H-Y* UC-NRLF $B 77fl 715 N&S»*KH / 1 --s>->-^ ■j vu HmJ^ » T r * ft ' r t^i H >..< J UUll! ' r *7^' ^T T^ *> mm I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/colloquialjapaneOObrowrich COLLOQUIAL JAPANESE, OB ruNVKK>ATI<>N.\I. vKMKNC!- AM- DIALOGUES IN ENGLISH and .iAi\Y\i:si\ MNnmm m AN ENGLISH-JAP Wisi: INDEX -i if| Ad A VOCABULARY. AM> AN INTRODUCTION ON Tin GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE OF THE LANGUAGE. BY REV. S. R. BROWN, A. If. SHANGHAI: TRESBYTERIAN MISSION PRESS. 1863. « i • e Main lib. JOHN FRYER CHINESE LIBRARY r p R i: i a C i: This work wa« common., d without tin* remotest view to public;) tion. That ji:irt of it which is arranged nlphaht -lb-ally, Ii;i<1 been written and rewritten and laid ankle, when MOM friends happening . that it might be neefbJ lo ether students of the language, if it were pubbahed. Still it might never have gone to thepress. but for tin- offer of a mercantile fr'n-iid' in this country, to bear the cxj»ei..-e of its publication. It was then, that the idee of adding eome dialog Rnglian •Japaneee index; and a grammatical introduction ■Q gg e ot e d itself The aoihof has n«»t heaitated to avail himself of all possible aid from the works of Other! within his roach. Collado'a All st valuable aids, mote especially the two last named. It is but just to add, that as this book is printed at Shanghai, the author has not been able to comet the proofs, and the printer has been OOOpeUed to rely upon his own corrections from the copy. A list of the most important errata will, however, accompany the volume. The author is constrained to tender his most grateful acknowledge, ments. to W. Keswick Esq., through whose spontaneous, munifi- cence this work is published; aud if it facilitate the studies of those who desire to obtain a knowledge of the language of this interesting people, the end of its publication will so far have been accomplished. 747798 CONTENTS. Page I. Preface II. System of Notation. III. Introductory Remarks ox Japanese Grammar i — lxii IV. Sentences in English and Japanese Colloquial 1 — 172 V. Dialogues 173— 19G VI. Weights and Measures, Money &c. - - 107 — 200 VII. Exolish-Ja.panese Index 203 — 243 SYSTEM OF NOTATION ] OR ROMANIZING JAPANESE WORDS. Tin; system adopted in this relume, baa been rabmitted to the judgement of gentlemen who tie ly of rlii> lan- guage, and nnr seired the approval of who are most likely bereaftei to produce other, and no doubt, better works on the Japanese langv - diriaed the syllables in tlie alphabetically arranged part of this work, and omitted the hyphens m tin- Dialogues, so that both modes of writing may have I fair trial. The Katakana character being placed under each Romanized syllable, the reader will b.' enabled thereby to see the euphonic changes that take place in apeech, and the Japanese reader will be able to see at the same time, how the sounds are represented by Roman letters. The scr- - of a native teacher will also be rendered available, by his ig at once, how the idea is expressed in his own tongue. A little practice, will suffice to enable any one to read the Romanized Japanese ret lily. Let it be observed that there are but five vowel sounds in the Japanese language, which are the same in all positions, and are represented by, a, e, i, o. and u. The sounds of these vowels are in- variably as follows, viz. A, like a in Ah\ E. like ey in they, or ay in suy. i, like i in machine, or ee in bee. O, like o in no. U, like oo in foal. When any of these vowels are doubled, although there must be two Japanese syllables to represent it, yet in practice, the result is merely the prolongation of the single vowel sound, as, aa,=ah lon \r], to one before a. e, i, o, or u. Sz is simply the.artjculatjon of s and z, in close consecution. Tsz is but th6 articaijatnm* of ij.s three letters. Neither Sz, nor Tsz, has any vowel sound after the' final z.' The sound of z must terminate the syllable. This at least is the pronunciation at Yedo, and Kana- ngawa. When hi (tz) is a word by itself, the final vowel i, is heard, and \t sounds like the English pronoun he. But when it precedes another syllable commencing- with a consonant, the vowel i ceases tc be vocalized, and is only whispered. Thus, h'to, a man, is to be pronounced, not shto, as many do, but first the syllable he must be whispered, and then to, is to be enunciated in quick suc- cession. To represent this suppression of the vowel in hi (tl) an apostrophe is put in the place of i after h, (h\) The vowel i un- dergoes the same suppression to a whisper, alter k, very often, espe- cially before mutes, as, k'ta, for kita, he cama The vowel u, also is but whispered in ku {/?) when that syllable is followed by an- other commencing; with k, or s, or, sh, as, Watak'shi, for Watakushi, I. Hiak'kin, for Hiakukin, a hundred catties. Asaksa, for Asa- kusa, name of a district, or ward in Yedo. When the syllable tsz (y) stands before a syllable in the same word commencing with t, sh,p, or k, it becomes a mere reduplication oft, sh, p, or k, Thus j^»y w -J-^is pronounced nippon. ijvy^ 2^ is pronounced Hok'kin. 1J »y \,^ , is pronounced kesh'snte, or kes'shte. fJV^, is pronounced kappa, &c. The syllable ri[V)] before y , te, becomes likewise a reduplication oft, as, arite ~f 1) ■7* atte. The same occurs whenri[V)] precedes [^] ta. as, "f 1) # atta. When \sy shi precedes a mute in the s;ime word, the i is suppres- sed, as, sh'ta. sh'kashi, instead of shita, and shikashi. Vowel Comhi?iations. Ai, oi, ei, and ui, are proper diphthongs, and both vowels are distinctly heard. But, au, ou, and eu, often become 00 in pronun- ciation. Thus, $-ffJty is pronounced chinoota, omou [i?^!?], omoo; and meu, mioo; shi-yau, is pronounced sh'oo ; and seu, sh'oo, wau, woo [^7^]. Interchanged ble Syllables . 7 occurs with the sound of 9, -u. >* 73 rj 33 33 37 9, wa. *J\ 33 •• 33 3-3 33 #3 0. 9 „ 33 37 ,. 3' ^3 0. tr >» 33 JJ 33 f>> I> i' murks or ( r Cuuso, It will be ■* iminingthe following Syllabary, thai Uventj d 1 which i- ! by the marks [ * ] or [ the chart tor, These marks are called oingori by the Japanese Thin r\\ ha, with the ning becomes jrt t ba, or s<, pn A Accentual The penultimate ivllable n b primary aocent in polysyl- Is, unless the penultimate vowel ii ned, and then •miltimotc ia accented. The eeca is thrown hack two removes from the syllablj the primary accent. #^. Bniranu, Wftkaranu Si In the last word the pressed, th< if on the antepenult. Words of (In. the sames) Ilabli s, might be mistaken for one another, are distinguished hy difference of accent. The following are examples: — Accented on the Penult. Accented on th> UUma Jishin, one's self. lit] Hana, a /lower. Kasa, an umbrella. \.a river. tkm. Umi, the tea. Umi, pus. lYIii, to strike. Uchi, a/touse. ii. vapor. Mushi. USD ctt and rept.il> t. I lashi, a bridge, is distinguished from hashi, chopstickg, by tin- suppression of the final i in the Inst, thus hash', signifies chopsticks. .ru, accented on the penult. sigoifiee,to burn, (intranasal Hi nga moyeru, the fire burns, but if the last syllable receives the accent, it signifies to germinate. Japanese syllables are written in two ways, called the Katakana, and the Hirangana. Hirangana, signifies the cursive or easy, flow- ing style of writing, and Katakana, the one-sided or half (written) character. Kana alone etymologically signifies, a borrowed name, or fictitious name, referring to the fact that the characters of the sylla- bary were borrowed from the Chinese language, as mere representa- tives of sound, without regard to their sense. SYSTEM Of NOTATION 1 ! g .J TS & to J- .^j* c o o p4 g> » S to ■wS o3 N o * * *s N c ^ * "I N T3 ^~ g M «T aT .^ jS M O N 2 -* • o S ? -X CO O °«l «o m c n || ^ .11 =2 II * * || || •3 II II "> II u II II II * ** 1 N flH^^'fr.tfrtf'X wl A M JJ tf # K A « < w 3 ^ »-q >H a: 6 N a <1 o a fc o ^; 3 6 -o 3 01 is to c at bo - cT o II II II * * S S 2 1 * Ii II II II II 6 1 1 . || « ii * n 1 jl i: ^ >s 2\ rt> i «s 4 ^ * 'N ■* ^ * \' *> ts a 6 © 4 s cT < rt -a J" £ 4 -. 6 t -i II o ^ ii j < II II o- 3 f * v i & II II M O ~ © P 2 * £ 11 II 11 ^ n < ij * ^ * * P * * fts * ^ m ^ INTRODUCTORY RKMARKS G I1.1JIM A B mi JAPANESE LANGUAGE. Tin- objeol of tin- writ, immatiea] md their will onable the Mudmt to investigate wuutettoes by the anahtic >\ lit lietiral pit) iphfloaopl uq.t to ■■liiiiiletn tiif Grammar of the leee to tin the Latin, I ntal language, bii i Me th od peculiar to it.-, it', ma ell that be done to to elucidate thai method* > in all titlu-r l:i there ate elaeaet ofwocde which are usually d i speech. PABTS OF SPEECH. These are Verba. Nouns. Penonal and Interrogative Pronouns, Ad- ( ' ■•njunrti'" ntions, oorreaponding to our etkma, and Oonatraetire Particka, Sec. I. Verbs Rkcular and Irregular In order to conjugate a Japanese verb, it is necessary first to as- certain its root form, which is the base on which all its other forms arc constructed. Hence we observe that all verbal roots, except in a few anomalous cases, end in the vowel sound /= Englishes in bee, or E =a in name, and for convenience sake, verbs may be divided into regular and irregular. Regular verbs are those in which the final vowel of the root /or E remains unchanged in the formation of the future tense, and in the formation of passive, negative, and causative verbs. Irregular verbs are those whose root terminates in /, and the vowel in the above cases, passes into the more open sound of A or 0. ii ORAMMAB $1.] Examples of Irregular Verbs. Verb. Root. Future Passive. Causative. INegative. Kiku, to hear, Kiki Kikoo Kikarcru Kikaseru Kikanu. Motsz, to take up, jy} ^' 1 [ Motsoi) Motarcru Motasz Motanu. Korosz, to till, Koroshi Korosoti Korosareru Korosaszru Korosanu. Shiman, to finish, Shimai Shimawoii Shimawareru Shimawaszru Shimawanu. Utsz, to strike, Uchi Utsoo Utareru Utaseru Utanu. Kuii, to eat, Kui Kuwoo Kuwareru Kuwaseru Kuwanu. Omou, to think, Omoi Omowoo Omowareru Omowaseru Omowanu. Narau, to learn, Narai Naravvoo Narawareru Narawaseru Narawanu. N.B. — In verbs whose root lias a vowel immediately before the terminal vowel, there is a W sound inserted before the strengthened /, when it becomes A or O, to prevent a hiatus; e.g. kai-fut kawoo; Omoi, omoiranu; and kuii kwianu. The reason of the change of /into in the future of irregular verbs is as follows. In the written language, the future tense of all verbs is formed by adding i/ wto the roots of regular verbs, and to those of irregular verbs after the final / of the root has passed into A. Hence from ake, to open, a regular verb, we have ake-n=aken for the future, which in the spoken language becomes akeo, or akeyoo. From the regular verb root mi, to see, we have min, which in the spoken language becomes mioo or miyoo in the future. In the case of the irregular verb ari, to be, we have for the future, first, ari changed into ara, and then, the 2/ n added making aran; but this in the spoken language becomes arau, and according to a euphonic law, the combination au is pronounced 06 ; and eu is pronounced eo. Thus "f 7 , *7*?> ^)"^, ^"^, are all pronounced 06; and;£;?, and X*?> are pronounced eo, or eoo. See remarks on euphonic changes of vowels and consonants. The oral language delights in courteous expressions, and one of the most remarkable features of the polished style of speech is tire use of long words, and circumlocutions. Thus ari means to be, and aru is or are. But these simple forms are not used in polite conversa- tion; at least they are never used in addressing or speaking of a per- son to whom one desires to show respect. In that case ari becomes arimaszru, or by elision, arimas', or more politely gozarimaszru, or gozarimas'. The verbal root mashi, which is affixed to all verbs, seems to be derived from ma a space or interval, and shi , root of szru, to do, to make or occupy ,to occupy a space, or to be, and it is conjugated like any other verb. It is the only part of the ' compound that is sub- ject to conjugation, the first part of it being always a simple root. Thus nomi to drink, nomimaszru , or nomimas', present indicative, hanashi to speak, hanashimaszru, or hanashimas', present indicative. This verb mashi, in the future becomes mashoo. According to the principle which is explained above, the written form of the future iii would ho mash'nn; but in the oral lugS \ replaced by I . "?or- **) whieh would . '.': -a u. OK mash" \a u. the / Bound .still | :iml the written ya- u according to the law of enphonj or on. Hence i • >iiitiiias < * is ^^"T^T 1 ^ nomiinash , o©. These re- murks will nff the fafture farm when ai in polite speak* the affix Bnehl (man 1 ot maszru). Src. 1 1. Tin; Imi'kkatiyk. The I- .j.lrst form «»f the veil) In regular affirmative rarbs, the imrr rerbaJ root, and in irregular affirmative iniual vowel / changed into E ; is the import- Verb. t. bmaai Reg. Akeru, to open, Ake, Akc, or Akcyo, or Akcro. Yukc, or Yuk. Reg. Mini, toset. Mi Mi. or Miyo, or Miro. :lk, Aruki Aruk« or Ami [nthel of the unperal n abore, the syllables yo andjro, affixed to tin- simple Imperative, leen to be interjectione an- \heii we say, O see! though then! appears to be no special for to the Japanese expression by the addition of these syllables. Sec. III. Attributive Form of Verbs. When I verb is used to modify the meaning of another word like an adjective, it always terminates in the vowel sound u=^or7; sz ==^; or tsz=»y. It is probable that in ancient times the syllables %Vub+} may have been pronounced su, and tsu. or tu. Many even now as Mr. Hoffman and his French translator, M. Leon Pages repre- sent ^ by sou and >y by tsou. It may be that in some districts of Japan, these two syllables are pronounced with the pure vowel sound u; but it certainly is not so in Yedo and its vicinity. If the present pronunciation were that of the learned gentlemen above named, it would only be necessary to say that the attributive form ends in u. In accordance with this rule, to make the attributive form, regular verbs in /and E change / into iru or uru, and E into eru or uru; while Irregular verbs change /into u. a in the attributive form are also used in place of our infinitive mode. Hence this is sometimes called the substantive form of the verb. For an example of this form, used iufiuitively, see 145. Karada wo iv (WAMMAR S S4.] uugokasz wa, to exercise the body &c. There Karada wo, the body, is the direct object of the verb. Uugokasz, a causative verb in the attributive form derived" from ungoku, to move; ungokasz, to cause to move, to bestir. The clause is isolated by the particle wa from the rest of the sentence which is its predicate. A similar construction, but ^ne in which the verb in the attributive form, Musaboritoru, is used attributively to modify a noun, Koto, is seen in 144. Musabori- toru Soto, Lit. the extorting act, or the act of extortion. So also in 1269 Yomu Koto, and Kaku Koto. Yomu and Kaku are both used as adjectives modifying the noun Koto, Lit. the reading act, and the writing act, or the acts of reading and writing. Again in 60, Nippon de ts'kuremash'taui mono. Ts'kuremas' is a passive verb, in the attri- butive form, from the root ts'htri, to make, and here signifies made. Hence literally the sense is, Japan made cloths, i. e. Cloths made in Japan. See also Toru Koto in 78. Toru is the attributive form from the irregular verbal root tori, to catch. Hence literally toru koto, the catching act, or act of catching, naranu is impossible, or that which cannot be. In 1224, Mamoru is the attributive form from the irregu- lar verbal root mamori, and used as an infinitive, Mamoru, to see to, or to take charge of. Sec. IV. Gerundives. Among the simpler forms of the verb, derived immediately from the root, is the gerundive, which consists of the root with te or de ad- ded to it- e. g, Arukite, or by the elision of the k, Aruite, is the gerundive from Aruki, to walk. — Tadznete is the gerundive from Tadzne, to inquire. — Kiite is the gerundive from Kiki, to hear, or to inquire. The nature and signification of the Japanese Gerundive, in te or de may be better understood by a reference to the use of the post- position de, with nouns and pronouns. When we say, as in 600, Doko no niacin de — In what street — ? De is the index of the locative re- lation of michi. In 133, Oshi no h'to nga te-mane de oshiemas', Dumb people talk by signs, de after temane is the index of the in- strumental relation of te-mane, which signifies, manual "signs. In 811, Kome de, *. e. in or by means of rice, de denotes the same relation of Kome, as the material with which the rents are paid to the Taikun. So in 28, Kashi to moosz ki de, of a wood called Kashi, de denotes the instrumental relation of ki, as the material of which axehelves are made. In 365, Nani hodo de, at, or for how much? de is again the index of the locative relation of nani hodo, which means, what price? In 398, Nokoradz de, i. e. in all, or in all without exception, de marks the same relation. In 523, Watak'shi wa h'tori de *. e. I by (my) one person; de is the index of the modal relation of h'tori. In i of tho causa] relation. In •_■ lb ■ club, ilc ii the index of tin- instrumental relation Tlir HUM de. with pajnT. In 11 ^«.» Doohira de, and l» 'here, in what place? de is the III' I. V i these exnmph r tint dewith Dovns(and the same ">un.s) indicates the locative, modal, or instrumental re- : . the 'in. »r With what'." Win ,i HI Qt de (these are the same) is join, i an'! forms a gerwndire, it denotei thr same ased bj the rerbaJ element of the uiuli m ..l.il. Qf instrumental d mmatmn eonnected with, and subordinate to another action follow- ing it In «»tli let an aotionor operation drat, hi the mode, lime, or ntfimw in which, or the oanse, means, or iie.tniiii.-nt by w liich BOluc ot juent Tims. r. , f in liniae. and Taite shiniao. The Vaki t.i hnrn; ami Taite=Takite irmii Tata' t<» Ml on tire. Koth denote the manner in which the action of the following verb >himae. ini|.crati\c form of >him:ii. to finish, to put an .n.l to, ii to he j.crfomicti. / ,-. it is to be done by burning, and by setting an tire. In other word- indite is the modal d ininati\c of the fell 3 IJD 216, Aim Lata wa ude wo kiijut. i>\ or iru. lie has broken his arm. Kujiiteisa i.livc from Kujiki, to break, and orarem:i>* or iru is the conti- unati\e vcrh. to he. — Kujtite denotes the condition in which the per- son B»oten of. is or continues to be, via. that of baring broken his arm. In lots. Tadaims hajfmete o mc ni kakarimash'ta, This is the first time I have had the honor to see you Hajiniete IB the gerundive form of Bajime, to begin, and denotes the time when the act of see- mg was done Lit: Now begiimmg, Ihayemetyour eye. 1178. Kore (4) wo ts'kutte (o) shimash ta (2) toki (1) wa. Lit. When, I have finished (*J) makiu!>. Ano (1) h'to (2) no chichi (3) wa moto(4)-de (5) wo iremash'te; (G) akinai (7) wo hajime (8)sasemash'ta. (9) Lit: That (1) man's (*2) father, (3) the original (4) outlay (5) putting in, (6) trade (7) to begin (8) caused (9) him to do. Here iremash'te is the polite form of irete from ire, to put in. and shows by w r hat means the father set up his son in business, viz. by putting in the capital, (moto-de- wo). VI GRAMMAR \)f). j Verbs whose roots have more than one syllable, and ending in Ki generally drop the K in the gerundive form. Thus, Yukite, Ki- kite, S'kite. attd Ts'kite, become Yuite, Kttte, Szite, and Tszite. Verbs in ri and chi change rite, and chite of the gerundive into tte. Thus, arite becomes atte; narite, natte; tachite, tatte; yorite, yotte; Mochite, motte; orite, otte. Irregular verbs in mi and bi, in the spoken language, form their gerundives by dropping the final I, and changing m or b into n before the gerundive termination de. Thus; — Yomi, to read, becomes, Yom'de, pronounced Yonde. Yobi, to call, becomes, Yob'de, pronounced Yonde. Ayutni, to w/dk, becomes, Ayum'de, pronounced Ayunde. Muszbi, to tie, becomes, Muszb'de, pronounced Musznde. Erami, to select, becomse, Eram'de, pronounced Erande. Irregular verbs in ai and oi, (*f fc and TJTfc) drop the vowel I and insert u (^or? ) in its place; and then au ('f ?or*f ty) becomes oo, to which the gerundive termination te is added, Thus; — Ai ("ft), to meet, makes the gerundive Oote. Narai(^-^tl), to learn „ „ „ Naroote. Warai ( *? ^ fc), to laugh „ „ „ Waroiite. Omoi (^Jr^bt!.)? to think ,. „ „ Omoote. See. V. The Conjunctive Form of the Verb. By the conjunctive form, we mean such verbal expressions as in English are connected to the principal verb of a sentence or proposi- tion, by the conjunctions, when, as, while, &c, and modify the princi- pal verb, by their adverbial sense, denoting time present, or a past time considered as present: — e.g. When I stand up, my feet pain me. In Japanese, Watak'shi wa tateba, ashi nga itamimas'. Here tateba signifies, When (I) stand up, and is an adverbial clause modifying the principal verb itamimas', to be in pain. Tateba is the conjunctive form of the irregular verb Tachi. This form is made by affixing ni [ji] Eng. in, or at, and wa to the root tachi=tati. After its final I has been changed to E. [see below] ni-wa (ji^), by elision of the I, be- comes n-'-wa, and that is equivalent to m'-wa, which by a law of euphony is pronounced ba. Hence tata-ni-wa signifies in the act of standing, or on standing up=When (I) stand up. So from Nari to become, we have Nareba, when it becomes, and from Maze, to mix, we get mazeba, when [we] mix. In place of the regular verbal root in e or i, the attributive form terminating in eru, uru, iru, is some- times taken for the formation of the conjunctive. Thus, instead of se ba, the conjunctive form from the root shi, to do, we sometimes have szreba from szru, and instead of miba from mi, to see, we have mire ba from mini; from tatsz, to stand, we have tutszreba. and from ma- dzru we get madzreba. I : \ itli ha follow* ing result* the Yttki. t-» go, Vul. Tachi (— tati) to stand Uj Shiri, to know, Shin i Forli stead of the form jual oxplained, theattri buti. -..itli ni |.n|"riii \\a IsOUSed. Tims mini ni i> the !■ Mini, th. wliit !i i- tln-attrihu mi. to sec. Miruni R iiig, 01 ght of, or when one sees. Src. VI. Tiik Q .km. This is ma fare of tlio written language. Tl I iki. to go, the future is Yukan. To this tion ni. and the is- »!;it i\ »• wa. and w< Yukan-ni-wa. and from nari. to 1"-. the future naran. Appending i to the latter we have N., OOmbmal both in If noting and writing rOBOhltioO Vukaha, ami one is to go, and If onais to be. As regu- lar veroj in e bare their written future in en. by 1 1 j « - same oombina- tion wr g«4 tir>t from tate, I -ni-wa; from Ake. to Open, aken-ni-wa. and from nare, I nareii-ni-wa. whieh tluiH DM taten'ba akin" bt and nann'ba. and again bj tin- same method of contraction tateba, aJcebe, narebi S ie, infra. Note. Japanese Teachers know nothing of the rationale of these formations, and oonstantlv affirm that the conjunctive tateba is the same in sense M the conditional, an^'~ (^tomo) even when one walks. The last of these three combinations Kike domo &c results from the contraction of Kike, and ni, and tomo. Just as ni— wa makes ba, so n-t of ni-tomo produces the d in domo. Instead of domo, iyedomo [ f 'vK? 01 " ^ 1 XK^] M sometimes employed. Iedomo, or Iyedomo is the concessive form of the verb ii, to say, and signifies, Though it be said, or Though it be called. This verb always has before it an appositive complement, denoting how the thing is called, or what is said, with the postposition ]- to. See sen- tence 1183. "What is that musical instrument called'- ? Anonari mo- no wa, nani to iu ka? Literal translation ano==that nariinono musi- cal instrument, or sounding thing wa isolative particle, separating what goes before from what follows it, nani, what, (appositive com- plement of iu; to, postposition, index of the foregoing appositive com- plement; iu, do (they, indefinite subject of iu) call, attributive and predicative form of the present indicative; Ka interrogative particle. The longer form of the Japanese sentence is a more exact translation of the English. Nani to ju mono de gozarimas' Lit. What called thing is it? Iu with its appositive complements nani to is here att- ributive to mono thing. If the appositive is a verb, it is, in the oral language, put in the attributive form. Thus, Yuku to iu signifies he says or they say that he is going or they are going - , and Yuku to ie- domo signifies, lit. though one says that he is going, and is equivalent §1 which 1 to form the essarilj in the gerundive form, with ari append- it Thui totte-ari from toi rttari, ind the final syllabl< Ata. 'I'lu • po- lite form < l 'hi' \erlrr»Mi t . » i- i — in.ishi — ta, which corabiued elided be- - have or has caught, or did otieh. Ini lik«- iii.miK r wv get thi •_: — • Am — Aii=» Att M Al ' 'inia»li'tc — A ri - A riii „ Goza:, DMbJ wv I ' ">/.;iri- t tn. TheHe three words ire - md may mean either haf been, or fees bad, for the radical of each of them is ari, which is the proems equiralent of the Chineae fj. a word which has both moanJ In the higher or polite style of conversation, it is common t.» avoid using the shorter and simpler fbi son, and instead of using atta for have had, the Japanese would sayarimash'ta or gosari- masirta, Jso of using a single word for the preterit, they make a* of ;I compound i ipteaaion, consisting of s verbal root, de- noting the principal action to be si followed by an auxiliary verb, in the preterit tense. Thus in •*!-"> "He arrived there late", the shorter mode of ex- pression is seen to be Osoku, (late,) tnzita. Tssitaisthe preterit of Ts'ki, which by elision becomes Tssi, the Z reappearing where its elision had before been marked by an apostrophe. Tszi — te=Tszite, the gerundive, and Tszite — ari=Tszita. But the more polite mode of saying the same is t.s'ki [v. r.] nasaremash'ta, preterit tense of nasareru, to do, Lit. arrive-did=did-arrive=arrived. Thus oide na- saremash'ta and itta, mean the same, namely, went or came, or has gone or has come. Itta, is probably a corruption of yuita=yukita- lkita is frequently heard in the vulgar dialect of Kauagawa, mean- ing has gone, or went. By the elision of K it would become iita, and this might easily pass into itta, just as arita is always pronounced GRAMMAR eg fej a a g t ?9 CD PS a g- g X * r- O Q -%?^Si 2.^ • 3 as © « - J* s S* «a ° S" 1 5* **< <->- S X ft CO CO CO CO P p N N PC? B P TO GO TO Q T. , P p r- J N C> "" r: ~- - re s a s* z. - o 3, ~> a IH. a o* ■ 3e 'as a j ^ ^ a *5 a. PS o 5 s* * -• . ~- r. 2 ^. O ^ cs> »■ s 2k se 2 <. Q g i | 5^ Ok # ^- as ?• El ?^?r S »— o ST r? H 5 C BB . K J. rr' r* N rt » ST.; ^ £- o EI O p to » p o. ^-° jr g. fD " P X- £- ~ - £~ J& to to . b to g- CSJ TO p CO CO P P s£ I K 3 ~ ! O^aHH^S^^cpcococo^^^^WU | TO TO Pi ft <~ ffi £$ 1 c cr P 1 1 hi a PS .J - " h pa — • 9 TO L I B P* Q cr a 2 ~ d s zv 77- Z c 1 p (t i g C 1 BO, pa | TO 7 s-1 T of s pj 1 pa r-t- 1 » TO p 1 rp rt- pa P TO 1 cb H _T" 2. 1 as ~" 1 J - ' CO CO CO ^ j-j HH toj p p cr a ^r. 5t o ^ as ^ Jt ^ ?r ^ P gui 9 P g g S p 5 2 p S-S p ^ g ^ hj *-- sa ^ 3." 5* 3 © ^ § |p°^g ^^p ^ 3 ? 5 f a 5 P PL, p TO C r*- p r CO 25 P 25 p cr r- ° ° w p TO "* «" 2 o O Hi* CO iu <— t< >— ' "• et- fi E3 h» Si P P r P cc r ft g. cr c^ ho" ~ ' 2. ?32 o c sr 5-* ^r i B. S" Clj P P SO _ ffi 1 N O CC S* C5 c^ C* O P B 2 • p B an. B cr p p P P B p P_, r^- P ST PiSairH £ cr? p Whwo 22 o 2: g Htp H 03 K.'S © 2L p p CO B. ffi CO B C 3 B c g 3 ^t2j P P |- H P ^2 p ** 1 * 2 p p £ P H-. TO TO TO £5 P >-• M TO P ^ P fc- 2 i^cg p ffi — % p :m\i. xi ii saying what -? as t'ullv cxj.iv»nl hy "it;i- -kita. I '. bai }>ut . T->ri nasaiv- aqturaiei ■• baa taken awaj . B -■tor bai Med ( ikon hwhj I>1 1 from) liim twico \ I ihl lia>areliia>h'ta. ha\ <• |»:i i 1. Ifl c.jni- ralent to wataa thia kind will be noticed in the pagea of tin- b ^ic. IX P I :m action still g <>m in pail tune, Of the imperfect tense l>ut it is dona l>> meai Uowed by the rerbl or Ori in the preterit tense Tims Watak ahi vrs sakniitaa boo wo yonde orimaahta feokini, Sajin achi a mairin While I ■ _ r :i )»• »« »k yesterday, bnaalrta - louy the sense of th ira« raaaUa/. The remark of M Hoftnan that the JanancacTerbhanimimnerfi therefore in cor r e ct , unions ho meana to say that tin- Imperfect eonld m>t be no word. The Gerundive, in thiaooaibi] ling to its true nature ami often, ■ nodal Ihahatrrm of the preterit it. showing iu what . in Yedo. Exawpbs of the Imperfect Tense. Mite orimash'ta. wis s- Okite orimash'ta, was gelling up. NoTuli- orimash'ta was drinking. Kin- orimash'ta. teas dressing. Kiite orimash'ta. ims hearing. Maitte orimash'ta, was coming or go- ing. \ unto orimash'ta. was aft Tsznde orimash'ta, iras loading, {as in a ship). Itte =Yuito orimash'ta, too* May. Angatte orimash'ta, was ascending. Tatte oriihosh'ia. was standing. Orite orimash'ta, was descending. Sz watte orimash'ta, was sitting. Tottc orimash'ta, was talcingaway. Moite orimash'ta, was taking or holding. Hiroite orimash'ta, v:as picking up. N i tc orimash'ta. was hung damn . Dash'te orimash'ta was taking out. fihmnttci orimash'ta. was finishing. Shimete orimash'ta, was shutting. Sli'm orimash'ta. wtis going. Kaite orimash'ta. was writing. Xli GRAMMAR §10-] Sec. X. The Potential Form. Uncertainty in the mind of the Speaker as to any fact transpiring in present time, which in u English is expressed by the auxiliary may or maxj be is expressed in Japanese by the present indicative or attri- butive form of the verb, with the dubitative particle Ka after it followed by the appositive particle to ( J- ) and some verb signifying, to think, as dzongimas' or omoimas' e g. kita no hoo ni kuro ngumo nga atszmatte orimas' kara, Yedo no hoo wa ima ame nga f 'tte orima- s'ka to omoimas'. As black clouds are collected in the north, I think it may be raining at Yedo. Here f 'tte orimas'ka expresses entire un- certainty in the speaker's mind whether it rains or not. J f he said ftte orimas' to omoimas', it would imply his decided opinion that it did rain. The same with a little less of uncertainty might also be expressed by the future ftte orimash'oo, without to omoimas'. Uncertainty in regard to a past event is likewise expressed by the combination of a preterit, with the future of ari, and the termination of the tense is ta-aroo=taro6. Thus Sakujitsz o me ni kakattaroo si- gnifies, He may have seen him yesterday. Sakuban ittaroo. He may have gone last evening. Washi (1) wa ushi [2] no shingai (3) wo Kano-zan [4] e motte (5) ittaroo. The eagles. (1) may have carried [5] the bullock's (2) carcase (3) to Kanozau,.(4) Omai michi de komattaroo. You may have been in straits on the road [from not knowing the way or otherwise] The future potential denoting uncer- tainty, with a slight degree of expectation that the event referred to will take place, is expressed by the in dicative future with the interro- gative particle ka following it, together with to omoimas' or to dzon- jimas'. If these last words are omitted, the future alone is sufficient, though it expresses more of certainty than the former Miod nichi fune ni norimash'oo ka to omoimas'. I may embark to-morrow. Mioo nichi fune ni norimash'oo, I shall probably embark to-morrow. The future in Japanese essentially denotes uncertainty, in as much as all events that have not yet transpired are regarded as contingencies that may or may not occur. Hence this tense is used as already stated, when the discourse relates to something - in past time, if the speaker does not know whether it has taken place or not. A more strictly potential form of the verb, viz: one denoting ability to do, or the possibility of an action, islhe same as that of passive verbs. Thus:— Mieru from Mini to see may mean can see, or visible. Hanasareru ,, Hanasz to speak, „ „ can sp:ak or utteralle. Arukareru ,, Aiuku to walk, „ „ can walk. Urareru ,, Uru to sell, ,, „ can sett or saleable. Kawareru „ Kau to buy, n ,, can buy or purchaseable. No explanation of this singular fact has been met with by the writer in works ancient or modern on Japanese grammar. There is no difficulty in seeing why the element E % used for passive forms I $11. MHO .\iii ihoajM be equally ivaibhle in producing ■ | i form denoting ■bill ling Chinese f|J. ftoku ] hi ( 'tun. | [Uently in this r of to get or to obtain. * .11 m ide by ere, ■ad ihookl )»•• tiir .sunt-; as lor example, why in ru or an in to be sold, and at oth< to be Kawan K ght, or ;it ;»n- OtiV i tiinr. lo be able to buy. The following hypothesis may per- haps account for this idtntity of form, with diffi meaning. as the potrnti : produced ai shown iii this section ah nbstitnting e [fj] for the terminal be manner of passive rerbi of the brst order. But s men i ii inn. to sell, • mhinalioii ui u -:i i*-= ururt*, which may Signify to be able to be selling, cr can sell; boti^on the other band, areb •-das a passive from ari, i . urare will signify to be sold, then will have a p tion. Something in the context will often show which ol sificationi it to be given to a verb in this form. All serbs in this form derived from intran- ets are potential in - To bear this in mind will mi much j eciding whether he has before him a potential or a pa^ n the sent. i h'to wa j He can ascend tm mountain. Nobareru is . to be inn 'position e=to, or direction nil is required after the noon yama, the complement of the verb. s o: mitai desirous to see; and so any verbal root may be made to assume this form, and change of sense. The form in tai, an adjective in the attributive form, is either conclusive of the sense, i. e. it is used as a predicate verb, or is used as an adjective before a noun. The. form in loo, however, is but a verbal predicate adjective, and must have an equivalent to the verb "to be'' expressed after it, on the same prin- ciple that warui may end a proposition, or qualify a noun; but wa- rulvu=warnu used predicatively must have a verb signifying :: to be" XIV GRAMMAR §!-■] alter it. See the section on adjectives. For examples of the dpsidera- tiveform of verbs, or desiderative verbal adjectives, see Dialogue I. 1. hanashi mooshitai koto nga aru. Lit. There issomething of which 1 wish to speak, or of which it is desirable to speak. The phrase O hanashi-mooshitai being a compound attributive adjective belong- ing to the noun Koto. In Dialogue III. 1. O kiki mooshitoo gozari- mas'. I wish to consult, or I am desirous to consult? mooshitoo as a predicate adjective, takes the verb gozanmas' as a copula after it. Again, in Dialogue I. 22, '-Mihon nga mitai" "I wish to see the musters,'. Mitai completes the sense as a predicate verb. See also Dialogue IV. 11. Uritoo gozarimas', where uritQo is a predicate adjective, and requires the coplula gozarimas' after it. Besides this, verbs with the affix taku, taki, or tai, are conjugated in the in- dicate, conjunctive, concessive, and conditional modes, as will be seen hereafter, see Section. 22. Paradigm. V. Sec. XII. Passive Form of Verbs. The Japanese methods of forming passive verbs are peculiar; for while thev are passive in signification, they are still active in their forms of conjugation. The element which sometimes serves to express the notion of passivity, is the regular verb ye or e (^) Chinese Jff£ to get. The attributive form of e is eru, or yuru, its gerundive ete, and its preter- it eta. A'erbs formed by this as the passive element, signify to get. receive or appropriate to one's self, an action proceeding from with- out, which action is denoted by the verbal root to which e is affixed. Both in form and nature these are active verbs, for which in occiden- tal languages, passive or reciprocal verbs are used. We need there- fore only consider the derivation of passive verbs, since their con- jugation is the same as that of active verbs. There are three modes of derivation. 1. Passive verbs of the first order. Irregular transitive verbs may become passive by substituting the verbal element e or ye [_£] in place of the terminal vowel I of the root. Thus from Yomi act. v.r. to read we get Yomi pass. v.r. & Yomcru, to be read. „ Ori act. v.r. to break ., Ore, pass. v.r. & Oreru, to be broken. „ Yaki act. v.r. to burn ,, Yake, pass. v.r. & Yakeru, to be burned. ,, Ts'kuri act. v.r. to male „ Ts'kure, pass. v.r. & Ts'kureru, to be made. „ Ari act. v.r. to be ,, Are, pass. v.r. attributive form not used. These passive verbs, and others similarly formed, when used attribu- tively as adjectives, frequently have the force of the Latin adjective in litis or the English adjective ending in lie. as visible, legible &c. Thus. Yomeru lion wa, means a legible book. Yakeru pan wa, iking. Oreru hn al%. Set- v\. 10. on the potential foni I ikuremas', 8ee(*»" : B I- Ml tammono wa, made* or manufactured cloths. rimple root, is used with allowing it. precisely • in » Bee ' y. I p. I. ' to be in toki to until :le. Icr. ■ilar verbs which for tha raoet part hart . an< the pastta I f(£)jothe root Thus, aYt, root of the or Mit mus . I.. Ii, i or iotram & ik W wa (aa'to my -self) kas'ka ni (in the « i t ~ Jl (the ship) mi* imas 1 (is seen, or ihlr). From at {r.r.) to boil. I mas' to be boiled, or is boiled. Seethe nag m of this verb in 10 In i Dgtheninff of its find inch is changed into a or 0, and then * it addi form the passive verbal root. Thus kiki (it) to Likoe (i'.r.) from which we have kikoeru and kikormas to OS heard, or 111- koko made kikoe- mpfcA bell lothbpLce is heard. Kikoemas' oi it can be beard. The v to be derived in thit way from art, to be, or to have exi- hanged to am, and then yuru, one of the attributive forms of e [^J is added to era, making arayurn. This word is in cei in this, its attributive form, as an ud- I'lins araynro mono, signifies, The things that have ex- isted 1 thinos, or all ihe things [in a particular locality]. \ parti Hotoke, all the Buddhas, Arayorti Kami, all the gods, A- rayara h'to all men. •"'». Paa - of the third order. These are fer the most numerous. Most transitive verbs form their y adding are the passive of Off "to be'\ to their active at- tributive forms, unitingthe two according to the principles of Japan- ymology. If the active verb is irregular [See §.1] its attributive form ends in «, ss, or tsz, but if regular, it ends in rv. When there- fore a comes before the passive element cure, u being a less open vowel than a is suppressed before it, and instead of u-are, we have are as Yomu-Yomare. Tateru, Taterare. When the attributive form active ends in sz (su) or tsz [tsu], the combination becomes sare and tare, s or sz disappearing like u before the vorwal a. Thus from utsz, to beat, we have utare to be beaten; and from korosz to kill, we have korosare, to be killed. The passive forms here given, it must be remembered, are only the passive verbal roots. The appro- GKAM.UAU $13.] priate endings for the various tenses are to be annexed to them. The v.r. are has no such attributive form as areru now in use, but we suppose it to exist, or to have been in use originally, and this hypothesis will be confirmed by the attributive passive forms in the following list of verbs, Active Attributive Passive Attributive. Hiku to lead, add areru becomes Hikareru to be Ud. Motsz to lift, Umu or M'mu to give birth, Ou to follow, Yobu to summon, Yomu to read, Akeru to open, Tate-u to erect. Korosz to kill, Kau to buy, Tskuru to make, Nomu to drink, Toru to take away, Kuru to bite, Tsuru to angle Tszreu to accompany Angeru to promote, Otosz to drop. S'kuu to rescue, Watasz to transport, Uru to sell. Eru to get, Qshinau to lose, Motareru to be lifted. U ni areru to be Lorn. Owareru to be followed . Yobareru to be summoned. Yom areru to be read. Akerarcru to be opened. Taterareru to be erected. Korosareru to be killed. Kawareru to be bought. Tskurareru to be made. No m areru to be drunk. Torareru to be take away. Kawareru to be bitten. Tsurareau to be caught withhook & line. Tszrcrareru to be accompanied. Angerareru to be promoted. Otosareru to dropped. Skurareru to be rescued. Watarareru to be transported. Urareru to be sold. Erareru to be gotten. Ushinawareru to be lost. Of course none but transitive verbal roots can become passive. An intransitive verb may apparently assume a passive form, but in that case it is potential in sense. See. § 10. Sec, XIII. Negative Verbs. Theory of their Negative Element. The Japanese language associates negation with the predicative verb. It denies that some action, situation, condition or quality is inherent in, or found in connection with the subject, but not the ab- solute existence of the subject. On this principle there are no such words as nobody, or nothing, nor are there any originally negative verbal roots. The power of attribution, or predication resides in the verbal element i root of the verb iru, the continuative to be, or in shi, root of szru, to be or to do Chinese 3§. Now the negative element is n, seen in nai = is not. (compare the Latin non, ne, nee, and the English not, no &c) If then we prefix this negative ele- memt to the verbal root i we get n-i = ni not to be, a negative verbal root whose attributive or present indicative form is nu=t8 not. lu like manner frcin shi, by prefixing n, we get n-shi. and as n xvii with t becomes rf, so n with *A' becomes dz\ nnd n-shi become* iki, nn a di [perhapi originally, daa ordu]. Neith- er A i j bol both ere added to roots ot affirm- ■live rerbi n> i note commonly used in books of the bigb< "'I tu< iii thf oral language. Still dz\s ■ : with in the ipoken language v common is nokora from Qokori, I or leave out. Nok<> mil:, without excepting. Consonants a thebonei leton of woras; nnd li the more perishable part?, that are constantly undergoing change*. Hence in mi*— not. the rowel maybe regarded as that hi *i ntfieri change, while the n is thu durable f the tjUable. Thaafron naki ornakaL the forma n&oand an- d«-riv.-d. in which everything but the initial letter // is lost. This inn tat inn of vowel sounds is a vers nOIBIIICIII nliemiinencai in nmst, if not all languages, and very naSJeoahls in the Japan* See. X I V HaU| M B*01MIHS Nk;\tim. Vi B § il he n Hai attach dz «>r aa Immediately t<> their runts (ending always in e or i. See $. 1) <>r tO the honorific appended verbal root mate in polite conversation, and thus i> prodnOM the negative attri- butive form. \n. v ihk. becomes Akenu or Ak. •masenu. Bene or FHiiinaiwnu Minn or Ifimaaemi. Tatena or Tan masenu. Tabenn or Tabemasemt. an or Nemasena. Misenn or Mimssenu. Bikaenu or Htkaemasenu. Xikunie r.r. to hwiihate, „ Nlkumenu or Xikumeinasenu. Node r.r. to xtrolt'. Mfadenn or Xadeniasenu. Xadamer.r. to Wp p t mt „ Xadainenu or Xadamemasenu. Mite r.r. to /><' fulL .. Mitenn or Mitemasenu. It will he seen thai the honorific affix piote, itself a verbal root, is affixed to the root form of the verb to which it is joined. This is the ease with all verbs regular or irregular, active, passive, transitive or intransitive, so that by taking away mase, or mas', or maszru, or mashi or mash'te from any verb, the remaining part of the word must be its root. In irregular verbs, in their simplest form, the final I of the root undergoes a strengthening and becomes a whence result the nega- tive endings adz and ante. Adz is less used than aim in the collo- Thus Ake. r.r. to open, I* Se r.r. Mi vr. to see. r.r. r./\ to rut. N I r. to no to bed M • r.r. to aft Uikae r.r. to restrain. (iRAMMAK *10.] quial. See ^ 1. paragraph 3. where this characteristic of irregular verbs is alluded to. Tabic of Irregular Negative Verbs. to write, becomes Affirmative Kaki v.r Tachi=Tati v.r. to stand Uehi— Uti v.r. to atrike, Ari v.r. to be, Nari v.r to be, E'ki v.r. to blow, Ongami v.r. to pray, Nomi v.r. to drink. Harac v.r. to pay, Okori v.r. to be excited, Ougori v.r. to be proud, Odori v.r. to dance, Nuri v.r. to paint, Kaeri vr. to return, H'ki v.r. to lead, Odoshi v.r. to intimidate, Naki v.r. to cry, Miwashi v.r. tc cause to turn Hiroi v.r. to pick up, Yurunri v.r. to loosen, Hirumi v.r. to faint, Hodokoshi v.r. to attribut Nengai v.r. to beg, Tookari v.r. to be far from )i 55 Negative. Kakanu or Kakimasenu Tatanu or Tachimasenu Utanu or Uchimasenu Aranu or Arimaseuu Naranu or N arimaseuu. F'kanu or F'kimaseuu. Ongamanu or Ongamimasenu. Nomanu or Nomimasenu. Harawanu or Haraimasenu Okoraim or Okorimasenu. Ongoranu or Ongorimasenu. Odoranu or Odorimasenu. Nurami or Nurimasenu Kaeranu or Kaerimaseim. H'kanu or ITkimasenu. Odosanu or Odoshimasemi Nakanu or Nakimasenu. Mawasanu or Mawashimasenu. Hirowanu or Hiroimasemi. Yurumanu or Yurumimasenu. Hirumanu or Hirumimasemi.' " Hodokosanu or Hodokoshimasenu. Nengawanu or Nengaimasenu. Tookaranu or Tookaradz. Sec. XV. Negative Imperative Form. The negative imperative is made by affixing the negative element na to the affirmative attributive. Thus, from Szru, to do, we have, Szruna, do not do. Tataku, to strike „ Tatakuna, do not strike. ■„ Nasaru, to be doing „ Nasaruna, do not be doing, Toru, to take away „ Toruna, do not take away. In polite conversation, instead of the short imperative form given above, Nasaruna, or Nasarimas'na is placed after a verbal root, and serves as a sort of auxiliary verb to that root which denotes the action forbidden. Thus, instead of Miruna, do not see, Mi nasaruna, or Mi nasaremas'na would be the better expression in addressing an equal or a superior. Tori nasaruna, would be said rather than the simple Toruna. do not take a war. + l.'i | \i.\K \i\ src. Wl. Phi Nmatii >nii. it form of n gular made l.v affixing the ajnrplt to 1 nereaaed by the honorific affix w« grapE .');. Tabk of Xt gat ire Prrtrrit V D : — T»'kc, rtg. r.r. to apply, va !. I i konasl.inaiuln. - /i«r, I I obianaxhlnanda, ishiiianiln. .ishin;ui(li». loss, „ la >>r IfayoimaalunaiMla to pardon, Vuniaanaadaoi y "»«"»frhnrnhinanila ■ i,*/, i ». landa 01 I »• a ishioanda. ulasarope., ,, Kurunanda or Kurimaahtaanda, k. M • ••■i.iiul.i <»r Koiioiniiiiahliiiiarula The for form u lean need in conTeraation than the I in which nakatta is placed after theaimple regular verbal root, or ilar rerbalrool when its final i lias la iteelfa compound ofnakn, the adverb not, and atta. th<- preterit .»t* tin- verb ari. t<. be, and h<-nee nakatta fiea lias not been or baa not. It ia theref! re need aa a negative Imrj rerb. Baeh of the rerfaa in the foregoing table may be put in Hie negatire preterit form as follows: — 'IVki reg. v.r. to apply, and Ts'ki nakatta, has not applied. Tobi irrcg r.r. tojfg, „ Tobinakatta, has uotfoun. g. v.r. to go or come out ., Penakatta, did not go or come out. Sec. XVI I. Nk.,\h\k FoTuni Form*. Of these there are two. IK the first method mai, is appended to the affirmative attributive form, if it contain no more syllables than the root of the verb, otherwise the excess is dropped before mai. The affix mai is a negative verb signifying not to be, derived from maji (madzi) by the elision of j. Maji is given in the old diction- aries as a negative future ending without explanation. Mr. Hoffman maintains that it is4Compounded of ma space, and nasi not to be. But it would seems more readily derived from the combination of ma,-dzi (=n-shi). The meaning is the samewhichever derivation be adopted, but the etymology here suggested is more direct, because the sounds XX GRAMMA* $17] represented by ji and dz, are so nearly identieal as to be easily in- terchanged, and as dzi, signifies, not to be (See §. 13.) the theory of Mr. 1 1 oilman respecting the regular ending dz, receives corrobora- tion by the present hypothesis. The second method of forming the negative future, consists in placing de aroo after the negative attributive form in nu. Pe thus becomes a locative post-position giving a gerundive force to the form in nu, which precedes it. Thus u nomanu dearoo" would mean, he will not be in the act of drinking, or brielfly he will not drink. The future of Japanese verbs simply predicts, but never expresses determination as in English. Future Forms in Mai. Nam to become, Narimas 1 , ,, Aru, to be, Arimas' „ Mini, to see, Mimas 1 , „ ■ Ttasz, to accomplish, Ttashimas' ,, Kikoeru. to be heard, Kikaemas', ,, „ Katadzkeru, to put aside Katadzkemas\ „ ,, Katayoru, to (jet aside Korobu, to fall to ruin Korobimas' „ „ Ochiru, to fall down, Ochimas' „ „ Szru, to do, Shhnas', to do. Arau, to wash, Arimas',, ,, Wabiru, to intercede, Omou, to think, Omohnas', „ Semitoru, to take by conquest Semitorimas' ,, „ ,, Semeru, to attach. Semeinas',, ,, Semeiru, to enter by force, Semeirimas' Narumai, will not become. Narimas'mai „ „ ,, Arumai, will not be. Arimas'mai ,, „ ,, Mimai, will not see. Mimas'mai, „ „ „ Ttaszmai, will not accomplish, Ttashimas'mai,,, „ „ Kikoemai, will not he heard, Kikoemas'mai „ ,, „ Katadzkemai will not put aside. Katadzkemas'mai „ „ ,, Katayorumai, will not yet aside. Korubumai, will not fall to ruin Korobimas'mai, „ „ „ Ochimai, will not fall down. Ochimas'mai „ „ „ Semai or Szmai will not do Shiraas'mai, ,, „ „ Araumai, will not ivash. Araimas'mai, „ „ „ Wabirumai will not intercede. Omoumai will not think. Omoimas'mai, ,. „ „ Semitorumai will not take by conquest, Semitorimas' mai * ., „ „ Sememai will not attack. Sememas'mai „ „ ., Semeirumai will not enter by force. Seineririmas'mai ,, „ NllAa xxi samiuingi It will be seen that there is a d hfc rc n cc smong tbeiu in thcmodi of forming the negative future. Thus I'miu rim. whd sri, also ■ dissyllable, we have aru-mai, or n r in t future. The compound root of arimas' (arima- "fl)"C^\)V)i« arimaahi, c of four syllables, From mini, on tli.- contrary, ive future, niai 4 mi. which is s monosyllable. hiru. kik • in W€ have tin- futures iniai. kik smemai, of wmch Ochi, kikoe and seme the roots, It aj dial in ev< oai is pre- rj Llablea as there in in the root olf the i erb, whetfa • be simple or compound. Henoe we derive the following roll mai • the attribute rerbs, when thai form has no ■ion syllables than the root, but it'it has more, tl - dropped from the end of .the attributive twin, and then mai is added to produce the negative future. There appear to anomalous verbs, in which the terminal rowel of the n stive future, th< rms. Tims, ki, the r.»ut ofkui tag kiimin the negative attri- buthn mi. not to qoum Tin negative future is ko-mai, fnatead of ki mai, and ti. is koneba. Shi tho to, has for its negal nu, tor its thrc tutun srmai, and seueba for the neg junotive. srr. XVII I r.ivK. and in tin- colloquial language at Miako, a negative indtve in de is much used, but not n I ad its vicinity. The indive of books is derived from the root of regular verbs, by adding de, and from the root of irregular verbs by Hist changing the terminal vowel 1 to A, and then annexing de. [nthe miako dialect the vowei I is inserted between the A and de, or in regular verbs, an I is in s tat ed after the terminal 1 of the root before de. Thus from mi regular verfa*lroo4,1 have in the written lan- guage, mitle. n sad Dsiide in the Miako dialect: From tori, to take, irreg. p.r, we have torade. in books, and toraide not taking, at Miako. The latter form is frequently met with in books written in the colloquial style, or books for the common people At Vedo. however, instead of mide, not seeing, minaide, or midz- ni, is used. Instead of Torade, Toradz-ni or Toranaide is used. The phrases miuai-to and torauai-to, are also used to the rjime in- tent, and signify by not seeing and by not taking. ♦The remark of Rodriguez that the form motnvic mai is virions, is incorrect. The future form motemvrvmai is wren-/ Xxii URAMMAH ^9. J Sec. XIX. Negative Conjunctive Forms. The negative conjunctive form for the present tense, like the affirmative, ends in eba- It is derived from the regular verbal root in ni, (See § 13. Paragraph second), which according to § 5. being irregular, changes the final I into E before ba (ni — wa) thus making eba. From nomi, irreg.v.r, to drink, we have noma before the ne- gative element ni in its root form, making noinani irreg. neg. v.r. and then the final I is changed to E, and ba (ni — wa) is added thus forming nomaneba, meaning, when one does not drink, which may relate either to present or future time. e.#. Anoh'towa sakewo nomaneba, midaremasenu. When he does not drink saki, he does not make disturbance. In conversation we often hear, nomanuto or iiomadzniwa or nomanaito. as well as nomaneba all having the same meaning. See Dialogue III, p. 184 No. 6. Hakono uchi wo namari de haraimaseneba &c. When, or in case that you do not line the boxes with lead &c. Omae no sh'taku nga dekineba, yuka- remasen', since you are not ready, I cannot go. Omae sh'taku nga dekineba, yukaremasen', as you are not ready, we cannot go. No ( } ) being omitted in the latter sentence makes the difference in the subject of yukaremasen. Dekineba, dekidzwa, and dekinakereba, may also be used with reference to a future time. Thus mioo nichi sh'taku nga dikineba, yukare mai. We might substitute dekidzwa, or dekinakereba for dekineba in the proceeding sentence without chang- ing the sense. The form in eba may likewise refer to past time. Thus, sakunen kono shingotowo shimawaneba, konnen dzehi shi- mawoo. Since I did not finish this work last year I shall finish it this year at all events. The compound verb shimawa-nakatta, with kara (because or since) after it, would have the same signification as shimawaneba. so also, instead of dekineba, or dekidzwa, or dekinake- reba, the expression dekinakattaraba (= deki-nakatta araba) may be used with the same meaning. Sec. XX. Negative Conditional Form. The negative conditional of books is not uufrequently made by placing wa after the negative gerundive of the written language as nomadewa, toradewa, mide wa. If one does not drink, or take, or see. The more common colloquial expression for the negative presuppo- sitive or conditional, at Yedo, would be noma nakereba, tora nake- reba, mi-nakereba, or nomanu naraba, toranu naraba, miru naraba, or nomimaseneba, torimaseneba, mimaseneba. See Dialogue II, p. 179, N. 7. Watak'shi wa kiu ni toiya e yarimaseneba, &c. If I do not immediately send some money to the wholesale dealers &c. See also 585. Kaishi nasaraneba. If you do not pay &c. kaisanu nara- ba or kaisauakereba would express the same. ^•Jl.] HMAI xxiii rm of nari, to be, derived from narao,' future indicative. Uld ni-un-=ba. meaning, it'it be. •In conditional form < -t' t h»> rerb keri witb the negutn o r need el •. but is found in coiu- ■ii with other words, :i» keredomo, though itbe, i.e. although ih t-> decide what keri means, but in the colloquial of the present day, it appeara t<> signify, to be. The remark of Rodrianea that it b used to denote peel time, tan hardlj be sustained] either by the snage of< Japanese writ ken. sec. \ \ I x 1 1. For* like the affirmative is made b] tbeaffia tomo ordomo(l»^* of y 3z) added tothenej r its anal rowel I baa been ohaaa I oehiru. Though I Att< in-., Arii: BO, AlOti vr ArimaahoO, ktrr«l"iu<«. COMMIT v \. M 1. That of Uncertainty. \raba. Arunaraba. Arimasnar;.'' \tt:ira. Attanaraba. or Arima^h'taraba. J'ut. Like the present, or ArOo mouonara. Thai of the assumed hypothesis contrary to the/act. nib*, ArimiKroba <>r li*t:ir;il»:i. / .V | 1 1 Mode. 1 That of ability, not used. nty. Pres. Anka, or Ariiuas'ka, with }■ =to and -fr$zty=omo-6 or f ^^— diotQfanm 1 following, meaning, to think. Past. Attarooka ur Ariinash'taro<>ka, followed by oaufi or dzonji- mas', Fui. Arooka, or Arimaah'odka PARTICIPIAL MODK. •1. The infinitive, not used. •J. The participle, used attributively, Aru, Arimas, with a noun 3. The gerundive, Atte, Arima>l. [following. Note. The verb ari has not the continuative tenses of the indica- tive, and is otherwise defective. The imperative mode is not used PARADIGM II. Of the regular Active verb, Miru to see. Principal Parts. Mi. r.r. to see. Miru, Mimas', Omi nasaru, Attributive form to see or sees or seeing. Mita, Mimash'ta, or Omi nasareta. Past tense indicative sawhasseen. Mite. Mimash'te, or Omi nasarete, Gerundive form, by seeing or seeing. * If there is a proper infinitive the author has not been able to discover it. Aru koto is not an infinitive mode of the verb, koto is a noun and aru a partici- pial adjective. The phrase means, an existing act, thing or fact. GRAMMAR Indicative Mode. Pres. Mini, Mimas, mi nasaru, or Omi nasaremas' Do. Con. Mite iru, Mite orimas, Mite oide nasaru. Past. Mita, Mimash'ta, Omi nasareta, or nasaremash'ta. Do. Con. Mite ita, Mite arimash'ta, or Mite oide nasaremasli'ta. Put. Miyoo, Mimashoo, Miru de aroo, mi nasaremashoo. Do. Con. Mite iyoo, Mite orimashoo, or Mite oide nasaremashoo. Conjunctive Mode. Pres. Mireba, Mimaszreba, or mi nasareba. Past. Mitareba, Mimash'tareba, or mi nasaretareba. Put. Like the present, Concessive Mode. Pres. Miredomo, Mimaszedomo, Mitemo, or mi nasaretemo, or mi nas'temo. Past. Mitaredomo, Mimash'taredomo, or O mi nas'taredomo. Fut. Like the present. Conditional Mode. 1. Of uncertainty, or mere presupposition. Pres. Mireba, Mimaszreba, or mi nasareba i. e. If you see. Past. Mitaraba, Mitanaraba, Mimash'tanaraba, mi nasaretara. Fut. Like the present, or Miyoo mono nara. 2. Of the assumed hypothesis contrary to the fact. Pres. Mireba, Mimaszreba, mi nasareba i. e. If I saw. Past. Mitara, Mimash'tara, or mi nasaretara *'. e. If I had seen. Fut. Wanting. Potential Mode. 1. Of Ability. Pres. Mirareru, Miraremas', Miru koto nga dekiru mi nasaru koto nga dekiru. Past. Mirareta, mirareniash'ta, or mi nasaru kotonga dekimashta. Fut. Mirareyoo, miraremasb'oo, Omi nasaru kotonga dekimasbJoo. 2. Of uncertainty or possibility. Pres. Miruka, mimas'ka, or mite iruka, mite o ide nasaruka (to omou). Past. Mitaka, mimash'taka, or o mi nasaremash'taka, (to omou). Fut. Miyooka, mimash'ooka, or miru de arooka (to omou). Imperative Mode. Miro, mi nasare, or mi nasai, o mi nasaremash'. •mai; xxvn PaRTH'IIMAI. M 1. The infinitive pres. mi with ni = to, to express apurpose M mi ni. M i OT mimuizm. need a.s | wrhal noun to see. I)<> .00. or mimaah'ootos/ru. i proximate future. 2. Tht- p Mini <>r mimauru, used attril>uti\ vlv. or with a po^ as mini ni wa, on y or while seeing. This may refer to past. • f t'utur.' 1 / he gerundive, Mite, mimash'te, oro minas'te, 1 Kmtraetion for uasuivte. Note, With tin* postpositions, Kara, yoti Of DOohioJ, as mite kara <>r miteyori, it would moan at either in part or future time. Mitt rarb WOOid lOltefn the same relation to it, as the wonl figkiiug in the English tt i fighting does to the verb died i.e. purely a gerundive relation. PARADIGM IN. Of a Passive Verb. Korosare v.r. to be killed. rosare, v.r. Koroshi-are. tl lenient. Prineijml J Korosareru, Attrilmtive form, M parts, j Korosareta, Past tent- u or has hem killed. Koroai undive, by being killcd } or being killed. hl'inir Fres. Korosareru. B saremas\ Do. Con. K ini OT fllilllM He is in the state of one killed. Past. Korosa: Arv\n:^}\Ui=7Ie was or has been killed. Do. Con. Korosarcte ita or orimash'ta=7/f was in thestateoj one killed. Fut. KorosareyoO or Korosareraidcarod=i/d will be kilted. CoN.iiN(TivK Mode. Pres. Korosarercba, Since he is killed. P'ist. Korosaretareba, Korosaretara. Fut. Like the present. Concessive Mode. Pres. Korosaruredomo or Korosareteino. Past. Korosaretaredomo, Korosareta, keredomo. Fut. Like the present, or Korosareyo" keredomo Korosareru de aroo Keredomo. Conditional Mode. Pres. Korosarereba or Korosarareba, Korosareru nara. Past. Korosaretaraba or korosaretara. [nara. Fut. Like the present, or Korosareyoo nara or Karosareru de aroo Potential Mode. 1. Of Ability. Pres. Koroseru, korosemas'. Past. Koroseta, korosemash'ta. Fut. Koroseyoo, korosemash'oo or Koroseru de aroo. XXVU1 GRAMMAR 2. Of Uncertainty. Pres. Korosarcte iru or imaska or orimas'ka (to omou) or korosareruka (to oniou) Past. Korosare tarooka, korosarete arimashoo ka. Fut. Korosareyooka, Korosareru de arooka. Imperative Mode. Wanting in the colloquial, in books korosareyo. Participial Mode. 1. Infinitive, ni, denoting the object or purpose, 2. Participle, as an attributive, followed by a noun, or taking, an object after it, or governed by a postposition. Pres. Korosareru, Korosaremaszru. Past. Korosareta, Korosaremash'ta, used attributively. Fut. Korosareyoo-to szru, Do. 3. Gerundive. Korosarete Korosamasli'te. PARADIGM IV. The Causative verb Miseru, to show, or cause to see. Derived from mi to see, and se, root of the verb szru to do or cause. f Mise, v.r. to show. Principal J Miseru, attributive form, showing, shows or to show. p , | Miseta, past tense indicative, showed or has shown. |_ Mite, gerundive, by showing or showing. Indicative Mode. Pres. Miseru, misemas'zru, ormisemas'. Do. Con. Misete iru or misete orimas', Past. Miseta. Misemashta, o mise nasaremash'ta. Do. Con. Misete ita or oriniashta, misete oide nasaremash'ta. Fut. Miseyoo, Misemash'oo, o mise nasaremashoo. Do. Con. Misete iyoo, misete orimash'oo, misete oide nasaremash'oo, Conjunctive Mode. Pres. Misereba Misemaszreba, o mise nasareba. Past. Misatareba, Misemash'tareba, o mise nasaretareba. Fut. Like the present. Concessine Mode. p ( Miseredomo, o mise nasaretemo, or mise nasattemo. * l Misetemo, misemash'temo. Past. Misetaredomo. mise nasaretaredomo. Fut. Miseyoo keredomo, Omise moosoo to szredomo. Conditional Mode. Pres. Misereba, Miseru nara or naraba, misetara = Misete araba. Past. Misetaraba, Misetanaraba, Misemash'ta naraba. Fut. Miserunara, miserataraba, miseru naraba or miseyoo mononara . Poti 1. <>f Ability. rarenias', uiiserukoto nga dokiru. Pmi, Miserareta. uash'ta. Fut. M v . • • fainty. M i.sete ira ka. at urimas'ka (to onnui). Pa*/. MisetaroO,< i "<.,„ with kat<»llowing&(toomou). Miseyooka or Misi ma*h\>oka (to omou). Imiikmive Mode. Misero, Miso nasai, Misc nasarc, mise nasaremask'. Partk • i i - t 1. The infinitire to express a j.urj ni. - "he participle used attributively, Miseru Misemassru. with ■ postposition, as Miseruniwa, on * . }.a*t, Miseta, Misemask'ta, used attributively. 2to. yoO to Bin; „ „ 3. The gerundive. MiseUy Miseiuask'te or o misc nasarete, or o miso naa'te. PARADIGM V. Desideratm verb, Mitai, to be desirous to see. {Mitaku, root form. =» Mi v.r. taku. Mitai, attributive or predicate form, pres. indicative. Mitakatta, Past tense indicative. Mitakute, Gerundive form, also, MitoOte. Indicative Mode. Pres. Mitai, or Mitoo gozarimas'. Do. Con. Mitakute iru, or MitoOte iru. Fust. Mitakatta, Mito^ atta, or Mito« gozartmask'ta. Do. Mitaku omoote ita, or orimask'ta. Fut. Like the present. Conjunctive Mode. Pres. Mitai ni, Past. Mitakatta ni. Fut. Wanting. Concessive Mode. Pres. Mitai keredomo, Mitaku temo. Past. Mitakatta- keredomo. Fut. Like the present, also, Mitaku wa aredomo. xxx (1kammar Conditional Mode, Pres. Mitakuba, Mitai, uaraba, Mitakereba, Past. Mitakatta naraba. Fid. Like the present. Potential of Uncertainty. Pres. Mitakarc*>. {lie may wish to see). Past. Mitakattaro^ {He may have wished to see). Participial Mode. 1. Infinitive, Wanting. 2. Participle, used attributively Pres. Mitai, Past, Mitakatta. 3. Gerundive, Mitakute, or Mi'toote. Note. Any Active verb may be made a desiderative one by the affix tai. To express regret at not having done something, or to say what one would have done, under a certain condition, that did not exist, there is a singular pharse in common use, made up of a verb in the future or past indicative and the words mono wo e.g. If I had seen it, I would have bought it, Watak'shi wa mitara, katta mono wo. or kawo° mono wo. Again, If his father had been alive, things would not have come to this pass. Moshi chichi nga itara, ko° wa naru maimono wo, or If his father were alive, he would put things to rights again. Moshisoni chichi nga itara, mata tate naosz koto mo aroo mono wo. This, if it can be called a mode of the verbs, is the true subjunctive, to be always employed in the apodosis of a sentence whose protasis contains a verb in the conditional mode of the assumed antithesis. PARADIGM VI. Negative Verb, Kakanu, writes not or does not write. Derivation, Kaki. irreg. v.r. affirmative,-nu. See. § 13. Kakani, v.r. not used separately. Kakanu, attributive and predicate form, writes not. Kakananda or Kakimasenanda did not write or has not written. Kakanaide, Kakadzni, at Miako kakaide Gerundive, not writing. Indicative Mode. Pres. Kakanu, Kakimasenu, Kakanai. Do. Con. Kakadzni, iru or orimas' Kakanai de iru. Past. Kakananda, Kakimasenanda, Kakanakatta. Do. Con. Kakadzniita, or orimash'ta Kakanaide ita. Fut. Kaku mai Kakimas'mai Kaki wa shimai. Do. Con. Kakadzniyoo or orimashoo, when a person is the subject, and kakadzni aroo, or kakadzni aru dearo<>, or kakanaide aro«, when the subject is a thing. iMAK \\M •1>E. K ikaucba, Kakiniaaenrba. Klkm kara. kakanai kara. kadxareba Kakanakatta kara kakanaforabft, Fut. Kaku mai kara, Kakhuasiuai kara kakiwashiniai kara Mode. p i Kakarodomo, Kakimascncdonio. **' ( Kakadztomo Kakanutom j, \ Kakauandai Kakiiuascuait'lan «l in->. ' ( Kakanakat tared* >mo. Fut. Kakumai ki-r« . • Kaki\va>hmiai keredomo Conditional Mode. p $ Kakaneba, kakanu nara or naraba. I Kakanai naraba, kakanakm l>a Past \ Kakmaiidirebi, Kakauakereb*. ( kakauakattareba, Kakauakatia naraba. Potential Mode. 1 of Ability. p J Kakcnu or Kakicnu Kakemaacnu, rei ' i Kaku koto dokimaaenu Kak« p a \ Kakenanda, kakeniaacnanda. 1 ' f Kab-nakatta Kakimakatta. 2^. \ Kakiniai or Kakicinai Kakinakarod ) Kakemag'mai, or kakiemas'mai. 2 Of Uncertainty. p ( Kukanaika or kakanuka, kakanaideiru ko? rCS ' \ Kakadz ni iru (to omou). % p . i Kakanandaroo Kakanakatta de aroo, 08 ' I Kalvanai dfl ariinashoO. Fut. Kakuinaika Kakinias maika (to omou, following.) Imperative Mode. Kakuna. Kakimas'na. Participial Mode. 1 Infinative, Wanting. 2 Participle. Pres §' Fut.. Kakanu, used attributively. Past. Kakananda, 3 Gerundive. Kakau-iidz. 'cakadzni, and at Miako, kakaide. XXX11 GKAMMAll. Remarks on the Papadigms. 1. They are intended chiefly to present the conjugative forms derived from the verbal roots, as their base. The periphrases by which modes may be indicated, are idioms belonging rather to the province of the lexicographer, than that of the grammarian. 2. The conditional mode is usually characterized by the word moshi (Chin. 3§f), i. e. if, or granting that, preceding it, and when both the conditional and conjunctive forms are the same, which must always be the case, in regular verbs in E, (See §.$. 5 and 6,) this presuppositive particle distinguishes the one from the other. 3. The author is of the opinion that the so called infinitives of the old Portuguese grammarians, (such as, miru koto, to see, and mitu koto, to have seen,) are not proper infinitives. They are substan- tive phrases, composed of the noun koto, and a verb modifying it. See. 203. Koto e kuru koto avo iyangarimas', Lit. He refuses the act of (Kuru) coming, i. e. He will not come. See also 941. Ara- tameru koto wo itashimasenu. Here aratameru koto wo, is a phrase constituting the direct object of the transitive verb itashimasenu, or seru. In 144, musaboritoni koto wa, i. e. Extortion, or the act of taking away wrongfully, is the subject of the sentence. Although these and similar expressions might be best rendered in English, by infinitives, yet this is not their office in the Tapanese construction. For a proper infinite governing a direct object, and at the same time being subject of a proposition, see, 145. Karada wo ungokazs wa &c. Lit. To exercise the body, or to bestir the body, &c. Rodriquez and Collado also give the form miru to, as the infini- tive, but this is even more objectionable than those in koto, because to ( J* ) in this position, is a conjunction, most frequently equivalent to the English conjunction that. Besides the infinitive given in the paradigms, expressing a pur- pose (as mi ni, to see,) there is a phrase composed of a verb in the attributive form, followed by the noun tame, a purpose; and the postposition ni signifying for, which often answers to cur infini- tive. See. 1*208. Dare nga tetsz wo uru tamcni motte iru ka ? Uru tame ni, here rendered for sale, when analyzed, is, ni=for,dame= the purpose of, U ru= selling, old English, for to sell. Uru is a verb in the attributive form qualifying the noun tame, which, again, is governed by the postposition ni. The subject infinitive in English, is often expressed in* Japanese by the gerundive with wa or by the conjunctive mode. e.g. Yubi wo k'tte wa [or kireba] ito6 gozarimas To cut ones -finger is pain- ful. The literal signification of K'tte wa, and kireba, when one cuts. Watak'shi yori sh'ta no h'to wo utte wa for Uteba]. iyashii waza de aroo. It would be a mean act to strike a man inferior to HAI myself. I -erelto s /rt%», eta they are The lit.: the Brat example 00 • I. and Live] a man in- iwa, the form given to I for the infinitive u in ted in the above sentence, end then t<» i it literal. i Th pari I •. miru mono, and mita h'to, mita mono, limilar to those lo their so called infinitivi w ■ of eonstrni . the nature ox these Sic XXIII S Japanese nouns ar without ii their :• by posi! Mich a.s : Of by what W6 call - '; I iro ( ^). \\ i. which ii merely an tsolatiTe j id or olloW it. i though it frequently stands bet* nbjeel and its predi Asa proof that, it an Distance in Which it - to wu, which marks the* direct object of a !. Kataki ni BSTO mOOO I WO kawai- ngar I he first phrase ending with wobs is eqniralent to enemies and literally rendered it wonld b len tee, 1 wye these, sta Be »ws with the ningori [ft) separatee the a re it from those fulfo a substantive phrase, in apposition with the pronoun aorewo which is the direct object of the verb kawa i"vc. W'a is tnouhim around a collection of :> widen i of a verb, and serves to give dehnif his group of words, distinguishing it from the other elements of the proposition. I liina wami koto no uehi de wa, Of all had ti This particle is not generally translate- able, hut may. to ei force, be sometimes rendered as to, In 'd to, Latin quoad, French qiumt a. Nga or ga (ff) is used for the same purpose, except that it seems to be more emphatically de- finitive. See o. Ichidora nga i.e. a dollar precisely. The difference between wa and nga is scarcely translateable, but is to be expressed by the tone of the speaker's voice, rather than by any corresponding words in English. The native ear at once perches the difference, XXXIV GRAMMAR $24.] and a foreigner can acquire the use of these particles, only by prac- tice and much familiarity with the Japanese usage. The native teachers say that wa is a kind of cordon drawn around a word or words, as if to isolate it or them, as a distinct subject of thought, and that nga is used when one or more objects are singled out being present or conceived to be present, spoken of specifically . Thus, if a Japanese should say of a certain lot of teas in Yedo, Here are the musters, his expression for the musters, would be, Mihon wa, i.-e. the musters, as separated from the original packages, but, if a buyer taking one of the samples should say he liked it, his expres- sion would be Kono mihon nn. i/a. Ken i retainer. li-domo, I '■: inio, rt >wW<-, 1 1 i. Holiest. -am a, a feudal lord, Ton ita, A>r//«. Quango, a icoman, < h Tlu' word rui. (Obineae $Jj.) meaning ■ kind frequently bed to namea of inanimate ol denote plurality, Tims on tbeaign-board of apaper dealer, Kami rui shina-jina", sorts of p plural by domo some- time r.-i in addition, as kod imo ra, children. This word at 1.., Tin* plural signs, arc not osed indiscriminately, but varied according to tli ,vith which the Idressed, or spoken of, arc regarded Beginning with that which the least degree, may be arranged in the following order I to the highest 1 Domo, 2. £ .i, 4 Shin, Bui, applied to names of things or ] d Nado, which is used in the same way, seem to be devoid of any such distinction. GENDER Nouns in this language are essentially without gender. "When it is to indicate sex. the prefixes for the male, and Me for the female are put before the noun; as Ushi, a beef, Oushi, a bull, and Meushi a cor. Tori, a fowl, Ondori =0-no-tori, a cock. Men dori = me-no-tori. a hen. Sec. XXIY. Pronoun-. The Japanese like the Chinese language, delights in the use of nouns and adjectives of Quality, as personal pronouns. XXXvi GRAMMAR §24]. The emperor, for the pronoun of the first person, uses (fj)£) Shin, which may signify, subtle, recondite. The Taikun, or any noble- man of high rank, would use Yo. (<£> or -p-) when addressing in- feriors, and Watak'shi if speaking to a superior, To a friend they would say Sessh'a( :{$ ^) meaning I. Officers of government would use Sessh'a and watak'shi, in like circumstances. Washi is use by persons of inferior station, when speaking to those under them. The meaning of Watak'shi, is still uncertain. It is the word most generally used for the first person. Washi and Ore are used by the common people for I. For the second person, the emperor is addressed by the courtiers, with Shin, meaning your majesty. Addressing his attendants, the emperor uses Nanji, which is derived by contraction from na-mochi, having a name, or illustrious. The Taikun in addressing high daimos such as the Sankio, for the pronoun of the second person says Kikoo which is merely the Chinese j^ £V, Honorable Lord, English, My Lord. To most of the princes, inferior to the Sankio, he would say Sono-koo. Lit. that side, or quarter. The servants of a daimio, addressing their liege lord, would say Watak'shi, for I, und Kimi, Lord, or Gozen, Your presence, or Tonosama, for you. To a friend or superior the usual address is Anata, for the pronoun of the second person. Damios' retainers and officers of Government (yakunins) use the same term, in speaking to those of their own class, but if speaking to an inferior, iemai is the pronoun used. Temae signifies, "before (my) hand", Omae' which is of the same import of Gozen, is used among the common people when addressing each other, especially, at entertainments, where the wine flows freely. It is also used as a pronoun of less respectful import than Anata. The personal pronouns most commonly heard, are Watak'shi, Washi, and Ore, for the first person, Anata, Sonohob, Omae and Teniae, for the second, and Ano o kata, Ano-kata, Ano h'to or Are wa, for the third. Sama is often added to those for the second person, and in the vulgar dialect is contracted into san as Omae san, Anata san. Politeness of address has been so long and carefully studied among the Japanese, that they are very careful to select the proper terms, in conversation, and nothing is more offensive to their taste, or more significant of bad breeding than carelessness, or neglect in this matter Pronouns Properly so Called Most of these are derived from primitive adverbs of place. The following is a list of these adverbial roots. 1. Wa ( >? ), which denotes the central point of space, the conceived position of the person speaking, or the place of the I or me. 2. A ( "f ), somewhere else, a place less definitely marked than wa. WW il ■o-^thrrr. \. iv. i 2 i . and detemnim <1. ■here. V.» ( 3). :i J»l i [ there. ' - ich— Ti I ' ■ ■■; \n u>h in . These i . in composition with other words from niim-il adjoetiYes Pronouns are so formed bv adding " (v ) t«» the adverbial root, witli two <»r throe exceptions, from ari, p. r. the final i into r. The pronominal aajeotirefl are made by gi ti» th. - Tims we hare Ware, in -. signfring I, and Wanj '■ k'ahi, and Washi in the eoUoqnial need for the pronoun ( of the Brat p< probably ime root wa. 'hot. and Ano, pronl adj. that. I HiyOTt) „ that, ."hi* and Kono, „ „ this, ami that. an Whose? Which? tad D „ Jfliirh'' Tip R 1 1 .t;«. Lit. which N.mi or N.ni fi i J . ) is an in! e pronoun, meaning deed attributively, it ii Namo, what? Ir third Prom Mi. is derived Midz kara [—mi no tars] Chinese \\ which signifies, of one's self i. e, one's self personally. Onore is a reflexive pronoun derived from Ono each ami ore I, and hem- individually. From Ono, or perhaps from ( I 1 Onodzkara, and signififles. from or by self individually. The folio wing Chinese reexive pronouns are also in common use. Ji. [ |j] and Jishin [§J Jff] both signify one's self. Ji man no h'to, is u a man who prides himself 1 , Jishin no koto, an affair belonging to one's self. Jibun, [^ ^] is also used in the same sense as Jishin. Reciprocal Pronouns. There seem to be no proper reciprocal pronouns. Reciprocity xxxviii GRAMMAR §25.] of action is expressed either by adverbs, or by ai, root of the verb isgnifying to meet, used as the first part of a compound verb, which si thus made to express an action and its mutual character. The adverbs most commonly used for this purpose are, Tangaini, or Aitangai ni, Soo hod [^ jjf] and Rioohoo, [ j|g ^f ], The last two literally mean both sides or two sides. Ai is an element of very many compound words, conveying the idea of reciprocity or mutual participation, as, Aishiru, to know each other, Aiszszmeru, to coun- sel each other, Aideshi, a fellow pupil, Aikotoba, a pass-word i. e. one to be given to each other, and Aikuchi, mutual assent. Relative Pronouns. These are also wanting in the Japanese language. The office of the relative pronoun is to connect an adjective proposition with the leading one. Compare the English sentence, The prudent man looks to the future, with The man, who is prudent, looks to the future. In the latter, the adjective proposition, who is prudent, is developed from the verbal adjective prudent, and by means of the relative pronoun who as a connecting word, it occupies, the place of .that adjective in the first sentence. The genius of the Japanese language, as it has no relative pronouns, makes it necessary that a sentence of that description, should assume the construction in which the adjective is used attributively before its noun. Hence The man who comes, would be expressed, in Japanese, by the. words Kuru h'to wa, and The man who came, by k'ta, or kimash'ta h'to wa. A verb is thus used attributively with a noun, which in English, would be the antecedent of a relative pronoun the subject of that verb. The noun tokoro, precisely like the Chinese, ffi the place, or the place where, is also used as a substitute for the relative pronoun Thus, the act of doing, is szru koto, the person who does, szru h'to, and that which a man does, is h'to noszru to koro. Tokoro in this use of it, may be in any of the relations (cases) that a noun sus- tains and therefore in the analysis of a sentence containing it, it may have case signs, like any other noun, and yet when rendered into En- glish, it will be converted into the compound relative pronoun, that or those, which or what, or the simple relative which, Watak'shinoshi- reru tokoro de gozarimas', It is what I know. Inishieyori mochiiru tokoro no nen-ngo de gozarimas. They [certain Chinese characters] are the year-names used from ancient times. Mochiiru to korono=those which were used. See Dialogue, II. 30 p. 183 "Omai noiu tokoro wa &c. io hat you say fyc. Sec. XXV Adjectives. Adjectives of Japanese origin, have one of two forms, when used attributively, or before a noun, viz, that ending in ki ( ^ ) or that in ua [yh]. XXXIX Na, is the first syllable of I riling to M. I 1 rowi I ofl '" to An;i wouli and ki hare U Wrc and i ihould have in i i the same meaning. Besides, tin ; tiding in ki, as we shall see below, strongly corm \l I lnilman's view. .••so endings ki and na are affix radio*! form of the ad- re, as Nanga, r Nanga ki— Nangai, long. Yawaraka, r. Ya- warakana, toft. ainations are o at, 1; -Tally interchangeable. s take one, and some the other. Usage, and a good nary will decide which is proper. Examples of Adjectives. Taka, root. Takaki, or Takai. [by I li>i..n »i k. ] High. Samu, „ Satnuki, or Samui, „ „ ' Atsx, „ >*ki, or Atszi, „ „ Thick. i t or 1 Stmdtr, In. the iii usually, though rid always elided In boold in a familiar style, the same elision oft lace. impks of Adjectives in Na. Tairaka, root, Tairakana, Li Tash'ka, „ - ue or reliable. TaOyaka, „ Taoyakana, Flexible, and graceful Akiraka, „ Akirakana, Bright, < There are also three waysin which the adjective is used predicatively. 1. It may have the form in ki, as before. An adjective which ilodes a proposition, or sentence ends always in hi, or i, if k be elid< hen so used it includes in itself the copula, or verb to iie second form of the sentence. Kono shikata wa yasasihi This works's easy, or This is easy work Comparing it with the longer and more polite form immediately above it, no that the copula gogarunafl', of the first, is omitted iu the se- cond, and unless the ki=i which terminates yasashii be the verb to be, the sentence has no copula. Yasashii, therefore, includes the copula in itself. It was probably this peculiarity of Japanese construction the in- duced Rodriqnei to call adjectives occupying this position in the proposition; adjective verbs. When the copula is in the past or fu- ture tense, the verb aru is developed distinctly as an affix to the ad- jective. Thus arewa yorosh'katta, That has been, or was good, and Arewa yorosh'karod. That will be good or teeU. xl GRAMMAR §25.] *2. When a separate word is used for the copula, as aru, naru, or shi, the predicate adjective ends in ku, as are wayorosh'ku, or yoro- shiu, gozariiuas', That is good or well, or again; 3. When usage does not admit of the termination ku, the root form of the adjective, with the locative de after it, precedes the copula, as, are wa yawaraka de gozarimas'. It is not true, therefore, that the form in ku is always adverbial, though many adverbs have this termination. On the contrary, wherever this form precedes a substan- tive verb, it is an adjective. The common morning salutation hayoo, in its full expression, is hayoo gozarimas', You are early Sir, and here hayoo, which is the same as hayaku =(hayau, =ha- yoci,) is a predicate adjective. So, also, Waruku natta, signifies, has hero me had, or has been and now is bad, and here too waruku is an adjective. But when the verb following this form is not a substantive verb, the word ending in ku is an adverb, as, Osoku mairimash'ta, came laic, Waruku okonaimash'ta, Conducted badly. Adjectives in ki, are also used as concrete nouns e.g. shiroki, white, and Shiroki wa nga, or wo, the white [ones']. Furuki wo s'tete, abandoning or rejecting the old. In conversation the h is elided and no\_J\ added to the adjective, to form concrete nouns, as Fu- rui no wo s'tete, atarashii no wo totta. Rejecting the old, he took the new. Furui no nga ki ni irimasen', The old [ones] do not suit me. To find the root of an adjective, reject the termination ki or ikuov ni. Adjectives which cannot take the termination, ki are transformed into concrete nouns, by simply affixing the attributive particle no [ } ] to the root, as, Taira, r Taira no wa, nga, or wo, The level or even [ones]. Some adjectives may take either the termination na or ki, as Yawarakana, and yawarakai.=yawarakaki. Abstract nouns, are also derived fron adjectives by annexing the syllable sa [if] to the root, asNanga. r. Nangasa, length. Aka, r. Akasa redness. Hiro, r. Hirosa, breadth, Sa is propably a contrac- tion for shi, to be [Jj^]. and the separative and definitive particle wa [/%]. Adjectives of Chinese origin, are simply Chinese words transferred to this language, and made attributive in their meaning, by means of the particle no [7] following them, when the noun to which they belong is a word of Japanese orgin as, Nippon no h'to, a Japanese Fuji no yama, Lit. the no-two mountain, the peerless mountain. But when both the adjective, and the noun to which it belong? are Chinese, no is omitted, as, Nippon jin, a Japanese and Fuji san, The matchless mountain. Here the Chinese and Japanese languages are not at variance, in respect to the relative positions of the adjectives and noun. But when either one, or both words is of Japanese origin the particle no [ ) jmust be placed between the adjective and the noun. CKVMMU. Xll be made to perform the office of an tOtifC adjn-tiw. as, Ak;>' ; Kash'a no kiiu"!i". H 'hes. \lh'cti\«-s > ; deprivation, and oo i r c eponding to English adjecthrei bai •■ formed I j plaeinji nako, or nai preceded by no (/) after the noon denoting that of which de biebi, i father, and ohiehi no nai, nai, in";! kono nai, bottomleet; I'ta no ing reaemblumvs in quality, kind, or nature, to some thing, arc formed i>y adding the termination ahiki, or rash'ki, •an. r.'j. Ito d om o , a child, or children, end kodomoraah'ki purerite. Itiki, like mm. «»r manly. OoftBgO, a woman, Oiiangoraah'ki, Ilk*' women, womanly, or effeminate. Otona, an adul; I ', ki. manlv, lik«- a irrown up 11 tah'kl like human beinga, />. Iniman, not like* brutei Kimirash'ki, like princes or princely Shiki, signifies, such as, or like, and perhepa ra in rash'ki is only tii<> plural aigi : to the preceding noma. M. Hoffman from ari. to be, the final rowel being strength- I into #, but upon tlu- Mippi'.sition that ra is the sign of the plural, the moaning of H toranhlri would lie. like the human speeies, or like mankind, i.e. human. Adjectives, of this deouiiption may be foiined from nouns, int il roots: as. ttaknrash'ki. foolish, from the noun baka. K.nnash'ki, or kanasli'ii. fr«-m kana! alas! and moaning, end, or lamentable, and airaah'lri, lovely, from ai, to love. Qnere, May n->t the oommonwotdmedsraeh/ki, or medzrashii, be derived from me, the eye, t>/.»u to attract, andsh'ki like, or suck as, •:n or signifying, such [a thing] as attracts the eye, i.e. something rare or noi A large number of adjectives is derived by adding beki to their attributive form. e.g. Tattomer, to respect, and tattomu beki, respect- ble, Warau or waroo, to laugh, and waroo beki, laughable or ridicu- lous Sz to do. aud szbeki, possible. Aru, to be, and aru beki, [that which ought to be] proper, or suitable. Beki is the attributive form of an adjective derived from be, a contraction of mube, or ra'be [Chinese pj]. English, viay or the adjective termination, ble. The ancient Portu- guese dictionary defines it to mean, withreason, In truth? adjectives form- ed by means of this element often include the idea of duty, or necessity. Comparison of Adjectives. Degrees of comparison, are expressed by a method common to the Tartar aud Japanese languages. In order to express the comparative, relative or the real comparative, a quality is simply attributed to an ob- ject, as having a relation to another object, with which the first is com- pared. The object, therefore, with which the comparison is made, is regarded as the starting point from which the attribution of the equality xlii 'in a. mm Ah in question is made. Hence it is marked by the postposition yori, from, or proceeding from. Thus to say A tempo is larger than a zeni, the Japanese expression would be, Tempo wa zeni yori ooki. Lit. Starting from a zeni, [as the point or object with which the comparison is made,] a tempo is large. The comparative degree may also be expressed by verbs signifying to exceed. For examples, see Index, under the word JJetter, & references. The comparison of absolute equality, is made by means of hodo fi}\K]? a noun signifying quantity- e.g. Nami wa, yama hodo takai, The xoaves are as high as mountains, or The waves are mountain [quantity or measure] high. v The same is expressed by yoo ni after the name of the object with which the comparison is made. Thus. Ishi yoo ni katai. [It] is hard as a stone. See 646. Lit. It is hard in the manner of a stone. The superlative absolute, is made by prefixing itatte [Chinese :g], hanahada, ma, or some other intensive adverb to the adjective. Thus, Itatte warui, signifies extremely bad. Hanahada kuroi, very black, and Ma shiroi, very white. Ma is a primitive word, found in Makoto, truth or reality, Masash'ki reliable, [from masa, abstract noun, and sh'ki], and Masari, and Ma- shi, to exceed, to excel, to be better, which is likewise composed of rnasa and ari, Hanahada is given in the Portuguese dictionary, as an adverb signifying greatly. The superlative relative, is made by prefixing Ichi, one,Ichi no, Dai, ichi no, or Ichiban, to an adjective, as; Ichi ban yoroshii, The best. The idea of excess in a quality, is expressed by Amari v.r. to be excessive, before an adjective, as, Amari osoi, too late. Amari, tsz- yoi„too strong, or by placing szngiru, which means also, to be ex- cessive, after an adjective, as, lrayaszngiru, too early, or too fast, Taka szngiru, too tall. t Numeral Adjectives. 1. Cardinal numbers. The primitive cardinal numbers are 1 H'to, 2 Fta, 3 Mi, 4 Yo, 5 Itsz, 6 mu, 7 Nana, 8 Ya, 9 Kokono, 10 Too. and anciently the enumeration was continued by saying. Too (10; Amari (plus) H'to Tooamari F'ta, and so on, to 19 inclusive, and then 20 was Hatachi. Lit. Twice 10. misoji, {SJ9 $■) 30, Yosoji, 40 Isoji,=Itsz-so-ji, 50. Musoji, 60. Nana-soji, 70, Yasoji, 80, Kokono-soji, 90, Momo, 100, Chi, 1.000, Yorodz, 10.000. The form now in use, H'totsz, is equi- valent to H'to no, and thus the syllable tsz=no, is added to allthe primitive numbers above, up to Kokono, 9. inclusive. Thus, 1. Htotsz. 6. Mutsz. 2. F'tatsz. 7. Nanatsz. 3. Mitsz. 8. Yatsz. 4. Yotsz. 9. Kokonotsz. 5 Itsztsz. 10. Too. xliii weights, and mea< flares, and atrodnoed into Japan?. mil tin 1 1'tlnr purely (Chinese, or have been intermingled with eaeh other, Still the twe are not applied mdieertminatelj. Japanese numbers i. and Chinese oamberi bofore the number does no1 exceed I" . Comp / Iehi. N She lla.-hi. .liu. <-)■ (W) (//)• (-L). (K)- (*.)■ i H 7. a 10 too or Han. (;\\ The number of hundreds, thousands, or tern of thousand* is cx- - .1 by i ofDberaJ before the nuBcbreds, tfiousandfl &e. aa Sam b'yaku 800, Bh'ehi I I ReVrnan, 61,000 &c. .1 M'WKSR. : 11 i •i ' i 1 taa •;. M 7. N.m;: Vats/ Kokonotei in. Toe Ohhin \f. Ni wihkrs. These are the Chinese numerals Iehi, ni, sen, &c. followed by ban [#] whieh signifies s* order of succes*ion. Thus, Ichiban, first, Nioan seeondi Samban, third, Ae. and Gk>jin ban. fiftieth. The same is also expressed by prefixing DaifjJJ] to the same numerals, with no [ )\ or ban no. following them when used attri- butively. Dai iehi. first, Dai iehi no, Of Dai iehi ban no. first. When only three tinners are to be enumerated, as the three vols, of a book, the first is called j'oo [_£], the second, Chiu [rjj], and the third Ge ["pj, or using Japanese words of the same import, Kami, Naka, and Shimo; or Saki, the first, Tszngi, the next, or second, and Ato, the last, or third. When used attributively, all these must be followed by no [/]. Thefirst,in order of time, is expressed by Hajime, v. r. to begin, with no [ } J after it. Hajime no toshi, the first year [of a period] Hajime no h'to, the first man. xllV UllAMMAK. Reduplicative Numbers. These are made by prefixing the Chinese numerals to the word bai, [fig], which means doubled, Thus Ichi bai, is one doubled or 2. Ni bai is two doubled, or 4, Sam bai, is three doubled or G, or 2 times 1 , 2 times 2, and 2 times 3. Still another method of expressing reduplication, is to add the original Japanese numeral to e [~^y Chinese Ijr], which signifies superaddition Thus, H'to e means a single one; F'tae, twofold. Mi e, threefold. Yo e, fourfold. &c. Ya e, eightfold, has come to beused indefinitely for main if old, as, Ya e no hana; A manifold flower, or one whose petals overlie each other in many superadditions, like that of the flowering cherry, or the double rose. Distributive Numbers. These are formed by placing Dztsz (')>* »y ) signifying, at a time, at once, after the Japanese numerals so far as they extend, and after that to the Chinese. Thus H'totsz dztsz signifies, one at a time, or one by one. Ftatsz, dztsz, two at a time and so on. H'yaku dztsz, a hundred at once. When persons are enumerated, H'tori, Ftari, or Mi- tari are used before dztsz, so that, H'tori dztsz, F'tari dztsz &c, signify one person at a time. Two persons at a time and so on. The phrase ate ni, from the verb ateru, and ni, is also used as synonymous w ith dztsz, and may replace it, after the aforesaid numerals. See. 171. Iterative Numbers. These are either Japanese or Chinese. The Japanese are formed by preixing the primitive numerals H'to, F'ta&c to tabi. which signifies, a time, and the Chinese by prefixing the Chinese numerals, to the word do [,/*•] which means the same as tabi, Thus, we have two sets of words, having the same signification. Japanese. Chinese. H'to tabi, once. Ichi do, once. F'ta tabi, twice, Ni do, twice. Mi tabi, thrice, San do, thrice. Yo tabi, four times, Shi do, four times. Itsz tabi, five times, Go do, five times. Mu tabi, six times, Rok' do, six times. Nana tabi, seven times, Sh'chi do, seven times. Ya tabi eight times, Hachi do, eight times. Kono tabi, nine times, Ku do, nine times. To tabi, ten times, Jiu do, ten times. Jiu ichi tabi, eleven times, Jiu ichi do, eleven times 6fc. It will be observed that Chinese numerals are used even before tabi, for numbers higher than 10. :mai: xlv •i limn l»un ¥#J i Sam I'U DO iehi i.e. one oj tin 9U I'U no ichi, / r Jiu [obi bn no ni, . M idii, v | f ll'xaku )er. Usage regulates their application and it does not admit of any poM rident thai this is a 'apauese language and not borrowed from China, because, though the Chinese nunc uliarics are most com- monly used, yet th» | ,'anesc wcrds for the same. These aux- iliaries, bear a resemblance in meaning, though not in their grammatical use, to the English words, piece, and stick, in the phrases, A piece of cloth, A stick of tcood. These phrases, in Japanese, would be, Tanamono iltan, i.e. Of cloth one piece, and Ki ip'pon, i.e. Of trees one root, or a tree, or, a stick of wood. In the first, tan is the numerative auxiliary, and in the second, pon«=hon. The Chinese equivalent of tan is jjYjj and that of pon or hon is, /K. The numerative auxiliaries for various classes of objects, must be learned by usage, rather than by rule. The following are a few of them, with the specification of their prop- er objects. Hon, 3£ for things long and slender, as, Fude ip'pon, One pencil. H' ki, l/L for quadrupeds, as, Kuma ip'piki, One bear. Mai, iv for things thin and flat, as, Tempo ichi mai, One Tempo K'yaku, ma] for articles of furniture having feet, as,T'skue ik'k'yaku one desk. Soo, jtffl for boats and other sailing craft, as, Kobune is'soo, One loat t Riu.ipjf foe kernels of grain, as Kerne ichiriu. One kernel oj rice. xlvi GBAMMAH Tszbu, Jap. Do. as, Morokoshi h'to tszbu, One kernal of com. Wa, -Jp] for birds, as Niwatori ichi vva, One jowl. [medicine. Zai, 2&|] for a parcel of medicine as, K'szri ichi zai, One packet of Tszmami Jap. for a pinch of any thing; as, Tabako h'to tszmami, A 'pinch of tobacco. Se , ^& for saddles, as, Kura is'se, One saddle, Sod, ip: for pairs of screens, as, Bioobu is'soo, A pair of screens. Furi, Jap. for a sword as, Katana h'to fun, One sword. Kasane, Jap. for suits of clothing, as, Kirui h'to kasane, A suit of clothes. Ken, j|j-P for houses and shops, as, lye ik'ken, One house. Tomai, Jap. for store houses, as, Kura h'to tomai One go down. Soku, 51 for all foot gear, as, Tabi is'soku, A pa ir of stockings Ma R^j for apartments, as Nedokbroh'to ma, One bedroom. Ch'oa, ijM fornorimonoandsedan chairs, as, Norimono itch'oo, One norimon. Satsz, -jljL for vols, of a book, as, Hon is'satsz, One volume. Ch'oo, JjjjJ for tools with handles, as Nokongiri itch'oo, One saw. Tszngai, Jap. for pairs of animals, Tori h'totszngai, A pair of birds. Rioo, jjjjg' for wheel carriages, as, Kur'ma ichi rioo. One cart. J'oo pem for mats, as, Tatami ichi j'oo, One mat. Notation of time. There are four terms which signify a day, viz. Ka, Hi, Jitsz and Nichi. Ka and Hi are purely Japanese. The other two are of Chinese origin, being different pronunciations of the same Chinese character PI . # These all originally denote the naturalday, or thetime from sunrise to sunset. But nichi has been appropriated to the de- signation of the civil day, and is so used in Japanese Almanacs [Koyomi]. In common parlance, the term Chiu ya (^fe^F/ or Hiru-yoru expresses the whole astronomical day. *Jitsz is the pronounciation brought from China, about the commencement of the Western Tsin dynasty, or A. D. 234. according to the Japanese Chrono- logists, and Nichi is a pronounciation of Q imported when Buddhism was intro - duced from China, at the close of the Chin dynasty, three centuries latter. (MAI xlwi - follows, vix. 1 1 1 1 1 m i ; ■ i • o r K Q re n gata even ituj Hi: rite, twilight (tusk. Yunb«? or ben, evening. Ilini, 01 N "OO/i, "» ifo-l .midnight. Ilii /zoo*. Machirti, or mappiru, midday. Www Bmgi< afternoon. I J is confined to the designation of certain days G in-jitsz^T' Fj the first day of the year Sakujitsz yesterday. Is'sal, fore yesterday, or Senjitsz a former day, Nichi is also used for the same purpose thou _rh not in todays that are . as ten Die hi A. Q , to-day 3Iio« nidi IJ£J |_-J to-morrow and Mioo DgQ nichi, ^/J^S M day after to-morrow. In eouol without reference to their order, the cardinal numbers. lohi.ni, San, &c. may be prefixed to michi, for all numbers ;>l 4, and those in which 4 occurs. Shi VQ nichi |f| are to each other, because Shi («4) and shi y}^ death the same pronounciation, and to avoid the unpleasent association, Vok'ka, i^> used instead of Shi nichi. meaning 4 days. Tie • ions of the days of the month are as follows: — I. Tszitachi 11. Jiu ochi nichi. 21. Nijiu ochi nichi. i. F'ts'ka. 12, Jia ni nichi. Xijiu ni nichi. 3. Mik ka. 13. Jiu san nichi 23. Nijiu san nichi. Yok'ka I 1. Jiu Yok'ka 24. Nijiu yok'ka. I tt ka. 15. Jiu go nichi. 25. Nijiu go nichi. 6. Muika. 16, Jiu roku nichi. 26. Nijiu roku nichi. 7. Nano ka. 17. Jiu srTchi nichi. 27. Nijiu sh'chi nichi. 8. Yo6 ka. 18. Jiu hachi nichi. 28. Nijiu hachi nichi. 9. Kokonoka.19. Jiu Ira nichi. 29. Nijiu ku nichi. 10. TVka 20. Hats'ka. 30. Misoka. Tszitachi signifies, the moon's rising, or the first of the new moon, Inisoka, is compouneded of Mi (3) So (10) and ka (a day), i. e. 30th day. Flatsz in hats'ka=20. Substituting Ichi nichi, for Tszitachi, San jiu nichi for misoka, in the table above, the same terms are used as cardinal numbers, in counting days. With the same substitutions, they become ordinal numbers, by adjoining the word me H toka or nichi. e.g. Nano ka me wa vaszmibi dc iiozariinas*. The seventh day i.« a day of re=t. Muika Xlvi'li GUAMMAR me ni deki nngarimash'ta. He finish it on the 5th day (from a given date.) /. e. He finished it in seven days. Hours. The civil day is divided into 12 portions, from midnight to mid- night. # There are two methods of naming the 12 divisions (hours) of the day. The first is identical with the Chinese method, and was probably introduced into Japan at the same time with Chinese letters. According to this, the hours are called after the 12 signs of the Zodiac. In the second method, the hours are numbered, not forward from 1 to 12. but singularly enough, in retrogression from 9 to 4. which being repeated gives twice six, or twelve hours for the day. Both these modes of counting the hours are in use among the common peo- ple, but the introduction of watches into Japan induces those who carry them to prefer the numbers, to the names of the signs of the zodiac. When the names of the zodiacal signs are used to designate hours, the 12th part ofa day is called a Koku, but when numbers are used it is called a .Doki, The two modes of naming the hours of the day, may be presented as follows: — 1st hour. Ne no koku, The hour of the rat. Kokonotsz do- ki, or 9th. hour, i.e. 10. P. M. to 12. M. 2nd hour. Ushi no koku, The hour of the bull. Yatsz doki.or 8th, hour, i.e. 12 M. to 2. A. M. 3rd hour. Tom no koku. The hour of the tiger. Nanatsz doki, or 7th, hour, i.e. 2. A. M. to 4. A. M. 4th hour. U no koku. The hour of the hare. Mutsz doki, or 6th hour, i.e. 4. A. M. to 6. A. M. 5th hour. Tatsz no koku. The hour of the dragon. Itsztsz doki, or 5th, hour, i.e. 6. A. M. to 8. A. M. 6th hour. Mi no koku. The hour of the serpent. Yotsz doki, or 4th. hour, i.e. 8. A. M. to 10. A. M. 7th hour. M'ma np koku. The hour of the horse. Kokonotsz do- ki, or 9th hour, i.e. 10. A. M. to 12. Noon. 8th hour. Hitszji no koku. The hour ofthegoat. Yatsz doki, or 8th hour, i.e. 12 M. to 2 P. M. 9th hour. Saru no koku. The hour of the monkey. Nanatsz doki, or 7th hour, i.e. 2. P. M. to 4. P. M. 10th hour. Tori no koku. The hour of the cock. Mutsz doki, or 6th hour, i.e. 4 P. M. to 6. P. M. 1 lth hour. Ina no koku. The hour of the dog. Itsztsz doki, or 5th hour, i.e. 6. P. M. to 8. P. M. 12th honr. I no koku. The hour of the boar. Yotsz doki, or 4th hour, i.e. 8 P. M. to 10 P. M. peao boon are bin giTen, to show what thcv would Km if the bowi of the istr nueeJ day wnv ofeqnaJ length. ' tin- contrary, for tin* porpOM civil lilV ; of diminution «»t* thena* tiii:.i Donee there are bat two dnya in tli' tboeo at the eqninoxet in which the boon of the day and nml or in which they coincide with the boon neneae aln tronomicaJ day is divided into 100 kokn Vj|I or minnto parte, and thus a k«»ku is eqna] to inn tea and » i rhe kokn it again anbdirided into 100 that ■ ban b s and ,',.' the length of each day hi kokn and halveaof k<>kn -ural day . and natural night are each diridcd into6 doki, the do'ti of a ■omater'aday nraal be much longer than mo rice reran, The practice i* to call mii, i » M tea doki or 6 o' oloek, or more odmmonly Ake nm- hour and raneel knre tnntaa, or tin- darkening ii in Japaneae clocka are made s<> as to be set two or three nth. in or ofthedaj and d ding to this arrangement Km mi : ■ \\i' Vn The Japaiu-M' nainc tor a month is ts'ki, Lit. moon, ami the Ohmetw ^,ai pr on ooj n \gatsz. Themonthaof aypar in their order are named as foUowK — -hoongatsz. Chinraelf p\ . 7th. ShVhi ngatsz. 4^ f] 2nd. Ni Ngatsz. ~ J j • 8th, Hachi ngatsz. SK>^\ 3rd. Baa V Zl^J Wl * K^ngatea. ~f\s}^ 4th. Shi Ngataa. |/L|"^J ,10th. Jiu ngataa. -4- £J 6th. (Jo Ngataa Jj J 1 ] 11th. Jin ichi ngatsz. -I— — EJ 6th, Roku Ngatsz. y^ /^J.12th. Jiuui ngatsz. -4^ ' ' ; H An intercalary month takes the numerical part of its name from the month immediately preceding. Thus in 1862 there was an in- tercalary Sth month of 30 days, immediately after the regular 8th month of 29 days. The general name for intercalary months is I'rudzki, from Uru, J ra, supernumerary, and ts'ki, a moon or month. The intercalary month of 1862 waa called uru hachi ngatsz. 1 lil'.AMMAk [^-~- Mouths are enumerated by means of the Japanese cardinal num- bers before the Japanese word ts'ki, as far as the 10th month, or if the Chinese name for 2 month is used this Chinese numerals must be used before it, and its pronunciation then is ngetsz, not ngatsz. e.g. H'to tski, Ichi ngetsz, or Ik ka /rv ngetsz, One month. F'ta ts'ki, Ni ngetsz, or Ni ka „ ngetsz, Two months. Mi ts'ki, San ngetsz, or Sao ka „ ngetsz, Three months. Yo ts'ki, Shi ngetsz, or Shi ka ,, ngetsz, Four months. Itsz ts'ki. Go ngetsz, or Go ka ,, ngetsz, Five months. Mu ts'ki, Rok ngetsz, or Kok ka ., ngetsz, Six months. Nana ts'ki Sh'chi ngetsz. or Sh'chi ka ,, ngetsz, Seven mouths. Ya ts'ki, Hachi ngetsz. or Hak' ka ., ngetsa;, Eight months. Kokono ts'ki,Ku ngetsz, or Ku ka ,, ngetsz, Nine months. To ts'ki, Jiu ngetsz, or Jik' ka „ ngetsz, Ten months.- • Jiu ichi ngetsz,or Jiu ik' ka „ ngetsz, Eleven months. ■ — Jiu ni ngetsz, or Jiu ni ka „ ngetsz, Twelve months. &c. Years are enumerated by prefixing the Chinese cardinal numbers to the Chinese word Nen, (a year), or the Japanese numerals to the Japanese word toshi, (year), for any number not exceeding ten, after which the Chinese numbers must be used, except, (as in the enume- ration of days) where the number four occurs, when yo takes the place of shi (JZ5J 4,) even before the Chinese Nen. This deserves to be noted as an exception to the general rule that Chinese numerals are used with Chinese nouns, and Japanese numerals with Japanese nouns. Thus, Yo toshi, and Yo nen are both used for 4 Years. The term me % Ffl is also employed after toshi and nen, to convert the numerals that immediately precede them into ordinal numbers. It is also used for the same purpose, after ts'ki and ngetsz. e.g. Kom- modoru Periuri Nippon e mairimaslrta yori, jiu nen me ni narimas'. It is the tenth year since Commodare Perry came to Japan. Jiu ni ngetsz me wa toshi no owari de gozarimas'. The twelfth month is the end of the year. Yo ts'ki me ni kairimash'oo. He will return in the fourth month (from a given date). Sec. XXVII Adverbs. Adverbs are either primitive or compound, and may be arranged etymologically under the following classes. 1 Primitive adverbs, such as, Ma more, or truly, verily; Kioo to-day. 2. Adverbs ending in Ku, derived from adjectives, as Hayaku, from Haya. root of the adjective Hayai; early. 8. Compounds of verbal roots, as Tachi-machi, lit. standing and wait- ing, i.c, instantly, at once. IIMAI li I i ipouHiis of I do. lit. rxa I xrnmU of verbal rooU and aov I lent inter i pronoun end postposition, in, A.to de; aften -it thai rate; Sokode, thereupon. ,<>hh({* of an adverb ami li lemo- ii i negative following; no la n1 the postposition fu',u,odki ni, greatly. nd noun*, as. Knli-niclii, j . lit. tlii- ■ 1<>. {nmputunis ,,J several parf* of SB* '" n «li nm. ;it how man j net or again, Doode* tnwhal 111:1111 >• I » r. 11.' 9 In a dired or pointed manner domet e, osrtaJnly, or positively, Bajhnete, at Brat, Ka.tr. = kakite, in writing, i.e. ni»t orally. the abore compounds are rbial phrases, bul are none the lem adverbi in their office, and l>\ an English adverb. It may aaaiat the learner to adopt the usual division bi into classes, according t<» the nature of the modification which they *l*-ii< »t«*. and give a list of wiiir of each. Tlii> division ia the logical one, in contradistinction to thai ^i\ 1 / Uefi .or those which aiurwer to the question When? • •rll a. ' I ma. n«»w. Tadaiiua. just BOW. Mada. still. 1 son nirhi. t.» .la\. Tschi niaclii. instantly, Ssngn oi, imme- diately. b. Of past time. Saku jitss, yesterday Ifohaya, already. Saki bodO; just now M Aoshi saki ni. a littl«- while ago. Ima made, 1 rai, hitherto, or heretofore Kara, and yori, since. I-zen, Ato, Saki. and Mac 01 Mai, ago. Mukashi, in former times, Saku nen, last vear. Saku DgetSS, last month. •/time to come. Kore kara, henceforth, Kono-i-ngo, here- after. Ots'kr. by and by. Hayaku, soon. Aah'ta, Mioo-niehi, to- morrow. Mi the eeneea. but tin- internal belong to tin- province of the intellect. Both are bow- became tin- mind rappojeea aeloae reeeuil>l:iiM ••• be t ween the external and the in teUeetnal world Henee it is thai -? part, expreai eonalrj well the nal or phjaical, and the internal . and Dialogs 1 A I Keredotno and baredomo Hut. Nevertheless. These are con fthe verba keri and Nari, but need an eonjunetions in this sen* B uud Dialogue EI. F. 22) and /". •_'!. The elliptical N - i,,. j> innocent, would be .in" tflsmi ii lt:i nai, The eoncossive form of tb< rafficient, without a conjunction, ■ the sdvei ie, for which we use though, although, nevertheless, and notwithstanding, $.g, Daehofl wa bane nga aredo* mo, tobn tekom. The ustrioh has wings, but it cannot fly. : withstanding the ostrich has wing.- it cannot By. if'tmeiim*. Aruiwa (or, or else) Hi wo moyasz i i wa, taking! arujwa asmiwa t.^kaimas'. Wc use kindling-wood or else charcoal in Lighting a lire. Tatoe wo motte, aruiwa otoshi-bana- shi wo itaah'tedbc. By means of illustrations, or by making jokes, &c. Ka repeated, signifies <>r. as in the double question, Is it high water or low? Michi shiwo ka, h'ki shiwo ka? In an assertion, it would signify either-or, or whether or; but then Ka must not conclude the sentence. Hiru ka. kini sk'oshi mawatta ka to omou, I think it is cither noon, or a little after noon. Michi shiwo ka, h'ki shiwo ka to Inkimash'ta. He inquired whether it was high water or low. O^kata repeated may have the meaning of or, See. VA*. 4. Cau-idl Conjunctions ft. <'hama i«-hi men ni. no da marimafeVtft. Tntil foreigner! ohm h/"okokara kima.-h ta ka, >hiriinasen\ I know not avIi.i th mo following, aigninea v kt nwr, Doko c okimash'tc mo, kaiuaimaseini. It is immaterial where J00 put it. I itive conjunction* of ni'iiun >\ meaning; as, as if, so that. Toori ni. aft Anata no os'shiarti tOOri ni, itashimash'ta. I have as \uu dim-ted. XoO ni As it". Uiooki no yo6 ni mien »oks as if ho were siek. Y<>o ni may also signify so that. H tobito no oaoreru JOO ni okonaima>h'ta. He behaved so that people l of bin. I ^junctions of camahtu, meaning; beeanae, since, whereas fl \ Of the actual came. Karn, because, OX whereas. Hofbi wa ■ o toOi kara. chii>aku iniemas". The stars appear small, because they art* very di>tant. 15. Of the 'tdversatice came, or concession This is expressed by the I • i >nn of the verh. in DM or doino. Of the final cau*$ or purpose . Tame ni, that. Yakunan wo nongareru tame in, kimono wo kaete kimashta. lie changed his that he Blight escape frofli CUU D. <\f the po**ibh cause, denoted by; if, unless, except. Moshi, with an affirmative verh following it, ia if; with a negative verb, unless, except. Moahj sono fune nga kono kuni e ts'ku nara, ooki ni kanemooke wo itashimas". It that ship reaches this country 1 shall make a great deal of money. Moshi naru take hayaku kaira- nai to. watak'shi nga shimpai itashimas'. If you do not come back 'ii as possible I shall be anxious. <"), Suhordinative conjunction* of intensity. As — as, then, and the, repeated before the comparative degree of adjectives. To onaji yoo na, as — as. Ano h'towa chichi to onaji yoona ka- nemochi de gozarimas'. He is a* rich as his father. Yori, than. Ano deabi wa sono shish'oo yori sai nga gozarimas. That pupil has more natural talent than his teacher. Odi hodoyoi. Themore, the better. Sec. XXX. Interjections. A few, the most common in speech are given below. Aa ! Ah ! Alas! Expressive of sorrow or displeasure, as; Aa, soo itte wa lviil (illAMMAli §>l.] waruil Ah! you ought not to say so ! Ee! Expressive of anger as, Ee, sore wa ikenai ! That never will do ! Sate-sate. Expressive of admiration or regret, like the English ! or Oh ! as, Sate-sate komatta ame ! what a disagreeable rain ! Satemo sateino, similar to the preceding, as ; Satemo satemo ha- nga itai ! Oh ! How my tooth aches ! Yare-yare , expressive of sur- prise, as, Yare-yare. ano h'towa shinimash'ta ka ! Indeed ! He is dead ! The final word ka, is a contraction of cana, alas ! much used in books, not a note of interrogation, Naru hodo ! This is an ex- clamation often heard in conversation. And though difficult to analyze it seems to be nearly equivalent to our Ah ! Indeed! expressive at once of surprise, and satisfaction, as if the remark that drew it forth corresponded to what might have been expected. Show a Japanese some philosophical instrument and he will answer Naru hodo ! to every explanation you may give of the apparatus. Literally the phrase would seem to mean, As much as possible. CHAPTER II. SYNTAX. The first chapter has occupied so much more space than was an- ticipated at the outset, that it will be impossible, without unwarran- tably increasing the size of this volume, to treat extensively of the subject of syntax. The structure and use of the several parts of speech,having been discussed, it remains now to speak very briefly of the structure of sentences. Sec. I. Simple Propositions. The most general rule for the construction of a simple proposition, in the Japanese language, is, to place the subject at the beginnig and the verb at the end of the sentence. The other words, by which it may be expanded, follow the rule, that every modifying word, must stand immediately before the word which it modifies. Thus, an attributive adjective stands before the noun to which it belongs, and a predicate adjective before the copula; a noun in an oblique case, before the postposition that marks its relation to some other word : an adverb, before the verb or adjective which it modi- fies: and both the direct and indirect complement of a verb, stand before the verb, as being adjuncts that modify its meaning. Sec. II. Compound Subordinative Propostiions. The simple proposition may be taken as the model on which com- pound subordinative propositions are formed, for the subordinate pro- position, stands in a grammatical relation to the leading proposition, $-.\ Its • it is a 11. yu tactical oouibina There in bofl tiirot- kinds of aubordinate propositions. L £ 1 1. Ai'.iK. n\ y. Pwj III \ LAI PftOPOilTIOXB, These reap oovpy the place, and follow the construction of tin- |»art> of spee. !i after which they are severally named. I. Si »i- ' cither, the subject, the com- plex Mi, the Mippleiiieutan ohji rt. tlir.ju« led sentiment. or tin- quoted uaeetiou, and in each of these cases, toe substantive j»r« i : «• tin- leading i se 1 Sul : OnuU no in UttTQ ini, DOttOBO do gOtnriiiKis What i/oii a*Jf, II «|uitc right Ca iplfiniitta! y object, WatoJfiki no §m eWt w* yarcA 1 will give, ff* wuc/* h 1 1 ll< said that it iras so. Can- I. Tin- .ju • % !#, kikiniii.^li t.i Beaaked / Heaefc I < it wan *o? Remark. Tin- particle to (J.) which marks a BOOted thought, assertion. <>r question, is always fol- low. .1 L\ a verb of tailing, thinkn !/» Of JNTtf* Itinff and the like, iii the leading propoeition. II. Adjkctivj r those which occupy the place and follow the eonetrmction of an aroj.osition, as, The mint, who told me, is dead. The proposition, who Mi I S, modifies the Bnbjeet (man) of the loading propoe i tion, like an adjective. Adjective propositions in English, and other languages that have relative pronouns, arise from an attributive participial or verbal adjective, developed to a pro- position Thus, the npeaking man is equivalent to the mm who speak*. \- the .lapanoe has no relative pronouns, to serve as conjunctives, the participial mode of speaking, is universally adopted.where we use the developed adjective proposition. The adjective proposition is employed, as follows; riz: — First, to modify the subject of the leading proposition, and there- fore precedes it e.g. Obzaka ni ovinias ukindo tea, kane-mochi de go- zarimas*. The merchants, who live in Ouzaha are rich men. Akire- do is the subject, and Oozaka, no orimas', the adjective proposition modifying it. Secondly, to modify the complementary object, in which case it immediately precedes the object, eg. Oyaji no tometa Jcanewo, mina ts'kai-ts'kushimash'ta. He has spent all the money that h is father 'ixrumvlatcd. IX tJitAHMAit Thirdly, to modify the supplementary object, which it likewise precedes, e.g. Shin-ki ni-tatta uchi ni szmatte orimas'. He is living in the house [snip, obj.] which he has newly built. III. Adverbial Propositions. They are so called because they modify the verb of the leading proposition, and they arise from adverbs, or adverbial phrases, developed to propositions. Thus from suddenly, is developed before he was aware, and from during life, while I live. Adverbial propositions express the modification of place, time, manner, cause, and intensity and must precede the leading proposition. 1. Adverbial propositions of place. Anata no orimas tokoro ni, watak'shi mo orimash'oo. Where you. lice I will live. 2. Adverbial propositions of time. See. 1179, In the longer form of the sentence, the word toki, [time] stands at the end of the adver- bial proposition. In the shorter form, the verb of the adverbial proposition, shimattara, is in the conjunctive mode, fut. tense, and no other word denoting time is required. 3. Adverbial propositions of manner. WataV shi no iu tobri ni. korewo shiro. Do this, as 1 tell you. Soku shi-szruyoo ni, butta. He struck [him], so that he died immediately. 4. Adverbial propositions of the cause, introduced in English by, as, because, since, if, unless, although. Tangai ni nakama-doshi nareba, men-men kokoro-dzashi wo hanash'ta. As they ivere of the same mind, they told each other their intention. (Said of two frogs who met on a journey). Here the verb nareba, the conju nctive mode of nari, to be, supplies the place of a conjunction, and accord- ing to its nature express the adverbial sense. See. Chap. I. §. 5. The same mode, would also be used, where since, introduces an ad- verbial proposition in English. The Actual cause Ano hHo wa nibui Icara, Oshietemo tozi ni h'to ni naru mai. He will never be a man, by teaching, for he is so stupid. The. possible cause. Sod nas'te kudasa.reba. aringatoo gozarimas'. ,If you will kindly do so, I shall be much obliged. See. Dialogue. I. No. 21. The word kudasareba, in the text, ought to be kudasaraba, in the conditional mode. The Japanese, however, constantly, con- found the two forms. The adversative cause, or concession. KikimashHakeredomo, wa karimasenanda, Although I heard, I did not understand it. A negative verb in the conditional mode, gives the sense of un- less or except; as, Dashimasen' naraba, uri haraimas. If you do not take it up, {lit. out) I shall sell it to reimburse myself. See Dialogue 1. F. 22. 5. Adverbial propositions of intensity. Maszmasz kiu-kutsz ni natta, sono uede iyoiyo h'to nga ooku narimash'ta. The more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied. Ooi hodo yoi. The l\i Mid 106 B mirk. '1'iH- adtei sition of manner, cause, m is often eharackn/ geruod|l Serb. Thus in the common sxpn M Brandies form ..•In. to take, mi tl lignify lakini?, (the thing), or take (the thing) sod (koi) coi I k>kn \\" nonde, iDini- mash 'ta, I !•• di ' (in what manner or ii. Naahi ngajiku sa'ta* ocni- mas'. Th- ripe and falb I becoming i ilh off v i - in o kik w i. meiuraku 'iijimas'. H lomethii t (or extraneous) you will experience ■ delusion, oi li yow bear Ate. • mliiiLT w ith Mi e of a ^conditional cm*. . The ger'uadi?Q with wa, often hSi this force, see remarks on tl • undive, Chap. L |. 1 In both the simple snd compound Bnbofdinativn propositions, the timversslprinciple of construction leems to be, that all modifiers, wlnth.-r words on sub ffldittats propositions, shoajld stand before tl which they modify. W M sometimes the case, the subject and predicate verb of the leading proposition are >• the subject is put at the baginaing and the verb at the end of the com- pound proposition, probably for the sake of emphasis. The leading verb never changes its place. SCO. ' irOUND CooUMWTIVK foiOrOSITIONs. The simple rfropositions included in the compound coiirdinative proposition, are constructed IB the manner described in the first in of this chapter. Coordination is a combining of two distinct propositions into one. They still express distinct thoughts. The relations of thoughts are logical, and these relations are only those of causality and antithesis. The more copulative conbinution ex- SBI no relation between the propositions combined, but only a common relation, either adversative or causal, to a third proposition, Hence it admits of more than two members. The three relations in which the parts of a coordinating proposition stand to each other are. 1. The eopvlative, or that in which two assertions are simply coupled together, as, The man walked and (he boy ran. 2. The adversative, or that in which one is opposed to the other, as. Granges do not grow in high latitudes, but they do within the tropics. 3. The causal, or that by which we account for one assertion, by means of another. 1. The copulative relation, is in Japanese, expressd by pauses, lxii GRAMMAR rather than by conjunctions. Thus, Watak'shi wa kukimas', anata wa yomimas. I write (and) you read. In this omission of the conjunction, the Japanese corroborates the fact that such a combi- nation, expresses no logical relation between the two connected as- sertions, but is merely a coupling of them together. Inochi wa inijikai, sz be ki koto wa ooi. Life is short, and there is much to he done,isa closer resemblance of two independent thoughts, while yet, they sustain no logical relation to each other. The merely copulative combination may consist of two or more propositions, all equally emphatic, and the more so, if conjunctions are omitted. This combination is looser and more imperfect than the antithetic and causal. 2. The adversative combination: e.g. Mungi wa makadz ni haema- senu nga, h'to nga makimas'. Wheat does not grow wild, but men plant it. Here the adversative proposition is placed last, while the conjunction nga, but, is joined to the end of the other. Ts'chi ngahoshii keredomo, te nga kakaru. The soil is desirable, but it requires labor. This is a restrictive combination, and the same order of propositions is preserved, with keredomo, but, but yet, as their connective. Lastly, there is the disjunctive combination; e.g. Watak'shi wa achira e yukimash'06 ka, aruiwa anata nga kochira e mairimas' ka ni itashimash'oo. Either I shall go there, or else you will come here. . In such a combination the order of propositions is changeable at pleasure. As might be expected from the nature of coordinate propositions, there is far less regularity in their construction, than in compound subordinate propositions, because the relation between the member s is not grammatical but logical. SEN T E N C E S I N E N ( J 1 . 1 S II AND JAPANESE COLLOQUIAL I. A boirknot is easy to untie. IIi-/.a o-ri mi mii-s/.-l>u to to-k<> ya-s-r i jo / i-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ni-zao-ri ni imi-sz-hu loto-kfl va-s/.-i. 2. .t ntai *.« ailed 'l"vidti. \ - V i Dfft«D€ i •' to-ko-ro wa do-o-za-M to mo-o-shi-ma-s' t Do. A-lvi nga-DQ mo de-fa to-ko-ro wa do-o-za-M to i-u. Tft if 3- ^ f >v J- a 13 ^ K*«r>M9 3. -<1 dollar is the fixed price. I-chi do-ra Dga ji-o-o ne-da-n de go za-.i-ma-s'. „ 14- Y3 if Vy9*ir>f **>)-?* Do. I-chi do-ra Dga ji-o-o Me-da-n da. Y* K? fiVvyVX*'? 4. .4 dbt/d neglected grows tcorse and worse. Ko-do-Mio \va s'-te-teo-ki-ma-s' toshi-da-i Mi wa-ru-ku na-ri-ma-s', Do. Ivo-do-mo wa s'-te-te o-ku toshi-da-i Mi wa-iu-ku na-ru. So-re wa do-ua-ta de mo de-ki-ma-s'. Do. So-re wa da-re de mo de-ki-ru. 6 Another vessel has arrived. Ho ka no fu-ne nga ts'-ki-ina-sh'-ta vj\ft } ??r ft y*~? ^ $ Do. Ho-ka no iu-Me M^a tsz-i-ta. E 7. A n6w law was published yesterday. Sa-ku ji-tsz shi-n ki ni ha-t-to wo ta-te-ra-rc-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Sa-ku ji-tsz shi-n ki ni ha-t-to wo ta-te-ra-re-ta. 8. Any thing icill do. INa-ni de mo yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Na-ni de mo yo-i. ^- f fc 3 1 9. t!?-c ?/ow w*e/Z $ Go ki ngen yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. Ka-wa-rU ko-to Wa na-i ka? ft ^jv 3 y ^^ifj \0; Arc you read?/? A-na-ta sh'-ta-ku wa yo-ro-shi-u go za ri-ma-s' ka? Do. O-ma-e sh'-ta-ku wa i-i ka? ^^^ ^> an 1 1 - Jlre your children all at home ? A-na-ta no ko-do-mo shi-u wa o u-chi de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. O-ma-e no ko-do-mo wa mi-na u-chi ni i-ru ka? 12. Are you married? (to a superior.) Go shi-n-zo wa go za-ri-ma-s' ka? 3f l^^T t> dttftl^A ft Do. O-ma-e ka-mi-sa-n wa a-ri-ma-s' ka? (to an equal ) jr^iL ?) * ^ j* i i) ^% ft Do. Te-ma-e wa ni-o-o-bo-o nga a-ru ka. (to an inferior.) f ~?3L ^ ^VVtf&f? f)V ft \3.Are they your oicn? ^na-ta go ji-bu-n no de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. O-ma-e ji-shi-n no ka? Jt^S>&lsfS ft 14. Are you sure of it? A-na-ta ta-sh'-ka ni sh'-t-teo i-de na-sa-ri-ma-s'ka? ?*# Zisft -.^yf^ffy-* ')-?*# Do, O-ma-e ta-sh'-ka ni sh'-t-te i-ru ka? jr-?^ 2^?i ~is)>7l)Vft 15. Are you coming back again ? A-na-ta ma-ta o i-de na-sa-ri-ma-sh'-o-oka? 1 9-9^Z-Ki?9-'im ■? isV?ft Do. O-ma-e ma-ti Iti n:»->a-ru kat jf^s.^9 \** nil i ! ,• you at work by the day or by tkt • . ■ . wo i ri ni s/-iu ka. ii-k<< a-i ni sz-ni lea 1 17. v/re potatoes to ret ra i mo \va ko ko da ka-wa-re ma s'ka? Writ? ft^33 f* a 9 v-r*# Do. Ja-n^ata ra i-mo wa ko ko d« kawa it.ru fa T**7 ft^32 f # 9 V )l# 18. ^rr | 1 la ilx -ka -shi u \va go /..i-ri-iiusc-iui ka? Do. I la ji wo shi-ra-nu k i.' ^V 9 >?* J? 19. As many as you pi t uo-'l/o-ini shi-da-i ni i-kn-tsz de mo. Do. No-dzo-mi shi-aa-i ni 1-ku-tM Ui'ino. 20. ^ Do. Ma-l>a-ta ki DO ma ni shi-ro. 21. As long as you do so you trill nnl get leetf. Ana ta mi noo-ko-na-i no na-o-riina se-nu n-chi \va. ya-ma-i vva na-o-ri-ma-se-nu. Do. O-ma-e mi no o-ko-na-i no na-o-ra-nu u-chi wa, ya-ma-i wa na-o-ra-nu. *99Z 82. Ask him; he knows all about it. A-no o ka-ta ni o ki-kina-sa-re; yo-ku sh'-t-te o i-de na-sa-re- ma-s'. Do. A-no h'-to ni ki-ke; yo-ku sh'-t-te i-ru. 23, ^4^ your leisure. O te tsz-ngo-o shi-da-i ni. Do. Te tsz-ngo-o shi-da-i ni. 4 A B 24- Ac whose expense has this been donel Ko-re wa do-no o ka-ta nga ka-ne woda-sh'-tets'-ku-ra-re-ma-sh' a V /n F ^n^nfi^r 9ttisf¥t3v~?i, ta ka? fin ])o. Ko-re wa da-re nga ka-ne wo da-sh'-tets'-kti-ra-re-ta ka? av ^ yty ff i? lr 9 5T l^f > P 5 vfr ft 25. Averaging them at $300 each, I will take them, for they are not of the same quality. Ko-re wa fu-do-o nga go za-ri-ma-s' ka-ra, na-ra-sh'-te sa-m bi- ya-ku do-ra dz-tsz ni wa-ta-k'-shi ka-i-ma-sh'-o-o. vfi V? W ~V9#Pft1?l'Vy Do. Ko-re wa fu do-o nga a-ru ka-ra, na-ra-sh'-te sa-m bi-ya-ku dz- tsz ni ka-wo-o. y ~ft?7 26. Avoid that man, for he tells lies. A-no h'-to wa i-tsz-wa-ri wo mo-o-shi-ma sz-ru ka-ra, o he-da-te t Atil-M * /> *) ?^?^ -e %w n? it *^jt? na-sa-re. Do. A-no h'-to wa i-tsz-wa-ri wo 1-11 ka-ra, ha-bu-ke. 27. Awake me at 6 o'clock to morrow morning. Mi-o-o a-sa mu-tsz do-ki ni wa-ta-k'-shi wo o o-ko-shi na-sa-re-te ku-da-sa-re, t?** ; ; ; Do. Mi-o-o a-sa mu-tsz do-ki ni wa-ta-k'-shi wo o-ko-se. AWI^i^y V* — ? fit i, 9 jrm 28. Axe-helves, and spear-handles are made of a wood called ka-shi. Yo-ki no e to,ya-ri noe wa, ka-shi tomo-o-sz ki de ts'-ku-ri-ma s'. 3 ^Ss-Yv*) l^^ His y &9?>*t m f:9.#V'? X Do. Yo-ki no e to ya-ri no e wa, ka-shi to i-u ki de ts'-ku-ru. a ^ Ss-Yvt) ''/,*>**'.&*, Y l7\Tvt)V 29. Aye; at your service. Ha-i, Ka-sh'-ko-ma-ri-ma-sh-ta. B 30. Back your cart up to the door. Ku-r'ma wo ka-do-ngu-chi ni mo-do-se. 9 nr ^ 9 n K it * ~ fc F k B I I ft ttill {of MM* ) lie ttill {talking. ) Iz-ki ni o shi -i I I ■ n ^ ty- *v + -r -? \)s-*v . in shire I ' /> n good boy. > tii na-sa-imash'. Do. O-to-na-sh kn *h.-ro. *>/*> 9 ^& 33. lie quick, or yon will loxe if. I I \a-ku niki 1 re In, u sln-na-i m ^r 9 s-*7 vj* Vi, *i^% Do. I la-Vii-lvM na-ke-re-Ua u shi no-0. ^ r 9 + *jv*y ^y-7 34. lie on the look out for it. ki u.) ts'-ke-te mite i ri ha-ji-im-ro. v a ZYan'av) ^i;At2 30. />V there exactly at the time. JSo-no ko-kti-nsre-n ni ta-nira-wa-dz n-chi-ra ni ma-t-te o i-de na- sa-re. **- ... ... Do. So-no ko-ku-ngc-nni chi-nqn-i na-ku, a chi-ra ni ma-t-te i-ro. yy a ^T^--f tff ^ T-f 5 -^S>?ft2 37. Besides this how much do you want f Ko-no ho-ka ni i-ku-rao i-ri na-sa-re-ma-s' ka? Do. Ko-no ho-ka ni i-ku-ra i-ru ka? a ; ^n —it 5 inn 38. Bring a light. A-ka-ii wo mo-t-te o i-de na-sa-re. Do. A-ka-ri wo mo-t-te ko-i. 39. Bring a chair. _-sz wo mo-t-te o i-de na-sa-re. B C Do. Ki-yo-ku-ro-ku wo mo-t-te ko-i. ^ a # nv 9 ~?vf *1 40. Bridges are luilt and the poor are aided, in Japan, with the money derived from fines . Ni-p-po-n de wa ka-ri-o-o no ka-ne de ha-shi wo ts'-ku-ra-re-ma -s', hi-n mi-n wo s'-ku-wa-re-ma-s'. % t^ 22s 9 %#*> V*?% 41. Bring it here. Ko-chi-ra-e rao-t-te o i-de na-sa-re. Do. Ko-chi-ra e mo-t-te ko-i. 42 . Brush away those cobwebs. So-no ku-mo no sz wo ha-ra-e. it ^ } %9 ^75- 43. Brush my shoes. Wa-ta-k'-shi no ku-tsz wo mi-n£ra-ke. 44. Burn it up. Ya-i-te o shi-ma-e na-sa-re, Vlf if Ir^r^^^v Do. Ya-i-te shi-ma-e. ir i "f ^^ 45- Burn up the rubbish. Go-mi wo ta-i-te shi-ma-e, *% f $ 1 f j^f* 46, Buy me an umbrella Sf rain-coat. Wa-ta-k'-shi no ka-sa to mi-no wo ka-t-te ki-te ku-da-sa-re. Do Wa-ta-k'-shi no ka-sa to mi-no wo ka-t-te ko-i. V $9l» } ft^ \ 3>> 9 ftyf*1 , 47. Burning the dead is called Jcwasob. Shi-ni-ma-sh'-tah'-to wo ya-ku ko-to wo k'-wa-so-oto mo-o-shi-ma- s\ IK Do, Shi-n-da h'-to wo ya-ku ko-to wo k'-wa-so-o to i-u. c 48 Call a servant. Ko-dz-ka-i wo yo-n-de ku-da-sa-re. Do. Ko-dz-ka-i wo yo-n-de ko-i. a *rni9 b^t ai 7/ at the Umi I Kit, Ni-n-s" -ku woni ji n ni-n in ka-ke-nu vo-o ni vnilt' ku-dt-fl 1 r.\ Do. N ni ji ti ni-n i.i ka -la -nu po B «'i JO IHM ko-i. i kata wa yo-mu ko-to n^a dc-kimn s'-ka? fS*ft 9^ 3 !~ * Y fff* ~?%ft Do. A-n«» D 40 w;i \o mil ko-tO Dgl (!•• ki 1 1 Tytl-^a^jf^ f **)v ft 6 1 < '. I MTV Bf MM of those Jaj>i.: ]i$t Ana-ia s?o-no funic w<> i-j> pt>?£^ — P v % ft n i/f>n find out /.»ir this is made? K«»-n- \va -«> >\\ -h- t>'-ku-t-tr go /a-ri- ma-.*' ka. ka-» - n v * K9 *•? * * *? af *f n -r 7,t) it ft * n 1 na-si-ri- t.- .*hi-r«--ina-.*' ka ? Do. Ko-rr \va do-o sh'-to ko-obj -ra-»'-ta ka, ka-n-nirn-i-te shi-ro- * v rV9l'?al> 5*-'J ft ft^ if 1 r is v ra ka ? n n 53. Crtn / do any thing to help you? A-na-ta, na-n zo o s'-ke mo-o-shi-ma-sh'-o ka? T^ 9 t^jtv*? z. 91* -? l^itft Do. O-ma e na-n zo te-tsz-da-wo-o ka I 54. Can you not find me one like that 1 A-na-ta wa-ta-k ; -shi ni so-no yo-o-na shi-na wo h'-to-tsz ta-dz-ne- te ku-da-sa-re-ma-se-nu ka ? Do. O-ma-e wa-ta-k'-shi ni so-no yo-o-na shi-na wo h'-to-tsz ta-dz- ne-te ku-re-nu ka ? 3-f ^>V *# 55. Can you mend this ? A-na-ta ko-re wo o na-o-shi na-sa-ru ko-to wa de-ki-me-s' ka ? f +2 a v 9 9+ir ^ J- -*>v *Y ^T^^ft Do. O-ma-e ko-re wo na-o-sz ko-to wa de-ki-ru ka 1 JC^S* a v 9 J-?%* \ ^ r *)V ft 8 C 56. Carry this back. Ko-re wo o mo-chi na-sa-re-te o ka-e-ri na-sa-re. Do. Ko-re wo rno-t-te ka-e-re. a v 9 ^yfft^v 57. Carry this letter to Mr. . Ko-no te-nga-mi wo sa-ma e mo-t-te o i-de na-sa-re-te ku-da-sa-re. Do. Ko-no te-nga-mi wo sa-ma e mo-t-te yu-ke. a V f ff 3. 9 *f ^«%? f ^ *7 58. Carry this box in. Ko-no ha-ko wo u-chi e i-re-ro. 59. Carry it this side up. Ko-no ho-o wo u-e ni sh'-te mo-t-te yu-ke. ^ > 4^9y^-ls f ZzV?3-*7 60. Cloths imported from foreign countries, can be sold cheaper than those made in Japan. Ni-p-po-n de ts'-ku-re-roa-s' ta-m-mo-no yo-ri, ga-i ko-ku ka-ra wa-ta-ii-ma-s' ta-m-mo-no wa ya-sz-ku u-ra-re-ma-s'. 6 1 . Come day after tomorroxo. Mi-o-o ngo ni-chi o i-de na-sa-re. Do. Mi-o-o ns:o ni-chi ki na-sa-e. 62. Comb your hair. Ka-mi wo ku-shi de o na-de ts'-ke na-sa-re. ft 3-99 i>:fjt*fvVz>-^v Do. Ka-mi wo ku-shi de na-de ts'-ke-ro. n 5~9 $ i^T^r v^n 63. Come early tomorrow morning. Mi-o-o a-sa he-vv-ku o i-de na-sa-re. Do. A-sh'-ta no a-sa ha-va-ku ki na-sa-e. 64. Come quich; here is a large snake. O ha-ya-ku o i-de na-sa-re, o-o-ki-na he-bi no-a i-ma-s\ Do. Ha-ya-ku ko-] ; o-o-ki-na he-bi nga i-ru. mi -!•• mo o-boshiino-slii shi-da-i ni n i-de na-> Do. MH ni-tr mo \o-i to o-ino-o to-ki ni ki D i-si-c. 1 *-? 1 3 1 y *t? y * - ^ti ///<• /W w* tale a ride. M'-ma ni im-ii t> | hi do-mo to i-.li- na-.«a-re. I >o M mn-ni no-t-te wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo to yu-ki 9 * ^ / ??9 £ ^ i< K fc )- ^ * :^+^- C7. Come //•/'* *o ra-tt na- »a-re. Do. Wa-ta-k'-^lii do mo to ohi-ki-ra kn-ra-lx' wo sli'-te, mi na- MM, N I MM AY* fldb tf kv?/Z\ W I a-k'-shi do-mo to o a-so-bi ni o i-dc na-? I n V ?& X& Y * T 5 ¥ J ** f ,^ * * v JJo. Wa-ta-k-sni do-mo to a-so-bi ni yu-ki na •7 ^ ^ > K % h T y fc? - ^ * ^ *:*- i «ow<« oAW tune. Taji-tsz ma-ta o i-de na-sa-rc. Do. Ma-ta ko-n-da ki na-sa-e. 70. Come again soon. Ma-ta kin ji-tsz ni o i-de na-sa-re. Do. Ma-ta so-no n-chi ni ko-i. 71. Come, go tcifh me. Wa-ta-k'-shi to to-mo-ni o i-de na-sa-re. Do. \\ a-ta-k -shi to to-mo-ni yu-ke. 9 2? I, Y Y fc-i? 72. Come, make up yo>'r mind what you icill do. A-na-ta na-ni wo na-sa-ri-ma-sh'-o-o ka, ha-va-ku o ki-me na- sa-re. 10 u 72. Na-ni wo sz-ru ka, ha-yn-ku ki-me-ro. y-^ 9 *>vft /** ^ ^ A n 73. Co»?0 fto?t>, altogether ; up with it. Mi-na k'-te^ to-mo ni o-shi a-ncre-ro. 3. 9- * f Y ^ ~#^ t >r n 74. C'owtf wo*£, feS me all about it. J-ma, wa-ta-k'-shi ni ku-wa-sh'-l A $~$? ^^XVfJrV ma-s' nga, to-ru ko-to wa go ch'-o ji de go za-ri-ma-s' . ~?% ft Yw ?Y ^ ^f^VT d? ifW* Do. INi-p-po-n no ta ni, tsz-ru to ga-n wa ti-n-to i-ru nga, go —Vifc' A % — 9 )V Y ft>. ri $^Y f >V *f d> ch'-o ji da ka-ra, to-ru ko-to wa na-ra>nu. f 9 Vft ft 9 Wv a \ j* J- 9 % 79. Crape is made by tightly twisting the silken threads. Chi-ri me-n wa ki-nu i-to ni o-o-ku yo-ri wo ka-ke-te ts'-ku- *.i) A^ /> * M Y~H9>A 3\) 9 n *J9 9 V ri-ma-s'. Do. Chi-n me-n wa i-to ni ta-n-to yo-ri wo ka-ke-te ts'-ku-ru. ^ *) a^ ^ iy—$^yb~ 9 # 7f ?pyv 80. Cut it in two. K'-t-te f-ta-tsz ni na-sa-re-ma-sh'. Do. K'-t-te f'-ta-tsz ni shi-ro. C 1) 11 81. < uttk-fish are considere t a itHtmy I butsz ni o-mo-wn-rc-mi-s' Do. NKp-po-o dfl mi t'k> wa h ■ •-rn. D (l yon say so ? I \va so-no to-o-ri ni o i Do. O-ma-e so-no to-o«ii ni i i-i i t^i :/; j- ,»- — f stft > id you tell him so f A-na-ta \va a-no o ka-ta ni sa-vo-o ni o-s'-slii-ya-ri-ma-sir-ta ! „ T^* r> T Stft %-***?-**> 1st n* I, * ti 10. ui so- tio \<> »> ni lia-na-.-IT-ta ka / 6 1 Dul you ever see an elephant 1 A-na-ta \va i-ma made ni dzo-o wo go ra-n iia-sa-rr-ma-sli'- ta ka? Do. U-ma-c \va i-ma made ni dzo-o wo mi ta ka ? *^ /> f -7 -r f — f *> 9 s. % n 85. Bid you hear the bell ring ? Ka-iu' Dga na-ri-ma-sh'-ta Dga o ki-ki na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta ka? ^ ft* n + Q-rw a; jr*^*v-?^>z 11 Do. Iva-ne Dga na-t-ta Dga ki-i-ta ka I ft * ft~ +?2 ft $ 12 ft 86. Did you hear the clock fir ike ? To-ke-i 110 ka-ne Dga na-ri-ma-sh'-ta nga o ki-ki na-sa-re-ma- sh'-ta ka? Do. To-ke-i no ka-ne nga na-t-ta nga ki-i-ta ka? > Vi* ft* if +9 9 ft' *12ft 87. Did you hear him say so ? A-no h'-to no a-no ha-na-sh'-ta ko-to wo, o ki-ki na-sa-re-ma- sh'-ta ka'. ^2 ft Do. A-no h'-to no a-no ha-na-sh'-ta ko-to wo ki-i-ta ka? iv ti- 7 iv /*/^* ^ y 9 ^i^n 12 D 88 Dinner is read)/. Ili-ru (JO ha-n no sh'-ta-ku wa mo-o yo-ro-shi-u cfo za-ri ma-s'. Do. Hi-ru me-shi no sh-ta-kn n?a ino-o i-i. ts >v A I, f ^ 5t 9 if &9 1 1 89. Divide this into jive parts. Ko-re wo i-tsz ni o wa-ri na-sa-re. a v 9 1 f ~ f ^ ?) * * v Do. Ko-re wo i-tsz ni wa-ri na-sa-e. 90. Do you smoke f Ta-ba-ko wo o no-mi na-sa-re-ma-s' ka? # ,*n 9 it ?3* /Hfrv^* # Do. Ta-ba-ko wo no-mu ka? £ /*a 9 St* ft 91. .#0 thisfrst : afterwards the other. Ko-re wo sa-ki ni na-sa-re-te, ho-ka no wo a-to tie na-sa-re- ^ v 9 if* ^yhifvr >t># 7 ? Th r *M-v ma-sh'. Do. Ko-re wo sa-ki ni sb'-te, bo-ka no wo a-to de shi-ro. a v 9 if% a ^t *# S 9 TlrT I'll 92. -Do yow like Indian corn ? A-na-ta wa to-o mo-ro-ko-sbi wo o s'-ki de go za-ri-ma-s ka 1 is-** ^>? ^n ^ 9 ***r ar -if i) -?*# Do. O-ma-e wa to-o mo-ro-ko-sbi wo s'-ki ka? jr-?3- r> > 9 fc tr^ ^ 9 ** ft 93. Zto as you please. A-na-ta no o-bo-shi-me-sbi ni na-sa-re-ma-sb'. Do. O-ma-e no o-mo-o to-o-ri ni na-sa-i. it-?*- Sift? l-^i)- :>Hff 94. Doit as well as you can. Ki-ri-o-o no o-vo-bu da-ke nasa-re-ma-sh'. Do. Se- i i-p-pa- i ni shi-ro. 95. Zto yo«« speak English? A-nata wa I-nofi-ri-sz no ko-to-ba wo o ts'-ka-o na-sa-re-ma-s' ka. ? Do. O-ma-e I-ngi-ri-sz no ko-to-ba wo ts'-ka-e-ru ka? it^x-1 3fl)* } *Ys< 9 Vft3~)V ft 9G. Do fgs grow in this country ? Ko-no ku-ni ni i-chi-ji-ku no ki nga ha-e-ma-s' ka? a; 9 a a i^SV ? * n r>s>*A ft n 13 9C. Ko-no k it in ni i-chi-ji-ku ki n?a ha-c-ru ka? a ; >;^l^ f +$# * ff >^\ ft 97 /' wUr hotc it iran Y \-w wa o-e-tc i-ru ka? Tv /* V9 is* *> *Ht$s>fln ft !>■> the Japanese male pistol* ? .\i|>-|*iu h t > w,i u n»'-ni>a slii-ma wo ko-shi ra-i-ma-s' ka? -*$> fc> r> *lr ff V $ 9 * > ? 1 ? * ft Do. I\i-p-po-n I) to w.i ta m n-a >l.i ni.i wo ts'-ku-ru ka? -*#> HY » fi?r if i, -? 9 9 ?)V ft 99. Jh you luow any thing about thin. Ko no ko-lo wo s'-ko-shi wa po zo-nji dc go za-ri inns' ka? Do. Ko no koto wo s' ko-shi wa sh'-t ■!«■ i-ru kftl a;a^^3},^ }^vf1)V ft 100. Vt you L,„„r tchat is good for a cold! H ki ka-/.- no k-sz-ri wo sh'-t-te o i'-de na-sa-rc-ina-s' ka? u* tie > ?? } \) f i,rm T£*v? * n L»o. H -ki ka-zc no k -sz ri wo sn -t-te i-ru Hi t: *ft\£ ; t?,\) 9 >Vf1)Vft 10 1. Jh you really need it ? A-na-ta ko-rc wa ina-ko-to ni i-ri vo-o de po zari-ma-s' ka? Do. ia-sli-ka ni i-n yo-o ka? IOSk Jh thin the first thing io-morroic morning. Mi-o-o a-sa ko-rc wo sa-ki ni na-sa-re-ma-se. Do. A-sz no a-sa ko-re wo sa-ki ni shi-ro. T* ;n^v^ ^* -i-tf 103. Jhes this silk fade? Ko-no ki-nu no i-ro wa sa-me-ma-s' ka? *J %% >m *> *A *?% ft Do. Ko-no ki-nu no i-ro wa sa-me-ru ka? a J ** / in*** *i* n 1 04. Does your watch keep good time ? A-na-ta no to-ke-i wa yo-ku a-i-ma-s' ka? n 1£9 > +*fir 3*11?* ft Do. U-ma-e no to-ke-i wa yo-ku a-u ka? 105. Does he lire there still ? 14 D 105 A-no o ka-ta wa ma-da a-so-ko ni sz-ma-t-te o i-de na-sa-re- mas' ka? Do. A-no h'-to \va ma-da a-s'-ko ni sz-ma-t4e i-ru ka? f y £> rs -?jt f^a ~^-?9f 1)1 31 1 06. Do not touch that. So-re ni te wo o ts'-ke na-sa-ru-na. y v— f ?.jt 9 J ^ WJ- Do. So-re wo i-ji-rii-na. 9V 9 1^v^ 107. Do not play too hard. A-ma-ri sa-wa-i de a-so-bi na-sa-ru-na. Do. A-ma-ri sa-wa-i de a-so-bu-na. f^ i) ^?Y T ? yyV- 108. i)o «o£ awte herd again. Mo-o f-ta-ta-bi ko-ko ni o i-de na-sa-ru-na; Do. Mo-o f-ta-ta-bi ko-ko e ku-runa. 1 09. Do not let it get wet. O nu-ra-shi na-sa-re-ma-s'-na. * 9*7 Is 9-^V -?* 9- Do. Nu-ra-sz-na. % 5 * * 110. Do hot miiid what he says. A-no h'-to no mo-o-sa-re-ru k:-to ni o ka-ma-i na-sa-ru-na ; Do. A-re nga i-u ko-to ni ka-ma-u-na. 111. Do not take up so much room. So-no yo-o ni ha-ba wo na-sa-re-ma-s'-na. y y vy ~ /v* 9 * ** v *•* ^ Do. So-o ha-ba wo sz-ru-na. 112 Don't throw away a single kernel of that bird-seed. So-no ki-bi h'-to tsz-bu mo o s'-te na-sa-ru-na, ^ 9 ? %t£ fc J- * ^ fc tT *? ^+jv ^ Do. So-no ki bi h'-to tsz-bu mo s'4e-ru-na. y y ^rt£ t. > ? jf fc *f ;v y* 113* Do not waste a lit of it. S'-ko-shi mo o tsz-i-ya-shi na-sa-ru-na. Do» S'-ko-shi mo tsz-i-ya-sz-na. 15 ! I J. !><> mi |f m such a hurry. So-no yo-o ni o i-so-n<_ r i na-si-ru na y; V?-*f y v *M->v^ Do. So-no yo-o ni sr-ku-na. y 7 V?-fe^ 11". Do not lea re the door open. To wo n-kc lia-nish'-te o i !■ n i-sa-ru-na. Da I wo a ke ha-na-sh'-t.« do-ni-na. II G. Do not let it htm: Mr it. Ko-nge-na vo-o ni o kaki ma-wa-*hi na-sa-re. 1 > >. K iu r ' ■•mi yo-o ni ka-ki ma-wa-co. 117. 7)o not put it off any longer. \ H o Do4Mhl ii i >.i-ru-na. M -i-ta Do. Ma-ta IM>4»-tZ4M. 118. Do not be discouraged. O a-ki na-sa-ru-na. Do. A-ki-ru-na. 1 19. Do nol swallow the pits. Ta-ne wo o no-mi ko-mi na-sa-ru.na. Do Ta-ne wo no-mi ko-mu-na. 2 3- ? ;^^^ 120. Do «o< k *o /0M/7 ffootrf & So-no yo-o ni h'-sa-sh'-ku o ka-ka-ri na-sa-ru.na y^-r^-t^^^* nn i) s^t >v^' Do So-no yo-o ni na-nga-ku ka-ka-ru-na. * 1 2 1 . Do no/ lose your place. (in reading.) A-na-ta no o yo-mi na-sa-re-ta to-ko-ro wo o wa-sz-re na- ?/■£ } **3 3. J-*V% Yn& 9 it? * V 7^ sa-ru-na. Do Yo n-da to-ko-ro wo wa-sz-re-ru-na. 122. Do mo£ so/7 tJuit map. So-no e-dz wo o yo-ngo-shi na-sa-ru-na. y / SS9 it 3* ^ +*)v* 16 D 122. So-no e-dz wo vo-ngo-sz-na. y } 3jX 9 3 dt %+ 123. Do not take that child 's play-things. A-no ko-do-mo no mo-chi-a-so-bi wo o to-ri na-sa-ru-na. t; ^Kt y *: * f ?£ 9 t y 9 * *>v* Do. A-no ko-do-mo no mo-chi-a-so-bi wo to-ru-na. 124. 7)0 no^ go there; you may get hurt. A-so-ko e o i-de na-sa-ru-na; ke-nga wo sz-rn to a-bu-no- fy*s.jti? +*>v* iff 9 Awyy-f j o go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. A-s'-ko e yu-ku-na; ke-nga wo sz-ru to a-bu-na-i. 125. Dorit wale up the baby. Sh'-o ni no me wo o sa-ma-shi na-sa-ru-na. *>^~ y a 9 jr *^ ^ 9~^)V9- Do. Ko no me wo sa-m.i-sz-na. ^ ;^ 9 * * % * 126. Do you not see into it get ? Ma -da o wa-ka-ri na-sa-re-ma-se-nu-ka? Do. Ma-da wa-ka-ra-nu ka? t # y ft ?% ft 127. Do not ride too fast down hill. Ya-ma avo o-ri-ru ni wa m'-ma nga ha-ya sz-ngi-ru ha-shi- ■V -? 9 *i)>v £L j* 9^ ff ^V *#* >v ^ >- ra-se na-sa-ru-na. Do, Ya-ma wo ku-da-ru ni wa m'-ma nga ha-ya sz-ngi-ru ha- X ^ "9 9$w - ^ 9 ^ ft /*fe % % ^v ^ shira-se-ru-na. 128. .Do?^ fovw^r f&tf here; away with it. So-re wo ko-ko e mo-t-te o i-de na-sa-ru-na; ho-ka e o ya-ri y v 9 * * ^t9fit1 f"TMh¥* &ft ^itW na-sa-re. Do. So-re wo ko-ko e mo-t-te ku-ru-na, ho-ka e ya-re. yv 9 3a-\fc^f fy)\J- ^ft ^\v 129. Zto wo£ talce the whole, leave some for him. No-ko-ra-dz o to-ri na-sa-ru-na; a-no o ka-ta ni no-ko-sh'-te o o-ki na-sa-re. L> E 17 120. Mi-na to-ru-na; a-nc h'-to ni no-ko-sh-to n k<\ 130. Do not trade with that man; he is sure to take you in. A-no h'-to to ka-u « ki wto na saru-na; tash'-ku ni a-na-ta wo ila-ma-shi-ma «z-ru. Do. A-no h'-to to ka-u-e-ki wo slii na-sa ru-na: tn-sh'-ka ni o- TV fch h fits.* 9 l, +*n + r>ft -* mac wo da-ma -a 1 . ^N 9 ?^% 131. Do not call him off from hi* work again. A-no h'-to no ma-nga ka-ke-ru ka-ra mo o o-yobi na sa-re- rna-sz na. Do. A-no h'-lo no ma-nga ka-ke-ru ka-ra, mo-o yo-bu-na. t;th ; * ff n^)\ H9 fc 9 3 -f + 132. Do not cross my thrcshoUl again without bate. Wa-ta-k'-shi no yu-ru-shi ma-se nu ti-rhi wa, ka-sa-ne te ji-l'- ko wo o ma-ta-ngi na-sa-ru-ni. Do. V\a-ta-k'-shi no vu-ru-sa-nu u-chi wa P-ta-ta-bi ji-f-ku wo ma-ta ngu-na. 1 33. Dumb people talk by signs. O-shi no h'-to nga te ma-ne de o shi-e-ma-s'. ^ jtl, J t \ n f * 3- f &*-?* Do. O-shi no h'-to nga te mane de o-shi e-ru. jt*s / fc V ff f -? 3- f* *>£>v 134. Dy >** \ ff ?>* 136. Earthquakes are frequent here. Ko-no to-ko-ro wa ji shi-n nga o-ri o-ri 50 za-ri-ma-s'. Po. Ko-no to-ko-ro wa ji shi-n nga o-ri o-ri i-ta-shi-ma-s'. * ; \^U rs 1;^ ff #1)**) f#v^* 137. Empty tin's box. Ko-no ha-ko no na-ka no mo-no wo a-ke-te ku-da-sa-re. a ; />a ) j~ft } £ ; 9 tW V 9 ^ v Do. Ko-no ha-ko no na-ka no mo-no wo a-ke-ro. a ; ^3 ; /^ /■ t;; j UK 138. England §• China have been at tear three times. I-ngi-ra-n wa Ka-ra to mi ta-bi ka-s-se-n ni o-vo-bi-ma-sh'-ta. Do. I-nui-ra-n wa Ka-ra to sa-n do ta-ta-ka-t-ta. 139. Ever since I came here, I have been unwell. Wa-ta-k'-shi ko-ko-ni ma-i ri-ma-sh'-te yo-ri ki-ba-n mm. a- » ^V 3*~ ff !)^^ ^3\) \?^ ff f shi -1? go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi ko-ko-ni k'-te ka-ra ki-bn-n nga waru-ku na t-ta. 140. Every body knows that. So-re wa do-na-ta mo go zo-n-ji, de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. So-re wa da-re mo sh'-t'-te i-m. 141. Every Japanese may wear one short sword at pleasure. Wa-ji-n mi-na mi-na wa-ki za-shi wo i-p-po n sa-shi-ma-s' ko- to-wa kar-t-te shi-da-i ni na-ri-ma-s 1 - Do. Ni-p-po-n ji-n wa mi-na mi-na wa-ki-za shi wo i-p-po-n sa- sz ko-to wa ka-t-te shi-da-i ni-na-ru. 142. -EVi£ li ki \v.> - i. -t«> o-ku to shi-di i ni iv *Y I 1". /.' re imc of the body is its medicine. (a proverb.) : mi no k'-s/.-ri do % l /;i-ri-mn-s'. fr* 5T ? >> af &* /» 3. / ***) r *: *t>-? * Do. K a -i.i-d.i-\v*> n uirn-ka-s/ \va mi DO k ->/. ri ni na-iu. 1 16, /fe>v# ? 5^*^ ^ /> fetf 147. />»r persons sag so. So -no vo-o ni mo-o-sz h'-to wn >'-ku-no-o go zn-ri-inn-s'. y / a?- *:** tiY /* %>>)*>* *H)-?* Do. So-no yo-o ni i-ti b'-to-\va s-ku-na-i. 148. /«■/ Mm, Aofr soft it is. Ko-re ni sa-wa-t-te go ran na-sa-re ; ya-wa-ra-ka de go za- n y — ^"^^f ^* 7^ tM" v -T /* 5 ft T zt If ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-re ni sa-\va-t-te mi na-sa-i ; va-wa-ra-ka-i. 3V- ♦>>* f ^ tM* Y V /* ? ft Y 140. /Ytf it ttp. I- p-pa-i o i-re na-sa-re. Do. I- p-pa-i i-re-ro. 150. Fill it half full Ha-m-bu-n o i-re na-sa-re. Do. Ha-m-bu-n i-re-ro. \ 5 1 . #SB # « //«& Mtr* Am half full. ITa-m-bu-n yo-ri s'-ko-shi vo-ke-i o i-re na-sa-re. 20 F. 151. Ha-m-bu-n yo-ri s'-ko-shi yo-ke-i i-re-ro. 152. Find my hat, Sf brim/ it here. Wa-ta-k'-shi no ka-mu-ri mo-no wo ta-dz-ne-te k'-te ku-cla-sa-re. Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi no ka-mu-ri mo-no wo ta-dz-ne-te mo-t-te ko-i. 153. Fix it to suit yourself. No-zo-mi shi-da-i ni o o-ki na-sa-re. Do. Ka-t-te shi-da-i ni o-ke. 154. Fry some, and boil the rest. S'-ko-shi ya i-te, a-to wa o ni na-sa-re. Do. S'-ko-shi ya-i-te, a-to wa ni na-sa-i. 155. For whom are you making this? Ke-re wo do-na-ta ni o ta-no-ma-re de o ts'-ku-ri na-sa-re- * v 9 Y+& —9 % J ~? v ?9 y #X) ^ -+ v ma-s' ka ? Do. Ko-re wo da-re ni ta-no-ma-re-te ts'-ku-ru ka ? n v 9 #v ~ # S •? Vf 9 #)V fj 156. Fuel is cheaper in Japan than in China. Ka-ra yo-ri Ni-p-po-n de wa sz-mi ta-ki-ngi wa ya-sz-u go- #530 ~y$> T ^ %3- £* ^ ^ -r %V Jt za-ri-ma-s'. *f *)^* . . Do. Ka-ra yo-ri Ni-p-po-n de wa sz-mi ta-ki-ngi nga ya-sz-i. n ? a i) ^vt> f ** K2. # w ft VA1 157. Furl the sail. Ho wo o-ro-se. & 9 9&& 158. Furniture is not seen in Japanese parlors. Ni-p-po-n no za-sh'-ki no u-chi-ni wa do-o-n^u nga mi-e- -**>- } m^ * 7 9 *-- * Y9 y ft 3lz ma-se-nu. Do. Ni-p-po-n no za-sh'-ki no u-chi-ni wa do-o ngu nga mi-e-nu. A*Kis /if*,* ; ?4-~ r> \*>F ft 3.%% G Ql Get the horse ready. M'-ma no sh'-taku wo shi-ro. fc* ; >*^ 9 >ti 160. Get my attendant* rendy. Wa-ta-k'-shi no to-mo no sh'-taku wo shi-ro. 161 Get it done be/ore I come back. Wa-ta-k'-shi no ka-e-ru ma-e-ni sh'-te o shi-ma-e na-sa-re. Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi no ka-e-ru ma-e-ni sh'-te shi-ma-e. 9 #* v > ten ?3a >f ^ -?z 162. Get out of my way. Wa-ki e o yo-ri na-sa-rc-te ku-da-sa-re. 9 *Zjt'BV+ ir 9 9\+*i 16 4. Get me an ink-stone. Sz-dz-ri i-shi wo mo-t-te k'-te ku-da-sa-re. Do. Sz-dz-ri i-shi wo mo-t-te ko-i. 165. Get me a ruler \ J'-o-o-niji wo mo-t-te k'-te ku-da-sa-re. Do. J'-o-o-ngi wo mo-t-te ko-i. 166. Get your dinner Jirst, and then go. Sa-ki e o hi-ru go ha-n wo a-nga-t-te o-yu-ki na-sa-re. Do. Sa-ki— e hi-ru me-shi wo ta-be-te, yu-ke. + * £fc)V A ^ 9 %-<7 3- V 167. Give this to me. Ko-re wo wa-ta-k'-shi ni ku-da-sa-re-ma-sh'. _ ^ v 9 9 %V \s ~ 9 Z^v -?^ Do. Ko-re wo wa-ta-k'-shi ni ku-da-sa-i. 3 v 9 yztis a vt^ i 168. Give him as much as he wants. A-no o ka-ta ni i-ku-ra de-mo i-ru ho-do o a-no-e na-sa-re Uo. A-no h-to ni i-ku-ra de-mo i-ru ho-do ya-ri na-sa-i •2 : > G. 169. Give him tiro thirds of it. Sa-m ba ni a-no o ka-ta ni o a-ng-e na-sa-re. Do. Sam bu ni a-no h'-to ni ya-ri na-sa-i. 'ft*, ? ^t > \z\ ~w 9-M 170. Give me. a receipt for this money. Wa-ta-k'-shi ni ko-no ka-ne no o n-keto-ri nsra-ki wo ku-da- sa-re-ma-se. Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi no ko-no ka-ne no u-ke-to-ri wo ku-da-sa-i. 171 . CartVj tftfc/?. of those loys a tempo. A-no o-to-ko no ko-do-mo ni to-o h'-ya-ku wo i-chi ma-i dz- tsz o ya-ri na-sa-re. Do. A-no o-to-ko no ko-do-mo ni h'-va-ku se-n wo i-chi ma- 7 7 fl-3 7 ^F^-tV /;^MI f i dz-tsz ya-re. 172. (7 m? fftf* to your master. Ko-re wo o-ma-i no da-n-na ni a-nge na-sa-i. 173. (to «« no to I 0-k\ in v i-" Do. Ko-re wo ino-to do h o kc l ; - (•', ,/W /,r//j f/v/y/i ike *ngar. \ i ko e i- ' ■ ti-i k:i-ri in In k- mi ti- isi-da i \\<> sdii-ro. 179 01 «>ul //ft thin pail iHtii&tl. Ko no ir o-kc wo ua-os:i-su ni ino-t \r \ 1 1 k* - i* } f9V 9 +9**l &&1*y f/orcrns all things in heaven and earth. Te-0 o hi bam mo t>v. lo-mi ni ki-i i mt ran-ma- r ^ * *&> *l*? \ =e- n 2- n ?aa ? v -? 8Z-IU. l ? 1 . -ro kn-.«hi fro lii-i-tr ko m shl I 32. (Itu'lty prnons are afraid of others. Tsz mi a-rn mono wa h'-to wo o-so-r. mi ■-/.-vu. 183. (t'unpotrder is made of saltpetre, charcoal, and t*hkwr. En-sh'-o-o wa sh'-o-o-se-ki »o sz-mi to i-wo-o do ts'-kii-ri-ma-s' :£>Mr9>^-v***> K2.Y 1 VVT vW~?% Do. E-n-sh'-o-o wa sh'-o-o-se-ki to sz-mi to i-wo-o de ts'-ku-ru H 184. Had you not better talc the other. Ho-ka no wo ts'-ky-i-mn sh'-te wa yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-mase ^ ft J 9 Vft1 Tlsf r> SOWa^D? fe nu-ka? %ft Do. Ho-ka no wo ts'-ka-t-te -wa yo-ro-sh'-k-i na-i ka? ^ft J 9 vftyf^Bti^VJ-lft J 85. Hand me an envelope. J'-oo bu-ku-ro wo i-chi ma-i ku-da-sa-re Do. J'-o-o bu-ku-ro wo i-chi ma-i ku-re-ro. 24 • H. 18G Hark ! what noise is that! O ki-ki na-sa-re ! A-no hi-bi-ki \va na-ni de °fo za-ri-ma-s' kal Do. Ki-ke ! A-no hi-bi-ki \va na-ni ka? 187. iZtfr£ / what is that? O ki-ki na-sa-re! A-re \va na-ni de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? JT ** +*V IV » y-- f f if <)^* # Do. Ki-ke! A-re wa na-ni ka? 1 88. 7Ztf« your father got well. A-na-ta no chi-chi no go bi-o-o-ki wa yo-ro-shi-u go-za-ii-ma- s' ka? Do. O-raa-e no chi-chi no bi-o-o-ki wa yo-i ka? *^1 j 4- ± f &*$** 3it) 189. Have you any work for me to do Sir? Da-n-na wa-ta-k'-shi no i-ta-sz shi-ngo-to nga go za-ri-ma-s' ka? srv-^/N %p %>Ji£& y ^v # ar -*i) i?& ft 190. f/fl^e dinner ready by the time divine service is over. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo no o-nga-mi wo shi-ma-u ma-de-ni go ha- n no sh'-ta-ku wo sh' te o-ke. w vzv $ \> fjtv L9L Save you not done this yet ? Ko-re wa ma-da de-ki a-nga-ri-ma-se-nu ka.? Do Ko-re wa ma-da de-ki a-nga-ra-nu ka? # a V r* ^ 5Tf ¥ f if ? % ti 192. Have you any more. A-na-ta ma-da go za-ri-ma-s' -ka? 7^2 TF dt if i) -?% ft Do. O-ma-e ma-da a-ru ka? Ko-re wo ts' ka-t-te o shi-ma-i na-Sa-re-ma-sh'-ta ka? a V 9 9 flVV-fris^tL J-^V^^Z ft Do. Ko-re wo ts' -ka-t-te shi-ma-t-ta ka? a v y yftvr is-?9$ ft 194. Have you ever been to Nagasaki ? I-ma-ma-de ni Na-nga-sa-ki e o i-de na-sa-re-ta ko-to wa go za-ri-ma-s' ka? ■*f t)T* ft P.M. I nil mn*ile ui Na-nga-*a-k- t it tn koto wa n-ru ka? 190 Hai'f yon found your *poon Y A un-ta no sa-ji wo o ta-di-ne i-da-sa-iv-ma-sli'-t-i ka ' T+9 / *Vy tlr* f$T*V t I S ft I » >. < >-ma-t* no sa-ji wo sa-n«ja-shi da ?Ij -ta fan *r:c y **; ? * jf > 5r >* ft 199. 7/rfrY yoi» gained or /<*«/ £jf i'/? Aua-ta so-re do to-ku wo na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta ka, sou wo, na- TV-* n r^ ? ^*v -r^* ft y^ ? * ina-sh'-tn ka? I I t > ina-r MHt M to-ku wo sli -ta ka. so-n wo sh -ta ka? Tj-r^ ?vt Yt 9 >z ft y* ? ^# *? l'.»7. BSNM y>K /y/»/ an, acamnt of expenditures all along Y \-nata ko-rc ma-do no kin ni»i-n no de-Mi i li'-o me-n ni t +% 3v?f.; *^ *v / rn f *>*^ - hi-ka-e-te go zn-ri-ma-s' ka? \zfts.? 3 *T1) "T* ft Do. O-ma-e ko-rc ma-de no ki-n niri-n no dc njja ch'-o-ino-n ni ka-ki to-uio t.' a-ru-ka? -ft* Mr 1>vft 198. Hare you any objection to it? So-rc wa anata no o ki ni i-ri-mn-sc-nu ka? yv r* ?/•>* y**.-f n-?te* ft Do. So-rc wa o-ma-c no ki-ni i-ra-nu-ka? yv * *^x> / *-f ? % ft 100. ITave an eye to (hose coolie* occasionally today. Ko-n ni-clii ko-no ni-n-so-ku no sz-ru koto wo o-ri o-ri o mi ma-wa-n ku-da-sa-re. Do. Ko-n ni-chi ko-no ni-n-so-ku no sz-ra ko-to wo to-ki do- 3i/ --f 3; -^y^ ;;jV3i- ? )-* k ki mi ma-wa-ri na-sa-e. 200. ifor* yo«r MN& come up ? O ma-ki na-sa-re-ta ta-ne wa me nga de-ma-sh'-ta ka? * -?*y--+v£ 23-^ a if T^l^^ ft Do. O-ma-e noma-i-ta ta-ne wa me nga de-ta ka? *^s^iii tt >^ a n T$ft 20 1 . He is dead. (of a superoir) A-no o-ka-ta wa o na-ku-na-ri na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. 26 H. 201. A -no h'-to wa shi-na-re-ta (or) sh r -ki-o. (ofa commoner) Do. Ta-i ku-n wa ko-o ki-o a-so-ba-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. (of fh>e Tai-kun) Do, Da-i-mi-o wa go se-i ki-o na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. (o."a Daimio) 202. Tie struck me with a club. A-no sh'-to nija wa-ta-k'-shi wo bo-o de ta-ta-ki-ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-no sh'-to nga wa-ta-k'-shi wo bo-o de bu-t-ta. t;ti- it v $w> 9 $? f$f*# 203. J0& ip*# «o£ cow^ fore. A-no sh 1 to wa ko-ko-e ku-ru ko-to wo i-ya-no-a-ri-ma-s-*.. Do. A-re wa ko-ko e ku-ru ko-to wo i-ya-nga-ru. "fV^ an 3. #)V 3Y91Vff)V 204. He is gone to Yedo. A-no o ka-ta wa Ye-do e o i-de na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-no h'-to wa Ye-do e yu-ki-ma-sh'-ta. f ) 1 1- J* 3~ Y 3-3- K f ls$ 205. He keeps two horses. A-no o ka-ta wa m'-ma wo ni h'-ki ka-t-te o-ki na-sa-re-ma-s'. Do. A-no h'-to wa m'-ma wo ni h'-ki ka-t-te o-ku. 206. He is making money fast. . A-no o ka-ta wa ji-ki ni ka-ne wo mo-o-ke-ru ko-to wo na- 1V# fit '^V*~tt 9 =fc 97'V * Y 9 ^ sa-re-ma-sz-ru. Do. A-no h'-to wa ji-ki ni ka-ne wo mo-o-ke-ru ko-to wo sz-ru. 207. .Zfc tf to have his trial to dag. A-no h'-to wa ko-n ni-chi gi-m mi wo u-ke-ra-re-ma-s'. t7tV £ **? -SLf-^V 3. 3? 97 ?v ■?* Do. A-re wa ki-o gi-m mi-wo u-ke-nr tv />##*> 3? 97 jv 208. 7Z~0 foo&.s /i£e a Chinese. A-no h'-to wa To-o ji-n ni ni-te i-ru yo-o n' mi-e-ma-s' Do. A-re wa To-o ji-n ni ni-te i-ru yo-o ni mi-e-ru. fV^H?^inff)Vf9 — 3-3-M n. 27 209. lie is a spendthrift. Alio o ka-ta wa fu-sbi-m i I za-ri-ma-s'. Do. A-no h'-to wa fu shi-ma-tsz. tyth /> ? ^-? * 210. He is fond of opium . A-no o-ko-ta wa a-hen WO sz-i-ti 1 t .-! •-rare-mas'. fj jtny * 1^9 Mf *-< >vta Do. A-no h'-to wa a-he-n wo sz-i-te tabc-ra. 211. lie has spent all his money. A-no o kata wa ki-nc wo mi-na ts'-ka-i ha-ta-sl'i-ma sh'-ta Do. A-no h'-to wa ka-n»- WO mi na ts'-ka-i ts'-kush'-ta. T/ th /* #3- 9 2*+ vn\L ? Pis ft 212. He has intfeter and ague. A-no o kata wa o-ko-ri no ya ma-i de go za-ri-ma-s' Do. A-no h'-to wa o-ko-ri wo wa-*« not know good manners. A-no o kata wa ie-i nei wa shi-ri-ma-se-nu. t > *»!* * vf *: ? ^ i)^fe * Do. A-no h'-to wa re-i ngi wo shi-ra-nu. 2 1 5. ifo M a rery bad man. A-no o ka-ta wa ha-na-ba-da a-ku ni-n de go za-ri-ma-s 1 Do. A-re wa ha-na-ha-da a-sh'-ki h'-to. 21C. He has a broken arm. A-no o ka-ta wa u-de wo ku-ji-i-te o-ra-re-ma-«\ Do. A-no h'-to wa u-de wo ku-ji-i-te i-ru. t;ti- *9f 9 tfifi* 217- He has put his wrist out ef joint. A-no h'-to wa te ku-bi no ho-ne wo chi-nga-i na-sa-re-ma- T } t \ j* f j>t£ S *3- 9 * ^f^-^v^ sh'-ta. 28 n. 217. A-no h'-to wa te ku-bi no ho-ne wo chi-nga-i-ta. fS \$\ /N f #\£ / $* 9 * If 12 2 18. Jle is ashamed of it. A-no o ka-ta wa so-re cle ha-ji wo o shi-n na-sa-re-ma-s 1 . TSilr tit » W f K??* fci> *M-v^* Do. A-no h'-to wa so-re de ha-ji wo shi-ru. f 7 t: y r> ^ v f ^f 9 ^ )V 1 29 Jle is an American, not a Japanese. A-no o ka-ta wa A-me-ri-ka no h'-to de Ni-p-po-n no h'-to de go za-ri-ma-se-nu. f* 3+* 1)-T *>* Do. A-re wa A-me-ri-ka no h'-to de Ni-p-po-n no h'-to de wa na-i. 220. JZe has not done thit right. A-no o ka-ta wa ko-re wo ts'-ku-ru ko-to wa yo-ro-sh'-ku go T^iW^av 9 ? PHY aYs* 313 p#* za-ri-ma-se-nu. Do. A-no h'-to wa ko-re wo ts'-ku-ru ko-to wa yo-ro-sh'-ku na-i. is fc> /> av 9 ypwxY^ati^P^i 22 1. Jle is an impudent fellow. A-no h'-to wa ha-ji wo shi-ra-nn. 222. Tfo Arts a new jacket. A-no o ka-ta wa a-ta-ra-shi-i ha-o-ri nga go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. A-no h'-to wa a-ta-ra-shi-i ha-o-ri nga a-ru. 223. Jjfc said I might go. A-no o ka-ta nga wa-ta-k'-shi ni i-t-te mo vo-i to o-s-shi-ya- ?/#### ? 9*i* £&•{*?«; 9 ft ^y^-r ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-no h'-to nga wa-ta-k'-shi ni i-t-te mo yo-i to i-t-ta. 224. 7Z~V9 3- *1)^* I>o. Se-n no to-o-ri ua-ru-i. 887. Jle has a bad cold. A -no o ka-ta wo sh-o-o-ka-n wo wa dzra-t-te o KM na-sa-re- ina-s\ ^* Do. A no h'-to wa sh-o-o-kan wo wa-dz-ra-t w. i-rn. r/tLY^isavt)^9 9$9*fi* 88& He has a hud c,«/^9^W **.? HV jrftfi >* o-mo-i na-sa-ru to wa chi-nga-i-ma-sz-ru. •Xt1^)V Y * * if f^X>v Do. A-no ko-to wa wa-ta-k'-shi no o-mo-o to a-no h'-to no o- mo-o to chi-nga-i-ma-s'. 233. He is the most polite man I am acquainted with. Wa-ta-k'-shi no dzo-n-ji-ma-sh'-ta u-chi de wa a-no o ka-ta ^n; r^+ *i> 9 v± r * t v ant 30 II. nga i-chi-ba-n re-i ngi ta-da-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi sh'-t-ta u-chi de \va a-no h'-to nga i chi-ba-n re-i ngi no-a ta-da-shi-i. 234. He is so stupid, he will never learn any thing. A-no o h'-to wa gu-do-n de go za-ri-ma-s' ka-ra, tsz-i-ni o-bo- IV #fc> ^^y^T a^fl)^* ft? 9i±it# e-ru koto wa de-ki-ma-s' ma-i. Do. A -re wa gu-do-n yu-e tsz-i-ni o-bo-e-ru ko-to wa de-ki ma-i. 235. He does not understand his business well. A-no o ka-ta wa ka-ngi-o-o no mi-chi wo wa-ki-ma-e-te o- ra-re ma-se-nu. ?V •?& % Do. A-no h'-to wa ka-ngi-o-o no mi-chi wo shi-ra-nu. 236. .F/tf zs «o tt£& £tal Ac cannot live long. A-no o ka-ta wa go bi-o-o shi-n de go za-ri-ma-s' ka ra, o f 7* ft.£ ^ ^tf^ ^f 5f ifl) -?% ft ?* na-nga i-ki wa de-ki-ma-s' ma-i. Do. A-no h'-to wa bi-o-o shi-n da ka-ra na-nga-ku wa i-ki-ra- re ma-i. 237. He was covered with mud from head to foot. A-no o ka-ta wa a-ta-ma ka-ra a-shi ma-de ni do-ro ma-bu- 1V7J-.ft£ *>f*^ #£ T ■■$*.*>?& vm * x re ni o na-ri na-sa-re-ta. Do. A-no h'-to wa a-ta-ma ka-ra a shi ma-de ni do-ro ma-bu- IVfcV^T^ ft? ti'TTT* XU^-f re ni na-t-ta. 238. f/0 «s always in mischief. A-no h'-to wa he-i ze-i wa-ru-i i-ta-dz-ra wo i-ta-shi-ma-s' Do. A-no h'-to wa tsz-ne ni wa-ru-i i-ta-dz-ra wo sz-ru. n. 31 239. tic cannot do such a thing at this tcell ; it is not in him. \ I kit. i w.i ehl-fl Dfta ti-ri-nu \i\-r ko-no to-o-ri ni wa de-ki-mi-se-nu. Do. A-re \va iru-ma-i da ka-ra ko no to-o-ri ni wa doki-nu. Tv rs r-rf 7f) ?a ; \?\)^ r> ?$* 240. lie it a late riter. A-no o ka-ta \va a-sa-ne wo i-ta-shi-ma V. T7 *f)Z>^ T*3- 9 f *><>* Do. A r« wi a.i-nobo wo sz-ril. 24 1 . He geit up he fore day-l*renk. A-no o ka-ta wa vo a-ke ma-e ni o o-ki na-sa-rn. iv it ft*'* a ty *\aw ^*>v Do. A-no h'-to wa yo a-kc ma-e ni o ki-ru. 242. He gets up by tun-rite A-no o ka-ta wa hi no de ni o o-ki nasn-ru. Do. A-no h'-to wa hi no de ni o-ki-ru. 243. J7±K3 ff tsz-yo, sz-niji-ma-sz-ru. 9 a A W + * >V Do. A-no h'-to wa o-rr.a-e ni ku-ra-be-rn to chi-ka-ra n^ tsz- yo sz-nf-i-ru. 245. life Myi he it unwilling. Ko-no-ma-nu to o-s'-shi-va-ri ma-s\ Do. I-ra na-i to i-u 240. /J /n rrn Ettf >y f ;w 249. JI* will not lose hj it. So-no ko-to de ke-s'-sh'-te so-n wo i-ta-shi-ma-se-mi. Do. A-no ko-to de ke-s'-sh-te so-n wo shi-ma-se-nu. 250. He cares little for dress. A-no o ka-ta wa i-rn-i no ko-to hi a-ma-ri o kn-ma i na-sa- re-ma se-nu. Do. A-no h'-to wa ki-mo-no ni a-ma-ri ka-ma-wa-nu. 251. He is always well dressed. A-no o ka-ta wa he-i ze-i yo-ro-shi-i i-P-ku woo-ki na-sa- if * n>* * -Mtff atn,n?t 9ir*f-* re-ma-s' . Do. A-no h'-to wa tsz-ne ni i-i ki-mo-no wo ki-ma-s'. 252. He is drunk every day. A-no o ka-ta wa ma-i ni-chi sa-ke ni ta-be yo-t-te o i-de na- i/itxz^^i -**>?- to?? an? f- sa-ru. Do. A-no h'-to wa ma-i ni-chi sake ni yo-t-te i-ru. 253. 77** opinion and yours are the same. A-no o ka-ta wa o-mo-o to a-na-ta no o-mo-o to o-na-ji-ko-to de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. A-no h'-to no o-mo-o to o-ma-e to o-na-ji- ko-to. If \x\ ;*fc? \ -K^Y itf-^^V H. 33 254. He denies that he did it. A-no o ka-ta wa i-ta-«hi-ma-se«nu to o-s'-shi-ya-ri-nun*. Do. A-no h'-to wa shi-ma-se-nu to i-i-ma-s'. 255. He confesses that he did it. A-no o ka-ta wa i-tn-shi-ma-sh'-ta to a-ra-wa ni mo-o-shi- ma-sh'-ta. fist Do. A-no h'-to wa i-ta-sh'-ta to a-ki-ra-ka ni i-t-lu, 256. He is said to he rich. A-no o ka-ta wa bunge-n de go za-ii-ma-a' to mi-na nga mo- o-ani-ma-a'. Do. A-no h'-to wa cho-o-ja to mi-na i-i-ma-a'. 257. He is a new comer. A-no o ka-ta wa ha-ji-mc-te o i-de na-sa-rc-ta o ki-va-ku de t/ it »? r. '-V* f*1?+*vft it *>* T go za-ri-ma-s . Do. A-no h'-to wa ha-ji-me-te k'-ta ki-ya-ku ji-n. 258 He has blue eyes. A-no o ka-ta no me wa a-i i-ro de go za-ri-ma-a'. Do. A-no h'-to no me wa a-i i-ro ni mi-e-ru. 259. He is a hard man to deal with. A-no h'-to to u-ri ka-i sz-ru ko-to wa rou-dz-ka-ahi-u go za- ri-roa-s'. Do. A-no h'-to to u-ri ka-i wa shi ni-ku-i. 260. He has been gone aU day. A-no o-ka-ta wa ki-o-o wa i-chi ni-chi o tu-sz de go za-ri- ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-no h'-to ki-o-o wa i-chi ni-chi u-chi ni o-ri-ma-se-na-n-da. E 34 H. 261. He has gone bach. A-no o ka-ta wa a-chi-ra-e o ka-i-ri na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. n 7Sirft$ j* 1* 93lT.it 1 Wtvt I,* Do. A-no h'-lo wa a-chi e ka-i-t-ta. fS t:> /> f4-ZftlV# 262. He fell flat on his loch. A-no o ka-ta wa a-wo-no-ke ni o ko-ro-bi na-sa-re-ta. ■ 1:J tW^t? S 7 ~** BtT^V* Do. A-no h'-to wa a-wo-no-ke ni ko-ro-n da. IV t:h J*19 J*J -xV^yC 263. i?e *7o0« wo£ Zn?« here now. A-no o ka-ta wa i-ma ko-ko ni sz-ma-t-te o-ra-re-ma-se-nu. ^ S * ft^S ^ i^ x 3^^yfjr?v^&% 264. He (a child) wants to play all the time. A-no o ko wa i-tsz-de-mo yo-ku o a-so-bi na-sa-re ta-nga-ru. fs* a /% i y ?& 3 $ jtT?£*$y $ if yv Do. A-no ko-do-mo wa i-tsz-de mo yo-ku a-so-bi ta-nga-ru. IV * Y5z ^ 1*f ^ B 9 1Vtt# 1f)V 265. He was lorn deaf and dumb. A-no o ka-ta wa m' -ma-re ts'-ki o-slii de go za-ri ma-s'. J is* ft? j*9%K *\-w%'? ***l ^* Do. A-re wa m' -ma-re ts'-ki o-shi da. 1v s> 9 -? v v^jtisP 266. He has not been here to-day A-no o ka-ta wa ko-n ni-chi ma-da ko-ko ni o i-de na-sa- is *ft$ > ai> -* -?$ * * ~*1? +* re-ma-se-nu. 267. He lives there all alone. A-no o ka-ta wa h'-to-ri a-so-ko ni sz-ma-t-te o i-dena-sa-re- is *ft2^\z\\) iv* - ttvf*iT**v ma-s' . Do. A-no h'-to-wa h'-to-ri a-s'-ko ni sz-n-de i-ru. is t i-^tH)f v ;2 A*&fiw 268. He does not understand this business. A-no o ka-ta wa ko-no sh' -yo-ku wo o shi-ri na-sa-re-ma-se-nu. K mW^a;s,3^*H S-*V^&% Do. A-no h'-to wa ko-no sh' -yo-ku wo shi-ra-nu. 1 S t> rs as IsB >? ? ^ 5 % 269. He has been arrested for theft. A-no o ka-ta wa nu-sz-mi wo i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta ka-ra me-shi 1 sir ft$ J* %%3> ?12^^l«>l ft? A ^ to-ra-re-ma-sh'-ta. H 35 Do. A-re wn do-ro-bo-u-sh'-ta ka-ra shi-ba-ra-re-ta. 270. He is sick of hit bargain. A-no o ka-ta wa te wo u-t-la ka-ra ko-o k'-wa-i i-ta-sh'-tc o- ra-re-ma-s\ Do. A-no h'-to wa te wo u-t-ta ka-ra ko-o k'-wa-i sh'-to i-ru. f ; th *s f 9 9?M ? ^9^9* l*?fiv 271. ffo m mow sighted. A-no o ka-ta wa kin nga-n de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. A-no h -to wa chi-ka me-da. ty t:h ^ *» *$f 272. He is the worst man I ever knew. Wa-ta-k'-shi no dzo-n-ji-ma-sh'-ta u-chi de wa a-no o ka-ta nga i-ta-t-te wa-ru-u go zo-ri-ma-s'. Wa-ta-k'-shi no sh'-t-ta u-chi Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi no sh'-t-ta u-chi de wa a-no h'-to nga i-chi- 9 fit ^ f \>** 94- f /» t y ti- «• f * ba-n wa-ru-i. 273. /fc rfoe* well for so small a hoy. A-no ko-do-mo wa chi-i-sa ke-re-do-mo yo-ku yo-o nga ta-ri fj a v % ^ *1* V v yz. a ? a? if $ i) ma-s\ ^>* Do. A-no ko-do-mo wa chi-i-sa-i nga yo-ku ya-ku ni ta-tsz. 274. He has run through all his property. A-no o ka-ta wa ka-za-i wo no-ko-ra-dz ts'-ka-i ts.-ku-shi-ma- TV* tips* Xif1 9 S* 9X^X1 9&*s* sh'-ta. Do. A-no h'-to wa ka-za-i wo no-ko-ra-dz ts'-ka-t-te shi-mo-o-ta. 275. He is in the right, they are in the wrong. A-no o ka-ta no o-bo-shi-me-shi to-o-ri nga yo-ro-shi-u go za- f > * tit > ittf Is A %>Y$ X) tf 3X2^9 dT4f ri-raa-s'. A-no o ka-ta nga-ta no o-bo-shi-me-shi wa so-o i 1)-?X f^W^3i; JT^is A Is *>?91 i-ta-shi-ma-s'. Do. A-no h'-to no o-mo-i do-o-ri nga yo-i-A-no h'-to ta-chi no TV t> /#fef r*94f at?; th %±> 36 H. o-mo-o to-koro wa chi-nga-u. 276. He thinks a great deal of his horse. A-no o ka-ta wa go ji bu-n no m-ma wa chi-n ch'-o i-ta- f ; /'ir '#*>*' V*f& > ^^ * i^±vy 1# sa-re-ma-s'. Do. A-no h'-to wa ji bu-n no m'-ma wo da-i ji ni sz-ru. 277. Jle thinks nothing of getting dead drunk A-no o ka-ta wa sa-ke ni yo-i-ma-s' to sh'-o ta-i na-ku na- ri-ma-s' ko-to-mo-na-ni mo ka-ma-i-ma-se-nu. i)^* *Y z.^~,*i ft *?i £ «a/* i^^^ 9 i $ I, -? ^v^ Do. A-no h'-to wa sh'-ya-k' ki-n nga o-o-i ka-ra no-chi ni wa t ; \=.\ /» v*9k*4tirk*in 9 J * — » bu-n sa-n wo sz-ru de a-ro-o. f^is 9 M?7t29 279. He was once poor bat now has become rich. A-no o ka-ta wa sa-ru ko-ro hi-n j'-a de go za-ri-ma-sh'-ta nga, i-ma de wa fu-u ki-ni na-ri-ma-sh'-ta. if 1 • tf T *> ?9 %^ ^-i) ^ ^$ Do. A-no h'-to wa sa-ru ko-ro hi-n j'-a de a-t-ta nga i-ma de wa f-ku sh'-a ni n a-t-ta. 280. He is a learned man. A-no o ka-ta wa ha-ku nga-ku de go za-ri-ma^. f/ar ft$ » cP ft P f =* *■*** Do. A-no h -to wa ha-ku nga-ku da. 281. He does not care what he says. A-no o ka-ta wa e-n ri-o na-shi ni o-s'-shi-a-ri-ma-s'. -?sir ft$ ^z^va^is—jrv prw* Do. A-re wa e-n ri-o na-shi ni i-u. H. S7 £82. He is bhnd of one eye. A-no o ka-ta vva kn-ta-me de go za-ri-ma-s'. fj * ft* * ft za f ^^fi)^^ Do. A-no h'-to \va me-k-ka-rhi da. 283. He died of smallpox. A-no o ka-ta wa ho-o-so-o de o na-ku-na-ri na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-re wa ho-o-so-o de shi-n da. tv j* &W9T Is ±-7 234. He has lost all his property. A-no o ka-ta wa ka-za-i wo mi-na na-ku sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-re wa ka-za-i wo mi-na na-ku sh -ta. tv rs ft*1 9 3+ +V isfi 285. He is a stingy fellow. Ano o ka-ta wa shi-wo-o go za-ri-ma-s'. T7 it ft* r v *>? * if\)^% Do. A-re wa shiwa-i. 286. Hi has sprained his ankle. A-no o ka-ta wa a-shi-ku-bi wo ku-ji-ki-ma-sh'-ta. T > *ft2 ?Yfc *& f ti^S^l-H Do. Are wa a-ehi-ku-bi wo ku-ji-i-ta. Tv>T^*tf 9 0V19 287. He teas fined one and one-half kobans for buying stolen property- A-no o ka-ta wa nu-sz-bi-to no mo-no wo ka-i-ma-sh'-ta yu- 1V* ft 9 * **fcTh J *: ? 9 Hi *&> 9 X e k'-a-ri-o ki-n i-chi ri-o ni bu to-ra-re-ma-sh'-ta. Do A-no h'-to wa do-ro-bo no mo-no wo ka-t-ta ka-ra. ka-ri- t ;\±\ ^ YX3$$> *. > 9 ftv? ft5ty\) o ki-n i-chi ri-o ni bu. to-ra-re-ta. 288. He writes a good hand. A-no o ka-ta wa no-o j'-o-de go za-ri-ma-s'. T7 # ftt *\ >*? VBT* *ri)^* Do A-re wa mo-ji wo yo-ku ka-ku. tv ^Z.^V9 3 V ft P 289. He keeps house himself A-no o ka-ta wa ka-na-i no ko-to wo h'-to-ri de na-sa-re-ma-s'. T7 *ft2 '^ft*l s 3 > ? \z\y)?**v^% Do A-re wa ka-na-i no ko-to wo h -to-n de sz-ru. Tv ^ ft+i f *\ ? fcHJ 7 W 38 H. 290. He has gone ashore. A-no o ka-ta wa o-ka ni o a-nga-ri na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. _ fj *p5 * *n +* t# >) +* v -? ^ % Do. A-no h -to wa o-ka ni a-nga-t-ta. 291. He is always losing his pocket-book. A-no o ka-ta wa o-ri o-ri ka-mi-i-re wo na-ku-sa-re-ma-s'. Do. A-no h -to wa o-ri o-ri ka-mi-i-re wo na-ku-sz. 292. He looks very like his brother. A-no o ka-ta wa a-ni sa-ma ni yo-ku ni-te o i-de na-sa-re- Tv>#*?£ X T~-t^^ 3^ -7*1? **v ma-s\ ^^ Do. A-re wa a-ni ni yo-ku ni-te i-ru. 293. He said to be poor. A-no o ka-ta wa hi-n-ki-u de go za-ri-ma-s' to, h'-to ni i-wa- fSJT ftZ ^tLf*9T*1FV*A > t:h -1V re-ma-s . Do. A-re wa bi-m-bo-o da to h'-to ni i-wa-ru-ru. 294. He has been a great traveller. A-no o ka-ta wa sh'-o ko-ku wo hi-ro-ku o me-ngu-ri na-sa TSJTJP&J* ls3 ?9 9 tL&t* A pi) ^-t re-ta n -to de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. A-re wa ku-m-ngu-ni wo hi-ro-ku ma-wa-t-ta h'-to da. 195. He lives over the river. A-no o ka-ta wa ka-wa no mu-ko-o ni o i-de na-sa-re-ma-s'. T/ Or ft# h n v ? t* ft? tstf-iTlHt-v** Do. A-re wa ka-wa no mu-ko-o ni i-ru. TV r> ft *? ; l*ft 7 ~1)V 296. He is not of age. A-no o ka-ta wa ma-da o-to-na ni o na-ri na-sa-re-ma-se-n'. Do. A-re wa ma-da o-to-na ni na-ra-nu. 297. He has played a trick upon us. A-no o ka-ta wa ta-wa-mu-re ni wa-ta-k'-shi wo o da-rna-shi f /1ttt#r> %V I* V^ »?.# #%, 9 JT?^^ H. 39 na-sa-re-ma-sh'4a. ^-* v + i, 9 297. Are wa j'-o-o da-n ni wa-shi wo da-ma-sh'-ta. 298. He sills them at a great profit A-no o ka ta wa so-re wo u-ri-mash'-tc ta-i-so-o o mo-o-ke nummr Do. A-re wa ko-re wo u-t-te ta-i-so-o mo-o-ke-ru. 299. iff A«f become used to it. A-no o h'-to wa sore ni na-re-te o shi-ma-i na-sa-re ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-re wa so-re ni na-re-te shi-ma-t-ta. 300. //Ss if rfry careful of his horse. A-no o ka-ta wa m'-ma wo ta-i-se-tsz ni yo-o ji-n na-sa-re- Y>># ft$ ^ *^ 9 Hi&V ^3?^ yHf V ma-s\ •?% Do. A-re wa m'-ma wo da-i-ji ni yo-o ji-n wo sz-ru. ?v ^ 1^ *• 9 ViV^B^V^ 9 A)V 30 1 . He can undersell us. A-no h'-to wa wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo yo-ri ya-s'-ku u-ru koto nga T7 fch /> ? 9^ h *: 31) **^ ^Vn> *f de-ki-mas'. Do. A-re wa wa-shi yo-ri ya-s'-ku u-ru ko-to nga de-ki-ni. tV^!7i/ 3 !)** WW *> If f *>V 302. ZZc if a middle aged man. A-no o ka-ta wa chi-u ne-n de go za-ri-ma-s'. is**? ^ **? 5-^ r* *p)^* Do. A-re wa chi-u ne-n mo-no da. 303. JEff otrff morf Man A* if worth, and will finally be bankrupt. A-no o ka-ta wa ji-bu-n no shi-n-da-i yo-ri sh'-a-k'-ki-n nga yo-ke-i de go za-ri-ma-s , ka-ra tsz-i-ni wa ji-mo-tsz i-ta- 3*7 if ^ifl) -?* ft J V1^> j* ^A 9 1$ shi-ma-sh -o-o. Do. A-re wa shi-n-da-i yo-n sh'-a-k'-ki-n nga yo-ke-i da ka- tv ^VzSfi 3D ^^*^ tf 3+fi $ ft 40 H. ra shi-ma-i-ni tsz-bu-re-ru de a-ro-o. 304. He has no right to do it. A-no o ka-ta wa so-re wo na-sa-re-te wa mi-chi-nga chi-nga-i fj jrxz^w 9 **vf ^3. * n ^ jfi ma-sh'-o-o. Do. A-re wa so-re wo sh'-te wa mi-chi nga chi-nga-o. ?v rs v ;v ^ h ^ 3. f n f X? 305. He injures himself by drinking sake. A-no o ka-ta wa sa-ke wo o no-mi na-sa-re-te ka-ra-da nga i-ta-mi-ma-s'. 1 %*??% Do A-rc wa sa-ke wo no-n-de ka-ra-da nga i-ta-mu. tv •? w *'?*+ *5? n 1?* 306. He is a good hand at this business. A-no o ka-ta wa ko-re wo na-sa-ru ko-to nga j'-o-o-dz de go t sir «* A 3v 9 j*if)V3Y fT&+9X'?dr za-ri-ma-s' . *fl)^* Do. A-re wa ko-re wo az-ru ko-to nga-j'-o-o-dz da. ?v /> 3V 9 jfcva* ifW9£T < 307. He has made a good teacher. A-no o ka-ta wa yo-ro.sh'-ki shi-sh'-o-o ni na-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do A-re wa yo-ki shi-sh'-o-o ni na-t-ta. tv jj a^isisW—j-yp 308. He J&M this side of the temple. A-no o ka-ta wa te-ra yo-ri te-ma-i ni o-ra-re-ma-s'. T ?1S ft% /* T5 31). f^f^^V^ Do A-no h'-to wa te-ra yo-ri te-ma-i ni sz-ma-t-te i-rti. ?7 t:> A T7 31) f ^Y— A^TVf 1)V 309. He Ziv^s tfAree doors Mw side of the inn. A-no o ka-ta-wa ha-ta-ngo-ya yo-ri sa-n nge-n te-ma-i ni sz- i m n% /*> #3* -V 31) ^yv *t*A^% ma-t-te o-ra-re-ma-s'. Do. A-re wa ha-ta-ngo-ya yo-ri sa-n nge-n te-ma-i ni sz-ma-t- tV ^ /vj| 3* f 3') +^ T^, f*t1. — *^ * te o-ru. 310. He lives ten doors beyond the custom house. A-no o ka-ta wa u-n-j'-o-o-sh'-o no ji-k ke-n sa-ki ni sz-ma- II. 41 t-te o-ra-re-ma-s' . *?*?v^A Do. A-no h'-to \va u-n-j'-o-o-sh'-o no ji-k kr-n sa-ki ni sz-ma- T>> t> ^9>VW^B SWV^ *S -* ? t-te i-ru. 3\\. He lives the other tide of the tea house. 4-no o ka-ta wa ch'-aya no sa-ki ni sz-mat-te o i-de na- sa-re-ma-s'. *v-?* Do. A-re wa ch'-a-ya no sa-ki ni sz-mat-te i-ru. TV /N *-*"* >> ** — *^*?f)V 3 12. lie let it fall and broke it to pieces. A-no o ka-ta nga o o-to-shi na-sa-rcta ka-ra ku-da-ke-ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-re nga o-to-sh'-ta ka-ra ko-wa-re-ta. Tv ffjt Yis2 fi? ^ ^v>* 313. He m e ant well, but was mistake*. A-no o ka-ta \va ko-ko-ro dza-shi wa yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri- T/* HZ ^ a np *F ^ *> 3 £Z^9 rf *fl) ma-sh'-ta nga ma-chi-ngai-ma-sh'-ta. ^ ^5 *f * * tf t^ > £ Do. A re wa ko-ko-ro dza shi wa yo-ro-shi-i-nga ma-chi-ngo-o-ta. tv * 3^t3 ** v j^anyiti *4> ts ?% 3 [4. He thinks more of eating than of any thing else. A-no o ka-ta wa ho-ka no ko-to yo-ri ta-be-ma-s' ko to ni mi t/ tn* * ♦ ft s ** ao 9 **?% * y -z. wo i-re-ma-s'. Do. A-re wa ho-ka no ko-to yo-ri ta-be-ru ko-to ni mi wo i- T v ^ * X J ^h 31) ^)V^i^^t re-ru. V)V 315. /lip did it on purpose. A-no o ka-ta wa ko-ko-ro e-te i-ta-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. T Jit UZ r * xps-rifnYv ^isfi Do. A-re wa wa-za-to shi-ma-sh'-ta. Tv A' •?"'*> ^ * >5? 316. He keeps his horse well. (said of the owner.) A-no o ka-ta wa m'-ma wo yo-ku ya-shi-na-wa-se-ma-s'. T7 arfi^ /> *^ ?34\-V^:^9fe^* Do. A-re wa m'-ma wo yo-ku ya-shi-na-u. (of the groom ) Tv ^ ^ *? ? 3 ,? -p ^zhy F 42 H. 317. He is a respectable man. A-no o ka-ta \va ta-t-to-mu be-ki h'-to de go za-ri-ma-s\ 5 Jit ft% h WYi* $% t:> f ^ *r i) -?* Do A-re wa ta-t-to-mu be-ki h'-to da. 318. .Zfo foofo ow£ well for himself. A-no o ka-ta wa ji-bu-n ng-a-t-te no yo-ro-sh'-ki ko-to wo o o-mo-i na-sa-rtr. Do A-re wa te-ma-i nga-t-te no yo-i ko-to wo o-mo-o. 319. He is a selfish fellow. A-no o ka-ta wa wa-nga ma*ma no mo-no de go za-ri-ma-s ? . f /> it K2 » 9 *f ^^S^s?*^*)-?* Do A-re wa wa-nga ma-ma mo-no. f V /> 9 ff -?-? £ } 320. He broke the law. A-no o ka-ta wa ha-t-to wo ya-bu-ri-rna-sh'-ta. 7S itt>$ ^ ^?Y9 X-fti^UA Do. A-re wa ha-t-to wo ya-bu-t-ta. f v ^ ^9Y9 -v iff # 321. He thinks of nothing but making money 1 and cares for nothing else. A-no o ka-ta wa ka-ne wo fu-va-sz ko-to ba-ka-ri o o-mo-i na- sa-re-ma-s', ho-ka no ko-to wo o ka-ma-i na-sa-re-ma-se-nu. 4Yv^?% $>fj S *Y 9it ft-m* +v -r ^ % Do A-no h'-to wa ka-ne wo ta-me-ru ko-to ba-ka-ri o-mo-t-te, ?7 nY *nir-9 $* )V^^ *)it&yf ho-ka no ko-to wa ka-ma-wa-nu. 322. IZ0 «s always finding fault. A-no o ka-ta wa i-tsz-de-mo h'-to no a-ya-ma-chi wo ta-dz- ne-te o-ri-ma-s'. 3* fit*)? A Do. A-re wa i-tsz-de-mo h'-to no a-ya-ma-chi wo ta-dz-ne-te i-ru. fv.^1 y?f&L$ J7V^£ 9 Z^fpv 323. He asks too much for his goods. A-no h'-to no shi-ro-mo-no no ne-da-n dz-ke wa ta-kasz-ngi-ru. IVtiV 7 V t2 ^ ? ? 3-#V T >j ^5? fl % ^)V Do- A-re nga shi-ro-mo-no wa ne nga ta-ka-i. fVtf >#*: 7 '< 5- tf ZK1 324. 5^ ft «?or£A 143.000 kobangs. A-no o ka-ta wa i-chi ma-n ri-o-o no shi-n shi-o-u de go 7 sir n% j* r -f ^ \)w s ^ i^b v? st U. 43 za-ri-nm-s'. Do. A-re wa i chi ma-n rio-o no shi-n shi <>-u Ife arrived there late. Aim o ka-t i wa mu-ka-u e o-so-ku o ts'-ki na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. Do. • wa mu-ka-u e o-so-ku tsz-i-ta. fVS* fell 73-JtVP V12 326. Zfc ha* just gone out. A-no o ka-ta wa sa-ki ho-do ho-ka ni o i-de na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. Do. \ • va sa-ki ho-do no-ka ni vu-i-ta. 327. He hat jutt gone home. A-no o ka-la wa sa-ki ho-do u-chi e o ka-i-ri na-sa-re-ma- ft til >- *\ -t.K 7 4-3-Xni \)+*v -r sh'-ta. Do. A-no h'-to wa sa-ki ho-do u-chi ni ka-i-t-ta. 328. He comes here often. Ano o ka-ta wa ta-bi ta-bi ko-ko Hi o i-de na-sa-re-ma-s'. Do. A-rc wa la-bi ta-bi ko-ko ni ku-ru. Tv ^ $\£ %\£ aa ~ $ )\ 329. He comes here several times a day. A-no o ka-la wa hi ni i-ku ta-bi mo ko-ko ni o i-de na-sa- re-mas'. Do- A-re wa hi ni na-n do mo ko-ko ni ku-ru. 330. JLt is an honest man A-no o ka-ta wa sh'-o-o-ji-ki de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do A-re wa sh'-o-o-ji-ki mo-no. tv /*Vfc#£%fe7 331. He has gone on board ship. A-no o ka-ta wa fu-ne e o i-de na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-re wa fu-ne e i-t-ta. tv y> 7 3-^-f y# 332. 2& Ayf3i) fc+^^v 339. He promised to come to-day. A-no o ka-ta wa ko-n ni-chi ma-i-ri-ma-sz-ru to ya-ku so-ku wo l-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta. R 45 Do. A-re wa ki-o-ku-ru to ya-ku so-ku shi-ma-sh -ta. 340. He vat taken tick on the road. A-no o ka-ta wa mi-chi de o wa-dz -ra-i na-sa-rc-ma-sh'-tn Do. A-re wa mi-chi de wa-dz- ra-t-ta. ZA\. He told m* ail about it. A-no o ka-ta wa no-ko-ra-dz wa-ta-k'-shi ni o ha-na-shi na- sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-no h'-to wa noko-ra-dz washi ni ha-na-ah'-ta. 342. 27* tc? ff %$i~? de wa go za-ri-ma-se-n'. f fs 3l if X)~? &1S Do. A-re wa sa-ru ko-ro a-t-ta i-ma de wa na-i. Tv * ^)V ^t2Ty^Y^f » ^f 345. He hat committed harakiri. A-no o ka-ta wa se-p-pu-ku wo i-ta-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta t/ or ft 2 ** y fty ? fWv?^ Do. A-re wa ha-ra wo ki-t-ta. TV J* J* 5 ^**£ 346. Help me a little. A-na-ta s'-ko-shi wa-ta-k'-shi ni o te wo o ka-shi na-sa-re- 1+2 * *%> r> $ 9%, - *f 9 * ft is +*v 4fi H. te ku-da-sa-re-ma-sh'. Do. O-ma-e chi-t-to wa-ta-k'-shi ni te wo ka-sh'-te ku-re-ro. jr^z * v > W^Af? ^i/f 9 v n 347. Help me twist this string. Wa-ta-k'-shi i-to wo yo-ri-ma-s' ka-ra,-o te-tsz-da-i na-s a-re- V % ^i\ ? 3 i) -?* ft ?*? m^ifv te ku-da-sa-re. Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi i-to wo yo-ru ka-ra. te-tsz-da-t-te ku-re-ro. 348. Help him to some rice. A-no o ka-ta ni go ha-n wo o a-nge na-sa-re-te ku-da-sa-re. Do. A-re ni wa me-shi wo ku-wa-sh'-te ku-re-ro. 349. Here is the place for it. O-ki-ma-s' to-ko-ro wa ko-ko de go za-ri-ma-s' . Do. O-ku to-ko-ro wa ko-ko da. -ft? Y*t2 A a a f 350. Here is a dose of medicine. Ko-ko ni k'-sz-ri nga i-t-ch'-o go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-ko ni k'-sz-ri nga i-t-ch'-o a-ru. 351. Here it is. (after searching) Ko-ko ni go za-ri-ma-s'. Do Ko-ko ni a-ru. 352. Here it is, take it as long as you require *V.(\vhen given to be used) Go yu-ru-ri-to o ts'-ka-i na-sa-re-ma-sh'. Do. Yu-ru yu-ru to ts'-ka-e. 353. His father lives at Yedo. A-no o ka-ta no chi-chi wa Ye-do ni sz-ma-t-te o i-de na sa-re-ma-s'. s Do, A-re no chi-chi wa Ye-do ni sz-ma-t-te i-ru. 354. His pronunciation is had. A-no o ka-ta no go i-n nga wa-ru-u go za-ri-ma-s'. II 47- Do. A-re no go i-n nzi wa-ru-i. f\ ? *u ti 9 )V-f Hit shop is next to mine. • h'-to no miss wa wa-ta-k'-shi no to-na-ri de go za-ri- mis'. Do A-re nga mi-se wa o-re no to-na-ri da. 356. Hi* maimer* are e/otcnish. A no o ka ta no fu u-dzo-ku wa i-na-ka mo-no de go za-ri- 1V *f)9 S ?9r 9 *i9*n fc ; f dr ifX) mas'. Do. Are nga fu-u-dzo-ku wa i-na-ka mo-no da. tv n ?9 r 9 /> i+n t;y 857. His wife i$ my tmni. A-no o ka-ta no tsz-ma wa wa-ta-k'-shi no o ba de go za-ri- mas'. ^* Do. A-re no tsz-ma wa wa-ta-k'-shi no o ba da. fv / **j* >?9 91^ t**9 358. His mind is not on his work. A-no o h'-to wa na-sa-ru ko-to ni mi wo o i-re na-sa-ra-nu. Po. A-re wa sz-ru ko-to ni mi wo i-re-nu. Tv^ *>V ay — 3.9 iv% 350. His father set him up in business A-no h'-to no chi-chi wa mo-to de wo i-re-ma-sh'-te a-ki-na- i wo ha-ji-me sa-se-ma-sh'-ta. 19 **£* *\z^is 9 Do. A-re no chi-chi wa mo-to de wo i-re-te a-ki-na-i wo ha- tV ? * * J* *z.\ T 91 Vf f *7>-19 *s ji-me sa-se-ta. VA +fe 9 360. Hi« horse ran atcay with him, and he could not stop him. A-no o ka-ta wa m'-ma de ha-shi-ra-se-ma-sh'-ta nga, ji-shi-n 9 > it ft 9 * h 1? T ^> 9 * * I- 5? ft Vl^ de to-me-ru, ko-to nga de-ki-ma_se-na-n-da. r M >v a l- *f f * ■? * ^$r Do. Are wa m'-ma de ha-shi-ra-se-ta nga to-me-ru ko-to nga tv » **^ f /%v?^ tf M >v 3f # 43 H. de-ki na-ka-t-ta. 361 His house is opposite to mine. A-no o h'-to no i-e wa wa-ta-k'-shi no i-e no mu-ko-o de go za-ri-ma-s' Do. A-re nga i-e wa wa-shi no i-e no mu-ko-o da. 362. Em wound is healed. A-no o ka-ta no ki-dz wa i-e ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-re no ki-dz wa i-e-ta (or)na-o-t-ta. 7v ) % *rj*i*% *itv % 363. His income is 1000 no a month. A-no o ka-ta no ri-o-o bu-n no a-nga-ri-da-ka wa h'-to ts'- tlXnzw**}*?*',} iff y#n &n > * ki ni se-n ri-o-o dz-tsz ha-i-n-ma-s' . a^—te^ \)v^ry ^1*)^?> Do. A-re nga ri-o-o bu-n no a-nga-ri-da-ka wa h'-to ts'-ki ni se-n ri-o-o dz-tsz, ha-iru. 364. i?is children have their own way. A-no* o ka-ta no ko-do-mo wa wa-nga ma-ma de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. A-re nga ko-do-mo wa wa-nga ma-ma mo-no da. 365. TZbiy *fo yew seZZ £&»* article.? A-na-ta ko-no shi-na wa na-ni ho-do de o u-ri na-sa-re-ma-su- ka? Do. O-ma-e ko-re wa na-ni ho-do de u-ru ka? 366. .How V ft II. 49 368. How much did you pay for this ? re wa na-ni ho-do de o ka-i na-sa-re mn-sh-'ta ka ? a v ^ +~ fc K 7 it ft 1 + * v * i,>* n Do. ko-re wa iku-ra de ka-t-la ka? ^ v ^ 1 1? 7 ftv? ft 369. How is this idea expressed in Japanese? Ko-no o rao-o ko-to wa Ni-p-po-n dr wa na-ni to i-i-ma-sh'- t.i-r.i V"-ru-slnn p za-rima-sh-'o-o ka? Do. Ko-no o-mo-o ko-to wa Ni-p-po-n de wa do-o i-t-ta-ra yo- karo-o ka? *7?? ft 370. How long do you want this? Ko-re wa i-tsz ma-de o i-ri yo-o de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. Ko-re wa t-tsz ma-de i-ri yo-o da ka? 371 . //oir foa^ do yaw tMN^ •*.* (speaking of length.) Na-nga-sa na-ni ho-do o i-ri na-sa-rc-ma-s' ka? 9- ff * *» A K*\f <) >*-+ v^ # Do Na-nga-sa na-ni ho-do i-ru ka? 372. How does he get his living f A-no o h'-to wa na-ni wo ka-ngi-yo-o ni sh'-te o ku-ra-shi na- sa-re-ma-s' ka? *V ~?A ft . Do. A-ie wa na-ni wo ka-ngi-yo-o ni sh'-te ku-ra sz ka? TV /* +~ 9 ft*?B*> - ^f VJK ft 373. Mow long shall you be gone? A-na-ta i-tsz ma-de ni yu-t-te o ka-e-ri na-sa-re-ma-s' ka? Do. O-ma-e-i-tsz ma-de ni i-t-te ka-e-rn ka? 3h?:fcf* -?7 — 1?f ft^w ft 374. How long ie this house. Ko-no i-e no ke-n sz-u wa na-n nge-n go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. Ko-no i-e no ke-n sz-u w T a na-n nge-n a-ru ka? a ;i^; *f^%V r*+& >T^7)V ft 375. How wide is it? Ha-ba wa na-ni ho-do de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? j» ,< ^ +^ &V 7 * *Ti)^* ft 50 H. Do. Ha-ba wa na-ni ho-do a-ru ka? ^ j* /\ j-^l 4vK f >v ft 376. How wide is the front entrance? (or door) I-e no rna-ngu-chi wa na-n nge-n ho-do go-za-ri-ma-s? i s~;-? >jr 4- ? +^ T^ * F ^if l) -?x Do. I-e no ma-ngu-chi wa na-n nge-n ho-do a-ru ka? is-; ^ p * ^ **, 9> v^F f)V ft 377. iTotp fongr is the house from front to rear? So-no i-e no o-ku-yu-ki wa na-n nee-n ho-do go za-ri-ma- y ; is-; jr# i ^ A ^ >f ^ * F af if i) ^ s' ka? Do. So-no i-e no oku-yu-ki wa na-n nge-n ho-do a-ru-ka? V ; is- ;%'; z-% ^ +*, TV vjsF f >v # 378. iZbw? MMc/i m A* worth? A-no o ka-ta wa shi-n sh'-o-o wa na-ni ho-do de go za-ri-ma- fSit ft% r* Is^^W >v*^tfvF ftfHfl) -? s' ka? Do. A-no h'-to wa na-ni ho-do no shi-n sh'-o-o ka? T^tl- s^ +~ v^F ? I** U*9 ft 379. How much is this worth? Ko-no ne-u-chi wa na-ni ho-do ngu-ra-i de go za-ri-ma-sh- =2 J ?r*? * rsyh^z sJvK 9t ?t f & if 1) -? is o-o ka? Wft Do. Ko-no ne-u-chi wa do-no ku-ra-i de a-ro-o ka? * > 3-9 * ^ F >> '99&ti9? ft 380. ZTow Aar^ ^ w?mf 381. How long have you been her el Ko-ko ni na-ni ho-do o i-de na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta ka? Do. Ko-ko ni na-ni ho-do i-ta ka? 382. How long is it since you come here. A-na-ta ko-chi-ra e ma-i-ri-ma-sh'-te yo-ri na-ni ho-do ni na- f+# n i; S-^iX)^^y 3 \) ,*-,$ y ^ j- n-ma-s ka? 1)^* ft Do. O-ma-e ko-chi-ra e ki-te yo-ri na-ni ho-do ni na-ru ka? ir^rs- =t ± ;*>*? 3 i) +~ & F ~ +)v ft II. 51 383. How do you want this done? ko-rc wa do-no vo-o ni ts'-ra-sh'-te yo-ro-shi-u go-za na-sh'-o-o ka? n^>T^ ft Do. O-mae ko-rc wa do-o ts'-ku-t-te yo-ka-roo ka? *-?!. a\ /\ K9 >>> ^)> f 3 # ? ? # 384. //ou? mncA rfo you trV ft 385. 7/om» c o-o ka? *9ft Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi ko-re wo na-nga-sa do-re ho-do ni ts'-ku-ro- *?99^*v9+tf * Kv * K - * 9 t2 o ka/ 9ft 387. How much do I owe you? Wa-ta-k'-shi a-na-ta ni sh'-a-k'-yo-o nga na-ni ho-do go za- •? 99 > 1+9 ~ 1^*939 n +~ * v * *r ri-ma-sh'-o-o ka '? n^^-r^ ft Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi o-ma-e ni ka-ri nga i-ku-ra a-ru ka? 9 ;5»^*-v>i- ft>) ft -f^ ?f>v ft 388. iZow; many kinds of tea are there 9 Sz-be-te ch'-a no ru-i wa i-ku shi-na ho-do go zari-ma-s' ka? *^f ±r ; )Vf ^19 1'* * K^r -»fi)^^ ft Do Sz-be-te ch'-a no ru-i wa i-ku shi-na ho-do a-ru ka? X- 7 >v Y /n i 9 Is > 4v K 7>v ft 389. 77om7 fowy M?f7Z i£ Je before grapes are ripe? Bu do-o no ji-k'-shi-ma-sz wa i-tsz no ko-ro de go za-ri-ma- -fV9 S&fil'^A^i* J *\2 ? ? if X) ^> s' ka? 52 H. Do. Bu-do-o no ji-k'-sz no wa i-tsz ngo-ro ka? fV9 ? &#A / x\i9 ar tt ft 390. Hoio did it turn out ? A-no ko-to wa i-ka-nga na-ri-ma-sh'-ta ka? t ; 3 1- ^ 1Xlf 9- 1)^^# ft Do. A-no ko-to wa do-o na-t-ta ka ? 391. Mow much does that weigh? So-no me-ka-ta wa na-ni ho -do go za-ri-ma-s' ka? y;^W /> t*~ *F aP if l)^* ft Do. So-no me-ka-ta wa i-ku-ra a-ru-ka? y ? * n$ j* 1 93 TfVJi 392. iZow wwcA 02/$rA£ Jfo give for it? Wa-ta-k'-shi ko-re wo na-ni ho-do ka-i-ma-sh'-te yo-ro-shi-u •?^i/3W *- 4s F ftf^^f 3d>^ go za-ri-ma-s' ka? ar ->fi)^ ft Do. Wa-shi wa ko-re-wo i-ku-ra de ka-t-te yo-i ka? v %> /> 5i v v 9 f ^? r nvf&i ft 393. How mwA >#*S> ^ X ft Do. O-ma-e ko-re wa i-ku-ra ngu-ra-i no ne-u-chi to o-mo-u ka? ir^^v ^1#f F31 ) &f # Yitz.7 ft 394. Sow much does he get a months A-no h'-to wa i-ehi nge-tsz ni ki-u-ki-n wo i-ku-ra o to-ri na-sa-ru ka? Do. A-re wa i-chi nge-tsz ni ki-u-ki-n wo i-ku-ra mo-ra-u ka? fv /> Y* >f 9 ~*y*^9i ?? £?? ft 395. How many are there in all? No-ko-ra-dz de i-ku-tsz go za-ri-ma-s' ka? /■j*V£f-f'#y* *r*)^* ft Do. No-ko-ra-dz de i-ku-tsz a-ru ka? / * 5AT1P* ?>vft 396. How much does this hold ? Ko-re ni wa na-ni- ho-do ha-i-ri-ma-s' ka ? a v a * J-~ v^ Y r> iV)-?%ti Do. Ko-re ni wa do-re ho-do ha-i-ru ka? a v a /> F v v}sK ^i)V ft 397. How thick the mosquitoes are ? Ka nga o-o ku-te u-t-to-shi-u ngo za-ri-ma-s' Do. Ka nga o-o-ku-te u-ru-sa-i. ' ft n *MfV**i B. 53 308. How mwh does it all amount to t N ko-ra-dz de da-i kin \va i-ka hodo ni na-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. No-ko-ra-dz de da-i wa i-ku-ra ni na-ru ka ? 309. /fair f->Tf J+99 + r fi 400. How far is it to Fujiyama f Ku-ji-sa-n ma-de wa i-ku ri hodo go-za-ri-mas' ka? Do. Fu-ji-sa-n e wa na-ni no-do a-ru ka ? 401 . 2/wr long will you be about it t I-tsz ngo-ro ma-de ni ka-ka-ri-ma-sh'-o-o ka ? Do. I-tsz ma-de ka-ka-ru ka? 402. How many can you spare t i hodo ni i-dz-ri na sa-re-te ku-da-sa-re-ma-sh'-o-o ka? Do. I-ku-ra ni l-dz-t-te ku-re-ru ka? i99^iX*f fjvyv ft 403. f/9jt#T+*v -z^n Do Ko-n ni-chi wa ka-wa-ru ko-to wa na-i ka ? 3^-^ J* ft V)\ 3> /* J-ift How do you do to-day? (when one has been ill.) Ko-n ni-chi wa go ki-bu-n wa i-ka-n^a de go za-ri-ma-s' ka 9 Do. Ko-n ni-chi wa o ko-ko-ro yo-i ka? a^ ^* s^x * * n 31ft 405. How long may I keep it? Wa-ta-k'-shi i-tsz o ka-ri mo-o-sh'-te o-ki-ma-sh'-te vo-ro-shi 54 II. f. u go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi i-tsz ma-de ka-ri-te o-i-te yo-i ka ? v wl-i v vf ftVfxifai ft 406. Human nature is the same in all countries. Ba-n ko-ku to-mo-ni h'-to no m'-ma-re-ts 1 -ki wa o-na-ji-ko-to **%> a $ \ :fc.nfc Y S V ^?V9 \ ^jf^ijzY de go za-ri-ma-s'. f rf if 1) ^^ Do. Se-ka-i no h'-to no m'-ma-re-ts'-ki wa o-na-ji-ko-to da &ft1 StzY ? 9.T v.J>* /> itJ-Va Y >? 407. Hunting is forbidden within 10 ri in all directions from the Niton bridge at Yedo. Ye-do no Ni-ho-n ba-shi ka-ra ji-u ri yo ho-o ka ri wo sz-ru s*Y > jsA^ Ay ft 5V9V 3*9 ft\) 9 A)V ko-to wa ki-n-ze-i de go za-ri-ma-s'. aY ^ *^l£1? ^ *fl)^* Do. Ye-do no Ni-ho-n ba-shi ka-ra ji-u ri yo ho-o ka-ri wo sz 3. V ; j&fo^ A > fjf &$ 1) 3^y ftX) ? ^ ru koto na-ra-nu. )V 3Y 9-7 % 408. Humble persons do not boast of their merits. Ke-n so-n no h'-to wa koo ni ho-ko-ri ma-se-nu >7^y^ ;ti- ^ =iy~ vt,r?i) <*? & % Do. He-ri-ku-da-ru h'-to wa ko-o ni ho-ko ra-nu I. 409. I am not well. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ki-bu-n nga yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-se-n' V 5 9 Is ^ ^?\^ # 3t2 ^9 ar ->f 1)^> -fe ^ Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi nga ki-mo-chi nga wa-ru-i ? £ ^ # **:* tf ?)V1 410. I want it well done. Wa-ta-k'-shi yo-ro-sh'-ku ts'-ku-ra-se-to-o dzo-n-ji-ma-s' V ^/i/'a^^ 9 # ?& Y 9 £>£'*& Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi yo-ku ts'-ku-ra-se-la-i i? #**; a ^ s> # 7&$1 4 1 1 . / want some of each hind. Wa-ta-k'-shi i-ro i-ro s : -ko-shi dz-tsz i-ri-ma-s' Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi i-ro i-ro s'-ko-shi dz-tsz i-ru. 55 412. lam a little deaf. ko-shi to-c i ina-s. V 9 9is J*2>3> ft *? > V?*?" *P)-?* Do. v. -sin mi-mi di >? *? I ***l,2.& If YB1 l have the tooth ache. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ha nga i-ta mi-ma-s'. Do. W i wa ha Dffl i-ta-mu. 9 ** Ve j* j* $ 4 4* * 414/ (umv yo« •/ »'# mo/ so. Sa-yo-o de wa go za-ri-nn smiu ma-koto woo ha-na-shi-mo- o-shi in Do. So o (1 i ho-n to wo ha-na-s . f9S r*t *** V 9 aj« 415.7 four r*Hl /Am ioojfc through. W h ->hi wa kono ho-n wo vo-mi o-wa-ri-ma-sh -ta. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-no ho-n wo von-de shi-ma- >? i/ ^ 3 ; ^ ? 3^ f l^ ^** 4 16. 7 Aacv ntrtr Aflrf awy oM ^ a. 9 3i)i^?^w tf a 1 y ***> 56 1. 420. I did not understand, although I heard it. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ki-ki-ma-sh'-ta ke-re-do-mo wa-ka-ri-ma-se- na-n-da. Do. Wa-shi wa ki-i-ta ke-re-do-mo wa-ka ra-na-ka-t-ta. ? If r* *1$ V v f^ v n ?9-nv% 42 1 . 1 think it will be so eventually. Shi-ji-u wa sa-yo-o de go za-ri-ma-sh'-o-o to o-mo-i-ma-s' Do. Tsz-i ni wa so-o de a-ro-o to o-mo-o. 422. I will not do so again. Wa-ta-k'-shi f -ta-ta-bi so-no to-o-ri ni i-ta-shi-ma-se-nu. Do. Wa-shi wa f-ta-ta-bi so-no to-o-ri ni wa se-nu. V is ^ ?5?#tr V ?\W~ n &% 423. I got up this morning he/ore dag break Wa-ta-k'-shi ke-sa yo-a-ke ma-e ni o-ki-ma sh'-ta. •? #>.^ 7* at ytt^jt*-? ><$ Do. Wa-shi wa ke-sa ku-ra-i u-chi ni o-ki-ta. 424. J mws£ Aaw £Aw ^oo^A om£. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-no ha wo uu-ki-ta-i to o-mo-i-ma-s'. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-no ha wo nu-ki-ta-i to o-mo-o. 425. I can do it now as well as any time. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa i-ma i-ta-shi-ma-s' mo no-chi ni i-ta-shi-ma- s' mo o-na-ji-ko-to de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Washi wa i-ma sz-ru mo no-chi ni sz-ru mo o-na-ij-ko- v v /* 1 ' ■ t **v % ? * — %)\ & nr^v * to da, 426. 1 see now that I was mistaken. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa sa-ki ni chi-nga-i-ma-sh'-ta nga i-ma de wa ko- ko-ro dz-ki-ma-sh -ta. 3|3 X* f^ 2 Do. Wa-shi wa sa-ki ni chi-nga-e-ta nga i-ma de wa ki nga- V > /^ *~ * tfs-% ft 1*'-? * * ft tsz-i-ta. *1# I II T came aross it in the market. Wa-ta-k'-shi \va i-chi ni yu-ki a-aw-se-te ka-i-ma-sh'-ta 9 9? Vs*1 *■**■* J *?*.?» 1 Vis * Do. Wa-shi wa i-chi ni yu-ki a-wa-se -to ka-t-ta. 428. I hate been busy helping off with his baggage. W v shi wa a-no o ka-ta no ni-ngo-shi ra-i no te-tsz-da- i de i-so-nga-shi-u go za-ri-ma-sh la, 129 Do. W .- hi wa a-no h'-to no ni wo ts'-ku-t-tc yarn no de i- so-nga-shi ka-t-ta. y # ~> *?*# /am beginning to be a little better of my illness. Wa-ta-k'-shi no bi-o-o-ki ngn i-maV-ko-shi yo-ro-shi-u go za- 9 * 9\, ytra?* #*-?** ^ a ti^?^*r n-ma s\ Do. Wa-shi no bi-o-o-ki wa i-ma s^ko-shi yo-ro-shi-i. 9 V J t£39*>M^* ^ I, 3 tr>Y 430. I found them scattered here and there all along the road. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-chi ko-chi no mi-chi ni chi-t-tc a-ru no wo 9 * 9V ** f * ^ -f ;^^ -* * f f >v / ? yu-ki a-wa-se-te mi-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa a-chi ko-chi no mi-chi ni chi-t-te a-ru no wo mi-ta. 431 . lam afraid that boy will not turn out tcell. Wa-ta-k'-shi a-no ko-do-mo wa se-i ch'-o i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-te mo ro-ku-na mo-no ni wa na-n-ma-s'-ma-i to o-mo-i-ma-s'. Do. Wa-shi wa a-no ko-do-mo wa se-i ch'-o sh'-te mo ro-ku- na mo-no ni na-ru-ma-i to o-mo-o. 432. I have a charge of 10 rio against you. Wa-ta-k'-shi no ch'-o-me-n no o-mo-te ni a-na-ta ni ka-ne- 9 £ ^ ) ±3*^ 7 *£f ~? ;*#- ft 3- nga ji-u ri-o ka-shi nga shi-ru-sh'-te go za-ri-ma-s'. 58 I. 432. Wa-shi nga ch ; -o-rne-n ni o-ma-c ni ji-u ri-o no ka-shi !? i». if 4-a*^ ~jr-?3.^yx)ays ni, nga shi-ru-sh'-te a-ru. it ^Wls7 7>v 433. I have been here upwards of a year. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-ko ni i-chi ne-n a-ma-ri o-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-ko ni i-chi ne-n no yo l-ta. 9 £ ^ 3 3 ^f | ji/ ; af^ 434. I have paid you up to the end of last month. Wa-ta-k'-shi a-na-ta ni se-n nge-tsz mi-so-ka ma-de no bu-n wo a-nge-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa o-ma-e ni se-n nge-tsz no-rai-so-ka ma-de no v is /* ^^-^ t *"j&9n'**rF > bu-n wo ya-t-ta. 435. Jfafti yow fo * v 9 IsU 119*7? X? fc-t^ 9 na-ru. 436. 1 am sich. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa bi-o-o-ki go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa bi-o-o-ki. 437. I don't care. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ka-ma-i-ma-se-nu. Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ka-ma-wa-nu (or) Wa-ta-k'-shi to-n-j'-a-ku v %v ^ *> n & v % v&v ^ V*W9 na-i. 433. I want this. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-re wo ho-shi-u. go za-ri-ma-s'. V %9 p r> a v ? *js v? dt *ry*x Do. Wa-shi wa ko-re nga ho-shi-i. H^?v it tfs^Y 439. I don't know. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa dzo-n-ji-ma-se-nu. - V % >J ^ rs f ^-? ^ % Do. Wa-shi wa shi-ra-nu. i. H 440. / cannot tell. ma-so-nu. Do. Wa-shi wa ha-na-sa-re-nu. 441. /suppose so. Wa-ta-k'shi wa sa-vo-o ni o-moi-ina-s\ Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa so-o o-mo-o. ? y *9\>> » V9XZ.9 II J. [ don't Jike this. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-re wo s'-kt-ma-so-nn. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-re wo s'-ka-nu. 9 ^ ^ 3V^^^ 443. /am hungry. ,1 m Ivu-u f-ku ni na-ri-mash'-ti. 9 99^ ^ 4>9 ?4> -y-1) T^9 Po. Wa-shi wa ha-ra nga sz-i-ta. V l, >^ ^5 if Kit* III 1 am going out to-day. W 1 ta-tf-shi wa ko-n ni-chi yo-so c ma-i-ri-ma-sh'-o-o to 0- mo-i-ma-s'. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-n ni-chi yo-so e yu-ko-o. 9 '• ^ 3^ r. + 3 y ii3>? 445. lam sleepy. Wa-ta-k'-shi ne-mu-u go za-ri mas'. Do. Wa-shi wa ne-mu-i. 446. I hare lost my hook. Wa-ta-ti'-shi no ho-n nga fu-n ji-tsz i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta. V 99 v > **" it 7^V?19^^^9 Do. Wa-shi no ho-n nga na-ku na-ri-ma-sh'-ta. . 9'Vy *^ if +9 *V $ V9 447. I am very tired. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ha-naha-da ts'-ka-re-rna-sh'-ta, V 99" ^ r> f* 9-r*9t 9 ii v ~?V>9 Do. Wa-shi wa o-o-ki ni ts'-ka-re-ta. V ^ ^jr9*~ 9ft v9 448. I have not a cash. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ze-ni nga s'-ko-shi mo go za-ri-ma-se-nu . 9 9 9 \s /> If— if >\ * Is £ 3T -f l)-? ^ /• 60 I. Do. Wa-shi \va ze-ni nga s'-ko-shi mo na-i. 9 l*> s* *£& if X* ^ Z.7>-1 449. I have never seen him. Wa-ta-k'-shi vva ma-da a-no o-ka-ta-ni o me n i ka-ka-ri-ma se-n', ^^ Do. Wa-shi \va ma-da o-no h'-to wo mi-nu. 450. J am afraid to tell Wa-ta-k'-shi wa i-u ko-to wo ha-ba-ka-ri-ma-s'. Do, Wa-shi wa i-u ko-to wo ha-ba-ka-ru. 9 ^ /> 1 9 *> 3? ■ ■> /* * >v 45 1. 1 have forgotten. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa sh'-tsz-ne-n i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta. 17 9^ l- ^ l< ^3-^ Y £ s^ ^# Do. Wa-shi wa wa-sz-re-ta. V Is ^ V ^v5? 452. J<0t3? %ee to that myself. Wa-ta-k'-shi nga ji.shi-n de sa-shi-dz wo i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. Wa-shi n^a ji-shi-n de sa-shi-dz wo shi-yo-o. ? v n v^ f * i* x y i» 39 453. /do wo£ w«w£ «wy ^^?- Wa-ta-k'-shi ni te-tsz-da-i wa i-ri-ma-se-n'. Do. Wa-shi ni te-tsz-da-i wa i-ra-nu. >? ^ ^i fVjTi /> Y?^ 454. / A«W0 been taking medicine* Wa-ta-k'-shi wa k'-sz-ri wo no-mi-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa k'-sz-ri wo no-n-da 455. / have not seen it, Wa-ta-k'-shi ma-da ha-i-ke-n i-ta-shi-ma-se-na-n-da, Do. Wa-shi wa ma-da mi na-ka-t-ta. V ^ /> * & ^ J~ft 9 5? 456. / cannot understand the rationale of it. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa so-no ri nga wa-ka-ri-ma-se-n'. v w i» » y y v if v n J )^ *^ Do. Wa-shi wa so-no ri nga wa-ka-ra-nu. V ^ r* V > *) if Vti 9 X I 61 457. lam ashatned. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ha-ji wo ka-ki-ma-s'. 9 9 9 ^ /* '^ 9 ft * ^^ Do. Wa-shi wa ha-ji wo ka-ku. ? >; ^ ^i: 9 n 9 458. I am not sure. Wata-k'-ahi wa la-sh'-ka ni dzo-n-ji-ma-s. 9 ?9 > >^ £ >*? — V^^tM^ Do. Wa-shi wa la-sh'-ka ni shi-ra-nu. 459. /shall (70 Mm evening. Wa-ta-k'shi wa ko-m ba-n k'-t-to ma-i-ri-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-m ban k'-t-to yu-ko-o* 9 if ^ 3i/^^y|-'j.3 9 4C0. I have cut my finger. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa yu-bi- ni ki-ri-ki-dz wo ko-shi-ra-c-ma-sh'-ta 9 W Is r* *~ tT -* i) * X 9 3 i, 5s.-? is 9 Do. Wa-shi wa yu-bi ni ki-ri-ki-dz wo ko-shi-ra-e-ta. ? ^ ;> * 12 - * >) *X 9 *is53-9 46 1 . 7 have eel my teal in my blood that I will not break my promise. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ya-ku-so-ku wo chi-nga-i-ma-se-nu ta-me ni v 99 is A y 9 y 9 9 ifii-z^z*- ke-p-pa-n wo i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa ya-ku-so-ku wo chi-nga-e-nu yo-o ni ke-p-pa- 9 Is ^ V9V 9 9 * ifx-Z 3*? - T^° n wo sh'-ta. ^ 9 ^9 462. I have seen this be/ore. Wa-ta-k'-sh wa ko-re wo ma-e ka-ta ha-i-ke-n i-ta-shi-ma- V 99 ^ /* *v 9 -Z3-H9 ^1*7^1 9 ^ ^ sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-re wo ma-e ka-ta mi-ta. 9 ^ ^ av 9 -?*> fJ9 ^9 463. / think so too. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ya-ha-ri sa-yo-o ni dzo-n-ji-ma-s'. V M9 v /> Y^O *B9~rfV^A Do. Wa-shi wa ya-p'-pa-ri so-o o-mo-o. 9 I* ** ** ^°i) y??%9 464. I like this best. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-re nga i-chi-ba-n ki ni i-ri-ma-s'. 02 1. 464. Wa-shi wa ko-re nga i-chi-ba-n ki ni i-ru. 465. I do not think so. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa sa-yo-o ni wa dzo-n-ji-ma-se-nu. 9 9 9 Is '*> ifB9 ~ A jf-si^fcjR Do. VVa-shi wa so-o wa o-mo-wa-nu. 466. / do not believe it. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa shi-n-ji-ma-se-nu. Do. Wa-shi wa ma-ko-to to se-nu. V V J* ■ * 3 f > M £ 467. I dont care whether there are any or not. Go-za-ri-ma-sh'-te mo go za-n-ma-se-nu de mo to-n-j'-a-ku i- **#$ -?l»? £ aT if i) -?& % TZzY^VWI ta-shi-ma-se-nu. Do. A-t-te mo na-ku-te mo ka-ma-wa-nu. Tffp f ft # * 9 ja 468. I shall go in a month- Wa-ta-k'-shi wa mo h'-to ts'-ki ta-chi-ma-sh'-tc ma-i-ri-ma-sh'- V % # ^ r* fc fcf y^- /^ ^ ^f -^f *)-? v yo-o. Do. Wa-shi wa mo h'-to ts'-ki ta-t-te yu-ko-o. 469. I cannot stay here any longer. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa mo ko-ko ni o-ra-re-ma-se-n. Do. Wa-shi wa mo ko-ko ni wa o-ra-re-nu. ? >- ^ ^ x n ~^%3 v% 470. I have no more patience with you. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-na-ta no ka-to ni mo ko-n-ni-n nga na-ri- ma-se-nu. -? &% Do. Wa-shi wa o-ma-e no ko-to ni mo ka-n-ni-n ngana-ra-nu. 471. I bathe twice a day. Wa-ta-k'-shi hi ni ni do dz-tsz yu wo ts'-ka-i-ma-s'. Do. Wa-shi wa hi ni ni do dz-tsz yu wo ts'-ka-u. f If ?< t* a *k y ;>c y a 9 :.# &9 472' I have sent a messenger. Wa-ta-k ? -shi wa ts'-ka-i no mo-no wo ts'-ka-wa-shi-ma-sh'-ta. I. 03 Wa -lu wa ts' ka-i wo ya-t-ta. 673. I hare just found out what it means. W I .-k'->lii \va !■ ill i IM ka-n-nsra-i i-da-shi-ma-sh'-ta. 9 # f^ /* *Tf^ ft^tfY 1 9 r t>* 1^9 Do. Wa shi wa ta-da-i ma kannga i da-sh'-ta. 9 is* wn* fj^tfi 5r^2 474. I cannot help it. (in the sense of preventing) Wl ta-k'-shi wa P-sc-ngu ko-to nga dc-ki-ma-se-n\ Do, Wa-shi wa P-sengu koto D£l d«--ki-mi. 475. 1 cannot help it. fin the sense of remedying.) W i -ta-k'-shi wa na-o-a' ko-to nga ae-ki-ma-se-nu. t \> % 9 I, r^9 * 3^ tf f * -?* a Do. Wa-shi wa na-o-s'.ko-to nga de-ki-nu. V lrf*+9X*\ if T * * l never said so. W i ta-k'-shi wa ma-da so-no yo-o-na ko-to wo mo-o shi-ma- V % 9*s '^ ^V 9 S 3^3h 9 *z9is ^r se-n'. Do. Wa-shi wa ma-da so-n-na ko-to wo i-wa-nu. 9V r**& f*+*Y 9i V J* 477. lam surprised at that. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa so-re wo he-n ni o-mo-i-ma-s'- ^ •? 99 p * yv 9 ^ ~9*.i-?7. Do. Wa-shi wa so-re wo he-n ni o-mo-o. 478. I forgot to triad up the clock last night. Wa-ta-k'-shi sa-ku-ba-n to-ke-i wo ka-ke-ru ko-to wo sh'-tsz V 99 is *9><^ YV1 9 XV )V *Y 9 i^ V ne-n i-ta-shi-ma-sh-ta. 3-^19is-? V9 Do, Wa-shi wa yu-u-be to-ke-i wo ka-ke-ru koto wo wa-sz- V I, js x.y^YVI 9 X >7)V *Y 9 V A re-ta. v9 479. 1 cannot lift this. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-re wo mo-ta-re-ma-se-nu. V 9 9 is a v 9 *z 9 v sr ^ Do. Wa-shi wa ko-re wo mo-ta-re-nu. •7 }^^nv9^9v^ 480. 1 sometimes work in the garden for amusement. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ta-no-shi-mi ni to-ki-do-ki ha-ta-ke wo ts'-ku- V 99 Is * 9 ?ls ^- V*K* ^9*7 9*9 64 I. ri-ma-s'. 480. Wa-shi-vva ta-no-shi-mi ni to-Ici-do-ki ha-ta-ke wo ts'-ku-ru. !?i/^ #7 ^2> ~)-*F* ^5* V 9 ? 9rv 481./ cannot tell them apart. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa mi wa-ke-ra-re-ma-se-nu. Do. Wa-shi wa mi wa-ke-ra-re-nu. 482. I am at a loss what to do. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa do-o sh'-te yo-ka-ro-o ka shi-re-ma-se-nu, ^ 9 J* #%> ^ v 9 yi a Km ^?i/vtu Do. Wa-shi wa do-o sh -te yo-ka-ro-o ka shi-ra-nu. v v r* Y9 }sf a nm n^3 % 483. I will help you all lean. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa de-ki-ma-s' ho-do a-na-ta ni o te-tsz-da-i wo V Wis /* *T * * *4stf fa* £ -#T 5f9Tf ? i-ta-shi-ma-sh' -o-o. Do Wa-shi wa de-ki-ru ho-do o-ma-e ni te-tsz-da-wo-o. V Is j* t\ft &F #^^~ f * #99 484. 1 do not want so much. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa so-no yo-o ni ta-k'-sa-n wa i-ri-ma-se-nu. y'J*9\s'r> V } 39 ~ #'M^^1V * &Z Do. Wa-shi wa ko-n-na ni i-ra-nu. 435. / think a little less will do. Mo-o chi-t-to he-ra-sh'-te yo-ro-shi-u to dz-o-n-ji-ma-sz-rn. Do. Mo-o s'-ko-shi he-ra-sh'-te i-i to o-mo-o. %.9 %* ^ -vj ls*TiiY**& 486. I have taken pains with this. Wa-ta k'-shi wa ko-ko-ro ni ka-ke-te kc-re wo i-ta-shi-ma-sh' -ta. *? % 9ls r* nnU^^y av 9 1 5? 2^ ^ # Do. Wa-shi wa ko-ko-ro ni ka-ke-te ko-re wo sh'-ta. ? & ^3ap^Wf 3V 9 is# 487. I connot think a&. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa sa-yo-o ni wa o-mowa-re-ma-se-nw. Do. TFa-shi wa sa-yo-o ni wa o-mo-wa-re nu. 9 ^A^M^W^^ 488. 1 will see to it presently . PFa-ta-k'-shi wa no-e.hi ni mi-ma-sh'-o-o. 9 % V\» r* ? *~ 5^v39 Do. Wa-shi wa no-chi ni mi yo-o. y ^ ^ ;± ^ jr-^39 I 489. I will tend for it Wa-ta-k'-shi \va to-ri ni ts'-ka-wa-se-mn-sh'-o-o. ? xt \> * y ») - vn v * ^39 Do. Wa-shi wa tori ni ya-ro-o. v i, ^ y n-tn^ 490. I am m\ k of fish. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa sa-ka-na wo ta-be a-ki-ma-sh'-ta. ? fit Is >» *f) + 9 ^ ?*-? Is 5* Do. Wa-shi wa sa-ka-na wo ku-i a-i V l> r* *f) + 9 ?1?*fi 491 . 1 hare a bad memory* Wa-ta-k'-shi wa mo-no o-bo-e nga wa-ru-u go za-ri-ma-s'. v %>? \> ^ *. ) jMU n v »v =f *r»)^* Do. Wa-shi wa mo-no oboe nga want -i. ? ^ ^ fc > ■*#*># v>vl 492. 1 am a stranger here. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-ko ni ri-o-sh'-ku wo sh'-te o-ri-ma-s'. V 2t}s ^ a a ^ X)3ls$ 9 >f *!)-?* Do. Wa-shi wa ko-ko ni ri-o-sh'-ku wo sh'-te i-ru. *> ^ /s a a ^ \)3i, // 9 l» f 1)V 493. I must change my clothe*. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ki-mo-no wo ki-ka-e-ru yo-ro-shi-u. go za-ri- 9**^/>*fc>>? \tl*)V 3 Vis 9* if 1) ma-s . ~?% Do. Wa-shi wa ki-mo-no wo ki-ka-e-ru nga yo-i. V \s ^ * *: ' ? * *** *f 3 1 494. I said so only in jest. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa sa yo-o ni j'-o-o-da-n ba-ka-ri mo-o-shi-ma- V 9 >?^ ^A3*,~V3*??^ AW) t^ * sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa sa yo-o ni j'-o-o-da-n ba-ka-ri i-t-ta. 495. I do not sett on credit. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ka-ke-u-ri wa i-ta-shi-ma-se-nu. Do. Wa-shi wa ka-ke-u-ri wa se-nu. v is j» nwv ^ &z 496. I have been ill for a month. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa h'-to ts'-ki wa-dz-ra-i-ma-sh'-ta. v %t is ^ ny v* y$? i^is$ Do. Wa-shi wa h'-to ts'-ki wa-dz-ra-t-ta. 9 ^ ^ \zy y^ >7X ?*£ 66 I. 497. I do not want this any longer. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-re wo mo-o i-ri-ma-se-nu. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-re wo mo-o i-ra-nu. 498. I cannot Jceep it out of my mind. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-re wo» wa-sz-ra-re-ma-se-nu. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-re wo wa-sz-ra-re-nu, 499. I am not in want of it at present. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa i-ma ko-re wo i-ri-ma-se-nu. V 9 Pis ^,1 ^3V^f))^)( Do. Wa-shi wa i-ma ko-re wo i-ra-nu. 500. 1 do not know when Tie will come. A-no o ka-ta wa i-tsz o i-de na-sa-ru ka dzo-n-ji-ma-se-nu. •rsjrftfi^ ivjtif pM-jv ft. r^v^ &z Do. A-no h'-to wa i-tsz ku-ru da-ro-o ka shi-ra-nu. T7t:> *sf ? #)V #W ftt- 9 % 501. 7" bought these at auction. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-re wo se-ri de ka-i-ma-sh'-ta. 9 %V Is -* *V 9 ^1) f ft1^^$ Do, Wa-shi wa ko-re wo se-ri de ka-t-ta. ? 2/yN.av ? fei) rnw 502. I have done my best to teach him. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa i-ta-t-te mi wo i-re-te a-no h'-to wo o-shi-e- ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa i-ta-t-te mi wo i-re-te a-no h'-to wo o-shi-e-ta. 503. I want it done in this way. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-no to-o-ri ni ts'-ku-ra-se-to-o go za-ri-rna-s' Do. Wa-shi wa ko-no to-o-ri ni ts'-ku-ra-se-ta-i. 504. 1 want three ichibus. Wa-ta-k'-shi ka-ne nga sa-m bu ho-s'-shi-i, 505. I will stick to my word. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa va-ku-so-ku wo ka-ta-ku a-i ma-mo-ri-ma-sh'- V $V v ^V^ y #9 ft 2s;l1-?*z i) ■? ^ o-o. 39 I 605. \\"a->lu :-.^oku wo ka-ta-ku ma-mo-ro-o. 9 *, ^ v 9 v 9 9 n 99 ~? *.nv 506. I would thank you to explain it A-na-ta ko-n* wo to-i-te o ki-ka-se-tc ku-da sa -ra-!»a a-ri-nira- lo-o dzo-n-ji-ma-s'. Do. O-ma-c ko-re wo to-i-tc ki-ka -sr-ni na-ra a-ri-n * v9 9*< 9-V7 #v#v*^— :/->v 511./ cannot reach so high. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa so no yo-o ni ta-ka-ku.te wa to-do-ku ko-to 9 99^.^ v > 39- 5?# 9t /> yy 9 *Y n?a de-ki-ma-se-n\ if T * ** We Do. Wa-shi wa so-no yo-o ni ta-ka-ku-te wa o-yo-bu ko-to nga de-ki-nu. 68 1. 512. jT have overtaken you at last Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-na-ta ni yo-o va-ku o-i ts'-ki-ma-sh'-ta, ^ 9 99 ^ /^f^i39 V 2*1 ^n^9 Do. Wa-shi wa o-ma-e ni yo-o yo-o o-i ts'-i-ta. 9 is /n jt^^ay&9?i?i% 513. / cannot answer you now, I must take time to think. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ta-da-i-ma go a-i sa-tsz wa i-ta-sh'-ka-ne-ma-s' ka-ra, to-ku to ka-n-nga-i-te, no-chi ni mo-o-shi a-nge-ma- ft? \ 9 \ ft^fflf s * -^^ff ■* sh -o-o. \s39 Do. Wa-shi wa i-ma he-n-to-o wa de-ki-na-i ka-ra, ka-n-nga- i-te no-chi ni i-wo-o. 514. I have been waiting for you two hours. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-na-ta wo f'-ta to-ki o ma-chi mo-o-sh'-te o- #'&?■ p J* t+# 979Y**-? f *9Pf* n-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa o-ma-e wo f'-ta to-ki ma-t-te i-ta. P I,* jr^rs- 9 79Y*-?v?19 515- 1 cannot sit up so late. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa so-no yo-o ni na-nga-ku o-ki-te wa i-ra-re- rna-se-n'. Do. Wa-shi wa so-n-na-ni na-nga-ku o-ki-te i-ra-re-nu. 9 Is * ?&&£*-# 9 jr*r1?vz 516. 1 can't put up with it any longer. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa mo-o ko-no ngo wa ka-m-be-n-nga de-ki-ma- 9 99ls ^^9*7 a' ^ ftf<^ tff \ ^ se-nu. Uo ' Wa-shi wa mo-o ko-no no-chi wa ka-m-be-n nga de-ki-nu. 9 ^ > *& *f / # >% fj ^^ ft f * % 517. I took this coin for an ichibu by mistake. Wa'-ta-k'-shi wa ko-ko-ro e chi-nga-i de ko-no ka-ne wo i-chi v 99 is /< nans.! m f* /n 5- 9 1 * bu no ts'-mo-ri ni u-ke to-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-ko-ro e chi-nga-i de ko-no ka-ne wo i-chi bu V Is ^ a a vs.} ffi f i JWSr9 1* ? no ts'-mo-ri ni u-ke to-t-ta. i no 618. 1 went with him all the way home. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-no h'-to to is-sh'-o ni a-no h'-to no i ye ma- de ma-i-ri-ma-sh'-ta. [)o. Wa-shi wa a-rc to i-s-sh'-o ni a-re no u-chi ma-do i-t-ta. 9 ^*fV M *^9- TV SV* *fl9fi 5 19. I carry this cane to hep off the dogs. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa i-nu wo o-u ta-me-ni ko-no tsz-e wo mo-chi- mas'. "^* Do. Wa-shi wa i-nu wo o-u ta-me-ni ko-no tsz-e wo mo-tsz. 9 Is r> i% 9*V$ A- *> ** 9 *z f 520. 1 find the material] he pay* for the work. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa sh'-o-sh'-ki no i-ri yo-o wo da-shi-ma-s'; a- no o ka-ta wa te-ma wo o da-shi na-sa-re-ma-s'. Do. Wa-shi wa sh'-o-sh -ki wo da-sh'-te, a-no h'-to wa te-ma wo da-s'. V I, ^^3^^ 9 PI* ftyth J*f* 9?K 521. Is this fruit wholesome f Ko-no ku-da-mo-no wa ha-ra no ta-me-ni na-ri-ma-s'-ka? * ? v rz. ? * *p > % a~ + \) ^%n Do. Ko-no ku-da-mo-no wa ha-ra no ta-me-ni na-ru ka? n ; v $ ^ > r> n ? ; fit ~ t^>v ft 522. I beg you to come quickly. Do-o-zo a-na-ta o ha-ya-ku o i-de na-sa-re-te ku-da-sa-re. Do. Do-o'-ao o-ma-e ha-ya-ku k'-te ku-re-ro. 523. I cannot do two things at once. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa h'-to-ride f'-ta ya-ku wa ts'-to-ma-ri-ma-se-nu. Do. Wa-shi wa h'-lo-ri de f-ta va-ku wa ts'-to-ma-ra-nu. v v ^ tH) ??£ ■* 9 * * \-*f& 524. 1 can do it as well as not. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-re wo i-ta-sh'-le mo, i-ta-shi-ma-se-nu de- 9 9#ir^r> z v 9 IZis? ^-f# i^te J* f mo o-na-ji ko-to de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-re wo sh'-te mo shi na-ku te mo o-na-ji ko-to da. a V 5T 70 I. 525. I aduise you to accept his offer. A-no o ka-ta no o da-n-ji na-sa-ru ko-to wo o u-ke-a-i na- sa-re-ma-sh', ko-re wa a-na-ta ni o sz-sz-me mo-o-sz. Do. A-re no da n-ji-ru ko-to wo u-ke-a-i ko-re wa o-ma-e ni sz-sz-me-ru. >\>\A )V 526. I leg your pardon. Ma-p-pi-ra go me-n na-sa-re-ma-sh'- Do. Go me-n na-sa-i. dt *y ^1 527. I go to see him now and then. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ta-bi-ta-bi a-no o ka-ta wo ta-dz-ne-te ma-i- ri-ma-s'. Do. Wa-shi wa ta-bi-ta-bi a-no h'-to wo ta-dz-ne-te yu-ku. 528. I long for a little rain. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa s'-ko-shi o shi-me-ri nga ho-shi-u go za-ri- ma-s'. -?* . Do. Wa-shi wa s'-ko-shi a-me nga ho-shi-i. 9>^ %* Is 7* it tf^f 529. I leave that for you to do. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa so-no sz-ru ko-to wo a-na-ta ni o ta-no-mi- mo-o-shi-ma-s'. Do. Wa-shi wa so-no sz-ru ko-to wo o-ma-e ni ta-no-mu. V is ^ y s Ms *\ 9 jt^x>~ %? ^ 530. 1 barely see the ship. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ka-s'-ka ni fu-ne nga mi-e-ma-s'- Do. Wa-shi wa ha-ru-ka ni fu-ne nga mi-e-ru. 9 l» 'J* lr*lV ft ~? 5- if 2. 33V 531. 1 will raise your wages next month. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ra-i nge-tsz a-na-ta no ki-u-bu-n wo ma-sh'-te 9^2/^?fT^ 7^2 >> **>i^9 ^ f a-nge-ma-sh'-o-o. i. n 531. Wa-shi wa ra-i ncr^-tsz te-ma-i noki-u-ki-n WO ma-sh'-tc-ya ro-o. T have made it as good as it teas before. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-re wo mo-to no to-o-ri ni na-o-shi-mr sh'-tn. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-ro wo mo-to no to-o-ri ni na-osh' ta 9 is '* av 9 *iY /YV*) ~t>-9 U9 533. lam going to take my pick out of these. W i ta-k'-ghi wa ko-ko-no u-chi de e-ra-n-do to-ri-ma-sh'-o-o V 99 y /% a a ; ?.f T.s^f^f H) -?^39 Do. Wa-shi wa ko-no u-chi de yo-ri do-ri ni shi-yo-o. 534. lam near sighted. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa chi-ka mc do go z»-ri-ma-s\ V 991, » ± il AT *4fi) -??, Do. Wa-shi wa chi-ka-mr 9 t> >> * » * 9 535. I have not suspected him in the least heretofore and now ichcn I hear what he has done lam very much surprised i-k'-shi wa i-ma ma-de a-no h'-to wo s'-ko-shi mo u-ta- 9 * i* r?T IS th 9 *? l» ^ *>9 nga-i-ma-se-n, ta-da-i-ma so-no ko-to wo ki-ki-ma-sh'-te o-o- if 1-?^?>X1^ y; *Y 9 **-? isf 9* ki-ni o-do-ro-ki-ma-sh'-ta. Do. "W a sin wa i-ma ma-de a-no h'-to wo s'-ko-shi mo u-ta-nga wa V is r* f^^fT;tF 9 >X*P *zV9lf r* naka-t-ta. tn-da-i-ma so-no ko-to wo ki-i-te o-o-ki ni o-do- ro-i-ta. 536. / shall he ready ly the time you are. A-na-ta sh'-ta-ku wo na-sa-ru to-ki ni, wa-ta-k'-shi mo i-s-shi-o ni IV-Si^ 9 9 t^Nv }-*-!?!* 9V*A VW^ i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. O-ma-e sh'-ta-ku wo sz-ru na-ra wa-shi mo i-s-shi-o ni shi-yo-o. -jt-es-^99 9 Aw*? /> l? &1 9ls94irBV 537. 1 offered a thousand dollars for that home. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-no i-e wo se-n do-ra ni ne wo ts'-ke-ma-sh'-ta. V 99 3s ^7 Si ^9^ Y7-3-9 W^is % Do. Wa-shi wa a-no u-chi wo se-n do-ra ni ne wots'-ke-ta. 72 I. 538. I took Mm up at Ms price. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-no o ka-ta no ne wo o ts'-ke na-sa-ru to-ko- ro de, te wo u-chi-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa a-re no ne wo ts'-ke-ru to-ko-ro de te wo u-t-ta. 539. 1 have been offered $100 for my watch, but I would not take it. Wa-ta-k'-shi no to-ke-i wo h'-ya.ku do-ra ni ne wo ts'-ke-ra-re-ma- 9 % Vis J Y>71?tzv /;V3^3-? y >? ?v * sh'-ta n^a, so*no ka-ne wo to-ru ko-to wo ko-no-mi-ma-se-n . 1-9 it V > ft?r9 YmY.9 ^73^^ Do. Wa-shi no-to-ke-i wo h'-ya-ku do-ra ni ne wo ts'-ke-ra-re-ta nga so-no ka-ne wo to-ru ko-to wo s'-ka-nu. V S ft?r9 Y)V*Y 9 s? n% 540. I have more than I know what to do with. Wa-ta-k'-shi no i-ri yo-o yo-ri yo-ke-i go za-ri-ma~s'. 9 W^ 7Yl)39 '31)3 Vi^Jf 1)^* Do. Wa-shi no i-ri yo-o yo-ri yo-ke-i ni a-ru. 9 w-f i)393i)37-f-?>v 541. I have less than I want. Wa-ta-k'-shi no i-ri yo-o yo-ri s'-ku-no-o go za-ri-ma-s'. 9 99 >7 1 1)39.3 I) A* 79 ^-fl)-?* Do. Wa-shi no i-ri yo-o yo-ri s'-ku-na-i. 9 w-f 1)3931) a^y 542, 1 have been all over town for flannel, but do not find any. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-o-e-ki-ba wo ma-wa-t-te shi-ro-ra-sh'-a wo ta- dz-ne-ma-sh'-ta ke-re-do-mo ma-da mi-e-ma-se-nu. Do. Wa-shi wa ko-o-e-ki-ba wo ma-wa-t-te shi-ro-ra-sh'-a wo ta-dz- y i, ^39x^?t^f ls)Z?^9 9% ne-ta ke-re-do-mo ma-da me ts'-ka-ra-nu. 543. I have been there many a time. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-s'-ko e i-ku ta.bi mo ma-i-ri-ma-sh'-ta. 9 5T £S^9YA3f*Y 99t:tti 9 *?V& Do. Wa-shi wa a-s'-ko e i-ku do mo i-t-ta. 9 ^ ^?Aa:*Y^KfcY ** 544 I still owe him for a day's work. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-no h'-to ni ma-da i-chi ni-chinohi yo-o wo 9 Zpi, V7 ;\z>Y~^yi * ^;t3^ 9 ya-ri-ma-se-nu. •V 1) * & % I 73 544. Wa-shi waa-no h'-to ni ma-da i-chi ni-chi no hi yo-o wo va- nil. / have cock's-combs growing m my garden. W • i k ->\\\ no ha-tu.kr ni Uv -i too n^a ha-yc-ma-sz-ru. **9yj ^*? ^yji Wit ^s-^M DO. Wft-fbl ru. i, ^W ^ >M yy ff /xi)v f am of the same opin ion st ill . Wa-ta.k '-shi M MO -n -ji-vo.ri wa i-ma-da ka-wari-ina-sc nu. 9 »*> s r^va*) *> t-cT nv o * * * Do. \\a>hi no o-mo-o ko-to I nu. I have paid off all my carpenter*. W t.i-k >fii \va mi-na da-i-ku no te-ma wo ya-ri ma-sh'-ta. 9 J * S.-A* f ? 7 f * 9 Vi) T^ # Do. Wa-shi wa da-i-ku no U- BU na va-t-ta. ? ^ ^ Tf ^ / t^ ? ay-*** 548. / have paid all my servants wages. \\ s n-k -shi wa ko-dz-ko-i no ki-uki-n wo mi-na ya-ri-ma- Do. ^V\ .i - ^ 1 1 i wa ko-dz-ka-i no ki-u-ki-n wo mi-na-ya-t-ta. 9 > /> ^X#Y ^ *>?*>? 3.A1T** 549. I have paid off all my day laborers. YYa-ti-k >lu wa ya-to-i-buto ni hi yo-o wo mi-na-ya-ri-ma- sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa va-to-i-bi-to ni hi yo-o wo mi-na ya-t-ta. 9 '!> > irMtTh -t"39 9 3*Mr*£ 550. /tfw captain of this ship. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-no fu-ne no se-n-do-o de go za-ri-ma-s'. ? #t ^ *> ^ 7 ?3- ?^l>y9 r^ *ri) -?x Do. Wa-shi wa ko-no fu-ne no se-n-do-o da. 9 i/^a;?} >^Y*? 5T 551. I am looking for crimson velvet. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa hi bi-ro-o-do wo ta-dz-ne-te o-ri-mas\ ^99 9V ^.ttiP^F 5? 9X3-T* *)^X Do. Wa-shi wa hi bi-ro-o-do wo ta-dz-ne-te i-ru 9 > ^ \i\£X29Y ? $£^7 1)V 552. / want a wide ribbon to match it. Do-o vo-o no sa-na-da hi-mo nga i-ri-ma-s'. vvav ? *+? fc fc # f i)-?* 74 I. 552. Do-o-yo o no sa-na-da hi-mo ng-a i-ru. Way ?**+$ t% ft i)\ 553. I shall sail tomorrow morning, Wa-ta-k'-shi wa mi-o-o a-sa sh'-p-pa-n i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. Wa-shi wa mi-o-o a-sa sh'-p-pa-n shi-yo-o. 554. I came into 'port yesterday. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa sa-ku-ji-tsz ni-u shi-n i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa sa-ku ji-tsz mi-na-to ni ha-i-t-ta. 555. / shall go out of the harbour to throw ballast over board. Wa-ta-k'-shi vva fu-ne no o-mo-ri wo da-shi-ma-s' ta-me ni mi- na-to no so-to ni yu-ki-ma-sh'-o-o Do. Wa-shi wa fu-ne no o-mo-ri wo da-s' ta-me ni mi-na-to no so-to ni yu-ko-o. 556. I have ordered a saddle from America. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa m'-ma no ku-rawo i-s-sa-i A-me-ri-ka e chi- u-mo-n i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta. ? ^19^*? ^$ Do. Wa-shi wa m'-ma no ku-ra wo i-s-sa-i A-me-ri-ka e chi v %,.**-** ? v? 9imn* *) n*~^ u-mo-n sh'-ta. 557. Ihave left my umbrella behind. Wa-ta-k'-shi no ka-ra-ka-sa wo i-p-po-n wa-sz-re.te ma-i-ri- ? 9$%' J ft? #-* 9 1v$> VAvy -?1 l) ma-sh'-ta. ^^9 Do. Wa-shi wa ka-ra-ka-sa wo i-p-po-n wa-sz-re-te k ? -ta. 9 ^ -» 2? ? #+ 91V$> 9*vf ^^ 558. I cannot get on without it. Wa-ta-k'-shi so-re ng:a na-ku-te wa na-ri-ma-se-nu. !?5^i/ yv If *# f s^ ^ V^? & % Do. Wa-shi wa so-re nga na-ku-te wa na-ra-nu. *? Is r* y v ff'f-^f ^ + 3 % 559. Jaw fo'^e a £/m^ maw without a cane. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa dza-to-o nga tsz-e ni ha-na-re-ta yo-o de go I 75 urirai •sz-e ne ha-na-re ta jro-o da. | . £ ft .yji^ ^V^ 3 95T 600 I did not know that bej ore. So- no ko-to wo i-d/r-n wa d/o-n-ji-ma-se-n. Do. So-re wo hum ni \va slii-ra -mi. 561. I am just note going to shav*. Wh ■ wa ti-lii-mi Dt-Qge WO sz-ri-nn-sh'-o-o. 9 *^ ! vrf-r t:T 9 *>) ^3* Do, Wa-slu ro-o. I ran outrun you. W I I «hi \\;i i -;::i I ' ki tii ha-shi-m ko-lo Qga d(-- ? .*^; - f^2 3») **-^>)l ny ft f* ki-ma-s'. *T* Do. W^-shi wao-mo-e yo -ri sa-ki ni lia-shi-ru ko-to nga dc-ki ru. /o nothing more for you. Wa-i.-'-k' shi wa a-m-n wo mo-o s'-ku-u ko-to nga de-ki-ma- -nu. Do. ANa-slii wa o-ma-i wo mo-o s'-ku-u ko-to nga de-ki-nu. 5G4./ never find him at home. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-no o ka-ta no u-chi ema-i-ri-ma-sh'-ta nga, tsz-i ni o me ni ka-ka-ri-ma-se-nu. Do. "Wa-shi wa a-no h'-to no u-chi e i-t-te mo tsz-i ni a-wa-nu. ■? ^ /> T>> tih 7? f*f*?fc* Y-T9 ^ 565. I make nothing on it. Wa-ia-k'-shi wa ko-no shi-na de ri-bu-n n># n>* ^in a*?* %. > ft vnv^&% 76 I. 566. A-no h'-to wa i-ka na-ru mo-no ka wa-ka-ra-nu. t; ti-^-f^^vt; ft v ft y^ 567. I am out of debt. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa sh'-a-k' ki-n nga mo-o go za-ri-ma-se-nu. ^ V #*> ^ %>W '^ if ^? * -fi)^-fc ^ Do. Wa-shi wa mo-o sh'-a-k' ki-n no-ana-i. 568. / cannot do it alone. Wa-ta-k'-shi h'-to-ri de wa de-ki-ma-se-n'. Do. Wa-shi h'-to-ri de wa de-ki-nu. ^>t:fj) f ^ f ** 569. If I speak to a Japanese in his own language, he is so surprised that he sometimes does not answear me. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-ru to-ke Ni-p-po-n ji-n ni wa ngo de ha-- na-shi-ma-sh'-ta-ra-ba a-no h'-to wa he-n ni o-mo-t-te, he-n to-o wo i-ta-shi-ma-se-nu. Do Wa-shi wa a-ru to-ki Ni-p-po-n ji-n ni so-no ku-ni no ko- to-ba de ha-na-sh'-ta-ra a-no h'-to wa he-n ni o-mo-t-te he- n-ji wo se-nu. 570. 1 have not the least objection to it. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa so-no ko-to ni s'-ko-shi mo sa-wa-rf go-za-ri- ma-se-nu. Do. Wa-shi wa so-no ko-to ni s'-ko-shi mo sa-wa-ri-nga na-i. 571 I do not see any objection to it. Wa-ta-k'-shi nga ka-n-nga-i-te mi-ma-s' ni so-no ko-to ni wa v %>? p if ft^iflr ^^x — y ? *\ — ^ s'-ko-shi mosa-sa-wa-ri nga go za-ri-ma-se-nu to o-mo-i ma-s' Do. Wa-shi nga o-mo t-te mi-ru ni so-no ko-to ni wa s'-ko shi !? ^ ft" jt?tyf 33V ^> 9 / *y ^ ^ ^a ^ mo sa-sa-wa-ri nga na-i to o-mo-o. 572. I am very glad to see you. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa a-na-ta ni o me ni ka-ka-ri-ma-sh'-te ta-i ke- V Ztl, /n t^^-^y? - ft ft \) -?^f$ 1*7 I 77 i ni dzo-n-ji-ma-s'. Do., Wa-shi wa I mi-te ha.na-ha-da yo-ro-ko bu. 9 Is />**< 9 2>f <* ^* {f 3 O 3 ^ 573. / MMT tairrf o/" *wrA a thing. \\ i so-no yo-o-na ko-to woki-ki ma snu *? Z'S > r» tjf * ; 3V+ny 9 \*^& z Do. ko4Q WO k;-k:i-nu. V I '- -?? V>+ a\ 9 * n % 674. I have got thro 1 the worst of it. (of any ditnVuh work.) Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-no koto no na-n j'-o wo ko e-mash'-ta. y >* ti- ^ a } zY > +>^3 9 * **? ^ 9 Do. Wa-shi wa ko-no ko-to no nan j'-o wo ko-c-ta. 575. I shall go at all events, whether you do or not. | -M.i ta o i-dfl 48 mo o i-dc na-sa-ra na-ku-te mo wa-t:i- ii wa d/< -hi ina-i-ri-ma-sh '-o-o. Do O-ma-i i-t te mo i-ka-na-ku-t»» mo wa-shi wa d/< hi vn-ku. 576. / cant keep up with you. \\ | ta-k'shi wa a-na-ta no yo-o ni ha-ya-ku wa de-ki-ma- sc-nu. Do. Wa-shi wa o-ma-i no yo-o ni ha-ya-ku wa de-ki-nu. 577. I hare spoken to him about it. Wa ta-k -^hi wa a-no o ka-ta ni ko-no ko-to wo o ha-na-shi 9 Wis >^ 7 >* ft** ~ *? *\ 9 *? >^9~ls mo-o-shi-ma-sh'-ta. Do. "Wa-shi wa a-re ni ko-no ko-to-wo ha-na-sh'-ta. ? ^ ^ Tv -. a? a \9 >>*'*' 2 578. / can't see how it is done. Ko-re wa do-o sh'-te ts'-ku-ri-ma-sh'-ta ka wa-ta-k'-shi wa a v r> F9 >f * £ *) ^ ^£ # !? £ ^ ^ ^ wa-ka-ri-ma-se-n'. Do. Ko-re wa do-o sh'-te ts'-ku-t-ta ka wa-shi wa wa-ka-ra-nu. 579 . -/ have no time to do it now. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa so-no ko-to wo sz-ru hi-ma nq-a go za-ri-ma- V 9 Pis ^ 9S aY 9 ?VV tz~? if * if l) ■? 78 I. se-nu. 579. Wa-shi wa so-no ko-to wo sz-ru hi-ma nga na-i. V ^ * y y ^ h 9 K)V \z^ If J-1 580. 7/W fclfer £A«w / <&VZ ^ o^r &^VV 3V * a\2 3*? flf X)^ A Do. Wa-shi wa ko-no a-i-da yo-ri ko-ko-ro yo-i. 58 1 . I do not want it just now. Ko-re wa ta-da-i-ma i-ri-ma-se-nu. n v /n ZFi^i 1). ^ ^J* Do. Ko-re wa ta-da-i-ma i-ra nu. ^ v /> ^y-f-rf ? ^ 582. I dreamt of flying last 'night. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa sa-ku-va so-ra wo bi-ngi-o-o sz-ru yu-me wo mi-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi wa yu-u-be so-ra wo to-bu yu-me wo mi-ta. y > />> ^?^ y 5 ? y i ^ * 9 v> $ 583. 1 can do it twice to your once. A-na-ta ko-re wo i-chi do na-sa-re-ma-sz, u-chi ni, wa-ta-k'- ?^# av 9 i i Y yt-ifv -?%*? * ~?^ shi ni do de-ki-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. O-ma-i ko-re wo i-chi do sz-ru u-chi ni wa-shi wa ni do jr?i*v 9 1 £ V *>v 9 * ~ V Is r- ~ F de-ki-yo-o. 584. If you do so what will people think. A-na-ta so-no yo-o ni na-sa-re-ma-s' na-ra-ba h'-to nga na-ni to ?7*5f ?7 39— *Mfv ~? 7^?;<\z\ if 7>-~Y ka o-mo-i-ma-sh'-o-o ? Do O-ma-i so-no yo-o ni sz-ru na-ra-ba h'-to nga na-ni to ka o- mo-o da-ro-o ? 585. If you do not pay me soon I will enter a complaint to the Governor. A-na-ta ha'-ya-ku o ka.i-shi na-sa-ra-ne-ba, o bu-ngi-o-o sh'-o e go u-t-ta-e mo-o shi-ma-s'. I. 79 585. Oma-i ha-va-ku he-n-sa-i se-n» 8 co u- ; e ni s/.-ru. 586. Jf you trill do it, I will bear the bhme. i-t t->o-r< u na-ra hi, wu-ta-k'-shi no me-i wa ku t^s i n 9 +* )i 9-5 /* ^z 9 > ) a 1 v t? ni nari-n ])o. O s'-ru na-ra ! k Bhi DO i:i< ■ i-wa -ku ni *-rfy? x>v^?^ 9**^ y ^ Y?^~ n HTO. 587. If you wish to get it done, stick s!ii-ma-i na-sa-rr-t.i ku-l>a va-in»--dz ni na-sa ro. Do. ()-ina-i shi-ini-i-t i k-j-l'i v a id- -•!/ ni shi-ro. 588. Tjf yo« to ty iY, 7 in'// »w^ iY tip. i-t i ko-re de so-n wo na sa-re ta na-ra-ba, son la-ke wa wa- ta-k'-shi ts'-ku-na-i-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. O-ma-i ko-re die so-n wo sh'-ta na-ra-ba so-rf da k<- wa wa- ta-k -thJ DffV ts'-ku-no-wo-o. *4>ls if * fi J99 589. If that servant behaves well I think I trill keep him. A-no ko-dz-ka-i no ts'-to-me nga yo-ro sh'-ke-re-ba wa-ta-k'-shi t y 3X» i J vy a if a&isV y* v fiti, wa na-nsja-ku ts'-ka-e-ma-sh'-o-o to o-mo-i-ma-s'. Do. A-no ko-dz-ka-i no ha-ta-ra-ki risra i-i na-ra-ba wa-ta-k'-shi t ; n%ni > ,^? %ffi izh? a v % vis wa na-ngn-ku ts'-ka-wo-o to o-rao-o. 590. i/" you find it bad, I xcill take it back at any time. A-na-ta so-re wo o mo-chi-i na-sa-re-te mo-shi wa-ru-i na-ra-ba, t^"^ yv ? JTZ.11 **Vf *:> V)\i*?>< wa-ta-k'-shi i-tsz-de-nfb u-ke to-ri-ma-so'-o-o. VZVls 1V?£ .97 H)^y 39 Do. O-ma-i a-re wo mo-chi-i-te mo-shi wa-ru-i na-ra-ba wa-ta-k'- shi i-tsz-de-mo h -ki-to-ro-o. 30 I. 59 1 . If the article is only goody never mind the price; buy it and bring it here. Yo-ro-shi-i shi-na na-ra ne-da-n ni wa ka-ma-i-ma-se-nu ka-ra o ka-i na-sa-re-te h'-te ku-da-sa-re. Do. Shi-na sa-e yo-ke-re-ba ne-da-n ni wa ka-ma-wa-nu ka-ra ka- ^ 9- fs* 3 7 VA 3-$rv ^^ ft •?. V % ft y ft t-te ki na-sa-e. 592. If you do so any more, I will punish you. (said to children.) O-ma-e ma-ta so-no yo-o ni sz -ru na-ra-ba, wa-ta-k'-shi k'-t-to shi-o-o-ki wo shi-rna-s'. 593. If this is lost you must make it good. Ko-re wo mo-shi u-shi-na-i na-sa-re-ru na-ra-ba a-na-ta o ma-do- i na-sa-re. Do. Ko-re wo rao-shi na-ku-sz na-ra-ba o-ma-e k'-t-to ka-wa-ri-wo * v 9 % ^ * # %j-5^ #^^ v\ftv i)9 da-se. 5T& 594. Jf the best were so bad, what must the rest be? I-chi ba-n yo-ro-shi-i-no nga so-no yo-o ni wa-ru-u go za-ri-ma- sz na-ra-ba, ho-ka-no wa do-no yo-o de go za-ri-ma-sh'-o-o? £*?'J* &ft ? r> \ l B9f flfV^lsBV Do. I-chi ba-n i-i nga so-n-na-ni wa-ru-i na-ra. ho-ka-no wado- n-na da-ro-o 1 595. If you we not in a hurry, go around by the main road. O i-so-ngi de na-ke.re-ba ho-n do-o wo o ma-wa-ri na-sa-re. /? i y^f j-*j v >^fv^9 9*? * V V 9-^v Do. I-so-nga na-ku-ba ka-i do o wo ma-wa-re. 1 ?ff* Pistol vv?-? v v 596. If I give to the beggars, there will^e no end to it. Wa-ta-k'-shi ko-j-ji-ki ni ho.-do-ko*shi wo shi-ma-s' na-ra-ba ka- !? ^>2 t&?r± * Vp l>9t>*?X^5^ ft ngi-ri wa go za-ri-ma-s'-ma-i. Do. Wa-shi ko-ji-ki ni ho-do-ko-shi wo sz-ru na-ra-ba ka-ngi-ri V Is ar^^AfJvf* 3l is 9 *)V 9-?^ ft 3fi) I. 81 wa na-ka-ro-o. 597. If you blot out a word correct it over the erasure. Mo-n-ji wo ke-sh'-ta na-ra ba, u-e ni o ka-ki-n:- Do. Mo-n-ji wo ke-sh'-ta na-ra, u-e in ka-ki na-o-se. t^V 9 Vl>9 +?*>*-- f)* +9\> 698. Ignorant people are the most positive in their opinions. O-ro-ka no mo-no wa i-ta-t-te g yo-o go za-ri-mas' tXHl > fc ) ^1#Vf if if 5f 39 3-^1)^^ Do. (iiini-n wa i-chi-ba-n ga nca tsz-yo-i. 599. Intelligent persons are the most gentle and yielding, Ha-ku-sh'-ki no h'-to wa i-ta-l-te on j'-vu-n do go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Mo-no wo shi-ru h'-to wa i-ta-t-te o-n j'-yu-n da. ^ ; 9 ^>vth /vf Ht^fir^ib^f 600. In what street did you meet him. A-na-ta wa ano o ka-ta ni do-ko no ma-chi dc o a-i nn-sa- T^*^ T Jitftit -Fa / f* Tjt71+* rc-ma-sh'-ta. V fist* Do. O-ma-i wa a-no h'-to ni do-ko no ma-chi dc a-t-ta. 60 1 . Is it high tcater or low 1 Mi-chi shi-wo de go za-ri-ma-s' ka, h'-ki shi-wo dc go za-ri* ^ * is 9 t * *ri)^* nr^^f^ *p) ma-s' ka ? Do. Mi-chi shi-wo ka h'-ki shi-wo ka? 2. 4- ^ 9 X ti* ^ 9 ?l 602. 7* your new house finished? A-na-ta no shi-n ta-ku wa c;o shi-t-ta-i ni na-ri-ma-sh'-ta ka? f^5l ? l& fit * dLl,y%<^ThX)^}y>}n Do. O-ma-e no a-ta-ra-sh'-ki u chi wa de-ki a-nga-t-ta ka? 603. Is this for sale ? Ko-re wa u-ra-re-ma-s' ka ? Do. Ko-re wa u-ra-re-ru ka? Is it true ? Ma-ko-to de go za-ri-ma-s' ka ? -C3J- T dT4fX)^K ft K 82 i. Do. Ma-ko-to ka ? (or) Ho-n to-o ka ? y * y ft vt^ y 9 ft 604. Is it right for us to do so. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo ka-yo-o ni i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-te mo yo-ro-shi-u v yp^ f^ ft ay^iz^^is f % a t?^9 go za-ri-ma-s' ka? 3T # $ *?% ft Do. Wa-ta-shi do mo ko-no yo-o ni sh'-te mo yo-i ka ? V %is Viz n ; a?~ ^? % 3i fj 605. Is this enough ? Ko-re de ta-k'-sa.n go za-ri-ma-s' ka ? a v T &W**:&4m^;9% ft Do. Ko-re de ta-k'-sa-n ka? nv f ## if^ ft 506. Is this your pencil ? Ko-no fu-de wa a-na-ta no go sh'-o-ji de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? * ? ? f *» 19-% ; 3f i^ai^r af -fi) ^ ^ ft Do. Ko-no fu-de wa o-ma-e no sh'-o-ji ka ? * > 7T /> *-?*- / i^av ft 607. h that all ? So-re ba-ka-ri de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. So-re ba-ka-ri ka ? t V Aft \) ft 608. Is it odd or even ? Ta-m me-i de go za-ri-ma-s' ka ch'-o-o me-i de go za-ri-ma- ^>(jf jf W^X ft±a? a 1¥ ar *jmj -? s' ka? Do. Ta-m me-i ka eh'-o-o me-i ka ? ^ M ft l-a*?M ft 609. Is it time for us to go? Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo no ma-i-ri-ma-s' ji-kc-ku ni na-ri-ma-sh'- 9 £^v f^ > -c^i)^^ t^ ~ ^*)^ ^ ta ka? * ft . Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo no yu-ku ji-bu-ri ni na-t-ta ka? 610. is it a good time to transplant trees ? I-ma ki wo u-e-ka-e ma-sh'-te mo yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma- 1^ * 9 V^ft^ ^Tt3I2^ a* if l) ^ s' ka f %ft Do. I-ma ki wo u-e-ka-e-te mo yo-i ka? f^?% ? y^ft^rz.ai ft T. 83 611. h this home to let. Ko-re wa ka-shi i-e de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. Ko-re \va ka-shi i-e ka ? CI 2. hthit gttn loadedl DO te-p-po-o \va ta-ma-npu-sz'-ri DH ko-me-te go za-ri-ma- ^ y f *#?^ *■? ^ -*o tf ^ f aff i) •? I k;i .' 613. 7# this piece tiker? lv -no gi-n \va mu-ku de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? 3 / \^^ i» t ? * **)-?* n Do. Ko-no gin wa mu-ku ka ? ^ 7 V«^ ^ * 9 ft G 1 4 . /51V «o/> to keep money here ? Ko-ko in ka-no wo o-ki-ma sh'-tc mo an shi-n do go za-ri- a a a fj 5- 9 ** ? >? *: T^ l*> f 5* *fi) ma-s' ka? Do. Ko-ko ni ka-nc wo o-i-tc mo a-n shi-n ka? a a .n ?)J- 9 *1f *:T^ V^ft C 1 5. 7> (hit child a girl or a boy J Ko-no o ko wa o-na-ngo dc go za-ri-ma-s' ka oto-ko de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? *n)^* ft Do. Ko-no ko wa o-na-ngo ka, o-to-ko ka? n ; a ^ tJV- 3l fj iryn n 6 16. It there a fruit called the apple ? Ri-n-ngo to i-u ku-da-mo-no nga go za-ri mas' ka? \)^ *- y 1 ? 9 ?*. > n * *H)^* ft Do. Ri-n-ngo to i-u ku-da-mo-no n> n v>* ft 617. If spoilt the teeth to file them. Ya-sz-ri de ha wo sz-ru to so ko-na-i-ma-s'. -V **) f ^ 9 *>V > ya^t^ Do. Ya-sz-ri de ha wo sz-ru to so-ko na-u. -v *i) t ^ 9 * yv y y*+7 618. It takes two to make a row. F'-ta-tsz na-ke-reba h'-to na-ra-bi ni na-ri-ma-se-nu. Do. F'-ta-tsz na-ke-re-ba h'-to na-ra-bi ni na-ra-nu. 84 I. 619. It takes more cloth to make it in that way. So no yo-o ni ts'-kut-te wa ki-re nga o o-ku i-ri-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. So-no yo-o ni ts'-ku-t-te wa ki-re nga o-o-ku i-ru de a- y > ^ ~7#7f /> %v ft jr^Plw ?1 ro o. 77 620. It makes no difference to me which you do; suit yourself. Do-chi-ra na-sa-re-te-mo wa-ta-k'-shi ni ka-ma-i wa go-za- ri-ma-se-nu, o-bo-shi-me-shi shi-da-i ni na-sa-ri-ma-sh'. Do. O-ma-i do-o sh'-te mo wa-ta-k'-shi ni ka-ina-i wa na-i ka- ra, no-zo-mi shi-da-i ni shi-ro. 7 7 rs* uxi~ \»n 621. It is a long time since I bade you adieu. A-na-ta ni o wa-ka-re mo-o-sh'-te yo-ri hi-sa-sh'-ku o me ni ka-ka-ri-ma-se-na-n-da. Do. O-ma-i ni wa-ka-re-te yo-ri. hi-sa-sh'-ku a-wa-na-n-da. 3r^Y- *>n vf 3i) fc-t^ ^ t ^^y 622- A m my time to go. Wa-ta-k'-shi nga yu ku j'-yu-m-ba-n ni a-ta-ri-ma-sh'-te go za- 9 $#\s ft * W^'^~ f £ V *? ^f * -f ri-ma-s' . Do. Wa-shi nga yu-ku j'-yu-m-ba-n ni a-ta-t-ta. V Is ft *-# ^f*^^~T#*# 623. It will do very well as it is; do not le too particular about it. So-re de mo-o yo.ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s', ta-i so-o ni ne-n wo i-re-te sz-ru ni wa o-yo-bi-ma-se n. Yvf M—^-ftB^^&Z Do. So-re de mo-o yo-ro-shi-i a-ma-ri ne-n wo i-re-te sz-ru ni nf *?? 3 \2\si 1~?X)^9 1V? K)V~ wa o-yo-ba-nu. 624. It will not last long. (said of the weather) Hi-sa-sh'-ku wa tsz-dz-ki ma-s' ma-i. t ^ I, # ;\ V IT * ^?X "^Y Do. Na-nga-ku wa tsz-dz-ku ma-i. /• # # ^ 9 ftp -?i 1 85 // won't last long. (of any thing in use.) Na-nga-ku wa mo-chi-ma-s' ma i. ** it 9 j* ^4* *%-*i Do. Na-nga-ku \va mots/., ma-i. + it 9 » *b * *i 626. It was an accident on my part, I beg pardon. Wa-lak'-shi wa so-so o wo i-ta shi-mash'-ta, go men ku-da- V fit is* 9 9*9 iZ^-Zis Z ar A^ t ? sa-re-ma-sh'. Do. Wa-shi wa soso-o wo sh -ta, go mc-n na-sa-i. V V rs y yt 9 V * *** ^^ 627. // At> 7 if 9*9 f *'T i?!? Y *f ^ *fi) ^ * Do. Shj-wo ke nga na-ke-re-ba a-ji-a-i nga na-i. i> * y n ^w^igy-itf 9-i 633. It has lost its savour. Ko-no a-ji nga nu-ke-ma-sh'-ta. * J 7¥ if *7 -? Is Z 86 I. Do. Ko-no a-ji nga nu-ke-ta. 634, It is exactly noon. I-ma ni-t-chi-u de go za-ri-ma-s 7 . 1-?^y±y ¥ & *f i)^* Do. I-ma -ma-hi-ru da. 635 is very useful. Ta-i so-o ni ya-ku ni ta-chi ma-s'. Do. Ta-i so-o ni ya-ku ni tii-tsz. 636. /^ is past 8 o'clock. (in the Japanese way) 1-tsz-tsz do-ki sz-ngi de go za-ri-ma-s'. 1 f >y y ^ ^ $ y rf if IJ ^ Do. I-tsz-tsz do-ki sz-ngi da. 637. /£ is 0tfs#, because we have been accustomed to it from ancient times. Mu-ka-shi yo-ri na-re-te o-ri-ma-s' ka-ra, ya-sa-shi-u go za-ri- * ft ^ 31) :/•*?* tjhft* »? *^9^if i) ma-s' . Do. Mu-ka-shi yo-ri na-re-te i-ru ka-ra ya-sa-shi-i. *» # ^ 3 V yt-Vf 1)V ft? ViYlsl 638. 72 d wow? 11 o'clock. I-ma yo-tsz do-ki ha-n de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. I-ma yo-tsz do-ki ha-n da. i^? 3 9 Y% />ftf #" 639. 75 zs 9 o'cfocA. I-tsz-tsz do-ki ha-n de go za-ri-ma-s'. 1 9 9 Y% /^ f* =* -f *) ^A Do. I-tsz-tsz do-ki ha-n da. 1 9 9 Y% />& 5T 640. 75 «n/£ 0J0 you good. (as medicine) Ko-re wa a-na-ta no k'-sz-ri ni na-ri-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. Ko-re wa o-rna-i no k'-sz-ri ni na-ro-o. 641. It must be so. Ta-sh'-ka ni sa-yo-o de co za-ri-ma-s'. # 1, ft- ^\y f jtif i)^ Do. Ta-sh'- ka ni sa-yo-o da # ^ ft —^wqc I 87 648. It must he true. Ta-sh'-ka ni ma-koto de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ta-sh'-ka ni ma-ko-to da. 643. It can not be true. Ka-nara-d* ma-ko-to de go za-ri-ma-sc-n'. Do. Ka-na-ra-dz ho-n too »1«' wa na-i. 644. It mutt be you that did it. Ki t-to a-na-ta nga i-ta-sa-re-ma-sir I Do. Ki-t-to o-ma-e nga shi na-sa-t-ta. 6 1 "•• fl ffl* bought for nine dollars* Ko-ro \va dora ku-tu i-i dfl ka-wa-re-ma-sli'-ta. Do. Ko-re \va dora ku-ma-i de In ta. 646. 72 w as hard a* a stone. I-shi no yo-o ni ka-to-o go za-ri-mas'. i^ } W^L fit? * if\)?A Do. 1-shi no yo-o ni ka-ta-i. 647. It is hot* let it get cold t A-lsz-u go za-ri-ma-s', sa-ma-sh'-tc o o-ki na-sa-re-ma-sh'. ?>y? * if l)^** ^fm^+ v^^ Do. A-tsz-i ka-ra; sa-rna-sh'-te o-ki na-sa-i. 648. It mag be so, or it may not. O-o-ka-ta sa-yo-o de £0 za-ri-ma-sh'-o-o o-o-ka-ta sa-yo-o de go za-ri-ma-s' ma-i. Do. O-o-ka-ta so-o da-ro-o, o-o-ka-ta so-o de a-ru ma-i. 649. It is running over . I-p-pa-i sz-ngi-te wa, na-nga-re de-mas'. Do. I-p-pa-i de wa na-nga-re de-ru. 1 y ** 1 T ^ J~ ff v -T>v 650. It is impossible fen' him to recover. A-no o ka-ta no ya-ma-i wa na-o-ra-re-ma-s'-ma-i 7 mni > -V^fc:^ J-it^v^^l 88 I. 650. A-no h'-to no ya-rna-i wa na-o-ru ma-i. 65 1 . It takes up too much time. So-re de wa hi ka-dz nga ka-ka-ri sz-ngi-ma-s'. nr^t n* n ## i) * af * * Do. So-re de wa hi ka-dz' nga a-ma-ri o-o-i. 652. ifc is up hill all the way. Ko-no mi-chi wa tsz-ma-sa-ki a-nga-ri de go za-ri-ma-s'. n ; 3.* r> 9 ~? * *? ffl) T dt if)) ** Do. Ko-no mi-chi wa tsz-ma-sa-ki a-nga-ri da. 653. It is down in the hold , Fu-ne no so-ko ni go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Fu-ne no so-ko ni a-ri-ma-s'. 654. It is in the middle, compartment of the ferry boat. Wa-ta-shi-bu-ne no do-o-no-ma ni go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Wa-ta-shi-bu-ne no do-o-no ma ni a-ru. 655. It is in the loio of the boat. He-sa-ki ni go za-ri.ma-s'. Do. He-sa-kmi a-ru. 656. It is in the stern. To-mo ni go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. lo-mo ni a ru 657. It was a mere joke So-re wa jo-o-da-n 1 a-ka-ri de go za-ri-ma-sh'-ta. V v ^ yrypisAft \) f jt if i) -? i,y Do. So-re wa jo-o-da-n ba-ka-ri de a-t-ta. 658. It has all come to nothing. Sz-he-te na-shi ni na-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Sz-he-te na-ku na-t-ta. 659. It is a pity to lose all this trouble. Se-k'-ka-ku ta-n se-i wo i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta ka-ra, ma-ko-to ni dza- I. 80 n nc-n do iro za ri mas'. Do. Sc k ka-ku da-i-ji ni sh -ta ka-ra ma-ko-to m kti-chi-o slu-i. /' is exprntirt I i ring fore. i i-twa-s' nga o-o kn ka-ka-ri-mi Do. Ko-ko ni i-rn to dta-p-pi ngfl ta-n-to i-m. 3 3 — f )V h ^»t: ff fl^Y1)V GO I . It it well worth the trouble. re wa shi-n-ro-u wo ts'-ku sh'-ta da-ko no ko to i ri-ma-sz-ru. n -7 *>v Do. Ko-re wa ko-koro wo tr-ka-ah' ta dt-ke no K-o-to n-ru. T>v 6G2. 7* is not worth the trouble. Ko-re wa shi-n-ro n wo ts'-ku sh' ta ho-do dt> mo go za-ri-ma- 3 v ^ > ^cr? 9 v #is$ ft K f £ rf -»fi) ^ se-n'. Do. Ko-re wa ko-ko-ro wots'-ku-sh'-ta ho-do no ko-to nga na-i. 3V^33B? 3>£ 5^9 ftK > a >-*f ^ 603. It t« good as far ax it aoes. Na-ni ni o-yo-bo-sz bo-do ho-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Na-ni ni o-yo-bo-sz da-ke ho-shi-i. G64. 7/ w enough such as it is. So-no vo-o-na no na-ra-ba ko-re-de ta-ri-ma-s'. Do. So ; n-na no na-ra-ba ko-re de ta-ri-ru. 665. 7/ *s Jitter than it looh. Mi-ka-ke yo-ri yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Mi-ka-ke vo-ri yo-i. 3. # 7 3 1) 3 Y 666. 7/ M-s ietar $*» s£ is. Mi-ka-ke da-o-shi de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Mi-ka-ke da-o-shi da. 3.1} "J TitV- T '90 i. 667. It thundered last night Sa-ku-ya ra-i nga i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta, Do. Yu-u-be ka-rni-na-ri nga na-t-ta. 668. It is a shame to him, A-no o h'-to wa so-re ni ts'-ke-te mo o ha-ji na-sa-ru nga fy^ti-^yv^^>;f &ir^¥ **rn ft vo-ka-ro-o. 3 nu9 Do. A-re wa so-re ni ta'-ke-te mo ha-ji-ru nga yo-i. 669. It is not a whit better than it teas before. ■ Mo-to no yo-ri s'-ko-shi mo yo-ro-sh'-ku go za-ri-ma-se n'. % y ? s i) ** %, % 3 n > 9 dt ftj^&x Do. Mo-to no yo-ri s'-ko-shi mo yo-ro-sh'-ku na-i'. ^y ? 3l)Aai,e 3 £2^ 9 +i 670. It must be done by this time. I-ma wa k'-t-to de-ki-te o-ri-ma-sh'-o-o. 1^ ^*9Y TSfjtV fls3*? Do. I-ma wa k'-t-to de-ki-te i-ru da-ro-o. 671. It may be better for a short time, but not in the long run. S'-ko-shi no a-i-da wa yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-sh'-o-o nga, na- X * Is Jjltf** 3 &^9 3Tif1) ^^39 ft J- nga-ku wa .yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s' ma-i. ft 9 *s $ u^9 ar ifi)-?*^f Do. S'-ko-shi no a-i-da wa yo-ka-ro-o nga na-nga-ku wa yo- K3 I- J f f 5T » 3 ?lW ft ^ft 9 ^ 3 ku na-ka-ro-o. 9 J-nn9 <672. It must be done somehow or other. Do-o de-mo ko-o demo k'-t-to i-ta-sa-se-ma-s'. Do. Do-o de-mo ko-o de-mo k'-t-to i-ta-sa-se-ru. Y9 T&*9 ?& * * M 9^&v 673. 72 « better not to build here, for I do not know how long I may live here. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-ko ni i-tsz-ma-de o-ri-ma-sh'-o-o ka shi- V 99 l» ^23^ V^Tf **);? isBV ft l» ri-ma-se-n' ka-ra sa-n-za-i wo sh'-te f'-shi-n wo i-ta-shi-ma- i)^te^# 9*^*19 Uf 71^^91 9 Is * s' yo-ri i-ta-sa-nu ka-ta nga ma-shi de go za-ri-ma-s'. *31) 19^Z fl 1 * ft -? IsT ^ if X)?% I 91 G73. Wa-shi wa ko-ko ni i-tsz-ma ; shi it nu ka-ra, sa- n- f-shi-n P i-i boo n^i ma- shi-da. G74. It will not keep more than a day or two. Ko ••■ hi ni chi P-t^'-k i yo-ri n.fcj ni wa o-ka-rc ini- 3 v rs 1± ~± 7 V ft 3 I) ** A/S ^V^ se-nu. Do. Ko-re wa i chi ni-chi P-ts'-ka vo-ri sa-ki ni wa o-Ki- IlU. V * GJ5.Il it too late to do it now, put it off till tomorrow. I-ma i-ta-sh'-t»: wa o-so-o go za-ri-ma-s' Kara mio-o ni chi ni o no-be M I sh'. Do. I-ma sh'-te wa o so-i ka-ra n-sh'-ta ni no-be-ro. G76. 7* i« rf/ir/r uv must feel our way. Kuro-o go za-ri-ma-s' ka-ra wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo ka-na-ra-dz *cr*rf *ro ** »? ? #^> Ft *?^?x •u-t-te yu-ki-ma-s'. Do. Ku ra-i ka-ra ka-na-ra-dz sa-ncrii-Mf- yii-kn. 677. 7/ mttttf ^ »** tfi'/w* or oM^r. ki e yorf-te ka-na-ra-dz ts'-ku-ra-se-ma s'. Do. Sa ki e yo-t-te ka-na-ra dz ts'-ku-ra-se-ru. 678. /if is falling in price. Ko-re wa to-o-ji no so-o-ba wa sa-nga-t-te o-ri-ma s\ Do. Ko-re wa to-o-ji no so-o-ba wa sa-nga-t-te i-ru. 679. It is ircll that you waited. A-na-ta o ma-chi na-sa-re-ta no nofa sa-i-wa-i ni na-ri-ma- T^*^ 4- +*v %> if if1 X~ ifl) tt-vf Do. I-ma ma-de ka-wa-ra-nu ka-ra sa-da-me-te mi-ra-i mo ka- 1 -? ~? f ft ^7 % ft 7 ^^A f ^ 7 1=£ n wa-ru ma-i. /n)V ^1 686. It has not rained here for 60 days. Ro-ku ji-u ni-chi no a-i-da ma-da a-rae nga fu-ri ma-sen'. Do. Ro-ku ji-u ni-chi no a-i-da ma-da a-me nga fu-ra-nu. n WV ^-f y-fttfr^ t a ?f ? ?% 687. It has begun to rain to-day, and the farmers will be glad, for the rice fields are very dry. I 93 Ya-tto ko-n ni-chi a-rae n.i !;'-sir-o-o wa yo-rol 688. // m laughable to hear his jokes. > h'-to no j'-o i-.l;i-n WO ki I Do. u-j. 689. Jrtrrfr V* + *)V+1t2 ff WVJ-X) ma-s'. Do. Hi na-ta e de-te a-ru-ku-na i-ro nga ku-ro-ku na-ru. t ^^ff tw^-ftr ff #n# 7*>v 693. JTorp your book clean] by handling it carelessly, the letters will be defaced. Ho n wo ki-re-i ni sh'-te o mo-chi na-sa-re, dza-tsz ni mo-tsz 94 K. L. to ji nga ku-sz-re-te mi-e na-ku na-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ho-n wo ki-re-i ni mote, dza-tsz ni to-ri-a-tsz-ka-u to ji n^a 4^ 9 *y1~^f if 9 — H)f *h&Y&ff ku-sz-re-te mi-e na-i. ^T V f 3.5* 9- i 694. Keep on doing as you are now. I-ma no to-o-ri ni ko re ka-ra na-sa-re-ma-sh'. Do.. I-ma no to-o-ri ni ko-re ka-ra shi-ro, i* J! YitV &r*y ft? itpt 695. Keep what I have told you to yourself do not tell any one else of it. Wa-ta-k'-shi nga mo-o-shi a-nge-ta ko-to wo hi-mi-tsz ni sh'- V %# i« if r9 ^f T^a> ? fe i> - ^ te o-o-ki na sa-re-ma-sh' h'-to ni wa o ha-na-shi na-sa-ru-na. fitiT*^ v^ls tiY^svjt^p 9-^)V 9- Do. O-re nga ha-na-sh'-ta ko-to wo na-i-sh'-o-o ni sh'-te o-ke, h'- *vtf >>V-^# *Y 99-1is3y~is?j)r } 7 fc. to ni wa ha-na-sz-na. 696. Keep out of my way, you bother me. Sochi-ra e o no-ki a-so-ba-sa-re, j a -ma ni na-ri-ma-s'. Do. So-chi-ra e no-ke j a-ma ni na-ru. y ^ 5^7 Wv? — 9-rv 697. Kill that dragonfly. So-no to-m-bo wo o ko-ro-shi na-sa-re. V S \^^ 9 IT *& Is 9-*\v 'Do. A-no to-m-bo wo ko-ro-se. 698. Kind treatment, every body likes. Na-sa-ke wo ka-ke-ru ko-to wo da-re de-mo yo-ro-ko-bi-ma- 9- ft V 9 ft V >v a y 9 & 'V 'f fc 3 U * tf '% sz-ru. Do. Na-sa-ke wo ka-ke-ru wo da-re de-mo yo-ro-ko-bu. 9- A V 9 ft J)V 9 #v ?% BVSLpt nia-i ka sh t»« kn-roro. 701. Let it alone. ■<• wo o yo-shi na- Do. 8o-rr \\<> vo-se. 9V 9 B& j 702. /^ i/ £*/<*• *A* present where it is, tomorrow we wiU move it into. ike parlor. Ta-da-i-ma o-ku toko-ro wo yo-shi-ma-sh'-te, mi-o-o ni-chi # F1*jt'/ Y*a 9 a > r v f J9 - * o za-sh'ki c sa-shi dn-9lii-ma-sz ru. Si I Ho. Ta-da-i-ma o-ku to-ko-ro wo vo-sh'-tc, a-sh'-ta o za-sh'-ki # 5T-f^*^ Y*K 9 3 >f ?>2*'F>* e sa->hi ih-shi-ma-s'. ^ ^ $ Is ^** 703. />* who will say it, I do not believe it. I > t-re dc-mo so-no yo-o ni mo-o-shi-ma-sz-ru nga wa-ta-k'- y v y €s.y / V * — ? 9 ^ ? X)v # ? n ^ shi wa shi-n-ji-ma-se nu. Do. Da-re demo so-no yo-o ni mo-o-sz nga, wa-ta-k'-shi wa shi u-ji na-i. 704. Let him do it, he has nothing eke to do. A-no o ka-ta wa ho-ka-no shi-ngo-to nga go za-ri-ma-se- t / it ft? ^ 4, ft s is*\ if dr ->f i)- ^ nu ka-ra, ko-re wo o sa-se na-sa-re. Do. A-no h'-to wa ho-ka-no shi-ngo-to nga na-i ka-ra ko-re ?>> tV /> *#>> ^ 3T \ if zhi ft? av wo sa-se-ro. 9 m^U 705. Z*tf us see icho can throw a stone the fartlmt\ you or I. A-na ta to wa-ta k'-shi to l-shi na-nge wo i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-o-o, do-chi-ra nga to-o-ku e yu-ki-ma-s' ka. F *-+ if Y ? # ^* * -? '* ft 96 L 705. O-ma-i to wa-ta-k'-shi to i-shi na-nge wo shi-yo-o do-chi n^a* to o-ku e yu-ku ka. 706. Let us do it at a venture. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo ko-re wo dze-hi i-ta-shi-ma-sz-ru. V % V is V Z. * v 9 tf t 1 $ ^^ %w Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo ko-re wo dze-hi sz-ru. v % v is v * 5z x v 9 *2 : t * yv 707. Let it he just as it is. So-o sh'-te o o-ki a-so-ba-sa-re. Do. So-o sh'-te o o-ki na-sa-re. 708. I jet us take a pipe under this tree. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo ko-no- ki no sh'-ta de i-p-pu-ku ts'-'ka-ma- tsz-ri-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. Ko-no ki no sh'-ta de wa-shi do-mo i-p-pu-ku no-mi-ma- sh'-o-o. 709. X^ ws coo? ourselves under this tree. Ko-no ki no sh'-ta de sz-dz-mi-ma-sh'-o-o, Do. Ko-no ki no sh'-ta de sz-dz-mo-o. n J * J IsfiTKXW 710. Let us take a ride together into the country to day. Ko-n ni-chi go do-o yo-o ni m'-ma ni no-t-te no na-ka de ka-ke-^ Hs^j-zT K9^9^^ ^>^/yf y ^ftf* % yj ma-sh'-o-o. Do Ki-o-o mi-n-na-sh'-te m'-ma ni no-t'te no na-ka e de-ma- sh'- W ^tsJ-Vf l*^~ S9 7S 7>-ft^?~? Is. o-o. 3? 711. Let him ride the pielald horse, fy I will ride the bay. A-no h'-to wo bu-chi no m'-ma ni o no-se na-sa-re; wa-ta-k'- shi wa a-ka-i m'-ma ni no-ru. Do. A-no h'-to wo bu-chi no m'-ma ni no-se, wa-shi wa a-ka-i L mo ni-no-ru. 7 1 "2. 7,/rr/ the ground well for the foundation of the house. l-vc no ji-niji o-o wo ta-i-ra BJ <» Id u-inr a->n tfc-l 1 re-ma- fi y -FY*? ? *f ?-* ^5^ry^^ v * shi. Do, U-chi no ji njji-o-o wo ta-i-rn ni ka-ta-me-ro. 7\'o. Lexicons in Japanese $• English are most needed by foreigners in learning the Japanese langwige. I ko-ku no h'-to nga Ni-ho-n no ko-o j'o o wo na-ra-u ni wa \\ a ngo Ye va-k«i no ji-bi-ki nga da-i i-chii-ri yo- o de go za-ri-ma-s'. afifl) Do. Ga-i ko-ku no h'-to ngn Nip-po-n no ko-o j'oo wo na-ra- u ni wa Wa ngo Ye ya-ku no ji-bi-ki nga da-i i-chi i-ri V^ » v a i r >; > vt£$ if vcmix) vo-o da. 7 1 4. Lift this board up, and set it on end. Ko-no i-ta wo mo-chi a-nge-te o ta-te a-so-ba-sa-re-ma-shi. .? ?1 * ? *: * ?T ?**? TM* v *V Do. Kono i-ta wo mo-chi a-nge-te ta-te-ro. 7lT>. TwyM the lamp. A-ka-ri wo o ts'-ke a-so-basa-re-ma-sh\ ft) 1) ? * V*! 79*+tr+.l> Do. A-ka-ri wo ts'-ke-ro. 710. Lightning is the cause of thunder. Ka-mi na-ri no rao-to wa i-na-bi-ka-ri de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ka-mi-na-ri no moto wa i-na-bi-ka-ri da. 717. Li7/m abound in the woods and Pinks grow wild by the road sides in Japan. Ha-ya-shi no na-ka ni yu-ri nga ta-k'-sa-n ha-e-te o-ri , mi chi ba-ta ni wa na-de-sh'-ko nga ya-ta-ra-ni ha-e-te o-ri-raa-s . 98 L. 7 J 7. Haya-shi no na-ka ni yu-ri aga o-o-ku ha-e-te o-ri, mi-chi ^ -V Is ? J-tl — ^) IfjtfrP *X-f fV A * ba-ta ni na-de-sh'-ko njra }'a-mi-ko-mo ha-e-te o-ru. 718- Lions and tigers are not natives of Japan. Shi-shi to to-ra \va Ni-p-po-n ni o-ra-na-i ke-da-mo-no de go za-ri-ma-s\ Do. Shi-shi to to-ra-wa Ni-p-po-n ni i-na-i ke-da-mo-no da. 7 19. Lock the doors. Mo-n no j'-o-o wo o-ro-shi a-so-ba-sa-re. Do. Mo-n no j'-o-o wo o-ro-shi na-sa-re. 720. Look them over, and pick out the bad ones, and throw them away. Ko-re wo mi-wa-ke-te wa-ru-i no wo o to-ri s'-te na-sa-re- ^v^nt ? )V1 S 9 * H) Xf > * v ma-sh'-. ? &" Do. Ko-re wo mi-wa-ke-te wa-ru-i no wo to-ri s'-te-ro. * v 9 a. Wf ?)V1 ; 9\v) ?^n 72 1. Look again; it must be about here somewhere. Mo-o i-chi do o ta-dz-ne na-sa-ri-ma-sh ? so-ko no ki-n-j'-o ni k'-t-to go za-ri-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. Mo-o i-chi do o sa-nga-shi na-sa-re, so-ko no ma-wa-ri ni k'-t-to a'-ri-ma-sh'-o-o. 722. Look out or you will get hurt. Ki wo ts'-ke-na ke-re-ba ke-nga wo i-ta-shi-ma-sz-ru. * 9\?*f*9 V* V if 9 i % V* % >v Do. Ki wo ts'-ke-na ke-re-ba ke-nga wo sz-ru. 723. Loosen that horse's girth a little. So-no m'-ma no ha-ra-o-bi wo s'-ko-shi o yu-ru-me na-sa-re. 9 S*-? j ^3in£9 %* ^jc 3~)V * ihitv Do. A-no m'-ma no ha-ra-o-bi wo s'-ko-shi yu-ru-me-ro. t;^; j*9it\£9 *? ^ ^)v At2 724. Love your enemies, bless them that curse you ; do good to them that liate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you. ).. M. M A nm wo ad. i In -t:i — ki-ni sz-ru mo-no wo ha, a-na-ta ko- T-^ ? TT #£ *- * >l S: 7 ? A ?^# a re wo 1; i-ru-kn vuu mo-no. wo, V 9 t)** 1 tfi t+9 9 *>)\ '/ '1? & J 9 a-na-ta sore wo yo-ku i-i. a-na-ta wo u-ra-mi ni mo no wo, T^ ; rn9 3M(W?9?^vt; 9 a-na-ta so-re wo vo-ku to-ri-a-ts'-ka-i : a-na -ta wo iii-dn kti t^^vv 9 a 9 yiiyrniz t^s 9 tp 9 wo n-shi-ra-i, a-na-ta ni ga-j jama wo sz-ru mo-no wo , 9 f I ^tT^ ~tf1 vr^9 *>v % ; 9 n-na-la ko-re nsra ta-me-ni ka -mi m«ma ni o i-no-ri na- 725. Lunatics in Japan are taken, care of by their friend* if they luivc «»y ; if *°ti thy fall into bet*. Nl p-po-n de wa ki-chi-ii-a-i mo-no wa shi-nru-i nga se-wa j=.9,\^r J* * ±if 1 ^ ? * i^JVf ft fc »? wo i-ta-shi-ma-s, shi-n-ru-i n^a na-ke-rc-ba ko-ji-ki ni o- 9i % s^xs^fiW t> +>jv# aj;* ,n# chi-ma-e'. f -? A 1 1 Ni-p-po-n de wa ki-chi-n^a-i wa mi vo-ri nga se-wa sz- ru, na-ke-re-ba ko-ji-ki ni nam. M. 726. Make haste back. Ji-ki-ni o ka-e-ri a-so-ba-sa-re. Uo. Ji-ki-ni ka-e-re. 727. Jfafo the most of this, there is no more. Ko-re ngi-ri go za-ri-ma-se-n' ka-ra, da-i-ji-ni o ts'-ka-e a-so- ay If l) :f #!)> F 9f £ $T $ '£..£ **Mk M ? o-ki-ta-i. 729. Make out your bill , / will pay you. Ku-wa-sh'-ki u-ke-to-ri nga-ki wo o da-shi na-sa-re, wa ta-k'- // /x ^ % 97 V l) jf \ 7X $%, ^- * v K> %» shi ka-ne wo ha-ra-i-ma-s'. is ftlr 9 v* ?*z?P\ Do. U-ke-to-ri wo o da-shi, ka-ne wo ya-ri.ma-s'. 97 f ') 9 it ^ * 3-. 9 V ') ■** 730. JJ/flfX'(3 Am do it over and over again, till be yets it rigid. A-no h'-to nga yo-ku de-ki-ma-sz-ru nia-de na-m-be'-n de-mo t; th if 3 9 f #^ >\>V & f **s< X*?k % '4*i&& if x&zs&VT wa-ta-k'-shi no na wo ka-i-te ku-da-sa-re-ma-s-e. V #tls S*9.ij1f##*y *& .; Do. Wa-shi nga ha-na-f'-ki e o-ma-e nga Ni-ho-n mo-ji de wa- V, ^ if /vp^*^r«t if — 4^^ f 5> shi nga na wo ka-i-te ku-da-sa-re. t> if > 9 ft if &$$Y 732. Masks of various descriptions are worn at the Japanese religious festivals in their pantomimes and dances Wa-ko-ku no ma-tsz-ri ni i-ro-i-ro-na me-n wo ka-bu-ri-te o- ^/;;^>yi) ~iniK9-*^ 9 ft ftyf* do-ri ha-ne-ma-sz-ru. F0 ^3- ^ >\)V Do. Wa ko-ku no ma-tsz-ri ni wa i-ro-i-ro no me-n wo ka-bu- t-te o-do-ri ha-ne-ru. y?#F»)''-3->v 733. May I not have a pear Sir? Da-n-na, Wa-ta-k'-shi wa raa-shi wo h'-to-tsz mo-ra-t-te yo-ro- & is?* y %!/ v> /<<&%> 9 t> * *: ? y f at* \|. 101 734. May I take this? \\ i wa Ko-rt" wo Ka n b /in ma- s' I Do. Wa -shi wa ko-ro wo ka-ri-to \o i ka? 735. J/eii/ iwjf c/ofta niVv/y. - \\ l-tl h -shi nga ki-mo-no wo yo-ro-sh'-ku im-i nao-sh'-tr ku- 9 99 > n **. j 9 a vis? zti+x>7 9 re-ro- V$t2 736. Miners are not long lived in the island of Sado. Sa-do no ka-na-ho-ri wa na-n^a i-ki dc go za-ri-ma-sc-n'. *k;»^ *>) j* + iti*? * *;>) ^** Do. Sa-do no ka-na-ho-ri wa na-nga-i-ki de na-i. *K y »^*») ***** * fV-f 737. J/v a y 9 +*v v 99is if j'-a-ma wo sz-ru-na. Mix these ttco together* Ko-no i'-ta-tsz wo o ma-ze na-sa-re. 3 J 7 9? 9 *-?& **V Do. Ko-no i'-ta-tsz wo ma-ze-ro. 738. Murders are numerous in Japan of late years. Ni-p-po-n de h'-to-ngo-ro-shi wa chi-ka-ngo-ro ta-k'-sa-n' go za- —?$> ftiY^r ni, >^ ± n 3 \2 %r;it± if t»v 740. My house is overrun with rats. Wa ta-k'-shi no i-ye wa ne-dz-mi nga ta-i-so-o ni o-ri-ma-sz-ru. 9 99 V JH-^l-rs. if91v9~jtV^7*>v IQ2 M. N 740. Wa'-fv Do. Wa-shi nga yu-bi nga hi-o-o-so de i-ta-mu. V l> if **£ if tiSW? 1$i* N. 742. Never mind (that is, Do not be concerned about it.) Ki ni o ka-ke a-so-ba-sa-re-ma-s'-na. Do. Ki ni ka-ke na-sa-ru-na. * ^ ft yj 1 Mt )V * 743. No matter how you do it if you only do it Po-o de-mo yo-i ka-ra ko-shi-ra-i sa-i sz-re-ta yo-ro-shi-u oo za-ri-ma-s'. *H) -?% Do. Do-o de-mo yo-i ka-ra ko shi-ra-i sa-i sz-re-ba vo-i. >V ?*z31 ft? Us f^^TsVJ* 3 1 744. No one knows where it came from. Ko-re vva do-ko ka-ra ki-ma-sh'-ta ka da-re mo shi-ri-ma-se-n'. a V ^ V n ft J ^ I, $ ft $ V %z V ] ) ^^ * Do. Ko-re wa do-ko ka-ra k'-ta ka da-re mo shi-ra-n'. a V /s y aft? %# ft tfy, ^ I, ?% 745. No t they are my brothers, I-i-ye, wa-ta-k'-shi ki-o-o-da-i no mo-no de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. I-i-ye vva-ta-k'^shi ki-o-o-da-i no mo-no da. 746. No, I am the taller. I-i-ye wa-ta-shi se-i nga ta-ko-o go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. I-i-ye wa-shi no-a se-i nga ta-ka-i. f!if*9 ^ tf*Y ^ $?#Y 747. Nobody thinks so but you. A-na-ta yo-ri ho-ka ni wa h'-to wa sa-yo-o wa o-mo-i-ma- se-nu. ^^ Po. O-ma-e yo-ri ho-ka no h'-to wa so-o wa o-mo-wa-nu. #^ 3 ») $ft S KY »V9 '^ it*: V Z \ ilitrtf in 1 K ko-ya-ahi nga na-ku-te wa na-ni mode~ki< a ; } ± #> a r 3. *f + 9 f J* *~ *: f * Ko do li iii wu ko-ya-ahj nga na>ktt-to ua na-ni in<» (!.•- a > * * j* a * !• tf ^ ^f ^ ^ — £ ? kf-na-i. \ to do it. k -!•<• wo ko >lii-rai-ru ni i •, o-n> >lii-u go za-ri-un |\ Do* K"-n wo -/-ru DJ i-ni;i Dga VO-i. :* V 9 70V — 1-? ff 3i \ I get into it. -hi \va MM wa-ka-ri mas'. 9 Z9\s * .1 * V ft »)^* Wa-abi am i-ma wa-ka-tt.i. 7 . 1 . StUmegs are in great demand. 1-ina nikudz-ku wo o-o-kn h'-lo nira ho-shi-nun i i ma s'. 1? A^5T * 9 iNv^ tih # & ^ V ■)-?* Po. I-ma ni-ku dz-ku wo o-o-ku h'to nija ho-slji-nija-ni. Yr7 ^// )/^ ? tM\^ fch ff >t^ tf )V 0(//« grow wild in thin country, but the farmers pull them up and throw them away, though they are very good for hone-feed. K r.i-sz mo-Offi wa ko-no ku-ni de ma-ka-dz-ni ha-e-ma-sz- ft ?* fe af /* a ^ ^— f *c# X— ^^^^ ru . sa-ri na-ncra-ra h'-va-ku-sh'-o-o wa nu-i-te s'-te-ma-sz- w **) + if ? fc* ^ Mr*M #Y f*f -c* ru nga , m'-ma no ta-be-mo-no ni wa ha-na-ha-da yo-ro-shi-u )V ff ^ * ) ^ *: } — >^ /* 9->-> $C 3 13^9 go za-ri-ma-s\ I )o. Ka-ra-sz mu-niri wa ko-no ku-ni de ma-ka-dz-ni ha-e-ru , sh'- ft 3 7s * 3f /n n s #^f> -? ft X— ^^>V ^ ka-shi-na-nq-a-ra h'-ya-ku-sh -o-o wa nu-i-te s'-te-ru nga,m'- ft 2s + i? 5 fcV^ ^-*>9 '\*Yf *f>v tf ^ ma no ku l-mo-no ni wa ha-na-ha-da yo-ro-shi-u go za-ru. ^ J 9 i% S « ^ ^y- /^5T 3 £2^ 9a* if ;v J\">3. Oftf/rt w^9 9 fl •? 9 1) ^*>V Do. Ni-p po-n de chi-ka-i ni wa shi-m-mo-n ka-i-te ke p-pa-n sz-ru. 754. Of all lad things, that is the icorst. Mi-na wa-ru-i ko-to no u-chi do wa so-re nga i-chi-ba-n wa- ru-u go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Mi-na wa-ru-i no ko-to u-chi de wa a-re nga i-chi-ba-n wa-ru-i. 755. 0/ w/jatf nation are you % A-na-ta wa do-ko no ku-ni de go za-ri-ma-s'. f ^ ^ F a 7 ^>~ f rf ip)^* Do. O-ma-e wa do-ko no ku-ni de go za-ru. 756. 0/ w/^ ««9^ *> J 9 9~~ ~-frz.4-1 ^)Vft Do. Ko-n-na mo-no wo o-ma-e wa na-ni nits -ka-e-ma-sz-ru kaf 757 '. Once there was a house here. I-ze-n ko-no to-ko-ro ni i-ye nga go za-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Y^v^ ; \ a n ~ix ft ar *fi) -?$s% Do. I-ze-n ko-no to-ko-ro ni u-chi nga a-t-ta. -f*2>^y >3t2— 9 4~ft*?*& 758. One of the spoons ts missing. Sa-ji nga i-p-po-n mi-e na-ku na-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Sa ji nga i-p-po-n mi-e na-ku na-t-ta. 759. One of my horses is lame in the fore shoulder, and I cannot ride him till he is well, Wa-ta-k'-shi m'-ma nga i-p-pi-ki ka-ta wo i-la-me-ma-sh'-ta ka- V % Pis* ^> ^ 1 vtZ^ftZ 91$ A -eisji n ra, na-o-sz ma-de no-ru ko-to de-ki-ma-se-nu. 9 J-*s\ ^r ? )V 3 y ?% -? *> % Do, Wa-shi nga m'-ma nga i-p-pi-ki ka-ta wo i-ta-mc-ta ka-ra na- p 108 io-ru ko to nga de-ki-oa i. O ne and one are two ; two and (wo are four ; four and four are ;h( and eight are sixteen. 1! -isz wo yo-sr-t.- f-ta-ts/ p vo- b f V fc > y ''& B *? 79 * ? 2 # w* 9 3 se-te yo-tsz; yo-tsz yo-tsz \ ta ya-tsz; i-tta **f a ^ a^ a> ? 3Ct f ^ t * V * wo vose-tc ji-u ro ku, 7 I 1 1 . Onion* hate no bulbs in Japan. Ni-p-po-n do wa ne-ngi ni \va ta-ma wa go za-ri-ma-st -n'. — *$&' ¥ * 3" V r 1 * #^ ^ =f *f»)-? te# Do. Ni-p-po-n de ne-niri ni wa ta-ma wa na-i. 762. Opium, being a contraband grticle, cannot he imported. A-he-n wa go ha-t-to no mo-no de go /.a-rim i- I nra, mo- T^i- /* S J*9Y / % ^ f 3T if 1)-?* # ? ^ chi-ko-mu ko-to wa na-ri-inase-n 1 . Do. A-he-n wa hat-to mo-no da ka-ra, u-ri-ko-mu koto wh na- ra-n'. 763. Orphan* who have no relative* to take care of tlicm become beggars. Mi-na-shi-ngo wa shi-n-ru-i ni so-da-te-ru mo-no nga na-ke-re* ba ko-ji-ki ni o-chi-masz-ru. Do. Mi-na shi-n^o wa shi-n-ru-i nga ku-wa-sc-n' to ko-ji-ki ni 3. zh ^ 3 n i&mn V V fe* \ x^% - na-ru. 76 1. Our work is behind hand. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo no shi-ngo-to nga o-so-ku na-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Wa-shi nga shi-ngo-to nga o-so-ku na-t-ta. 9 V ::*T l* *Y if *V9+VZ 765. Paper can be made of straw. Wa-ra de ka-mi wo ts'-ku-ru ko-to nora de-ki-ma-sz-ru. 9 9TH3*? 9 #)V a r tf ¥ * ? A'V Do. Wa-ra de ka-mi wo ts'-ku-ru ko-to nga de-ki-ru. V 9 ¥ ft ^ 9 v# w *Y ft T ¥ *)V p. 100 766. Pass the Irread to all the guests. Mi-na-mi-na o ki-a-ku sa-ma ye pa-n wo a-nge-ro. 3 9-3.9- Jt^Vt * ? i *V 9 7 T t2 767. Pirates are numerous on the coast of China. Ka-ra no ka-i-nga-n ni wa o-o-ku ka-i-zo-ku go-za-ri-ma-s'. ft ? ? nitf^~ ^ %?/? mr? ^-f*) * * Do. Ka-ra no ka-i-he-n ni wa, ta-i-so-o ka-i-zo-ku nga a-ru. ft y J ft1^~ p yivvftirt n ?>v 70S. Please shut the. sliding papered door. Ka-ra-ka-mi wo ta-te-te ku-da-sa-re. ft vft 3.9 #t f # p*v Do. Ka-ra-ka-mi wo ta-t-te ku-re-ro. ft ? ft ^ 9$Vr Vvn 769. Pray walk in. Ma-dz u-chi ye o a-nga-ri na-sa-re. * ?:?* 3-in n*) 9-^v Do. Ma-a u-chi ye ha-i-re. 770. Pray talce a chair. Ma-dz ko-shi wo o ka-ke na-sa-re. -?$3^9j!rft J 77>-iYv Do. Ma-a ko-shi wo ka-ke-ro. tf 2 "u 9 ft*J tt 771. Prop up this board fence. Ko-no he-i wo o-ko-sh'-te ku-da-sa-re. * 7 ^1 9 #3^ f PP^v Do. Ko-no he-i wo o-ko-sh'-te ku-re-ro. n J ^1 9 jr*ls f #V \2 772. Pull off your loose trowsers, and rest yourself. Ha-ka-ma wo to-t-te, ki-u-so-ku na-sa-re-rna-sh'. ^ ft-? 9 Y9f *9?# 7^-tv^^ Do. Ha-ka-ma wo to-t-te ya-sz-me. /> ft *? 9 YVfVA A 773. Pull of my loots. {to a servant.) Wa-ta-k'-shi no na-nga-ngu-tsz wo nu-ke. !? ^ '• ; y- n ? if'.jay 774. Put on your clothes quick ; the house is on fire. Ka-ji-da ka-ra, i-so-i-de ki-mo-no wo o ki na-sa-re. ftV 5T ft ?f y ff *j% J 9 ir* **v 775. Put on your outside coat ; it is very cold to-day. Ko-n-ni-chi wa ha-na-ha-da sa-mu-u go za-ri-ma-s' ka-ra, ha- 3^ a ^ /* ^9- ^ yt ^9 st fr *) f& ft 9 ^ o-ri wo o ki na-sa-re. Do. Ko-n-ni-chi wa me-s-so-o sa-mu-i ka-ra, ha-o-ri wo ki-ro. p Ifl 776 Put mi i • ■ \-k.i-ii WO k;i->lu na 4JMT& A-ka-ri wo ka-oe. /'id M*w «V& 6y tide, not one upon another. Ko-re wo i-chi i-chi na-ra-bo-te o o-ki M 4M -n\ Id -sn-nc na- iv? f-ff^- +*< sa-ru-na. I * Do. Ko-rc wo i-chi i-chi na-ra-betc ok.. Li-> i nr ru-na. *v ? \4- 14- i^f* + 778. Put every thing in its place before you go to bed. Mi-na mo-no wo ba mo-to no to-ko-ro e ka-ta-dz-kete o ne na-s + * V Do. Mi-na mono wo ba mo-to no to-ko-ro ni ka-ta-dz-ke-te ne-ro. 3-tr 779. Put it down here. Ko-ko ni o o-ki na-sa-re-ma-sh'. Do. Ko-ko ni o-ke. 780. Put it on the table. Da-i no u-e ni o o-ki na-sa-rc-ma-sh'. Do. Da-i no u-e ni o ke. 7 8 1 . Pid this in the sun to dry. Ko-re wo hi-na-ta ni ho-sh'-te o o-ki na-sa-re-ma sh'. a v 9 t ^£ — * ^f*** + ^v -r ^ Do. Ko-re wo hi-na-ta ni ho-sh'-te o-ke. :2 V ? fc^2 - * I, f *? 782. Ptd this away. Ko-re wo shi-ma-t-te o o-ki na-sa-re. ^ 3 V ? £, ;?*?#**:/■ *v Do. Ko-re wo shi-ma-t-te o-ke. 783. Pid it down any where. Do-ko ni de-mo o o-ki na-sa-re-ma-sh*. l, F a - ft*** ^-^v r? ^ Do. Do-ko ni de-mo o-ke. m p. a. 784. Put it back again. Ma-ta mo-to no to-ko-ro e o o-ki na-sa-rema-sh'. JMa-ta mo-to no to-ko-ro ni o-ke. 785. Put it in writing, that you will deliver the goods tomorrow. K'-t-to mi-o-o ni-chi shi-na wo yo-ko-sz to yu-u, ya-ku-so-ku- WY^W~£ \s 9- ? 3 * x> 3-y v# y # nga-ki wo shi na-sa-re. if * 9 ^ 9- -t v 786. Pw£ off going till tomorrow. Yu-ku ko-to wo mi-o-o ni-chi ma-de o no-be na-sa-ro. Do. Yu-ku ko-to wo a-sh'-ta ma-de no-be-ro. 787. Put loth together and get the amount. Ri-o-o ho-o i-s-sh'-o ni sh'-te ka-n-j'-o-o shi na-sa-rc. Do. So-o ho-o h'-to-tsz ni sb'-te ka-n-j'-o-o shi-ro a 788. Quack-doctors practice empiricism for the sake of getting money. De-mo-i-sh'-a nga ka-ne wo to-ru ta-me-ni i-i-ka-nge-n na ri-o.o- ji wo sz-ru. 783. Quadrupeds are four-footed animals. Yo-tsz a-shi a-ru mo-no wa, shi-so-kU-de go za-ri-ma-s'. 790. Quails, wild geese, ducks, pigeons, pheasants, deer and wild boars U-dz-ra, ga-n, ka-mo, ya-ma-ba.to, ki-ji, sh'-ka, i-no-shi-shi, fu- 9 rtf-ftf tit. t <*.>*> hpv. x f;^>? yu wa ko-o-e-ki-ba ni ta-k'-sa-n go za-ri-ma-s'. 791. Queens reign in some countries of Europe. Yo-ro-pa no u.chi, ni-sa-n nga ko-ku, ni-yo-te-i ns>a o-sa- 3 n^ > V± ~-t^ if * <>/ -3f1 jff jt^ me-ru, A )V 792. Queen Victoria, of England, is distinguished as a wife, a mother, and a sovereign. I-ngi-ri-sz ngo-ku no ni-yo-tp-i Bi-k'-to-ri-a wa, tsz-ma no mi- u R loo i In mo, ha-ha BO un-clii mo i;i-im wo o saiiK'iu ini-chi m<>, ku bfrtH '•• -n-ma-sV ft>? <* * f v ?**)-??> Quench that /ire with water. Bo-DO hi in im-il/ «ro fcft-ke-ta ke-tb'*tfl ku-da sa Do. So-no hi-ni mid/ wo U se. I Question him, arid see if he knows any thing about it. A-no h -to w.i ko-ra wo shi-ru ka. shira mi In, «> ki-ki na- STi ' ♦ v Oo. Ano h'-to \va shi-ru ka, shi-ra-nu Ira, ki-ki-na. 795. Quick : bring it here. 1 la-va-ku. BM -t-t' 1 o-i 'I' 1 na-sa-re. Do. Ha-ya-ku, mo-t-tr Qui* my house, you are in i/ie way. Oma-e j-a-ma ni na-ru ka-ra. wa-ta-k'-shi r.o i -ye wo de-ro. t-i>;t^- ^)V f) 9 V %P^. ? 1 s. 9 f X2 797. Quit claim deeds are taken when land and houses are bought. Gi-me-n to i-yc-wo ka-u to-ki, vu-dz-ri j'-o-o-rno-n wo to-ri-ma s'z-ru. R. 798. Rabbits dig holes, and burrow in them. U-sa-ngi wa ana wo ho-t-te sz-ma-i wo i-ta-shi-rr.a-s'. Do. U-sa-ngi wa a-na wo ho-t-te sz-mu. V* K * T^ 9 fc*fXiS 799. Rags that once were thrown away in Japan, having become an article of commerce, a ship had has gone to London. Mo-to s'-te-ta bo-ro nga to-o ji wa ko*u-e-ki-mo-no ni na-ri-ma- sh'-ta ka-ra, fu-ne i s-so-o ye i-p-pa-i ts-n-de Ro-n-do-n ye nia-i-ri-ma-sh'-ta. ha-i wa, wa -shi wa ki-tsz-i ki- '^t: /\ 9 Is ^ **f * 800. JKtfAv *^; Mow leaves, and throw them into the gutter. A-no ha wo ku-ma-de de ka-ki yo-se-te do-bu ni s'-te-ro. is ** 9 '; -?? T ft\ b&t Yf ~*ftf 801 RatisacJc the house till you find that spoon. Sa-ji nga de-ru ma-de, u-chi ji-u sa-nga-se. **; ft ?)V -? f 9* VV -t if* 802. Rap at the do&r, if it is shut. Mo-n nga shi-me-te a-ru na-ra ka-do yo-ri o-to-dz-re-ro. ^^ n ^ *? fjy *? ftvs\) XYryn £03. Rape seed is largely raised in Japan for making oil. Ni-p-po-n de wa a-bu-ra to-ru ta-me-ni, na-ta-ne wo ta-k'-sa-n ts'-ku-ru. 804. Rats, snakes, fleas, mosquilos, and flies. I do detest. Ne-dz-mi, he-bi no-mi, ka, ha-i wa, wa-ta-k'-shi wa ki-tsz-i ki- 3- its. -m£ ;> ft M ^ v zvis /> *y 1* , ra-i de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ne-dz-mi, he-bi, no-mi, ka, 3> *' 3> **}£■ S3>, ft ra-i da. 805. Reach up, and fake down that picture. Se-i wo no-ba-sh'-te so-no e-dz wo to-t-te kuda-sa-re. *l 1 9 / >*V? V > S?r ?V?f ## * v Do. So-no e-dz wo se-i wo no-ba-sh'-te, to-t-te ku-re-ro. 806. U^af? loader. Ko-e wo a-nge-te o yo-mi na-sa-re. m-9 IT fit 33 +it V Do. Ko-e wo a-nce-te yo-me. • si Jfc $f T.f 3 * 807. i?^c? in a lower voice. Ko-e wo sh'-ku-ku sh'-te o yo-mi na-sa-re. as- 9 Mb V Ssf -KB?- J-if v Do. Ko-e wo sh'-ku-ku sh'-te yo-me. 808. Reindeer are called tonalcai by the Ainos of Karafto. O-o-ji-ka wo ka-ra-f'-to no A-i-no wa to-na-ka-i to mo-o-shi- X&Vft 9 ft ?7\ > 1i ? ^YJ-ftiY-?*?*s ma-s'. *?% Do. O-o-ji-ka wo ka-ra-P-to no A-i-no wa to-na-ka-i to i-u. **£*> 9 ft??Y >1i > >» Y^ftlYI? B in j: ■ ■ ■// hoU >/• ■ ta no va -Km >o-K u DO nio-du-ra-iiw yu-o ni ina-uio -i i-ma-.V T^-S ; x>; 9 9 ; fc y ?%x*?~ -rfc i)-?* lv i ji-tsz ha-na ->hi -ma-sli -ta ko-to wo t)-bo-ye-tc ft ? * 9$ / ^i,^^ 3 y ? jr$*f o i-de na-sa-rc. ] ( >-ma-e no \:» -ku-so-kti no mo-dora-nu yo-o ni ma-mo-ru *-?*. ; >>/ y 9 ; *: K?* V? — * ^ >v ka-ra M ku-ji-ts^ ha-na >h'-ta ko-to wo o-bo-ye-te i-ro. 810. Remit //ir value to in*, -k » &•? 33 ^ S 1 1 . H ?in>>n 759* ?? ***>> *? — o-sa-me-ru. Q l'2. Re-icrlte that page, for there are errors in it. So-no ma-i wa ma-chi-nga-t-te o-ri-ma-s' ka-ra ma-ta o ka-ki ? ? *1 J* * # *f Vflt^Anf ~?9 *fl* na-o-sln na-sa-re. S~*^ + it v Do. So-no ma-i wa ma-chi-nga-t-te i-ru ka-ra ma-ta ka-ki na- y } -71 r> -?±ifyf1)V f)? -?9 #* + o-se. lit r. i. 813. Rice and salt are indispensable articles of food. Ko-me to shi-wo wa na-ku-te na-ra-nu ta-bemo-nc cle go Za- ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-me to shi-wo wa na-ku-te nn-ranu ta-bc-mo-no da. 814. Ring the bell for dinner. Hi-ru me-shi no sh'-ta-ku nsra de-ki-ta ka-ra re-i wo fu-re. 815. .Rip Mm s^m. Ko-no nu-i-me wo to-ke. * A M A 9 >7 81.6. Ripe fruits are not unwholesome. Ji-ku-shi-ma-sh'-ta ku-da-mo-no wa ta-bc-ma-sh'-te mo a-ta-ri- ma-se-n'. Do. Ji-ku-sh'-ta ku-da-mo-no wa ta-be-te mo a-ta va-nu. 817. Roast that duclc. So-no a-hi-ru wo a-bu-ri-mo-no ni shi-ro. y A7tDV9 ??n *z a ~ 1^X2 818. i2o# wp ^0 sun screens. $z-da-re wo rna-ki a-nge-ro. % >Xv9 ^%f rt2 819. Row with alli/our might ; it is late. O-so-i ka-ra se-i wo da-sh'-te ro wo o-se. JT V S i HA^i 9 yri^f t2 9 jt& 820. Rub your hands together briskly, and they will soon become warm. Ri-o-o te wo a-wa-se-te ki-u-ni sz-ri-ma-s' na-ra-ba ji-ki-ni a-ta- ta-ma-ri-ma-s'. $•? 1) *X Do. Ri-o-o te wo a-wa-se-te ki-u-ni sz-ru na-ra ji-ki-ni a-ta-ta- I)ir9 f 9 f/Maf *?~ 7o\9-?^~7>A>A ma-ru. 32 1 . Rust is decomposed iron. Sa-bi wa te-tsz nga ku-sa-ru no do gq za-n-ir.a-s'. rtnly money art the i ilvi n do u-ri-mas' \v;i ge ji-ki Do. Ge-nki-n dc urn \\ 1 Mi on rrwM ar* M« dearest. Ka-U. -u-ri wa takao go za-ri-ina-s'. Do. ri wa ta-ka-i. Salmon are brought in large quantities by junks from Matnmai to Yedo. Sh'-ako \\ a M 1 ts/.-ma-i yo-ri o-o-ku Ye-do c fu.ne do tsz-mi c-ku-ri-ma-s'. Do. Sh'-a-ke wa Ma-tszma-i von o-o-ku lu-in: ie \ <■ e t.»z- mi o-kuru. B2& Sailors, grooms, and chair-bearers, are regarded as degraded men in Japan. Ni-p-po-n do wa fu-ne no-ri, in'-makata, ni-n-so-ku, o-chi no -**> r ^ ? 3- >> >) * -? nz ~> y #* ± > h'-to to o-mo-i-ma-s\ G26. Sandal wood, being expensive, is used for burning iticetise, and for medicine. Bi-a-ku-da-n wa a-la-c nga ta-ko-o go za-ri-ma-sh'-te ko-o ni mo ta-ki-ma-s* ya-ku-shi-u ni mo mo-chi-i-ma-s'. Do. B.-a-ku-da-n wa a-ta-e nga ta-ka-ku sh'-te ko-o ni mo ta-ku k' sz-ri ni mo ts'-ka-u. ^*i)- ^ * n*? 827. Sartf this for tomorrow. Mi-o-o ni-chi mo-chi-i-ma-s' ta-me-ni ko-re wo shi-ma-t-tc o o- ki na-sa-re. Do. Mi-o-o ni-chi ts'-ka-u ta-me-ni ko-re wo shi-ma-t-te o-ke. Q28. Sag it in Japanese. Ni-p-po-n no ko to-ba de o ha-na-shi na-sa-re. 114 & 828. Ni-p-po-n no ko to-ba tie ha-na-se. 829. Scare that dog. away. A-no i-nu wo o-i i-da-sh'-te ku-da-sa-rc. fs 1%9*11$^ ';>*~*v Do. A-no i-nu wo o i i-da-se. 830. Scour the pots and kettles bright, inside and out. Ka-ma to na-be wo u-chi so-to wo mi-nga-ke. 83 ! . Scrape the inlc off from that desk. So-no ts'-ku-e ni tsz-i-te a-ru sz-mi wo ke dz-ri o-to-sh'-te ku- da-sa-re. Do. A-no ts'-ku-e ni tsz-i-ta sz-mi wo ke-dz-ri o-to-se. f 7 f9^^19 *3. 9 Jtn)itY& 832. Scribble on scraps of paper • it is a waste to use whole sheets. Ka-ri-nga-ki wo ha nga-mi ni na-sa-re; ma-t-tao sh'-tft i-ru ka- #1) ff 3f 9 ^tf5-MV -?9#?l,f 1)Vft mi wo ts'-ka-i-ma-s' wa tsz-i-e de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ka-ri-nga-ki wo ha nga-mi ni shi-vo; ma-t-ta-ki ka-mi wo UV ff * 9 '< jf'&*U& ***k K2. 9 ts'-ka-u wa tsz-i-e da. 833. Scruh the floor. Yu-ka wo f-ki^na-sa-i. n. n 9 ?\^*1 834. Scuds fly wheresoever the wind drives them. U-ki-ngu-mo wa ka-ze ni sh'-ta-nga-t-te yu-ku ewo sa-da-me- 9^ ¥ fc >> #*£ — l/% ffVf **# x* 9 ^9 ^ ma-se-n'. Do. U-ki-n^u-mo wa ka-ze ni sh'-ta-nga-t-te vu-ku e wo sa- 9 * F fe ^fJ^^l^9ff^f^9^9 ■* da-me-nu. ST*.,* 835. $£#£ wj? £/?#£ money box. A-no ka-ne-ba-ko ni fu-u-i-n wo na-sa-re-ma-sh'. IV # j>/« :*— 7? 1^9** V*s?ls Do. A-no ka-ne-ba-ko ni fu-u-i-n wo shi-ro. 836. -l« in na-ra-t-t«» n t ta ku da 840. Set the dog on that hog. A no l>u-t.i m i-nu wo kc-shi-ki-k- a I >i-re. T > 7Z ~i%9 +7 l> f) 7 ***v Do. A-no bu-u ni i-nu wo ke-slii ka-ko-ro. 841. Send me word how it is. ! i na-sa-re-te, i-na-ya wo o ki-ka-so na -sa-rr. ni?*'**) **v f1+y 9** n ^ *m-v Do. 1 ya-t-te a-m-pi wo ki-ka-se-t. feti-re * fl1 9V*f 1*'ti9 *#fef ^V Several person* have told me of it. IT to-bito nga so no ko-to wo wa-la-k'-shi ni ha-na-shi-ma- tVtTh if * ; z\ 9 VZV ^ A /** Is * sh'-ta. Do. H'-to-bi-to nga so-no ko-to wo wa shi-ni ha-na-sli'-ta. tht^ n y;3 \9 V i,^L *#%, * Shall I help you? A-na-ta no o te-tez-da-i wo i-ta-sh'-i-nia-sh'-o-o ka* ?^£ ? jrfwi 9i y *^i^\s\*?n Do. O-ma-e no te-tsz-da-i wo shi-yo-o k&f % &%# 9 *?tl tft: ^ t-vv n Do. O-ma-e no mi-a-ku wo mi-yo-o ka? ir^s- ; 2*w 9 3.W fj 845. Shall we have fair weather to-day? Ko-n-ni-chi wa o te-n-ki ni na-ri-ma-sh'-o-o ka? a ^~ i rs ft? ^$ j=. J-X)^ ^v? # Do Ki-o wa hi-yo-ri ni na-rooka? 116 B. 746. Shake the bottle before you take the medicine. K'-sz-ri wo no-mu ma-e-ni to-k'-ku-ri wo o fu-ri na-sa-rc. Do. k'-sz-ri wo no-mu ma-e-ni to-k'-ku-ri wo fu-re. ^1) 9 > ^ ^^— \ VpX) 9 7V 847. She has three children. A-no o-na-ngo wa ko-do-mo nga sa-n ni-n go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. A-no o-n-na wa ko-do-mo nga sa-n ni-n a-ru, TSit^ ^ a K fc *? ^^— ^f)V 848. £$0 #ms£ fo upwards of twenty years old. A-no o-na-ngo wa ta-sh'-ka-ni ha-ta-chi no u-e de go za-ri- ma-sh'-o-o. Do. A-no o-n-na wa ta-sh'-ka-ni ha-ta-chi no u-e da-ro-o. 849. She is a handsome woman. A-no o-na-ngo wa u-ts'-ku-shi-i sz-n^a-ta de sro za-ri-ma-s'. Do. A-no o-n-na wa u-ts'-ku-shi-i sz-nga-ta da. 850. She cannot walk icithout help. A-no o-na-ngo wa ka-i-ho-o shi na-ku-te wa a-yu-ma-re-m?.- t;^ ar * ftlfrv P*P5 /*$*>* v -? se-n' . ^% Do. A-no o-n-na wa ka-i-ho-o shi na-ku-te wa a-ru-ka-re-ma- fSJt^ /^#f**9 I- *.#? r* f )Vft V ~? se-n'. ^% 851. Shut the windows (sliding ones) Ma-do wo ta-te-te ku-da-sa-re. Do. Ma -do wo ta-te-ro -? F 9 £ftf 852. Sign this paper. Ko-no ka-ki-ts'-ke ni go se-i me-i ngaki wo na-sa-re. a > ft* vn ~ 3^1 a 1 if * 9 J-^v Do. Ko-no ka-ki-ts'-ke ni se-i me-i wo shi-ru-se. ay ft * 9 y ~te 1 A 1 9 > )V & 853. Sit still (i.e. do not rise) Go-a-n-dza wo na-sa-re. a*f^4f 9 9~^v 11/ I >,, 10. (in UM -la|»am>. Ia>iiu>n) («»i sitting in ■ chair) 10. ^ melt this roee. K : t>a-ra no ni-wo-i wo ka-i-de go ran i l >,, |\ . i i -.].■ mi in. 855. iSa wititA the Ml So-r.- lu-i gO z;i n in I yv W +? a tr^far *!)-?* Do. Son dll-kfl na-no yoio >lu-i. Yoki mo a-sh'-ki-mo go za-ri-in 3 * £ T I* %l * ^n ^* I • \ -i-i no mo wa-ru-i no mo a-ru. Speak plainly. W t-ka-ni yo-o-ni o lia-na-shi na-sa-rc. I >.> VVa ka-ru yo-o-ni ht«* ,r vf r* — /> n — #3 1) ?% Do Ha-ya-te wa ki-u-ni o-ko-ru. ^ iff ^ *9— *:W 961 Stand. O ta-chi na-sa-re-ma^li .1 >o. l'a-te. 9 f 118 S. 862 Stay here while I am gone. Wa-ta-k'-shi nga i-t-te ki-ma-s' ma-de ko-ko-ni ma-t-te o i-de V % Vis ft 1*f*^* tf3 *^T?yfit1? na-sa-re. Do. Wa-shi nga i-t-te ku-ru ma-de ko-ko-ni ma-t-te i-ro. 863. Stay here till I come hack. Wa-ta-k'-shi nga ka-e-ri.ma-s' ma-de ko-ko-ni ma-t-te o i-de na-sa-re. Do. Wa-shi nga ka-e-ru ma-de ko-ko-ni ma-t-te i-ro. 864. Strange that you should think sof A-na-ta so-no yo.o-ni o-ho-shi-rne-shi ko-to wa a-ya-shi-i ko- f *$ v > v?— *# is* I, * y *i+&i * to de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. O-ma-e so-o o-mo-o ko to wa a-ya-shi-i ko-to da. 865.' Stretch oat this line, and hong the clothes on it to dry. Ki-mo-no ka-ke-te ho-sz ta-me-ni, ko-no na-wa wo ha-re. * fc } ft J /f &* #;? - ^ 7 +> * 9 ^ v 866. String the bow. Yu-dz-ru wo o ka-ke na-sa-re. ***f>V 9 JTft V ** V Do. Yu-dz-ru vfo ka-ke-ro. ^ 9")V 9 ft Vtt 867. String those cash. Ko-no ze-ni wo sa-shi ni o to-o-shi na-sa-re. n / te 9 *&.' 868. Strive once more with all your might. Mo-o l-cni wo-o chi-ka-ra wo ts'-ku-sh'-te o ts'-to-me na-sa-re. *:>? t* it? * nf ? * t iftit yy a+^v Do. Mo-o i-chi wo-o ho-ne wo o-t-te ts'-to-me-ro. €69. Study makes the ripe scholar. H'-to nga ma-na-be-ba se-ki nga-ku ni i-ta-ri-ma-s'. \^y ft -? j-'tysisi* it # —vw^k Oo. H'-to nga ma-na-n-de se-ki nga-ku ni na-ru. t: V ft ^ +*¥ fe* ft P - ^>V i no Stumbling hone* are dangerou* to ride. i in -ma m no-ru \v:i a-hu-no-o no za- ri-n Do ru-rn m'-ma ni no-ru w;i a-[>u-na-i. f f fc*f*>V * «? - /)V ^ T?V-f B ; I . >'■ Merer* can speak like ordinary people, by counting their syllables. D0-1 o-n wo ka I HMM no h'-to ha- na-s i tit ki-ma-s'. Do. I I i mo i w.i ii wo ka-il/i»«-te i-wa-se-rc-ba tn-<.la no h'-to -ru. /^^ -f 9 V )V Subdue //">«? evil passion*. So . 0-0-f ku na-sn-re. y ^ t ^*;t 9 "^ 3-? 7 // ^* v I I So-no a-KU j'-o-o wo In- -i-f-ku shi-ro. yy 1WW9 ^17>; >v 873. Si*/fV 31) A fch-tff fc?>V)V tf ma-shi to o-mo-i na-sa-re. Do H'-to wo so-ko-na-u yo-ri, h'-to ni 80-ko-na-wa-ru-ru nga tiY ? V*J-7 3 fch — ytxjhr* )\)V if ma-shi to o-mo-e. S7 i. Superintend my business while I am absent. \\"a-ta-k'-shi no ru-sz no u-chi, a-na-ta wa-ta-k'-shi no ts-to- me wo o o-sa-me na-sa-re. Do. Wa-shi nga ru-sz no a-i-da, o-ma-e wa-shi nga shi-ngo-to wo o-sa-me-ro. 9 *** V 575. Take care. Go yo-o-ji-n na-sa-re-ma-sh'. 3f ¥9>VtM*V ^V 120 1*. 875. Yo-o-ji-n wo shi-ro. 876. Take this away. Ko-re wo mo-t-te o i-de na-sa-i. a v 9 *z)>?Jr1T^1 Do. Ko-re wo mo-t-te yu-ke. a v 9 %&f ^ *7 877. Take all hut one. H'-to-tsz no ko-sh'-te no-ko-ra-dz o mo-chi na-sa-i. t yv ; a$> f ? a?x tffc 1 +*i Do. H'-to-tsz no-ko-sh'-te no-ko-ra-dz mo-t-te yu-ke, 878. j?feb £4es£ eggs out, one by one. Ko-no ta-ma-ngo wo h'-to-tsz dz tsz o to-ri na-sa-re. n ; %^> d: 9 t: \ 9 it 9 -fr Y l) ^ v Do, Ko-no ta-ma-ngo wo h'-to-tsz dz-tsz to-re. :* ^ # ■? rf ^tl-^X^ >V 879. Take good care of that. A -no shi-na-mo-no wo da-i-ji ni na-sa-re-ma-sh'. Do. A-no shi-na wo da-i-ji ni shi-ro. 880. T#fo yowr c/toi^. Go ka-t-te no wo o to-ri na-sa-re. Do. S'-ki-na wo to-re. **>* 9 w 88 1 . Tafo wA&A yow please. A-na-ta o-bo shi-me-shi ni ka-na-i-ma-sh'-ta no wo o to-ri na- sa-re. Do. O-ma-e ki ni i t-ta no wo to-re. jr-?3-*~iv$s 9 yv 882. Take as many as you please. A-na-ta i-ku-tsz de-mo o-bo-shi-me-shi ho-do o to-ri na-sa-re. f y- # f .^ v f fe ^ ^ y > * F * V 9 ^ -+ v Do. O-ma-e i-ku-tsz de-mo o-mo-o ho-do to-re. n~?5-i & v ft-jr^y &Y* yv 883. Take three a piece. Ko-re wo h' -to-ri de mi-tsz dz-tsz o mo-chi na-sa-re. av 9 \z\X)T ?- 7. ** VJt tl^+V Do. Ko-re wo h' -to-ri de mi-tsz dz-tsz mo-te. 3 v 9 t: y \) T z. y sr y ^f r i-2i 884. Take care! you uill set the house onjirc if you do not. l-fh 1 Ki wo ts'-kc-nm— Miu n;i-r;i- ba so-so-o bi * lV\ 9 * 7* + ?y V^fcT 9 ? sh'-te i- I, fizz r '; r 885. 7fl# /o Mi about that some oth< I >u» too bust/ to //#/ •/ now. W i-nii ainan ko-u-za -ts' i-t.i -li'-(.> o-ri-ma-s' ka-rn. ha-nashi wo Q-keta-roa-wm-ru koto agv de ki-ma- *? 7itjy+ i, ?W 9-? >^)\ *\ ff r * * sc-nu ta-ji-tj. o ha na-shi-na 1 Do. Wa-shi \va i-ma to ri-ko-n-dc i-ru ka-ra, ba-na-ahi wo ki- 9 > /> 1* H)3>ff v n i '\+is 9 * ku koto nga deki-nu ma-ta ho-ka-no bi ni ba na-se. 9 * \ if f " * * T 9 &1) S t — ^ ^fe 886. Talloic is made from the fruit of tlte tallow tret, and from that of the varnish tree. Ro-o wa ha-ji no ki no mi lie ts'-ku-ri-ma-s', u-ru-sbi no ki no mi de mo ts'-ku-ri-ma-s . 887. 7WrcA i^ example as icell as by prctrpt. Gi-o-o-j'-o-o to o-ki-te to wo mo-t-te h'-to wo o o shi e na- sa-re. Do. Gi-o-o-j'-o o to o-ki-te to wo mot te h'-to wo o-shi-e-ro. 888. Teachers are respected for their instructions ; but the military class are respected only for fear of their power and authority. Shi wa o-shi-e wo ta-t-to-n-de u-ya-ma-i-ma-s', bu-shi wa ken i ni o-so-re te u-ya-ma-i-ma s'. Do. Shi sh'-o o wa o-shi-e wo ta-t-to-n-de u-ya-ma-u, bu-shi wa ^ is v*> '***Vs> 9 5 y y^T 9-v ^9 ;f > ^ ken i ni o so-re-te u-ya-ma-u. 122 T. 889. Tell your father that I will take all the shirtings he has for sale. So-no u-ri-mo-no no ka-na-ki-n wo i-ku-ra go za-ri-ma-sh'-te y y 9 .*)*:>> > ft+^y.i93 sr?HHl^? mo ka i-ma-sh'-o-o to chichi ni o ha-na-shi na-sa-re. Do. So-no u-ri-ta-i ka-na-ki-n wo i-ku-ra-de-mo ka-wo-o to chi- y.y WM n***-? it?r*. kw y * chi ni ha-na-se. * ~ ss + & 890. Ten brave men are letter than a hundred cowards. O-ku-bi-o-o mo-no h'-a-ku ni-n yo-ri mo ji-u ni-n tsz-yo-ki mo- no nga ma-shi de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. O-ku-bi-o-o mo-no h'-a-ku ni-n yo-ri mo ji-u ni-n tsz-yo- i mo-no nga ma-shi-da. t:^7 if -? }s # 891. Thank you. A-ri-nga-to-o go za-ri-ma-s'. ^ t))tff9 a **fi)^* Do. Ka-ta-ji-ke na-i. 892. T&tf wiZJ fc. (correct) So-re nga ma-ko-to de go za-ri-ma-s". Do. So-re nga ho-n-to-o da y v # ^ y 9 y 895. jTW g wowp. (morally) So -re nga yo-ko-shi-ma de go za-ri-ma-s'- y V ff 3 a l, ; **^ *t b98. That is not my fault. A re wa wa-ta-k'-shi no tsz-mi de wa go za-ri-ma-se-n'. tv r. 999 > / * 5. r * 3* *f o-? * * Do. Arc wa wa-shi no tsz-mi de wa na-i. Tv ^ •? > 7 * 3>f j*+i 899. rtatf M his look out. So-re wa a-no h'-to no ka-ka-ri de go zari-ma-s'. yv ^ T>> t:h 7 ft*? 1 ) f a- if l) -?* Do. Are «n a-no h'-to no ka-ka-ri da. rv ssfstiY /tiny it 900. 7W «A«> i"« out of sight. A-no fu-ne wa mo-it mi-e na-ku na-ri-ma-sh'-ta. T; ?3- ^ %9 £* ^ * i)^^ * Do. A-no fu-ne wa mo-u mi-e na-ku na-t-ta. T 7 i* »*,? 3A + 9 +V9 901- T^atf t*« not for me to speak of. So-no ko-to ni wa wa-ta-k'-shi wa na-ni to-mo mo o-sa-re- ma-se-n. Do. So-re ni wa wa-shi wa na-ni to-mo i-wa-re-nu. n-^ !;i/^ ^ — v^ f ? v* 902. T^a* i« ;io* time. Sore wa ma-koto de go za-ri-ma-se-n y V ^^3)- f'3* if 1) ^r fe^ Do. So-re wa ho-n-to de wa na-i. yv /* 4^> f ^hi 903. Tfatf was natf my meaning. A-re wa wa-ta-k'-shi no ko-ko-ro-dza-shi de go za-ri-ma-se-n' Tv /s «7 £^> ;3 3D^Vf3*f t)^^jst Do. A-re wa wa-shi no ko-ko-ro-dza-shi de wa na-i. T V /n !?^; 3 3t2if >/f ^^f 904. 7%fl£ m wrjf useful. So-re wa o-o-ki-ni ya-ku-ni-ta-chi-ma-sz-ru. y v *> ***— t ^^f^xjv Do. A-re wa ta-n-to ya-ku-ni-ta-tsz. Tv j* ^^y W ~ $y 124 T. 905. That is the custom. So-re wa sa-ho-o de go Do. A-re wa sa-ho-o da. 906. 7te M>iZ£ not do ; it is too short. A-ma-ri mi-ji-ko-o go za-ri-ma-s' ka-ra, a-re de wa de-ki-ma- f *?. 1) a&a^dt if 1) ^ ^??fV f » f ^ ^ se-n' . ^* Do. A-ma-ri mi-ji-ka-i ka-ra a-re de wa de-ki na-i. 907. That is not half so good as this. A-re wa ko-no go bu do-o-ri ho-do yo-ro-sh'-ku go za-ri-ma- se-n. *^ Do. A-re wa ko-no go bu do-o-ri wa-ru-i. 908. That man is sea-sick. A- no h'-to wa fu-ne ni yo-i-ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-no h'-to wa fu-ne ni yo-t-ta. 909. That is all he cares for. A-no h'to wa so-re ba-ka-ri ni mi wo i-re-ma-s'. t;ti-^ 9 V j*% t) ^. 3. 9 Y v ^ a Do. A-re wa so-re ba-ka-ri ni mi wo i-re-ru. TV ^ W ? ± ft V % 912. TA#£ 2S mtf atf a^ like tins. A-re wo ko-re ni ku-ra-be-te wa s'-ko-shi mo-o-na-ji to-ko-ro I wa go za-ri-ma-se n. I' A-re wo ko-n; ni ku-ra-bc-to s'-ko-shi mo o-na-ji to-ko-ro Tv3? avi ^?-; >3t2 wa na-i. >f 913. 7%a/ tra* a yrwi mist ah. \ re wa o-o-ki-ni ma-chi-ngai de go za-ri-ma-sh'-tn. Do. A-re wa o-o-ki-ni ma-chi-ngai de a-t-ta. tv ^**%^ fc^ Do. So-re wa do-o mo wa-shi-do-mo ni wa dc-ki-nu. y v /> F9 fc 9 ^ F fc a /n f 1 ** 913. Tfarf num is probably lying, A-no h'-to wa u-so wo i-i so-o de go za-ri-ma-s'. ?y th ^9? ? Yty^r^ *fi)^* Do. A-re wa u-so wo i-i so-o da. tv ^9? 9ft:y95r 919. That looks like a fast horse. A-no m'-ma wa ha-ya so-o ni mi-e-ma-S'. f y ^ * « jv-ir y ?j=. 3&m Do. A-no m'-ma wa ha-ya so-o ni mi-e-ru. iv ^ ^ '• /^-v y 9— ^^)v 920. 7% :f\r> a* -+ ri-ma-se-n. Do. So-re wa o-rna-e no ka-ma*u ko-to de wa na-i. 922. That is a pretty ehild. A-no o ko wa ki-re-i de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. A-no ko wa ki-re-i da. 923. jTAtftf is no easy matter. A-re wa ta-ya-sz-i ko-to de wa go za-ri-ma-se-nu. 7 v /n ^-VX-f ^ J- f /» dt *f \)^ te* Do. A-re wa ya-sa-shi-i ko-to de wa na-i. .924. That, I cannot think of doing. A-no ko-to wo i-ta-so-o to o-mo-o-te mo ka-na-i-ma-se-nu. Do. A-no ko-to wo shi-yo-o to o-mo-o-te mo ka-na-wa-nu. 925. That is all wrong ; begin again. A-re wa mi-na chi-nga-i-ma-sh'-ta ka-ra, ma-ta ha-ji-me yo- ri o na-o-shi na-sa-re. Vits-jr^ + ^v Do. A-re wa mi-na chi-nga-t-ta ka-ra, ma-ta ha-ji-me yo-ri na- o-se. or* 926. That hat is old fashioned. So-no ka-bu-ri mo-no wa mu-ka-shi no ka-ta-chi de go za-ri- y s x-fi) *.; r* i* fti, ; ft % $~ ft* tf i) ma-s'. ^* Do. A-no ka-bu-ri mo-no wa mu-ka-shi no ka-ta da. T J ti-fV fc ? rs i* til, S 11#>X 927 . That is not so much as its first cost. So-no ne-da-n de wa mo-to ne ni na-ri-ma-se-nu. , Do. So-no ne de wa mo-to ne ni na-ra-nu. I 127 928. That M all idle t*lk. So-re wa mi-na mu-e-ki no ha /***> f rT ^f 1) -?* Do. A-re wa mi-na mu-da ba-na-shi da. ? v /> A 3^ * 5T /^ i" £f 929. Tforf i« a/r«< ra/* on*. So-re \va ichi-ba-n yo-ro-shi-i no de go za-ri-ma-s 1 . y v * f *^ a bm 7 r * *i)^* Do. Are wa i-chi-ba-n yo-i no da. tv M ±>^91 > ? 930. 7totf m contrary to law. A-re wa ko-ku ho-o ni so-mu-i-tc o-ri-ma-s'. tV ^ 3 ^ ft* ,=tyM ?*!)■?* Do. A-re wa ko-ku ho-o ni so-mu-i-te i-ru. tV ^ 3 ^ ft* — **1 ? 1 >V 93 1 . 7W tr~*ft * tip * **) *V> 2 Do. A-no ko-to wa o-o mu-ka-shi a-t-ta. ty 3r >»*ft^ »VT** 932. 7% ft*n.* >*-%fi % T ar*Fi) ma-s'. ^^ Do. A-r3 wa wa-shi nga ho-o-ba-i no e-sz nga-ta da. tv /* 9 \> n *i9j*i **>% if 9 r 933. That is my business, Ko-no koto wa wa-ta-k'-shi no mi ni ka-ka-ri-mas'. Do. So-re wa wa-shi nga mi ni ka-ka-ru. yv ^ !7 J/tf i-^J fJ)V 934. That horse is what I say he is. A-no m'-ma wa wa-ta-k'-shi no mo-o-sh'-ta to-o-ri de go za- ri-ma-s' . *)** - Oo. A-no m'-ma wa wa-shi nga i-t-ta to-o-ri da. 935. That is not the key, it does not fit. A-no ka-ngi wa a-i-ma-se-nu ka-ra, chi-nga-t-te o-ri-ma-s'. Do. A-no ka-ngi wa a-wa-nu ka-ra chi-nga-t-te i-ru. ?y *?¥ ^ t ^* a? * ffvfl>v 128 T. 936. That boy has been well brought up. A-no o ko wa yo-ku so-da-te-ra-re-ma-sh'-ta. Do. A-no ko wa yo-ku so-da-te-ra-re-ta. 937. That sketch was meant for a horse, but looks like a dog. A-no ga-ku wa m'-ma wo ka-i-ta ko-ko-ro de go za-ri-ma-s' 7 J if 9 ^ * ? 9 ft 1.9 P *& ??t if \)-?K nga ; i-nu wo ka-i-ta yo-o ni mi-e-ma-s'. if 1% ? m%w~ ^^?% Do. A-no ga-ku wa m'-ma wo ka-i-ta ki da nga i-nu wo ka- i-ta yo-o ni mi-e-ru. 938. That cinnamon is not pounded fine. A-no ke-i-hi wa ma-da tsz-i-te sa-i-ma-tsz ni i-ta-shi-ma- se-nu. *# ; ' Do. A-no ni-k'-ke-i wa ma-da tsz-i-te ko-ma-ka ni se-nu. f 7 A9*f1/s ^ 5T pf? a^ # ~ fe* 939. 7% * 1 ? V*^ s* 5 9- fe * J* ^ # :f if ri-ma-s'. Do. A-no ma-chi no ji-me-n wa mi-na mo-chi-nu-sh' nga f ? ^ f ^ VA *> r> $.* fc * * %f if a-ru. T)V 941. TAe ^/wos do not improve; they are always about the same. A-i-no wa a-ra-ta-me-ru ko-to wo i-ta-shi-ma-se-nu, i-tsz-mo o-yo-so o-na-ji-ko-to de go za-ri-ma-s'. T. 129 Do. A-i-no wa a-ra-ta -rae-ru koto wo sc-nu i-tsz-mo ta-i-nga-i o-na-ji-ko-to da. 942. The snail carries his house on his hack, Ka-ta-tsz-muri wa i-yc wo sh'-o-t-te a-ru-ki-ma-a'. Do. Ma-i-ma-itsz-bu-ri wa i-yo wo sn'-o-t-to a-ru-ku. -?1^?1 *?*) ^ 1*9 is9 9f1Mr 943. The English are always getting up something new. I-ngi-ri-sz no h'-to wa i-tsz-de-mo mc-dz-ra-shi-i mo-no wo ka-n-ngai i-da-shi-ma-s'. ti±>tfniyi''?A m Do. I-ngi-ri-sz no h'-to wa i-tsz-mo me-dz-ra-shi-i mono wo 1 Vij^y tf^fn^ tr fui *. > 9 ka-n-nga-i da-s'. 944. The price of sugar has doubled, the last month. Sa-to-o wa se-n nge-tsz ji-u yo-ri ne-da-n nga i-chi ba-i ni *yv »**-?* wav 3-*V it 1 **i - na-ri-mash'-ta. * 9* 1,9 Do. Sa-to-o wa sen nge-tsz ji-u yo-ri ne nga i-chi ba-i ni na- *YV /> M^rf *>^3\) 3. ff i+*1^ + t-ta. *£ 945. The doctor has bled him twice. I-sh'-a nga a-no h'-to no chi wo ni-do o to-ri na-sa-ri-ma- Y^-Vtf f ) tWf ? -F* H) **«) * sh'-ta. Do. l-sh'-a nga a-no h'-to no chi wo ni-do to-t-ta. Yi^tf ?/ th > 4- 9 4p.Hst* 946. The lamp has gone out. To-mo-shi-bi nga ki-e-ma-sh'-ta. ; *^l*S.M **?ls9 • Do. lo-mo-shi-bi nga ki-e-ta. 1- *: M£tf **9 947. The wind has put the lamp out. Ka-ze nga to-mo-shi-bi wo ke-shi-ma-sh'-ta. ^ X & ff Y fi^iz 9 V ^ ^? Is >* Do. Ka-ze nga to-mo-shi-bi wo ke-sh'-ta. 130 T. 948. The more you do it, the more you. may. Sz-re-ba sz-ru ho-do ka-ngi-ri wa go za-ri-ma-se-nu. % vA m vt, V ft 3f r> r ? if i) ^ & % Do. Sh'-te mo sh'-te mo ka-ngi-ri wa na-i. 949. The longer wine is kept, the loiter it is. Bu-do-o shi-u wa hi-sa-sh'-ku ka-ko-i-ma-s' ho-ko yo-ro-sh'- jT F9 V^ ^ t: ■* l^ ft *i~?% vj\F 3 H^ ku na-ri-ma-s'. Do. Bu-do-o shi-u wa to-shi wo ko-sz ho-do yo-ro-sh'-ku na-ru. i \ 9 i** ^ ^^? a* ^F 3 12 > /; 9- rv 950. 77^ hearts of all joyfully united to follow him. Ko-ko-ro wo h'-to-tsz ni sh'-te mi-na yo-ro-ko-n-de a-no h'-to a art* 9 tt>* —i-f 3.^-3 jaa^ff 7 t;> ni sh'-ta-nga-i-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Ko-ko-ro wo h'-to-tsz ni sh'-te mi-na yo-ro-ko-n-de a-no h'- to ni sh'-ta-nga-t-ta. > —l-$fty# 9 5 1. The earth quaked. Ji-shi-n nga yu-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Ji-shi-n nga yu-t-ta, 952. The enemy and our troops commenced the battle. Te-ki mi-ka-ta to ta-ta-ka-i wo ha-ji-me-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Te-ki mi-ka-ta to ta-ta-ka-i wo ha-ji-me-ta. ? * ^ft^y $ %fti? ^&*9 953. The carpenter will prolably get through to-day. Da-i-ku wa ko-n-ni-chi shima-i so-o de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. I.)a-i-ku nga ki-o-o wa shi-ma-i so-o da. 954. :7%# sww 5^s in the west. Hi wa ni-shi ni i-ri-ma-s'. Do. Hi wa ni-shi ni i-ru. 955. The water here is up to your chin. Ko-no to-ko-ro wa a-na-ta no a-pgo ma-de mi-dz no;a go za- n / y an /n f^# yf sr ■* fi^ n * *f ri-ma-s'. T. 131 955. Ko-ko wa o-mae no a-ngo made mi-dz nga a-ru. n a ^j"?x. ;T2 m -7 T 2~V if f >V 95G. The water here it over your head. I\ no toko-ro no mi-dz wa a-na-fa no se-i nga ta-chi-ma n ; \ 3D7 ^r ? t^£ j &1 ff $ i -? sen 1 . Do. Ko-ko no mi-dz \va o-ma-e no se-i nga ta-ta-nu. * * / 3JT r* jr^s* > U1 tf2 %% 957. The mud u anJUe deep. Nu-ka-ru-mi wa a-shi ku-bi ma-de go za-ri-ma-s'. % f))\ 2. rs 11, t\£ *?? J *P) -?A Do. Nu-ka-ru-mi wa a-shi ku-bi ma-de ha-cru. 958. The man hoe been given up by the doctor. Ko-no o ka ta wa i-sh'-a ni mi ha-na-sa-re-raa-sh'-ta. Do. Ko-no h'-to wa i-sh'-a ni mi ha-na-sa-re-ta. 959. The greater part are good. Ta-i-nga-i wa yo-ro-shi-u go zari-ma-s'. „ 91 if 1 ? 3 tH-^f a" if >)^* Do. Ta*i-nga-i wa yo-ro-shi-i. 91 ff 1 /* aa^i 960. The salt is almost gone. Shi- wo nga s'-ko-shi ni na-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Shi-wo nga-s'-ko-shi ni na-t-ta. 96 1. The cat has caught a rat. Ne-ko nga ne-dz-mi wo i-p-pi-ki to-ri-ma-sh'-ta. n 3- * if 3- r 3. 9 1 9)£*\ V^W Do. Ne-ko nga ne-dz-mi wo i-p-pi-ki to-t -ta. 5- a if 3- °r~.?iv\£*\v% 962. The other is just right. A-chi-ra no wa ch'-o-do yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s'. f * ? > r> £ v^F 3 P >? dt if \)^T % Do. A-cbi no wa ch'-o-do yo-i. Tf > rs £ vt,F3 1 963. The other is better than this. Ko-re yo-ri a-chi-ra no nga yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-re yo-ri-a-chi no nga yo-i. 132 T. 964. The bait is all used up. E-sa wa ts'-ka-t-te shi-ma-i-ma-sh'-ta. :M" /^ ? ft? f l> ^ f *W 9 Do. E-sa wa ts'-ka-t-te shi-ma-tta. 965. The rice is all gone. Ko-me nga na-ku-na-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do Ko-rae nga na-ku-na-t-ta. a A if * #+*% 966. The table is too high. Da-i nga ta-ka sz-ngi-ma-s'. 5T-f if 5?*J**^.X . Do. Da-i nga ta-ka sz-ngi-ru. xi if an a* >v 967. The clock has stopped. To-ke-i nga to-ma-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Wiif Y*Wl>» Do. To-ke-i nga to-ma-t-ta. YV1 if Y ff£ 968. The next may read. So-no tsz-ngi no h'-to o-yo-mi na-sa-re. y 7 y 3f ? t:> *33 *iYv Do. Tsz-ngi no h'-to yo-me. 9 3f ; t: \ 3 A 969! The mountain flowers are scattered by the wind. Bo-ta-n no ha-na nga ka-ze ni chi-ri-ma-sh'-ta. ^ tf^w j»+n n*?~ * i)^i»$ Do. Bo-ta-n no ha-na nga ka-ze de cni-t-ta. 970. The more I see of him the less Hike him. Wa-ta-k'-shi a-no h'-to no o-ko-na-i wa mi-re-ba mi-ru ho-do na-wo ki ni i-ri-ma-se-n. Do. Are no sz-ru ko-to wa mi-re-ba, mi-ru bo-do na-wo ki fV;^)V3f ;>^V * 3. )V vj\ vv- 9 * ni i-ra-nu. 971. The tears fell like rain. A-me no yo-o ni na-mi-da nga o-chi-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Na-mi-da nga a-me no yo-o ni o-chi-ta. + 3.P if 1* s vy~jr±$ I 1.;:; : There is no oil. A-bu ni n^'a mo o go za-ri-ma-s. tf9 if *l*> a tP)^U* Do. nga moo na-i. 179 nw-i 973. There is not guile enough. I < >hi l'u-so-ku de go za-ri-ma-fT. Do. S'-ko-shi ta-ra-nu. 974. There is nothing there. So-ko ni wa na-ui mo go za-ri-ma-so-n. y 3-^ ^*— *: zT *f I) -^ ^^ Do. So-ko ni wa na-ui mo na-i. 975. There are thousands of them. So-no yo-o-na mo-no Wa sz man go za-ri-ma-s'. y 7-r?y- % ? * *^ dt *f i)^^ Do. So-no yo-o-na mo-no wa sz-ma-n da. 976. T%«r* >f ?>v 977. There is not light enough here. Ko-ko ni wa a-ka-ri nga fu-so-ku de go za-ri-ma-s'. a n ~^T*?1) if ?Y 9T ***)**> Do. Ko-ko ni wa a-ka-n nga ta-ra-uu. a a ^^?#1) if %?% 978. There is no doubt of it. Ko-re wa u-ta-nga-i wa go za-ri-ma-sc-nu. Do. 979. Do. a v/>9Jtff >» a-ifl)^ I** Ko-re wa u-ta-nga-i wa na-i. a v r>9jtff1 *>'-f There is sickness in m% r family. Wa-ta-k'-shi no ka-na-i no u-chi ni bi-o-o sh'-a go za-ri- ? 99\? > n+i / V4- — tM>9 Mr * ifo ma-s\ ^* Wa-shi no ka-na-i no u-chi ni wa-dz-ra-t-te i-ru mo-no 9 ^ y ti+1 ; 9f - x> *^y^w* 7 nga a-ra. if f >v 134 T. 980. There are but three words that end in mui, viz. samui,nemui, and kemui. Sh'-ta ni mu-i to ts'-lm ko-to-ba wa mi-tsz ba-ka-ri shi-ra go I, # ^^ -f y y ty a \A ■/*& & Aft WXs 3 dt za-ri-ma se-n 1 , sa-niu-i, ne-mu-i, ke-mu-i no-mi. Do. Sh'-ta ni mu-i to ts -ku ko-to-ba wa mi-tsz ba-ka-ri sh'-ka I, £ "a m f K * 9 a \ : /* j* '&■# j* ft i) V ft na-i, sa-mu-i, ne-mu-i, ke-mu-i. 981. There is no body to blame but yourself. A-na-ta h'-to-ri no tsz-mi de go za-ri-ma-s' ho-ka no h'-to f ^£ t:> 1) ; 9 3. f 3 if X)-?K 4s ft J ^ h no a-dz-ka-ru ko-to de wa go za-ri-ma-se-n'. ) 7>rft)V n y f r* dt -f l)-^ *l% Do. O-ma-e h'-to-ri no tsz-mi de ho-ka no h'-to no to-mo-ni sz-ru ko-to de wa na-i. %W a y ?^*1 982. There is two-thirds as much as there was before. Ta-da-i-ma wa ma-i no sa-m bu no ni bo-do go za-ri-ma-s . # fi t? /> -?1 ? *3> Jf ) ~ tjs V dT if i) -? *■ Do. I-ma wa ma-i no sa-m bu ni bo-do aru. 983. There are many kinds of grapes. Bu-do-o no sh'-u-ru-i wa a-ma-ta go za-ri-ma-s'. jr yy ; l>*jy1 ■'??'* % dt ^\)^% Do. Bu-do-o no ru i wa i-ro-i-ro a-ru. 984. There are not more than 50 at most. Ka-dz nga o-o ke-re-ba go ji-u ho-do go za-ri-ma-sh'-o-o. ft r ftir&y v^^j^if, f ?*?*)-? is^y Do. O-o ke-re-ba go ji-u ho-do a-ru de a-ro-o. •985.. There is to be a great wedding next week. Ko-no tsz-ngi no na-no-ka ni wa go ko-n-re-i nga go za- ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-no tsz-ngi no na-no-ka ni wa go ko-n-re-i nga a-ru. & ? 9 3f ? 9-; ft ^ ft-a^V 1 jf f)V 986. There is no hope of his getting well. A-no o h'-to no ya-ma-i wa na-o-ro-o to wa o-mo-wa-re-ma- se-n. r itt A :. do j i-ma-i wa o-mo-wa-ro-nu, 987. TAcre i5 *oo little to be of any use. A ma-ri s'-ko-ahi yu-c na-ni no \a-ku ni mo U-chi-ma-se-nu. T ^i)* ^ ^a.^ ^y V ^~*: £ * ^ fe * Do. A-ini-ri ihi ; o ni mo ta-ta-nu. 988. TA«re is not a good one among (hem. K no na-ka ni w i b i yo-ro-shi-i no wa go za-ri- a > +n -^ tut an^f;^ a- A* «) ma-sen'. Do. ia na-ka ni wa h'-to-tsz mo yoi no wa n.i i. 989. There is to be a man executed to-day. Ko-n-ni-chi wa h'-to-ri shi-za-i ni o-ko-no-wa-rc-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. Ko-n-ni-chi wa h'-to-ri shi-za-i ni a-ro-o. 990. There is a picul and so much Ili-a-k' ki-u no ho-ka-ni ma-ta ko-rc ho-do go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Hi-a-k' ki-n no ho-ka-ni ma-ta ko-re ho-do a-ru. 991. There is nothing to hang it on, Ka-ke-ru to-ko-ro nga go za-ri-nia-sc-n'. ft 7)V \*n if a" if l)^fe* Do. Ka-ke-ru to-ko-ro nga na-i. nywYat3if+1 992. These two look alike. Ko-re wa f ' -ta-tsz to-mo o-na-ji yo-o ni mi-e-ma-s'. Do. Ko-re wa f '-ta-tsz to-mo o-na-ji yo-o ni nii-c-ru. 993. These are not good to eat. Ko-re wo o a-ngo-ri na-sa-re-te wa yo-ro-sh'-ku go za-ri-ma- sen'. Do. Ko-re wo ku-u-te wa wa-ru-i. a V ? W7 /> >7)Vf 994. TAese horses are well matched. Ko-no f -ta-tsz no ni'-ma wa ta-nga-i ni yo-ku ni-te o-ri-ma-s'. a > ?$v ; *^ ^ 2if1~3t ~r*V^7, 136 T. 994. Ko-no f'-ta-tsz no m'-ma wa ta-nga-i ni yo-ku ni-tc i-ru. 995. These children look like twins. Ko-no ko-do-mo wa f'-ta-ngo to mi-e-ma-s'. Do. Ko-no ko-do-mo wa f'-ta-ngo to mi-e-ru. a J i y %z A 7 # z y Z-S-yV 996. This is hard work. Ko-no shi-ka-ta wa mu-dz-ka-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s'. * ) ^ ft% A ^ T ft Vtypt if X)^K Do. Ko-no shi-ka-ta wa mu-dz-ka-shi-i. ^ / i< n 9 * * r n is 1 997. This is easy work. Ko-no shi-ka-ta wa ya-sa-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s'. a ; i, p#^viti,9 m zfiT i)^x Do. Ko-no shi-ka-ta wa ya-sa-shi-i. 998. This milk is half water. Ko-no chi-chi wa ha-m-bu-n mi-dz nga ma-ji-t-te o-ri-ma-s'. a f * 4: ** *&%& 3~y if ^y?jr})^?* Do. Ko-no chi-chi wa ha-m-bu-n mi-dz nga ma-ji-t-te i-ru. a J $> 4- A ^^p^ST. if ^V9f1)V 999. This is too large. Ko-re wa o-o-ki sz-ngi-ma-s'. Do. Ko-re wa a-ma-ri o-o-ki-i. 1000. This and that are different. Ko-re to so-re to wa chi-nga-i-ma-s'. Do. Ko-re to so-re to wa chi-nga-u. * vy yv y ^ $~ n y 100 1 . This boy is all for play. Ko-no ko wa i-tsz-de-mo na-ma-ke-te o-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-no ko wa i-tsz-de-mo na-ma-ke-te i-ru. a } a s^1 9 T ^ 9-^? Vf 1)V 1002. This cloth cost me seven kobangs, Ko-no ta-m-mo-no wa sh'-chi ri-o de ka-i-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Ko-no ta-m-mo-no wa sh'-chi ri-o de ka-t-ta. 1003. This coat does not jit me. Ko-no ha-o-ri wa yu-ki-ta-ke nga a-i-ma-se-nu. T. 137 1003. Ko-no ha-o-ri wa yu-ki-ta-ko nga a-wa-nu. a > /»*!>/> b. \W ft T^ % 1004. 7%/# oi7 won't bum it has something in it. Ko-no a-bu-ra wa ma-ze-mo-no Hn ;i-ru ka-ra ta-chi-ngi-e nga i-t i->lu ma-s\ n f *> ^ * Do. Ko-no a-bu-ra wa ma-zc-mono nga a-ru ka-ra, tache- c nga sz-ru. £ i tf * >l 1005. This tea is too weak. Ko-no cli'-u wa u H si-ugi-ma-s'. Do. Ko-no ch'-a wa u-sz sz-ngi-ru. ^ ? 4-v ^ 9X* V>v 100G. This meat is not done. fio no ni-ku wa ma-da hi nga to-o-ri-ma se-n\ Do. Ko-no ni-ku wa ma-da hi nga to-o-ra-nu. 1007. This meat is not boiled enough. K io ni-ku wa na-ma ni-e de go za-ri-ma-s' . a } ^ # /> + ~? -if di *f J) -?* Do Ko-no ni-ku wa na-ma ni-e da. a ; ^ ? /> + -7 — i ? 1008. This meat is not baked enough. Ko-no ni-ku wa nama ya-ke de go za-ri-ma-s' * > ^/; ,> ^^ v yy r *4fx)r?x Do. Ko no ni-ku wa na-ma ya-ke-da. 1009. This is all news to me. Ko-re wa wa-ta-k'-shi ni wa me-dz-ra-shi-i-ko-to de go za- n v j» ^^-^ A T f l, f a f ? dt if ri-ma-s'. »^* Do. Ko-re wa wa-shi ni wa me-dz-ra-shi-i ko-to da. n v /* y ^ — r> A r 3 l, i a \ ft 1010. This well is very deep. Ko-no i-do wa ta-i-so-o-ni f-ko-o go za-rima-s'. Do. Ko-no i-do wa ta-i-so-o P-ka-i. 1011. This is still worse. Ko-re wa na-wo wa-ru-u go za-ri-ma-s'. ^ v s**9 v wit ^\j^^ R 138 T. 1011. Ko-re \va na-wo wa-ru-i. 10 12. This room is too small. Ko-no he-ya wa se-ma sz-ngi-ma-s\ Do. Ko-no he-ya wa a-ma-ri se-ma-i. 1013. :7%«s is just what I want. Ko-re wa wa-ta-k'-shi no ch'-o-do i-ru shi-na de go za-ri- ma-s'. ^* Do. Ko-re wa wa-shi no ch'-o-do i-ru shi-na da. a v /n V l> /fWYfrti'* % 1014. This look is out of print. Ko-no sh'-o-mo-tsz wa dze-p-pa-n i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Ko-no sh'-o mo-tsz no ha-n wa na-ku-na-ri-ma-sh'-ta. ^ 7 >3 t ^ r* yO ft J- $ 9- 1) f ^ # 1015. TH«? zs « M dollar. Ko-no do-ra wa gi-n no sh'-o nga wa-ru-u go za-ri-ma-s'. ^ y k? ^ $> / it $ # 'b )V9. ^ &$-?& Do. Ko-no do-m wa gi-n no sh'-o nga wa-ru-i. a / Y ? ■ /n #v y ^9 *f 9 >v-f 1016. 17«'s m his favorite child. Ko-no ko-do-mo wa a-no o ka-ta no i-chi-ba-n a-i-shi de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-no ko-do-mo wa a-no h'-to no i-chi-ba-n ka-wa-i-nga- ru ko da. 1017. This is not well done. Ko-re wa yo-ku ts'-ku-ri-e-ma-se-n'. a V /* 3 $ V fyX)3--7*L% Do. Ko-re wa yo-ku ko-shi-ra-i-e-nu. 1018. 2%w tree has begun to bear fruit this year. Ko-no ki wa ko-n ne-n ha-ji-me-te mi nga na-ri-ma-sh'-f.a. a J % r* a^ ^ /s^J f £ ff J- X) 4 ^ # 1019. This is rather better than that. So-re yo-ri ko-re wa s'-ko-shi yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s' T. 139 1019. Arc yo-ri ko-re vva s'-koshi yo-i. 1 020. This is the hit. Ko-re wa i-chi-ba-n yo-ro shi-u go za-ri ma-s\ Ho. KdHTi wa i-chiba-n yo-ro-shi-i. 1021. This is mine. Ko-re wa wa-ta-k'-shi no de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-re wa wa-shi no da. nil is the one. Ko-rc de go za-ri-ma-s'. n v f * if J) T % Do. Ko-n- da a v & 1023. Thie is pood for nothing. Ko-re wa ya-ku ni ta-chi-ma-se-nu. n v /> -v 4> ^ # *^* * Do. Ko re wa ya-ku ni ta-ta-nu. a v ^ X # — ££ % 1024. This hoe is more handy than that. So no ku-wa yo-ri ko-no ho o nga ts'ka-i yo-o go za-ri- ^H3l)a; ft* ff Vfiti 3* dt if 1) ma-s'. ^^ Do. So-no ku-wa yo-ri ko-no ho-o nga ts'-ka-i i-i. y^!?3i)a; ft* tf yftfc f f 1025- ^'* c< 2$* ** no ' *«# roasted. Ko-no ka-he wa ma-da na-ma i-ri de go za-ri-ma-8'. Do. Ko no Xa -fo wa ma-da i-re-nu. 102G. Tflw i« wuwk exactly to my mind. Ko-re wa ch'o-do wa-ta-k'-shi no o-mo-o to-o-ri ni ts'-ku- re-ma-sh'-ta. V ipj/ # Do. Ko-re wa ch'-o-do wa-shi no o-mo-o to o-ri ni ko-shi-ra- e-ta. 1027. Tliis must be well attended to ; don't neglect it. Ko-re ni ko-ko-ro dz-ke-te k'-t-to ma-mo-t-te o-ri-ma-s'; 140 T. yu-da-n wa na-ra-dz. Do. Ko-re ni ki wo ts'-ke-te k'-t-to mi-te l-ru yu-da-n na-ra-nu. 1028. This table, is warped. Ko-no da-i wa so-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Ko-no da-i wa so-t-ta. 1029. 7%ts w J^fer than nothing. Ko-re wa na-i ni wa ma-sa-ri-ma-s'. a v j* 9~i ''a s\ ' ^ yy^t- jt £t£ ■£ & % Do. Ko-no m'-ma wa so-no m'-ma ni o-yo-ba-nu. a > i» -? /» y ; i*^? A'jrsi** % 1032. This house needs repairs. Ko-no i-ye wa sh'-yu-f-ku i-ta-sh'-to-o go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-no u-chi wo sh'-yu-f-ku sh'-ta-i. 3^^ ^3-7tls$i 1033. This is a good holing one. Ko-no h'-to-tsz wa yo-ro-sh'ku mi-e-ma-s'. Do. Ko-no h'-to-tsz wa yo-ku-mi-e-ru. 1034. This board is uneven. Ko-no i-ta wa u-ne-t-te o-ri ma-s\ Do. Ko-no i-ta wa u-ne-t-te i-ru. 1035. This kind is not common. Ko-no yo-o-na mo-no wa tsz-ne ni go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-o yu-u mo-no wa tsz-ne ni na-i. T 14! f 036. This large dictionary is full of wor Ko-no o-o ji-bi-ki \va koto-ba ncra s'-ki-ma na-ku shi-rir-sh'-tc go zan-maa'. a if n . 1 1 Ko-no o-o ji-bi-ki \va koto-ba nga s'-ki-ma na-ku ka-i- 3 /**£*£* >* * Y >V 1037. This money chest is left open. Ko-no ka-ne ba-ko wa f-ta nga hi-ra-i-te go za-ri-ma-s'. *J Wr ** »7& if tL?1r * <¥ l)^X Do. Ko-no ka-nc ba-ko wa f-ta nga a-i-te a-ri-ma-s'. 1038. This tree appears to be dying. K o no ki wa ka-re so-o ni mi-e-ma-s\ Do. Ko-no ki wa ka-re so-o ni rni-e-ru. 1039. 7V« m>iw* like the other. Ko-re wa sore ni ku-ra-be-ru to ch'-o-do o-na-ji-ko-to de go za-ri-ma-s'. 1040. This is the only one I have. Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-re h'-to-tsz ngi-ri de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Wa-shi wa mo ko-re h'-to-tsz ngi-ri da »? te /% fc 3V fcl-y 3fl) £T 1041. 7%w Mrertd m very fine. Ko-no i-to wa ha-na-ha-da ho-so-o go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-no i-to wa o-o-ki ni ho-so-i. 1042 7%ts w?i// cure the tooth ache. Ko-re wo ts'-ke-ru to ha no i-ta-mi nga na-o-ri-ma-s'. *v9*y)vY^si#2Ltf +**)^x Do. Ko-re wo ts'-ke-ru to ha no i-ta-mi nga na-o-ru. 1043. This is not equal to that. Ko-re to a-re to wa i-chi-yo-o de wa go za-ri-ma-se-n'. ^ v Y f v Y ^ 1 ± a K>f ^ a - ^ \) ^ ^ ^ Do Ko-re to so-re to wa o-na-ji-ko-to de wa na-i ^ v Y WY ^X+VaYT ^*1 142 T. 1044. This coffee is not well settled. Ko-no ka-he wa ma-da yo-ku o-do-mi-ma-se-n\ Ko-no ka-he wa ma-da yo-ku o-do-ma-nu. 1045. This is very much like the other. Ko-re wa a-re ni yo-ku ni-te o-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-re wa a-re ni yo-ku ni-te i-ru. ay ^fv-3^ ~r 1>v 1046. This is the one I had before. Ko-re wa wa-ta-k'-shi ko-no ma-i rno-t-te o-ri-ma-sh'-ta de go a v :* W-9.V * > ~?1 ^yfJrV^i' # T& za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-re wa wa-ta-k'-shi ko-no ma-i mo-t-te i-ta no da. 1047. This has been of great use to me. Ko-re wa wa-ta-k'-shi no ta-me-ni ha-na-ha-da ya-ku ni ta- a v /> r> % 9 I* / 9 A - r* *r> W 9 A 9 chi ma-sh'-ta. *-?^£ Do. Ko-re wa wa-shi no ta-me-ni ta-i-so-o ya-ku ni ta-t-ta. 1048. This is the first time I have had the honor to see you. Ta-da-i-ma ha-ji-me-te o me ni ka-ka-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do. Ta-da-i-ma ha-ji-me-te a-t-ta. 1049. This is the only one I ever saw. Ko-re ba-ka-ri wa-ta-k'-shi ko-no ma-i mi-ma-sh'-ta no de go za-ri-ma-s'. 3**rn^* Do. Ko-re ba ka-ri wa-shi nga ma-i-ka-ta mi-ta no da. 3 v; jxpr) y i, $ -? 1 ## 5. $ / $ 1050. This is a poor soil Ko-no de-n-ji wa ya-se-te o-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-no de-n-ji wa ya-se-te i-ru. 1051. This is a rich soil. Ko-no de-n-ji wa ko-ye-te o-ri-ma-s'. Do, Ko-no de-n-ji wa ko-ye-te i-ru. I 143 This rice is not thoroughly boiled. Ko-no me-slw w.i -hi-m ma-de ma-da ni-e ma-se-nu. a / A I'.jkIs*' *? T^if — ^^ * * Do. Ko-no me-shi wa shi-n nga aru. a J A V A \s f ft t*V 1053. This clock is out of order. Ko-no to-ke-i wa ku-ru-t-te o-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-no to-ke-i wa ku-ru-t-te i-ru. 1 054. litis is not a pood knife ; it has a flaw in it. Ko-no ko-nga-ta-na wa yo-ro sh'-ku go za-ri-ma-se-nu, ki-dz a > a if $ J- r* 3 O ^ ^ dt if * fc * *r nga a-ri-ma-s'. £ Do. Ko-no ko-nga-ta-na wa yo-ku na-i, ki-dz nga a-ru. 1055* This is the one I told you about the other day. Ko-re wa wa-ta-k'-shi nga sen ji-tsz a-na-ta ni o ha-na-shi mo-o-sh'-ta de go za-n-ma-s'. ■?Vl>9T ***)** Do. Ko-re wa wa-shi nga ko-no a-i-da o-ma-e ni ha-na-sh'-ta a v /* V ^ if n ; TY^*^-^^^ no da. > #■ 1056. This is not pood for you; do not eat it. Ko-re wa a-na-ta ni yo-ro-sh'-ku go za-ri-ma-se-n' ka : ra, n v ^ 1+2 ~ % Bis 9 * ^f 1 )^^^ ft 7 o a-nga-ri na-sa-ri-ma-s'z-na. Ko-i Do. Ko-re wa o-ma-e ni yo-ku na-i ka-ra ta-be-ru-na. ^ v ^ft^x.— 3 #*1 ft? Z^wJ- 1057. This house was built twenty or thirty years ago. Ko-no i-ye wa ni sa-n ji-u ne-n a-to ni ts'-ku-ra-re-ma- sh'-ta. Do. Ko-no u-chi wa ni sa-n ji-u ne-n a-to-ni ts'-ku-ra-re-ta. a ; 9 * /n ^^93-^? V— ^?v^ 1058. This it worn out; we must have a new one. Ko-re wa mo-chi-i-te ya-ku ni ta-chi-ma-se-nu ka-ra, a-ta- ra-shi-i no wo mo-to-me-ma-sh'-o-o. 144 T, 1058. Ko-re wa fu-ru-k'-te mo-chi-i ni na-ra-nu ka-ra a-ta-ra- a-vi» 7 )V#f *Z 4-1 — ^? % ft 7 ?#? shi-i no wo mo-to-me-yo-o. M ; ^ ^ > ^ 3 ^ 1059. This is the last day of the month. Ko-n ni-chi wa mi-so-ka de go za-ri-ma-s'. a^ i * /n a. vi n 7 3" *f o^ * Do. Ki-o-o wa mi-so-ka da. V ? /> 3> > » 5T 1060. TA«s £mv if* ^ ~ % )V 1063. This thing is not worth much, but it cost a great deal. Ko-no shi-na wa yo-o ni ta-tsz ko-to wa s'-ku-na-ku-te, ne- da-n nga ha-na-ha-da ta-ko-o go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. Ko-re wa ts'-ka-u ko-to wa s'-ku-na-ku-te ne-da-n nga o- a yrs y ft? a\ A %>;9- ^f 3-5TV if jC o-ki-ni ta-ka-i. 1064. This is worth more than it cost. Ko-re wa ne-da-n yo-ri ts'ka-i-ma-s' to-ko-ro nga oo go za- 3\V ^ lr flV 3 i) *?ft^% * zt2 if >M\ 3t if ri-ma-s'. if?* Do. Ko-re wa ne yo-ri ts'-ka-u to-ko-ro nga o-o-i. 2V^J-3l)^^Mtl ft #>M T. Ml This wood is so henry that it sinks in wgter. Ko-no ki wa^omo-i vu-»'-ni mi-dz ni shi-dz mi-mas'. Do. Ko-no ki V Ua-ra mi-dz ni shi-dz fed. 10C0. Those fowl* are not full grown. BO in \\ ma-da lii-na de go za-ri-ma-s'. a / a /*> I) ^irt^f :f +" p ^* Do. Ko no ni-wa-to-n \va ma- la o-o-ki-ku na ri ma s< -nn. 7 . Those are better made than these. Ko-re yo-ri so-re wa yo-ku ts'-ku-ra-re-ma-sli Do. Ko-re yo-ri a-re \va \*o-ku ts'ku-ra-re-ta. ^ ^ a 9 f V /* 3 # 9 9 $ v 9 1069. JAott m*w Art/<» each other. A-no o ka-ta f-ta ri \va a-i tn-nga-i ni i-mi-ma-sz-rn. \ HO h'-to f ta-ri \va ta-nga-i ni ki-ra-i-ma-s.' 1 0G0. TAoae gentlemen do not live together. A-no ka-ta ta-chi wa i-s-sh'-o ni sz-ma-i na-sari-ma-se-n'. Do. A-no h'-to ta-chi wa is-^hi-o-ni sz-ma-wa-nu. 1070. Those people are our neighbours. A-no ka-ta ta-chi ua wa-tn-k'-shi do-mo no to-na-ri no kn- ta de go za-ri-ma-s'. #?a-*fl)^* Do. A-no h'-to ta-chi wa wa shi do-mo no to-na-ri no h'-to da. 1071. Tfios* coofos /wre come for their pay. A-no ni-n-so-ku njja hi-vo-o wo mo-ra-i ni ma-i-ri-ma-sh'-t*a. t 7-^y^ *f t3^ 9 Oif^^f 9^^# Do. A-no ni-n-so-ku n^a hi-yo o wo to-n ni k'-ta. t 7-^y * if t 39 5? H) - *# 1072. 7^(?«« ar* all of a size. So-re wa mi-na o-na-ji-ko-to ni o-o ki-u go za-ri-ma-s' Do. A-re wa mi-na o-na-ji-ko-to ni o-o-ki-i. 1073. Tfiostf women with blackened teeth are married, but unmarried wo- men from twenty years old and upwards blacken their teeth and shave their eyebrows, though prostitutes and dancing girls do not. 14G T. A-no ge-m-bu-ku wo sh'.ta o-na-no;o wa yo-me-i-ri wo i-ta- f ? T ^ -f # ? ^% ** 3 r* a A 1 $ -1 9 shi-ma-sh'-ta, shi-ka-shi na-nga-ra o-t-to no na-i o-na-ngo }^^^ $ V ftp *ti 9 *** S+iit* zt wa ha-ta-ehi no sa-ki yo-ri ka-ne wo ts'-ke-te ma-yu wo so-ri-ma-s'. Ke-re-do-mo yu-u-j'-o u-ka-re-me no ta-ngu-i wa . sa-yo-o i-ta-shi-ma-se-n' . 1074. Those are not very good. A-re wa ha-na-ha-da yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-sz-nu. ? v /s ^ />$ 3X2 I-? dT if l) -? & % Do. A-re wa o-o-ki-ni yo-ku na-i. 1075. Those men are going to hill a bullock pretty soon. A-no h'-to ta-chi wa mo s'-ko-shi no-chi ni o-u-shi wo ko- ro-shi-rna s' . Do. A-no h'-to ta-chi wa o-shit-ke o-u-shi wo ko-ro-s 1 . 1076. To-morrow is pay day \ Mio-o-ni-chi wa ki-u-ki-n wo wa-ta shi-ma-s' lo-ki de go za- A 9 ~± **?y*^9 yfils^KY*? dt if ri-ma-s'. *>*"* ; , Do. A-sh'-ta wa ki-u-ki-n wo wa-ta-s' to-ki da. 1077. Travellers are always passing Kaiiagawa, on their way up to Miako. Mi-a-ko e no-bo-ru h'-to wa i tsz-mo Ka-na-nga-wa wo to-o- 2-y ax. ; tf^v fc. \ jy 1 9 fc ft J- ff y 9 \9 ri-rna s'. Do. Mi-a-ko e no-bo-ru h'-to wa i-tsz-mo Ka-na-nga-wa wo ^V a 5- J $ )V t: Y £> 1 9 ^ ft + if *? 9 to-o-ru. Y9)V 1078 Tribute is paid by the king of Corea to tJie Taikun. Ch'«o-se-n no wo-o yo-ri mi-tsz-ngi wo Ta-i-ku-n ni a-no-e- f ^*i^ ; W3 X) 2. 9 3f 9 ^f/A^fV ma-s' . Do. Ch'-o-se-n no wo-o yo-ri mi-tsz-ngi wo Ta-i-ku-n ni U. M7 i-mc-ru. ** * >v 1079. Try again once more. Mo-o h -to-ta-bi ko-ko-ro mi na-sa-re. Do Moo i-chi-do ko-ko-ro mi-ro. 1080. Turn it bottom vpuartb. Ka-e-sh'ic o oki nasa-re. Do. Ka-e-sh -te oke. 1081. Turn it up-sid* down. U-e wo sh'-ta-ni sh'-te o o-ki na-sa-re. Dp. Ue wo sh'-ta-ni sh'-te o-ke. 1082. Turn it inside out. U-ra-nga-i sh'-te o o-ki na-sa-re. 93 n 1 isl***++v Do. U-ra-nga-i sh'-te o-ke. 1083. Turn the bread; don't let it burn. Pa-n wo ma- wa sh'-te ko-nge-nu yo-o ni o ya-ki na-sa-re. Do Pa-n wo ma-\va-sh'-te ko-nge-nu yo-o ni ya-ke. 1084. J«r» i7 w*r and over again. Tu-bi-ta-bi ka-e sh'-te o o-ki na-sa-re. Do. Do-do ka-e-sh' -te o-ki. u 1085. Umbrellas are covered with paper, end then smeared with a bean oil. Ka-ra-ka-sa wa ka-mi de ha-ri-ma-sh'-te no-chi-ni e-no-a-bu- fj 7 fj ■* r> ft 2- f r> \)^ i,? ; £ —3:7 f ? ra wo nu-ri-ma-s'. 5 9 % 1)^* Do. Ka-ra ka-sa wa ka-mi de ha-t-te, no-chi-ni e-no-a-bu-ra wo nu-ru. J 48 U. V. 1086. Unless you pay the cash, you cannot have this article. A-na-ta ka-ne wo ya-ri-ma-se-nu na-ra-ba, ko-no shi-na-mo- no wa u-ke-to-ra-re-ma-se-n'. Do. O-ma-e ka-ne wo ya-ra-nu na-ra, ko-no shi-na-mo-no wa u-ke-to-ra-re-nu. 1087. Under the table you will find my cane. Da-i no sh'-ta wo ta-dz-ne-re-ba, wa-ta-k'-shi no tsz-e nga mi-e-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. Da-i no sh'-ta wo sa-nga-se-ba, wa-shi no tsz-e nga mi $i ?i»z 9 * fi ^ ^ v v ? ?*if ^ e-yo-o. 1088. Unfortunately the ship leing wredced, all hands were drowned. F'-ko-o-ni sh'-te ha-se-n i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-te no-ri-a-i no mo- no wa no-ko-ra-dz de-ki shi shi-ma-sh'-ta. ) ./> v ^ ? A f 3 *- ^ ^ •? ^ # . Do. F -ka-o-ni sh'-te fu-ne wo ya-bu-tte no-ri-a-i wa no-ko-ra- dz sz-i-shi sh'-ta. 1089. Vaccination was introduced into Japan about 30 ^orro ago, by the Dutch. I-re-bo-o-so-o wa sa-n ji-u ne-n i-ze-n O-ra-n-da ji-n nga Ni- p-po-n ye mo-chi-wa-ta-ri-ma-sh'-ta. f «*«. fc * ? # 1) ^ ^ # . Do. I-re-bo-o-so-o wa sa-n ji-u ne-n ma-i O-ra-n-da ji-n nga Ni-p-po-n ye mo-chi-wa-ta-t-ta. 1090. Vinegar can be made of rice. Sz Ava ko-me de mo ts'-ku-ra-re-ma-s'. Do. Sz wa ko-me de mo ts'-ku-ra-re-ru. W. 149 1001 Wait a little, lam busy. W ' i ta-k'shi yo-o nga go za ri ma-s' ka-ra shiba-ra-ku o ma- chi nh-sa-i. Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi i-so-nga shi-i ka-ra s'-ko-shi ma-t-te i-ro. I? $P ^ i 9 tf^i ft ? *^ ^9 fin 1092- IVmA yowr Aamfc. Te wo o ara-i na-sa-re. Do. To wo a-ra-e. f ? T5i 1 093. H> 1'iit into the harbour because the tcind teas ahead. Ka-ze ni mu-ka-i-ma-sh'-ta ka-ra wa-ta-k'shido mo mi-na-to c mt-Offi ri ko-ir.i-ma-sh'-ta. I » ■>. Ka-ze ni mu-ka-t la ka-ra wa-shi-do-mo mi-nn-to c ma-n^i- *7 *£^ *> #?£#? +>}sY *L 2.+Y2*-? V ri ko-n-da. I) n^^T [a pupil) 1094. We never shall make anything of him, he is so stupid (said of O-shi-e-ma-sh'-te mo, ts-i-ni mo-no-ni-wa-na-ri-ma s' ma-i. E»o. A-rc wa ni-bu-i ka-ra, o-shi-e-te-mo-tz-i ni-wa-h'-to ni na- ru rr.a-i. 1095. We art going to touch at Shimoda. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo Shi-mo-da ni a-nga-ri-ma-sh'-te, s'-ko-shi to-ma-ri-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. Wa-shi do-mo Shi-mo-da ni a-nga-t-te s'-ko-shi to-ma-ro-o. 1 096. VFy*> f -iff lint-air if de-ki-ma-se-n'. Do. Wa-shi do-mo h'-to ts'-ki no a-i-da yu-ku-ko4o nga de ki y v v ^ t \ * * ? t f *r d. #*\ if t* nu. 1099. 1% must do as well as we can. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo chi-ka-ra no o-yo-bu da-ke ka-na-ra-dz »? fit \, V *. * ft ? ; ira -f 9 V ft * 3$ i-ta-shi-ma-s'. Do. Wa-shi do-mo chi-ka-ra no o-yo-bu da-ke k'-t-to sz-ru. ? I* F fc * n f f jra? 5r ^ $?>'*nr 1 100. We have warm weather here all the year round. Ko-no to-ko-ro no ji-ko-o wa ne-n ji-u a-ta-ta-ka de go za- ri-ma-s'. *) ^* Do. Ko-no to-ko-ro ji-ko-o wa ne-n ji-u a-ta-ta-ka da. 1101. We have it still on hand. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo ma-da mo4-te o-ri-ma-s'. Do. Wa-shi do-mo ma-da mo-t-te i ru. V Is Ffc -? yc*z9f1rt 1 102. We move to-morrow. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo mi-o o ni-chi h'-ki-u-tsz-ri wo i-ta-shi- ma s'. ^* Do. Wa-shi do-mo a-sh'-ta h'-ki-ko-sz. y ^Ft t is$ t ^ ^ ^ 1 1 03. TFe Aai-0 Jeew separated for a long time. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo to-o-ku he-da-t-te o-ri-ma-s'. Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo to-o-ku he-da-t-te i-ru. v fi rj/F ^ v?%'s$r&f m J 104. 7F^ £/wm, A V ft /> 1) T * f * * \*f 9 shi-yo-o. I H'7. Were you at the auction to-day . A-na-ta kon-ni-chi se ri u-ri no ba-e o i-dc na-sa-ri-ma-sh'- ta ka. *** . Do, O-ma-e ko-n-ni-chi sr-ri u-ri no ba-e i-t-ta ka? 1 108. What is the matter with this gun f It will not go off. Ko-no te-ppo-o wa do-o i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta ka, has 3hi-ma- se nu. Do. Ko-no te-p-po-o wa do-o sh'-ta ka ha-s-se-nu. ^ } i*$P r*Y? Is % ft /*** % 1 109. What interest do you get for your money ? A-na-ta ka-ne wo ka-e-az ni wa ri-ki-m wo na-n-bu o to- ri na-sa-ru ka ? 1) +* )V ft Do. O-ma-e ka-ne wo ka-e-sz ni wa n wo na-m-bu to-ru ka. "K-ZS-ftlr 9 ns>%~r> X) 5? + ^lT \)\ ft 1 1 10. Whatever you do, 1 shall go at all events. A-na-ta wa do-o-de-mo na-sa-ri-ma-s-k' wa-ta-k'-shi wa dze- f+ % /» Y9T fc ^i) ^^ft *? 9 91> r* & hi ma-i-ri-ma-s'. Do O-ma-e wa do-o-de-mo na-sa-i wa-ta-k'-shi wa ze-hi yu-ku jt^* J* Y9T fc ?*+ f P# * ^ /> #fc ^ * 152 W. 1 J 1 1 . What are shooting stars a sign of ? Ri-u se-i wa na-ni no ze-m-pi-o de go za-ri-ma s' ka ? i) 9 & 1 x /• — y fe^t^^T ^ ^ n ■£* # Do. Ri-u se-i wa na-ni no ze-m-pi-o da ka ? J 1 12. Wliat is the difference between this and that ? Ko-re to a-re to wa do-ko niYA this. Ko-re wo i-ka-nga J-ta-shi-ma-sh'-o-o ka? * v 9 1ft if 1%ls-?lsW ft Do. Ko-re wo do-o shi-yo o ka ? x* v 9 \V ls3*> ft 1 1 15. What is the market pr 'ice of beef '? Ko-no se-tsz u-shi ni-ku no so-o-ba wa na ni ho-do i-ta-shi- a J *"* Vt- — # I V M r% J-~ vt, F f #^ raa-s ka? ^%ft Do. Ko-no se-tsz u-shi ni-ku no so-o.ba wa i-ku-ta sz-ru ka? a ; -& y Vt> a # ; 9 9j* /> Y #& uv ft 1116. JFW is that fellow skulking about Iwrefor ? A-no h'-to wa na-ze so-ko ko-ko ni ka-ku-re-te o-ri-ma -s' ka ? f 7t> /*JM3 * * n^ft/tvy JTV^Kft Do. A-re wa na-ze a-chi ko-chi ni ka-ku-re-te o-ru ka ? fV^^^ff ^^ ~ ft 9 Vf jf)V ft 1117. What have you done mth tt ? A-na-ta so-re wo mo-t-te o i-de na-sa-re-te na-ni ni na-sa-ri- ??>-# yv 9 &?fjtlT**v?*^^yMt. i) ma-sh'-ta ka ? ~Z^ % ft Do. Oma-e so-re wo mo-t-te i-t-te na-ni ni sh'-ta ka ? jt^j. yv 9 *zvf1 vyJ-^—isZ ft 1 1 18. What makes this horse act so ? Ko-no m'-ma-wa na-ze ka-yo-o-ni i-ta shi-ma-s' ka ? a ; i* «* *> ?>-*£ ^V9- f # L^ * # Do. Ko-no m'-rna wa na-ze ko-o sz-ru ka ? W t5| 1119. H'luU are you doing note a dags ? A-na-ta ko-no ngo-ro na ni wo na-sa-ri ma s' ka ? t^^;3" t? +~ 9 tM-h -7% ft Do. O-ma-e ko-no se-\>/. ua n:i ni wo sz-ru ka ? tJ-^jC a > U * h zh — 9 *>V ft I ISO. What use do you make of this ? \ na-ta ko-re wo na ni ni o mo-chi-i na-sn-ru ka ? T^-* 3V 9 ?*--* fc*f ?^>v ?7 Do. O-ma-c ko-n wo na ni ni lnochi-i-ru ka ? •X^s- a v 9 ^- — fc-f Y>V ft 1121. JrAn/ iff you trailing for f Ana ta nani wo o in:-cl)i nasa-ru ka ? t ^£ ^- .? * -c -f ^* >V ft Do. O-ma-e na-ni wo ina-tsz ka ? *^M. AS ? ^ V *7 1122. What else ean it be for} Na-n zo ho-k.i ni ts' ka i mi-chi cle go z,*-ii mas' ka I Do. Na-nzo ho-ka ni mo-chi-i-ru kola nga a-ru ka? +>? &ft~Z.4-1)V3Y ff f >v ft 1 1 23. What objection is there to Foreigner* coming to Japan ? Ga-i ko-ku no h' to nija Ni p-po-n e kite wa nani oga ki if1 * .9 > fc> ft ~y^z\? ^^ ff % ni i-ri-mase-n ka .' ^f X)^\L% ft Do. Ga-i ko-ku no h'-to nga Nip po-n e kite wa n a -ni n^a ifi a v ; ny ft A^*>i *f >* +~ ff ki ni i-ra-nu ka I *-Y?* ft 1 1 24. IFhatisthat? ' Sc-re wa na-ni de 6 o za ri-ma-s' ka ? Do. A-re wa na-ni ka ? fV /% ;A-/7 1125. What fori Na-ni yu-e de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? J-~h-3~T ar*f»)^* ft Do. Do-o i-u wake da ? 1126. What is the news ? Na-n-zo me-dz ra-sh'-ki koto v\~l go za-ri-ma-s' ka ? ^^r * *rf i, **y ft * if i) -?* # Do. Na-n-zo me-dz r^-shi-i koto nga a-ru ka ? ^ /yf?^f a|- ft* 7>v ft 154 W. 1127. What do you want 7 A-na-ta na ni no-a ho-shi-u Qfo za-ri-ina-s 1 ka ? 1+ $ s*a tf t% >? af if i) -? * ft Do. Te-ma-e na-ni nga ho-shi-i ka ? f ^ *- 9-~ ff * V f ft 1 1 28. What are you doing ? A-na-ta na-ni wo nc-sa-ri-ma-s' ka ? Do. O-ma-e na-ni *vo sz-ru ka ? 1 129. JF^dtf is tf/se matter with you ? A-na-ta do-o ka na-sa-ri-ma-sh'-ta ka 1 „ S+fiV9n + itWl,Z ft Do. O-ma-e do-o ka sh'-ta ka ? #-?£ F9 ft l-# ft 1130. TPJfarf is yow w«f»w f A-na-ta no o na \va na-ni to o-s-shi-a-ri-ma-s' ka % ^ ?*# 9 **rs ^~ yjTV^VV^Aft Do. O-ma-e no na wa na-n4 to i-u ka ' ar^x >9~ ^ ?>-~Yi?ft 1 1 3 1 . What do you think of that affair ? A-na-ta so-no koto wa na-ni to o-bo-shi-me-shi-ma-s' ka ? Do. O-ma-e so-no koto wa na-ni to o-mo-o ka 3 1132. What hoy is that? So-re wa ta-re no o ko de go za-ri-ma-s' ka i Do. A-re wa da-re no ko da ka 1 fv^&v ? a $r ft 1133. What tree is that ? Sore wa na-ni no ki de go za-ri-ma-s' ka 1 yv /> ^—.7 */f ar *fi)^* # Do. A-re wa na-ni no ki da ka ? fV ^ ?>-- 7 * ^ ft 1 134. 7F7^ tfr^ yow looking for ? A-na-ta na-ni wo o ta-dz-ne na-sa-ri-ma s' ka? ty* ?>-~9jr$r3-s-*VT* ft Do. O-ma-e na-ni wo sa-nga-s' ka"? jT^rZ t~? itlTK ft 1 135. What does he say ? A-no h'-to wa na-ni wo ha-na-shi-ma-s : ka 1 ? ; tt \ /% j~~ 9 * J- > *#; ft Do. A-re wa na-ni wo ha-na-s' ka ? W. 155 1 1 16. What did you do that for ? Ana ta na-ni M tame ni ec.-re wo na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta ka ? ?>£^- > £ t^yv 9 **v^^ $ ft Do. O-ma-e na-ni no ta-me ni so-rc wo sh'-la ka? *-?£ ^->> ^-yv? ^ $ ft 1 137. What did you strike him for ? A-na-ta wa a-no h'-io wo na-ze o bu-clii na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta ka? f^£ ^IVfch 9+Mr-f* +* v-?ls$ ft Do. O-ma-e a-no h'to wo na-zc bu-t-ta ka? 1 138. What is that musical instrument called f A-no na-rimo-no wa na-ni to i-u mo-no de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. A-no na-ri-mo-no wa na-ni to i-u ka? T7 ^-l) fc y .^ As Y1?ft 1 1 39. TTA/tf day of the month is it ? Ko-n ni-chi wa i-ku ka de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? a ^ ^ ^ ^ i # ft f x~ tf I) T7, ft Do. Ki-o-o wa i-ku ka da ka ? 1 1 40. yrAd/ ar* $k>m laughing at f A-na-ta na-ni wo o wa-ra-i na-«a-rc-ma-s' ka? 7V-*^-? * V?1 +Av^ %ft Do. O-ma-e na-ni wo wa-ra-u ka ? *?% + ~9 V *>? ft 1 1 4 1 . What are you going to do f A-na-ta no-chi ni wa na-ni wo na-sa-re-ma-sh'-o-o ka? ?^£ ; * a r* y-- 9 +*v -?^VVft Do. O-ma-e no-chi ni wa na-ni wo sz-ru ka? *^£ / * - ^ ^-- ? *)V # 1 1 42. What is the meaning of this word ? Ko-no ko-to-ba no gi-ri wa na-ni de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. Ko-no ko-to-ba no wake wa na-ni da ka ? 1143. TPiW sort of a man is he ? A-no h'to wa do-no yo-o-na h'-to de go za-ri-ma-s' ka f IV th ^Y J v?9-x^\ T ^ifi)^^ # Do. A-re wa do-no yo-o-na h'-to da ka? TV /n W -V?^ t:> if # 1 144. What gentleman is that ? A-no o ka-ta wa do-na-ta de go za-ri-ma-s' ka ? r*frf*fi * Y+z f =* *n*?A ft Do. A-no h'-to wa da-re da ka? 156 W. 1145. What is his occupation? A.-no h'-to wa na-ni no ka-ngi-o-o wo i-ta-shi-ma-s' ka ? t;ti- » p^a ? ft^v:> 9 i%is-?%n Do Are wa na-ni no to-se-i wo sz-ru ka ? tv ^ j*a ? Y&1 9 K)V ft 1 146. 7FA«£ is the reason of it f So-no wa-ke wa na-ni de go za-ri-ma-s' ka 7 V } V 7 >> ^~ ? **$'*'% ft Do. A-no wa-ke wa na-n da ka? t; v v ^ **> 5r ft 1 147. JTybtf have you been about all day ? A-na-ta ko-n ni-chi wa i-chi ni-chi na-ni wo na s'-te o i-de na-sa-ri-ma-sh'-ta ka? 9-*iV-?^% ft Do. O-ma-e ki-o-o wa i-chi ni-chi na-ni wo sh'-te i-ta ka ? jtVX**?* 1±^4-^9 l^fHtft 1148. What o'clock do you think it is ? A-na-ta i-ma na-n do-ki to o-bo-shi-me shi-ma-s' ka ? Do. . O-ma-e i-ma na-n do-ki to o-mo-o ka ? *-?Z1^^ F* \te? ft 1 149. What do you want of me, ? A-na-ta wa-ta-k'-shi ni na-ni no go yo-o nga go za-ri-ma- f ^ % V$P^~ J-~ ; dt \7 ff sf if l) -? s' ka? %ft Do.. O-ma-e wa-ta-k'-shi ni na-ni no yo-o nga a-ru ka? Jt-?ZV$?i« ~*~SW ff 7)Vft 1 150. What noise is that f A-re wa na-ni no o to de go za-ri-ma-s' ka ? Do. A-re wa na-ni no o-to da ka? 1151. Wa^ ^#d w V & V9 l> $ 9 3 KKL*> ft 1 152. What makes you think so ? A-na-ta na-ze sa-yo-o ni c-bo-shi-me-shi-ma-s' ka ? f+Z^mYV? ~*vj\^ A Is-?* ft Do. O-ma-e na-ze so-o o-mo-o ka ? jt-?Z*i£ W*%*> ft W 157 I 158. What shall 1 it "rut f Ko no tsz-n^i w.i h.mii wo i ta-shi-ma-sh'-oo ku ? a ; y V A *— ? 1$ls ~?^\*>ft Do. Ko no tsz-ngi wa na-ni wo shi-yo-o ka ? a } -yV * +~ 9 i" *9 ft I 151. What did you say Y A-na n na-ni wo o-s-shi-a-ri-ma-sh'-ta ka \ 1-ht +~ 9*y^v*)^^>* ft Do. O-ma-e na ni wo it-ta ka t 1156. What it (hat to you Y Sore wa a-na ta Dga do-o i-n wa-ke dc ka-ma-i na-saru ka t Do. Sore wa o-ma-e nga do-o i-u wa-kc dc ka-ma-u ka 1 y v /% *^£ n YViWV r ft-?? ft 1150. What do you call this 1 Ko-re wa a-na-ta na-ni to na-dz-ke-ma-s' ka ? Ko -iv wa o-ma-e na-n to na-dz ke ru ka 1 n v ^ Tf^i 7^ h J*r yj)i ft I I *i7 . Wforf more can I do Y W.i-ta-k'-shi wa ko-no n-e wa na-ni wo i-ta-sa re ina-sh'-o- o ka? Do. Wa-shi wa ko-no u-e wa na-ni nga shi-ra-re-yo-o ka ^ 1 1 58. What more do you want ? A-na-ta ma-da na-ni nga o i-ri yo-o de go za-ri-ma-s' ka ? Do. O-ma-e ma-da na-ni nga i-ru ka'? X^X^y ^- if 1)V ft 1159. What is this good for 1 Ko re wa na-ni ni mo-chi-i-ru koto nga go za-ri-ma-s' ka 'I rr v /> J- ~ ~ fc * Y>V * > tf sf if 1) -^^ ft Do. Ko-re wa na-ni ni ts'-ka-u ko-to nga a-ru ka 1 a V r» ?*-— .n yft 7 a V ft* T>V ft 1 160. JFfarf rfo vow % A ~*Y1)^)V ft Do. O-ma-e ko-re wa na-ni no ta-rne ni i-ru ka ? ^£3 V » 7* — } % A ~1)V ft 1161. What made you so late ? A-na-ta na-ni wo sh'-te o i-de na-sa-re-te Ka-yo-o ni o-so-o 158 W. go za-ri-maV ka 1 srir i)*a a ... Do O-ma-e na-ni wo sh'-te i-te ko-no yo-o ni o-so-i ka 1 #^^- 9 I,? t?a ; av^vtv 1ft 1 162. What have you for me to do ? A-na-ta wa-ta-k'-shi ni na-ni no go yo-o no-a go za-ri-ma- T^-^ y$V is— 9-~ ; a ay n & if *) ^ s' ka^ *•* Do. O-ma-e wa-ta-shi ni na-ni no yo-o nga a-ru ka i. *■?*- v % is— 9-— ; ay if iti ft 1163. What have you come for 1 A-na-ta na-n-zo go vo-o nga a-t-te o i-de na-sa-ri-ma-sh'- fj-z^r ^sy ft t yf^ffv--^ 1 ) ^ ^ ta ka - ? # ft Do. O-ma-e na-n-zo yo-o nga a-t-te k'-ta ka ? 1164. JFJiat is the matter with this 1 Ko-re wa do-o sh'-te ka-yo o ni na-ri-ma-sh'-ta ka 7 9VS* K9 5""? ftW —y>-V f^ $ ft Do. Ko-re wa do-o sh'-te so-o na-t-ta ka 1 n v /\ yp i^fyy j-9$ft 1165. What is your name % A-na-ta no go se-i me-i wa na-ni to o-s-shi-a-ri-ma-s' ka ? Do. O-ma-e no se-i me-i wa na-ni to i-u ka^ jr-?^ j %Li*i >^ 9-—M? ft 1166. What is the date of his letter ? A-no o ka-ta no te-nga-mi wa i-tsz ngo-ro ka-ka-se na- if sjrti? ) fit >& j* iv^&jrftft&J- sa-ri-ma-sh'-ta ka • -tv-^ ^ ft A-no h'-to no te-nga mi wa i-tsz ngo-ro ka-i-ta ka 1 t / t y ? ? ft h 3L *> 1 9 d nftizft 1167. What right have you to this land? A-na-ta na-ni no gi ni tsz-i-te ko-no gi-me-n wo o ts'-ka-i na-sa-ru ka ? J-ifWft Do. O-ma-e do-o i-u wa-ke de ko-no gi-me-n wo ts'-ka-u ka '? 1168. When does he sail? A-no o ka-ta wa i-tsz fu-ne ni no-t-te o i-de na-sa-ru ka? T mftZ >?i* ?3-- /*f Hr1T^^)v ft m 159 1168. A-no h'-to wa i-tsz fu 4M ni no-t-te i-ku da-ro-o ka? f J fc>> J* i 9 7 & ^ / * f 1 p ?&*? ft '. When you ere ready, let me know it. A-na-ta sh'-ta-ku nga de-ki-ma-sh'-ta-ra-ba wa-ta-k'-shi ni sa- yo-o os-shi-a-ri mash'. *?**>**) ~?i. Do. O-ma-e sh -taku nga de-ki-ta-ra-ba wa-shi ni *o-o l-e. *-?s-i * >/ *f T**9* >?is -Wis- 1170. 7J"ftf n <7r« you going ? i ta \va i-tsz o i-de na-sa-n: I >■> I ka i ■ i IM yu-ku ku? 1171. W'/jrw *Aa // //ok r«/«m * A-t ngo-ro ma-de ni o ka-e-ri na-sa-ru ka 1 Do. O mac i-tsz ngo-ro ka-e-ru ka 1 jt^x-19 3X2 ft^i ft \\1l. 11 l>cn shall you gel it done 1 A-na-ta i-tsz ma-de ni de-ki a-nga-ri-ma-s' ka; t ^f-y * r-f* ?#i)^* ft Do. Oma-e i isz ma-de ni shi a-nira-ni ka ? *^M* -?T — i, 7tfy\ ft 1 173. When do you go on board! A-na-ta i-tsz t'u-ne ni o no-ri na-sa-ru ka '( Do. O-ma-c i-tsz fti-ne ni no-ru ka ? *^*f * 7 3-- S)V ft 1171. When comet* male their appearance, the Japanese say they are signs of changes in the world. Hc-o-ki-bo-shi de-ma-s' to-ki ua, Ni-p-po-n no h'-to nga se- ka-i ni he-n no a-ru shi-ru-shi da to mo-o-shi-ma-s'. Do. Ho-o-ki-bo-shi nga de-ru to-ki wa Ni-p-po-n ji-n nga yo ni ka-wa-iu ko-to no a-ru shi-ru.shi da to i-u. — ftyyv a\ ; 7>v i^jv^ yt Y1? 1175. When you called to see me, unfortunately I was out. A-na-ta ng^a wa-ta-k'-shi wo o mi-ma-i ku-da-sa-ri-mash'- 1+9 ff V 99^ 9 * 3.^1 9 ?**)-? is ta to-ki wa, o-ri-a-sh'-ku ru-sz de ero za-ri ma-sh'-ta. 9 Y* >»*0T^ 9 >v*f3r W^lsft 160 W, 1175. O-ma-e nara wa-tashi wo mi-ma-t-te ku-re-ta to-ki wa, a- JT^3~ if V %ls 9 s.'??? # v& Y* j^ f i-ni-ku ru-sz de a-t-ta. 1176. When you have done with it, bring it bach A-na-ta o ts'-ka-i na-sa-re-ta no-chi-ni o ka-e-shi na-sa-re. 1+%*vni9-*>v% s 4-~ Xft^ ^v Do. O-ma-e ts'-ka'-t-te shi-ma-t-ta-ra a-to de ka-e-se. 1FT&>#fiirf V*?*&9$ Y f ft^^. 1177. When did he promise to bring it baclcl A-no o ka-ta wa i-tsz-ma-de ni mo-t-te ka-e-ri-ma-s' ya-ku- so-ku wo i-ta-shi-ma-sh'-ta ka 1 y # 9121?'? is $ ft Do. A-no h'-to wa i-tsz-ma-de ni mo-t-te ka-e-ru ya-ku-so-ku f } t Y r*1 9 y'T — fc* f fi*W V V J 9 wo sh'-ta ka ? 5? ^£ # 1178. TF'Aew & is done I will let you know. Ko-re wo ts'-ku-t-te shi-ma-i-ma-sh'-ta to-ki wa-ta-k'-shi nga a v 9 Vt97l«^1 fu 9 Y* VZV l» if a-na-ta ni mo-o-shi a-nge-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. Ko-re wo ko-shi-ra-e-te shi-ma-t-ta-ra wa-shi nga o-ma-e ni a V ? a I/is-"? is^?&? ?*• if JT^z^ i-wo-o. 1179. When you see him, put him in mind of it. A-na-ta a-no h'-to wo go ra-n na-sa-re-ta to-ki o shi-ra-se 1V# T>fct F dt 9±>**Yvfi YSitl' 5& ku-da-sa-re. A ?% v Do. O-ma-e a-no h'-to wo mi-ta to-ki, shi-ra-sh'-te ku-re-ro. "K^s-7 s th 9 2.& Y* is9Vf VW 1 180. When do you begin 1 A-na-ta i-tsz ka-ra o ha-ji-me na-sa-ru ka % 1+2 iVftJdt ?&A ^-t )V ft Do. O-ma-e :-tsz ka-ra ha-ji-me-ru ka 1 JT^Z19 ft") »V *W ft 1181. When does that note of hand become payable. A-no sh'-o-mo-n wa i-tsz ka-i-sz yo-o ni na-ri-ma-sh'-oo ka ? Do, A-no sh'-o-mo-n wa i-tsz ka-i-sz yo-o ni na-ru ka ? 1J %>W*fr'j*iy ftilK v?~J-)V ft m i6i 1189 Wkm ' f o come ] \ << Li-t.i Dfl q i !• ii. i .vt-iti wo i-t*/. m.i-de o- ma-chi na-sa-ru ka 1 Do O-ma-c \va u-no h'-to no ku ru no wo i-tsz DM-dl inn-ts' ka ? *-?£^ f / feh ^ ^IVV 9 1 * ^ T ^ * ft 1 183 JO*/* »i// you cow* 7 A-natn wa ko-no no-chi i-tsz o i-dfl na sa-rrina-s' ka ' r^ ^;;i f **fr*M-v ?* ft Do. O-n.a-c ko-no DgO its/ ku-ru ! #-?£ 3 y 3" f y >/)\ ft 1 184. W A«i shall we settle our account* ? Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo no ka-n-j'-o-o \va itsz o ta-te na-sa-ro- - 1 ri ma-s' ka r t Do Wa-sln do-mo no ka-n-j'-o-o \vn itsz ta-t-te ku-re-ru ka ? ^Ft; »^s>*9^<***t£v >v ft 11 85. Where were you born? A-na -ta wa do chi-ra no o in'-ina -n- da _o xa-ri-ma-sh'ta ka 1 ?^2 /%K* JM** ? V f* a* ^fl) -?>£ ft Do. O-ma-c \va do-chi-ra no m'-ma-re-ta ka ? -K^s. r> y * j ;^tv^ 1186. W^r« ir«« A« broilght up? A-no o ka-ta \va do-chi-ra de o so-da-te-ra-re na-sa-re-ta ka ? Do A-re wa do-ko de soda te ra-re-ta ka ? f V /* K 3 f Pjff ?V # ft 1 1 87 . JW*r« for* Aw? A-no o ka-ta wa do-ko e o i de na sa-re-ma-sh'-ta ka ? T ;* ft* ^ K ^i^ffMv -^^ # # Do. A-no h'-to wa do-ko e ma-i-ri-mash' ta ka 1 1 188. Where icas this book printed ? Ko-no ho-n wa do-chi-ra de ka i-ha-n ni na-ri-ma-si.'-ta ka? * ) ^ rs yip f fj y >^it *M) ^» ^ 2 ft Do. Ko-no t'O-n wa do-ko de ha-n m na-t-ta ka ? 1 189. Where does he board? A-no o-ka-ta wa do-chi-ra de sh'-o-ku-ji wo i-ta-shi-nu- s ka f xft Do. A-re wa do-ko de rae-shi wo ku-u ka ? fV/>Kaf Xk? ^? ft 162 W. 1 190. Where shall we go. Wa-ta-k'-shi do-mo do-ko e ma-i-t-te yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri- ma-sh'-o-o ka ? ^^vy ft L>o. Wa-shi do-mo do-ko e l-t-te yo-ka-ro-o ka? Wa-ta-k'-shi wa do-chi-ra wo ta-dz-ne-ma-sh'-ta-ra a-no h'- V $91, /> F £ ? 9 &9%-*Z>#J f } t: to ni a-wa-re-ma-slV-o-o ka ? }- ^f ^v ^ l,W ft Do. Wa-shi wa do-ko wo ta-dz-ne-ta-ra a-re ni a-wa-re-yo-o ka? 9-ls-*> V* 9 #^3*9 9 TvdLfs+v*7 # \ 192. Where does opium come from f A-he-n wa i-dz-ku yo-ri wa-ta-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. A-he-n wa do-ko ka-ra wa-ta-ru ka ? ?-x^ ^y a ft? V $ )V n 1 193. Where are you going ? A-na-ta do-chi-ra e o i-de na-sa-ri-ma-s' ka ? ?*# F * ? ziri ?v-*t 9^ * n Oo. O-ma-o do-ko e yu-ku ka ? 1f?2. F xx^s; ft 1 1 94. Where is the money which I paid you the day he/ore yesterday when you came from Yedo ? A-na-ta i-s-sa-ku-ji-tsz Yedo yo-ri o i-de na-sa-re-ta to-ki T^# f *'+#*;* iFaot 1t^v$ >* ni, wa-ta-k'-shi nga a-na-ta e a-nge-ma-sh -ta ka-ne wa ta- ~p ZZ If if 3+Z Z7T -? ^ # ftlr * % da-i-ma do-chi-ra ni go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. O-ma-e i-s-sa-ku ji-tsz Ye-do ka-ra k'-ta to-ki ni, o-re nga o-ma-e ni ya-t-ta ka-ne wa i-rna do-ko ni a-ru ka ? 1 195. Where shall 1 put this ? Wa-ta-k'-shi wa ko-re wo do-ko ni o-ki-ma-sh'-o-o ka ? Do. WL-shi wa ko-re wo do-ko ni o-ko-o ka ? V i, /* -at v y y a ~jr*7 p 1 19G. Where have you been. A-na-ta do-ko e o i-de na-sa-re-ta o ka-e-ri de go za-ri-ma- s' ka? 2* 103 1 1 97 Where did you yet thai. Sore wo do ko ka-ra mo tome to o i de na-sa-ra-ri-ma-sh , - yv 9 Fa *?? Z-Y *f*Yf '^*5 v -r ^ la ka? Do. So-re wo do-ko ka ia mo to-hie tt k'-ta ka f i v ? Ka # y tv a ?** n 1198. Where do you 1 A -na-ta wa do-ko ni o-sz-mai na-sa-ri-ma s' ka ? ■ f^>* * Ka ~*7,-?i +*\)^% fj Do. O-ma -r .%a do-ko ni sz-ma-t-te i-ru ka ' *^£^ Ka - ft?* 9 i>vn 1 199. PPftstf ft the best ; CM or that * re to sore de wa do-chi-ra nga yo-ro-shi-u go zarima- s' I Do Ko-re to sore de wa do-chi-ra nga yo-i ka? a y t yvf ^ Kf 5 *f 3Y *; 1 200 . \\h ich do you prefer ? Do-chi-ra nga o ki ni i ri-ma-s' ka ? „ V- 4>9 if ***.1 *)?*>» Do Do-chi-ra n^a ki ni i-ru ka f V 4- 5 if *-Y>v n 1 20 1 . Which of these will wear longest I Ko re wa do-chi-ra nga na-m?a-ku rao chi-i-ra-re-ma-s' ka ? a v ^ V * 9 If * 1) t *: * f ? v^> %n Do. Ko-re wa do-chi-ra nga na-n g a-ku ts'-ka-e-ru ka? a v ^ K * ? tf ^ tf 9 vn-^)\ n 1202. Which shall I take 7 Wa-ta-k'-shi do-chi-ra wo to-ri-ma-sh -o-o ka? Do. Wa-shi wa do-chi-ra wo to-ro o ka? V i*^Y + 9 9 YttV n 1203. Where did you leave your penknife 7 A-na-ta no ko-nga-ta-na wa do-ko e o-i-te o i-de na-sa-re- ma-sh -ta ka ? Do. O-ma-e no ko-nga-ta-na wa do-ko e o i-te l-t-ta ka ? 1204. Which of them is most to blame? Do-chi-ra no tsz-mi nga o-mo-o go za-ri-ma-s' ka? . k * ? j y 2. ft **z*? dti?x)-?K n Do. Do chi no tsz-mi nga o-rno-i ka ? V f ? V 2. tf TTfcfc * 164 W. 1205. Which of them is it best to take ? Do-chi-ra no ho-o wo to-ri-ma-sh -te yo-ro-shi-u ^o za-ri- K * ? >> *9 9 >V-?^fBttW 3f if l) ma-s' ka ? ^* # Do. Do-chi no ho-o wo to-t-te yo-i ka ? F * > ^9 9 J-5>?3-f# 1206. TFAo se2 tffo cfocZ; a going ' Da-re nga to-ke-i wo u-ngo-ka-shi-ma-sh'-ta ka ? JTv ffWi 99^ ft l«^^2 ft Do Da-re nga to-ke-i wo u-n~o-ka-sh'-ta ka ? 1207. Who wound up the clock? Da-re nga to-ke-i wo ka-ke ma-sh'-ta ka ? $f v ft W19 #£^>*» Do Da-re no-a to-ke-i wo ka-ke-ta ka 1 JT v if \V1 9**79 i* 1208. 7F^0 Arts iron for sale 1 Do-na-ta nga te-tsz wo u-rn ta-ine-ni mo-t-te o-ri-ma-s' ka * K^# ft f* 9 9)V tU-fzVf jt*)*!M$ Do. Da-re nga te-tsz wo u-ru ta-me-ni mo-t-te i-ru ka i 5TV ff f 9 9 9)V ^^ — *z9f 1)Vft 1 209. PFAo «s to blame for that ? A-re wa da-re n^a tsz-mi ni na-ri-ma s' ka 1 t v /> $rv jar * := —^m) ^ ft Do. A-re wa da-re # nga tsz-mi ni na-ru ka? TV h #> *f * 3. ~ 7*>V # 1210. Who did this 1 Ko-re wo do-na-ta nga na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta ka 1 a v ? F ^ # ^ -t v^ %, # ft Do. E^o-re wo da-re nga sh'-la ka 1 a v 9 #v ff l>& ft 1211. Who made this% Ko-re wo do-na-ta nga o ts'-ku-ri na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta ka i a v 9 F *& ff it 9 9 9 ** v -? is # ft Do. Ko-re wo da-re nga ko-shi-ra-e ta ka ? a v 9 {f V ff a IsJ^Z ft 1212. Who Mows ? Do-na-ta nga sh : -t-te i na-sa-ru kal F *$ ff VVf.1 ^ )V ft Do. Da-re nga sh'-t-te i-ru ka * tt v ft isvfi)vft 1213. Who can tell -why the tide rises and falls ? Shi o no mi-chi hi no do-o-ri wo da-re nga to-i-te ki-ka-sa- ^4\ } 3. * t ? V9V9W 9 >tf *ft* \v. ior» r«'-ii f».» BbhWO no mi-chi hi no li wo du-rr Dgl liana >h 4e Ui ka-ia-re ru I *7* V)l # MU H •> it to go ttexi Y Ko-no tsz-mji wa da-re nga yu-ku ban de go zu-ri tt I 3;m*^?v ^*i^ rt* f af ^ I) ? ■' ka I n Do. Ko-no tes-agi \\;t ii i -it ngN fu-ku bt-o di hi I a } y if /% y v n * 9 J*** *X ft 1213. Who tn'Uyo n> Oo-na t;» Dfll kon«> tt2-Dffi wa vu -ki-ma sh'-o-o ka? K +9 if * > 9 W /> * * *Hr9 *7 Do. Ko-no tn-Dgi \va da-rc nga yu-ku da-ro o ka ? a/^af/%5rv*fju^ Ttf? # 1916 Who taught you this? Do-na-ta nga ana ta ni ko-re wo o-shi-ema-sh'-ta ka ? Do. Da-re nga o-ma-e ni ko-re wo o-shi-e-ta ka / ft, v if jt^S.— n 9 *5^# ft 1 217. Who sent you here ? Do-na-ta nga a-na-ia wo ko-ko e ts'-ka-wa-shi-ma-sh'-ta ka 1 Y + 9 if T+% 9 z * ^vi) ^is^l, ft if Do. Da-re nga te-ma-i wo ko-ko e ts'-ka-wa sh'-ta ka 7 F v if f*i 9 * a^ vu » > y a 1218. Who has money to lend ? Do-na-ta nga ka-sz tame ni ka-ne wo mot te o i-de na- Y+9 if JJA9*-1l*9Z.*f "Kir + sa-re ma-s ka i Do. Da-re nea ka-ne wo ka-so-o to i-t te mo -Me i-rti ka ? ? v if n 3- 9 ny9Yi*f&??.i)vti 1219. Who is there? Do-na-ta nga a-s'-ko ni o i-de na-sa-re-ma-s' ka J Y+9 if T*3-*-ff ^*v -?* n Do. Dare nga a-s'-ko ni i-ru ka ? 9v if I** -m n 1220. Whoisthrt? A-no h'-to wa da-re de go za-ri-ma-s : ka f Do. A-re wa da-re da ka ? 166 W. 1 22 1 . Who says so ? Do-na-ta nga sa-yo-o o-s'-shi-a-ri-ma-s' kai YJ-Z if ■»Mr9#^ir*»}^* ft Do. Da -re tige. so-o i-u ka ? 1 222. JT/iom shall 1 call? Wa-ta-k'-shi wa do-na-ta wo yo-n-de ma-i-ri-ma-sh'-te yo-ro- shi-u go za-ri-ma-sh'-o-o ka ^ ^? rf ifl)-?Mr9 *? Do. Washi wa da-re wo yo-n-de ki-te yo-ka-ro-o ka ? y I, ^ fiv 9 b^t *f Bftnv ft 1223. Whom do the Chinese worship ? To-o ji-n wa na-ni wo o-nga-mi-ma-s' ka? y 9 v^ ** *- 9 jnf3>^}\ ft Do. To-o ji-n wa na-ni wo o-nga-mu ka? VW^/^ t— 9 itlf. i» ft 1224. Whose business ts it to see to tkisl Ko-no ko-to wo ma-mo-ru wa da-re nga ya-ku de go za- n } a y 9 ~? €5 )V /> # V if V $ f 3 if ri-ma-s' ka? Do. Ko-no ko-to wo ma-mo-ru wa da-re no ya-ku da ka? * ? ^\ 9 -? =fc jv ^ 5r v ; -v i? % ft 1225. Whose loss is it% Ko-re wa do-na-ta no son ni na-ri-ma-s' ka? * a v *» w# ; y^^^X) <>% ft Do. Ko-re wa da-re no so-n ni na-ru ka ? ^ V /% 5Tv ? V± -~ThW ft 1226. Whose fault is it ? Ko-re wa do-na-ta no o-chi-do de go za-ri-ma-s* ka ? z V rs y-h$ ; %± y ? rf if I) <** ft Do. Ko-re wa da-re no o-chi-do da ka ? a v ^ ft v ; m y p ft 1227. Whose look is this ? Ko-re wa do-na-ta no ho-n de go za-ri-ma-s' ka i a v ^ y j-% ; ^ fr ar # i)^r A » Do. Ko-re wa da-re no ho-n da kal 3V/>Jfvy .j\^ & ft 1 228 . Whose turn is it to read ? Do-na-ta no yo-rnu j'-u-m-ba-n de go zn*ri-ma-s' ka? F + 9 / B ^ p&jX&f aR if ») ^7s ft Do. Da-re nga yo-mu j'-u-m-ba-n da ka? W 107 1229. Whott land tt thitl Ko no ji-me-n wa do-na-ia no de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do. Ko no ji-men wa da-re no da ka 1 3 ; i;a^ /* ? v > % ft 1230. Whott ten art you ? A-na-ta wa do-na-ia do go shi-so-ku de go za-ri-ma-s' ka? Do < > i: -<• wa da-re no rau-s'-ko dl I 1231. Why do y-ina-c wa na-ze ta-clu-do-ma-t-le i-ru ka i A-chi-ra e yu-ku nga yo-i. Jt p # 3 Y 1232. JFfcywo*.* \ e ni go za-ri-raa semu kat yh tf — rf *f 1) •? fe # # Na-ze na-i ka? 1233. Why did you not come far Her ? Na-ze ni ha-ya-ku o i-de na-sa-ri-ma-se na-n-da kat + & ^J*V9 jr1T ** v-m+^yr ft Do. Naze ha-ya-ku ko-na-ka-t-ta ka ? ^ # ^ V ^ *+nv% n 1234. Why put it off to another day f Na-ze ni ma-ta hi-no-be wo na-sa-ru ka ? ^^^^^t:/^ 9 J-*\ )V ft Oo. Na-ze ni ma-ta hi-no-be wo sz-ru ka? *& — -?>* \z;s<9 Kwft 1235. Will this do? Ko-re de yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-mas' ka? * v fa&t? *~ j?\y^K ft Do. Ko-re de yo-i ka? 3Vf3j ft 1236. Will this kind suit you ? Ko-no yo-o-na shi-na nga o ki ni i-ri-ma-sh'-o-o ka? Do. Ko-n-na shi-na nga ki ni i«ro-o ka? 3 ^+ \,9- ff *~1t27ft 168 W Y. 1237. Will you have some morel A-na-ta ma-da ko-re wa i-ri-mas' ka? Do. O-rna-e ma-da ko-re wa i-ru ka? 1238. JF«7£ #ow not take a little lest for it ? Ko-re wa s'-ko-shi ma-ka-ri-ma-se-nu ka ? Do. Ko-re wa s'-ko-shi ma-ka-ra-nu ka ? 1239. Will there be a typhoon this year, think you f Ko to-sni wa ta-i-fu-u nga a-ro-o to o-bo-shi-me-s ; ka ? a y i, ys Ziy^nmyy^is *% x Do. Ko to-shi wa o-o ka-ze nga a-ro-o to o-mo-o ka ? ^ Y i- ^## %? if ft27 y jet.? n 1240. You ought not to do so. A-na-ta so-no yo-o-na mi-mo-chi wo na-sa-re-ma-s : -na. 7^# yj a?*&* $ 9 *^v -?% + Do. So-no yo-o-na mi-mo-chi wo na-sa-ru-na. y } 3*?*3.^ ± 9 *^)V* 1241. You read too loud. A-na-ta wa o-o-ki sz-ngi-ru ko-e wo sh'-te o yo-mi na-sa-ru. Do. O-ma-e wa o-o-ki sz-ngi-ru ko-e wo sh'-te yo-mn. 1242. Yow ^//c /oo much. A-na-ta wa ku-chi nga o-o sz-nofi-ma-s'. f *9 ^94 if jr*>\$ * % Do. Te-ma-e wa sh'-a-be-ri sz-ngi-ru. 1243. Yow. ?w? so. A-na-ta k'-t-to ka-yoo-na ko-to wo na-sa-re-ma-s'-na. 1*9 *vYft s?* *Y 9 **r v~? %* Do. O-ma-e k'-t-to ko-o i-u koto wo sz-ru-na. JSl* 1244. You must stay at home to-day A-na-ta ko-n ni-chi wa k'-t-to u-chi ni o i-de na-sa-re- ma-sh'. Do O-ma-e ki-o o wa k'-t-to u-chi ni i-ro Y. 169 You //lay gv horn* once a week. \ -u.i-tj ui na-noka no a-i da ni i chi-do dz tsz u chi e ka i-ru koto nga yo ro-shi-u go za-ri nia-s'. Do. O-ma-c na-n<> k.i no n-i-da ni i-chi-do dz-tsz u-chi e In i-ru nga yoi. *>i # a f I ,' I" You gate too much/* t if. A Mil wa da-i-bu-n ta-ka-ku ka i na-sa-rc-ma-sh'-ta. Do. O-ma-e ko-rc wo ta-i so-o ta-ka-ku ka-t-tu. *-?* jiv 9 ZIYVZi) >/ t)V>* 1217. You art very welcome here. A-oa-ta yo-o kc-so o i-dfl ni-siretc ku-da-su-re-mash'-ta T^£ a? ^y *Yf ^Mvf * 4* v ^^ # Do. O-ma-e yo-o ko-so k'-te ku-re-ta. *-?^39 ay *f ^V # 1248. You hate epoiled it. A-na-ta nga ko-re wo o ko-wa-shi na-sa-re-ma-sh' ta. ?^£ ff a V 9 *a j* *• ?Mfv ? g, ^ Do. O-ma-e nga ko-re wo ko-wa-sh' ta. 1t-?3- ff av 9 * ^l, 9 1 249. You to ought to hate done this before. Ana ta wa mo-t-to ha-ya-ku i-ta sz nga yo-roshi-u go za- ri-ma-s'. Do. O-ma-e wa mot-to ha-ya-ku sz-ru nga l-i. Or^s* ^ *zv y ^-v t *>v ff 1 i 1250. You do not come to the point. A-na-ta wa sa-shi a-ta-t-te i-ri-yo-o no koto wo o ha-na- shi na-sa-re-ma-se-nu. ^ ^-^ V "? t£ % Do. O-ma-e wa sa-shi a-ta-t-te i-ru koto wo ha-na-sa-nu. 1 251. Fom must leave off doing this A-na-ta sa-yo-o-na ko-to wo k'-t-to o ya-me na-sa-i-ma-sh' V+j* ^^^a^ 9 **>* v a ^^f^>^ Do. O-ma-e so-o i-u ko-to wo k'-t-to ya-me-ro. 1252. You are mistaken. A-na-ta nga c-bo-shi-me-shi chi-nga-i de go za-ri-ma-s' 1+9 ff #tf> A l, * ffi f * *fl)^ * 170 Y. 1252. O-ma-e nga o-mo-i chi-nga-i da. *** ff tffct: £ ft r f $ 1253. Your conduct has been bad. A-na-ta no o mi-mo-chi wa yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-se-na- n-da. Do. O-ma-e no o-ko-na-i wa yo-ku na-ka-t-ta. 1254. Yow w/y ta&e either of them. Do-re-de-mo h'-to-tsz o to-ri na-sa-ru nga yo-ro-shi-u go F vf^ t^y i*H)^ ^)V 'ft sn^y dt za-ri-ma-s'. Do Do-re-de-mo h'-to-tsz to-ru nga yo-i. F v T ^tiV * >)V tf 3f 1255. Yow owe we a dollar. Wa-ta-k'-shi ni a-na-ta nga do-ra i-chi ma-i ka-ri-te o-ri- raa-s . ^* Do. Wa-ta-k'-shi ni o-ma-e nga do-ra i-chi ma-i ka-ri-te i-ru. 1256. You can get tliemfor nothing. A-na-ta ko-re wa la-da mo-to-me-ra-re-ma-s'. Do. O-ma-e ko-re wa ta-da e-ra-re-ru. jt^^ a v >n %^[ 3~? VW 1257 You ride too fast. A-na-ta wa m'-ma wo ha-shi-ra-se-ru ko-to nga ha-ya sz- f J~% ^ I* ^ 9 ^ ^ ?te >V af tf ^t * ngi-ma-s'. Do. O-ma-e wa m'-ma wo ha-shi-ra-se-ru ko-to nga ha-ya sz- #^^ jrs ^ -> ^ /> ?, ^ :fc>V 3)- &V/S * % n~i-ru. 1258. Yot< have out-done me. A-na-ta wa-ta-k'-sbi yo-ri ma-sa-t-te o-ri-ma-sh'-ta. Do. O-ma-e wa wa-shi yo-ri ma-sa-t-te i-ta. 1259. You flatter mc. A-na-ta wa wa-ta-k'-shi ni he-tsz-ra-i-ma-s'. V 171 1259. O-raa-e wa-ta-k'-shi ni he-tsz-ra-u. '. 1'om may send the money by a messenger, and if any thing happen* ihe risk is mine. So-no ka-ne wo ta'-ka-i no uio-no ni o wa-ta-shi na sa-ru . mo-shi mo no koto nga a-ri-ma-sh'-te wa \va- tf 3 1 *.is ^ ; 3h ttlWisfrs r> ta-k'-shi no son de go za-ri-ma-s'. Do. So-no ka-ne wo ts'-ka-i no mo-no ni wa-ta sz nga yo-i ; ? / il*9 VX1 S fc > - V ** if 31 mo-shi mo no ko-to nga am to u;. so-n da. fc > *. ? a> ff 1*> 9Jk ft V^ # 1261. You cannot trust him with so much money. A-na-ta wa so-no yo-o ni o o-ku ka-ne wo a-no h'-to ni ma ki-sete o-ka-re-ma-se-n'. I ' Oma-e wu so-n-na ni ta-n-to ka-ne wo a-no h'-to ni ma- ka sc-te oka-re-nu. 1262. You should have anchored further out. A-na-ta mo-t-to o-ki e i-ka-ri wo o-ro-sh'-ta nga yoro-shi-u t+9% V\-K*^11>\)9*U^>X if BUI,* go Z!-ri-ina-s\ Do. O-ma-e mo-t-to o-ki e i-ka-ri wo o-rosh'-ta nga yo-i *^2*^]r**^1ft*) 9 JtVist ff 31 1263. You must learn this by heart. Ko-re wa so.ra de yo mil yo-o ni sh'-u-ngi-o-o na.sa-i ^ v o 1265. You never will get it done at this rate. So-no vo-o ni o-so-ku na-s'-t-te wa i-tsz-ma-de mo ahi-ma-i ni wa na-re-ma-s' ma-i. ^^ J-v -? A ^?1 172 Y. 12G5. So-n-na ni o-so-ku sh'-te \va i-tsz-ma-de mo shi-ma-i ni vva na-ru ma-i. 1266. Your servant has arrived from Yedo. A-na-ta no go ke-ra-i nga Ye-do ka-ra ch'-a-ku i-ta-shi- t *% ? dt *jf 1 ff % y Pj9 * **t iZls ma-sh'-ta- Do. O-ma-e no ke-ra-i nga Ye-do ka-ra tsz-i-ta. *•?£ jy?1tf SV-p 9-919 1 267. You have over-paid me one rio. A-na-ta i-chi ri-o-o yo-ke-i ni wa-ta-k'-shi e o wa-ta-shi na-sa-re-ma-sh'-ta. ** v ? % % Do. O-ma-e i-chi ri-o-o o-o-ku wa-shi ni wa-ta-sh'-ta. 1268. You ought to take letter care of your health. A-na-ta wa se-n yo-ri na-wo go yo-o-j -o-o wo na-sa-ru nga yo-ro-shi-u go za-ri-ma-s'. 3E?>? dt ifl)^* Do. O-ma-e wa se-n yo-ri na-wo yo-o-j'-o-o wo sz-ru nga yo-i. ^•^x^ *u"3*) *>?a*>if j r*>9 *>v ft si 1269. You beat me in reading, but I possibly beat you a little in writing. A-na-ta yo-mu ko-to wa wa-ta-k'-shi yo-ri sz-ngir-re-te o ?^£ 3 I* *Y r* VZV^ 31) Kfvf # i-de na-sa-ru nga ka-ku ko-to vva wa-ta-k'-shi nga s'-ko- 1 f J-if)V tf m ft & a Y r* 9 %p l, ff %* shi ma-sa-t-te o-ri-ma-sh'-o-o. Do. O-mae yo-mu ko-to wa wa-shi yo-ri ma-sa-t-te i-ru nga •X"?z si* 3 y /> v i« an ^vf i)v ff ka-ku koto wa wa-shi nga s'-ko-shi ma-sa-t-te i-ru de a- # # 3> A !7 '• ff %*\s -?ifV7 i)V f f ro-o. 1270. You have put your coat en inside out. A-na-ta wa ha-o-ri wo u-ra-nga-e-shi ni k'-te o i-de na-sa- re-ma-sh'-ta. Do. O-ma-e wa ha-o-ri wo u-ra-nga-e shi ni k'-te-i-ta. *^Z » ^9 ») 9 9 9 ff*\ > - *? 1 % DIALOGUES. DIALOGUE I. On Baying Teat. For \ . — Look here I J with to tpeak with you a mo nun I. Rlothi, moshi. s'koshi ohanashi mooshitai koto nf ^ipfff ?*1^? VI iff *)-?*+? nv\ftys~* ni itashimash'oo. F. 13. — Yes, 1 have them, but I will not give $27, for this tea. If you will come down on the tea to $25, / will let you have the camlets in exchange for $23, Will that suit you ? Hai, go zarimas' nga, kono chawa ni jiu sh'chi dora rsj rftfl)^* ft aS 4-Vy ~£? ^* Y9. de watak'shi wa kaimasen'. Omai no chawo ni jiu go dora ni makete, watak'shi no goroowo ni jiu san dora |f$f&T9-?. 99^1^ S3rt299-W*>Y9 ni sh'te, koeki ni itashimash'oo. Sore de ki ni iri- mas' ka? ~?A ft DUOOUE I 175 N. 1 4. — The tea is very cheap, but as you are a food customer, I wUl Wk with you at that rate. Cha no ne wa hanahada yaszu go zarimas' njja, ma- i do yoku katte kudasaru kara, sore de koeki ni itashimash'oo. F. I v± /> 3-p x 35. p^* i ft 5 * . ~ irim isen. Kono Enshiu no kuchi wa, ha nga ichi iX)y\z^3 SX^W ? .94* r* /> ff Y£ yooni sorotte arimash'te mingoto de gozarimas' nga, senjite kooki n^a waruu gozarimas'. &^Vf ^9* ft V)V9 &W *)^* N. 25. — This lot of Szrunga is mixed. It has a great deal of old leaf and stems in it. The lot of Shimoosa I like very much. It is very clear and free from dead leaves, omd draics well. I must have 40 pecvls more of it. Szrunga no kuchi wa iro iro majitte orimas'. Mff ? V 4- /> i\2in-?VV7 **)-?% Ooku hine to eda nga mazatte orimas* Kono Sh/rno- osa no kuchi wa hanahada ki ni irimas'. Ita- ^^; /;± *» /»/-»? * - 1.))** 1 1* tte kiyoi, kore eda nga nakute, senjite kooki nga 9f*3ift? 3& if * #f*^Vf39*1f yoi. watak'shi wa korewo moo shi sen ngin hoshiu gozarimas 5 N. 25- — All right. I will bring it immediately . Sh'oochi itashimash'ta. Sassoku motte mairimash'- 00. 9 F. 26. — I wish to know the prices of the different lots. Kuchi nguchi no nedan dszke nga kikitai. 9 ± /r ± ; z-p^ry if**$i JV. 27, — Wells I will state them. The Ise is $24.; tJie Szrunga is $21.; the EnsKiu is $19 . and the Shimoosa is $17* Sayoo nara, mooshimash'oo. Ise nga ni jiu yo dora, Szrunga nga ni jiu ichi dora, Enshiu nga jiu ku dora Shimoosa nga jiu sh'chi dora de gozarimas . HAOOOI I 171 F 2S.— Will you bart^ Kooeki m itashimash'oo ka ? tf, 29. — What do you wish to barter ? \ nani to kootlri Dl shitai ka ? F. 30. — / have grey shirtings, colored shirtings, velvets Src. Kinganakin ayanganakin, biroodo nado no tango] anurias*. if rwx jtf. 31. — lrhal is the price of your colored shirtings f Aya nganakin no sooba \va nani hodo de gozarima- s' ka? % n 1\ : 1 2 — / trill sell for $3 . per piece . Ip'piki dora sam mai de urimash'oo. JV. 33. — How much are the 6 J catty grey shirtings ? Bfdkmta rok kin han no ki nganakin nani hodo de, aru ka ? /'. 34. — They are $2.40 per piece, but I cannot buy the teas at the prices you name. Are \va ni dora shi bu de gozarimas' nga, cha wa t v ^ - y 9 iff f =frri>^* n ±\ /> omai no ii ne de wa kawaremasen. *^1 S 11 * 7 » ftVv?& JV! 35. — What price will you give then ? Savoo nara, nani hodo de kai nasarti ka ? F. 36 — You must tale off one dollar from each kind. Ii ne yori, ichi dora dztsz oh'ki nasare. 1 i 3- 3') a V9 r* *fc* +*v tf 37 , — Will you pay in dollars ? Dora de haraimash'oo ka? Y9 7^91f&ft F. 38. — I tcould rather barter. Kooeki ni sh'te rnorau hod nga katte de gozari- xys.*--^?*.?? W if ft*? 7 3f*fi) mas'. 178 DIAOOUE t. iy. 39. — I will take half in colored shirtings §' half in dollw-s. Hambun wa mon nganakin wo kooeki ni sh'te, Iiam- bun wa dora de moraimash'oo. F 40. — Well, I will do that ; you must bring the tea some time to- day. Sayodnara, so6 itashimash'oo. Konnichi jiu ni cha wa motte oide nasai. & 41. — Yes, I will bring it immediately. Hai. szngu sama motte mairimash'oo. F 42. — When will the new tea arrive ? Shin cha wa itszngoro ts'kimash'oo ka? N. 43. — In about 40 days. Shi jiu nichi mo tachimasrrtara. mairimash'oo. F. 44. — Bring me musters as soon as possible for I intend to buy a large quantity of teas. Naru take hayaku mihon wo o mise nasai. Watak'- shiwa ooku shiire yoo to omoimas', kara. JV. 45. — / will do so, and if you will buy all your teas of me I will brivg you the best, and seh them as cheap as possible. Sayoo itashimash'oo. JVlina cha w T a watak'shi no te yori okai nasaru naraba, goku yorosh'ki no wo mo- tte maitte, naru take yas'ku angemash'oo DUI.CHilF. II 179 DIALOGUE II BETWEEN A FOREIGNER AND A JAPANESE SILK-DEALER y. 1 . — / beg pardon {for interrupting you ) on nasai. F. 2. — You are welcome here. Kore \va yokn oide nasaimash'ta. JV. 3 — lam a silk-dealer. Do you with to buy? Watak'shi \va ito akindo de gozarimas' nga, kiitowo okai nasaru ka1 F. 4. — / do not want any now. Ima irimasen W. 5. — / will tell very cheap. Oo yasz uri ni itashimash'oo. .F. 6. — I do not want any just at present. Ima sashi;itatte irimasen. JV. 7. — / r<» N. 17. — Yes, but I must have the money for it to-day or to-morrow. Sayoo de gozarimash'oo nga, kom mioo nichi no uchi *B9? *W**9. ff ?*> * V — f ?9± ni kane wo saikaku itash'tai. F. 18. — Hovj much money do you want, Kane wa nani hodo hoshiika ? #3- /> ^ fry vjsv f # JV. 19.— TTd/, 7™m*$3000. Sayoo de gozarimas', san zen dora hodo irimas'. *B9f&$y*>&ft^&V9W f 9*?* F. 20. — If I take the 10 peculs of silk as security, I will lend you $3000, and you must pay me two per cent a month, interest for the money. DIALOHE U 181 Sono k'ito no sen narinwo sh'chi ni totta Ml i ka$himash'oO kara, mai ts'ki, ni bu no nwo X. 21. — If you trill do to, I shall be much obliged. . nas'tc kud:i~ iriogatod ^ozarimas'. 12. — But if you overrun a month, I shall not keep the security, and unless you take it up, I shall sell it to reimburse myself. Naredomo, h'to ts'ki ni amareba, sh'chiwa tome oki- masen; dashima-on naraba nri haraimas'. N. 23. That it too soon. If the price advances this month, I will return the money, but if it declines, I must beg you to allow me two months. Sore \va amari hayoO gozarimas'. Kon ngetsz no uchi ni sooba DM anL':uiinaszreba, kanewo kais>h'te da- ~>/r>,< ff 1fj\)-? %VA f)^9 #Y>? # shimash'od; szwari naraba, tu DgotSI ~o kamben nas'te ku-.la?are. F. 24 V?ry uv//; / agree to that. But if you take the silk before half a month is up. you must pay half a month's interest, and after half a month is past, you must pay a month's interest. Sh'oochi itashimash'ta. Naredomo, han ts'ki rnai ni dash'ta naraba, han ts'ki no ri bunwo o harai nasai; han ts'ki szngite dash'ta naraba, ichi ngetsz no ri bunwo o harai nasai. N, 25. It i* a very high rate of interest, but as lam in a tight place and hare no other resource, I will do so. Makoto ni koo ri de gozarimas' nga, sashits'kaete, yondokoro gozarimasen kara, s'oo itashimaoh'oo. F. 26. When you or your friends want money, I will advance it at any time upoa silk, or tea, or other merchandize as security. 182 DIALOGUE II. Omai mata Oraai no hooyun ni kane no iriyoo nga areba, kiito aruiwa cha, sono hoka urimonowo sh'chi ni totte. itszdemo kanewo kashimash'oo. ^^ ^Y9f ivT^ftfy? ii^-?^W JV. 27. Thank you. I will tell my friends what you say. I think they will be glad to get money on those terms. Sore wa aringatoo. Sono omomukiwo hooyuu ni mo v ;v ^t.i)«fi-9 y; tT^^ \?'$&*9± =e hanashimash'oo. Ima sadameta toori de kariraremas' nara. hooyuu mo yerokobima^h'oo to dzonjirnas'. F. 28. When you have brought the silk here, I will weigh it, and after having ascertained the weight, I will give you a receipt for it, and take a receipt from you for the money. Omai kiitowo ' molte icita toki ni, hakari ni kakete, it^1*1 Y9Z.V? *>JY*~ ^n\)^wt mekatawo aratameta uede, omai ni adzkari no kaki- ts'kewo yarimash'oo' omai yori watak'shi ni kashikin no sh'oomonwo moraimash'oo. JV. 29. Pardon me; 1 wish to ask you one more question. If the silk should have been accidentally changed while deposited in your godowns )how shall I know it ? fhave no idea that you would do such a thing, but as it is a nvitter of business between mer- chants, I mention it so as to have it remembered. Gomen nasai; mata okiki moosh'te okitai koto nga jrx>?-ft-1 ?9*k**.Vpf1t*$1 =*Y if gozarimas. Anata no kura ni kiitowo adzkete oki- mas' uchi ni, f'to szrikairaruru yoona koto nga attara, doosh'te shirimash'oo ka ? Anata no hod ni wa sayoona koto wa arimas'mai to omoimaszredo- mo, o tangai ni akindo no koto de gozarimas' kara, nen no tarneni o kotowari moosh'te okimas'. DttLOOVl II in 183 10- lfl,d t you fay is quilt right Well than, hare your silk nicely p in halts , and thru plaa If that cannot he opened. Should any seal be broken, and the silk in be changed, I trill pay you the value < ." 1>9l<>fit?\+*1 *A> f/?91*> ngn yabarete, mIi attara, so- ft- r-rvf+p JiY tfWf}1fT*it? y rv data no daikiuwn dasliim.ish oO. F 3:* — Tint will br Jan. 1 hart been very troublesome to you. Good bye, Sir. Sore de voroshiu gozarimash'oO. Ooki ni o ynkama- shin goxarunath'ta. SayoO nara. Go kmgen yoroshiu. DIALOGUE III. PINO Goods to Foreign Cointries. JV. 1. — 1 wish to consult you about the state of foreign markets. If you tall attend to the business for me, I will make some ship- wtsmt* Watak'shi wa gai koku no ichiba no yodszwo okiki moOshitoO gozarimas'. Anita watak'shi ni nari kawat- te sewawo szru uaraba sliiromonowo fane ni tsznde f &*?? W+5>< S/Dt;^ 7^r-A9>T okurimaslroO. F 2. — TFhat articles have you to ship? Nan no shiromonwo tszmi okuru ka ? iV! 3. — I have tea and silk to ship. Cha to kiilowo tszmi watashimash'oO. j'84 DIALOGUK III. jp. 4. — I would not advise you to ship silk at present. If you have good tea, well prepared, it will do for the English or Ameri- can market. Tadaima kiitowo tszmi nnsaru koto \va o szszme mooshimasen. Ii cha no seihoo sh'ta no nga aru nara fc"9i^**'jf 1 J-V S&1 &?l^>?. Stf 7)1/ S-7 Ino-insz, aruiwa Amerika no ichiba ni mukima- sh'oo. JV! 5. — Ij that is the case, I will let you have tea. I have 300 peculs of the lest Vji. Son naraba, ochawo angernash'oo. Uji no itatte ii chawo sam man ngin motte orimasz. j? 6. — After I have seen the tea, we will talk about it. But if the tea is not well fifed, and the boxes are not lined with lead, it will not stand a long voyage, Sono chawo mimp.sh'ta uede soodan itashimash'oo. Naredomo, yoku hoiro ni kakete, hako no uchiwo naraa- J-vY** BtfrlB—iiyf r* S? ±9 y-^ ri de harimaseneba' nangai kaish'oo vva mochima- }) f ^1)^^3-^ +jfi }Ji*sV9r> =fe ± ^ sen. ^^ ffi m 7 # — Will you prepare the tea for me? Watak'shi ni ka watte cha no niwo ts'kutte kudasa- ru ka? jp. 8. — I will, if you wish it. O tanomi nara, ts'kutte angemash'oo. jr$ }%**% * & 9 f ff^&v 9 JV T . 9. — / think I will prepare the tea myself, and bring it to you. What icill the other charges come to? Watak'shi no hod de niwo ts'kutte angeyoo to omoi mas'. Sono hoka ni dzappi nga nani hodo kakarima- -?% 7? toti-<^4f*t£w *~L$& ft ft*)'? sh'oo ka? Pt.VI.OCHi: 111 F. 10. — To uhit port if ill you */>r. The charges will be, firsts the export dut , my commission of Jive per cent '. toolie and bout trill amount to abou! fOWtd , and the import duty in America is 20 cents per pound, and the commission of the consignee there, and t)» /from difference of exchange trill be charged to your account SayoOsa, Nippon no cha nga San F'ranshis'ko dc tadaima ne nga vorosh.u gozarimas'. Soon bajirae no Wl^tf ao^a + n-r* y > r&* ; dzappi i dasz no unj'od aias'. Sore kara watak'shi no koOi bu to. karash'ki, karukochin, tunachin nado de gozarimas'. Unchin \va tl)\i±^ 7+***y fi *4f \Jt?A 9^+fr* Amerika ik kin ni tszite ni rin dztsz Dgnrai kakari- m&lh'oft. Sore kara, kano kuni no akmd# no t< m -?>a? yv fi? n; /;^;i^y > f^ watashimas' kara, sono koosen to kare kore no do- ra no sooba ni sh'tangatte dzappiwo kanj'od itashimash'oo. N. 13. — With such charges, I think there will be no profit for me. SayoO ni dzappi nsra kakattewa watak'shi no mooke ^3?- JfVtL ff fifty f^VZ 91, SZiW nga gozarimas'mai to omoo. ff ^l)^^fh^^ F. 1 4, — At what do you value your tea? Omai no cha wa ikura ni tszite orimas' ka? jt?1 Jlv^i 9 5—v lfit*)^7*ft 166 DfALOGl l: HI, jV. 15. — It cost, me $^U perpecul. H'yak' kin ni tszite ni jiu dora de kaimash'tn. p IG. — Then it will cost you about 39 cents per pound, laid down in San Francisco. Son nara San F'ranshis'ko ni okimash'te ik kin ni tszite san jiu ku rin ni narimas'. A?l?itfV9-& g^^t)^* JS. 17, — And what will it sell for there by the pound? Achira de ik kin ni tszite dono kurai de utte kuremash'oO ka? F. 18. — It will certainly sell for 50 cents per found. Kitto go jiu rin ni uremash'oo. N. 19 — How long will it be before I get my money back? Kane wa itszngoro tedori ni narimash'oo ka ? F. 29. — Probably in about five or six months. Ookata go roku ngetsz nochi ni toremash'oo. N. 21. — It is a long time to be out of one 1 s money for so small a profit but I will make one shipment for an experiment. Sh'oo ri no akinaiwo sh'te sayoo ni nangaku kash'te lr J r9*)S1**19l'? *99*&ff# iJt>? oitewa, aimasen nga, kokoro mino tameni h'to tabi okutte mimash'oo. *pt>f2&b'*9 IV. j»l w.im.i E 11 ik 3tzj I . — Do jfOH not wish to buy silk Ivii nnsarnnascu || nirr 2.— Yes what tort hare you* donbtnowo mom; o ide nn^ \ ; — / have Mttibashi. Maibtahiwo motto imas. No. I. Maibashil i j'oo no Maibashi dc arimas' ka? V r>.— It is Ko. Land 2. Khi btn no mo, ni ban no mo de gozarimas'. N. 6. — Save you a muster of it? Sono mihon nga arimas' ka? JV, 7 — Ye* , here it is. Hai, kokoni arimas'. F. 8 — //'"" much of the No. I. hive you? Ichi ban no kuchi \va dono kurai arimas' ka? .V 9 — I have \ m ec uh of No. 1 . and 2 pecuh of No. 2. Goku j'oo no kuchi wa shi h'yak' kin, tszngi no 29 i;vy > $ ± ,^ i, kv? *±» 9 v > nga ni h'vak' kin arimas'. F 10. — Twill buy the No. 1 ., but do not want the other. Goku j'od wa, kaimash'od nga, tszngino wa yoshima- 29W9 ^fll-zisVVif ?*V ^3M» sh'oo. X 11. — I would rather sell both together if possible. Naru koto nara, rioohoo isshioni uritoo gozari- mas'. ^% F 12.— JJliat is the price of it all together ? Mina de nedan wa ikura de gozarimas' ka? • «* f 3-5r> ^ f 9 ? r 2* ») -?*# 188 DIALOGUE IV. JV. 13. — Do you wish to know the true price? Sh'oomi no nedanwo okiki nasaritai ka ? F. 14 . — Yes, give me the lowest possible price. Hai, nam take yas'ku hataraite kudasai. N. 15. — The very lowest price is $450. Ketch'aku no tokoro wa, shi h'yaku go jiu dora de ijy^vy j \*n r* is t-r^ i^ F? f arimas'. F. 16. — I think that is too much. Sore wa omoi no hoka takai yoo da. iV. 17. — No, it is cheap I think, but how much will you give? Iiye, sore wa yas' karoo to omoimas' nga, oboshimeshi wa dono kurai ka? *Y> van F. 18 — If it is all like the muster, I will give $430. Minna mihon no toori naraba. shi h'yaku san jiu dora de kaimash'oo. N. 19. — I cannot sell so cheap; I shall lose money. Soo wa vas'ku wa dekimasen; watak'shi ni son nga tachimas' . F> 20. — Well, I will go to your house and see the lot, and then I will see if I can give you any more. Son nara, watak'shi wa omai no uchi e itte, kuchiwo mite, sono uede moo chitto yoku kaimash'oo ka kan- .sf # sv^? &>*? Y 3 9 m^vwnn^ ngaite mimash'oo. N. 21. — When will you come ? Itsz o ide nasaru ka % F. 22. — In the course of an hour. Han toki no uchi ni. ^4* >*? *- N. 23. — Will you certainly come? Kitto o ide nasaru ka I\ ) ,'tw house ( I |ai, .1 nehi wn doko Y. .,/'., f en-doori" street, the first 4 the shop called Takatzya. -teu-dodn. itchoO me do gOftrifM^ 'I'll. [after '/"■ >np ) i to tee the tilk. Watak'shi \\;» kiitowo mi ni man: ff.—Jkf jr,;/: Sayoft dc jroznriii irimash 1 -—Thank you .0 — TA/< M the silk we talked about , Sen koku o haoashi moosh'ta kiito \va, kore da gti mas' . 1 — This does, not correspond with the mv K'ore \va mihon to soo-oo itashimasrn N. 31. — 7m what respect does it differ? Dono yoo ni chingaiinas' Ira t KV B9 - ±tf1^7*n r 32. — In the first place, the colour is not as good as the muster, and the thread is not as even. Dai ichi ni \va, mihon hodo, iro nga yoroshiu na- * i i *^ » a**' : t»K in n an^y + kute, ito ni mura nga arimas'. X 33. — / do not think there is any difference. Watak'shi \va chingawanu hadz da to omoimas'. F. 34. — There is a great deal of inferior silk mixed with it. Tidsoo waruino nga mazatte orimas'. 21 V9 y>vu if ^irrfitQTrx If, 35 . — Well what will you give for it ? Savoo nara. ikura dc o kai nasaru ka .' 190 DIALOGUE IV. Ji\ 3G. — / do not think I will buy such an article. Kono shina de wa, kawoo to omoimasen. J\ r . 37. — I will come down in the pr ice a little. S'koshi ii ne yori sangemash'oo. F 38.— How much? Dono kurai sangeru ka ? y; /;?i WW ft if. 39. — / will take off $5. a pecul. H'yak' kin ni tszite go dora dztsz h'kimash'oo. tivp ^^^ 9 if. dt v? »ry t^r^a^ F. 40. — That will not do. Sore de \va ikemasen. Jjf. 4 1 . — Please tell me the highest price you will give. Anata giringiri no tokorowo oshiatte kudasare. T^#*i)Vi) ; Y3&9Jri*wrW^v F. 42. — Well, I will give you $420. Sayoo nam, shi h'yaku ni jiu dora de kaimash'oo. ^a*?*7 ^ t^ ±%p9Y9Tm*ira9 N . 43. — 1 shall lose money, at that rate. Sore de wa watak'shi ni son nga yukimas'. v ;v f ^ y%Vls~ y^ ft]3-%~?% F. 44. — It is your misfortune^ but I cannot give you any more. O ki no doku de gozarimas' nga, moo sore yori de- «;H r'&lri)** ft f? yvai) f kimasen. JV. to.— Will you not give $440? Shi h'yaku shi jiu dora o kim nasarimasen ka? %s fc-V^ Is*?? YlJTt^^V^&^ft JF. 46. — >No. I cannot give you any more. Iiye, s'koshi mo kai angeru koto wa dekimasen. i\T 47. — You are a hard man to deal with. Ornai akinaiwo szru ni kataku kurushii h'to da. jt*n**12M~ft## V)\ls1tL\ 5T F. 48. — No. I am not. If 1 pay $.440, J cannot sell [the silk) to any profit. Iiye, watak'shi son c\p wa arimasen. Shi h'yoku shi jiu dora de kattewa, saki v"ki nga shimasen. v ^9 Y? rftvr^* i* ft >^&^ D1A! 181 .1 li'yaku sail ji nioiniiin- not go*boce*\ sin li v.ilvii in jiu don no nowa Bngerareinaai n X 5 I .— / (mnol teUfor that. Sore de \va do6 ino nrarematea. /*. WH, I hope you will have tome thing to *,l! {uta, tune). nam mats inn/o o nongftj m lothimash'oti {The foreigner turns to go onay). X 53 _ -y„ ; , „ ,„, Chitto o macbi n /' ■"■(her) btisittess is th , Na la goarimat 1 I 55.— PPW say you to $430. Shi h'vaku san jiu dora de \va ikanga dc gozarirna- ^ t>^ a^^*> v?T /> inn f 3t*t)^ s ka? %ft F. 50. — Xo, that will not do. But since I have taken the trouble to examine the article, I will add 85. more, and give you 8125. live, dekimas'-mai. Shikashi sek'kaku mita mono da kara, moo go dora mash'te. shi h'yaku ni jiu do- ra ansremash'oo. 5 vm<*9 JV! 57. — Well, I shall lose by it, but as I must have tlie money, I will let you have {the silk). Sayod nara, son nga mairimas' keredomo, kane nga isongashii kara, sashi angemash'oo. y S Q — IT It en ir ill you weigh it ? Itsz mekatawo aratame nasaru ka? f * An&9T99A***n ft 19J2 DIALOGUE IV. V. JY. 59 — To-morrow if it is a fair day, but I will bring the goods to your godown, Mioo nichi tenki naraba, aratamemash'oa Shikashi nimotsz wa kom ban anata no kara e motte mairima- ^L^y ^ ^^v^f^y^^t'yf ^1 i)^r sh'oo. F. 60. — Very well. Goodbye. Yoroshiu gozarimas'. Sayoo nara. N. 61. Good bye. Sayoo nara. DIALOGUE V Between a Master and Servant. Master. 1. — Take this money to Ejiro's shop, in Shimoda street, and' pay him for the goods I bought yesterday. Watak'shi sakujitsz, Shimoda no machi no Eijirod no- t?£^> %"9$* lo** 1 * J -?4-S^1V&y ? mise de kaimonowo sh'ta kara, kono kanewo motte i=te T ftl^S? 1-2 ft? *S X3-9Z.y? itte haraivvo sh'te koi. 197^719^7^1 Servant 2. — Aye, at your service, Sir. Sow much is there here? Hei kash'komarimash'ta. Kono kane wa ikura gozari- ^ifii'Z^v^i'Z *s n* ^iv?3*?v> mas' ka ? M. 3. — A hundred dollars. Dora nga ipp'iaku mai. (Servant counts them.) S. 4. — Here are $105. Is it not a mistake. Kore wa ipp'iaku go dora arimas' nga, machingai de nv ^19\£V'/ dtY?1\)~?Kn f*if1T wa gozarimasen ka? 01 a: IX yi_ ' — J. ' thr ' 'for it. Mm motfc . kanawa riwo tore S. (. ^ 4 v«w orders. 11* !>i \ i .(Hi i i; \ i i • | Iff BXCHANGX. |, — J with to srnd 500 rioo /< Emu bought \\ - m •' IcaimooowQ kuhlmaih'ta +**ttf ttf/fcy'? f4>-^2 h yaku *?? 31 ur ? »)■*•■* At;* 4 f •J — You can qet **&$ daseba, nam bu hodo kakarimash'oo ka I 6. — / third' it will be about one per cent. Ichi bu ngurawto orooimas'. 7. — What ic ill it be if payable at one month's sight? Tengata wa tszite kara h'to ts'ki Bzngite kanewo da- s^ba, nam bu hodo ka karimash'oo ka-? 8. — / think it will be about seven-tenths per cent. Sh'chi rin ngurai to omoimas'. 9: — Will you do me the favor tc buy a BW for mel Watak'shi ni ka watte sewawo sh'te. tencratawo tanon- de kudasare. fmv 10. — Certainly. I will do so at once. Sh'oochi itashimashta, Sassoku tanomimash'oO. DIALOGUE VII. On Buying Lackered Ware. Buyer, 1 — Pardon a little [interruption.) Chitto gomeii nasare. Seller. 2. — Come in. O ide nasarimash'. B. 3. — I have come to make some purchases. Watak'shi wa kaimono ni kimash : ta. 8. 4. — Yes? What do you want? Hai. nani n^a o irivoo de ~ozarirnas' ka ? M+^ltiti ») 39T?W >) -?7ft B. 5. — I want to look at your lackered ware, such as, cabinets, travel- liny trunks, chow choio boxes, stands, cups, dressing-cases, work-boxes, bathtubs, wash-boivh, picnic-boxes, <$*c. <^v\. 1 9 5 . fcio- iko no hut tint an Ik up here (i c. or.) ibimaah'ta Mad/ ingari :/. n.ini hodl ni nam .V 9 - - : (Atai BJB !// together tktf mimnshVo. Shimete ippia J?. 9. — / 1 »tarf fo that 1 As it if * itaah'te aayoo ni wo mainmasen. Hajime yori kakeue wa roooahimaaen. //. II . — I caniwt huy tktm at that rate. Sono oedan «io wa kawareraaaen. v:,6 nary go dora li'kimnsh'oo. 4ta9+9*V9 t*^^9 7?. 13 — I cannot buy at all at that price. You mast came down a good deal mare. Sore de wa doomo kaimaaen motto dzto o make nasai. 19© MALOSCE VII; . 14. — Then make an estimate how much you iwU give. Sayoo nara. go kambdi nasarete, uani hodo ni o kai nasaru ka ? B. 15. — I will give $5 more. Mod go dora naosh'te kaiinash'oo. S, 16. — T/W will not do. I cannot let you have these articles for less than $90. Sore de \va dekimasen. Kono shinawa ku jiu dora no nchi do vva angeraremasen. I?. 17. — JWJ, / w«72 w equal to the English foot, mid ia di\; I mi. This foot is called tie I That I Sh'alra or Is ah' — R— I- to fan. I E — ^i*=» '2 do. I I ba — #= d". l Rft 01 [chi riu — M— 0!2 do. do -ft—1 Yard do. R :, : ; . ken- -|h| ,\ 1 fin - i< ch'oo— bt i^+WO"" 1296 Pl.oi I -In i, '(i Eti or Japanese mill The unit of this measure is also called a Sh'aku, or foot, but it is 3 inches longer than the foot of 'limber measure, and is called the Kujira j aku. or Whale foot. It is also decimally divided. Thus. 1 Sh'ak-u or Isslraku— ,R=15 Inches English. I Szn or Is szn — ^f= 1.5 do. do. 1 Ba or Ichi bu — fr= .15 do. do. 1 Riu or Ichi rin — g= .015 do. do. Square or Superficial Measure. The unit of this is the square Ken of Long measure, or 36 square feet, which is denominated a Po or Tszbo. Thus. 1 Po — 3? or H'to tszbo — Jf=-36 square feet. 1 Se or Is se — -jjj£=30 po=1080 square feet. 1 Tan or It tan — g=300 po= 10.800 do. do. # 1 Choo or It ch'oo — WJ=3000 po=luS.00u do. An acre is equal to 1-210 Tszbo -f-~ ^1~H^ weights and measures. 198 Measure of Capacity. Its unit is the Mas', or Sh'oo ft, a box 3-,^ English inches deep, and 5 T \ inches square, and contains 111 T 3 „ 9 5 2_ cubic inches. It is used for measuring oil, sake, soy, vinegar, grain, seeds, salt, rice &c. and is decimally divided intongoo, sh'aku, sai, satsz, ke, and dzoku. Thus; 10 Dzoku or Jiu dzoku +|g =1 Ke or Ik ke — ^ 10 ke or Jik' ke ~Hk=l Satsz or Is satsz — #| 10 Satsz or Jis satsz -j-jg—l Sai or Is sai — Jj? 10 Sai or Jis sai +S?=1 Sh'aku or Is Sh'aku — £j 10 Sh'aku or Jis Sh'aku-j-^=l ngoo or Ichi ngoo — fc 10 ngoo or Jiu ngoo -j-^^l Sh'oo or Is Sh'oo — ft AND 10 Sh'oo or Jis sh'oo ~f^=l To or It to, or toraas, — if or 3\>ft 10 to or Jit to -j^j^i Koku or Ichi koku — Jgf A koku contains 6,446 cubic feet English, or 5.13 bushels. Measures of Weight. The division of weights, with the exception of the kin^pp or catty, is also based upon a decimal scale. 1 momme or Ichi momme— ^.=2.133 drams avoirdupois or 58.33 grains Troy. 10 fun, or Jip pun-f-^=l momme or Ichi momme — -fa 10 rin, or Jiu rin -\^M.= \ fun or Ip pun — ft 10 mo, or Jiumo-j j 3g==l rin or Ichi rin — firf The precious metals are weighed by this scale. 10 Momme, or Jiu momme is written -j-^/, 100 ,, or H'yaku me „ „ "gj^. 1,000 „ or Ik kam me „ „ — J(^t 10,000 „ or Jik kam me ,, „ +j|^. 100.000 „ or H'yak' kam me „ „ "g^^ 1,000,000 „ or Sen ngam me „ „ ^%fa 10,000,000 „ or Man ngam me,, „ Wim.% 100,000,000 „ or Ok' kam me „ „ fg jf^, Apothecafies Weight. Medicines are bought and sold by the same standard of weight as above. The smallest denomination is the rin, the next the fun, and the next the momme. 2 momme, however are called Han rioo me. or Half rioo weight, written. 4 momme are called Ichi rioo me or 1 rioo weight, written. One and a quarter rioo of medicine is de Icfci rioo to ichi momme, or Go (five) momme. Evei v mtiltip, called San noO. or tnree rioO. ftJ died yo ( 1) rioo, 'on, until 1G0 nie are called Ik kin or 1 aich ifl In speak in- I inomm. for all numbers, •\\r multiples of 10, when it is shortened into me. MONEY. Copper and I eon Con The smallest coin in value is the Mor. jjt or Zeni cash of iron, next larger iron coin is equivalent to 4 zeni. Besides these there are no iron coins in circulation, though it is not difficult to find others have been used in former times, and Japanese books descriptive of them. The smallest copper coin is also called a Mon or Zeni, and is likewise equal to 4 small iron Z«m in r&Jue, and hence it is frequently called the Shimon zeni, i. e. 4 Mon zeni. It is somewhat remarkable that the iron coin of the same dimensions, viz: the larger one above mentioned has the same value as the copper Shimon zeni. There is a much larger copper coin, in circulation, called Tempo, from the period at which it was first issued, or Too h'yaku, i. e. worth a hundred, because it is equal to 100 of the smaller iron zeni. It is also sometimes denominated H'yaku Mon zeni, or the Hundred Mon zeni. In ordinary business transactions among the Japanese, the Tempo is reckoned at 96 small iron cash, or 24 copper cash, or 24 of the larger iron ca^h. Silver Coins. The smallest silver coin in circulation is the quarter bu, or is- shiu. The next larger is the half bu, or Nishiu, and the next the bu, or ichibu, which signifies one bu. It is therefore quite wrong to speak of 10 or 100 ichibus, inasmuch as it would when interpreted be equivalent to saying, 10 or 100 one-bus. The bu is a fourth of a rioo, which again used to be equal to a gold koban. Formerly there was a silver rioo, it is said, but it is not known to be in existence now. MONEY. 200 The bu, (ichibu) does not represent a fixed value, but is a fourth of a riod or koban,be the value of the latter more or less. In the times of the Dutch Monopoly, the gold koban was valued at 4 bu, or $l T Vo> while its value to the Dutch trader was 12£ florins. So widely different were the relative values of gold and silver in Japan and Europe. This continued till 1859, when the new treaties with Japan went into operation. The foreigners who first came here, after theopeningof the ports, very naturally bought up all the gold kobans they could, at a large profit to themselves. The Yedo government, discovered that gold was rapidly leaving the country, and to prevent it, at the suggestion, it is said, of one or more of the foreign Ministers at Yedo, offered to holders of gold a higher price than foreigners could afford to pay. The price of kobans thus rapidly rose from 4 bus to 14, or even more, and this put an effectual stop to the further exportation of gold. The tide then set towards Japan, and kobans came back to be paid to the custom house at the enhanced government value. In 1860 a new koban was coined, which was made to correspond to the intrinsic value of silver, being equal to 4 bu, thus bringing the rela- tive values of gold and silver to the foreign standard Gold Coins. Of the Koban we have already spoken. The only subdivisions of this are the half and the quarter koban. Formerly there were also eighths and sixteenths , but all have disappeared except those above named : and the eighth of a koban, in consequence of the reduction in the weight of the koban, is so light a coin, that the Ja- panese say of it. "It is blown away by a breath of wind". Mixed Coins. Besides the before-mentioned coins, half-bus and bus, and 2 bu pieces, made of a mixture of gold and silver, are in circulation. REFERENCES AND ABBREVIATIONS IN THE INDEX. The figures refer to the sentences in the Alphabetical part, where the words or phrases named occur. The Abbreviations are used as follows; viz: Ace. for Accusative, or the direct object. Adj. » Adjective. Adv. 5) Adverb. Conj. 5J Conjunction. Conj. Adv 53 Conjunctive Adverb. Dat. 33 Dative, or Indirect Object. Fut. )• Future. Ger. 33 Gerundive. Indie, }J Indicative. N. 33 Noun. Neg. 33 Negative. Pass. ;♦ Passive. Pron. j) Pronoun. V. 53 Verb. V. Trans. M Transitive Verb. N. B. — These abbreviations refer only to the words which stand before them. The difference of idiom forbids, very often, that what is expressed by one part of speech in English, should be expressed by the same in Japanese. INDEX AND VOCABULARY OF THK i \(.lisii words AND PHRASES IN THK itnuHftcuii \kh\m.iii ran \ WITH THEIK OOERESPONDING EXPRESSIONS IN JAPANESE. Abound. J*ak'san oritc orimas'. 78. About. Wa, following Kc About, i. e. doing, Nas'te, 1 1 IT. I Accident. SosoO. Account. Ch'omen, 197. Accounts. Kanj'oo, 11 ! Accost 637. I n. Itami. 1042. Acquainted with. Dzonjimash'ta, Sh'tta, 233. J i -is hi mas', Szru, 1118. Actions. Okonai, Oil. Adieu (Bade). Wakaremoosh'te Wakarete. 621. Advise. Szszme moosz, Szozmeru 525. Affair. Koto, 1131. Afford (Cannot). Dasz koto wade kiuai. or Dekimuscnu. 417. Afraid (To be). < tooremarara, 182' llibakaru, 450 I . < >inoO, 431. Afterwards. Atode. '.»l .ta, 70 784.925. F'tata- bi', ! ! ,. I il. 1079. Kasanete, 132 Age (Of). Otona ni', 296.Tb5/. / Ago. Mukashi, 931. * while. Hisash'ku, 338 Ahead, i. e. as a wind. Mukai- mash'ta, Mukatta, 931. Ainos. Aino, 808. 941. Alike. Onaji yoo ni, 992. All. Mina, 896. 211. 284. 754, 928.940.950. 1072, Szbete, 659. Nok'oradz, 274. 398 877. All about it. Yoku. 22. Kuwas h'ku Nokoradz,'74. All alone H'torjde, 207. All countries. Bun koku, Sc-kai. 406. 204 All day. Ichi nichi. 260. 1147. All directions. Yo-hod, Lit. 4 quar ters, 407. All lean. Dekimas' hodo, Dekiru hodo, 483. All hands. Nori-ainomono wa no- koradz, 1088. All the way home. lye made. Uchi made 518. All things. Bammotsz. 180. Alone. H'tori de. 267.' Although. Keredomo, 420. America. Amerika, 556. American. Amerika no hto, 219 Among. Naka ni. 988. Amount, Kanj'oo, 787. Amount to. Narimas', Naru, 398, Amusement. Tanoshimi, 480. Ancient. Muk^shi, 637, Ikari wo orosh'ta, 1262. And. To, 718. 911. Ankle. Ashi kubi, 286. 957. Another. Hokano, 6. Answer. Aisatsz, Hentoo, 513 Henji. 569. Any. Nani no, 987. Any body. Donatademo, Darede mo, 5, Any how. Dono yoo ni demo 1264. Any longer. Mo hays. Mo, 418. Mo. 469. Moo. 497. Moo. Kono ngo wa, Moo kono no- chi, 516. Any more. Mada, 192. Mata 592 Any other. Hokano wa, 416. Any thing. Nani demo, 8. Skoshi wa, ', 99. Koto wa. zo, 53. Moshi 239, Nan ', w. i»iuani mono koto nga, 1260. Any thing else. Eloka no koto 314. Any where. Doko ni demo, 783. A piece. Dz tsz, 883. Appears. Miemas'. 1038. Appearance (make their.) Demas' N74. ' Apple, Rinngo, 616. Are. Gozarimas'. and Aru. 9. and passim. Are. (continuative.) Xru. 14. and passim following the gerun- dive form of a verb. e. g. 99. Sh'tte iru ka? Do you know? Also 311. Sz malte iru. He lives or dwells &c. Are you at work? Shi ngoto wo szru ka? 16 Are you coming? O i de nasari- mash'oo ka? Ki nasaru ka? 15. Arm. Ude, /21G. Arrested. Meshitoraremash'ta, Shi barareta, 269, Arrive, Ts'ki, Ts'kimas'. 6. Arrived. Ts'ki nasarimash'ta 325. Ch'aku itashimash'ta. 1266. Tszita, 325. Article. Shina 365. 591. Shina mono, 1086. Article of commerce. Kooe ki mo- no, 799. Article of food. Tabemono. 813, Asak'sa. (A district in Yedo.) 811. Ashamed. Hajikashiu. 18. Haji woshiou, 18. 218. Ashore. Oka ni, 290. Ask. Kik'e, O kiki nasare, 22. Assure. Makoto wo hanashi, Hon too wo hanas'. 414, As long as. Uchi wa, 21. As well as you can. Kirioo no oyobu dahe, Sei ippai ni, 94. As well as we can. Chikara no oyobu dake, 1099. As you please. Anata no oboshi- meshi ni, 93. 882. At. Ni, 11. 732. De, 11, At all events. Dzehi, 575. 1110. At last. Yoo yaku, Yoo yoo, 512. At a loss. Shiremasenu, Shirenu, 482. At a venture. I >zehi, 706. At once. H'tori de, 523. 111. Atten ' ti l uro dzbt rn-.ttp, 10 At th»« I- no yoom At |] Aunt. Oba, Authority I b8C Averapin'j. . 2 r >. Avoid. Hedata d irate kudai h it Holca i y 128 . (I Nit ) Shimatteo oki nasare, Shi: Axehah e, 28. r He, 29. Baby. Sh'odni, Ko, 125. Back 15 B ack i. e. to the original place 10 no tokoro 0* 7M. Bick v Mo.los.*, 30. Back (Come ) Kaerimas', Kaeru, Waruu. Warm, S 191 590. 5 KMV < >mo0, Omoi, Lit h< i- 228. h ire, moosh'te, U'.k.r. !.. 621. Ni. 428. Hut Esn, 964. B.kcl Yake, 1008. Billast Omori, 555. tin, I Bear. t. e. suffer. Kanniti, 4 IS. Bear the blame. Lit the bad conse- quei vaku ni nari- mas, or nam, 586. Beat, i f. excel Maaatte orimat 1 , in. Szngarete oide Beat into (Nautical phrase ) Man- qiri kon: Mantfiri kooda. 1093. Because. Kara, 637. 1093 Become. Ochimasz.u, Naru, 763. Narimash'o6,Naru, 1181. Na- rimash'ta, Natta, 279. 799. Become used to (Has.) Nareteo shirnai nasaremash' ta, Narete Bankrupt. Jimetsz itashimas', Tsz shimatta, 299. bureru, 303. Become warm. Atatamarimes', At- Barely. Lit. in the dim distance. atamaru, 820. Kas'kani, Harukini, 530. Beef. Ushi-niku, 1115. Bargain. Ts wo atta, 270. Basket. Kango, 76. Bathe. Yu wo ts'kaimas', Yu wo ts'kau, 471. B.ittle. Tatakai. 952.- B iv. (Color.) Akai, 711. Be there. Achira ni matte oide na sare, Achira ni matte iro, 36. Been (Not.) Oide nasaremasenu, 266. Been (Have.) Mairimash'ta, Itta, 543. Oide nasareta koto wa gozarimas', Itta koto wa aru, 194. Before. Maini, 161. 560. 423. Izen, 560. Mai, 982. Konomai, 1046. Be not long. Hisash'ku o kakari'Beg. Doozo kudasare, or Ku nasamna. Hisash'ku nasaru rero, 522. 2ufi B Beggars. Kojjiki, or Kojiki, 596. 763. Beggary. Kojiki ni, 725. Beg pardon. Go men kudasarema sh', Go men nasai, 626. 526. Begin. Hajime nasare, Hajimero, 35. 1180 Begin again. Mata hajime yori o naoshi nasare, Mata hajime yori, naose, 925. Begun to rain. Yattoame nga furi- mash't^, Hajimete ame nga ftta, 687 Behaves well (If he.) Ts'tome n^a yorosh'kereba, Hatarakinga- ji naraha, 589. Behindhand. Osoku, 764. Being Go/.arimas'kara, Da kara, 762. Gozarimash'te, Sh'te, 826. Being wrecked. Itasenitashimash' te, Fune wo yabutte, 1088. Believe (not.) Shinjimasenu, Ma- koto to senu, 466. Shinji nai, 703. Bell Kane. P5. Rei, 814, Besides. Hokani. 37. Best. Ichiban yoroshu no, Ichi banii nga, 594. Ichiban yoro shiu, Ichiban yorosbii, i020 Yoroshiu, Yoi. 1205, 1199 Better. Yoroshiu, Yorosh'ku, 184 949. 671. Yori — yoroshiu, Yori— yoi, 933. 1268. 665. 669. 1019. Masarimas, Mashi, Lit surpasses, 1029. 890.763. Yori — yoku, 1067. Yoo, Yoi, 580. Nawo yoroshii, 855. Bill. Uketori-ngaki, Uketori, 729. Bird-seed. Kibi, 112. Bit. i. e. the leastmite, S'koshimo, 113. Blackened teetb (with ) Gembuku wo sh'ta, 1073. Blacken their teeth. Kanewots'ke, 1073 Blame (To.) Adzkaru kolo, Tsz- mi hiszru koto, 981. Tszmi ni narimas', 1209. Bless. Yoku ii, 724. * Blind of one eye. Mek'kachi, Ka- tame, 282 Blind man. Dzatoo, 559. Blot (If you.) Kesh'ta naraba, or Nara, 597. Blue. A\ iro, 258. Boar (Wild.) Inoshishi, 790. Board. Ita, 714. 1034. Boardfence. Hei, 771. Board, v. Sh'okuji wo itashimas', Meshi wo kun, 1189. Boast (Not). Hokorimasenu, Hoko- ranu, 408. Body. Karada, Mi, 145. Boil. Ni nasare, Ni nasai, 154. Boiled (Not). Niemasenu shinnga- aru, 1052. Book. Hon, 415. 1188. Sh'omotsz, 1014. Boots. Nangan^utsz, 773. Born. M'mare,265. 1185. 3oth. Riooh- 6, 787. Bother. J'ama ni narimas' ,or Naru, 696. Bother (Do not. J'ama woszruna, 737. Bottle. Tok'kuri, 846. Bought. Kaimash ta, F^atta, 501. Bow (of a boat.) Hesaki, 6 >5. Bow-knot. Hi -a ori ni muszbi, 1 Bow string. Yudzru, 866. Box. Hako, 58. 77. Bako, 835. Boy, Otoko r.okodomo, 171. Ko-. domo, 273 Ko. 1132. Brave. Tszyoi, Tszyoki, Lit. strong. 890. Bread. Pan, 766. 1083. Break (not) i. e. Violate. Chinga- imasenu, Chmgieou, 461 Break (Apt to). Koware sod, 1060. Bridge. Hashi, 40. Bashi, 4 07. Bring. Tszmi okurimas', Ts/mi- okuru,824. Motte oide nasare. 2o: Briskly. Kiimi. K i 1 1 . K !-J Bruk.- frioliti | J Broil ) Ani, A I I" -,'nt up. E to polish, v Bui' ithimaa Built (Was). TV uh'ta, Trkuran Built. (ar< 10 Bulbs. Tama, ) Burn (Not) ,, #. blacken with fire, K . . • :, ■:. I 16 Bum op \ ihimai nasare, yahetfi Take shim ae, 45. Burning. Yaku koto, 17 Burrow. Szmai wo itashimas', Szmu, 798. liy utlairs). Kan- cbanical). Bh'yoku,268. tile). Aixi 1 1 i) S/ni b ! in . abingoto. 874. B ii iia- IWT1 .kaii- ||i in k ilxuii. ( .»:i3. Do (Office), Y*l iu, I SOUL' 1091. K ijoza- Bat. cooj \ja, 313. 844. 10, I fence* form oftbe rarb Keri, to ba ; Sink ihi But. /. #. except. Yori, Nokosh'te, Bat adv Bakari, '.»/»*>. 980. Buy. K • K atle koi, 16 8 vV 1 ring, K..I oaaareta k'te kd Katteki oaaaj. 591 By. N.. lo. 717. 958. 969. De, 196. By the day. Iri ni, 16. By the job". Uke ai ni, 16. By this time. Ima wa, 670. By mistake. Chingai de, 5 1 7. Call Yonde ku dasare, Yonde'Came. Mairimash'te, K'te 139 koi, 48. 49. J222. 382. Call. (To name.) Nadzkeru, Na- Came across it. Yukiawasete dzkemas', 1156. | 427. Called (Is ) To mooshimas', Toiu, Came intoport. Niu shin itashima- 2.134. 808. 1138 n sh ' ta > Minato ni haitta, 554. Called. (Came to see.) Mimai ku^'^A Dekiru > 5 ' 50 ' dasaremash'ta, Mimatte Icare Can be made. lVkuraremas',Ts'. I kurara, ru, 1090, sur g Can tell why. Toite kikasa reams', Hanash'te kikaseru, 1 2 J 3. Can do- Itasaremaoh'oo, Shirare- yoo, 1157. Cane. Tszye, 1087- 519- Can get Motomeraremas', Erare- ru, 1256. Cannot. Dekimasenu, Dekinai, or Dekinu, 417.475. 474- 516. 511.513. 563- 568. 759- Nan inasenu, Naranu, 418. Itash'- kanemasenu, 513. Cannottell. Hanasaremasenu, 440- „ lift. Motaremasenu, Mo tar e- nu, 479. „ stay. Oraremasenu, Orarenu, 469- „ tell apart. Wakeraremasenu, Wakerarenu, 481. „ keep out of mind- Waszrare- masenu, 498- „ do- Ts'tomaremasenu, Ts'to- maranu, 523. „ get on without. Nakute wa narimasenu, 558- „ see/, e. perceive. Wakarimas- enu, 578. „ have. Uketoraremasenu, Uke torarenu, 1086. Cannot help, i e. prevent. F'sen gu koto nga dekimasenu, or Dekinu, 474. „ help. i. e. remedy- Naosz koto nga dekimasenu, or Dekinu, 475. ,, trust. Nakasete okaremasen' or okarenu, 1261. Captain (of a vessel.) Sen-doo, 550. Care. Yoo-jin. 875. d84- Yoo-j'oo 1268. Care (Not.) Kamaimasen', Ka- mawanu, 246. 250. 321. 437 467- O kamai Nasaremasenu, 321- Tonj'aku itas himasenu, 467. Careful (Is) Yoo-jin nasaremas 1 , Yoo-jin wo szru, 300- Carelessly (Without forethought). En-rio nashi ni, 281. Cares Mi wo iremas', or Ireru, 909. Carpenters. Daiku, 547. 953. Carries on his back- Ssh'otte aruki- mas, or Aruku, 942- Carry- Mochimas', Motsz, 519. Carry back- Mochi nasarete. o ka- en nasare, Motte kaere, 56. Carry to-.-E motte oide nasarete kudasare, E mctte yuke, 57. 59. Carry in. Uchi e irero, 58- Cart. Kur'ma, 30. Cash. Zeni, 448. 867- Kane, 1086. Cat- Neko, 961. Catch. Toru koto, 78 Caught. Torimash'ta, Totta, 961, Cause. Moto, 716. Chair. Isz. Kiyokuroku. 39. Chair-bearers. Ninsoku, 825. Charcoal. Szmi, 183. Charge (Have a ) Clromen ni shi- rush'tearu, 432. Change. Kikaeru, 493. Cheap. Yaszu, Yaszi, 156. Cheaper. Yas'ku, withyori before it, 60. Cheapest. Ge-jiki, Yaszi, 822. Cheat. Damashi, Dam.isz, 234. Chest. Bdko, 1027. Child. Kodomo, 4. 123. 1016. Ko, 615. 922. Children. Kodomo shiu, 11. 364. 847. 995. Chin. Ango, 955. Chinese, (people). Poojin, 208. 1223. Chinese, (adj). Morokoshi, 89 r . Choice (the thing chosen). Katte no wo, S'kina, wo, 880. Cinnamon. Keihi, N6kkei, 938. Clean. Kirei, 693. Clever. Hatszme, Rikoo, 229. Clock, Tokei, 86. 478. 967. 1053. 1206. 1207. m Cl08 a ; li:m:i>lli — . or. Sashi Cloth juatte iru koto aro, I! Kimono. 1044 Comini i\ h'oo Km ii 333. ! [ajimrmaah 1 ta 1 Ha- jhneta, Committed Han kin 1 sep'puku wo i!;imit maeh'ta, Han wo Common. 'Vs/iw ni. 10 apartment (Middle), Doono ma. 77 1 I Clotbi, Tamo 1 Club i I I Cock's combs. K 1026. ■ !7. Cold | "kikaze, nun, sam I oruplaint (legal). Uttee, dud n. BfimoeniyOkonai, L258. Hmiii, 765 Samaahto, lit, Confeaaea Arawa ni nooanimae f , cool: Akiraka ni itta. 'J- Collector. I 311. nder. Kanngaetegorannaiare, Comb, v Koahi de nade tdke na« B fceM , or — nade ukero, 62 Com • ). Omowaremai, 0- Comb. n B luuwanru. Bl. CoBM ' 61 ('"lit: 64 66. I :♦. 70. Cool (Let us.) Sz.lzinimash'od, Sz- K04 .lzil.no, 7 Come. (Haw) Kimash'ia, K'ta, Coolies. Ninaoku.. 49. 199. 1071. li»7 1 . 1 1G3. O ide nasarcma- Copper-mine. DoOzan, Akangane no sh' 1 den tokoro, 2. Come. (By ship) Watarimas', Wa- Corea. Cb'oseu, 1078. taru, 119 Corect (by writing.) kakenaoshi Come. (Did not). O ide nasarema nasare, Kake naosc. 597. aenanda, Konakatta, 1233. Cough. Seki, 228. Come. (Will). O ide nasaru, Kuru Count. Kadzoete go ran nasare, darod, 500. O idenasaremas', Kadzoete miro. 76. Kuru, 1 183. Counting. Kadzoete. 871. Come (to), lit coming:. O ide na Country. Kuni,96. 135. 752. as dis- saruwo. Kuru no wo, 11 S J tmguished from the town, No, Kurukoto, 203. 710. Come. (I beg you to). O ide nasa Coun tries (Some.) Nisankoku. 791. rete kudasare, K'te kurero. Cover. Kakete oke, 77. 522. Covered. Mabure ni nari nasareta, Come to. I. e. Become. Narimash'-i Mabure ni natta, 237. Hari- ta, natta, 658. mash'te, Hatte, 1085. Come back. Kaeru, 161. Kaeri- Coward. Okubioo Okubioa mono, mas', 863 336. Come to the point, (in speaking). Cowards. Okubioo mono. 890. Sashi atatte iri yoo no koto, Cranes. Szru, 78. '210 J) Crape. Chirimen, 79. Credit (To sell on). Kakeuri, 495. Credit (Sales on). Kakeuri, 8123. Cross. (To step over.) Matangi. 132. Crimson. Hi, 551. Cure. Naorimas', Naoru, 1042. Curse. Waruku in. 724. Cut in two. K'tte f ' tatsz ni nasare. mash', K'tte f tatsz ni Shiro, 80. Cut [Have]. Kiri-kidz wo koshirae- mash'ta, or koshiraeta, 46. Cuttlefish. Tako. 81, I) Dances, lit. the verb dance. Hane- maszru, Hanera, 732. Dancing-girls. Ukareme, 1073. Dangerous. Kidzkai, 683. Abunoo, Abunai. 870. Dark. Kuroo, Kurai, 676. Day. Hi, 329. Jitsz. 1055. Nichi, 1059. Day before yesterday, Issaku ji- tsz 1194. Day-break. Yoake, 241. 423. Day laborers. Yatoibito, 549. Days' work. Ichi nichi no hi-yo;-. 544. Dead. Shinimash'ta, Shinda, 47. Nakunari nasaremash'ta, Shi- nareta, Sh'kio, Goo kio asoba- saremash'ta, Go seiki nasare- mashta, 201. Deaf. Mimi to-oo or to-oi, 412. Deaf and dumb. Oshi. 265. Deal (trade.) with. Uri-kai szru ko to, 259. Dearest, (in price.) Takoo, Takai, 823. Debt. Sh'yak' kin, 278. 567. Decomposed. Kusaru no. 821 Deed. Ji. 142. Deeds [of conveyance]. J'oomon, or Yudzri J'oomon, 797. Deep. F'koo, F'kai. 1010. Deeply [Very much]. Taiso ni, 278 Deer. Sh'ka. 790. Defaced [Will be]. Szrete mie na- ku narimas', Szrete mie nai, 693. Degraded. Ochi no, 825. Delicacy, (as an eatable.) Koi>bu- tsz, 81. Deliver, (as goods). Yokosz, 785. Delusion. Mayoi. 914. Denies that he did it. Itashimase- nu to osshivarimas', Shimase- iiyarimas , nu to iimas', 254. Deposite. Osamemas', Osameru, 811. Desk. Tskue, 831. Despitefully. Hidoku, 724. Detest. Kirai de gozarimas', Kirai dr. 804. Dictionary. Jibiki, 1036. Did. (used as a principal verb.) I- tashimash'ta, Shi nasatta, 644. Nasaremash'ta, Sh'ta, 1210. Differ. Chingaiinaszru, Chingaimas' 232. Chingau, chingaimas, T000 Difl'er [Does not.]. Chingaimasenu, Chingawanu. 911. Difference. Chingaimas', Chingau, 1112. Kamai, 620. Dig. Lit. Digging. Hotte, 798. Dinner. Hiru gohan, Hiru meshi, 88. 166. 190. Directions. Ho", 407. Distinguished. Kaku betsz szngu- rete 792. Ditch. Dobu, 690. Divide. Wari nasai*e, Wari nasae, 89. Do. [Principal verb] Nasaremash', Shiro, 20. 93. 94. Nasarema- sh'oo, Szru, 72. 586, 579. 592, Nasarete, Sh'te, Lit. Doing, 91. Nasai, 93, Nasaremase, D 2n Shir... \<^. I 1199. and paarim. ■ attribute • of at. • ! 'nnintr a ii< liiYe. e. g. 115. 117 127 \ N naiiu. 102 Ifotte 0*ld» ia>li ta— . M ih'ta — . II ,j and Coebiraenu, 1017. [not; in OOOking M i to6- -niu. Hi iil'.-i tn.-raiiu, 1007, lariraaaenu rtainljr ;• I),. I 1 ! zarimash Dq I , ■ .: t .]. Nas.v ; n. Do [good as a i \ K szri ni 1 1:» r . Do good to. I I r. • Dogs. Inn. D - ru, 1 1 19. doi '•saa- thai it should be done. \\r i\ • ■ i iUfr : Illl nf tin- rerb in \ l»*t. [tatt * [Will not i:<'t it]. Shimai ni wa narimai 1 mai. Shimai in ru mai. Qi a itive future. \.< Door. To, 1 16. Doors, i, t houses N ' and Ken, 810. 12. Doing [of]. Lit. That I will do. I Doubt Utangai 3 Dollar. Dors, 3. 1015. r_ I aremaah 1 ta. Ts'kur.' a. 24. Shimai nvmash'ta, Shimai Done with. [Done using]. Ts'katte o shimai nasarem katte shimatta. 193. Tskaina sareta, Ts'katte ahimattara 117 Done, [get it]. Deki angarhnaa' Deki angaru, 1 17 'J. Done [with it]. Tskurase too, Ts'- kurae Done. [made]. Ts'kurimash'ta. Ts - kutta. 57 Doubled [ Baal [obi bal di nan- niash'ta. I< hi hai ni natta. 9 11. Down. Sh'tani. L081 Down in. NL 61 any. Tombo, 697. n. Irui no koto. Kimono. 250. Dress, v. Kimono wo kiinas', 251. Drinking. Nomi nasarete, Nonde, 305. Drowned. Deki shishimash'ta, Szi- shi shimash'ta, 108 Drunk. Sake niyotte 252. Sake ni yoiinas', Sake niyoo, 257. Dry. [Very], Midz nga nai, 68' Dry [In order to]. Hosh'te, 781. Hosz Tameni. 865. 212 E Ducks [a species of wild ones], Kamo, 790. Tame ones. Aki- ru, 817. Dumb. Oshi, 133. Dutch [men]. Oranda jin, 1089. Dyers. Kooya Sh'yoku nin, Some mono szru h'to, 134. Dying. [Withering as a tree], Kare, 1038. K Each. Ono ono no. 135. Dztsz, 171. Each kind. Iro iro — dztsz, 411. Each other. Aitangai ni, Tangaini, 1068. Early. Hayaku, 63. Earlier. Hayaku, 1233, Earthquakes. Jishin, 136. kotoba, 95. Ye, 713. English [people]. Ingirisz no hito. 943. Enough. [Tobe]. Tarimas', Tariru, 664. Neg. form. Taranu, Fu- soku, 973. 977. Dake, Lit. sufficient quantity. 1097. Easy. Yaszu, Yaszi. 1. Yasashiu, Enter a complaint. Uttae mooshi Yasashii, 63'/ yaszi. 923. 923. 997. Ta Eat. Tabe. 610. and in teg. form, 1056. also, angari 1056. Anga ri nasarete, Kunte, 993. Eating. Tabemas' koto Taberuko to, 314. Eggs. Tamango. 76. 367. 878. Either. Doredemo, 1254. Elephant. Dzoo. 84. Else. Hoka no, 704. Hoka, 1 122. Hokanokoto. Lit. other thing. 321. Empty, v. Akete kudasare, Akero. 137. Empyricism. Jiikangennario"ji, 788. End. n. Kangiri, 596. Lit. Limit. End of the month, i e. the last day, Misoka, 434. End. v. Lit. to affix to the end Sh'ta ni ts'ku, 980. Enemy, [in war]. Teki, 952. Enemies. [Personal]. Ada kataki ni szru mono, 724. England. Ingiran, 138. IngiiszNg- oku, 792. Ingirisz no kuni 1061. English [language]. Ingirisz no Example. Giooj'oo. 827 mas', Uttae ni szru, 585. Entrance [Front]. Manguchi, 376. Envelope [Letter]. Jioobukuro. 185. Equal. Ichi yoo, anaji koto. 1043. Erasure. Kesh'ta tokoro, Under- stood before Ue ni. 597. Errors. [Since there are]. Machi- ngatte orimas' kara, Machi- ngatte iru kara, 812. Europe. Yoropa, 791. Even, [of numbers]. Ch'oome. 608. Evening. Ban, 333. 459. Events [At all]. Dzchi, 575. 1110. Eventually. Shi jiu wa, Tsziniwa. 421. Ever. [Hitherto]. Ima made, 184. 194.Konomai,Maikata, 1049. Ever since. Yori, 1 39. Every. Mina mina, 144. Every body. Donata mo, Daremo, 140. Every thing. Mina mono, 778. Evil. Ash'ki, 143. Aku, 142. 872. Exactly. Tangawadz, Chingai na- ku, 36. Ch'odo, 1026. Exactly noon. Mahiru, Nitchiu, 634. 213 001 i laaanoun 1 !•"• • Machinaoarn, M Ki pond I limn Kin agin no dt oga, 197 i Spending money, - J. Toite ktkaaeru oaro, Lit do, • Fanners. H'vak Farthest Tosko. r06. ioned (Old.) Mukashi noka- taohi do, Mukashi do katade, Haya,919. 1257. Jikmi, ! Father. Chichi, 188. 353. 359. 889. KM Fault. Tesmi, 898. Ochi do, 1226. Ajamachi, 322. Favorite, adj. Ichitan aishi, Ichi ban kawaingarn, 1016. Feather. Tori no ke, 631. Feed. Kuwasero, 146. Feel better. "Kokoro yoo gozari Baas', Kokoro yoi, 580. Feel (the pulse). Shall I. Ukangai- lnash'oo. Miyoo, 844. Feel (one's way). Sangutte yuki- mas*. Sangutte yukee; 676. FelL Oohimash'ta, Oohita, 971. ttida, 262. Follow. Ht.. iriwa, li Ml. There appi equi- ■' ;il. f Religions]. tf atom, 782. ague. ( >k'»ri no yamai, 212. hi, 076. Field [Rioo]. T... 7& 687. Fifty. Gojin, 084. in. <*»17. Fill. Ippai i» ire nasaro, [ppai ire- ro, 149. Hall-full. Hambun ire nasaro, Hainbun irero. 150. In-. 151. Finally. Tori ni, Bbimai oi, 303. Fine. t. e. Minute. Saimatsz ni, Komaka ni. 938. Fine. i. e. handsome. Kirei, 343. Fine. i. e. slender. HosoO, Hosoi, 1041. Fined. Karioo kin toraremash'ta, Karioo kin torareta, 287. Find. i. e. by searching. Tadznete kuda sare — . Tadznete ku- re — . 54. Find out. Goran nasare, Mi nasai, 175. Find. i. e. furnish. Dashimas', Da- sh'te, 520. Find [Will]. Mieinash'oo, Mieyoo, 1087. 14 V Find [Shall] i. e. shall meet with. Awaremash'oo, AwareyoP, 1191. Find [Not]. Miemasenu, Mits'ke- ranu, 54*2. Find out [can]. Kanngaite nasare- te shiremas', Kanngaite shi- reru, 52. Find Do [not], i. e. do not see, or meet with. Me ni kakarimas- eru, Awanu, 564. Find it bad. Lit. if it is bad, on using it. Mochi nasarete, Moshi warui naraba. Mochii- temoshi warui naraba, 590. Finger. Yubi, 460. 741. Finished. Shittai ni narimash'ta, Deki augatta, 602. Fire, a conflagration. Kaji, 774. Fire. Hi, 793. First cost. Moto ne, 927. First rate. Ichiban yoroshii, Ichi- ban yoi, 929. First, adv. Hajimete, 1048. Fish. Sakana, 490. Fit [Does not.] Chingatte orimas", Chingatte iru, 93 \ Aimasenu, Awanu, 1003. Five. Go. 700. Fix. Oki nasare, Oke 153 Fixed. Iioo. 3. Flannel. Shirorash'a, 542. Flatter, 1259. Flaw. Kidz. 1054. Fleas. Nomi, 804. Flogging. Tatakare nasarete. Ta- takarete, 247. Flowers. Hana, 859. 969. Fly. i. e. To go without any cer tain direction. Yuku e wo Sa damemasenu, Yuku e wo sad amenu, 834. Flying. Hingioo szru. Tobu, 582 Follow. Lit, followed. S'h'tangai- mash'ta, Sh'tangatta. 950. Fond of. Tszite.210. 8'ki. 343. Foot. Ashi, 237. Foolishly. Mudani, 243. For. prep. Ni, 129. 246- 250. 155. 826.1056 1122 1159. 1162. Yue 287. Tszmori ni. i. e. for the value of, 517. Tame ni, 827. De, 645. 822. For. conj. Kara, 25. 26. 673. For fear' of. Osorote, 888. For [a purpose]. Tame ni, 1160. For the sake of. Tame ni, 788. For nothing. [Gratuitously]. Tada, 1256. For sale. Uru tame ni, 1208. For what they will fetch. Sooba ni naratte, 839. Forbidden. Kin zei de, Naranu, 407. Fore shoulder. Kata, 759. Foreign. Gai, 60. Foreigner. Gai koku nolrto, 713. 1123. Forgot. Waszreta, 478. Forgotten [Have]. Shitsz nen ita- shimash'ta, Waszreta, 451. Found. Yuki awasete mimash'ta, or mita, i. e. incidentally 430. Tadzue idasaremash'ta, Sa- ngashi dash'ta, i- e- found, by searching- 195- Found out. Kanngai idashimash'ta, Kanngai dash'ta, 473. Foundation, [of a house]. Jingioo, 712- Fourfooted. Yotsz ashi aru, 789- Four- [persons]. Yottari, 681- Four. Yotsz, 760. Four voyages- Yo tabi yuki-kae, Yo tabi yuki-ki, 1061. Fowls- [Domestic] Niwatori, 1066. Frequent. Ori ori, 136- Friend. HoOyuu, Hoobai, 932. From- Yori, 637.1192- Kara, 407. 1192- Instrumental, De. 886. From — and upwards- Saki yori, 1073. Front entrance- Manguchi, 376- I - i '• B86 LO Pmiti Kudau r i \ \ Fuel. Szuii t.tki Fuji;, •ji;. iki. Full / | with. .at | blank spa«v- Full grown (not) Bin*, Ookiku liar Ilina is a chic) 157 Furnit D G Gained Tokn iro iiaaarenaan'ta, kn iro ill I G rmin Okatawa, HHo wn, 111! l.iii.M Okata tachi. H'tsta.hi. LO i If 01 \ - \ form. \ . N . -Jl ■ . • . ■ (So as M.it to). Numiu yoO ni. 77 i( in it). Nuraahi a : L09. QtK [Can. J Mot,.iiuTarciii;i>'. Kra | Did.) Motomete o ide m maah'ta, Motomete k'ta, ll'.«7. Jk'te shiinai nasaiv. Sh te shimai, 101. Deki ang- arimas". Shi angaru. 1172 Shiinai ni liarimaa', Shiniai ni nam, 12< '>•">. Get a living. Kurashi aaaaremaa', Kurasz.Lit. pass one's time. 872, Get hurt. Kenga wo itashimaszru, Kenga wo Barn, 722. Get through, i. e, finish. Shimai 953. Get out of my way. Waki e yore, Lit. (Put yourself) to one side, 162. Sh'taku iroahu L59. I •' 1 n. < lit the anionnt. Kanj'oo |hj Q re K.u'i "i, shiro, 7 s 7. Gettii [nrentmg. Kannma iiia>liiina>'. Kannma ig w.ll. \ u:i. Lit. that hfl will h't;i. Mi hanasaivta,958. Glad (To be). Tai kei ni dzonji- nias'. Yorokotra, 572 Yoroko- bi, 687- Go (Do not). Oide nasaruna, Yu- kuna, 124- Go- Imperative. Yuki nasare, Yu- ke, 173. Itte, Lit. going. 175. Go (Shall). Mairimaah'oo, Yukoo 468- 575- Yuku 609622. 680, 1214- 575- 1110- Mairimas', 1110. 609. Mairu, 680- Mait- te yoroshiu gozarimas 1 , Itte yokaroo, 1190. Go around- Mawari nasare, Mawa- ri. 575- 216 G Go home (May)- Uchi c kaeru ko-|Good as it was before. Moto no to nga yoroahiu gozarimas'J toori ni. In the original man- Uchi e kaeru koto nga yoi, tier, a-;-.'. 1245- Go off. as a gun, neg. verb . Hasshi masenu, Hassenu, 1108- Posi tive form. Hasshiru. Go on. Achira e oide' nasaru nga yoroshiu gozarimas', or Yoi, 1231. Go to bed- nenasare, Nero, 778. God. Kami, 180. Going. Yuku koto, 786. Going to — . Expression of the im- mediate future- Tadaima, with the fut. verb ending sh'oo or oo, e g, 561. The verb ending alone is often sufficient- See the next word. Going to do. Nasaremash'oo, Szru 1141. The phrase nochini, in the sentence referred to, aids the expression of futurity. Gone Absent from the house, Ku sz, 260. Gone, i- e Has become nothing. Na- ku narimash'ta, Naku natta 965. Gone (Am). Itte kimas'. Itte kuruj 862. Gone (Has) Oide nasaremash'ta 331- 332- 1187- Mairimash'ta 1187. Itta, 331. 332. ^ Gone out. as a lamp does, Kiema- Q row . Lit spring up- Heemaszru sh'ta, Kieta, 946. Ha«ru, 545. 752. Haete ori- Good. Koo, 142. Yorosh'ki, 307. mas', Haete oru, 717. Yoki, 307. 856- Yoroshii, 591. Grows thin i e. lean- Yaseru, 146. 684 988- Yo, in the word yo- Grows worse and worse. Tsnorima- kereba, 591- Yoroshiu, 610- szru, Tsznoru, Lit. increases, 684- 752- 910- Yorosh' ku, 1 143. 907- 993. 1033- 1054- 1056 Guest- Okiaku sama, 776. Yohu, 1033. 1054- 1056. Yoi, Guilty. Tszmi am, 182. Gun. Teppoo, 612. 1108- Good boy. Bznawo ni. Lit- rightly Otonash'ku Lit like a man 82. Good for nothing. Yaku ni tachi masenu, Yakuni tatanu, 1023 Good hand- %■ e. shilful. J'oodz 306- Good looking- Yorosh'ku miemas Yoku mieru, 1033. Good natured. Niuwa ni, 337. Goods- Shiromono, 323. 810. Shi- na, 785. Got through (Have). Lit. have pass- ed the summit of. Koemash ? ta, Koeta- 574- Governor. Bungioo. 585- Governs. Osameraremaszru, 180. Grapes. Budoo, 389- 983- Grass. KVa, 888. Great. Ooki ni, Lit, greatly, 913. 914. Great deal. Dai ji ni. Lit. (He takes it) for a great afiair, 276. Great wedding. Go konrei, 985. Great while ago. Oo mukashi. 931. Greater part. Taingaiwa, 959. Grind- Hiite ko ni shiro, 181. Grooms- M'makata- 825- The com- mon term is Bettoo, or Ku- 856. 610. 910- 988- Hoshiu, Hoshii, 663- Hoshiu, Lit. De- sirable- Gunpowder. Enshioo, 183- Gutter. Dobu, 800. II 217 D l! k bu d ! I ad i Knd - Kurero, Lit II k:m,693 11.11. II • I • Sandj Ti'fau %■•<». 'iV'kai ii. , Hang Kakete, Lit. hanging. 805. Sappeni (If any thiir.. in • Kish'te wa, Moshi m uga a- ru t<>, Iffoabi mo no ko tonga, tit <>r casua- lty an. I Arrniavli'tr wa, and aru to, bota Minify, if there be rjr.o Harbor MinaJ Hani (in a nnetannn ) Katoo, Ka Hard [Difficult] Mudzkashi kui. Mudzkashii, Hark! O kiki nasa. K 186. 187, Hat Kaniurimoiio. \'<- Kafa moii". 92 Bate. (Jramiril, 721 liniinaszru, Kiraiiuas\ 1068. Have- Qoaarima*', ISO. 192. 540. 489 4!»1 541. This word is really the verb to be, but by difference of idiom between English and Japanese, it is often used where we use have. The same is true of aru- Aru 192- 540. 432. For the neg. forms of Gozarimas, and aru, viz : Gozarimasenu, and Nai, See 448. 507 570- 579. Have an eye to. O mi mawari kuda- sare, Mi mawari nasai, 199. Have been, «. e. gone. Mairimash'- ta TttA, 543- Interrog. Oide rnnas > a k i l-M n ill VYadiraimash'ta, W ad/ratta. i doiM with. <> t>'kai nasarcta, -hi niattara. 1 I . :m«)t) Uketorar* ma.-mu, nu, 1086. irimasenamla, i hi 1 1 : hiiua.sh'ta, Mil : 162 N ol kakariinase- I nu. 1 19. Hai ken lt.t .shiiuaM'nan.la. Minakatt I Earing 1" imaahHa kara, Sad tin- bonof to lee <> me ni kak;iiinia>h'ta 1048k Atta. Lit. |.:ive m.-t 1048. II. kno I; U) 20] Ann okata, 204. ad passim* A tan, a. 2 Sealed, pea* v [enaaaVaa, [eta, ,.r Health. V. 1 _'<)8. Lit. care of - life Hear (Did) Kiki nasaremash'ta, Kiita, 85, 86. 87. Sear (To} Kiku to, Kikeba, 688. Heard. Kikimash'ta, r Kiita, 420. I (Never). Kikimasenu, Ki- kanu, 57-; Heart (By) Sora de- Lit. in the air, /• e. with the face turned up. 1263. Hearts. Kokoro, 950. Heaven- Ten. 180. Heavy. Omoi, 1065- Help. (Can ?) S'ke inooshima-sh'oo, Tetszdawoo, 52- Help [Shall 1?] Tetszdaiwo Itashi- mash'oo, Tetszdai wo Shiyoa. 483- 843. Help. Imperative. Tetszdai wo Shi- ro, 178- Tewo kashi nasarete 218 If kudasaremash' Te wo kash'te kurero. Lit. by lending a hand confer a favor. 346- Tetszdai nasarete kudasare- Tetszdatte kurero. 347. Help (Pass food at the table). Ange nasarete kudasare, Kuwa- sh'te kurero- 348 Help it. i- e. prevent it. F'sengu koto, 474. Help it. i- e. remedy it- Naosz koto 475. Helping oif with baggage- Ni-ngo- shirai no teszdai de, Ni wo ts'kutte yarn node, 428- Here- Kokoni, 139- 225. 230 263 266- 350. 351. 367- 381. 779 862 863- and Koko ni im tead of As'koni in 682. Koko e, 203. Koko. 349- Kochira e 382- Kokode wa, 1030- Here and there. Achi kochi, 430. High. Taka, 966- High time. Jikoku nga, 680- High water. Michi shiwo, 601. Him. Ano o katani, Ano h'to ni, Dat. 169. Ano okata wo, Anc h'towo, ace- 527- and passim His. Ano h'to no. 359. Ano o ka tano, 357- Are no 357. and passim. Himself. Karada, (#• e- body). 305. Jibun, Temai, 318. H'toride i. e. alone, 289- Hoe- Kuwa, 1024. Hog. Buta, 840. Hold. (Contain). Hairinias', Hairu, Lit. enter. 396. Hold- v. Mamorimas , , Mamoru, Lit Guard- Keep one to a thing, 809 Hold, (of a ship). Soko, 653. Holes- Ana, 798. Home- adv. O taku e, 224. Uchi e, 327- 364- lye made, Uchi made, 518- Honest. Sh'oojiki, 330- Horse- M'ma. 723 146 316. 360. 919. 934. 937. 1031- 1118- Horses. M'ma, 205- 759- 994- Horsefeed- M'ma no tabemono, M'ma no kuimono, 752. Hot. Atszu, Atszi, 647. Atszkute, 699. House- Taku, 602- Uchi 602- 740. 757.801.1032. 1057.1ye,740 757 796- 1032. 611. 884. 942'. 1057 361. Houses- lye. 797. How- Nani- Lit. what 366- How (In what way) Dono yoo ni 383. Doo, 383- 369- 390. 743. Ikanga, 390. Nani to. 369. How. For what reason. Nani go yoongaarimashte Lit. Having what business? Nani nga atte, 385. How. Nani wo sh'te. Nani wo to sei ni sh'te. Lit- Doing what ? 399- How- Nani wo kangioo ni sh'te. Lit. Doing what for a business, 372. How- (What condition). Inaya, Am- pi, 841. How far? Iku ri hodo, Nani hodo, 400- How long? (hereafter). Itsz made, 370- 373- 401. 405- Itszngo- ro, Itsz no koro, 381- Itsz ngoro mada, 401. How long? (of length). Nangasa Nani hodo, 371. 386. Nanga- sa dore hodo, 386 Nan ngen, 374-375. How long? (of time past ) Nani hodo. 381. 382. How many? Iku tsz. 367. 395. Iku hodo, Ikura ni, 402. How many days? Ika hodo, 403. How many kinds? Iku shina ho- do, 388. How much? Ikura. 37. 368. 387. 391. 394. 398. Nani hodo de. It tig i e. At what price, 3(55. 379. Human. H tono, 406, . Humble K . i lerikudaru, S i Qgu Hun I red ll . Mow thick' is. numerous end Hungry. Kuafku, N. 11. i troublesome, Ookute uttoshiu. Hunting. Kni. 107. 1! i N I •'- ■• . • Hurry (lii a) lM»iiu r i,Isonga. I W ii and [china l Lit one bu 04, 360. raio, useless, M M If. .N \ 584. 586 588 II not. Nukereb s . Naku Ignorant. I I 598. III (Hare been) \\ aHzraimas W i *6. Illness. Biooki Immediately Bzngu ni. 176. Imported, \V itariiiia . ■ I. \I komu. [Better Szmi korr.u] Impossible to rocover. Naorare mis' mii. 650. The idea of in possibility, is expressedly the fut. potential, neg. verb. Improve, aratameru k->to, 591. Impudent. Haji wo shiranu, 221 In. Ni. 78. 80.96 114. 158. 342 427. 503. 653 to 656 781 836 954. 1174 Naka ni, Lit io the midst of, 717. De, 81 156. 395. 560 569 600. 725 731.738. 752. 7 ul. 803. 811. 825. 82 t. In. adv. Uchi e. 58. In all. Hokoradz de, 3D5. Rioobun no angarid Indian corn. 'J Moi ikoshi, 181. In Japan. Nippon de, 761. In Japanese, w kuni nn I Nip- poo de a ippoo . itoba de, - i ii. It i ni ii:i:i>", 305. Ink. Bxrai, E Ink-stone. Szdzri i>hi. 164. In large quantities, < ><»ku. 8'^4. Inn. I l.it.iiiL'oyi. I 830. Inside out (Jrangae, 1082. 1 27 0. Instructions, Oshie, 888. In strumetit (Musical). Narimono, 1138. Intelligent Hakush'ki, Mono wo shiru, 599. Interest. Ri kin, Ri, 1109. In the least. Skoshi mo, 535. In the Ions: run. Nangaku wa, 671. In this way. Kono toori ni, 503. Iron. Tetsz. 21. 1208. Is. Imas', Iru 64. Gozarimas', 1. and passim. I final in the word yawarakai, 148. is the root form of the continuative verb iru to be. and is the equivalents /*. in the English sentence. This is a usual m> 220 de of expressing the copula, when it is followed by a pre- dicate adjective in English. The i is appended to the root form of the adjective in Japa- nese. It. Are wa, 97. Kore wa, 101. Sore wa, 198. A no koto wa 390. There is no exact equiv- alent to it in Japanese. The above references areto Demo- nstrative pronouns. Its own [Said of a country]. Jiko- ku no, Lit. own country's, 135. Jacket. Haori. 222. Japan. Nippon. 60. 78. 81. 718. 725.7_8.753.76l.803.825. Japanese [people]. Nippon no h'to 98. 1174. Wajin, 141. Nip- pon jin, 569. Japanese [pertaining to Japan] Nippon no, 158. 836. Wa- kokuno, 732. Japanese [Language]. Nippon 366. 369. Nippon no kotoba, 828.713. Wango,713. Japanese characters, i. e. letters. Nippon Moji. 731. Japanese fashion. Nippon no yo°, 836. Japanese religious festivals. Wa Koku no Matszri, 732. Jest. Jordan, 494. Jewels. Tamar no kazari, 689. Job [By the]. Uke ai ni, 16. Joke. Jordan. 637. Jokes. J'oodan, 688. Joyfully. Yorokonde, Lit. rejoici- ng, gerund, ive, 950. Jump. Koe te oide nasaremase, Koete oide, 690. June. J : yun. 691. Just. adv. Ch'odo. 910. 962. 1013. 1039. Just now. Sahi hodo, S'ak'ki,225, K Kanagawa, Kanangawa. 1077. szrarenu, Lit. cannot forget. Keep. ( Deposite. ) Okimash'te, Oite.t 498. gerundive, s, from verb, oki, Keep out of my way. Sochira e o 614. nokeasobasare, Sochira e no- Keep (Employ). Ts'kaimash"o6, ke, 696. more properly, Get Ts'kavvoo. Fut. of Ts c kae. ! out of my way. 589. Keep (time). Aimas', Au 7 104, Keep clean. Kirei nish'teo mochi Keep to yourself. Himitsz nish'te nasare, Kirei ni motte, 693, ! o oki nasaremash'. Naish'oo Keep house. Kanai no koto wo, nish'te oke, 695- Lit. Put it nasaremas',Kanai no kotowoj in a secret place. szru. 289. | Kernel. Tszbu, 112. Keep on. Kore kara nasaremash', Kill. Koroshimas', Korosz, 1075. Kore kara shiro, 694. Koroshi nasare, Korose, 697. Keep out of. Detearukinasaruna, Kind (This) Kono yoona shina, Oete arukuna. 692. Konna shina, 1236. Keep out of mind (Cannot), Wa- Kinds, Rui. 388. Iroiro. 411. K kc; Mmjimash'ta, Bhta B ShY • iru. 1 « »< ». K I , • nirj. i c. (til Osahi.-uimii.vir. L . 1 160. K oiv [will let you] Moftfthi an- Lit. will tell, n: \\ a --iiinin;i>rir.Si.i- 7 1 I ibirano, •mi, Bh'tto iru ! not. Shirimasemi, 21 i i 9. Di njin Shirenu,2l I 1002. Ltmp. Tomotl L.n.l. 'IVohi. ; ■.. 707 12 I ■ ! • Bit I. 54 <'.■:•>. 06, in, 803. Last. v. Said of ■ thin Mochimas'. Motsz. »'» , J"». Last day of the moiilli. M Last month. Sen ngetsz, Oil. Last night Saknhan, 478. Sakuv.i. 667. 699. Yuube 478. 667. 099. Late. Adv. Osoku, 325. Nangaku, 515. Late. Adj. Osoo, Osoi, 1161. Late riser. Asane, Asanebo, 240. Laughable. Okashiu, Okashii, ^688. Laughing. Warai nasaremas' Warau, 1140. Law. Hatto, 7. 320. Hoo, 930. Laws. Hatto, 135. Learn. Oboeru, 234. Sh'ungioo nosii. Keiko ihiro, 126 k ti , 280. htaoold, nns:i ih*te oke, L29. ■ . i). PenniatioD. Yurushima* \ mi, i e. not to I]. ( >ite < >i ki v. Ln. (i. e. concern). km. Looks lik \ di miero, To mie rn, *.'.'.">. Look them over. Mi irakete nasa- remas\ Mi wakete, 720. Loo* Vnru- l, Son wo Neg. rut.ofthe . I!». ^ i.tii- 121. irete - \;ikusarcmas\ ( I lave). Son wo hasarema- i, Son wo ih'i remanh'ta, Nakuabha. N leu oarunasn'ta. Fnn- i."t i. Nuketa, Lit. li Lost [If it is]. Moshi ashioaj nasu- M in. Nakusz . !» H» Louder. Koe wo angete, 806. Kawaingare, 72 l. Low water. II ki shiwo, 601. Lunatics. KiVljingaimonOjKichin- •\.i 795, Lying. Uso \V6 ii, 918. M Made. Tskuren, OO.Ts'ku 'Main road. Hon doo, Kai dod, rimes'. Ts'kuru, 79. IVkure- 596. Kai signifies Koshiraemas' mash'ta. Kozhiraeta, pass. v. Make 1 026. Itashimash'ta, Sh'taJ qq 1061. Ts'kurareniash'ta, Ts'kurare ta. pass, v. 1<>07. Ts'kuri na- Raremaah'ta, Koahiraeta, 1211. Made (Can be). Ts'kurareinas\ Ts'- kurareru, 1090. Tskuru koto dekiniaszru, or dekiru, 765. Made it good. i. e. repaired. Nao-JMake it up. Ts'kunaimash'oo, Ts'- the sea. Ts'kuru, Ts'kurimash'od, Ts'ku- roo. fut. 386. Root of Ts'ku- tte, 619. Make hitn do it. Sase nasaremash', Sase nasai, 730. Make it good. Madoi nasare, Ka- warieoo dase. 593. shimash tn. Naosh'ta, 532 kunoo. 588. 224 M Make out your Bill. Uketori nga- ki wo o d'ashi nasare, Uketo- ri wo o dashi, 729. Make sure of. Pzebi motome oki tai, Dzehi tome te okitai, 728. Makes nothing of. Naingashiro ni nasaru, Arunganashi ni szru, 1062. Make the most of. Dai ji ni o ts'- kai asobatare, Da iji ni ts'kai nasare, 727. Make up your mind. O kime na sare, Kimero. 72. Making. Ts'kuri nasaremas', Ts'- kuru, 155. Man. H'to, 130-908. 911. 1143- H'tori, 989. Manners- Fuudzoku, 356. Manure. Koyashi, 748. Many (as). Ikutszdemo, 19. 882. Many, i e. A great number. Ama- ta, Iroiro. of many sorts, 983. Many (How)? Ikutsz, 367. Many a time. Ikutabimo, 1 kudo- mo, 543. Mark. i. e. write. Kaite kudasare- mase, Kaite kudasare, 731. Market. Ichi, 427 Market price. Sodba, 1115. Married. Lit. have a wife. Go shi nzo wa gozarimas', Kami Ban wa arimas'. Niooboo wa aru, 12. Married. Said of women. Yome iri wo itashii Masks. Men, 732. Master. Danna, 172 Matched. Nite orimas', Lit. are alike. 994. Match (Is no). Oyobimasenu, O- yobanu, 1031. Material, n. Sh'osh'ki, 520 Matter. Koto, 75. 923. May. auxil. v. This is expressed by ookata, signifying, probably iri wo itashimash'ta, 1073. prooaon together with" the fut» verl ending Sh'o& or o°, See. 648 Also by the fut. verb, ending with the interrogative Ka. See. 673. May I ? i. e. Is it well to do so & so. Yoroshiu gozarimas'ka? 733. 734. Yoika?734. Me. Watak'shi, 51. 54. 74 and passim. Meal (a). Meshi', Go zen, 173. Meaning, i. e. intention, Kokorodz- ashi, 903. Meaning, i. e. sense. Giri. Wake, 1142. Meant, (was), i. e. The intended idea was, Kaitakokorogozarimas', Kaita ki da, 937. Meant well. Kokorodzashi wa yoro- shiu gozarimash'ta, Kokorodz- ashi wa yoroshii, 313. Meat Niku, 1006.— 1008. Medicine. K'szri, 145. 350.454. 826 846 Yakushiu, 826. Meet. [Did]. O ai nasaremash'ta, Atta, 600. Memory. Oboe, 491. Men. H'to. 825. Okataf'tari, 1068, H'to tachi, 1075. Mend. Naoshi nusaru, Naosz ko- to wa, 55. Mended. [Get it]. Naosase, 179. Mend, (with the needle). JNui nao- sh'te kurero, 735. Mere. Bakari. Lit. only, 657* Merits. Koo, 408. Messenger. Ts'kaino mono, Ts'kai, 472. 1260. Middle aged. Chiu nen, 302. Middle compartment. Doonoma, 654. Might, n. Sei. 819. Military class. Bushi wa, 888. Milk. Chichi, 998. Mind- v. i. e. care for. Kamai, Ka- man, J 10. Mind. f. e. attend to. Lit. do. Na- sare. 737, Mine. pron. Watak'shi no, Ore no, 355, Washi no, 361. N ! \l ike a. M ichiof it, 918. 17. | M ichio ■ I :;. rimas, t Ihiogai d be- t\\ 61 » 788, i ! ". 1194. 1218 i- \-\u.\. l\;iii«-liako. 8< . 81, . 601. More. M;iti;i. I, I y« t. Still, 1\ ■•. | :.• R :. I! this, 1167. Mo*. 1 : 619. Lit Much, than. /'. <•. a greater quant- ity, Dumber, amount than, Yo- ri- j ri — 00 or o*i, 1064. More than (i certain time). Yori saki ni, wa. 674. i. c. Beyond. | M in 1 more, the more. Shidai ni. Liuaccording as, 500. 5l0.i Here the meaning is, accor-l ding as I become accustomed [Narete]. to usingand eating &c. Dandan.Lit. step by step, or by degrees, 509. 510. Morning. Asa. 63. 553. d I . Hah*, i I umaszru, Sashi da>hiii M i i o more from bom ! .-. 1 102. Much 1 1 \;uii hobo. Lit. what quantity or amount 1 , 398. JToa ni tak 1 K : :. &4 Mud. Dor. Murders, I I BfusicaJ instrument. Narimono, 1 1 [Of necessity]- Kanaradz, 676. Must |( tf obligation]. K'tto, 621. 672. 143. 1244. Must. [Of certainty]. Tash'kani, 642. K'tto, 670. My. Watak'shi no, Ore no, 355. V V isbi no, 446. Washi nga. 740. and passim. Mind. (To my). Watak'shi no o- mo" to^ri ni, washi no omoo todri ni, 1026- Mvself. Watak'shi nga ji shin, 4. X Name. Na, 731. 1130. Sei-mei,' tai. Thesearethe desiderative 1165. forms of the verb. Itasz, to Nation. Kuni, Lit. country. 755. | make or do. 1032. Nearsighted. Kin-ngan,Chika me, Needed. Iriyos, 713. 271. INeglect.n. Yudan, 1027. Needs. Too, the termination of I- Neglected. S'tete okimas' to, or oku tash'too. and Tai thatofltash'- " to. 4. 226 Neighbors. Tonari no kata, Ton ari no h'to, 1070. Never. Tszi ni, 234. 564. 916. 1094, Kesh'te arumai, There never will be. Kesh te signifi- es, positively, 916.Mada, with a neg. following, 449. 476. 573. Doomo, with a neg. fo- llowing. 917. So also Itasz- mademo, 1265. Never mind. i. e. do not be conce- rned. Kinikakenasaruna, Ki ni kakeasobasaremaszna,742. New. Shin-ki ni, Lit. newly, or anew. 7. Atarashii, 222. 602. Medz:ashii, 943. New-comer. Hajimete o ide nasa- reta o kiyaku, Hajimete kta kiyaku jin, 257. News. Medzrashii koto, 1009. 1126. Next. Rai. Lit, the coming. 531. Next (The) person. T^zngi no h'to, 968. Next. i. e, after this. Kono tszngi no, 1153. 1214. Next week. Kono tszngi no nano ka. 985. Night (Last). Saku ban, Yuube, 478. Saku ya, Yuube, 582 667. 699. Night (to). Kon ya, 1106. Nine. Ku, 645. Nine o'clock. Itsztsz doki han Lit. half past 5. 639. No. Iiye 745. 746. Nobody. H'to with, the following neg. 747. Noise. Hibiki. 186. Oto, 1150. No match (Is). Oyobimasenu, Oy- obanu, 1031. Noon. Nitchiu, Mahiou. 634. No one. Dare mo with a neg. after it. 744. Not. Na, the neg. imper. ending. andNutheneg. indie, ending. See Samaszna, and nasaruna 125. Also, Shiri masenu, and Shiranu, 214. and the same passim. Also Mai the ending of neg. fut. verbs. e. g. Gozari- mas' mai, Arumai, 916. and passim. Not at all. S'koshi mo, with a neg. following, 912. Not enough. Fusoku, Taranu, 977. Note of hand. Sh'oomon, 1181. Nothing. Nani mo, with neg. fol- lowing. 748. S'koshi mo, with neg- following. 507. Nashi, 658. Nai,1029. Not natives. Oranai, Inai, 718. Not quite enough. S'koshi fusoku, S'koshi taranu, 974. Now; Ima, 74- 263. «25. 561. 638. 694. 749. 750-885. Now [Just]. Tadaima, 531. 561. 581. 885. Now a days Konongoro, Kono se- tsz, 1119. Now and then. Tabitabi, 527. Lit. once and again- Oriori, 838. Numerous. Tak'san, 738. Ooku 767. Nutmegs. Nikudzku, 751. Oaths. Chikai, 753 Of. (Among). Uchi de. 754. Of a size Onajikoto ni ookiu. — , Onajikoto ni ookii, 107 2. Objection. Sawan, 5/0. Sasawan, ;oil Ab 803 %J± JQ04 10g5 57 1. Oats. Karasz mungi, 752. O'clock. Doki, 638. 639- Odd, (number). Tammei, 608. Oiled paper. Tooyun, 77. Old. (Twenty years). Hatachi 848. 1073. v ehi w:i chi 780. Lit, n: dire ii i _ i, 1 173. ido. 583 Lit. one time. I/. h'to tabi ! • : 1267 H'totsz, 54. of things long ler, 51. 758. Ippiki, tax. 878. Only, adv. Sac. 748. 1< ijjh for on i domo no dake, Id Only one (The). ngiri, Onioni Open. 1037. Opinion. I taonji, ( >m<>o k< -53. Opium. Aheo. i •. Or. I Also repeated, GUI. 608. and sim. red. i. e. Sent an order for &c.Chiumon itashimash'- Ihiomon Sh'ta, 556. Ordinary. Tszne no, 871. Tada no, ^7 1. Orphans. Minashingo. 763. Other. Sen. i. e. former. 580. Ta. 69. Hoka no, 416. 1089, i < >ur. \\ I shi- ; U75, < Nttdone ( ■ ■* orunt- ;' print. I tzeppan itasbima- i I Lanwa aaka Darin 01 1. Out ofn^bt Mir nakti n:irimash'- \ ie uaku natt i. '.» K). Out of these. Kono ocbide, < Nitron. Yori saki ni hai \ tfuko* ui 2 M '.'!»(» d. Nambeti de« 7:;«'. TiIm t;.l»i. Do-do, 108 i itashi na- uash'te. Oolvij watash'ta. 1267, inn with. TaiSOft ni orima- >zru, Taisoo iru, 74n Overtaken. Oi ts' kimash'ta. Oi toziti 512. Owe. Sh'ak'yoo nga gozarimas' Kari nga aru, 867. Hiyoo wo yanmasenii, Hiyoo wo yara- nu, Lit. have not paid him &c. 544. Karite orimas', Ka- rite iru, 1255. Own. Go ji bun no, Jishinno, 13. Jikoku no, 135. K% e r L V; 812 ' l Paid off - Tema *° Varimash'ta or 1 aid for. Tr anmash'ta, Yalta, 548. Yalta, 547. Hiyoo wo m:na Kai nasaremasfna. Ydta, yarimash'ta, or Yatta, 549 >>-'• Pail. Oke. 179. / 228 Patience. Kan-nin, 470. Pantomimes. (Lit. to act them.) Odori. 732. Paper. Kami. 765.832. 1085. Paper. (A writing.) Kahits'ke, 852 Papered door, or moveable parti- tion. Karakami, 768. Pardon. Go-men. 526- 626. Parlor. Ozash'ki. 702. Parlors. Zash'ki, 158. Particular (To be). Nen wo irete, 623. Pass. [To band]. Angero, 766. Pass, (as current coin.) Tszyod itashimas', neg. form, 1030. Passing. (Going by.) Toorimas'. ^ooru. 1077. Passions. J'od, 872- Past. Szngi, 636. Pay. v. Hairimas', Yarimas' 729. Pay. (If you do not). Kaishi na- sareneba, Hersai seneba, 585. Yarimasenu naraba, Yaranu nara, 1086. Pay. n. Hiyoo, 1071. Payable. Kaisz yoo ni, 1 1 81- Pay-day. Watasz toki- i. e. paying time. 1076. Pays. (for). Dashi nasaremas', Dasz. 520. Pear. Nashi. 733. Pencils. Fude. 51. Penknife. Kong-atana. 1203. People H'to, 133. 584. 599. 871 Ano katatachi, or FTto tachi, 1087. Mono, Nin, 598. Persecute. Gai j'ama wo szru, 724. Persons. Mono, 182. Pick (Will take my). Erande to- rimash'oci, Yondon ni shiyoo. 533. Pick out. Tori s'te nasarimash'. Tori s'tero, 720. Picture. Edz, 805. Picul. Hiak'kin, 990. Piebald. Buchi no, 711. Piece (of money). Gin, 613. Pigeons, (wild.) Yamabato, 790. Pinks. Nadesh'ko, 717. Pipe. (Lit. a whiff*) Ippuku, 708. Pirates. Kai-dzoku, 767. Pistols. Tanengashima, 98. Pits. Tane, 119. Pity (a).Dzannen, Kuchioshii.659. Place, no. Tokoro. 121. 349. Plain, adj. Akiraka, 629. Plainly, (clearly, o~: intelligibly.) Wakaru yoi> ni. 857. Play (Wishes to). Asobi nasareta- ngaru, Asobi tan^aru. 264. Play (Do not). Asobuna, Asobi nasaruna, 107. Play things Mocbiasobi, 123. Pleasure (At).Katte shidai ni, 14 1. Plenty. Ooi hodo, t>84. Pocket-book. Kamiire. 291. Polite. Rei ngi tadashiu, Rei ngi nga tadashii 233. Poor. adj. riinkiu, Bimboo, 293. 939.Madzsh'ki,939. Yasete. said of the soil. 1050. Poor (The), n. Hinmin, 41. Port. Shin, [a Chinese word. The Jap. equivalent is Minato.] 554. Portrait. E-szngata, 932. Positive, (in opinion). Ga nga tsz- yoo, Ga nga tszyoi, 598. potatoes. J'angatara imo, 17- Pots. Kama, 830. Pounded. Tszite.Lit.pounding. 938. Power. Ken. 888. Practice, v. Szru. 788. Precept, n. Okite. 887. Prefer. Ki ni irimas ' Ki ni iiu. 1200. Present [For the]. Tadaima. 702. Pretending. Toboketa koto- 231. Pretty. K;rei, 922. Price. Nedan. 3. 591. 944. Ne. 538. 944. Price [Market]. S'ooba, 1115. Printed. Kaihan ni narimash'fca. Han ni natta, 1188. Kai sig- Q uifies corrected, .»s> io» a utw . uu .•ilr On). B W I I ! :. 1014. and I (At i) Lit . 11 - Pron - i i > "i • i-hi in - • i Sbima- nr ibrt, 88 I r: id. Lit. thi j I ( tolen) N "tt.o- lio. ' *0\ tlbfl no r.i' •tin. . n ^ hi, :. ( .> iawi Put (Shal II Sbirnatte Sin K ■ . • ;.. li i . of K-i- Pui-in urn Shi- i te IrarorO] 1 1 i Pol in writing' Yaknsoku tig wo 5lii ii », Lit. make a u i itten Pal off Nobs nas&ri m oh", Nobs I mobs a N i it. 128 1. them in public Put on- <> ki oasare, Kiro 7, I. pl teed i . 7 Poll efl Pull an. Nuite, t:er. from Naki . Pulse, (ul the wrist). Miaku, 84-1. .', K ibi i K ibimask'ta, K »b'ta947. i ni sh te H'to- tn ni sh'te, 787. n Quack doctors. Demoiau'a, Quadrupeds. Shi-soku 7 39 Quails. Ud GUiaked. Yuriraash'ta, 95 1 . Quality (not of the same). 25 Queen. Niyotei 792. ns. Niyotei, 79 1. Queue li. Keshte kudasare 788. Question, v. Oki ki nasare, Kihi- nn, 3 Quick. Hsyakn 33. 163. 795. Yutta. Isoide, 774. Quickly. Hayaku, 522. FudooQuit. Uero. Lit. Go out of. 796. Quit claim deeds. Kokenjoo. This is preferable to the term Yu- dzri j'odmon, 797. The latter 793. signifies, a will or testament. R Rabbits- Usangi- 798. Boro 799. Ram u Shiineri, i. e a sprinkling 528. Ame. 971- Rained- Ame nga furimash'ta, Ame nga f tta, 687- Rained [Has not] Ame nga furi- masen', or furanu, 686. j ii 230 Raise [Will]. Mash'te angemash'- iiem ember . Oboete oide nasare- oo, Mash'te yaro°. 531. mas', Oboete iru, 97- Oboete Raise [To produce]- Dehimaseif, o ide nasare, Oboete iru, im- Dekinai, neg. v 748. per. 809.. Rake up. Kumade de kaki yosete, Remit. Ts'kawashi nasaremash'. 800. Yokose. 810 Ran away with. Hashiraremash'ta, Rents- Nen-ngu, 811. Hashirareta, pass, v- The text Repairs. Sliufku, 1032. is wrongly printed. Hashirase- Respectable. Tattomu beki, 317. maslrta is a causative verb-jRespected. [are]. Uyamaimas', U- 360- The sense is, He was run away with by the horse &c. Ransack. Sangase. 801- Rap. Otodzrero. 802. Rapeseed. Na-tane, 803. Rate [First]- Ichiban yoroshii, no, Ichiban yoi no, 929. Rate [at this rate]. Sono yod ni, Sonnani- 12G5. Rather. Yori — yoroshii, yori — yoi, ■419. Rather [a little, or slightly]. S'- ko shi, 1019. Rather than. Yori — mashi, 873- Rationale. Ri, 456. Rats. Nedzmi, 740. 804. 961. Reach, v. Todoku, Oyobu, 511. Nobash'te, 805. Read. Oyomi nasare, Yome, 806 807. O yomi nasaru, Yomu, 1241. Read through [Have]. Yomi owari mash'ta, Yonde shimatta, il5. Read [To]. Yomu, 1228. Reading- Yomu koto, 1269. Ready. Sh'taku, 88- 160. 159. 190- 536- 1169. Ready money. Gen khi, 822. Really- Makotoni, Tash'kani, 101. Receipt. Uketori ngaki, Uketori, 170- Recover. [Get well]. Naori, 920- Recover. [Cannot]. Naomi-ciiias'- mai. Naoru mai, 650. Regarded( Are.) To Omoimas', 825. Reign, v. Osameru, 791, Reindeer. Oojika, 808- Relatives. Shin-rui, 763. yamau, 888- Rest n. (Remainder) Ato wa, 154. Hokano wa, 954. Rest, v- Kiusoku nasaremash', Ya- szme, 772. Return. (Shall). Kaeri nasaru, Kaeru, 1171. Ribbon. Sanada himo, 552. Rice. Koine, 811. 813. 1090. 1096. Rice. (Boiled). Gohan, 348- Meshi 348. 1052. Ricefield. Ta, 687. Rich, (said of soil). Koete, or Ko- yete, 1051. Ride. (Let us take a). M'ma ni notte, kakemash'oo, or demashoo, 710. M'ma ni notte oide nasare, M'ma ni notte • yuki nasae. 66. Ride. (Let him). O nose nasare, Nose. 711. Ride. (To). Noru. 870. Ride too fast. M'ma wo hasiraseru koto nga haya szngimas', or szngiru, 1257. Ride too fast (Do not). M'ma nga haya szngiru hashirase nasa- runa, or hashiraseruna, 123. Right- n. Gi. Doo in wake, 1167. Michi, 304. Right- adj- Yorosh'ku, 220. Yoro- shiu, Yoi, 604- 893. Makoto, Hontoo, 894. Right- (In the). Yoroshiu, Yoi, 275. Ring- v. Fure, 814. Rioo. Rioo, 432. 1267. 4 bu. Rip. Toke- 815- •J 1 U:ih:i. I.ii 819 Rub. \ S/.rin:.: \ _•;>. Ruler J'oOngi. I ,i!i Jik'shima&hta, -J iku ih'ta, BIG, I I. • I. - S ,12 140 Road [on the] Mi. hi de, M :-iiil';it.i. 7 17 * Aburi DIOBO ni Shiro. 817 Koll Dp. Maki Ugl over N demos' i-li- [Has] i i'-'kat- -7 I. Saddle M'iiki M k Said [Nerer]. Mooshiina* ;7ii. [la]. Iwaremas . Iwarmi Sail Sail v Finn- ni N.itt.- • •idenasaru. Fune ni DOtta iku.l . Bailon. l-'um- 1. Sake, [a liquor] Bai Bala IFOTJ. I'm taim-ni. IS Sake. Uriinas' wa, Urn wa, Balea on credit. Kakeuri wa, v ^;. Salmon. Sh'aka. Salt. Shiwo, 632, 960. Saltpetre, Sh'ooseki, 183. Same. Dod, 25. Onajikoto, 406. 941. Sandalwood. Biakudan, 82G- Save. [Set aside]. Shimatte o oki nasare, Shimatte oke, 8°. 7. Savor. Aji. 633. Saw- Mimash'ta, Mita, 1049- Say. Mooshimas'. 3G6, 1174. Moo shiniaszru, Moosz, 703. Iu 366- 1174. Hanashimas', Ha nas', 1135. Hanashi nasare. Hanase, 828, Itta. Moosh'ta^ Lit. have said- 934. Say (did]. Ooserareniash'ta, Itta 82. 1154- Says. Osshiarimas', Iu, 245. 281 What he — ). BJ d ko- li). Oi Hi I In - ; i. Ohitta, S30. ii'tc kudasare, K.-dzri oV IB, 881. of paper. Haugami Beribble. i wo nasare, Karingaki wo shiro, 882, Scuds. Ukingumo, 834. Skulking. Kakurete orimas', Kaku- rete oru- 1116- Seal in blood. Keppan, 461. Seal up. Fuu-in wo nasare, mash', Fuu-in wo shiro, 835. Seam. Nuime- 815. Sea-sick. Fune ni Yotta, Fune ni oimash'ta, 908. Seat yourself. O szwari nasare, 836. See (Let us). Go ran nasare, Mi nasae, 67- 837. Miro 837- See (To). Lit- in seeing, or when I see. Me ni kakarimash'te, Mi- te, 572. Mireba, 970. Go ran nasareta, Mita, Lit- when you have seen. Toki — when- 1179- Had the honor to see. O me ni kakarimash'ta, 1048. Atta, Lit. have met, 1048. , See. Pres- indie. Micmas', Mieru, 530. Sue (To think). Omoimas', Omoo, 571. Lit- I think , nai to, that there is no — fee- See into, i- e- understand, Wakari- mas', Wakatta, 750. Neg. form of the same, 126 See. (To visit). Mimai Mimatte, 1175. See to- *. e- Attend to. Ki wo ts'ke- te Kudasare, Ki wo ts'kero, 838- Mamoru, 1224. Sce(to Will). Sashidz wo itashima- sh'oo, Sashidz wo shiyou, 452- MimashV, Miyoo, 488. Seeds- Tane. 200. Seen (Is not). Miemasenu, Mienu. pass v. 158- Seen (Have not). O me ni kakari Yatta, 472- 1217. Ts'kawa- sh'ta, 1217. Separated- lledatte 1103. Servant. Kodzkai, 48- 1266- 589 Servants. Kodzkai, 548. Service [At your]. The language of an inferior to his superior, when receiving an order- Ka- sh'koniarimash'ta, 29. Service [divine]- Ongami, 190. Set a going. Ungokashimash'ta. Ungokash'ta, 1206- Set — on. Keshikaki nasare, Ke- shikake, 840, Set on end O tate asobasamash', Tatero, 714. Set on fire [Will]. Yak i mas', Ya- kudzo, 884. Settle accounts. Kanj'oo wa o tate nasarete, Kanfod wa tatte, 1184 Settled (not) [Become clear]. Odo- miniasen', Odomanu. 1044. masen, Minn, 449. Hai ken Set up in business. Akinai wo ha- itashimasenanda, Mi nakatta.l ji me sa semash'ta, Akinai wo 455- hajime saseta, 359. Seen (Have). Hai ken itashimash'- Seven. Sh'chi. 1002. ta, Mita, 462. Several persons H'tobito, 842. Seldom- Tamani, 230. Several times. Iku tabi mo, Nan Selfish. Wangamamano, or simplyj do mo, 329. Wangamama, 319. Shake. Furi nasare, 846. Sell- Utte kudasare, 839. Shame- (It is a). Haji nasaru, nga Sell- Pres. indie- O uri nasaremas', Uru, 365. Sell on credit (Do not). Kakeuri wa Itashimasenu, or Senu, 49-5. Send. Watashi nasaru 1260. Send for (Will). Tori ni ts'kawase- mash'oo, Tori ni yaroo, 489. Send (me) word. Ts'kai wo j ya- ri nasarete,— O ki kase nasa- re. Ts'kai wo yatte kikasete kure. Lit. By sending a messenger, causeme to hear, or inform me &c. 841. yokaroo, Hajiru nga yoi Lit. it were well for him to be as- hamed. Shave (G-oing to). Szrimash'oo, Watasz. Szr o , 561. Shave- Indie, pres- Sorimas', 1073 She. Ano onango- 847, 848- Sheets [wholej. Matto;} sh'te iru kami. Mattaki kami, 832. Shimoda, name of a place on cape. Idz. 1095. Ship. Fune- 331. 530- 550. 900 1061- 1088, and Sen in Ha- sen 1088. Sent [have]- Ts'kawashimash'ta, Shirtings. Kanakin, 889 Sli >i\s. Kutes, Shop. V I ikami, Shotf Short iwora \\ Ml - L Semai, Sl.-.rt ti»..r 8 k i.i. 671. 1012 Ohiiaa, Ohiieai, 2" Slim I ; i ; | .« -r.itiv, • Tiitcte kndasaiv Sm:ill DOl Roti Nurinia>'. Nuni. 1' Smell' Kaidi miro- Kaide go ran Shut / §, in that >tatc. Shin. Smoke \ Tabakowo o noun ki. 840 i>". or Nouro, 9ft Mini. MeJmaitnbori, Biekneai B ''son Of • kr llchi. I uiua>h'ta. KoJ aki Si.ak- B ta, i e. tin <1 ■ ~ SottO \<><> ni. Lit in that nian- k'wai, %• e- eorry, repentant of. S'nk (Was taken), Wadarai nasa- ri'ii. 77 Suit- (this) T.n.ai ni. 808 Side [Tin' other! Saki i :;n. Sign, v Sei moi-ngaki wo nasare S-iinri po ■ ' Sign i. e an omen Zompin, 1111 Signing with mic's blooa< Kcj.j.an 1 n ■union iiiiamni, szru, 753. Signs- (manual). Temane. 133. Silk. Kinu. (manufactured). Silken threads. Kinu ito, 79. Since- Yori, 382- Stogie- B'totee, 112. Sinks, v. Shidzmimas, shidzmu 1065. Sir- Danna, 733- Sit up. (Cannot). Okite wa irare- lnasen', Okite irarenu, 515- Sit still. Go an dza wo nasare, 853 Sixteen. Jiu roku, 760- Sixth. Roku, 691. Sixty. Roku jiu, 686- Sketch, n- Gaku, 927- ner, o uj, 604 1161. Kayoa oj, in- 1101. Koo, 111- - ) 414 121. HI i-7 m 641 648 717 ll-j s in 121. 441 168 166 648 747. 1 162. Sono toi>-ri ni, 422 Sono . koto, 176, Sonne koto, 476 KayoOna koto, 1243. Koo iu koto, 1248 Keppan Soft- Yawaraka, Yawarakai, 148. Soil (Do not). Oyongoshi nasaru- na, Yongoszna. TJ-J. Soil n- Denji- 1050- 1051. Sold (Can be). Uraremas', 60. Some. S'koshi, 154- 411- 859- Ni san. Lit. two or three, 791. Some more- Mada kore wa, 1237. Some other time Ta jitsz, Mata konda, 69- Something- Mono- 943- Something in (or mixed with) it. Mazemono- 1004. Sometimes- Toki doki, 480- Some time or other, i. e after this. Saki e yotte, 677- So much- Sono yoo ni> So6. 111. 234 S Sore dake, 855. Kore hodo, 990. Sonna ni tanto, Sono yo« ni ooku, 1261- Son- Go shisoku, Mus'ko. 1230. Soon. Kin jitsz, Sono uchi ni, 70. Jikini, 820. Hayaku, 585. Soon (Pretty). Mo s'koshi nochi ni, Oshits'ke, 1075, Sort of a- Yoona, 1143. So that- Yoo ni- Lit- in such a way that &c 77. Sovereign (As a). Tami wo osame- ru michi, Lit. [In] the way of governing [the] people. 792. Spare-. Idzri nasarete, Idztte, 402- Note. Idzn', is a corrup- tion of Yudzri, which signifies to bequeath, or to give for a consideration, either money or some thing in exchange. The sentence were better rendered by Kash'te kudasaremash'oo or Kash'te Kurero. Spare [Can you not]- Kudasarema senu ka? Kurenu ka, 51. Speak- Hanashi nasare, Hanase 857. Speak of [Cannot]. Moosaremase- n', Iwarenu, 901. Spends. Ts'kai nasaru, Ts'kau, 243. Spend — thrift. Fu shimatsz, 209. Lit. not an economist. Spent (Has). Ts'kai hatashimash'- ta, Ts'kai ts'kush'ta, 211. Spoiled. Kowashi nasaremash'ta Kovvash'ta, 1248. Spoken [Have].0 hanashi mooshi mash'ta, Hanash'ta, 577. Spoon. Saji, 195. 801- Spoons. Saji, 758. Squalls. Hayate, 860- Stand- O tachi nasaremish'. Tate 861. Stay. Matte o ide nasare, Matte iro, 862. 863. Oide nasare- mash', Iro, 1244- Stay (Cannot). Oraremasen, Ora- •enu, 469. Stern, n- Tomo. 655. Stick to. Yamedz ni nasare, Ya- medz ni shiro, 587. Still, i. e- quiet. Shidzka ni, 31. Still, i. e> yet. Mada, 105- 1101. Still, i. e- even.. Nawo, 1011- Still (Be), i*. e- Oo not speak. Odamari nasare, Damare, 31. Stingy. Shiwoo, Shiwai, 285. Stir, v- Kaki mawashi nasare, Ka- ki mawase, 116- Stone- Ishi, 646. Stop. Tomern, 360. Stopped [Has]. Tomarimash'ta, Tomatta, 967. Storehouses. Kura, 811. Strange. Ayashii, 864. 915- Kik'- wai no, 915- Stranger. Riosh'ku wo sh'te, Lit. performing the part of a traveller, cr one who is not at home. 492. Straw. Wara. 765. Street. Machi, 940. Stretch. Hare. 865. Strike [Did]. O buchi nasarema- sh'ta, Butta, 1137- String the bow. Yudzruwo o Ka, ke nasare, or kakero, 866. String. To put on a string, as cash. Sashi niotooshi nasare, Sashi ni toose, 867. Strive with all your might. Chi- kara wo ts'kush'te o ts'tome nasare. Hone wo otte ts'torne- ro, 868- Sei d'ash'te, would be preferable to chikara wo ts'kush'te. Strong. Ts'yoo, 244. Struck. Tatakimash'ta, Butta, 202, Study. Manabeba, Manande, Lit. if he study, and By studying, 869. Stumbling. Ts'madzite hizaoru, 285 l bit h Stupid. < .ud. in, 284. Nil mi, L094 ii the n» of the 371 Sub I G Ivii na>are. Heif'Uu •biro. Sue I ['• \\:i. Kono yo° Suddei.lv- Kiwaka ni, Km ni, 8G0. iru,Soko- Dl I I £] in iihnash'o". I\ ni i. Sim i mshine, 692. 781 Hi 964, m [ By]. Hi n.> .1.' in, 242. 818. i I li wa Lrimai '. Hi wa iru. Suppose. < tooimas', < >moti, 1 1 1 i ka in >h'!:.\ 14. l':i Bh'ka m. I In in < rimes', I [en ni tin) "'. 177 1 1- ii iii omot* 1 • lorokimesh ta, 1 1 do- roil Suspect [i>i SH4. Take care of. Bodateru, Kuwasen, The latter El the neg. form of Kuwaseru, to take ling. Take down. Totte kudasare, Totte kurero, 805. Take good care of. Dai ji ni nasa. remash', Dai ji ni Shiro, 879. Take (It will). Itash'too gozarima- a\ Sh'tai, 681. Take my pick (Will). Erande tori- mash'oo, Yori dorinishiyoo, 533- Taken- Torimaszra- Lit tlieytake. The verb here is active, the Japanese often avoiding the use of the passive in this way. It is also impersonal, no sub- ject being expressed- Taken up- Mochi nushi nga goza- 236 T riraas', Mochi-nushi nga aru, Lit. there are owners &c 940. Take up . .room (Do not). Haba wo nasareniaszna, Haba wo sz- runa, 111. Taking (Have been). Nomimash'ta, Nonda, Lit. Lave been drin- king- 454- Takes more (It). Ooku irimash'oo, Ooku iru de aroo, 619- Takes up too much time. Hi kadz- nga Kakari szngimas', Hi ka- dz nga aniari ooi, 651- Take time to think- Toku to kan- ngaite, Kanngaite, 513. Take turns. Kawari-ngawari, Ka- wari atte, 1106- Take up with. Yoo ni tatemaszru Yoo ni tateru, 1105- Lit- put to use- Talk- Oshiemas', Oshiero, 133-0- hanashi nasare, Hanase, 885. Tanned. Kuroku narimas', Kuroku naru, 692- Taller- Sei nga tako", Sei nga ta- kai, 746. Tallow. Roo- 886. Tallow-tree. Haji no ki, 886- Taught- Oshiemash'ta- Oshieta. 1216. Tea- Ch'a, 388. Teach- Oshiemas', Oshieru, 502 The past tense of this verb is used in the text- because it is the only finite verb there Oshie nasare, Oshiero, 887 Teachers. Shi wa, Shi sh'oo, 888. Tears. Namida, 971- Tell- hanashi nasare, Hanase, 74. 889- Tell- (Did you?). Ossh'iyarimash'- ta- ka, Hanash'ta ka- 83- Tell them apart (Cannot). Mi wa- keraremasenu, Mi wakerarenu, 481- Tell (Can)- Toite kikasaremas', Hanash'te kikasareru, 1213- Tell [Cannot]. Hanasaremaseuu- tJanasarenu, 440- Tell (To). Iu koto, 450. Ten. Jiu, 407- 432. 890- Jik, 310- Ten thousand. Ichi man, 324. Than- Yori, 60. 156 314. Thank (Would) Aring ato^ dzonji- mas', Aringatoo, 506 Thank you. Ariugatoo gozarimas', Katajike nai, 89 L. That- pron- Sore wa, 5, and passim. Are wa, 17"), and passim. That. adj. Sono, 75, 76- and passim. Ano, 76- 12 o and passim. Theft- Nuszmi, Dorobod, 269. Them- Sore wo, Korewo, Lit. these, and those. 298, and passim- The other side of. Saki ni, i- e. beyond, 311. There. As'ko e- 124. As'ko ni, As oko ni, 267- Mukooe, 325. Things- F-Coto Think. Oboshimesz These. Kore 1067 and passim. They. Ano okata ngata, Ano h'to tachi, 275. Thick- ?'• e. Numerous and troubl- esome, Ookuteuttoshiu'O^ku- te urusai, 397. Thing. Koto, 573. Shina, 1063- Mo- no, 756. 754. Omou, 393. 1239- Omoinias', Omoo, 421. 463. 589. Dzonjimas , , 463. 485- Oboshimesz koto, Omou koto, 864- Oboshimeshimas 1 , Omou. 1131- 1148- Think (Cannot)- Omowaremasenu, Omowarenu, 487, Think (Not). Dzonjimasenu, Omo- wanu, 468. 747. Omoimasenu, 747- Thinks a great deal of. Chinch'oo, itasaremas', Dai ji ni szru, 276- Thinks nothing of .Nani mokamai- masenu, Nani mo kamawaru, 277- T :.r Think [Will] (taoimtth'o da- Thirty. San jiu. 1057. WO, ami passim- adj. Km. ml passim. ing. J\..n,i - tffl -»t : Tmiai hi. :. - Thoroughly. Shim-mam-, Lit- to the Thousand. Sen. 11 J Thousands. Si man Lit Beftttl t* it thousands. ' •II. Threads I to 79. Thr.r S, 'tsf, 980. Three hundred. Sam biaku Through, i r to the end of his work, Shimai, 953. Throw. Nange. 7 Throw av isaremash', S r Miaszru. S'tera, ro, 800- Thrown l so of tlu-wrb S'te, used attribu ti\. Throw overboard. Dashimas', Das 555. Thunder. Kami-nari. Lit- the noise or voice of the gods. 716. Thundered- Rai nga itashimash'ta, Kami-nari nga, natta. 6( Tide. Shiwo no michi hi, 1213. Tigers. Tora. 718. Tightly [or much] twisting. Ooku yori wo kakete. Tanto yori wo kakete, 79. Till. Made- 730- 759. 801- 863. Time. Toki- 536- Jikoku. Jibun, 609- Time. Lit. day, Jitsz- 69. Time. Lit. Leisure- Hima, 579- Time i- e- turn. J'yumban, 622- Times. Tabi, Do. 138- 329- 543. To- [Denoting direction.] E or Ye, 194. The y is not heard at STedo, •_'<»» 1061 1077 1089, ami passim To [Denoting the Dativ.e relation j, Ni. \~'l ami passim- S c tinn 1 f«»r th€ same parp for the pur or/Sr. Tame ni. i 1 To-'(di'h«»tihL' "/' /") Madf. «>r BS, To bo had, l" '••• bought form of the \>tIi Kai.t.. l»uv, 17- To-dav- Kou ni. hi. :;:;:» 104 in. 687. 7K' 1244, Kin. 889, 687. 7m. W6. 958. i I'll. Mihhash'ti\ 710- WonilTtota ni. 7^7. Told. Mooslii anp'ta. Hanash'ta, 695. Bbnadumaabta, liana. Sh'ta. B4& 1056* Ilanashimo Osh'ta. I« Tomorrow. Mi ►*, niehi, 61. 63. 702. 785. 786. 1076. 1102- Ash'ta, 63. 675. 7<»l'. 7-»',. 1076. 1102. Mioo, alone, signifies to-morrow, in the expressions, Mioo ban, Mioo asa, To-morrow evening, To- morrow morning. Mioo nichi, Lit. signifies to-morrow's day. Tonakai. The Ainos' name for a reindeer, 808. To-night. Konya. 1106. Too. Amari, 107. 999. 1012. Sz ngiru, 127. 1005 .Szngimas', 999. 1005. 1012. Too fast. Haya szngiru, 127. 1257. Haya szngimas, 1257. Took. Uke torimash'ta, Uke totta, 517. Took him up. (Struck a bargain) Te wo uchimash'ta, Tewout- ta, 538. 23s Too loud. Gold szngiru koe wo sh'te, 1241. Too much. 0^> szngimas', Szngiru, ]242. Too much, (in price). Dai bun taka- ku, Taisoo takakii, 1246. Tooth. Ha. 4-24. 617. Tooth ache. Hanga itamhnas', Ha nga itamu, 413. Ha no itami 1042. Touch at. Angarimash'te, s'koshi tomarimash'oo, Angatte s'ko shi tomaroo, 1095. Touch (Do not). Ts'ke nasaruna, Ijiruna, 106. Town. i. e. the business part of it. Kooekiba, 542. Trade [Do not]. Kaueki wo nasa- runa, Kaueki wo shi nasaruna, 130. Travellers. Noboru h'to Lit. peo- ple that are going up. 1077. Tabibito, is the common term for a traveller. In the sentence, 294, the idea of A great travel- ler, is expressed thus. Sh'o koku wo hiroku o menguri na- sareta. h'to, or Kuninguni wo hiroku mawatta h'to. i. e. a man who has extensively gone about various countries. Tree. Ki, 708. 709. 1018. 1038. 1133. Tribute. Mitszngi. 1078. Trick. Tawamure. J'oodan. Lit a joke, or jest. 297. Trial. [Judicial]. Gim— mi, 207. Troops (Our). Mi-kata, Lit. Our side. 952. Trouble- (Pains). Sekkaku tan sei 659 Shinroo wo tskush'ta. K 1 1 koro wo ts'kuslrta, 661. 662. Troubles. Kuroo. 939. Trowsers- [Loose]. Hakama, 772. True. Makoto, 603. 642- 643. 902. Hontou, 643. 902. Trust [Cannot]. Makasete okare masen', Makasete okaranu, 1261. Try. Kokoro mi nasare, Kokoro miro, 1079. Turn. Mawash'te. Lit. turning around. 1083. Turn bottom upwards. Kaesh'tc. o oki nasare, Kaesh'te oke 1080. Turn in side out. Urangai sh'te, o oki nasare, Urangai sh'te oke, 1082. Turn out, i. e. eventuate. Natta, Narimash'ta, 890. Turn over. Ka'esh'te o oki nasare, Kaesh'te oke, 1084. Turn upside down. Tie wo sh'tani sh'te o oki nasare, Ue wo sh'- ta ni sh'te oke, 1081. Turn out [Will not] i. e. result.Na- rimas'mai, Naru mai, 431. Twenty or thirty. Nisanjiu, 1057. Twenty years old. Hatachi, 848. 1073. Twice. Ni do, 471. 583. 945. Twins. Ftango, 995. Twist. Yorimas', Yoru, 347. Two .F'ta, 514. Ftatsz, 618. 737. 760. 992. Ni h'ki, 205. H'ki is the classative for animals. Two things. F'ta yaku, Lit. two offices. 523. Two thirds. Sam bu no ni, Sam bu ni, 982. Typhoon, Taifun, Oo kaze, 1239. Umbrella. Karakasa, 557. Umbrellas. Karakasa, 1085. Undersell. Yas'ku uru koto, 301. Understand (Cannot). Wakarima sen, Wakaranu, 456. Understand. (Did not). Wakarima- Heiiaii'l.-' V\ Understand (Docs Dot). Wakimae- a, Shiran u tunatrlv A book i M more oolloquial ()ria>li'ku. Aiiiiku. 1 17>. Unto hi ante. ■' Utiles*. Thii ia expressed ool l. hilt )>Y the i minatrnn ** with narabt f'«»! lowing meani or I f it Km Unwell Jibun dm a>hiu. .1 nga waruku. I Unwholesome (Aw not), Pah sll'tc III" DM ataranu. Lit 1*n eating Of Unwilling (la). EConemann, [ranai, Up. 1 up. tirely. Shiniai, doI ahimae, u in the text, 1 I, l-'>. Up (I ). Angatte nasare- lnashta. Angatte itt:i. l"]» (Have come). •*, e, out of the ah ia. Deta,200. Upside I ih'U ni. 1081 Up to. Ni. 80. E or V»', 1077. Upwards, I I and above \ man \ I b, 848, Saki I Up with it. i: ;; op, Oahi .in. Watak'ahi domo, 60.87, and paaaim. M Omoehii in. Bfochiiru, 1 120. 766, T>'kai)u;i.-/ni. v ; Lshirai, 7ii » np. Ta'katte ahimaimaeh'ta, ihimatta, ! :1 ( Is). V.-iku ni taehimss', Ya kn ni tat**, ( .M»J Use (Of), 5Taku ni, x* Samaszna, 125. m . ™t . . . mk 'Walk (Let's take a). Asobinio ide \\ ait. O niacin nasai. Matte iro. _ * «» . ,- . »« , Qqj nasare, Asobim yuki nasai, 68. Waiting. Machi mooslrte Matte,j Walk ( Cannot )- Ayumaremasenu, 514. Maehi nasaru, H Arnkaremaaen, 850- 1121. Walk in. Oangari, nasare, Haire, Wake np (Do not.) Samaahi naaa- 769 240 W Want! v. Oiri nasaremas', Iru, 37, 371. Oiri-yoo de gozarimas' 384. Hosshii. 504. Iri-yoo 541. Iru, 1013. Want [Do not]. Irimasen, Iranu, 453. 499. 581. Wants. Tangaru.264. Warm. Atataka, 1100. Warped. Soriniash'ta' Sotta, 1028. Wash. Arai nasare, Arae, 1092 Waste [Do not]. Tsziyashi nasaru- na, Tsziyaszna, 113. Watch, n. Tokei, 104, 539. Watching. Ban. HOG Water. Midz, 793. 859. 998 10G5. Way. i. e. Manner. Tobri, 503. Yoo, 619. Way (You are in my). J'ama ni naru, 796. Way (Their own). Wanga mama, Lit. my way. 364. Wear, (as a sword). Sashimas', Sasz, 141. Weather. Hiyori, Tenki, 845. Wedding. Konrei, 985. Weigh. Hakari ni kakeru, 17^. Weight. Mekata, 391. Well. n. Ido. 1010. Well. adj. i. e. in good health. Go ki ngen yoroshiu, Kawaru koto wa nai, 9. Kibun nga yo- roshiu, 409. Well. adv. Yoroshiu, Yoroshii, 623. 313. Yorosh'ku, Yoku, 410. Yoku, 273/316. Well. i. e. abundantly. Tak'san, 146. Well. i. e. cured. Naosz. 759. Well as we can.Chikara nooyoba dake, 1099. Well-bred. Rei ngi nga tadashiu, Rei ngi nga yoku sh'tte, 213- Well brought up. (Has been). Yo ku sodateraremash'ta, Yoku sodateraru, 936. Well done (Not). Yoku ts'kurie- masen, Yoku koshiraienu } 1017. Well dressed. Yoroshii if ku wo o ki nasaremas', Ii kimono wo kimas'. 251. Well matched. Yoku niteorimas', Yoku nite iru, Lit. look very much alike, 994. Well roasted (Not), viz" as coffee. Mada nama iri, Lit. still raw roasted., 1025. Well settled [Not], as coffee. Ma- da yoku odomimasen, Mada yoku odomanu, 1044. Well then. Sayod nara, Son nara, An eliptical expression, for, if it be so, or since things rire so — then something fol- lows. 1104. Went- Mairimash'ta, Itta, 518. Ma iru signifies, to go, or come. Wet [Let it not get]. O nurashi nasaruna, Nuraszna, 109. What? Nani, 72. 175. 186. and passim- Doko no, Lit. which, 600. Nanzo, 1126- 1163. Do6, Lit. how?, 1151. Naze. Lit. Why? 1152. What else? Nanzo hoka ni, 1122. Whatever. Doo-demo. Lit. how- ever. 1110. What for? Naze, 1116. 1137. Na- ni yue, Doo iu wake, 1 1.25. Nani no tame ni, i. e. for what purpose? 1160. What interest? Ri kim wo nambu, 1109. What is the matter with — ? Do6 ka nasaremash'ta ka, Doo ka sh'ta ka, 1 129. Doo sh'te ka- yoo ni nasaremash'ta ka, Do 6 sh'te soo natta ka, 1 108. What is that to — ? Doo iu wake de kamai nasaru ka, Doo iu wake de kamau ka, 1155. Doo iu wake, signifies, why, v\ 241 or, on what account, ai m.-i arnone. What.. doki, 1148. What i N mi DO gi, I \vak»\ I {( 1 1 18. \Vii:it they will (etch (For). Soo- ba in nai Whence.*' 1197. re from? Idzku yori, Doko kara, i i Whether or no- Dzehitomo, 333. Which? Dochira, 620. 111 1201. 1802. 1204. 1205. Dochi 1205. Doo,(>. Whet to da Do* th 1 Wtich you please. Oboshimashi 182 dj Kanaimaah'ta no, Iv i oi it- Whet a.wbatcoi tano, I u.th..t which hat sui- iii- Mid does suit your taste. i in im, 1 1 881, [tez,1168,U70,1178 ll-i. Whil i 574, Aide, 874. 1188, 1184, itszngoro made/While [A greet], Hieaah'ku, 338. ni,orsiinp!v Itsz ngoro, li71 Wl. \ grant], Oomu k:i- shi. I madi 1 180. Win: [ \j S*koahi mo, 669. When. conj. adv. Toki. Lit. timeJwhi 1208. 1207, 1208. iiTi. 1175. ins. n::» i. Nochi ni, Lit is. also. Atode, 1176* In 1 169, this idea is expressed by the conjunctive form or mode of the verb Dekimas', viz; Dekimash'taraba. i. t wlif-n [you] have finished sh'- take nga, your preparations So also in 810, Uri nasareta- raba, means. When, or as soon as you have sold &c. Id 725, Nukereba signifies, When they have not any — [relativ- es]." In 569 also, Hanashima- shtaraba, and Hanash'tara. mean If, or when 1 speak. Whenever. Itsz nite mo, 65. By contraction, this becomes Itsz- demo. Where? Dochira no, 1185. Dochi- rade, 1186. 1188. 1189. Do chira,1191. Dochira ni, 11 94. Dochira e, 1193. Doko. 1191. Dokoe, 1187. 1190. 1193. j 1196. 1203. Doko de, 1189.J 1186. Dokoni, 1194. 1195. M9S. Doko kara. Lit. 1209. 1210- 1211. 1212. 1218. 121 sim. Do- nata, 1200. 1210. 1211. 1215. 1216. 1217, 1818. 1219. dec. Dochira, Dochi, Lit. which, 705. Wholesome. Hara no tame ni narimas', Hara no tame ni naru, 521. Whom? Donata wo, Dara wo, 1222, and passim. Nani wo, Lit. what? 122 Whose? Dare nga, Dare no, 1224. and passim. Donata no, 1225, and passim- Tare no, 1132. Why? Nani yue, 1231, Naze, 1231. 1232. 1233. 1234. Naze ni, 1232, 1233. 1234. Wide. Haba. Lit. Width, 375. Wide (Ho\v)?Nanngen-ken.376. Lit. How many measures (ken) of 6 feet? Wife. Tszma, 357, 792. Note, Different terms are used for a wife according to the rank of the persons addressed, or spoken of, whose wives are referred to. The following is M2 \V a lilt of terms used as afore- said. Thus — The emperor's is called Ko*>ngo. His second ji) rank viz: K'ampak'us is called Mando- koro. The Taikun's — Midai. The 6 highest Daimios — Go- renchiu, The other Daimios', Okusama. Wives of the Hata- moto, or Taikun's retainers- Okusama. Wives of the Samu rai, Go shinzo. Wives of Commoners, o kamisan. The Daimio calls his own wife when speaking of her, Saij'o and Tszma,or when speaking to his servants, Oku, The Taikun speaks of his wife as Midai. The common people call their own wives, Nio°- boo. Wild. Yatara ni, i. e. in no regular order,scattered hereand there. Yamikumo. i. e in no certain place, but just as it may hap pen, 717. Wild. i. e. without planting. Ma- kadz ni. 752. Will. aux. v. Made by the ful ending oo or sh'oi\ See the last words in the 2 sentences 483, and futures passim. Will do. i. e. is well. Yoroshiu gozarimas', Yoi, 8. Will not do. Dekimasen,de hinai, 90G. Wind. Kaze. 380. 947. 1093. Windows. Mado. 851. Wind up [a clock]- Kakeru koto, 478. Wink. n. Mebataki, 20. Wish to get it done [If you]. Na saretakuba. Conditional, and desiderative form of the verb Nasaru, So also Shimai taku ba. 587. 202. The latter is L)e instru- mental. With. i. e. in company with. To to mo ni, 71. With all [one's] might- Chikara wo Ts'kuslvte. Hone wo otte, 868. Without. Nakute wa, Nakereba, 632. Both signify lit. If there be not. Woman. Onango, Onna, 849. Women, Onango. Wood. Ki. 1065. Word. i.e. a written one. Monji. 597. Word. Yakusoku, /. e. promise. 505. Words. Mooshimas' koto, Kuchi, 911. Kotoba, 1036. Work. n. Shingoto. 189. 764. Nasaru koto, Szru koto, 358. Shikata, 996. 997. Work [a day's], lchi nichi no hi- yo6, 544. Work [The pay for]. Tema, 520. Work in the garden. Hatakewo ts'kurimas', Hatakewo ts'ku- ru, 480. Worn [Not]. Ts'kemasenu, Ts'- kenai, Lit. do not wear. 689. Kaburite, Lit. putting on the head, 732. Worse. Nawo waruu, Nawo wa- mi. 1011. Worse and worse. Shidai ni Wa- ruku, 4. Worst. Itatte warui, Ichiban wa- rui, 272. 754, 896. Worst. [The most difficult part]. Nan j'o. 574. Worth [Is]. Ts'kaimas' tokoro nsra — o-ozarimas', Ts'kau to- With. Dp. by means of. 40. koro nga — i, Its utility is — &c. 1064. Worth much [Is not]. YoOni tatsz koto wa s'ku nakute, Ts'kau koto nga s'kunakute, 1164. Worth the trouble. Shinroo wo tsMcush'ta dake no koto nga •_T: jo/jh V\ .1 217. [koto] Of the vain- \ 8 ■ \ 1 it. Cat , vrite, V.I Wl Writing, K . B ku koto ol toe trouble [shinroft] I upon it (• nega< A > Yabul Muttoe koehixna, B95' Chi- I E tola H J N.n Li Years old [Twenty]. II I J lay. Btknjitat, . r >. r >i. 809. 191. Yielding, Fynn. . 10 ami passim. Omai .10 and passii ma ! j. The first oft! the othe • in the order in which th each other. The honorific pre- 0) before a verb, or I a noun, oftes talc- the place of the, prODOOD of the i.aml frequently being r I from the use of the above prefixes, or the or some thin lt already laid. Your. Omai do. 1 1 .and passim. . ita go jihnn no. < >mai jishin no 18 anil pa> hid. Wherever in this rohnne the French ii oeeara, it ihould 1»<- i dou- bled, exeep4 in ilu- eaae of un= lo-oo. The Roman munben below refer feO tin- pogei in the / i Grammar, and tin* Arabic Ignrei to the lin- - m a R II 5 Sliimuii Sliimau \-l kai tut kai. tut l\ ■1 • rerb 1 - mk 1 i t.mi mono s takoremaa 1 t tai ooo \ U Both tire l.ntli • •Hi offiee, VI i Ni \va Ml 1, ii. Appending uaraii, appending Mil 1 MM Dgumo A ma Dgumo. 11 U.l Kiku \\a ■_'•• Kiki ni w.i- Kiku ni ui "l <^K « £ &c. 1 ^ K £ ot I VI Sasliiatattc 17 Elorobi, to go to I [orobi, to go to ruin Modi M mdi XI Yillitr [ate "i- In.- Shift, going Sh'te, doing XII 7 dzongimas' • l/.oiijiin XIII 16 iB ded it In- regarded XIV 4 to speak. The phrase to Bpeak; the phrase 12 foia ula 35 i ui Y"lt)l' XV 43 Vonval vowel XVI 20 Kuru. t<> bito Kuu, to bite 21 Tsuru & Tsurareau T.-zru & r I\zrareru 22 .rou Tszreru XVI 23 Tsz.~ Tavern 26 Skurareru S k u w a rem XVII 9 boues-the bones, the XVIII 13 llarac, to pay Harai, to pay XIX 13 M..v«»wananda -Yiayowananda 16 Kurunanda Kurananda 26 T ski, to Tske 27 Tobinakatta Tobanakatta Page j Line For Read XX 1 dz dzi 9 19 brielfly Ttasz briefly Itasz 10 Ttashimas' Itashimas 1 21 Kikaemas Kikoemaa' XXI 29 miako Miako xx r i 22 Dikineba Dekineba 42 kaisanu Kaisanu XXIII 5 13 although it mine domoshiru. although. It minedomo shiru, 14 kikane Kikane 24 examples example XXIV 40 • Grozarimaszeba Gozarimaszreba. 41 Areniash'tareba Arimash'tareba XXV 3 Arimash'oo, keredomo Arimash'oo keredomo XXVI 13 mimaszedomo mimaszre domo. XXVII 2 12 26 purpose as mi ni preceeding Korosareraidearoo purpose, as mi ni. preceding Korosareru de aroo 35 Keredomo Keredomo 37 Korosarareba Korosarureba XXVIII 4 Korosare taroo ka Korosare taroo ka 9 15 Infinitive, ni Korosamash'te Infinitive Korosare ni Korosarem ash'te 32 Misatareba Misetareba xxv iii 42 Miserataraba Misetaraba XXIX 22 mi v. r. taku mi v.r. and taku XXX 16 pharsc phrase 21 naru maimono narumai mono 22 Moshisoni Moshi sono 23 mode of the verbs mode of the verb 33 Miako k'akaide Miako Kakaide, 38 Kakadzniita Kakadz ni ita XXXI 40 4 Kakadzniyoo Kakiwashimai Kakadzni iyoo Kaki \va shimai 5 Kakaredomo Kakaredomo 9 Kakiwashimai Kaki wa shimai 23 Kakimai Kakemai 26 Kakanaideiru ko'. Kakanai de iru ka? 34 Infinative Infinitive 39 Kakanaidz Kakanai de KI-.KA1 V. Ptgt lim For Bmd XXXII 15 Koto <• v\ K ko e &c N'llll 1!. >m>i i toru dame tain** XLI n;ik.» naku 1-J pooriti puerile 27 :;i Tatt-mier Tattomu XI.IV 20 at a time, Two at :i time, tWO XLV 8 lelii man bu do Ban hi man bo no san 26 Tanamoro Tammono 40 l\« inc Koine XLVI 34 latt later XLVII lnachiru mahiru IS ken nithi bun niclii i-j to day mioo to day, Mioo niclii i.'. miobi nielii n; EDal \n.) nichi Shi |n.j and niolii •ji ochi (twice) iehi Insoka Misoka 38 toka to ka LI 5 nouns noun L6 sadonn t<> Sadamcte LII 7 Kosh'ko ni aVko ni 1-J from words form-words LIU 36 nete nite LIV 3 Sote Soto 32 euusility carnality LV 29 haredomo naredomo LVI 31 and in often and is often LIX 38 Akiredo Akindo LX 99 tozi ni tszi ni LXI 30 more mere LXII 1 Kukimas' Kakiiun- E It 11 AT A. The first numbers below refer to the No. of the sentence in the Alphabetical Part, and the next to the 1st, or 2nd, form of the same. No. For Read 25 16 49 51 53 66 74 79 83 87 89 98 126 151 152 169 170 173 180 190 193 201 255 269 271 275 286 287 413 417 420 424 431 432 449 468 469 1. 2. I. 2. i. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1 1. 2. 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1. 2. 1. 2. 2 1, 2. 1. 2. biyaku dztsz biyaku dora &c. nkeai ni uke ni ni jiu nin ni ni jiu nin ni 7 f V 9f9 v W *ky »v 9t 9 V Vis V % Vis ni ? ft 7 f a — 3 I) £^£ jr^rz no ano ( *f ) soo. if ty . itsz ni itsz tsz ni Nip'pon h'to. Nip'pon no h'to, get yet i v r> 1 V & 9 % • * f sam bu ni sam bu no ni Watak'shi no Watak'shini o yu ki o ide ;> i/ tomi ni j$ ^y tomo ni sh' te sh'-te ts' ka-t-te ts'-ka-t-te ko-o go-o confesses confessed do-ro-bo do-ro-bo-o me-da me da to-o-ri do-o-ri !>& *t? S.S. 7-^. i-ta mi-ma-s' i-ta-mi-ma-s'. so ii na-ni so-n-na-ni wa-ka ra &e. wa-ka-ra-na-kat-ta nu-ki-ta'-i nu-ki-ta-i ch'-o ch'-o-o ri-o ri-o-o o-no a-no £, mo %Z. *? nio-o %Z mo ^, ^ mo-o For 470 1 ko-to mo ko-n-ni-n to mod k'a-niii-n. 189 _ ghi-ra-nu .-hi -iv -mi 409 MM 1 o ki-ka-ae-tc U Ml a toll.) ao-no 2 VL-h a-e 1 •_' ta-bi-ta-bi o-ri _ ma-sh'-te-ya-ro-o. ma ro -o 1. no-o-shi-me-ah'-ta. na-o-j-hi inasli i 1 '; % x#x •J wa-ahi wa-Bhi no 559 1 no hi 569 1 toko t0 ki ^\\> 2 to-no so-no 585 2 uttae ni azru Utt;i 588 1 ta'-ku-na-i-ma-ah'-o-o Ts'-ku no i ma-sh'-o-o. 589 1 ts'kaemaah'oo ta'kaima>' 590 1 torimasooo torimashiod 591 1. hlfl 608 1. •_' 1 mo 608 l 2. ch'o-nni .-me 630 M-0 ■HI 658 i •_' ax-he- to 81-1" • l 2. after "Nani ni" inaert de-ino 668 2 ta-ke-te ts'-ke-te 673 2 nia-shi-da maahi da 682 1. 2. a-i'-ko-ni k<» koui 687 2 ha ji-nie-te ha-ji-ni. 694 1. 2. ku-sz-re-te ku-dz-re-te 699 2 ts'-ka-n ts'-ka-nu 705 o to o-ku to-o-ku 710 1 ■f & de ^>v & e 711 2 ni-no-ru ni no-ru 713 1. 2. ko-o-j'-o-o ko-to-ba 717 2. ya-mi-ko-mo ya-ta-ra ni 722 1. 2. ts'-ke-na ke-re-ba. ts'-ke na-ke-ri-ba 724 yu-u i-u 732 1. odori hane maszru odorimaszru 739 1 tsz-me-ta-o tsz-me-to-o 743 1. 2. koshirai sai koshirae sae 749 1. koshiraini koshiraera ERRATA. No. For Read 754 2. no koto ko-to no 759 1. ko-to ko-to nga 767 1. ka-i-zo-ku ka-i-zo-ku nga 774 1. ka-ji-da ka-ji da 788 1. i-i-ka-nge-n na i-i-ka-nge-n-na 790 after "wild boars" are abundant in the market in winter. 791 1 Yo-ro-pa Yo-o-ro-pa 792 ngo-ku ko-ku 792 wo-o-sa-me-ru wo. o-sa-me-ru 793 2. hi-ni hini 797 yudzri j'o°mon ko-ke-n-j'-o-o 816 2. a-ta ra-nu a-ta ra-nu 822 1. ge ji-ki ge-ji-ki 823 1. ta-ka-o ta-ko-o 831 1. v ; ') > 855 1. yo-ro-shi-i yo-ro-shi-u 864 1. oboshimeshi oboshimesz 865 kimono kimono wo 868 1. wo-o 0-0 884 2. shi-ro-ki shi-ro ki 885 hanashinasare hanashi nasare 890 2. ma-shi-da ma-shi da 900 1. 2. mo-u mo-o 902 2. ho-n-to ho-n-to-o 912 1 mo-o-na-ji mo o-na-ji 932 1. ga g° 932 2. e-sz nga-ta e-sz-nga-ta 960 2. nga-s'-ko-shi nga s'-ko-shi 962 ch'-o-do ch'-o-o-do 963 2. yo-ri-a-chi yo-ri a-chi 975 2. da aru 993 1. a-ngo-ri a-nga-ri 1002 1. 2. ri-o ri-o-o 1004 2. ta-che-ngi-e ta-chi-ngi-e 1008 2. ya-ke-da ya-ke da 1013 1. 2. ch'-o-do ch'-o-o-do 1026 1. 2. j> 1030 1. tsz-yo-o tsz-u-yo-o 1030 2. tsz-yo-e tsz-u-yo-o 1035 1. gozarimas' gozarimasenu KKRATA. No i For i^ ff^ *?> 180 r. 16 BMTCUaih'oO QvenMihoo 181 kit., ft y ? t kiito & Y 9 % n y v N. 25. b'oo 805 182 hoOyun hooyuti ftoti totte 183 •JO. I 30. F. 30. f -*- ? V * ah'te ^f j> ?7?v;* I' 33. N. 31. 186 N.21. mino mi no, 190 r 18 ll'vnkll & >J? so6, hyakn & \^ m N kara & f] J kura & ft 7 ns- ^75- 194 B l. + 1Y •f-yh 195 B. 5. nangmochi nangamochi •• B. 13. dz to & X *? }* dzito & X -f J- 196 S. 18. fe ^ ^ ^ X =fc92^* 11 yz/.v tfW Hecm Ptf?« | Line For Read ly7 198 109 18 1 1266 Ft. after "written" insert zeni 12.960 Ft. zeni. ERRATA. Index and Vocabulary. Line of Line of Page 1st col. ^nd col. For Read 203 1 Pak'san. Tak'san. )j 12 Jtashimas' Itashimas' jj 14 moo sh'te moosh'te j> 15 Szozmeru Szszmeru >j 12 931 1093 204 20 under "ancient'' in- sert anchored, before "akari wo orosh'ta. 39 mono mo no 24 kooe ki kooeki 31 kik'e kike 205 4 dzketemamotte dzkete mamotte 32 Ts wo atta Te wo utta 29 Atatamarimes' Atatamarimes' 5) 39 Konomai Kono mai 206 15 ji ii 21 Ita Ha 36 763 673 5) 47 kolo koto 1 niszru ni szru 14 kun kuii 207 10 Yabarimaslrta Yaburimash'ta » 20 After "Build", &c. insert 673 ;j 33 ku dasare kudasare 37 Toiu Toiu 207 40 Ts'kurara ru Ts'kurareru 208 36 Nakasete Makasete )? 31 234 334 57 38 Poojin Too jin 208 43 Nok'kei Nik'kei 209 5 Tammons Tammono V 11 CoflFe and Coffee, and erase Cop 1) 15 Samun pee. Samuii J) 17 755 739 J> 9 Hara kin'sep'p'uku harakirui, Sep'puku 5) 21 omowaremai omowaremas' 5J 23 Somuiti Somouite SBB ITA. Line of /V- 1st. col. 2nd. coJ. For Read 1*10 7 in in >» 9 Han.ra H:iinru » st-iki » yudxri j V»inon koki-nj'od » 5 46. 160. 211 1 >• M (with it) (wish it) •» 10 1007. 1006, •• in ni »•_' 277 219 akiru ahiru U L8 ktata kniitr » mgcnnario'ii lik:ingcnna riooji » 17 Anaji Onaji » d/.lii n dele. » 111. III. »> n ss7 218 19 >:in<_Mt.' Sangatte I< liihan j» 34 T jj ariwa mwi '2\\ 10 kakariniascru kakarimasenu H 31 Iiod Jiod 214 9 osorote osor- 216 15 H'to 11 141 241 42 575 595 •Ji.i 42 yohu yoku jj 22 888 Sf.S >: 35 Heemaszru Haemaszru j> 42 776 766 217 8 Ts Te 41 52. 53. 218 45 364 1244. j» 34 Mada made » 43 Ika hodo Ik'ka hodo 219 9 Watah'shi Watak'shi ?> 31 expressedly expressed by » 33 591 941 » 19 Itama Itamu 10 ERRATA. For Line of 1st col. Line of •2nd col. For Read Zi\) 23 209. 309. 55 30 21. 821. 220 11 Tamar Tama it 13 637. 657. 55 5* 16 20 gerund ive, Ch'odo gerundive Ch'oodo 55 22 Sahi Saka 221 18 oohina Ookina 55 27 1115. 115. 222 13 After "shishi" insert 718. 223 36 4 Tamangnszri 349 dele. Tamangsiszri 55 9 nasarete nasareta 55 30 795. 725. 55 41 kawarieoo kawari wo 55 42 Ts'kuuaimash'oo Ts'kunoimash'od 224 43 kaman kamau 225 11 637 & 638 737 & 738, 55 21 ne ue 55 22 938 738. 55 27 621 641. 226 9 Itasz made mo Itsz made mo 55 44 Tammei Hamme 55 4 Mahiou Mahiru 55 227 12 43 tooyun Once tooyuii One 5' 5 1269 1268. 55 17 33 533. 55 27 nasaremash'te nasaremash'ta 55 32 tozita tszita 228 5 kahits'ke kakits'ke 55 20 Hairimas' Haraimas' 36' 1087. 1070, 55 •5 40 25 yoridori 41. yoridori 40. 229 12 782 778. 230 2 Dchimasen' Dekimasen' 230 2 iru iro 55 13 954. 594. 55 38 123. . 127. 55 39 in iu M Line of L M of /*r M 282 At'tt-r "aihamed" fro. 11 069. ii 47 942. i.; M/n M/.ri • after •>liir., ii 235 ta after "expressed. 797. 40 108. 105, ii N kainawaru k:mi:i\v:nm 674 » 33 it 7 7 sh'ta ni Dele. •i 27 m 40 oyoba oyobu Ml u DMOidi Hani-!' ii 16 noma kashi ukaslii. 28 KHn m 45 Life RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO— #• 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE nw^ 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW 0EC20198I • JUN 181981 « Ell r?^ f.-. 1 - ... v>l.. _ J. <■ ;] UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. 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