATAL, South Africa. Colenso, J. W. Ton weeks in. 1855 699.21 Mason, G. II. Life with the Zulus of. 1855 1655.9 Shooter, J. Tho kaQrs of. 1857 693.2 NATICK, Mass., History of, [1650-1830]. Biglow, W 224.12 NATION S, Tho, sin and punishment. Hodgman, S. A. 295.11 NATIONAL, The, hand-book of facts and figures, his torical, statistical, etc. With a full chronology of the rebellion. Illustrated. New York, 1868. 12 276.10 NATIONAL peaco jubilee, History of the, [1869]. Gilmore, P. S 294.9 NATURAL history. Darwin, C. (R.) Journal of re searches into the natural history of the countries visited by the Beagle 707.12; 889.12 Kemp, T. L. Natural history of creation. 409.31; 1655.24 Note. See Class list for arts arid sciences, nnd Bates Hall catalogues. NATURALIST, Rambles of a. Quatrefages cle Breau, J. L. A. do 654.10 NATURALISTS, Lives of. See Jardino, W. Natural ist s library 179.1 NAUNTON, Sir Robert. Fragmenta regalia. See Gary, 11., ls( carl of Monmouth. Memoirs 563.8 NAVAJO country, Military reconnaissance from Santa Fetotho. Simpson, J. II 623.5 NAVAL biography. Sea-kings and naval heroes. Ed gar, J. G 558.16 NAVAL monument, The. Bowcn, A 215.11 NAVARRE, Campaign in, [1834, 35]. Ilenningson, C. F 917.3 NAVIES of the world. 1859. Busk, H 947.15 NAVIGATION, Historical sketch of, [B. c. 55-1800]. Coggeshall, G 942.5 NAYLER, James, English quaker, b. 1016, d. 1660. Life of. See Whitticr, J. G 567.6 NEAL, Daniel. History of the puritans, 1517-1688. Reprinted from Dr. Toulmin s edition. Revised by J. 0. Choules. With portraits. New York, 1844. 2v. 8 1085.16 NEAL, John. Wandering recollections of a busy life. An autobiography. Boston, 1869. 16.. 1517.8 NEALE, Adam. Spanish campaign of 1808. See Memorials of the late war v. 1 of 830.42 NEALE, Frederick A. IsJamism: its rise and progress. London, 1854. 2 v. 12 2104.1 Narrative of a residence at the capital of tho kingdom of Siam. [With illustrations.] London, 1852. P. 8 879.14 NEALE, J. Narrative of tho mutiny at [Spithead and] the Norc. [With portrait of Richard Par ker.] London, 1801. 16 J 389.5 NEANDER, (Johann) August (Wilholm), German eccle siastical historian, b. 1789, d. 1850. Tho emperor Julian [tho apostate, b. 331, d. 363] and his generation. Translated by G. V. Cox. New York, 1850. 12 546.11 Shelf. No. NEANDER, (Johann) August (Wilholm), continued. General history of the Christian religion and church. Translated by J. Torrey. London, 1850-58. 8v. 8 858.1 Same. [With portrait.] Boston, 1852-54. 5v. 8 1103.1 History of the planting and training of the Chris tian church by the apostles. Also, his Antig- nostikus; or, spirit of Tertullian. Translated by J. E. Ryland. London, 1851, 50. 2 v. 12. . . . 848.9 Lectures on the history of the Christian dogmas. Edited by J. L. Jacobi. Translated by J. E. Ryland. London, 1858. 2 v. P. 8 848.10 Life of Jesus Christ in its historical connexion and development. Translated by J. M Clin- tock and C. E. Blumcnthal. London, 1851. p. 8 848.8 Memorials of Christian life in tho early and mid dle ages. Translated by J. E. Ryland. London, 1852. P. 8 858.7 See Men who were earnest 549.40 NEBRASKA. Hale, E. E. Kanzas and Nebraska. 1854 G29.2 Meline, J. F. Tour through Kanzas in 1806 . . .1636.11 NECKER, Jacques, French statesman and financier, b. 1732, d. 1804. Crowe, E. E. Lives of tho most eminent foreign statesmen v. 5 of 388.7 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. .548.16; 551.13 NECKER, Suzanne Curchod do Nasse, madame, French litterateur, b. 1739, d. 1794. See Women of worth. 551.19 NECROMANCERS, Lives of the. Godwin, W 125.1 NEFF, Felix, Swiss apostle of the Alps, b. 1798, d. 1829. Letters and biography of Felix Ncff, protestant missionary in Switzerland. Translated from tho French of M. Bost, by M. A. Wyatt. [With portrait and map.] London, 1813. 16 544.15 NEFF, Jacob K. Tho army and navy of America. With engravings. Philadelphia, 1845. 8.... 215.10 NEILL, Edward D. History of Minnesota, [1680- 1857]. Philadelphia, 1858. 8 235.14 NEILL, James Georgo, general, b. 1810, d. 1857. See Kayo, J. W. Lives of Indian officers . . . . v. 3 of 1566.4 NELL, William C. The colored patriots of tho Amer ican revolution. Added, Condition and prospects of colored American. Boston, 1855. 12 216.8 NELSON, Horatio, Viscount, British admiral, b. 1758, d. 1805. Life. With original anecdotes, notes, etc. [vlnon.] London, 1807. 10 ....1559.4 Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea- kings of England 578.19 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. Tho boyhood of great men. 548.13; 549.30 Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 Latnartino, A. (M. L.) do. Memoirs of cele brated characters v. 1 of 547.4 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Southoy, R. Life of 399.6; 558.9; 810.4; 843.10 despatches [h. II. 2j:n.. r >], new material was available, and PcttiTcw. with their nid and with the assistance of much of Nel lift published another popu Southey s, and prolitin? by the later researches. For French views, see Thicrs (Consulate and empire), Bignon, Foreucs, etc. Lord Brougham [5(18.7; 810..V) compares Lord St.Vin- cent and Nelson; and in the "Essays from the London times," there is a paper ou hit domestic relations, [899.13; 899.14]. NENXIUS, fl. Vth century. History of the Britons. See Giles, J. A 846.4 NEPTUNE S heroes. Adams, W. H. D 578.19 NERO, Roman emperor, b. 37, d. 68. Abbott, J. His tory of 649.19 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. v. 2 of 1869.1 Note. See Meri vale s Romans. NESTORIANS 199 NEW ENGLAND Shelf. No. NESTORIANS, Dr. Grant and the mountain. Laurie, T. 686.5 Note. See references in Malcolm, [B. H. 2190.19]. NETHERLANDS. Barrett, M. "William the silent and the Netherland war, [1555-84] 1918.12 Davies, C. M. History of Holland and the Dutch, [900-1799] 914.1 Family tour across the. 1862 389.2 Grattan, T. G. History of the, [B. c. 50-A. D. 1815] 378.8; 919.8 Mears, J. AY. The beggars of Holland and the grandees of Spain. A history of the reformation in, [1200-1578] 2085.23 Meeter, E. Holland: its institutions; its press, kings, and prisons 917.4 Motley, J. L. History of the United Netherlands, [1584-1600] 911.1 Rise of the Dutch republic, [1555-84] 923.1 Schiller, (J. C.) F. von. History of the revolt of the United Netherlands . . . .854.14, continued in 818.10 Note. Grattan s is a popular work, covering a long period ; Davies s is more elaborate ; but not covering so long a period as indicated above. Sutler s life of Grotius summarizes a period. 1138-1519, by way of introduction, [B. II. 2818.2]. Book 1 of Schiller s Revolt of the Netherlands [864.14] traces the his tory previous to the 16th century. The rise and early progress of the reformation is popularly told by Mears, and more elaborately by Brandt. [B. II., in English, 3550.2; in French, 0019a.5]. See lives of Erasmus, and under Reformation, note. See also general histories or Charles V and Philip n. The French historian, Juste, popu larly tells the story of the Netherlands under Charles V [2075.28 ; Dutch republic comes first in order [also in B. II. 2815.3]; then its sequel, theUnited Netherlands [also in B. H. 4822.10], following upon which will come the author s History of the thirty yeats war, now in preparation; pending its publica tion, the reader can pursue the history in Schiller s mono graph, [in English, &!O..K>; 8.1 1.14]. Miss Barrett has retold the story of the first work of Motley in her popular book above named, which she bases on the Dutch republic, and on Pres- cott s Philip II, [922.1, etc.]. Daniel Stern, who regrets that Motley has not been translated into French, since French readers must depend on the superficial judgments and errors of the Abbe Raynars Histoire du stadhouderat [B. H., in Dutch, 2815.151, has recently recast the story in a special work, covering 1581-162% [B.H. 2814.50]. Schiller s book recounts the stirring episode of the sixteenth century [also in German, 1019.2. )], and the volume, 818.10, contains also his paper on the trial and execution of Counts Egmont and Horn ; and that on the siege of Antwerp in 1584, 85. Butler s life of Grotius refers to the early half of the 17th century, [B. H. 2840.2]. On the later periods of the French revolution and the Na poleonic wars, see the general histories. Forthepopidar traditions, see Thorpe [in English, B. H. 6485.17], and Wolf [in German, 1013.17; B. II. 2fl02.]. For Dutch literature, see l/on?fcllow [. -.22.1]; Siegcnbeck Tin French, B.II. 2884.11], and the work of Jonckbloet [B. H.. in German, 2812.50] not yet completed. For Dutch art, see Murray s Handbook [B. IT. 40C7.29], and Taine s monograph, [B. II., in English, 80G9a.l2; in French, 8089.25]. Sec painting, note. For travels, descriptions, etc., see Bates Hall catalogues under Holland and Netherlands. Also Murray s [B. H. 2839 531 and Baedeker s [B. H. 48ia.8} guide-books. NEVADA, Notes on the silver regions of. See Browne, J. R. Adventures, etc 1687.4 NEVITJS, John L. China and tho Chinese. With map and illustrations. New York, 1869. 12 696.20 NEW, Alfred H. History of Austria, [B. c. 101-A. D. 1859]. [With portrait and map.] London [1859]. 12 927.16 NEW, Tho, and tho old; or, California and India. Palmer, J. W 637.19 NEWARK, 1st lord. See Leslie, David. NEWBERRY, John S., M. D., LL.D., American geolo gist and botanist. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress . .. . 522.16 NEWCASTLE, Duke of . See Cavendish, William. NEWCASTLE, Duke of. See Clinton, Henry Pelham. NEWCASTLE, Duke of. See Holies, Thomas Pelham. NEWCOMB, Harvey. Cyclopedia of missions. [With maps.] New York, 1854. L. 16 1092.4 NEWELL, Mrs. Harriet, American missionary, b. 1793, d. 1812. Life and writings. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1831]. 18 539.2 Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross 569.9 Heroines of tho missionary enterprise 539.13 Women of worth 551.19 NEW E.VGLANi), and her institutions. Boston, 1835. 12 228.10 Shelf. No. NEW ENGLAND. Allen, R. H. New-England trage dies in prose 1123.2 Barber, J. W. History and antiquities of. 1847. 237.5 Bartlett, W. II. The pilgrim fathers. 1853 .... 223.1 Bradford, A. Biographical notices of distinguished men of. 1842 518.6 Bunn, A. Old England and New England. 1853. 628.10 Carter, R. Summer cruise on the coast of. 1864. 635.28 Coolidge, A. J. History of, [1602-1859] 233.4 Elliott, C. W. New England history, [986-1776], 223.6 Felt, J. B. The customs of. 1853 224.21 Ecclesiastical history of. 1855 1085.1 Higginson, F. New-England s plantation 223. 12 Hood, G. History of music in. 1846 209.7 Lunt, a. Three eras of. 1857 888.7 Morton, N. New England s memorial, [1610-69]. 223. M Palfrey, J. G. History of, [1620-90] 232.1 Same. Abridged, [continued to 1727] 248.1 Tudor, W. Letters on the Eastern states. 1820. . 228.5 Uhden, II. F. New England theocracy. History of the congrcgationalists in, to 1740 1105.8 Waito, 0. F. R. Guide book for tho eastern coast of. 1871 639.31 White, H. Early history of, [1620-1765] 228.4 Winthrop, J. History of, [1630-49] 223.7 Note. The earliest book in which the country previously 2323.3.2], which was again printed by Smith, in his General his tory, [B.II.,in Pinkerton, 2200.13]. There is in the Princelibrary the original edition of the Description [27.103], and it is thought that the map attached is the only impression extant of its orig inal state, and it is given in fac-simile in Veazie s reprint, [B. H. 4491.10]. The Prince library also contains the 1G27 edition of the General history. [30a.3]. Smith s later tract, New Eng land s trials, 1622, is in Force [B. II. 2323.3], and in J. C. Brown s reprint, [B. II. 4491.I!]. The antiquarian students will follow the fortunes of the colonists in other original authori ties [sec also under Massachusetts], like I/echford s Plain dealing. K42, which has been edited by J. II. Trumbull [B.H. 4503.8], who had the advantage of access to a manuscript jour nal by this first Boston lawyer; like New England s first- See contents of Young s Chronicles of Massachusetts, given in the note under Massachusetts. Original attacks of the ene mies of New England and malcontents among the colonists will be found in Childe s New England Jonas cast up in Lon don, 1647, [in Force, B. II. 2.12.1.H.4 ; in Marvin s reprint, with introduction, 4503.0] ; in Thomas Morton s New-English Ca naan, 163G, after ten years knowledge [in Force, 2323.3]; in Samuel Gorton s Simplicities defence, 161(5 [in Prince library, 13.4], and Winslow s reply to the last, New England s salaman der discovered, [in Massachusetts historical society s collec tions, 3d series, vol. 2, 2351.1]. See Haven s valuable monograph on the grants made under the great council for Ne v England [222.3 ; B. II. 4451 .2 ; 4422.5] ; and J. Q. Adams s Discourse on the first confederacy of the New England colonies in 1613, [B. II., Pph. v. 8341. For the history of the wars and interconrse with the Indians, sec a list of the different writers on the efforts to Christianize them in the reprint of ths apostle Eliot s Brief narrative, 1670, [B. II. 4503.10]. There is a summary of the missionaries ef forts in Brown s History of the propagation of Christianity, vol.1 [B. II. .3534.5], and Miss Yonge, in her Pioneers and founders, gives a section to Eliots labors. Samuel G. Drake has traced, in the fullest manner, the relations be tween the colonists and the Indians, up to King Philip s war, in the introduction to his Old Indian chronicle, which is a col lected reprint of seven original tracts regarding that conflict [B. II. 4503.7]; and part third of Bnylies s History of the old colony [223.11, etc.] is devoted to the same war. Drake has also edited, 1st [B. II. 4501. 20], Increase Mather s Brief history of Philip s war, and has inserted in tho text, in smaller type, the history of the same by Cotton Mather, written for his Magno lia twenty years later without much advantage from the de lay; and 2d, Increase Mather s Early history of New England [B. H. 4501.27], recounting the Indian hostilities to the dose of thePequot war, and giving an account of the origin o* Philip s war, (1614-75). Hiibbards Indian wars (1007-77) has been edited by Dcanc [B. II. 4501.0], and the original edition is in the Prince library, [11.21]. Drake docs not esteem it of tho authority of Mather s. Tho account of Philip s war, written from the material furnished by Colonel Church, has been edit ed by H. M. Dexter [B. II. 4503.0], who also has annotated and given an introduction to Church s History of the expedi tions to the East, between 1089 and 1701, [B. II. 450.J.0.2] ; and in Drake s edition of Baylies s Old colony, chap. 7 of parts [B. H. 2350.7], there are additional letters and despatches by Church. Penhallow s account of the wars [original edition in Prince, 21.41; and reprint B. II. 4.112.6] follows, covering the intervals, 170.1-13 and 1722-2.5. See Indians, note. Concerning the interval from the revolution of 1088 to 1C91, the Prince society has made accessible in a reprint the impor tant Andros tracts, [B. II. 4.U3.5]. Morton s Memorial, above named [also in B. II. 2321. 3], per tains mostly to the history of tiic Plymouth colony, which see. The later historians of New England find the earliest author ity in Winthrop s Journal, [sec Massachusetts, )in(]. Prince, the founder of the Prince library, intended to perfect a chrono logical history, in the form of annals, but he never carried it beyond 1633, beginning at 1(!OS. In his preface, he enumerates the manuscripts, which he used, and his paragraphs arc cred ited to their source, [original edition in Prince library 22.45; also in B. II. 85.3; 4423.2; Drake s edition, with memoir, NEW ENGLAND 200 NEW YORK Shelf. No. NEW ENGL-AJID, continued. 2321.14]. After Dr. Robertson s death, his Summary of the his tory of New England to 1G52, which was not originally in lulled in his history of America, was published in 179G, [B. II. 4379.13]. Hiibba rd s History [B. H. 2321.11 ] was continued Jo 1K80. See Massachusetts, note. Cotton Mather s Magnalia tt devoted to the ecclesiastical history, 1020-98 [B. H.3M4.12], !>ut from the nature of the case, it is in large measure a history of the colonies for that period ; and it afforded much of his material to Neal, who was never in the colonies, and who brought his history down to 1700. and gives a map of New England of 1720, [B. H. 2321.17]. There is a history, with par ticular reference to the baptists, by Backus [85.4], a second edi tion of which has been edited by D. Weston, [B. H. 5542.14]. The Rev. George E. Ellis, i>. n., in his lecture of the Historical society s course, has learnedly traced the relations of the col onists to the baptists and Quakers, [222.3 ; B. H. 4451.2]. Long fellow, in his New England tragedies, has rendered Jhe story of quaker persecution dramatically, and R. H. Allen has sup- E lied the historical basis of the poem in a popular compilation, ilso in B. H. 4509.18]. See also Salem witchcraft, note. In 18.i7, C. W. Elliott published a History of New England, 986-1776 [B. II. 2.321.4]. intending to show events more connect edly, and to tell the story more continuously than in the strictly chronological manner of previous historians; but the nfttt year, Palfrey left little to be desired in his scholarly and circumspect work, and it must be awarded by far the highest flace yet attained by a history of New England, [B. H. 2321.2]. le has since abridged, for the general reader, the narrative of this larger work, wnich ends with the revolution of 1688; and lias recently continued the narrative in the same abridged shape [alsq in B. II. 2327.54] to 1727, which abridgments are far better compends for the period covered than Morse and Parish s, coming down to 1800 [B. H. 2329.15], or Bradford s Chronology, 1497-1820, [B. II. 2329.21], For the genealogies of New England, see Savage s Diction ary [B. II. 2331.12], who has traced three generations of those who came before May. 1092. Drake has made Borne valuable researches among the English records for those who emigrated before 1040, [B. II. 2320.33]. Whitmorc has published a bibli ography of American genealogies, [B. II. 4315.5] ; and the New England historic-genealogical register [B. II. 2335.1] is rich in material of this kind. Felt has an interesting monograph on the old customs of New England, [also in B. H. 4129.54]. See the collections of the historical societies of the several tates, Maine [B. II. 2339.1], New Hampshire [B. II. 4,337.44], Vermont [B. H. 4338.11]. Massachusetts [27H.1; B. H. 2351.1], Rhode Island [23:i.9], Connecticut [B. II. 4473.21]; and also the published records of Massachusetts [23.50. 2] and Plym outh [2550.1], edited by Dr. Shurtleff ; those of Rhode Island, edited by Bcirtlett, [23.-10.13J ; of Connecticut, edited by Trura bull, [2336.1]; and of New Haven, edited by Hoadly, [234.9]. m- NEWFOUNDLAND. Jukes, J. B. Excursions in and about Newfoundland, [1839, 40] 629.9 Moreton, J. Life and work in. 1803 634.18 Noble, L. L. After icebergs with a painter: a summer voyage around Newfoundland. 1801 . . . 634.5 St. John, W. C. Catechism of the history of. 1855 259.13 Nate. See illustrated papers in Harper s monthly maga zine, vols. 12 and 22. NEW GRANADA. Bollaert, W. Antiquarian researches in. 1860 Hoi ton, I. F. New Granada: twenty months in the Andes. 1857 NEW GUINEA, Voyages along the southern coast of, [1825, 26]. Kolff, D. H NEWIIALL, F. C. With General Sheridan in Lee s last campaign, [ilnon.] [With portrait.] Phil adelphia, 1866. 12 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Barstow, G. History of, [1614- 1819] Hayward, J. Gazetteer of. 1849 Sons of. Festival of the sons of New Hampshire, in Boston, Nov. 7, 1849. Phonographic report by Dr. J. W. Stone. [With portraits of Daniel Webster and Levi Woodbury.] Boston, 1850. 8. Second, Nov. 2, 1853, including proceedings in Boston commemorative of the death of Daniel Webster. Phonographic report by A. C. Felton. [With portraits of Marshall P. Wilder and Sam uel Appleton.] Boston, 1854. 8 See also Concord, New Ipswich, White mountains : and the note under New England. HAVEN, Conn. Records of the colony and plantations of, [1638-49]. See Connecticut. .. Note. Sec article in Harper s magazine, vol. 17. 266.11 633.2 705.7 276.2 234.3 229.1 234.4 234.5 234.9 NEW IPSWICH, N. H., History of, from 1736 [to 1852]. Kidder, F 234.6 Eryr JERSEY, History and antiquities of. 1847. Bar ber, J. W 237.5 Note. See article on the Highlands in Hamper s magazine, vol. 20. Shelf. No. NEWLIGHT, Rev. Aristarchus, pseud. See Fitzgerald, W. NEWMAN, Francis W., professor in University college, London, b. 1805. Regal Rome: an introduction to Roman history. New York, 1852. 12 919.6 NEWMAN, Rev. J. P. "From Dan to Beersheba;" or, the land of promise. Maps and engravings. New York, 1864. 12 688.21 NEW MEXICO. Bartlett, J. R. Explorations in, [1850-53] 624.2 Davis, W. W. H. El Gringo; or, New Mexico and her people. 1857 623.18 Edward?, F. S. Campaign in, with Col. Doni- phau. 1847 623.20 Melino, J. F. Summer tour through New Mexico, in 1866 1636.11 Sago, R. B. Scenes in. 1846 639.4; 639.16 See also Santa F&. NEW ORLEANS. Clapp, T, Autobiographical sketch es and recollections, during thirty.-five years res idence in. 1857 ." 534.16 Gleig, G. R. Campaign of the British army at, [1814, 15] 889.19 ^- Hall, A. 0. The Manhattaner in. 1851 629.15 Robinson, W. L. The diary of a Samaritan in, [1853] 237.22 Walker, A. Jackson and Now Orleans, [1814, 15]. 215.15 NEWPORT, .K. /. Channing, G. G. Harly recollec tions of, [1793-1811] 227.23 Fuller. H. Belle Brittan at. 1858... ,.635.22 NEW purchase, The: or, seven and a half years in the far West. See Carlton, R., pseud tm4.4 NEW SOUTH WALES, Notes and sketches of, [1839- 44]. Meredith, L. A . 899,3 NEWSPAPERS. Andrews, A. History of British jour nalism, to 1855 395.1 Buckingham, J. T. Specimens of newspaper literature. 1852 868.3 Hunt, F. K. The fourth estate: a history of. 1850. 999.5 Kote. A recent history by Grant [B. H. 2475.50] has been much criticised. BM,op h>--y of, W.I/>. &uU(}t,-*>-,j.3S,fi.>J*7- NEWTON, 5 filbert Stuart, American painter, b. 1795, d. 1835. (See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual. 518.12 NEWTON, Sir Isaac, English geometrician and philoso pher, b. 1642, d. 1727. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Brewster, Sir D. Memoirs of 379.4; 573.2; 810.32 Cabinet -portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 11 of 840.1Q Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548.13; 549.30 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Lives of eminent persons 365. 18 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 Memorials of early genius 55 1. 10 * Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Note. The life by Sir David Brewster is the authoritative one, also in B. H., E.230.8]. There is also an English trans lation of the life in the Biographic universe-lie by Blot, [B. H., E.212.8]. See Newton s Correspondence, [B. H., by Rigaud, 3915.2; by Edleston, 3926.26]. NEWTON, Rev. John, of London, b. 1725, d. 1807. Life. By himself to 1763, and continued to his death, by R. Cecil. Now York, n. d. 16 119.24 See Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity. v. 2 of 830.28 NEWTON, Thomas, d. 1607. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 NEW world. A step from the now world to the old world. Tappan, H. P 659.25 NEW YORK, City, New York illustrated. New edition, with revisions and new illustrations. New York, 1869. 56pp. 8 632.1 Booth, M. L. History of. 1859 232.7 Browne, J. H. The great metropolis; a mirror of. 1869 1816.17 Francis, J. W. Old New York; or, rotniniscences of the past sixty years. 1858 237.3 NEW YORK 201 NTEBUHR . Shelf. No. NEW YORK, City, continued. Gibbons, J. S. The banks of. 1858 135.24 Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. 1869. 1638.2 MacCabe, J. D., jr. Ligbts and shadows of New York life. 1872 1674.4 Medbery, J. K. Men and mysteries of Wall street. 1870 1816.20 Minturn, R. B., jr. From New York to Delhi. 1858 706.9 Scoville, J. A. The old merchants of 536.17 Smith, M. H. Sunshine and shadow in. 1868. .1816.16 Valentine, D. T. History of. 1853 236.11 Wallys, P. About New York. 185 7 6 29. 17 Note. Valentine s History comes down to the middleof the last century ; but Miss Booth s is more comprehensive, [also in B. II. 4371.21]. Sec Lossing s paper on the Dutch in Manhat tan in Harper s monthly, voL 8: nnd Hoffman s address on The pioneers of New York,"[B. H. 4129.51]. Dr. Francis s book is the gossip of a genial antiquarian, [also in B. H. 2371.7: 4371.19]. For the externals of the city, see New York illustrated [also in B. H. 4473.3] and T. A. Richards s paper in Harper s mouth- ^01. 23. Central Park is well delineated in another of chards s papers in the same volume; but see the elaborate first report of the board of commissioners for 1871, [B. H. 6493.2]. For phases of life in Wall street, Medbery s book is an en tertaining e.v posure, and iu this connection road Adams s Chap ter of Eric [238.20], and Parton s life of Vanderbilt [1.522.7], etc. Parton has also given an exposure of the " ring " gov ernment of the city, [B. H. 4379.6]. Crapsey s nether side of New York depicts the humble and depraved life, [B. H. 4401.50]; see also Brace s Dangerous classes [B. U. 3574.511, and Mayo s Civilization in New York [138.23]. B. K. Peirce a Half-century with juvenile delinquents narrates what has been done in reformatory efforts, [B. II. 5571. -V]; see also Camman on the charities of New York, [B. H. 4471.5]. For the growth and magnitude of the city, sae Browne s Great metropolis [also in B. H. 4474.0], and Fitz Hugh Lud- low s article in the Atlantic monthly, Jan., 1805. The same magazine has for Dee., 1868, a paper by H. T. Tuckerman, "Through Broadway," for May, 1867, " Germany in New N York," bv C. D. Shanly, who writes iu the November number, 1807, on The Bowery by night." NEW YORK, State. Barber, J. W. History and an tiquities of. 1847 237.5 Boudrye, L. N. Historic records of the Fifth Now York cavalry, [1861-G5] 244.13 -r Brodhead, J. R. History of, [1609-64] 234.10 Campbell, W. W. Border warfare of, during the revolution 217.11 Edwards, C. Pleasantries about courts and law yers of. 1867 1816.11 Hammond, J. D. History of political parties in, to 1840 234.13 Hawks, F. L. Uncle Philip s conversations about New York. 1835 1859.17 Irving, W. Historyof. 1836. v. 1 of 377.1; 387.2; 389.8 Kohl, J. G. Travels through New York. 1861. 634.6 Mayo, A. D. Symbols of the capital; or, civilu zationin. 1859 138.23 O Callaghan, B. B. History of Now Netherlands; or, Now York under the Dutch, [1492-1647] . . . 234.8 Ifote. Dunlap s History of New Netherlands, which follows down the record of the province and state till 1789[B.H. 2371.6], is the chief comprehensive history; but S. S. Ilandall, in Ins history, has tlirniihed a compendious narrative down to our day, [B. H. 4478.51 Dr. O Callaghan, in 1840, first narrated [B. II. 2371.3] the history of the Dutch period, down to 1047, with fulness; and Brodhead s elaboration of the same period, but aoiitiinicd till the capture of New York, followed in 1853. The Bates Hall copy has a second volume [4474.13] continuing the history to 1091. The Long Island historical society s first volume [B. H. 4371.22] is an account of travels in this region in 1079, 80. reviewed in Putnam s magazine, April, 18(18. The state has very fully preserved the record of her documentary history in a valuable series of volumes [B. H. 2390.1 ; OlOOa.lJ, as also in the eocuments of her provincial history which her agents gathered in England, Holland, etc., [B. H. 2390.2]. Irving s book is the humorous and satirical account of the Dutch rule, known as Knickerbocker s history, [also in B. H. 2391.8 ; 2394.8 ; 2390.10 ; 4399.1]. See also, Adirondacks, Chateaugay woods, Niagara Falls, Queen s county, Tryou couuty. NEW ZEALAND. Fuller, F. Five years residence in. 1859 707.19 Old New Zealand. 1863 698.29 Rise and progress of. 1857 705.15 Rough, D. Narrative of a journey through part of the north of 709.28 Thomson, A. S. Story of, [1642-1850] 935.1 NEW ZEALANDERS, The, containing a narrative of the first discovery of the island, [etc.]. Illus trated. London, n. d. 12 849.1 Same. Boston, 1830. 1 2 849.18 26 Shelf. No. NET, Michel, marshal of France, b. 1769, d. 1815. See Headley, J, T. Napoleon and his marshals. v. 2 of 605.1; v. 2 of 605.2 NGAMI, Lake. 1856. Andersson, C. J 692.2; 697.4 NIAGARA FALLS, Guide from, to Quebec. 1857. Hunter, W. S 629.13 Note. See article in Harper s magazine, vol. 7. NICARAGUA. Squier, E. G. Nicaragua; its people, scenery, monuments, etc. 1852 621.3; 62,2.8 Wells, W. V. Walker s expedition to, [1855] . . . 266.8 Note. See an article by Squier in Harper s monthly maga zine, vol. 11. NICCOLINI, Giovanni B. History of the Jesuits. [With portraits.] London, 1854. P. 8 835.3 NICHOLAS I, emperor of Russia, b. 1796, d. 1855. Christmas, H. Nicholas i: his life and reign. . . 546.20 Hitchcock, D. K. Vindication of Russia and the emperor Nicholas 926.1 Lee, R. First days of 547.16 NICHOLLS, H. G. The forest of Dean, [1307-1858]. [With illustrations.] London, 1858. 8 989.15 NICHOLS, Andrew. Poom. See Danvors, Mass. Centennial celebration 224.10 NICHOLS, George W. Story of tho great march, [Sherman s]. With map and illustrations. New York, 1865. 12 306.2 NICHOLSON, Asenath. Annals of the lamina in Ire land, 1847-49. New York, 1851. 12 646.18 Ireland s welcome to the stranger, or an excursion through Ireland, in 1844, 45. Now York, 1817. 12 647.22 NICHOLSON, John, general, b. 1821, d. 1857. See Kaye, J. W. Lives of Indian officers . . . . v. 3 of 1566.4 NICOLAS, of Basle, chief of the Society of Gottes Freunde, fl. Uth century. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 NICOLAS, Sir Nicholas H., English antiquary, b. 1799, d. 1848. Chronology of history. London, 1833. 16 368.2 History of the royal navy, [897-1449]. London, 1847. 2v. 8 986.1 Life and times of Sir Christopher Hatton, vice- chamberlain and lord chancellor to Queen Eliza beth, [b. 1540, d. 1591]. [With portrait.] Lon don, 1847. 8 573.3 Life of William Davison, secretary of state and privy counsellor to Queen Elizabeth, [d. 1608]. London, 1823. 8 562.4 NICOLAS, Paule H. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain. See Johns, R 854.5 NICOLAY, Rev. Charles G. The Oregon territory: a geographical and statistical account of that coun try. London, 1846. 24 840.47 NlCTORlS, queen of Assyria. See Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns 569.28 NIEBUHU, Barthold G., German historian, b. 1776, d. 1831. Historyof Rome, [B. c. 754-u. c. 512]. Translated by J. C. Hare, C. Thirwall, W. Smith, and L. Sohmitz. New edition. London, 1851. 3 v. 8 954.6 Lectures on ancient ethnography and geography. Translated by L. Schmitz. London, 1853. 2 v. 8 955.3 Lectures on Roman history. Translated by H. C. M. Chopmoll and F. C. F. Demmlor. [With plates.] London, 1852. 3 v. 16 959.8 Life and letters. Edited and translated by S. Winkworth. 2dedition. London, 1852. 3 v. 8. 583.1 -Same. Now York, 1852. 12 583.2 Lieber, F. Reminiscences of an intercourse with, in 1822, 23 588.7 Lives of eminent persons 365.18 Note. .The life above named [583.1; 583.2] is the best ac count in English. It consists of letters with connecting links of narrative, and is based upon the German memorial of Nie- b uhr s sister-in-law, Madam Hcnsler, and the work also con tains essays by Bunsen, and a paper by Locbcl on Niebuhr as a historian. See Edinburgh review. Living age and Cham- bers s Journal for 1852. L.ieber 8 Reminiscences is also in Bates Hall, [2840.11]. Sec Fraser s magazine, vol. 4ft. NIEBUHR 202 NORFOLK Shelf. No. NIEBUHR, Carsten, Hanoverian traveller, b. 1733, d. 1815. Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men .......................... 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 Lives of eminent persons ...................... 365.18 St. John. J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 3 of 810. 47 NIEL, Samuel. Cyclopaedia of universal history. See MacBurney, 1 ........................... 947.5 NIGER, river, Allen, W. Expedition to the, in 1841. 693.9 Cole, W. Life in the. 18G2 .................. 684.18 Lander, R. Journal of an expedition to the. 389.12; 810.45 NIGHTINGALE, Florence, English philanthropist, b. 1820. Clayton, E. C. Notable women ............... 1517.7 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. Heroines of domestic life ..... 599.16 NILE, river. Adatns, W. H. D. The land of the. 1871 ...................................... 698.31 Baker, Sir S. W. The Albert Nyanza, great basin of the. 18G6 ............................... C72.3 -- The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 18G7 ...... 1692. 9 Curtis, G. "W". Nile notes of a howadji ..... 698.1; 698.6 Fairholt, F. W. Up the Nile, and home again. 1862 ...................................... 684.13 Furniss, W. Waraga, or the charms of the Nile. 1850 ...................................... 698.19 Laporte, L. Sailing on the. 1872 ............ 698.34 Speke, J. II. Journal of the discovery of the source of the. 1863 ................... 682.9; 1692. 6 Warren, W. W. Life on the. 1867 ............ 698.30 Werne, F. Expedition to discover the source of the White Nile, [1840,41] ................... 693.14 Kote. Recent discovery has settled the question of the sources of the Nile as follows : Bruce in 17(18-73 [B. H. 30..5.12] traced the sources of the Blue Nile, orthe Eastern tributary or the main stream, which with the other tributaries have been more fully explored by Baker, in his Nile tributaries of Abys- dinia [also in B. II. 5058.3; see also Abyssinia in this cata logue J, who establishes that in this region the rainfall takes place that causes the yearly inundation of the lower Nile. The main source of the constant stream which for fifteen hundred miles sweeps without a tributary to the Mediterranean, comes from the great lake sources of the White Nile in Central Africa, one of which, the Victoria N vanza. which is the easterly, Speke discovered in 1858. and revisited with Capt. Grant in 1801, [sea also in B. II. 3056.1!; 5055.2; and a popular compilation by Swayne, 5048.23]; and the other, the Albert N yanza, the wester ly, Baker discovered in 18G4, etc., [also in B. IT. 5054.12], See also Petherick on the western tributaries, [B. II. 5054.15]. See Speke, J. H., in Allibone, vol. 2, p. 2195, and Burton s Lake regions, [1381.1 ; G81.3J. The most important of the earlier expeditions of this century were the three undertaken by direction of Mohammed AH, in 1840, etc., the second of which is the one of chief interest, and it has been described by D Arnaud, in the Bulletin of the Geo graphical society of Paris, Feb., 1843 [B. II. 22C9.1], and in greater detail in Werne s book, of which an English version is mentioned above. Beke, by advancing that the mountain range of Africa ran north and south, andnot across the con tinent, in his paper on the Nile and its tributaries, in vol. 17 of the Journal of the Koyal geographical society [B. H. 2267.1], and in his subsequent monograph on the sources of the Nile, 18CO, in which he gives a partial history of Nilotic discovery [B. H. 3055.18], laid claims to being the Meorctical discoverer of the sources, and has controverted the point with Sir K. I. Murchison and others, [B. H. 5054.20]. In addition to the books of modern travel and description mentioned above, there are in the Bates Hall, among others, Eden s Nile without a dragoman [5059.9], disclosing the expe dients of an economical tourist ; aud Macgregor s Rob Roy canoe experiences, [5047. G]. See papers in Harper s monthly, vols. 14 and 28 j and the ar ticle, Nile, in Smith s Bible dictionary. See alto Africa, East (The), Egypt, Nubia, etc. NILE boat, The: or glimpses of Egypt. 1851. Bart- lett, W. H .................................. 684.1 NILES, John M. Life of Oliver Hazard Perry, [Amer ican naval officer, b. 1785, d. 1820]. 2d edition. [With portrait.] Hartford, 1821. 12 ........ 627.7 NIMMO, William P. Art and artists: curious facts and eharacteristic sketches. Edinburgh, n. d. 16 ........................................ 1819.16 Books and authors: curious facts and character istic sketches. Edinburgh, n. d. 16 ......... 1819.17 Clergymen and doctors: curious facts and charac teristic sketches. Edinburgh, n. d. 16 ....... 1819.18 Invention and discovery: curious facts and char acteristic sketches. Edinburgh, n. d. 16 ..... 1819.19 Law and lawyers: curious facts and characteristic sketches. Edinburgh, n. d. 16 ............. 1819.20 Omens and superstitions: curious facts and illus trative sketches. Edinburgh, n. d. 16 ....... 1819.21 NINETEEN beautiful years; or, sketches of a girl s lifo. See Willard, F. E ..................... 537.37 Shelf. No. NINEVEH. Bonomi, J. Nineveh and its palaces. . . . 685.10 835.14; 1693.1 Note. 835.14 is the 3d edition, 1857. Fergusson, J. The palaces of Nineveh and Perse- polis restored. 1851 694.9 Glimpses of, [B. c. 690] 1116.6 Jones, M. Nineveh and its story. 1866 1958.10 Layard, A. H. Discoveries among the ruins of. 1853 685.12; 685.13; 1696.2 Discoveries at. 1852 685.18; 685.19 Nineveh and its remains. 1850 685.11 685.14; 685.17; 1C96.1 Rich, C. J. Site of ancient Nineveh 694.7 Vaux, W. S. W. Nineveh and Pcrsepolis. 3d edi tion. 1851 95G.14 Nnte. Rich was the earliest who drew attention to the evi dences of the site of ancient Nineveh, but the great work of modern exploration was begun by Botta, in 1842, who, with the aid of the French government, published his rive splendid folios, in 1847, [B. II. 3020.2] ; while Tobins, in 1850, published collection of folio outline plates upon the monuments, [B. II., additional Discoveries, and in the same year another large work in illustration of the sculptures, etc., [B. II., D.4, R.3]. Fletcher, who published, in 1850, his account of a two years residence [B. II. 3040.1], much abridged his section on the an tiquities, becauae of Layard s preoccupation of the field. Eo- nomi aimed to apply the discoveries of Botta and Layard to the elucidation ot the Bible. Fergusson s architectural essay is based on the same labors, and it was by Fergusson that the Nineveh court of the Crystal palace at Svdenham was planned, and the handbook describing it [B. H. 4089.30] was written by Layard himself, who gives in it a popular recapitulation of the progress of recent discoveries. Vaux, in addition to a histori cal sketch of ancient Assyria, gives also a summary of recent explorations ; while Jones s little book is a good popular sketch. The most elaborate historical use of these results has been made by George Rawlinson, in the section on Assyria in his Five ancient monarchies, 18C2, [B. II. 3028.1.1, 2]; but a briefer summary will be found in Philip Smith s Students an cient history, book 2, [955.10]. See also Hawlinson s Manual of ancient history, [B. H. 0293.11]. See references in Allibone under Layard ; the article in Smith s Bible dictionary, Hackett and Abbot s edition; Lon don quarterly review, Dec.. 1848; Eraser s magazine, April, 1849; North British review. May. 1853. See the large map of the Remains at Nineveh made by order of the government of British India, [B. H., D.4, Q.2]. NISBET, James. Annals of San Francisco. See Soule, F NITHISDALE, Countess of. See Maxwell, Winifred. NITHISDALE, Earl of. See Maxwell, William. NIXON, Francis R. Cruise of the Beacon in Bass s straits. With illustrations. London, 1857. 16. NOBLE, Rev. Louis L. After icebergs with a painter: a summer voyage to Labrador and around New foundland. Now York, 1861. 8 The course of empire, Voyage of life, and other pictures of Thomas Cole. New York, 1853. 12. NOBLE dames of ancient story. Edgar, J. G. .569.27; NOBLE lady, A. See Craven, P NOBLE lives, Records of. Adams, W. II. D NOBLE traits of kingly men; or, pictures and anec dotes of European history. [With illustrations.] London, n. d. 12 NOEL, Baptist W. Freedom and slavery in the United States. London, 1863. 16 The rebellion in America. London, 18G3. 16.. NOLLEKENS, Joseph, sculptor, b. 1737, d. 1823. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 3 of 379.9; v. 3 of NOLTE, Vincent. Fifty years in both hemispheres. Translated from tho German. New York, 1854. 12 NOOTKA sound, Adventures and sufferings among tho savages of. 1840. Jowitt, J. R NORBURY, Lord. See Toler, John. NORDHOFF, Charles. California: for health, pleasure, and residence. [Illustrated.] New York, 1872. 4. Stories of the island world. [Illustrated.] New York, 1857. 16 Contents. Madagascar, Java, Iceland, Ceylon, New Zea land. NORDURFARI, or rambles in Iceland. 1854. Miles, P 668.12; 1655.4 NORE, Mutiny at the. Neale, J 389.5 NORFOLK, Duke of. See Howard, Thomas. 235.10 707.9 634.5 525.9 599.24 599.25 1553.2 557.18 297.29 307.15 810.19 884.5 629.31 636.33 939.5 ,,6 . Z7/4 . -3 </ NORMAN 203 NORTON Shell . No. NORMAN, B. M. Bambles in Yucatan. With illus trations. 2d edition. New York, 1843. 8 1623.2 Same. 4th edition. New York, 1844. 8 621.4 NORMAN, Lucia. Youth s history of California. San Francisco, 1867. 12 238.9 NORMANDY. Excursions in. 1841 654.14 Jerrold, (W.) B. On the Boulevards. With trips to. 1867 1657.1 ; 1657.3 Life in, [fishing, farming, cooking, natural his tory, and politics]. 18G3 674.12 Musgrave, G. M. Ramble through Normandy. 1855 654.11 Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical history of 856.7 St. John, J. A. Journal of a residence in. 1831. 830.64 Koto. There ia a very complete bibliography down to 1858, [B. H. 2163.7]. For the history, see Goube s French monograph on the period of the duchy, [B. H. 4604.12]. The English reader will find nothing better than Palgrave [B. H. 2418.1], who in his later volumes enlarges particularly on the relations with England. For the English conquest period, Thierry [in English, 837.6; 978.6; in French, B. II. 2419.3] is of importance; and Depping [in French, B. H. 4004.11] traces events from the conquest down to the reunion with France, 1204. General histories of France and England, and of the middle ages, will of course afford much. For travel and description, beside the books mentioned above, see in the Bates Hall, Blackburne s Picturesque Normandy, 1809 [4001.10], and Goldwin Smith s article in no. 105 of the Atlantic monthly. The interesting architectural antiquities of Normandy are treated in special works bv Britton, [4101.4] ; by Cotinun, [2700.1]; and by Knight, [4103.21]. NOBRIS, Maria. Life and times of Madame do Stael, [French novelist, b. 1766, d. 1817]. London, 1853. P. 8 615.11 NORSE-FOLK, The. Brace, C. L 668.9 NORTH, Christopher, pseud. See Wilson, John. NORTH, Sir Dudley, b. 1641, d. 1691. See Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants 1559.3 NORTH, Edward, 1st lord North, English politician, b. about 1496, d. 1564. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 NORTH, Francis, 1st lord Guilford, lord keeper, b. 1637, d. 1685. Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of the early lives of great lawyers 15 16. 13 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 Roscoo, W. Lives of eminent British lawyers . . . 388.4 NORTH, Frederick, Id earl of Guilford, Enylish states man, b. 1732, d. 1792. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, .v. 8 of 815.1 NORTH, The, and the South. 1856. Chase, II 297.18 NORTH STAR, steam yacht, Cruise of the. 1854. Choules, J. 647.9 NORTHAMPTON, 1st earl of. See Howard, Henry. NORTHAMPTON, Id earl of. See Compton, Spencer. NORTHCOTE, James, painter and writer on art, b. 1746, d. 1831. Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds, [English painter, b. 1723, d. 17 J2]. Philadel phia, 1817. 8 U 556.1 See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 6 of 379.9; v. 5 of 810.19 NORTH-EAST passage, Voyage for the purpose of ex ploring a, [1815-18]. Kotzebue, 0. von 702.12 NORTH-EASTERN boundary, Memoir on the. 1843. Gallatin, A 297.7 NORTHERN antiquities. Mallet, P. H 846.2 NORTHERN lands; or, Young America in Russia and Prussia. 1872. Adams, W. T 1676.7 NORTHINGTON, Earl of. See Henley, Robert. NORTHMEN. Morse, A. Further traces of the ancient Northmen in America 299.21 Smith, J. T. The discovery of America by the. . 309.6 Hote. Of the discovery of the American coast by the North men, there were frequent mention, since the time of Adam of Bremen, but Torfucus, in his Historia Vinlandioe, 1705, fur nished the account, which Malte Brun [B. H., in English, 4153.1.5] and Pinkerton [B. 11. 22GO.l:U7] followed, but they identified the locality with the coast of Labrador or Newfound land. Dr. Robertson ignores the subject entirely in his his tory of America; but the German, J. B. Forster. in his Discov eries in the North [B. U.,iu EnglUh, 2367.10; in French, 2265.8], published in the last century, and Henderson, in his Residence in Iceland, 1814, 15 [B. II. 4808.5], both give cur- lency to the accounts, which Irving, in an appendix to his Life of Columbus, rather guarded! v dismisses as untrustworthy in his original edition, and as guardedly allows to be of pos sible importance in later editions, [see Colombo]. Wheaton next, 1831, followed [B. II. 2827.53], which is a general his tory of the race coming down to the Norman conquest of NORTHMEN, continued. England, and he had access to the collections at Copenhagen while he was the minister of the United States to Denmark, and in his 2d chapter he epitomizes the sagas and first fixes the locality upon the Massachusetts coast, chiefly from the re quirements as to latitude to suit the length of day therein re corded. A French translation, executed under his direction, is in effect a revised edition, [B. II. 2827.50]. Three years later, Mr. Bancroft, in his first volume, 1834 [302.1, etc.], dis missed the sagas as mythological ; and he has allowed this judgment to stand throiigh subsequent revisions of his volume. The public were first enabled to judge this matter fairly when Prof. Rafn, through the Society of Northern antiquaries at Copenhagen, published in 1837 his Antiquitatcs Americana! [B. II. 2310.0 ; 2310.G], where the sagas were given in the origi nal with Danish and Latin translations, and with notes, fol lowing out with minuteness the identifications of the Massa chusetts and Rhode Island coast. Rafn sought assistance in this country, both before and after the publication, to discover corroborative proofs in the topography of the country, and his letters to Dr. Webb have been printed with a memoir (in which the principal adherents of the theory as against Bancroft and Irving, are mentioned) in the Proceedings of the Massachu setts historical society for 1864-6.1, [B. II. 2355.12] ; while Rafn at the time circulated a brief resume of the claim in Englih and other languages, [B. II. 4. !59..",]. The inquiries thus in stituted led to efforts to identify the old stone mill at New port with the architecture of the Northmen (and Longfellow accepted the identity as the foundation of his " Skeleton in armor," citing Rafn in his note on it) ; and the inscription on the Dighton rock with Runic records; but the later agree ment among antiquaries is that the former monument was the work of the early colonists [see Palfrey s New England, vol. 1], and the latter was left by the aborigines, and views of the rock can be found in the Antinuitates Americana;, in Beamish [B. H. 2317.2], and in Smith [309.6]. Smith pub lished his book within two years after Rafn first drew atten tion to the subject, and aimed in the popular manner of a dia logue to familiarize the English public wiih the records, to prove their authenticity by internal evidence, and to disprove the positions of Bancroft and Irving. Beamish [B. H. 2317.2], in 1841, gave another popular EnglishTcndcring. Both books have maps, but their authors do not wholly agree in identify ing particular landmarks. The subject has been popularly made known in this country by itinerant lecturers [B. H. 4 103.13; 4359.3 ; Pph. v. 417], of no authority, however. Among the later contribution to our knowledge is a little tract by Morse [also in B. II. 4359.3], announcing his discovery, eight years before, of hearth-stones, unlike anything known among In dian antiquities, buried some feet beneath beds of peat on the south side of Cape Cod, and which he ascribes to the North men. J. G. Kohl [Maine historical society s collections, new series, vol. 1, B. H. 2339.1] sought to track the Northmen along the New England shores, and he has been controverted, in some points, by De Costa, [B. II. 4422.7] ; and in this connec tion the authenticity of the sagas as historical eyidences was discussed adversely in the North American review, July, 1869, [B. H. 3113.2]. Of the more recent historians of New England, Elliott [223.6; B. H. 2321.4] accounts the records " in some degree mythical;" and Palfrey [B. H. 2321.2.1] thinks " it is in no wise unlikely." For the Northmen s explorations in Greenland, see Graah [704.3] and Cran/. [B. H., in English, 2826.2; in German. 1)059.12], and Dr. Hayes, in his recent " Land of desolation " [703.14], gives a popular summary. The ordinary reader will rind readiest reference to the original accounts, with elucida tions, in Mallet s Northern antiquities [84C.2], which follows the expeditions to the New England coast. NORTHMORE, Thomas. Washington, or liberty re stored: apoem. Baltimore, 1809. 12 358.15 NORTHUMBERLAND, Duke of. See Dudley, John. NORTHUMBERLAND, Earls of. See Percy, Algernon and Henry: NORTHUMBERLAND, Handbook for travellers in. 1864. Murray, J 1656.6 NORTH-WEST coast. Franchere, G. Narrative of a voyage to the, [1811-14] 626.7 Swan, J. G. The north west coast; or, three years residence in Washington territory. 1857 626.5 NORTH-WEST passage. Brown, J. The north-west passage, and the plans for the search for Sir J. Franklin. 1858 701.11 Osborn, S. The discovery of the, [1850-54] 704.4 Parry, Sir W. E. Throe voyages for the discovery of a, [1819-24] 820.22 NORTH-WEST territory. Harris, T. M. Journal of a tour into the, [1803] 639.13 Hildreth, S. P. Pioneer history: early settle ment of the, [16G8-1818] 245.3 Mullan, J. Miners and travelers guide to Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. 1865 1638.25 NORTH-WESTERN territory, Notes on the early settle ment of the. 1847. Burnet, J 236.3 NORTON, Hon. Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth, Enylish au thoress, b. 1808. See Clever girls of our time. . . 599.21 NORTON, Charles Eliot. Notes of travel and study in Italy. Boston, 1860. 12 666.22 NORTON, Rev. John, of Boston, b. 1606, d. 16C3. Me moir of John Cotton, [of Boston, b. 1585, d. 1652]. New York, 1842. 24 539.24 NORTON- Shelf. No. NORTON, John N. Life of Archbishop Laud, [b. 1573, beheaded 16451. [With portrait.] Boston, 1864. 12 655.18 NOBTON, Mass., History of, [1669-1859]. Clark, G. F 227.21 NORWAY. Adams, W. T. Up the Baltic ; or, Young America in. 1871 1676.4 Beauclerk, D. de Vere, lady. A summer and win ter in. 1868 1679.4 Bowden, R. Black s guide to. 1867 1659.20 Brace, C. L. The Norse-folk; or, a visit to. 1857. 668.9 Dunham. S. A. History of. 1839 378.10 Forbes, J. D. Norway and its glaciers visited in 1851 663.1 Forester, T. Norway in 1848, 49 6G8.3 ; 1655.4 Hollway, J. G. A month in. 1853 669.7 Inglis, H. D. Journey through Norway. 1829. 668.7; 830.47 Laing, S. Residence in, [1834-36] 409.15; 1655.3 Metcalfe, F. The Oxonian in Thelemarken, [1856, 57] 666.3 Murray, J. Knapsack guide to. 1864 1658.2 Pfeiffer, I. Visit to the Scandinavian North, [1845] 668.19; 668.20; 879.3; 1666.20 Price, E. Norway and its scenery. 1853 825.7 Sleeper, M. G. Norway: sketches and stories. 1867 1679.3 Snorro Sturleson. Chronicle of the kings of 924.4 Unprotected females in. 1859 668. 18 Wittich, W. Visit to the western coast of. 1848.850.22 X and Y, pseud. Long vacation ramble in. 1857. 668.8 Note. See the 1871 edition of Murray s large guide book in Bates Hall [4839.12], and a recent book by Campbell, " How to see Norway," [4869.0]. See also .1. R. Browne s " Land of Thor," [1687.2] ; and I Inrper s monthly , vol. 25. For the litera ture, see Howitt, [404.5] ; and for more extended references consult the Bates Hall catalogues. NOTABILITIES in France and England. Chasles, (V. E.) P 868.7 " NOTES and queries," Choice notes from 999.18 NOTES from Paris, or why are Frenchmen and Eng lishmen different? Edinburgh, 1865. 46 pp. 16 1829.2 NOTES of hospital life, 1861-63. Philadelphia, 1864. 12 307.29 NOTES of travel and life. Mendell, 635.31 NOTT, Charles C. Sketches of the war. New York, 1863. 12 295.7 NOTT, Eliphalet, American divine, president of Union college, N. Y., b. 1773, d. 1865. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 NOTTINGHAM, Earl of. See Finch, Heneage. NOTTINGHAM, Earl of. See Howard, Charles. NOVA SCOTIA. Cozzons, F. S. Acadia; or, a month with the blue noses. 1859 637.18 Haliburton, T. C. Historical and statistical ac count of. 1829 265.2 Williams, C. R. The neutral French; or, the exiles of 217.12 Note. The most elaborate general history has been pub lished since Haliburton s [also in B. II. 2311.13] by Mur doch, who gives the forms of annals to his work in three vol umes [B. n. 4413.1], bringing down the record to 1827. There is a brief historical sketch by Martin [B. II. 2368.23], and chapters on the early settlement in such comprehensive works as Brown s [B. II. 441:5.2] and Kirke [B. II. 2510.51], See also Bourne [B. II. 4.527.3], and Parkman 3 Pioneers of France in the New World, [300.1 ; B. H. 2318.21]. The book above named by Williams is a tale on the forcible expulsion of the Acadians in 1755, wi>h an historical introduction of some length, the same episode on which Longfellow s Evanjjelinc [333.10, etc.] is founded. See Whittier s Prose works, [823.21.2]. NOVALIS, pseud. See Hardenberg, Friedrich von. NOVELISTS, Lives of the. Scott, Sir W 686.19 NOVELLO, Clara Anastasia, countess Gigliucci, Eng lish vocalist, b. 1818. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 Clever girls of our time 599.21 NOYES, James 0. Roumania: tho border land of the Christian and tho Turk. [With illustrations.] New York, 1857. 12.. 686.14 NUBIA. Belzoni, G. B. Recent discoveries in. 1822. 693.12 Hahn-Hahn, I. (M. L. F. G.), countess. Travels in, [1843, 44] 687.10 Irby, C. L. Travels in. 1844 889.25 Shelf. No. NUBIA, continued. Leech, H. H. Letters of a sentimental idler, from Nubia. 1869 1675.10 Madden, R. R. Travels in, [1824-27] 687.9 Prime, W. C. Boat life in. 1857 698.8 Romer, I. F. Pilgrimage to the temples and tombs of, [1845, 46] 693.13 Russell, M. Nubia: history, antiquities, etc. 1833. 810.61 St. John, J. A. Egypt and Nubia. 1845 693.5 AWe. Belzoni s large atlas is in Bates Hall [D.4.0.3], and ters [3053.9], and the work on the monuments, etc., by Cham- pollion [B. H. 3050.3], and Gau s Denkmaler [B. H. 3050.14]. See also Dongola, Egypt, Nile, etc. NUGENT, Lord. See Grenville, George N. T. NURSE and spy in the union army. Edmonds, S. E. E 308.18 NUTTALL, Thomas. Travels into the Arkansa terri tory, 1819. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 182L 8. 624.8 /OBER-AMMERGAU, Bavaria. To and from the passion play, in 1871. Doane, G. H 678.21 OBERKAMPF, Wilhelm Philipp, German cotton manu facturer, b. 1738, d. 1815. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 651.7 OBERLIN, Jean Frederic, French philanthropist, b. 1740, d. 1826. Memoirs. With an introduction by H. Ware, jr. [With portrait.] 2d American edi tion. Boston,1845. 16 545.22 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 1869.1 Men who have risen 55 1. 18 Sigournoy, L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 OBERLIN, Madeleine Salome, wife of Jean F. Oberlin, d. 1784. See Women of worth 551.19 O BRIEN, Patrick. Journal of a residence in the Danubian principalities, in 1853. London, 1854. 12 663.12 O CALLAGHAN, Edmund B. History of New Nether lands; or, New York under tho Dutch, [1492- 1647]. [With maps.] New York, 1846. 8... 234.8 OCEAN to ocean. Carrington, M. 1 1639.20 OCEANUS, steamer. Trip to Fort Sumter and Charles ton, S. C 276.6 OCKLEY, Simon. History of tho Saracens; compris ing the lives of Mohammed and his successors. 5th edition. London, 1848. P. 8 82S.5 O CoNNELL, Daniel, Irish patriot and statesman, b. 1775, d. 1847. Memoir on Ireland native and Saxon, [1172-1660]. 2d edition. Dublin, 1869. 16 1997.3 Historical sketches of O Connell and his friends. /SeeMacGee, T. D Arcy 1546.3 Kate. MacGee s book is a popular compilation; and a larger similar work, based on the works by Daunt, Sheil [Irish bar, 598.5] is the " Lite and times," [B. II. 0548.11J. One of the best accounts is Lecky, in his Leaders of public opinion, [B. H. 4519.23] ; and Ilenrv Giles has a popular lec ture, [1868.2]. See volume of memorials, including a sketch by Whittier. [B. II. 4543.24] ; chapter 21 of Alison s Europe, 1815-52, [B. H. 2293.51.4]; Eraser s magazine, May, 1841; and the references in the Nouvcllc biographic generale, and in Al- libone. See also Ireland, note. O CONNELL, John. Recollections and experiences during a parliamentary career from 1833 to 1848. London, 1849. 2 v. 8 893.8; 988.4 O CONNOR, T. History of tho war between the United States and Great Britain, 1812-15. [Awow.] New York, 1815. 12 217.6 ODD journeys in and out of London. Hollingshead, J 645.18 03YRAS, Comte do. See Pombal, Sebastian J. C. M. OGLETHORPE, James Edward, founder of Georgia, b. 1698, d. 1785. Life of. See Peabody, W. B. 0. v. 12 of 529.1 O GoRMAN, Edith. See Auffray, Edith. OHIO. Harris, T. M. Geographical and historical account of. 1805 639.13 Hildreth, S. P. Pioneer history: an account of the first examinations of tho Ohio valley, [1668- 1818] 245.3 Taylor, J. W. History of, [1650-1787] 237.4 OJIBWAY 205 ORR OJIBWAY INDIANS. Catlin, G. Adventures of the Ojibbeway Indians iu England, France, and Belgium 645 - 4 Copway, G. Traditional history and characteris tic sketches of tho Ojibway nation. 1851 249.1 Jones, P. History of the Ojebway Indians. 1861.2095.3 OKA VANGO river, The. 18G1. Anderson, C. J 683.16 O KEEFFE, John, Irish dramatist, b. 1747, d. 1833. Recollections. By himself. London, 1826. 2 v. go 697.2 OLD court suburb, The; or, memorials of Kensington, [near London]. Hunt, (J. II.) Leigh 903.20 OLD folks, The, from homo; or, a holiday in Ireland in 1861. Gatty, Mrs. A 644.10 OLD New Zealand. By a Pakeha Maori. London, 1863. 12 v .. 698.29 OLD portraits and modern sketches. Whittier, J. G. v. 1 of 823.1; 887. C OLD sports of England. Illustrated. London, 1835. If5 589.14 OLD world, The, and tho new. Dewey, 669.1 OLD world, Tho, in its new face. Bellows, H. W 1654.5 OLDFIELD, Mrs. Anno, English, actress, b. 1683, d. 1730. Memoirs of. See Egerton, W 597.6 OLDMIXON, Capt. George. Transatlantic wanderings ; or, a last look at the United States. London, 1855. 16 1639.9 OLDMIXON, John, English historian and litterateur, b. 1673, d. 1742. See Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians v. 1 of 586.11 OLIN, Stephen, American clergyman, b. 1797, d. 1851. Life and letters. [With portrait.] New York, 1853. 2 v. 12 534.19 See Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist ministers 535. 14 OLIPHANT, Lawrence, 6. 1831. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin s mission to China and Japan, 1857-59. [Illustrated.] New York, I860. 8 701.12 Journey to Katmandu (tho capital of Nepaul). [With map.] London, 1852. 16 709.17 Same. New York, 1852. 12 709.12 Minnesota and tho far West. [With illustrations.] Edinburgh, 1855. 8 236.10 Patriots and filibusters. Edinburgh, 1860. 12. 656.1 Tho Prussian shores of the Black sea, in 1852. [With illustrations.] Edinburgh, 1853. 8.... 674.2 Same. New York, 1854. 12 689.3 OLIPHANT, Margaret (0. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George n, [of England, b. 1683, d. 1760]. Boston, [1869]. 8 983.4 Contents. Caroline Wilhelmina Dorothea, queen of George n, b. 16*3, d. 17.T7 ; Robert Walpoie, 1st earl of Orford, English itatesman, b. 1676, d. 1745 ; Philip Dormer Stanhope, lord Chesterfield, b. 1694, d. 1773; Lady Mary Wortley .Montagu, English authoress, b. ICflO. d 176- ; ; Alexander Pope, English poet, b.lC88, d. 1744; Charles Ed ward Stuart, prince, the young pretender, b. 1720, d. 1788; John Wesley, founder of method- ism, b. 17i)H, d. 1791 ; George Anson, lord viscount, admiral, b. 1697, d. 1762 ; George B" kcley, bishop of Cloyne, Irish, meta physician, b. 1C84, d. 17-V1: Samuel Richardson, English nov elist, b. 1689, d. 1701 ; David Hume, Scottish philosopher and historian, b. 1711, d. 177fi; William Hogarth, English painter and engraver, b. 1097, d. 1764. Life of Edward Irving, [Scotch divine, b. 1792, d. 1834]. [With portrait.] New York, 1862. 8. 571.4 OLIVAREZ, Gasparo de Guzman, comte d , due de San Lucar de Barrameda, Spanish statesman, b. 1587, d. 1645. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 2 of 388.7 OLIVER, Peter. The puritan commonwealth in Mas sachusetts, [1620-89]. Boston, 1856. 8 223.4 Note. See Massachusetts, note. OLMSTED, Frederick Law. The cotton kingdom: ob servations on cotton and slavery in tho American slave states. New York, 1861. 2 v. 12 634.7 Journey in the back country. New York, 1860. 12 638.12 Journey in tho seaboard slave states. New York, 1856. 12 627.5 Journey through Texas. New York, 1857. 12 . 627.6 Walks and talks of an American farmer in Eng land. New York, 1852, 57. 2 v. in 1. 12.. . 646.10 oamo. New York, 1852. 2 v. 12 646.11 Shelf. No. OLNET, Capt. Stephen, b. 1756, d. 1832. Life of. See Williams, C. R. Biography of revolutionary he roes 528.12 O MEARY, Barry E. Napoleon in exile; or, a voice from St. Helena. New York, 1862. 2 v. 12.. 605..8 OMENS and superstitions: curious facts and illustrative sketches. Nimmo, W. P 1819.21 OMOO: adventures in the South seas. Melville, II. . 899.1 ONDERDONK, Henry, jr. Revolutionary incidents of Queen s county, [N. Y.]. Now York, 1846. 12. 217.17 OPERA. Memoirs of the opera in Italy, France, Ger many, and England. Hogarth, G 905.19 Note. Clayton s Queens of song [591.2] contains a chronol ogy of the opera in England. OPIE, John, English historical painter, b. 1761, d. 1807. History of painting. See Barry, J 816.2 Cunningham, A. Lives of tho most eminent Brit ish painters, etc v. 2 of 379.9; v. 2 of 810.19 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men . . 548.18 v. 1 of 548. 22 OPIE, Amelia Alderson, English authoress, b. 1769, d. 1853. (See Russell, W. Extraordinary women. 598.19 OPTIC, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, William T. ORANGE, Great prince of. See William I., the silent. ORATORY, Dialogue concerning. See Tacitus, C. C/ Works v. 2 of 834.17; 872.11 ORCADIE, Two months in. 1860. Weld, C. R 645.16 ORDERICUS VITALIS, b. 1075, d. 1150 ? Ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy. Translated, with notes, by T. Forester. London, 1853-56. 4v. P. 8 856.7 OREGON. Bulfinch, T. Oregon and Eldorado; or, romance of the rivers. 1866 1626.1 Fremont, J. C. Exploring expedition to, [1843- 44] 623.8; 628.13 Greenhow, R. History of. 1845 235.9 Hines, G. Life on tho plains of tho Pacific. Ore gon: its history, condition and prospects. 1851. 637.4 Oregon and its institutions. 1868 637.28 Johnson, T. T. California and Oregon. 1851... 238.9 Ludlow, F. H. Tho heart of the continent: rec ord of travel in. 1870 1626.3 Nicolay, C. G. The Oregon territory: a geo graphical and statistical account of. 1846 840.47 Parkman, F., jr. California and Oregon trail: sketches of prairie and Rocky mountain life, [1846] 626.12; 626.14 Ross, A. Adventures of the first settlors on the Oregon river. 1849 637.22 Sage, R. B. Scenes in. 1846 639.4; 639.16 Note. Greenhow s is the most considerable history [also in B. H. 2378.1], and his prefaces refer to other works and au thorities. Fremont s book is also in Bates Hall, [i S78.. r >]. Sea an illustrated paper on the Wild life of Oregon in Harper s monthly, vol. 13. See also Astoria. O REILLY, Private Miles, pseud. See Halpine, Charles G. ORFORD, Earls of. See Walpolo, Horace and Robert. ORIENT. See East, Tho. ORIENTAL acquaintance. De Forest, J. W 687.17 ORIENTAL and sacred scenes. Howe, F 1694. 18 ORIENTAL harems and scenery. Bolgiojoso, C. T. do. 697.24 ORIGINS, History of. Beckmann, J 818.8 ORLEANS, Duchesse d . See Heleno Louise Elisabeth. ORLEANS, House of, Memoirs of the, [1637-1848]. See Taylor, W. C 1005.4 ORLEANS, Mass., History of, [1644-1844]. Pratt, E. 224.22 ORLICH, Leopold von. Travels in India, including Sindo and tho Punjab. Translated by JI. E. Lloyd. London, 1845. 2 v. 8 695.3 ORME, Robert, English historian of British India, b. 1728, d. 1801. See Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians v. 2 of 586.11 ORMOND, Dukes of. See Butler, James. ORMSBY, R. McKinloy. History of tho Whig party. Boston, 1859. 12 299.10 OROSIUS, Alfred s Anglo-Saxon version of. See Pau li, R 856.4 ORR, James Lawrence, of South Carolina, b. 1822. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 627.19 ORSINI 206 OWEN Shelf. No. OBSINI, Felice. The Austrian dungeons in Italy. Translated by J. M. White. London, 1856. 16. 919.T OBTON, Jaines. The Andes and the Amazon; or, across South America. With illustrations. New York, 1870. L. 16 1637.8 OSBORN, Henry S. Palestine, past and present. With illustrations. Philadelphia, 1859. 8 942.4 OSBORN, Sherard. Career, last voyage, and fate of Sir John Franklin. [With illustrations.] Lon don, I860. 18 707.19 Cruise in Japanese waters. Edinburgh, 1859. 16. 709.31 Discovery of the north-west passage by Capt. R. M Cluro, 1850-54. Illustrated. London, 1856. 8. 704.4 Japanese fragments, with facsimiles of illustra tions by artists of Yedo. London, 1861. 1C .. 707.22 Quedah; or, stray leaves from a journal in Malay an waters. [With illustrations.] London, 1857. 12 708.13 Same. 2d edition. London, I860. 12 697.23 Stray leaves from an Arctic journal; or, eighteen months in the polar regions, in search of Sir John Franklin s expedition, 1850, 51. New York, 1852. 12 709.7 OSBORNE, Sir Edward, b. 1530, d. 1591. See Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants 1559.3 OSBORNE, Francis. Traditional memoirs. See Se cret history of the court of James i v. 1 of 552.6 OSBORNE, Ralph Bornal, English statesman, b. 1811. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 OSBORNE, Thomas, earl of Danby, and duke of Leeds, statesman, b. 1G31, d. 1712. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, .v. 7 of 815.1 Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen v. 5 of 388.6 OSBUUN, William. Monumental history of Egypt. [Illustrated.] London, 1854. 2 v. 8 955.1 OSCAXYAN, C. The sultan and his people. Illus trated. New York, 1857. 12 686.13 OSGOOD, Frances Sargent, poetess, b. 1812, d. 1850. See Powell, T. The living authors of America. 518.15 OSLER, Edward. Life of Viscount Exmouth, [Eng lish admiral, b. 1757, d. 1833]. [With por trait.] New York, 1835. 12 568.10 OSSOLI, Sarah Margaret Fuller, marchesa d , Ameri can authoress, b. 1810, d. 1850. At home and abroad; or, things and thoughts in America and Europe. Edited by A. B. Fuller. 2d edition. Boston, 1856. 12 654. 5 Literature and art. With an introduction, by Horace Greoley. Now York, 1852. 12 403.18 Memoirs. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 12 538.9 Summer on the lakes, in 1843. [With illustra tions.] Now York, 1844. 12 639.22 Powell, T. The living authors of America 518.15 Russell, W. Eccentric personages * 569.19 Extraordinary women 598.19 Note. The above biography is the joint production of B. W. Emerson, James Freeman Clarke and William II. Chan- ning. The volume "At home and abioad," contains letters during a visit to the great American lakes, and an epistolary journal of her experiences in Kome during the revolutionary period of 1848, followed by some memorials of her later life ami death by Bayard Taylor, Horace Grecley, and others. See a sketch in Smilcs s Briefbiographies, [589118]; in Griswold, [872.12] ; in Duyckinck, [392.2] ; aud consult Allibone for ref erences. OSSDNA, or OsuffA, Don Pedro Telloz y Giron, duque d , Spanish viceroy of Sicily, b. 1579, d. 1624. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 1 of 388.7 OTHEMAN, Edward. Memoir and writings of Mrs. Hannah Maynard Pickard, of Sackville, N. B., [b. 1812, d". 1844]. Boston, 1845. 12 538.1 OTIS, F. N. Illustrated history of the Panama rail road. 2d edition. New York, 1862. 12 634.12 OTIS, James, American orator and statesman, b. 1725, d. 1783. Bowen, F. Life of v. 12 of 529.1 Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolu tion 528.1 Tudor, W. Life of 513.3 Note. Tudor s, the principal life, is also in Bates Hall f 2342.14], and so is Bowen s lesser sketch in Sparks s series, 4447.1 ]. Sec North American review, April, 1823 ; and refer ences in Allibone. Shelf. No. OTUANTO, Duke of. See Fouche, Joseph. OTTER, William. Life and remains of Edward Daniel Clarke, professor of mineralogy in the University of Cambridge, [and English traveller, b. 1769, d. 1822]. New York, 1827. 8 583.10 OTTOMAN empire. Jacob, S. History of the, [476- 1854] 956.11 Upham, E. History of the, till 1828 830.49 See also Turkey. OTWAY, Thomas, English dramatic poet and actor, b. 1651, d. 1G85. Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain v. 3 of 398.3 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. . . .v. 1 of 582.11 586.20; 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 A ote. The lives are all brief Johnson s, [also in B. H. 2589..T) ; Chalmers, [B. II.] ; Anderson s, [B. H. 4604.1.6] ; Thornton s, [B. II. 4005.10] j but see references in Allibone. OUDE, Journey through, in 1849, 50. Sleeman, Sir W. H 696.19 OUDINOT, Charles Nicolas, due de Reggio, b. 1767, d. 1847. See Headloy, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals v. 2 of 605.1; v. 2 of 605.2 OUBNEV, Walter. Travels and discoveries in North ern and Central Africa. See Denham, D..693.6; 693.7 OUR antipodes. Mundy, G. C 705.1 OUR coal and our coal-pits. By a traveller under ground. London, 1854. P. 8 409.22 Same. London, 1859. 16 1655.23 OUR great captains. Brockett, L. P 569.2 OUR living representative men. Savage, J 527.19 OUR now home in the West. Kirkland, C. M 638.23 OUR new way round the world. Coffin, C. C 1G33.4 OUR new West. Bowles, S 623.24 OUR oriental missions. Thomson, E 2089.19 OUR sister republic : a gala trip through Mexico, in 1869-70. Evans, A. S 624.19 OUR standard-bearer; or, life of U. S. Grant. Adams, W. T 1518.3 OUR untitlcd nobility. Tillotson, J 577.14 OUSELEY, Gideon, methodist divine, b. 1762, d. 1839. See Gorrio, P. D. Lives of eminent mothodist ministers 535 .14 OUTRE-MER. Longfellow, H. W 658.18 OTEK-SEA. Morford, H 1654.1 OVER the ocean. Guild, C 645.23 OVERBDRY, Sir Thomas, b. 1581, d. 1613. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 OWEN, David Ap Jones Ap, Welsh Mormon, b. about 1800. See Russell, W. Eccentric personages. . 569.19 OWEN, John, d. 1622. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 OWEN, Mrs. Octavius Friero. The heroines of domes tic life. [With illustrations.] London, 1861. 16 599.16 Contents. Ruth, Bible heroine, fl. about li. 0. 1322; Anti gone, Greek herone, fl. about B.C. 1225; Panthca, Persian heroine, fl. about u. 0. 507; Eponina, or Epponina, wife of Julius Sabinus, b. A. n. 50, d. A.r>. 78: Gertrude von der Wart, baroness, German heroine, fl. A. I>. ]"OS ; Mrs..Margarct Roper, daughter of Sir Thomas More, b. 1508, d. 1541; Anne Askew, or Aseogh, English Lutheran controversialist and martyr, b. 1521, d. 1510; Jeanne d Albrct, queen of Navarre, b. 1528, d. 1572 ; I ocahontas, afterwards Mrs. John Rolfe, Indian princess, b. about 1594, d. 1016; Mrs. TAICV Hutchinson, English authoress, b. 1020, d. Iffl); Lady Rachel Russell, formerly Wriotheslev, English authoress, b. 10. *, d. 1723; Grizel Coch- rane, daughter or Sir John Cochrane, Scotch heroine, b. about 1670: WimiredMaxwell,conntcssofNithisclalc,b. IG JO.d. 1749; Helen Wnlker, the Jcanie Deans of Sir Walter Scott, b. 1710, lUarun, prison IIIIIIUMUIIUJJIM, u. Jii/J, u. AO*U , viiuijc j/uiiiii^, heroine of Fern island lighthouse, b. 1815, d. 1842 ; Florence Nightingale, English philanthropist, b. 1820. The heroines of history. New edition. With illustrations. London, 1862. 16 j>99.22 Contents. Jael, or Jahel, Jewish heroine, fl. B. 0. 1290; Judith, Jewish heroine, fl. B.C. <>; Salamona, Jewish hero ine, fl. B. C. 167; Mariamne, Jewish princess, wife of Ilcrod mocnor or UK iiruccm, u. i*. *; -10^ t u. B. \j. J.LV t .tuiuu, xw- man lady, wile of Brutus, fl. B. o. 48; Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, b. B. O. 09, d. . O. 30; Arris, wife of Osecinna Paetui^ OWEN 207 PALNTINGr Shelf. No. OWEN, Mr*. Octavius Friere, continued. fl. B. 0. 40 ; Boadicea. queen of the Iceni, d. 62 ; Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, d. 273; Eleanor, of Castile, queen of Edward I, b. 1244, d. 1291; Jeanne, comtesse de Montfort, b. about 1310, d. 1362: Philippa, of Haiuault. queen of Edward III, b. 1312, d. 1369 ; Jeanne Dare (maid of Orleans), French heroine, b. 1412? d. 1431 ; Margaret, of Anjou, queen of Henry VI, b. 1429, d. 1482; Isabella, of Castile, queen of Spain, b. 1450, d. 1.504; Catherine de Medici, queen of Henry It. Of France, b. 1519, d. 1589; Lady Jane Grey, queen of England 13 days, b. 1537, ex. 1554; Mary Stuart, queen of Scots, b. 1542, ex. 1587; Franchise d Aubigne, marquise de Maintenon, wife of Louis XIV, b. 1035, d. 1719; Marie Antoinette, queen of France, b, 1755, ex. 1793. OWEN, Robert, Scotch socialist and philanthropist, . b. 1771, d. 1858. Life. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1866. 12 1557.3 Notes on natural history. See Great Britain. Admiralty v. 2 of 702.1 OWEN, Robert Dale, Scotch author and politician in America, b. 1801. The wrong of slavery, the right of emancipation, and the future of the African race in the United States. Philadelphia, 1864. 12 296.11 OWEN, William, painter, b. 1769, d. 1825. See Cun ningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 5 of 379.9; v. 4 of 810.19 OWEN, AVilliam W. F. Narrative of voyages to ex plore the shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagas car. [With maps, etc.] London, 1833. 2 v. 8.... 702.8 OXENHAM, John, b. 1575. See Barrow, Sir J. Me moirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 5C4.8 OXENSTIERNA, Axel, comte d , Swedish statesman, b. 1583, d. 1654. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen V. 2 of 388.7 OXFORD, Earl of. See Harley, Robert. OXFORD, Boating lifo at. 1868 ...180.102 OXFORDSHIRE, Eng., Handbook for travellers in. 1860. Murray, J 645.20 PACIFIC. Bates, D. B. Incidents on land and water, or four years on the Pacific coast. 185? 708.12 Beechey, F. W. Voyage to the, [1825-28] 702.13 Cheever, H. T. The island world of tho. 1851.. 705.11 D Wolf, J. Voyage to the North Pacific, [1804-8] . 682.7 Erskino, J. E. Journal of a cruise among tho islands of the Western Pacific. 1853 696.7 Habersham, A. W. My last cruise. 1857 1706.1 Life and adventure in the South Pacific. 1861. . . 638.16 Porter, D. Journal of a cruise to the, [1812-14]. 702.11 Reynolds, J. N. Pacific and Indian oceans: or, South sea surveying and exploring expedition. 1841 704.6 Ruschenberger, W. S. W. Three years in the. 1834 633.22 Kate. A little volume of Harper s family library [810.76] narrates the discoveries in this ocean between 1513 and 1780. See Wilkes s Explorations, [701.6]. Melville s tales, Typee, Omoo, etc., arc descriptive of life in this region. Sec the papers in Harper s monthly, vol. 7, on the islands; and vol. 18, on Balboa s discovery. See also the general histories of the Spanish conquest in America. See also Loo-Choo island, Philippine islands. PACIFIC mail steamship company. See Sketch of the route to California, etc 1639.10 PACIFIC railroad open, Tho. Bowles, S 1639.18 PAEZ, Ramon. Travels and adventures in South and Central America. First series. Lifo in the Llanos of Venezuela. [With illustrations.] New York, 1868. 12 1637.6 Wild scenes in South America; or, life in tho Llanos of Venezuela. With illustrations. New York, 1862. 12 634.14 PAGE, Harlan, b. 1791, d. 1834. Memoir of. See Hallock, W. A 1109.15 PAGE, Thomas J. La Plata, the Argentine confed eration, and Paraguay. Exploration, 1853-56. With map and engravings. New York, 1859. 8 622.3 PAGET, John. Inquiry into the evidence relating to tho charges brought by Lord Macaulay against William Penn. Edinburgh, 1858. 16 999.4 Hungary and Transylvania. Philadelphia, 1850. 2v. 12... , 667.16 Shelf. No. PAGET, William, lord, English statesman and diplo matist, b. 1506, d. 1563. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain.. v. 2 of 815.1 PAIJKULL. See Paykull. PAINE, Caroline. Tent and harom: notes of an ori ental trip. New York, 1859. 12 688.10 PAINE, Robert Treat, jr. Works, in verse and prose. Prefixed, sketches of his life, character and writings. Boston, 1812. 8 524.17 PAINE, Thomas, English deist and author, b. 1737, d. 1809. Political writings. Middletown, N. J., 1837. 2v. 8 287.3 Contents. Vol.1. Life of Paine; Common sense; Epistle to quakcrs ; The crisis ; Public good ; Letter to the Abbe Ray- nal ; Letter to Washington ; Letter from Washington to Paine ; On government, etc. ; Address from Bqrdentown ; Invasion or England; To the inhabitants of Louisiana; To the citizens of Penn. on the proposal for calling a convention ; Political and military affairs of Europe ; English navy ; Gov. Lewis s speech ; Of gun boats, etc. ; Resolutions of Mr. Hale ; Letters to Lewis on prosecution of Farmer; "Will there be war? " Royal pedi gree. II. Prospects on the Rubicon ; Rights of man ; Letter to the authors of the Republican ; Letter to the Abbe Sieyes; Address to the addressers ; Letters to Lord Onslow ; First prin ciples of government; Speech in French national convention; Letters to Mr. Sec. Rundas ; English system of finance; To the people of France ; Reasons for preserving the life of Louis Ca pet; Agrarian justice; Letter to the sheriff of Sussex; Letters " aonald ; Propriety of bringing Louis XVI to trial, and on citizens of New York ; Federal faction ; Memorial to congress ; To the speaker of the house of representatives. Cheetham, J. Life of 513.14 Vale, G. Life of 514.2 Note. Cheetham was an English radical, and Vale s more recent life, 1841 [also in 15. H. 4344.4], is sympathetic George Chalmers, writing as Francis Oldys, 1791, is antagonistic, [B. H. 2342.18]. In the Atlantic monthly, 1859, for November, there is a paper on his first appearance in this country; for July, one on his second appearance, and in that for December, one on his career in England and France. SeeDuyckinck and Allibone (with references). PAINTER S camp, A. Hamerton, P. G 1654.3 PAINTERS. Cunningham, A. Lives of the most em inent British painters 379.9; 810.19 Fallet, C. The princes of art 555.10 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters, and of the progress of painting in Italy. 840.23 Jervis-White-Jervis, M., lady. Stories of boy- genius from the lives of great painters 555.9 Lee, H. F. Historical sketches of old painters . . . 209.13 Stanley, G. Classified synopsis of tho principal painters of the Dutch and Flemish schools 826.15 Tuckerman, H. T. Artist-life; or, sketches of American painters 526.8 Vasari, G. Lives of the most eminent painters. . 848.6 ffote. See note under Painting. PAINTING. Barry, J. Lectures on. 1848 816.2 Dodge, P. Painting: its rise and progress. 1846. 208.15 Eastlake, C. L. Materials for a history of oil painting. 1847 205.1 Head, Sir E. Hand-book of the history of the Spanish and French schools of. 1848 208.21 Kuo-ler, F. (T.) Hand-book of tho history of. 1842 208.14 Lanzi, L. History of painting in Italy. . .208.13; 828.4 Memes, J. History of. 1829 830.48 Phillips, T. History and principles of. 1833 . . . 205.2 Ruskin, J. Lectures on, [1853] 206.2 Wornum, R. N. Tho epochs of painting charac terized 206.18; 850.23 Kate. General histories. The general reader will probably find Wornum s Epochs the most useful survey of the whole field, the edition of 1864 [B. H. 80C2.4] being much improved over previous ones. It does not, however, include living paint ers. The notes make a very useful bibliographical record, which will, however, he found in more extensive shape for a student in Weigel s Kunstcatalog, [B. H. 2171.17]. The " Uni versal catalogue of books on art, published by the authori ties of the South Kensington museum [B. II. 6172.2], covers other departments than painting, but its usefulness is for the present impaired from its being only arranged by authors. The recent popular German work by LU(. bke[B. H. 8074.5; in English, 4074.16] is a very comprehensive introduction to all phases of the subject; but there are no English trans lations nf Sehnaase, who particularly sought the ethnological connections of art [B. H. 4070.13], and Fiorillo [B. H. 4004.10], who brings his record down to the end of tlic 18th century. See also Forster s Geschichte der deutschcn Kunst, 1851-55 B. H. 4064.19], and Beitriigc zur ncucrn Kunstgeschichte, 835 [B. If. 4072.12], and T. Gautier s "Les beaux-arts en iurope " [B. II. 667o.l], where individuality is given as char- PAINTING 208 PALESTINE PAINTINO, continued. aeterlstie of the British school, skill of the Belgian, ideality of the German, and eclecticism of the French. See the Ancient painting. The material for ita history among the nncient nations is necessarily scant, but chapters in Wornum [B. H. 80(52.4] will probably suffice the general reader regard ing the painting among the Aztecs, the Asian peoples, Japan ese, etc.; but he may desire the fuller accounts of Egyptian painting to be found in Wilkinson s " Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians" [954.1], or in some such travels as De- non s Voyage dans la basse et la haute Egypte, [B. H. 3059.2]. And so of Greece, to which Wornum devotes three chapters (he also wrote the article " Painting " in Smith s Dictionary of Greek and Koman antiquities), the reader may fliul in Taine [B. H., in English, 8007.21 ; in French, 8067.15], who is chiefly dependent, however, on the remains of sculpture, an exposi tion of climatic and ethnological theories, while Winckelmann [in English, 203.4 ; B. H. 4074.9] is not to be forgotten by the student. See Greece, Art, note. There is a good little Italian manual published at Florence in 1840, [B. H. 4077.34]. For Roman painting, we are largely dependent on the dis coveries at Pompeii, which see. See also Callcott s Essays, 1836, [B. II. 4034.15]. Italian painting. The latest Italian edition of Vasari, by Le Monnier, 1840-57, 13 vols. [B. H. 4079.4], is much the best an notated, though the elucidations are borrowed in part from the previous edition of Montani and Masselli, 183)3-38. [B. H. 4191.5] j while the German translation by Schorn [B. H. 807(1.9] is enriched by valuable notes; but the English translation, above named, will supply the general reader with all that he wants. The failure of Lanzi [in Italian, 1058.13 ; B. H. 2803.55 j 4062.4; in English, 4060.19] to recognize sufficiently the claims of the earlier Italian painters, led Kugler to write his. history of the Italian schools from the time of Constantine down a list of authorities. The first and second volumes of Fiorillo [B. H. 4064.10] are devoted to Italy. Rumour s Italien- uche Forschungen, 1817-31, is of great research on the early middle ages, 13th to 15th centuries, and on the period of Raphael. See Mrs. Jameson s brief memoirs of the early artists [also in B. II. 4080.7 ; 0578.31], and the historical surveys of Jarves in his Art studies [202.12], and of Taine in his Italy, [655.14; 1073.10]. See also the biographies of Da Vinci, Mi- chel-Angelo, Raphael, Titian, Correggio; of the later eclectic school, Carraeci, Domeniehino, Guido; and of the naturalists, Caravaggio, Spagnoletto, SalvatorRosa, in this and in the Bates : ii. 4072.1]. Beside chapters (16, 17) in Wornum, the general reader will find a popular review in Viardot s Wonders of Italian art, [B. H. 8005.12] ; while the student will seek the new and elabo rate history by Crowe and Cavalcaselle, [B. H. 806.3.0 ; A.225.2]. One of Blanc s pictorial volumes is given to the Venetian school, [B. H., in French, 8080.5] ; and another to the Dmbrian and Roman schools, [B. H. 8080.11]. See also Goethe s Winck elmann und sein Jahrhundert, [1038. 1.30, etc.]; and the reader of German will find an excellent guide in Burckhardt, [B. H. 4099.24.3]. German painting. About the opening of this century the writings of Tieck, particularly his art-novel "Franz Stern- bald" [1018.1.16] and his joint publication with Wackenroder of the latter s Herzenscrgiessungen, 1797, and Phantasien, 1798, both repuhlished by Tieck under the latter title in 1814 [1018.1.4; B. II. 2908.1.4], and the essays of Frederick Schlegel tin English, 838.8, etc.], stimulated the inquiry concerning the monuments and arts of the middle ages, and the illuminated manuscripts of the 8th-10th centuries, became the subject of much interest as shown in the Histoire de 1 art par les monu- mens of Seroux D Agincourt, 4th-16th centuries, in folio, 1811- 23, [B. H. 4080.1] ; in Dr. Waagen s " Kunstwerke und Kiinst- ler in England and Paris," 1839, [B H. 4004.17]; his Treasures of art in Great Britain, 1854, [B. II. 4087.1]; and in Kugler s books. The general reader will rind a concise account of the art of illumination in book 2 of Wornum, [B. H. 8002.4] ; and for further study he will consult the publications of Henry Shaw, [see Bates Hall catalogues]; Dibden s Bibliographical Decameron ; Silvestre s Paleographie universelle, 1839-42. 4 vols., folio, [B. II. 2110.1]. For the earlier art, see vol. 4 of Fiorillo, [B. H. 4064.10]. Liibke has an important work on the ecclesiastical art of tho middle ages, [B. II. 8001.6]. Murray s Handbook for the German school, which was originally issued as a translation of Kugler, with notes by Sir Edmund Head, 1840, was reissued, so nearly re-written by Dr. Waagen, 1804 [B. H. 4007.20], as to make a new work, in the preface of which he has given a careful account of the sources of the history. Forster s history [B. H. 4064.19] is a popular German account. For later German painting, see the pleasing experiences in Mrs. Jameson s Sketches, [870.14] ; Miss Howitt s Art-student in Munich, [207.10]; and W. B. Scott s "Gems of modern German art,* [B. H. 8072.10]. flemish and Hutch painting. For the earlier art, sec the last four volumes of Fiorillo [B. II. 4004.10], or for an account in English, chap. 30 of Wornum [B. H. 8002.4, where, on p. 459, will be found an enumeration of authorities] ; Waagen s Hand book, [B. II. 4007.20]; Stanley s book, above-named, which groups the principal painters with their imitators and analo- gists ; James s Flemish and Dutch schools, 1822 [B. II. 4006.21], which is preceded by a classified catalogue; but probably tho best special treatise is that by Crowe and Cavalcasellc on "The early Flemish painters," 1857. The aid of good wood en- g-avings is found in the volumes Blanc devoted to these schools, J. II., on the French, 8080.4; on the Flemish, HOMO.C; on the utch, 8080.101; and the student can hardly dispense with the use of Smith s Catalogue raisonne of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French painters, [B. II. 4081.0]. Tainc s Essay represents the philofOpalziDR clement in modern criti- ical history, [B. H. 8039a.l2]. Michiela a important history, 1845, comes down to the end of the 10th century, [B. H. 4062.13]. See also in this and in the Bates Hall catalogues for the Flem- PAINTING, continued. Shelf. No. ish school (catholic Brabant), the biographies of Rubens, Vandyck, Teniers, Snyders, etc. ; and lor the Dutch school (Protestant Holland), those of Rembrandt, Vauderhelst, Cuyp, Terburg, Ostade, Wouwermans, etc. French painting. Kugler gave small space to France in his Handbook, and so Sir E. Head prepared a special manual for Murray s series, in which he recapitulates the authorities. Chapter 32 of Wornum [B. H. 8062.4] is devoted to France, and he gives on p. 490 the principal authorities. See Blanc s illus trated history, [B. II. 8080.4] ; and Hamerton for contemporary painters, [Bi H. 8061.12]. The principal biographies illustrative of French painting are those of Poussin, Claude Lorraine, Watteau, Greuze, David (who revived the classical school during the first empire), Prudhon, Delaroche, Vernet, Scheffer, Delacroix, Ingres, etc. Spanish painting. Besides Head s Handbook, the general manual on Spain by Ford, [049.21, etc.] ; Stirling s " Annals of the artists of Spain," [B. II. 8005.7]; Cumberland s "Anec dotes of eminent painters in Spain," [B. II. 4089.14]; and the articles in the Penny cyclopedia, beside chapter 2il in Wor num [B. II. 8002.4, who gives the chief authorities on p. 395], constitute in English a full survey. Sec W. B. Scott s " Mu- rillo and the Spanish school " [B. H. 4070.50], in whose preface there is an enumeration of authorities ; also Blanc, [B. H. 8080.7]; and for illustrative biographies, those of Velasquez and Murillo. Hay, in his " Castillian days " [998.20], has a chapter on the galleries of Madrid. See Spain, Art, note. English painting. The lives of Holbein, Rubens, Vandyck, and Kncller, who carried foreign taste into England, indicate rather the patronage of art in that country, since there could hardly be said to be a native school, until Hogarth. Walpole s Anecdotes of painting [B. II. 4002.14] refer to this pre-IIogarth- ian period. Wornum [B. H. 8002.4], in his closing chapters, gives a summary ; Redgrave, in his Century of painters, 1800 [A. 225. 7], begins with Hogarth ; and Sandv relates the history of the Royal academicians from 1708 down, [B. H. 4085.4]. See Thornbury s British artists [B. II. 10. IS.. ,] and Blanc s French monograph on the English school [B. II. 8080.8], and the fin wood-cuts of this as of some of the other parts have been re produced in the Art-journal. Besides the biographies in Cunningham s series, the history of British painting can be well traced in the following lives : Hogarth, see note under Hogarth. Reynolds, by Northcote, [556.1] ; by Malone, [B. H. 4007.10] ; by Bcechcy, [858.4] ; and by Leslie and Tom Taylor, [B. H. 4668.1]. George Romney, by Ilaylpy, [B. II. 2540.24]; andbyJohu Romnev, his son, [B. II. 4001.10]. West, by Gait. [527.12]. Richard Wilson, by Wright. Gainsborough, see note under Gainsborough. William Blake, by Gilchrist, [B. II. 4005.30]. Fuseli, by Knowies, [B. U. 4008.13] ; and by Smith, [B. H. Opie, by Mrs. Opie. Haydon, autobiography, edited by Tom Taylor, [556.7]. David Scott, by W. B . Scott. William Etty, by Gilchrist. Turner, by Thornhury, [B. H. 4065.17]. Constable, by Leslie, [B. H. 4065.11] ; and by Tuckerman, _T547.2]. William Collins, by his son, [B. H. 4548.25]. Lawrence, by Williams, [556.3]. Stothard, by Mrs. Bray. Wilkie, by A. Cunningham, [,556.2]. Leslie s Autobiography, [587.18]. Painting in the United States. See Dunlap s (History of the arts of design, 1834, [202.1] ; but Tuckerman s Book of tiie artists, 1807 [B. H. 8072.20], is the best work, including the full est memoir yet published ot Allston, and covering also the ca reers of such Americans as achieved or increased their reputa- ! of his the Art- journal, May, 1870 ; also the volumes of " The crayon," [5281.1]. There are reminiscences of painters by John Neal in the At lantic monthly for Dec., 1868, and March, 1869. Christian art in painting. See Rio [B. H., in French, 4066.18] and Lord Lindsay, [202.9]. See note ou Catacombs, under Rome. liiographical dictionaries. The principal in English are Pil- kington, 1810, [B. H. 4082.3] ; Bryan, 1816, [B. II. 8082.4 ; 8071.7] ; Spooner [B. H. 8081.5], which is an extensive compilation, ttnd on the whole the best for go eral use ; and Ottley s Dic tionary of recent and living artists, supplementing Bryan, 1866. [B. H. 8082.2]. In German, there is Naglcr, 22 vols., 1835- 62[B.H. 4083.1], of great usefulness to the student, particu larly in the later volumes, while Meyer s new edition of it [B. H. 8082.5], the publication of which is just begun, is destined to be of the highest usefulness and authority. Miiller s thorough and condensed dictionary [B. H., in German, 4085.8] is supplied with bibliographical references, and has been con- cal and commercial dictionary " [B. II. 8082.3] is a good guide to the prices which paintings have brought at different times. See the list of books prefixed to Thies s Catalogue .of the Gray collection, [B. H.8000a.7] ; and for galleries see that head in the Bates Hall catalogues, as well as the guides to the various galleries, like the Louvre [B. II. 8079a.20], etc. *** The Library, in the Tosti engravings, otters excellent illustrations of the painters of the Italian and French schools, chiefly. PAKINGTON, Sir John Somerset, b. 1799. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 PALACE and cottage ; or, Young America in Franco and Switzerland. Adams, W. T 1677.5 PALESTINE. Buchanan, R. Notes of a clerical fur lough, spent chiefly in tho Holy Land. 1859.. 688.11 Bulfinch, S. Gr. The Holy Land, and its inhabit ants. 1834 1089.24 Burt, N. C. The far Bast; or, letters from. 1868. 1675.6 PALESTINE 209 PALFREY Shelf. No. PALESTINE, continued. Chateaubriand, (R.) F. A., vicomte de. Travels in, [1806, 7] 685.7 Clarke, E. D. Travels in the Holy Land. . v. 3-8 of 682.1 683.10; v. 2 of 689.6 Crawford, A. W. Letters on the Holy Land. 1838 693.16; 843.7 Dixon, \V. H. The Holy Laud. 1865 1108.16 Dorr, B. Notes of travel in the Holy Land. 1856. 686.12 Freeso, J. R. The old world. Palestine, Syria, and Asia Minor. 1869 683.17 Gage, W. L. The land of sacred mystery, or the Bible read in the light of its own scenery. 1871. 1103.9 Griswold, L. M. A woman s pilgrimage to the Holy Land. 1871 688.22 Hahn-IIahn, I. (M. L. F. G.), countess. Travels in the Holy Land, [1843, 44] 687.10 Harman, H. M. Journey to the Holy Land, [1869-70] 694.19 Headloy, J. T. Sacred mountains, characters, and scenes in the Holy Land. 1867 2091.10 Holland, F. W. Scenes in, [1851] 1119.16 Howe, F. Oriental and sacred scenes, from notes of travel in. 1869 1694.18 Irby, C. L. Travels in the Holy Land. 1844 889.25 Kitto, J. Physical geography of the Holy Land. 840.25 Lamartino, A. (M. L.) do. Journey in the Holy Land. 1850 687.15 Leech, H. H. Letters of a sentimental idler, from the Holy Land. 1869 1675.10 Macleod, N. Eastward: travels in. 1869 1694.10 Madden, R. R. Travels in, [1824-27] 687.9 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1858.. 688.2 Napier, E. (II. D.) E. Reminiscences of the Holy Land. 1852 693.15 Newman, J. P. "From Dan to Beersheba." 1861. 688.21 Osborn, H. S. Palestine, past and present 942.4 Pfeiffer, I. Visit to the Holy Land, [8142] 879.5 Prime, W. C. Tent life in the Holy Land. 1858. 686.7 Robinson, E. Biblical researches in. 1841. .884.4; 1103.7 Rogers, M. E. Domestic life in. 1863 684.20 Romer, I. F. Pilgrimage to the temple and tombs of, [1845, 46] 693.13 Russell, M. Palestine; or, the Holy Land, from the earliest period 810.33; 947.16 Spencer, J. A. Travel in the Holy Land. 1850.. 686.2 Stanley, A. P. Sinai and Palestine. 1857 684.7 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in the Holy Land. 1851 699.1 Stewart, R. W. The tent and the khan: a jour ney to. 1857 685.3 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Lands of the Saracen; or, pictures of. 1855 686. 15 Thomas, J. Travels in. 1853 699.3 Thomson, W. M. The Land and the Book. 688.1; 1103.8 Three weeks in, [1831]. See Society, etc 689.16 Upharn, T. C. Letters from. 1855 657.5 Velde, C. W. M. van do. Narrative of a journey through Palestine, [1851, 52] 694.13 Ward, A. Around the pyramids: a tour in the Holy Land, [1859, 60] 674.11 Warren, W. W. Tour in, [1866, 67] . . . 698.30 Wells, T. Letters on. 1846 692.17 Wright, T. Early travels in 846.7 Note. The second chapter of the second volume of Gage s Hitter [B. H. 5043.15] reviews the list of authorities from the Gentile writers before Christ down to our day, including im- view is given by Robinson, [also in B. H. 3422.7] ; and in Prcs- eensto Land of the Gospel [B. H. 5049a.2S], who, however, contributes nothing new in his text, but makes a record of fresh impression, while he was preparing himself for writing his life of Jesus, [sec note under Christ]. See also Smitlvs Bible dictionary, and the Cyclopaedias of Kitto, where a list of the most important works is given, vol. 2, p. 405; while a ll list ia given in his pictorialhistory of Palestine, [B. II. 21-51] ; and another in Haumer s Palxstina. For historical accounts, see note under Jerusalem. , . There is a convenient collection of early travels from 700 to 1697 in Bonn s series [see Wright above], but the translations are not always accurate. The German account of Amman [B. II. 5049a.<n was written in 1088 j and the shrewd, keen ob servations of JIaundreU [034.9; B. II. 22*10.13; 4049a.30] were made in 1703. The modem scientific explorations began with Scetzcn, 1805-7, whose papers have only of late years been gathered and published; while Irby, in 1810, produced some condensed and valuable results. In 1822, Burckhardt published his admira- PALESTINE, continued. Shelf. No. ble accounts [B. II. 3042.50], and his routes lying mostly east of the Jordan, his descriptions remained the best till Wetzstein, in 18C1, made the tirst real explorations in that region, while Porter, in 1866 [B. II. 5018.20], added to our knowledge by hia useful but fragmentary Giant cities of Bashan. E. D. Clarke s Travels are esteemed the most valuable of the early part of this century, while Jahn s are those of a trusty Catholic. Raumer s Palasti na, 2d edition, 1833, was considered the best compendious account at that time; but in that same vear Robinson made his remarkable advance, as an explorer, tsee Jerusalem, note]. His books [also in B. II. 3422.7 ; 3423.6 ; 5423.4], with their ignoring oflegendry, have found their firm est admirer in Hitter, and have instigated the later researches of Schultz. Kraftt, Tobler, anil Gadow. In France, where Rob inson is not much known, Gasparin, in his Travels in North Levant, has also attacked the adherence to tradition. Ritter, too, gives high praise to Schubert s " Reise in das Mor- genland," 1839, for its faithfulness to the spirit of the East. \Vithina few years after this, t\vo English travellers gave vivid and popular accounts of Palestine, Kinglake, in his Eothen [087.13; 1053.8], in H38j and Warburton, in his Crescent and cross, in 1843, [430.08]. Ten years later, 18.32, the United States government aided science by the publication of Lvnch s expedition to the Jordan and the Dead sea, [684.5; B. H. 8081.41; and in the next year, 1853, biblical scholars received the most important contribution in English since Robinson in Dean Stanley s book, [also inB. 11.50i:i.l0]. Sec also Jerusa lem, note, where the later English travels of Thomson, Bart- lett, Dixon, Herbert, and Beaufort are characterized. The English reader will rind other popular accounts in Stebbing s Christian in Palestine [B. II. 3421.53] with Bartlett s illustra tions : jn Drew s Scripture lands in connection with their his- by a woman; and in Finn, who traversed unusual routes, [B. H. 3083.19]. Beside Robinson [B. H. .5423.4] and Kitto [B. H. 3421.52] on the physical geography (the latter is detached from his History of Palestine), there is in English the valuable work ofTristram, 2d edition, 1800, [B. II. 5042.1] ; but the great German authority is Ritter, 1850; and Gage s English adaptation [B. H. 5043.15] retains all of the original that illustrates tha Bible. Ritter s views and methods with the advantage of the latest researches have been presented for popular appreciation byBurt,[B. H. C041.8]; and by Ritter s pupil and translator, Gage, in his Studies in Bible lands [B. II. 5426.17], originally lectures, and in his Land of sacred mystery, above mentioned. Tobler holds at the for 1804, put forth an exhaustive book on Jerusalem and the Holy Land, as viewed from a Roman catholic stand. The French authorities are Guerin [B. H. 5041.11], whose explorations took place between 1852 and 1803, but that portion of his work which relates to Judea is as yet only published. The work by Vogii6 is chiefly confined to the French literature of the subject; while the"TcrreSainte"of DeSaulcy [B. II. 3042.53] is of repute. nereare also travels by Bovct [2073.27], and by Marmont, T! brilliant enthusiasm of Chateaubriand [also 27 .2004.2.31. The In B. II. 6262.14] is well-known, but he is of no value as an authority; while the equally famous Souvenirs of Lamartine [also in B. H. 3048.0] by his own acknowledgment have nothing either of science, history, geography, or manners. What has been done by the Palestine exploration fund of England has been mentioned in the note under Jerusalem. For guide books, beside Harper s [644.4], that of Murray [edition of 1808, B. II. C059.5] is admirable, receiving the praise of Tobler, and the English reader can hardly find anything better for a single survey, and it has a special summary of the divisions into sects of the modern inhabitants, with enumera tion of authorities; while for this connection the reader can also consult profitably Dr. Wilson s Lands of the Bible, [3425.52]. In Kitto [B. II. 3481.3.2 and Desk], the principal authorities on the subdivisions of the subject will be found grouped together, pointing out chapters in more general For maps, there is in Gage s Ritter, vol. 2, ch. 2 [B. H. 5043.15], a sketch of the rise and progress of the chartography through the representative maps of Sectzcn, 1810 ; Kldden , 1817 ; Berghaus, 1835; Raumcr, 1838; Kiepert (for Robinson), 1840, etc. ; but the general reader will find the maps in the works by Stanley, Bartlett, Guerin, Thompson, Tristram, and Murray a Handbook, generally corrected up to the date of publication. For close study, the best are those of Velde, edition of 1865 [B. H.5040a.lO], and that of the British ordnance survey, which was made in 18G4-0. For views, see the list in Smith s Bible dictionary, and in Gage s Ritter, vol. 2, ch. 2. See Malcom s Theological index, [B. II. 2190.19]. See illustrated papers in Harper s monthly, vols. 5, 6, 8, 36. See also Aleppo, Asia Minor, Dead Sea, East (The) , Jerusa lem, Jews, Jordan, Lebanon, Sinai, Syria, Tyre, in this and in the Bates Hall catalogues. PALESTINE exploration fund. The recovery of Jeru salem. By (C. W.) Wilson and (C.) Warren. Edited by W. Morrison. [With illustrations.] New York, 1871. 8 682.12 The desert of the Exodus. See Palmer, E. H. . . . 686.27 PALFREY, John G. History of New England, [1620- 90]. Boston, 1858-64. 3 v. 8 232.1 Same. Abridged, [continued to 1727]. New York, 1866. 3 v. 16 248.1 Note. The continuation is also in Bates Hall, [2327.54]. Life of William Palfrey. See Sparks, J. . . v. 17 of 529.1 The relation between Judaism and Christianity. Boston, 1854. 8 1883.16 PALPKEV, William, American paymaster-general, b. 1741, d. 1780. Life of. See Palfrey, J. G..v. 17 of 529.1 PALQRAVB 210 PARIS Shelf. No. PALGRAVE, Sir Francis. History of the Anglo-Sax ons, [280-1066]. London, 1837. 16 389.17 PALISSY, Bernard do, French enameller and potter, b. about 1510, d. 1589. Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 Lamartino, A. (M. L.)de. Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 1 of 547.4 Morley, H. Life of Palissy the potter 540.17 Tweodie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555.13 ski by ] w _. Feb.,"l85:j","aiid tlic histmies of pottery and of the Huguenots. Pne the article in the Biographie univcraelle, and in the Nou- vclle biographic generate. PALLADIO, Andrea, Italian architect, b. 1518, d. 1580. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 389. G PALLAS, Pierre Simon, German naturalist and travel ler, b. 1741, d. 1811. Jardino, Sir W. Natural ist s library v. 18 of 179.1 St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers. v. 3 of 810.47 PALLESKK, Emil. Schiller s life and works. Trans lated by Lady Wallace. [With portraits.] Lon don, 1800. 2v. 10 543.16 PALMER, Edward Henry. The desert of the Exodus: journeys on foot in the wilderness of tho forty years wanderings; undertaken in connection with the ordnance survey of Sinai and the Pales tine exploration fund. With maps and illustra tions. New York, 1872. 8 686.27 PALMER, James S., American rear-admiral, b. 1810, d. 1867. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 PALMER, Joel. Travels over the Rocky mountains, 1845,40. Cincinnati, 1852. 12 627.21 PALMER, John W. The golden dagon; or, "up and down the Irrawaddi. [Anon.] New York, 1856. 12 709.10 Same. New edition. New York, 1859. 12.. 1695.2 Tho new and the old; or, California and India in romantic aspects. With illustrations. New York, 1859. 12 637.19 PALMER, Oliver H., brigadier-general and treasurer of the Western union telegraph company, b. 1814. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.10 PALMERSTON, Lord. See Temple, Henry John. PAMFILI, Olympia, b. 1594, d. 1056. See Troll ope, T. A. A decade of Italian women v. 2 of 543.14 PAMPAS. Bishop, N. H. The Pampas and the An des. 1869 1637.5 Head, Sir F. B. Rough notes during journeys across the. 1846 889.22 PANAMA. Griswold, C. D. Tho isthmus of Panama, and what I saw there. 1852 629.16 Otis, F. N. Illustrated history of tho Panama railroad. 1802 634.12 Tomes, R. Panama in 1855 629.26 Note. See Harper s monthly, vol. 11. PANCKOUCKE, Charles L. F. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. See Arnault, A. (V.) 609.10 PANDIES, Up among the. Majondie, V. D 709.25 PANORAMIC view from Bunker hill monument. Bos ton, 1848. 16pp. Srn. 4 235.15 PANTUEA, Persian heroine, fl. about B. c. 567. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life 599.16 PAOLO, Frd, or FATHER PAUL. See Sarpi, Pietro. PAPE-CARPANTIER, Marie, madame, French authoress, b. 1815. See Belloc, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes. 1516.11 PAPERS from over the water. Tousey, S 1667.8 PARA. Edwards, W. H. Voyage up tho Amazon, including a residence at. 1847 635.15; 889.15 Warren, J. E. Para; or, scones and adventures on tho banks of tho Amazon. 1851 636.30 PARACELSE, or PARACELSUS, Aureole Philippe Theo- phrastus Bombast, Swiss physician and alchemist, b. 1493, d. 1541. See Russell, J. R. History and heroes of the art of medicine 164.6 Shelf. No. PARAGUAY. Mansfield, C. B. Letters from, [1852, 53]. 635.10 Page, T. J . La Plata and Paraguay. Explora tion, [1853-50] 622.3 Robertson, J. P. Letters on. 1838 635.11 Vote. See Harper s monthly, vol.13; and for the war in Paraguay, vol.40. See also La Fiatc. PARANA, The. 1868. Hutchinson, T. J 1623.3 PARDOE, Julia, English novelist and historian, b. 1806, d. 1882. The city of the Magyar, or Hungary and her institutions in 1839-40. London, 1840. 3 v. 12 928.1 The city of tho sultan [Constantinople, 1835], and domestic manners of tho Turks. 4th edition. London, 1854. 16 689.17 Court and reign of Francis i, king of France, [1515-47]. Philadelphia, 1849. 2 v. 12 D 616.2 Episodes of French history during tho consulate and tho first empire, [1805-10]. New York, 1859. 12 1007.9 Life of Marie do Medicis, queen of France, consort of Henry iv, [b. 1573, d. 1642]. 2d edition. London, 1852. 3 v. 8 543.1 Louis xiv [b. 1638, d. 1715], and the court of France in the seventeenth century. New York, 1855. 2v. 12 616.3 The river and tho desart: or, recollections of tho Rhone and the Chartreuse. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 v. 12 668.21 See Clever girls of our time 599.21 PAR, Ambroise, French surgeon and medical writer, b. 1517, d. 1590. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 PARIS, Francois, French ascetic, b. 1690, d. 1727. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 PARIS, and its historical scenes. Illustrated. Lon don, n. d. 2v. 12 849.2 Same. Boston, 1831, 32. 2 v. 12 849.19 Same. New edition. London, 1849. 24 840.50 PARIS; its historical buildings, and its revolutions. With illustrations. New edition. London, 1849. 16 1009.20 PARIS. Abbott, J. Rollo in. 1864 659.8 Addison, H. R. Paris social: a sketch of every day life in the French metropolis. 1866 1659.6 American family in. 1869 1669.2 Arnold, H. P. The great exhibition. 1868 1640. 1 Bradshaw, G. Illustrated guide through Paris. . 1659.1 Fetridge, W. P. Tho rise and fall of tho Paris commune in 1871 925.11 Forester, T. Paris and its environs. Bohn, 1859. 853.11 Girardin, D. de. Parisian letters 609.5 Goodrich, F. B. Tricolored sketches in, [1851- 53] 1008.8 Head, Sir F. B. A faggot of French sticks; or, Paris in 1851 654.18 Jarves, J. J. Parisian sights and French prin ciples 654.17; 1008.9 Jerrold, (W.) B. On tho Boulevards; or memora ble men and things, [1853-50] 1657.1; 1657.3 Labouchero, H. Diary of tho besieged resident in. 1871 1004.8 Laboulayo, E. (R. L.) Paris in America. 1863.. 634.15 Lyman, T. A few weeks in Paris, during tho res idence of tho allied sovereigns, [May 2-June 17, 1814] 1009.16 MacCabe, J. D., jr. Paris by sunlight and gas light. 1869 1674.2 Mitchell, D. G. Tho battle summer: personal ob servations in Paris, [1848] 884.11 Notes from Paris. 1865 1829.2 Paterfamilias s diary of everybody s tour. 1856. 1678.3 Peisse, J. L. II. Sketches of eminent surgeons and physicians of 609. 1 Raikes, T. Life in, [1831-47] 566.7 Realities of Paris life. 3 vols. 1859 883.13 Rimmel, E. Recollections of the Paris exhibition of. 1867 1207.1 St. John, B. The Louvre. 1861 654.12 Sanderson, J. The American in. 1847 654.15 Sketches of. 1838 898.12 PARIS 211 PARTON Shelf. No. PARIS, continued. Steffens, H. Adventures on the road to, during the campaigns of 1813-14 899.12 Tenot, (P. P.) E. Paris in December, 1851 100G.9 Trollope, Mrs. F. Paris and the Parisians in 1835. 657.1 A ote. The great work on Paris is the Histoirc generate de Paris," published under the auspices of the government, in quarto, and embracing as tar as printed an introductory vol ume, [B. II. 2040.50] ; a. topographical and historical account of old Paris [2640.51], with pluus.ctc., of Paris in 1380, [2040.52]; a treatise on its historians of the 14th and 13th centuries, [2640.53] ; a monograph on its old libraries, [2C40.54] ; a history of the manuscripts of the National library, [2040.55] ; and a special memoir on the site of Paris in prehistoric times, [2640.50], There is a smaller continuous general history by Delaure, 1823, [B. H. 2638.1]. See also Poullain, [B. H. 4791.10]. An antiquarian interest connecting localities in the city with historical episodes is shown in Lurine s " Rues de Paris," 1844, which is illustrated with cuts [B. H. 4C31.7]. and in Bou- nloll recent work of tlie same title, [B. H. 2048.50] See also in this connection the small work by Heuzey [2068.9], and the old one by Delaure. [B. 11. 2634.121. Of the city, in the tune of Napoleon I, there arc descriptions of its appearance in Le Grand, [B. H. 4103.3] ; and of its life in Mercier [1076.1], while the duchesse d Abrantes has treated of the life of the salons, [lOiiS.15]. See also L/yman s book, above named. Under the restoration there was a descriptive work prepared under the direction of Pugin, ISiS, [B. H. LfBO.3]. Guides to the Paris of the second empire and later times are numerous, Galignani, 1809, [B. H. 4039a.6]; Murray, 18G8, [B. H. 40:11.3] ; Baedeker, [B. H. 48W.8 ; and lor 1872, S634JS1] ; Bradshaw, above named; Black, [B. II., for 1872, 26.J9.54]; Forester, 1859, above named, all in English; and Joanne, 1807, in French, w*ith cuts, both for the city [B. II. 4fti9a.ll] -_., ... irons [ . See also Bates Hall catalogues for special descriptive mono graphs, like Gisors on the Luxemburg palace, 1847, [4024.5]; Hericait, on the catacombs, [2634.1] : Robinson, on the parks, promenades and gardens, 1808, which will be of special interest to the horticulturist and landscape gardener, [4035.1]; and the splendid " JLes promenades de Paris," of Alphand, [B. H. 40.C.1]. For the varied phases of life in Paris, beside the book by- Head (curious in its researches), Jarves (see also Harpers monthly, vols. 5-8), Jerrold, etc., mentioned above, see in tho Bates Hall the following: In English, St. John s Purple tints, 1854, [2607.50]; ami in French, Venillot, 18(17, [4638.9]; Du Camp, 1869. [6635.10]; Roqueplan, lS.i J, [0070.2]; Vinnaitre, 1808, [4G.i8.10] ; and on the lift- of the salons, Beaumont-Vassey for both the period of Ixjuis Philippe [4029.34] and the second empire, M62D.3.T). Rodcnberg s " Paris bei Sonnenschein und T^rnpenUcbt "[46:38.7] grew out of the observations of various Germans during the time of the great exhibition. There is a little treatise by Lecomte on the charities of Paris, [2005.19]. The Bates Hall catalogues will show a large collection of books on the effects in Paris of the reign of the commune and of the duration of the recent sieges. See France, history,. note. PAEK, Mungo, Scotch physician and traveller in Africa, b. 1771, d. 1806. Life and travels; with later discoveries. Now York, [cop. 1840]. 16 820.11 See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travel lers v. 3 of 810.47 PARKER, Ada H., of New Hampshire, b. 1819, d. 1860. Letters. Boston, 1863. 16 539.34 PAUKEU, Edward G. Reminiscences of Rufus Choato, the great American advocate, [b. 1799, d. 1859]. [With portrait.] New York, 1860. 12 515.13 PARKER, Joel. The first charter and tho early relig ious legislation of Massachusetts. See Massa chusetts historical society 222.3 PARKER, Matthew, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1504, d, 1575. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 PARKER, Nathan H. Iowa handbook for 1856. With map. Boston, 1856. 12 237.16 Minnesota handbook for 1856-57. With map. Boston, 1857. 12" 237.18 PARKER, Rev. Samuel. Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky mountains, 1835-37. Ithaca, N. Y., 1838. 12 628.8 PARKER, Theodore, American divine and author, b. 1810, d. 1860. Theodore Parker s experience as a minister, with some account of his early life. Boston, 1859. 8 115.6 Life and correspondence of. See Weiss, J 514.8 Note. There are autobiographic materials in his works [B. II. 5509.2.12] and in his own Experience as a minister, "[also in B. If. 4446.16]. Weiss, who is the authoritative biographer, is also in Bates Hall, both in the English [4441.6] and Ameri can [2347.41] edition. See Martineau s essay on Parker and Strauss in Westminster review, April, 18)7; and T. W. Hig- ginson s paper on his death, in the Atlantic monthly, Oct., I860. There are full references in Allibone. Mr. Parker s valuable collection of books, which he be queathed to this Library, is catalogued in the first printed sup plement of the Bates Hall In for further references. Index, which see, under his name, PARKES-BELLOC, Bessie (R.) Parkes. See Belloo, B. (R.), Shelf. No. PARKMAN, Francis, jr. California and Oregon trail: sketches of prairie and Rocky mountain life. New York, 1849. 12 ....................... 626.12 -- Same. 3d edition. New York, 1852. 12.... 626.14 France and England in North America. Boston, 1865-69. 3 v. 8 .......................... 306.1 Contents Vo}. I. Pioneers of France in the New World. II. The Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century. III. The discovery of the great West. History of the conspiracy of Pontiac [Indian chief, b. 1769], and the war of the North American tribes against the English colonies after tho con quest of Canada. Boston, 1851. 8 ............ 244.2 PARKM AN, George, Report of the case of J. W. Web ster, indicted for the murder of. See Bemis, G. 133.3 PARKYNS, Mansfield. Life in Abyssinia. With illus trations. New York, 1854. 2 v. 12 ........ 697.6 -- Same. New York, 1854. 2v.ini. 12 ..... 697.5 PARLEY, Peter, pseud. See Goodrich, Samuel G. PARLEY, Peter, pseud., impostor. See Martin, William. PARLIAMENTARY reform, Speeches on. Macaulay, T. B., lord ..... 409.18; 1655.20; v. 1 of 1815.6; 1966.4 PARMELEE, Moses P. Life scenes among the moun tains of Ararat. [With illustrations.] Boston, n. d. 16 .................................. 1694.7 PARMIGIANO. See Mazzola, Francesco. PARNELL, Thomas, Irish poet, b. 1679, d. 1717. See Johnson, S. Lives of the poets .......... v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 PARR, Catherine. See Catherine Parr. PARR, Samuel, English divine and critic, b. 1747, d. 1825. De Quincey, T. Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters .......... v. 2 of 895 . 20 Edgar, J. G. Tho boyhood of groat men ........ 549.30 PARR, Thomas, English centenarian, b. 1483, d. 1635. Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters ...... 1546.5 PARRY, William, major. Last days of Lord Byron, [1824]. [With illustrations.] London, 1825. 8. PARRY, Sir William Edward, English Arctic explorer, b. 1790, d. 1855. Three voyages for the discov ery of a northwest passage, [1819-24]. [With portrait.] New York, 1840. 2 v. 18 ........ 820.22 Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea- kings of England ........................... 578.19 Parton, J. People s book of biography ......... 1522. 10 PARSEES, The: their history, etc. 1858. Framjee, D. 937.8 PARSONS, Rev. Benjamin, English social reformer, b. 1797, d. 1855. See Steel, R. Lives made sub lime by faith and works ....... ....... 577.13; 577.16 PARSONS, Thoophilus, the younger, b. 1797. Memoir of Thcophilus Parsons, chief justice of Massa chusetts, [b. 1750, d. 1813]. [With portrait,] Boston, 1859. 12 ................. , ......... 536.8 PARSONS, Usher. Life of Sir William Pepperrell, Bart., [American general, b. 1697, d. 1759]. Boston, 1855. 8 J ........................... 513.19 PARTIES and their principles. Holmes, A .......... 299.11 PARTON, James. Famous Americans of recent times. Boston, 1867. 8 .......................... 1522.7 Contents. Henry Clay, statesman and orator, b. 1777, d. 1852; Daniel Webster, statesman, b. 1782, d. 1852; John Cald- well Calhoun, statesman and author, b. 1782, d. 1850; John Randolph, politician, b. 1773, d. 18.13; Stephen Giraru, mer 585.5 , . , . nry Ward Beecner, divine and author, b. 1813; Cornelias Vanderbilt, capitalist, b. 1794 ; Theodosia Burr Alston, daugh ter of Aaron Burr, b. 1783. d. 1812; John Jacob Astor, capital ist, founder of the Astor library, New York, b. 1763, d. 1848. General Butler in New Orleans. History of the administration of tho Gulf in 1862. [With por trait.] New York, 1864. 8 ................ 295.8 Life and times of Aaron Burr, [3d vice-president ofthe United States, b. 1756, d. 1836]. [With portraits.] New York, 1860. 12 ........... 515.9 -- Same. Enlarged edition. New York, 1864. 2 v. 12 .... ............. . ................ 515.10 Life and times of Benjamin Franklin, [American philosopher, b. 1706, d. 1790]. [With portraits.] New York, 1864. 2 v. 12 .................. 624.21 PARTON 212 PASSION PAHTON, James, continued. Life of Andrew Jackson, [7th president of the United States, b. 1767, d. 1845]. [With por traits.] Now York, 18GO. 3 v. 8 522.7 Same. Condensed. New York, 1863. 12... 1522.5 Life of Horace Greeley, [b. 1811, d. 1872]. Bos ton, 1869. 12 1522.13 Same. With portrait and illustrations. Bos ton, 1872. 16 1518.6 Life of John Jacob Astor, [capitalist, founder of the Astor library, New York, b. 1763, d. 1848]. Appended a copy of his last will. Now York, 1865. 16...... 569.10 People s book of biography. With [portraits]. Hartford, 1868. P. 8 1522.10 Contents. George Washington, 1st president of the United States, b. 17:12, d. 179U; Eliphalet Nott, American divine, presi dent of Union college. N. Y., b. 1773. d. 1865; John Howard. , English philanthropist, b. 1720, d. 1790; Ormsby MacKmght Mitchell, American major-general and astronomer, b. 1810, d. 1802: Francois Paris, French ascetic, b. 1690, d. 1727; Blaise Pascal, French philosopher, mathematician, and litterateur, b. 1623, d. 1602; Theobald Mathcw, Irish catholic priest, " temper ance annstle," b. 1790, d. 1856; Aaron Burr, 3d vice-president of the United States, b. 1756, d. 1836; Charles Avery, American methodist divine, b. 178J, d. 1857 ; Benjamin Franklin, Amer ican statesman, philosopher, and author, b. 1700, d. Ii90; Jacques Etienne Montgolricr, French balloon inventor, b. 1744, d. 1799; Joseph Michel Montgolfter, French balloon inventor, b. 1740, d. 1810; James Watt, Scotch engineer and improver of the steam-engine, b. 1736, d. 1819; John Fitch, American inventor, b. 1743, d. 1798; Robert Fulton, Amer ican painter and improver of the steam-boat, b. liOo, d. 181j; Eli. Whitney, American inventor, b. 1765, d. 1825; John James Audubon, American ornithologist, b. 1782, d. 1851; Zcrah Colburn, American juvenile mathematical prodigy, b. 1804, d. 1840; John Adams, 2d president of the United States, b. 1735, d. 1826 : Stephen Arnold Douglas. American politician, b. 1813, d. 1801; Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer, b. 1473, d. 1543: Cfnanncy Jerome. American clock manufacturer, b. 1793- Charles Goodyear, India-rubber manufacturer and in ventor, b. 1800, d. I860; John A. Slitter, settler in California, b. 1803; Valentine Mott, American physician, b. 1785, d. 1865; Theodore R. Timhy, American inventor of the iron-clad re volving turret, b. 1822; Winfield Scott, American general, b. 1786, d!l866; Sir Isaac Newton. English geometrician and philosopher, b. 1642, d. 1727; Galileo Galilei, Italian philoso pher, mathematician, and astronomer, b. 1564, d. 1642; Vasco da Gama. Portuguese navigator and discoverer, b. 1450, d. 1524 ; Samuel Christian Friedricli Hahnemann, German founder of homoeopathy, b. 1755, d. 1813; Alfonso I, king of Portugal, b. 1094, d. 118.) ; Bartholomew Dias. Portuguese navigator, d. 1500 ; George Gordon Byron, lord, English poet, b. 1788, d. 1824; Fernando Magalhaens or Magellan, Portuguese navigator, b. 1470? d. 1521; Sir Humphry Davy, English chemist, natural philosopher, and scientific writer, b. 1778, d. 1829; Sir Martin Frobisher, or Frobischcr, English admiral, b. about 1535, d. 1594; Alfonso d Abuqucrque, Portuguese conqueror in India, b. 1453, d. 1515; llernando or Fernando Cortes, Spanish con queror of Mexico, b. 1481, d. 1554; Francisco Pizarro, Spanish conqueror of Peru, b. 1475, d. 1541; Sebastian Cabot, Spanish navigator, b. 1477V d. 1557; John Paul Jones, Scotch naval ad venturer, commodore in the American navy, h. 1747, d. 1792; Gustavus in, king of Sweden, b. 1740, d. 1792: Thomas Jeffer son, 3d president of the United States, b. 1743, d. 1826; Sir Francis Drake, English admiral, b. about 1540, d. 1590; Henry Hudson, English navigator, discoverer of Hudson s bay, b. about MOO, d. 1611 ; Jacques Cartier or Quartier, French navi gator and explorer, b. 1494, d. after 1530; Samuel de Cham- plain, French governor of Canada, discoverer of Lake Cham- plain, b. 1567, d. 103.1; Capt. James Cook, English navigator, b. 1728, d. 1779; Sir William Edward Parry, English Arctic explorer, h. 1790, d. 1855; Sir John Franklin. English Arctic explorer, b. 1786, d. 1847 ; Catherine II, the great, empress of Russia, b. 1729, d. 1796; Confucius (Kouna-Fou-Tseu, or Kouny-Tsee), Chinese philosopher, b. B. O. 551, d. B.C. 479; Marcus Porcius Cato, the elder, Roman censor, b. B. o. 234, d. B.C. 149; Marcus Porcius Cato, the younger, Roman philoso pher, b. B. C. 95, d. B. C. 40; Peter I, the great, emperor of Rus sia, b. 1672, d. 1725; Cliarl<>9 XTI, king of Sweden, b. 1082, d. 1718; Ivan Stepanovitch Man-ppa. Ukraine, chief, b. 1644, d. 1709; Louis XIV, the great, king of France, b. 1638. d. 1715; John Law, Scotch financier, b. 1671, d. 1729; Henry Knox, general in the American revolution, b. 1750, d. 1800) Alexander Ham ilton. American statesman, b. 1757, d. 1804; Andrew Jackson, 7th president of the United States, b. 1707, d. 1815; Marie Joseph [not Jean] Paul Roch Ives Gilbert de Motier, marquis de La Fayette, French general in the American revolution, b. 1757, d. 1834 ; Simon Bolivar y Ponte, founder and first president of the republic of Columbia, b. 178. !. d. 1830 ; Giuseppe Garibaldi, Ital ian patriot and general, b. 1807 ; Napoleon II, Francois Joseph Charles, due dc Rcich*tadt, b. 1811, d. 1832; Louis Philippe, king of the French, b. 177:!, d. 1850; Henry John Temple, vis count Palmerston, b. 1781, d. 1805; Benedict Arnold, American general and traitor, b. 1740, d. 1801 ; James Lawrence, captain in the United States navy, b. 1781, d. 1813: Stephen Decatur, American commodore, b. 1779, d. 1820; Cains Julius Csesar, Roman dictator, general, orator, jurist, poet, and historian, b. B.C. 100, d. B.C. 44; General Lewis Cass, American states , . ferson, b. 1748 0. 8., d. 17H2; Dorothy Pavne Madison, wife of James Madison, b. 1709, d. 18W ; Grace Fletcher Webster, wife of Daniel Webster, b. 1781. d. 1827; Jeanne Dare, "moid of Orleans" French heroine, b. 1412, d. 1*31; Rachel Donelson Jackson, wife of Andrew Jackson, b 1767, d. 1828; Mrs. Lvdia Howard Sigourncy, formerly iris* Ilitntley, American author ess, b. 1791, d. 1885; Publius Virgilius Maro, Roman poet, b. B.C. 70, d.B.0. 19;Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Roman Latin Ivric poet, b. B. O. 65, d. B. O. 8; John Milton, English poet, b". 1608, d. 176t. PARTON, James, continued. Triumphs of enterprise, ingenuity, and public spirit. Illustrated. Hartford, 1871. 8 522.17 and others. Sketches of men of progress. With portraits. New York, 1870, 71. L. 8 522.16 Contents. Edwin Hubbell Chapin, American universalist divine, b. 1814; William Cullen Bryant, American poet and journalist, b. 1794; John T. Hoffman, governor of New York, A. Grow, American politician, b. l.SL l: Edwin Dennison Mor gan, governor of New York, b. 1811 ; George W. Childs, Amer ican publisher, editor, and philanthropist, b. 1830; James W. Gerard, American lawyer; William II. Webb, American ship builder, b. 1816; Edwards Picrrcpont, judge of the superior court of New York, b. 1817; Edward Dclaficld Smith, district- attorney of the U. S. at New York, b. 1820; Daniel Drew, New York capitalist, b. 1797; John Taylor Johnston, New York millionaire, b. 1820; James E. English, governor ot Connec ticut, b. 1812; William Darrah Kelley. judge of the court of common pleas of New York, b. 1814 ; Samuel J. Tilden, Amer ican lawyer and politician, b. 1814; John B. Gough, temper ance advocate, b. 1817; Cornelius K. Garrison. New York cap italist, b. 1809; Arthur F. Wiilmarth, president of the Ameri can Atlantic cable telegraph company, b. about 1820; William H. Vandcrbilt, American railway otticer, b. 1821; Alfred S. Barnes, American publisher, b. 1817; Thurlow Weed. New York editor, b. 1797 : Inland Stanford, governor of California,, b. 1824; Thomas C. Durant, manager and builder of the Union Pacific railroad, b. 1820; Thomas Alexander Scott, vice-president of the Pennsylvania railroad, b. 1825; George H. Boker, American poet, b. 1824; Henry Clews, English banker in New York, b. 1&34 : William C. Allison, Pennsylva- nian manufacturer, b. 1817; George H. Hcpworth, American divine, b. 1833; Jay Gould, president of the Erie railway, b. 1836; Josiah Gilbert Holland (Timothy Titcomt), American author, b. 1819; Samuel D. Burchard, r>. I)., American pres- byterian divine and author, b. 1812; John S. Newberry, M. !>., LI !>., geologist and botanist; William I. Peake, New York importer and jobber of dry goods, h. 1817; Jacob Van- derpool, New York capitalist,!). 1812; Samuel C. Pomeroy, United States senator from Kansas, b. 1810: Zadock Pratt, tanner and capitalist, b. 1790; John A. Griswold, American statesman, b. 1822: James Watson Webb, editor of the " Cou rier and enquirer/ and politician, b. 1802; Hon. James I. Bx>osevelt, judge; William Barnes Bemcnt, inventor and im prover of machine tools, b. 1817; Charles Morgan, ship-builder, b. 1795; Philip Phillips, American author, publisher, and vo calist, b. 1834; Joseph Hooker, American major-general, b. 1815; James B. Taylor. New York merchant and builder, b. 1806, d. 1870 ; Matthew Baird, American manufacturer, b. 1817; Cassius Marcellus Clay. American statesman, b. 1810;Rufus Hatch, American financier, b. 1832; Henry Wilson, American statesman, b. 1812: Joseph Fagnani, Italian portrait painter builder, b. 1810; Samuel P. Heintzelman, major-general. 1805; James C. Spencer, judge of the superior court of New York ; James S. T. Stranahnn, railway and dock constructor, b. 1808; Henry Farnani, civil engineer, b. 1803; Erastus Corn ing, merchant and statesman, b. 17U4; John Watts De Peyster, brevet major-general New York state national guard, and au thor, b. 1821 ; Calvin T. Hulburd, LL. r>., senator to the United 1SI7: Isaac vaiiA.n<icn, editor; n. A. njmnui, nHiwwrwwi- itructor, b. 1832: Riifus Brown Bullock, governor of Georgia, b. 1834 ; George W. Qnintard, constructor of engines for steam ers, b. 1822; T. DeWitt Talmage. American divine and lec turer, b. 1832; Hon. Nelson Marvin Beckwith. commissioner- general for the United States at the International exposition at Paris, 1867; Sidney Dillon, railway constructor, b. 1812; William Beach Lawrence. LL. D., political economist and author, b. 1800; Albert Gallatin Lawrence, general, b. 1835; Abia A. Selover, lawyer, soldier, and merhant, b. 1824; Hil- and R. Hulburd. comptroller of the currency at Washington, b. 1829 ; Aaron J. Vanderpoel, New York lawyer, b. 1825 ; Au gustus George Hazard, powder manufacturer, b. 1802, d. 1808; James Gillespie Elaine, speaker of the United States house of representatives, b. 1830; Oliver II. Palmer, brigadier-general, and treasurer of the Western union telegraph company, b. 1814; Marshall Lerlerts, general, telegraphic engineer and electrician, b. 1821 ; Hon. Demas Barnes, New York merchant, b. 1827; James L. Plimpton, machine-builder, b. 1828; Henry P. De Graaf, furniture dealer, b. 1825; William Divine, manu facturer and philanthropist, b. 1800, d. 1870; George P. Brad ford, president of the Blecs sewing machine company. New York ; David Hoadley, president ot the Panama railroad, b. 1800; John Gregory Smith, governor of Vermont, b. 1818; Mel ville Clayton Smith, New York Arcade railway projector, b. 1833; Samuel Finley Breese Morse, painter and improver of the electric telegraph, b. 1791, d. 1872; Charles John HutTam Dickens, English novelist, b. 1812, d. 1870. PARTY leaders. Baldwin, J. G 518.7 yt PASCAL, Blaise, French philosopher, mathematician, and litterateur, b. 1623, d. 1662. Biographies of emi nent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. .548.13; 549.30 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Men who were earnest 549.40 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and sci entific men of France v. 1 of 388.S PASSAGES of a working life. Knight, C 865.10 PASSION play, To and from the, in 1871. Doane, G. -H. ; , ;jr^o f /*,;?> *v VvV G78>21 PASTA 213 PECK Shelf. No. PASTA, Giuditta, Italian Jewish vocalist, b. 1798, d. 1865. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 PATAGONIA. Bourne, B. F. The captive in. 1853.. G35.16 Snow, W. P. Two years cruise off. 1857 708.9 PATCHWORK. Hall, B 689.21 PATERFAMILIAS S diary of everybody s tour. London, 1856. 16 1678.3 Contents. Belgium and the Rhine, Munich, Switzerland, Milan, Geneva and Paris. PATERSON, Alexander, b. 1790, d. 1851. Memoir of. See Baillie, J. The missionary of Kilmany 1098.32 PATERSON, James. Wallace [Scottish patriot, b. 1270 ? d. 1305] and his times. [With portrait.] 3d edition. Edinburgh, 1860. 12 589.20 PATJIORE, Coventry, English poet, b. 1823. See Pow ell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 PATON, Andrew A. Highlands and islands of the Adriatic. With illustrations. London, 1849. 2v. 8 667.4 Servia in 1843, 44. [With illustrations.] Lon don, 1845. 12 666.4 PATON, Mary Anne, afterwards Mrs. Woods, Knylish vocalist, b. 1802. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 PATRIARCHAL life, The tent and the altar, or sketch es from. Gumming, J 116.17 PATRIOT boy, The; or, life of 0. M. Mitchell. See Headley, P. C 518.23 PATRIOTS and filibusters. Oliphant, L 656.1 PATTERSON, John B. National character of the Athe nians. Now edilion. Edinburgh, 18GO. 12 946.8 PATTERSON, Lawson B. Twelve years in the mines of California, [1849-61]. Cambridge, 1862. 16. 237.23 PATTERSON, Eobert Hogarth. The new revolution or the Napoleonic policy in Europe. Edinburgh, 1860. 8 1002.8 PATTON, J. Harris. History of the United States, [1492-1852]. New York, 1860. 8 292.3 PAU, Three months rest at, [1859]. Wittitterly, J. A 1666.13 PAUL, St. Conybeare, W. J. Life and epistles of. . 113.9 Macduff, J. R. The footsteps of 115.11 PAUL, Father. SeeSarpi, Pietro. PAUL, of the cross (Paolo Francisco D and), founder of the order of Passionisls, b. 1694, d. 1775. Life of. See Finotti, J. M 2109.6 PAUL, St. Vincent do. See St. Vincent of Paul. PAUL, John. See Jones, John Paul. PAUL the pope and Paul the friar. Trollope, T. A. 917.18 PAULDING, Hiram, rear-admiral of the United States navy, b. 1797. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 PAULDING, James Kirko, American novelist, b. 1779, d. 1860. Book of vagaries. Edited by W. I. Paulding. [With portrait.] New York, 1868. 12 1678.10 Letters from the South, 1816. [Anon.] New York, 1817. 12 639.10 Same. New edition. New York, 1835. 2 v. 12 888.18 Life of Washington, [b. 1732, d. 1799]. [With portrait.] New York, [cop. 1835]. 2 v. 18.. 810.71 Literary life of. See Paulding, W. 1 1527.4 PAULDING, William I. Literary life of James K. Paulding. [With portrait.] Now York, 1867. Sm. 8 1527.4 PAULET, or POWLETT, John, 5th marquis of Winches ter, loyalist, d. 1674. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 PAULET, or POWLETT, Lavina, formerly Miss Fenton, duchess of Bolton, b. 1808. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 PAULET, or POWLETT, William, 1st marquis of Winches ter, b. 1475, d. 1572. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. . v. 2 of 815.1 PAULI, Reinhold, German professor of history. Life of Alfred the groat, [b. 849, d. 901]. Translated by B. Thorpe. London, 1853. P. 8 856.4 Pictures of old England, [596-1443]. Translated byE. C. Otte. London, 1861. 8 997.8 Shelf. No. PAULOWITCH. See Alexander i, of Russia. PAWNEE Indians. Indian sketches, taken during an expedition to the Pawnee tribes. 1835. Irving, J. T ....................................... 628.3 PAXTON, Philip. A stray Yankee in Texas. New York, 1859. 12 ........................... 626.16 PAYKULL [not PAIJKULL], C. W. A summer in Ice land, [in 1865]. Translated by M. R. Barnard. Illustrated. London, 1868. 8 J .............. 1664.1 PAYSON, Edward, D. D., b. 1783, d. 1827. Memoir of. See Cummings, A ............ 119.26; 534.6; 599.1 PAYSON, Phillips. Election sermon, 1778. See Thorn ton, J. W. Pulpit of the American revolution. 217.20 PEABODY, Andrew Preston. Memorial of John W. Foster, [of Portsmouth, N. H., b. 1789, d. 1852]. [With portrait.] Portsmouth, 1852. 12 ...... 536.14 Reminiscences of European travel. New York, 1868. 16 ................................. 1667.2 PEABODY, George, American merchant and philanthro pist, b. 1795, d. 1869. Bourne, H. R. F. Fa mous London merchants ...................... 1559.3 MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made ............................. 515.14 Proceedings at the reception of, Oct. 9, 1856. See Danvers, Mass .............................. 1815.8 PEABODY, Oliver William Bourn. Life of Israel Put nam, [American revolutionary general, b. 1718, d. 1790]. See Sparks, J....V. 2 of 518.5; v. 7 of 529.1 Life of John Sullivan. [American revolutionary general, b. 1740, d. 1795]. See Sparks, J..v. 13 of 529.1 PEABODY, William Bourn Oliver. Life of Alexander Wilson, [Scottish ornithologist, b. 1766, d. 1813]. See Sparks, J ........................... v. 2 of 529.1 Lifo of Cotton Mather, [New England divine, b. 1663, d. 1728]. See Sparks, J ........... v. 6 of 529.1 Lifo of David Brainerd, [American missionary, b. 1718, d. 1747]. See Sparks, J.. v. 1 of 5 18.5; v. 8 of 529.1 Lifo of James Edward Oglethorpo, [founder of Georgia, b. 1698, d. 1785]. See Sparks, J. . v. 12 of 529.1 PEABODY institute, Historical sketch of. See Dan vers, Mass .................................. 1815.8 PEAKE, Helena. The boy s book of heroes. With illustrations. London, n. d. 16 ............. 551.28 Contents. llereward, the last of the Saxons, d. 1072 ; Cid , , . Rodriguez Diaz de Bivar, Spanish warrior, b. , , , . 1320, d. 1380; Christoforo Colombo (Eng. Christopher Colum bus), navigator, discoverer of America, b. 144G or 7, d. 1506 j , , , . , . Pierre dn Terrail, seigneur Bayard, tho chevalier, French war rior,^ 1476, d. J524; ^Sir Martin Frobi_sher,_ or Frobischer, 1618, d. 1380. PEAKE, William I., New York importer and jobber of dry goods, b. 1817. See Parton J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 PEAKS, passes, and glaciers. Ball, J 666.12; 1CC6.1 Kennedy, E. S 664.5 PEARCE, Rev, Samuel, of Birmingham, Eng., b. 1766, d. 1799. Memoir of. See Fuller, A 1109.18 PEARD, George S. Narrative of a campaign in tho Crimea. London, 1855. 16 1918.11 PEARSON, Rev. Hugh. Memoir of Rev. Claudius Bu chanan, [Scotch chaplain in Bengal, b. 1766, d. 1815]. New York, n. d. 16 1109.22 PEASANT-BOY philosopher, The; or, early life of J. Ferguson. See Mayhew, H 589.4 PEASE, Giles. Ninetieth birth-day gathering of Rev. Charles Cleveland, Juno 21, 1862. [Anon.} [With portrait.] Boston, 1862. 64pp. 16 1528.10 PECCHIO, Giuseppe, count. Semi-serious observations of an Italian exile in England. Philadelphia, 1833. 12 1654.6 PECK, George, D. D. Early methodism within tho bounds of tho old Goneseo conference, 17881828. [With portrait,] New York, I860. 12 1115.18 Our country: its trial and its triumph. New York, 1865. 16 2096.6 Wyoming, [Penn.]; its history, stirring incidents, and romantic adventures. With illustrations. Now York, 1858. 12 237.2 PECK PENRO8E Shelf. No. PECK, George W. Melbourne, and the Chinch* isl ands; with sketches of Lima. New York, 1854. 12 705.21 PECK, John M. Life of Daniel Boone, [American pioneer, b. 1735, d. 1822]. See Sparks, J..v. 23 of 529.1 PEDRO. See Peter. PEEL, Frederick, English statesman, b. 1823. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 PEEL, Sir Lawrence. Life and character of Sir Rob ert Peel. London, 1860. 8 587.19 PEEL, Sir Robert, English statesman, b. 1788, d. 1850. Life. New edition. London, 1850. 12 551.11 Memoirs. London, 1856, 57. 2 v. 8 566.4 Bagehot, W. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen 563.9 Peel, Sir L. Life and character of 587.19 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Note. TR.vlor s " Life and times "is the principal work. 4 vols., 1846-, ii, [B. H. 2-15fi.91; but there ie a brief account by Guizot. 1859, [B. H. 24.W.10 ; 24fl6.ll] ; and another anonymous one, 1856, [B. H.2456.J3]. Goldwin Smith wrote the account in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. See references in Allibone and Thomas. PEEL family, The rise of the. See Men who have risen 551.18 PEERAGE, Romance of the. Craik, G. L 666.8 PEISSE, J. L. H. Sketches of eminent living surgeons and physicians of Paris. [With portraits.] Translated by E. Bartlett. Boston, 1831. 12. 609.1 Contents. Guillaume Dupuytren, baron, French surgeon, anatomist, and writer, b. 1777, d. ]& !5; Frangois Joseph Victor Broussais, physician and nicdical writer, b. 3772, d. 1& 8; Frangois Chaussier, physician, professor of chemistry, and author, b.l74*Vd. 1828; Rene Nicolas Dufriche Desgenottes, baron, physician, medical and scientific writer, b. 1702, d.1837; Antoine Dubois, baron, surgeon and medical writer, b. 1750, d. 1837 ; Philippe Jean Pelletan, surgeon and author, b. 1747, d. 1829; Jean Nicolas Margolin, surgeon, b. 1781), d. 1850; Bal- thasar Anthelme Richerand, baron, surgeon, b. 1779, d. 1840; Jean Civiale, physician and writer upon lithotomy, b. 1792, d. PEISSNEB, Elias. The American question in its na tional aspect. New York, 1861. 12 288.4 PEKIN. Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. 1863 1638.3 Ronnie, D. F. Peking and the Pekingese, [1861]. 1935.8 Ripa, M. Thirteen years residence at the court of. 1844 899.7 Note, See books on Asia, China, etc. PELET DE LA LOZ&RE, Jean, comte. Napoleon in council. Translated by B. Hall. Edinburgh, 1837. P. 8 1008.14 PELLARIN, Charles. Life of Charles Fourier, [French socialist, b. 1772, d. 1837]. [With portrait.] 2d edition. Translated by F. G. Shaw. Now York, 1848. 12 545.11 PELLEW, Edward, Viscount Exmouth, admiral, b. 1756, d. 1833. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 Lodge, E. Portraits* of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 Osier, E. Life of 568.10 PELLICO, Silvio, Italian patriot and poet, b. 1789, d. 1854. The imprisonments of Silvio Pellico. From the Italian. [With portrait.] London, 1859. 32 1529.29 Tuckorman, II. T. Essays, biographical and crit ical 547.2 Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555.13 PELOPONNESIAN war, History of the. Thucydides. 814.2; 830.16 PEMBERTON, J. Despard. Facts and figures relating to Vancouver island and British Columbia. With maps. London, 1860. 8 264.8 PEMBROKE, Countesses if. See Herbert, Anno and Mary. PEMBHOKE, Earl of. See Hastings, John. PEMBROKE, Earls nf. See Herbert, George R. C., Philip, and William. PENCILLINGS by the way. Willis, N. P.. 657. 9; 657.10; 904.14 PENELOPE, wife of Ulysses, fl. B. c. 1193. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history. 699.22 Bhelf. No PENINSULAR war. Hamilton, T. Annals of the penin sular campaigns, [1808-14] 1009.4 Napier, Sir W. F. P. English battles and sieges in the peninsula, [1808-14] 1007.8 History of the war in the peninsula, [1807-14], 1004.1; 1004.2 Vane-Stewart, C. W. Story of the 1009.6 Note. The principal authorities are on the English side, Napier and Southey. [B. H. 3101.5]; on the Spanish side, To- reno, [B. H. 3102.3] ; and on the French side. Jomini, [see France, note], Foy [B. H. 3101.fi], Suchet [B. II. 2653.6, etc.]. See France, Napoleon, Spain, etc. PENN, William, English founder of Pennsylvania, b. 1644, d. 1718. Adams, W. H. D. Records of noblo lives 1553.2 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 11 of 840.10 Clarkson, T. Memoirs of 526.19 Dixon, W. H. William Penn: an historical biog raphy 526.15; 526.17 Ellis, G. E. Life of v. 22 of 529.1 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Janney, S. M. Life of, with selections from his correspondence and autobiography 523.14 Life of. See Young American s library v. 4 of 1527. 5 Paget, J. Inquiry into the evidence relating to the charges brought by Lord Macaulay against Penn ." 999.4 Weems, M. L. Life of 526.18 Note. The earliest memoir is that by his contemporary, Besse, prefixed to Penn s works, [B. H. 4570.10] ; that by Proud, though written early, 1797, is considered careful, [B. II. 2:572.11] ; that by Clarkson appeared in 1813, but the author, though hav ing access to Penn s papers, was not a deep student of the his tory oi Pcnn s times; that by Wcems is an American biogra phy, and all three are the works of quakers, viewing his life which the aid of Franklin lias been sometimes traced; and in Grahame s United States [.",0-1.:!] with some reservation, and they had been answered by Tyson [B. II. 4372.2.2], when Dr. Ellis wrote, in 1847, the compact, scrutinizing life which ap peared in Sparks s series, [also in B. H. 4447.1]. The Collec tions of the Pennsylvania historical society, winch have con tained much elucidation of Penn s career, had already brought forward Lawton s memoir [4372.2.3], to show Penn s honest use of his court influence, and Fisher s pleasing account of his domestic life [4372.2.3], while a recent volume has contained Penn s correspondence, 1700-50, with his secretary Logan, [4372.2.9]. Macaulay renewed the charges apainst Penn in his history [9GG.2, etc.], and Ilepworth Dixon, 1851 [also in B. H. 2447.52], thinking that Penn had been treated by his biographers, rather as a quaker than as a great historical character, and making search in documeirtaiy records that had not before been examined, beside using much printed material, that his previous biographers could not have used (in his preface he enumerates his sources, which are extensive compared with those given by Clarkson) , brought out his new life, and added a chapter in answer to Macaiuay s estimate, which last was also rebuild by Paget, Forster [B. II. 4129.00], and Westmin ster review, Oct., 1850. Janney s American life, which is longer, came out just after Dixon s, and in it the author gives many more of Penn s letters than Dixon, prints his autobio graphic "Apology," and assigns more prominence to his re- Upious character. lie also gives a list of authorities. There is a French life by Marsillac. 17!I2, a compilation, [B. H. 2344.27] ; a brief account in Chamhers s miscellany, vol. 8; full articles in Allilione and Thomas; r.nd n bibliography in Smith s Catalogue of Friend s books, [B. II. 2184.5.2, p. 282- 326]. PENNANT, Thomas, English naturalist, b. 1726, d. 1798. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library, .v. 7 of 179.1 PENNIMAN, Major, pseud. See Denison, Charles W. PENNINGTON, Rev. Montagu. Memoirs of Mrs. Eliza beth Carter, [English authoress, b. 1717, d. 1806]. Boston, 1809. 8 595.5 PENNSYLVANIA. Barber, J. W. History and an- -tiquities of. 1847 237.5 Day, S. Historical collections of. 1843 235.1 Kohl,J. G. Travels through Pennsylvania. 1861. 634.6 Pleasant peregrination through the prettiest parts of, [1835] 639.19 .See also Alleghauy mountains, Penn, Philadelphia, Wyo ming. PENROSE, Elizabeth. History of England, from the invasion of Julius Csrsar to Victoria, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1837]. By Mrs. Markham, [pseud.]. [Illustrated.] Now edition. New York, 1852. 12.., 968.3 PENR08E 215 PERSIA Shelf. No. PENROSE, Elizabeth, continued. History of Franco, from the conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar to Louis Philippe, [B. c. 60-A. D. 1848]. By Mrs. Markharn, [pseud.]. [With] history to the present time, by J. Abbott. [Illustrated.] New York, 1848. 12 1007.4 History of Germany, from its invasion by Marius [B. c. 113] to 1850. By Mrs. Markham, [pseud.]. [Illustrated.] New edition. London, 1853. 12. 928.4 PEPIN-LE-BREF, king of France, b. 714, d. 768. See Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 PEPOLI, Comtesse de. See Alboni, Marietta. PEFPSCH, Mrs. Francesca Margarita. See Epine, Francesca M. de 1 . PEOPLE, The. Miehelet, J 124.17 PEOPLE I have met. Willis, N. P 904.7 PEPPERRELL, Sir William, American general, b. 1697, d. 1759. Life of. See Parsons, U. 513.19 PEPYS, Charlotte, lady. Journey on a plank from Kiev to Eaux-Bonnes, 1859. [With illustra tions.] London, 1860. 2v. P. 8 697.22 PEPYS, Samuel, secretary to the English admiralty, b. 1632, d. 1703. Diary and correspondence. [With portraits, etc.] 3d edition. London, 1848,49. 5v. 8 977.5 Mr. Secretary Pepys with extracts from his diary by A. Grant. [With portrait.] New York, 1867. 16 1989.1 Note. Pepys s Diary, 1659-69, which is a most valuable illus tration of life in England at that time, has had suppressed passages restored in later editions, and Scott s [B. II. 2577.5. I ll and Jeffrey s [863.G] review are both of the first edition, issued in 18:24. James Grant Wilson s (Allan Grant) book is a scries of extracts connected by explanatory passages. Sec also Life, journals, and correspondence [B. II."(> r >4:i.243, which is reviewed by Leigh Hunt in " Men, women, and books," [908.1]. Seo references in Allibone. PEBCIVAL, James Gates, American, poet, b. 1795, d. 1857. Life and letters, by J. H. Ward. [With portrait.] Boston, 1866. 8 1516.10 poems, by L. W. Fitch, [1339.14]. PERCY, Algernon, earl of Northumberland, grand ad miral of England, b. 1602, d. 1668. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 PERCY, Dorothy. See Sidney, Dorothy, countess of Leicester. PERCY, Henry, earl of Northumberland, b. 1563, d. 1632. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 PERCY, Lucy. See Hay, Lucy, countess of Carlisle. PERCY family, The. Eddy, D. C 645.7 PERICLES, Athenian statesman, b. B. c. 499, d. B. c. 429. Ste Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times v. 2 of 18C9.1 PERIL and suffering, Narrative of. Davenport, R. A 379.14 PERILOUS adventures. Davenport, R. A 820.56 PERILS and captivity; comprising the sufferings of the Picard family after the shipwreck of the Me dusa, in 1816. [Translated from the French of C. A. Dard, nee Picard, by P. Maxwell.] Cap tivity of M. do Brisson, in 1785. Voyage of Madame Godin along the river of the Amazons, in 1770. Edinburgh, 1827. 18 830.31 PERILS of the sea. New York, 1833. 18 1859.9 PERKINS, F. B. Charles Dickens: a sketch of his life and works. [With portrait.] New York, 1870. 12 1529.8 PERKINS, Rev. James Handasyd, of Cincinnati, b. 1810, d. 1849. Memoir and writings. Edited by W. H. Channing. [With portrait.] Cincin nati, 1851. 2v. 12 625.4 PERKINS, Justin. Residence of eight years in Persia [1S33-41], among the Nestorian Christians; with notices of the Muhatnmedans. With map and plates. Andover, 1843. 8 695.1 PERKINS, Thomas Haudasyd, b. 17C4, d. 1854. Me moir of. See Gary, T. G 524.4 Shelf. No. PERON, Francois, French naturalist and traveller, b. 1775, d. 1810. See Jardine, Sir W. Natural ist s library v. 25 of 179.1 PERRENOT, Antoine. See Granvello, Antoino Perro- net. PERRIN, Victor, duke of Belluno, marshal of France, b. 1766, d. 1841. " See Headley, J. T. Napo leon and his marshals v. 2 of 605. 1 ; v. 2 of 605.2 PERRIJJE, Henry, American physician, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 PERRY, Sir Erskino. Bird s-eye view of India. Lon don, 1855. 16 1695.4 PERRY, James, Scotch miscellaneous writer and jour nalist, b. 1756, d. 1821. See Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 PERRY, Oliver Hazard, American commodore, b. 1785, d. 1819. Cooper, J. F. Lives of distinguished American naval officers 527.5 Mackenzie, A. S. Life of 820.31 Niles, J.M. Lifeof 627.7 Note. Mackenzie s Life [also in B. H. 4449a.32] is later than Niles s, and is authoritative by reason of the advantage he had from Perry s papers, etc. ; anil in an appendix is a reply to Cooper s account of the battle of Lake Erie in his Naval his tory [215.2, etc.], wherein Perry s friends contend, Elliott, his second in command, has been eulogized at the expense of his superior. Sec Irving s brief sketch in his Spanish papers, etc. [1815.5,2], and the account of the inauguration of his statue at Cleveland, [B. H. 4323.14]. PERRY, Walter C. The Franks, to the death of King Pepin, [240-768]. London, 1857. 8 925.6 PERSEPOLIS. Fergusson, J. The palaces of Persepo- lis restored 694.9 Rich, C. J. Journey to, [1821] 694.8 Vaux, W. S. W. Nineveh and Peraopolis. 1851. 956.14 ffote. Sec Nineveh, note. PERSEVERANCE under difficulties, as shown in the lives of great men. London, n. d. 16 549.38 Contents. Cristoforo Colombo (Eng. Christopher Colum- lus), navigator, discoverer of America, b. 1446 or 7, d. 1506; Benjamin Franklin, American statesman, philosopher, and author, b. 1706, d. 1790; Capt. James Cook, English navigator, b. 1728, d. 1779 ; James Watt, Scotch engineer and improver of the steam-engine, b. 37*, d. 1819; Fredeiick William Ilcr- 685.1 695.18 694.3 810.68 938.9 674.10 889.33 694.15 695.1 695.12 938.11 687.3 693.3 English engineer, inventor of the locomotive, b. 1781, d. 1848. PERSIA. Binning, R. B. M. Journal of two years travel in. 1857 ............................. Eastwick, E. B. Journal of a diplomate s three years residence in. 1864 .................... Ferrier du Chatelet, J. P. de. Caravan journeys in. 1856 .................................. Fraser, J. B. Historical and descriptive account of, to [1833] ................................ Hunt, G. H. Outratn and Havelock s Persian cam paign, [1856, 57] ........................... Laurie, T. Woman and her Saviour in. 1803 . . Malcolm, Sir J. Sketches of. 1845 ........... Morior, J. Journey through Persia, [1808, 9] . . Perkins, J. Residence of eight years in, [1833- 41] ........................................ Sheil, M. L., lady. Glimpses of life and manners in. 1856 ................................... Shoberl, F. Persia: a description of the country, government, etc. 1828 ...................... Southgate, H. Narrative of a tour through Persia. 1840 ...................................... Wellsted, J. R. Travels to the city of the caliphs, along the shores of the Persian gulf. 1840 ...... Note. The principal English authority on the history is Sir ohn Malcolm s quartos [B. H. 8041.1], bringing the record down to 1810, to which Watson s history, covering the present , century down to 1858. [B. H. 5048.1], will serve as a continua tion. Fraser s popular history, 1& [also in B. Il.5049a.10], is largely based on Malcolm ; *md a section of Eadie s popular account, 185:. , of ancient oriental history is given to Persia, [B. H. 6049.5]. For the ancient history, in all its arehwologi- ual phases, the reader will perhaps lind^the most interest in Rawlinson s In French, there are several important works, like Gobtncau under the auspices of tue French government, [B. H. ;!020.rj. The travellers who have most illustrated the ixntinuitiei are PERSIA 216 PFEIFFER PERSIA, continued. Chnrdin CB. H. 3049.11], Niebuhr [B. H. 626T.1], R. K. Porter, and Morier, [also in B. H. 4260.15]. For the religion of Zoroaster, sec J. F. Clarke a popular ac count [114.11], nnd the chapter in Rawlinson, [B. H. S027.2.3]. For the philological relations of the Zend-Avesta, sec W. D. Whitney 1 * "Oriental and linguistic studies, [495UJ1J: and Max MQller s " Chips from a German workshop. [B. H. 097.28.1]. See also Wettergaard l Zcndavesta. [B. II. 4241.8]; Anquctii du Pcrron.JB. II. 2014.30]; Abbe Foucher, [B. H. 3014.^0.1]. Sec Asia, East (The), Greece (lor connections with Grecianliistory, Xerxes, etc.) ; and references in Smith s Bible Dictionary, Hackett and Abbot s edition. See also Persepolis. PERSIANI, Fanny, Italian opera singer, b. 1818, d. 1867. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 PERTH, Earl of. See Drummond, James. PERTHES, Clement Theodore. Life and times of Fred erick [C.] Perthes. [Anon.] [With portrait.] Edinburgh, 1858. 8 545.14 PERTHES, Friedrieh Christoph, German bookseller, b. 1772, d. 1843. Baillie, J. Life-studies 548.12 Men who vvcro earnest 549.40 Perthes, C. T. Life and times of 645.14 PERTHES, Friedrieh Matthias. Life of John Chrys- oatom, [St., father of the Greek church, arch bishop of Constantinople, b. 347, d. 407]. Trans lated by A. Hovey and D. B. Ford. Boston, 1854. 12 547.20 PERU. Bollaert, W. Antiquarian researches in. I860 266.11 Cochrane, T. Narrative of services in the liber ation of Peru from Spanish domination. 1859. . 263.9 Hall, B. Journal on the coast of, [1820-22] .... 639.7 v. 3 of 830.25 Hill, S. S. Travels in. 1860 634.3 Markham, C. R. Cuzco: a journey to the ancient capital of. 1856 633.20 Prescott, W. II. History of the conquest of, [1528-50] 252.3 ; 258.7 Smith, A. Peru as it is. 1839 633.21 Sutcliffe, T. Sixteen years in, [1822-39] 633.17 Temple, E. Travels in. 1830 633.12 Trueba y Cosio, T. do. History of the conquest of, by the Spaniards. 1830 830.62 Tschudi, J. J. von. Travels in, [1838-42] 635.12 ffote. Prescott, who has an introduction on the civilizatioh oftheIncas[alsoiuB. H. 441X3, and reviewed by Whipplo, 875.12.1], is the best book for the general reader, who, if he wishes further to investigate the antiquities of the ancient Pe ruvians, will consult Dr. Hawks s translation of Rivero and Tschudi [B. II. 43CJJ.G] and Bollaert, above named, and for philological relations, Lope?; on the Aryan race in Peru, [B. H., in French, S!,"15.5l]. See also Squier u popular article in Harper s monthly, vol. 7. The English standard history antedating Prescott is Robertson s America, [8305, etc.]. The English version of Trueba, etc. [also in 830.2.5.3], is a popular narrative included in Chambcis s Miscellany. The Spanish conquest, byllclpe, who explores the original au thorities independent of his English predecessors, and his Life of Pizarro [SPC Pizarro] are the most recent treatment, in English. The Spanish authorities, Zarate [231CJ.4], and La Vega, on the Incas [43i. Ja .33], nre in Bates Hall, in French versions. See further in Bates Hall catalogues ; and the pop ular comprehensive French history of the Spanish conquests in the 10th century by Chaix, [B. II. 4389.30]. For descrip tions of the country and its remains, see Lacroix (L Univers), [B. U. 227(5.2] ; and the travels of Hill, 1800 [034.3], and Mark- ham, [033.20]. See also Chincha islands PEIIUGINO. See Vannucci, Pietro. PESCHIERA, Marchioness nf. See Colonna, Vittoria. PKTER, the cruel, king of Castile and Leon, b. 1334, d. 1369. History of. See Merimee, P 546.18 PETER I, Alexiowitsch, the great, emperor of Russia, b. 1672, d. 1725. Abbott, J. History of 579.16 Banks, J. Life of 546.21 Barrow, Sir J. Life of 389.16; 810.66 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Bradford, S. II. History of 546.22 Ellis, G. (J. W.) Agar, lord Dover. Lives of the most eminent sovereigns of modern Europe 548.28 Myers, F. Lectures on great men 557.8 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Wight, 0. W. Life of 551.5 Vote. Barrow s Life [also in B. II. MG9a.ll] ii perhaps the best general account in English, and he enumerates his chief authorities. The older English life by Motley, 1739 [B.H. 3000.12], is chiefly based on an earlier French narrative. A PETER I, Alexiowitsch, the great, continued. journal kept at the emperor s court bv a secretary of the Aus trian legation [B. H., in English, 9000.10] gives a vivid picture of Peter a brutish ways in his social intercourse. Of the above lives, Abbott s and Bradford s are popular accounts; and Wight s is a popular and brief compilation. There is a Ger man life by Ilalem, [B. II. 3060.1]. Histories of Russia nee- cssarilv furnish much. Sec Voltaire s Russia under Peter, [B. II. 2685.18.2o]. Sec J. L. Motley s paper in the North American review, Oct., 1845 ; and references in Thomas and OEttinger. PETER, of Blois. Continuations of Ingulph s Chroni cle. See Ingulphus 856.8 PETER, the hermit, preacher of the first crusade, d. 1115. See Hutton, B. Heroes of the crusades 1545.12 Sou. See Crusades, note. PETER, German wild boy, b. about 1712, d. 1785. Goodrich. S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 PETERBOROUGH, Countess of. See Robinson, Anas- tasia. PETERBOROUGH, Earl of. See Mordaunt, Charles. PETERS, Absalom, American general and statesman, b. 1754, d. 1840. See Griswold, 11. W. Biograph ical annual 518.12 PETERS, Hugh, chaplain to Oliver Cromwell, b. 1599, d. 1660. History of. See Peters, S 575.9 PETERS, Samuel. History of Hugh Peters. [With portrait.] New York, 1807. 8 575.9 PETO, Sir Samuel Morton. Resources and prospects of America. Now York, 1866. 16 812.5 PETRA. Kinnear, J. G. Potra in 1839 689.13 Laborde, L. E. S. J., comte de. Journey through Arabia Potrasa, and tho excavated city of. 1838. 685.8 PETRARCH, Francesco, Italian poet, reviver of learning, b. 1304, d. 1374. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Campbell, T. Life and times of 543.6 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, v. 1 of 398.1 Note. Campbell s elaborate life is the chief English au thority, and it may be supplemented by Foscolo s Essays [B. H., in English, 2S03.9] and Gibbon> 70th chapter. The old lemain s Moyen age, [B.H. 4077 .5]; "Longfellow s Poets of Europe, [322.1] ; North American review, vol. 40; and the ref erences iu Thomas. PETRUCCELLI BELLA GATTINA, Fordinando. Rome and the papacy. A history of the men, manners, and temporal government of Rome in the 19th century, as administered by the priests. Trans lated by R. E. Peterson. Philadelphia, [cop. 1872]. 12 9">7.13 PETTIGREW, Thomas J. Chronicles of the tombs. London, 1857. P. 8 856.13 PETTY, Sir William, Enylixh mathematician and phy sician, b. 1623, d. 1C87. See Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies v. 9 of 840. 10 PETTY, William Fitzmaurico, 1st marquis of Lands- downe, English colonel and statesman, b. 1737, d. 1805. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Groat Britain v. 8 of 815.1 PEYSTER, John Watts de. See Do Poystor, J. W. PEYTON, Sir Edward. Divine catastrophe of the house of Stuarts. See Secret history of the court of James i v. 2 of 552.G PEYTON, John Lewis. The American crisis. London, 1867. 2v. 16 " 276.15 PFEIFFER, Ida, Italian traveller and authoress, b. 1795, d. 1858. A lady s voyage round the world. Translated by Mrs. P. Sinnett. New edition. London, 1852. P. 8 409.23; 1655.13 Same. 3d edition. Illustrated. London, 1852. p. 8 J 879.4 Last travels. Translated by II. W. Dulcken. [With portrait.] Now York, 1861. 12 689.24 Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North, [1845]. Translated. With engravings. London, 1852. P. 8 879.3; 1666.20 Same. Translated by C. F. Cooper. New York, 1852. 12 668.20 Same. 2d edition. London, 1853. 8 668.19 PFEIFFER 217 PICTURES Shelf. No. PFEIFFER, Ida, continued. Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt, and Italy, [in 1842]. Translated by H. W. Dulcken. With engravings. 3d edition. London, 1857. 16.. 879.5 See Clever girls of our time 599.21 PHELPS, Charles A. Life and services of Ulysses S. Grant. And a sketch of Schuyler Colfax. With illustrations. Boston, 1868. 12 1513.7 PHELPS, Sylvester Dryden. Bible lands with glimpses of Europe and Egypt. [With] engravings. Chicago, 1867. 12 U 1694.6 PHILADELPHIA, Penn. Arey, H. W. The Girard col lege and its founder 537.29 Belisle, D. W. History of Independence hall. . . 216.14 Note. See illustrated paper on Independence hall, in Har per s monthly, vol. 35. Brown, D. P. The forum; or forty years full practice at the Philadelphia bar 294.4 Watson, H. C. The old bell of independence; or, Philadelphia in 1776 1527.5 PHILIDOR. See Danican, Francois A., called Phili- dor. PHILIP, of Maccdon, b. B. c. 382, d. B. c. 336. Life of. Sec Yonge, C. D. C<*. r ?iQr l Pf ! J 7 l $. i i-^W .vKr545.29 PHILIP (Indian name Met acorn), chief of the Wam^^^a ^ . panoags, d. 1676. Abbott, J. S. C. History of . 579.7 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 Rote. See Irvine s paper in his Sketch-book [387.5; 377.1.2] and the accounts ot King Philip s war, mentioned under New England, note. PHILIP II, of Spain, b. 1527, d. 1598. Gayarre, C. (E. A.) Philip n, of Spain 913.5 Prescott, W. H. History of the reign of.. .922.1; 929.8 Watson, R. History of the reign of v. 1 of 542.2 Note. Prescott s [also in B. H. 3101.7] is the first choice, the earlier history by Watson [also in B. H. 3102.14 ; 42-K-.14] being now little read. Philip s connection with the Netherlands must be traced in Motley s Dutch republic, [923.1]. See Freer s Court of Philip, [B. H. 5094.16]; and references in Thomas, and the section under Prescott in Allibone. See also Spain, history, note. PHILIP III, king of Spain, b. 1578, d. 1621. History of. See Watson, R v. 2 of 542.2 PHILIP, John, D.D., English missionary. Researches in South Africa. [With maps]. London, 1828. 2v. 8 692.8 PHILIP, Uncle, pseud. See Hawk?, Francis L. PHILIPPA, of Hainault, queen of Edward III, b. 1312, d. 1369. Edgar, J. G. Noble dames of ancient story 569.27; 599.24 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. v. 1 of 592.1 PHILIPPART, John. Memoirs and campaigns of Charles John (Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte), king of Sweden, [b. 1764, d. 1844]. Baltimore, 1815. 8 542.3 PHILIPPINE islands. Bowring, Sir J. Visit to the. 1859 682.6 La Gironie ro, P. P. de. Twenty years in the Philippines. 1853 409.21; 705.13; 1655.8 PHILIPS, Ambrose, English poet, b. 1671, d. 1749. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. . v. 3 of 582.11 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 PHILIPS, John, English poet, b. 1C76, d. 1708. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. .T. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 1 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 PHILLIPPO, James M., English missionary. Jamaica: its past and present state, [1494-1843]. Phila delphia, 1843. 8 264.2 The United States and Cuba. London, 1857. P. 8 625.21 PHILLIPS, Charles, Irish barrister. Curran [Irish Ora tor, b. 1750, d. 1817] and his contemporaries. [With portrait.] New York, 1851. 12 598.11 PHILLIPS, George Soarle. Life, character, and genius of Ebenezer Elliott, the corn law rhymer, [b. 1781, d. 1849]. By January Searle, [pseud.]. London. 1850. 18 599.12 Shelf. No. PHILLIPS, Philip, American author, publisher, and vo calist, b. 1834. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 PHILLIPS, Samuel, LL. D., American judge, b. 1752, d. 1802. Memoir of. See Taylor, J. L 523.2 PHILLIPS, Thomas. History and principles of paint ing. London, 1823. 16 205.2 PHILLIPS, Wendell, American slavery abolitionist, b, 1811. See Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times. 1522.8 PHILLIPS, William. The conquest of Kansas [1854- 56], by Missouri and her allies. Boston, 1856. 12 239. 17 PniLO SCOTUS, pseud. See Ain&lie, Henry F. PHILOBIBLIUS, pseud. History and progress of educa tion. [With portrait of Aristotle.] New York, 1860. 12 126.25 PHILOSOPHICAL writers, Essays on. De Quincey, T. . . 895.20 PHILOSOPHERS. Diogenes Laertius. Lives and opin ions of eminent philosophers 834.10 Fenelon, F. (de S. do La Mothe). Lives of the ancient philosophers 820.42 PHILOSOPHER. Cousin, V. Introduction to the his tory of 122.2 Henry, 0. S. Epitome of the history of 820.45 Lewes, G. H. Biographical history of 1 22.4 122.26; 840.34 Morell, J. D. Historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy of Europe in the nine teenth century ., 122.3 Shairp, J. C. Studies in 1829.11 Tenneman, W. A. Manual of the history of .... 855.1 PHILP, James, Philp s Washington described. See Haley, W. D 228.18 PHILP, Robert K. History of progress in Great Brit ain, [B. c. 54-A. D. 1853]. With illustrations. London, 1859. 8 984.6 PHIPPS, Constantino Henry, marquis of Normandy, English statesman, b. 1797, d. 1883. A year of revolution. Journal in Paris in 1848. London, 1857. 2v. 8 1002.4 PHIPS, Sir William, colonial governor of Massachusetts, b. 1651, d. 1695. Bowen, F. Life of v. 7 of 529.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 PHOENICIA. Kenrick, J 956.4 PHYSICAL geography. Ansted, D. T. The world we live in; or, lessons in 163.32 Fitch, G. W. Outlines of 167.8 Kitto, J. Physical geography of the Holy Land. 840.25 Wittich, W. Curiosities of 850.21 See also Geography. PHYSICIAN S vacation, A; or, a summer in Europe. Channing, W 648.1 PHYSICIANS. Lives of British physicians 389.13 Peisse, J. L. H. Sketches of eminent living phy sicians of Paris 609.1 See also Medical biography. PICARD family, Sufferings of the. See Perils and cap tivity PlCCOLOMlNl, Marietta, afterwards marquise Gaetani, Italian singer, b. 1834. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song PICKARD, Hannah Maynard, b. 1812, d. 1844. Me moir and writings of. See Otheman, E Pico BELLA MIRANDOLA, G. See Mirandola, Gio vanni Pico della. PICTORIAL field-book of the revolution. Lossing, B. J PICTORIAL handbook, The, of London. London, 1854. P. 8 PICTORIAL history of the civil war in the United States. Lossing, B. J PICTORIAL history of the New World. Denison, J. L. PICTORIAL history of the Russian war, 1854-56. Ed inburgh, 1856. 8 PICTORIAL history of the United States. Frost, J. . . PICTORIAL history of the United States. Lossing, B. J. PICTURE gallery, The, of the nations. New York, 1872. Sm. 4 PICTURES from the history of Spain. Boston, 1863. 12. 830.31 591.2 538.1 211.1 847.10 272.8 305.8 924.1 304.5 309.8 996.7 979.14 ftuSiCS . PICTURES PLANTAGENET Shelf. No. PICTURES of country life. Miller, T 906.4 PICTURES of early life. Embury, E. C 878.27 PICTURES of heroes and lessons from their lives. Lon don, n. d. 12 551.17 PICTURES of southern life. Russell, W. H 288. 13 PICTURES of travel. Heine, A 6G4.8 PIEDMONT. Baines, E. Visit to the Vaudois of. 1858. 1655.7 Mariotti, L. Country life in. 1858 1657.4 PIERCE, Benjamin, American revolutionary general, governor of New Hampshire, b. 1757, d. 1839. See Griswold, R. W. Biogranhical annual 518*12 PlERCB, Franklin, 15th president of the United States, b. 1804, d. 1869. Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Hawthorne, N. Life of 517.27 Hermitage, pseud. Life of 1529.5 PIERRE DE VAUX. See Waldo, Petor. PIERREPONT, Edwards, judge of the superior court of New York, b. 1817. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 PIKE, Zebulon M., American general, b. 1779, d. 1813. Lifoof. See Whiting, II v. 15 of 529.1 PILGRIM celebration at Plymouth, Mass., Aug. 1, 1853. See. Plymouth, Mass 224.17 PILGRIM S wallet, The. Haven, G 644.15 PILGRIMAGE to the land of Burns. Ainslie, II 645.6 PILGRIMS of Plymouth. Banvard, J. Plymouth and the pilgrims 228.14 Bartlett, W. H. The pilgrim fathers 223.1 Sec also New England, Plymouth. FILLET, Rene M. Views of England, during a resi dence of ten years; six of them as a prisoner of war. Boston, 1818. 12 988.10 PINCKARD, George. Notes on tho West Indies. 2d edition. London, 1816. 2 v. 8 635.7 PINE, George W. Beyond the West. 2d edition. [With illustrations.] Utica, N. Y., 1871. 16.. 623.25 PINKNEY, William, American lawyer, b. 1764, d. 1822. Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolu tion 528.1 Wheaton, H. Life of , v. 3 of 518.5 PINNOCK, William, English publisher. See Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 PIONEER boy, The: A. Lincoln. See Thayer, W. M.. 537.34 PIONEER history. Hildreth, S. P 245.3 PIONEERS of Franco in the New World. Parkman, F.,jr v. 1 of 306.1 PIOTROWSKI, Rufin. My escape from Siberia. Trans lated by E. S. With portrait and map. London, 1863. 12 706.21 PIOZZI, Hester Lynch (Mrs. Thrale), English author ess, b. 1739, d. 1821. Anecdotes of Samuel John son, LL. D. [b. 1709, d. 1784], during the last twenty years of his life. 2d edition. London, 1786. 12^ 588.12 Same. London, 1856. 16 1655.16 Autobiography, letters and literary remains. Ed ited by A. Hayward. Boston, 1861. 12 1595.8 Observations in the course of a journey through Franco, Italy, and Germany. London, 1789. 2v. 8 676.1 See Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society. v. 2 of 542.15; 542.17 Kote. Hay ward s book [also in B. II. 4546.12] is the princi pal source ; but consult also Mangin s Recollections, 1833, [E. H. 6546.8]; Boswcll s Johnson, [58:1.4 ; B. II. 2546.3]; her own letters to Conway, [B. II. 2542.6] ; the Atlantic monthly, June, 1861; and references in Allibone. PISARONI, Rosamunda Benedetta, Italian cantatrice, 6.1785. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song ... 591.2 PITCAIRN, Archibald. See Pitcairne, A. PITCAIRN, David. Perfect peace: letters-memorial of John Warren Howell, [surgeon, of Bath, Eng., b. 1810, d. 1844]. From the 9th London edition. New York, 1845. 12 599.13 PITCAIRN S island. Barrow, Sir J. Description of. 389.1; 810.42; 986.8 Murray, T. B. Pitcairn: the island, tho people, and the pastor 939.6 Kote. See Bounty, note. Shelf. No. PITCAIRNE, or PITCAIRN, Archibald, Scotch physician, b. 1652, d. 1713. See Irving, D. Lives of Scot- ish writers 586.13 PITT, Christopher, English poet, b. 1699, d. 1748. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets . .v. 3 of 582.11 580.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 PITT, William, earl of Chatham, English statesman, b. 1708, d. 1778. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Essay on 409.20; 1655.19 Life of 527.2 ; 196G.5 Timbs, J. Anecdote biography v. 1 of 587.15 Note. The life by Thackeray, 1827, which is heavy and laud atory [B. II. 2440.13], is the most comprehensive, but Macau- lay s two essays, one of them reviewing Thackeray, will suffice the general reader, who mav find interest in Ahnon s Anec dotes, 1792, [B. H. 2118.14]; the sketch in Brougham, [840.5, etc.] ; the American whig review. 1345, vol. 2 ; and the account of his last days in Towle, [1977.1]. See the general histories of England, covering his time; and the references in Allibono under " Chatham; " also his Correspondence, [B. II. 2446.15]. PITT, William, the younger, English statesman and orator, b. 1759, d. 1806. Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th century v. 4 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men.. 548. 16; 551.13 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Biographies contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica 587. 14 Life of 557.2 Smith, G. Three English statesmen 1988.1 Stanhope, P. H. Life of 567.5 Tomline, G. Life of 563.3 Note. The earliest of thclivesby Gifford, 1809[B. H. 2456.1], 1793. The latest and by far tlie best is the moderate tory < by Earl Stanhope, who had the advantages, given to a kins man, in the use of private papers. See a review of it in the Quarterly review, or Living age, June 8, 1801. The most brilliant of the lesser sketches is Macanlay s, from a moderate whig 1 point of view, which originally ap peared in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, in which he con tinues tho political history of George in s time, begun in his two Essays on Chatham. See also Quarterly review, Aug., 1810 ; Bulwef s paper on " Pitt and Fox in his Miscellanies, [1816.15] ; Brougham s sketch in his " Statesmen," [840.5, etc.] ; Goldwin Smith s political history of Pitt s time in his " Three English statesmen," [also in B. II. 4548.^2]; Alison s Europe [943.1] particularly for his financial theories; the lives of his contemporaries fox. Canning, Moore, and Sheridan; and the full references in Allibone. PITTINGER, William. Daring and suffering: a history of tho great railroad adventure. [With por trait.] Philadelphia, 18G3. 12 298.29 PlUS VII (Gregorio Barnaba Luigi Chiaramonti), pope 1800-23, b. 1742, d. 1823. Gavazzi, A. My recollections of the last four popes 1098.25 Wiseman, N. Recollections of tho last four popes. 1098.1; 2095.1 PlUS VIII (Francesco Xavier Castiglioni), pope 1829- 30, b. 1761, d. 1830. Gavazzi, A. My recollec tions of tho last four popes 1093.25 Wiseman, N. Recollections of tho last four popes. 1098.1; 2095.1 PIZARRO, Francisco, conqueror of Peru, b. 1475, d. 1541. Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence. 379.13 Life of. See Lives, etc 539.21 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 . The most useful separate life is that by Helps [B. a continued study of the subject. See Peru, note. PLANCH^, James R. History of British costume, to the close of tho eighteenth century. Now edition. With illustrations. London, 1847. 24 840.51 Same. London, 1849. 12 839.3 PLANTAGENET, Isabel, countess of Bedford, b. 1332, d. 1379. See Edgar, J. G. Noblo dames of an cient story 569.27; 599.24 PLANTAGENET, Joan. See Joan Plantagenct. PLANTAGENET, John, duke of Bedford, regent of France, b. 1389, d. 1435. Edgar, J. G. Sea- kings and naval heroes 558.16 James, G. P. R. Memoirs of groat commanders. 557.6 219 POE Shelf. No. PLATER, milie, countess, Polish heroine, b. 1806, rf. 1831. Life. Translated by J. K. Salomonski. [With portrait.] New York, 1842. 12 599.4 PLATO, Greek philosopher, b. B. C. 429, d. B. C. 347. Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism . v. 2 of 885.1 ..Emerson, R. W. Representative men 876.5 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times. v. 2 of 1869.1 Kate. Tennemann s German life has been translated into English, [B. H. GOB1.6]; see. also the same author s history of philosophy, [855.1]. The interest in Plato centres largely in his teachings, and all treatises on philosophy embody more or less biographical illustrations. Grotc s "Plato and other companions of Socrates " [B. H. 5004.5], takes a somewhat utilitarian view, which is opposed by Jowett, with an idealistic view, in the introductions to his edition of the Dialogues, [B. H. . XXVi.12]. Compare Butler s History of Greek philosophy, [124.7] ; Lcwcs s Biographical history of philosophy, [840.34]; two chapters in Dr. Cocker s Christianity and Greek philoso phy, [B. H. 7603.2]; James Martincau s Essays, [B. H. Mft t.S.S] ; Thomas Starr King s popular examination of his philosophy, [874.15]; Felton sLecturcson Greece, [955.9, etc.]; Macaulav s Comparison of Plato and Bacon in his Essay on Bacon [409.17, etc.], which is in part controverted in Peter Bayne s Essay on Plato, [885.1.2]. See the articles in Smith s Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography; Anthon s Classical dictionary, the article by Hoefer in the Nouvelle biographic generate; and the refer ences in Abbot s bibliography of a future life. [B. II. G20J.7]; and in Malcora s Theological index, [B. H. 2190.19]. PLATT, J. G. History of the British corn-laws. See Hunt, F. Library of commerce 136.30 PLATTER, Thomas, classical printer, b. 1499, d. 1582. See Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence 379.13 PLEASANT memories of pleasant lands. Sigourney, L. H 1654.10 PLEASANT peregrination through the prettiest parts of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1830. 18 639.19 PLIMPTON, James L., machine builder, b. 1828. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.10 PLINIUS CAITJS CAECILIUS SECUNDUS, the younger, Ro man orator, historian, and statesman, b. 61, d. 115. Letters. By W. Mclmoth. Boston, 1809. 2 v. 8 898.17 PLINIUS CAIUS SECUNDUS, the elder, Roman naturalist, Latin poet, and statesman, b. 23, d. 79. See Jar- dine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 9 of 179.1 PLUMMER, John. The story of a blind inventor; ac count of the life and labours of Dr. James Gale, [b. 1833]. [With portrait.] London, 18C8. 16. 1566.3 PLDTAIICHUS, Greek biographer and philosopher, b. 46 ? d. 120? The civil wars of Rome: select lives. Translated by G. Long. London, 1844-48. 5 v. 24 850.1 Same. 5 v. in 2. 24 547.24 Greek history from Themistoclcs to Alexander in a series of lives from Plutarch. Revised by A. H. Clough. London, 1860. 12 946.10 Lives [of ancient Greeks and Romans], Trans lated, with notes, and a life of Plutarch, by J. and W. Langhorno. [With portraits]. Cincin nati, 1850. 8 541.6 -Same. New York, 1851. 4 v. 12 547.11 tfote. See Langhorne s life, also in Bates Hall, [5009.5]. Same. The translation called Dryden s c^r- rected and revised by A. H. Clough. Boston, 1859. 5 v. 8 541.10 Same. New edition. New York, 1861. 8.. 1530.1 PLYMOUTH (town and colony), Mass. Account of the pilgrim celebration at Plymouth, Aug. 1, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8 224.17 Banvard, J. Plymouth and the pilgrims. 1853. 228.14 Bartlett, AV. H. The pilgrim fathers. 1853 223.1 Baylies, F. Historical memoir of New Plymouth, [1620-41] 223.11 Bradford, W. History of Plymouth colony 223.14 Mudgo, Z. A. Views from Plymouth rock. 1869. 228.20 Young, A. Chronicles of Plymouth colony, [1602- 25] 223.13 Kote. We owe to the labors of the Rev. Joseph Hunter, of the British museum [B. H. 2:121.7; 2321.8; 4319.87], the discov ery of much ot interest relating to the rise of the pilgrim sect In England; and in Dr.WadHtagton s Tracks of the hidden church [B. II. 4328.5], we find their progress traced from 1559 to 1620, with the proofs that they were neither puritans nor Shelf. No. PLYMOUTH, continued. gress of English independency. George Sumner, in 1845, made important discoveries concerning their subsequent abode at Ixsyden, [4163.13]. The general reader will find collected together in the most convenient way for him, and elucidated with admirable notes, extract from Bradford s History, then supposed to be lost, and discovered by Dr. Young to belong to it, which narrates the rise of the church as transcribed upon the church records. How the long-lost manuscript of Bradford was discovered is told in the introduction to the Prince catalogue; and it has been suitably edited by Deane [also in B. II. 2320.32; and the Massachusetts historical societies collections, vol. 3 of the 4th series, 2351.1]. It is priceless as an authority, and brings the history of the colony down to 1040. Young s Collection also presents Mourt s Relation, as it is called, which is an account of the doings of the colonists from Sept., 1G20, to March, 1021. written probably by Bradford and Winslow, and transmitted to England. It is a diary, and was first reprinted entire by Dr. Young. It has since been twice reprinted, edited in the one case by H. M. Dexter [B. H. 4503.5;], and in the other by G. B. Cheever, in a popular compilation, including also the original accounts of the embassy to Massasoit, in July, 1G21 ; the expe dition to Nauset in the same month; the visit to Massasoit 1623, in Winslow s Good news, which is reprinted in Young, etc. In 1669, Morton, the secretary of the colony, having Brad ford s manuscript, which he abridged in good part, published the history called New England s memorial [original edition, in Princei 12.43], of which there are two modern editions, one edited by Judge Davis [B. II. 440.1.4]. and the other published by the Congregational board, 1855 [B. II. 2321.3], to which Dr. Be lknap, in 1798", in the 2d volume of his American biog- raphv [820.58; B. II. 2345.8], made the earliest clear summary of all the old authorities regarding the pilgrims early his tory; but Baylies, in 18:, issued the first regular continuous history of the colony [also in B. II., E.223.3; 2350.7], from the flight of the pilgrims to Holland, in MB, to the union with Massachusetts, in 1092 ; and Drake [B. II. 2350.7] has added a fifth part to the work, and perfected it with an index. The story has been retold by Palfrey, in his New England, [B. H. 2321.2.1]; and by Barry, in his History of Massachu setts, [223.3, etc.]. The" history of the town of Plymouth, by Thachcr[B. II. 2357.7 ; 4359.9], and Russell s Memorials [B. H. 23537], necessarily preserve much of the record; while Bartlett has bocu a follower on their tracks with pen and pen cil, both in England, in Holland, and in the old colony, [also in B. H. 2322.59]. The records of the colony have been edited by Shurtleff [B. H. 2330.1], as also the charter, laws, etc. [B. H. G340a.l], edited by William Brigham, whose lecture in the scries delivered by members of the Massachusetts historical society, discussed the relations of the two colonies, [B. H. 4451.15]. The papers of the last governor, Hinckley, before the union, are in the Prince library, and a synopsis of them 13 Standish," [228.23]. Beside the accounts by Banvard and Mudge, there are others for young readers, Gale s Pilgrims hrst year, [B. H. 4459a.l8] ; and White s Early history of New England, [223.4]. See C. W. Philleo s article on Plymouth in Harper s month- The history of the colony is also necessarily told in a frag mentary way in the local histories, the most considerable of by Thomas7"[B. EL. 4359.11]; Scituate, by D e ane, [B. H. Colburn s bibliography [B. II. 0152.15] will indicate ad ditional sources of local history. Sec also Alalcom s Theolog ical index [2190.19], under Pilgrim fathers. See also notes under Massachusetts, New England, and Puritans. PoCAHONTAS, afterwards Mrs. John Rolfe, Indian princess, b. about 1594, d. 1616. Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life. . 599.16 See note under Capt. John Smith. Poco MAS, pseud. Scenes and adventures in Spain, 1835-40. Philadelphia, 1846. 18 669.16 POCOCKE, Edward. India in Greece; or, truth in mythology. Illustrated. London, 1852. 12. 956.10 POCOCKE, Richard, bishop of Ossory (1756), Meath (1765), traveller in the East, b. 1704, d. 1765. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated trav ellers v. 2 of 810.47 POE, Edgar Allan, American poet and novelist, b. 1811, d. 1849. See Powell, T. The living au thors of America 518.15 POET S POOLE Shelt No. POET S, A, bazaar. Pictures of travel in Germany, Italy, Greece, and the Orient. See Andersen, H. C...V. 657.21 POETRY, Studies in. Shairp, J. C 1829.11 POETS. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets 398.2 Browning, E. B. Essays on the Greek Christian poets and the English poets 373.14 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets 896.1 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the loves of the poets 359.11 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets 582.11 586.20; 586.22; 589.26 Reed, H. Lectures on the British poets 346.9 Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Lives of the ancient poets 844.8 POGGIO, Bracciolini. See Braooiolini, Poggio. POISON eaters. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 POLAND. Anderson, F. L. M. Seven months resi dence in Fvussian Poland in 1863 928.16 Dunham, S. A. History of. 1831 378.9 Fletcher, J. History of 810.30 Lee, R. Stories from. 1853 927.17 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 18C5.. 649.22 Saxton, L. C. Fall of. 1851 927.8 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in. 1849... 689.1 Kate. Dunham s History is a careful compendium made for Lardner s Cyclopaedia. Saxton s is an American book, treating all the causes of every phase, in the past history of the country which conduced to the downfall. He Rives authori ties. Fletcher s [also in B. H. 5069a.8] is a compact history, closing with 1830, reprinted in this country, in Harper s Fam ily library. Czechowski, an exile in America, pave in 1863 [B. H. 6069.4] a brief sketch of her past history and the causes 243.1 ., ,[863.5]; als. Ross Brown s papers in Harper s monthly, vols. 25, 20; als< the bibliography, [B. H. 6166.12]. See also Hedwiga. POLAR and tropical worlds. Hartwig, G ,.. 704.14 POLAR seas. See Arctic regions. POLE, Reginald, English cardinal, b. 1500, d. 1558. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 POLITIANO, Angolo. See Poliziano, A. POLITICAL manual, The. 1861. Mansfield, E. D. .. 299.18 POLITICS. Brougham, H., lord. Opinions on ..888.1; 888.2 Hildreth, R. Theory of 134.10 POLIZIANO, or POLITIANO, Angelo, Italian poet, histo rian, and philosopher, b. 1454, d. 1494. See Shel ley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and sci entific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, .v. 1 of 398.1 POLK, James Knox, llth president of the United States, b. 1795, d. 1849. Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic. . 513.13 POLK, Leonidas, b. 1806, d. 1864. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns. . . POLKO, Elise. Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn- Bartholdy, [German musical composer, b. 1809, d. 1847]. Translated by Lady Wallace. [With portrait.] New York, 1869. 16 1587.2 POLLARD, Edward A., b. 1827, d. 1872. Lee and his lieutenants; life of Robert E. Leo [Confederate general, b. 1806, d. 1870] and his companions in arms. With engravings. New York, 1867. 8 272.20 Life of Jefferson Davis [president of the Confed erate States, b. 1808], with a secret history of the Southern confederacy. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1869]. 8 1515.8 The lost cause regained. Now York, 1868. 12. 276.9 Southern history of the war. The third year of the war. [With portraits.] New York, 1865. 8. 293.4 The Virginia tourist. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1870. 18 683.18 POLO, Marco, Venetian traveller arid historian, b. 1250, d. 1324. Travels. With notes of H. Murray. New York, 1845. 18 820.67 Same. Tho translation of Marsden revised. Edited by T. Wright. London, 1854. P. 8.. .. 857.6 See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travel lers . v. 1 of 810.47 Shelf. No. POLYNESIA. Ellis, W. Polynesian researches. 1833. 707.4 Groy, Sir Q. Polynesian mythology. 1855 1087.20 Russell, M. Polynesia; or, an account of the prin cipal islands in the South sea 820.55; 938.13 POMBAL, Sebastian Josef Carvalho Melho, comte d CEyras, marquis de, Portuguese statesman, b. 1699, d. 1782. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of emi nent foreign statesmen v. 6 of 388.7 POMEROY, Samuel C., United States senator from Kan sas, b. 1816. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress . 522.16 POMFRET, John, English divine and poet, b. 1667, d. 1703. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. v. 2of 582.11; 586.20; v.lof 586.22; v.lof 589.26 POMPEII: its past and present state; its public and private buildings, etc. [With illustrations.] London, n. d. 2 v. 12 849.3 POMPEII. Adams, W. H. D. Tho buried cities of Campania 1927.1 Monnier, M. The wonders of Pompeii 937.15 Note. The best account in English for the general reader is Dyer s book, 18G7[B. II. 4738.16], which is based upon the vol umes published by the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge, numbered above, 849.3. It is illustrated, and in his preface he gives a recapitulation of his authorities. The work by Sir William Gell [3d edition, 1852, B. H. 2735.1] is val uable lor its plates, which rcprerent chiefly the condition of the excavations over fifty years ago, and since exposure to the weather does much to impair the condition of the ruins, the early accounts gain in importance. For their present condi tion the reader may find Murray s Handbook [B. II. 4737.4J the readiest manual; and Scharfs description ot the Pompeii court in the Crystal palace at Sydenham [B. II. 4039."2] is a cood presentation of the domestic architecture, etc. The Eng lish translation, "The wonders of Pompeii," above named, of Monnier s " Pompei et les Pompeiens," is an entertaining pop ular view of the subject, with cuts, the original being an ex pansion ofa paper in the Revue dcs deux mondes, vol. 47. The paper by Prof. Evans, in the Nortli American review, April, 1868, and that in the Quarterly review, April, 1864 (also Living- age, May 28, 18G4), give very pood comprehensive accounts of the destruction of the city, and trace the progress of discovery since 1748 to a recent day. The principal authority for thin progress is the official journal, which Fiorelli, the present su perintendent of the excavations, published in 1860-64, [B. H. 4738.3]. It records minutely the progress from the beginning of the work down to 1764, in Spanish and subsequently m Ital ian ; and Fiorelli sought to keep the record up after that date in a periodical, [B. H. 4711.1]. The plates of the great Italian works will afford instruction to such as may not read the text, and the reader is referred to Rossini [B. H., D.3.E] on the architectural remains, and a portion of Piranesi s great work [B. H., D.l.T, vol. 27 and 28], and the plates in one of the Romanelli s Viaggio a Pompei, [B. II. 27:i3.2. ; g. The sumptu ous work in Italian of Niccolini, begun at Naples, 1855, and that in French by Mazois, continued bv Gau, published at Paris, 1812-. !8, and delineating the architectural discoveries from 1757 to 1821, have not yet (1872) been added to this libra ry; but it possesses the French work by Roux, with text by Barre, in 8 volumes, on the paintings, bronzes, etc., [B. H. 2751.6]. On the general subject of Pompeiiaii art, the reader will find chapters in Dyer, a brief summary in Taine s Italy [1673.10], and in vol. 2 of Overbeck s second edition, I860 [B. H. 4738.1], which is a reputable German review of the whole subject, while the first volume is devoted to the history and topography of the city, and is of additional interest from its engravings. See a popular paper in Putnam s magazine, July, 1868, on the mural paintings. The principal authorities on this subject, Zahn, Tarnite, and Raoul Rociiette have not yet been added to the library. The yraffiti,or the scratched in scriptions and drawings on the street walls, have been made the subject of a monograph by Garrucci[2d edition, 1856, B. H. 2751.10], who has been accused, however, of forging some of his examples. There is a summary of his collection in the Edinburgh review, 1859; also in Living age, Dec. 10, 1859. popu n TT ar sketches in the books of travellers, like nillard [679.7], Eustace [37!U!l], Ware [618.4], Howclls [655.15], Chambers [ft r .6.8], etc. See Jarves s illustrated paper in Harper s monthly, vol. 11 ; and Shelley s letters, 1817, [875.15]. Fiorelli s large map of the excavated city is given on a reduced scale in Dyer. PONIATOWSKI, Antoine Joseph, prince, marshal of France, b. 1762, d. 1813. See Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals. . . v. 2 of 605.1; v. 2 of 605.2 PONTE, Giacomo da, called Bassano, or Bassan, the elder, b. 1510, d. 1592. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters ....v. 2 of 840.23 PONTIAC, chief of the Ottawas, b. 1712? d. 1769. Ellis, E. S. Life of 1529.24 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American In dians v. 5 of 1809.1 Parkman, F., jr. History of the conspiracy of. . . 244.2 flote. See Headley s article in Harper s monthly, vol. 22. PONTUS, Researches in. 1842. Hamilton, W. J 694.14 POOLE, Sophia L. Tho Englishwoman in Egypt: let ters from Cairo, 1842-4G. [Anon.] [With il lustrations.] London, 1845.40. 3 v. 24 U 850.3 POOR 221 POWELL Shelf. No. POOR boy and merchant prince: A. Lawrence. See Thayer, W. M 526.20 POOR girl and true woman: M. Lyon. See Thayer, W. M 138.10 POORE, Benjamin Perloy. Rise and fall of Louis Philippe, ex-king of the French. Illustrated. Boston, 1858. 12 1009.1 POPE, Alexander, English poet and critic, b. 1688, d. 1744. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets, v. 2 of 398.2 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 12 of 840.10 De Quincey, T. Biographical essays 895.7 Essays on the poets, and other English writers. 895.15 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548. 13; 549.30 Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors 885.22 Oliphant, M. (0. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George n 983.4 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets .... v. 3 of 582. 1 1 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 Thackeray, W. M. The English humourists of the 18th century 586.1; 589.28 tinte. The reader will get a good preliminary survey in Allibone s long and elaborate article ; and find a full list of au thorities in Bonn s Lowndes; while for a comprehensive life he i)l find Carnither s [835.12; 869.13.1] the latest and best; that repute m cnc last century, jonnson s life is a characteristic specimen of that writer s powers, while Disraeli in his Curios ities of literature [392.4, etc.] has given the indications of the way in which Johnson shaped it. Dyce s memoir [1318.1.1; B. H. 2578.14.1] is one of the best of the briefer consolidated accounts, hut see also that by De Quincey, consulting his note book [B. II. 6004.13] and Theological essays [905.2.2], heside of the British poets, [890.1]t CtoribVt^Mcraorials of Thicken" ham, [B. II. 2494.7]; Lowell s My study windows, "[1816.22, etc.]; F. W. Robertson s lecture, [801.12]: Kingsley s New- miscellanies, [1816.!!], comparing him with the modern school of poets ; W. B. O. Penbody s Literary remains [87(5.12], where his relations with Aildison are particularly examined: Drake s essay, [B. H. 4578.8.3] ; and Villemain s Etudes, [B. H. 2672.7.7]. The latest information is given in the valuable introductions to the new edition of Pope s works, begun by the late J. W. Crokcr, and in progress by Elwiu, [B. II. 4564.8]. See also as the best authority on Pope s private life, Spence s Anecdotes, [B. II. 2194.2] ; and for a thorough study of the subject the in vestigator will need to consult the Suftolk correspondence,[B. POPE, H. E. The Corsair and his conqueror: a winter in Algiers. London. 1860. 12 .............. 688.15 POPES. Gavazzi, A. My recollections of the last four popes ................................. 1098.25 Ranke, (F.) L. von. History of the ..... 838.1; 1085.19 Wiseman, N. Recollections of the last four popes. 1098.1; 2095.1 Kate. Ranke s History covers the 16th and 17th centuries, and he is reviewed by Afacaulay [409.20, etc.], and Milman, [B. II. 5555.14]. See also Christianity, Ecclesiastical history, and Roman catholic church. The old history by Bowers [B. H. 8552.2] is of doubtful character and caused much con troversy. The French history by De Cormcnin is a popular acconnf, which has been translated, [B. H. 5553.fi]. Dollin- ger s" Fables respecting the popes of (he middle nges,"is a valuable contribution to ecclesi.istical history, [B. H., in German, 5515.4 ; in English, 3407.51 ; 3517.51]. See Malcom s Index, [B. H. 2900.193. PoRSON, Richard, Enylish scholar and critic, b. 1759, d. 1808. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century ........................... v. 4 of 839.6 Jerdan, W. Men I have known ............... 1522.9 Rogers, S. Recollections ............... 395.5 ; 1396.3 PORT ROYAL, Select memoirs of, [1204-1472]. Schimmelpenninck, M. A .............. . ..... 1006.3 PORTER, Capt. David. Journal of a cruise to the Pacific ocean, in the United States frigate Essex, 1812-14. With engravings. 2d edition. New York, 1822. 2 v. 8 ....................... 702.11 See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other mis cellanies .............................. v. 2 of 1815.5 PORTER, David D., American admiral, b. 1813. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval com manders ................................... 272.7 Shelf. No. PORTER, George R. The geography of Groat Britain. See Long, G 365.10- PORTER, William David, American commodore, b. 1810. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 PORTER, William Trotter, American editor, b. 1809, d. 1858. Life of. See Brinloy, F 528.23 PORTIA, Roman lady, wife of Brutus, fl. B. C. 48. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 PORTLAND, 1st earl of. See Weston, Richard. PORTO Rico, Notices of. 1840. Turnbull, D 635.3 PORTRAITS of illustrious personages of Great Britain. Lodge, E 815.1 PORTUGAL. Andersen, II. C. In Spain and a visit to. 1870 675.20 Beckford, W. Italy: with sketches of. 1834. 675.18; 679.6 Busk, M. M. History of, [B. c. 1000-A. D. 1814]. 365.1 Dunham, S. A. History of. 1832 308.8 Forrester, J. J. Prize-essay on. 1854 673.3 Froissart, Sir J. Antient chronicles of ..1001.2; 1003.1 Herbert, H. J. G. Portugal and Galicia 889.8 Historic sketches. See Society, etc 979.11 Journal of a few months residence iu. 1847. . . . 673.4 March, C. W. Sketches and adventures in. 1856. 675.12 Matthews, H. Diary of an invalid in, [1817-19]. 679.14 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1855. 649.16; 1658.1 Shelley, M. W. Literary and scientific men of. . 398.1 See also note under Spain. POSEY, Thomas, governor of Indiana, b. 1750, d. 1818. Hall, J. Memoir of v. 19 of 529.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 POST, Lydia M. Soldiers letters, from camp, battle field and prison [in the United States civil war]. New York, 1865. 12 244.10 POSTE, Boale. Britannic researches. London, 1853. 8 oa=; 9 .... .... .... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . yoO.fi POTOMAC, U. S. frigate, Voyage of the, round the world. Reynolds, J. N 701.8 POTOSI, Journey from Buenos Ayres to, [1825-26]. Andrews, J 637.11 POTTINGER, Eldrid, major, the defender of Herat, b. 1811, d. 1843. See Kaye, J. W. Lives of Indian officers v. 2 of 1566.4 PODSSIN, Nicolas, French painter, b. 1594, d. 1665. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 POWELL, C. Frank. Life of major-general Zachary Taylor. With portrait. New York, 1846. 96 pp. 8 517.5 POWELL, Foster, English pedestrian, b. 1734, d. 1793. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters. . 1546.5 POWELL, Thomas. The, living authors of America. 1st series. New York, 1850. 16 518.15 Contents. James Fenimore Cooper, novelist, b. 1789, d. 1851s Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet and essayist, b. 1801 ; Na thaniel Parker Willis, poet, critic, and journalist, b. 1807. d. 1867; Edgar Allan Poe, poet and novelist, b. 1811, d. 1819; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet, b. 1807 ; William Hick- 586.9 Frances Sargent Ostrood. poetess, b. 1812, d. 1SV); Sarah Mar- arct Fuller, marchesa d Ossoli, authoress, b. 1810, d. 1850: Irs. Caroline Matilda Kirkland, authoress, b. 1815: Jared Sparks, historian, b. 1789, d. 1866. The living authors of England. New York, 1849. 12 Contents. William Wordsworth, poet, b. 1770, d. 1850; James Henry Leigh Hunt, poet and essayist, b. 1784, d. 1859; Thomas Moore, Irish poet, b. 1779, d. 1852; Bryan Waller Procter (Darni Cornwall), pool, b. 1790; Walter Savage Lan- dor, poet, b. 1775, d. 1864; Samuel Rogers, poet, b. 1763, d. 1855; Alfred Tennyson, poet-laureate, b. 1809; Thomas Bab- ington Macauhty, historian and critic, b. 1800, d. 1859; Robert Browning, poet, b. 1812 ; Thomas Burbidge, poet; ArthurHugh Clough, poet. b. 1819, d. 1801 ; Thomas Southwood Smith, phy sician, b. 1788, d. 18fil; Coventry Patmore, poet, b. 1823: Al fred Domett, miscellaneous writer, b. about 1812; Henry Tay lor, dramatist and essayist, b. about 1800; Elizabeth Barrett Browning, poetess, 1). 1809, d. 1801; Charles John Huftam Dickens, novelist,!). 1812, d. 1870; sir Thomas Noon Talfourd, judge and author, b. 179.3, d. 18.~>4 ; Ernest Jones, barrister, poet, and chartist, b. 1810, d. 1809; Richard Monckton Milnea, lord Houghton, politician and author, b. 1809; John Forster, bio grapher and critic, b. 1812; Richard Henry Home, miscella neous writer, b. 1S07 ? Edward Moxon, publisher and poet, b. lotter ry AJ POWELL 222 PRINGLE Shelf. No. POWELL, Thomas, continued. 1801, d. 18;>8 j Thomas Carlyle, essayist, historian, biographer, and political writer, b. 1795; Charles Mackay. Scotch poet and miscellaneous writer, b. 1812; John Abraham Hcraud, epic poet and dramatist, b. 1799 ; William Cox Bennett, poet, b. 1820; Archer Gurney, divine and author, b. 1817 ; John West- land Marston, poet and dramatist, b. 1820; George Stephens, dramatist, b. 1800, d. 1851; Philip James Bailey, poet, b. 1816; James Sheridan Knowles, Irish dramatic author, b. 1784, d. 1802; Short notices of other authors; Anna Murphy Jameson, miscellaneous writer, b. 1797, d. 18(50. POWERS, Hiram, American sculptor, b. 1805. See MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 POWLETT. See Paulet. POWHATAN, U. S. steam-frigate, China and Japan: narrative of the cruise of the, [1857-60]. John ston, J. D C88.19 PRAIRIE traveller, The. Marcy, R. B 639.25 PRAIRIES. Gregg, J. Commerce of the, [1831-40]. 628.16 Scenes and incidents in the Western prairies. 1856 239.12 Irving, W. Tour on the. 1835 639.15 Parkman, F., jr. California and Oregon trail: sketches of prairie life. 1849 626.12; 626.14 Sage, R. B. Scenes in the grand prairies. 1846. 639.4; 639.16 PRATT, Anne. Dawnings of genius; or, the early lives of some eminent persons of the last century. New York, 1850. 18 548.26 Contents. Sir Humphry Davy, English chemist, natural philosopher, and scientific writer, b. 1778, d. 1829; George Crabbe, English poet and preacher, b. 1754. d. 1832; Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic DtgObert Cuvier, French naturalist, b. 1709, d. 18- !- ; Sir Joshua Reynolds, English ponrait painter, b. 1723, d. 1792; Lindley Murray, American fmaker, lawyer and grammarian, b. 1745, d. 182ii ; Sir James Macintosh, Scotch statesman, historian and political writer, b. 17fi5, d. 1832; Adam Clarke, LL. i>., Weslcyan commentator, antiquary, and oriental scholar, b. 17(JO, d. 1832. PBATT, Charles, 1st earl of Camden, English chief justice and politician, b. 1713, d. 1794. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 PRATT, Rev. Enoch. History of Eastham, Wollfleet and Orleans, 1644-1844. Yarmouth, 1844. 8. . 224.22 PRATT, Zadock, tanner and capitalist, b. 1790. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 PRAY, Lewis G. History of Sunday schools, and of religious education, from the earliest times. Boston, 1847. 16 1108.8 PREACHER, The, [G. Whitefield]. See Kyle, J. C. . . 1088.33 PREACHER, The, [Bourdaloue] and the king [Louis Xiv]. See Bungencr, L. (F.) 1006.4 PREACHERS. The popular preachers of the ancient church. Wilson, W 555.20 PREBLK, Edward, commodore, b. 1761, d. 1807. Cooper, J. F. Lives of distinguished American naval officers 527.5 Sabine, L. Life of v. 22 of 529.1 PRE-HISTORIC nations. Baldwin, J. D 1957.2 PRE-HISTORIC times. Lubbock, Sir J 143.20 PRENTICE, George D. Biography of Henry Clay, [American statesman, b. 1777, d. 1852]. [With portrait.] Hartford, 1831. 12 517.26 PRENTISS, Seargent Smith, American orator, b. 1808, d. 1850. Memoir. Edited by his brother. New York, 1855. 2 v. 12 525.3 PRESBYTERIANISM. Blaikie, A. The schools; or, presbytorians in the United States 1115.11 Gillott, E. H. History of the presbytorian church in the United States 2096.2 PRESCOTT, William Hickling, American historian, b. 1796, d. 1859. Biographical and critical essays. London, 1856. 16 865.4 Biographical and critical miscellanies. [With por trait.] Now York, 1845. 8 872.2 History of tho conquest of Mexico, [1516-47]. New York, 1843. 3 v. 8 252.1 -Same. Now edition. London, 1857. 2 v. 16. 258.1 - Same. 8th edition. London, 18GO. 3 v. Sm. 8. 257.1 History of tho conquest of Peru, [1528-50]. Now York, [cop. 1847]. 2 v. 8 252.3 Same. London, 1858. 2 v. 16 258.7 Shelf. No PRESCOTT, William Hickling, continued. History of tho reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the catholic, [1406-1517]. [With portraits.] Bos ton, 1838. 3 v. 8.. 912.1 Same. London, 1854. 2 v. 16 929.2 History of the reign of Philip n, king of Spain, [1555-80]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1855- 58. 3 v. 8 922.1 Same. New edition. London, 1857. 2 v. 16. 929.8 Life of Charles v, after his abdication. See Rob ertson, W v. 3 of 912.4; v. 2 of 919.9 Life of Charles Brockden Brown, [American nov elist, b. 1771, d. 1810]. See Sparks, J.. . . v. 1 of 529.1 Powell, T. The living authors of America 518.15 Ticknor, G. Life of 514.9 ffnte. Ticknor s is the authoritative life. See the article in Allibone, and Whipple s Essays, [875.11.2; S75.12.2]; also Ev erett s orations, [8(31.7.4]. PRESIDENTS. Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of tho presidents of tho United States, [1782-1860] 1522.12 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic. . . 513.13 PRESS, Liberty of the. See Hunt, F. K. The fourth estate 999.5 PRESSENSE, Edmond de. Tho early years of Chris tianity. Translated by A. Harwood. The mar tyrs and apologists. New York, 1871. Sm. 8. 115. 17 PRETENDERS, Memoirs of tho. Jesso, J. H. . . .979.8; 1985.1 PRICE, Edward. Norway and its scenery. Edited by T. Forester. London, 1853. P. 8 825.7 PRICE, Sterling, b. 1809, d. 1867. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns . . . 243.1 PRICHARD, James C. An analysis of the Egyptian mythology. London, 1838. 8 1083.9 PHICHARD, T. J. Llewelyn. Tho heroines of Welsh history. London, 1854. 12 979.12 PRIDEAUX, John, professor of divinity at Oxford, and bishop of Worcester, b. 1578, d. 1650. Daven port, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence 379.13 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 643.13 PRIEST, The, [Latimer]. See Rylo, J. C 1088.33 PRIEST, The, and tho Huguenot. See Bungener, L. (F.) . 1096.2 PRIESTCRAFT, History of. Howitt, W 2104.4 PRIESTLEY, Joseph, English dissenting divine, chemist, and natural philosopher, b. 1733, d. 1804. Biogra phies of eminent men from tho 13th century. v. 4 of 839.6 Brougham, H., lord. Lives of men of letters and, science in the time of George in 547.3 PRIME, Edward D. G. Around the world: sketches of travel through many lands and over many seas. With illustrations. Now York, 1872. 16. 657.24 PRIME, Samuel I. The Bible in the Levant; or, the life and letters of Rev. C. N. Righter, [American missionary, b. 1824, d. 1856]. [With portrait.] Now York, 1859. 12 688.9 Letters from Switzerland. [With illustrations.] New York, 1860. 12 C65.1 Memoirs of Nicholas Murray, D. D., [Irish protes- tant divine, b. 1802, d. 1862]. (Kirwan.) Now York, 1862. 12 536.18 Travels in Europe and tho East. With engrav ings. New York, 1855. 2 v. 12 647.8 PRIME, William C. Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. [With illustrations.] Now York, 1857. 12... 698.8 Tent life in the Holy Land. [With illustrations.] New York, 1858. 12 686.7 PRINCE, Rev. Thomas, of Boston, b. 1687, d. 1785. Chronology. See Morton, N 223.14 PRINCE, The. See Machiavelli, N. History of Flor ence 828.7 PRINCE Edward island. Johnstone, W. Letters, de scriptive of. 1822 629.19 Travels in, [1820-21] 629.19 PRINCES of art. See Fallot, C. Tho old masters 555.10 PRINCETON, N. J. Log college, Sketches of the founder, and alumni of. Alexander, A 1089.8 PHINGLE, Sir John, M.D., president of the Royal soci ety, natural philosopher, b. 1707, d. 1782. See Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity. . . .r. 1 of 830.28 PKINSEP 223 PURITANS Shelf. No. PBINSEP, Henry T. Tibet, Tartary and Mongolia; their social and political condition, and tho relig ion of Boodh, as there existing. London, 1851. 12 1936.1 PRINTER boy, The: B. Franklin. See Thayer, W. M. 537.27 PRINTING: its antecedents; origin, history, and results. 1855. Stark, A 1655.25 PRIOR, Sir James, Irish author, and inspector of hospi tals, b. 1790. Life and character of Edmund Burko, [Irish statesman and orator, b. 1729, d. 1797]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1854. 2 v. 16 588.17 PRIOR, Matthew, English poet and diplomatist, b. 1 G64, d. 1721. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets. v. 2 of 398.2 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets . . . v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 Note,. There are lives by Mitford, [329.8.1 ; 1318.2.1] ; John son, [also in B. II. 2589.3] ; Chalmers, [B. H. 259J.7.10] ; An derson, [B.H. 4604.1]. See also Thackeray s Humorists [386.1, etc.], and references in Allibone. PRISON books and their authors. Langford, J. A. .. 883.14 PRISON life, Pictures from. Haynes, G 270. 12 PRISON life in the South, 1864, 65. Abbott, A. 0. . . 276.8 PRISONER of state. Mahony, D. A 298.21 PRISONER of state in the fortress of Spielberg, [1824- 32], Memoirs of a. Andryane, A 544.10 PRIVATE anecdotes of foreign courts. See Broglio Solari, C. H., marchese 1005.5 PRIVATEERS, History of American, [1812-14]. Cogges- hall, G 215.8 PROCTER, Bryan Waller, English poet, b. 1790. Charles Lamb, [English essayist, b. 1775, d. 1834]: a memoir. By Barry Cornwall, [pseud.]. Boston, 18G6. 12 1516.9 See Powell, T. The living authors of England . . 586.9 Ncte. See Allibone for references, and Howitt s "Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets," [896.1.2]. ^ilfa , :B.Bi,iT>.;B"Uto ,:A/e,.*;r>>43>K. PROCTOR, Edna Dean. A Russian journey. Boston. 1872. 16 648.18 PROCTOR, George. History of the crusades: their rise, progress, and results. With illustrations. London, 1854. 16 947.22 Historical essays. See Stoddart, Sir J 988.7 History of tho Ottoman empire. See Jacob, S. .. 956.11 PROCTOR, John W. Address. See Danvers, Mass. Centennial celebration, Juno 16, 1852 224.10 PROPHECY. Ancient cities and empires: their pro phetic doom. Gillett, E. H 1958.9 PROTESTANT episcopal church in tho United States, History of the. Wilberforce, S 1099.36 PROTESTANTISM. Felice, G. do. History of the protestants of France, [1521-1851] 1007.10 Michiels, (J.) A. (X.) Secret history of the Aus trian government and of its systematic persecu tion of protestants 928.11 Note. For protestantism in France, see under France, Huguenots, Reformation, etc., and consult the bibliographical record in the National library catalogue [B. H. 6161.1.5, pp. mation are given, and his "Jean Galas et sa famille" [2065.4] for the last century; and W. H. Waddington s paper in tho Cambridge essays [873.13] ou the protestant church and relig ious liberty in France. See other countries for protestantism in them. For the general subject, see Bossuet s well known " Histoire des variations des cglises protestantcs," [B. H. 3464.22; 0023.5]: Archbishop Spalding s Miscellanea [B. II. 4405.;] for the catholic side of the question of the greater or less civilizing influences of the reformed faith over that of the catholic church; andFroude on its condition and prospects, [1815.15.2], PRUSSIA. Abbott, J. S. 0. Prussia and tho Franco- Prussian war. 1871 925.9 Adams, W. T. Northern lands; or, Young Amer ica in. 1872 1676.7 * Atkinson, E. W. Memoirs of the queens of. 1858. 546.1 Bradshaw, G. Illustrated hand-book for Rhenish Prussia 1659.3 Frederic n. Origin of tho Bismarck policy 928.17 Laing, S. Notes on tho social and political state of. 1854 409.14; 1655.3 Landon, M. D. The Franco-Prussian war in a nutshell. 1871 925.10 Shelf. No. PRUSSIA, continued. Murray, J. Handbook for travellers on tho con tinent. 1854 ............................... 649.19 Ranko, (F.) L. von. History of, during tho 17th and 18th centuries .......................... 925.7 Vehse, C. E. Memoirs of tho court of .......... 546.7 Vote. The general heading of Germany, which see, neces sarily covers this subject, with its subdivision of the Thirty- years war, Seven years war, Napoleonic wars [see France], Franco-German war, etc. See Bates Hall catalogues under Pr rnenur ne an cenures, ..; aso oxel History of the house of Austria, 1218-1792 [828.2], for the policy of the opponents of Prussia. For the important period of Frederick the nreat, see note un der that head, to whose references may be added the journal of Thiebault [B. H. 28T>2.8], a French resident at the court, who is authority for the court life, and whose book is reviewed in the Edinburgh review. Oct., 180.). Sec alsn Mirabcau s Se .o.;/.o, uic.j isirr>uwaru (jreasy in j.cmpie oar, or living age, Dec. 10, 1870, in a paper on the Prussian victory at Leuthen, 1757, finds there the beginning of her military prowess ; and in the Edinburgh review, Oct., 1866, there is an essay on the growth of this warlike eminence. See also Berlin, Frederic n, Germany. PSALMANAZAR, George, pseudonym of a savant of un certain origin, b. about 1679, d. 1753. See Good rich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. . v. 3 of 1869.1 PUBLIC characters. Brougham, H.,lord. Sketches of. 888.3 Knapp, S. L. Sketches of 518.9 PULASKI, Cassmir, count, Polish patriot, and general in the American revolutionary army, b. 1748, d. 1779. Life of. See Sparks, J v. 14 of 529.1 PULCI, Bernardo, Italian poet, fl. lath century. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, etc v. 1 of 398.1 PULCI, Luca, Italian poet, fl. loth century. See Shel ley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and sci entific men of Italy, etc v. 1 of 398.1 PULCI, Luigi, Italian poet, b. 1431, d. 1487? See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, etc v. 1 of 398.1 PULSIFER, David. Guide to Boston and vicinity. With maps and engravings. Boston, 1868. 12. 1638. 11 PULSZKY, Francis and Theresa. White, red, black. Sketches of American society in tho United States. New York, 1853. 2 v. 12 627.3 PULSZKY, Theresa, Hungarian authoress, d. 1815. Me moirs of a Hungarian lady. [Autobiography.] Philadelphia, 1850. 12 546.9 PULTENEY, William, earl of Bath, English statesman, b. 1682, d. 1764. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 PUMPELLY, Raphael. Across America and Asia, [1861-66]. [With illustrations.] 3d edition. New York, 1870. 8 1623.5 PUNCHARD, George. History of Congregationalism, 250-1616. Salem, 1841. 12 1099.13 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. New York, 1865. 2 v. 12 2096.1 View of Congregationalism. 3d edition. Boston, 1856. 12.... 1105.12 PUNJAB frontier. Edwardes, H. B. A year on the, [1848, 49] 695.6 Orlich, L. von. Travels in tho. 1845 v. 1 of 695.3 PURCELL, Henry, English musical composer, b. 1658, d. 1695. Cabinet portrait gallery of British wor thies v. 9 of 840.10 PURITAN, The: [R. Baxter]. See Ryle, J. C 1088.33 PURITAN commonwealth in Massachusetts, [1620-89], Oliver, P 223.4 PURITANISM and its leaders. Tulloch, J 997.7 PURITANS. Hopkins, S. The puritans of England, [1549-1601] 982.3 Marsden, J. B. History of the later puritans. . . 1085.17 Neal, D. History of the, [1517-1688] 1085.16 Note. Neal is a defender of the puritans [also in B. II. 3526.1], and he is reviewed in Whipples Essays [875.11.1], where there is a glowing tribute to their influence in New Eng land history; and Higginson. in his Essays [877.21, from the Atlantic monthly, Sept., 18ft:], depicts the life of the puritan minister in New England. Palfrey s delineation in his New England of the puritan character is a moderate and generally just one [232.1], as opposed to the stronger light and shade of Macaulay in his Essav on Milton [601.51 and of Bancroft in hi History of the United States, [302.1]. The subject can be PURITANS 224 IIAIKE8 PURITANS, continued. jrencrally surveyed in the sections on the history of religion in the Pictorial history of England, [962.2] ; and in Punchard s His tory of Congregationalism, [1099.1.3, etc.] ; while the historical relations of the established church to the schools of indepen dents, which grew out of pimtanism, is shown from a church man 1 * point of view, in Curteis s Bampton lectures, [B. H. 3467.50]. Johnson cives, though briefly, the views of a tory in his Life of Butler, [582.11.1]. ilarsden, who gives the history of the early and later puritans, down to 1G62[E. H. .3.52,1.7], 19 also a churchman. Brook s Lives of the puritans [B. II. 3553.8] is the work of an industrious writer, who is zealous in his ad miration of his subjects. Condor s Analytical view of all re ligions, gives the comparative standing of puritans, indepen- pathizer. See also Wilson s History of the dissenting churches in London, [B. II. ,3523.4]; Toulrriin s History of the dissent ers, [B. II. 3J25.3] ; Stouphton s narrative covering the interval from the open in K of the long parliament to the death of Crom well [B. If. 35- <i.l9] and its sequel. The church of the restora tion [B. II. 3520.18], to which will follow Skeats s History of the free churches from 1088 down, [B. II. 5527.5]. See also the works of John Owen, the leading independent, and his life by Orme, and Thomson s [B. H. 5507.2.1], largely based on Orme. The American history of the puritans in the time of Edward VI and Elizabeth, by Hopkins, gives a list of printed authori ties. Works like Warburton s Prince Rupert [.553.0] and Mas- son s Milton [see note under Milton] will aftbrd much illus trative detail on one side or the other. Kingsley s Essays [894.6] has a popular defence of the puritan character, and instances the habits of our own day as justifying their views. See Malcolm s Index, [B. H. 2990.19]. Histories of Massachusetts, New England, and Plymouth colony embrace the general subject, and particularly the phases of the movement on American soil ; but the distinction should be borne in mind that the settlers of Massachusetts were the proper puritans, who would purify within the church, while those of Plymouth were seekers of that reform on an in dependent basis. See Massachusetts, note. PUSEY, Edward Bouverie, English divine and author, b. 1800. See Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 PUTNAM, Israel, American revolutionary general, b. 1718, d. 1790. Cutter, W. Life of 528.8 Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals . . . 516.1 Hill, Q. G. Gen. Israel Putnam. A biography.. 528.10 Humphreys, D. Life of 528.7; 628.9 Peabody, 0. W. B. Life of. . .v. 2 of 518.5; v. 7 of 529.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Stoddard, R. II. The story of Putnam the brave [in verse] 1320.1 PYM, John, JSnylish republican politician, b. 1584, d. 1643. Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen v. 3 of 388.6 Smith, G. Three English statesmen 1988.1 PYNE, Louisa, Enylishsinyer, b. 1832. See Clayton, E.G. Queens of song 591.2 PYRAMIDS, Around the, [1859, 60]. Ward, A 674.11 PYRENEES. Costello, L. S. Beam and the. 1844.. 654.2 Ellis, S. S. Summer and winter in the. 1841. . . 654.16 Inglis, H. D. The Pyrenees, in 1830 663.14; 830.G5 Johnson, F. H. Sketches of the. 1857 654.7 Malcolm, Sir J. Campaign in the, [1814]. v. 1 of 830.42 Weld, C. R. The Pyrenees west and east. 1859. 606.14 PYRRHTJS, king of Epirus, b. B. c. 318, d. B. c. 272. History of. See Abbott, J 549.20 QUAKERS. See Friends, Society of. QUARTIER, Jacques. See Cartier, Jacques. QUATREFAGES BE BREAU, Jean Louis Armand de. Rambles of a naturalist on the coasts of France, Spain, and Sicily. Translated by E. C. Otte. London, 1857. 2 v. P. 8 654.10 QUATREM&RE DE QUINCY, Antoine C. Life of Raffael- lo. SceDuppa, R 543.12; 835.7 QUEBEC. Hunter, W. S. Panoramic guide from Ni agara Falls to. 1857 629.13 Silliman, B. Tour between Hartford and, in 1819. 628.26 Note. Sec illustrated paper by Lossing in Harper, vol. 18. QUEEN S county, N. Y., Revolutionary incidents of. Onderdonk, H., jr 217.17 QUEENS, The, of American society. Eliot, E. F 1522.15 QUEENS, The, of society. Thomson, K. (B.) . .542.15 ; 542.17 QUEENS of song. Clayton, E. C 591.2 QUETZALCOATL, high priest and magistrate of Tula, Mexico. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 QUEVEDO Y VILLEGAS, Francisco Gomez do, Spanish politician and litterateur, b. 1580, d. 1645. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, v. 3 of 398.1 Shelf. No. QUINCY, Edmund. Life of Josiah Quincy, b. 1772, d. 1864. [With portrait.] Boston, 1867. 8 1526.18 QuiNCY, Josiah, jr., American lawyer and orator, b. 1744, d. 1775. Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolution 528.1 Quincy, J. Life of 524.20 QUINCY, Josiah, American statesman, b. 1772, d. 1864. History of Harvard university, [1636-1838]. [With engravings.] Cambridge, 1840. 2 v. 8 J . 294.1 Life of John Quincy Adams, [6th president of the United States, b. 1767, d. 1848]. [With por trait.] Boston, 1858. 8 512.1 Life of Josiah Quincy, jun., [b. 1744, d. 1775]. Boston, 1825. 8 524.20 Municipal history of Boston, 1630-1830. [With illustrations.] Boston, 18 J2. 8 222.5 .Life of. See Quincy, E 1526.18 Note. See Everett s orations and speeches, [861.7.4]. QUINTARD, George W., constructor of engines for steam ers, b. 1822. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 QniTMAN, Gen. John Anthony, governor of Mississip pi, b. 1799, d. 1858. Life and correspondence. By J. F. H. Claiborne. [With portrait.] New- York, 1860. 2v. 12 528.26 QUODLIBET: annals thereof. Kennedy, J. P 297.26 RABBE, Alphonso, and DUNCAN, Jonathan. History of Russia to the close of the Hungarian war. [With engravings.] London, 1854. 2 v. 8.. 869.11 RABELAIS, Francois, French philosopher, physician, and writer, b. about 1483, d. 1553. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 1 of 388.8 RACHEL, Mile. See Felix, Eliza R. RACINE, Jean, French poet and historian, b. 1639, d. 1699. Blaze de Bury, M. P. R. Racine and the French classical drama 840.4 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 1 of 388.8 Note. See Astie s sketch, [1008.10]. RADCLIFFE, Mrs. Ann, novelist, b. 1764, d. 1823. Kavanagh, J. English women of letters 589.30 Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists 586.19 RADCLIFFE, Charles, b. 1693, beheaded 1746. See Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jacobites. v. 3 of 562.2 RADCLIFFE, James, earl of Derwentwater, b. 1689, beheaded 1716. See Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jacobites v. 1 of 562.2 RADCLYFFE, or RATCLIFFE, Thomas, carl of Sussex, lord-lieutenant of Inland, b. 1526, d. 1583. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 RAE, W. F. Westward by rail : the new route to the East. [With map.] New York, 1871. 12.... 638.19 RAEBURN, Sir Henry, portrait painter, b. 1756, d. 1823. See Cunningham, A. Lives of thei most eminent British painters, etc v. 5 of 379.9 ; v. G of 810. 19 RAFFAELLO SANTI, or SANZIO DA URGING. See Santi, or Sanzio, Rafiaelio da Urbino. RAFFLES, Thomas, D. D., of Liverpool, Eng., b. 1788, d. 1863. Life and ministry of Rev. Thomas Spencer, of Liverpool, {b. 1791, d. 1811]. 3d American edition. [With portrait.] Boston, 1814. 8 576.1 RAFFLES, Sir Thomas Stamford, English statesman and naturalist, b. 1781, d. 1826. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 8 of 179.1 RAGANI, Giusoppa, madame. See Grassini, Giuseppa. RAIBOLINI, Francesco, called H Francia, b. 1450, d. 1517. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 1 of 840.23 RAISES, Robert, English founder of Sunday-schools, b. 1735, d. 1811. Robert Raikes: his Sunday schools and his friends. [Anon.] [Illustrated.] Philadelphia, [1859]. 16 2109.10 Lloyd, W. F. Life of 578.13 Tillotson, J. Our untitlod nobility 677. 14 Twoedio, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555. 13 RAIKE8 225 RAUMER Shelf. No. RAIKES, Thomas, English foreign and domestic diarist, b. 1788, d. 1848. Journal, 1831-47: comprising life in London and Paris. 2d edition. London, 1856,57. 4v. 8 566.7 RAILROADS. Crofutt, G. A. Great trans-continental railroad guide. 1870 1638.26 Flint, H. M. The railroads of the United States. 1868 195.27 Dobson, E. Historical, statistical, and scientific account of the railways of Belgium, [1834-42] . . 194.3 Spencer, H. Railway morals and railway policy. 1655. 25 Stimson, A. L. Origin of American railroads . . . 296.7 RAILWAYS: their capital and dividends, with statis tics of their working in Great Britain, Ireland, etc. Chattaway, E. D 1169.27 RAIMONDI, Marc Antonio, Italian engraver, b. 1488 ? d. 1534. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 RALE, Sebastian, French missionary to the Indians, b. 1658, d. 1724. Life of. See Francis, C. . . v. 17 of 529.1 RALEIGH, Sir Walter, English navigator, warrior, states man, and historian, b. 1552, d. 1618. Discovery of Guiana, 1595. Edited by Sir R. H. Schom- burgk. [Reprint.] London, 1848. 8 266.1 Adams, W. H. D. Sword and pen: or, English worthies in the reign of Elizabeth 567.10 Barrow, Sir J. Memoirs of naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth s reign 564.8 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 1 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 5 of 840. 10 Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 Kingsloy, C. Sir Walter Raleigh and his time . . 894.6 Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors. 883.14 Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians. v. 1 of 586.11 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 Peake, H. The boy s book of heroes 551.28 Southey, R. Lives of the British admirals. . v. 4 of 388.5 Tytler, P. F. Life of 568.8 Whipple, E. P. The literature of the age of Eliza beth 1373.5 Note. The best life for the general reader is that by St. John, 1808 [B. H. 4546.25], based on the fullest information; but a more voluminous memoir was published the same year by E. Edwards [B. n. 4540a.l], which produces much docu mentary evidence, but does not aim to connect the narrative of Raleigh s life with that of his times, and his letters are sep arately edited. Tytler, with less advantage of material, be cause writing. 1839, before full access was had to documents, aimed to counteract the accusations of Hume (see the 45th and 48th chapters of his Ilistory of England), and traced out the conspiracy which fiuallv brought Raleigh to the scaffold. Kingsley s essay [also inB. II. G575.4] is baseduponTytler and other authorities, and is readable, and he pronounces the intro ductory memoir by Sehombm-gk [2ffli.l] to be perhaps the best of the lesser lives. There are beside the old and rather heavy narrative by Oldys, [B. H. 2590.13. 1] ; the concise compilation of an early date by Birch, [B. H. 25U0.13.1] ; a popular memoir by Mrs. Thomson, 1800, [B. H. 2546.29] ; a ^psychological" study by Disraeli in his Amenities of literature, [404.8.2, etc.] ; i defence of Raleigh s Guiana narrative_by Van Heuvel, [B. RALPH, James, American poet and dramatist, b. 1724, d. 1762. See Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians v. 2 of 586.11 RAMBLES by rivers. Thome, J 850.18 RAMESES tho great; or, Egypt 3300 years ago. See Tugnot de Lanoye, F ^ 938.20 RAMSAY, Allan, portrait painter, b. 1713, d. 1784. See Cunningham, A. Lives of tho most eminent British painters, etc v. 5 of 379. 9; v. 4 of 810. 19 RAMSAY, David, M. D., American historian, b. 1749, d. 1815. Life of George Washington, [b. 1732, d. 1799]. With engravings. Baltimore, 1818. 12. 515.6 Same. Ithaca, 1840. 8 515.3 RAMSAY, Edward Bannerman, Scotch divine and au thor, b. 1793, d. 1872. Pulpit table-talk: con taining remarks and anecdotes on preachers and preaching. London, n. d. 16 1819.12 Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. 3d edition. Edinburgh, 1859, 61. 2 v. 12 395.8 Same. From the 7th Edinburgh edition. Bos ton, 1861. 12 1907.1 Shell. No. RAMSAY, Mrs. Martha Laurens, Christian gentle woman, b. 1759, d. 1811. See Sigourney, L. H. Examples from tho 18th and 19th centuries .... 548.17 RAMSAY, William, professor in Glasgow university, b. 1806. Elementary manual of Roman antiqui ties. With illustrations. London, 1859. 12.. 948.17 RAMSEY, Albert C. The other side: or notes for tho history of the war between Mexico and tho United States, [1845-47]. From the Spanish. [With plates.] New York, 1850. 12 259.3 RAMSEY, J. G. M. The annals of Tennessee to 1800. Philadelphia, 1853. 8 235.4 RANDALL, Henry S. Life of Thomas Jefferson, [3d president of the United States, b. 1743, d. 1826]. [With portraits, etc.] New York, 1858. 3 v. 8. 512.2 RANDOLPH, John, American politician, b. 1773, d. 1833. Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders 518.7 Garland, H. A. Life of 525.2 Magoon, E. L. Orators of tho American revolu tion 528.1 Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. . . 1522.7 Sawyer, L. Biography of 523.18 Note. Garland s, 1850 [also in B. II. 2343.21], is the most con siderable life, and he had advantages from the assistance of Randolph s friends. Sawyer, 1844 [also in B. II., Pph. v. 135], was Randolph s associate in congress. Parton s is a good sketch. See also Atlantic monthly, Aug., 1SCG, and North American review. July, WW: also Hammond s Life of Mel- bourn, 1851, [B. H. 427 8.1fl]; Harper s monthly, vols. 2 and 5; and the references in Allibone. RANDOLPH, Thomas, b. 1605, d. 1634. See Bell, R, Lives of the English poets .v. 2 of 398.2 RANKE, (Franz) Leopold von, German historian, b. 1795. Civil wars and monarchy in Franco in the 16th and 17th centuries. Translated by M. A. Garvey. New York, 1853. 12 _ 1007.6 Ferdinand i and Maximilian n of Austria. An essay on the state of Germany after the reforma tion. Translated by Lady Duff Gordon. Lon don, 1853. P. 8 . 409.27 Same. London, 1856. 16 1655.15 History of Servia, and tho Servian revolution. With a sketch of tho insurrection in Bosnia. Translated by Mrs. A. Korr. Added, The slave provinces of Turkey, by C. Robert. London, 1853. P. 8 827.1 History of tho popes during tho 16th and 17th centuries. Translated by S. Austin. 2d edition. London, 1841. 3 v. 8 1085.19 Same. Translated by E. Foster. London, 1847 -50. 3v. P. 8- 838.1 Review of Ranke s Ilistory of the popes. See Macaulay, T. B., lord 409.20; 1655.19 History of the reformation in Germany. Trans lated by S. Austin. Philadelphia, 1844. 3 v. 8 C . 1085.12 Same. 2d edition. London, 1845. 3 v. 8.. 1085. 20 Memoirs of the house of Brandenburg, and history of Prussia, during the 17th and 18th centuries. Translated by Sir A. and Lady Duff Gordon. London, 1849. 3 v. 8 925.7 RANKEN, George. Canada and tho Crimea. Edited by W. B. Ranken. [With portrait.] London, 1862. P. 8 633.23 RANTOUL, Robert,^., American orator and statesman, b. 1805, d. 1852. Memoirs, speeches and writ ings. Edited by L. Hamilton. Boston, 1854. 8 C . RAPHAEL. See Santi, or Sanzio, Raffaello da Urbino. RAPHAEL; or, pages of the Book of life at twenty. See Lamartine, A. (M. L.) de 546.24 RAPIN-THOYRAS, Paul do, French historian, b. 1661, d. 1725. See Lawrence, E. Lives of tho British historians v. 2 of 586.11 RATCLIFFE, Thomas. See Radclyffo, Thomas. RATIONALISM in Europe, History of. Lecky, W. E. H A-<*. - Sec Malcom s Index, [B. H. 2190.19]. The Duke of Somerset s " Christian theology and modern skepticism [B. H. 3488.53] is a temperate exposition of the views ot the ration alists of this day. RAUMER, Friedrich (L. G.) von, German historian, b. 1781. America and the American people, [1497 1844]. Translated by W. W. Turner. New York, 1846. 8 512.12 297.1 2 J RAUMER 226 REFORMERS Shelf. No. RAUMER, Friedrich (L. G.) von, continued. Contributions to modern history. Frederick n [of Prussia, b. 1712, d. 178G] and his times. London, 1837. 12 546.8 England in 1835. Translated by S. Austin. Lon don, 1836. 3 v. 12 979.2 England in 1841. Translated by H. E. Lloyd. London, 1842. 2 v. 12 979.3 History of the 16th and 17th centuries. Trans lated. London, 1835. 2 v. 12 927.9 Italy and the Italians. London, 1840. 2 v. 12. 678.4 RATTSCIIENBUSCH, Hilmar Ernst, Prussian divine, b. 1745, d. 1815. (See Men who were earnest 549.40 RAVENSTEIN, E. G. The Russians on the Amur. Il lustrated. London, 1861. 8 924.6 RAWDON-HASTINGS, Francis, marquess of Hastings, governor-general of India, b. 1754, d, 1823. Pri vate journal, [1813-18]. London, 1858. 2 v. 12 707.17 RAWLINS, Charles E.,j r. American dis-union: con stitutional or unconstitutional ? London, 1862. 12 298. J4 RAWLINSON, George. Manual of ancient history. New York, 1871. 12 . 957.12 RAY, or WRAY, John, English naturalist, b. 1628, d. 1704. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 10 of 840.10 Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 33 of 179.1 RAYMOND, George. Life and enterprises of Robert William Elliston, [English] comedian, [b. 1774, d. 1831]. Illustrated. London, 1857. 16.... 597.16 RAYMOND, Henry J. History of the administration of president Lincoln: including his speeches, [etc.]. [With portrait.] New York, 1864. 12. 308.7 Life of Abraham Lincoln; and life of Andrew Johnson, by J. Savage. New York, 1864. 12. 518.22 RAYNER, B. L. Life of Thomas Jefferson [3d presi dent of the United States, b. 1743, d. 182G],with selections from his private correspondence. [With portrait.] Boston, 1834. 12 517.24 READ, Hollis. The hand of God in history. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1870]. 8.. 1106.22 READ, John Meredith, of Pennsylvania, b. 1797. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 READE, Edmund, English poet. See. Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 READE, William Winwood. Savage Africa. With illustrations. Now York, 1864. 8 681.G REALITIES of Paris life. London, 1859. 3 v. 12.. 883.13 REAVIS, L. U. Representative life of Horace Gree- ley, [American journalist, b. 1811, d. 1872]. [With portrait.] New York, 1872. 16 518.25 REBEL conscript, The, or, life in the South during tho war. Illustrated. Cincinnati, 1867. 8 276.11 REBEL prisons, Life and death in. Kellogg, R. II. .. 1276.6 RfecAMiEU, Jeanne Franc oise Julio Adelaide Bernard, madame, French politician, b. 1777, d. 1849. Me moirs and correspondence. Translated by I. M. Luyster. Boston, 1867. 12 2008.1 Mohl, M. C. Madame Recamier 618.3 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Thomson, K. (B.) Tho queens of society . . v. 2 of 542.15 542.17 RECOLLECTIONS of a busy life. Greeloy, H 1522.11 RECOLLECTIONS of General Garibaldi ; or, travels from Rome to Lucerne. London, 1861. 12 1673.11 RECOLLECTIONS of past life. Holland, Sir H 585.17 RECOLLECTIONS of persons and places in tho West. Brackenridgc, H. M 239.7; 1516.18 RECOLLECTIONS of seventy years. Farrar, E. W. ... 569.11 RECORDS of five years, [1861-65]. Lippincott, S. J.. 1816.4 RED cross; or, Young America in England and Wales. Adams, W. T 1677.3 RED JACKET. See Sagoyewtha. RED river. See Harper s monthly, vols. 18, 21, 22. RED river settlement; its rise, progress, and present state. Ross, A 623.16 RED-TAPE and pigeon-hole generals. Armstrong, W. H 307.24 Shelf. No. RKDI/EN, Laura C. Idyls of battle and poems of tho rebellion. By Howard Glyndon, [pseud.]. New York, 1864. 16 308.16 REDDING, Cyrus. The stranger in London. London, 1851. 16 987.11 REDPATH, James. Echoes of Harper s Ferry. Bos ton, 1860. 12 288.2 Guide to Hay ti. [With map.] Boston, I860. 12. 266.13 Public life of Capt. John Brown, [American abo litionist, b. 1800, d. 1859]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1860. 12 527.15 The roving editor: or, talks with slaves in the Southern states. Now York, 1859. 12 299.8 REED, Henry. Lectures on English history and tragic poetry, as illustrated by Shakspearo. Philadelphia, 1855. 12 968.2 Lectures on English literature, from Chaucer to Tennyson. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1855. 16 406.8 Lectures on tho British poets. Philadelphia, 1857. 2v. 12 346.9 Life of Joseph Reed. See Sparks, J v. 18 of 529.1 REED, Joseph, American statesman and soldier, b. 1741, d. 1785. Life of. See Rood, , H v. 18 of 529.1 HEED, William H. Hospital life in the army of the Potomac. Boston, 1866. 12 1157.14 REES, James. Foot-prints of a letter-carrier; or, a history of tho world s correspondence. Phila delphia, 1866. 12 1816.2 REEVE, Clara, English novelist, b. 1725, d. 1803. See Scott, Szr W. Lives of the novelists 586.19 REEVE, Lovell. Notes on natural history. See Great Britain. Admiralty 702.1 REFORMATION, The, in Europe. New York, n. d. 16 119.4 REFORMATION. Christoffcl, R. Zwingli; or, the rise of tho reformation in Switzerland 1085.14 Cobbett, W. History of the protestant reformation in England and Ireland 1105.11 Froudo, J. A. Influence of the reformation on the Scottish character 1829.2 Gorham, G. C. Gleanings of a few scattered ears, during tho reformation in England, [1533-88].. 1085.6 Marsh-Caldwell, Mrs. A. History of the protest- ant reformation in Franco, [1553-74] 1008.2 Merle d Aubigne, J. H. History of the reforma tion of the 16th century 1081. 1 1085.13; 1095.10; 1107.13 Same. [Abridged for the young] 1115.13 llanke, (F.) L. von. History of tho reformation in Germany 1085.12; 1085.20 Reformation, Tho, in Europe .... 1 19.4 Stobbing, H. History of the 388.2 Tulloch, J. Loaders of the. [Luther, Calvin, Latimor, Knox] 115.10 See Note under Reformers. REFORMERS. Bonnechose, (F. P.) fi. (B.) de. The reformers before tho reformation 1085.9 Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the 2085.9 Note. For the preliminaries of the general movement, sec Bonnechose, [also in French, 106C.4; B. II., in English, 6088.175] ; and Newman s Essays [B. II. 4557.4.2] for that of the llth century, beside general histories. See also IIuss, note. Ingeneral. The best history for scholars is Gieseler s, [B. H. 3514.1B, translated bv Prof. Smith, but see other editions, etc., in Bates Hall catalogues] ; and HardwicU s " History of articles of religion "f.B. H.8MT.16] will be of use in the same connection. p Aubigne s work is the most popular of the ex tended histories, particularly in the English translation, one of which was supervised by the author. lie is very copious, at times too much so for the general reader, but is not consid ered very critical, and his protestant leaning is very marked. The work above named is hia original work [also in B. H., in French, 3527.51], which closes with the confession of Augsburg, 1530; but there is a second scries [B. H., in Eng lish 3527.13] devoted in chief part to Calvin s participation, and to the movement in England after the death of Wolsey (wherein he controverts Froude as to the character of Henry VIII) : and this senuel is appended in an abridged form to the copy 1081.1. D Anbigne s views have been examined bySpald- ing, [B. II. 3518.3]. The particular student will examine the somewhat antiquated history by Rfoshcim [in English 108,5.2] and the later church historian, Milner, with continuation by Haweis, etc. [B. H. .1J18.2; GOI4.1], who is accounted learned but not always impartial, and he is a warm panegyrist of Luther. See also Viller s Spirit nnd influence of (he reforma tion, [B. II., in French, .1UH.10; in English, :5l i.9]. G. Wad- dington e Reformation on the continent ends with the death REFORMERS 227 REVETT REFORMERS, continued. of Luther, [B. H. 3.516.4]. Stebbing s [also in B. H. 3514.7] is a popular history in England. In England. See England, ecclesiastical history, note. Burnet [B. II. 3350.1 ; KL . i.G] is the fullest and best ; but D Au- bigne may be rearl with advantage, as well as the general historians Hume and Robertson on the protestant side, and Lingard on the catholic side. Cobbett s book aims to show that the reformation has " impoverished and degraded the main body of the people." Blunt s history [B. H 5520a.4] is the work of a high churchman, and he closes with Wolsey i death. See also Fox s Book of martyrs, [1101.2]; and Itobin- eon s monograph, 13.17-58, [B. H. 3503.22]. See lives of prin cipal English reformers. In Germany. Ranke is of the first importance, [also in B. H., in German, 2S2G..V ,; 421.">.5]; and Ilausser, 1517-1048 [B. H., in German, 5515. 15] is valuable. See Germany, ecclesias tical history, note ; Luther, note ; and Mclanchthon, note. In France, etc. Mrs. Marsh-Caldwcll s History [also in B. H. 3528.9] is of good reputation, and she gives a list of author ities, classifying thorn as impartial, protostant and cath olic. Felice [1007.10; B. H. COJ4.11] is a vivid and substantially authentic narrative. Ranke [B. II. 4187.2] is of high rank. See also Smedley [B. II. 8320.54] and Herminjard s edition of the Correspondence of the reformers. 1512, etc., [B. II. VM3.8, in French]. See Capefigne s " La reforme et la ligne," [B. H. 4628.58]. See Franco, ecclesiastical history, note; Switzerland, note; Calvin, note ; also Froude on Calvinism, [1813.15.1] ; and Huguenots, nole. In Spain and Haly. McCrie is reputed the best authority, [B.H. 3199.29.li ;;;-L 8.4]. In Bohemia. C/erwenka, [B. H., in German, 5323.3]. In Poland. Krasinski on the rise, progress and decline of the movement, [B. IT., in English, 5514.3]. See also Coxe a House of Austria, [828.2, etc.] ; Roscoe s Leo X, [818.2, etc.] ; Robertson s Charles V, [Smii. etc.] ; Gib bon s 54th chapter, [B. II. 4754.3. etc.]; Smyth s 9th nnd lOtli lecture, [827.8, etc.] ; Schlcgel s 12th lecture, "[843 1] ; Ilaliam s literature, [1:573.3.1, etc.] ; Malcom s Index, [B. II. 2190.19]. Also, Ecclesiastical history, Protestantism. We are indebted to Prof. Ge9rge P. Fisher, of Yale college, for aid in the preparation of this note. REFUGEE, The: or, narratives of fugitive slaves in Canada. See Drew, B. A north-sido view of slavery 298.7 REGGIO, Due de. See Oudinot, Charles N. REGICIDES, The, sheltered in Now England. See Rob- bins, C 222.3 REINDEER, dogs, and snow-shoes; journal of Siberian travels and explorations, [1863-67]. Bush, R. J. 682.13 REIGN of terror. Note. Tlie note under France, Revolution of 1789, will give the chief general works covering this interval. 1792-94, but Mig- net and Thicrs may be considered the principal writers on the side of the revolution, and De Molleville and Lacretelle on the side of the royalists. The chief special work is Mortimer- Ternaux s " Histoire de la terreur," 7 vols. [B. H. 4642.13], which ends with the fall of the Gironde, and is reviewed in two articles in Fraser s magazine, 1862, which are reprinted in nos. 947 and 934 of Living age. Schmidt s " Tableaux de la Revo lution Franchise," 1807-70, and Dauban s " La Demagogic en 1793 a Paris," 1808 [B. II. 4B23.U], continue the narrative from the downfall of the Girondists, with new revelations from the police records of the archives. See also Dauban s "Paris en 1794 et en 1793," [B. H. 6651.2]; and Reeve s "Royal and re publican France," 1872, [B. H. 2C23.51]. A good review of these books is given in the Quarterly review, July, 1872. See Lamartine s Girondists, [828.6, etc.] ; and essays in Alison [8G3.5], and in Bulwer s Miscellanies [1816.15.1], this last ap pearing originally in the Foreign quarterly review, July, 1842. See National library catalogue [B. H. "6161.1], and Mira- beau and Robespierre in this catalogue. REJECTED stone, The : or, insurrection vs. resurrection in America. Conway, M. D 298.5 RELIGION in America. Baird, R 113.2 RELIGIONS, View of. Adams, H 1099.5 Note. See Malcom s Index, [B. H. 2180.19]. REMARKABLE women of different nations and ages. 1st series. Boston, 1858. 12 547.5 Contents. Beatrice Cenci, parricide, Roman lady, ex. 1599; Marie Anne Charlotte Cordav, French enthusiast, assassinator of Marat, b. 1708, d. 1793; Joanna Southcott, English visionary and impostor, b. 1750, d. 1814; Jemima Wilkinson, American preacheress, b. 1751, d. 1819; Madame Sophia Charlotte Eliza beth Ursinus, Austrian poisoner, b. 17<iO, d. 1829; Madame Gesina Gottfried, German poisoner, b. 1785, ex. 1831 ; Claire Josephe Hippolyte Clairon, French actress, b. 1723, d. 1803; Harriot Beauclcrk, formerly Miss Mellon, duchess of St. Al- bans, b. 1752, d. 1& !7 ; Marie Anne Lenormand, French fortune teller, b. 1772, d. 1843; Marie Anne Angelique Catherine Kauff- mann, Swiss painter, b. 1741, d. 1807; Mary Baker, pretended princess of Javasu, b. U91; Joan, fabulous pope of Rome, fl. 9th" century ; Jeanne Dare (maid of Orleant), French heroine, b. 1412, d. 1431. REMBRANDT VAN HYN, Paul, Dutch painter and en graver, b. 1C08, d. 16G9. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Note. The recent French life by Vosmaer [B. II. 8072.21] is the most considerable account for the general reader, and the same author earlier issued a special study on Rembrandt s Srecursors and his apprenticeship, [B. II. 8063.18]. Works escriptiveof his art contain usually brief memoirs, like Bur- net, [B.H. 4000.10, folio with plates] ;Bartsch, [B. H. 8060.7]; REMBRANT VAN RYN, Paul, continued. Shelf. No. Clausin, [B. H. 80G3.15] ; Wilson, [B. H. 8074.6]. See Smith s Catalogue raisonno, Blanc, Taine, and other authorities named in the note under Painting, Dutch school. Blanc [B. H. 8065.16] has also a brief memoir prefixed to his elaborate monograph on his works. See authorities in Hoefer, [B.H. 2252.41]. REMINISCENCES of a Scottish gentleman, commencing in 1787. Ainslie, H. F 644.2 REMINISCENCES of an officer of the zouaves. Trans lated from the French. New York, 1860. 12. 1006.5 REMINISCENCES of fifty years. Boyd, M 567.11 RfiMtJSAT, Claire Elizabeth Jeanne, French litterateur, b. 1780, d. 1821. See Sainto-Beuve, C. A. Por traits of celebrated women 1598. 16 RENAN, Joseph (Ernest). Tho apostles. Translated from the French. Now York, 1866. 12 1102.24 Life of Jesus. Translated by C. E. Wilbour. New York, 1865. 10 1102.18 Studies of religious history and criticism. Trans lated by 0. B. Frothingham. Now York, 1864. 8 1092.13 RENDU, Jeanne Mario, afterwards the Sister Rosalie, French nun, b. 1787, d. 1856. See Bolloo, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes 1516.11 RENNIE, D. P. Peking and the Pekingese during the first year of the British embassy at Peking. [With illustrations.] London, 1865. 2 v. 16. 1935.8 RENNIE, John, Scotch engineer and mechanician, b. 1761, d. 1821. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 RENWICK, Henry B. and James. Lives of John Jay [American statesman, b. 1745, d. 1829] and Al exander Hamilton [American statesman, b. 1757, d. 1804]. [With portrait.] New York, n. d. 18 820.33 RENWICK, James. Life of De Witt Clinton, [Ameri can statesman, b. 1769, d. 1828]. [With por trait.] Now York, [cop. 1840]. 18 820.30 Life of Benjamin Thompson, count Rumford, [American statesman and natural philosopher, b. 1753, d. 1814]. See Sparks, J v. 15 of 529.1 Life of David Rittenhouse, [American astronomer, mathematician, and physicist, b. 1732, d. 1796]. See Sparks, J v. 2 of 518.5; v. 7 of 529.1 Life of Robert Fulton, [American painter and im prover of the steam-boat, b. 1765, d. 1815]. See Sparks, J v. 1 of 518.5; v. 10 of 529.1 REPORTING and reporters, Parliamentary. Gratton, C. J 997.2 IEPRESENTATIVE government in Europe, Origin of. Guizot, F. (P. G.) 817.7 REPUBLIC, Tho, of tho United States: its duties to it self, and its responsible relations to other coun tries. New York, 1848. 12 297.19 IEPCLSE bay, Narrative of an unsuccessful attempt to reach, in 1824. Lyon, G. F 625.11 RESIDENCE, A, at Sierra Leone. Edited by Hon. Mrs. Norton. London, 1849. P. 8 899.6 IESOLTJTE, ship. Voyage in search of Sir J. Franklin. 1857. MacDougall, G. F 703.10 IETZ, Jean Francois Paul do Gondi, cardinal, b. 1614, d. 1679. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of eminent foreign statesmen v. 3 of 388.7 IEUMONT, Alfred von. Tho Carafas of Maddaloni: Naples under Spanish dominion. Translated from tho German. [With portrait of Massa- niello.] London, 1854. 8 827.2 REVELATIONS of a slave smuggler, [1807-57]. Drake, R 1523.1 IEVELS at court, in tho reign of Elizabeth and James i. Cunningham,? 342.5 IEVERE, Joseph W. Keel and saddle: a retrospect of forty years of military and naval service. Boston, 1872. 12 276.20 A tour of duty in California. Edited by J. N. Balestier. With maps and plates. New York, 1849. 12 637.5 IEVETT, Nicholas. Antiquities of Athens. See Stuart, J 835.17 REVIVALS 228 RICHARDSON Shelf. No. REVIVALS of religion. Gibson, W. The year of grace: a history of the revival in Ireland, [1859]. 1104. 12 Macfarlan, D. The revivals of the 18th century. . 118.9 MacNemar, R. The Kentucky revival. 1808 . . 1089.20 REYNOLDS, Rev. E. W. The barons of the South. Boston, 1862. 12 298.10 REYNOLDS, John N. Pacific and Indian oceans: or, the South sea surveying and exploring expedi tion. Now York, 1841. 8 704.6 Voyage of the United States frigate Potomac dur ing the circumnavigation of the globe, 1831-34. Illustrated. New York, 1835. 8 701.8 REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua, Enylish portrait painter and litterateur, b. 1723, d. 1792. Biographies of emi nent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 833.6 Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent Brit ish painters, etc v. 1 of 379.9; v. 1 of 810.19 Edgar, J. Q. Footprints of famous men. .548. 1G; 551.13 Northcote, J. Memoirs of 556.1 Timbs, J. Anecdote biography v. 2 of 587.15 Kote. The life begun by Leslie and finished by Tom Tay lor [B. H. 4008.1] 13 the fullest and most elaborate account, and it was originally undertaken because Leslie Mas dissatisfied with Cunningham s life. A work by Cotton [B. H. 806.5.4], borrowing from Reynold s diary and from unpublished manu scripts, is too incongruously arranged to be very satisfactory. The memoir by Beechey, prefixed to his edition of Reynold s discourses [858.4], is compact. Malone also furnished a briefer account [B. H. 40G7.10.1], in which he defended Reynolds against the Royal academy, and this elicited Farrington s memoir, defending in turn the academy. Northcote s Me moir is by one who knew Reynolds, and is of original author ity. See Stephen s monograph O n children as painted by Reynolds, [B. H. 8001.13]. See London quarterly review, April and July, ISlKi; and references in Alliboue. Also, note under Painting, English school. RHETORICIANS, Lives of the. Suetonius Tranquillus, C RHIND, William. History of British India. See Murray, H 810.51 RHINE. Abbott, J. Hollo on the. 1858 659.22 Adams, W. T. Down the Rhine; or, Young America in Germany. 1870 1676.1 Banfield, T. C. Industry of the. 1846 840.1 Bradshaw, G. Illustrated hand-book for the 1659.3 Cooper, J. F. Excursion up the. 1836 654.9 _ Family tour up the. 1802 389.2 Headley, J. T. The Alps and the. 1851 G76.18 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers up the. 1852. 649.7 The Rhine from Holland to Switzerland. 1854. 649.19 Paterfamilias s diary of everybody s tour. 1856. 1678.3 Note. See Germany, travels, etc., note. Recent editions of Murray [B. II. MSUBJ and Baedeker [B. H. 2SM.2G, or, 1870, 2839.56] will be the best present guides. For the poetical and picturesque associations, see Karl Simrock s German study, [B. II. 28i)il2]i also Victor Hugo s - Lc Rliin," [207;>.29] ; and for the humorous elements of the popular mythology of the region, sec Saintine s book, [in French, 1072.2; B. 11.5485.18]. See Haper s monthly, vol. 38. RHODE ISLAND. Arnold, S. G. History of, [1636- 1790] 233.3 Updike, W. Memoirs of the Rhode Island bar, [1721-95] 518.1 Woodbury, A. Narrative of the campaign of the First Rhode Island regiment, [1861] 295.1 RHODES, Godfrey. Tents and tent-life, from the ear liest ages to the present time. Illustrated. New edition. London, 1859. 8 196.27 RHONE, river, Recollections of the. 1868. Pardoe, J. . 668.21 HlBAULT, Joan, French navigator, commander of the first expedition to Florida, b. 1520, d. 1565. Life of. -See Sparks, J v. 17 of 529.1 RIBERA, Jose, called Spagnolctto, Spanish painter, b. 1588, d. 1656. See Jervis-White-Jervis, M., lady. Stories of boy-genius from the lives of great painters 555.9 RICCI, Scipio de. Femalo convents. Secrets of nun neries disclosed. Edited by T. Roscoe. New York, 1834. 12 1098.14 RICCOBONI, Marie Jeanne Laboras do Mezicres, ac tress and novelist, b. 1714, d. 1792. See Kav- anagh, J. French women of letters 1609.1 RICE, John II. and Benjamin II. Memoir of James Braincrd Taylor, [b. 1801, d. 1829]. 2d edition. [With portrait.] New York, [cop. 1833]. 16.. 1109. 21 RICH, Claudius J. Narrative of a journey to the site of Babylon in 1811. With narrative of a journey to Persopolis. With engravings. London, 1839. 694.8 Narrative of a residence in Koordistan, and on the site of ancient Nineveh. With voyage to Bagdad. [With illustrations.] London, 1836. 2v. 8 694.7 RICH, Henry, 1st carl of Holland, beheaded 1649. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 RICH, Mary, countess of Warwick, b. 1624, d. 1677. See Women of worth 551.19 RICH, Robert, Id earl of Warwick, high admiral of England, b. 1587, d. 1658. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Brit ain v. 5 of 815.1 RICHARD, of Cirencester, historian, b. about 1401. An cient state of Britain. See Giles, J. A. Six old English chronicles 846.4 RICHARD, of Devizes, English Benedictine and his torian, fl. 1191. Crusade of Richard Coour de Lion. See Chronicles of the crusades 846.6 B.ICHARD I (Cceur de Lion), king of England, b. 1157, d. 1199. Abbott, J. History of 559.8 Aytoun, W. E. Life and times of 379.1 Hutton, B. Heroes of the crusades 1545.12 James, G. P. R. Life of Richard Coeur-de-Lion. 552.2; 827.7 Richard, of Devizes. Crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion 846.6 Kote. The two popular lives for the general reader arc Aytoun s and James s, treating of this king and his times to a greater extent than the general histories do, like Hume, chap ter 10, etc. See England, history, and Crusades, note. See Bates Hall catalogues for the chronicles, and the Chronologi cal list of historical fiction for illustrative works of the imagi nation, like ivanhoe, etc. RICHARD II, nf England, b. 1366, d. 1400. History of. See Abbott, J 579.8 RICHARD III, of England, b. 1452, d. 1485. Abbott, J. History of 579.13 Halsted, C. A. Richard HI, as duke of Gloucester and king of England 552.5 Note. The long popular estimates of this monarch, deriv ing most of their shape from Shakespeare s tragedy, were questioned in the last centurv bvWaipole s Historic doubts [B. H. 4.519a.l9], since which Sharon Turner, in his History of England [!Xi.i.2"l, has summed up what could be said in his favor; and Miss Halsted has prepared an elaborate vindica tion of him in the book nbove named. Seethe letters and pa pers of his reign, published in the "Rolls chronicles " series, [B. H. 2423.1.2]. RICHARDS, George H. Memoir of Alexander Ma- comb, [American general, b. 1782, d. 1841]. New York, 1833. 12 528.20 RICHARDS, T. Addison. Appletons companion hand book of travel : United States and the Canadas. With maps. New York, 1860. 12 638.14 Appletons illustrated hand-book of American travel : United States and the British provinces. New York, 1857. 8 639.17 RICHARDS, William C. Great in goodness; a memoir of George N. Briggs, governor of Massachusetts, 1844-51, [b. 1796, d. 1861]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1856. 12 533.1 RICHARDSON, Albert Deano, New York tribune corre spondent, b. 1833, d. 1869. Beyond the Missis sippi, 1857-67. With illustrations. Hartford, 1867. 8 1633.1 Personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, illustrated by 26 engravings, etc. With a portrait and sketch of Schuyler Colfax. Hartford, 18G8. 8 521.12 The secret service, the field, tho dungeon, and the escape. [With illustrations.] Hartford, 1865. 8" 242.3 RICHARDSON, Eliza. Personal experience of Roman Catholicism. With incidents of convent life. Philadelphia, 1869. 16 1119.9 RICHARDSON, Rev. J. Recollections of the last half- century. London, 1855. 2 v. 16 1816.14 RICHARDSON, James. Travels in tho great desert of Sahara, in 1845, 46. London, 1818. 2 v. 8.. 693.1 RICHARDSON 229 HITTER Shelf. No RICHARDSON, Sir John, Scotch naturalist, b. 1787, d. 1865. Arctic searching expedition: journal of a oat-voyage in search of Sir John Franklin. New York, 1852. 12 704.8 Notes on natural history. See Great Britain. Ad miralty 702.: Life of. See Macllraith, J 15G6.2 RICHARDSON, Samuel, English novelist, b. 1689, d. 1761. Oliphant, M. (0. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George n 983.4 Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists 586.19 Kotf, Mrs. Oliphant s essay is also in Bates Hall, [4527.2]. RICHELIEU, Armand Jean Du Plessis, due do, French statesman and cardinal, b. 1585, d. 1642. Biogra phies of eminent men from the 13th century. v. 2 of 839.0 Cousin, V. Secret history of the French court under Richelieu 1009.17; 1009.23 Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 2 of 388. Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555. J Robson, W. Life of 609 Nnte. The work ahove named by Cousin is an English translation of his memoir of Madame do Chevreuse [B. H., in French, 2658.2], a brilliant female politician of Richelieu s day. Robson s is a popular English life, and Corne s is the French equivalent, [1078.38]. There are various older French lives, likeLe Clerc s [B. II. 4629a.O], etc.. and the most impor tant contributions to his history are in that language, like Jay, on his ministry, [B. H. 4UOJ.21]; Caillet, on the constitu tional aspects of his government, [B. 11.4002.15]; the volumes of Michelet, on Henry IV and Richelieu [B. II. 4(517.2; 41517.6], and on Richelieu and the Fronde, [B. H. 4(117.7] ; that of Cape- ligue, onRichelieu and Mazarin, [B. II. 2750.0] ; and thegeneral historians, especially Martin [B. II. 2612.1] aud Sismondi [B. II. 2(122.1], beside the memoirs of Sully [B. H. 2(557.3], and Retz, [B. H. 2056J]. The student will value the cardinal s journal, 1630-44, [B. H. 2(517.1, 2d series, vol. 5]; and the gov ernment publication of his letters and state papers, [B. H. 2640.9], See also Prescott s comparison of Richelieu and Ximenes, in his Ferdinand and Isabella, [912.1.3, etc.]; James s Louis XIV, [858.3] j Disraeli s Curiosities of literature, [392.4.2, etc.]; a comparison of Wolsey and Richelieu in Towle s Glimpses of history, [1977.1]. See references in Midland s and Iloefer s Dictionaries ; in CEttinger, and in the Catalogue of the Paris national library under Louis xni, [B. II. 6101.1]. The principal imaginative illustrations areBulwer s play, [1338.1] ; James s novel "Richelieu," [404.23] j and De Vig- ny s " Cinq-Mars," [1087.12]. RICHMOND, Duchess of. See Lennox, Frances. RICHMOND, Duchess of. See Stuart, Frances. RICHMOND, Duke of. See Stuart, James. RICHMOND and DERBY, Countess of. See Stanley, Margaret. RICHMOND and LENNOX, Duke of. See Stuart, Lodo- wick. RICHMOND, Allen, of New England, b. 1809. The first twenty years of my life. Philadelphia, [cop. 1859], 12 537.5 RICHMOND, Rev. Legh, English clergyman and author, b. 1772, d. 1827. Life. New York, 1848. 16.. 599.11 RICHMOND, Va. Cook, J. The siege of, [1862] 295.3 Ely, A. Journal in. 1862 298.13 Harris, W. C. Prison-life in the tobacco ware house at. 1862 298.18 Report of battles. See United States. Confederate States 293.6 Kate. See Richmond after the war, in Harper s monthly, vol. 32. RICHTER, Johann Paul Friedrich, German philosopher and litterateur, 6.1*63, d. 1825. Sketches of and from Richter. London, 1859. 12 545.28 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. v. 1, 2 of 867.1; 803.7; v. 1, 2 of 893.3 De Quinoey, T. Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters v. 1 of 895.20 Hedge, F. II. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 Leo, E. B. Life of 545.13 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.13 ft ote. The best English account of considerable extent is Mrs. Lee s [also in B. H. 2847.24], who translates Ricliter s au tobiography [in German, B. II. 2849.7], and continues the nar rative, drawing aid from the German continuation By FOrster and others, [B. H. 2*49.7] ; the life by Doring, [B. II. 2849.8]; the biographical commentary ou the works by Spazrer, [B. II. 4878.3] ; and the Correspondence with Otto, [B. II. 2849.6]. Borne s eulogy is well-known, [2024.13.5]. For French esti mates , see Madume De StauTs Germany [in English, 067.20] and Blaze do Bury, [B. H. 4S78.2.-.]. Carlyle has done much to familiarize Richter to tho English, reader, see his essavs above named, and his German Romance, [418.10; 418.1.5]. For references see Jordeu s Lexikon, [B. H. 2156.1.4]. See Germany, literature, note. Shelf. No. RICKARD, Major F. Ignacio. Mining journey across the great Andes. With maps. London, 1863. 12 635.24 RICORD, Frederick W. History of Rome, [B. c. 752- A. D. 337]. Now York, 1859. 12 a 948.12 RIDDLE, Joseph E. History of tho Ottoman empire. See Jacob, S 956.11 RIDLEY, Nicholas, bishop of London, martyr, burnt 1555. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 Morgan, T. Life of 567.6 RIENZI, or RIENZO, Cola di, or NICOLA GABRINO, Roman orator and tribune, b. 1313, d. 1354. Sec Good rich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature, .v. 3 of 1869.1 RIFLE, Tho, and the hound in Ceylon. Baker, Sir S.W 695.19 RIGHTER, Chester N., American missionary, b. 1824, d. 1856. Life and letters of. See Prime, S. I. The Bible in the Levant 688.9 RILEY, Capt. James, American naval officer, b. 1777, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 RIMMEL, Eugene. Recollections of the Paris exhibi- tionof 1867. [Illustrated.] London, [1868]. 8. 1207.1 Rio GRANDE, Campaigns of the. 1851. Stevens, I. I. 623.9 RiPA, Father Matteo, Italian missionary, d. 1745. Memoirs during thirteen years residence at the court of Peking. Selected and translated by F. Prandi. London, 1844. P. 8 899.7 RIPLEY, Roswell S. Tho war with Mexico, [1844- 48]. New York, 1849. 2 v. 8 3 252.4 RIPON, Earl of. See Robinson, Frederick John. RIPPERDA, Jan Wilhelm, dul:e of, Dutch statesman and adventurer, b. 1665, d. 1737. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign states men v. 4 of 388.7 RISE and progress of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. London, 1857. 8 705.15 RITCHIE, Anna Cora, formerly Mrs. Mowatt, French actress and author, b. 1819, d. 1870. Autobio graphy of an actress; or, eight years on the stage. [With portrait.] Boston, 1854. 16... 538. 17 Italian life and legends. With illustrations. New York, 1870. 12 905.22 RITCHIE, James Ewing. About London. London, 1860. 12 998.19 The London pulpit. 2d edition. London, 1858. 16 128.7 Modern statesmen, or sketches from tho strangers gallery of tho house of commons. London, 1861. 12 555.7 Contents. Henry John Temple, viscount Palmerston, b. 1784, d. 186.5; John Russell, lord, b. 1792; Richard Cobden, b. 1804, d. 18(55; Ht. Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, b. 1805; Rt. Hon. William Ewart Gladstone, b. 1809 ; John Bright, b. 1811 : John Arthur Roebuck, b. 1802; Edward Henry Smith Stanley, earl of Derby, b. 1826; Rt. IIou. Thoniaa Milner Gibson, b. 1807: Sir Charles Napier, vice-admiral, b. 1786. d. 1860; Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwcr-Lvtton, lord Lytton, b. 1805; Sidney Herbert, lord Herbert of Lea, b. 1810, d. 1861 ; Sir John Somerset Pakington, b.1799 ; Henry Drummond, d. about 1860; William Schaw Lindsay, Scotch merchant and ship owner, b. Ham Picrrepoint Bentinck, b. 180J; Edward Baines,"author and politician, b. 1800 ; William Johnson Fox, politician, preacher, and author, b. about 1787, d. 1864 ; Frederick Peel, b. 1823: Ralph BernaLOsborne, b. 1811 ; Thomas Slingsby Dun- combe, b. 1796, d. 1861; Edward Horsman, b. 1807; James Whitcside, Irish statesman, b. 180(5. RITCHIE, James S. Wisconsin and its resources; with Lake Superior, its commerce and navigation. 3d edition. With illustrations. Philadelphia, 1858. 12 237.9 IITTENHOUSE, David, American astronomer, mathema tician, and physicist, b. 1732, d. 1796. Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18 v. 1 of 548.22 Men who have risen 551.18 Renwick, J. Life of v. 2 of 5 18.5; v. 7 of 529.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Solf-mado men 543.13 Wynne, J. Lives of eminent literary and scien tific men of America 5 18.3 IITTER, Carl, German geographer and author, b. 1779, d. 1859. Comparative geography. Translated by W. L. Gage. Philadelphia, 1865. 16 1165.13 RITTER 230 ROCKLNGHAM Shelf. No. HITTER, Carl, continued. Geographical studies. [With portrait.] Trans lated by W. L. Gage. Boston, 18G3. 12 163.29 Life of. See Gage, AY. L 1586.1 RITTER, Frederic L. History of music. 1st series. Boston, 1870. 16 209.22 RIVER,. The, and the desart: or, recollections of the Rhone and the Chartreuse. Pardoe, J 668.21 RIVES, William Cabell, American statesman, b. 1793, d. 1868. Life and times of James Madison, [4th president of the United States, b. 1751, d. 1836]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1859-68. 3 v. 8.. 522.6 RIVIERA, Switzerland. Bennet, J. H. The Riviera as a winter climate. 1862 674.15 Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams in the. 1870 1653.1 ROB Roy. See Campbell, Robert Macgregor. ROB Roy, yawl. Macgregor, J. The Rob Roy on the Baltic. 1867 1687.1 The Rob Roy on the Jordan, etc. 1870 1687.5 Voyage in the, from London to Paris, etc. 1868. 1687.3 RoBAdi Roma. Story, W. W 664.6; 1666.6 ROBE, John S. Western scenes; or, life on the prai rie. By "Solitaire," [pseud.]. Philadelphia, [cop. 1858]. 16 638.21 ROBBINS, Chandler. Portrait of a Christian, drawn from life: memoir of Maria Elizabeth Clapp, [of Boston, b. 1820, d. 1857]. Boston, 1858. 12.. 539.31 The regicides sheltered in New England. See Massachusetts historical society 222.3 ROBERT I, Bruce, king of Scotland, b. 1274, d. 1329. See Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies. v. 1, 2 of 399.9 Nate. See Scotland, note. Also the old poem by Barbour, [B. II. 2536.25 ; 2686.17] ; and Alison s Essays, [863.5]. ROBERTS, Browne H. E. History of the colonial em pire of Great Britain. London, 1861. 1 2 997.13 ROBERTS, David, Scotch landscape painter, b. 1796, d. 1864. See Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 ROBERTS, Emma, English authoress, b. 1794, d. 1840. Scenes and characteristics of Hindostan, with sketches of Anglo-Indian society. Philadelphia, 1836. 12 938.10 ROBERTS, George. Life, progresses, and rebellion of James, duke of Monraouth, [English rebel, b. 1649, d. 1685]. [With portrait and maps.] Lon don, 1844. 2v. 12 566.5 ROBERTS, John, English quaJcer, fl. \1th century. Life of. See Whittier, J. G. .. .567.6; v. 1 of 823.21; 887.6 ROBERTS, Orlando W. Narrative of voyages and ex cursions in Central America. Edinburgh, 1827. 24 830.35 ROBERTS, William. Memoirs and correspondence of Hannah More, [English poetess and miscellane ous author, b. 1745, d. 1833]. [With portrait.] New York, 1851. 2 v. 12 595.11 ROBERTSON, Frederick W., English divine, b. 1816, d. 1853. Life and letters. Edited by S. A. Brooke. [With portrait.] Boston, 1865. 2 v. Sm. 8... 2096.9 ROBERTSON, Ignatius Loyola, pseud. See Knapp, S. L. ROBERTSON, John P. and William P. Letters on Par aguay. London, 18158, 39. 3 v. P. 8 635.11 ROBERTSON, William, D. D., Scotch historian and ora tor, b. 1721, d. 1793. Historical disquisition con cerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India. [With maps.] New York, 1850. 8. v. 3 of 943.4 History of the discovery and settlement of Amer ica, [1246-1652]. New York, 1848. 18 830.5 Same. New York, 1850. 8 v. 1 of 943. 4 Ilistory of the reign of Charles v [1500-58], with a view of the progress of society in Europe, to tho 16th century. New York, 1848. 8..v. 2 of 943.4 - Samo. Abridged. Now York, n. d. 18 U 830.6 Samo. With life after his abdication, by W. H. Prescott. Boston, 1857. 3 v. 8 912.4 Same. London, 1857. 2 v. 16 919.9 History of Scotland during tho reigns of Queen Mary and King James vi, [1542-1603]. New York, 1848. 8 U v. 3 of 943. 4 , Shelf. No. ROBERTSON, William, continued. Brougham, H., lord. Lives of men of letters and science in tho time of George m 547.3 Lawrence, E. Lives of British historians. . v. 1 of 586.11 Kale. Sec D. Stewart a life, [B.H. 2301.4; 4319a.2; 2542.17]; Clmmbcrs s Biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen; and the various references in AlUbone. ROBERTSON, William P. Letters on Paraguay. See Robertson, J. P 635.11 A visit to Mexico, by the West India islands, Yu catan and United States. [Illustrated.] Lon don, 1853. 2 v. 16 638.10 ROBESPIERRE, Francois Maximilian Joseph Isidore do, French revolutionist, b. 1758, ex. 1794. Life of. See Lewes, G. H 615.1 ffotc. The only regular biography is the one by Lewes [also in B. II. 6647.9], in the preface of which he enumerates the principal sources of information, including an able article in the Quarterly tvview, Sept.. 1835 t and a vigorous defence of Robespierre in the British and foreign review, Julv, 1844. Mr. Lewes thinks that Lamartine, in his Girondists [828.6, etc.], has bestowed more care upon Robespierre than all previous writers. Qutrard has published a llobespicrre bibliography, [B. II. 2103.10]. See Reign of terror, note. ROBINS, Eliza. Tales from American history. [j4won.] [Illustrated.] New York, 1833. 3 v. 18.... 1859.7 ROBINSON, A. Life in California. [Annn.] AVith engravings. New York, 1846. 12 1635.22 ROBINSON, Anastasia, afterwards countess of Peter borough, English vocalist, d. 1750. See Clayton, E.G. Queens of song 591.2 ROBINSON, Conway. Account of discoveries in tho West until 1519, and voyages to North America, 1520-73. See Virginia historical and philosoph ical society 625.1 ROBINSON, Edward, and SMITH, Eli. Biblical re searches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea. With maps and plans. Boston, 1841. 3 v. 8 684.4 Same. 2d edition. London, 1856. 3 v. 8.. 1103.7 ROBINSON, Frederick John, earl of Ripon, English statesman, b. 1782, d. 1859. See Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 ROBINSON, Henrietta, "the vailed murderess," b. 1827. Biography of. See Wilson, D 1517.9 ROBINSON, Henry Crabb, English barrister, b. 1775, d. 1867. Diary, reminiscences, and correspondence. [With portrait.] Boston, 1869. 2 v. 10 1554.2 ROBINSON, Hester A. Six months in Kansas. [^Inon.] Boston, 1856. 12 239.3 ROBINSON, Mrs. Martha Walker. See Freer, M. W. ROBINSON, SaraT. L. Kansas; its interior and exte rior life. 5th edition. Boston, 1856. 12 238.4 ROBINSON, Thereso A. L. von J. Historical view of tho languages and literature of tho Slavic nations. By Talvi, [pseud.]. New York, 1850. 12.... 404.7 ROBINSON, William D. Memoirs of tho Mexican revolution. Philadelphia, 1820. 8 255.1 Samo. London, 1821. 2 v. 8 254.4 ROBINSON, William L. Tho diary of a Samaritan [in] New Orleans, [1853]. [Anon.] New York, 1860. 12 237.22 ROBSON, William. Tho great sieges of history. New edition, including the siege of Paris. [Anon.] With illustrations. London, [1871]. 16 996.8 Life of Cardinal Richelieu, [French statesman, b. 1696, d. 1788]. With illustrations. London, 1854. 16 609.9 ROBUSTI, Jacopo, called Tintoretto, b. 1512, d. 1588. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 2 of 840.23 ROCCA, A. J. M. de. Memoirs of tho war of tho French in Spain. See Memorials of the late war, v. 2 of 830.42 RocnAu, A. L. von. AVanderings through the cities of Italy in 1850 and 1851. Translated by Mrs. P. Sinnett. London, 1853. 2 v. 12 678.1 RociIOlS, or LE ROCHOIS, Martho, French actress, b. about 1658, d. 1728. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 ROCKINGHAM, Id marquis of. See Wentworth, Charles AVatson. ROCKY 231 ROME Shelf. No. ROCKY mountains. Fremont, J. C. Exploring ex pedition to the, in 1842 623.8; 628.13 Irving, W. Astoria, or anecdotes of enterprise beyond the. 1836 v. 8 of 377.1; 407.1; 625.5 The Rocky mountains: or, scenes, incidents, and adventures in the far West. 1837 639.14 MacCluro, A. K. Three thousand miles through the. 1809 627.25 Palmer, J. Journal of travels over the, [1845, 46] 627.21 Parker, S. Journal of an exploring tour beyond the, [1835-37] 628.8 Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in the. 1848 . . .638.5; 899.8 Sage, R. B. Scenes in the. 1846 639. 4; 639. 16 RODGERS, John, rear-admiral of the United States navy, b. 1811. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 RODNEY, George Brydgos, lord, admiral, b. 1718, d. 1792. Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea-kings of England 578.19 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. Sea-kinga and naval heroes 558.16 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 ROEBUCK, John Arthur, b. 1802. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 ROELKER, Bernard. The constitutions of France. Boston, 1848. 12 134.14 ROGER, of Hoveden, historian. Annals of England, 732-1201. Translated by H. T. Riley. London, 1853. P. 8 856.2 ROGER, of Wendover, d. 1237. Flowers of history [447-1235], formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris. Translated by J. A. Giles. London, 1849. 2 v. P. 8 846.9 ROGERS, Rev. Charles. Familiar illustrations of Scot tish character. London, 1861. P. 8 864.3 ROGERS, Rev. Henry, English essayist and critic, b. 1814. Essay on the life and genius of Thomas Fuller, [English historian, b. 1608, d. 1061]. London, 1856. 16 1655.15 New biographies of illustrious men. See Macau- lay, T. B., lord 547.7 ROGERS, John, American sculptor, b. 1829. See Mac- Cabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 ROGERS, Mary Eliza. Domestic life in Palestine. 2d edition. London, 1803. 12 684.20 ROGERS, Nathaniel Peabody, American editor and au thor, b. 1794, d. 1846. Life of. See Whittier, J. G v. 1 of 823.23; 887.6 ROGERS, Robert, American colonel in the French war, b. 1730, d. 1800. Biography of. See Stark, C. 522.11 ROGERS, Samuel, English poet, b. 1703, d. 1855. Recollections. Boston, 1859. 16 1396.3 Contents. Charles James Fox, English orator and states man, b. 1749, d. 1801; Edmund Burke, Irish statesman and orator, b. 1730, d. 177 ; Henry Grattan, Irish orator, b. 1750, d. 1820; Richard Porsoii, English scholar and critic, b. 1759, d. 1808) John Home Tooke, English politician and philologist, b. 1730, d. 1812; Charles Mauvjee Tallcyrand-Perigord, princo of Benevcnto, French diplomatist, b. 1754, d. 1838; Thomas Ersldnc, lord, earl of Buchan, orator, politician, and lord- chancellor of England, b. 1750, <1. 182, i; Sir Walter Scott, Scotch novelist, poet, and historian, b. 1771, d. 1832; William Wyndham Orenville, lord, English statesman, b. 1759, d. 18,14 1 Arthur Wcllcslcy, duke of Wellington, British field- marshal, commander-in-chief, and statesman, b. 1709, d. 1852. Same. London, 1859. 16 395.5 Recollections of [his] table-talk. Added Por- soniana. New York, 1856. 12 877.16 Howitt, \V. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 2 of 896.1 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 Kate. The Recollections and Table-talk are also in Bates Hall, [25-18.23; 2548.15]. See also R. S. Mackenzie s Recol lections in Harper s monthly, vols, 12. 14; Reviews in Jeffrey s Essays [863.G], etc.; full references in Allibonei and article iu Edinburgh review, July, 1856. ROGERS, Thomas J. New American biographical dic tionary. Easton, Penn., 1823. 12 518.14 ROJAS. See Roxas. ROKEBY, Lord. See Morris, Matthew R. Shelf. No. ROLAND DE LA PLATIERE, Marie Jeanne (sometimes called Manon) Phlipon, madame, French republi can politician, b. 1754, d. 1793. Abbott, J. S. C. History of 559.34 Adams, W. H. D. The sunshine of domestic lifo .. 1517.1 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Sainte-Beuvo, C. A. Portraits of celebrated wo men 1598.16 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 2 of 388.8 Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society, .v. 1 of 542.15 ROLPE, Robert Monsoy, lord Cranworth, lord-chancellor of England, b. 1790, d. 1868. See British cabi net in 1853 539.9 ROLLIN, Charles, historian, b. 1601, d. 1741. Ancient history, [B. c. 2188-B. c. 323]. Translated from the French. 12th edition. Illustrated. Boston, 1807-9. 8 v. 8 952.8 Same. Cincinnati, 1852. 2 v. 8 952.1 ROLLO, Rou, or RAOTJL, 1st duke of Normandy, b. 847 ? d. 932. See Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 ROLLO in Geneva. Abbott, J 659. 14 ROLLO in Holland. Abbott, J 059.17 ROLLO in London. Abbott, J 659.5 ROLLO in Naples. Abbott. J 677.10 ROLLO in Paris. Abbott, J 659.8 ROLLO in Rome. Abbott, J 669.9 ROLLO in Scotland. Abbott, J 677.18 ROLLO in Switzerland. Abbott, J 659.9 ROLLO on the Atlantic. Abbott, J 659.1 ROLLO on the Rhino. Abbott, J 659.22 ROMAN catholic church. Butler, C. Historical me moirs of the English, Irish, and Scottish catholics. 541.9 Czechowski, M. B. Thrilling developments: an experience of fifteen years as a Roman catholic clergyman 2109.21 De Courcey, II. The catholic church in the United States 1098.6 Milman, H. II. History of Latin Christianity. . . 1113.1 Petruceelli della Gattina, F. Rome and the pa pacy 957.13 Richardson, E. Personal experience of Roman Catholicism 1119.6 Shea, J. G. Catholic missions among the Indian tribes of the United States, [1529-1854] 1098.7 Note. See Froude s Essay on the philosophy of the Ro man catholic church, [1815.15.1] ; and Lea s Studies in church history, [B. II. 5520.9]. Hec also Convents, Christianity, Ecclesiastical history, Popes, Reformation, Sisters of charity. ROMAN exile, The. Gajani, G 678.2 ROMAN question, The. About, E. (F. V.) 1098.26 ROMANCE of American history. Schele do Vere, M. . 228.21 ROMANCE of Spanish history. Abbott, J. S. C 979.13 ROMANCE of the ago; or, the discovery of gold in Cal ifornia. Dunbar, E. E 238.10 ROMANCE of the peerage. Craik, G, L 500.8 ROME. Antiquities. Adam, A. Roman antiquities 954.7 Adams, "W. H. D. Temples, tombs, and monu ments of ancient Rome 698.32 Becker, W. A, Gallus; or, Roman scenes of the times of Augustus 957.2 Burton, E. Antiquities and other curiosities of, [1818, 19] 919.3 Catacombs of 1088.6 Fosbroko, T. D. Treatise on the arts, manufac tures, manners, and institutions of the Romans. [Cabinet cyclopaedia] , 3 78.3 Kip, W. I. Catacombs of 1088.13 * Ramsay, \V. Elementary manual of Roman an tiquities 948.17 Note.^- The Englishreader will find a survey of the field, up to 1831, in Burgess [B. II. 27. 5fi.6], who enumerates the author ities in his preface; but Esclicnuurp; [402.0], Smith s Diction ary, or Ramsay s useful manual, will ordinarily suffice. Sea Sc hart" s description of the Roman courts in the Crystal pal ace, [B. H. 408 J.88]. . For study, the largo iHustrated_works of PiranesiCD.l],] ).l], Rossini [D.3], Taylor and Cresy f27B.l], etc., will be necessary. See also Dubourg s Views of the remains k of a of ancient buildings, 1820, [B. H. 0750.4], Nardini a "Roma ontica" [B. II. 2730.3] is the wor; ROME 232 ROME ROUE. Antiquities, continued. diligent compiler. See Hobhouse s Illustrations of Childe Harold, canto 4, [B.H. 2574.4]. Sec Bates Hall catalogues, aud the eectioii of this article on ^Becker s Callus [also in B. H. 4207.3; 4948.1] has a thread of fiction: andMa/tois s "Le palais de Scaurus " [B. II. 2950.37] is another picture of old Koman life, wliieh Becker has further illustrated in a monograpli, [B. II., in English, 2950.27; in German, 4302.6], Div.ohry s imaginary journey to Rome in the age of Augustus [B. H., in French, 2950.22] is a very com plete picture of manners, etc., with ample elucidations. See also the illustrated papers on the old Romans at home in Har per s monthly, 1872. For the manners, customs, and arts, and the condition of Rome in the 14th century, see the seventh chapter of Gregoio- vius, [B. H., in German, 4196.3]. The works mentioned under the later section of travels, etc., note, will need to be referred to as often illustrating the antiqui ties of Rome; but scholarship and artistic enthusiasm are par ticularly milted in Ampere s " L Histoire romainc a Rome" [B. H. 2758.5], made up of papers, rewritten in sonie degree from the Revue des deux moncles. The early traditions and nivths are discussed with reference to existing remains. The elaborate Beschreibung der stadt Rom by Plainer, Bun- Ben, Gerhard, Rostcll, and Urlichs [B. II. 1830-42, G vols. and atlas, 2737.1] is one of the completes! of all the descriptive vol umes on Rome and its antiquities. Catacombs. The earliest modern student of them was Bosio, whose folio [B. II. 6750.2] was issued in 1632. Early in this century Seroux d Agincourt, in his "Histoire d art par lea monumcns," vols., f , 1811 [B. II. 4080.1], gave an impor tant impulse to the subject. Marchi s great work, "Monu- menti delle arte Christiane primitive," 1844, 70 plates [B. H. 4940.7], on their topography and architecture, was interrupted bv his death. The next great description was issued by Per- ret, in G vols., f , Paris, 1852, at the expense of the French gov ernment [B. II., D.3.N-Q], but it is claimed that the finish of the plates was too great tor the faithful reproduction of the objects. The most recent and best of the greater works is Rossi s Roma Sotteranea, 1863, 4 [B. H. G750.1], and upon it Northcote and Brownlow have based the best of all the Eng lish accounts [B. II. 47.12.20], in the introduction of which the literary history of the subject is reviewed. Of the English accounts, Kip [also in B. H. 4739a.7] treats the subject particularly as illustrating the church of tlie first three centuries: Noithcote s earlier book [B.] and Slaitland [B. II. 3513.G] are popular accounts based on Italian sources. Murray s Rome [B. II. 4759a.5] gives a pood general survey. There is a French account by Raoul-Rohette . 520TM.ll] and a monograph by Desbassayns de Richemont, 870 [B. II. 2754.4], on their particular r in the first three centuries. Se , r relation to Christian art an illustrated paper in Har per s monthly, vol. 10. Cardinal Wiseman s liistorical tale " Fabiola " [809.13] caused a great increase of interest on the subject. See also La Gournerie s " Rome ehretienne," Paris, 1843 [B. H. 2720.14], recounting the legends of tne martyrs, etc., from the first to the present century, in a popular manner from a Roman catholic point of view. Mrs. Jameson s Sacred and legendary art [B. H. 6578.32, etc.] will be useful in this con nection. History, ancient authorities. Ammianus Marcel linus. Roman history 833.6 Livius Patavinus, T. [Livy]. History of, [to B. c. 160] 814.4; 830.19; 946.4 Plutarchus [Plutarch], The civil wars of. .541.10; 850.1 Tacitus, C. C. Annals and History of, [A. D. 16-70]. 872.11; 834.17 Note. See Dr. Arnold s paper [B. H. 2953.12] on the histo rians to whom we owe our knowledge of the history of Kome from Xenophon to Tacitus, in which lie particularly exam ines the credibility of Livv as a historian from the Nicbuhrian point of view. Sir G. C. Lewis also critically enumerates the original authorities, [953.4] ; and so does Dyer [B. H. 4752.1] in his history of the kings, defending Livy. See also Adam Ferguson s advertisement to his history of the republic, [15. H. 4757.1; 4757.2]. The English reader wishing to trace the chief original au thorities will find Livy covering the first five centuries of the city, then again the second Punic war with continuation to the year 580 of the city. Plutarch s Roman lives take up periods of the history from Romnlns to the beginning of the empire. All that is left of Sallust [834.4 ; 8:#.10] is upon two episodes, the War with Jugurtha and the Conspiracy with Catiline. Caesar s Commentaries [H24.3; 8"<U1] come next, with the ora tions, etc., of Cic?ro, [821.10: 8H.9; 8S0.12]; then Suetonius s Lives of the Ca surs [844.8; B. II. 29)8.17] und the annals and history of Tacitus, A. 1). 14 to Domitian. [also in B. H. Ii949.ll ; 2912.:.]. Marcclliims covers the later period, Ncrva to Valens, and is often used by Gibbon. History, etc., modern authorities. A Beckett, G. A. Comic history of 956.9 Arnold, T. History of. 1846 953.2; 953.3 History of tho later Roman commonwealth, [B. c. 201-A. D. 117] 95C.3 Dicey, E. Rome in 18CO 917.14 Eaton, C. A. Rome in tho 19th century 678.5; 825.2 Eliot, S. Tho ancient Romans 134.7 Elton, C. A. History of tho Roman emperors, from Augustus to Constantino 548.11 Ferguson, A. History of tho progress and termi nation of the Roman republic, [B c. 515-A. D. 42] 830.7; 956.2 Gibbon, E. History of the decline and fall of tho Roman empire, [100-1420] 953.6; 957.10; 1955.1 - Same. Abridged 957.5 Shelf. No. ROME. History, etc., continued. Herbert, II. W. The captains of tho Roman re public. 1854 948.7 History of Rome. 1834 378.2 Koightloy, T. History of, [B. c. 753-B. c. 27] ... 959.4 T History of the Roman empire; a continuation of the History of Rome, [B. c. 29-A. D. 476] 957.6 Laing, C. H. B. The seven kings of the seven hills, [for youths] 959.15 Lewis, Sir G. C. Credibility of tho early Roman history 953.4 Liddell, H. G. History of, [Romulus to B. c. 30]. 957.4 Lynam, R. History of the Roman emperors, [B. c. 31-A. D. 180] 956.1 Maguire, J. F. Rome: its ruler [Piusix] and its institutions. 1857 919.1 ; 1935.2 Merivale, C. The conversion of tho Roman em pire 2096.5 History of the Romans under the empire, [B. c. 100-A. D. 180] 945.12 Tho Augustan age 365.9 Micholot, J. History of the Roman republic, [B. c. 809-B. c. 30] 833.5; 919.4; 919.5 Newman, F. W. Regal Rome 919.6 Niebuhr, B. G. History of, [B. c. 754-B. c. 512]. 954.6 Lectures on Roman history. 1852 959.8 Ricord, F. W. History of, [B.C. 752-A. D. 337]. . 948.12 Seeley, J. R. Roman imperialism 1117.12 Sheppard, J. G. The fall of. 18G1 917.16 Simonde do Sismondi, J. C. L. History of the fall of tho Roman empire. 1834 378.5 Strickland, J. M. Rome, regal and republican. 1854 948.16 Wiseman, N. Recollections of tho last four popes, and of Rome in their times 1098. 1 ; 2095.1 Note. The English history of Echard [B. II. 2759.1], a com- pend on the pre- Augustan period, was one of the earliest of separate histories of Rome : which was followed by the volu minous work of Catrou and Rouille, 1725, of which there was an English translation, and upon which Rollin based largely his work, which ended with the battle of Actium [in English, 952.1, etc.], later continued by Crevier [B. H. 2755.6 ; 2759.3] to Constantine. Meanwhile a more critical discernment entered into histori cal researches. Cluverius, in his Italia antiqua [B. H. 4735.4], threw doubt upon the early legends. Perizonius, in 1685, in his " Auimadversiones historicx," foreshadowed the later Niebuhr. Bayle [B. H., in French, 2245.1 ; in English, 2250.1] applied his skepticism here as elsewhere. Pouilly, in 1772, in an essay before the French Academy of inscriptions [B. H. 8901.4.61, doubted the trustworthiness of the records before the war with Pyrrhus. Beaufort, however, in 1738, first produced a considerable impression in his treatise on the uncertainty of the historical record of the fi rst live centuries [B. II., in French, 4755.15; in English, 4949a.2], in which he allowed but a sub stratum of truth ; and in his subsequent Republiquc Romaine [B. H. 2950.32] he endeavored to reconstruct a record in the place of the one he discarded. Hooke, who was the English authority of the last century [B. H. 2757.2], ainied to restore the earlier belief, and in a spe cial dissertation in his history, which ended with the republic s fall, he controverted Beaufort, who largely, on the other hand, influenced Ferguson, 1783 [also in B. H. 4757.1 ; 4757.2], whom Niebuhr calls judicious and honest, but unlearned. The great est force was however given to modern disbelief in the received history by Niebuhr, who iirst advanced his views in a lecture [reprinted in 954.6.1], then published the first edition of his history in 1811, his enlarged edition with somewhat modified vtewf in 1827 [also in B. II., in German, 2758.1], while his lec tures, published after his death from notes taken by his schol ars, bring the narrative down to A. i>. 470, nnd present his more matured views, beside giving a particular review of the sources of his own history. With indisputable learning, he united a dogmatism, and a boldness in pulling down and building up, that have produced much opposition in particu lars, while his general results have been in good part accepted. His theory of the existence of early narrative ballads, upon which the later Roman historians based their accounts, >-- ucully arra.. = _ lowed; and he had brought his narrative down to the second Punic war, when he died. His "Later Roman common wealth " is a republication of some earlier articles in the En cyclopedia metropolitana, vol. 2. Se- w North American re- ol. 16; Blackwood, vol. 44; and Alison s Miscellaneous The clearest exposition of Niebuhr s ballad theory is perhaps to be found in Macauiay s preface to his Lays of ancient Home ol. 1, Look 1; by Sellar, [B. H. 2953.23]; and by Newman, in his Regal Rome, above named. There has been in more recent writers a reaction in a greater or less degree from Niebuhr s iconoclastic views. Dyer, in his History of the kings, 18G3 [B. II. 4752.1], has aimed to preserve as much as possible of the received history, maintaining that exaggerations by the ancient historians do not invalidate the main outline of truth, and defending Livj, making a transla tion of him the text of his book, upon which he strings critical inquiries, on points suggested by a collation of Schwegler s ROME 233 ROME ROME. History, etc., continued. RSmische Geschichte, which latter supplied Sir G. C. Lewis with much of the material of his " Inquiry." Dyer has a dissertation [B. H. 4752.1] on the sources of early Roman history, and on the internal evidences of their credibility, and Michelet [919.4] in an appendix discusses this question, while in his introduction he traces the rise of this critical doubt. Schwcgler enumerates, vol.1, p. 53, etc., the writers for and against the Niebuhr theories. See Seeley s edition of Livy, Clarendon press series, tor latest conclusions. The most recent histories are German. lime s work, com ing down to the close of the second Punic war, n. o. 201, has been rewritten in English by the author [B. H. 2756.0], and it is a partial reaction from Nicbnhr, with considerable modifi cation of his views, to make them accord with the latest his torical science. Mommsen s is, however, the better known [B. II., in English, 2758.2; 4754.4; in German, 2758.7 : 4196.11], and he also follows Niebuhr with caution, and continues the history to the establishment of the military monarchy. A general recapitulation of the commonwealth period will be found in book 1 of Napoleon s History of Csar, [931.21. Sec also Michelet, [also in B. II.. in French, 2759.7]; Peter s history, [B. H , in German, 4755.2] ; P. Mcrimee, on the civil war, tB. II., in French, 2755.7.1]. For the decline of the re- Sublic, Long s history, 1804 [B. H. 2754.1], extends from the estruction of Carthage to Cassar s campaign in Gaul, and he gives the chief authorities at the heads of his contents-table. The German Drumann [B.H. 2755.8] has an elaborate history of the period of transition from a republic to a monarchy, in particular illustration of the political degeneracy of the times ot Pompey, Csesar, and Cicero, of the last of which he gives a very unfavorable picture. Lynam s Roman emperors, 1850, fills the interval- Augus tus to Marcus Antoninus between Hooke and Gibbon; while Merivale [see Edinburgh review, vol. 92] bridges the gap be tween Arnold and Gibbon, it. c. 100-A. I). 180. [also in B. II. 2755.41. Merivale s 1st and 2d volumes cover the interval from the first triumvirate to the death of Crcsar; the 3d brings the narrative to Augustus ; the 4th and 5th to Claudius ; the 6th to the destruction of Jerusalem, A. 1). 70; and the 7th to Commo- dus. where Gibbon [see note under Gibbon] begins. A. p. 180, basing his labors somewhat on the early French " Histoire des empereurs" by Tillemont, [B. H. 2752.31. Sea also Thierry s "Tableau de l empire" down to the fall of the Western em pire [B. II. 2757.11], published originally as an introduction to his Gaul under the Romans ; and his Rome in the 4th and 5th centuries [B. H., in French, 2757.9], and the last years of the Western empire, [B. H., in French, 2757.4] ; Sismondi s Fall of the empire, [also in B. II., in English, 4902.1]; Montesquieu s philosophical inquiry into the rise and fall of the empire, [B. II., in English, 2757.0]; Chateaubriand s Historical study [B. II. 4607.5] on the birth and progress of Christianity, the fall of the empire, and the invasion ot the barbarians ; De Quincey s " Caesars " [895.9] from Julius to Maximilian ; his paper on the barbarism of the empire in his Historical essays, [895.161; Seeley s Roman imperialism, [1117.12] ; and Sheppard s book, above named, which concerns chiefly the rise of new states on the ruins af Rome. The city itself is the subject of a history by Dyer, 18Go [B. H. 2737.15], recording its vicissitudes, without entering into the political causes, down to the end of the middle ages, which is an enlargement of the excellent and very thorough article, "Roma, by the same author, in Smith s Dictionary. Dyer makes good: use of the German histories of Ronie in the middle ages by Gregorovius, 1851, which begins with the reign of Honorius and the siege bv Alaric in the 5th century and ends with the 16th [B. H. 4196.3], and by Papcncordt, 1K<7, [B. H. 4190.2]. In chapter 24 of Conyheare and Howson s Life of St. Paul, there is a good account of the city at that time, [113.9]; and in Huebner s Life of Sixtus V, [B. H., in English, 3555.56, particularly in part 0], there are accounts of feudal Rome and Rome of the Renaissance under Gregory xm and Sixtus V. There is a recent general historv of the city by Reumont, 1807, [B. II. 275-.4] ; and in his earlier work, "Beitriigc zur italiemschen Geschichte," 4 vols. [B. II. Index, where con tents are given, 2719.22], there is much of interest relating to Rome in connection with historical personages. For a study of papal Rome as illustrated by the tombs of the popes from A. D. 500 to our times, see Gregorovius s " Tom- beaux despapes Romanics." French translation with Ampere s introduction, [B. H. 4199.10]. Mapi of the city. See Cookesley s Explanatory index and map of ancient Rome. 1351, [B. 11.2730.11]; Goll s topography, [B. H. 2730.5]; maps in Burn [B. H. 2751.5], Reumont [B.H. 2752.4], Becker [B. H. 45)2.0], Ampure [B. H. 2758.5, Rome of the kings], Plainer, etc. [B. H. 2737.1, atlas], Merivale [B. H. 2755.4.4], Murray [B. H. 4759.1.5], and other books, beside spe cial publications like the large topographical map of 1829, [B. II. 6750.3] ; the smaller maps of 1810, [B. 11. 4750.1 ; old Rome, 3750.2]; and of 1835, [B. II. 4750.3]. On the military history, beside tne ancients, Polybms, Livy, Czsar, etc., see Giiischard, [B. II., in French, 3954.10] ; Vau- doncourt on Hannibal s campaigns, [B. II., in French, 2751.2] ; Gibbon s first chapter; Ramsay s article "Excrcitus" in Smith s Dictionary ; Napoleon s Cajsar, and the lives of other Roman generals. Abridged, compendious, and juvenile histories. Bonner, J. Child s history of, [B. c. 285-A. D. 476] 959.11 Goldsmith, 0. History of, [B. c. 752-A. D. 476]. . 952.5 Same. Abridged Keightloy, T. History of, [B. c. 753-B. c. 27]. .. Levien, E. Outlines of the history of. 1855 Lord, J. The old Roman world. 1867 Schmitz, L. History of, [B. c. 753-A. D. 192] Sowcll, E. M. The child s first history of, [B. c. 1184-A. D. 69] 948.1 , Smith, W. Smaller history of, [B. c. 753-A. D. 476] 937.13 Jfote. Dr. Smith s is one of the best lesser histories, and the above edition is continued beyond the establishment 959.4 1169.9 1957.1 957.3 Abridged, compendious, and juvenile histories, continued. a*SO, lOUOWB iMeuunr iu me cnJ uj MM mo**. ..~ .. ~., - ---- narrative is continued to the downfall of the republic. Schmitz was a pupil of Niebulir, and his history, which appeared in 1847, closes with the death of Commodus, A. I>. 192, and also follows the modern investigators. Goldsmith s old compcnd [also in B. H. 2757.3; 4949a.l], the favorite of the last century, closes with A. D. 476, and recounts with full faith the old insoii s Manual [957.12: B. II. 0293.11], which comes down to \.. D. 476. See also Taylor s Manual, [U55.2]. Literature and art. Matthias, A. (H.) Manual of tho history of Ro man literature 406.11 Note. Dunlop s though not very recent, 1823, and coming down to the Augustan age, is perhaps the best general account in English, and he gives an appendix of authorities, [B. H. 2953.2, see Edinburgh review, vol. 11] ; but in the English trans lations of Niebuhr and Mommsen, and in Arnold s history, there are chapters on the literature of Rome ; in the biographies of authors in Smith s Dictionary [at the Desk], and in the sections of the English version of Esehenburg [402.0], there will be found ample references. For monographs, see bellar a Roman poets of the republic, 1803, [B. H. 2953.23]; Thomp son s Essay on Latin poctrv ; Arnold on the literature of Tra jan s age; and Ottley on "that of the Antonines, etc., in the composite manual, [B. II. 2953.12]. llallam, in his literary history [1373.2, etc.], traces the fortunes ot Latin literature 111 the 15th, 10th and 17th centuries. In Italian, Tiraboschi [B. II. 4191.1], devotes his first and In French, see Charpcntier s Latin writers of the empire, 1859, [B. H. 2952.10] ; Bergor s Latin eloquence down to Cicero, 1872! [B. II. 2959.52] ; and Villcmain s Essay on the corruption of letters under the empire, [B. II. 2:172.7.7]. In German, Bachr [B. II. 2951.8; 4^02.11], who gives full references to authorities, has the best reputation. I lierc is i an outline history by Bernhardy, }* PruH ww^, MSSjft and a succinct account by Schoell, 1815 [B. II. 29,>3..,; 49J.J.3J, chietty of use for the period of decline. See also a chapter in Gregorovius [B. H., in German, 4196.3.5] on the literature and arts of the 13th century. For art. see the general histories of ancient art like Winckel- mann, [205.7 ; B. II. 4074.9] ; Muller. [B. II.. in English, 40,2.9] ; chapters in Mommsen, [B. II. 2758.2, etc.]; in Eschenburg, C402.6, with references]; in Lord s Roman world, [1967.1 J! and the lives of artists in Smith s Dictionary of biography, bee also Pompeii, note; and for architecture, under the head ot antiquities in this article. The student will particularly valne in Ampere s " L histoire romaine a Rome [B. IL.flo8.5J. the chapters in the 2d and 4th volumes, on Greek art at Rome, Roman art, spoliations and triumphs, and Roman tombs; wherein the attempt is made with more constancy than per haps elsewhere to identity the remains in the collections of the Vatican and the capital with those mentioned in the an cient writers. Dwight, M. A. Mythology. Roman mythology .1083.10 ote For a concise account of the religion of Rome, see so See also Myths, not Travels, description, etc. Abbott,J. Rolloin. 1858 669.9 About, E. (F. V.) Rome of to-day. 1861. . ... . 66o ; 10 Eaton, C. A. Rome in the 19th century .. .678.5; 82;>.2 Graham, M. Three months in tho mountains east of F1819] 676.3 Kip, W. I. Tho Christmas holydays in. .678.18; 678.20 Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. 1866. 1638.5 Leland, H. P. Americans in. 1863 C64.9 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 18o3 . v. 2 of 649.6 Sowell, E. M. Impressions of. 1862 664.4 Story, W. W. Roba di Roma. 1863 664.6; 1666.6 Taine, H. Italy. Rome and Naples. 1868 ^Z 1 ? . Vicary, M. Notes of a residence at, in 1846. . . lo< j.l Kate. The most convenient general description is Murray s [B. H., latest editions, 1871, 4759a.5], and upon the r J an, , it, Bleser bases his " Rome et ses monuments, [B. II. 2d edition, 1870, with 60 plans, 2730.50]: also Baedeker, [B^H gaUHO. Faton s book is a popular descriptive volume, with illustra tions but the most elaborate pictorial helps, beside those men ded under t hc head of antiquities, are turn s Rome and the SxA^^^^^&rP^ work, 4, 1872, [B. II 4730.50; also in English, B. II. 4730.51], ROME 234 ROUSSEAU ROME. Travels, description, etc., continued. which is devoted to both the ancient and modern city and has 346 excellent wood engravings. The sumptuous French his tory of the recent Ecumenical council [B. H. 3510.50] offers admirable illustrations of the religious ceremonies of modern Rome: see also a popular paper on Holy week in Harper s monthly, vol. 9, and another on the church ceremonies, by L. Abbott, in vol. 45. Story [also in B. H. 1871, 4763.15], is an excellent miscellany of information regarding the modern city; and Taine [also in B. H. 2763.23] and Norton s Travel and study [GiG.221, offer the observations of scholarly minds. Among general books of Italian travels, there may be named as characteristic: i.2]: Eus , . H. 4739a.8] ; Strother s pictorial narrative in Harper s month- Iv, vol. 15 j the Rome of to-day in Atlantic monthly. April, law ; Ware s European capitals, on the ancient parts or the city, [648.4] ; and a more extensive survey in Elliot s Pictures, 1872, B. H. 2758.50]: Rome in midsummer, in Longfellow s Outre- mer, [658. 18] ; Hawthorne s Marble faun, [,005.10]; and Italian journals, [1818.7]. See the Index to the engravings of the Tosti collection illus trating Rome on p. 273 of the Library Bulletin, vol. 1; also Italy, note. HOMER, Isabella F. Pilgrimage to the temples and tombs of Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, in 1845-6. [With illustrations.] 2d edition. London, 1847. 2v. 8 .................................... C93.13 ROMILLY, Sir Samuel, English jurist and orator, b. 1757, d. 1818. Memoirs, by himself. Edited by his sons. [With portrait.] 3d edition. London, 1841. 2v. 10 ............................ 589.11 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury .................................. v. 4 of 839.6 Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of the early lives of great lawyers ............................ 1516.13 Roscoo, II. Lives of eminent British lawyers.. . 388.4 Russell, W. Extraordinary men ......... 557.7; 879.15 ROMNET, George, painter, b. 1734, d. 1802. See Cun ningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc .............. v. 5 of 379.9; v. 4 of 810.19 ROMULUS, mythical founder and first kiny of Rome, b. B. c. 753, d. B. c. 716. Abbott, J. History of. 549.27 Laing, C. II. B. The seven kings of the seven hills ....................................... 959.15 RONDELET, Guillaumo, French naturalist, b. 1507, d. 1566. Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library. v. 36 of 179.1 ROOKE, Sir George, admiral, b. 1650, d. 1709. See Adams, W. II. D. Neptune s heroes: or, the sea- kings of England ........................... 578.19 ROOSEVELT, Hon. James I., judye. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress .................. 522.16 ROOT, George F. The Grant songster. [Anon.] Chicago, [cop, 1868]. 43 pp. Sq. 16 ......... 1349.11 ROPER, Mrs. Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas More, b. 1508, d. 1544. Clayton, E.G. Notable women. 1517.7 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life. . 599.16 ROPER, William. Life of Sir Thomas More, [English historian and lord-chancellor of England, b. 1480, d. 1535]. Now edition, by S. W. Singer. [With portrait.] London, 1822. 12 ......... 589.9 ROSA, Salvator, Neapolitan painter, b. 1615, d. 1673. See Jervis-Whito-Jervis, M., lady. Stories of boy -genius from the lives of great painters ..... 555.9 ROSALIE, Sister. See Rendu, Jeanne Marie. ROSCOE, Henry. Lives of eminent British lawyers. London, 1830. 24 ......................... 388.4 Contents. Sir Edward Coke, English lord chief justice and writer, b. 1549, d. 1634; John Selden, English statesman, arch- ffiologist, and political writer,!). l. r >8, d. KB4; Sir Matthew Hale, English chief justice of the king s bench, 1671, and writer, b. l)9,d. 1676; Francis North, lord keeper Guilford, of Mansfield, English chief jiutice of the king s bench, b. 1705, d. 1793; Sir J. Eardlev Wilmot, English chief justice of the common pleas, b. 1709, d. 179- ; Sir Will inm Blaokstone. judge, law writer, and commentator, b. 1723, d 1780; Edward Thomas Hovell Thurlow, lord, English statesman and lord-chancellor, b. 1736, d. 1806; John Dunning, 1st lord Ashburton, English lawyer and politician, b. 1731, d. 1783; Sir William Jone, English orientalist, jurist, and litterateur, b. 1746, d. 1794; Thomas Erskine. lord, 10th carl of Buchan, orator, politician, and lord-chancellor of England, b. 1750, d. 1823; Sir Samuel Itomilly, English jurist and orator, b. 1757, d. 1818. ROSCOE, Thomas. Life and writings of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, [Spanish poet and novelist, b. 1547, d. 1616]. [With portrait.] London, 1839. 16 399.1 Shell . No. ROSCOE, William, English historian, b. 1753, d. 1831. Life and pontificate of Leo x, [b. 1475, d. 1521]. 5th edition. Revised by T. Roscoe. [With portraits.] London, 1846. 2 v. P. 8 818.2 Life of Lorenzo de Medici, [prince of Florence, scholar, and patron of art and literature, b. 1448, d. 1492]. New edition, with a memoir of the author, by T. Roscoe. [With portrait.] New York, 1842. P. 8 543.11 Same. 10th edition. London, 1851. P. 8. . 818.6 See Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of litera ture v. 1 of 548.5 Note. For a sketch of Roscoe, see Coleridge s Northern worthies, [B. H. 4546.18]; vol. 58 of Edinburgh review: and Irving s Sketch book, [387.5, etc.]. ROSCOMMON, Earl of. See Dillon, Wontworth. ROSE, William Stewart. Letters from the north of Italy, [1817]. To II. Hallam. [Anon.] Lon don, 1819. 2 v. 8 675.3 Ross, Alexander. Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia river. London, 1849. 16 637.22 The Red river settlement: its rise, progress, and present state. London, 1856. 16 623.16 Ross, Sir James Clark, English admiral, b. 1800, d. 1862. Voyage in the Southern and Antarctic re gions, 1839-43. With plates, maps, and wood cuts. London, 1847. 2 v. 8 702.14 See Jordan, AV. Men I have known 1522.9 ROSSE, J. Willoughby. Index of dates. London, 1858. 2v. 16 857.9 ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriele. The early Italian poets from Ciullo D AIcamo to Dante Alighieri, [1100- 1300]. London, 1861. P. 8 C 855.10 Rossi, Comtesse do. See Sontag, Honriette. ROSSINI, Gioachino Antonio, Italian music composer, b. 1792, d. 1868. Life of. See Edwards, H. S.. 1599.2 ROTH, Edward. Life of Napoleon HI, emperor of the French, [b. 1808, d. 1873]. Boston, 1856. 12. 604.12 ROTHES, Duke of. See Leslie, John. ROTHSCHILD, Nathan Meyer, b. 1776, d. 1836. See Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants.. 1559.3 ROTHSCHILDS, The. The beginning of. See Men who have risen 551.18 ROUBILLIAC, Louis Francis, sculptor, b. 1695, d. 1762. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 3 of 379.9; v. 3 of 810.19 ROUBO, Andre Jacques, French carpenter and builder, b. 1739, d. 1791. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 ROUGH, David. Narrative of a journey through part of the north of Now Zealand. [Illustrated.] London, n. d. 40pp. 32 709.28 ROUGHING it. Clemen?, S. L 1674.3 ROUGHING it in tho bush. Moodio, S. S 636.3 ; 636.9 ROUMANIA: the border land of tho Christian and the Turk. Noyes, J. 686.14 ROUMELI, Travels through, during an eventful pe riod. Urquhart, D 689.11 ROUSE, E. S. S. The bugle blast; or, spirit of tho conflict. Philadelphia, 1864. 12 308.17 ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques, French philosopher, poet, and botanist, b. 1712, d. 1778. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Brougham, II., lord. Lives of men of letters and science in the time of George in 547.3 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Franco v. 2 of 388.8 Note. There is a full bibliography in Querard and Bruncr, and references in Oettinger and Michaud. Sec also the literary histories bv Villemain, Lamartine, etc., and the general his- toiics of France, like Martin, for the teachings of Rousseau are considered as one of the causes of the French revolution. See Thiers s introduction to his history of the French revolu tion ; the articles by Girardin, in the Revue dcs deux mondcs, 1852-54 ; foreign Miiartorl.v review. LSI:;; Saints Beuve s " Caus- eries," [B. II. a!7l).lj ; Madame de Ntni l s letters, [B. II. .1579.6]; BroekerhotTs life of Rousseau. 18G3, [B. H., in German, 4672.5] ; Moreau s Rousseau and his afee, 1870, [B. H., in French, 409.1.3]; and the standard French life, introduced by Musset- Pathay, 1821, [B. II. 2655.17]. See also Lowell s article, [1816.19] ; and A. H. Everett s essay, [877.4.2]. ROUSSEAU, Lovcll Harrison, American general, b. 1818, d. 1869. Sec Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recol lections of distinguished generals 1516.12 ROUTLEDGE 235 RUSSELL Shelf. No. ROUTLEDGE, George. American handbook and tour ist s guide through the United States. London, 1854. 16 629.29 ROUVROY, Louis de. See Saint-Simon, Louis do R., due de. ROVIGO, Duke of. See Savary, Anno J. M. R. ROVING editor, The: or, talks with slaves in the Southern states. Redpath, J 299.8 ROVING Englishman, The, pseud. See Murray, E. C. G. ROWAN, Stephen C., vice-admiral of the United States navy, b. 1808. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 ROWE, Mrs. Elizabeth, English beauty and poetess, b. 1674, d. 1737. See Women of worth 551.19 ROWE, Nicholas, English poet, b. 1613, d. 1718. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets, .v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 ROWLANDSON, Mary, d. 1678. Narrative of [her] captivity by the Indians in 1676. By herself. 6th edition. 2d Lancaster edition. Lancaster, 1828. 16 249.5 ROWLEY, Mass., History of, [1639-1839]. See Gage, T 227.6 ROXAS, or ROJAS DE SANDOVAL, Francisco de, duque de Lerma. See Lerina, Francisco de Roxas, or Rojaa de Sandoval. ROYSTON, Helen, afterwards lady Morris, the lady- witch, b. about 1653. See Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569.19 RUBENS, Peter Paul, Flemish historical and portrait painter, b. 1577, d. 1640. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 .j., in x luiicn, &KJZ.-J. ouu ius<* xiniuu B iminsn \,t undBellori s brief Italian life, [B. II. 47U0.11]. Sec _. inburgh review, vol. 72 (the note under Painting, and refer ences iii Thomas, Oettinger, Michaud, etc. RUBRUQUIS, Guillaumo de Ruysbroeck, Flemish Cor delier and traveller, b. 1220, d. 1293. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers, v. 1 of 810.47 RUCIIRATH, John, of Wesel, German reformer, b. about 1410, d. 1481. See Hodgson, W. Lives, senti ments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 RUDIMENTARY chronology of civil and ecclesiastical history, art, literature, and civilization. To 1854. London, 1854. 2 v. 16 829.39 Same. To 1856. London, 1857. 12 1169.10 RUDOLPH I, emperor of Germany, b. 1218, d. 1291. See Hewlett, II. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 RUFFNER, Henry. The fathers of the desert; or, an account of the origin and practice of monkery among heathen nations. New York, 1850. 2 v. 12 2104.15 RUGGLES, C. L. The great American scout and spy, " General Bunker." Illustrated. 3d edition, New York, 1868. 8 308.26 Ruixs of ancient cities. Bucke, C 379.6; 820.38 RUINS of sacred and historic lands. [With illustra tions.] London, 1853. 16 949.10 RUMFORD, Count. See Thompson, Benjamin. RUNCIMAN, Alexander, Scotch painter, b. 1736, d. 1785. See Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc. v. 5 of 379. 9; v. 4 of 810.19 RUPERT, prince, of Bavaria, nephew of Charles I, Ger man warrior, chemist, and physician, b. 1619, d. 1682. Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 Warburton, E. Rupert and the cavaliers 553.3 Note. Warburton s, which is the principal account, is also in Bates Hall, [2444.7]. See also Clarendon s Great rebel lion, and other general histories of that period; also Higgin- son s Atlantic essays, [877.21]. RURAL life of England. Howitt, W 896.4 ; 986.5 Shelf. No. RUSCHENBERGER, William S. W, Three years in the Pacific. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1834. 8 633.22 RUSH, Benjamin, American physician, b. 1745, d. 1813. See MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Jfote. See Signers to the declaration of independence, [B. n. 4144.5&4]. RUSH, Richard, American diplomatist, b. 1780, d. 1859. Occasional productions. Including a glance at the court and government of Louis Philippe and the French revolution of 1848. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1860. 8 882.4 Washington in domestic life. Philadelphia, 1857. 85pp. 8 511.8 RUSKIN, John, English art critic, b. 1819. Lectures on architecture and painting, 1853. Now York, 1854. 12 206.2 See Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criti cism v. 1 of 885.1 Kote. See references in Thomas and Allibone ; also McCar thy s Modem leaders, [1512.3]. RUSSELL, Anne, formerly Carre, countess of Bedford, d. 1684. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 RUSSELL, Francis, 4th earl of Bedford, d. 1641. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 RUSSELL, Francis, bth duke of Bedford, statesman and agriculturist, b. 17C5, d. 1802. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Brit ain v. 8 of 815.1 RUSSELL, John, 4th duke of Bedford, politician, lord- lieutenant of Ireland, b. 1710, d. 1771. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 RUSSELL, John, 1st earl of Bedford, high admiral of England, d. 1555. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain ....v. 1 of 815.1 RUSSELL, John, earl, English statesman, b. 1792. Life and times of Charles James Fox, [English orator and statesman, b. 1749, d. 1806]. [With portrait.] London, 1859, 66. 3 v. 12 577.1 British cabinet in 1853 599.9 Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 RUSSELL, John, A. M. History of the United States, [1492-1837]. With engravings. Philadelphia, 1838. 12 ; 309.5 RUSSELL, John, Esq. Tour in Germany, and some of the southern provinces of the Austrian empire, 1820-22. Reprinted from the 2d Edinburgh edi tion. Boston, 1825. 8 663.5 Same. New edition. London, 1828. 2 v. 24. 830.43 llussELL, J. Rutherfurd. The history and heroes of the art of medicine. With portraits. London, 1861. 8 154.6 rides (Pcdanius). Greek physician and botanist, b. 40; Rog Bacon, friar, English philosopher, b. 1214, d. about 1292; Gir lamo Cardano, Italian philosopher, physician, mathematician, and author, d. 1501, d. 157(i; Aureole Philippe Theophrastua Bombast Paracelse or Paracelsus, Swiss physician and alche mist, b. 1493, d. 1511 ; Francis Bacon, lord Verulam, viscount St. Albans, English lord chancellor, b. 1561, d. 1626; Johan Baptista van Ilclmont, Flemish philosopher, physician, and alchemist, b. 1577, d. 1644: William Harvey. English physi cian, anatomist, and medical writer, b. 1578, d. 18S7J ReiiA Descartes, French philosopher and mathematician, b. 1506, d. 1650; Franciscus Dubois fLat. Sylvius] de la Boe, German physician and medical writer, b. 1614, d. 1072: Robert Boyle, Irish philosopher and chemist, b. 1026, d. 1691; Thomas Sy- dcnham, English physician, b. 1(!24, (1. 1089 ; Georg Ernst Stahl. German physician and chemist, b. 1600, d. 1734^ Fried- ad , . , . , botanist, and poet, b. 1708, d. 1777; William Cullcn, Scottish physician and medical writer, b. 1712, d. 1790; John Brown, Scottish physician. 1). 17:55, d. 1788; Edward Jcnner, English physician, naturalist, and inventor of vaccination, b. 1749, d. 182;!; Samuel Christian Fricdrich Hahnemann, German ho moeopathic doctor, b. 1755, d. 1843. RUSSELL, Lucy, formerly Harington, countess of Bed ford, d. 1627. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 RUSSELL 236 RUSSIA Shelf. No. RUSSELL, Rtv. Michael. History and present condi tion of the Barbary states. With engravings. New York, 1846. 24 810.70 History of ancient and modern Egypt: its temples and monuments. [Illustrated.] 10th edition. London, 1853. 16 957.9 Life of Oliver Cromwell, [lord protector of Eng land, b. 1599, d. 1G58]. [With portrait.] Ed inburgh, 1829. 2v. 24 830.54 Same. New York, 1852. 2 v. 24 810.G2 Nubia and Abyssinia: history, antiquities, arts, religion, literature, and natural history. Map and engravings. New York, [1833]. 24 810.61 Palestine; or the Holy Land. AVith map and en gravings. New York, n. d. 18 810.33 Same. London, 1857. 12 947. 1C Polynesia; or, an historical account of the islands in the South sea. [With map.] New York, 1848. 24 820.55 Same. London, 1853. 16 938.13 View of ancient and modern Egypt; with an out line of its natural history. With map and en gravings. New York, [1831J. 18 810.29 RUSSELL, Rachel, lady, formerly Wriothesley, wife of Lord William Russell, English authoress, b. 1C36, d. 1723. Letters, [476-1802]. Philadelphia, 1854. 12 596.2 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life .. 599.16 Sketches of the lives of distinguished females .... 1859.10 Women of worth 551.19 RUSSELL, Thomas. Incidents and anecdotes of Rev. Edward T. Taylor. See Haven, G 537.40 RUSSELL, William, 1st duke of Bedford, Enylish states man, b. 1614, d. 1700. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain . . v. 6 of 815.1 RUSSELL, William, lord, Enylish statesman, b. 1G39, beheaded 1683. Cabinet portrait gallery of Brit ish worthies v. 8 of 840.10 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 551.13 Kote. The principal memoir ia that by the present Earl Russell [B. H. 2448.2], which vindicates Lord Russell against Dalrymple s chaigos, as is done also in the introduction to the collection of lady Russell s letters [B. II. 6545.18], where an account of the trial will be found. Wiffcn, in his memoir of the Russell family [also in B. H. 2547.2], tells the story at less length. RUSSELL, William, Scotch historian, b. 1741, d. 1793. History of modern Europe epitomised: [by G. H. Townsend]. London, 1857. 8 947.6 Same. Continuation to the present time by W. Jones. New York, 1845. 3 v. 8 943.5 RUSSELL, William, Esq. Eccentric personages. New York, 1866. 12 569.19 Contents. Eugene Devine. French physician, b. about 1737; Sir Andrew Sellwood, English soldier, artist, and mechani cian, b. Ifi20; George Brvan Brnmmell (Beau Brummell), fa vourite of George IV, b. 1778, d. 1840; Lady Hester Stanhope, English female politician, b. 1776, d. 1839; RichardNash (Beau KatTi), English adventurer, b. 1C74, d. 1761 ; Sir Gerald Massey, knight, b. 168(5, d. 1792; Sarah Margaret Fuller Ossoli, mar- chcsa d , American authoress, b. 1810, d. 1850; Charles Mor- daunt, earl of Peterborough, English general and statesman, b. 1(502, d. 17135; Sir Samuel Smith, attorney at law; Hannah Spell (Amazon Snell), b. 172% d. 1770; Philip Mowhray, sol dier, duellist, preacher, etc., fl. 18th century: Daniel De Foe, English miscellaneous writer, b. 1CC1, d. 1731; Hon. John Loftus, Irish soldier, b. 1748, d. 1782; Jonathan Swift, Irish dean of St. Patrick s, litterateur and satiric writer, b. 1667, d. 1745; Lady Mary \Vortley Montagu, English authoress, b. 1600, d. 1762; Christina, queen of Svcdni, 1). 10 JO, d. 1089; John Aberncthy, English surgeon and writer, b. 176;!. d. 1831 ; Capt. Arthur Morris, English soldier, fell at the storming of Rangoon; Joseph Mallord William Turner, English land scape painter, b. 1775, d. 1831 ; John Toler, lord Norbur.v, chief justice of the C9urt of common pleas. Ireland, fl. 18th century; Charles Gencvieve Louise Auguste Andrf Timothc d Eon de Beaumont, chevalier, French military officer and diplomatist, b. 1727, d. 1810; Giuseppe Balsamo, known an Alcssandro, conte di Cagliostro, Italian adventurer, b. 1743, d. 1705: Thorn*! Wharton, marquis, English statesman, b. 1010, d. 1715; Philip Wharton, duke, English litterateur, b. 1098, d. 1731 ; Bamtylde Moore Carew (" kinrj nftlie Gipsies "), English eccentric mendicant, b. 16!)3, d. 1770; Jean Louvois Marie Blaise, French seaman and barber, fl. 18th century : Stephanie F61icite. comtcsse dc Genlis, French authoress, b. l746, d. 1830; Helen Royston, afterwards lady Morris, the lady-witch, b. nbout 1653; David Ap Jones Ap Owen, Welsh Mormon, b. about 1800. Shelf No. RUSSELL, William, Esq., continued. Extraordinary men: their boyhood and early life. With portraits and illustrative engravings. New edition. London, 1857. 16 557.7 Contends. Michel-AngeloBuonarotti, Italian painter, sculp tor, and architect, b. 1474. d. 1504; Martin Luther, German re- ligioua reformer, b. 148; .. d. 1546; William Shakespeare, Eng lish dramatic poet, b. 1504, d. 1616; Oliver Cromwell, lord protector of England, b. 1599, d. 1658; Jean Baptiste Poquclin Moliere, French poet and dramatist, b. 1622, d. 1073; Blaise Pascal, French philosopher, mathematician, and litterateur, b. 1623, d. 1062; John Churchill, duke of Murlhorough, Eng lish general and statesman, b. 1650, d. 1722; Peter i, Alexi- owitsch, the great, emperor of Russia, b. 1672, d. 1725; Benja min Franklin, American statesman, philosopher, and author, b. 1706, d. 1790; Honore Gabriel Riquetti, comtc de Mirabeau, French orator, b. 1749, d. 1791 ; Johann Chrysostom Sigismund Amadeus Mozart, German music composer, b. 1750, d. 1791; Sir Samuel Romilly, English jurist and orator, b. 1757, d. 1818; Horatio Nelson, viscount, British admiral, b. 1758, d. 1805; Robert Burns, Scottish poet, b. 1759, d. 1796 ; Sir Thomas Law rence. English portrait painter, b. 1709, d. 1830; Sir David Wilkie, Scotch painter, b. 1785, d. 1811 ; Napoleon I (Napoleon Bonaparte), emperor of the French, b. 1709, d. 1821; George Peel, English statesman, b. 1788, d. 1800; Louis Philippe, king of the French, b. 1773, d. 1850; Will*m Ellery Channing, American divine and author, b. 1780, a. 1812; William Cob- bett, English economist and political writer, b. 1702, d. 1835; Richard Brinsley Butler Sheridan, Irish dramatic author, orator, and statesman, b. 1751, d. 1816; Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, German philosopher and litterateur, b. 1763, d. 1825. Same. London, 1861. 16 879.15 Extraordinary women: their girlhood and early life. With illustrations. London, 1857. 16.. 598.19 Contents. Jeanne Dare (maid of Orleans), French heroine, b. 1412, d. 1431; Mrs. Elizabeth Fry, English philanthropist, b. 1780, d. 1845; Josephine, empress of the French, b. 1763, d. 1814 ; Jeanne Marie (sometimes called Manon) Phlipon-Roland, madame, French authoress and republican politician, b. 1754, d. 1793; Christina, queen of Sweden, b. 1626, d. 10S9; Eliza beth Woodville, queen of Edward IV, b. about 1431, d. 1488; Mrs. Lucy Hutchinson, English authoress, b. 1620, d. 1669; Elizabeth, queen of England, scholar and authoress, b. 1533, d. 1603; Marie de Rahutin Chantal, marquise de Sevigne, French authoress, b. 1020, d. 1690; Isabella, of Castile, queen of Spain, b. 1451), d. 1504 ; Anne Boleyn, or Bullen, queen of Henry vm, b 1507, d. 1536; Lady Jane Grey, queen of Eng land 13 days, b. 1537, ex. 1554 ; Mary Stup.rt, queen of Scots, b. 1542, ex. 1587 ; Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, English author ess, b. 1690, d. 1762; Marie Antoinette, queen of France, b. 1755, ex. 1793; Sarali SIMons, formerly Miss Kemble, English actress, b. 1755, d. 1831 ; Anne Lovisa Gcrmaine, baronne de Stacl-Holstcin. French authoress, b. 1766, d. 1817 ; Marie Anne Charlotte Corday, French enthusiast, assassinator of Marat, b. 1768, d. 1793; Jeanne Francpise Julie Adelaide Bernard, madame Recamier, French politician, b. 1777, d. 1849; Sarah Margaret Fuller Ossoli, marchesa d , American authoress, b. 1810, d. 1850; Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope, English politician, b. 1776, d. 1839; Stephanie Felicite. comtessc de Genlis, French authoress, b. 1746, d. 1830; Catherine II, empress of Russia, b. 1829, d. 1796; Amelia Aldcrson Opie, English authoress, b. 1709, d. 1853: Maria Theresa, of Austria, empress of Germany, b. 1717, d. 1780. RUSSELL, William Howard, Irish journalist, b. 1821. British expedition to the Crimea, [1854-56]. Revised edition. London, 1858. 8 984.1 Canada: its defences, condition, and resources. Boston, 1865. 12 634.19 General Todloben s History of the defence of Se- bastopol. 1854-5. A review. London, 1865. 8. 995.4 Same. New York, 1865. 12 936.1 My diary in India, in 1858-9. With illustra tions. London, I860. 2 v. 12 939.12 My diary North and South. Boston, 1863. 12.. 634.13 Pictures of Southern life. New York, 1861. 12. 288.13 RUSSELL, House of, Historical memoirs of the. Wiffen, J. H 975.7 RUSSIA. Abbott, J. S. C. The monarchies of conti nental Europe. The empire of. 1860 927.14 Adams, W. T. Northern lands; or, Young Amer ica in. 1872 1676.7 Bell, R. History of. 1836 378.7 Boynton, C. B. The Russian empire: its resources, government and policy. 1856 927.3 Brooks, (C.) S. The Russians of the south. 1854. 409.2; 1655.6 Clarke, E. D. Travels in. 1816-24 v. 1, 2 of 682.1 v. 1 of 689.6 Cobden, R. Russia and the Eastern question. 1854 928.5 Cochrano, J. D. Pedestrian journey through Russia, [1820-23] 830.46; 674.6 Cole, J. W. Russia and the Russians. 1854 1918.10 Coxe, W. Russian discoveries between Asia and America. 1803 702.17 RUSSIA SAINT AUGUSTINE Shelf. No. RUSSIA, continued. Custino, A., marquis do. The empire of the czar; or, state and prospects of. 1843 927.5 Russia [in 1839] 409.4; G74.8; 1633.5 Dixon, W. H. Free Russia. 1870 616.12; 674.16 Edwards, S. Tho Russians at home. 1861 928. 15 Englishwoman, The, in. 1855 687.24 Grahame, F. R. Tho archer and the steppo; or, the empires of Scythia 927.15 Gurowski, A. (G.) de. Russia as it is. 1834 927.1 Hamloy, E. B. Story of the campaign: narrative of the war in southern Russia. 1855 928.7 Haxthausen, A., baron von. Tho Russian empire, its people, institutions, and resources. 1856 C74.1 Hitchcock, D. K. Vindication of Russia and tho emperor Nicholas. 1844 926.1 Jesse, W. Russia and tho war, [Crimean]. 1854. 927.7 Kingston, W. H. G. Fred Markham in. 1858. . 709.14 Kohl, J. G. Russia. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkoff, etc. 1844 674.5 Lagny, G. de. Tho knout and tho Russians. 1854. 927.6 Lee, R. Stories from Russia. 1S53 927.17 MacCulloch, J. R. Russia and Turkey. 1854. 409.28; 1655.6 Macgillivray, W. Travels and researches of A. von Humboldt in Asiatic Russia 810.54 Maxwell, J. S. Tho czar [Nicholas], his court and people. 1849 677.23 Morloy, II. See Sketches, etc 656.13 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1865... 649.22 Oliphant, L. Tho Russian shores of tho Black sea, [1852] 674.2; 689.3 Pictorial history of the Russian war, [1854-56] . . 924.1 Proctor, E. D. A Russian journey. 1872 648.18 Rabbe, A. History of, to the close of the Hunga rian war, [1849] 869.11 Sala, G. A. A journey due North; being notes of a residence in Russia in 1836 666.1; 666.5 Schnitzler, J. II. Secret history of the court and government of Russia under Alexander the first and Nicholas. 1854 925.4 Segur, (P.) P., cnmte de. Expedition to, in 1812. 399.3; 820.43 Seymour, II. D. Russia on tho Black sea, and sea of Azof. 1855 685.5 Six years travels in. 1859 674.17 Sketches of Russian life before and during the emancipation of the serfs. Edited by II. Morley. 1866 656.13 Smyth, C. P. Three cities in Russia, [St. Peters burg, Moskva, Novgorod]. ]862 684.14 Spencer, E. Turkey, Russia, etc. 1854 687.21 Spottiswoodo, W. Tavantasso journey through Eastern Russia in 1856 67-1.7 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in. 1849... 689.1 Taylor, ( J. ) Bayard. Travels in. 1859 688. 12 Wilbraham, R. Travels in tho Trans-Caucasian provinces of, [1837] 674.4 Note. To (he above list, add the references under Russia in the Bates Hall catalogues, und MuUer s bibliography, 18 r >9. [B. H. C1&U2]. The principal history by Karamsin [B. H. 3063.3, in French] is epitomised in Alison s Essays [SsvJ.S], while in the latter historian s Europe [943.1.1] there is a de scription of the Russian arniv. See also the opening chapters ofKinglake sCiimcan war, [995.11: a paper on the traditional policy of Russia in the Atlantic, Nov., 18C8; and Voltaire s Russia under Peter the great, [B. H. 4670.1.24, in French]. Madame Swetchine a Memoirs [1598.15], give pictures of court Hie under Paul, Alexander, andNicholas. Besides books mentioned above on the Eastern question see the paper by Froude [1813.15.2] the Crimean war and Sebastopol, see those heads. On the emancipation of the serfs, beside the ex cellent book edited by Morley, sec a chapter in J. Ross Browne s "Land of Thor,l! [ 1087.2]; papers in the Atlantic monthly. July,18Gl, and Nov., 1802; Westminster review, Oct., 18U7; North American review, July, 1807, etc. See Peter the great. For additional descriptions, see Murray, last edition, [B. H. 30G9.501; Browne s Land of Thor, [1(87.2]; Channing s Physician 3 vacation. [fi48.1]; Knox s Overland through Asia, [G82.ll]; sec also Harper s monthly. Feb., 1809 ; Westminster review, Oct., 1807; Bush s Reindeers, dogs, and snowshoes, [682.13] ; Miss Proctor s paper in Scribner s monthly, Nov., 1872; and papers in the Atlantic monthly on Lake Ladoga, May, 1801; on a journey from Moscow to Nijni-Novgorod, Jan., 1863; and on Winter life in St. Petersburg, July, 1865. See the popular French travels ot T. Gautier, [2074.1]. For Russian literature, see Foreign quarterly review, vol. 1. See Turgenef, for pictures of provincial life, etc.. [li. II., in French, 3009.51 ; 3009.55]. See alto Araoor, Asia, Moscow, Siberia, St. Petersburg. Shelf. No. RUSSIANS, The, in Bulgaria andRumelia in 1828-29. Moltke, Baron von 924.3 RUSSIANS, The, on tho Amur. Ravenstein, E. G. . . . 924.6 RUSSO-TURKISH campaigns of 1828 and 1829. Ches- ney, F. R 918.5; 918.6 RUTH, Bible heroine, fl. about B. c. 1322. See Owen, Mrs.O.F. The heroines of domestic life 599.16 RDTLEDGE, John, American jurist, b. 1739, d. 1800. Flanders, H. Lives and times of the chief justices of the United States 523.3 Van Santvoord, G. Lives of tho chief justices of tho United States 523.4 RUXTON, George F. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky mountains. Now York, 18-18. 12 638.5 Same. New edition. London, ISO; P. 8.. 899.8 Life in tho far West. New York, 1849. 12 ... 628.22 RYAN, George. Our heroes of tho Crimea. London, 1855. 16 589.25 RYLE, Rev. John C. Tho priest, tho puritan, and tho preacher, [Latimer, Baxter, White-field]. New York, 1855. 18 1088.33 S., E. 0. Hungary and its revolutions to the 19th cen tury. AVith a memoir of Louis Kossuth, [Hun garian orator, b. 1806]. London, 1854. P. 8. -827.5 SABINE, Lorenzo. Tho American loyalists. Boston, 1847. 8 213.1 Life of Edward Preble, [American naval officer, b. 1761, d. 1807]. Se.e Sparks, J v. 22 of 529.1 Note on duels and duelling. Boston, 1855. 12 J .. 947.14 SACKVILLE, Charles, earl of Dorset, English wit, poet, and statesman, b. 1G37, d. 1706. See Johnson, S. Lives of tho English poets v. 2 of 582.11 580.20; v. 1 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 SACKVILLE, Edward, earl of Dorset, Enylish royalist, b. 1590, d. 1652. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815. 1 SACKVILLE, Thomas, earl of Dorset, English statesman and poet, b. 1527, d. 1608. Bell, 11. Lives of tho English poets v. 2 of 398.2 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 SACRED biography. Hunter, H 541.4 SACRED history. Kurtz, J. H. Manual of 1104.17 Turner, S. Sacred history 1095.11 See also Christ, Jerusalem, Jews, Palestine, etc. SACRED mountains, characters, and scenes in the Holy Land. Headley, J. T 2091.10 SAFFELL, W. T. R. Records of the revolutionary war. New York, 1858. 12 216.12 SAFFORD, Ann Eliza. Memoir of Daniel Safford. Boston, [cop. 1861]. [With portrait.] 12 537.30 SAFFORD, Daniel, deacon, of Boston, b. 1792, d. 1856. Memoir of. See Safford, A. E 537.30 SAFFORD, William H. Life of Harinan Blennerhas- sett, [Irish western settler and adventurer, b. 1767, d. 1831]. Cincinnati, 1853. 12 517.12 SAGE, Rufus B. Scones in the Rocky mountains, and in Oregon, California, New Mexico, Texas, and the grand prairies. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1846.. 12 639.16 Same. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1854. 12.. 639.4 SAGOYEWTHA, or RED JACKET, chief of the Scnecas, b. about 1750, d. 1830. .See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 SAGUENAY river. See Lossing s paper in Harper s monthly, vol. 19. SAHARA. Du Chaillu, P. (B.) My Apingi kingdom: with life in tho great Sahara. 1871 1699.13 Richardson, J. Travels in the great desert of, [1845, 46] 693.1 Tristram, H. B. Tho great Sahara, wanderings south of tho Atlas mountains. 1860 684.10 See alto Africa. SAILOR S life, Seven years of a. Clark, G. E 1707.1 ST. ALBANS, Duchess of. See Beauclerk, Harriot. ST. AI.BANS, Viscount. See Bacon, Francis. SAINT AUGUSTINE, Florida. Sketches of its history, objects of interest, and advantages as a resort for health and recreation. 1869. Yelvorton, T 1039.12 ST. CLAIR 238 SALEM Shelf. No. ST. CLAIR, Arthur, Scotch major-general in the Ameri can revolution, b. 1734, d. 1818. See Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals v. 2 of 516.1 SAINT-CYK, Laurent-Gouvion. See Gouvion-Saint- Cyr. ST. DOMINGO. See Hayti. ST. HUBERTY, Anno Antoinette Cecile Clavel, French actress and singer, b. 1756, d. 1812. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 ST. JOHN, Bayle. Adventures in the Libyan desert and the oasis of Jupiter Ammon, [1847]. New York, 1849. 12 698.21 Same. New edition. London, 1861. 16 899.9 The Louvre; or, biography of a museum. Lon don, 1855. P. 8 C 654.12 Village life in Egypt: with sketches of the Said. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 16 1694.5 ST. JOHN, Henry, 1st viscount Bolingbroke, English litterateur, orator, and statesman, b. 1672, d. 1751. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious person ages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 ST. JOHN, Mrs. Horace. Audubon, the naturalist of the New World, [b. 1782, d. 1851]. His adven tures and discoveries. Illustrated. Boston, 1864. 16 629.2 ST. JOHN, James Augustus. Egypt and Nubia. With illustrations. London, 1845. 8 J 693.5 History of tho four conquests of England. Lon don, 1862. 2 v. 8 993.2 Journal of a residence in Normandy. Edinburgh, 1831. 18 830.64 Lives of celebrated travellers. New York, 1847, 68. 3 v. 18 810.47 Contents. Vol. I. Guillaume dc Ruysbroeck Rubruquis, Flemish Cordelier and traveller, b. 1220, d. about 12<J. i; Marco Polo, Venetian traveller and historian, b. 1250, d. 1324; Ibn liatiita, Abu Abd Allah Mohammed, Moorish traveller, b. about 1300, d. after 11553; Juan Leo surnamed Africanus, Ara bian traveller and geographer, b. about 1480, d. about 1540; Pietro dellaValle, Italian traveller and musician, b. 1580, d. 1652; Jean Baptiste Tavernier, French traveller, b. 1002, d. 1089; Francois Bcrnier, French philosopher and traveller, b. about 1624, d. 1G88; Sir John Chardin, French travcllerand writer, b. 1043, d. 171. !; Engelbcit Kaempfer. German botanist and traveller, b. 1651, d. 1710; Henry Manndrell, .English traveller, b. about 1650, d. about 1710. II. Joseph Pitton de Tournetbrt, French botanist and traveller, b. 165B, d. 1708; Thomas Shaw, English traveller and antiquary, b. 1602, d. 1751; Frederic HassciquiBt, Swedish naturalist and traveller, John Bell, of Antennonv, traveller, b. 1(190, d. 1780: John Ledyard, American traveller, b. 1751, il. 1788; George Forster, English traveller, b. about 1750, d. 17 J1; James Bruce, Scotch traveller in Africa, b. 1730, d. 1791; Jonas Hanway, English hilanthropist and tourist, b. 1712, d. 1783; Antonio dc Ulloa, panish mathematician and traveller, b. 1710, d. 1795. III. Mungo Park, Scotch physician and traveller in Africa, b. 1771, d. ISOii; Pierre Simon Pallas, German naturalist and traveller, b. 1741, d. 1811; Carsten Nicbuhr, Hanoverian travel ler, b. 1733, d. 1815 ; Marie Gabriel Auguste Florent, le comte deChoisctil-Goufh er, French archaiologist and diplomatist, b. 1752, d. 1817 ; Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. Swiss traveller and author, b. 1784, d. 1817 ; Constantin Chasscbocuf de Volney, French philosopher, orientalist, and traveller, b. 1757, d. 1820; Edward Daniel Clarke, English traveller, mineralogist, and writer, b. 1709, d. 1822; Franc.-ois Le Vaillant, French traveller, naturalist, and writer, b. 1753, d. 1824; Giovanni Battista Bel- zoni, Italian traveller and antiquary, explorer of the pyra mids, b. about 1778, d. 1823; Dominique Vivant Denon, French engraver and traveller in Egypt, b. 1754, d. 1825; Reginald Heber, bishop of Calcutta, b. 1783, d. 182G. Louis Napoleon, emperor of tho French, [b. 1808, d. 1873]. London, 1857. P. 8 ST. JOHN, William Charles. Catechism of the history of Newfoundland. Revised edition. Boston, 1855. 72 pp. 12 ST. JOHN of Jerusalem, History of tho order of. See Taaffo, J ST. MARIK, Count . Algeria in 1845. A visit to the French possessions in Africa. [With portrait of Abd-el-Kader.] London, 1846. 12 ST. MARTIN S summer. Brewster, A. H. M ST. MONICA, b. 332, d. 387. Life of. See Bougaud, ., abb6 ST. PETER S river, Narrative of an expedition to the source of, [1823]. Keating, W. H 624.11; ST. PETERSBURG. Jerrmann, E. Pictures from. 1852 409.13 ; 687.23 ; Mueffling, F. C. F. von. Missions to, [1829, 30]. Kate. See Russia, and Harper s monthly , vol. 4. 604.13 259.13 915.1 698.23 656.11 2085.1 625.10 1655.6 689.15 Shelf. No. SAINT-PRIEST, Alexis (G.), comte do. History of tho fall of the Jesuits in tho eighteenth century. Translated from the French. London, 1845. P. 8 889.3 SAINT-SIMON, Louis Rouvroy, due do, French states man and historian, b. 1675, d. 1755. Memoirs on the reign of Louis xiv [b. 1638, d. 1715] and the regency. Abridged from tho French. By B. St. John. London, 1857. 4 v. 8 615.2 See. Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux, of society v. 1 of 555.1; 1545.8 ST. THOMAS, W. L, Historical account of, [1493- 1850]. Knox, J. P 2G4.7 ST. VINCENT, Earl of. See Jervia, John. ST. VINCENT of Paul, French philanthropist, b. 1576, d. 1660. Bedford, H. Lifo of St. Vincent do Paul 1557.4 Butler, C. Lifo of 617.14 SAINTE-BEUVE, Charles A. Portraits of celebrated women. Translated from tho French by H. W. Preston. [With portrait of Madame do Sevigne.] Boston, 1868. 16 1598.16 Contents. Marie du Rabutin Chantal, marquise de Sevigno, French authoress, b. 1026, d. 1090; Marie Madeleine de la Vergne, comtesse de La Fayctte, French authoress, b. 1034, d. 1683; Adelaide Marie Emilie Souza-Botelho, French novelist, b. about 1701, d. 1830 ; Marie Jeanne (sometimes called Manon) Phi ipon Roland, French authoress and republican politician, b. 1754, d. 1793 ; Anne Ixmsa Germaine, bnronne de Stae 1-Hol- stcin, ruft Necker, French authoress, b. 1700, d. 1817 ; Claire de Kersaint, duchesse de Durtbrt-Duras, French authoress, b. 1778, d. 1829; Claire Elisabeth Jeanne, comtesse de Remnsat, French litterateur, b. 1780, d.1821 ; Julie dc Wietinghoff, baron ess von Kruedcner, Russian litterateur and mystic, b. 1704, d. 1824 ; Elisabeth Charlotte Pauline de Meulan Guizot, French authoress, b. 1773, d. 1827. SAINTS. Lives of tho fathers, martyrs, and other prin cipal saints. Butler, A 641.5 SALA, George Augustus, English journalist and au thor, b. 1826. A journey due North; being notes of a residence in Russia, in 1856. London, 1858. Sm. 8 666.1 Same. Boston, 1858. 12 666.5 SALADIN I, or Salah-Ed-Deen, Malek-al-Nasser Salah- ed-Deen, Abu-Modhaifer Yusef, sultan of Egypt and Syria, b. 1137, d. 1192. See Hutton, 13. Heroes of tho crusades 1545.12 SALAMONA, Jewish heroine, ft. B. c. 167. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 SALE, Florontia, lady. Journal of the disasters in Affghanistan, 1841-2. New York, 1843. 88 pp. 8 1693.11 SALE, Sir Robert Henry. Brigade in Afghanistan. See Gleig, G. R 889.11 SALEM witchcraft. Fowler, S. P. Salom witchcraft. 228.17 Mudgo, Z. A. Witch hill: a history of 228.G Upham, C. W. Salem witchcraft; with an ac count of Salem village 1123.1 Note. Beside a recent publication [B. H. 4501.5] of the orig inal records of the transactions at Salem, we have Drakirs annals of the delusion [B. II. 4501.8], and his collection of the original sources [B. II. 4501.7], including Cotton Mather s " Wonders of the invisible world " [Prince library, 23.8], and Calefs reply, "More wonders," etc. [B. H. 2353.30], both of which are nfso included in the book above named, edited by Fowler. There is another contemporary account appended to Lawson s Sermon, [Prince library, 22.54]. See further Cotton Mather s " Memorable providences," [Prince library, 13.29; second impression, 13.26]; Increase Mather s "Case of con science," [Prince library. 23.4; 23.7]; and the cases recorded on the Connecticut records, [B. II. 2:(57.4]. See also C. Math er s Magnalia [B. II. 3541.12]. and Hutcliinson s chapters in his history of Massachusetts [B. II. 4458 3], who is the earliest judicial authority. See Palfrey s History of New England [232.1] and Barry s History of Massachusetts, [B. II. 2352.3]. Upham, in 1831, first issued his lectures, which have since been greatly enlarged, giving a picture of old Salem and a history of opinion regarding witchcraft, [also in B. H. 6605.15; 5600a.39]. This book was reviewed with some misconceptions in the Edinburgh review, July, 18 18. copied in Living age, Aug. 15, 1868, and by Lowell, in North American review, Jan., 1808, also in his " Among my books," [1S10.11>]; which last is, however, chiefly upon the general subject of witchcraft, in which connection see Lecky s chapter in his Rational ism "[1125.8], and Scott on Demonol<MQr,[9MU, etc.]. Poole defended Cotton Mather from Upham s attacks upon him for his connection with the matter [B. II. 7(iOI 25; 7003.. X), origi nally in North American review, April, 18!>9], and Upham re plied, Historical magazine, Sept. and Oct., 1860. See Everett s anecdotes of early local history, [801.7.2, etc.3; R. W. Allen s exposition of the historical evidences, [1123.2; B. H. 4503.18], upon which Longfellow based his tragedy, " Giles Corey of the Salem Farms," [1348.13]. Mudge s book is a popular summary. SALISBURY 239 SAVAGE Shell 1 . No SALISBURY, 1st earl of. See Cecil, Robert. SALOONS, Celebrated. Gay, S 609.5 SALT, Henry, Enylish consul in Egypt, b, 1780, d. 1827. Life and correspondence of. See Halls, J. J. . . . 563. SALT LAKE. Boiler, II. A. Sketch of. 1868 245.1 Chandless, W. Visit to. 1857 626.3 See also Utah. SALTER, John W. Notes on natural history. See Great Britain. Admiralty 702.] SALTONSTALL, Wye, fl. Yith century. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 SALVANDY, Narcisse A., comte de. Love of country, or Sobieski [John in of Poland, b. 1629, d. 1690] and Hedwig [queen of Poland, b. 1371, d. 1399]. Translated from tlio French, by Trauermantol. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1856. 16 1598.1 SALVIANI, Ippolito or Hippolito, Italian ichthyologist, b. 1514, d. 1572. See Jardino, Sir W. Natu ralist s library v. 35 of 179.1 SAMARIA, Walter in. 1870. Eddy, D. C v. 1 of 708.23 SAMARITAN, Diary of a. Robinson, W. L 237.22 SAMPSON, Vfi\\ia.m,NewYork barrister, b. 1763, d. 1836. Memoirs. 2d edition. Leesburg, Va., 1817. 8.. 575.8 SAMSON, Deborah, afterwards Mrs. Gannett, soldier in the revolutionary army, b. 1760, d. 1827. See El- lot, E. F. The women of the American revolu tion v. 2 of 538.13 SAMUEL, brothers. Wool and woollen manufactures of Great Britain. London, 1859. 8 193.1 SANBOIIN, Charles W. The North and the South. 18.56. See Chase, H 297.18 SANCTUM sanctorum ; or, proof-sheets from an editor s table. Tilton, T 1816.21 SANDERSON, John. The American in Paris. 3d edi tion. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 v. 12 654.15 Sketches of Paris: in familiar letters to his friends. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1838. 12 898.12 SANDERSON, Robert, bishop of Lincoln, and author, b. 1587, d. 1662. Life of. See "Walton, 1 589.5 SAN DOMINGO. See Hayti. SANDONI, Francesca, madame. See Cuzzoni, Francesca. SANDSBURY, John, b. 1576, d. 1609. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 SANDWICH, Earl of. See Montagu, Edward. SANDWICH islands. See Hawaiian islands. SANDYS, George, b. 1588, d. 1643. See Boll, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 SANFORD, Ezekiel. History of the United States be fore the revolution. Philadelphia, 1819. 8... 305.1 SAN FRANCISCO, Annals of. Soule, F 235.10 SANTA FE. Kendall, G. W. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe expedition. 1850 638.7 Meline, J. F. Santa Fe and back, in 1866 1636.11 Simpson, J. H. Military reconnaissance from Santa Fe to the Navajo country. 1852 623.5 SANTAREM, Vicomte de. See Barros y Sousa, M. F. de. SANTI, orSANZio DA URBINO, Raffaello [Raphael], Ital ian painter, b. 1483, d. 1520. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century 839.6 Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of the early painters. v. 2 of 840.23 Memorials of early genius . 551.10 Quatremere do Quincy, A. C. Life of ....543.12; 835.7 Wolzogen, A. F. von. Raphael Santi: his life and his works 1583.1 Note. The completes! account of Raphael yet produced ia Passavant s [B. H., ia German, 4005.4 ; in French, 4008.11 ; in English, A.220.1], and in the preface there is a characteriza tion of the authorities. Quatremere de Quincy s was the most important of earlier lives, [also in B. H. 8068.32; in French, 4005.1]. Landon s Life is chiefly valuable for its outline plates of Raphael s works, [B. II., in French, 8001.8.31. The other accessible memoirs in English are Ilarford s Life, [B. II. 4005.5]; the accounts in the English versions of Vasari, have Wolzogen s compact memoir, [B. II. 4009.5, the English of which is mentioned above]; and Grimm s essay on Michael Angclo and Raphael, [B. II. 4009.2]. In French there is the popular account with wood-cuts in Blanc [ B. II. 8080.11], who gives a list of chief authorities; the brief memoir of Clement, [B. H. 4007.31]; and Gruycr s monograph on the history of the representation of the virgin, ending in his third volume with those of Raphael, [B. H. 8JC5.II]. See the references to engravings in the Tosti collection on pp. 220 and 274 of the Library Bulletin, vol. 1. See also Painting, note. Shelf. No. SANTIAGO DE CHILI, Journey from Buenos Ayres to, [1825,26]. Andrews, J ..................... 637.11 SANTO DOMINGO. See Hayti. SARACEN, Lands of the. Taylor, (J.) Bayard ...... 686.15 SARACENS, History of the. Ockley, S ............. 828.5 SARANACS and Racket. Street, A. B .............. 638.13 SARDINIA. Davey, M. Icnusa; or, two years in ... 665.11 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1868.. 1658.7 See also Corsica. SARGENT, Epos, American dramatist and author, b. 1814. Arctic adventure by sea and land. With maps and illustrations. Boston, 1857. 12.... 704.11 SARGENT, Rev. John. Memoir of Rev. Henry Mar- tyn, [English missionary and orientalist, b. 1781, d. 1812]. From the 10th London edition. 3d edition. Bo ston, 1836. 12 .................. 576.3 SARGENT, Joseph. Notes on Cuba, containing an ac count of its discovery and early history. [Anon.] Boston, 1844. 12 .......................... 629.4 SARGENT, Lucius Manlius, American miscellaneous au thor, b. 1786, d. 1867. Dealings with the dead. [Funereal anecdotes.] [vlnon.] Boston, 1856. 2 v. 12 .................................. 228.1 Reminiscences of Samuel Dexter, [Boston legal practitioner, b. 1761, d. 1816]. By Sigma, [pseud.]. Boston, 1857. 96pp. 16 ......... 619.3 SARGENT, Nathan. Life and public services of L. F. Linn. See Linn, E. A ...................... 523.1 SARGENT, Winthrop, American antiquary, b. 1825. History of an expedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1755; under Maj.-Gen. E. Braddock. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1855. 8 ....... 244.1 Life and career of Major John Andre, adjutant- general of the British array in America, [during tho revolutionary war, b. 1751, ex. as a spy, 1780]. Boston, 1861. 16 .................. 514.5 SARMIENTO, Domingo Faustino, president of the Ar gentine confederation, b. 1811. Life in the Argen tine republic. With a biographical notice of the author, by Mrs. H. Mann. [With portrait.] 1st American edition. New York, 1868. 16 .. 1637.4 SARPI, Pietro, afterwards Father Paul, or Frd Paolo, Italian historian, procurator-general of the order of Servites, b. 1552, d. 1623. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sundry eminent persons. 586.20 SARRANS, Bernard. Memoirs of General Lafayette and of tho French revolution of 1830. [With portraits.] Boston, 1833. 2 v. 12 ......... 617.5 SARSFIELD, Patrick, earl of Lucan, d. 1693. Sars- field; or, tho last great struggle for Ireland. Conyngham, D. P ........................... 989.16 SARTO, Andrea del. See Vannucchi, Andrea. SAUNDERS, John. Cabinet pictures of English life. Chaucer, [English poet, b. 1328, d. 1400]. Lon don, 1845. 24 ............................ 850.9 SAUNDERS, Katherino. Gideon s rock. Philadelphia, 1871. 16 ................................ 539.37 SAUNTERINGS. 1872. Warner, C. D .............. 909.22 SAVAGE, John, Irish editor and poet, b. 1828. Fenian heroes and martyrs. Boston, 1868. 12 ...... 1997.2 Life and public services of Andrew Johnson, [17th president of tho United States, b. 1808]. With illustrations. New York, 1866. 8 .......... 521.4 Lifo of Andrew Johnson. See Raymond, H. J. .. 518.22 Our living representative men. Philadelphia, 1860. 12 ................................. 527.19 Contents. Nathaniel Prentiss Banks, of Massachusetts, b. 1816; Edmund Bates, of Missouri, b. 179. !, d. 1809; John Bell, : Abert G. Brown, of Mississippi, b. 1813; Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvania, b. 1799 ; Salmon Portland Chase, of Ohio, b. 1808 ; Ilowell Cobb.of Georgia, b. 1815; John Jordan Crittcnden, of Kentucky, b. 178(5, d. 180. !; Caleb Gushing, of Massachusetts, b. 1800; GeorgeMiHm Dallas, of Pennsylvania, b. 1792, d. 1864; Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, b. 1808; William Lewis Day ton, of New Jersey, b. 1807, d. 1804; Daniel Stephens Dickin son, of New York, b. 1800; Stephen Arnold Douglas, of Illi nois, b. 181. !, d. 1801 : Edward Everett, ot Massachusetts, b. 1794, d. 1865; Millard Fillmore, of New York, l:!th president of the United States, b. 1800; John Charles Fremont, major-general, b. 181!!; James Guthrie, of Kentucky, b. 1795, d. 1809; James Hamilton Ilammond, of South Carolina, b. 1807. d. 1804; Gen. Samuel Houston, of Texas, b. 179:1, d. 180.3; Robert Mercer Taliaferro Hunter, of Virginia, b. 1809; Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, b. 1808; Joseph Lane, of Oregon, b. 1801 ; John Me- SAVAGE 240 SCHILLER Shelf. No SAVAGE, John. Our living representative men, con tinued. Lean, of Ohio, b. 1785, d. 1861; James Lawrence Orr, of South Carolina, b. 1S22: John Meredith Read, of Pennsylvania, I). 1797; William Henry Scward, of New York, b. 1801, d. 187L ; Horatio Seymour, of New York, b. 1811 ; John Slidell, of Louisiana, b. 17ft 1 ?, d. 1871; Alexander Hamilton Stephens, of Georgia, b. 1812; Henry Alexander Wise, of Virginia, b. 1800; Gen. John Ellis Wool, of New York, b. 1783, d. 1809. 98 and 48: the modern revolutionary history and literature of Ireland. New York, 1856. 12 J .. 998.4 SAVAGE, Richard, English poet, b. 1697, d. 1743. Giles, H. Lectures and essays. v. 2 of 875.6; v. 2 of 875.8 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. . .v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 Tuckerman, H. T. Essay?, biographical and crit ical 547.2 SAVARY, Anno Jean Mario Rone, duke of Roviyo, French general, b. 1774, d. 1833. Memoirs of the emperor Napoleon, [b. 1769, d. 1821]. 2d edi tion. London, 1835. 4 v. 8 602.6 SAVONAROLA, Girolamo, Dominican preacher and writer, b. 1452, d. 1498. Colquhoun, J. C. Life in Italy and France in the olden time 915.15 Harford, J. S. Memoirs of : 543.2 Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 Myers, F. Lectures on great men 557.8 Note. See George Eliot s " Komola," [492.17], SAVOY, Travels through the Alps of. 1843. Forbes, J. D CCS. 2 SAWYER, Frederic W. Hits at American whiins and hints for home use. Boston, 1860. 12 297.23 SAWYER, Lemuel. Biography of John Randolph, of Roanoke, [American statesman, b. 1773, d. 1833]. New York, 1844. 8 523.18 SAXE, John Godfrey, LL. D., American poet, b. 1816. Sec Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress. . . . 522.16 SAXE- WEIMAR EISENACH, Bernhard, duke of. Trav els through North America, 1825, 26. Phila delphia, 1828. 2v.ini. 8 623.11 SAXON, Isabelle. Five years within the Golden Gate. Philadelphia, 1868. 1G 1635.23 SAXONS, The. See Taine, H. A. History of English literature 895.26 SAXTON, L. C. Fall of Poland ; with a history of the country from its origin, [550-1832]. New York, 1851. 2v. 8 927.8 SCALIGER, Joseph Juste, Italian chronologer, commen tator, philologist, and poet, b. 1540, d. 1609. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 1 of 839.6 SCANDINAVIA. Crichton, A. Scandinavia, ancient and modern. 1856 820.39 Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities; or, an his torical account of the ancient Scandinavians. 1847 846.2 Pfeiffer, I. Visit to the Scandinavian North, [1845] 686.19; 686.20; 879.3; 1666.20 Thorpe, B. Northern mythology, comprising the popular traditions and superstitions of. 1851 . . . 1087.19 AWc. See Northmen, and Scandinavian countries, Den mark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, etc. SCANDINAVIAN sketches from nature. See Unpro tected females in Norway 668.18 ScARRON, Paul, I abbe, French comic poet and satirist, b. 1610, d. 1660. See Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society v. 1 of 555. 1 ; 1545.8 SCARTH, John. Twelve years in China. [.Anon.] With illustrations. Edinburgh, 1860. 12 937.7 SCENES and adventures in Spain, 1835-40. See Poco Mas, pseud 669.16 SCENES of the civil war in Hungary, in 1848, 49. Philadelphia, 1850. 12 928.2 ScHAFF, Philip, D.D., Swiss historian and divine, b. 1819. America. Sketch of the political, social, and religious character of the United States. Translated from the German. New York, 1855. 12 1088.10 Germany; its universities, theology, and religion. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1857. 12.... 925.8 Shelf. No. SCHAFF, Philip, continued. History of the Christian church, A. D. 1-311. New York, 1859. 8 1092.5 Life and labors of St. Augustine, [bishop of Hip po, b. 354, d. 4150]. Translated by T. C. Porter. New York, 1854. 12 544.17 SCHALIC, EuiiL Campaigns of 1862 and 1863, illus trating the principles of strategy. Philadelphia, 1863. 12= *. I... . 298 . 2 4 SCHAMYL: tho sultan, warrior, and prophet of the Caucasus, [1797]. See Wagner, F 409.28; 1655.14 SCHEFFER, Ary, French painter, b. 1795, d. 1858. Me moir of. See Grote, Mrs. II 542.16 Note.. See Blackwood s magazine, Nov., 1860; London quarterly review, July, 1800 ; Atlantic monthly, Sept., 1859. SCHELE DE VERB, Maximilian. The great empress, [Agrippina n, mother of Nero, b. 15 1 d. 60]. Philadelphia, 1870. 12 1517.11 Tho romance of American history. Early an nals. New York, 1872. 16 228.21 SCHELLING, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, philoso pher and author, b. 1775, d. 1854. See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 Xotc. See his letters in German, [B. II. 4844.8]. SCHEPLER, Louise, housekeeper of Jean F. Oberlin. b. 1763, d. 1837. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The he roines of domestic life 599.16 SCIIERZER, Carl. Travels in tho free states of Central America: Nicaragua, Honduras, and San Salva dor. [With maps.] London, 1857. 2 v. 12. C38.2 SCHILLER, (Johann Christoph) Friedrich von, German poet, dramatist, and historian, b. 1759, d. 1805. Correspondence with Kdrner. Comprising sketch es and anecdotes of Goethe, the Schlegels, Wio- land and other contemporaries. With biograph ical sketches by L. Simpson. [With portraits.] London, 1849. 3 v. 12 876.16 Historical works. From the German, by G. Moir. Edinburgh, 1828. 2 v. 18 830.36 Contents. Vol. I. Life; Thirty years war. II. Thirty years war; Trial of Counts Egmont and Horn; The siege of Antwerp. Historical works. Translated by A. J. W. Mor rison. London, 1851. 12 854.14 Contents. History of the thirty years war ; History of the revolt of the Netherlands to the confederacy of the Gueux. Historical works. Translated from the German. London, 1860. 12 818.10 Contents. History of the revolt of the Netherlands, con tinued; Trial of Counts Egmont and Horn; Tlve siege of Antwerp. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. v. 2 of 807.1; 8C3.7; v. 2 of 893.3 Life of 545.12; 547.22 De Quincoy, T. Biographical essays 895.7 Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 Pallesko, E. Schiller s life and works 543.16 fi ote. The extremelyelaborate bibliography of Schiller lit erature, with illustrative accompaniments, literary and graphic, was issued at Vienna in commemoration of the centenary of law, by Wurzbach, called "Das Schiller Buch," [B. H. 2130.27]; and there are other lists of less extent [B. II. 21.50.28 and 4909.8], beside a section in Jordcns, [B. H. 21.W.1.4]. The most extensive lite is that of Palleske, which is given above in Lady Wallace s translation, and it has been very popular in Germany. The other German lives of importance are Dbring s, reviewed bv A. II. Everett in North American review, April, 182.%[also in877.4.1]; Hottmeister s, [W23.ll; B. II. 42H7.12] : SchwahV, 1035.1]; Spicss s Lebcn nnd Dichtun- gen, 1859, [B. II. 2840.24]. See Schmidt s " Schiller und seine Zcitgenosscn," [B. II. 484;>.li] ; and the general histories of Ger man literature for Schiller s place as an author. There are also brief German memoirs, [1019.2.1 ;B. II. 2908.4.1 :424Sta.3.1]. In English, Bulwcr s memoir [18KU.U; 1S19.3.1], is per haps the host, thonirh Carlylc s is a characteristic sketch, [also in B. II. 2474/.2; 28!.]ii; -Wl".. 1 !; 4SI5.10]. There is also a volume devoted to hia life and dramas by Follcn, [877.1.4; B. II. ;!!79.1. 1]; a chapter of Taylor s Survey of German poetry, [B. II. 2880.2]; an essay by Max Miiller, [2097.28.3 ;B. II. 502S.1.",;]; something in Lcwcs s Life of Goethe, [MS j, etc.]) a section in l>c StacTs Germany, [t;7.20"| ; and one in Longfellow s Poets and poetry of Europe, [."22.1J. Sec also North American review, Oct., 1823, by Bancroft, and Edinburgh review, April, 1841. SCHILLER 241 SCOTLAND Shelf. No SCHILLER,( Johann Christoph) Friedrich von, continued. For letters, beside the Correspondence with Kiirner, men tioned above [also in German, 10J3.7], see also Boring s chro nological arrangement of extracts to makeup a portraiture of the man [B. II. 4886.13], and the same writer s " Schffier und Goethe" [2016.5}, and his " Familienkreis, [B. II. 2847.38]. There is an Enjrlish translation of some of his letters prior to his marriage, [B. H. 4849.50]. Beside collections of his general correspondence [1033.1, etc.], there is his Correspondence with Goethe, [B. H., in German, 2844.15] ; with Wilhelm von Hum- boldt, [102.3.9; B.H.4329a.4] : and a collection of family letters allowing his relations with his kindred, [B. II. 2844.14]. SCHIMMELPENNINCK, Mary Anne, English Moravian authoress, b. 1778, d. 1856. Life. [Autobiogra phy.] [With portrait.] Edited by C. C. Han- kin. London, 1858. 2 v. 8 595.12 Select memoirs of Port Royal, [1204-1472]. 5th edition. London, 1858. 3 v. 12 1006.3 SCHIMMER, Carl A. The sieges of Vienna by the Turks. See Egerton, F 889.16 SCHINDLER, Anton. Life of Beethoven, [German musical composer, b. 1770, d. 1827]. [Anon.] Edited by I. Moscheles. London, 1841. 2 v. 12 545.3 SCHLEGEL, August Wilhelm von, critic and author, b. 1767, d. 1845. See Hedge, F. H. Proso writers of Germany 545.1 SCHLEGEL, (Carl Wilhelm) Friedrich von, philosopher and orientalist, b. 1772, d. 1829. Lectures on modern history. Translated by L. Pureell and R. H. Whitelock. London, 1849. P. 8 848.1 Lectures on the history of literature, ancient and modern. London, 1859. P. 8 857.13 Tho philosophy of history. [With portrait.] Translated by J. P. Robertson. 6th edition. London, 1848. P. 8 818.3 See Hedge, F. H. Proso writers of Germany 545.1 SCHLEGELS, The, Sketches and anecdotes of. See Schiller, (J. C.) F. von 876.16 SCHLEIERMACHEE, Friedrich Daniel Ernst, theoloyian, philologist, and preacher, b. 1768, d. 1834. See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 SCHLESIER, Gustav. Life of [Carl] William von Humboldt, [German statesman and philologist, b. 1767, d. 1835]. Translated from the German by J. Bauer. [With portrait.] New York, 1853. 12 545.7 SCHLICHTEGROLL, Adolph Heinrich Friedrich von. Life of Mozart. See Carpani, G 545.19; 545.20 SCHLOSS Hainfeld; or, a winter in Lower Styria. 1836. Hall, B 667.21 SCHMIDT, Henry I. Course of ancient geography. New York, 1860. 12 946.7 SCHMITZ, Leonhard. History of Greece, from the ear liest times [B. c. 1400] to the destruction of Cor inth, B. c. 146. New York, 1851. 12 958.3 History of Rome, from the earliest times [B. c. 753] to the death of Commodus, A. D. 192. An- dover, 1847. 12 957.3 History of the middle ages, 476-1096. London, 1859. 8 945.6 SCHNEIDER, Edward M., b. 1846, d. 1864. Memoir of. See Tarbox, I. N. Missionary patriots 536.24 SCHNEIDER, James H., b. 1839, d. 1864. Memoir of. See Tarbox, I. N. Missionary patriots 536.24 SCHNITZLER, Jean Henri. Secret history of the court and government of Russia under Alexander the first and Nicholas. London, 1854. 2 v. 8... 925.4 SCHOELCHER, Victor. Life of Handel, [Gorman musi cal composer, b. 1684, d. 1759]. London, 1857. 8. 545.2 SCHOMBURGK, Sir Robert Hermann, British consul at St. Domingo, naturalist and geographer, b. 1804, d. 1865. History of Barbados. [With illustra tions.] London, 1848. 8 264.1 See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library, .v. 39 of 179.1 SCHOOL-DAYS of eminent men. Timbs, J 557.15 ; 589.3 SCHOOLCRAFT, Henry R., American archaeologist, b. 1793, d. 1864. The Indian in his wigwam, or characteristics of the red race of America. New York, 1847. 8 245.6 Notes on the Iroquois. Albany, 1847. 8 244.6 Outlines of tho life and character of Gen. Lewis Cass, [American diplomatist, b. 1782, d. 1866]. [Anon.] Albany, 1848. 64pp. 8 623.8 31 Shelf. No. SCHOOLCRAFT, Henry R., continued. Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes, 1812-42. Philadelphia. 1851. 8 :... . 244.4 SCHOPENHAUER, Johanna, German authoress, b. 1766, d. 1838. My youthful life, and pictures of travel. [Autobiography.] London, [1847]. 2 v. 12. 548.21 SCHOULEB, William, adjutant-general of Massachusetts, b. 1814, d. 1872. History of Massachusetts in the civil war. Boston, 1868, 71. 2 v. 8 272.11 SCHROEDER, Francis. Shores of tho Mediterranean; with sketches of travel. With engravings. New York, 1846. 2 v. 12 676.5 SCHROON lake, Description of the route to. 1868. De Costa, B. F 1639.11 SCHUBERT, G. H. de. Biographical souvenirs and original letters of the duchess of Orleans. See Harcourt, C. C. L. . do Choiseul-Praslin, du- chesse d 618.1 SCHUYLER, Catharine, wife of Gen. Schuyler, d. 1803. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v . 1 of 538.13 SCHUYLER, Philip, American major-general in the American revolutionary army, b. 1733, d. 1804. Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. v. 1 of 516.1 Lossing, B. J. Lifo and times of 514.4 SCHWARTZ, Christian Friedrich, missionary to India, b. 1726, d. 1798. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 4 of 839.6 SCHWEGLER, Albert. History of philosophy, Trans lated by J. H. Seelye. 3d edition. ~ New York, 1860. 12 H16.9 SCIENTIFIC men. Arago, (D.) F. (J.) Biographies of distinguished scientific men 541.3 Brewster, SirD. Martyrsof science. 548. 15; 549.36; 820.34 Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of tho laboratory and workshop 551.7 Brougham, H., lord. Lives of men of letters and science in the time of George in 547.3 Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent liter ary and scientific men of Great Britain 398.3 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France 388.8 Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal 398.1 SCINDE. Dennie, W. H. Personal narrative of the campaign in Sinde. 1843 1699.7 Napier, Sir W. F. P. History of Napier s admin istration of, [1843-47] 937.2 Orlich, L. von. Travels in. 1845 695.3 SCORESBY, William, Esq., of Whitby , Arctic navigator, b. 1760, d.. 1828. Account of the Arctic regions, with a history and description of the northern whale-fishery. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1820. 2v. 8 702.10 Records of the life of. See Scoresby, W 578.15 SCORESBY, William, D. D., Arctic navigator and naval writer, b. 1789, d. 1857. American factories and their female operatives. London, 1845. 12.. 196.21 Memorials of the sea. My father: being records of the adventurous life of William Scoresby, Esq., of Whitby. [With portrait.] London, 1851. 12. 578.15 See Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility 577.14 SCOT, James, duke of Minmouth, b. 1649, ex. 1685. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 Roberts, G. Life, progresses, and rebellion of. . . 566.5 SCOTLAND. General and ecclesiastical history, manners, etc. Burton, J. H. Narratives from criminal trials in. 1852 987.4 Caswall, H. Scotland and tho Scottish church. 1853 1089.12 Chambers, R. Domestic annals of, [1561-1745] . . 974.3 History of, [1020-1831] 999.7 History of the rebellions in, [1638-60] 830.44 [1689 and 1715] 830.50; 999.23 [1745 ; 4G] 830.34 Dodds, J. Fifty years struggle of tho Scottish covenanters, [1638-88] 2109.2 SCOTLAND 242 SCOTLAND Shelf. No. SCOTLAND. General and ecclesiastical history, manners, etc., continued. Ferguson, R. New and popular history of. 1857. 998.12 Froissart, Sir J. Antient chronicles of .... 1001.2; 1003.1 Froude, J. A. Influence of the reformation on the Scottish character 1829.2 Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the pretenders and their adherents 979.8; 1985.1 Ramsay, E. B. Reminiscences of Scottish life and character 395.8; 1907.1 Robertson, W. History of, [1542-1603] ... .v. 3 of 943.4 Scott, Sir W. History of. 1832 3G8.4 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of 593.4 Tytler, P. F. History of, [1249-1603] 978.7 [B. c. 55-A. D. 1837] 998.6 Lives of Scottish worthies 399.9 AToje. Thcpopular histories are those of Ferguson, who aimed particularly to trace the development of civilization, in dustry, social manners, etc.; and of Scott, both in the "Tales of a grandfather," [1)02.1.7 ; B. H. 2577.5.22 : 4178.11], and in the " History of Scotland," [308.4 ; 902.1.7 j B. H. 2475.16]. The former is an abridged history from Macbeth down, selecting picturesque episodes and prominent points: the latter gives at tention chiefly to the elucidation ot principles, but Palgrave ays that having exhausted his pleasurable stores in the tales, Scott thus ruined his history. The latest and moat elaborate general history is that by Bur ton [A. D. 80-1688 is B. H. 4.524.1 and 1689-1748 is 4524.3], of which there are reviews in Blackwood, March, 1867, and Ed inburgh review, July, 1867. He is a thorough antiquarian, but as a historian he possesses the modern skeptical view regard ing the early unchronieled periods, and findsthe dawn or true history in Malcolm Canmore s reign, 1057-93. His treatment of the St. Columba period may be contrasted with the reverent belief of Montalembert, in his Monks of the West, [B. II., in English, ,1514.4.2]. See nisi) in this connection the Duke of Argvle s " lona," [B. H. 2.539.8]. There are three phases to the earliest history of Scotland. First, a fulness of fabulous detail. Second, a confounding of the Picts and Scots. Third, an obscurity attending everything like authentic detail. The third century is the Ossian pe riod, and the literature of that subject [see Bates Hall cata logues], yields discussions more or less historical. Scott con siders that Boethius [B. H. 2414.1], following the olden chron icles, was the first to give currency to the doubtful arrny of Essay on the ancient history of Scotland [B. H. 2577.5.21], wherein he characterizes the authorities. Scott treats the Picts as Celts, but Pinkerton, in his history antecedent to Mal colm, vol. 3, p. 1056 [B. H. 2474.15], depending on Tacitus, treated them as a Gothic people, and instigated a vehement controversy. Seethe matter reviewed in the introduction to the early races, previous to the sixth century, [B. H. 2477.4]; and M Callum s Ancient Scots, 1S58, [B. II. 4519.3]. Scott says that Dalrymple, Lord Hailcs, was the first to give a clue to the labyrinth of Scottish history, discarding much of the pretended antiquities, in his Annals, A. 1>. 1034- 1371, [B. H. 2474.12]. These dates cover the period of the Norwegian invasion, 1204, for which see also Worsaae; M Callum, on the Norwegians in the Hebrides, [B. H. 4519.3]; and the translation of the old SagaofHaco in Buchanan > Land of Lome, chapter 14, [6,55.17]. Scott made Ritson s Annals ot the Caledonians, Picts and Scots, 1828 [B. H. 2475.11], which is a full compilation, the occasion of the essay already mentioned on the ancient his tory of Scotland [B. H. 2577.5.21, from the Quarterly review, July, 1829], and from the point where he leaves off in this, he subsequently [Quarterly review, Nov., 1829, and Miscellanies, B. H. 2577.5.21] continued an examination of the authorities to the period where Tvtler begins, A. D. 1250 [see above], who continues the narrative till ItWi, going to the State papers, and unsettling many long established beliefs, while he took advantage of the prior Tabors of Chalmers and Pinkerton. For the period of Bruce and Bannockhurn, see Robert I, note; Holinshed s Chronicles, [B. H. 2521.7]; and in Blackwopd. Sept., 18U7, there is an article on the literature of the Scottish independence question, covering the long interval of the con test with England, which will be found also illustrated in Freeman s History of Normandy and England, [B. II. 4515.1]. "Where Dalrymnle s annals stop, 1371, Pinkerton s later his tory [B. U. 2421.6] begins, and in what is still thought an ac curate and valuable account he continues the story down to 1642, where it is again taken up by G. Stuart [B. H. 2475.2], and continued to the death of Mary in 1.587. For the reign of Mary, see the note under that head. Robertson s well-known history, while it is introduced by a cursory examination of antecedent Scottish history, is confined to the reign of Mary, and down to James vi s accession to the English throne in 160.?, [also in B. II. 2301.4 ; 2301.5 ; 4524.2 ; 4528.8] ; where Laing, after an extensive dissertation to establish the guilt of Queen Mary, takes up the narrative [B. II. 2475.1], and continues it to the union in Queen Anne s time, 1709. . Innes s book on "Scotland in the middle ages" [B. II. 2-177.2], forms good parallel reading tor that period in the eluci dation of the law. manners, dwellings, language, literature, etc., using the old authorities; while in his " Sketches of early Scotch history and social progress "[B. II. 2477.3], touching upon church organizations, the universities, home life, etc.. he comes lower down and tries to join modern thought and customs tothc mediscval. See also Chambers s Domestic an nals from the reformation to the revolution [see above], in which the matter is arranged by reigns, but with only brief references to political events, and with a list of authorities. Another kind of illustration will be found in Maidmcnt t Scottish Pasciuils. 1568-1715, [B. II. 456-.10]. Smyth s 25th lecture [27 .8; 943.3, etc.], is on the union in Queen Anne s time, and on the general characteristics of iti SCOTLAND. General and ecclesiastical history, manners, etc., continued. history and historians. For the subsequent rebellions, see Jesse s Memoirs of the pretenders [as above], and for that of 1745, see Chambers [as above], Macphersou [B. H. 2519.30], and the excellent account in Mahon s History of England, [989.6, etc.]. Burton s " Scots abroad " [B. H. 6578.23], narrates pleasantly the relations of Scotland and Scotsmen with foreign countries. The student of the history and antiquities will tind it useful to consult the publications of the Records commission, [B. H. [B. H. 7062.1] ; the venerable Bcde [846.1 ; B. H. 3498.7, etc.], anc other of the ancient chroniclers; and the publications of the Bannatyne. Maitland, and Spaldingchibs; Grose s Antiquities, [B. H. 2473.1]; Pennant s Tour [B. H. 2200.13], etc. These matters are also treated popularly by Scott in his " Essay on border antiquities " [B. H. 2577.5.7], and in the descriptive and historical notes accompanying his " Provincial antiquities," B. H. 2577.5.7]. Manners, etc. Scott, in his review [B. H. 2577.5.6] of the Cul- loden papers [B. H. 2511.8], popularly pictures the clanship and other peculiarities of the Highlands. Logan s " Clans, 1857 [B. H. 4520.4], is rendered interesting by the colored plates of the costumes of the dilterent. clans ; while Johnstoncand Robertson describe their historical geography, 1872, [B. H. 4521.5]. See also Logan s " Scottish Gael," [B. H. 2474.16]. For the manners, of which the traits are gone or just linger ing, nothing is better than Dean Ramsay 9 book [also in B. H., 20th edition, 246.18], which may be supplemented by Charles Rogers s "Traits and stories," 1887, [B. H. 4572.20]; and his "Century of Scottish life," 1871, [B. H. 6549.8]; and also Chambers s " Popular rhymes," [B. H. 2536.12]. For estimates of the Scottish character, see Macaulay s findu xviie siecle" in Revue dcs deux mondes, April 1st, 1856; and an article in the Christian remembrancer, 1859. Church history. The history of the church of Scotland is closely connected with that of the state, but it can be distinc tively traced best among modern books, for the period since tho reformation in such general histories, as Stephen s, 1813, [B. H. 3524.1; 6053.6]; or, for a general review, dwelling upon promi nent points, in Stanley s Lectures, [B. II. 8K&021( or in par ticular chapters of Burton, [B. II. 4524.1; 4524.3]. Stanley recommends for a presbyterian view, and as thorough and compendious, Cunningham s Church history of Scotland, and for an episcopal view, the candid and exact ecclesiastical his tory of Scotland by Grub, [B. H. 3515 51]. Spottiswoode s His tory, which was written by order of James VI, is an episcopal view from 203 to 1603, [B. H. 3524.3]. Dividing the record into epochs, we refer for the early Celtic period to Montalembert s Monks of the West, [B. H., in Eng lish, 3514.4] ; Innes s Early history, [B. H. 2477.2] ; and How- son s papers on Argyllshire ecclesiastical antiquities in the Camden society s publications. of the reformation on the Scottish character [also 1815.15.1], in which he rebuts Buckle s chapter on the Scotch, [942.1]; Laing s edition of Sir David Lindsay s poems, 1871, [B. H. 4608.11, etc.]; and Falconer s review of them in Fraser s mag azine, 1872 ; Caldcrwood s History, 1514-1603 [B. H. 5493.3] and Row s, 1558-1637, [B. II. 5493.9]. The ordinary reader will find Lorimer s popular narrative acceptable, [B. H. 3524.10]. Sec also Robertson s Essay on Scottish abbeys and cathedrals in Quarterly review, vol. 85; and the notes under Knox and Reformation in this catalogue. For the period of the Covenanters, from the first banding against enforced episcopacy in 1638 to the revolution of 1688, Dodd s book, above named, is a useful popular sketch; which may be supplemented by Scott s "Old Mortality," and his " Tales of a landlord," with his own notice of the same in hi Miscellanies, [B. H. 2577.5.21]; or in the Quarterly review, Jan., 1817. See also the paper, " The Bloody MacKenzic," in Contemporary review, 1871, and the lives of Graham (Mon- trose) [555.12; 975 9], Rutherford, Claverhouse [Edinburgh re view, July, 1863; Chambers s Biographical dictionary, B. H. 2442.1], Burnct s Own times, [B. H. 2517.5, etc.]; and Macau- lay s History [996.2, etc.]. The special history of Kirkton, 1817 [B. H. 5520.25], covering lttiO-78, is reviewed by Scott in his Miscellanies, [B.H. 2577.5.21]; and that of Woodrow, 1721 [B. H.6080.2], covers 1660-88. For the 18th century, see the lives of Robertson, [B. H. 2542.17]; Blair, [575.10]; Hume, [582.12]; Dr. Carlylc, [578.20], etc. For the present century, see the lives of Chalmers, [576.1, etc.] ; Edward Irving, [571.4], etc. For the Secession of 1844, ee De Quincey s Theological essays, [905.2.2]; Hugh Miller i Headship of Christ [B. IL 2508.54], etc. See Chambers s Biographical dictionary of eminent Scots men, [B. H. 2442.1]. The Scotch poems and works of Scott are annotated with historical introductions, and so is Aytoun s Lays of the Scottish cavaliers [B. H. 4603.4], for which, and, others, lee the Chronological list of historical fiction. Literature and art. Bagehot, W. The first Edinburgh reviewers .... 563.9 Cunningham, A. Life and land of Burns. ...... 586.15 Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers, [1465-1830]. 686.13 Note. David Irving s is the most considerable history of Scottish poetry, 1861, covering the interval from Ossian to Lady Wardlaw, [B. H. 2553.12]. For dissertations upon Scot tish songs and ballads, see the prefaces and introductions to such collections as Herd s, [B. H. 2536.7]; Wliitelaw i, [B. H. 45.59a.14]; Ritson s, [B. H. 2538.2.1; 4538.5.1]; Chambers s Songs prior to Burns, [B. H. 2538.19]; Maidmcnt s, [B. H. 4565.7]; Percy s Hcliquos, [:WJ.:i; 1-109.5] ; Tytler and Watson i Songstresses of Scotland, [B. II. 0547.14] ; Scott s Minstrelsy of the border [B. H. 4179.1.1], in which he runs over the labor of his predecessors in preserving these records ; and Allinham Ballad book, [13(7.20]. See a bibliography of this department in Child s Ballad*, [1316.6.1] ; and articles in Prescott s essays SCOTLAND 243 SCULPTURE SCOTLAND. Literature end art, continued. [872.2, etc.] or North American review, July, 1826 ; in Black- wood, Oct., 1858; in Kingslev s essays on Hums and bin chool," (894.6 ; sec also Burns, note ] ; Shairp s "Song before Burns" in Macmillan, 18C1; and chapters on Lowland min- etrels and Highland bards in Rogers * " Century of Scottish Highland bards in Rogers * " Century of life," [B. II. 619.8]. Sec alio the Poetry of the Scottish lan guage in Blackwood, 1870. For the influence on English literature in the founding of the Edinburgh review and Blaekwood s magazine, sec Bagehot For the influence of Scott and Burns, sec under those heads, and also Jeffrey on the Scotch novels [863.0], or Edinburgh review, Oct., 18:8. For bopular legendry, lee the introduction to J. F. Camp bell s Tales of the West Highlands, orally collected, [B. H. 6579.9]. For Scottish art, see Alexander Smith s paper in the Argo sy, I860, and the life of Sir David Wilkie, [550.2, etc.]. Travels, description, etc. Abbott, J. Rollo in, [for youths]. 1857 - A summer in. 1859 Adains, W. T. (Oliver Optic). Shamrock and this tle; or, Young America in, [for youths], 1871. Carus, C. G. The king of Saxony s journey through Scotland in 1844 Copway, G. Sketches of men and places in. 1851. Harnerton, P. G. A painter s camp in. 1867 .... Heron, R. Journey through the western counties of, in 1792 Lippincott, S. J. (Grace Greenwood). Bonnie Scotland, [for youths]. 1861 Miller, H. Scenes and legends of the North of, [Cromarty] Morford, H. Over-sea ; or, Scotland as seen by a live American. 1867 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1867 . . Sinclair, C. Scotland and the Scotch. 1840 Victoria, queen of England. Leaves from the jour nal of our life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861 Wilson, J. Voyage round the coasts of. 1842 . . . Note. The best itineraries are those by Murray [1868 edi tion, B. II. 4538.9] and Black, [B. II. 2486.18; 6538.9]; but HunncwcH s Lands of Scott [B. H. 6568.5] will be of interest to uch us have derived their cliief knowledge of its scenery and history from Sir Walter Scott. See also portions of Mrs. Haw thorne s Notes [1066.15], and Mrs. Stowe s Sunny memories [658.1], etc. For the Hebrides, see Johnson s famous Tour [582.4, etc. J and Boswcll s account in Crokcr s edition of the Life of John- 677.18 647.18 1677.2 647.3 647.16 1654.3 646.1 997.4 646.3 1654.1 1658.6 647.17 1654.4 646.6 Mull in the Atlantic, July and August, 1865. See also Edinburgh, Highlands, Skyc, etc. SCOTT, Charles H. The Danes and the Swedes: a visit to Denmark and Sweden. London, 1856. 8. . . 668.4 SCOTT, David B. School history of the United States, to 1870. Illustrated. New York, 1870. 12 . . 309.25 SCOTT, John, earl of Eldon, lord-chancellor of Eng land, b. 1751, d. 1838. Brightwell, C. L. Me morials of the early lives of great lawyers 1516.13 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. .548.13 ; 649.30 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Twiss, H. The public and private life of 662.6 SCOTT, John. The lost principle; or the sectional equilibrium. By " Barbarossa," [pseud.]. Rich mond, Va., 1860. 8 292.9 SCOTT, Michael, Scottish author, b. 1789, d. 1835. See Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies. . .v. 1 of 399.9 SCOTT, Thomas, English divine and biblical commenta tor, b. 1747, d. 1821. See Edwards, B. B. Biog raphy of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548. 22 SCOTT, Thomas Alexander, vice-president of the Penn sylvania railroad, b. 1825. SeeParton, J. Sketch es of men of genius 522.16 SCOTT, Sir Walter, Scotch novelist, poet, and historian, b. 1771, d. 1832. History of Scotland. London, 1832. 2v. 16 368.4 Lifo of Napoleon Buonaparte, emperor of the French, [b. 1769, d. 1821]. Exeter, 182?. 2 v. 8. 604.7 Same. Philadelphia, 1858. 2v.ini. 8 604.1 Same. Philadelphia, 1858. 3 v. in 1. 8 ... 604.5 Same. Philadelphia, n. d. 8 v. 9 of 902.1 Shelf. No. SCOTT, Sir Walter, continued. Lives of the novelists. Philadelphia, 1825. 2 T. 12 586.19 Contents. Vol. I. Henry Fielding, b. 1707, d. 1754; Alain Ren* Lc Sage, b. 1668, d. 1747 ; Tobias George Smollett, b. 1721, d. 1771; Charles Johnstone, b. about 1731. d. 1800; Lawrence Sterne, b. 1713, d. 1708; Mrs. Ann Radcliffe, b. 1764, d. 1822. II. Samuel Richardson, b. 1689, d. 1761; Samuel Johnson, b. 1709, d. 1781; Oliver Goldsmith, h. 1728, d. 1774; Horace Wal- polc, earl of Orford, b. 1717, d. 1797 ; Henry Mackenzie, b. 1745, d. 1831; Clara Reeve, b. 1725, d. 1803: Robert Bage, b. 1728, d. 1801; Richard Cumberland, b. 1732, d. 1811. Recollections. London, 1837. 16 587.2 Allan, G. Life of; with critical notices of his writings 585.1 Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. F. 4 of 867.1; 863.7; v. 4 of 893.3 Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men. 548.13; 549.30 Goodrich, S. G. Famous nion of modern times. v. 1 of 1869.1 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Hogg, J. Familiar anecdotes 589.19 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of tho most emi nent British poets v. 2 of 896.1 Jordan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Lockhart, J. G. Memoirs of. 585. 2; 585.15; v. 10 of 902.1 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 Mackenzie, R. S. The story of his life 585.16 Rogers, S. Recollections 1396.3 Note. The biography by his son-in-law, Lockhart [also in B. H., E. 228.2], is the principal and authoritative life, and the centenary memorial of C. S. M. Lockhart, 1871 [B. H. 2448.50], comprising contributions of seventy-seven friends and neigh bors of Sir Walter, forms an appendix of biographical scraps. Popular but less extensive memoirs have been written by Mackenzie [as above], and by Gilflllan, [B. II. (K49.12]. The briefer lives are those by R. Chambers, [B. H. 3130.1; and united with some inemoranda of the intercourse between Scott and his steward. Ijiidlaw, 6549a.22] ; by A. Cunningham, [B. H. 4549a.27]; by Gleig. [B. H. 6549.10, originally in Quarterly review, January. 186] ; by Palgrave, [B. H. 2448.52, united with a chapter from Masson s English novelists]; by Lake [336.1.1], and others [1318.3.1], etc. Sec also Irving s account of his stay with Scott, in 1816, [B. H. 2390.21]; Hogg s descrip tion of his domestic life in Fraser s magazine, Aug., 1834 ; the account of Scott s connection with the Ballantyne press, [B. H. 2571.12]; the Essays bv Prescott, [872.2, etc.]; by Jeffrey, [863.6, etc.] ; by Blanchard Jerrold, [B. H. 6541.7] ; and the ac counts in Allibone and Thomas. There are German lives by Elze, [B. H. 4549.20]; and by Eberty, [B. H. 2547.34; 2d edi tion, 2449.001. See Adolphui s letters written (before the acknowledgment) to prove Scott the author of the Waverley novels, [B. H. 4576.21]. SCOTT, William A. The church in the army; or, the four centurions. New York, 1862. 12 2095. 15 SCOTT, William B. Half-hour lectures on the history and practice of tho fine and ornamental arts. With illustrations. London, 1861. 16 205.15 SCOTT, Winfield, American general, b. 1786, d. 1866. Memoirs. By himself. [With portraits.] New York, 1864. 2 T. 12 514.10 Mansfield, E. D. Life of 517.14 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Victor, 0. J. Life, and military and civic services of 1529.24 ffotf. See United States, History, War of 1812, and Mexican war. SCOVILLE, Joseph A. The old merchants of New York city. By Walter Barrett, [pseud.]. Phil adelphia, 1863-70. 5 v. 12 536.17 SCRIPTURE lands. Kitto, J 815.7 , Madeleine de, poetess and novelist, b. 1607, d. 1701. See Kavanagh, J. French women of letters 1609.1 SCULPTORS. Cunningham, A. Lives of the most emi nent British sculptors 379.9; 810.19 Lee, H. F. Familiar sketches of 208.23 Vasari, G. Lives of the most eminent sculptors . 848.6 SCULPTURE. Dodge, P. Sculpture: and the plastic art 207.30 Lee, H. F. Familiar sketches of 208.23 Memes, J. S. History of 830.48 Afae. Seemuchin the Bates Hall catalogues, particularly the English translation of Lucbke, [4074.17]. 8CYTHIA 244 SEPTUAGENARIAN Shelf. No. SCYTIIIA, The archer and the steppe; or, tho empires of. Grahame,F.R 927.15 SEA-KINGS and naval heroes. Edgar, J. G 558.16 SEABURY, Samuel, American divine and author, b. 1801, d. 1872. American slavery distinguished from the slavery of English theorists, and justi fied by the law of nature. New York, 1861. 12 299.19 SEALSFIELD, Charles. Adventures in Texas. Abridged byF. Hardman. Edinburgh, n. d. 16 639.27 SEAMAN, Autobiography of a. Cochrane, T 577.5 SEARLE, January, pseud. See Phillips, George S. SEARS, Barnas, D.D. Life of Luther, [b. 1483, d. 1546], Philadelphia, n. d. 18 545.24 SEARS, Robert. New and complete history of the Bible. With notes and engravings. 3d edition. Now York, 1844. 2v.ini. 8 1085.4 Treasury of knowledge, and cyclopaedia of history, science, and art. With engravings. New York, I860. 8 942.7 SEASONS with the sea-horses. Lamont, J 704.22 SEAT, The, of empire. Coffin, C. C 1636.16 SEATON, William Winston, journalist, b. 1785, d. 1866. William Winston Seaton of the " National intel ligencer." A biographical sketch. Boston, 1871. 12 587.25 SBAVER, James E. Life of Mary Jemison: Deh-He- Wa-Mis, [white squaw, b. 1743, d. 1833]. 4th edition. New York, 1856. 12 539.3 SEAWARD, Sir Edward. Narrative of shipwreck and discovery of certain islands in the Caribbean eea. Edited by Jane Porter. Abridged. Lon don, 1853. P. 8 409.24 Same. London, 1859. 16 1655.21 SEBASTOPOL. MacCormick, R. C. Visit to the camp before Sevastopol 687.19 Maynard, F. Recollections of a zouave before Sebastopol 1008.18 Russell, W. H. General Todlebon s History of tho defence of 936.1; 995.4 Sec also Crimean war. SECESSION. Aughey, J. H. The iron furnace : or, slavery and secession 295.6 Brownlow, W. G. Sketches of 634.10 SECESSION, or prose in rhyme; and East Tennessee: a poem.. Philadelphia, 1864. 64pp. 12 307.27 SECRET history of the court of James i, [king of Eng- . land, 1603-25]. Edinburgh, 1811. 2 v. 8 . . 552.6 Contents. Vol.1. Osborne s Traditional memoirs. I, II. Sir Anthony WeMon s Court and character of king James. II. Aulicus Coquinariaa ; Sir Edward Peyton s Divine catastrophe of the house of Stuarts. SECRET proceedings and debates of the convention at Philadelphia, in 1787, for forming the consti tution of tho United States. From notes by R. Yates. Including "The genuine information," by L. Martin. Richmond, 1839. 12 299.6 SECRET societies of France, History of. La Hodde, L. de 1004.4 SECRET societies of the middle ages : The assassins of the East, the knight templars, and the secret tribunals of Westphalia. London, n. d. 12. .. 849.5 Same. New edition. London, 1848. 12 850.13 SECTS. Adams, H. View of religions 1099.5 Brief analysis of the sects of the first three cen turies 1096.15 Christian sects in the nineteenth century. . .v. 3 of 850.25 Evans, J. Sketch of the denominations of the Christian world 1099.7 See also Christianity, Ecclesiastical history, Protestantism, Roman catholic church, etc. SEDDON, Thomas, English artist, b. 1821, d. 1855. Memoir and letters. With portrait. London, 1858. 12 657.4 SEDGWICK, Catharine Maria, American nov flirt, b. 1789, d. 18C7. Letters from abroad. [Anon. ] Now York, 1841. 2 v. 12 648.8 Life and letters. Edited by M. E. Dewey. [With portraits, etc.] New York, 1871. 12 644.25 Shelf. No. SEDGWICK, Catharine Maria, continued. Memoir of Joseph Curtis, a model man, [of Now York, b. 1782, d. 1856]. [Anon."] Now York, 1858. 16 637.4 Memoir of Lucretia Maria Davidson, [American poetess, b. 1808, d. 1825], See Sparks, J..v. 7 of 529.1 Note. See Homes of American authors, [B. H. 2346.51]; and Hart s Female prose writers of America, LB. H. 4445.14]. SEDGWICK, Theodore, American lawyer, politician, and author, b. 1781, d. 1839. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 SEELEY, John R. Roman imperialism, and other lectures and essays. Boston, 1871. 12 1117.12 SEGTJR, Anatole, comte de. Helion de Villeneuve, a French zouave, [b. 1826, d. 1855], [Anon. ] Boston, 1863. 81pp. 16 1598.2 SfcGUR, (Philippe) Paul, comte de. History of the ex pedition to Russia, in 1812. 8th edition. [With portraits.] London, 1840. 2 v. 16 399.3 Same. New York, [cop. 1841]. 2 v. 16 820.43 SEIGNELAY, Marquis de. See Colbert, Jean B. SELDEN, John, English statesman, archaeologist, and political writer, b. 1584, d. 1654. Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 6 of 840.10 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 Roscoe, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers.. .. 388.4 SELF-MADE men. MacCabo, J. D., jr. Great for tunes, and how thoy were made; or the strug gles and triumphs of our self-made men 515.14 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 SELF-TAUGHT men, Biography of. Edwards, B. B. 548.18; 548.22 SELKIRK, Alexander, Scotch shipwrecked mariner, b. about 1676, d. after 1711. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature v. 3 of I860. 1 SELLWOOD, Sir Andrew, English soldier, artist, and mechanician, b. 1620. See Russell, W. Eccentric personages 669.19 SELOVER, Abia A., lawyer, soldier, and merchant, b. 1824. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of pro gress : ..522.16 SELWYN, George Augustus, English politician and wit, b. 1719, d. 1791. Hayward, A. George Selwyn : his life and times 1655.17 Jesse, J. H. Solwyn and his contemporaries .... 563.2 Thomson, K. (B. ) The wits and beaux of society. v. 2 of 555.1; 1545.8 SEMIRAMIS, queen of Assyria, fl. B. C. 1250. Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns. 569.28 Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns, v. 1 of 810.44 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 699.22 Set also Assyria. SEMMES, Raphael, captain of the Confederate cruiser " Alabama," and author, b. 1810. Tho cruise of the Alabama and tho Suinter. New York, 1864. 2v.ini. 12 308.11 Service afloat and ashore during tho Mexican war. Cincinnati, 1851. 8 623.15 SENECA, Lucius Annseus, Roman stoic philosopher, b. A. D. 2 or 3, d. 65. See Goodrich, S. G. Fa mous men of ancient times v. 2 of 1869. 1 Note. See Farrar s " Seekers after God," [B. H. 7447.19]. t SENECA Indians, Case of the 244.8 SENEFELDER, Aloysius. See Sennefelder, A. SENIOR, Nassua W. Journal in Turkey and Greece, 1857,58. [With map.] London, 1859. 8.... 688.13 SENNAAR, Narrative of tho expedition to Dongola and. English, G. B 693.4 SENNEFELDER, or SENEFELDER, Aloysius, German in ventor of lithography, b. 1771, d. 1834. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 " SENTINEL," pseud. . See Bogart, William H. SEPOY revolt, The. Mead, H 937.1; 939.3 See also India. SEPTUAGENARIAN, Reminiscences of a, [1802-15]. Brownlow, E. S 1566.1 2fe SERVIA 245 SHAKERS Shelf. No. SERVIA. Paton, A. A. Servia in 1843, 44 666.4 Ranke, (F.) L. von. History of Servia, and the Servian revolution 827.1 SERVICS TULLIUS, 6th king of Rome, b. u. c. 578 d. B. c. 536. See Laing, C. H. B. The seven kings of the seven hills 959.15 SEURAT, Claude Ambroise, a living skeleton, b. 1797. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters .. 1546.5 SEVASTOPOL. See Sebastopol. SEVEN months run up, and down, and around the world. Brooks, J C68.23 SEVEN years of a sailor s life. Clark, G. E 1707.1 SEFIGN&, Marie do Rabutin Chantal, marquise de, French authoress, b. 1626, d. 1696. Lamartine, A. (M. L.) do. Memoirs of celebrated charac ters v. 3 of 547.4 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598. 19 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of celebrated wo men 1598.16 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 1 of 388.8 Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society .. v. 1 of 542.15 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 2 of 548.5 A-<*. See A. H. Everett s Essays, [877.4.1]. SEWARD, Anna, English poetess, b. 1747, d. 1809. Me moirs of [Erastus] Darwin, [English physician and poet, b. 1731, d. 1802]. Philadelphia, 1804. 8 573.5 SEWARD, William Henry, American statesman, b. 1801, d. 1872. Works. Edited by G. E. Baker. [With portrait, etc.] New York, 1853. 3 v. 8. 294.7 Life and public services of John Quincy Adams; 6th president of the United States, [b. 1767, d. 1848]. Auburn, 1849. 12 517.25 Life, including his most famous speeches. [.Anon.] [With portrait.] Boston, 1860. P. 8. ... 527.22 Baker, G. E. Life of 526.3 Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 SEWEL, William. History of the quakors. New York, 1844. 2v.ini. 8 1085.10 SEWELL, Elizabeth M. Ancient history of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylonia, [B. c. 2450-u. C. 30]. [With map.] London, 1862. 12 945.9 The child s first history of Rome, [B. c. 1184-A. D. 69]. [Anon. } New edition. London, 1869. 16 948.19 History of the early church. [Anon.] New York, 1860. 18 2089.1 Impressions of Rome, Florence, and Turin. [Anon.] London, 1862. 12 664.4 Journal kept during a summer tour, for the chil dren. [Anon.] 3 parts in 1 v. New York, 1852. 12 659.28 Cnnte.nts.-Ta.Ttl. From Ostend to the lake of. Constance. 2. From the lake of Constance to the Simplon. 3. From the Simplon through part of the Tyrol to Genoa. and YONGE, Charlotte M. Historical selections. London, 1868. 16 1817.20 SEWELL, William Grant, 6. 1829, d. 1862. The ordeal of free labor in the British West Indies. New York, 1861. 12 266.12 SEYMOUR, Charles, 6th duke of Somerset, b. 1662, d. 1748. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 SEYMOUR, Charles C. B. Self-made men. [With portraits.] New York, 1858. 12 543.13 Cont State: ntents. Andrew Jackson, 7th president of the XTnited mes, b. 1767, d. 1845; Jacob Leislcr, American political ad- . jnturer, b. 1G91; Daniel Webster, Ameiican statesman, b. 1782, d. 1852; Elihu Bunitt, " the learned blacksmith," Ameri can scholar, b. 1811; Alexander Murray, Scotch linguist, b. 1775, d. 1813; Matthew F. Maurv, American naval officer, b. 1800: Christian Gottlob Heyne, German philologcr and anti quary, b. 1729, d. 1812; Robert Burns, Scotch poet, b. 1759, d. 1796; George Fox, English quaker, b. 1024, d. 1090 j Amos Lawrence, American merchant and philanthropist, b. 1786, d. 1852; Hans Christian Andersen, Danish poet and novelist, b. 1805 j Anthonv Wayne, American revolutionary general, b. 174.5, d. 1796; Immanucl Kant, German philosopher, b. 1724, d. 180}; Johunn Gottlieb Fichtc, German philosopher and author, b. 1702, d. 1814; David Rittcnhouse, American astron omer, mathematician, and physicist, b. 17.32, d. 1790; Carsten Niebuhr, Hanoverian traveller, b. 1733, d. 1815; Henry Clay, American statesman, b. 1777, d. 1852; John Lcdyard, Ameri can traveller, b. 1751, d. 1788; Stephen Girard, merchant. Shelf. No. SEYMOUR, Charles C. B., continued. banker, and philanthropist, founder of Girard college, Phila delphia, b. 1750, d. 1&31 ; Sir William Phips. colonial governor of Massachusetts, b. 1051, d. 109.); Daniel Boone, pioneer, and early settler of Kentucky, b. 17.35, d. 1822: Joseph Bramah, English inventor, b. 1749, d. 1814; James Hargraves, or Har- greaves, English inventor of machinery for spinning cotton, d. 1778: Alexander Wilson, Scotch ornithologist, b. 1706, d. 1813; Edmund Cartwright, English divine, poet, and inventor of the power-loom, b. 1743, d. 1823; Benjamin Thompson, count Rumford, American statesman and natural philoso pher, b. 1753, d. 1814: Thomas Posey, governor of Indiana, b. 1750, d. 1818; Israel Putnam, American revolutionary general, b. 1718, d. 1790; John Prideaux, professor of divinity at Ox ford, and bishop of Worcester, b. 1578, d. 10,50; Roger Wil liams, founder of Rhode Island, b. 1008, d. 1083; William Hut- ton, English litterateur and antiquary, b. 1723, d. 1815; John Paul Jones, Scotch naval adventurer, commodore in the Amer ican navy, b. 1747, d. 1792; William Falconer, Scotch poet and litterateur, b. 1730, d.1709; Sir Humphry Davy, English chem ist, natural philosopher, and scientific writer, b. 1778, d. 1829; Robert Dodsley, English poet and writer, b. 1703, d. 1704 ; An tonio Canova, Italian sculptor and painter, b. 1757, d. 1822; Philip Vayringe, mechanician, b. 1084, d. 1746 ; Nathaniel Bownitch, American writer on navigation and mathematics, b. 1773, d. 1838; Valentine Jamerai Duval, French scholar, b. 1095, d. 1775 ; Charles John Huft am Dickens, English novelist, b. 1812, d. 1870; Sir Thomas Lawrence, English portrait paint er, b. 1769, d. 1830; William Gifford. English poet, critic, and satirist, b. 1757, d. 1820; Benjamin West, American painter in. England, b. 1738, d. 1820; John Fitch, American inventor, b. 1743, d. 1798; Patrick Henry. American statesman, governor of Virginia, and author, b. 1736, d. 1799; Eli Whitney, Amer ican inventor, b. 1765, d. 1825: Benjamin Franklin, American philosopher, b 1706, d. 1790: Oliver Evans, American mechan ical engineer, b. 1755, d. 1811; Roger Sherman, American statesman, b. 1721, d. 1793; Robert Fulton, American painter, and improver of the steam-boat, b. 1765, d. 1815; Sir William Jones, English orientalist, jurist, and litterateur, b. 1746, d. 1794 ; Capt. John Smith, founder of Virginia, b. 1579, d. 1031 ; James Brindlev, English mechanician and canal engineer, b. 1716, d. 1772; Thomas Holcroft, English dramatist, b. 1745, d. 1809; Robert Blpomfield, English poet, b. 1700, d. 1823; Sir Richard Arkwright, English manufacturer, and inventor of the "spinning-jenny," b. 1732, d. 1792; Henry Kirke White, English poet, b. 1785, d. 1803; James Watt, Scotch engineer and improver of the steam-engine, b. 1730, d. 1819; William Cobbett, Enclish economist and political writer, b. 1762, d. 1835; Amos Whittemore, American inventor, b. 1759, d. 1828; Capt. James Cook, English navigator, b. 1728, d.1779; George Stephenson, English engineer, inventor of the locomotive, b. 1781, d. 1848. SEYMOUR, Edward, duke of Somerset, courtier and au thor, ex. 1552. See. Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 SEYMOUR, E. S. Sketches of Minnesota, 1849. New York, 1850. 8 1 638.9 SEYMOUR, F. G. Romance of ancient history. Egypt. [Awon.] London, 1834. 2 v. 12 959.3 SEYMOUR, Henry Danby. Russia on the Black sea and sea of Azof: a narrative of travels in the Crimea and bordering provinces. With map, etc. London, 1855. 8 685.5 SEYMOUR, Horatio, of New York, b. 1811. Life of. See Lives, etc 1529.4 Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 SEYMOUR, Jane. See Jane Seymour. SEYMOUR, Silas, civil engineer, b. 1817. SeeParton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 SEYMOUR, Thomas, lord Sudcley, lord high admiral, ex. 1549., See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 SEYMOUR, William, 1st marquis of Hertford, and duke of Somerset, d. 1660. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain., v. 5 of 815.1 SFORZA, Caterina, 6. 1462, d. 1509. See Trollope, T. A. A decade of Italian women v. 1 of 543.14 SFORZA, Francesco Alessandro, Italian statesman and warrior, b. 1401, d. 1466. See Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 SFORZOSI, Luigi. Compendious history of Italy, [B. c. 31-A. D. 1831]. Translated by N. Greene. New York, 1847. 18 810.74 SHADWELL, Thomas, English dramatic authtr, poet~ laureate, and historian, b. 1640, d. 1692. See Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent lit erary and scientific men of Great Britain . . . v. 3 of 393.3 SHAFTSBURY, Earl of. See Cooper, Anthony Ashley. SHAIRP, J. C. Studies in poetry and philosophy. Edinburgh, 1868. 16 1829.11 Contents. William Wordsworth, English poet. b. 1770, d. 18.50; Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English poet, essayist, and moral philosopher, b. 1772. d. 183* ; Rev. John Kcble, vicar of Hursley, English divine and poet, b. 1792, d. 1836; The moral dynamic. SHAKERS. See Harper s monthly, vol. 15. SHAKESPEARE 246 SHEIL Shelf. No. SHAKESPEARE, William, English dramatic poet, b. 1564, d. 1616. Adams, W. H. D. Sword and pen: or, English worthies in the reign of Eliza beth ...................................... 567.10 Bagehot, W. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen ................................. 563.9 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury .................................. v. 1 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 5 of 840. 10 Campbell, J., lord. Shakespeare s legal acquire ments considered ............................ 385.12 Do Quincey, T. Biographical essays ........... 895.7 Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent liter ary and scientific men of Great Britain. . . .v. 2 of 398.3 Emerson, R. W. Representative men .......... 876.5 Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of modern times. v. 1 of 1869.1 Guizot, F. (P. G.) Shakespeare and his times. . . 357.5 Holmes, N. The authorship of ................ 823.20 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets ...................... v. 1 of 896. 1 Hudson, H. N. Lectures on .................. 357.6 Parton, J. People s book of biography ......... 1522.10 Russell, W. Extraordinary men ......... 557.7 ; 879.15 Skottowe, A. Life of ........................ 583.17 Taine, H. A. History of English literature ..... 895.26 Townsend, G. H. Shakespeare not an impostor. . 1359.1 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews ...... v. 2 of 875.11 v. 2 of 875.12 -- The literature of the age of Elizabeth ......... 1373.5 Note. The readiest reference to learn the very great extent of the literature pertaining to Shakespeare, with samples of the diversified criticising upon him, is the elaborate article in Allibonc, which, coming down to 1809, covers a wider range chronologically than any of the other bibliographies. The article in Holm s edition of Lowndes [also separate with some corrections, B. H. 2153.8] comes down to 1863, and is the full est in detail of all, and is much fuller in regard toforeign titles particularly than Allibone, while Tliimin, 1804 [B. II. 4598.9], s the largest foreign list of afl. without the diversity of detail, has t . The arrangement of the Shakespcariana in Thimm is alpha betical, under the three heads of English, French and German, Allibone the arrangement is chronological and con while i fined to those in English, with an alphabetical index. In Bonn the Shakespeariana are kept separate by languages and are arranged chronologically without an alphabetical index. The catalogue of what is destined to become a very important Shakespearian library at Birmingham is now coining out in parts, [B. H. 6203.15]. speare [B. H. 4594.3], where will be found Rowe s Life of Shake speare, [the chief source of all subsequent biographies, also in B. II. 2595.7; 4591.1.1; 4595.8; 4599a.U]; Farmer s essay on Shakespeare s learning, to prove his lack of it, [also in B. II.; 25!>7..".l] : the prefaces, etc., of Pope [also in B. II. 4592.2.1], Theobald, llanmer, Warburlon, Dr. Johnson [the most famous of all. also 326.1.1 ; B. II. 2593.2.1; 2594.1.1 ; 2595.7.1; 4178.7.1; 4592.2.1; 4599a.l.l; 4599a.2.1], Steevcns, Ca- pell, Reed, and Malone. A second variorum edition is now coming out under the editing of Mr. Furness of Philadelphia, only one volume, containing Komco and Juliet, being as yet printed, [B. II. 6591.2]. The most clabornte and costly of nil the modern editions of Shakespeare is the sumptuous one in folio, edited by I laili- well, a Shakesperian library in itself from its store of illustra tive matter. This Library docs not yet possess this ; but Halli- wcll s earlier life, 1817, upon which the biography in this edition is based, is in the Bates Hall [2597/1], as also his " Shakespeare and the earlv English drama," [342.301. So little is absolutely known of the personal history of Shakespeare, that tho voluminous lives are largely made up of the customs and manners of his time, as allusions may bo found to them in his works. Drake s " Shakespeare and" his II. 6597.10] can be read in the same connection. Of the other English editors who have prefixed lives to their editions, the . , in his works, 18 ij, [H. II. 4595.5]; Hunter s Life, studies and writings of Shakespeare, [B. H. 259,1.4] ; and Neil s compact chronological arrangement of known facts, [B. H. 2508.2)]. There are two excellent American lives, that by K. G. White [B. II. 6597.1:0 is enlarged upon the memoir prefixed to his edition of the works, [1.7JU.1; B. 11,4597.3.1]; and that by Hudson [B. II. 6597.15, accompanied by an essay on his art, his contemporaries, the drama, and his characters], recast from Shelf. No. SHAKESPEARE, William, continued. Attempts have been made to get at the secrets of Shake speare s life by analyzing the sonnets; the most important of the books on this point are Brown s, [B. H. 4593.0] : and Mas- sey s, [B. H. 4595.101. Attempts have also been made independently by W. H. Smith, an Englishman [B. II. 2597.32 and also 2598.15], and by Delia Bacon, an American [B. II. 4595.7], to prove that the real author of Shakespeare s plays was Lord Bacon, and while there havo been, perhaps, needless refutations of the theory [1359.1 ; B. H. 2598.19], Judge Holmes has summarized nil the evidence, chiefly internal, with skill, apparently as a critical and logical venture, [also in B. II. 4598.10]. See also Hawthorne s " Our old home," [8C4.19, p. 106]. Jce }&?ms, ButieXnJjfa. Concerning Shakespeare s connection with Stratford, thero may be selected the books of Hunter, [B. H. 4599.5]; Wise, [B. II. 2598.22]; Bellew. [B. II. 4598.20]; Fairholt, [B. H. 2598.8; 2598.12]; and Wilson s paper in Harper s magazine, vol. 23; also Hewitt s Homes and haunts, above mentioned. Concerning the likenesses of Shakespeare. seeBoaden, [B.H. 2597.0] ; and Friswell, [B. II. 4598.31. See also Staunton s folio Memorials of likenesses with fac-slmiles of the will, deed, etc., [B. II. 4590.1]. The Shakespeare society continued to publish volumes of illustrative matter from 1810-53, [342.1, etc. ; B. II. 4596.1-20]. For accounts of the progress of Shakespearian criticism in Germany, see Knight, [322.4.8; B. II. 2592.5.7; 4593.3.7]; and Thimm, [B. II. 4598.9]. The principal works are Cohn, on the influence of the Shakespearian drama in Germany in the dramatist s day, [B. II., in English. 4591.3] ; Bodenstedt, on Shakespeare and his companions, [B. II. 4598.21]; Horn s "Shakespeare in Deutschland " ; Lcmcke, on Shakespeare s relations to Germany: and a recent work by Genec, [B. H. 4594.41]. There is a Shakespeare society in Germany en gaged in publishing illustrative material, [B. H. 4593.1]. See Lessing s Dramaturgic, [in German, 1019.1.7] ; and Schlegel s Lectures on the dramatic art and literature, [in English, 818.7]. Thimm [B. II. 4598.91 also gives a sketch of the history of Shakespeare s fame in France ; and the contributions of Guizot, 2473.50, etc.lmay be taken as indicative. SHALER, William. Sketches of Algiers. Boston, 1826. 8 915.4 SHAMROCK and thistle; or, Young America in Ireland and Scotland. Adams, W. T 1677.2 SHANKS, William F. G. Personal recollections of distinguished generals [of the American civil war]. [With portraits.] New York, 1866. 12.1516.12 Contents. William Tccumseh Sherman, American general, b. 1820; George H. Thomas, American general, b. 1816, d. 1870; Ulysses Simpson Grant, 18th president of the United States, b. 1822; Philip Henry Sheridan, American general, b. 1831; Joseph Hooker, American general, b. 1815; Lovcll Harrison Rousseau, American general, b. 1818, d. 1869; Peculiarities of various generals. SHARP, Granville, English slavery abolitionist, b. 1735, d. 1813. Brave men s footsteps 1559.5 Tweedio, W. K. Tholifoand work of earnest men. 555.13 SHARP, John, archbishop of York, b. 1693, d. 1758. Life of. See Sharp, T . 574.11 SHARP, Thomas. Life of John Sharp, D. D. [With portrait.] Edited by T. Neweome. London, 1825. 2 v. 8 574.11 SHAUPE, Samuel. Egyptian antiquities in the British museum. [Illustrated.] London, 1862. 12.. 945.11 History of Egypt till A. D. 640. London, 1852. 3d edition. 2 v. 8 954.3 SHAW, Charles. Topographical and historical descrip tion of Boston, [1G30-1817]. [With illustra tions.] Boston,1817. 12 228.16 SHAW, Capt. John, b. 1773, d. 1823. See Cooper, J. F. Lives of distinguished American naval officers 527.5 SHAW, Dr. John. A gallop to tho antipodes, return ing overland through India. London, 1858. 12. 687.25 SHAW, Thomas, English traveller and antiquary, b. 1692, d. 1751. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers v. 2 of 810.47 SHEA, John Gilmary, b. 1824. Catholic missions among the Indian tribes of the United States, 1529-1854. New York, 1855. 12 1098.7 Perils of the ocean and wilderness: or, narratives of shipwreck and Indian captivity. Boston, n.d. 12 1546.2 SHEDD, William G. T. Lectures upon the philosophy of history. Andover, 1857. 12 947.18 SHEFFIELD, John, duke of Buckinghamshire, English statesman and writer, b. 1649, d. 1721. See John son, S. Lives of tho English poets v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 SHEIL, Mary Leonora, lady. Glimpses of life and manners in Persia. With illustrations. Lon don, 1856. 12 695.12 BHEIL 247 SHERIDAN SHEIL, Richard Lalor, Irish orator and author, b. 1794, d. 1841. Sketches, legal and political. Edited, with notes, by M. W. Savage. London, 1855. 2 v. Sm.8. .. 1515.6 Sketches of the Irish bar. New York, 1854. 2v. 12 698.5 Speeches; with memoir by T. Macucvin. 2d edi tion. Dublin, 1853. p. 8 ..1875.1 SHELDON, Electra M. Early history of Michigan, to 1815. [With portraits.] New York, 1856. 8. 236.13 SHELLEY, Jane, lady. Shelley memorials, [1792- 1822]: added an Essay on Christianity, by P. B. Shelley. Boston, 1859. 12 587.5 SHELLEY, Mrs. Mary Wolstonecraft, English authoress, b. 1797, d. 1851. See Home, R. H. A new spirit of the ago 878.23 and others. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France. [Anon.] London, 1838, 39. 2 v. 16 388.8 Content*. Vol.1. Michel Equem de Montaigne, philoso pher, moralirt, and writer, b. 1533, d. 1592; Francois Rabelais, philosopher, physician, and writer, b. about 1483, d. 155;?; Pierre Corneille, dramatic poet, b. 1006, d. 1684 ; Francois, due de La Rochefoucauld, prince do Marsiilac, writer and moralist, b. 1613, d. 1680; Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere, poet and dra matist, b. 1622, d. 1C7. !; Jean de La Fontaine, poet and fabu list, b. 1621, d. 1095; Blaise Pascal, philosopher, mathematician, and litterateur, b. 1623, d. 106:. ; Marie de Rahutin Clmntal, marquise de Sevigne, authoress, b. 1626, d. 10UO; Nicholas Boileau, poet and satirist, b. 163B, d. 1711; Jean Racine, poet and royal historian, b. 1039, d. 1099; Francois de Salignac, marquis de La Mothe Fenelon. archbishop of Camhray, poli tician and litterateur, b. 1651, d. 1715. II. Francois Marie Arouetde Voltaire, poet, philosopher, critic, and historian, b. 1091, d. 1778; Jean Jacques Rousseau, philosopher, poet, and botanist, b. 1712, d. 1778; Marie Jean Antoine N. de Caritat, marquis de Condorcet, metaphysician, b. 1744, d. 1794 ; HonorS Gabriel Riquetti, comte de Mirabe.au, orator, b. 1749. d. 1791; Marie Jeanne (iomMm.es calli.d Afannn) Phlipon Roland, au thoress and republican politician, b. 1754, d. 1793; Anne Lovisa Germaine, baronne de Stael-Holstein, nee Neckcr, authoress. b. 1766, d. 1817. - Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. [Anon. ] London, 1835-37. 3 v. 10 398.1 Contents. Vol. I. Dante Alighieri, Italian poet, b. 1265, d. 1321 ; Francesco Petrarch. Italian poet, reviver of learning, b. 1304, d. 1374; Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian scholar and poet, b. 1313, d. 1375; Lorenzo de Medici, prince of Florence, scholar and patron of art and literature, b. 1448, d. 149-J; Marsiglio Ficino, Italian Platonic philosopher and philologer, b. 1433, d. 1491 ; Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Italian poet, orator, and savant.b 1463, d. 1494; Angelo Poliziano. or Politiano. Italian et, historian, and_ philosopher, b. 1454, d. 1494; Bernardo i poet, b. 1431, d. 1487? Ciecd da poet, historian, and philosopher, b. 1454, d. 1494; Bernard Pulci, Italian poet, ft. 15th century ; Luca Pulci. Italian poet, 15th century:LuigiPulci,Italiaiinoet,b. 1431, d. 1487V Cieco Ferrara, or Francesco Bello, Italian poet, It. 1509; JJomcnico Burchiello, Italian poet, d. 1448; Matteo Maria Boiardo, Ital ian poet, b. 1434, d. 1494; Francesco Berni, Berna, orBernia, Italian poet, d. 1536 ; Ludovico Ariosto, Italian poet, b. 1474, d. 1533; Niccolo Machiavelli, Italian political writer, historian, and litterateur, b. 1469, d. 1527. II. Galileo Galilei, Italian DO Fr cbiera, Italian poetess, b. 1490, d. 1547; Giovanni Bnttista Guarini, Italian poet, b. 1537, d. 1612; Torquato Tasso, Italian poet,b. 1544, d. 15U5; Gabricllo Chiabrera, Italian poet, b. 1552, d. 1637 iAlessanrlro Tassoni, Italian poet, b. 1505, d. 10:i5 ; Gio vanni Battista Marini, or Marino, Italian poet, b. 1569, d. 1625; Vincenziode Filieaja, Italian and Latin poet, b. 1642, d. 1707; PietroBonaventuraMetastasio, Italian poet and au thor, b. 1698, d. 1782; Carlo Goldoui, Italian dramatist and theatrical reformer, b. 1707, d. 1793; Vittorio Allied, count, Italian poet, b. 1749, d. 1803 ; Vincenzo Monti, Italian poet and dramatic author, b. 1754. d. 1828; Ugo Foscolo, Italian poet and litterateur, b. about 1778, d. 1827. III. Juan Boscan-Al- mogaver, Spanish poet, b. 1500, d. 1544; Garcilaso de la Vega, 1691 iiernandoilcrrera, Spanish poet and wnter.b. 1534?d. 1597 : Saa de Miranda, Portuguese poet, b. 1494, d. 1558 ; Jorgo de Montemayor, Portuguese poet, b. about 1520, d. 1502 ; Short notices of other Spanish poets and dramatists; Alonsod Br- oilla y Zuniga, Spanish poet. b. 1533, d. after 1590 ; Miguel de Cervantes-Saavedra. Spanish poet and novelist, b. 1547, d. 1616;Carpio Felix Lope da Vega, Spanish poet, b. 1562, d. 1635 ; Vicente Espinel, Spanish poet and novelist, b. 1544. d. 1634 ; Estfivan Manuel de Vlllegas, Spanish lyric poet, b. 1595, d. 1669; Luis de Gongoray Argote, Spanish poet, b. 1561,4. 1027 ; Francisco Gomez de Quevcdo y Villegas, Spanish poll" tician and litterateur, b. 1580, d. 1645; Pedro dc Calderonde la Barca, Spanish dramatic author and poet, b. 1001, d. 1687; The early poets of Portugal ; Luiz de Camoens, Portuguese poet, b. 1524, d. 1579. SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe, English poet and dramatist, b. 1792, d. 1822. Essay on Christianity. See Shelley, J., lady 587.5 Bagehot, W. Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen 663.9 De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets, and other English writers 895.15 Shelf. No. SHELLET, Percy Bysshe, continued. Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Memorials of early genius 55 1. 10 Trelawny, E. J. Recollections of the last days of. 585.9 ITote. The only regular life of full extent is that in W. M. Rossetti s edition of his works, [B. H. M05.ll]. A brief contin uous memoir by M. Blind is given in the Tauchnitz edition of selected works, [B. II. 4569a.50]. Hogg s Life, on the most extended scale of all. was never continued beyond 1814, [B. H. 4546.7]. Medwin s life. 1817; his Shelley papers, 1824. and his conversations with Lord Byron [898.20], have whatever value may arise from the kinship of that somewhat untrustworthy author. Mrs. Shelley s contributions are of course authorita tive in the edition of her husband s letters, etc. [875.15], and iu the notices appended to the different sections of her chronolo gical arrangement of the poems, [B. II. 2562.50]. See also the memoir bv Lowell, supplementing her notes in the Boston edition ot tlie poems as edited by him, [1318.5]. Beside some articles by T. L. Peacock, in Fraser s magazine for 1858 and 1800, there have been Rome monographs, of value towards the full elucidation of Shelley s career, like Lady Shelley s " Shel ley memorials," and Trelawny s Recollections of his last days. The autobiography of Leigh Hunt [5S4.13] affords much ma terial. Richard Garnett i Relics of Shelley [373.9] is a collec tion of lately discovered literary fragments, with biographical annotations. There is a long list of authorities given in Alli- bone s article. George MacDonald wrote the lite in the En cyclopaedia Britannica. See also Quarterly review, vol. 110. There is a recent book with new particulars on his early life, by MacCarthy, [B. H. 2448.61]. SHELLET memorials. See Shelley, J., lady 587.5 SHELTON, Edward. The historical finger-post. Lon don, 1861. 12 945.8 SHENANDOAII, The; or the last Confederate cruiser. Hunt, C. E 288.7 SHENSTONE, William, English poet, b. 1714, d. 17C3. Howitt, AV. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets, .v. 3 of 582.11 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 Tuckerman, II. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 1 of 548.5 SHEPARD, Thomas, clergyman and author, b. 1005, d. 1C4 J. Memoir of his own life. See Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters of Massachusetts bay 223.12 SHEPHERD, Rev. William. Life of Poggio Uracciolini, [Italian scholar, b. 1380, d. 1459]. London, 1837. 8 543.8 SHEPPARD, Furman. The constitutional text-book. Philadelphia, 1857, 12 299.4 SHEPPARII, John G. The fall of Rome, and the rise of the new nationalities. London, 1801. 12.. 917.16 SHERBTJRNE, John II. Life of Paul Jones, [American naval adventurer, b. 1747, d. 1792]. London, 1825. P. 8 ^ 528.5 SHERER, Moylo. Military memoirs of Wellington, [b. 17G9, d. 1852]. London, 1830. 2 v. 12. 558.10 Same. Philadelphia, 183:5. 2 v. 12. 1579.1 SHERIDAN, Philip Henry, American major-general, b. 1831. Brockett, L. P. Our great captains 669. 2 Denison, C. W. Illustrated life, campaigns, and public services of 569.15 Hoadley, P. C. Life and military career of 509.13 Koim, De B. R. Sheridan s troopers on the bor ders 245.14 Newhall, F. C- With General Sheridan in Lee s last campaign , 276,2 Shanks, W, F. G. Personal recollections of dis tinguished generals 1516.12 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley Butler, Irish dramatic author, orator, and statesman, b. 1751, d. 1816. Sheridan and his times. By an octogenarian. [With portrait.] London, 1859. 2 v. 12 567.4 Speeches. London, 1842. 3 v. 8 861.6 Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Moore, T. Memoirs of , 598.6 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Thomson, K. (B.) The witsand beaux of society. v. 2 of 555.1; 1545..8 Whipplo, E. P. Essays and reviews v. 2 of 875.11 v. 2 of 876.12 Hole. Allibone has a full article with references, which may be compared with that in Bonn s edition of Lowndes. The earliest life is that of Watkins [B. II. 4547.10], a tory and, political opponent, whose book was nrepared hastily and con cerns chiefly Sheridan s parliamentary career. It is criticised SHERIDAN 248 8IDDON8 SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley Butler, continued. in Lcfami s life of Sheridan s mother, [B. H. 4544.2]. Thomas Moore s Memoirs [also in B. H. GS48.8], was based upon ample knowledge, except perhaps of the man, but his panegyrics of Fox were distastrful to Sheridan s friends, who claim that Sheridan is wilfully belittled. Another considerable and anon ymous life hiu been published under the title of "Sheridan and his times," 1859, which is, however, somewhat cumber some in treatment, and an examination of it will be found in the Universal review, 18(iO, or in no. 820 of Living age. The briefer compact lives are those by Sigmund (based in pood sketchy and not very carefully drawn. See also Brougham g daniana, [B. fl. 4349.2K]; " n< l the livcs of his contemporariej Burke, Pitt, Fox, with Macaulay s Essay on Hastings, [409.19; 1655.19]. SHERMAN, Henry. Slavery in the United States. 2d edition. Hartford, 1860. 12 298.9 SHERMAN, Roger, American statesman, b. 1721, d. 1793. Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 Famous boys: and how they became great men. . . 555. Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543. 13 Sigournoy, L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 Note. See brief life, [B. H. 4444.58.3]. SHERMAN, William Tecumsoh, American general, b. 1820. Official account of his great march through Georgia and the Carolinas. Now York, 1865. 12 1276. Bowman, S. M. Sherman and his campaigns. . . . 272.] Brockett, L. P. Our great captains 569. 2 Headley, P. C. Life and military career of 569.1 Nichols, G. \V. Story of the groat march 306.2 Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recollections of distin guished generals 1516.2 Stowo, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 SHERWOOD, John D. Tho comic history of the United States. With illustrations. Boston, 1870. 12... 309.16 SHERWOOD, Mary Martha, English authoress, 6. 1775, d. 1851. Life, chiefly autobiographical. Edited by her daughter, S. Kelly. [With portrait.] London, 1857. 8 595.13 SHETLAND islands. Laing, J. Description of the Shetland isles v. 2 of 668.2 Sinclair, C. Shetland and the Shetlanders 646.19 SHIP and shore. Colton, W 678.10 SHIPWRECKS. Allen, W. Accounts of shipwreck and other disasters at sea 699. 18 Dangers of the deep; or, narratives of shipwreck and adventure at sea 1709.1 Gilly, W. 0. S. Shipwrecks of the royal navy, [1793-1849] 988.12 History of 699.17 Shea, J. G. Perils of the ocean 1546. 2 SHIRLEY, James, English dramatic poet and scholar, b. 1596, d. 1666. See Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain v. 3 of 393.3 SHIRREFF, Patrick. Tour through North America. Edinburgh, 1835. 8 624.10 SHOBERL, Frederick. Persia; a description of the country, government, laws, and religion, and of the character, etc., of its inhabitants. Illus trated. Philadelphia, 1828. 12 938.11 SHONG-MUN-E-CTJTH-E, or the letan, Indian chief, d. 1834. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 SHOOTER, Rev. Joseph. The kafirs of Natal and the Zulu country. [With illustrations.] London, 1857. 8 , 693.2 SHORE, John, Lord Teiynmouth, governor-general of India, b. 1751, d. 1833. Memoirs of Sir William Jones, [English judge and orientalist, b. 1746, d. 1794]. Philadelphia, 1805. 8 583.11 <See Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. 548. 16; 551.13 SHORT studies on great subjects. Froude, J. A 1812.15 SHOVEL, Sir Cloudesley, English admiral, b. 1650 ? d. 1707. See Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes , 558.16 SHREWSBURY, Duke of. See. Talbot, Charles, Shelf. No. SHCBRICK, John Temple, lieutenant, b. 1788, d. 1815. Life of. See Cooper, J. F. Lives of distin guished American naval officers 527.5 SHUCK, Henrietta, missionary to China, 6.1817, d. 1844. Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross 569.9 Heroines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 SHURTLEFF, Nathaniel B. A topographical and his torical description of Boston. See Boston 222.4 SIAM. Bowring, air J. Tho kingdom and the people of. 1857 696.3 Leonowens, A. H. Romance of the harem. 1873. 697.26 Neale, F. A. Narrative of a residence at the capital of the kingdom of. 1852 879.14 court, [B. II. M1.U7]. See also Beauvoir, [B. H., in French, 22G8.50.2 ; in English, 62GG.G]. SIBBALD, Sir Robert, Scotch physician and naturalist, b. 1641, d. about 1722. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 1 of 179.1 SIBERIA. Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and Western Siberia. 1858 701.1 Bush, R. J. Reindeer, dogs, and snow-shoes; journal of Siberian travels and explorations, [1865-67] 682.13 Collins, P. McD. Land journey through Siberia. I860 667.12 Overland explorations in, [1856, 57] 682.10 D Wolf, J. Journey through Siberia, [1804-8] . . 682.7 Dobell, P. Travels in. 1830 666.2 Erman, A. Travels in. 1850 709.1 Hill, S. S. Travels in. 1854 707.8 Konnan, G. Tent life in. 1870 707.23 Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia. Pictures of Siberian life. 1870 682.11 Loo, R. Stories from Siberia. 1853 927.17 - Piotrowski, R. My escape from Siberia. 1863. 706.21 Ravenstein, E. G. The Russians on the Amur. 1861 924.6 Jfote. See Harper s magazine, vols. 16 and 37. .svr id,; i Amour, Asia, Russia. SIBERIAN Tartary, Pedestrian journey through, [1820- 23]. Cochrane, J. D 674.6 SIBLEY, John L. History of Union, Me. [AVith portrait.] Boston, 1851. 12 227.2 SIBORNE, William. History of the war in France and Bolguim, in 1815. [With illustrations.] 2d edition. London, 1844. 2 v. 8 1005.2 SICILIAN vespers, History of the war of the. Amari, M. 915.6 SICILY. Bigolow, A. Travels in, [1827] 676.2 Brydono, P. Tour through Sicily. 1813 679.11 Dumas, A. (D.) Tho Garibaldians in. 1861... 917.15 Forbes, C. S. Tho campaign of Garibaldi in the two Sicilies. 1861 917.11 Hornor, S. A century of despotism in, [1759- 1859] 918.18 Kavanagh, J. A summer and winter in the two Sicilies. 1858 666.15 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1864. 1658.3 Quatrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de. Rambles of a naturalist on tho coasts of. 1857 654.10 Simond, L. Tour in. 1828 675.2 Sleeper, M. G. Tho two Sicilies. 1867 1679.2 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Lands of the Saracen; or, pictures of. 1855 686. 15 Tuckorman, II. T. Sicily: a pilgrimage. 1852.. 678.19 Unprotected females in. 1859 677. 1 Note. See Bates Hall catalogues, and the Lower Hall Class list for foreign books ; also Bartlett, [B. II. 27iV>.17]: Leigh Hunt s "Jar of honey from Mount Hybla," [ B. II. 2769.511 . Lloyd s History to the Athenian war is the most recent, [B- H. 2723.50]. " IDDONS, Sarah, formerly Miss Kemble, English actress, b. 1755, d. 1831. See Russell, W. Extraordi nary women 598. 19 Note. The principal distinct lives are those by Campbell ee . __ _ latest; account; while Doran s "Their majesties servants [352.2, etc.], is illustrative of her career. SIDNEY SIMBON Shelf. No. SIDNEY, Algernon, English republican politician, b. about 1621, beheaded 1683. Cabinet portrait gal lery of British worthies v. 9 of 840.10 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 Tweedio, W. R. The life and work of earnest men . 555.13 AWe. The principal life ia by Meadley, 1813, [B. H. 2446.20] also see memoir prefixed to the 1772 edition of his works, [B. H. 4161.4] ; the lecture by R. C. Winthrop, [1815.4] ; the letters in the collection of Locke, etc., [B. H. 2542.3]; Burnct s me moirs, [B. II. 2517.5] ; and the reference in Aillbone. There is a recent We by Ewald, 1872 [B. H. 2444.50], covering his times, 1622-83. SIDNEY, Dorothy, formerly Percy, countess of Leicester, d. 1659. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 SIDNEY, Dorothy, Countess of Sunderland. See Spencer, Dorothy. SIDNEY, Henry, English secretary of state, d. 1700. Diary of the times of Charles H. Edited, with notes, by R. W. Blencowe. London, 1843. 2 T. 8 553.4 SIDNEY, Mary. See Herbert, Mary. SIDNEY, Sir Philip, English statesman, soldier, and poet, b. 1554, d. 1586. Adams, W. H. D. Rec ords of noble lives 1553 . 2 Sword and pen: or, English worthies in the reign of Elizabeth 5&7.10 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 4 of 840.10 Davis, S. M. Life and times of 558.12 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 Peake, H. The boy s book of heroes 551.28 Whipplo, E. P. The literature of the age of Eliza beth 1373.5 Note. The contemporary memoir is that by Greville, Lord Brooke [B. H. 2453.1], but of the more recent lives those of Lloyd, 1862 [B. H. 254.7], and Mr. Fox-Bourne, 1862, are the most important, though a convenient compilation is that of ji iuK^ *. <"> vs. L". *i- ^>AJ.IUJ ; uy i risweu, prenxcci to the Arcadia [B. H. 46!.2], and that by Pears, prefixed to Sid ney s Correspondence with Languet, and designed particularly to illustrate the state ol Europe, 1574-80, are all commendable. See also Motley s History of the United Netherlands, [911.1] ; Retrospective review, 18iD; British quarterly review, 1847 and 1863 ; Jeffrey s Essays, [803.6] ; Disraeli s Amenities of literature, [404.8.2;897.7.2] ; Jameson s Loves of the poets, [359.11]; and the references in Allibone. SIDNEY, Samuel. The three colonies of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia; their pastures, copper mines, and gold fields. With engravings. 2d edition. London, 1853. 8... 705.2 SIEGE of Bomarsund, 1854. Illustrated. From the French. New York, 1856. 56pp. 12 206.19 SIEGES, The great, of history. Robson, W 996.8 SIERRA LEONE, Residence at. 1849 599.6 SIGMA, pseud. See Sargent, Lucius M. SIGNORELLI, Luca, of Cortona, Italian painter, b. 1440, d. 1521. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. l O f 840. 23 SIGNS of tho times. Bunsen, C. C. J 113.3 ; 134.9 SIGNS of the times. See Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays . .v. 2 of 867.1; 863.7; v. 2 of 893.3 SIGNS of the times; or, present, past, and future. Gumming, J 116.3 BIG OURNEY, Mrs. Lydia Howard, formerly Miss Hunt- ley, American authoress, b. 1791, d. 1865. Ex amples from the 18th and 19th centuries. 1st series. New York, 1857. 12 548.17 Cmt eMs. Rev. John Wesley, founder of methodism, b. 1703, S U jtenjaimn Franklin, American philosopher, b. 170C,, d.,1790; Selma Hastings, countess of Huntington, b. 1707, d 1/yl; Mrs.Jerusha Lathrop, b. 1717, d. 1805; Roger Sher man. American statesman, b. 1721, d. 1793; Jean Frederic Oberlin, Irenoh pastor and philanthropist, b. 1740, d.1826- Jotfn Marsh, D. D., b. 1742, d. 1821 ; Oliver Ellsworth, American chief justice, b. 1745, d. 18U7; Hannah More, English authoress, b. 1745, d. ia33; William White, D. D., bishop of j ,J?i ot ? stant ^P scoP* 1 church in the United States, b. 1748, d. 1836 ; James Hillhouse, American statesman, b. 1754, d. 1832 Mrs. Martha Laurens Ramsay, b. 1759 d. 1811 Rev Robert Hall, English baptist divine and writer, b. 1704, d. 1831 ; Stephen an Kensselaer, 1,1,. D., American statesman and patron of ! ear " "B h - Volt d - 1, 8 - 39 : Ann Maria Hyde, American poetess, b. 1792, d. 1816; Mrs. Felicia Dorothea Hemans, English poetess, b. 1794, d. 1835; Mrs. Mary LovelJ Ware, b. 17$ d -U4U, Shelf. No. SIGOURNEY, Mrs. Lydia Howard, continued. Pleasant memories of pleasant lands. Boston, 1842. 12 1654.10 Scenes in my native land. Boston, 1845. 16.. 868.17 See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 SIGURD. Narrative. See Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine 846.7 SIKES, Olive, formerly Miss Logan. Before tho foot lights and behind the scenes: a book about " the show business" in all its branches. [With por traits and other illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1870. 8 1562.3 The mimic world, and public exhibitions. [With portraits and other illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1871. 8 1562.4 SILLIMAN, Benjamin. Tour between Hartford and Quebec, in 1819. [With engravings.] 2d edition. New Haven, 1824. 12 628.26 Visit to Europe in 1851. With illustrations. New York, 1854. 2 v. 12 648.6 SIMMONDS, Peter L. Sir John Franklin and the Arctic regions. [With portrait, etc.] 5th edition. London, 1855. 16 1708.2 SIMMS, William Gilmore, American poet and romancist, b. 1806, d. 1870. History of South Carolina. 2d edition. Charleston, 1842. 12 237.17 Same. New edition. New York, 1860. 12.. 237.21 Life of Captain John Smith, the founder of Vir ginia, [b. 1579, d. 1631]. [With illustrations.] 7th edition. Philadelphia, 1866. 16 517.23 Life of the Chevalier Bayard, [French soldier, b. 1476, d. 1524]. New York, 1860. 12 547.13 Life of Francis Marion, [American revolutionary officer, b. 1732, d. 1795]. Philadelphia, 1860. 12 528.14 Life of Nathanaol Greene, major-general in the army of the revolution, [b. 1742, d. 1786]. New York, 1861. 12 528.15 Note. See references in Allibone ; and Homes of American authors, [B. H. 2346.51]. SIMOND, Louis. Switzerland, 1817-19. 2d edition. London, 1823. 2 v. 8 663.3 Tour in Italy and Sicily. London, 1828. 8 ... 675.2 SIMONDE DE SISMONDI, Jean Charles Leonard. His torical view of the literature of the south of Europe. Translated by T. Roscoe. 3d edition. London, 1850. 2 v. P. 8 818.4 History of the crusades against the Albigenses, in tho thirteenth century. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 949.5 History of the fall of the Roman empire. Lon don, 1834. 2 v. 16 378.5 History of the Italian republics, [476-1805]. London, 1832. 16 378.4 SIMONDS, Thomas C. History of South Boston. [With portrait.] Boston, 1857. 12 227.4 SIMPLON, From the lake of Constance to the. So well, E. M 659.28 SIMPSON, Alexander. Life and travels of Thotnas Simpson, the Arctic discoverer, [b. 1808, d. 1840], [With portrait and map.] London, 1845. 12 704.21 SIMPSON, James H. Journal of a military reconnais sance, from Santa Fe to the Navajo country. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1852. 8.. 623.5 SIMPSON, Thomas, English mathematician, b. 1710, d. 1761. See Davenport, R. A. Lives of indi viduals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence 379.13 SIMPSON, Thomas, Arctic discoverer, b. 1808, d. 1840, Narrative of the discoveries on tho north coast of America; by the officers of tho Hudson s bay company, 1836-39. [With maps.] London, 1843. 8 625.2 Life and travels of. See Simpson, A 704.21 SIMSON, Robert, Scotch mathematician, b. 1687, d. 1768. See Brougham, H., lord. Lives of men of letters and science in tho time of George in. . 547.3 SIMSON, Walter. History of the gipsies. Edited by J. Simson. New York, 1866. 12 935.2 SINAI 250 BLINGSBY Shelf. No. SINAI. Bausman, B. Sinai and Zion. 1861 688.16 Dumas, A. (D.) Travelling sketches in. 1839.. 709. 20 Laborde, L. E. S. J., comte de. Journey to Mt. Sinai. 1838 685.8 Lepsius, C. R. Letters from Sinai. 1853. .693.17; 856.6 Tour from Thebes to, [1845] 699.1C Maundrell, H. Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, [1822] 684.9 Palmer, E. H. The desert of the Exodus: jour neys in connection with the ordnance survey of. 1872 686.27 Robinson, E. Biblical researches in Mount Sinai. 1841 684.4; 1103.7 Stanley, A. P. Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history. 1857 684.7 Stewart, R. W. Tho tent and the khan : a jour- neyto. 1857 685.3 Kate. See the note under Palestine, for the character of some of the above books, and of these to be mentioned, Gage s edition of Ritter [B. H. 004S.1A], and a chapter in Gage s Studies, [B. H. 542U.17] ; Stanley s Sinai and Palestine, [also in B. H. 5043.10] ; The recovery of Jerusalem, which has an ap pendix on Smai, [632.12]; Palmer s Desert of the Exodus, [also in B. II. 5045.50] ; the ordnance survey of the peninsula issued by the British government, [B H. OMuulS] ; Robinson s Guide, [B. II. 5059.5]; Smith s Bible dictionary; illustrated papers in Harper s magazine, vols. 1C and 45 ; David Roberts s Monuments of the Exodus, [B. II. 3429.58]. See also " Our work in Palestine," [B. H. 30Wa.52J. Holland has contributed some notes to the American edition of Smith s Dictionary under the head of " Wanderings in the wilderness." SINCLAIR, Catherine, Scotch authoress, b. 1800, d. 1864. Scotland and the Scotch. New York, 1840. 12 647.17 Shetland and the Shetlanders. New York, 1840. 12 646.19 SINCLAIR, J. D. An autumn in Italy, in 1827. Edinburgh, 1829. 18 830.53 SINCLAIR, John, d. 1762. See Thomson, K. (B.) Memoirs of the Jacobites v. 1 of 562.2 SINDE. See Scinde. SINGERLEY, Joseph, builder, b. 1810. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 SiNQ-SiNG state prison, New York. Life in. Luckey, J 1138.1 Siorx Indians. Heard, I. V. D. History of the Sioux war and massacres of 1862, 63 308.6 Kelly, F. Narrative of captivity among the. 1871 249.12 Larimer, S. L. Tho capture and escape ; or, life among the. 1870 245.15 SIRANI, Elisabetta, Italian painter and engraver, b. 1638, d. 1665. See Trollopo, T. A. A decade of Italian women v. 2 of 543.14 SIRR, Henry C. China and the Chinese. London, 1849. 2v. 8 696.2 SISMONDI, Jean C. L. Simonde de. See Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. SISTERS, Tho, abroad; or, an Italian journey. 1857. Channing, B. H 678.17 SISTERS of charity. Testimony of an escaped novice from the sisterhood of St. Joseph, Emmetsburg, Maryland. Bunkley, J. M x 1098.11 Six weeks abroad, in Ireland, England and Belgium. 1872. Haskins, G. F 658.21 Six years travels in Russia. By an English lady. London, 1859. 2 v. Sm. 8 674.17 SIXTY years gleanings from life s harvest. Brown, J 656.11; 556.12 SKETCH of the [Pacific mail steamship Go s] route to California, China and Japan, via the isthmus of Panama. San Francisco, 1867. 12 1639.10 SKETCHES abroad with pen and pencil. 1868. Dar- ley, F. 0. C 1666.14 SKETCHES and rambles. 1850. Headloy, J. T 1666.4 SKETCHES of history, life, and manners, in the United States. New Haven, 1826. 12 629.20 SKETCHES of popular tumults; illustrative of the evils of social ignorance. London, 1847. 24 850.14 SKETCHES of Russian life before and during the emancipation of the serfs. Edited by H. Mor- ley. London, 1866. 16 656.13 Shelf. No. SKETCHES of the lives of distinguished females, written for girls. New York, 1833. 18 1859.10 Content*. Zenpbia, queen of Palmyra, d. 273 ; Isabella I, of q <r _ _ _ b. 1626, d. 1689; Lady RachcrRussciU 7ormeriv~Wr~io"tliesleyl English authoress, b. 1GS6, d. \T23; Elizabeth Smith, English nutnoress, b. 1776, d. 1800 ; I.ucretia Maria Davidson, American poetess, b. 1808, d. 1825 ; Sirs. Isabella Graham, Scotch religious philanthropist in America, b. 1742. d. 1814; Ann H. Judion, missionary to Burmah, b. 1789, d. 1826. SKINNER, J. E. Hilary. After the storm; or, Jona than and his neighbours in 1865-66. London, 1866. 2r. 16 1636.19 SKOTTOWE, Augustine. Life of Shakspeare, [b. 1564, d. 1616]. London, 1824. 2 v. 8.... 583.17 SKYE. Smith, A. A summer in. 1865 664.13 Weld,C.R. Twomonthsin. 1860 645.16 SKYRING, G. W. James Keyworth [b. 1798, d. 1864], a witness for Jesus. Boston, 1872. 16 569.30 SLATER, Samuel, the father of American manufactures, b. 1768, d. 1835. Memoir of. See White, G. S. 524.5 SLATER, or SLAYTER, William, b. 1587, d. 1647. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 SLAVE trade. Turnbull, D 635.3 SLAVERY. Adams, N. South-side view of 127.21 Arnold, I. N. History of Lincoln, and the over throw of 1513.3 Aughey, J. H. Tho iron furnace: or, slavery and secession 295.6 Buxton, C. Slavery and freedom in the British West Indies 269.1 Cairnes, J. E. The slave power 292.7 Canot, T. Twenty years of an African slaver . . . 609.2 Claver, P. Life and labors in behalf of the African slave 1595.16 Cobb, J. B. Leisure labors 877.6 Cochin, (P. S.) A. The results of 298.20 Drew, B. A north-side view of slavery. Tho refugee: or, narrative of fugitive slaves in Canada 298.7 French, Mrs. A. M. Slavery in South Carolina and the ex-slaves 298.19 Gurowski, A. (G.) de. Slavery in history 946.9 Hodgman, S. A. The nation s sin and punish ment; or, the hand of God visible in the over throw of 295.11 May, S. J. Recollections of our antislavery conflict 296.17 Owen, R. D. Tho wrong of 296.11 Redpath, J. Tho roving editor: or, talks with slaves in the Southern states 299.8 Seabury, S. American slavery justified 299.19 Sherman, H. Slavery in the United States 298.9 Sumner, C. Barbarism of 299.17 Suppressed book about slavery 296.12 Wilson, H. Antislavery measures of the 37th and 38th congresses, [1861-64] 296.13 Note. The vast and somewhat chaotic literature of thil subject will be apparent from an examination of the Bates Hall catalogues under Slavery, and under United States, Slavery question : and from Bartlett s bibliography, [B. H. 2152.26]. Henry Wilson has attempted the arrangement of the material, as far as concerns American slavery, in his voluminous history, of which only one volume is as yet pub lished, [2322 52] ; and general reference may be made to May s book (above named), to Greeley s American conflict [281.1], and to the speeches of W. H. Seward and Charles Sumner. Ste also Emancipation. SLAYTER, William. See Slater, W. SLEEMAN, Sir William H. Journey through the kingdom of Oude, in 1849-50. [With map.] London, 1858. 2v. 8 696.19 SLEEPER, Mrs. M. G. Fonthill recreations. Sweden and Norway : sketches and stories. With illus trations. Boston, 1867. 16 1679.3 The two Sicilies; sketches and stories. With illustrations. Boston, 1867. 16 1679.2 SLEEPY hollow. See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscellanies v. 2 of 1815.5 SLIDE LL, John, of Louisiana, b. 1793, d. 1871. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 527.19 SLINGSBY, Francis, Father, Memoir of. See Gary, E., lady Falkland 599.23 SLOANE 251 SMITH Shelf. No. SLOANK, Sir Hans, Irish botanist, physician, and trav eller, b. 1660, d. 1752. Sec Jardine, Sir W- Nat uralist s library v. 23 of 179.1 SLOCCMB, Mrs. Mary, b. 17CO, d. 1836. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. v. 1 of 538. 13 SMEATON, John, English engineer and mechanician, b. 1724, d. 1792. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 12 of 840.10 Men who have risen 551.18 SMEDLEY, Edward. History of France, 843-1529. [Anon.] London, 1836. 8 C 365.5 Sketches from Venetian history, [400-1798]. [Anon.] [Illustrated]. London, 1831, 38. 2 v. 18 . . . 399.4 Same. New York, 1846. 2 v. 1*8 . 810.49 SMELLIE, William, Scotch naturalist, b. 1740, d. 1795. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library, .v. 2 of 179.1 SMILES, . A boy s voyage round the world; in cluding a residence in Victoria, and a journey across North America. Edited by S. Smiles. With illustrations. London, 1871. 16 646.23 SMILES, Samuel, English journalist and author, b. 1816. Brief biographies. With portraits. Boston, 1861. 12- 589.18 The Huguenots. New York, 1868. 8 2085.25 Industrial biography: iron workers and tool makers. London, 18C3. 12 557.19 Life of George Stophenson, [English inventor, b. 1781, d. 1848]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1858. 12 *. . 588.4 Same. Boston, 1862. 12 1588.1 SMITH, Mrs. Abigail. See Adams, Abigail. SMITH, Adam, Scotch economist and moralist, b. 1723, d. 1790. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men.. 548. 16; 551.13 Lives of eminent persons 365. 18 Kate. See J. E. T. Roget s brief memoir, [B. H. 6548.10]. SMITH, Albert, English novelist and humorist, b. 1816, d. 1860. A month at Constantinople. 3d edition. [With illustrations.] London, 1851. 16 (589.20 Mount Blanc. [With illustrations.] With me moir by E. Yates. London, n. d. 16 669.18 SMITH, Capt. Alexander, mutineer of the " Bounty," b. 17CO. Aleck, and the mutineers of the Bounty. [Anon.] New edition. Boston, 1855. 12 2089.3 Life. Written by himself. Boston, 1819. 12.. 619.5 Note. See Bounty, note. SMITH, Alexander, Scotch author, b. 1830, d. 1867. A summer in Skye. Boston, 1865. 12 664.13 SMITH, Archibald. Peru as it is: a residence in Lima, and other parts of the Peruvian republic. Lon don, 1839. 2v. 12 633.21 SMITH, Mrs. Catherine. See Tofts, Catherine. SMITH, Charles M. Curiosities of London life. Lon don, 1853. 12 884.17 SMITH, Mrs. Charlotte, poetess and novelist, b. 1749, d. 1806. See Kavanagh, J. English women of letters 589.30 SMITH, Edmund, English dramatist, b. 1688, d. 1710. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets, v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 SMITH, Edmund Kirby, Confederate general, b. 1825. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns 243.1 SMITH, Edward Delafield, district-attorney of the United States, at New York, b. 1826. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 SMITH, Elbert H. Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak; or, Black Hawk, and scones in the West. A na tional poem. [Anon.] New York, 1843. 12.. 338.11 SMITH, Eli. Biblical researches in Palestine. See Robinson, E 684.4; 1103.7 SMITH, Elias, 6. 1769. Life, conversion, preaching, travels, and sufferings. Written by himself. Vol.1. Portsmouth, N. H., 1816. 12 539.8 Shelf. No. SMITH, Elizabeth, English authoress, b. 1776, d. 1806. Fragments in prose and verse. With life and character, by H. M. Bowdler. [With portrait.] Boston, 1810. 12 599.7 Clever girls of our time 599.2 Sketches of the lives of distinguished females . . . 1859.10 SMITH, George. Narrative of an exploratory visit to each of the consular cities of China, and to the islands of Hong Kong and Chusan, 1844-46. [With illustrations.] New York, 1847. 12...696.U Ten weeks in Japan. [With illustrations.] Lon don, 1861. 8 684.11 SMITH, Goldwin. Three English statesmen. [Pym, Cromwell, Pitt] Now York, 1867. 12 1988.1 SMITH, H. Perry. The modern babes in the wood or summerings in the wilderness. Added a guide to the Adirondacks. By E. R.Wallace. Illus trated. Hartford, 1872. 12 1706.3 SMITH, Horatio. Festivals, games, and amusements. Ancient and modern. [Illustrated.] New York, 1836. 18 810.31 SMITH, James, English author, b. 1775, d. 1839. Me moirs, letters, and comic miscellanies. Edited by H. Smith. London, 1840. 2 v. 12 584.1 Same. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 v. 12 1516.7 SMITH, Sir James Edward, English botanist, b. 1759, d. 1828. Memoir and correspondence. Edited by Lady Smith. [With portrait, etc.] London, 1832. 2v. 8 573.7 SMITH, Jeremiah, American scholar and jurist, b. 1759, d. 1842. Life of. See Morison, J. H 623.19 SMITH, Jerome V. C. Pilgrimage to Egypt. With engravings. Boston, 1852. 12 698.18 Turkey and the Turks. Boston, 1854. 12 918.12 SMITH, Capt. John, founder of Virginia, b. 1579, d. 1631. Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature v. 3 of 1869.1 Hill, G. C. Capt. John Smith: a biography 528.13 Hillard, G. S. Life of v. 1 of 518.5; v. 2 of 529.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Simms, W. G. Lifeof 547.23 Note. See the histories of the United States and Virginia, and the references in Allibone. The life by George S. Ilillard [also in B. II. 4447.1] in Sparks s series, was one of the earliest of the modern lives, but the field lias since been explored by Simins, who enlarges upon the early history cf Virginia, and by Hill, while the story has also been especially told for youtha, SVingfi 2311.1.4], and to Smith s True relation [B. II. 450:!.15; 4503.10], hai discredited Smith s veracity as a historian of some of his own exploits in Virginia, particularly discarding as fabulous the story of Pocahontas, and his views arc summarized bv H. B. Adams, [4479.24 ; and North American review, Jan., 18C7]; but have been controverted by Robertson, in the Historical magazine for Oct., I860. SMITH, Mrs. John A. Letters from Europe to the children. Uncle John upon his travels. Com piled by Aunt Esther, [pseud.]. Illustrated. Chicago, 1870. 12 SMITH, John Cotton, governor of Connecticut, b. 1765, d. 1845. Correspondence and miscellanies. With an eulogy, by W. W. Andrews. New York, 1847. 12 SMITH, John Gregory, governor of Vermont, b. 1818. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress .... SMITH, John Thomas. A book for a rainy day: or, recollections, 1766-1833. 3d edition. London, 1861. 12 SMITH, Joseph, founder of Mormonism, b. 1805, d. 1844. Memoir of. See Mormons, The SMITH, Joshua Hett. Authentic narrative of the causes which led to the death of Major Andre, [b. 1751, ex. as a spy, 1780]. [With portrait.] London, 1808. 8 SMITH, Joshua Toulmin. The discovery of America by the Northmen in the tenth century. With maps and plates. 2d edition. London, 1842. 8. SMITH, Matthew Hale. Sunshine and shadow in New York. By Burleigh, [pseujl.]. Hartford, 1868. 8 SMITH, Melancthon, American rear admiral, b. 1809. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 648.17 898.6 522.16 997.10 879.12 565.3 309.6 1816.16 272.7 SMITH 252 SOCIETY Shelf. No. SMITH, Melville, New York Arcade railway projector, b. 1833. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 SMITH, Nathan, American physician, b. 17G2, d. 1829. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 2 of 548.22 SMITH, Nathaniel, American judge and law writer, b. 1762, d. 1821. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 SMITH, Oliver H. Early Indiana trials ; and sketches. Cincinnati, 1858. 8 235.8 SMITH, Philip. The student s ancient history. The ancient history of the East, illustrated. Lon don, 1871. 12 955.10 SMITH, S. Compton. Chile con carno ; or, the camp and the field. [Illustrated.] New York, 1857. 12. 623.19 SMITH, Sir Samuel, attorney at law. See Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569. 19 SMITH, Sarah Lanman, American missionary to Syria, . b. 1802, d. 1836. Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross 569.9 Heroines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 Hooker, E. W. Memoir of 1107.18 Women of worth 551.19 SMITH, Seba. My thirty years out of the senate. [Burlesque.] By Major Jack Downing, [pseud."]. Illustrated. New York, 1859. 12 309.14 SMITH, Solomon Franklin, American actor and mana ger, b. 1801, d. 1869. Theatrical management in the West and South for thirty years. With illus trations. New York, 1868. 8 1562.1 SMITH, Rev. Sydney, English divine, critic, and wit, b. 1771, d. 1845. Selections from [his] writings. Vol.1. London, 1854. 12 409.25 Same. London, 1859. 2v.ini. 16 1655.18 Holland, S. S., lady. Memoir, with a selection from his letters 683.18; 583.19 Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society. v. 2 of 555.1; 1545.8 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews v. 1 of 875.11 v. 1 of 875. 12 Note. Lady Holland s Memoir is the authoritative one. [also in B. II. 2454.2]; see also his Wit and wisdom, [883.7; 896.5] ; Quarterly review, vol. 97 ; and references in Allibone. SMITH, Thomas Assheton, Esq., English sportsman, b. 1776, d. 1858. Reminiscences of. See Eard- ley-Wilmot, Sir J. E 567.2 SMITH, Thomas Southwood, English physician, b. 1788, d. 1861. Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 SMITH, William, LL. D., English classical scholar and lexicographer, b. 1814. History of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest. Illus trated. Boston, 1854. 12 Same. Revised by G. AV. Greene. Illustrated. New York, 1854. 12 Same. With notes, and a continuation to the present time, by C. C. Felton. Boston, 1855. 8. Smaller history of England, to 1862. Illustrated. New York, 1868. 16 Smaller history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest. Illustrated. New York, 1860. 16 Smaller history of Rome, from the earliest times [B. c. 753] to the establishment of the empire. With a continuation to A. D. 476, by E. Law rence. Illustrated. Now York, 1865. 16... The student s Scripture history. New Testament history. With maps and woodcuts. Now York, 1868. 12 View of tho state of Europe during the middle ages. See Ilallam, II SMITH, William, LL. D., English geologist, b. 1769, d. 1839. Bravo men s footsteps Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility SMITH, William H. Canada: past, present and future. Containing maps. Toronto, [1851]. 2 v. 8.. 958.4 958.1 952.7 969.6 938.17 937.13 2094.4 946.13 1559.5 577.14 265.1 Shell . No. SMITH, William L. G. Observations on China and the Chinese. New York, 1863. 12 689.25 SMITH, Sir William Sidney, English admiral, b. 1764, d. 1840. Life and correspondence of. (See Bar row, J., jr 564.3 SMOLLETT, Tobias George, English historian, novelist, and critic, b. 1721, d. 1771. Lawrence, E. Lives of the British historians v. 1 of 586.11 Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists 586. 19 Thackeray, W. M. Tho English humourists of the 18th century 586.1 ; 589.28 Kate. The lives of Smollett are all brief, and in addition to the above, see those by Cary , [B. H. 2449.55] ; Anderson, [B. H. 4544.17; 4C04.1]; Chalmers, [B. H. 2592.7.151: and others, CB. H. 2576.5.1 ; 6570.5], See also Chambers s Eminent Scots men, [B. II. 2442.1] ; Ilazlitt a Comic writers ; Masson s British novelists, [395.7]; London quarterly review, Jan., 1858; and inedited material in the Atlantic monthly, June, 1859, and the references iu Allibone. SMUCKER, Samuel M. Arctic explorations and dis coveries during the nineteenth century. [With illustrations.] Now York, 1857. 12 704.17 History of the four Georges, kings of England, [1714-1830]. New York, 1860. 12 554.8 Life and times of Alexander Hamilton, [American statesmen, b. 1757, d. 1804]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1857. 12 517.9 Memoirs of the court and reign of Catherine the second, empress of Russia, [b. 1729, d. 1796]. [With portrait.] New York, 1855. 12 546.10 SMYTH, Charles Piazzi. Three cities in Russia, [St. Petersburg, Moskva, Novgorod], Illustrated. London, 1862. 2 v. 8 684.14 SMYTH, Mrs. Gillespie. Olympia Morata [Italian poetess, b. 1526, d. 1555], her times, life and writings. [Anon. } [With illustrations.] 4th edition. London, 1840. 16 699. 15 SMYTH, Thomas, D.D. History, character, and re sults, of the Westminster assembly of divines. New York, 1844. 12 1096.19 SMYTH, William, professor of modern history in Cam bridge university, Eng., b. 1766, d. 1849. Lectures on tho history of the French revolution. New edition. London, 1855. 2 v. P. 8 837.2 Lectures on modern history to the close of the American revolution, [476-1791]. Cambridge, 1840. 2 v. 8 943.7 Same. New edition. London, 1854. 2 v. P. 8 827.8 Same. 3d American edition. With additions, and a list of books on American history, by J. Sparks. Boston, 1851. 8 943.3 SMYTHE, Sir Thomas, b. 1560, d. 1625. See Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants 1559.3 SNORRO STURLESON, Icelandic poet, b. 1178, d. 1241. The Heimskringla; or, chronicle of the kings of Norway. Translated by S. Laing. London, 1844. 3 v. 8 924.4 SNOW, William Parker. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns. New York, 1866. 8.... 243.1 Contents. ~ Robert Edmund Lee, b. 1806, d. 1870; Thomai Jonathan Jackson, b. 182H, d. 1863: Peter Gustavus Toutant Beauregard, b. 1817; Joseph Eggleston Johnston, b. 1807; Samuel Cooper, b. 1798; James Longstreer, b. 1820; Braxton Bragg, b. 1815; Richard Stoddart Ewell, b. 1820; James E. B. Stuart, b. 1832, d. 1864; Ambrose Powell Hill, b. 1824, d. 1865; John B. Hood, b. 1830; Albert Sydney Johnston, b. 1803, d. 1862; Lconidas Polk, b. 1806. d. 1864: Sterling Price, b. 1809, d. 1867; Edmund Kirbv Smith, b. 1825; John H. Morgan, b. 1826, d. 1864; William J. Hardee, b. 1818; Wade Hampton, b. 1818. Two years cruise off Tierra del Fuego, the Falk land islands, Patagonia, and in the river Plate: a narrative of life in tho Southern seas. With illustrations. London, 1857. 2 v. 12 708.9 SOANE, George. New curiosities of literature; and Book of the months. 2d edition. [Illustrated.] London, 1849. 2 v. 12 402.11 50BIESKI, John. See John in, king of Poland. SOCIAL life and manners in Australia. London, 1861. 12 696.17 SOCIETY for tho diffusion of useful knowledge, London. Historic sketches. Spain and Portugal, [B. c. 228-A. D. 1814]. [With illustrations.] Lon don, 1835, 36. 2v.ini. 16 979.11 SOCIETY 253 SOUTHEY Shelf. No SOCIETY for the diffusion of useful knowledge, contin d. Historical pictures. England, [u. c. 52-A. D. 1824]. With wood-cuts. London, 1835-38. 3 v. in 2. 16 979.10 History of the American revolution. 1st Ameri can edition. With cuts. Boston, 1832. 18.. 219.3 Same. London, n. d. 64pp. 8 365.11 Lives of Bertrand Du Guesclin [constable of France, b. about 1320, d. 1380] and John Howard [English philanthropist, b. 1726? d. 1790]. [Illustrated.] London, 1840. 16.... 589.14 SOCIETY for the promotion of Christian knowledge, London. Three weeks in Palestine and Lebanon, [1831], From the 2d London edition. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1836. 16 689.16 SOCIETY for the reform of colonial government, Lon don. Charters of the old English colonies in America. With introduction and notes, by S. Lucas. London, 1850. 8 305.3 SOCIETY islands, Polynesian researches, during a residence in the. 1833. Ellis, W 707.4 SOCRATES, Greek philosopher, b. B. c. 468, d. B. c. 399. Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times v. 2 of 18C9.1 Lamartiue, A. (M. L.) do. Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 2 of 547.4 Note. See the general works on Greek literature, and on the history of philosophy, like Lewes, etc. ; the chapters in Grote s Greece, the article in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and the references in Smith s, Anthon s and Thomas s diction aries. See also Xenophon s defence of his old master, [844.4 ; B. H. 4969.7, etc.] ; Zcller on Socrates and the Socratic school, EB. H., in English,; 5009.1]; Blackic s Four phases of morals, B. II. 3488.54]; Charpentier s life, [B. H., ill French, 3009.8J; and the Quarterly review, vol. 88. SOCEATES ScnoLASTicus. Ecclesiastical history, A. D. 305 [-445]. Translated. London, 1853. 12.. 845.3 SOLARI, Catherine Hyde Broglio. See Broglio Solari. C. H. SOLDIER S life in India, Twelve years of a, [1845-58]. Hodson, W. S. B, 557.11 SOLDIERING in sunshine and storm. Douglas, W. ... 1695.6 SOLDIERS letters, from camp, battle-field and prison. Post, L. M 244.10 " SOLITAIRE," [pseud. }. See Robb, John S. SOLON, Athenian legislator, one of the seven wise men of Greece, b. B. c. 638, d. B. C. 558. See Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times v. 2 of 1869.1 SOMERS, John, lord-chancellor of England, b. 1650, d. 1716. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 10 of 840.10 Lives of eminent persons 365.18 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 Roscoe, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers.. .. 388.4 SOMERS, Capt. Richard, b. about 1779, d. 1804. See Cooper, J. F. Lives of distinguished American naval officers 527.5 SOMERSET, Dukes of. See Seymour, Charles and William. SOMERSET, Blanche. See Arundell, Blanche Somerset. SOMERSET, Edward, earl of Worcester, b. about 1544, d. 1627. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 SOMERSET, Edward, Id marquis of Worcester, philoso pher and author, d. 1667. See Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. y. 5 of 815.1 SOMERSET, Henry, 1st marquis of Worcester, b. about 1562, d, 1646. See Lodge, E. Portraits of il- lustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 "of 815.1 SOMERVILE, or SOMERVILLE, William, English poet, b. 1692, d. 1742. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 SOMERVILLE, Mary, d. 1872. Physical geography. 2d American edition. Philadelphia, 1850. 12. 167.11 Same. New American edition. Philadelphia, 1855. 12 167.9 SOMERVILLE, William. See Somervile, W. SOMMERS, Charles G., American divine, b. 1793, d. 1868. See Fowler, H. The American pulpit . . 534.9 Shelf. No. SONNINI, Charles N. S. de Manoncour. Travels in Greece and Turkey, undertaken by order of Louis xvi. Illustrated. Translated from the French. London, 1801. 2 v. 8 683.9 SONORA. Bartlett, J. R. Explorations in, [1850- 53] 624.2 Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country: a tour through Sonora. 1869 ". . . . 1687.4 Mo wry, S. Arizona and Sonora: the silver region of North America. 1864 256.6 SONTAG, or SONNTAG, Henriette, afterwards comtesse de Rossi, German cantatrice, b. 1805, d. 1854. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 SOPHIA CHARLOTTE, of Hanover, b. 1668, d. 1705. See Atkinson, E. W. Memoirs of the queens of Prussia 546.1 SOPHIA DOROTHEA, queen of George I, b. 1666, d. 1726. Memoirs. 2d edition. London, 1846. 2 v. 8. 654.5 See Doran, J. Lives of the queens of England of the house of Hanover v. 1 of 593.3 SOPHIA DOROTHEA, of Hanover, queen of Frederic II, b. 1687, d. 1757. See Atkinson, E. W. Memoirs of the queens of Prussia 546.1 SOPHIA LOUISA, of Mecklenburg- Schweren, b. 1685. See Atkinson, E. W. Memoirs of the queens of Prussia 546.1 SOTO, Fernando, or Hernando de, Spanish discoverer of the Mississippi, b. about 1500, d. 1543. Irving, T. The conquest of Florida, under, [1539-43] . . 237. 11 Wilmer, L. A. Life of 541.8 SouL6, Frank, GIHON, John H., and NISBET, James. Annals of San Francisco. Illustrated. New York, 1855. 8 235.10 SOULT, Nicolas Jean de Dieu, due de Dalmatia, marshal of France, b. 1769, d. 1851. See Head- ley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals v. 1 of 605.1 v. 1 of 605.2 SOUTH, Robert. Review of his Sermons. See Whipplo, E. P. Essays and reviews. v. 1 of 875.11; v. 1 of 875.12 SOUTH, The. Andrews, S. The South since the war. 1866 276.7 Goodrich, S. G. Early history of the Southern states. 1854 239. 14 Paulding, J. K. Letters from the South, [1816]. 639.10; 888.18 Reynolds, E. W. The barons of the South. 1862. 298.10 Russell, W. H. Pictures of Southern life 288.13 See also Slavery, United States. SOUTH and North ; or, a trip to Cuba and the South. 1860. Abbott, J. S. C 637.26 SOUTH seas. Earlier discoveries in the South sea. See Lives, etc 810.41 Herbert, G. R. C. South sea bubbles. 1872 702. 18 Kotzebue, 0. von. Voyage of discovery into the South sea, [1815-18] 702.12 Melville, H. Omoo: adventures in the. 1861.. 899.1 Reynolds, J. N. Pacific and Indian oceans: or, the South sea surveying and exploring expedition. 1841 704.6 Russell, M. Polynesia; or, an historical account of the islands in the South sea. 1848 . . .820.55; 938.13 Snow, W. P. Narrative of life in the. 1857 708.9 Stewart, C. S. Visit to the, [1829, 30] 705.22 Williams, J. Missionary enterprises in the South sea islands. 1838 1087.15 Note. For the South sea TiubUe, see Smyth s 27th lecture, [B. II. 6305.2.2] ; Mackay s Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions, [587.7 ; 879.8]. See also Ainsworth s South-sea bub ble, [490.62]. SOUTHAMPTON, Earls of. See Wriothesley, Henry and Thomas. SOUTH CAROLINA, History of. Simms, W. G.. 237.17; 237.21 SOUTHCOTT, Joanna, English visionary and impostor, b. 1750, d\ 1814. Remarkable women of different nations and ages 547.5 Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 SOUTHEY, llohort, English poet-laureate and historian, b. 1774, d. 1843. Letters from England : by Don Manuel Alvarez Espriolla, [pseud.]. Trans lated from the Spanish. London, 1807. 3 v. 12. 679.13 SOUTHEY 254: SPAIN 582.7 810.4 Shelf. No. SOUTHET, Robert, continued. Life and correspondence. [With portrait.] Edited by his son, Rev. C. C. Southey. New York, 1851. 8 Life of [Horatio] Nelson, [viscount, British ad miral, b. 1758, d. 1805]. New York, n.d. 18. - Same. [With portrait.] 2d edition. London, 1814. 2v. 16 658.9 Same. New edition. London, 1840. 16 399.6 Same. New edition. Illustrated. London, 1861. P.8 843.10 Life of [John] Wesley, [b. 1703, d. 1791]; and rise and progress of methodism. Edited by Rev. C. C. Southey. 2d American edition, with notes, etc., by D. Curry. New York, 1847. 2v. 12. 678.16 Life of Oliver Cromwell, [lord protector of Eng land, b. 1599, d. 1658]. New York, 1852. 24. Life of William Cowper, [b. 1731, d. 1800]. See Cowper, W v. 1-7 of 337.1; v. 1-4 of 817.11 Lives of the British admirals, with an introduc tory view of the naval history of England. [Continued by R. Bell.] London, 1833-40. 6v. 16 388.5 CoMetits. Vol. I. Naval history of England. IT. Naval history of England, continued; Charles Howard, lord Effing- ham, 1st earl of Nottingham, b. 1.536, d. 1024. III. George Clifford, 3d earl of Cumberland, b. 1558, d. 1605; Sir John Hawkins, b. 1520, d. 1595; Sir Francis Drake, b. about 1540, d. 15%; Thomas Cavendish, b. 1504, d. 1593; Sir Richard Hawkins, b. about 1560, d. 1<>22; Sir Richard Greenville, or Grenville, b. 1540, d. 1591. IV. Robert Devereux, 2d carl of Essex, b. 1567, ex. 1601 ; Sir Walter Raleigh, b. 1552, d. 1618. 589.13 Select biographies. Cromwell [b. 1599, d. 1658] and Bunyan [b. 1628, d. 1688]. London, 1844. P. 8 889. 11 Browne, C. T. Life of 584.6 Cottle, J. Reminiscences of 586.17 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. .548.16; 551.13 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age : or contem porary portraits v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets v. 2 of 896.1 Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Critical and historical essays v. 1 of 1966.3 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and. critical 647.2 - Mental portraits 657.10 Kate. The full, authoritative life is that edited by his son, also in B. H. 2447.55]. The life by Browne is a brief narrative altered ones of Southey s early career. A Selection from his correspondence [ B. H. 2548.4] has been published by his family. See Quarterly review, vol. 88, and Edinburgh review, April, 1851, and the full references in Allibone. The lives of B^ron, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Lamb, De Quincey s Auto biographical papers, etc., illustrate many parti of Southey a SOOTHEY, Capt. Thomas, Royal navy, brother of Robert Southey. Chronological history of the West Indies, [1492-1815]. London, 1827. 3 v. 8.. 264.4 SOUTHGATE, Horatio, American bishop of the protest ant episcopal church, b. 1812. Narrative of a tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, and Meso potamia. London, 1840. 2 v. 12 687.3 The war in the East, [1854]. 2d edition. New York, 1855. 93pp. 24 989.12 SOUTHWELL, Robert, English Jesuit, poet, and conspira tor, b. 1560, ex. 1595. See Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors 883.14 SOUTHWICK, Solomon, American editor and author, b. 1773, d. 1839. See Griswold, R. W. Biograph ical annual 618.12 SOCVESTRE, fimile, French author, b. 1806, d. 1854. An Attic philosopher in Paris. From the French. London, 1859. 16 1655.21 Confessions of a working man. Translated from the 3d edition. London, 1857. 16 1655.21 BoozA-BoTELHO, Adelaide Marie Emilie, French novelist, b. about 1761, d. 1836. See Sainte- Beuve, C. A. Portraits of celebrated women. . .1698.16 Shelf. No. SOVEREIGNS. Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns 569.28 Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns 810.44 See also England, Europe, Prussia. SOZOMENES, Hermias. History of the church, A. D. 324-440. Also the Ecclesiastical history of Philostorgius. Translated by E. Walford. Lon don, 1855. P. 8 845.9 SPAGNOLETTO. See Ribera, Jos6. SPAIN. History, antiquities, etc. Abbott, J. S. C. Romance of Spanish history. 1869 979.13 Busk, M. M. History of, [B. c. 1000-A. D. 1814]. 365.1 Conde, J. A. History of the dominion of the Arabs in. 1854 827.3 Dunham, S. A. History of. 1832 368.8 Dunlop, J. Memoirs of Spain during the reigns of Philip iv and Charles n, [1621-1700] 913.3 Florian, J. P. C. de. History of the Moors of. 1840 820.70 Froissart, Sir J. Antient chronicles of. . .1001.2; 1003.1 Helps, Ai. The Spanish conquest in America, [1344-1556] 254.2 Historic sketches, [B. c. 228-A. D. 1814]. See Society, etc 979.11 Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscella nies. 1866 1815.5 Lathbury, T. The Spanish armada, [1588] 998.7 Llorente, J. A. History of the Spanish inquisition. 1826 1115.22 Neale, A. Spanish campaign of 1808 V. 1 of 830.42 Pictures from the history of. 1863 979.14 Traces of the Roman and Moor, through the Spains. 1853 675.6 Walton, W. The revolutions of, [1808-36] 913.4 Note. The history of Spain is singularly well illustrated by books in English, though there is no elaborate general history in English. Mrs. Calcott s popular history is probably the best. Busk s little manual is forty years old, and so is Dun ham s, [also in B. H., P. 127.10] ; but Abbottls [979.1.",] is recent. Ford calls Buckle [942.?] "an excellent if rather violent commntarv on Spanish history," and u paper in the Cornhill magazine, 1871 [or Living age, no. 1402] on " Spain and her revolution," is a review of the character of Spanish history. See Smyth s estimate of her early history in his 8th lecture, [827.8]; and CapefiKue s characteristic "Grandeur ct decadence de 1 Espagne," 1859 [B. H. 5098.16], which brings the review down to 1850. Arabs and Moors. Conde s History is based on the Arabic chronicles, [also in B. H., in French, 4243.2]. Gayangos s Mo hammedan dynasties in Spain, published in English [B. H. 3022.2] by this well-known scholar, is of great repute and value. There is a French work on the same subject by Dozy, 1861, covering A. D. 711-1110, [B. H. 5096.20]. Sec also Gib bon s 61st chapter ;_and_the English of Florian s Hi_story of the * UI 1 V l^K< IHlitI V IliMiH V , Ul lliu OLll null .Jill i-tululy, IB lulu ujr Irving m his Spanish papers, [also in B. H. 2391.16 ; 2394.16; 4407.6]. For the llth century, see Cid. For the union of Castile and Leon in the 13th century, see Irving s Spanish papers, [also in B. H. 2391.16, etc.]. Granada, A. D. 12)8-1492. The general reader can depend upon Irving s Conquest of Granada [408.12; 901.1.2, etc.], and consult Irving s own explanation of the real naturcof the work and its claim to historic truth in the London quarterly review, 1830 [also in B. H. 2391.16.2, etc.], and the review in Prescott [865.4] which pronounces it " substantially an authentic rec ord." See also Prescott s Ferdinand and Isabella, [912.1, etc. ]. See North American review, Jan., 1855, for an article on the " Moors in Spain." Christian Spain. Prescott introduces his Ferdinand and Isabella [912.1, etc.] with a summary of the previous history of the several monarchies, then united under one crown, but for the episodes of the Spanish discovery and conquest in Ameri ca, see Columbus, Cortes, Mexico, Peru, etc. SpaldinR [B. H. 4405.30] controverts from a catholic point of view Prescott s chapter on the inquisition, but Bishop Dupanloup calls Prescott the feast anti-catholic of protestants; and for other books on this subject, see Bates Hall catalogues. Robertson s Charles the fifth, 1515-56 [912.4, etc.], follows next; but see note under Charles V. The reign of Philip II. 1556-98, had already been illustrated by Watson, in a work of little research [B. II. 3102.14, see also Bates Hall catalogues under Philip it] and confined chiefly to the War in the Netherlands (in which he has been superseded by Motley; see Netherlands, note), when Prescott, to continue Kobertson s History, begun his Philip H, which he left unfin ished, [922.1, etc.]. Watson s History, which was subsequent ly continued to the death of Philip HI, 1G21 [B. II. 3102.15], was again continued bv Dunlop, 1834, to the death of Chnrlej n, A. D. J700-[also in B. II. 3101.1], who gives his authorities in his preface. Villars s Memoirs of the court of Spain under Charles H, 1H78-82, published by the Philobiblon society, 1861 [B. H. 216X9], is reviewed in the Edinburgh review, 1869, or in no. 1290 of Living age; and LordMahon (Earl Stanhope) hn edited the correspondence of the British minister at the court, Alexander Stanhope, 1690-99, [B. H. 3102.8; 3102.13]. Coxe, who also enumerates his authorities, begins where Dunlop ends, 1700, and continues his memoirs of the kings to 1788, making his work, however, largely biographical, [B. II. SPAIN 255 SPARKS SPAIN. History, antiquities, etc., continued. 3101.2]. In the early part of this period fall the wars of the succession, 1700-14, upon which Earl Stanhope has a special monograph, confining his narrative as much as possible to what occurred in Spain [B. H. 3101.3; D.126.2], which has been reviewed by Macaulay, [1966.3.2]. See also Smyth s 23d lecture [943.3, etc.], and English history under Queen Anne. A German, Baumgarten, has written a history of Spain preceding the French revolution [B. H. 5096.1], and has re cently, 1865-71, continued it to our day, [B. H. 5085.2]. For the revolutions of Napoleon s day, there are Blaquiere, etc., [B.H.3102.1; 3102.4]. On the peninsular war, the well-known. >, ,,.-u.* ..r VOF*;,,.. ruiAj o * i. cn..Kn*T rn i-i Qim x~\ . l*v\*r -* * works of Napier, [1004.2, etc.] ; Southey, [B. H. 3101.5] : Fov, [B. H. 3101.6]; Jones, on the sieges of 1811 and 1814, [B. H.< 8101.4; 7964.12]; Camden, on Wellington s campaigns, [B. H. M)1U f^tJ fiOSti .l] ; Wellington s Despatches [B^H. 2323.1], etc. There is a French monograph by Hubbard, covering 1814- 83, [B. H. 5096.3]; a special work bv Chateaubriand, on the war of 1823, [B. H. 2702.4.1] ; Bollacrt, on the struggles for the succession, 1826-40, and continued to the flight of Isabella, 1868, [B. H., in English, 5093.3.2] ; and Mazadc has recounted the revolutions from 1854 to 1808, [B. H.. in French, 5096.25]. There is a paper on the Carlist war of 1833-33, in the Cornhill magazine for 1871, or Living age, no. 1395. See also papers in Alison s Essays [863-5] on the revolution of 1820 and the Car- list struggle. This Library also possesses the large military map of Spain, issued by the government in 1865, in 20 sheets. At the time of preparing this note, the cataloguing of the Ticknor library has not sufficiently advanced to be of use in referring to its rich stores upon Spanish history and archeology. For the church history, see Malcom s Index, [B. H. 2190.19]. See alto Arabs, Castile, Columbus, Mexico, Moors, Penin sular war, Peru. Literature and art. Bouterwek, F. History of Spanish literature. 1847 404.10 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and sci entific men of 398.1 Ticknor, G. History of Spanish literature .393.13; 402.1 Note. Literature. The old histories of Spanish literature by Bouterwek [also in B. H. 3105.2; in English, 4233.9] and Sismondi [in English, 818.4; B. H., in French, 2193.3] have been surpassed by Ticknor [4th edition, B. H. 3090.50; earlier editions, 3094.1 ; 3094.5 ; 3104.25], who is reviewed in Prescptt g essays [805. 4, etc ], with references in Allibone. Mr. Tick- nor s Spanish library, formed while writing this history, is nowapart of this library, but the cataloguing of it is only part ly done. The convenient little handbook of Foster [B. H. 3094.13] was issued too early to avail of Ticknor s researches. There is a brief sketch with references in Longfellow s Poets of Europe [322.1], and a chapter in his Outre-mer [6,i8.18] on the devotional poetry. See also Maturin, on the lyrics, [B. H. 2398.29]; Bowring s Ancient poetry and romances, [316.9; B. H. 3093.8]; Lockhart, on the ballad literature [316.1; 316.14; B. H. 3093.15], with a review by R. Ford in Edinburgh review, no. 146; Schlegel, on the drama, [818.7]; and a paper in the Quarterly review, no. 117. See also villemain s " Moyen the lives of Cervantes, Lope de Vega, etc. Art. There is a recent guide to the galleries of Spain by Tollemache, [B. H. 80U5.52] ; but sec Painting, note. See also Passavant, "Die Christliche Kunst in Spanien," 1853, which covers sculpture, painting and architecture, and in the last department, Street s excellent monograph on the Gothic, 1869, [B. H. 8091.5]; Waring and Macnuoid on the architecture of the 13th and 16th centuries, [B. H. 4050.2] ; and the illustra tions of Moorish art as shown in the descriptions of the Al- hambra court of the Crystal palace, [B. H. 4089.37]. Travels, description, etc. Adolphus, J. L. Letter from, [1856, 57] 666.19 Andersen, II. C. In Spain. 1870 675.20 Beckford, W. Sketches of. 1834 675.18; 679.6 Borrow, G. The Bible in, [1835-42] 673.1; 889.4 - ThoZincali; or, an account of the gypsies of. 673.1; 889.5; 935.3 Clark, W. G. Gazpacho: or, summer months in. 1850 675.13 Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams in. 1870. 1653.1 Gushing, C. Reminiscences of. 1833 679.1 Gushing, C. W. Monuments, scenery, and man ners in. 1832 888.13 Desbarolles, M. Two French artists in. 1851. .. 666.17 Dix, J. A. A summer in, [1843] 675.8 Ford, R. Gatherings from. 1846 889.17 - Handbook for travellers in. 1855 649.12 - The Spaniards and their country. 1850 675.19 Gautier, T. Wanderings in. 1853 869.12 Hay, J. Castilian days. 1871 998.20 Inglis, H. D. Spain. 1837 675.14 Journal of a few months residence in Portugal and glimpses of the south of. 1847 673.4 Lee, E. Spain and its climates. 1860 665.12 Mackenzie, A. S. A year in. 1836 679.2 March, G. W. Sketches and adventures in the Andaluaias of. 1856 675.12 Shelf. No. SPAIN. Travels, description, etc., continued. Murray, E. Sixteen years of an artist s life in. 1859 664.1 Poco Mas, pseud. Scenes and adventures in, [1835-40] 669.16 Quatrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de. Rambles of a naturalist on the coasts of. 1857 654.10 Rocca, A. J. M. de. Memoirs of the war of the French in v. 2 of 830.42 Swift, J. F. Going to Jericho; or, sketches of travel in. 1868 1694.8 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. The lands of the Saracen; or, pictures of. 1855 686.15 Thornbury, W. Life in. 1860 666.21 Urquhart, D. The pillars of Hercules; or, travels in, [1848] 675.9 Wallis, S. T. Spain: her institutions, politics, and public men. 1853 675.16 Note. Ford s Handbook in Murray s series is of excellent reputation, and the fourth edition, 18K9 [B. H. 5098.1], is con siderably recast in the first part to make the routes conform to the railway routes, lately introduced iuto Spain, while it in cludes the matter that he had added to the epitome of his ear lier edition, which was called Gatherings from Spain, 1846, [889.17]; and in the second part, is put a variety of most valu able matter illustrative of Spanish history, manners, etc., with references to authorities. The account of Spain in L Univers i by Lavallee and Gueroult, [B. H. 2266.18.lJ. Borrow s books have had great success. He resided in Spam trying to intro duce the pioti stnnt Scriptures. Caleb Cushing s book is also in Bates Hall, [3099.4]. Irving s Alhambra is a graceful semi- notion of manners, [408.15, etc.]. The Cornhill, for 1871, has had some fresh papers on Spain, that on her Manners and amusements has been reprinted in no. 1446 of Living age, and another on her Social condition in no. 1431. There is a recent French view by Teste, [B. H. SU90.3]. See Bayard Taylor s article in the Atlantic, March, 1868, and a paper in Harper s magazine, vol. 36. Hay s book is a series of essays on present experiences. ftce also Basque provinces, Biscay, Gibraltar, Madrid, Na varre, Pyrenees. SPALDING, J. Willett. The Japan expedition. With illustrations. New York, 1855. 12 SPALDING, William. History of English literature. 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1853. 12 Italy and the Italian islands, [to 1840]. With engravings. New York, 1848. 3 v. 18 SPANGENBERG, August G. Life of Nicholas Lewis count Zinzendorf, [German Moravian, b. 1700, d. 1760]. [With portrait.] Translated by S. Jackson. London, 1838. 12 SPANISH armada, The, [1588]. Lathbury, T SPARKS, Jared, American editor and historian, b. 1794, d. 1866. Correspondence of the American revo lution ; being letters of eminent men to George Washington. Boston, 1853. 4 v. 8 Diplomatic correspondence of the American revo lution. Boston, 1829, 30. 12 v. 8 Library of American biography. Vol. 1-4, 6-25. Boston, 1846-51. 24 v. 16 Contents. Vol. I. John Stark, American revolutionary officer, b. 1728, d. 1822, by E. Everett; Charles Brockdeu Brown, American novelist, b. 1771, d. 1810, by W. H. Prescott ; Richard Montgomery, American revolutionary general, b. 1736, d. 1775. by J. Armstrong; Ethan Allen, American revo lutionary colonel, b. 1737, d. 1789. by J. Sparks. Vol.11. Alexander Wilson, Scottish ornithologist, b. 1766, d. 1813, by W. B. O. Pcabody; Capt. John Smith, founder of Virginia, b. 1579, d. 1631, by G. S. Hillard. Vol. III. Benedict Arnold, American general and traitor, b. 1740, d. 1801, by J. Sparks. Vol. IV. Anthony Wayne, American revolutionary general, b. 1745, d. 1796, by J. Armstrong ; Sir Henry Vane, colonial governor of New England, b. H)12, d. 1002. by C. W. Upham. Vol. VI. William Pinkney, American lawyer, b. 1764, d. 1822, by II. Wheaton ; William Ellery, American statesman, b. 1727, d. 1820, by E.T. Channing; Cotton Mather, New Eng land divine, b. 106. !, d. 1728, by W. B. O. Peabody. Vol. VII. Sir William Phips, colonial governor of Massa chusetts, b. 1651, d. 169.">: Israel Putnam, American revolu tionary general, b. 1718, d. 1790, by O. W. B. Peabody ; Lueretia Maria Davidson, American poetess, b. 1808, d. 1825, by C. M. Sedgwick ; David Rittenhouse, American astrono mer, mathematician, and physicist, b. 1732, d. 1796, by J. Renwick Vol.VIII. Jonathan Edwards, American Calvinistic divine, metaphysician, and author, b. 1703, d. 1758. by S. Miller-, David Brainerd, missionary to the American Indians, b. 1718, d. 1747, bv W. B. O. Peabody. Vol. IX. Baron Friedrich Wilhclm August Steuben, Ger man officer in the American revolution, b. 1730, d. 1794, by F. Bowen ; Sebastian Cabot, Spanish navigator, b. 1477? d. 1557, by C. Havward, jr. ; William Eaton, American general, b. 1764, d. 1811, by C. C. Felton. Vol. X. Robert Fulton, American painter and improver of the steam-boat, b. 1765. d. 1815, by J. Renwick ; JosephWarren, American revolutionary patriot, b. 1741, d. 1775, by A. H. Everett Henry Hudson, Dutch navigator, discoverer of Hud- eon s bay, d.1611, by H.R.Cleveland; Jacques Marquette, 708.4 404.16 820.51 545.26 998.7 213.2 216.1 5294 SPARKS 256 SPRINGER SPARKS, Jared. Library of American biography, cont d. French Jesuit missionary, explorer of the Mississippi, b. 1637, d. 1675, by J. Sparks. " Vol. XI. Robert Cavclier La Salle, sieur de, French explorer, b. 163.5, d. 1687, by J. Sparks ; Patrick Henry, American states man, governor of Virginia, and author, b. 1736, d. 1799, by A. H. Everett. Vol. XII. James Otis, American orator and statesman, b. 1725, d. 1783, by F. Bowen; James Edward Oglethorpe, founder of Georgia, b. 1698, d. 1785, by \V. B. O. Peabody. Vol. XIII. John Sullivan, American revolutionary general, b. 1740, d. 1795, by O. W. B. Peabody ; Jacob Leisler, American political adventurer, d. 1691, by C. Hoffman ; Nathaniel Bacon, insurrectionist in Virginia, b. 1630, d. 1677, by W. Ware; John Mason, military officer of Connecticut, b. 1600, d. 1672, by G. E. Ellis. Vol. XTV. Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, b. 1606, d. 1683, by W. Gammell; Timothy Dwight, American divine, b. 1752, d. 1817, by W. B. SpraKuc; Casimir Pulaski, count, Polish patriot, and general in the American revolu tionary army, b. 1748, d. 1779, by J. Sparks. Vol. XV. Benjamin Thompson, count Rumford, American statesman and natural philosopher, b. 1753, d. 1814, by J. Ren- wick; Zcbulon Montgomery Pike, American general, b. 1779, d. 1813, by H. Whiting ; Samuel Gorton, settler of Warwick, B. I., d. 1677, by J. M. Mackie. Vol. XVI. Ezra Stiles, president of Yale college, b. 1727, A. 1795, by J. L. Kingsley ; John Fitch, American inventor, b. 1743, d. 1798, by C. Whittlfsey ; Anne Hutchinson, founder of the Antinomian party in New England, b. 1591, d. 1643, by G. E.Ellis. Vol. XVTI. Jean Ribault, French navigator, commander of the first expedition to Florida, b. 1520, d. 1565, by J. Sparks; Sebastian Rale, French missionary to the Indians, b. 1658, d. 1724, by C. Francis; William Palfrey, American paymaster- general, b. 1741, d. 1780, by J. G. Palfrey. Vol. XVIII. Charles Lee, American general, b. 1730? d. 1782, by J. Sparks; Joseph Reed, American statesman and soldier, b. 1741, d. 1785, by II. Reed. Vol. XIX. Leonard Calvert, 1st governor of Maryland, b. 1582, d. 1647, by G. W. Burnap; Samuel Ward, governor of Rhode Island, b. 1725, d. 1776, by W. Gammell; Thomaa Posey, governor of Indiana, b. 1750, d. 1818, by J. Hall. Vol. XX. Nathaniel Greene, American revolutionary gene ral, b. 1742, d. 1786, by G. W. Greene. Vol. XXI. Stephen Decatur, American naval officer, b. 1779, d. 1820. by A. S. Mackenzie. Vol. XXII. Edward Preble, American commodore, b. 1761, d. 1807, by L. Sabine; William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania. b. 1644, d. 1718, by G. E. Ellis. Vol. XXIII. Daniel Boone, pioneer, and early settler of Kentucky, b. 1735, d. 1822, by J. M. Peck ; Benjamin Lincoln, Amcricon revolutionary general, b. 1738, d. 1810, by F. Bowen. Vol. XXIV. John JLedyard, American traveller, b. 1751, d. 1788, by J. Sparks. Vol. XXV. William Richardson Uavie, American lawyer, statesman, and soldier, b. 17.56, d. 1820, by F. M. Hubbard; Samuel Kirkland, missionary to the Indians, b. 1744, d. 1808, by S. K. Lothrop. Life of Ethan Allen, [American revolutionary colonel, b. 1737, d. 1789]. See Chipman, D... 528.22 Life of George Washington, [b. 1732, d. 1799]. Boston, 1853. 8 511.5 Life of Gouvorneur Morris [American patriot and statesman, b. 1752, d. 1816], with selections from his correspondence and miscellaneous papers. [With portrait] Boston, 1832. 3 v. 8 515.12 Life of John Ledyard, the American traveller, [b. 1751, d. 1788]. Cambridge, 1828. 8 523.15 Lives of eminent individuals, celebrated in Ameri can history. [Selected from Library of American biography.] Boston, [cop. 1839]. 3 v. 12... 518.5 Contents. Vol. I. Life of J. Stark, by E. Everett ; D. Brain- erd, by W. B. 0. Peabodv ; R. Fulton, by J. Renwick ; Capt. J. Smith, by G. S. Hillard. Vol. II. E. Allen, by J. Sparks ; S. Cabot, by C. Hayward, jr. ; H. Hudson, by H. R. Cleveland ; J. Warren, by A. H. Everett; I. Putnam, by O. W. B. Peabody ; D. Rittenhouse, by J. Ren- wick. Vol. III. W. Pinkney, by H. Wheaton ; Sir H. Vane, by C. W. Upham ; A. Wayne, by J. Armstrong ; W. Ellery, by E. T. Channing; R. Montgomery, by J. Armstrong. See Powell, T. The living authors of America.. 518.15 SPARKS, William H. The memories of fifty years. Philadelphia, 1870. 8 1526.22 SPATJLDING, John H. Historical relics of the White mountains. Also, a concise White mountain guide. Boston, 1855. 96pp. 12 239.11 SPECTACLES for young eyes. Lander, S. W. . . 1638.1-5, 9, 10 SPEKE, John H. Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile. With illustrations. Edin burgh, 1863. 8 682.9 Same. New York, 1864. 8 1692.6 SPENCER, Dorothy, formerly Sidney, countess of Sun derland, b. 1620, d. 1684. See Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 6 of 815.1 Shelf. No. SPENCER, Edmund. The fall of the Crimea. With illustrations. London, 1854. 12 928.6 Sketches of Germany and the Germans, with a glance at Poland, Hungary, and Switzerland, 1834-36. [Anon. ] 2d edition. [With illustra tions.] London, 1836. 2 v. 8 663.7 Turkey, Russia, the Black sea, and Circassia. With illustrations. London, 1854. 12 687.21 SPENCER, Henry, 1st earl of Sunderland, English patriot, b. 1620, d. 1643. See Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 4 of 815.1 SPENCER, Herbert. Railway morals and railway policy. London, 1858. 16 1655.25 SPENCER, James C., judge of the Superior court of New York. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of pro gress 522.16 SPENCER, Rev. Jesse A. The East : travel in Egypt and the Holy Land. New York, 1850. 12. . . 686.6 SPENCER, Rev. 0. M. Indian captivity. New York, [1834]. 16 249.9 SPENCER, Robert, "id earl of Sunderland, English statesman, b. 1641, d. 1702. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815.1 SPENCER, Rev. Thomas, of Liverpool, b. 1791, d. 1811. Life and ministry of. See Raffles, T 575.1 SPENSER, Edmund, English poet, b. 1552, d. 1599. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 1 of 839.6 Craik, G. L. Spenser and his poetry 850.16; 1819.2 Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent liter ary and scientific men of Great Britain . . . . v. 1 of 398.3 Hart, J. S. Essay on the life and writings of. . . 324.1 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 Whipple, E. P. The literature of the ago of Elizabeth 1373.5 tfote. There are special lives by J. P. Collier, 1862; Craik [850.16; 1819.2], who unites with it copious extracts from the poems, and so does Hart [324.1 ; see also B. H. 4576.6]. See also memoirs to editions of the works, by Todd ; Masterman, [323.1] ; Mitford, [329.10] ; Child, [1319.1] ; Chalmers, [B. H. 2592.7.5] ; and Anderson, [B. H. 4604.1]. See also the Spenser society publications, [B.H. 6605.1, etc.]; Blackwood, Nov., 1833; Westminster review, Jan., 1867; and references inAUi- bone. SPIELBERG, Memoirs of a prisoner of state in the fortress of, [1824-32]. Andryane, A 544.10 SPIRIT of the age : or contemporary portraits. Haz- litt, W v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 SPIRITUALISM, or Spiritism. Incidents in my life. Home, D. D 538.25 SPITHEAD, Narrative of the mutiny at. Neale, J. . . . 389.5 SPITZBERGEN. Blackwood, F. T., lordDufferin. Let ters from high latitudes, [1856].. 708.1; 708.21; 1666.3 Laing, J. Voyage to, [1806-7] . . .v. 2 of 668.2; 704.20 SPIX, Johann Baptist von, and MARTIUS, Carl F. P. von. Travels in Brazil, 1817-20. [With illus trations.] London, 1824. 2 v. 8 633.18 SPOONER, Edward. Parson and people. From the 2d London edition. New York, 1865. 12 1129.2 SPOTTISWOODE, William. Tarantasse journey through Eastern Russia in 1856. [With illustrations.] London, 1857. 12 674.7 SPRAGUE, John T. Origin, progress, and conclusion of the Florida war, [1821-45]. [With engrav ings.] New York, 1848. 8 244.7 SPRAGTJE, Peleg, LL. D. Speeches and addresses. Boston, 1858. 8 882.3 SPRAGUE, William B. Life of Timothy Dwight, [American divine, b. 1752, d. 1817]. See Sparks, J v. 14 of 529.1 Visits to European celebrities. Boston, 1855. 12. 648.9 SPRAT, Thomas, bishop of Rochester, poet, b. 1636, d. 1713. (See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. v. 2 of 582.11; 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 SPRATT, Thomas A. B., and FORBES, Edward. Travels in Lycia, Milyas, and the Cibyratis. [With il lustrations.] London, 1847. 2 v. 8 683.7 SPREAD-EAGLEISM. Train, G. F 299.9 SPRINGER, John S. Forest life. [Anon.] Boston, 1842. 2v. 12 1628.1 SPRINGFIELD 257 STARK Shelf. No. SPRINGFIELD, Mass., A day in. See Giles, H. Lec tures and essays v. 2 of 875.6; v. 2 of 875.8 SPRINGS, water-falls, sea-bathing resorts, and moun tain scenery of the United States and Canada. Disturnell, J 1639.7 SQUIER, Ephraitn G. Nicaragua; its people, scenery, . monuments, and the proposed interoceanic canal. With maps and illustrations. New York, 1852. 2 v. 8 621.3 Same. Revised edition. New York, 1860. 8. 622.8 Notes on Central America. With maps and illus trations. New York, 1855. 8 263.1 The states of Central America. With maps and illustrations. New York, 1858. 8 263.7 Waikna; or, adventures on the Mosquito shore. With illustrations. By Samuel A. Bard, [pseud.}. New York, 1855. 12 623.21 STACKE, Henry. The story of the American war. 1801-65. With map. London, 1866. 16 249.11 STAEL-HOLSTEIN, Anne Louise Germaine, baronne de, n6e Neckor, French authoress, b. 1766, d. 1817. Considerations on the principal events of the French revolution, [1781-1815]. Translated. New York, 1818. 2 v. 8 1004.6 Germany. Translated from the French. New York, 1814. 3 v. in 2. 12 667.20 r- Kavanagh, J. French women of letters 1609.1 Norris, M. Life and times of 615.11 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of celebrated women 1598.16 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 2 of 388.8 Thomson, K. (B.) The queens of society .. v. 2 of 542.15 642.17 Brougham s Statesmen, [.568.7, etc.]; and in Maria Nords s book, [615.11]. Theei and works by Madam Necker de Sau?suro[ Note. Her own Ten years of exile furnishes biographical material, [ 1076.8 ; B. II.; in English, E. 228.13]. On her litical influence, see Lamaitine s Rx^staiiratiou, [1007.1, etc.] ; nd the popular relation, : essay on her character uro[B. H. 2665.6] is re viewed by Jeffrey, [863.6]. See also Rousseau s letter on her works and character, [B. H. 2665.fi]; Mackintosh s Essays, [86:3.8]; A. U. Everett s Essays, [877.4.2]; Sainte-Beuv e 8 Caiisenes, [B. H. 2670.1]; Villemain s 18th century, [B. H. 2672.7.6] ; aud references in Thomas. STAFFORD, Viscount. See Howard, William. STAFFORD, William C. History of music. Edinburgh, 1830. 18 830.57 STAGE, The. Clapp, W. "W.,jr. Record of the Boston stage. 1853 356.10 Doran, J. " Their majesties servants." Annals of tho English stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean 352.2 Wood, W. B. Personal recollections of, [1797- 1846] 356.12 See also Actors, Dramatists, Opera, Theatre ; also, note under English stage. STAHL, Georg Ernst, German physician and chemist, b. 1660, d. 1734. See Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 STAHR, Adolf. Life and works of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, [German philosopher, litterateur, and poet, b. 1729, d. 1781]. From the German, by E.P.Evans. Boston, 1866. 2 v. 12 1516.14 STAIR, Viscount. See Dalrymple, James. STAMBOUL, In and around. Hornby, E. B 666.6 STANDISH, Miles, b. about 1584, d. 1656. See Ab bott, J. S. C. Miles Standish, the puritan cap tain 228.23 STANFORD, John F. Rambles and researches in Thuringian Saxony. [With illustrations.] Lon don, 1842. 8 663.10 STANFORD, Leland, governor of California, b. 1824. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress .... 622.16 STANHOPE, Hester Lucy, lady, English politician, b. 1776, d. 1839. See Russell, W. Extraordinary women 698.19 STANHOPE, Leicester. Greece, in 1823 and 1824; being a series of letters, and other documents, on the Greek revolution. Illustrated with fac similes. Added, Life of Mustapha AH. [With portrait.] London, 1824. 8 918.2 Shelf. No. STANHOPE, Philip Dormer, 4M earl of Chesterfield, English statesman and letter-writer, b. 1694, d. 1773. Hay ward, A. Lord Chesterfield: his life, character, and opinions 1655.17 Oliphant, M. (0. W.) Historical sketches of tho reign of George n 983.4 Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society. v. 1 of 555.1; 1545.8 Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and criti cal 647.2 STANHOPE, Philip Henry, earl, formerly lord Mahon, b. 1805. "The forty-five." Narrative of the [Scottish] insurrection of 1745. [With] letters of prince Charles Stuart. London, 1851. P. 8. 989.6 Historical essays. London, 1849. 12 889.32 History of England, 1701-13. Leipzig, 1870. 2 v. in 1. Sq. 16 1966.7 History of England, [1713-83]. Edited by H. Reed. New York, 1849. 2 v. 8 963.2 Same. Leipzig, 1853, 54. 7 v. Sq. 16 1966.6 Joan of Arc. [An essay.] London, 1854. 88 pp. 16 609.6 Life of Belisarius, [Roman general, b. about 505, d.565]. Philadelphia, 1846. 12 546.13 Life of Louis prince of Conde, [b. 1621, d. 1686], New York, 1845. 12 617.19 Same. New edition. London, 1861. 12 889.10 Life of William Pitt, [b. 1759, d. 1806]. [With portraits.] London, 1861, 62. 4v. 8 567.5 STANLEY, Arthur P., dean of Westminster, b. 1815. The Bible in the Holy Land. With illustrations. London, 1862. 18 2109.22 Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, [mas ter of Rugby school, Eng., b. 1795, d. 1842], 2d American from the last London edition. Now York, 1846. 8 574.2 Same. Boston, 1860. 2 v. 12 587.10 Sinai and Palestine in connection with their his tory. With maps and plans. New York, 1857. 8. 684.7 STANLEY, Charlotte, formerly La Tremouille, countess of Derby, English royalist, d. 1663. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 STANLEY, Edward Henry Smith, earl of Derby, Eng lish statesman, b. 1826. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 Note. See Reid, [B. H. 2448.633. STANLEY, George. Classified synopsis of the principal painters of the Dutch and Flemish schools. Lon don, 1855. P. 8 826.15 STANLEY, Henry M. How I found Livingstone: travels, adventures and discoveries in Central Africa. With maps and illustrations. New York, 1872. 8 1611.1 STANLEY, James, 1th earl of Derby, English royalist, b. 1596, beheaded 1651. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain . .v. 5 of 815.1 STANLEY, Margaret, formerly Beaufort, countess of Richmond and Derby, mother of Henry VII, b. 1441, d. 1509. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 STANLEY, Thomas, 1st earl of Derby, d. 1504. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 STANSBTTRY, P. Pedestrian tour in North America, 1821. [Illustrated.] New York, 1822. 12.. 629.22 STANTON, Edwin M Master, American lawyer, states man, and author, b. 1819, d. 1869. See Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 STANYHURST, Richard, b. 1547, d. 1618. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 STAPLETON, Augustus G. George Canning [English orator and statesman, b. 1770, d. 1827] and his times. London, 1859. 8 567.1 STARK, Adam. Printing: its antecedents, origin, his tory, and results. London, 1855. 16 1655.25 STARK, Caleb. Memoir and official correspondence of Gen. John Stark. [With portrait.] Also, a biog raphy of Capt. Phinehas Stevens, and Col. Robert Concord, 1860. 8 522.11 33 STARK 258 STERNE Shelf. No. STARK, John, American revolutionary officer, b. 1728, d. 1822. Everett, E. Life of. .v. 1 of 518.5; v. 1 of 529.1 Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. v. 1 of 516.1 Stark, C. Memoir and official correspondence of. . 522.11 STABLING, Elizabeth. Noble deeds of woman. [With portraits.] Boston, 1850. 12 547.6 Same. 5th edition. London, 1858. P. 8. . . 843.2 STARS, Chemistry of the. Wilson, & 409.31; 1655.24 STARS and stripes, The, in rebeldom. A series of papers written by federal prisoners (privates) in llichmond, [etc.]. Boston, 1862. 12 295.2 STATESMAN S, The, manual. Williams, E 296.4 STATESMEN. Brougham, H., lord. Sketches of states men in the time of George in 568.7; 840.5 Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen 388.7 Knapp, S. L. Biographical sketches of eminent statesmen 524.10 Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen 388.6 Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 STEBISING, Henry. History of chivalry and the cru sades. Edinburgh, 1830. 2 v. 18 830.56 History of the Christian church. London, 1833. 2v. 16 388.1 History of the reformation. London, 1836. 2 v. 16 388.2 STEEL, Mrs. Katharine, d. 1785. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. . .v. 3 of 538.13 STEEL. Rev . Robert. Lives made sublime by faith and works. [Anon.] London, n. d. 16 577.13 Contents. Dudley Atkins Tyng, American divine, b. 1825, d. 1858; Arthur Marcus Hill Check, English ensign to the native infantry in Bengal, b. 1810, d. 1857; James Maitland Hog. Scotchman, b. 17!W,d. iai8; Jonas Sugdcn, English man ufacturer, b. 1800, d.1857; William Allen, English chemist and English naval ofticcr, b. about 18i!0, d. 1857 ; James Stirling, Scotch temperance advocate, b. 1774, d. 1856; Rev. Thomas Charles, of Bala, Welsh evangelist, b. 1755, d. 1814; Robert Flockhart, Scotch street preacher, b. 1778, d. 18/57 ; Rev. Ben jamin Parsons, English social reformer, b. 1797, d. 1855 ; Rev. George Whitelicld, or Whit field, English founder of a sect of methodists, b. 1714, d. 1770; James Montgomery, English poet and journalist, b. 1771, d. 1854. Same. [With] illustrations. Now York, n. d. 12 577.16 STEELE, Ashbel. Chief of the pilgrims: or life and time of William Brewster, ruling elder of the Pilgrim company, in 1620, [b. 1560, d. 1644]. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1857. 8 223.15 STEELE, Eliza R. The sovereigns of the Bible. [With illustrations.] New York, 1869. 12.. 2108.4 STEELE, Mrs. Elizabeth, d. 1791. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. . .v. 1 of 538.13 STEELE, Sir Richard, Irish litterateur, critic, dramatic author, and political writer, b. 1671, d. 1729. Fors- ter, J. Sir Richard Steele: a biographical essay. 577.9; v. 2 of 894.3 Thackeray, W. M. The English humourists of the 18th century 586.1; 689.28 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 2 of 548.5 Note. Montgomery s Life and writings of Steele is the most considerable account [B. II. 4542.10], which is reviewed by H. T. Tuckerman in the North American review, Jan., 1867. Forster s Essay (originally in Quarterly review, March, 1855), is a good summary. See also N. Drake s Essays, [B. H. 4578.8J ; Macaulay s Essay on Addison, [409.17, etc.]: Black- wood, June, I860 ; Temple bar, 1872, or no. 1455 of Living age ; and references in Allibone. STEFFENS, Heinrich, German naturalist and novelist, b. 1773, d. 1845. Adventures on the road to Paris, during the campaigns of 1813-14. Trans lated from the German. London, 1848. P. 8. 899.12 The story of my career, as student at Freiberg and Jena, and as professor at Halle, Breslau and Berlin. Translated by W. L. Gage. Boston. 18G3. 12 551.25 STEGGALL, JohnH. John H. Stoggall: a real history of a Suffolk man, who has been a gipsy, a sailor, a soldier, a surgeon, a fellow-commoner of Cor pus Christi college, Cambridge; and is now a clergyman. By himself. London, 1859. 16.. 589.21 Shelf. No. STEINMETZ, Andrew. History of the Jesuits. Phila delphia, 1848. 2v. 8 1095.7 Japan and her people. With illustrations. Lon don, 1859. 12 709.22; 938.U STEINSCHNEIDER, Moriti. Jewish literature from the eighth to the eighteenth century. London, 1857. 8 402.9 STEPHEN, Sir George. Antislavery recollections: let ters to Mrs. (H. E.) B. Stowe. London, 1854. 12 1089.17 STEPHEN, Sir James. Critical and miscellaneous es says. Philadelphia, 1843. 12 867.5 Same. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 863.9 Same. Boston, 1857. 8 1815.2 Lectures on the history of France. New York, 1852. 8 1002.1 Same. 3d edition. London, 1857. 2v. 8. . 1002.2 STEPHENS, Alexander Hamilton, of Georgia, b. 1812. Constitutional view of the late war between the states. [With portraits.] Philadelphia, [cop. 1868,70]. 2 v. 8 272.12 See Savage, J. Our living representative men . . 527.19 STEPHENS, Catherine. See Capol, Catherine. STEPHENS, George, English dramatist, b. 1800, d. 1851. See Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 STEPHENS, Henry, French classical professor, b. 1528, d. 1598. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18 ; v. 2 of 548.22 STEPHENS, James. James Stephens, chief organizer of the Irish republic, [b. 1824]. Embracing an account of the Fenian brotherhood. A semi-bio graphical sketch. [Anon.] Now York, 1866. 12 , 1516.2 STEPHENS, John L., American traveller, b. 1805, d. 1852. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. With engravings. Lon don, 1854. 8 U 621.10 Same. 12th edition. New York, 1856. 2 v. 8 621.5 Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petrtea, and the Holy Land. With engravings. [Anon.] New York, 1851. 2 v. 12 699.1 Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland. With engravings. [Anon.] New York, 1849. 2 v. 12 689.1 Incidents of travel in Yucatan. Illustrated. New York, 1848. 2 v. 8 621.11 STEPHENS, Robert, French printer, b. 1503, d. 1559. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 2 of 548.22 STEPHENSON, George, English engineer, inventor of the locomotive, b. 1781, d. 1848. Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 Men who have risen 551.18 Perseverance under difficulties as shown in the lives of great men 549.38 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Smiles, S. Life of 588.4; 1588.1 Note. Smiles s, which is the authoritative life, is also in Bates Hall, 2449.52 ; 2457. 1 ; 454.".14]. See also a paper in Har per s magazine, vol. 67; and references in Allibone. STEPNEY,, George, English poet and statesman, b. 1663, d. 1707. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. v. 2 of 582.11; 586.20; v. 1 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 STERLING, John, English author, b. 1806, d. 1844. Carlyle, T. Life of 584.15 ; 1595. 1 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 1 of 548.5 STERNE, Laurence, English divine, humorist, and writer, b. 1713, d. 1768. Thackeray, W. M. The English humourists of the 18th century. . .586.1; 589.28 Tuckerman, II. T. Essays, biographical and crit ical 547.2 Note. The first and only full memoir of Sterne is Fitzger ald s, 1864 [B. II. 2547.20], who presents a more favorable view of his character than that of the popular notion, derived largely from Thackeray s lecture. A French author, Stapfcr, has based a readable sketch [B. II. 6542.8], with some new matter, on Fitzgerald, and there is a discriminative sketch by Walck- naer in the Biographic nniverselle. The Quarterly review, vol. JH, has a temperate article, and William Mackay contro verts Thackeray s estimate in the New monthly magazine, STERNE 259 STOWE Shelf. No. STERNE, Laurence, continued. 1869, or no. 1941 of Living age. See articles in the British Quarterly review. July, 1804, and in the North American re view, July, 18S8, by A. 8. Hill. Sterne wrote a brief autobiog raphy, which is usually prefixed to his works. Scott reprints it, and adds to it, [,mia]. See also Disraeli s Miscellanies of literature [897.5], the brief accounts [B. H. 257U.12; 4579.12], and references in Allibone. STECBEN, Friedrich Wilhelm August, Baron von, Ger man officer in the American revolutionary war, b. 1730, d. 1794. Bowen, F. Lifo of v. 9 of 529.1 Headloy, J. T. Washington and his generals. v. 1 of 516.1 STEVENS, Abel. History of methodism, [to 1791]. [With portraits.] New York, 1858. 2 v. 12.. 114.3 The women of methodism: Susanna Wesley [b. about 1669, d. 1742], [Selina Hastings], the countess of Huntingdon [b. 1707, d. 1791], and Barbara Heck [b. 1734, d. 1804]; with sketches of their female associates and successors. New York, 1866. 16 569.17 STEVENS, Isaac I. Campaigns of the Rio Grande and of Mexico. New York, 1851. 8 623.9 STEVENS, Capt. Phinehas, d. 1756. Biography of. See Stark, C 522.11 STEVENSON, Rev. William Fleming. Praying and working. 2d edition. London, 1868. 16.... 2098.20 Contents. Johann Daniel Falk, German satirical poet and dramatic author, b. 17G8, d. 182ti; Johann Hcinrich Wichern, German philosopher, b. 1808: TheodorFliedner, German pas tor, lestorer of the apostolic office of deaconess, b. 1800, d. 180-4 ; Johann Evangelist Gossner, German protcstant pastor, b. 1773, d. 1858; Ludwig Harms, German pastor, and promoter of missions. STEVENSON, William G. Thirteen months in the rebel army. [Anon.] New York, 1862. 16.. 1309.1 STEWART, Alexander T., New York dry goods mer chant, b. 1802. See MacCabe, J. D.,jr. Great fortunes, and how they wore made 515.14 STEWART, Charles S. Brazil and La Plata : the per sonal record of a cruise. New York, 1856. 12. 635.14 Residence in the Sandwich islands. 5th edition. Boston, 1839. 12 705.10 Visit to the South seas, in the United States ship Vincennes, 1829, 30. New York, 1833. 2 v. 12 705.22 STEWART, David. Sketches of the Highlanders of Scotland. 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1822. 2 v. 8 987.2 STEWART, Frances Theresa, duchess of Richmond. See Lennox, Frances T. STEWART, Harriet B., missionary to the Sandwich islands, b. 1798, d. 1830. Eddy, D. C. Daugh ters of the cross 569.9 Heroines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 STEWART, Robert W. The tent and the khan: a jour ney to Sinai and Palestine. With illustrations. Edinburgh, 1857. 8 685.3 STEWART, William G. Popular superstitions and fes tive amusements of the Highlanders of Scotland. Newedition. London, [1851]. 16 989.11 STILES, Ezra, president of Yale college, b. 1727, d. 1795. Connecticut election sermon, 1783. See Thorn ton, J. W. Pulpit of the American revolution. 217.20 Holmes, A. Lifo of 534.12 Kingsloy, J. L. Lifo of v. 16 of 529.1 STILES, William H. Austria in 1848-49. With por traits. New York, 1852. 2 v. 8 924.2 STIMSON, Alexander L. History of the express com panies: and the origin of American railroads. [With portraits, etc.] New York, 1859. 8 296.7 STIRLING, James, Scotch temperance advocate, b. 1774, d. 1814. See Steel, R. Lives made sublime by faith and works 577.13; 577.16 STIRLING, James. Letters from the slave states. [With map.] London, 1857. 12 627.1 STIRLING, Thomas, Scotch general in the American rev olution, d. 1808. See Headley, J. T. Washing ton and his generals v. 2 of 5 1C. 1 STIRLING, William. Cloister life of Charles v, [em peror of Germany, b. 1500, d. 1558]. From the 2d London edition. Boston, 1853. 12 617.6 Velasqvez and his works. London, 1855. 16 . . 899.20 Shelfc No. STOBBS, Rev. William. Memoir of Jano B. Edkins. See Edkins, J. R. Chinese scenes and people . . 999.8 STOCKTON, Mrs. Annis, wife of Richard Stockton, b. 1733, d. 1801. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 3 of 538.13 STOCKTON, Thomas Hewlings, D. D., methodist divine, b. 1808, d. 1868. Memory s tribute to. See Clark, A 1528.12 STODDARD, Amos. Sketches of Louisiana. Phila delphia, 1812. 8 236.6 STODDARD, Richard H. Tho story of Putnam the brave, [American revolutionary general, b. 1718, d. 1790]. With illustrations. Boston, 1870. 8pp. 4 1320.1 STODDART, Sir John, and others. Historical essays and dissertations. London, n. d. 12 988.7 Contents. Uses of history as a study, by Sir J. Stoddart; Europe at the fall of the Roman empire in the West, by Col. G. Procter; Rise, growth, etc., of the feudal system, by Col. Procter; Kise, progress and results of the crusades, by Col. Procter ; Remarks on the French revolution, by Lord Brough am ; Tlie English nation, whence we are and what we are, by Prof. E. Creasy. STOKERS and pokers: or, the London and North-west ern railway, etc. Head, Sir F. B 889.23 STONE, Edmund, Scotch mathematician, d. 1768. See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 STONE, Edwin Martin, b. 1805. History of Beverly, 1630-1842. Boston, 1843. 12 227.3 Life and recollections of John Howland, late presi dent of the Rhode Island historical society, [b. 1757, d. 1854]. [With portrait.] Providence, 1857. 12 525.8 STONE, John S., D. D. Memoir of James Milnor, late rector of St. George s church, New York, [b. 1773, d. 1845]. [With portrait.] New York, [1849]. 12 1107.17 STONE, William, American divine and soldier, b. 1757, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 STONE, William Leete, b. 1792, d. 1844. Border wars of the American revolution, [1783-95]. New York, 1864. 2 v. 18 820.62 Life of Joseph Brant Thayendanega [Mohawk chief and author, b. 1742, d. 1807], including the border wars of the American revolution. [With portraits, etc.] Cooperstown, 1845, 46. 2v. 8 513.12 Poetry and history of Wyoming, containing Camp bell s Gertrude, with a biographical sketch of the author: by W. Irving. New York, 1841. 12 237.14 STONE eaters. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 STORAGE, Anna Selina (called Nancy), English vocal ist, b. 1761, d. 1814. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 STORER, Thomas, d. 1604. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 STORRS, Richard Salter, jr., American divine, b. 1821. See Fowler, H. The American pulpit 534.9 STORY, Robert. Peace in believing: memoir of Isa bella Campbell, of Rosneath, [Scotland, b. 1809, d. 1827]. [Anon.] 3d edition. Greenock, 1830. 24 599.14 STORY, William Wetmore, b. 1819. Roba di Roma. London, 1863. 2 v. 16 664.6 Same. 4th edition. London, 1864. 2 v. 16. 1666.6 STORY of a working man s life. Mason, F . 1536.2 STORY of my childhood. Michelet, Madame J 1597.1 STORY of the guard. Fremont, J. B 295.5 STOUGHTON, John, dissenting minister of Kensington, Eng. Philip Doddridge [English non-conformist divine, b. 1702, d. 1751], his life and labors. Boston, 1853. 12 576.6 STOUT, Andrew V., New York merchant and philan thropist, b. about 1814. See MacCabo, J. D.,j>. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 STOWE, Prof. Calvin Ellis, b. 1802. Origin and his tory of the books of the Bible. (The New Testa ment.) Illustrated. Hartford, 1868. 8 2102.1 STOWE 260 SUBALTERN Shelf. No. STOWK, Harriet (Elizabeth) Beecher, b. 1812. Men of our times; or leading patriots of the day. With portraits. Hartford, 18G8. 8 1522.8 Contents. Abraham Lincoln. IGth president of the United States, h. 1809. d. 1805; Ulvsses Simpson Grant, 18th president of theUnited States, b. 1822; William Lloyd Garrison, slavery abolitionist, b. 1305; Charles Sumner, lawyer, senator, and au thor, b. 1811; Salmon Portland Cliase, statesman, chief justice of the United States, b. 1808; Henry Wilson, statesman, b. 1812; Horace Grceley, journalist, b. 1811, d. 1872; David Glaseoe Far- ragut, admiral, b. 1801, d. 1870; John Albion Andrew, gov ernor o! Massachusetts, b. 1818, d. 18fi7 ; Schiiylcr Colfax, vice- president of the United States, b. 182:5; Edwin M Masters Stanton, lawyer, statesman, and author, b. 1814, d. 18G9 ; Fred erick Douglass, frocd slave, b. 1817 ; Philip Henry Sheridan, major-general, b. 18 U; William Tecumseh Sherman, major- general, h. 1820; Oliver Otis Howard, brigadier-general, b. l& W; William Alfred Buckingham, governor of Connecticut, b. 1804; Wendell Phillips, slavery abolitionist, b. 1811; Henry Ward Ucedier, divine and author, b. 1813. Sunny memories of foreign lands. Illustrated. Boston, 1834. 2 v. 12 658.1 STRABO, of Amasia, in Pontus, geographer, b. B. C. 54, d. A. D. 24. Geography. Translated by H. C. Hamilton and W. Falconer. London, 1854, 57. 3v. P. 8 844.3 STRADLING, Sir John, b. 1563, d. 1625. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 STRAFFORD, Earl of. See Wentworth, Thomas. STRAIN, Isaac G. Cordillera and Pampa, mountain and plain. Journey in Chili and the Argentine provinces, in 1849. New York, 1853. 12.... 635.13 STRANAHAN, James S. T., railway and dock constructor, b. 1808. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of pro gress 522.16 STRANGE, Sir Robert, English engraver, b. 1721, d. 1792. Memoirs of. See Dennistoun, J 555.6 STRANGER, Tho, in the tropics. Tyng, C. D 637.27 STRASBOURG, Lucie s diary of the siege of 928.19 STRATEGY, Campaigns of 1862 and 1863, illustrating the principles of. Schalk, E 298.24 STRAUSS, G. L. Moslem and Frank; or, Charles Martel and the rescue of Europe from the threat ened yoke of the Saracens. London, 1854. 18. 918.14 STREET, Alfred B. The Indian pass. New York, 1869. 16 629.34 Woods and waters : or, the Saranacs and Racket. With illustrations. New York, 1860. 12 638.13 STRICKLAND, Agnes, queens biographer, b. 1806. Lives of the bachelor kings of England. London, 1861. 8 554.9 Contents. William IT, Rufus, b. lOofi, d. 1100; Edward V, b. 1470, d. 1483; Edward VI, b. 1537, d. 1553. Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest. New edition. Philadelphia, 1847-53. 12 v. in 6. 8 592.1 Contents. Vol. I (1). Matilda of Flanders, queen of Wil liam the conqueror, d. 1083: Matilda of Scotland, queen of Henry I, d. Ill8; Adelicia of Louvaine, queen of Henry I, b. 1103? d. 1151? Matilda of Boulogne, queen of Stephen, d. 1151 ; Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen of Henry II, b. 1122, d. 1204? (2.) Bcrengaria of Navarre, queen of Richard I, d. ]JO; Isabella of Angouleme. queen of John, d. 1246; Eleanor of Provence, queen of Henry m, d. 1291 ; Eleanor of Castile, queen of Edward I, b. 1244, d. 1291; Margaret of France, queen of Edward I, d. 1317; Isabella of France, queen of Edward II, b. 1292. d. 1358; Phi- lippaof Ilainault, queen of Edward in, b. 1;>12, d. 13(19; Anne of Bohemia, queen of Richard II, 1). about 13G7, d. 1394. (3.) Isabella of Valois, queen of Richard II, b. 1399, d. 1410; Joanna of Navarre, queen of Henry rv, b. about 1370, d. 1437; Cather ine of Valois, queen of Henry V, b. 1401, d. U"S; Margaret of Anjou, queen of Henry VI. b! 1429, d. 1482; Elizabeth Wood- ville. queen of Edward rv. b. about 1 131, d. 1488 ; Anne of War wick, queen of Richard ni.b. 1454? d. 1485. II (4). Elizabeth of York, queen of Henry vn, b. 14flfi, d. 1502; Catherine of Aragon, queen of Henry vm, b. 1483, d. l.Wfi; Aune Boleyn, or Bullcn, queen of Henry VIII, b. 1507, d. 1530; Jane Syemour, queen of Henry vm. d. 1537; Anne of Clcvcs, queen of Henry vm, b. 1516, d. 1557; Catherine Howard, queen of Henrv vm, b. 1521 or 22, d. 1542. (4.) Catherine Parr, queen of Heurr vm, b 1509, d. 1548; Mary I, queen of England, b. 1516, d. 1558. Ill (6,7). Elizabeth, queen of England, b. 1533, d. 1603. (7.) Anne of Denmark, queen of James I, b. 1574, d. 1019. IV (8). IIenriettaMaria,qucenofChar]esI,b.]ti09,d.lG9;Cath- erine of Bragan/a, queen of Charles II, b. 1& !8, d. 1703. IV, V (8,9). Mary Beatrice of Modena, queen of James n, b. 1C68, d. 1718. V (9, 10). Mary II, queen of England, b. 1602, d. 1C94. V, VI (11, 12). Anne, queen of England, b. 1664, d. 1714. Lives of the queens of Scotland and English prin cesses connected with the regal succession of Great Britain. New York, 1855-59. 8 v. 12. 693.4 Content*. Vol. I. Margaret Tudor, queen of James IV of Scotland, b. 1489, d. 1.541 ; Magdalene of France, queen of James V of Scotland, b. 1520, d. 1537. I, II. Mary of Lorraine, Shelf. No. STRICKLAND, Agnes, continued. queen of James v of Scotland, b. 1515, d. 1561. H. Lad v Mar garet Douglass, countess of Lennox, b. 1515, d. 1577. 1II-VI. Mary Stuart, queen of Scots, b. 1542. d. 1094. VIII. Elizabeth Stuart, 1st princess-royal of Great Britain, b. 159S, d. 16G2. See Clever girls of our time 599.21 STRICKLAND, Jane M. Rome, regal and republican. Edited by A. Strickland. London, 1854. 12.. 948.16 STRICKLAND, Major Samuel. Twenty-seven years in Canada West. Edited by A. Strickland. Lon don, 1853. 2v.ini. 12 635.23 STRICKLAND, William P. Old Mackinaw; or, the fortress of the lakes and its surroundings. Phila delphia, 1860. 12 236.14 STRINGHAM, Silas Horton, American rear-admiral, b. 1798. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 STROTHER, David H. Virginia illustrated. By Porte Crayon, [psewd.]. New York, 1871. 8 1673.2 STRUENSEE, John Frederick, count, b. 1737, d. 1772. See Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity. v. 1 of 830.28 STRUGGLES and triumphs. Barnum, P. T 1562.2 STUART, Arabella, lady, cousin of James I, b. about 1577, d. 1615. Adams, W. H. D. The sunshine of domestic life 1517.1 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 STUART, Arabella W. See Willson, A. W. STUART, Frances, formerly Howard, duchess of Rich mond, lady of the court of James I, b. 1594, d. 1632. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 STCART, Henry, lord Darnley, consort of Mary, queen i of Scots, b. 1541, d. 1567 See Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Brit ain v. 2 of 815.1 Note. See Mary, queen of Scots, note. STUART, Isaac W. Life of Captain Nathan Hale the* martyr-spy of the American revolution, [b. 1755, d. 1776]. With illustrations. Hartford, 1856. 12 528.21 STUART, James, duke of Richmond, master of the house hold, and lord warden of the Cinq Ports, b. 1612, d. 1655. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 5 of 815.1 STUART, James, earl of Murray, regent of Scotland, b. 1533, d. 1570. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 STUART, James, English painter, architect, antiquary, and traveller, b. 1713, d. 1788, and REVETT, Nich olas. Antiquities of Athens and other monuments of Greece. 71 plates. 3d edition. London, 1858. P. 8 835.17 STUART, James, Esq. Three years in North America, [1828-32]. From the 2d London edition. New York, 1833. 2 v. 12 639.6 STUART, James E. B., 6. 1832, d. 1864. See Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and cam paigns 243 . 1 STUART, John, Sd earl of Bute, English statesman, minister, and botanist, b. 1713, d. 1792. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 STUART, Lodowick, duke of Richmond and Lenox, diplomatist, b. 1574, d. 1624. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Brit ain v. 3 of 815.1 STUART, Moses. Critical history and defence of the Old Testament canon. Andover, 1845. 12 ... 1097.30 Same. Andover, 1865. 12 2103.2 STUARTS, Tho last of the. See Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history 1877.1 STUDENT S, The, France. History of France to 1852. Illustrated. London, 1862. 12 1006.6 Same. New York, 1862. 12 1006.7 STUDIES of a wandering observer: Ireland, W. W. . . 1657.2 STURGE, Joseph, and HARVEY, Thomas. The West Indies in 1837. London, 1838. 8 635.8 STYRIA, A winter in Lower. 1836. Hall, B 667.21 SUBALTERN, The. Gleig, G. R 979.5 SUBURBAN 261 SWEDEN Shelf. No. SUBURBAN sketches. Howells, W. D 644.22 SUCCESS in life. The merchant. Tuthill, L. 525.19 SUCCESSFUL men of modern times. London, n.d. 32. 551.16 SUCCESSFUL merchant, The: sketches of S. Budgett. See Arthur, W 526.21; 587.6 SUCHET, Louis Gabriel, due d Albufera, marshal of France, b. 1770, d. 1826. See Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals . iv. 2 of 605.1; v. 2 of 605.2 SUDELY, Lord. See Seymour, Thomas. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, Caius. Lives of tho twelve Caesars. Added, lives of the grammarians, rhet oricians, and poets. The translation of A. Thom son. Revised by T. Forester. London, 1855. P. 8 844.8 SUFFOLK, Duke of. See Brandon, Charles. SUFFOLK, Duke of. See Grey, Henry. SUFFOLK, Earl of. See Howard, Thomas. SUGDEN, Jonas, English manufacturer, b. 1800, d. 1857. See Steel, R. Lives made sublime by faith and works 577.13; 577.16 SULLIVAN, James, governor of Massachusetts, 1807-8, b. 1744, d. 1808. Life of. See Amory, T. C 522.1 SULLIVAN, John, American revolutionary general, b. 1740, d. 1795. Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals v. 2 of 516.1 Peabody, 0. W. B. Life of v. 13 of 529.1 SULLIVAN, William. Familiar letters on public characters and events, 1783-1815. [Anon.] Boston, 1834. 12 297.9 Historical causes and effects from the fall of the Roman empire, 476, to the ^reformation, 1517. Boston, 1838. 12 949.3 Public men of the revolution, 1783-1815. [With portraits.] Philadelphia, 1847. 8 213.3 SULLY, Alfred. Indian expedition in 1864. See Kelly, F 249.12 SULLY, Maximilian de Betbune, due de, French soldier and statesman, b. 1560, d. 1641. Memoirs. Trans lated from tho French [by C. Lennox]. [With portrait and map.] Vol. 1, 5th edition; v. 2-6, 4th edition. London, 1763-78. 6 v. 12 609.3 Same. New edition, with an introduction at tributed to Sir Walter Scott. [With portraits.] London, 1856. 4 v. P. 8 857.5 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 2 of 839.6 Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen ..* v. 1 of 388.7 Note. See Preseau, [B. H. 2649.76.1]. SUMMER, A, on the borders of the Caribbean sea. 1860. Harris, J. D 1639.13 SUMMER on the lakes, in 1843. Ossoli, S. M. F., marchesa d 639.22 SUMMER pictures: from Copenhagen to Venice. 1859. Field, H. M 666.11 SUMMER resorts, Book of. 1868. Sweetzer, C. H 1636.12 SUMMER tourist s pocket guide to American watering- places. 1869. Hall, E. H 1639.16 SuMMERFIELD, John, American divine, b. 1798, d. 1825. Holland, J. Memoirs of 1107.10 Willett, W. M. New life of 574.7 SUMNER, Charles, American lawyer, senator, and au* thor, b. 1811. The barbarism of slavery. [With portrait.] Boston, I860. 12 299.17 Orations and speeches. Boston, 1850. 2 v. 12. 866.7 Recent speeches and addresses. Boston, 1856. 12. 866.8 See Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 SUMTER, The cruise of the. Semmes, R 308.11 SUMTER, Fort, Trip to, of the steamer Ooeanus 276.6 SUNDAY schools. Lloyd, W. F. History of 578.13 Pray, L. G. History of 1108.8 Raikes, R. Robert Raikes: his Sunday schools. .2109.10 Tyng, S. H. Forty years experience in Sunday- schools 2109.3 SUNDERLAND, Countess of. See Spencer, Dorothy. SUNDERLAND, Earls of. See Spencer, Henry and Robert. SUNNY memories of foreign lands. Stowo, H. (E.) B. 658.1 SUNSET land, The. Todd, J 170G.2 SuxsniNE of domestic life. Adams, W. H. D 1517.1 Shelf. No. SUPERIOR, lake. Agassi z, L. (J. R.) Lake Superior: its physical character, etc. 1850 624.1 Kohl, J. G. Kitchi-Gami. Wanderings round Lako Superior. 1860 622.5 Ritchie, J. S. Lake Superior, its commerce and navigation 237.9 Kote. See Harper s magazine on the pictured rocks, vol. 34. SUPERNATURAL, History of the. Howitt, AV 945.10 SUPPRESSED, The, book about slavery. [Illustrated.] New York, 1864. 12 296.12 SURGEONS. Sketches of eminent living surgeons of Paris. Peisse, J. L. H 609.1 SURNAMES, English. Ferguson, R 999.10 SURREY, Earls of. See Howard, Henry and Thomas. SUSE, Account of the district of. 1810. Jackson, J. G. 699.11 SUSIANA, Travels and researches in, [1849-52]. Lof- tus, W. K 694.1 SUSSEX, Earl of. See Radclyffe, Thomas. SUSSEX, Eny., Handbook for travellers in. 1858. Murray, J 645.11 SUTCLIFF, Robert. Travels in some parts of North America, 1804-6. Philadelphia, 1812. 12 628.29 SUTCLIFFE, Thomas. Sixteen years in Chile and Peru, 1822-39. [Anon.] [With illustrations.] London, [1841]. 8 633.17 SUTTER, John A., settler in California, b. 1803. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 SUTTON, Robert, lord Lexington, British minister at Vienna, 1694-98, b. 1661, d. 1723. The Lexing ton papers; or, the courts of London and Vienna. [Letters, 1694-98.] London, 1851. 8 975.11 SVEDBERG, Emanuel. See Swedenborg, E. SVETCHINE, Sophie S. See Swetohine, S. S. SWAINSON, William. Taxidermy; with the biography of zoologists. [With portrait.] London, n. d. 16 408.5 SWAMMERDAM, Hans, Dutch naturalist and physician, b. 1637, d. 1680. See Jardinc, Sir W. Natural ist s library v. 28 of 179.1 SWAN, James G. The northwest coast; or, three years residence in Washington territory. With illustrations. New York, 1857. 12 626.5 SWEAT, Margaret J. M. Highways of travel; or a summer in Europe. Boston, 1859. 12 666.20 SWEDEN. Adams, W. T. Up the Baltic; or, Young America in. 1871 1676.4 Brace, C. L. The Norse-folk; or, a visit to the homes of. 1857 668.9 Dunham, S. A, History of. 1839 378.10 Fryxell, A. History of, [B. c. 100-A. D. 1612], .. 928.3 Howitt, M. Twelve months with Fredrika Bremer in. 1866 1596.1 Howitt, W. Literature and romance of Northern Europe. 1852 404.5 Inglis, H. D. Journey through part of. 1829. 668.7; 830.47 Scott, C. H. The Danes and the Swedes: a visit to. 1856 668.4 Sleeper, M. G. Sweden: sketches and stories. 18G7 1679.3 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Northern travel: summer and winter pictures of, 1858 668,13 X and Y, pseud. Long vacation ramble in. 1857 668.8 Note. History. Dunham s is a general history of Scandina via, and Rives particular attention to the early and legendary period. Fryxell is a native authority, translated by Mary How itt, and so is Carlson, of which there is a German version, [B. H. 2825.19]. For special periods, there arc Vcrtot, on the revolutions of the 14th-16tli centuries, [B. II. 2829.1"> j in Eng lish, 4828a^1 ; De Flaux, on the reign of the first Gustavus in the 18th century, [B. H. 2826.20] ; Voltaire, on Charles XII, [B. H. 2829.12, etc.]; Brown s Memoirs of the sovereigns from 1760, [B. H. 4&J6.19]. See Charles XII, Charles XIV, Gustavus I, Vasa, Gustavus n, Adoiphus, note. Gustavus III, Northmen, Scandinavia. Literature, Howitt s is the readiest authority, but there is a French work by Marmier, [B. II. 2880.51. See Longfellow s Poets and poetry of Europe, [. i22.11; and an article on tha poets in Hours at home for June, 18U7. Travel and description. Murray s Handbook, 1871 [B. H. 4839.12], is the best introductory description. Lloyd s, 1870 [B. H. 48iil.l], is a good book on the peasant life, of which sea a pleasing picture in tne introduction to Longfellow s trans lation of Tegner s Children of the Lord s supper. Brown [B. H. 4830.19.21 criticises books of travel in Sweden previous to 1818. 8WEDENBORG 262 SWITZERLAND Shelf. No. SWBDENBORG, or SvEDENBOKG, originally Swedberg, or Svedbery, Eirunuel, Swedish theologian and writer, b. 1688, d. 1772. Emerson, R. W. Representa tive men 876.E Killer, 0. P. Memoir of 1557.2 Hitchcock, E. A. Swedenborg, a hermetic philos opher 1084.17 Hobart, N. Life of 545.17 Wilkinson, J. J. G. Emanuel Swedenborg: a bi ography 645.lt yate. The life by William White, 1367, is the most volu minous and the most elaborate [B. II. 554.>.2.y], and includes examinations of the work*, in which he endeavors to give duo prominence to Swedenbor.a as the author of a system of philos ophy, but it is not considered just or discriminating by Swe denborg 9 followers, who commend rather an earlier biography by White [B. II. > 13.43], written before he4iad a conflict with the church. The biographies more fully in accord are the English work by Wilkinson, the American life by Ilobart [also in B. H. 554,5.54, which lias connected with it a lecture on his mission bv Sampson Reed] and Hiller [also in B. II. 5545.44], all briefer. James s " Substance and shadow," treats Swcdenborg as a philosopher, not as a seer, and his " Secret of Swedenborg" [B. H. 7301.2], w.n originally published in the North American review, July, 1S67. A German, Tafel, makes a compilation of tributes [B. H. 5,54.1.38], regarding him as a philosopher and man of science. See also Keyes s " Wesley and Swcdenborg," [B. H. OM&fiSTi yaughans "Hours with the mystics," [1L5.23, book 12]; DeQuincey s Literary reminis cences, [Sa">.ll]: Atlantic monthly, June, 18f>9; Eraser s mag azine, yol. 55 ; Thomas s Dictionary; the references under Ne Jerusalem, in Malcom, [B. U. 2190.19]; and the bibliography in Bohn s edition of Lowndes, [B. II. 2153.20]. Sec also the articles in Mic.haud, [B. II. 2242.50.40] ; Hocfer, [B. H. 2252.2.44] ; and the New Jerusalem magazine, [B. H. A40V>.1]. Also, Applcton s American cyclopedia under "New Jerusalem church" and "Swedenborg," and that on "Swe denborg " in the English cyclopaedia, biographical division. SWEETSER, Charles II. Book of summer resorts. With maps and illustrations. New York, 1868. 18. 1636. 12 SWETCHINE, or SVETCHINE, Sophie Soymonof, Russian authoress, b. 1782, d. 1857. Bolloc, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes 1516.11 Falloux, A. F. P., vicomte do. Life and letters of. 1598.15 ^WETT, Samuel. Sketch of Bunker hill battle. See Humphreys, D 528.9 WEYN, king nf Denmark, ft. Wth century. See Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 VIFT, John F. Going to Jericho ; or, sketches of trav el in Spain and tho East. New York, 1868. 12. 1694.8 fVlFT, Jonathan, Irish dean of St. Patrick s, litterateur, and satiric urriter, b. 1667, d. 1745. Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th century r. 3 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 12 of 840.10 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 1 of,896.1 Jeffrey, F., lord. Review of tho works of. .409.3; 1655.16 Johnson, S. Livesof the English poets. ...v. 3 of 582.11 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 Russell, W. Eccentric personages 569.19 Taino, H. A. History of English literature 895.26 Thackeray, W. M. Tho English humourists of the 18th century 586.1; 589.28 -- Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 1 of 548.5 Note. The earliest life of Dean Swift is that by the earl of Orrerv [B. II. 2448.8], who knew Swift only in his decline, and his collection of current calumnies against Swift s character, caused much controversy, and drew forth among other publi cations, Deane Swift s Kssay on his kinsman, [B. H. 2448.91. Hawkesworth furnished the next life loan edition of Swift s works, but he added nothing new, while he reversed Orrery s yicws in many points, [B. II. 2.508.19] ; and he also annotated a collection of the dean s letters, [B. II. 4174.6]. The contem porary memoirs of Mrs. Pilkington [B. H. 6549a..5] also af forded much matter regarding Swift s domestic life, and for further treatment of his relations with Stella and Vanessa, see the Gentleman s magazine, Nov., 1757; Essays from the Lon don times, [899.13]; Jameson s Loves of the poets, [359.11]; and Wilde s Eseay on Stella, [B. II. 4.545.3]. Dr. Johnson, who had assisted Hawkesworth, showed in his own account of Swift [also in B. H. 2589.3.39] his evident dis like for his subject. Forty years after Swift s death, Thomas Sheridan sought to counteract the effect of Orrery and John son [B. H. 2448.7], and Scott found the popular view of Swift s character very derogatory, when he undertook to palliate his weaknesses [902.1.8; B. II. 2rtOti.l ; (WWa.2], but he was taken to task for it by Jeffrey, [409.3 ; 16.55. Hi]. Thackeray s lecture, and his delineation in Henry Esmond [501.8], are very unfa vorable, and Adams S. Hill, in the North American review, Jan., 1*!8, has sought to vindicate Swift from the detraction. See the lesser lives and essays on his character of Drake, [B. H. 4.578.8.3] ; of Mitford, [3L1I.12; 1:119.2]; of Masson, [B. H. 4.544.11]; of Roscoc; of I-ccky, [B. H. 4519.23] ; of Chalmers, [B. H. 2.592.7.111; of Ballantvne s Novelists, (B. II. 2573.1.9]; of Anderson, [B. H. 4604.1.91. There is a special book on Swift s early life by Barrett, [B. II. 2448.fi]; and on his later years, when he was suffering under insanity, by Wilde, [B. H. 4545.3]. Sec the lives of Dry den, Addiion, Pope, etc., and the references in Alliboce. Shelf. No. SWITZERLAND. History, Christoffel, R. Zwingli: or, the rise of the refor mation in 1085.14 Vieusseux, A. History of. 1840 365.9 Wilson, J. History of. 1832 368.7 Zschokko, J. H. D. History of, [to 1848] .... 917.2 f> ote. Zschokkc s is the most useful manual for the gen eral reader, and the Englis^ translation is brought down to 1848, [also in B. H. 1229.0; in French, 20<i5.H; B. II. 2828.13]: Wilson s compact history is forty years old, and was published in the Cabinet cyclopaedia. Daguct .1 introduction [B. H.,in French, 4817.4] covers the interval from the lacustrine era to the beginning of the confederacy in 1291. There is also a French monograph by Bochat on the ancient history, [B. H. 4212.4]. The history of the confederacy has been told by Mul- lcr[B.n., in German. 2818.1; in French, 2818.21, and by Da- guet [6th edition, 1804, B. II., in French, W17.4J, who takes the modern wide view, which embraces literature, science, manners, etc., as well as the civil and military events, and tries to reconcile the critical school of Kopp [B. II. , in German, 281<i.4] with the picturesque narrative and philosophical gen eralizations of Miiller and his continuators. Coxe s House of Austria, which covers J218-1792, [828.2]; and Barante s Dukes of Burgundy, covering 1304-1477 [B. II., in French. 4664.1], can be read collaterally. For the events in which Tell was so prominent an actor, see H. J. Warner s article on the Men of Schwyz, in the Atlantic monthly, March, 1861, and the note under Tell. For the reformation period, see Reformation, note, and the lives of Calvin, Zwingli, etc. See also Maleom s Index [B. H. 2180.19] for Ecclesiastical history. For the revolutionary period, 1797-1803, there are special books by Zschokkc [B. H., in French, 2828.12] and by Kaoul Eochette, [B. II. 2828.2, in French, with map]. See Smyth s 8th lecture, [943.3, etc.]. Travels, description, manners, etc. Abbott, J. Hollo in. 1862 659.9 Adams, W. T. Palace and cottage; or, Young America in. 1869 1677.5 Agassiz, L. (an English traveller, not the professor). Journey to. 1833 663.8 Best, M. C. Abroad: and how to live there. Three years in. 1860 669.17 Bradshaw, G. Illustrated hand-book to 1659.4 Bremor, F. Life in tho old world; or, two years in, [1856-58] 665.9; 665.14 Brucn, M. Essays on scenes in. 1823 679.5 Buffum, E. G. Sights and sensations in. 1869.. 1667.5 Cooper, J. F. Second visit to. 1836 654.9 Sketches of. 1836 663.16 Coxe, W. Travels in. 1789 663.11 Desultory reminiscences of a tour through Swit zerland. 1838 1675.7 Eddy, D. C. Europa; or, scenes and society in, [1851.52] 644.3 Ferguson, R. Swiss men and Swiss mountains. 1853 409.26; 1655.1 Forbos, J. Tho physician s holiday; or, a month in, [1848] . . 669.6 George, W. C. A year abroad: or sketches of travel in. 1852 1688.4 Ghika, H., countess Dora d Istria. Switzerland the pioneer of the reformation. [German Swit zerland] 914.2 Goethe, J. W. von. Letters from. 1848 v. 2 of 838.3 Haeselor, C. H. Across tho Atlantic. Letters from Switzerland. 1868 1667.3 Inglis, H. D. Switzerland, [in 1830] 663.14; 830.65 Jones, H. The regular Swiss round in three trips. 1865 644.12 Laing, S. Notes on the social and political state of. 1854 409.14; 1655.3 Lemaistre, J. G. Travels through Switzerland. 1806 654.3 Matthews, H. Diary of an invalid in, [1817-19]. 679.14 Mendelssohn Bartholdy, F. Letters from Switzer land. 1863 669.19 Moore, J. View of society and manners in. 1792. 657.2 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1854. 649.18 Paterfamilias s diary of everybody s tour. 1856. 1678.3 Prime, S. I. Letters from Switzerland. I860.. . 665.1 - Simond, L. Switzerland, [1817-19] 663.3 Talfourd, T. N. Vacation rambles and thoughts, [1841-43] 667.13 Supplement, [1846] 669.5 - Williams, H. M. Tour in. 1798 669.8 Note. For additional descriptive works, see Johnson s Cot tages of the Alps, tor a review of the social and political life of 1860, [665.18] ; and other works in the Bates Hall catalogues, SWITZERLAND 263 TALFOURD SWITZERLAND. Travels, description, manners, etc., continued. among which Dixon s Switzers, [B. H. 4862.1] may be named. The countess Dora d Istria s book is the work of a follower of the Greek church in sympathy with the protestantism of the West. See a paper on Peasant life in the British quarterly re view, 1863, also in no. 1022 of Living age. There has been a paper in Macmillan, 1872, or no. 1486 of Living age, descrip tive of the religious festivals at the " Swiss sanctuary " of Ein- iiedeln. Alpine description. See the enumeration of titles under the heading of Alps in this and in the Bates Hall catalogues Bonney s Alpine regions, 1868 [B. H. 4814.2], treats of the physical features, scenery and natural history ; while the Ger man work ofTschudi [in English, 1655.1: B. H., in German, 4276.6], more particularly concerns the animal life in connec tion with the general features. See also Berlepsch s life and nature [B. U. 2763.91. and the fac-siiniles of water colors in Peaks and valleys, [B. H. 28G.1]; and the illustrated paper in Harper s magazine by B. Taylor, in vol. 24; and by Primo in vol. 14. The 4th volume of Ruskin s Modern painters, [B. H. 4067.28; 8072.50] can be usefully read in this connection. Alpine exploration. There are historical sketches of the progress of Alpine climbing in St. Paul s magazine, 1868, or no. 12S7 of Living age: and another in the London quarterly review, July, 1867. Albert Smith also recounts [069.18] the same story ; and Stephen, in his Playground of Europe, 1871 [B. H. 4869.5], which is made up of articles originally appear ing in Eraser s, the Alpine journal and the Cornh ill, traces historically the growth of the modern appreciation of mountain scenery, and the habit of" mountaineering," which he thinki began about 17<X>, with the first efforts of Saussure [B. H., in French, 3817.51, while the ascents of Auldjo [ 1655.1], Brocke- don [663.13], Forbes [663.2, abridged to a personal narrative in 669.14], and others, had ostensibly at least the object of science, up to about 1851, when Albert Smith [669.18; see Blackwood, 1852, or no. 404 of Living age] set the fashion of Alpine climb ing as a recreation, which has since been followed with a spirit of rivalry to accomplishments, which a multitude of books have recorded. Wills s Wanderings among the high Alps, 1856, was among the most important of the early books, before the formation of the English Alpine club in 1857, (since followed in 1862 by an Austrian, and in 1863 by an Italian and by a Swiss club). under whose auspices a journal was pub lished from March, 1863. through 1866 [B. H. 5214.5], and two series of " Peaks, passes and glaciers," by members of the club [1st series, edited by Bull, Ci/i.lL ; Urti.l ; 2d series, edited by Kennedy, GM.r,; also in B. H. 3868.10]. Since then the most important English contributions have been Tyndall i Glaciers, 1860, vhieli lias both narrative and scientific sections [665.4; 665.7], while his occasional papers for the next ten years have been collected in his " Hours of exercise in the Alps," [(567.23; B. II. 4868.16]. The book of Stephen, the president of the Alpine club, abuve named, [B. H. 4JWJ.5] ; that of Girdle- stone, on climbing without guides, [B. H. 2862.17]; and Whympcr s beautiful "Scrambles " [B. H. 4864.1], are of in terest. Guidebooks. For general use both Murray [edition of 1867, B. H. 4839.6, which may be compared for shewing ;hi> progress of interest in Alpine scenery, with !he edition of 1839, B. H. 4869a.26] and Baedeker [edition of 1S71, for Eastern Alps, B. H. 2839.57 ; also general guide for Isii J. U. II. 4fW)a.7 ; and for 1872, B. II. 2839a.52; see note under Murray], are excellent; but the climber and student of science will prize Ball s Alpine guide in three parts, the last part, 18CS, being confined to tho astern Alps [B. H. 4738.;!]. and accompanied by a general introduction, which enumerates the comprehensive and geo logical authorities, while tlie special local authorities are given in connection with each part. Part 1 of Ball is given to tho Western Alps [B. H. OtLStl, and part 2 to the Central Alps. A chapter on "Mountaineering," in the Westminster review, 1864, or in no. 1005 of Living age, is in review of this guide book. Maps. There is a recent extensive map in sheet?, [ST. S. 19] ; and Hermann s topographical charts of Central Europe [B. H. 6260.25], are of authority. Ball, in his introduction [B. H. 4738.2], characterizes the various maps, and he gives physical and geological maps of his own. There are also maps in Mur ray. Baedeker, Girdlestone, etc. There are recent special maps of Mont Blanc [M. S. 20], and of its chain [B. II. 4838.7], of Monte Rosa, etc., [B. H. 4814.3]; and Forbes gives a map of the Pennine chain [6C9.14], etc. See also Alps, Constance, Geneva, Glaciers, Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Riviera, Simplon. SWORD and pen: or, English worthies in the reign of Elizabeth. Adams, W. H. D 567.10 SYDENHAM, Thomas, English physician, b. 1624, d. 1689. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Brown, J. Horae subsecivse v. 1 of 894. 13 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 9 of 840. 10 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets and sun dry eminent persons 58G. 20 Russell, J. R. The history and heroes of the art of medicine 154.6 SYDNEY. See Sidney. SYLVIUS. See Dubois do la Boe, Franciscus. . SYMES, Michael. Account of an embassy to the kingdom of Ava, 1795. Added [H. G. Bell s] Narrative of late operations in the Birmese em pire. Edinburgh, 1827. 2 v. 18 830.29 SYMMONS, Charles, D.D., of Jesus college, Oxford, b. 1749, d. 1826. Life of John Milton, [b. 1608, d. 1674]. 3d edition. London, 1822. 8 583.6 SYMONDS, Sir William, English admiral, b. 1782, d. 1856. Memoirs. [Autobiography, etc.] Edited byJ. A. Sharp. London, 1858. 8 564.2 Shelf. No. SYRIA. Beaufort, E. A. Egyptian sepulchres and Syrian shrines. 1861 684.16 Gary, (A. F. C.), viscountess Falkland. Chow- Chow; journal in. 1857 696.1 Curtis, G. W. The howadji in. 1852 686.19; 686.22 De Forest, J. W. Oriental acquaintances; or, letters from Syria. 1856 687.17 Freeze, J. R. Tho old world. Syria. 1869 683.17 Hahn-Hahn, I. (M. L. F. G.), countess. Letters; written during her travels in, [1843-4] 687.10 Irby, C. L. Travels in. 1844 889.25 Johnson, S. B. Hadji in. 1858 689.14 Macleod, N. Eastward : travels in. 1869 1694.10 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in. 1858. .. 688.2 Napier, E. (H. D.) E. Reminiscences of. 1843. 693.15 Velde, C. W. M. van de. Narrative of a journey through Syria, [1851, 52] 694.13 . tc..[B. II of Murray s Handbook, [B. H. 5059.5] f Bi unexplored Svria, 1872, [B. H. 3045.54]; Mi and Wilkic s Sketches, [B. H., D.4.Q.2]. See also Asia, Damascus, East, (The). Burton and Drake j Armont, [2064.2.2]; TAAFFE, John. History of the order of St. John of Jerusalem, [1099-1840]. London, 1852. 4 v. in 2. 8 915.1 TABLEY, Lord de. See De Tabley, Lord. TACITUS, Caius Cornelius, Roman historian, b. 55? Works; with an essay on his life and genius, by A. Murphy. New edition. New York, 1851. 8 872.11 Contents. The annals, A. I). 16-18 ; History, A.I). 09, 70 ; Trea tise on the situation, manners, and people of Germany, A.D. 98 ; The life of Cnoeus Julius Agricola, Roman general, b. 40, d. 93; Dialogue concerning oratory. Same. The Oxford translation, revised. Lon don, 1854. 2 v. 1G 834.17 Contents Vol. I. The annals, A. D. 16-18. II. History, A.I). 69, 70; Treatise on the situation, manners, and people of Germany, A. D. 98; The life of Cnrcus Julius Agricola, Roman general, b. 40, d. 93; Dialogue concerning oratory. TAINE, Hippolyte Adolphe. History of English literature. Abridged from tho translation of H. Van Laun, by J. Fiske. New York, 1872. 16. 895.26 Contents. The Saxons; The Normans; The new tongue; The Pagan renaissance; The jhcatre; Ben Jonson, English c, Eng- John Dryden, English poet, b. 16 !1, d. 1701 ; Joseph Addison, English poet and essayist, b. 1072, d. 1719; Jonathan Swift, Irish dean of St. Patrick s, litterateur and satiric writer, b. 1H67, d. 1745; The novelists ; The classic poets: The romantic poets; Chronological table of the principal authors and works in English literature, from Crcdrnon to Byron. Italy. Florence and Venice. From tho French, by J. Durand. New York, 1869. 8 655.14 Rome and Naples. Frotn the French, by J. Du rand. New York, 18C8. 8 1G73.10 Notes on England. Translated by W. F. Rae. With a portrait. New York, 1872. 16 876.21 TALBOT, Charles, duke of Shrewsbury, lord-lieutenant of Ireland, b. 1660, d. 1718. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Brit ain v. 7 of 815.1 TALBOT, Mary Anne, English sailor, b. 1778, d. 1793. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters. . 1546.5 TALBOT, Silas, American commodore, b. 1750, d. 1813. Life of. See Tuckerman, II. T 529.3 TALES of heroes: taken from English history. [Il lustrated.] London, 1863. 1G 554.15 Contents. Alfred the great, king of England, b. 849. d. 901 ; Edward, prince, son of Henry Iir, lord-lieutenant of Ireland d. 1252; Henry v, king of England, b. 1388, d. 1422; Henry VI king of England, b. 1421, d. 1471. TALFOURD, Francis, English comic dramatist, b. 1827 ? d. 1862. See Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature v. 2 of 548.5 TALFOURD, Sir Thomas Noon, called Sergeant Tal~ fourd, English judge and author, b. 1795, d. 1845. Critical and miscellaneous writings. 2d Ameri can edition. Philadelphia, 1850. 8 8C3.9 Same. 3d American edition. [With portrait.] Boston, 1856. 8 1815.2 TALFOURD 264 TAYLEK Shelf. No. TALFOURD, Sir Thomas Noon, continued. Final memorials of Charles Lamb. See Lamb, C. v. 2 of 874.6 Letters of Charles Lamb, with life. See Lamb, C. v.l of 874.2; v. 1 of 874.6 Vacation rambles and thoughts; recollections of three continental tours, 1841-43. 2d edition. London, 1845. 12 667.13 Supplement to " Vacation rambles," 1846. Lon don, 1854. 16 669.5 Home, R. H. A now spirit of the age 878.23 Powell, T. The living authors of England 669.5 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews v. 1 of 875.11 v. 1 of 875.12 AWe. There is a brief memoir from the Law magazine, [B. II. 65-17.20] ; and that in the last edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica is by Carrutliers. See also North American review, Jan., 1838; Eraser s magazine, vol. 14; Edinburgh review, April, 1836 ; North British review, May, 185<i ; and references in Allibone. TALLANGETTA, or the squatter s home. A story of Australian life. Howitt, W 705.9 TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD, Charles Maurice do, prince of Benevento, French diplomatist, b. 1754, d. 1838. Life. [With portrait.] London, 1834-36. 4 v. Bulwer, Sir H. L. (E.) Historical characters . . . 614.1 567.9 MacHarg, C. K. Life of 617.10 Rogers, S. Recollections, [brief memoranda}. 395. 5; 1396.3 Note. Bulwer s elaborate study is of Talleyrand as a " pol itic man " [also in B. H. 4545.11.1, reviewed in London quar terly review, Oct., 1867]. For a long time the chief account in English was in some papers, " Leaves from the life of Prince Talleyrand," which were published in the Dublin university magazine, not long after his death, 1838, upon which MacIInrg largely founded his popular account, with extracts from hi speeches, etc. See Temple bar, 187:2, or Living age, Jan. 4, 1873. See also Holland s Foreign reminiscences, [896.91; Pichot i " Souvenirs intimes," 1870, [B. H. 6049.7] ; Sainte-Beuve, [B. H. 6649a.l4]; the French memoir, [B. ll. 4069.5]; "Bona- .arte, Talleyrand et Stapfer," 1806-3 [B. H. 6642.1*)]. drawn from the paper of the latter Swiss diplomas! at Paris ; IJrough- am s paper in the Edinburgh review, April, 180J; Jeffrey s in the same. Oct., 1805 ; the general histories of Lamartine, Thiers, Guizot sMemoircs, etc. ; and the references in Oet- tinger, Hoefer and Mk haud. The Life [614.1] professes to be " neither libel nor panegyric," and the first part was issued during his life. TALMA, Francois Joseph, French tragic actor, b. 1763, d. 1826. Conversations with. See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscellanies . . . . v. 2 of 1815.5 TALMAGE, Thomas Do Witt, American divine and lec turer, b. 1832. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 TANEY, Roger B., American chief justice, b. 1777, d. 1864. See Van Santvoord, G. Lives of the chief justices of the United States 523.4 Note. The authoritative life has been written by Tytler, 1872, [B. H. 2341.55]. See also Atlantic monthly, Feb., 1865. TANNEIULL, Wilkins. Sketches of the history of lit erature. Nashville, 1827. 8 402.8 TANNER, John. Narrative of captivity and adven tures among the Indians in North America. [With portrait.] New York, 1830. 8 245.4 TANNER boy, The: a life of U. S. Grant. See Dem- son, C. W 1518.4 TAPPAN, Arthur, Life of. See Tappan, L 1528.3 TAPPAN, Henry P. A step from the new world to the old, and back again. New York, 1852. 2 v. 12 659.25 TAPPAN, Lewis. Life of Arthur Tappan, [b. 1786, d. 1865]. [With portrait.] New York, 1870. 12 1528.3 TARANTASSE journey through Eastern Russia in 1856. Spottiswoode, W 674.7 TARBOX, Increase N. Missionary patriots. Memoirs of James H. Schneider [b. 1839, d. 1864] and Edward M. Schneider [b. 1846, d. 1864]. [With portraits.] Boston, 1867. 16 536.24 Tyre and Alexandria. Boston, [1865]. 16..,. 644.16 TARQUINIDS PRISCUS, bth kiny of Rome, b. B. c. 656, d. B. c. 570. See Laing, C. II. B. The seven kings of the seven hills 959,15 TARQDINITJS SUPERBTJS, "ith and last king of Rome,fl. 5th century. See Laing, C. II. B. The seven kings of the seven hills 959.15 Shelf. No. TARTARY. Clarke, E. D. Travels in. 1816-24. v. 1, 2 of 682.1; v.l of 689.6 Cochrane, J. D. Pedestrian journey through Si berian Tartary, [1820-23] 674.6; 830.46 Hue, . R. Christianity in. 1857 113.4 Travels in, [1844-46] 409.10 706.4; 879.6; 879.7; 1655.8 Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia. Pictures of Tartar life. 1870 682.11 Prinsep, H. T. Social and political condition. 1851 1936.1 Tu-Li-Shin. Narrative of the Chinese embassy to the khan of the Tourgouth Tartars, [1712-15] . . 694.5 Note. See Asia, China, and Bates Hall catalogues. TASCALTJZA, Floridian cacique, fl. 16th century. Good rich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American In dians v. 5 of 1869.1 TASMANIA. Lloyd, G. T. Thirty-three years in. 1862 704.23 Meredith, L. A. My home in, during a residence of nine years. 1852 705.16 Rise and progress of. 1857 705.15 TASSO, Torquato, Italian poet, b. 1544, d. 1595. Bi ographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 1 of 839.6 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, v. 2 of 398.1 Wiffen, J. Life of 551.2 Wildo, R. H. Conjectures and researches con cerning the love, madness, and imprisonment of. 544.14 Note. The earliest copious life founded on original docu ments was the Italian one by Serassi [B. II. 2741.15], upon which Black based his English work, 1810 [B. II. 2741.7], which has been surpassed since, by Milman, 1850 [B. H. 2745.29], of which there is a review in the Edinburgh review, Oct., 1850. There is a contemporary Italian life by Manso, [B. H. 2749.24], On the subject of his madness and imprison ment there is an authoritative monograph bv K. II. Wilde, [544.11]; and a French book by Clierbuliez. [B. II. 2678.77]. Leigh Hunt, in his Italian poets [3. VU4], thinks that the best summary is by Ginguen6, in his IlisUme litteraire [B. H. 2770.3], but in English the general reader will find Witfen g useful, [also in B. H. 479o.lfi, see also 4797.23]. See also the accounts in Hallam, [1373.1, etc.]; Sismondi, [818.4]; Long fellow s Poets and poetry of Europe, [322.1]; Jameson s Loves of the poets, [359.111 1 Villemain s Cours de litterature, [B. H. 2672.7]; Prescott s Essay on Italian narrative poetry, [80.5.4; 872.2]; Quarterly review, vol. 84) Westminster review, vol. 6; and the references in Oettinger, Michaud, Hoefer, and Thomas. See Italy, literature, note. TASSONI, Alessandro, Italian poet, b. 1565, d. 1635. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. v. 2 of 398.1 TAUCHNITZ, (Christian) Bernhard von. Five centu ries of the English language and literature, [1324-1771]. Leipzig, 1860. Sq. 16 1839.4 TAULER, or TATTL^RE, Johann. German Dominican and mystic writer, b. 1290, d. 1361. Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 TAVERNIER, Jean Baptiste, French traveller, b. 1602, d. 1689. See St. John, J. A. Lives of cele brated travellers v. 1 of 810.47 TAXIDERMY; with the biography of zoologists. Swain- son, W 408.5 TAYLER, Rev. C. B. Memorials of the English mar tyrs. [Illustrated.] New York, 1853. 12. ..1094.10 Contents. Smithfield martyrs; Anne Askew, or Ascogh, English Lutheran controversialist and martyr, b. 1521. d. 1546; John Wycklyffe, English theologian and precursor of the reformation, b. 1324 ? d. 1387; Rowland Taylor, of Hadleigh, English divine and martyr, burnt 1535; Kiehard Yeoman, of Hadleigh, English divine and martyr, burnt 1558; Thomas Bilney, of Norwich, English divine and martyr, burnt 1531; John Bradford, of Manchester, English divine and martyr, b. about 1510, burnt, 135u; Robert Ferrar, I). 1)., bishop of St. David s, Welsh martyr, burnt 15,55 ; Rawlings White, of Car diff, Welsh martvr, burnt 1555; John Bland, of Adisham, lishop of London, burnt 1.J5.5; George Marsh, English divino .nd martyr, burnt ! >."< ; Thoirm.s Cranmer, urc.hbishop of Can terbury, martyr, b. 1483, burnt iJjti; Martyrs of Essex, Suf folk, and Norfolk. - Same. [With portraits, etc.] Boston, n. d. 16.., 10<J4.15 TAYLER 265 TELL Shelf. No. TAYLER, Rowland, of Hadleigh, English divine and martyr, burnt 1555. See Tayler, C. B. Me morials of the English martyrs 1094.10 ; 1094.15 TAYLOR, Algernon. Convent life in Italy. London, 1862. 12 GG4.7 TAYLOR, Rev. Edward T., sailor preacher, b. 1793, d. 1871. Incidents and anecdotes of. See Haven, G 537.40 TAYLOR, Emily. England and its people. 7th edi tion. [Illustrated.] London, 1866. 16 969.7 TAYLOR, Fanny. Irish homes and Irish hearts. Lon don, 1867. 16 198G.1 Same. Boston, 1867. 16 1986.3 TAYLOR, Fitch W. The flag ship: or a voyage around the world, in the Columbia. New York, 1840. 2v. 12 708.8 TATLOR, Henry, English dramatist and essayist, b. about 1800. Notes from books. In four essays. London, 1849. 12 403.4 Contend. The poetical workg of TV. Wordsworth ; Words worth s sonnets; Aubrey Thomaa De Verc s Poems j The ways of the rich and great. Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. v. 2 of 867.1; 863.7; v. 2 of 893.3 Home, R. II. A new spirit of the age 878.23 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 TAYLOR, Rev. Isaac (2d), English theologian and histo rian, b. 1787, d. 18tia. Loyola: and Jesuitism in its rudiments. New York, 1851. 12 1098.8 Memoirs of Jane Taylor, [English poetess, b. 1783, d. 1824]. New edition. Boston, 1845. 96 pp. 16 599.10 Wesley, and methodism. [With portrait.] New York, 1852. 12 1108.4 TAYLOR, James B., New York merchant and builder, b. 1806, d. 1870. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 TAYLOR,*"TaH*s^Bayard. At home and abroad: a sketch-book of life, scenery, and men. [With illustrations.] [1st], 2d series. New York, 1862,66. 2 v. 12 688.14 The ballad of Abraham Lincoln. With illustra tions. Boston, 1870. 8 pp. 4 1320.1 By-ways of Europe. New York, 1869. 16 657.20 Colorado: a summer trip. Now York, 1867. 1C . 1636.10 Cyclopaedia of modern travel: a record of adven ture, exploration and discovery, for the last fifty years. With maps and engravings. Cincinnati, 1856. 8 621.1 Eldorado, or, adventures in the path of empire. With illustrations, 2d edition. New York, 1850. 2 v. 12 627.17 Same. 8th edition. New York, 1857. 12.. 627.12 Illustrated library of travel, exploration, and ad venture. Japan, in our day. [Illustrated.] New York, 1872. 16 708.25 Travels in Arabia. [Illustrated.] New York, 1872. 12 707.24 Travels in South Africa. [Illustrated.] New York, 1872. 16 699.25 Journey to Central Africa. With map and illus trations. New York, [cop. 1854]. 12 699.4 The lands of the Saracen ; or, pictures of Pales tine, Asia Miner, Sicily, and Spain. New York, 1855. 12 686.15 Northern travel: summer and winter pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland. New York, 1858. 12 668.13 Travels in Greece and Russia, with an excursion to Crete. New York, 1859. 12 688.12 Views a-foot; or, Europe seen with knapsack and staff. 24th edition. New York, 1856. 12 657.14 Visit to India, China, and Japan, in 1853. New York, 1855. 12 708.17 TAYLOR, James Brainerd, b. 1801, d. 1829. Memoir of. See Rice, J. H 1109.21 TAYLOR, James W. History of Ohio, 1650-1787. Cin cinnati, 1854. 12 237.4 TAYLOR, Jane, English poetess, b. 1783, d. 1824. Me moirs of. See Taylor, 1 599 10 lit Shelf. No. TAYLOR, Jeremy, English bishop and author, b. 1613, d. 1667. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 7 of 840.10 Willmott, R. A. Jeremy Taylor: his predeces sors, contemporaries, and successors 578.6 TAYLOR, Rev. John L. Memoir of Samuel Phillips, LL. D., [American judge, b. 1752, d. 1802]. [With portraits and engravings.] Boston, 1856. 8 523.2 TAYLOR, Oliver Alden, of Manchester, Mass.,b. 1801, d. 1851. Memoir of. See Taylor, T. A 539.29 TAYLOR, Theodore, pseud. See Hotten, John C. TAYLOR, Timothy A. Memoir of Rev. Oliver Alden Taylor, [of Manchester, Mass., b. 1801, d. 1851]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1853. 12 539.29 TAYLOR, W. H. The book of travels of a doctor of physic. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1871. 12... 657.22 TAYLOR, William. Scenes and adventures in Aff- ghanistan. London, 1842. 12 1693.10 TAYLOR, William C. History of Mohammedanism, and its sects. 2d edition. [With illustrations.] London, 1839. 16 2104.13 History of the civil wars of Ireland, from the Anglo-Norman invasion, till the union with Great Britain, [1801]. Edinburgh, 1831. 2 v. 18 830.68 Same. With additions by W. Sampson. New York, 1854. 2 v. 18 :. 810.52 Manual of ancient history. Revised by C. S. Henry. 5th edition. New York, 1851. 8 . . . 955.2 Manual of ancient and modern history. Revised by C. S. Henry. 7th edition. New York, 1852. 8O f\K n n \l,)l.A Memoirs of the house of Orleans, [1637-1848]. [With portraits.] London, 1849. 3 v. 8 1005.4 TAYLOR, William W. Tho centurian; or, scenes in Rome, in the early days of Christianity. New York, 1845. 16 1119.17 TAYLOR, Zachary, major-general, llth president of the United States, b. 1784, d. 1850. Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Frost, J. Lite of 617.8 Fry, J. R. Life of 517.7 Montgomery, II. Life of 517.6 Powell, C. F. Life of 517.5 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic . . 513.13 Abie Sec Webster s Speeches, [284.1.5]. TCHADDA. See Tshadda. TEA party, Traits of the. Hewea, G. R. T 219.4 TECUMSEH, Indian chief, b. 1770, d. 1813. Drake, B. Life of 539.5 Ellis, E. S. Life of 1529.23 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 TEFFT, Benjamin F., D. D. Methodism successful, and the internal causes of its success. New York, 1860. 12 113.12 TEGG, Thomas. Chronology, from the earliest period to the present time. 3d edition. London, 1824. 12 949.7 Dictionary of chronology. New edition. New York, 1854. 16 947.2 TEHRAN, A winter s journey from Constantinople to. 1838. Fraser, J. B 694.17 TEIGNMOUTH, Lord. See Shore, John. TELEGRAPH. Briggs, C. F. The story of the 196.16 Davis, D. Bookofthe 149.10 High ton, E. The electric telegraph: its history and progress 819.9 Turnbull, L. The electro-magnetic telegraph : an historical account of its rise, progress, and pres ent condition 19 1. 9 Wilson, G. Electricity and the electric tele graph 1655.24 See also Pr-scotf s History, [185.1]. TELL, Wilhelm, Swss hero, b. 1307, d. 1354. Good rich, S. G. Lives of benefactors v. 4 of 18G9.1 Hewlett, H. G. Tho heroes of Europe 555.3 TELL 266 THAMES Shelf. No. TELL, Wilholm, continued. Lamartino, A. (M. L.) de. Memoirs of celebrated characters v. 3 of 547.4 Note. The main points of the popular story of Tell are de rived from the old chroniclers, Russ and Etterling (15th centu ry) repeated by Tschudi, (16th century) ; but within the same century it was first questioned as mythical, though not gener ally disputed till Freudenberger, 1760, traced its resemblance to a story told by Saxo Grammaticus [B. II. 4260.8] as connect ed with Danish legendry. During the same century the legend was defended by Balthazar (1760), Zurlaubon (1767), and oth ers. Haller, Grimm, Kopp fB. H. 2810.4], and others have pronounced Tell mythical. Numerous books have since been written in a critical spirit, more or less tendine to confirm the doubt. Miiller, in his history of Switzerland IB. II.. in Ger man, 2899.1.7; in French, 2818.2], is guarded in his disbelief. Hisely, 1824, had controverted Freudenberger. Heeren has discussed the question in the Gottingen Gelenrte Anzeipen for 1828, [B. H. 3219.21. Ideler, in 1830, tully reviewed the litera ture of the controversy, [B. H. 2903.33]- "Hiiusscr, 1840 [B. H. 2903.35], was thoroughly iconoclastic. Writers, like Lamar- tine, in whom sentiment prevails, usually accept the truth of the story, which has its strongest ground in the early institut ing of a festival and the building of a chapel in Tell s honor. For more recent discussions, sec Revue dcs deux mondes, 15 Mai, 1844 ; H J. Warner s Men of Schwyz, in Atlantic month ly, March, 1861, where the evidences are balanced ; Baring- Gould s " Myths of the middle ages " [1826.1 : B H. 2295.9, etc.], where Tell is pronounced fabulous ; Ri Pact s Origin oi the Swiss confederacy, [B.H., in French, 4817.3] j Bordier s " Le Griitli et Tell" [B. ll. 4844.9], which is a defence of the popular belief; Edinburgh review, Jan., 1869 ; O. Delepierre s Historical diffi culties, [B. H. 021)7.21]. See Child s Ballads [1316.(!.. i, under " Wyllyam of Clou- dcsle"] for the legend in England and the North; also refer ences in Oettinger, Hocier, and Michaud. See Chronological list of historical fiction. TELLEZ Y GIRON, Don Pedro, duque d Ossuna, or Osu- iia. See Ossuua, or O.suaa, Don Pedro, Tellez y Giron, duque d . TEMPERANCE. Dunlop, J. Artificial and compul sory drinking usages of the United Kingdom . . . 999.6 Marsh, J. Temperance recollections 569.20 TEMPLE, Edinond. Travels in Peru, including a year s residence in Potosi. [With illustrations.] Lon don, 1830. 2v. 8 633.12 TEMPLE, Sir Grenville T. Excursions in the Med iterranean. Algiers and Tunis. [With maps, etc.] London, 1835. 2 v. 12 1675.2 Greece and Turkey. [With illustrations.] Lon don, 1836. 2v. 12 1675.1 TEMPLE, Henry John, viscount Palmerston, English statesman, b. 1784, d. 1865. British cabinet in 1853 599.9 Bulwor, Sir H. L. (E.) Life of 568.13 ; 1556.5 Mackn- ght, T. Thirty years of foreign policy. The secretaryships of Aberdeen and Palmerston. 993.3 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 655.7 TEMPLE, Sir William, English statesman and writer, b. 1628, d. 1699. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies v. 10 of 840.10 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Critical and historical essays v. 2 of 1966.3 TEMPLES, tombs, and monuments of ancient Greece and Rome. Adams, W. H. D 698.32 TEN years among the mail bags. 1856. Holbrook, J 884.7 TENCIN, Claudine Alexandrine Guerin, marquise de, authoress, b. 1681, d. 1749. See Kavanagh, J. French women of letters 1609. 1 TENIKRS, David, Flemish painter, b. 1610, d. 1694? See Jervis-White-Jervis, M., lady. Stories of boy genius from the lives of great painters 555.9 TENNEMANN, Wilhelm A. Manual of the history of philosophy. Translated by Rev. A. Johnson. Revised and continued by J. R. Morell. Lon don, 1852. P. 8 855.1 TENKENT, Sir James E., secretary to the English board of trade, b. 1804. Ceylon : physical, histor ical, and topographical. Illustrated. 4th edi tion. London, 1860. 2 v. 8 934.10 TENNESSEAN, A, abroad or letters from Europe, Africa, and Asia, [1851, 52]. MacGavock, R. W. 1688.3 TENNESSEE. Brownlow, W. G. Parson Brownlow, and the unionists of East Tennessee 538.24; 1529.23 Ramsey, J. G. M. Annals of, to 1800 235.4 TENNYSON, Alfred, English poet-laureate, b. 1809. Bayno, P. Essays in biography and criticism. v. 1 of 885.1 Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 Shelf. No. TENNYSON, Alfred, continued. Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 2 of 896.1 Powell, T. The living authors of England 586.9 Ifote. See references in Allibone. For French view, seo Taine, [B. H. 2473.60]. TENOT, (Pierre Paul) Euge ne. Paris in December, 1851, or, the coup d etat of Napoleon in. Trans lated by S. W. Adams and A. H. Brandon. New York, 1870. 16 1006.9 TENT and harem. Paine, C 688.10 TENT, The, and the altar. Gumming, J 116.17 TENT, The, and the khan. Stewart, R. W 685.3 TENT life in Siberia. Kennan, G 707.23 TENT life in the Holy Land. Prime, W. C 686.7 TENTERDEN, 1st lord. See Abbott, Charles. TENTS and tent-life. Rhodes, G 196.27 " TERN," Cruise of the. Buchanan, R 655. 17 TERRAIL, Pierre du. See Du Terrail, Pierre. TERRY, Samuel, "the Botany bay Rothschild," b. 1786, d. 1838. See Wilson, H. Book of won derful characters 1546.5 TERSTEEGEN, Gerhard, German religionist, b. 1697, d. 1769. See Baillie, J. Life-studies 648.12 TERTTJLLIANUS, Q. Septimus Florens, of Carthage, Latin Christian father, b. 160, d. 240. Antignos- tikus; or, spirit of Tertullian. See Noander, (J.) A. (W.) History, etc v. 2 of 848.9 TEXAS. Bartlett, J. R. Explorations in, [1850-53]. 624.2 Braman, D. E. E. Information about Texas. 1857 239.10 Domenech, E. Missionary adventwres in. 1858.. 633.3 Foote, H. S. Texas and the Texans. 1841 639.1 Green, T. J. Narrative of the Tcxian expedition against Mier. 1845 623.10 Kendall, G. W. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe expedition. 1850 638.7 Maillard, N. D. History of the republic of. 1842 236.5 Olmsted, F. L. Journey through Texas. 1857.. 627.6 Paxton, P. A stray Yankee in. 1859 626.16 Sage, R. B. Scenes in. 1846 639.4; 639.16 Sealsfield, C. Adventures in 639.27 Yoakurn, H. History of, [1685-1846] 235.11 THACHER, Anthony. Narrative of his shipwreck. See Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters of Massachusetts bay 223.12 THACHER, James. American medical biography. [With portraits.] Boston, 1828. 2 v. in 1. 8. 523.11 THACKERAY, William Makepeace, English novelist, b. 1811, d. 1863. The English humourists of the 18th century. Lectures. New York, 1853. 12. Contents. Jonathan Swift, Irish dean of St. Patrick s, litte rateur, and satiric writer, b. 1667, d. 1745; William Congreve, English poet and wit, b. 1670, d. 1729; Joseph Addison, Eng lish poet and essayist, b. 1672, d. 1719; Sir Richard Steele, Irish litterateur, critic, dramatic author, and political writer, b. 1671, d. 1729; Matthew Prior. English poet and diplomatist, b. 1604, d. 1721; John Gay, English poet, dramatist, and fabulist^ b. 586.1 d 1797 _ _ elist , "and criticrb." 1721, "d. 1771"; "Henry" Fielding/English novelist and dramatist, b. 1707, d. 1754; Laurence Sterne, Irish divine, humourist, and writer, b. 1710, d. 1768; Oliver Goldsmith, Irish poet, historian, and miscellaneous writer, b. 1728, d. 1774. Same. Leipzig, 1853. Sq. 16 589.28 The four Georges, [1714-1830]. Sketches of man ners, morals, court, and town life. With illus trations. New York, 1860. 12 655.2 Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh, [pseud.}. New York, 1846. 12 658.10 Bayne. P. Essays in biography and criticism. v. 1 of 885.1 Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors 885.22 Hotten, J. C. Thackeray the humourist and the man of letters 535.20; 567.8 Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic mon. 823.18 Kale. See also memoir by Hanney, [B. H. 4M8a.C] ; and the French riew In Tftine, [B. H. 2473.60]. THAMES, river, Rambles by the. Tborne, J. .T. 1, 2 of 850.18 THABIN 267 THOMPSON J fl( Shelf. No. THARIN, Robert S. Arbitrary arrests in the South ; or, scenes from the experience of an Alabama unionist. New York, 1863. 12 298.22 THATCHER, Benjamin Bussey, American author, b. 1809, d. 1840. Indian biography. New York, 1832. 2v.ini. 24 249.6 Same. Now York, 1834, 37. 2 v. 18 810.50 Indian traits: sketches of the manners, customs, and character of the North American Indians. [With illustrations.] New York, 1833. 2 v. 18 1859.6 Same. New York, 1840. 2 v. 18 249.4 Tales of the revolution of 1775. Now York, 1835. 18 1859.18 See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 THATCHER, Henry Knox, American rear-admiral, b. 1806. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 THAYENDANEGA, Mohawk chief. See Brant, Joseph. THAYER, William Makepeace, b. 1820. The bobbin boy [Nathaniel P. Banks, b. 1816]; or, how Nat got his learning. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1860. 16 527.20 The pioneer boy [Abraham Lincoln, b. 1809, d. 18C5], and how he became president. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1863. 16 537.34 The poor boy and merchant prince; or, life and character of Amos Lawrence, [American mer chant and philanthropist, b. 1786, d. 1852]. Boston, 1860. 12 526.20 The poor girl and truo woman; or, elements of success drawn from the life of Mary Lyon and others. Boston, 1859. 16 138.10 The printer boy; or, how Ben Franklin [b. 1706, d. 1790] made his mark. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1861. 16 537.27 Soldiers of the Bible. [With illustrations.] Bos ton, 1864. 16 2105.6 Youth s history of the rebellion. [With illus trations.] Boston, 18G4-66. 4 v. 16 307.30 Contents. Vol. I. Sumtcr to Roanokc. II. Roanoke to Murfreesboro . III. Murfreesboro to Fort Pillow. IV. Fort Pillow to the end. THEATRE. Dibdin, T. Reminiscences of the theatres royal. 1827 597.3 Duiilap, W. History of the American theatre. 1852 353.5 Smith, S. F. Theatrical management in the West and South for thirty years. 1868 1562.1 Taino, II. A. History of English literature 895.26 See also Actors, Stage, The. THEBES, Tour from, to Sinai, [1855]. Lepsius, (C.) R 699.16 Kate. See illustrated paper in Harper s monthly, v. 14. " THEIR majesties servants." Annals of the English stage. Doran, J 352.2 THEIR wedding journey. Howells, W. D 644.23 THELEMARKEN, The Oxonian in. Metcalfe, F C66.3 THEODORETUS, bishop of Cyrus, b. 387, d. 458. His tory of the church, from 322 to 427. And from 431 to 594, by Evagrius. Translated from the Greek. London, 1854. P. 8 845.5 THIBET. Hue, & R. Christianity in. 1857 113.4 Travels in, [1844-46] 409.10 706.4; 879.6; 879.7; 1655.8 Prinsep, H. T. Social and political condition. 1851 1936.1 THIERRY, (Jacques Nicholas) Augustin, French histo rian, b. 1795, d. 1856. Formation and progress of the tiers etat, or third estate in Franco. Trans lated by F. B. Wells. London, 1855. 2 v. P. 8. .1008.17 Same. London, 1859. 2v.ini. P. 8 857.12 History of the conquest of England by the Nor mans, [B. c. 55-A. D. 1485]. Translated from the 7th Paris edition, by W. Hazlitt. [With portraits.] London, 1847. 2 v. P. 8 978.6 Same. London, 1861. 2 v. P. 8 837.6 ftir -fi Shelf. No. THIEHS, (Louis) Adolphe, b. 1797. History of the consulate and the empire of Napoleon, [1799 1807]. Translated from the last Paris edition. London, 1850. 8 1002.6 History of the French revolution, [1789-99]. Translated, with notes, by F. Shoberl. 3d American edition. With engravings. Phila delphia, 1852. 4 v. in 2. 8 1002.7 The Mississippi bubble : a memoir of John Law, [Scottish projector, b. 1671, d. 1729]. Added, authentic accounts of the Darien expedition, and the South sea scheme. Translated by F. S. Fiske. New York, 1859. 12 687.7 Kot.e. See McCarthy s Modern leaders [1512.3], and the French popular life by Lala, [B. H. 2W9.74]. THINGS not generally known. Timbs, J 949.9 THIRLSTANE, Lord of. See Maitland, John. THIRLWALL, Connop. History of Greece, [B. c. 1384-B. c. 146]. London, 1835-40. 8 v. 16. 368.11 Same. New York, 1848-51. 2 v. 8 952.6 THIRTY years in the harem. See Kibrizli-Mehemet- Pasha, M. H., madame 697.25 THIRTY years view; or, a history of the American government, [1820-50]. Benton, T. H 282.1 THIRTY years war, History of Gustavus Adolphus and the. Chapman, B 546.5 See note under Gustavus H, Adolphus, and Smyth s lectures, [827.8, etc.] THOMAS A BECKET, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1119? d. 1170. Giles, J. A. Life and letters of 575.4 Milman, H. H. Life of 651.15 THOMAS A KEMPIS, German canon, abbot of Mount St. Agnes, and missal writer, b. 1380, d. 1471. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 THOMAS, Rev. Charles W. Adventures and observa tions on the west coast of Africa, and its islands. With illustrations. New York, 1860. 12 .... 697.20 THOMAS, E. S., of Charleston, S. C. Reminiscences of the last sixty-five years, [1775-1840]. Hart ford, 1840. 2 v. 12 216.6 THOMAS, George, East Indian adventurer, b. 1756, d. 1802. See Davenport, R. A. Lives of individ uals who raised themselves from poverty to emi nence 379.13 THOMAS, George Henry, American general, b. 1816, d. 1870. Brockott, L. P. Our great captains .. 669.2 Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recollections of dis tinguished generals 1516.12 THOMAS, Mrs. Jane. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 1 of 538.13 THOMAS, John, American general, b. 1725, d. 1776. See Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. v. 2 of 516.1 THOMAS, Joseph. Travels in Egypt and Palestine. Philadelphia, 1853. 12 699.3 THOMES, William H. The gold hunters adventures; or, life in Australia. Illustrated by Champney. Boston, 1871. 12 635.27 The gold hunters in Europe; or, the dead alive. Boston, 1869. 16 635.29 THOMPSON, Benjamin, count Rumford, American states man and natural philosopher, b. 1753, d. 1814. Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 648.18; v. 1 of 548.22 Renwick, J. Life of v. 15 of 529.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Note. The most elaborate life is that by George E. Ellis, D.D.,[B. 11.4441.23]. THOMPSON, Edward H. Life of St. Charles Borromeo, [archbishop of Milan, b. 1538, d. 1584]. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1870. 12 1557.5 THOMPSON, George. Thompson in Africa : missionary labors, sufferings [etc.], in Western Africa, [1848 -50]. [With portrait, etc.] Now York, 1852. 12. 2095.6 THOMPSON, Joseph P. Photographic views of Egypt. Boston, 13.-)4. 12 698.2-i THOMPSON 268 THORPE Shelf. No. THOMPSON, Pishey. History and antiquities of Bos ton, [etc.], in the county of Lincoln, [Eng.], [B. c. 52-1854]. Illustrated. Boston, [Eng.], 1856. 8 962.1 THOMPSON, Zadock. History of Vermont, [1492- 1840]. Burlington, 1853. 8 234.7 THOMSON, Arthur S. Story of New Zealand, [1642- 1850]. [With illustrations.] London, 1859. 2v. 12 935.1 THOMSON, D. W. Youth s illustrated Bible history. Added a chronological history, by John Blair. New York, 1870. 8 1092.19 THOMSON, Edward. Our oriental missions. [With portrait.] Cincinnati, 1870. 2 v. 16 ...2089.19 Content*. Vol.1. India and China. II. China and Bul garia. THOMSON, James, Scotch poet, b. 1700, d. 1748. How- itt, W. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets v. 1 of 89G.1 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets., .v. 3 of 582.11 586.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 THOMSON, Katherine (B.) Life and times of George Villiers, [1st] duke of Buckingham, [favorite of James I, b. 1592, d. 1G28]. [With portrait.] London, 1860. 3 v. 12 567.3 Memoirs of Sarah duchess of Marlborough [b. 1660, d. 1744], and of the court of Queen Anne. , London, 1839. 2 v. 8 594.1 Memoirs of the court and times of George n [1727- 60], and queen Caroline. London, 1850. 2 v. 554.6 562.2 Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. [With portraits], London, 1845. 3 v. 8 Contents. Vol. I. JohrErskine, earl of Mar, Scottish sec retary of state, b. W5, d. 1732; James Radclifte, carl of Der- wentwatcr. b. 1689, beheaded 1716; John Sinclair, d. 1762- Cameron of Lochiel. II. William Maxwell, earl of Nithis- dale, d. 1770; William Gordon, viscount Kenmure, beheaded 1716; William Murray, marquis of Tullibardine, b. 1689, d. 1746; Sir John Maclean, rt. 1716; Robert Macgregor Camp bell (Rob Koy), b. 1600, d. 1735; Simon Fraser, lord Lovat, b. 1067, beheaded 17-17. III. George Murray, lord, b. 1705, d. 1700; James Drnmmond, earl of Peith, b. 1713. d. 1746; Flora Macdonald, heroic Scottish Jacobite, b. 1720, d. 1790; William Boyd, earl of Kilmarnock, b. 1703 ? beheaded 1746; Charles Radcliffe, b. 1693, beheaded 1746. The queens of society. By Grace and Philip Wharton, [pseud.]. Illustrated. London, n. d. 2v. 8 542.15 Contents. Vol. I. Sarah Churchill, formerly Mini Jen nings, duchess of Marlborough, b. IfiGO, d. 1744; Marie Jeanne (sometimes called Manon) Phlipon Roland, French authoress and republican politician, b. 17.54, d. 1793; Mary Wortlev Montagu, lady. English authoress, b. 1690, d. 1762; Georgians Cavendish, duchess of Devonshire, English poetess, b. 1736, d. 1806; Letetia Elizabeth Landon, afterward* Mrs. Maclean, English poetess, b. 1802, d. 1*38 ; Marie dc Rabutin Cliantal. marquise de Sevign6, French authoress, b. 1020, d. 1696; Sy4- ncyOwenson Morgan, lady, Irish novelist, b. 1783, d. 18.59: Jane Gordon, formerly Hiss Maxwell, duchess of Gordon, d. 1812. II. Madame Jeanne Franc.oisc, Julie Adelaide Bernard Recamier, French politician, b. 1777, d. 1849; Mary Leppell Ilcrvey, lady, b. 1700. d. 1768; Anne Lovisa Grrmaine Stael- Holstein, haronnr de, nee Necker, French authoress, b. 1766, d. 1717; Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs. Thrale), English au thoress, b. 1739, d. 1821; Caroline Lamb, lady, Engiisli poetess, b. 178.5, d. 1828; Hon. Anne Seymour Danicr, English sculp tress, b. 1748, d. 1828; Marie de Niehy Chainrond. maruuise Du Deiland. French litsrary patroness, b. HOT, d. 1780; Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, English authoress, b. 1720, d. 1800- Mary Herbert, formerly Mim Sidney, countess of Pembroke, English poetess, b. about 1.5.50, d. 1021 ; Franchise d Aubigne, marquise de Maintenon, wife of Louis xrv, b. 1635, d. 1719. New York, 1860. 8 542. 17 The wits and beaux of society. By Grace and Philip Wharton, [pseud.]. With illustrations. London, n. d. 2 v. 8 555.1 Contents. Vol.1. George Villiers, 2d dnkc of Bucking ham, profligate and wit, b. 1027, d. 168S; Philihert, eomte de Grammont. French wit and courtier, b. 1621, d. 1707- Robert Fielding (He.au fielding); Clubs and club-wits under Queen Anne; William Congreve, English poet and wit b 1670 d. 1729; Richard Nash (Bean - \ath), English adventurer 5 iS f JJS, 1 ^ h i lip i, fluko of Whart n- English litterateur b. 1698. d. 1731 ; John Hervey, lord llcrvey of Ickworth. En- lish political wriler and poet, b. !<!%, d. 174. !; Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th earl of Chesterfield, English statesman and letter. writer, b. 1694, d. 1773; Paul Scarrou, 1 abbe, French comic poet and satirist, b. 1610, d. I860; Francois, due dc La Roche foucauld, prince dc Marsillac, French writer and moralist b 1613, d. 1680: Louis Rouvroy. due dc Saint-Simon, French talesman and historian, b. 1675, d. 1755. IIT Horace Wai- pole, earl of Orfonl, English antiquary, and miscellaneous writer, b. 1717. d. 1797; George Augustus Selwvn, English poli tician, b. 1719, d. 1791; Richard Brinsley Butler Sheridan Irish dramatic author, orator, and statesman, b. 1751, d. 1816; Shelf. No. THOMSON, Katherine (B.) The wits and beaux of society, continued. George Byron Brummell (Beau Brummell ), favourite of George rv, b. 1778, d. 1840; Theodore Edward Hook, English journalist and miscellaneous writer, h. 1788, d. 1841 ; Sydney Smith, English divine, critic, and wit, b. 1771. d. 1845; George Bubb Oodington, lord Melcombe, English politician, b. 1691, d. 1762. Same. New York, 1861. 12 1545.8 THOMSON, Richard. Chr onicles of London bridge. By an antiquary. [Illustrated.] London, 1827. 16 999.22 Illustrations of the history of Great Britain. Edin burgh, 1828. 2 v. 18 830.37 THOMSON, T. R. H. Expedition to the river Niger. See Allen, W 693.9 THOMSON, William. Reign of Philip in, of Spain. See Watson, R v. 2 of 5*2.2 THOMSON, William M., American missionary. The Land and the Book. [With] maps, engravings, etc. New York, 1859. 2 y. 8 688.1 Same. New York, 1869. 2 v. 16 1103.8 THOR, The land of. Browne, J. R 1687.2 THORBTJRN, Grant ("Laurie Todd"), seedsman of New York, b. 1773, d. 1863. Life and writings: by himself. [With portrait.] New York, 1852. 12 588.11 THOREAU, Henry D. Cape Cod. Boston, 1865. 16. 813.19 Excursions. Boston, 1863. 16 882.15 Letters to various persons. Boston, 1865. 16.. 823.5 The Maine woods. Boston, 1864. 16 635.25 Walden; or, life in the woods. Boston, 1854. 16. 884.13 A week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. Boston, 1849. 12 623.17 A Yankee in Canada, with anti-slavery and reform papers. Boston, 1866. 16 635.30 Nate. Most of Thoreau s writings, beside his Letters [also in B. H. 4506.1.5], as embodying personal fcvlings, arc largely au tobiographical in their character. The only memoir of him is by Emerson [882. 1.5; or Atlantic monthly. Aug., 18621. but theire are sketches in Alger s Genius of solitude, [2088.2] ; in Lowells My study windows, [1816.22; B. H. 4.509.28] ; in Alcott a Concord days, [909.2.3] ; in the North American review, Oct., 18ft 1 !, by J. H. Ward ; in the Atlantic monthly, Sept., 1863, by Louisa M. Alcott; and in Eraser s magazine, Aprd, 1866. THORNBURY, Walter. British artists from Hogarth to Turner. London, 1861. 2 v. 16 543.18 Crosscountry. London, 1861. 16 644.1 Life in Spain. With illustrations. New York, 1860. 12 666.21 THORNE, James. Rambles by rivers. [With wood cuts.] London, 1844-49. 4 v. 24 850.18 Contents. Vol. I, II. The Thames. III. The Avon. IV. TheDuddon; Mole; Adur; Arum; Wey; Lea; Dove. THORNEYCROFT, or THORN YCROFT, Mary Frances, Eng lish sculptress, b. 1814. (See Clever gir .s of ourtime. 599.21 THORNTON, Edward, of the India house, London. His tory of the British empire in India, [1000-1844]. London, 1841-45. 6 v. 8 985.1 THORNTON, Henry, b. 17G2, d, 1815. See Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants 1559.3 THORNTON, John Wingate, of Box/on. The landing at Cape Anne, [1024]; or the charter of the first permanent colony on tho territory of the Massa chusetts company. [With maps.] Boston, 1854. pp.84. 8 223.2 The pulpit of the American revolution: or, the political sermons of the period of 1776. [With portrait of J. Mayhew, and plate.] Boston, 1860. 12 217.20 Contents. Mayhew, J., Sermon on non-resistance to the higher powers, 1750; Chauncy, C., Thanksgiving sermon on the repeal of the stamp-act, 1770; Cooke, S., Klection sermon, 1770; Gordon, W.. Thanksgiving aermpn, 1774; Langdon, S., Election sermon, 1775; West, S., Election sermon. 1776; Pay- son, P., Election sermon. 1778; Howard, S., Election sermon, 1780; Stiles, E., Connecticut election sermon, 1783. THORNYCROFT, Mary Frances. See Thorneycroft, M. F. THORPE, Benjamin. Northern mythology, comprising the popular traditions and superstitions of Scan dinavia, North Germany, and the Netherlands. London, 1851, 52. 3 v. 12 1087.19 THORPE, Thomas Bangs. Our army at Monterey. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1847. 16 259.7 Our army on the Rio Grande. Illustrated. Phil adelphia, 1846. 16 259.6 THORVALDSEN 269 TODD Shelf. No. THORVALDSEN, or THORWALDSEN, Bertel or Albert, Danish sculptor, b. 1770, d. 1844. See Edgar, J. G. The boyhood of great men 548.13; 549.30 Note. The best accounts are Plon s life [B. H., in French, 4061.16; iu English, 4079.50] and Thiele s Thorwaldsen and his works, [B. II. 8085.5]. See Foreign quarterly review, Aug., 183^-, Macmillan, 1869, or no. 1319 of Living age, for a description of Thonvaldsen s museum in Copenhagen, and also Murray s Denmark [B. H. 4839.12] and Clianuing s Physician s vacation [048.1]. See references in Hoefer and Michaod. THOU [Lot. Thuanus], Jacques Auguste de, French mayistrate, historian, and poet, b. 1553, d. 1617. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 THRALE, Mrs. See Piozzi, Hester L. THREE phases of Christian love. Herbert, M. E., lady . 2085.1 THREE years in camp and hospital. Locke, E. W. . . 276.18 THREE years in Chili. New York, 1863. 12 623.23 THROOP, Montgomery H. The future: a political essay. New York, .1864. 12 J 295.9 THUANUS. See Thou. THUCYDIDES, Greek historian, b. B. c. 471, d. B. C. 401? History of the Peloponnesian war. New and literal version, from the text of Arnold, by H. Dale. London, 1851. 2v.ini. P. 8 814.2 Same. Translated by W. Smith. New edition. New York, [1852]. 2 v. 18 ; 830.18 THUGS, Hindoo assassins. Illustrations of the history and practices of the 937.3 THURINGIA. Rambles and researches iu Thuringian Saxony. 1842. Stanford, J. F 663.10 THURLOW, Edward Thomas Hovell, lord, English statesman and lord-chancellor, b. 1736, d. 1806. See Roscoe, H. Lives of eminent British law yers 388.4 TICKELL, Thomas, English poet, b. 1686, d. 1740. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets ..v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 TlCKNOR, George, American critic and scholar, b. 1791, d. 1871. History of Spanish literature. New York, 1849. 3 v. 8 402.1 Same. 3d American edition. Boston, 1864. 3 v. 12 393.13 Life of William Hickling Prescott, [American his torian, b. 1796, d. 1859]. [With portrait.] Bos ton, 1864. 10 514.9 Note. See Hart s brief memoir, [D.201.10] j and the refer ences in Aliibone. TICONDEROGA, Some account of. 1868. De Costa, B. F 1635.11 TIECK, Ludwig, philosopher and author, b. 1773, d. 1853. See Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 545.1 TIERRA del Fuego, Two years cruise off. 1857. Snow, W. P 708.9 TIERS etat, Formation and progress of the. Thierry, (J. N.) A 857.12 TIETJENS, Teresa, German vocalist, b. 1834. See Clay ton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 TIFFANY, Osmond, jr. The Canton Chinese, or th American s sojourn in the celestial empire. Bos ton, 1849. 12 C 697.8 TIGHE, Mrs. Mary, Irish poetess, b. 1774, d. 1810. See Howitt, AV. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 1 of 896.1 TlLDEN, Samuel J., American lawyer and politician, b. 1814. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress * 522.16 TILESTON, Edward G. Handbook of the administra tions of the United States. [With portraits.] Boston, 1871. 16 TILLOTSON, John, archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1630, d. Ib94. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 6 of 815. 1 TILLOTSON, John. Adventures in the ice. With portraits and illustrations. London, [1869]. 16 1708.3 Our untitled nobility. With illustrations. Lon don, n. d. 16 577.14 Contentt. William Smith, M..B., English geologist, b. 1769, d.iaT9; Thomas Waghorn. lieutenant in the Royal navy of Groat Britain, the pioneer of the overland route, b. 1800, d. 18uO; Robert Raikes, English founder of Sunday-schools, b. 1735, d. TILLOTSON, John. Our untitled nobility, continued. 1811 ; David Nasmith, Dutch religious philanthropist, b. 1799, d. 1839; Capt. Thomas Coram, founder of the Foundling hospital, b. 1668, d. 17.31: Henry Maityn, English di vine and orientalist, b. 1781, d. 181^; William Scorcsbv. i>. D., Arctic navigator and naval writer, b. 1789, d. 1857; Sir Mark Isam- bard Brunei, English engineer, designer ot the Thames tunnel, b.l79,d. 1849 ;IsambardKinKdom Brunei, English engineer of the " Great Eastern," b. 18U6, d. 1859; Marshall Hall, physician, b. 1790, d. 1857 : Dr. Thomas Dick, English writer on natural philosophy, b. 1772. d. 1857 ; Henry Cort, English metallurgist, b. 1740, d. 1800; George Wilson. M. D., of Edinburgh, pro fessor of technology, b. 1818, d. 1859. TILTON, Theodore. Sanctum sanctorum; or, proof- sheets from an editor s table. New York, 1870. 12 : 1816.21 TIMES, John. Anecdote biography. [lst-2d series.] [With portraits and other illustrations.] Lon don, 1860. 2v. P. 8 ...587.15 Contents. Vol. I. William Pitt. 1st earl of Chatham, Eng lish statesman, b. 1708. d. 1778; Edmund Burke. Irish states man and orator, b. 1730, d. 1797. II. William Hogarth, Eng lish painter and engraver, b. 1B97. d. 1764 ; Sir Joshua Reynolds, 999.9 1553.3 197.21 197.20 148.47 589.3 557.15 554.13 186.3 187.26 949.9 1 useli, or fuesseli, Swiss painter in England, b. 17411 d. la>; Sir Thomas Lawrence. English portrait painter, b. 17(>9, d. 1830; Joseph Mallord William Turner, English landscape painter, b. 1775, d. 1851. Curiosities of London. [With portrait.] Lon don, 1855. 16 English eccentrics and eccentricities. London, 1866. 2 v. 16 History of wonderful inventions. [With engrav ings.] New York, n. d. 12 -Same. London, 1870. 16 Notable things of our own time. Supplementary volume of "Things not generally known." Lon don, 1868. 16 School-days of eminent men. With illustrations. London, 1858. 16 - Same. From the London edition. Columbus, 1860. 8 .-Same. New York, 1864. 12 Stories of inventors and discoverers. With illus trations. London, 1860. 12 --Same. New York, 1860. 12 , ... Things not generally known. Curiosities of his tory. London, 1857. 16 Note. For " Supplementary volume," tee above, "Nota ble things of our own time." TDIBUCTOO, Travels through Central Africa to, [1824- 28]. Caillie, R 693.10 TIMBY, Theodore R., American inventor of the iron-clad revolving turret, b. 1822. See Parton, J. People s book of biography . 1522.10 TIMON, pseud. See Cormenin, Louis Marie de la Haye de. TINDAL, William. See Tyndale, William. TINTORETTO. See Robusti, Jacopo. TITIAN. See Vecellio, Tiziano. TITMARSH, Michael Angelo, pseud. See Thackeray, William M. TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis (C. H. Clerel) de, French states man, b. 1805, d. 1859. Democracy in America. Translated by H. Reeve. Edited, with notes, by F. Bowen. Cambridge, 1862. 2 v. 8 123.8 Memoirs, letters, and remains. Translated from the French. Boston, 1862. 2 v. 12 The old regime and the revolution, [1789]. Trans lated by J. Bonner. New York, 1856. 12 ... The republic of the United States, and its political institutions, reviewed and examined. Translated by H. Reeve. New York, 1851. 2v.ini. 8.. Kale. This is the same as " Democracy in America," above. See Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history 1977.1 TODD, Major Elliott D Arcy, English envoy to Persia, b. 1808, d. 1845. See Kaye, J. W. Lives of In dian officers v. 3 of 1566.4 TODD, Rev. Henry J. Illustrations of the lives and writings of [John] Gower [poet, b. 1320, d. 1402] and [Geoffrey] Chaucer [English poet, b. 1328, d. 1400]. [With 2 plates.] London, 1810. RO 312.10 614.6 1006.4 134.3 TODD 270 TRAVELLER S Shelf. No. TODD, Rev. Henry J., continued. Life of [Thomas] Craniner, [archbishop of Cantor- bury, martyr, b. 1489, burnt 155 C]. [With portrait.] London, 183 1. 2 v. 8 574.8 TODD, John, D.D. The sunset land; or, the great Pacific slope. Boston, 1870. 16 1706.2 TODD, Laurie, pseud. See Thornburn, Grant. TODLEBEN, Francis Edward. Review of his History of the defence of Sebastopol. See Russell, W. H. 936.1; 955.4 TOFTS, Catherine, afterwards Mrs. Smith, English vo calist, d. 1770. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 591.2 TOLER, John, lord Norbury, chief justice of the court of common pleas, Ireland, ft. 18th century. See Rus sell, W. Eccentric personages 569.19 TOMES, Robert. The Americans in Japan: an abridg ment of the government narrative of the U. S. expedition to Japan, under Commodore Perry. [Illustrated.] New York, 1857. 12 708.5 The Champagne country. New York, 1867. 16. 1G68.1 Panama in 1855. New York, 1855. 16 629.26 TOMLINE, George. Life of William Pitt, [English orator and statesman, b. 175 J, d. 1806]. Phila delphia, 1821. 2 v. 8 563.3 TONGA islands, Account of the natives of the. 1827. Martin, J 830.33 TONNA, Charlotte Elizabeth, English authoress, b. 1792, d. 1846. Personal recollections. By Char lotte Elizabeth, [pseud.]. New York, n. d. 16. 1109.20 TOOKE, John Home, English politician and philologist, b. 1736, d. 1812. Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contemporary portraits . . .v. 5 of 867.2; 888.17 Rogers, S. Recollections 395.5 ; 1396.3 Tuckorman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 2 of 548.5 TOOKE, William. Life of Catherine n, empress of . Russia, [b. 1729, d. 1796]. With portraits. 3d edition. London, 1799. 3 v. 8 546.2 TORDENSKIOLD, Peter, Danish admiral, b. 1691, d. 1720. See Davenport, R. A. Lives of individ uals who raised themselves from poverty to emi nence 379.13 TORRINGTON, Earl of. See Herbert, Arthur. TOTNES, Earl of. See Carew, George. TOUR on the prairies. Irving, W v. 8 of 377.1; 639.15 TOURNEFORT, Joseph Pitton de, French botanist and traveller, b. 1656, d. 1708. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers v. 2 of 810.47 TODSEY, Sinclair. Papers from over the water; a series of letters from Europe. New York, 1869. 12 1667.8 TOUSSAINT, Pierre, born a slave in St. Domingo 1766, d. 1849. Memoir of. See Lee, H. F 539.10 TOUSSAINT L OUVERTURE, Francois Dominique, West Indian negro general, b. 1743, d. 1803. Life of. See Beard, J. R 539.2; 614.7 wr Ar *j-;r%?., t , he .French life by Cousin, [B. H. 5579a.l73 : Mi e . .f-, 1 ! !} IP !T S s ? ccclle9 [&4.20] ! L- M. Child s paper, [1128.1ijj and the North American review, April, 18tM. TOWLE, George M. Glimpses of history. Boston, 1866. 12 1977.! Contents. Memorable assassinations j John Bright, English statesman, b. 1811; The opening HCCIICS of the rebellion ; The 555*^? ?, t , ua U s; John GuBapWl, lord chancellor, b. 1781, d. S^Vj ?!", 1 ^? 6 ? 80 di Cavour, count, Italian statesman, b. HO!) , d. 1801; The last days of Chatham: James Henry Leigh Hunt, English poet and essayist, b. 1784, d. 1859; Alexu h ,? rl ? 9 1 J Jenrl P lerel de Tocqueville, French statesman, b. to 1780 cardinal ki "6 8 . A century of English his- TOWLE, Nathaniel C. History and analysis of the constitution of the United States, [etc.]. 2d edi tion. Boston, 1861. 12 298.1 TOWN, The, [London] : its memorable characters and events. Hunt, (J. H.) Leigh 997.20 TOWNSEND, George. Summary of Persian history. See Hunt, G. H 938.9 TOWNSEND, George A. Campaigns of a non-comba tant, and his romaunt abroad during the war New York, 1866. 12 644.18 Shelf. No. TOWNSEND, George A., continued. Life, crime, and capture of John Wilkes Booth, [assassin of President Lincoln, b. 1839, d. 1865]. New York, [1866]. 79pp. 8 1830.3 TOWNSEND, George H. Russell s History of modern Europe, epitomised. See Russell, W 947.6 William Shakespeare not an impostor. [Anon. ] London, 1857. 16 1359.1 TOWNSEND, William C. Modern state trials. Lon don, 1850. 2v. 8 975.6 TRACES of the Roman and Moor, through Lombardy and the Spains. By a bachelor. New York, 1853. 12 675.6 TRAFTON, Adeline. An American girl abroad. Il lustrated. Boston, 1872. 16 645.24 TRAILL, Mrs. Catherine Parr. The backwoods of Canada: letters, illustrative of the domestic economy of British America. [Anon.] [With illustrations.] London, 1836. 12 839.1 TRAIN, George Francis. An American merchant in Europe, Asia, and Australia. New York, 1857. 12 705.18 Speech on Irish independence and English neu trality. Philadelphia, [cop. 1865]. 5Gpp. 8.. 1830.2 Spread-eagleism. New York, 1859. 12 299.9 Young America in Wall-street. New York, 1857. 12 877.7 TRANSITION: a remembrance of E. Whiting. See Carpenter, H. S 537.33 TRANSYLVANIA, Hungary and. 1850. Paget, J.... 667.16 TRAVEL. Galton,F. Theartof 199.25; 649.17 Hunt, H. (M.) Bits of 909.21 Lo Vert, 0. W. Souvenirs of 648.13 Macfarlane, C. Romance of 840.38 Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Cyclopaedia of modern travel 621.1 TRAVELLER, The: or, a description of various wonders in nature and art. [Illustrated.] London, 1838. 12. 659.24 TRAVELLER S library. London, 1852-60. Namely: Arago, (D.) F. (J.) History of my youth 1655.17 Auldjo, J. Ascent of Mont Blanc, [1827] 1655.1 Baines, E. Visit to the Vaudois of Piedmont. 1858. 1655.7 Barrow, J., jr. Tour on the continent, in 1852. 409.26; 1655.2 Brooks, (C.) S. The Russians of the south. 1854 409.2; 1655.6 Cockayne, T. 0. Life of marshal Turenne. 409.30; 1655.14 Cornwall: its mines and minors. 1855 1655.23 Custine, A., marquis do. Russia in [1839] . .409.4; 1655.5 Dumas, A. (D.) Memoirsof a maitro d armes. . . 409.5 Durrieu, X. Present state of Morocco. 1854 1655.10 Ferguson, R. Swiss men and Swiss mountains. 1853 409.26; 1655.1 Forester, T. Rambles in Norway, in 1848, 49 ... 1655.4 Forster, J. Daniel De Foe and Charles Churchill. 1655.16 Gleig, G. R. The Leipsic campaign. 1852.409.7; 1655.14 Gregorovius, F. Corsica in its picturesque, social, and historical aspects, [1852] .., 1655.2 Hayward, A. Lord Chesterfield and George Selwyn 1655.17 Holcroft, T. Memoirs 1655.17 Hope, I. Brittany and the Bible 409.9; 1655.7 Brittany and the chase 409.9 ; 1655.7 Howard, G. W. F., 1th earl of Carlisle. Lectures and addresses in aid of popular education. 409. 3; 1655.25 Hue, E. R. Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China, [1844-46] 409.10; 1655.8 Hughes, W. The Australian colonies: their ori gin and present condition. 1852 409.11; 1655.13 Hurlbut, W. II. Pictures of Cuba. 1855 1655.11 Hutchinson, T. J. Narrative of the Niger, Tshadda, and Binue exploration. 1855 1655.9 Jameson, A. (M.) Sketches in Canada; and ram bles among the red men. 1852 409.12 Jeffrey, F., lord. Jonathan Swift 409.3 ; 1655.16 Samuel Richardson 409.3 Jerrmann, E. Pictures from St. Petersburg. 409. 13; 1655.6 Kemp, T. L. Indications of instinct 409.2; 1655.24 Natural history of creation 409.31; 1655.24 Kinglake, A. W. Bothen 409.6 ; 1655.8 TRAVELLER S 271 TROLLOPE Shelf. N TRAVELLER S library, continued. La Gironiere, P. P. de. Twenty years in the Philippines. 1853 409.21; 1655 Laing, S. Notes on the social and political state of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and other parts of Europe, [1854] 409.14; 1655. Eesidencoin Norway, [1834-36] 409.15; 1655. Lanman, C. Adventures in the wilds of North America. 1854 409.1 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Comic dramatists of the restoration 409.18; 1655.2 Frederic the great 1655. 2< Gladstone on church and state 409.20; 1655.1 Hallam s Constitutional history 1655.2 Horace Walpole 409.17; 1G55.1 Life and writings of Addison 409.17; 1GJ5.1 Lord Bacon 409.17; 1655. 2 Lord Byron 409.18; 1655. 2( LordClive 409.19; 1655.1 Ranke s History of the popes 409.20; 1655.1 Samuel Johnson 1655.1 Speeches on parliamentary reform, in 1831-32. 409.18; 1655. 2( Warren Hastings 409.19; 1655. K William Pitt, earl of Chatham 409.20; 1655.19 MacCulloch, J. R. London in 1850, 51. .409.21; 1655.25 Russia and Turkey. 1854 409.28; 1655. ( Mason, G. H. Life with the Zulus of Natal, South Africa. 1855 1655.9 Mayno, F. Voyages and discoveries in the Arctic regions. 1855 1655. Miles, P. Nordurfari: or, rambles in Iceland. 1854. 1655.4 Mormonism : from the Edinburgh review 1655.25 Our coal and our coal-pits 409.22; 1655.23 Pfeiffer, I. A lady s voyage round the world. 1852 409.23 ; 1655.13 Piozzi, H. L. Anecdotes of Samuel Johnson 1655.16 Ranko, (F.) L. von. Ferdinand i and Maximil ian ii of Austria 409.27; 1655.15 Rogers, H. Essay on the life and genius of Thomas Fuller 1655.15 Seaward, Sir E. Narrative of shipwreck and dis covery of certain islands in the Caribbean sea. 1853 409.24; 1655.21 Smith, S. Selections from his writings . .409.25; 1655.18 Souvestre, E. An Attic philosopher in Paris 1C55.21 Confessions of a working man 1655.21 Spencer, H. Railway morals and railway policy. 1655. 25 Stark, A. Printing: its antecedents, origin, his tory, and results 1655.25 Tschudi, F. von. Sketches of nature in the Alps. 1655.1 Turkey and Christendom. 1853 409.27; 1655.15 Wagner, F. Schamyl: the sultan, warrior, and prophet of the Caucasus 409.28; 1655.14 Wellesloy, A., duke of Wellington. Memoir. 409.30; 1655.14 Werne, F. African wanderings. 1852. .409.29; 1655.10 Wilberforce, E. Brazil viewed through a naval glass. 1856 1655.11 Wilson, G. Electricity and the electric telegraph, with the Chemistry of the stars 409.31; 1655.24 TRAVELLERS, Lives of celebrated. St. John, J. A. . . . 810.47 TRAVELLING about over new and old ground. Barker, M. A., lady 665.20 TRAVELLING bachelor, The. Cooper, J. F 665.19 TRAVELS. Twenty years around the world. Vassar, J. G 681.5 TREASURY of knowledge. Sears, R 942.7 TREASURY of travel and adventure, in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. With 120 illustrations. New York, 1865. 12 704.24 TREBIZOND, History of the empire of, [1204-1461]. Finlay, G 956.5 TRELAWNY, E. J. Recollections of the last days of [Percy Bysshe] Shelley [English poet and dra matist, b. 1792, d. 1822] and [George Gordon Noel] Byron, [lord, English poet, b. 1788, d. 1824]. Boston, 1858. 16 585.9 TREinrNHEERE, Hugh S., English publicist. The con stitution of the United States compared with our own. London, 1854. 12 299.5 Shelf. No. TREMENHEERE, Hugh S., continued. Notes on public subjects, mado during a tour in the United States and Canada. London, 1852. 12 297.12 TRENCH, Richard C. [Pedro de] Calderon [de la Barca, Spanish dramatic author and poet, b. 1601, d. 1687], his life and genius. New York, 1856. 12 : , 898.11 English past and present. New York, 1855. 12. 403.19 TRENCK, Friedrich,Z{arorc von der, Prussian adventurer, b. 1726, d. 1794. Life. Translated by T. Hoi- croft. 2d edition. London, 1789. 12 547.18 See Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1879.1 TRESCOT, William H. Diplomacy of the revolution. New York, 1852. 12 3 217.16 Diplomatic history of the administrations of Wash ington and Adams, 1789-1801. Boston, 1857. 12 297.5 TREVELYAJT, G. 0. Cawnporo. [With map, etc.] London, 1865. 16 1937.1 TREVES, A pilgrimage to, in 1844. Anthon, C. E. . . 667.12 TREVISE, Due de. See Mortier, Edouard A. C. J. TREVOR, Arthur. Life and times of William in, king of England, [b. 1650, d. 1702]. [With por traits, etc.] London, 1835, 36. 2 v. 8 553.1 TREVOR, George. Ancient Egypt: its antiquities, religion, and history, to the close of the Old Tes tament period. [With illustrations.] Boston, n.d. 16 937.11 TRIAL of the alleged assassins and conspirators at Washington, May and June, 1865. For tho mur der of Abraham Lincoln. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1865. 8 1830.1 TRIAL of tho British soldiers for tho murder of Cris- pus Attucks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Caldwell, and Patrick Carr, March 5, 1770. Boston, 1824. 12 219.1 TRIALS of Charles i, and of some of the regicides: with biographies of Bradshaw, Ircton, Harrison, and others. 2d edition. London, 1838. 16 399.7 TRIALS. Burke, P. Celebrated trials connected with the aristocracy 133.8 Celebrated trials connected with the upper classes 133.9 Chandler, P. W. American criminal trials 297.17 Feuerbach, A. von. Narratives of remarkable criminal trials 133.7 Jardiue, D. Criminal trials 839.4; 849.11 See also Webster, J. W. RICOLORED sketches in Paris, 1851-53. Goodrich, F. B 1008.8 TRIMMER, Sarah, English educational writer, b. 1741, d. 1810. Concise history of England, [B. c. 55- A. D. 1820]. Illustrated. New edition. Lon don, 1820. 2 v. 12 969.5 RIP of tho steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, S. C. [With illustrations.] Brook lyn, 1865. 8 276.6 RISTRAM, II. B. The groat Sahara : wanderings south of tho Atlas mountains. With maps and illustrations. London, I860. 8 684.10 RITJMPHS of enterprise, ingenuity, and public spirit. Parton, J 522.17 RirjMPHS of perseverance and enterprise. Cooper, T. 569.25 ROLLOPE, Anthony, English novelist and traveller, b. 1815. North America. New York, 1862. 12. 634.8 Same. Philadelphia, 1862. 2v.ini. 12... 1635.1 Same. Leipzig, 1862. 3 v. Sq. 16 1639.22 Sketch of AV. M. Thackeray. See Hotten, J. C. Thackeray the humourist 535.20 The West Indies and the Spanish main. London, 1859. 8 263.10 Same. Now York, I860. 12 263.11 ROLLOPE, Mrs. Frances, English novelist and traveller, b. 1778, d. 1863. Paris and tho Parisians in 1835. [With illustrations.] Now York, 1836. 8 657.1 See Home, R. II. A now spirit of the ago 878.23 ROLLOPE, Theodosia. Social aspects of the Italian revolution, [1859]. London, 1861. 8 917.17 TROLLOPE 272 TUCKERMAN Shelf. No. TROLLOPE, Thomas Adolphus, English barrister at law, b. 1810. A decade of Italian women. [With portrait of Bianca Capello.] London, 1859. 2 v. go 543.14 Contents. Vol. I. St. Catherine of Siena, sister of the or der ot St. Dominic, b. 1347, d. 1380; Caterina Stbrza, b. 1462, d. 15<>9; Vittoria Colonna, marchioness of Peschiera. poetess, b. 1490, d. 1547. II. Tullia d Aragona, poetess, b. 1510, d. 1565; Olympia Fnlvia Morata, poetess, b. 1526. B. 1555; Isabella An- dreini. actress and poetess, b. 1502. d. 11)04; Bianca Cappello, wife of Cosmo de Medici, and grand ducliess of Tuscany, b. 1540, d. 1187; Olympia Pamtili, b. 1594, d. 1650; Elizabetta Sirani, painter and engraver, b. 1638, d. 1065 ; Maria Madda- lena Morelli, " La Gorilla," improvisatriee, b. 1740, d. 1800. Lenten journey in Umbria and the Marches. Lon don, 1862. P. 8 674.14 Life of Vittoria Colonna, [English poetess, b. 1490, d. 1547]. New York, 1859. 18 551.20 Paul [v] the pope and Paul [Sarpi] the friar, [1605-23]. London, 1861. 16 917.18 Tuscany in 1849 and in 1859. London, 1859. 12. 917.9 TROPICS, In the, by a settler in Santo Domingo. With an introductory notice by R. B. Kimball. 2d edition. New York, 1863. 12 673.6 TROPICS. Hartwig, G. The polar and tropical worlds. 704.14 Myers, H. M. Life and nature under the 637.29 Tyn<*, 0. D. The stranger in the 637.27 Willis, N. P. Health trip to the 636.19; 904.6 Kate. See the names of tropical countries. TROTTER, John. See Jerdan, W. Men I have known. 1522.9 TROWBRIDGE, John T. The ferry-boy and the finan cier, [Salmon P. Chase, b. 1808]. [ylnon.] [With illustrations.] Boston, 1864. 12 519.13 The South : a tour of its battle-fields and ruined cities. Illustrated. Hartford, 1866. 8 272.3 TRUDEL, Dorothea, b. 1814, d. 1862. Dorothea Trudel ; or, the prayer of faith. Revised edition. With a sketch of the institution at Mannedorf. In troduction by Charles Cullis. Boston, [cop. 1872]. 16 569.32 TRTJEBA Y Cosio, Telesforo de. History of the con quest of Peru by the Spaniards. Edinburgh, 1830. 16 830.62 Life of Hernan Cortes, [Spanish conqueror of Mexico, b. 1485, d. 1554]. Edinburgh, 1829. 16 830.55 TRUMBTJLL, Henry. History of the discovery of Amer ica: of the landing of our forefathers, and their engagements with the Indians in New England, 1620-79. [Illustrated.] Boston, 1832. 8 245.7 TRUMBULL, Henry Clay. The knightly soldier: a biography of Major Henry Ward Camp, 10th Conn, vols., [b. 1839, d. 1864]. [With portrait.] Boston, 1865. 16 569.3 - The captured scout of the army of the James. Sketch of Sergeant II. H. Manning, of the 24th Mass, regiment, [b. 1844, d. 1868]. Boston, 1869. 60pp. 16 1529.27 TRTJRO, Baron. See Wilde, Thomas. TRY Cracow and the Carpathians. Hutchinson, A. H 689.28 TRYON county, N. Y., Border warfare of New York, during the revolution: or, the annals of. Camp bell, W. W 217.11 TSCHUDI, Friedrich von. Sketches of nature in the Alps. London, 1858. 16 1655.1 TSCHTJDI, Jean Jacques von. Travels in Peru, 1838- 42. Translated by T. Ross. New edition. New York, 1852. 12 635.12 TSHADDA exploration, Narrative of the. Hutchinson, T. J 1655.9 Tu-Li-SmN. Narrative of the Chinese embassy to the Khan of the Tourgouth Tartars, 1712-15. Translated from the Chinese, by Sir G. T. Staun- ton. [With map.] London, 1821. 8 694.5 TCBMAN, Harriet, American freed slave, b. about 1820. Scenes in the life of. See Bradford, S. H 1516.23 TUCKER, George. History of the United States, from [1607] to 1841. Philadelphia, 1856, 57. 4 v. 8 U 304.4 TUCKER, S. Abbeokuta; or, sunrise within the trop ics: an outline of the Yoruba mission. [Illus trated.] New York, 1853. 16 699.14 Shelf. No. TUCKER, T. W. Waifs from the way-bills of an old expressman. [With portrait of Alvin Adams.] Boston, 1872. 16 308.27 TUCKERMAN, Charles K. The Greeks of to-day. New York, 1872. 12 918.19 TUCKERMAN, Henry Theodore, American pset andcritic, b. 1813. Artist-life: or sketches of American painters. New York, 1847. 12 526.8 Characteristics of literature, illustrated by the genius of distinguished men. [1st], 2d series. Philadelphia, 1849, 51. 2 v. 12 548.5 Contents. Vol. I. Sir Thomas Browne, M. D., English author, b. 1605. d. 1682; William Shcnstone, English poet, b. 1714, d. 170, ?: William Kllery Channing, American divine and author, b. 1780, d. 1812; Jonathan Swift, Irish dean of St. Pat- lick. s, litterateur, and satiric writer, b. 1607. d. 1745; William Roscoc, English historian, b. 1753, d. 18:il; Charles Lamb, English essayist, b. 1775, d. 1*54 ; Thomas Btibington Macaulay, lord, English critic and historian, b. 1800. d. 1859; John Ster ling, English author, b. 180(i, d. 1814; Edmund Burke, Irish statesman and author, b. 17:>0. d. 1797; Mark Akenside. M. D., English poet, b. 1721, d. 1770; Final memorials of Charles Lamb and John Keats. II. Alessandro Manzoni, Italian novelist, b. 1784; Sir Richard Stcele, Irish essayist, b. 1071, d. 1729; Friedrich Ueinrich Alexander von Humboldt, German naturalist and traveller, b. 17C9, d. 1859; Marie dc Rabutin Chantal, marquise de Sevicne, French authoress, b. 1620, d. 169G; John Home Tookc, English politician and philologist, b. 1736, d. 1812; John Wilson (Christopher Korth), Scottish poet and critic, b. 1785, d. 1854 ; Francis Talfourd, English comic dramatist, b. 1827 ? d. 1802; William Beckford, English poet and traveller, b. 1760. d. 1844 ; William Hozlitt. English litterateur and pol itical writer, b. 1778, d. 1830 ; Edward Everett. American statesman and orator, b. 1794, d. 1865: William Godwin, English novelist, economist, and historical writer, b. 1756, d. 1836. Essays, biographical and critical; or, studies of character. Boston, 1857. 8 647.2 Contents. George Washington, American statesman, 1st president of the United States, b. 1732. d. 1799; Philip Dormer 111 iVelllUCKy, U. I/.VJ. U. J0_i ; JYULK IL OUUHIC.V, mll^iloll |ywul and litterateur, b. 1774, d. 1843; Sir Kenelm Digby, English eccentric author, b. 1(X)3. d. 1065 ; Jacques Lafitte. French finan cier and politician, b. 1707, d. 1844: Edmund Kean, English tragedian, b. 1787, d. 1833; Carl Theodor Koerner, German Auguste, vicomte de Chateaubriand, French statesman and poet, b. 1768. d. 1848; Francis Jettrey, lord, Scotch critic and politician, b. 1773, d. 1850; Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, b. 1000, d. 1083; Richard Savage, English poet, b. 1697, d. 1743; De Witt Clinton, American military officer, statesman, and author, b. 1769. d. 1828 ; Jenny Goldsehmidt,/or- merly Jenny Lind. Swedish vocalist, b. 1821 ; George Berkeley, bishop of Cloy ne, Irish metaphysician, h. 1684, d. 1753: Count Giacomo Leopardi, Italian poet and philologist, b. 1798, d. 1837; Daniel De Foe. English miscellaneous writer, b. 1601, d. 1731 ; John James Audubon, American ornithologist and au thor, b. 1782, d. 1851 ; Laurence Sterne, Ii ish divine, humourist and writer, b. 1713, d. 1768: Massimo Taparelli, marquis d Azeglio, Italian statesman and artist, b. 1798, d.1800; Sydney Smith, English divine, critic, and wit, b. 1771. d. 1845 : Charles Brockden Brown, American novelist, b. 1771, d. 1810; Sir David Wilkie, Scotch painter, b. 1785, d. 1841 ; Joseph Addison, patrot an poe, . , . ; omas ampe, coc poet, b. 1777, d. 1844; Benjamin Franklin, American philoso pher and statesman, b. 1706, d. 1790. Note. Several of these Essays are to be found in the author a Mental portraits. Life of John Pendleton Kennedy, [American au thor and politician, b. 1795, d. 1870]. [With portrait, etc.] New York, 1871. 12 ........ 578.25 Life of Silas Talbot, commodore in the navy of the United States, [b. 1750, d. 1813]. New York, 1850. 24 ................................. 529.3 Memorial of Horatio Greenough, [American sculp tor, b. 1805, d. 1852]. New York, 1853. 12. 526.9 Mental portraits; or, studies of character. Lon don, 1853. 16 ............................. 557.10 Contents. Robert Southey, English poet and litterateur, b. 1774. d. 1843; Daniel Boone, pioneer, early settler in Kentucky, b. 1735, d. 1822; John Constable, English landscape painter, b. 1776, d. 1837; Jacques Latitte, French financier and politician, b. 1767, d. 1844; Carl Theodor Koerner, German poet, b. 17U1, d. 1813: Richard Savaze, English poet, b. 1(197, d. 1743; Jenny Goldschmidt, formerly Jenny f.inn, Swedish i vocalist, b. 1821; Giacomo Leopardi, Italian poet and philologist, b. 1798, d. 1837; Sir David Wilkie, Scotch painter, h. 1785, d. 1841; Francis Jef frey, lord, Scotch critic and politician, b. 1773, d.ia X); Gnuver- neiir Morris. American statesman, b. 1752, d. 1810; Nathaniel Hawthorne, American author, b. 1804. d. 18114; Charles Brock- den Brown, American novelist, b. 1771. d. 1810 ; Massimo Tapa relli, marquis d Azeglio, Italian statesman, author, and artist, b. 1798, d. 1806; John James Audubon, American ornithologist and author, b. 1782. d. 1*51; Washington Irving, AmericaB biographer and novelist, b. 1783, d. 1859; Thomas Campbell, Scotch poet, b. 1777, d. 1844. Note. All but two of these portraits are found in the au thor s Essays. TUCKERMAN 273 TWAIN Shelf. No. TUCKERHAN, Henry Theodore, continued. A month in England. New York, 1854. 12 Sicily: a pilgrimage. New York, 1852. 12 TUDOR, William. Letters on the Eastern states. [Anon]. New York, 1820. 12 .............. 228.5 Life of James Otis, [American orator and states man, b. 1725, d. 1783]. Boston, 1823. 8.... TUEL, J. E. Illustrated history of the war in Italy. With maps and engravings. New York, 18,~>9. 12 ........................................ TUGNOT DE LANOYE, Ferdinand. Rameses the great; or, Egypt 3300 years ago. Translated from the French. With cuts. New York, 1870. 1G... 938.20 TULLIBARDINE, Marquis of. See Murray, William. THLLIUS HOSTILIUS, 3d king of Rome, d B. c. 642. See Laing, C. H. B. The seven kings of the seven hills ................................. 959.15 TULLOCH, John. English puritanism and its leaders. London,. 1861. 12 ......................... 646.15 678.19 513.3 915.7 997.7 Contents. Oliver Cromwell, b. 1M>!>. d. NWS; John Milton, b. 18. d. lf,7t; Richard Baxter, b. 1015, d. 1091 ; John Bunyan, b. 1628, d. 1088. Leaders of the reformation. Edinburgh, 1859. 12 ........................................ 115.10 Contents. Martin Luther, German religious reformer, b. 148^, d. 1.54G; John Calvin. Swiss scholar and reformer, b. l.X, d. 1.V51 : Hugh Larimer, bishop of Worcester, martyr, b. about 1472, burnt 1555; John Knox, Scotch reformer, b. 1505, d. 1572. TUMULTS. Sketches of popular .................... 850.14 TCNIS. Excursion in. 1835. Temple, Sir G. T ..... 1675.2 Note. See Harper s monthly, vols. .5 and 22. See also Africa, Algiers, Algeria, Barbary, etc. TUPAC-AMARU, or TUPA-MARU (Jose Gabriel Con- dorcanqui), Peruvian cacique, b. 1743, d. 1783. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated Ameri can Indians ........................... v. 5 of 1869. 1 TURBKRVILLE, George, b. about 1530. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets ................ v. 2 of 398.2 TURENNE, Henri de La Tour d Auvergne, vicomte de, marshal of France, b. 1611, d. 1675. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century ..... v. 2 of 839.6 Cockayne, T. 0. Life of .............. 409.30; 1655.14 James, G. P. R. Memoirs of great commanders. 557.6 TURGOT, Anne Robert Jacques, baron de I Aulne, French economist, statesman, and litterateur, b. 1727, d. 1781. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century ................... v. 3 of 839.6 TURIN, Impressions of. 18C2. Sewell, E. M ....... 664.4 TURKEY. Adams, W. T. Cross and crescent; or, Young America in. 1873 .................... 1676.12 Benjamin, S. G. W. The Turk and the Greek. 1807 ...................................... 916.20 Be?se, A. de. The Turkish empire. 1854 ...... 689.12 Crowe, E. E. The Greek and the Turk; or, pow ers and prospects in the Levant. 1853 ........ 1918.1 Dorr, B. Notes of travel in. 1856 ............ 686.12 Frontier lands of the Christian and the Turk, [1850,51] .................................. 685.2 Hahn-IIahn, I. (M. L. F. G.), countess. Letters: written during her travels in, [1843, 44] ....... 687.10 Herve, F. Residence in. 1837 ................ 683.8 Howard, G. W. F., 1th rarl of Carlisle. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. 18">5 ............. 683.12 Howe, F. Oriental and sacred scenes, from notes gravel in. 1809 .......................... 1694.18 Lllmartine, A. (M. L.) de. History of. 1855.. 918.9 Leech, II. II. Letters of a sentimental idler, from Turkey. 1869 .............................. 1675.10 MacCulloch, J. R. Russia and Turkey. 1854. 409.28; 1655.6 MacFarlane, C. Turkey and its destiny, [1847, 4*0 ........................................ 687.2 Macintosh, A. F. Military tour in European Turkey. 1854 687.8 Madden, R. R. Travels in, [1824-27] 687.9 Marmont, A. F. L. V. de. Tho present state of the Turkish empire. 1854 918.8 Moltke, Baron von. The Russians in,.Bulgaria and Rumelia in 1828-29 924.3 Morell, J. R. Turkey, past and present. 1854 . . 1918.20 ;/VEi7i <>5 - " l/ier I ianf i ..^iTr^er- 7^5 ..&> i<*yV 35 _ A/^/vf/ l/lar/nora. <&, an* vr <-f s*t7y ut.l.r,4 v^Jfa Shelf. No. TURKEY, continued. Murray ,*J. Handbook for travellers in. 1854.. 649.14 Noyes, J. 0. Roumania: the border land of the Christian and the Turk. 1857 686.14 Oscanyan, C. The sultan and his people. 185J. 686.13 Pardoe, J. Tho city of the sultan, and domestic manners of the Turks. 1854 689.17 Robert, C. The slave provinces of. 1853 827.1 Senior, N. AV. Journal in, [1857, 58] 688.13 Smith, J. V. C. Turkey and the Turks. 1854.. 916.12 Sonnini, C. N. S. do M. Travels in. 1801 683-9 Spencer, E. Turkey, Russia, etc. 1854 687.21 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in. 1849... 689.1 Temple, Sir G. T. Excursion in. 1836 1675.1 Note. See Harper s monthly, vols. 24 and 3.5; and for Con- stantinop;e. vol. 16. See Alison s Essays, [883J&J. See alfo Armenia, Bnbvlon. Black sea, Onffantinpple. East (The), Mesopotamia, Ottoman empire, Palestine, Syria, Turks. TURKEY and Christendom. London, 1853. 94 pp. P. 8 409.27 Same. London, 1854. 16 1655.15 TURKISTAN, Caravan journeys in. Ferrier du Chate- let, J. P. de 694.3 TURKS. Bouvet, F. (J. F.) Tho Turks in Europe, [1825-53] 918.16 Schimmer, K. A. The sieges of Vienna by the . . 889.16 See also Turkey. TURNBULL, David. Travels in the West. Cuba; with notices of Porto Rico, and the slave trade. London, 1840. 8 635.3 TURNBULL, Lawrence. Tho electro-magnetic tele graph : an historical account of its rise, progress, and present condition. 2d edition. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1853. 8 194.9 TURNBULL, Peter E. Austria. London, 1840. 2 v. 8. 667.1 TURNBULL, Robert, D. D. Christ in history. Boston, 1854. 12 1106.18 Genius of Italy: sketches of Italian life, litera ture, and religion. 3d edition. New York, 1852. 12 676.6 Life pictures: from a pastor s note-book. New York, 1857. 12 2104.6 TURNER, Dawson AV. Notes on Herodotus. [AA r ith map.] 2d edition. London, 1853. P. 8 855.3 TURNER, Joseph Mallord AVilliam, English landscape painter, b. 1775, d. 1851. Russell, AV. Eccen tric personag.es 569.19 Timbs, J. Anecdote biography v. 2 of 587. 15 ffote. Thornbury s is the principal life, [B. II. 40*j. !.l]. See ali=o Blanc, and other authorities named in the note under Painting. English school. Also Ruskin s Modern painters, [B. II. 40fi7.28 8072.50J: the London quarterly review. April, 1802; Br\ck\voods magazine, Jan.. \Si , >- Fail ho t s Homes, [B. H. 4075.51]: and references in Hoefcr and .Midland. a, ... TURNER, Sharon, English historian, b. 1768, d. 1847. History of the Anglo-Saxons from the earliest period to the Norman conquest, [B. c. 141-A. c. 1066]. London, 1836. 3 v. 8 .............. 965.1 History of England during the middle ages, [500- 1410]. 3d edition. London, 1830. 5 v. 8.. History of the reign of Henry Tin, [1509-47]. 965.2 965.3 3d edition. London, 1828. 2 v. History of the reigns of Edward yi [1509-47], Mary, and Elizabeth, [1547-1603]. 3d edition. London, 1835. 2 v. 8 965.4 Sacred history of the world. New York, n. d. 3 v. 18 810.43 Same. 8th edition. London, 1848. 3 v. 8. 1095. 11 See Jerdan, AV. Men I have known 1522.9 TUSCANY. Crawford, M. S. Life in. 1859 666.18 Trollope, T. A. Tuscany in 1849 and 18.">9 917.9 m.L, Louisa C. Success in life. The merchant. [Illustrated.] New York, 1850. 12 525.19 TUTTLE, Edmund B. The boy s book about Indians. [AVith illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1873. 12.. 249. 13 TUTTLE, Joseph F. Life of AVilliam TuUle. [AVith portrait.] 2d edition. New York, [cop. 1852]. 16 , 539.25 TUTTLE, AVilliam, b. 1781, d. 1847. Life of. See Tut- tlo, J. F 539.25 TWAIN, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, Samuel L. TWEEDIE 274 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. TWEEDIE, William K., D.D., of Edinburgh. Environs of Jerusalem : pictorial and descriptive. [Illus trated.] London, 1871. 16 ................. 698.33 The life and work of earnest men. London, n. d. 12 ........................................ 555.13 Contents. Basilius, the great, father of the Greek church, bishop of Cajsarea, b. 329, d. 379; Columba, St., Irish founder of the monastery of Icolmkill, b. 521, d. 597; John Hug, not Huss, Bohemian reformer and martyr, b. 1373, ex. 1415 ; Wil liam Tyndale, or Tindal, English reformer and martyr, b. about 1484, ex. 1535 ; Hans Egede, Danish missionary to Green land, b. 1680, d. 1758; William Carey, Baptist missionary to India, b. 1761, d. 1834; Joshua Marshman, Baptist missionary to India, b. 17C7 ? d. 18J!7 ; William Ward, Baptist missionary to India, d. 1823; Claudius Buchanan, D. 1)., Scotch chaplain in Bengal, b. 17(>6, d. 1815; Granville Sharp, English slavery abolitionist, b. 1735, d. 1813; Robert Raikcs, English founder of Sunday-schools, b. 1735, d. 1811 ; Edward Jen tier, English physician, naturalist, and inventor of vaccination, b. 1749, d. 182, ! ; Arctic explorers, 1853-55 ; Alfred the great, king of Eng land, b. 849, d. 901; Dante Alighieri, Italian poet, b. 1205, d. 1321; John Hampden, English patriot, b. 1594, d. 1643: Alger non Sidney, or Sydney, English republican politician, b. about 1621, beheaded 1>W3 ; William Russell, lord, English patriot and martyr, b. HI S), beheaded 1683 ; Edmund Burke, Irish states man and orator, b. 1730, d. 1797; Henry Grattan, Irish states man and orator, b. 1750, d. 1820; Daniel Webster, American statesman, b. 1782, d. 1852; Silvio Pellico, Italian patriot and poet, b. 178S, d. 1854; .Tohann Gntonbenj, or Hans GensHeisch, inventor of printing, b. 1400, d. 1408; Michel- Angclo Buona- rotti, Italian painter, sculptor, and architect, b. 1474, d. 1564; Bernard de JPalissy, French enameller and potter, b. about 1510, d. 1.589; Johann Kepler, German astronomer, b. 157J, d. 1(!30 ; James Watt, Scotch engineer and improver of the steam- engine, b. 1736, d. 1819. TWELVE stars, The, of our republic. Williams, E. . . 513.13 Twiss, Horace, English author and politician, b. 1786, d. 1849. The public and private life of Lord Chancellor Eldon [b. 1731, d. 1838], with selec tions from his correspondence. Philadelphia, 184>. 2v. 8 ............................. 562.6 Two years before the mast. Dana, R. H., jr.. 820. 12; 1639.17 TYCOON, The capital of the. 1863. Alcock, Sir R ......................................... 698.28 TYLER, Charles M. Memorials of Lieut. George H. Walcott, late of the 30th U. S. colored troops, [b. 1844, d. 18G4]. Boston, [cop. 1865]. 16.. 1529. 26 TYLER, James E. Henry of Monmouth: or, life and character of Henry v, as prince of Wales and king of England, [b. 1388, d. 1422]. London, 1838. 2 v. 8 ............................. 552.4 TYLER, John, 10th president of the United States, b. 1790, d. 1862. Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents .................................. 1522.12 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic.. 513.13 TYLOR, Edward B. Anahuac: or Mexico and tho Mexicans. [With illustrations.] London, 1861. 255.3 TYNDALE, or TINDAL, William, English reformer and martyr, b. about 1484, ex. 1535. Brave old Eng lish confessors 567.6 Tweedio, W. K. Tho life and work of earnest men 555.13 TYNDALL, John. The glaciers of tho Alps. With illustrations. London, 1860. 12 665.4 Same. Boston, 1861. 8 665.7 Hours of exercise in the Alps. [With illustra tions.] New York, 1871. 12 667.23 Mountaineering in 1861. [With illustrations.] London, 1862. 8 664.3 TYNG, C. D. The stranger in the tropics. [Anon.~\ Illustrated. New York, 1868. 12 637.27 TYNG, Dudley Atkins, American divine, b. 1825, d. 1858. See Steel, R. Lives made sublime by faith and works 577.13; 577.16 TYNG, Stephen Higginson, American divine, b. 1800. Forty years experience in Sunday-schools. New York, 1860. 16 2109.3 See Fowler, H. The American pulpit 534.9 TYRE and Alexandria. 1865. Tarbox, I. N 644.16 TYROL. Barrow, J., jr. Tour on the continent, in 1852 409.26; 1655.2 Bradshaw, G. Illustrated hand-book to tho 1659.4 - Inglis, II. D. Tho Tyrol. 1833 663.15 Sewall, E. M. Journal kept during a summer tour through part of the. 1852 659.28 Note. Sec Murray s [B. H. 4839.8] and Baedeker s [B. H. 4869a.7] Handbooks"; Wolff s recent French work on the country and its people [B. U. 2869.53], and Alison s Emya f863.fi]. Shelf. No. TYTLER, Alexander Fraser, lord Woodhouselec, judge- advocate of Scotland, b. 1747, d. 1813. Elements of general history, ancient and modern. AVith a continuation, [to] 1820. By E. Nares. Concord, N.H., 1825. 12 956.13 Universal history, from the creation of tho world to tho beginning of the 18th century. 3d edi tion. London, 1839. 6 v. 16 399.8 Same. [Continued] to 1820, by E. Nares. New York, [cop. 1839]. 6 v. 16 820.1 TYTLER, Patrick Fraser, historian, son of the preceding, b. 1791, d. 1849. England under Edward vi and Mary, [1547-58]. [With portraits.] London, 1839. 2v. 8 974.4 Historical view of the progress of discovery on the northern coasts of America. Added, A vindica tion of R. Hakluyt. Illustrated. New York, 1846. 18 810.53 History of Scotland, 1249-1603. Edinburgh, 1841-43. 9v. 12 978.7 Same. Enlarged and continued to the present time [B. c. 55-A. D. 1837] by J. Taylor. 8th edition. Edinburgh, 1859. 12 998.6 Life and writings of Sir Thomas Craig, [Scotch lawyer and writer, b. 1548, d. 1608]. [With portrait.] Edinburgh, 1823. 16 589.12 Life of Henry vin [b. 1491, d. 1547], with bio graphical sketches of eminent contemporaries. [With portrait.] London, 1851. 16 558.4 Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, [English statesman, soldier, and historian, b. 1552, d. 1618]. [With portraits.] London, 1851. 12 568.8 Life of the admirable Crichton, [b. 1560, d. 1583]. 2d edition. [With portrait.] Edin burgh, 1823. 12 U 589.8 Lives of Scottish worthies. [Illustrated.] Lon don, 1831-38. 3 v. 16 399.9 Contents. Vol. I. Alexander HI, king of Scotland, b. 1241, d. 1285; Michael Scott, author, b. 1789, d. 1833; Sir William Wallace, warrior, b. about 1270, d. l:it; Robert I, Bruce, king of Scotland, b. 1274. d. 1329. II. Robert I, Bruce, continued; John Barbour, chronicler and poet, b. 1310 ? d. 1395 ? Andrew Wvnton, Wyntown, or Winton, chronicler, prior of St. Serf, fl.l4th century; John de Fordun, historian, d. 1380 ? James I, king of Scotland, b. 1394, d. 1437. III. James I, continued poet and diplomatist, b. 1490, d. 1557 ; Achapter of antiquarian illustrations. TYTLER, Sarah. Citoyenne Jacqueline: a woman s lot in tho great French revolution. London, 1865. 16 ................................. 569.18 Heroines in obscurity. London, 1871. 16 ..... 909.12 UDDEN, H. F. New England theocracy. A history of the cpngregationalists in Now England to 1740. Translated from tho 2d German edition by H. C. Conant. Boston, 1859. 12 ......... 1105.8 ULLOA, Antonio do, Spanish mathematician and travel ler, b. 1716, d. 1795. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers ................. v. 2 of 810.47 UMBRIA, Lenten journey in. Trollope, T. A ........ 674.14 " UNA and her paupers." See Higinbotham, J. M. . 598.21 UNCLE JUVINELL, pseud. See Heady, Morrison. UNCLE PHILIP, pseud. See Hawks, Francis L. UNDERBILL, Edward Bean. Tho West Indies: their social and religious condition. London, 1862^| 16 ...................................... ^^264.9 UNDERWOOD, Francis H. A hand-book of English literature. British authors. Boston, 1871. 16. 395.28 UNGEWITTER, Franz H. Europe, past and present. New York, 1850. 12 ...................... 947.13 UNION, Me., History of. 1851. Sibley, J. L ....... 227.2 UNITED Brethren. History of tho Moravians. Bost, (J.)A ............. - ....................... 2107.19 UNITED STATES. Publications by the government. Ex ploration of tho valley of tho Amazon. By W. L. Herndon and L. Gibbon. [With maps and illustrations.] Washington, 1854. 4 v. 8... Obituary addresses on tho death of Daniel Web ster, December, 1852. Washington, 1853. 80pp. 8" . . ................................... 622.1 612.7 UNITED STATES 275 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. Publications by the government, con, tinned. Obituary addresses on the death of William R. King, December, 1853. [With portrait.] Wash ington, 1854. 77pp. 8 523.10 Report on tho Harper s Ferry invasion. [Wash ington, I860.] 8 292.10 Revised regulations for tho army, 1861. Phila delphia, [cop. 1861]. 8 296.8 Note. See the extensive series of government publications in the Bates Hall catalogues, where there will be found an index to the congressional documents, of which this Library is supposed to possess the most complete set in existence. Art. Dunlap, W. History of tho arts of design in the. 1834 202.1 4495.1] man h an essay on its history, condition, and prospects, 1850 [B. H. 40(>2.10], and in his "American artist life"; the latter, much augmented as the " Book of the artists" [B. H. 8072.20], con stitutes much the best, and the only considerable history of American art. For sculpture, see the translation of Viardot, fj 198.19]. See also C. C. Perkins s paper on Art education in America, CB. H.7B80b.l]; sections in Samson s Elements of art criticism, [B. 11. 4077.26J ; and the note under Painting. Simms has a paper on American history for purposes of art in fiction, [B. H. 4409.22]. Biography. , Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents of the, [1782-1866] 1522.12 Baldwin, J. G. Party leaders, [from Jefferson to Clay] 518.7 Belknap, J. American biography. 1851 820.58 Brayman, J. 0. Daring deeds of American heroes with biographical sketches. 1853 218.1 Brockett, L. P. Our great captains. Grant, Sherman, Thomas, Sheridan, and Farragut 569.2 Woman s work in the civil war. 1867 272.4 Clement, J. Noble deeds of American women. .. 538.2 Cooper, J. F. Lives of distinguished American naval officers. 1846 527.3 Ellet, E. F. The queens of American society. 1867 1522.15 The women of the American revolution 538.13 Flanders, H. Lives and times of the chief justices of the supreme court of the, [J. Jay and J. Rut- ledge] 523.3 Fowler, H. The American pulpit. 1856 534.9 Griswold, R. W. The female poets of America.. 314.7 The poets and poetry of America 314.4; 314.5 The prose writers of America 872.12 The sacred poets of America 314.8 Hoadley, J. T. Tho chaplains and clergy of the revolution 217.22 Farragut and our naval commanders, [1861-65] 272.7- Washington and his generals, [1732-1802] 516.1 Lanman, C. Dictionary of the United States congress. 1859 522.4 Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers of the declaration of American indepen dence 518.10 Our countrymen ; or brief memoirs of eminent Americans. 1855 518.11 MacGee, T. D A. History of the Irish settlers in North America, to 1850 1975.5 Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revo lution 528.1 Maury, S. M. The statesmen of America in 1846. 525.1 Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. 1867 1522.7 Pollard, E. A. Lee and his lieutenants 272.20 Powell, T. The living authors of America. 1850.518.15 Rogers, T. J. New American biographical dic tionary. 1823 518.14 Ruggles, C. L. Tho great American scout and spy, "General Bunker" 308.26 Savage, J. Our living representative men. 1860. 527.19 Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recollections of dis tinguished generals 1516.12 Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns 243.1 Shelf. No UNITED STATES. Biography, continued. Sparks, J. Library of American biography 529.1 Lives of eminent individuals, celebrated in American history 518.5 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times. 1868 1522.8 Sullivan, W. Public men of the revolution, 1783-1815 213.3 Thacher, J. American medical biography. 1828. 523.11 Tuckerman, H. T. Artist-life: or sketches of American painters. 1847 526.8 Van Santvoord, G. Lives and judicial services of the chief justices of the supremo court of the .... 523.4 Watson, E. Men and times of the revolution. 513.9; 514.6 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic, [chiefly lives of the presidents to Taylor] 513.13 Williams, S. W. American medical biography. 1845 523.12 Wilson, T. Biography of the principal American military and naval heroes. 1821 527.8 Wynne, J. Lives of eminent literary and scien tific men of America. 1850 518.3 Note. The contents of many of the above books are given under the author s names. The most recent and most com prehensive biographical dictionary of Americans is F. S. bone, Griswold, and Duyckinck for such as are writers; Tuckerman [B. H. 8072.20] for such as are artists ; the biogra- phioal dictionary of Thomas; and Applcton s Cyclopaedia, will often supplement or expand the information. See also Hunt s American merchants, [B. H. 2345.16] ; and the National portrait gallery, [B. H. 4441.7]. History. Comprehensive works. Abbott, J. American history, [from the earliest times]. 1860 306.3 Barber, J. W. Thrilling incidents in American history. 18G8 218.20 Bonner, J. Child s history of the, [1500-1855] . . 309.12 Denison, J. L. Pictorial history of the New World. 1860 305.8 Eliot, S. Manual of United States history, [1492 -1850] 309.1 Fergus, H. History of the Western world. 1830. 368.10 First lessons in the history of the. 1856 309.18 Frost, J. Pictorial history of the. 1847 304.5 - Remarkable events in the history of America, to 1848 304.7 Gale, G. Upper Mississippi: or, historical sketch es of the mound-builders, the Indian tribes, and the progress of civilization in the North-west, [1600-18G7] 1633.2 Goodrich, S. G. [Peter Parley]. Lights and shad ows of American history. 1844 v. 7 of 1869.1 Halo, S. History of the, to 1817 820.27 Hall, S. R. School history of the, [1492-1830] . . 309.10 Hamilton, J. C. History of the, [1757-97] 304.2 Hildreth, R. History of the, [1492-1821] 303.2 Holmes, A. Annals of America, [1492-1820, with list of authorities] 304.9 Howitt, M. History of the. 1859 305.5 ; 305.6 Lossing, B. J. Pictorial history of the. 1857.. 309.8 MacCartney, W. Origin and progress of the. 1847 309.8 Patton, J. II. History of the, [1492-1852] 292.3 Robins, E. Tales from American history, [juve nile book]. 1833 1859.7 Russell, J. History of the, [1492-1837] 309.5 Scott, D. B. School history of the, to 1870 309.25 Sherwood, J. D. The comic history of the. 1870.. 309.16 Trumbull, H. History of the discovery, etc., [1620-1818] 245.7 Tucker, G. History of the, from [1607] to 1841. 304.4 Note. The only general history of established reputation and considerable extent, coming down into this century, is Hildreth s, [also in B. H. 4411.7, for 1492-1789; and 4411.8, for the continuation to 1821 ; or for the whole, 4421.5]. He is painstaking and judicial, but often curt in his judgments, and held by some to be prejudiced, particularly where hia federal sympathies find play. Ixissing s Pictorial field-book! of the rev olution [211.1] and of the war of 1812, with tho introduction to the former and the connecting links, prefixed to the latter, make a history covering nearly the same interval, but in the earlier work it hardly has the shape of a regular historical narrative. Ramsay embodied all trjat was valuable in his his- UNITED STATES 276 tJNITED STATE8 fe Shelf. N UNITED STATES. History. Comprehensive works, con tinued. tory of the revolution In a more general narrative, covering 3607-1808 f.B. H. 4325.7], which was continued to the treaty of Ghent by S. S. Smith. The most comprehensive history of all is an English publi cation by Charles Mackay [B. H. 4411.3], which conies down through Buchanan s administration, and is followed by an appendix containing some of the early episodes of the civil war. There is another but more compendious English history, coming down to the reconstruction period, by Mackenzie, [B-. H. 4427.9]. Among the later and more compendious his tories bv American writers, is one by Peck, a methodist di vine, who views the history through the close of the civil war, ^ from a Christian stand-point," [B. II. 2323.50] : and the Com- ndium of A. H. Stephens, the late vice-president of thecon- leracy, whose narrative comes down to 1872, [B. II. 2327.53]. For the minor histories, see among others the following names in the above list and in the Bates Hall catalogues! Denison; Eliot; Frost, (popular); Fergus. (English); Good rich, [B. II. 4 101.. !.>; 412i)a.l8; 70:9.il->; 7i)~.::n: Grimshaw, [B.H. 2329.7]; Gordon. [B. II. 2329.2]: Hale, to 1817, [also in B.H 4401.8]; Hinton, [English, B. II. 2SI0.15; 4121.4]; How- itt; McCulloch, [B.H. 2329"22] | Pitkin.[B. II. 2320.4]; Snow- den, [to death of Washington, B. H. 4419.3]; Tucker; Will- son. [1817, popular, B. II. 2E28.fi]. Holmes s Annals is also in Bares Hall. [2317.5; 4413.0]. See also Spinner s Historical atlas, [B. H. 2280.5]]. For historical material and discussions, see the publications of the American antiquarian society, [B. II. 2111.1]; the American grogrnnhi- caland statistical society. [Bulletins, O JfiOa.l ; Journal, 8270a.li Proceedings, 0204.1]; the Historical maga7iue,[B. H. 4315.1]- and the collections of the historical societies of the several states. See alao America, Hartford convention, North-western ter- nto .v, Whig party, and the names of the several states and other divisions of the country, as New England, the West, History. Colonial period. Bancroft, G. History of the, [1492-1778] 302.1 Banvard, J. Romance of American history. [Florida and Virginia] 228. 15 Charters of the English colonies in. See Society, etc 305.3 Frothingham, R. The rise of the republic of the. 1872 273.2 Grahame, J. History of the, [1492-1776] 304.3 Kohl, J. G. Popular history of the discovery of America, [from the Northmen to the 19th cen tury] 308.4 Musgrave, P. Memoirs of a church of England missionary in the North American colonies 889.1 Parkman, V.,jr. France and England in North America 306.1 - History of the conspiracy of Pontiao 244.2 Robertson, W. History of the discovery and set tlement of America, [1246-1652].. .830.5; v. 1 of 943.4 Sanford, E. History of the United States before the revolution 305.1 Sargent, W. History of an expedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1755; under Maj.-Gen. E. Braddock 244.1 Schele do Vere, M. The romance of American history. Early annals 228.21 Nnte. Bancroft [also in B. H. 4421.0] has the leading repu tation, his history as yet corning down only to 1778. His re search is lahorious, but a somewhat declamatory style, with strong contrasts, and the marked democratic sentiments of the author, with characteristic adhesion to his opinions, have opened his work to criticism. His narrative can often be compared with Hildreth s [: 03.2. etc.] with advantage. Froth- iDgham [also in B.H. 2322.20] has a s|,eeine purpose in tracing the rise ot the union sentiment till its culmination under the constitution. Giahame g History [also in B. II. 2320.2] pre ceded Bancroft s, and is written with great fairness, and he has been defended by Quiney [B. H. 4355.50; see also 2351.1, 3d series, vol. 9] against charges by Bancroft. Gordon s Rev olutionary war is preceded by a history of the colonies. [B. H. 4-102.22]. Goldwin Smith, in his Study of history, has a chap ter on the founding of the American colonies, [B. II. 2211.15]. Robertson s well-known general history of the discovery and settlement of America [also in B. H. 2301.4; 2:101.7: 4319a.2; 4415.2; 4111 ,.. ;] has sections upon the English colonies. Burke s English in America "[B. II. 4319.1] aims to show that repub licanism was planted in America with the formation of the colonies. For 1 oenl aspects, see the notes under the heads of New Eng land, Massachusetts, Plymouth, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, etc. The French rnlnnization is graphically traced hy Parkman In his scries, railed " France and England in North America," [also in B. II. 2318.21]. Part 1, " Pioneers of France," con tains an account of the Huguenots in Florida, and of Cham- plain and his associates in Canada, and along the northern line [see Atlantic monthly, Oct., 1805], w here in part 2. he traces the experiences of the Jesuits, while in part 3 [re viewed in North American review, April, 1870] he recounts " The discovery of the great West," by La Salle. whose explo rations have been recently commemorated, 1870, by a French Shelf. No. UltiTED STATES. History. Colonial period, continued. writer, Gravier, [B. H. 4411.2]. See La Salle. See other ac/> counts in Shea s Discoveiy of the Mississippi, [B. II. 2328.5]i fV 1 ?,- 8 .,??^ " lissio "s. [1088.12]; and the Jesuit relations, [B. H. 8334.1]. See Jesuits. Missions, and Mississippi. Chapter JgJfTaekwman i America and her commentators [B. H. 2308.7], enumerates the early French discoverers. For Hcn- iiepin s so-called " New discovery," see Bates Hall, [in French, 2.519.0; in English, 2317.10, with map]; also the voyages of Baron de Lahontan, [B. H. 2:;i;:> 4 ; _ IC .l.f,] ; Cliarlevoix s Voy age, 1720, down the Mississippi, [B. II., In English, 2Sil.l9]i and his"Nouvclle France," [B. II. 4211.0], Salmon s Pres ent state [B. II. 4:B.24] gives a map, 1730. For guides to fur ther study, see Harrisse s Notes on the history, bibliography and ehartographv of New France, 1545-!700,[B. H., in French, 6158.1 1]. Keith s Virginia has a map of America, 1738, [B. H. 2374.10]. See the note under America, North. Old French war, 1755-02. An old contemporary French ac count by Pouchet. 1755-00, Iras been translated i nto English, [B. H. 4491.5]. The English accounts may be read in the gen eral histories of England, or in the special history of the Brit ish empire in America, hy Wynne, in his 2d volume, [B. H. 2320.10]. See farther accounts in Bancroft, Hildreth. Gra hame, etc. For Braddock s expedition. Bee W. Sargent s first regular history [also in B. II. 4372.2.5], which is based on three contemporary Journals; and the appendix in vol. 2d of Spark s Washington [287.2], and the account in Irving s Washington, [511.1, etc.]. Knox, on the campaigns of 1757-60 [B. H. 2310.19], has a map of the treaty of 3703. See also Rogcrs s Journals of his experiences with the New England rangers, [B. H. 2318.10]. Everett has an oration on this war as the school of the revolution, [8 il.7.1]. See Wolfe, nnte. Parkman, in the opening chapters of his " History of the conspiracy of Pontiac" [244. 2], recapitulates the history of the relations of the French and English down to the close of the war In 1702, a:id then takes up the history of the war between the Indians and the English, carrying the storv down to the death of Pontiac, in 1709. The history in detail is taken up after this time under the following heading of the revolution ary war and the preceding controversy. History. The revolution and preceding controversy, Barclay, S. Personal recollections of the Ameri can revolution 217.19 Botta, C. (G. G.) History of the war of indepen dence 213.11; 213.12 Campbell, W. W. Border warfare of New York. 217.11 Chalmers, G. Revolt of the American colonies .. 304.8 Ellet, E. F. Domestic history of the American revolution 217.8 The women of the American revolution 538.13 Fox, E. Adventures in the revolutionary war. .. 219.5 Freneau, P. Poems chiefly illustrative of the events and actors in the American war of inde pendence 1325.9 Greene, G. W. Historical view of the American revolution 308.24 Headley, J. T. The chaplains and clergy of the revolution 217.22 Washington and his generals, [1732-1802] 516.1 History of the American revolution. See Society, etc 219.3; 365.11 How America won freedom 217.21 Lossing, B. J. Biographical sketches of the signers of the declaration of American indepen dence 518.10 -Pictorial field-book of the revolution 211.1 - 1776, or the war of independence 213.8 Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolu tion 528.1 Marshall, C. Diary during the American revo lution 217.13 Moore, F. Diary of the American revolution. . . 222.2 - Songs and ballads of the American revolution. . 314.2 Nell, W. C. The colored patriots of the Ameri can revolution 216.8 Ondorkonk, H., jr. Revolutionary incidents of Queen s county, N. Y 217.17 Sabine, L. The American loyalists 213.1 Saffell, W. T. R. Records of the revolutionary war. 216.12 Sparks, J. Correspondence of the American revo lution 213.2 Diplomatic correspondence of the American rev olution 216.1 Stone, W. L. Border wars of the American revo lution 820.62 Sullivan, W. Public men of the revolution 213.3 Thatcher, B. B. Tales of the revolution of 1775.1859.18 Thornton, J. W. The pulpit of the American revolution 217.20 Trescott, W. H. Diplomacy of the revolution. ... 217.16 Washington, G. Epistles, domestic, confidential, and official 216.5 UNITED STATES 277 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATKS. History. The revolution and pre ceding controversy, continued. Watson, E. Men and times of the revolution. 513. 9; 514.6 Wilson, S. F. History of the American revolu tion 216.9 Ifate. General histories. The earliest American accounts ofvnlue are the history of Gordon [B. H. 4402.22 ; 4325.G], an English clergyman, resident through the war in America, who is little more than an annalist: that of Ramsay, a South Caro linian member of congress, who had access to official papers, and whose account is concise and candid, [B. II. 4422.54] ; and the life of Washington by Marshall, [515.15]. The chief Eng lish accounts, written at a like early period, are the somewhat arbitraiy history of George Ill s reign by Adolphna [H64.1], who sides with the king s ministers, and Belsham [558.9], who favors the colonists. See titles under George III. The principal military historian on the royal side is Siedman [I?. II. 2620.18, with maps], who throws much blame on Sir William Howe, and is strongly opinionated in his views. We have further on the same side Sir William Howe s own narrative, [B.H.4122.56] ; and Clinton s account ot the campaign of 1781, tB. B. 4801.21]. Andrews s History of the war, ]775-8:;[B. II. 2:!25.12], in Europe and America, is chiefly a compilation from the public prints and the debates. It was principally upon the authorities al ready mentioned that Smyth ba=ed the closing lectures of his well-known book [B. II. 6305.2.2], in which he has with great candor discussed both sides ot the preceding controversy, and the conduct of the succeeding war. He relies also largely for treating the preliminaries of the war upon the debates in par liament, particulail v the speeches of Burke, [S52.9. etc.]; Fox [B. H. 2572.1]. and Chatham, [see life, B. II. 2440.13]; upon Al- mon s Remembrancer [B. II. 2323.0], winch is a collection of documentary evidence, etc., compiled in the interest of the opposition to the ministry; and upon Burke s account in the Annual register [B. II. 2218.A8J which sets forth with great im partiality the arguments ot the opposing factions. The reader, beside the treatment of the more recent general historians of the war, will find much illustrative matter of the rise of the controversy in Frothingham s Life and times of Joseph War ren, [242.1], in his articles in tlie Atlantic monthly, June and Aug., 1S12, and Nov., 18u3, on the "Sam Adams regiments"; and in his recent Rise of the republic," [B. H. 2322.56]. See also for this formative period, Loring s Hundred orators. [282.5J; Tudor s Life of Otis, [51.1.3] ; Quincy s Life of Quincy, [524.iO]; Life and writings, including diary of .John Adams, [283.1] ; and the l.e ters of his wife, [537.2 : B. II. 4448.0] ; Wells s Life ot Samuel Adams, [242.2] ; the autobiography and writings of Franklin, [see Franklin, note}: and Wirt s Life of Patrick Henry. [513.18]. Also consult the last volume of Hutchinson 8 Massachusetts bay, [B. H. 2352.9, see note under Massachu setts]; some sections of Thornton s Pulpit of the revolution, above mentioned; Griil eth s Historical notes of the American colonies, 1754-75, [B. II. 2328.8]; and Eddis s Letters from America, [1769-77 [B. H. 2323.12], which particularly trace the rise of the controversy in Maryland. See also the continu ation ot Grahame sHistory of the colonies [304 3J, bringing the narrative down to the declaration of independence. Abba Kaynal s book [B. H.,in English, 4325.22; 442!)a.33] is a some what incorrect and desultory review of the period, 17G3to the war. Of the later histories of the war, the most important Ameri can account is perhaps that contained in Bancroft, who be gins the history of the revolution proper in his 7th volume, with 1774, and has only as yet pub ished his narrative down to 1778, in his 9th volume [202.1.7-9, etc.]. He is thought to extol Washington s military capacity by disparagement of others, and for this reason the reputation of General Sullivan has been defended by Amory [B. II. 4442.1] against charges in his last volume; that of Schuylcr. by G. L. Sehuyler; that of Reed, by W. B. Reed, [B. H. 4422.1 ]; and that of General Greene, by G. W. Greene, [B. H. 2346.10.2. appendix and 4345.32]. Hildreth treats the subject concisely, giving about half of his third volume to it. [303.2.3, etc.] The lives of Washington by Sparks and Irving [see Washington] are also important contributions. Logging s Field-book [also in B. 11.23-0.23] is a very valuable gathering of the scattered traditions and other minor details of the conflict, arranged in the course of an itinerary, covering all the important locali ties associated with the contest. Of the later fureiqn authorities, Botta, an Italian, wrote a popular and not very critical account, [also in B. II., in Eng lish, 44211.81 There are English accounts in the reign of George III in the Pictorial hisiorv of England, [B. H. 2422.1]; Knight s Popular history [982.1], etc. ; but the narrative of Earl Stanhope (Lord Malion) [B. H. 4525.4] is considered very temperate and fair, and it has been reviewed by Palfrey, [B. H. 4325.47]. Of the lesser general accounts, see Greene s Historical view above, and Whipple s " Washington and the principles of the revolution," [B. II. 4393.114]. In closer illustration of the period, reference may be made, for the political aspects, to the lives of John Adams, [283.1.1; or later edition 519.15; B. H. 4448.22] ; Samuel Adams, [242.21; Thomas Jefferson, [see Jefferson, no(e]; John Jay, [see Jay] ; George Read. [B. H. 4441. IV]; Madison, by Rives, [522 (i. etc., which contains the fullest account of congress, 1780-831; Franklin, [see Franklin, note]; Patrick Henry, [see Henry]; Hamilton, [see Hamilton, n<Xe]j Morris, [513.12, forthc finan ces], etc.; while, for the military events, see the lives of Arnold. [52*1.3]; Ethan Allen, [see Allen]; De Kalb [B. H. ine, [B. H. 234G13]; Putnam, [sec Putnam]; StVubcn, by Kapp, elaborate, [B. H. 4448.5]; Sehuyler, by Lossing, [B. H. 2."47.59]; Sullivan, by Amory, [B. H. 4442.1]; and Stark, [529.1.1]. See the titles and note under Military and nayal history in this article. There are also various episodical narratives on the English side of military operations, like Tarleton s cam paign of 1780-81, [B. H. 2320.17]; Simcoe s Journal of the queen s rangers [B. H. 4402.5], etc. Burgoyne s campaign ia illustrated by his own account, [B. H. 2320.21, with maps]; by Neilson s narrative, [B. H. 4319.9; 4403.a>]! by Riedesel s Let ters and journals, which is considered the best itinerary of the campaign, [B. H., in English, 4443.13J; by the memoirs of Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. History. The revolution and pre ceding controversy, continued. Madame Riedesel,[B. H. 431877]; and by Thomas Anburey, who was one of Burgoyne s officers, and in letters from Cam bridge, where the army was kept as prisoners of war, reviews the campaign, and illustrates it with mapSj [B. II. 2362 G]. Special monographs on the American side, are the Journal of Thatcher, who served as surgeon through the war, [B. H. 2325.4 ; 4402.10] ; Lee s war in the Southern department, [B. H. 4402.2; 4402.20]; Stone and Campbell ou the Border warfare, above, etc. For elucidation of the part played by the French auxiliaries, see a recent special French essay by Balch, 1872 ; on the French in America, 1777-83 [B. H 4415. liJ4, with map of the campaign of 1781]; Rochambeau s Memoircs, [B.I1.4W3.5]; Chastcllux g narrative 1780-32, [B. H., in French, 2361.17; in English, 2301 .18] ; the account of Abbe Robin, the chaplain, 1781. [B. II., in French, 4363.13] ; the Journal of Deuxponts, 1780. 81, [dis covered and edited by S. A. Green, in French and English, B. H. 4424.1]. See also chap. 3 of Tuckermau s America and her commentators, [B. U. 2368.7]. Hessians. Beside the account by Riedesel, already men tioned, there are special German accounts by Editing [B. li. 4328.1], and Kapp [B. H. 4402.25]. Misc.ellaneuus. Peter Force s American archives is a docu mentary history, ending 178!, [C.160.1]. Moore s Diary, above, is a useful collection of excerpts from the newspaper press of the day. There is a history ot the various conventions during the war in Jameson s Constitutional convent ion. [B. H. 6835.11. Sparks has edited the diplomatic correspondence of the period, above, and there is, beside Washington s writings, a collection of his official letters to congress, [B. II. 4(2 Ja (!]. Sabine has told the story of the loyalists, [B. II. 2345.21]. The state of New York has published a valuable calendar of historical manuscripts relating to the war, [B H. 4370.5]. Beside Nell, above, see also Brown on the negro soldiers, [B. II. 4S70a.ll]. Magoun has commemorated the orators, [also in B. II. 427H.7] ; and Thornton and Headley the clergy. See Choate s ad dresses on the eloquence of tlie revolutionary period, [521.3.1]; and Everett s and Webster s speeches. Harper s monthly contains various articles on revolutionary episodes, chiefly by Lossing, Our national anniversary," in vol. 3; on General Putnam, in vol. 12; on Marion, in vol. 17; on Bennington and King s mountain, in vol. 21; on Cow- pens, in vol. 22; and on Continental money, in vol. 26. There is a history of the United States flag by Prcble, 1872, [B. II. 2322.58]. See also Bunker hill. Concord, Mass, Lexington, Muss., Philadelphia (Independence hall), Tea party. General political history, 1789-1872. Abbot, G. D. Mexico, and the United States. 1869 622.12 Balme, J. R. American states, churches, and slavery. 1863 308.20 Benton, T. H. Thirty years view; or, a history of the American government, [1820-50] 282.1 Carroll, A. E. The star of the West, or national men and national measures, ["Know-nothing- ism "] 238.3 Chase, H. The North and the South. 1856 297.18 Davis, E. The half century, [1800-50] 297.10 Everett, A. H. America: or, a survey of the political situation of the several powers. 1827 . . 297.3 Gallatin, A. Memoir on the north-eastern boun dary. 1843 297.7 General register of politics and literature in America, for 1827 830.38 Greeloy, H. Recollections of a busy life. 18G8. . 1522.11 Gurowski, A. (G.) de. America and Europe. 1857 134-19 Helper, H. R. The impending crisis of the South. 1860 297.24 Same. Compendium. 1860 297.25 Jennings, L. J. Eighty years of republican gov ernment in the. 1868 214.20 Lincoln, A. Political debates between A. Lincoln andS. A. Douglas, [1858] 292.5 Ludlow, J. M. History of the United States from independence to secesson, [1776-1861] 305.7 Smith,S. My thirty years out of the senate. 1859. 309.14 Sullivan, W. Familiar letters on public charac ters and events, [1783-1815] 297.9 Tileston, E. G. Handbook of the administrations of the. 1871 Tocqueville, A. (C. H. Clerel) de. Democracy in America 123.8; 134.3 Trescott, W. H. Diplomatic history of the ad ministrations of Washington and Adams, [1789- 1801] Urquhart, D. Exposition of the boundary dif ferences between Great Britain and the. 1840. . Voice to America [favoring freedom from foreign influence, 1855] 297.13 Washington, G. Political legacies. 1800 297.6 219.8 297.5 297.7 J 3, J 6 UNITED STATES 278 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. General political history, continued. Wells, J. G. Illustrated citizen s companion; a compendium of the political history of the, [to 1858] 296.14 Illustrated national hand-book ; a compendium of the political history of the, [to 1868] 296.15 Whitney, T. R. Defence of the American policy, as opposed to tho encroachments of foreign in fluence. 1856 288.5 Williams, E. Tho statesman s manual. Addresses and messages of the presidents, from 1789-1849 . . 296.4 Note. See the lives of the presidents [singly ; or collectively in Abbott, B. II. 4442.2] and leading public characters like Burr, by Pnrton, [51.5.9]; Pinkney, by Wheaton, [518.5.3 j; Wirt, by Kennedy, [B. II. 4449a.4] ; Clinton, [see Clinton]: Livingston, by Hunt, [B. H. 2.T47..TOJ; Calhoun, [BCO Cal- houn] ; Clay, by Colton, [see Clay] ; Webster, by Curtis, [see Webster] ; Crittenden, by his daughter, [B. II. 2 )4f>.51] ; Taney. [B. H. 2344.55]; Greeley s Recollections, [also in B. II. 444.1.2]; teuton s Thirty years view, [also in B. H. 2322.54]; see also the American almanac, 1830-60, [A.118.1]. History. War of 1812-15. Armstrong, J. Notices of the war of 1812 217.4 Bowen, A. The naval monument, containing ac counts of tho battles between tho navies of the United States and Great Britain during the war of [1812-15] 215.11 Brackenridge, H. M. History of tho late war be tween the United States and Great Britain 217.5 Coggeshall, G. History of tho American priva teers, and letters-of-marquo, [1812-14] 215.8 Gilleland, J. C. History of the late war between the United States and Great Britain 219.6 Gleig, G. R. Campaigns of the British army at Washington and New Orleans, in 1814, 15 889.19 Headley, J. T. The second war with England. 217.2 Ingersoll, C. J. Historical sketch of the second war between tho United States and Great Britain. 215.9 O Connor, T. History of the war between the United States and Great Britain 217.6 ffote. The best and most elaborate history is Lossing a Field-book [B. H. 4421.3], portions of which appeared origin ally in llarper 3 monthly, namelv: Cruise of the Essex, vol. 19; The. navy, vol. 24; Scott in the war, vol. 26; Scenes, vol. 20-30. American accounts soon after the events were written by Fay, [B. II. 4:124, .] ; Gilleland [also in B. II. 4329a.l6], und O Connor [217. !]. Of the later, Brackenridge s is the best [also in B. H. 4429a.3] of the shorter accounts, while Ileadlev s is a rapid and vivid review. Ingersoll s has a disproportionate amount of irrelevant matter. See- IBrannan s official reports of the naval and military officers, [B. II. 4324.7]. See Cooper s and other naval histories for the war on the ocean, and Jamos [ B. H. 2327.13] for an English view of the naval conflicts. Sec Hull s Campaign of the northern army [B. II. 4403.5] and Christie s " War in Canada" for the English side. Alison [943.1, etc.! on the English side, allows Cooper s Naval history [215.4] to be fair but calls Armstrong impartial and authentic, while W. James recognized as temperate by American writers. La Tour, for the war in West Florida and Louisiana [B. H. 237(>.rJ, is deemed the chief source of information, by Parton in his life of Jackson, which see for other references, and also see under Jackson in this catalogue. Wyse, on the English side, goes over the grounds of the war, [B. H. 232S.13] ; and Ly man covers its diplomacy, [B. H. 2326.5]. See also Hildrcth s second series, [303.2, etc.]. See also titles and note under Military and naval history in this article. See also Florida, Jackson, A., Louisiana, New Orleans, Washington, D. C. History. *War with Mexico, 1845-47. Curwen, M. E. Sketches of the campaign in Northern Mexico 259. 12 Henry, W. S. Campaign sketches of the war with Mexico 259. 14 Jay, W. A review of the causes and consequences of the Mexican war 259.5 Livermore, A. A. The war with Mexico reviewed. 259.4 Mansfield, E. D. Tho Mexican war 259.1; 259.2 Ramsey, A. C. The other side: or notes for the history of tho war between Mexico and the 259.3 Ripley, R. S. The war with Mexico 252.4 Semmes, R. Service afloat and ashore during the Mexican war 623.15 Smith, S. C. Chile con carne; or, the camp and the field 623.19 Stevens, I. I. Campaign of tho Rio Grande and of Mexico 623.9 Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. History. War of 18 12-15, continued. Thorpe, T. B. Our army at Monterey 259.7 Our army on tho Rio Grande 259.6 Willard, E. Last leaves of American history [Mexican war, with a history of California] .... 309.11 Note. The most considerable separate history is that of Major Kipley, who is controverted iu part by Stevens. Ram- ley s book is a translation in the main from the Spanish. Henry s sketches are also in Bates Hall, [4427.15]. McShf rry served as a surgeon and gives his personal experience, [B. H. 2375.57]. See also General McCall s Letters from the frontier. [163fi.20]; Carlton [2.59.8] and General Benham [B. H. 4414.4] on the battle of Buena Vista. Also, Kcnly s Memoirs of a Maryland volunteer, [B. H. 2326.53]. See alsoHarperVmonthly, vol.11, for the battles under Scott and Taylor, and the lives of those generals, as well as histories of the United States covering this period. For the political bearings, see Jay, [also in B. H. 2328.21" ; Webster s Speeches, [284.1.5]; Beuton s "Thirty years," etc., [282.1], History. Civil war, 1861-65. Abbott,A.O. Prison life in the South, [1864, 65]. 276.8 Abbott, J. S. C. History of tho civil war in Amer ica. 1865 292.12 Alcott, L. M. Hospital sketches. 1863 307.10 Armstrong, W. II. Red-tape and pigeon-hole generals. 1864 307.24 Aughey, J. H. Tho iron furnace: or, slavery and secession. 1863 295.6 Baker, L. C. History of the United States secret service. 1867 272.6 Barnard, J. G. The C. S. A., and the battle of Bull Run. 1862 293.2 The peninsular campaign and its antecedents. 1864 308.12 Battle-fields of the South, from Bull Run to Fredoricksburgh. By an English combatant. 1864 272.19 Beecher, H. W. Freedom and war. 1863 307.8 Bickham, W. D. Rosecrans campaign with the 14th army corps. 1863 307.3 Bishop, P. P. Liberty s ordeal. 1864 309.22 Blake, H. N. Three years in the army of the Potomac. 1865 308.23 Boker, G. H. Poems of the war. 1864 309.21 Bonstetten, C. V. de. The man of the North, and the man of the South. 1864 307.25 Borcke, H. von. Memoirs of the confederate war for independence. 1867 288.1 Boutwell, G. S. Speeches and papers relating to the rebellion. 1867 288.12 Bowman, S. M. Sherman and his campaigns. 1865 272.1 Boynton, C. B. History of the navy during the rebellion. 1867 276.5 Bright, J. Speeches on the American question. 1865 812.2 Brockett, L. P. Our great captains. Grant, Sher man, Thomas, Sheridan, and Farragut. 1865.. 569.2 Woman s work in the civil war. 1867 272.4 Browne, A. K. Story of tho Kearsarge and Ala bama. 1868 306.4 Browne, J. H. Four years in Secessia. 1865. . . 634.21 Brownell, H. H. War-lyrics. 1865 1347.9 Brownlow, W. G. Parson Brownlow, and the unionists of East Tennessee. 1862 538.24; 1529.23 Sketches of secession. 1862 634.10 Burnham, G. P. Memoirs of the United States secret service. 1872 276.19 Cairnes, J. E. The slave power: an attempt to explain the real issues involved in the American conflict. 1862 292.7 Cavada, F. F. Libby life, [1863-64] 308. 14 Cobb, J. B. Leisure hours 877.6 Coffin, C. C. Following tho flag, 1861, 62, with the army of the Potomac 307.32 Four years of fighting, from the battle of Bull Run to the fall of Richmond. 1866 272.2 My days and nights on tho battle-field. 1864. 307.16 Conway, M. D. The golden hour. 1862 298.16 The rejected stone: or insurrection vs. resurrec tion in America. 1861 298.5 Conyngham, D. P. Tho Irish brigade and its campaigns. 1869 288.14 UNITED STATES 279 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. History, Civil war, continued. Cooko. J. E. Hammer and rapior. 1870 276. 17 - Mohan; or, the last days of Leo and his paladins. 1869 276.14 Wearing of the gray; being personal portraits, scenes and adventures of the war. 1867 272.10 Day, S. P. Down South; or, an Englishman s experience at tho seat of tho American war. 18<J2 634.11 Duganne, A. J. H. Camps and prisons. Twenty months in tho department of tho Gulf. 1865 . . . 308.25 Edmonds, S. E. E. Nurse and spy ia tho union army. 1865 308.18 Ellis, D. Thrilling adventures during tho rebel lion. 1867 276.4 Ellis, T. T. Loaves from the diary of an army surgeon. 1863 298.27 Ellison, T. Slavery and secession in America. 1861 298.11 Ely, A. Journal in Richmond. 1862 298.13 Estabrooks, H. L. Adrift in Dixie; or, a Yankee officer among tho rebels. 1866 644.19 Estvan, B. War pictures from tho South. 1863 . 307.4 Farrar, C. C. S. Tho war : its causes and conse quences. 1864 308.8 Ferguson, J. Life-struggles in rebel prisons. 1865 249.10 Fisher, G. A. The Yankee conscript; or, eighteen months in Dixie. 1864 . .. 308.13 Fiske, S. Mr. Dunn Browne s experiences in the army. 1866 288.10 " Fort-La-Fayctto life," [1863-64] 308.22 Fremont, J. B. Story of tho guard: a chronicle of tho war. 1863 225.5 Gasparin, A. (E.) de. Tho uprising of a great people. The United States in 1861 1133.3 Giddings, J. R. History of tho rebellion: its authors and causes. 1864 292.13 Gilmor, H. Four years in the saddle. 1866 244.14 Gilmore, J. R. Among the pines : or, South in secession-time. 1862 298.15 Goddard, S. A. Letters on tho American rebel lion. 1870 276.16 Goss, W. L. The soldier s story of his captivity at Andersonville, Bello Isle, and other rebel prisons. 1870 276.3 Greeley, H. The American conflict, [1860-65].. 281.1 Greenhow, R. My imprisonment and tho first year of abolition rule at Washington. 1863.... 307.18 Guernsey, A. H. Harper s pictorial history of the great rebellion. 1866 271.1 Gurowski, A. (G.) de. Diary, [1861-63] 295.10 Diary, [1863-65] 244.11 Halpine, C. G. Life and adventures of private Miles O Reilly, 47th regiment, New York volun teers. 1864 307.28 Hanaford, P. A. Field, gunboat, hospital, and prison ; or, records of heroism in the union army and navy during the great rebellion. 1866.... 262.1 Harris, W. C. Prison-life in the tobacco ware house at Richmond. 1862 298.18 Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval com manders, [1861-65] 272.7 The great rebellion. 1863,66 293.3 Hopworth, G. H. The whip, hoe, and sword; or, the gulf-department in 63. 1864 307.17 Higginson, T. W. Army life in a black regiment. 1870 288.15 Hills, A. C. Macpherson, tho great confederate philosopher and southern blower. 1864 307.23 Hoge, Mrs. A. H. The boys in blue. 1867 272.9 Hosmer, J. K. Tho color-guard: a corporal s notes of military service in tho nineteenth army corps. 1864 307.26 Hospital transports: the embarkation of the sick and wounded from tho peninsula of Virginia in the summer of 1862 1309.2 Keim, De B. R. Sheridan s troopers on the bor ders. 1870 245.14 Kellogg, R. H. Life and death in rebel prisons. 1865 1276.6 Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. History. Civil war, continued. Laboulaye, E. (R. L.) Paris in America. 1863.634.15 Laugel, A. Tho United States during the war. 1866 272.5 Lecomte, F. Thd war in the United States. 1863 . 307.7 Lester, C. E. Light and dark of the rebellion. 1863 307.9 Life in the South; from tho commencement of the war, [1860-62]. By a blockaded British subject 307.1 Locke, E. W. Three years in camp and hospital. 1870 276.18 Lossing, B. J. Pictorial history of tho civil war in the. 1866-68 272.8 Lyle, W. W. Lights and shadows of army life. 1865 1276.2 MacGuiro, Mrs. J. P. Diary of a southern refugee during the war. 1867 288.11 Mahony, D. A. Tho prisoner of state. 1863... 298.21 Malet, W. W. An errand to tho South in tho summer of 1862 308.21 Marks, J. J. Tho peninsula campaign in Vir ginia, [1861-63] 307.5 Melville, H. Battle-pieces and aspects of the war. 1866 1346.4 Moore, F. Anecdotes, poetry, and incidents of tho war, [1860-65] 241.1 Lyrics of loyalty. 1864 309.19 Personal and political ballads. 1864 309.23 Rebel rhymes and rhapsodies. 1864 300.20 Songs of tho soldiers. 1864 309.24 Nowhall, F. C. With General Sheridan in Lee s last campaign. 18G6 276.2 Nichols, G. W. Story of the great march, [Sher man s]. 1865 306.2 Noel, B. W. Freedom and slavery in the. 1863. 297.29 The rebellion in America. 1863 307.15 Notes of hospital life, [1861-63] 307.29 Nott, C. C. Sketches of the war. 1863 295.7 Parton, J. General Butler in New Orleans. History of the administration of the Gulf in 1862 . 295.8 Poissner, E. Tho American question in its national aspect. 1861 288.4 Peyton, J. L. The American crisis. 1867 276.15 Pollard, E. A. Leo and his lieutenants. 1867.. 272.20 The lost cause regained. 1868 276.9 Southern history of the war. Tho third year of the war. 1865 293.4 Post, L. M. Soldiers letters from camp, battle field and prison. 1865 24i.lO Rawlins, C. E., jr. American dis-union: consti tutional or unconstitutional. 1862 298.14 Redden, L. C. Idyls of battle and poems of the rebellion. 1864 308.16 Reynolds, E. W. The barons of the South. 1862. 298.10 Richardson, A. D. Tho secret service, the field, the dungeon, and the escape. 1865 242.3 Rouse, E- S. S. The bugle blast ; or, spirit of the conflict. 1864 308.17 Rugglcs, C. L. The great American scout and spy, " General Bunker." 1868 308.26 Russell, W. H. My diary North and South. 1863 634.13 Pictures of Southern life. 1861 288. 13 Schalk, E. Campaigns of 1862 and 1863 298.24 Scott, J. The lost principle ; or the sectional equi librium. 1860 * 252.9 Shanks, W. F. G. Personal recollections of dis tinguished generals. 1866 15 16.12 Sherman, W. T. Official account of his great march through. Georgia and the Carolinas. 1865. 1276.5 Skinner, J. E. H. After tho storm; or, Jonathan and his neighbours in 1865-66 1636.19 Snow, W. P. Southern generals, their lives and campaigns. 1866 243.1 Stacke, H. The story of the American war. 1866. 249.11 Stars and stripes in robeldom. A series of papers written by federal prisoners (privates) in Rich mond, [etc.]. 1862 295.2 Stephens, A. H. Constitutional view of the late war between the states 272.12 280 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. History. Civil war, continued. Stevenson, \V r . G. Thirteen months in the rebel army. 1862 ............................... 1309.1 Tharin, R. S. Arbitrary arrests in the South; or, scenes from the experience of an Alabama union ist. 1863 ................................. 298.22 Thayer, W. M. Youth s history of the rebellion. 1864-66 ................................... 307.30 Throop, M. H. The future: a political essay. 1864 ...................................... 295.9 Towle, G. M. Glimpses of history. 1866 ...... 1977.1 Townsend, G. A. Campaigns of a non-combatant, and his romaunt abroad during the war. 1866. 644.18 Trowbridge, J. T. The South : a tour of its battle fields and ruined cities. 1866 ................ 272.3 Victor, 0. J. Comprehensive history of the South ern rebellion, and the war of the union. 1862.. 293.1 -- Incidents and anecdotes of the war. 1862 ..... 2!)3.5 War letters of a disbanded volunteer ............ 308.10 Wilson, H. History of the antislavery measures of the 37th and 38th congresses, 1861-64 ....... 296.13 -- History of the reconstruction measures of the 3!)th and 40th congresses, 1865-68 ............ 296.16 Note. General histories. Draper s " Civil war in America," in three large volumes [B. H. 4423.4.-)], is tlie chief elaborate history, iti which philosophical suggestions hold prominence. His first volume is given to tracing the rise and progress of the antagonistic feeling between the North and South in ethno logical and climatic causes, and this gives the hook its charac ter, for it is not esteemed of marked importance either as a history of politics or of the military operations, but its interest consists rather in his efforts to place the reader from time to time at the point of view assumed respectively by the opposing leaders. The cliicf value of Horace Greelcy s" American con flict " [also in B. H. 4iSl.Hl] rests upon it as a narrative of the causes of the war and of the history of politics by a strong anti-slavery man. for the military parts, though reasonably well done, generally impartial and accurate, lack the spirit that makes a military record become the fittinf; reflex of his tory. Swinton s Twelve decisive battles [B. II. 4423.44], is perhaps upon the whole the b"st general view of the military operations. He selects Bull Run, Oonclson. Shiloh, Antietam, Miitfrccsboro, the Monitor and the Merrimac, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Atlanta. Nashville, and Five Forks, giving the prelude and the results of each, as the most indica tive conflicts; and the chief mistakes of the book arise natu rally fiom histoopositivelyconnectingsubordinate events with Pollard s four volumes, "The first, second, third, and fourth year of the war" [B. H. 432:s.::2; 4. !90.14], is the only important general record on the Southern side, and it is characterized by a strong aversion to the North, and an almost equal dislike of Jefferson Davis, which is likewise the case with his Lost cause " [also in B. II. 4350.29], and his " Secret history of the Southern confederacy." [B. II. 4445.3]. The history by Lieut. Colonel Frazier, 18iil -5, shows sympathy with the South, but is reputed very fair as a military narrative, considering the disadvantages of an English officer in acquiring the neces sary infbrniation so soon alter the events. The various popular histories of the war have their distinc tive merits. Lqssing s [also in B. H. 4321.9] is very readable, nd the narrative is helned by many excellent wood-cuts. Guernsey s, known as Harper a [also in B. H. 4.130.6] and Leslie s [23 Cabinet], both preserve on large pages the contem porary wood-cuts which accompanied the progress of the war in the weekly journals of these names. Tenney s [B. H. 4. !50.24] is based upon the military and naval record of Ap- pleton s Annual cyclopaedia. Beside the popular narratives otAbbrtt [also in B. H. 4"22.1] and Headley. above-named, there are others by Duvckinek. [B. II. 4320.41]; Kettel!,[B. H. 4-HO.:] ; Lloyd CB. II. 4320.39], etc. There are numerous personal narratives of officers or camp followers, covering large portions of the entire field, like Carle- ton Coffin s " Four years of fighting, [also in B. II. 4350.27]; Strother s Personal recollections, in Harper s monthly, vols. 83- 6. See also Abbott s Heroic deeds of heroic men, in vols. SO- M. See also the lives of Lincoln, Grant, Jackson, Sherman, etc., and in the only volume of Badcau s Life of Grant yet pub lished, there is one of the best accounts of the military opera tions participated in by that general down to the spring of 18M. The Armii of tjie Potomac. Perhaps the best general history is Swinton s [B. II. 4320.83], but it is alleged that in his desire to be impartial, he sometimes underestimates the forces of the confederates. There are numerous personal narratives like those of Blake, Coffin, etc.; as well as the general histories of the war, and the lives of Grant, I^e, etc. ; special regimental histories; Conyngham s Irish brigade: Shank s Distinguished generals, etc. On the confederate side, beside Pollard s History, see Cooke, above-mentioned, and Goimaii on Lee s last cam paign, [B. H 4429.7]. Of Bull Run, there is a special account by Barnard, beside the official reports; and the narrative of Dr. Russell, the Lon don Times correspondent, [B. II. 43. Oa.I5 ; 4:i40a.40]. Of the Peninsular campaign, beside McClellan s report [B. , . , .. . in the federal camp. See McClcllan,note. Of General Pope s campaign, see that general s report, [B. II. 4340a.li;]; Mill s comment on it [B. II. 4424.1:.]. and the tes timony in the court martial of General Porter, [see Bates Hall catalogues]. Of Hooker s campaign, the most valuable monograph is Hotchidss and Allan s account [B II. 4423.9] of the battle of Chancellorsville a very clear and impartial narrative by two of General Jackson s staff-officers, who furnish excellent maps, UNITED STATES. History. Civil war, cnntinved. and who are rarely inaccurate, but in matters necessarily be yond their knowledge. Of the tinal campaign under Grant, Newhall s book is a vivid portrayal of the closing scenes. See also Cannon [B. II. 4428.30], and the lives of Grant. The Virginia and Maryland campaigns have also been re viewed by l/ieut.-Col. Ciiesney, 1803, who is reputed the chief of the English military critics, in two valuable and entertaining little volumes, not including, however, the closing campaign. His political sympathies are with the confederates. See Harper s monthly, " In and around Richmond," vol. 32. Western campaigns. See above Bickham, on Uosecran s op erations; Fremont, on the war in Missouri ; and fur Sherman s campaign, see Bowman, Nichols, Conyngham [B. II. 4434.6], etc., beside the general histories, and lives of Sherman. Lyon, Grant, Foote. etc. See Harper s monthly, for Sherman s march, vol. 31; for Chattanooga, vol.30; and for Lookout mountain, vol. 37. Southern campaigns. Beside the general histories, see Par- ton s Butler in New Orleans, [also in B. H. 4370a.22]; and Du- panne, Hepworth, Hosmer, etc., mentioned above. Also An drews s "Campaign of Mobile," [B. II. 4350.31]. States, reyimeiu*, etc., in the war. See under Massachusetts, for her record. There have been histories of the part taken by various srate, or bvthdr military organizations, I ike Pennsyl vania, [B. II. 4370a.5; 44:11.11]; New Jersey, [B. H. 4400.fi]; Rhode Island, [B. H. 4429.4]; Connecticut, [B. H. 4421.28; 4424.6; 442S.2J; 4428.231; Vermont. [B. II. 442.-J.3; 4127.8]; Wis consin, [B. II. 43-Oa.l]; Illinois, [B. II. 4428.77]; Ohio, [B. H. 4400:4; 4423.M; New York. [B. II. 4330a.I2; 4.1V).2ii; 44(K)a.24; 4424.7 ; 4424.8], etc. ; by various universities like Harvard, [B. H. 4387.16]; Brown. [B. II. 4100.3]; the University of Virginia on the confederate side [U. II. 412.V14], etc. ; while the records of societies to commemoi ate the organizations of different cam- Saigns, arc often of interest, like those of the. Army of the ames, [B. 11.4424.16]; of the Army of the Cumberland [B. H. 4422.21; 4423.1], etc. Hospital and sanitary service, etc. Adequate records have been made in the histories of the Sanitary commission [B. H. 4350a.l20; see reviews in North American, Jan., 1867, and in the Atlantic, April. 1ST.7] and of the Christian commission [B. II. 4400.12; see Lippinoott l magazine, Feb., 181)8: and no. 1209 of Living age], whilethereare numerous personal records, like Miss Alcott s, etc. See article on military hospitals at Fort Monroe in Harper s monthly, vol. 29. Also Moore s Women of the war, [B. H. 4350.38]; and Goodrich s Tribute book, [B. II. 4321.5]. Prison experience. See the following names in the above list, or in the Bates Hall catalogues: Abbott, [also in B. H. 4370.121; Cavada; Fergnsson; Duganne: Glazier, [B. H. [4.",70a.2:\]: Go**; Ilamlin, [B. II. 4429.1]; Harris; Keilejr, [B. H. 4:;70a.lti]; Kellogg: Richardson ; Sabre[B. II. 44298.17], etc. Also Harper s monthly, vol. 31 ; and Pollard s " In prison and on parole," [B. II. 4340a 25). Confederate narratives. Beside the general narrative of Pollard, and the official despatches, see in the list above, Cooke, [also in B. II. 4350.47]: Gilmor, [also in B. II. 43211.47]; also in bates Hall the history of the Maryland line, [442").20]; Partisan life with Mosby, [4423.7]; Pickett s men, [4428.16]; Forrest s cavalry [4:170.3], etc. Political atpf cls. For the causes, beside the general histories, particularly Grceley s and Draper s, see Fowler s Sectional controversy [B. H. 4425,11, which traces the development of sectionalism from colonial days: Lnnt s Origin of the late war, [B. H. 4329.35]; the titles under Slavery, with nclc appended; Olmstead s Seaboard states. [B. II. 4460.:;]; Helper s Impend ing crisis, [B. H. 5577.22]; Laman s Life of Lincoln, [see Lincoln]; Wilson s Antislavery measures, and Boutwell s Speeches, in the above list. Botts s " Great rebellion " [B. H. 4370a.3] traces its rise and progress, and his book is the author s personal vindication as a unionist of the South. Stephens, the vice-president of the confederacy, has put forth his " Constitutional view" of the war [also in B. II. 4421.12], and has published a reply to his reviewers. [B. H. 232t.. >2]. See also McPherson s Political his tory during the rebellion [B. H. 4322.141, and Daniel s Rich mond examiner during the war, [B. EL 4423.2]. Pollard s Life of Jefferson Davis covers the secret history of the con federacy, as told by an actor on that side, [1515.8 ; TB. H. 444.5.3]. President Buchanan has published since the war a defence of his " administration on the eve of the rebellion," tracing also the history of the anti-slavery agitation, and the right of secession, [B. II. 4327.261. Secret service. See in the above list the names of Baker also in B. II. 4350.48], Burnham, and Richardson, [also in ". H. 4320.27]. Kai:al history. Boynton s [also in B. II. 4351.2] is the only considerable history: but there is an outline of naval oper ations in Hamersly s Records of living officers. [B. II. 51K2.12]; and a popular view in IIcadley sFarragut and our naval com manders, [also in B. H. 4350.42]. SeeFarragut, and the names of other officers. There are special accounts of the conflict between the Kear- sargc and Alabama, [. 506.4 ; B. II. 4424.10, etc.]. Sec Semmcs s Service afloat [308.11; B. H. 4423.(1] for the Alabama s earlier career. Swinton s Derisive battles [B. II. 4425.44] contains an account of the battle between the Monitor and Merrimac. Sec Harper s monthly, on ironclads, vol. 2.5; on the first cruise of the Passaic, vol. 27 ; on the cruise of the Sassacus, y0 fmcion views. The writings of J. S. Mill, TB. H. 2365.20.1; 4320a 104] ; Cairnes [B. II. 4323.19; 4323.48], Newman [B. H. 4322.36], Bright [B. H, WW\ and Cobden among English- B Of the military operations, Trollope [634.8] offered the earliest English account, followed by Russell [B. II. 4428.11, also 4330a.l4], while the English officers, Fletcher, Frazier, ., and Chesney, already mentioned, are opposed in sympathy to the North. See also the French accounts of Pisani, Prince Napoleon s aid -de-camp. [2073.32] ; of the Prince de Joinville s, [B. H. 4321.24]: of Chanal, cB. II. 2328.55]: of Cortambert and De Tranaltos, [B. II. 4370a.l7]; and of Vigo-Roussillon, [B. H. 4424.5]; and the German Von Borcke, [also in B. If. See also Evma s French view of the states at the outbreak of the war, [B. H. 4323.18]; and that by Fisch, [2073.18]. UNITED STATES 281 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. History. Civil war, continued. In fiencral. Every aspect of the war can be studied in the Rebellion record, [B. II. 4323.5; 4&~>1.."J; and in various news paper tiles, [chii Hv of Boston, Cab.-! 1.1 ; of Richmond, 4:j!0a.67j various slips, F. 11.1]. See also the adjutant-general s reports of the various states, and the official reports of officers to their respective government!. Bartlett s " Literature of the rebellion," covers also the pre ceding slavery controversy, [B. II. 2152.:$]. Maps. For the operations of tlie army of the Potomac, [B. H. 4410.o]; lor Grant s campaign, 18U4-&5, [B. 11. 4410.2; F.fci] ; for the siege of Kichmond, [B. II. 4410.1 ] ; lor llallcek s niarcii on Corinth, [B. II. 4420.23] ; for Grant s Vicksburg campaign, [B. II. 4410.2]; for Sherman s inarches, [B. II. 4410.4]. See also collections, [B. II. 4420.22: 4410.7]. See alto Alabama, Andersonville, Iowa, Massachusetts, New York, Kliocle Island, Richmond, Secession, Shenandoah, Sla very, Suinter, Tennessee, Vicksburg, Washington, D. C. History. Reconstruction period. - Wilson, H. History of the reconstruction meas ures of the 39th and 40th congresses, 1805-08 ---- 290.16 Kote. See Barnes s History of the 39th congress, [B. H. 4422.S]; Wilsons Reconstruction measures, [also in B. H. 4403.!)]; and McPhci son s Political history during reconstruc tion, April 1ft. 18(. to July !.">, 1S70, [B. If. 2:J22.:.0]. See also Pollard s Lost cause regained, [27ti.y] ; and note under An drew Johnson. Military and naval history. 3owen, A. The naval monument, containing accounts of battles between the navies of the United States and Great Britain .............. 215.11 Boynton, C. B. History of the navy during the rebellion ................................... 276.5 Brackett, A. G. History of the United States Cavalry, to 1803 ............................ 1276.4 Coggesiiall, G. History of the American priva teers, and letters-of-marque, [1812-14] ........ 215.8 Cooper, J. F. History of the navy of the United States, [1020-1815 J ......................... 215.1 -- Continued to 18.~>3 .......................... 215.2 -- Continued to 1850 .......................... 215.4 --- Abridged ............................... 215.13 Dawson, 11. B. Battles of the United States, [1775-1847] ................................ 221.1 Neff, J. K. The army and navy of America, [from the old French war to the Florida war] . . . 215.10 Note. See also the sections on Colonial history, Revolu tionary war, War of 1812, Mexican war. Civil war; also the names of prominent military and naval heroes. Knapp lias a lecture on the early naval history, [B. II. 441)5.1]. Cooper s work is also in Bale s Hail, [,7,iji .l"> ; 6955.1o]. See also Ciark, to 1811!, [B. 11. 4.J25.12; 4;j2o.l:;]. llamorslv 4 Record of living officers of tlie navy, 1870 [it. II. 5U.32.i2], contains brief , arranged by seniority with alphabetical index, and a concise narrative of naval operations in the civil war, and lists of all officers engaged. There is a popular book by Frost, " American generals " [B. II. 234i. 2], including military history from the revolution to the Mexican war. Constitutional history, etc. Cocke, W. A. Constitutional history of the, [1777- 1836] ...................................... Constitutional text book. 1854 ................ Constitutions of the several states in the union and United States. 1853 .................... Curtis, G. T. History of the constitution of the. 1854 ....................................... Duer, W. A. Constitutional jurisprudence of the. Flanders, II. Exposition of the constitution of the. 1860 ................................. Goodrich, C. B. The science of government as exhibited in the institutions of the. 1853 ...... Gurowski, A. (G.) de. America and Europe. 1857 ....................................... Hickey, W. The constitution, with an account of the state papers, etc. 1853 ................... Hopkins, J. H. The American citizen: his rights and duties, according to the spirit of the consti tution of the. 1857..! ...................... Johnson, A. B. Guide to the right understanding of our American union. 1857 ................ Mansfield, E. D. The political manual; being a view of the general and state governments of the. 1861 ..... ............................... ... Secret proceedings and debates of the convention in 1787, for framing the constitution of the ...... R leppard, F. The constitutional text-book. 1857. locqueville, A. (C. H. Clerel) de. Democracy in America. 1862 ........................ 123.8; 283.4 299.1 282.8 282.7 820.57 299.12 134.1 134.19 299.2 134.17 297.16 299.18 299.6 299.4 134.3 298.1 Shclfc No. UNITED STATES. Constitutional history, etc., continued. Towle, N* C. History and analysis of the con stitution of the. 1861 Tremenheere, II. S. The constitution of the United States compared with that of [Great Britain]. 1854 299.5 Willis, A. The nation: its rulers and institutions; or, outlines of the government. 1871 307.34 AWc. The history of the ideas of local self-government, and of a spirit of union which resulted in the American constitu tion, is ubly and elaborately traced in Frothingham s Rise of the republic, [273.2 ; B. Id. 2. !22.i] ; while Curtis, in his History of the constitution, is more closely concerned with the effort to fashion the sentiment of union and local independency into the written charter. Towle also traces the historical antece dents in the earlier confederacies, [also in B. II. 4427.19]. The debates that preceded tlie adoption can be studied in Elliot [B. H. 4400a.3J], and in Hives s Madison, [..22.0.::] ; and the Federal ist, chiefly by Hamilton [285.4], was written to commend the constitution to general favor. See Everett s oration on Ameri can constitutions, [851.7.1]. Tlie history of the formation and of the powers of the constitution is popularly told in Alden a " Science of government," [B. U. S~,8., >1]; a comparison with those of Athens, Lacedsemon and Carthage is given in President Monroe s posthumous " The people the sovereign," [B. H.4::i9.4]; the works of John Adams [vols.4,5 and 6of 28. !.!], unfold the ideas of a prominent actor in the events from 1775 down to the full operation of tlie constitution. Diverse vs of the workings of tlie constitution ana of its powers may 8 i of parties, like Van Buren s [B. II. 4343.13], and Gillet s Democracy [B. II. 4428.1], and records of political action, like Benton s Thirty years view [282.1], and the speeches of Webster [284.1], will afford additional light. Among foreign comments the chief in importance is Do Tocqucville, 1830 [123.8; I M.,".; B. H. 44L7.0; or in French, 2327.10; 4427.7], and he is reviewed by J. S. Mill[B. H.2.-.05.21.2] and others. Wee also the observations of Martineau, [028.17]; Thornton, [020.1]: Gurowski, [1.54.19]; Anthony Trollope, [634.8]; Chevalier [B. U. 4327.27], etc. Ecclesiastical history. Baird, R. Religion in America; its origin and present condition. 1856 113.2 Blaikie, A. The schools; or, presbyteriansinthe. 1860 1115.11 Gillett, E. II. History of the presbyterian church in the. 1864 2096.2 Marsh, C. Aspects of religion in the. 1859 ....2,109.11 Note. The general histories necessarily trace the introduc tion and progress of sects, and the accompaniments of the re ligious fervor which in different sections of the country was connected with the founding of the colonies. For New Eng land, see Felt [iO& r >.l], and the headings New England, Mas sachusetts, Plymouth, Puritans, etc. Chapters 5 and 6 of Marsh s Aspects of religion [2109.11] are given to New Eng land. For the Jesuits of the north-west, see Parkman s histo ries [9)08.11. and MeGee s Catholic history of North America, [B. II. 2318.19]. For the catholic church in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, see De Conrcey, [1093.0; B. H. 3544.21]; and for this century, see the account chiefly confined to Louisiana [B. II. 5559a.lO], and the memoir of Elizabeth Seton, [B. H., in French, .W15.10J. There is a recent sketch by Fitton [B. H. 3549.52] of the establishment of the catholic church in New England. For the Huguenots in Florida, see Parkman s Pioneers, [300.1.1]. There is a voluminous record of material con cerning the Anierican colonial [episcopal] church [B. II. 5520.2], of which vol. 1 is devoted to Virginia, and vol. 2 to Pennsylvania, no more being vet printed. Neill gives a chapter [B. II. 4422.22] to the founding of the church Of England in the colonies; and for particular sections, see Hawkes, for Virginia [3546.1], Dalcho, for South Carolina [3.546. 5], etc. Also under Protestant episcopal church of the United States in the Bates Hall catalogues. Lives of White- field [which see] cover the rise of methodisni [which see]. Universalism is treated by Whitleniorc [315:1.20], and Hat- field, [B. II. 5408.12]. The Unitarian controversy is sur veyed by Dr. Ellis, [113.7]. Sprague s Annals of the Anierican piilpit [B. II. 2340.4], surveys the Held comprehensively, com ing down to a. recent date. Vols. 1 and 2, are given to Trini tarian congregational ists; vols. 3 and 4, to Presbyterians; v. 5, to Episcopalians ;v. 0. to Baptists; v. 7, to Methodists ; v. 8, to Unitarians. Eachseiies lias a compendious historical sketch, of the sect, prefixed, with indications of authoiities. Baird s general work is also in Bates Hall, [3544.9; Poll. v. 414]. The general aspects of religion among the people are touched upon bv many observers, like Baxter, [020.30] ; Darusmont, [624.9] s Warbnrton, [027.19]; Giirowski. [134.111]; Martineau, [028.17.2] ; Schatf, [10S8. 10. part 2]; Marry at, [B. II. 4369.22]; Jenning s Eighty years, [214 20]. For the peculiar socialistic sects, see Noves s History of Anierican socialism, [B. 11. 5501.21]; Dixon s Spiritual wives. [1122.10; 1129.11]; and his New America, [032.1(1; 10. .-,.21] ; and J. S. Buckingham s chapter on the shakers [024.4.2]. who are also described by Lossing in vol. loot Harper s monthly. See Mormomsm, note. See also The various sects. Literature. Chambers, W. Hand-book of American literature. 404.13 Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of American liter ature 404.3 UNITED STATES 282 UNITED STATES Shelf: No. UNITED STATES. Literature, continued. Duyckinck, B. A. Cyclopaedia of American liter ature 392.2 Kettell, S. Specimens of American poetry, with critical and biographical notices 339.4 Knapp, S. L. Lectures on American literature, with remarks on some passages of American his tory 402.3 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews v. 1 of 875.11 v. 1 of 875.12 Notf.. The best account will be found in Duyckinck s Cy- Jopacdia [also in B. II. 2392.1], which traces the progress of Dr. Griswold s Prose writers, [872.12; B. II. 4500a.20]; his Poets, [314.4; 314.5 1 ; his Female authors, [314.7]; his Sacred poets, [134.8] ; and his Curiosities of American literature, added to an American edition of Disraeli, [402.5]; also Morris s Prose and poetry, [321.3] ; Hale s Female poets, [1328.17] ; Hart s Fe male prose writers, [B. H. 4445.14]; Coggeshall s Poets and poetry of the West, [B. H. 4401.1]; Raymond s Southland writers, [B. H. 4444.16]; Davidson s Living writers of the South, [B. H. 4446.14]; and Tardy s Living female writers of the South, [B. H. 4444.1C]. Cleveland s Compendium [also in B. H. 2396.5], is a chronological arrangement of extracts and memoirs from Jonathan Edwards down. Underwood s American authors [B. II. 2407.50] has a historical introduc tion. There is also a little manual in Chambers s series of literary histories by Gostick, 1853, [404.13; B. II. 2384.8]. There is a French history by Vail, 1841, arranged by classes, Among the earlier accounts is that by Samuel L. Knapp, [also in B. H. 4495.1], Among separate papers the following maybe designated: Everett s address on the causes favoring the progress of Amer ican literature, [801.7.1] ; Emerson s American scholar, [870.6]; Higginson s Americanism in literature, [877.21, or Atlantic monthly, Jan., 1870] ; Simms s article on the same subject, [B. H. 4409.22]; Greene s lecture on the poetry and prose of the revolution, [308.24]; a chapter in Ilinton s United States, [2310.15]; censorious articles in the Westminster review and North British review for 1852; " American poetry " in North British review, 1867, or no. 1207 of Living age; Westminster review, 1870, or no. 1388 of Living age; and Temple bar, Feb., 1873. Also, chapters in travels by Bristed, 1818, [B. H. 4363.8]; Baxter, [629.:iO] ; Ampere, 1831, [B. II. 2302.11]; An thony Trollope, [031.8]. There is a roccnt history of journal- Ism in the United States, i rom 1690 to 1873, by Hudson, [231.1 ;B.H. 2405.54]. For the drama, see Dunlap s History of the American theatre, 1832, [353.5] ; Clapp s History of the Boston stage, [356.10]; Mrs. Mowatt s Autobiography of an actress. [538.17]; Brown s History of the American stage [B. II. 4444.23], which is simply - biographical dictionary of actors, etc. See also the biogra- hies ot Kean, Cooke, Alatthews and other English actors who iave performed in the United States. Allibone will of course be consulted for particular writers. See English literature, note. Ph ha Manners, customs, etc. Carlier, A. Marriage in the. 1827 ........... 129.40 Chevalier, M. Society, manners and politics in the. 1839 ---- . ............................ 624.3 Pulszky, F. and T. White, red, black. Sketches of American society in the. 1853 ............. 627.3 Sketches of history, life, and manners, in the. 1826 ...................................... 629.20 Western border life. 1856 ..................... 238.1 Note. Mrs. Grant s Memoirs [878.17] is n admirable pic ture of manorial New York, before the revolution, as con trasted with the manners of Virginia or New England, (which see). For views of society and customs of the first quarter of this century, see the travels of Darusmont, [624.9]: of Bristed, [B. H. 4363.8] ; of Frances Wright, [B. II. 2328.12]. Of a some what later period, see Beaumont s " Marie," where, with a thin disguise of fiction, the negro life and that of the Indians ig depicted; Mrs. Trollopc s Domestic manners [B. II. 2362.10], wherein the ruder manners of the West, chiefly, are picturea without much conciliation of the people among whom she travelled; Chevalier, above; De Tocqueville [123.8, etc.], who viewed American society and institutions with favor, and with a discernment that made him philosophical and critical; Miss Martineau [028.17, etc.], who leaned, perhaps, too much ac cording to her personal sympathies, and whom Marryat [B. H. 43G9.22] takes to task; Lieber [B. H. 4361.16], etc. Of a still later period are Grattan, who though and authorities there given; also Marcy s Border reminis cences, [638.22], and Thirty years of army life on the border, [B. H. 4365.25]. Sec also note under Travels. See Griswold s Republican court in the days of Washington, fB. H. 4341.30]; and Ellet s Court circles from Washington to Grant, [B. II. 4341.29]. Towle s American society is an American s setting forth for English readers, [B. II. 4469.10]. See also " Society in Amer ica, 1 in the Cornhill, 1873, or Living age, Feb. 1, 1873. See also under Travels, note. Miscellaneous, Andros, R. S. S. Tho United States customs guide. 1859 309.13 Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. Miscellaneous, continued. Batcheldor, S., jr. The young men of America. 1860 218.2 Chandler, P. W. American criminal trials. 1861- 64 297.17 Clarke, M. St. C. History of the Bank of the. 1832 296.1 Dana, D. D. The firemen: the fire-departments of the. 1858 309.4 Do Bow, J. D. B. The industrial resources, etc., of the Southern and Western states. 1852 296.2 Disturnell, J. United States register, or blue book, for 1864 296.9 Duhring, II. The United States with regard to Europe. 1833 297.14 Ferris, J. A. Financial economy of the. 1867. .1134.10 Flint, H. M. The railroads of the. 1868 195.27 Freedley, E. T. United States mercantile guide. 1856 296.3 Gibbons, J. S. The public debt of the. 1867. . . 218.3 Greeley, H. Political text-book for 1860 292.6 Hudson, F. Journalism in tho, from 1690 to 1872. 231.1 Kettell, T. P. Southern wealth and northern profits, exhibited in facts and figures: showing the necessity of union. 1860 292.4 Law of the territories. 1859 298.2 Livermore, G. Opinions of the founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. 1862 292.11 Marshall, E. C. History of the United States naval academy, [1845-62] 298.12 National hand-book of facts and figures, historical, statistical, etc. 1868 276.10 Peto, Sir S. Morton. Resources and prospects of America. 1866 812.5 Republic, Tho, of the United States: its duties to itself, and its responsible relations to other coun tries. 1848 297.19 Scoresby, W. American factories and their female operatives. 1845 196.21 Sherman, H. Slavery in the United States. 1860. 298.9 Warner, H. W. The liberties of America. 1853. 297.15 Travels, description, etc. Abbott, J. S. C. South and North ; or, a trip to Cuba and tho South. 1860 637.26 Abdy,E.S. Residence and tour in the, [1833, 34]. 629.7 Appletons hand-book of American travel. North ern and eastern tour. 1872 638.24 Southern tour. 1872 638.25 Arfwedson, C. D. The United States and Canada, [1832-34] 624.12 Baird, R. Impressions of North America in 1849. 628.6 Bartlett, J. 11. Explorations in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, con nected with the United States and Mexican boundary commission, [1850-53] 624.2 Baxter, W. E. America and the Americans. 1855. 629.30 Beltrami, J. C. Pilgrimage in America. 1828.. 625.18 Birkbeck, M. Notes on a journey in America, from the coast of Virginia to Illinois. 1818.... 625.17 Bogen, F. W. The German in America. 1851.. 629.33 Bowles, S. Across tho continent. A summer s journey to the Rocky mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific states. 1865 644.14 Bremer, F. The homes of the New World; impres sions of America, [1849, 50] 627.2 Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveller; or, notes of things seen in America. 1850, 59 658.12; 666.9 Buckingham, J. S. America, historical, statistic, and descriptive. 1841 . 624.4 Carver, J. Three years travels throughout the interior parts of North America, [1766-69] 639.8 Chambers, W. Things as they are in America. 1854 627.22; 1634.26 Cobbett, W. A year s residence in the. 1818. . . 629.25 Combe, G. Notes on tho, [1838-40] 637.2 Cooper, J. F. Notions of the Americans. 1828. 629.12; 665.19 Cornwallis, K. Royalty in tho Now World; or, Prince of Wales in America. 1860 C3S. 15 UNITED STATES 283 UNITED STATES Shelf. No UNITED STATES. Travels, description, etc., continued. Cunynghame, A. Glimpse at tho great Western republic. 1852 629.25 Darby, W. Tour from New York to Detroit, [1818] 625.8 Darusmont, F. Society and manners in America, [1818-20] 624.9 De Roos, F. F. Personal narrative of travels in the, [1826] 624.14 Dickens, C. (J. H.) American notes, [1841].... 471.20 Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain: a record of travel in English-speaking countries, [1866, 67] . 1654.11 ; 1654.12 Disturnell, J. The great lakes of America. 1863. 1039. 8 Springs, water-falls, sea-bathing resorts, and mountain scenery of the. 1855 1639. Dixon, J. Personal narrative of a tour through a part of the. 1850 637.8 Dixon, W. H. New America. 1867. ...632.10; 1635.21 Domenech, Abbe E. Seven years residence in the great deserts of North America. 1860 622. Duncan, J. M. Travels through part of the, [1818, 19] 628.24 Fearon, H. B. Sketches of America, [1817] 624.15 Froebel, J. Seven years travel in the far West of the. 1859 622.4 Gasparin, A. (fi.) do. America before Europe. 1862 634.9 Gass, P. Travels through the interior parts of North America, [1804-6] 625.6 Goddard, F. B. Where to emigrate, and why. 1869 1633.3 Godley, J. R. Letters from America. 1844 629.6 Grant, A. Memoirs of an American lady ; with sketches of manners and scenery in America, previous to the revolution 878.7; 878.17 Grattan, T. C. Civilized America. 1859 622.6 Hall, E. H. Appletons hand-book of American travel. Southern tour. 1872 638.25 Hamilton, T. Men and manners in America. 1833 626.1 Jobson, F. J. America, and American methodisin. 1857 625.22 Johnston, J. F. W. Notes on North America. 1851 624.16 Kor, H. Travels through the western interior of the, [1808-16] 626.2 Kip, AV. I. The early Jesuit missions in North America. 1846 1088.12 Lambert, J. Travels through the, [1806-8] 625.20 Lanman, C. Adventures in the wilds of North America. 1854 409.16 Adventures in the wilds of the United States and British American provinces. 1856 623.3 Lieber, F. The stranger in America. 1835 628.19 Long, G. Tho geography of America. 1841 365.3 Lyell, Sir C. Second visit to the. 1849 1634.6 Travels in North America, [1841, 42] 628.1 MacCall, G. A. Letters from the frontiers. 1868.1636.20 Macgregor, J. Our brothers and cousins: a sum mer tour in Canada and tho States. 1859 639.20 Mackay, A. The Western world; or, travels in the, [1846,47] 628.5 Mackie, J. M. From Cape Cod to Dixie and tho tropics. 1864 635.26 Martineau.H. Society in America. 1837. .628.17; 1634.7 Mason, F. Sketches of travel in America. 1870. 1536.2 Maxwell, A. M, Run through the, [1840] 626.9 Melish, J. Travels in the, [1806-11] 623.7 Mitchell, D. W. Ten years in the, [1848-58]. . . 308.19 Monroe, J. Tour of observation in 1817, through the north-eastern and north-western departments of the 629.3 Murat, C. L. N. A., prince. America and the Americans. 1849 297.20 Murray, A. M. Letters from tho. 1856 639.18 Murray, C. A. Travels in North America, [1834-36] 639.3 Murray, H. Historical account of discoveries and travels in North America. 1829 625.14 Oldmixon, G. Transatlantic wanderings; or, a last look at the. 1855 1639.9 Shelf. Nb. UNITED STATES. Travels, description, etc., continued. Olmsted, F. L. The cotton kingdom. 1861 634.7 Journey in the back country. 1860 638.12 Journey in the seaboard slave states. 1856 .... 627.5 Ossoli, S. M. F., marchesa d , [Margaret Fuller]. At home and abroad; or, things and thoughts in America and Europe, [1846-48] 654.5 Phillippo, J. M. The United States and Cuba, [facts for emigrants]. 1857 625.21 Pumpelly, R. Across America, [1861-66] 1623.5 Raumer, F. (L. G.) von. America and the Ameri can people, [1497-1844] 297.1 Richards, T. A. Appletons hand-book of travel. 1857,60 638.14; 639.17 Richardson, A. D. Beyond the Mississippi, [1857- 67] 1633.1 Robertson, W. P. A visit to Mexico, by the. 1853. 638.10 Routledge, G. American handbook and tourist s guide through the. 1854 629.29 Saxe-Weimer Eisenach, B., duke of. Travels through North America, [1825, 26] 623.11 Schaff, P. Sketch of the political, social, and re ligious character of the. 1855 1088.10 Shirreff,P. Tour through North America, [1833]. 624.10 Smiles, . Journey across North America. 1871. 646.23 Stansbury, P. Pedestrian tour in North America, [1821] 629.22 Stirling, J. Letters from the slave states. 1857.. 627.1 Stuart, J. Three years in North America, [1828-32] 639.6 Sutcliff, R. Travels in some parts of North America, [1S04-6] 628.29 Treasury of travel and adventure in North Amer ica. 1865 704.24 Tremenheere, H. S. Notes on public subjects, made during a tour in the. 1852 297.12 Trollope, A. North America, [1861] 634.8 1635.1; 1639.22 Wakefield, E. G. England and America: a com parison of the social and political state of. 1834. 645.1 Warburton, G. Hocholaga; or, England in the New World. 1846 627.19; 1629.1 Waterton, C. Wanderings in the North-west of the. 182G 633.16 AVeld, C. R. Vacation tour in the. 1855 629.1 Weld, I. Travels through the states of North America, [1795-97] 625.15 Wilkes, C. Narrative of the United States ex ploring expedition, [1838-42] 701.6; 701.9; 879.16 Williams, W. Appletons United States guide book for travellers. 1850 639.11 Wortley, E. S., lady. Travels in tho, [1849, 50]. 628.20 ffote. The history of travel in the United States has been well traced by Tuckerman in his " America and her commen tators," [B. H. 2308.7]. Of the period antecedent to the rupture with Great Britain in the last century, there may be mentioned as indicative, the travels of Peter Kalm, a Swede, who, in 1749, traversed the middle colonies, [B. II. 2361.14. etc.]; Barnaby, who, in 1759, 60, journeyed from Virginia to New Hampshire, [B. II. 2360.15 ; 2360.13.13] ; Carver, who explored the interior in 1700-69, [also in B. H. 4369.20]. During the revolution, we have the diary of Madame Riedesel, [B.H. 4318.77]; the letters of Anburey, 1777, one of Burgoyne s officers, [B. II. 2302.6], Of the French officers with Rochambeau, Chastellux has left an account of the country, 1780-82, [B. H., in French, 2301.17; in English, 2361.18] ; and the AbbS Robin, 1781, [B. II. 4303.13]. There is a pleasing picture of country life, just at the period of the peace, in Crevccocur s " Letters from an American farmer," 1782, [B. H. 2363.9]. See chapter 3 of Tuckerman, [B. H. 2368.7]. During the early days of the republic there may be cited the During the early days ot the republic there may be cited the travels of Brissot, 1788, [B. H. 2302.15]; the sentimontalism of a part of Chateaubriand s Memoires d qutre-tombe, 1794, [B. H. 2702.2.2]; the economic and statistical account of Thomas Cooper, 17ft">, who gives a map of the middle states, TB. H. 2328.30] ; the narrative of Wansey, a Wiltshire clothier, 1794, [B. II. 2328.14]; Weld; and the labored description of the Duke dc La Rochetbucauld-Liancourt, 1795, [B. H., in Eng lish, 6267.1.24]. During the early years of this century, there were Gass and Sutcliff, in 1804 ; Lambert and Melish, in 1806 ; E. A. Kendall, a little later, confining his observation to the northern parts, and discriminating though critical, [B. H. 23U1.13]. After the peace of 1815, the number of English travellers in creased largely, generally with prejudiced views, among others Fearon, 181T; and the next year, Bristed, [B. II. 4333.8]; Birk- beck; Cobbett; Darby; Darusmont; Duncan. About the earliest of the creditable pictures of society in the first quarter of this century from native authors, was William Wirt s " British spy," 1804, [909.5, etc.] ; followed, in 1810, by C. J. Ingersoll s " Inchi(|uin, the Jesuit s letters," given particu larly to the political, literary, and social conditions [B. H. 2328.16], and it was reviewed in the London quarterly, vol. 10; UNITED STATES 284 VALENTINE Shelf. No. UNITED STATES. Travels, description, etc., continued. and this review was commented on by Timothy Dwight [B. H. 2T.S.31} who, in his travels through New England and New York [B. II. 4464.1], begun in 1796, and continued through the early years of the centufv, depicted the country, its customs, etc., with minuteness. He wrote partly to counteract the pre judices and mistakes of the many English travellers, who were at the time publishing accounts of their travels, and in his 4th volume, he particularly examines the accounts of Volney, Wcld.Rochcfoucauld-Liancourt, and Lambert. This misrepresentation also led, in 1819, to the publication of Wil liam Tudor s account of the Eastern states, [B. H. 4339.10]; to Irving s kind remonstrance with the English writers on America in his Sketchbook, [387.5, etc.]; and to Robert Walsh s " Appeal from the judgment of Great Britain respect ing the United States " [B. tl. 2326.7], a skillful and important defence, which was kindlv reviewed by Jeli rev, [8 13.6, and Edinburgh review, May. 1820]. Sidney Smith [1817.8], about this time also rebuked some ot the vi litters of America. Tnck- erman gives a chapter to English abuse of America, and Bax ter, a recent English traveller [629.30], has also examined the books of his predecessors, and so has Marryat to some extent, [B. II. 4369.22} Among the foreign visitors, in the third decade of the cen tury, mav be named Stausbury, 1821 ; the duke of Saxe-Weimar Eisenach, 182. i, kindlv disposed, but heavy as a writer; De Roos, 1826; Liebcr, 1827; and Beitrami, 1828, all named above. During this time, 182:i-26, John Neal published in Blackwood some articles on America that gave information much needed in England. A good deal of just satire was nlso dealt out by Cooper, in his " Notions," 1S28, [029.12; 665.19]; his "Amer ican democrat, " 1SH, i B. II. 2KM.26]; his " Homeward bound," [760.32]; his "Home as found," [760.36]; and in his "Letter to his countryinen."[B. H. 2344.29} De Tociiueville, in I8 !0, made the observations, that led to his famous book, the most important work that a foreigner had up to that time written upon American institutions, [see Constitutional history, note ]. During the next ten years fol lowed among others. Stuart, 1830; Tudor, 1831, [B. II. 4469a.4] ; Shirreft, 1& !3; Hamilton, 183.1; Abdy. 1833; Murray, 1834; Harriet Martineau, 1337 ; and Combe, 1838. During the next ten years there were Warburton and Max well, in 1810; Dickens aiulLyell, in 1841: J. Silk Buckingham, in 1841-43, [B. II., America, 2362.1; Eastern and western states, 2362.2; Slave states, 2302 3]; Raumer, 1843, a patient ex aminer, but deriving too much observation at secondhand, [B. H. 4169a.9]; Godley, 1844; Alackay, 1846; Gratran, 1849, with captious und ill-disguised bad humor; Baird. 1849; Wort- lev, 1849; Miss Bicmer, 1849. During the decade previous to the outbreak of the civil war, there were the Earl of Carlisle, candid and kindly disposed, [B. II. 6.561.2,3]; Ampere s Promenade en Ainericiue [B. H. 230241} showing the sympathies of a humane scholar, and confirming the observations of DC Toctmevillc; Johnston; Chambers, [also in B. II. 4463.30]; Baxter; and Behalf, above- named, an able treatise on the political, social, and religious aspects. During the war came Anthony Trollope [also in B. H. 4466 1} and others mentioned under Civil war. Since the war. Sir Morton Peto has reported on the resources and prospects of the country, [also in B. II. 4343.11]; and Dixon [B. H. 4362.5} and Dilke [B. fl. 62Oa.lO], have crossed the continent and sketched the characteristics, particularly of tii newer lite west of the Mississippi. The West. See the titles under West, and those given above under Birkbeek, Darby, Domcnech, Frocbcl, Kcr, MacCall, Richardson, and Waterloo. The best of the early authorities on the topography is that of Gilbert Imlny, 1792-97, [B. H. 2373.10]. Michaux s travels beyond the Alleghanies, 1802, has a map, [B. II. 23611!} Thomas Ashe. 1806, was roundly abusive, [B. II. 2361.22} Braekenridge s Recollections cover the early part of this century. r 1516. 19} See also Flint s His- tofy and geography of the Mississippi valley " [B. II. 2388.5], valuable for its times; and his " Ten years residence," 1826, C236.4]. Various works by James Hall, arc descriptive of Wet-tern life and characteristics, like Letters, 18-8, [237.1]; Legends. Ig O, [489.6; 489.19]; sketch of its history, life, and manners, 1835, [239.13 ; B. II. 2373. 16] ; and" The West, soil, sur face, and productions," 1818, [239.9 ; B. II. 4479a.4} Also, Mrs. Kirkland s books, and Irving s "Tour on the prairies." [639.15]; and for frontier lite, see note under Manners. See also Missis sippi, note. Of the remoter West, beside Dixon and Dilke. see Bowles s " Across the continent," [also in B. II. 4379.1]; Coffin s " Scat of empire," with the best map of the country between the 36th and 55th parallels, [1(1)6. Hi] ; Bell s " New tracks," with chap ters ot the physical geography in the time of the Pacific rail road, [B. II. 4362.15} Browne s Resources of the Pacific slope [B. H. 4375.15] is the fullest work on chat legion. See also California, Oregon, etc. The South. Sec Virginia and the names of the other South- them plani See also Slavery, and Olmsted s Cotton .kingdom," which 13 based on his three previous books. Among the delineations of the country since the war, there are Andrews [B. II. 4329.42} etc. Agriculture. Volney was the first foreign writer of note to consider physical peculiarities ot the country, [B. II. 2092 2.4} See also chapters in Smyth, 1784, [B. H. 2362.7] ( Bartram, 1791. [B. II. 2361. 12]; Parkinson. 1798, [B. II. 44(18.5]; Mi- chnux, 1802,[B. II.2:ail.fi]; Ashe, 1806, [B.H.2361.221;BrWed. 1818, rB. U. 4363.8] ; Shim-lt. 1H.13, [I12I.10] ; Martineau. 1817, [(>28.17];.Iohnston, 1851, [624.16] : Pcto, 18U5. [B. H. 434.1.11} See the reports of the agricultural bureaus ot the general govern ment and ol the several states, aud also the general subject of agriculture. Immigration. See Bogcn, Goddard, and Phillips, above. Everett s Sketch of immigration into the United States, C8BL7.ni McGce s Irish settlers, to 1850, [B H. 4317.50]; Kapp s History of German immigration. [B. II., in German, 4370.8} See llandbook for immigrants, published by the American Social science association, [B- II. 4498.15} Guides. Appleton s is the principal one, [B. II. 4489.31; Southern tour, 1872, 638.25; B. II. 4379.8} There are also nu merous local guides, for which see their respective heads, in states, cities etc. Shelf. No. UNITED STATES, continued. "Confederate States," so called. Southern history of the war. Official reports of battles, as published by order of the congress at Richmond. New York, 18G3. 8 293.6 UNIVERSAL history. See History. UNIVERSALISM, Ancient history of. Ballou, H 1099.12 UNIVERSITY of Virginia, Ckarlottesville. Early his tory of the. Jefferson, T 294.2 UNPROTECTED females in Norway; or, the pleasantest way of travelling there, passing through Den mark and Sweden. With Scandinavian sketches from nature. [Illustrated.] London, 1857. 1 2.. CG8.18 UNPROTECTED females in Sicily, Calabria, and on the top of Mount .ZEtna. With illustrations. Lon don, 18.39. 12 .... 677.1 Up among the Pandies. Majendie, V. D 709.25 Up the Baltic; or, Young America- in Norway, Swe den, and Denmark. 1871. Adams, W. T 1676.4 " UP the country " letters from the upper provinces of India. 18G7. Eden, E 1695.1 UPDIKE, Wilkins. Memoirs of the Rhode Island bar, [1721-9.3]. Boston, 1842. 12 518.1 UPHAM, Charles W. Life, explorations, and public services of John Charles Fremont, [American major-general, b. 1813], [Anon. ] With illus trations. Boston, 1856. 12 517.17 Life of Sir Henry Vane, [colonial governor of Now England, b. 1612, d. 1662]. See Sparks, J. v. 3 of 518.5; v. 4 of 529.1 Records of Massachusetts under its first charter. See Massachusetts historical society 222.3 .Salem witchcraft; with an account of Salem vil lage. [With map, etc.] Boston, 1867. 2 v. 16 . . . .- 1123.1 UPHAM, Edward. History of the Ottoman empire, till 1828. London, 1829. 2 v. 18 830.49 UPHAM, Thomas C. Letters from Europe, Egypt, and Palestine. Private edition. [With portrait.] Brunswick, 18.35. 12 657.5 Life and religious opinions and experience of [Jeanne Mario Bouvidres] do la Motho Guyon, [French mystic and authoress, b. 1048, d. 1717]; with an account of Fenelon. [With portraits.] Now York, 1851. 2 v. 12 617.15 URBINO, Mrs. Samson R. An American woman in Eu rope. Boston, 1869. 16 1667.7 URQUHART, David, Scotch politician, author, and trav eller, b. 1805. Exposition of the boundary differ ences between Great Britain and the United States. Glasgow, 1840. 8 297.7 The pillars of Hercules; or, travels in Spain and Morocco in 1848. New York, 1830. 2 v. 8. . 675.9 The spirit of the East, journal of travels through Roumeli during an eventful period. Philadel phia, 1839. 2 v. 12 689.11 URQUHAUT, Thomas, bishop of Ross, b. about 1604, rf. 1660. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers. 586.13 URSINTJS, Sophia Charlotte Elizabeth, Austrian pois oner, b. 1760, d. 1820. See Remarkable women of different nations and ages- 547.5 UTAH. See Great Salt Lake city, Salt Lake. VACATION rambles, [1841-43,46]. Talfourd, SirT. N. 667.13 VACATION tourists and notes of travel in 1860. Gal- ton, F 664.2 VAGABOND adventures. Keeler, R 555.21 VALDENSES. See Waldenses. VALDfcs ( Valdesius, or Val d Esso), Juan da, Spanish protestant controversialist, d. 1540. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 VALE, G. Life of Thomas Paine, [English deist, b. 1737, d. 1809]. New York, 1850. 8 514.2 VALENOIN, Due do. See Berthier, Alexandre. VALENTINA, of Milan, formerly Valentino. Visconti, wife of Louis XIV, duke of Orleans, b. about 1370, d. 1408. Clarke, M. C. World-noted women. .. 1522.25 Edgar, J. G. Noblcdamesof ancient story. 569. 27; 599.24 VALENTINE, David T. History of the city of New York. [Illustrated.] New York, 1853. 8.. 236.11 VALLE 285 VEHSfi Shelf. No. VALLE, Pietro dolla, Italian traveller and musician, 6. 1586, d. 1652. Ste St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers v. 1 of 810.47 VAN ALSTINE, Mrs. Nancy, 6. about 1733, d. 1831. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 3 of 538.13 VAN ANDEN, Isaac, editor. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress ... . . i 522.16 VANBHUGH, Sir John, architect and dramatist, b. 1666, d. 1726. Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 4 of 379.9 Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent liter ary and scientific men of Great Britain ... .v. 3 of 398.3 Kate. See Leigh Hunt s memoir, [B. II. 2571.51] ; the brief memoir, [350.19.1J ; aud references in Allibone. VAN BUREN, Martin, 8th president of the United States, b. 1782, d. 1862. Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents 1522.12 Butler, W. A. Martin Van Buren: lawyer, states man and man 537.31 Holland, W. M. Life and political opinions of .. 517.20 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic. . . 513.13 Note. See also life by David Crockett, [B. H. 4448.24] ; by VAN CAMPEN, Moses, soldier of the American revolu tion, b. 1757. Sketches of border adventures, in the life and times of. See Hubbard, J. N 528.4 VANCOUVER island, Facts and figures relating to. 1860. Pemberton, J. D 264.8 VANDERBILT, Cornelius, New York capitalist, b. 1794. MacCabe, J. D.,j>. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515.14 Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times ... 1522.7 Note. See Medbery s " Men and mysteries of Wall street," [1816.20]. VANDERBILT, William H., American railway officer, b. 1821. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of pro gress 522.16 VANDERKISTE, Rev. R. AV. Six years mission among the dens of London. London, 1854. 16 127.25 VANDERPOEL, Aaron J., New York lawyer, b. 1825. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress. . . . 522.16 VANDERPOEL, Jacob, New York capitalist, b. 1812. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress. . . . 522.16 VANE, Sir Henry, colonial governor of New England, b. 1612, d. 16G2. Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen v. 4 of 388.6 Upham, C. W. Life of v. 3 of 518.5; v. 4 of 529.1 VANE-STEWART, Charles W., marquis of Londonderry, Narrative of the war in Germany and France, 1813-14. Philadelphia, 1831. 12 1009.3 Recollections of a tour in the north of Europe, 1836,37. [With portraits and maps.] London, 1838. 2v.ini. 8 666.8 Story of the peninsular war. New edition. New York, 1848. 12 1009.5 VAN EVRIE, John H. Negro and negro " slavery." 3d edition. New York, 1863. 12 127.35 VAN LENNEP, Mary E., missionary to Turkey, b. 1821, d. 1844. Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross. . 569.9 Heroines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 VANNtrcci, Pietro, called Perugino, Italian painter, b. 1446, d. 1524. Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 1 of 840.23 Jervis-Whito-Jervis, M., lady. Stories of boy- genius from tho lives of great painters 655.9 Note. See Painting (Italian school). VANNUCCHI, Andrea, called Andrea del Sarto, Italian painter, b. 1488, d. 1530. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 2 of 840.23 VAN RENSSELAER, Stephen, American utatesman and patron of learning, b. 1764, d. 1839. Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 Sigourney, L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 Shelf. No. VAN SANTVOORD, George. Lives and judicial services of the chief justices of tho supreme court of the United States. [With portrait of John Mar- shall.] New York, 1854. 8 623.4 Content. ,. John Jay, b. 1745, d. 1829; John Rutledffe, b. 173!). d. 1800; Oliver Ellsworth, b. 174. ), d. 181)7 ; John Marshall, b. 17 J5, d. 1835 ; Roger Brooke Taney, b. 1777, d. 1864. VAN SCHAICK, John Bleecker, Americanpoet and jour nalist, b. 1804, d. 1839. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 VARNHAGEN VON ENSE, Charles Auguste Louis Phil- ipp, Prussian statesman and author, b. 1753, d. 1858. Letters to. See Humboldt, (F. H.) A. von 893.4 See Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. v. 4 of 867.1; 803.7; v. 4 of 893.3 VASA, Gustavus. See Gustavus r, Vasa, king of Sweden. VASARI, Giorgio. Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors, and architects. Translated from tho Italian, by Mrs. J. Foster. [With portraits.] London, 1850-52. 5 v. P. 8 848.6 VASSAR, John Guy. Twenty years around the world. [With portrait.] 2dedition. New York, 1862. 8 681.6 VATIBAN, Sebastian le Prestre de, marshal of France, b. 1633, d. 1707. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 VAUCANSON, Jacques de, French mechanician and au thor, b. 1709, d. 1782. See Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 VAITGHAN, Henry, Welsh poet, b. 1621, d. 1695. See Brown, J. Horse subsecivae v. 2 of 894. 13 VATJGHAN, Mary C. Woman s record in the civil war. See Brockett, L. P 272.4 VAUGHAN, Robert, English dissenting divine. History of England under the house of Stuart, including the commonwealth, [1603-88]. [Anon.] London, 1840. 8 365.1? Same. London, 1840. 2 v. 8 965.f Revolutions in English history. Vol. 1. Revolu tions of race. New York, 1860. 8 982.4 VATJGHAN, Robert Alfred. Hours with the mystics. 2d edition. London, 1860. 2 v. 16 115.21 VAUX, William S. W. Nineveh and Persepolis. [With illustrations.] 3d edition. London, 1851. 8 956.14 VAYRINGE, Philip, mechanician, b. 1684, d. 1746. See Davenport, R. A. Lives of individuals who raised themselves from poverty to eminence 379.13 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 VECCHJ, C. Augusto. Garibaldi at Caprera. Trans lated from the Italian. With preface by Mrs. Gaskell. [With plate.] Cambridge, 1862. 18. 917.19 VECELLTO, Tiziano (Eng. Titian), Venetian painter, b. 1477, d. 1576. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs and essays illustra tive of art, literature, and social morals 876.14 Memoirs of the early Italian painters .. . .v. 2 of 840.23 Note. See Painting (Italian school). VEGA, Carpio Felix Lope da, Spanish poet, b. 1562, d. 1635. Lewes, G. H. The Spanish drama 840.35 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, v. 3 of 398.1 VEGA, Garcilaso de la, Spanish soldier and poet, b. 1503, d. 1536. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 3 of 398.1 Nate. See Spain, literature. VEHSE, Carl E. Memoirs of the court, aristocracy, and diplomacy of Austria, [1493-1835]. Trans lated by F. Demmler. London, 1856. 2 v. 8. 927.10 Memoirs of the court of Prussia. Translated by F. C. F. Demmler. [With portraits.] London, 1854. 8 546.7 Contents. Frederic William I, b. 1688. d. 1740; Frederic IT, the great,)). 171L , d. 1780; Frederic William II, b. 1744, d. 1797; Frederic William UI, b. 1770, d. 1840. VELASQUEZ 286 VICTORIA Shelf. No. VELASQUEZ, Diego Rodriguez do Silva y, Spanish portrait painter, b. 1599, d. 1660. Velazqvez and his works. See Stirling, W 899.20. Note. See Painting, note. VELDE, C. "W. M. van de. Narrative of a journey through Syria and Palestine in 1851, 52. [With illustrations.] Edinburgh, 1854. 2 v. 8 694.13 VENABLES, Edmund. A guide to tho Isle of Wight: its approaches and places of resort, [etc.]. Lon don, 1860. 16 1656.3 VENEZUELA, Life in the Llanos of. Paez, R.. 634.14; 1637.6 VENGEUR, French 74 gun ship, On the sinking of the. See Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous es says v. 4 of 867.1; 863.7; v. 4 of 893.3 VENICE. Adams, W. H. D. The queen of the Adri atic; or, Venice past and present, 1869 1678.7 Flagg, E. Venice, from 1797 to 1849 678.7 Hazlitt, W. C. History of tho republic of, [337- 1289] 915.2 Howells, W. D. Venetian life. 1866 644.21 Smedley, E. Sketches from Venetian history, [400-1798] 399. 4; 810.49 Taine, H. A. Florence and Venice. 1869 655.14 Note. Daru s history, 1819, [B. H., in French, 2722.9; 4199a.8], was for many years the chief authority , and his hos tility to the republic lias been transmitted to the many books that have been based upon his researches, particularly as re gards the inquisitors of state, the documents he citea concern ing which are alleged to be spurious by Hazlitt [B. H. 2723.12], whose history, ISfaO, extending from 409 to 1457, is the most considerable and authoritative account in English, though the ordinary reader may be satisfied with the mingled history and description including art, literature, and manners in Davenport Adams s "Queen of the Adriatic," mentioned above. Smedley s is an carlie.- popular history, coming down to the Napoleonic conquest, 1798, while Flagg covers the interval from that event to 1848, opening with an introductory sum mary of her past history. Ilazlitt had the advantage of documentary evidence, not known to Darn, and he claims that by the light it throws upon the secret history, the republic pains in reputation, as against the detractions of the French writers, [see Hazlitt s 3d volume J. Since Hazlitt wrote, new information has been made public by the access given to the records of the inquisitors of state, under the treaty of 18G6. For accounts of these, sec Bazzoni, in Archivio storico italiano [5253.1], on the interval 1643-1797 ; Baschet, on Venetian diplomacy in the Kith century, 1862, reviewed in North American review, Jan., 1865, and in North British review, June, 1866. See also Cornhill magazine, 1871, or Living age, Feb. 4, 1871, on the Venetian inquisition ; and National quarterly review; March, 1868. Sec James s " Dark scenes of history for the conspiracy of Cueva. Further illustration of Venetian history will be found in Muratori. [see Bates Hall catalogues}; Gibbon, [B. II. 4754.3, etc.]; Hallnm s Middle ages. [1938.1, etc.]; Sismondi s Italian republics, [378.4, etc.] ; Michelct s Renaissance, [B. H. 40(52.9]. For the literature of Venice, see, beside the general histories of Italian literature, the monograph of Foscarini, [B. H. epublics, [378.4, etc.] ; Michelet s : For the literature of Venice, see, )f Italian literature, the monogi 4770.2; 4771.2]. For Venetian art, see Painting, note, and some chapters in Taine, [655.14]. Ruskin s Stones of Vcnica [B.H. 4092.7; large illustrations, D.3 ; for reviews, see references in Allibone], illustrates her history by her architecture, which can he fur ther studied in general works like Fergusson, Luebke, etc. A very successful delineation nf modern Venice, is Howell s Venetian lite. See also Taine, [655.14]; Hillard, {chapters 2 and 3olT>79.7J; Longfellow s Outre-mer. [(158.18]; Tour du monde, 1862; Harper s monthly, Sept., 1872; B. Cornwall s Essays, [875.4.1], etc. The chief literary associations with Venice and her history come from Shakespeare s Merchant of Venice, and Othello; Otway s Venice preserved, [331.1.1, etc.]; Schiller s Fiesco. [478.1; 818.12] ; Bvron s Childe HwoM,[347.1.2, etc.]: Beppo, [323.2.3, etc].; Marino Faliero, [347.1.6, etc.]; and The two Foscari, [347.1.7, etc.] ; Dclavigne s Faliero, [1066.10.2 ; 1078.3] ; Cooper s Bravo, [760.8, etc.l; Rogers s Italy, [312.1.2, etc.]; and Schiller s Ghost-seer, [818.12, etc.]. See also Italy, note. VENN, Rev. Henry, b. 1725, d. 1797. Life and selec tion from [his] letters. Memoir by Kev. J. Venn. Edited by H. Venn. 7th edition. [With por trait.] London, 1853. 16 2109.9 VERDEREVSKY, . Captivity of two Russian prin cesses in the Caucasus. Translated from the Russian by II. S. Edwards. With portrait of Shamil, [etc.]. London, 1857. P. 8 687.1 VERB, Sir Francis de, English general, b. 1554, d. 1608. See Gleig, G. R. Lives of the most emi nent British military commanders v. 1 of 388.3 VEHE, Mary, lady, b. 1581, d. 1671. See Adams, W. H. D. The sunshine of domestic life 1517.1 VERGNE, Mario Madeleine Piocho de la. See La Fay- etto, M. M. P. do la Vergno, comtesse do. VE RICOUR, L. Raymond de. Modern French litera ture. Revised, with notes, by W. S. Chase. [With portrait.] Boston, 1848. 12 404.12 Shelf. No. VERMONT. Carpenter, W. H. History of, [1608-1850]. 228.13 Hay ward, J. Gazetteer of. 1849 229.3 Thompson, Z. History of, [1492-1840] 234.7 VERNE, Jules. Five weeks in a balloon; or, journeys and discoveries in Africa by three Englishmen. Done into English by W. Lackland. [With illustrations.] New York, 1869. 12 1694.9 Same. London, 1870. 16 1694.11 VERONESE, Paolo or Paul. See Cagliari, Paolo. VERTJLAM, Lord. See Bacon, Francis. VESPUCCI, Amerigo (Americus Vespucius), Florentine navigator, after whom America is named, b. 1451, d. 1512. Barros y Sousa, M. F. de, viscomte de Santarem. Researches respecting Americus Ves pucius 259.10 Lester, C. E. Life and voyages of 644.1 Life of. See Lives, etc 647.21 Note. Lester is the popular account, and Santarem is con cise, [also in B.H. 2318.22]. Varnhagen, beside his investiga tions into the first vovage [B. U. 4410.12; 4410.18], supplies on estimate of his character, writings, etc., 18G5, [B. H., in French, 4310.88]. See also C.inovai s Elogio, 1788, [B. H. 2746.24] ; and the references in Thomas, Oettmger, etc. VIARDOT, Louis. Wonders of European art. Illus trated. Now York, 1871. 16 208.27 VIARDOT, Michelle Ferdinando Pauline, nee Garcia, French vocalist, b. 1821. See Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 691.2 VICARS, Capt. Hedley Shafto Johnstone, b. 1826, d. 1855. Memorials of. See Marsh, C 578.3 VICARY, Rev. M. Notes of a residence at Rome, in 1846. London, 1847. 12 1673.1 VICISSITUDES of families. Burke, Sir (J.) B 998.3 VICKSBTJRG, My cave life in. 1864 307.22 VICTOR, Orville James. Comprehensive history of the Southern rebellion and the war for tho union, etc. [With engravings.] New York, 1862. 2 v. 8 293. 1 Incidents and anecdotes of tho war. New York, [cop. 1862]. 8 293.5 Life and exploits of John Paul Jones, [Scotch naval adventurer, b. 1747, d. 1792]. [With plate.] Now York, n. d. 95pp. 16 ...1529.23 Life, and military and civic services of Liout.-Gon. Winfield Scott, [b. 1786, d. 1866]. [With map.] New York, n. d. 16 1529.24 Life of Joseph Garibaldi, the liberator of Italy, [b. 1807]. [With plate.] New York, [cop. 18G1]. 16 1529.22 Life, times and services of Anthony Wayne ("Mad Anthony"), [American revolutionary general, b. 1745, d. 1796]. [With plate.] New York, [cop. 1861]. 16 1529.22 Private and public life of Abraham Lincoln, [b. 1809, d. 1865]. [With plate.] New York, [cop. 1864]. 96pp. 16 1529.23 VICTOR EMANUEL, king of Italy. See McCarthy s Modern leaders 1512.3 VICTORIA, Alexandrina, queen of England, b. 1819. The early years of the prince consort, [b. 1819, d. 1861]. Compiled by C. Grey. [With por trait.] New York, 1867. 12 ....1556.1 Leaves from the journal of our life in the High lands, from 1848 to 1861. [With illustrations.] Edited by A. Helps. New York, 1868. 12... 1654.4 Grenville, R. P. Memoir of tho court and cabi net of 994.4 MacGilchrist, J. Public life of 1559.1 Note. See McCarthy s Modern leaders, [1512.3]; Harper s magazine, vol. 86. VICTORIA. Howitt, W. Land, labour, and gold ; or, two years in. 1855 705.17 ; 705.19 Kelly, W. Life in, [1853, 58] 696.18 Lloyd, G. T. Thirty-three years in. 1862 704.23 Meredith, L. A. Over tho straits ; avisitto. 1861. 695.15 Smiles,. Residence in. 1871 646.23 Wathen, G. H. Tho golden colony; or Victoria in 1854 707.16 Westgarth, W. Victoria gold mines, [1857] 705.8 VICTORY 287 VOLTAIRE Shelf. No. VICTORY won, The. Brief memorial of the last days of G. li. 15th edition. London, 1859. 92 pp. 18 1098.30 VIDOCQ, Eugene Francois. Life and adventures; or, mysteries of the French police. By himself. With engravings, by Cruikshank. Philadelphia, n. d. 12 613.11 Same. Philadelphia, 1859. 2 v. 16 613.5 ViuLfc, Mrs. Egbert L. "Following the drum: "a glimpse of frontier life. New York, 1858. 12.. 626.4 Same. Philadelphia, [cop. 1864]. 16 1634.25 VIENNA. Egerton, F. The siege of Vienna by the Turks. 1847 889.16 Sutton, R. The Lexington papers; or, the court of, [1694-98] 975.11 Wilde, W. R. Guide to the hospitals and sanitary establishments of. 1843 667.17 Kec also Austria. VIEUSSETJX, A. History of Switzerland. London, 1840. 8 365.9 Napoleon Bonaparte: his sayings and his deeds. London, 1846. 2 v. 24 850.20 VIEWS a-foot. Taylor, (J.) Bayard 657.14 VIEWS from Plymouth rock. Mudge, Z. A 228.20 VIGIEE, Baronne Sophie. See Cruvelli, Sophie. VIGNETTES. See Belloo, B. (R.) Parkcs 1516.11 ViLLfiGAS, Estevan Manuel de, Spanish lyric poet, b. 1595, d. 1669. See Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal v. 3 of 398.1 VILLEGAS, Quevedo y. See Quevedo y Villegas, Fran cisco G. do. VILLENEUVE, Helion de, a French zouave, b. 1826, d. 1855. (SeeSegur, A., cvmtede. Helion do Vil- leneuve 1598.2 VILLIERS, George, 1st duke of Buckingham, favourite of James I, b. 1592, d. 1628. Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 3 of 815.1 Thomson, K. (B.) Life of 567.3 VILLIERS, George, Id duke of Buckingham, profligate and wit, b. 1627, d. 1688. See Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society v. 1 of 555.1; 1545.8 VILLIERS, George William Frederick, earl of Claren don, English statesman, b. 1800, d. 1870. See British cabinet in 1853 599.9 VILLIERS, AVilliam, viscount Grandison, b. 1613, d. 1643. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 VINCI, Lionardi da, Italian painter and sculptor, b. 1452, d. 1519. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 - Brown, J. \V. Life of 543.9 Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs of the early Italian painters v. 2 of 840.23 Note. The English account by J. W. Brown, 1828, prefixed to Da Vinci s Treatise of painting, is compact, [B. II. 4064.141. The French accounts are Landon, with outline plates. [B. H. 8061.8.8]; Clement, brief. [B. H. 40(17 .31]; Iloussaye, 18011, tne most recent, [B. II. 8005.3]. There is a catalogue .it his works by Regollet, [B. H. 4066.50]. See also Hallam s Literature [1373.1, etc.], for his literary character; the references in Thomas, Oettinger, and the note under Painting. VINET, Alexandre. History of French literature in the eighteenth century. Translated by J. Bryce. Edinburgh, 1854. 8 U 394.3 VIRGILIUS MARO, Publius ( F.wj. Virgil), Roman poet, b. B. c. 70, d. B. c. 19. Goodrich, S. G. Famous men of ancient times v. 2 of 1869.1 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 VIRGINIA. Campbell, C. History of, [1585-1781].. 232.6 Hawks, F. L. Uncle Philip s conversations about Virginia. 1834 1859.15 Howe, H. Historical collections of. 1852 235.2 Howison, R. R. History of, [1492-1847] 236.2 Marks, J. J. The peninsular campaign in, [1861- 63] 307.5 Moade, W. Old churches, ministers and families of. 1857 236.1 Moorman, J. J. The Virginia springs. 1859.... 638.11 Pollard, E. A. The Virginia tourist. 1870 683.18 Shelf. No. VIRGINIA, continued. Strother, D. H. (Porte Crayon.) Virginia illus trated. 1871 ............................... 1673.2 Note. The earliest general account of the discovery and set tlement is John Smith s General history, 15i-1624 [B. H. 2374.15, see also Smith, note], his True relation [B. H. 4503.16, edited by Deane] being the earliest published work about Jamestown. See Sir Walter Raleigh, note. The manuscript gress to have tem printed [B. II. 4347.31, see also Thornton s pamphlet 2321.19], and this failing, they were subsequently made the basis of Neill s History of the Virginia company, to its dissolution, 1621 [B. H.4503. .)]. in which, p. 7, etc., he gives a list of all the publications on Virginia up to that date. From the same author we have other important contributions to early Virginian history, English colonization during the 17th century [B. H. 4422.22], and a paper on the Virginia company and its puritau affinities in Hours at home, Nov., 1867. After Smith, the earliest historian is Bcvcrley, 1722, whoig chiefly an annalist, but with absolutist sympathies, and hi book has been reprinted under the editing of C. Campbell, [B. II. 2374.11]. Stith, 1747, on the other hand, was liberal in views, and followed Smith s narrative with some correction, ending with 1624, and gives a history of the English company, having used the records referred to, and has been reprinted with a bibliographical note by Sahin, [B. II. 4502.25; see North American review, Oct., 1866, p. 6051 Keith had already, in 1738, amplified the narrative ofBeverley, [B. II. 2374.10]. Burk, again, whose narrative comes down to 1800, dedicating his book to Jefferson, had also used the company s records, [B. H. 4375.6]. For further elucidation of the earlier history, refer to Force s tracts, [B. H. 2323.3]; Felsenharfe Belgian immigra tion, 1574-1660, [B. II., in French, 4402.0]; and for popular reading, see Banvard s Romance of American history, [228.15J ; " Our first romance " in Schele do Vcre s Romance of Ameri can history, [228.21]; " Early pioneers," in Harper s monthly, vol. 18 and 20; "Old times in Virginia," by W. C. Elam, in Putnam s magazine, Aug., 1869. Contrasts of the early and late in her history are given byTuckerman, in Putnam, Feb., 1870;andin Fraser, 1865, copied in Living age, Aprils. 1865. For the earlier period, see also Robertson s America, [B. H. 4379.13, etc.] ; Grahame s Colonies, to 1688, [B. II. 2326.2]; be side Bancroft and the other general histories. Among the more recent histories are Brockenbrough s, to ond coming down to near the middle of this century. For the history of the revolutionary times and later, see, be side the general histories, the lives of Washington, Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Madison, Randolph, Wirt. etc. For the period of the civil war, see United States, Civil war, note. See also the collections of the historical and philosophical society, [also in B. H. 4477.4] ; Howe s historical collections, [also in B. II. 4575.5]: Jefferson s notes, [B. II. 2374.27; 4379a.l4]; the work of Bishop Sleade, whose two rambling volumes grew out of a desire to record some personal reminis cences of the episcopal church in Virginia. In the Library s copy of Smyth [B. U. 2362.7J, who was an intense tory, and journeyed through the state after the close of the war, in 1784, there is a manuscript note from one written, 1822. by Randolph in his copy of the same work, who says that this book " though replete with falsehood and calumny, con tains the truest picture of the state of society and manners in Virginia (such as it was about half a century ago) that is ex tant. Traces of the same manners could be found some years subsequent to the adoption of the federal constitution, say to the end of the century. At this moment not a vestige re mains." See papers by Strother in Harper s monthly, vols. 10 to 13 ; and one on the natural wealth of Virginia in vol. 22. Strother s papers were subsequently embraced in his "Virginia illus trated." VIRGINIA historical and philosophical society. Ac count of discoveries in the West until 1519, and of voyages to and along the Atlantic coast of North America, 1520-73. By C. Robinson. Richmond, 1848. 8 625.1 VIRGINIA, University of, Early history of the. Jeffer son, T 294.2 VISITATION and search. Lawrence, W. B 133.24 VISITS to remarkable places. Howitt, W 896.3 VISCONTI, Valentina. See Valentina, of Milan. VITACHUCO, Floridian cacique, Jl. Itith century. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 VIZIER Ali Khan; or, the massacre of Benares. Davis, Sir J. F 939.8 VOCALISTS, Memoirs of the most celebrated. Clayton, E. C 591.2 VOICE to America; or, the model republic. New York, 1855. 12 297.13 VOLNEY, Francois Chasseboeuf, comte de, French philosopher, orientalist, and traveller, b. 1757, d. 1820. See St. John, J. A. Lives of celebrated travellers v. 3 of 810.47 VOLTAIRE, Francois Marie Arouet de, French poet, philosopher, critic, and historian b. 1694, d. 1778. The age of Louis xiv. Translated from the last Geneva edition, with notes, by R. Griffith. Lon don, 1779-81. 3 v. 8 1005.7 Tii story of *.3 c*2ony , 3;j,2, o- VOLTAIRE 288 WALDO Shelf. No. VOLTAIRE, Francois Marie Arouet de, continued. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 3 of 839.C Brougham, II., lord. Lives of men of letters and science in the time of George in 547.3 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. v. 1 of 807.1; 8G3.7; v. 2 of 893.3 Condorcet, M. J. A. N. de Caritat, marquis de. Life of, [with] memoirs by himself 609.4 Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of France v. 2 of 388.8 ffote. The autobiography covers only a part of his life, having been written at the time of his enmity towards Frederick the great, and is to be taken with allowance in that respect, [in English, 009.4; in French, B.H. 2701. 50; 2(155.21 : 407(5.1.70]. The principal of the early French lives is that by Condorcet [in English, (J09.4; B. U., in French, 2(583.18.1; 4(170.1.70], and Iso been used in an abridged form as a continuation of h Lou "champ and Waginerr, his secretaries; Pall isot; Chaudon, 1780[B. II., in English, 2050.1: ,], etc. Among the more recent French accounts maybe mentioned Bungcner s "Voltaire et son temps," which is a survey of the century, [B. II. 4068.3; see also his " Priest and the Huguenot," 109u.2, in English]; Pomperys "Le vrai Voltaire," 18-.17, on the man and the thinker, [B. H. 0647.3]; the Abbe Maynard, on his life and [B. H. 3672.7.0 ; 4077.0] ; . Franchise," [B. 1. 40/7.10]; the elaborate article in the Nou- velle biograpnie generale, [B. H. 2252.2.40, with its list of authorities]. Compare also the general and literary histories covering the age of Louis XV ; Marmontel s Memoires, [009.8] j and those of Bachamnont, [B. H. 2209.1]. Regarding the early Ufa of Voltaire, see Pierron s " Voltaire et des maitres," I860, exposing his classical ignorance; Beaune, 1807, on his college lile, his studies and friends, based on original documents, [B. II., in French, 0045.11] ; Desnoires- terres. on his vouth, 1807. [B. II., in French, 4672.9]; and vol. 2 of Carlyle s Frederick the great, [542.6, etc.]. On his private life, sec A. II. Everett s essay, [877.41] ; his life at Fernev with his correspondence with the duchess of Sa\-e Gotha and others, 1865, [B. II., in French, 604(1.5]; Madame Graffigny s narrative of his relations with Madame du Chatclct at Cirey, [B. II., in French, 2655.15]; Mrs. Jame son H Loves of the poets, [359.11]. What purports to be a nar rative by Voltaire s valet of his life with Madame du Chatelet, edited by D Alvaues Havard, is reviewed in the Dublin Uni versity magazine, 186^>, also in Living age, Oct. 20, 1866. See also Gaberel s monograph on his relations with the Genevans, [B. II. 4007.11]. His relations with Frederick the great, are fully discussed in Carlyle s Frederick, [042.0, etc.] ; and they are the subject of a little German work by Vcnedey, 1859 [B. II. 28.52.1 7], which is somewhat burdened with extraneous matter, and is reviewed in the New monthly magazine. 1859. or Living age, Oct. 29. 1859; and they are also elucidated in Lcwes s Goethe, [B. II. 4843.2]; in Stahr s Lessing, [1510.14]; and generally in the German literary histories covering that period. See also the Kings eloge [B. II. 2895.2.1.",], and Grimm s Correspon dence [B. II. 2004.1], reviewed in Jeffrey [803.6]. The English reader, if he has a fair knowledge of Voltaire s career and character, wiil find help from Morley s " Voltaire" [B. H. 00-10.2], as being rather critical than biographical, and altogether a high estimate, and there is a review in Blackwood, 1872, or Living age, A pri! 20, 1872. There arc two marked essays on Voltaire, one 113- Cariyle, who put adroitness as his prime charateristic, [807.1; originally in Foreign quarterly review, 1829]; and the other, a vivid portraiture bv Justin McCarthy, in lus " Con amore," [B. II. 0,5611.2,5; also Wesnninstcr review, 1801, or Living age, May 18, 1801]. The old English life by Goldsmith [906.3.3] was hastily written for a temporary pur pose, and does not include the last twenty years of Voltaire s life. See an article on Voltaire s residence in England, 1726- 28. in North American review, April, 1805. See also references in Thomas, Oettingcr, etc. Voss, Wilhelm, knife-grinder of Brussels. See Men who have risen 551.18 VOYAGES round the world. Adams, N. Voyage round the world. 1871 708.24 Belcher, Sir E. Narrative of a voyage round the world, [1836-42] 702.9 Brooks, J. A seven months run, up, and down, and around the world. 1872 668.23 Campbell,A. Voyageround the world, [1806-12]. 709.9 Cleveland, R. J. Narrativeof voyages. 1842. 707.1; 707.2 Delano, A. Voyages and travels in the northern and southern hemispheres. 1818 704.2 Kippis, A. Narrative of voyages round the world, by Capt. J. Cook 820.66; 1707.2 - Narrative of voyages round the world from the death of Capt. Cook 707.18; 820.73 Morrell, B. Narrative of four voyages to the South sea, etc., [1822-31] 702.7 Pfoiffer, I. A lady s voyage round the world. 1852. 409.23 879.4; 1655.13 Reynolds, J. N. Voyage of the United States frigate Potomac during the circumnavigation of the globe, [1831-34] 701.8 Shelf. No. VOYAGES round the world, continued. Taylor, F. W. The flag ship; or, a voyage around the world, in the Columbia. 1840 See also Exploring expedition. 708.8 WADDINGTON, George. History of the church, to the reformation. London, 1831-33. 2 v. 8 365.13 WADE, John. England s greatness: its rise and pro gress in government, laws, religion, and social life, [etc.]. London, 1856. 16 987.9 WAGHOKN, Thomas, lieutenant in the royal navy of Great Britain, the pioneer of the overland route, b. 1800, d. 1850. See Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility 577.14 WAGNER, Friedrich, and BODEXSTEDT, Friederich (M.) Schamyl: the sultan, warrior, and prophet of the Caucasus, [1797]. Translated from the German, by L.Wraxall. London, 1854. P. 8. 409.28 Same. London, 1857. 16 1655.14 WAGRAM, Prince of. See Borthior, Aloxandro. WAGSTAFF, William R. History of the Society of friends. New York, 1845. 8 1085.11 WAIFS from the way-bills of an old expressman. Tucker, T. W 308.27 WAIKNA ; or, adventures on the Mosquito shore. Squior, E. G 623.20 WAITS, C. V. The Mormon prophet and his harem; or, an authentic history of Brigham Young. [With portraits, etc.] Cambridge, 1866. 8... 248.3 WAITE, Otis F. R. Guide book for the eastern coast of New England. [With maps.] Concord, 1871. 16 639.31 WAKEFIELD, Edward Gibbon, Enylish political econo mist, b. 1796, d. 1862. England and America. A comparison of the social and political state of both nations. [Anon.] New York, 1834. 8.. 645.1 WAKELEY, Rev. J. B. The prince of pulpit orators: a portraiture of George Whiteficld, [b. 1714, d. 1770.] [With portrait.] New York, 1871. 16. 578.24 WALCOTT, George H., American military officer, b. 1814,4.1864. Momorialsof. See Tyler, C. M. 1529.26 WALDENSES. Authentic details of the Valdenses, in Piedmont and other countries. 1827 1096.1 Baines, E. Visit to the Vaudois of Piedmont. 18;>8 . 1655.7 Muston, A. The Israel of the Alps: a history of the persecutions of the. 1852 879.13 ffote. Late researches into the history of the \Valdenses have tended to disprove the alleged antiquity of their church, for which see IIrzog, [B. II., in German, 3528.21]. Compare , also Charvaz, [B. II. 3528.24]; Gilly s English researches, [3528.12; 3528.1:;]. A recent catholic author, Melia [B. H., in English. 5520.20], who writes on their origin, their persecutions and their doctrines, bringing forward new documents, sets his results against the commonly received and favorable views concerning this people. Todd has examined the literature of the sect recently discovered in England, [B. II. 3528.10]. The student will find an enumeration of authorities in Melia s Introduction, [B. II. 5520.20]; in Malcom s Index, [B. H. 2190.19]; and in a special list, [B. H. M5.H.9]; and will further consult the general works under Albigenscs Ecclesiastical his- tory, Protestantism. Reformation, etc. For the general reader may be mentioned, in German, Bender s history, [B. H. 6054.14]; in English, Pcyran, with an introduction and ap pendix by Sims, 1826, [B. II. . 1527.11]; Acland s translation of Arnaud s Recovery tor the Vaudois of their valleys, with a Baine s little account of his visit to their settlements in Pied mont, [1655. 7]. Muston is one of the more recent French investigators of their persecutions, [B. II. 2(175. .".3]: and this has been translated [*79.1:!: 11. II. :W28.17], as has his Israel of of the Alps," [B. II. 2803.25; 3527.16]. WALDHAUSER, Conrad, Auyustinian monk, d. 1369. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and suffer ings of some of the reformers and martyrs ...... 2085.9 WALDO, or VALDO, Peter, or Pierre do Vaux, French reformer arid merchant, fl. \1thcf.ntury. See Hodg- Bon, W. Lives, sentiments and safferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 WALDO, Samuel Putnam. Life and character of Stephen Decatur; lato commodore and post- captain in the navy of the United States, [b. 17 79, d. 1820]. Hartford, 1821. 12 527.6 Memoirs of Andrew Jackson, [7th president of the United States, b. 1767, d. 1845]. Hartford, 1818. 12 517.2 WALDSTEIN 289 WALPOLE WALDSTEIN, Albrecht W. E. See Wallenstein, A. W. E. WALES, Abby L. Reminiscenes of the Boston female asylum. WALES. Adams, W. America in. Boston, 1844. 88pp. 12.. 1848.2 T. Red cross; or, Young 1871 1677.3 Borrow, G. Wild Wales : its people, language, and scenery. 18C2 644.6 Giraldus Cambrensis, 6. 1147, d. 1222. His torical works 833.7 Long, G. The geography of 365.10 Murray, J. Handbook for travellers in North Wales. 1861 1656.2 Handbook for travellers in South Wales. 1860. 1656.1 Prichard, T. J. L. The heroines of Welsh his tory. 1854 979.12 .Vote. See Great Britain. Also Bates Hall Index, p. 348, for parliamentary documents. WALFORD, E. " Spotless and fearless." Tho story of the chevalier Bayard, [French warrior, b. 1476, d. 1524]. [With portrait.] London, 1868. 16 1589.2 WALKER, Alexander. Jackson and Now Orleans, 1814,15. [With plate.] New York, 185G. 12.. 215.15 WALKER, Mrs. Esther, b. 1761, d. 1809. See Ellet, E. F. Tho women of the American revolution. v. 3 of 538.13 WALKER, Helen, the Jeanie Deans of Sir Walter Scott, b. 1710, d. 1791. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life 599.16 WALKER, James P., 6. 1829, d. 1868. Memoir of. See Fox, T. B 1528.2 WALKER, John, Scotch naturalist, b. 1731, d. 1804. See Jardino, Sir W. Naturalist s library, .v. 3 of 179.1 WALKER, Jonathan. Trial and imprisonment at Pensacola, Florida, for aiding slaves to escape. Boston, 1845. 12 526.13 WALKER, William. Expedition to Nicaragua. See Wells, W. V 266.8 WALL-STREET to Cashmere. Ireland, J. B 682.5 WALLACE, Alfred R. The Malay archipelago. [With maps and illustrations.] New York, 1869. 16. 1675. 11 WALLACE, Mrs. E. D. A woman s experiences in Europe. Including England, France, Germany, and Italy. [With illustrations.] New York, 1872. 12 648.19 WALLACE, E. R. Guide to the Adirondacks. See Smith, H. P 1706.3 WALLACE, Horace Binney. Art and scenery in Europe, with other papers. Philadelphia, 1857. 12 208.3 WALLACE, Sir William, Scottish patriot and soldier, b. about 1270, d. 1305. Carrick, J. D. Life of. . 830.58 Paterson, J. Wallace and his times 589.20 Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies v. 1 of 399.9 Note. See also Scotland. WALLACE, William, Esq. History of England. See Mackintosh, Sir J 368.3 WALLACE-DCNLOP, Madeline and Rosalind. How we spent the autumn; or, wanderings in Brit tany. [Anon.] [With illustrations.] London, 1860. 12 665.3 The timely retreat; or, a year in Bengal before the mutinies. [Anon.] [With illustrations.] London, 1858. 2 v. 12 695.10 WALLENSTEIN, or WALDSTEIN, Albrecht Wenoeslaus Eusebius, duke of Mecklenberg, German imperial general, b. 1583, d. 1634. See Hewlett, II. G. Tho heroes of Europe 555.3 Note. The most recent considerable account of Wallenstein is Rankc s, ]8fiU, [B. H. 4842.2]; the principal German life before his being Forstcr s, upon which the English life by Mitchell [B. n. 28/S2.10] is principally based, this last work opening withareview of the Thirty years war, [sec Germany, history, note, and Gustavus Adolphus, note }. Mitchell takea the favorable view of Wallenstein s character, aiming to counteract the unfavorable impression whicli Schiller bv his "Thirty years war" [8 i4.14,etc.]and his Dramas [:)27. 10.;i, etc.] has established. There is a German monograph by Hur- ter.f B. H. 48W.8] : a collection of Wallenstein s letters, 1627-34, "B.II. 2842.25]. For succinct accounts of the conspiracy, see Barrazin s French narrative, [B. H. 4667.3 ( 6617.2] ; and the pop ular paper byJamca in his "Dark scenes." See Blackwood, Jan., 1838; and the accounts and references in Hoefer[B. H. 2252.2.46], Michaud [B. H. 2242.50.44], and Thomas. Shelf. No. WALLER, Edmund, English poet, b. 1605, d. 1687. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 1 of 398.2 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets., .v. 1 of 582.11 586.20; v. 1 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 Note. Johnson s is the best known life, [also in B. H. 2589.3.8] ; and there are others by C lalmers, [B. II. 2592.7.81 ; Anderson, [B. II. 4004.1]; and others, [B. 11. 0009a.24. etc.]. Carruthers wrote the life in the Encyclopedia Britaninca. See , also Jameson s Loves of the poets [359.11], and the references in Allibonc. WALLIS, Severn T. Spain: her institutions, politics, and public men. Boston, 1853. 12 675.16 WALLYS, Philip. About New York. Illustrated. New York, 1857. Sq. 12 629.17 WALMSLEY, Hugh M. Sketches of Algeria during the Kabyle war, [1857]. London, 1858. 8...689.19 WALPOLE, Horace, 4<A earl of Orford, Enylish anti- quary and miscellaneous author, b. 1717, d. 1797. Journal of the reign of king George in, 1771-83. Edited, with notes, by Dr. Dorau. [With por trait.] London, 1859. 2 v. 8 983.2 Letters. Edited by P. Cunningham. [With por traits, etc.] London, 18^7-59. 9 v. 8 572.3 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Horace Wai pole. 409. 17; 1655.19 Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists 586. 19 Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society. v. 2 of 551; 1545.8 Warburton, E. (B. G.) Memoirs of 572.2 Note. The reader will do well at first to survey the subject as mapped out in Allibone, and to note his references. Wai- pole s own autobiography is merely a matter of date?, [B. li. 2452.4.4. contains also a memoir on his income] ; but his long series of letters show his times and their writer equally welT After successive issues by installments [B. II 2152.: .; 2452.4; 2452.5; 2601.3.5, etc.], they have b-;cn consolidated in one chronological sequence by Peter Cunningham. i i nine vol umes, embracing 2005 letters, covering 173T>-97, [572.."]. Of similar value in stndving the author and his times, are his Reminiscences of the court ot George I and George II, [572.3.1: B. II. 2452.3.1; 4509:1.45]; his memoirs of the last ten years of George II, 1751-00, [B. li. 2428.5 ; 2(X>l.3.r,] : of George III. 1760- 71, lolloped by Journals, 1771-8.! [983.2; B. II. 2427.9], the whole forming, with the letters, an unmatched contribution to the political and social history of England for the greater part ot the last century. Acid to these tin: collection of anec dotes, called Wai poliana [B. II. 45l!9a.45], Sir Charles Gray s proofs for considering Walpole to be Juuius [B. II. 2452.3.0], etc. For accounts of Strawberry hill, his residence, see Walpole a own description, [B H. 2452.4.4; 2601.3.2] 5 Col)bett s Me morials of Twickenham, [B. II. 2494.7]: and the record of purchasers and prices at the sale, [B. II. 4071.8]. Also Wliar- ton s Wits and beaux. [15 15.8]. The onlv memoir of Walpole of regular proportions is that edited by E.iot Warburton, [also in B. II. 2143.2, see review from the Eclectic, in Living age, Fcb 7, 1852]. Of the lesser accounts, Scott s is the earliest and that of I/ml Dover, pre fixed to his letters [B. II. 2452.:>.1]. is meagre, but it gave occasion to Macaulay s review [409.17; 1655.19; or Edinburgh review, Oct., 1833], whose unfavorable estimate uf Walpole s character probably prevails against the higher one of Croker, [see Quarterly review, vols. 19, 27> 72, 74, 76, 83]. Miss Berry s tribute and apology [advertisement in vol. 6 of 2452.3] took exception to the derogatory view of Macaulny, and her Jour nals and correspondence [B. II. 2545.7, review from the Times in Living age, Dec. 9, 18(15] may also be consulted. Cunning ham [572.3.1] holds Walpole s character to be between the estimates of Macaulay and Croker, and some such views guide a writer in Bentlcy, 1859, [in Living ago. May 7, 1859]. See also the article in Comhill magazine. 1872, or Living age, July 6. 1872. viewing him as a representative of his day. Disraeli in his paper Pains of fastidious egotism " [Calami ties of authors, 897.5.1] takes a low view. WALPOLE, Horatio, lord, English diplomatist, his torian, and political writer, b. 1678, d. 1757. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815. 1 WALPOLE, llobert, 1st earl of Orford, b. 1676, d. 1745. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 12 of 840. 10 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 Oliphant, M. (0. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of George n 983.3 Note. Coxe s life and administration of Sir Robert, is a whig defence, based on authentic material [B. H. 2445.14], and is oppoied in the torv view of Belsham [B. H 2429.1] and Smollett [B. II. 4525.5]. See a balancing of testimony in Smyth s twenty-sixth lecture, [B. H. 4fi48.4 etc.]; and Earl Stanhope s moderate Walpole both in his essay iews, [963.2], lay on Ilorac Macaulavhas sketched e Walpole (409.17; 1053.19] 87 and in that on Chatham, [557. 2]; and there is a chapter on him in Warburton, [B.II. 2443.2]. See a so Rogers s Lecture, [B. H. 6548.1GJ; Brougham s Statesmen [568.7 ; 810.5], where he is introduced " for the great importance of continually holding up Walpole to the admiration of all statesmen j" and the article in Allibone. WALSH 290 WASHINGTON WALSH, Robert. Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829. Boston, 1831. 2 v. in 1. 12 266.6 WALSH, William, English poet, b. 1633, d. 1709. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. T. 2 of 582.11; 586.20; v. 1 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 WALSINGHAM, Sir Francis, statesman and diplomatist, b. 1536, d. 1590. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 2 of 815.1 WALTHAM, Mass. Family memorials. Genealogies of. 1855. Bond, H 224.1 WALTON, Izaak, English poet and author of the " Com plete angler," b. 1593, d. 1683. Lives of John Donne [English divine and poet, b. 1573, d. 1631], Si.- Henry Wotton [English statesman and litterateur, b. 1568, d. 1639], Richard Hooker [English divine, b. 1554, d. 1600], George Herbert [English divine, b. 1593, d. 1632], and Robert Sanderson [bishop of Lincoln, and author, b. 1587, d. 1662]. With an account of the a uthor by T. Zouch. New edition. New York, 1846. P. 8 589.5 Note. The memoir of Walton by Sir Harris Nicolas is the most elaborate, 1836, [B. H. C002.3] ; that by Zouch being the best of the earlier ones, 183, [also in B. H. 2448.10]. The later narratives are those of Jesse, prefixed to Bonn s edition of the Complete angler, [835.8]; Major s introduction to his edition, [B. H. 6009 8] j andBethur.e s bibliographical preface, [177.3]. See also the life to 177.2. See further authorities in Allibone; and Lanman s Wal- toniana in the American review, vol. 1. WALTON, William. The revolutions of Spain, 1808- 36. [With portrait of Dona Maria Francisoa.] London, 1837. 2 v. 8 913.4 WANDERING recollections of a busy life. Neal, J.. . . 1517.8 WAR, Curiosities of. Carter, T 998.10 WAR, The: or, voices from the ranks. With illustra tions. London, 1855. 16 997.12 WAR letters of a disbanded volunteer. New York, 1864. 12 308.10 WARAGA, or the charms of the Nile. Furniss, W. . . 698.19 WARBCRTON, Eliot (B. G.), English author, b. 1810, d. 1852. Memoirs of Horace Walpole [English antiquary and miscellaneous writer, b. 1717, d. 1797] and his contemporaries. [With portraits.] London, 1853. 2 v. 8 572.2 Memoirs of Prince Rupert [of Bavaria, German warrior, chemist, and physician, b. 1619, d. 1C82] and the cavaliers. [With portraits, etc.] Lon don, 1849. 3v. 8 553.6 WARBURTON, Major George, d. 1857. The conquest of Canada, [1534-1710]. [Anon.} New York, 1850. 2 v. 12 265.3 Hochelaga; or, England in the New World. Ed ited by E. Warburton. [ylnon.] New York, 1846. 12= 627.19 Same. 5th edition. London, 1854. 16 1629.1 WARD, Aaron. Around the pyramids: a tour in the Holy Land, [etc.], 1859-60. New York, 1863. 12 674.11 WARD, Artemas, major-general in the revolutionary army, b. 1727, d. 1800. See Headloy, J. T. Washington and his generals v. 1 of 516.1 WARD, Artemus, pseud. See Browne, Charles F. WARD, Ferdinand de W. India and the Hindoos. [With plate.] New York, 1851. 12 709.6 WARD, Harriet, wife of Capt. Ward, of the English Slst regiment, Cape Town- The Capo and the Kaffirs. With frontispiece and map. 3d edition. London, 1856. P. 8 699.15 WARD, Sir Henry G, Mexico in 1827. [With plates and maps.] London, 1828. 2 v. 8 633.6 WARD, John, vicar of Stratford-upon-Avon, Eng., b. ar of L Di 1629, d. 1681. Diary, 1648-79. London, 1839. 8 977.2 WARD, Samuel, governor of Rhode Island, b. 1725, d. 1776. Life of. See Gamtnell, W v. 19 of 529.1 WARD, Samuel, American merchant, b. 1786, d. 1839. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical annual 518.12 WARD, William, baptist missionary to India, d. 1823. Marshman, J. C. Life of , 2099.8 Tweedie, W. K. The life and work of earnest men ,,...,..,..., 555.13 Shelf. No. WARDOUR, Baroness of. See Arnndell, Blanche Somer set. WARE, Henry, jr., American divine, b. 1794, d. 1843. Memoir of. See Ware, J 535.6; 635.7 WARE, John, American physician and author, b. 1797, d. 1852. Memoir of Henry Ware, jr. [With portraits.] Boston, 1846. 12 535.6 Same. New edition. Boston, 1849. 2 v. 12. 635.7 WARE, Mary Lovell, b. 1798, d. 1849. Hall, E. B. Memoir of 535.3 Sigourney, L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries 548.17 WARE, William, American divine and author, b. 1797, d. 1852. Lectures on the works and genius of Washington Allston, [American painter and poet, b. 1779, d. 1843]. Boston, 1852, 12 208.11 Life of Nathaniel Bacon, [insurrectionist in Vir ginia, b. 1630, d. 1677]. See Sparks, J. Library of American biography v. 13 of 529.1 Sketches of European capitals. Boston, 1851. 12. 648.4 WARHAM, William, archbishop of Canterbury, lord high chancellor, b. 1460, d. 1532. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 1 of 815.1 WARNER, Charles Dudley. Saunterings. Boston, 1872. 12 909.22 WARNER, H. W. The liberties of America. New York, 1853. 12 297.15 WARNER, Seth, American colonel, b. 1743, d. 1782. Memoir of. See Chipman, D 528.22 WARNER, William, d. 1608-9. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 WARREN, Capt. Charles. The recovery of Jerusalem. See Palestine exploration fund 682.12 WARREN, John E. Para; or, scenes and adventures on the banks of the Amazon. New York, 1851. 12 636.30 WARREN, Joseph, American revolutionary patriot, b. 1741, d. 1775. Everett, A. H. Lifo of. . .v. 2 of 518.5 v. 10 of 529.1 Frothingham, R. Life and times of 242.1 Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolu tion 528.1 Nate. See Bunker hill; United States, Revolutionary war, note: also Everett s address at the dedication of his statue, [831.7.3:]. WARREN, Mercy, wife of James Warren, American au thoress, b. 1728, d. 1814. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 1 of 538.13 WAKREK.T. Robinson. Dust and foam; or, ten years wanderings in Mexico, South America, Sandwich islands, the East and West Indies, China. Philip pines, Australia and Polynesia. New York, 1859. 12 706.10 WARREN, William. These for those. Our indebted ness to foreign missions. Portland, 1870. 16. 1117. 21 WARRE.V, William W, Life on the Nile, and excur sions on the shore, between Cairo and A.souan. Also a tour in Syria and Palestine, in 1866-67. Paris, 1867. Sq. lG .... 698.30 WARS of the eighteenth century, Annals of the. Gust, Sir E 939.13 WARS of the nineteenth century, Annals of the. Oust, Sir E 996.1 WART, Gertrude von der, baroness, German heroine, ft. A. D. 1308. See Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of domestic life 599. 16 WARTER, John Wood. The sea-board and the Down; or, my parish in the South. [Anon.] [With illustrations.] London, 1859. 2 v. Sm. 4 ... 882.6 WARWICK,. Countess of. Sen Rich, Mary. WARWICK, Earl of. See Dudley, Ambrose. WARWICK, Earl of. See Rich, Robert. WASHBCRN, Emory, governor of Massachusetts, 1854, 55, b. 1800. Judicial history of Massachusetts, 1630-1775. Boston, 1840. 8 297.2 Slavery as it once prevailed in Massachusetts See Massachusetts historical society 222.3 WASHINGTON, E. K. Echoes of Europe; or, word pictures of travel. Philadelphia, I860. 12 J .... fi65.fi WASHINGTON 291 WATBON WASHINGTON, George, 1st president of the United States, b. 1732, d. 1799. Writings; with life, notes and illustrations. By J. Sparks. Boston, 1835-40. 12 v. 8 Contentt. Vol. I. Life, by J. Sparks. II. Letters before- the American revolution, March, 1754, to May, 1755. III. Correspondence and papers relating to the American revolu tion, June, 177.3, to July, 1776. IV. Correspondence, July, 1776, to July, 1777. V. Correspondence, July, 1777, to July, 1778. VI. Correspondence, .Inly, 1778, to March, 1780. VII. Corre spondence, March, 1780. to April, 1781. VIII. Correspondence, April, 1871, to Dec.. 17*1. IX. Correspondence, Doc.. 1783, to 287.2 . .. . . , ., , 1789. X. Correspondence, May, 1789, to Nov.. 1794. XI. Correspondence. Nov., 1794. to Dec., 17SI9. XII. Speecheg April. 1789. . . ., . ., . . and messages to congress; Proclamations j Addresses ; Appen dix ; Indexes. Diary, 1789-91. Edited by B. J. Lossing. New York, 1860. 12 3 ........................... 518.18 Epistles domestic, confidential, and official, [1779- 83]. New York, 1796. 8 .................. 216.5 Political legacies. With outline of his life and character, [by J. M. Williams]. Boston, 1800. 8 ......................................... 297.6 A nation s manhood ; or, stories of Washington and the American war of independence. With illustrations. London, 1861. 16 ............ 519.10 Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents ........ 1522.12 Bancroft, A. Life of ......................... 519.2 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury .................................. v. 4 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. .548.16; 551.13 Edmonds, C. R. Life and times of ............. 379.18 Everett, E. Life of .......................... 514.3 Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors ...... v. 4 of 1869.1 Guizot, F. (P. G.) Essay on the character and influence of Washington in the revolution ....... 518.17 Hcadlcy, J. T. Life of ....................... 515.1 - Washington and hi* generals ................. 516.1 Heady, M. The farmer boy, and how he became Commander-in-chief ......................... 519.12 Ilyde, A. M. The American boy s life of ....... 1529.2 Irving, W. Life of ........ 511.1; 516.6; 516.11; 1579.7 K irk land, C. M. Memoirs of .................. 515.4 Life of. See How America won freedom ........ 217.21 Marshall, J. Life of .................... 515.2; 515.15 Myers, F. Lectures on great men ............. 557.8 Northmore, T. Washington, or liberty restored: a poem .................................... 358.15 Parton, J. People s book of biography ......... 1522.10 Paulding, J. K. Life of ...................... 810.71 Ilauisay, D. Life of ..................... 515.3; 515.5 Rush, R. Washington in domestic life ......... 511.8 Sparks, J. Life of ........................... 511.5 Treseot, W. H. Diplomatic history of the admin istration of ................................. 297.5 Tuckertnan, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical .................................... 547.2 Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men. 823.18 Williams, E. The twelve stars of our republic.. 513.13 Wolcott, 0. Memoirs of the administration of. . . 285.5 Note. The life by chief justice Marshall, which is the ear liest of the important biographies, will always maintain its value for its calm, judicial character, and as being the only one by a biographer who knew his subject personally, [also in B. H. 2340.20; 2541.3; 4440.. >]. Sparks, who first edited a col lected edition of the Writings and correspondence [also in B. II. 241)2.1], themselves of biographical importance, accom janied the series with a lucid and painstaVing memoir, [also in B. H. 2402.1.1 ; 4:144 19]. Irving has supplied what must re main for u long time the most popularoi the extended lives. Its chief merit is its graceful narrative, thouglvits research i respectable, [also in B. II. 2340.18; 2.HI.11; 2391.3; 2394.3, - review in North American review, Api il, IKS , see also Allibone, under Irving]. Of the lesser lives, Everett s [B. H. 2347.561 was written for the Encyclopedia Britanniea, and is founded on the three authorities already named, and gives.in an appen dix, Dr. Jackson s paper on Washington s death [also in 158.4C] and Mrs. Washington s will, all printed for the first time. Of the other liven in English. Upham s [B. II. 2341.20] has the distinctive feature of being told largely in Washington s own language from his correspondence and journals; while Headley a, Faulding s, Kirk land s and others are either popu lar or tor young reaaers. Among the essays on his life and character there may be mentioned those by Henry T. Tuckerrnan, [above named] ; by Brougham, [. -63.71; by Theodore Parker, [B. II. 4449.17] ; by Thomas Starr King, [874.15]; and that in Chambers Papers for the people,[38;i.2.2]. Of a rhetorical character are the addresses by Webster, [284.1.1]; by Everett, [various in 8KI.J.1; 861.7.3, and his well-known oration in 861.7.4]; by Wiuthrop, [B. H. 4393.31, etc.;] ; and by Whipple, [as above]. The most remarkable foreign estimate is that of Guizot, who beautifully sums up Washington s character in the intro ductory essay to the life byDe Wilt, [also in U. H., in Krench, i HJ.4;seeahto 2402.4; 2341.12; 2341.1.0], There is a German Shelf. No. WASHINGTON, George, continued. life by Bauer, [B. H. 4449a.22] ; and an Italian parallel with Mirabeau by Cantu, [B. II. 4743.21]. 2333.1, vols. 17 and 21]; Custis s Recollections, [B. H. 4443.3]; Lossings "Home of Washington," [B. H. 2341.19: eee also Harper s monthly, vol. 18] ; Kichard Rush s " Washington in domestic life," being letters addressed bv Mm to his secretary, Lear, 1790-37, with other matters, including Washington i Griswold s Republican court, [B. H. 4341.30]; General Sum- ncr s Recollection of Washington s visit to Boston, 1789, [B. H. 4344.201 ; and an account of a portrait taken in Boston in 1776, [B. H. 4314.23]. Of his presidency, beside the general history, see Gibbsi editing of Oliver Wolcott s papers, [above named] ; and the estimates of his dealing with men in Van Buren s History of political parties, [B. H. 4343.83]. At his death, a collection of memorials, called "Washing- toniana," with a prefatory memoir by Jedediah Morse, was published [B.fl.am. 13; reprint 2M0.23], and asimilarcol- lectionofaliketitle has recently been edited by Hough, [B. U. 4501.2]. Beside the enumeration of authorities in Allibone, Oettmger, etc., see general histories of the revolution and of the United States, and the lives of his chief contemporaries, like Adams, Jeilerson, Hamilton, etc. WASHINGTON, Martha, wife of George Washington, b. 1732, d. 1801. Conkling, M. C. Memoir of... 538.14 Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revo lution v. 2 of 538.13 Women of worth 551.19 WASHINGTON, Mary, mother of George Washington, b. 1714, d. 1796. Conkling, M. C. Memoir of... 538.14 Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revo lution v. 1 of 538.13 Women of worth 551.19 WASHINGTON, D. C. Adams. F. C. Siege of, [1801]. 288.9 Ellis, J. B. Sights and secrets of the national capital. 1869 1622.4 Gleig, G. R. Campaign of the British army at, in 1814, 15 889.19 Gobright, L. A. Recollection of men and things at. 1869 228.19 Haley, W. D. Philp s Washington described. 1861. 228.18 Williams, J. S. History of the invasion and cap ture of. 1857 217.1 ffote, j-or history of its capture by the British in 1812, see Inpraham on the events preceding that catastrophe, [B. II 4422.14]; Wiiliams s History of that capture, [also in B. H. 44^6.2] ; and Gleig s British army in Washington, [also in B. For descriptions, see Harper s monthly, vols. 6, 20 and 40; Atlantic monthly, Jan., ISiil ; A. D. Richardson s Garnered sheaves ; and papers on the reasons for the selection of its site in Hours at home, I860. WASHINGTON, Mount. Mount Washington in winter, [1870-71]. Hitchcock, C. H 634.23 WASHINGTON territory, Three years residence in. 1857. Swan, J. G 626.5 WASHOE, Sketches of adventure in. See Browne, J. R. Crusoe s island 634.17 WATER drinker, Memoirs of a. Dunlap, W 539.26 WATERLOO. Chesney, C. C. Waterloo lectures: a study of the campaign of 1815 1983.2 Jomini, H., baron de. Political and military his tory of the campaign of, [1815] 987.10 Nate. See France, history, note. Regarding the receipt of the news of the battle in London, see Everett, [8U1.7.3, p. 138, eto.l; and C. M. Young s memoirs, [B. H. 6547. 19]. See also Wellesley, note. ^- , WATERTON, Charles. Wanderings in South America, * the north-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in 1812, 16, 20, 24. 2d edition. London, 1828. 8 633.16 WATERTOWN, Mass. Bond, H. Family memorials, [and] early history of. 1855 224.1 Francis, C. Historical sketch of, [1630-1830]. . . 224.2 WATHEN, George H. The golden colony: or Victoria in 1854. Illustrated. London, 1855. P. 8 J . .. 707.15 WATKINS, John. Life, poetry, and letters of Ebonezer Elliot, the corn-law rhymer, [b. 1781, d. 1849]. London, 1850. P. 8 586.18 WATSON, Elkanah. Men and times of the revolution ; or, memoir of Elkanah Watson, including travels in Europe and America, 1777-1842. Edited by W. C. Wat?on. Now York, 1856. 8 513.9 Same. 2d edition. With portrait and engrav ings. Now York, 1857. 12" 514.0 WATSON 292 WEBSTER . Shelf. No. WATSON, Henry C. The old bell of independence; or, Philadelphia in 1776. See Young Ameri can s library v. 6 of 1527.5 The Yankee tea party; or, Boston in 1773. See Young American s library v. 3 of 1527.5 WATSON, Richard, bishop of LI and off, b. 1737, d. 1816. Anecdotes of [his] life. By himself. Philadel phia, 1818. 8" 575.2 WATSON, Richard, methodist divine, b. 1781, d. 1833. See Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist ministers 535.14 WATSON, Robert. History of tho reign of Philip n, king of Spain, [b. 1527, d. 1598]. 1st Ameri can edition. Now York, 1818. 8 v. Iof542.2 and THOMSON, William. History of the reign of Philip in, king of Spain, [b. 1578, d. lG 21]. 1st American edition. New York, 1818. 8. r. 2 of 542.2 WATSON, Thomas, d. 1591 or 2. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poots v. 2 of 398.2 WATT, James, Scotch engineer and improver of the steam-engine, b. 173U, d. 1819. James Watt and the steam-engine. [Anon. } London, n. d. 32 209.23 Arago, (D.) F. (.1.) Biographies of distinguished scientific men 641.3 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.6 Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of tho laboratory and workshop 551.7 Brougham, II., lord. Lives of men of letters and science in tho time of Georgo in 547.3 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. .548.16; 551.13 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men .. 548.18 v. 2 of 548.22 Memorials of early genius 551.10 Muirhead, J. P. Life of 587.4 Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 Perseverance under difficulties, as shown in the lives of great men 549.38 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Tweedio, W. K. The life and work of earnest men 555.13 Kate. IMuirhead s Origin and progress of Watt s inventions, in three octavos, 1854. is the earliest of the considerable narra tives |JB. II. 4015.7], based on manuscript sources, the bio graphical part of wnich was recast in more popular sliape with select correspondence- in a single volume, 18.18, [587.4]. Smiles has since, beside a brief sketch [589.18], written the life anew from manuscript material, 18(15, [B. II. 2445.18]. See also Arago s Memoir, [also in B. H., 10.117.11]; the brief life pub lished bv the Ueligious tract society, [20y.2?0 ; Jeffrey s paper, [Slxi.U] ; Chambers s Miscellany, vol. 8; Fraser s magazine, vol. 5U; Edinburgh review, vol. 70; and the references iu Alli- bone. WATTEAU, Jean Antoine, French painter, b. 1684, d. 1721. Foa, E. Boy artists 1599.1 Jervis-White-Jervis, M., lady. Stories of boy- geaius from tho lives of great painters 555.9 WATTS, Isaac, English divine and poet, b. 1674, d. 1748. Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. v. 3 of 582.11; 586.20; v. 3 of 580.22; v. 2 of 589.26 Milner, T. Life, times, and correspondence of. . . 574.9 WAYLAND, Francis, D. D., b. 1796, d. 1865. Life and labors of Adoniram Judson, [first missionary to Burmah, b. 1778, d. 1850]. [With portrait] Boston, 1853. 12 536.1 Life and labors of. See Way land, F 1513.15 WAYLAND, Francis, judge, and Henry L. Life and labors of Francis Wayland, D. D. Including se lections from his personal reminiscences and cor respondence. [With portraits.] Now York, 1867. 2 v. 12 1513.15 WAYLAND, Henry L. Memoir of [his] father. See Wayland, F 1513.15 WAYLAND, James. Recollections of real life in Eng land. New York, 1848. 18 899.22 WAYNK, Anthony, American revolutionary general, b. 1745, d. 1796. Armstrong, J. Life of v. 3 of 518.5 v. 4 of 529.1 Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. v. lof 516.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Victor, 0. J. Life, times and services of 1529.22 Shelf. No. WEARING of the gray. Oooke, J. E 272.10 WEAVER-BOY, The, who became a missionary: life and labours of D. Livingstone. See Adams, II. G 1527.10; 1527.11 WEBB, James Watson, editor of the " Courier and enquirer," and politician, b. 1802. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 WEBB, Richard D. Life and letters of Capt. John Brown [b. 1800], executed at Charlestown, Va., Dec. 2, 1859, for an armed attack upon Ameri can slavery. [With portrait.] London, 1861. 16 307.2 WEBB, W. E., of Kansas. Buffalo land: an authentic account of tho discoveries, adventures, and mis haps of a scientific and sporting party in tho wihHVcst. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1872. 8. 623.28 WEBB, William H., American ship-builder, b. 1816. See Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 WEBER, George, professor at Heidelberg. Outlines of universal history. Translated by M. Behr. Re vised by F. Bowen. 3d edition. Boston, 1854. 952.3 WEBER, Joseph. Memoirs of Maria Antoinetta, queen of Franco and Navarre, [wife of Louis xvi, b. 1755, d. 1793]; including the most important periods of tho French revolution, to 1793. Trans lated by R. C. Dallas, R. May, and Mrs. levers. London, 1805-12. 3 v. 8 C 613.1 WEBSTER, Daniel, American statesman, b. 1782, d. 1852. Works. 6th edition. [With portraits.] Boston, 1853. 6 v. 8 284.1 Contents. Vol. I. Biographical memoir, by E. Everett. I, II. Speeches on various public occasions. III. Speeches in convention to amend the constitution of .Massachusetts. Ill, IV. Speeches in congress. V, VI. Legal arguments. VL Diplomatic and official papers. Private correspondence. Edited by F. Webster. [With portraits.] Boston, 1857. 2 v. 8 512.4 Selections from tho writings of. See Constitu tional text book 299.1 Speech on tho north-eastern boundary. See Gal- latin, A 297.7 Life. With illustrations. [Anon.} Philadelphia, 1853. 12 526.25 Banvard, J. Tho American statesman; or illus trations of the life and character of 526.24 Commemoration of the death of. See New Hamp shire, Sons of. Second festival 234.5 Curtis, G. T. Life of 512.14 Edgar, J. G. Tho boyhood of great men. 548. 13; 549.30 Famous boys: and how they became great men. . . 655.8 Knapp, S. L. Memoir of 526.2G Life of. See Young American s library . . . v. 2 of 1527.5 Lyman, S. P. Life and memorials of 526.23 March, C. W. Biography of 526.22 Memorial of. See Boston 512.6 Obituary addresses on the death of. See United States 512.7 Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times.. 1522.7 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543. 13 Tweedie, W. K. Tho life and work of earnest men 555.13 Whipplo, E. P. Essays and reviews v. lof 875. 11 v. lof 875.12 Salt. One of the most important of the early estimates of Webster was Mr.Ticknor s review of the tirst collected edition of his speeches in the American quarterly review, June, I& U, [B. H. 3174.1]. Lanman s Memoir of his private life, [B. II. 4448.6]; anil March s Reminiscences of congress, devoted chiefly to Webster and his career to 18:13 [526.22], had already appeared, when Kverett prefixed to the tinal edition of Web ster s Speeches, the only authoritative regular memoir [284.1.1; B. II. 2-100.4.1 ; 2404..",.!] which appeared in Webster s iitetime. Upon his death, in 1852. there were a large number ot eulogies, which will be found in the Bates Hall catalogues, chief among them may be named Everett s, [&H.7.."] ; Ilillard s, [5rj.fi ; B. IL KHL .. 1 !]; Joel Parker s, on Webster as -o. jurist. [B. II. 449U.3]; and Choate s at Dartmouth, [521.3.1, the original manuscript of which is in the Library ; see also his address on Webster a birthday, 52I..1.2]. See also a collection of newspapers on his death, [23. C.I] ; and Lyman s popular memoirs issued 1852, [as above] A few years after his death, Fletcher Webster printed the private correspondence of his father [B. II. 2342.1], and the collection was rendered more valuable for an autobi- B. H. 4441.2]. The unfriendly view of Webster will be found WEBSTER 293 WERNE WEBSTER, Daniel, continued. vigorously expressed in Theodore Parker s essay, CB- H. 2342.4]; and in Parton s sketch, [as above, which originally appealed in the Nortli American review, Jan.. 1837]. Beside the references in Ailibonc, see Van Buren s History of political parties [B, II. 434;U:i] ; Whipple s essay, [above named]; GcoifjeW. Greene, on tliehomeof Wcbster.CB. H. 2346,51]; Miss.Mittbrd sRecollcctionsof aliterary lifo.L8 J.i.l2J( and Everett s vindication of the statue by Powers, [81H.7 .4], WEBSTER, Grace Fletcher, wife of Daniel Webster, b. 1781, d. 1827. See Parton, J. People s book of biography 1522.10 WEBSTER, John, English dramatic poet, llth cimtury. See Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain, v. 2 of 398.3 WEBSTER, John W., Heport of the case of, indicted for the murder of (I. Parkman. See Bomis, G. . . 133.3 WEDOEWOOD, Josiah, Enylisk porcelain, manufacturer and chemist, b. 1730, d. 1795. Bravo men s foot steps 1559.5 Brightwell, C. L. Heroes of the laboratory and workshop 551.7 Kate. The elaborate, well-illustrated, though somewhat dif fuse and overwrought biography by Miss Meteyard, 18G5 [B. II. 402i.L 4] is of the chief importance, as being based on full, authentic documentary records, and it is made OT this account better than the life by Hewitt, 18j5 CB. II. 40J3.2I], founded on some papers in the Art-journal, which is , on the other hand, better written. Miss Meteyard has followed up the subject in a memorial of the younger Wedgcwoods and their friends, lery, [B. H. 4024.1 ;.5 and G] ; the brief sketch, [1559.5] ; and the references in Allibone. WEED, Thurlow, New York editor, b. 1797. See Par- ion, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 WEEMS, Mason L. Life of Benjamin Franklin, [Amer ican philosopher, b. 1706, d. 1790]. [With por trait.] 6th edition. Philadelphia, 1822. 12. 517.23 Life of William Ponn, the settler of Pennsylvania, [b. 1644, d. 1718]. [With portrait.] Philadel phia, 1829. 16 526.18 WEISS, John. Life and correspondence of Theodore Parker, of Boston, [b. 1810, d. I860]. [With illustrations.] New York, 1364. 2 v. 8 514.8 WELD, Charles Richard. The Pyrenees west and east. [\Vithillustrations.] London, 1359. 8 666.14 Two months in the Highlands, Orcudia, and Skye. [With illustrations.] London, 1860. 8 645.16 Vacation tour in the United States and Canada. [With map.] London, 1855. 12 629.1 Vacations in Ireland. [With illustrations.] Lon don, 1857. 12 646.4 WELD, Isaac. Travels through the states of North America, and the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, 1795-97. 3d edition. Illustrated. Lon don, 1800. 2 v. 8 625.15 WELDON, Sir Anthony, clerk of the kitchen to James I. Court and character of king James [i of England, b. 1525]. See Secret history of the court of James I v. 1 and 2 of 552.6 WELLESLET, Arthur, duke of Wellington, British Jield- marshalf commandcr-in-chief, and statesman, b. 1709, d. 1852. Life, military and civil. Illus trated. London, 1852. P. 8 825.4 Memoir. London, 1852. 16 409.30; 1655.14 Bayne, P. Essays in biography and criticism. v. 2 of 885.1 Egerton, F., earl of Ellesmere. Life and charac ter of 558.11 Lemoinno, J. Wellington from a French point of view 578.14 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 Maurel, J. The duke of AVellington 558.8 Maxwell, W. II. Victories of 825.3 Rogers, S. Recollections 395.5; 1396.3 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Sherer, M. Military memoirs of 558.10; 1579.1 ffate. There will be found in Allibone a full list of memoirs oftheduke, with other references of useto the inquirer. Dur ing Wellington s life, beside accounts contemporary with his military career, like Camdcn s [B. H. 0086.1], ending with the peninsular war. there were other memoirs, the most important of which is Maxwell s, 18&) [B. II. 2541.7], who confines hit Shelf. No. WELLESLEY, Arthur, continued. narrative to his military record, and is not highly esteemed as a critic of it, but his work has been condensed into a more popular narrative [825.4], while his Victories [as above] epito mised much of the same. S aerer, 1333. U professedly a criti cal review of his military life. His death, in !&)- , brought out a number of popular lives, like that reprinted from the London Times, [^OJ 30 ; 1<!55.I4]| Lord Ellesmere s lecture, etc., but the most considerable among them was Stoequeler s, 1852, iu two pictorial octavos [B. 11.4515.50]. which is the earliest life of considerable extent, to include the period subsequent to Waterloo and down to his death. In 1858, Gleig translated and enlarged the very just French life by Brialmont, an officer of the Belgian staff f B. H. 4543.5], who is a skillful military critic, and ranks Wcl- jington next to Napoleon as a soldier, and what is known as Gleig s Life of Wellington, 1802 [B. II. 252S.9]. is a condensa tion ofthis extended work ol Bnalmont. with additional mat ter based upon the Supplemental Despatches. In JS JO, C. D. YongepublishedalitetB. II. 2323.7], in two volumes octavo, which dcrhes importance i rom new matter, has plans of bat tles, including a fac-simile of apian of the field of Waterloo surveyed for the duke, just before the battle, and showing his pencil tracings, and in the appendix there is Wellington s commentary on Clausewitz saccount of Waterloo. Among the lesser English accounts, see Cliambers s Papers for the people, [:3.2.1i . or Living ape, Jan. 24, 185:!]; W. II. Russell s article in the Encyclopaedia Britannica; and Bavnc s paper, [as above]. See also Harper s monthly, vols. B and .SI. For French views, besides Brialmont. see Maurel, which is brief, closing witn Waterloo, and introduced in the transla tion [as above] by the Earl of Ellesmere, and reviewed in the Londjn quarterly review, April, 185. ); Lemoinne, whose ac count originally appeared at the duke s death in the Journal des dcbats j Uoefer s, [B. H. 2252.2.40] ; and Lomenic s, [B. H. Students will find it necessary to examine the Despatches fB. II. 2&U] and particularly the Supplemental Despatches [B. II. 2523.::], printed since his death, and throwing much, light on his cliaracter and his relations to his contemporaries, while analyses of them wiil be found in the various reviews mentioned by Allibone. See also Raikes a Correspondence wi h the duke. [B. II. 2523.8]. _ For further study of his military career, see works men tioned under India; Peninsular war, [see London quarterly, April, 18 .i7, for "Wellington in the peninsula"]; France, history; Waterloo, etc. Biirke s Rise ot great families [B. II. 2439.."] has a chapter on his birth and early home. For his funeral and statue, see reference to the British documents in Bates Hail Index, p. 34i>. WELLFLEET, Mass. History of, [1644-1844]. Pratt, E 224.22 AVELLINGTON, Duke of. Se.e Wellesley, Arthur. WELLS, John G. Illustrated citizen s companion; compcndiutn of the political history of the Uni ted States [to 1858]. [With illustrations.] Also a manual of American geography. Now York, 1860. 16 296.14 Illustrated national hand-book, a compendium of the political history of the United States [to 1868]. [With illustrations.] New York, 1808. 12 296.15 WELLS, Thomas. Letters on Palestine. . 2d edition. Boston, 1846. 12 3 692.17 WELLS, William, Western pioneer, d. 1812. Bio graphical sketch of. See MacDonald, J 518.8 WELLS, William V. Explorations and adventures in Honduras. With maps and illustrations. New York, 1857. 8 621.2 Life and public services of Samuel Adams, [Amer ican statesman, b. 1722, d. 1803]. [With por traits.] Boston, 1865. 3 v. 8 242.2 Walker s expedition to Nicaragua, [1855]. With map and portrait. New York, 1S56. 12 266.8 WELLSTED, J. Raymond. Travels to the city of the caliphs, along the shores of the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean. [With map and illus trations.] London, 1840. 2 v. 8 693.3 WELTEVREDEN, Tho prison of. Gibson, W. M 707.6 WENTWORTH, Charles Watson, Id marquis of Rockiny- ham, English statesman, b. 1730, d. 1782. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 8 of 815.1 WENT WORTH, Thomas, earl of Strafford, b. 1593, be headed 1641. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies v. 6 of 840.10 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 4 of 815.1 Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen v. 2 of 388.6 WERNE, Ferdinand. African wanderings. Trans lated by J. R. Johnston. [With map.] Lon don, 1852. 16 409.29; 1655.10 Expedition to discover the source of the White Nile, 1840, 41. [With map, etc.] Translated by C. W. O Reilly. London, 1849. 2 v. 12 693. U WERNER 294 WESTERN Shelf. No WERNER, Abraham Gottlob, German mineralayist.b. 1750, d. 1817. See Jardine, Sir W. Natural ist s library v. 29 of 179.1 WERNEB, Friedrich Ludwig Zaeharias, German poet and dramatic author, b. 1768, d. 1823. See Car- lyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. v. 1 of 867.1; 863.7; v. 1 of 893. WESLEY, Charles, methodist divine, b. 1708, d. 1788. See Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist ministers 535. !: WBSI.EV, Johnjfoiinderofmethvdism, b. 1703, d. 1791. Wesley his own historian. By E. L. Janes. Now York, 1870. Sm. 8 577.8 Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury : v. 3 of 839.6 Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist min isters 535.14 Larraboe, W. C. Wesley and his coadjutors 578.9 Oliphant, M. (0. W.) Historical sketches of tho reign of George H 983.4 Sigourney, L. II. Examples from tho 18th and 19th centuries 548. 17 Southey, R. Life of 578.16 Note. Wesley left three literary executors. Coke, Moore, and his physician, Whitehead; and into the hands of the last his journals, papers, etc., were put; but the two first named, from dissatisfaction or other cause, produced, in 17SI2, a hastv memoir, before Whitchcad s appeared, 1794-96 [B. II. 3554.2], which last is, however, too theological and partisan. Hamp ton s memoir [B. H.5555.3] was ready when Wesley died; but it proved to be meagre and was superseded, with the others, by the life of Wesley, 1820, by Southey, who. though he had no private sources of information, made skillful use of the printed material, of which he enumerates the titles, and produced what yet remains the best popular account of a great moral revolu tion, [also in B. II. 5533.2(>]. Moore s life, 1824, was largely a reprint of Whitehead s; and Watson s, 18 jl, was intended to be a popular correction of those parts of Southey s which were unsatisfactory to the methodists, and to be more clearly ar ranged in its chronological sequence. Urlin, in 1870, in bring ing forward prominently the view that Wesley was a revivalist within the church and not a dissenter, sought to supplement all previous lives, by tracing developments which his former biographers had not recognized, and by deducing conclusions which they had overlooked, [B. II. 5559a.lO]. More recently, however, Tyerman, after seventeen years labor, and with great abundance of unprinted material, has published his life and times of Wesley, more completely surveying the sub ject than ever before, but making a book too extended for general use, [B. H. 5552.3; 5552. 7]. Ex-tracts from Wesley s journals were early printed, [B. II. 347.1.8. !; 5559.21. Clarke s Memoirs of the Wesley family is also in Bates Hall. [4343.19]. Sec also the sketch bv Mrs. Oliphant. [also in B. II. 4S27.2J ; the narration of Wesley s early love, [B. H. 5558.. !]; Johntt. Hajjany s paper in Harper s magazine, vol. 19, p. 211, [1810.1]; and the references in Allibone s important article. See Methodism, note; and Malcom s Index, [2190.19]. OHf,, TelfTtT>fts,^BJ .J J it .Xullft. n, - ffo.JS, ^. QT.V- WESLEY, "Susanna, b. J.669, d. 1742. See Stevens, A. Tho women of methodism 56!). 17 WESLEY family, Memoirs of the. See Clarke, A 535.12 WESSEL, Jan, professor of theology and philosophy at Coloync,b. 1419, d. 1489. See Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of tho re formers and martyrs 2085.9 WEST, Benjamin, American painter in England, b. 1738, d. 1820. Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 2 of 379.9 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. . .548.18 v. 2 of 548.22 Gait, J. Life and studies of 527.12 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made 515. 14 Men who have risen 551.18 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Ifote. Gait s Life covers West s career in America and Italy before his arrival in England, [also in B. H. 2344.24]. See Tuckerman s Book of the artists, [B. II. 8072.20J ; Fosteriana, [857.7] ; the references in Allibone, and under Painting, note. WEST, Gilbert, Enylishpoet and translator, b. 1706, d. 1756. Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity. v. 1 of 830.28 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. . .v. 3 of 582.11 586.22; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 WEST, Rev. Samuel, of Dartmouth, Mass. Election sermon, 1776. See Thornton, J. W. The pulpit of the American revolution 217.20 WEST, The. Boiler, H. A. Amon; the Indians. Eight years in the far West, [18">8-66] 245.13 Brackenridge, H. M. Recollections of persons and places in the West. 1834 239.7 ; 15 16. 19 Shelf. No. WEST, The, continued. Carvalho, S. N. Incidents of travel and adven ture in the far West. 1857 626.11 Cooke, P. St. G. Scenes and adventure in the army. 1859 637.14 Flagg, E. The far West; or, a tour beyond the mountains. 1838 629.18 Garden, Tho, of tho world, or the great West. 1856 238.2 Gerstaccker, F. Wild sports in tho far West. 1802, 66 628.25; 1639.2 Greeley, H. Overland journey from New York to San Francisco, [18.~>9] 637.24 Gregg, J. Commerce of the prairies or the journal of a Santa Fe trader, during eight expeditions across the great Western prairie?, and a residence of nearly nine years in Northern Mexico, [1831- 40] 628.16 Scenes and incidents of the Western prairies. 1856 239.12 Hall, E. H. Tho great West: travellers , miners , and merchants guide. 1865 636.10 Hall,J. Letters from the West. 1828 237.1 Sketches of the West. 1835 239. 13 The West: its commerce and navigation. 1848. 239.9 Heart, The, of the West: an American story. 1871 623.27 Heroes and hunters of the West. 1853 235.11 Kirkland, C. M. Our new home in the West. 1872 638.23 Parkman, F.,jr. The discovery of the great West. v. 3 of 300.1 Pine, G. AV. Beyond the West. 1871 623.25 Robinson, C. Account of discoveries in tho West until 1519 625.1 Ruxton, G. F. Lifo in tho far West. 1849 628.22 See also America. California, Oregon, Prairies, United States. Travel, note; and papers on the Buffalo country in Har per s monthly, vols. 23 and i8. WEST INDIES. Baird, 11. Impressions of the, [184 J]. 628.6 Buxton, C. Slavery and freedom in tho British West Indies. 1860 269. 1 Coke, T. History of tho, [1508-1804] 204.5 Coleridge, II. N. Six months in tho, in 1825. . . . 379.8 Davy, J. Tho West Indies, before and since slave emancipation. 1854 fi.35.4 Day, C. W. Five years residence in the. 1852.. 635.20 Gurncy, J. J. A winter in tlie. 1841 635.5 Halliday, Sir A. Tho West Indies: natural and physical history. 1837 635.19 Lewis, M. G. Residence in the. 1845 889.30 Long, G. The geography of the. 1841 365.3 Madden, R. R. A twelvemonth s residence in tho. 1835 635.21 Pinckard, G. Notes on the. 1816 635.7 Robertson, W. P. A visit to Mexico, by the West India islands. 18,33 638. 10 Sewcll, W. G. The ordoal of free labor in the British West Indies. 1801 266.12 Southoy, T. Chronological history of the, [1492- 1815] 264.4 Sturge, J. The West Indies in 1837 635.8 Trollopo, A. Tho West Indies and the Spanish main. 1859 263.10; 263.11 Underbill, E. B. The West Indies: their social and religious condition. 1802 264.9 See also Antilles, Cuba, Hayti. Jamaica, Porto Rico, St. Thomas, Trinidad, and the references to the British documents in Bates Hall Index, p. 349; and Supplement, p. 252. WESTCOTT, Thompson. Life of John Fitch, the in ventor of the steam-boat, [b. 1743, d. 1798]. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1857. 12 525.5 VESTERN border life; or, what Fanny Hunter saw and heard in Kanzas and Missouri. New York, 1856. 12 238.1 VESTERN empire, History of the, from Charlemagne to Charles v, [576-1520]. Comyn, Sir R 1004.7 WESTERN scones. Robb, J. S 638.21 TESTER."! travel, Retrospect of. Martineau, H 626.10 VESTERN world, The. Mackay, A 28.5 WESTGARTH 295 WHITE Shelf. No. WBSTQARTII, William, Victoria and the Australian gold mines in 1857. With maps. London, 1857. 8 705.8 WESTMINSTER assembly of divines. Hetherington, W. M. History of the 1106.15 Smyth, T. History, character, and results, of the. 1096.19 WESTON, Richard, 1st earl of Portland, d. 1634. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 3 of 815.1 WESTON, Mass., Family memorials of. Bond, H. . . . 224.1 WESTPHALIA, Secret tribunals of. See Secret societies of the middle ages 849.5; 850.13 WESTWARD by rail : the new route to the East. Rae, W. F 638.19 WESTWARD empire. Magoon, E. L 948. 2 WEY, river, Rambles by the. Thome, J v. 4 of 850.18 WHALE fishery, Uncle Philip s conversations about the. Hawks, F. L 1859.19 WHARTON, Grace and Philip, pseud. See Thomson, K. (B.) WHAUTOX, Philip, duke of, English litterateur, b. 1698, d. 1731. Russell, W. Eccentric personages .... 569.19 Thomson, K. (B.) The wits and beaux of society. v. 2 of 555.1; 1545.8 WiiAUTOtr, Thomas, m quis, English statesman, b. 1640, d. 1715. See Russell, W. Eccentric per sonages 569.19 WHAT we did in Australia. Edited by G. B. Earp. London, 1853. 12 709.27 WHATCOAT, Richard, methodist bishop, b. 1736, d. 1806. See Gorrie, P. D. Lives of eminent methodist ministers 535.14 WHATELY, Mary L. Ragged life in Egypt. [With illustrations.] London, 1863. Sq. 16 689.27 WHATELY, Richard, D.D. Historic doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte, [Anon.], and historic certainties respecting the early history of Amer ica. By Rev. Aristarchus Newlight, [pseud.]. New York, 1853. 12 868.15 WHEATON, Henry. Life of William Pinkney, [Amer ican lawyer, b. 1764, d. 1822]. Sec Sparks, J. v. 3 of 518.5; v. 6 of 529.1 Scandinavia, ancient and modern. See Crichton, A 820.39 Review of his History of the Northmen. See Irving, W. Spanish papers and other miscella nies v. 2 of 1815.5 WHEELER, Crosby H. Letters from Eden; or, remi niscences of missionary life in the East. [Illus trated.] Boston, [cop. 1868]. 16 1675.12 WHERE to emigrate, and why. Goddard, F. B 1633.3 WHETTEN, Mrs. Margaret, b. 1736, d. 1809. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. v. 3 of 538. 13 WHIG party, History of the. Ormsby, R. M 299.10 WHIP, hoe, and sword. Hepworth, G. H 307.17 WHIFFLE, Edwin P. Character and characteristic men. Boston, 1866. 16 823.18 Contents. Character ; Eccentric character; Intellectual character: Heroic character; The American mind; The Eng lish mind ; William Makepeace Thackeray, English author. D. 1811, d. 1803; Nathaniel Hawthorne, American author, b. 1804, d. 1864 ; Edward Everett, American statesman and orator, b. 1794, d. 1865; Tliomns Starr King. American divine, b. J824, d. 1864 ; Louis J. B. Agassiz, naturalist, b. 1807 ; Washington and the principles of the revolution. Essays and reviews. New York, 1849. 2 v. 16. 875.11 Contents. Vol. I. Thomas Babington Macaulay, lord, English critic and historian, b. 1800, d. 1859; Poets and poetry of America ; Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd, English judge and au thor, b. 1795, d. 1854; Words; G. P. R. James s novels; Sydney Smith, English divine, critic, and wit, b. 1771. d. 1845; Daniel Webster, American statesman, b. 1782, d. 1852 ; Daniel Neat s History of the puritans: William Wordsworth, English poet. b. 1770, d. 1850; George Gordon Noel Byron, lord, English poet, b. 1788, d. 1824; English poets of the nineteenth century) Robert South e sermons; Samuel Taylor Coleridge as a philo sophical critic. II. Old English dramatists; Romance of rascality ; The croakers ot socicty and literature ; British critics ; RufusChoate, American jurist, b. 1799, d. 1859; William H. Prescott s histories ; Prescott s Conquest of Peru ; Shakespeare s critics ; Richard Brinslev Sheridan, Irish dramatist and orator, b. 1751, d. 1816; Henry Fielding, English novelist and dram atist, b. 1707, d. 1734; Richard Henry Dana s poems and S rose writings; Thomas Hood, English poet, b. 1798, d. 1845; amcs Henry Leigh Hunt s poems ; Thomas Carlyle as a poli tician. Same. 2d edition. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 16. 875.12 Shelf. Mo. WHFPPLE, Edwin P., continued. Literature and life. Enlarged edition. Boston, 1871. 16 1818.6 Contents. Authors in their relations to life; Charles John Huftam Dickens, English novelist, b. 1812, d. 1870; Wit and humor ; The ludicrous side of life ; Genius ; Intellectual health and disease ;U6e and misuse of words : William Wordsworth, English poet, b. 1770, d. 1850; William Cullen Bryant. Ameri can poet and journalist, b. 1794 ; Stupid conservatism and ma lignant reform. The literature of the age of Elizabeth. [Lectures before the Lowell institute.] Boston, 1869. 16. 1373.5 Contents. Characteristics of the Elizabethan literature; William Shakespeare, English dramatic poet, b. 1564, d. 1016; Ben Jonson, English dramatic author, b. 1574, d. 1637; Minor Elizabethan dramatists; Francis Beaumont, English dramatic author and poet, b. 1585, d. 1615, and John Fletcher, English dramatic author, b. l.<70, d. 1025; Philip Massingcr, English dramatic author, b. 1584, d. 1040, and John Ford, English 524.5 228.4 324.6 ter Raleigh. English navigator, warrior, statesman, and his torian, b. 1552, d. 1018; Francis Bacon, lord Verulam, viscount St. Albans, English lord-chancellor, b. 14S1, d. 1620; Richard Hooker. English divine, b. 1554, d. 1SOO. WHIPPLE, William, American general and politician, b. 1730, d. 1785. See Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men 548.18; v. 1 of 548.22 WHITALL, Alice B., b. 1839, d. 1868. On the rock: memoir of. See Lawrence, C. W 538.7 WHITE, C. A. The student s mythology. New York, 1870. 12 1085.21 WHITE, Charles. Three years in Constantinople; or, domestic manners of the Turks in 1844. 2d edition. [Illustrated.] London, 1846. 3 v. 12. 687.11 WHITE, George S. Memoir of Samuel Slater, the father of American manufactures, [b. 1768, d. 1835]. [With portrait and illustrations.] 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1836. 8 WHITE, Rev. Henry. Early history of New England, [1620-1765]. 8th edition. Concord, N. H., 1843. 12 WHITE, Henry, of Trinity college, Cambridge, Eng. The massacre of St. Bartholomew. With illus trations. New York, 1868. 8 2091.2 WHITE, Henry Kirko, English pott, b. 1785, d. 1806. Life and remains. London, 1825. 12 J 335.12 Same. With life, by R. Southy. [With por trait.] London, 1852. 32 1327.17 Memoir and poetical remains. [With life by R. Southey.] With an introduction by J. Todd. [With portrait.] Boston, 1853. 12 Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. v. 3 of 1869.1 Memorials of early genius 555.10 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Note. Southey s is the earliest life, [324.4 : S24.6; 1328.10; with introduction by Dr. Todd, 1329.17; B. II. (1560.1 ;C509a.52]. Sec also Gary s, [B. H. 2449.55] ; Sir Harris Nicolas s, for the Aldine edition, [329.5; 1319.6] ; the National quarterly review, June, 1869 ; and the references in Allibone. WHITE, Hugh Lawson, American jurist and statesman, b. 1773, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Bio graphical annual 518.12 WHITE, Rev. James. The eighteen Christian cen turies. Edinburgh, 1858. Sin. 8 1105.1 Same. From the 2d Edinburgh edition. Phil adelphia, 1859. 12 . 115.16 Landmarks of the history of England. New edition. London, [1854]. 16 969.10 Landmarks of the history of Greece. [With map.] London, 1857. 16 959.12 WHITE, Mrs. Jane, b. 1758, d. 1841. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution . . . v. 3 of 538.13 WHITE, Rev. John, of Dorchester, Eng., b. 1574, d. 1648. Brief relation of the planting of Massa chusetts. See Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters of Massachusetts bay 223.12 WHITE, John, United States naval officer. History of a voyage to the China sea. [With plates.] Boston, 1823. 8 623.12 WHITE, Rev. Joseph Blanco, Spanish priest and Eng lish author, b. 1775, d. 1841. Life, written by himself; with portions of his correspondence. Edited by J. H. Thorn. London, 1845. 3 v. P.8 , 675.18 WHITE 296 WIELAND Shelf. No. WUITE, Rawlings, of Cardiff, Welsh martyr, burnt 1, >55. See Tayler, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs .................... 1094.10; 1094.15 WHITE, Robert. Madeira, its climate and scenery. 2d edition. Edited by J. Y. Johnson. With a map. Edinburgh, 1857. 12 ................ 264.6 WHITE, Walter. A month in Yorkshire. London, 1858. 8 ............................ ...... 645,5 All round the Wrekin. London, 1860. 12 ---- 645.17 WHITE, William, D. I)., bishop of t he protest ant tpiscn- pal church of Pennsylvania, b. 1748, d. 1836. Sigourney, L. H. Examples from the 18th and 19th centuries . > ............................ 548.17 Wilson, B. Life of .......................... 534.3 WHITE foreigners, The, from over the water. [With illustrations.] London, n. d. 16 ............ 1699.11 WHITE mountains. Eastman, S. C. The White rnonn- tain guide book ........ 239.18; 239.19; 239.20; 239.21 King, T. S. The AVhite hills .................. 225.4 Spaulding, J. H. Historical relics of the ....... 239.11 Willey, B. G. Incidents in White mountain his tory .................................. 239.1 ; 239.22 Kate. Sec Dwight s Travels in New England, [B. K. 4464.1] ; and Harper s monthly, vol. &, WHITE, red, black. Pulszky, F. and T ............. 546.9 WHITEFIELD, George, English founder of a sect of melhodists, b. 1714, d. 1770. Belcher,.!. George Whitefield : a biography ..................... 577.15 Ryle, J. C. The priest, the puritan, and the preacher .............................. ..... 1088.33 Steel, 11. Lives made sublime by faith and works. 577.13; 577.16 Wakeley, J. B. The prince of pulpit orators: a portraiture of ................ . .............. 578.24 Kote. There is an autobiography covering the period be fore his ministry, [B. H. 7459.15] ; a joiuual of his voyage to Savannah. [B. ll. ci->49a.2.(r) ; select letters, 17.J4-70. with an ac count of the orpiian house in Georgia. [B II. tSSiSJ) and his works, with letters and memoir, [B II. 3477.191 Of the lives, GiIlies s[B.H. 3551. 19] wns published in 1772, and the American reprint [B. II. 5565.7] is edited by Prof. Stowe. with an appendix of sermons; and John Foster s Es says [&J7.7.2] contains a review of the original ; Philip 9, published in 1*W [B. H. . 54.4; 5555.10], is a confusedly ar ranged patchwork, but Sir James Stephen made it the occasion of an abie and disci iminating rssav, [8 J7.5 ; 1815.2] ; Ilarsha s is a recent Amei ica-i summary, [B. 11. 5555.0] ; Gladstone s, London, 1871. aims to put the man in greater prominence than his creed, [B. H. tiSl:!.12]; Wakcl^y s Calso 1871, B. H. 2549.50] is a brief American sketch, followed by a copious col lection of anecdotes, touching chiefly upon his powers as a pnlpit orator. There are various comineinor.it! vc addresses on Whitefield, [B. II. 3518.17; ;!5I3.19, etc.]; Belcher s life has special reference to his American experiences. See also Lady llumingdon s memoirs, [5.9.17; and a larger work B. H. 3554.25]; and the notes under Methodism and Wesley. Alli- bone gives references. Tlie Prince catalogue shows a list of works written for and against Whitetteld. See also Malcom s Index, [B.H. 2190.19]. WHITEHEAD, Miss Sarah, "the bank nun." See Wil son, H. Book of wonderful characters ......... 1546.5 WHITESIDE, James, Jrixh statesman, b. 1806. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen ............ 555.7 WHITING, Emma, b. 1841, d. 18(il. Transition: a remembrance of. See Carpenter, H. S .......... 537.33 WHITING, Henry. Life of Zebulon M. Pike, [Ameri can general, b. 1779, d. 1813]. See Sparks, J. v. 15 of 529.1 WHITLEY, Hiram C. Life of. See Burnham, G. P. Memoir of the United States secret service ...... 276.19 WHITMAN, Sarah H. Edgar Poe and his critics. New York, 1860. 12 ....................... 374.11 WHITMAN, Walter (" Walt"), American port, b. 1819. Notes on Walt Whitman, as poet and person. See Burroughs, J ............................ 1519.2 WHITMAN, Zachariah G., of Boston. History of tho Ancient and honorable artillery company, 1637- [1842]. 2d edition. Boston, 1842. 8 ....... 294.6 WHITNEY, Eli, American inventor, b. 1765, d. 1825. Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 548.18; v. 2 of 548.22 _ Goodrich, S. G. Lives of benefactors ...... v. 4 of 1869.1 MacCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, and how they were made ............................. 515.14 Parton, J. People s book of biography ......... 1522.10 Seymour, C. C. B. S^lf-rnado men ............. 643.13 Wynne, J. Lives of eminent literary and scien tific men of America ......................... 618.3 Shelf. No. WHITNEY, Josiah D. Geological survey of Califor- . nia. See California , 639.30 WHITNEY, Thomas R. Defence of the American pol icy, as opposed to the encroachments of foreign influence. New York, [cop. 185G]. 12 288.5 WHITTEMORE, Amos, American inventor, b. 1759, d. 1828. (See Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. . 543.13 WHITTEMOUE, Thomas. Life of Rev. Hosea Ballou, [of Boston, b. 1771, d. 185 i], [With portraits.] Boston, 1854-56. 4 y. 12 2095.11 WHITTIER, John Greenleaf, b. 1807. Prose works. [With portrait.] Boston, 1866. 2 v. 12 .... 823.21 Contents. Vol. I. Margaret Smith s Journal , Old portraits and modern sketches: John Bunyan, English author, b. l(>28.d. J688: Thomas Ellwood, English t)iiaker,T>. KM), d. 171:1; James Na.yler, English ouaker, b. 1616, d. ; Andrew Marvell, English poot. b. 162(1, ,]. 1704; John Roberts. English quaker, fl. 17th century; Samuel Hopkins, American divine, founder of Hopkinsianism, b. 1721, d. 180;!; Richard Baxter, English non-conformist divine, b. 1015, d. 1*J91; William Legactt, American politician and miscellaneous writer, b. 1802, d. 1810; Nathaniel Peabody Rogers, American editor and author, b. 1794, d. 1816 ; Robert Dinsmore. American poet, b. 1757, d. 1836. II. Literary recreations and miscellanies. Literary recreations and miscellanies. Boston, 1854. 16 905.14 Lives of John Bunyan, Thomas Ellwood, James Nayler, John Roberts, Andrew Marvell, and Richard Baxter. See Brave old English confes sors 567.6 Old portraits and modern sketches. Boston, 1850. 16 887.6 Contents. Same as Old portraits and modern sketches, above. In war times and other poems. Boston, 1864. 16. 373.20 WHITTINGTON, Sir Richard, b. 1353, d. 1423. See Bourne, II. R. F. Famous London merchants.. 1559.3 WHITTLESEY, Charles. Life of John Fitch, [Ameri can inventor, b. 1743, d. 1798]. Ste Sparks, J. v. 16 of 529.1 WHO goes there? or, men and events. Bogart, W. H. 1516.3 WHY and how. Why the Chinese emigrate. Con- well, R. II 699.23 WHYMPER, Frederick. Travels and adventures in Alaska, and other parts of the North Pacific. With illustrations. New York, 1869. 16 1636.14 WICHERN, Johann lleinrich, German philosopher, b. 1808. See Stevenson, W. F. Praying and working.2098.20 WICKLIFF, or WYCKLYFFE, John, English theologian and precursor of the reformation, b. 1324, d. 1387. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury Y. 1 of 839.6 Bravo old English confessors 567.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 1 of 840.10 Hanna, W. Wycliffe and the lluguonots 998.15 Hodgson, W. Lives, sentiments and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs 2085.9 LeBas, C. W. Life of 578.1 Myers, F. Lectures on great men 557.8 Tayler, C. B. Memorials of the English martyrs. 1094JO; 1094.15 Note. Allibone has a full article under WycKlitre. Han- na s Life is popular, and so is Le Bas s. lewis s Life, 1720. is largely a repertory, [B. H. 6557.1]. Baber s memoir. 1810 [B. H. o411.2] is prefixed to WickUffs translation of the New Tes tament, which is also accompanied by a history of .Saxon and English versions p lite has : ~ "" There See nis uusto the fifteenth century. Vaughn t a special value for industrious research. [B II. ::49:!.2]. is a popular German life by Wagner, [B. II. 60f>9a.2l. 10 the general histories of England covering his period; Neal s Puritans, [1085.16]; Fox s Book of martyrs. [1008.3:3]; Mosheim s History, [1085.2.3]; and Milner s Church history, [B. H. 3518.2]. See also Christianity, Protestantism, Reformation, etc. WICKLOW mountains, Guide to the. 1865. Black, A. andC 1655.19 AViCLir. See Wickliff. WIDOW S, The, offering. Hill, E 539.14 WIELAND, Christoph Martin, poet, dramatic author, and novelist, b. 1733, d. 1813. Hedge, F. II. Proso writers of Germany 545.1 Schiller, (J. C.) F. von. Sketches and anecdotes of. 876.16 Note. Consult the bibliography of Wicland literature, [B. H. 4909.8]; and the German lives by Docring [B. H. 2898.1.7] and Gruber [B. II. 2849.2]. Beside the brief narrative by Hedge, in English, sec the English versions of De StaeTs Ger many, [667.20]; Taylor s German poetry, [B. II. 2886.2]; Goethe s eulogy in Mrs. Austin s characteristics. [897.9]; also Menzel and the other historians of German literature. WIFFEN 297 WILLIAM WIFFEN, Jeremiah Holme. Historical memoirs of the houso of Russell, [dukes of Bedford, etc., 1066-1771]. [With portraits, etc.] London, 1833. 2v. 8 975.7 Lifo of Torquato Tasso, [Italian poet, b. 1544, d. 1595]. New York, 1859. 18 551.2 WIGHT Orlando Williams. Lifo of Peter tho great, [emperor of Russia, b. 1672, d. 1725]. New York, [1859]. 2 v. 12 551.5 Tho romance of Abelard and Ileloise. New York, 1853. 12 1589.4 WIGHT, /6/e of. Guide to the. 1860. Vonables, E. 1656.3 WIGHTMAN, Julia B. Annals of tho rescued. New York, 1861. 12 1115.15 WIKOFF, Henry. Adventures of a roving diplomatist. Now York, 1857. 8 887.4 WILBERFORCE, Edward. Brazil viewed through a naval glass: with notes on slavery and the slave trado. London, 1856. 16 1655.11 WILBERFORCE, Robert I. and Samuel. Lifo of Wil liam Wilberforco, [English philanthropist, b. 1759, d. 1833]. London, 1838. 5 r. 12 576.5 WILBERFORCE, Samuel. History of the protestant episcopal church in America. 2d edition. Lon don, 1846. 12 1099.26 Lifo of AVilliam Wilborforco. See Wilberforce, R. 1 576.5 WILBERFORCK, AVilliam, English philanthropist, b. 1759, d. 1833. Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th century v. 4 of 839.6 Edgar, J. G. Tho boyhood of great men. .548.13; 549.30 Hazlitt, AV. The spirit of the age: or contempo rary portraits v. 2 of 867.2; 888.17 Wilberforco, R. I. Lifo of 676.5 Kote. See Allibone for references. WILBRAHAM, Richard. Travels in tho Trans-Cau casian provinces of Russia, and along tho south ern shore of the lakes of Van and Urumiah, 1837. [With plates.] London, 1839. 8 674.4 WILD, Robert, d. 1679. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398.2 AViLD life under tho equator. Du Cbaillu, P. (B.). . 1699.6 AViLD men and wild beasts. Gumming, AV. G 696.21 WILDE, Richard Henry. Conjectures and researches concerning tho love, madness, and imprisonment of Torquato Tasso, [Italian poet, b. 1544, d. 1595]. New York, 1842. 2 v. 12 544.14 WILDE, Thomas, 1st baron Truro, English judje, b. 1782, d. 1855. See Jerdan, AV. Men I havo known 1522.9 WILDE, Sir AVilliam II. Austria: its literary, scien tific, and medical institutions. Dublin, 1843. 16 3 . 667.17 WILDER, David. History of Loominster, [Mass.], 1701-1852. Fitchburg, 1853. 12 227.12 WILDER, Sampson A r ryling Stoddard, American mer chant, b. 1780, d. 1865. Records from [his] life. [AVith portrait.] New York, [cop. 1805]. 12. 569.22 WlLKES, Charles, American rear-admiral, b. 1801. Narrative of tho United States exploring expedi tion, 1838-42. New edition. AVith illustrations and maps. New York, 1845-56. 5 v. 8 701.6 Same. AVith engravings. London, 1852. 2 v. P. 8 879.16 Voyage round tho world, embracing tho principal events of tho Narrative of tho United States ex ploring expedition. Illustrated. New York, 1851. 8 701.9 AVilkes s exploring expedition. See Colvocoresses, G. M. Four years in a government exploring expedition 708.15; 708.16 See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval com manders 272.7 WlLKES, John, English politician, b. 1727, d. 1797. Correspondence. [AVith] memoirs of his life, by J. Almon. London, 1805. 5 v. 12 589.1 Note. The most recent examination of his private and public character is by Watson, 1870 [B. II.6JI5.ao], the old biography being by Almon, with correspondence; [B. H. 2448.26]. See also his Private correspondence; public letteri. . etc.. 17(2-60, fB. H.4M0.20J; the brief summary in Bron(;lium George in [.508.7], and the notices in the general histories, which cover that reign, with the full references in Allibone. 38 Shelf. No. WILKIE, Sir David, Scotch painter, b. 1785, d. 1841. Cunningham, A. Lifo of 556.2 Edgar, J. G. Tho boyhood of great men. .648.13; 549.30 Jerdan, W. Men I havo known 1522.9 Russell, W. Extraordinary men 557.7; 879.15 Tuckorman, II. T. Essays, biographical and critical 547.2 Mental portraits 657.10 Note. The authoritative life is Cunningham s, 1843. Tiick- ennan s is a pleasing sketch. See references in Allibone, and the note under Painting, English school. WILKIE, Franc B. " Walks about Chicago," and army and miscellaneous sketches. [Illustrated.] Chicago, 1869. 12 1815.9 WILKINSON, James J. G. Emanucl Swcdonborg, [Swedish theologian, b. 1G88, d. 1772] : a bi ography. Boston, 1849. 16 545.18 WILKINSON, Jemima, American preacher, b. 1751, d. 1819. Hudson, D. History of. 539.12 Remarkable Women of different nations and ages. 647.5 WILKINSON, Mrs. Eliza. See Ellet, E. F. Tho women of the American revolution V. 1 of 538.13 WILKINSON, Sir John Gardner, English traveller and archcBoloyist, b. 1798. Dal matia and Montenegro: and remarks on tho Slavonic nations. [Illus trated.] London, 1848. 2 v. 8 925.5 Tho Egyptians in tho time of tho Pharaohs. [And] Introduction to the study of Egyptian hieroglyphs, by S. Birch. [Illustrated.] Lon don, 1857. 12- 957.8 Hand-book for travellers in Egypt. [Illustrated.] New edition. London, 1847. 12 649.13 Manners and customs of tho ancient Egyptians. Illustrated. London, 1837. 3 v. 8 954.1 Popular account of tho ancient Egyptians. Abridged. Illustrated. New York, 1854. 2 v. 12 959.1 WILLARD, Emma. Last leaves of American history, [1841-48]. New York, 1313. 12 309.11 WILLARD, Francos E. Nineteen beautiful years; or, sketches of a girl s life, [/Ircou.] [With por trait.] New York, 1864. 10 537.37 WILLARD, Sidney, professor at Harvard university, b. 1780, d. 185G. Memories of youth and man hood. Cambridge, 1855. 2 v. 16 525.16 WILLETT, AVilliam M. Lifo and times of Herod tho great, [king of tho Jews, b. B. c. 73, d. B. c. 4J. [With plate.] Philadelphia, 1S60. 12 557.16 New life of [John] Sutnmorfield, [American divine, b. 17-J8. d. 1825]. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1857. 8 J 574.7 WILLEY, Benjamin G. Incidents i;i Whito mountain history. [With a] guide to tho Whito mountains. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1856. 12 239.1 Same. New edition. New York, 1870. 12.. 239.22 WILLIAM I, the conqueror, king of England, b. 1027, d. 1087. History of. See Abbott, J 659.6 Note. Seethe general histories mentioned under England, particularly Palgrave,[B.H.2418.1.vols.:i, 4]. Alsoaiiaiticlo on the conqueror, in British quarterly review, ISil, or Living age. Nov. ">, IS 1 !!; and Disraeli, on the Anglo-Normans, in Ms Amenities of literature, [404.8]. Also the Chronological list of historical fiction. WILLIAM II, Rufus, Jciny of England, b. 1056, d. 1100. See Strickland. A. Lives of tho bachelor kings of England 554.9 WILLIAM III, of Orange, king of England, b. 1650, d. 1702. Biographies of eminent men from tho 13th century v. 2 of 839.6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 10 of 840.10 Trevor, A. Lifo and times of 553.1 the last century, took an unfavorable vie-vof him, [B. II. 2110.10]. Sec, beside the other general histories of England, and those or Ireland for his period, Trevor s I/ife and times, IS 5. [as above]: the memoirs of Dumont do Bustaqnct; the letters passing between Wil.iam and lx>ui* XTV. 1697-1700, [B. II. 2444.8]; and another collection, 16K>-1708, [B. il. JB1G.4]. WILLIAM 298 WILLMOTT Shelf. No WILLIAM IV, king of England, b. 1765, d. 1857. Grenville, R. P. Memoirs of the court and cabinet of 994.4 Maley, A. J. Historical recollections of the reign of 998.11 WILLIAM, of Malmesbury, historian, b. 1020 ? d. after 1088. Chronicle of the kings of England, to the reign of King Stephen. With notes and illus trations. By J. A. Giles. London, 1847. P. 8. 846.3 WILLIAM I, the silent, gnat prince of Oranye, b. 1533, d. 1584. Barrett, M. The story of 1918.12 Hewlett, H. G. The heroes of Europe 555.3 WILLIAMS, Catharine R. Biography of revolutionary heroes; life of Gen. William lEarton [b. 1748, d. 1831], and C:ipt. Stephen Olney, [b. 1756, d. 1832]. Providence, 1839. 12- 528.12 The neutral French; or, the exiles of Nova Scotia. 2d edition. Providence, [cop. 1841]. 2v.ini. 12 217.12 WILLIAMS, Charles. Narratives and adventures of travellers in Africa. Illustrated. New York, n. d. 12 1694.4 WILLIAMS, D. E. Life and correspondence of Sir Thomas Lawrence, [English painter, b. 1769, d. 1830]. [With portraits.] London, 18;>1. 2 v. 8-. 556.3 WILLIAMS, Edwin. The statesman s manual. Ad dresses and messages of the presidents of the United States, 1789-1849. [Illustrated.] New York, 1849. 3 v. 8 296.4 The twelve stars of our republic. [Anon.] Illus trated. New York, 1850. 8 J 513.13 Confers. Biographical notices of the presidents of con gress before the adoption of the constitution ; Biographical sketch of G. Washington, witli Farewell address; Biographi cal sketch of J. Adams, T. Jefferson. J. Madison, J. Monroe, J. Q. Adams. A. Jackson, M. Van Bnrcn, W. H. Harrison, J. Tyler, J. K. Polk, Z. Taylor; Historical sketch of the Ameri can union; Declaration of independence, with facsimiles of the signers; Articles of confederation; Constitution of the United States, etc. WILLIAMS, Rev. Eleazer. The lost prince: facts tend ing to prove the identity of Louis xvn, of France, and Rev. E. Williams. See Hanson, J. H 615.7 Note. See note under Louis xvn. WILLIAMS, Mrs. II. D wight. A year in China; and narrative of capture and imprisonment on board the rebel private Florida. New York, 1864. 16. 704.25 WILLIAMS, Helen Maria, English novelist, b. 1762, d. 1827. Tour in Switzerland; or a view of the present state of Paris. [With map.] Dublin, 1798. 2v. 16 669.8 WILLIAMS, Henry L., jr. The boys of the Bible. With illustrations. New York, 1866. 12 2098.9 WILLIAMS, J. M. Outline of the life and character of Washington. See Washington, G. Political legacies 297.6 WILLIAMS, Rev. John, first minister of Deerfield, b. 1664, d. 1729. Biographical memoir of. See Williams, S. W 539.16 WILLIAMS, Rev. John, of England. Life and actions of Alexander the great, [b. B. c. 356, d. B. c. 323]. [With maps.] 2d edition. London, 1829. 16 U . 39:). 12 Same. New York, 1843. 18 810.8 WILLIAMS, Rev. John, missionary, b. 1796, d. 1839. Missionary enterprises in the South sea islands. Illustrated. London, 1838. 12 1087.15 WILLIAMS, Sir John B., English attorney, b. 1792, rf. 1855. Memoir of Matthew Henry, the commen tator, [b. 1662, d. 1714]. Abridged. New York, n. d. 18 119.18 Memoirs of Sir Matthew Hale, lord chief justice of England, [b. 1609, d. 1676]. [With portrait.] London, 1835. 12 568.9 WILLIAMS, John S. History of the invasion and cap ture of Washington. [With map.] New York, 1857. 12 217.1 WILLIAMS, Richard, surgeon, b. 1815, d. 1851. Me moir of. See Hamilton, J 2088.11 WILLIAMS, Roger, founder of Rhode Island, b. 1606, rf. 1683. Gammell, W. Life of v. 14 of 529.1 Knowles, J. D. Memoir of 536.6 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 Shelf. No. WILLIAMS, Roger, continued. Tuckerman, H. T. Essays, biographical and critical 5472 ffot - KnowlesX 1834 [also in B. H. 4446.31], is an elabo rate life, and Gammell s popular narrative belongs to Sparks i series, [also in B. II. 4447.1.14]; but Romeo Elton, 1852 pub lished a new lite, based on late researches in England which Guild availed himself of in his biographical introduction to the Narragansett club publications, 18SW, [B. H. 4504.1.1; also see 2152.17]. See Aliens brief memorial, occasioned by in quiries about Williams s grave, 18f.[B. H. 4349.22]. Tuck- erman s sketch was suggested by Elton s life. Gervinus, in his Introduction to the history of the nineteenth century [reviewed in North American review, Jan., 1855], viewi Williams s settlement of Rhode Island as the source of our con-joint civil and religious liberties, [919.121. See Sprague g Annals, [234ii,Ui] ; 1 nniell s brief sketch, [B. II. 2191.7]; FoV- teriana, [8.17.7] ; Palfrey s New England, [232.1]; and other general histories. WILLIAMS, Samuel Wells. The middle kingdom; a survey of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants. With map and illustrations. 3d edition. New York, 1851. 2 v. 8 696.12 WlLLIAHS, Stephen, American divine and author, b. 1693, d. 1782. Journal of, during his captivity [among the Indians, 1704]. Sec Williams, S. W. 539.16 WILLIAMS, Stephen W. American medical biography. With engravings. Greenfield, 1815. 8 523.12 Biographical memoir of llov. John Williams, first minister of Deerfield, [b. 1C64, d. 1729]. With the journal of Rev. Dr. Stephen Williams [b. 1693, d. 1782], during his captivity [among the Indians, 1704]. Greenfield, 1837. 12 539.16 WILLIAMS, Thomas, and CALVEKT, James. Fiji and the Fijians. Edited by G. S. Howe. [With illus trations.] Now York, 1859. 8 934.9 WILLIAMS, W. Appletons Northern and Eastern traveller s guide. Illustrated. New edition. New York, 1853. 18 J 639.12 Appletons United States guide book for travellers. Illustrated. New York, 1850. 16 639.11 WILLIAMS, William Meade, English antiquary, wine merchant, and author, b. 1799, d. 1868. See Ritchie, J. E. Modern statesmen 555.7 WILLIAMS, William H., American divine, b. 1804. See Fowler, H. The American pulpit 534.9 WILLIAMSON, Peter, Scotchman, captured by the In dians, 1754. See Wilson, H. Book of wonder ful characters 1546.5 WILLIAMSON, William D. History of the state of Maine, 1602-1820. Hallowell, 1832. 2 v. 8. 234.1 WILLIBALD. Narrative. See Wright, T. Early travels in Palestine 846.7 MILLIE S voyage to India. Gerry, M. S 1698.1 WILLIS, Anson. The nation [United States]: its rulers and institutions; or, outlines of the gov ernment. [With illustrations.] Philadelphia, 1871. 16 307.34 WILLIS, Nathaniel Parker, American poet, critic, and journalist, b. 1807, d. 1867. Famous persons and places. Now Orleans, 1854. 12 657.7 Health trip to the tropics. New York, 1853. 12. 904.6 Same. New York, 1854. 12 636.19 Hurry-graphs: or sketches of scenery, celebrities, and society, taken from life. 2d edition. New York, 1851. 12 904.1 Life, here and there. Now York, 1850. 12 904.3 Pencillings by the way. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 v. 12 657.9 Same. Now York, 1852. 12 657.10; 904.14 People I have met. New York, 1850. 12 904.7 Summer cruise in the Mediterranean. New York, 1854. 12 676.11 Review of his Poems. See Cobb, J. B. Leisure labors 877.6 See Powell, T. The living authors of America. .. 518.15 A ott. See references in Allibone, and Harper s monthly, vol. 1G. VILLMAHTH, Arthur F., president of the American cable telegraph company, b. about 1820. See Par- ton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 .VILLMOTT, Rev. Robert Aris. Bishop Jeremy Tay lor, [English bishop and author, b. 1613, d. 1667]: his predecessors, contemporaries, and successors, [1459-1732]. 2d edition. London, 1848. 16. 578.6 WILLOUGHBY 299 WILSON" Shelf. No WILLOUQHBY, Francis. See Willughby, F. WILLOUGHBY, Sir Hugh, Arctic voyager, d. after Oct., 1553. See Adams, W. H. D. Neptune s heroes : or, the sea-kings of England 678.19 WILLOUGHBY, Peter Robert Drummond, baron Wil- loughby d Eresby, b. 1782, d. 1865. See Jer- dan, AV. Men I have known 1522.9 WILLS, Alfred. "The eagle s nest" in the valley of Sixt. A summer home among the Alps. [With maps and lithographs.] London, 1860. 8 665.16 Wanderings among the high Alps. [With litho graphs.] London, 1856. P. 8 665.2 WILLS, William John, Australian explorer, b. 1834, d. 1861. See Adams, W. H. D. Records of noble lives 1553.2 WILLSON, Arabella W., formerly Arabella W. Stuart. Lives of Mrs. Ann H. Judson [missionary to Burmah, b. 1789, d. 1826] and Mrs. Sarah B. Judson [missionary to Burmah, b. 1803, d. 1845], with a sketch of Mrs. Emily C. Judson, [" Fanny Forrester" missionary to Burmah, b. 1817, d. 1854]. [With portraits.] Auburn, 1854. 12 538.4 WiLLUfiHBY, or WILLOUGHBY, Francis, English natu ralist, b. 1635, d. 1672. See Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 5 of 179.1 WILMEB, Lambert A. Life, travels and adventures of Ferdinand do Soto, discoverer of the Missis sippi, [b. 1500, d. 1542]. [With] illustrations. Philadelphia, 1858. 8 541.8 WlLMOT, John, earl of Rochester, English poet and cour tier, b. 1647, d. 1680. Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity v. 1 of 830.28 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets v. 1 of 582. 11 580.20; v. 1 of 586.22; v. 1 of 589.26 WILMOT, Sir John Eardley, English chief justice of the court of common pleas, b. 1709, d. 1792. See Roscoo, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers. . . 388.4 WILSON, Alexander, Scottish ornithologist, b. 1766, d. 1813. Brightwell, C. L. Scenes in the life of . 589.22 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men . ..548.18 v. 2 of 548.22 Jardine, Sir W. Naturalist s library v. 4 of 179.1 Men who have risen 551.18 Peabody, W. B. 0. Life of v. 2 of 529.1 Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men 543.13 WILSON, Bird, D.D. Life of the Rt. Rev. William White, D. D., bishop of the protestant episcopal church in Pennsylvania, [b. 1748, d. 1836]. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1839. 8 534.3 WILSON, Charles AV. The recovery of Jerusalem. See Palestine exploration fund 682.12 WILSON, Margaret B. See Baron- Wilson, M. WILSON, Daniel, D.D., bishop of Calcutta, b. 1772, d. 1858. Life of. See Bateman, J 571.1 WILSON, Daniel, LL. D. Oliver Cromwell and the protectorate. [AVith illustrations.] London, 1854. 16 558.6 WILSON, David. Henrietta Robinson. [With por trait.] New York, 1855. 12 1517.9 WILSON, Mrs. Eleanor, d. 1810. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. . .v. 3 of 538.13 WILSON, Florence (Florentius Volesenus), Latin poet and litterateur, b. about 1500, d. 1547. See Irving, D. Lives of Scotish writers 586.13 WILSON, George, M. D., professor of technology in the University of Edinburgh, b. 1818, d. 1859. Elec tricity and the electric telegraph, with the Chem istry of the stars. London, 185 2. 16 409.3 1 Same. New edition. London, 1859. 16 1655.24 Brown, J. Horae subseci vro v. 2 of 894. 13 Groser, W. H. Men worth imitating 557.20 Tillotson, J. Our untitled nobility 577.14 Wilson, J. A. Memoir of 577.7 WILSON, Henry, and CAULFIELD, James. Book of wonderful characters. Illustrated. London, n.d. 16 1546.5 Contents. Stone eaters ; Fire and poison eaters ; Eaters of iron ; Miss Sarah Whitehead, the bank nun " ; Daniel Dan cer, English miser, b. 1716, d. 1794; Chevalier Desseasau, Prus sian dwarf, b. about 1700, d. 1775; Matthew Lovat, an Italian who crucified himself, b. 1759, d. 1806 ; Ephraim Lopes Pereira, Shelf. No. WILSON, Henry, and CAULFIELD, James. Book of wonderful characters, continued. baron d Aguilar, Austrian miser, b. about 1740, d. 1802; Wy- bmd Lotties, Dutch dwarf, b. 17S1; Henry Constantine Jen nings. English virtuoso, d. 1818; Henry I>moine, English ec centric bookseller, b. 17.56, d. 1812; Matthew Buchiiijrer, Ger man dwarf, b. 1674, d. 1722; Henry Jenkins. English centenarian, b. l.JOl.d. 1670; Bertholde, prime minister to Alboinus, fl.Gtli century; Matthew Robinson Morris, lord Bokcb.v, English ec centric, b. 1712, d. 1800; Foster Powell, English pedestrian, b. 17)4, d. 179. !; Joseph Boruwlaski, Polish dwarf, b. 1739, d. 1 )7; Floram Marchand, French water-spouter. tl. 17th century; Mrs. Jane Lcwson, English eccentric, b. 1700; Peter, German wild boy, b. about 1712, d. 178.5: John liroughton, English pugilist,!). 1701, d. 1789; Thomas Wood, English dietist. b. 171!). d. 17&1; Nathaniel Bcntley, English economist, d. 1809; Sir Jeffrey Dunstan, mayor of Gari at, n. 1759, d. 1797 ; Henry Dimsdale, mayor of Garrat, b. 1758, d. 1811 -. George Morland, English painter, b. 1763, d. 1802: Joanna Smillicott. English visionary and impostor, b. 1750, d 1814; Thomas Laugher, English centenarian, b. 1700, d. 1812; Margaret MacAvoy (M Avoy), English blind girl, b. 1800, d. 1820; Bampfylde Moore Carew, "king of the gipsies," English eccentric men dicant, b. 163.!, d. 1770; Thomas Cooke. English mixer, b. 1726, d. 1811; Marv Anne Talbot. English sailor, b. 1778, d. 1793; Samuel Terry, "the Botany bay RothscMid," b. 178!. d. 1833; Daniel Lambert, English fat man, b. 1770, d. 1809: Thomas Britton. Englisli musical coalman, b. about 1000. d. 1714; Eliz abeth Woodcock, who was buried in the snow eight days, d. 3799; John Elwcs, English miser, b. about 1714, d. 1786; Mrs. Elizabeth Brownrigg, English murderess, ex. 1707; Charles Domery, Polish glutton, b. 1778; Thomas Parr, English cen tenarian, b. 148S. d. lft; Claude Ambruise Seurat, a living skeleton, b. 1797; Samuel House, the patriotic publican, d. 1785; James Gordon, English eccentric, d. 182.5; Cliarles Gen- evicvc Louise Augustc Andre Timothee d Eon do Beaumont, chevalier, French military officer and diplomatist, b. 1727, d. 1810; Peter Williamson, Scotchman, captured by the Indians, 1754 ; Also, short notices of other wonderful characters. WILSON, Hon. Henry, vice-president of the United States, b. 1812. History of the antislavery measures of the 37th and 38th United States congresses, 18G1-64. Boston, 1864. 12 296.13 History of the reconstruction measures of the 39th and 40th congresses, 1865-68. [With portrait.] Hartford, 1868. 16 296.16 Life of. See Lives, etc 518.27 Mann, J. B. Life of 517.29 Parton, J. Sketches of men of progress 522.16 Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times 1522.8 WILSON, Capt. James, b. 1760, d. 1814. See Crichton, A. Converts from infidelity v. 2 of 830.28 WILSON, James, Scotch jurist and author, b. 1795, d. 1856. Historical and descriptive account of British India. See Murray, II 810.51 Narrative of discovery and adventure in Africa. See Murray, H 810.18 Voyage round the coasts of Scotland and the Isles. [With illustrations.] Edinburgh, 1842. 2v. 16. 646.6 WILSON, Jesse A. Memoir of George Wilson, M. D., professor in the University of Edinburgh, [b. 1818, d. 1859]. Edinburgh, 1860. 8 577.7 WILSON, John ( Christopher North), Scottish poet and critic, b. 1785, d. 1854. The recreations of Chris topher North, [pseud.]. Philadelphia, 1850. 8. 863.10 Gordon, M. Memoir of 555. 14 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 2 of 896.1 Tuckerman, H. T. Characteristics of literature. v. 2 of 548.5 Note. Sec R. S. Mackenzie s memoir, [865.1.2]. Gordon s is the authoritative life. WILSON, John. History of Switzerland. [Anon.~\ London, 1832. 16 368.7 WILSON, John Leigh ton. Western Africa: its his tory, condition, and prospects. With engravings. New York, 1856. 12 938.1 WILSON, Mrs. Martha, b. 1758. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution. . .v. 2 of 538.13 WILSON, Richard, painter, b. 1713, d. 1782. See Cun ningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 1 of 379.9; v. 1 of 810.19 ffote. See life by Thomas Wright, [B. H. 4072.51]; and Fairholt s Homes, etc., [B. H. 4075.51]. Also Painting, note. rViLSON, Robert Anderson. Mexico and its religion; with incidents of travel, 1851-54. With illus trations. New York, 1855. 12 256.4 New history of the conquest of Mexico, [1504-21]. Philadelphia, 1859. 8 255.2 iViLSON, Samuel F. History of the American revolu tion, [1763-83]. [Anon.] Baltimore, 1834. 12... ... 216.9 WILSON 300 "WITCH Shelf. No. WILSON, S. Sheridan. Narrative of the Greek mis sion; or, sixteen years in Malta and Greece. With engravings. London, 1839. 8 683.2 WILSON, Thomas. Biography of the principal Amer ican military and naval heroes. 2d edition. [With portraits.] New York, 1821. 2 v. 12.. 527.8 WILSON, Walter. Life and times of Daniel Do Foe, [English miscellaneous writer, b. about 1663, d. 1731]. [With portrait.] London, 1830. 3 v. 8 J . 582.13 WILSON, Rev. William. The modern crusade; or the present Russian war. Boston, 1854. 24 2089.5 The popular preachers of the ancient church: their lives, their manners, and their work. [With il lustrations.] London, n. d. 16 553.20 Contents. Thascius Cxcilius Cyprlanus, St., father of the Latin church, bishop of Carthage, d. 2">8; Ambrosius, father of the Latin church, bishop of Milan, b. 340, d. 397;Augus- tinus Anrclius, St., father ot the Latin church. bishop ot Hippo, b. 354, d. 4. !0 ; Basilius, the great, father of the Greek church, bishop of Ca?sarea, b. 329, d. 379: Grigorius Nazianzenus, St., father of the Greek church, bishop of Constantinople, poet and rhetorician, b. 329. d. 389 ? Joannes Chrysostom. father of the Greek church, archbishop of Constantinople, b. 347, d. 407. WILTON, Joseph, sculptor, b. 1722, d. 1803. See Cun ningham, A. Lives of the most eminent British painters, etc v. 3 of 379.9 WINCHESTER, Marquis of. See Powlett, or Paulet, John and William. WINCHESTER college, Eng. , School-life at. Mans field, R. B 1817.24 WINCKELMANN, Johann (Joachim). History of ancient art, translated from the German, by G. H. Lodge. [With illustrations.] Boston, 1872, 73. 4 v. L. 8 203.4 History of ancient art among the Greeks. Trans lated from the German by G. H. Lodge. [With illustrations.] London, 1850. 8 205.7 Note. Dr. Lodge s memoir [201.4; B. H. 4074.9; A. 22.5.9], is the most accessible English account; and there is a German life by Jiisti, [B. H. 28J3.3.1, vol. 1 on his German ; vol. 2 on his Italian life]. See a section in De Stael s Germany, [UC7.201; Revue moderne, Jan., 186. !; Westminster review, Jan.. IJWl National quarterly review. Sept, 1867; Stalir sLessing[1516.14], and Lcssing s Laocoon [209.14], for their respective views of art; Goethe s account, [in German, 10 S.1.30] ; Herder s exam ination of Winckclmann s views in his works, [B. II., in Ger man, 2887.1]; and authorities given in Thomas, beside the general histories of German literature. WINES, Enoch Cobb. Commentaries on the laws of the ancient Hebrews. 5th edition. Philadelphia, 1861. 8* 1083.2 WINGET, Ninian. See Winzet, N. WINKWORTH, Catherine. Christian singers of Ger many, [800-1850]. [With portraits.] [London], n.d. 16 1118.8 WINNIPEEK, lake. Narrative of an expedition to the source of, [1823]. Keating, W. H 624.11; 623.10 WlNSLOW, Edward, governor of Plymouth colony, b. 1595, d. 1655. Journal, Relation and Brief nar rative. See Young, A. Chronicles of the pil grim fathers 223.13 Visit to Massasoit. See Morton, N 223. 14 WINSLOW, Harriet Lathrop, American missionary, b. 1796, d. 1833. Memoir of. See Winslow, M. . . 1109.10 WlNSLOW, John A., American rear-admiral, b. 1810. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 WINSLOW, Mrs. Mary, b. 1774, d. 1853. Heaven opened. Selection from [her] correspondence. Edited by 0. Winslow. New York, 1867. 12. 2097.9 See Baillie, J. Life-studies 548.12 WINSLOW, Rev. Miron. Memoir of Mrs. Harriet L. Winslow, thirteen years a member of the Ameri can mission in Ceylon, [b. 1796, d. 1833]. [With portrait.] New York, [cop. 1840]. 16 1109.10 WINSOR, Henry, of Philadelphia. Montrose, and other biographical sketches. [Anon.] Boston, 1861. 12 555.12 Contentt. Charles St. Etienne de La Tour, French settler in Nova Scotia, fl. 17th century: George Bryan Brummell (Beau BrvmmeU), favourite of George IV, b. 1778, d. 1840; hamnel Johnson, English lexicographer, philologist, moralist, and poet, b. 1709, d. 1784; James Graham, marquis of Mont- rose, Scottish royalist, b. 1612, ex. 1050. WINSOR, Justin. History of Duxbury, Mass., with genealogical registers. Boston, 1849. 8 224.9 Shelf. No. WINTER, Christopher T. Six months in British Bur- mah: or, India beyond the Ganges in 1857. [With illustrations.] [London], 1858. 12 706.11 WINTERSLOW: essays and characters written there. Uazlitt, AV 878.20 WlNTHROP, John, 1st governor of Massachusetts, b. 1588, d. 1649. History of New England, 1630- 49. New edition. Boston, 1853. 2 v. 8 223.7 A ofe. R. C. Winthrop s Life of Governor "Winthrop. based on family papers, and his Journal, is a completely authorita tive life, and a valuable commentary on the founding and early history of the colony, [B. IT. L :!tf .:! .!; L -",47.-IO]. The first volume covers his earlier career in England, and an excellent summary of it is given by Dr. Ellis in the Atlantic monthly, Jan., 1&>4. Reviews of the second volume, tracing his career from his leaving England to his death, in 1649, are in the North American review, Jan., 1807, and in the Atlantic monthly, Feb., 1867. See the review of the whole work in Blaukwood, Aug., 1807, copied in Living age, Sept. 7, 18W-, and in the Annual register, 18, >7, [B. II. 0217.1]; also in Lon don Athenaeum, June 22, 18 i7; Spectator, March 19, 1864; Saturday review, April 10, 1804; beside several papers by Count de Circourt in the Revue hntauniquc. See also Ever ett s address at Charlestown [861.7.1], and the references in Allihone. The Wimhrop papers are printed in the collections of the Massachusetts historical society, third series, vols. 9 and 10; fourth series, vols. and 7 [B. II. 2:151. 1], and are re viewed by Lowell in the North American review, Oct., 1867. See note under Massachusetts and New England. WINTHROP, Margaret, wife of Gov. John Winthrop, b. about 1590, d. 1646. See Belloc, B. (R.) Parkes. Vignettes 1516.11 WINTHROP, Robert Charles. Addresses and speeches, [1835-51]. Boston, 1852. 8 861.4 Addresses and speeches, 1852-67. Boston, 1867. 8 1815.4 Massachusetts and its early history. See Massa chusetts historical society 222.3 WINTHROP, Theodore. Life in the open air, and otherpapers. Boston, 1863. 12 634.16 WINTON, Andrew. See Wynton, A. WINZET, or WINGET, Ninian, abbot of St. James, Ratis~ bon, Roman catholic writer, b. 1519, d. 15D2. See Irving, D. Lives of Scottsh writers 586.13 WlRT, William, attorney-general and author, b. 1773, d. 1835. Letters of the British spy. [/ln<fti.] 4th edition. Baltimore, 18 1 1. 24 U ". 909.6 Same. 10th edition. Prefixed, sketch of the author. [With portrait.] New York, 18o2. 12 D . 909.5 Sketches of the life and character of Patrick Henry, [American statesman, b. 1736, d. 1790], Philadelphia, 1817. 8 . 513.18 See Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolution 528.1 A ofc. See his life by J. P. Kennedy, [B. II. 4449a.4]. WISCONSIN. Laphatn, I. A. Geographical and topo graphical description of. 1844 239.16 Ritchie, J. S. Wisconsin and its resources. 1858. 237.9 WISE, Henry Alexander, of Virginia, b. 1806. Los Gringos: or, an inside view of Mexico and Cali fornia, with wanderings in Peru, Chili, and Polynesia. New York, 1850. 12 627.24 See Savage, J. Our living representative men. . 527.19 WISE, Isaac M. History of the Israelitish nation, from Abraham to the present time. Albany, 1854. 2v. 8 1085.7 WISEMAN, Nicholas (Patrice Stephen), cardinal, b. 1802, d. 1865. Recollections of the last four popes and of Rome in their times. [With por- - trait of Pius vn.] London, 1858. 8 J 1098.1 Contents. Pius VII. b. 1742, d. 1823: Leo XTT. b. 17GO, A. 1829; Pius VIII. b. 1761, d. 1830; Gregorius XVI, b. 1765, d. 1816. Same. Boston, 1858. 8 2095.1 Sermons, lectures, and speeches delivered during his tour in Ireland, 1858. [With portrait.] Dublin, 1859. 12 645.10 Same. Boston, 1859. 12 645.8 WISNER, Benjamin B., pastor of the Old South church, Boston, b. 1794, d. 1835. Memoirs of Mrs. Susan Huntington, [American authoress, b. 17S1, d. 1823]. [With portrait.] 4th edition. Boston, 1833. 12 538.22 WIT and humor. See Whipple, E. P. Literature and life 1818.16 WITCH hill: a history of Salem witchcraft. Mudge, Z.A... 228.6 WITCHCRAFT 301 WOODCROFT Shelf No. WITCHCRAFT. See Salem; also Malcom s Index, [B. H. 2190.19]. WITHER, or WITHERS, George, English poet, b. 1588, d. 16G7. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets. v. 2 of 398.2 Langford, J. A. Prison books and their authors. 883.14 WITS and beaux of society. Thomson, K. (B.). 555.1; 1545.8 WITT, Jan de. See De Witt, Jan. WITTICH, William. Curiosities of physical geog raphy. London, 1853. 2 v. 24 850.21 Visit to the western coast of Norway. London, 1848. 24 850.22 WITTITTERLY, John Altrayed, pseud. Three months rest at Pau, in 1859. London, 1860. 16 1666.13 WIVES. Biographies of good wives. Child, L. M. . .. 548.8 WoLCOTT, Oliver, secretary nf the treasury of the United States, b. 1726, d. 1797. Memoirs of the ad ministrations of Washington and John Adams, [1760-1801]. [With portrait.] Edited by G. Gibbs. New York, 1840, 46. 2 v. 8 285.5 WOLF, George, governor of Pennsylvania, b. 1777, d. 1840. See Griswold, R. W. Biographical an nual 518.12 WOLFE, James, English major-general, b. 1726, d. 1759. Gleig, G. R. Lives of the most eminent British military commanders v. 2 of 388.3 James, Q. P. R. Memoirs of great commanders. . 657.6 yott. Glcig s brief sketch, written with the advantage of lome of Wolfe s correspondence, was long the only authentic account; but a regular biography by Wright, 1864 [B. H. 2544.7], has at last given authentically full details, based in fact upon family papers and correspondence. Lorenzo Sabiue had previously, 18.VJ, delivered an address on the anniversary of the capture of Quebec, which was published with an illus trative appendix of letters, etc., [B. H. 2393.C; 4435.5]. See references in Ailibone. WOLFF, Rev. Joseph, Hebrew Christian missionary, b. 1795, d. 1862. Travels and adventures. [With portrait.] London, 1861. 8 683.15 WOLLASTON, William Hyde, English physician, chem- ist, an<4 natural philosopher, b. 1766, d. 1828. See Biographies of eminent men from the 13th cen tury v. 4 of 839.G WOLSEY, Thomas, English cardinal, b. 1471, d. 1530. Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies. v. 2 of 840. 10 Gait, J. Life of 566.11 Lives of eminent persons 365.18 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain > v. 1 of 815.1 Mackintosh, Sir J. Lives of eminent British statesmen v. 1 of 388.6 ffotc. Gait s is the best for the general reader, having voluminous appendices of illustrative matter, edited by Haz- litt, and also containing the -personal and domestic details from the old life by Cavendish, which, as edited bv Singer [B. H. 254U.2I], has an inquiry into its authorship. "See nlso Forster s brief summary, [B. II. 4S47.19.lJi Thomson s com pendious account, [3M.18; B. H., E.212.8]: the account by Grove, 174. , [B. II. ^ !H6.4]; that in Fuller s Holy and profane state, [2099.18]; Fostcriana. [857.7]; and the references in Malcom s Index [B. H. 2ISO.lyj, and Ailibone. WOLZOGEN, Alfred von. Raphael Santi, [Italian painter, b. 1483, d. 1520]: his life and his works. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. [With portrait.] London, 1866. 16 1583.1 WOMAN S, A, experiences in Europe. Wallace, Mrs. E. D 648/19 " WOMAN S mission," and woman s position. See Jameson, A. (M.) Memoirs and essays illus trative of art, literature, and social morals 876.14 WOMAN S, A, pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Gris wold, L. M 688.22 WOMEN of worth. A book for girls. Illustrated. New York, 1860. 16 551.19 Contentt. Mary Washington, mother of George Washing- IUULIIIUJJISI, u. j/ou, u. joi> ; oaiau jyiuiLiii, uruun |JMii;iMi;uo- pist, b. 1791. d 184:! ; Margaiet Mercer, American philanthropist, b. 1791. d. 184G 1 ; Sarah Boardnmn Judson, missionary to Bur- mah. b. 180:!, d. 18-15; Lady Rachel Russell, English authoress, b. 16:, d. 17^8; Lucy Hutchinson, English authoress, b. Ifia), d. 159; Isabella I, of Castile, queen of Spain, b. 1450, d. 1504 ; Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe, English beauty and poetess, b. 1674, d. 1737; Maria Theresa, of Austria, empress of Germany, b. 1717, d. 1780; Madeleine Salome Oherlin. wife of Jean F. Oberlin, d. 1784 ; A mm Letetia Barbauld, English poetess and misccl- Shelf. No. WOMEN of worth, continued. laneous writer, b. 1745, d. 1825 ; Mrs. Rebecca Motte. American heroine, b. 17;, d. 1815; Suzanne Curchod de Nasse, madame Necker. French litterateur, b. 1750, d. 1818; Caroline Lueretia Herscliel, astronomer, b. 1750, d. 1848; Hannah More, English novelist and essayist, b. 17-15. d. 183.3; Ann Flaxman, wife of John Flaxman, b. 1759, d. 1820; Harriet Newell, American missionary, b. 179: ,. d. 1812; Sarah Lanman Smith, American missionary, b. 1802, d. 1836; Mary Rich, countess of Warwick, b. 1G24, d. ]ii77 ; Sarah Mackintosh, wife of Sir James Mack intosh, d. 1830. WOMEN. Adams, W. H. D. The sunshine of domes tic life; or, sketches of womanly virtues, and stories of the lives of noble women 1517.1 Aguilar, G. Tho women of Israel 766.12 Belloc, B. (R.)Parkes. Vignettes 1516.11 Clarke, M. C. World-noted women 1522.25 Clayton, E. C. Notable women 1517.7 Queens of song 591.2 Clever girls of our time: and how they became famous women 599.21 Dupanloup, (F. A. P.) Studious women. 1129. 8; 1129.9 Eddy, D. C. Daughters of the cross: or, woman s mission 569.9 Heroines of the missionary enterprise 539.13 Edgar.J.G. Noble dames of ancient story. 569. 27; 599.24 Ellet, E. F. The queens of American society .. .1522.15 Women artists in all ages and countries 544.23 The women of tho American revolution 538.13 Fifty famous women: their virtues and failings.. 569.24 Hale, S. J. Woman s record 541.1; 1550.1 Kavanagh, J. English women of letters 589.30 French women of letters 1609.1 Women of Christianity 595.14; 1595.11 Michelet, J. The women of the French revolu tion [of 1789] 1008.G Remarkable women of different nations and ages. 547.5 Russell, W. Extraordinary women 598.19 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of celebrated women 1598.16 Sketches of tho lives of distinguished females. . . . 1859.1 Starling, E. Noble deeds of women 547.6; 843.2 Thomson, K. (B.) Thequeensof society. .542.15; 542.17 Sf.e also England, France, Heroines. Sovereigns, United States. Wives. Also Woman in Class list for works in the arts and scieuces, and much in the Bates Hall catalogues. WONDERFUL characters, Book of. Wilson, H 1546.5 WONDERFUL escapes. Bernard, F 577.17 WONDERS in nature and art. See Traveller, Tho. ... 659.24 WOOD, Sir Andrew, Scotch merchant trader, fl. I;ith century. See Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 558.16 WOOD, Sir Charles, English statesman, b. 1800. See British cabinet in 1853 599.9 WOOD, John. Tho suppressed history of the adminis tration of John Adams, [2d president of tho United States, 1797-1801, b. 1735, d. 1820]. [With portrait.] Philadelphia, 1846. 12 309.7 WOOD, Mary A. E. See Green, M. A. E. WOOD, Thomas, English dietist, b. 1719, d. 1783. See Wilson, H. Book of wonderful characters 1546.5 WOOD, William, founder of Sandwich, Mass., d. 1639. Description of Massachusetts. See Young, A. Chronicles of the first planters of Massachusetts bay 223.12 WOOD, William B. Personal recollections of tho stage, [1797-1846]. With a portrait. Philadelphia, 1855. 12 356.12 WOOD, William M. Fankwei; or, tho San Jacinto in the seas of India, China and Japan. New York, 1859. 12 706.12 WOODBRIDGE, Timothy, D.D., b. 1794, d. 1862. Auto biography of a blind minister. [With portrait.] Boston, 1856. 12 1517.3 WOODBURY, Augustus. Narrative of the campaign of the First Rhode Island regiment, 1861. Il lustrated. Providence, 1862. 12 295.1 WOODCOCK, Elizabeth, who was buried in the snow eight days, d. 1799. See Wilson, H. Book of wonder ful characters 1546.5 WOODCROFT, Bennet. Origin and progress of steam navigation. W r ith illustrations. London, 1848. 4 195.12 WOODHOU8ELEE 302 WRIOTHESLEY WOODHOUSELEE, Lord. See Tytler, A. F. WOODS, Mrs. Mary Anne. See Paton, M. A. WOODS and waters. Street, A. B 638. 13 WOODVILLE, Elizabeth. See Elizabeth Woodville. WOODWORTH, Francis C. The young American s life of [John C.] Fremont, [b. 1813]. New York, 1856. 12 1518.1 WOOL, Gen. John Ellis, of New York, b. 1789, d. 1872. See Savage, J. Our living representative men 627.19 WOOL and woollen manufactures of Great Dritain. 1859. Samuel, brothers 193.1 WOOLRYCH, Humphry W. Memoirs of Judge [George] Jeffreys, [b. about 1648, d. 1G80]. [With por trait.] London, 1827. 8 568.4 WOOLSEY, Melanchthon Taylor, naval commander, b. 1782, d. 1838. See Cooper, J. F. Lives of dis tinguished American naval officers 527.5 WOOLSEY, Theodore D. Introduction to the study of international law. Boston, 1860. 12 C 299.14 WOKBOISE, Emma Jane. Life of Thomas Arnold, D. D., [master of Rugby school, b. 1795, d. 1842]. London, 1859. 8 578.17 WORCESTER, Earl of. See Somerset, Edward. WORCESTER, Marquis of. See Somerset, Edward and Henry. WORCESTERSHIRE, England, Handbook for travellers in. 1867. Murray, J 1658.5 WORDEN, John Lorimer, American commodore, b. 1817. See Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 272.7 WORDS, Use and misuse of. See Whipple, E. P. Lit erature and life 1818.6 WORDSWORTH, Christopher. Athens and Attica. [With maps and plates.] London, 1836. 8... 683.6 Journal of a tour in Italy. London, 1863. 2 v. 12 674.13 Memoirs of William Wordsworth, poet-laureate, [b. 1770, d. 1850]. Edited by H. Reed. Boston, 1851. 2 v. 16 584.21 WORDSWORTH, William, Enylishpoet,b. 1770, d. 1850. De Quincey, T. Essays on the poets, and other English writers 895. 15 Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors 885. 22 Hazlitt, W. The spirit of the age: or contempo rary portraits v. 5 of 807.2; 888.17 Hood, E. P. William Wordsworth: a biography. 584.20 Home, R. H. A new spirit of the age 878.23 Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most emi nent British poets v. 2 of 896.1 Jerdan, W. Men I have known 1522.9 Powell, T. Tho living authors of England 586.9 Shairp, J. C. Studies in poetry and philosophy. .1829.11 Taylor, H. Notes from books 403.4 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews v. 1 of 875.11 v. 1 of 875.12 Literature and life 1818.6 Wordsworth, C. Memoirs of 584.21 . The principal life is that by Christopher Words- Poets laureate; in the edition of his poems, [1.119.7]; in Cham- bers s Papers for the people, [38G.1.5; 386.2..V). Illustrative mat ter will be found in Coleridge s Biographia literaria, [88 J.!;.."] ; in Celtic s Recollections, [58<i.l7]; in De Quinccy s literary rminis."<-.Hvy, [ .r>.ll] ; in Miss Mlttbrd s life, [1.117.12]; in Julian C. Young s Journal, [57U.11 ; B. H. 0517.19]; in Procters Memoir of Lamb [1516.93, ctc - Essays on his life and poems will be found in Jeffrey, [8C.1.G, adverse]; in Talfburd, [8U3.9] ; in Shairp, [18S9.U1: in Masson, [B. H. 4544.11] ; in F. W. Robertson s .Lectures, [8SM.1J] ; in De Quincev, [as above]; in Blackwood, 1371, or Living age, 21 Oct., 1871; in North American review, April, 1**>5, criticism on his over devotion to tlie sentiment of landscape. c ,c. ; in Whip- pie, [as above, or North American review, Oct., 1844] ; inGiies a Illustrations of genius, [875.. r .]; in Hutton, [B. H. 4.0. .(i.i:).2]; in Brimley, [877?51; in Prof. Wilson, [4.VW.11.1]; in Clougli, [B. H. 6577.2:1.1] ; in Haziitt, [B. H. 2558.30.2]; also [B. H. 455. 10,5], etc. Visits to the poet and the associations of the lake region are described in Field s Yesterdays; in Emerson s English traits, [878.8]; in Hawthorne s English note books, [IftKi 10. or Atlan tic monthly, July, 18CT]; in Iloppin s Old England [1654.81, ctc. See article on Westmoreland in London quarterly, April, 1887, and Howitt on Bolton priory, [89C.3.1], There are full references in AlU bonc. WORKINGMAN, Autobiography of a 599.19 WORKING man, Couftwions of a. Souvostro, ft 1655.21 Shelf. No. WORKING man, Memoirs of a 840.45 WORKING man s life, Tho story of a. Mason, F 1536.2 WORLD, The. Ansted, D. T. The world we live in . . 163.32 Blake, J. L. The world as exhibited in the man ners, customs, and characteristics of all nations. . 947.8 Fisher, R. S. Tho book of 151.4 WORMELEY, KatherinoP. The United States sanitary commission. A sketch of its purposes and its work. [Anon.] Boston, 1863. 12 U 307.20 WORNCM, Ralph N. The epochs of painting charac terized. London, 1847. 24 850.23 Same. New edition. [Illustrated.] London, 1859. P. 8 206.18 Note. For later edition, see note under Fainting. WORTLEY, Emmeline Stuart, lady. Travels in the United States, 1849, 50. New York, 1851. 12. 628.20 WORTLEY, Sir Francis, b. 1591. See Bell, R. Lives of the English poets v. 2 of 398. 2 WOTTON, Sir Henry, English statesman and litterateur, b. 1568, d. 1639. Lodge, E. Portraits of illus trious personages of Groat Britain v. 4 of 815.1 Walton, I. Life of 589.5 Kate.. Walton s Life is also in Bates Hall, [4179.10; 4546.21]. See also Allibone. WRANGELL, Ferdinand von. Narrative of an expedi tion to the polar sea, 1820-23. [With map.] New York, 1841. 18 820.49 WRAXALL, Sir (Frederick Charles) Lascelles. Tho armies of the groat [European] powers. London, 1859. 12 948.18 The backwoodsman; or, life on the Indian fron tier. With illustrations. Boston, 1866. 16.. 245.12 Hand-book to the naval and military resources of the principal European nations. London, 1856. 8 947.3 WHAY, John. See. Ray, John. WRECK, The, and the rescue. A memoir of H. Fair- field. See Fail-field, H . . 539.36 WRKKIN, All round the. White, W 645.17 WREN, Sir Christopher, Enylit/h architect, b. 1632, d. 1723. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 3 of 839. 6 Cabinet portrait gallery of British worthies, v. 11 of 840.10 Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent Brit ish painters, etc v. 4 of 379.9 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. .548.16; 551.13 Elmes, J. Sir Christopher Wren and his times.. 203.18 Lives of eminent persons 365.18 Memorials of early genius 551.10 WRIGHT, Elizur. An eye opener for the wide awakes. Boston, 1860. 12 299.16 WRIGHT, Henry Clarke. Human life: illustrated in my individual experience. [With portrait.] Boston, 1849. 12 536.16 WRIGHT, Silas, American statesman, b. 1795, d. 1847. Life and times of. See Hammond, J. D 523.9 WRIGHT, Thomas, "the Manchester prison philanthro pist," b. 1789. See Brave men s footsteps 1559.5 WRIGHT, Thomas, English antiquary, b, 1810. Early travels in Palestine, narratives of Arculf, Willi- bald, Bernard, Saewulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tu- dela, Sir John Maundeville, Bertrandon de la Brooquiere, andMaundroll. London, 1818. P. 8. 846.7 Essays on subjects connected with the literature, popular superstitions, and history of England in the middle ages. London, 1846. 2 v. 12 987,3 History of France [to 1861]. [With illustra tions.] [London, n. d.] 3 v. L. 8 991,1 History of the reigns of George iv and William iv, including the reform in parliament. See Hume, D 962.3 Queen Elizabeth [b. 1533, d. 1603] and her times. [With portraits and fac-similes.] London, 1838. 2 v. 8 654.2 WRIGHT, W. W. Dorc. By a stroller in Europe. [Anon.] New York, 1857. 12 C57.6 WRIOTHESLEY, Henry, earl of Southampton, b. 1573, d. 1624. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britian v 3 of 815. 1 WIMOTHKSLKY, Rachel. Sff Russell, Rachel, lady. WRIOTHESLEY 303 YOUNG Shelf. No. WRIOTHESLEY, Thomas, 4f A earl of Southampton, lord high treasurer, d. 1667. See Lodge, E. Por traits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. v. 5 of 815.1 WYCHERLEY, William, English dramatist and poet, b. 1640, d. 1715. See Dunham, S. A. Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain v. 3 of 398.3 Note. See Leigh Hunt s memoir, [B. H. 2571.51]. WYCKLYFFE. See Wickliff. WYKEHAM, William of, English architect, b. 1324, d. 1404. Cabinet portrait gallery of British wor thies v. 1 of 840.10 Cunningham, A. Lives of the most eminent Brit ish painters, etc v. 4 of 379.9 WYNNE, James. Lives of eminent literary and sci entific men of America. New York, 1850. 16. 518.3 Contents. Benjamin Franklin, statesman, philosopher, and author, b. 170ii, a. 1790; Jonathan Edwards, metaphysician, divine, and author, b. 1703, d. 1758; Robert Fulton, American painter and improver of the steam-boat, b. 1765, d. 1815; John Marshall, chicfjustice and writer, b 17.. d. 18. i5; David Bit- tenhouse, astronomer, mathematician, and physicist, b. 1732, d. 1796; Eli Whitney, inventor, b. 1765, d. 1825. WYNTER, Andrew. Curiosities of civilization. Lon don, [I860]. 12 893.12 Our social bees; or, pictures of town and country life. London, 1861. 12 883.15 Pictures of town and country life, and other pa pers. By Werdna Retnyw, M. D., [pseud.]. Illustrated. London, 1855. 12 395.2 Subtle brains and lissom fingers. And other pa pers. London, 1863. 12 882.18 WYNTON, WYNTOWN, or WINTON, Andrew, chronicler, prior of St. Serf,fl. lit h century. See Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish worthies v. 2 of 399.9 WYOMING, Pa. Miner, C. History of. 1845 234.12 Peck, G. Wyoming; its history, stirring inci dents, and romantic adventures. 1858 237.2 Stone, W. L. Poetry and history of. 1841 237.14 The women of. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 2 of 538.13 Note. See Harper s monthly, vol. 17. WYSE, George. Pictures of Scottish life. [Poeins.] Edinburgh, 1847. 16 1325.7 X and Y, pseud. Long vacation ramble in Norway and Sweden. Cambridge, 1857. 12 668.8 XAVIER, St. Francisco, apostle of India, first disciple of Loyola, b. 1506, d. 1552. Bartoli, D. Life of 542.11 Myers, F. Lectures on great men 557.8 XERXES the great, kiny of Persia, d. 465. History of. See Abbott, J 549.25 XIMENES, Francisco de Cisneros, Spanish cardinal, archbishop of Toledo, grand-inquisitor, and stales- man, b. 1436, d. 1517. Biographies of eminent men from the 13th century v. 1 of 839.6 Crowe, E. E. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen v. 1 of 388.7 Myers, F. Lectures on great men 657.8 XINGU , or CHINGU, Voyage up the. See Adalbert, II. W. Travels, etc 633.11 XOLOTL, king of the. Chechemencans , fl. \1th century. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated Ameri can Indians v. 5 of 1869.1 YALDEN, Thomas, English poet, b. 1671, d. 1736. See Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets . . v. 2 of 582.11 586.20; v. 2 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 YALE, Rev. Cyrus. The godly pastor. Life of Rev. Jeremiah Hallock, of Canton, Conn., [b. 1758, d. 1826]. Added, sketch of the life of Rev. Moses Hallock, of Plainfield, Mass., [b. 1760, d. 1837]. New York, n. d. 12 1107.2 YANKEE boy, The, from home. New York, 1864. 12. 1678.2 YANKEK conscript, The ; or, eighteen months in Dixie. Fisher, G. A 308.13 YANKEE travels through Cuba. See Demotions Phi- lalethes, pseud 626,15 Shelf. No. YARRANTON, Andrew, founder of English political economy, iron-master and soldier, b. 1616, d. after 1681. Account of. See Dove, P. E 588.1 YATES, Robert. Notes of proceedings of convention for forming the constitution, 1787. See Secret proceedings, etc 299.6 YATES, William Holt. Modern history and condition of Egypt. With illustrations. London, 1843. 2 v. 8 955.8 YCHOALAY, chief warrior of the Abipones, fl. 18th cen tury. See Goodrich, S. G. Lives of celebrated American Indians v. 5 of 1869. 1 YEAR abroad, A. George, W. C 1688.4 YELLOW sea, Voyage to the, [1816, 17]. MacLeod, J. 696.11 YELVERTON, Theresa. Saint Augustine, Florida. Sketches of its history, objects of interest, and advantages as a resort for health and recreation. [Anon.] New York, 1869. 63pp. 16 1639.12 YEOMAN, Richard, of Hadlcirjh, English divine and martyr, burnt 1558. See Tayler, C. B. Memo rials of the English martyrs 1094.10; 1094.15 YOAKUM, Henderson. History of Texas, 1685-1846. New York, 1856. 2 v. 8 235.11 YONGE, Charles Duke, professor in Queen s college, Belfast, Ireland. History of England, to 1856. London, 1857. P. 8 966.1 Parallel lives of ancient and modern heroes. London, 1858. 12 545.29 Contents. Epaminondas, Theban general, b. B. C. 411, d. B. C. 362; Philip, of Macedon, h. I!. O. 382, d. 1!. C. 336; Gus- tavus II. Adolphus, king of Sweden, b. IttH, d. 1632; Frederic II, the great, king of Prussia, b. 1712, d. 1786. Three centuries of English literature, [1564-1863]. New York, 1872. 12 887.9 Three centuries of modern history, [1494-1821]. New York, 1872. 12 947.21 YONGE, Charlotte M. Cameos from English history from Rollo to Edward n. [Anon.] Philadel phia, 1868. 16 1818.19 YORK, Duchess of. See Hyde, Anne. YORKE, Oliver, Esq., pseud. iSVeMahony, Francis S. YORKE, Philip, 1st earl of Hardwicke, English lawyer, b. 1690, d. 1764. See Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain v. 7 of 815.1 YORKSHIRE, Eng. Murray, J. Handbook for travel lers in. 1869 1658.4 White, W. A month in. 1858 645.5 YORUBA mission, Outline of the. Tucker, S 699.14 YOSEMITE, The, guide-book, [pocket edition]. See California. Geological survey 639.30 Note. See Harper s monthly, vol. 32. The quarto editions of Prof. Whitney s Yosemite "book [23.B.1], and of his Yo- semite guide-book [4462.21] are in Bates Hall, goe also Cali fornia. YOUNG, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles of the first planters of Massachusetts bay, 1623-36. Boston, 1846. 8 223.12 Letter to J. Endicott; The company s letters ot instruction to Gov. Endicott; Form of government; Allotment of lands; Oaths of office; Agreement with the ministers ; Higginson, F., Journal, and New-England s plantation; General consider ations for planting New-England! The agreement at Cam bridge; The company s letters to Higginson and Endicott j The company s request to their brethren in the church of Eng land ; Dudley, T., Letter to the countess of Lincoln ; Clap, B., Memoirs; Early-records of Charlcstown; Wood, W., Descrip tion of Massachusetts; Cotton, J., Life and letters; Mather,B., Journal; Thacher, A., Narrative of shipwreck; Shepard, T., Memoir of his own life. Chronicles of the pilgrim fathers of the colony of Plymouth, 1602-65. [With engravings.] Bos ton, 1841. 8 223.13 Contents. Bradford, W., History of Plymouth colony! Bradford, W., and Winslow, E., Journal ; Cushman, R.. Dis course on the state ot tlie country; Winslow, E., Relation and Brief narration ; Bradford, W., Dialogue, and Memoir of W. Brewster ; Letters. YOUNG, Arthur, English agricultural writer, b. 1741, d. 1820. See Edwards, E. B. Biography of self- taught men 548. 18 ; v. 1 of 548.23 YOUNG 304 ZWINGLI Shelf. No. YOUNG, Brigham, high priest of the Mormons, b. 1801. The Mormon prophet and his harem. See Waite, C. V 248.3 Xote. See McCarthy s Modern leaders, [1512.3] ; and Mor- monism, note. YOUNG, Charles Mayne, English tragedian, b. 1777, d. 1856. Memoir of. See Young, J. C 570. 11 YOUNG, Edward, English divine and poet, b. 1681, d. 1765. Bell, R. Lives of the English poets, v. 2 of 398.2 Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. .. .v. 3 of 582. 11 58C.20; v. 3 of 586.22; v. 2 of 589.26 ftote. See We by Mitford, [329.14; 1319.9]: also, [314.12.1; B. H. 201(8.4.1] ; Chalmers s memoir, [B. II. 2591-.7.13] ; Ander son s, [B. H. 4004.1.10]. YOUNG, John. The Christ of history. New York, 1856. 12 1087.13 YOUNG, Julian Charles, b. 1806. Memoir of Charles Mayne Young, tragedian, with extracts from tho Journal [of J. C. Young]. With portraits and sketches. London, 1871. 16 576.11 YOUNG, Thomas, M. D., English physicist and writer, b. 1773, d. 1820. See Arago, (D.) F. (J.) Bi ographies of distinguished scientific men 541.3 YOUNG America in Wall-street. Train, G. F 877.7 YOUNG American s library [of eminent statesmen]. [With illustrations.] Boston, 18G8. 6 v. 12. 1527.5 Contents. Vol. I. Lifc of Benjamin Franklin, b. 1708. d. 1790. II. Life of Daniel Webster, b. 1782, d. 1812. III. The Yankee tea-party ; or, Boston in 1773, by II. C. Watson. IV. Life of William Pent), b. 1344, d. 1718. V. Life of Henry Clay, b. 1777, d. 18S2. VI. Tlie old bell of independence j or, Philadelphia in 1770, by H. C. Watson. YOUNG men, The, of America. Batchelder, S.,jr. . . . 218.2 YOUNG men, The, of the Bible. Boston, 1859. 12. 544.24 YOUNG people s illustrated Bible history. Norwich, Conn., 1871. 8 1092.18 YOUTH S illustrated Bible history. Thomson, D. W. 1092. 19 YUCATAN. Norman, B. M. Rambles in. 1843. 621.4; 1623.2 Robertson, W. P. A visit to Mexico, by. 1853. 638.10 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in. 1848... 621.5 621.10; 621.11 Seealsn America (Central), Chiapas ; also Tour du raonde, [B.H. 6J91.1, 18G2, vol. 1]. YUSEF; or the journey of the Frangi. Browne, J. R. 656.12 YVAN, (M.) History of the insurrection in China, [1850-53]. See Gallery, (J.) M 938.6 Shelf. No. ZAMBESI. Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries, [1858-64]. Livingstone, D. and C 681.9 ZANE, Miss Elizabeth. See Ellet, E. F. The women of the American revolution v. 2 of 538.13 ZENOBIA, queen of Palmyra, d, 273. Jameson, A. (M.) Lives of celebrated female sovereigns.. .. 569.28 Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns, v. 1 of 810.44 Owen, Mrs. 0. F. The heroines of history 599.22 Sketches of tho lives of distinguished females. ... 1859.10 ZINCALF, The; or, an account of the gypsies of Spain. Borrow, G 673.1; 889.5; 935.3 ZINZE.VDORF, Nicholas Ludwig, count, German Mora vian, b. 1700, d. 1760. Life of. See Spangen- berg, A. G.... 545.26 ZINZEXDORF, Philipp Ludwig, Graf von, Austrian minister of state, b. 1671, d. 1742. See Crowe, E. E. Lives of tho most eminent foreign states men v. 5 of 388.7 ZION,. Sinai and. 1861. Bausman, B 688.16 ZOOLOGISTS. Taxidermy; with the biography of zoologists. Swainson, W 408.5 ZOUAVB before Sebastopol, Recollections of a. May- nard, F 1008.18 ZOUAVE officer. Reminiscences of an officer of the zouaves. 1860 1006.5 ZSCHOKKB, Johann Heinrich Daniel, German novelist and historian, b. 1771, d. 1848. History of Swit zerland for tho Swiss people. With continua tion to 1848, by E. Zschokke. Translated by F. G. Shaw. New York, 1855. 12 917.2 See Iledgo, F. II. Prose writers of Germany. ... 545.1 ZULU country, The kafirs of the. Shooter, J 693 ,2 ZULUS. Life with the Zulus of Natal, South Africa. Mason, G. II 1655.9 ZUMALACARREGUI, Twelve months campaign with, in Navarre and tho Basque provinces, [1834, 35]. See Henningsen, C. F 917.3 ZURICH. Spectacles for young eyes. 1865. Lan der, S. W 1638.10 ZwiNGLl, Ulrich, Swiss reformer, b. 1484, d. 1521. ChristofFel, R. Zwingli; or, the rise of the reformation in Switzerland 1085.14 Hess, J. K. Life of 545.27 Note. See Malcom a Index, [2190.19]. NOTE. The titles in this Catalogue (so far as the Library possessed the books at the respective dates) appeared first, with brief entries, in the Catalogue of the Library, when in Mason Street, 1854 j secondly, with fuller entries, in that of the Lower Hall, 1858, with its eight annual Supplements ; thirdly, with brief entries, in the Finding Lists for History, politics, etc., May, 1867 (2000 copies), and for Biography, travel, etc.. May, 1868 (2000 copies) ; and in part in the Class List for Poetry, drama, and miscellanies, August, 1870 (5000 copies), and for Arts, sciences, etc., second edition, September, 1871 (3000 copies). Ill tno present Catalogue (3000 copies), the fuller entries are restored, and other matters are added, as is explained in the preface. Note. Copies of the printed Catalogues are always ac cessible on the tables of the Bates Hall, at the Clerk s Desk in the Lower Delivery Hall, and at the Branches. A limited number of copies of the INDEX and SUPPLEMENT of the Bates Hall circulate like other books. Bulletins. A fresh list of accessions is posted almost daily in each Library. That for the Bates Hall shows all the books added to the Central Library, and for the few days that elapse before titles appear in print on the Bulletin board, the important new books are displayed (with the shelf- numbers attached) in a glass case at the Desk. The lists for the Lower Hall and for the Branches show only the books added to those departments. The printed quarterly Bulletins are for sale (excepting those d\it of print) at 2 cents each. Books with numbers below 2110 are in the Lower Hall; above 2110 in the Bates Hall. Those with K. B-, S. B. and KOX. prefixed to the number arc respectively in the East Boston, the South Boston and the Roxbury Branches. Those with shelf-numbers in the Roxbury Branch- above 5000, belong to the Fellowes Athenaeum, and are drawn out separately. Bates Hall of the Central Library, I. The INDEX of 1861. (Includes the Bo wditeh Library.) Royal octavo, 902 pages, (hit of print. II. The SUPPLEMENT of I860. (Includes the Parker Li brary.) Royal octavo. 718 pages. For sale <tt $2.00. III. The CATALOGUE OF THE PRINCE LIBRARY. Royal octavo, 160 pages, /- or * //< <d $1.00. IV. THE CONSOLIDATED BULLETIN (kept at the Desk). Combines in one alphabet the titles.contained in the twenty- four printed Bulletins which have been issued since October, 1867, and shows the more important books added to the Bates Hall of the Library since August 31, of that year; also, all books added to the Lower Hall since the issue of the first editions of the several Finding Lists; and all books added to the Branches since the issue of their respective catalogues. It has no entries under subjects. V. PUBLIC CARD CATALOGUE. The printed cards, to gether with those in manuscript in the same drawers, show the books added to the Bates Hall since 1866. Those in print show also the hooks added to the Lower Hall since October 1, 1871, and contain all needful cross-references, under sub jects, etc.; those in manuscript do not contain such cross- references, but only main entries, under authors, etc. It is the intention, however, to embody the titles of the Manu script Cards in this Printed Card Catalogue, with the neces sary cross-references, as rapidly as possible. The titles from the printed Catalogue of the Prince Library have been inserted in their proper alphabetical places; and in due time it is hoped to embody with them, in the same way, the printed titles from the Bates Hall Index and Sup plement, from Vol. 1 of the Bulletins, and from the Lower Hall Class Lists, BO that the public shall have access in one alphabet to a catalogue of all the books in the Central Library. Until this is done, the visitor will have to search in various printed alphabets in book form, and in the manuscript part as well as in the printed part of this Card Catalogue. VI. The OFFICIAL CARD CATALOGUE, which can be con sulted, in cases of need, upon application, supplements the printed Index and Supplement. und supplies full cross-refer ences to that part of the Public Card Catalogue which is at present in manuscript. Engravings. A List of the Portrait.- in the Tosti Engravings is for sale. at 5 cents. Bulletins 13 and 15 contain a list of that portion of the same collection which is -in bound volumes, (.in- bracing nearly 5,100 prints ; Bulletin 21 contains a list of the framed engravings, not portraits, in the Bates Hall; and a separate Supplementary List, lately issued, completes the cataloguing of the entire collection. Lower Hall of the Central Library. I. FICTION AND JUVENILES. 5th edition, August, 1871, 76 pages. Price 15 cents. Note. AN INDICATOR FINDING LIST, or manuscript List of the numbers on the Indicator and of the titles of the books corresponding to them, has been prepared us subsidiary to this Class List, and may be found at the Clerk s desk. II. ARTS, SCIENCES, AND PROFESSIONS. 2d edition. September. 1871, 71 pages. Price 10 cent*. III. HISTORY, BIOCHAIMIY, AND TRAVEI VELS. 2d edition, August, 1873, 304 pages. It has notes for reader*, to assist them in choosing books. Price. 7ff cents. IV. FRENCH, GERMAN, AND ITALIAN BOOKS. 1st edition, September, 1867, 4i pages. Price 2 cents. V. POETRY, DRAMA, COLLECTIONS, AND MISCELLA NIES. 1st edition, August, 1870. 128 pages. Price 20 cent*. VI. A CARD CATALOGUE, containing only the titles of works (not anonymous) which have been added to the Lower Library since the issue of the various Class Lists, has been placed at the Clerk s desk in the Distributing Hall. In the printed Bulletins, such works are entered only under the names of their authors. These printed entries have been cut out of the various Bulletins, and inserted in alphabetical order in a book, which is in the custody of the Clerk, and which can be consulted on application to him. This CON SOLIDATED BULLETIN, therefore, and the Card Catalogue, taken together, show all the additions, both under author and title, which have been made to the Lower Library since the publication of the several Class Lists. OBSERVE. Many books properly belonging to the classes of the preceding Lists will be found in No. V, because they form one of a series or collection. Branches. Finding Lists of the books are for sale at ?5 cents. Central Periodical Beading Boom. A List of Periodicals currently received (nearly 800 in number, of which about one-half are kept in the Reading Room), has just been issued. For sale at 5 cents. The Catalogue System. There are three things, one of which a person wanting a book must know, and the so-called Dictionary System (upon which all the Catalogues of the Boston Public Library are made) guides the average readermore readily than any other, as he always looks in the proper alphabetical place for the entry he is in search of. These three things are as follows: I. The title. If this is not clearly indicative of the subject of the work, search for it under the first word not an article. Oth erwise, the subject should be looked for rather than the title. II. J7ic author. Find this in its proper alphabetical place. If the name is a pseudonym, there will be a refer ence from it to the real name. III. The subject. Find this under the most specific head, and consult other heads referred to there; but observe that these references are not to more general subjects, inasmuch as it is left to the intelligence of the user to look for matter pertaining to the horse, for example, under such general heads as Natural History, Animals, Quadrupeds, and Mam mals, books on which general topics have, almost as a matter of course, chapters or sections on particular animals. Again, books on the siune subject will sometimes be found under different heads, where the terms are synonymous, or nearly so (a* Coins and Numismatics), but in such cases cross- refer ences from onu to the other will always assist the searcher. Assistance to Eeaders will be afforded by officers and attendants of the Library in examining the Catalogues, as far as other duties may permit ; but it should be remembered that all in the Library have special duties, and no considerable portion of their time should be held at the exclusive disposal of any one reader. For an extend id account of the Catalogues see "Handbook for Headers. 1 BELONGING TO THE LOWER HALL OF THE CENTRAL -DEPARTMENT, IN THE CLASSES OF INCLUDING THE HISTORIES OF LITERATURE, ART, SECTS, ETC., POLITICS, GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, SKETCHES, MANNERS ASTD CUSTOMS, TOGETHER WITH NOTES FOR READERS UNDER SUBJECT-REFERENCES. SECOND, OR CONSOLIDATED EDITION, JULY, 187 3. BOSTON: ISSUED BY THE LIBRARY. EOCKWELL AND CHURCHILL, ClTY PRINTERS. 1873. 188625