ijf^a f IN MEMORIAM FLORIAN CAJORl /-u it^try TREATISE ON ALGEBRA, EMBRACING, BESIDES THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES, ALL THE HIGHER PARTS USUALLY TAUGHT IN COLLEGES COXTAINING MOREOVER, THE NEW METHOD OF CUBIC AND HIGHER EQUATIONS AS WELL AS THE DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF THE MORE RECENTLY DISCOVERED THEOREIM OF STURM. BY GEORGE R. PERKINS, A. M., PROFESSOR OP MATHEMATICS IX NEW-VORK STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. AUTHOR " ELEMENTART ARITHMETIC,"' '" HIGHKR ARITHMETIC," "' ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA," ETC., ETC. SECOND EDITION, REVISED, ENLARGED AND IJIPROVED. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY D. APPLETON AND CO. UTICA: HAWLEY, FULLER AND CO. 1850. FIRST EDITION. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1841, by GEORGE R. PERKINS, in the Clerk's Office of the Northern District of New- York. SECOND EDITION. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1847, by GEORGE R. PERKINS, in the Clerk's Office of the Northern District of New-York. C. VAN BENTHUYSEN AND CO. fiTEREOTYPERS. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. In presenting: this volume to the Public, I would not claim to have unfolded many new principles of Algkgra; I only claim to have judiciously combined and arraii^^ed principles already known. By commencing this work with the most elementary parts, and gradually ascendinjj to the more comftlicated, I have designed to adapt it to the wants of students of every grade. While I acknowledge, that, in general, the principles have long been known, I think I am justifiable in claiming some of the methods of operation as original. This work will be found to contain, for the first time, I believe in any American school book, a demonstration and application of Stubm's Theohkm; by the aid of which, we may at once deter- mine the number of real roots, of any Algebraic Equation, with much more ease, than could be done by any previously discovered methods. The method of finding the numerical values of the roots of cubic and higlier equations, as fully explained under the last chapter, will, no doubt, be new to many, and interesting to all lovers of this science. It is particularly interesting on account of the ease witli which it resolves itself into the method of extracting any root of a number, as explained in my IIioiikk Akitiimetic. It would be extrcmelv diflficult to point out the exact sources from which I hiive drawn for this work, and even could I do so, these principles have been so long in use, we could not with safety say when, and with whom, they each originated. While I acknowledge the aid of many works on this science, I would give by far the greatest share of credit, to the eighth edition of Bourdon's most excellent treatise on Algebra. rtica, July, 1842. GEORGE R. PERKINS. iv'tmn-9i'ri'sei.t Edition luis been very carefully Revised and cinsideiably Enlarg'cd. One entire Chapter on tiic subject of Con- •ii.xuED FkactU/Xs, which are treated in quite a general manner has been added. The subject of Recurring Series has been re-written, and n-.uch ^^n1pli^led, and many other chans^es, which we deemed to be ini'provemenls, have been introduced. Ilavin;^ almost daily made lue of tl.is w<^'rk in my Classes, since its Publication, and always having- had in view tho ciianges which it would be desirable to make, in order to improve the work, we feel that we are now ])rej arcil to present thi* pr^ sent edition as quite an improvement upon ihe first. It is bclitved il will be found to con- tain a i)rclty lull ami C( nijilele dcvelopmrnt of all ihe \arioussul) jects of Algebra, usually taught in our Colleges. As wehavealrcady ])rej);ire(l a smalhr work, especially dcsignod tor i)rimary schools, it has been our aim to adapt this Treatise to the wants of the more advanced Schools and Colleges. Utica, Januarti, 1S17. GEORGE R. PE.'vKI.'.'S. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS AND PRELIMINAKY RUI.Ei>. Definitions, 9 Addition, 15 Subtraction, 21 Multiplication, 24 Division 30 CHAPTER 11. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. Reduction of monomial fractions. 38 Greatest common measure , 40 Reduction of polynomial fractions, 46 Redaction of a mixed quantity to the form of a fraction, 48 Reduction of a fraction to an entire or mixed quantity, 50 Reduction of fractions to a common denominator, 52 Addition of fractions, 53 Subtraction of fractions, 54 Multiplication of fractions, 56 Division of fractions, 57 CHAPTER III. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Equations defined, 59 Axioms used in solving equations CO Clearing equations of fractions, 60 Transposinij the terms of an equation C,2 General rule for solving simple equations 64 QuPitions involving simple equations 67 ECiUATIONS OF TWO OR MORE UNKNOWN QUANTniES. Elimination by addition and subtraction, 79 Elimination by comparison, 84 Elimination by substitution, 87 Questions involving two or more unknown quantities, 91 General solution of literal equations, 106 Checker-board process, 113 n CHAPTER IV. INVOLUTION. To involve a monomial, 122 To involve a polynomial, 124 EVOLUTION. To extract a root of a monomial, 127 General rule for extracting any root of a polynomial, 131 Enunciation of the square of any polynomial, 133 Rule for extracting the square root of a polynomial, 134 New rule for extracting the cube root of a polynomial, 136 SURD QUANTITIES. To reduce a quantity to the form of a surd, 141 To reduce surds to a common index, 142 To reduce surds to their simplest form, 143 Addition and subtraction of surds 145 Multiplication and division of surds, 146 Extraction of the square root of a binomial surd, 147 To find multipliers which will cause surds to become rational,.... 152 IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. Defined, 159 Multiplication of imaginaries, 161 Division of imaginaries, 162 Interpretation of the symbols --, — , -, io6 CHAPTER V. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Incomplete quadratic equations, 168 Complete quadratic equations, 172 First rule for quadratic equations, 174 Second rule for quadratic equations, 180 Equations of several unknown quantities involving quadratic equa- tions, 181 Questions involving quadratic equations 196 Properties of the roots of quadratic equations, 202 Examples giving imaginary roots, 214 CHAPTER VI. RATIO AND PROGRESSION. Ratio defined, 217 Table giving formulas for the 20 cases of arithmetical progression, 221 Geometrical ratio, 224 Table of all the formulas of geometrical progression 230 Harmonical proportion, 234 CONTENTS, VU CHAPTER VII. Method of indeterminate coefficients, 237 Binomial Theorem demonstrated, 243 Application of the binomial theorem, 248 Multinomial Theorem demonstrated, 253 Examples under the multinomial theorem, 257 Reversion of series, 258 Differential method of series, 261 Summation of infinite series, 267 Recurring series, 272 A geometrical series may be also a recurring series, 277 CHAPTER VIII. COMTINUED FRACTIONS. Defined, 283 General rule for converting a continued fraction into its approxima- tive values, 286 To convert a common fraction into a continued one, 287 Rule for converting the common kind of continued fractions into its approximative ralues, 294 The square roots of surds found by continued fractions, 295 CHAPTER IX. LOGARITHMS. Defined, 309 Logarithmic formula found 311 Numerical calculation of logarithms, 313 Exponential Theorem 320 Application of logarithms, 323 Exponential equations resolved by logarithms, 325 Compound interest and annuities by logarithms 326 CHAPTER X. OEWERAL PROPERTIES OF EqUATIONS. The root of an equation defined 336 The number of positive and negative roots, 339 The relation between the roots and coefficients, 341 Impossible roots occur in pairs, 342 The sum of the 7nth powers of the roots, 34-1 To cause the second term to vanish, 345 Method of finding the derived polynomials, 348 Equations having equal roots, 352 Recurring equations, 355 Vlll CONTENTS. Binomial equations, 359 General solution of an equation of the third degree, 365 General solution of an equation of the fourth degree. 372 Sturm's Theorem defined, 375 Demonstration of Sturm's theorem, 376 Application of Sturm's theorem, 380 General method of elimination among equations above the first degree, 385 CHAPTER XI. Numerical solution of cubic equations, 392 Numerical solution of equations above the third degree 413 I TREATISE ON AL&EBRA. CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS AND PRELIMINARY RULES. DEFINITIONS. {Article 1.) Algebra is that branch of Mathematics, in which the calculations are performed by means of letters and signs or symlols. (2.) In Algebra, quantities, whether given or required, are usually represented by letters. The first letters of the alphabet are, for the most part, used to represent known quantities ; and the final letters are used for the unknown quantities. (3.) The symbol =, is called the sign oi Equality ; and denotes that the quantities between which it is placed, are equal or equivalent to each other. Thus $1 = 100 cents, which is read, one dollar equals one hundred cents. Again, a = 6, which is read, a equals h. (4.) The symbol -f? is called plus ; and denotes that the quantities between which it is placed, are to be added together. Thus, a -|- 6 = c, which is read, a and h added, equals c. Again, a-\-h-\-c=d-\-x^ which is read, o, h and c added, equals d added to x. 2 10 DEFINITIONS. (5.) The symbol — , is called minus; and denotes that the quantity \vhich is placed at the right of it is to be sub- tracted from the quantity on the left. Thus, a — 6 = c, which is read, a diminished by b equals c. (6.) The symbol X, is called the sign oi inultiplication ; and denotes that the quantities between which it is placed are to be multiplied together. Thus, a X b = c, which is read, a multiplied by b, equals c. Multiplication is also represented by placing a dot between the factors, or terms to be multiplied. Thus, a . bis the same as a X b. Another method, which is used as frequently as either of the above, is to unite the quantities in the form of a word. Thus, a6c is the same as a X 6 X c, or a . 6 . c. (7.) The symbol -r, is called the sign of divisioji ; and denotes that the quantity on the left of it is to be divided by the quantity on the right. Thus, a -^ b = c^ which is read, a divided by b equals c. Division is also indicated by placing the divisor under the dividend, with a horizontal X line between them like a vulgar fraction. Thus, - is the fa Jy same as x -r y. (8.) When quantities are enclosed in a parenthesis, brace, or bracket, they are to be treated as a simple quantity. Thus, (a 4- 6) -7- c, indicates that the sum of a and b is to be divided by c. Again, (x — y) -^z=[x — y]^z = \x — y]^Zj each of which expressions is read, y subtracted from x and the remainder divided by z. The same thing may also be expressed by a bar or vinculum. Thus, x — y -r- z, which is read the same as the last three expressions. (9.) The symbol >, is called the sign of tne^wa/zYy; and is used to express that the quantities between which it is placed are unequal. Thus, 6 > a indicates that b is greater than a ; and 2> < c denotes that b is less than c. UEFINlTIOiVS. 11 (10.) When a quantity is added to ilscli several liiues, as c -\- c -'r c -{- c, we need write it but onre, by placing before it a number to show how many times it has been taken. Thus, f -{- c -f- c -}- c = 4c. The number which is thus placed before the quantity is called the coefficitnt of the quantity. In the above example, 4 is the coefficient of c. A coefficient nniy consist, itself, of a letter. Thus, n is the coefficient of x in the ex])ression nx; so also may x be regarded as the coefficient of n in the same expression. (11.) The continued product of a quantity into itself is, usually, denoted by writing the quantity once, and placing a number over the quantity, a little to the right. Thus, o X (t X a is the same as u^. The number thus placed over the quantity, is called the exponmt of the quantity. Thus, 5 is the exponent of a in the expression a^, and denotes that a is to be multiplied into itself, as a factor, five times. (12.) When a quantity is multiplied continually into itself, the result is called a power of the quantity. Thus, a^ is the sixth power of a, and a^ is the third power of a, the exponent always indicating the degree of the power. W^hen a quantity is written without any exponent, it is understood that its exponent is a unit. Thus, a is the same as a*, and (x + v) X m is the same as (x-f-y)' X in\ (13.) The symbol v/, is called the radical sign; and' denotes that a root of the quantity, over which it is placed,, is to be extracted. Thus, V ar, or simply -/ a:, denotes the square root of x. V X denotes the cube root of x. V X denotes the fourth root of x. The number placed over the radical is called the index of the root. Thus, 2, 3, and 4 are, respectively, the indices of the square root, cube root, and fourth root. 12 DEFINITIONS. (14.) A root of a quanlUy may also be represented by means of a fractional exponent. Thus, the square root of a is a"; the cube root of a is a'; th • fourth root of a is a* ; and so on for other roots. By the same notation, a^ is the cube root of the square of a, or the square of the cube root of a. For the same 3 reason a^ is the fifth root of the third power of «, or the third power of the fifth root of a. (15.) The reciprocal of a quantity is a unit divided by that quantity. Thus, - is the reciprocal of a; also x is the reciprocal of 3. (16.) The symbol .-., is equivalent to the phrase, there- fore, or consequently. (17.) When algebraic quantities are written without any sign prefixed, the sign plus is understood, and the quantities are said to be positive or affirmative ; and those having the sign minus prefixed are called negative quantities. Thus, 7. = -f- 0, /) = + 6, are each positive quantities ; whilst — a, — h, are negative quantities. When the sign — , is prefixed to an isolated term, as — a, — 6, it is not to be considered as a symbol of operation, but as a symbol of condition, merely showing that a and & are in a state or condition directly opposite to that denoted by -|- « and -{- h. Thus, if the degrees of the thermometer above zero are called +, then those below must be called — . (18.) An algebraic expression composed of two or more terms connected by -f- or — , is called a polyyiomial . A polynomial composed of but two terms, is called a hhio- mial ; one composed of three terms, is called a trinomial. DEFINITIONS. 13 Thus, 3a + 46, ) 7a:' — 3]/, > are binomials. 3o^ — x"', ) 3a= + 46 — x, ) 4771 — y + a, > are trinomials. 5g — a; + 3/, 5 (19.) Each of the literal factors which compose any terra, is called a dimension of this term : the degree of a term is the number of the dimensions or factors. Thus, 7a, ) are terms of one dimension, or of 56, ^ the first degree. 5gx, } are terms of two dimensions, or 5a:]/, ^ of the second degree. la'P = laabbh, ? are terms of five dimensions, or 3x^ = oxxxxx, ) of the fifth degree. (20.) A polynomial is said to be homogeneous, when all its terms are of the same degree. Thus, So — 5a; -|- 2y, ^ are homogeneous polynomials of b — y -\- m,j \ the first degree. 4ff* + 2x^ — jy, ? are homogeneous polynomials of 1am — c" + a^, \ the second degree. 5a"b^ — 6o^ — 4z'*y, ) are homogeneous polynomials 3a^6 —b^ -f-4a3/)2, J of the fifth degree. (21.) Any combination of letters,by the aid of algebraic signs, is called an algebraic expression. Thus, _ ? is an algebraic expression, denoting seven times '^ the quantity x. ) is an algebraic expression, denoting that 3 + 6x + 3y 1 1 . What is the sura of "^ag -j- 6am — 9xy + 3a6 — xy -f 4«o- + 10am — 7xy — 6a6 + 5xy + 4a o- — l3om ? Ans. Wag -\- Sam — 12xy — 3a6. 20 ADDITION. 12. What is the sum of 'ia'^x — 5a^y -{-lam — Sa"x — lOa^y — .iam + da^y — lirx — 13am + Ca'y — Wa'x -f- am — a^y -\- a'^^y — Ga'^x 1 Ans. — 23n^x — 9am. 13. What isthesumof — 2>xy -\-bn -\- 3ax — \Oam — 6xy -f In — -iax -\- Sam — 2xy + lO?^ + Gam — 4ax ? Ans. — 11 X y -\- 22n — 5fla: -f- 4cw. 14. What is the sum of 4a- + 5a-6V^ — 9a^ + 6a^6'-c- 4- lOa'x + Ta^o: + Scr— I3a^6^c^ + oa" — 3a^x + Sa^bh' 1 Ans. 8a* + a-&V + 14a3x. 15. What is the sum of ^a — 'ixy — V^ — n -\- %xy + 5 v^a 4- 7n — 7xy + 9 v'o — 7 Vni + 16;? — 5 v/a ? Ans. lOv/fl— 4x7/ — 8 Vin +22n. 16. What is the sum of 6a v^6 -\-bx^y — 7x + 5a h -h 6x — 3a*6^ — 4x2 y^ _|_ 2a\/6 — lOx + 8a*6* ? Ans. l8«*6'^H-x^y*— llx. 17. What is the sum of 3 \^a-\-h — 5 ^/x-\-bxry^-\-l ^ a-{-h 4-3x^^3 — 7 s/x-f y/ fl-f 6 — 8x'2/" + 2 y/x 4- 10 VT+l ? Ans. 21v/a4-6 — lOv/x. 18. What is the sum of ba^h-c — 4a6ac^ 4- 2a26-c* — 7ax 4- Qa^Pc — baVc^ — 13ax — 70^6=02 4- 3a6'^c' — Sa^J'c ? Ans. 3a'62j, „ ^^52^3 _5a-.'62(.2 _ gOox. SIBTRACTIOX. 21 SUBTRACTION. (26.) SuBTRACTiox, ill Algebra, is the finding the sim- plest expression for the ditference of two algebraic expres- sions. If we subtract the positive quantity b from a, we obvi- ously obtain a — b, which is the same as the addition of a and — b. Again, if we wish to subtract b — c from a, we obtain by subtracting 6 from a, a — 6, but we have subtracted too much by the quantity c, therefore adding c, we get a — 6 + c, which is the same as the addition of a and — b -{- c. From this, we see that subtracting a quantity is the same as adding it after the signs are changed. Hence, for the subtraction of algebraic quantities we have this RULE. I. Write the terms to be subtracted wider the similar terms y if there are any^ oy those from which they arc to be subtracted. II. Conceive the signs of the terms of the polynomial to be subtracted, to be changed, and then proceed as iji additian. 29 SUBTRACTION. EXAMPLES. 1. 2. From lac — Sab -{- d- From Samx — 4-^2/+ 5y^ Take 4ac + Sab + id' Take damx+lOxy—Uf Rem. 3ac — Uub — 3d- Ri.'m. — amx—Uxy-]-l6y^ 3. 4. From 6a:y — 3ac + 2,71^ From4o^v/x- — oa i/y -\- x Take 4xy — lac — 9m" Take 3axy +6a ~4:my. Alls. 2a-6c — I5axy -\- Imy — 5a. 6. From 9>abVc — I2a^h -\-(icx — Ixy take 9a6v/c — I3a^6 + Sxy — an -\- 2cx. Ans. — ab^c -\- a^b + 2cx — Ibxy + an. 7. From Iba^x — 14a-y + 3a6' + Qamn take Qmg + 3a — ba^x — 7a-y -\-?>ab^ — 4flwm — 4. Ans. 20a^x — 7a^y + lOam^t — Q)iiig — 3a + 4. 8. From I3a^a;^y + 3a.r — lab -\- Qmg — x'^y'^ take bxy + 4aV2/ — Qax + 9aA + 2mg + bxhf. Ans. ^a*x^y + 9c3- — 16a6 + 4mo- — Gary^ — bxy. 1 1 9. From 7a-6-'-|-3a~ — 4i''x — 3ax//-f-4x- — 3x?/^take 3a6 — 17 +4a2_5a'6i — 7i^j- + 3xy^ Ans. 12a^6^—a-'4-3//'a—3afi/4-4a;-— 6x2/3— 3a6 + 17. 10. From 4a^ix — 7axy + 3//'7 +17 — x take 4,p'^q — 13 -|- 7a^6x + Suxy — 7x + 3/ — mg -\- n. Aus. — 3a^i'X — 15ajy — jrq +30 +6x — 3/+ mg — n. SIBTRACTIOX. 23 1 1 . From 6am -\- x take Sam -|- y. Ans. 3am -\-x — y. 12. From 3a'm — Qx-y'^^2xy take 4:(rm-\- 6x^7/^ -j-o^y. Ans. — a"m — I2xh/ — 2xy. 13. From "^amx — 43 -j- x — y-f-27d take 15/i + Ig — 3 4-4]/ — Sd-\- lamx — x-\-p(l — rs. Ans. — ^amx — 40-}-2a: — by-\-2>bd — Ion — Ig — jjq-j-^s. 14. From a -{- b take a — b. Ans. 2b. (27.) We ean express the subtraction of one polynomial from another, by writing the polynomial which is to be sub- tracted, after enclosing it within a parenthesis, immediately after the other polynomial from which it is to be subtracted, observing to place the negative sign before the parenthesis. Thus, ab — Gxy-j- 3am — (4«/; -f- 3xy -)- am) denotes, that the polynomial enclosed within the parenthesis is to be subtracted from the one which precedes it ; and since, by (Art. 26), to perform subtraction, we must change all the signs of the terms to be subtracted, we may remove the pa- renthesis provided we change the signs of the terms which it encloses : and conversely, we may enclose any number of terms within the parenthesis, with a negative sign before it, if we observe to change the signs of the terms thus enclosed. In this way we can transform the expression a'b-\-xy — 1am — {7nx-\-6 — iSx*), mto into into into a'b-\-xy — lam — 7nx — 6-j- I3x-, a%-\-xy — {lam-j-mx-^G — 13a;-), a^6 — ( — xy-\-1am-\-mx-\-6 — iSx"), a'^b-{-xy — lam — mx — (6 — I3x'). 94 MULTIPLICATION. MULTIPLICATION. (28.) If we wish to multiply a by 6, we must repeat a as many times as there are units in &, which, by (Art. 6), is done by writini^ h immediately after a, thus, a multiplied by ft = ab. Again, if we wish to multiply a by — 5, we obserA'e that this is the same as to multiply — h by a, hence we must re- peat — 6 as many times as there are units in a: repeating a minus quantity once, twice, thrice, .or any number of times can not change it to a positive quantity. Hence, — h multi- plied by c, or, which is the same, a multiplied by — 6= — ah. Finally, if we wish to multiply a — 6 by c — (/, we will first multiply a — 6 by c, we thus obtain a — 6 ac — 6c for a — h repeated c times. This result is evidently too great by the product of a — h by d, since it was required to repeat a — 6 as many times as there are units in c lessd. Then repeating a — 6 as many times as there are units in rf, we have a — 6 d ad — hd for a — b repeated d times. Subtracting this last result from the former, we have ac — be — {ad — bd), which, by (Art. 27), becomes ac — be — ad -j- bd for the product of a — b by c — d. MTLTIPLICATIOX. 25 Hence, we see thai — b, when multipiied by — d, product s the product + bd If we wished to multiply a by — 6, it would hardly be correct to say, that we are to repeat a mi7ius b times ; for a quantity cannot be repeated a 7ninus number of times. But when we wish to multiply a by — 6, we evidently wish to repeat a as many times as there are units in 6, and then to give to the product the negative sign ; that is, when the multiplier is negative, we must multiply as though it were positive, and then give to the product a contrary sign. Applying this principle to the case of — a multiplied by — b. We know that — a multiplied by -|" ^ gives — ab for the product ; therefore — a multiplied by — b must give the same product taken with a contrary sign ; that is, — a multiplied by — b must give + o^- (29.) From all this, we discover, that the inoduct will have the sign +, iL'hen both factors have like signs, and the product will have the sign — , lohen the factors have con- trary signs. If we wish to multiply 3a-6 by 4a'6-, we observe that 3a'b = Saab 4a^b~ = 4:aaabb Hence, the product will be 2aab X -iaaabb = 12aaaaabbb = 12a^b^. Here we discover that the exponent of a, in the product, is equal to the sum of the exponents of a in the factors ; likewise the exponent of fe, in the product, is equal to the sum of the exponents of b in the factors. (30.) Hence the product of several letters of different ex- ponents is equal to the product of all the letters, having for exponents the sums of their respective exponents inJhe fac- tors. 26 MULTIPLICATION. CASE I. (31.) From what has been said, we have, for multiplying this RULE. I. Multiply the coefficients^ observing to prefix the sion -J- whcn both factors have like signs; and the sign -r- when they have contrary signs. II. Write the letters one after another; if the same letter occur in both factors^ add the exponents for anew exponent. (32.) The product will be the same in whatever order the letters are placed, but it will be found more convenient, in practice, to have a uniform order for their arrangement. The order usually adopted is to place them alphabetically. EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply llax'^y by 3ay. Ans. 33aV2/''. 2. What is the product of 3a7n^ by Qa'^b^x ? Ans. iSd^Wiivx. 3. What is the product of \OcH^ by ^ahdl Ans. 'dQah'd^ 4. Multiply — 13ac^ by —40^6 V. Ans. b2a^b'^c^. 5. Multiply a'Vc'' by a''b\ 6. Multiply — 11 xhj by ?>xyz. Ans. a'"^"h"^'c''. Ajis. — blx^y-z. Mamply -ab'^cd by -axy. 3 4 ' Ans — n- Ans. -—a-h^cdxy. 28 ^ MULTIPLICATION. 27 8. Multiply —-xyzhy~xYz\ j 2 " '2 9. Multiply Im^n^p"^ by Gmn'^p^ Ans. xV-^ 4 -^ CASE II. (33.) Polynomials may be multiplied together by the fol- lowing RULE. I. Multiply all the terms of the multiplicand succes- sively by each term of the multiplier, and observe the same rules for the signs and exponents as in Case I. II. When there arise several partial products alike, they must he placed under each other, and then added together in the total product. (34.) The total product will be the same in whatever order we multiply by "the terms of the multiplier, but for the sake of order and uniformity, we begin with the left- hand term. EXAMPLES. 1 . What is the product of Sa' — 6a.T -f- y by 3a — m ? OPERATION. 3a2 — dax -|- y 3a — m Ans. 9a' — iSa^ x-\-Zay — 3a2 m -{- Qamx — my . i MULTIPLICATION. 2. What is the product of Cx^— Sy'-f-a by a;«— 2y»— a ? OPERATION. 6x2— 32/3 + a X- — 2y^ — a 6x*— 3xy+ 0x2 — 12x-y^ — 6ax--\-6y^ — 2ay ' -{-2ay^ — a^ Ans. 6x^— 15xy — 5ax-+6/-f ay^—a\ 3. What is the product of b~m — Say by 6x — 3 ? Ans. 66~mx — ISaxy — db"m -\- 9ay. 4. What is the product of 7/— 2m— 9 by 3/— 11m ? Ans. 21/'— 83/m— 27/4-22;?i-+99m. 5. Multiply 2a-\-ol+3i—5e by 3a + 106 + 15/ . { 6a=2+35a6+9ac— 15ae+50/>-+306r ^"s. I _50ic+30rr/+75//+45c/— 75e/. 6. Multiply a + 6 + c+d by a — J- c — (/. Ans. a~ — b' — 2bc — 26d — c' — 2c(Z — d^ 7. Multiply a^-\-a*-{- a- by a- — 1. Ans. a — (I-. 8. Multiply a^ -f- flz + z- by a-—az-{- z". Ans. o^ + a"z^ + c''. 9. Multiply a + 6 by a + 6. Ans. a= + 2fl6+6^ 10. Multiply a — 5 by a — b. Ans. a' — 2ah-\-b'\ 11. Multiply a + 6 by a — b. Ans. a* — 6*. (35.) The last three examples, when translated into com- mon language, give three distinct and important theorems, which we will proceed to illustrate. Example 9 is the same as (a + 5) X (a + ft) = (a + bf = a^ + 2ab + b- ; which, when translated, gives MULTIPLICATION, 29 THEOREM T. The square of the sum of two quantities is the same as the square of the first ^ plus twice the product of bothj plus the square of the secofid. EXAMPLES. 1. (x+y) X {x-\-y)={x-j-yy=x Jr2xy-\-y\ 2. (2x-f-fl) X (2x-j-a)=(2.r-)-a)-=4z-+4ax-(-a*. 3. (5m+3) X (5/7i-}-3)=: (5/n4-3)==25/?i-+3077i+9. Example 10 is the same as {a—b) X {a—b)=^{a—by-:=^a'--2ab+b^ ; which, when translated, gives THEOREM II. The square of the dijference of two quantities is equal to the square of the first, minus twice the product of both, plus the square of the second. EXAMPLES. 1. {x — y)x{x — y)={x — y)-^x^—2xy + y\ 2. (3a — 6) X (3a —6 ) =r (3a — &)= =9a' — Gab + b^. 3. (5a — x)X(5a— a;) = (5a — x)' = 25a' — lOax+i'^ Example 11 is the same as {a + b)X{a~b) = a'—h-', which, when translated, gives THEOREM III. The sum of two quantities multiplied by their difference, is equal to the square of the greater, minus the square of the less. EXAMPLES. 1. {x + y)x{x-y)=ar' — y\ 2. (3a + 6)x(3a — 6) = 9a2— 6-. 3. (7m -f- y) X (Jm —y)= 49wr — f. 30 DIVISION. (36.) We know by the principles of Arithmetic, that, if, in Division, we multiply the divisor into the quotient, tli'' product will be the dividend. Therefore, referring to what has been said under Multi- plication (Art. 29), we infer that when the dividend has the sign -f-j the divisor and quotient must have the same sign ; but when the dividend has the sign — , then the divisor and quotient must have contrary signs. (37.) Hence, when the dividend and divisor have like sigiia, the quotient will have the sign +; and .when the dividend and divisor have contrary signs, the quotient loill have the the sign — . We have also seen under Multiplication (Art. 30), that the product of several letters of different exponents is equal to the product of all the letters with the sum of their re- spective exponents for new exponents. (38.) Hence, to divide any power of a letter by a different power of the same letter, it is obvious that the quotieid will be a power of the same letter, having for exponent the ex- cess of the exponent in the dividend above that of the divisor. (39.) If we divide continually the expression a^ = aaaaa by a, we shall find a^ -7- a=:a^~^ = a* = aaaa ; a'^ -r- a=a'^ — ^ = a^ = aaa ; a* -T- a = a^ ~ ' = a'^ := aa ; a^ -r- a = a^~^ = a^ = a; a* -7- a = fl' " ' = a" = 1 ; i DIVISION. 31 '=-=reciprocal of a; a a~'-ra=a"~'~'=a~-= -=— ^reciprocal of a*; a a a~ a—'-r-a=a~'~^=a~^-^ =— =reciprocal of a^ ; aaa a" a-^-x-a=a~^~^^a~^= =— =reciprocal of a* ; aaaa a* &c. &c. (40.) From the above scheme, we see, that whenever the exponent of a quantity becomes 0, its value is reduced to 1 . (41.) That whenever it is negative, it is the reciprocal of what it would he were it poaitive. (42.) Hence, changing the sign of the exponent of a quantity is the same as taking its reciprocal. CASE I. (43.) From what has been said, we have, for dividing one monomial by another, this RULE. L Divide the coefficient of the dividend by that of the divisor, observing to prefix to the quotient the sign -\- when the signs of the dividend arid divisor are alike, and fhc iign — when they are contrary. II. Subtract the exponents of the letters in the divisor from the exponents of the corresponding letters of the divi- dend J if letters occur in the divisor ichich do not in the dividend, they may (Art. 42) be written in the quotient by changing the signs of their exponents. (44.) It must be recollected here, and in all cases here- after, that when the exponent of a letter is not written, 1 is 32 DIVISION- always understood (Art. 12)j and when the exponent is 0, the value of the power is 1. (Art. 40.) EXAMPLES. 1. What is the quotient of 14a^a;° divided by lax^y ? Dividing the coefficients we find 2, to which if we annex the letters after subtracting the exponents, we have the X has disappeared, since its exponent became 0, and its value therefore was 1, by (Art. 40.) And since the y oc- curred in the divisor and not in the dividend, it was written in the quotient with the sign of the exponent changed. (Art. 42.) 2. What is the quotient of Sof.-'^Pc divided by bahcl Ans. lah"^. 3. What is the quotient of — 44;n7ix* divided by 22 ahcx ? Ans. — 2a-^'b~^c~^mnx. 4. Divide — Ix'^y by lOx^y. 5. Divide Za^rri^n^ by — Qamn. 6. Divide 35a;^2/cMjy — Txyz^ 7. Divide cd}' by — 13cd*^ 8. Divide — 3a"'6" by — 4a''6 c\ 9. Divide —llaH^'m-^ by -^a^H^ Ans. 10 Ans. — 1 . ■» ', Ans. —bxy-'\ Ans. -Id-K 13 A 3 „ Ans. -a" 4 '~'ir-^c-\ 'm-\ Ans 4 DIVISION. 33 10. Divlile 13j-'?/-^ by — 26x2/. Ans. a—' J/-®. 2 '^ (45.) To divide one polynomial by another, we shall imi- tate the arithmetical method of long division. And in the arrangement of the work we shall follow the French method of placing the divisor at the right of the dividend. Thus, to divide a^ 4- a'^x -\- ub -\- bx by a-\-x, we proceed as follows : OPERATION. Dividend = a" -(- a'x -\- ab -\~ bxla -j- x = divisor a^ -f- a'^x I a^ -\- b = quotient ah + bx ab -\-hx Having placed the divisor at the right of the dividend, we seek how many times its left-hand term is contained in the left-hand term of the dividend, which we find to be a'-*, which we place directly under the divisor, and then multiply the divisor by it, and subtract the product from the dividend ; then bringing down the remaining terms, we again seek how many times the left-hand term of the divisor is contained in the left-hand term of this remainder, which we find to be b ; we then multiply the divisor by b, and again subtract- ing there remains nothing ; so that n'^-\-h is the complete quotient. That the operation may be the most simple, it will be necessary to arrange both dividend and divisor according to the powers of some particular letter, commencing with the highest power. 34 CASE II. (46.) To divide one polynomial by another, we have this RULE. I. Arrange the dividend and divisor with reference to a certain letter; then divide the first term on the left of the dividend by the first term on the left of the divisor, the re- sult is the first term of the quotient; multiply the divisor by this term, and subtract the product from the dividend. II. Then divide the first term of the remainder by the first term of the divisor, which gives the secon ' term of the quo- tient ; multiply the divisor by this second term, and subtract the product from the result after the first operation. Con- tinue this process until we obtain for remainder; or lohen the division does not terminate,which is frequently the case^ we can carry on the above process as far as we choose, and then place the last remainder over the divisor , forming a fraction, which must be added to the quotient. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the quotient of 2a'b -\- b^ -\- 2ab^ -\- a' di- vided by a" -\- b^ ■]- ab 1 Arranging the terms according to the powers of a, and operating agreeably to the above rule, we have Dividend = a' + 2a''b + 2a6^ + b OPERATION. a^ -|- ab -{-b^ = divisor a -\-b = quotient „2^+ ab^ + b^ a''b+ a6' + 6' DIVISION. 35 2. What is the quotient of a=i— Sa^-f-Safe— 6«— 46-f22 iliviiledby 6 — 3? OPERATION. 10 6—3 a-b- a-b- -3a' -Zir +'2ab- _6g— .li-l-92 b a -6a -6a —3 ^_|_2fl— 4 + 2ab- 2ab- —46+22 — i6-fl2 10= ^remainder. 3. Divide x^—x*-{-x'—x''-\-2x—l by x^ -f-x— 1. OPERATION. :j:^^x*+x'—x'i-2x—l x^-\-x'—x* — x^-{-x^ — x'^ x*—x'+2x x'+x'—x^ — x'+2x— 1 — x^ — x^4-x x"-\-x — 1 x^-f-x— 1 X- + X — 1 :4_a;3_^a.2_3._|.i 4. What is the quotient of x' — Sax^-j-Sa'x — a^ divided ? 36 OPERATION. X' — 3ox- + 3a'x — o3'x ■ X3 QTT \x^ — 2ax -\- a'^ — 2ax" -f- 3a'x — 2ax^ 4- 2a''x a^x — a" a^x — a^ 5. Divide Uaf— 21hf-\- lcf+ Sag — %g -j- 3cg by 7/+ 3 a-. Ans.-2a — 36 + c. 6. Divide 4x3 + 4x2 — 29x + 21 ^^ 2x — 3. Ans. 2x--|-5x — 7. 7. Divide 119c2 — 200cf/-|-408ce— 113cA — 39c/=^ -f- 72de + 31 dh — 96e/i + 20h' by 17c + 3d — 4/i. Ans. 7r — 13(? + 24c — 5/i. 8. Divide 72x* —ISx'y — lOx^.v* + Hxy^ -|- Sy^ by Gx'^ — 4x1/ — J/?. Ans. 12x2 — 5xy — 3y2. 9. Divide 36aH — e3ab^-}-20b^ by 12o6 — 5/r. Ans. 3a— 46. 10. Divide a^ — b'- by a — b. Ans, a -{-b. 11. Divide a^ — 6^ by a — 6. Ans. a^ + a"b-i-ab"-\-bK (47.) The following examples cannot be accurately per- formed, there being still a remainder, however far the divi- sion be carried. 12. Dividing 1 by 1 — 6, we have in succession b 1^(1-6) = 1 + 1 — 6 b' ='^'+l-b = 1 + 6 + 6-^+ ^ = 1 + 6 + 6= +6 1 — & b' 1 — 6 &c. &c. ,3. 1->(1 + 6) = 1--A-^ l_6-{_52_63 1 + 6 6^ 1+6 &c. &c. U. (l+a:)^(l-a:) = l+ ^"^ = l+2x-i l—x 2x^ l — x 2x^ l+2x + 2x" + l — x 37 = 1 + 2x + 2x' + 2x3+ ^^' 1— :r &c. &c. 38 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. CHAPTER tt ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. (48.) In our operations upon algebraic fractions, we shall follow the corresponding operations upon numerical frac- tions, so far as the nature of the subject will admit. CASE I. To reduce a monomial fraction to its lowest term, we have this RULE. I. Find the greatest common measure of the coefficients of the numerator and denominator. (See Arithmetic.) II. 7%en, to this greatest common measure annex the let- ters which are common to both numerator and denominator^ give to these letters the lowest exponent which they have, whether in the numerator or denominator ; the result will be the greatest common measure of both numerator and de- nominator. III. Divide . both numerator find denominator by this greatest common measure^ (by Rule under Art. 43,) and the resulting fraction will be in its lowest terms. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 39 ^ „ , 315a^bxy , ., , 1. Reduce '-- to its lowest terms. The greatest common measure of 373 and 15 is 15, to which annexing abxy, we have loabxy for the greatest common measure of both numerator and denominator. Dividing the numerator by Ibabxrj^ we find yiba^bxy -i- loabxy = 25a^. In the same way we find loab'^xy^ -r- loabxy = by- ; hence, we have 2>1ba^bxy^ 25a- loab-xy^ by' which, by Rule under Art. 44, becomes — - - = 2oa-b-^y-'. by' - ,, , 42ax'^7/r'' . , 2. Reduce „-;: — ;^to its lowest terms. 3oxy^z^ In this example, the greatest common measure of the numerator and denominator is Ixyz^ ; hence, dividing both numerator and denominator of our fraction by Ixyz^, we find 4:2ax'yz' Gax'z'' , • ^ • • ., , — — r^ ==:: —,-~r-i which IS in its lowest terms. 35xy^z^ oy' _ „ , — iSmnx^y^ ^ . , 6. Reduce :- to its lowest terms. 12/nxY' Ans. — — . 1 3x^ 4. What is the simplest form of — — — 1 ^ 26xy^ 2y* 40 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 5. What IS the simplest form of ? Ans. 9/>-fi«. (49.) Fro??i iij/ia^ has been said (Art. 42), we infer that we may transfer a letter from the numerator to the denomi- nator, or from the denominator to the numerator, by changing the sign of the exponent. Thus, , laxyz 7z ^ o . 7 1. f-r-= — ^ =7ca:-"v~ = : — r- „ 1^ , , , 17x^ 17 49aic^ .. . • ■35^ all the letters to the numerator. 3. Reduce ^^ ^ to its simplest terms and then transfer 7c« 7 4. Reduce in a similar manner the fraction lOSaSft^ Ans. — ^^ — = -a~'b~^cdm~'^ . 4ia-bhn 4 GREATEST COMMON MEASURE OF POLYNOMIALS. (50.) Before proceeding to the reduction of polynomial fractions, it is necessary to show how to find the greatest common measure of two polynomials, which may be effected by this RULE. Divide one of the polynomials by the other, and the pre- ceding divisor by the last remainder, till nothing remains ; the last divisor will be the greatest common measure. This rule may be demonstrated as follows : ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 41 (51.) Let JV and /i be two polynomials, of Avhich .Yis greater than n ; then, performing the divisions as directed in the above rule, we have OPERATION. w) ./V ((71 = first quotient. 7iqi_ First remainder = ri) 7i (70= second quotient. Second remainckr = r.2) ri (93 = third quotient. ^273 Third remainder = The numerals placed at the bottom of the letters q and r, are called Subscript JS'mnbers, and show the order in which the quotients and remainders occur. Letters marked like the above, are as independent as though they were different letters. The reason why we use them in preference to different letters, is because we can the more readily discover what they are designed to repre- sent. (52.) Now', since the dividend equals the divisor multi- plied by the quotient and increased by the remainder, we have the following conditions : JV=5in + ri. (1) n = q-iVi + r.2. (2) ri = qsTo. (3) Substituting 73/2 for ri in (1) and (2), and they will be- come Y ^= qiTi -\- q^r^. (4) n = q-zq^ra + To. (5) The right-hand member of (5) is divisible by r^, and therefore its left-hand member must also be divisible by r^ ; that is, n is divisible by ro. 6 42 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. The value of n, (5), being substituted in (4), gives J\r= qiQoqsrz + ^ira + ^3^2. (6) The right-hand member of (6) will divide by ro, and therefore its left-hand member will also divide by ro ; that is, JV* is divisible by r-z : hence, r-2 is a common measure of M and n. It is also the greatest common measure. For every common measure of JVand ?i, is also a measure of JY — nqi = ri ; and every common measure of n and ri, is also a measure of n — riq-i = r-2. But the greatest measure of r-2 is itself. This, then, is the greatest common measure of ^Yandn. In the above case we have supposed the third remainder 7-3 to =0. Had the process of dividing extended still far- ther, it might still be shown, that the last divisor is the great- est common measure ; hence the truth of the above rule. (53.) It is obvious, that any factor common to but one of the two polynomials, may be struck out before dividing, without affecting the accuracy of the work. (54.) Also, either of the polynomials may be multiplied by any factor before dividing.* EXAMPLES. 1. What is the greatest common measure of a'* — x'*, and a* -j- a^x — ax~ — x' ? Arranging the terms according to the powers of cr, and dividing according to Rule under Art. 46, we have for the * If the above demonstration is deemed too difficult, on account of its making use of some of the principles of equations, which have not yet been fully explained, the student must pass it by, until he has gone through with the chapter on simple equations, and then he can return to it with pleasure and profit. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 43 FIRST OPERATION. a^ -\- arx — ax^ — x^ a* -\- a^x — crx- — ax^ — a^x-j- u'-x" -\- ax^ — x* — a^x — a^x~ -\- ax^ -{- x* 2a'X- — 2x^ = first remainder. We must now divide o3-[-a*a; — aa:" — x'^ by 2a-x^ — 2x^; but before performing the division, we will expunge from 2a'^x^ — 2x^ the factor 2x~ (Art. 53), which gives a^ — x^ for the divisor ; hence, we have for the SECOND OPERATION. a3 + a'x- -CX2 — -Z3 a' -ax' a^x x' a~x — x' + x There being no remainder, the process must terminate. The last divisor, or greatest common measure, is therefore a« — x^. 2. What is the greatest common measure of 6a' -\- llax -j- 3x^ and 6a^ -f- lax — 3x' ? In this example, we may take either of the polynomials as the divisor, since they are each of the same degree. FIRST OPERATION. 6c^ + llax + 3x2l6a= + lax — 3x^ 6a-^ + lax — 3x- 4ax + 6x^ = first remainder. Before dividing 6a^ + lax — 3x' by 4flx -(- 6x^ we ex- punge from 4ax + 6x' the factor 2x, and thus have 44 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. SECOND OPERATION. 6a2-f7aa: — 3ar 6a2 -f 9ax 2a + 3x 3a — X — 2ax — 3x^ — 2ax — 3x" Therefore, 2a -j- 3a: is the greatest common measure. 3. What is the greatest common measure of as — a% + Zah^ — 363 and a^ — bah + ib"- ? FIRST OPERATION. a3- a'- - a'b-{- — ba~h + 3a6^ 4a6=^ — 3¥ 4a=^6 — 4a'6 — ab^ 20a¥ — 363 + 166^ 5a6 + 465 a + 46 19ah" — 1963= first remainder. Before dividing «" — bah + 46* by 19a6" — 196^, we ex- punge from this last polynomial the factor 196'. SECOND OPERATION. a2 — 5a64-462 a — 6 a — 46 _4a6 4-46" _4a5_|_4fc2 Therefore, a — 6 is the greatest common measure. 4. We will now seek the greatest common measure of these polynomials after the terms have been arranged ac cording to the powers of 6, as follows : — 36^ + 3a6= — a^b + a' and 46* — bab -\- a^ ? ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 45 Before dividing, we must multiply the polynomial — 36" -\-3ab' — arb -\- a^ hy 4, in order that its left-hand term may be divisible by the left-hand term of the other poly- nomial. (Art. 54.) FIRST OPERATION. — l2b^-{-12ab-— 4a%-i- 4ta'Mb- — 5ab + a^ — Ub'^lbab-^— da'b ' — — I— 36 — 3n Multiplying by 4, — 3a6- — a^b -\- 4a^ — 12a6^— 4a26 + 16a3 —12ab- -{- 15a^b — oa^ — 19a*6 -f- 19a^ = first remainder. Before dividing W — 5ab-\-a~ by — IQa^fi -f 19a\ we expunge from this last polynomial, the factor 19a-, and then dividing, we have for the SECOND OPERATION. — 6-fa W — 5ab + a- 462 — 4a6 — 46 + — ab-\-a^ — ab-\-a^ Therefore, — b -\- a, or a — 6, is the greatest common measure, same as before. 4. What is the greatest common measure of the two poly- nomials 5 ^^'^^ + l^"'^ + ^°'^' + ^"'^' - ^"^'' nomiais ^ ^20^6'^ + 38a'^6^ + 16«6^ — 106^ ? Ans. 3a" + 2ab — 6^. 5. What is the greatest common measure of x^ — b'^x and ar^ + 26x + 6^ ? Ans. X -\- b. 46 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 6. What is the greatest common measure of a- — (ii — 2b' and a^ — Sub + 2b~ 1 Ans. a — 2b. In this example it is immaterial which polynomial we consider as the divisor, since they are of the same degree. 7. What is the greatest common divisor of C a;6 _|_ 42,5 __ 3^,4 _ 16^3 ^ 1 1^"- _f- i2x — 9, I %x^ + 20a;'' — \2x^ — 48x2 ^ 22a: + 12 / Ans. x^ -f~ ^' — ox -\-'i. 8. What is the greatest common divisor of { 20z« — 12x^ + 16x^ — \bx^ + 14x= — lox 4- 4, J 15a;*— 9x3-f-47x=^ — 21x +28? Ans. 5x=^— 3x + 4. CASE II. (55.) To reduce a polynomial fraction, that is, a fraction of which the numerator or denominator, or both, are poly- nomials, to its lowest terms, we have this RULE. Divide both numerator and denominator by their greatest common measure., found by Rule under Art. 50. EXAMPLES. , r • 36x° — 18x^ — 27x^ + 9x3 . .^ 1. Reduce the fraction —^^, -3-— — 77—^— to its 27x"'y — 18x*y'' — \ix^y^ simplest form. We see, by a mere glance of the eye, that the numerator and denominator can both be divided by 9x^, by which di- 4x3 — 2x'^ — 3x+l vision the fraction becomes Szaya _ 2x3/2 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 47 We must now seek the greatest common measure of 4x3 _ 2x2 — 3a: + 1 ^nd Sary^ _ ^xy- — if. Dividing the second of these by y" (Art. 53), and multi- plying the first by 3 (Art. 54), we have the FIRST OPERATION. 12x3- -6x= — ?x + 33x2 — 2x — l i 12x2- -8x-— 4x '4x + 2 Multiplying by 3, 2x' — 5x + 3 6x2 — 15x + 9 6x"- — 4x — 2 — llx-f-11 = first remainder. We must now repeat the operation upon Sx^ — 2x — 1 and — llx + 11. Dividing the second of these by 11 (Art. 53), we have for the SECOND OPERATION. 3x2- -2x- -1 -x+1 3x2- -3x — 3x— 1 X — -1 X — -1 Hence, the greatest common measure of the numerator 4^3 2x- 3x-f-l denominator of the fraction ^ ^ ^ — -, — ~r- is — x -\-\ 3x2y2 — 2xy* — 1/2 or X — 1. Dividing both numerator and denominator, of 4x8 ^ 2x 1 the above fraction, by x — 1, it becomes — - — „ for 3xy2 -f- 2/2 the reduced value of the given fraction. 2. Reduce — -, — ^ to its lowest terms. x^-[-2xT/ + y^ 48 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. In this example the greatest common measure of the nu- merator and denominator is found to be x -{- y. Hence, the fraction reduced becomes x^ — ry 3. Reduce ^^— — to its simplest form. m^ — mrn — mn* -\-n^ Ans. ' — . m — n 4. Reduce — — — to its simplest form. Ans. — —-. a — _ ^ . exy-\~Sx-{- 9y+12^ . . , , 5. Reduce — —^-^ — ' ^^—- to its simplest iorm. lOxy — Sx + ldy—12 ^ Ans ?^- *5y— 4' ^ „ , 6x^ — 4x^ — 11x3 — 3x' — 3.T—l . . b. Reduce — ; ~ ;;-- — to its sun- 4X-' -I- 2x^ — I8x^ 4- 3x — 5 plest form. Ans. 2xH-5 CASE III. (56.) To reduce a mixed quantity to the form of a frac- tion. RULE. Multiply the entire part hy the denominator of the frac- tion^ to which product add the numerator^ and under the result place the given denominator. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 49 1. Reduce llx -| ^^^ to the form of a fraction. 7x In this example the entire part is llx, which multiplied by the denominator 7x, gives llx", to Avhich adding the numerator x-\-y, we have 77x- -\- x-\-y for the numerator of the fraction sought, under which placing the denomi- 11 x^ —I— X -\- y nator Ix. we finally obtain C i for the reduced Ix X I 1/ form of llx -| !-^. IX bx ~\~ x^ 2. Reduce x to the the form of a fraction. . mx — bx — x^ Ans. , m 3. Reduce y -{- 3x — to the form of a fraction. S -\- a Ans 3v+9x + ay-f-3a a: — 6 3 -]-a a" 62 4. Reduce x to the form of a fraction. X Ans. — . X 6 3^ 5. Reduce 3a^ — 6-1 to the form of a fraction. 1 — y A 21a^ — 36 — 3aV + 6y — r' 1 — y 6. Reduce 9 A to the form of a fraction. a — x^ 9a — 6x=^ — 8c* Ans. . 50 ALGEBHAIC FRACTIOXS. CASE IV. (57.) To reduce a fraction to an entire or mixed quantity. RULE. Divide the numerator by the deno/iiinator, the quotient will be the entire part ; if there is a remainder^ place it over the denominator for the fractional part. 9« — 6; EXAMPLES. to a mixed quantity. 1. Redi a — X' Dividing- the numerator by the denominator, we find this FIRST OPERATION. 9fl— 6x- — Sc^la — x- 9« — 9^' 19 = integral part. 3a:" — Sc'* = numerator of fractional part. ^2" • Therefore the quantity sought is 9 + a — X We will now change the order of the terms of the nume- rator and denominator, by placing the x^ first ; we thus find this SECXDND OPERATION. X^ + a — 6x9-h9a — 8c* — 6x2 + 6a 3a 6 = integral part. Sc* = numerator of fractional part 3a — 8c^ Therefore the quantity sought is 6 -j . ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 51 These two results are equivalent, but under illfTerent forms. 2. Reduce to an entire quantity. X Ans a — X. 3. Reduce — to a mixed quantity, Ans.2x-?^±^^. 3a: +1 4. Reduce — to an entire quantity. in — y Ans. )iL^ H- my + ?/^ . p , 20a* — 10(7 -f G ^ . , 0. Reduce to a mixed quantity. 5fl Ans. 4f/ — 2H . 5a _ „ , 9v'— lSy + 8aV. • , 6. Reduce —^ — ' -^ to a mixed quantity. yy Ans. .V- — 2+-^. „ r. , ! t//'' 21/? ^ . , /. Reduct to a nnxed quantity. Ans. 2m^ — — . m 52 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. CASE V. (58.) To reduce fractions to a common denominator. RULE. ' Multiply successively each numerntor into all the denomi- nators^ except its own ,, for new numerators^ and all the de- nominators together for a common denominator. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce-, -, — to equivalent fractions having: a cora- mon denominator. a X 2 X 7a = 14a^ = new numerator of first fraction. h XxX 7a = 7a6a:=new numerator of second fraction, f X .T X 2 =2ca: = new numerator of third fraction. and X X 2 X 7a = 14ca;=common denominator. ,_, . 14a^ lahx 2cx . • i ^ r rhereiore, : : are the equivalent trac- ' 14ax ' Uax ' Uax ^ lions sought. 2. Reduce — , — , and y. to fractions havino; a common 2a' 3x' ^' ^ denominator. . 9mx 4a6 6axy Ans. —- : - — : -— ^. box OCX OCX 1 x' a^ + x^ 3. "Reduce -, — , to equivalent fractions having a ^ o a -J- X common denominator. 3a-{- 3x 2ax2-f-2x3_ 6a«-f6x' 6a -(- 6x ' 6a -|- 6x ' 6a -^ 6x ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 53 4. Reduce —, — , — to fractions having a com- 3b DC a mon denominator. 5cdx iSbdx" 15aV)c — l5bcx- Ans. Idbcd ' lobcd ' lobcd X X 1 a- + 2 5. Reduce-, — - — , — - — to fractions having a com- mon denominator. . 12a: 8x — 8 6a:-+12 ^"'•"2^' "24"' "^4~- CASE VI. (59.) To add fractional quantities. RULE. Reduce the fractions to a common denominator ; then add the numerators, and jilace their sum over the common de- nominator. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the sum of ;^, I, ^? 3a 3 7 These fractions, when reduced to a common denominator, . 21x 21a 9ay ,,..!.• . u become — — , — — , — -- ; adding their numerators, we have 63o 63a D3a 21a; 4- 21a -{- day ; placing this over the common denomi- nator, we find X I 1 . y 21x-j-21a + 9oy 7x-|-7a-|-3ay 3^ "^ 3 "^ 7 63^^ ~ 21^ 54 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 2x 8x 2. What is the sum of 3x -f- — and x — ? 5 9 Ans. 3x 4- ^^ . 45 3. What is the sum of— , — , 2x Ix 2x + 1 3 ' 4 ' ~5~ ^ , 49x4-12 Ans. 2x A -!- — . ^ 60 4. What IS the sum ot — , — , — ? 4 5 6 , 45x + 48x4-50x „ , 23x An>;. 1 ! =2x+— — . 60 60 5. What IS the sum of — ^ , — — r Ans. 6. What IS the sura of ■ , :: •' 4 4 Ans. "lili'. CASE VII. (60.) To subtract one fraction from another. K, U L E . Reduce the fractions to a common denominator^ then auhtract the numerator of the subtrahend from the nume- rator of the minuend, and place the difference over the common denominator. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 55 EXAMPLES. ^ 3x4- (I 2x — a 1. from — subtract — - — . 4 3 These fractions, when reduced to a common denominator, , 9x-\-3a Sx — 4a become -^•— and — -- — . bubtraclmc: the numera- tois we have 9a; + 3a — (8a: — 4o) = j--}-7a, placing this over the common denominator 12, we find 3x-|-a 2x — a--f-7a 4 3~'~~I2~ ■ 2. From^r-^' subtract !^-t_^ 5 4 19m — y Ans. 20 3. From 3y-j-- subtract i/ — ^^^ ". c Ans. 2y -j- 4 From — '—^ subtract -. 2 2 Ans. y en. a;- + 2a-y -^ y" . i^ — 2xy -4- y" 5 From ! £_LjL subtract ■ ^ ' ■ . 4x2/ 4a-y Ans. 1 6 From subtract a 3a; + 2i/ Ans. 2 — a ' — - . 56 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. CASE VIII. (61.) To multiply fractional quantities together. RULE. If any of the quantities to he multiplied are mixed, they musty by Case III, he reduced to a fractional form ; then multiply together all the numerators for a numerator, and all the denominators together for a denominator. EXAMPLES. 1. Multiply .-p by -:i^. The product of the numerators will be (x + c) X{x -\- h) = X' -{- ax -\- hx -^ ah ; and the product of the denominators is 2 X 3 = 6. _-. X A- a x-\-h x'^-\-ax-\-hx-\- ah Hence, -t x ^ = -IL^^-. 2. Multiply ?lf±^yii±'. '^ •' be '' b-\-c x* — h* Ans. hH + bc' « 3 J. 4_l_3; 3 3. What is the continued product of — -- , — -— , and - 1 r 7 ' 2 ' 7 36 — 3x — 3x2 Ans. _ . 98 4. What is the product of ^^, ^=^ ? , Ans. : — . ALGEBRAIC P'RACTIONS, 57 5. What is the continued product of — , ' , - , and ?7l X ' c r 1 ■ . 2b/ix — 2bdx ^ Ans. . cmrx — cmx 6, What is the product of 1/ + by ^ , ? Ans. ^r-^y + r-l, 2V- CASE IX. (62.) To divide one fraction by another. RULE. If there are any mixed quantities^ reduce them to a frac- tional form ^ by Case III. ; then invert the divisor, and mul- tiply as in Case VIIL EXAMPLES. ^ ^. .. 3x + 7, 43:— 1 1. Divide — ' — by . 4 • o If we invert the divisor, and then multiply, we have Zx + I 5 15^ + 35- . . ^ — X = — r for the quotient. 4 4a; — 1 16x — 4 2. Divide 5^''- by ^-!±l:. . x'u — y3 x' + xy- 58 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 3. Divide -„^T- by ^• 3m' "^ 5m 4. Divide ^^y?^^. 8cd ^ 4d . 3oa Ans. 12mY Qc'^y ' 5. Wiiat is the quotient of divided by - ? Ans. a:— 1 6. What is the quotient of — - — divded by — — ? Ans. . x—l SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 59 CHAPTER III. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. (63.) Jin equation is an expression of two equal quanti- ties with tlie sign of equality placed between them. The terms or quantities on the left-hand side of the sign of equality constitute the first member of the equation, those on the right constitute the second member. Thus, x + 2 = a, (1) 1-1 = ^ (2) 3a; _^ 7 = c, (3) are equations ; the first is read, " x increased by 2 equals o." The second is read, " one-half of x diminished by 1 equals 6." The third is read, " three times x increased by 7 equals c." (64.) Nearly all the operations of algebra are carried on by the aid of equations. The relations of a question or problem are first to be expressed by an equation, containing known quantities as well as the unknown quantity. After- wards we must make such transformations upon this equa- tion as to bring the unknown quantity by itself on one side of the equation, by which means it becomes known. 60 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. (65.) An equation of the first degree^ or a simple equa- tion^ is one, in which the unknown has no power above the first degree. (66.) A quadratic equation^ is an equation of the second degree, that is, the unknown quantity is involved to the second power, and to no greater power. (67.) An equation of the third, fourth, &c., degree, is one which contains the unknown quantity to the third, fourth, &c., degree ; but to no superior degree. And in general, an equation which involves the mth power of the unknown quantity, is called an equation of the mth degree. (68.) The following axioms will enable us to make many transformations upon the terms of an equation without de- stroying their equality. AXIOMS. I. If equal qua^itities he added to both members of an equation, the equality of the members will not be destroyed. II. If equal quantities be subtracted from both members of an equation, the equality of the members will not be destroyed. III. If both members of an equation be multiplied by the same quantity, the equality will not be destroyed. IV. If both members of an equation be divided by the same quantity, the equality will not be destroyed. CLEARING EQUATIONS OF FRACTIONS. (69.) When some of the terms of an equation are frac tional, it is necessary to so transform it, as to cause the de nominators to disappear, which process is called clearing of fractions. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 61 Let it be required to clear of fractions, the following equa- tion. Now, by Axiom III, we can multiply all the terms of this equation by any number we please, without destroying the equality. If we multiply by a multiple of all the denomi- intors, it is evident they will disappear. Tf we choose the least multiple of the denominators as a multiplier, it is plain that the labor of multiplying will be the least possible. Thus, in the above example, multiplying all the terms of both sides of the equation by G, which is the least multi- ple of 2, 3, and 6, we have 3a: + 2x + a; == 6a; + 6. (2) This equation is now free of fractions. (70.) Hence, to clear an equation of fractions, we deduce, from what has been said, this RULE. Multiply all the terms of the equation by any multiple oj (heir denominators. If we choose the least common multi- pie of the denominators, for our multiplier, the terms of the fraction, when cleared, will be in their simplest form. EXAMPLES. 1. Clear of fractions the equation ^ = — — . ^ 5 2 7 In this example the least common multiple of the deno- minators 5, 2, and 7, is 70 ; hence, multiplying all the terms of our equation by 70, we find 14a: — 14a = 35x + 356 — 10, for the equation when cleared of fractions. 62 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. « r^^ x- r • ^ ^ , X 4- U X /; . X 2. Clear ot fractions — 1 ]— -— =x-\- — o 4 ^ lb Ans. 2z — 4 4- 4x + 4a — 8x -f- 86 = 16x -j- x. (71.) We must observe that when a fraction has the sign — , it requires its value to be subtracted, so that, if it is writ- ten without the denominator, all the signs of the numerator must be changed. ^ J x-l-1 T 3 c 3. Clear of fractions — \- -^ "— j— = « + '' — ;:- Ans. 42x-42+28a:+28— 21a:+63 =S4fl+846— 12c. 4. Clear the equation - + - + - + ^ + " =25 1 of fractions. 2 3 4 5 6 Ans. 303: + 20x + 15a: + 12x -}- lOx = 15060. 5. Clear the equation 1 \- - == g o{ fractions. Ans. a- dm -\-bdx + cmx = dgmx. ^rx, , • X , X — 3 a- — 5m. 6. Clear the equation ; — -— r ~ = — ot ^ u'—b- a-\-b a — b a fractions. -f- Sab — a"x — abx -|-5a=' . { ax-\-a-x — abx — 3a ^^^- I -\r5ab = a=m — b-7n m. TRANSPOSITION OF THE TERMS OF AN EQUATION. (72.) The next thing to be attended to, after clearing the equation of fractions, is to transform it so that all the terms containing the unknown quantity may constitute one mem- ber of the equation. If we take the equation we have, when cleared of fractions, SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 63 6a — 3x + 2bx = 48a:. (2) If we add to both members of this equation 3a; — 2bx (Axiom L), it becomes 6a — 3x -I- 2bx + 3a; — 26a; = 48a; -j- 3x — 26a;. (3) All the terms of the left-hand member cancel each other except 6a. Therefore we have 6a = 48r + 3x — 26a;, (4) in which all the terms of the right-hand member contain x. If we compare equation (4) with (2), we shall discover, that the terms — 3a; + 26x, which are on the left side of equation (2), are on the right side of equation (4), with their signs changed. Hence, we conclude that the terms of an equation may change sides, provided they change signs at the same time. (73.) To transpose a term from one side of an equation to the other, we must observe this RULE. Jiny term may be transposed from one side of an equation to the other J by changing its sign. EXAMPLES. X -4- 6 5x 1. Clear the equation -— - — f- 26 = j + 2 of fractions, and transpose the terms so that all those containing r may constitute the left-hand member. First, clearing the above equation of fractions, by Rule under Art. 70, we have 2x-f 12-fl04 = 5x-f8. 64 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Secondly, transposing 2a; from the left member to the right member, and 8 from the right member to the left, we have 12 -j- 104 — 8 = 5a: — 2a; for the result required. 2. Clear the equation II1_=: 7^ of fractions, and . "-^ transpose the terms. Ans. 3x — 2a; = 45 -|- 2a. 3. Clear of fractions, the equation — -3i-[-7. = q-|- - and transpose the terms. Ans. 14a; + 3x — 2x = 36 + 60. 4. Clear of fractions and transpose the terms of the X 2-\-x c equation -^ . ^ a — ba-\-b a-^—b- Ans. ax-\-bx — ax-\-bx= c -\-2a — 2b. (74.) We are now prepared to find the value of the un- known quantity. If we take the last example, it may be written thus, (a -[-6 — a -\-b) x:=c -\-2a — 2b ; or uniting the like terms within the parenthesis, it becomes 2bx = c -\-2a — 2b. Dividing both sides of this equation by 26, (Axiom IV.), c , c-l-2a — 26 we nncl x = : 26 ' hence, the value of x is now known, since it is equal to the c + 2a— 26 expression — ■ — — . (75.) From what has been done, we discover that an equation of the first degree may be resolved by the follow- ing general SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 65 K U L E . I. If any of the terms of the equation are fractional, t'i> equation mtist be cleared of fractions, by Rule under ^irt. TO. II. The terms must then he xo transposed, that all Ihose containing the unknown quantity may constitute one side c.r vicinbcr of the equation, by Rule under Art. 73. III. Then divide the algebraic sum of those terms on that side of the equation which are independent of the unknown quantity, by the algebraic sum of the coefficients of the terms containing the unknown quantity, the quotient will be the value of the unknown quantity. EXAMPLES. X X 1. What is the value of a: in the equation 1- - =x — 10 1 3 4 This, cleared of fractions, becomes 4a;-|-3x=12a:— 120. When the terms are transposed and united, we have 120 = 5x. Dividing by 5, we get 24 = x. 2. What is the value of x in the equation 2a: + 1 a; 4- 3 , X = — '■ — ' Ans. ar = 13. - _. 21— 3a; 4a: + 6 5a: + 1 ^ . 3. Given -^ — =6 ! — to find x. 3 9 4 Ans. a-^= 3. 4. Find x from the equation 3ox -j — — 3 = bx — a. 6 — 3fl 66 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. ^ ^. a; — 2 3.r , 15x n^ . r i 5. Given 1- — — = 3 / , to find x. 4 2 2 Ans. a; = 6. ^ . , , ... 3tx 26x . ,. 6. Find X so as to satisty the condition — 4 =/• •^ a m rt/m + 4am Ans. 0:=:; — -r- 3cw — 2a6 „ „. , ^ , . Snx — b 36 . , c 7. r ind x trom the equation — 7r='* — " — 7i- 7 2 2 56 4-96— 7c Ans. a; = — ■• 167J. S. Given ^-^ + '^-+— = 3x- — 12, to find x. Ans. a: =6. ^^. 3a: — 5, 4a; — 2 .T^ri 9. Given a; — \- — - — = a: + 1, to find x. ^ Ans. a; = 6. 10. Given ^4^ — 3x + ?^=^ + 3 = a-, to find x. 3 5 Ans. a; = 2. , ^. 3x — 2 , 3a; + 2 ^ ^ c ^ 11. Given -— 1 -^=x— l,to finda:. 12. Given -— -+x=ll, to find x. O I Ans. Ans. a;^9/j. „ ^. (a-{-b)x , X a; + 1 ^ „ , 13. Given ^ ^ / + -. r^ = — ^, to find x. a — 6 'a'» — b^ a + b Ans. x = a^ + 2ab + b^ — a-\-b-\-l SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 67 QUI^IONS, THE SOLUTION OK WHICH KEQUIRE EQUAT!C)NS OF THE FIRST DEGREE. (76.) In the solution of questions, by the aid of algel)ra the most difficult part is to obtain the proper equation which shall include all the necessary relations of the question. When once this equation of condition is properly found, the value of the unknown quantity is readily obtained by the Rule under Art. 75. Suppose Ave wish to solve, by algebra, the lollowir (;uestion. 1. What number is that, whose half increased by i third part and one more shall equal itself ? If we suppose x to be the number sought, its half will bt -, which increased by its third part, becomes z -[- 55 ^nd 'bis increased by one, becomes -+--}- 1, which by the question must equal itself. Therefore, we have - -|- -f- 1 ^ x for the equation of ••ondition. Solving this, by Rule under Art. 75, we have x = 6, VERIFICATION. ? = iof6=3, ?=iof6 = 2, 1 =1, Therefore, - -}- ^+ 1 == 6, which sliows that 6 is truly the number sought. CS SIMPLE EQUATIONS, Again, let us cmleavor to solve tills question : 2. What number is that whose third part exceeSi its fourth part by 5 / Suppose X to be the number, then will its third part X . X — : its fourth part =-. Therefore, the excess of its third part over its fourth part XX. is expressed by , which, by the question, must equal 5 . X X Hence, we have the following equation = 5, 3 4 this solvci!, gives x = 60 ; the third part of which is 20, and its fourth part is 15, so that its third part exceeds its r.iurth part by 5, hence, this is the correct number sought. (77.) The method of forming an equation from the con- rlitions of a question, is of such a nature as not to admit of any simple rule, but must be in a measure left to the inge- nuity of the student. It will hoM'ever be of assistance to pay attention to the followins RULE letter^ we must indicate, by algebraic symbols, the same operation, as it would be necessary to perform upon the true number, in order to verify the conditions of the question. 3. Out of a cask of wine Avhich had leaked aAvay a third part, 21 gallons were afterwards drawn, and the cask was then found to be half full : how much did it hold ? Suppose X to be the number of gallons which the cask held. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 69 Then, the part leaked away must be -. , to find x, y, and z. (2x+ y + 6z = 4.6 (3)) 8x--f 4y+ 24^ = 184 (4)=:(3)x4 12a: 4- 6y-|- 36z==276 (5)r=(3)x6 17x+ 40c = 291 (6) = (l)+(5) a: + 27- =165 (7) = (4)— (2) 17a: 4-459r= 2805 (8) = (7)xl7 419c = 2514 (9) = (8)— (6) c = 6 (10) = (9)^419 27z = 162 (11) = (10) X 27 a: = 3 (12)=(7)-(11) 62 = 36 (13) = (10)X6 2x = 6 (14) = (12)X2 6c-f-2a: = 42 (15) = (13) + (14) y=4 (16) = (3)-(15) Collecting equations (12), (16), and (10),w^e have ra: = 3. (12) Ans. < 1/ = 4. (16) (z = 6. (10) We will solve one more set of equations by this method, giving all the steps at length, the better to illustrate this notation. Given* 7a: — 22 + 3w=17 (1)^ 4y — 2z+ f=n (2)/ 5y__3a:_2«= 8 (3)> , to find a:, y, z, u, t 4y^Su + 2t = 9 (^)\ 3z-f.8M = 33 (5)^ SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 83 8y — 42-f2^ = 22 (G) = (2) X 2 4y — 4z-\-3u = l3 (7) = (6) — (4) 21x — 6z-t-9M = 51 (8) = (1) X 3 35y— 21x— 14w = 56 (9) = (3) X 7 35y — 6: — 5w=107 (10) = (8) + (9) 140y—140z -1-105/^=455 (11) = (7) X 35 140y— 24c— 20/^=428 (12) = (10) X 4 —116c -1-125/^ = 27 (13) = (11)— (12) 348c -f 928/^ = 3828 (14) = (5) X 116 —348c -h 375?^ = 81 (15) = (13) X 3 1303/i = 3909 (16) = (14) -f (15) « = 3 (17) = (16) -^ 1303 8u = 24 (18) = (17) X 8 3c = 9 (19) = (5) — (IS) c = 3 (20) = (19) ^ 3 3« = 9 (21) = (17) X 3 4c = 12 (22) = (20) X 4 4c — 3/< = 3 (23) = (22) — (21) 43/ =16 (24) = (23) + (7) y = 4 (25) = (24)-^4 8y = 32 (26) = (24) X 2 Sy — 4c = 20 (27) = (26) — (22) 2^ = 2 (28) = (6) — (27) t = 1 (29) = (28) -^ 2 2c = 6 (30) = (20) X 2 3u — 2c = 3 (31) = (21) — (30) 7x=14 (32) = (1) — (31) x = 2 (33) = (32)-^7 Collecting equations (33), (25), (20), (17), (29), we have 'x = 2. 84 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. ELIMINATION BY COMPARISON. (81.) We may a. so eliminate one of the unknown quan- tities of two equations, by the following process : Take the two equations 5y — 4a: = — 22, (1) 4y + 4a:==38. (2) If we, for a moment, consider y as a known quantity, we may then, from each of these equations, find the value of X by Rule under Art. 75. We thus find 22 +5y 4 (3) 38-31/ X ^ — ^— . (4) Putting these two values of x equal to each other, we have 22+5y 38 -By -^- - —T- ■ ^^^ Clearing (5) of fractions, it becomes 22 + 52/ = 38 — 3y, (6) transposing and uniting terms, we find Sy = 16 .-. y = 2. This value of y substituted in either of the equations (3) or (4), will give x=8. The above method of eliminating may be given as in the following RULE. I. Find, from each of the given equations, the value oj one of the unJaiown qttantities, by Rule under Art. 75., on the supposition that the other qaantities are knovm. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 85 II. Then equate these different expressions of the value of the tinknown, thus found ^ and we shall thus have a number of equatiojis one less than were first given; and they will also contain a numher of unknown quantities one less than at first. III. Operating with these new equations as was done with the given equations, we can again reduce their number one; and continuing this process we shall finally have but one equation containing but one unknown quantity, which will then become known. EXAMPLES. (7x + 5y + 2c= 79 (1)) 1 . Given I 8a; + 7y + 92 = 122 (2) \ , to find x, y, t x+4y-^oz= 55 (3) !l and c. By Rule under Art. 75, we find, by using (1), (2) and (3), _19—5y — 2z 7 (4) 122^^.^ (5) a; = 55 — 4y— 5-. (6) Equating (4) and (6) ; and (5) and (6), we have 79 — 5y — 2z ^. , Y =5o—4y—5z, (7) 122 — 7y — 9z „ . . ,_, ^ =o5—4y — oz. (8) When cleared of fractions, (7) and (8) become 79 _ 5y _ 2r = 385 — 28y — 35z, 122 — ly — 9z = 440 — 32y — 40r. Transposing and uniting terms, we have 23y + 33r = 306, (9) 25y-j-31c=318. (10) 86 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Equations (9) and (10) give _306 — 33z y~ 23 ' (11) 318 — 31z Equating (11) and (12), we have 306— 33z 318 — 31z (13) 23 25 ' which reduced gives c = 3. This value of z substituted in (11) gives 2/ = 9. And these values of z and y, substituted in (6), give ( ^^4-^2/+^- = 62^ 2. Given ? ^x + jy -f- ^2 =47 > j ^o fi"^ ^5 V) ^^^ 2; l\x-^\y + lz=ZsS These equations, when cleared of fractions, become 6.T+ 4y+ 2,z= 744, (1) 20x+15y+12z = 2820, (^) 15a: + 12y -j- 10- = 2280. (3) Til From (1), (2), and (3), we find _744 — 6a: — 4i/ " 3 2820 — 20a:— 15y "12 ' 2280— 15a:— 12y (4) (5) (6) 10 Equating (4) with (5), and (4), with (6), we have SIMPLE KQUATIONS. 87 744 — 6x — \y 2820 — 20x — 15y 3 12 ' (') 744 — 6x — 4y 2280 — 15a; — \2y 3 10 (8) Equations (7) and (8) when reduced become 4a; + y=156, (9) 15a; + 4y = 600. (10) Equations (9) and (10) give y=156— 4x, (11) 600 — 15x y- 4 • (12) Equating (11) and (12) , we have ,_ , 600 — 15a; lo6 — 4a; = . 4 (13) This reduced, gives a; = 24. Having found z, we readily find y and z to be y=60; ^ = 120. ELIMINATION BY SUBSTITUTION. (82.) There is still another method of elimination. 1. Suppose we have given the two equations 5x + 2y = 45, (1) 4a; + 3/ = 33. (2) From the first we find 45— 5x y= 2 • (3) Substituting this value of y in (2), we have , 45 — 5a; „„ 4x -j = 33. (4) 88 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Equation (4), when cleared of iVaclions, becomes 8x-f-45 — 5a: = 66. (5) This gives a: = 7. Substituting this value of a: in (3), we find 3/ = 5. 2. Again, suppose we have given, to find x, i/, and z, the three equations 2x-{-4y — 3z = 22, (1) 4.x — 2y-\-5z = 18, (2) 6x + ly— z = 63. (3) From equation (3) we obtain c = 6a; + 7y — 63. (4) Substituting this value of c, in (1) and (2), and they will become 2x -|- 42/ — 3(6a: 4- 73/ — 63) = 22, (5) 4a: — 21/ -f- 5(6x4- 71/ — 63) =18. (6) Equations (5) and (6) become, after expanding, transpo- sing, and uniting terms, l6a:-(-l''y=167, (7) 34a: -\- 33y = 333. (8) Equation (7) gives This value of a:, substituted in (8), gives 34067-17^)^^33^^333 ^^^^ Equation (10), when solved as a simple equation of one un known quantity, gives Substituting this value of y in (9), w^e find z = 3. Using these values of x and y in (4), we obtain 1 = 4. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 89 (83.) This method of climiniiting- may be comprehended in the followintr RULE. Having found the value of one of the unknown quantities^ from either of the given equations^ in terms of the other unknown quantities, substitute it for that unknown quantity in the remaining equations, and we shall thus obtaiji a new system of equations one less in number than those given. Operate with these new equations as with the first, and so continue until we find one single equation with hut one un- known quantity, ichich will then become known. EXAMPLES. / X — u'= 50 {l)\ , r.- \'iy — x= 120 (2)( 1. Criven ^2- _ y ^ 120 ^3)?' , to findw, x, y, and z. (3iy — - = 195 (4)) From (1) we find w = X — 50. (5) This value of ic, substituted in (4), gives 3(j;_50)— - = 195, or 3x— r = 345. (6) Equation (6) gives z=3x — 345. (7) This value of z, substituted in (3), gives 2(3x — 345)— 2/= 120, orGo:— y = 8l0 (8) Equation (8) gives y = 6x — SlO. (9) This value of y, substituted in (2), gives 3(6x— 810) — 2: = 120, (10) or 17a: = 2550. (11) .•.a:=150. (12) 12 90 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. This value of x causes (9) to become 3/ = 90. Using the value of x in (7), we find z=105. Finally, using the value of x in (5), we find w = 100. rx + ly = a, {\)\ 2. Given }y-{-\z = a^ (2) > to find a:, y, and z. {z-\r\x = a, (3)) Equation (3) gives • ■ ■-=—■ w This value of c, substituted in (2) , we have I 4a — X ,_. y+-^^=«- (5) Clearing of fractions and uniting terms, (5) becomes 12y — x = 8a. (6) From (6) we find x = 12y — Sa. (7) This value of a:, substituted in (1) , gives 122/ - 8a +1 = a. (§) Equation (8) gives 25y=18a, (9) Therefore, y = — r-- ' ^ 25 This valup. of y, substituted in (7), gives _ 16a ^~ 25 * Substituting for x, in (4), its value just found, we have ^_21a ''~25' SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 91 Hence, collecting values, we have We may observe that if a is any multiple of 25, the above values of x, y, and z will be integers. (84.) All equations of the first degree, containing any number of unknown quantities, can be solved by either ot the Rules under Articles 79, 81, and 83, or by a combina- tion of the same. The student must exercise his own judgment, as to the choice of the above Rules. In very many cases he will dis- cover many short processes, which depend upon the parti- cular equations given. (85.) We will now solve a few equations, and shall en- deavor to effect their solution in the simplest manner possi- ble. , ^. ^ 6x -I- 53/ = 128, L . 1,, 1 ^ , 1. Given \ „ ^^' > to find the values of a; and ■?/. nx + 43/ == 88, ) ^ Adding the two equations, and dividing the sum by 9, we find x + y = 2i. (1) Multiplying (1) by 3, and subtracting the result from the second of the given equations, we have i/=16. (2) Subtracting (2) from (1), we get x=8. 2. Given ^ y + r = 6, (2) > to find x, y, and 2. ■C: (3)) 92 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Dividing the sum of these three equations by 2, we find .+y + . = "-+A±i. (4) From (4) subtracting, successively, (2), (3), and (1), we find b + c-h 2 ' a — c + b 2—' r W a-\-b-{-c Equations (1), (2), and (3), of this last example, are so related that if in (1) we change x to y, y to z, and a to b, it will correspond with (2). Again, if in (2) we change y to z, z to x and b to c, it will correspond with (3). Also, if in (3) we change z to x, x to y, and c to a, it will give (1), from which we first started. In each change we have advanced the letters one place lower in the alphabeti- cal scale, observing that when we wish to change the last letters of the series, as z or c, we must change them respec- tively to X and a, the first of the series. Since the above changes can be made with the primitive equations (1), (2), (3), without altering the conditions of the question, it follows that the same changes can be made in any of the equations derived from those. Thus, execu- ting those changes in equations (A), we find that the first is changed into the second, the second into the third, and the third in turn is changed into the first. SlMn-E EQUATIONS. 93 Vx y (1) 3. GivenJl + l_A \y ~ (2) (>\-' ^3) If we take the sum of these three equations, we shall ob- tain 9 - + ^ + ^---^' + ft + c. (4) Now, subtracting twice (2) from (4), and we have ^- = a-Y c — b. (5) In a similar manner subtracting twice (3) and (1), suc- cessively, from (4), and we find ? = a-o+i; (6) 2 - = — a + b + c. i?) Equations (5), (6), and (7), readily give 2 ^ 2 V (B) 2 \ • -a-^b + c J The letters in this example will admit of the same changes as those pointed out in the last example. Indeed, the only difference between the two examples is, that the unknown quantities in the one example are the reciprocals of those in the other. Consequently the expressions for a*, y^ and c, 94 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. as given by equations (B), ought to be the reciprocals of those given by equations (A), which we find to be really the case. 4. Given ^ 3/+6(x+z)=7j, (2) > to find x, y, and z. (z-\-c{x-^y)-'--p, (3)) If we add and subtract ax from the left-hand member of (1), and add and subtract by from the left-hand member of (2), and add and subtract cz from the left-hand member of (3), they will become {l-a)xi-a{x + y-\-z)=m, (4) {l-b)y-\-b{x-]-y-{-z) = n, (5) {l-c)z-{-c{x + y-{.z)=p. (6) If we divide (4) by 1 — a, and (5) by 1 — b, and (6) by 1 — c, they will become x+--^(x + y + z)=-^; (7) 1 — a 1 — a ' ^ .(a: + y4-z)=-^: (8) Taking the sum of (7), (8), and (9), we have ^ _i ^ I P (10) Therefore, x-j- 2/ -f- 2^ f . ^^^^ 1 + ,-^+ I — a ' 1—6 SIMPLE EQT^ATIONS. 96 This value of x-j-y + 2 substituted in (7), (8), and (9), gives ( _^ [_ ^ \ P 1 — a 1 — a).,a b c '-, (12) 1— a ' 1—b ' 1-T n - . l—a~^ l—b~^ 1 — c 1 — a 1 — b 1 — c ._ P > 1— g. 1 — 6"^1 — c (14) 1 — a ' ]—b 1 — c This example affords a l:eautiful illustration of the law of permutations which can be made with the letters which enter into symmetrical equations. The primitive equations (1), (2), (3); the three equations (4), (5), and (G) ; and the three (7), (8), and (9) ; as well as the three (12), (13) and (14), can be deduced in succession from each other, by simply advancing the letters one place lower in the alpha- betical scale. Equations (10) and (11), which contain all the different letters, are of such a form as not to change by this method of permuting. Consequently the expression within the braces of (12), (13), (14), which is the right- hand member of (11), must remain unchanged for the values ofx, y, andc. By studying carefully the different laws by which changes may be made, we have great control over symmetrical algebraic expressions which we could not otherwise obtain. It is not always necessary that the change should be in alphabetical order, but may vary according to 96 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. any other law. The principle may be thus stated : what- ever changes can be made among the letters entering into the primitive equations, without altering the equations, the same changes may be made on any of the derived equa- tions. This method of deducing one expression from ano- ther of a similar nature, is of great* use, especially in the higher parts of analysis. In order that the proper permu- tations may be made with ease, and without danger of error, we must adopt some simple and uniform notation for the different values of the quantities which enter into our ex- pressions. Indeed, by a well chosen method of notation, we may frequently resolve, with ease, questions which would otherwise be extremely difficult. Perhaps we can not better impress upou the student, the importance of a judicious notation, than by giving, at length, the solution of the two following questions. 5. Find 7i numbers, such that the first increased by Ci times the sum of all the others, shall equal 61 ; the second, increased by og times the sum of the others, equals 62 ; the third, increased by 03 times the sum of the rest, equals ^3 ; and so on for the other numbers. Let the n numbers sought be represented by Xi, Xa, X3, ------ x„. Then, if S = xi+X2-|-X3 4- - - - - -\-x„, (a) we shall have, by the conditions, the following system of equations : SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 97 3^1 + fll(S — Xi)=6i, (1) xo + a,{S-x.)=^h,, (2) x; + as{S—x,)=b,, (3)( (A) Xn-{-an{S-x„)=b.. {n). From (A) we readily find the following system of equa- tions : "■ xs- ^' X3- 01— 1 (1-2 flo— 1 03 1 «, — r X S— X 5— b. Oo— i' as— 1' (1': (2') (3')> (A') :r„=-i^x5- ^" On— I ««— 1 (^') Taking the sum of the n equations (A') , we find S=B' X S—B". (B) Where, for the sake of brevity, we have put «i — l^Go— 1^03— 1^ ^a,— !'"^^ D"=-^+ & ai—1 ' ao—l ' 03—1"^ ^a„— 1' ^° ^ Returning to equation (B) , we find D' — 1 This value of 5 written in the n equations (A') gives (C) 13 98 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. X2 D'— 1 ^ «,— 1 0. — 1 (D) D" If?/ =10; and bi=bo = l.3=bi = b5=b^ = bj==h=h = 6io=845693; and Oi=i, «2 = i-, 03=!) 04=ij will the above question agree with one in the Higher Arith- metic, which question is there required to be solved by rules purely arithmetical. The preceding question, is also a particular case of the above question. G. Suppose n individuals, Ai, Aa, A3, . - - - A„, play together on this condition, that the one who loses shall give to each of the others as much as they then have. First Ai loses, then As, then A3, then A4, and so on, until, in turn, they have all lost ; and at the end of the^ith game their respective shares are Oj, oo, 035 "n- How much had each before playing ? SOLUTION. Let their respective shares before playing be represented by X], X2.X3J - - - - x„. Also, put a:, +X0 + X3+ ----- +Xn = S. (1) Since Ai loses on the first game, he must, by the question, give to Aa, A3, A4, &c., as much as they now have. Hence SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 99 Ai's money will be diminished by Xo -|- X3 -|- x.| H \- x„, which, by (1), equals 5 — Xi, so that Ai's money will be Xi — {S — Xi)=2xi—S. Therefore, at the end of the first game, they will have Ai, A.J, A3, A„, 2 Ji — S ; 2xo ; 2x3 ; 2x„ . Now, since A2 loses on the second game, he must give to Ai, A3, A4, &c., as much as they now have. Hence Aa's money will be diminished by 2x1 — 5' 4- 2x3 +2x4 + 2x„. (2) Since they, all together, always have the same amount as at first, we have 2x1 — 5 4- 2x, + 2x3 H 2xn=S; (3) .-. 2xi — iS + 2x3 + 2x4 H 2x„ = S—2X'2. Hence, Ao, after the second game, will have 2xo —{S — 2x,) = 4x0 — S. Therefore, at the end of the second game, they will have Ai, Ae, A3, A4, A„, 4xi — 2 .S; 4x2 — S; 4x3; 4x4; 4x„. Proceeding in this way, we find that after the third game, they will have Ai, Ao, A3, A4 As, A„, Sxi— 4 S; 8x2 — 2 S; 8x3 — S; 8x4 ; 8x5; - - - 8x„. And in general, after the 7ith game, they will have Ai, A2, A3, A„, 2"^^ — 2"-'S; 2"x.2 — 2"-'S; 2"Xi — 2"-^ 5; - - - 2''x„ — S. Equating these results with the values, fil, 02, 03} 04} ^"1 100 SIMPLK EQUATIONS. we have the n followin;^ equations 2"Xi — 2"-'S=ai^ 2"a:3— 2"-^S=fl3, (1') (2') (4': (A) 2"x„_i — 2 6'=a„_i, (("-!)') From tl)c above system of equations (A), we readily find (1") a,.S -^=2^. + 2.. (2") ^^-2« + 23' (3") s 2"-' , ([^-1]") (^") B) Now, since they all together had as much money when they left off playing, as they had before playing, it follows, that 5=ai + a2 + «3+ 04 + - - - - fln- (C) If this value of S be substituted in the system of equations (B), we shall then have the values of Ii, To? 3-3) - - - - - Xnj in terms of known quantities. If we have the relation fli = 02 = 03 = oi = - - - - = flu, jr. t>^-*Y\ ^ SIMPLE EQUATIONS 101 then (C) will give ■ind the system of equations (B) will then become \2 ' 2"/ 1 If, in (D), we suppose 7i = 5 and ai = 32, we shall have Xi = 8l; a:2=41; X3=:21; X4=ll; Z5=6. The above supposition causes our question to agree with Ques. 13, Chap. XII, Higher Arithmetic. /'w+x + 3/ = 13, (1)) \xi + x-^z=\l, (2)( 7. Given ^^_|_^_^^^jg^ ^4^ ? to find w, x, y, and z, Dividing the sum of these four equations by 3, we obtain u-{-x-\-y-\-z = 22,. (5) From (5), subtracting successively, (4), (3), (2), and (1), and we find S. Given < ^ ^ ' Mo find x and y. I x + 5y=191,i ^ Ans. x= 16. y=36. 102 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 9. Given < - '^ ^ ''>tofindxand ^ 9y— 347= 5a:-420, i )3^23 , ,a=56. Ans. 10. Given < ^ + 2/ 3a + x I, ^^ fl^d a: and y. \ ax -\- 2by =dy ) \ ^ = 5 ^• ' ^~ 36 11. A and B possess together a fortune of $570. If A's fortune were 3 times, and B's5 times as great as each really is, then they would have together $2350. How much had each ? Ans. A $250, B $320. 12. Find two numbers ot the following properties : When the one is multiplied by 2, the other by 5, and both products added together, the sum is =31 ; on the other hand, if the first be multiplied by 7, and the second by 4, and both pro- ducts added together, we shall obtain 68. Ans. The first is 8, and the second is 3. 13. A owes $1200, B $2550 ; but neither has enough to pay his debts. Lend me, said A to B, j of your fortune, and I shall be enabled to pay my debts. B answered, I can discharge my debts, if you will lend me ^ of yours. What was the fortune of each ? Ans. A's fortune is $900, and that of B $2400. 14. There is a fraction, such, that if 1 be added to the numerator, its value =J, and if 1 be added to the denomi- nator, its value = i. What fraction is it ? Ans. j^. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 103 15. The sum of two numbers is = «, the quotient r.rishiL; from the division of the second, by the first is = /;. Find these numbers ? Ans.^-p-j,an,lj-^_^-j. 16. A, Bj C, owe together $2190, and none of them can alone pay this sum ; but when they unite, it can be done in the following ways : first, by B's putting ?■ of his property to all of A's ; secondly, by C's putting t} of his property to all B's; or, by A's adding § of liis property to that of C. How much did each possess ? Ans. A $1530 ; B $1540 ; and C $1170. 17. A and B possess, together, only | of the property of C ; B and C have, together, 6 times as much as A ; were B $680 richer than he actually is, then he would have as much as A and C together. How much has each? Ans. A, has $200 ; B, $360 ; and C, $840. 18. Three masons. A, B, C, are to build a wall. A and B, jointly, could build this wall in 12 days; B and C could accomplish it in 20 days ; but C and A would do it in 15 days. What time would each take to do it alone in ? And in what time will they finish it, if all three work together? ^^g \ A requires 20 days, B 30, and C 60 ; ^^' I all three together require 10 days. 19. Three laborers are employed in a certain work. A and B would, together, complete this work in a days ; B and C re- quire b days ; but C and A, only c days. What time would each require, singly, to accomplish it in 1 And in what time would they finish it, if they all three worked together ? Answer, . . 2abc , T. 2abc , A requires -r—- davs, B, • . days, ab -\- be — ca ' be + ca — cb ^ 2abc , T • , 2fl6c , days,: Jointly, ^-—^-p— days. ca -^ ab — be '' ' ^ ab -\-bc +ca 104 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 20. A certain number consists of three digits, which are in an arithmetical progression. If this number be divided by the sum of its digits, (that is, without considering the value they have as tens and hundreds,) the quotient is 48 ; but if 198 be subtracted from it, then we obtain for the remain- der a number consisting of the same digits as the one sought, but in an inverted order. What number is this 1 Ans. 432. 21. A cistern containing 210 buckets, may be filled by 2 pipes. By an experiment, in which the first was open 4, and the second 5 hqurs, 90 buckets of water were obtained. By another experiment, when the first w-as open 7, and the other 3^ hours, 126 buckets were obtained. How many buckets does each pipe discharge in an hour. And in what time will the cistern be filled, when the water flows from both pipes at once 1 C The first pipe discharges 15, and the Ans. < second, G buckets ; it will require 10 ( hours for them to fill the cistern. 22. According to Vitruvius, Hiero's crown weighed 20 lbs., and lost 1^ lbs., nearly, in water. Let it be assu- med that it consisted of gold and silver only, and that 20 lbs. of gold lose 1 lb. in water, and 10 lbs. of silver, in like manner, lose 1 lb. How much gold, and how much silver did this crown contain. Ans. 15 lbs. of gold, and 5 pounds of silver. 23. A person has two large pieces of iron whose weight is required. It is known that | of the first piece weighs 96 lbs. less than ^ of the other piece ; and that |- of the other piece weighs exactly as much as ^ of the first. How much did each of these pieces weigh ? Ans. The first weighs 720 lbs., the second 512 lbs. 24. Two persons, A and B, can together perform a piece SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 105 of work in 16 days. After having laboured jointly 4 days, A leaves, and B by laboring 36 days more, completes it. How many days Avould each separately require 1 . ^ A requires 24 days, I B requires 48 days. 25 . A merchant has two kinds of wine ; if he mix a gal- lons of the worst wine with b of the best, the mixture is worth c dollars per gallon ; but if he mix f gallons of the worst with g gallons of the best, then the mixture is worth h dollars per gallon. What is the price of each kind of wine per gallon '? , Price of the worst, ^ ' ^ " ; \~ ^ ' , ^ J ag — kf "'■ 'Price of the best, ^^ + ^) 'f-^f^ ^) ^\ 26. Seveial. detachments of artillery divided a certain number of cannon balls. The first took 72 and ^ of the remainder ; the next 144 and i of the remainder ; the third 216 and ^ of the remainder ; and the fourth 288 and I of the remainder, and so on j when it was found that the balls had been equally divided. What was the number of detachments and the number of balls 1 Ans. 8 detachments, and 4608 balls 27. A person has three horses and a saddle, which of itself is worth 220 dollars. If he put the saddle on the back of the first horse, it will make his value equal to that of the second and third ; but if he put it on the back of the second horse, it will make his value double that of the first and third ; and if he put it on the back of the third horse, it will make his value triple that of the first and second. What is the value of each horse ? Ans. 20, 100, and 140 dollars 13 106 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. ELIMINATION BY INDETERMINATE MULTIPLIERS. (86.) Suppose we wish to find x arid y from the equa- tions 2a: + 33/ =13, (1) 5x + 43/ = 22. (2) Multiplying (1) by ??i, we find 2mx + Zmy = 13m. (3) Adding (2) and (3)^ we have (2wi+5)xH-(37?i+4)y = 13/n + 22. (4) Assume 3m -[-4^0 which gives ni = -h (5) This value of m causes equation (4) to become 13m -f 22 - ,„. ^=-^ r-^=2. (6) 2m + 5 Again, if we had assumed 2m + 5 = 0, which would have given m = -f, (7) then equation (4) would have become , = 13m±12_3. (8) ^ 3m + 4 ^ ^ Now, returning to our former equations, we will subtract (2) from (3) ; we thus obtain (2m — 5) :r + (3/n — 4) y = 13m — 22. (9) Assume 3m — 4=0, which gives m = f. This value of m causes (9) to become 13m — 22 ^ (10) (11) 2m — 5 Again, assume 2m — 5 = 0, which gives m=^ (13) This causes (9) to become SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 107 13m + 22^ (13) These values of a: and y are the same as just found. It is evident that had we multiplied (2) by m, and then added, or subtracted the result from (1), we should then have found, in a similar manner, the same values for x and y. (87.) We will now apply this method to the two literal equations, Z:x+Fi2/ = A, " (1) Zoa; + Y.y = M^. (2) In these equations the capital letters are supposed to be known, and their subscript numerals indicate the equation to which they belong. Thus, Xo is the coefficient of a: in the second equation. Yi is the coefficient of y in the first equation. ^2 is the absolute term, or the term independent of x and y in the second equation. Returning to our equations, we will multiply (1) by m and add the result to (2) ; we thus obtain (Zim + Zo) X + ( Yijn + F,) y = .^^m + ^s- (3 ) Assume Yim + F) = 0, which gives m = — -. (4) This causes (3) to become ( Xim -\-Xo)x = ^im-{- ^2, (5 ) which gives immediately ^ ~ Xim + X2~'XjY2 — A'o Yi ^ ^ Assume Aim -f- Xo =: 0, which gives 108 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. » = -| (7) This value of m causes (3) to become _ Aim + >^2 _ Ji-iXj — AyX-2 Hence, the values of x tind y are (S) A2X1 — AiX>2 (9) These values of x and y may be considered as comprising the solution of all simple equations combining only two un- known quantities. If we wish to adapt this general solution to the equations 2x + 3y = 13, 5x + 4y = 22 ; we must call ^1=13; ^0 = 22. Fi=:3; 72 = 4. These values substituted in (9), give x = 2', y = 3. (88.) As a still farther illustration of the method of elimi- nation by means of indeterminate multipliers, we will pro- ceed to the solution of three simultaneous simple equations, involving three unknown quantities x, y and z; and we will continue to make use of the notation by the assistance of subscript numbers. Let the equations be as follows : SIMPLE EQUATIONS, 109 A>-}- \\y^Z^z = A^, (1) Xcx + Y.,y + Zo2 = ^o, (2) ^3x4- F3y + Z,z = ^3. (3) In these equations, as in those of the last example, the capital letters X, F, Z, are the coefficients of their corres- ponding small letters. The small numerals placed at the base of these coefficients correspond to the particular equa- tion to which they belong. Thus X-i is the coefficient of x in the second equation ; F3 is the coefficient of y in the third equation ; Zi is the coefficient of z in in the first equa- tion, and so for the other coefficients. The letter A is used to denote the right-hand members of the equations, or the absolute terms ; the subscript numbers in this case also de note the equation to which they belong. This kind of notation, by use of subscript numbers, is very natural and simple, and combines many advantages over the ordinary methods. Having explained this method of notation, we will now proceed to the solution of our equations. If we multiply (1) by ?n, and (2) by 7j, and then add the results, we shall obtain (Xiwi -f X-ra) X -f ( Ym + Fon) y -j- {Ziin -\- Z'in)z = Jlym -f- A^n. (4) From (4) subtracting (3), we find ( Xim -\- Xa — X2)x = Aini + Ji2n — .U. (8) Therefore, . Ai'in -f- A-iU — Ai / Qv Xxm -j- X^" i I I N o ^" I + : « o >^' I ^ i 4- ^ CO "^ tS3 - + + N I I I I I + + + + + + 119 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. (89). We will now proceed to point out some remark- able relations in the combinations of the letters marked with subscript numbers, as given by equations (15), (16), and (17). I. The denominator, which is common to the three expressions, is composed of six distinct products, each consisting of three independent factors. Three of these products are positive, and three are npgative. II. The letters forming the different products of this com- mon denominator being always arranged in alphabetical order, X, F, Z, we remark that the subscript numbers of the first product are 1, 2, 3. Now, if we add a unit to each of these numbers, observing that when the sum becomes 4 to substitute 1, we shall obtain 2, 3, 1, which are the subscript numbers of the second product. Again, increasing each of these by 1, observing as before, to write 1 when the sum becomes 4, we find 3, 1,2, which are the subscript numbers of the third product. If we increase each of these last numbers by 1, observing the same law, we shall obtain 1, 2, 3, which are the subscript numbers belonging to the first product. A similar method of chang- ing has already been noticed under Art. 85. What we have said in regard to the subscript numbers of the positive products, applies equally well in respect to the negative products. III. The numerator of the expression for x, may be derived from the common denominator by simply substi- tuting J? for Xj observing to retain the same subscript numbers. The numerator of the expression for y may be derived from the common denominator by substituting A for F, observing to retain the same subscript numbers. 14 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 113 In the same way may the numerator of the expression for z be found by changing Z of the denominator into A, retaining the same subscript numbers. (90.) We will now proceed to show how these expres- sions, for X, y, and c, can be obtained by a very simple and novel process, which is easily retained in the memory, and which is applicable to all simple equations involving only three unknown quantities. Writing the coefficients and the absolute terms in the same order as they are now placed in equations (1), (2), (3), we have ^l Fi Zi =: A, x> Fa Zo = A. X; Fa Za = A; i w Now, all the products of the common denominator can be found by multiplying together by threes, the coefficients which are found by passing obliquely from the left to the right, observing that if the products obtained by passing obliquely downwards, are taken positively, then those form- ed by passing obliquely upwards must be taken negatively, and conversely. This is in accordance with the property of the negative sign. In the present case the products formed by passing obliquely downwards, are taken posi- tive. In this sort of checker-board movement, we must ob- serve that when \ve run out at the bottom of any column, we must pass to the top of the same column ; and when we run out at the top, we must pass to the bottom of the same column. This method is most readily performed upon the black- board, by drawing oblique lines connecting the successive factors of the different products. 114 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. We will trace out this sort of oblique movement. Commencing with .Xi, we pass obliquely downwards to Foj and thence to Z3, and thus obtain the positive product of Xr Yi Z3. Commencing with X^, we pass obliquely downwards to F3, and since w'e have now run out with the column of Z's at the bottom, w^e pass to Z], at the top of the column, and thus obtain the positive product X2F3Z1. Again, commencing with X3, we pass to Fi, and thence obliquely downwards to Zo, and find the positive product XzYiZ'Z. Now, for the negative products we make similar move- ments obliquely upwards. Thus, commencing with Xi, we pass to Y3, and thence obliquely upwards to Zo, and find the negative product X1F3Z,. Commencing with A'o, we pass obliquely upwards to Fi, and thence to Z3, and find the negative product X^ Fi Z3. Again, commencing with A3, we pass obliquely upwards to Fi, and thence to Zi, and thus obtain the negative pro- duct A3F2Z1. Having thus obtained the denominator which is common to the values of x, y, z; we may find the numerator of the value of a-, by supposing the c/Ts to take the place of the A's, and then to repeat our checker-board movement. By changing the F's into the ^^'s, we shall find the numera- tor of the value of y ; and by changing the Z's into jJ's we shall find the numerator of the value of z. (91.) We will now illustrate this method of solving simple equations containing only three unknown quantities, by a few examples. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. \]i) 2x -j- 3y -{. 4z = 16, -\ Given ^3x -{- 5y -\~ Iz = 26, > to find x, y, and z. 4x -f 23/ + 3z = 19, ) We will first find the common denominator. Positive Products. Negative Products. 2X5X3=30 2X2X7 = — 28 3x2x4 = 24 3x3x3 = — 27 4X3X7 = 84 4X5X4= — 80 138 — 135 — 135 3 = common denominator. We have for the numerator of x the following operation Positive Products, Negative Products. 16X5X3 = 240 16X2X7 = — 224 26X2X4 = 208 26x3x3 = — 234 19x3x7 = 399 19X5X4=— 380 847 — 838 838 9 = numerator, for x. To find the numerator for y, we have Positive Products. Negative Products. 2X26X3 = 156 2x19x7 = — 266 3X19X4=228 3x16x3 = — 144 4X16x7=448 4x26X4= — 416 832 — 826 — 826 6 = numerator, for y. 116 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. To find the numerator for c, we have Positive Products. Negative Products. 2x5x19= 190 2X2X26=— 104 3X2X16=: 96 3X3X19 = — 171 4X3X26 = 312 4X5X16 = — 320 598 — 595 — 595 3 = = numerator, for z. Hence, x — ti 3 = 3. y = 1 = 2. z 3 = 1. When some of the coefficients are negative, we must ob- serve the rule for the multiplication of signs. r 2a; + 42/ — 3r = 22, ^ 2. Given ^ 4x — 2y + 5r= IS, > to find x, y, and z, ( 6x-{-ly— z = 62, ) To find the common denominator, we have Positive Products. Negative Products. 2X — 2X — 1= 4 2X 7x 5= — 70 4X 7X — 3=-84 4X 4X— 1= 16 6X 4X 5= 120 6X — 2X — 3=— 36 40 -90 -90 — 50 = common denominator. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 117 Positive Products. Negative Products. 22X- -2X — 1= 44 22 X 7X 5= — 770 18 X 7X — 3 = — 378 18 X 4X — 1== 72 63 X 4X 5= 1260 63X- -2X — 3^— 378 926 -1076 — 1076 — 150 = numerator, for x. — 50 Proceeding in a similar way, we find the values of y and z. to find X, y, and z. 'J ) We will arrange the coefficients, omitting the unknown quantities, observing also to write for such terms as are wanting. This arrangement being made, we have 1 ^ = a 1 1 = a i 1 = a Positive Products. Negative Products. 1X1X1= 1 lXOXi = 0X0X0=0 OxiXl = iXiXi = ^V 1X1X0 = 2 A = common denominator. For the numerator of x, we have 118 simple equations. Positive Products. Negative Products. 0X1X1= a axOXi= aXOxO= aX\Xl = — \a aX}sX\ = la aXlXO= jfl = numerator, for x. Hence, x=%a-^%\=^ \la. By a similar process is the value of y and z fouml. C x-\-a{y-\-z)=m^ ^ 4. Given }^ y -\-b{x -\- z)=n, > to find rr, y, and 2. These coefficients, being properly arranged give. 1 a a 1= m b 1 b = n c c 1 = P siTivE Products. Negative Products 1X1X1= 1 \XcXb=—hc b XcXa=abc ftXaXl=— aft c XaXb=abc cXlXa=— ac \-\-2abc — ab — ac — be ■ab — ac — be 1 -\-2abc — ab — ac — bc = common denominator. For the numerator of .t, we have simple equations. 119 Positive Products. Negative Products. mxlxl= m mxcxh:= — bcia n xc xa = (ten n xax\=- — an p xaxb =: ahp ^ x 1 X o =: — nj; m -j- acn -\- ahp — hem — an — ap hem — an — ap m-\-acn-{-ahp — hem — an — ap = numeralor of x. Tj m-\-acn-\-abp — hem — an — ap 1 -|- 2ahc — ah — ae — he If to this expression for x we apply the principle of per- mutation, as already explained, by advancing the letters one place lower in the alphabetical scale, we shall find n -f- hap -j- hem — can — hp — hm l'-\-2hca — he — 6c — ea Again, permuting this expression, we have p-\- ehm -j- ean — ahp — cm — C7i l-\-2eab — ca — ch — ah This solution is far shorter than the one given on page 94, and the expressions for x, y, and z, are far more sim- ple. We may remark, that the denominators of the above ex- pressions are common, as they must of necessity be, in vir- tue of the general results given by Equations (15), (16), (17), on page 111. 5. A, B, and C, owe together (a) $2190, and none of them can alone pay this sum ; but when they unite, it can be done in the following ways : first, by ]3's putting 5 of his property to all of A's ; secondly, by Cs putting j of his property to all of B's ; or by A's putting I of his property to all of Cs. How much was each worth 1 120 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Let X, y, and c, represent -what A, B, and C, were re- spectively worth. Then we shall have these conditions, X + ^y = a, y + f c = a, z + |x = a. Clearing these of fractions, and arranging the coefficients, we have 7 3 = 7a 9 5 = 9a 2 3 = 3a Positive Products. Negative Products. 7 X 9X 3=1=189 7 X X 5=0 X X 0= X 3 X 3=0 2x3x5= 30 2X9X0 = 219 = common denominator. Positive Products. Negative Products. 7a X 9 X 3 = 189a 7a X X 5 = 9aX0x0= 9ax3x3 =— 8la 3a X 3 X 5 = 45a 3a X 9 X 9= 234a —81a —81a 153a ::= numerator of x- 153a _ 153X2190 "219 ~ 219 For the numerator of y, we find Hence, x = -^ = ^^^ = 1530. simple equations. 121 Positive Products. Negative Products 7 X 9a X 3 = 189a ' 7 X 3a X 5 = — 105a 0x3aX0== 0x7ax3= 2 X 7a X 5 = 70a 2 X 9a X = 259a — 105a 105a 154a = numerator of y. 154a Hence, y = ^^ = 1540. For the numerator of z, we have Positive Products. Negative Products. 7x9x3ai=189a 7x0x9a = 0x0x7a= 0x3x3a = 2x3X9a= 54a 2x9x7a = — 126a 243a — 126a — 126a 117a = numerator of z. Hence, z = ^19- = 11^0- Collecting the results, we find that A was worth $1530, B " " $1540, C " " $1170. . The student will find, after a little practice in this method that it is much more simple than would at first sight seem Whenever some of the coefficients are zeros, as in th« 3d and 5th examples, the work is much abridged, as in this caee some of the products must become zero 15 INVOLUTION. CHAPTER IV. INVOLUTION, EVOLUTION, IRRATIONAL AND IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. INVOLUTION. (92.) The process of raising a quantity to any proposed power is called Involution. When the quantity to be involved is a single letter, it is involved by placing the number denoting the power above it a little to the right. (Art. 11.) After the same manner we may represent the power of any quantity, by enclosing it within a parenthesis, and then treating it as a single letter. Thus, the second power of mx =^ {mxy, the third power of a + 6 = (a -f- by, the fourth power of 3m -{- y= (3m + y)*, &c., &c. CASE I. (93.) To involve a monomial, we obviously have this INVOLUTION. 123 RULE. I. Raise the coefficient to the required power^ by actual multiplication. II. Raise the different letters to the required power by multiplying the exponents^ which they already have, by the number denoting the power, observing that if no exponent is written , then one is always understood. To this power prefix the power of the coefficient. Note. — If the quantity to be involved is negative, the signs of the even powers must be positive, and the signs of the odd powers negative. (Art. 29.) 1. What is the square of Zax^l Here the square of 3 equals 3== 3x3 = 9. Considering the exponent of a, in the expression ax^, i one, ve find a'x^ for the square of ax^. Therefore we have {'iax^Y=2aHK 2. What is the fifth power of — 2ab^ ? Ans. {—2ab^)^= — ?,2a^b'' 3. What is the fourth power of — - xy~^? o Ans. (_lx2/-')^==^^:r*3/-«, which by Art. 49, is the same as 124 INVOLUTION. , 4. What is the seventh power of — ar^xl Ans. -a-V = — ^. 5. What is the third power of x^jr' ? Ans. x^jr' = -^ 6. What is the nth power of — 2x-3 y^ 1 Ans. ±2"a:-3Y'' = i:-^ 7. What is the square of — 7a; - * y - ^ ? Ans. 49x-^y-=i?, 8. What is the third power of — - x'^y~^ ? 1 x^ Ans. r x^y~^^ = 125 " 125y'^ 9. What is the seventh power of — m^xz-^ ? 7 Ans. — m^x''z~'^. 10. What is the fourth power of — - n-^y^ ? Ans. Q^n^Y^- CASE II. (94) When the quantity is compound, we can write the different powers by the aid of rules which we will hereafter point out. (See Binomial Theorem.) At present we will content ourselves, by involving com- pound expressions by actual multiplication, according to Rule under Art. 33. INVOLUTION. 125 EXAMPLES. 1. Find the seconil power of x -{• V — x-{-y — z X' -|- XT/ XZ — XZ —yz-{- Ans. = x'^-\- 2xy — 2xc+ y^ — 2yz -f- z'-. 2. Find the fifth power of a -f- ^j as well as all the lower powers of the same. {a-\-by = a-^b. a-\~b a- + ab -^ab-\-b'' (a-\-b)' = a^-}'2ob -\- b^. a +6 a3 -f 2a'b -f- ab" a"b -i- 2ab^ 4- 63 {a^by = a^ + Sa-b -\- 3ab- + b\ a -{-b a^ + 3a'b + 3a'h^ + ab' a^b + 3a=6= + 3a6» + ^* (a 4-6)^ = a^ 4- 4a86 + 60=6^ + 4a6^ + ft-*, a 4-6 a^J _|_ 4a^6- + Ga^ft* + 4fl6* -f • 6* 126 INVOLUTION. 3. Find the fifth and lower powers of a — b, {a — b)'=a — b. a — b -br= -b)*= a^- -ab -ab + b- -b' {a- a — ■'2ab-j-bK -b a«- - a'b-\-2ab^- {a- a - - 2a% -f- 3a6*— -b b\ a*- -3a'b-\-3a^'^- - a'b + 3a-b^- -ab Sal 3 {a- a — -4a'b-{-6a^b''- -b -4a b' + b*. «'- ~ia*b-{- 6a^^ — 4:aH'+ ab* ea^^-\- 4ab*— 6» (a_ J) «= a'-~5a*b + lOa^b^— 10a^^-\- 5ab*— b' 4. What is the cube of c — x ? Ans. o^ — 3a^a: -j- 3aa:^ — x^. 5. What is the square of m-{-n — x'f Ans. m^-\- 2mn — 2mx + n^ — 2nx -\- x^. 6. What is the fourth power of 3x — 2y? Ans. 81x^—216x^1/ + 216x^y^— 96xy« + 16y*. 7. What is the square of a-\-b? Ans. a"+2ab-i-.b^. 8. What is the square of a + 6 + c ? Ans. ai-\- 2ab + 2ac -{-b^ + 2bc + c^. EVOLUTION. 127 EVOLUTION. (95.) Evolution is the extracting of roots, or the reverse process of involution. When the quantity whose root is to be found is a single letter, the operation is denoted by giving it a fractional ex- ponent, the denominator of which denotes the degree of the root. (Art. 14.) And in the same way we may denote the extraction of a root of any quantity or expression, by enclosing it within a parenthesis, and then treating it as a single letter. Thus, the second root of my= {my)'^, the third root of x -\- y ^ {x -\- yY , i_ the fourth rpot of 2x — 3?/ = (2x — 3y) * , J. the nth root of a — ft = {a — b)" , &c., &., CASE I. (96.) To extract a root of a monomial, we obviously have the following R U L E . I. Extract the required root of the coefficient^ by the i/sual arithmetical rule. When the root can not be accurately oh- 128 EVOLUTION. tained, it may be denoted by means of a fractional exponent, the same as in the case of a letter. II. Extract the required root of the different letters, by multiplying the exponents which they already have by the fractional exponent denoting the required root. To this root prefix the root of the coefficient. Note. — Since the even powers of all quantities, whether positive or negative, are positive'; it follows that an even root of a negative quantity is impossible, and an even root of a positive quantity is either positive or negative. We also infer that an odd root of any quantity has the same sign as the quantity itself. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the square root of 64a^6'*x^ ? In this example, the square root of the coefficient, 64,13 ±8, where we have used both signs. And, (0^6^)^= a6V, .-. (64a«6V)^==h8a6V. 2. What is the cube root of 64:a^x^ ? Ans. Aax'. 3. What is the fifth root of — 32x/ ? Ans. — 2x^y^. 4. What is the seventh root of — ax~^ 1 Ans. — a'^x~-^=z — — a ■ X^ 6. What is the square root of — 4a^5*? Ans. Impossible. V EVOLUTION. 129 6. What is the cube root of 21a^b^'' 1 Ans. 3«6'. 7. What is the fourth root of 16a -^x-^ ? 3- L L 26' Ans. =b2a-*6*x-'=i-^— 7. (97.) By comparing the operations of this rule, with those of rule under Art. 93, we see that involution and evolution of monomials may both be performed by one general rule, of multiplying the exponents of the respective letters by the exponent denoting the power or root. We will there- fore give the following promiscuous examples, which will require the aid of one or both of these rules. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the cube root of the second power of 8a'6^ 1 If we first raise 8a ^6^ to the second power, it will become (8o369)2= 64a«&'^ extracting the third root, we find (64a«6»«^^=4a=i«, for the result required. Again, first extracting the cube root of Sa^i^, it becomes raising this to the second power, it becomes the same as before. (98.) Hence, the cube root of the square of a quantity, is the same as the square of the cube root of the same quan- tity. And in general, the nth root of the mth power of a quan- tity^ is the same as the mth power of the nth root of the same quantity. 17 130 EVOLUTION. Therefore, a^ may be read, the fourth power of the fifth root o{ a, or the fifth root of the fourth power of a. And in the same way, {a -\-b)'^ is read, the third power of the square root of the sum of a and 6, or the square root of third power of the sum of a and b. 2. What is the value of (— 3a6 V) 3 ? Ans. 3^ah*^x\ 3. What is the value of {^a-'^b'xy ? Ans. ±32a-'b'^x^. (99.) Surd quantities may be made to assume several equivalent forms which require to be read differently. As 3 an example, the surd a~* may be written six different ways, as follows : — I — ) s 1. (M^) ; 2. ((«,^)') ; 3. ((a-)^) ; 4. ((ah-^; 5. ^(a-'))'; 6. ((a^)-)'. These six expressions are read as follows : 1. The reciprocal of the fifth root of the third powei of a. 2. The reciprocal of the third power of the fifth root of a. 3. The third power of the fifth root of the reciprocal of a. 4. The third power of the reciprocal of the fifth root of a. 5. The fifth root of the third power of the reciprocal of a. EVOLUTION. 131 6. The fifth root of the reciprocal of the third power of a. CASE I. (100.) To extract any root of a polynomial, we liave the following general RULE. I. Havhig arranged the polynomial according to the powers of some one of the letters^ so that the highest fower shall stand first, extract the required root of the first term, which will be the first term of the root sought. II. Subtract the power of this first term of the root from the polynomial .J and divide the first term of the remainder.) by the first term of the root involved to the next inftrior power, multiplied by the number denoting the root; the quo- tient will be the second term of the root. III. Subtract the power of the terms already found from the polynomial, and using the same divisor proceed as before. This rule obviously verifies itself, since, whenever a new term is added to the root, the whole is raised to the given power, and the result is subtracted from the given polyno- mial : and when we thus find a power equal to the given polynomial, it is evident that the true root has been found.. 1. What is the fifth root of a5 -j- 50^6 -f lOa^i^ _^ \Qa^b^-\- ba¥ -f b' ? OPERATION. ROOT. a» + 5a^6 + lOa^ft- + lOa^ft > 4- dab* -f- b' {a -\-b a* 5a*) 5a*6 ^a -\- by = a** -f 5a*b -{- lOa^b^ + lOa^^ + 5ab* + b' 132 EVOLUTION. EXPLANATION. We first found the fifth root of the first term a', to be ff, which we plated to the right of the polynomial for the first term of the root. Raising a to the fifth power and subtract- ing it from the polynomial, we have Dab for the first term of the remainder. Since the number denoting the root is 5, we raise the first term of the root, a, to the fourth power, which thus becomes a', this multiplied by the number derK^ting the root, gives 5a-* for our divisor. Now, dividing 5a'6 by 5a', we get b, which we write for the second terra of the root. Involving this root to the fifth power by actual multipli- cation, as was done in Ex. 2, Art. 94, we have (a + by= a^+ 5a'b -f lOa^^^-j- 10a''b^-\- 5ab*+ 6* ; which subtracted from the given polynomial, leaves no re- mainder, so that we know that a -\- b \s the true root. 2. What is the square root of 4x^ — 16x3 + 24a- — 16a: + 4 ? OPERATION. ROOT. 4x' — 16a:3+24j2_l6x+4(2x=^ — 4x-H2 4:X~) — ]6x^ (2x*— 4xf = 4x* — 16x3+i6x=^ 4x2)8x2 (Sr*— 4x-f2)=^=4x^ — 16x3+24x2— 16x-f 4 EVOLUTION. 133 3. What is the square root of 16a;* + 24x=' + S9x- -f- 60x + 100 ? Ans. 4x^ + 3x + 10. 4. What is the cube root of a« + 3a^ — 3a* — lla^ + 6a~ + 12fi — 8 ? Ans. a- -(- a -s— 2- 5. What is the sixth root of Ans. a — 6. 6. What is the fourth root of a*— 4c36 + 6a26- — 4o53 + b* ? Ans. a — b. (101.) If we carefully observe the law by which a poly nomial is raised to the second power, we shall, by reversing the process, be enabled to deduce a rule for the extraction of the square root of a polynomial, which will be more simple than the above general rule, and of more interest, since the arithmetical rule is deduced from it. By actual multiplication, we find (a+6)2 = a2+2a6+62, (a+6+c)- = a-+2«&+Z^--f2(«+6)c-4-c% {a+b4-c+dy = a2+2a6+62+2(a+6)c + c-+2(a+&-fcV-f-aS (a-l-6+c+d+e)2 ^ ( a2-h2a6+6'^+2(a+6)c+c2 ) I -\-2{a-\-b + c)d+d'-{-2{a+b+c-\-d)e+e'. i &c. &c. From the above, w^e discover, that (102.) The square of any polynomial is equal to the square of the first term, plus twice the first term into the second^ plus the square of the second ; plus tvnce the sum of the first two into the third, plus the square of the third; plus twice 134 EVOLUTION. tke Stan ofthejirst three into the fourth^ plus the square of the fourth; and so on. (103.) Hence, the square root of a polynomial can be found by the following RULE. I. Jlfter arranging the polynomial according to the powers of some one of the letters^ take the root of the first term for the first term, of the required root ^ and subtract its square from the polynomial. II. Bring down the next two terms for a dividend. Di- vide its first term hy twice the root just found, and add the quotient, both to the root, and to the divisor. Multiply the divisor, thus increased, into the term last placed in the root, and subtract the product from the dividend. III. Bring down two or three additional terms, and pro- ceed as before. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the square root of OPERATION. ROOT. a-'+2a6H-6-+2(a+6)c+cH-2(flH-i+c)d+d-^[a+6-hc4-d. 2fl& + 6--' 2a6+62 2(a+6)-|-c 2(a+6)c4-c2 2(a+6)c+c2 2(«+6+c)4-d. 2{a-\-b-\-c)dJ^d^ EVOLUTION. 135 2. What is the square root of OPERATION. RO(T 4:X^-i-12x^-{-5x* — 2a:3-|-7a;- — 2x-\-l (2x3+30;^ — x+ 1 . 4x« 4x'+3x- 12x^+5x-' 12x^+9x^ 4x^H-6x- — X — 4X'' — 2x3+7x'^ — 4x^ — 6x3-(- x-^ 4x3+6x2— 2x+l 4x3-1-6x2— 2x+l 4x3+6x2— 2x+l 3. What is the square root of X* — 2xY — 2a;- + 2/" + 2y- + 1 ? Ans. X- — y- — 1. 4. What is the square root of 9xy — 30xhj3 + 25xy ? Ans. 3x-y2 — p,xy. 5. What is the square root of a^ + 2ab — 2ac + i- — 25c + c' 1 Ans. a + 6 — c. 6. What is the square root of 4m-' — 36m7i + 81n-'? Ans. 2m — 9/j. In these examples, and in all others where an ece?i root is extracted, the terms of the root may have all their signs changed, and still satisfy the questions. 136 EVOLUTION. (104.) We will now endeavor to find a particular rule for the extraction of the cube root of a polynomial. B-y actual multiplication, we find {a-\-by = a^-\-3a-b+3ab^-\-b^, {a-\-b-\-cY = as-\-3(rb-\-3ab'-\-b-'-\-'3{a-\-bYc-\-3{a-\-b)c'-\-c', {a+b+c+dy &c., &c. (105.) From which we discover that The cube of any polynomial is equal to the cube of the first teryn, plus three times the square of the first into the second^ plus three times the first into the square of the second, plus the cube of the second; plus three times ^ the square of the sum of the first two into the third, plus three times the sum of the first two into the square of the third^ plus the cube of the third; plus three times the square of the sum of the first three into the fourth, plus three times the sum of the first three into the square of the fourth, plus the cube of the fourth ; and so on. (106.) Now we may reverse the above process, that is, we may extract the cube root of a polynomial by the fol- lowing RULE. I. Having arranged the terms of the polynomial accord- ing to the powers of some one of the letters, seek the cube root of the first term, which place at the right of the poly- nomial for the first term of the root, also place it at the left by itself, for the first term of a column, headed, first EVOLUTION. 137 COLUMN. Then multiply it into itself , and place the pro- duct for the first term of a column^ headed, secoi^d column. Again, multiply this last result, by the same first term of the root and subtract the product from the first term of the polynomial, and then bring down the next three terms of the polynomial, for the first dividend. Md the first term of the root just found to the first term of the first column, the sum will constitute its second term, which must be multi- plied by the first term of the root, and the result added to the first term of the second column, for its second term, which we will call the first trial divisor. The same first term of the root must be added to the second term of the first column, forming its third term. II. Divide the first term of the first dividend by the first term of the trial divisor, the quotient must be added to the root already found-, for its second term, it must also be added to the last tenn of the first column, the result will be its fourth term, which must be multiplied by the second term of the root, and the product added to the last term of the second column, which sum will give its third term, which in turn must be multiplied by the second term of the rooty and the product subtracted from the first dividend. III. To the remainder bring down three or four of the next terms of the polynomial for a second dividend. Pro- ceed with this second term of the root, precisely as was done with the first term, and so continue until the entire polyno- mial has been exhausted. IS 138 EVOLUTION. + ei O f V 4- CO + + co' + 1 + 4- + + co' + + CO o J H <; W o H- 4- + 4- + + 4- 4-4 4-4- co' CO 4- + 4- + + 4- H $S C^ ^ £:. < n* CD ►O fO 4^ ►o ai 1 1 + s + + S I H U3 CO CO 4- + 1.' a o O P CL, ^ o 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO CO ++ 00 + 1 1 1—1 1-1 + 1 1 S + + H H ~H % "h CO (>> (N I— 1 I— t , "h "h "h CO CO CO CO CO CO .2 ^ + + + + + 2 "h "h 'h 'h js ■« C^ CO CO CO CO CO 140 EVOLUTION. 5. What is the cube root of the polynomial a;6 — 6x^ 4- iDx^ — 20x'' + 15x^ —6a; + 1 1 Ans. x2 — 2a;+l. 6. What is the cube root of the polynomial a» + 12a'x'' — Sa'x' — 6a''x ? Ans. a^ — 2ax. 7. What is the cube root of a' — 3a' -j- ea' — la' -\- 6a^- — 3a + 1 1 Ans. a^ — a-\-l. 8. What is the cube root of x^ + 6x' + 21x' + 44x3 + 63ar» + 54a: + 27 1 Ans. x^-{-2x-\-3. (107.) From the above rule, for extracting the cube root of a polynomial, we can easily deduce the rule which we have given in the Higher Arithmetic for the extraction of the cube root of a number. This rule is also particularly interesting because of its close analogy to the method of finding the numerical roots of a cubic equation, as explained in a subsequent part of this work. SURD QUANTITIES, ^ IRRATIONAL OR SURD QUANTI- TIES. (108.) An Irrational Quantity, or Surd, is a quan- tity affected with a fractional exponent or radical, without which, it can not be accurately expressed. Thus, v'B is a surd, since the s-unu e root of 3 can not be accu- rately found 5 also 8^ 4% V4, V5, &c., are surd quanti- ties. REDUCTION OF SURDS. CASE I. (109.) To reduce a rational quantity to the form of a surd, we have this RULE. Raise the quantity to a power denoted by the root of the required surd; then the corresponding root of this poicer, expressed by means of a radical sign or fractional exponent, mil express the quantity under the proposed form. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 5a to the lorm of the cube root. Raising 5a to the tl.ird power, we have (5a)'=r25a^; extracting the cube root, it becomes 5a= Vl25^=(125a^)^ 142 SURD QUANTITIES. X 2. Reduce — to the form of the fifth root. 3. Reduce — to the form of the fourth root. Ans. — =1 4. Reduce — to the form of the nih root 6* oot. 1 a- __ ja-"^ CASE II. (110.) To reduce surds expressing different roots to equi- valent ones expressing the same root. Reduce the different indices to common denominators ; then raise each quantity to a power denoted by the numerator of its respective exponent; afterwards take the root denoted hi/ the common denominator. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce ^/3, V4, and V5 to surds expressing the same root. Changing the radicals into fractional yo ? Ans. v/5 — 1. 5, What is the square root of 7 -|- 4s/3 ? Ans. 2 +v/3. TO FIND MULTIPLIERS WHICH WILL CAUSE SURDS TO BECOME RATIONAL. CASE I. (119.) When the surd consists of but one term, we can proceed as follow^s : 1 rn—l Suppose the given surd is x"\ if we multiply this by a; m * 1 m—l by rule under Art. 114, we shall have x "'Xx m =x, a ra- tional quantity. Hence, to cause a monomial surd to become rational by multiplication, we have this RULE. Multiply the surd by the same quantity^ having such an exponent, as when added to the exponent of the given surdj shall make a unit. EXAMPLES. 1. How can the surd x^ be made rational by multiplica- tion. In this example, § added to the exponent i, gives 1, 3 therefore we must multiply by x% performing the operation, we have 1 2 x^Xx ^=x. 3 2. Multiply x^ so that it shall become rational. 3 a Ans. x*Xa:*=a^ SUKD QUANTITIES. 153 3. Multiply x~^ so that it shall become rational. 4 11 Ans. x~'' Xx "^ =x. CASE II. (120.) Wh^n the surd consists of two terms, or is a bino- mial surd. Suppose it is required to multiply -/« + \/& so as to pro- duce a rational product ; we know from Art. 35, Theorem III, that ( v/a + \/6) X ( s/rt — v/6) = a — h. Hence, to cause a binomial surd to become rational by multiplication, we have this RULE. Change the sign which connects the two terms of the bi- nomial surd, from -j- to — , or from — to -j-, and this re- sult, multiplied by the binomial surd, mil give a rational product. EXAMPLES, 1. Multiply v/3 — s/2 so as to obtain a rational product. Ans. (v/3— v/2)X( v/3-(-v/2)^ 3 — 2 = 1. 2. Multiply 4-f-\/5 so that the result shall be rational. Ans. (4+^/5)X(4— v/5) = n. 3. How canv^a-{-6 — ^a — b be made rational by mul- tiplication ? Ans. ( v/a+6 — Va — b) X ( V^b^ ^a — b)= 2*- 4. How can y/l — 1 become rational by multiplication ^ Ans. (s/7 — l)x(v/7 + l)=:6. 154 SURD QUANTITIES. (121.) If the surd consist of three or more terms of the square root, connected by the signs plus and minus, it can be made rational, by first multiplying it by itself after chang- ing one or more of the connecting signs. EXAMPLES. 1. If it is required to make v/5 — v'3+i^2 rational by multiplication, we should first multiply by -v/5 + v/3-}--v/2j by which means we obtain ^/5— v/3+ ^/2 v/5-f ,/3+ v/2 5— V/15+ ^10 — 3+N/6 -j-v/15+ v/10 — v/6+2 5 4-2\/10 — 3 +2=2v/10-|-4 Again, multiplying 2 x/lO + 4 by 2\/ 10 — 4, we get (2v/10 + 4) X (2v/10 — 4) = 24. 2. Multiply 2 4-\/3 — v/2 so that it shall become ra tional. FIRST OPERATION. 2 + ^3— v/2 2 + v/3 4- ^-2 4+2v/3 — 2^2 + 3— v/6 + 2^3-1-272 +^6 — 2 4-f4^/3 -f3 — 2=4y3-f5. SECOND OPERATION. 4v/3 +5 4^/3—5 48 + 20v^3 — 20v/3 — 25 48 — 25=23. SURD QUANTITIES. 155 3. Multiply v/5 + 72 — y3 + 1 so that its product shall be rational. FIRST OPERATION. v/5 + v'S— v/3+ 1 V5 — v/2 + v/3 + 1 ~5~+^10— V/15+ ^/5+ ^/6— ^/2+n/3 _2— yl0+yl5+ n/5 + v/6+v/2— v/3 3 1 1 +2^/5+2^/6. SECOND OPERATION. l+2v/5+2v/6 1—2/5 +2v/6 14_2y5 +2^/6— 4v/30 _20 — 2v/5+2v/6 -h4v/30 24 5 +4V6. THIRD OPERATION. 5-[- 4V6 _5^ 4V6 — 25 — 20v6 96 4- 20v6 ^ 71. (122.) To reduce fractions, having polynomial surds for a numerator or denominator or both, so that either the nu- merator or denominator may be free from radicals. Suppose we wish to transform the fraction 1_ V3 + V2 + 1 ' into an equivalent fraction, having a rational denominator. 156 SURD QUANTITIES. It is evident that this transformation can be eflfected, pro- vided we multiply both numerator and denominator by such a quantity as will cause the denominator to become free of radicals, so that the operation is reduced to the finding a mul- tiplier which will make v/3 + ^/2 -[- 1 rational. We will first multiply by — ^ 3 + v/2 + 1. OPERATION. V3+V/2 + 1 _^3 4-v/2 + l — 3— v/6— y3-f- v/2 _|_ 2-fv/6+^3+ ,/2 I 2v/2. Hence, if we multiply both numerator and denominator ol by — v/3+ y/2-\-l it will become 1+^2— v/3 y3H-v/2+l J ^ ' ^ ' 2s/2 Again, multiplying both numerator and denominator of — -!— ^^ ^— by y2, we finally have — . The 2^/2 -^ ' -^ 4 denominator is now rational. (123.) Hence, to transform a fraction, ha^-ing surds in its numerator or denominator or both, into an equivalent frac- tion, in which the numerator or denominator may be free of RULE. Multiply the numerator and denominator by such a quan- tity as will cause the numerator or denominator, as the re- quired case may be^ to become rational. SURD QUANTITIES. 15" EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce — ^^I^ — to a fraction havino- a rational nu- 4 ° merator. Multiplying both numerator and denominator by 5 — V3, we have 5 +v/3_ (5 -f-s/3)(5 — ^/3)_ 22 _ 11 4 4(5 —v/3) 20 — 4v/3 10-2 x/3 /g j O 2. Reduce — r — ; — -, to a fraction having a ration- al denominator. Multiplying both numerator and denominator by v/.5 -j-v/3 — v/2, we get 5 +v/15 — y/lO + 2^/5 + 2v/3— 2v/ 2 6 -t- 2v/15 • Again, multij)lying both numerator and t'enonihiator of this last fraction, by C — ~\/15, it btroines 4v/30 — 4^/15— 6^/10+10v/6— 8v/3— 12^/2 — 24 ' or changing the signs of both numerator and denominator, it becomes, after striking out the factor 2 from each, 6^/2 + 4v/3 — 5v/6 -f-3N/10 -f 2v/15 — 2^/30 12 3. Reduce ^ — to an equivalent fraction having 1 -r- \/Z a rational denominator. . ^/14 — /l) — s^T -l-v/5 Ans. z ' . 4. Reduce SURD QUANTITIES 1 y3 — n/2 -f 1 having a rational denominator. to an equivalent fraction Ans. 2 — v/2 -hx/6 5. Reduce — p-— ^ , first to a fraction having a ration- al denominator, and then to a fraction having a rational numerator. Ans. ■v/6 -^-Vx b — X y/b — y/x y/ab -^\/ax -\-y/bx — X IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. 259 IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. (124.) We have already shown, that (see Note to the Rule under Art. 96,) an even root of a negative quantity is impossible. Such expressions are called imaginary. ^~^' J are all imaginary quantitie*:. Surd quantities, though their values can not be accurately found, can, nevertheless be approximately obtained j but imaginary quantities can not have their values expressed by any means, either accurately or approximately. They must, therefore, be regarded merely as symbolical expressions. (125.) We will confine ourselves to the imaginary ex- pressions arising from taking the square root of a negative quantity. The general form of imaginaries of this kind, is ^ — a =v«x — 1 =yaX -^ — 1, substituting h for Va, we have so that all imaginary quantities arising from extracting the square root of a minus quantity are of the form 160 IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. (126.) If we put v^ — 1 =z c, we shall always have c-'= — 1, c^ 1, V-l. And in general. = 1, c4m + 2^ _ 1, m being any positive integer whatever. (]27.) From which we easily de;duce the following prin- ciples. 1. ( + v/ir^)x(+v/^^)=— ^a^= — a. 3. (+^/I^7)x(— >/^^^) =+ v/ «'= + «• ^- (— ^/— "7)X(— ^/^^) = —Vab. 6. (-f v/ir7)x(_v/^i) = -\-^ab. The above is in accordance with the usual rules for the multiplication of algebraic quantities, and must be consid- ered as a definition of this symbol, and of the method of using it, and not as a demonstration of its properties. (128.) The student must not infer from what has been said, that imaginary quantities are useless. So far from being useless, they have lent their aid in the solution of questions, which required the most refined and delicate analysis. (129.) We will now, in order to become more familiar with the operations of imaginaries, perform some examples in IMAGIXAKY QIANTITIES. jQ] MULTIPLICATION CF IMAGINARIES. 1. Multiply 4 v/ 131 j_ ^ IZ2 by 2v iry_x/Zr3. OPERATION. 2--'— 1 — ^ -^ — 8— 2v/2+4v/3+v/G. 2. Multiply 4 + v/ZTs by 2 — v/^2. OPERATION. 4+ v^^^ 2— ^/^2 8-f2v/— 3— 4v/— 2+v6. 3. Multiply 3 — v/^^1 by 4 + ^/^^ OPERATION. 3— ^/::^^ 4+ v/=^ 4. Multiply 12— 4n/— 1 -|-3v/— 1 -f 1 12— %/- l-^l = l3_ V_l. .^ v^ — 3 into itself. OPERATION. i — i^^^3 i-i^/~3 ^-^^^=^3 -i^-3-l jV-3 i_^x/_.3-5=_i_ 21 162 IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. (130.) Wc will now ptMibrm some examples in DIVISION OF IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. 1 . Divide 4 + ^'^2 by 2 — ^^^. OPERATION. 4-f n/— 2 Multiplying numerator and denominator by 2 -|-'^ — 2, i* becomes = 1_^n/_2. In the same way we find 1 + ^^- 3. 4. 1-N/-1 6n^^=^3 2v/^^ 3-v'~~l = V. = 1^/3. 4-f-2v/— 1 (131.) We will also add a couple of examples of the ex- traction of the square root of imaginary binomial surds. 1. Extract the square root of 3 -J-2n/ — 1. Comparing this expression with the general formula (A) Art. 117, we havo a = 3 : b = — 4 : hence, IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. \Ci?> * . { v/13 — 3 ) ■ ■V— 1 2. Extract the square root of 3 — 2-^ — 1. All the difference between this example and the last, is in the sign which connects the two terms, so that we need only change the sign which connects the two terms of the answer to the last, in order 1o obtain the answer of this. (Compare formuU.s (A) and (B), Art. 117.) Hence, V' " ' j 2 ^ ^ 2 If we add the cinswers of these tvvo questions, we shall ha ve + 2v/^i-y 3 - 2v/^ =2 j ^^ii±^ = v^2(v/13 -4-3). Jn the same way we find (132.) Before closino; this chapter , we unit shoiv the in- Ur fr elation of the jcllowing syrahols -, — , -. We know frum the nature of multiplication, that niuh liplied by a finite quantity, that is, repeated a finite num- ber of times, must still remain equal 0, hence we have this condition 0X^ = 0. (1) Dividing both members of (1) by ^, we find 0=1 (^) ]G4 SYMBOLICAL EXPRESSIONS. Therefore the symbol -- will always be equal to 0, as long as .7 is a finite quantity. (133- ) Since the quotient arising from dividing one number by another becomes greater in proportion as the divisor is diminished, it follows that when the divisor be- comes less than any assignable quantity, then the quotient will exceed any assignable quantity. Hence, it is usual for a mathematicians to say, that — is the representation of an infinite quantity. The symbol employed to represent infi- nity is QQ, so that we have i^CC- (3) (134.) Dividing both members of (1) by 0, we find A. (4) This being true for all values of A shows that - is the symbol of an indeterminate quantity. To illustrate this last symbol, we will take several exam- ples. 1. What is the value of the fraction -, when x:=a 1 ox — ab Substituting a for a:, our fraction will become I = ::=- =1071 indeterminate qxiantity. hx — ah ah — ah If, before substituting a for r, we divide both numerator and denominator of the given fraction by x — a, (Art. 55,) we find X- — a- X -\- a hx — ah h SYMBOLICAL EXPRESSIONS. 16.: Now, substituting a for x, in this reilucctl form, we find x-\- a a -j- a 2a Therefore, — is the true value of --, when x.^a. b ox — ab y;2 QJ^ 2. What is the value of , when x = a? X- — 2(ix -\- a- Writing a for x, we fiml x^ — ax a- —a^ XT — 2ax + a- a- — 2a- + a- If we reduce this fraction by dividing both numerator and denominator by x — o, we find x- — 2ax -\- a- x — a Now, writing a for x, in the reduced form, we find -!—=-^=:'=(X. (Art. 133.) X — a a — a U 3. What is the the value of ; — ^^ ; , when x=a? bx — ab When a is substituted for x, we have 3^—3aj^-\-3a-x — a'_a' — 3 a^-\-3a^ — a^ _ bx — ab ab — ab Reducing by dividing numerator and denominator by x — a, we find x^ — Sox^+Sa^x — a^ _ x- — 2ox-l-rt- bx — ab h Writing a for x, wc have ±=i"f±f.'='i!z^f!±i' = ° = 0. (Art. 132.) 6 4 6^^ I6G SYMBOLICAL EXPRESSIONS. (135.) From the above, we conclude that whenever an algebraic fraction is reduced to the form -, there exists a factor becomes zero for the particular value of the unknown quantity made use of. In the foregoing examples there was very little difficulty in discovering this factor. It is obvious that examples of this kind may be chosen where it would be more difficult to find this factor. In the fraction, a. we shall have for its value In this case we do not readily discover the factor required j but if we multiply the numerator and denominator each by v^|(a- + x^) -j-x, it will become ^{(I' — X^) We now discover that the factor sought is a — x. Divi- ding numerator and denominator each by a — x, it becomes ^c-l-rr) Now, when v'^(a-(- x')-{-x' a, this last expression will become Hence, we conclude that indeterminate expressions of the above kind, when properly reduced, will take one of the following form?. = a finite quantity. B no value. — =00= aw infinite quantity. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 16' CHAPTER V QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. (136.) We have already (Art. 66), defined a quadratic equation^ to be an equation in which the unknown quantity does not exceed the second degree. The most general form of a quadratic equation of one unicnown quantity, is fix'-+ hx-= c. (1) Dividing all the terms of (1) by a, (Axiome IV,) we find x-^+^r = -^ (2) a a where, if we assume ^= -, and S = -, we shall have a a x'^-\-^x=B (3) Equation (3) is as general a form for quadratics as equa- tion (1). In (3), ^ and B can have any values either positive or negative. (137.) When ^ — 0, equation (3) will become x^ = B, (-1) which is called an incomplete quadratic equation, since om of the terms in the general forms (1) and (3) is wanting. 168 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. (138.) When B = 0, equation (3) will become X' -\- Jix = 0, which divided by x is reduced to x-^Ji=0, which is no longer a quadratic equation, but a simple equa- tion. (139.) If ^^ =: and j5 = at the same time, equation (3) will become x^=0, which can only be satisfied by taking a;= 0, INCOMPLETE QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. (140.) We have just seen that the general form of an incomplete quadratic equation is = B. (1) If we extract the square root of both members of this equation, we shall (Art. 96,) have x = dzVB. (a) Equation (a) may be regarded as a general solution of incomplete quadratic equations. (141.) To find the value of the unknown, when the equation which involves it, leads to an incomplete quadratic equation, we have this RULE. I. Clear the equation of fractions by the same rule as for simple equations. (Art. 70.) II. Tlicn transpose and unite the like terms., if necessary., observing the rule under Art. 73, and loe shall thus obtain^ after dividing by the coefficient of x-, an equation of the QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 169 form of a;-= B. Extracting the square root of both mem- bers, we shall Jind x= z^^/B. 1. Given ^±^+7 = 9, to find a:. This, \vhen cleared of fractions, by multiplying by 19, becomes a;' 4- 2 4- 133=171, transposing and uniting terms, we find x^=^ 36. If we compare this w'ith our general form, we shall see that B=^ 36. Extracting the square root, we have a:=: it 6, or as it may be better expressed, x = 6 or a: = — 6. or- 3 , 1 346 ^ „ , 2-Given — +- = ^g^,tofindx. This cleared of fractions, becomes 147 -f- 343x'^= 346x2, transposing and uniting terms 3x-'= 147, dividing by 3 x^= 49, extracting the square root, we find x = ±7. 3. Given x- -— = 44, to find x. do Ans. x=: ± 12. 4. Given S + 5x'-= ^ + 4x-+ 28, to find x. Ans. xz= =h 5. X- 5. Given2+~— 7=1--|-13, to findx. o J Ans. x = =t 9. (142.) We must be careful to interpret the tlouble sign :, correctly, the meaning of which is, that the quantity 22 170 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. before which it is placed may be either plus, or it may be minus. It does not mean that the quantity can be both plus and minus at the same time. (143.) If an equation involving one unknown quantity can be reduced to the form a;"=J\'', the value of x can be found by simply extracting the nth root of both members, thus, (144.) Where it must be observed (Art. 96.) that when n is an even number, the value of x will be either plus or minus for all positive values of J\^, but for negative values of JV the value of x will be impossible. When n is an odd number, the value of x will have the same sign as ^A'^has. (145.) If the equation can be reduced to the form x"'=zJV^ then X can be found by raising both members to the mXh. power, thus : x=^.K"K , (146.) Where x will be positive for all values of J\\ pro- vided m is an even number, but when m is an odd number then X will have the same sign as JV. (147.) Finally, when the equation can be reduced to the form IL We must first involve both members to the mth power, and then extract the ni\\ root, or else we may first extract the nth root, and then involve to the ??ith power. (Art. 98.) Thus, m X^=J^n. EXAMPLES. 1. Given = — -, to find x. v/x + 4 Vx + 6 This, when cleared of fractions, becomes QUADKATIC EQUATIONS. 171 .. -r 34 v/o: + 16S = j^ + 42 v/x + 152, transposing and uniting terms, we have 8v/x = 16, ilividing by 8, v'a: = 2, raising to the second power, x = 4. 2a 2. Given y,' x 4- "^ a 4- x ^= , , to find x. vfl -(-a; This equation, when cleared of the fractions, by multiply ing by '^ a -\- x, becomes v'ax -1- x- -{- a -\- x = 2a, v^aa; -}- x'^=a — x, squaring both members, ax + X- = a- — ■2ax-\- a;'*, 3aa:= a~ a 3. Given 3 + x^= 7, to find x. Ans. a: = -b8. 4. Given {y" — b) = a — rf, to find y. Ans. y=:{{a-dY+by'. 5. Given ^x—^2 = 16 — v/x, to find x. Ans. x = 81. 6. Given (x -fa) = — -, to find x. (x-a)* Ans. x = rh(2a2 + 2a6 + 6= 7 7. Given ^ = , to find x. v/x — >/a: — a ^ ^ . «(lzbcr 172 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 8. Given ^^x+^x— ^x—Vx = -\/—^ — .tofindx. 2 V X-\-^/X 9. Given Ans. a; = — . 16 = -— -, to nnd X. 1— N/l_a^i 1+v/l— x2 a;^ Ans. a:=zb-. 2 COMPLETE QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. (148.) We have already seen, that aa;-+fex=c, (A) is the most general form of a quadratic equation, vrhere a = the coefficient of the first term ; h = the coefficient of the second term ; c = the term independent of r. If we multiply the general quadratic equation (A), by 4fl, it will become 4a2a;2 -f 4a6a; = 4rtc. (1) Adding 6^ to both members of (1), it becomes 4aV -I- 4,abx -^b^= b' + 4ac. (2) The left-hand member of this equation is a complete square, equal to {2a:x-\-bY. The process by which we so transform an equation as to cause one of its members to be- come a complete square, is called Completing the Square. This may be effected by the following RULE. Let the quadratic equation be reduced to this form^ ax--\-bx = c. Then multiply each member by four times the coefficient of the first term., after which add to each member the square of the coefficient of the second term. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 173 1. Complete the square of the equation a;--|-3a?= 4. Multiplying each member by 4, we have 4:X'-\~ 12a: = 16. Adding the square of 3 = 9, to each member, we find 4x^4- 12x-f- 9 = 25. The left hand member is now a complete square, equal to {2x -f- 3)'^, so also is the right hand member, 2. Complete the square of 18x- — 3x = 1. Multiplying each member by 4 X 18 := 72, we have 1296a,-2— 216x = 72. Adding 3-= 9, to each member we finally have 1296x2—216x4-9 = 81, each member of which is a complete square. 3. Complete the square of 6x2 — 7x= — 2. Ans, 144x^— 168x + 49 = 1. 4. Complete the square of lOx^ — 99x= 10. Ans. 400x2— 3960x -|- 9801 = 10201. Raving completed the square of a quadratic equa tion, if we extract the square root of each member, the result will be a simple equation, but as the square root of a quantity may be either positive or negative, it follows that our result will be equivalent to two distinct simple equations. Thus, returning to our general equation, ax'-\- bx = c, which, when its square was completed, became 4:a'-^x--\- 4abx-\- b'= 62-|~ 4"C, we have, by extracting the square root of each member, 2ax-\-b= ±:^b^-\-^ac. If we make use of the + sign, we have 2ax-f-6 = v^62_|_4„(, 174 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. If we use the — sign, we have 2ax -\- 6= — ^/6■^-|-4ac. Hence, a quadratic equation must, in general, yield two distinct values for the unknown quantity. The above results give at once 2a Uniting these values by the aid of the ambiguous sign i, which is read plus or minun, not plus and minus, we have — 6d=^6'+4ac 2^i ■ (B) (149.) This may be regarded as a general solution of all quadratic equations, and it is obvious that we may derive from it a general rule which will apply to all quadratic equations, so as not to be under the necessity of actually going through Avith all the preliminary steps of completing the square. The following is such a RULE. Having reduced the equation to the general form ax^-\- hx == c, we can find x, by taking the coefficient of the second term with its sign changed, plus or minus the square root of the square of the coefficient of the second term increased by four times the coefficient of the first term into the term independent of x, and the whole divided by twice the coeffi- cient of thefi/rst term. 35 y. 1 . Given 4x = 46, to find the values of x. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Yl', This, when cleared of fractions, becomes 4x=— 36+x = 46x. Transposing and uniting terms, we have 4x2— 45x = 36. This compared with the general form ax^-{- hx=c. gives a = 4; 6 = — 45; c = 36. The square of the coefficient of the second term = (—45)-= 2025. Four times the coefficient of the first term into the term independent of x, = 4X4X36 = 576. Therefore, taking the square root of the square of the coefficient of the second terra increased by four times the coefficient of the first term in.o the term independent of T, we get rt= v^2025 -f 576 = ± ^2601 = dr 51 . This added to the coefficient of the second term with the sign changed, gives 45 ±51, which must be divided by twice the coefficient of the first term. Hence, 45 rb 51 If we take the upper sign, we get . = 1^+^=12. O If we take the lower sign, we find 45 — 51 3 X S 4' 3 Therefore, x = 12, or ' ' 4 Either of wliich values of x, will verify tie cquUlon. 176 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 2. Given =9 , to find the values of x. X — 4 2 This, when reduced to the general form, becomes r»— 18a;=— 72. Squaring 18, we get (18)2=324. Four times the first coefficient multiplied into — 72, gives 4X — 72 = — 288, which added to 3^4, gives 36, the square root of which is ±6. Therefore, x = — - — = 12 or 6. 3. Given v/3x— 5 = '^^'+^^^ ^ to find the values of x. X Squaring both members, we have 7x2-}-36x 7x + 36 3x — 5 = . x^ X This, cleared of fractions, becomes 3x2— 5x = 7x4-36. Transposing and uniting terms, we have 3x2 — 12x=36. This divided by 3, gives x2_4x=12. ^^ - 4=b^/(4)2 + 4Xl2 4zb8 p _ o Therefore, x = ^\ ~~2~~ ' ^^~^' 3 3 27 4. Given 1 =^i to find the values of x. X* — 3x ' x2-f- 4x 8x This, by reduction, becomes 9x=^— 7x=116. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 177 ™, , 7±v^7='+4x 9X116 7±65 , ., Therefore, x= ^■— =_^-=:4, or— 3 J. X'-\- 12 X 5. Given — 1— - = 4x, to find x. Tliis reduced, becomes x' — '7x= — l2. T,. , 7±^^72 + 4x— 12 7±1 Therefore, x = ~ -= — - — = 4, or o. (150.) An equation of the form ax^-{-hx" = Cj (A) can be solved by the above rule, which indeed will agree with the form under consideration in the particular case of 71 = \. If, in the above equation, we write y for a:", and conse- quently 3/' for x'^, it will become which is precisely of the form of (A), Art. 148. Conse- quently, "= i;r^- Re-substituting x^ for y, we have „_ — 6d=^fc^ + 4ac ^ 2^ ' This value of x, must hold for all values of the constants n, a, 6, and c, whether positive or negative, integral or fractional. 23 178 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. EXAMPLES. 1. Given ar*-]-ax^ = 6j to find x. This becomes y'^-\-ay = 6, when for x* we write y. — a± ^a\-\-4:b •'•3/ = H — = ^' hence, — a=t^a-+46 ' 2. Given Sx** — 2a:" = 8, to find x. n 2 ±10 _ x^ = -^ = 2, 3. Given2(l+a: — x-)— ^l + x — o:^ — -, to find If for 1 -f- ^ — 2;2, we put y', our equation will become 2f-y=-l, or I8y'-9y = -l, 9=b3 1 1 y = 36 3'"' 6' hence 2^= 9'°^' 3-6- Re-substituting 1+x — rr^, for j/^, we have, when we take the first value of y", 1 1 +x — x^= 9' 9x2— 9x = 8, 9±3v/41 1 , 1 18 :+^^41,or?-1^41. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 179 When vre take the other value of y'^, we have or 36i'— 36t = 35, 36i24v'n 1 , 1,,, 1 1 „, ■■■' = 72 =2 + 3^"'"2-3^"- Collecting these four values of x, we find a:=i — Av/41, 4. Given ja;2 — -J ~\-la" — ^1 = -, to find the \'ia- lues of X. This equation is easily put under this form - va-x* — a*=x' vx* — a*. X X This squared, becomes a*— - = X*— 2ax Vz'—a'^ a^x^—-. x' ^ x-i By transposing, we have x* — a* — 2aa: Vx* — a*-\- a'^x^= 0. Extracting the square root, we find >/a:' — a* — aa: = 0, or v^x^ — a*= ax. Squaring, we find a:^— a*=a2x2, or x*—a'^x^= a\ Hence, 2 Consequently, 180 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. = -f-^^-^/ (151.) We have seen that the general form of a quadra- tic equation, ax'-j- bx =- c, gave, for the value of the un- known, the following expression : — h ±v/62_L4ac a:= , 2a When a = 1, the equation ax~-\-hx = c, becomes x'-\-bx=c. (C) And the above expression for the unknown, will become — &±v^6-+4( l-v^g+ (D) Now, since all quadratic equations may be made to assume the form of (C), by dividing all the terms by the coefficient of a:-, it follows that formula (D) must, when properly translated into common language, give a general rule for the solution of all quadratic equations. The following is the RULE. Having reduced the equation to the form x^ -\-hx = c,we can find x by talcing half the coefficient of the second term, with its sign changed; plus or minus the square root of the square of the half of the coefficient of the second tertn in- creased by the term independent of x. EXAMPLES. 1. Givena:*—10x = — 24, to finder. In this example, half the coefficient of the second term is 5, which squared and added to — 24, the terra independent of X, is 1. Extracting the square root of 1, we have ±1. Therefore, x = 5 i 1 = 6, or 4. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 181 X 7 2. Given =- -, to find x. a: + 60 3x — 5 This cleared of fractions, becomes 3a;^ — 5a:z=7a:+420. Transposing and uniting terms, we have 3x- — I2x = 420. Dividing by 3, we have x2 — 4z=140, . • . a; = 2 ± 12 = 14, or — 10. ^ „. x + 12 , X 26 ^ . , 3. Given = — , to find x. X ^x+12 5' Ans. a; = 3, or — 15. 4. Given 3x^ -}- 42x3 = 3321, to find x. Ans. 3, or (—41)*. (152.) Equations containing two or more unknown quantities, which involve in their solution quadratic EQUATIONS. Given < ^ , Jl^^^ r ? to find x and y. I y'i — 7^ = 90000. S From the first of these equations, we find ^__300y_ y— 125' Substituting this value of x in the second equation, it be y-_,J^r= 90000. y-125 Which, when expanded, is 182 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 90000/ = 90000. "^ / — 2b0y + 15625 This, cleared of fractions, and terms united, becomes yi _ 250 f — 164375/ -\- 22500000^/ = 1406250000. This may be written as follows (/ — 125y)- — 180000(/— 125^/) = 1406250000. Solving by rule for quadratics, considering / — 125t/ as the unknown quantity, we have Hence, 125y = 90000 d= 97500. 1251/ = 187500, or /— 125y= — 7500. The first of these gives 125 db 875 :500, or —375. The second gives 125 ±25x^—23 Both of which values are imaginary. Having found y, we can substitute it in the equation _ Z00y_ ^— ^pri25' and thus obtain the values of x. 2. Given x^= -ex'' (1)? (2)5' to find X and y From (2) , we get x* /- c' (3) bic h substituted in (1), we have y'- ay — a? (4) /- -2cy'4- c» QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 183 Clearing (4) of fractions, it may then be put under the form (y6 _ cy^y. — 2a- {y" — cy^)= a'-c-. (5) Solving this by quadratics, considering y^ — cy^ as the un- known quantity, we have 3/6 _ cy3 = a2 dr a ^a* -f c-. (6) Again, solving (6) by quadratics, considering y^ as the un- known, we have Extracting the cube root of (7), it becomes The value of y, (8), or better the value oi y^, (7), when substituted in (3), will give x. v-\-w-{-x-^y-\-z= 56 (!)■ .vw — x — y — z= 207 (2) 3. Gi\'en<(wx — v — y — z= —9 (3) \xy — V — w — z= — 19 (4)1 yz — V — w — x= 38 (5) (8) , to find V, ty, ar, y, and z. vw-\-v + w = 263, (6)=zz(l)-|-(2) y,x-{-w-{-x= 47, (7)=(l)-f-(3) xy-{-x + y= 37, (8)=(l)4-(4) yz^y-\-z= 94. (9)=(l)+(5) By adding a unit to both members of equations (6), (7), (8), (9), they may be put under the following forms : (v -|-l)(wj+ 1)=264, (10) (tx^-f l)(x+l)= 48, (11) (x+l)(y-f 1)= 38, (12) (y + 1)(2 + 1)= 95. (13) 184 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. If we add 5 to both members of (1) it may be written as follows : (r+l)4-(u.-4-l)-f-(x+l)+(y+l)+(z+l)=61. (14) We shall now use equations (10), (11), (12), (13) and (14), which are symmetrical instead of the original equa- tions. 264 w-\-l v-\-r 48 2 (15)=(10)^(v + 1) + i=i;rqrr=fi^^+^^' (i6)=(ii)-(t/;-fi) 38 209 3/+1 + 1 v+l' (17)=(12)^(x+l) z^l=^=Uv-\-l). (I8)=(13)--(y + l) y-f-l 11 Substituting these values oft« + l, x-\-lj y+l, - + 1) in (14), we have 264 209 This reduces to this form, 18, ^^;(.+ l) + iI3_61. (20) Clearing of fractions, we have I8(v+1)2 — 671 (v + l)= — 5203. (21) This quadratic solved, gives v+l = 11, or 26/3. These two Values of v+ 1> ^^ing substituted in (15) (16), (17), (18), will give two sets of values for w; + 1 x-^l, y+lj s+1. These values when found are, v-f 1 = 11, or26T\. M,-|-l=24, 10y»3. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 185 a: + 1 = 2, or 41; y + 1=^19, or 7ii. z-f-l= 5, or lly^. Ay=25^ V 1^=23/ V'-= ^^3 h= 1,V or <^^= 31. ;3/ = isA )y= 611 r= 4, ) ( z = 10|^ 4. Given x'^"—2x^"-\-x"=.6, to find a:. This is readily put under this form If we make y = x^" — a;", equation (1) will become r— 2/ = 6, (2) .••y = i±^ (3) Re-substituting for y, we have X-"— a.'" = 3, (4) ) or x-"—x''—--2. (5) \ Now, in (4) and (5) substituting c for a:", and we have z'-z = 3, From (6), we have c= > ± V13. From (7), we find Re-substituting x" for c, we find a:"=i± ^n/13, a:"= i db 5 v^ — 7. Taking the 7ith roots of (10) and (11), we find (G)( (8) I {9)S (10) (H) Ans 24 186 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 5. (jrnen ^ ' -^ ^ ^ x^+r'=6 (2) Squaring (1), we have x'-\-2xy-\-y''=a~. Subtracting (2) from (3), we get 2xy = a- — b. Subtracting (4) from (2), we find ■j^ — 2xy-\-y' = 26 — a-. Extracting the square root of (5) , we get x — y—± N/2fe — a". Taking half the sum of (1) and (6), we get to find X and y. a 1 x = -:k-^2b — a^. 2 2 Subtracting (7) from (1), we find (I 1 /— , :, •^ 2 2 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (x + y = « (1)} 6. Given < , ^ , >, to find a; and y. (a-3-j-3/^' = 6 (2)) We will indicate our operations upon the successive equa tions, by the method explained under Art. 80. 'ixy[x-^y) = iv^ — h. n-' — h 3xy — . a-y = 3a x^+2xy-\-y'' = a- 4a> — 46 ^'^ = —30-- (3)-(iy (4)=(3)-(2) (5)=(4)-(l) (6)=(5)--3 (S)= (6)X4 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 187 4/) /j3 ^-2xyJry' = —^^. (9)=(7)- (8) (46 — flsH 3c in)J-2Wm 3a \ • ' ' 2 a 1 46-a3 i (i)_(io) ix+y = a (1) 7, Given { ^ 1 If find x and v. ar^+4r^i/+6xV+4x3/3+y =:a^ (3)=(1)^ 4x1/ (a-2+/)+6a:y = a^-h. (4)=:(3)— (2) a--^+2x3/+y-2=a2. (5)=(1)^ Transposing 2xy of (5)\ve get .x-^4-7/-^=:a-^— 2x3/. (6) Substituting this value of x- -j- 3/* in (4)^ we get 4x7/(a2 — 2xy) +6xV' = «' — ^- C' ) This becomes, by putting z for xy, and transposing, 2c2— 4a'r = 6 — a', (8) ■.•. = «=±v/3^'. (9) Hence, X2/ = a-^±\/-+-. (10) 4x3/ = 4a^±4\/yii\ (Il)=(l0)x4 188 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. X — y = =h =1^1 -3.= T4/l±^«r. (15)=W^) 8. Given ( x- — y= = a (1) Ix'y-^xf^h (2) a^* + y- = - • h , a 2xy^2 to find a:, and y. {'i)={2)-rxy (4) __(3)+(l) 2xy 2 4a;Y 4 This read.ly gives, 4x'2/' -{- cL-x'-y- = b. Consequently, ^ ' 2 (6)=(4)X(5) xy = ± ^ — '. j /— rt^x/fl'-f-166^ (8) This value of xy, introiluced into (4) and (5), we obtain 2 x= izl doh ^^/a^-\-16b! 2 (9) QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 189 -bl^ g V-^l^ (10) Cxy+a:V=135 (1) ? . . , x'Y +2xV + xV" =18225 (3)==(1)- 2xY = 13122 (4)=(3)_(2) a:Y = 6561 (5)=(4)-^2 xy=±3 (6)=-V(5) xY = ±:21 (7)=(6)3 a:^-f-y^ = ±5 (8)=r(l)-^(7) 2x3/= ±6 (9)=:(6)X2 a:^-2x2/4-y^= =F 1 (10)=(8)-(9) X— y=:±%/— lorrhl (11)=>/(10) x-' + 2x3/ + y^=ill (12)=(8)+(9) x + 7/ = ±v/ll orrbv^— 11 (13)=:v/(12) x=l{±Vll±V—^)or i{±^^-n±i) (i4)=^-^-ii^^ , , (13)— (11) i/=i(±:v/ll=Fv/— Dor J(±v/-11=F1) (lo)=^ ~ 10 Given ^^'^"'^'"^'^""^ ^\^ ? .tofind xandy, '''•'''''" ^i/x(2/x-f-l)-x^4-x=6 (2)5' Subtracting (1) from (2), we find y'^r^ -{- yx — yx^ = 3. (3) Dividing (3) by (1), we get y=l. (4) This value of y substituted in (1), gives x=3. /xy— 8xV+16x^ N \ =90x.y+60(x-2/0-720(y-l) (1)( 11. iiiven< / o . I .X lo r ■■ ) (r— 4y-H)x _^__12 ^2)V ( 6 X J to find X and y. 190 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Multiplying (2) by bx{y'^ + 4y + 4), it becomes I =15z^'^+60xy+60x— 60/— 240?/— 240 ) ^ ^ Subtracting (1) from (3), we have = Ibxy" — 30x2/ + 48O3/ — 960. (4) Dividing (4) by Ibxy + 480, it becomes 0.= y-2, (6) .•.y = 2. (6) This value of y substituted in (2), gives x=4. (7) rxy+z=5 (1)^ 12. Given ? xyz + 2'^=]5 (2) > 5 to find x, y ( xy*-j-x2y— 2x-i-2c=8 (3) ) and z. Dividing (2) by (1), we find z = 3. (4) Substituting this value of z in (1) and (3) and they be- xy = 2. (5) xy(x+2/) = 2 + 2x. (6) Dividing (6) by (5), we find xH-y=l-f-x, (7) .'. y=h (8) Dividing (5) by (8), we get x=2. (9) rx{y+z) = a (1)) 13. Given] 2/(2:+-) = & (2) > to find X , y, and z (z{x-\-y) = c (3)) Before proceeding to the solution of these equations, we will remark, that they are symmetrica], and consequently QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 191 all the derived equations will either contain all the letters similarly combined, or else they will appear in systems of three equations each, which can be deduced from each other by simply permuting. If we take the sum of (1), (2), and (3), after expand- ing them, we shall have 2xy-{-2yz-^2zx=:a-\-b~^c. (4) In this equation all the letters enter symmetrically ; therefore it will not give rise to any new equation by per- mutation. If we subtract twice (3) from (4), we get 2xy = a-\-b-~c. (5) By permutation, we derive from (5) these two equations : 2yz = b-\-c-a. (6) 2zx=c-\-a — b. (7) Equations (5), (6), and (7) readily give a-\~b — c ^V = -^ (8) y-.^'j^. (9) .. = i±p.^ (10) Taking the continued product of (8), (9) and (10), we have ^a..a.i \ a + 6— c ) ^^ ( b-\-c—a ) ^^ ( c-\-a—b X -V- X --.— • (11) ( ^ ) ( ^ ) ( 2 This equation containing all the letters symmetrically com- bined, can give no new condition by permutation. Dividing (11) by the square of (9), wc have (a+6-c)(c4-a-6) ^ 2{y^^ ^^^^ 192 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. By permuting, we derive from (12) these two equations : r (64-c — a)(a+6 — c) (13) (14) 2(c+a — &) ^.- (c+^-&)(^+c-q) 2(a+6 — c) Taking the square roots of (12), (13) , and (14), we find (a^_6_c)(c+o — 6) ) i a; = rh y = ± 2(6+c — a) (6-fc — fl)(a-|-6 — c) 2 = rb (15) (16) (17) 2(c+a — 6) (c+g — 6)(6-fc — g) ) ^ ^ 2(g-f6-c) ^ • This question is a good illustration of the beautiful method of deriving one quantity from another, of a similar nature, by simply permutating. 14. Given, the two equations (x'-f x")(l+x'a;"+a:'V'+x'a:"2+a:'-x"«)-fx'a:" = g, x'x"{x' -^x"){x'-\-x"-\-x'x"){x'-\-x"-^x'x"+x'-'x" -\'x'x"") I to find x' and x". If, in these equations, we make successively the substitu- tions x'4- x" = 3/', x'x" = y" ; y'+y"= 2', y'y"= z" ; z'^z"=w', z'z"==w", we shall finally have w'-\-w" = 0, w'w" = b. The quantities sought, x', x", will be determined by means of these four quadratic equations : w^ — aw-\-b =0. z -^w'z-\-w"=0. QrADRATIC EQIATIOXS. 193 cc- — y'x -^y" = 0. The first of tliesc equations determines w' iind lo" ; the se- cond z' and z" ; the third y' and y" ; and, finally, the fouvth x' and x" . We thus suciessively obtain a ± n/^;~- -46 2 _.„,'_ts/i«'^ — 4:10" 2 C'±v/C'^ -Az" 2 ' w' (1 =FN^a- — 46 2 ^1 _2o'=FN^w'-— 4t/;" 2 y' ^_^'z:pVz'-^—4:z" 2 x' ,_y^^y'— 4.v" ,_iy' ±^Vj— 4//" ''- 2 ' " 2 and there are, consequently, for a:', as well as for a;", six- teen different values. If we had solved the first two equa- tions by the common method, we should, after a laborious elimination, have obtained an equation of the 16th degree. If a = 371, and b = 13530, then will one set of values be, x' = 2 and x" = 3. Cx'+xy-]-y'=a', (1)^ 15. Given ^ y--\-yz -f- z*=6^, (2) > to find a-, y, z. iz'-\-zx-\-x''=c\ (3)) =a2+62-f-c^ (4)=(l) + (2)+(3) 4(x^-i-2/^-|-2^f+4(a:-^+2/^-|--^)(2-y+yz-fca:) ) ,-._,, ^ -^{xy+yzJr~:ty^{a' + lr+c'y. ^ ^^>'-^'*^ r'+3aV + 2/-* + 2a:'y-{-2y^x=:a'. (6)=(1)^ y^+33/V + c' + 2i/3z + 2z^3/^6^. (7)=(2)^ c-* + -iz^x'- + r' + 2z^^a: + 2x'»z = c\ (S)=(3)- irx'-j-y'^z'y-\^{T^-\-y^-^z%xy+yz-^zx) ) (9):=2(6) -2(x3/+y;=+zx)^=2(aM-6' + c^). i +2(7)+2(8) 25 194 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. (10)=(5)-(9) or, which is the same thing, {:ri/+yz+zxf=?,{a:^h'^})'c'^c'a^)-^{a^+¥-\~c^). (11) {xy- {-yz-{.zx)-= ) 6(.T2/ + 7/c4-cx)-3:6/c. (13)=(12)X6 (14)=^4)X2 4(x+.r/+c)^2K+6'^+c^)+6/c. (15)=(14)+(13) 2(a:+2/+c)=± V2{a'-\-b''~\-c^6k. ( 16)=v/(15J 2(x^ + r + - + x:v-Hz-f c.) 1 .n)=(4)+(12) 2x{x^y-i-z) = a'—b^-\-c'+/c. (I8)=(17)-(2)x2 x= -^!=L±SL^. (19)^(18)^(16) ± v'2(a2+62^c3)+6/c Having found the value of x, we may find the values of y and c, by simply permuting the letters in the above expres- sion, (19). Since the expression for k is symmetrical, i* must remain constantly the same. Consequently the deno- minator of the expression for x, (19), will not, during this permutation, change its value. In this way we find y db ^/2(a'-{-62-^-c•*)+6A:' (20) (21) QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 195 F "o C ^^ ^ 1+ ,_^ + I'- + l"^ i-c r~^ > I -H + -H + -H "5- + f + 4- 4- "O o e 1 '^ c: 1 ^^ 1 1 1 ^^ c 5 ^ 1 3 cT > « > 4^ -H -H ^^^^ QUAUIfATIC KQLATIO.XS. ^^ e have cho.en this example, partly from its being one rather .hfficult of solution by the ordinary methods, and partly because it affords an excellent opportunity for exem- plifying the beauty of syn.metrical equations. Equations U , (2), and (3), which are given, are not only symmetrica], but they are also homogeneous. Consequently all our de- rived equations will be homogeneous, and will either con- tain all the different letters similarly involved, as in (4) (51 (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), and (IS), or else there will be a system of three equations which can be deduced from each other simply by permutating the let- tcrs, as IS the case with the given equations (1), (2), and (3), also equations (6), (7), and (8). Equations (19), (20), and (21), a,e also of this nature. This perfect sym- " etry of expressions, must in a great measure serve as a check upon our work, preventing errors which otherwise could not be so readily detected. (153.) Questions which require for their solution a KNOWLEDGE OF QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 1. A widow possessed 13,000 dollars, which she divided into two parts, and placed them at interest, in such a man- ner that the incomes from them were equal. If she had put out the first portion at the same rate as the second, she would have drawn for this part 360 dollars interest j and if she had placed the second out at the same rate as the first, she would have drawn for it 490 dollars interest. What were the two rates of interest 1 Let X = the rate per cent, of the first part. Let 3/ = the rate per cent, of the second part. Now, since the incomes from the two parts were equal QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 197 they must have been to each other reciprocally as .r to y. Hence, if my denote the first part, then will mx denote the second part. We shall then have „j (:c _]- y)=13000. 13000 Consequently, m = '^JTy iSOOOy ^, r. , , Therefore, -^ = t^^^ first part. iSOOOo: , , = the second part. x-\-y The interest on these parts, at y and x per cent., respec- tively, is I30v- , 130x2 — -^ and — ; — . x-\-y x-\-y Hpnce, by the conditions of the question, we have 122^=360. (1) X+J/ 1^=490. (2) x+y Dividing (2) by (1), we get t-^1 . (3) 3/2-36- Extracting the square root of (3), we have y 6 Subtracting (1) from (2), we have 130(.2-/)^^3^ ^5^ x-\-y Dividing boUi numerator and denominator, of the left-hand 198 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. member of (5), by a'+y, and also dividing both members by 130, we get --r-2/=l. (6) Dividing (6) by t/, we find ^—1 = 1 y y (7) Subtracting (7) from (4), we have -i-f (8) Clearing (8)of fractions, we obtain 6y =^1y — 6. (9) ••• 3/=6. (10) Adding (10) and (G), we get x = 7. (11) Therefore the per cent, of the first part w^as 7, and of the second part was 6. 2. A certain capital is out at 4 per cent. ; if we multiply the number of dollars in the capital, by the number of dol- lars in the interest for 5 months, we obtain $117041|. What is the capital ? Ans. $2650. 3. There are two numbers, one of which is greater than the other by 8, and whose product is 240. What numbers are they 1 Ans. 12 and 20. 4. The sum of two numbers is = a, their product = b. What numbers are they ? Ans. fl + v^(" -' — 4ft) a — V{a' — U) ^ 5. It is required to find a number such, that if we multi ply its third part by its fourth, and to the product add 5 QUADRATIC EQLATIONS. 109 times the number required, the sum exceeds the number 200 by as much as the number sought is less than 280. Ans. 48. 6. A person being asked his age, ansAvcred, " My mother was 20 years old when I was born, and her age multiplied by mine, exceeds our united ages by 2500." What was his age ? ^ Ans. 42. 7. Determine the fortunes of three persons, A, B, C, from the following data : For every $5 which A possesses, B has $9, and C $10. Farther, if we multiply A's money (expressed in dollars, and considered merely as a num- ber) by B's, and B's money by C's, and add both product? to the united fortunes of all three, we shall get 8832. How much had each ? Ans. A $40, B $72, C $80. 8. A person buys some pieces of cloth, at equal prices, for $60. Had he got three more pieces for the same sum, each piece would have cost him $1 less. How many pieces did he buy 1 Ans. 12. 9. Two travellers, A and B, set out at the same time, from two different places, C and D ; A, from C to D ; and B, from D to C. On the way they met, and it then appears that A had already gone 30 miles more than B, and, accord- ing to the rate at which they travel, A calculates that he q^n reach the place D in 4 days, and that B can arrive at the place C in 9 days. What is the distance between C and D ? Ans. 150 miles. fifth powers 17050. What are the numbers ? Ans. 3 and 7. 200 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 11. The sum of two numbers is 47, and their product 546. Required the sum of their squares. Ans. 1117. 12. The sum of two numbers is 20, and their product 99. Required the sum of their cubes. Ans. 2060. 13. Divide the number a into two such parts, that the sum of their reciprocals may equal b. What are the parts 1 Ans 9 14. Divide - into two such parts, that the sum of their 2 ^ ' reciprocals may equal 1. What are the parts 1 Ans. 3 and -. 15. Given the sum of the squares of two numbers =a. and the sum of their reciprocals = 6; to determine the num- bers. Sum of numbers = TaZ'- + 2 ± 2(a62_|_ i)n ', Ans Difference lb ■ 2^2{ah- + l) J 16. Find the values of x from the equation 3x4-25 7 21 + 2X 7 + a:. Ans. X = — 7, or — 6 i . QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 201 17. Find the values of x from the equation 13 ^ 4 Ans. x=:2 rb^ — 1. 18. A and B can together perform a piece of work in two days, and it wouhl take A, alone, three days longer to perform it than it would B alone. In what time can A and B respectively perforin it 1 . ^ A would require 6 days. '■ ma. In this case, we evidently have v/mi + v/mo N/m2 >i and <1 Consequently, the first set of values, denoted by (A), give m\p = a positive quantity which is -. imp = a positive quantity which is <-. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 21] These values give for the point sought, a position between wii and 7712, but nearer wio than mi. Again, a negative quantity. v////l y/m-2 Therefore, the second set of values, denoted by (B), give mijj = a positive quantity which is >i and <1. Consequently the first set of values, denoted by (A), give . d mfp = a positive quantity >-. . ^d map =z a positive quantity >-. And the point lies between mi and m-j, nearer 7ni than Wj. 212 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Vmi v/mi — s/ni-2 a negative quantity, a positii-e quantity > 1. Tlierefore these second values give for the point a position on the left of wii. This case is obviously the same as Case I., when we in- terchange the bodies mi and wia. CASE III, When d = a finite quantity. And mi = m^. In this case, v/mi ■v/Wii-j-x/'mg Consequently, the first set of values, denoted by (A), give d mip = -. And the point is equi-distant from nii and 7nQ. Again, ■v/mi -v/mi -=dr !z=±an infinite quantity, (Art. 133. =^ - ' =^an infinite quantity. (Art. 133, Vwii — -/wa QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 213 Therefore, the second set of values, denoted by (B), give for the point a position at an infinite distance either to the right or left. CASE IV. Wien d =0. ^nd mi\. 771-2. In this case, we have imp = 0, m-2p = 0, for both sets of values ; consequently there is but one point which is equally attracted by both bodies, and that point is the comiron centre of the two bodies. CASE V. W/ien d^O. Jind mi = mo. The first set of values evidently become imp = 0, m-ip = 0. Which shows that the point is in the common centre of the two bodies. The second set of values give 7ni;p = -=- an indeterminate quantity. (Art. 134.) TTi^p = - = an indeterminate quantity. (Art. 134.) So that the point may be any where on the line which join.s the centres of the bodies. Since the two centres are united, every line which passes through this common point may be regarded as joining those centres j consequently every point 214 QIADUATIC EQUATIONS. in space is, in this particular case, equally attracted by each body. From the above discussion, we see that the analytical ex- pressions are faithful to give all the particular cas^s which are possible to arise from giving particular values to the constant quantities which enter into the conditions of the question. (162.) We will now add a couple examples for the pur- pose of illustrating the case in which the roots are imagi- nary. 1. Find two numbers whose sum is 8, and whose pro- duct is 17. Let x = one of the numbers, then will 8 — x= the other number. The product is (8 — x)x --=8x — x"^, which, by the con- ditions of the question, is 17. Therefore, we have this equation of condition, xi — Sx=—ll. (1) This, solved by the usual rules for quadratics, gives x = 4 db "^ — 1 5 for one of the numbers, and 8 — (4 ± V—l) = (4 =F v/_l,) for the other num- ber. ( 4 _j_\/] I Therefore, the numbers are < I (4=F^/— 1, both of which are imaginary ; we are therefore authorized to conclude that it is impossible to find two numbers whose sum is 8, and proihict 17. We may also satisfy ourselves of this as follows : Since the sum of the two numbers is 8, they must average just 4 j h'.'uce the greater must exceed 4 just as much as the less QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 215 falls short of 4. Therefore any t\YO numbers whose sum !•? 8 may be represented by 4 — a-. Taking their product, we have {4-\-x){4: — x)=ie — x. Now, since x- is positive for all real values of x, it fol- lows that the product 16 — x- is always less than 16 ; that is, no two real nu77ibers whose sum is 8, can be found such that their product can equal 17. If we put the expression for the product, which we have just found equal to 17, we shall have 16 — x- = 17, consequently, x = zb ^ — 1. And,4 + a: = 4zb^/^,) ^ , r , u i, . > the same values as lound by the 4_a; = 4zpv/_i,^ first method. These values, although they are imaginary, will satisfy the algebraic conditions of the question ; that is, their sum is (4±N/iri)+(4:^v/Zn:) = 8, and their product is (4 ± ^/=^l) X (4 T v/— 1) =z 17. 2. Find two numbers whose sum is 2, and sum of their reciprocals 1. Denoting the numbers by x and y, we have the following relations : These, solved by the ordinary rules, give 216 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. (2) x = 1±n/— 1, Both lirj:\ values are imaginar} ; consequently the condi- tions of the question are absurd. We may also show the impossibility of this question as follows : The sum being 2 the numbers may be denoted by l + o:,) 1 — a:. > Taking the sum of their reciprocals, we have 1+x^l— x' which, when reduced to a common denominator, becomes 2 1 — x2 The denominator of this expression cannot be greater than 1 ; for all real values of x, the expression must ex- ceed 2. Therefore, it is imfossihle to find two numbers whose sum shall equal 2, and sum of their reciprocals equal 1. (163.) From what has been said, we conclude that when, in the course of the solution of an algebraic problem, we fall upon imaginary quantities, there must be conditions in the problem which are incompatible. Under Art. 128, we remarked that imaginary quantities had been advantageously employed as aids in the solution of many refined and delicate problems of the higher parts of analysis ; here we notice their utility in pointing out the impossibility of questions, which otherwise, with only a su perficial investigation, might be supposed possible. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 21' CHAPTER VI. flATIO AND PROGRESSION. (164.) By Ratio of two quantities we mean their relation. When we compare quantities, by seeing how much greater one is than another, we obtain arithmetical ratio. Thus : the arithmetical ratio of 6 to 4 is 2, since 6 exceeds 4 by 2 ; in the same way, the arithmetical ratio of 11 to 7 is 4. In the relation a — c=ir., (1) r is the arithmetical ratio of a to c. The first of the two terms which are compared is called the antecedent; the second is called the consequent. Thus, referring to (1), we have a = antecedent. c = consequent, r = ratio. From (1), we get by transposition, « = c + r, (2) c = a — r. (3) Equation (2) shows, that in an arithmetical ratio the an tecedent is equal to the consequent increased by the ratio. Equation (3' in like manner shows, that the consequent is equal to the antecedent diminished by the ratio. 28 218 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. (165.) When the arithmetical ratio of r,ny two terms is the same as the ratio of any other two terms, the four terms together form an aiithmetical proportion. Thus, if a — c = r ; and a' — c'= r, then will a — c = a' — c', (4) which relation is an arithmetical proportion, and is read thus : a is as much greater than c, as a' is greater than c'. Of the (our quantities constituting an arithmetical pro- portion, the first and fourth are called the extremes, the second and third are called the means. The first and second, together, constitute the first coup- let ; the thiril and fourth constitute the second couplet. From equation (4), we get by transposing, a + c'= a'-j- c, (5) which shows, that the sum of the extremes, of an arithmeti cal proportion, is equal to the su)n of the means. If c = a', then (4) becomes a — a'=a' — c', (6) which changes (5) into a-\-c'=2a'. (7) So that, if three terms constitute an arithmetical pro portion, the sum of the extremes will equal twice the mean. (166.) A series of ([r.antities which increase or decrease by a constant difference form an aiithmetical progression. When the series is increasing, it is called an ascending jyro- gression; when decreasing it is called a descending progres- sion. Thus, of the two series 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, &c. (8) 27, 23, 19, 15, 11, 7, &c. (9) ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 219 The first is an ascending progression, whose ratio or com- mon difference is 2 ; the second is a descending progression, whose common difference is 4. (167.) If a = the first term of an ascending arithmeti- cal progression, whose common difference = J, the succes- sive terms will be fl = first term, a-\- d= second term, a-\-2d = third term, a + 3d= fourth term, V (\Q\ a -\- {n — l)d = Tith term. If we denote the last or nth term by /, we shall have l = a-{.{n—\)d. (11) From (11) we readily deduce a = l — in—\)d, (12) " = '-=^+1. (14) When the progression is descending, we must write — d for d in the above formulas. Suppose, in an arithmetical progression, a; to be a term which is preceded by q terms ; and y to be a term which is followed by q terms ; then by using (11) we have x^a-\-qd^ (15) y = l—qd. (16) Taking the sum of (15) and (16), we get x + y = a-\-L (17) 220 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. That isj the sum of any two terms equi-distant from the extremes is equal to the sum of the extremes, so that the terms will average half the sum of the extremes ; conse- quently, the sum of all the, terms equals half the sum of the extremes multiplied by the number of term^. Representing the sum of n terms by s, we have s = -l-xn. (18) From (18) we easily obtain ; = -—/. (19) n l=-~a. (20) (21) 2s Any three of the quantities a = the first term, d = common difference, n = number of terms, / = last term, s = sum of all the terms, being given, the remaining two can be found, which must give rise to 20 different formulas, as given in the following table for Arithmetical Progression. (168.) We have not deemed it necessary to exhibit the particular process of finding each distinct formula of the fol- lowing table, since they are all derived from the two fun- damental ones, (1) and (7) , by the usual operations upon equations not exceeding the second degree. It will furnish a good exercise for the student to deduce all these formulr.s by the aid, only, of formulas 1 and 7. ARITHMETICAL PROGUESSIOX. 2-2\ ' No. Given. Requi- red. Formulas. Corr. , 17 19 20 18 1 2 3 4 a, dj n a, rf, s a, n, 5 / l = a-\-{n — l)d / = — Jd±v/2d*+(a — i(i)- I— - — a n s {n-l)d n~^ 2 5 6 ! 7 8 a, d, / a, ?j, / S s=zln[2a-\'i^ji—l)d] ' 2 ' 2d s = hi{a+l) s = i7i\2l — {n^l)d\ 8 5 1 9 !io 11 'l2 a, n, 5 a, /, 5 n, /, s d 71 — 1 ^ 25 — 2an Hn-1) 2,. _ / _ a 2nl—2s n(7i-l) 12 10 16 14 113 14 i 15 16 a, d, I 0, d, s a, /, V d, /, 5 n d — 2a J 2s , /2a — dV- 2s 2l + d , , //2/+d\2 2. ^^- 2d ^V( 2d )-d 17 18 19 20 = d, n, / d, n, 5 r/, /, s n, /, i a a=/ — (n— l)d 5 (n— l)d "-n 2 1 4 2 3 a = idd=N/(/-f-^dr — 2d^ 2^ ; n 222 ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. (169.) From the nature of an arithmetical progression, we discover that if we subtract the common difference from the last term, we shall obtain the term next to the last ; if we subtract from the last term twice the common difference, we obtain the second term from the last. Hence the terms of an arithmetical progression will be reversed if we inter- change the values of a and /, and at the same time change the sign of d. Thus, the general form of an arithmetical pro* gression is 0, ct+rf, a+2rf, / — 2rf, / — (/, I. Changing a to /, / to «, and changing the sign of d^ we have l^ I — d) / — 2(/, a+St/, a-\-d^ a, which is precisely the same progression as the first, with the terms arranged in a reverse order. The above change has, of course, no effect upon the number of terms, nor upon the sum of all the terms. Therefore, in any of the formulas of the preceding table we are at liberty to make the above named changes. As an example, we will take from the table formula 2, which is / — — Jrf =b ^2ds-{-{a—ldf. Now, changing / to a, a to /, and changing the sign of d. it becomes u .= Id ± V(/+;(i)s — 2rf^, which is formula 19. In the same way, formulas 14 and 16 may be deduced from each other. Such formulas as may be derived from each other by the above changes we shall call correlative formulas. It is evident that some of the formulas of the ta- ble have no correlative. Thus, formulas 13 and 15 are not altered by the above changes. Those formulas which have correlative formulas have them referred to in the table, un- der column headed Corr. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 223 1. The first term of an arithmetical progression is 7, the common difference is |, and the number of terms is 16. What is the last term ? To solve this, we take formula 1 from our table, which is l = a-ir{n — l)d. Substituting the above given values for a, d, and 7i, we find ; = 7 + Kl6— l)=10f. 2. The first term of an arithmetical progression is |, the common difference is |, and the last term is 3|. What is the number of terms 1 In4.his example w-e take formula 13. I — a which in this present case becomes n = ^i^-|-l =26. 3. One hundred stones being placed on the ground in a straight line, at the distance of two yards from each other, how far will a person travel who shall bring them one by one to a basket, placed at two yards from the first stone '? In this example a— -4; d=4: ; 7i = ]00; which values being substituted in formula 5, give 6> =z 50 j 8 -f 99 X 4 I = 20200 yards, which, divided by 1760, the number of yards in one mile, we get s = 11 miles, 840 yards. 4. What is the sura of n terms of the progression 1,3,5,7,9, ? Ans. .s- = «'■'. 524 GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 5. What is the sum of ti terms of the progression 1>2,3,4,5, ■? A„s. .^±±n. GEOMETRICAL RATIO. (170.) When we compare quantities by seeing how many times greater one is than another, we obtain geometrical ratio. Thus the geometrical ratio of 8 to 4 is 2, since 8 is 2 times as great as 4. Again, the geometrical ratio of 15 to 3 is 5. In the relation, - =r, (1) c r is the geometrical ratio of a to c. As in arithmetical ratio, a = antecedent^ c = consequent^ r = ratio. From (1), we get by reduction, a — cr^ (2) .=2. (3) Equation (2) shows, that in a geometrical ratio the ante- cedent is eqiial to the consequent multiplied by the ratio. Equation (3) shows, that the consequent is equal to the antecedent divided by the ratio. (171.) When the geometrical ratio of any two terms is the same as the ratio of any other two terms, the four terms together form a geometrical proportion. Thus, if -= r; and -. = r, then will c c 1=?' w GEOMETRICAL TROGRESSIOX. 225 which relation is a geometrical proportion, and is generally Written thus : a : c : : o' : c', (5) which is read as follows : a is to c, as a' is to c'. Of the four quantities which constitute a geometrical pro- portion, as in arithmetical proportion, the first and fourth are called the extremes, the second and third are called the 7neans. The first and second constitute the^r^^ couplet ; the third and fourth constitute the second couplet. From equation (5), or its equivalent (4), we find ac' = a'c, (6) which shows, that the product of the extremes of a geome- trical proportion, is equal to the product of the means. If c = a', then (5) becomes a : a' : \ a' : c', (7) which changes (6) into ac = a (8) so that if the two means which constitute a geometrical pro portion be equal, then the product of the extremes will equal the square of the mean. (172.) Quantities are said to be in proportion by inver- sion, or inversely, when the consequents are taken as ante- cedents, and the antecedents as consequents. From (5), or its equivalent (4), which is we have, by inverting both terms, c ^c_[ a a'' Therefore, by Art. 171, c : a : : c' : a'. (10) 29 226 GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. W/iich shows ^ tJiat if four quantities are in proportion they will be in proportion by inversion. (173.) Quantities are in proportion by alternation^ or al- ternately., when the antecedents form one of the couplets, and the consequents form the other. Resuming (4), -=^- . (11) c c c Multiplying both terms of (11) by —, it will become o a c a' c' Therefore, by Art. 171, a : a' : : c : c'. (12) Which shows, that if four quantities are in proportion they will be so by alternation. (174.) Quantities are in proportion by co7nposition,\\hen the sum of the antecedent and consequent is compared either with antecedent or consequent. Resuming (4), c c' If to (13) we add the terms of the following equation -=:-, each of whose members is equal to unity, we have a-fc _ a'-\-c' c ~ c' ' Therefore, by Art. 171, a-\-c : c : : a'-\-c' : c'. (14) Which shows, that if four quantities are in proportion they will he so by composition. GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 227 (175.) Quantities are said to be in proportion by division, when the difference of antecedent and consequent is com- pared with either antecedent or consequent. c c' If we subtract the equation - = -., each member of c c which is equal to 1, from equation (4) , we find c c Therefore, by Art. 171, we have a — c : c : : a' — c' : c'. (15) Which shows, that if four quantities are in proportion, they vAll be so by division. Equation (4) is a a' c c'' Raising each member to the nth power, we have 0" _ a'" Therefore, by Art. 171, we have a" : c" : : a'" : c'". (l6) Which shows, that if foxir quantities are in proportion, likt powers or roots of these quantities will also be in proportion. If we have a : c : : a' : c', ^ a : c : : a" : c". > (17) a '. c : : a : C &c., &c. These give by alternation, Art. 173, &€., &c. 22S GEOMETIUCAL PBOGRESSION, Tiierefore, by inversion, Art. 172, we have We also have c c c" c a c &c., &c, c n c (18) .(19) Taking the sum of equations (18), we have aJ^a'-\.a"J^a"> j^S^c . _ c + c'-\- c" -\ - c'" -\- kc. a c Therefore, by Art. 171, we have a-\-a'-\-a"-\-a"'-\-kc.:a: : c4-c' + c"+c"'+&c.: c. (20) Which shows^ that if any number of quantities are propor- tional^ the sum of all the antecedents will he to any one antecedent^ as the sum of all the consequents is to its corres- ponding consequent. (176.) If we have a : c '. : a : c , a":c": :a"':c"', we find a a' (21) a" a'" 7'~ c'"' (22) Multiplying together the equations (21) and (22), we have aXa" a'Xa'" cX c" c'Xc'" (23) GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 229 Therefore, by Art. 171, we have aXa" : cXc" : : a' Xa'" : c' Xc'". (24) Which shows, that if there be two sets of proportional quan- tities, the products of the corresponding terms will he pro- portional. (177.) A series of quantities which increase or decrease by a constant multiplier forms a geometrical progression. When the series is increasing, that is, when the constant multiplier exceeds a unit, it is called an ascending progres- sion; when decreasing, or when the constant multiplier is less than a unit, then it is called a descending progression. Thus, of the two series, 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, &c., (25) 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, &c. (26) the first is an ascending progression, whose constant multi- plier or ratio is 3 ; the second is a descending progression, whose ratio is ^. (178.) If a is the first term of a geometrical progression, whose ratio =^ r, the successive terms w'ill be a= first term, ar = second term, ar-= third term, aH= fourth term, V (27) nth term. If we denote the last or nth terra by /, we shall have l=ar"-K (28), If we represent the sum of n terms of a geometrical pro- gression by s, we shall have s = a-\-ar-^ ar^-f ar"-^ . . . .-j- ar'^' + or"-'. (29) 230 GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. Multiplying all the terms of (29) by the ratio r, we have rs =zar -{■ ar--\- ar^-\- ar'^-^ . . . . + ar'^^-\- ar^. (30) Subtracting (29) from (30), we get (r— l)s = G(r"— 1). Therefore, ==a. < > Ir-lS (31) (32) Any three of the quantities a = first term, r = ratio, n = number of terms, /= last term, s = sum of all the terms, being given, the remaining two can be found, which as in arithmetical progression, must give rise to 20 different for- mulas, as given in the following table for Geometrical Progression. No. Given. Requi- red. Formulas. Cor. 1 2 3 4 a, r, n, a, r, s, a, n, s, r, 7i, s, / ^_a-\-{r-l)s r l{s — ly-'— a{s — a) "-'= I {r-l)sr^'-' r"—l 9 11 12 10 5 6 7 8 a, r, n, a, r, I, a, n, /, r, n, I, S ^__a{r"-l) r—1 rl — a 8 5 r—1 „_ l{r^-l) (r-l)r"-» GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 231 Requl. rod. , n, /, '■) ^h *5 r, Ij _ {r — l)s r" — 1 = rl — (r — 1) 5 a(s — ay-'— I {s — iy-'= a, n, /, , «, o, ■J ") "3 n, /, s, i^^^. a a s — l s ,r"-'+ - = s — / s — / 16 14 a, r, /, a, /, s, r, /, s, log/ — log + 1 logr log[a+(r— 1>] — log a log r log / — log a log(s— a) — log(5— /) log I — log [ rl — (r — l)s] ~~ logr +1 20 18 (179.) All the formulas of the above table are easily drawn from the conditions of (28) and (32), which conditions correspond with formulas (1) and (5), except the last lour which involve logarithms ; we will hereafter, under Loga- rithms, show how these formulas are obtained. 232 GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. If in a geometrical progression we change a to /, Z to a, and r to r~'=-, the progression will remain the same as before, taken in a reverse order. These changes being made in the formulas of the preceding table, we shall discover that some of the formulas, as in arithmetical progression, have correlative formulas. Those having correlative for- mulas, have them referred to in the table, under column headed Cor. EXAMPLES. 1. The first term of a geometrical progression is 5, the ratio 4, the number of terms is 9. What is the last term 1 Formula (1), which is / = ar"-^^ gives / =5X4^= 327680. 2. The first term of a geometrical progression is 4, the ratio is 3, the number of terms is 10. What is the sum of all the terms 1 air""— 1) Formula (5), which is 5 = — , gives s = ^\ ^ = 118096. 3. The last term of a geometrical progression is 106f f| the ratio is f, the number of terms 8. What is the firs* term? Formula (9), which is o = -j^^-j, gives 106^-^ (180.) When the progression is descending the ratio is less than one, and if we suppose the series extended to an infinite number of terms, the last term may be taken ^ = 0, which causes formula 6 to become GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 233 Which shoiDS, that the sum of an infinite number of terms of a descending geometrical progression is equal to its first term, divided by one diminished by the ratio. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the sum of the infinite progression l + i+T + i + rV + &c.? In this example a= 1, r= J , and (33) becomes 2. What is the value of 0.33333 &c., or which is the same thing, of the infinite series /o-f- rf o "h t/o u ~f~ ^^- *? yV) and (33) gives 1-A " ' 3. What is fhe value of 0.12121212 &c., or which is the same, of j\% + r^\%^ + to o H o o &c. ? In this example a= j\%, r = j^-^y and (33) gives 4. What is the sura of the infinite series i + i + i + .V + 8VH-&c.? 5. What is the sum of the infinite series. 30 Ans. Ans. j. 234 HAEMONICAL PROPORTION. 6. What is the sum of the series 1-1 |-~5~l~-^ ~h X XT t' &c., to infinity 1 Ans. x—1 7. What is the sum of the series 1 -| j-— -\ -f- &c., to infinity 1 x+l ' (x+1)^ Ans. ^±i. X 8. Suppose the elastic power of a ball, which falls from a height of 100 feet, to be such as to cause it to rise 0.9375 of the height from which it fell ; and to continue in this way diminishing the height to which it will rise in geomet- rical progression, till it comes to rest. How far will it have moved 1 Ans. 3100 feet. HARMONICAL PROPORTION. (181.) Three quantities are in harmonical proportion, when the first has the same ratio to the third, as the differ- ence between the first and second has to the difference between the second and third. Four quantities are in harmonical proportion, when the first has the same ratio to the fourth, as the difference between the first and second has to the difference between the third and fourth. Thus, if a : c : : a — b : b — c, (1) then will the three quantities a, &, c, be in harmonical pro portion. If a : d : : a—b : c — dj (3) HARMONICAL PROPORTION. 235 then also will the four quantities a, 6, c, and d be in harmo- nical proportion. Multiplying means and extremes of (1), we have ab— ac = ac — be, (3) which by transposition becomes ab -{-bc = 2ac. (4) In a similar way equation (2) gives ac-\-bd:= 2ad. (5) Suppose a, 6, c, d, e, &c., to be in harmonical progression; then from (4) we have be -{- ab = 2ac, ") cd + be = 2bd, i (6) de -{- cd= 2ce, } &c. &c. Dividing the first of (6) by abc, the second by bed, and the third by ede, &c., we find (7) 11111 From which we sec that -,7,-515-) &c., are in arith- a b c a e metical progression. (Art. 165.) Hence, the reeiproeals of any number of terms in harmo- nical 2iTOgression are in arithmetical frogression ; and con- versely the reciprocals of the terms of any arithmeticar progression must be in harmonical progression. 236 HARMONICAL PROPORTION. when reduced to a common denominator, are 60, 30, 20, 15, 12, 10, which by the above property must be in harmonical progression. If six musical strings of equal tension and thickness, have their lengths in proportion to the above numbers, they will, when sounded together, produce more perfect harmony than could be produced by strings of different lengths ; and hence we see the propriety of calling this kind of relation, har- monical or musical proportion. (182.) If we take the arithmetical mean, the geometrical mean, and the harmonical mean, of any two numbers, these three means will be in geometrical proportion. Let a and 6 be any two numbers, then will \{a -\- h)= their arithmetical mean, y/ah^ " geometrical " 2a6 a-\-h And we evidently have \{a + h) : ^/a6 harmonical " v/a6 _2a&_ a-\-h' That is, The geometrical mean, between the arithmetical mean and the harmonical mean of two quantities, is the same as the geometrical mean of the quantities themselves. 237 CHAPTER Vn. SERIES. METHOD OF INDETERMINATE COEFFICIENTS, (183.) Suppose we have the following conditi ion : .% + A3^ -\-J,x'-\-JlsX^+ &C. ^ ^j^ =Bo+ Bix +5ox2-f B3X3+ &c. If the above condition is true for all values of x, we must have ^^ = B.,^ (2) X =B„. J For, since the condition (1) is true for all values of x, it becomes, when x = 0, ^0 = J^o. Now, rejecting A^ from the left-hand member of (1) and its equal ^o from its right-hand member, it wnll become Axx■^Ji<^'^-J^^x'-\- &c.=i?i.r+7?.jX^+53a-3-|- &c. (3) Dividing through by x, we find ^i+j?ax-l-^3a:'-f &c.=^i-f B.x-^7?3r-^+&c. (4) When X = Oj equation (4) becomes A\=^B\. 238 SERIES. (5) By a similar process we can show, that ^2=1 B^; Jia^^B^; and, in general, ^n = Bn^ If we transpose all the terms of the right-hand member of (1), it will become ^o — Bo+{A — Bi)x-\-{Jiii~~B2)3r ) + {Jl3— Ba)3^' + &c. = 0. S (184.) Hencey when we have an equation of the form of (5), true for all values of x^ it follows ^ that the coefficients of the different powers of x, are respectively equal to 0. We will now apply the above principle in the develop- ment of some particular EXAMPLES. 1 _L. 2x . 1. Required to expand — ^^ — Ij^^^*^ ^^ infinite series. Assume, , 1-1- 2a: A + A^x 4- A-^ -|-^3x' 4- &c. Clearing this of fractions and then transposing, it becomes I—aAx — JIi Vx- — ^2>x'-1-&c.=0. — 2) —A) —a) Now, since the right-hand member is equal to 0, it fol lows, by the above principle of indeterminate coefficients that the coefficients of the left-hand member must each equal ; hence we have the following conditions : ^0-1=0, (1)- ^1—^0 — 2 = 0, (2) ^2 — •^i — -^0 = 0, (3)1 .^3 — ^2-^1 = 0, (4)> (A) A ^„_,— ^„_2=0. (71 + 1). From the above we readily find (1) •^1 = 3, « (2) ^2 = 4, (3) ^3 = 7, (4) (B) ^„ = A_i+^,^o, (n + 1)/ The value of the general coefficient ./?„, as given in group (B), shows that, any coefficient is equal to the sum of the two preceding ones. Substituting these values, as given by (B),in the assumed 1 + 2^: 1 — X — x-^ value 01 ' ■ T we iind 1 4-21: ^ —1 -[-3a: -[-4a:--(- 7x3+ 11x^+18x^-1- &c. 1 — X — X- 2. Required the development of ; — - by this method . 1+x+x^ Assume .,z=.^o + ^lX + ^2X^ + ^3x3+^4X*+ &C., 1+x+x- proceeding as in last example, we find ^0 + ^1 ) +^. ) +^'^3) +^4) — 1 ) +jio) +a; +^2) Equating the coefficients to zero, we have 240 SERIES. ^0 = 0, (1) ^^^^,J—l = 0, (2) ^2+A+^0 = 0, <3) ^34-^2 + ^1 = 0, (4) ^4+^3+^2 = 0, (5)| (B) ^n+'^n— l+^n-2 = 0. (^ + 1). Commencing with the first condition, we find ^o = 0, which substituted in (2) gives ^i=: 1, these values of Jlo and ^1, substituted in (3), give ^2 = — 1, now substituting jii and Ji-i in (4), we find ^3 =0, continuing in this way, we find Jii= 1 ; ^5= — 1, and so on; from the general condition (n + 1) we find jin = — A-i — c/?„_2, that is, any coefficient is equal to the sum of the two preceding co- efficients taken with a contrary sign. Hence, l-\-x-[-x^ r-\-x^ — x^-{- x'^ — &c. 3. Required the development of *^1 — x by this method. Assume, v^l — x^=JiQ-{-AiX-\-A-ic--{-A^:j?-\-kc. Squaring both members, we find 1 . /? 2 . o /7 /7 ^ +2A^o ) +2^o^3 " S +^-; S +2A^2 Equating like coefficients, we have ^0-^ = 1, (1) 2AA = — 1, (2) 2AA+^? = 0, (3)' 2A^3+2A-^2 = 0, (4)( 2j?oA+2j3iA+^^ = 0. (5) X3+&C. (C) SERIES. 241 The first condition gives .^o = v/l = l. This value of. '7o substituted (2), \ve find 2 In this way we find, in succession, the following values : These values substituted in our assumed value, give ^ . X X- 3x^ 3.5y^ ~''~ ~2~~2l~2X6~ '^" The general term of this series is _3.5...(2n — 3)x" 2n ' 4. Required the development of ■ by this me- ^ l—2x-]-x'- ^ thod. Ans. l+3x+5x-^-f7x^-(-9x^-{-lla;5+ &c. l-fx 5. Required the development of 1 — X XT Ans. l+2x-f 3z=+5r'+8ar'-|-13x''+ &c. (18.5) Before closing this subject we will develop — which will be of use hereafter. Assume, "Ln^ = ^o-f-./3iy+.%^+ +-^m3/"+ &c. ( 1 ) X — y Multiplying through by x — y, we obtain 31 242 SERIES. (A) (n + 1) (5) — A ) -il ) -'In-l Equating like coefficients of y, we get yioa: = x'^ (1) ^V — A = 0, (2)1 ^2X — .'ii^O, (3)1 - Jj^x — Jo = 0, (4). and in general, .'i„X — ./?„_! =0. Equating the coefficients of y", we have Jl,„X — J,n-i= — l. From (1), we find which substituted in (2), we find .^1 = x"'-^. ■ This in turn, substituted in (3), gives and in general we have JJ^ = x'"^-\ In this general value of Jla write m — 1 for iij and we get This value substituted in (5) , gives ^,„x — 1 = — 1, or j3,n = 0, and consequently all the succeeding values of Jin will be reduced to zero. These values of j?o ; -^i; ^2; ^3; &c., substituted in (1), give x — y = x"^' -\-x"'--y-Jrx'^Y . . . +xy'"-'^+y'^\ (B) SERIES. 243 BINOMIAL THEOREM. (186.) We have already found by actual multiplicatioi; (Art. 94), that (a+x)' = a-|-x, (a+x)- = a--f2oa;+a:-^, . ,^. {a-{-xY = a^-\-3a-x-{-3ax'+x\ ^ ^ ' {a-\-x) ' = fi = 4-4a-'a;+6aV'+4ax^-}-a;' Now, the Binomial Theorem teaches us the law by which we may write the development of {a -\- a:)"' for any values of o, x, and //;. To determine this law, assume (a-f x)« = .'io + .iia: + . //ox- + . ^3X^-^1- *c. (1) We have taken the exponent of this binomial fractional, in order to make the development more gen«»^i. The assumed form ibr the development of (a -f- a:)" be- ing general, must be true for all values of x. When a: = 0, m it becomes o" =.■?», introducing this value oi .'% in (1), we have (« -j- xf = «" -I- Ax + Ax' -f At" -f- &c. (2) In (2), writing xj for x, and it becomes (a -f- xi)~' = (? +./?ix, -f- ^ox^ -j- ./?3a: f -j- &c. (3) Subtracting (3) from (2), we find {a-]-xY—{a-^XiY= ( (4) If we suppose H = {a+xY; ui={a-\-XiY, (5) 244 SERIES, we readily find m m u'" — u{"^ = (a 4- x)n — {a + x.y and 7/1" = X JCi. (6) (7) Dividing the left-hand member of (4) by w" — Wi", and the right-hand member by its equal a: — X], observing to tn tn substitute u"^ — Ui" for (a-j-a:)« — (a-j-xi)«"j as given by (6), and it will become Wl' Ui' (8) \X — Xil \x X J \x — xj Dividing both numerator and denominator of the left- hand member of (8) Ity w — i^i, and performing the divisions indicated in the right-hand member, and we obtain by the aid of equation (B), Art. 185, the following: M'"~'-f- Miw'"~--|- Wi'"~* i t/,n-'-[_ UyU"-' -|- «i"-' ~ > (9) ^i-h-^2(x-f-a:i)+^3(x^-fxx,+ x^)-f &c. > Now, in (9), suppose a; = a;i, and consequently w = «i, and it becomes ^,-f 2A.iX -f- 3^3r^-f- 4.i,.r3 -f- &c. (10) Re-substituting {a-\-x)n for u in (10), and it will become (a -}- x)n ^,-f- 2A'a- + 3^3x'-f 4^4x'-f &c. n a-f-x Multiplying through by a -|- x, and we obtain (11) 245 m (a + x)" = > (12) +'^i ) +2^2 ) +3^3 m Multiplying both members of (2) by— and it becomes n m. m (a4-x)"=-a-4--.9ix+-Ji.2xH-8cc. (13) n n n n Equating the right-hand members of (13), and (12), we have — a « -| ^\x -\ A'lX^ -| ^3X-*-f- ^-c. 4- -^1 ) -\-2Ao ) +3^3 ) Now, by the principle of (Art. 182), we must equate the coefficients of like powers of x, by which means we have 'in Ji\a = —a" , n n ' 3j?3a + 2^o = -^2, 11 pA,a^{p-i)A^, = -Aj^u n or, a,=.^Jl=:I±Aa^,. pa From this general value, we readily deduce the following 246 /» fn — I 71 ^..= mim n \n 1 A, tl-'][l-') 2.3 The general value being A (?-!).;>■ 2.3.4 (15) These values of Ji\', Ji-i\ A; &.C., substituted in (2), we have r .an -x--|- &C. (a-f-x) n=a»i-f--.0" x-f If 71 =1, this value of (A) becomes (a + x)- = n- + 7na— 'x _|_ ^(^ — ^) . a— ^x^+ &c. (B) If 771= 1, then (A) becomes I i 1 i._, (a+ar)n = a''H «" x + n\n Gn~a:'' + &c. (C) The coefficient of the (j7 + l)th term as given by (15), becomes when w = 1 , m(;7t— l)(7?i— 2)(w— 3) . . . .(771— p+2)(77t— p+1) 2.3.4 (;> — 1) -V ! (16) SERIES. 247 (187.) The numerator of this coefficient being formed of factors decreasing regularly by one, it follows that when p = 771+1 it will vanish, and then the series must termi- nate ; so that the number of terms of the expansion (B) will be 771 -|- 1. But when - is fractional, or a negative n integer, the number of terms of the expansion must be infinite. When a or X becomes negative, then those terms of the expansion will change signs, which contain odd poioers of this negative quantity. (188.) If in (B), we write a for a; and x for a, we shall have (a._}_a) m^ a-'"+??ix'"- 'a -f !!i(!!^zi) a;"'-^-^- &c. (17) Now, since the left-hand members of (B) and (17) are evidently equal, their right-hand members must be ; and since, when m is a positive integer, the number of terms of (B) as well as (17) is equal to m -{- 1, it follows that the terms of the expansion (B) must be homogeneous and sym- (a + a;)"'= a'"-f 7na'"- x^ ^^^"'~~'^ \"'-H''->r. . . . + max"'-' + x^- ^^^ If in (A) we suppose a^x= 1, we shall find m ™(^') ■t-)(^^) (E) (l + l)"=2"=l-f- 4—^-^-1--^ ^-^ +&C Tlierefore, in any expansion of a binomial, whose terms are both positive, the sum of the coefficients is equal to the same power, or root of 2. 248 SERIES. (189.) If in (A), we suppose a = 1 ; x= — 1, we shall have ^ ^ n 2 2.3 ^ That isy in any expansion of a binomial ^ one of whose terms is negative,, the sum of the coefficients w = ; and therefore the swn of the positive coefficients must he equal to the sum of the negative ones. (190.) By inspecting formula (A), we discover that the coefficients may be found in succession by the follow- ing RULE. Multiply any coefficient of any term hy the exponent of the hading quantity in that ternij and divide the product by the exponent of the foil owing quantity diminished hy one^ and the result will he the coefficient of the succeeding term. APPLICATION OF THE BINOMIAL THEOREM. (191.) We will now make an application of this theo- rem ; and, first, suppose in the expression (B), of page 246, we make successively m= 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the results will be precisely the same as those first given on page 243. If we make in succession m^ 5, 6, and 7, we shall obtain the following results : (a-fx)^=a^-|-5a4x-f-l0aV-j-10aV-|-5ax*+a:«, (a+x)« = a'''+6a'*x+15a^xa+20a3a^-fl5aV-f-6ax'^4-x«, (a-fx)^ = J a'4-7a«x-|-21aV-|-35a^x8+35aV 1 I -f21a=^x«-f-7ax«-i-x^. S SERIES. 249 EXAMPLES. 1. Required the expansion of (a -j- rr) "* . In formula (C), make n = 2, and it becomes {a4-x) =a -4- -a x .a 'x'^-] -.a 'x^ — &c. ^ ~ ' ~2 2.4 ~2.4.6 = a ) 1-1 — a—'^x . a~-a:--i .a—^x^ — &c. > \ ^2 2.4 ^2.4.6 5 Writing the different powers of a, which have negative exponents, in the denominator, by which means their expo- nents change signs and become positive (Art. 49), and we find i h ( . X x- . 3x' 3.5x' ) 2. Required to expand (a-f-a;) . Changing ?i into 3, in (C) , and we have Removing the factor a , and causing the different powers of a to pass into the denominators, as in the last example, we obtain .A M. , a: 2a:^ , 2.5x' 2.5.8x' , , ) ( 3a 3.6a- 3.6.9o^ 3.6,9. 12a^ ) 3. Expand (a-(-x)^. Making n = 4 in (C), and it becomes ^ ^ ^ 4 4.8 '^4.8.12 32 250 Or, SERIES. ■ 4. Required the expansion of ( 1 4- a:) . This example will agree with example 1, if we write 1 for a. Making this change in example 1, we get 5. Required the expansion of (1 -f- 1)" or y/2. In the last example make a: = 1, and it becomes (1 + 1) 3.5 11 3 "^ ~ "^2 2.4 "^2^4.6 &c. 6. Required the expansion of "^1 — x or (1 — xY • In example 4, change x into — x^ and we get (l-^f=l- 3a:^ 3.5a;'' 2.4 2.4.6 2.4.6. &c. This expansion agrees with the one found by indetermi nate coefficients. (See Ex. 3, Page 240.) 7. Expand (a -\- x)-^. In (B), make m = — 4, and it becomes (a+x)-' = 0-'*— 4a-'*a: + lOa-V— 20a-V+ 35a-V— &c. _Ml — — ]^_^ 35x* &c.| 8. Required to expand a -f-2; or (a-f-x)~'. SERIES. 251 Making m = — 1 in (B) , we find — a-'— a-'x -f a-'->x-— a-*x'^-{- a" V— a-^x^-\- &c. 9, Required the expansion of — X In the last example, write 1 for a, and — x for x, and it becomes 1 1 — a: 1 _|_ a; 4- x2+ x^+ x^-{- x^-\- x^-{- &c. H, 6 36^ 3.763 3.7.116^ . > 10. What is the expa:!sion of (a — hyi b 36- 3.76^ "4a 4.8a2 ^.8.12d' 4. 11. What is the expansion of (a-j-z) *? aH 5^^5.10a^ 5.l0.15a3"^5.l0.15.20a^ ^' \ 12. W^hat is the expansion of (a^ — x)^! A 1^, a: x^ 3x3 3.5x> ) '^ r 2a3 2.4a« 2.4.6a^»^ ' S 13. What is the expansion of (^ + 7^ — 1)^ 1 If in example 2, we change a into p, and x into gv/ZZj we shall find, by reccollecting that by Art. 126, we have 252 1 3 i'^+^A^^-i+lep-Y 3.e.9 p~^q^\/ — 1 — &C 14. What is the expansion of {p — q^ — 1)^ 1 Changing, in example 2, a into p^ and x into — q "^ — 1, we easily find J {p — qV — \) (192. ) This theorem may be applied to quantities of more than two terms. Suppose we wish the expansion of (a-j-6-|-c)'. Assume and (a-f-6-|-cy = (a4-d)3. Now, in (B), make x = dj and m=3, and it will be- come {a-\-dy=^-a^-\-3a^d-\-3ad'-{-d\ (1) Now, by assumption d = h-{-c; therefore we have and d' = b'-\-Zb'c-\-3bc'-^c\ These values of d, d^ and d^, being substituted in (1) , we get {a-\-h-\-cy = a3+3a^(6+c)+3a(6^+26c+c^)+&^+36'c+36c2+c3 _ { a^4-3a=6-f3a^c+3a6'2-|-Ga6c4-3ac2 ) ~ I +63+362c+36c2+c^ S SERIES, 253 We might proceed in this May to obtain the expansion of algebraic polynomials of any number of terms, but abetter method will be to deduce a multinomial theorem, which may be done as follows : MULTINOMIAL THEOREM. (193.) This theorem, as we have just hinted, gives the law of the expansion of (aoH-aiX-f-cr22C*-}-a3:c3-{-&c,) " , or of any other polynomial, having for an exponent any value whatever. To determine this law, assume (ao-}-aiX-fa2X--j-&c.)'^'=A+^iX-|-^52X-+&c. (1) When a: = 0, we have ao'* = -'^o ; therefore we have (ao+aix-(-a2a;-H-&c.)^=ao"'+./?ix-f-^o.r^-|-&c. (2) Writing x^ for x, we have (au+aia:i+a2X=4-&c,)^=flo"+^iXi-f-^2X^ + &c. (3) Subtracting (3) from (2), we find m {ao-\-a^x-\-a2X'-\-kc.)" — (cfo+ai2"i+«2a-^ -f &c.)" ^ (4) =^i(x — a:,)4-^2(x3-^x^)4-&c. If we suppose 1 U=z (flo-f cix-f aox--}-&c.)% t^i = (ao-f-aiXi-j-aaX= -I-&C.)", we readily find 254 SERIES. f/m_ JJm m, n z={ao'^aiX-\~a2X--\-&,c.Y — {ao-\-aiXi-^aiX]-\- Scc.y U»— C/i^z^rciCx — a;i)4-a2(x2 — x2)-f-&c. Hence (4) becomes IJm __XJ^m-- ) Jii{x — x,)-{-Az{x^ — x\)-^M^{x^ — x])+8LC. \ (5) Dividing the left-hand member of (5) by 17" — t/^, and its right-hand member by its equal ai(x — a;i)-|-aa(x^ — ^\)-\- &c., we get ^,{x — x^)-+-ji,{^''~-^')-\-M^'—x'i)-^ &c. ai(a: — xi)-|-aa(x'—x2)-|- 03(3:^—0:?)+ &«• (6) If we divide both numerator and denominator of the left-hand member of (6) by U — Ut, it will become [see formula (B), Art. 185J, (7) If we divide both numerator and denominator of the right-hand member of (6) by x — x , it will become ^i-f A>(a:-ha:i)H--^3(a^+xx,-|-xi')+ & c. .g. ai-|-a.(x-|-xi)4-a3(a:--ha:xi-f-x^)-|- &c. The expressions (7) and (8) are equal. Now, when x = xi, the expression (7) becomes ml/"'-' nU" n' I/" ' which, by re-substituting the value of [7, becomes SERIES. m m {ao-j-aix-{-a'23p'j- &c.)'' n ' ao-\-aix-^aQpc--\- &c. When x = Xij the expression (8) becomes Jli-\-2M2X-\-3Ji3X--{- &c. ai-|-2aaj: -|-3a3X*-f- ^^c.' 266 (9) (10) Equating the expressions (9) and (10), and clearing of fractions, we have - {ao-{-aiX-i-aox-+kcY • {ai-\-2aiX-{-3a:iX''-\-kc)=^ ( n > (11) (oo+aiZ+caxH&c) . (^i-)-2.^2^+3.^,x3-}-&c.) ) Multiplying (1) by—, we have -(ao+a,a:+ayX--f&c.)'^=-(.^o+-'?!J^+^-2a;''H-&c.) (12) n n Hence (11) becomes -(^oH-^ix+.7.^^+&c).(a,-h2a,a-+3a3.T2 + &c)= ) («o+a,x+aox-4-&c).(^,-f-2..i.a-+3.^,a:-+&c.) ) By actual multiplication (13) becomes n hi 2^oao\ 2Anu2 3^00.3 -X- 4-^-/3^1 n \ni ., , „ — .T^-j- &c. 2.^202 3^lf/3 =Aia(i-{-2AMf}x-\-^JlzOQX'-\-i:A.\a{^x'^-Y- &c. (1^) -'^iffa 256 Equating coefficients of like powers of x in (14), we have n 2^200-4-^101 =—Jiai4-2 — iou^. n n 3«43ao-T-2./520i-j-^ia2= ^ 4^400+3^301+2^202+^103 = -^30i + 2-^200 + 3 ^103 + 4-^004. n ' n n n If for Moj we use its equal ao'*? we shall find from the above system of equations m >Aq = Co" } Ji\ = — Oo" Olj wi/m \ j3o =— ^— oo" o = + - Co" Co, 2 n ^,J— ^^^ "" "■' f +- 1 Qo" aiao + -Go" 03. V w \n / w 257 These values tf ^o, .'?,, ^2, ^^3, &c., substituted in (1), we have »n m m S,7(,7-') ffo" « 1 + - Oo" a.' QMM - 2.3 (+"(?-) cro" a? a 771 --1 n x^-\- 'X^ 4- &c. (A) EXAMPLES. 1. What is the cube of \-\-x-\-x'^--\-x^-\-x^-\-Si.cA If, in our general expression (A) of the multinomial theo- rem, we make 00=^1 =«j= 03= &c.= 1; andm = 3,n=l, we shall have 2. What is the square root of 14-a:+a:^+x'4-&c.? In our general expression (A), we must have7n=l,n =2, and 1 = flo = fli = «-' = f 3 = &-C. 3. What is the cube root of l-f-x-|-a:--|-a:'-f &c.? In (A), make m = 1, 7i = 3, and 1 = oo = ai = aj:=:cr5 .=:&c., and we get (1+x+xH r'-h&c.)*-l + 3^+|x»+l^x3 + &c. 33 258 4. What is the cube root of 1 -\- -x -}--x'^-{—x^-\-&iC. REVERSION OF SERIES. (194.) Suppose we have aiX-\-aox"-\~a2X^-\-aiX^-\-&ic.^y. (1) The process by which we find x in terms of y, is called reverting the series (1), which may be effected by the fol- lowing method : Assume x=:^iy-}-J].2y--{~Ji3y^-{-^iy'-^Sic. (2) Now, we find by actual multiplication, or by means of the multinomial theorem, x-^ = ^-;r + 2^,^2y' + 2A^3 } y4_^&e. x^ = ^'y-}-3^]Jl-2y*+ &c. x*=^\y'+SLc. These values of x, x-, a:% a:"*, &c., substituted in (1), we have y*+&c. ^-;a,|+2^,^2aa 1/3+ ^4ai + 2^1^302 + 3^=1^003 = 3/- (3) Hence, we have by the method of indeterminate coeffi- cients, (Art. 182.) SERIES. 259 From the above conditions we deduce ^,— -, 2a= — a,«3 Jl^ = ; . These values of./?i, v^a, A^^ ^4, &c., substituted in (2), \ve have 1 a„ , , 2a2 — aiQs , -y— ^!/--l — =— i — y l«i «? «? ^ (A) 5c,^ — 5010003+0704 , , c. —- : y -\- «^c. So^hat if (1) is true for all values of x and y, then also will (A) be true for all values of x and y; and such is the general relation betwpen two series when one is the rever- sion of the other. EXAMPLES. 1. Given the series a:-J-x'^-}-x'-|-x^-f-&c.= y, to find its reversion, that is, to find the value of x in terras of y. Comparing this series vdth the series (1) of this article, we see that 260 SERIES. 1 = fli= a_i= aj^=^ai= &c., these values substituted in (A), give a; = y — 2/2-}-i/3— y-f &c. 2. Given x — ^x'-{- {x^ '•i^+ &c.= y to find x. In this example Ave have fl = 1 ; a.>= — i ; 03— i ; 04= — } ; &c., which values substituted in (A), give 3. Given l-\-x4-~4--—-4-—- 1- &c.=Vi to find x ' '2 '2.3 '^2.3.4^ ^' in terms of y. In this example we first transpose the 1, by which means hav( 2 ' 2.3 ' 2.3.4 This, compared with (1), we find 0^ = 1; 0, = ^; «.= ! ; ^^^ = 2^1' ^'' These values cause (A) to become " T^ 3 4 ' or restoring the value of y', (y -iy^ , (y-l)3 (y-ir 2 "^ 3 4 x = {y-l)- + &c. 4. Given X +— -f- — -f-'T~^~ "J"^^'^^^' *° ^"^ ^' -CO 4 Ans. x = y—'^-{-^^ — J~-{-SLC. ^ 2 '^2.3 2.3.4 ' 261 DIFFERENTIAL METHOD. (195.) This method shows how to find any particular term of a regular increasing series, or the sum of a certain number of terms. If we take the regulaV increasing series oi; oj; fla; «4; 05; &c., (1) and subtract each term from the next succeeding one, we shall obtain the following series, which we shall call the^r^^ order of differences : Co — d ; C3 — Co ; 04 — as; as — 04 ; &c. (2) Again, subtracting each term of this series from the next succeeding term, and we find for the second order of differ- ences Gs — 2a-2-\-ai; 04 — 2as-j-a-2; 05 — 2cf4-j-f/3; &c. (3) Subtracting again each term of series (3), of the second order of differences, from its next succeeding term, and we get a series of third order of differences, as follows : 04 — 3a3-|-3a.> — ai ; 05 — 3fl4-|-3cr3 — a->; &c. (4) Subtracting once more we find,, for the fourth order of difiFerenccs, 05 — 4(/4-|-6rt3 — 4ao-f-ai ; &c. (5) If we take only the first terms of the scries (2), (3), (4), (5), and represent them respectively by D, ; Do; D3 ; D\; &C.J we shall have Di =a-2 — flj. Do = 03 — 2a.. -f-oi, D3 = a4 — 3a3 + 3a2 — fli, ^ (6) D4 = a3 — 4fl4 -\-6as — 4a.i+ai,' &c •262 The coefficients of the difTerent terms which constitute the right-hand members of equations (6) are the same as the coefficients of the different terms of the expansion of the bi- nomial (1 — 1)'', whose expanded form is n(n— 1) 7i{n—l){n—2) n{n—l){n—2){n—3) l-n+ D„ 2 2.3 ' • 2.3.4 Hence, the general equation of (6) is , n(7i— 1) n{n—l){n—2) , fln-f-l nOn-] a?i-l ^-^ On— 2( n{n-l){n -2){n-3 ) + 2-3^4 ««-3 - &.C. •&c. (7) If the terms of the right-hand members of (6) are taken in a reverse order, we shall have Dn= When n is an even number^ „(„_l)(„_2)(,.-3) ^ 2.3.4 (A) When n is an odd number.^ -a,+na, 5^^a3+-^ :^ -'04/ n(n— l)(n— 2)(7?— 3) 2.3.4 (B) 05 + &C. EXAMPLES. 1. Required tlic first term of the fourth order of differ ences of the series 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, &c. In this example we have ai = l- flo = 8j G3 = 27j 04 = 64 j a5=125and»=4 SERIES. 263 These values substituted in the formula (A), since n is even, give 2. Required the first term of the third order of differences of the series 1, 2*, 3^, 4', &c. Ans. 60. 3. Required the first term of the fourth order of differ- ences of the series 1, 6, 20, 50, 105, &c. Ans. 2. (196.) To find the 7ith term of the series we proceed as follows : From the first of the equations (6) of last article, we obtain flo = Gi + Di 5 this value of co substituted in the second of equations (6), gives a3=ai + 2Dx + Do; proceeding in this way we have the following : fli = flij 0-2= fll -f--Dl5 fl3=ai + 2Di + D2, a4=ai + 3A4-3Do4-D3, /" ^^) as = Gi -f 4Di + 6D, + 4D3 4-^ Where the coefficients of the terms of the value of On are equal to the coefficients of the terms of the expansion of the binomial (1 -j- I)""', whose expanded form is l + (n-l)+^-. („_l)(n-2) , (n-l)(n-2)(n-3) 2.3 (n-l)(n^2)(n-3)(n -4) ^ ■^ 2.3.4 "^ (9) ; („_i)(,-2)(„-3) ^^ ^ 2.3 (C) EXAMPLES. 1. Required the tenth term of the series 1, 4, 8, 13, 19, &c. fli = l, 4, 8, 13, 19, Di = 3, 4, 5, 6, D2=l, 1, 1, D3 = 0, 0. Hence, in this example, ai = 1 ; Di = 3; Da = 1 ; -D3 = ; and n = 10, " which values being substituted in (C), we find 9 8 aio= 1+9.3 H — ~ = 64, for the tenth term required. 2. Required the nth term of the series 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, &c. ai = 2, 6, 12, 20, i)i = 4, 6, 8, 1)2 = 2, 2, D3 = 0. These values substituted in (C), give a„ = 2 + (n-l) . 4+t:lfc:?l. 2 = n^+n=n(n+l), which is the nth term sought. SERIES. 266 3. What is the 7ith term of the series 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, &c.? Ans. !fcti). 2 (197.) To find the sum of n terms of the series O] ; 0-2', 03 ; 04 ; as; &c. we operate as follows : Take the new series 0; fii; fli+flj; Oi+cra-l-os; Ci+ao+a3+a4&c. (10) Subtracting each term from its next succeeding term, we have oi; 0-2 ; 03 ; 04 ; 05 ; &c. which is the same as the original series ; hence, the 7i-\-l difference of the series (10), is the same as the n difference of the proposed series ; therefore, if in the formula (C), we change Oi into 0, n into n + l? Di into Oj, D) into Di, D3 into D2, &c., we shall have -^ < .(n-l)(. -2)(n-3) ^^t ^ 2.3.4. ^ ) which expresses the 71 -\- 1th term of the series (10), but the n-\- 1th term of the series (10) is the same as the sum of n terras of the series ai ; flj ; 03 ; 04 ; f'a ; &c. Putting this sum equal to »S„, we shall have for the sum of n terms of the above scries, the following expression : , n(n-l) n(n-l)(n -2) 2 2.6 V ^D^ 2T3.4 ^^+^^'- 34 ^266 SERIES. EXAMPLES. 1. Required the sum of n terms of the series 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. ai = 1, 3, 5j i)i = 2, 2, These values substituted in (D) , give Sn=^n-{- n{7i — 1) =n , for the sum of n terms sought. 2. Required the sum of 7j terms of the series 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, &c. ai = 1, 3, 6, 10, A = 2, 3, 4, 1)2=1,1, i>3=0. These values substituted in (D) , give Sn = n-\-n{7i— l)-f- i{n—l){7i — 2)_n{7i-\-l){n-j-9. 2.3 2.3 3. What is the sum of ji terms of the series 1, 2\ 3\ 4*, &C.'? ^"'- 5 + 2 + 3-30- 4. What is the sum of ti terms of the series Ans. !ii!L-hi). 2 5, What is the sum of n terms of the series 1, 2', 3', 4^, &C.'? Ans. ;n(n-fl))2 SERIES. 267 The answer of the fifth example, being the square of the answer to the fourth example, it follows that { 1 +2+3+4 4-5 -f . . .n } •'= P+23+3-'+4^'+53+ . . .n\ SUMMATION OF INFINITE SERIES. (198.) Jin Infinite Series is a progression of quantities continued to an infinite number of terms, usually according to some regular law% If each term of an infinite series is greater than its prece- ding term, the series is diverging. In general, when each term is less than its preceding, the series is converging^ but this is not always the case ; for instance, the series 1-| — ~f" o H f" ^^•■) which is called a harmonic series, is not a converging series, notwithstand- ing each term is less than its preceding one ; its sum to in- finity is itself infinite. Ji neutral series is one whose terms are all equal, and their signs alternately + and — , thus, 1= ^ = a — a + a — a + a — a + &c. Mn ascending series is one in which the powers of the unknown quantities ascend, as a-{-bx-\-cx^~\-dx^-\-&.c A descending series is one in which the powers of the unknown quantity descend, as a -|- 6r- ' +- ex-'- -(- (^ar-3 + &c. , t ^ , c , d , „ 268 (199.) If we take the difference between the two fractions ' ' we shall find ^■ pq 'r+p r{r-\-p) p r f-\-p 'r{r-\-p) \r r-j-pT ; hence so that any fraction of the form — — ^ — - is equal to-th the r{r-^p) p difference between the two fractions - and — ^ : hence, it r r-\-p follows that if there be any series of fractions of the form — - — -, the sum of the series will equal -th the difference r{r-\-p) p of a series of the form - and another of the form — ^ : so r r+p that whenever this difference can be found, the sum of the proposed series can be obtained. EXAMPLES. 1. Required the siim of n terms of the series In this example q= I ; p = l ; and r takes successively the values 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. ,1+1+1 + '+. ...1 ^234 n =1-^=.- . \2^3^4^ n^n + l/y If 71 = 00 , then the sum n-fl becomes = 1. SERIES. 269 2. Find the sum of ?i terms of the series 0+2-3 + 3^ + 4:7 + ^" In this example (7= 1 ; /^ = 3 j and r= i, 2, 3^4, &c. ,,i+^+,i+i+ ' 1 A 2 J 4 fi (1 + 1+ 1+^ + ^ + ^V \4^5^ n~?i + l~7i-f-2~n+3/ ^1/11 1 1 1_\ 3\ 6 7i-f-l w+2 7i + 3/' which becomes, when n is infinite — . 18 3. Find the sum of n terms of — -j- —7 -f- \- &c. I4O 0.0 D./ Here we find q= 1 ; p = 2. 1,1. 1 l\ ^3^5^"*'*2n — 1 ' =:Ul ^—\ 2;_/l4_l. _L_4. 1 \t 2\ 2n + l/- ( \3 o"^"**2;i — l"^27i + l/) Therefore, '^'" ~2\^~' 2n4^1 ) ' ^"'^ "^^ ^ 2 ^^^^^^ '^'' represents the sum of n terms, and S^y^ represents the sum of an infi- nite number of terms. 4. Required the sum of the series 14.^-|-l_f_ i-L-&c. ^3^6^ 10~ This series divided by 2, becomes 270 and the sum of this has already been found. (See example 1, of this Art.) Therefore, the sum of the proposed se- ries is «" = 2(l-„-fl); S- = 2- 5. Find the sum of the series of ^3.4 5 3.5 4 5.7"^7:9~9ll"^^^' /2 \3' -a^+M^ }- ■8- 7^9 this becomes 1- n+1 2n + l . n+1 '2/1+1 n+1 n + 1 \; "2/1+1 271+3/'. (1-1 + 1 ±1-) If we use the upper sign, the quantity within the paren- thesis will = 1 J if we use the lower sign, then this quantity will=0. Hence, the above expression will become 1 2 1_/1 n + 1 \ 1_ 1 2 2 ■ n+1 1 3 2/1+3 2 3 2 and since p = 2, we find 12 4(2/1+3) 1/1 ^ + 1 \ 1 2 \2 2/1+3/ 6 6^2(2/1+3)' Srr.= The upper sign has place when n is even, and the lower sign when n is odd. 4 4 4 4 6. Required the sura of 1 1 1 |-&c. ^ 1.5~5.9~9.13^13.17^ J_ 4n+l Ans. Sn = l — '^-^; S^=^l. 271 • 7. Required the sum of —--{- —--\- ;r-z-\- 8i.c. l.O .6.4 O.O 9 9 2^7 .,. — it follows that (200.) Since ^^^_^^^ ^^+^)('^_j_2^) ^(^+^)(^,+2;,)' r( ? =:i/_J ? \ (A) r+;,)(r+2p) 2p\r{r-hp) {r+p){r4-2p j' EXAMPLES. 8. Required the sum of ^ + _|_ + _|^ + &c. Comparing these terms with the fraction of the left-hand member of (A), we discover that p = 1, and g = 4, 5, 6, &c., andr= 1, 2, 3, &c. 1.2'^2.3"^3.4~^ 71(71 + 1) _/4_ 5_ n+2 n+3 \ i2.3'^3.4"^ ?2(// + l)"^(//. + l)(n+2)j 1.2^\2.3^3.4^4.5^ n{n-\-l)l (?i + l)(7i+2) Now, by example 1, Art. 199, we know that J_ , 1 , 1 1 - = _!i- 1.2~^2.3"^3.4 ?j(7i-fl) 7?4-l' therefore, the series within the parenthesis _ n _ I "~ H^l 1.2' 272 Therefore, we have 4 1 , n n- f3 _3 I n^-fn — 3 1.2 1.2 ' n+1 (n4-l)(n-|-2) 2 ' (n4-l)(n+2)' vvhich, diyided by 2p = 2, gives c— ^ I n^-\-n — 3 o _5 '*~4~^2(7i+l)(n-f2)' '^«'-4' 9. rindthesumof^^ + 34^+^-A+.-A_+&c. ^"^- '^"-4(2;^l~(2n+lX2;i+3))' "^^^ "l 10. Find the sun. of ^3 + _|-^ + 34_+^-l_^+&c. (201.) It is obvious that this method must be applicable to series, the denominators of whose terms consist of more than three factors ; but our limits will not allow us to pursue this subject any further. RECURRING SERIES. (202.) ^ recurring series is one, each of whose terms, after a certain number, bears a uniform relation to the same number of those which immediately precede it. Thus, the series l-|_2x+8a;-H-28a3 + 100x' + 35Cx^-f- &c. is a recurring one, each of whose terms, after the first two, can be found by multiplying the next preceding one by 3x, and the second preceding one by 2x'-, and taking the sum of the products ; thus : 273 8x==:2xX3x4-lx2x-, 28x3= 8x2 X 3x+2x X 2.r-, 100x^1= 28x^X3x4-8x^X2xS 356x*= 100x^x3x + 2Sx^x2x% (^203.) The constant multipliers 3x, 2x-5 taken together, constitute the scale of relation. Suppose in general to be a recurring scries depending upon the scale of rela- tion ^, g, then we shall have (A) Ai = Aij (1) A-2 = Ao, (2) A3^pA.2-{-qAi, (3) Ai=pA3-\-qA,, (4) A5 = pAi-\-qAs, ■ (5), An = pA„^,-\-qAn-,. {n\ If the scale of relation consist of three parts, p, q, r, we shall have Ai = Aiy Az = Asj Ai = pAz-\-qAo-\-rAij As = pAi -\- qAz -j- r j3o, A = pAs -\- qAi -\- rAsj (1) (2) (3), (4)( (5) (6)1 (B) An =pAn-\ + q-^n-l + ^*^n-3. {n ) / 35 274 SERIES. And in a similar way, the successive terms of a recur- ring series, whose scale of relation consists of more than three parts, can be found. If we take the sum of the group of equations (A), putting Sn for the sum of w terms of the series, we shall have S^^,-{-Ji.:r{-p{S—J,—A.)+q {S—Jn-^—^n) (1) This solved for Sn, gives By adding the group (B), and reducing as above, we find " I +q{Sn—A-^'ln-i-Jin)+r{S—A, which solved for ve see that the sum of an infinite number of terras of a converging recurring series, is in the form of a rational fraction. Conversely, all rational frac- tions, when expanded by actual division, or by the method of indeterminate coefficients, as accomplished under Art. 184, will give a recurring series. (206.) When the scale of relation is not given, it may be found by means of a few of the first terms of the series, thus : Resuming our general equation (n) of group (A) Art. 203, where the scale of relation consists of two parts, p and 7, we have ^,.=;.A-i + 7^'.-> (1) Writing ;i-f-l for tz, it becomes A+.-y^A-f-^'l-i- (2) From these two equations we readily deduce A- M (3) (4) If in (3) and (4) we put Ji = 3, they will become AxAi — A-.'Ai P— A^A, — A\ ' AiAi — Al g=— A3A1 — Al (5) (6) SERIES. 277 From (5) and (6), we shall be able to find the scale of relation, when it consists of but two parts, by the aid of the first four terms of the series. Equations (3) and (4) show that the scale may be found by using any four conse- cutive terms. By a similar process we might, by the aid of the first six terms of the series, find the scale of relation when it con- sists of three parts. (207.) A geometrical series may he also a recurring series. To prove this, we will take the general form of a geo- metrical series (178). a -f ar + ar- -f ar^ -\- ar^ + ar' -\- (1) Now, in order that this may be a recurring series, having p and q for the scale of relation, we must have, (103), ar^ = par -j- qa, ar^ = par^ -j- qar, ar* = par^ -\- qar-^ ar^=par* -j- qar'^^ (2) ar" =par'^~^ -\- qar"~ By striking out the factors common to these conditions, we see that each becomes which gives r' = pri-q, (3) _P ^±i^p^-}-4q. (4) 278 When these two values of r are real, and not equal, there will be two geometrical series which will also be re- curring, having p and q for the scale of relation. We will denote these two values of r, by r' and r" . And since it is immaterial what value we take for a, the first term, we will take a' for the first term when we use r', and a" when we use r" . The two series will then become a' _f_ a V' + a 'r'^' + a' r" -fa' r" -\- a' r' ' -\- . . ip) (6) a"-\- a"r"-\r a"r"^-[- a"r"^+a"r"*-\- a' V'^+ . . . . , ^ each of which is a recurring series having p and q for the scale of relation. If we take the sum of the correspond- ing terms of the two series (5), we shall find (u'+a') + (aV+a"r")-f(aV^ -■-«"/•"'-) ; -\- i^.'/ '> a"r"-') -|-(aV4-f-a"r"')-j-&c., ' which is not a geometrical series, but is, nevertheless, a recurring series having p and q fpr the scale of relation. In all recurring series whose scale of relation consists of two parts, we must, in order to be able to compute the successive terms, know the values of the first two terms, which we have represented by Ai and Jl-y. Since the values of a' and a", in (6), have not yet been fixed, it is evident they may be so taken as to make the first two terms of (6) agree with Ai and A^. This is effect- ed by making a'-fa"=.3.. (7) aV-|-a'V'=^2. (8) These equations immediately give r'—r" ' (9) (10) SERIES. 279 The nth term, Jin-, of the recurring series (6) is o'r'''-'-|-o"r"''-^ Hence, if we substitute the values of a' and «", as given by (9) and (10), we shall have r' — ;•" r — r (208.) By a similar train of reasoning, we might show that a recurring series whose scale of relation consists of three parts, is the sum of i\\xee geometrical recurring series, having the same scale of relation. 1. The recurring series l-\-x-\-3x'-\-5x-'-\- &c., whose scale of relation is x and 2x-, is the sum of the two follow- ing g-eo7?ie^7?ca/ recurring series, each having the same scale of relation: 3 '3 ^3^3 ~ 3 ' 1 1.1., 1 , , 1 4 s 3 3^3 3 ~ 3 1_|_ a;_^3a;^_|_5x3-f-lla;^ + &c. 2. The recurring series, l-j-.r-j-Sx^-f-l^^^'-f-'^c., whose scale of relation is 2x and 3x^, is the sum of the two follow- ing gfCome^Wca/ recwm?2o- series, each having the same scale of relation : 1.3 , 9 . . 27 3 ,81 , , , 2"^2'' + 2 "^2" "^2"'" + 1 1 , 1 , 1 . , 1 , . 2~2'''^2^'~2 "^2 ^ ^^'•'• 1+ x-f-5x2+ 13x^-1- 41 x'-f-&c. 280 3. The recurring series, l-{-x-\-2x'--\-3x^-\-6x'^-{-kc., whose scale of relation is 2a:, a;'-, and — 2x^j is the sum of the three following geometrical recurring series, each hav- ing the same scale of relation : -x4--x- — -x'^-\ — X* — &c. 6 ^6 6 ^6 1+ rr-f-2x--|-3r^+ 6 x^-f &c. (209.) From what has been shown, it follows that we may regard all geometrical series as recurring series, but all recurring series are not geometrical series. When a recurring series is not a geometrical series, it is the sum of two or more geometrical series. Hence, a geometrical series may be regarded as a particular case of a recurring series, the recurring series being of a more general form. (210.) We will now give some examples in which the general term, J?,,, of a recurring series is required. EXAMPLES. 1, Suppose the scale of relation of the series 1 + x -f 3a;- + 5r'+ Ux' -\- 21x^ -}- &c., to be ^ = a; ; g = 2x^, what will be the 7ith term ? In formula (A), the values of r' and r" are given by (4). In this example they become r'=2x; r"=^ — x. From the given series we have Ji\ = 1 : »/?2 == X. SERIES. 281 Substituting these values in formula (A), vrc find the Ans. ^n= !(2a:)"-' + ^(— x)'^K 2. If the scale of relation of the series 1-l-x-f 5a:2-}-13x3 + 41x^+121x«+ &c., is ^ = 2x ; q = 3a;"^, what will be the nth term ? Ans. ^„=i(3x)"-i + i(— x)"-'. 3. The scale of relation of the series 1 + 2x -f 5x* + 13x3 _|_ 34a;4 ^ 89x^ + &c., being j9 = 3x; q = — x^, what will be the nth term ? (v/5 + i)( 3 + -y^y-' ^„_, Ans. ^„ = 2X3 v^{pm-\-pi^^) -\~P^^* ^_ V yii ^ 93 1 ya -f ^ J + 9--i^3 yi{.q2y-3 + q-^z) + 93x4 .p-iy4-|-?3^4 94yi+!73J^< Hence, ;j5 = 7>4y4+P3^4, (10) 90 = 904 + 932^4. (H) And in the same way may pr, and 9,; be drawn from the next two inferior values. Therefore the law is general and may be expressed as follows : Pn = Pn-OJn~\-\-Pn~^Xn~:^ (12) • 9„=9„_jy,._,-|-9„-ox„_,. (13) (214.) If we place our quantities in the following order : y y\ y-2 ya y\ yn~i yn I . y_. Vi . Pj. PJ.. PjlZl . Pjl.S^r 0' 1' q.' 93' 7.' 9«-i' qn' X\ X X3 .T4 15 Xn X.-i-i We may find the successive approximative fractions by tke following 286 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. RULE. Multiply the numerator of the last approximative frac- tion by the partial denominator which stands over it, and the numerator of the approximative fraction which precedes this, by the partial numerator which stands under it; the sum of these products, noticing the signs, is the numerator of the next approximative fraction. In like manner we must multiply the denominator of the last approximative fraction by the partial d.enomAnator which is over it, and the denominator of the approximative fraction which pre- cedes this by the partial numerator which staiids under it; the sum of these products is the denominator of the next approximative fraction. EXAMPLES. 1. Find, by the above rule, some of the approximative fractions of the infinite continued fraction 9 — &c. Our work, when executed agreeable to the above rule, will be as follows : a 3 5 7 9 1 a 3a— a' 15 a — 5a^ — a^ 105a— 35a-'— 10a +a* 6' i' 3 5 15 — a^ ' 105 — 10a2 — a2 — a' — a .' — a' — a' [&c 2. Find some of the approximate fractions of the con- tinued fraction CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 287 i+?i 3a 4a 14^" I4-&C. In this example, y, the integral part, is nothing, and our work is as follows : 111 1 1 10a a a-f-3a- G-j-7a^ „ 0' T' r l+2a' 1+5^' 14-9a-f8a--*' ^' a 2a 3a 4a 5a la (215.) If, in our general expression (5), we suppose all the partial denominators j/i, yo, 1/3, y„ to be positive, and also 1 = xi = Xo == x^ = = a:„, we shall then have yr y+'- y^-\ (14) 1/4-}~&C. This is the kind of continued fraction most commonly employed. Any common vulgar fraction can be converted into a continued fraction of the above form, by the method explained in my Higher Arithmetic^ which is equivalent to the following RULE. Divide the denominator by the numerator ; then divide this divisor by the remainder^ and thus continue to divide the preceding divisor by the last remainder, until there is no remainder^ or until ice have obtained as many terms as rce 288 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. wish; then will these successive quotients be respectively the values of 3/1, 1/2,1/3, yn- Note. — In this rule we have supposed the vulgar fraction to be less than a unit, and consequently the integral part y = ; when the fraction is not less than 1, we may first reduce it to a mixed number, and then proceed with the fractional part agreeable to the above rule. EXAMPLES. 1. Convert 4x411 4 into a continued fraction. 05 as Oi lo OJ CO CO CO t^ o< o 5^1 y II CO Oi (N kO CO CO O' 5»i lO lO il 00 CD (N Tt^cr. lO CD 10 ^ co"© CO CO Tl< 03 r-l O) 1— 1 OJ 10 CO CO^CO lO 00 "* CD i-i ^2 O CD i-i 00 CO CD CO 03 l> to c- Ol iO ^ CD /-^ 00 CO ,-0- (l'^) This shows that pnq„-i — Pv—iQn andp„_i9„_,. — ;>„_27,i_i are equal in numerical value, but contrary in sign. When n =2, equation (17) gives Piq~ —ihq2 = — {piqo—pi,qi)- We know that— =- and— ==- ; consequently, piqo — qi^-x-, we have -^ > . Therefore the difference between Lj^tL and Ji is less than . That J5, the difercncc between the true value and any approxima- tive fraction., is less than the reciprocal of the square of its denominator. dividing (15) by (IG) we find Pn^]h:-^y^i±Pj^^ 7„ q„^iy„-i-\~q„^z' If, in this ecjuation, for y _i, we substitute the complete denominator, which we will represent by z, then will "'— =^?. From the form of our continued fraction (14), it is obvious that z will also be in the form of a continued fraction. Thus, c = ^_, + ^ y.^'- y..+1-f This value of z being substituted for y,--. in (20), we have ^=Plil-J-Jjlz:\ (21) qn-\Z-\-qn-'2 Equation (21) immediately gives ^-J^= ^"--'?"-^-P"-^?"-^ (22) qn-j 9„_i(9,._iz4-7„-o) qn-2 5„_2(9„_l2-j-<7„_2) 292 CONTINUED TRACTIONS. The condition of (18) causes these to become A A— l, and q„-\ > (7„_i:. Hence, the right-hand member of (25) is greater than the right-hand member of (24). Considering the numerical value without reference to the signs. This shoios^ that each appro.iiinafe fraction is nearer the true value than the preceding approximative fraction. p. If ■> A^ conditions (24) and (25) will giv( Pn-\ qn-i _Pn-2 ?«-l(7"-l-+?n-2) 7„_, q„^o{qn-lZ-{-qn~2) If ?!!ii-< A, conditions (24) and (25) will give qn-2 A=P-^' - . qn-i 7„-i(7„_ir+g„_o) A-P^' (26) (27) )• qn-2 qn-^iqn-iZ-^-q Equations (26) and (27) give ISP^^PjuillyA. nqn-2 qn~x) Equations (28) and (29) give Hence., the successive arithmetical means of two consecu- tive approximative fractions are alternately greater and less than the true value. (28) (29) (30) (31) CONTINUED FRACTIONS, 293 If we take the product of (26) and (27), we find, after a little reduction, _ (p„_ig„_i- — p„_2?„-2)+(P»-l?»-2— ;j„-2g;,-l)zH-g Now, since ^—^yjl, we have, by (18), gK-2 {p,^iqn-2 — p>,~^qn-l)z-\-Z = 0. Moreover, we have pn—\qn-\Z yp^-^q^-z. Consequently, ^""'^"~' > S'. (33) qn--2qn-l Taking the product of (28) and (29), we find >(34) qn-zqn-i {p„^^qn-lZ—pn-^n-z)-{-(pn-iqn-2— p„ -iq„-l)z-\-Z ^ ■*" 9„_o9„_i(9„_iC-|-9h-2)- Now, since ^^ < Ji, we have, by (IS), {pn-iq„-2 — pn-^n-l)z— Z = 0. And, as before, pn-\qn-\Z ypn—^n-z- Consequently, ^""'^"'^ < A^. (35) qn-iq>i-i Equations (33) oTjd (35) show that the successive geomet- rical means of two consecutive approximative fractions are alternately greater and less than the true value. (219.) All approximative fractions are always in their lowest terms. For if not, let the numerator ;?„, and its 294 CONTIXUED FRACTIONS. denominator ^-n, of the approximative fraction—, have a corn- s''* mon divisor h. Condition (18) shows, that if p,, and q^ are each divisible by A, then its left-hand member must be divisible by A, and consequently its right-hand member is also divisible by h ; that is, ±1 is divisible by A, which is absurd ; consequently it is absurd to suppose pn and §« to be divisible by h. (220.) In the case of 1 =a:i=:a:2 =0:3 = = ar„, the rule under (Art. 214) will require some modijfication in order to appear in its simplest form. Thus, placing the quantities as follows : y 3/1 y-i y-i y^ y«-i yn y pi Pi Pi Pn-l ,f»,&c. 1 92 q:i Qi q^x q„ We deduce the successive approximate values by this RULE. Multiply the mimerator of the last approxim,ative frac- tion by the jio^rtial denominator standing over it^ and to the product add the numerator of the preceding approximative fraction^ and the sum will he the numerator of the next ap- proximative fraction. In like manner multiply the denomi- nator of the last approximative fraction by the partial de nominator standing over itj and to the product add the de- nominator of the preceding approximative fraction, and it will give the denominator of the next approximative frac- tion. 1. What are some of the approximative fractions of th«- iccfinite continued fractioii CONTINI'ED FRACTIOyS. ' 295 3+— 1 1 2 7 30 157 972 1' 3' 10' 43' 225' 1393 2. What are the approximative fractions of the continued 1 fraction 3 + ^ 1 + i , 1 1 7 8 23 100 523 623 1769 3' 22' 25' 72' 313' 1637' 1950' 5537" This last value expresses accurately the true value of the above continued fraction. Whenever the value of a continued fraction is capable of being expressed rationally, it must consist of a finite number of terms j but when the value is irrational, the continued fraction will extend to infinity. (221.) Continued fractions may be employed for determi- ning approximately the values of the square roots of surds. 296 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. Operating upon -v/19, we obtain the successive values : ' v/19— 4 3 ^3 ^'^Da m = 3 v/19 + 2 , , v/19 — 3 , 1 = ■ — =1H — ^=iJc>-\ . v/19— 2 5 ^5 ^~~D3 „ 5 v/19 + 3 _,v/19-3 ,1 „ 2 v/19 + 3 v/19— 2 , 1 J. 5 vl9 + 2_ v/19-4 1 3 v/19+4_^ , v/19-4 _^, , 1 A- -^^^^^= - 1 8 + ^ -3'a+^^- ' v/19 — 4 3 ^3 ^'^Ds &c. &c. Collecting the results, we have y = 4, 2/1 = 2, y3=:l, 2/3=3, 3/4= 1, 2/5 = 2, 3/9 = 8, y7 = 2, &c. v^29 + 4 _ v/194.2 v/19 + 3 i^i— g , JJi— , U3— , V4 — v/19 + 3 ^ _ v/19+2 J. _ v/19+4 ^ _ v/19+4 5~~'^'"" 3""'^"- T"'^' 3~- The values of Dj, Do, D3, &c., of which the general term is D„, arc complete denominators of their correspond- ing partial fractions. The values of yi, 2/2? 3/35 &c., which we have already call- led partial denominators^ are the greatest integral parts of CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 297 their corresponding complete denominators Dj, D2, D^, &c. In this example, we see that Dt= Di = - — -^ , and y7 = yi = 2, hence the operation must begin to repeat at this point, and the partial denominators as well as the com- plete denominators will recur in an infinite number of periods. (222.) Suppose we wish the value of the surd ^/5. If a- is the greatest square contained in 5, with the re- mainder 6, we shall obviously have ' (36) J. ^ _ 1 ^ vAB-U ^ y/^-f-g ■ ^ VB — a B—a" h The form of the general value of D,i will be D.= ^^±^\ (37) If n-\-\ is written for 71, this becomes D„^a^ ^^+-^V (38) Now, by carefully inspecting ^the operations just per- formed for finding the value of v/19, (Art. 221), we draw this relation : ^« = 2/H-^. (39) Substituting in (39) the values of D„, A.+i) given by (37) and (38), we find 38 298 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. This cleared of fractions, becomes B-\-{Mn-\-Mn+l) VB-j-MnMn+l ) = ynJrWB + ynJrnMn+l-\-jynJyn+l. ^ Equating the irrational parts, as well as the rational parts (Art. 116), we find Mn-{-Mn+l = ynJK, (41) B-\-MnMn+l = ynJVnMn+l + JynJVn+1. (42) These equations readily give M„+i = ynMn—M„. B — J^n+l M„+l= JVn (43) (44) If in (44) we substitute for MnJf-\ its value given by (43) , we find _B-M£ Equation (44) gives j^, _B-MUi yn'-J^n + ^ynMn. (45) JVn In (46) writing n — 1 for tj, we get This causes (45) to become JV;+i = K„^t—yn^jr+2ynMn (46) (47) (48) 1, J\r„, and Equations (43) and (48) show, that when JV, Mn are whole numbers, then will J^n+i and jlf„+i be whole numbers. When n=: 1 , we have by (36) JV„_i= 1 , JV^=6, and Mn = a- Hence, JV^ and Mn are whole numbers for all values ofn. (223.) If in (21) we substitute change to v/J?, and we shall have ^;_i for c, ^ will CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 299 VB = . (49) Clearing this of fractions and reducing, we have q„^iB+qn-i^I«-i VB+q»-^^^„-l ^/5 =pn-i VB +;j„_,JW„_i+p,_,JV;_i. Equating the rational quantities, as well as the irrational, we have Pr^^Mn-,-\-pn-^'n~l = Qn-lB . (50) qn-lMn-l + g;,-oJV„_i = p,^i. (5 1 ) From (50) and (51) we readily deduce p„^iqn-2—q„-^Pn-2 j^^_^_qn-iqn--.B -pn-.,p^, ^ ^^3^ p„^iqn-2 qn-lpn-1 It is readily seen, by reference to (18), (33), and (35), that the numerators and the common denominator of (52) and (53) always have like signs. Consequently^ J^a and Mn are positive for all values ofn. Equation (47) shows that Mn*j which, divided by q„, becomes qn qn =P-^-a. (60) CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 301 Inverting both members of (16), it becomes 1 1 (61) qn yn-iqn-l + qn-2 Multiplying the numerator of the left-hand member of (61) by 5,1—1, and dividing the denominator of the right- hand member by the same quantity, we obtain q.-i 9'^ qn~i (62) Writing 71 — 1 for n, in (62), and it gives 9„_o _ 1 7/„_o-f-(/,._3 qn-2, which substituted in (62) gives 9n-l _ 1 "■ V. , 1 ' -+:: J (63) Again , in (62), writing n — 2 for n we get qj^_ qn-2 1 y„_3-t-9„_4 q'n-a, which substituted in (63), we get qn-, _ 1 3/n-l , 1 . 1 ' yn-2-t- 1 !/n-3 + qn-4 (64) 302 CONTINUED FRACTIONS, Continuing this process we discover, that the value of i2zL is expressed by a continued fraction, less than a unit, qn of which the partial denominators are the same as those of the continued fractions arising from ./Bj tal^ in a reverse order. From this, we see that if the partial denominators are symmetrical, that is, of the following form : yi>3/2,J/3, y3, 3/25 2/15 (65) then will i^=-, or q„^i = j^,,^ and conversely, if 9n qn qnr~i=pni then will the partial denominators be symmet- rical as given by (65.) Now, (60) shows, that ^^ is the same as the value of ^ in the expansion of v//j, after a is subtracted. Hence it follows, that, if we neglect the integral part a = yj the partia/ fJcnominators of the continued fraction arising from t.K ualue of ^/B, will recur in symmetrical periods. (224.) We will now extract the square root of some surds by the method of continued fractions. From equations (43) and (44), we readily find Jl/„-t-i, JV*„^.i, when 2/„ is known. Then by condition ^ — ^ = yn+i + &c., we readily deduce i/n+i- Continuing the process in this way we find in succession all the different partial denominators, of which the general term is y„. Observing the above law of derivation, we have in the case of v/19, the following successive operations : CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 303 ^W:"=,„+&c; M.y,^M..=M.^,, 5^'=^.+.. ^E±^=4 + &c; IX 4-0 = 4; li=i^=3. ^=2 + &c;3x2-4 = 2;l^^=5. ^^2=l + &c;5xl-2 = 3;i^' = 2. ^+l=3 + &o; 2x3-3 = 3; ^^^^=5. :^3=l+&c; 5 Xl-3=2; 1^^'=3. &c., &c., &c. These operations are all so simple that most of the work can be performed mentally. Consequently, the conversion of the square root of a surd into an infinite repeating con- tinued fraction, is a very simple matter. If jB=2S, we shall have by proceeding as we have already done for B =: 19, the following periods of partial denominators : !/) 2/15 2/2, 2/3, 2/45 5; 3, 2, 3, 10; 3, 2, 3, 10; 3, 2, 3, 10; &c. and our continued fraction becomes ^28 = 5+-— 3 + i-, . '+— 1 3+'- 2+-, 3+ 10 + &C. 304 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. If we compute some of the approximate fractions, by Rule, under Art. 220, we shall find 5, 3, 1 5 0' 1 37 7 10, 127 24 3, 1307 247 &c. v/28>5j ^/28<|; ^/28>^; ^28 <^ ; v/28>^^; and so on for the successive values from the square root of 28 by a quantity less than This last value differs 1 (247)^' In the same way we find, for the square root of 31, the following partial denominators, the first terra being always the integral part : 5 ; 1, 1, 3, 5, 3, 1, 1, 10 ; &c., the approximate fractions are 1 5 6 11 39 206 657 863 1520 16063 . _._._. . . . . . . . • 5j,c ' 1 ' 1 ' 2 ' 7 ' 37 ' 118 ' 155 ' 273 ' 2885 ' The square root of 44 gives the partial denominators 6 ; 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 12; &c., the approximate frac- tions are 1 6 7 13 20 53 73 126 199 2514 , ' 1 ' 1 ' 2 ' 3 ' 8 ' 11 ' 19 ' 30 ' 379 ' " The square root of 45 gives 6; 1, 2, 2,2, 1, 12; &c., 1 6 7 20 47 n_4 161 2046 ' 1 ' 1 ' "3 ' 7" ' 17 ' 24 ' 305 ' For the square root of 53 we have 7; 3, 1, 1, 3, 14; &c., q &c. 1 7 22 29 51 182 2599 ' 1 ' 3 ' 4 ' 7 ' 25 ' 357 (225.) If we suppose 5 to equal the following infinite continued fraction, we have CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 306 1 2a-f-- ^2a+&c. (66) Transposing a, and then inverting both members of (66), we have 1 =2a.' ' 2a-\ 2a' 2a + &c. (67) Adding a to both members of (66), it becomes s-^a = 2a-\-^ 2aA-- 2a-^^ 2a + &c. (68) Equating the left-hand members of (68) and (67), we have s-\-a ^= j clearing of fractions, s- — a^^l ; 5 — a .- . s= v/a=^+l, and 2a-|-i- 2a-' ^ 2a + &c. (69) If we make a =^ 1 in (69), we find 2+— ^■^2-f&c. no) If we make a:=2, we have 39 306 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 4+- 4 + 4+&C. (71) Again, suppose = a+- 2-f- 2a- 2+; 2a4-&c. (72) Transposing a and inverting both members, we have 2a-j — 2+- 2a-f-; 2-f-&c. (73) Transposing 2 and inverting, we have l_2.-|-2a ^2_^1 2a +- 2-f-&c. (74) Adding a to both members of (72), and it becomes ^-|-a=2a-| 2+- 2a -h 2+&C. (75) Equating the left-hand members of (75) and (74), we have s-{-a = l—2s-\-2a Clearing this of fractions, and reducing, we have (76) 2+1 CONTINUED FRACTIONS. 307 1 2a+— 2+; 2a+&c. (77) If we take a = 2, in (77), we have ^6 = 2+L_ '+— 1 2 + 4+&C. Making a=13, we have 2+- v/l82 = 13+ J 26+^ 2+; 26-J-&C. (226.) A continued fraction, and consequently any com- mon fraction, can be converted into a series as follows: Equation (18) gives 72 qi qxqi P3 ya _ — 1 93 92 9293 ' Pi_Pji_ J_ 94 93 9394* Pn P„-l_(— 1)" 9„ 7„_i 9„_,9„ 308 Hence, by addition, CONTINUED FRACTIONS. ?2=^ + J-. qn qi qiqz qzqa qaqi qn-iqa The terms of this series continually decrease, and are al- ternately positive and negative ; consequently the error committed by taking n terms of the series is less than the (n + l)thterm. LOGARITHMS. 309 CHAPTER IX. LOGARITHMS. (227.) Logarithms are numbers, by the aid o-f which many arithmetical operations are greatly simplified. In the following relations : (A) a— 6, (1) ay = c, (2) a' = d, (3) &c., &c. X, y and z are respectively the logarithms of 6, c, and d. (228.) The assumed root a is called the base of the sys- tem of logarithms. (229.) If in (1), of equations (A), we make x^ 0, we shall have a*'=:6= 1, for all values of a, therefore the logarithm of 1 is always 0. (230.) If in (1), we suppose the base to be negative, we shall have ( — a)*=6. If b is positive, then x must be even, if b is negative, then x must be odd ; hence we can not represent all values of b by the expression ( — a)'. Therefore the base of every system of logarithms must be positive. 310 LOGARITHMS. (231.) If in (1), wfc suppose b to be negative, we shall have 0^= — b. Now, since a is always positive, the ex- pression a^ is positive for all values of x either positive or negative. Therefore, the logarithm of a negative quantity is impossible. (232.) Each different base must produce a different sys- tem of logarithms ; the logarithms in common use have 10 for their base. So that we have 10°= 1; 101=10; 102=100; 10'= 1000; &c. Hence, we have log. 1 = 0, log. 10=1, log. 100 = 2, log. 1000=3, log. log. 10000 = 4, &c. 10000 &c.. 4, (233.) If we take the product of equations (1) and (2) of group (A), we shall have aT+'j— 5c, (4) from which we discover that, the logarithm of the product of two quantities is equal to the s%tm of their logarithms. And in general, the logarithm of a number consisting of any number of factors is equal to the sum of the logarithms of all its factors. (234.) It also follows from the above, that n times the logarithm of any number is equal to the logarithm of its nth power. LOGARITHMS. 311 (235.) If we divide equation (1) by (2), of group (A), we shall find a-^=-, (5) c from which we see that, the difference of the logarithms of any two quantities is equal to the logarithm of their quotient. (236.) We have just shown that the logarithm of a number raised to the wth power, is equal to n times the logarithm of the number. Conversely, the logarithm of the wth root of a number, is equal to the nth fart of the logarithm of the number. (237.) We will now show how the numerical values of logarithms may be found. If X is the logarithm of JV for the base a we shall have this condition : a'=jY. (6) If we assume we shall have (l-|-m)*=l + n. (8) Involving both members of this to the yth power, we shall have (l+^'0'^=(l+^y- (9) By the Binomial Theorem, we find , , . xy(xy — 1) „ , xyixy — l)(xy — 2) „ . \-[-xym-\--^^-^ -■ m^-\- ^^ ^ , '^ ;^ .m^-\- e^c, ^ ^ ~ 1.2 ' 1.2.3 ' Equating these expanded values, rejecting the units of both expressions, we have, after dividing through by y. 312 LOGAUITHMS. ( , xy—\ , , {xy—\) (j-V — 2) , , „ } a:J,n_|_..-^. m-+\J- ^L '. ,a^J^ &c. ^ = ' 2 "^ 2.3 ~ This must be true for all values of y. When 2/= 0, it becomes x[m — Im'^-^-liiv' — |7n'-f-&c.} = n — \n^-\-\n^ — -]7i^-j-&c. Hence, a:=z: W.JV= log. (14-w)= n-— !-_±_ — i_-J (10) Re-substitutins: a — 1 for m, and we have log. (1 + n): n — ln--\-\n^ — i^^+ &c. (11) If we assume 1 M (a-l)-Ka-ir+K«-l)'— K«-l)' + &c we shall have loc. {\-\-n) = M \n—^y-+'^n^—\n'+\n^—kc.]. (B) If the base be so chosen as to render M= 1, then for- mula (B) will become log. (1+n) Ln- + in3 &c. (C) (238.) The logarithms obtained by formula (C) are called hyperbolic or JVapierean, whilst the common loga- rithms given by formula (B), are called Briggean. Lord Napier, or Neper, is supposed to have first con- structed logarithms. The logarithms in common use, were first calculated by Mr. Briggs. (239.) We shall hereafter denote the Napierean loga- rithms by the abbreviation JV* log., whilst the common or LOGARITHMS, 313 Briggean logarithms will be represented simply by log. Hence formula (C) will become JVlog. (l-j-n)=w — i7i--f i;i3_ ,^^,_^^^6_&P ^Q,^ (240.) By comparing formulas (B) and (C) we discover this relation ./J/XJVlog. (l-fn) = log. (1+n). (12) Therefore, *-^Mog.(l+,0 ^^> ■^= („-i)-k«-i)Vk°-i)'-&c. ' '^ "^"""^ ""^ modulus of the system of logarithms whose base is a. From (12) we see that, the logarithms of any j^articular system is equal to the Kapierean logarithm multiplied by the modulus of that particular system. (241. )We wall now proceed to calculate some Napierean logarithms. Resuming formula (C), which is JVlog. (1+n) = 71 — ^?!3_^ -in3— i7i4 + ]n5 — •&c. we have, when n is made negative, JVl0g.(l — 7l)= — 71 — In2— i7l3— |7l* — &C. (1) Subtracting (1) from (C), we have JVlog.(l-f7,)-JVlog.(l-7.)=JVlog.l±^ ^2) ^■1 = 2(7l-|-l7l3+J7lS-fl7l^+i7l»-f-&C.) If we assume n = - — — , we shall find -2!^ = -^X_ ,an(l 2/> + l' \—n p ' (2) will become JVlog.^^=2M- + L__^._J -f&c.^3) ^ P hp+1^3(2p+l)3^5(27>+l)'^^ r^ Or, which is the same thing, 40 314 LOGARITHMS. + &C. JVlog.O;-fl) = If we take p = lj formula (E) becomes I (E) 3^ 0.66666666 -^ 1: 0.07407407^ 3: 0.00823045 -r 5: 0.00091449-r 7: 0.00010161-i- 9: 0.00001129^11: 0.00000125-^13: : 0.66666666 : 0.02469136 : 0.00164609 : 0.00013064 : 0.00001129 :0.00000103 : 0.00000010 0.00000014- 0.00000001 15 = 0.00000001 0.69314718 = JVlog. 2. Take p =4, in formula (E), and we get 11 JVlog.5 = JVlog. 4+2^^ + 3^ + 5.9 ^+7:9^+^" But JVlog.5 = JVlog. 10 — JVlog.2; also, JVlog. 4=2 JVlog. 2. Hence, substituting these values of JVlog. 5 and JVlog. 4, in the above expression, and we get, after transposing, JVlog. 10 = 3^1og.2+2Jl+J<^+±, + ^,+ &c.| Executing the calculation, for the sum of the series, as in the above example, omitting the ciphers on the left, we ob- tain the following : LOGARITHMS. 316 0.22222222 -M =0.22222222 2469136 274348-^3 = 91449 30483 3387-^5 = 677 376 42-^7 = 6 5 0.22314354 = sum of series. 3 JVlog.2 = 2.07944154 2.30258508 = JVlog. 10. We are now prepared to find the modulus of the Briggean system. Since the base of the Briggean system is 10, and the logarithm of the base of any system is 1, we have log. 10 = 1; formula (D) shows, that the common logarithm of any number divided by the Jfapierean logarithm is equal to the modulus of the common system. Hence, = 0.43429448. JVlog. 10 2.30258508 This value, when carried to 35 decimal places, is Jkr= 0.43429448190325182765112891891660508. We will now proceed to calculate common logarithms. Since all numbers are either primes, or composed of a certain number of prime factors, and since the logarithm of any number is equal to the sum of the logarithms of all its factors, it follows that it will be necessary only to calculate the logarithms of prime numbers. 316 LOGARITHMS. By equation (12), Art. 240, we see that the Napierean logarithm multiplied by JW, gives the common logarithm. Hence, log. 2 = JVlog. 2XM= 0.69314718 X 0.43429448 = 0.30103000. The logarithm of 10 we know to be 1, therefore the log. 5 log. —=1 — log. 2: : 0.69897000. Formula (E), when adapted to common logarithms, be- comes log. (p + l)= -) ^o.-^+^-^l,-^ + 3l2il)3- 5(2;, + l)^ &c. (F) log-(;'+l) = log.p-f 0.86858896 5 -i—-f-—l-—H ! -f &c. I Take p = 2 in (F) , and we get log. 3 = log. 2+0.86858896 1 l+^^+_l- + A_ +&e. j 5 0.86858896 25 0.17371779-Hl .-= 0.17371779 25 694871-^3 = 231624 25 27795^5 = 5559 25 1112-^7 = 159 25 44^9 = 2 5 0.17609 126 = sum of series log. 2 = 0.30103000 0.47712126= log. 3. LOGARITHMS. ST Ifj in (F), we make p = 49, we get log. 50 = log. 49 + 0.86858896ji+3^3+^Lp+&c. j And since log. 50 = log. lO-flog. 5j and log. 49 = 2 log. 7, we have by substitution and transposition, 2 log. 7 = log. 10+log. 5-0.86858896 j i+3-^3+5-^.+&c Calculating the series, we find 99 0.86858896 (99)2 ^ 9301 877362 -j- 1 = 0.00877362 89-^3 = 29 0.00877391 = sum of log. 5=0.69897000 log. 10=1. 1.69897000 0.00877391 1.69019609 = 2 log. 7, 0.84509804 = log. 7. We might have calculated the log. 7 by substituting 6 for p in (F), but the operation would have been more lengthy than the above. The next prime in order is 11 ; to find its log. we make, in equation (F), p = 99, observing that log. 100 = 2, also, that 318 LOGARITHMS. log.99 = log. 9+log. ll=2log. 3+log. 11, we thus obtain 2 =2 log. 3+log. 11+0.86858896| ^+ ^^^^ &c. | Or, by transposing, it becomes log.ll=2-2log.3-0.86858896|i^+^^3 + &c.| 199 39C01 0.86858896 436477-1-1 =0.00436477 11-^3= 4 0.00436481 = sum of series. 2 log. 3 =r 0.95424252 0.95860733 2.00000000 0.95860733 3+ &C. 1.04139267 = log. 11. To find the log. ofthe next prime 13, we assume _p = 1000 in equation (F), and obtain log. 1001 = log. 1000+0.86858896! Now, since 1001 =7X11X13, log. 1001=log.7-j-log. 11+log. 13 Hence, log. 13 = 3-log.7-log. 11+0.86858896 jA_ + 3--J^^+&c. J 2001 ~ 3(2001) 2001 LOGARITHMS. 319 0.8685S896 43407 = sum of series. log. 7 = 0.84509804 log. 11 = 1.04139267 3.00043407 1.88649071 1.88649071 1.11394336= log. 13. We might proceed in this way until we should have cal- culated the logarithms of all the prime numbers within the limits of the tables. If, in formula (F), we substitute q- — 1 for p^ it will be- come log. f = log. (,"- l)+2-Af l^^ + 3j5^,+ &c. j Now, since log. (f = 2log. q, and log. (5=— 1) = log. (13, we have this very simple formula : 0. 86858896 , log.(7+l)=2log.(/-log.(9 — 1) 2^irY-- (^) This formula will be true to 8 places of decimals. Having already obtained the logarithms of all numbers as far as 13, we may now make use of formula (G) for all numbers exceeding 13, and thus shorten the labor. (242.) We have already (Art. 237) said, that the base a of the Napierean system of logarithms satisfies the following equation : 320 LOGARITHMS. {a-l)-i{a-lfi-l{a-iy-^{a-iy + kc. = l. (1) From example 3, page 260, we see that if we have (y-1) (3/-l)^ (2/-1? , (3/-iy -|-&C.: (2) + &C. (3) then will 2 ' 2.3 ' 2.3^4 Equation (2) will agree with (1) when y=a, and j;=r 1. x^ x^ 3/ = l+a;+- + — + ; Making these changes in (3), we find 1.1.1 I 1 , 1 , 1 a= 1 + 1+2 + 2:3 + 2:3:4 +2:3X5 This series may be summed as follows : 1 1 0.5 0.16666666 4166666 833333 138888 19841 2480 276 28 2 (4) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2.71828180 = base of Napierean logarithms. This value, when extended to 35 decimals, is found to be e = 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249. EXPONENTIAL THEOREM. (243.) This theorem makes known the law of the develop- ment of a^ according to the ascending powers of x. LOGARITHMS. 321 To determine this law, we will assume a- = l-f.^x + 7.V+rx' + Dx^ + &c., (1) both members of which become 1, when x = 0. Changing x into y, in (1), and we have a^=l + .% + 7?.y-^+Cr + Dy+&c. (2) Subtracting (2) from (1), and actually dividing the right- hand member by x — y, we obtain ^ y _^D{x^-^3^y-i-xy''-\-y^)-\-kcA ^^ Writing x — y for x, in (]), and it becomes a-'^ = 1 +Jl{x — y)+B{x - y) -f C{x - yY+kc. (4) Transposing the 1, and multiplying by a", we get ay(a=^-y-l)=ay[Jl{x-y)i-B{x—yy+C{x-yy-^kc.] (5) Dividing (5) by x — y, after replacing its left-hand mem- ber by its equivalent value a' — «'', we find ^—^ = ay[^+B{x-y)-{.C{x-yy-]-D{x-yy-^kc.]{e) X — y Equating the right-hand members of (3) and (6), we have r^-^B{x-^y)-^C{x'-\-xy-^f) ) ) ) -^D{x'-\-xhj-j-xf-\-y')-\-kc.S [ (7) C ==a^[JJ+B{x-y)-\-Cix-yY+D{x-yy-^kc.] ) This is true for all values of x and y. ^_^2Bx4-3Cx=-f4Dx3+&c. = a^.^. (8) For a', substituting its value, equation (1) , we find A~\-2Bx-\-3Cx'-\-iDx^-\-kc. ) /gx = A-^A'x-{-^Bx''-{-^Cx^-\-&.c. S Equating the coefficients of the like powers of x, (Art 183), we find 41 322 LOGARITHMS, 2B = A-, 3C=^w\ Therefon \/l = .i, ^-2:3' &c., &c. Hence, (1) becomes D = ,fi' 2.3.4' &c. &c. A-x~ A'x' It now remains to find the value of Ji. For this purpose, put l-|-6^fl, and we have a=^=: (l_j_6")2:j Avhich, by the Binomial Theorem, becomes (1 + 6)- = xb . x{x — l)b^ . x{x — }){x — 2)b ' ~^ T"^ 1.2 "^ 1.2.3 +&c. (11) Performing the multiplications indicated, we find the coefficient of the first power of x to be 1 2^3 4^ ' or, re-substituting a — 1 for 6, it becomes Therefore, ^=(a — 1) — {a-iy {a-iy _ ( g-iy ft ' 1" O A + &c. (12) If in formula (C'), we put a — 1 for 7J, we shall find jv,„,.„=(„_j)_(i_-zI)'+(i:=:ll'-(^Vc, LOGARITHMS. 323 Hence, j3=JVlog. .'/. This value of A substituted in (10), gives (13) ar^l+jVlog. a.a:+l ^_^_ + ^ ^^_ -+ (A) When a= e = 2.7182818 &c., then • ./Ylog. a=./Vlog. e= 1, and (A) becomes e^=l+x+- + _+iL.+ &c. (B) APPLICATION OF LOGARITHMS. (244.) By the aid of a table of logarithms, we can easily perform the following operations : 1 . Find the value of ^-^ — —^ — by logarithms. Recollecting (Art. 233) that the logarithm of the product of several factors is equal to the sum of their respective Jogarithms ; and (Art. 235) the logarithm of the quotient of one quantity divided by another is equal to the logarithm of the dividend diminished by the logarithm of the divisor, we find for the logarithm of our expression log. — '^l^i^ =log. 3.75+log. 1.06 — log. 365. By the tables we have log. 3.75 = 0.5740313 log. 1.06 = 0.0253059 0.5993372 log. 365=2.5622929 log. 0.01089 = 2.0370443. 324 LOGARITHMS. Therefore, the above expression is nearly equal to 0.01089 2. Finil the 11th root of 11, that is, the value of the '^11. Taking the logarithm of this expression, we find locr. iVn = TVof log. 11 = -'-of 1.0413927 = 0.0946721 = log. 1.24357 &c. Therefore, ^ 11 = 1.24357. 3. What is the value of ^" ^ Y ' '? V6 5 X log. 8-f- ?f log. 7 - 1 log. G = 4.51545 4-0.2816993 — 0.1556302 = 4.6415191 =log.43794.53. Therefore, our expression is equivalent to 43804.53. (245.) The above exaniples will show the great advantage of logarithms in abridging arithmetical labor. In the higher parts of analysis, the use of logarithms is indispensable. It would not be difficult to propose questions, which by loga- rithms might be wrought in a few moments, but if wrought by arithmetical rules, would require years. The following example will illustrate the above remark. How many figures will be required to express 9^^ 1 w The exponent of the above expression is 90 = 387420489 . • . 999 = 9^ « ' * 2 4 s 9 Putting it into logarithms, we have log_ 9 3 87. 2 04 89^ 387420489 X log. 9 = 387420489x0.954242509439= 369693099.63 &c. Hence, the number answering to this logarithm must con- sist of 369693100 figures. This number, if printed, would fill upwards of 256 volumes of 400 pages each, allowing 60 lines to a page, and 60 figures to a line. LOGARITHMS. 325 EXPONENTIAL EQUATIONS. (246.) An exponentiiil equation is one where the unknown quantity enters as an exponent. Thus, a^=h; x^ = c; &c., are exponential equations. (247.) When the equation is of the form a'^ = b, we find, by taking the logarithm of both members, xX log. a=log. 6. Therefore, a::^:^ j-Sli'. log. a (248.) When the exponential is of this form a;*=c, we must find the value of x by the following double position RULE. Find by trial two numbers as near the value of x as possi- blcy and substitute them successively for x; then, as the dif- ference of the results is to the diference of the two assumed numbers, so is the difference of the true result, and either of the former, to the diference of the true 7iumber and the supposed one belonging to the result last used-, this differ- "ence, therefore, being added to the supposed number, or sub- tracted from it, according as it is too little or too great, will give the true value nearly. ^ind if this near value be substituted for x, as also the nearest of the first assumed numbers, unless a number still nearer be found, and the above operations be repeated, we shall obtain a still nearer value of x; and in this way we may continually approximate to the true value of x. EXAMPLES. ]. Given x^=^ 100, to find an approximate value of z. The above equation, when put into logarithms, becomes 326 LOGARITHMS. xXlog. a- = log. 100 = 2. (1) By a few trials we find the value of x to fall between 3 and 4. If we substitute, in succession, 3 and 4 in (1) , we shall find 3 X log. 3 = 1.4313639 4 X log. 4 = 2.4082400 0.9768761 = diff. of results. 0.9768761 : 1 : : 0.4082400 : 0.418. Hence, 4— 0.418 = 3.582 = x nearly. Upon trial, this value is found to be rather too small, whilst 3.6 is rather too great ; therefore, substituting each of these in succession in (1), we find, 3.582 X log. 3.582 = 1.9848779 3.6 X log. 3.6=2.0026890 0.0178111 =difF. of results. 0.0178111 : 0.018 : : 0.0026890 : 0.002717. Hence, 3.6 — 0.002717 = 3.597283=0; nearly. 2. Given x" =z 5, to find an approximate value of x. Ans. x=2.1293. 3. Given a:* = 2000, to find an approximate value of a: Ans. x = 4.8278. 4. Given X^' = 100, to find an approximate value of x. Ans. rr = 2.2127. COMPOUND INTEREST AND ANNUITIES BY LOGARITHMS. (249.) Interest is money paid by the borrower for the use of the money borrowed. LOGARITHMS. 327 It is estimated at a certain rate per cent, per annum; that is, a certain number of dollars for the use of $100 for one year. The sum upon which the interest is computed is called the principal. The principal, when increased by the interest, is called the amount. When the interest of a given principal is paid at the end of each year, it is called simple interest ; but when the in- terest due, at the end of each year, goes to increase the prin- cipal, it is called compound interest. The present worth, at compound interest, of a given debt, due at some future time, is such a sura as, being put out at compound interest, will, in the given time, amount to the debt. Jin annuity is a fixed sum which is paid periodically, for a certain length of time. (250.) In our calculations we shall use the following no- tation : ^ = the principal. r = the interest of $1 for'one year. ii = $l-{-r = the amount of $1 for one year. a = the amount of the given principal. j3 = an annuity. a' =the amount of a given annuity. P = the present worth of a given annuity. n =the time in years. Since $l-|-r= 7? is the amount of $1 for one year, it follows, that the amount of a given principal, /), will in the same time be pR, and this being considered as a new prin- cipal, will in the next year amount to pR X R ^=^pR^: which. 328 LOGARITHMS. in turn, will the next year amount to pR^xR =pR^; and so on. Hence, pR =z amount for 1 year. jj7{* = amount for 2 years. pR^ = amount for 3 years. pjR4 _. amount for 4 years. pR'^ = amount for n years. Therefore, we have this relation, w^hich, in logarithms, becomes log. a = log, 7J-|-7i log. 7?. (1) (251.) When an annuity is left unpaid for n years, it is obvious that the annuity due at the end of the first year, must be on interest n — 1 years, and must therefore amount to AR"^^ ; the annuity due at the end of the second year will be on interest n — 2 years and will therefore amount to JlR'^'^j and so on, hence, the amount of the annuity at the end of n years will be J?(/J»-4-il»-2+ -R+1). The geometrical progression within the parenthesis being summed, we have, after substituting r for R — 1, .'=^(^). (.) We have said that the present worth of a debt is such a sum as being put out at interest, will, in the given time, amount to the debt, hence we have PR^ i'^} (2') LOGARITHMS. 329 from which we find P=tiL^, (3) When the annuity is continued forever, the value of n becomes infinite, making this substitution in (3), we find The amount of $1 at compound interest for n years at r per cent. J is (l + r)». (5) The amount of $1 at simple interest for n years at r per cent., is l-\-nr. (6) Expression (5), when expanded by the binomial theorem, becomes. r (l+r)"= l + nr+ -^__^-^ + ^ ^ -V'+&c. When ri= 1, this expression becomes l-\-nr. When n>l, this expression is >1-|- nr. When 7ic"-2 .... +A,,-,x+An = 0, (1) IS satisfied by making a:=ai, then a^ is a root of equa- tion (1) . Substituting a^ for a; in (1), we get aV+Aar'^+'^acr'- • • • -}- A-id -|-^n = 0. (2) Subtracting (2) from (1), we have ^„. x(x — aO=0. ( ^^ We know that each of the expressions x» — ay, a:"-* — ay-', x"-= — ap=, x--ai, GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 337 is divisible by a: — Oi ; consequently, the left-hand member of (3) is divisible by x — a,. Equation (3) does not ditfer from (1), since (3) was de- rived from (1) by subtracting from it equation (2), which is equal to 0. Therefore, equation (1) is also divisible by X — Ci ; hence the following property : (255.) If ai is a root of the general algebraic equation z"+J?,x"-'+^2a;»-2 -\-Jn-ix-\-Jln = 0, then its left-hand memher will be divisible by x — aj. As an example, suppose 3 is a root of the equation a:3 _ 7x2 _f 36 = 0. Now, by the above property this equation must be divisi- ble by x — 3. Actually performing the division, we have x3_7x-+36 x3 — 3x2 X — 3 divisor. X- — 4.T — 12 quotient. — 4x2 — 4x2-1- 12x — 12x+ 36 — 12x-h36 0. (256.) If we divide our general equation x»+^iX"-> + ^.^'-2....-f-^„_,x+A = 0, (1) by X — flfi, we shall obtain for a quotient, a new equation of one degree less than equation (1), which may be repre- sented as follows : X»-'+5,X»-2-f-B2X"-3 .... -|-5„_oX + J?„_i = 0. (2) This equation must also have a root, which we will rep- resent by cg. Again, dividing (2) by x — a^, we shall obtain 43 338 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. a new equation one degree less than (2), and consequently two degrees less than (1). Let this new equation be rep- resented by arn-s-f Cix"-3 -f Cox'-' + C„_sx4- C„_o = 0. (3) If fl; is a root of equation (3), we can divide it by x — 03, we shall thus find a new equation of three degrees less than equation (1). If we continue in this way, we shall, after n divisions, obtain an equation whose degree = ; therefore, equation (1), is composed of n factors. X — flj ; X — fl.j ; X — 03; &c. Hence, we have the following property : (257.) If til, a-2, Oiiy a„, denote the n roots of our general equation of the nth degree^ then this eqtiation will take the following form : {x — ai){x — ai){x — ai) {x — a;,_i)(x — c„) = 0. This equation is verified by making either of the n fac- tors = ; that is, by making x = Ci, or x = a^, or x = a^, &c., from which we infer, that every equation of the nth degree, has n roots. (258.) It does not however follow, that all the roots Oj, 02} 035 "4, &c., are different, since two or more of them may be equal, but still, their number must be 7i, since there are n factors. (259.) If all the roots C], oo, 03, an are negative, then each factor of the equation (x+a,)(x+rto)(x-fa3) (a:+a„-i)(a:-f fln) = 0, will be positive, consequently each term of its equivalent value x»-|-^ia:'-' + ^,x'^= _|_^^_^3,_|_^_ _0 •will be positive. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 339 If the roots are all positive, tlien will the terras of (x — ai){x — a.2){x — 03) {x — a,.-i)(x — a„) = 0, when expanded, be alternately positive and negative. (260.) HmcCy if the terms of any equatioii are neither all positive^ nor alternately positive and negative^ that equa- tion must contain both positive and negative roots. (261.) Reasoning after this manner, Harriot has shown That every equation whose roots are possible, has as many changes of signs from -{-to — , or from — to -\-,as there are positive roots; and as many continuations of the same signs from -f- ^o -f-j or from — to — , as there are nega- tive roots. (262.) If, as we have already supposed, the n roots of an e , nation of the 7ith degree be denoted by ^i, a^, Qa, . . . . a,,, we can put the equation under the following form : (x — a^){x — a.i){x — 03)(a: — a^) (x — a„) = 0. (!) Let us suppose «;>«.. ; a,>03; ajya,i; and so of the rest. If a quantity b greater than «i be substituted for x in (1), the result will be positive, since all the factors w-ill then be positive. If a quantity c less than ci, but greater than Qo, be sub- stituted for a-, the factors will be all positive except one, and consequently the result will be negative. If a quantity d less than ag, but greater than a.), be sub- stituted for X, all the factors except two will be positive ; and since two negative factors produce a positive product, the result must be positive. By following out this plan of reasoning, we deduce the following property : 340 GENERAL PKOPCUTIES OF EQUATIONS. (263.) if tu-0 qucnitilics he successively substituted for x in any equation, and give results ajfected with different SIGNS, there must be an odd number if roots heticeen these quantities. But if the tico quantities when substituted for x give results affected with the same signs, there must he either no roof, or else an even number of roots between these quan- tities. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the first figure of one of the roots of the equation x'-\-l.bx^-^0.3x — 46 = 0. If we substitute 3 for x, the result will be — 4. 6, a nega- tive quantity. If we substitute 4 for x, the result will be 43.2, a positive quantity. Therefore, the first figure of the root sought must be 3. 2. Find the first figure of one of the roots of the equation xi-j. 3r'+2x-^-f 6x— 148 = 0. Putting 2 for x, the result is — 88, and putting 3 for z, we get 50, .*. the first figure of the root sought is 2. 3. Find the first figure of one of the roots of the equation a^— 17x"+54x— 350 = 0. In this example, the two consecutive numbers between which there is a root, are 10 and 20, therefore, the first figure of the root sought is 1 in the ten's place. (264.) By actual multiplication, we find (x — ai)(x — a.) = x2 ^Vx-f-cifl.a, fll ^ +^102 i (x — a))(x — ao)(x — a,i)=r' — a.. > x-+^i"^ / ^ — fliOaflsj — 03 7 H-OoCa^ GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 341 {x—ai){x—a.>){x—a-3){x—m)=x' _C3 / ^' — 04 ) -j-OiflaX -i-aias) OiOoO^ -\ + aia4( > a- + 01020304, + 02^3^ — 010304 i -j-fl-iOiX — 020304 ^ + 0304/ , &c., &c., &c. By carefully examining the above results, we discover the following properties : (265.) The coefficient of x in the first term is always 1. The coefficicjU of the second term^ is the sum of all the roots with their signs changed. The coefficient of the third tenrf, is the sum of all the products of the roots taken two at a time. The coefficient of the fourth term, is the sum of all the products of the roots with their signs changed, taken three at a time. And so on for the succeeding terms, until we reach the last term, which is independarit of x, and is equal to the continued product of all the roots, ivifh their signs changed. (266.) The general form of an imaginary or impossible root of an equation is o-f- ^ — b. The only factor which will render o-f- ■/— 6 rational, is a — ^—h. We have just seen, that the last term of our general equation 342 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. is composed of the continued product of all its roots. Hence, if a-j- ^ — 6 is a root of this equation, then also will a — ^ — 6 be a root, unless Jl,^ is imaginary. In the same way, if a' -f ^ — b' is a root, then will ai — v^ — h' be a root, and so for other imaginary roots. From this we infer the following properties : (267.) Every equation has an even number of impossible rootsy or else none at all . Jin equation of an even degree may have all its roots im- possible; but if they are not all impossible, two of them at least are possible. If all the roots of an equation are impossible, then what- ever values are substituted for x in that equation, the results will always be affected loith the same signs. An equation of an odd degree has at least one real root. (268.) If we divide both members of the identical equa- tion (x — a])(x- by x", we shall obtain 2X"-\...^,,^,x+A=? fl,.)(x — a.) (x— a„) ) - , j?i , ^3 •/?«— 1 , Jin XX- X"-* X" (-?)('-'7)('-?)--(-?)- Taking the lognritiims of both members, we find GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 343 + loo-. + Iog.(l-f)V(A) If we actually take the logarithm of the left-hand mem- ber of (A), by formula (C), Art. 237, where X X2 X"-^ X^ is put for 7J, we shall obtain By taking the logarithms of the terms of the right-hand member of (A), we get — (oi-f-ao+as «-.)r -^(«l+«^+«^3 «.t)^/ -^(«?+«.^+«? <)-2 &c., &c. fli-f-aa+fla- ...a„ = — ^,, a'.+al+al. ...a==^=-2A>, a',+al+al. . . .G,=j = — yi?+3^j^o— 3^3, a\+al+al. ...< = 344 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. By equating the coefficients of the like powers of x, in (B) and (C), we find the following interesting properties : (D) ^5-4^-:^, -|-4A^3+2^S— 4^4, ' &c., &c. (269.) These relations make known the sum of the 7?ith powers of all the roots of an equation in terms of its coeffi- cients. (270.) If we suppose the general equation is deprived of its second term, or which amounts to the same thing, if we suppose ^1 = 0. the above results of (D) will become a,-\-a,-{-a^....an=0, ^ c?+a^+ai....a-;=-2^2, / aJ + a3 + a^...a3z=-3^3, )> (E) &c. — 3^3, \ &c. ) TRANSFORMATIONS OF EQUATIONS. (271.) We will resume our general equation a;»+^ix"-'+^oa:«-2 -f A_ix+A = 0. (1) If in this equation we suppose x = u-\-x', m being a new unknown quantity, and x' an indeterminate quantity, we shall have {u-\-x'Y-\-M^+^'Y-'+Mu+x'Y-' I /2^ GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. ^ 345 which, when expamled by the Binomial Theorem^ becomes Ax'"-'/ +^W > = 0. (3) + ■ Now, since x' is wholly arbitrary, we are able to give it such a value as to satisfy this condition 7?x'-f-^i = 0; n which is done by making x' = ^. n This value of x' substituted in (3), will give an equation of the following form : W''4-jBotf"-2_^5oM"-3 Bn-iU-\-Bn = 0^ (4) which -is deprived of its second term. (272.) Hence, to cause the second term of an equation to disappear y we must replace the unknown by a new unknown augmented by the coefficient of the second term with its sign changed, ajid divided by the number denoting the degree of the equation. • EXAMPLES. 1. Transform the quadratic equation into a new equation wanting its second term. A' Assume x^w — , and it will become thisj when reduced, becomes 44 346 , GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. -•^-(f-^i=='' or, by transposing, 4 and, . = ._:|^ = -|l±V^fZ7, The same result as was obtained by the direct solution of the above equation under Art. 151, formula (D). 2. Transform the cubic equation a;-' -j- ^,x» + Ji^x + Jl^ = 0, into a new equation, wanting its second term. AssuminjT x = m — ^1 we get which, when expanded and reduced, gives 'here 5o = . -}-^„ We might proceed in this way for the transformation of equations of higher degrees, but its easy to see that this method would be very lengthy and complicated for such equations, we shall therefore seek some law by which these transformations can be made with less labor. (273.) If in the general equation x» -f- ^ix**-' 4- ^2X— '-^ 4- An-xX -\-An^Q = X. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 347 we substitute x' -\-u for a;, and imitate the operations of Art. 271, we shall have +.^,x'»-2 + (n — 2)^2x'"-3 1 +n. n — 1 = 0. w'+...+w« If in the above transformation, we put X' for the coefficient of M°5 or which is the same thing, for the sum of the terras in- dependent of tc. Also, put X" for the coefficient of w, and X'" . X"" — - for the coefficient of m^, — — - for the coefficient of w^, ^ 2i.o and so on, we shall have X= x" + ^ia;'-i + Aia:'-^ ^„_ix-f A, r=a;"'-f-^:x'"-' + A2'»-=^ A_ix'+A, J^"=nx"»-»-f (n — l)^ix'"~^+(n— 2)^2a:"'-l . . . A-i, :X"'= 7i(7i— l)x"»-2-f- (n — 1) (n — 2).^,x"'-^+ Jt""=;2(n— l)(n— 2)x"'-3+(n— l)(n— 2)(n— S).'?,!'"-'.. &c., &c. 348 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. If we examine the above expressions, we shall discover the following law : X' is derived from the general equation X, by simply changing x into x'. X" is derived from X' by multiplying each of the terms of X' by the exponent of x' in that term, and diminishing this exponent by a unit. X'" is derived from X" in the same manner as X" was derived from X'. And, in general, a coefficient of any rank, in the above transformed equation, is formed by means of the preceding, by multiplying each term of the preceding by its exponent, and dividing the product by the number of coefficients which precedes the terms sought, and diminishing the exponent by a unit. (274.) The polynomial X" is called the^rs^ derivedpoly- nomial of X'. The polynomial of X'" is called the second derivedpoly- nomial of X' ; and so on for the succeeding polynomials. (275.) We will add a few examples to illustrate the above law. 1. Transform the equation X ' — 12x3 -|- 17x2 — 9x-}- 7 = 0, into an equation wanting its second term. 12 By Art. 272, we must substitute w+— =m-}-3, or 3 -[- w for x; this transformed by Art. 273, will be of this form : X'JrX"u^'^u'^^'^.u^+u* = 0. Now, by the above law, we find GENERAL rUOrEUTlES OF EQUATIONS. 349 X' = (3)'— 12(3)''+17(3)2— 9(3)'+7 = — 110, :^"=4(3)^' — 36(3)-+34(3)'— 9 =—123, -2-=6(3)-'-36(3y+17 =- 37, |^==4(3).-12 = 0. . Hence, our transformed equation is w' — 37m3 — 123;/. — 110 = 0. 2. Transform x^ — I0a:^+7a;3+4x — 9 = 0, into a new equation wanting its second term. Proceeding as above, we find X' = {2Y— 10(2;-' +7(2)^+4(2)^ — 9 =— 73, J^" = 5(2)^ — 40(2)'+21(2)--|-4 =—152, ^=10(2)^ — 60(2)H21(2)^ =—118, ^^'=10(2)-^ -40(2)' + 7 =- 33, Y'"" Hence, our transformed equation is u' — 33m'* — 1 18?^^ — 152m — 73 = 0. 3. Transform 3x-^+15x^+25x — 3 = 0, into an equation wanting its second term. Dividing each term by 3, in order to make it agree with the general equation, we get ar^_j_5ar2-J-±:x — 1=0. 350 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. Now, in order to make the second term disappear, we 5 must, by Art. 272, substitute — ^-\-u for x. o Hence, -- (-1) +^ (-B +f H)- 25 3 _ 152 "" 27' = 0, = 0. Hence, the transformed sought, is , 152 27 = 0. In this example, the third term vanished at the same time as the second. 4. Transform 4x3 — 5x'^-f-7a:— 9 = 0, into a new equation, of which the roots shall exceed by a unit, each of the corresponding roots of the given equation. We must assume u = x-j-1 or x=u — 1, which gives X'=4: (—1)3 — 5 (— l)-'-j-7(— 1)' — 9 = — 25, X"=12(— IV— 10(— l)'-f-7 = 29, X'" l^=12(-l)'-5 = —17, 2.3 = 4. Hence, the transformed equation is 4^3— 17tt-'+29u — 25 — 0. (2) GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 351 (276.) The derived polynomials possess some remarkable properties, which we will develop. x"+A,x^~'+A.^"-^+ + A_;X+^, = 0, (1) have uij 02, a3, a„_i, a„, for its 7i roots, we shall then have by Art. 257, the identical equation X- + Ax^' + + A-isc 4- A = (x— ai){x — ao) {x — c„_i) {x — a^). In (2) change x into x -\- v, and it will become {x-\-uY-{-A{x-huY~' ...... ..l.^i{x-\-u)+.(l„ = ) ,3. [u-^{x-a,)\[u-\-ix-a,)] [u -^ {x - a,.)]. \ ^ ^ The left-hand member of (3), by Art. 273, is X + X'u-^^^c^-i- w. (4) If we should actually perform the multiplication of the factors of the right-hand member, we should find, by pay- ing attention to the properties under Art. 265, that the part independent of u is equal to (x — ai){x — aj){x — a,;) {x — a„_i)(a; — a„). (5) The coefficient of u will equal the sum of the products of all the terms x — r/j, a: — ao, x — 03, taken n — 1 at a time. The coefficient of u- will equal the sum of the products of the same terms taken n — 2 at a time. Hence, by equating the coefficients of the like powers of u, in the two numbers of (3), we have 352 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. X:= {x—ai){x — ao)(x — as) . . . .(x — a„_i)(x — a,,) x—ai X — a-2 X — 03 x — a,j X" = X _^ X |_ (x— ai)(x— Co) (x— fli)(x— 03) &c. (x— a^i)(a:-a„) &c. (A) EQUATIONS HAVING EQUAL ROOTS. (277.) Let X denote the first member of the equation x^+^iX^-'-f^ax"-' + A-ia:4- A = 0, (1) and suppose m factors equal to x — a, 7n' factors equal to X — b, m" factors equal to x — c, &c. ; also, that it contains the simple factors x—p,x—q,x—r, &c., then we shall have x= {x-ar{x-bnx-cr . . . . ? {x-p){x-q)ix-r)...,= 0. S Calling X' the first derived of X, we shall, by (A), Art. 260, have x=i^+t:^+"^+....^+-^+^+..(3) x—a X — b x — c X — p X — q x — r Hence, the greatest common divisor of Xand X' is D = {x — a)'^\x—b)""-\x-c) "-'. (4) (278.) From this wc conclude, that when the equation X = has no equal roots, then the polynomials have no common measure. (279.) If the greatest common divisor D, equation (4), is of the first degree, and equal to x — ^ = 0, we conclude that equationX = has two roots equal to k. And in general, if GENERAL PROrEllTIES CV EQUATTONS. 353 it is of the form {x — h)" = 0, then the equation has n-f-1 roots equal to h. When it is of the form >r--]-»/':/i.r-|-yio = 0, we must find the two vahies of a by quadraties, which we will suppose to be Ic and k', so that the eijuation will have two roots ^/c, and two more =k'. EXAxMPLES. 1. Has the equation 2x^ — 12x='+l9a;-— 6a:+9 = any equal roots, and if so, what are they 1. X = 2a- « — 12j:^+ ] 9x- — 6x+9, X'=8x3 — 3Cx'-+3Sx —6. Now, by the method of Art. 50, we find the greatest com- mon measure of X and A'' to be D=zx-3. Therefore, the above equation has two roots equal to 3. Dividing its first member by {x — 3Y = x^ — 6x-i-9, . we find 2x- — 12a:'+ 1 9.r- — 6x+9 2x= — 12r'+lSx- 6a:-|-9. '2a;-H-l. X-' — 6i--f 9 x3_ 6x4-9 0. The two roots of 2x--|-l ^0 arex^^zb"^ — I. Hence, the four roots of the above equation are 3,3, + v/=T, _v/=T. 2. Find the equal roots of x^ — 2x4+ 3x'' _ 7j;:_|_8x — 3 =: 0, if it has any. 45 354 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQrATIO.No. X-- X'-- a-5_2^'_)_ + 8X-3, ~ — Sx'-\-9--'—Ux -f-8. Seeking the greatest common divisor of X and X', we find D = x^ — 2x-{- I ={x — ly, hence, there are 3 roots equal to 1. If we divide the value of X by {x—lY = x^ — 3x--\-3x—l we shall obtain the quotient .r* -f- x-|-3. The two roots ofx- -|-3^H-3 = 0, are x ■■ hence the five roots of x^ — 2x4 -f 3a;:i _ 7a;2 _|_ Sa: — :±i^— 11 1, ], i,-^4-;v/: 11. 3 = 0, ■^v^— 11. 3. Find the roots of x-i + 5x^ 4- 6.T^ — 6x^ — 15x3 — 3x2 -f 8x 4- 4 = 0. Proceeding as in the last example, we find X= x^+ 5x«4- 6x^— 6x^—15x3 — 3x=+8x + 4, X' = 7x« + 30x^ 4- ^0^' — 24x3 _ 45^,0 _ g^ _|. g^ D— x-« + 3x3 -j- X-— 3x — 2. Isow, since the greatest common divisor D, surpasses the second degree, we cannot immediately resolve it. If we apply the same process to D, as we have done to X, we shall find D= x' 4-3x3-}- 3,2 _ 3a, _ 2, D' = 4x^ 4- 92;2 -f 2x — 3 = first derived of D, D" = X -j- 1 = greatest common divisor of D and D'. Hence, D has two roots equal to — 1 . Dividing it by (^+l? = ^^+2x+l, we obtain the quotient x'--\-x — 2, which equated to zero, gives x= 1, or x = — 2. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 355 Therefore, D= {x-]-iy{x — l){x ^2), and consequently, A'= (x + ^Yi^ — l)-(-^" -\- ~) ' and the equation has three roots, ^=^ — 1 ; two roots, =; 1 ; : — 2. RECURRING EQUATIONS. (280.) v/i recurring equation is one which remains the same when - is substituted for ar. X All recurring equations are of this form : z" + ^ix"-' + .V"—' + Ji'iX- + ^ix + 1 = 0, (1) where the coefficients of the terms equi-distant from the extremes are equal, because, if for x we substitute -, the above equation will become i+r^'- +i?i ^^^j^i=o, (2) which, when cleared of fractions by multiplying by x", becomes l-\-A,x-^Jl^-^ 4-^ox"---}-^iX''-'+x''= 0, (3) which is just the same as equation (1), only the terms are taken in a reverse order. From the above definition of a recurring equation, we know, that if ax is one of the roots, then W'ill — also be a root of this equation. Hence, recurring equations are sometimes called recipro- cal equations. (281 ) A recurring equation of an odd degree can in general be represented by 35G GENERAL PllOrElll lES OF EQ^ATIO^-S. a:--+i^i,j'"db. ?.a-^-'*-'d= . . . .±J2rx'-±:.hx±l =0. (4) Now, if the corresponding coefficients have the same sign, a:=— Iwill satisfy (4), but if the corresponding coeffi- cients haA'e contrary signs, then x^=l will satisfy (4). (282.) Heiice^ — 1 or -\-\ is ahcays one root of a recur ring equation of an odd degree; consequently ^ by Jlrt. 255 we know that a recurring equation of an odd degree is divisi- ble by x-f- l^orhy x — 1 ; and the quotient will be a recurring equation of one degree loioer, and consequently of an even degree. (283.) The general form of a recurring equation of an even degree is x2»-|-^iz3"-'-)-^2.r«-2_j_ ^ ^ __j_^,a;2_^^^^j^l ^ 0. (5) This divided by a;", becomes a:"+^,x"^'-f^„a;~-+....-f 4^.4- "^L^-L^O, (6) which becomes, by bringing the terms of equal coefficients together, ^"+x-.+-^'(^ -'+i;!=,)+-^-^(-'-Hj;^,)+&c.=0. (7) If we expand I .r-| — ;, ) X I .r-(-- j) we shall obtain this identical equation, (^'•+1) X (.+^) =."+.+-ip,+.»-.+J^. (8) By transposing, we have where z = a:-|- -. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 357 If in formula (9) we suppose successively '' = 1,2,:^,4,5, , we shall find x^-\- (A) These values of x-f-- ; x^ 4- -^, : x^ -4- —.: &c., in terms ' X x~ x^ of z, being substituted in the general recurring equation of an even degree, will give an equation in terms of z of but half that degree. (284.) From Art. 281, we know that a recurring equation of the degree 2n-[-l, can be immediately reduced to a re- curring equation of the degree 2w,by dividing by x-f-l, or x — 1. Consequently a recurring equation of the degree 2?i-f-l can be reduced to an equation of the 7ith degree. Suppose, for example, we wish to find the five roots of the recurring equation x'^—]\x'-\-llx^-\-\1x^—nx-{-l = 0. (1) Since this is a recurring equation of an odd degree, and the corresponding coefficients have the same sign, it follows, by Art. 281, that one of its roots is — 1. Dividing this equation by x-J-1, we obtain for a quotient this new recur- ring equation of the fourth degree. x'—\2x^-]-2dx'-—12x-\-l=0. (2) ]5S GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. Dividing this by x\ and reducing the result to the form of (9), Art. 283, we have ,.+ i_,2(,+_l) + 29 = 0. (3) Substituting, in (3), for x^ -\ — ^, a; -j- -? their values in terms of 2, as given by group (A), Art. 283, we obtain s2_ 2— 122 + 29=^0, (4) or z2 — 12z + 27 = 0. (5) Equation (5), solved by the usual rule for quadratics, gives z = 9, or c = 3. Taking the first value of r, we have 1 X 9x = Solving (7) by quadratics, we find 9 1 „^ Taking the second value of z, we have z = x-\ — = 3, or X- — 3x=: — 1. Equation (9) gives 3 1 ^ 2^2^^'- (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Therefore, the five roots of the proposed equation are 9-f-sr77 9— v/77 3-|-v/5 3 — s/5 ' 2 ' 2 ' ~~2 ' h If the numerator and denominator of the third root be each multiplied by 9-}- v/ 77, and the numerator and de- nominator of the fifth root, be each multiplied by 3-j- >/ 5, the roots will assume the followincr form : GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQT'ATIONS. 359 9-f-^/77 2 34-V/5 2 2 '9-|-v/77' 2 '3-f-v/5' which shows that the third root is the reciprocal of the secondj and the fifth is the reciprocal of tjie fourth. BINOMIAL EQUATIONS. (285.) Binomial equations are of this form : in which, if we substitute ax for y, and divide the result by a", we shall obtain for the general form of binomial equations. (286.) If n is even, the equation cr" -j- 1 ^ ; or, x'* = — 1, gives for x the impossible expression ^ — Ij hence all the roots are imaginary. But the equation X" — 1 = ; or X" = 1, gives a;=yi=-|-], or — 1; so that the equation has two real roots, and n — 2 imaginary roots. (287.) If n is odd, the equation x'-f- 1^=0 ; orx"= — 1; gives X = V — 1 = — 1 ; so that there is one real root and n — 1 imaginary roots. But the equation x" — 1=0; or x"= 1, gives x= V l = -j- 1, so that, as before, we have one real root and n — 1 imaginary roots. (288.) If a is one of the imaginary roots of the binomial equation^ then will x "= 1 , («■)" = «'— 1, {a^)" = a''-"= 1-=1, (a3)"=a3'»= 13=1, 360 GENERAL PilOPEUTIKS OF E^UATIOKS. So that a', a-j a', a', &-C , satisfy the equations = 1, when substituted for x. These quantities are therefore roots of the above equations. Hence^ if a is one of the imnginar§ roots of the equation rc'*^!, then any j^ower of a, will also be an imaginary root. From this it follows, that the roots a;"= 1, may be rep- resented under an infinite variety of forms, each term in the following series being a root. 1, fl, a-, a3, """'j^ a", a"+^, a"r2j «^"~S( a2", 02"+', a'^"r2^ a3— 1, > (A) (289.) When n is a prime number, the roots of the equation x"=^ 1, are all contained in either of the expres- sions (A), for in each of these series of roots all the n terms will be different. But when n is a composite number, the roots of the equation are not all contained in cither of the series (A), for some of them will be the same root under different forms, for suppose 7i = 7; X 7, and let 5'>jo, then the first series of (A) is the same as 1, «, a', o ", fl?', aP+', a?'+-, a\ a'^', a^-'. Now, since therefore the terms 1, «'', and a*?, are each equal to 1, and consequently, each must be the same root under different forms. (290.) Suppose we have x^=\^ where p = a prime. If wc put xP==y; then yf= 1. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 361 Now, suppose I is a root of i!/'':i^ 1, it will follow from Art. 288, that the p roots of 3/''= 1 will be denoted by 1, 5, h-, P, bP-K Hence, by substitution, we have -X^-1=:0, (!)• xP—b=0, (2) ,._3,= ^-^-^^=0, (3)1 ^^, The ]) roots of the first equation x^ — 1=0, have already been found to be 1, h,b-, b\ bP-\ If we make x = c V Z), the second equation of (B) will become xP—b = {zr'—\)xh = Q; therefore the roots of x^ — 6 = 0, are equal to the roots of zi'— 1 = multiplied by V h. Hence, the p roots of (2) are V b, bV h, h~ V b, bP-^V b. Again, if we make x = r V b'-, the third equation will become xP—b-= {zP— 1 ) X 6-= ; therefore, the roots of xP — b-= 0, are equal to the roots of r''— 1 = 0, multiplied by V b\ Hence, the p roots of (3) are V &-, h V ft'S b- Vb--, ft''"' V 6-. Proceeding in this way m;iy find the following for the pp roots of xPP= 1. 46 362 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. hb,b', bP~\ V6, h Vb, 6- Vb, bP-^ V&, V&S b V&-, b^' Vb% bP-' V6S (C) V bP-\ bVbP-', b- VbP-\ b^^VbP-K (291.) Again, suppose we have x^^ — 1 = 0, where j9 and q are both primes. If we put xP = y, we shall have yi — 1=0. Let the q roots of this equation be 1, a, a-, a^, a'-', or which, by Art 288, is the same as 1, aP, aP, cv'P a^t-^^P^ then by substitution, we find a;P— 1=0, (]) , a;P — aP = 0, (2) l^p — «->=0, (3)' xP—y I (D) xP — «(«-')/^=0. {q) We will denote the values of x in a-'' — 1 = 0, by 1,&, 6-', 6', IP-K If we make x = or,, equation (2), of (D), will ber,ome xP — aP = {zi — \)bP = Q; therefore the roots of a^ — uP = 0, arc equal to the roots of zP — 1 = multiplied by a. And in a similar way we dis- cover that the roots of xp — q'-p = 0, are equal to the roots of o-P — 1 =: multiplied by a-, and so for the other equa- tions of (D). Hence, the pq roots of x^? — 1 = 0, are GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 363 l,^i^i^ ^^-s a, a6, ab'j ab^, afc^"', a2, 0=6, a-6-, a%', a'^bP-\ (E) a'-', a? -'6, ai-'b'^ai-^b-', o'-'ftP^'. As a particular case, suppose we wish the 15 roots of the equation x^^ — 1 = 0, or x^-^—1 =0. In this case, p = 3, and 5=5; we must therefore seek the roots of x^ — 1 = 0, and x^ — 1 == 0. We know, by Art. 287, that a- 1= 1 will satisfy each of the above equations ; hence they are, by Art. 255, both di- visible by X — 1. If we effect the division, we shall have a;2-|-x-]_l=0, and x*-\-x^-{-x--j-x-{-l = 0, for the results; the first of these, x"-|-x-|-l = 0, being solved by quadratics, gives a:= — i + iN/"^, or X = — 1 — iv/^^. The other equation, x^-j-x^-j--"^""!"^"!"! =0) is a recur- ring equation. Dividing it by x^, ^ve have x=-^x+I+l+?^==o, X X* (..+ij+(.+y+i=o. Substituting for x'--|-— , and a;-j--, their values in terms of c, Art. 28", we find z-' + z-l = 0. This, solved by quadratics, gives z = -i + iv/5,orz = — i — iv/5. 261 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. Taking the first value of ;:, we have z =x+i = — i+ 1. v/5, or x- — (^ v/5 — i)x = — 1, X which, solved by quadratics, gives :c = J [v/5 — 1+ >/— 10 — 2x75], x= i[v/5 — 1— v/_lO — 2v75]. Taking the second value of z, we have z ^ x-\-- = — v/5,orx^+(iv/5 + i)a: = — 1, which, solved by quadratics, gives a: = — i[v/5 + l—N/— 10+2^5], or a;=3 — i[^5 + lH-v/— 10-h2v/5]. In this case weVave for the three roots of x^ — 1 = 0, the following : 1 = 1, 62 = — ^ — I ^/— 3. We have for the five roots of x^ — 1 = 0, the following : 1 = 1, a = l[^/5 — 1 4-v/— 10 — 2v/ 5], a« = - i [v/5 + 1— v/-10 + 2"75], a» == — I [v/5 + l + v/— 10 + 2s/5], a' = ^v/ 5— 1— v/— 10— "275], Consequently, the fifteen roots of a:"' — 1 = 0, are 1 = 1, a= ;[v/5 — l+v^— 10 — 2v' 5], a-^ = — 1 [,/5 + 1 — y — I0-f-' 275], a^= — i[V5 + 1 +v/^To~+T7^], a^= 1 [^5 _l_v/_ 10^^75], GENERAL DlOrilUTIES OF ECiUATIONS. 365 6=_. [l_v^_3j, 6a=— 1 [1— v/— 3JX[V5 — l+v^- ba^= i [1 — n/^^3Jx[v5 + 1 — ^Z- ba'= i[l — V^^Jx[^/5 + 1 +v/:_i0_|_2v5], 62o=— 1 [1 4-v/— 3jx[v/5 6V = Ul + ^'' --3 1 X [ v^O + 1 — ^/_10+2^75], 1 [1 ^ v/Zrr3] X [ ,/5 + 1 + ^/ — 10 + 2^ 5], - - [1 -|.\/ir3]xrv/5 — 1 — x/— 10— 2^75]. 10— 2v/oJ, T0-f2v/5], 1 _v/— 10 — 2v/5], 1 4_x/_iO — 2v/5j, 3]x[^/5- If we extract the roots imlicated, to 7 places of decimals, and reduce the results to their simplest forms, we shall have 1= 1, • _ a= 0.3090170 + 0.95105G5^/— 1, (3) a2 :r^ _ 0.8090170-1-0.5877853 V—l, (6) a' = — 0.8090170 — 0.5S77S53\/—1, (6') 0^= 0.3090170 — 0.95105G5v/—l, (3') 6 = — 0.5000000+0.8660254%/^, (5) ah — — 0.9781476 — 0.20791 17 %/—l, (7') a-b = — 0.1045285 — 0.9945219%/^, (4') a^b= 0.9135454 — 0.40673G6v/^, (1') a^b= 0.6691306 — 0.7431448 n/^, (2') 62 = _ 0.5000000 - 0.8C602"4x/— 1, (5') ab-= 0.6691306 + 0.7431448 n/—1, (2) a"-b'-= 0.9135454-1-0.4067366 v/^, (1) fl-ife^ = — 0.1045285-1-0.9945219%/^, (4) a'f^ = — 0.97814764-0.20791 17 v/—l, (7) These imaginary roots are each of this form. And in all cases, 366 GENERAL PROPEKTIES OF EQUATIONS, For a complete and lull discussion of the Binomial Equa- tion^ ac" — 1 = 0, when n is a prime, the reader is referred to the 5th part. Vol. II, of Legendre's Theone des JVom- hres, 3d edition^ where he will find collected and demon- strated the many beautiful theorems on this subject, which were first published by M. Gauss^ in his Disquisitiones Arithmeticcs. (292.) Before closing this subject, it may not be amiss to apprise the student, that the solution of binomial equa- tions are most readily found by the aid of Trigonometrical formula. GENERAL SOLUTION OF AN EQUATION OF THE THIRD DEGREE (293.) We have seen. Art. 272, that an equation of the third degree may be put under this form : x^^A^x-{-Jl^=.0. (1) If we assume x=^y-\-z^ (2) we shall find x' = {y ^ zf = y^ -\- z^ -^'iyz^y -[• z) :^-2>yz.x — y^-z^ = 0. (3) If we equat we shall find e the coefficients of (3) A, = — 3yz, A = — y^ — z\ with those of (1), (4) (5) Which give (6) ' y^^z^ = — A,. (7) Cubing (6), we obtain ^ 0-7 (8) Squaring (7), we get / + 2/z'-f c«= ^^ (9) Subtracting four times (8) from (9), and wc have GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 367 Extracting the square root of (10), we find 2,3_,3_y^^3+4^?. (11) By adding and subtracting half of (11) to and from the half of (7), we find 2+^^ 4 +27' 2 ^ 4 ^ 27' (12) (13) Hence, x = y-\-z = If we assume (14) 2 *^ 4 ' 27 the above value of x will become x=^m-\-n. (15) Now, to obtain the other two roots, we will depress the equation by dividing it by r — {ni-f-n). See Art. 255. 368 GENERAL PROPEr.TIES OF EQUATIONS. OPERATION. \x''-\-{m-{-n)x-\- (m + n)2-|-^i. (m-^n)x''-\-^iX {m-\-n)x^ — {m-^nyx [{m-\-ny-\-Jl,]x-\-^2 [{m-\-ny-\-Ai]x—{m-\-ny—{m-\-n)Ai {m-\-?iy-\-{m-\-7i)^i+^.. As it regards this remainder, we see that since m-^n is a root of equation (l)5it will be satisfied by substituting m-j-w for X- making this substitution in (1), we find (m + n)3 -(- (m -f- 7^)^i -f- /ia = 0, which proves our remainder to vanish. Hence, the true value of the depressed equation is x''-\-{m-\-n)x-\-{vi-\-7iy-\-Jli = 0. (16) This, solved by quadratics, gives — {m-{-7,)± v/— 3 (7/1 + ny — 4^1 (17) So that equations (15) and (17) give the three roots of equation (1 ). The two roots contained in (17) may bo found from (15), as follows : Comparing equation (14) with (12) and (13), we find 3/» = m', z^ = n'' ; therefore, by Art. 288, we have y = am, > and c = o;?, > y = a'm, } z — «^72, } where 1, a, a', are the three cube roots of 1 ; that is, GENERAL PRCPERTILIS OF KqrATIONS. 369 « = — ! 4- i v/:zi3 . a-= — ! — : ^— 3. See example under Art. l: '. The only \vay in which we can combine the above six values of y and c, so that at the same time their product shall equal — '-—, equation (6), is as follows : x=:m + n, giving the root of equation (15), "^ x = a7n-\-a^n. ) ... „ ,,^, \ as.^ >e[ivino; tlie roots 01 equation (1/), ( ^ ■' The roots given by (17) may be simplified as follows : Since y = m and c = ?7, we have yz --^ mn. Comparing this with (6), we find ^^i = — 3m«, this value of c^^i, sub- stituted in (17), gives m -\- n , 7)1 — 71 / — r- "^ ^ = --^ + -^—^-37 , C (19) X = ■ V J. 1 Collecting in one point of view, the roots of the equa- tion r' -(- jTiX + JI2 = 0, we have x=zzm-f-n, (1)" . = -'^ + iLp^=:^, (2)1 (B) wnere m and 71 are given by equations (14). We will now see what conditions must be fulfilled, in order that one or all of the roots may be real. 47 370 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. CASE 1. In this case, the values of m and 7i are real, and each equal to \/ — ', and the values of x, given by (B), are ^V-i\ (1) -V=f. (3) CASE II. --(tr+(fr>«- In this case, the values of m and n are both real, and unequal. Hence, the first root as given by equation (B), is real, whilst the other two are imaginary. CASE III. ...(-.)% (-J^o. In this case, since I -^ 1 is positive for all values of j?2. it follows that ./3i<0. This is called the irreducible case, since m and n are both imaginary. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. :'71 Nevertheless, we can prove, that in this irreducible case, all the roots are real. For, Then we shall have (C) ^- =(/>+? ^—l)^ See questions 13 and 14, Art. 191, which give the ex- panded form of m and n as follows : (p-9^-1)*- J J _-' 2 —1 2 5 — - Therefore, we find 2 ='' +5:6'' '-*"=■ m— !j ( 1 -I 2.5 -i , , ) , — -2-=J3P 9-3^P V + &c.|^_l. Hence, the three values of t, as given by (B) , become 372 GENERAL PRO'.EllTIES OF EQIATIONS. \l''''''''-i-'h'''''''''+^'-\'^^'S l.r. (B") ) I, 1 -J 2.5 -I , , where Uie values of y; and 7 are given by (C). And since p and q are real quantities, it follows that the three rooU; as given by (B") are real. GENERAL SOLUTION OF AN EQUATION OF THE FOURTH DEGREE. (294.) Let the equation of the fourth degree be put under this form : x'4-./J,a;^-f,?,r-f.,^, = 0. (1) If we assume s = y-\-z-\-v, (2) we shall find x- ■=i/'-\-z--\-u--^2{yz-\-yu-\-zu), or x^ - {y-^Jrz'-\.u')= 2{yz+yu-^zu). (3) By squaring (3), Ave find X*- 2(r'-fz-^-f-wV-H(?/H~'^+'''')'= I /4X ^y'z'-\-y■^u^+z'u^)-{-Syzu{y-j-z+u). S ^ ' Replacing y-^z-\-u by x, in (4), and transposing, we find x* — 2{r-{-z-+n^ x^ — 8yzu.x } _ Now, in order that (5) and (1) may become identical, w< must have GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 373 Ji.. = —Syzu, V (A) From these conditions, v:e immediately deduce yv-^+yV+c=i.= =:^^IZ_!:i\ ^ (B) , o o ^; ^ 64 Now, by Art. 265, we know that the sum of the three roots of a cubic equation with their signs changed, is equal to the coefficient of the second term of that equation ; and the sum of their products taken two and two, is equal to the coefficient of the third term ; also the continued product of the three roots is equal to the absolute term. Hence, the values of y^ ~"'5 and w-, will correspond with the three roots of this equation : ~ 2 ~ 16 64 ^ ' If we suppose t = -. equation (6) will become 4 s' -{-2.1 16-^ + ( ^ 1 — 4^3)5 — j21=0. If we denote the three roots of this equation, as found by method explained under Art. 293, by s', s", a'", we shall have u= ztW^'"- ) Now, in order to find x, a root of (1), we must add the values of y, c, and «, observing tliat their signs are so taken 374 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. that their continued product may be afifected with a contrary sign with A,^ so as to satisfy the second condition of (A). CASE I. WlienJi 0. The four values will be as follows : x = —l s/i' — i Vs" — ^ Vs'", x= — lVs'-\-Ws"-\-^s^s"', x = -\-W^''—Ws"-\-Ws"', X = -j- ^ V^*' ~l~ I '^^" i y/s'". (D') The method of solving a cubic equation as given under Art. 293, is generally supposed to have originated with Cardan^ an Italian analyst of the 16th century j it is there- fore frequently referred to as Cardan's Method. Montucla, in his Hisloire des Mathcmatiques^ seems to have proved that it was also discovered about the same time, independ- ently of each other, by Scipio Ferreus and JVicolas Tartalea. The above method for equations of the fourth degree, which is a close imitation of the method for cubic equations, was first given by Euler, a distinguished analyst. As yet, analysts have not been able to obtain the general solution of equations beyond the fourth degree. general properties of equations. 375 Sturm's theorem (295.) Let X=0 be an algebraic equation having real coefficients ; we will suppose, also, that it has no equal roots. Call A'l its first derived polynomial^ found by the method of Art. 273. Apply to X and Ai the method of finding the greatest common measure, as explained under Art. 50, with this con- dition, always to change the sign of the remainder at each operation^ and to use this remainder, thus modified, for a di- visor in the next operation. Designate, moreover, by An, As, A4, Ar, the succes- sive remainders, taken with contrary signs. If we denote the successive quotients by ?t5 92, ?3J qr^\, we shall have the followino- relations : A=A,7, — Ao, (1) Ai = Ao<7, — A., (2) A2 -^ A35 — A4, (3) A.-o==X-i«7._i — A.. (r-1) (A) We shall necessarily have Xr independent of a*, and dif- ferent from zero, (Art. 278.) After having obtained the functions A, Ai, Ao, Ar, suppose we substitute in them for x, two numbers p and q of any signs whatever, p being < q. The substitution of p will give results either positive or negative ; if we only take account of the signs, and write them, one after another in a line, they will give a certain number of variations and permanences. 376 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. The substitution of q will in like manner give a succes- sion of signs, of a certain number of variations and perma- nences. Now, the Theorem of Sturm consists in this : The difference between the number of variations given by the first series of signs, and the number of variations given by the second series of signs, will express exactly the number of real roots of the proposed equation, which are comprised between p and q. (296.) We shall now proceed to demonstrate this beau- tiful theorem, I. Consider the function A' in particular, and suppose a, is a real root of A = 0. If we substitute a[ -j-w for x, in X, wr shall obtain. Art. 273, a result of this form : ^+^'u-{.'^u^ + f^tc^ w"; (1) where ^ is w'hat X becomes when ai is put for x, and v4', ^", ^"', are the successive derived polynomials of J?, found by the method of Art. 273. Now, by hypothesis, ai is a root of AT ^ 0, therefore j? ^ 0, and the preceding expression becomes (an am \ ^^'+2''+l:3^'+ -^''r ^^^ We can always take u sufficiently small to cause the quan- tity within the parenthesis of (2) to have the same sign as its first term A' . II. If, in the functions A, Ai, A2, Ar, ive substi- tute any quaiitity a for x, it cannot happen that two conse- cutive functions shall vanish at the same time. For take any three consecutive functions as An-i, An, X.+i- Then, by conditions (A), w^e have X„., = Xnq.-Xn+U (1) GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 377 Now, if we arc able to have at tlie same time X->=0, (2) X. = 0, (3) we must also, by comlition (1), have AVi = 0. (4) Since the relation (1) is general, it must be true when we write n-\-l for 7i; hence we have Xn = X,-^i9«+i — Xt+J. (5 ) In (5), substituting the values of X„, X,+i, as given by (3) and (4), and we obtain a;+2 = 0. (6) By continuing this process, we should finally find a; = o, (7) which is absurd, since we have already shown that Xf can- not equal zero. III. The relation X„-i=X„qn — Xn-\.i, shows that if a function X^ becomes by the substitution of x = a, the two functions X„_i, X„_|-i, between which it is 'placed^ have ne- cessarily contrary signs for x = a. (297.) Designating by k a quantity positive or negative, but less than each of the the real roots of the equations, Z =0, . X, = 0X (B) X-i-0, Conceive that the value of a: is made to increase continu- ously from X = kj and that its successive values are substi- tuted in the functions X, Xi, Xq, Xr. Now, so long as the increasing values of x are less than each of the roots of equations (B), the signs, arising from their substitution in 48 378 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. the functions of X, Xi, X^, X, will occur in the same order ; for, in order that the number of the variations and per- manences of signs should change, it is necessary that some one of the above functions, as X„, should have passed through the stage in which X,^ = 0, which cannot have happened, . since x is supposed less than the least value which can satisfy either of the equations (B). (298.) We will now suppose that x has reached a value x = a, which causes one of the intermediate functions X], Xo, Xs, X-i, to vanish, without causing x to vanish. We will also suppose X^ to be the one which vanishes when x = a; then by II, under Art. 296, we know that X,-i, Xn-^], cannot vanish, and by III, under the same Art., we also know that X,_i and A',4-1 must have contrary signs. Now, if we consider the sign of the vanishing term Xn to be either plus or minus, the three consecutive functions Xi-ij X„, X.-i-i, can produce only these two combinations of signs, or _ ± 4- S Either of which gives one variation and one permanence. We know, by Art 297, that the signs of X„_i, X„-|-i, will not be changed from x=k to x = (i, and since we are able to take u as small as we please, it follows that they will not be changed from a: = ato x = a-\-ti. Hence\, the hypothesis x = a, introduced in the series of functions X, X|, Xo, , ca7i produce neither a gain or loss in the number of variations. (299.) We will now suppose that x = Oi causes X to va- nish. Let [/and l]\ represent the values of X and Xi, when Represent, as in Art. 273, by A^ A' ^ A", , the va- GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 379 Ities of A' and its successive derived functions, when a:= a. In the same way, represent by ^5,, ..^/, ^i", , the ■values of X^ and its successive derived functions. By Art. 273, we shall have Since Ci is a root of A'=0, we must have Jl = 0. Again, the values A' and ./5, each represents the value of Xi when a, is put for a-, and since the equation A:=:0 is sup- posed not to have any equal roots, A' or its equal cannot vanish, therefore (C) becomes /I" 2 (D) 01 which the right-hand members will have the same signs as their first terms Jl'u, Jl', if we take u sufficiently small. Hence^ when u is positive^ U and U^ will have the same si on. When u is negative, U and C/j will have contrary signs. From which it follows that the functions X and Aj will give a variation for x = ai — m, and a permanence for x = a, -(- w. Consequently, in the passage of the continuously increas- ing values of xfrom x = ai — u to x = ai-\- u a variation will be changed into a permanence. The same results would have place, if the value x = ai, which causes A to vanish, should at the same time cause some one or more of the functions Ai, A2, A3, to vanish. (Art. 298). Now, commencing with z = Ci-j-w, if we suppose the 380 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. value of X to increase continuously, the number of varia- tions in the series of signs ^vill remain the same, although the order of the succession of the signs may be changed until we reach another value, ar= 02, which causes X to vanish, and which is therefore a root of X=^0 ; in which case a second variation must be changed into a permanence ; and so on. HencCy the number of variations lost when x increases from X = k to X = k' , must be equal to the number of real roots of X=^ 0, comprised between k and k'. APPLICATION OF STURM'S THEOREM. (300.) Before passing to the application of this theorem, we shall do well to pay attention to the following principles : I. In obtaining the functions X, Xj, Xo, A',, we are, by Art. 53, at liberty to introduce or suppress any numeri- cal factor, provided that it is positive ; but it is necessary to pay particular attention to the signs, and make only the changes mentioned under Art. 295, as the peculiarities of this theorem depend principally upon this change of the signs of X, Xi, X-, . . . . X;.. II. If we simply wish to know the total number of real roots, without fixing in any manner their limits, we need only substitute in the first terms of X, X), X^, . . . .X^, the values — CO and -\- cc. EXAMPLES. 1 . How many real roots has the equation 8x^ — 6.r — 1= ? The first derived of Sx^ — 6a; — 1 is 24a:- — G, or sup- pressing the positive numerical factor 6, it becomes 4x- — 1. Now, applying to 8x^ — 6a: — 1 and 4a;- — 1 the method of finding the greatest common divisor, we obtain — 4a; — 1 for the first remainder, changing its signs it becomes 4a;+l, GENERAL PKOPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 381 continuing the operation ^vith 4a;'- — 1 and 4z-f ^j ""^'^ ^"^^ — 3 for the remainder, hence we have X=Sx' — 6x — l,\ X, = 4x^-1, ( A',=:4xH-l, ( ^^^ ^3 = 3. ) Now, if for X in the above functions we substitute — co, the signs of the results will be 1 \- giving 3 variations. If we substitute + co, they will be + + + + giving variations. Hence, If in the same functions (A), we substitute the three consecutive values x= — l,a:=:0, x = l, we shall find that for x^ — 1 the signs are 1 \- giving 3 variations, " 0- = " (- + " 1 " "■ x=l " + 4. 4_ -f " " Hence, two roots lie between — 1 and ; and one root between and 1. If we substitute x = — 1 5 "^ve shall find -f- ± (- giving 2 variations. T^herefore, one of the negative roots lies between — 1 and — ^, and the other between — ^ and 0. 2. How many real roots has x^ — 5x--}- 8x — 1 z= ? In this example, we find A'=x3 — 5x-^-f-8x — 1, X=3r*— lOx + S, X^ = 2x — 31, Xi = — 2295. When X = — 00, we find j , giving 2 variationg, « x = -foo, « + + +-, « 1 " 382 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. Therefore, the above equation has but one real root, and consequently, it must have two imaginary roots. 3. How many real roots has x* — 2x^ — 7ar^-{- lOx-j- lO = ? In this example, we find A" = a;^ — 2a;^ — 7ar^ -f- lOx -f 1 0, Xi = 2x^ — 3x^ — lx-\-5, X.2= 17x- — 23a; — 45, X3= 152a: — 305, X4 = 524785. When X = — 00, we find H i [-, giving 4 variations. « x=+oo, " + + + ^-_f, " 1. " Consequently, the roots are all real. We also find -|- -(- — \- giving 2 variations, + + + + 4- + + + + -+ +- + +- + " x = -3 -f - +- + From which we see that the equation has two positive roots between 2 and 3 ; one negative root between and — 1 ; and one negative root between — 2 and — 3. 4. How many real roots has 2x* — 13x'4-10x — 19=0? Here we find X = 2x' — 13x2 _j_ lOx _ 19, Xy = 4x» - 13x-f 5, ^2= 13x'^ — 15X+38. It is not necessary to calculate Xn and X4, since the two roots of ^2= 13x2 — l5x-|-38 :=0, are imaginary, for (15)^<4 X 13 X 38. See Art. 149, Formula (B). hen X = X = 1 x = 2 x = 3 X ::=: - -1 X = - -2 2 2 3 3 4 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS, 383 Using only the values A'', Xi, Xo, we have ■whenx = — go -\- — + giving 2 variations, « a; = +oo 4- + -I- " " Therefore, the two remaining roots are real. 5. How many real roots has a:^ — 36x^+72x2 — 37a:-j-72 = 01 Here we find X =a:^ — 36x^-1-72x2 — 37a; -f 7 2, Xi = 5x' — 108x^ + 144x — 37, Xo= 18x3 — 54x--f-37x— 90, X-.i = 1319x^ — 2487x — 684, Z4 = — 2960933x-f- 34935426, Xs = - whenx = — 00 we have i pH gi'^'i'^g^ variations, " X=:-f-00 " + + + H " 1 " Hence, the proposed equation has three real roots and two imaginary ones. . 6. How many real roots has x^-{-M,x-^^2'==-0 1 In this example, we find X =x^'-(-.^,x-{-^,, Xi = 3x--(-^:, X, = — 2.;^ix — 3A', X.,=-- — 4^?— 27^=. CASE I. WAen— 4^J— 27^=>0. Now, since — 27^P, is negative for all values of .//■_>, it is necessary that ^,<0, in order to fulfil the above condition. Consequently, when x^ — x we have 1 \- giving 3 variat-oro. " x= + oo " -I- 4- -^ 4. " " 384 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. Therefore, when -4^?— 27^^ v>o or 4^?4-27^§<0, then the three roots are real. See Case III, page 370. CASE II. When —^J^, —21^l<0. This condition can be fulfilled for values of ^i either posi- tive or negative, so that when x = — oo we have f- db — giving 2 variations. " a; = -f-oo " -f--f-=F— " 1 " Therefore, when — 4^? — 27^-:<0, or 4^?+27^p0, then there will be but one real root, and consequently two imaginary roots. See Case II, page 370. CASE III. When — 4.^3 _ 27^52 =.0. In this case, we know, by Art. 279, that there are two equal roots which will be given by 2^ia;-|-3^2= 0. Hence, one of the equal roots is a: = — -—^, and the other root muK 2^i' SJlo bex = — — . See Case I, page 370. 7. How many real roots has x^-{-jiiX--\-^2X-\-^3 = 1 T^ere we find X =x*+Aa:^ + .V4-^3, ^i=4a:»+2^iX+A., Xz=z — 2j?,x- — 3^20: — 4^.,, Jr4= 16^3(^? —^Ji■^)^-Al{^A\—\UJ],A..-\-'ilAl^ GENERAL PROFF.KTIES OF EQUATIONS. 385 CASE I. Whe7i .'2i<0, S.^fJh— 2./^? —9^5 >0, and Then, when x = — ex, we find -\ ( [-, giving 4 variations. CASE II. When 16^i3(^5= — 4.^3)K^::(4^?? — 144^1^3+27^^). Then, when r= — oo, we find -j 1 , giving 3 variations. " x = -^oo, " +-j , " 1 « Therefore, in this case, there must be two real roots, and consequently, two imaginary roots. When neither of these conditions are fulfilled, all the roots are imaginary, GENERAL METHOD OF ELIMINATION AMONG EQUATIONS ABOVE THE FIRST DEGREE. (301.) Suppose we have two equations, each containing X and y, represented by X=0, (1) ^,=0, (2) Now, if we seek the greatest common measure of the polynomials .Y and Xi, by the method of Art. 50, we shall have X=X,q-^r, (3) 49 386 GENEUAI. PROPEKTIKS OF EQUATK .<;.. where q is tlie nuolicnt of X divicled by X-i, and r is the remainder. Now, since by (^l)Tind (2), Jt and X\ are each zero, it follows thai r as given by (3), must also be zero. (302.) FrGiu which we conclude^ thai if ire operate upon the polynomials X fmd X], hy the method for finding the greatest commuiv measure^ we shall have the successive re- mainders each equal to zero. If wc arrange the j.olynoinials with reference to either of the letters^ before operating vpon them., we shall iilti- mately find a reni(i)ider independent of that letter.) when the polynomiiils have iw common measure.^ which remainder being 'put eqind to zero, will give an equation containing hut one nnknoirn quiintity. When the two polynomials have a common measure., it must be put equal to zero., if it contains both the unknown quantities., then divide both polynomials by it., and proceed with the results as in the first case. Note. — In the operation of finding the greatest common measure of two polynomials, it frequently becomes neces- sary to suppress factors, as well as to introduce new factors. When this is done, we must carefully examine whether such ffictors are able to effect the final result. If no factors other ihan numerical, are either suppressed or introduced, then the above method is rigidly correct, but in other cases, the rule would require some modification. EXAMPLES. ]. Obtain from the two equations •^=+-r.y+!/'^-i = o, (1) x'-j-y'=0, (2) a single equation in terms of y. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQIATIONS. 387 Proceeding by the method of finding the greatest common measure, Art. 50, we have for the FIRST OPERATION. ^ ~ry lar-j-yx-j-i/* — 1 — yx- — y-x — y'^-\-y 'x — y. x-j-^T/' — y = first remainder. Again, dividing X2-\-yx-^y- — 1 by this remainder, we find for the SECOND OPERATION. X^J^yxJ^-y — 1 I X-|-2^3 _ y x-'J^{2y'-y\r —{2y^-2y)x-^f—\ — (2r-2.v)x-47y«+6y^— 27/- 4,1/''— 6j^^-|-3i/- — 1 = second rem. Putting this rema nder, which is independent of x, equal to zero^ we have for the equation sought : ^.v'-6i/' + 3r-l=0. (3) If we were required to find, from the above two equations, one single equation in terms of x, we observe, that all that would be necessary would be to change y into x, in equation (3), since x and y can be changed the one for the other in equations (1) and (2) without affecting their form. 2. Obtain an equation independent of y from the two equations 3S8 GENKSAL PROPKRTiES OF EQCATiONS, H22/H32/-4)r+y— 1 ) (2) Proceeding with these equations agreeably to the above method, we find for the first remainder the following: Repeating the process, we find for the second remainder, the followin g: which being put equal to zero, gives for the equation sought, 3. Obtain an equation independent of y from the two equations 3x»y ' + (3x- - 3x)y' — (2x-^^ x)f j ^ ^ + (x • — 2x--' +2x — 3 )2/+x ' — X— 2 S 3x2^3 _ 2xy'2 — (2x2 _ x)y-^x^^x — 3=0. (2) Ans- X" — X — 2=0. (1) (303.) When we have three equations involving three unknown quantities. We must first eliminate one of the un- knowns by combining either of the equations with the other two ; we shall thus obtain two new equations involving only two unknown quantities, which, as we have just shown, will give a final equation involving but one unknown quan- tity. 1. Obtain an equation containing only x, from the thret equations GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. 389 x-\-y^ — a=0. (1) y+z'-h=0. (2) ^^^_c=0. (3) Eliminating z between equations (2) and (3) we have the following OPERATION, z^-\-y — 6 z-\-x- — c 2^-(-(x- — c)z z — {x'-c). —{x^—c)z-i-y—b —{x"-—c)z-x*-{-2cx-—c^ x^ — 2cx'^-\-y-\- c^ — 6 = remainder. Putting this remainder equal to zero, we have x'—2cx~+y-^c'—b = 0. (4) Now, eliminating y between equations (1) and (4), we have the following OPERATION. yi^x — a \y^x'~-2cx''-\-c- — b j;J-j_(a;i — 2cx--{-c- — b)y 1 j/ — (x' — 2cx^ -\- c- — b). —{x^ — 2cx--\-c'^ — b)y-\-x—a — (x' — 2cx--(- c- - b)y — {x* — 2cx= -}- c^ — 6)= {x* — 2cx--\-c''' — b)--\-x — az= remainder. Expanding this remainder, and then equating it with zero, we have x« — 4cx«-f-(6c-2— 26)x' — (4^ — 4/)c)x^)_ -|_x_(_c'-f-6-^— 26c- — aS~ ' By simply permutating these quantities, (Art. 85), we have /_4ay«-f-(6a=— 2cy— (4a^— 4cay>^ _^3/_|_a. + c2 — 2ca- — 6S ' ^ ^ 390 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF EQUATIONS. _|_;_j_/,4_(_f,2_2a63 — c! 0. (7) 2. In a similar manner, find three equations each contain- ing but one unknown quantity, from the three equations a:2_^^.y_.a = 0, (1) r-{-yz-b = 0, (2) ::2_{_z2;— c = 0. (3) thirst, eliminating z between (2) and (3), we find y^ — xy' — {2b-\-c)y'-\-bxy-^b' = 0. (4) Secondly, eliminating y between (1) and (4), we find 2x«— (7o-f-36-|-c)x« + (9a-^-f-5a6 + 2crc-f ^•^)a:^; — (5a3 -f- 2a'6 -f a2c)x-^-l- a^ : By permutating these letters, we find 0.(5) 22' — (56-^-f-26-^c-f 6'a)?/ (7c+3a+fe)c« + {9c^-\-5ca -f 2cb + a^)z' — {oc'-\-2c-a -f c^b)z-'-\-c If a = 1€, 6 = 17, and c = 18. Then will the eight sets of values be rx=:iz 4.173281, 1. < y ^ ± 4.287098, (z = ^ 0.330363. rx = ± 2.525516, ■2.}y=zt 2.969156, (z= ± 3.240579. rx = ± 0.418924, 3. ) y = i 3.912240, (z= ± 4.048877. r X = ^ 4.003756, 4. ) 7/ = dr 0.007100, ( c = =F 4.245971. 5:S=o,(6) i(=o.(7) GENERAL PKOPmiTlES CF EQUATIONS. 3!>1 3.' Find three Li[uations each containing but one unknown quantity, from the three equations .• + 1/c - a = 0, (i) J--}- zx — b = 0, (2) r + a-2/ - c = 0. (3) Operating as in the preceding examples, we find the following results : x^ — ax* — 2x'-\-{2a + bc)x' — {b'^-\-c-—l)x-\-bc — a = 0j 3/S— 6y' — 2y3+(26+a0y-— (C-+0-— l)y+cr — i^.O, z^—cz' — 2z'-{-:^c+ab)z''—^n'+h'—l)z-{-ab — c = 0. 4. Find three equations each containing but one unknown quantity, from the three equations ar-]-yz — a = 0, (1)' y' + zx- I . 0, (2) z- + ay — c = 0. (3) '8x^ — 20aa;«-f (I8a2 — 26c)a:' ? + {babe — 7a'' — b^ — c')x'-+ (a- — bcY = 0, ^^g ,8]/« — 20&y«+ (186-- + 2ca) ^ 4- {bbca — lb^ - c3 — a3)3/^4-(ft2_ ca)2 82« — 20cz'' + (l8c'— 2flZ;) c' > + (5ca6 — 7c^ — a^ — 6-^)c-+(c-^ — a6y^S~~ ' (304.) When there are foui equations, we must first reduce the number to three by eliminating any one of the unknown quantities, and then proceed as above. From what has already been done, it will not be diflficult to know how to proceed for a greater number of equations, but it is obvious that in many cases this general method must be very long and laborious, still it is valuable on account of the certainty of the result. 392 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS. CHAPTER XL NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF CUBIC EQUA- TIONS, AND EQUATIONS OF SUPERIOR DEGREES. (305.) Let ^ix5-j-^2x'+^3X = A (1) be any cubic equation, and suppose that two consecutive numbers in either of the series 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. 10, 20, 30, 40, &c. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, &c. 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, &c. &c. &c. (A) are found such, that by substituting the first for x in equa- tion (1), the result shall be less than ./?4,and by substituting the second, the result shall be greater than Ji^ ; then, by Art. 263, the fust of these numbers, omitting the cyphers if it have any, will be the first figure of one of the roots. Let this figure be denoted by n, and the other succeeding figures of the same root by r?, 7-3, r4, &c., respectively. That is, 7-1, ra, ra, Ta-, &c., are the local values of the successive fig- ures of the root. If for X, in equation (1), we substitute its first figure n, we shall have Air\-\-Air\ +^3ri = ^4. (2) a Therefore, r, = .5-^^-3^ (3) NUMEKICAL SOLLTION OF IIIGHEU EQUATIONS. 393 If we put 3/ for the excess of the true root above its first figure, we shall have a- ^ ri-f-y ; this value being substi- tuted in (1), we get A,f-{- A'.y'^ + A'.,y -^ B = A„ or A,y'-\-A'2f-\-A',y = A'„ (4) where A' , = A+^An, (1) ) ^';, = ^3-f-2^erj + 3Ar^, (2) [ (B) Equation (4) is in all respects similar to the original equa- tion (1); therefore, repeating the above process upon this equation, we shall obtain where ro is the first figure of the root of equation (4), or the second figure of the root of equation (1). Putting z for the sum of all the remaining figures, we have y =?-^,-|-z; this value substituted in (4), gives A',z-\-A',r^_=A'^, A'zz''-{-2A'.r,z-\-AUrl = A'^y^, A^z'-\-3AirsZ'-\- 3Airlz-f- Air^= A^f, A,z^-^ A",z'-\- A",z-^ B' = A\, or A^z'-\-A",z--}-A"3Z = A"4, (6) where ^", = j^'a-fS^.r.,, (1) A", = A'3-\-2A',r-2-^3A,rl, (2)} (B') A^" = A\ — A',ro — A'2rl —A,rl (3) Here, again, equation (6) is similar to equations (4) and (1) 50 394 NUMERICAL SOLUTION" OF HIGHER EQUATIONS. We might now proceed to find the first figure of the root of equation (6), the value of which must be such, that we shall have (306.) Now, by observing the formation of the coeffi- cients ./3'j, .^'2, in equation (5), and recollecting that 7-1 being the first figure of the root, must be greater than rg, it will appear obvious that ^^'y must constitute the largest portion of ^'3 + J^'grg-f- .iir^, which is the denominator of the value u as given by (5), and if nis already known, then (2), of (B), will make known J^'g, which maybe used as a trial divisor for finding ro, the second figure of the root ; the same may be observed of the succeeding divisors, and it is obvious that these trial divisors j3"3, ^'"3, &c., will continually approach nearer the true divisors. (307.) If we multiply the first coefficient by r,, and add the product to the second coefficient, we shall find Ar'^— 13.97 196077X+48.6362762. Hence, we have this quadratic equation, x3— 13.97196077a: = — 48.6362762. This solved by the usual rule for quadratics, gives the following values : x = 6.576535; a: = 7.395426. Therefore, the three roots of x^ — 15a;"--|-63a: = 505 are 1.028039 ; 6.576535 : 7.395426. (315.) From the work of the last example, we see that we need only seek one of the roots of a cubic equation by the foregoing rule, as the other two may then be found by the solution of a quadratic. When all the three roots are real, it will frequently be as simple to find them by the foregoing general method. But when two of the roots are imaginary, we must proceed agreeably to the last Art. 15. Find the three roots of the equation t'* — 15x= — 21. Applying the principle §f Sturm's Theorem, we find^ X =x^—\5x-\-2\, Zi = a:^ — 5, X, = lOx — 21, ^3 = 59. For X = — 00, we find j h = ^ variations. " x=H-oo, " -4- -I- -j--^=0 « Therefore, this equation has three real roots. ""or X = — 5, we fir id 1 p =3 va riat " a:=. -4, " + + - + =2 u « x = 1, " + +=2 (( " x = 2, " + =1 u « x = 3, " -f--f4-+=o a NUMERICAL SOLITIOX OF HIGHER EQUATIONS, 40J Hence, there is one negative root between — 4 and — 5 ; one positive root between 1 and 2 j and one positive root between 2 and 3. For the positive root between 1 and 2, we have the fol- lowing OPERATION. ±0 — 15 — 21(1.769149632 &c.=x 1 — 14 — 14 2 — 12 3 — 941 -7 37 — 633 — 6587 44 — 60204 51 — 57072 — 413 516 — 5659599 — 361224 522 — 5611917 528 — 561138629 — 51776 5289 — 561085557 — 50936391 5298 — 5610.6432764 5307 — 839609 53071 — 561138629 53072 53073 — 278470371 530734 — 224425731056 — 54044.639944 - 50495 — 3549 — 3366 — 183 -168 — 15 — 11 406 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS For the negative root, we have the following OPERATION. lO -15 -21(— 4.4416216£ -4 1 — 4 -8 33 12 3796 — 17 124 4308 — 15184 128 436096 132 441408 -1816 1324 44154121 — 1744384 1328 1332 44167443 4417543716 — 71616 13321 4418343168 — 44154121 13322 13323 4418.36981764 — 27461879 133236 133242 — 26505262296 133248 — 956616704 1332482 — 883673963528 — 7294.2740472 — 4418 — 2876 — 2651 — 225 — 221 — 4 — 4 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS. 40' For the positive root between 2 and 3, we have this OPERATION. ±0 —15 -21(2.67247201 2 4 6 -11 — 3 96 — 22 1 66 528 576 72 58309 78 63867 424 787 6402724 408163 794 6418752 801 642195856 15837 8012 642516528 12805448 8014 6425.7264889 8016 3041552 80164 2568783424 80168 80172 462768576 801727 449800854223 12967.721777 12851 116 Hence, the three roots of x^ — 15a; = — 21, are x = — 4.441621651 ; 1.769149632; 2.672472018. 16. Find the three roots of the equation lOOOOr^ — 4519x2-f- 665a: = 32. Applying Sturm's Theorem to tiiis equation, we find X = 10000x3 — 4519x2+665x— 32, Xi = BOOOOx-'— 9038x-f665, X2=942722x— 125135, X3 = 5425404570000. 408 NUMERICAL SOLUTION .OF HIGHER EQUATIONS. When a: ^ 0, w'^ find ] h = ^ variations, « X=l, " +4- + +::=.0 " Hence, the equation has three positive roots, each less than 1. When X =0,1, we find 1 h = ^ variations, " a:=0.2, " + + -f+ = " Which shows that the first figure of each root is 0.1. Again, when x = 0.11, we find 1 [-= 3 variations. " a: = 0.12, " -i--\ \-=2 + + =2 + + = 1 a: = 0.19, " — + + -}- = l From this, we discover that the first two figures of the least root are 0.11 ; the first two figures of the next root are 0.13 ; the first two figures of the other root are 0.19. For the first root we have the following : " a; = 0.13, " x = 0.14. 10000 -4519 665 32 (0.119503816&C. — 3519 3131 3131 — 2519 612 -1519 4701 69 — 1419 3382 4701 -1319 23659 — 1219 14308 2199 — 1129 138360 212931 — 1039 133665 — 949 1336.369809 6969 — 944 6918 —939 — 934 61 —93397 400910942V 10908.90573 10691 217 134 .. 83 80 m^ 1. NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS. 409 For the second root we have the following 10000 OPERATION. -4519 665 32 (0.137139216&C — 3519 3131 3131 — 2519 612 — 1519 2463 69 -1219 — 294 7389 — 919 — 6783 — 619 — 10136 — 489 — 549 — 101768 — 47481 — 479 — 102175 — 10229671 — 409 — 1419 —408 — 10241833 - 101768 — 407 — 1024.547809 . — 406 — 40132 — 4057 — 30689013 — 4054 — 4051 — 9442987 — 4030] — 9220930281 — 2220.56719 — 2049 — 171 — 102 — 61 48 410 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHEB EQUATIONS. For the third root we have the following 10000 -4519 665 32 (0.195256967 &c — 3519 3131 3131 — 2519 612 — 1519 549 69 -619 3078 4941 281 36935 1181 43340 1959 1231 436066 184675 1281 438736 1331 43940475 11225 1333 44007375 872132 1335 1337 440.1540636 25036S 13375 219702375 13380 13383 30665625 133856 26409243816 4256.381184 3962 294 Hence, the three roots of the equation 10000x3 — 45 1 9x2+6650: = 32, are 0.119503816; 0.137139216; 0.195256967. 17. Find the three roots of the equation x^-{-2x- — 3x=9 Applying to this equation the Theorem of Sturm, we find X =x'-|-2x'— 3a:— 9, Xi= 3x3-|-4x — 3, X2 = 26x-j-75, X3 = — 7047. NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS. 411 When X = — oo, we find 1 = 2 variations, " x = +oo, " +4-+_^l " " a:= 1, " — -f +— = 2 " " X = 2, " 4- + -I- — = 1 " Then this equation has but one real root, which lies between 1 and 2, the other roots being imaginary. We find the real root by the following : 1 2 3 9(1.939465 &c. = X. 3 4 4 _ 5 931 9 59 1543 8379 68 156619 77 158947 621 773 15964891 469857 776 779 16035163 1603.828996 151143 7799 143684019 7808 7817 7458981 78174 6415315984 10436.65016 9623 813 801 Dividing r^+2x2 — 3a: — 9 by a:- T^ + 3.939465X -f 4.640455 for the quotient. Therefore, solving the quadratic x2-f3.939465x = — 4.640455, we find the following imaginary roots, 1.96973 + 0.87213 v/^, .96973 — 0.87213 v^—1. (-1.9 ^-1.9 412 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS. 18. Find the three roots of the equation x^ — 5x^-\-8x=l. By Sturm's Theorem we have already found, page 381, X =x3 — 5a;2+8x— 1, Xt = Zx''—10x-{-S, Xo = 2x — 31, X3 = — 2295. When x = — oo , we find 1 := 2 variations, + + +- = 1 " — H =2 ' " (( X=: + CO, u u x = 0, C( 11 .r = l. u + + = 1 Hence, this equation has one positive root which lies be- tween and 1, and two imaginary roots. Its real root is found by the following 1 — OPERATION. 5 8 1 (0.1362934&C 49 751 751 48 703 — 47 68899 249 467 67507 206697 464 6723076 461 6695488 42303 4604 669.456964 40338456 4598 4592 1964544 45918 1338913928 6256.30072 231 201 30 27 By dividing x'' — 5x'+8x— 1 by x — 0.1362934, NUMERICAL SOLUTION Or IIIGHEU EQUATIONS, 413 we find the quadratic x^ — 4.8637066a: = — 7.3371089, which gives the following imaginary roots : 2.43185 + 1. 19298 v^^, 2.43185 — 1.19298 v/—l. x = - 19. Find one of the roots of x^ — •2x = 5. Ans. a: =2.09455 148&C. 20. Find one of the roots of 2x^-}-3x = 90. ^ Ans. a;=3.41639726&c. 21. Find one of the roots of x^-\-X'-\-x = 100. Ans. a: = 4.26442997&c. 22. Find one of the roots of x^-|-x=: 500. Ans. a; = 7.89500828&c. 23. Find one of the roots of a:^+10x'+5x = 2600. Ans. 11.00679933&C. SOLUTION OF EQUATIONS ABOVE THE THIRD DEGREE. (316.) It is obvious that the above method which we have employed for cubic equations, will apply equally well to equations of a superior degree. By carefully studying the preceding method, we shall be able to deduce, for equations of the nth degree, this general RULE. 1. Having found the first figure of the root, multiply it into the first coefficient and add the product to the second coefficient, which sum multiply by the same figure and add the product to the third coefficient, and this sum must be multiplied by the same figure and the product added to the fourth coefficient; and so continue to multiply the last re- sult by this same figure and to add the product to the next 414 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS. succeeding coefficient^ until the last coefficient is reached^ which last sum must he multiplied by the same figure and the product subtracted from the term constituting the right- hand member of the equation ; the remainder we will call the FIRST DIVIDEND. Jigain, multiply the first coefficient by the same figure^ and add the product to the number under the second coeffi- cie7it, which sum must be multiplied by the same figure^ and the product added to the term under the third coefficient ; and thus we must continue to multiply and add, until we have obtained the second term under the last coefficient, winch result we shall call the first trial divisor. Again, multiply the first coefficient by the same figure of the root, and add the product to the last term under the second coefficient, which result must be multiplied by the same figure, and the product added to the last number under the third coefficient; and thus we must continue to multiply and add until we reach the coefficient next to the last, wheji we must again begin with the first coefficient and multiply and add as before, until we reach the n — 2th coefficient; then, again, commencing with the first coefficient, we must multiply and add until we reach the n — 3rf coefficient; ive must continue this process, until we have thus obtained n terms under the second coefficient, n — 1 terms under the third coefficient, n — 2 terms under the fourth coefficient, n — 3 terms under the fifth coefficient, and so of the rest. II. Find the second figure of the root, by dividing the FIRST dividend by the first trial divisor, proceed with this second figure, precisely as was done with the first figure, observing to keep the work so that units shall stand under units, tens under tens, Sfc, S)C. EXAMPLES. 1. Find one of the roots of the equation 3x^_|.x3-f 4a:-'-f 5x = 375. NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS. 415 1 10 19 28 37 373 376 379 382 3829 3838 3847 3856 38569 4 34 91 175 17873 17249 18628 1874287 1885801 1897342 189849907 OPERATION. 5 107 380 397873 416122 421744861 427402264 427.971813721 375(3.13364 &c.=i. 321 156035417 1283915441 163 2764.387288^7 2567 2. Find the four roots of the equation X* — 80x3 -|_ l99Sa;2 _ 14937a; = 197 171 — 5000. 1 — — 80 — 50 — 20 10 40 44 48 52 56 668 576 684 592 5923 5926 1998 498 -102 198 374 566 774 81944 86552 91224 9140169 9157947 9175734 917742041 917860692 FIRST OPERATION. — 14937 3 - 5000(34.83228 &c. = x 90 — 1561 - 703 - -5090 6244 i050968 ■2G783.SS507 210586234S 21076978320S8 " 210.9533553472 1154 10868416 671584 6235165521 480674479 4215395664176 591.349125824 168 t. 416 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS. SECOND OPERATION. 1 — —80 1998 — 14937 — 5000(32.06029&c -60 498 3 90 —20 — 102 -3057 10 198 -2493 — 5090 40 282 -1753 — 4986 42 370 — 1725106984 44 462 — 169.7040736 — 104 46 4648836 — 10350641904 48 4806 4677708 — 49.358096 4812 — 34 — 15 — 15 THIRD OPERATION. -80 1998 _ 14937 — 5000(1 2.75644&C —70 1298 — 1967 — 19570 — 60 —CO 698 198 5023 5267 14570 —40 122 5367 10534 — 88 50 5339063 -36 -18 5296132 4036 — 34 — 3991 5291946125 37373441 -32 -313 — 6133 — 8226 5287.687500 2986559 — 306 — 837175 26459730626 — 299 — 292 — 861726 34058.59375 — 2915 31726 -2910 2332 2115 217 212 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHER El^UATlONS AV FOURTH OPEUAiTON. 80 1993 — 14937 — 5000 (0.3509SSCC 797 197409 — 14344773 — '13034319 794 195027 13759C92 791 192C54 — 13663561875 — 69656S1 788 19226025 — 135.G763S500 — 68317809375 7875 19186675 7870 — 133.9000625 122 -11 — 10 Hence, the four roots, true to 5 decimal places, are 34.83228; 32.06029; 12.75644; 0.35098. 3. Find the four roots of the equation a;i_j_4x ' - 4a- — 1 la;+4 = 0. By Sturm's Theorem ^ve have X =a;'-|-4.r< — 4j:-— lLi-f-4:=0, X, = 4x3 -j- i2x^ _Sx—U, X, ==20x -4-25X- — 27, X,- = 227x-|-31, X,-. = 154' 798S riicn x = - — 5, we fin d + - H 1-=.4 V ariations " x = - -4, a -++-+-3 a " x = - _ o a h + -+ = 3 a « x = - -h ii + + -- + -2 " " x = 0, u + + +--2 a " x = 1, u ++ + = 1 u " x = 2, u + 4-4- + +--0 u Hence, there is one negative root between — 5 and - 4 ; one negative root between —2 and — 1 ; one positive root between and 1 ; and one positive root between 1 and 2. 41S NUMERICAL SOLI TION OK HIGHER EQliATIONS. These roots wiien found are ar = — 4.2834, x = — 1.6908, x= 0.3373, x= 1.6369. 4. Find one. of the roots of the equation 2x'-j-ox'-}- 6x-^+ 2x' — 3x = 300. OPERATION. .) 6 2 — 3 300(2.2233498cc. 9 24 50 97 194 13 50 150 397 — 17 84 318 465S432 106 21 120 344210 540131^0 9310804 95 1310S 37I4G4 54819U13C32 254 13024 399700 5503O3425C0 12SGI3G 25S 14148 402700816 5575300G592'i562 109038027204 202 140S0 405064464 558.759248434410 20 '• 1473408 409632960 18075572736 270 147^«24 409080108854 1072591397779680 2704 2708 1484248 1489060 409527502010 1949.05275820214 2712 149019filS 1676 2716 149131254 2720 273 27200 223 27212 — 5. Find one of ihe roots of the equation 2x5 — 7i3+10x = 9 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF HIGHER EQUATIONS. 419 OPERATION. - -7 10 9(1.630101025 &c. 2 _ — 5 — 5 5 5 4 - -1 -6 - 1 - 6 5 - 1 54992 4 8 13 10832 217760 329952 10 1972 27128 2326581362 J12 2716 48320 2479627610 70048 124 3532 49660454 248015150553963002 6979744' 'Se 136 4120 51015416 24806.7544722052010 148 4.16S1S 52384940 25055914 160 451654 52389553963002 248015150553963002 1606 1612 45650S 4613S0 ;iO'-fo 1 1 fitin>iQnr»>3 O/oy-J loSl 2543.989446036998 1618 4613063002 2481 1624 4614126006 1630 62 163002 50 163004 12 12 6. Find one of the roots of the equation x' + 2x* + 3x3 -^ ix' + 5x = 54321. 2 10 18 26 34 42 424 428 432 436 440 4401 4402 3 83 227 435 707 72396 74108 75836 77580 7762101 7766803 OPERATION. 4 668 2 84 5964 6253584 6550016 6853360 6861122401 6868889204 5 5349 25221 277224336 303424400 3041105122401 304.7974011605 54321 (8.4144 &c. 42792 11529 1108897344 44002656 3041105122401 1359.160477599 1219 140 122 18. 420 NUMERICAl- SOLUTION OK HIGHER EC^L ATIONS. 7. Find a root of the equation 26a.* + 28la.'3 - 576a:2 ^ 29Sx :^ 25. Ans. a: =0.77933994 &c. 8. Find a root of the equation x^ — 5x'3 -f-5a:^ 1. Ans. X = 0.20905692 &c. 9. Find a root of the equation x^-}.2x^' + 3x* + 4x' + 5a:2+6.r= 654321. Ans. a: = 8.95697957 &c. 10. Find a root of the equation 2x'^ — 6x« — 5x^ + 20r» -j- 2x^ — 18a,- + 4x = 4. Ans. a; = 2.62599736 &c. r 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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